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Alexander County Marriage Bonds 1865-1868 A-H
f % _ Microfilmed by , Lr if . Carolina Bepartment of Archives and Ri Bivision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina a ae _ * load.” _ ~~. | State of Horth Carglina, i .\ ae. ) ’ Ss per auy qatar Dns o thy tone a whales Behomlanio oe ee * . os Wr ar 4 id pak ne Pa: eVbb ee ee tt Ae, % . | = mre an a4 ae 4 / ie 2H RH ce caper geen epeilr—-¢ ——* i ee © ges lo hat Te en on hn gece Residence plthan.....€ District. in istrie (my 4 A. RE M P LA R D , ‘ 2 eevee eeeawa ne a St. Loe Se Pe Lh wae ae ST» Dag SP CREE Re: saeaniaggetinniins cleats om & OP Ft aR e eae eas of ‘hip Stato. sora and full sum of Ove T obstruct the ea foree and virtue. ' ON eck, ) 4 F sea truly to be nee and a “ Bealed with our seals, ond dated this a t WOR a Manaiagn, to be gelebrated ‘between him and - thé County. afo esaid: Now, in case it shall appear, obstruct: the sal paras then the above Obligation té'Be void—Otherwise to re ae ie +e Eig 2045 > =} Fy? > - e% , having the ane! a To wny rralar Minister of the Gorpe the eurviet | To any Justice Of the Peace o said Conaty ; a E Rou, of any af Bo Othe he eit Celebrit! and a éueeans teen J toh * Bands of / ably to the Ordinance of God and the laws of the State, Sei ‘ Pe a acne ms Sai ye : * ea gs, | of the Biatelaforosad aie | 1a | fof fa 2m of Five Hand? pte be made and dene; ale of vi : [ our nopls, and dated they me re r yee Ath ne of the Gounty afocobe’ i: Now afro sf eo g f : 7 ; “4 ae F a | in case ipehh i Tommie: ancalterahhe ~ ae * wht cause 2 tasabataaet the said Marriage, then the above Ot é a « " aoe © made and dot alee ate of North Cart lita, — tag fi aaa =r tite tn seem 9 = bag —-— Sa ee ee ee Se ee and traly tee cadet ee. ~* Bosledygrith our seals, st eh : obstruct the said force and virtue, pnd fall sum of One: Pinion’ Dollars, current money of said Biate; to the whieh: payment, well ‘and truly to be madé‘and done, we bind Ourselves, our: Heirs, Exeeutors: and Adthinistrators, Sealed we our seals, and dated this —_ ‘day of CAG G1 Anno Domini; 166.¢f | ae CBendition of: i. above Bryn Bs, Tit Wiherwas;. the above bounden ; Ve AB i : AGL lication fora Licewem 4 FOR A MARRIAGE, to be celebrated ie him and’... Ee ..., of the County aforesaid ;: Now, in‘ease it shall appear, hereafter, that there 4e no. Savefidtven se td obstruct the said Marriage, then the above Obligation to be void—Otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the \ | Presence of. | , CERL: } tate of sedis Grslins Woy Begutar Winister vf the Gospel, of whatever Denomination, oo _ YOM, or either of you, TTA O49 mn aM As between SPP e ee ee eeee teeeee : eRe eee Fe ’ iD boone” @ eee serertses Ce eee eee ees eer * ’ veer ete - 19 00%, oa ~ wghier of... C , ’ nis ' | 4 ‘ead join them tepellee an Ss 4 , | = wiryess Cee cae } . a in PRA LAMAE, oss ssnes thie the or ) » A, D,, ees laee ~ ay a fh —“T a: > ——_ = Nd . — </ 3 - “WAS SR < A) American Independence, a & Len ae Pe aoe Br .. al ( A 4 A d 4 ‘ A ‘ ‘ 4 f ' A A 4 4 PO pe cantpdadadha- toed. b dd. si stippled wets ——-~* <2 BAIR PREAES G2 LEPLO ALS, ot ee That the Rites of Matrimony were SN hy me betwora.' Congas 5 a and Wate ee ta. : siilie oe poi Ait ace RAT owns Ae Dy 1SOZ ahle ae dean 3 BS LORIE es Ro + A ‘ é ‘ 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ é ‘ 7 . ' > { ~- 2 { any Beguiar Minister of the Gospel, of whatever Denomination, | Or any Mustice of the Beare aE ee ne You, or either of YOu, m\ * DANTE VE WATHVAWB Leteveen . % Y daughter of... and join them toget ay: i ed + WITNES ¥ i County otal = ay Lad tide ‘ vom ts rcdipcbnata talks traipintaey a dion Aycdiadpud ath dlp cid pichpidypalnalyp clip eliatll f parigti CGS vues PAG ’ ws LX. + + ooo mony were Solem tned by me belween ‘etd 4 , , A, D., 186 , al the site Se nie A fie oe Mo Sco lt EOS LILES BABE Te BLEDEL LANES GIRS LE IEE REG | asin he aid, are held and : ae -. and full sum of One Thousand Dollars, current money of sald State, to the whieh payr a i, - “éndetruly to. be made and done, we bigg Ourselves, our Heb: ecutors gnd Ata Realed with our seals, and dated this -a<-2.... day of ---- Now, in case it shall a age, then the above er 2 ae ar ta4z- Ww a SF, ‘ef the Blate aforesaid, « ty bound want the Stale trully to $e in od dos with our seals, and dated the. eg CO MI Bec ABOVE OBLIGATIO 18 SUCH; Thad where the be a : far | a Stic do be celebrated a eet eaist , =. oa - State of Marth Orrolint, GA oa ace. Gomnty; To any vegular Mivister of the Gospel; having the cure of Souls, of whatever We- nomination ; ot to aup Pustice of the paid County: YOU on any of you, ore hereby Licensed and authorized to celebtate and Solemniae the Rites of. im the Se rn eens Rein @ - Or nn Was te Meer sal mts — Greig You, or either of you, 1,. ann yi, - | ‘ oe: Lh EAR AL 100 @ STR. the County Corts ; » this the Zo he fA ower .day of rae is D., 17 , and in the ninety bee Sa Pde AMA LE: Coa AN UY. ig Ss <x inne LV a wie oF PO a ~ IR PLAIN CHR aeSe Gao. ee VWIS CERT. —_ Lhat the Rites a ni inneny were a by mo between mer 00 Vetigae cee a ¥aey As a at th womens Noo, one 3 hal appa pear, ont thet t a no awial | PS re eae ont the-abpye Obligation to b to_be at Ot. BOE WIPO re! if-5 < eas) ee Le A Lt Be =f Dee oe te J eae na Rie ‘ey SRS SMe ou: i Seid ac - - . Sree 5 $ : ; i - ies Rs ‘a any iis Winister of the Geaple having. the oure of sat of ididlce r Henman | To any Instieo of the Pewee of anid Founty 1 na prance te ARO A Dew, ov ang of yom, bre heiely heensed and a a gre eer meena peace staan Lt LE OI 5a or ang of 3 nse A Te celebrate and aleus the sls fp heel - nae © Lien of Hla Se dle Tabet at. | Off tan.de et. ; 06% and tn the... Llosa peer eA A) Dadar the Watchman Office, Salisbury. ~ State of North Carolina, THIS DERTUFIES st ae fbb =? sme, aneled tn the Bonds f Soe oad: ee ree ee ate eel ®D, #36] confeaprally te to » the adinanen f Go a State of Horth Carolina, To any regular Minister of the Gospel, having the eure of. Souls, of whatever Denomination ; or to any Justice of the said County: YOU or any of you, are hereby Licensed and authorized to celebrate and Solemnize the Rites of Matrimony eek: , Olerk of our said Court, at Office, the a r of our Inde ‘ State of Horth Carolina, This Certifies, that fpcanee. h.. Mlaiha nd... were, by me, united in the bonds of Matitneny: on the. bi. a of .« 184: J.., conformably to the Ordinance of God, and the Laws of the State. ‘Laltekdccca etek ae’ [Pere ~ es ae Ee eee. 3 " el a re te Sree ticker Brematnte, ‘ sh ann Wadtle 08 the Monch ah tall Cilia —Gevitiag: You, or either of yor, aie e296) peses QE WRVRABARS betvvcen . rte soe Tag ee scsiiiecoits tifa es br Vika Lbs ae % Y y b./ MT he Ae brosos Us deta p St tn im ae , a WITHERS, sare oa fe of the County Court, pal hansanlen vreeeeweeeere , this the sh ee ci eeiniduks ven bay Ot yy WD \pec7. Se aie nksncas says 2 mes , ! oD aa Ld th iat. Nea - by cbip aba. din atts ee ee | Be eh Beir eh (nerds 2 ve: HAE a eS ~-———> @ & @-- S CERT nae 1 Pre the Riles of Matriyony were solemnized by yne beteweon 2 - as aes sé Ee EK, se My OTe? af tS: *ee ck a ie 186 , at the ores Mey ti CO AMAAG ian sen cee iss . ’ Distr ict. — ane te Be toe Ree Teh eee ar Oe es re ay he + + Set oo . - BP re ¥ a. ’ ‘vyuvwvVvyyV ¥ 4 Oy (hein tis salary ae Silas 4 {oun gee 0. Pat Gor, ach ud be feage As STATE OF > WORTH EAROLINA,- hs crenatit—- yy » WEE | TRELVEHT of the ea, Wa I, Be are held and firmly bound unto the State of NORTH-CAROLINA, in the just and full sum of Five Hundred Pounds, current money of said State ; to which payment, well ‘and truly tobe made and-done, we bind Ourselves, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, Gealed with our seals, and dated the,...Ar.9-,...».dey of. 1 POSEIOS BO by hen of the above Obligation is such, That whereas, the above bounden 4;- asinine meal made aiive “hath ra License z a Marriage, to be celebrated between him and. ge sign Da I ae babserveresekseions ae of the County ieee Now ' §n case it shall appear hereafter, that there is no lawful cause to obstruct the said Marriage, ion the above. Obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full ieee and virtiie, I, anbar shah PPAR ratte tnt lett State of North Carolina, Py Z *- County. To any recular Minister of the Gospel, having the cure of Souls, of whatever Denom. . Justice of the said County: YOU OR ANY OF YOU, are hereby ae and authorised to celebrate and Solemnize the Rites of Matrimony, between Witness, ...4<- A: Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 23 diiron day f.. Cd gow i Independence, State of Horth-Carglina, Maran der County. : Tus Cearurizs, That a. : 4undhefes. ht. eek. oka were, by me, united in the bonds of Matrimony, on the.. Da ee eels duns day Of. anes fA WM... Stack died. a A. D., 186.$, —_ conformably to the Ordinance of God, and the Laws of the State. 7 [Be inp Boyntor Witter ofthe Gap, of Whites Soaeuntantios Or ay sth Wo ld Cay ert: You, or either of YOU, fe - e henoby empowered to sulemnige the G POATES OF WA TRIMONS beeen | rangle . mi os ofr Li st Aa th hs ¢ in My. Lhe Sib siccks et th thé. | Cheeta Leherrrn noe skate ; 6 od D American Independence, y; Wbdrdredndndectactntratratacdrdrdnetnadncd ee REAR RAK ihe x —_——~+ @- 2 a LSERTIFIES, Thai the Rites YY Valrimony were om wee by me eaten Residence of.. A. CMR AB. District. Ro nie Pha ee Re i RLM RS AR RR he AP Le en ee SOE 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ d ‘ ’ ‘ . , ; j r ; P, 7 ¥ y - , LAME C Mbt ah... and .. }- on the.....: of fA. caocn antes sau wy “8 ~) 4... par aa - of oy. rrersinvhns eeiree: , - omen 2) an F 17 ;: z, ' wee * * : ei y i : . ep Puce Bi BO EOL GA TION 18 84 53 ; hab wheat, th bing State st Porth Carolina, @o any regular HRiv ater of the Gospel, habing the cure of Souls, of ub ateber Bee nomination ; ov to ay Bustice of the sain County: YOU or any of you, are 7 Licensed and authorized to celebrate and Solemnize the Rites ¢ Matrimony, between $4 ’ lm eee OH NOK, » COUNTY, WEARS ps VALIEYTS, TAKE a obidas rates es skt | of the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of NORTH-CAROLINA, in the just and full sum of Five Hundred Pounds, current money of said State ; to which payment, well and truly to be made and done, we bind Ourselves, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators. — Sealed with our seals, and dated the e a Bn of the above Obligation is suc hath wade ee for License for a Marriage, to be celebrated between him and Oe of the County aforesaid: Now 2 in case it shall appear hereafter, that there is no lawful cause ta obstruct the said Marriage, then the above Obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. er he AEE nll | “ brated ‘hekoeoatt him and .¢ da foros nid ; “Now, in case it shall appear, hen “Marriage, then the abeve-Obligation- to -be-s é Ly a , "BES E Wr, i erry phar ebyi ye a of the State er aeouhl oar Semi Bound ale the State Yo NORTH-OARO | Just and full sum. of Five Hundlred Pounds. current money nes! State ; to whiok payment, w truly to be made-and done, we bind Ourselves, Gone y with our seats, and dated the, a 71. ON 18 SUCH, That whereas the rhove a Gis ur vt eee: vec Pexkan é Sor a Marriage, to be celebrated between him andi | 7 oe County aforesaid: Now, ig case w shal , that there is no lawful cause to oe the smd Marviegs then the ater Obligation: te bé void ; wart (ewan ew ae LSE S State of Slarth Carolina, 7 hie Cortes, that Gerhesin. 2 LBS 62% TN ee were, by me, wited in the bonds of Matrimony, on the..4@...day of MAME ALE A. D. 184 as God, and the Laws of the State. <% _ — NSS GR aM 1h Og ets, Keghel : a ae Oe ae oe po - Cont off Deas and Duawi® Re 186@ and em the rained <A a+ x... County | Shis Certifies Her 3 | . o | oe L b dethied were, by me, united in the . Y=. day of Sasinen,. ¢ the Ordinance of God and the laws of the State. ew LE de fw 4 x = bh hi rade air TE fe arreamtee Minister of the Gospehiiarina’the care ro i ree Bs. nig of Ben, 6 rang CK td es ten ne esnsse 186€ aad the sAdas tees 1a h Carolina, Alex... County, his Certifies Hae . ae eee and _..<4.§ mA ted Ms hen ae were, by me, united in the Sof Matrimon if, OR the ae aman abil of Spa RA Eig aoe A. D. 18642, conform. Fthe Ordinance of God and the laws of the State: «4 Le - of WC ataio aloréssid, atolbeld end firmly bound unto the Stato +# Marth Caroline, In Hhefust A cinscepcoman st eeipeebamednenape! ehanep ero." § “oid ‘truly to be made and done, we bind Ourselves, our Heirs, Exeeutors and’ haeititiner?: Aad - Bealed with our r als, and and dated this MIP any Of =» BOM im ing Anno Dotbins, 1044 = “4 ge tae 3 ; Bs EBondition of the above OvSCigation is Bes, That Whereas, .. ‘the above bowtndan . Ck. hen ca fehes --> hath made at — for a LICENSE FORA MARRIAGE, to be celebrated between him sak: ee ; bie poy the:County aforesaid : - Now, in case jt shall. appear, hereafter, that there is no Jawful cause to . obstruct-the said Marriage, then mp above Obligation to be void—Otherwise to romain in full forces © and virtue, i ae : . Bigned, sane and Delieired in the \ Presence of ; me te at Mort Gavan - Pwany regular Minister of the Gospel, having the cure: of ty at to any Justice of the Peace af said Gonnty : a ama, Uo Ohta together as Paap and wrare.. ‘ha Clad nae acasil, Court of Phas wad Raw? “ SERS tn the }. oar? nde trendhnee ‘ ae 2 ap = es «OR ee as - ae ee ge (_4L ESE APOE c r " ry r E ¢ wp ta . : % 5 oe Wea Y - ne le ieee , a eal sate = ot res a “of the Biate srameeld are hold “oe senly esiea ‘nin the State of North “and fall sum of One Thousand Dollars, current. money of said vas . the’which paym 2 “and truly tobe made and. done, we Ourselves, our £ ~~ Bealed with our “ and dated this <<7.-..- day of 4. ‘ en i Qe. of sheM.0e hen 1 Bes » Vhe. above bounden. €<, 4.- LRA | ‘yor A MARRIAGE, to be celebrated between him and or | 4 = thé County aforesaid; Now, in,ease it shall appear, han , that there is no! obstruct the said Morriago, then the above Obligation to be void=- Otherwise to remain ve al oe fares and virtue. STATE OF NORTHGAROLINA,- tas dee... COUNTY, AON MA. WEA BN RALAE BEY ENTS, AALT WE,.... _ Mamie... tb tb. i L444: of the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of NORTH-CAROLINA, in the just and full sum of Five Hundred Pounds, current money of said State ; to which payment, well and truly to be made and done, we bind Onrelven,. es, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators.— Sealed with our seals, and dated the L, O64 scan Rae # The condition of the above ih is such, That whereas, the above bounden hath made application for a License for a Marriage, to be celebrated between him and hériahe t ade. te.. LEMAR IER led eee aot of the County aforesaid : Now in case it shall appear hereafter, that there is no lawful cause to obstruct the said Marriage, then the above Obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. wee | 4 Iie, cecze. | Cc & 3 Sipe as 7 % Boor eee crerrepers . qerarr one a ee a eat nee age es Poet the State storonsid, ae +e hold and firmly bound unto the State of North Corolina, int | unr of One Phousand Dollars, current money. ste, to the which. | Seley genre gr eg eutors and 4 eo i Sealed with our reals, and dated this. G#-+------- day of pene pn an ne ne — Vrasitien of he stow wo. i i har het a 5 is: ee “ rae e nme een 7 " | mo plication for a Lice RN a ten ye ne a eer A MAnRiagE, to oe between him aud “Te am, in case’ it shath appow; wae? | c Sir roc he ai one. Marviog hen the y above ¢ Obligation to be void-—-Oth eee - rere _—~ nope wenger me “Biale at North Carolina, east Ae S CRIRTIFIES © Tt. = | ances, Cy wad, wireled tim dhe ae OL BD. AOE. v2 wren. to the Crchina he Gospel, having the cure of Souls, Justice of the said County: utharised to celebrate oo the Rites Fe To any ‘siialias Minister of t Denomination; oF to any YOU or any of you, are horeby-Liceseed and 4 State ot arth Garshina, This Certifies, that . tu ee. bungeacsan and. / lat agri were, by me, united in the bonds of Matrimony, on the. 24...day of 18. Gf, conformably to the Ordinance of serecgrrteeerroMeers LOA Rp a State af Porth Cresta cPthin ace. Wale = To any reaping Minister of the Goaple having the eure of Senle, of whatever Denomination ; wr L To any dustice af the Peace af sald County : Tox, ot any of yon, O6ee hereby hicensed and as —_ yer ener F thet send solosive the tales —_ eS * a a2 22a05074~ a %, Printed and for Sale, ah Uae Watebannn, Res, Salieienmme— _—_ —— ee PALL AL ALA A ~~ Ag Oa le Oe Oe OO _ eo. of £ sateen ezak DBornadl f 2 foe ~ CLD. 1861. — to the Oodinanes of § 4 , 1 _ bein Fam Meg"? Sint of Horth Carolina, $irarrdex. Comnty, To any regular Minister of the Gospel, having the cure of Souls, of whatever Denomination ; or to any Justice of the said County : ey: OU or any ee you, are hereby Licensed and authorized to celebrate and Solemnize the Rites of ee GLB LA, w, jhe and jm them together as Ju Wife. on WH CAGE Cr eevereey Olork of our said Court, at Office, the fs VA. day oY. ; IAG ae the year of eur Independence, JAA | (Miele LOE > ~~ State of Horth Cusiins, A Cer ceerates:,, Guuty, This Certifies, that L404. 744: My Alon cspatcy fl naga Me faitor were, by me; united i the bonds of Matrimony, on the. L. day of ... Cebeé C4: 1slaZ,, conformably to the Ordinance of God, and the Laws of the he elle Mt | Gliate alt Ma pops} Maeracr, ti to be amanda Steen Winn Bt rete Moroes Now, in onse it sha aia of orth Carolina, Mirae To any sonnlar Minlater of the Geaple having ¢ the eure of A om of weniery pooneieniron To any Juatien of the Paaee.of sald Pamaty-t ~~” Ger, or ants of yom, Te velebrade and setungire ad Af B — a r e ms ee s an — io aa n “ a ee 2 5 ie : 4 % a ~ State of North Carolina, « THIS CERT! OPPO ODDO PFO POFFO STATE OF WORTWLAROLINA,- AF. COUNTY, We Gee SN NSLAE HE YENTD, HAT WH, re Wa stern of the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of sontn-dieiians’s in the just and full sum of Five Hundred Pounds, current money of said State ; to which payment, wel] and truly to be made and done, we bind O our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators.— Sealed with our seals, and dated the. re day of, AOR Fp as +186) t whereas, the above bounden hath Pee applicatio | ye of the County aforesaid ; Now in case it s thd bord that there is no Lawful cause to obstruct the said Marriage, then the ahove Obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. “~~ VOLO 10H tae Teo MWOTIARARAALY VYAOABAAMAR AAA, State of North Carolina, Mb anager eouge ny regular Minister of the Gospel, having the cure of Souls, of whatever Denon. ‘Hation , or to any Justice of the said County: YOU OR ANY OF You » are hereby Licensed and authorised to celebrate and Solemnize the Rites of Matrimony, between ain Cone. and jor oo to |. de as - and Wife.” Witness Sede, a 74 OP heLkte Clerk o Your said Court, at Office, the | vane bh. #-day of. Cet . and in ‘the year State of 2 art Carolina, F (eter seola- Tus Certirigs, That..... > LA. Ll L tA hin. / bl, Mth Uttara were, by me, united in the bonds of Matrimony, fn the....... ne , are 2 hel ak its ola unte the Bato at Not Caitiie, iv the at and full som of One ‘Thonsand Dollars, euprent money of said State ;“tothe which paymont, wel” ad trulyto be made and done, we. bing’ vos, our Heirs, Exceuthrs and Administrators. Sa hut LOL... , Anne Domini, iad — 4 mr ya Ws og es is Sac. That Wheven | the above anda -»36 | <4 if .-: jeation fora ‘ahaa won 4 MARRIAGE, t0: be jistiien between him aud he ple caced. the County aforesaid: Now, in case it. shall.gppear, hereafter, iheve: ts ny lawful cause te . J Sbatract the anid Mltrings; then the qhaye Dbligatios 0 bo Void —Othereae 40 rena in full fore and virtue, . : aera aoe WA Sa ae as car ae State eo Nth Carolinayy . yw bw Y¥ THESE Box ae of the State aforesaid are ——. poe * unto the of NOR CAROLINA, de: the fod ant ut won of Tes Mle rourrent money of said State ) to which payment, well and. j iy neds ond Se welves, our Hairs, Exeoutora, and Administrators, Scaled — - with our seals, and dated the: | “ bound upto thé? f and full sum of One Thousand Dollars, current money of gajd State, tothe which payment, well aud truly to be made and done, we bind Ourselves, eirs, Exocntors and Administrators, Realed with Mr ner and dated this AAA An, of CP Bogs Anno Domini, ees 4 ; s x ' uh £8), tion of the above nae 4s Bis. 7 Theil ¢ Mharear, FOR A Manntacy, to be ‘coliheiied biel him and ...4 the County aforesaid; Now, in case it shall appear, hereafter, that ahave ia no Ja | uSe to ' obstruct the said said Marviage, then the above Obligation to be eee to remain in full fovve warded ddd bdr abdredr bcd dodo bedded i, re MUYVUREAEE GRRITRELG, ATR. . THIS CERTIFIES, That the Rites of Matrimony were ea aes by me yw e Clip Ble Meter andl Macthalerd poe D, 180 £—7a the Pi a on thé......: y ‘ Y ye Spree ie each vs<L eerig, toe [oy st? . at Mabe 2 t Tr. LLhkaa, fi Ca Clg Fs tie ik weak Mn Ae 2GM GES hen Aneeenen naa np eaen ns nan ae oan Ahn nee ee atom dmnripeninn a hon HY bound unto the State fi ~ pnd truly to be made and done, we bind or Beale’ ‘vith our seals, ond dated this GAZ, For A ‘Minsiaen, to be scldtiian the County aforesaid: Now, in case it shall appear, obstruct the said Marriage, then the above Obligation to be v and virtue, Aoaed and Delivered in _ Signed, the. 1. were, by me, united in the mA mm 7. eth ae ee ae pare sone unto ar Btato of North Caroling, i the jue ond fall sum n'of One Thousond Dollars, current money of said State; to the which payment, well = and truly to be made and done, we bind Ourgelyes, our Heirs, Exeentors and Adminisirators, oe Realed with our seals, and dated this Ahi day a : amint. +e the above nae te 2 “FOR A MARRIAGE, to be celebrated betw: stim and - A the County aforesaid; Mow, in case it shall appear, ‘iat ante is 0 law cause fe . ig aie the said Marriage, then tha above Obligation to be voideOtherwise to remain in fall foree and virtue, ~ Signed, Sealed a w Dedioeren tn the Pease’ ¥ ; e. ee ae | ‘A ae a os - , s, Po NS aed FC ec a near wo he iaedarind Aap Sealed with our seals, and dated i FOR A Manniace, to he celebrate, the County aforesaid: Now, in case it shall ap obatrdct-the said Marriage, then the abeve 0 - forea and- virtue, | ae to oa eu of North Careline, in sho a ey uy 40 the which ‘ well and Admin , rate 4 a eo rm pe Ree eel 5 & a ee ae Carolina . e, - of the State aletenntd. | are held Kia fraiy Biante wate the: of Nard) Carolina, in the just apd full sum of Qne Thousand Dollars, current money of. sait] State; ‘to the whieh payment, well -: and truly to. be made and done, we bind Ourselves, Exeeutors and taietanscensenial Sealed with our seals: and dated this 44. day of tad , eae € ; ? en rae | on a Mannan, te bs'ettebented between him ana - land fs: ae Ae 2 ad Yeu of Mobhe Coc 0 Ahk aA Cautd way Beguiay Plinister of the Gonyel, of vey Benntantion, . - , or eee tro fe ev of sid onary renin MARRIAGE G cenronaaws. _ THIS ¢ RTIPIES, That the Riles of lad. by me » . ene agh a and dated this .. é Z above boundon a he FOR 4 MaBniage, to be tolobeated sativeda him nid -- the County aforesaid ; Now, in case it. shall appear, hereafter, 1 “obstruct the. sald Marriage, then the above Ofrigatien to be foree and virtue, and Delivered in th Signed, Sealed *} lg WPY requ lan Minister of the fespet havtna'the ¢ ure a To'ady Jassiee of the typ of ald Conny ne et Bay “Garolima,Z “Yo any regular Minister of The Goepely having’ iRe-enre: ot Moule; at wheter Tony Jaation the Pence of said County; = { oo oF any of you, Ode + Leanaad and oh Geant of Bhan and Duarte? Branton os the. ae 10 asd the co Chis Certifies c ar and te yee es ; a were, by me, waited in the 3 of Matrimony, on the ae eer day of ft hl BD. 1864, conform. ship ts the Ordinance of Goa ana the laws of the State. | | 2 : 4 EC én etl, ra Fiinnd ne pl ee ee er St. Se | Bs es coe, ors be 2 ig SAAB, 0 and falls of One Tees 0 ae pie money of seid State, to the whieh pa oe] ened an bee Cory Heirs, sd hin - \ fepled with our seals, and dated Win FOR RA aria cae to be olebyated Doce oie and. “Wow, in conse tt shall appear, hereafter, Bras net A ores then the above Obligation to bey a Gop egs. ee wren en eter e Seer ee eaeege a oe rt North Gacolina, Ci PHS GERYIFIES Tat oii Zé; won inel Sif CRY, 0% , 48OF, conframatly tothe Cading f Ged ® ee a ¢ Onay G4 A) Vn . =" t call 4 a4 i Pad ; a a 7 ‘ ¥ 2 P 7 7 a Se SS eee Be a eae a g ‘f ae Case ne 7 pea ic . Maapgaaea” — / lore gi Ga } Lae ch “yy G Zé Lt 42a cf aT, Peed bid, bis edad bd bide + ee se EL BE GOR rat a4 ha OR. ——~ 83 @e oe \. ee gate Thai the sir of Gaede were sole ized ‘tem ue wofteoen: aA cod, PU Tere Teer e ear e ete ceee ceeeen eee eetenes ta “A District. tf A CED ODE fA ... 1 ae Loe KE. ve fe Pe ide LT POL Pe Pe Fo Ps SF PRET ie Si oe Ton , ‘ee : , " , r imony, omathe. & B.....day Lk aawh, . senformably to the Ordinance af God, and the Ldtoe-of the st - mes “ : teint renee © SSS 5 Si : . State of Nestaadiagaligtin 2... .Connty, ANY YF yy ‘BY THESE ‘gi OY pie a aa cap veins ok garg a of the State aforesaid, are held and firmly : oso eaee pee aeren serene bound unto the State of NORVH-OAROLINA, iu the Just and full sum of Five Hundred Pounds, current money of said State» to-which payment, well and truly to be made and done, we bind Ourselves, | ; and Administ Sealed THE CONDITIO bounden .. , % ; for @ eons @ Marriage, lo be celebrated between him OM ster eee . 7, of the County aforesaid : Now, in case it shall appear hereafter, that there iso lawful cause to obstruct the sad Marriage, then the above Odbtigation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Fe ‘24 ¥ * a 866, % , : «% be Fee 8 ‘ : 7 “elie ** % Tiber teetres ¢ he A * eg ee 3 | usand Dollars, c be made and done, we bi With our seale;4ind dated this celebrated between him an unty aforesaid: Now, in-case it shall a ayraet the said M then'the above O and virtue, — ee , and & i “é ni ° eres Ay a i 4 | , that there is no] n to be voi to re ca "es * State of North Carolina, 7 lc pte la «County, To any regular Minister of the Gospel, haying the cure of Souls, of whatever Denom. ‘ination ; or to any Justice of the said County : YOU OR ANY OF YOU, are hereby Licensed and authorised to celebrate and SBolemnize the Bites of Matrimony, between 7 . i : t- wire bet ee hh, PPLIEN ae and join them togethér as Man and Wife. 4 Wi sia: ee. GE ; CLLLK A AEG. WBA hy... Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 2 os fd... day of . L.A Ca.4, 186@ ~and in the year of our Tndgpendence, 2 MA. SOLE Mahdtage CLERK, » im Ptate of Horth-Carolina, Meyarecder County, Tu1s Cenrivies, rn. Melina. Beacth.,...ana,. chile. é. \ heheh... were, by me, united in the bonds of Matrimony, on the. eA conformably to the Ordinance of God, and the Laws of the State. —_ annie AD .% ABA BY Se YY of the State aforesaid, are held and firmly bound unto the State of NORTH-CAROLINA, in the just and full sum of Five. Hundred Pounds, current money of said State ; to which payment, well and truly to be made and done, we bind O s, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators.— Sealed with our seals, and dated the. A*:...day Oca lathe, The pedipion of the above Obligation is such, That whereas, the above boundea wenn aden a @wA#e rc{ 5 | i hath made application for a License for a Marriage, to be celebrated between him and 4 of the County aforesaid; Now in case it shall appear Wereafter, that there is no lawful cause te obstruct the said Maiflage, thea the above Obligation to be void : otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Zp ; ze ' oo ' CORRE: bs balk VETtry eertgrerr rec ry eh hci tertlelevn Contily . ee We ae and --- , af Matrimany, on the sulk A. day of s--<: | ably to the Ordinance of God and the lawe of the Staten Se + PE TT ree ee ow ower PORE of she State aforesaid, are held and firmly sean unto thf and full'eum of One Thousand Dollare, current money of said State, to the whieh and truly to be made and done, we oe our H Sealed with our seals, and dated this Ze: : the above Ou FOR A sont is te hacia ical hi a Conny ohana Now, in case it shall a oor the sald Maringh thon the above Obligation 4 force and virtue, State of orth Caroliny, Leaerecen Conny, To any regular Minister of the Gospel, having the cure of Souls, of whatever Denomination; or to any Justice of the said County: YOU or any of you, are hereby Licensed and authorized to celebrate and Solemnize the Rites of Matrimony, between A. Fs Aanat- ze ‘ ' / =e and join them togeth fe. ——. ‘ Witness, .. 6&4. A ete tht AM. Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the ‘ha...day OS... a , This Certifies, that were, by me, united in the bonds of Matrimony, on the. <A...day of Py, vernaree rea One Brites LE GrAZEe, oT ae ae Jamas eee : ro il dry ere rrr Pree et Pree eemecnuneiieneaal Pe PTET EeTy Le, BATEOHTY. "State of North wl a iste ae — Just and full sn of Five Hundred Poundapourrent money of said State , 40 which payment, well and truly fo be made and done,’ we bind Ourselves, our Hogs, secure, ond Administrators. Sealed — 4 with our seals, and dated the, WEP..day of... sag op Li or « Marriage, to be celebrated between him and............... oe : igs sail of the County aforesaid: Now, ‘in case i shall 0 appear hefeafter, that there ts no deusfot eause to obstrued the said Marriage, then the above Obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in Full force and virtue. om the. reek te the Ordinance of God, andthe Laue of the § KNOW, ALL ap Be Lt PRESULTS THAT WE a vith hewn Lae i | ¥ Ke. ea of the State afwreaia are held and jrmly bound unto the Stag ; Ne RIE: AROLINA, in- the eis eit? flon of She above BB6Cigation ts. the above setts oor atl Boi F FOR A MABRLAGR, to be celebrated between him and >.< Whe County aforesaid; Now, in case it shall ‘pppea “> + obstruct the said Marriage, then the e —force and virtue, : pe Aha) ‘J 3 ee ee 4 a =e gai bd fe + i oS ae i a ae = . wa P — = = ie 4. 2 * ame 7 x "vs P 7 on oo OS + '- + — ~ 2 Pi = eee ee a ae ee ee ee eee ee ee eee mere re se te Se “North as ee ¥ canoes cas} This Certifies ¢ That. jp rae . Reef a - and Mu x a \- samgpireecdlae “eaqghle coagleee rr 42 i A ERT: od meee sap iti ti —~ i enn aire wn atten r i Bs f. ¢ Se Ai art Nils Mts. oop OPP | _ FoR A\Manniaaz, to be celebrated between him and ; } - the County aforesaid; Now, in case it shall appear Soy er, that : a cavers: than the cel amen, . quasar to iB ee ; heel ~wyeeiresiienniteriind jemiatisinii — ng ~ 4 Py State of North Garolina, «Tht pans fa CERTIFIES tat < Th Q. = Mf aaa Ae wee, ae ane, wnited on the Bend lal, «ash Ch. BD Tend the Fares of the Hate. = eS eae aramion = SSS 4 ee tan i ~ Ray . art Err Fo : cy aa." 3 Dae ONES p oF Mi 5 ’ 5 AY j 2s > : c ad z te ia) ‘ , me meer ' "a . - “ nS Wy ia : 1 ir ’ : ' ' + v m4 id eettcs * HY 7 . bs ‘ ; 3 To any any i Minister of the Gosple having the enre of Rouls, of whatever Denomination ; Ore : Ta any Justice of the Pence of anid Honnty | - Dow oF any Of Met, acy. omen d-authouzed sasha 9 cinnize pony Ceteee Ae, Lfac Cty? peest. eve aor, be | Gest, This original is filed under Van L, Teague. N I I A N i s N o d _ » Mg VEZ / Goo $2 COC A | | FA: Yi, yo el WN Aoter | i , ’ ML rae 4 LZ che o ee VMS, Se whet COA yy, COL UO GL af State of Aorth Carolina, .% , This Certifies, that Matha. fheaanlle...ani-s ig deen were, by me, uniled in the bonds of Matrimony, on the. 4.....day of +. Le wchret ae 184Z.., conformadly to the Ordinance of God, and the Laws of the & “Ny . Me CL COUNTY, we ALS: WEA BA ot yop ts TAN we, SiLlteray al boty, --AL4 ‘ef the State me are held and firmly soul unto the State ‘of Mien in the just and full sum of Five Hundred Pounds, current money of said State ; to which payment, well and truly to-be made and done, we bind Ourselves, our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators.—- Sealed with our seals, and dated the.. The condition of the above Obligation is such, That whereas, the above bounden Gttlce. 222 GaccLLaees, : hath made application for a License for a Marriage, to be celebrated between him and Le. Ef .Makashralil. ehustraesseveqneadeaeeretereces cli of the County aforesaid ; Now, -in ease it shall appear hereafter, that there is no lawful cause to obstruct the said Marriage, then ‘the above Obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force aud virtue. @o anp aii Sininter of of the Gospel, babing the cure of Souls, of weet. BWe- | nomination ; or to any Qustice of the sais Bounty : Yy P 4 ’ ’ , mir Wath State of North Carolina, entes.......,.. County, Thie Certifies, 5 agi ph. eating. Paty hl Can were, by me, united in the bonds of Matrimony, on the.. hl... day ai a adbec: . ie a 10@.. a conformably to the Ordinances of God, and the Laws of the Me , ihe | State of C i — aro ie of the pete are held ound unto the State ee NORTH-CARO TA, in the just and full sum of Five Hundred Pounds current money of said State ; qo which payment, well and truly to be made and done, we bind Ourselves, our with our seals, and dated the. LE@. day of. QA CAE 1s6@... irs, Executors, and Adminiatrators. Sealed , that there 48 nO AG | Roca remain in full force and virtue. d sarees t P : ‘« Sia dpe linalt, ere ® held and sralyb sid sa the State of Forth h Caroling, in th a44 d Dollars, current money of said we to the whieh p ent ett Yo “and truly. to be inads and done, we. bind Quyggelves, ot H eutors and Adminis ee Besled ais our seals, ani ie tlils Geeks. .t Leia bush hele a DA the above bounden.., yor A Manniaae, to he ooldorated Nee him and . the County aforesaid; Now, in.case it shall appear, hereafter, that there is no. hw! obstruct the said: Marriage, then the above “ to be void—Otherwise to remain in fi forse and rue Te of Mele <4 Z emma cs C hea FO POI ZE a aaa Cree. a rc ee ga, A Meal ce BG! fag CK. pea Ca ow a . (47, | Geeouniy el). Ha @caid if armivgentlitn, of the 8 Stare shore ‘ held-end-frmly bound unto the Bate of Ranh Grn “and full sum of One Thousand Dollars, current. money of said Btate, to the which p and truly te be made and done, we hind Quppelves, our. tora and Admini Sealed with our seals, and dated thi 3 > @ <M os day of eve Tic uwirve cieteice abe A; Ds e ~ ubition 1 in in 8 a the above bou oil. 2. made an & FOR 4 MARRIAGE, te be: eelebrated ei him and “the Qounty aforesaid; Now, in case it shall ap ote hereafter, that. there is no lawfal “‘@batract the said Marriage, then the above Ob ‘fores and virtue, 5 Bad, Sak od Dard | CM tae C76 on to be velge-Otherive torent iw full peer esere sprr er a Geers 5 ‘ of the Biate , are held and érmly bound ale the Bate of North Corolins, tx ye just and fll sum of One S Powahd Dollars, current money of said State, to the which pre ; ~ and truly'to be made and done, we bin reelves, our be 5 Bealed with our seals, and dated this -..4-4---. day of . : the above vinden LAAZ ? ned OM. yor A Mapataas, to be celeb KEG the County aforesaid: Now, ip case it, shall appesr, heidi: that teak is no te | leas obstruct the said Marriage, $ the above Obligation to be voide-Otherwise to remain in fal gt + ~ fovea and virtue, - oter tot 7 el < of. North Ogrolina, Fe Ginn. i. ih. Chis Certifies Ae 7 a , MM tht rata =<... and ade Ca<. were, by me, united in the ‘ : Beads of Matrimony, on the 4 May of ..-- . D. 186@, conform. Se renee Set ee: he Glee | : a - of the Bisie afureseid, are held at firmly ey unto. ‘the Blate 0 and full sum of One Thousand Dollars, current money of sai¢ and truly te be made and done, we bin Sealed with our seals, and dated this ..47--af.. da os is EB aasition of je. above nn — Se Wo the above bounden- : nade. sation for a LicENal ; } ho 1 bee» YOR 4 Manniage, to he celebratuu detween him and a the: County aforesaid: Now, in case it shall ap | | awh cognates obstruct the said Morritg then the above Oblig to be venti to Yemain = force and virtue, | P * linn, Mcametex.._ OAM. g the cure of Souls, of whatever nister of the Gospel, havin County : : or to any J ustice of the said ed and authorieed to celebrate and Solemn Licens , Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the r of our independence. Di anda Lah Od... Merk. Roam. inal is filed under Wattss The above orig J | | iy Se : Me ; , . | r Toany regular Minister of the Gospel, having the cure of Souls, of dine Donominatipn ; or to any Justice of the said County : | YOU or any of you, are hereby Licensed and authorised to celebrate and Solemnize the Rites of Matrimony, between OR mm me re me eee me ee se oe <5 > State of Moviw Garolinay Zz, obt...€ 1%s Certifies, that:. af TISS... Mite Laan. je were, by me, united in the bonds of Sabian: on the.. a Me 0 18, y conformably to the Ordinance of God, aren ee of the tate. ee eee eeGe Medes esreeeeeeeeeseee wana =. g sh ‘> » " “. Ne : a = : Pa: i ae yg 3 % Harv area reves grt Ler, FE PPOs ete eee ewe eters 150% 0.03 can : EON ere’ 4 nnd Armly bound unto the State of North Catdling, in the itt ‘Dollars, current money of said State, to the whidh | ny ni ne ve “ourelyen our Heirs tors and 4 Reeves “day of wearers eee reeees eee Oe. af Ge. abo Wn Bt athe Bi ARRIAS oqnighe oar el bi. 273 Fae oni efaid: Now, in case it shall appes awe the above € State of North Caroline Department of Archives and History Post Office Box 1881 Raleigh 27602 \ CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target titl>) sheet preceding each volume or sokie of records microfilmed hereon; that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduc- tion ratio indicated; and that on the date of microfilming, the records were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s). It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s) were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 8-45.1 - 8-45.4, General Statutes of North Carolina; and that in order to insure exchivel’ quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed, they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed, and with equipment and film approved, by the State Department of Archives and History. ie (Signea) _/ A f a, Camera Operator Date F- hbe-7.2