HomeMy WebLinkAboutBarium Messenger, 1957 VOL. 35 Holiday Season Ends As The New Year Gets Underway The Christmas season of 1956 was one for the books. Old Santa Claus and his help- out-did themselves this year. Bicycles, tricycles, and skates; sweaters, skirts and blouses; mittens, gloves and scarves; car coats, toppers and cowboy suits; sport shirts, leather jackets and suede jack- ets: overcoats, boots and shoes; bows and arrows and basketballs; bride dolls, baby dolls, and tear dolls; watches, cameras, bracelets, and neck- laces, and many other gifts made up the receipts at Bari- um Springs. There were good things to eat all during the holidays—nuts and fruit and candy, with home-made cakes and Christmas ice cream. There was some extra money to spend and some time off from books and work, and all of it together made a wonder- ful holiday season, Of course, in the heart of it all and back of it all was the true meaning of Christmas as was revealed in the services of the church in the youth Fel- lowship and in the chapel pro- grams of the school. The big family had joined others in the giving and the Christmas gift from the Barium family, given to the big red stocking on family night as the tree was decorated, amounted to $121.40 and was sent to the Crippled Children of the Shriners’ Hospital in Green- ville, S. C. The housemothers and the children have been writing thank-you notes by the barrel. It is difficult to get replies to all who sent gifts, and it would be helpful if persons who have any inquiry about a Christmas package would send a note to the office for clarification. Because of a grand and wonderful Christ- mas, the new year 1957 looms bright with prospects of growth and happiness for the big family. ers February Birthdays Libby Gregory ............ 2-24-48 Ue SOUS cc. jotedes 2-28-45 Joyce Ann Hughes ....2-10-46 Ronald Brown ............ 2- 8-45 Mike Roderick ............ 2-23-47 Mitchell Brumley ........2- 9-49 Peggy Sellers .............. 2- 6-40 Charles McLean .......... 2-13-43 richard Ward .......... 2-13-43 Herold Eyana<...25 2-25-40 Donnie Harrison __.....2-12-41 Lawton Rice ...........-.... 2-18-39 CONG TOV IOY ioscan 2-12-44 Barium Messenger BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., JANUARY 1957 No. 1 The Bee Tree Hello! Christmas was here and is gone! We were all so excited we could hardly wait to get into our playroom on Christ- mas morning. You should have seen it! [t was full of beautiful toys, lovely clothes, delicious things to eat, and more things than we ean name, Every girl’s place was so full that the next fellow had to push over. We left some candy and a note for Santa Claus. He ate the candy and left us a note in return. School is ready to start and that makes us happy too. We are trying our very best at home and at school to do all of the things we ought to do. One of our most interesting Christmas presents was a “Mitten” tree made by the Primary Department of the Second Presbyterian Church in Mooresville. On it there were hanging nice warm pairs of woolen gloves, all colors, for each girl in our cottage. We love our name “The Bee Tree.” Last summer when there was much talk of the old Annie Louise Cottage coming down, all of us asked where we would go until our new cottage had been built. Our su- perintendent said, “Oh, we'll just nave to find you a hollow bee tree somewhere.” So, here we are upstairs in the Baby Cottage, but he calls us “The Bee Tree.” There is lots of honey up here, and we also have the other kind of bees which we have to kill occas- ionally, (Excerpts from the girls’ Christmas letters) Howard Cottage Well, it’s the Bean String- ers again, stuffed with all the good things of Christmas. A lot sure has happened since last Monday which was Christmas Eve. Mr. Stowe came that afternoon with all his nice gifts, and who else but Fred Kirby! Some of the girls got his autograph. That night we went back to the Gym for films. We enjoyed them so much. We went to bed early that night, and bright and early the next morning a group of sleepy-eyed children headed for church. After the service in the church, we went to breakfast. As soon as breakfast was over, the ones who did not have to work ran home as fast as their little legs would carry them to see if Santa had come. The ones who worked finished up as fast as possible and opened their gifts. Later on in the NEWS FROM THE COTTAGES morning we went visiting to see what the others had got- ten. Miss Taylor and Mrs. Pope gave the dining room and dish-hall girls a party. We could invite a boy to go with us. Mr. Henderson was in charge of the recreation. We had a visitor during Christmas week. Diane Mob- ley and her sisters, Nancy and Pat, came to visit and Diane stayed at Howard with us. Nancy and Pat stayed at San- ford Cottage. Wishing all of you a very happy New Year, The Bean Stringers Infirmary Dear Friends: Since the Christmas rush is over, maybe we can all settle down to everyday life once more. There has been so much excitement going on this week that everybody’s head is go- ing around in a spin trying to take part in it all. On top of all we have to do in the after- noons, Miss Hoots up and takes all the junior girls to the movies to see “Written on the Wind.” It was a wonder- ful movie and I know we will all go back to see it the next chance we get. Thanks, Miss Hoots! Well, soon all the loaf- ing will be over and it will be strictly books again. So, until then, The Infirmary Girls Peg and Sue Walker Second Floor Hello Everybody: We are back again with our news. We all had a good time Christmas. Santa Claus was very good to all of us. Every- body had been looking for- ward to Santa Claus coming. All of the boys on the Lottie Walker second floor want to wish everybody a happy new year, Today is Gordon Brown’s birthday. We have two other birthdays in January—Tom- my Bush and Larry Wilkins. Well, I guess this about winds up our news for this month. Ronald Brown and the the Boys of Lottie Walker Second Floor. Lottie Walker Girls Hi, Folks— Weare back again with our news. It has been a long time since you have heard from us. We waited a long time for Christmas to come and now it has come and gone before we know it. But, Santa was very good to every one of us. We (Continued on Page Three) ALUMNI NEWS Clara Mangum’s husband, W. C. Ausdenmore, completed his training at Lackland Air Force Base and became a 2nd Lieutenant on the twenty-first of December. We congratulate him upon his graduation. Born, to Ralph and Bobby Marlowe Spencer, on Novem- ber 24th, a son, John Mar- lowe. The Spencers live in Monticello, Arkansas, where they are connected with the Vera _ Lloyd Presbyterian Home. Edna Baucom spent her Thanksgiving holidays at Ba- rium Springs, Jimmy Harwell who is sta- tioned at Fort Jackson and Charles Creech from Fort Bragg spent the week-end at Barium. Born, to Anne White and Denvered Hodges, on Novem- ber 30th, at the Iredell Memo- rial Hospital in Statesville, a daughter. Mary Parks Allen Helms has been in the Mercy Hospit- al in Charlotte for some time following an automobile acci- dent. Myrtle Mills Kiker is the newly elected president of the Women of the Church of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Charlotte. Mrs. Frank Helms who was Juanita Langley came with her husband and a group of women from the First Presby- terian Church in Monroe to visit Barium. Melvin Cannon is now in the Navy, having joined this branch of the Service several weeks ago. He is a member of the Navy Choir at Great Lakes, Illinois, where he is stationed. The engagement of Johnsie Terry to Joe Ben Gibson of Route 2, Statesville, has been announced by Johnsie’s moth- er, Mrs. Katie Mills Terry of ' Statesville, N. C. The date of the wedding has not been set. Jack W. McKay of Birming- ham, Alabama, has been elect- ed vice-president secretary and head of the Sales Depart- ment of the U § A. Bill Mc- Kay lives at Tampa, Florida. He lost his eldest son, Bill, Junior, in May of this year. Pless Norman was a visitor on the campus. He and his family are living at Jackson- ville Beach, Florida. Pleas is working with the Westing- house Credit Company and is Director of Music at Common- wealth Presbyterian Church, Neptune, Florida. Ray Norman is with the Western Electric Corporation and is living at 313 Lakeside Drive, Greensboro, HONOR ROLL Period Ending Nov. 21, 1956 First Grade: Jerry Flor- ence, Wayne Taylor, Nancy Finley, Linda Roberts. Second Grade: Charles Hyde, Gregory Lockamy, Bob- by Neill, Marie Ross. Third Grade: Tommy Bush, James Dennis, James Hoover, Belle Calhoun, Patsy Mace, Emily Sue McClure. Fourth Grade: Gordon Brown, Bobby Grier, Michael Roderick, Larry Wilkins, Lou Anna Bridgers, Karen Crews, Linda Sue Medlin, Judy Pink- ston, Elsie Rannells. Fifth Grade: Billy Finley, Steve Florence, Larry Ruff, Lois Allen, Eloise Barefoot, Shirley Farris, Joyce Hughes. Sixth Grade: Suzie Black- burn, Linda Florence, Sam Florence, Mike Heritage, Bill Rannels, Mike Morgan. Seventh Grade: Charles Donaldson, Douglas Finley, Eddie Kyles, Gene Taylor, Shirley Ann Faulk, Ellen Neill, Betty Lou Rutledge. Eighth Grade: Faye Hicks, Marcia Lewis, Suc Mcore, Judy Mosley. Eleventh Grade: Tom Fin- ley, Shelby McEwen, Peggy Sellers, Janet Woodall. Twelfth Grade: Mac Mc- Clure, Lawton Rice, Oscar Utsman, Nancy Kyles. Joyce Ann Kelly, Student Nurse at the Presbyterian Hospital, was a visitor on the campus. Delores Ramsey and Bob- bie McMannen were visitors on the campus during Christ- mas, Charles Creech and Clayton Miller spent a few days at Ba- rium during the holidays. The following children were baptized on December 9th, 1956, in Little Joe’s Presby- terian Church. Cynthia Diane Gibbs, born August 14, 1956, daughter of Joe Ben and Marjorie Comp- ton Gibbs, Vicki Lynne Hall, born May 3, 1956, daughter of Charles Terrell and Joyce Morrow Hall. Jane Elizabeth Sigmon, born September 22, 1956, daughter of Arthur and Mar- jorie Sherrill] Sigmon. Shirley Johnson was mar- ried to Roland Lucas in Dil- lon, S. C. September 15th. Ro- land is in the Army and he and Shirley are living in Er- win, N. C. PAGE TWO THE BARIUM MESSENGER JANUARY 1957 UNDER THE STEEPLE-N uggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE’S CHURCH REV. ROBERT R. COLLINS, Minister There is something exciting about moving forward into a new year. While there are many things in the year past which will be remembered and cherished we do not cling to what is now gone. As Christians we have a sense of eager anticipation concerning the future. Each new day we enter with confidence recalling the words of the Psalmist; “This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:- 24) It is our assurance that our lives are in the hands of a lov- ing heavenly Father and in dependence upon Him we have no cause for anxiety. But there is more than a feeling of confidence and security in our hearts as the new year moves in upon us. In the spirit of Christ’s last words to His disciples, “Go ye therefore. . .” we enter 1957 with a sense of divine commission. Under The Steeple we have a keen awareness that God’s blessings are not just to be received, but most assuredly to be shared. It was this sense of outreach that caused our congregation to assume par- tial support of one of our church’s missionaries for the first time. As a community of believers we want to share our faith with others and this is one avenue for witnessing that we will travel this year. So the coming days are ones rich in promise and hope be- cause of a faith believed and a faith shared. And much that we feel about the year ahead is summed up in the poem below, It is our hope that it will bring us all to a better understanding of the opportunities before us under the leadership of God’s Spirit. WHAT IS THIS COMING YEAR? It is a door By which we reach new fields Of service for our God and fellow man: A door by which we can Explore Wide spheres of usefulness Our world to bless; And reap the sheaves of God’s Word of witness yields. It is a task Set by the Master of our souls, A little part of our life’s work below: And so we ask The holy wisdom, which alone controls Our labor, teaching what and where to sow: The year, at its end, May show God’s glory and man’s profit blend. It is a book, With many pages and as yet all white, On which to write The history of thought, and deed, and word In this new group of days. We pray Thee, Lord, As Thou shalt look Upon the book, when written o’er, may all be to Thy praise. —William Olney RECEIPTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1956 S. Presbytery Church Ss. Women Total ALBEMARLE BBRGIRE secant 693.09 50.00 29.00 772.09 ‘TRADMSSIVING ....0:.<<0-. 15.00 181.11 32.00 228.11 CONCORD BBR sveciiccninss coms 602.42 225.20 60.00 887.62 Thankegiving .............. 198.95 169.08 25.65 393.68 FAYETTEVILLE PURUIGY siitie reciccaes 272.17 495.52 84.87 852.56 TRARKAGIVING ..:.01..5.,. 244.80 228.38 30.00 503.18 GRANVILLE PROBE | iG secicsiccinstice 706.00 95.54 232.00 1033.54 TROADKARIVING ....-4.:... 179.91 329.95 17.30 527.16 KINGS MOUNTAIN POORUIRS rsh ae 914.08 798.40 252.78 1965.26 Thanksgiving ......... ices, CRO 91.00 5.10 814.01 MECKLENBURG I iralivcnisuns 1266.53 658.91 152.18 2077.62 TPRADEAGIVIOS oociccossc-. 1322.12 288.00 410.81 2020.93 ORANGE PU bestest accissnreiss 1110.53 104.80 15.00 1230.33 Thanksgiving .............. 190.20 346.27 252.96 789.43 WILMINGTON BOI sesrairscsiiscecassies 856.90 142.52 97.12 1096.54 Thanksgiving .............. 404.86 248.69 233.22 886.77 WINSTON-SALEM NE ickictritoincceiss 450.64 29.20 479.84 THOBESEIVINE .....0s00< 60.75 31.43 17.94 110.12 MY LIFE AT BARIUM MELVIN MCKENZIE What is a home? When peo- ple are asked this question, no doubt they think of a cozy lit- tle house with a happy family. At least, this would be the first inclination. A home is an _ institution and a very important one. The father, mother, the children, and sometimes one or more grandparents, make up the home. We depend on the home to perform many important functions. We usually think first of supplying the neces- sities of life—food, clothing, and shelter. The father is ex- pected to earn the money while the mother takes care of the children and makes the home comfortable. It is important also that we be taught many things in the home, including work, and along with work comes re- sponsibility. At first a child receives a small share of re- sponsibility, but as he grows and matures he can be held re- sponsible for a larger and more important share of work. Then, a home is a place to be loved. A person in a home is important. He feels this be- cause someone cares for him. The love of a father and moth- er for the child in the home sets this child on the road to maturity. Manners, too, are import- ant and the home should be the place for you to be taught how to act decently at your own home dinner table, or in school, or in any situation. Of course, discipline must be maintained in the home. Sometimes this involves pun- ishment. We expect punish- ment when we do wrong. Dis- cipline is essential for the pro- gress o” the individual. We must leurn to take care of our- selves end to consider others. At Birium Springs it is the purpose of our home to do all these things for two hundred children. Two hundred in a family is what you might call, “The Large Economy Size.” Certainly, it is a large family in anybody’s book. As for me, I have been at Barium four short years. No one can say that I have not appreciated it. Of course, there have been rough spots—no home is real- ly peaches and pie all the time. But, at Barium, I soon became accustomed to the routine and I have learned to get along with other boys and gir]s. I like football and Barium offered my first chance at really playing it. Like every- one else, I started off with the midget team. Now I am on the varsity. Being inquisitive and curi- ous kept me from being afraid to come to Barium. In fact, I was eager to see Barium. My brother was ten years old and I was twelve when we walked into the main office that first day to meet Mr. McClure and Miss Carpenter again. A new steam line was being laid, and the campus was marred by ditches and great piles of red dirt because of this. But I wanted to see what kind of children lived here, and I went tv school to find out. For some reason the _ children thought I would be a tall, brawny boy. They somehow thought “McKenzie” sounded like a name of somebody big. Well, when I walked into that schoolroom they had a sur- prise. I could just about walk under the pencil sharpener. After school was over, I gath- ered my bags from the infirm- ary and took them over to Jenny Gilmer Cottage. And so passed my first day. In a football game you have a quarterback who calls the plays. The way he mixes and shuffles the plays has a lot to do with how successful the team is. Someone was now calling the plays for me and really varied them. Since I am from Raleigh and had lived in a city all my life before com- ing to Barium, I knew prac- tically nothing about country life. But that did not keep me from being interested in the dairy. When I was assigned to work there, I had never seen a cow milked or even been in a dairy barn! I could not even pick up a straw bale, though I was soon strong enough to do so. I began as dipbucket car- rier and progressed after a year to a milker. In our spare time we boys played horse shoes at the barn and we would play in the Bale Barn, which was not too good be- cause we sometimes tore up bales of hay. The next play called for me was the orchard. I worked there exactly one day, and be- cause the carpenter shop need- ed another boy I went to work for them for one month. Then T started on what was to be- come my first steady job since the Gairy and one I considered the least interesting. I will ad- mit that housework never ap- pealed to me—sink cleaning was bad enough, but waxing floors and washing windows were the worst. I worked at it for a year, and I know now that it does no one any harm to learn housecleaning. Then, there was a stint of seventeen months of KP! I BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor Fintered as second-class matter, No- vember 15, 1923, at the post office at Barium Springs, N. C., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage, pro- vided for in Section 1108 Act of Octo- ber 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Lone..............President Mrs. Lewis Schenck...V.-President Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr...Secretary Mr. M. C, Benton, Jr.....Winston-Salem Mrs. R. E. Brooks....................Burlington Be, Fs Fh CT rice cette Newton Mrs. David C. Clark...... Rvanoke Rapids Mr. Robert Lee Corbett..... Macclesfield Mrs. Emmett Crook.................... Charlotte Mrs. John Farriot................---.---BUTgaw Mr. Charles T. Hagan, Jr.....Greensboro Reverend W. B. Heyward......... Raeford ee a eS ae Mr, Ennis Jackson... Mr. Fred A. Long......... Mrs. J. H. Matthews.... Gastonia Mrs. W. W._ McGinn....Charlotte, Rt. 4 Mrs. Colon MclLean.............. Washington Mrs. John McNair, Jr.. Laurinburg Reverend J. W. Miller................ Clarkton Mrs. Lewis Schenck.................... Davidson Mrs. Flake Steele............ Winston-Salem Mr. George Stovall...............-... Albemarle was the little big boy of the kitchen. Although it was somewhat like housework, the name of it was different. It was “Kitchen Boy’ instead of “House Boy.” The work on the Kitchen consisted of scrub- bing porches, steps, and pots and pans, and cleaning pan- tries, cabinets and tables with a little loafing thrown in now and then. It was also my job to put the milk on all the tables just before each meal. “Where there is a kitchen, there is food” is my motto. I gained approximately twenty- five pounds in less than a year. Now, for the past few weeks I have been working in the Print Shop where we put out the Barium Messenger. I have quite a variety of jobs, and here is how I would sum them up: from a dairy farm- er to an orchard worker ; from a carpenter to a house cat (as we call them) ; from a chef to a printer’s devil. I hope that this little per- sonal account will give you an idea of what this Home at Ba- rium is doing for all the boys and girls who live here. Some- one has called it a “substitute” home—for me it has been a good substitute. Now that I am a junior in school I have not much longer to stay here. To live you have to make pro- gress, aud going out into the world is making progress, but leaving Barium will not be easy, because I will be leaving home. DENTAL SUMMARY FOR JULY THROUGH DECEMBER 1956 Students involved Appointments Total surfaces restored Prophylaxis Radiographs Gold Inlays Root canal fillings Pulpotomy Surfaces restored amalgam (Permanent) Surfaces restored Deciduous amalgam Surfaces restored silicate cement Space maintainers or minor appliances Appliance repairs or alterations ND oc sisaih cis chcnicdsetsacciine Orthodontic cases started (Dr. H. V. Davenport) sialic 1 *All but two of these extractions were for Orthodontic pur- poses. JANUARY 1957 COTTAGE NEWS (Continued from Page One) have been writing “thank you” letters now. Since the dining-room and dish-hall girls worked after every meal during the _ holi- days, Miss Taylor let about five girls off at a time, with five other girls taking their places. The five girls who were off could stay in bed as long as they wanted to and did not have to go to the din- ing-room. Our housemother let us fix our own breakfast when we wanted to. Several times the toast was burned black. One time it was Shirley Faulk and the other time it was Sue Moore. Linda Utsman, one of our girls, has been so jumpy since Christmas because of a big, lovely bride doll which Santa brought her—or at least we think that is it—we hope it is not her “brain.” Margaret Ramsey and Linda Bridgers both got a cooking set for Christmas and can _ hardly wait to bake a cake. Linda Florence and Marsha Ivey are the only ones from our cot- tages who have been sick in the infirmary so far .. Janet Woodall has been supervising in the dish-hall in Addie Mc- Ewen’s place since Addie is a senior and was away on the Christmas week-end. Peggy Jo Utsman, Patsy Mace, Mary Blalock, and Linda Ivey, some of our smaller girls in the cot- tage, have been playing with their Christmas toys and al] are proud of them. Bernice Kuykendall, our only senior, is on her Christmas week-end, Our housemother got a rec- ord player for Christmas. The Lottie Walker Girls Quad News “Strong legs run that weak legs may walk.” Anyone who has been to the annual Shrine Bowl in Charlotte knows that slogan. The Quad boys do, for we have seen many a Shrin- er’s classic. It was, as always, a lot of fun. In case you don’t know who won, North Caro- lina beat South Carolina. Basketball practice was in progress by that time. We played three games before Christmas. Christmas was right around the corner. We were writing Christmas let- ters before we knew it. Along with Christmas, different things were happening, like the Christmas program given by the Third Grade. Charles Ward, a Quad boy, was asked to sing “The Christmas Song.” He has a very fine voice and that is an under- statement. “Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” Morning came faster than us- ual because at 6:30 on Christ- mas Day we went to church, which was succeeded by a simple breakfast. The bell was tapped to leave the dining- room. Immediately the dining- THE BARIUM MESSENGER room was transformed into a cheerful stream of darting minnows. Finally, came pres- ent-giving-out time. Everyone from the cradle to almost the grave was excited. Every boy here had a merry Christmas for sure. We boys hope you did also Pine needles and _ cones brighter with snow spray; golden, silver and vivid red tin foil; bright red and white and green candles sparkling with glitter; the traditional tree clothed in a garment of angel hair, buttons of every hue and color of Christmas lights to make the silvery tin- sel glisten; and gay images of Santa Claus and his reindeer sprayed on the windows; walls brightened by numerous Christmas cards; and, of course, stockings hanging at the fireplace, made for the Christmas air at Quads. The rest of the campus came to see our cottage and we went to see theirs. There was always some- thing to do during the holi- days. We worked in the morn- ing, but not in the afternoon. Skating or basketball was go- ing on all day at the Gym. We did that for the rest of the year! I’d say that is as good Way as any to end a year. We boys wish you a Happy New Year! The Quad Boys Melvin McKenzie MEMORIALS FOR CHURCH Adams, Mr. Lawrence, Concord Mrs. J. Archie Cannon Allen, Mrs. C. C., Marshville Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Cirele No. 17, Charlotte Allison, Mr. James Clement, San Antonia, Texas Mrs. W. H. Allison Ardrey, Mrs, Blanche R., Pineville Miss Janie Young, Lowell Arrowood, Miss Ida, Bessemer City Miss Margaret Tiddy, Shelby Ashworth, Mr, J. H., Fayetteville Mrs. Celestine M. Plummer Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Plummer Miss Zula Rankin Mr. W. Vardell Williamson Lucile and Chester Williams and Family Baker, Mrs. Paul W., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Hill, Greenville, S. C. Barber, Mr. E. W., Rutherfordton Misses Catherine Dickerson and Louise Goodbread Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Summerell, Gastonia Blossom, Mrs. Catherine B., Castle Hayne Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux, Wil- mington Bossinger, Mr, Dan, Little Rock, Ar- kansas Mr. and Mrs, T. N. McLauchlin, Raeford Brock, Mrs, T. N., Mount Airy Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Merritt Mr, and Mrs, G. B. Sydnor Brown, Dr. Clarence E., Faith Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks- Ville Brown, Mr. L. N., Troutman Mr. and Mrs. D. L, Raymer, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Raymer, Statesville Bullock, Mr. Henry Franklin, Fay- etteville Mrs. H, Franklin Bullock Cameron, Mrs. Janie Keith, Camer- on Circle No. 1, Cypress Pres. Church Cannon, Mr. J. Archie, Concord Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Holding Miss Mary FE, Young. Davidson Mr, and Mrs. Frank L. Ridenhour Mrs. Margie M. Watts Carriker, H. F., Jr., Charlotte Mr, wnd Mrs. W. E. Price Dr. William O, Johnston Carson, Reverend R. S., Mooresville Reverend and Mrs. W. E, West Celey, Mrs. Easley, South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Johnston, Jr., Moeresville Chandler, Mr. R. L., Sr., Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harper Mr. and Mrs. James A. Douglas Clark, Miss Alice, Charlotte Mrs. Thomas Woods Clark, Mr. Horace G., Reidsville Mr. and Mrs. J. Watt Womack Clifton, Mrs. Hattie May, Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. James A. Douglas Southern Pines ’ Cline, Mr. Adam A., Charlotte The Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Circle No, 14 Cobb, Mr. Adele Aliison, San An- tonia, Texas Mrs. W. H. Allison Cobb, Mrs. W. H., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Seavy Highsmith, dt Mrs. Seavy Highsmith Mrs. John H. Merritt, Sr., Rox- boro Coburn, Mrs. Julia Ervin, Morgan- ton Mrs. Dorothy H. Avery, Canton Collier, Mr. Burnett R., Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken, States- ville Mr. L. A. Parks, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson, Statesville Emporia, Colliver, Mr. C. W., Sarasota, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. S. Kempton Cothran, Mr. B. C., Fayetteville Mr. W. Vardell Williamson Cousar, Mr. Hugh Chariton, Max- ton M1, and Mrs. W. A. Johnson Cox, Mr. Edward David, Mt. Holly Mr. and Mrs. Lattie L. Harkey Cox, Mr. X. H., Morganton Cirele No. 5, First Pres. Church Craig, Mrs. John M., Gastonia The MeNairs Craig, Mrs, R. A., Odd, Virginia Mr. and Mrs, T. N. McLauchlin, taeford Craig, Mr. W. G., Wilmington Mr and Mrs. Clyde B. Case Cranfill, Mr. Paul C., Lumberton The Women of Smallwood Pres. Church, Charlotte Craven, Mr. George K., Clarkton Mrs. Thomas Woods Dalrumple, Mr. Jim, Sanford Mrs. Margaret Vick, Cameron Davidson, Mr. George T., Moores- ville Mr. Zeb V. Turlington Davis, Mr. Archie, Fairmont Mr. F. M. Davis and Family, Lum- berton Denny, Mr. John, Roseboro Mr. W. S. Wilkinson, Rocky Mount Dick, Mrs. Henry V., Charlotte Miss Mary E. Young, Davidson Draffin, Mr. James W., Rock Hill, Ss, C. Mr. and Mrs. Charlotte John W. Jones, Easterling, Mrs. E. B., Rowland Mrs. L. P. Richards Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wylie, Lan- caster, S. C. Edgerton, Mrs. Milo J., Godwin Mr. and Mrs, Tarlton G. Braxton Eiliott, Mr. Benjamin W., Durham Mr, and Mrs. A, Q. Alexander, Chariotte Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Elliott, Ver- non, Texas Mrs. Cynthia DeArmon, Charlotte Escott, Mr. Albert, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Rodgers Mrs, Mary Parks Stewart Mr. «nd Mrs. Joe W. Thompson Mr. John C. Thompson Eubanks, Mr. Floyd, Red Springs Mrs, P. P. MeCain Fannelty, Mrs. Nannie, Mount Olive The James H. Williams Family Farrell, Mr. John, Wilmington Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T, Sin- clair, Jr. Faust, Mrs. E. G., Newark, New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mrs, J. H. Matthews, Gastonia Ferguson, Mr. John R., Clarkton Mrs. Thomas Woods, Charlotte Foster, Mrs. J. S., Concord Mrs. Ray Hull Fuller, Mrs. Cora, Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harper Gammon, Mr. Rurik G., Tarboro William and Mary Hart Pres. Church Women Garrison, Mrs. Jake, Waxhaw Misses Margaret and Georgia Cathey, Belmont Gaston, Mrs. T. P., Asheville Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Plyler, Salis- bury Gaw, Lois Boyd (Mrs. Harry) San- ford Family of Lois Boyd (Mrs, Har- ry) Gaw, Chapel Hill Ghigo, Miss Anita, Valdese Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pons Valdese High School Glaesner, Mr. R. J., Sr., Opa Locka, Florida Women of the First Pres. Church, High Point PAGE THREE Gordon, Mrs. Nannie, West End Mrs. Claude Auman, Treva and Tressie Graham, Mrs. Katherine Ann McF., Fayetteville Ada West Bible Class of Highland Pres. Church Graham, Mrs. Sallie Cox, Lumber Bridge Mr, and Mrs. Roger F., Hall Graves, Mr. George C., Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harper Gregory, Mrs, C. E., Celina, Ohio Mrs. E. D, Alexander, Morganton Grier, Mr, Brown, Charlotte Miss Emma Goodman, Mount Ulla Grey, Mr. George T., Charlotte Women of Plaza Presbyterian Church Hall, Miss Elizabeth D., Belmont Mr. and Mrs. Boyce L. Maynard Mr, and Mrs. O. J. McKnight Hall, Mr. W. B., Charlotte Mrs, J. Lester Ranson Hamilton, Mr. Charles E., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mrs. S. A. Robinson Harden, Mrs. Katie Belvin, Roxboro Mrs, S. W. Inman Jr., Florence, 8. C. Harris, Dr. Andrew H., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Hatcher, Mrs. J. B., Gaffney, S. C. Mr, and Mrs, Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Turner, Jr., Charlotie Healy, Mr. H. B., Lynchburg, Vir. ginia Maggie Rose Bible Class, st Pres. S. S., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Soffe, Fay- etteville Circle No. 12, Women of the Church, First Pres. Church, Fayetteville Mr. W. Vardell Williamson, Fay- etteville Dr. and Mrs. Frank N. Evans, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Frederic §. Dixon, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hunter, Fay- etteville Executive Board, Women of the First Pres. Church, Fayetteville Helms, Mrs. J. H., Matthewe Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Hunter, Charlotte Henderson, Mr. Y. C., Dunn Mrs. W. E. Baldwin, Sr., White- ville Hines, Miss Mamie, Wilson Mrs. M. R. Robbins, Rocky Mount Holmes, Mr. James L., Statesville Miss Marianna Long, Durham Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Smith, Troutman Houston, Mrs. Belle, Mooresville Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Johnston Mr. H. N. Johnston, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Allred Mr, and Mrs. Frank B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. J, G. Kennerly Mrs. P. W. Troutman and Martha, Hickory Mr and Mrs. R. H. Northrop, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Warren Presson, Charlotte PAGE FOUR Houston, Miss Elizabeth, Lowrance, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mooresville Miss Kate C. Templeton, Moores- ville Norman, Houston, Mr. Joe, Troutman Mr. and Mrs. George M. Young Misses Janie and Lucile Young Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Hand, Lowell Howard, Mr. Dan, Hampstead Dr. Robert M. Fales, Wilmington Howard, Mr. E. W., Mooresville Mrs. D. H. Edwards and Jane, Red Oak Hoyle, Mrs. Marcus, Cherryville Mrs. D. E. Hipp, Charlotte Hubbard, Mr. G. F., Fayetteville Miss Lucile Young, Troutman Hubbard, Mr. Joe, Clinton Mrs. H. T. Lowe Hughes, Mrs. L. A., Charlotte Miss Hattie Alexander Irwin, Mr. John R., Jr., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Clarkson Jackson, Mrs. Laurence Paul, Dunn Mr. and Mrs, Tarlton G. Braxton, Godwin Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hemingway, Godwin Miss Marguerite McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. McLellan Wade, Godwin Godwin Presbyterian Sunday School, Godwin Johnson, Mrs. Oscar, Cherokee, lowa Mr. and Mrs. James A. Douglas, Southern Pines Johnston, Miss Louise, Fayetteville Mrs. W. D. and Lynda Templeton Kavanagh, Mrs. Wm. P., Salisbury Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks- ville Kirkpatrick, Reverend G. F., Blen- heim, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Max- ton Mayor Rufus R. Smith, Maxton Commissioners: Russell E. Hel- lekson, Maxton Nancy M. Correll, Maxton W. Howard Hasty, Maxton Clerk and Treas. C. H. Whitlock, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. Maxton George Stearns, Kiser, Mr. W. M., Concord Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howie Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Howie, Harrisburg Knox, Mr. James W., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. I, L. Shaver Mr. and Mrs. Dan Caudle League, Mrs. W. F., Princeton, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Kempton and Madge, Sarasota, Fla. Leary, Mr. B. C., Hampstead Drs. W. C. Mebane and R, T. Sin- clair, Jr., Wilmington Lee, Mr. A. J., Sr., Wilmington Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T. Sin- clair, Jr, Lee, Mrs. Ella, Bulls Gap, Tennes- see Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, Lowell Mrs. C. H. Hand, Lowell Mrs. J. W. Lowry Mrs. J. A. Lowry Mrs. S, J. Hand Miss Janie Young, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beam, Lowell Lester, Ricky, Raleigh William and Mary Hart Auxiliary, Tarboro Lewis, Mr. James Taylor, Farmville Helen, Christine, and MHuldah Smith, Fountain Circle No. 8, The Business Girls Circle, Howard Memorial Pres. Church, Tarboro Lingle, Dr. Walter L., Davidson Miss Mary E. Young Lockey, Mrs, J. F., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Hall, Lum- ber Bridge Lockhart, Mr. Vernon, Monroe Mrs. Lily A. Dandridge Long, Mrs. G. M., Goldsboro Mr. G. M, Long Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Lewis, Richmond, Va. Love, Mr. Cook, Charlotte New Adult Class of Cook’s Memo- rial Pres. Church McClure, Mr. Albert H., Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. Reinard Harkema McConnell, Mrs. A. J., Charlotte Mrs. T. B. Powers McDonald, Mrs. Frank, St. Pauls Mrs. Joe Sugar McGee, Mr. Frank, Charlotte Miss Hattie Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Hamer McGoogan, Mrs. B. J., Morven Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Steagall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Steagall Mrs. W. Q. Davis Miss Janette McQueen McIntosh, Mr. H. L., Fayetteville Mrs. Celestine M. Plummer Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Plummer Mr. W. Vardell Williamson McLean, Mr. Robert A., Mount Olive and Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Dail, Maccles- field Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Corbett, Mac- clesfield McLennan, Mr. Ruffin Braxton, Greensboro Miss Elisabeth Houston McNeill, Mrs. W. H., Sr., Aberdeen Mr. M. H. Folley Mr. Claude T. Johnson McPhaul, Mr. A. M., Maxton Mr. S. A. McRimmon, Laurinburg Martin, Mr. Harry T., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Winchester, Jr. Mayes, Mrs. George S., Huntersville Mr. Otis C. Gray Meroney, Mr. and Mrs, C. F., Mocks- ville Mrs. Cooper Edwards, Columbia, S. C. Messer, Mrs. E. B., Sr., Kannapolis Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Circle No. 16, Charlotte Mizzell, Mr. Frank, Aberdeen Mr. M. H. Folley, Southern Pines Mr. Claude T. Johnson and Fam- ily Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. McKeith- en Mrs. Henrietta Courtway and Mrs. Drexel THE BARIUM MESSENGER Morris, Mr. W. L., Gastonia Fraternal Order of Eagles Murray, Mrs. Katherine Shaw, Greensboro Sunday School of Westminster Pres. Church, Lynchburg, Va. Miss Juanita McInnis, Mooresville Miss Rebekah Carpenter, Barium Springs Mr, L. Z. Collier, Sardis Pres. Church, Linden Dr. and Mrs. E, E. Gillespie Naylor, Mr. Osco, Godwin Miss Cleva Godwin Newton, Mrs. M. L., Charlotte Dr. W. B. Mayer O’Quinn, Dr. H., Cameron Stevens Milling Company, Broad- way Page, Mrs. Mary Callum, Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth Houston Patterson, Mr. J. P., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Kar] T. Deaton Payne, Mr. Tom, Washington Mr, and Mrs. Dan Cratch Peterson, Mrs. Roy, Washington Mr, and Mrs. Dan Crateh Pope, Mr. James A., Catawba Reverend and Mrs. A. B. Me- Clure, Barium Springs Miss Rebekah Carpenter, Barium Springs Women of Little Joe’s Presbyter- ian Church, Barium Springs Powers, Cecil H., Jr., Godwin Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Braxton Mr. and Mrs. Mack Royal Miss Cleva Godwin Mrs, Annie Godwin Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hemingway Miss Marguerite McIntyre Godwin Pres. Sunday School and Circle No. 2, Women of the Church Price, Mr. D, Beattie, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Purdy, Paul Lee, Greensboro Miss Rebecca Ritchie, Statesville Ramsay, Mrs. John E., Salisbury Miss Mary E. Young Ramsey, Mr. Roscoe W., Columbus, Ohio Reverend and Mrs. Robert R. Col- lins, Barium Springs Rea, Mr, J. Lathan Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ardrey Rhyne, Mr, R. G., Newton The Thomas W. Springs Family, Mount Holly Rich, Mr. Yancey, Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harper, Southern Pines Richmond, Mr. Maury, Concord Miss Mary E. Young, Davidson Ring, Mrs, J. W., Roanoke, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, Concord Robertson, Mrs. Waldo P., Concord Plainview Pres. Church, Angier Berea Pres, Church, Angier Providence Pres. Church, Angier Robinson, Mr. Jack, Clinton Mrs. H. T. Lowe Rose, Mrs. John M., Fayetteville Dr. and Mrs. David B. Sloan, Wil- mington Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hubbard, Sr., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Dixon Mr. and Mrs, J. Harvey Oliver, Jr. Rumple, Mr. Walter Gibson, Kan- napolis Sarah Pharr Class, Rocky River Pres. Church, Concord Russell, Mr. John R., Burlington Women of the Lumber Bridge Pres, Church, Lumber Bridge Scull, Mrs. Virgilia Banks, Eliza. beth City Circle No. 1, Cann Memorial Pres. Church Miss Pauline M. Sawyer, Beacon, New York Setzer, Mr. H. C., Charlotte Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Cireles No. 12 and 5 Sharpe, Mrs, Fannie, Statesville Miss Bessie D. Arrowood, Mor- ganton Miss Helen West, Mooresville Mr, and Mrs. E. Ashton Rose, Hopkins, S. C. Circle No. 2, First Pres. Church, Morganton Shuford, Mr. E, H., Jr., Hickory Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Zimmerman, Jr., Charlotte Shuford, Mr, L. L., Forest City Mr. and Mrs. Boyd E. Stout, North Wilkesboro Sifford, Robert G., Charlotte Carrs and Wurzburgs Miss Debby Parrott Mrs. Robert Hervey Lafferty Smith, Mrs, John, Washington Mr. and Mrs, Dan Cratch Smith, Mrs. Samuel W., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wallace, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wallace, Jr., Kinston Sparger, Mrs. George W., Jr., Mt. Airy Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sydnor Spence, Mr. Earle Howard, David- son Mr. and Mrs. Carr McCormack Mr. John B. Gallent Spainhour, Mr. Numa Benson, Jr., Bethania Men’s Class of Covenant Pres. Church, Winston-Salem Stallings, Mrs. J. W., Sr., Harris- burg Mr. and Mrs, Frank Howie Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Howie Stevenson, Mr. Harry, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. T. N. McLauchlin, Raeford Swift, Mrs. Florence, Mooresville Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Bittinger Taylor, Miss Fannie, Greensboro Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Gillespie Thomas, Mr. Harry S., Forest City, Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. Roger Grier, Gas- tonia Thompson, Miss Hattie, Davidson Miss Mary BE. Young Thompson, Mr. R. I., Hickory Mrs. Alice Tierney Thompson, Mr. W. A., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross Mrs. Henry E. Matthews, Gas- tonia JANUARY 1957 Townsend, Mrs. James, Greensboro Miss Elisabeth Houston Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Walters Vincent, Mrs. Joe, Sr., Mebane Miss Emma S. Harris and Mrs. W. W. Corbett Circle No. 2, Mebane Pres. Church Wade, Mrs. Mary Pope, Dunn Mr. and Mrs. McLellan Wade, Godwin Wall, Mrs. G. O., Boiling Springs Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Blanton, Shelby Warren, Mrs. Annie, Concord Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Youngblood Warren, Mr. Victor A., Burlington Miss Agnes Curtis Watt, Mr. W. W., Belmont Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Stowe, Jr., and Boys Mrs. H. L. Dickson Whitley, Mr. 0. G., Sr., Albemarle Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Allred, Greensboro Circle No, 1, First Pres. Church, Albemarle Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Little Dr. and Mrs. Edward Brunson Margaret Watts Circle No. 1, Al- bemarle First Pres. Church Whitesides, Little Lula Memphis, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. McLauchlin, Renee, Raeford Wilkins, Mr. Barnett, Montgomery, Alabama Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis Craig, Gastonia Williams, Mr. Chas. O., Davidson The Women of Plaza Presbyter- ian Church and Circle No. 15, Charlotte Williams, Mr. J. Harvey, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Siler City Wilson, Mrs. James E., Wilmington Mrs. Mae Fisher Winfree, Mr. John H., Greensboro Miss Lettie Glass Withers, Mr. James, Anderson, S. C. The Women of Central Steele Woodside, Mrs. Tom, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. T. N. McLauchlin, Raeford Young, Mrs. Robert, Concord Miss Mary E. Young, Davidson Zerbach, Mrs. H. H., Forest City Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harper, South- ern Pines IN HONOR OF Sheppard, Mrs. Hugh, Wilson Mrs. M. R. Robbins, Rocky Mount OPERATING MEMORIALS Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND Love, Mr. B. C., Charlotte Women of Paw Creek Pres. Church Irwin, Mr. John, Charlotte Circle No. 10, Caldwell Memorial Pres. Church Barium Messenger VOL. 36 CONTRACT LET FOR TWO NEW COTTAGES The Buildings and Grounds Committee met at Barium Springs on January 29th to open the bids for the new cot- tages. The Wagoner Construc- tion Company of Salisbury was low bidder and was awarded the contract. The two cottages will be rebuilt in the same places where the old ones stood and will be one story fireproof buildings. Spe- cial effort has been made to make them as home-like as it is possible to do so for the sixteen children who will live there. There will be eight rooms for two children to the room, a housemother’s room, dining-room, kitchen, and liv- ing-room, and back porch and play area. The dining-room, at present, will serve as a study hall and playroom. If there should ever arise a time in the future when each cottage needed to be self-contained, the cottage would be ready for it. The architects of J. N. Pease & Company, of Char- lotte have given study to the location of these two buildings and their type of structure as a kind of beginning for addi- tional buildings if and when they are to be built. The one- story fireproof building is to be the pattern for all future construction. It is planned to have these buildings ready for occupancy in July or August of this year. It is hoped that the children can be ready to take up resi- dence as they return from their vacation a little after the middle of July. TEN HOLSTEINS ADDED TO HERD The boys of the dairy barn are mighty proud of the ten new Holsteins which were ad- ded to the dairy herd during January. Mr. James K. Glenn of Winston-Salem, N. C. has taken a special interest in the quality of Barium’s milking herd. His last gift included three cows, four bred heifers, and three yearlings. This fine addition will enable Mr. Ar- thur Hanks, the dairyman, to move toward his desired goal of increasing the out-put of the milk by improving the quality of his herd. Since the Home is required to serve processed milk and since it is deemed inadvisable to erect a processing plant on the campus, it is necessary to produce and sel] the raw milk and buy back the processed milk from the local dairies. BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., FEBRUARY 1957 THESE ARE HAPPY MOODS AN T Meas Vitite No. 2 D THEY ARE TYPICAL OF LIFE AT BARIUM NEWS FROM THE COTTAGES Lottie Walker 2nd Floor Hello Everyone, Here we are back again with our news. We have all had a good time going to birthday parties this month. We have two birthdays in February, which are Ronald Brown and Michael Roderick. We all were very glad that our girls won the basketball game. The other team was Spencer. The score was 48-49. The last of the game was very thrilling. We won by just one point. The boys played a good game, too. Today our Junior Varsity team played their first game. The girls won, the boys lost. We all hope it snows again. Last time it snowed we all had fun sliding and snowball fighting. Though some of our seats were sore, we still en- joyed sliding on the icy side- walks. Six of our boys made the honor roll. We hope more make it next time. Tonight we saw a film in Church with the title of “As The Twig Is Bent”. It was very good. Several days ago, we had our “check-ups”. Most of our boys were in good condition. Well, this about winds up our news for this month. Ronald Brown and the Boys of Lottie Walker Second Floor. The Bee Tree Hi— Here’s the Bee Tree again— Mama Bee and thirteen lit- tle Bees, and all so very hap- It is a good thing we are not real bees—for if we had been we would probably have missed our check-up last week. The doctor said to our last group of girls, “You just sparkle!” We do, too, we are full of milk and all the other good foods. Five of our girls are in the fifth grade and this grade gave a program on January 25th. Certainly. we felt good when so many people told us that it was a good program. Six little Bees made the Honor Roll — you guess who is glad and who is sad over that situation! Mama Bee got stuck to the sewing machine — or should we say “mending machine’. We little Bees are pretty rough on clothes. Our cottage, along with everyone else on the camp- us, is very proud of our Youth Feliowship. They led our Worship Service in such a beautiful way last Sun- day that we wonder if we can ever grow up to be half as good, We all write this column to- gether and when the Messeng- er comes out we crowd all ov- er to see how it looks in print. Love to all you good people who support and love us. The Bee Tree Howard Cottage Hi There— We're back again. We all feel refreshed after the holi- days, and are doing some real hard studying. The Junior Varsity has played its first game in bas- ketball. Brenda Shepherd, Vivki Brafford, and Elva Medlin made the team and were scared almost to death at the thought of playing in front of everyone. We won! Score—36 to 21. (Continued on Page Two) BARIUM SPRINGS TAKES OVER NORTH PIEDMONT LEAD By JERRY JOSEY Statesville Record & Landmark Sports Editor ASHEBORO. — Forward Charles Ward shot, missed his mark, grabbed the rebound off the floor and shot again with 12 seconds left on the clock. This time he found his tar- get. Barium Springs’ Tornadoes took over sole possession of the North Piedmont Confer- ence top spot in the resulting 56-54 victory on Ward’s field goal. It couldn’t have happen- ed at a better time. Asheboro had one other chance, but threw a bad pass out of bounds and that was it. The victory for Coach Ar- chie Calhoun’s boys was sweet revenge for a 59-384 de- feat—their only North Pied- mont loss of the season—that Asheboro pinned on them in their opening game this sea- son. Since then, the Tornadoes have swept through the con- eal opposition untouch- ed, An Asheboro rally in the fourth—plus the fact that two starters had fouled out and another was on the bench— almost cost the Tornadoes as the Blue Comets put on a fine stretch drive in the fourth. They pressed all the way to cut down Barium’s 47-34 lead at the start of the period. Barium’s defense held Asheboro well in check in the first half, limiting the Comets to only four field goals. But the fine defensive work cost them heavily in fouls. Walter “Dub” Plyler, the fine center of the Tornadoes who is counted upon to supply the of- fensive punch, had four fouls on him in the first two min- utes of the second quarter. Plyler sat out the remainder of the half, coming back to lead Barium in the third per- iod, only to foul out with 30 seconds gone in the fourth stanza, Still the little center with springs in his legs racked up 25 points to lead the Barium victory. It turned out to be somewhat of a duel between Asheboro’s Bennie Voncannon and Plyler. Voncannon, play- ing the entire game, sank 28 points, 10 on foul shots. Plyler grabbed 25, sinking 13 of 17 foul shots in the total. Both were rebounding well, along with Lawton Rice, Ronnie Hudgins and LeNair Burns of Barium and Ronald Henson and Tee Redding of Asheboro. Shotwise, Barium gained the edge with 19 of 46 field goal attempts and 18 of 28 foul shots finding their mark. Asheboro hit 16 of 60 field goal attempts and 22 of 38 foul shots. The first quarter proved decisive for Barium. They hit six of 12 field goal attempts and 11 of 14 foul shots to spring into a 23-13 lead. Ashe- boro managed only two of 12 field goal attempts and nine of 18 foul shots. That later re- sulted in the difference. Asheboro grabbed the lead at the outset and held it for 2:30 of the first period and it was knotted three times. Plyl- er’s two foul shots tied it up at 5-5, Ronnie Hudgins dropped in a rebound, Plyler hit two straight goals and two foul shots for a 13-5 lead with 4:04 left in the quarter, (Continued on Page Three) PAGE TWO UNDER THE STEEPLE- Nuggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE'S CHURCH REV. ROBERT R. COLLINS, Mimsster Assembly’s Youth Sunday is always one of the high-lights in the year for me. At this time the retiring members of the Senior High Fellowship Council conduct the morning worship hour in Little Joe’s Church and at the close of this service the new Council members are installed in a candle-light service. The theme for our Senior High Youth this year is ‘‘Christ- ian Brotherhood’, which ties in closely with the Forward With Christ Emphasis for the entire church of “Christian Citizen- ship’. Throughout the entire program on January 27th I was moved as | heard the young people express in their own words the Christian experiences and convictions which are theirs. This marked the third year of observing Assembly’s Youth Sunday since I have been pastor of Little Joe’s Church and I could look back and remember these same young people as they were beginning their Senior High development three years ago. Under the guidance of Christian cottage mothers, parents, church and public school teachers, campus workers, and the leadership of the total program of the church these young people have broadened their concept of Christian respon- sibility and soon will move out into other churches with the faith they have found through the witness of the church. My reason for mentioning all of this is because of your relationship to Little Joe’s Church and the Presbyterian Or- phans’ Home. Our witness here depends greatly upon each of you. | refer not so much to your gifts of money, although these are essential, but particularly to your continued concern and regular prayers for our work with these young people who are given into the keeping of the Synod of North Carolina. Many of these boys and girls would receive little or no Christ- ian guidance were it not for this Home and this Church. From the Presbyterian Orphans’ Home we have exactly 100 resident church members, in addition to an equal number who attend our services but who are not yet old enough to join the church. In comparison we have only sixty-five resident adult members over twenty-one years of age. Yet, into our hands is com- mitted the wonderful privilege and opportunity of leading more than two-hundred young people to mature faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. At Little Joe’s Church we do not shrink back from this tremendous responsibility. But as we offer our thanks to God who has given us the task and who will also supply the strength to carry out His work, we most sincerely urge you to remember each day the family that is yours, Under The Steeple. RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBER, 1956 Presbytery Church s. §. Women ¥.P. Total ALBEMARLE PID oii s crete cderecesee 50.00 13.00 63.00 TREBEGRIVINE occscccoonss 932.52 74.00 55.19 1061.71 CONCORD BORIS | ccvcicsccicrees is 418.26 11.00 454.26 PHA RGMVIDUE ccccesscsvcos.os $324.63 96.49 120.59 8541.71 FAYETTEVILLE MMA IAE | ciciovccncsecsssinttcnsivicne 538.77 430.70 85.67 1055.14 "TORDESBIVING ~--:--<ccerersee 2599.14 1139.92 1285.70 5024.76 GRANVILLE Ty icrtsercsenais 180.27 130.74 6.00 317.01 TERR RSRIVINE scccesceseennee 1927.96 434.12 74.71 2436.79 KINGS MOUNTAIN PED ire catesswccsitnnsseevsiens 70.17 108.86 29.25 10.00 218.28 THAR RARIVING oo<cencccoccce 298.80 22.93 176.75 5.00 503.48 MECKLENBURG Regular Midland daemons 798.11 1062.49 145.90 2006.50 TREDESRIVINE oveveccccss.ss 6015.29 528.07 819.59 7362.95 ORANGE POR covncecissnscossevecsisstxee 578.57 76.04 229.00 883.61 "TRAREOBIVING ...cisccccenes 2060.01 21.00 252.12 2333.13 WILMINGTON PE IIE ascccsiscsencncnsssscctersse 339.98 1071.81 164.70 1576.49 "PRATEORIVINEG ..cceccssecssese 1194.88 409.85 522.55 2127.28 WINSTON-SALEM PRCBUIRE asics. 727.67 63.19 52.45 843.31 Thanksgiving ....... 1221.56 578.04 428.47 2228.07 March Birthdays Charles Allen .............. 3- 6-47 Benny Joyner .............. 3-29-47 BARIUM MESSENGER WIE BHCRG inn ccccccccssccss 8-26-46 thi : ertan a asm oo) Home Nancy Finley .............. 3-28-50 REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor David Blalock aes uses oe 8-29-45 Entered as ger gr og ae nap #4 Donald MSIBIOCK ......c00s00 38-29-45 vember 15, 1923, at the post office a' Bill Raunells ; 3. 8-45 Bari Springs, N. C., under the act co a ee of August ut ie Seen Ld Wilson Bush ................ 3- 9-49 ate of postage, - vided for in’ Section 1108 Act of Octo- Patsy Porter Pests eueenuite 3-18-44 ber 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. Jackie Taylor oat 3-10-43 en ere, ae saent Connie WeDD ................ 3-28-49 . Bi ¢ BAONEG..ccccveseceses siden is, iste Meee Prenae 6. ea Uteman ............ 3-24-47 Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr..Secretary Richard McKenzie ...... 8. 7-42 Kenneth Utsman ........ 3-12-46 Charles Ward .............. 8-17-40 THE BARIUM MESSENGER COTTAGE NEWS (Continued from Page One) The choir had a party on Wednesday and we ali enjoy- ed it very much. For an ice- breaker we played a game. They pinned the name of a movie star or a person in a comic strip on our backs. Mr. A. M. was Dennis The Men- ace. Doesn’t it fit him? Bye for now, The Bean Stringers Rumple Hall Cottage Hi Friends— It has been quite awhile since you have heard from us, but here we are again. We got report cards about a week ago. Even though only five of our girls made the hon- or roll, every one brought up their grades and made pretty good report cards. Today we were honored with the pre- sence of a foreign exchange teacher at school. She is a Persian teacher and we will not ruin her name by trying to spell it. Several of our girls have yrone out for Junior Varsity Basketball. They are very im- patiently waiting for their first game which will be on Wednesday. A few weeks ago some of our Belmont friends came up and visited on the campus. The Pioneers had supper and a meeting with them. On Sun- day night Dr. Workman from Davidson spoke to our Young People. We are all very fond of Dr. Workman and enjoy- ed his talk. Some of the girls were ex- perimenting in the kitchen and found out that fudge will not yet hard if you do not go by directions. Sunday was Assembly’s Youth Sunday and our Young People had the Church Pro- gram and tried to show the ecngregation what we have done in the Senior High Fel- lowship this past year. One of our girls, Edna Evans, was in- stalled on the Council at this service. This is all of the news for now, so good-bye. The Rumple Hall Girls FEBRUARY 1957 MY LIFE AT BARIUM BERNICE KUYKENDALL At the age of seven, I came to Barium from another or- phanage, and unlike most newcomers, I was not afraid. I had become acquainted with large groups, but not one quite so large as the family at Barium. The day I arrived I was taken to the old camp on the Catawba River where all the children my age were enjoy- ing themselves swimming and playing. One girl I noticed, who was then about eight, had lipstick and rouge caked on her face so that I could hardly tell what she looked like. I talked to her for awhile and HONOR ROLL Period Ending Jan. 14, 1957 First Grade: Jerry Flor- ence, Wayne Taylor, Nancy Finley, Linda Roberts. Second Grade: Bobby Neill, Charles Hyde, Connie Crews, Connie Webb. Third Grade: Al Blake, Bob Ruff, Belle Calhoun, Patsy Mace, Emily Sue McClure. Fourth Grade: Gordon Brown, Bobby Grier, Larry Wilkins, Lou Anna Bridges, Karen Crews, Linda Sue Med- lin, Judy Pinkston, Elsie Ran- nells, Judith Rutledge, Sherry Ross. rifth Grade: Billy Finley, Kenneth Davis, Charles Ford, Jimmy Gregory, Chick Herit- age, Forest Spencer, Walt Snead. Sixth Grade: Susie Black- burn, Sue Bush, Linda Byrd, Linda Florence, Peggy Brid- gers, Jane Webb, Sam Flor- ence, Mike Morgan, Stanley Muse, Bill Rannells, Joey Vec- chio. Seventh Grade: Henry Bridgers, Howard Cox, Char- les Donaldson, Douglas Fin- ley, Mary Jane Bolton, Shirley Ann Faulk, Ellen Neill, Betty Lou Rutledge. Highth Grade: Faye Hicks, Beverly Hyde, Marcia Lewis, Sue Moore. Eleventh Grade: Harold Evans, Tom Finley, Peggy Sellers. Twelfth Grade: Mac Mc- Clure, Lawton Rice, Oscar Utsman, Nancy Kyles, Addie McEwen. RECEIPTS FOR JANUARY, 1957 Presbytery Church ALBEMARLE FOURS sie seaioenncnes 850.00 "URBURORIVING vccsccsactessvsce 2353.10 CONCORD MORGANE clinics 50.00 "ERMURBZIVING sisiescciccc 131.52 FAYETTEVILLE RUOIRS © dricccsdhcbnsnrccesinciin 2439.05 "TRADERS RIVING oc csccsicccssesnns 4044.10 GRANVILLE PIED sivinciccivabvenisavessina 905.67 TEOURORIVIDG 6 crccsecrncc 4784.92 KINGS MOUNTAIN PUORUIRE icc.nicocinininc Wee Thanksgiving . fexpoeasiccheviuel 7726.38 MECKLENBURG ROIS sass ccaptenersccussevennes 2043.65 "RROUBBRIVING scccccancssested 4402.81 ORANGE BUG IOE | sisccssclinsivessecomnesonn 1805.32 "WOOD RBRIVIOR sisccssinceesssce 7475.51 WILMINGTON WUE ii cccalivctsitmmnck odes 1290.81 Thanksgiving ...... pseanencui 1821.04 WINSTON-SALEM POON E's cecuceisiticiiniveres 367.54 TBEDERZIVING sicsescrconcries 3138.91 Women Total 150.00 126.00 1126.00 28.00 2381.10 393.44 11.00 454.44 12.00 143.52 376.77 25.00 2840.82 728.02 4772.12 58.28 963.95 4784.92 594.53 372.61 3118.80 268.82 7995.20 1220.13 117.93 3381.71 318.35 1187.77 5908.93 395.77 5.00 2206.09 7475.51 728.79 249.02 2268.62 223.40 174.05 2218.49 169.65 68.01 605.20 398.38 3537.29 never thought that in later years she would become my best girl friend. That night I was taken to the infirmary where I stayed for the first few days, and then I went to the Annie Louise Cottage where I lived for the next two years. I hada housemother who loved her orphan children very much. On the first day I moved to her cottage she brought out the Child’s Catechism and for weeks she drilled me on it un- til I knew every word and could recite it from memory. I was a very proud little girl, two or three Sundays later, when I walked down the aisle of Little Joe’s Church and re- ceived my New Testament and two dollars given by Mr. Belk. Although I already knew my manners well, this house- mother taught me the import- ance of using them. When we would go to church she would always say, “If you get sleepy, just pick one foot off the floor and hold it there.” Or she would say, “If you think you are about to sneeze, put your finger under your nose.” As I grew older I moved on from one cottage to the next, learning something new at each cottage. The cottage which I remember most was Rumple Hall where we learn- ed to wait on tables, scrub floors, and wash dishes. Every now and then I hear someone say that we were the meanest group on the campus at that time, but we were not really mean—-we were just full of mischief and always looking for fun. From there 1 moved to the Baby Cottage wnere I helped to take care of ten little boys. Living at the Baby Cottage was a great experience for me because I had a chance to teach them some of the things which I had learned such as saying “thank you,” “yes, ma’am,” and “no, sir.” They also learned to brush their teeth, make up their beds, tie their shoes, and dress them- selves. The little things which they said and did were what made my two years there en- joyable ones, I now live at the Woman’s Building and my job there is to help clean house and work in the kitchen. In the kitchen I help to prepare the food and see that the floor and dishes are clean. Now that I am a senior and spending my last year at Ba- rium Springs, I often wonder what it would have been like to live in a home with my fam- ily. As I think about it, I come to the conciusion that I am living with my family. Though it may be a larger one than most, it has taught me many things that otherwise I might not have known. There has come also the realization that God has put me here himself, and I will strive to make the best possible use of the knowl- edge and experience which my Barium home has given me. st et ot ed or n oS £ US Sa a e e s S et o T & <i oo * FEBRUARY 1957 BARIUM SPRINGS TAKES OVER NORTH PIEDMONT LEAD (Continued from Page One) From that point on, it was all Barium. The Tornadoes rolled up to a 16-point lead in the third as Plyler hit three foul shots and a goal with three minutes gone for a 45-29 lead, Holding a 13-point lead go- ing into the fourth, Asheboro narrowed it down to a 54-45 margin with two minutes to go. Barium was using Jim Bunnell, Randy Shaw and Donald Frazier, along with re- gulars Rice and Ward, when Asheboro moved fast. Goals by Bunnell and Shaw gave them some much-needed con- fidence to weather the storm as Asheboro pressed the inex- perienced trio continuously. Voncannon hit a jump shot; Caviness sank a push shot for 54-49; Donald Lineberry dropped in two foul shots and Tee Redding hit a goal and was fouled by Barium’s Fraz- ier to cut it down to 54-53. With 30 seconds to go, Red- ding’s foul shot knotted it up at 54-54, Barium moved down court. Ward shot and missed and Tornado supporters knew that was it. But the rebound rolled off the fingertips of Voncan- non and Redding and Ward scooped it up off the floor, jumped and shot a perfect basket for 56-54 with 12 sec- onds to go. That final goal was a fit- ting climax to an all-Presby- terian evening at Asheboro. Barium’s girls captured a 65- 58 win over the Comet sex- tette, gaining revenge for a one-point defeat suffered at Johnston Gymnasium earlier. Again Asheboro fouls against Barium paid off. Both were fairly even in field goal attempts with Barium hitting 25 of 67 and Asheboro sink- ing 24 of 67. But Barium’s 15 of 26 from the foul line against Asheboro’s 10 of 21 figured in the final analysis. Both were knotted, 13-13, at the end of the first period. Asheboro pulled into a 32-26 halftime lead and appeared on their way toward sole posses- sion of sixth place in the con- ference standings. Barium rallied in the third period for a one-point lead and moved out front to stay in the fourth stanza on good defensive work by Nancy Kyles, Addie Mc- Ewen, JudyBolton, and Janet Woodall, who was playing with an injured left knee. Dolores Grayson and Shel- by McEwen matched goals in the opening seconds for a 2-2 knot and Bernice Kuyken- dall’s long push shot erased an Asheboro lead and enabled Barium to knot it at 13-13 at the end of the quarter. Gray- son and McEwen again mat- ched goals to open the sec- ond period, but Asheboro, with iittle Jane McGrary hit- ting from the foul line, moved away in the second. Peggy Sellers could well be determined the difference for Barium. The redheaded point- maker had four fouls on her in the first half and only five points. She threw in 20 points in the final half to team with Shelby McEwen and the long clutch shots of Bernice Kuy- kendall to notch Barium’s third win. Barium took the lead with 1:15 left in the third period on Sellers’ foul shot 43-42 af- ter knotting the tally twice. They never trailed from that point, holding a 13-point lead at one point. Grayson, who was pulled by her coach in the third period, came on to spark the Ashe- boro bid in the final half, but couldn’t match Barium’s points after the Tornadoes had built up the lead. ALUMNI NEWS Gene and Thelma Shannon have moved from High Point to Charlotte and are living at 3233 Marlborough Road, West. Born, to Sara Bradshaw and William Jackson, Route 3, Mooresville, N. C. January drd., a daughter, Margaret Elaine. Bennett Baldwin is now liv- ing in Darlington, S. C. Joe Ben Gibbs has accepted a job with the State Highway at the Weighing Station on the Hickory highway out from Statesville. Pvt. Jimmy Harwell has been transferred from Fort Jackson to the Pentagon Building in Washington, D. C. and is a file clerk in the Medi- cal Dispensary there. Lee Roy Norman has been promoted to Airman 2/C and is now stationed in Nevada. Joe Barkley has been pro- moted to Petty Officer 3/C. Jesse Weeks from Raleigh stopped by Barium Springs for a short visit. We were glad to see him and to hear about his family and his work. Nelson and Helen Baucom Smith of Wilmington visited Barium recently. Born, to Vincent J. and Peggy Collins Lombardi, on January 12, a son, Vincent J. Lombardi, Jr. He weighed nine pounds and three ounces. They live in Baltimore. John Bullard visited Bar- ium recently. He will be fly- ing to England soon for his next term of service. W. A. Johnson of Maxton was elected chairman of the Western District of Boy Scouts of America. He will be installed at the District An- nual Meeting in February during National Boy Scout Week. MEMORIALS FOR CHURCH Alexander, Gayle, Graham Miss Priscilla James, Burlington Mrs. Ellen Dunbar, Burlington Allen, Mr. Henry Pittman, Lum- berton THE BARIUM MESSENGER Circle No, 1, First Pres, Church Allen, Mr. Robert F., Charlotte Mr, and Mrs, John A, Tate, Jr. Armfield, Mr. Fred, Lawgap Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sydnor, Mount Airy Ashworth, Mr. J. H., Fayetteville Circle No. 8, First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs, Clif E. Rankin Barnette, Mr. Clinton M., Hunters- ville Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Youngblood Women of Huntersville Presby- terian Church Barnhardt, Mr. G. P., Concord Dr. and Mrs. Vernon H. Young- blood Bath, Mrs. Edwin J., Greensboro Young Married Couples Class, First Pres, Church Beard, Mr. Robert Neil, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Bedsole Bennett, Mr. Edgar, Winston-Salem J. M. Rogers Bible Class, First Pres, Church Benton, Mrs. Joy Kime, Henderson- ville Mrs. Pinckney Best, Burlington Blauveit, Dr. Robert O., Summers- ville, West Va. Mr. Charlie Fleming, Wilson Blue, Mr, James, Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. O. W. McManus, Gibson Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Calhoun, Jr. Bost, Mr. Martin B., Concord Columbia Baking Company, Statesville Boyd, Mr. N. B., Mt. Ulla Mr. B. R. Brown, Woodleaft Bradshaw, Mr. David M., Salisbury Mrs. E. Scott Miller, Aberdeen Bremble, Mr., Charlotte Miss Kate Quay Brown, Mr. C. K., Davidson Mr. John B. Watkins, HI, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Cowles Gaither, Newton Mrs. J. R. Withers Mrs. F. K. Fleagle Mr. W. G. McGavock Mrs. J. C. Black Mrs. W. W. Wood Dr, and Mrs. Thomas S. Logan Mrs. Bruce W. Griffith Mrs. W. P. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fuicher Miss Mary E. Young Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Miller, Charlotte Brown, Mrs. Joe A., Chadbourn Mrs. Fannie B. Crawford Brown, Mr. John &., Raleigh Mrs. John E, Brown Brown, Mr. L. N., Troutman Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Grier, States- ville Brown, Mrs. Verna, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Torrence, Sr. Bullock, Mr. A. L., Rowland Mrs. A. L. Bullock and Archie L. Bullock, Charlotte Calhoun, Mr. J. B., Sr., Laurinburg Mrs. Lamar Craig Pegram Miss Mary C. McKinnon Mr. John L. McKinnon Cameron, Mrs. Lou J., Sanford Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baggett Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Buchanan, Broadway Campbell, Mrs, Charlies H., Artling- ton, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Hellek- son, Maxton Mrs. J. A. Edwards, Maxton Carson, Mr, Chester, Red Springs Flora Macdonald College Student Body Cheek, Mr. Edward P., Mebane Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Stroud, Jr., Faison Clement, Mr, Louis H., Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Sanford, Mocksville Click, Mr. Oscar S., Woodleaf Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Bailey Coburn, Mrs, Lambert, Morganton Mrs, Edgar D. Alexander Collier, Mr. Burnett R., Emporia, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Grier, States- ville Cork, Mrs. Carrie Morris, Asheville Harold and Vista Huffstetler, Gastonia Mr. J. E. Lindsay, Gastonia Cowan, Mrs. W. F., Cleveland Mr. A. K. Goodman, Mount Ella Miss Emma Goodman, Mount Ella Cramer, Mr, Stuart, Jr., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross Mrs. H. Lan Moore, Tryon Mr. W. B. Moore, Tryon Cromer, Mrs. J. C., Columbia, S$. C. Mr. and Mrs, Colon McLean, Washington Crosswell, Mr. H. Mark, Houston, Texas Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hicks, Dur- ham Dellinger, Mrs, A, C., Gastonia Mrs. Elisabeth B. Armstrong DeVane, Mrs. J. D., Durham Miss Eliza Jones Dickerson, Mr., Statesville Mr. L. A. Parks Dow, Mrs. Nassab, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs, Warren Y. Gardner Dunn, Mr. S. W., Sr., South Boston, Va. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Easley, Rocky Mourt Gaither, Mr, J. A., Newton Mr, Bob Gaither Gibbon, Mr, N. L., Charlotte Mr, and Mrs. C. O. Dwyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baker Mrs. Mack Masengale Mr. and Mrs. Dye Perkins Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Scruggs Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dwyer, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. N, J. Faires Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Benfield Mr. and Mrs. Will Spears Mr. and Mrs. Lister Thornton Gilbert, Mr. Walter, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Grier Mr, and Mrs. Frank Culbreth Mr. and Mrs. Karl T. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Forsyth, Wau- watosa, Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James H, Thompson Major and Mrs. W. L. Allison PAGE THREE Mrs J. B. Reach, Concord Mr. and Mrs, William I. Ward, Jr. Mrs, John L, Milholland Miss Kate B. Barrineau, Colum- bia, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Watts Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Kincaid Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Morrow, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Salis- bury Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sloop, Mt. Ulla Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Deaton Mr. Robert A. White Mr. Edith F. Gilbert, Raleigh Mr. A. P. Gilbert, Columbia, South Carolina Mr. Harold Gilbert, Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. John Jay Gilbert, Ahoskie Mr. and Mrs. L. Young White, Mooresville Mr. and Mrs, Sam H. Neely, At- lanta, Ga. Mr, David R. Parker, Jr., High Point Miss Helen Hermann, Los An- geles, California Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collier Miss Marianna Long, Durbam Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Sample Employees of Gilbert Engineer- ing Company Mrs, Henry F. Long and Family Mr, and Mrs. John W. Reich Mr, L. A. Parks Gilliam, Mr, Herbert, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Grier Goforth, Mr. A. B., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Adams Grannis, Mrs, Kate Fields, Fayette- ville Mrs. Jack Cortese, Memphis, Tenn, Green, Mrs. Mary Allen, Charlotte Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Circle No. 15 Hale, Mrs. Etta, Wilmington The Young Couples Forum of Covenant Pres. Church Saint Andrews Hall, Miss Elizabeth,, Belmont Miss Lucy Hanks, Charlotte Miss Sarah C, Rice, Rockingham Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Albright Mrs. S. L. Albright Mr. and Mrs. James M. Arm- strong Mrs. Charles H. Sloan Misses Clara and Meliabei Craw- ford Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Leeper Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Harkey, Mr. Latta, Mount Holly John and Maude Sadler Harmon, Mrs. Anna S., Hattiesburg, Miss. Mrs, E. T. McKeithen, Aberdeen Harris, Mr. Vernon, Fayetteville Ladies Bible Class, Galatia Pres. Church Harrison, Mr. E, H., Salisbury Misses Bertha, Clara and Mar- garet Knox Harriss, Mrs. Julius, High Point Major and Mrs. W. L. Allison, Statesville Healy, Mr. Henry Boyd, Lynchburg, Va. Executive Board, Women of the Church First Pres. Church, Fayetteville Circle No. 8, First Pres. Church, Fayetteville PAGE FOUR THE BARIUM MESSENGER FEBRUARY 1957 Herring, Mr. Tate B., Dunn Mrs, J. M. Bain Holt, Mr. G. Marvin, Sr.,, Burling- ton Mrs. Rufus D. Wilson Dr, and Mrs. Allen Tate, Jr., Gra- ham Mr. and Mrs. Parke C. Stratford Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Duncan A, MacKen- zie Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs, Arnold L. Holt, Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Curry, Jr., Greenwood, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Long Mr. and Mrs. M. Bickford Long Mrs. and Mrs. William L. Shof- fner Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gant, Glen Raven Mr. J. William Davis Mrs. George G. Sharpe Mrs. T. C. Black, Sanford Hoover, Mr. Ray, Concord Mr. and Mrs, A. Jones Yorke Misses Lina and Addie White Mr. and Mrs. William A. Burris Mrs. J. G. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Bradford, Kan- napolis Mr. and Mrs, William A. Ritchie Circle No. 8, First Presbyterian Church, Concord Misses Rose and Clara Harris and Mrs. John F. Reed Mrs. J. Archie Cannon Houser, Mrs. Madge White, Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Houston, Miss Elizabeth F., Law. rence, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Steele, Nor- folk, Va. Hovis, Dr. L. W., Charlotte Mrs. Sam McNeely Miss Sara McNeely Mr. and Mrs. Parks Cathey Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Adams, Gas- tonia Mrs. A. F. Quay, Sr., Harrisburg Miss Kate Quay and Family, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Winchester, Jr. American Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Collins R. P. Sadler Family Mr. and Mrs. George W. P. Whip, Baltimore, Md. Miss Elizabeth Sloan Mrs. Laura W. Pressly, Belmont Miss Sallie Price Howell, Mr. S, P., Pineville South Park Women of Church, Charlotte Hoyie, Mrs. Marcus,, Cherryville Misses Ora and Mae Berryhill, Charlotte Hunter, Miss Mary,, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Hunter Miss Sara McNeely Misses Fannie and Jonnie Carr Mrs. G. L. Wurzburg Mrs, J. K. Hand Mrs, Frank R. Hand Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Kings Moun- tain Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunni- cutt, Kings Mountain Miss Kate Quay Ingram, Mrs. J. R., Sr., Sanford Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Little, Albe- marle Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Harper John, Mr. Dan, Shannon Young Adult Sunday School Class, Lumber Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Roger fF’. Hall, Lum- ber Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Lumber Bridge Women of Lumber Bridge Pres. Church, Lumber Bridge Johnson, Mr. Lloyd, Huntersville Women of Huntersville Pres. Church Hunter Forbis, Johnson, Mrs. Mary Etta, Winston- Salem Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Yarbrough Johnson, Miss Violet Henry, High Point Women of the First Pres. Church Kelley, Mrs. Mae, Cove, Oregon Mrs. R. C. Robbins, Lenoir Kelly, Mr. D. R., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Clif E. Rankin Kennedy, Mrs. Marion Fuller, Fay- etteville Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hunter Fuller Memorial Pres. Church, Durham Little, Mr. Herman, Charlotte Carrs and Wurzburgs Lindsley, Mrs. Rowena Ryburn, Er- win, Tenn. Mrs. R. L. Patton, Morganton Mrs. R. M. Hardee, Granite Falls Mrs. Wm. L. Mills, Jr., Concord London, Mr. J. C., China Grove Mrs. Murrell Stirewalt Mrs. Grier Horton Lowrance, Mr. Fred, Statesville Mr. L. A. Parks Mr. and Mrs. William McL. Sher- rill Loy, Miss Suzanne, Roanoke First Presbyterian Church Miss Dora Clark Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Little, Albe. marle The Senior High Fellowship of Granville Presbytery, Raleigh Loy, Mr. Swain, Roanoke Rapids First Presbyterian Church Miss Dora Clark Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Little, Albe- marle The Senior High Fellowship of Granville Presbytery, Raleigh McArver, Mr. Franklin B., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner McDonald, Mrs. W. F., St. Pauls Circle No. 1, St. Pauls Pres. Church Halle Seawell and Family Circle No. 2, St. Pauls Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McEachern McDuffie, Mrs. Sarah _ Crooks, Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crooks, Con- cord McGoogan, Mrs. B. J., Morven Women of Morven Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Wall Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Wall, Jr. Della P, McGoogan and Mrs. Allie Hartman, St. Pauls McGoogan, Mr. W. E., Bennettsville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell, Lum- ber Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maxwell, Lum- ber Bridge Mrs. John Covington, Lumber Bridge Mr. and Mrs, Fred M. Culbreth, Raeford Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Tolar, Wil- mington Mr. and Mrs. Rogert F. Hall, lumber Bridge Miss Della MecGoogan and Mrs. Siiie Hartman, St. Pauls Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Forbis, Lum- ber Bridge McIntosh, Mr. Henry L., Sr., Fayet- teville The Malcolm McQueen Family McKinney, Mr. John W., Matthews Miss Edna E. Ross Mr. and Mrs. A. William Archer, Charlotte Mrs. Clyde W. Hall, Columbia, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Hicklin, Charlotte McNeill, Mrs. W. H., Sr., Aberdeen Mr. Lawrence McN. Johnson Mr. J. Talbot Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor U. Grose Mr. and Mrs. Jere N. McKeithen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Auman McPhaul, Mr. Malloy, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph N. LeConte Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McLeod, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pierce, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sexton, Rae- ford Mason, Miss Bessie, York, S. C. Dr. and Mis. E. E. Gillespie, Greensboro Mauney, Mrs. Alma Grace, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mercer, Mr. James Albert, Fountain Misses Helen, Christine and Huldah Smith Messer, Mrs. E. B., Sr., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde White Millwee, Mrs. Sallie, Pineville Men’s Bible Class, Central Steel Creek Pres. Church John Price and Lillian P. Skinner Women’s Bible Class, Central Steel Creek Pres. Church, Char- lotte Mitchell, Mr. J. A., Greensboro Mr. Glenn Mitchell, Jr., Atlanta, Ga, Mitchell, Mr. James W., Badin Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Erb Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Chrisco, Wen- atchee, Washington Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bonds, Jr., Wenatchee, Washington Mizell, Mr. Frank, Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor U. Grose Moore, Dr. Burke E., New Bern Mrs. Raymond Pollock, Sr. Mrs. R. D. Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Morris, Burgaw Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bryan Nicholson, Mrs, J. R., Decatur, Ala- bama Miss Minnie Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Hobart A. Young, Charlotte Perkins, Mr. Elliott T., Charlotte Mrs. Jeanne Crawford Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Zimmerman, Jr. Potter, Mr. George, Red Springs Flora Macdonald College Student Body Potter, Mrs. Lina, Wailace Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Morris, Burgaw Pressly, Mrs. Paul, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collier Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Ritchie Misses Elizabeth and Rebecca Ritchie Mrs. John L. Milholland Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sample Mr. and Mrs. Karl T. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. John W. Reich Prevost, Mrs. H. T., Rowland Mrs, G. M. Pate Miss Mabel A. Townsend, McDon- ald Purdy, Mrs. Paul, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Karl T. Deaton Rabb, Mr. |. G., Florida Mrs. A. Q. Kale, Mount Holly Ratchford, Mr. Percy L., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Robinson Regan, Mrs. C. W., Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. Gaston McBryde, Gibson Reid, Mr. Dan, Rose Hill Mr, and Mrs. D. Newton, Faison Rich, Mrs. Bailey, Raleigh Mrs. Claude Auman Misses Treva and Tressie Auman Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson, Jackson Springs Mrs. QO. S. Richardson and Fam- ily, Jackson Springs Robinson, Mr. Roanoke Rapids First Presbyterian Church WwW. #H,, Rowe, Mr. James A., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Scofield, Mr., Sturgeon Bay, Wis- consin Mrs. Prentice Hale and Family, Woodbury Heights, New Jersey Scott, Mrs. Ella Anderson, mance County Miss Carrie McLean Taylor, Bur- lington Ala- Sewell, Mrs. W. H., Sr., Abingdon, Maryland Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Taylor, Newton Sharpe, Mrs. Fannie A., Statesville Mrs. Mary Sharpe Watts Shi, Mr. Samuel Robert, Sr., Macon, Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Sinclair, Mrs. E. S., Peachland Rev. and Mrs. Albert B. McClure, Barium Springs Snow, Mr. W. E., High Point Members of Circle No. 11, First Pres. Church Women of the First Pres. Church Members of the Diaconate of the First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reynolds Spencer, Mrs. J. Edgar, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs, Warren Y. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kendrick Stewart, Mr. Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. Gray Chester William Walter, Stinson, Mr. J. W., Statesviile Rev. and Mrs. Albert B. McClure, Barium Springs Miss Juanita McInnis, Barium Springs Stough, Mr. S. T., Davidson Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Hobart Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Miller Stovall, Dr. J. T., Jefferson, Georgia Miss Isabelle Cromartie, Clarkton Sutton, Miss Kate, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Clif E. Rankin Miss Zula Rankin Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Whitted Mrs. Seavy Highsmith Mrs. H. J. Dillehay, Charlotte Mrs. H. S. Yost, Winston-Salem Mrs. George MacNeill Mrs. J. W. Johnson Mrs. Martha Boyd and Crawford Boyd Tankard, Mrs. Bruce, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hofler Thomason, Mrs. Mattie, Salisbury Mrs. Ira T. Bailey, Woodleaf Thompson, Mr. W. A., Charlotte’ Mr. and Mrs, A. Jones Yorke, Concord Major and Mrs. W. L. Allison, Statesville Todd, Mr. J. Y., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Turner, Mrs. W. K., Winnsboro, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MeNeill, Rae- ford Tyndall, Mrs. John, Washington Mrs. James H. Morrow Tyre, Mr. R. B., Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stokes, Falk- land Walker, Mrs. Mary C., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. John K. P. Odell, Concord Watson, Mrs. A. B., Laurinburg Alice Broome Bible Class, West Raleigh Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cloyd Mr, and Mrs. M. D. Coffey Waynick, Mr. Spencer, Reidsville Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Turner White, Mrs. Frank S., Pembroke Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Livermore, Jr., Lumberton Williford, Mrs. Blake, Rocky Mount May Hicks Bible Class, First Pres. Church Wingate, Mrs. E. L., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Wagram Mr. and Mrs, Fred Spurrier, Gas- tonia The W. M. Wingate Family Woods, Mrs. Hugh, Roxboro Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes Wright, Mrs. Willard, High Point Circle No. 2, Women of Centre Church OPERATING MEMORIALS Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg Thrower, Mr, W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND Brown, Mr. Robert P., Charlotte Circle No. 4, Trinity Pres. Church Hunter, Miss Mary, Charlotte Mrs. B. H. Hefner Sh e >. Barium’ Messenger VOL. 36 BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., MARCH 1957 Dentists Visit Campus The dentists gathered on the campus for a supper meet- ing and a review of the Dent- al Program which they have had in progress for several years. Members of the execu- tive committee, Dr. Ralph Coffey of Morganton, chair- man, Dr. Sam Steelman of Lincolnton, and Dr. Frank Kirk of Salisbury, review the progress made in the care of the children’s teeth and the work of Dr. William S. Kirk who had been working for two days a week on the campus. The summary showed that whereas 175 permanent teeth were lost in 1951, the year be- fore the program began, only five were lost in 1956 and four of these were for ortho- dontic purposes. Two rooms in the infirmary have been thoroughly equip- ped for up to date operations. Gifts from the Presbyterian dentists within the State and the special gifts from the members of the committee have been responsible for pro- viding this equipment. In ad- dition to the services of Dr. William S. Kirk, Dr. H. V. Davenport is making regular visits to the campus and has the children who especially need orthodontia, under his care. This program begun vol- untarily by the dentists has been carried through success- fully and the results accom- plished have been amazing. The Citizenship Club Of The Seventh Grade This is the Citizenship Club reporter of the Seventh Grade bringing you the news of to- day about the citizens of to- morrow. On January 23, 1957, the Seventh Grade organized a Citizenship Club. On that day we elected the following officers: President, Ellen Neill Vice President, Douglas Finley Secretary and Treasurer, Charles Donaldson Reporter, Hugh Pinkston We also adopted a motto which is “I shall strive to be a better citizen in my home, school, community and na- tion.” The club members de- cided to have our meetings on each Monday morning at nine o’clock. At our second meeting we had talks on “Being a Good Sport,” and “Manners at School.” We have also seen some film strips that should help all of us to be better citi- zens. You wil! be hearing from us again about the news of today from the citizens of tomorrow. HUGH PINKSTON, Club Reporter Southeastern Conferences Holds Annual Meeting The fifty-second annual meeting of the Southeastern Conference of Workers in Homes for Children is scheduled for March 26th, 27th, and 28th, in Asheville, N. C. Representatives from North and South Caro- lina, Georgia, and the neighboring states will come together for the three-day session. ane Reverend E. Leon Smith of the Methodist Children’s Home in Vir- ginia will open the conference with the president's address. The Assistant Executive Director of the Child Welfare League of America, Miss Helen R. Hagan, will lead the Institute on “Values of Group Living for Chil- dren.” Mr. Alton M. Broten, of the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina, will speak to the group on the Housemother's Train- ing Program. One of the highlights of the Conference will be the address on Wednesday evening by Mr. D. Hiden Ramsey. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Conference, Miss Mary Bruce Roberts, urges all those attending to make their reservations in Asheville. TORNADO QUINTET LANDS THIRD PLACE IN TOURNAMENT The boys’ basketball team, coached by A. M. Calhoun, turned in a very fine regular Season performance. A_ nip and tuck battle was waged throughout the eight weeks with Asheboro for top honors in the Conference, The Torna- does went into the final game of the season with Spencer tied with Asheboro for first place. In this contest a defeat not only lost the chance at be- ing co-champions but dropped them to third place by reason of Thomasville’s high percent- age based on fewer games played. All who have seen the team in action commend Coach Cal- BARIUM BOWS IN NORTH houn and his squad for the excellent standing. The team has no particular height and is not fortified with extra strength on the bench. There have been four seniors in the starting line-up and the inex- perience of the other men caused the starting five to carry the heavy load through- out the season. With just a lit- tle more luck on their side, these Tornadoes would have accomplished that which look- ed like impossible in becoming the champions of the North Piedmont Conference. It may be that they can yet surprise some more folks in the tour- nament which gets underway as this paper goes to press. PIEDMONT TOURNEY FINALS By JERRY JOSEY, Record & Landmark Sports Editor CONCORD—Barium Springs’ Tornadoes, who dropped down late in the season in the North Piedmont Conference race, almost picked up the Piedmont Tournament championship here last night. Only a sharp-shooting Kannapolis guard by the name of Eldon Petrea stood in their way. ALUMNI NEWS Miss Phoebe Cochran was crowned Queen of Hearts for Mitchell College at their an- nual ball. Martha Evans was among the sixty-six student nurses who received their caps at the ceremony at the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing in Charlotte on February 22nd. Annie Leigh Frazier has joined the WAVES and is at Bainbridge, Md. David Burney and his fam- ily have moved from Lumber- ton to Asheville. David is Dis- trict Manager for the State Farm Insurance Company. James Harwell spent a few days at Barium recently. He is in the Service and is located in Washington, D. C. Dr. Charles R. Starling has been appointed instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina. Jack Mangum visited the campus recently. He is living in Reno, Nevada. Clara Man- gum and her husband, Lt, W. C. Ausdenmore, and their lit- tle girl are now living at Scotts Air Force Base in I}lin- ois. Louise Bradshaw is a member of the Montreat Col- lege Chorus and they are mak- ing a tour at this time which will take them as far north as Washington, D. C. And he proved quite an obstacle. Barium had fought Kannapolis all the way and rolled into a_nine- point lead fate in the third quarter, looking like the eventual tourna- ment champion. Then Petrea cut ioose. The Kan- napolis ace had only six points un- til he got hot at what proved to be a crucial time for the Tornadoes as Petrea led a 65-57 win. Petrea hit 14 of Kannapolis’ 27 points in their fourth quarter come- back that netted them the victory. Hitting on set shots and jumps from the outside, Petrea had four field goals and six foul shots to break the backbone of the Torna- does’ bid for the title. Kannapolis was favored to win the tournament. Barium played one of their best games of the season before dropping the tussle. Barium could be compared to a boxer last night. Three times the Tornadoes were down by six points or better, but fought back to either tie it up or recapture a lead. It’s a known fact that three strikes and you're out. Barium had the third strike last night and they were definitely out after the third come- back rally. Barium controlled the first per- iod for the first four minutes. Hold- ing a 7-4 lead, Kannapolis took over on two foul shots by Jerry Moss and Billy Cannon and moved into a 14-9 lead on goals by Jerry Poteat, Moss and Buddy Huggins. Kannapolis held an 18-12 lead in the second when Barium fought back. A driving layup by LeNair Burns, a jump shot by Walter Plyler and another Burns’ drive knoted it at 18-18 with 2:35 in the half. Cannon hit a jump shot and Plyler sank two foul shots for 20-20 with 2:11 remaining before Poreat (Continued on Page 3) PAGE TWO UNDER THE STEEPLE-N uggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE'S CHURCH REV. ROBERT R. COLLINS, Minister Recently I was talking with a minister who was visiting our church and campus. He asked me this question: “How do you preach to a congregation such as yours which is composed largely of children and young people?” I assured him that this had given me much cause for concern nearly three years ago when I was considering the call to Little Joe’s Church. Since that time I have come to several conclusions which guide me in my preaching. They are, at least in part, my answer to this question. In the first place the needs of children and youth are basic- ally the same as those of older persons. They need to know of a Father in heaven who loves them, and of His Son who said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” They need the assurance that God is merciful and forgiving and that He watches over them with providential care. Like all people they need to be challenged to grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ, to discover His purpose for their lives and seek to do His will in every re- lationship in life. But beyond these needs, I have found that the response of youth is far greater than I had ever realized. The average lay- man and minister I believe thinks that a child gains little from the Sunday morning message. Yet, my most attentive worship- pers are usually young boys and girls. And weeks after I have spoken about a certain matter from the pulpit these young folks will remind me of it in a discussion at Pioneer or Senior High Fellowship. Unlike many adults, they come to church re- ceptive and ready to take part in the hour of worship. Not only is the response shown in attentiveness, but in questions asked and the desire to do something about a particular project or need that has been mentioned in a sermon. The enthusiasm of youth is a reality in Little Joe’s Church. Having said this, let me close with a final observation. The receptive mind, the attentive spirit, the enthusiastic desire to do something about one’s faith, which are characteristic of our Christian youth have caused me much concern. For I have rea- Jized more than ever before that day by day and week by week we who are Under The Steeple are molding permanently and surely the mind, character and Christian vision of these young people. They know only the Christ we live and preach, how im- perative that we know Him fully and present Him fairly! Our Christian vision is theirs, how urgent that we escape the pre- judices that are so foreign to our Lord’s way of life! The char- acter of each adult in our church stands out as an example to them, so we must strive with His help to be among “the pure in heart.” In brief, the Christian life of the boys and girls who wor- ship in Little Joe’s Church is but a reflection of what we give to them week after week. How necessary it is that we know Him well, whom to know aright is life eternal. How important that each of you undergird our ministry with unceasing prayer. RECEIPTS FOR FEBRUARY, 1957 Church S. S. Women v. ©, Total ALBEMARLE Regular ..... 50.00 38.00 88.00 CONCORD Regular ........ 50.00 235.00 10.00 295.02 FAYETTEVILLE Regular ........ 169.81 169.81 GRANVILLE Regular ........ 241.46 61.38 16.00 318.84 KINGS MOUNTAIN Regular ........ 156.83 31.08 187.91 MECKLENBURG Regular ........ 602.11 274.43 18.77 895.31 ORANGE Regular ........ 75.30 10.00 85.30 WILMINGTON Regular ........ 207.56 179.23 16.98 1.40 405.17 WINSTON-SALEM Regular ........ 51.48 22.10 30.00 103.58 THE BARIUM MESSENGER NEWS FROM THE COTTAGES Howard Cottage Hi There, We have had a good time this month. First of all, we had Joyce Ann’s birthday par- ty and played a lot of games. Then we had a Valentine par- ty and danced and played rec- ords, Miss Sims’ sister, Ruth, was here for that, and we tried to teach her how to dance. The next night the Pio- neers had a party and we went on a scavenger hunt and ran practically all the way. On Thursday night three of the girls went to hear the North Carolina Symphony in Statesville and they enjoyed it very much. The next night the dining-room girls went to “The Grand Ole Opry” which was real good. Sue is having a birthday on the twenty-fifth and we can hardly wait to give her her spanking. Miss Sims is going to be away this next week-end, and while we will enjoy hav- ing Mrs. Templeton with us, we will be glad when Miss Sims gets back. Weare getting ready for our Glee Club and Voice Recital Program in high schcol. In the Elementary School the sixth and seventh grades are planning a pro- gram and we believe that it is going to be good. Miss Bell caused a lot of ex- citement on Valentine morn- ing because of something sparkling on her finger. Won- der what it could be? Ill bet we can guess. Sunday night there was a little excitement in Barbara’s room—we never heard such screaming, so we all ran to her rescue and there in the middle of her bed sat Barbara with “real big eyes,” all because she saw an innocent little mouse in her locker. With radiator brushes and brooms we tried to kill the “Terrible Dragon,”’ but the result of this trial was “The Mouse could not be found.” The Bean Stringers The Bee Tree Hi! The Bee Tree is still hum- ming—watch out, or the early spring time bees will sting you! What with the mixup of stinging bees and girl Bees, we have a time around here, but it is a happy time. Libby Gregory had a birth- day on Sunday, February 24th, and her clothing people visited her and gave her a sup- per party. Besides all the good things at the party they gave her a cake which she shared with all of us in the cottage. When any girl has a birthday, she sits in the seat of honor while all the other girls give her their happy birthday wishes. You should have been with us at our Valentine party. We stirred the Cool Aid good and hard and pop! went the glass jar, spilling a gallon of Cool Aid all over our playroom floor. Little Bees mopped and washed and got it clean, and they had as good a party as if there had never been an acci- dent, Most of our girls will get to sing the hymn of the month, “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem” with the Girls’ Choir and the regular choir on Sunday, March 3rd. This is a great ex- perience for us and our first and second grade girls look forward to the time when they can sing in the choir, too. We are holding our breath for report cards on Thursday. Every little Bee hopes for the honor roll. Some of us may not make it, but we hope we have made some improvement. Love to all of you. Lottie Walker, 2nd Floor Hello Everyone, Here we are again with our news. We only have one birth- day in March, which is Wilson Bush. February 28 we will get our report cards and I think more of us will make the hon- or roll this time. The seventh grade is going to have a chap- el program before long. I know it is going to be good. Today Darrel Hicks came to our cottage with posters that has The Lord’s Prayer, The Ten Commandments, The 23rd Psalm and other writings on them. Eight of us bought one and hung them on the walls in our rooms. All of us that read the newspaper were very sorry to hear about Mount Airy school building burning February 22. We are sorry for the parents of nine year old Larry Adams who burned to death. Larry was crippled from his birth. The fifth grade teacher, Miss Sadie Brandon, is engaged to Mr. Charles E. Hiatt, of Pilot Mountain, N. C. She will be married in the spring at Ba- rium Springs, N. C. That about winds up our news until next month. See you then. ; Ronald Brown and the boys of Lottie Walker second floor. MARCH 1957 BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor Entered as second-class matter, No- vember 15, 1923, at the post office at Barium Springs, N. C., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage, pro- vided for in Section 1108 Act of Octo- ber 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Lone.........-.... President Mrs. Lewis Schenck....V.-President Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr._Secretary Mr. M, C. Benton, Jr.....Winston-Salem Mra, B.., Brooks.................. Burlington ; Newton Mrs. David C. Clark.....Rvanoke Rapids Mr. Robert Lee Corbett......Macclesfield Mrs. Emmett Crook................... Charlotte Mrs. John Farriov.....................-....BUrgaw Mr. Charles T. Hagan, Jr.....G Reverend W. B. Heyward....... Mr, C. Spears FHicks...................... Mr, Ennis Jackson..... sil Mr. Fred A. Long Mrs. J. H. Matthews. Gastonia Mrs, W. W. McGinn....Charlotte, Rt. 4 Mrs. Colon Mclean.............. Washington Mrs. John McNair, Jr. . Laurinburg Reverend J. W. Miller... Clarkton Mrs. Lewis Schenck......000000000.... Davidson Mrs. Flake Steele............ Winston-Salem Mr. George Stovall.................... Albemarle April Birthdays Mary Tyndall .............. 4-23-46 Jeanette Grier _......... 4- 5-44 Beverly Hyde ............. 4-23-43 Mary Della Hyde _._. 4-13-50 Brenda Shepherd _____. 4-10-43 Mary Jane Bolton ........ 4- 3-44 Phoebe Brumley .......... 4-19-51 Judy Pinkston Charles McBennett ....4-29-47 Richard McArthur......4-22-41 Leon Waters Miss Ford’s Cottage Hi, I guess you think it is about time you heard from us. Well, we finally got our sixth grade boys working. Stanley and Dempsey are working at the carpenter shop. Tommy and Jerome are at the Infirmary. Mike is the only one who is not working away from the cottage. He hopes he will get a job soon (Miss Ford does too). I think everybody in our cottage is “basketball crazy.” We think that since our var- sity boys have been doing so well we have to practice too, so we can “fill their shoes” when we get big. Well, that is about all the news for now, but you will hear from us next month. Barium Springs, N. C. You will find enclosed $ Presbyterian Orphans’ Home in memory of Name of Deceased Address Date of Death Survivor to be written Address Relation of survivor to deceased One giving memorial Address MARCH 1957 DUKE ENDOWMENT YEAR BOOK GIVES SUMMARY The Duke Endowment each year receives reports from the child-caring institutions in North and South Carolina. These reports are then sum- marized and included in the annual report which is pub- lished in its Year Book. The following is the report by the Director on the Orphanage Section: The Trustees of The Duke Endowment assisted the child- caring institutions in the Car- olinas with their operating ex- penses for the thirty-first con- secutive year in 1955 when 39 child-caring institutions were assisted, 27 in North Carolina and 12 in South Carolina. The name of the Methodist Or- phanage, Raleigh, North Car- olina, was changed to the Methodist Home for Children. Bed Capacity of the 39 in- stitutions was 5,499 on De- cember 31, 1955 and a daily average of 4,672 children were cared for during the year. Children Cared For num- bered 5,913 for the year 1955, with 3,090 of this number, or 52.3 per cent, being either full or half orphan children, while 2,823, or 47.7 per cent, were children with both parents living. The number of full or- phan children cared for dur- ing the year was 448, 7.5 per cent of the total. Divided by age groups it was found that 3,119, or 52.7 per cent, were over 12 years of age; 2,565, or 43.4 per cent, were between six and 12 years; and 229, or 3.9 per cent, were under six years of age. There were 3,- 081 boys and 2,832 girls cared for during the year 1955. Admissions totaled 1,187 during the year and of this number 1,115 were new ad- missions and 72 readmissions. There was a decrease of 24, or 2.0 per cent, in the number of admissions in 1955 as com- pared with 1954. Discharges numbered 1,279 during 1955, an increase of 60, or 4.9 per cent, over the 1954 number. On December 31, 1955 the 39 assisted insti- tutions were caring for 4,634 children as compared with 4,- 728 reported by the same number of institutions on De- cember 31, 1954. Days of Care rendered by the 39 institutions during the year 1955 totaled 1,705,289, with 923,044, or 54.1 per cent, being days of care of orphan and half orphan children and 782,245, or 45.9 per cent, for children with both parents living. The institutional days of care showed a decrease of .9 per cent in 1955 as compar- ed with 1954. Three institu- tions conducted foster home care programs under direct supervision and reported a to- tal of 52,417 days of foster care rendered, of which num- ber 16,887, or 32.2 per cent, were for orphan and half or- phan children. These institu- tions were assisted by the Trustees of The Duke Endow- ment in the foster home care of orphan and half orphan children on the same basis as for care rendered in the insti- tutions. Employees numbered 1,011 at the 39 institutions in 1955 and based on the average number of children cared for per day, there was an average of one employee for every five children. Schools. During the 1954-55 school term there was a total of 4,961 orphanage children enrolled in schools. Of this number, 2,639, or 538.2 per cent, were in schools main- tained at the institutions and 2,322, or 46.8 per cent, attend- ed public schools away from the institutions. Mothers’ Aid and Foster Home Care. During 1955, two institutions provided assist- ance to 42 mothers and 114 children in their homes. Three institutions provided foster home care on a direct service basis during the year for 200 children. FINANCES Plant Values and_ Invest- ments. The plant investment reported by 39 assisted insti- tutions on December 31, 1955 amounted to $23,477,187, and was divided as follows: land, $3,284,926; buildings, $16,- 430,974; equipment, $3,443,- 747; and livestock, $317,540. The average investment per child at the 89 institutions, based on the average number of children per day, was $5,- 025. Invested funds were held by 26 institutions on Decem- ber 31, 1955 and amounted to $11,189,740. Indebtedness on December 31, 1955, capital and operat- ing, amounted to $721,161, which was a decrease of $50,- 490, or 6.5 per cent, from the 1954 figures. Operating Receipts at the assisted institutions increased $187,606, or 3.3 per cent, in 1955 over 1954 and _ totaled $5,818,264. Operating Expenditures for the year 1955 totaled $5,209,- 861, an increase of $235,307, or 4.7 per cent, over the 1954 expenditures. The average cost per child per day, exclud- ing extra-institutional serv- ices, for the year 1955 was $2.91, indicating an increase of $.09 or 3.2 per cent, over the 1954 figure. At the 39 in- stitutions the average cost per child per year was $1,062.15, an increase of $32.85, or 3.2 per cent, over the 1954 figure. More detailed information on this subject may be found in the tabulations on pages 39, AO and 41. Capital Expenditures for the year 1955 totaled $2,164,- 827, a decrease of $1,204,637, or 35.8 per cent, from 1954. The Duke Endowment as- sisted 39 institutions for the year 1955 covering the days of care rendered orphan and half orphan children in the THE BARIUM MESSENGER BARIUM BOWS IN NORTH PIEDMONT TOURNEY FINALS (Continued from Page 1) and Cannon sank goals and Petrea hit two foul shots for a 26-20 Kan- napolis lead at halftime. Barium’s “Dub” Plyler got hot in the third period, sinking two goals and a foul shot, while Poteat hit from the foul line, to cut the Little Wonders margin down to 27-25. Ronnie Hudgins’ two foul shots knotted it at 27-27 with 6:26 re- maining. Buddy Huggins hit two straight goals for a 31-27 lead for Kannapolis before Burns drove in for a layup, Charles Ward dropped in a foul shot and Plyler hit a pair of goals to sprint Barium into a 34- 31 lead. With 2:40 remaining in the third, Barium hit a hot streak that pushed their lead from 36-34 into 43-34 with 1:46 on the clock on a goal and three foul shots by Plyler and two charity tosses by Hudgins. Cannon and Petrea sank goals to cut it down to 43-38 at the end of the third period. Poteat’s goal and foul shot to start the fourth was the beginning of the end for the Tornadoes, cutting the margin down to 43-41. Lawton Rice's long push shot made it 53-50, before Wayne Hub- bard stretched the lead back to five again with 2:30 left. A foul shot by Hudgins and Plyler’s hook shot cut it down to 55-53 with 1:30 remaining. Petrea hit two foul shots for a 62-53 Kannapolis lead with 45 seconds to go to wrap up the vic- tory for the Little Wonders. amount of $253,516.58, includ- ing $4,554,73 for the care of orphan and half orphan chil- dren under institution super- vision in foster homes. The Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina, is conducting a special program in placing older children for adoption in family homes and $5,000.00 was provided to assist this program during 1955. Includ- ing the Children’s Home So- ciety of North Carolina there were 28 institutions located in North Carolina assisted in the amount of $186,785.54, which with the $71,731.04 contrib- uted to 12 institutions located in South Carolina makes a to- tal of $258,516.58 contributed for the year 1955 to 40 insti- tutions. HONOR ROLL Period Ending Feb. 25, 1957 First Grade: Jerry Flor- ence, Sylvia Bush, Nancy Fin- ley, Linda Ivey, Linda Rob- erts. Second Grade: Wilson Bush, Marie Ross, Connie Crews, Libby Gregory, Charles Hyde, Bobby Neill, Gregory Lockamy, Connie Webb. Third Grade: Al Blake, Frankie Dennis, Jerry Drumm, Tommy Ford, Belle Calhoun, Emily McClure, Na- oma Spencer, James Dennis. Fourth Grade: Bobby Grier, Larry Joyner, Clyde Mace, Charles McBennett, Lou Anna Bridgers, Karen Crews, Lin- da Sue Medlin, Judy Pinkston, Elsie Rannells, Judith Rut- ledge, Sherry Ross. Fifth Grade: Ronald Brown, Charles Ford, Billy Finley, Steve Florence, Jim- my Gregory, Chick Heritage, Richard Hicks, Kenney Lock- amy, Larry Ruff, Forest Spen- cer, Lois Allen, Eloise Bare- foot, Shirley Farris, Rita Har- ris, Joyce Hughes. Sixth Grade: Susie Black- burn, Peggy Bridgers, Linda Florence, Sam Florence, Jane Webb, Mike Morgan, Phil Per- dew, Bill Rannells, Chuck Uts- man, Joe Vecchio, Clarence Wilkins. Seventh Grade: Walter Barefoot, Henry Bridgers, Charles Donaldson, Douglas Finley, Eddie Kyles, Charles McLean, Gene Taylor, Shirley Ann Faulk, Ellen Neill. Eighth Grade: Faye Hicks, Beverly Hyde, Marcia Lewis, Sue Moore, Helen Spencer, Jackie Taylor, Linda Utsman. Eleventh Grade: Harold Evans, Tom Finley, Melvin McKenzie, Shelby McEwen, Sue Rannells, Peggy Sellers. Twelfth Grade: Ronnie Hudgins, Mac McClure, Law- ton Rice, Oscar Utsman, Nan- cy Kyies. Clothing, Clothing ROTATES occcsscssvssccsvnsecs PLEASE USE THIS BLANK IN REMITTING GIFTS PI COED vscssicsnscniircicenciegesstenvsassiateonins MOR ioc sicsscihovvesncdvacsiensidtonteciasens PROT kw Miencotnrs eterna WOMANI © i Biiacntnsaessesieceen BAOHIOTIONN 3 4. Binwnnuminan a iy 5 8B reetihsicineamriccrs Miscellaneous GREER kx: a. 9) Pianecaeeeedinvciaseacal Child Money Sent POP............0....20-.0. Send To Presbyterian Orphans’ Home Barium Springs, N. C. Sender (Mr., Mrs., or Miss) Address... etek ae eee MEMORIALS FOR CHURCH Alexander, Miss Julia M., Charlotte Misses Louise and Martha Flour- noy Miss Hattie Alexander Alexander, Mr. Tom, Sr., Concord Circle No, 11, First Pres. Church Misses Linda and Addie White Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Patterson, Jr. Armstrong, Mrs. C. G., Charlotte Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Circle No. 2 Ashburn, Mrs. T. F., Mooresville Mrs. J. L. Donald Dr. and Mrs, L, P. Trivette W.N. Johnston Sons Company Barnett, Mrs. J. H., Jackson Springs Mrs. M. C. McDonald, Sr., West End Mr. M. A. Clark Miss Evelyn Holliday Mrs. Claude Auman Misses Treva and Tressie Auman Mrs. J. E. Currie and Mrs. Lena Sullivan Barnette, Mr. William M., Moores- Ville Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Plott and Bob- bie Lou Mr. and Mrs. Gray Chester Berry, Mr. A. L., Laurens, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. McComb, Hickory Bither, Mr. Willis [., Houlton, Maine Mr. and Mrs. Wallace D. Wolfe Jr., Greensboro Blue, Mr. James F., Laurinburg Mrs, Lamar Craig Pegram Miss Mary C. McKinnon Mr. John L. McKinnon Boger, Mr. Allen T., Jr., Charlotte Mr, and Mrs. Frank Howie, Har- risburg Mr. and Mrs. Harrisburg Franklin Howie, Boggs, Mrs. Mary A., Greenville, South Carolina Neal Anderson Bible Class, First Pres. Church, Winston-Salem Brown, Mrs. J. A., Chadbourn Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Powell, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Collier Miss Kate Britt Brunnemer, Mrs, J. A., Gastonia Mr. and Mis. Warren Y. Gardner Bugg, Mr. E. 1., Sr., Durham Dr. and Mrs. Basil M, Boyd, Jr. Buie, Miss Anna Eliza, Red Springs Mrs, C, E, Zedaker Mr. and Mrs. James McKay and Ann Calhoun, Mr. J. B., Sr., Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. John C. Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Calhoun Mr. R. G. Calhoun Carpenter, Mrs. J. C., Mooresville W.N. Johnston Sons Company Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mayhew Mr. and Mrs. John P, Allred Mrs. W. M. Norman, Winston- Salem Mrs, R. Ashlin White Clark, Mr. John C., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hubbard, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Hutaff Cioninger, Mr. Ralph, Chimney Rock Miss Janie Young, Lowell PAGE FOUR Coe, Mr. Kenneth, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Whitney Cooper, Mrs. W. L., Graham Mrs. J. Harvey White Cox, Mr. Carl, Gastonia Mr. John Price Mrs. Lillian P. Skinner Cox, Mr. W. E., Charlotte South Park Women of the Church Crawford, Mr. J. M., Greensboro Miss Elisabeth Houston Crowell, Mrs. Mamie, Ashtabula, Ohio Langford Bible Class, Armstrong Memorial Pres. Church, Gas- tonia Davis, Mr. C. O., Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bradford, Sr., Huntersville Davis, Mr. Starr T., Greensboro Mr. W. E. King, Charlotte Misses Letha and Vivia King, Charlotte Davis, Mr. W. C., Charlotte Miss Lelia Alexander Deese, Joyce, Charlotte Men’s Bible Class, Amity Pres. Church Dellinger, Mrs. Ada, Stanley Mrs. Lattie L. Harkey, Mt. Holly Dickinson, Mrs. Eula, Ahoskie Mrs. Don Sparrow, New Bern Dock, Mr. Wm. H., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Downs, Mrs. Janet P., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Alvin N. Johnston Edwards, Mrs. T. W., Charlottes- ville, Va. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Bramham and Margaret, Tarboro Flow, Mrs, J. P., Charlotte Lt. and Mrs. Fred A. Price, Jr., Jacksonville, Arkansas Folley, Mrs. M. H., Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs, E. T. MeKeithen Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Causey, South. ern Pines Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Butler, Southern Pines Mr. Claude T. Johnson Mr. J. Talbot Johnson Miss Martha McLeod Women of the Church, Brownson Memorial Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wicks Mr. G. C. Seymour Mr. J. K. Melvin, Sr. Forbis, Mr. Charles Owen, Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth Houston Fugute, Mrs. W. C., St. Augustine, Florida Miss Janie Carter, Charlotte Gaither, Mr. J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Gilbert, Mr. Walter, Statesville Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Strewler, Duluth, Minn. Dr. and Mrs. David L. Pressly Gleason, Mr. Neil, Wilmington Mrs. Caldwell Mrs. Craig Mrs. Jarman Godfrey, Mrs. M. L., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crowson Alice Overcash Bible Class, Front Street Pres. Church Goodrum, Little Becky, Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ballard Graham, Mr. Robert F., Denver Miss Margaret Graham Green, Mr. B. E., Charlotte South Park Women of the Church Hager, Mr. Linn W., Charlotte Mr. Carey E. Haigler Harrison, Mr. E. H., Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Heitman Harrison, Mr. Guy W., Badin Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Erb, Wen- atchee, Washington Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Farguhar, Wenatchee, Washington Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Chrisco, Wen- atchee,« Washington Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hutton, Wen- atchee, Washington Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bonds, Wen- atchee, Washington Hill, Mrs. 1. F., Durham Mrs. A. H. Witherington Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stroud, Jr., Faison Hodges, Mrs. Harriett Evans, Ben- nettsville, S. C. Miss Elisabeth Houston, Greens- boro Hodgin, Mrs. G. W., Randieman Miss Vivia J. King, Charlotte Holt, Mr. G. Marvin, Burlington Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Summerell Mrs. Don E. Scott, Graham Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tucker Hooker, Mr. Clem, Durham Mr. and Mrs, A. Grant Whitney Howell, Mrs. William W., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Hutchison, Mr. W. L., Clover, S. C. Mrs. R. C. Robinson, Sr., Virginia and Andy, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Grady Jenkins Pioneer Department of Sugaw Creek Pres. Church, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. W. Hope Ratchford Johnson, Mrs. Belle S., Mount Holly Misses Emma and Edith Holland Miss Mary Parks Stewart, Char- lotte Johnson, Mr. Edward E., Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bruce McNeely, Sr., Mooresville Erwin, Johnson, Miss Violet H., High Point Circle No. 14, First Pres. Church Kinlaw, Karen Ann, St. Pauls Mrs. C. L. Monroe Three Year Old Nursery Class, St. Pauls Pres. Church Circle No. 2, St. Pauls Church St. Pauls’ Music Club Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brisson Pres. Knowles, Mrs. Pete, Reidsville Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Briggs Lambeth, Mr. A. C., Decatur, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. A. N, Turner, Reids- ville Leeper, Mrs. James A., Sr., Belmont Minnie Hall Bible Class, Belmont Pres. Church Lilly, Mrs. D, Clay, Winston-Salem Mrs. M. P. Traynor Linkhaw, Mr. A. Howard, Lumber- ton Mrs. L. McK. Parker THE BARIUM MESSENGER Little, Mrs. Clarence B., Washing- ton Vanguard Bible Class, First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cratch Low, Andrea Sue, Vacaville, Cali- fornia Mr. and Mrs. Lochamy L. Mce- Lean, Southern Pines Loy, Miss Suzanne, Roanoke Rapids Mr. Hal Talley Loy, Mr. Swain, Roanoke Rapids Mr. Hal Talley Luck, Mr, William E., Wilmington First Pres, Church, Roanoke Rapids McCarter, Mr., Charlotte New Adult Class, Cooks Memorial Pres. Church McGoogan, Mrs. B. J., Morven Mr. and Mrs. S. H. McPherson McIntosh, Mr. H. L., Fayetteville Mr, J. E. McDonald McLaughlin, Mrs. Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Whitney Ruth Yandell, McLean, Mr. Parks A., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culbreth McNair, Mr. H. B., Tarboro Mr. and Mrs. R. Brookes Peters, Raleigh McNeil, Mr. William, Rowland Carlene, Naomi, and W. B Bracey Malloy, Mrs. Cora, Maxton Mrs. Katie McNeill and Children Means, Mr. Brandon W., Concord Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher R. Adams Misses Rose and Clara Harris Mrs. John F. Reed Moody, Miss Grace, Charlotte Circle No. 1, Mulberry Pres. Church Nance, Mr. Wade, Huntersville Woman’s Bible Class, Hunters- ville Pres. Church The Young Ladies Bible Class, Huntersville Pres. Church Neel, Mrs. G. Mack, Charlotte Miss Della McGoogan and Mrs. Sallie Hartman, St. Pauls Circle No. 2, Saint Pauls Pres- Church Mr. John D. Little and Sisters Mrs. L. A. McGeachy and Daught- ers, St. Pauls Miss Ora Berryhill Circle No. 1, Saint Pauls Pres. Church, St. Pauls Nickleson, Mrs, Clyde, Sanford Mrs. Margaret Vick, Cameron Patrick, Mrs. J. H., Hickory Mrs. Robert Bracken, Sr. Payne, Mr., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Adams, Jr. Perretz, Mr. A. G., Spencer Circle No, 4, Spencer Church Women of the Church, Spencer Pres. Church Mrs. C. E. Stevenson, Salisbury Pres. Peyronel, Mr, Ceasar, Valdese Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawks and Family Mrs, Ceasar Peyronel Mrs, Ernest Bertalot Mrs. Adolph Leger, Springs Connelly Mrs. Fred Peyronel Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dalmas, Sr. Mrs. Fred Meytre Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Pons, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mohair Rankin, Miss Emma, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Abernathy Mrs. Norman Morrow J. L. Kendrick Family Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. W. Hope Ratchford Mrs. S. A. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Adams, Jr. Ratchford, Mr. P. L., Gastonia Circle No. 1, Olney Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. W. Hope Ratchford Robinson, Mr. Ellis S., Gastonia Women of First Pres. Church, Dallas Rochelle, Johnny A., Jr., Washing- ton Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cratch Rogers, Mrs, Carl, Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. McClure Rogers, Miss Katherine W., Raleigh Mrs. Robert B. Williams Mrs. T. N. McElwee, Statesville The First Highway Divison Of- fice, Ahoskie Miss Pauline Hill Mrs. Katharine Fort Anderson Miss Mary Gregory Fort Miss Nellie Fort Mr. and Mrs. R. Brookes Peters Sewell, Mrs. W. H., Baltimore, Maryland Judge and Mrs. Wilson Warlick, Newton Sloop, Mrs. F, S., Charlotte Circle No, 1, Mallard Creek Pres. Church Junior Department, Creek Pres. Church Mrs. Laura Galloway and Chil- Mallard dren Circle No. 4, Mallard Creek Pres. Church Smith, David (Infant), Winston- Salem Mr. and Mrs. A, F. Perry Smith, Mrs. Knox P., Conover Mr. and Mrs, Dent Lackey, Statesville Smith, Mr. T. J., Vass Mrs. P. A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. D. F,. Cameron Snow, Mr. William, High Point Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mendenhall Members of the High Point Fire Dept. Mr. and Mrs. I. Paul Ingle Mr. and Mrs. George Barbee Mr. William §S. Bencini Members of the Denny Bible Class, First Pres. Church Members of Circle No. 12, First Pres. Church Mrs. H. A. Millis Mrs. Alice S. Lurey and Mr. EIl- wood Barbee, New York, N. Y. Mr. John R. Peacock Mr. and Mrs. Everett Marsh Stalder, Mr. James G., Converse, Louisiana Men’s Class, Covenant Church, Winston-Salem Pres. Sutton, Miss Kate, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. S. H. MacPherson Circle No. 13, First Pres. Church Thomas, Mr. Hurley N., Sanford Stevens Milling Company, Broad- way MARCH 1957 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Buchanan Thompson, Mrs. Minnie, Hargrave, Lexington Miss Elisabeth Houston, Greens- boro Thurman, Mrs. Henry, Greensboro Miss Elisabeth Houston, Greens- boro Toms, Mr. and Mrs. C, W., Jr., Dur- ham Mrs. W. M. Lewis, Darlington, S. Cc. Troutman, Mrs. J. M., Barium Springs Miss Faye Stevenson, Statesville Reverend and Mrs. Albert B. Mc- Clure Vannoy, Mrs. R. L., Gastonia Langford Bible Class, Armstrong Memorial Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Varnadoe, Mrs. Gertrude, Fayette- ville Mr. and Mrs. William Hutaff Vincent, Mrs. Joe S., Sr., Mebane Circle No. 9, Mebane Pres. Church Wade, Mrs. Annie B., High Point Women of the First Pres. Church Walker, Mr. Charles, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Walter Britt Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Blue Mrs. D. F. Blue, Parkton Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ferguson, Gastonia West Avenue Pres. Church Walters, Mrs. W. F., Raeford Mrs. Agnes U. Johnson Webber, Mr. D. H., Catawba Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell, Statesville Webster, Mr. E. O., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner White, Mr. Ebb, Concord Mrs. J. Archie Cannon Whitesides, Miss Margaret, lotte Mr. and Mrs, Harvey B. Hunter Char- Whitt, Mr. Walter M., North Taze- well, Va. Mrs. Martha Daniel, Richmond, Va, Wilson, Mrs. Thomas, Winston- Salem Mrs. S. B. Sullivan, Anderson, Ss. ©, Mrs. George W. Speer, Anderson, S. C, Mrs. W. L. Harsh, Birmingham, Ala, Mrs. W. M. Lewis, Darlington, S. C. In honor of: Miller, Mrs. S. G., Marietta, S. C. Jim and Frances Ballew, Greens- boro OPERATING MEMORIALS Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg SWIMMING POOL FUND Harris, Miss Carolyn, Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. McArver, Gastonia Glenn, Mr. William W., Lincolnton Miss Susan L. Glenn ae CO P S SI L L S a a i t Barium Messenger VOL. 36 BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., APRIL 1957 No. 4 ALUMNI JUNIOR CHOIR REHEARSES FOR CHURCH SERVICES COTTAGE NEWS Louise Bradshaw, student ae a |? . Sor, hee 2 Howard Cottage at Montreat College, was elec- ted Secretary and Treasurer of the Future Teachers of North Carolina at a recent meeting of the N.C.E.A. meet- ing in Wilmington. Myrtle Rushing Johnson was elected Worthy Matron of the Order of Eastern Star in Maxton for the coming year. Bobby Fry and Clayton Mil- ler, both in the Armed Servic- es, spent the week-end at Bar- ium, Born to Pearl (Bostian) and Frank Gallyon in Hous- ton, Texas on February 12th, a son, James Marion. Born to Dr. and Mrs. How- ard Wilson (Eleanor Pope) on March 12th in Raleigh, a dau- ghter, Mary Ashley. Sylvia Brown spent the week-end at Barium. Sylvia lives in Valdese. Cromer Curtis was dis- charged from the Army on April 4th after serving since 1953. He is at home in Mar- ion, N. C. REGENTS WILL HOLD SPRING MEETING The regular spring meeting of the Board of Regents of the Presbyterian Orphans’ Home will be held at Barium Springs on Thursday, May 9th. The meeting will be cal- led to order at ten o’clock by President Fred A. Long of Lenoir, in order to attend to the business of the Home. This spring meeting is now the meeting in the middle of the year since the fiscal year has been changed to October 1st-September 30th. The committees of the Board are scheduled to meet at nine o’clock at the call of the chairmen to prepare re- ports or to give special consid- eration to matters that may come to their hands. THE GREATEST NEED Child Care has been the concern of the Church for generations and has now become the great concern of the State, also. Both the Church and the State recognize that the greatest need in the field of Child Caring is for capable leadership. Every agency and institution is seeking addi- tional personnel who can render good service. Conferences, Work-shops and In-service Train- ing Programs, designed to assist leaders in the doing of a better job, are the common practices in every institution. Additional personnel and replacement are hard to find. It is the common inquiry of every superintendent, ““Do you know where I can get a good housemother?”’ Barium needs persons who by nature and training can render effective service. The loyalty and devo- tion of those who have served for long years challenges the newcomer to make a real invest- ment in the work of the Church by serving the boys and girls of the Home. If you are a quali- fied person or know of anyone, you are invited to make inquiry about the work. PLAYERS HONORED AT BANQUET By JERRY JOSEY Record & Landmark Sports Editor BARIUM SPRINGS.—Peg- gie Sellers and Walter “Dub” Plyler, sparkplugs of the girls and boys basketball teams here were named recipients of the “Most Valuable Player” awards here last night. The selections of the two outstanding basketball play- ers to receive the annual awards highlighted a banquet honoring the Presbyterians’ cage squads during the past season. Some 150-175 in attendance heard Coach Archie Calhoun announce the winners, select- ed by a vote of their teammat- es, Guard Nancy Kyles and Guard Lawton Rice were named permanent captains of their respective teams also. Following a T-Bone steak dinner in the school’s dining hall, Rev. Robert Collins, pas- tor of Little Joe’s Presbyter- ian Church, presided over the program. Rev. Mr. Collins said three things were out- standing about the past bas- ketball season to him and list- ed them in order: good enter- tainment, good sportsmanship and a spirit of teamwork. “We were very successful this year because we played together as a team,” he said in comment- ing on the seasonal activities. Coach Archie Calhoun, who handled tae basketball teams at Barium, made the presenta- tion of letters and awards. Calhoun, commenting on the season, quoted two officials who worked a game at Bar- ium. “If the crowds where we went were ali like this,” the officials were quoted as say- ing after a game at Barium, “it would certainly be a plea- sure to be an official in bas- ketbali.” Calhoun, in comments con- cerning a good crop of future athletes contained on the jun- ior teams said for the first time in some years, competi- tion will be available for the varsity squads next season and he predicted a “champion- ship team in around three years” when he announced the girls junior team, which post- ed a 38-5 record. The junior boys team, Cal- houn noted, was predominant- ly eighth-grade students, They also had a 8-5 record. Calhoun said the varsity girls showed a “distinct im- provement over last year. All the girls out for basketball were on the squad. We just had 14 of them.” He recalled the last championship team at Barium in girls basketball had 12 good girls in one class on the team. Calhoun had four senior girls on the squad and added that the “rest of them will be fighting the ninth grade next year.” The varsity boys, Calhoun commented, did “what they (Continued on Page 2) Hi Folks, Here we are back again. Last Thursday was Nancy Finley’s birthday, so we gave her a party. She really was surprised and received lots of nice gifts. April is just around the corner. It is really filled with excitement for us. We will have our basketball banquet on April 2nd. Then we will be having our Voice Recital sometime in April. Also, we have four April birthdays coming up: these will be for Mary Della Hyde, Brenda Shepherd, Beverly Hyde, and Jeanette Grier. Of course, the most important date of all in April this year is Faster Day. See you next month. “The Bean Stringers” Lees Cottage Hi There— Here are the Lees boys to bring you up to date with the news. We were sorry to lose Phil Perdew and his little bro- ther, Danny. Three of the boys at Lees have joined the Communi- cants’ Class. All the big boys are working at the dairy now. This month three of our boys have birthdays; they are Bill Rannells, and Donald and David Blalock (our twins). We are warming up in soft- ball and hope to play Miss Ford’s Cottage. We are glad to report that a goodly num- ber of the boys in our cottage made the Honor Roll again. This year has gone by fast and it will not be long before Wwe go on vacation. See vou next month. The Boys at Lees Two New Buildings Now In Progress The two new cottages being erected on the campus are now beginning to take shape. The heavy rain of the winter and spring months have de- layed the contractor, but he hopes to complete these build- ings according to schedule. The brick walls will be of Col- onial Pastel brick of the same kind used in the other two new cottages. All of the Barium family eagerly watches the brick laid, the steel put in place, and the concrete poured, anticipating the completion of the build- ings and their occupancy this fall. These new one-story, fireproof buildings will be the pattern for the campus when any building is replaced, thus conforming to the present-day concept of home-like living quarters for the boys and girls who reside at Barium. PAGE TWO THE BARIUM MESSENGER UNDER THE STEEPLE- Nuggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE'S CHURCH REV. ROBERT R. COLLINS, Minister As Christian people we worship on Sunday because this is the day on which Christ was raised from the dead. In a very real sense we are celebrating God’s victory over sin and death each Sabbath day. Easter Sunday then is the day which marks the beginning of our Christian worship on the first day of the week. It carries a special significance because on that first aster God completed in Christ the work of redemption which had been started with the birth of our Lord that first Christ- mas. As this issue of the MESSENGER comes to you we will have just celebrated the joys of another Easter. Under the Steepie we expect to receive fourteen boys and girls into full member- ship of the church on Palm Sunday. As I write this they are taking part in a communicants’ class studying the meaning of church membership and the vows which they take when they make their public profession of faith. Guiding these young people into a deeper understanding of their commitment to Christ as their Lord and Saviour is one of the greatest joys in my ministry here. On Easter Sunday our choirs will present “The Crucifix- ion” by Stainer in a special vesper service. This will be under the direction of Miss Charlotte Calhoun who is organist and choir director for our church. The choir program of Little Joe’s Church is one of its finest features in Christian education and public worship. Approximately ninety-five children participate in one of our four choirs and throughout the year these groups contribute much to the beauty and meaning of our worship services. Even as Spring brings newness of life to the world about us, so it seems that there is an up-surge of activities and in- terest all across our campus and in the church. Soon gradua- tion will be upon us and plans are already being made for Bible School and summer camps. In all of these events we seek to make the awareness of our living Lord more real and to know the power of His resurrection in our lives each day. We know that our lives are made complete because of His love for each of us, and we are thankful. The alleluias of Easter shall re- main in our hearts and be raised up each time we come to- gether Under the Steeple. RECEIPTS FOR MARCH, 1957 Presbytery Church S. S. Women Total ALBEMARLE MIRE in csssvornceevecssccsnsyenantiecend 50.00 14.00 64.00 CONCORD SRO ioiisistestiecscatecsssmanrceenes 1338.50 263.09 1601.59 FAYETTEVILLE PRD ieee cs ecssp ices teeven ssn 427.48 3. 1.65 169.26 898.39 GRANVILLE PS obo oscireescnteavensestannin 72.06 32.00 104.06 KINGS MOUNTAIN bcecs tlh ssasncpurvsersaccsssecees 110.22 31.00 141.22 MECKLENBURG ' WRITE asceeicsancennnssecouivebioisabivens 479.19 9.00 488.19 ORANGE UNE os cyisicsvisiesvonseertssouscccnenes 840.68 86.36 5.00 932.04 WILMINGTON Regular Sassthisserysolnives boswebeexesons 136.57 257.61 44.05 438.23 WINSTON-SALEM POURS ei sasiceirssceeessiastaveciarineees 366.10 30.00 396.10 SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA ............ 2982.09 2982.09 MAY BIRTHDAYS Mary Louise Blalock ..5-29-48 Van Helms .................. 5-26-52 Brenda Blake .............. 5-24-45 Everett Heritage ........ 5-31-46 Linda Bridgers ............ 5-29-47 Richard BEM irercnscsos 5-10-45 ; Charles Hyde .............. 5-16-49 Lou Anna Bridgers ....5-27-47 Marea 1009... 5-13-51 Sylvia Bush ................ 5-23-50 Linda Sue Medlin ........5- 6-47 Linda Byrd ............-.---- 5- 6-47 Peyton Miller .............. 5- 4-38 Adrian Cochran .......... 5-26-42 Mike Morgan .............. 5-13-45 Pamela PGi ioc.i..cc. ccc 5-12-44 Forest Spencer ............ 5-25-45 Jerry Florence ............ 5-18-50 Mildred Waters .......... 5-21-48 Jimmy Gregory .......... 5- 7-46 Janet Woodall .............. 5-15-40 Staff llotes A former student has re- quested that news of the staff be a part of the Barium Mes- senger, so since there is big news on the campus, some of the items of interest will be given. Mr. Archie Calhoun is re- ceiving congratulations from his associates on the excellent season which his boys had in basketball. With less than 60 students in High School, he has competed against those larger schools, ranging from 400 to 1100, and went into the finals in the tournament, los- ing to the Boys of Kannapolis. The many years of teaching at Barium Springs for Miss Sadie Brandon come to a close at the end of this school year. The diamond ring on her fing- er and the announcement of her wedding to take place in the early summer is the rea- son for her leaving Barium Springs. Mr. J. F. Stinson, for about thirty years a part of the cam- pus life at Barium Springs, has bought a place two miles up the Old Mountain Road and now is living there. He continues as the farm manag- er, driving back and forth to his work. The newest addition to the Barium family is Mr. Frank Nance who is assisting Mr. Stinson and is responsible for raising all the vegetables the Home needs to eat and to can. Mr. Nance, from Mount Mourne, N. C., is a Presbyter- ian with a wife and two chil- dren. He hopes to move to Barium Springs as soon as liv- ing quarters can be provided. Cupid is having a field day on the campus. Miss Helen Bell is wearing a diamond and announces wedding plans for the Fall. Mr. S. A. Grier, having spent the Winter in Florida, has returned to the campus. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Low- rance, having retired in ’54, are still active in the life of the Church and community. Sickness serious enough to cause hospitalization or to re- quire surgery has taken its toll. Within the last few months Mr. Arthur Hanks, rs. J. H. Lowrance, Mrs. Janie Thaggard, Mrs. Ruth Watson, and Mrs. I. B. White have been patients in the hos- pital. All these are back in their regular places and hope their sickness is over for awhile. Miss Kate Taylor will be leaving Barium Springs on April 25th to sail from New York for her home in Scot- land. She plans to return in the late Summer. Mrs. Bondurant visited the campus recently. She will be remembered as Mrs. Mary Turner Ritchie. Her wedding was last December and she now lives in Virginia. PLAYERS HONORED AT BANQUET (Continued from Page 1) did by sheer effort.’ Bar- ium’s boys never lost to a team twice over the season and beat the conference champions (Asheville) two of these gam- es. “The boys did more with what they had than any team I have ever coached,” Calhoun added. Only two starters were back with the Tornadoes who posted a 12-4 conference and an overall 15-6 record for the best season in boys basketball since 1951. Following the presentation of awards, several members of the varsity teams gave an informa] musical program ac- companied by Miss Charlotte Calhoun at the piano. Charles Ward rendered a solo, “Walk Hand In Hand,” followed by a duet “Get Along Without You Now” by Deanna Kiser and Bernice Kuykendall. A rendi- tion of ‘Cool Water” by Le- Nair Burns, Walter Plyler, Charles Ward, Mac McClure and Lawton Rice concluded the program, Receiving recognition on the basketball squads were: VARSITY GIRLS — Judy Bolton, Barbara Johnson, Deanna Kiser, Bernice Kuy- kendall, Nancy Kyles, Addie McEwen, Shelby McEwen, Peggie Sellers and Janet Woodall. Johnson, Kuyken- dall, Kyles and Addie Mc- Ewen are seniors. JUNIOR GIRLS—Victoria Brafford, Faye Hicks, Vir- ginia Kiser, Marcia Lewis, Elva Medlin, Betty Lou Mit- chell, Carol Moore, Sue Moore, Eleanor Rutledge, Brenda Shepherd, Helen Spencer and Jackie Taylor. VARSITY BOYS — Jim Bunnell, LeNair Burns, Don- ald Frazier, Ronnie Hudgins, Walter Plyler, Lawton Rice, Randy Shaw and Charles APRIL 1957 BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor Entered as second-class matter, No- vember 15, 1923, at the post office at Barium Springs, N. C., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at specia) rate of postage, pro- vided for in Section 1108 Act of Octo- ber 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Lone.............. President Mrs. Lewis Schenck....V.-President Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr..Secretary Ward. Burns, Hudgins, Plyler and Rice are seniors. JUNIOR BOYS — Douglas Byrd, Buddy Cochrane, Ear} Corbitt, Henry Harris, James Kiser, Lacy Lentz, Robert McLaurin, Dickie McKenzie, Bobby Ramsey and Richard Ward. Speakers Chosen For Commence- ment Services The closing exercises of the school will be held on May 19th and 20th. The Reverend Charles H. Sides, Jr., pastor of the Harrisburg Presbyter- ian Church, will be preacher for the baccalaureate services on Sunday morning, May 19th. Dr. Frontis Withers Johnston, Professor at David- son College, will speak to the graduates on Monday morn- ing at eleven o’clock in the closing exercises. In all proba- bility this will be the last of the High School commence- ment exercises to be held on the Barium campus. Next year the four grades of the High School will be enrolled at Troutman and the graduation exercises will be part of the consolidated school exercises to be held at Troutman. ATTENTION ALUMNI! The president of the Alumni Association and the Home are compiling a correct mailing list of all the former students of the Home. It is urgent that every former student of Barium Springs send to the Home a present correct address. Please use a postal card or the blank below and mail immediately. If the girls who are now mar- ried will give their maiden name it will help in setting the records straight. Don’t put it off! Get a card today and send it to Barium Springs so that you can receive the news from your Alum- ni President and have word from the Home con- cerning the Homecoming to be held in August. APRIL 1957 Memorials For Church Agle,Mr. E. H., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers Alexander, Mr. T. M., Concord Mr, and Mrs. Carl Spears, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Long Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, Char- lotte Allen, Mr. William H., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Baldwin, Mr, Gordon H., Sr., Bur- lington Misses Mary Alice and Coble Tazzie Barbee, Mr. H. T., Concord Mrs. Margie M. White Barnette, Mrs. Lulu, Jackson Springs Miss Grace Donaldson, Southern Pines Women of the Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church Barron, Mrs. Nannie, Columbus Woman’s Class, Columbus Pres- byterian Church Becker, Mr. Louis Henry, St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Purdy, Burlington Biddle, Mrs. Annie W., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Bishop, Mrs, E. J., Charlotte Circle No. 7, Sharon Pres. Church Blankenship, Mr. K. D., Statesville Mr. L. A. Parks Blythe, Mr, F. J., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leath Mr. and Mrs, Walter D. Hampton My. and Mrs. C. E. Ritchie, Re- becea and Elizabeth, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parks, Len- oir Dr. and Mrs. John R. Pharr Mr. and Mrs. Clyde N. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Barnhardt, Jr. Mrs. W. S. Cunningham Mrs. L. M. Carr Judge and Mrs. Wilson Warlick, Newton Mrs. S. W. Dandridge Mr. and Mrs. W Vardell William- son Bostian, Mr. Leroy E., China Grove Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Bradford, Kan- napolis Brandt, Mr. Leon J., Jr., Asheboro Major and Mrs. Roger F. Hall, Lumber Bridge Brown, Miss Alice M., Charleston, Ss, C. Mrs. J. T. Howard Brown, Mr. Bertram H., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Purdy, Burlington Brown, Mr. C. K., Davidson Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Maulden, Kan- napolis Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. L., Charles- ton, S. C. Mrs. J. T. Howard Brown, Mrs. John D., Davidson Mr. John B. Watkins, III, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. Douglas O. Brown, Richmond, Va. Burnet, Mr. Arthur L., Sr., San Diego, Calif. Mr. Edward J. Mack, Greensboro Carpenter, Mr. J. C., Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury Claude Voils, Jr., THE BARIUM MESSENGER Carter, Mr. Jack, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson Mrs, Paul W. Sullivan and Sons Chesebrough, Mr. T. U., Pittsburgh, Pa, Miss May Mitchell Pegram, Char- lotte Christenbury, Mr. Mack C., Matt- hews Mr. and Mrs. James A. Alexand- er, Charlotte Clark, Mrs. W. T., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hackney Mr, and Mrs. George H. Adams Circle No. 8, Women of First Pres. Church Katherine Paris Taylor and Mrs. Carl Compton, Mrs. Catherine Troutman, Troutman Women of Little Joe’s Presbyter- ian Church, Barium Springs Rev. and Mrs. A. B. McClure Conley, Mrs. James, Caribou, Maine Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scroggs, Len- oir Covington, Mr, Pearl, Rockingham Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McInnis, Mooresville Cramer, Mr. Stuart W., Jr., Char- lotte Miss May Mitchell Pegram Craven, Mr. Harry Pharr, Charlotte Circle No. 1, Mallard Creek Pres. Church Crowder, Mrs. Edith, Raeford Circle No. 3, Raeford Presbyter- ian Church Cummings, Mr. Theo. F., Hickory Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Williams Cunningham, Mr. Arthur W., Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Torrence, Sr. Mrs. Maude O. Steele Mr. Orville O. Hawkins Mrs. Emma Jane, States- Davies, ville Men’s Bible Class, First Presby- terian Church Mr. and Mrs. John G. Knox Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, New York, N. Y. Davis, Mrs. Lucy Wallace, Monroe Mrs. Clarence E. Houston Circle No. 7, Sardis Pres. Church, Charlotte Dillon, Colonel F. K., Statesville Mr. J. C. Fowler Mrs. Calhoun Ramsey Mrs. Frank L. Johnson Mrs. Catherine N. Miller and Edgar Miller Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Raymer Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Raymer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Raymer Dorsey, Mrs, W. N., Charlotte Mr. Mike Myers Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Lewis, Reids- ville Mr. and Mrs. John McGee Downs, Mrs. David, Charlotte Fidelis Bible Class, Providence Pres. Church, Matthews Driven, Mr. Wm. E., Oraland, Pennsylvania Circle No. 3, Women of First Pres. Church, Concord Ellis, Mr. John Martin, Cumberland Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Garner, Hope Mills PAGE THREE Ferguson, Mr. T. M., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Flye, Mr, James Frank, Tarboro Women of William and Mary Hart Pres. Church Folley, Mrs. M, H., Southern Pines Mrs. Jean C. Edson Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. McNeill, Aberdeen The Sandhill Book Club, Aber- deen Mrs. Frank Mizell, Aberdeen Girl Scout Troop No, 100, Aber- deen Foster, Dr. H. K., Greensboro Mrs. W. J. Horney Foster, Mr. John S., Concord Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holding Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ritchie, Jr. Mrs. W. W. Flowe Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Schramm Mr. and Mrs. H. J. H, Begg, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coltrane, II Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Bost Miss Iris Lee Bost Rev. and Mrs. John H. McKinnon, Knoxville, Tenn. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Bailey Mr. S. L. Myers Circle No. 10, Women of First Pres. Church Mrs. M. W. Norfleet, Sr., Winston- Salem Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bisanar Mr, and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards Misses Lina and Addie White Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Rankin Miss Minnie Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Don S. Holt Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wads- worth Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie Dr, and Mrs. George Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Hill Dr. and Mrs. P. R. Maulden, Kan- napolis Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Towery, Sr. Mrs. Mary Lee Hull Mr. Mills Taylor, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thomson Parnassus Study Club Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hollings- worth Frye, Mrs. S. G., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Gaither, Mr, J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Garth, Mrs. J. G., Lincolnton Mrs. J. W. Barineau, Sr. Gilbert, Mr. Walter, Statesville Circle No. 1, Women of the West Raleigh Pres. Church, Raleigh Glaser, Mr. Emil, Roanoke Rapids First Presbyterian Church Grier, Mrs. T. F., Blackstock, S. C. Miss Mary M. Alexander, Hunt- ersville Griffin, Mr. J. Reece, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Setzer Hampton, Mrs. Ellen, Gastonia Mr. Warren Y. Gardner, Sr. Mr. Warren Gardner, Jr. Harwell, Mr, Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culbreth Mr. L. A. Parks Mrs. Frank L. Johnson Hawkins, Mrs. O. O., Charlotte Miss Margaret H. Booth Ephphatha Class of Covenant Pres. Church Misses Ellen and Lillian Jamison Mrs. Maude Steele Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cunningham Mr, and Mrs, B. D. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs, Tom Wilson Miss Willie Mae Oehler Mr. L. L. Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Jackson Henderson, Mr. Frank H., Gooch- land, Va. Mrs, Martha Daniel, Richmond, Va. Henderson, Mrs, L. L., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. W. Hope Ratchford Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Maxton Mr, and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Maxton Boy Scouts, Troop 439, Maxton Union Pres. Sunday Schooi Henson, Mr, Jett Clyde, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Clement R. Marshal] Hinson, Mr. Raymond, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs, John K. Hillman, Concord. Holland, Jack, New Jersey Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Thompson, Statesville, N. C. Jr., Haddonfield, Holt, Mrs, Bessie, Graham Mrs. J. Harvey White Mr. and Mrs. Alton Utley Hoover, Mr. Ray C., Concord Mrs. Margie M. White Hopkins, Mrs. Concord Dr. and Mrs, F. R. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wads- worth Mr. S. L. Myers Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ritchie Circle No. 9, Women of First Pres, Church Dr. and Mrs. Edd Misenheimer Mr. and Mrs. T. Frank Morrison and Family Misses Rose and Clara Harris Mrs. John F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hollings- worth Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Edge, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holding Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ritchie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Winecoff Misses Lina and Addie White Mrs. W. W. Flowe Misses Adelaide and Eugenia Lore Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Schramm Mrs, L. A. Weddington Mr. and Mrs. L. D, Coltrane, III Frances Gcodson, Hovis, Dr. L. W., Charlotte Miss May Mitchell Pegram Hutchison, Mr. William L., Gas- tonia Elizabeth, Frank and Houston Matthews Mr. >a Mrs. E. Hope Forbes Johnson, Mr. James R., Wiimington Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Allen Johnson, Mr. S. B., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Kimrey, Mr. Graham B., Sanford Mr. and Mrs, M. B. Harper Knox, Mr. Robert Frank, Hunters- ville Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur R. Stafford, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ritchie Misses Rebecca and Elizabeth Ritchie Land, Mr. A. W., Wilmington Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T. Sin- clair, Jr. Leake, Mrs. J. C., Charlotte Mrs. C. F. Cameron, Carolina Beach McCall, Mr. Bruce, Hinesville, Ga. Miss Mary Louise Craven, Clark- ton McConnell, Mrs. D. E., Matthews Mrs, J. H. Matthews, Gastonia Miss Elizabeth Matthews, Gas- tonia Mrs. Mary Ragan Rhyne, Gas- tonia Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilkins, Gastonia Mr. James M. Workman, Gas- tonia Mrs. Mary Workman Mason, Gas- tonia Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilbert Bell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Adams Mr. and Mrs, Robert Van Sleen Junior Dept., Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Van Sleen, Gastonia Dr. and Mrs. Harvey MeConnell, Lancaster, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. French, Gastonia Mrs. Norman Morrow Mrs. Glenn Patton Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Boyd Mrs. W. W. Gienn and Miss Susan L. Glenn, Lincolnton McConne!l, Mrs. J. W., Davidson Dr. and Mrs. Harvey McConnell, Lancaster, S. C. Mrs. Marie S. Currie McCord, Mr. A. S., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Adams Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Walker Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Collins McDonald, Mr. H. F., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson McDuffey, Mrs. Sarah Crooks, Con- cord Mrs. William L. Mills, Jr. McGuillen, Mr. William H., Wil- liamsburg, Va. Mrs. Martha Daniel, Richmond, Va. McInnis, Mr. Neill, Kannapolis Mr, and Mrs. K. M. Mclinnis, Mooresville Mcintosh, Mr. Henry L., Sr., Fay- etteville Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Lucas, Burgaw Student Gov't. Association, A. T. S., Richmond, Va. McKay, Mr. J. W., Cleveland Mrs. B. W. Griffith, Bessemer City Frank P. Buck Company, Salis- bury Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Foster, States- vilie Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Meredith, Statesville Mr. and Mrs, Fred McLaughlin, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Burris, Sr., Valdese Mr. J. W. Fowler, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rosebro Miss Mary Rosebro Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kirkpatrick McLaurin, Mrs. Sally, Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. Lauder Calhoun and Children PAGE FOUR THE BARIUM MESSENGER APRIL 1957 Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Calhoun, Jr. Mrs. E. F. Roper Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrison, T.aurel Hill McLean, Mr. Parks, Statesville Mr, L. A. Parks Mr. and Mrs. John G. Knox MacLellan, Mrs. Robert J., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Mr. John W. Parks, Gastonia McMillan, Miss Mary €., Red Springs Mrs. D. E. Smith Mrs, C. E. Zedaker McNeill, Miss Hattie, Millers Creek Miss Janie Young, Lowell Magie, Mr. H. M., Winston-Salem The J. M. Rogers Bible Class, First Pres, Church Martin, Mrs. Roger, Charlottesville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ardrey, Greensboro Mason, Mrs, Lillie, N. Reading, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Clyburn, Jr., Kannapolis Means, Mr. Brandon W., Concord Dr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Tomlin Mrs. Margie M. White Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ridenhour Meek, Mrs. Emma Ferguson, Gas- tonia Mr. and Mrs. E. Hope Forbes Miller, Mr. John L., Concord Misses Lina and Addie White Millikan, Mr. H. H., Wilmington Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T Sin- elair, Jr. Mizell, Mr. Frank, Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. McNeill Mock, Rebecca, (Baby) Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Claud McIntyre, Maxton Dr. and Mrs R. D. Croom, Jr., Maxton Monroe, Mrs. M. A., Eagle Springs Misses Cora and Grace Donald- son, Southern Pines Claude Johnson and Elisabeth, Aberdeen Mrs. M. C. McDonald, Sr., West End Mrs. Claude Auman, Treva and Tressie, West End Dr. and Mrs. George Heinitsh, Southern Pines Moody, Miss Grace, Charlotte Circle No. 2, Mulberry Presbyter- ian Church Morgan, Mr. B. A., Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Susan R. Saunders, Chapel Hill Morrow, Mr. Paul E., Sr., Burling- ton Pinckney Best Mrs. Joseph E. Gant Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Anderson Miss Carrie McLean Taylor Muse, Mrs. Roy C., Hamlet The McFadyens, Cameron Nance, Mr, Wade, Huntersville Women of Huntersville Presby- terlan Church Neal, Mre. J. M., Tarheel Mrs. S. Y. Pharr Nicholson, Mrs. J. R., Decatur, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Beattie, Charlotte Overstreet, Mrs. W. A., Forest, Va. Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Circle No. 14, Charlotte Parker, Mrs, B, H., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mrs. W. W. Glenn and Miss Sus- an L. Glenn, Lincolnton Parrott, Miss Hattie, Raleigh Miss Hattie Alexander, Charlotte Pate, Mr. Ed H., Kerr Mrs. S. S. Shubrick, Harrelis Mr. D. C. Fennell and Daughter, Harrells Mrs. D. G. Shaw Payne, Mrs. Lucy Lineberger, Gas- tonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Pegram, Mr, Victor, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Rob- erts, Wyndie and Tricia Penninger, Mrs. W. J., Charlotte Circle No. 4, Mallard Creek Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Banks M. Brown and Family, Huntersville The J. H. Oehler Family Perry, Mrs. Amella Ragsdale, Greensboro Myers Loyalty Class, First Pres. Church Phillips, Mrs. Frank D., Lowell Miss Claudia M. Baker Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hand Miss Janie Young Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Reid Miss Martha Cathey and Sisters, Belmont Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Maiers, Gastonia Sunday School of Black River Pres. Church, Ivanhoe Women of Black River Presby- terian Church, Ivanhoe Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Harrison Circle No. 2, Lowell Presbyterian Church Pierce, Mrs, S. P., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Pleasants, Mr. R. W., Carthage Miss Janie M. MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Eldon S. Adams Miss Meade Seawell Pritchett, Mr. Ernest M., Greens- boro Myers Loyalty Class, First Pres. Church Rankin, Miss Emma, Gastonia Women’s Bible Class, First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Reynolds, Mrs. Nettie M., Southern Pines Women of the Church, Brownson Memorial Pres. Church Rhodes, Mrs. Joseph Lee, New Or- leans, Loulsiana Mrs. W. W. Glenn Miss Susan L. Glenn Robbins, Mrs. Wm. A., Statesville Salesman of Columbia Baking Company Rogers, Mrs. Ella B., Wilmington Mrs. George T. Averette Rose, Mrs. John M., Fayetteville Mrs. Susan R. Saunders, Chapel Hill . Ross, Charles B., IIl, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mack Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Porter, Lawton, Oklahoma The Carrs and Wurzburgs, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hamilton, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott White, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fleming, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate, Jr., Charlotte Harriette and Duncan Elgin, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Crosland, Charlotte Satterfield, Mrs. G. W., Reidsville Mr, and Mrs. A. N. Turner Mr, and Mrs. J. Ed Lewis Mrs. Bettie Hall Jones, Reidsville Miss Marion C. Oliver Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Mar- shall Sawyer, Mrs. H. T., New London Mrs. S. W. Dandridge, Charlotte Searcy, Mr, Wayne, Tallahassee, Florida Mrs. Ed J. Lackey, Lenoir Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Robbins, Le- noir Mr. and Mrs. Willis G. Haymaker, Lenoir Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Scroggs, Lenoir Women of First Pres. Church, Lenoir Sherrill, Mr. Ney C., Troutman Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Sherrill, Mooresville Shepard, Mrs. A. H., Sr., Wilming- ton Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLear Mrs. Susan R. Saunders, Cnapel Hill Shepherd, Miss Ada, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Poston Shuford, Mr. Adrian, Sr., Conover The Pioneer Dept. Laurinburg Pres. Church, Laurinburg Simpson, Mr. Mack, Rutherfordton Miss Janie Young, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hand, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, Lowell Sisk, Mr. H. C., Jr., Lenoir Mrs. S. S. Jennings Sloop, Mrs. Mary D., Concord Mrs. Margie M. White Smith, Mr. J. O., Bolivia Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T. Sin- clair, Jr., Wilmington Smith, Mr. Robert E., Sr., Charlotte Mr. A. Grant Whitney Smith, Mr. T. J., Vass Jane McGill Circle, Vass Pres. Church The Charles VonMetzger Family Snyder, Mr. J. Luther, Charlotte Mrs. Frank L. Johnson, States- ville The Mengel Company, Wood Pro- ducts Branch, Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey Morri- son, Monroe Circle No. 2, First Pres. Church, Gastonia Spencer, Mrs. Homer, Concord Circle No. 11, Women of First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs, A. Jones Yorke Misses Rose and Clara Harris Mrs. John F. Reed Stephenson, Mr. Samuel Lane, Ra- leigh Circle No. 2, Ernest Myatt Pres. Church Stott, Mrs. Amelia S., Spring Hope First. Presbyterian Church, Roa- noke Rapids Stovall, Mr. J. T., Jefferson, Ga. Miss Mary Louise Craven, Clark- ton Taylor, Dr. Ben C., Mount Holly Dr. and Mrs. V. V. Voils, Moores- ville Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Misses Emma and Edith Holland Tuesday Afternoon Book Club, Belmont Miss Jette Plonk, Kings Mountain Caswell Taylor, Jr., Gastonia Tharpe, Mr. J. Elias, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culbreth Thomas, Mr. F. J., Warsaw Mrs. J. W. Farrior Todd, Mrs. W. E., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Wade, Mrs. Annie Berry, High Point Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Huffiness, Jr. and Thomas, Greensboro Walker, Mrs. Charles E., Charlotte Mrs. C. E. Stevenson, Salisbury Mrs. Thomas C. Hayes, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Helms Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Tyson Walker, Mr. Julius, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hand Walters, Mrs. W. F., Raeford Mrs. Kate B. Covington Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McLean Wardlaw, Mrs. Robert J., Liberty Hill, S.C. Mrs. S. A. Hart, Mooresvilie Circle No, 4, Women of the Firsi Pres. Church, Mooresville Ware, Mr. J. White, Gastonia \r. and Mrs. M. R. Adams White, Mrs. E. F., Concord Misses Lina and Addie White Mr. and Mrs. W., J. Holding Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ritchie, Jr. Mrs. Ray C. Hoover Mrs. Margie M. White White, Mr. Henry Hill, Jr., Colum- bia, S. C. Mrs. Chauncey Depew Linney and Miss Evangelena Linney, Statesville Whiteside, Miss Maggie, Charlotte keverend Wiliam Brown Mrs. Luke W. Query Miss Anna Pegram Mrs. Annie Parks Brown Clay Mrs. Robert P. Brown Mr. and Mrs Wilson McGinn Mr. Fred Brown Mrs. Boyd Alexander Mrs. Edgar Abernethy Miss Kate Freeman Mrs. Ray R. Warren Mr. and Mrs. George Brown Mr. Reece Brown Miss Julia Price Miss Ida Foard Mrs. Price Berryhill Mr. Loy W. Brown Miss Isabel Auten Miss Willa Boyles Mrs. Clyde Neely Sloan Mrs. Mabel Beaty Parlier Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Price Mrs. Evelyn Byrum Mr. Robert Davenport Mr. Ottie Sloan Miss Mary Price Miss Laura Price Mr. Neely Price Mr. Howard Price Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Price Mrs. Robert Bigham Mrs. Peyton Davenport Mrs. William Pegram The Ailie B. Whiteside S. S. Class Mr. L. L. Brown Mrs, Sam W. Brown Miss Bessie Brown Mrs, Ida Reddick Mrs. E, B. Byrum Mr. Baxter Wilson Mr. Hodge Pegram Miss Macie McGinn Mrs. Rob Reid Miss Annie B. Berryhill Mrs. Frank Bigham Miss Katherine McChesney Mr. Breece Cathey Mrs, Olive Cathey Huff Mrs. Ollie Griffith Burrage Mr. Weldon Spratt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson Mr. Edgar Freeman Rev. Ben F. Brown Dr. Howard Brown Miss Merle Byrum Mrs. Rufus Grier Dr. E. Bryce Robinson Mrs. J. C. Hawfield Miss Mary Robinson Miss Georgia Robinson Mrs. Iva C. Sadler Mr. and Mrs. Mack P. Brown Mrs. Ellen Spratt Mrs. Claude Reid Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Auten Mrs. C. P. Sloan Miss Laura McGinn Williams, Mr. 0. G., Jacksonville, Florida Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Womack, Mr. James Dods, Reids- ville Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Lewis Miss Marion C. Oliver Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Rankin Mary and Reuben King Wright, Mr. Wyndham, Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Blair, North Wilkesboro Zibelin, Mrs. Robbie Williams, Wal- lace Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris, Bur- gaw In Honor Of Howell, Mrs. Ed, Greensboro Young Married Couples Class, First Pres. Church OPERATING MEMORIALS Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade Pepper, Mr, C. G., Hamiet Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND Henderson, Mrs. L. L., Gastonia Miss Eleanor McCaskill, Maxton Mrs. Mayme McQueen, Maxton McCord, Mr. A. S., Charlotte Women of Caldwell Memorial Pres. Church Huntington Bible Class, Caldwell Memorial Pres. Church Webb, Mr. H. Yates, Charlotte Mrs. B. H. Hefner Carter, Mr. Jack, Maxton Mrs. Cap McQueen Miss Eleanor McCaskill Hopkins, Mrs. Frances, Concord Mrs. C. F. Ritchie, Sr. Miss Margaret Ritchie BR — | ct + > Pr t pe t e HOMECOMING AND CHURCH DEDICATION AUGUST 4TH, 1957 Barium Messenger VOL. 36 BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., MAY 1957 COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS ENDS SCHOOL YEAR Sunday, May 19th, and Monday, May 20th, brought to a close the school year on the campus at Barium Springs and also the high school com- mencement exercises for this campus. The Reverend Charles H. Sides, Jr., pastor of the Har- risburg Presbyterian Church, was the guest minister for the baccalaureate sermon in Little Joe’s Presbyterian Church. Dr. Frontis Withers Johnston from Davidson College deliv- ered the address before the graduates on Monday morn- ing at eleven o’clock. As the seniors filed out of the auditorium, the end of one era was noted and the begin- ning of a new one anticipated. The moving of the high school to Troutman to be a part of the larger consolidated school will hereinafter see the com- mencement exercises held in conjunction with that school in Troutman. Thus, the sep- arate graduating exercises for Barium Springs will be a thing of the past. The school principal, R. G. Calhoun, has been witnessing these exer- cises for thirty years, and it will seem very strange in 1958 not to be getting ready for commencement at Barium Springs. While there is always sadness in changing a custom, there is also the pleasure in the more profitable experien- ces to be gained as a part of the larger community in which the Barium students will attend school and grad- uate. Death Claims James P. Gray Iredell Morning News The main auditorium of the First Presbyterian Church was filled Sunday afternoon, April 14th, for the funeral of James P. Gray, friends being present from Statesville and Iredell County, from Barium Springs, Loray and a number of points at greater distances. Mr. Gray’s pastor, Rev. N. R. McGeachy conducted the service and there was music by the church choir. Inter- ment was in Oakwood. Mr. Gray was 68 years old. The son of the late Captain I. A. Gray and Mrs. Mary Ram- sey Gray he was born on Jan- uary 27, 1894. He graduated from Mt. Ulla High School, but prior to that he attended the schools at Barium Springs and in later years he and his wife, who graduated from Barium Springs High School were paid the high honor of being selec*ed as the couple, that in their lives and in the influence they exerted, best exemplified the high stand- ards of Barium’s teachings. They were given a medal and at the same time were reco- gnized as the first boy and girl from Barium campus to be married. Mr, Gray was a newspaper- man for more than 30 years of his life. He was connected (Continued on Page 2) His honor and glory. sa s h e s LET US GIVE THANKS A day of dedication for the new church building is now in sight. The memorial gifts ° have continued to be a part of this lovely edifice and it appears that all indebtedness will be removed by the first of August. The memorials received between now and then will continue to be a part of the church me- morial, Sunday, August 4th, has been set as the day of dedication and Homecoming. Dr. W. Taliaferro Thompson will preach the sermon of dedication and all the alumni will be invited for a Homecoming Day on the campus, Let us give thanks unto AI.- mighty God for His goodness and rejoice in this House of Worship to be dedicated to SRR BEPSRRRARERSRA EERE DLEA RARER RERS COTTAGE NEWS Rumple Hall Hi Folks— Here we are again to bring you news. We certainly have had some nice sunny weather lately: even though we did not expect such heat so soon, we are enjoying it. We all enjoyed Easter. The Adult Choir gave a cantata called “The Crucifixion.” We got our report cards last week and had some very good grades. Two of our girls have parakeets and they wake us up bright and early every morning as soon as the sun is up. Our Senior High Fellow- ship has had the privilege of going to two different church rallies. One was a District Rally at Salisbury, and the other was a Senior Rally at Davidson. Some of our girls went to Tarboro and Chapel Hill for a visit. They all en- joyed this very much. The Rumple Hall Girls. Howard Cottage Hi, It’s us, the Beanstringers, again. We have really had a busy week-end. To start it off with a bang, Diane Mobley came to visit us. We enjoyed having her and are looking forward to her coming again at commencement. The Easter Bunny came to see us and left us lots of eggs and candy. We were all so dressed up, and we enjoyed the Easter Service very much. We were very proud of Bren- da, Elva, Vicki, Martha, and Nancy, all of whom sang in the Chancel Choir. The can- tata, the Crucifixion, was lovely. We have had three birth- days this month and there are two more yet to come. Miss Sims’ birthday is on Satur- day of this week. We wonder what is going to happen—we are hearing lots of whispers these days. The Beanstringers. June Birthdays DTS FO ios ccscisseneessices 6-28-45 Paulette Grier.............. 6- 4-45 Margaret Louise BISCHOUITi oc cccccssc 6-29-45 Mary McEwen.............. 6-10-42 PANG WEDD sooo ieciss ck 6-15-45 Naoka Spencer............ 6-22-47 Shelby McEwen............ 6- 8-40 James Hooverv.............. 6- 5-47 Walter Barefoot.......... 6- 3-43 James Dennis.............. 6-23-47 Douglas Finley............ 6-29-44 Randy Shaw................ 6- 9-41 CONFERENCE MET IN ASHEVILLE The Southeastern Confer- ence for Workers in Homes for Children held its fifty-sec- ond annual meeting in Ashe- ville, N. C. One hundred and fifty persons representing child-caring institutions in the nine southeastern states spent three days in regular session in the mountain city. Miss Helen Hagan, the assistant Executive Director of the Child Welfare League of America conducted the Insti- tute on “Values of Group Liv- ing for Children.” Mr. Alton Broten, of the School of Social Work of the University of North Carolina, addressed the group cn the Housemothers’ Training Program. Addres- ses by the President, The Rev- erend Leon Smith, and by Mr. D, Hiden Ramsey, together with the business sessions which were held concluded the conference work. Officers for the new year are: Rev. A. B. McClure, President; Miss Mary Bruce Roberts, Superintendent of the Hillside Cottages, Atlanta, Georgia, Vice-President; and Miss Lucille Reea of the Mills Home at Thomasville, N. C Secretary. The Conference voted to meet in Charleston, South Carolina in 1958. Members of the program committee ap- pointed to arrange for the program in the next year are: Mr. M. T. Lambeth, of the Children’s Home in Winston- Salem; Alton Broten of the Child Care Project, Chapel Hill; Everett Spell, Charles- ton, S. C. 7 ALUMNI NEWS David Stanley died April 6th and was buried in High Point on Sunday, April 7th. He left Barium in 1916 after having been here for ten years. Our sympathy is ex- tended to the members of his family and to his friends. Cromer Curtis is at his home in Marion, after serving for three years in the Air Corps. He came by Barium on his way from Washington. George Landrum was a visi- tor on the campus recently. He travels for a clothing company in New York and has North and South Carolina as his ter- ritory. Jerry Young is working in Wilson, N. C. He was at Bar- ium Easter Sunday. (Continued on Page 2) No. 5 Seniors Plan For The Future Ninety-one years of home life at Barium Springs will be brought to a close with the graduating exercises on Mon- day, May 20th. The six boys and three girls of the class have lived in the Home a total of ninety - one years, one month, and twenty - seven days. The shortest time is three years, nine months, and twenty-eight days for Oscar Eugene Utsman, and the long- est time is fourteen years, four months and five days for Ronnie Ray Hudgins. Nancy Kyles who lives in the com- munity has had all twelve of her grades at the Barium school, and Mac McClure join- ed the present group in the fifth grade and has journeyed with them through the senior year. For these eleven boys and girls there lies in the im- mediate future further educa- tion, nurse’s training, beauti- cian school, employment, and Armed Services. The records show that Ful- ton LeNair Burns came to Barium Springs from the Im- manuel Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, N. C. Bernice Kuykendall and Lawton Rice came from the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Char- lotte and Ronnie Hudgins came from the same city but from Williams Memorial Church. Burlington and the Kast Burlington Presbyterian Church is the home of Bar- bara Ann Johnson, while Ad- die McEwen claims Clarkton and the Clarkton Presbyterian Church. Sidney Morrison is from the Loray community, north of Statesville, and the Concord Presbyterian Church. Walter Plyler is from Kannapolis and Indian Trail, associated with the Presbyter- ian Church at Indian Trail. Oscar Utsman comes from Hillsboro through the Pres- byterian Church at Mebane, Ny U; Changing from seniors to alumni is quite a difficult task. It means a change of re- sidence, new friends, new lo- cations, new work, and _ it means progress and growth. While there is eager anticipa- tion to move on, there is also the inward fears of moving out and the pleasant memories of living together. These will now join the thousands of oth- ers who have moved forth from the lovely campus and sheltered life of Barium to the larger world and _ further training, new service, and greater things in the days that lie ahead. PAGE TWO BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor Entered as second-class matter, No- vember 15, 1923, at the post office at Barium Springs, N. C., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for malling at special rate of postage, pro- vided for in Section 1108 Act of Octo- ber 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Long.............. President Mrs. Lewis Schenck....V.-President Mr. Chas. T, Hagan, Jr._Secretary Mr. M. C, Benton, Jr....Winston-Salem Mrs. R. B. Brooks...._............. Burlington De. J. BM. Carter... Jesiiaivcnenieiiiilaad Newton Mrs. David C. Clark.....Rvanoke Rapids Mr. Robert Lee Corbett..... Macclesfield Mrs. Emmett Crook....................Charlotte Mrs. John Farrior.-.......................Burgaw Mr. Charles T. Hagan, Jr.....Greensboro Reverend W. B. Heyward......... Raeford Mr. C. Spears Hicks..... ai Mr, Ennis Jackson. ir PO ee na a Lenoir Mire. J. He Matinews..........:..: Gastonia Mrs, W. W. McGinn....Charlotte, Rt. 4 Mrs. Colon McLean.............. Washington Mrs, John MeNair, Jr...........Laurinburg Reverend J. W. Miller............... Clarkton Mrs, Lewis Schenck....................Davidson Mrs, Flake Steele............ Winston-Salem Mr. George Stovall.................... Albemarle 17 Children Join The Church It was indeed an inspiring service when seventeen boys and girls from the Church family made their profession of faith and united with Little Joe’s Presbyterian Church. These children had attended regular communicants’ classes and been examined and re- ceived by the Session and were presented in conjunction with the Morning Worship Service for their public pro- fession of faith. They are: Lois Ann Allen, Margaret Louise Blackburn, Brenda Jean Blake, Philip David Blalock, Robert Donald Blalock, Ronald _ Collins Brown, Priscilla Jean Bush, Linda Lee Byrd, James David Flowers, Paulette Inez Grier, Richard Sylvester Hicks, Bev- erly Elizabeth Hyde, Michael LeRoy Morgan, William Ster- ling Rannels, Patricia Sue Ross, Forest Donald Spencer, Agnes Jane Webb. Is Your Mailing Address Correct! DEATH CLAIMS JAMES P. GRAY (Continued from Page |) with The Statesville Daily and The Landmark, joining the papers in 1921 and serving until they were sold in May 1953. He was news editor of the papers and he also, at times, did a bit of writing. He expressed himself in a most readable style and attracted favorable comments, particul- arly with the stories he picked up around the railroad sta- tion, where he loved to go on off moments. He liked sports, could report them in entertaining fashion and, as he had leisure, he found plea- sure in attending local games, especially the ones at Barium. Raised a Presbyterian, he had been an elder in the church for many years and was active in Sunday School work. He was a kindly anda willing neighbor and he was a loyal friend, gifted with a sense of humor that made him an entertaining companion. On August 18, 1915, Mr. Gray married Miss Annie Hartsell and they established a home that has centered a very close, and a very out- standing family life, grand- children, as children of the home, bearing testimony in their lives to its fine influence, Mr. Gray has been retired since May 19538, and for the past two years and more he has been in failing health. He died Saturday morning at his home on the Wilkesboro road. He is survived by his wife and six children: James P. Gray Jr. and Mrs. C. W. Walsh of Statesville; Robin B. Gray of Atlanta, Ga.; John L. Gray of Gaffney, S. C.; Boyd Gray, U. S. Army, stationed in Mexico; and Mrs. F. E. Alexander of Charlotte. One sister, Mrs. H. F. Den- son ot Atlanta, Ga., survives and there are seventeen grandchildren. Clothing, Clothing PLEASE USE THIS BLANK IN REMITTING GIFTS sc MPa Edy sls dad nasbdicn oaicuebcs sun dgvesesaveces FE aac ced pravcatorinsasaccessertsvace NT IE sss oncy sas cccuesasine) eaasusncerssnanesysyuseensstoonnins PR Se a Bcc vias Cabeat 1h UNE Bi iccsceverecusidacs BUMINOTIOLE ogc ws Bicocanusiags Pe ice 6. Diieiemnns Miscellaneous PINON 5 6-9 a | ieageantbeatpleutnecds Child Money Sent For....................... BM isin iceaiccissaecansiecs lias eccyassonntentien Sender (Mr., Mrs., or Miss)........... PE ais iailstbavintaternesvinssernsnnessinsereseeasices Send To Presbyterian Orphans’ Home Barium Springs, N. C. THE BARIUM MESSENGER MAY 1957 Staff Notes Miss Reba Thompson was called to Spartanburg, S. C. on the Easter week-end be- cause of the death of her bro- ther-in-law, Mr. DeWitt Mc- Coy. Mrs. Dot Marshall has tak- en on a new activity. In ad- dition to being dietician, she is also becoming the rose gar- den specialist. The circle in the driveway behind the kitch- en is to become the beauty spot of the campus according to her predictions. Miss Rebekah Carpenter and Miss Pat Buercklin lived through a two-day trip with a bus-load of juniors to Tar- boro. They each report a won- derful time — a good trip all the way there and back—and a most enjoyable visit. Miss Neely Ford whose first love is ‘“my boys” has a second love which is the mountains of Western North Carolina. A week-end in that direction recently gave her great satisfaction and plea- sure in seeing the Waynesville area, Mrs. Arthur Hanks still wonders how children can find all the dirt that gets to- gether on their clothes that come to the laundry. Even with the antiquated machin- ery which she has to work with, she and her staff do a fine job in turning out clean clothes. Mrs. Helen Fox and Miss Louise Campbell are just stitching up a storm in the sewing room trying to get the juniors and seniors outfitted in evening dresses for the gala events. Superintendent A. B. Mc- Clure was elected president of the Southeastern Conference in its spring session, Harry E. Barkley, former Barium teacher, has resigned as superintendent of Mounta n Orphanage, effective June 1957. Future plans for the Barkleys have not been an- nounced. Junior-Senior Staged At Troutman Saturday, May 4, was quite a gala evening for the juniors and seniors of BariumSprings and Troutman Schools. The junior classes of the two schools united in preparing for and inviting the senior classes of the two _ schools; thus, making this delightful event of every high school a joint affair. The school cafe- teria, beautifully decorated, was filled with the four hun- dred persons invited. After the banquet, the tables were removed and the Junior-Seni- or Prom was held. It is particularly interest- ing that the students of the two schools requested this joint get-together; thus, evi- dencing the delight of the stu- dents in the new relationship. ALUMNI (Continued from Page 1) Neil McKee was a visitor on the campus recently. He is a mechanic with the State and services 60 school buses. He and his family live in Reids- ville. He is Assistant Super- intendent of the Sunday School which he attends. Mirton Cox, who is with the Air Force at Lake Charles Air Force Base, was a visitor on the campus. Edna Baucom, student at A.S.T.C. went to Chapel Hill recently with the Math Club to see the Easter Story at the Planetarium. Leroy and Judy Norman write interesting letters of the happenings at Omaha Air Force Base. The announcement of the engagement of Patsy Jean Lamont and Palmer Willcox appeared in the Charlotte Ob- server recently. A June wed- ding is planned. Born to Jane (Feimster) and Julius Rakestraw in Chi- cago on March 24th a daught- er, Vickie Lynn. Mrs. Carrie Smith and Miss Elizabeth Powell of Oakland. California spent the night and attended Church services on Sunday. Jimmy Harwell and Clayton Miller spent Easter week-end at Barium. Both are still in service. Peggy Cox and her hus- band, Glenn Mason, from Washington, N. C.,_ spent Easter Sunday at Barium. Honor Roll First Grade: Jerry Flor- ence, Sylvia Bush, Nancy Fin- ley, Linda Ivey, Linda Ro- berts. Second Grade: Wilson Bush, Bobby Neill, Connie Crews, Libby Gregory, Connie Webb, Sylvia Taylor. Third Grade: Belle Cal- houn, Patsy Mace, Emily Sue McClure, Fourth Grade: Clyde Mace, Bobby Grier, Larry Joyner, Charles McBennet, Mike Rod- erick, Larry Wilkins, Lou Anna Bridgers, Karen Crews, Linda Sue Medlin, Judy Pink- ston, Elsie Rannells, Judith Rutledge, Sherry Ross, Mary Tyndall. Fifth Grade: Charles Ford, Ronald Brown, Larry Ruff, Richard Hicks, Forest Spenc- er, Lois Allen, Eloise Bare- foot, Shirley Farris, Rita Harris, Joyce Hughes. Sixth Grade: Susie Black- burn, David Blalock, Peggy Bridgers, Sue Bush, Linda Byrd, Linda Florence, Sam Florence, Mike Morgan, Bill Rannells, Linda Shepherd, Joey Vecchio, Stanley Muse. Seventh Grade: Walter Barefoot, Henry Bridgers, Charles Donaldson, Douglas Finley, Charles McLean, Shir- ley Ann Faulk, Ellen Neill. Eighth Grade: Faye Hicks, Beverly Hyde, Lacy Lentz, Marcia Lewis, Sue Moore. Eleventh Grade: Tom Fin- ley, Melvin McKenzie. Twelfth Grade: Mac Mc- Clure, Lawton Rice, Oscar Utsman, Nancy Kyles, Addie McEwen. August 4th. ATTENTION ALUMNI! The president of the Alumni Association and the Home are compiling a correct mailing list of all the former students of the Home. It is urgent that every former student of Barium Springs send to the Home a present correct address. Please use a postal card or the blank below and mail immediately. If the girls who are now mar- ried will give their maiden name it will help in setting the records straight. Don’t put it off! Get a card today and send it to Barium Springs so that you can receive the news from your Alum- ni President and have word from the Home con- cerning the Homecoming to be held Sunday, MAY 1957 THE BARIUM MESSENGER PAGE THREE GRADVATION CLASS OF 1957 The above picture shows the 1957 senior class of the Barium Springs High School. The mascot in the center of the picture is a grandchild of Barium Springs, his father having graduated from the High School. The seniors are— 1. FULTON LENAIR BURNS 2. RONNIE RAY HUDGINS 3. BARBARA ANN JOHNSON 4. NANCY LEE KYLES 5. BERNICE KUYKENDALL 6. ALBERT BONNER MCCLURE, JR. 7. ADDIE JEAN MCE WEN 8. CHARLES SIDNEY MORRISON 9. WALTER GAINES PLYLER 10. LAWTON DANTZLER RICE 11. OSCAR EUGENE UTSMAN Mascot is JOE BEN GIBBS, JR., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ben Gibbs. PAGE FOUR Memorials For Church Alexander, Mrs. J. H., Charlotte Miss Lelia M. Alexander Andrews, Mr. George, Concord Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Goodman, Sr. Barger, Mr. Karl, Statesville Miss Mary and Mr. Joe Shoaf, Mooresville Major and Mrs, William L. Alli- son Mr. L. A. Parks Barnhardt, Mr. Eugene C., Jr., Con- cord Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barn- hardt, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holding Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Johnston, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crooks Mr, and Mrs. Robert E. Jones Mr. W. G. Caswell Mrs. J. B. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bisanar Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Smith, Albe- marle Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr., Concord Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coltrane, III Bennett, Mrs. M. E., Olin Southern Bakeries Co., States- ville Berry, Mr. A. L., Laurens, S. C. Men’s Bible Class, First Presby- terian Church, Hickory Bishop, Mrs. E. J., Charlotte The Women of Sharon Presbyter- ian Church Blythe, Mr. F. J., Charlotte Mr. J. B. Choate Mr. Samuel H. Clark, Jr. Mr. James Clark Bowen, Mr. Perry, Burgaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Morris Boyd, Mr. R. D., Jacksonville, Ar- kansas Mrs. Mary Huffstetler, Gastonia Bryant, Mrs. C. K., Lincolnton Mrs. Mittie M. Bryant, Statesville Bryant, Mr. Richard J., Sr., Hamp- stead Mrs. John Douglas Mrs. Clyde Ward, Chadbourn The Robert H. Edison Family, Richmond, Va. Campbell, Mr. Loyd D., Sr., Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. J. David Flowers Ladies Bible Class, Amity Pres- byterian Church Campen, Mr. Benjamin, Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gardner, Jr. Chapman, Mr. Geo. B., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Price Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Collins Christian, Mr. John, Durham Mr. and Mrs. Jule B. Warren, Raleigh Christin, Mrs. Annie White, Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth Houston Clark, Mrs. W. T., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Womack Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean, Washington Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Titchener Cochran, Dr. J. D., Sr., Newton Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Ratchford, Gastonia Cochran, Mr. Nash Spencer, Matt- hews Mrs. Nash Spencer Cochran Coltrane, “Baby”, Greensboro Miss Elisabeth Houston Cox, Mr. Lynn, Winston-Salem Mrs. Chas. H. Sloan, Belmont Craven, Mr. Harry Pharr, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sample, Mooresville Curry, Mrs. E. C., Charlotte Mr. Leo H, Crosson Deal, Mrs. J. E., Lenoir Wonien of First Pres, Church Dillon, Col. F. Kirkwood, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. H,. F. Yost, Savan- nah, Georgia Miss Sarah White Dunham, Mr. H. W., Bethesda, Maryland First Presbyterian Church, Roa- noke Rapids Eagles, Mrs, J. C., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams Ellerbe, Mrs. Josephine McCall, Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Harry Page and Family Mrs. C. E. Neisler Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunnicut! Everett, Mrs. Kate H., Roberson ville Mr. and Mrs. Washington Colon McLean, Foster, Mrs. H. C., Charlotte The Women of Sharon Presby- terian Church Misses Louise and Martha Fiour- noy Foster, Mr. John, Concord Miss Mary E. Propst Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunt Fisher Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchener Furpless, Mrs. James P., Raleigh Session of Southport Presbyter- ian Church, Southport Furr, Mrs. Blanche Current, Con- cord Timothy H. Furr Carl Moss Martin Biggers Ralph Furr Wayne Rhodes Amanda K. Miller Eva M. Readling Mittie H. Caldwell Doris White Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holding Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holding, Jr. Gaither, Mr. J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Goolsby, Mrs. Elbert Mitchell, Cali- fornia Major and Mrs. William L, Alli- son, Statesville Gray, Mr. James P., Sr., Statesville Monticello Home Demonstration Club Major and Mrs. William L. Alli- son Mr. L. A. Parks Circle No. 10, First Presbyterian Church 4th Grade Junior Dept., Presbyterian Church First Grice, Robert Hali, Jr., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hains Seventh Grade of Long Creek School Henson, Mr, J. Clyde, Chariotte Mr. George F. Jones THE BARIUM MESSENGER Holt, Mrs. Ben B., Graham Mrs. W. E. White, Morganton Howard, Mr. Marion Clifton, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs, Edwin W. Hamer Ingram, Mr. Sam H., Burgaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Morris Johnson, Mrs. Sallie, Oak City Mr. and Mrs, Colon McLean, Washington Kimel, Mr. Ray D., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Hamer Knox, Mr. Frank, Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knox, Lenoir Lake, Mr. Frank G., Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. F. F. Steel, Sr., Winston- Salem Dr. and Mrs. E. Bruce Brooks, Winston-Salem Lawing, Mr. John B., Huntersville Ladies Bible Class, Hopewell Presbyterian Church Lawson, Miss Resh, Statesville Mr. and Mrs, Walter E. Sherrill Liles, Mrs. Carrie B., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. H. R,. McLean, Rae- ford Lingle, Mr, Walter, Davidson Miss Mary Lee Sloan, Richmond, Va. McConnell, Mrs. D. E., Matthews Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, Concord Mrs. S. A. Robinson Miss Elisabeth Houston McCormick, Mr. Taylor, McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Britt, Sr. McCoy, Mr. DeWitt, Danielsville, Ga. Women of Little Joe’s Church, Barium Springs Miss Faye Stevenson, Statesville Reverend and Mrs, Albert B. Mc- Clure, Barium Springs Miss Rebekah Carpenter, Barium Springs McGougan, Mr. J. E.,, Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Forbis Lumber McIntosh, Mr. Luther, Marion, S. C. Neal Anderson Bible Class, First Pres. Church, Winston-Salem McKay, Miss Bessie, Rowland The Women of Ashpole Presby- terian Church McKay, Mr. James Worth, Cleve- land Mrs. R. H. Foard, Murphy McKee, Mr. A. F., Jackson, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins, Len- oir McKinnon, Mr. A. Murphy, Aiken, Ss. Cc. Mrs. Martha Davis, Maxton McMillan, Miss Mary E., Red Springs Mrs. M. N. Raynor, Fayetteville McRae, Mr. Vancouver, B. C., Can- ada Mrs. Fred Slane, Statesville Monroe, Mr. John D., Lumber Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Hall Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Hubbard, Sr., Fayetteville Circle No. 3, Lumber Bridge Pres- byterian Church Mrs. John Hancock, Greensboro Mr, John Charles Williams, New Orleans, La. Women of Lumber Bridge Pres- byterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Forbis Morris, Mr. Theadore, Miami, Flor- ida Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huffstetler Mr. J. E, Lindsay Morrison, Mr. John A., Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Creed C. Coffee, Jr., Cameron, La. Morrow, Mr. Pau! E., Burlington Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gross Murray, Mr. Robert W., Burgaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Morris Nance, Mr. Wade, Huntersville Mr. Otis C. Gray Ost, Mr, Charles, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sherrill, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sherrill, Jr. Palmer, Mrs. Esther, Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Pate, Dr. James G., Gibson Miss Mollie Hargrave, Laurel Hill Peacock, Mr. J. W., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams Ramsay, Mr. John E., Salisbury The Misses Knox Reichard, Mr. Henry, Ill, Hickory Mr. and Mrs, A. Grant Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. McComb Riddle, Mr. R. A., St. Pauls Mr. J. Browne Evans Rives, Mr, J, R., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Earle Miss Francis Earle Robins, Mr. Henry M., Asheboro Dr. and Mrs. Thomas English Walker, Charlotte Rogers, Miss Katharine, Raleigh Mrs. Harold T. Delavan, Wilson Miss Kathrine R. Fort, Louisville, Kentucky Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Titchener, Wilson Ryan, Mrs. Archie W., Rosemead, Calif. Circle No. 1, Mulberry Presbyter- ian Church, Charlotte Junior Dept. Mulberry Presbyter- ian Church, Charlotte Searcy, Mr. Wayne, Tallahassee, Florida Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins, Len- oir Shepherd, Miss Ada, Charlotte Mrs, H. A. Armstrong Sisk, Mr. H. C., Jr., Lenoir Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins Snyder, Mr. J. Luther, Charlotte Mrs. J. H. Matthews, Gastonia Mr, and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, Con- cord Spence, Mrs. Lillie, Lillington Mr. Neill McK. Ross Stanley, Mrs. E. E., Charlotte Mr. Leonard Phillips Stevenson, Mrs. Clyde A., Camilla, Georgia Mrs. Wade H. Allison, Sr. Mr. Andrew Allison, San Antonio, Texas Stuart, Mr. G. W., Troy Mr. and Mrs. John R. Phipps, Fu- quay Springs Stowe, Mrs. James P., Charlotte Miss Nell Barnhardt Margaret and Bill Booth Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O’Halloran Mrs. W. E. Moffatt Mrs. Fan S. McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Willard MAY 1957 Mrs. Joseph B. Johnston Miss Leila Johnston Mrs. Robert H. Lafferty Mr. D. Grier Martin, Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stowe, Bel- mont Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stowe, Bel- mont Mrs. R. D. Alexander, Belmont Thompson, Mrs. Annie Baker, Row- land The Women of Ashpole Presby- terian Church Thompson, Mr, L. K., Greensboro Mrs, W. J. Horney Todd, Mr. Chas. W., Lincolnton Mrs. Chas. W. Todd Wade, Mrs. Annie B., Greensboro Mrs, A. W. McAlister and Family Walker, Mrs. Chas. E., Charlotte Mr, and Mrs. Arthur R. Craig Ware, Mr, J. White, Gastonia Mrs. J. L. Currence, Sr. Martha C. Dobbins Mr. and Mrs. R. Carl Currence Mrs, S. A. Robinson Mrs. J. C. Nickels, Kings Moun- tain Mr, and Mrs. Harry E. Page, Kings Mountain White, Mrs. Frances, Statesville Mr. L. A. Parks Whiteside, Mrs, Allie B., Charlotte Mrs. J. E. Byrum Whiteside, Mr. Henry, Charlotte Mrs. D. L. Morrell Whiteside, Miss Maggie, Charlotte Mrs. J. E. Griffith, Knoxville, Tenn. Wilkes, Mrs. Carrie Elizabeth, Cope, Ss. C. Mrs. J. H. Matthews, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Grady Jenkins, Gas- tonia Williams, Mr. Herman, Spring Hope Mrs. Martha Daniel, Richmond, Va. Winn, Mr. Nile, Bowman, Georgia Women of the Church, Mulberry Presbyterian Church, Charlotte Woods, Mr. Henry P., Hillsboro Lula, Nannie, Cora and Emma OPERATING MEMORIALS Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamiet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND Chapman, Mr. G. B., Charlotte Women of the Church, Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian Church Grice Robert Hall, Jr., Charlotte Mrs. Amelia Rozzelle and Family Singley, Louise Ann, Maxton Patricia Ann Holland Singley, David, Jr., Maxton Patricia Ann Holland Singley, Michael, Maxton Patricia Ann Holland Caldwell, Mrs. M. H., Concord Misses Lina and Addie White EDUCATION FUND Gaw, Mrs. Harry (Lois Boyd) San- ford Mrs. Worth Murphy, Los Angeles, Calif. i ty HOMECOMING AND CHURCH DEDICATION AUGUST 4TH, 1957 ain” Messenger BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., JUNE 1957 CHURCH DEDICATION PLANNED AND NEW USE OF MEMORIAL FUND The Board of Regents in their spring meeting approved the final plans for the dedication of the new church on Sunday, August 4th, 1957. The Memorial Fund will continue until that No. 6 Pe, ORS Oe The most interesting spot on the campus during the summer days is the swim- ming pool. Although it leaks badly and can be used only part time, the boys and girls love to cool off in it. Perfect Attendance Certificates Awarded A large number of students received the certificate for perfect attendance in the school for the year 1956-57. This certificate indicates that the student has been neither tardy nor absent on any day during the whole school year. They are as follows: First Grade: Jerry Flor- ence, Linda Ivey. Second Grade: Mitchell Brumley, Wilson Bush, Gre- gory Lockamy, Randy Medlin, Bobby Neill, Libby Gregory, Marie Ross, Sylvia Taylor, Connie Webb. Third Grade: Al Blake, Mary Blalock, Tommy Bush, Belle Calhoun, Frankie Den- nis, Jerry Drumm, James Hoover, Dwight Lefler, Patsy Mace, Terry Roderick, Bob Ruff, Naoka Spencer, James Dennis. Fourth Grade: Charles Al- len, Linda Bridgers, Lou Anna Bridgers, Gordon Brown, Karen Crews, Benny Joyner, Charles McBennett, Linda Sue Medlin, Judy Pinkston, Elsie Rannells, Judith Rut- ledge, Kenneth Utsman, Peg- gy Jo Utsman. Fifth Grade: Donald Bla- lock, Ronald Brown, Kenneth Davis, Billy Finley, Steve Florence, Charles Ford, Jim- my Gregory, Chick Heritage, Richard Hicks, Kenney Lock- amy, Larry Ruff, Walt Snead, Leon Waters, Shirley Farris, Paulette Grier, Rita Harris. Sixth Grade: Susie Black- burn, Brenda Blake, David Blalock, Peggy Bridgers, Lin- da Byrd, Linda Florence, Sam Florence, Jeanette Grier, Mike Heritage, Darrell Hicks, Tommy Joyner, Mike Morgan, Bill Rannells, Jerome Ruff, Linda Shepherd, Judy Duree Smith, Tyressa Taylor, Chuck Utsman, Joseph Vecchio, Jane Webb, Dempsey Tyndall. Seventh Grade: Edward Barefoot, Walter Barefoot, date by which time the total indebtedness against the Church NEELY FORD RECEIVES MEDAL As a part of the high school graduating exercises special awards were made. The most coveted of the awards are the two Ace Medals. Miss Neely Ford, housemother at Barium Springs, was chosen to be the recipient of the Alumni Ace Medal. Miss Fcrd graduated from Barium Springs and then toox her college training at Flora Macdonald. After that she at- tended the Assembly’s Train- ing School and prepared her- self for full-time Christian work. Being unable to fulfill her dream of serving in some foreign field, she took up work at home and taught for a number of vears, and then came to Barium Springs as a housemother and has_ been faithful in her service for nearly two decades. She has lived in the cottages with the smaller boys and everybody knows how she will scrap for “my boys” and for the flowers around her house. The student Ace Medal went to Lawton Rice who was elected by the vote of those on the staff and the members of the high schoo} group. Law- ton was salutatorian of his class and has made a fine rec- ord in athletics and plans to enter Lees-McRae College in the fall. Though not quite cer- tain of his future plans, he is considering entering the field of dentistry. Other awards made at this time were monetary awards to those who had shown the most improvement in each will be removed, and the Church will be dedicated in the special services wherein Dr. W. Talliferro Thompson will be the guest speaker. The Memorial Fund will continue thereinafter and the money will be made applicable to the educational and training needs of the boys and girls of the Barium Family who upon leaving Barium need further assistance. The Board recognizes that these boys and girls are the children of the Church and ought, therefore, to have the support of the Church after Barium. While there is an Educational Fund at Barium Springs, the inter- est from this does not begin to meet the needs. The Board felt that the people of North Carolina would want the fund continued and would be glad to make an investment in the boys and girls of the Home. All who have known of this decision have expressed great delight in the choice of the Board. In the light of this decision, the administration of the Home has been able to make specific arrangements for a large number of boys and girls for the coming win- ter in their further training and education. In conjunction with the De- dication Services of the Church, the alumni will hold their Homecoming. Miss Hilda Bernardo of Charlotte, the President of the Alumni Association, is sending out the announcements and inviting everybody to come and bring ; SAREE RIERA) Barefoot, Walter Barefoot, grade from the fourth ® plenie basket with them to a ? a Bridg ers, Braxton Bridgers aan ae Sine: fe ee th t th ‘ ft ‘D) WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE: : 408 ea d gers, demonstrated the best citizen- e trees on the campus after y tide dees & ks ke ome eee TShicly Ang ship in the class. They are as the Gcatea te eee students e out forty boys and girls from the Home (@ ; oe et t le — . . 5 2\ y “ gs iS Faulk, Douglas Finley, Mary follows: Fourth Grade and friends of the Home are ee ey are eligible to attend Church camps. Indi- 3) viduals and groups have been generous in G; eh making contributions for this purpose. Fif- (@ ey teen dollars will assure one person a week’s a (3) training. The Men of the Kennedy Bible \,; e) Class of the Plaza Church in Charlotte have © McEwen, Dan McLaurin, El- len Neill, Patricia Porter, Margaret Ramsey, Patricia Ross, Gene Taylor, Larry Waters. Eighth Grade: John Bolton, Faye Hicks, Beverly Hyde, Marcia Lewis, Sue Moore, Clyde Mace and Judith Rut- ledge; Fifth Grade—Charles Ford; Sixth Grade — David Blalock; Seventh Grade — Walter Barefoot; Eighth Grade — Martha _ Trivette; Eleventh Grade—Peggy Sel- lers; Twelfth Grade — Addie McEwen. The ninth and tenth cordially invited to come, bring a basket, and spend the day. Valedictorian Medal went to Albert B. McClure, Jr. This commencement season closed high school commence- i 3) : d : . Helen Spencer, Linda Utsman. grades were part of the school ment exercises on the campus. F &), just signed up for six. Would you like to <3 Eleventh Grade: Harold at Troutman and were not eli- With the sending of the chil- n- IF. iD) help? he Evans, Tom Finley, Melvin gible to participate in these dren to the Troutman High | - %& McKenzie, Charles Ward. awards. The Salutatorian School, future graduations s, | *) CS Twelfth Grade: Addie Mc- Medal went to Lawton Rice, will bea part of the Troutman Ewen, Oscar Utsman. and the Bible Medal and the school. PAGE TWO THE BARIUM MESSENGER JUNE 1957 UNDER THE STEEPLE- Nuggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE'S CHURCH REV. ROBERT R. COLLINS, Minister Bible School, Camps and Weddings! Summer is here and all of those exciting events that mark the arrival of this good season have their place in the life of Little Joe’s Church. Our Vacation Bible School got underway on May 22nd, shortly after commencement exercises. Ninety-two boys and girls were enrolled in the Kindergarten, Primary and Junior Departments, and our teaching staff of twelve made our en- rollment pass the one hundred mark. Both pupils and teachers felt that this was perhaps our finest Bible School and the boys and girls have shown real enthusiasm for the new materials provided this year through our Board of Christian Education. An outstanding feature of our school was the visit of Mr. C. C. Chang, Elder of a Chinese Presbyterian Church on For- mosa who was in our Presbytery and spoke to our group about the mission work our denomination is doing in his country. His coming served as a fitting climax for our study of being united in Christ with all His people around the world. On June 3rd the summer camp program of Concord Pres- bytery will open at our beautiful Camp Grier near Old Fort, N. C. It is my privilege again this year to direct our first Pioneer Camp that week and a large number of boys and girls from Under The Steeple will be with me. During the month of June a total of thirty-six young people will take part in the camps sponsored by our Presbytery, twenty-four attending Pioneer Camps and twelve attending Senior Camp. We are most grateful that this opportunity of Christian fellowship and growth is available for our Pioneers and Seniors and want to express our sincere thanks to those of you across the Synod whose special gifts make these camps possible for so many of our young people. June is frequently referred to as the month for brides, with wedding bells bringing a joyful melody from many church steeples. The steeple of Little Joe’s will be no exception. The first day of June marks the marriage of Miss Phoebe Carolyn Cochran to Mr. Alvin Delburt Griffin, of Brunswick, Ga. Phoebe graduated from Barium Springs High School in 1955 and Mitchell College in Statesville in May of this year. She will be the first from our Home family to be married in our new church. Miss Sadie Brandon’s marriage to Mr. Charles E. Hiatt of Pilot Mountain, N. C. on June 8th will be the second oc- casion for wedding bells this month. Miss Brandon has been a member of the faculty at Barium Springs school for over twenty years. During this period she has been active in the entire program of Little Joe’s Church and served as president of the Women of the Church at one time. There is sadness mixed with joy as we wish her much happiness in her mar- riage and the making of a new home. She will join her husband who is a teacher as she continues to guide the minds of boys and girls to a better life. The first wedding of a granddaughter of Little Joe’s Church to be held in our new building will take place on June 23rd when Miss Hilda Sain Donaldson is married to Mr. Craig Marshall Horsman of Greensboro, N. C. Hilda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Donaldson of Barium Springs. Her father is a graduate of our Barium Springs School and now serves as Clerk of Session of Little Joe’s Church. The bride is a graduate of the Woman’s College of the University of N. C. in Greensboro and her fiance received his degree from the University of N. C. in Chapel Hill. Wedding Bells, Camps, and Bible School! All are a part of the Christian life-stream that forever flows from Under The Steeple, adding to the splendor of God’s eternal Kingdom. Staff Notes Miss Shirley Kearns of Asheboro and a graduate in piano of Flora Macdonald Col- lege arrived the first week in June to teach piano during the summer and the coming win- ter. Two summer workers are Mr. and Mrs. William Lof- quist. Mr. Lofquist will be a senior at the Union Theologi- cal Seminary next year. His special interest in Social Ser- vice Work and Child - caring Institutions brings him to the campus for a summer’s living with the boys and girls. He and Mrs. Lofquist are the houseparents in Cannon Cot- tage. The closing of school has caused the loss to the campus during the summer of the school teachers, Mr. R. G. Cal- houn, the principal, being the last to leave, and he will be re- turning in August for the football practice. Letters from Miss Kate Taylor brings the news that she is enjoying her visit back with her folks in the Old Country. She plans to be back on the Barium campus in Au- gust. Mr. J. W. Ervin suffered some injury to his back while working in the laundry and was confined to the hospital for several days. Although they are retired from the Home, Mr. Grier, Mr. Lowrance, and Mr. Thomas continue to be active in the work of the Church and the life of the community. Many Students Make Honor Roll The Honor Roll for the year 1956-57 shows that quite a number of students have made the Honor Roll in each six weeks grading period and, therefore, are eligible for the year’s honor roll list. These students are: First Grade: Jerry Flor- ence, Sylvia Bush, Nancy Finley, Linda Ivey, Linda Ro- berts. Second Grade: Wilson Bush, Charles Hyde, Gregory Lockamy, Bobby Neill, Con- nie Crews, Libby Gregory, Marie Ross, Connie Webb. Third Grade: Al Blake, Jerry Drumm, Bob Ruff, Bel- le Calhoun, Patsy Mace, Emily McClure, James Dennis. Fourth Grade: Bobby Grier, Larry Joyner, Charles McBennett, Mike Roderick, Larry Wilkins, Lou Anna Bridgers, Karen Crews, Linda Sue Medlin, Judy Pinkston, Elsie Rannells, Judith Rut- ledge. Fifth Grade: Ronald Brown, Billy Finley, Richard Hicks, Larry Ruff, Lois Allen, Eloise Barefoot, Shirley Far- ris, Rita Harris, Joyce Hugh- es Sixth Grade: Susie Black- burn, Linda Florence, Sam Florence, Mike Morgan, Bill Rannells, Joey Vecchio, Jane Webb. Seventh Grade: Walter Barefoot, Charles Donaldson, Douglas Finley, Eddie Kyles, Charles McLean, Gene Tay- lor, Shirley Ann Faulk, Ellen Neill, Patricia Porter, Betty Lou Rutledge. Eighth Grade: Faye Hicks, Beverly Hyde, Marcia Lewis, Elva Medlin, Sue Moore, Hel- en Spencer. Eleventh Grade: Harold Evans, Tom Finley, Melvin McKenzie, Shelby McEwen, Sue Rannells, Peggy Sellers. Twelfth Grade: Mac Mc- Clure, Lawton Rice, Oscar Utsman, Nancy Kyles. BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor Entered as second-class matter, No- vember 15, 1923, at the post office at Barium Springs, N. C., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage, pro- vided for in Section 1108 Act of Octo- ber 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923 BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Long.............. President Mrs. Lewis Schenck....V.-President Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr..Secretary Mr. M. C. Benton, Jr.....Winston-Salem Mrs. R. EB. Brooks.................... Burlington Bae. FFE... COFCO cress cccrcernees ssnseneese te WOO Mrs. David C. Clark......Rvanoke Rapids Mr. Robert Lee Corbett......Macclesfield Mrs. Emmett Crook.................... Charlotte ae ee, See Burgaw Mr. Charles T. Hagan, Jr.....Greensboro Reverend W. B. Heyward.......... Raeford Mr. C. Spears Hicks.... -Durham Mr, Ennis Jackson...... .Gastonia Mr. Fred A. Long....... ....-- Lenoir Mrs. J. H. Matthews.................. Gastonia Mrs, W. W. McGinn....Charlotte, Rt. 4 Mrs. Colon McLean.............. Washington Mrs. John McNair, Jr..... -Laurinburg Reverend J. W. Miller............... Clarkton Mrs. Lewis Schenck.................... Davidson Mrs. Flake Steele............ Winston-Salem Mr. George Stovail.................... Albemarle RECEIPTS FOR MAY, 1957 Presbytery Church Ss. S Women Total ALBEMARLE I oo easicserncesicseee 50.00 30.00 80.00 CONCORD PO io iccridsiveseneiessssnnnn, OEM 470.52 108.00 628.52 Thanksgiving 502.00 502.00 FAYETTEVILLE I ac 104.02 104.02 GRANVILLE POE epeccpcieetetsesnscooricens 181.11 181.11 KINGS MOUNTAIN NE i occ setcselas 119.17 51.13 170.30 MECKLENBURG NE sess csbicssdehsecicesess 74.80 374.15 448.95 ORANGE PRE arctecieecsorctearccnnseess 102.24 10.00 112.24 WILMINGTON PS oo viet 54.38 116.98 171.36 WINSTON-SALEM ROWE see 18.55 30.00 48.55 RECEIPTS FOR APRIL 1957 Presbytery Church Ss. S. Women Y¥. P. Total ALBEMARLE TE rai seviscrcsvessevscsesssnenses 50.00 20.00 70.00 CONCORD PINE Siedeclsciiesscunnns 3728.92 394.15 12.00 4135.07 THORKGRIVINE .............-.-<-.. 2892.05 2892.05 FAYETTEVILLE PUI ori ccithitiies risers ssiees 202.44 335.95 21.00 5.00 564.39 GRANVILLE I ai isicornicareasscisscce 76.73 24.00 100.73 KINGS MOUNTAIN PE assis ciksassvascacecdove 25.19 168.79 43.00 236.98 ‘TREMEEEIVINE ...........:..-..... 70.00 70.00 MECKLENBURG TIE: fais eccrine 73.45 1274.98 1348.43 ORANGE Te ce rrakebsest ones lecssesenen 823.96 141.22 965.18 WILMINGTON PN soshacpeehesctass acoesneesee 51.85 223.51 275.36 WINSTON-SALEM SIRE ivecchecsechincebernprasievinas 72.41 103.00 30.00 205.41 SYNOD OF NORTH ORIN, Sresiccccvccistresisess 3060.11 3060.11 PLEASE USE THIS BLANK IN REMITTING GIFTS Clothing, Clothing Child Money Sent For Presbytery. Church Organization Date UO IRe sk” a icraretieerecace TRARERBIVING i Qiniecisccccsssiccssincs PRORIGEIBIS i 0. Petesiccsssisscisicrsces Send To eo a Beas beccasctsbensnins Miscellaneous RENEE ose. a a. Becrtaprenieisovecnnnen Presbyterian Orphans’ Home Barium Springs, N. C. Remarks Sender (Mr., Mrs., or Miss) Address City ‘s e e n ft (e @ r c r r o r R o e r as Po m ' Oo be JUNE 1957 COTTAGE NEWS Howard Cottage Hi, Everyone— Not too much has happen- ed to the Beanstringers this month. School is out and we are so happy! Those making the Honor Roll in our cottage are: Elva Medlin, Linda Med- lin, Beverly Hyde, Mary Del- la Hyde, Joyce Hughes, Nancy Finley, Lou Anna Bridgers, and Linda Byrd. We certain- ly hated to see the seniors leave, but we are thinking of the time when we will be sen- iors. Our work has been changed and now we have four girls in the laundry, two in the dish- hall, and three in the dining- room. Those in the laundry are Beverly, Martha, Vicky, and Elva; those in the dish- hall are Brenda and Nancy, and the ones in the dining- room are Sue Bush, Linda Byrd, and Linda Shepherd. Diane Kiser is still in the kit- chen, May 27th was Lou Anna Bridgers’ birthday. We tried to give her a surprise party but she was too smart for us. Anyway, we all had a good time. She got a real nice cam- era and also a piece of nice luggage. The Beanstringers Lottie Walker Hi Friends, Here we are again to bring you our news. Since school is out, we have started getting up at 6:00 o’clock. We all have jobs to do. From our cottage we have Margaret Ramsey, Shirley Faulk, Peggy Bridges, Linda Florence working in the dining room. Supervising in the dish hall we have Janet Woodall. Working in the laun- dry are Linda Utsman, Vir- ginia Lane, Shelby McEwen is the only one in our cottage working in the kitchen and Sue Moore is working in the sewing room. For the six weeks we had Sue Moore, Linda Ivey, Janet Woodall, Shelby McEwen, Linda Florence and Peggy Bridgers on the Honor Roll. Our Bible School started Wednesday for the Kinder- garten through the Fifth Grade. Ninety Children are attending and 10 teachers, making a total of 100 in all. Everyone is looking for- ward to vacation, June 28th. This year we have a num- ber of pioneers going to Camp Grier and one senior. The Lottie Walker Girls The Bee Tree Hi! The Bee Tree Hums again. We had such fun a few weeks ago when Dr. Keith- Lucas visited us and told us a most charming story about “The Old Woman Who swal- lowed the Fly.” From his stay we got ideas and made a story of our own which goes like this: “There was an old lady who swallowed Shirley, It made her hair curly when she swallowed Shirley. There was an old lady who swallowed Marie Yes Sir-ee: she swallowed Marie. There was an old lady who swallowed Paulette She wanted to pet when she swallowed Paulette. There was an old lady who swallowed Sylvia Ann, She fell in the pan when she swallowed Sylvia Ann. There was an old lady who swallowed Elsie Rannells, We knocked over the panels, when she swallowed Elsie Rannells. There was an old lady who swallowed Linda It turned her black as a cinder when she swallowed Linda. There was an old lady who swallowed Libby, It pushed out her ribby when she swallowed Libby. There was an old lady who swallowed Lois Allen She needed a paddling when she swallowed Lois Allen. There was an old lady who swallowed Rita, She looked green like a cedar, when she swallowed Rita. There was an old lady who swallowed Eloise, Now that was a squeeze when she swallowed Eloise. There was an old lady who swallowed Judith, We thought that a myth, that she swallowed Judith. There was an old lady who swallowed Sherry. She was round as a cherry when she swallowed Sherry. There was an old lady who swallowed Mary, Now that was contrary to have swallowed Mary. Barium Springs, N. C. You will find enclosed $ Presbyterian Orphans’ Home paicedcustesenuiistooons in memory of Name of Deceased Address Date of Death Survivor to be written Address Relation of survivor to deceased One giving memorial Address THE BARIUM MESSENGER When our housemother found all the bees gone! She cried, then she dyed (Easter Eggs). She sat under the trees—and here came the bees! The old lady wanted a bone. Love to all of you, The Bee Tree Honor Roll For Last Six Weeks Honor Roll for the last six weeks of the school terms as prepared by the principal, R. G. Calhoun, ap- pears with the following names on it: First Grade—Jerry Florence, Sy- lvia Bush, Nancy Finley, Mary Della Hyde, Linda Ivey, Linda Ro- berts. Second Grade— Wilson Bush, Charles Hyde, Gregory Lockamy, Bobby Neill, Connie Crews, Sylvia Taylor, Connie Webb. Third Grade— Tommy Bush, Jerry Drumm, Belle Calhoun, Emily McClure. Fourth Grade—Bobby Grier, Larry Joyner, Clyde Mace, Charles McBennett, Mike Roderick, Larry Wilkins, Lou Anna Bridgers, Karen Crews, Linda Sue Medlin, Judy Pinkston, Elsie Rannells, Judith Rutledge, Sherry Ross, Mary Tynd- all. Fifth Grade—Ronald Brown, Billy Finley, Steve Florence, Charles Ford, Jimmy Gregory, Richard Hicks, Kenneth Lockamy, Larry Ruff, Leon Waters, Lois Allen, Eloise Barefoot, Shirley Farris, Rita Harris, Joyce Hughes. Sixth Grade— Susie Blackburn, David Blalock, Linda Florence, Sam Florence, Mike Morgan, Bill Ran- nells, Chuck Utsman, Joey Vecchio, Jane Webb, Clarence Wilkins, Tommy Joyner, Peggy Bridgers. Seventh Grade—Charles Donald- son, Douglas Finley, Ellen Neill. Eighth Grade—Fay Hicks, Bev- erly Hyde, Marcia Lewis, Elva Med- lin, Sue Moore, Helen Spencer. Eleventh Grade—Tom Finley, Shelby McEwen, Sue Rannells, Peggy Sellers, Janet Woodall. Twelfth Grade— Mac McClure, Lawton Rice, Oscar Utsman, Nancy Kyles. JULY BIRTHDAYS Michael Drumm...........- 7-20-52 Mary Ann McBennett..7-19-51 Betty Lou Mitchell......7-28-41 Edna Evans.................. 7- 9-41 Faye Hicks.................... 7-19-41 Peggy Bridgers............ 7-20-45 MC. oo oc cea ocsucsoscsse 7-20-47 Tommy Joynev............ 7-25-44 Jerome Rodff................ 7-12-43 Kenneth Lockamy........ 7-15-45 Billy Harrison.............. 7-27-42 Darrell Hicks................ T- 5-43 Joey Vecchio ................ 7-18-45 Larry Waters.............. 7-16-44 Memorial For Church Alexander, Mr. H. C., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O’Halloran Mrs. W. E. Moffatt Mrs. Fan S. McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Orr, Mon- roe Mrs. J. K. Hand Florence, Ellen and Lillian Jami- son Mr, and Mrs. A. Grant Whitney Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McClelland Allen, Mrs. Cleo P., Wadesboro Mrs. W. F. Surratt Allen, Mrs. Marcus H., Roanoke Rapids Miss Dora Clark, Littleton Allen, Mrs. Sally Grogan, Tarboro Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Maxton 4. sthibald, Mr, W. R., Concord Fellowship Class, First Presby- terian Church Ashley, Mrs. Laura Caldwell, Black Mountain Miss Katie McI. Blue and Mrs. Fodie Buie Kenyon, Red Springs Aull, Rev, W. B., Landis Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor Baker, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E., Charlotte Women of South Park Presby- terian Church Ball, Miss Lucy, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Elton S. Eley Barden, Mrs. J. T., Sr., Wilmington The Loman’s Mrs. T. A. Lawther Barnhardt, Mr. Eugene, Concord Mr. and Mrs. Beach Hall, Char- lotte Reverend and Mrs. John H. Mc- Kinnon, Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. W. W. Flowe Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Youngblood Barrett, Mr. D. M., Macon First Pres. Church, Roanoke Rap- ids Barton, Mrs. Harry S., Greensboro Myers Loyalty Class, First Pres. Church Becker, Mrs. Marjorie Winter, Mil- lerton, N. Y. Mrs. Paul J. Robinson, Roanoke Rapids Bostian, Mrs. Robert, China Grove Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor, Landis Boyle, Mr. A. L., Charlotte Miss Lelia M. Alexander Bradshaw, Mrs. Pearl Helms, Gas- tonia Fraternal Order of Eagles Brown, Mrs. Fletcher, Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. Ben W. Montgomery Bryant, Mr. Richard J., Sr., Hamp- stead Mrs. Martha Daniel, Richmond, Virginia Burns, Mr. Robert Hayes, Wilming- ton Mr. and Mrs. Everett Huggins Burton, Mr. D. C., Reidsville Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Turner Caldwell, Mrs. D. G., Sr., Concord Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wads- worth Mrs. T. J. Edwards, Whiteville Misses Rose and Clara Harris Mrs. John F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rankin Mrs. F. A. Rankin, Sr. Mrs. Mabel R. Alexander, Dunn Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke Caldwell, Mrs. M. H., Concord Rev. and Mrs. John H. McKinnon, Knoxville, Tenn. PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Ritchie Louise and Harvey Godwin, Greensboro Misses Rose and Clara Harris Mrs. John F. Reed Calhoun, Mrs. R. M., Rock Hill, S. Cc. Mrs. Luther A. Weddington, Con- cord Cannon, Mr. Martin L., Jr., Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Whitney Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke Carter, Mr. J. W., Maxton Mrs. Lee Correll Miss Nancy Correll Carter, Mrs. Katie B., Kinston Mr. F. E. Wallace, Sr. Mr. F. E. Wallace, Jr. Cathey, Mr. William A., Charlotte Mr. A. S. Cathey Caveness, Dr., Raleigh Mr. F. E. Wallace, Sr., Kinston Clark, Mrs. Katie Guy, Fayetteville Mr. D. T. Perry Clarkson, Mrs. Heriot, Charlotte Miss Lelia Alexander Clifton, Mr. Burt, Faison Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cates Collins, Mrs. E. J., Statesville Reverend and Mrs. R. R. Temple- ton, Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Howard, Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. K. M. MelInnis, Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks, Moores- ville Corbett, Dr. L. W., Fayetteville Drs. Lester R. Herman and John D. Herman Cox, Mrs. John, Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Easley Cox, Mr. Lindsay, Winston-Salem Circle No. 3, Belmont Pres. Church, Belmont Craven, Mr. Harry P., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parks, Lenoir Curry, Mr. James Leonard, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Philhower Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mrs. Will Warren Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Woman’s Bible Class, First Pres. Church Mrs. J. H. Matthews Circle No. 7, First Pres. Church Davis, Mrs. W. M., Monroe Circle No. 4, Monroe Pres, Church DeBow, Mr. Harold H., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor, Landis Donnell, Conrad, Sanford Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Harper Douglas, Mr. John E., Hampstead Mrs. J. E. Douglas Elierbe, Mrs. E. B., Kings Mountain Mr, and Mrs. Paul Neisler Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Shippey, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Myers Elliott, Mrs. George, Riddrie, Gias- gow, Scotland Mr. and Mrs. H. J. H. Begg, Char- lotte Everette, Mr. Frank G., Fayetteville Drs. Lester R. Herman and John D. Herman PAGE FOUR THE BARIUM MESSENGER JUNE 1957 Faircloth, Mrs. Cyrus M., Clinton Mrs. Seavy Highsmith, Fayette- ville Fisher, Mr. Julius F., Concord Mr. W. G. Caswell Mr. E, K. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Propst Mrs. W. W. Flowe Mr. and Mrs. William A. Burris Fellowship Class, First Pres. Church Miss Laura Gillon Dr. and Mrs. Frontis W. John- ston, Davidson Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor, Landis Foster, Mr. John S., Concord Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Mills, Jr. Mr. M. L. Lafferty Danny Ritchie Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Youngblood Fulton, Dr. S. H., Laurinburg The St. Andrews Sunday School Class, Red Springs Presbyter- ian Church Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dixon, Bel- mont Mrs. Lamar Craig Pegram Miss Mary C. McKinnon Mr. John L. McKinnon, Laurin- burg Mr. and Mrs. John Allred, Moores- ville Mr. Lewood McCallum, Rowland Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Max- ton Gaither, Mr. J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Garner, Mrs. Annie D., Sanford Mrs. Margaret Vick, Cameron Gibson, Capt., E. B., Washington, D. Cc. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, Concord Gilliatt, Miss Hattie Nix, Shelby Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Blanton Grantham, Mr. Carson H., Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth Houston Gray, Mr. James P., Sr., Statesville Mr. W. C. Warlick Mr. R. H. Reavis Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stevenson Grigg, William Thomas, Leaksville Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Hall, Mr. Avalon E., Yadkinville Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks- ville Hatcher, Mr. Rube, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Hamer Hopkins, Mrs. Frances G., Concord Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Ritchie Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Youngblood Hoke, Little Miss Wanda Gray, China Grove Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor Howard, Mrs. Kate, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs, Junius Smith, Char- lotte Hudson, Mrs, Catherine Kimble, Reidsville Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Wagner Hunter, Mr. John L., Charlotte Mr. W. M. Archer, Jr. Jackson, Mr. C, P., Sacramento, Cal- ifornia Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McG. Roark, Charlotte Kennedy, Mr. A. E., Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Love, Garland Mrs. H. T. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown, Ivan- hoe Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Britt Kersey, Mrs. C. Orville, Jr., Wil- mington Mrs. William G. Broadfoot Kittrell, Mr. R. G., Henderson Mrs. Marion S. Gerber Lail, Mr, Babe, Connelly Springs Susie and Jay Bridges, Valdese Liles, Mrs. Carrie B., Raeford Mary and Martha Bible Class Littrell, Mr. H. H., Rocky Mount Mrs. J. T. Holmes, Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Easley McCaskill, Mr. Southern Pines Circle No. 6, Brownson Memorial Pres. Church Circle No. 1, Eureka Pres. Church Men’s Bible Class, Pureka Pres. Church, Carthage Walter, McConnell, Mr. R. W., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Abernethy, Jr. McElroy, Mrs. Margaret B., Hunt- ersville Women of the Church, Hopewell Pres. Church, Charlotte Mrs. John R. Barnett McKee, Mr. B. F., California Mrs. H. A. Huggins, Wilmington McLaurin, Mrs. Clarence, Minturn, 8. C, Mrs. Mayme McQueen, Maxton McNair, Mr. H. B., Tarboro Mrs. P. H. Heydenreich Mayo, Dr., Woodbury Heights, New Jersey Mrs. Prentice Hale Middleton, Mr. Charles Hendersonville Mrs. J. H. Matthews, Gastonia Baxter, Miller, Miss Judy, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson Pioneer Class of Ashpole Pres. Church, Rowland Monroe, Mr. John D., Sr., Lumber Bridge Women of Circle No. 2, Lumber Bridge Pres. Church Morgan, Mr. George Edward, Ruth- erfordton Sarah Pharr Sunday School Class, Rocky River Pres. Church, Con- cord Moseley, Mrs. C. A., Sr., Charlotte Misses Louise and Martha Flour- ney Miss Elizabeth Sloan Munholl, Mrs. Louise Orr., Wash- ington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lee, Char- lotte Mrs. Cynthia DeArmon, Charlotte Muse, Mr. J. C., Tenn, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor, Landis Mountain City, Nance, Mrs. W. R., China Grove Mrs. Lattie Harkey, Mildred and Paul, Mt. Holly First Pres. Church, Roanoke Rap- ids Nivens, Mrs. John J., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Olschner, Mrs. E. W., Morehead City Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Kellogg Orr, Mr. W. W., Charlotte Mrs. Will Warren and Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Ovens, Mrs. David, Charlotte Lillian and Jimmy Bryant Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chappell Men’s Bible Class, Myers Park Pres, Church Overcash, Mr. O. W., Charlotte Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Circle No. 4 Parker, Mrs, W. J., Salemburg Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Hall, Lumber Bridge Pate, Mrs. A. W. Rowland Miss Carlene Bracey Patrick, Mrs. Ralph C., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Smyre, Jr. Mrs. J. H. Matthews Miss Elizabeth Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Ragan Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Whiteside, Jr. The C. K. Torrence Family Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Torrence, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Gardner, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Gardner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Grier Mr. Ralph Kendrick, Sr. and Fam- ily Fraternal Order of Eagles Mr. and Mrs. James Garland Paul, Mr. Bill, Memphis, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. MacLeod, Fayetteville Pearson, Mr. John Thomas, Gas- tonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Pease, Mrs. Anna V., Charlotte Southern Engineering Co., Leslie G. Berry and C. N. Briley Mr. A. Grant Whitney Penn, Mrs. Harry, Madison Mrs. Joseph R. Fletcher, ston-Salem Win- Perdue, Mr. C. P., Gastonia Mrs. A. Q. Kale, Mt. Holly Picquet, Mr. Charles W., Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Butler Plott, Mr., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Whitney Pollard, Mrs. M. M., Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Yarbrough Posey, Mrs. Catherine Sorrolls, Greenville Circle No. 1, Glen Alpine Pres. Church, Glen Alpine Potts, Miss Ada, Pineville Mr. and Mrs. Grady E. Powers .... Mrs. Mary W. Winget and Fam- ily, Charlotte Mrs. Lillian P. Skinner, John Price and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wells Women of South Park Pres. Church Prevatte, Mr. Whiteville Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Beason Mr. and Mrs. A. Dial Gray William Gordon, Ramseur, Mr. Carl, Landis Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor Reichard, Henry, III, Hickory Mr. and Mrs. George S. Black- welder, Jr. Mr. Alexander Gall, New York, N. y, Ritter, Mrs. W. J., Fayetteville Sally and Frank McLeod, Lum- berton Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gaston McBryde, Seay, Dr. Thomas W., Spencer Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks- ville Shaver, Miss Mary E., Ellicotte City, Maryland Mrs. C. E. Stevenson, Salisbury Shaw, Mrs. John D., Charlotte Mrs. J. Lester Ranson Miss Lelia M. Alexander Shaw, Lt. Raymond C. Jr., Charlotte Women of Plaza Pres. Church and Circle No. 9 Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander Lily and Ransom McMahan Shepherd, Miss Ada, Statesville Mrs. C. B. Martin, Asheville Shuford, Miss Lowry, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mrs. Will Warren Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Kings Moun- tain Singley, David, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Allen, Peg- gy and Sandy Mrs. Lee Correll and Miss Nancy Correll Singley, Louisa Ann, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Allen, Peg- gy and Sandy Mrs. Lee Correll and Miss Nancy Correll — Singley, Michael, Maxton Mr. and Mrs, Marcus Allen, Peg- gy and Sandy Mrs. Lee Correll and Miss Nancy Correll Smith, Mr. Ernest C., Fayetteville Misses Beulah and Beatrice Ray Southworth, Mr. Walter M., Bum- pass, Virginia The Robert H. Edison Family, Richmond, Va. Spurrier, Mr. R. H., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spurrier, Gas- tonia Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Wag- ram Stack, Mrs. Warren C., Sr., Char- lotte Miss Lelia M. Alexander Stewart, Miss Lucy, Charlotte Mrs. L. W. Hovis Stott, Mrs. Amelia S., Spring Hope Mrs. C. A. Wyche, Roanoke Rap- ids Stowe, Mrs. James P., Charlotte Mrs. R. S. Lewis and Sisters, Dal- las Miss May Mitchell Pegram Dr. and Mrs. Albert Sidney John- son, Jackson, Miss. Stroup, Mrs. Matthew A., Cherry- ville Mrs. Will Warren and Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Teasley, Rev. Thomas, Landis Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor Terry, Mrs. R. B., Hamlet Margaret and Bob Terry Thomasson, Mrs. Julia Rockingham Mrs. J. H. Matthews, Gastonia Brewer, Tolliver, Mrs. G. T., Statesville Latin Club, Statesville Senior High School Walser, Mr, Adam F., Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Talley, Roa- noke Rapids First Pres. Church, Roanoke Rap- ids Westbrook, Mrs. Charlotte Shepard, Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Wheeler, Mr. Claude, Oxford Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks- ville Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Golds- boro White, Mrs. E. F., Concord Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Ritchie Whiteside, Mrs. Charlotte The Family of William Oscar Berryhill, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Allie Berryhill, Whitlock, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Holland Women of Smyrna Pres. Church, Laurinburg Miss Anna McQueen, Wicker, Mr. J. W., Carthage Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Cameron, Vass Williams, Ann (Infant) Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Townsend, Jr. Williams, Mr. Thurman, Grifton Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean, Washington Mr. F. E. Wallace, Sr. and Mr. F. E. Wallace, Jr. Williford, Mrs. B. B., Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. Murphy McDonald Williford, Mr. Wade H., Bishopville, 8. ¢. Mrs. Charles S. Thompson, Gas- tonia Wilson, Mrs. W. E., Mooresville Mrs. J. M. Davenport, Charlotte Younts, Mrs. lone DeBoe, Greens- boro Miss Elizabeth Houston OPERATING FUND Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND DeWese, Mrs. Carrie Yandell, Char- lotte Women’s Bible Pres. Church Class, Trinity Whitlock, Miss Anna, Maxton Mrs. Cap McQueen Suggs, Mr. S. L., Charlotte Mrs. Mary Bernardo and daught- ers FURNITURE FUND Fidler, Mr. T. Bryce, Cornelius Women of the First Pres. Church BOOKS Rankin, Mrs. Carl E., Morganton Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rankin, Charlotte Graham, Miss Mary Owen, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rankin, Charlotte ee Barium Messenger VOL. 36 BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., JULY-AUGUST 1957 MEMORIAL FUND The Memorial Fund at Barium Springs will continue. Now that the church is paid for and will be dedicated, the funds will be made applicable to the education of the boys and girls who finish at Barium Springs. These young people who remain at the Home through their senior year in high school are indeed the children of the Home, their needs will have to be met from the Educational Fund. In times past there have been small amounts for this, but never enough to meet the needs. The Board of Regents unanimously adopt- ed this plan and recommends it to all who would continue to remember their loved ones in this way. It seems alto- gether fitting that the memorial gifts would be for the boys and girls’ education after they finish Barium Springs. Plans have already been made for a number of the grad- uating class to enter college in the fall or to take other train- Nos. 7 & 8 CHURCH DEDICATION AND HOMECOMING Sunday, August 4th, will be Homecoming for all the alumni and friends of Barium Springs. Everyone is invited and asked to bring a picnic basket lunch to be spread together under the shade of the trees on the campus. The Church Dedication ceremonies will take place in conjunction with the Morning Worship Service. Dr. W. Taliaferro Thompson from Richmond, Virginia, will be the guest minister to preach the dedicatory sermon. After the picnic lunch on the lawn, there wil be an alumni gather- ing and following that will be open house on the campus. This plan for Homecoming has been chosen because of the request of many people to change from Friday to Sunday with the services of wor- ship. The office of the Alumni Association has made preparations for this and letters are going out to all those whose addresses are on file with the Association. WILL CONTINUE ing. This, together with those who are already in the pro- cess of training or continuing their studies in school, means a great deal of extra money. All who have heard of this plan have been delighted that such a chance will be afforded for the remembering of their loved ones and carrying on the work with these boys and girls after their graduation from Barium Springs. Beginning August 5th, the Memorial Funds will be made applicable to the Educational Fund, and: boys and girls will be assured of an opportunity to pursue their train- ing. All the people who have shared in the Memorial Fund through the years are invited to continue and to tell others of this opportunity of investment in boys and girls in the name of their loved ones. PAGE TWO UNDER THE STEEPLE- Nuggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE'S CHURCH REV. ROBERT R. COLLINS, Memsster In the closing chapter of his letter to the Romans the Apostle Paul says to his friends, “I have longed for many years to come to you. . .’ As you read the full chapter it is very evident that Paul anticipated his trip to Rome with gen- uine pleasure. Anticipation is a wonderful thing for it enables us to look forward to events and occasions that we expect to be realized in the future. Those of us who worship Under The Steeple of Little Joe’s Church know this quite well, for we are looking ahead with pleasure to August 4th when we hope that many of you will share with us the completion of a dream in the dedication of our new church. No doubt there are many of you across the Synod who have felt about Barium Springs and Little Joe’s Church as Paul felt about Rome and can say with him, “I have longed for many years to come to you... ” If this be true let me urge you, as pastor of this church, to join us for an occasion that has been anticipated in the hearts of thousands of Presbyterians across our Synod for some years. Alumni of the Home will be celebrating their annual Homecoming in connection with the services of dedication. Dr. W. T. Thompson, former Moderator of our General Assembly, will deliver the dedicatory sermon. Little Joe’s Church is a lovely place of worship, but its true beauty cannot be captured in picture or word. Only as you enter its doors and join with the voices of God’s children in hymns and prayers of thanksgiving and praise can you appre- ciate fully the meaning of this church in the life of Barium Springs. To all of you who have had a part in the building of this house of God and whose interest is deep because of loved ones remembered here, we extend a warm and sincere invita- tion to be present for the dedication services on August 4th at the eleven o’clock worship hour. RECEIPTS FOR JUNE, 1957 s. Presbytery Church Ss. Women Total ALBEMARLE PI ovate cceeicesecnnaoenssone 50.00 14.00 64.00 CONCORD PE erecicckcnsccseecnsscen eve 50.00 270.27 320.27 FAYETTEVILLE PE 6a cacsecacjesvsnino-rninses 107.05 389.34 85.24 581.63 GRANVILLE I saiscn is rbcrccevnssi sane 51.69 108.00 159.69 KINGS MOUNTAIN POORTIS oo rivicsrascccrnsnsinvicose 102.29 7.00 109.29 MECKLENBURG BIL © eiicens cite eccpuaes co socnen 480.63 26.40 507.03 ORANGE MRE sisecaverctcpsercsscesicecee 29.80 29.80 WILMINGTON PAPIIINR kcekertescpeesstessininss 272.97 36.61 309.58 WINSTON-SALEM BOGUT ..105-2.-..- ss cipines 49.88 15.08 64.96 SYNOD OF NORT 6,725.47 COMER LINE, | cressinegsevsveed 6,725.47 Report of The Board of Regents of The Presbyterian Orphans’ Home at Barium Springs, North Carolina, to The Synod of North Carolina, June, 1957. The Board of Regents would pause to give humble thanksgiving to Almighty God for His goodness made known in manifold ways in the life of the Home at Barium Springs. The earnest prayers of the people of the Synod, the generous contributions of the Presbyterians of the State of North Carolina and Christian people beyond the bounds of the Synod are evident proof that God’s love dwells in the hearts of people, and that He directs them in providing for the children of the Home. The Regents have met in two regular sessions since the Synod of North Carolina has convened. Through its execu- tive committee and its sub- committees it has been in touch with the work of the Home. It is the unanimous conviction of the Board that the general state of welfare on the campus is good. The children have been blessed with excellent health. Through the work of the den- tal committee and the gener- ous services of the dentist, Dr. Smith Kirk of Salisbury, an unusually fine work has been done on the teeth of the chil- THE BARIUM MESSENGER dren. Instruction through the school has been adequate, the religious life on the campus is normal and its results are above average. While it is not the intent of the Board to paint a rosy picture over all, it is their intent to say that things have been good during the year just closed. Knowing that the Synod of North Carolina is interested in the finances of the Home, the Board would say first that complete reports o f the audi- tors have been placed on file in the Synod’s office, that the requirements of the Steward- ship Committee have been met adequately in the preparation of the budget, and that the books of the Home remain open for the inspection of any interested person at any time that he wishes to know the financial status of the Home. The Board would call to the attention of the Synod of North Carolina the fact that the Thanksgiving Offering was a little lower last year than in previous years. It would also call to the atten- tion of the Synod of North Carolina that the change of the church year, bringing in the necessity of an Every- Member Canvass in Novemb- er has in a real sense affected the taking of the Thanksgiv- ing Offering and, therefore, the amount received. The Board would express its ap- preciation to all the churches for their giving to the Home at Thanksgiving, and would ask the churches who have found difficulty in having the Every-Member Canvass and the Thanksgiving campaign at the same time, to make ade- quate provision, if the way be clear, for the Thanksgiving Offering. Within the recent years the campus has been greatly bene- fited by the erection of some new buildings. In 1952, the gymnasium was completed. In 1955, the new church was fin- ished, also two new cottages and two brick dwelling hous- es. The Board is happy to re- port to the Synod of North Carolina that two of the old- est cottages which were be- coming dangerous to be used are now being replaced by two new buildings. These new cot- tages will be one-story, fire- proof buildings, capable of housing sixteen children——two children to the room. It has been designed so as to be at- tractive in appearance and ef- ficient in function. It was the intent of the Board to so build these two new cottages that they would set the pattern for the future buildings which are yet to be erected, if and when the money is available. These two cottages will be ready for occupancy in the fall and have been made possible out of the special gifts through legacies of friends. Even as fine as it is to have these buildings, it does not yet begin to meet the pressing needs that prevail on the campus for additional housing, farm buildings, and warehouse and cold storage. These are pressing needs that always loom large in the thinking of the Board of Re- gents. It is a happy fact that this summer will bring peaches and apples again for the boys and girls. The 600 peach trees are bearing well and the 800 apple trees are bearing ade- quately for the needs of the children, though not as abund- antly as in former years. The gardens and farm are about average in prospect for the summer needs. Even in spite of some dry weather last year, a new peak was reached in the harvest of small grain—over 6,000 bushels. The crop is not quite as promising this year. Hogs sufficient for barbecue and country ham are now be- ing fattened in the pens. The white-faced herd continues to grow. One of the most recent gifts was from the Morrocroft Farm, Mr. James J. Harris of Charlotte sending five of his thoroughbreds up to join the Barium herd. Next year may hold some- thing new in the farming at Barium Springs for the Soil Conservation Unit on _ the Third Creek watershed pro- poses, if the way be clear, to construct a dam on the Bar- ium property for conservation purposes. This lake will af- ford opportunity for irriga- tion on one section of the farm and this will become the gar- den area. High hopes are en- tertained that this project will be approved and that this work can go forward. If any- one has extra irrigation equip- ment which he wishes to dis- pose of, let the Board of Re- gents know. The Board of Regents would call to the attention of the Synod of North Carolina the need for qualified leader- ship on the campus. It is dif- ficult to secure enough cap- able help to properly care for the boys and girls of the Home. It is necessary to re- duce the cottage loads to where one person can satis- factorily serve that number. This calls for a larger number of persons on the staff and also the type of training be- ing done calls for persons who are qualified in mind and body and spirit to render ef- fective service with a large group of children. The minist- ers and elders in the Synod of North Carolina could be of real service in encouraging such persons to seek employ- ment at Barium Springs. The Spring of 1957 brought to a close a grand era in the life of Barium Springs. Many years ago when the life of the children was pretty largely work and school and not much play, a program of half-day work and half-day school pre- vailed. Under the administra- tion of Dr. Joseph B. John- ston this was changed and the school was made to conform with the regular County School system. An _ athletic (Continued on Page Three) JULY-AUGUST 1957 THE BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor Entered as second-class matter, Novem- ber 15, 1923, at the post office at Barium Springs, N. C., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at spe- cial rate of postage, provided for in See- tion 1108 Act of October 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Long President Mrs. Lewis Sehenck V.-President Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr. Secretary Mr. M. C. Benton, Jr. Winston-Salem Mrs R. FE. Brooks Burlington Dr. J. H. Carter Newton Mrs. David C, Clark Roanoke Rapids Mr. Robert Lee Corbett Macclesfield Mrs. Emmett Crook Charlotte Mrs. John Farrior Burgaw Mrs. Charles T. Hagan, Jr. Greensboro Reverend W. B. Heyward Raeford Mr. ©. Spears Hicks Durham Mr. Ennis Jackson Gastonia Mr. Fred A. Long Lenoir Mrs. J. H Matthews Gastonia Mrs. W. W. McGinn Charlotte, Rt. 4 Mrs. Colon McLean Washington Mrs. John MeNair, Jr. Laurinburg Reverend J. W. Miller —................Clarkton Mrs. Lewis Schenck Davidson Mrs. Flake Steele |. ........ Winston-Salem Mr. George Stovall ...---..---- Albemarle Children Return From Vacations The two and one-half weeks vacation period for the boys and girls of the Home ended on July 16th, bringing back from over the Synod all the children who had been visit- ing with parents, grandpar- ents, uncles, aunts, other re- latives, and friends. The vaca- tion season was begun a little early this year because the harvest having been complet- ed, it was necessary to get the vacation time over so that everybody would be back in to take care of the peach sea- son. Many busy days lie be- tween the vacation time and the opening of school. The late summer gardens are to be tak- en care of, the peaches are to be picked and canned, the ve- getables will be ready for can- ning, the Homecoming and the Dedication of the Church will be a highlight in the midst of these days. On August 15th, Coach R. G. Calhoun will be returning to the campus and calling for the football squad to get ready for the fall schedule. The first half of the summer was indeed busy. A large number of boys and girls attended the Young People’s Conferences and the Pioneer Camps at Camp Grier. A Bible School was held for the younger children. The grain was harvested and the hay was baled and the spring gardens were taken care of. With an increase of fifty in the herd more work is necessary down around the dairy barn and the beef herd. A fine work program has been carried on and the children have been especially good in growing and gathering food for the table and the pantry, not enly for the summer, but for the winter days to come. ( q : , : , ew e ee * SF r ew w SS YS , Ge e we n o oe OO Ft CO um e - ew Fa a Tw nS eS a = ct r 1 mP O ke RT OR BD ee et eo oe ai a ” ~~ JULY-AUGUST 1957 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS (Continued from Page Two) program was begun to intro- duce the children to boys and girls of other schools. This performed a magnificent ser- vice for the Home. The Board recently adopted the plan which goes a step further in that the boys and girls of the high school are to be a part of the high school at Troutman, N. C., thus better fitting them to live in the community after graduating from Barium Springs. So, as the seniors of 1957 recessed from the halls of the Elementary School Building, high school com- mencements on the campus became a thing of the past. While there is a bit of sadness in the passing of any fine cus- tom, there is also joy in the anticipation of the larger re- lationships and the better ser- vice to be offered to these boys and girls in the school at Troutman. A new high school building with a student body of 400 fine boys and girls working together will be a better thing than a _ small group isolated on the campus. One of the great days in the life of Barium Springs is yet to come. On August 4th, 1957, there will be the dedication of the new church building. The Memorial Fund which began nearly two decades ago has continued and has now reach- ed the point where the total indebtedness of the church will be erased by that date. The dedication service has been set, and Dr. W. Taliafer- ro Thompson, past moderator of the General Assembly, will be the speaker. It will also be Homecoming for the alumni and friends. A basket lunch will be served under the trees and the alumni gathering will be the feature of the after- noon’s exercises. All who have seen this church agree that it has fulfilled the three-fold function for which it was de- signed: first, to glorify God; second, to be a fitting memor- ial; and, third, to be an in- spiration to the worshippers on this campus. It is with humble gratitude to the Head of the Church that the Re- gents report to you now the dedication to come of this edifice. The Memorial Fund, through which this church has been built, will continue. The Regents have already taken the proper action to continue this Fund and to use the money derived therefrom for the further education and training of the boys and girls who graduate from Barium Springs. Jp until the present time, money has been insuf- ficient to meet the needs of these boys and girls who, aft- er high school graduation, continue to be in a real sense the children of the Church and ought, therefore, to have someone to provide for their needs for additional education and training. All who have heard of this decision have ex- ALUMNI NEWS In a recent copy of The Presbyterian News we noticed that the children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waters received awards for perfect attendance in the Sunday School of the Cape Fear Presbyterian Church at Wilmington, N. C. Douglas, fourteen years old, received an award for seven years perfect attendance; Gordon, twelve years old, re- ceived an award for six years perfect attendance, and Ro- bert, seven years old, received an award for five years per- fect attendance. We would like to congratulate these boys and their parents on this fine rec- ord. Mrs. Waters is the form- er Dorothy Weeks and gra- duated at Barium Springs. We would like to congratu- late the following on their graduation from high school: Ann McLean, Hoke County High School at Raeford; Jam- es Ramsey, John W. Hanes High School, Winston-Salem ; Ray Smith, Fayetteville High School; Marie McNeill, San- ford Central High School. Re- bekah Ann McCrimmon gra- duated from the High Point High School. She is the dau- ghter of Elmaree and Hugh McCrimmon. Bobby Black, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Black, graduated from the Mount Holly High School. Mrs. Black was Hattie Primm. Phoebe Cochran was mar- ried to Alvin Delburt Griffin on Saturday, June 1st, in Lit- tle Joe’s Presbyterian Church. They are living in Brunswick, Ga. Charles Hall was married on Sunday, June 238rd_ to Gloria Laurita Hall of Perry, Georgia. Addie McEwen who gradu- ated at Barium Springs this year is taking a course in beauty culture in Charlotte and is living at the YWCA. Johnny Collins who is in the pressed their delight in the op- portunity of sharing further in the lives oi these childre through the Memorial Fund. The Regents of the Home at Barium Springs feel that they are charged with a tre- mendous responsibility of ex- pending wisely the funds that are sent in, in order that the needs of the children may be properly met. We continue to aceept this responsibility in the full knowledge that we, along with the children, rest in the hearts and prayers of the people of this Synod. We would call upon the people of the Synod of North Carolina to continue to remember the work and workers of this Home and the boys and girls who live here, that the Will of God may be done at Barium Springs. Fred A. Long, President Board of Regents Presbyterian Orphans’ Home, Barium Springs, North Carolina. THE BARIUM MESSENGER Marines spent a few days at Barium. Ronnie Hudgins and Le- Nair Burns who graduated in May spent a few days at Bar- ium recently. Woody and Frankie Smith were here for a few days in May. They are living in Miami, Florida. Cecil Starling and his fam- ily from LaMesa, California visited at Barium recently. Cecil is a building contractor and has done some acting with the Little Theatre as a hobby. Gene Thomas and his wife from Pineville were visitors on the campus. Albert Williams has a medi- cal discharge from the Army and is living and working in Statesville. Willard Drye who is assist- ant treasurer of the American Trust Company of Charlotte graduated recently from the Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers University. A picture in the Raleigh paper recently showed the twin lieutenants Gilda and Gloria Whitfield, in their uni- forms at the hospital at Camp Lejeune where they were at- tending the USN Nurses’ 49th Birthday Party. Edgar Long who is with a transportation company in Akron, Ohio, made a short visit to Barium recently. Ennis Blackburn, USA, has received a promotion to Pri- vate First-Class. Charles Shepherd from Landis was a recent visitor to the campus. Billy McAlister who is do- ing graduate work at Western N.C. Teachers’ College at Cul- lowhee and some _ practice teaching in Sylva, made a short visit to the campus. Laura Smith Bori and her family from Long Island, N. Y. were visitors on the cam- pus, together with Elmaree Smith McCrimmon. Lugene (White) and David Spencer and little David made a short visit to Barium Springs. David will work at the Day Camp of McCallie’s School in Chattanooga, Tenn., this summer. He is a teacher and coach at McCallie’s. James Woodall and his wife from Alabama were visitors on the campus. LeNair Burns of Wilming- ton spent the week-end at Barium. Reverend Ernest Stricklin of Hazard, Ky., made a short visit to Barium Springs. Addie McEwen has enrol- led at the South Eastern Col- lege of Beauty Culture in Charlotte for a six-months course. The college society Alpha Sigma Chi, welcomes Addie as a new member. Mrs. B. W. Piner (Lorena Clark) of Fayetteville made a short visit to Barium on her way to attend the meeting of the Classroom Teachers’ Workshop at Blue Ridge. Lor- ena is president of the local unit in Fayetteville, and is also vice-president of the NCEA in the District. Her son, Pat, accompanied her on this trip. COTTAGE NEWS Rumple Hall Hi There— We are back again with the news of our cottage. The Howard Cottage girls are not the only “Beanstringers” any more because we have been stringing beans a lot recently. We certainly did enjoy our- selves when we were invited to Statesville to the carnival. Some of us over-did the riding a little bit but recovered quickly. We have really been scrub- bing lately trying to get every- thing spic and span before we leave for our vacation. How- ever, we have been so excited about vacations, maybe the scrubbing has not been as thorough as it should have been. Hope everybody has a hap- py summer—see you in Sep- tember! Howard Cottage Hi! Well it’s the Beanstringers again with their news. We have two birthdays in July and August—Mary Ann Mc- Bennett’s and Martha Trivet- te’s. Mary Ann’s is July 19th and Martha’s is August 9th. We have nine girls in our cottage taking piano. They are Beverly Hyde, Brenda Shep- herd, Nancy Joyner, Lou An- na Bridgers, Linda Sue Med- lin, Elva Medlin, Vicki Braf- ford, Martha Trivette, and Diane Kiser. Last Sunday was Mr. Mc- Clure’s birthday. Miss Sims’, Miss Jackson’s, and Miss Bell’s girls and Miss Winnie’s boys surprised him by making a birthday cake for him. We all sneaked up to the house with the cake and hid it in the garage. Then we went on the porch and knocked on the door. When he opened it we started singing Happy Birth- day. Boy! was he surprised! We all are getting ready and looking forward to vaca- tion and we hope everyone will be happy. The Beanstringers. MEMORIALS TO CHURCH Allen, Mrs. Cleo P., Wadesboro Women of the Presbyterian Church Alrutz, Mr. Wally, Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. Banks Culp, Julian and Albert Culp Andrews, Mr. B. N., Sr., Charlotte The James J. Cardo Family Mrs. C. A. Andrews, Sr., Durham Applewhite, Mrs. Charles, Delco Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T. Sin- clair, Jr., \7ilmington Ashford, Mr. G. T., Sr., Red Springs Mrs. W. D. McKay, Sr. PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. James F, McKay and Ann St. Andrews Sunday School Class, Red Springs Pres. Church Miss Mary McEachern Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Shaw, Lumber Bridge Baldwin, Miss Joanne, Chadbourn Mrs. Clyde Ward Barnes, Mr. Kenneth H., Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pearce Miss Mary Phelps Wheeler, Mur- rells Iniet, S. C. Circle No. 10, West Raleigh Pres. Church Barnhardt, Miss Kathleen, Hunters- ville Misses Virginia and Marge Harris Concord Barton. Mrs. Harry, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roland Belk, Mary Henry, Charlotte Major and Mrs. W. L. Allison, Statesville Mrs. George B. McClellan, Mon- roe Mrs. J. C. Montgomery Mrs Charles D. Jones Mrs. J. H. Matthews and Miss Elizabeth Matthews, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs, James H. Dickson, selmont Mr. G. A. Smith, York, S. C. Officers and Directors of Ameri- can Trust Co. Mrs, S. O. Brookes Mrs. Walter H. Davidson Mr. P. #. Simpson Mrs. Ora T. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stroman, Sum- ter, S. C. Belk’s Department Store, Sylva Mr. and Mrs, T. E. Hemby Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matthews, II, Gastopia Mr. and Mrs. James L. Keerans Mr. J. W. Hensdale, Fayetteville Belk Employees, Chesterfield, S. c. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Vinson Mrs. J, W. Fraser Mrs. S. H. Scott Miss Maie Ostwalt Misses Hattie and Kate Hope Robinson Mr. aud Mrs. Mills Taylor The Office Employees of Belk Brothers, Co. Mr. end Mrs, Charles B. Small Mr. A. P. Craddock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simons, Jr. Bolick, Mr. J. E., Rutherford College Circle No. 1, Mulberry Presby- terian Church, Charlotte Broadhurst, Mrs, D. W., Charlotte Charlotte Electrical Contractors Brown, Mrs. P. A., Ivanhoe Mrs. Coiin Shaw, Atkinson Mrs. Jane R. Corbett, Jackson- ville, Florida Bullock, Mr. John Randolph, Bel- laire, Texas St. Andrews Sunday School Class, Red Springs Pres. Church Circle Court Pres. Church, Fayet- teville Butler, Mr. George W., Roseboro Mr. C. C. Chapman Caddell, Mr. E. H., Sr., Carthage Jane McGill Circle, Vass Presby- terian Church, Vass Shields Bible Class, Carthage Pres. Church Caldwell Mrs. D. G., Concord Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Patterson, Jr. PAGE FOUR Campbell, Mr. Springs Mrs. J A. McRae and Arthur McRae, Jr. Mrs. C. E. Zedaker Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baucom, Rae- fore Lib and J. C. Yarborough, Fayet- teville Mrs. Ray McNeill Hugh Carol, Red Cathey, Mr. Wm. A., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. H. W. Baker, Chester, South Carolina Clyburn, Mr. H. B., Kannapolis Dr. and Mrs, Paul Maulden Crosswell, Mr. Harry M., Green- ville, S. C. Rev. Gower Crosswell, Jr., Red Springs Curry, Mr. James Leonard, Gas- tonia Miss Jette Plonk, Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnett Davenport, Mr. Marshall, Charlotte Women of Mulberry Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Wilson Dawkins, Mrs. L. J., Hickory Ramsey Bible Class, First Pres. Churen Denny, Mr. S. J., Pilot Mountain Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ford, Roanoke Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Talley, Roa- noke Rapids Doughtery, Dr. B. B., Boone Mr. anc Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mrs. Ada Penn Coffey, Lenoir Fain, Mr. J. T., Hendersonville Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mrs. J. H. Matthews, Elizabeth Matthews, Gastonia Ferguson, Mr. Arthur C., Carthage Circle No. 1, Eureka Presbyter- ian Church Force, Miss Mary, Selma, Alabama Major and Mrs. Wm. L. Allison, Statesville Ford, Mr. Ike, Belmont Mrs. A. Q. Kale, Mount Holly Frank, Mrs. Nora Elizabeth Caddell, Charlotte Mr. A. Grant Whitney Freeman, Mrs. Martinsville Mrs. W. E. Baldwin, Sr., White- ville Bessie Stephens, Fulton, Dr. &. H., Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gilkeson, Hampton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tyce Laurinburg Presbyterian Church Gaither, Mr. J. A. Newton Mr. Eob Gaither Goble, Mr. Brown, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Haigler, Mrs. W. F., Charlotte Ladies’ Bible Class, Amity Pres. Church Hall, Mr. Albert C., Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris, Bur- gaw Watkins-Cottrell Company, Rich- mond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cates, Faison Hand, Dr. E. H., Pineville Mrs. P. W. Hand Mrs. L. R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hand, Lowell Mr and Mrs. W. S. McClelland, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, Lowell Mrs. ©. H. Hand, Lowell Harkey, Mr. Fred Lee, Charlotte Men’s Bible Class, Myers Park Pres. Church Mr. aud Mrs. Mills Taylor Harris, Mr. William V., Salisbury Mrs. B. W. Griffith, Bessemer City Mrs. Grace Fleming, Bessemer City Harvey, Mrs. J. R., Grifton Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean, Washington Mr. and Mrs. F. E, Wallace, Sr., Kinston Henderson, Mrs. J. W., Mooresville Mrs. W. L. Cook Miss Margaret Cooke Mr. end Mrs. Hugh McLean Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kennerly Circle No. 7, First Pres. Church Ashlin White Bible Class, First Pres Church Mrs. 'T. W. Sadler, Charlotte Henderson, Mr. Worth, Ellerbe Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gascoigne, Lumber Bridge Women of Lumber Bridge Pres. Church, Lumber Bridge Men’s Bible Class, Ellerbe Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Roger F, Hall, Lum- ber Bridge Pioneer Sunday School Class, Lumber Bridge Pres. Church Hinton, Dr. W. R., Jr., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hendrix, Jr. Reidsville Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott White Hirst, Mrs. David, Sr., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Taylor Women of the Church, West Ave- nue Pres. Church, Akers Bible Class Hudson, Mrs. J. D., Reidsville Dr. and Mrs. V. M. Cresenzo Jarman, Mts. Florence, Bolton Di R. T. Sinclair, Jr., Wilmington John, Mrs. J. T., Laurinburg Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Calhoun, Jr. Johnson, Mr. |. L., Roland Mr. Ennis N. Jackson, Gastonia Jones, Mrs. Lee S., Sanford Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blue, Carthage Kendall, Mrs. Lydia M., Durham Mrs. Kate E. Day Miss Katharine Day Miss Marianna Long Kendrick, Mrs. John M., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kendrick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wilson Mrs. R. C. McLean The C. L. Bell Family Kenyon, Mrs. Fodie Buie, Red Springs Mr. ana Mrs. William Huske, Fayetteville Mrs. C. ©. Zedaker Mrs. W. D. McKay Mrs. David MeNeill Miss Torrey McNeill, Rocking- ham Mrs. L. A. MeGeachy, Sarah and Elizabeth, St. Pauls Kiser, Miss Nancy Lee, Statesville Major and Mrs. Wm. L. Allison THE BARIUM MESSENGER Lewis, Mr John Thomas, Washing- ton Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean Mr. ava Mrs. Sidney Hofler Love, Mr. J. Frank, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Sprock Lutz, Mrs. A. S., Hickory Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Blackwelder, Jr. : Mayhew, Mrs. C. Q., Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carrigan Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Griffin, Troutman Maze, Mr. C. A., Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson, Aberdeen Meytre, Mrs. Jeanne, Valdese Olga, Henrietta and Robert Pas- cal Mills, Mrs. Mary H., Richlands Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Washington Sidney Hofler, Monroe, Mr. John, Lumber Bridge Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gascoigne Morris, Mrs. David W., Fort Collins, Colorado Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Abernethy and Sally, Winter Haven, Fla. Morrison, Mr. Ralph, Concord T. F. Morrison and Family Morrison, Mrs. Walter, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culbreth Mosely, Mrs. Chas. A., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henley McArver, Mr. James Franklin, Gas- tonia Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. French Mrs. Walter J. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carroll, Jr., McAuley, Mrs. Lizzie, Ellerbe Mrs. Walter Lindsay, Chapel Hill McBryde, Reverend John Malcolm, Durham John D. Little and Sisters, St. Pauls Circle No. 1, St. Paul’s Presbyter- ian Church McConnell, Mrs. D. E., Matthews Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnett, Gas- tonia McConnell, Mr. R. W., Charlotte Mrs. Ethel H. Cauble and Mr. Joe H. Harrison, Salisbury McElroy, Mrs. J. G., Huntersville Miss Eleanor Barnett, Oak City McKeithen, Mr. Neill A., Lumber- ton Mr. M. H. Folley, Southern Pines McKenzie, Mr. Lacy, Lumberton Mrs. H. D. Goode Mr. and Mrs. L. McK. Parker McLeod, Mr. D. P., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cameron, Sr., Myrtle Beach, S. C. Miss Mollie Hargrave, Laurel Hill Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Calhoun, Jr., Laurinburg The Lauder Calhoun Family Mr. and Mrs. William Huske, Fayetteville Mrs. George P. Fitz, Lexington, Ky. Mr. W. A. Johnson McNeill, Mrs. Dougal, Maxton Mr. and Mrs. William Huske, Fayetteville St. Andrews Sunday School Class, Red Springs Pres. Church O’Berry, Mr. Thomas, Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkins Ovens, Mrs. David, Charlotte Mrs. Walter Scott, Sr. Paisley, Mr. J. Percy, Kilgore, Texas Miss Elisabeth Houston, Greens- boro Patrick, Mrs. Ralph, Gastonia Mrs. Waiter Carroll Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Carroll, Jr. Perry, Dr. Robert E., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ardery Miss Florence Stewart Mrs. Sarah Poole Cartland Peyronel, Mrs. Ceasar, Valdese Mr. and Mrs. James J. McVetty, New York, N. Y. Picquet, Mr. Charles W., Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs, J. Talbot Johnson, Aberdeen Pollard, Mrs. James, Durham Mrs. Walter Lindsay, Chapel Hill Pugh, Mr. J. L., Jr., Jacksonville, Florida Mrs. J. A. Northam and Mrs. H. A. Huggins, Wilmington Rose, Mrs, Mary E, Farrior, Golds- boro Mrs. Janie Ward and Family, Teachey Rosebro, Mr. John R., Gharlotte Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mrs. Tully D. Blair, Winsion- Salem Saleeby, Mr. N. R., Wilson Office force of J. C. Steele and Sons, Statesville Sanders, Mrs. Fannie J., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. French Shaw, Mr. Norman B., Sr., Rex John D. Little and Sisters, St. Pauls Shepherd, Miss Ada, Statesville Mrs. Luther A. Thomas, Colum- bia, S. C. Shields, Mrs. Julia A., Huntersville Women of Hopewell Pres. Church Skipper, Mrs. J. D., Sr., Carolina Beach Mr. and Mrs. C,. F. Cameron Smith, Mr. Baxter C., Wakulla Dan McArthur and Family Smith, Mrs. Murphy, Robesonville Mrs. D. E. Smith, Red Springs Stanton, Mrs., Charlotte Community Fellowship Class of S. S. S. Stevenson, Mrs. Clyde A., Umatilla, Ga. Major and Mrs. Wm. L. Allison, Statesville Stewart, Mr. W. Stanley, Charlotte Anne De Alexander and Cynthia DeArmon Stimson, Mr. North Wilkesboro Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buchan Lloyd K., Sutherland, Mr. W. R., Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Malloy Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Odom Mrs. R. Jack Smith, Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. McCoy Tate, Mrs. J. C., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hovis JULY-AUGUST 1957 Dr. and Mrs. Albert Sidney John- son, Jackson, Miss. Taylor, Miss Paulina, Winston- Salem Mrs. M. W. Norfleet Thomas, Mrs. W. A., Statesville Major and Mrs. Wm. L. Allison Trakas, Mrs. A. S., Gastonia Mrs. Will Warren Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Y. Gardner Turner, Mrs. George, Mt. Olive Mrs. Janie Ward and Family, Teachey Van Ness, Mrs, Blanche, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross Vann, Mr. Henry J., Wallace Mrs. Elizabeth S. Covington Walden, Mr. B. C., Charlotte Mrs. R. P. Gibbon Mrs. C. C. Roberts Mrs. Fred L. Gibbon, Sr. Fred L. Gibbon, Jr. Walters, Mr. John, Fayetteville Mr. W. E. Plummer Wharton, Mr. Wm. Gilmer, Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth Houston Whitley, Mrs. Walter, Wilmington Dr. and Mrs. Paul Maulden, Kan- napolis Whitlock, Miss Anna McQueen, Maxton Young People of Smyrna Church, Laurinburg Whitlock, Mrs. Sadie A., Charlotte Misses Louise and Martha Flour- noy Wicker, Mr. J. W., Carthage Mrs. Inez Eller, Miss Beulah Ray, Miss Beatrice Ray, Miss Louise Ray, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald, dr. Williams, Mr. Carl, Lumberton Mr. and Mrs. Dudley H. Britt, Mc- Donald Winecoff, Mr. E. O., Sr., Troutman Southern Bakeries Company Woods, Mr. Henry P., Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Minnis, Sr. Wright, Mr. Wyndham, Richmond, Virginia Miss Elisabeth Houston, Greens- boro Wynne, Mr. George V., Durham Miss Mollie Hargrave, Laurel Hill Mrs. E. F. Roper, Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Calhoun, ZJr., Laurinburg The Lauder Laurinburg Mrs. H. P. Gibson Mrs. G. G. Mathews, Laurel Hill Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Stubbs, Gibson Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Morton, Ral- eigh Calhoun Family, OPERATING MEMORIAL Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade Thrower, Mrs. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND McArver, Mr. James F., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Grady Jenkins and Family sa e ae Si c a Barium Messenger VOL. 36 BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., SEPTEMBER 1957 No. 9 Light Weight And Fine Spirit Mark 1957 Football Squad By JERRY JOSEY BARIUM SPRINGS—Almost a complete “new look” is in store for followers of Barium Springs’ Tor- nadoes this fall. The Presbyterians’ single-wing attack will find new men carrying the load in the backfield. The 1957 edition will be light, but speedy. Coach R. G. Calhoun, who has been conditioning the Presbyterians on Sloan Field for a seven-game schedule, said “we're going to be a little faster than last year.” Barium Springs lost heavily in the backfield last year and a major rebuilding job is on tap to revamp the Tornadoes’ single wing. Line- men, moved to the backfield, are expected to carry the load, along with the lone backfield returnee, Fullback Charles Ward. Calhoun added: “Best thing now is all the spirit and cooperation. They really hustle. If they keep that up, we'll come up to their full po- tential.” Barium, as usual, will have a small squad. The Tornadoes have 24 eligible men in high school and 24 candidates are seeking starting berths for the 1957 eleven. But, as anyone who has followed the athletic situation at Barium very closely will know, the Torna- does make up their lack of size in numbers and squad members with a never-say-die spirit that causes larger school, bigger opponents and rival coaches to wonder where all that energy comes from. The Tor- nadoes are not, and never have been, a pushover. They've had their ups-and-downs. But if spirit and determination will win ball games, this year could well materialize into an “up” situation. Ten lettermen are returning to the Tornado lineup this season, and the squad is predominantly com- posed of juniors and sophomores. Richard Blackburn, a 139-pound junior; Wayne Wright, a 151- sound junior, and Jim Bunnell, a 156-pound sophomore, are back at the flanks and are expected to carry the load at that spot. Jim Blake, a 150-pound junior; Donald Frazier, another junior at 155-pounds, and Ricky McArthur, a 141-pound junior, are returning at tackle. Frazier will also see duty at center. Jim Kiser, a 154-pound sopho- more, and Peyton Miller, a 164- pound senior, are letter-earners at guard. Miller is the biggest man on the squad at 164. Charles Ward, the only returnee in the backfield, will probably run at both tailback and fullback. The 140-pounder is a senior. Randy Shaw, a letterman guard, has been switched to the backfield. Shaw is a 163-pound junior and is the second heaviest man on the squad. Jim White, a non-letterman who played reserve center last year, is expected to hold down the pivot spot this season. White is a 150- pound senior. Shaw, who stands 5-11, has play- ed backfield before moving into the line and will work at both the blocking back and tailback slots. Harold Evans, a 147-pound sen- ior, has been moved from tackle to the wingback position. Several outstanding candidates for starting positions were carried on the squad last season and may play prominent roles in Barium’s machine this year. In addition to Evans, who will double at tackle, Joe Ramsey, a 158- pound junior, will be back for duty in the tackle slot. Graham Blake, a 155-pound junior, and Richard Mc- Kenzie, a 131-pound sophomore, are expected to see a lot of duty at guard. Buddy Cochran, a 136-pound sophomore; Kenneth Joyner, a 139- pound junior, and Melvin Mc- Kenzie, a 142-pound senior, will work with the backfield unit. Calhoun, when asked about his squad, reported no injuries in early workouts. He listed a_ tentative squad, with some of the boys doub- ling up in positions, as follows: Left End—Wayne Wright and Rickie McArthur; left tackle — Donald Frazier and Harold Evans; left guard—Jim Kiser and Richard McKenzie; center—Jim White and Donald Frazier; right guard—Pey- ton Miller and Graham Blake; right tackle—Jim Blake and Joe Ramsey; right end—Richard Blackburn and Jim Bunnell. Backs are expected to switch positions and Barium’s starting unit is expected to come from Randy Shaw, Charles Ward, Kenneth Joy- ner, Melvin McKenzie, Buddy Cochrane and Harold Evans. Calhoun lost six good men from last year’s squad. Three of the start- ing backfield unit graduated, and with Lawton Rice, Walter Plyler and Ronnie Hudgins all missing, it leaves a big hole and rebuilding job in the offensive unit. LeNair Burns, rugged center, also gradu- ated, along with End Sidney Mor- rison, Tackle Mac McClure and Guard Oscar Utsman in the de- fensive unit. Barium’s seven-game schedule, all conference clashes in the North Piedmont Conference, will find four home games being played at Sloan Field, one of the most beauti- ful high school fields in the state. BARIUM FOOTBALL SCHEDULE September 13—Spencer, 8:00 P.M. at Spencer; September 20— Davie County, 4:00 P.M. at Bar- ium; September 27 — Asheboro, 8:00 P.M. at Asheboro. October 4—Statesville, 3:30 P.M. at Barium; October 11—Open; Oc- tober 18—Lexington, 3:30 P.M. at Barium; October 25—Open. November 1—Thomasville, 8:00 P.M. at Thomasville; November 8 —Children’s Home 3:00 P.M. at Barium. ALUMNI NEWS Mabel (Vinson) and John Lee and their three children from Shelby spenc the day at Barium Springs on July 4th. Their baby, James Edward Lee, was born Jan- uary 7, 1957. John works for the State Highway Department. Another visitor was Frances Rhyne, now Mrs. Fitchue Morrison of Route 1, Shelby. She and her husband and two sons visited Bar- ium Springs. Jake Beattie of Charlotte spent the day at Barium recently. Born, to Robert E. and Nellie Sellers Bell, on July 4th, a daugh- ter, Deborah Lynn. Nellie and her family are at Camp Geiger, Camp Lejeune, N. C. Mildred Warner who is Mrs. A. W. Burt of Charlotte made a short visit to Barium recently. Betty Lou and Barbara Johnson visited on the campus. Ralph Spencer was a visitor on the campus in July. He was visit- ing Lee in Statesville and came out to Barium on Sunday for the Church services and for dinner. Jack Harwell was married to Shelby Christy on July 14th in Con- cord. They were married in Shelby’s home. Born, to Clara (Mangum) and Bill Ausdenmore on July 19th a daughter, Sheri. Clara’s husband is a lieutenant at Scott’s Air Force Base in Illinois. Cecil Shepherd made a short visit to Barium Springs. He is living in Durham and is working in the United Department Store. (Continued on Page Two) HIGH SCHOOL TO TROUTMAN— ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON CAMPUS The opening of school in late August brought about the complete transition of the High School from the Barium campus to the Con- solidated School at Troutman. Be- cause of limited space, only the freshman and sophomore classes were enrolled last year. This year the rising senior class and the ris- ing freshman class joined the two already there to make the four grades together in the Troutman High School. All High School ac- tivities except the athletic program will be carried on in the Troutman High School. The Home will con- tinue for awhile to carry on a var- sity athletic program in its regular Conference. The Elementary School benefited in this change because the over- crowded conditions were relieved by removing some of the grades from the Elementary building to the old High School building, thus providing space for teaching the regular classes and also taking care of the regular public school music and piano teaching. The list of teachers for the Ele- mentary School are as _ follows: R. G. Calhoun, Principal; Eighth Grade, A. M. Calhoun; Seventh Grade, Miss Reba Thompson; Sixth Grade, Miss Kathryn Troutman; Fifth Grade, Mrs. Frances Moore; Fourth Grade, Miss Mary Faye Stevenson; Third Grade, Mrs. O. D. Durham; Second Grade, Miss Elea- nor Miller; First Grade, Mrs. A. M. Calhoun; Piano, Miss Shirley Kearns; Public School Music, Miss Charlotte Calhoun. All reports from both the Trout- man High School and the Elemen- tary School on the campus are good and it now appears that we are off to a good start for another academic year. Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred And Forty-Five Names In For nearly two decades the Me- morial Fund has been applicable to the building of the Church. Records have been kept in order that the names of those remembered might be put in the Book of Memory. This has been completed and there are now written in the Book of Memory 13,245 names. On the basis of the records in the office it is estimated that rnore than 100,- Book Of Memory 000 persons have shared in making these contributions in memory of their loved ones and friends. The Memorial Fund will con- tinue. The children who finish at Barium Springs will thus be assured of additional education and train- ing because this money for the next few years will be made applicable to the Educational Fund. CHURCH DEDICATION AND HOMECOMING PICNIC SCENE HELD ON AUGUST 4th PAGE TWO UNDER THE STEEPLE- Nuggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE’S CHURCH REV. ROBERT R. COLLINS, Minister The dedication of the new church on August 4th marked a milestone in a dream that was begun nearly two decades ago. Those of us who participated in the service sensed that we were a part of something God had done, yet as always He had chosen human hands for the fulfillment of the task. Because so many of you across the Synod had a part in the building of this church it seems appropriate that the Litany of Dedication used on August 4th be the major content of this column this month. This lirany sums up the purpose and goal which prompted the building of Little Joe’s Church and which will guide its use in the years ahead. LITANY OF DEDICATION Dearly Beloved: Inasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God to put ino the hearts of His servants to build this edifice for His Glory, let us now fulfill the Godly purpose for which we are assembled by dedicating it to the honor of God’s Holy Name. To the Glory of God, to the honor of Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Saviour, and to the praise of the Holy Spirit, our For the sanctity of our Church family, for the teaching and training of the young, and for the perfecting of the saints; For the conversion of sinners, for the promotion of righteous- Knowing that in this sacred place all who come may find forgiveness of sin, comfort in sorrow, joy in service, peace in For the gifts which made this building possible, for the serv- ices of those who enabled its erection, for the answered pray- Minister: Comforter and Guide; People: We dedicate this building. Minister: People: We dedicate this building. Minister: ness, for the extension of God’s Kingdom; People: We dedicate this building. Minister: God's will; People: We dedicate this building. Minister: ers it represents; People: We give God the glory. Unison: to God and to His service. We, now, the people of this congregation, rededicate ourselves Amen. Now, as I look back to the Dedication Service it seems that we sought to proclaim in it the aim of our ministry in much the same way as did Paul when he wrote to the Colossians: “Him we proclaim, warn- ing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may pre- sent every man mature in Christ.” As we seek to fulfill this high calling we covet your earnest prayers for the ministry you have established, Under the Steeple. ALUMNI NEWS (Continued from Page One ) Dot Maples, who is now Mrs. George Gellatly, and her husband and son, Billy Marino, made a short visit to Barium Springs. They are living in Rockville, Md. and Mr. Gellatly is in the real estate business. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Statesville on July 21st, a son, Philip Ross. Born, to Reverend and Mrs. Ernest Stricklin, on July 24th, a daughter, Martha Elizabeth. Ernest is pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Hazard, Ky. James Ramsey is stationed at Lackland Air Base in Texas. Billy McCall and his family have moved from Charlotte to Greens- boro where he is working with the J. P. Stevens Company. Elizabeth Robards who is Mrs. John Bateman and her husband have adopted a little son, Bryan Keith, who was born March 17, 1957. Elizabeth and her family live in Portsmouth, Virginia. Jack McCall received his Doc- tor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Minnesota recently. He will be on the faculty of Car- negie Tech in Pittsburgh, Pa. this fall. We congratulate Jack upon re- ceiving his degree. Leila Johnston is visiting David Morris and his two boys at Fort Collins, Colorado. Robert Blue, Jr. received the Eagle Scout Award in February and has just returned from the Na- tional Boy Scout Jamboree at Val- ley Forge. He is Assistant Scout- master in Burlington. Elmaree (Smith) and Hugh Mc- Crimmon and their family have moved to Winter Haven, Florida. Gene Shannon is Assistant Dis- trict Credit Manager of Firestone and he and his family are living in Charlotte. Henry Allessandrini and his wife and two boys, Tony and Billy, made a short visit to Barium. They live in Cleveland, Ohio, where Henry works for the Bell Telephone Com- pany. Invitations have been received to the wedding of Charles Stevens and Rachel Delores Humphries on Sun- day, September Ist, in the Baptist Church at Bear Creek, N. C. James and Lois (Motte) Hannon and their two children visited on the campus recently. Walter S. Motte and his wife from Philadelphia spent the day with us at Barium Springs. Elmina Johnson and her hus- band, Jerry Wallpe, Talbot, Indiana, and their little boy made a short visit on the campus. Billy McAllister is teaching in the High School in Black Moun- tain this winter. He and Ann are living in Black Mountain and Ann is attending Montreat College. THE BARIUM MESSENGER October Birthdays Donna Roberts b. 10-20-51 Judy Bolton b. 10-25-41 Judy Smith b. 10-31-41 Linda Shepherd b. 10-1-44 Wilma Bush b. 10-30-43 Dwight Lefler b. 10-28-46 Gregory Lockamy b. 10-11-48 Larry Ruff b. 10-11-45 Wayne Taylor b. 10- 3-49 Bobby Grier b. 10-20-46 Larry Joyner b. 10-11-46 Bobby Ruff b. 10-8-47 Frankie Dennis b. 10-15-48 Richard Blackburn b. 10-5-40 Jack Brooks b. 10-11-42 Jimmy Bunnell b. 10-9-40 Tom Finley b. 10-28-40 Donald Frazier 10-29-39 Kenneth Joyner b. 10-22-40 Wayne Wright b. 10-16-40 JULY MEMORIALS Ahrens, Mrs. A. G., Wilmingto.1 Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Case Mrs. T. H. Tate Alley, Mrs. A. S., Troutman Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Jr. Misses Janie and Lucile Young Andrews, Mrs. Will H., Raleigh Mrs. Elvy McElwee Selby, States- ville Miss Nettie Shepherd, tstatesville Mr. W. L. Brooks, Charlotte Mrs. J. Marion Boone, Raleigh Mr. David S. Thomas, Myrtle Beach, S. C. ‘irele No. 7, West Raleigh Pres. Church Archer, Mrs. George W., Salisbury Southern Bakeries Company, Stat- esville Archie, Mrs. G. W., Salisbury Mrs. Gordan A. Kirkland Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Brockman Lois and Allan Suther, Lenoir Armstrong, Mr. Lonnie A., Belmont Miss Martha Cathey and Sisters Barkley, Mrs. Robert S., Sr., Gaston- ia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mrs. W. Y. Warren Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Barnette, Mrs. Ida, York, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Niven, Albe- marle Beatty, Mrs. Minnie, Ivanhoe Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown Belk, Mary Henry, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Houston Matthews, Jr., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Forrest R. DeMont, Chester, 8. C. Mr. W. Koury, Sanford Betts, Dr. Joseph Shawen, Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth S. Houston Bird, Mr. J. Leonard, Rock Hill, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coble, Ala- mance Boyd, Rufus Darby, Jacksonville, Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ratchford, Dallas Bracy, Mr. J. McR., Rowland Mrs. J. McR. Bracy Brandis, Mr. Henry, Salisbury Miss Louise Rainey Rumple Bible Class, Chureh Mrs. Gordan A. Kirkland First Pres. Bridger, Joseph Love, Bladenboro Waverly Braid Mills, Gastonia Gastonia Textile Sheet Metal Works, Inc., Gastonia Brown, Mr. C. R., Charlotte Circle No. 15, Covenant Pres. Church Ladies’ Bible Class, Amity Pres. Church Buchanan, Mrs. John A., Durham Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wallace, Jr., Kinston Bullock, Mr. J. Frank, Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bullock and Dougie Bullock The Night Circle, Church, Wadesboro Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Croom, Jr., Maxton Mr. and Mrs. James D. Burch, Wadesboro First Pres. Bullock, Mr. W. F., Rowland Mrs. J. MeR. Bracy Bullock, Mrs. W. F., Rowland Mrs. J. MeR. Bracy Bunn, Mrs. E. L., Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. J. Emerson Fountain, Tarboro Women of William and Mary Hart Pres. Church, Tarboro Byrd, Mr. Vaughn, Bunnlevel Men’s Bible Class, Lillington Pres. Church, Lillington Caldwell, Mrs. Morrison H., Concord Mrs. W. W. Flowe Cameron, Mrs. Cattie Darroch, Cam- eron Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Cameron, Gas- tonia Campbell, Mr. Hugh Carroll, Springs Misses Harriet and Hazel Morri- son Red Cannon, Mr. C. Dee, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. McClelland, Sr. Cannon, Mr. Martin L., Jr., Char- lotte Mrs. John F. Reed, Concord Carter, Mr. J. W., Maxton Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Croom, Jr. Cheek, Mr. Edwin, Mebane Mr. and Mrs, J. E. White Cherry, Mr. R. Gregg, Gastonia Mrs. Will Warren Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jackson Childers, Mr. John S., Lenoir Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins Clark, Mr. Lloyd T., Southern Pines Women of the Church, Brownson Memorial Pres. Chureh Circle No. 9, Brownson Memorial Pres. Church Cole, Mrs. Elizabeth L., Rockingham Mr. W. G. Buie III, Wagram Cooke, Dr. Grady Carlyle, Morehead City Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Griffin, Hamlet Coxe, Mrs. E. L., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Huske, Fayetteville Mrs. Lawrence Hudgpeth, Fayette- ville SEPTEMBER 1957 THE BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. McCLURE, Editor Entered as second-class matter, Novem- ber 15, 1923. at the post office at Barium Springs, N. ©., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at spe- cial rate of postage, provided for in Sec- tion 1108 Act of October 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Long ..... ..President Mrs. Lewis Schenck ..V.-President Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr. _....Secretary Mr. M. C. Benton, Jr._____..Winston-Salem Mrs R. E. Brooks Burlington Dr. J. H. Carter inblscias asec a Mrs. David C. Clark ...-Roanoke Rapids Mr. Robert Lee Corbett... -Macclesfield Mrs. Emmett Crook ..................._. Charlotte mere. eee Peer Burgaw Mrs. Charles T. Hagan, Jr. Greensboro Reverend W. B. Heyward -Raeford Mr. Ennis Jackson _..... Gastonia Mr. Vred A. Lene... ....Lenoir Mrs. J. Hs Matthews _. _... ...... Gastonia Mrs. W. W. McGinn .._._ Charlotte, Rt. 4 Mrs. Colon McLean |... Washington Mrs. John MeNair, Jr...... --Laurinburg Reverend J. W. Miller... Clarkton Mrs. Lewis Schenck _.......... Davidson Mrs. Flake Steele _ Winston-Salem My. ‘George Stovall... Albemarle Mr. Finley T. White Durham Miss Mabel A. Townsend, Mce- Donald Nursing Personnel & Administra- tion Staff of Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Ine., Baltimore, Md. School of Home Economies at Wo- man’s College, U. N. C., Greens- boro Misses Harriet and Hazel Morri- son Miss Zula Rankin, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Elbert McPhaul Mrs. C. E. Zedaker Mr. and Mrs. Charles ©. C. Bost, Conover Mrs. Alvin L. Bolick, Conover Conover Chapter U. D., Order of the Eastern Star, Conover Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliot, Sr., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliot, Jr., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rockett, Conover Mr. and Mrs. Dan ©. MeLeod, Myrtle Beach, S. ©. Curry, Mr. Leonard, Gastonia Mrs. Mary R. Rhyne Denny, Mr. S. J., Pilot Mountain First Pres. Church, Roanoke Rapids Dr. W. D. Hall, Roanoke Rapids Dick, Mrs. James T., Mebane Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White Women’s Bible Class, Mebane Pres. Church Dixon, Mr. Kay, Gastonia Mrs. ©. E. Neisler, Kings Moun- tain Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gardner Mrs. W. Y. Warren Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Dougherty, Dr. B. B., Boone Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Robinson Elms, Mr. Richard B., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Howie, Jr., Harrisburg Ervin, Reverend J. 0., Charlotte Reverend and Mrs. Albert B. Me- Clure, Barium Springs Mr. and Mrs. Holwin Brown, L. A. Brown, Troutman Mr. and Mrs. J. W. and Ethel Ervin, Troutman Mrs. L. W. Cole, Richmond, Va. Evans, Mr. Bob, Alamance Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coble Everett, Colonel F. G., Fayetteville Cirele No. 7, First Pres. Church Farthing, Dr. J. Watts, Wilmington Mrs. H. A. Huggins st e- co ed SEPTEMBER 1957 Ferebee, Mrs. S. W., New Bern Mr. P. O. Jarvis Ferguson, Mrs. J. F., Gastonia Women of Little Joe’s Pres. Chureh, Barium Springs The Lena C. Wilson Bible Class, Union Pres. Church, Gastonia Mrs. Kathleen Steele, Barium Springs Miss Rebekah Carpenter, Barium Springs Miss Mittie Edwards, Barium Springs Miss Juanita McInnis, Mooresville Reverend and Mrs. Robert R. Col- lins, Barium Springs Reverend and Mrs. Albert B. Me- Clure, Barium Springs Foster, Mr. John §8., Jr., Concord Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate, Jr., Charlotte Fox, Mrs. Jewel Anderson, States- ville Southern Bakeries Company Fredrickson, Mrs. Charles H., Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. Warn Carah Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Price Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minday Mr. G. M. McClancy Mr. Hoyt W. Shore Mr. Harry P. Shaw, Jr. Mr. H. L. Gwinn French, Miss Laura D., Houston, Texas Reverend and Mrs. Robert R. Col- lins, Barium Springs Gaither, Mr. J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Gaither, Mr. Marvin, Statesville Mrs. E. P. Bradley, Mocksville Gilleland, Mr. John T., Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McInnis Glaser, Mrs. Florence Louise Mellor, Roanoke Rapids First Pres. Church Hardin, Mrs. W. Boyd, Hickory R. L. Shook, Paul Lane, Donald Guthrie Twisting & Winding Dept. of Twine Mill, Shuford Mills Highland Cordage OCo., Shuford Mills Mr. and Mrs. George L. Lyerly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Garth Mrs. Paul W. Troutman and Martha Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Bumbarger, Sr. Women of the First Pres. Church Circle No. 8, First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Cecil T. Bost Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reichard Circle No. 5, First Pres. Church Dr. and Mrs. Shuford Abernethy, Hickory Mrs. A. H. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brittain The Management, Shuford Mills, Ine. Mrs. F. P. Larson Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Williams Harrelson, Dr. R. C., Tabor City Mr. and Mrs. Radford R. Allen, Council Harrelson, Mr. Sterling, Tabor City Mr. and Mrs. Radford R. Allen, Council Harrelson, Mr. Whitney, Tabor City Mr. and Mrs. Radford R. Allen, Council Harris, Mr. William V., Salisbury Mrs. James M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Plyler Hassell, Mr. William Clyde, Harri- sonburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hofler, Wash- ington Hatley, Mr. Joel Neil, Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sapp Miss Catherine Gourley Henderson, Mr. Worth, Ellerbe Mr. and Mrs. George Hargrove, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Williams, Ra- leigh Primary Dept., Lumber’ Bridge Pres. Church, Lumber Bridge Cirele No. 3, Presbyterian Church, Lumber Bridge Henley, Mrs. T. L., Laurinburg Miss Louise Egleston, Hickory Miss Mabel A. Townsend Henson, Mrs. J. C., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Sprock Mr. and Mrs. Clement R. Marshall Higgins, Mr. V. B., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hendrix, Jr., Reidsville Hirst, Mrs. David, Charlotte Miss Frances Y. Query Holler, Mr. R. C. Claremont The Jane McGill Circle, Vass Pres- byterian Church, Vass Hoover, Mr. Will, Troutman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Griffin Horne, Mr. Perry Mel, Fayetteville Employees Branch Banking & Trust Co. Howard, Mr. Joseph, Hampstead Mrs. J. E. Douglas Hyden, Mrs. Jesse O., Miami, Florida Misses Daisy and Margaret E. Clark, Clarkton Ingram, Mr. William H., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Irby, Mr. R. E., Kinston Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Tibbals, New Bern James, Mrs. Hallie Burton, Mebane Women’s Bible Class, Mebane Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Vincent, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White Jennings, Mr. John, Lenoir Mrs. Orrin Robbins Kennedy, Mr. A. E., Sr., Clinton Graves Memorial Presbyterian Church Kenyon, Mrs. Fodie Buie, Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. Lacy C. Buie Ella and Mamie McKay Mrs. D. P. MeGeachy, Montreat Miss Helen MecGeachy, Fayette- ville Kiddy, Mr. Roy, Sr., Morganton Women of Godwin Pres. Church, Godwin Kirkpatrick, Mr. Alfred, Charlotte Mr. W. E. Kimbrell Lever, Mr. C. L., Shelby Mrs. Renn Drum Liles, Mrs. Carrie, Red Springs Mrs. L. H. Bramble, Fayetteville Little, Mrs. Robert Lee, Danville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. MeInnis, Mooresville Littlejohn, Mr. A. F., Charlotte Cirele No. 8, First Pres. Church, Hickory McAden, Mr. Henry M., Charlotte Mr. Neal Y. Pharr THE BARIUM MESSENGER McArver, Mr. James F., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner McArver, Mr. J. O., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner McConnell, Mrs. D. E., Matthews Mrs. H. Lan Moore, Tryon Mr. W. B. Moore, Tryon McCormick, Mr. Evander Fairley, Fairmont Mrs. James E. Price, MeDonald Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Smith McDuffie, Mr. Ernest Leake, Jr., St. Pauls Murray Bible Class, St. Pauls Pres. Church Cirele No. 5, St. Pauls Pres. Chureh Circle No. 2, St. Pauls Pres. Church McIntyre, Mr. K. H., Red Oak Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Cameron, Gastonia McIver, Mrs. Ila Mae, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander McKeithen, Mr. Neil A., Lumberton Mr. and Mrs. C. J. MeDonald, Carthage Mrs. Colin H. Phillips McKenzie, Mr. Lacy McKinnon, Lumberton First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLeod, Lumberton Mrs. Colin H. Phillips Miss Agnes Kelly, Fayetteville McLauchlin, Mrs. Stewart, Charlotte Miss Janie Stewart, Maxton Miss Mary Jeanette White, Max- ton McNairy, Charies, Greensboro Miss Tina Guntharp McNeely, Mr. C. P., Sr., Mooresville Mrs. Clarence P. MeNeely, Sr. Matthews, Mr. Edgar L., Memphis, Tenn. Miss Helen Rosser, Sanford Mayhew, Mrs. Mary, Troutman Misses Janie and Lucile Young Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Jr. Miller, Mr. Charles McCamie, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. McClelland, Sr. Sarah Pharr 8S. 8S. Class, Rocky River Pres. Chureh, Concord Men’s Bible Class, Central Steele Creek Pres. Church, Charlotte Mitchell, Mr. J. A., Greensboro Mr. Glenn O. Mitchell, Jr., Atlan- ta, Georgia Moffitt, Mrs. Alice C., Fayetteville Mr, and Mrs. Hal G. Campen Miss Helen McGeachy Morrison, Mr. Ralph Hall, Concord Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coltrane, III Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Barnhardt, Jr., Charlotte Mrs. W. W. Flowe Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Youngblood Moser, Mrs. Ella, Burlington Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coble, Ala- mance O’Berry, Mr. Thomas, Goldsboro Mrs. William H. Best Page, Mr. W. C., Delco Women of Huntersville Pres. Chureh Pate, Mrs. Mary B., Rowland Women of Ashpolie Presbyterian Church Perry, Dr. Robert E., Greensboro Miss Elisabeth S. Houston Pickell, Mrs. Walter L., Anderson, South Carolina Mrs. Glen D. Moak, Charlotte Purgason, Mrs. Clemmine M., Reids- ville Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hendrix, Jr. Ralston, Mrs. J. C., Richmond, Vir- ginia Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hofler, Wash- ington Reedy, Mr. Francis, Manning, S. C. Mr. and Mrs, L. M. Johnston, Jr., Belmont Reid, Mr. Daniel, Rosehill Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coble, Ala- mance Reynolds, Mr. B. 8., Leland Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Blanton, Shelby Richardson, Mrs. O. 8S., Sr., Jackson Springs Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson Mrs. J. E. Currie Mrs. Lena Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Currie and Family Mrs. Claude Auman, West End Misses Treva and Tressie Auman, West End Miss Evelyn Holliday Mr. M. A. Clark Robbins, Mr. Cromwell, Lenoir Mrs. Orrin Robbins Robbins, Mr. 8S. C., Jamestown Mr. Claude T. Johnson, Aberdeen Rollins, Dr. Lillie Gettys, Hickory Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sifford, Mount Holly Shaffer, Mrs. W. 8., Greensboro Mrs. S. Fuller Smith Mr. John 8S. May, Burlington Mr. W. Clary Holt, Burlington Mrs. 8. B. Tye, Greensboro Sharpe, Mr. Albert, Burlington Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coble, Ala- mance Shaver, Dr. William T., Albemarle Mrs. Charles H. Wadsworth, Con- cord Mr. J. N. Auten, Albemarle Sherrill, Mrs. George P., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Thompson Sisk, Mr. Wm. Victor, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevenson Smith, Mrs. Byrum J., Charlotte Mr. Hunter Marshall Sprinkle, Mrs. O. C., Marion, Va. Mrs. J. William McFall, Gastonia Stanford, Mrs. Irene Noblett, Char- lotte Mrs. L. W. Hovis Stewart, Mr. W. H., Sr., Maxton Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bracey, Fayetteville Stowe, Mr. G. B., Myrtle Beach, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hogg, High Point Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Grier, Dallas Strickland, Mrs. E. L., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams Strong, Mr. J. R., Leaksville Mrs. J. Siewers Wall, Sr., Madison Sutherland, Mr. W. Roy, Laurinburg Laurinburg Presbyterian Chureh PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gibson, Gib- son Miss Betsy and Mr, A. A. MeNeill Sutton, Mrs. Effie, Kannapolis Cirele No. 6, Second Pres. Church Taylor, Mrs. Cornelia Powers, Lum- berton Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall, Rose Hill Taylor, Miss Paulina, Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Underwood, Jr., Fayetteville Thornburg, Mr. John D., Cherryville Mr. and Mrs. Howitt Quinn, Lin- _ ¢olnton Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Lewis Mr. W. D. Browne, Jr. and Family Mrs. Julia R. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Hall Cherryville Masonie Lodge No, 505 Mr. W. D. Browne, Sr. and Family Towel, Mr. M. L., Kannapolis Mae and Blanche Howard, Sher- rills Ford Traver, Mr. John Grove, Philadelph- ia, Penn. Waverly Braid Mills, Gastonia Turner, Mrs. Lon, Burlington Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Scott Van Ness, Mrs. Blanche D., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Junius Smith Vann, Mr. Henry, Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Leslie N. Boney, Wilmington Waters, Mr. C. R., Ft. Mill, 8. C. Young Married Couples Class, yreensboro Pres. Church Welling, Mrs. A. F., Charlotte Dr. T. N. Hamer White, Mrs. J. E., Statesville Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Troutman White, Mr. James T., Jr., Bessemer City Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ratchford, Dallas Miss Bess Costner, Belmont Miss Janie Young, Mrs. 8. J. Hand, Lowell Whitlock, Miss Anna, Maxton Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Croom, Jr. Miss Betsy and Mr. A. A. MeNeill Whitsett, Mr. Lemuel Duncan, Jr., Charlotte Mr. A. Grant Whitney Circle No, 14, Covenant Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Robinson Williams, Dr. C. B., Due West, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Connor R. Hutchi- son, Charlotte Williams, Miss Roxana, Fayetteville Bonnie Doone Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Howard Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bramble Mrs. George MacNeill Williamson, Mrs. Flora W., Burling- ton Mrs. J. Harvey White, Graham OPERATING MEMORIALS Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg Richardson, Mrs. Oscar, Sr., Jackson Springs Cirele No. 2, Jackson Springs Pres. Church Buie, Mrs. D. Frank, Patrick, 8. C. Mrs. M. M. Buie PAGE FOUR THE BARIUM MESSENGER SEPTEMBER 1957 Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Little, Clark- ton EDUCATION FUND Steele, Mr. F. F., Winston-Salem Mrs. F. F. Steele, Sr. Schaefer, Mrs. Boyd M., Winston- Salem Mr. and Mrs. P. B. MeNeely, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. MeNeely, Jr., Mooresville SWIMMING POOL FUND Vann, Mr. Henry, Wallace Mr. and Mrs, Harry Morris Sifford, Mrs. Eleanor Davis Circle No. 11, Steele Creek Pres. Church Barnhardt, Mr. E. C., Jr. Mrs. W. M. Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cuthbertson, Concord Mrs. John M. Oglesby, Concord Carter, Mrs. Nancy L., Maxton Mrs. Mayme MeQueen AUGUST MEMORIALS Alexander, Dr. John M., Decatur, Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Basil G. F. Laslett, Fayetteville Alexander, Mrs. R. D., Belmont Misses Clara and Meliabel Craw- ford Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ford Mrs. Chas. H. Sloan Ladies’ Bible Class, Hopewell Pres. Church, Huntersville Andrews, Mrs. Will H., Raleigh Poultry Dept. of North Carolina State College Batty, Mrs. Nic W., Charlotte Miss Lelia M. Alexander Blai kenship, Mr. T. M., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. Bynum Carter, Gastonia Brandis, Mr. H. P., Salisbury Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Rainey, Fay- etteville Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Pfaff, Salis- bury Brendle, Mr. David, Elkin Southern Bakeries Company, Stat- esville Bright, Mr. Lewis, Mt. Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holding, Con- cord Caldwell, Mrs. M. H., Concord Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr. Clark, Timothy Nicholson, Fayette- ville Mrs. Timothy Nicholson Clark Cotton, Mrs. T. A., Badin Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Swecker Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ervin Covington, Miss Bessie, Red Springs Mrs. C. E. Zedaker Mr. and Mrs. William Huske, Fay- etteville Coxe, Mrs. E. L., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. Ellis F. Edwards, Chamblee, Georgia Miss Virginia C. Farinholt, Greensboro Mrs. H. H. Edwards, Elizabeth- town Craven, Mr. Harry, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Clifton 8. Albee Crow, Mr. H. D., Suffolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hicks, Wilson Currie, Mr. John Theron, Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Currie, Chad- bourn Curtis, Mrs. Rufus, Graham Mr. and Mrs. George re Frye, Robbins Davis, Mr. C. T., Sr.. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Britt, Sr. Mr. F, M. Davis and Family Mr. and Mrs. William Hall Mrs. D. A. MeCormick Edwards, Mr. E. T., Jr., Hickory Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gaither, Newton Edwards, Mr. J. S., Whiteville Mrs. R. T. Allen, Council Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Allen, Council Farthing, Dr. J. Watts, Wilmington Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fales Ferguson, Mrs. J. Forest, Gastonia Sunday School of Union Presby- terian Chureh Fischer, Karen Bowler, Southern Pines Women of Pres. Chureh 3rownson Memorial Fisher, Mrs. Adalie, Long Island Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Griffin, Troutman Fitts, Mr. Willie S., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hubbard Ford, Mrs. Marianna Murphy, Rose Hill Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Murphy, Tomahawk Fredrickson, Mrs. Charles H., Char- lotte ‘“*Cyrus Road Friends’? Employees of Fredrickson Motor xpress Corp. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Adams Geoghegan, Miss Patty, Atlanta, Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers, Greensboro Grove, Mr. C. S., Sr., Hickory Mrs. F. P. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. MeComb 3elk Memorial Presbyterian Chureh Mr. W. 8. Sims, Charlotte Ham, Mrs. M. L., Morven Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Wall Hamilton, Mrs. E. L., Red Springs Cirele No. 8, Red Springs Pres. Church Hardin, Mrs. Boyd, Hickory Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Huffman Harper, Mrs. Mamie Stewart, Miami, Florida Miss Martha Barringer, Concord Harris, Mr. James Herbert, Ayden The J. T. Steele Family, Waxhaw Higgins, Mr. V. B., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cannon, Jr. Hoffman, Lura Suzanne, Mount Holly Mrs. R. H. Stowe Houston, Mr. Mark Watson, Harris- burg Mrs. W. W. Oglesby, Sr. Johnson, Mrs. Nellie, Huntersville Woman’s Bible Class, Huntersville Pres. Chureh Mrs. Olin W. Hunter Johnston, Mr. A. B., North Wilkes- boro Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buehan Kay, Mrs. W. P., Red Springs Mrs. J. A. MeRae Mr. Arthur MeRae, Jr. Mrs. D. EE. Smith Mrs. C, E. Zedaker Mrs. W. N. Weaver Mr. and Mrs, William Huske, Fay- etteville Mrs. Evelyn Brock Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. E. Spence, San- ford Miss Gladys Kelly Kelly, Mr. Joseph Foster, Southern Pines Circle No. 9 Pres, Church 3rownson Memorial ’ Kiser, Miss Nancy, Statesville Mr. L, A. Parks Landon, Mr. Hurst, Morganton Mrs. Fred Slane, Sr., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slane, Jr., Statesville Leaman, Jimmie, Whiteville Mrs. Mary Rankin Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Wooten Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Williamson, Jr., Chadbourn Mr. and Mrs. Radford R. Allen, Couneil Mr. and Mrs. Junius K. Powell Long, Mr. W. Baxter, Indian Trail Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Long, Concord Lowrance, Mr. A. L., Statesville Mr. Karl T. Deaton Miss Mariemma Henley Mr. L. A. Parks Rev. and Mrs. Albert B. McClure, Barium Springs McClung, Florida Mrs. F. P. Larson and family, Hickory Mr. Clyde H., Tampa, McCrackren, Mr. Frank, Sanford Mr. L. A. Parks McIllwaine, Mrs. Della Shields, Monroe Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ormand McIntyre, Mr. Kenneth Henry, Red Oak Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Floyd, White- ville Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Whiteville McKay, Mr. Arnold, Raeford Cirele No. 13, Raeford Pres. Chureh McKelvie, Mrs. Henry M., Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunnicutt Mrs. C. E. Neisler McKelvie, Mr. Henry M., Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunnicutt Mrs. C. E. Neisler McKenzie, Mr. Lacy McKinnon, Lumberton Miss Agnes Kelly, Fayetteville McMillian, Bobby, Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Davis McNairy, Mrs. W. D., Greensboro Miss Tressie Auman, West End Maples, Mrs. Coy, Cameron The McFadyens Mrs. Margaret A. Vick Merrill, General Dana T., Fort Thomas, Kentucky Colonel George 8. Beatty, Harrells Michael, Mr. F. C., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. J. Bynum Carter Morrison, Mr. Arthur, Concord Poplar Tent Home Demonstration Club Mr. and Mrs, F. 8. Goodman, Sr. Munn, Mr. John E. B., Fayetteville Mrs. John Munn Myers, Reverend C. C., Wilmington Mrs. Frances K. Ward, Chadbourn Mrs. Martha Daniel, Richmond, Virginia Dr. William A. Futch, Jacksonville Nash, Mrs. F. M., Mount Gilead Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Phillips Northey, Mrs. John, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. John Todd, Jr. Owen, Mr. O. L. Whiteville Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Joyner, Clin- ton Mrs. Marie 8. Currie, Clarkton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maxwell Mrs. John B. Singletary Mr. James H. Clark, Elizabeth- town Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Bunn, Clinton First Presbyterian Church, Roan- oke Rapids Miss Mary Lou Powell Mr. and Mrs, I. A. Singletary Ownbey, Mr. Porter W., Mount Holly Castanea Pres. Church Sunday School Parks, Mr. William G., Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parks, Lenoir Patton, Norman Morrow, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. John Brison, Jr. Mrs. Paul G. Caldwell Pemberton, Mrs. W. D., Concord Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wads- worth Perry, Master Scott, Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Maner Potts, Mr. Van, Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. Grier McElroy Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hostetler, Troutman Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Henderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. MeCall Prevost, Mr. R. L., Jr., Hazelwood Bagnal Lumber Company, Winston- Salem Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins, Le- noir Quick, Sgt. William, Texas Robert and Kate Wallace, Zuni, New Mexico Randle, Reverend W. T., Baltimore, Maryland Women of Huntersville’ Pres. Church, Huntersville Riddle, Mr. John William, Weldon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stilwell Robinson, Mr. S. Craig, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. MeArver Circle No. 3, Olney Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Jackson Mr. and Mrs. W. Hope Ratchford Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Robinson Ross, Mr. Benjamin B., Washington Mr. and Mrs. Colon McLean Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hofler Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crateh Sanderford, Mr. Hubert R., Creed- moor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Whiteville Shaver, Dr. W. T., Albemarle Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Richards, Con- cord Sherrill, Mr. J. A., Davidson Mr. J. M. Hamilton Simonds, Mr. Ernest, Bryson City Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Howie, Harris- burg Singletary, Mr. Oscar L., Jefferson, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Singletary, Clarkton Speight, Mrs. J. E., Greenville Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Hofler, Wash- ington Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cratech Stewart, Mr. Wm. H., Maxton Miss Nancy Correll Mrs. Lee Correll Stowe, Mr. G. B., Jr., Myrtle Beach, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gastonia Hunter, Strickland, Mr. Alexander, Acme Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elkins, Clark- ton Miss Vilamae MacMillan, Wade Thomas, Mrs. C. D., Morven Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris, Bur- gaw Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Wall Thornburg, Mr. John D., Cherryville Mr. M. Arthur Knight White, Mr. W. Woodford, Newton Mrs. A. H. Crowell Whitman, Mrs. N. K., Concord Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hartsell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Winecoff Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Schramm Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coltrane, ITI Mrs. N. T. Deaton Mrs. Cora P. Fisher Mrs. Nan S. Pickard Mrs. Noel K. Reid Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holding Williams, Miss Roxana, Fayetteville Cirele No. 2, MePherson Pres. Church Wilson, Mr. George E., Charlotte Mrs. Henry E. Matthews, Gastonia Mr. Robert H. Woods, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Orr, Mon- roe The Auxiliary to Branch 183, Na- tional Association of Postal Supervisors Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Perkins, Jr. Mrs. Mabel R. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Price Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Sloan Miss Cornelia Fore Wilson, Mr. H. T., Wilmington Mrs. Bertha C. Maynard Wingate, Mr. James, Wadesboro Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tice Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spurrier, Gas- tonia OPERATING MEMORIALS Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg SWIMMING POOL FUND Davis, Mrs. Nina Clark, Waxhaw Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. MeArver Gastonia ’ Alexander, Mrs. R. D., Belmont Circle No. 3, Belmont Pres. Church Bayne, Mrs. John, Kannapolis Miss Hilda Bernardo Miss Angelina B. McEwan Cotton, Mrs. Tom, Badin Mrs. Elizabeth Snead, Albemarle ES S a ae ai l a a a a a re ae ee a oe ew . ¢ 4 tt e Mm €4 45 Re Barium Messenger VOL. 36 BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., OCTOBER 1957 No. 10 TWO NEW COTTAGES COMPLETED AND ARE NOW OCCUPIED Two new cottages have been completed replacing Synod Cottage and Annie Louise Cottage. These two new buildings are one story, fireproof buildings, housing sixteen children each. There are four rooms with two children to the room at each end of the building and in the center are the kitchen, dining- room, play porch, living- room and _ housemother’s rooms. Great thought and care have been given to the plan- ning of these buildings so as to make them less institution- aland more home-like. The boys and girls now living there feel that this has been accomplished and when the furniture has been secured for the living-room and porches the buildings will have quite a home-like atmosphere. At present the dining- room will be used only occa- sionally during the week and on Saturday and Sunday even- ings, but in the days to come the dining-room will be used more and more and these cot- tages are capable of being seif-contained and providing full living in the event that the central dining-room is ever discontinued. These cottages have not yet been named but that will be a matter for the Board of Re- gents to determine at its fall meeting in November. Twelve New Children Join The Family A dozen boys and girls have come to Barium Springs to join the others here in the big Barium family. Golden- haired Gloria Traywick from Belmont and Carl Dickson from Southern Pines are in the Baby Cottage. Percy and Leonard Utsman, having been here once before, find coming back a little easier than their first arrival; they are living in Lees Cottage with Mrs. Watson; also, in Lees Cottage is O’Neil Marshburn from Olivia. Carolyn Childers from Lenoir and Mae and Grace Dean Jolly from Taylorsville live in the Lottie Walker Building. Howard Cottage re- ceived Carol Watts from Fayettevilie and Kay Marsh- burn from Olivia. Paul Schni- tzer from Rocky Mount is living in Stultz Cottage. Jack Brooks of Charlotte, a high school freshman, is living in Johnston Building. Other applications are be- ing studied and admissions will be made throughout the year. The two new cottages just finished afford addition- al space and the number of admissions can be larger this year than in any of the re- cent years. COTTAGE NEWS Rumple Hall Well, we are not the Bean- stringers anymore, instead we are the Rumple Hall Girls. We moved in August. All the girls moved except Diane Ki- ser and she moved into one of the new cottages. We like it better now because we have our own rooms. We have ten girls in our cottage who take piano les- sons. We enjoy it so much and want to keep on taking. Vicki Brafford celebrated her birthday on September 28th. Linda Shepherd’s birth- day was October ist. We had a good time at the Fair. We did not want to leave when it was time to come home, we were having such a good time. We certain- ly are looking forward to Hal- loween, especially “Trick or Treating.” We hope that we can dress up so no one can recognize us. Well, that’s all the news for now. The Rumple Hall Girls South Cottage Hello Everyone— A lot of new things have been happening recently. We were all excited about the new buildings being finished. We were more excited about who was going to move into them. Almost everyone thought that they might get to live in one of them. Ten of us from Lot- tie Walker with two new boys from the Baby Cottage, Roger Ruff and Eddie Webb, moved into one of the new buildings. Also, three big boys, Charles McLean, Henry Harris, and Harold Evans, came to live with us. We are liking it. Another event was the Fair. We all went on Septem- ber 18th and we had a won- derful time, though it was drizzling rain. We won first prize on our sheep and first prize on our cows, also we won a first prize on our ap- ples. We won fourth place on our school exhibit. Our minister, Mr. Collins, was gone to West Virginia for a week to preach in another church. We missed him. Everybody is busy settling down after a fine summer and getting ready for school. It has really turned winter weather in a hurry. We bundled up in winter clothes for several days. Our birthdays for October are Gregory Lockamy and Dwight Lefler. That about winds up the news with us for this time. We will see you next month, we hope. Ronald Brown and the Boys of New South Cottage (Continued on Page 2) ALUMNI NEWS Charlie and Thelma Sears, from Grandfather Home, Banner Elk, and their two children, Ellen and Dan were visitors on the campus. Edgar (Pete) Long was a visitor on the campus. He is with the Wright Motor Lines with headquarters in North Wilkesboro. Ralph and Bobbie Spencer and their family have moved to Lynchburg, Va. where Ralph is connected with the Presbyterian Home. Betty (Traywick) and Jack Graves and their little gir] have moved from Belmont to Lancaster, 8. C. where Jack is in business. Born to Bonnie (Finley) and David Andrews on Sep- tember 9th in Goldsboro a son, David Mitchell. Joyce Kelly was a visitor on the campus recently. She is a third year student at the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing. Lawton Rice has entered Lees-McRae College at Ban- ner Elk. Mac McClure and Oscar Utsman entered the Fresh- man Class at Davidson Col- lege. Louise Bradshaw is a Sen- ior at Montreat College. Mary Emma McClure has returned to Maryville College where she is a member of the Junior Class. Our hearts were saddened at the news of the tragic death of Betty Lou Johnson which occurred on September 10th. Betty Lou was killed in an automobile accident near Burlington. Betty Lou graduated in the Class of 1955. Broten Leads Staff In Week’s Study A very valuable week of in- service training has been con- cluded under the leadership of Alton M. Broten. The house parents spent daily sessions in discussing the topic “How can I live with my Job?” Al- so, time was afforded for in- dividual conferences for the members of the staff to dis- cuss with Mr. Broten particu- lar phases of their work or the total program as it affect- ed them in their cottages. These studies come asa part of the Child Care Project in which the Southeastern Conference andthe Univer- sity of North Carolina in a cooperative effort provide this in-service training. Dr. Alan Keith Lucas, the direc- tor, assisted by Mr. Alton M. Broten have scheduled regu- lar study sessions on the cam- puses of the participating in- stitutions. Also, they afford special information and heip during the year and climax the program with the work- shops at Chapel Hill during the summer months. CONCORD PRESBYTERY MEN HAVE RECORD RALLY ATTENDANCE The Men’s Rally of Concord Presbytery set a new record for attendance this year. President Fielding Clark had predicted that a host of men would be present and Barium Springs began to get ready early. Pigs were set aside for barbecue and everybody on the campus was. alerted for special duty. And so when the day arrived the tables were set and 1100 pounds of choice meat had been barbecued, slaw had been made, and the beans had been baked, and the drinks and dessert were in place. From five o’clock in the afternoon until 7:20, the men filed by for the barbecue supper. When the line ended more than 700 men had pass- ed the table. The boys and giris and staff members of the Home were busy as bees getting this job done ina grand fashion. Following the supper, the meeting was held in Little Joe’s Presbyterian Church. Reports were heard and inspirational addresses were given and the three churches having record atten- dance were Salisbury First, Bayless Memorial, and Pros- pect. The First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury took the top place with 62 men in at- tendance. This annual event on the campus meansa lot of hard work but it also affords great pleasure to the Barium family in rendering service to the Men of the Church. INTERESTING FACTS AND FIGURES FROM DUKE ENDOWMENT YEARBOOK The Trustees of The Duke En- dowment for the thirty-second con- secutive year assisted the child- caring institutions in the Carolinas with their operating expenses. Be- ginning with 1956 the fiscal year used for requesting assistance from The Duke Endowment ended on September 30 instead of the calen- dar year, and the 1956 figures in this report are for the nine months’ period January 1 through Septem- ber 30, except as otherwise indi- cated. Future reports will be for the twelve months’ period October 1 through September 39. In 1956 there were 40 child- caring institutions assisted, 27 in North Carolina and 13 in South Carolina, one more than the num- ber assisted in 1955. For the first time the Church of God Home for Children, Gaffney, South Carolina, which opened on January 1, 1956, was assisted. The name of the Free Will Baptist Orphanage, Middlesex, North Carolina, was changed to the Free Will Baptist Children’s Home, and the name of the Christian Orphanage, Elon College, North Carolina, was changed to the Con- gregational Christian Home for Children. Bed Capacity at the 40 institu- tions was 5,428 on September 30, 1956 and 4,632 children were cared for on the average day during the nine months’ period January 1 through September 30, 1956. Children Cared For in the nine months’ period ending September 30, 1956 numbered 5,698, of which 2,923 or 51.3 per cent were full or half-orphan children, while 2,775 THANKSGIVING MATERIALS Posters, literature, and Thanksgiving en- velopes have been prepared and will be mailed to all the churches the first of No- vember. If for any reason your church does not receive this literature, please no- tify the Home for this Thanksgiving Of- fering is essential to the life of the Home. or 48.7 per cent were children with both parents living. The number of children with both parents dead was 383, being 6.7 per cent of the total. By age groups the number of children cared for were divided as follows: over 12 years of age, 3,067 or 53.8 per cent; between six and 12 years, 2,423 or 42.5 per cent; and under six years of age, 208 or 3.7 per cent. There were 3,003 boys and 2,695 girls cared for during the nine months’ period January 1 through September 30, 1956. Admissions during the nine months’ period January 1 through September 30, 1956 totaled 1,063. Of these 1,063 admissions, 993 were new admissions and 70 re- admissions. Discharges numbered 1,157 dur- ing the nine months’ period Jan- uary 1 through September 30, 1956. The 40 assisted institutions on Sep- tember 30, 1956 were caring for 4,541 children as compared with 4,634 reported by 39 institutions on December 31, 1955. Days of Care at the 40 institu- tions totaled 1,268,997 during the nine months’ period January 1 through September 30, 1956, with 680,356 or 53.6 per cent being days of care of orphan and half- orphan children. For children with both parents living there were 588,- 641 days of care rendered, being 464 per cent of the total. The average number of children cared for per day during the period was 4,632 as compared with an aver- age of 4,672 for the 39 institutions during 1955. Direct service to chil- (Continued on Page 3) & PAGE TWO THE BARIUM MESSENGER OCTOBER 1957 UNDER THE STEEPLE-N uggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE'S CHURCH Rev, ROBERT R. COLLINS, Minister One of the most moving prayers in the Bible is found in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, chapter 3:14-21. In his petition Paul ask that “... Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”’ To my mind this prayer offers us one of the finest insights into the life of the great missionary and preacher, and helps to explain why Paul was so successful in proclaiming the gos- pel of Jesus Christ. I have often wondered what would happen to the life of a church, any church, if there were those who each day would sincerely offer this prayer in its behalf. Throughout the Synod of North Carolina there are thous- ands of Presbyterians who have a genuine interest in the work that is being carried out at Barium Springs. Each year churches send gifts that sustain the physical needs of our large family of children. And there are unknown numbers who regu- larly remember our Home in prayer. Yet, this year as we move toward that season when you especially think of the Home and the Christian nurture you wish to provide for these boys and girls, I should like to sug- gest that prayer be a greater part of your offering than ever before. Perhaps you have never considered prayer as an offer- ing, but it is my sincere conviction that intercessory prayer for the spiritual needs of our family Under The Steeple is as es- sential to our program at Barium Springs as are the gifts of food, money, and clothing. By His own example, Jesus indi- cated that intercessory prayer was vital to the Christian life. In the Book of the Acts and in the letters of Paul we find re- peated emphasis upon the power of prayer. We are certain of the genuine concern that you have for your Home at Barium Springs. Because of this deep love I hope that thousands of you all across the Synod will make Paul’s prayer in Ephesians a guide as you remember us often before our Father’s throne of grace. It is my firm belief that such a chain of prayer will greatly “strengthen us with the might of his Spirit in the inner man” and we shall indeed be bound to- eether in the love of Christ so that His will may be increasing- ly known and done in our daily life at Barium Springs. Receipts For July, August and September, 1957 Church S. S. Women Total : Perce pei 180.00 288.00 468.99 ‘i a ney 971.43 68.00 1039.43 : , aed eg wor" 1655.96 134.00 1973.57 GRANVILLE Regular 181.74 111.00 292.74 a 16.04 330.19 215.30 561.58 * hes mg me 2084.53 44.00 2389.80 ~~ 323.73 166.00 489.73 Wee 101.85 435.29 33.07 570.21 i! eae umgae e 191.48 60.00 267.45 CAROLINA SYNOD 17,384.48 _ 17,384.48 THE BARIUM MESSENGER November Birthdays Published M hly by Presbyteriar Mike Lockamy ones 11- 4-51 ublisnec Monthly } r yterian : Orphans’ Home Audrey W aters saveew 11-29-41 REV. ALBERT B. MeCLURE, Editor Rarbara Webb ....... 11-14-47 Sere a - Elva Medlin .......... 11-28-42 soe SOc eal atom «See Kise? ...... 11-29-42 yer wv. Jeo, a 1e Os om a ri 1 ! . is 'N. Cy under the act of August Eleanor Rutledge .. 11- 6-42 Acceptance for mailing at spe- ’ aaa — cial rate of euetaae, provided for in Sec- Helen Spencer suse 11-21 42 tion 1108 Act of October 1917, Authorized Clvde Mace ee Ti. 9-46 November 15, 1923 fy ee ——_—__——— Eddie Webb 11-11-50 BOARD OF REGENTS Abner Wilkins 11- 1-45 Mr. Fred A. long > rouge, §=«»-s Clarence Wilkins .... 11-13-44 Mr, Chas. T. Hagan, Jr Secretary Dempsey Tyndall ii. 8-43 oe — Melvin McKenzie .. 11- 9-39 Mr. M. C. Benton, Jr Winston-Salem oe Mrs. R. E. Brooks we Dr. J. H. Carte Newton ° “ ie David C. Olark Roanoke Rapids Blue Ribbons Won Mr. Robert Lee Corbett Macclesfield ny Mrs. Emmett Crook ye enn At County Fair Mrs. John Farrior surgaw Mrs. Charles T. Hagan, Jr Greensboro Many entries were made at Reverend W. B. Heyward Raeford . . ‘ d Mr. Ennis Jackson —- the Iredell County Fair an crs. 2 Ht. Matthews ~~ Gastonia ~=Many prizes were won. The te Fin deka. Wakingwon orchard boys had entered Mrs. John MeNair, Jr Laurinburg their apples, the garden crew Reverend J. W. Miller Clarkton Mrs. Lewis Schenck ‘ Davidson had entered vegetables, the ir George Seovall Winsihemanie farm outfit had entered sheep lr, Finley T. White Durham and hay, and the dairy had en- Do you remember these two? They came to y Pam entered Barium in 1950 and Bill in 1955. \ love is football. tered cows and calves in the Holstein division, and the Ele- mentary School had prepared a booth. Mr. Hanks and his dairy boys won red and blue ribbons and a Grand Cham- pion on the Holstein cow; three blue ribbons went to the orchard boys on their apples, and the garden crew also came in for blue ribbons and prize money for their vege- tables. The school and the farm were also winners, and so a whole hand full of blue and red ribbons and nearly $150.00 in cash was brought in. On Wednesday afternoon of the Fair week the whole grounds were turned over to the boys and girls of Barium. Wearing their school colors, they were the guests of the Statesville Kiwanis Club and, through the courtesy of the managements of The Amuse- ments of America, the whole show was open to them. The dive bomber, caterpillar, rol- ler-coaster, Ferris wheels, Merry - go - round, swings, scrambler, the toy train and cars and ponies, all were run- ning and Barium had a glor- ious time. COTTAGE NEWS (Continued from Page 1) Howard Cottage Hi! We “Bees” from the “Bee Tree” have moved into Howard Cottage which means that we have turned into the “Bean Stringers.” We do not know how the folks _ in this cottage came to be called “Bean Stringers” because every cottage on the campus whose children are not work- ing on something else share in the bean stringing during the summer and fall. We have lots of fun singing on the back porch while we string the beans for our big dining- room or for canning. We surely love this big Ho- yard building with lots of space for everybody anda kitchen of our own. The Fair was wonderful, but the whole afternoon seem- ed like only a few minutes— we wish that it had not been so short. We have two new girls, Carol, ten years old, and Kay, 6 years old. They are lots of fun and Kay keeps us laugh- ing over the cute funny way she says things. Our big, red, juicy Barium apples are delicious. One grade even made a play about them a year ago. They taste so good when we come home from school every afternoon. OCTOBER 1957 THE BARIUM MESSENGER came to you on the 1955 Thanksgiving poster. 1 in 1955. While she is busy with books, his first a ae ee = wa er a dren in foster homes was provided by three institutions and they re- ported a total of 40,326 days of foster care rendered, with 10,426 days or 25.9 per cent being for orphan and half-orphan children. The Trustees of The Duke Endow- ment assisted these three institu- tions in the foster home care of orphan and half-orphan children on the same basis as for care rendered in the institutions. Employees at the 40 institutions numbered 1,031 in the period Jan- uary 1 through September 30, 1956, which was an average of one em- ployee for every four children based on the average number of children cared for per day. Schools. A total of 4,876 insti- tution children were enrolled in schools during the 1955-56 school term. Of the total enrollment, 2,622 or 53.8 per cent were en- rolled in schools maintained at the institutions, whereas 2,254 or 46.2 per cent attended public schools away from the institutions. Mothers’ Aid and Foster Home Care. Two institutions provided assistance to 38 mothers and 101 children in their homes during the nine months’ period January 1 through September 30, 1956. Foster home care was provided 202 chil- dren on a direct service basis in three institutions during the nine months’ period. FINANCES Plant Values and Investments. The 40 assisted institutions report- ed a plant investment on September 30, 1956 of $24,489,290, divided as follows: land, $3,273,631; build- ings, $17,415,435; equipment, $3,- 502,590; and live stock, $297,634. Based on the average number of children per day, the average invest- ment per child was $5,287 at the 40 institutions. On September 30, 1956, 26 institutions reported a total of $11,367,300 held in invest- ed funds. Indebtedness, capital and operat- ing, amounted to $748,434 on Sep- tember 30, 1956, which represented an increase of $27,273 or 3.8 per cent over the figure on December 3t, 1953. Operating Receipts for the nine months, January 1 through Septem- ber 30, 1956, totaled $4,174,769. Operating Expenditures totaled $4,034,420 for the nine months’ pe- riod January 1 through September 30, 1956. Excluding extra-institu- tional services, the average cost per child per day was $3.18 for the nine months’ period January 1 through September 30, 1956, an increase of $ .27 or 9.3 per cent over the aver- age cost per child per day for the calendar year 1955. Using the aver- age cost per child per day as a base at the 40 institutions, the average cost per child per year (366 days) was $1,163.88, an increase of $101.- 73 or 9.6 per cent over the figure for the calendar year 1955. Capital Expenditures during the nine months’ period January 1 SCENES AROUND THE CAMPUS Everyone helping new stu- dents, Carolyn Childers, Mae and Dean Jolly, learn to skate. One of the little new boys, Paul Schnitzer, stealing the show et Gym party with his dance act. Boys lining up twice daily for their vitamin tablets and their remarks. The 50-pound boys trying oa their midget football uni- forms and having to weigh to convince themselves that they have not suddenly gained another 50 pounds. Larry and Leon Waters, Howard Cox and Paul Schnitzer were still not convinced that scales were correct. First graders, Eddie Webb and Roger Ruff, going on their first hunt with Mr. Steele to run beagles. Some of the boys and girls who have received new school jackets wearing them while others are in short sleeves due to the heat. The old dental chair moved from infirmary to Stultz Quad and converted into a Barber Chair, being checked over by boys, large and small. Richard Ward, John Bol- ton, Kenneth Davis, and John- ny Shepherd, readying their rabbit traps. Dan McLaurin resenting the squirrels carrying off all the pecans from the Quad tree. James Kiser explaining to other boys how he broke the Quad’s first gallon of cider— it was an accident. Donglas Finley and Dan McLaurin delivering a bushel of apples to each cottage and sampling each box. Some sad faces at mail call? Boys proudly comparing Blue Ribbons after the Fair. through September 30, 1956 totaled $1,675,268. The Duke Endowment for the nine months’ period January 1 through September 30, 1956 assist- ed 40 institutions covering the days of care rendered orphan and half-orphan children in the amount of $281,344.87, which included $4,- 246.35 for the care of orphan and half-orphan children under institu- tional supervision in foster homes. The Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina, was assisted in a special program in experimenting in the placing of older institution children for adoption in family homes and $5,000.00 was provided to assist this program during 1956. There were 28 institutions, including the Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, located in North Carolina which were assisted in the amount of $204,753.55 and which, when added to the 13 institutions located in South Carolina receiving assist- ance in the amount of $81,591.32, SEPTEMBER MEMORIALS Alexander, Mr. John Wilson, Ashe- boro PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. John C, March, Edgefield, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Roxlo, Camden, S. C. Allen, Mrs. Ed, Lenoir Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins Arrington, Mr. Eldridge H., South- port Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elkins, Clark- ton Ayers, Mrs. G. P., Statesville Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Griffin, Troutman Bailey, Edna, Mountain View, New Jersey John and Alpha Williams, South- ern Pines Barnette, Mr. Walker, Winston- Salem Mr. C. M. Davis Bean, Mr. George, Concord Miss Martha Barringer Beasley, Mrs. J. O., Louisburg Women of Huntersville’ Pres. Church, Huntersville Beatty, Mrs. Minnie, Ivanhoe Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beatty, Tomahawk Belk, Mary Henry, Charlotte Mrs. R. S. Abernethy, Jr. Mrs. Frances Stowe Burwell Be!l, Mrs. Robert, Columbus Women of Columbus Pres. Church Bizzell, Mrs. Malcomb, Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkins Bland, Mrs. A. R., Sr., Rose Hill Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall Rose Hill Woman’s Club Mount Zion Pres. Church Biythe, Miss Mary, Huntersville Women of Huntersville Pres. Church Boothe, Mary Helen (Infant), Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Womack, Burlington Bright, Mr. Lewis, Salisbury Mrs. Ray C. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. Reid, Char- lotte Brock, Mr. Lawrence Monroe, Rae- ford Mr. and Mrs. Lumberton Harold L. Gillis, Brown, Mrs. P. A., Ivanhoe Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beatty, Tomahawk Burley, Mr. Boyce Bryan, Jr., Greenville, S. C. Circle No. 4, Mulberry Pres. Church, Charlotte Women of the Church, Mulberry Pres. Church, Charlotte Burney, Mrs. George W., Guyton, Ga. Mrs. R. T. Alien, Council Burrus, Mrs. A. J., Rutherford Col- lege Mr. and Mrs. Connor R. Hutchi- son, Charlotte Carr, Mr. J. Hendley, Rose Hill Mount Zion Presbyterian Church Carswell, Salem Miss Lelia Alexander, Charlotte Mr. Ransom, Winston. Cooper, Mrs. Nena Copes, Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth S. Houston PAGE FOUR Cornwell, Amos Halstead, Jr., (Chippy), Lincolnton Mr. Frank H. Crowell Mr. and Mrs. Howitt Quinn Mr. and Mrs. T. N. James, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stutts, High Shoals Catawba-Lincoln-Alexander Dis- trict Healih Dept. Staff Cotton, Mrs. T. A., Badin The Kitty Sue Parish Bible Class, Badin, Coxe, Mrs. E. L., Red Springs Circle No. 1, Red Springs Pres. Church Crosswell, Mr. and Mrs. Gower, Sr., Atianta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Parker, Marshville Mrs. Charles N. Marshville Mrs. Scott N. Smith, Marshville Alexander, Cunningham, Mr. Charles, Greens- boro Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers Mrs. A. W. McAlister Mr. Flax McAlister Mr, L. L. McAlister Dr. Jean C. McAlister Currie, Marion Wood, Fayetteville Mrs. Hans C. Larsen Dickson, Mr. W. M., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Durfey, Mr. Carey K., Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Anderson Edison, Mr. Henry, Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pauli, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. H, F. Pettus, Char- lotte Mr and Mrs. A. W. Shue, Char- lotte Ellington, Mrs. John, Oxford Circle No. 138, Raeford Pres. Church, Raeford Ferguson, Mrs. J. F., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ferguson, Wadesboro Mr. and Mrs. Boyce M. Morrison, Shelby Fisher, Mr. Julius, Concord Mr. Ray E. Nylen, Cleveland, Ohio Forbes, Mrs, Lula, Wilmington Mrs. E. C. Moore Miss Laura Bordeaux Frye, Mr. Dulany, Pinehurst Manly Presbyterian Church, Man- ly Gaither, Mr. J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Gaither, Mr. Moody Z., Winston- Salem Mrs. Olin W. Hunter, Hunters- ville Gibbons, Mrs. W. P., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Glenn, Holly Mrs. J. W. Huffstetler and Mar- garet Huffstetler Mr. and Mrs. Ted Willis, Lowell Mr. Fred McDonald, Mt. Glenn, Mr. W. W., Newell The McLaughlin Family Hambright, Miss Edith, Grover Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Rountree Mr. and Mrs. B. Holmes Harry Hardin, Mrs. W. Boyd, Hickory Misses Louise and Helen Aber- nethy Harkey, Mr. H. W., Charlotte Men’s Bible Class, Myers Park Pres. Church Harms, Mr. Charles H., Cheverly, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. Reid, Char- lotte Hobbs, Mr. David J., Sr., Four Oaks Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson, Aberdeen Holmes, Mrs. Dobbin, Fayetteville Miss ZuJa Rankin Mr. and Mrs, T. M. Hunter Hudgins, Mrs. Eugene S., Poilocks- ville Mrs. Geraldine P. Phillips Mrs. Carlton R. Parker Jewell, Mrs. Kelly W., Sr., Wilming- ton Mr. W. F. MclIlwain, Santee, S. C. Johnson, Mrs. Belle Starr, Mount Holly Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spooner, Clear- water, Florida Johnson, Miss Betty Lou, Burling- ton Miss Linda Inman, Greensboro Johnson, Mr. James Joseph, Roa- noke Rapids Mrs. C. A. Wyche First Presbyterian Church Johnson, Mr, P. P., Charlotte Miss Kate Quay Miss Pearl Flanagan Johnston, Mrs. Hugh D., Topeka, Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchison, Clover, S. C. Jones, Mr. Hamilton C., Charlotte Mr. A. Grant Whitney Jordan, Mr. Paul R., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson, Aberdeen Mrs. J. H. Bennett, Colonial Heights, Va. Kay, Mrs. Lula B., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs, J. B. McCloskey King, Dr. Robert, Mocksville Mr. R. B. Sanford Land, Miss Helen Greensboro Miss Elisabeth Houston Mr. Shelton Houston Randolph, Lowrance, Mr. A. L., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lowrance, Barium Springs McCreight, Mrs. C. G., Hamlet Mrs. Frank B. Rankin, Sr., Mt. Holly McDuffie, Ernest Leak, Jr., St. Pauls Young Adults, St. Pauls Pres. Church McGoogan, Mr. Duncan Lee, Lum- ber Bridge Circle No. 18, Raeford Pres. Church, Raeford American Home Department of the Woman’s Club of Raeford McGriff, Mrs. Cleve W., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey Morri- son, Monroe McLean, Mr. J. D., Cameron Mrs. J. D. McLean, Greensboro THE BARIUM MESSENGER Madden, Mr. Bentley W., Charlotte Mr. A. Grant Whitney Melvin, Mrs. Adam J., Gastonia Mrs. Paul G. Caldwell Officers, Directors, and Employ- ees of First Federal Savings and Loan Association Employees of Gastonia Comber Needling Co. Mr. and Mrs, Dean A. French Mr. Charles F. Orr Miss Grace Willis Mrs. V. B. Willis Employees of Gastonia Textile Sheet Metal Works, Inc. Ernest and Edna Morgan, John and Anne Mr. Wm. D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Craig Mrs. Harry Falls Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huffstetler Mr. J. E. Lindsay Mrs. Will Warren and Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Van Sleen Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Mallonee, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Sr. Mrs, J. A. Currie Mrs. Norman Morrow Mrs. W. Grady Gaston Menzies, Mr. Kenneth C., Hickory Mr. Paul W. Bumbarger, Jr. Milliken, Mr, J. F., Monroe Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey Morri- son Moore, Mr. Robert G., Sr., Catawba Mrs. Coley Yoder, Mrs. Marshall L. Travis Mrs. Tommy Rockett, Conover Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Tilley, Raleigh Morrison, Mr. A, K., Concord Mrs. Boyden Weddington Murphy, Mrs. Helen Gregory, Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunni- cutt Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Sr. Myers, Reverend C. C., Wilming- ton Mrs. J. E. Douglas, Hempstead Neal, Mr. W. A., Charlotte Mrs. M. B. Berryhill and Family Norfleet, Mr. Charles M., Winston- Salem Mr. R. B. Sanford, Mocksville Mr. C. M. Devis Miss Mary Martin Mr. Heston Martin Mrs. Earl F. Thompson, Spencer Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson Gray Northcott, Mrs. May Tate, Littleton Mr. W. T. Skinner, Sr. Littleton Pres. Church O’Farrel!l, Mrs. O, C., Kings Moun- tain Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunni- eutt Owen, Mr. David B., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wright Owen, Mr. O. L., Whiteville Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Talley, Roanoke Rapids Ovens, Mr. David, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ransford Men’s Bible Class, Myers Park Pres. Church Page, Mrs. Annie, Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Page, Mr. Roy A., Charlotte Women of Huntersville Pres. Church, Huntersville Pangle, Mr. Paul, Charlotte Women of the Church, Mulberry Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Plemmons, Jr. Fidelis Class, Mulberry Pres. Church Men’s Bible Class, Pres. Church Mulberry Patterson, Mrs. W. S., Davidson Women of the Church, Hopewell Pres. Church, Huntersville Mrs. Marie S. Currie Patrick, Mrs, R. C., Gastonia Mr. J. Y. Todd, Ir. Plaster, Mr. L. A., Jr., Winston- Salem Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Davis Potts, Mr. Van B., Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson Miss Frances Patterson Richardson, Mrs. Nolia, Jackson Springs Women of Jackson Springs Pres. Church Ross, Charles B., JI! (Infant) Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Womack, Bur- lington Ruffin, Mr. Edmund, Richmond, Va. Mrs. Martha Daniel Sharpe, Mr. Terry D., Greensboro Miss Lettie Glass Shaw, Mr. Clifton, Littleton Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Robinson Sikes, Mr. Olin B., Monroe Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Adams, Jr., Smith, Mr. C. E., St. Mary’s, West Virginia Mrs. E. D. Alexander, Morganton Spears, Miss Maggie, Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Clark Mr. and Mrs. George L. Weeks St. Clair, Mr. Duncan R., Charlotte Mr. William N. Hovis, Jr. Steele, Mr. F. F., Sr., Winston- Salem Mrs. F. F. Steele, Sr. Stogner, Mr. Daniel M., Rocking- ham Mr. Edwin W. Hamer, Charlotte Taffe, Rev. C. K., Cameron Mrs. Margaret Vick Thompson, Mrs. Metta, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey Morri- son, Monroe Thomson, Mr. B, F., Landrum, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunni- cutt, Kings Mountain Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Sr., Kings Mountain Thornburg, Mr. John David, Cherry- ville Mooresville Ice Cream Co., Inc. Holsum Baking Company, Inc., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. George S. Falls Dixie Grocery Company, Inc., Lincolnton Mrs. T. C. Summer Mrs. G. D. Heafner and Family Mr. C, T. Carpenter, Kings Moun- tain Cherryville Chapter 156, Order of the Fastern Star Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Pope Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Gainey OCTOBER 1957 Todd, Mrs. James Anderson, Sr., Hickory Mrs. Paul W. Troutman and Martha Uzzell, Mr. Floyd H., Goldsboro Mrs. Helen U. Karnes, Wilson Vieth, James Richardson, Chevy Chase, Maryland Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Mor- gan, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Marion S. Huske, Greensboro Walker, Mrs. Louise Sloan, Wil- mington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Ware, Mr. Garrison, Kings Moun- tain Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hunni- cutt Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Sr. Warlick, Mr. Charles E., Kings Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Clement R. Mar- shall, Charlotte Mrs. Harry Falls, Gastonia Watson, Miss Cora, Maxton Women of Centre Pres. Church Wharton, Mrs. Wm. Gilmer, Greens- boro Miss Elisabeth S. Houston Wheat, Dr., Charlotte Mr. A. Grant Whitney Whitman, Mrs. N. K., Concord Miss Ruby Motsinger Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Foil Rev. and Mrs. John H. MecKin- non, Knoxville, Tenn. Wilkinson, Hughes E., Jr., Durham Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin White, Mebane Willis, Mr. William, Fayetteville Circle No. 1, St. Pauls Pres. Church, St. Pauls Wootton, Mr. Clyde Archie, Sr., Carolina Beach Miss Elisabeth Houston, Greens- boro Mr. Shelton Houston, Greensboro Wrike, Mr. W. C., Graham Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, Burlington Mr, and Mrs, H. B. Summerell In Honor Of Huffman, Robert Henry and Mil- dred Nina, Hickory Circle No. 10, First Pres. Church OPERATING MEMORIAL Brinkley, Mrs. E. R., Elm City Mrs. M. M. Buie; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Little, Clarkton Pepper, Mr. C. G. Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg Thrower, Mrs. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND Watson, Miss Cora, Maxton Mrs. Mayme McQueen Jimmy Medlin, Raleigh Archibald, Mr. W. R., Concord Mrs. W. M. Sherrill Hopkins, Mrs. Frances Goodson, Concord Mrs. W. M. Sherrill Caldwell, Mrs. M. H., Concord Mrs. W. M. Sherrill Foster, Mr. John S., Concord Mrs. W. M. Sherrill ia l a OD Ds & ct ~ L Barium’ Messenger VOL. 36 THE BARIUM SOAP OPERA! There is soap in bars, box- es, bottles, and barrels. Whe- ther it’s Ivory or Lux, Rinso or Tide, Halo or Prell, or whether it’s the commercial soap in barrels and tubs, it serves a purpose at Barium Springs. Let it tell its own story. I speak for the bars of soap. We come to Barium by the thousands and are distributed to the cottages by the hun- dreds. Dirty hands and faces are our business. When it comes to the ears, be it an in- side job or around the edges, we have to make them shine. Not only do we get the rough work on the boys like rusty knees and dirty feet, but, we. also, must keep the girls fresh and dainty. More than 300 of us go down the drain each week. The boys choose the manly names and odors while the girls prefer the perfumed soaps. I am a liquid cleanser, all 3,000 pounds of me, for I have to be ready for quick ac- tion. 1am on duty 3 times a day, 365 days in the year. It is my business to see that nearly 45,000 plates are freed of syrup and gravy and pota- toes and the yellow of an egg. I have to rumble and roar in the big dishwasher as the serving bowls from the 40 tables come sliding through for cleansing and I have to be quick and fast and easy on the draw when the 1,000 piec- es of silver—knives, forks and spoons—come churning through the tubs. No germs can stay here because boys and girls must stay healthy. (Continued on Page 2) Calhoun Reports On School A recent request was made by the Secretary of the Na- tional Beta Club for the nam- es of colleges which Beta Club graduates of last year are now attending. It was a plea- sure to report that two were at Davidson College, and that the other one was enrolled at The Woman’s College of The University of North Carolina. Of course, a fourth member of eleven in the 1957 graduat- ing class is a student at Lees- McRae College. It is gratify- ing to know that our boys and girls are joining the Beta Club as well as other student organizations in the Trout- man School. Since the High School stu- dents are now attending Troutman, it is possible for us to set up a better organization for our Elementary School. BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C., NOVEMBER 1957 RE B. mccLu REV. ALBERT ,cnoent No. 11 The sixth, seventh, and eighth grades are being housed in the old High School building where there is ample room for the teaching of music and science together with the great advantages of a good Central Library. Itis hoped that a Central Library may be set up in the Primary Building now being used by the first five grades. We will then be utilizing all rooms in that building as the teaching of piano is carried on in one of the rooms. This new organ- ization should relieve the cramped conditions hereto- fore experienced, and present a better teaching situation in our Elementary School. Interest and enthusiasm in our music program continues at a high pitch. It is encourag- ing to see boys and girls eager to sing in special groups or in a church choir. The quality of (Continued on Page 2) PAGE TWO UNDER THE STEEPLE- Nuggets of News FROM LITTLE JOE’S CHURCH REV, ROBERT R. COLLINS, Minister Thanksgiving is a word which has no true meaning apart from action. Too often we have thought of Thanksgiving as a holiday spent with family and friends and marked by an abun- dance of good food. But this is neither the Biblical nor his- torical meaning of the word. Thanksgiving, properly under- stood, is an expression by an individual or a group of the grat- itude they feel in their hearts for the manifold blessings of God. For the Pilgrims on that first Thanksgiving this did not mean an abundance of food, for their stores were still quite meager and their only real hope was a confidence in the good- ness of God. But because of this faith in God and the freedom that was now theirs to worship Him without fear, they gave thanks. They expressed their Thanksgiving by worshipping together and by sharing with one another a part of the har- vest which had been gathered. Thanksgiving Day then, in its historical setting and its Christian background, is a time for worship and sharing. It has long been customary in the Synod of North Caro- lina that the Presbyterian people remember our Home here at Barium Springs with a Thanksgiving Offering. For this of- fering we are truly grateful because without it your work for Christ could not go on in this place. But as you make your gift this year, I should like for you to do more than write a check or put your money in an envelope. As the pastor of your fam- ily of boys and girls Under The Steeple I want you to join us in worship, offering with your gift of money a prayer of thanksgiving for our Home and for every child who has been given to us by God to care for and watch over. Thanksgiving Day will find our family together in Little Joe’s Church. There is so much for which we are grateful and our voices shall be united in hymns and prayers of thanksgiv- ing and praise. We too shall bring our gifts, some pennies, some dimes, some dollars. And the day will be made perfect for us in our knowledge that many of you are joined with us in the giving of thanks to God, our heavenly Father. FAYE HICKS CHOSEN FESTIVAL QUEEN The annual Fall Festival for the Troutman School was a gala affair. Each grade of the twelve had nominated candidates for king and queen. Out of this number there was to be a queen of the Elementary School and a Queen of the High School and also a King from each of the schools. As a climax of the evening of festivity and fund raising the crowning cere- monies took place. When the ballots had all been tabulated and the counting was over, Faye Hicks of Barium Springs was declared the win- ner and crowned the Queen of the Fall Festival in the cere- monies on the stage as the hundreds of people in the audience cheered the occasion. For the last two years in a row Barium Springs girls have been the winners in the event. Last year’s queen was Audrey Waters. HONOR ROLL FOR SIX WEEKS ENDING OCT. 9, 1957 First Grade — Carl Dick- son, Eddie Webb, Phoebe Brumley. Second Grade — Mitchell Brumley, Sylvia Bush, Linda Ivey, Angus Medlin, Linda Roberts, Wayne Taylor. Third Grade — Frankie Dennis, Charles Hyde, Bobby Neill, Connie Crews, Marie Ross, Carol Watts. Fourth Grade — Tommy Bush, Belle Calhoun, Emily McClure. Fifth Grade — Charles Mc- Bennett, Lou Anna Bridgers, Karen Crews, Linda Sue Med- lin, Gail Nance, Judy Pinks- ton, Elsie Rannells. Sixth Grade — Eloise Bare- foot, Donald Blalock, Ronald Brown, Billy Finley, Rita Harris, Joyce Hughes, Larry Ruff, Lois Allen. Seventh Grade — Jane Webb. Eighth Grade — Henry Bridgers, Charles Donaldson, Douglas Finley, Charles Mc- Lean, Shirley Faulk, Ellen Neill, Betty Lou Rutledge. THE BARIUM MESSENGER ALUMNI NEWS William Billings has been chosen to serve with two others as advisory coaches for the 1957 North Carolina Shrine Bowl football team. William is teaching and coaching in Edenton. Dean Upton and Calvin Burleson have been playing lots of football for A. S. T. C. this fall. Calvin was at Bar- ium for Church recently. Lena McLean Helms and her husband Clarence have re- turned from Germany where they have been for a year or more. Clarence has completed his term in service and they are in Charlotte. They have visited Barium recently. Joyce Kelly was a visitor on the campus recently. Marie Andrews Howard and her husband J. R. have been at State College for the past three years. J. R. isa member of the Senior Class this year. Mack Berryhill is a member of the Senior Class at East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville. Franklin Lentz isin the Army and is stationed at Ft. Bragg. Rufus Long and his little boy, Brad, made a short visit to Barium recently. Merton Cox spent a few days at Barium during his furlough. Merton is in the Air Corps. Born to Anne (Wicker) and Harold Waddington in Harrisburg, Pa. on October 22nd a daughter, Ruth Anne. CAMPUS SCENES New boys, Amick Johnson and Clifton Garner, asking for work assignments their second day here. The last hay mowing, sweet potato and apple picking, all coming at the same time. High school girls helping gather sweet potatoes in the rush—they were: Diane and Virginia Kiser, Janet Wood- all, Sue Rannells, Audrey Waters, Shelby McEwen, Jackie Taylor, Peggy Sellers, and Eleanor Rutledge. Mr. McClure driving hay wagon tractor in rush and trying at same time to figure proper place for the new barn and if the old one will hold up under the storage of hay. Miss McInnis moving to Rumple Hall with Miss Char- lotte Calhoun and Miss Shir- ley Kearns who eyed her closely as she entertained both auditors at lunch alone. Mrs. Hager being welcomed back by Donnie Harrison and Miss McElrath’s table of boys. Pamela Fair, Marcia Lewis, Eleanor Rutledge and Patsy Porter campaigning for Faye Hicks for Harvest Festival Queen at Troutman School. Little Patsy Mace, Peggy Utsman, Linda and Marcia Ivey, raking leaves and mak- ing leaf house. THE BARIUM SOAP OPERA! (Continued from Page 1) I serve in two places—not only in the dishroom but, also, in the kitchen. Three 50-gal- lon steam pots must come clean. Frying pans, ovens, skillets, knives, sinks, mixers, potato peelers, and all must be ready for inspection and for use. It takes a lot of foaming and scrubbing to keep this kitchen and dining room and the cottage kitchens and din- ing rooms wholesome for the Barium boys and girls. Iam the powdered soap, sometimes scientifically cal- led a detergent. Regardless of my name, my job is the same. I come in 400 pound barrels, eight times a year. It is my business to tumble and toil inside the big washer and what a struggle I have! Ten thousand pairs of blue jeans in a year’s time surely do take a lot of me for it is some struggle to remove paint, ap- ple stain, red mud, airplane glue, chewing gum, axle grease, cylinder oil, gravy and syrup from these boys’ cloth- es. And that’s not all. There are 25,000 sheets to be made clean for these children’s beds are made fresh each week; to say nothing of the 5,000 dress- es that I have to wash. While these dresses are not as tough as boys’ clothes; yet, I have to curl up mighty close to get in the corner of a ruffle to get the dirt out. These girls are mighty particular about their school dresses and I have to have them clean; so, from sun-up to sun-down, it’s tum- ble and toil—toil and tumble —in the big washer in the laundry. I am speaking for a special- ized group. They call me “goo grease.” I am kept for the special occasions. After a lawn mower has been over- hauled, a smokestack cleaned out, a car load of coal unload- ed, the boys call for me. I look like a grease but work like a soap. I am not as big as the barrels in the laundry and kitchens nor as manifold as the bars in the bathrooms, but I fix up these boys’ hands and make them real pretty for hand holding at date time. How much of Barium’s budget is used for soap? Only a tiny part when you realize that it takes 50 pounds of hamburger, 10 gallons of green limas, 1 bushel of slic- ed tomatoes, 20 loaves of bread, 8 pounds of butter, 30 gallons of milk, 20 pounds of cake mix, and 4 gallons of sauce to serve one meal. The “Soap Opera” with its exact figures in story setting can show how large the tiny items of the budget are and, thus, in contrast and comparison give some concept of the tre- mendous task in supplying the needs of the boys and girls at Barium Springs. NOVEMBER 1957 THE BARIUM MESSENGER Published Monthly by Presbyterian Orphans’ Home REV. ALBERT B. MeCLURE, Editor Entered as second-class matter, Novem- ber 15, 1923. at the post office at Barium Springs, N. C., under the act of August 14, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at spe- cial rate of postage, provided for in Sec- tion 1108 Act of October 1917. Authorized November 15, 1923. BOARD OF REGENTS Mr. Fred A. Long President Mrs. Lewis Schenck V.-President Mr. Chas. T. Hagan, Jr. Secretary Mr. M. C. Benton, Jr. Winston-Salem Mrs_ R. E. Brooks Burlington Dr. J. H. Carter Newton Mrs. David CG. Clark Roanoke Rapids Mr. Robert Lee Corbett Macclesfield Mrs. Emmett Crook Charlotte Mrs. John Farrior Burgaw Mrs. Charles T. Hagan, Jr. Greensboro Reverend W. B. Heyward -.-..Raeford Mr. Ennis Jackson Gastonia Mr. Fred A. Long Lenoir Mrs. J. H Matthews Gastonia Mrs. W. W. McGinn Charlotte, Rt. 4 Mrs. Colon McLean Washington Mrs. John MeNair, Jr. Laurinburg Reverend J. W. Miller --- Clarkton Mrs. Lewis Schenck Davidson Mrs. Flake Steele Winston-Salem Mr. George Stovall Albemarle Mr. Finley T. White . Durham CALHOUN REPORTS ON SCHOOL (Continued from Page 1) singing also improves. with their enthusiastic response. It is a good sign when students look forward with great anti- cipation to taking part ina school or church performance. The primary grades are work- ing busily in a Rhythm Band and they should be ready to present a program during the coming year. The 99.3 per-cent atten- dance figure for the last school year, and the 99.6 per- cent figure for the first month of this year attest to the continued good health of our boys and girls. All of our students have had three polio shots and the yearly check- ups with follow-up work are factors in our health program. Ali students are having their vision checked this fall in or- der that proper examinations and corrections may be made as soon as possible. Finally, let me say that the spirit and enthusiasm in our football program is unusually high this year. For the first time on record all high school boys reported for football practice this fall, and a large squad of Elementary boys are working out twice a week. It may be that the fine record of our boys’ basketball team last winter added some incen- tive for greater participation. DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Gloria Webb .......... 12-29-52 Eloise Barefoot ...... 12-26-45 Linda Utsman ........ 12-15-42 Rita Harris ............ 12- 2-45 Judith Rutledge _.. 12-11-45 Sylvia Taylor ........ 12- 6-47 Tyressa Taylor ...... 12- 8-44 Diane Kiser ________... 12-27-39 Roger Ruff ............ 12- 3-50 Mike Heritage ........ 12-21-44 Edward Barefoot .. 12-29-42 Braxton Bridgers .. 12- 5-43 Douglas Byrd ........ 12-27-41 Kenneth Davis ...... 12-18-44 Billy Finley .......... 12-18-45 — A= m st p= eo m yn yn ds ld te ro rd ia i r on re yn m m ne ir st ol il] re re rd n- NOVEMBER 1957 THE BARIUM MESSENGER PAGE THREE COTTAGE NEWS Howard Cottage Howard Cottage wants to say Hello again! Most of us made the Honor Roll and all of us made better grades. All of our cottage members from the first through the fifth grades had a wonderful trip to the circus. There were bare back riders, clowns, and more animals than we can mention. Our sixth graders went to see Davidson beat West Virginia Tech in foot- ball. Our three third-graders are much interested in their science laboratory in school. All of us are having an op- portunity to participate in some of the special choir sing- ing for our Spiritual Enrich- ment Services with Dr. Krae- mer this week. Halloween is big talk a- round here! Decorations, cos- tumes, witches, cats, pump- kins, and all the other things which make up this weird time of this pretty season. We take time out for spe- cial prayer and_ loving thoughts for our Elsie who has gone from us a day or two to attend her grandfather’s funeral. We rejoice with her that Heaven is his permanent home and that she can and does plan to meet him there. All of you good friends come to see us and enjoy with us the beauty of our autumn season and the happiness of our home. Howard Cottage. Rumple Hall Here we are again with our bits of news. We got our report cards Monday. Three people made the Honor Roll. They are: Joyce Ann Hughes, Linda Sue Medlin, and Lou Anna Bridgers. There were not any Honor Roll students from Troutman. We are expecting better grades from them next time. I am sure they will do better. We are all glad to have Mrs. Hager with us again. She is our substitute when Miss Sims is away. We have one birthday this month—Elva Medlin’s, and it is on Thanksgiving Day. The Rumple Hall Girls October Memorials Alexander, Mrs. Ed, Morganton Mrs. Fred Slane, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slane, Jr., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Van Nop- pen Miss Emilie Woodward, Mineral, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins, Le- noir Mr. and Mrs. Rufus L. Gwyn, Le- noir Mrs. Baxter S. Moore, Winston- Salem Andrews, Denis, Sanford Dr. D. Heath Nisbet, Kinston Anthony, Mr. J. O., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams Atwell, Mrs, Earl, Moo-esville Mr. and Mrs. Gray C iester Belk, Chappell Heath, Charlotte Dr. D. Heath Nisbet, Kinston Black, Mr. Jim M., Kannapolis Mr. and Mrs. John McInnis Mrs. Evelyn Wall Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Munday Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McInnis, Mooresville Brown, Mr. Harvey Elliott, Char- lotte Lily and Ransom McMahan Bullock, Mr. Wilton, Rowland Women of Centre Pres. Church, Maxton Burgess, Mr. W. C., Belhaven Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hofler, Washington Burts, Mrs. J. D., Montgomery, Ala- bama Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandon, Concord Cameron, Mr. W. M., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Case Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Allen Carpenter, Mr. John, Maiden Mrs. Reba H. Lineberger, Chapel Hill Carr, Mr. Henry, Spencer Mrs. Janie Ward, Teachey Castor, Mr. D. B., Concord Captain and Mrs. Roddy L. Smith, Columbus, Ga. Clark, Mrs. Cordelia, Canton Miss Rebekah Carpenter, Barium Springs Mrs. Eva Ellis, Barium Springs Clark, Mrs. J. N., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lovin Mrs. J. A. McRae Council, Mrs. Cicero, Sr., Cameron The Jane McGill Circle, Women of Vass Pres. Church Currie, Mr. Theron, Laurinburg Mrs. Mary C. Floyd and Family, Mullins, S. C. Eidson, Mr. Henry, Sr., Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jordan Featherstone, Mr. Raymond, Lowell Circle No. 2, Lowell Pres. Church Fulghum, Mr. E. C., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams Gaither, Mr. J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Glenn, Mr. Fred McDonald, Mount Holly Young Adult Class, First Pres. Church Graham, Mr. Joseph, Iron Station Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Crowell, Lincolnton Grove, Mr. C. S., Hickory Mr. and Mrs. George S. Black- welder Henkle, Mr. O. Glen, Hickory Mrs. C. S Grove, Sr. Hobbs, Mr. Wade H. Sr., Charlotte Woman’s Bible Class, Hunters- ville Pres. Church Women of Huntersville Pres. Church Hoffman, Mrs. D. E., Mount Airy Mr. and Mrs. Grey B. Sydnor Holmes, Mrs. Dobbin, Fayetteville First Pres. Church, Sunday School Hood, Mrs. J. B., Laurinburg Mrs. F. J. Blythe, Charlotte Mrs. Joe L. Blythe, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Brown, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cunningham, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dickson, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. D. M. McSpadden, Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Clyde N. Sloan, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stribling, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wallace, Char- lotte Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stribling, Charlotte Mrs. Flynn Wolfe, Charlotte Johnson, Mr. C. Hamm, Four Oaks Stevens Milling Company, Broad- way Johnston, Lt. Col. James D., Bari- um Springs Mrs. R. S. Abernethy, Winter Haven, Florida Jones, Mr. John H., Hope Mills Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Fay- etteville Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McKethan Kirkman, Mr. E. R., Charlotte The L. D. McConneil Family, Le- noir Krottnauer, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur E., Wilmington Mrs. Gertrude K. Burriss Lennon, Mrs. C. H., Rowland Mrs. Mary C. Floyd and Family, Mullins, S. C. Lowrance, Mr. A. L., Statesviile Mrs, John L. Milholland McDowell, Mrs. E. E., Biltmore Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Smith, Albe- marle McKee, Mrs. W. J., Chapel Hill Mrs. Margaret C. Whiteside Mrs. Margaret H. Dorsey Miss Leonora Jefferies, Ruther- fordton McLaughlin, Mr. John, Southern Pines Women of Union Pres. Church, Cameron Mrs. Margaret Vick, Cameron Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Autry, Vass McMillan, Bobby, Jr., Winston-Sa- lem Dr. D. Heath Nisbet, Kinston Martin, Mr. William Joseph IV, Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Lilly, Da- vidson Melvin, Mrs. Adam J., Gastonia Messrs. J. V. and Frank Richard- son Fraternal Order of Eagles Menzies, Mr. K. C., Hickory Mr. and Mrs. George S. Black- welder Murray, Mr. Malcolm, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Raymer, Statesville Owens, Mrs. Georgia King, Fayette- ville Mr. and Mrs, Eli Murray, Laurin- burg Parker, Mrs. Harry, Kannapolis The Senior Boys and Girls Sun- day School Class, First Pres. Church Pendleton, Major James Dudley, Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hubbard, Sr. Phillips, Mr, C. E. Sr., Durham Marshall General Agency, Inc., Charlotte The Family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Phillips, Con- cord Pope, Mr. A. F. Dunn Mrs. D. L. Butt Mrs. S. N. Butt Mrs. W. E. Baldwin, Sr., White- ville Poston, Mr. Joseph R., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culbreth Rea, Dr. H. Calvin, Charlotte Miss Nancy A. Reid, Matthews Mrs. N. S. Cochran, Matthews Reid, Mr. W. Xen, Hickory Mrs. E. F. Reid and Miss Regina Reid, Lenoir Riley, Mrs. C. E., Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams Robinson, Mr. J. Linwood, Belmont Mrs. Lowry Wilson and Family, Lowell Mr. G. C. Stewart, Miriam and Ann Minnie Hall Bible Class, First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. Bart Hali Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hall Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ford Dr. R. H. McDowell Mrs. P. P. Murphy, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Coit M. Robinson, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Hudson, Lowell Mrs. L. H. Wilkinson, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. John H. Eddleman, Lowell Mrs. H. L. Carpenter Mr. Kinchen T. Carpenter, Ruth- erfordton Mrs. C. H. Hand, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Smith, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Carpen- ter, Rutherfordton Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beam, Cher- ryville Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Beam, Cherryville Miss Inez Beam, Cherryville Mr. and Mrs. Coit M. Robinson, Jr., Lowell Mrs. Walter G. Rhyne, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Jim Washburn, Lake Lure Mr. Fred Spurrier, Gastonia Mrs. Charles H. Sloan Mr. Clyde J. Deitz Bernard and Elizabeth Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brice, Jr. Miss Martha Cathey and Sisters Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ford Robinson, Mr. W. S., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Ross, Mrs. E. Banks, Charlotte Mrs. Frank Alexander Sanderson, Mrs. Kate Singletary, Clarkton Mrs. Marie S. Currie, Arlington, Va. Scales, Miss Frances, Reidsville Mr. and Mrs, A. N. Turner Sims, Mr. A. L., Troutman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Griffin Sloop, Mr. Locke S., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Willis, Jr., Monroe Mrs. Fred Slane Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slane, Jr., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Price Smith, Mrs. J, T., Troutman Mr. and Mrs, John W. Ervin Mr. Z. V. Turlington, Mooresville Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Griffin Mrs. John L. Milholland, States- ville Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Hall, Statesville Tuesday Afternoon Book Club, Belmont Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Jr. Misses Janie and Lucile Young Stinson, Mrs. J. P., Wendell Rev. and Mrs. Albert B. McClure, Barium Springs Swanson, Mrs. W. J., Pilot Moun- tain Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins, Le- noir Terry, Mr. James M., Rockingham Family of the Late Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Muse, Carthage Thompson, Mr. J. Mack, Statesville Mrs. J. A. Reid Misses Sarah and Mary Reid Valentine, Mr. Walter Frank, Clin- ton Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux, Wil- mington Mrs. J. W. Boney and Family, High Springs, Fla. Wade, Mr. A. M. Sr., Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Jamie P. Snipes, Union Grove The Mitchell Pope Family Wadsworth, Mrs. Earl H., Wilson Mrs. Helen U. Karnes Mr, and Mrs. George H. Adams Ward, Mrs. C. W., Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, Lowell Mrs. C. H. Hand, Lowell Weather, Mrs. James, Broadway Miss Flora McDonald, Lillington Webster, Rev. George B., Wilming- ton Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bordeaux Westmoreland, Mr. R. H., Moores- ville Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Tilley, Raleigh Whitman, Mrs. Emma F., Concord Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke Wilkinson, Miss Dorothy, Charlotte Misses Louise and Martha Flour- noy OPERATING MEMORIALS Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade SWIMMING POOL FUND Sahms, Mr. Charlie, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. McArver PAGE FOUR THE BARIUM MESSENGER NOVEMBER 1957 BARIUM SPRINGS TRAVEL CHANGES BUT THE NEEDS OF THE HOME CONTINUE TO BE MET BY YOUR THANKSGIVING OFFERING GIVE GENEROUSLY E VOL. 36 Football Ends And Baskethall Begins The football season ended for the Varsity early in No- vember and for the midgets in the intva-squad games just be- fore Thanksgiving. The ex- ploits of the season were re- viewed and the letters award- ed with commendation at the football banquet. Every boy who went out for either Var- sity or Midget ball and re- mained with the squad throughout the season was in- vited to attend, along with the seniors and cheer leaders and members of the staff. Mrs. Neill and Mrs. Camp- bell had prepared a wonderful supper. Mrs. Pope and _ her helpers had arranged the din- ing room attractively, so that it was a festive occasion. Since coffee is served to all guests, and since this is about the only opportunity some of the younger members have of getting hold of it, extra quan- tities were prepared because the usual custom prevailed and the younger members drank the older ones under the table. In awarding the letters it was noted that if a winning score is the only yardstick for an athletic contest, then Bari- um had a dismal] season, but if the sportsmanship, bod y- building, and wholesome ree- reation derived from such a program is of any value, then Barium had a good season this year. The Coach com- mended the boys for their work, their diligence and for their continued strong play even against the odds of a small squad and a_ heavy schedule. R. G. Calhoun, the principal of the school and coach of football, now revers- es his role with his brother, A. M. Calhoun, who is a teacher and the coach of basketball. A. M. Calhoun assists R. G. Calhoun during the football season and during the basket- ball season they reverse their roles. Thus, these two men, as has been true for many years, direct the athletic varsity pro- gram of the Home. The boys’ basketball squad suffered a heavy loss from graduation, and will have quite a job of rebuilding, while the girls’ basketball squad is on the upswing and the outlook is much brighter this season for the girls. From the middle of December until the end of February, Tuesday and Friday nights will be bas- ketball nights, either on the campus or away, with the tournaments coming the first week in March. ‘BARIUM SPRINGS, FAMILY NIGHT BEGINS CHRISTMAS SEASON The big dining-room all aglow with candles and Christmas decorations is the setting for one of the loveliest of the events of the Christmas season. All the boys and girls of the Home gather with the workers and teachers as one big family. A fresh green Christmas tree unadorned stands in the center of the room, When the supper is fin- ished, during the singing of Christmas Carols, each person makes his way to the tree and there, making a gift to the big red stocking for someone else, takes a piece of ornament and decorates the tree. After this has been repeated several hundred times, the tree stands in full Christmas dress, and is ready for the lighting cere- mony. Someone chosen in ad- vance, the youngest member, the newest member, the oldest member, or some particular person—is asked to turn on the lights. As the tree becomes alive in the beauty of the candlelight, the family sings “Silent Night, Holy Night,” and the minister has the Christmas prayer. Thus the Christmas season begins with worship and sharing and car- ries through with all the ser- vices and joy of Christmas time. Sunday, December 22, will see the special Christmas ser- vices within the church. Christmas morning the bell will ring early and under the starlight of the early morn- ing, if the weather is clear, everyone will make his way to the church for a_ service of worship as the day begins. All gather in the big dining-room for a breakfast of cocoa, doughnuts, cereals, and fruits, and then to the Christmas tree where in each cottage stored under the trees the Christmas packages await the hands of the children. Santa Claus letters are al- Ways written early and al- Ways answered abundantly, and so the opening of pack- ages and the sharing of gifts in the cottages will then take most of the morning, together with the visiting to see what other cottages receive. At high noon, the whole family together with returning stu- dents and friends will gather for the Christmas dinner, eat- ing the home-made cakes which are brought in by friends of the Home for this occasion. The fun and fellow- ship, the prayer and worship, the giving and sharing, the putting together of the whole meaning of Christmas makes it a lovely season for the chil- dren in the big Home at Bari- um Springs. PASTOR ACCEPTS CALL TO MISSOU! CHURCH On thi cember, th R. Collin tion of L ian Church to request to Pre dissolution o lationship might acce First Presb Mexico, Mi gation regrett with the mi quest and appoint ers to repr tion before the Pre Mr. Collins who fourth year ' Springs expressed ] ciation for the epport serve in this fiel people of the the boys and Home. He said that greatly loves Bari and the people of th munity, he feels ¢ accept this call to work in Missouri. The whole camp to see the Collins f ing’ out from the Mar and Mrs. Collins and t] sons who were born | made a warm pl: hearts of the peop] Joe’s Church. Not Mr. Collins’ tive with the hi ! the Home, but he ered service in t} with young years. He h: Pioneer Ca serving’ Pioneer Sec mittee. The Presbyter good prea and a love] A nomi representative of ( gation, was elected gregational meetin; nate to the cone pastor. This comn ready begun i hopes to be report to make it future, January Birthd Linda Robert Nancy Joyner Sue Rannells Shirley Faulk Linda Ivey Patsy Mace Gordon Brown Tommy Bu Larry Witkin John Bolton John Shepherd Clifton Garne) Robert McLaurin ise. Mr. heal 1x7 5 7 re nave GER ) im Coil GENEWS Howard Cottage all of us ibout our m Mes- pencil tches her beginning ing with church on D V ing “All ( { ) God and K f Assisi, Infant Harris, Judith Rut Communicants weeks of e also be- old this ill joins us rd for re- Catechism. , and third Thanksgiving he first grad- ( econd grad- | third grad enjoyed holidays. for those ceVS, o one can tell that she ry by the smile our Lois on her face and the twinkle in her eyes. The ladies of Dur- ham made us such wonderful s, but they disappeared right off « ir tables. Extra skating : basketball time vas given to all of us and we vo back | happy and excited ting for Christ- Ou cards did not how uj 11 this week, as all of u cept Kaye had to be absent with the Flu. She came down the ist two days with an upset stomach. We will make it up on our report cards next time. Linda . “Miss Hoots is such : good nurse. She made us all hen we had the Flu.” Most of us have ordered some of the twenty-five cent classics through our school. Several of them are giving us lots of laughter and others many happy reading hours. Dr. Keith-Lucas visited us and told us more of his de- lightful animal stories. When Kaye showed him where her tooth had come out, he said, “Oh, you lost a tooth.” She said, “I didn’t lost it, it’s in my dawer at kool.’ (drawer ut school!) Now, we have all said some- thing—-vou find the sentence which your particular How- ard Girl has written. Love to you all from all of The Howard Girls Sanford Cottage Hi There— As we have not had any news in a long time, I suppose we had better get busy and write some. Everyone in our cottage has had the Flu ex- cept our youngest girl, Phoebe Brumley. We certainly did have a wonderful Thanksgiving with a lovely Church Service and a delicious turkey dinner. We had a few girls on the Honor Roll, as follows: Betty Rutledge, Jane Webb, Sylvia Bush, and Phoebe Brumley. All of us will have to work harder and see if we can get more on the Honor Roll. Patricia and Nancy Mobley spent the Thanksgiving holi- days with us. We surely did enjoy having them. That will be all for this time. See you next month. The Sanford Girls ALUMNI NEWS Charles Barrett completed his work for his M.A. at the University of N. C. this sum- mer and is teaching English and is Director of the Little Theatre at Western Teachers College at Cullowhee, Cromer Curtis is a student at Western Carolina Teachers College. Gwynn Fletcher received his M.A. from the University of West Virginia this summer and is Command Recreational ‘rector in the U.S. Air Force at Wright - Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Betty Traywick Graves (Mrs. Jack), her husband and little girl visited the campus recently. They live at Lan- caster, S. C. Archie McMannen was a visitor on the campus recent- ly with his wife and little girl. Archie has been sent to i'rance and his wife and baby are with her people in Vir- ginia Osear Utsman and Mac Mc- Clure, students at Davidson College were home for the Thanksgiving holidays. Law- ton Rice was here from Lees McRae College. Nancy Kyles from Woman’s College spent the holidays in Troutman. Nancy and Patricia Mobley from Charlotte, and Sue and Carol Moore from Concord were here for the Thanksgiv- ing holidays. THE BARIUM MESSENGER was here for a Navy Bobby Fry few days. He is in the and is stationed in Norfolk. Melva Powell Alexander and her children from Ka leigh, and Edith Powell Lewis and daughter Vicki from Mooresville were visitors on the campus. Mary Parks Allen Helms made a short visit to Barium. Henry Alessandrini was elected to the Board of Deac- ons at the Presbyterian Church of which he is a mem ber in Cleveland, Ohio. The Deacons are fixing a creche in the Church vard at Christ mas. Henry received a promo tion recently and Installa tion foreman of the telephone company. Walter Beattie was the speaker at the evening service at Steele Creek Presbyterian Church and talked on the life at Barium and showed slides. Tom McCall was the speak- er at the meeting of the Wom- en of Village Presbyterian Church in Favetteville recent- ly. Rae Powell and Jimmy Johnson were married in Sal- isbury in November. Jimmy is a student at Catawba Col- lege and Rae is nursing. Tom and Dona Clark have moved into a lovely new home in Raleigh. Delores Ramsey McMannen was a visitor on the campus. Dean Upton is a Senior at A.S.T.C. at Boone and ing his practice teaching at Mac Gray High School in Statesville. Calvin Burleson was here during the Thanksgiving holi- days. Everett Vest and his wife from High Point were visitors on the campus. Franklin and _ Frederick Lentz visited on the campus Frederick is a student at Pfeiffer College and Franklin is in the service and is at Fort Jackson, S. C, is do- Born to Barbara (McCall) and Gene Brooks of Winston- Salem in November, a daught- er. Born to John and Ginger McCall on November 3, a dau- ghter, Carolyn Sue. They live in Pittsburgh, Pa. On November 28th in Wil- mington. a daughter was born to Worth Bolton and his wife. Born to Tom McCall and his wife August 31st in Fay- etteville, a daughter, Harriett. Born to David and Bonnie (Finley) Andrews on Septem- ber 6th, a son, David Mitchell. On October 31st, a son, Bar- ry Wayne was born to Dwight and Joan Spencer at Hau Cal- lie, Florida. On November 10th Deborah Lynn, daughter of Robert and Nellie (Sellers) Bell was bap- tized in the Chapel at Camp LeJeune. Born to Lucille and Don Bolton of Troutman on No- vember 28th a daughter, Mary Lou. BOYS ATTEND THE SHRINE BOWL GAME Through the generosity of friends and under the leader- ship of Mr. Ralph A, Norcom of Charlotte, the boys of the Home were invited to attend the Shrine Bowl game _ in Charlotte. This annual occur- renee is one of the highlights of the Fall season. Loading in the big bus, the group rolled out early on Saturday morn- ing, arriving at the Stadium around ten o'clock in order to ect seating arrangements worked out. Then, prior to the vame, a lunch was distributed and all was set for the game. The thrilling pageantry of the occasion, the fine football, and the excellent sportsmanship, stirs the imagination of everyone who attends. Then; as the climaxing fea- ture of the day’s festivities, free supper was offered at the S & W Cafeteria. When a boy has the opportunity to pass down the chow line with no restrictions on his taking, you can be sure that his tray comes out the other end well loaded. And what finer chal- lenge is ever presented to a erowing boy than an oppor- tunity to conquer a tremend- ous meal. There was not a single loser in the crowd for every tray was left bare. November Memorials Abernethy, Mr. Joe, Hickory Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins, Lenoir Vr. and Mrs. Ben Wall, Jr., Chest- er, 6. ©, Adams, Mrs. John R., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. Homer N. Culbreth, Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Miss Nell MacRae Adams, Mr. R. M., Charlotte sordeaux Miss Grace D. James, Davidson Misse Martha and Nora Thomp- on, Davidson Alexander, Mr. Dewitt, Raleigh Vii Nora B. Parker Alexander, Mrs. Ed, Morganton Mr. and Mrs. D. R. LaFar, Jr., Gastonia Mrs. Thomas P. Moore, Jr., Char- lotte Alexander, Mr. S. D., Raleigh Mra. K.. A. Willis, dr., Mr. and Monroe Alexander, Mr. Thomas R., States- ville Mr. and Mrs. Walter FE. Sherrill Angle, Mr. J. E., Lincolnton Bible Amity Church, Charlotte Cirele No. 3, Charlotte Ladies Class, Pres. Amity Pres. Church, Angle, Mr. J. P., Lincolnton Bible Class, Amity Church, Charlotte Cirele No. 3, Amity Pres. Church, Ladies Pres. Charlotte Barnes, Mrs. Harold, Greensboro ellowship Class, First Pres. Church Barnes, Mr. Otto, Wilson Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Pope DECEMBER 1957 Barnhardt, Mr. Voigt M., Charlotte The Office 3elk Brothers, Co Employees, Batson, Mr. Winslow, Hampstead Mrs. J. EF. Douglas Beaver, Mr. Arthur J., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Sherrill, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter BE. Sherrill, Jr. Belch, Bobby, Edenton Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Phillips, Mount Gilead Mr. and Mrs. W. N, Mount Gilead Clark, dr.. Benfield, Mr. John H., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Walter EF. Sherrill Bernhardt, William (Billy) R., Jr., Oxford Kindergarten Sunday School Class, Oxford Pres. Church Bernstein, Mrs. A. N., Burlington Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Gibson Bizzell, Mr. Robert C., Charlotte Miss Kate Quay Ofticers of American Trust Com- pany Circle No. 12, Covenant Pres. Church Mrs. R. A, Alexander, Harrisburg Mrs. W. M. Howie, Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. Y. W. Faison, Jr. Alexander, Black, Mrs. R. L., Cameron Mrs Margaret Vick Blackwood, J. Archie, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. French Bost, Mr. J. C., Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Sherrill Bostian, Mr. David J., Charlotte Mr. A. Grant Whitney Bowen, Dr. John B., Rock Hill, S. C. Mrs. Maurie S. Pitts, Lenoir Bowen, Mrs. Mary Hodges, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Bridges, Mrs. Mamie, Union Mills Mrs. W. 0. Watkins, Rutherford- ton Brown, Mr. James Thomas, Sanford June Bible Class of Street, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thompson, Statesville Summers Front Miss Mary Faye Stevenson, Statesville Bruner, Mr. J. M., Sr., Cleveland Rev. and Mrs, M. G. Lyerly, New Zion, S. C. Bryan, Mrs. A. B., Chadbourn Mrs. T. J. Edwards, Whiteville Bullock, Misses Zula and Fannie, Wilson Miss Mamie Bullock Burgess, Mrs. W. P., Roseboro Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chapman Caldwell, Mrs. Charlotte Reid, Char- lotte Mrs. J. FE. Loven Mrs. L. B. Beaver Caldwell, Mr. J. Roy, Davidson Mrs. Marie S. Currie, Arlington, Va. Mr. John B. Watkins, III, Char- lotte Mrs. 0, J. Thies, Jr., Davidson Misses Mattie and Eugenia McEI- roy, Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Patterson, Huntersville DECEMBER 1957 Mrs. W. A. Jetton Miss Sarah E Mr. and Mrs Mooresville Jetton Mac Sample, Campbell, Mr. E. Paul, Taylorsville Men’s Sunday School Class, Tay lorsville Pres. Chureh Cannon, Mrs. cord Cirele No. 2, Chureh Irene Gudger, Con- Gilwood Pres. Capps, Mr, A. L., Sr., Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Yarborough Carnes, Mrs. Brown, Monroe Co-Workers at Group, Ine, Charlotte Home Finance Carter, Mr. Julian Barton Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Thompson, Charlotte Wilma and Michael Minday, Char- lotte Cashwell, Mrs. Carrie, Wilmington Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. 'T. Sin clair, Jr. Caulk, Mr, Max, Oxnard, California Women of Hu ille Church Pres. Clark, Mrs. Mary Howard, Wilson Mrs. Helen U. Karnes Collins, Mrs. Mary, Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. Leonard FE. Allen Conner, Mrs. Catherine, Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Ralph North Wilkesboro 3uchan, Corbin, Mrs. Marion, Savannah, Ga. Mrs. C. F. Melchor, Mooresville Creagh, Mrs. H. A., Pollocksville Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phipps, Fuquay Springs Bible Class and Women of Pol- locksville Pres, Church Crenshaw, Mrs. Lena Austey, Rex Mrs. C. P. Dunn, Fayetteville Cromartie, Mr. B. J., Garland Mrs. J. W. Farrior, Warsaw Cummings, Mr. B. S., High Point Miss Lueille A. Watkins, Greens boro Mrs. Ed C Women of the First Pres. Vaughn, Greensboro Chureh Currie, Miss Marion Wood, Fayette- ville Dr. and Park Mrs D. S. Currie, fon Currie, Mr. William Johnson, Park- ton Dr, and Mrs. D. 8. Currie Doby, Mr. Robert, New Orleans, La Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Hemphill, Gas- tonia Everett, Mr. L. A., Monroe Mr, and Mrs. James H. Williams, Monroe The Lydians’ S. S. Pres. Church Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Kirkman Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Willis, Jr. Class, First Circle No. 8, First Pres. Chureh Faircloth, Mrs. Sarah, Southern Pines Mr, and Mrs. Walter Harper Fimple, Mr. W. W., Littleton Women of the Church, Gruver Memorial Pres. Chureh Flournoy, Mr. Landon C., Birming- ham, Alabama Miss Mabel Harper, Charlotte Miss Myldred FE, Lipscomb, Mount Holly Ford, Mr. Thomas H., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ford and Philip, Cramerton Mr. W. Y. Warren, Ji Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardnet Franklin, Mrs. Thomas S., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willson, Jr Fredrickson, Mrs. Char lotte Mr, Alex Copeland, Ji Carolyn, Freeze, Mrs. Christine, Charlotte Morning Circle, MeQuay Memor ial Pres. Chureh Fulghum, Mr. Ed Wilson Mr, and Mrs. W. C Dr. and Mrs, R. C. Herring Pope Fuller, Mr. George R. Sr., New Bern Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Flanner Furr, Mr. J. Arthur, Albemarle Mr. J. N. Auten Board of Church Deacons, First Pres Gaffney, Mrs. James Boyce, Char- lotte Mr, and Mrs, Tom Wilson Gaither, Mr. J. A., Newton Mr. Bob Gaither Gardner, Mr. Luther 0., Mt. Holly Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rollins Mr, J. H. Sadler Gettys, Mrs. W. E., Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. A Willis, Jr., Monroe Gibson, Mr. Caldwell Women of Huntersville Pre Church Gilmore, Mr. John M., Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence MeN. Johnson Glenn, Mr. W. A., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stephenson Goforth, Mr. John, Grover The First Pres Church, Dallas Miss Class, First Women of the Corrinne’ Puette’s Bible Pres. Church Goodman, Mrs. Mary €., Raeford Martha Bible Cla Raeford Pres. Church Mary and Graham, Mr. Joseph, Denver Miss Louise McCorkle, Matthew Gray, Miss Allie, Fayetteville Reverend J. R. McGregor Griffin, Mrs. L. W., Spindale Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr., Gastonia Mr, and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Fred Upchurch, Gas tonia Grill, Mr. A., Valdese Mr. and Mrs. C. V, Walton Grover, Mr. Lawrence E., Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs, Walter Harper Butler Johnson, Hall, Mr. D. R., Red Springs Mrs. ©. BE. Zedaker, Charles and Frances Hambright, Miss Edith, Grover Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Harry Hargrave, Mr. Edwin P., Laurel Hill Mrs. Lawrence Calhoun, Laurin burg THE BARIUM MESSENGER Mr. and Mrs. John C, Calhoun Harper, Mr. Richard H,, San Carlos, California Misses noy, Charlotte Miss Mabel Harper, Louise and Martha Flour Charlotte Helms, Mr. B. B., Kannapolis Mi Mary Arthur Springs Miss Winfred Springs Sims, Barium Ferguson, Barium Miss Juanita MelInnis, Barium Springs Mrs. Mary Belle Mesiemore, Ba rium Springs Henderlite, Mrs, James H., Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. John W. Parks Mi Lucille Rankin, Gastonia Mrs. Margaret Rankin Beam Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hogg High Point Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Lever, Shelby oman’s Bible Class, Bethlehem Pres. Church, Monroe Mrs. Walter G. Rhyne Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Craig Mrs. J. H. Matthews Miss Elizabeth Matthews Mr. and Mrs, Caldwell Ragan and Family Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mr. R. E. McLean Mrs. Will Warren Abernathy Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Van Sleen Mr. and H. Adams, Mrs. S.. B. Lake Charles, La. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Wilkins, Gas- tonia Mrs. H. Rutherfordton Members of the General Training School Body, Richmond, Va. The Presbyterian Employees As sociation at the Board of Chris- tian Edueation, Richmond, Va. Mrs. R. L. Adams, Jr. Chapel Hill Dr. 8. Major and Student bly’s Henkel, Mr. O. Glenn, Hickory Circle No. 8, First Pres. Church Hicks, Mr. Glasgow, Wilmington Mr. and Mrs Laura Dr. and Mi H. A Dr. and Mrs. F. B. ville G. C. Bordeaux and Codington Haar, Green Hoffman, Mrs. Daniel Engle, Mount Airy Major and Mrs son, Statesville William L. Alli- Hoffman, Mr. L. C., Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Coit M. Robinson, ur. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Holbrook, Miss Ethel, Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hand, Lowell Miss Janie Young, Lowell McAdenville School Faculty Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Grier Miss Mary M. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunn, Gas- tonia and Margaret Misses Virginia Harris, Concord Women of the Huntersville Pres. Church Mrs. P. A. Wilson, Vass Miss Mary Love, Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. Coit M. Robinson, Lowell Mrs. Olin W. Hunter, Huntersville Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hudson, Lowell Miss Eloise Ward, Marshall Bledsoe, L. Carpenter and Family, Assem- Holder, Mr. D. P., St. Pauls Mr. J. Browne Evans Mr. George A. MeGoogan Mrs. Sallie Miss Della MeGoogan Murray Bible Class, St. Pres, Church Mrs. L. A. MeGeachy Hartman Pauls Holt, Mrs. Isaac, Graham Miss Elisabeth Houston Horne, Mrs. Emma Kiker, Peach- land Misses Henrietta Creed, Lacile Young and Margaret Stevens Houston, Mrs. James A., Chariotte Mrs. J. Harvey White, Graham Howie, Mr. William M., Harrisburg Sarah Pharr S. S. Class, Coneord Misses Eva and Esther Spears, Concord Pred P. Quay, Willie Quay and Miss Kate Quay, Charlotte Mr. Floyd Quay and Family Dr, and Mrs. G, L. cord Mr. and Mrs, Zeke J. Family The Millers, Charlotte Lang, Jr., Con Howie and Hughes, Mrs. R. L., Asheboro Miss Bess Costner, Belmont Humble, John Benjamin, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, Char lotte Parks Sadler, Betsy Bostian, Ly dia Johnston H. L. Weody, Anna Price Mr. and Mrs. Marion V. Mr. and Mrs. H. B Circle No. 4, Mulberry Church Neighborhood Baker Stokes Pres. Friends Muiberry Fellowship Class, Mul berry Pres. Church School, Mulberry Sunday Mul- berry Pres. Church Hunt, Mr. Oscar, Hickory Mocksville Chapter No. 1738, Or der of the fastern Star, Mocks ville Hutchins, Mr, Spencer Social Arts Club Robert Wiltiiam, Jackson, Mr. Garland Eugene, Dunn Mr. and Mrs. k. ©. Hemingway, Godwin Miss win Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Family, Godwin Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Johnson Miss Pear! Calohan Miss Alla Johnson, Godwin Miss Cleva Godwin Marguerite McIntyre, God Mcintyre and Mrs. Annie and Raymond Godwin, Godwin Young Adult Pres. Church, Godwin Class of Godwin Jarman, Mrs. Lilliam J., Wilming- ton Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner, Gastonia Mrs. Will Warren Mr. W. Y. Warren, Jr., Gastonia Johnson, Miss Betty Lou, Burling- ton Mr. Pleas H, Norman, ville Beach, Fla. Jackson Jones, Mr. J. H., Fayetteville Calvin Bible First Pres. Church Class, Fayetteville Keene, Mr. Harvey, Suffolk, Va. First Pres. Church, Roanoke Rapids PAGE THREE Keesler, Mrs, Mary Yates, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross Mr. Mike Myers Mr. Jim Batten Mrs. George D, White King, Mr. E, L., Burlington Mr. L. W. Pritchett, Jr Laird, Mrs. Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Davis Landrum, Mr. Louis R., Richmond, Va. Mis. Martha Daniel Latham, Mrs. W. W., Marston Mr. and Mrs burg Eli Murray, Laurin Lever, Mr. C. L., Shelby Miss Betty Modlin Linker, Mrs. W. H., Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mayhew, Mooresville Mrs. Paul W. Troutman and Mar tha, Hickory Mr. W. L. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris, Jr Lloyd, Mrs. Wilhelmina, Chapel Hill Mrs. W. FE. Baldwin, Sr., White- ville Long, Mr. Will, Mooresville Women of Huntersville Church Pres Long, Mr. Zeb Vance, Jr., States. ville Dr. and Mrs. D. O. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Karl] T. Deaton Mrs. Henry F. Long and Family Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Raymer Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Raymer Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks ville Major and Mrs. William Ll. Alli son Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culbreth Mrs. R. Mac Gray Mrs. Karl S. Barger McAlister, Miss Flax, Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers Mrs. R. H. Ardrey Mr. and Mrs. McAlister Carson Cirele No, 18, First Miss Florence Stewart Pres. Church McCachern, Mrs. Jean Safrit, Con. cord Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suthe) Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Holshouset McCullock, Mr. Norman B., Eliza bethtown Mr and Mrs. H. C. Bridger, Blad enboro McDonald, Mr. William Thomas, Blackstock, S. C. Mrs. H. L.. Carpenter, Rutherford- ton The Ladies Bible Class, fordton Pres. Church Ruther McFarland, LeRoy, Columbus Mrs. Daisy H. Feagan and riet F. Walker Har McGill, Mrs. Arch, Vass Mrs, P. A. Wilson Dr. B. W. McKenzie, Salisbury Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks ville Mr. P. H. Thompson, Gastonia McKenzie, Mr, Luther M.. Kannap olis Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Bradford McKinnon, Mr. John, Laurinburg Mr. and Mrs. Blue Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. John F. MeNair, Jt PAGE FOUR McLendon, Mrs. W. J., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards, Con cord Mr Georg L Patterson, Sr Concord McLin, Mrs. B. H., Miami Beach, Florida Mrs. Lee M. Pasley, Denver, Colo rado Mr. Monrose M Landreth, Jr., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Flintom Mr. J. F. Timberlake, Jr. Mr. H. J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, Con cord Family of Mr. W. S. McLin, Jr., Tallahassee, Fla Mr. J. Ek. Hankins, Jr., Charlotte Mr. Chas. W. Connelly, Charlotte Major and Mrs. William L. Alli son, Statesville Mr. E. T. Blair and Family, Char Lotte Mr. and Mrs. D. Fred McMullen, Tallahassee, Fla. Mrs. Martha M. Augustine, Ma taire, La. McNeil, Mr. F. G., Charlotte Miss Margaret B. Alexander McPhaul, Mr. James L., Red Springs Mr. and Mrs. W. I’, Henderson Mr. and Mrs. O. Steele Trail Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Webb, Jr., taleigh Mr. and Mrs. Graham Clark, Rae ford Mr. and Mrs, Junius M. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNeill Ladies Bible Class, Antioch Pres Church Means, Mrs. George W., Concord Captain and Mrs. Roddy L. Smith Melchor, Mr. A. Otis, Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Johnston, Jr. Men’s Bible Class, First Pres. Church Mrs. C. F. Melchor Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris, Jr Mr. Z. V. Turlington Menzies, Mr. K. C., Hickory Dr. and Mrs. R. 'T. Hambrick Mewborn, Miss Carlotta, Kinston Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purdy, Burl ington Junior Dept., First Pres. Church, Burlington Mrs. B. H. Merritt, Burlington Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Young, Burl- ington Mitam, Dr. Claude, Hamlet Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Long, Mocks- ville Monty, Mrs. W. H., Charlotte Women’s Bible Covenant Pres. Church Class, Mcore, Mr. E. H., Russellville, Tenn. Kessie Barnhart, Winston-Salem Sarah Goggins, Winston-Salem thel Plonk, Winston-Salem Kathleen Emerson, Winston-Sa lem Lillian Moore, Winston-Salem Artelee Puett, Winston-Salem Morrow, Mr. G. A., Mooresville Miss Myrtle Melchor Miss Julia Melchor Mr. and Mrs. P. Bruce McNeely, Sr. Ashlin White Bible Class, First Pres. Church Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. John Allred Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mayhew \Ir. and Mrs, noi! Mr and Mrs. H. N. Johnston, J Fred H. Brown, Le Mr. Z. V. ‘Turlington Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lore § Brown, Hamlet Neely, Mr. N. Chalmers, Rock Hill, S. C. Dr. Charles L lanta, Ga. Whisnant, Jr., At ‘Pleasant Street Neighbors”, Spindale Newlin, Mr. Sarnuel M., Graham Miss Elisabeth Houston, Greens boro Nicholson, Mrs. Clyde R., States ville Miss Iris McDougald John C. Larkin Tenn. Co., Memphis, Nixon, Mr, Robert Alexander, Hampstead Mrs. J. E. Douglas Mrs. Martha B Daniel, Rich mond, Va Mrs. J. W. Piver Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Delco Norlander, Mrs. Florence Holroyd, Gastonia Mr. and Mrs. Warren Y. Gardner Norton, Mr. Bradley McDonald, Rae- ford Miss Elisabeth boro Houston, Greens Overcash, Mrs. L. M., Troutman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Griffin Parker, Miss Lila May, Birming- ham, Alabama Mrs. F. F. Steele, Sr., Winston Salem Mr. F. F. Steele, Jr., Winston Salem Mr. and Mrs. W. Perrin Steele, Winston-Salem Pasour, Mr. Callie, Dallas Puette’s First Miss Corrinne School Class Church Sunday Pres. Payne, Mr. W. H., Council Mrs. R. T. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Clark Allen Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Allen Pettus, Mr. W. H., Danville, Ken tucky Miss Martha Sue Hager, Char lotte Peyronel, Mr. Ceasar, Valdese Mr. and Mrs. James J. McVetty, New York Phillips, Mrs. J. D., Jr., Laurinburg Mr, and Mrs. Eli Murray Pope, Mrs. Claiborne, Va. Miss Dora Clark, Littleton Petersburg, Powell, Mr. John Durham Mrs. Janie Ward, 'Teachey Pratt, Mr. Crawford C., Rock Hill, Ss. C. Misses Pauline and Mary Newton Neely, Spindale Price, Mrs. Harry G., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Torrence Ratchford, Mrs., Charlotte The Connor Smith Family Rempson, Mr. D. W., Asheboro Mrs. Ellen W. McRae Miss Kate Woodley, Clio, S. C. Rhodes, Mr. Adrian B., Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Crockett, Jr., Gastonia THE BARIUM MESSENGER Riiey, Mr. G. Mack, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Abernethy, Ji Miss Lelia M. Alexander Robinson, Mr. J. Linwood, Belmont Mr. and M1 LE Dr. J. W Howe Reid and Family, Lowell Robinson, Mr. Merton E., Wilson Circle No. 2, Lowell Pres. Church Lowell Rogers, Miss Lu, Davidson Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Porte Rozzelle, Mrs. R. F., Charlotte Mr. and M1 I’. A. Rozzelle Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smit Ji Mr. and M1 Robert Latham Mr. and Mrs. David Stilwell Mr. and Mrs. J. FE. Harper, Char lotte Mrs. James TT. Porter Mr. and Mrs. S. B. McClure and Family Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClure Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McClure Senior High Tellowship, Cook’s Memorial Church Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, Jr Women of Cooks Memorial Pre Church Elders of Cooks Memorial Pres Church Miss Kate Quay Rufty, Mr. E. Gaither, Salisbury Mr. Frank Culbreth Saleeby, Mrs. Raji, Salisbury Circle No. 10, First Pres. Chureh Sandrock, Mrs. W. C., Fayetteville Maggie Rose Class, Pres. Church Bible First Sawyer, Mr. W. B., Mrs. Lattie L and Paul Mount Holly Harkey, Mildred Scott, Mr. R. C., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Baker Sharpe, Mrs. Blanche, Statesville Mr. and Mrs. Walter FE. Sherrill Shelton, Mrs. Czrl, Washington Mrs. Stephen Fowler Mr. and Mr Colon McLean Mr. and Mrs. Tom Darracott Woman’s Bible Class, First Pre Church The Hugh Andersons Mr. and Mi Sidney Hofler Virgil and Thomas Stewart Mrs. Jack Barkley Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Johnson Shepard, Mr. W. M., Wilmington Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T. Sin clair, JT. Sherrill, Mr. E, D., Concord Mr. and Mrs. A. W Eugenia Dr. and Mrs. G. lL. Jyumley and Lang, Jr Sherrill, Mr. Ernest, Troutman Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Fox Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Griffin Sherrill, Hazel Mr. and Mrs Little, Statesville Walter Kk. Sherrill Smith, Mr. Elma, Wallace Drs. W. C. Mebane and R. T. clair, Jr. Sin Smith, Mrs. Giles, Gastonia Mra, HC Andy Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Abernathy Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Jackson Robinson, Virginia and Smith, Mr. Linus, Estill, S. C. Rex Presbyterian N. C. Church, Rex, Smith, Miss Notre Dame, Maiden Vii Lillie Norket \l lizabeth Hill Snow, Dr ¥. Mi. and Charles H., Yonkers, N. Mrs J Charlotte Clyde White, Speck, Mr. Harry, Jr., Shelby \I Betty Modlin M ind Mrs. Charles C, Lever Spears, Miss Maggie, Mrs. James W Mr. Jimmy Keel Rocky Mount Keel Stanback, Mr. William Thomas, Mt. Gilead Viisse Paulir und Sadie Stan bac Vir P., O. Godfrey Stariing, Mr. Oscar Wade Che Junior Girl’ Class, Bluff Pres. Chureh Stevenson, Mr. W. H., Jr., Winston- Salem Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Davis Stewart, Mrs. Lurena N., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. H. W. Baker, Sr., Chester, S. ( Stinson, Mrs. J. P., Wendell Mr. and M1 let Dan Meacham, Ham- Sullivan, Mrs. Ada Eudy, Concord lent Home Concord Poplai Demonstration Club Sullivan, Mr. J. Carl, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. W. D leigt ellen Pearce, Swink, Mr. Everett B., Woodleaf Mrs. Ira Bailey Miss Edith I. Gilbert, Raleigh Tait, Mr. Downing, Gulfport, Flori- da Char Mrs. Stephen A, Douglas, lotte Taylor, Miss Carrie, Lincolnton Mi Susan L. Glenn Todd, Mr. C. W., Lincolnton Min C. W, Todd todd, Mrs. James A., Charlotte Mrs. Mary MeCall and Family Trask, Mr. Heide, Wilmington ir. and Mr G. C. Bordeaux Miss Emily Moore Lelia Humble Rev. and Mrs. Frederick B, Drane, Monroe Turner, Mrs. George Henry, Sr., Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Dan Meacham, Hamlet Voils, Mr. Mr Mr Mrs Dr. Vernon V., Mooresville and Mrs. W. and Mr Mrs Eugene C, Johnston Geo. R. Brown and Alvin Brown Johnston Ir. and Mrs. L. B Men’s Bible Church Mr. and Mr Chester, S. C, Pare e As Mayhew Class, First Pres. Albert T. Henry, Harrell, Mooresville Mr. Mrs. H. A. Alexander and Family, Mt. Mourne Mrs. R. Ashlin White Miss Anne Pleasants White Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Holt, Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sample Mr. and Mrs. Claude U. Voils, Salisbury Ra- DECEMBER 1957 Wade, Mr. Alexander McCoy, God- win Mr and Mrs, J. M. Melntyre Wadsworth, Mrs. Earl, Wilson Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Herring Wagner, Mr. Frederick, Philadel- phia, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Craig, Glenside, Penn, Walker, Mrs. A. A., Charlotte No Church Circle 20, Covenant Pres. Watkins, Mrs. F. B., Morganton Mrs. W. O. Watkins Mrs. S. L. Burgin Ladies Bible Class West, Mr. Richard E., Sr., Fayette- ville Mrs. D. T. Hamilton Whisnant, Mrs. J. W., Lenoir Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Robbins Whitman, Mrs. N. K., Concord Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Myers Williamson, Mr. Benjamin H., Jr., Mt. Airy Mrs. B. H. Williamson Williamson, Mrs. Ida Baker, Bur!- ington Mrs. Grace P. White, Graham Wilson, Mr. Horace L., Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. Marcus F. Carr Wilson, Mr. Robert P., Portsmouth, Va. Judge and Mrs Wilson Warlick, Newton Witherspoon, Mrs. James, Lancast- er, S. C. Mr. Mrs. R. W. Greensboro and Donaldson, Woodruff, Mr. P. W., Roanoke Rap- ids First Pres. Church Woodward, Mr. Alex, Washington, D. C. Mr. Ralph MeMillan, Maxton Yoder, Mr. Herman, Van Wyck, S. Cc. Mr. and Mrs, l.. H. Adams, Char lotte IN HONOR OF Mary Anne Dixon, Hickory Circle No. 10, First Pres. Church Virginia Katherine White Circle No. 10, First Pres. Chureh SWIMMING POOL FUND Long, Mrs. J. P., Charlotte Mrs. J. M. Guthrie Miss Carolyn Guthrie Ormand, Mr. J. O., Charioctte Mrs. J. M. Guthrie Miss Carolyn Guthrie Women of the Chureh, Caldwell Memorial Pres. Church Steadfast Bible Caldwell Memorial Pres. Church Class, Witherspoon, Mrs. J. H., Lancast- er, &. C. Mrs. W. M. Sherrill, Concord Mrs. John M. Oglesby, Concord Caldwell, Mrs. Lottie R., Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Beacham OPERATING MEMORIALS Thrower, Mr. W. L., Laurinburg Mr. D. F. Cade Pepper, Mr. C. G., Hamlet Mr. D. F. Cade, Laurinburg