HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecord of Wills 1950-1951 (1) Microfilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History | Bivision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina et Te tae kt steel . Pa beLedaibhitdtd doesent ented oa a tz ) 5 f VW, UL peel a J Sic flier tases VA [ J [indiase rac Car /) ) se @ Quote, &. Balrier bhifande 4 eh / Palreta/ SHS am belle Iprmar 350 7 is , 4a oA Lelofandes U2e i, Airsut L4G 4 lsmfusld iuae Ca ee —— — — po r Se ee e ee ea b s b a t l JR So x <> Su m a s ai d a n = — " ne *< —_ co n e s ta n a a” ’f<9 q: / ¢ ee om C eo. Bonsyn fragt a VuLrq*?~ stl: Waal. 9). Adig 70 OT {AA , ‘i. jlec . Fe ) 7. aN, Pinter U4 Agra’ 148 Benfc Oe ( Uraog ait 5 ok ot 17/ Benfitd, Wy. ey, J73, /99 Z2// Ze Wi 4 BAZ | F%b bs < Carne Lbs att TF a bheiar bbl n) yok are eeles a af brs t braurd Chand 0 4/9 Biher, Se “53 “T Brawley, Kate Latlewer) | A eel Way ry L9 9 ies lt Weotd.) | s220| tl JAZ a ) es 1). ee hill )IS¢ a. 70/4) Lae SIP Cardin aie : AlY ( ey ge ee hfe 464 7 ea 47) a Joh W: ¢79 ton OK sve CL Otley i 6. 2 D4 a7. WL i IQ) . PO et tate ae dae, ae. ep a ie reaiiein ible Noh A. Yor'- Dyke , Ctr Brbneh Wma ed th aig) ae ihn, bath) Bial, WH. iia! 1S Bina he bye. A: 4. 2? Pe ees Oe. m & Ss bite) Bee 2 Eats, apie —E fon Got ht E00. ” TT cieeke I qf, ie: ihiow , LW. a7 | Qe’ f ypanae Ning . wt otrat, >. g ban ) (Ppe.) Mors wh tle Tt allel, 4 i ae J. Ly) Lullo J 4 ole ] Kipbeta Srge- ee 77 _. ¢ A Nad: el ad ia f kat 5 ie Bode — C is Ls < > oe re ad Alblcher parker Af — j ia Vee naglilir 7? SEU” oo Harucett , fo ee Hob feast. 7 &, q3 n / wal aa, RSG a 177 DN heoL—, SZ 7. ; ies Ie ok G5 | 2 s~e austin dduacrin~ 1 R- Warben, farms 245 Bickitw, Lae O B?/ A puditer, Fh al bt OS © Magle, jis mv Pham’ $17 Yarrwll, Metta A ¢S7 allen, “ae a. #4) Wart A IIS A - (¥Am tn, 4S) ie 4 a. wa W.T7. / ] Vv ~~ * ¢ x m SQ > enna ennt 232 fuer Mite Bt 4 4 he oak 2 Necholeor ) SHO 4 lPnto, f ¢ cn LO ALANA MAA AA AC a ns ag eates ee este eee Zo CC 14 /o7 B72 2} 4## 7 ln. Marsa Pf as Was Ran Uc iN ~ I Murme WAL salah le, Alor tl vO x bw, | “aC Keotl, Evkk b e S ea e ee we I ag e n n- n e iA ae Pg h ! SR E PO sa e ~< a sp e ta h i a P a m t MP S “i g FE E ST E . ga h é = ao a ae ee ek aap em at tne Sein mane tees mnt, Marios, W. fe, /< y ; Lr tf Madame lithun Vb Murr e p y Ww. a: 7 SIP y Wa Ade , Dlarnche/ 37@ MMe’ E (Llktp FZ ake. A/S. : i )eoar, Mee A ky. ae W be de ck ‘ Dj. yo tace/ IF Wavehall, gv £93 a ee » 537 aa a re s s cy ee s fa . fe a an ae cm em eet a # == : ; t é ; eit i } ; ' thu ; , se sas eye scniecinm asain ' pat ; li, x ‘ fh ee ch ne atten th eee ANNA NT ap i} See , “fs } j hn sta scone eect iia seta ts if wwe * | ie 3 au eat’ 7 ‘ ‘ ~ ~ ) * . - a) ss te . = cei neat ea ei OA A a e S eS a e o e . ss on — ee e ee Oa 7 ye ey Se a eT ee Sa d ] cd a) GD ma d ad ) am ) ai ) - So p e r Se n g e no e es a t e Si o a Ri a : LES. 67 AZ ee 7 “, Goh Ba itt ) ya X SL ee ee FE ee ra s c. Yd v AT é. bs Wary a. SY Rebbe, v/a. U boc ie VY ee 4) ‘4 fare 4) Kame y e dma "~ } Kanbre ele a sober’ le ylee € iy ‘ kK Wj he Rows, Elle. Mesiceor 2 Kebmond; y2 i 8a 5 S T E a u n ) aa a a ) | W e s e | 9 - a ~ o e r e e Damp p 4 war. 1 7. } ak ) k k C HL . flan Mor pane jo llap Auinene Marky 7 ; aa (ales Fmall CaS eek. OX. ou grou, a y- ae d SS S Se Pi e r s , ga n ce e to s Be ‘ ba l e' s a EE S ¢ ym a na n " ° —— . te t Ln Netorumeenay -dseme tenia na WU /Lhid LAL, whe WE Waits C O Res: ae Willinme Yihn Mee Law ute, Ae Wboome, 4 ate tO; rer ona Js. 2G o tase, er ee een et Wot) 9%) le JI IT 0) hy atin _ W pilin, ae du. 439 Wate, 97) VE9 witha hl ae rd Wife, Wy. Pou wwd J lis . “7 arr l-Gtsas ss we, SI P S ee Pe “p e e co PR P R EN T E R ~~ : - , ey a 7 BE F Ke , ah a a a sd Ca el Ba c . ie >) AADAT TINA NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY H7nN TTT I TRiDss de UUivi + Maggie McMahan Chester oi tne al esaid Count and State, being of ut realizing the uncertainty oi my earth ? nce make and u ' } to be my last wi testament y dispositions TAM TM AQT Vi de Lk a A nat station in lize ato the wishes ol my lends anu relatives and thé my grave be properly marked a: that I be buried in either steel or concrete vault-the usual steel or cmerete vault that gocs in U! ‘round in which the casket is placed. I will and desire tha North Carolina, in the Clement iot. f -_ ; i ; i a oe I devise and pequeath to my niece, Mary Neil Clement Becton, my og I devise and 3 and cat, and in the event she does not want th ; @and cat, tnen bequeath the same to my newphew, Sam ITH IV All of my clothing, bed clothing, household ana «Kitchen iurniture, including all dishes and silverware to be equally divided between my nieces as follows: Hazel Oakley Clement, iiary Neii Clement Becton, and Irene Wagner xamsey. ¥ Mar; WN an a ’ ‘ 7 Neil Uilement Becton is to make tne division among my nieces and sne is to | have tirst choice in the above items. | ITEM V All of my husband's, Walter L. Chester's iturniture or his possessions that I may have in my possession at the time o1 my death are to be turned over to Aim if living, ana it not living is to be turned over to his son, Irvin Che stor. ITEM VI I will, devise and bequeath that ait ces in tue vank, als real estate, @4l stocks ung bonas oi everykind and aeseription be converted into casa, gH which to Pay all o1 my debts as above numerated, ITEM Vil After the payment of all debts as above numerated, ii tnere 15 any devise and mone ‘es Y lett trom any real estate, cash, stooks, and bonds, then I will, r - nr ee e ilia Clement ag ranvins, unto 4 estate, with iull instruments in writing, serve hand and seal to 1949. Mchlahan ( 5 uaeeie liclahan Chester ired by the said Magrie LMicManan no at her request suosecribde our names ‘Ovember 1949, /itnesm Neil 3S. Sowers ; : = — statesviile, N. C. Witness Isaac T, a | Rs Statesvilic, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY CODICIL . hd role tf ate . rn be mOoerfle Lielvahan Vhester oj the at resaid County and State, peing ol sound mina in iomory, ao lake is Codicil to my Last Will and Testament dateda the 4rd day o} November 1949 Items VII VIT ‘ ' md VITI ov my Last Will and Testament ure to pe null and void; this Codicil aynats . , 1 substituted in liew thereot, which is as sollows: ITEM VII After the payme f r the payment or all debts 49 above numerated, ii there is any money left from any real est: 3 Sti agn, gs } ( Ce, Cush, stocks, and vonds, then I will, devise end bequeath such residue money in the following manner; . rm, ' , (a) 7 Will, devise A i » 46Vise ana bequeath to Hattie Dearman the sum of 9100.00 Chester (SEAL) | NORTH CAROLINA 4 TREDELL COUNTY { n! ching that Mury Julia © \ the part of my clothing t! 5 and the pal (pb) I will, devise and North Carolina, the ne rest anu Lge l, aevise everything 6Li5SC, I will, Vis and Irene Wagner xnamsey, VIII itute and apvoint trix of this my last wi and testament, trix rull power t or convey any or is necessary and best in the settieme necessary deeds o1 conveyance, 1) ) nm SouiaGc GO aa Maggie Licliahan s* ; ma eL.e ‘ a a , — Me he y Signed, sealed, published, an: r y the s s McMahan Chester, to be her Codicil to her last aa auvacribe request and in her presence, and in the presence of eae! Lhe? ago suvscrive names 43 witnesses thereto. This the 25th day ot March 1950. Witness Neil S. Sowers Hesiaing a otatesviile, N. C,. 1 | Witness Isaac T, Avery, Jr, Residing st_iabalesvilla, Un te IN THE SUPERIOR COURT--BEYORE Tit CLERK, In the Matter or the Will of Maggie McMahan Chester, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will “Md testament together with codieil of Maggie MoMahan Chester deceased, is *tnloited berore tne undersigned Clerk oi ihe Superior Court ot Iredeli County, Nor th Carolina, by Mary Julia Clement, the executrix therein named, and vnereupon the Tollowing proof thereot is taken by the oath ana examination or Neil 3. Sowers Md Isaac 7, Avery, Jr., the subsoribing witnesses thereto, as 1oliows WORT CAROLINA, Iredell County. Neil 8, Sowers and Isao 7, Avery, Jr. being auly sworn, depose and say, and each Tor himsely deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the oaid papers ind testament together execute this writi vith Qodicil, and that aliiant attr sveua NeMahan C -ccased; ana that at the aifiant's opinion, edelil County. TE PRK I OO A OK a OK a AR AR RG OR OR I A AC AR I KR OKC aK aK UK aK CK CK LAST WILL AND TLSTAMENT OF Lijiian Shinn McNeely This is my last will ana Lestanent. Aiter my burying expense is paid and br. bills, I want George to have Gstate and personal property, bonds and money, except $500.0 lor Pamela to be used ior ner education or 4 piano, Signed: Lillian Shinn McNeely, December 26, 1949, NORTH CAROLINA TREDELL county IN THE SUPLRIOR COURT, BEFORE THE CLERK & paper writing, without Subseribving witnesses, purporting to be the ast will and testament o; Mrs. Lillian Shinn MoNeely deceased, is exhibited tor probate in open Court by Geor; s@ MoNeely, legutee therein named; and it is reu ie by tha pon proved by the oath and Sxamination or J, W. MoNeely, that the said will No. 3457 Bivey ' : NORTH CAR. the vailuabl i ten seen her wr having oi ten sé Mrs, Lillian Shinn McNeely subscribed t at we me and every part , T 7a } 20 LEZONOY Y. Lazenby Le Green severally sworn 1 and subscribed its CLERK. pie as oa r the Court that the sa theretore, considered aq ada) , oy the Court t} ° tes : Sad ~~ Ins testament oi Mrs, Lillian writing, and every part thereo s th 1st ’ ee eee . aaa aah’ al’ oregoing examination and is Shinn McNeely, deceased, anc witn tne ioregoing ¢ aa certificate are ordered 2 tn aay Ge Ge omMivn Clerk Superior Court. TE TRS SR AR OR FEN RC IR i IK RRR OK OI RC I ax IIR IKI IR AR IR OAR AR AIR RC AR AP AB a AIR DIR IC IE AIR JARO On OF 2 ~ se ee | IREDELL counry LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF EFYFIE J. BENNETT I, Efrie J, Bennett, do declare this to ve my last will and testament. I,give and devise all property, real, personal and mixed, ana where soever Situated, of which I now own or may acquire, to my sister anda orother-in-law, Lillte 8, Reavis and Hugh L. Xeavis, to be theirs in fee simple. T appoint them as executors. ie J. Bennett Witnegses; Carmen H. Xeavigs Stephen W. Nash ee < i ef i = . a ar rs ae 8 et ne n t Pim Ti Co IIR|T pw eb UV UN @WPOeDOaLUAG iri CLR} tt Dg mtd Fe AE naersiened a} hy woot, vne 1a D. Parker, Deputy 119+ 7 urt a omitt Clerk Superior CE EE Ee ee eK reatame Lesvamenvu ith the roregoin; h Court of Iredell County. le i Rl le el No. 3458 Nortn Carolina, Iredell County. A. E. Welborn, of the aforesaid County 1, will and testament: 1. Iwill, give, devise and bequeathe all my onal to my wife, Carrie \elborn, to belong to her absolutely and forever. I hereby constitute and appoint my said wife, Carrie . a . = in 3 7 ancl sct amo } ro hu mPoawakiane a execubrix of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and m 4 + - ¢ sates anta har 4° man he all other wills and testauents heretofore by void iis , nie ‘ - WITNiSS WhirnOr, 1, the said ar} Jax > in Lar 3rd. day of October, 4 .elborn to be > e Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said A. &. his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at nis request presence, and in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, 7 2Urmu4ISSION Tu TAKE PROOF OF WILL NORTH CARULINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL CUUNTY BEFURE THE CLERK TU HONORABLE ¢C. H. LEATHERWUOD Clerk Superior Court Waynesville, North Carolina | The Undersigned, Clerk, reposing special trust and confidence in your | integrity, hereby authorizes and empowers you to cause W. Roy Plott to appear before) you at such time and place as you may appoint and on oath to examine touching such matters and things as they shall know of and concerning the execution of a paper witing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of A. E. Welborn, deceased, “hich has been filed dn this office for probate. And the deposition in writing by you so taken, the same you are to transmi + 7 th rma rej onen ‘lark oft he : tA , to tne undersigned Ller w OF the ouperior Court oi war vine : ; A : ; NORTH C AROLINA e Superior Court. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ; ’ iy ai this Im iD the Clerk IREDELL CO UNTY of may, 1950. - G. Smith lerk ouperior Court ~ . in C apenas 6 i : anil. the Matter of the Will of A, E. Welborn, Deceased. he paper- writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will] testament of A. E. Welborn, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the uperior Court of tredell County, North Carol ina, by Mrs. Carrie lborn. the so 4 executor therein named, ani thereupon the following proof thereof - . oath and examination of J. G. Lewis ( H. &. Lewis, deceased) and + ee r OE wa e he ? (out of the county), the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: hibie ant we ALK } : ioe NORTH C AROLIN. IREDELL urporting to be the Last Will and a Lewis, being d sworn, deposes and says that he is a subscribing Testa! ent of | Wy »lb rm lecenced hanarine hz lat, vill - : oe : a seceasea, bearing the date of 3rd day of October, 1933, witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will Pe e aa a 2X in 7 ¢ hefor } } 2cod on i 4 } ; exhibited before the undersigned by virtue of the authori ty above given him given him, testament of A. E. welborn, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last and thereupon the following f rreof is tak y th at} ; upon the following pro lere is taken oy the oath and examination of Tk . ta e eS ine Bie . if then | a ek acd 7" ' , wil] id stamer and iat affimt attested it i he presence and ne reques “. Roy Plott, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: will and testament, and that afiimt attested tt in the presence am at the request We Rov eer al aioe: Ghee ces die a ' : : of said , slbor 2ased: and that a he time of its execution said e HOY FlOUL, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a subscribing of said A. E. Welborn, deceased; and t t the time i C ) 4 A, E. welborn, was, in@fiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. MOUOW = witnes he sai nNoner writine ‘ ‘ s . witness to the said paper writing now shown him purporting to be the Last Will and Je Ge. Lewis _ —— lestament of A. E. welborn and that he saw Ae Se Welborn execute this writing as ‘ Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30 day of May, o— — ~ \ ¢ § em ot | 11S Last Will and Testament and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the ‘ lec eae ; C. G. Smith 4eceaseda; and at the time of its exec j sai xt ra L C ; le of its execution said Clerk Superior Court ini Iredell County ’ § 5 - c c 1 * ] . 4 : 5 Opinion, oi sound mind and disposing memory. ea ) Pr e ~~ y | ! | ue cd : — And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said We Roy Plott Subscribed and sworn to before me, paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of 4. &. Welborn this 25 day of May, 1950. deceased, ami it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this pace vempbel ) ————.~-— : certificate, be recorded and filed. Ass't Clerk euperior Vourt of Haywood County. This 31 day of may, 1950. (Clerk's Seal) 3 y y, 19 C. G. Smith : 7 “Clerk Superior Court af Iredell County. Having executed the §& wed . . . 1 ted the commission of the Clerk of the Superior Court of i Iredell County, I hereby mak his as Ys Oy make this as a true and complete account of the proceedings had before nr Lé > special] d before me under the Special authority in me reposed, In Witness Whereof eo aie ate sic afk aie fe aie a fe ae ae a 2 Bik ae BY DIK AS BK Bi BIC CIE CY, IK AK I 5 ‘nereof, I nereunto set my hand and seal this the 25 day of aie ic ae ic afk ajc ale 2c aie aie ae eae ae ae ac ay . May, 1950. Dixie Camp ell ee Ass't Clerk Superior Cour Haywood County (Clerk's Seal) [harpe, of Iredell County, being of sound mind and memory but sonsidering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make and declare this my last Will executrix hereinafter named shall give my body a decent burial 2 ) suitable wis] Pr om Pri endea and relativae : cis 5 . . suitable tis t my friends and relatives, and pay all funeral expenses ’ rel he . atl } 7 “ : > } a mt a r fire mr \ C hic 9 ; together with al t st debts, out a the first moneys, which may come into her hands belonging to my estate. , Ve I give and devise in fee simple to my beloved wife, Carrie Tharr o al} FP mer wan? e var) +5 + narpe, ali ol my real estate wherever situate, MITT). - * anaat} nur ho? > mnt ’ : ™ TiIRD: I bequeath to my beloved wite, Carrie +, Tharpe, all of my personal property of whatsoever kind and character. FOURTH: I hereby constitute and appoint the said Carrie C. Tharpe, my beloved wife, my lawful Executrix to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last Will and Testame according to t!) i ind testament, according to the true intent and meaning of the sane, and every part and clause thereof- hereby r ki a i y } se t 7Ol- nereby revoking and declaring utterly void all } Welle an stamentec me } f other Willis and testaments by me heretofore made, Proms i: If it is the pleasure of my beloved wife it is my desire that she employ my friend and attom ' Iristol ‘nell } : OrmMey, We Ae Oristol, to advise her in the settlement of my estate vhe is owever tharte~e, i ate, n » However, at liberty to employ any other attorney. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I the said » es Ae We Tharpe, do hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 18th day of August, 1931. signed, sealed, published and declared by the said A, W. Tharpe to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence to subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, 95 Bristol G, Tharpe V1TNE L. C. Wallace WITNESS. NORTH CAROLINA IN the Superior Court- Before wmsy IREDELL COUNTY. In the Matter of the Will of A. W. Tharpe, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will testament of A. W. Tharpe deceased, is exhibited befave the undersigned Clerk the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Carrie C. Tharpe, the executor therein named, and themupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Bristol G, Tharpe and L. ©. Wallace, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. Bristol G. Tharpe and L. C. wallace being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of A. W. Tharpe, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will am testa- ment, amd that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said A, W. Tharpe, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said A. Ww. Tharpe, was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Bristol G. Tharpe L._ C. wallace _ Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26 day of June, 1950. n C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and t estawent of A. W. Tharpe and this deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination certificate, be recorded and filed. , This 26 day of June, 1950. C, G. Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. seas Me ake afc Re aerie aie aycale aye aie aye 3c aK aca) & ti rT =i = Sa at h Re s e + et n a Ss e ma r e the County of Iredell State of North Carolina being 1g mind and memory, do make, publish and debts and funeral expenses be paid as shall be found convenient. bequeath all my property, real and personal, ry wife re C. sbernathy to be used by her during her life, ,~ a+ oe ian om oun “rang ™ ecu that Gale my roperty, real é haw . a Te ar o hi} ageviued equally amon; children. 1 appoint John A. Scott of otatesville, N. C. Executor of In Testimony whereof. I have set ; i s a timony whereof, I have set my hand to this my last will and testament, esville, North Carolina, this 15th day of Feb, 1930. T J. L, Abernathy (SZAL) \bernathy, at State ville, N. C. on the 15 day of Feby 1930 - al ne e036 d. Lb; sealed is ins ‘ 2. : . . . : ited this instrument & publish declared the same as and for his last in our presence eee ee a ; , : a peeesnce., And we, at his re uest, and in his presence and in the presence sf eac} . have } mend To of each other, have hereunto witness our names as subscribing witnesses. Ruby Henninger T J. F,. Carlton North Carolina, Iredell County. I hn ] 2rnat! . } » John L, Abernathy, do hereby make this codicil to my last Will and Testament, dated Fel 930. j I : 5¢ red 15 19 @ a - De v . \ » +7)V, in all other respects confirming the same, except | that it is my will and des3 ant T en a2 | zo SOSire ama JI so direct that each of my children to whom I have| : loaned money in my lifetime and i 4 . ame and whose +S ja £ 1 indebtedness is represerted by notes payable t9 me, shall be charge j } ahmed : , 8 4 ged in the distributi on of my estate with the amount they owe me s0 é f he chi — sll ¢ that all of the children will share equally advancements accounted for witness my hand and Seal, this Jan, 3rd, 1936, J. lL, Abernathy (SEAL) Signed, ; } ared by the said John L. abernathy, to >@ Sealed, published and decl codicil is last | a0” ; a to his last Will and ‘estament in the presence of us, who at his request John A, Scott Hessie Blankenship TH © ROLINA, superior Vourt, IREDELL COUNTY. Before the Clerk. In the matter of the will .bernathy, Deceased, The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting of J. L. Abernathy, deceased, is exhibited befo uperior court of Iredell County, North Carolina, therein named, and thereupon the following proof examination of Mrs. Ruby Henninger Lewis one of thereto, and Helen Carlton Brawley following: 1, IREDELL COUNTY: uby Henninger Lewis, nee Ruby Henninger being duly subscribing witness to aper writin will and testament .bernathy execute this writing affiant attested it ih the presence am tthe time of its execution sound mind and the other subscribing witness to presence of affiz amd that Carlton lkth day of July, 1950. Martha D. Parker v "T - ” - ar Veputy Clerk Superior Court of LredelI County. aint eg ae , ioe ak . eas hose wi attached paper- with the handwriting of J. L. Abernathy, deceased, whose will the attach pal T Qn . . . i 3 th + ie . . = we] ac John G. Knox being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is well aca writing, dated the 15th day of Feb. 1930, purports to be, having oiten seen him ‘ ans . ‘ : ay sai ene a . cord > said will is write, and that the name of the said J. L. Abernathy, subscribed to 5s in the genuine handwriting of the said J, L, Abernathy. John G, Knox "ubscribed and sworn to beforeme, this 12 day of July, 1950. Go os Smith — r vou Tlerk Super or Court et % —— — — — 1 eR ~ONnSiLUerea ‘t thereof is In the Matter m™. ne ’ 4 ———— erior Court Vile said L. Abernathy examination and this : Mth e Ue. OMLEN qqemenen enn ssi . ma A Vasa wme 46 I’ wuperior Court, /Ourt-Before the Clerk *portin: 7} eT 7 ee * 4. ist will Ang Signed Clerk of the rior Court scott, the executor +} | ne } vnerein n med taken by the oath ind examination bike re) U scribing witnesses thereto, follows: YwWe NOD Mir . R LIN ' vy ‘ wore ny WUMLTN UVAMU AINA, ALU lol VYUNLI, vonn A. Scott and Hessie Blankenship bein; each for himself and he Self depose a; srself depose and Says, that to the said paper-writing now shown Last Will and Testament of Je as his Codicil to last wil} and testament -~vallie , and at the request of said Je L. \bernathy, deceased execution said J ve 4» Abernathy was memory. » in affiant's Opinion, ‘upon the following proof thereof is nd Hes , duly ie (she him (her), purporting to be a Codicil to the L, Abernathy, and that } and that affiant attested it in tle presencd >» and that at the time of its 0 John A, Scott Hessie ie saw him execute this writing , to be a codicil to >xhibited befa@e the vounty, North Carolina, by John Sie Blankenship, the sub- Sworn, depose amd say, and ; FP ) is a sucribing witress f sound mind and disposing Blankenship prema gpenaneninane uperio?P v mr UNULY. + ; ‘a pr —~f T adel) ‘1 nty iti reside Ff Iredell vounty mrs. Leva Harrington, a citizen and resident oi iredell vo ‘ ar ut considering the uncertainty of North Carolin a, being of sound mind and memory, bu 5a © 7 : + nat - this my last will and testament, my earthly existence, do hereby make and declare o roke all former wills and codicils ; } rine and " by revoke all former in manner and form following, and do nereby r* heretofore made by me. e a8 4 - a 4 4 A ACU L 4 + a4 1a 31d out Jd tne irect that m executor, icles ifter aa med, ws ill, ¢ ai Lal I I d c V ; 4 Sno sy ff ra : : ‘ 4 ands. pay all of my just debts, inchkding my funeral first money coming into his hands, pay all . expenses, and the cost of placing a suitable marker at my grave. ITEm II. I give and devise in fee ? een 14 ohway N Valhoun, my one-half undivided interest in the real estate situate = ace O-« 115, leading from Statesville to North Wilkesboro, said property being my home + , C D e place, and being Lots Nos. 15 and 16 of the GO. ie Shook property, 7T ” fy is and being the thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, page 7, Iredell County Registry, / » ; corded in Deed identical land conveyed to me by the deed of *. E. Harrington, re Book 146, page 96, Iredell County Registry. I the Pp 3 described real then I cive and devise my one-half undivided interest in the above of my daughter. estate in fee simple to Francis W. Calhoun, who is the husband y aug, I arrington| simple to my daughter, Lois Harrin; | as show by a pla o address of my daughter ,0is Harrinet, bn $s oO 1 g » 401s Harrington -alhoun, . } os Sa tL . r Dae Vv le = AY. v ; valnoun, is House of Rest, ltonkers, New York, sive anc bequeatl absoluel‘ eae a : Sass ; ? ss E1lv nd featn adsoluely, CO m ? Se Annie Campbell]! . ’ my two white j £s i beings y ind bequeath, absolutely, to sidue of my personal shen Turniture, persona fects, money, of any and every kind, and ive, devise, the personal his item of my of the rest and residue of laughter, Lois Harrington Calhoun, Lois Harrington Calhoun, predeceases me, and residue of my real estate, valhoun, in fee simple. ppoint m brother, J. 5S. Redman, as with full power and authority to carry out ill, and I direct that he shall not be required to rive i, “rs. Leva Harrington, have set my hand and seal b m to this my ] ] 1nd testament ee : ‘ : SAOSIN y CONLAINeA on two sheets of paper, at the bottor of each vt j : | i ive w a> +o ™> ama : ree 4 _ : im ss lave written my name, at otatesvilie, State of North Carolina, on this the 26th day of September, 194i. /s/ wrs, Leva Harrington (SEAL) urs Leva Harrington Simed, seale bh] 4 shec inal cA ace : ‘ med, iled, published, and eclared by the said mrs. Leva Harrington, as and for her last Will i } : - . Ve n a Y 20 > \¢ fC . 4 , : bh the presence of us, who, at her request, and in her presence, and j the G . at 1 pres » 2nd in the presence of one another, have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto, s. Leva Harri : S ereto Mrs. Leva Harrington, in our presence, signed her name at the} bottom of each page of this 5.23 « (urs. Leva Harrington) Haseltine M. Nicholson C. B. “inberry LOnToe Adams v nesses, SL TT BAT T? PiU LIN sh + 1 : . . . 6 ’ in the Superior Court- Before t} ‘ miry JOUN +ahe tter of the Will of mrs. Leva Harrington, Deceased. 2 ica 41ic The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the f urs. Leva Harrington, deceased, is exhibited before the Ud srior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by d thereupon the following proof thereof ‘ . o , 2 ire arrr : wo . oo 4 £1 . xXa@mination OL ve Ye winberry and 1.OnTroe aagaiis, the subscrib Nn; witnesses ¥ ’ AJ VINild « winberry and monroe Adams being duly sworn, depose and for himself deposes am says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said pa writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of mrs. Leva this writing as her last will and testame Harrington, amd that he saw her execute and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said mrs. Leva its execution said mrs. Leva Harrington Harrington deceased; and that at the time of was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. ve B. \.inberry _ J. 3. Redman, bxtr severally subscribed and sworn tolefore me, this 20 day of July, 1950. C. G. smith __ Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. 4nd thereupon it is considered ami ad judged by the Court that the said paperf- writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of mrs. Leva Harrington, deceased, and it is ordered that the aue, with the foregoing examination and this Certificate, be recorded ani filed. This 20 day of July, 1950. C. G. Smith __ Clerk Superior Court of iredell Vounty Ife 2 he ae ae ae ae acme 2c af ai ae a a ae ae 2k aca ae ae ale ae afc 2} aca a 1 residing in mooresville, North Carolina, do hereby make, instrument as and f@ my last will and testauent, hereby revoking any and all former Wills and codicils at any time heretofore made, ‘irst: I direct that my Executor hereinafter named pay all of my Just debts and funeral expen: practicable, and my Executor further directed to erect a monument y grave, the saue to be chosen by my wife, sherrill Barger. Second: and bequeath my personal effects and jewelry to my wife, oherrill Barger, already consider the household furnishings and the automobile her personal property, so I need make nro lisposition ¢ that property under my third: I give and bequeath five thousam dollars to be paid to St mark Luthern Church, Mooresville, North Carolina, to be used in the erection of the pro- posed Educational Building. But if this uuilding should be built and paid for before my death then I give this five thousand dollars to be equally divided between the Lutheran Orphans! Home At salen, Virginia, and the Lowman Home, White «tock, south Carolina. I further direct that this beque st shall not be available unless a sufficient amount of funds belonging to my estate on hand to properly care for my wife, murs. Lena Sherril} Barger, this to be arrived at in the sole dis- cretion of my Executor ard Trustee, fourth: All the residue ard remainder of my estate, whether real, personal or mixed, ami of every natume and Jescription whatsoever, and wheresoever, situated, a which I shall die seized and possessed, or to which at the time of my death I ~ may be in any way entitled, I give, devise and bequeathto the Executor and Trustee, hereinafter named, in trust, nevertheless, for the following uses ami purposes: (a) The net income therefrom to be paid over by my Trustee to my wife, Lena 5. Barger, for her support. In the event the income from this trust shall not be sufficient for the comfortable Support and maintenance of my wife then my rrustee | is hereby authorized and empowered to make payments fran the principal of my estate : to the extent it in its sole discretion may deem necessary for such purpose. 1 further leave to the discretion of my Trustee as to the awount to be paid to my wife fro he pri : . = m the principal of my estate; however it is my primary objective in creating this trust that my wife snall be assured of such income for her support and comfort. My sai ‘ y Said wife shall be granted the use of such residence rent free 46 I amy own at the time of my death which she may desire to occupy. b) A (b) t the death of my wife I hereby autnorize and empower my Trustee to pay ali debts that my said wife may owe at that time and to pay all of her funeral expenses and other expenses that might be connected with hospital and medical Thereafter, I direct the remainder of this trust estate to be civen outrircht follows: T 27} sath Pe Te i V <9 ae) Iw > — , s . @ I bequeath to Jonn Barge Jy he sum of five ousand dollars bequeath to Vavid wrance and hi wife, Alda Barber Lowrance sum of five thousand dollars. I direct that the remainder into three equal parts. One part to go to my brother, of his death prior to the distribution of the residue 7 ‘ portion to go to Ethelyn Yarger Sherrill, Cecil jarger, my brother, ’. M. Barger. ne part to my sister, Margaret B Kerns, or prior to the distribution of the residue of this trust estate to her children, Paul B. Kerns, margaret “erns am tr the other part to go to the children of my deceasec J Ve aaa Mildred, Lois, Wilidie, and John V. I authorize and empower my cxecutor and Trustee, as follows: Or successors (1) To sell, at public or private sale, and to lease, mortgage all or any part of my estate, both real and personal, at such times am upon such - ss s / Wshde ana conditions as may seem best to it in order to carry out the provisions ly last will and testament, giving and granting to my Executa and Trustee full power and authority to make proper conveyances am transfers of my estate, both real and personal, (2) At the risk of my estate and without responsibility to my Executor, to continue, and in its sole discretion to turn over as part of the shares of my estate hereinbefore given devised arm bequeathed and in the erection of the trust ‘erein created any real estate, stocks, bonds, or other investments in which at the time of my death any portion of my estate shall be invested. (3) At the risk of the trust funds, and without responsibility to my Trustee, to continue to retain any real estate, inwhich at the time of my death any portion of my estate shall be invested, although not of the character authorized for trust investments under the laws of th¢ State of North Carolina, or to dispose of,call in and change any and al investuent4, and to invest and reinvest the proceeds thereof, or any uninvested funds, in such *ecurities and investments as my Trustee shal] deem propr, although not of tle Character authorized for trust investuents under the laws of the state of North stocks, bonds, or other investwent¢ | tl | | iH " stock held by it in person or by Xx ¢ held t nh pers rox anc inte 2 YY proxy, and to JOin in ergers, and to make deposits of gs ve Gers, a ike deposits of securities in C partnership in which I may be enpapeg corporation or cor Orations iip in which ‘ations rather porations the saged with my partner, L. Y. White, for the business of any partnershi; partner, L, Y, white, to be continued as 3 Limited common partner and my estate as a limited partner, said Trustee to enter into such a limited of any partnership in which 1] may limited partnership as a limited partner. a prior tothe death of my partner, L. Y,. white, I direct m ‘rustee shk y iru Sve snail y -" } : ‘ny stock that I hold in any corporati on with my partner, | Y j <4 te te white ‘ve my n- ; T x . " . ae eave my partner, L. Y. White, fifty per cent of all outstanding ock ji : 1 € stock in any such -Orporations plus one share of book value to be i CS wll a a Uv ad justed Ww any 24 en) of a . v b al i all ex Ulpment and 1 +" a i oii ines nad property owned by the corporation. further suggest and adv; - ~Y4EEBS. Ind advis Vv TE ~ : o . vise my trustee to consult freely with my partner, L f. White i makine an : ll n l Mak », any and a le nf sf y sales of real estate, personal property and any major change in investments Sixth: I direct my Exe : : my “xecutor to pay out of my residuary estate any and all of my inheritance and transfer taxes that or legacies, life estate or is : , "State or devises hereinbefore set fortl his j i j 1, this including life insurance, Seventh: I here nomina : y nominate, constitue and appoint the American Trust Company, Charlotte, North Carol; ’ varolina, as the sole “xecutor and Trustee of this my last Will and Testament, ; dir . » and direct that it Shall not be required to fumish any bond or security whatsoever for the faithful P ul performance of its respective duties. As compensation for its servicea ; * Services as Executor and Trustee, I direct that it shall be paid such amount as shal] . 1all be allowed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, taking into consideration the com ti t ipensation for such services by trus |¢ ompanies operating in this section may be syie 7 : } nay be levied or assessed against my estate In testimony whereof I hereto set my hand year one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven. seinem lished and declared by the last will L the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence oresence of each other) do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. roger H. Neill at mooresville, North Carolina fle oi. Lytle Residing at Mooresville, North Cz ‘ Se NORTH CAROLINA se : : s eS _ ‘ F In the Superior Court-Befae the Clerk. IREDELL CUUNTY. In the Matter of U. E. Barger, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of C. E. Barber, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, b} di Ba Bostick, Trust + ° ; a ho a wing Officer American Trust Co., the executor therein named, and thereupon the following ‘ P . te ° - : P y ' warke - Dah » i proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of J. R. “Marks, Urey the Neill and R. G. Lytle, the subscribing witnesses thereto, 2s follows: NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. J. R. marks, Jr., Roger H. Neill and &. G. Lytle, being duly sworn, depos@ and Says, ami each for himself deposes and says that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown hin, purporting to be the last will and testament of C, &. Barger, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the requw st of said and that at the time of its execution said C. E. Barger was) : “. E. Barger, deceased; in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Roger H Neill J, Re Marks, Jr e me, this 19th day of July,1950. u Smith terk Superior Court Iredell County. Severally subscribed and sworn to béfor thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the and every part thereof is the last will and testament of C, 3, Japer-writing leceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and certificate, be recorded and tiled. lay of July, 195 UG. Ge. Smit Llerk oupe +redell the rest to NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, IREDELL COUNTY. Before the Clerk. A paper writing, without Subscribing winesses, purporting to be the last will and testament of H. S, Godlin, deceased, is exhibited for probate in open Cour by Clyde C. Goodin one of his Sons; and it is thereupon proved by the oath and examination of Clyde C. Good in, that the said will was found among the valuable papers and effects in the bank deposit book of H. S. Goodin, and on his person immediately after his death: And it is further proved by the oath am examination of three competent and credible witnesses, to-wit : Ralph Marshall, W. A. Jones and ¥. Kk. Hedrick, that they are acquainted with the handwriting of the said H. Se Goodin, having often seen him write, and verily believe that the name of the gaid H. S» Goodin, subscribed to the said will, and the saii will itself, and every part thereof, is in the handwriting of the said H. S. Goodin. And it is further proved »y the evidence of the three last mentioned witnesses, that the said handwriting ig generally know to the acquaintances of the Said H. S. Goodin. Clyde ©, Goodin a Ralph Marshall _{Seme ( sBAb We. A. Jones We R. Hedriek Ce t 4 3everally sworn to and subscribed before 050 Ae Veg 19506 ,ourt In the Superior Court, + + 7 »le re Une VLert. ; o sidered “ud sAtudead he the faust thet It is, therefore, considered and adjudged by the Court th I -eolf is [ 1 i] na ,o4+ , ~+ naper-writing, amd every part thereof, is the last w ind testament i, and the same wit! foreroinc examination and this certifi deceased, and the same with the foregoin xamination t dered be recorded and filed. ordered to be recorae [his the lth day of August, 4. D uy. omith We aia Clerk Superior Court FREDERICK hereby leave and bequeath all my property, both real and personal, to my wife, Katie Reid Burger, to hold am use during her life, and at her death to my step-daughter, Catherine Phillips. It is my desire that Catherine Phillips sha serve as administratrix and/or executrix of my estate without being required to furnish bond. This the 26th day of April, 1941. Written in holograph ami signed Frederick Burger Iredell vounty 1 tnes se S 1 UIC oO VES, ourporti fr De TGne : ] } I ' o 2 I 1S Mrs Maude is exhibited probate in one 1 : 1 Op id memory, do hereb: sound mina 5 4 io } hy Testament, and do hered} safety deposit : : = 4 ' xecutor hereinafter leath. And it isf v . a0 vne 38 r 7 “ ‘ -} ¢ aon 4) the cost of my funeral, and a reasonable credible witnec ~ Credadiole a4tnesse . »f e , nner > aera ae I expressly authorize and empower I death. » Sie ' yas: vwney are acai Lntec n ; ‘ ° + oi £ . taxes that may be levied by reason of will or any codicil hereto, out of th sihserihed } eata uf axseal , , ‘ * . oo suoscribded to the said wil] an lay us in his discretion, either principal or income tor nandwriting of the proved by the evidence of the three last mentiona : ; > three last mention [I give, devise and bequeath } S frenera Oo the aca air ances . . oe . . a oe he + . ‘ihe + : . c aintances of the anauaing the nouse in wnicn J now live and the lot being sister, Neill P. Holstead in fee simple and forever, The lot beir vatherine Phi ips ( es —atherine Phillips (SEAL) as follows: Pegram .. Bryant (SEAL) 5 bs care een 4 ite : : 3eginning at the Northeast corner of the Holstead lot and running Ny. SY eit ns (awa } feet to a vacant lot, and then West to the Benson line in the rear; thence south cugene . Moose a Som | : 59 feet to the Holstead line and thence to the beginning point, and so laid off Ta} - : ao as to include the residence and a lot of 89 feet fronting on the street. John B, Weatherman (SEAL) Seribed bef eer a nee | Ltem Lille “rived before me, this the 7th day of September; I give and bequeath my household goods, in luding furniture, rugs, bedding, miu a : lines, dishes, silverware, kitchen and household articles and my clothing and Ye Ue Smith ’ , Clerk Super Tou . , Matli DP. Haletead rk superior Court personal affects to my two sisters, Lula P. Rodgers and Neill P. Holstead, to be divided between them as they may agree, and in the event that are unable to agree, then the decision of my executor shall be final and binding on them. NORTH CAROLINA \ th Cc + o n ne ouperij t- j V I rior Court, : Item I . IREDELL COUNTY . ; Before the Clerk. I give and bequeath the vacant lots adjoining my home place, if i have It is therefore, considered | Rodgers, R and ad jude by th - r ’ Judged DY tne vourt that the said pape not sold them prior to my death, unto my nephews, ds De Rodgers and Je O. writing, and every part thereof in what- e is tk as ri - : . ’ 1e last will and testament of Frederick Burger | to be divided between them, or sold am the proceeds divided between them deceased ind the same with +} : are » Same with the foregoing examination and this certificate are ordered to be recorded and filed. ever amount they bring. ia so j . A.U, Item Ve This the 7th day of Sptember, /1950, a0 I give and bequeath my ring that 1 bought before Iwas married, "Cluster C. G. Smith | of ; ille, N » ; . " me am . i (nox NV 4 orth Carolina; my vlerk Superior Court di onds", to my niece, Eva Knox Mitchon of Statesv > ; diamond brooch to my niece Louise Knox Morse; my wedding ring to my sister Neill Cobb. : vi A K. aE 3K Dk BEDE Bik BE ae Beate ale aicale alent aie aie ae aie KAS P. Holstead, my "solitaire diamond" that my husband gave me to Mrs. wrdrey I give and bequeath unto my niece, Louise Knox Morse, a One Hundred Yollar ($100.00) War Savings Bond to mature in 1955. 1eaath y ’ T+ my, ™ * = : ry , sath unto Jimmy Franklin todgers, son of J. B, Rodg ° “ef €&ers ’ out of my postal savings if that much remains aft Ds) 4 er costs of administration of my estate, d eceasec h sban 1 Joh : te am ec € d nus afid yvonn i .enne 5 ’ . k ennet oy name ¥' Kennette, .rdrey K. Cobl may K. Hayes and | e SAY Ae Hayes, and Lee Roy Kennette, f sive and Une Hundred Dollars (:10 )) United States Gavi , ee V ebabves oavin; S Bond to mature in the whatever kind and nature ’ levise andkt a evise and bequeata, equally, share an Pr. Holstead, and my sister, Lula P, | 3 s ; Lula |} + nodgers, my - lodgers, to be divided eau: é » tO be divided equally among them Item VII. + hereby constitue and appoir } Lt nd app iv My nephew, J be a gers i y Mephew, dv. B. Rodgers, of otatesville, Ol this my WN +}, ,aroaline , NOrtTN UL iroOlina, executor last Jil} ¢ - wens ama testament, to execute the same and every part thereof - : : Ps mereol according t its true int ing to its true intent and meaning. Ido expressly authorize and empower m id | 2 4 elpower my said execy *’, in his di j y iG executor, in his Giscretion, to sell and dispose a any and all property ] e oO ra i e Y, realorp sonal r } Y» r personal, that it may be necessary t Oo dvisable to *J ’ ‘ se ub sell, in the busi 1e€SS-= j 3 j i i t i Q e at b t ale J ne “ ke c min 8 ration of ly © ts t “ > i i -WwVa , ta I u oLLC or pri Va e@ sa ; as he may think best. f Bt » *0r cash or upon terms approved by him, and in the event of n, even + & private sale he is author; ~ ii 4 aut I >¢ and nt j Ss norized and empowered to convey personal property absolutely . < + ¥ and real e Bt it e in € sim e . ; vo + Ce imp] é« wit oO “. ~/, v h ut court Or le I >I roc j j urr;T nd I a } D 0 eed ng, anc to s "é e ’ wa € 3 aa se l ifj S t oC S on lis ac t « , > it : th r ropert 7 ; yy in er ’ redeen or - aly is) AS ‘ c Cc 1 e 10 . Ss or 1 I OD k , b + “yy aw Our S 1 S12 y ra , i ° 1e p 7 belonging to my estate in his own ric t “ENG as executor and without court order or proceeding, iy ex ee My executor shall not be required to give any bond ond. IN TESTIMONY tue WNT WHEREOR I the sai, rv» “he said Mrs, Maude P, Kennette, have hereto | placed my hand and affixed my se: ane axed my seal, duly adopted, this the 3lst day of March, 1947. is Mrs, Maude P. Kennette ( SEAL) Signed, sealed bli , é » Published and declared by the said mrs Maude P. Kennette ito be her L st Will C Te t r e d in a ¥ L and L1@stvé in } ° t an 2 ame nt ; vne presence 0 us W ] oues y ho at ner re 4 , . jher presence, and in the presence of h , we G8 ach other, do hereto Subscribe our names as | witnesses, Roger H, Neill GH B. E,. Bailey NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY. In the Matter of the Will of Mrs, Maude P. Kennette paper-writing hereto attached and pur and of Mrs. Maude P. Kennette deceased, is signed Clerk of Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Neill Holstead, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Roger H. Neill and E. C, Bailey, the witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY: Roger H. Neill and E. E. Bailey being duly sworn, depose and say , each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the saic paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of urs, Maude P. Kennette, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said “rs. Maude P. Kennette deceased; and that at the time of its execution a 2 + 7 t said Mrs, Maude P. Kennette was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Roger H, Neill E, E, Bailey this 12th day of September, Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof isthe last will and testament of mrs. “aude P, Kennette, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examina- tion and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This l2thday of September, 1950. ania Co G. Jmith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. He He ae ae 2 2/6 ae oleate afe ae ate aie ape ate fe ae ale afc fe aaa ale nhc aie ak aie aK aC aK 2c BRI Bx MAAK 26K BE : in the County of State of me J sec bts, ineludin 2, Dictures, honde ms : Uv WSU, iL » My home place located ve Gs, and two jots or land, one lomé place, and, another vacant lot locate rt" tate@rwzil) OL wlLavegvili 9 Ne Ve, tor and during the term of her natural life, ” remains unmarried, hen in the event ot' her deat} Dro n+ IPO DETU anong anc between my children, ti bee ! Olinda G&G. slisenhour. Ar > G wnes. Katheri . } and j ; r, Ling é atherine G. Cloer and Lois Gant, anf the issue of my deceased child i r } 1) £ ome 3 1 a} J ea child, | ; he issue of my deceased child, w, P. sant, to receive the share o; nar: property to be held by them, Malinda G, Eisenhour }. C i ’ 4» Cloer, Lois Gant and the a Ol my deceased child THER, - | ’ / aii : ° A, Ppoint r, Malinda G. Eisenhour + hy . 45 f to be the executrix of my will to serve wi hout bon - A‘ 4 ‘ sah y compensatton for her services I direct my exeautr g Y executrix to retain the usual Commissions allowed by law. In testimony where te ms mony whereof, I, W. k vant, have hereunto set my hand and ~~ . . - : seal this the 13th Gay of september, 1950, a WwW. &, Gant (SEAL) Signed senile ry17} . ; » sealed, published, and declared by the seid W. Z. Gant as and ” for his last wi n the ' St will in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of One® another have 3 5 hereto . I S 1 sari ; 1 s Subscribe our names as witnesses - Jitnesses: Mrs, R. D, Nedmond Mrs, Carlyle Weston { CAROLINA ie hp 3 } sis | DiRT TT ; “ ‘ | } ; Atte IU Sd WV swe DL UAL V LJ » wap NORTE mee IREDELL COUNL + 4 ‘ var wn . Aw y i : } ror mr LM 44 4init Oz aside the dd YS We 4 bbe 4iis ~ The paper-writing here 0 3 aed a? a i‘heas stone Sallie ie te ent, deceased, is exhibits ore © undersi We a @ Wes “uw redell County, therein name and thereupon t and Mrs he subscribing ¥ ‘ —_— i RD T) Dp Am+r ; éxamination ol L.rs. NM. UV. NeEamond and wrs Iv ewarn Amy) wiiVvea “+9 subscribing witness to NAne rey rpeyves rant, re and that affiant q c he f . Ww fn az was deceased; and t] I ft Y u..Gant was, opinion, of sound £ ? , 2a Am ave we «4 1 Fy ‘ > + urs. Carlyle Weston rn v Je Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. . +h Car we +e +) 12 4 C 4 . A by the wUul’d vie said e And thereupon it is considered and oo. paper-writing and every part thereof is the st will and testament of W. &. Gant : ; f - o am and this leceased, and it is ordered that the same, 1e foregoing examination anc certificate, be recorded and filed. This 26th day of Sept., 1950. Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County 2 ae ag a RR ay oe a a I a aE . ee * ae eed cia: Aah ' y, orth Carolina and hereby revoke and made by me and dec + I do nsreby direct that my executor awful debts, including medical and funeral hands belonging amDian daughter Veda Kirkman Morrison have and I insurance policy with liutual Benefit Life Co., + + shall change my beneficiary in keeping Ruby Kirkman Cook have and I give with the Metropolitan Life 000.00. I ghall change the benefi- ate daughter, sve Kircman and my daughter-in- interest, right and property in the and being fully described in deed of the State of North Carolina to Lucy KM. Kirkman, under date of “pril 12, 1943, and recorded in Iredell County. Ww \ Deas 3 VW -f ‘ . > cael ounty, N.C. “eed Book No. 155, page 143. See Deed of Karl Kirkman an hers firkman. my Cirkman and others sirkman, my s@id daughter and daughter-in-law shall share and share alike rovided howeve h . » Provided however, that they shall each pay to my daughter Louise Kirkman Hegama ive h Irad , . ed man Five hundred Dollars f€nd this shall be a charge upon the land until paid. 5 All the rest an 7 . oe eubie : id residue oj my estate of whatever character and wherever located I give devise e 1 hanna , . , se anc bequeath unto my children share and share alike, with the right of representation in the event of death of any of them. i do hereby name, constitue Gnd appoint as executor of this my will my son, Karl Kirkman and I expressly hands ; pressly authorize end empower him to do any and every act necessary to carry out the true intent and purpose of this my will, all without order or confirmation o¢ Court In Testimony Ww , imony Whereof, the said Joe Kirkman has hereunto set his hand and seal this the day of October, 1948 , . Joe Kirkman (Seal) — ia toahaA ana t PR eanleaman ao ana Far hie pudlished and Kman as and for his last nresen > and we at hie "ANDI eARa =. | he ¥ =r an a presence and at his 1ues 1 hls presence and MAT TATA TDVWDTALT y ~ NDOT wV PON UUUNL (* 1 ) CARO DUNS. Vsti Veet aeee y “ mm rOONeTT yr aé bp. UUVvivi d In The Matter of the Will of Joe Kirkman, deceased. paper-writing hereto attached and purportin ve ke ITAA so A £ «as sar kh 4 WF + 2 + vo he lancic a ALrkman aeceasec, 40 CAMIUIVOU JGa Us © the under; Signea Superior Cou * Iredell County, North Carolina, by Karl Kirkman, the : . - be nan & — 4 +} ‘ f° 4 alley Wer Fhe no } therein name and thereupon the following pz fF thereof is taken by the oath examination Turner and L. L subscribing witnesses thereto, L. Green being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament ol 7 Joe Kirkman, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last wili and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request ol said Joe Kirkman deceased; and that at the time of its execution said Joe Kirkman was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. O. L. Turner L. L. Green Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this l7th dey of October, Marthe D, Parke ; erk Superior Court Irede County And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the seid paper-writing and every part thereof is the lest will and testament of Joe Kirkman deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 17th day of October, 1950. C. G. Smith “Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. DRE Re a ag le i pe a a a ae ai subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30 day of Sept., 1950. February the oy 1945 | G. Smith This my request after I am gone for my children to get equa] part of Clerk Superior Court ~U Ue a af 3 . >} O- redell County. wnat I leave if any and my house hold furniture be sold and that divided en»: iced equal go And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the Ae et aie ee: ie. i. aie : pee : ‘ nee , as each one will share a like all but my sewing machine it goes to my daughter re said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last wijl and testament of Nancy 2 nattie Denny in hooresville and that is my request written in my name Naney Teat - a - aid < 1 anty , = NANCY Sabelle ; a ‘ : : 4 ai ’ pom sh ah L * Sa é T f° 7 a S ¢ MA Xu a i am Wwi1tn ,ne regoin /00k Troutman Route 1 Isabelle Cook, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, wi t foregoi tion and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 30 day of Sept., 1950. C, G. Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. hiooresville Route 2 made my will ir eek coe os ed ee ‘ ’ n 1945 and since then have built me a two room house on NORTH CAROLINA In the Superior Court, IREDELL COUNTY Before the Clerk. my Sons land Espy Cook I furnished th » SPY + turnished the money for every thing but the framing and A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting, to be a the sheeting my son furnished that and when I am gor av and wne 4 am gone Oo I want the house sold and “Spy paid for the timber he has in it - } ] : : mi | 2er he hi I and the balance and the balance divided equal «sy ia ie lta Moet caacaieitaat dint ihiaacd ee among my 9 children I will aetich is to my wi e — — : oe aetich th ny will of 1944. is exhibited for probate in open court by Espy Cook, legatee therein named; & it is thereupon proved by the oath and examination of Espy Cook, that the said effects after her Yade by Mrs, codicill to the will was found among the valuable papers and death: And it is further proved by the oath and examination of three competent and NORTH CAROLINA credibhe witnesses, to-wit: J. H. Bailey, Vance H. ssaianininecnainaatteaait cinta cen aie tte t I ) D | ¥ T . In the Superior Sourt=-Before the Clerk H. Cook, having often IREDELL COUNTY, they are acquainted with the handwriting of the said Mrs. Jd. seen her write, and verily believe that the name of the said Mrs. J. H. Cook In the Matter of the Will of (0 ne Witt ol (Mrs and the said codicill itself, and every s) Naney Isabelle Cook, Deceased, The paper-writing here att: : g hereto attached and subscribed to the said codicil] tothe will, purporting to be the last will And it is further part thereof, is in the handwriting of the said Mrs. J. H. Cook. and testament of Nancy Isabelle Coo entioned witnesses, that the said hand- k deceas fe avhthe ; ¢ ased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Co vourt of Ired 0 ell County, proved by the evidence of the three last m North Carolina, by Espy Cook, legatee,| J. H. Cook. writing is generally known to the acquaintances of the said Mrs. - Rankin and L. F. Smith : sa : SEAL follows: n, the subscribing witnosses thereto, a8 | EB, W, Cook (SEAL) | J. H. Bailey (SEAL) Vance H, Sherrill (SEAL) there in named an ey eup n } f " t ’ d th - po vone ol LOwl ng proof the eof is t ken by the oath and . “ ca examination of C, R NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY, R, L, Rappe ASFAL) C. R. Rankin and L, F. gmat for himself depo d oe ee Sworn, depose and say, and each Ses and says, that as , at he is a Subscribing witness to the said paper- | Severally sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 30 day of writing now shown him. 5 » Purporting to be : g& @ the last will and testament of Nancy Isabelle Sept. A. D. 1950, Cook, and that he saw he an B r execute this writin } ’ erk Superior Co in the prese na Cook, a ; nee and at the request of said Nancy Isabelle » Geceased; and that at the time of NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, its execution said Nancy Isabe}le Cook was, of sound Mind and disposing memory pe OVER pehee. Oe. ee It is therefore, considered and adjudged by the odicill to the last will and testament in affiant's opinion, Court that the said C. Ry Rankin — ‘ Paper writing, and every part thereof, is ac _F, Smith ae - of Mrs. J, H. Cook, deceased, and the same with the foregoing examination and this Certificate are ordered to be recorded and filed. This the 30 day of Sept, A» D. 1950 cs G, Smith, Clerk Supendan ROCIO I HI HR HOR I i IC Meat mem Re ad | | | | Troutmans, March 7th, State of North Carolina; County of Iredell, IP. A. Barringer, of the aforesaid County and State, being of sound the uncertainty of my earthly existance, do make and declare my last will and testament; My executor hereinafter named shall give my body a decent burial Suitable of my friends d relatives and pay all funeral expences together with debts out of the first moneys that shall come into his hands from the said estate belonging to me at the time of my death, First I give and bequeath to my teloved son Horace Barringer, All the real estate and personal property that may be in my possession at the time of my jeath, And my said Son Horace Barring is to see that his mother is to be cared for and is not to suffer for any thing that she may need to make her comfortable in her life, Provided however that Should she remarry after my death then his responsibility shall cease so far as careing for her and providing for her is concerned but should she refraim from marrying again then his responsibility shall continue in regared to her welfare, during her life time, Second that should my son Horace Barringer decease with out issue or heirs of his own then the property that I have devised and bequeathed to him shall be divided between the three Churches as follows The Holy Trinity Luthern Church The Troutman Methodist Church and the Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church, To be | used by them for the purpose of €stablishing a Home for little children who have no nome or parents to look after their welfare while this property may not be sufficient) to@ect a home as specified yet it will be 4 starting fund to which the churches mentioned above may from time to time add to till a decent place may be erected for the purpose herein expressed, The above real estate was at one time listed to P, A. and C. C, Barringé} but the said C,. c, Barringer Placed a mortgage on said real estate im the ane Six Hundred Dollars, ($600.00) and the said Cc, Cc, Barringer, did not make any effort whatever to discharge this debt so I p, A. Barringer from my own labor and earnings paid the said mortgage and all taxes charged against said real estate without any helt or assistance f Cc nce from the said Cc, ¢, Barringer, Now therefore in consideration of the above I do hereby declare any claim that the said ©, C. Barringer, may make or bring against the the above Property to be null and void and n C. Cc. Ba rringer, or any of his heirs or assigns, And that I P, A. Barringer have the right to give and devise said real estate to the saidiorace Barringer and the same 48 f free from any claims tha may at this or any future time made by ©, C, Barringer or nif heirs and assigns , | for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper- | writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of P. A. tament, | Barringer, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and tes ; ! Qc I hereby constitute and appoint my jon Horace Barringer as my lawful executor to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament Same and every clause and part thereof w ecording to the true intent and meaning of the ace ~ 44& Hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by heretofore made. + In witness whereof I the said Barringer do hereunto set my hand March, 1950. PA. Barringer __(oHAL and published and declared by the said \. Barringer, to e be his last will and testament in the presence of t nia who : } c Me WiliU AY 4440 \ ; } co arh nt or ) he $% ou lames presence (and in the presence of each other) Do subscribe r names therein. F, Orren Witness, J. F. Rimmer Witness, NORTH CAROLINA n Superior Tourt- Before the Clerk. IREDELL COUNTY In the Matter of the Will of P. A. Barringer, Yeceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of P. A, Barringer, deceased, ie exhbitied before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Horace Barringer, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of J. F. Orren and J. F. Rimmer, the subscribing wit nesses | thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. and J. F. Rimmer being duly sworn, depose and say, and each i| \ J. F, Orren } H | and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said P, A. Barring ' Ceceased; and that at the time of its execution said P. A. Barringer was, in affiant pinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Js Fs Orren _ i. Fe Rimmer Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of October, 19. Ce Ge ond <tTredell Vou e uperior Cour 6 o Y y Seana ee thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Pp. 4 Barri e Mes niger j deceased, and it is ordered tha the same, with the foregoing examination and this filed, of Uctober, 1950. Os: Gs OMLED —T ao 7 a) Clerk Superior hourt Iredell County y aforesaid, being of sound mind Jill and Testament as follows: Any just debts th: _— a, 7} ; 2 ; i y just debts that I may legally owe at the time of my death shall be paid as soon as practical of the first moneys i i ; is pra out of the first moneys coming into the hands of my “Executor may be available for that purpose. Item 2, i give, devise and bequeath all the rest and remainder of my property of what- ever nature and kind and wherever Situated, equally, share and share alike, unto my | beloved husband, William 4. sample, and my three children, Albert Barron Sample, William A. Sample, Jr. and Sidney Miller vample, with the provision and on the condition that the share devised and/or bequeathed to my said husband, William A. Sample, shall, upon his death or re-marriage, be equally divided among the children then surviving, the issue of any deceased child to take the share that its parent would have taken as a class, but during his life or widowhood, he is to have one- fourth of the income from said property. Item 3, As to the property that I jointly own with my Brother, Dr. T, Grier Miller, it is my will and desire and 1 direct that my interest in the same shall not be solé, mortgaged or severed during the lifetime of my Said Brother, except with his expres® approval and consent, Item 4, I hereb a y constitute ami appoint my husband, William A, Sample, as Executor of this my last Will and Testament, to execute the same and every part thereof, according to its true intent am meaning . I do hereby authorize and empower my said Executor to sell at private sale for cash or upon terms, any said EX } personal, that is necessary to be sold in order to settle my estate and 1 or sales, to make all necessary deeds, transfers and conveyances sale, transfer title absolutely and in fee simple, subject only to the restricion in Paragraph Three of this will. i gray IN WITNESS WHEREUF, I, the said Mary }.iller a hand and seal, this the 18th dy of August, 1942. Signed, sealed, published and declared Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at her reouest be her last presence and in the presence of each other, do hereto subscribe our names witnesses. athryn R,. Morrison John A, Scott 1 ar sneer r* NORTH CAR‘ LINA IREDELL COUNTY. In the Matter of the Will of Mary Miller Sample, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purpotting to be the last will and testament of Mary Miller Sample deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by William A, Sample, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of John A. Scott and Kathryn R. Morrison, the subscribing witnessep i thereto, as follows: i] ORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. | Kathryn R. Morrison and John A. Scott being duly avers depose and say, | And each for himself and herself deposes and says, that she is a subscribing witness to} the Said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of 4ry Miller Sample, and that she and he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament , and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said ‘ary Miller Sample, deceased; and in the presence of each other and that at the time pf its execution said Mary Miller Sample was, in affiant's opinion of sound mind and Mi sposing memory, As Sample Kathryn Re Morrison Xecutor John A, Scott severally subscribed and sworm to before hi g i f oper 5 Y Tore me ’ this 23rd day ort Oc t 10« tober sa 950, GS. G, Smith Jlerk Superior Yourt Iredell County i +hanannan 4 is ef onsidered } f And thereupon it is considered by the Court that id everv > haran‘ tot ? : wr ) 4 Nw - + th ; ‘ A L \ ae: > C f ii and teétament of ume, with the foregoing the aforesaid C | une aloresaid County and State, being of sound mind and memory, and realizing t} i : | vGiiding tne uncertainty of my earthly existence, ado make and declare this PI i e this to be my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all Wills and te n y v - ‘ - + ic y ’ dt J 3 star entar 11s OSitions nereto re ide m [ ) d 2 b e, i3i O09 H ITEM I After the payme al ; payment of all my just debts by my Executor hereinafter named, 1 will, devise and be ath ; queath all of my property of every kind and description to my beloved husband, George F. Eagle to be his in f 4 ee Simple absolutely and forever. item II I hereby nominat 5 manave, constitute and ar - = ppoint my belo Ss : Kagle as Executor of this my |] Wi ‘ si —— ee 2 my Last Will and Testament with full power of sale of any Or all my pro E Y property as such Executor, as to him may be necessary and best and,t0 execute all instrument i n in writing conveying the same in exactly the same manner that I could do if living IN WITNESS WHEREOF : EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal to this my Last wa and Testament, this the 8th day of August, 1949 o Kittie W; Eagle (SEAL) Kittie W, Tact . Signed, sealed, published, anddeclared by be her last Will and Testament in our presence, who at her request and nresence, and each other, do subscribe our names of the Will of ++ any The paper-writing hereto attacné ar ‘ 5 + 7 as ace testament < r stile « sagie aeceasé vlerk of th uperi Jourt oi Iredell County, executor therein named, and thereupon / ith and examination of (Miss) Willard ng witnesses thereto, as follows: . , Trey ta So dod YUUNIL « (Miss) Willard Sharpe and oats Pe 4 ? dennases ar r thé he is each for himselil deposes ana says, that ne 2 the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be — of Kittie W. Eagle, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Kittie W. Eagle, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said Kittie W. Eagle was, in affiant's opinion, ¢ sound mind am disposing memory. ) Willard Sharpe Pless B, Canter Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31 day of October,1950. C. Ge Smith Tlerk Superior court Iredell County. adjudged by the Court that the said t of Kittie W. “agle) And thereupon it is considered and paper-writing and every “part thereof is the last wijl and testamen deceased, and it is ordered thet the same, with the foregoing examination and this Cekificate, be recorded and filed. This 31 day of October, 1950. C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. se se se ae ae ae spent ae ae ae mea sea she ae she MME ME MFC ae ae BY 2) 8 6 wheate she ae me je shee abe aie ae ae afc he All the rest and remainde: 7 : areast r acauired 7 now owneu - tion ealrt L CaulLi Ug ot atoresai hoine 2 oi oie Ae Yd & a VC n 7. . : i? be TT m se i i 1 Sata, deing ol sound ning Frances Scott McElwee, I TRUST, nevertiiel fe - LaSU a an< ; ame , : i) “ 2s AM I05UEN6nt in purposes, viz: / + vu body a suitable hristian Ovner jus. cebts, as soon iat snall come into her and Inheritance Taxes shall becone I —ayable upon or roperty passing under this will, or any insurance on ay cretion may hospitalization nic ashe ive and bequeath to 4 wi he rizht to make any Kind of for her taithful ; ny aa institution attention ana to pay theree be required out of income or principal, or both, to pro- hn's support, care, hospitalization and attention during the balance equeath the sum of Five Hundred . nat This provision is made in view of John's physical disability. Vile reciation 1or ner Long ana faithful (3). At the death of John Ae Scott, Ul ees the trust shall be Closed and the said Trustee shall set apart Ten thousand Dollars (10,000.00) or one-half of the remainder of the trust property, whichever sum is the smallest, and Margaret, who survive me, I give | and with it create and establish a suitable memorial to my son, Lieutenant | Dollars as a remembrance. idgar Everitt Scott, who was killed in action at Meiktile, Burma, during World War II, with full power and authority to determine, set up and prescribe all ! ' ' ith mea > : » th 1a a oO sae ithe terms and conditions relative thereto, as well as the objects and purposes jthereof, he Ve +} ‘ : : ’ « - . 1 vequeath unto my wife, anne Bell Scott, if she survives » all the weet Av ac ce . : : Test o1 my property, of whatever nature and kind, real, personal or mixed, and wher aie y ane wherever situated, and whether acquired before or after the (4). All the rest and remainder of the trust property I give, execution of this will, to be } | ViLL§ Oo be h > r > ot 4 + & : 1 5 . . ; . ’ © hers absolutely and in fee simple. devise and bequeath unto my daughter, Frances Scott Mcilwee, to be ners Item 6, /*dsolutely, ¥ In the e ent ‘ . Bg : . vent that my wife, Anne Bell Scott, shall predecease me, oF if | Item 7. the event of the death of my wie ; ; * my wife end myself in e common catastrophe, or under I hereby constitute and appoint my wife, Anne Bell Scott, ana in case such circumstances that it 1) 544 h ~ *¥ Cannot be readily determined which of us died first, sie predeceases me or is incapacitated from acting 4s such, then my daughter, then and in that event, I ive devise and t . personal, frances g ; . 4 ; see Sha bequeath my property, real ana pe 8 Scott McElwee, as uxecutrix-of this my last Will ana lestament, to executce subject to Paragraphs Two. Thre d f I we hree : a he sane, nd every part thereof, according to its true tent and meaning, “na four, as follows; (a), My Nurel' ynerenna?) on ; : vy msesonal effects, including wearing apparel, jewelry, Aeredy revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. I authorize end empower luggage and other persgor 4 t 36 ner | 1al items, to my deuent ' : hy et my » vo my deughter, lirs. Frances Scout Moblwee, @ S€id Executrix to compromise and settle claims in favor of or again my son, John A. Scott, Jr., to be 6s ’ divided as they bate; to renew or extend any obligations on which 4 shall be bound for see fit. Sorroweg money; to sell, lease, convey, transfer, redeem and exchange any real * Personal property of which 1 nfhy die seized or possessed, or to widen 1s Whusdiu Gaiy COulvy Ofusl,au guch b dude wd snag the n it is consid eee ae ) \ emake’ " n hereupon upon such terms 3 in her sole ciscretion shall seen mae And & x “sl TOSt ade Bs ‘ every part sliver any instrument of conveyance or proceedings in relation ption and exchange as may ~n her nave hereunto (Suan) said John , CC 5 AE A IR 8 A CK IS IK OK a IK I IK CK KOK 28 ICR aK aR RK ap aK aC aK mer 7 7 ’ ne 4 TA - + asViniil (4M Vdd ide LN edd ded Ue ounlon CUA y . ryRTTT . IREDELL wVUsL dL Delis stl dere ecott, Jeceased, n sne paperewriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last neraving S > vy 1 R eatamea a bh . Ag an ‘ a | will and testament of John 4. scott deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned say all funeral exper Clark t' the tinerinan ouT nf? Tx i ed ‘i n 14 ns . 1 viOrk Of the Superior Court of Irede}} County, North Carolina, by Mrs. Anne Bell oe ie a hich may come into Bcott, the Executrixz herein named and nereupon the following proof thereof is I give and bequea taken by the oath a: xamina n { Collier and Mrs. Lucille B. Gaither, the a eee e said property ' personal property that I now own, or- may own at the time of my death, said pro ; subscribing witnesses to consist of household and kitchen furniture, and every kind of personal property North Carolina, Iredel] County. ian ; whatsoever that I may own, to be his forever. RK. A. Collier and lirs, Bucille B, valther being dul; Sworn, depose anu say, and : ; 1 ) ‘ ‘ ! mr : ) my Cd wey: 7 | IRD: I give and devise to my son, A. U. Holco 1b, La OF my rea each for himself deposes and says, thet he (she) ig a subscribing witness to the include the home ” i ate Do . . ~n“Aeaae ‘ he same t neluce ne no ee ial ’ t | State, of which I may die seized and possessed, the same to in sca aperewriting now shown him (her) purporting to be the last will and testamen i that I me own : . ; 7 3 and farm where I now live, and all other lands and real estate tnat may Ow ’ of John A. Scott, and that he (she) saw him execute this writing as his last will bj : An oy a si ‘or ; a | to him, the said A. C, Holcomb, in fee simple forever, an euoment’, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of ‘ i C. Holcomb , FOURTH: I hereby constitute and appoint my beloved son, A. ©, Holcomb, Aa . 2 . ‘ . r said John A, Scott deo asec; and that at the time of its execution said John A- te thi y last will and 2 ‘we "WY lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will « Scott was, in affiantts Opinion, of sound mind ana disposing memory. same, and er art and ‘ootament, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and every p ; 9 Sh, A. Collier —_ :; S Anne Bell Scott —= Clause thereof, hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and ~~ Exeoutrix Mrs, Lucille » Gaitnér testament nents in by me heretofore made, severally subscribed anda Sworn to before me, this 8th day of November, 1959 In Witness Whreof, I, the said J, H, Holcomb, do hereunto set my hand C. G,. Smith Clerk Superior Court tredel. oomy and seal, this the 18 day of December, 1947. TAT J. H. Holcomb (SEAL ¥ ot ah oa ft ! ovember, peperewriting and Holcomb, deceased is certit ana ereur on every ; 1TnG 4 u i, rt { rde red thereof recorded ind of st ‘ed will he same, with the foregoing examination oe Oe omith en vLerk Superior [redell County. Tourt ‘ourt that the said by the and testament of J. He de G Smith Heat Sapttrer toure OF | Iredell County. to “*& my nd be urdock ‘ . F use receivine rent from sic the remainder of her natural own As truck nd garden plot sing t farm lif Township, i¢ 7» ry Ida Young the avy and for her convenience e eastern end of my com! , > tate ,ollins yhurch 64 acre ined for Now and en lot ara ounr and instead of her life. ind g inder Tan ¥ ary ve } wnl@ rema luring ! UNE Vv 1erefore } ‘ aaa wAlVU ow to nd testament Yan) , -00Ke lash thi wil} execute at Q 2 . + + “ . Avt Sted 1t in the vresence it the request ol at the time of its execution uid Mrs. and “7 'g y Opinion, of sound mind and disposing memor + ’ 1 : . » John A. Scott the other subscribing witness to § a tness in the presence of affimt, and that affiant that an co nat said John A, Scott is now dead, Subscribed Gay of ‘4 Gy ‘tert 3 bed and sworn to before me,this 11th November, 1950, vinith : ree uperla@ Court of lredell county and testament, and that llie Cooke rs. wa ie Cooke Nash, Affiant further swears will, signed the same as aid ; , oa e saw him sign the same, anda te Blankenship Hess AS N oe vi e na a i om oi s lliam T. 2 * Warlick, Loui se vw ¥ arlick, wife of ($1,000.00); to Mar nl Sul the ive, devise and bequeath uhto E x "d e c i Ge a n t ca s t e “i Ss ) Ga e e : | ae e * e on under the 4 i001 “- : : ae ad ee 2 . = ro y a e [ C b l t o S a a d a e E > ) a s e | a e s , ne ! Sa n e a ( e a e | | ' t SB | a | i ~ f ‘ x f [ Tt et e | Pe ‘* 2 i f = s i BS e- ES riting icquainted with attached paperwriting, often seen him write, said will is in the azenby 4th day of December, 1950. Ge Smith lerk oupe rior Court { ai R. }i. Lazenby = i a Holland T, 5. Coffey Severally sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 4 day of December C, G. Smith Clerk Superior Court NORTH VAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY.-- In the Superia Court-Before the Clerk [It is therefore, considered and adjudged by the Court that the said Paper writing, and every part thereof, is a codicil to the last will and testament of ' Ve ‘+ Lontgomery, deceased, and the same with the foregoing examination and this le ‘ )*Ttificate, are ordered to be recorded and filed. This dz 5 A.D... 1950-6 Ce J, Smith ‘ataeiasaiaaitiadiils ‘his the 4 day of December, ; <= Superior Court ale ate nfe ae nge ate afc afc afe ae ae ae ae we aie aie No. 3477 LL I, C. B. Myers, of Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina, declare this to be my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills, Codicils, and Testamentary Dispositions made by me, and establish this as my last Will ang Testament. ITEM 1, devise and bequeath to my brother, Frank Myers, in fee Simple, the following described real estate: Situate and being in Alexander County, North Carolina, just outside the City limits of Taylorsville, in the forks of the Lenor and Wilkesboro Roads, and upon which there is now a service station. ITEM 2, I give and bequeath to the following sisters and brothers the following sums: To Mrs, Flake Holland, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), To Mrs. Ted Dowell, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). To Mrs. P. V, Turner, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars fee's ° To urs. Etta Weisner, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), To m, H, Myers, the sum of One Thousand Dollars Hoes cet: To Frank Myers, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). ITEM 3. I give and bequeath to my nephew, Ova Dean Norman, and my niee, urs. Frank Stafford, the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) each, ITs. 4. I give and bequeath to Mary Etta Keaton, who has been our cook, the sum of Une Hundred Dollars ($100.00), ITEM 5. I give and bequeath to the First Baptist Church, of Statesville, North Carolina, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). ITkm 6, I give and bequeath to Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, North Garolina, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). ITEM 7, All of the rest and residue of my property, both regl and personal, of whatever kind and wherever situate, I give, devise, and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth Austin Myers, ih fee simple, ITEM 8, I hweby constitute and appoint my beloved wife, Llizabeth Austin Myers, to be Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, and I direct thatshe shall not be required to give bond in such capacity, I give uy Executrix full power and authority to sell real and personal estate by public auction oF private sale, without an Order of Court, and to convey the same by such deeds and a@her instruments of Conveyance as may be necessary to transfer the legal title thereto, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, to this #7 last Will and Testament, contained in and written upon Two (2) sheets of papers upon the margin of each of which I have subscribed my name, this the 14th aw of February, 1939. 0. 3. eyes (SEAL) ‘ ! | PAP*rwriting and every part thereof is the last will and testament of ©, B. Myers, ———— = Signed, Published,and Declared by C. B. Myers to be his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto, Haseltine 1, Nicholson (WITNESS) TT W. B. Carlton (WITNESS) Sa s pe e na = er t ag Se n i Le e d e r ; RO , Ag e n a ie to r ty NORTH CAROLINA feat Cen as IN THE SUPERIM CUURT-Before the Clerk IREDELL COUNTY. ie At e Ki o AE G Be ie ot Ri g g SK at t In the Matter of the Will of C. B. Myers, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of C, B. Myers, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Elizabeth Austin Myers, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Haseltine M, Nicholson and W. B. Carlton, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL CUUNTY. Haseltine &, Nicholson and W. B. Carlton being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of C,. B, “yers, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said C. B. Myers deceased; and that at the time of its execution said C. B. myers was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Haseltine M, Nicholson W, B, Carlton Will exhibited by: Elizabeth Austin Myers Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12 day of December,1950. Ge Ge. Suith | erk Superior Court lredell County. } | | And thereupon it is considered and aijudged by the Court that the said deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination ani this +4 3 Smith e@rk Superior Court of Iredell County. (Certificate, be recorded and filed, This 12 day of December, 1950, JOC ROlOIOi IO a Iai lai aia ai ioioioiai aiaiaiaiaiioioioiciaicgoiaiai tak toraiakig i iapaaiarageregg LAST WILL UF GRACE C. ANDERSON Nov. 10, 1949. In this my last will, I give, bequeath and devise to my Sister, Ina MacCa)} Anderson, in complete and perfect donerships, all my rights and property mixed ang real wherever situated, appointing her executrix of my estate without bond and give her seizin thereof, with exception of certain bequests hereinafer stated, miss Toby Turner(of North Wilkesboro is to be given $1000.00 at my death from sale of lot next mitchell College on Cherry Street and $5000.00 at my sister's death. If Miss Turner's death occurs before my sister's death, the $5000.00 reverts to my estate. To mrs, Celeste Hall $500.00 at my death from sale of lot next Mitchell Jollege on Cherry Street. In case of mrs. Hall's death before my sister's, 3500.00 reverts to my estate. To my brother, Alan R. Anderson (249 W. Merrick Road, Freeport, L. I., New York) is to be given $4000.00 at my Sister's death and any of my books my sister does not care for, mrs. Alan R. Anderson is to be given $1000.00. Vavis Hospital is willed fifty (50) Shares, Beaunit Mills, Inc; 450, 7th Avenue, New York, 1, N. Y, One thousand dollars is to be put in bank to accrue interest for per- petual upkeep of family plot at Oakwood Cemetery. If City has no perpetual upkeep five years after my, or my sister's death, the sum is to be added to Methodist : Church. : I wish that sum of money to be taken from my estate to purchase marble markers, like those on lot now, for myself and any other members of my family to be buried there, After my sister's death, the remainder of my property, is to be divided as gifts to Oakwood vemetery, Broad Street Methodist Church Yard (corner Mulberry and Broad Streets) and Grace Park, The first two gifts are in honor of my sister, mother and father- so state on grounds, Engage only noted architects to carry out above bequests, probably northern, The Oakwood Memorial is to be built at top- of -hill entrance from Broad Street, use Classic Style, not Modernistic, The C hurch yard gift is withdrawn and added to Grace Park, ié a play- ground or any like feature is on the gounds. the entire lot is to be made beaut for all the townspeople- also the Church is obligated for upkeep of grounds for time, There must be no® playground at Grace Park- a landscaped park for beauty and quiet recreation is the purpose of the gift- if this limitation is not meet, toe sum is to go to Church Yard. This giftg obligates the City to keep up grounds~ if city does not accept upkeep, money goes to church yard. The above plasds will have the following board: The Broad Street Methodist Church Minister, Mr. Flake Sherrill and Mr, Preston Steele, each members of Board is to receive $500 at completion of pladbs. If all my real estate has not been sold at my sister's death, I ask above Board to get the best price possible and proceed work At this date, September 15, 1950, my property consists of 201 Stone Building, corner Broad & Meeting streets 50 shares, Beaunit Mills, Inc. Cash on check, Peoples Bank $1,000.00 Merchant and Farmers Bank 1,500.00 Home Building and Loan 1/2 interest in home place, 528 Walnut St. 1/2 interest heirloom silver ladle, Roples Bank personal possessions at 528 Walnut and 1/2 ownership of remainder, NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, IREDELL COUNTY Before the Clerk. A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting to be the last will and testament of (Miss) Grace ©. Anderson, deceased, is exhibited for probate in open Court by (Miss) Ina Anderson, the executor therein named; and it is there- upon proved by the oath and examination of Miss Ina Anderson, that the said will was found among the valuable papers and effects, (lodged in the hand of for safe keeping) after his death: And it is further proved by the oath and examination of three competent and credible witnesses, to-wit: John R. McLaughlin John T, Gillespie and R. M, Lazenby, that they are acquainted with the handwriting of the said Grace C, Anderson, having often seen him write, and verily belige that the name of the said Grace ¥. Anderson subscribed to the said will, am the said will, itself, and every part thereof, is in the handwriting of the said Grace C, ‘nderson And it is further proved by the evidence of the three last mentioned witnesses, that the said haniwriting is generally know to the acquaintances of the Said Grace ¢, Anderson, Ina M, Anderson (SEAL } John T, Gillespie ___(SEAL) LL Ss Severally sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 9 day of December ’ A. De, 1950. C. G. Smith Clerk Superfor Court NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, IREDELL COUNTY. Before the Clerk, It is therefore, considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper writing, and every part thereof, is the last will and testament of Grace C, inderson, deceased, and the same with the foregoing examination and this certificate are ordered to be recorded amd filed. This the 9 day of December, A. D., 1950. C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Vourt NS 3c ax de aie ai aie afc sic afc afc ate akc NY. 3479 NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY I, John S, Waldron, of the County of Iredell ani State of North Carolina, ~~, See revoke all former wills made by me, and do hereby make, publish, and leclare this my last will and testament in the manner and form as follows: ITEM 1, I direct my executors hereinafter named to pay all of my just debts, funeral expenses, and cost of administration, and to erect at my grave such monument as they may deem proper, ITEM II. I will and bequeath to my daughter, Margaret Waldron Crawford, the sum of $5,000.00, ITEM III. I will and bequeath to my daughter, Jacqueline A, Waldron, the sum of $5,000.00. ITEM IV. All the rest and residue of my estate, meaning thereby, all of | my property of every sort, kind and description, both real and personal which remains after all debts and cost of administration have been paid and the bequests in Item II and Item III have been Complied with, I will, devise and bequeath unto my wife, Gertrude A, Waldron absolutely time of my death, the time and in fee simple if she be living at the In the event of my wife, Gertrude A, Waldron be not living at f of my death, I will, devise and bequeath all property covered by this item of my will to my daughters, Margaret Waldron Crawford and Jacqueline A. waldrod in eoual Shares in fee Simple, the child or children of any child of mine who is then deceased to take the part their parent would have taken if living. ITEM V. I hereby provide and declare that all the estate inheritance taxes which are charged or assessed by either the United States or the State of North Carolin upon any legatee or devisee taking under this will shall be paid by my executors out of the general funds of my estate and shall not be charged to or paid by any legatee or devisee. ITEM VI. In the event my daughter, Jacqueline A, Valdron, is under the age of twenty-one years at the time she becomes entitled to any bequest or devise under this will, I hereby constitute and appoint Margaret Waldron Crawford to be guardian for Jacquline A. Waldron, to receive any property to which Jacqueline A. Waldron may be entitled and to manage same according to the laws of North Carolina. ITEM VII. I hereby constitute and appoint my wife, Gertrude A. Waldron, executrix and my son-in-law, Thomas J. Crawford, Jr., executor of this my last will and testament, hereby giving and granting to the said Executors full power and authority to sell any property,. at public or private sale and upon such terms as in their discretion they deem for the best interest for my estate, and to do any other act, which in their opinion is for thebest interest of my estate. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said John S. Waldron have hereunto set my nand and seal this the 18th day of May, 1949. J. 3S. Waldron Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said John S. Waldron to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other do hereto set our hands as witnesses, Elmer Todebush Ronald T, Cowan NORTH CAROLINA : ce ho IN THE SUPERIOR COURT- BEFORE THE CLERK IREDELL COUNTY. In the Matter of the Will of John S. Waldron, Deceased, The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of John S, Waldron, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Gertrude A, Waldron and Thomas J. Crawford, Jr., the executors therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Elmer Todebush and Ronald 7, 5S ON IR , SS SS Bo i s _ SS E sa s eo n s Cowan, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. PN ae eT Ee a ET Elmer Todebush and Ronald T, Cowan being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of John S, Waldron, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said John S. Waldron, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said John S, Waldron was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Ronald T, Ccwan Elmer Todebush Gertrude A, Waldron severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13 day of December, 1954, { C, G, Smith + Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of John 5S. Waldron, deceased, and it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examination | and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 13 day of December, 1950, C, G, Smith _ Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. TEE A I TE He Mee He Me He ae ee see ae ae ee eae ae a a ae ae eae ae ate ae x 4 | { { 4 " i | "ay seem best to her, and to convey full title to the same; and I direct that no LAST WILL AND TESTAENT I, Russeall Brown Patterson, of the Town of Statesville, County of Iredell and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making qull and void all former Wills by me heretofore made. First- Wy Will is that all my just debts and fureral expenses including sost of tombstone shall be paid out of my Estate, as soon after my decease as shall be found convenient. Second=- I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved daughter, Jeanne (Beth) Patterson, by my first marriage, my Army commissions, consisting of those of Second, and First Lieutenant, Captain of the Regular United States Army, and Major én the National Army held during the World War; one of my sabers used by me in my Army duties; and also such photographs or family portriats as she shall elect tot ake from those left at the time of my death (For the information of my Executrix, and of those interested in my estate, including my daughter, Jeanne (Beth) Patterson, I am not making further provision in my will for her, Jeanne (Beth) Ratterson, I--em-not-miking—further previeiont liy Will -for-her;—deentte—tBeth} Patterson, as I have already amply provided for her with life insurance. / Third.-- All the rest and remainder of my property, both real and personal, that I may now own, or hereafter acquire, I devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Katherine Kincaid Patterson, to be hers absolutely. Fourth-- In the event that my said wife, Satherine Kincaid Patterson, Shall not survie me, then I give, devise, and bequeath all the remainder of my pro- perty, both real and personal, that I may now own, or hereafter acquire, to my children, Kincaid Patterson and Walter Brown Patterson, II, share and share alike, to be theirs absolutely. Fifth: It is my desire that my body be buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, and that my Executrix cause to be erected at my grave a modest monument or tombstone to be selected by near relatives, Sixth-- I hereby appoint my wife, Katherine Kincaid Patterson, to be the | Executrix of my will, with full power to sell real estate publicly or privately, as bond shall be required of her, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF) I have set my hand to this, my LAST WILL AND TESTA a at Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, this 25th day of Uctober in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and thirty-seven. Russell Brown Patterson foregoing instrument was signed at the end thereof by the saig russell Brown Patterson in our presence and we heard him acknowledge the same as nis Last Will and Testament, and at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, we hereunto respectively subscribe our names as attesting witnesses, at Fort Hayes,Columbus, Ohio, this 25th day of October, 1937, Nm. P,. Morse, iwtaj. Inf. U.S. A. resides at C/o Adj Gen. of the Army ‘urray !. tiontgomery, Wajor F, A. resides at C/o Ajd. Gen of the Army T Stevenson, Jd resides at C/o Ajd Gen. the Army. % a Ony +e vapt NORTH CAROLINA, in the Superior Court, IREDELL CUUNTY. Before the Clerk A paper-writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Russell Browvm Patterson, of Statesville, N, V., deceased, bearing date of the 25th day of October, 1937, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Katherine Kincaid Patterson, the Executor therein named, and it appearing that the subscribing witnesses thereto are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, the deceased Russell Brown Patterson, being a member of the Armed Forces of the Uhited States at the date of the making of said will ard also at the time of his death: And it being proven, under the authority of G.S. Section 31-26; by the oath and examination of three Competent and credible witnesses, to-wit: R. A. Collier, L. L. Green am Catherine N. Miller that they and each of them are well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Russell Brown Patterson, having often | seen him write, and verily believe that the name of said Russell Brown Patterson subscribed to said will is the genuine handwriting of the said Russell Brown Patterson, Katharine Kincaid Patterson(SBAL) _(SBAL) _ (SEAL) (SEAL) R, A. Collier L. L, Green Catherine N, Miller Severally sworn to and Subscribed before me, this the 20th day of December, A, D., 1950, “4 a Smith vLerk Superior Court IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY, BEFORE THE CLERK writing, cod every pane cen aeiseres and ad judgeq ‘y the Court that the said papert Patterson, deceased, ani the S the last will and testament of Russell Brow evcat? Same with the foregoing examination and this cert © be recorded and filed, ede Sate oat “Clerk Superior 40 is the 20th d ay of December, A, D, 1950, ea rr Te No. 3462 NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. I, Joseph F, Yuncan, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament: 1. I will that all my just debts be paid out of the first money belonging to my estate coming into the hands of my executrix hereinafter named. 2. Iwill, devise and bequeath all my property of whatsoever kind and description and wheresoever situated to my wife, Allie B. Duncan, to belong to her absolutely and forever. 3. I hereby constitute and appoint my said wife, Allie B. Dunean, executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof, 1, the said Joseph F, Duncan, do hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 16th day of July, 1943. Joseph F, Duncan (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published anddeclared by the said Joseph F. Duncan to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence and in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. H. &, Lewis Ethel Harbin STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY A paper writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Joseph *, Duncan, decegsed, is exhibited for probate in open court by Mrs. Allie B. Duncan, the executrix therein named; and it is thereupon proved by the oath and examination | of John T. Gillespie that H. E. Lewis, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto is | dead, and it is also proved by the oath and examination of Billy W. Parlier that Wis. Ethel Harbin the other subscribing witness thereto is also dead, And it is | further proved by ‘the oath and examination of the said John T, Gillespie that he |18 well acquainted with the handwriting of the said H. E, Lewis having often seen him write, and that the name of the said H. E. Lewis subscribed as a witness to the said will, is in the handwriting of the said H, E. Lewis and it is also proved by the oath and examination of the said Billy W. Parlier that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Mrs, Ethel Harbin, having often seen her wrie and that the name of the said Mrs, Ethel Harbin subscribed as a witness to the said “ill, 18 in the handwriting of the said Mrs, Sthel Harbin, PR te n e r RE rs oe Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20 day of Dec. 1950 : NORTH CAROLINA . v In the Superior Court- Before the Clerk. C, G. Smith i wart XASTIN'T o Rik OUNTY. Clerk Superior Court ; IREDELL ¥ Iredell County. ’ tn the Matter of the Will of Florence White Knox, deceased. Z. on } i si i t he . . abt 4 t is therefore considered by the court that the said paperwriting, and The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will ‘ 1 é “ ac! 4 “po g t > la W an every part thereof, is the last will and testament of the said Joseph F, Duncan and g : . . * testament of “lorence White Knox, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk the same is ordered to be recorded and filed. of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Mary H. Peterson, the This 20 day of December, 1950, executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the Cc oath and examination of B. ©. Howard and John H. Cornell, the subscribing witnesses G. Smith E = e ‘ ore vuperior Court thereto, as follows: redell County NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. B. C. Howard and John H. Cornell, being duly sworn, depose am say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Florence White Knox, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the recuest of said North Carolina Iredell County. Florence White Knox, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said Florence I Florence White Knox, of the aforesaid County and State, being ot sound White Knox, was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind md disposing memory. mir but cons der n the ice ta f y x ten do max and declare this my Pe) Ve nowar G a St Ww a d tes amer ; . el l o il : ani t it John le Corn 11 First Item: V xec! ' t Item: “y executor hereafter named, shall give my body a burial suitable to m Nativnes 9% ' Several subse d and sworn to before me, this 24th day of Jany, 1951 y reiatives: Place a marker to my grave and to pay all expences together oe ee ’ ' sy ; with all my just debt > 4y gs C, G, Smith ” ev vs 0 f Qn c rr r hve 1 . , ut of the first money that comes into his hands out of Estates Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. Second Item: I give and bequeath to my husband £, i, Knox, one bed con- And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said sisting of bed & spring mattress 2 pillows 2 sheets 4 quilts paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Florence hi ¢ h4@ . 8 death to his children a track of land in Chambersburg Township North Carolina and this certificate, be recorded and filed. Iredell C ; ae ounty adjoining the lands of W. H. Moore Isadore Heaggins Howard Toggat, containi é | ng 91 acres more or less and known as the Frank White land, I also bequeath wae Raum ay’ et nnaey | 299. ’ to the above heir m T | ieir mention in Item Third all of my personal property of what soever $y Goma oat ot er uper or Court o nature I own at my death, | | Iredell County. Item Forth: h I hereby constitute and appoint my trusted friend Mary H. etterson my lawful exec Cutor to all intents and purpose to execute this my last Re lag ge etek eae ea a Reale ea ame ae ae ae ee ah ae eae Ree ee ee eo will and test estamemt, acording to the true intent and meaning of the same and e very art and claus ) ause thereof, hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaients by me heretofore made, In wit . ness whereof, I the said Florence Whit Knox do hereunto set my hand and seal, this 30 day of October 1948 Florence White Knox (SEAL) Signed » Sealed, published and declared by the said Florence White Knox 6° be her last will and testement in the presence of us, who at her request and in her presence ( and in ; the presence of each other) do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, Witnesses B. C. Howard John H Cornell ee I, Thomas 0, Harwell, of the aforesaid County and State, being of Sound but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament: trix hereinafter names shall give my body a decent urial, suit- le the wishes of wy friends and relatives, and pay all funeral expenses together with all wy just debts out of the first money that shall come into her 1ands belonging to my estate. Ii. I give, bequeath and devise to my wife Rachel Lee Harwell, all of the property, of which I may die possessed either real or personal, to use during her natural life, specifically requesting my executrix to see that wy wife Rachel Lee Harwell has the best of care during her life. Lome Should I out live my wife, then it is my desire that my four children, Ralph G. Harwell, irs. Henry “orrison, Dorothy Harwell and Mrs. Horace Overcash, Shall receive equal shares of my property, that they meet on the farm and peacably divide the same and also divide what personal property that I may have, share and Share alike. IV. I hereby constitute and appoint wy daughter Mrs. Henry Morrison, my law | ful executrix, to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will and | ; testament, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, hreby revoking at) deciaring utterly void all other wills by me heretofore made, it is my desire that my daughter shall serve as my executrix without bond, In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 19 day of March 1947, Thomas 0, Harwell (SEAL) “tgned, sealed, published and declared by the said Thomas 0. Harwell, to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence andin the presence of each other do subscribe our names a8 witnesses thereto, Witness Madbeie J. S. Nesbit “ooresville, N, C, S. A. Lytle ” Mooresville, N.C ; Carolina ' : ; dies North the ouperior Court- Before the Clerk. Iredell County. n the Matter of the Will of Thomas 0, Harwell, Deceased, os ~~ oS The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and 4 testament of Thomas O. Harwell, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of +redell County, North varolina, Henry Morrison, the of Super executrix therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the Cc oath and examination of J. S. Nesbit and f tle, the subscribing witnesses as follows: (TH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. J. S. Nesbit and 5. A. Lytle being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, he is a subscribing witness to the said paper- af Giaa writing now shown him, purpofting to be the last will and testament of Thoma Harwell and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Thomas 0. Harwell } » 2 “ . es . 1, ao f Se “we ome Sn Jeceased; and that at the time of its execution said Thomas 0. Harwell was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Nesbit Lytle Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5 uay of January, 1951. C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Thomas 0. “arwell, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 5 day of January, 1951. C. G. Smith Clerk ouperior court of Iredell County. ee Re he ae i ae eae a a My MN Mea a ee Mae Re ne ae ie Mae ae ae Rea eae ee Me , on e, a. Sa neal each of the granddaughters one of my glass dishes for a keepsake. Give eé - > ive each one of the grandsons one of the little Rosebud plats. Giv aci U) & equest of mine, i 4 ( ®» a piece t the Nivide the centerpieces and spreads- give each one a piece to é Mrs. Je Alex, Barkley, January 1940. 7 - Jet + % . ne L@vU sees ; Kethleen, the oblong, Helen gets —) Ruby gets round one; sethleen, . ? ea t s a ee Hugh is to have buffet, little square pine table, one little c¢ Cnair 0 ier others as tney like. Straigh chair, the little paper trunk Hugh gave Daddie, the Dog Head gun power ‘a hin a want, quilts, sheets, then rtle, you are to have what things that you ; > charger, ik I. SI R tit i ee to ia ah ; ) > each boy, hugh d give | rw some of the quilts; if you have enough, give one to I y; ; and give Mihu : 1ave wash stand, one little chair, one straight Chair, the —— ~s 4 ta e XS a Pr Joe, Ray, Minor, hey, Roger. one rocking chair. se s s oe ‘i t t y rm oi e , Do n o r s <e rE Te . — ae s = ‘ ‘ - e+ } ia a the mettle waste box vhnhayv sne gZave me. sorer ~~ ave ro { r " strai rht anhat =?) ” g . CO - round tab e, on wvid El Cnaly e a Es a ee Sa y s Mrs. Watts is to have the big fruit dish she gave me, + vo nave the square oak table, one rocker, one Straight chair, the Re e n a as e , a as t a . : . | » 7 } > ld vou. liyrtle and Helen is to divide the things 1 have to you picture chest and little rifle. 36 ) RE re e SH E N hi ; 7 r >t} Put up the other things and sell them to t he have one little rocker. ark wh Daddy and H Dollars to put a marker to where Daddy land. Take out Hundred Dollars to | ee e ave the old secretary, the old Horn, Grandpa and Grandma * j art it be much or layed away, then put the balance on my last expenses, let it aay c “J 9 v= jarkley's picture, one Straight chair, the waste basket in the front room that . [ may think of something more. he made, lk The black flower pots are Minor's. tif | | | : , i - Karl, the little cedar chest “yrtie is to have Daddy's bedstead, agresser, little center table, feather> Phil is to have Daddy's shaving cup; Karl, the little : | | | ; iol) } Hugh } in his hand when Dr bed and mattress, Grandmother Sharpets picture, Grandma! hooper's little scissors, Se il tae dae i ool med a oie es a Bk Grandma Sharpe's scissors, the big pillows on best bed, my big mettle trunk, the af Ad Mi ¢ aa set of dishes- Martha Wag ; Adams dressed his finger whenit was cut off. hington, the old counterpanes-Dad's and mine, the red Star quilt Crandma Hooper pieced, x4 t fifty-cent i Look in the little lunch box and find money. Give George the y The living room suit is Myrtle's, now mine; Divi c among the other children as keepsakes. She is to have all that £0es with it, Wash bowl and pitcher and soap dish. My pierce made in 1860. Divide the other out among ee daddy's little writing chest-take good care, Grandfather Sharpe's, Now, be sure Minor gets the graphophone; 4 Minor is to have my little reading table, my little rocker, one straight | Give each one something. me Chair, and the mantle set in the dining room, the set of cut glasses, green , Russell is to have Daddy's rocking chair. pitcher, the pillow on my cot, ; & lse and put ad. You can sell everytning e ea. know I wanted them to have some thing I had There will Helen is to have my unbrella, the ouble ; i that will cause trouble. water set, cake box, the old square | it on my expenses. I don't want to do anything < ’ ‘ , nust be put be lots of things to do away with. You can divide them out, but they m Pp Y Mae is to have the big mettle lamp, one mat. | ON the expenses of putting me away. Dora isto have the red sofa pillow she 7 I may think of something more to write. gave me, “ary Faye is to have my little Cup and saucer, one of the little rockers Bill is to have One cot and 2 cot quilts, John is to h ave the paper rack and Granddad's knife, Hazel is to have one of the little iron beds, Pauline is to have the Other one of the iron beds, Evelyn is to have one of the pickle dishes, Lois is to have one of the pickle dishes, Ruth is to have my willow work basket, A 3484 is the last request of mine, Signed: Mrs. J. Alex, Barkley, January 1940. Hugh is to have buffet, little square pine table, one little Cnair, one Straigh chair, the little paper trunk Hugh gave Daddie, the Dog Head gun power charger. Joe is to have wash Stand, one little chair, one Straight Chair, the >t gun, one rocking chair. koger is to have round table, one straight chair, nay is to have the square oak table, one rocker, one Straight chair, the picture chest and little rit'le. Janet is to have one little rocker. Key is to have the old Secretary, the old Horn, Grandpa and Grandma Barkley's picture, one straight chair, the waste basket in the front room that he made, uyrtle is to have Daddy's bedstead, dresser, little center table, feathers bed and mattress, Grandmother Sharpe's picture, Grandmat Hooper's little scissors, Grandma Sharpe's Scissors, the big pillows on best bed, my big mettle trunk, the set of dishes- Martha Washington, the old counterpanes-Dad's and mine, the red Star quilt Grandma Hooper pieced, The living room suit is Myrtle's, now mine; She is to have all that goes with it. Wash bowl and pitcher and soap dish. My daddy's little writing chest-take good care, Grandfather Sharpe's, ‘inor is to have my little reading table, my little rocker, one straight chair, and the mantle set in the dining room, the set of cut glasses, green pitcher, the pillow on my cot, the big paper trunk. The graphophone is iuinor's, not mine, Helen is to have my unbrella, the water Set, cake box, the old square dish, Mae is to have the big mettle lamp, one mat, Dora isto have the red sofa pillow she gave me, Mary Faye is to have my little Cup and Saucer, one of the little rockers. Bill is to have one cot and 2 cot quilts, John is to have the paper rack and Granddad's knife, Hazel is to have one of the little iron beds, Pauline is to have the other one of the iron beds, Evelyn is to have one of the pickle dishes, Lois is to have one of the pickle dishes, Ruth is to have my Willow work basket, a aug 3 2 of my glass dishes for a keepsake, Give each of the granddaughters one of my glass di ] he gré of th ittle Rosebud plites. Give each one of the grandsons one of the litt I Divide the centerpieces and spreads~ give each one a ethle I ob] o le mets aoe pore cee Pi Kethleen, the obiong, Helen get others as they like. a 2 - y ouilts she 8 en Myrtle, you are to have what things that you want, quilts, sheets, then ; ; al ek aaa inor some of the quilts; if you have enough, give one to each boy, Hugh, inor som i just and give j R Joe, Ray, Minor, Key, Roger. i : w lat she gave me. Manda, the mettle waste box th gav Mrs. Watts is to have the big fruit dish she gave me, a“ ° ve Myrtle and Helen is to divide the things I have told you. hi and se! hem t he high bidder. Then Put up the other things and sell them tot g d it~ a mark 20 wh Daddy and land Take out one Hundred Dollars to put a marker to where Daddy a le x ] it be much or layed away, then put the balance on my last expenses, let it be ¢ A ’ waa I may think of something more. The black flower pots are Minor's. j (a I i cedar chest Phil is to have Daddy's shaving cup; Karl, the little ced I . j at Hugh |! in his hand when Dr. Hubert is to have the silver dollar that Hugh held in S Adams dressed his finger whenit was cut off. -cent Look in the little lunch box and find money. Give George the fifty-cen oth hild as keepsakes. pierce made in 1860. Divide the other out among the other children as * it is his, not mine. Now, be sure Minor gets the graphophone; it . Give each one something. Russell is to have Daddy's rocking chair. s i let them | Now, be sure to give each one of the grand children some thing to You can sell everything else and put know I wanted them to have some thing I had. There will} i trouble. it on my expenses. I don't want to do anything that will cause ; : ust be put be lots of things to do away with. You can divide them out, but they m On the expenses of putting me away. I may think of something more to write. sega oa ORTH CAROLINA, ReDKLL COUNTY, DOL va) H , Di ULL A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting to be the ] £ Fs . > 4 ast and testament of Mrs 1 bate in open Court by Key proved by the oath and ex: mong the valuable papers by the 0 atl and eyaminatian nf hy . ~ a 2} ‘ y the ta a -xaminatvion of tnree competent and credible witnesses, ’ vpencer jussell Guy, Neil » J. Alex (Mary I) Barkley deceased, is exhibited for pro bi Bae: ati bie i ae ili ae Be cy, +egatee, therein named; and it is thereupon a minat.on of Russell Guy, that the said will was found and effects, after his death nditisf . his death, 4nd it is further proved to-wit: ¥. Sowers and Glenn ark] tha I I aq Mfenn i., Darkley, that they are acquainted T ha dwritir o » - } said a ‘ Rarl } + n ing os tne said irs, J, Alex Barkley, having often seen her write . - vi 1 thot +h nam f° a eat at A R wnat tne name of the said irs. J. Alex Barkley Subscribed tothe Said will itself, and every part thereof, is in the handwriting ie ALOE Barkley, nd i is f -her pvroved } ) i ‘nd it is further proved by the evidence of the th > me me ione Ww ynesses that t! e $s 1id handw 1 n S £ ene? dak y xnown to ree 1st € nt I ed Lune € | >< ‘ ] ’ wr tL } & i 0 tne acquaintances of the ee eo ns ge — “e t s << . : ee ee le Ee Se N JRTH C AROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. It is therefore, considered paper writing, and every part thereof. is ’ Alex Barkley, deceased, This the 30 day of and the san it! d th the Same with the foregoing examination an t is certific ate are ordered to be recorded and filed ME DB Me ee eae ae eae ae ae ae a Alex Barkley. Spencer Russell Guy (SEAL) Neil S. Sowers (SEAL) ( SEAL) (SELL) Glenn M, Barkley Lois Barkley Knox severally sworn to and s1 ri} iy Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 30 day of December, G. Smith r lerk Superior Court. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk and ad judged by the Court that the said > the last will and testament of Mrs, J. December, A, D., 1950, H Ws Smith ee er uperior Court WME BR ie ae Se ae Me ae he ae ate ake ate ate 38 PTET TENE NET He HME He Re ee Me Se he ae ee ae ete se eae eke ate ae fe | Chinaware, | # Mrs. Bernice Cherry Cashion, and “r, James Howard Cherry, all the best of my personal | belongings and effects to be divided by them and among them equally, share and share No. 3485 ¥ikbh I, Mrs. Connie Cherry, of Iredell County, North Carolina, being of sound nind and memory, and considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and jeclare and publish, this my last will and testament revoking all or any testaments heretofore made by me: Item One. I give, devise, and bequeath unto my two (2) daughters, urs, Ethel Cherry Patterson and Mrs. Bernice Cherry Cashion the undivided interest that I own in the following described pierce of Real estate. This being the house and lot that I own ra) an interest in jointly with them, said house and lot being located on Stewart Avenue, in the Town of Mooresville, North Carolina, ami more fully described; To wit: Beginning at a stake in the center of Stewart Ave., Mrs. John V. Barger's corner, and runs with Mrs. John V. Barger's line W, 238 feet to a stake, Mrs. John V. Barger's corner; thence about S. 65 feet to a stake in the edge of the alley; thence running with the Alley about E. 238 feet to the center of Stewart Ave.; thence with the center of Stewart Avenue about North to the beginning. ce Being lot No. 9 as shown on the ap of the Culp Property which map is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Iredell County, North Carolina, and being the lot formerly conveyed to John V. Barger and reconveyed by a commissioner to Mrs, Laura J. Culp. The reason I feel that my daughters should have my share is that they ~ were instrumental in helping me to acquire this property which has provided a home for me, Item Two. I give and bequeath unto my son James Howard Cherry the family clock. Item Three, I give and bequeath unto my grandson, Jimmy Cherry all of my Pri aha | '] | Item Four. I give and bequeath unto my three (3) Children, Mrs. Ethel Cherry rena alike, In testimony whereof, I, the said Mrs. Connie Cherry have signed this page which Constitutes this my last will and testament and do hereunto set my hand and S€al this 7 day of Septeuber, 1948. SEAL) Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Mrs, Connie Cherry to be her last will and testament in the presence of us who at her request and ih her presence and in the presence of each other do hereto set our hands as witness - leSses, clement E. Pless (SEAL) YRAL James F, NicNeely (SzAL) he Superior Court- Before the Clerk, ie Cherry, Deceased. mn the paper-writing attached and purporting to be the last will and tastome of lire Cc n7 "lh, aseane ’ ee Bas =o . } vestament of irs. Vonnie Cherry, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk ol the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Sam J. Cashion, Jr ishion, of the ix ame anc y 3 ur h ] . j rein named, and thereupon the thereof is taken by the oath and 5 ’ "4 ayvamin- ‘ - 25 . oxamination of Clemen 1e Pless thereto, as follows: 3S and James F, lucNeely being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Mrs. Connie Cherry, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testa- ment, and that affiant attested it in the resence and at the request of said hrs. vonnie Cherry, deceased; and that t the time of its execution said Mrs. Connie Cherry, was, in affiant's Opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Clement E, Pless James F, McNeely severally s : ‘ i.iy Subscribed and sworn to before m¢, this 8th day of January, GC, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And there bt au 2 eupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said aper-writin d — . pap ng ana every part thereof 18 the last will and testament of Mrs. Connie Jherr dece: anc Y, Geceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed This 6th day of January, L951 U, G, Smith Clerk Superior out of 1! tredell County. be she aie she whe ale we ole ele ate od Aye AS Ak BRK Ae De ale He erie aie aie ah x we 9 whe aie as ¥ & given to Hopewell Presbyterian Church to keep Mooresville, N.C, I will all of my real Lowe Williamson. and Wish for her to be my I would wish Dick to have wooresville, , “ vane LVU= A My Couadocil I will my niece irs. Connie Welborn of frame it is at my brother house /i:icHenderson. I will my son-in-law (Di ) Mr, W. W. Williamson all of my real N ind then I want everything soul at auction personal property if he out lives Nancy, I up Cemetary. Church is in /ecklen- burg Co. on Batteys Ford Road. hirs. Cora Lowe King. NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, TREDELL CUUNTY. Before the Clerk. A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting to be the last will and testament and dodicill of mrs, Cora Lowe King, deceased, is exhibited for probate in open Court by Mrs. Nancy Lowe Williamson, the executor therein named; and it is thereupon proved by the oath and examination of Mrs, Nancy Lowe Williamson, that the said will was found among the valuable papers and effects, after her death. And it is further proved by the oath and examination of three competent and credible witnesses, to-wit: 0. P. Houston, Mary Shoaf and Mrs. C. A. Mayhew, that they are acquainted with the handwriting of the said Mrs. Cora Lowe King, having often seen her write, and verily belive that the name of the said Mrs. Cora Lowe King subscribed to | the said will, and the said will itself and codicill and every part ehereof, is in the handwriting of the said Mrs. Cora Lowe King And it is further proved by the *vidence of the three last mentioned witnesses, that the said handwri known to the acquaintances of the said Mrs. Cora Lowe King. Nancy Lowe Williamson (SEAL O, P. Houston (SEAL Wary Shoat (SEAL Mrs Co Ae HAYNOW cei iAl, ting is generall 1 j | | Severally sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 15 day of Jany D., 1951. C. G. Smith qa Clerk Superior Court nmr CAROLINA, j THE SUPERIOR CUURT, Jin UNTY. BEFORE THE CLERK, eseanney A LaABbDELL COU! considered and adjudged by the Court that the sai part thereof, is the last will and testament and codicil firs, Cora Lowe King, deceased, and the same with the foregoing examination and certificate are ordered to be This the 15 day of Jany _Smith Superior Court No. 3487 NC RTH CARO 4 IREDELL COUNT B ps j Y >4 - : , I, Bella Morrison, being of sound mind, do hereby declare this to be my After the payment of my debts and funeral expenses, I give, devise and bequeath all of my property, of every nature and kind, unto my friend, Mrs. Ruth suck, who has been good to me and looked after me. I appoint her Executrix of my will, Withess my hand and Seal, this the 4thday of April, 1950, er : Bella x Morrison (SEAL) mark vigned, sealed, published and declared by the said Bella Morrison to be her Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at her wquest, and in her presence, and in the ; } ; presence of each other, do hereto subscribe our names a8 witnesses, Mirs. Helen Robertson H, S. Frost << ny NORTH GAs nonryl T TREDSL In the Matter of the Will of Bella Morrison, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached testament of Bella Morrison, deceased, is exhi of the Superior Court of Iredell County, Nc executor therein named, and thereupon the sath and examination of Mrs. Helen “obertson and H witnesses thereto, as follows: T Q nT bet ded ~VwUind . rs. Helen Robertson and H. S. Frost being “+ Ve and each for himself deposes and says, that aa * paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will Morrison, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of Morrison, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said Bella in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. >. Frost urs. nelen Robertson Ruth Tuck, Extr severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of January, 1951. Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and wery part thereof is the last will and testament of Bella Morrison, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed, This l5thday of January, 1951. C, G, Smith Cterk Superior Court of Iredell County. Heme Beas ae Meme Ye eae ae Ma fe Rp EME ae oe ofc ae ofc ae af ae af ae ae asf ae ak a ai ae Ae 9 YNo. 3488 ake and declare the first personal property to my E. Moose, Jr., Annie inae Moose .O be equally divided among and between the, and to belong forever, devise and bequeathe all m y real property wheresoever situated ettie Jane Moose, Carl E, Moose, Jr., Annie belone + tha a ; 7 ‘ 2 ‘ €iong to them absolutely and forever, subject il etre cis a a : ea aid real property is not to be Sold, conveyed placed thereon of whatsoever ki ipti n ol whatsoever kind a description until my youngest child arrives at t Q Zz 2 Ke, AU < ) ] ( { j Lj j ae age of thirty (30) years. I make this condition se they may have a home in 4e I hereby ar i. , 2@ and Jah : ) se Me “O0Se and John S, l.oose executors of this my last will and testament. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I. the sa; ye y } » +, the said Carl &£, “00Se, Or. have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the l2thd- eal, this the l2thday of vetober, 1945, Carl E, Moose, Sr, (SEAL) | Signed, seale ‘ehed - red, Sealed, published ind declared by the said Carl E. Moose, Sr. to be his last w and star : will and testament in Our presence, who, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of oe: ot] J ® of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, J. G, Lewis Floy Wilkinson Pomneny vu OUNTY. In the Matter of the Will of Carl E. Moose, Deceased, The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to E. Moose, deceased, is exhibited before Oo cestament of Carl the Superior Court of tredell County, North Carolina, by J. D Moose, the therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath J. G. Lewis and Floy Wilkinson, the subscribing witnesses thereto, examination of as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, LREDELL COUNTY. J. G. Lewis and Floy Wilkinson being duly lepose and say, and each hot hh se - @uhe “4 W4 ntnoaec + a4 . nav ne § a suoseriolineg w nes D said paper~= for himself deposes and says, t writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament loose, and that he saw him excute this writing as his last will and attested it in the presence and at the request of said deceased; and that at the time of its execution said Carl “, Moose, was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. } G, Lewis Floy Wilkinson J. D,. Moose Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15 day of January,195l. C, G, Smith Clerx Superior Court Iredell County. ad And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Vourt that the said c se, Paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will am testament of Carl %, Moo deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this Certificate, be recorded and filed. This 15 day of January, 1951. C. G, Smith Clerk Superior court of “redell County. ge rhe nic ae she ne ajc aie ais ae aje-aye he Bic De BC BK BY ME Be Me Be BY Ae YK YK 9K By Ne 2») 20 Pry @ eV 2 w Ti CAR LINA A : a. : NORTH C LJ cl In the Superior Court- Before the Clerk. BS a vy ¥ REDLLL VVs e h ;] — 2S ‘om Jec 4 ea ' nthe Matter of the Witt of vamesS a, Yomos, Vece -° ry vames A, VOMDS, of the aloresaid County and State, being of Sound ; cai ‘ ™ naner-writineg heretc ttacne 1 rporting to be the l] GU Will and ine Japer Writing nere £ + mind anaA Ader ium mamas Fo es, See, ae oo a ; 7. ; <— f minag and AZSpPoOsing mem a e leredvy m K€, nd I ublish and decl are this to be my ; i." testament of James A. Combs, deceased, ub ed fore the under j I dast will and testament in manner and form as follows: si : ny T wal on? 2 ’ . } ++ ’ ‘Alay . “21 t . of the ouperior ,ourt of aredelJl ount Vy run l ima, Y the Urnev IMOS + + s ff : ; ase 1 i ei » therein } d ' ' > o] O 4 ayne a Cc omt S, tl executor tnerein n 2a, 1 U re nh Oli0Owln é rool Hg + my yvecutor , Yr te mo se] : an 1 rize Iny LC uC Sy IeTe inal er n med t 0 el © Soon S practical ¥ ‘ . ° , , + : } } n thy and > LY Tion l r t é ? c aK e oat 1 cA Lt Ud ri I -. te An YOU u . ‘ +hereoL 158 tarcen Oy tne JaVil I 5 ee 1 ,2 Visits OV a ' iter uy ade tr , Taout court raer I } sceedin Sy i] my horses, uJ es, Cc ttle Cattle ic rf i a ie ‘14 . it osann 4 04 tt aS follows: i l pene’ 4 _ : Norton, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as fo 3 ¥ “OC K nw ty . y my , Y - + ty or ee 4 ais my i ung implements of any agescription at publie se ” 4 RTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. ” ror c + “ 2s £ VU i a or + Pivate rate LO0P C ~~?) 1d 200 bi roceea we this Sale Shall y Ll my Tust , : J. R. Halyburton and James L, Norton being duly sworn, depose and say, ie} t et 27 t 2 ‘ Poy . ° qd ; a 4 , + 2% COUS, Logetner wit l expenses y 4uneral, and in addition erect a credible . and each for himself deposes andsays, that he is subscribing witness to the marl a + myiocr ? aw e nia aol Wi, oem he a ceall P x at : ; ania Cali 4 ‘ } ; ee GY MY Brave tor me, my wife, Mahallie Combs and my daughter, Pearl Combs, | ce erie or aid paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of 4 uw Pama ini ne ss o me a s : sal pap rd & } st ee Se Pemaining over after this shall be civen to my wife, i.ahallie Combs, en aaa 1} bg James A, Combs, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last wil nd Hh A. n al IT ‘ Fs : . = ‘ hat affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said ut I gi testament, and that affiant attested it the | 4 4 give and vise to n iff ahalil¢ aria ote x ere FS) 4 ev vO My Wile, mahallie Combs and to my Caugnter, Pearl : . i ie anh aid James ,omb s ba’ Bai James A, Combs deceased; and that at the time of its execution said James A. Lol at ; } 7 P 7 7 . “Se Vi S . } : mbs all of my nds with all buildaince + it ; gi a In é omb ~* OL my tands with all buildings taereon, all of the household furniture 3 a: : nind and disposing memory. 43 : ishi was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mir Lurni nines and eaonin ent 7 ~+ j ‘ : ‘ ’ } ; eet ~quepment located therein, to have for and during the term of : ‘. burt pid . 1 W4F ee EE nei na an a ana + } ; lant} . + vieir natural life; and at their death it Shall ( all be equally divided among my other children, : 17 day of January, 1951. I hereby co ititi and C J / OnSititue and Lurket Combs pmith . vmi vn Clerk superior Court Iredell County. L. Combs as Executors of this to execute the same \ 7 aul AY AS WG ; and every part therei eal re gto ae rue anterest and meaning, and I do hereby <— he Court that the said — , ; And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Cour iat ti revoke all other Wills by me heretofore made eo ; ast will and testament of James A, Vombs, paper-writing and ewery part thereof is the la ave hereunto placed my hand and seal, this. the ad c a ~ ' ; ’ : - 3rd day of June 1949 , deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination a this certificate, be recorded and filed. James A, Combs (SEAL) This 17 day of January, 1951. ~lened, seale i publiel ; , , i gned, sealed, and published and declared by the said James A. Combs i - to be his | il] CC, G. Smith court Als . St Wid c na T a men iy +h ¥ ,c 5) ° i vevament in the presence of us, who at his request and Clerk Superior Cou ats ; Iredell County. 4n his presenc : I and j he presen f I | ind in the presence Of each other » 40 hereto subscribe our names i {> S witnesses, . ie xi ic aie be wie sic Hee De aie nix ae BK Ae aK Die OK , Whe Whe ah Mh aha ate afc ah ale ae ae Me aie ye BY ae AIK eB HK kK IK IIR IK Ek IE ARE A IE A - Je RK. Halyburton James L. Norton : Pa AR R ES RE be t | a 1 - od ) > Le e J 3 } ec C } Sait! ail In the Matter of the Wil . S, Veceased, we wt 3 7) cS I nj eee Se oo ate iy The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting n and declare thi MOS, 4ecease Tredell xamination ribing the Oo, as implements Fs0eng thereto, as LaeDELL o . ad \ ee : ne — i oceeas oI tnis sal sha Dt 7 " ; , PS Sa g r e s Ve g ere tie J. R. Halyburton and +, and in addition erect a credible himself a 14 . mh ae . yy ™ ne _—— ~ie Vombs and my daughter, Pearl Combs, éiven to my wife, iahallie Combs, and » he saw nh Kecut nis writing as to my wife. Mahallie C ree ' testament, and that affi 1ttes it in the presence and at the request | } » “anallie Combs and to my daughter, Pearl a | ater James A. Combs ased; and that at the time of its execution said James A. Combs JUliuings tnereon, all of the household furniture, furnishings and equ was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. + to have for and during the term of their natural iffe as a ; : ian ae a - Lt - si , ] : 28> 2 oe EE eat) snail all be equally divided among my : other children, eee . — I hereby consititue ar 4U oue , Z Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17 day of January, t. curket Combs and Wayne Me VOMOS as woxecutors of this my la 14 . ut Galt. Smith pase id san to execute the same, Clerk Superior Court ina every part therein according to its tm aes : lredell County. 5 l meaning, and I do hereby ‘Ee > 1 ra } . £ ; 3 : : : . Qa } } ‘ revoke all other Wills by me heretofore made And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said IN WINES: ate paper-writing and ewery part thereof is the last will and testament of James A, Combs, nereunto placed my hand and seal, this. the 3rd day of June 1949. deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this c . James A, Combs ertificate, be recorded and filed. vigned, sealed, and published and declared by the said James A. Combs This 17 day of January, 1951. Wid) Ome Benbeeas be | C. G, Smith LeSstament in th presence Cae , \ 49 e »~M pres of us, who at his request and Clerk Superior Court or resence and i le fr : . € and in the presence of > ach wa ee ‘ © hereto subscribe our names witnesses, Halyburton We Beale ae ae ae a ae ae a ae en a ee ie ae ae ae aye ae ae ae Me a as a ie Mea ae 2 3 James L. Norton SS a CADIT TI VARUL “nein 7 IREDELL Tneram » 1 Pe . 4 : > Ingram, of the above county and state being of sound mind, do make and d this to be my last will and testament: 7 “uy executor hereinafter named shall pay all of my just debts out of th - . ‘ a al v J2 UN r e€ executor first money that come into his hands belonging to my estate. all of the roperty either ee ee ee ia : which ] » 1n fee simple, to handl in the rearing of our children an in th Support of there be anything left at her « h tk it i yehing ett at her death then it is my desire that equally divided betweer +} hild de -Uween our three children, share and shar 1 n, sha and Snare.alika I hereby constiti and s ‘ : ‘ Sy constitute an nno4 ee eae ae J 1a pooint my orother W, ! . Ingram my lawful executor, to execute this ast wil] and test: li ist wi nd testamen “ccording to the true intent and meaning or the same, hereby declaring utterly void all other wills by me e retofors de VUE y ae ie : QO > ma ~ In testimony whereof, I. t} id | Stimony whereof > 3 ] r ee y +, tne s a. tT, Ingram do hereunto set my hand and ae a OP J dI vane 1081 aI Js and declared . l as t will ar d Stament wl ( avd hi I tT g n I e I esence l . ba T WilO A i » eques an j is j j | ’ id re } lest and in ils pr esence ar d in tne D ~ nd A of each o . j subs j of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses t hereto £ W nesses nere . TPP OC Wwe T'N sw Be. P. Kister, Ty ul» . + 1D Le Frye LL often d dS. certificate 1 haba -hion, OL paper-writing and deceased, and it is d: eA mind sposing sound lly subscribed and sworn is consi thereupon it every part thereof rdered that the s and filed. be recorded 19th day of January, 1951. sution morye jay of January, 1951. . G. Smith rk Superior Iredell vourt ,ounty. GC. G, Smith , : ,’ Clerk ouperior Court of lredell County. my three daughte among them as Sidence on the Tax el ' : “nee on the Taylorsville Road, on a lot six hundred feet front by seven : y seven hundred feet deep. as idred feet deep, as Surveyed 1 by L. O. White, to my daughter, Sarah MeLelland, in fee simple (6), “a lot si } mo +7) . . * Munored feet front by a depth of seven hundred feet, adJo ing his home a5 @ : : “we, SS Surveyed by L. | hite “4 d 7 Me Ne Snase, CO ay Son, James Adolphus McLellan , in fee simple, { (d). All the rest ;: . > res and remaind of saic er of said property, equally, share and Share alike, to a 34 a , ll six of my children as follows: teu ’ LOwS: Howard Brown MeLelland, James Adolphus hicL | 4. § CLell;: 4 eo : ‘ lland, “illiam “orrison McLelland, Mrs Blizabeth Summers, = , e as 6 Mrs. L Re ois Rawls and Sarah heLelland, I expect a} P to make a deed ¢ a ies “Oo varah and Adolphus for the above lots in my ’ O© not, they are to have that property and an equal division ns, ' t j f i { \ i remainder and not be charged with any advancement. Item 3. I hereby constitut + Executor of this my last c . thereof, according to it and empower my said Execut< in order to settle my est: without any court order, and upon terms agreeable to him, amd to make all necessary deeds and conveyances of either real or pers¢ to convey 7 . the absolute ownership and title thereto. I request that no bond be required of my Executor. IN WITNESS WHERHOF, I, th MeLelland, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 25th day of July, 1949. A, McLelland _—_—4(SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said A, MeLelland to his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, subscribe our name witnesses, John A, Scott R, A, Collier NORTH CAROLINA In the Superior Court, IREDELL COUNTY. Before the Clerk. In the matter of the will of C. A. NcLelland, deceased. The aperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of C. A. MeLelland deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by James Adolphus McLelland, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the} Cath and examination of R. A. Collier, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and of R. iM, Lazenby and L, L. Green as following: NORTs CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY: R. A. Collier being duly sworn deposes and says that he is a subscribing Witness to the said paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and Yestament of Cc, A, MeLelland, and that he saw ©, A. MeLelland execute this writing &8 his t affiant attested it in the presence and last will and testament, and the at the request of said C. A. MeLelland, deceased; and at the time of its execution handwriting well acquainted with the han WOOL L ic ju anved W1UN Uae Nal paperwriting, dated 0€, Aaving often seen himwrite. and that ’ A i Lell: eirhanarnd a . - 'C4elland subscribed to said will is in the genuine nd ld. R. Ji, Lazenby Green «Oth day of January, 1951. A, J, Wilson | Deputy Clerk Superior Court, And thereupon it is i j : “pel 20 iS considered and addude seacered and adjudged by the court that paper writing anu every par °< | € ana every part thereof is the last will and testament of C. J | ¥ a aine Ve fe i i MeLelland, jeceased, : the same, with the foregoing rn) and it is ordered that and this certificate, be recorded and filed This 26th day of January, 1951 C, G. Smith Clerk Superior Court AE BE PAS Bk BR He BE Me ale ate aie ate te ate ote MK Dic aie aie she afc ae aie af 4 part of my estate to be sold by my executors and turned into and become a part of / homeplace together with the furniture and fixtures, then it shall (Sideration in the division of the residue of my estate at a value peeeher real, personal or mixed to my tree daughters, Pauline &, stament. by constitute to all intents and to the true intent eby revoking and declarin; heretofore made. Second: I give and bequeath to my executors above to be held in trust by them for the following purposes, viz.; receive the income therefrom and add the same to the principal until my granddaughter, Mary Elizabeth Cobb is ready to enter college, ami (b) use $3000.00 of this amount for her college education, and (ce) continue to invest the balance of the funds until my granddaughter, Susan Payge Yost is ready to enter college, and then use $3000.00 for her college education, and (d) if any other grandchild or grandchildren should be bom, then I direct that $3000.00 of this trust fund shall be used for the college education of each grandchild, and (e) if no other grandchild is born or if any of the trust fund should be left over after expending $3000.00 for the college education of each grandchild, then such balance shall become a part of the residue of my “state and shall be equally divided as set out in the residuary clause of this will. Third: I give and bequeath my Cadillac car to my daughter, Mary Virginia E, cobb, and I direct my executors to trade in my Ford car for a new Ford car and pay th@ thus acquiré@d ny a] difference out of the funds belonging to my estate, and such new Ford Car shall be given to my daughter, Heln E. Yost. Fourth: In the event anyone of my daughters should give birth to a grandson, ‘hen the grandson shall have my diamond ring, if no grandson is born, then the ring 4nd all other jewelry is to be divided by my daughters in such way as they themselves | may determine, Fifth: I give and devise to my daughter, Mary Virginia &. Cobb, my homeplace | ‘nd house furnishings at a valuation of $5000.00, if she wants to keep the homeplace; | + but in the event she decides not to keep tle homeplace, then the same shall becom the residue, In the event my daughter, Mary Virginia BE, Cobb, decides to take the be taken into con- of $5000.00, Sixth: I hereby give, bequath and devise. all the balance of my property, White, Mary . oo : _— Bi e a ee r : SE T IR or e m ee 2 as + a - mS Ni n eT , «i t l ea g e r te a s at Re Me r v e RT a oa n ge ae 75 7 Ae s Said paper-writing BE. Bs Edminston, testament, and that affimt i was,in affiant's Opinion, of veverally subscribed and And thereupon it is con ¢ c writing and every part thereof is akon adjudged by the Court that the said paper ve “dimine+t ; on Be Saminston, 1@Cc e; Sed; and that deceased, and it is order certificate, This be recorded 29th d ay of and that he alike, taking in Consideration ants to om : Lurlineton idersigned Clerk white layden C, is taken bscribing being duly Sworn, depose and he is a subscribing witness to to be the last wid and testament of Saw him execute this writing as his last will and attest it in the presence and at the request of said at the time of its execution said E. 5. Edminste Sound mind and i isposing memory. Ze V, Turlington William R, P L, XY, White, Executor Sworn to ‘before me, this 29th day of January ,1951+ = = Smt eT Uler Sy or vou Iredell County. ast will and t . Edminston ed that the san : estament of E, E. Sdmin and filed, ame, with the foregoing examination and this January, 1951, C,. G, Smith —Wourt of “Clerk Superior court ° Iredell County. 18 MEE DIs Be ae Me ate ae ate ae Mo 3493+ North Carolina, Iredell County. I, Q. F. Bell, being of sound mind and memory do make and declare this my Last will and testament. First, I will out of the first money coming into my executors hands that $50,00 be paid for a marker for my grave. Second, I will, devise and bequeath my house and lot on Alexander Street to Troy Bell. I am doing this for the reason that he is to look after me and support me during my life. Third, I will all my other personal property either money, bonds, household and kitchen furniture or any other personal property that I may die possessed of, to my 12 grand children to be qually divided between them, namely: Sara Jane Bell, Franklin Bell, Bobbie Bell, Mary Bell, Wyanell Bell, Carrol Bell, Bbiliie Kilby, Angeline Kilby, Wanderlee Kilby, Jinmie Moore, Anne Terrell Moore. Janet Bell I hereby appoint and constitute my son Clay Bell to be executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I hereby subscribe my name and seal, this the 2th day of November, 1945. his x Bell mark O. e _ (SEAL) Signed, and sealed in the presence of us as witness who in the presence of us and in the presence of each other do subscribe our names as witnesses to this last will and testament of Q. F. Bell. H, E. Lewis Floy Wilkinson NORTH CAROLINA, j In the Superior Court, | IREDELL COUNTY. j | In the matter of the will of Q. F. Bell, deceased. Before the Clerk. | The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and | ‘estament of Q, F, Bell, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned, clerk of the ('Perior court of Iredell county, North Carolina, by Clay Bell, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Floy Wilkinson, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and of H. E. Lewis as following: N Dn ORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: Floy Wilkingon, being duly sworn deposes and says tiat he is a subscribing Witness to the said paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will “estanent of Q, F, Bell and that he saw him execute this writing as his last £44 se ie ee a wt i z Ae PE E and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request f 0 said Q F Bell, deceased; and at the time of its execution said 0 F Bell was, 4 s, in ifiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Affiant further Swears that . tha HE Lew h her «) ib ; id ; ; ni & Lewis the other subscribing wirness to said will, signed the same as a wit wae W tn tne presence of affiant, and that affi: saw him sig h 5 ca 1 nt, 1d. av atilant saw him sign the same, and that said 2 ig Floy Wilkins euoscribed and Sworn to before me, this 23rd day of = a March, 1951. C. G. Smith we * - ~ vierk Superior Court o: vounty NORTH CAROLINA, | Iredell County. | J W Lewis, being duly Sworn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of H E Lewis, one of the subscribing witnesses to the paper wees , te git : wer riting purporting to be the last will and testament of Q. F, Bell, deceased, which , is hereto attached, date he 24th day of N » dated the 24th day of November, 1945, having often seen him write, and tha he nam i the said H E I I j , t the name of the said H E Lewis subscribed as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said HE Lewis J. G. Lewis Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd day of Mar., 1951 an ©» . C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the said aper writing and ry par pap & and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Q. F. Bell, deceased, and it is ordered 5 th ; Gered t'at the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed, This 23 day of Mar, 1951, C. G. Smith A. 3494 North Carolina, fredell County. I, Mary Jane Lollar Stewart of said County and State do make and declare this my last will and testament: First. My executor hereinafter named shall give my body a suitable burial and pay all funeral expenses together with all from the first money coming into his hands belonging to my estate, y Second, I give and bequeath to my husband, J. Stewart, all my personal property to be his absolutely. Third. I will and devise to my husband, J. P. Stewart, all of my real estate for the term of his natural life only. Fourth. It is my will and desire that as soon as practical after the death of my said husband, J. P. Stewart, my real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof be equally divided among the children of my sister Margaret Lollar Kale and B, Kale Warren, to share and share alike, and in the event any of said children should die prior to the death of my said husband or prior to my death leaving issue surviving then such issue to stand in the stead of its parent or parents and in order to carry into effect this provision of my said will I hereby appoint my friend 4. B, Raymer as trustee to sell said land at either a public or private sale and in such lots and upon such terms as in his opinion would be to the best interest of said parties and execute and deliver deed or deeds therefor to such purchaser or purchasers and after paying the cost and expenses of such saie or sales and retaining a reasonable charge for making such sale or sales to divide the remainder of the . proceeds thereof as hereinabove directed. Fifth. I hereby constitute and appoint my said husband, J. P. Stewart, ny lawful executor to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof, hereby revoking and declaring utteky void all other wills and testaments heretofore made, Witness my hand and seal this the 7th day of October 1942. Mary Jme Lollar — Stewart (SEAL) Witness: mark 2. L, Raymer Carl c, | “+ Axley Signed, seaked published and declared by the said Mary Jane Lollar Stewart t f° be her last will and testament in the presence of us, who at her request and in he * Presence and in the presence of each other do subscribe our names as witnesses bhereto, Ds Le Raymer Ca C. JA ae —— al a mT Ao, 3495 NORTH CAROLINA In the Superior Court--Before the Clerk, IREDELL COUNTY In the Matter of the Will of Mary Jane Lollar Stewart, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the lest will] and testament of hiary Jane "4 Jlerk of the Superior trustee, therein named, oath and examination of thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell D. L. Raymer for himself deposes and writing now shown him, Lollar otewart, and tha ourt of Iredell T 7 9 Y° 2 Ww Y ade »~9ced ‘ >} ihbi 9 / } , "2 t ¢ } dy net, LOllar otewurt deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned varolina, by OU. Raymer, the ina tnereupon proof tereof is taken by the ae A. ’ + } al 7 24 swaymer and Ca LUNne Suoseridoin w1ltnesses sounty. and Carl C, Axley being duly Sworn, depose and say, and each “3 Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper- urporting to be the last will and testament of Mary Jane . he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Mary J $+ awa als i anhalt : : Mary Jane Lollar otewart, decea he it the time of its execution said Mary Jane Lollar Stewart was S Opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, D. L. Kaymer Carl C, Axley C era lay eiihko th ‘a » 1 . . 1 ; } veverally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of larch, 1951. And thereupon it is considered and paperewriting and ever; Lollar Stewart , deceased, ai examination and thi: certificate, be This 24th day GC. G, Smith Clerk Superior sourt, Iredell County. the Court that the said rt thereof is the last wi and testament of Mary Jane ia it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing recorded and filed, of March, 1951, aL G. Smith = ee vlerk Superior Court of Iredell County. | NORTH CAROLINA, First, That my son W. 2. Morrison have the house and lot at Stony Point ‘econd. That the saving bond six in number be given to New Salem Church near v a - Datint Stony rOllve , Third The Jd. O. Ae Me Ins. withe the Bunch Funeral funeral expenses. he proceeds of farms note wi children after the Lifsé Fifth. That W. Z. Morrison serve as exec This not be published. This the 10th of Febe. 1950. Morrison NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior IREDELL COUNTY. Before the A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting to b he last will and testament of W. HE. Morrison, deceased, is exhibited for probate in open Court by W. Z. Morrison the executor therein thereupon proved by the oath and examination of Mrs. Martha M Speaks, that the said will was found among the valuable papers and effects, after his death. And it is further proved by the oath and examination of three competent and credible witnesses, to-wit: Re Us Bunch, John T, Gillespie and R, l.. Lazenby that they are acquainted with the handwriting of the said W. &. Morrison, having often seen him write, and verily believe that the name of the said W. E. Morrison subscribed to the séid will, and the said will itself, and every part thereof, is in the handwriting of the said W. £, Morrison. and it is further proved by the evidence of the three last hentioned witnesses, that the said handwriting is generally known to the acquaintances of the said W. E. Morrison. Mrs. Martha M. Speaks ‘Seal) R. C, Bungh (Seal) John T, Gillespie (Seal) R, M, Lazenby (Seal) Severally sworn to and subscribed before me this the 5th day af March A. D, 1951, C. G. 3 Clerk gape Court In the Superior Court, SREDELL COUNTY. Before the Clerk It is therefore, considered ani adjudged by the Court that the said paper writing and every part thereof, is the last will and testament of W. ©. Morrison, deceased, “nd the same With the foregoing examination and this eertificate are ordered to be -. Tecorded and filed, This the sth day of March A. Ds, 1951. HE ec Mee ie a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Mary L. Simons, have hereunto set my hand and seal to this, my last Will and Testament consisting of two pages which I have ~ SOUNTY OF IREDELL signed on the margin thereof for the purpose of identification, this 3 j a -amher 950 I, Mary L, Simons, being of sound mind and disposing memory do hereby make day of September, 1950. a Mary Locke Simon h? e 1 Tare a ~ } ap net WF) ‘ P rr 2+ am ‘f } " se publish, and declare this to be my last Will and sestament, hereby revoking any wil] and testament heretofore made by m sci jigned, sealed, published, and declared by the sai ; 5 ~ % gl , \ " st Will and Testament in the a er devise, will, and bequeath the house and lot upon which I to be her last Will an ner : itl ‘ 1s : presence have and in the presen eachoth now live situated at 619 Davie Avenue in the City of otatesville, and extending back in her presence have and tn Une pre ce Oo. eacno +» he , 7 OUC« ar y . ale L ‘ . P -s - the to the Lot Ol m. son, MACON lie Simons, on tockton otreet, to my daurchter Ss, Martha watnesses thereto. ee ce ea a aaa vat a . | Sé : Eli t awrenc vamons and Ann olmons Davis, and to my son, Albert Simons, for their natural lives Seeeeeee etizabeth Lawrence Catherine L. Mallory . and the life of either " them, and ; the death of the survivor of said three children, it is my wil) iesire that said property above described shall be dividd } equally among }. ni, oimons, Lugene Simons, and Locke Simons, if they be living, and if they are not iving at uid date, then it is my will and desire that the shar A 8} son a } amie , ‘ . : . . . R Fe share to which each of the said three sons would be entitled shall go to their WORTH CAROLINA respective children, if any. IREDELL COUNTY 2 It is my further will and desire tha all of the furnishings, including sae ae * ss" J Sh : IN THE MATTLR OF THE WILL OF Mary Locke Simons, deceased. sc ) q VY 4 £5) ww 4 4 . . } — oe 1 + } } household and kitchen furniture, belonging to me at the time of my death shall be I The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and left intact in the house for the ; ‘ , } } t “he Mouse lor the use and benefit of my hi . : : : 1s } indersig © of my three children to whom I testament of Mary Locke Simons deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned have heretofore willed said property +) , : aon Sas8 pro] with the excep f a wing lis fee > : : CG ina 34 Ys ie exception of the following listed vlerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Ann Simons ite ns which are willed to r f" lowi " ; » h . oO in he nD C m ollc win ame < anc ( f } f bot + e : pon the foll f y + é named grandchildren aiter the deaths Oi Davis & Macon M Simons, the e xecutor therei n nam ed ’ anc thereur i h ? 1] W & Martha Simons and Ann Jimons Ja 3: T) ] ] f Mm i re) Snsé é vis: ne ¢g qd : > Yr 7 ~ j r : . P ; E HG goic iacquered mantle mirror to Jennife proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Llizabeth Lawrence and * {nn Simons the other t old La am g e gold lustre te Vathe aa Or y the subscr ibing > ac uer d u : ¥ , q e i ror to ma ion Simons; th ‘ Tine L Mall 4 . rr “4 | set (her great, great grandmother's) to Mary Locke Simons; the silver tea set (5 NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County ve Y Vv * pieces) to Betty Simons: the “vad , i y ions; carved bookcase and books to Brandon Simons; the silver | Elizabeth Lawrence and Catherine L Mallory being duly sworn, depose and ladle, pink flowered tea set ~ 4 2 corner cupboard and gre . Vary Bane ; ; vo ‘ " , ind green glass water set to Mary | S8y, and each for himself deposes and says, that she is a subscribing witness to the Simons; the hall sofa (his or at fra -her 9 ; ( great grandfather's) to Bobby Simons, Said paperewriting now shown her, purporting to be the last will and testament of Be It is z ’ ° ; ¢ e4 my further will and desire that the remainder of said furniture Mary Locke Simons, and that she saw her execute this writing as hér last will and | shall remain in the house l after : r | ouse until after the death of Martha Simons, Ann Simons Davis, test a eh efi tested it in the presence and at the request of said and Albert Bimons at im _ ‘ which time the same shall be distributed equally among any of Mary Locke Simons deceased; and that at the time of its execution said Mary Locke ’ my children them survivi 5 t ! y *ving, and in case of the death of either Macon M,. Simons, | Simons was, in affiant's opimion, of sound mind and disposing memory. | Sugene Simons, or Locke Simons, the share to which either would be entitled shall g° Elizabeth Lawrence { { | : | | { { | | | | to his children, Catherine L,. /.allory | | | 4. All of the rest of rover | rest of my property which I may own and possess at the tin | everally subscrdbed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of February, 1952, of my death, consisting of money, stocks, S, and bonds and other securities or real Martha D, Par D estate s§all be sold and divided among my children | Clerk superTOe eee tree toute , Share and share alike. 5. I hereby appoint ann Simons. Davie.end ) And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and Executor of this, my last Will Macon M. Simons as Executrix and every part thereof is the last wi)! and testament of Mary Locke Simons, eet foregoing examination and this certificate, and Testament, 6. Bb de my further will and Siiiiiathi Mad it is ordered that the sare, with the at the time of my death and funeral that no flowers be sent , be recor and I suggest that anyone wishing to give flowers ed and filed. send the money to the Charles | This 20 day of February, 1951 “+ Raynal Scholarship of Mitchell College instead. | | YNO. 34,97 North Carolina In the Superior Court--Before the Clerk Rowan County IN THs MaTTER OF THE WILL OF J. Lee Brown, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last wil} and testament of J. Lee Brown, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan vounty, North Carolina, by Bessie May Brown the executrix therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the Oath and examination of M. H. Belk and J, Allen Edmiston the Subscribing witnesses thereto as follows: North Carolina Rowan County M. H. Belk and J. Allen Edmiston being duly sworn, depose and Say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper- writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of J. Lee Brown and that he say him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said J. Lee Brown deceased; and that at the time of its exeeution said J. Lee Brown was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and 1isposing memory, M, H. Belk J. Allen Edmiston Severally subscribed and swor befor this 19t} y cribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of January, 1949. Vera Maie Uzzell Deputy Clerk Superior Court Rowan County And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof j 5 4 : a a y | ereol is the last will and testament of J. Lee Brown deceased, qnd it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate be recorded and filed, This 19th day of January, 1949, Paul A, Swicegood Clerk Superior Court of Rowan County, these I J. Lee Brow of Route fl, mt. Ulla, N.C. do declare the following to be my last will and vestment to my beloved wife, Bessie May Brown all my property both real and personal, To be well used as she Sees fit and at her death to be equally devided between her children and our childre@ and my children Witness my hand and Seal this 17th day of July 1945 (Seal) J, Lee Brown Witness__M. H. Belk Witness J. Allen Edmiston am ee STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT I, Sara S. McCubbins, Ass't., Clerk of the Superior Court of Kowan County, State of North Carolina, which Court is a Court oi Record, having an official seal, which is hereto attached, do hereby certify that the foregoing and attached (Two (2) sheets) to be a true copy as the same is taken from and compared with the original now on file in this office, recorded in record of Wills No. 12, pages 267-268. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Surerior Court of Rowan County at Office in Salisbury, North Carolina, this the 13th day of February, in the year of our Lord, 1951. Sara S. McCubbins ‘ i ~Ass't. Clerk Superior Court of howan County (OFFICIAL SEAL) Filed in the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina on the 15th day of February, 1951. ae Pe ith CUlerk Superior Court no. 3498 State of North Carolina. Iredell County. I, William D. Cass, of the State and County aforesaid, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby make and declare this to be my last will and Testament in manner and form as follows, viz: Item l. My executor, hereinafter named, shall give my body a suitable burial and pay the expenses thereof, together with any just debts I owe, except as here- inafter provided, out of the first moneys that shall come into his hands available for that purpose{ I wish to be interred at Friendship Ghurch heside my departed wife, Harriett L. Cass Item 2. In order to carry out an arrangement that I have made in my lifftime with my friend, Fred Parks Hamm, I give, devised and bequeath in fee simple, unto the Said Fred Parks Hamm that part of my home place in Sharpesburg Township, containing 99 acres, more or less, that is described in two deeds to me made by C, Bb Jurn ey and wife, dated Jan. 12, 1899, containing 69 acres, more or less, which deed is recorded in Deed Book 39 at page 546, in the office of the Register of Deeds of y deed of M. 0. Jurney and wife swede County and another tract conveyed to me b which deed is recent dated Nov, 21, 1919. containing 30 acres, more or less, St « bal ti ts salah in Book 64 at page 7, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Iredell Jounty, to be his in fee simple and forever, provided and on condition that the said Freq Hamm shall, at the my death, be living with me at my Said home and shall have carried out the agreement existing between us with reference to living together, If the said Hed Parks Hamm shall be actually residing and Living with me at the time of my death, he shall be deemed conclusively to have complied with all the conditions and agreements of the contract and no action at law, or otherwise, by my personal representative or heirs at law shall be brought against him on account of said 99 acre tracts of land, unless the same is commenced within sixty days after the date of my death, If, however, in my lifetime, by mutual agreement, or otherwise, tt Fred Parks Hamm sha nave terminated the agreement to live together and moved off the place, he shall be entitled to compensation in full of all services rendered, at the rate of Five Hundred Dollars (3500.00) a year, commencing with the year beginning J :nuary lst, 1948, up to the time of As an incident of Said agre- ment, it is understood that the income from the said farm is to be first applied to the ordinary living expenses of the nousehold and after these expenses are paid, I am to have one-half of the Surplus and Fred the other one-half during our respactive lives. If I should become bedridden or by physical illness, unable to do the housework around the place, before my death, Fred Parks Hamm will, at his own expense, Suppl; the neces sary ] iseke per, or if I am unable to look after my- self, a nurse while I am down but I am to pay my own doctor's and hospital bills. I likewise give and bequeath unto the Said Fred Parks Hamm any crops, graiy Supplies and provisions on hand at the time of my death, together with the growing crops on the 99 acre tract of land, upon the same conditions hereinabove set out with respect to the land, A ] I avd [ 2 ) All the above conditions shall be conclusively deemed complied with if . p : vred Parks Hamm is still living with me at my home at the time of my death. Item 3, I give, devise and bequeath unto the Trustees of Friendship Methodist \s Qn Chureh, in Iredell vounty, or their SucceSsors in office, the sum of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00), of which One Hundred Do Lars is to be applied to the upkeep af my family burial plot in Fr P “riendship Cemetery, and the other One Hundred Dollars 18 to be used for the upkeep of Friendship Church itself I likewise Bive and bequeath unto the Church, near Buck Shoal, Trustees of St. Paul's Methodist i Qn n Yadkin County, the sum of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00), of which One Hund I 3 dred Dollars is to be applied to the upkeep of my family burial e*tiun Su. P ’ plo St aul's Cemetery and the other One Hundred Dollars 46 6 wi tee tee upkeep of St. Paul'g Chureh, itself Item 4 e Afte the above specific dev the payment oO. my bequeath a uhtc , + Executor of this thereof, accordin ana empower my aid Executo: order, for cash or upon terms approved by him, any i 2dministr my estate it may be necessary to sell in the business-like absolutely to land in fee simple and personal propert\ ’ A. € Aaa to make all necessary deed: : , , such a sale 7 at private sale and without any court order, in the event of sucha s In the i, in the opinion of my Executor, be advisable o1 ary, i! division of the remainder of my estate under Paragraph Four above of my will, among my next of kin, rather than to divide the property itself, him, in his sole discretion, and in lieu of a division of the property otherwise, for the best price, a to sell the property at private sale, o1 j } i } ij 5 in a9 i? 1 4 } f h } a j S ; discretion, obtainable and divide the proceeds in cash in lieu of the land itself. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1, the said William D. Cass, have hereunto placed my hand and seal, this the 22nd day of January, 1948. Willigm D. Cass (S#AL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said William D. Cass to be his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at his request, and in E } ar a enherri ys or ‘ his presence, and in the presence of each other, do hereto subscribe our names as witnesses, John A, Scott Hessie Blankenship NORTH CAROLINA () In the Superior Court, TREDELL country () Before the Clerk, fa the matter of the will of William D. Cass, deceased. The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and Vestament of William D. Cass, deceased, is exhibitea before the undersigned, clerk of the superior court of Iredell County, North Carolina , by Stanford Cass, the *xcutor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the, nship one of the subscribing , ia i ita Sath and examination of Miss Hessie Blas ae ir a t e s ey eR ne thereto, and of John A. wane ALOAT TH Y : NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell Miss Hessie Blankenship, being duly sworn deposes and Says that he is 4 subscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will testament of William D. Cass and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said William 0. Cass, deceased; and at the time of its execution sai William D, Cass was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, ef iant further swears that John A. Scott the other subscribing witness to said in the presence of affiant, and that affiant Jonn A. Scott is now dead, me, this 16th day of February, 1951. Hessie Blankenship ’ a mt & ei ii. ~e . - ao ee Clerk Superior Court of tre NORTH VAROLINA, | Iredell County, vazenby, being duly Sworn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of Jo} so a jin : i Wdwriting of JohnA, ecott, one of the Subscribing witnesses to the paper writing purporting to be the +ast will and testament of William D, Cass, deceased, wnich is hereto attached, dated the 22nd day of January, 1948, having often seen him write, and that the name * the ; ad 1. ‘ . mee ween uae OL tne Said John A. Seott Subscribed as a witness to said will is in the gemuine handwriting of the Said John A. Scott; and affiant further Swears that he is well ac : a wit) ; ; nav he 1s well acquainted with the handwriting of William D. Cass, deceased, whose bane 8 bal ae ce i will the attached paperwriting, dated the 22nd day ¢@ January, 1948, purports b ha j f Ss Sw £ . \ to be, having often seen hin write, and that the name of the Said William D. Cass subscribed t eid whl? £m 4n. dhs a : ea to Said will is in the -enuine handwriting of the said William D. Cass. R. M, Lazenby Subscribed and sworn t thi worn to before me, this 16th day of February, 1951. C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court | And thereupon it is considered - 14 ; onsidered and adjudged by the court that the said paper writing and ever t ti f is t} y part thereof is the last will and testament of William D. Cass, deceased, \ with the foregoing examination and this certificate |} and it is ordered that the same ' = | be recorded and filed, i Poteat, and that he saw him execute this writing @6 his last will and testament, This 16th day of February, 1951, C, G. Smith Clerk Superior Court EOE OC EE EERE MIEE deceased; ang that at the time of its ex ecution said J Frank Poteat was, in afffant'¢ | Pinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. WMO. 3499 I, J. Frank Poteet, of Iredell County, Nath Carolina, declare this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills made by me. First, I give to my wife, Mollie Poteet, the full use of our home and farm for her natural life, or as long as she may need or desire it. Second, I desire that my body be buried in Fifth Creek Church Cemetery by the side of my first wife, Minnie Poteet, where marker is already erected, Third, After all just debts and all burial expenses have been paid for both Mollie and me, I will and bequeath all my property, both real and personal, tc be divided jointly between Barium Springs Orphanage and Oxford Masonic Orphanage one half to each, share and ahare alike. I appoint my friend and neighbor, T. E. Swann executor of this my will. This the 15 day of March, 1943 J. Frank Poteet Witnesses R, H. Crouch Larry Long Worth Carolina In The Superior Court--Before the Cerk. Iredell County IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF J Frank Poteat, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last willand testament of J Frank Poteat, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the superior court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by T. &. Swann, the eeieuber therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the Cath and examination of R H Crouch and Larry Long, the subscribing witnesses thereto, a8 follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell voupty. R. H. Crouch and Larry Long being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper- witing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of J Frank and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said J Frank Pot eat ——Larry Long. Severally Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2lst day of February, 1951. ie Clerk Superior Court Iredell County And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the o¢ Said aper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of J Frank Ga oteat, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination be recorded and filed. of February, 1951, a C. G. Smith sLerk Superior Court of Iredell County, “NO. 3500 h Lah Tw f ee eee ar ;,. 1, John L. Dabbs, Jr., of Ch ttanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, being VV e of sound mind and memory, and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitay * cient de ao a _ life, do, therefore, make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament: I order and direct that my bxecutrix hereinafter named, pay all of my just debts and funeral expenses as soon after my death as convenient. After the payment of such fune ises ymen such funeral expenses and &bts, I give, devise and bequeath r beloved Wife inie J [ } q ls ny vetoved wile, Nannie Jane Dabbs, all the property, real and personal, an ects of ery nan soa ee, a : . ol every name and nature which I now have, may die possessed eR aa ho ait , » Or may be entitled to, her heirs and asSigns forever, I do by this, my Will, dispose of the Custody and tuition of my child or “9 ilnors at ana é P l d j i nee - : dear Wife, Nannie Jane Vabbs, and do hereby appoint her their Guardian 7 ra 4 + a = I do hereb : S ereby make, constitute and appoint my Wife, Nannie Jane Dabbs, sole “xecutr fr th Ni ecutriz of this, my last Will and Testament, and it is my wish, and I do hereby request that she ma ’ 9 sne may not be compelled to give any bond or security as such Executriz, or as Gua é rdian, and that she may settle the estate in her own way and sell any or all of the r te eal or personal estate, at publie or private sale, as she may think best, and th ritl Pay e debts without being compelled to account to the County, or ay other 20u Cr ¢ j I 2DV vourt; and I do hereby revoke all and every former Will by me made “ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF : %S WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, day of November, 1936, i John L. Dabbs, Jr. ‘Seal the day of the date thereof signed, published and Testat or, John L, Dabbs, Jr., to be his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who at his request This instrument was on declared by the said have subscribed our names thereto 4s witnesses, in his presence, and in the presence of each ch er. G. L. Williamson Geo. M, Lee. J. T, McElwee STATE OF TENNESS HAMILTON COUNTY BEFORE C. G. SMITH, CLERK SUPERIOR COURT OF IREDELL VOUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, AT STATESVILLE, BY THE OATH AND EXAMINATION OF G. L. WILLIAMSCN AND GEO. M. LEE, NONeRESIVENT WITNESSES TO SAID WILL, RESIDING AT CHATTAN( OGA, IN HAMILTON COUNTY, OTATE OF TENNESSEE. 1 RE: Probate of the Will of John L. Dabbs, Jr., deceased Before me, Anne Kk. Henderson, a Notary Public, residing in the State and County aforesaid, on the 8th day of March, 1951, personally appeared G. L. Williamson and Geo. M. Lee, who are known to me to be residents of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, State of Tennessee, and thereupon the following proof of the execution of the last Will and Testament of John L. Dabbs, Jr., a resident of + | Iredell County, North Carolina, is taken by oath and examination of the said G. lL. Williamson and Geo. M. Lee, the subscribing witnesses thereto as follows: STATE OF TENNESSEE HAMILTON COUNTY Williamson and Geo. I. Lee being each duly sworn, deposes and says and each for himself, deposes and says: That he is a subscribing witiess to the said paperwriting now shown to him purporting to be the Last will and Testament of John L. Dabbs, Jr. and that they each saw John L, Dabbs, gr. execute this writing as his . ast Will and Testament and that the affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of the said John L, Dabbs, Jr., deceased and that at the time of its execution, the said John L. Dabbs, Jr. Was in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. G. L. williamson ~G. L. Wiiliamson Geo. M. Lee Geo. M. Lee Severally subscribed and sworn to before me this the 8th day of March, 1951. Anne K, Henderson Notary Public (Attach seal) My commission expires: 4/11/54 me KR eR ee ee ee mee me km ii f MOe 3501 North Carolina, Iredell County, I, A. W. Smith, of the above county and state, being of sound mind but ha : - 1 ~nat ad 7 f’ + 5 nh) ; considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and declare this to } Ca 1 be iy last Will and testament: I. ecutrix, hereinafter named shall rive my body a decent burial Suitable to the wishes of my firends and relatives nes : 2 11 1d s nad relatives and pay a . cr S ; pay all funeral expenses, together with < f my just det »f the fi ith all of my just debts out of the first money tnat shall come into her hands belonging to my estate. Il, I give and devise to sist alli it! > ‘ A ¢ i m S weé J C f if j i omy Sister Sallie Smith, a one half undivided int erest in a hund and fifty four acre f aid red and firt ur acres of land, known tue old Emerson Place, located in Coddle Creek Township, Iredell vounty, “. C, ITI I give and bequeath to my sister, Sallie omith, fifteen hundred dollars in cash, and should I inherit anything from the estate of my father, J. T. Smith ; then it is my will and desire that this inheritance go to my sister Sallie Smith, IV I give and bequeath to my sister, Mrs, T, it. Ridge the sum of five hundred dollars in cash, V All other perty of whi property of which I may die possessed both real and personal, f ive devi Se & i Y © , ~~ an A ‘ ec ue ath 4 ny ij f'e j I ) gq € 1 to iy Wile, Glad 8 omith, VI I hereby nsti y constitute and appoint my wife, Gladys Smith, my lawful executrix to all intent d pur: ent and purposes, to execute this my last will and testament, according to the try i‘ : e rue intent and meaning of the same, and every part and clause } 7 thereof- hereby re ing an ari y revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills by me heretofore made, In witness whe eras here — of, I the said A, w, vmith, do hereunto set my hand and Seal, this the 9th day of November 1942 A. W. Smith (SEAL) | | Signed, sealed t » Published and declared | by the s /, Smi - | last will and testament, ees | in ti =) fe he presence of uS, who, at his request and in h® | presence and in the ; Pp Presence of each other, do Subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, | Swearngan Witness A, L, Smith Witness NORTH CAROLINA > arr Mm AAT = ’ if SUPERIOR COURT#-BEFOR IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL Or A, w. Smith, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of A. W. Smith deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior sountg, North Carolina, by Mrs. Gladys Smith, the executor therein Court of Iredell named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of R. L. Swearingan and A. L. Smith, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. R. L. Swearingan and A. L. Smith being duly sworn, depose anu say, and each for aper-writing himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of A. W. Smith, and that affiant he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that attested it in the presence and at the request of said A. W. Smith deceased; and that at the time of its execution said A. W. Smith was, in affiant's opinion of sound mind and disposing memory. Mrs. Gladys C, Smith, Extrx. Ae L, Smith R. L. Swearingan Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of April, 1951 C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the sadd paper- writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of A. W. Smith, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this@rtificate, be recorded am filed. This 6th day of April, 1951. C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. wok wk ee we ke me mk wk wk wk wk me me May 22nd, 1950 To Anyone: In the event of my death please contact tne nearest qaematory and have my body cremated with all speed possible. There is no one to notify and I request that no service of any character be conducted. The asnes are to be thrown away, If demise occures in Statesville, N. C. kindly notify Paul S. Asnburn who is now connected with tne Bunch Funeral Home in that city. I am at present carrying an account witn tne Peoples Loan and Savings bank wnich is also in otatesville, N, C. desire that any funds therein tnat I may possess in excess ot’ those necessary in defraying tne cremation processes, wnicn I am told should be about a nundred dollars, b 2uitted to mrs. Vorothy Williams, | ) ot. Joun Kansas City auount occuring from my social security commitwents. Signed Arthur Aldrich Vickson Present address Vance Hotel Statesville, Permanent Address tlks Club, Stanford, Vonn, NORTH CARULINA, COURT, IR“ViLL COUNTY CLARK A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting to be the last will and testamer . Ay i ; it of Arthur Aldrich Dickson deceased, is exhibited ror probate in open Court by WwW. H, Jennings; and it is thereupon proved by tne oath and ii i ic : V H I (7 § 6} ; ; exawination of W. H. Jennings that the Said will was found awong tne valuable apers and ‘tec at’ > ni ; papers and eltects, atter nis death. And it is lurtner proved by the oath and examination of three competent and credible witnesses, to-wit: W. H. Jennings ani _—_--—— , tat they are acquainted with the hand writing o1 the ‘ C ne said Arthur A, UVic cSon, having otten seen him write, and verily believe that ane a . at the nawe of the sa,d Arthur A Vickson subscribec to the said will and the saic i i 5s id will itself, and every part thereof’, is in the handwriting o1 the said Artnur Vicks ae Os as om Vickson And it is furtner proved by the evidence ot the three last ment Ss ' . ioned witnesses, that tne said handwriting is generally known to the acquaintances ot the said Arthur A Dickson W. H, Jennings (SEAL) William &. Waugh (SAL) S K.P, T. Larson (SBAL) everally sworn to and Subscribed before me, this the 6 day of April A. Ds, 1951. UC. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court mM@DOT Ti NOXTH CAROLINA, ) | | In tne oupe rior Court, TREVELL COUNTY. belore tne It is therefore, considered and ad, er writing, and every part tnereot, is pap arthur Aldricn Dickson, deceasec, anu the tais certificate are ordered to be recorded This tne 6 day ot April NO. 3503 NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. I, W. H. Kunkle, of Iredell County, North Varolina, do hereby make and declare tnis to be my last Will and Testament, yy revoking all former Wills by me made, Item 1. I direct that my “xecutrix, hereinafter named, shall pay all my und erect just depts, including funeral expenses and final illness marker to my grave irom the proceeds oi my estate. Item 2. I give, bequeath, and devise to my beloved wife, Lela Kunkle, all of my personal property and real property in fee simple. Item 3. I hereby appoint my wife, Lela Kunkle, -xecutrix of this my last Will and Testament, with full power and authority and without bond to execute this Will, IN TESTIMONY WHERKOr, I, W. He Kunkle have sét my hand and seal to this my Will at Statesville, North Carolina, on February 3, 1940. W. H, Kumkle (SAL) Signed, Sealed, Published, and Declared by the said W. H. Kinkle as and for his last Will and Testawent in the presence of us, who, at his request, in his presence, and in the preseuce of one anéther, sign our respective names as Subscribing witnesses. Tt, L, Dysard (Witness) __J. Neely Kincaid(witness) NORTH U a “tH U AROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR CUURT, ) ( ) TREDELL Coun yy. BEFORE THM CLERK. In : the matter of the will of W. H. Kunkle, deceased, The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will a I NO% 3504 NORTH CAROLINA testament ot WwW. H, Kunkle, deceased, is exhibited before the undersiened, Clert ’ k of the superior Vourt of Iredell County, sortn Carolina by Mrs, Lela Kunkle, the ae . Vii avy tnerewur the #0% : . CATAWBA ULUUNIL “nereupon the Lollowing proof thereo: is taken I, George Raleigh meColl, a resident of Conover, Vatawoa County, XYauninatic 7 rely K4 “ ‘i +? a‘ : , ination of J. Neely Kincaid, one ot’ the subscri bine witnesses tneret 7 ’ : . 7 : _— being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this my last as following: rr » le4 _ 9 YK no S OV meé 2revoic 2 mad ° Jountyv: and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills by me heretotore made: Item Vne sworn deposes and says that he is a Subscribing witne ” — I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon now shown hin purportins : wil] : 1 i 1, purporting to be the last will testauent ; ie at eae tem me . ; r decease as may be found convenient, a. Kunkle and that he saw him execute this writing as his last wi] e Tron i Wi testament nataffar sttnakan 2h tu xr item .iwo tes ent, an natatflant attested it in une presence and at the request ; t said . : < P ard Dp mt WwW 3 ‘eo | j > CU ] as “es He Kunkle, deceased; and at o #4 Yee peeks ‘ I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, Louise iicloll, as ute ; and at tne tim its execution said W. H. Kunkle was, in affiant's opinion, ot sound mind and disnosi : ae ee . property, all my real, personal and mixed property which 1 now own or may acquire ’ 3Our west and aisposing meuory. Aft'tiant further swears that hie ysard ; +e 4Yoarc ~ LNe oO ie SuD -i bir Wi ness t sai ] ; j . , ib wi \neSS to Said will, signed the sawe as a witness in the presence or ai a) that weed to the best of her ability and in keeping with her neans. - ‘ 4G alilant saw him sien the Saue, and in the future. I hope that sne will look after our children during their minority that said i, ] Item ‘'ihree Subscribed an e “eee , I nereby appoint Louise ».cColl, my wife, my sxecutor of tnis my last " arene of d+ Neely Kincaid ; will and testament, and I direct tnat no bond snall be required of her Will exhibited by: Ve. Smith She shall have full power sTefk Superior Court ol lredell Count rs. Lela Kunkle, sxec, : , : + ACL sOunty. 7G A a cee oe Warn ace ee . : } a ; , urs. Lela hunkle, Executrix of my estate, including tne power to sell at pupvlic or to do all tnhinss necessary for tne complete administration private saie, ana witnout NORTH CAROL] A ) : Parte . ? . : , er ene order of court, any real or personal property belonging to my estate, ana to com- 7 ° . S a4 aime lare pound, compromise, or otjerwise to settle an all claims, charges, f ln monroe idaus luly iu july sworn, dep ee , , vorn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the handwriting oj L. Vysar r : debts and demands whatsoever against or in favor of my estate, as fully as l vamne OFey ONC OL the sunscribing witnesses <o the be e Cr al ee e paper writin urporting to be t ] i some So 1f diving oo Ms } ‘ aah ) e€ the st ; l ao ‘ > oe ; ” &* 1¢ 4a8t will and testauenta W. H. Kunkle, deceased, t In Witness whereot, 1, the said George kaleign ucloll, have hereunto set which is heretd attached. da t ned, dated tne 3rd day ot rebruary, 1940, having often seen him write, and that tue naune ot the sai my hand to this my last will and testauent, tnis the 9tn day oi January, 1942. 7 ue Said i, 4. Uysard, Sr. subscribed as a witness to said will is in the - George Raleigh McColl (SEAL) renuine Nanawritine o D4 I i writing ot the {. L. Dysard, Sr.; and affiant Said further swears that he This instrument, consisting oz two typewritten pages (each bearing the is well acquai 9d with ‘ i+ acquainted with the nandwriting of W. H. Kunkle, deceased, wiose will the Signature ot' the above-named Georse Raleirh McColl) was by him on the date hereot, attacned paperwritine i paperwriting, dated the 3rd day of February, 1940 a re | | 5 . ‘ : ‘ ¢ ali + S , purports to ve, having oz'ten Seen him write, and that the name of the said W. H Signed, published and declared by him to be his last will and testanent, in our ic ali 4 "? . Kunkle subseribed to Said will is in tne : : i presence, who, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each » “He genuine handwriting ot the said W. H. Kunkle. | | Other, we believing him to be oi sound and disposing mind and memory, have 7 Monroe Adams ___ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of april. 1981 t Nereunto subscribed our naues as witnesses. 2 ) é ’ . _ 4 Te Jawes Cloninger RESIDING AT ______NOWEOT , The Ocoee ve G,. Smith a ae Vierk Superior Vourt Mildred Cansler RESIDING AT I Tita Se i siciercstniseniapsiln And thereupon it is consid red and ag jude vw > ” . 1 . ’ Judged by the court that the said paper writing | rr Sherrod RESIDING Al Conover, N, Us }and every part thereof i] | it is ordered that the Same, with the forec is tiie as wi a ‘ e last will and testament of W. H, Kunkle deceased, and G | forge Raleigh MeColl ‘Ang examination and this certificate, ? ibe recorded and filed, | This 10 day o: April, 1951, NORTH CAHOLINA IN THK SUPHKIOR COURT UC. G, Smith anode TREOKLL County BEFUKE ‘THs CLERK Clerk Superior Court. TO HONORABLE P. We. DEATON Clerk Superior Court oa bh he ss se . » Stament ot Ww. H, Kunkle, deceased, is exhibited before the undersirned. Clern 8 -", Vlerk ot ; por ‘aust ed teadeil aun i = 14 a NORTH CAROLINA LAS' WILL murt of | leit VLounty, orth UCarolina by Mrs. Lela Kunkle the sis rs sa ‘ : avy rner 17 Y ne + 4 — » if LANDA allele nereupon the tollowing proof tnereo:r is taken bv — aKkeN by th abi ieane anide Cc J N a 7 @ i George Raleigh eColl, a resident ol /OnoOver, Catawba Caunty, Ne wes - Neely Kincaid, one ot the subscribine witnesses theret esses reto ’ J ay ee en being of sound mind and tiewory, do make, publish and declare this my last will aS Lloliowin and testament, hereby revoking any and all wiils by me heretot'ore Neely Kineaid, being oe : nat ne 1S a subsceribin ‘ 1e S a Subd Criding witness the said paper writing no. eg, ee ree gr cree direct that my jusi ana ITuneral expenses be iS soon aiter ne Nw Shown Nim, purporting to be the last will testawent ? Adal may be found conveni Kunkle and at } Saw hi xecu this .¢2 j ; ‘ ] a Hay He saw nim execute this writing as his last wil ‘eS n > > an ] y+ + */ oaat . . ice au Ul que I Said ‘ : Kunkle, deceased; and at ‘ ps , ‘ ive, devise and bequeath to my wife, Louise icloll, as ner absolute ; an ie time of i execution said oO! W. H. Kunkle was, in s yes e property, all my real, personal and mix property which 1 now own or may acquire Alliant further swears that i in the future. I hope that sne will look atter our chilaren during their minority +i, Signed the sawe as a wi : to the best ot her ability and in keeping Saw him Siegen the sa @, and that said i, L. eo Subseri ind Sworn to bef e Me itn dao af ' ° I nereby appoint Louise ™cColl, my wife, my executor ot tnis my last et eS avtUn day of _J, Neely Kincaid : — will and testament, and I direct tnat no bond shall be required of her hereunder. Will uxhibited by: l ,» and 4 O } or She snall have full power to do all things necessary for tne complete administration Tete Sse: Ont oT Tee , irs, Lela Kunkle, «xec, mrs ly C i > it i j j ; - bela kunkle, executrix of my estate, including tne power to sell at | ublic or private saie, ana witnout r 7 nNOULIWA ee e order of court, any real or personal property belonging to my estate, ana to come- } otnerwise to settle and adjust any and all claims, charges, monroe idaiu beiner sa F« — si und nr , co = fe oasey SWorn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted ee y ith ne nandw j i P | ] the handwritin; i Dysard i al ; Sead ets / tS and demands whatsoever against or in ‘ey ONC OL the Suoscribing witnesses o the tavor of my estate, as fully as I RE O nt Fy r e es , could do if living. A ee ne : = paper writir purpo! be the last will ; vy Will and testawenut a@ W. H. Kunkle, deceased, which is heretd attache : : | ‘ oe a iere btached, dated tne ir ai ; In Wit s Wh the said George Kaleign ucloll, have hereunto set . ns thhw are : 1ess whereot, I ie sai , tne 3 4y of February, 1940, having often seen , ena ae i a ; i | i . : 4 . ia a le oO rT 7 Yr » aes | os o | my hand to sn a } ( > guvent his the tno day ol vanuary 1942 { the said T, L. Dysard, Sr. subscribed as a witeeéé y he this my last will and testauent, this 9 ay Ys . George Raleigh !cVoll (SAL) o- te e PE A S to said will is in the penuine a nanawriting oj > Said fi ldwriting oi the said T, L, Dysard, or.; and affiant This instrument, consisting oz two typewritten pages (each bearing tne furtner swears that he is well . 7 € 1s well acquaintea with the handwrit ng of W. H. Kunkle, deceased, wiiose wi ‘ ic 4 : VOC Will Che attacned pavnerwritin,; Signature ot t aboveenamed G ce Rk i v4 11) was by him on the date hereol SeCPwriving, dated the 3rd day of February, 1940 7 ( the aboveenamed George Raleirh meVoll) y ’ purports to havine « ’ aa E t ve nav nf > ean, i . r 1 al . ; ing oiten seen him wr and that the name of the said W. H. “*ened, publisned and declared by him to be his last will and testauent, in our Kunkle subscrib ; 3 ibed to sad will ie ;, presenc : i iat Tis aad te sine d in the presence of each i111 is in the genuine handwriting ot the said W. H, Kunkle. €, who, at his request and in his presence and i other, we believing him to be oi sound and disposing mind and memory, have ‘ Monroe Adams ne ~“uoscribec “ ; ins oe : aaa —— ee n n+ e . : + 4nd Sworn to before me, this 9th day o1 ri. 1951 freunto subscribed our naves as witnesses. 7Un day t Ap be . ars: Jawes Cloninger | _ RBOTDING BE i Fn Ginetta G, G. Smith umpaasiiie Clerk Superior Court | Mildred Cansler RESIDING AT an Ba Scenes And thereupon it is Considered a; eae ee eres i@ adjudged by the en, . ‘ i ae Sela ii a f y the court that the said paper writing | od. Sherrod RESIVING A‘ Conover, N, Uy, thereof is the last w411 € last will and testament of W. H. Kunkle deceased, and | it is ordered that the same, Seorge taleigh McColl with the fore-r in amd ~GvSN& examination and this certificate, | |be recorded and filed, April, 1951, | NoRy , | NORTH CawoLIwa IN THE SUPEKLOR COURT | This 10 day Ol C. G, Smith — TREDKLL CUUNTY BEFUKE ‘Ths CLERK Clerk Superior Court. TO HONORABLE P. W. DEATON Clerk Superior Court h Uarolina ned Ulerk, reposiny special trust ana conlidence in your intergrity, hereby authorizes and empowers you to cause mildred Cansler and “+ vs onerrod to appear belore you at such time and place as you may appoint ? I} ¥ av and on oath to exauwine them touching such matters and things as they shall + oncerning the execution of a paper writin purportin Leien i.cCall, deceased, wich has been osition in writir w@ you are to a) t 4 2 nnrere { ’ - ¢° £ seal, tot un 2d Ule - tne ouperior Court, hand and seal this tie ve Gy Smith Clerk Superior Court : A paper writing heret urportins to ove the last will and Testanent o 10k alei j Staue eorye ilalei bearin January, 19h; , is ove i thereupon nd exaiuination o1 Mildred Uansler ‘ i i Mildrea Cansler Subscribing witnesses thereto, is tollows: A, Catawba sOunty,. Muildred U; nd ene ansler and Ww, J, enerrod being duly Sworn, depose and say, and each Jor himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writins now snown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Veorge Kaleigh McUall, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testawent, and tn {tiant attested it dn the presence and at tne request of said George Kaleirh MeVall, deceased; and tnat at the time of its execution Said George italeigh iieUal] Was, in aviiant's Opinion, oi sound mind and disposing memory, We d, Sherrod Mildred Cansler ‘(iirs. P. W. whitener) Severally subscribed y Seribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day ot April, Pe We Veaton — Clerk Superior Court Vatawhba County having exec ‘ re ‘ ; Cuted the comudssion ol i© Vlerk of the Superior Court of Iredal County, | hereby make ‘ ’ iake this 48 a trie and complete account of the proceedings had before me under the special authority & In witness whereo:, yarolina sR IN i ya uperior Vourt ofr ty. Flo, S35 25 10/26/44 ry wy ‘ WU j L VUNU SAN. © 4 » Fred x Ox, io nereby will and ll my property, both real and Personal, to wy wite, Fannie oe ge, walker Witness, —ha s. York Witness, Lois P, Hair ir Witness. NORTH VAKOLINA Tr IN THs SUP LALO COURT ebbFORs The CLORK. REVELL U OUNTY In dy ' TT ‘Hi W@TER OF Ti WILL OF Fred &. vox, Veceased, ‘he paper-writing hereto attacned and purporting to be the last will and + é , , ; Sstauent ot fred B&B. Vox, deceased, is exhivited beforethe undersigned Clerk ot t ‘ Ss rn" , Superior Court of Iredell Vounty, Nortn Carolina, by, the executor therein Nay ed, and thereupon the following proot thereof is taken by tne oath and | *Xawination of i; it i t 1 itness Walker, Lois P, Hair and Kdna S, York, the su scrihine witnesses the aa , reto, 48 tollows: a [R a e e e ec — a el l a 0s BE A. Be ae U a is EE R E ee Sh a e Ra e ae e w n ea e = On accoun and/or deeds of deen desirable or necessary in the business-like of sound mind po s oxec 3 a9 4 =e Say arnt death, do hereby Cutrix shall not be required tc ive an the said George aton, have | my hand sestament; and seal, this o my vody a decent burial, i eps : | ’ pall 0 et Wishes meu . So. . . Ge - R. wAL , nd pay the expenses therefor, jeorge K, baton (0 torret _ wi ~~ mae : ss _— d ‘ ‘s lt ] i ,8 f i a ‘ - a ; “4 > é a aec are Vv , € Ala At yY owe ¢ he time of my death, a8 vipned, sealed, publis.ed and declared by t ) soon as actic: ' ‘y y ; : be his l 4 “vu leatis u enw ¢ fi a 1S last wy T oat amen ‘ out t S available for that purpose. t Will and Testament in the George Kk, baton to resence of us, who at his reouest, and in his presence ' ee a a her ubserib my debts, 1 give, devise and bequeath resence and in the presence of each other, do hereto subscribe our nawes as > ‘ . Witnesses Lt whatever kind and nature and wherever ne Situated, r : ww , ’ a ! ‘ Blankenshi wile, Mayme Woolsey Haton, to be hers Hessie bi 12P absolutely "" Sarah MecRorie Vowles ; Stitute and ar point my ife, iayme Woolsey patvon, and in case of act ae i ; ay . vy my attorney, John A, seott, of Btatesville as ix . aide, N ‘KOCutrix of this my “ill and Testa ent, to execute the same a: ever art thers Al yhereot ’ to its true intent and meaning, nereby my said revoking all other wills hv me { Wills by me neretotore wade, I Specifically authorise Witt CHARLOTTE S. GORVON, of Statesville, +redell County, North varolina, i os oo eat? « jae eee cee neces enna ah aoe a cae hae - : of Georre be my last will ana hereby revoke any and all other wills and | made bv ine Voe ouperior | | ARTICLE I direct that all my just debts, suitable tomostone or marker lor funds oi my estate. rt + I direct that pat and inneritance taxes and other taxes in the ieponent, subscribed hi general nature tnereot which snall become payable upon or by reason of my death, bears dat with respect to any property passing oy or under tne terms of this will or any codicil to it hereafter executed by me, or with respect to the proceeds of any ce policy or policies of insurance on my life, or with respect to any other property which shall be included in my gross estate for the purpose of such taxes, shall be paid by my Executor out of the principal of my residuary estate. end of said will as an ARTICLE IIt ‘esence of tue said I bequeath all of my tanrible personal property and etfects contained in or wnen tne said used in connection with my residence at the time of my deatn (including my the time of automobile or automobiles, out not including stocks, bonds, notes, or other hereto, as aforesaid, securities or choses inaction) to my husband, Louis Gordon, if he snall survive full age to execute a me; or if my husband shall predecease me to wy sons or their issue, per stirpes, in its sole discretion shall knowledge, information or belief of with such equality and ppropriateness my “uxecutor And further tuese feponents say no determine, Ss severally sworn and sy} “4 nd al = y Sworn and subscribed this lith day of Mayme Woolsdy Katon (SEAL) ARTICLE iV April, 1951 before | | , 2 me, Qrah wckorie Cowles _(SHAL) I bequeath and devise all the residue and remainder of my property and ’ u 4 } Y mi , rk iu ; + * e th, a lerk wu rior Yourt " 5 F . ) | estate i . an Yin ink oe ai si Aw ll wiy | to th living Hessie Hlankenship (AL n equal shares to such of my children as sha survive me and to the living NORTH GAROLINA, ) 10 7 issue per stirpes of such of my children as shall be dead with issue living at ‘i UUUL e IREVELL GOUNTY. ) md the time of my death (such issue representing its parent); provided that if any of It is therefore consic Ae nsidered ; atiude ‘ sr ™ ind aljudged by the Court that tne said paper | the funds ang properties constituting a part of my residuary estate shall vest in writing, and every part th hh , ) é Breot S the las i ‘ eon my death . 2 1©@ 1aSt will and testanent of George Ke any person who shall be untr twenty-one (21) years of age at the time of my death, 9 seem ne Sa e@ wi th tn © L re i Xé j t j th i Cc I 4 u are ordered bo be recorded and f'j rn iled, hevertheless be held in trust by WACHOVIA bANK ANU TRUST COMPANY, As Trustee, and C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Go | be admins a Pr a meee 2,..09 13 r : ‘snistered under the provisions hereof and that the net income or the principal of such funds and properties so held in trust for each such person shall be applied in such manner and at such interfals and in such amounts as my Trustee in its | 80le discretion Snall trow time to time deem requisite or desirable, for the suitable 9 ne-(21) years or shall sooner die. With respect to tne funds and properties con- i | Sport and education of such person until he orshe shall attain the age of twenty- | &t . ‘ ttutin; each such trust as aforesaid, my Trustee shall have ali the powers and “iseretion which are hereinafter conferred upon my said Executor, and, in addaté es I hereby authorize my Trustee to invest and reinvest the funds otf such trust 4 - 4 VU n stocks or bond: securities (specifically includin; investment in VV Vill i such ust rund of Wachovia Bank ist Com any ) Or other pro erties or pergonal) as tiie Trus nvestmen uid Or other similar Committee stee in its sole scretion 1eem advisable, ARTICLE (1) I nominate and appoint Wachovia Hank and Trus with an lisbury, North Carolina, Hxecutor o1 my will, I hereby authorize un xecutor, in ti : ite an’ : ; ? Lts sole discretion f “aAatrast . vu 4 . . : Co retain an Les « properties (real SO Long as ne ion thereof interests otf my estate: to sell or exchanre 01 ivert real property o: ‘sonal property 3 14 x Or envert real property or personal property, either publicly or pri- \ e for sn or ler W e ‘ as ‘ at ly, casn or on cre when to do so shall to it seen to be advisable the best interesis ol my estate; to participate in any plan of liquidation, morranigation. eaneniic ws | aw a4 4 : reor inization, consolidati ’ Incorporation or other financial adius ment of any business in which n state shal] > financially ty iterested and to acc eS any stocks or scauiT , acquired under such plan; to compromise, ark "at oO Nerwi eco i to, . » : ‘ arbitrate, or otherwise adju r settle claims in favor of or against my estate; to divide or allot : > any 1 ; aft 4 ' llot al ortion of th properties constituting a part of my rtly kind and partly in money and to 4 : . include undivided sais ee !ivided or allotted; to renew gr extend any oblirations . whie aha} , , ligations on which Shall \e bound or to borrow money for the benefit of my estate w i fneurrine any ' cae y esta vithout incurring any personal Liability with respect thereto and, if my ikxec shal] an eo er ; y “xecutor shall deem it requisite or desirable so to do, to secure such Oblirat S or loans by morto ions or LOANS OY morts ire or pledre of any pro erty belon: ins to uy estate; and toeecute such deed: 3, leases (for any period of time even though it may exte hey he nim ' Ay xtend beyond the jurationat the trust in thich the property so Leased shall be eli), notes, contracts line ae 5 , : acts, proxies, bills ot sale and other instruments as my sxecutor shall deem desiranle er : , ‘esiravle or requisite in the businesslike settlement of my estate, (3) I direct as compensation for its Chat WACHOVIA DANK ANU LaUS'l’ CUMmMP NY, j Services as ixec " and as 2 - | *ecutor and as Tpustee of such trusts as shall become operative mre- | ' under pursuant to th , s of + , , ' P he provisions ot the foregoing AKTIGLE IV hereof, shall be entitled to retain the Commission Stipula ed in its rerularly adopted schedule of ipensat "t'¢ f ' Compensatéon in effect and applicable at the time of the performance of such sor vices rovided, however, that mt Pp ’ » “nav Suc Compensation shall not exceed the commissions then allowaple by, law for such services, IN WITNESS WHkiKiwOr, J es have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, * the 14 day of Sept. 1950, NORTH CaRoLINA | TREDELL COUNTY | t Charlotte S. Gordon (SEAL) published and declared by the said Charlotte S. Gordon as and presence ot us who, at her request, in her presence and have hereunto Subscribed our nawes as wit nesses: ‘ a iened, sealed, 9 r a” hla for her last wil Ly An Un in the presence of one another, K. H, Clauset _ ADUK“SS_Salisbury, N. ~. Murry A. Miller _ADURESS Salis NOR TH ¢()] ] A NORA UAW Lae TReEveLb Th ty LN AnD 1 WiLL Of Uharlotte o, Gordon, Deceased, LL it The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testawent of Uharlotte S Gordon, deceased, is exnivited belore tne ndersi ned UVlerk of the Superior Vourt of Iredell Vounty, North irolina, oy K. H. Clauset, [rust Ofiicer, Wachovia Bank Trust Co,, the executor therein nauwed, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and exawination of K. H. Clauset the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NOKTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. and say each for himself depos K. H. Clauset, being duly sworn, depose Y, Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paperewriting now shown her, purporting to be the last will and testament of Unarlotte oS Gordon and, that he saw her execute tnis writing as ner last will and testaunent, anda that request of said Charlotte 5S. affiant attested it in the presence and at the Gordon deceased; and that at tnethme oi its execution said Uharlotte » Gordon was, in affiant's Opinion, ot sound mind and disposing memory. KH Clauset severally subsettbed and sworn to betiore me, t is 16th day of April, 1951. CGC, G, Smith Ulerk Superior Court Iredell County that the said papere j And thereupon it is considered and ad judred by thevourt Writing and everypart thereof is the last will and testament of Uharlotte 3, Gordon, deceased, and it is ordered tnat the saue, with the foreyoing examination 8nd this certificate, be recorded and filed, This 20 day of April , 1951. CG, G, Smith Clerk Superior court of Iredell County. COMMISSION TU TAKK PROOF OF WILL IN THe SUPHKLOR COURT BEFORE THE C LEXK TO HONOKABLE J. K. SWAIN Clerk Superior Court Asheville, North Carolina The undersigned Clerk, reposing special trust and confidence in your interrrity, hereby authorizes and empowers wou to cause Murray Miller CO appear before you at such time and place as you may appoint and on cath to exaiuiine touchin olne Such matters and inall know ot and concerning the execution of a : opaper-writin purportin: to be tne iast will and testau.ent of urs. Chrlotte § sordon, deceased, wnich has been t thi liice tor probate, SO taken, the Same you are ned Ulerk of the Superior Court, nereunto set my hand and seal this —_—— STATE OF NOXTH CAROLINA Ui DUNUUI bE A paper writing hereto attacned and purporting to be the last will and festauwent ot mrs. Cnarlotte 3, ordon, deceased, bearing the date of l4th day of vepteuber, 1950, is exnivited before tne undersigned by virtue of the authority above siven him, and thereupon the followin; proof tnereot is taken by the oath and examination otf ‘urry 4. Miller, one ot the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: 7 NORY'H CARULINA, BUNCUMBs CUUNTY, Murry A, miller being duly sworn, deposes and says, tnat he is a subscribing itnes t a1iq nar irs ‘ Witness to tne said paper-writin; now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of mrs. Charlotte &, Gordon, anda that he saw ner execute this writing as her last will and testauent, ana that aftiant attested it in tne presence and at the request ot said srs . 4a mrs. Charlotte 5, vordon, deceased; and that at the time @& its execution said rs u > r rd j f + j : B80 nda | ‘ - 24 P@ harlotte : - G on was I a ; i ar Ss Oop nion Oo ™ , ," i , : mind and disposing nemory. Murry A, Miller ISeverally subscribed and s\ ally subscribed and sworn to oefore me, this 17 day of April, 1951 ’ 7 ° | J. k, Swain Clerk Superior Vourt Suncumbe Younty { Having executed t =» he comuis > &) ’ : i28Sion of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, I her | y, eoy wake this as a true and complete account of tne proceedings | Aer pad before me under the special authority in me reposed . In w ; ereot' itness whereot’, I hereunto set my hand and seal this the 17 day of April, 1951. ‘sda | | Je Be Swete aul | Clerk Superior Court LAST WILL AND TESTAuHt nT NOR ‘TH AROLINA TREUDHLL VOL N rr . I, Uarl E. Small, of tne aforesaid County and State, being oi sound ~% mina, but considering the uncertainty of my eartnly existence do make and : XY lestament. declare this my last Will and my body a decent ourial y “ 1. My “#xecutor, hereinaiter nai shal] ive suitable to the wisnes ot my triends ana ana pay all funeral expeges, toretner with all my just debts, out ol ney which my come into her nands beloncing to my estate. 2. I hereby constitute and ap Executor to all intents anda purposes direct th Y accordins to the true intent ana ..eanin be required to give bond of any kind I hereby revoke and declare Testauents by me heretotore made. null and void all otner wills and 3. I give, will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Kate Y. Small, all of my property whether personal, real or mixed of whatever nature and whatever situate. In witness wnereof I, the said Carl s, Small, nave hereunto set my hana and geal this tne 12th day of January, 1942. Carl &. Small (SAL) Signed, sealed, Publisned, and Veclared by the said Carl &. Small to n tne presence of us, who, at his request and in be his last will and Testament i hig presence, and in the presence ot each other, do suoscribe our naues as witnesses taereto, J. Lawrence Jones, Jr. ss wi iN OO Jessie McManus Wi NESS WUATH CAXOLINA IN WHE SUPERLOR VUUbleeBbFUrs ints U LEXK e TXEDELL COUNTY IW The saTTER UF THs WILL OF Varl EB, Small, Deceased. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will ana testament of Carl KE, Small, deceased, is exhibited before the undersirned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Kate Y.- Small, tne executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereot is teken by the Cath and exauination of J. Lawrence Jones, Jr. and Jessie McManus, tne subscribing Witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH G AROLINA, Iredell County. J. Lawrence Jones, Jr and Jess ie McManus being duly sworn, depose and Say, and each for himself deposes and says, that He ig a subscribing witness to ee ae now snown him, purportins to be the last will ang testament of varl 4, omé and “hat he saw him @xecute this writing as his last Will and presence ana at the reques its execution said Carl sposing meiiory,. J. Lawrence Jones Jessie McManus Sworn to before me, this 28th day ot April, 195 Martha U, Parker, Deputy . en vierk Superior Court Iredell county ind adjudged by the Court that tne said paper-writing and testawen. of Kate Y. omall, Jeceased, ltoreroin examination an 11S certiiicate U. G. Smith - en anne Clerk Superior Court o1 tredell -ounty. FNO. 3509 a, W. Cs eid, hereby make and declare this to be my last will and Testament: Alter payment of all my Just debts and tuneral expenses, I give and be- queath all my property to my wife, Olivia reid, provided sne takes care ol ule. I appoint wy friend J. L. Vourlas as uxecutor of this my will. 29 day ot January, 1949, We Ve aeid OLAL. oe Blake White Marie white _ NOK''H CAROLINA : ns i. IN his WUl waLOK VOU mm Bis Oi is 4 Tus U Liibith » IREDU LL CUUNTY IN HE MATTER OF Yue WLLL oy WU Reid, Deceased, The paper-writine nereto attacned and purporting to be the last will and testauent ot WC Reid, deceased, is exnibited before tne undersigned Clerk of the Superior Vourt ot Iredell vounty, North Carolina, by urs, Olivia Keid, wife therein named, and thereupon the folléwing proof thereof is taken by the oath and exauination of flake White ana Marie White, the Subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: i 4e NO. 3510 North verolina, Iredell County deline MeMull of statesvill« Pr. Ue, Iredeil Vounty, Nor varolina, do hereby revoke any will heretofore made | na declare this my last will, After the payment ot my just debts ana funeral expenses, I dispose oi my estate lOllows: ‘irst. I devise my home place consistin two tra { lana near Mtatesvil €, \. U., which contains 17 acres, wore or le: yy following naned Childred: Myrtle weMullen Gillion, Arthur Mchulien, Grady memulilen, Crover “Mullen, Jawes vichullen, Cliiiton McMullen, Clyde meullen, Annie NeMualen Scott, “tanley rcMullen ana the issue ot wy deceased child Nina mcMullen Adams taking the Share ot my deceased child, Nina meMullen Adams, it living would take, suare and Share &like; saig Children being Fred Adams, Leroy Adaws, Gharles Adams, William daws , “S0W8S Neal adams and Nathaniel Adams, \ Second. I mention the name ot my son Bennig MeMullen to show tiat I 1 forrotten him and I purposely five him no leracy in this will, paperewritins nov McMullen, and that he ana that aftfiant att Mehullen deceased; and affiant's opinion, o: and every part thereof and it is Ordered hat be recorded and filed, 6s lith day Severally subscribed and And thereupon it is considered ci.ullen said Adeline : . ‘DY Abiy sth VLG » followin» froof ther is taken by Guy, the subscribing wit- july Sworn, depose and say, and ins witness to the said urporting tobe the last will and testament of Adeline Saw her execute this writine as her last will and testa: ent, in the presence and at { hat ie Lime 5 a ‘ 1 /the time of its @@ution said Adeline McMullen was, +2 at the request @ said Adeline Sound mind and disposing memory, wloy wilkinson von Ge PN i CoO velfore l4tno day oi may, 1951. U, ie omith . ‘ Wlerk SuperiorCourt Iredel. county is Ge , Soe ad Judred by the Vourt that the said naper=wri ting =f oe ast will and testament of Adeline MeMullen, deceased, 7 Sane, with the fore Oing examination and this certificate Qj May, 1951, ” ! ue . = nee ed 2 eo. Serior Court 1recw i : it eee eens * coe 4 jirect tnat station in lif neral expenses I give and devise to my daughter, ary Dwirht T now live and the 75 acres of land upon which it Sharpe, the residence where stands, toretner with all nousehold furniture contained therein, provided that if after payment oi debts and funeral expenses and medical and hospital bills, there i remains in my personal estate insuiiicient funds to pay tne bequeaths of 9200.00 each to my three sons as set out above, and after my personal estate is exausted, vhe remainder of said bequeaths, if any, shall be charged against tne lands nerein devised to my daurhter, mary White Sharpe. ITim LV I give and bequeath to my four children, viz: Marvin white, Mary white Sharpe, Arch White and Arthur White, all of my property not otherwise disposed of, ai of whatever kind, both real and personal, wheresoever situated, share and share alike, ITeM V I hereby constitute and appoint my son, Marvin White as my “Lxecutor to execute this my last Will and testament. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said W. P, White have hereunto set my hand and Seal, this the 17th day of February 1947. W. P, White (SEAL) “W, P. White Sirned, sealed, published and declared by the said Wi P, White to be hb Mast will and testauent in the presence of us, who at his request and in his Presence, and in the presence of each other, do hereto set our hands as witne RESIDING AT | i RESIDING AT Statesville, a. sworn, deposes and say hat he is well acquainted tne attacied ‘paper often will is ke. Fe. Kerr _ of May, 1951. iartha U, Parker Veputy Clerk Suerior Court rn eer 4 UR‘ - WRK. deceased, urportins to be the last will and xnioited before the undersirned, Clerk of tne superior court oi "e@ , *s OS trecet] ith varolina, oy Marvin White, the executor tnerein named, and thereur t} . , upon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and L Soes examination of Neil S Sower ‘ ‘ i oO Veil eowers one ot the subscribing withesses thereto, and of mn Isaac T. avery as followin NOwTH CAMULINA, Iredell County: Neil 5. Sowers, being duly swo » being duly sworn deposes and Says that ne is a subscribing vit t he said V ness oOo the said paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will testamen P { t ent of W P White and that he saw W P white execute this writinz as his last will . d ,@a £ { he . na testament, and that at'fiant attested it in the oresence and at the reque st of said W. P, : d P, White, deceased; and at the time of its execution sad W. P. White was, in affiant' . ’ ant's opinion, ot sound mind and disposin; memory, Affiant further swe: hat Isaac ' ears that Isaac T Avery the other eubscribing witness to said will, signed the sane as a wi S — itness in the resence ot affiant, and that affiant saw him sign the same, and that said ; , Isaac T Avery is now resides out of the State of North Carolina Subscribed and sworn to before mé, this 19 day of ¢ May, 1951/ C. Ge Smith reli Clerk Superior Court ot Tredeli wunty __Neil 3 Sowers ____ —- NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County, | Mariemma Hen ley, being duly sworn, deposes and says tnat she is well acquainted | bs: with the handwriting ot I¢aac 1! Avery, one of tne subscrinving witnesses to the paper writing purporting to be tue testa "We. P. white, deceased, whicn is hereto attached, dated th ‘eoruary, 1947, having ottenBbeen him write, and that tne name of the said Isaac T Avery subscribed as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting otf tne said Isaac !' Avery. _Mariemma Henley oo Suoseribed and sworn to before m is dav o ay, 1951. G. Le omith aCe GUlerk Superior Vourt + aper writing And tnereupon it is considered and and every part tnereof is tne last wil ite, deceased, aa and it is ordered tnat tne sawe with tne is certificate, be recorded and filed. fhis 19 day of may, 1951. an { » a9 UV, G.omltn Ulerk ouperior court No./ 3512 My will, I appoint wy wife, Aileen P. Lazenby and son Glenn Lazenby, Jr. joint adwinistrators of my estate, with power to,pen my lock box, or make any other disposition, that they may see fit, without a court order. I leave to each of my three crand¢éhildren & 9500.00 Govt. bond. I leave to my son, Gleun, Jr. any or all of my personal belongings that he may want. Also, vefore any ivison of my estate, he is entitled to an equity in the home place equal to the auount he has invested in 4 ™m . i : . fis apartment located in said house. T : + leave the rewainder of my estat wife Aileen Pitts Lazenby to be used during } 924 . ier lifetime as she may desire. G. A. Lazenby i Nov, lst, 194.9 : NORTH CARO] VAROLINA ’ . IN VHe SUPLRIOR GOURT, IXKEDELL COUNTY. BEFORE THE CLERK. A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting to be the last , 4 . { Will ana testa.ent of G. A. Lazenby deceased, is exhibited for probate in open | Court by Glenn Lazenby, ur. one of tne executors therein named; and it is thereupon Proved by the oath and exaiuination of Glenn Lazenby, Jr. that the said will was found awonp the valuable papers and effects, after his death, And it is further pro ; : ved by the oath and examination of three competent and credible witnesses, tomwit.: Wit: pirg, Ruby Y. Viens, and Rovert A. Vollier, that they are acquainted With the nh th i : Le I j with the hn vhe Salad uu. A, Lazenby, naving otten seen tne said Lazenby subscriber ie said 7 > . j i Cnereot S ll , indwriti . me nanc riting roved { Glenn Laz irs. Ruby Y. Viens oe azenby wt, A, Collier +, this tne 29 day ot Ulerk Superior Cour 1a judged by the writines, ana every part ‘967, 4 h ast will and test: e ; 1s Wiil and testaisiex je A, Lazenby, adeceasea exaiulination and icate Sgeencns ames uo, eunverior Court. WO. 3513 NORTH CAROLINA | , IREVeLL COUNTY. | 7T ‘ 4 , : 4, Will Jamison, of th afor j ( ’ vie aloresaid County and State, do make this my last will and testament: 1. I will that all my out of the first woneys comin: into her hands aa -¢ Ye Ze I wil Je ivie lL, give, divise and bequeathe all my property both real and personal to my wite, Cor: aud y e, Cora Lee Jauison, to belonr to her absolutely and forever 3. I hereby consti J eUil tute aii YD? a . Aud appoint my said wife, Cora Lee Jamison, executrix of this my last will and testament IN WITNESS WHUREOF. 1 99 WHEREON, I, the said Will Jamison, do hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 22nd, day of October 1949 i ‘ . Wi11 Jamison (SAL) virned, sealed : last will and testament { in the 1 s} " Bp cintgetegbore declared by the said Will Jamison to bé@ resence of each other, q *Sence, who at his request and in his presence » [0 SubScribed our naues as witnesses thereto. Sam G, Hall J. G, Lewis said paper JUSt debts be paid by my executmdx hereinalter nawed | j ' ' . +} uneri the super. + executor t follows: omy ‘A W)T. 7 ORTH VAY ae veverally and thereupon it is considered and adjud,ed by t Writing and every part thereof is the and it is b@ recorde This fn wILL Or Will Jamison, Vecease pnaperewritins hereto attacned and ir Jill Jamison, deceased, iS exhibited | + or Vourt of Iredell Vounty, Nortn Carolin wing nerein naiued, and thereupon tion oi Sau G Hall and d G LInA, Iredell Vounty. Sam G Hall and poses and says irporting to ve the last execute this writing as resence ana execution Orye _Sam subscri before me, tais 7 ve G, Smith Clerk superior Last will @nd Ordered that the sa.e, witn tne foregoin a ana tiled, day of June, U UL oe orting to eiore the a, by Cora each for per-writing Je) tall « Lewl1sS lay of Jourt Iredell Vouuty ue Vourt that the said papere- testauent oi wWili Jauwison, deceased), exawination and this certificate, Ve omith k Superior Court of Iredell County er 2 f ie F ; 128 . 29" yp = nan a es vs menue sreepennenenenenEEEES NO 3514 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Signed, sealed, publisned, ana declared oy tne said Kk, U, Sherard, ne ; WILL ; * RE Edad to be his last will testament in vin ence a nis requ na in s I, *. C. Sherard, being a citizen and resident ot’ Iredell County 3 nig presence anda in tne presence of e eunto set o as unty, : n North CUgrolina and beings of sound and disposinrs mind and memory, do make and declar witnesses. ? Ane i are sc “ this my last will bs tas Be es Ce ee ae ii miee . ‘ ' ] ’ : this my last will and testamen » nereby revoking all prior wills ana codicils whi ¢ Abe 1orial ~V tt WOLCH eee santos omens — tol'ore made, ie] Item ie ’ Le 1 rant le} Mas T wil) ; 4 a+ oes oa - . * 4 Wiit ana direct that my executrix hereinaiter nawed pay all my just debts a funeral expenses fro: ¢ Pte ei : ee eots MANS Ta. expenses trou tne Lrst money coming into her hands from estate. I direct that : Snheritanc ans % NORTH CAROLINA 1a A. inneritance, l icy, 4cceSsSion or similar duties or IW GHE SUPeeklOn COURT@\-BsFOren THs CLERK. t € j 0 + IREDELL 4 NTY ii ] le in yr ct to any pro ty oO ter : 21 i ’ i I iny codicil, or o1 count ol my death, shall IN THs MATTER OF THE wILL Or R. LU, Sherard, UVECEASED. e id it t r’ 4 wv meatidauasew aeae ° : : + » 4 ny ; - y #eeliduary estate, The paper-writing hereto attacned and purporting to be tne last will and T } : 2 £ £ ; + c ye y la *i otc WU testament of Kh. U. Sherard, deceased, is exnivited beiore tne undersirnec vierk of fil ecucath unt - Anodes ay oe , a ie ‘ ' + 74 7 ze a So i aaa a the + 3 ath unto my USIiN Miss Anne cNeely, Mooresville, N, U, the ouperior vourt ol Iredell County, North var olin 9 Me de: e. : Ly » wae + —~ t a c m ) / ‘ rv . ‘ = - * ¢ - rs) + ) y , + ” UY ($1,000.00) , ee 2 e living at my death. ' executor tnerein naued, and thereupon the rollovwin rooi tiuereol 1 Ken by tne ITs, THREY oath and examination of A. F. Gabriel and kK, T. Brantley, ti ipserioing witnesses 4 will ana bequeath unto urs. ; thel ucheely, mooresville +, the sum of thereto, as follows: ssville, N.C s Vi I IA ee OO ) vr) fry . . ‘ i ‘ \ 1,0C eV ) j he aa e be ] j rt ieath. NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell] County. I : ee ae ' Brantley being duly sworn, depose and say, and a 4 Dal rUUn He &€s WVSEOTsaGs BNG Be S40 brantley bein Md y WYVSlig UMVUPVOW S 79 ota 7" 1 r ~ ; 4 . + . . } t,o ‘ syhacri ; v1 T Ss t i S< All of the rest and resiaue o} my estate, meaning thereby all oi my each tro himself deposes and says, that se is a subscribing witness to the said property of every sor... ki , tae iis ' aper-writi he le rill and e y BANG, and description, both real and personal, which remains paper-writing now shown him, purportiny to be the last will ana testament ot aiter all debts and costs of aduwinistrati i, C, Sherard, and that ne saw him execute this writing as his last will and 40n Nave been paid and all prior provisions of thi o testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of devise and bequeath in Said KR, C, sSherard, deceased; and that at tne time of its execution said i, U, will ful Ly Col Lied with ry _anw, 4 : A- Vy 1 Wii ’ equal snares in ft sim iad . 4 S 1! Simpl into my sister sou ‘ : ‘ uU ) L er 9 IS. Lula i eld, And rson, Souta Carolina, “herard was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and aisposing memory. i my sister, mrs. J. 0. Wilso: ee ae : , : veemeety #ODCVILLEG, oouth Varolina and Muy brother, voe Sherard, Bel South Varolina. a : A, F. Gabriel } f » Belton, South sarolina, all to share and Share alike, If any oi the said i | beneficiaries be not li ine at vv dent PA a | Ret, brantiey _ | ni Gu Wy Geath, then the child or children of said : ic : : | | benet'iciary shall “everally subscribed and sworn to before me, this lst, day of June, 1951. Jal a Yr Sné u Ke tne er h4 r | . - © part thier parent would nave taken it living. | >o Ge & c C, Ge. Smith ‘ . | ITEM FIV! Clerk Superior Court Iredell County | T h , vn ,ae4 i ‘ | And the 5 1 . » * i e ~WwW itin ereby constitute and appoint mrs, [the McNeely the executrix of i reupon it is considered and ad Judged by the vourt that the said paper-wr gz and every part tnereot is the last will and testament oi 4K, \. Sherard, deceased, } this my last will an teste i n i said exe y 8na Vestament srebyv ivi * gyre ‘ cutr x SV» heret d f V and ; rant nf unto my full an hor and it 4 n and this certificate u power and authority to sel] any property or do any act, which in her opinion 8 ordered that the saue, with the foregoing exawinatio is ror the best interest of my estate be recorded and filed. further provide that no bond be required of the executrix, This lst day of June, 1951. In testimony wher . u G, 5 th estimony whereof, I, the said R. UC. Sherard, nave hereunto set Clerk Superior Court of lvedell Colnty my hand and seal this 10th day of March 195] Jue sd eo me oem R, CU, Sperard (SSAL) gene ee ke RH si i a ilu, | 1} | Sherard, Belton, South Varolina. al] | | | . AO 351k wy) ‘ eygm ' { YLALE Ur NUALH LU inOLINA WILL v. Sherard, being a citizen and resident ot’ Iredell] County ounty, saroOlina and beings of sound a iisposi nind and memor 10 ma} a I 1 nd disposing mind and memory, do make and declare hiem a it 4.9 : » war ay hareahtr Sons : : iis my last will and testament, hereby revoking al] prior wills and codicils 11C11L8S which ave 1aiter nawed account ol cheely, e living at my deatn, 1 uciiecly, mooresville, \. C. the sum of iy death, All oi as . : estate, meaning thereby all ol my property of every ints ‘ iption, both real and personal, which remains after all debts anc ti , : avion nave becn pai al all prior provisions of this will : : i will, devise and bequeath in equal suares S. Lula iieid, Ana srson, South Carolina, my sister, mrs. J, pbevil monte bn vevaiie, south varolina and my brother, Joe ; to Share and share ali (Ce If any ol the said beneficiaries be no y death, t 4 yY Geath, then the child or children of said beneficiary shall ; i¢ thier parent would nave taken if living. ITEM FIVE I her y wmnatd4 ‘ . evdy constitute and appoint urs, EBthe McNeely the executrix of this my last will an sat aman? y i11 and testawent, hereby giving and granting unto my said executr * full power and authority t Pp authority to sell any property or do any act, which in her opinion is for the best tere iP aia ‘i st interest of my estate, further provide that no bond be required of the executrix, In testin ny wi , SUimo vNhereof I she ni ' : » +, the said R, C, Sherard, nave hereunto set my hand and seal this 10th day of march 1951 4 * K, C, Sperard (SAL) ned, to be his last will his presence witnesses. The paper-writin; testament oi Kk. vu. oherard, the Superior Court executor tnerein n examination of A. F. Gabriel thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. A. F. Gabriel and kh. IT. Brantley being duly Sworn, depose and Say, and each fro himself deposes and says, that se is a subscribing witness to the said paperewriting now shown him, purportinys to be the last will anc testament ot &. C, Sherard, and that ne saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of Said R, C, Sherard, deceased; and that at tne time of its execution said kK. U, “herard was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind anc disposing memory. Gabriel Brantley _ | "everally subscribed and sworn to before me, this lst, day of June, 1951. GC. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell Vounty | “Ad thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the vourt that the said paper-writing and every » ; — ma every part thereof is the last will and testament oi Kk, U. Sherard, deceased, anc 4t is ordered that the sauwe, with the foregoing exawination and this certificate b€ recorded and filed, This lst day of June, 1951. G, G, Smith Clerk Sinertor Court of tredell Younty “eee er ewe me me mw mh me he me ee Se s er e s pe e ea he s NOTH U AROLINA ik 4 ri UKLL C, Sherard en and resident ot Iredell County unty, h aia og) 14 Z } 4 - t’ j;anocin 4 and - : > North Usrolina and being of 1isposins mind and memory, do make and declare last will and testament, hereby revoking all prior wills and co COQ1C] ? . 118 which hereinaiter named into becueath unto cNeely, 0 (31,000.00) living at my death, UC. the sum of All oi the res sat i / O1 the res estate, meaning thereby all of my roperty of every sor kind, ; lescrinti ‘ pre] 5 » Sana, and description, both real and personal, which remains after all debts ar CO i atrats Pal é ‘ debts and cos .Stration have been paid and all prior provisions of this will fully co:nplied , naw , : , lied ua Carried out, 1 will, devise and bequeath in lal snares in f' Simple . mv Sister, mrs. Lula eid, Anderson, coutha varolina, ' My, Adbeville, South Varolina and My brother, voe p eerers,, Belton, South Varolina, all | beneficiaries be not 1i | to Share and share alike. If any ot the said y death, then the child or enildren of said beneficiary shall take the ITEM FIVE | part thier parent would have taken if’ living. I ~ehy ante " : : hereby constitute and appoint mrs, Ethe) McNeely the executrix of | this my last will and test | auent, hereby giving and granting unto my said executr * ‘ ow 1 -hor ‘ full power and authority to sell any property or do any act, which in her opinion s for the bes re ’ my . i est interest of my estate, | further provide that no bond be required of the executrix, In testimony reof stimony whereof, I, the said R, C, Sherard, have hereunto set my hand and seal this lOth day of march 1951 Rk, C, Sherard (S£AL) NORTH wih os ry LAbUoLL R. U, Sherard, VECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attacned and purpor testament of R. vu. Sherard, deceased, is exnioited the Superior Court oi Iredell County, executor trerein naued, and thereupon oath and examination of A. F. Gabriel thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. A. F, Gabriel and Rk, I. Brantley being duly sworn, depose and say, and each tro himself deposes and says, that ie is subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purportinys to be the last will and testament of Rk, C, Sherard, and that ne saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of Said R, C, sherard, deceased; and that at tne time of its execution said i. U, oherard was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. A, F, Gabriel Brantley | “everally Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lst, day of June, 1951. C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County | And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Vourt that the said paper-writing | and every part tnereot is the last will and testawent of Kk, v. Sherard, deceased, and it is ordered that the saue, with the foregoing exawination and this certificate i be Pecorded and filed. This lst day of June, 1951. G. G, Smith Cierk Superior Court of Tredell Vounty eeee © kK RR KH HR He si a ti Aaniaw an make, declare anda wills ana testam my wife Prudence iatural life bequeath to ‘TON cy : T 5100.00) asi fo my son d T jaughter Mae Alexander, wife of J. J. Alexander 4 my Son Williauw G. Halyburton Two Hundred dollars the deati: oi my wife all ot my property both real and personal iauenter Lola A, Halyburton except as mentioned and bequeathed in Ite 2, She is hereby charred with the payment ol my debts and fineral expenses oi mys id wife torether with the cost and expenses of the aduinistratim of my estate, Wat) fourth: I hereby constitute and appoint my daughter Lola A, Halyourton my awful e 1 hi , :" lawful executor to execute this my last will and testament to all the intents and purposes oi the saue, In imony ; f av testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 7th day of February, 1927, G. B. Halyburton (SEAL) Witnesses; H. CU, Payne J. B. Robinette / A, U. Payne PROBATE Of WILL UPON EXAMINATION OF SUBSURIBING WITNESSES=|-=43288 STAVE OF NOTH VAROLINA, ALEAANVER COUNTY 1 : In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. A “ paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testauent ot Gs Be ’ Xx t e c ; az . Superior Court f Said C y P tor said County, by Lola Halyburton the executrix therein mentioned, and the du iti ee : © execution thereof by the saidG., 4. Halyburton is proved by the oath and examination of A, CU. Pay ae ee * Fayne and H. G, Payne the subscribing witnesses thereto, ¥™ being duly sworn, < aie eer é y » GO depose and say, and each for himself deposetn and saith, that he is a subs tnes scribing witness to the paper writing now shown nim purporting to oe last will and testa ent » G B uM b en 4i@r ol i if r - £ . e + a] your ton, 4n the presence of this depone: t, subscribed his name at ti n ' é 1e@ end nanar and OL said paper writing now shown as aforesaid, ae Tt, } Jarv which bears date ot tne 7th. , day And the deponent further cid, at the testator al yresalad, aner writing so suoscribed by jJevonent did tnereupc 2ss tnereto, aid at aforesaid, the restraint, execute a wil pelief ot this deponen And further these deponents say vu. A. U. Payne H, UG, rayne Severally sworn and subscribed, this 27th, day of veptember, before me. ihe "«@ I earson sided Clerk Superior vourt North Carolina Alexander County In the Superior Yourt It is therefore consiiered and ad udged by the Court that the said paper writing, and every part tnereof, is the last will and testament of G. B. Halyburton aeceased and the sae, with the foregoing exauination and Unis certificate, are ordered to be recorded and filed. he 27th day of September, 19: . W. Pearson lerk Superior Court i a | State of North Carolina _ Alexander County I, Uharlie R, Watts, Clerk Superior Vourt in and for said County and “tate, said Court being a Court of record, having a seal, which is hereto | | &tached, do hereby certify that the fore-oing and attached two (2) sheets to » a true and correet copy of tne Last Will and Testament of Ju. b, Halyburton, de- Ceased, as the same is taken from and compared with the original filed in this ortice and recorded in Book of Wills "D" page 175. Witness my hand and official seal, at Taylorsville, Nort. Carolina, this the 22 day of March, 1951, Charlie RK, Watts Tierk of “uperior Court of Alexander County, Ne U. |SEAL) kkk RK KK eK ee eK KK HH | | | | a suitable burial in t Wi S| S i v, ar + 7 Vv aQri a* aw 2nSeERe t > . . and 4 we expenses tnerelor, torether wit ty Vil T islieh that , iebts that ractical after my deat wlliott, for and 1 ‘own, con- vesse Alexander, at ner death the Bame } my seven children, the child or } Lake the share that its »arent would have taken ersonal property ol whatever nature and kind, includ Se ni ' ‘ S, noes, farm macuinery, livestock, crops and supplies On nana and ever" ner | 5 ; - wer Kind Oj er s¢ al NroOnertey : ~ : 2 4 nat property unto my said wit'e to be neps ‘J for ner liietime ut witi t 4 sas 8 » db out VAS PLE it snould be necessary to do so for her comfort Support and me a ! » § GC and medical care * her se] ' - are, tor her to sell, excnange or replace any at Said personal property. and if > th } } VY» mG 3 ne tn nks it hecessary to use the proceeds for her comfort. Howe¥er, whatever or the personal ” . ad property remains left at her death, after providing tor the exnensec > wie expenses oi her funeral, I pive equally, share and share alike to my said children. the ch; y C ildr en, vne Child or Cchildaren or any deceased child to take r shore ne + the share that its parent would have taxen Item 4 I nereb consti to . y nstivtute and appoint my son vb, °, Elliott. Executor ot this my Last Will and Testaie r tauent, and hereby revoke all other wills by me heretofore made. I 10 expressly autnyr e emMmyp S e and ‘ Oize a I j nd em Ower my Said executor to sell a t pr i vate sal without court order . » in his sole Giscretion, any personal property or real estate that it is necessary Se , ary to sell in the p Siness like administrationd my estate, and it he should sell either >» ( either personal property or rea) estate, I authorise him in the case of real estate te to make deeds Conveying the land in fee Simple and the personal property absolutely, IN TESTI: ONY W 1 0 4 Li WHER SOF La leis Nie mere 1, the said George S, Elliott, have hereto placed scribe our the Superior vourt North Carolina Betiore the Clerk, Alexander Lounty the Matter oi the Will fne paper-writing hereto last jearce «. Hlliott deceased 1adersi-ned lerk of tne Syperior Vourt or the executor therein naiued, foi lowin the oath exaiiination of John .. we E and R. A. Collier thereto, as follows: North Varolina, Jonn A, Scott and &. A. Collier being duly swo iepose and say, and each fo said paper- for himself and says, that he is a the last will a testament vf Georre r +4 . . . writing n Shown hin urpor i to be Elliott, and t: ey saw him execute (Ur heard him acknowledge tne execution of) tis writing as his last will and Lesta.ent, ana tnat afriant attested it in the Presence and at tne request of said George «". Elliott, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (Or at the time its execution was acknowledred) said George f. Biliott was, in affiant opinion, of sound mind and disposing mauOrye R. Ae Vollier John A. Geott Severally subscribed and sworn tovefore me, this 1 day of maren, 1950. Charlie kK, watts Ulerk of Superior Vourt Alexander County “nd thereupon it is considered and adjudged by theCourt that the said paper-writing “nd every part thereof is the last will and testauwent of George /, blliott, deceased, a ‘ . 4 t-} © a r na it ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, | b© recorded ana filed, ‘ois 1 day of march, 1950. Charlie R, Watts UVlerk Syperior Court of Alexander County = re e ge ee e Pi e r os vinsipeisiainieeiaiiiiasioaiama maa AE a r ; rela ok Nortn Carolina “ Alexander Coun VY ' NO. 3517 ‘bat ‘North Carolina. ~wuperior vourt of State ot } Iredell vounty. mind anner taxes, iptly settleu, pxecutors eneral frunds oi inheritance or ustate lax zeorre oOo, & L1iott, ieceased, yy reason of my death naer the aana and seal of Alxander vounty, Norvn Varolina, vourt th said jevise and sOunty, North Varolina, Known as toreti.er with the probate Catnerine recorded in tne <caoe . r for her lifetime, three children, H. H. Yount, a ‘eely and mrs. Marion Yount Varney, e theirs absolutely ana in t impl 4 snare alike. sqrt gar Rg I thither 1 Item 3 vlerk of the Superior Court of Irede 7 vounty, North Carolina ‘ : ; og ; ; “ ag F , I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, ».elissa Vatnerine Yount, lor her lifetime, the two-story brick business buildng, toretner with the ground | : j extending to an alley in the rear and the easements appurtenant tnereto, that | I own on the South side oi west broad Street,in the Vity of Statesville, known and | i y . t . | | designated as 209-211 West Broad Street ana now occupied by Kimbrell's Furniture | tore, she to nave the rents on said building during hernmatural lifetime and pay | th , be ute ' | the taxes, insurance and repairs t.ereon. Upon the deat ol my Said Wwiie, 4 children in the following pro- | Give ana devise the said store building to my three Portions: Mi i . ' "8. Kathleen Neely a two-thixs interest tnerein in fee simple Ha . , rola ii, Yount a one-sixth interest tnerein in fee simple ir . ; : 8. Marion Yount Carney a one-sixth interest tnerein in fee simple The dividing line between this building and another building I own lying dividing wall, wnich is ™Mediately west ot it is to be timugh the middle oi the t : pi ; . © be a joint wall tor tue use ana bene@it in common with tne owners olf the two buildines ’ a r es a Se ee n s Se a 4 SA ae presence, fen paenroe WLILVIGCwr wwe eB , Re e t _ nF — JAROLINS : _ 4 LI TR j LhOVGbl Vuvive a] ee . ee a ao l ner with any other IN THE Mz RJ THi wILL Or H. Ae fount, VelbAocu. => on e ie s paragraphs, be sold, \aper-writing hereto attached and purporting to ve the last will oi «i. A. Yount, dec@ased, is exnivited before the undersigned Clerk ‘ior Court of Iredell County, North varolina, oy urs. snelissa Vatinerine Ps e e S S L + > aad r ; } ] yj exer) H. Yount, the executors therein nauwed, and thereupon the iolJowing Wil € ) ali roof thereot is tak oy the oath and exaiinationotl a, | sollier Lazenby, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as tollows: Wiin vAKOLInNA, Iredell County. Vollier and kK. m. Lazenby bei ly sworn, agepose ana ‘old H. Yount, and my wife, each for himself de; 2S and says, tnat n Ss a subscribing witness to xecutrix olf this my last Will and | very part thereof, according to its true intent! | Paper-writine now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament a, fount, and that ne saw him execute this writing as nis last will and test« ' [ and that affiant attested it in the resence and at tae request of said ies specifically authorize | ' : ‘ c ; . ap , and empower my saik “ore + 14 ; Yount deceased; and that at tne time of its execution Said lie A, Yount, was, in Vhanbursburg ‘ownship along wita rc 7 _y , LOL, . ‘ ; Sa oe ae | P wy at j ifi ly ) p eAaat's Opinion, of sounu mind ana uilspoSing Weworye sa A, and not herein specifically make no char lor tneir services as such Uxecutors and that no bequeatnea, at | Selissa Catherine Yount rivate sale, for cash or upon terms approved by them, ind without any awn . }f, i Y y ana to execute all necessary deeds conve ying | s_Lount —Ar_ Ms Lasend a fl i said lands in fee gs hy Sxecutors are further Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13tn day ol June, 1951. haser, or purchaser's authorized and empowered | : 1pO and a] 1 personal prop ? aay" ‘ tm wv essary | Ve e mi ec ¢ ; e 5 1tv a ec : 7 t a> 4 : perty that Si Glerk soup 1 urt dell Vounty Oo se 1 { j arry a ad judged Atuinistration of’ hy estate j State in order to c | Ta if | And thereupon it isc nsidered and Ju ge by the Lourt that the 8 ° 45 Will, at private Sale, without court order, and up apere . ‘4 terms approved by them, and to sin all Paperewriting and every part thereof is the last will and testament of H. A. necessary transfers or bills of sale 3° Yo , as to convey the absolute title to ; cunt, deceased, and it is ordered that the sane, with the foregoing exauination © to any property so sold. I request that my and Executors retain male Certificate, be recorded and filed. “@BSrs,. Scott an ( . : ’ tt and vOllier, AtvCOrneys, of Statesville, Ny, Ve as ti my estate This 13th day of June, 1951. , | U, G, Smith Tierk Superior Court fof Iredell County. legal advisers in the settle ent IN WITNESS WHieRwOr I t > go 4 ¢ » the said H, A, fount, Have hereunto placed my kek eee eee ee ‘No. 3518 TH CAROLINA -_ IN Ths SUPERIOR COURT*-BerOks THE CLERK. state or Northvarolina TREVELL LOUW''Y Iredell County : : mn IN fn walisn Or tne WiLL OF Comuodore Stockton Johnson, DEULASEDU. or Treen Sree) oe vee Sens Seen Coenen Senne hee The paper-writing nereto attached and purporting to be tne last will Sound mind out considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and de. and testawent ot C S Johnson, deceased, is exhivdited before tne undersigned Vlerk : ae Clare this my last will and testiment. of tne Superior Court of Iredell County, North Varolina, oy Wiiliam Johnson, the tc ‘irst my executor here after nawed snall give my body a decent burial and | executor therein nawed, ana tnereupon the rollowing proof tnereot is taken by the ae f pay all my funeral expenses together witn all my just debts out of tne first money oath and exawination of U N McLelland and K & King, the subscribing witnesses 4 wnich may come into his hand s belonging to my estate. thereto, as follows: Second I will my beloved witfe Luola Vance Sloan Jonnson all my personal property NORTH CAROLINA, IRSVELL CUUNTY. Pe c a n s ee Ee e © it " a and money for her personal use ana to pay her funeral expenses. ‘he rewainger | ») N meLelland and R & King being duly sworn, depose and say, and each alter ner deatn is provided tor in the paragraph below. for himself deposes and says, tnat he is a subscribing witness to the said Third my executor is to place a monument at me and my wife's grave out of tne paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testauwent @ money belonging to my estate. CS Johnson, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testauent fourth I will my household and kitchen furniture, refrigerator, radio and sewing and that aftiant attested it in the presence aid at tne requeat of saia 0 5 machine to my two daughters Lois and Kdna; Jonns.n, deceased; and that at tne time or its execution @aid © 5 Jonnson was, fifth I will the remainuer of all my personal property and money to Lois, Mildred in affiant's opinion, of mund mind and disposing mewory. Gilbert, and Kdna to be equally divided auong the four named. D WN mcLelland Sixth I have sold my real estate to Gales and William Johnson and they will R E KING recive their part or my estate as soon us the transaction is complete. Severally subscribed and sworn to before we, this 27 day of June, 1951. Seventh anyone else laying claim to my estate will be cut oft with one dollar, C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court I hereby constitute and appoint my two sons Gales and Willaim Johnson my Iredell County. lawful executors to all intents ana purposes to execute this my last will and And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the sai testament, : ; paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of CG 3 JOHNSON In witness wnereot, I, the said Gommodore Stockton Johnson do hereunto set my | deceased, ana it is ordered that the same, witn the foregoing exauination and this | i i ’ hand and seal this tne 22nd Gay olf march 1950, certificate, be recorded and riled. LU, dS, Johnson ( This 27 day otf June, 1651. | Witness: . D, N. meLelland Iredell Vounty, R, E, King en e r re e c e Kee K EKER KKH KK HH Hm os an c e t n n m e i e n a e m n t a m e i i n ay Pa ee 140 North Carolina, Iredell County, We, &. L. Kelly and wife irs. Minnie G, Kelly, ot the above County and State, being ot sound mind, but considering the uncertainty o1 dite, do make an declare this to be our last will and testament; 1 UVur executors hereinafter nauwed snall give our bodies a decent burial, Suitable to our station in life, and pay all funeral expenses together with al] of our just debts out of the first money that shall come into their nands belong- ing to our estate, Il We will, bequeath and devise to our daughter mrs. tra K. Fields our a house and lot on the corner ot “, Venter Avenue and maple Street, better know " as the Joe DU, Fhompson House, this lot fronts on Lact Venter Avenue 100 feet and runs back 140 feet, with a Straight line on the west adjoining Chas Stevens. IIi We will, bequeath and devise to our daughter, mrs. Lillian K, Thacker, tive thousand dollars in treasury bonds, and also two thousand dollars in cash @ other bonds, IV we give, bequeath and devise to our son, A. M. Kelly, a one half undivided interest in our howe place, located at 115 West Center Avenue, adjoining the property of miss Catherine Moore on the West and Mrs. O'Neill on the East, togetaer with all of our Household and kitchen furniture, also a one fourth un- divided interest in our store building iocated at 34 NN. Main otreet, mooresville, N. G., known as the John Gray Kennerly Building, V We give, bequeath and devise to our son U, L, Kelly, dJr., a one half undi . i vided interest in our home place located at 115 West Center Avenue in the Town of Mooresville, N, vse, and also a one fourth undivided interest in our st ore building located at 34 wy, Main Street in mooresville, N\. C,, known as the John Gray Kennerly Building, VI Wwe Bive, bequeath and devise to Our daughter, mrs, margaret K. Guage? six thousand doilars in cash or Federal Saving and Loan Stock, \ f i i VII we give and devise to our daughter, irs, Gertrude K, vurner, tne house and lot on 116 W. Center Avenue in tne ‘own oi mooresville, N. U. and a better known as the UresSwell house, adjoining +. H. miller on the West ana iss Ruth Lentz on the Last. VIII We give, bequeath and devise to our daurhter mrs. Fanny mae Kelly stanley, a one half undivided interest in our store building, located at No. 34 N, main Street in tne town of mooresville, N. U., vetter known as tne John Gray Kennerly Building. ‘ae All of our property not otherwise disposed ot, eitner wal, personal or mixed, shall be equally divided auwong our cnilaren, share and share alike, Xx It is our will and desire and we so direct, tnat on tne death of either that the survivor shall nave and hold the entire estate, with all ot the rights and privileses thereunto belonging, and for their venefit during their natural life, and at the deatn oittne last survivor of tnis will, and not until Such death, snall our executors have any right to interfere with the affairs of the said estate, put upon the deatn o! the survivor ot this will, tnen the executors shall take charge of the estate aa adwinister it according to the terms herein set out and expressed. XI We do hereby constitute and appoint our son A. Mm. Kelly and our daughter urs, Fanny mae Kelly Stanley, our executors, to execute this our last will and testament, according to the true intent and meaning of the sawe, am | very part and clause thereof, hereby declaring utterly void all otner wills by US heretofore wade, In witness whereof, we, the said U. L, Kelly and mrs. minnie G, Kelly, 0 hereunto set our hands and seals, this tne 6th day of Sep*ember 1950, U, Lb. Kelly Sr_ (SAL) Mrs Mannie G Kelly (S&AL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by tne said C, L. Kelly and MS. Minnie G, Kelly, to ve their last will and testament, who, at their request a nd in their presence, and in tne presence of each other do sybscribe our nanes as Witnesses thereto, Win at id “SSE. ii. Cruse, Jr, Witness O, P, Houston sess cs es eee NOx'T'H VANOULINA JN Lite SUPLRLUN CUURTH-BerORKH THe ULisnk ; y 520 TRBVeLL COUNTY Now 32 I>. xk. dJurney oi the county of lredell & state ot North Carolina IN The wallbk UF Tne WiLL Or mrs minnie G Kelly UEC BASHU “9 being now in good nealth & strength of mind and body but sensible of the un- the paper-writing nere attacned and purporting to pe the ia ; re ag ; : pap writing nereto attacnec d purporting to ve tne last W1ll and certainty oi lite and disiring to make disposition oi my property while in testauent of Mrs minnie G Kelly deceased, is exnibited fore the underet } J eed, is exnibitea belore tne undersirened nealth and strength, do hearby make and declare the rolowing to be my last will Lerk of the Superior court or Iredell VUounty orth Carolin v K : wien 3 sas ; I edell vVounty, Nortn arolina, by A ™ Kelly, one and testawent. JI give and devise to my beloved wite sessie Jurney all my real OT Tne 2 MT " therein n: a / tner he 9 c P j r4 . 4 of, tne executor therein naued, ana Unereupon the Lollowing proof thereor is taken state and personal property. bythe oatn and exawination ot O. P. Houston and & & Uruse Jr., the subscrivine k Witness my nand & seal tnis 10th -Vec. 1936, wi 9ssec trnereat ,¢ al lTAwe« = witnesses tnere UO, we +O01L0WS. : ms he vurney Seal ‘ I — ; Ere Witness ~ Vd. ty 4 eagel J /OUNULY, ; Can Lundy ) I nousto A "US ] > o ce 7 12 co e : 0 } On ana & & Uruse Jr being duly sworn, depose and sa » and each fer himself dennese ar i it ‘ + se ae oi a : ee : lor nimseli AC VOHOC!S ana say S, that ne S a subscrit ing witness to tne said paper- writing now Snown nim, purporting to ve tne last will ana testa:ent a. “in NORTH VaAdOLIné b mn Stvanmentv t Mrs minnie NUALN VARdOLINA, IN THe SUPERLOR COURT NKelIY and t.i.athe saw yee?) nie wetidune on Se ; . = : . ‘ o sib b\ fli, : 4 11 1 t he aw ner execute this writing as his last will ana vestauwent, IREDELL COUNTY. bBirUdtn The ULiw and tnat attiant attested it in tne presence anadat the request ot saia mrs ; i ibi ) j +0 MIS A paper writin witnout subscribing witnesses, purporting to be the last , © - 22 c Minnie G Kelly deceased; ana tnat & tne time i < i 24 innie G J < 4 Gilu sila’ VAC me ol eC 23 ao ¥ ‘ ‘ i * ) 7 . . : ‘6 : ‘ ’ its execution said mrs minnie G will and testawent of 5. K. Jurney deceased, is exnibited tor propate in open Vourt Kelly was, in at'ri 's inior i © J 8, if a ria t's Opinion Ot sound mi: qaqa isvosinge me ) : : . . ° n ? nd disposing memory. by urs Bessie Jurney, widow therein naues; and it is thereupon proved by the oath and examination ot mrs Bessie Jurney, that the saia will was found auong tne , is QO P Arthur mM Reilly Extr, ont 0USCOR ee — el & EB CRUSE. JR valuable papers and effects, after his deatn. And it is furtner proved by tne oath Several] y Suosc ibed ind sworn t 0 vet . > a ~ ‘ ) } L Ver and Sw I U oeiore me this 20 1ay ot ¢ A : : : 5 } » th y ot dune 1951 and exawinationoef three competent amd credible witnesses, ®-wit: mrs Virginia J U, G. omith | swt T ; ——— \ Owaim, (Miss) Mary N, Jurney and x, ¥F. Jurney, tiat they are qcquainted with the Vlerk oyperior Vourt ? Iredell vounty. handwriting of the said S Rk Jurney, having often seen him write, and verily ana nere\ i C sidered y . And thereupon it is considered and adjudged oy tne Vourt tnat tne said believe that the nawe ot the said S R Jurney subscrived to the said will, and the | } j aper-writing and very pé herof ie oe 2 : : i | : : ° : : P ry part therof is tne last will ana testauent of mrs minuie i Said will itselt, ana ever art thereof, is in the handwriting of the said S it | | ’ 7 ’ 6 i G Kelly 2g and it is { y te , : H 7 Y, aeceased ana it is ordered tnat tne Saue, vith tne roregoing exawination Jurney and it is further proved by tne evidence oi tne three last mentioned witnesses, | &> } { ‘ 'o cearti 4 - ’ . 4 : : : . ; } and this certificate, be recorded and filed, that the said handwriting is generally known to tne acquaintances o1 the said | Lnis 20 aay of June, 1951, |° & Jurney, : i ; | Ue, smith Bessie Jyemey (SEAL) | i { Ulerk Superior Vourt of Iredell Souahaie Mrs, Virginia J, Swaim (S#aL) miss Mary N Jurney _ (SHAL) Ke Ke Jurney (SAL) s 3 wm KK Me x me Severajiy Sworn to and subscribed before me, tnis the 28 day of June, A. D., 1951 G, 3 Ube OUPHARLOR COURT, < NORTH | AR OLINA S ior Court TREVELL UUUNTY’ 7 anaes the Clerk It is therefore, considered and adjudged oy the Vourt that the said paper wr . 9 iting, and every part thereof, is the last will ana testament of o a Jurney, de » Ceased, and the same with the foregoing examination and this certificate are ord med % be recorded and filed, s 7. his the 28 day of June A. Voy L951. Oe ia bi. de . ‘ r ie ; i “_* * eM RE Me : “ et ee t ae ae (e e e fl r ee Se Alo. 3521 NORTH CanOLiwa ) ( IktVeELL UUUNLY) 1, Unarles Patrick Galliher, ot the aforesaid county and State, being of sound mind, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence. g a A , a ¢ 0 , be i de make and declare this my last will and testauent: Ci e l OF SE : a Fi °st “WV yeerntTaAr Nnoreainart Pm rn: 4 ene cot MSU. «my executor, nereinatter nawed, snall give my oody a decent buria } Suitaole to the wisnes of my rriends and relatives my Irie a relatives, and pay all runeral expenses ’ + together with ; y just debts, and have erected a suitable tomostone at a cost of not 3S tnan one hundred dollars to my grave out otf tne tirst moneys which ma, come in nis nands belonging to iy estate. . secona. I give and devise to ly DeLoved wife, Mary xdith Valiiner, Vollars in @sh, i‘nird. I give and aevise to my beloved chilaren, Jawes Carl Gallinher, son, my dauyater, Nettie wiiler; my son, Guy Alexauder Galliner; my aaughter, Ola Souther; my son, Glenn wallihnerj wy daughter, Jvettie Owens; all of my property ooth personal aud real, wheresoever Situate, each to share ana share alike, fourth, I nereby constitute and appoint my belovea son, Guy Alexander GValliner, wy lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will ana testaueut, according to the true intent and meaning of the Sawe, and every part and clause thereot - nhereoy revoking and declaring utterly void ail other wills ana testaments OY we neretotore made, In Witness whereor’, I, tne said Unarles Partick Galliher, do nereunto set my nand and Seal, this the 15th Gay ol May, 194k. CG. P. Galliner (Stal) Si An 0 " : igned, sealed, piblished and declared by the said Unarles Patrick Galliner to be his last will anda testament n the presence oO us W ho at his request al ” , ’ in his p en 7 ' 5 presence (and in the presence ot each other), do subscribe our names a8 witnesses thereto, L. Kk, Cline J. i. Hutchins | writing and every part thereot is tne last will and testauent of Uharles NORTH CAKOLINA IN ‘THe SUPERLOR COURT @mBEKORE TRED!LL COUNTY. IN THE wATTHR OF TH’ WILL Ur Uharles Patrick Ualliner, DECHASLD, The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be tne last will testanent of Vharles Patrick Galliher, deceased, is exhivited vefore tne undersirned 7 f th erior vVourt ot Iredell County, North Carolina, oy Guy Alexander Clerk of the ou u vy L vé ina, oy Y Galliher, the executor therein nawed, and thereupon tne following proot tnereof Q is taken by the oath and exauwination of L.ii. Uline ana Jd. ft. Hutchins, tne suoscribing witnesses tnereto, as tollows: NOKTH VaxOLIna, Iredell county. L. k, Cline and J. fF, Hutchins being duly sworn, depose ana say, and each for iper=~writing + himself deposes and says, tnat he is a suoscribing witness to the said now shown him, purporting to be tne last wi and testauent ot Unarles Patrick Galliher, ana that ne saw nim execute tnis writing as his last will ana testauent, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at tne request o1 said Unarles Patrick Galliner, ueceased; and that at tne time of -its execution gaid Unarles Patrick Galiiner was, in atriant's opinion, o1 sound mind and disposing memory. ee Be. VELe J. ', Hutchins veverally subscribed and sworn to before we, this 5tn day of July, 1951. C, G, swith Clerk ouperior Court Iredell county 4nd thereupon it is considered and adjudged by tne Vourt that tue saia paper- Patrick valliner, aeceased and it is ordered that the saue, with the loregoing examination |} and this certificate, be recorded and riled. This 5th day of July, 1951. Ve Smith Clérk Superior Court of Iredeil Vounty. kek eK a ke em ff 3222 NORTH VAR the uncertainty oi lite, do make my executratrix hereinatter named Station in life deserves, ana md bequeatn all my property voth real ang personal as y)- + ’ ~ - broetr any 7a Tt ¢ S 3 r > situated to my onaw, to be ners absolutely in fee simple and vora onaw, wy wife, executratrix lis the 3rd day ot april, 1945. ’ 7 Wie Ue ohaw (SzaL) 9igned, Seated ana published and declared to be his will in the presence of each other, we d: y subscribed our nawes as witnesses to this w ill ot Ww. J. Shaw. S & same witnesses: floy Wilkinson —_—s nena NORTH CAROLINA asai st\ - / ; | p e ———- ’ Li io oUredlOnr COURT TREVELL CUUNT r. R BarUdn hs CLEAK,. In tne matter of tne will of , Js Shaw, Veceased, The paperwriting hereto attacned and purporting to be the last will and teStauwent or W. J, “haw, deceaseu, is exnibited before tue unaersigned, clerk of the superior court o1 iredell vounty, Nortn Uarolina, oy Cora Shaw, tne executor tuerein nawed, and thereupon the following proot tnereof is taken oy the Oath awiu eXawination ot floy Wilkinson one ot the Subscribing witnesses tereto, and of J. &. Lewis as lollowing: NURVH U ANULINA, Iredell Vounty: floy Wilkinson, veing duly sworn aeposes ana says that sne is a suoscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown ner purporting to ve tne last will testawent of W. J. Shaw and tnat she gaw W. J. Shaw execute (or heara W. J. Shaw acknowledge the execution of) thiw writing as his last will and testement, ana that affiant attested it in tne presence and at tne request of said w, J. Snaw, deceased; and at tne time of its execution Said W, J. Shaw was, in affiant's opinion, of sound nd and sposi } . ; mi ad disposing mewory, Altiant further Swears tmat H. E. Lewis the other suoscribing witness to said will, signed the Sauwe as a witness in the presence of tfian and thi: tri : : aifiant, and that aitiant saw him sien the Sawe and that said H, &, Lewis is aoe Subseribed and sworn to before me, tnis 3rd day o1 tly, 195le “loy wilkinson July, = rLOY WILK Div SON G. G. omith — (Terk Superior Court ot Iredell Vounty. NORTH VAROLINA, Titi ob UU Uli tie J. G. Lewis, oeing duly sworn, deposes and says tnat he is well acquaint the handwriting ot H. 4, Lewis, one oi tne suoscribing witnesses to tne writing purporting to ve the last will ana testauent ot WwW. Jd. ohaw, ueceased, which is hereto attacned, dated tne 3rd day oi April, 1945, naving a ten seen him write, am that tne nawe oi the said i. 4, Lewis subscribed as a wituess to said will is in tne genuine nanawriting ot the saia H, », Lewis; J. G, Lewis J. Ge LEWIS Subscribed and sworn to before me, tunis 5th day ot duly, 1951. L, L, Nesbit, Veputy Clerk oyperior Vourt NORTH CAROLINA, TabUelLl vouUNTY. J. I. Conner, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the handwriting ot ¥. J. Shaw, deceased, whose will the attached paperwriting, dated the 3rd day ot April 1945, purports to be, having often seen nim write, ana that the name of the said Ww, J. Snaw suvscribed to said will is in tne genuine hanawriting of the said W. J. Shaw. J. [t,. Conner Subscribed ana sworn to before me, this 5tn day ot July, 1951. C, U. Smith Ulerk Superior Vourt. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the | 8aid paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and testauwent oi W. Jd, i Shaw, deceased, and it is ordered that tne sawe, with the toregoing exauination ; i | 4nd this certificate, be recorded and tiled. This 9th day ot July, 1951. ! f \ ; ' LU, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court, i moe wk me oe ee me ke ee wk me me Km ff 392% ent ore Subseribed ana sworn to before me, tnis 3rd day o1 TREDELI ‘y July, 1951. loy wilkinson AEVELL GUUNLY. 73 rLOY wiLKIiwsOn I J aw. knowine the uncert: * 145 G. G omith ; sis 4, We Js Ohaw, Knowing the uncertainty ot iilé, do make and declare 4 Stork Superior Vourt ot “lredell County. 2 vt (U7 st 7 + st 4. 4 a J 4 \ * A v ve ~titvve ryt sROLINA ci, wees ge ss na ; fis Bo itis - ‘ ; ’ NORTH VAs ie ist 4 Will tna iy executratrix hereinatter named snall ive my : Titioll GUUNLL. . cl ‘ anlea 1} $41 >» me @ , Ay $y ltfo doe » ~ an ‘ais ms ° ‘ 2m * + > +c wie - a4 4 } sod litaple burial as my station in life deserves, ana also pay all ny ‘ust oe Lewis, being duly Sworn, ageposes ana says that he is well acquainted with lebts out i the first lev Cc ins into : . \ ’ ; j 1 i wi e ] Ss IU C rn) st wm ney 2OMINEs 1m00 ner nandsS, the handwriting OL He | Hews, one oi Lie sSuoscriding witnesses to tne paper end. i will devise ind Dequeath it Vy ‘One - + ' 1, po: Y } iJ t v : yueat ll my property voth real ang persoual | writing purporting to ve the last will aua testa.ent ot W. J. Shaw, ueceased, vnerever Situated to my wife, Vora Shaw, to be ners absolute j ; simp : i j ‘ aw, rs absolutely in fee Simple and which is hereto attached, dated the 3rd day o1 April, 1945, naving a ten seen forever, , : him write, ami that tne nawe oi the Said HK. +, Lewis subscribed as a wituess to 3rd. I nereby constitute and ppoint wif 1 j tit and a int, Cora Shaw, my wife, executratri ee ‘ iti . + . ores said will is in tne genuine nanawriting or tne saia H, 4, Lewis; Nits OL this my last will and testament. i G, Lewis wa Je 2 +e ¥ pei Je Ge LEWIS ei i AN WIINKOO Witntblr this the 3rd day of April, 1945. We J. Shaw (SHAL) : Subscribed and sworn to before me, tnis 5th day ot July, 1951. L, L, Nesbit, Veputy Ulerk oyperior Vourt ai 4 k nite bf i re] j r nec seale ana Y wh) i 1eEC+ ind jiernlar he + i 4, Seaiea ana published and declared to be his will in the presence of each other we do nereby subs th “i . ° = ’ 1 OY Suoscrioed our naweS as witnesses to this . y # — . owls w a3k 0 a ona } ' + NORTH GAROLINA, Witnesses: TksUebLl COUNTY. J. I. Vonner, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well seen ~enenenae acquainted with tne nandwriting ot 4. J. Shaw, deceasea, whose will the attached paperwriting, dated the 3rd day ot April 1945, purports to ve, having N muy A t Tai j j : = NORTH GAXOLINA, IN HE SUPERIOR UOURT often seen nim write, and tnat the name of the said Ww, J. Shaw suvscribed to said IRuUVeLL COUNTY, BEFORE THs CLERK will is in tne genuine hanawriting of the said W. J. Shaw. - a4 bia ‘ oF J, i, Conner In the matter of tne will of w, J, Shaw, Veceased ' : FG Subscribed ana } i é July, 1951 ne pap Pit r her att SworT ore me, tnis 5th day ol du + The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will i ane ve ee ? ’ Vs and testauwent ot Ww. She Be ail C. G, Smith on J, Shaw, deceasea, is exhibited before tne unaersigned, Ulerk Superior Court. clerk of the superior court 7 . = urt olf iredel vount' » es : 4 rT + Vounty, North Varolina, by Vora Shaw, the And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the executor therein named, and the: t i , > af , aereupon tie following proot tnereof is taken oy the Said paper writing anda every part thereof is the last will and testawent of W. Jd, Oath anu awinatic t floy wilki me exaudnation ot Floy Wilkinson one ot tne subscribing witnesses tereto, and | | i te | Shaw, deceased, and it is ordered that tne sawe, with the toregoing exauwination of J, G. Lewis as following: | | | and thi ‘icé Be ae tual | i 8 certificate, be recorded and tiled. a This 9th day ot July, 1951. ve WwW hd I ul se ¢ j j , é vi m ae OSes anda Sa 8 nav sne 1s a m eS Ulerk Superior court. to the sa ape iti id paper writing now shown ner purporting to be tne last will testauent of W. J. Shaw and tr at she gaw W. J, “haw execute (or heard W. J. Shaw acknowledge me me me we me mk me me mw mw ke mw me me mK the execution of) thiw writing as his last will and testament, and that aftiant attested it in the presence and at tne request of said WwW, J. Snaw, deceased; and at tne time of its execution said “, J. Shaw was, in af'tiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing mewory, Attiant further swears tmt H, E. Lewis the other subscri , wi C i i bing witness to said will, signed the same as a witness in the presence of atfiant, an BF ; : » and that attiant saw him sign the Sawe and that said H, K, Lewis is now dead, Se e . ‘ é j ie o 4 % ml qi # ik he ee Pi | ithe : a { Tmaiy?* , * { 7 t igs? * f i eek ee i ig Ps. $0 ‘ et i cao a j if, { y hl ‘i ' VNU. 3523 North Carolina, Iredell VUounty. I, frances Wagn Barring ; it ioe . Wagner rringer, ot tne State and County aforesaid, being of sound mind and mewory, do nereby make, publish and declare this to be my last Will and lestauwent in manner and form as follows, to-wit: Item l,. My executors, nereinatter nawed, snall give my body a suitable ourial, in keeping with the wisnes of my lauily, and pay the expenses of the Sawe, to- gether wth all my other just debts, as soon as practical after my death, I Girect tnat all sstate and Inheritance taxes levied against My eState as a whole ’ or against any portion thereot, or against any legatee or devisee or beneficiary under this will, or against the proceeds or the payee ot the proceeds, oi any policy ot insurance on my lite, snall be paia by my sxecutors out ot the funds of my general estate. Itew 2. Subject to the payment ot my uebts, I give, devise ana bequeath all the rest aid remuinaer ot uy property ana estate ot every nature wnatsoever, including real and personal property, aud wherever Situated, to the WAUHOVIA BawK anv TRUST CO; PANY, a North Carolina corporation with an oifice located in the Ujty ot Salis Oury, North Varolina, In YuUol for tne following uses aid purposes, | viz: | (a). To hold and retain, as investments ot this trust, the stocks, bonds, real estate ana all otner Securities and property or any kind which may, | at tne time of my deatn, comprise this trust and which May be delivered to & received by my trustee, tor such iength oi time as my Said trustee may deew expedi@t or advantageous, without liability of any kind for or by reason of such holding or retention, (bo). To invest, re-invest and keep invested tne capital or principal of this trust in such Securities, ineluding such stocks, bonds or other forms of investments for trust funds as are approved by the Turstee's Investment Committee} to purchase investuents ana Securities, as aforesaid, at a prewium and to deduct sucl premium smdigkexituduckxanm from incomey or to purchase investments and securities, as aforesaid, at a discount and to credit such discount to principal, fe). Yo make subscriptions for stock ana bond privileges and allotments, to such extent a t ay S my *rustee may deew proper, in companies which this trust May, iam vone Se Vine, have an interest in, and to surrender or deposit snares of evock poe VoERe) STON Cine to tine, belonging to this trust for the purpose of taking rt in any pla pa ¥ plan 01 leasing, mortgaging, Consoliaating, exchanging, toreclosing, merging, or reorganizing any corporation, in which this trust may have an interest, or to deposit sucn stocks under any lawful voting agreewent ana, in its discretion, to pay assessments in conuection tnuerewitn; also to exchange shares of stock ana bonds from tiue to time, oelonring to tnis trust, tor such otner stock or bonds as my irustee may deem most advantareous to this trust, (a4). To lease, repair, alter or improve any real estate or other property which way cowprise the capital or principal of this trust, and if necessary, tO borrow money and to secure the repayment tnereof, either oy mortgage or deed of trust on said real estate or otherwise; to sell and dispose of all or any part of the investments, securities, real state anda property whih may, from time to time, comprise the capital or principal of this trust, either at puolic or private sgje, and without any order of court, for such prices and on ach terms, eitner for cash or on mortgage or otherwise, as to my irustee may seem tit and proper and to release any such mortgages in whole or in part; to wake, execute and deliver to purcnasers tneretor good and suflicient deeds of conveyance dall assignments, transfers and other legal instruments, eitner necessary or convenient, for passing the title and ownership thereto, free and discharged of all trusts, witnout any liability on the part of sucn purchasers for the application of the purchase money. (e). Yo treat as principal, and not income, for the purpose of this trust all stock dividends or proceeds ot sales of rignts to subscribe for stock issued, with respect to any stock whicn way, from time to time, be held by wy /rustee as part of this trust. (f). Out of the gross income from the trust estate, the trustee shall : pay all taxes, insurance, repairs and keep all properties in 4 good state of repair | and preservation to such extent as it deews proper. (g). my Trustee snall divide the trust estate into as many shares as there shall be children surviving me, including any child hereafter oorn to me, | 8Bd one such share shall ve set apart for each of said children and/or their issue. ‘he net income from such share shall be paid in either monthly, quarterly or semi~ annual payments to the person or institution naving the care and custody of said child, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for its proper maintenance, support and education, until said child reaches the age of twenty-one years. In the vent of emergency, or protracted illuess and/or hospitalisation, the trustee shall fave the right to invade the principal, if the incowe is not sufficient, of such *hild's share in order to supply funds to take care of said emergency or illness, "hen each of my said childrén attains the age of twenty-one ye@rs, then one-third ie ar * ed reer ae of the Principal of its share shall be paid over and delivered to it. The Trustee, Sas : . 7 : ae soled 7 publisned declar e sal ces er a Shall continue to hold and administer the remainder of the trust tund of €ach Signed, sealed, ] d C ¥ : 5 f Tr ia Toads al alt Ceceumne 2 ie presence of uv: , . Hi) i ot said children, paying tne net income meanwhile to eacn ot said Children ag varrincer to be ne ist Will ana ; , a) i j j i i é e, an n @ pre nee of eac » ac € 0 Me nereinavove provided, until they respectively reacn tne are o1 thirty years, at £ request anc in res . I hat : J oy ¢ as witnesses: ) . . . : ae le » . a rm" / ni ‘ 5 as W LNeSSes Bg ie whicn time another ae-third of the principal oi said trust Snall oe paid over to | suoscrioe our nau : : t Mi : ; John A. Scots il * thew, ihe net incowe from the rewainder oi eacn snare Snall be paid to the Sn yeh i Se a respective beneficiaries, as nerein pz Ovided, until they reppectively attain the aze Ol thirty-five years, when the trust as to sucn cnild as attains tnat age, sha] | | F rel C c to ct ; I, *rauces Wagner Barringer, nereby wake ¢ cil elosed and tne balance of said share paid over and delivered to the saiq enild, ; } ; y last . T Lestainuent aloresa ’ ati the me J 2m esve 9 t In tne event any ot my said children shoula die before reaching the age of n} a Iteuw l. 4d ve prepared Wr be orandu LSpos oi cert twenty-one years and witnout issue, tnen their share snall revert to tne survivors, ; | ss articies ersona ro rt LO ¢ 1é€ LVi att ‘ Iten 3, txecutors Cc: . I hereby constitute and appoint uy Orotner, J. . Wagner, and John A, WITNESS WHSREUF, I have hereunto s — il 17th, vcott, my personal attorney, as Executors a this my last Will and testauent, to 1946 ae execute tne Ssawe, ana every part t iereol, according to its true intent and meaning, Framces Warner Barrincer nereby revoking all other wills by me heretotiore made. I do hereby expressly ie fo: “ we authorize and empower my said “xecutors, in their sole discretion, to sell at private . John A. Scott Sale or otnerwise, as tney may think best, and witnout any order oi court or - llier SMe Me VO. J 5 authority tnerefronm, lor cash or upon terms agre eable to them, any property, real or personal, that it may be necessary to sell in order to complete tne settlement oe oe | NORTH JAKOLINA Li A UU 2Uit ‘ 4 ol my estate ana to make ill neces: ary aeeds and execute all necessary transfers or ’ TadeUKLL sVUNL bLPUML sale ULbihe assicnments of pro; erty, real or personal, so as to assure unto the purchasers, or i y~ . Seaseda,. ly In the matter of tne will of Frances wagner Barringer, deceased purchaser, @ good anu aosolute title and ownership thereof. I rurther specifically ill d Bt nurnort4 t e the last wi. aly ‘ne paperwriting hereto attacned and purportins to be the authorize and empower my said Bxecutors to retain any securities, properties or aL Vestauent and Uodicil tnereto of Frances Wagner Barringer, deceased, is exhivited tner assets owned by we at the time of my death, so long as the retention thereof ey before the undersi ned clerk ot tne supe ior court ot lreaell Uount » Norta Varolina, | Shall seem to be advisable and tor tne best interests of’ my estate; to compromise, ’ oy J. 4. Wagner, one or the executors therein named, John A, Scott, the other | arbitrate or otherwise adjust claims in favor of or against my estate; to particl- 1 ing oor “xecutor nawed therein, being now deceased and thereupon the tollowing pro pate in the liquidation, re-organization or other financial readjustment of any cor lider cae of the sucseribing| “reor,is taken by the oath and exawination of k,. A, vol | poration or business in which my estate may ve financially interested ana to accept Winesses thereto, anu ot John A, Scott _ as tollowing: | and hold any stock or securities issued under any such plan, It is my will and : ae..Be NORTH CABOLINA I 1 Gou ; u redell Vounty: intention that my txecutors Shall, during tne aduini stration ot my estate and ’ ; 8 in t j : Lo Ler ¢ 8 that he is a subscribing witness LO w dD . = r " ° lli 2 : uly rn deposes and say hile tne : -Operty thereot 18 near poss ession, have and en joy all tne powe 8, 7 ’ beings da ly Swo P é t and the sa é y neo ‘ rporting to ve the last will testauen rights and privileges with respect thereto that are hereinabove conferred upon ay Said paper writing now shown Aim, Purp ' i tae Codi t re barringer and that he saw Frances wagner said Trustee, whether specifically enumerated in this paragraph or not, whieh cil thereto ot Frances Wagner ba : ng mt and the codicil thereto privileges and authorities shall terminate upon the filing ot a final settlement uf “arringer execute this writing as ner last will and testament a ; and that “4 " d at the request of said Frances my estate, insofar as saiq Lxecutors are coucerned, ‘av attiant attested it in the presence an 4 War ' d Frances TW WIUWKSS WawiwON I, Sener arrin er, deceased; and at the time ot its execution sai the saiu Frances Wagner Barringer, have nereunte Wa - . ‘ ; osing memory set my hand and af'f ixed lay seal, WG ner “arringer was, in affiant's opinion, ol sound mind and disp f ’ this the 17th day of April, 1946. hi é ° 3 aii, Si nea Ssaue as witness in th affiant saw nim sign the sawe, and tnat sai o & Olli ey cae ~ eo | + ily 1Oe —— , os I re ? a Cc Vv ily ? 4 i; artna UD, Park J ¢ Uv 44 ran Lites hue Our OL if ie 4 J Int Y ¢ m as 4 S» * 1 ry A: 1) } r 7 7 j Qtur rr > + ”~* . ° ° Z » dei duly sworn, deposes and says ne 1S well acquainted wit 2 “7 ft rn y + a 4 : t iwriti oi in A, ocott, one ot the subscr ings witnesses to the paper writins purporti t e the last will ar testan . Sad I n St will and testament ana /odicil thereto of ty cea er rr > . 3 ice na aa ‘aes’ aia , er, ceaseu, ich i iereto attached, dated the 17th aa » il, 194 ivi it Sé write t t ’ ; uw €, and that the name ot the said Jonn enuine nandwriting ¢ vonn A. ocott; and atiiant further Swears that igwell acquainted with rringer, deceased, wiose will and a Vodicil erwriting, dated the 17th day oi Aj ril, 1946, purports to e navir iten seen > ures 4+ . ‘ 5 ss ‘ ’ mss ‘ ner write ind tna vne name OL tne said rrances iagner bar. rinrer subscrib to said wi ; uoscribed to said will thereto is in the senuine handwrit- ins of the said Frances Wagner Barrin-er. RR. M, Lazenby Subscribed and sworn to belore this llth aay oi ea su’ , July, 195l. | Vv _—_—_—_—— - &, Smith slerk Syprgrior Court. { And tnereupon i a Qo Q nsidered and adjudced by the court tnat the sal | aper writings and ever ‘ ian Ss ’ : pap 1 ery art thereof is the last will and testament and a voatedil thereto of frances Wagner Barrin er, dec@ased, and it is ordered that tne Sauwe, With the toreroin exauinavion and this certificate, be recorded and filed. Chis llth Gay or July, 1951, 3 f ' i ole ae TOR COURT ULink SUPERIOR VU we Re ee ee ek x a 4 being of sound mind and meuory, but considering the uncertainty oi my € 1 do make and declare this my last will and testauwent, nereby revoking existence, all former wilis and codicils by tie neretoiore ide. ITEM 1. I direct that my bLxecutrix re tter : 111 pay all of my just debts, including my luneral expenses, ie cost ot erect monument to | rave, out of the first ney coming into ner n S. ITs#m II. Igive and devise all oi my real estate, wherever situate, to my beloved wite, Corrie i’. Gant, in fee simple. III. I give, devise and bequeath all of wy personal property, of any ~m aA Ala and wherever situate, to my beloved wife vorrie I, int, and every kina, : absolutely ana in fee simple, Item IV. I hereby nominate and appoint m ite, vorrie i. Gant, as oxec testauent, with the terms and this Will, ana driect tnat sne mall not provisions ol to sive bond, IN TESTIMONY WHisnwOr , Le U. He Gant, nave set wy hana anda seal to tais my Will contained on one sheet oi at Statesville, Stave of Nortn Carolina, paper, on this the 3rd day ot Jan 1950. lary, (SAL) we the any ———- *-—— Ue Tle vd a Sigmed, sealed, published, and declared,by the saia 0, H, Gant as and tor his last Will in tne presence ot us, who at hie request ana in nis presence, and in the presence ot one another, 1ave suoscrived our nauwes as witnesses hereto. Monroe Adaws Vharlie lay hiurdock G. 8. Winberry Witnesses, N m m iv i aA t } Unin GAROLLINA st IN Phe SUP etLOR COURT=<Biir' INO. 3525 LRBVELL CUUNTY a i Ui MEL UAL Linn U LEK, H : 3 North Carolina I shy AL AEN ¢ tHe Wid 2 e Van t, UBUMBADUD, tredell vount y [ pape red +4 I, (Miss) Latona turner, ot the State and County aforesaid, being of ne paperewritin nereto attached 3 { nur ae a 5 a; : ed aud purporting to oe the last wil] yp at und mind and disposing memory, ao hereby wake ublisn and declare tnis to be testa nent ope J Ms ant, decease sound nd allie } OS < ‘ 79 - ’ Pp 1, 1S exhibited pefore the unde rm 7 last Will ana TeStauwent in manner and form as rollows, to-wit: ouperior Vourt ot Iredell ounty arolina i i iH { » by vorrie T. vant, the executor therein nauwed, an tnereupon the tollowin; proof tnereot is taken v ay exami cae ; Executrix, nereinaiter named, shall cive my vody a suitable vUnristian MMehavlon OL monroe AdawS, Charlie ray murdock a ¢ UL. 3. Winberry, the suuseribine » Lhe Suoscribing ore ritnes 7 7 burial and pay the expenses tnerefor, torether with all my otner just debts, as witnesses tnereto, aS iollows: : . NORTH CAnOL NA, Iredell County, soon as practical aiter my deatn out oi the iirst moneys coming into her hands . : . available tor that purpose. I direct that my “xecutrix pay all %state and Inheri- yonroe Adams, Vnarlie tay myrdock and C.4, Winberry being duly sworn depose c and say, and each for himaelf den ; tance axes and other taxes in tne caneral nature t.ereot which snall become payaole Yy ana a0si ODM NimSeil aeposes and Says, that he is a subscri in= witness to . j ina ms Ls upon or by reason of my death in respect to any property passing under tnis will ene Salad paper-writinrs now shown him, purportin to be the last will and eiidins : Minprsigh mance Mivt esi or any codicil to it, out of tne general iunds oi my estate, ve He Gaul, and that ne saw nim execute tnis writing as nis ] il] Vill Vi LULT as nis last Wii aud te i CF 2 sa y t estauent, Item 2, and that aitiant attested it int 1a -eStec 441 Une presence and at tne request i i ini atic ; 4 e request ot said U. H. Gant Subject to the payment of my debts anda the costs ol adiuinistration olf my eceased; ind tna at tue time or its ) } Liat at ie time ¢ 1ts execution Said U.H Gan : or t ani 1 é LeH. Gant was, in affia a pervy os , , ; ’ nt's estate, 1 give, devise and bequeath all of my property, real d personal, of Opinion, of sound mind and disposin- memory I ees aud a 5 — hace whatever kind ana nature, anu wuerever situated, to my sister, mrs. vora wicholson, vorrie i. Gant, sxecutrix Onroe Adaus _— - _ sO! AQaAL - — to be hers absolutely. Charlie Fay murdéck I 3 Cem 3e Ve be WINBKBERRY Severally subscribed and sworn t f I hereby constitute and appoint up said sister, urs, vora Nicholson as ] ) “dana Swo O velore me this 13th day ’ O« 1 » s 13 ay of July, 1951. Sxecutrix of this my last Will anda Testauwent, to execute the Sauce, and every part Martha U. Varker, Veputy Clerk Superior (cust Teedell Coumy | thereof, according to its true intent and meaning, hereby revoking all other wills And thereupon it is considerea ana adjudged by the Court that tne said by me heretotore made. I specifically authorize my said kxecutrix, in ner sole |Paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testauent ot U, H. Gant, discretion, to sell real estate or personal property velonging to my estate, either Ww j f I atio and thi puy dicly Or privately for cash F . ; ' . | certificate, oe recorded in j of | 1l necessa c < at iled, ! jdeceased and it is ordered that tne saue e saue, this 13th day ot July, 1951, | | Convey the tee simple title to any real property sold and the absolute title to | Vv. &. Smith stil Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. any personal property sold. I request that no bond be required of my “xecutrix, . | | | GN WlINKSS WHKKMOF, I, the said (Mies) Latona ‘urner, have hereunto set ! my hand and seal, this the 23rd day of June, 1947. i er ee on Kok ak oe oe ote % % Witness a8 to simgature — | John A, scott A. Fred Alexander Signed, sealed, published ana declared by the said Miss Latona lurner 4 6o be her last Will and Testament in tne presence of us, who at ‘her sequest, and in ner presenc@, and in the presence of each other, do hereto supseribe our nawes alin 48 Witnesses, A, red Alexander John A. Seott WORTH UskOLINA, in the Superior Court IkEVeELL CUUNTY. Before the Clerk In the matter ot tne will oi Latona turner, UVeceased, tne paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to ve the last will and testawent of Latona iurner deveasea, is exhibited before tne undersifnea, clerk of tne superior court o1 Iredell Vounty, North Varolina, by H. H. N cholson, one ot tne beneficiaries, the executor tnerein na.ed, being now deceased and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath aid examination ot A. Fred Alexander One ol the subscribing witnesses tnereto, and ot as followbg: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: A, fred Alexander, oeing duly sworn deposes and says tnat ne is a subscribing witness to the said paper writing now snown him purporting to be the last will testawent ot Latona Turner ana tnat ne saw Latona 4urner execute tnis writing as her iast will and testauwent, ana that atfiant attested it .n the presence and at tne request o1 said Latona ‘urner, deceased ; and at the time ot its execution said Latona lurner was, in aftiaint's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, Affiant further sweara that Jonn A, Scott tne otner suoscribing witness to seid will, Signed the sawe as a witness in tne presence of attiant, ana that affiant saw his Sign the sawe, and tnat said John A, Scott is now dead, Suoscribed and ewom to pet'ore we, this 17th day of July, 1951. ~ G,. Smith erk Superior Court of Iredell Vounty. NOKTH CAROLINA, A. Fred Alexander IREVELL CoUNLY, Hessie blankenship, being duly sworn, deposes and Says that sne is well acquainted with the hanawriting or gohn A, Scott, one ot the subscribing witnesses to the paper writing purporting to ve the last will and testament of Latona Turner deceased, which is hereto attachea, aated the 23re day ot June, 1947, having ofte seen nim write, and that tne naue of the sdd Jonn A, Seott subscribed as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said Jonn A, scott, Hessie 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me, tnis 17th day ot July, 1951. G, G. 3 Vlerk Superior Vourte And thereupon it is Considered and adjudged by the court that tne said paper writing and every part thereof is the iast will and testawent of Latena Turner, aecea sed, aia it is ordered that tne saue, with the it oregoing , xawination and this certiticate, be recorded and filed. eXalliitic ‘ Tnis 17th day or duly, 1951. GU, G, Smith a EL Glerk Superior Vourt NO. 3526 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY I, George Hoyt Emery, a resident of the State and County aforesaid, . : + ails meh + ‘ “~Y as being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby declare this to be my last will and testament. I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Barbara 2. Emery, all the real and personal property of which I die possessed. If my wife and I should both be killed or die as a result of an accident or common casualty, then and in that event, all of my said property shall go to my son, Andrew Wesley Emery. Signed November 18, 1950, at 5 P. M. George Hoyt Emery IN THE SUPERIOR GOURT NORTH CAROLINA, ORE THE CLERK BEFORE THE CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY A paper writing, without subscribing witnesses, purporting to be the last will and testament of George Hoyt Emery, deceased, is exhibited for probate in open Court by A. B. Raymer, Attys and it is thereupon proved by the oath and | 4 examination of Plummer F. Jones, Jr., that the said will was found among the valuabl } d papers and effects, of George Hoyt Bmery after his death, And it is further prove by the oath and eamination of three competent and credible witnesses, to-wit: L. L, Greene, Harold Lazenby and C, W, Carlton that they are acquainted with the handwriting of the said George Hoyt Emery, having often seen him write, and verily believe that the name of the said George Hoyt Emery subscribed to the said will, f the and the said will itself, and every part thereof , is in the handwriting o f the three last Said George Hoyt Bmery. And it is further proved by the evidence o tan mentioned Witnesses, that the said handwriting is generally known to the acquain oof of the said Gear ge Hoyt Emery. Plummer f. Jones, Jr. L. L. Green Harold Lazenby C. W. Carlton _ Severally sworn to and subseri before me, this y ubscribed before me, this the 2nd lay of August, A, Martha D, Parker Deputy ClerkSuperior Court, ~ NORTH CAROLIN : \ A IN THE SUPERIOR CouURT IREDELL COUNTY BEFORE THE CG YOURE THE CLERK + Li lat hy It is therefore eanaeia } : wii S Vile CoOnSs1iaered and lve hy } : , vijudged by the Court that the said paper writing and every part ther e ‘ the ain iin ite yi 2reoi, 13 the last will and testament of George Hoyt Emery, eceased, and th bh +} : deceased, and the same with the forgoing examination and this certifieat. one ordered to be recorded ani filed, Tais the 2nd day of August A. D., 1951, NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. Meakin Flowers, of the aforesaid county and state, being of sound mind and memory, but considering the uncertaint C my earthly existence, do make and declare this my last will and test First: My executrix, hereinafter named, shall give my body a burial, suitable to the wishes of my friends and relatives, and pay all 4 expenses, together with all my just debts. Second’ I desire that Erma Wise and the ladies residing at the Commercial Hotel shall decide and select the clothes in which my body shall be buried. I further desire that Cavin's Funeral Home shall handle my funeral. Third: I give and devise to my beloved sister, Mollie Stockard, the tract of land, consisting of 50 acres, situated in Anson Vounty, North Carolina, and her heirs, in fee simple. I give and devise to my niece, Mabel Stockard Bennett, and her Fourth: heirs, in fee simple, my house ani lot situated on W. Moore Avenue, in the Town of Mooresville, N. C, Fifth: I give and devise one lot, situated on Poplar Street, facing the Nurses' Home of the Lowrance Hospital, in the Town of Mooresville, N. ©, to Mabel Stockard Bennett, in fee simple. Sixth: I give and devise to my nephew, Charles Stockard, my house and lot, situated on McNeely Avenue, in the Towm of Mooresville, N. C., for his death, to his two children, Barbara Jane Stockard and natural life, and at his Beverly Flowers Stockard, share and share alike, in fee simple. Seventh; I give and devise to my nephew, Charles Stockard, two lots facing Preacher West's home, on Carpenter Avenue, in the Town of Mooresville, N. C,, and his heirs, in fee simple. Eighth: I give and devise to my nephew, Charles Stockard, two lots, Situated near the home of Dr. George Taylor, in the Town of Mooresville, N. C, and bought by me from the Norman Devel@ment Co., ani his heirs, in fee simple, Ninth: I give and devise to my dear friend, Erma Wise, and her heirs, Center Avenue, next to the home of Charles “ ‘e in fee Simple, my lot situated on Mack, in the Town of Mooresville, N. ¢, Tenth: I give and bequeath to my ateter , Mollie Stockard, the entire income from all my stock in the Chadwick~Hoskins Mills, for as long a6 she may live, and at her death, all of waid tock shall be sold, and the proceeds megahy | aa ee therefrom, I give and bequeath to my nephew, Charles Stockard, to be used +“. purchase a Mouse and lot, said hous 0 be the property of the said Charles Stockard during his natural life, and at his death, to his two children, Barbara Jane Stockard and Beverly Flowers Stockard, share and share alike, in fee Simple. Eleventh: I give and bequeath to my niece, Mabel Stockard Bennett, my antique clock, now situated in my room at the Commercial Hotel, for her natural life, and at her death to her thildren; if she has no Children, then to Beverly Flowers Stockard in fee Simple, Twelfth: I give and bequeath to my niece, Mabel Stockard Bennett, my diamond brooch, for her natural life, and at her death, to her children; if she has no children, then to Barbara Jane Stockard, in fee simple. Thirteenth: I give and bequeath to my niece, Mabel Stockard Bennett, and irma Wise, my two diamond rings, in fee simple. I direct that Mabwl Stockard Bennett shall have her choice of these two rings. gs Sourteenth: I give and bequeath to Erma Wise all my stock in the R, J, Reymolds Tobacco Company and all my stock in the Caroline Cosmetic Company, in fee Simple. Fifteenth: I give and bequeath to my niece, Mabel Stockard Bennett, all my stock in the American Processing company, of Mt. Holly, N. C, in fee simple. Sixteenth: It is my will and desire that my executrix hereinafter named, shall pay my burial expenses, hospital bills and doctors! bills, and all my other debts out of any cash which may come into her hands, and is this shail not be sufficient to pay same in Pull, I direct that she sell a sufficient amount of stock | vnich I own and have not heretofore bequeatied, said sale to be left at her discre | Bion, to pay same, | i Eighteenth: It is my will and desire that all my stock in the Mooresville Federal Building and Loan Company, The Mooresville Cotton Mills, and cash on hand, if any), after paying all debts and costs of a ministration of my estate, and all the } residue of my estate, after taking out tb} i pred be sold by my executrix or 1@ devises and legacies above mentioned, her successor, and the debts owing to me collected. and the proceeds derived therefrom shall be equally divided and paid over to Mabel Btockard Bennett, Charles Stockard, Mollie Stockard, Erma Wise, in equal proportion, phare and share alike, If a division of the above a ) he full consent of the four above amed property can be made with ientioned persons, this may be done without & Bale of said property, , | Nineteenth: It ig my will and desire that my nephew, Charles Stoddard, furnish a home for his mother, Mollie Stockard, for her life-time desires. Twentieth: I request that a marker similar to swentieoln husband, be placed at my grave, Twenty-first: I hereby constitute and appoint firma Wise, my lawful executrix to all intents last will and testament, according to the and every part and clause thereof, hereby revoking all other wills and testaments by me heretofore In witness whereof, I, the said Effie T. hand and seal, this the 8th day of July, 1942. _EfZie Tyler Flowers (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Effie T. Flowers to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at her request and in her presense, ,nd in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names a8 witnesses thereto, Stella Parker | Arlene Sloan _ NORTH CAROLINA ie IN THE SUPERIOR COURT--BEFORE THE CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Effie Tyler Flowers, DECHASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Effie Tyler Flowers deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Erma Wise, the *xecutor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Stella Parker and Arlene Sloan, the subserdbing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH C AROLINA, Iredell County. Stella Parker and Arlene Sloan being duly sworn, depose and say, and *ach ir himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said Paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the lawt will and testament of Effie Taylor Flowers, and that he saw her execute (or heard her acknowledge the PXecution of) this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant Attested it in the presence and at the request of setd Effie tyler Flowers dovennes | 1] | | | | ware, jewelry, wearing appare) used in or around and in connection with my home ’ and that at the time of its execution (or at the e time its execution w 88 acknowledge! ged) said Effie Tyler Flowers was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposi 4 g Sin memory. Erma Wise Burgess, Extrx Stella Parker Woodfin Arlene Sloan Westmoreland SS Neer ee Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3lst day of July, 1951 , ~ Martha D. Parker Deputy Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paperewriting and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Effie Tyler i , le li ll lowers, deceased and it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate be recorded and filed, This 4 day of Aug. 1951, C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredel]County. ee eRKRKR eR Ke ee eH oe LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF W. C, SYKES I, W. Cc, t ; C. Sykes, of Statesville, Iredell County, State of North Carolina, being of € of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby revoke all wills and codicils h eretofore made by me, and do hereby make, publish, and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows Item One Ih 3 ereby authorise and direct my executors hereinafter named to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses out of the first monies from my estate coming int nto their hands, and to make such provision for the care of my family cemetery lot a6 may b y be deemed proper in view of the wishes of my surviving family, and to erect at my grave such monument as my said executors may deem proper, with full considera tion for the wishes of my Surviving family in this item Two I will and bequesth unto my beloved wife, Alice Smith Sykes, absolutely matter, and in f ee simple, all of my household and kitchen furniture, rugs, limen, silver- » and all other articles of tangible personal property and any automobile, or automobiles, T may own at the time of my death, . ITEM THREE I will, devise, and bequeath to my beloved wife, Alice Smith Sykes, my home place on South Race Street in the City of Statesville, North Carolina, absolutely and in fee simple. ITEM FOUR I will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Alice Smith Sykes, one-half of all bonds, securities, insurance proceeds, and cash remaining in my estate after payment of just debts, taxes, costs of administration and other expenses of my estate, absolutely and in fee simple. ITEM FIVE (a) I will and bequeath to my son, Coy A. Sykes, a one-fourth share in the remaining one-half of all bonds, securities, insurance proceeds, and cash remaining in my estate after payment of just debts, taxes, costs of administration and other expenses of my estate, absolutely and in fee simple. (>) I will and bequeath to my daughter, Pauline Sykes Miller, a one- fourth share in the remaining one-half of all bonds, securities, insurance proceeds, and cash remaining in my estate after payment of just debts, taxes, costs of ad- ministration and other expenses of my estate, absolutely and in fee simple. (c) I will and bequeath to my son, W. C. Sykes, Jr., a one-fourth share in the remaining one-half of all bonds, securities, inguetaine gressene, oS Sam remaining in my estate after payment of just debts, taxes, costs of administration and other expenses of my estate, but, inasmuch as said W.C,Sykes, Jr. has received from me the sum of $20,000.00 in connection with the purchase and operation of his farm, he is to account for said amount as a portion of his distributive share here- in menfioned, (4) I will and bequeath to my daughter, Clara Sykes Tharpe, a one-fourth share in the remaining one-half of all bonds, securities, insurance proceeds, and cash remaining in my estate after payment of just devts, taxes, costs of adminietra~ |. tion and other expenses of my estate, and hereby direct that said dietributive share of Clare Sykes Tharpe be placed in trust for her as soon after my death as is practicable, and not paid direetly to her; and I hereby direct my executors hereinafter named to placed said share in trust for eaid Clara Sykes Tharpe in Some reliable bank or in the hands of some reliable individual trustee, said bank or other trustee to be selected by my exeeutors, and I hereby direct my go that all income therefrom shall be paid to and to *xecutors that said trust be set up Said Clara Sykes Tharpe at regular intervels £0 long a8 she shall live, her Surviving children after her death until said surviving children oe oe thea ae 4 the age of 21 years, at which time, provided Clara Sykes Tharpe is deceaseg 5 the principal of said trust shall be divided equally between the Surviving children of said Clara Sykes Tharpe; and provided further, that upon the death of Clara Sykes Tharpe, her living children having attained the age of 21 years, the principal of said trust is to be equally divided between them; and I hereby irect my executors that said trust be set up so that the trustee may in its discretion advance to Clara Sykes Tharpe at any time sufficient funds from the principal of said trust to remedy her situation and Support her in her station in life in the event she does not have sufficient funds from other sources to live on, has suffered an accident, illness or misfortune, needs a home or desires funds to educate her children, ITEM SIX It is my will and desire that all of my grandchildren living at the time they are of age to enter college, and who desire a college education and are able to qualify for same, shall receive a college education, and I hereby request my children to draw upon their respective distributive shares far such funds as may be necessary for this purpose, feeling that my said children will respect my wishes as to this matter. ITEM SEVEN All the rest and residue of my estate, not hereinbefore bequeathed and devised, of which I may die seized and possessed, I will, bequeath and devise to my beloved wife, Alice Smith Sykes, absolutely and in fee simple. ITEM EIGHT I hereby constitute and appoint Coy A. Sykes, my son, Pauline Sykes Miller, my daughter, and Alice Smith Sykes, my wife, as executors of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby give and grant unto the said executors full power and authority to sell any property or to do amy act which in their opinion is reasonably necessary for the proper administration of my estate, in keeping with my desires and directions hereinbebre set forth, and I hereby direct my executors to employ to assist and advise them in the administration of my estate any competent and qualified attorney or attorneys they may desire. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said W. C. Sykes, have signed the one preceding typewritten page which together with this page constitutes this my 185? will and testament, and do hereunto set my hand and seal this 3 day of March, 1949 ——_W. 0. Sykes (SEAL) d, sealed, published, and declared by the said W. C, Sykes to be his last Signec, “~ will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, do hereto set out hands as witnesses. 420 S. Race, Statesville, N.C, j er Claudia _W. Shulenberger _ W, Erskine Johnson 432 5S. Racg St, Statesville, N.C, NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT+--Before the Clerk. IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF William C. Sykes, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of William C. Sykes, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Coy A Sykes and Pauline Sykes Miller, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Claudia W. Shulenberger and W, Erskine Johnson, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell county. Claudia W Shulenberger and W Epskine Johnson being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a aubscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of William C Sykes, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testanent, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said ‘ Wil] fam C Sykes, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said William C Sykes ~ in affiant's opinton, of sound mind and disposing memory. Cla W,. 3 a | _W. Erskine Johnson Beveraizy subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of August, 1951. pete D. ifr kee wes uty erk Superior Court irede ounty. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the “ourt that the said Paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of William C, bykes, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the fomgoing examination and bhis Certificate be recorded and filed. This 6th day of August, 1951. crest fs oagih court of lredell County. NO. 3529 NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY. 1, Madama Arthur Morton, being of sound mind and memory but Considering the uncertainty of my earthly existance, do hereby make and declare this to be my Last Willand Testament, l- I desire that my Executors hereinafter named give my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my friends and relatives, pay all funeral expenses and other just debts and errect a marker to my grave. 2- It is my desire that my house and lot in the town of Troutmans, N , ¢, be sold at private or public sale, and that the proceeds therefrom be used in paying funeral expenses, marker for my grave and other just debts. The remainder of the proceeds from sale of said house and lot together with any other property, personal, real or mixed, be divided equally between my two children, Sherley C. Morton and Mrs. Myrtle Morton Howard, 3- If, after the expenses and debts are paid, there is sufficient money on hand, it is my wish and desire that the sum of $100.00 be set aside and paid to the Trustees of St. Michaels Cemetary, or into the office of Clerk Superior Court, and that said amount be invested as a perpetual fund, and the interest therefrom be used for the upkeep of my family plot in said cemetary. This item is left to the discretion of my Executors, 4~- I hereby constitute and appoint my son, Sherley C. Morton and my daughter, Mrs Myrtle Morton Howard my lawful Executors, to execute this my last will and testament. I authorize and empower my Executors to sell any land or personal property owned by my estate at private or public sale, as they may think best, and to make all necessary deeds, transfers and conveyances thereof, without any Court order. T witness whereof, I do hereunto set my hand and seal, this 15 day of November, 1943. ——Madame Morton (SEAL) Witnesses: Mrs. H. R, Brawley H. R. Brawley NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT+--Before the Clerk. IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Mrs Madama Arthur Morton, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and ament of Madama Arthur Morton deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned test Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by S. ©, Morton, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Mrs H. R. Brawley and H R Brawley, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. Mrs. H R Brawley and H R Brawley being duly sworn, depose and Say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament ¢ Madama A Morton, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Madama A Morton deceased; and that at the time of its execution said Madama A. Morton was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Mrs. H. R. Brawley H. R. Brawley Can Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15 day of August, 1951. C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell] County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Madama Arthur | Norton, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 15 day of August, 1951. C, G, ith Clérk Superior Court of Tredell County oe ee ee i ha a —— ac m e ak a n a e Be AI 8 ET ER PN - SE S —s Be he e ap e s © ad en n a Ai: 3530 , North Carolina. Iredell County. I, Mullie E. Stinson, of the State and County aforesaid unty said, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this to h sclare thie be r last : 7 ‘ Wik divmucneeie my last Wiil and Testament in manner and form as follows: ae ‘ter named, shall give ’ Suitable expenses thereof, together with a y other just debts vy -=hat I nav ‘. ac Ao ao oa Ce A i a . afi the may Owe, aS soon as practical after my death out of the first moneys coming . into her hands available for that purpose. Item 2, 5 Syh 4 + > naw yr vw A ¢ ) vubject to the payment of my debts and the costs of administration of my estat rT of f ise anc } } 5 of my estate, I give, devise and eath all the rest and } remainder of my pr rty f whe r na ki I + my property, of whatever nature and kind and wherever Situated, in- na? neahalf wnhdethieA 4n% ns — , ' my one~nhait undivided interest in the house and lot known as #310 West = , Sharpe Street, in the City of Statesvil] e, \. C., all bonds, monies, personal effects y Life Insurance wit} M cts, my Life Insurance with the ‘etropolitan Life Insurance Company, and any her pnerty whats “yer 7 cy other property whatsoever belonging to me at the time of my death, unto my beloved r simple. Sister, Mrs YY 5 1 g r, Mrs. Mary Stinson Shuford, to be hers absolutely and in fee T 5 item 3, I heret nsti and os : ; ereby constitute and appoint my said sister, Mrs, Mary Stinson Shuford, as Executrix o h4 : ae 4 xecutrix o his my last Will and Testament, to execute the Same, and every part thereo?. ; Wine : : y part thereof, according to its true intent and meaning, hereby revoking all other wills by 1eret : by me heretofore made. TI specifically authorize and empower my said Executrix to sel] any roperty, real or personal, that it may be necessary to sell in order ince 7 order to pay my debts and settle my estate at either and without any 4a0 public or private sale, for cash or upon terms approved by her oved by her, rder of cour ate z t, and to sign all necessary deeds, bills of sale, transfers, assign- mente or other necessary instruments so as to convey to fee simple title to any real property sold and the absolute title to any personal property so sold. I request that no bond be required of my Execut rix IN WITNESS WHERBOF, I, the said Mullie E, Stinson, have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this July 23rd 1951 ’ 2 . /8/_Nullis E. Stinson (SEAL) Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said Mullie &- id Stinson to be her last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at her request and in her presence y ‘ f P €, and in the presence of each other, do hereto subscribe our names as Witnesses. a UL KE ’ _Hessie Blankenship NORTH CAROLINA C LERK e IN THE SUPERIOR IREDELL COUNTY Mullie E. Stinson, DECEASED. IN THE MATTER Of THE WILL OF The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the testament of Mullie E. Stinson, deceased, is exhibited before the undersi of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Mrs. Mary Stinson Shuford, the executor therein named, and thereupon the foliowing proof thereof is vaken by the oath and examination of Duke E. Shuford and Hessie Blankenship, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. Duke E. Shuford and Hessie Blankenship being and each for himself deposes and says, that he paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be t! his writing as her last will ard Mullie E, stinson, and that he saw her execute ti it in the presence and at the request of said testament, and that affiant attested hullie E, Stinson, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Mullie EZ. Stinson was, in affiant's opinion, of Sound mind and disposing memory. j ; /s/ /s/ _._Duke E. Shuford /sh Hessie Blankenship Severally subscribed and sworn to before ne, thie 2lst day of August, 1951. C. G, Smith Ulerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said Paper-writing and every part thereof is the lest will and testament of Mullie E, Stinson, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination end thi; certificate, be recorded and filed. This 2lst day of August, 1951. C..G, Smith . li CTerk waivarto ‘Court of Iredell County, ‘No. 3531 North Carolina Iredell County. oe ee ee ‘ pike Ba 3 I, John William Williams, of the above county and state, being of sound mind but considering the uncertainty of my existence do make and dec] ¢ be my last will and testament: I hi PItOr here f° >y r | < ad iat My executor hereinafter named, shall give my body a decent burial] Suitable to my station in life, and pay all funere c ges. tovethe a > 7 * » © id pay Gad Tun ral expense = ? cOogether Wi th all of my just aQehte ayn * } Pt an a om ao ee ° os sebts out of the first money that shall come into his hands belongin + tO my estate, 7 a4 7 + Eive, bequeath and devise to my wife, Mae Campbell Williams, in fee simnle. all P #) mropne , of which T «= }4 Simple, all of the property of which I may Gie possessed, either real, personal or mixed, including all my rights and interest in property that I may inherit from an undivided estate. III ler x onsti > ond anrai I 0 ee “wera. % I hereby constitute and appoint Mae Campbell Williams My lawful executor, to execute this as fill and tes ie a j te this my last will and testament, and every part and clause thereof, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, hereby declaring utterly void all other wills by me heretofore made. In testin nv w . f° ; +n testimony whereof, IJ, the said John William williams, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 18th, day of Jan, 1951. /s/ John William Williams _ ___(SBAb) | Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said John William Williams, | to be his last will and testament, who, at his request and in his presence and in | the presence of each other do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. WITNESS Marshall F, McConnell WITNESS _H. R, Duncam ; a NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT#--BEFORK TI CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF John William Williams, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of John William Williams, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Mae Campbell Williams, the executor therein named, and thereupon the. following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Marshall F McConnell and H R Dunean, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. Marshall F McConnell and H R Duncan being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is e subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of John William Williams, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said John William Williams, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said John William Williams was, in affant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Mae Campbell Williams, Extrx. Marshall F. McConnell i _H, R. Duncan | Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd day of August, 1951. O Ralee ss ek ee Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. | And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said Paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of John William Williams, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examinstion and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 22 day of August, 1951. C. G, Smith eh i Pel Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. homo mm ee me ek em be a Ivo. 3532 NOérth Carolina, | Iredell County. | I I, R. Ston 1g } lea . ee ea ; oe a + Stone, do make and declare this to be my last will and testanent. 1. I will that all my just debts be paic out of the first money belonging to my Sats > > nine 4 . } ha jo ; ; estate coming into the hands of my executrix hereinafter named, «- Iwill, divise and y property of whete eee 3 awe @iiG r I over es \ 1at s ower ren . 9 , ‘ j oo I i oever Kind and cescription and whe é ‘ wer c?# ,a4 9 e QD all r . ( { I y Ltuatec t< ny wife, ©6essie ms ot0! e, to belong to her absolutely and forever. 3 I hereby constitute and appoint my said wife, Bessie R. Stone, executrix of this my last will and testament. I n WwW it 5s V I I aic J I : itness whereof, 1, the said J. R. Stone, do hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 13th day of August, 1929. /s/_J. R. Stone (SEAL) his last Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said J. R. Stone to be will and testament in the presemce of us, who at his request, and in his presence a i he pres nd in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. J. G. ee ew a NORTH CAROLINA, | IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Dr . tim r , BEFORE THE CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY. |} In the matter of the willd JR Stone, deceased, The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and Vestament of J R Stone, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned, clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Bessie R. Stone, the executor therein named, and therupon the following proof witnesses thereto, and of H E Lewis, as following: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: J. G. Lewis, beimg duly sworn deposes and says that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will testament of J. R, Stone and that he Saw J R Stee execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affant attested it in the presence and at the request of said J R Stone, deceased; and at the time of its execution (or at the time dts exeaution was acknowledged) said J R Stor was, in affiant's opinion, of sound : mind and disposing memory, Affiant further swears that H E Lewis the other subscribing witness to said will, signed the same as a witness in the presence of affiant, and that affiant saw him Sign the same, and that said HB. ee a = eee ee eS = ig now dead (or resides out ot the state ol North Carolina, or can not after due ate 1 a a ey al Bae ee ee Pie ¢ aw } uri & diligence be found within the State of North Carolina, or is insane or otherwise incompetent to testify.) a Subseribed and sworn to before me, this 30 day of August, 1951 A AA OT EAD A NORTH CAROLINA, | IREDELL COUNTY. | John T. Gillespie, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well to > ft acquainted with tne handwriting of HE witnesses Lewis, one of the subscribing the paper writing purporting to be the last will anc vhich is hereto attached, dated the 13 day of August, 1929, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said H = Lewis subscribed as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said H E Lewis; and aiiiant further ‘ } 5+} mA ting of St on 3 swears that he is well acquainted with the handwriting cl J R Stone, deceased, whose will the attached paperwriting, dated the 13 day of August 1929, purparts that the name of to be, Having often seen him write, and to sgid will is in the genuine handwriting of the said J R Stone. John T, Gillespie __ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30 day of August, 1951. C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. —_— —— And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the Said paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of J R Stone, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed fhis 30th day of August, 1951. C. &. oat a tterk Superior Court. eeeanueueueebhee ee eS testament of J R Stone deceased, the aid J R Stone subscribed wna ‘ NORTH CAROLINA ) a acl a ae i ak meine ( IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ** BEFORE THE CLERK. NORTH CAROLINA, : IREDELL COUNTY ) IREDELL COUNTY. ; IN THE MA‘ TER OF THE WILL OF G. L. Watts, D&CHASED. A I, G. L. Watts, of the aforesaid County and State, being of sound mind The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make and declare this testament of G. L. Watts deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk oa ee ee nee of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina by Mary Belle Watts, tle First: I direct my ixecutrix, hereinafter named, to pay all my funeral 2 executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by expenses and any just debts that I might owe at the time of my death out of the a the oath and examination of Mrs Sarah M Archer and William R Pope, the sudscribing first moneys which shall come into her hands belongirg to my estate, witnesses thereto, as follows: Second: I hereby give and devise to my daughter, Mary Belle Watts, the NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. following described real estate: BEGINNING at an iron state near a cedar, now Mrs. Sarah M Archer and William R Pope being duly sworn, depose and say, and Pero eens BORE > den, Mepee corner; thence with Watts’ line South 62 Bast each for himself deposes and says that he is a subscribing witness to the said 107 poles to an iron stake, now Watts' corner, also Plato Kelly's corner; thence paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of saeyibioe trade iatlbmaen Rober, poles to a stake on L. G, Caldwell's line; thence G, L, Watts, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament with his line North 74 3/4 West 143 3/4 poles to a stake near a pine tree on the ling and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said G L Watts ictiapret ner hageependeannei Aeamenetrvralrecateaen and Joe Wally's line South 74 | deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was East 72 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 50 acres, more or less; to be hers in | acknowledged) said G L Watte was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing fee simple. memory. Third: I hereby direct that my said Executrix shall take over all the t Mrs, Sarah M Archer Re a assets belonging to my estate at my death and that all the balance of my estate RO el ee ae oe not hereinabove described shall be divided equally among all my other five | Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3lst day of August, 1951. children, share and share alike, and in the event any one of my said five children | | i i a ‘ ‘ Sur Court of Iredell Count Shall predecease me, thenthe portion of my estate that would have gone to such Clerk Superior Your y deceased child shall go to the children of such deceased child, if there be any And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the said paper- | writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of G. L. Watts, children to said child. I hereby constitute and appoint my daughter, Mary Belle Watts, to be deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this the Executrix of this my last will and testament to carry out the same and | certificate, be recorded and filed. | every clause thereof according t ' -~hereb | Ph | c ng to the true intent and meaning of the same-~hereby This 31 day of August, 1951. declaring utterly void all other wills heretofore made by me. C. GO. Smith ~~ = ’ Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. In testimony whereof, I, G. L, Watts, do hereunto set my hand and seal this the 2ith day of November, 1948, /#/ ___ Gs Le Watts. (SEAL) ‘ aehenununununReKkHRE SE HMR HH Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said G, L, Watts to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at his request and in his pre- sence (and in the presence of each other), do subscribe our names as witnesses there tO. Mrs, Sarah M, Archer _ William Ry Pope ui atk th WNo. 3534 NORTH CAROLINA | IREDELL COUNTY | I, Zeb V. Williams, do hereby make and declare this to be my last will and testament: 1. I will that all my jus including my f y just debts, including my funeral expenses, be paid by my Executrix hereinafter named, out of the first money coming into her hands belonging to my estate. 2. I give i vis qu n : Give, will, devise and bequeath gll my property of whatsoever kind and description, including all real and personal property, to my wife Betty , ' ~ . ‘ | K. Williams, to belong to her absolutely and forever. 3. I hereby constitute and appoint my said wife, Betty K. Williams, Executrix of this my last will and testament. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said Zeb V. Williams, do hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 18th day of August, 1951. Zeb V, Williams (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Zeb V. Williams to be his last will and testament in our presence, who, at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, Elizabeth S, Niblock Ni M, Blackwelder ee nw eee ee NORTH CAROLINA ) { IN THE SUPERIOR Cc PORE THR TREDELL COUNTY. ) A ERIOR COURT «=— BEFORE THE CLERK. IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Zeb V Williams, DECEASED, The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the Last wild and testament of Zeb V Williams, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Mrs. Betty K, Williams, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof cher ie taken by the oath and examination of Elizabeth S, Niblock and N. M, Black- wolder, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH GAROLINA, Iredell County, é lizabeth 3 Niblock and N M Blackwelder being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the lest will and restasent “ paper-writing and every part his writing as his last will of Zeb VY Williams, and that he saw him execute tl and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Zeb v Williams deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Zeb V Williams was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Hlizabeth 5 Niblock ___ i kh Blackwelder —_ ~~ = — Sewerally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8 day of September, 1951. u . G. Ymi th a oe eo Clerk Superior Court fredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by theCourt that the said thereof is the last will and testament of Zeb V Williams, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 8 day of September, 1951. Ce Ge Smith Cierk Superior Court of Iredell County. mm uw Oe me km OK mK OK North Carolina, Iredell County I, J. A. Yates of the aforesaid County & State, being of sound mind, do make this my last will & testament: (lst) My executor hereinafter named shall give my body a decent burial and pay al} funeral expenses together with my just debts out of the first moneys which may some into his hands from my estate. (<) I give and devise to my beloved wife Mary Adaline Yates all my real property con- Sisting of my homeplace at Cool Spring, (3) At the death of my beloved wife Mary Adaline I Give and devise the above real estate to my son T. C, Yates & his wife Dora Roberta Yates. (4) At the death or marriage of Dora Roberta Yates I give and devise the above named real estate to my grandchildren Kobert Clarence & James William Yates. (5) I will that at or as surly or possible after my death my son T.C. Yates shall pay to my sons W. F, Yates, E E Yates & My daughter GeddiaEllen Stroud five dollars each & also to my grandchildren heirs of my son R L Yates, J C Yates, Mary Lee & Lois Alice Yates one dollar each, ‘6) I hereby appoint my son T, C, Yates my lawful executor to execute this my last will & testament hereby revoking & declaring utterly void all other wills & testament by me heretofore made. In witness whereof, I the said J. A, Yates do | set my hand and seal, this 22 day of October 1926, J. A. Yates (SEAL) Signed, sealed & published & declared by the said J. A, Yates to be his last will | & testament in the presence of us who at his request & in our presence do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, Witness T A Gaither WS Page State of North Carolina IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Iredell County A paper writing, purporting to the last will and testament of J. ‘A. Yates, deceased, is exhibited for probate in open court by T. C, Yates, one of the executors therein named; and it is thereupon proved by the oath and examination of Turner S. Page that W, S, Page, one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto ie dead, and it is also proved by the oath and examination of Viola E, daither that T. A. Gaither, the other Subscribing witness thereto is also dead. And it is further proved by the oath and examination of the said Turner 8, Page that he ie well acquainted with the handwriting of the said W. S, Page having oftee see pim write, ii said will, is in the handwriting of the said W. 5. Page, and it is also and that the name of the said W. 5S. Page subscribed as a witness to proved by the oath and examination of the said Viola E. Gaither that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of the said T, A, Gaither, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said T. A. Gaither subscribed as a witness to the said will, is in the handwriting of the said T. A. Gaither, Turner S, Page (SEAL) Viola E Gaither (SEAL) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27 day of September, 1951. C, G, Smith —s Clerk Superior Court It is therefore considered by the court that the said paper writing, and every part thereof, is the last will and testament of the said J, A, Yates, and the same is ordered to be recorded and filed. This 27 day of September, 1951. . G, Smith erk Superior Court c3 3 me Ke me we ek me we ke me eK me mR oem |NO. 3536 | North Carolina; Iredell County, : I, William Thomas Nicholson, Sr., of the State ad County aforesaid, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, publish and declare this my | last will and Testament in manner and form as follows, to-wit: Item 1. My Executrix hereinafter named, shall pay all my just debts as s00n as possible after my demise, out of the first moneys coming into her hands available for that purpose, including a note for borrowed money to Mrs. Me Je Colverte Item 2. Subject to the payment of my debts, I give, devise and bequeath all of my roperty, real or personal, wheresoever situated, tnto my beloved wife, Cora Lee Nicholson, to be hers in fee simple and forever. Item 3. I hereby constitute my wife, Cora Lee Nicholson, to be Executrix of this MY last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made, IN TESTIMONY WHERBOF, 1, the said William Thomas Nicholson, Mey have,» lesan hereunto set my hand and placed my seal, this 6th day of May, 1935. William Thomas Nicholson, Sr (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said William Thomas Nicholson, Sr. to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the ;resence of each other, do ‘ enhear) r nar e . + nereto suodscribe our names as witnesses, Hessie Blankenship John A, Scott Wabeluilel SAT T RIA NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, IREDELL COUNTY. Before the Clerk. In the matter of the will of William Thomas Nicholson or., deceased, The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will amd testament. of william Thomas Nicholson, or., deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned, clerk of the superior court of Iredell vounty, North Carolina, by H. H. Nicholson, a son and an heir, therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Hessie Blankenship, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and of R. M. Lazenby as following: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: Hessie Blankenship, being duly sworn deposes and says that she is a Subscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown her purporting to be the last will testament of William Thomas Nicholson, Sr., and that she saw William Thomas Nicholson, Sr. execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said William Thomas Nicholson, Sr., deceased; and at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said William Thomas Nicholson, Sr. was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, Affiant further swears that John A. Scott the other subscribing witness to said will, signed the same as a witness in the presefice of affiant, and that affiant saw him sign the same and that said John A, Scott is now dead (or resides out of the State of North Carolina, or can not after due diligence be found within the State of North Carolina, or is insane oF otherwise incompetent to testify.) Hess B s Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of October, 1951+ ne te Smith erk Superior Court of Tredell County, NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY. R. M. Lagenby, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of John A, Scott, one of tne subscriping witnesses, paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of William to the Thomas Nicholson, Sr., deceased, which is hereto attached, dated the 6th day hor of Nay, 1935, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said John A. Scott subscribed as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said John A. Scott; and affaint further swears that he iswell acquainted with the handwriting of William Thomas Nicholson, Sr. deceased, whose will the attached paperwriting, dated the 6th day of May, 1935, purports to be, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said William Thomas Nicholson, or. subscribed to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said William Thomas Nicholson, Sr. Rk. M, Lazenby Subseribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of Uctober, 1951, C. G, Smith And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of William Thomas Nicholson, Sr, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 4th day of October, 1951. C. G. Smith u Cterk Superior Court. x geen ee wee KR KKK RR OR OH NO. 3537 NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY I, L. F. Ervin, being of sound mind, but considering the uncertainty of ny earthly existence, do make and declare this my last Will and Testament, First: My Executors, hereinafter named, shall give my body a decent burial and pay all funeral expenses, together with all my just debts, out of the first moneys that come into their hands, Second: I will and devise to my beloved Sister, Maude Ervin, all of my property, both real and personal, of which Imy die seized, in Fee Simple, Third: I appoint W. J. Matheson and Ervin T. Bowie my lawful Executors, to execute this my last Will and Testament, according to the true intent ad purpose thereof, Witness my hand this the 23rd day of March, 195l. L. F. Ervin (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said L. F. Ervin to be his last Will | and Testament in the presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence (and in the presence of each other), do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, Mariemma Henley John T, Gillespie \NORTH CAROLINA | j } } TN THE SUPERIOR COURT «= BEFORE THE CLERK. | IREDELL COUNTY | IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF L. F. Ervin, DECEASED, The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of L. F, Ervin, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by W. J. Matheson and Ervin T, Bowie, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Mariemma Henley and John T. Gillespie, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: WORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County, Mariemma Henley and John T, Gillespie being duly sworn, depose and say, and jeach for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said aper-writing now shown him purporting to be the last will and testament of L. F, rvin, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the Fresence and at the request of said L. F. Ervin Heceased; and tmt at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was cknowledged) said L, F, Ervin was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and diapoeins e@mory « _Mariemma Henley John T, Gillespie Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1l th day of October, 1951 C. G. Smith " y wv A ent * Ulerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper- writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of L. F. Ervin, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This llth day of October, 1951. C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. Alo. 3538 i\North Carolina, Iredell County. | 4 I, Jennie B, Shook of the County and State aforesaid do make publish and declare this my last will and testament, viz:- | ITEM l. I direct my executrix hereinafter named to pay all my just debts, j I will devise, give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my property of every kind and description to my daughter, Mrs, Ruth Shook Bolick, to be hers absolutely, ITEM 3, I hereby make constitute and appoint my said daughter, Ruth Shook Bolick the executrix of this my last will and testament, to execute the same and every part hd clause thereof, according to the true intent al meaning of the same and provide that she shall not be required to give bond. In witness whereof, I, the said Jennie B, Shook do hereunto set my hand seal, this the 17th day of March, 1945. Jennie B. Shook (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Jennie B. Shook to be last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at her request and in her r *sence and in the presence of each other, do hereunto set our hands ae witnesses thereto, NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT -~ BEFORE THE CLERK IREDELL COUNTY . IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Mrs. Jennie B. Shook, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Mrs. Jennie B. Shook, deceased, is exhibited before the undersi pned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell ounty, North Carolina, by Ruth Shook Bolick, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of D. L. Raymer and A. B. Raymer, the Subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. D. L, Raymer abd A. B, Raymer being duly Sworn, Uuepose and say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Mrs, Jennie B. Shook, a,d that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Mrs. Jennie B. Shook, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Mrs. Jennie B. Shook was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. A, B. Raymer D. L, Raymer Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19 day of October, 1951. | C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell | County. | And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the | said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Mrs. Jennie B. Shook, decegsed and it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed, This 19 day of October, 1951, C, G, Smith — Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. wow we me me me mk eM mK mM he me me | and Madeline Ketchie share and share alike. | kind, and description is to be sold, except my watch and carpenter tools, and the ' “ | proceeds of said sale I will and devise to Lucy Sloop, my foster daughter, Robert io, 3539 I, Henry Clifton Levan, of the County of Iredell and State of 3 North Carolina, do hereby revoke all former wills made by me and do hereby make, publish, and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form ’ - as follows: Item One I direct my executor hereinafter named to pay all of my just debts, j is 7 j a gs g a} } funeral expenses and costs of administration, and to erect at my grave such monument as he may deem proper. Item Two I will, devise, and bequeath all of my property of every sort, kind, and description, both real and personal, except my watch and carpenter tools, to my wife, Mollie Emma Levan, for and during her natural life. Item Three At the death of my wife all of my property of every sort, kind, and | description is to be sold, except my watch and carpenter tools, and the proceeds | of said sale I will and devise to Lucy Sloop, my foster daughter, Kobert Worthington,| | Item Four If my wife should predecease me then all of my property of every sort, Worthington, and Madeline Ketchie share and share alike, Item Five I will and devise to my brother, Nelson Levan My watch, Item Six | I will and devise to Robert Worthington and Nelson Levan my carpenter tools to be divided between them as they see fit. Item Seven I hereby constitute and appoint my brother, Nelson Levan, as the *xecutor of this my .ast will and testament. In testimony whereof, I, the said Henry Clifton Levan, have hereunto Set my hand and seal this 5th day of October, 1951, __Henry Clifton Levan (SEAL) Sighed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Henry Clifton Levan *o be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in of each other do hereto set our hands as witnesses, edie Abi MAI cacnsctsnsitinnsiinnccen ‘48 presence and in the presence NORTH CAROLINA In the Superior Court -- Before the ¢ IREDELL COUNTY. he Clerk IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Henry Clifton Levan, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Henry Clifton Levan, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Nelson Levan, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of A G Walker and Dora Walker, the Subscribing witness thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County, A G@ Walker and Vora Walker being duly sworn, depose and Say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper- writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Henry Clifton Levan, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that aitiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Henry Clifton Levan, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time itm execution was acknowledged) said Henry Clifton Levan was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, A. G. Walker Dora Walker Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of October, 1951. C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Henry Clifton Levan, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the far egoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 20th day of October, 1951. C. G th ~ Clerk Supe ior Court of Iredell County. ee ee ee ke me me ke me me om mk No. 3540 NORTH CAROLINA WILL IREDELL COUNTY I, H C Troutman, of the aforesaid county and state, do make and declare this my last will and testament: 1. My Executrix hereinafter named shall pay all my just debts out of the first money which may come into her hands belonging to my estate. 2. After the payment of my debts I give, bequeath, will, and devise to my wife Anna Troutman all my property of every kind and description--real, personal and mixed--to be hers absolutely in fee simple. 3. I hereby constitute and appoint my said wife Anna Troutman my lawful executrix to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will amd testament, and every part and clause thereof according to the true intent and meaning of the same hereby declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made, In witness whereof, I, H C Troutman do hereby set my hand and affix my seal this the 2nd day of January, 1926, A, D. H. C,. Troutman (SEAL) D. L, Raymer Witness Charles Neilson Witness Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said H. ©, Troutman to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, do hereby subscribe our names as witnesses hereto. This Jan 2, 1926. D, L, Raymer Charles Neilson NORTH CAROLINA TREDELL COUNTY In the Superior Court -- Before the Clerk, IN THE MATTER UF THE WILL OF HG Troutman, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and Vestament of HC Troutman, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk *f the Superior Court, of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Mrs. Reba T, Davis, the *xecutor therein named, and therupon the follow ng poof is taken by the oath and **amination of D. L. Raymer and Charles Neilson, the subscribing witnesses thereto, 88 follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. D, L, Raymer and Uharles Neilson bein \ é a} é sing duly sworn, d p y s ’ epose and Say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last wijl and testament of H C Troutm ( iti i tman, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament owes . : 1 q and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said H ¢ ‘routman, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (Or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said H C Troutman was, in affiant's opinion, of sound on, mind and disposing memory. U, L, Raymer Uharles Neilson veverally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of October, 1951 oo ’ 7 4*+@ U G. Smith Clerk Superior court Iredell County, And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of H U Troutman, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed, This 24th day oi Uctober, 1951, Qn U . ett Omith Ulerk Superior Court of Iredell County. a a 0. 3541 North Carolina Iredell County I, John &, Jenkins, ot the State and County atoresaid, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make and declare this to be my last Will and testament, in manner and form as follows: Item I. My Executrix hereinafter named shall give my body a suitable burial and pay the expenses therefor, together with any other debts that I owe as soon as practical after my death, Item II, a Subject to the payment of my debts and the settlement of my estate, I give, devise and bequeatn all oi my property, both real and personal unto my adopted daughter, Mrs. Mattie hae Campbell, to be hers forever in fee simple. At the present time the only real estate I own is the house and lot déscribed in the deed trom Maggie J. Watts, single, recorded in Book 121 at page 80, records of Iredell County, but it is intended by this will that whatever real estate I own at my death shall go to my said adopted daughter in fee simple, together with all my personal property. Item III. I hereby constitute and appoint Mrs, Mattie Mae Campbell executrix of | this my last will and testament to execute the same and every part thereof according to its true intent and meaning, hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. I expressly authorize my said executrix in her sole discretion to | 8ell any personal property or real estate at public or private sale, without any court order or proceeding as it should be necessary, in her judgment to do so in the business like administration of my estate, and upon such sale or sales, to make and execute the necessary deeds to convey land in fee simple and personal property preclutely, My said executrix shall not be required to give bond, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said John &, Jenkins have hereto set my hand and placed my seal, this the 13th day of January, ages 5 John jz. x _denkine (SEAL) har Si 4 declared by the said John E. Jenkins to be ened, sealed, published and de y soanbek ant’ Ln ba his last will hd and testament, in the presence of us, who at his Presence and in the presence of each other, do hereto subscribe our names as witnesses John A» Seott _ugdlle 5. Gaither “itness to Signature - John A, Scott NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, IREDELL COUNTY. Before the Ulerk, In the matter of the will of John #, Jenkins, deceased. The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last Will and testament of John E, Jenkins, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned, clek of the superior court of Iredell Vounty, North Carolina, by Mrs. Mattie Mae Campbel} “xecutrix therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by tne oath and examination ot Lucille 3, Gaither, one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto and of Hessie Blankenship as following: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: Lucille 5, Gaither, being duly sworn deposes and says that ibing witness to the said paper writing now shown her, purporting to will testament of John E, Jenkins, and that she saw John E. Jenkins execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said John E., Jenkins, ceceased; and at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said John &, Jenkins, was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind ina disposing memeory. Affiant further swears that Join A, Scott the other subscribing witness to said will, signed the same as a witness in the presence of affiant, and that affiant saw him Sign the same, and that said John A. Scott is now dead (or resides out of the State of North varolina, or can nov aiter due diligencebe found within the State of North Carolina, or is insane or otherwise incompetent to testify.) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day of Lucille 3B, Gait October, 1951. Martha D. Parker, Deputy Clerk Superior Court of Tredell Vounty. | NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY, Hessie Blankenship, being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is well acquainted with the handwriting of John A, Scott, one of the subscribing witnesses to the paperwriting purporting to be the last will and testament of Jonn J, Jenkins deceased, which is hereto attached, dated the 13th day of January, 1948, having oftem seen him write, and that the name ot' the said John A, Scott subseribed as 4 witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said John A, Scott. Hessie Blankenship adios Subseribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day of October, 1951. Martha D, Parke Denute Clerk Suverior courte And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of John Le Jenkins, deceased, and it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examinatson and this certificate, be reoorded and f This 27th’ day of October, 19510" Cc. G. Ss . ere k Superior - COUT es Mo. 3542 North Carolina Iredell County I, Augusta Troutman Jenfield, ot the Vounty and State aforesaid, do make and declare this my last will and testament: I. My Executor hereinafter named shall pay just debts, including funeral expenses, out of the first money which may into his .ands belonging to my estate. II. After the payment of my debts as above stated, I give, beqwath, will and devise all of my property of every kind and description to my husband, W. L. Benfield, to be his absolutely, provided, he survives me, but if he does not survive me, then and in that event I give, bequeath, will and devise all of my property of every kind and description to Rueben Troutman and wife, Dorothy G. Troutman, to be theirs absolutely. III. T. Troutman my lawful Executor to I hereby constitute and appoint Koy execute this my last will and testament and every part and clause thereof according | to the true intent and meaning of the same, hereby declaring null and void all other wills and testaments heretofore by me made. In witness whereof, I, the said Augusta Troutman Benfield, do hereunto Set my hand and seal, this the 14th day of February, 1950. _Augusta Troutman Benfield (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Augusta Troutman Benfield to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at her Tequest and in her presence, and in the presence ofeach other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. Roy 7, Troutman Geraldine T, Killinger A A OCCT WORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, TREDELL COUNTY, Bexore the Clerk. In the matter of the will of Augusta Troutman Benfield, deceased. The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Augusta Troutman Bonfield deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Slerk of the superior court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Roy T. Troutman, *he executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by. She cath and examination of Roy T, Troutman, one of the subscribing ee” ew rv ee \RTH CAROLINA and of as following: NO IREDELL COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: : 5 : H. A. Rimmer, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well Roy T, Troutman, being duly sworn deposes and Says that he is at bk oho a? , ; m . : : . : acquainted with the handwriting of Augusta Troutman Benfield,deceased, whose subscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown iim, purporting to be the i1) the attached paperwriting, dated the 14th day of February, 1950, purports to w : , o last will testament of Augusta Troutman Benfield and that he saw Augusta Troutman be, having often seen him write, and that the natite of the said Augusta Troutman ey Benrield execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant senfield subscribed tosaid will is in the gentine handwriting of the said D en ~~ wv ~ - attested it in the presence and at the request of said Augusta Troutman Benfj d m | ys Ve 7 i iie Augusta Troutman Benfield. er deceased; and at tie time of its execution (or at the time its execution was H, A, Rim acknowledged) said Augusta Troutman Benfiled was, in affiant's opinion, of sound Subseribed and sworn to before me, this 3lst day ot October, 1951. mind and disposing memory. Affiant further swears that Geraldine T. Killinger i UC, G,Smith = : : T Ulerk Superior Court. the other subscribing witness to said will, signed the same as a witness in the presence of affiant, and that affiant saw him Sign the same, and that said Geraldine T, Killinger is now dead (or resides out of the State of North Carolina, or can not after due diligence be found within the State of North Carolina, or is insane ‘NO. 35443 or otherwise incompetent to testify.) , : : L N C ina Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3lst day a Roy T. Troutman orth Carol Iredell County , * - C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. declare this my last will and testament: NORTH CAROLINA I IREDELL COUNTY. r named shall pay all of my just debts, in- Mrs. J. ©. Wooten, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted | My Executor nereinafte vale sena > irst money which may come into s ha with the handwriting of Geralding T. Killinger, one of the subscribing witnesses | cluding funeral expenses, out of the fi y i belonging to my estate, to the paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Augusta II. | Troutman Benfiled, deégeased, which is hereto attached, dated the 14 day of February | | | After the payment of my debts as above stated, I give, bequeath, | 1950, having often seen her write, and that the name of the said Geralding T. if | Will and devise all of my property of every kind and description to my wile, i ‘Killinger subscribed as a witness to said will is in the iting of the i L genuine handwriting . . Augusta Troutman Benfield to be hers absolutely, provided, she survive me, but ‘said Geraldine T. Killin er | oe if she does not survive me, then and in that event I give, bequeath, will and devise I Mrs, J. APs Wooten all of my property of every kind and description to Rueben Troutman and wife, | Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 day of November, 1951. | Yorothy G, Troutman, to be thei absolutely. | ce Ge Smith voce erk SuperiorVourt. Ill. And thereupon it is condidered and adjudged by the court that the said paper I hereby constitute and appoint Roy T, Troutman my lawful Executor writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Augusta Troutman 60 execute this my last will and testament and every part and clause thereof according on Benfield, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examinatd te the true intent and meaning of the same, hereby declaring null and void all oter and this certificate, be recorded and filed, Wills and testamenta heretofore by me made, This 2 day of November, 1951, In witness whereof, I, the said W, L. Benfield, do hereunto set my sl C, G. Smith Mand and seal, this the jhth day of February, 1950. vlerk Superior Court. | W, L, Benfield (SEAL) 4 — me Se Sh Se g a eS i e ~ de e Fe s ew OL ad a= os a at t a ea s “ _ oe Sa i Sp e Re Z , . A xs eS _— . Ss SI EE ie , Fo gh. wa r e s ae ee ab s t ca 4 . Be e r ge ag ee g h a am e s eS TS Se s , ; . wa t 3 Sp a s me s 9 ig s | a witness xmxsakdortkiyxax in the presence of affiant, and that affiant saw him sign | fl it | | of North Carolina, or is insane or otherwise incompetent to testify.) | Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3lst day of Roy T, Trout | October, 1951 | Martha D, Parke | Deputy Stork Superior Court of tredelT County, State of North Carolina, or can not after due diligence be found within the State Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said W, L, Benfield to be his last will and testament in the presence of' us, who, at his request and in his pregence, and in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, Roy T, Troutman Geraldine T, Killinger ee ee H CAROLINA, In the Superior Court, IREDELL v OUNTY. Before the Vlerk, In the mtter of the will of Ww, L, Benfield, deceased. The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will ani testament of W. L, Benfield, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned, clerk of the superior court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Roy T, Troutman, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Roy T, Troutman, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and of as following: NOXfH CAROLINA, Iredell County: Roy T. Troutman, being duly sworn deposes and says that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will testament of W. L. Benfield and that he saw W. L. Benfield execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said W, L, Benfield, deceased; and at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) sad W. L, Benfield was, 1 in afflant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, Affiant further swears that | Geraldine T, Killinger the other subscribing witness to said will, signed the same as) the same, and that said Geraldine T. Killinger is now dead (or resides out of the NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. Mrs. J. 0, Wooten, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he well acquainted with the handwriting of Geraldine T, Killinger, one of the subscribing witnesses to the paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of W. L. Benfield, deceased, whicb is hereto attached, dated the 14 day of February, 1950, having often seen her write, and that the name of the said Geraldine T. Killinger subscribed as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the , 5 Sa said Geraldine T. Killinger. Subscribed and sworn to . * } anf n , Wer > > ) + it he said a er pon it is considered anu adj ‘ed by Ss ¢ a Sa pap 1er j he las W. L. Benfield, writing and every part thereof is the last ‘oregoing examination and this it is ordered that Ut! oregoing examination and t deceased, aid it Tt. 9 ay tnis « day 4th 4» Uu i) nithn scien Clerk ouperior Court. NORTH CAROLIN IREDELL DUNTY H. A. Rimmer, being duly sworn, deposes anc says tiuat he is well acquainted with the handwriting of W. L. Benfield, deceased, whose will the attached paperwriting, dated the 14th day of February, 1950, purports to be, le aka aid W. L. Benfield having dten seen him write, and that the name of the said W. Bent ‘ e . Hh esr ia We ] . Benfield subscribed to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said W. 4 : H,. A. Rimmer 2 4 r € " 1951 Subscribed and sworm to before me, this tue 3lst day of October, 2516 omith GO, & Clerk Superior vourt. BE AB S mn we g e n em ee —— — — fe MW e ee ee 2 ee a aa AE Ba t s —— — — — — = ng ee ‘No. 3544 North Carolina, Iredell County. I, Thomas J, Ellis, of the aforesaid county and State, being of sound mind but considering the uncertainty of life do make this my last will and testament. first: executor, snall give my body a decent burial, and place iarker at my grave, and to pay all funeral expenses, together with all my just debts out of the first moneys which may come into her hands out of my estate, yecond: I give and devise to Miss Alice wumple and Mrs, Katie Simmons her mother all of my property both rail and personal I own and have possession of at the time of my death. Third: Ihereby constitute and appoint hiss Alice “cumple, my lawful executor to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament, In witness wreof I the said Thomas J, Ellis do hereunto set my hand and seal this 24 day of August 1942. Thomas J, Ellis (SEAL) Signed, sealed, and declared by the said Thomas J, Lillis, to be his last will and testament in the present of us who at his request and in his presents do witness the same, witness) Mrs. Myrtle Howard (Witness) NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT -- BEFORE THE CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY of i T | IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Thomas J tllis, DECEASED. | | | The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas J Ellis, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk | of the Superior Court of Iredel) County, North Carolina, by Mrs. Alice Rumple | Bidson, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following poof thereof is | taken by the oath and examination of B C Howard and Mrs Myrtle Howard, the subscribing | ‘ witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. B C Howard and Mrs Myrtle Howard being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing wintess to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas J. Ellis, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Thomas J Ellis, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Thomas J Ellis was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. B, C. Howard Mrs Myrtle Howard ns a : . el . Ni amh a 951. Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of November, l ev 2 G, Smith a Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. s : eee oe ee : the ani hat the said paper- And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the s par rT - ee i he f is the last wili and testament of Thomas J writing and every part thereof is the las deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 24th day of November, 1951. C. G. Smith | Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County, x ' 410. 3545 : | Vs This my Will and Last Request, I want Dallas to have enough land in ; r P thé 1e has already on the upper part of the place to make him 50 acres with what he y had off this place, I want Nottie and Raymon to have theirs together through the j nd j € 1e house middle of the place, I mean 50 acres a piece and Nottie to have the hous and Raymon the barn. Sig to have 50 acres on the side towards the creek, the line ssing tl Ww Starting at the Hayes line at the hallow and crossing the road at the co gate above the Tobacco barn that will give him a good building site, the 2 Me ' pieces of Pine Timber one at the old still house pce and over toward Flake's is to be sold and divide the money if they can't divide it satisfactory that timber is to divided no matter who's part it comes on and my personal property, d the I want it to be divided between the four (4) children not to be sold an all paid and if any money I have onlmnd is to be divided after my expenses is p ante of my children has a crop on anyone's part wheat, corn, oats or hay the one pl to have it. Why I want Nottie and Raymon to have theirs through the middle of the place they have stayed here and helped me take care of wey father and have stayed here with me and will take care of me, they are doing that now I want Nell Holmes, my granddaughter to have $100.00 in cash, I appoint Dallas T. Holmes, my som, a6 Executor of this my will, This July 31, 1947. Ada C, Holmes (SEAL) WITNESSES; Caldwell T, Henderson irvin L, Wallace WT Me™ 198 ay NORTH CAROLINA Vf. 3° * © Statesville, N. U. a) ‘ i IN THE SUPEXIOR COURT -- BEFORE THE CLagx i i Bi toute 3, Box 13% a IREDELL COUNTY. he friday- June 15, 1951 il 3 IN THE ao OF THE on fe Ada CU an DECEASED. to whom and all itmay concern. 1) Be The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last wil) I, being of sound mind, tho ill bodily and unable to do for myself and be it Me i 4 atl and testament of Ada UC, Holmes deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk known by all that my sister, Mrs. Bessie Teaster Benfield, has red for me, ; at of the Superior Court of Iredell vounty, North Carolina, by Dallas 7, Holmes, the nursed me and given me a home. if executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the Therefore, 1 do will and bequeath all personal property, insurance, the collection of Ly Oatu and examination d Caldwell T Henderson and Irvin L, Wallace, the subscribing : my social security momey and any outstanding monies due me to my sister Mrs, le witnesses tnereto, as follows‘ Bessie Teaster Benfield of the above address. Il would like al] i carried out et NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell Vounty, as it is written here. CE gh : valdwell T, Henderson and Irvin L. Wallace being duly sworn, depose and say, Signed by me, Joe Byers 4 and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a Subscribing witness to the said and witnessed by paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Ada a oe VU. Holmes, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, this day of G * Tharpe and that afiiant attested it in the presence and at the request of sid Ada C. Holmes moe” Pose deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Ada U. Holmes was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and NORTH CAROLINA aie aaa disposing memory, ‘ re IN THE SUPERIOR COURT «= BEFORE THE CLBRK. IREDELL COUNTY Valdwell T, Henderson IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Joe Byers, DEULASED. Irvin L. Wallace The paper-writing hereto attaciied and purporting to be the last will and Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of November, 1951, testament of Joe Byers deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Ulerk of the Martha D Parker Deputy Casal Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Mrs. Bessie Teaster Benfield, an a eT legatee therein named, and thereupon the lollowing proof thereof is taken by the h it 4 3. E. The ; ubseribing ses And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said oath and examination of L. M. Little, and G. &, Tharpe, the subscribing witnesse paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Ada C, Holmes, thereto, as follows: | deceased and it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examination and this NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. | certificate , be recorded and filed, L. M. Little and G. E. Tharpe being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing i! | This 29th day of November, 1951, how shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Joe Byers, | VG, HAL Tredell ) } ot . vierk ouperior Vourt re | Md that he saw him execute (or heard Him acknowledge the execution of) this writing | Vounty, | | 48 his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and | RRR KKH KR ee me me mm | at the request of said Joe Byers, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Joe Byers was, in affiant's ‘pinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. a Fa nn Le M. Little | Severaiiy subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1st day of Novembef, 1951. . And thereupon it is eeneidered and adjudged by the YVourt tnat ee ee ————————— — Tf writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Joe Byers deceaseq ’ se d it is ordered that tl am rit he 2coing minati : : and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this Certificate, be recorded and filed. 7% This lst day of November, 1951. CU, @.. omen ie vlerk Superior Court of Iredell County, No. 3547 North Carolina Iredell County I, Maggie Connor Patterson, of the County and State aforesaid, do make and declare this my last will and testament. FIRST: My executors hereinafter named shall pay all my just debts and funeral expenses out of the first money which may come into their hands belonging to my estate. SECOND: I will and devise to my daughter, Mary Nell Patterson, in fee simple my house and lot situated at 948 West Front otreet, otatesville, North Carolina, and now occupied by me as a home. THIRD: Sub ject to the devise above set forth, 1 will devise,give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my property of every kind and description to my daughter, mary Nell Patterson, and my son, James Claude Patterson, to be theirs absolutely, share and share alike. FOURTH: I hereby constitute and appoint my daughter, Mary Nell Patterson, and my son, James Ulaude Patterson, my lawful executors to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof, hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testanents by me heretofore made. In witness whereof, I, the said Maggie Connor Patterson, do here- unto set my hand and seal, this the 9th day of September, 1937. Magrie Connor Patterson (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said, Maggie Connor Patterson to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other, do subseribe our names as witnesses thereto, Mrs. Estelle Williams D. L, Raymer D. L. Kaymer, dr. eee ne a pTH CAROLINA ; WORTH vat In the Superior Vourt--sSef'ore ‘ Thin WT] 1OUNTY. IREDELL ti THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Maggie VConnor Patterson, IN TH The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Maggie Vonnor Patterson, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned : Yaar P Trade? A xy + ‘arolin: hep Clerk of the Superior Court ol Iredell County, North Varolina, by : : Sie a ‘iis dail Pallawine ‘ _hareaaf 48 the executor therein named, and thereupon the followin; proof thereof is the oath and examination of UD. L. Raymer and U. witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. D. L, Raymer and DL. L. Raymer, dr. being duly sworn, depose and each for himself deposes and says, that they are a subscribing witness paper-writing now shown him, purpo Patterson, and that they sa will and testament, and that aflhnt attested of said liaggie Connor Patterson deceased; (Or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said gie vonnor ‘ : > : 7 na Agqennsine me Vv t's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. U, Le Naymer heme meme U, ww. Mayer, vI. severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this oi July, Martha DL. Parker La pig? Clerk Superior Vourt edell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudfea by the vourt that the said i : : ~ . ec | . 1 +o t 91 on m j ro | Paéper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of aggie C } ‘ : i derat -he same, with the foregoin vonnor Patterson, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, é & | ®xamination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 21st day of August, 1951. U. G, Smith ; : Clerk Superior Vourt of lredeli po n EN EP cg ee ea e io e — Pn Pa s SS ee ee 3 ac a i ee e JNo. 3548 NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY of the aforesaid County and State, do wake this my last will that all my just debts be paid by my executrix out of the frst moneys coming into her hands belonging to my estate, 2. i will, give, divise and bequath all my property both real and personal to my wife, Ulyde Moore Holcomb, to belong to her absojlutely and forever, 3. I hereby appoint my said wife, Clyde Moore Holcomb my lawful ix of this my last will and testament. IN WITNESS WiERKOF, I, the said S. F, Holcomb, ore, do hereunto set my ind seal, this the 12th day of June, 1946. Melts S. , Holcombe (SEAL) vigned, sealed, published and declared by the said S, F, Holcomb, Sr, to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, wno,at his request and in his presence and in tue presence of each other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, J. G. Lewis Floy Winkinson NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT-- B&FORE THE CLERK, IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF 5S, F. Holcomb,Sr., DEUVEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of S, I, Holcomb, 8r, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Mrs. Clyde Moore Holcomb, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof 1s taken by the oath and examination of Je G. Lewis and Floy Winkinson, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County, J. G, Lewis and Floy Winkinson being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of S. F. Holcomb Sr, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said S F Holcomb Sr, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (Or at the ow its execution was acknowledged) said S F Holcomb Sr was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Severally subscribed and sworn to before And thereupon paperwriting anda every Sr, deceased and it is ordered tfiat ‘tificate, be recorded and This 5th day of December, 19 “— ’ Lredell County. i Sia NO, 3549 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IREDELL I, W. J. Ervin of the aforesaid County and State, being of sound mind and deposing memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will and testament: ITEM I: I direct that my Executor, hereinafter named, give my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my children and to pay for the exrense thereot out of the first assets of' my estate together with any other just obligations whach I may owe at the time of my death. ITkM II: I do hereby bequeath to my beloved son, James Osborne my watch and the picture which hangs in my living room. ITEM III: I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved son, William M, Ervin the clock which is in my sitting room and the black iron pot which has been in the | family for many years. , Dose iW ITEM IV: I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved daughter Augusta Howard the picture of my deceased son, Franklin, and the family picture ajbum, ITEM V: I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved daughter, Mrs, Mary Cole the velvet quilt with the red satin binding. yATEM VI: I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved daughter, Maggie Harwell, the old rocking chair in my home. ITEM VII: I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved daughter, Myrtle Howard the Jenny Lind Bed and my watch chain, ITEM VIII: I bequeath unto my beloved daughter, Pearl Edwards, the gold felt and pepper shakers and the dish to match which were gifts to me and my wife ry ro] we ing ¢ ivers ; OAT TN on our golden wedding anniversary. e ORTH CAROLINA Ith IX: I do hereby bequeath unto my belo dau Ethe] IREDELL COUNTY. the Walnut bed and dresser ia a a IN THE MATTER OF OF W. J. Ervin, ITEM A: I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved son, lcKinley Gladstone meee The paper-writing hereto attached the organ, the oil stove and the cotebed which Id testament of W. J. Ervin, deceased, lo hereby bequeat! bel ds ne bryi > reovy bequeath unto my beloved son, Spencer orvin, git 14 t ee ae ce the Superior Court of Iredell vounty, wheel which is a family heirloom, med , ana thereupon the following proof I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved son, John Wesley irvin, : e 2 ae ban ALI e rown ana v fi rown, Uf : examination of L. A machine and my guns, follows: itsM XIII: I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved granddaughter, Mary . oes NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. morris Lrvin, the $5.00 gold piece which I own, L A Brown and J F Brown being duly ous: ven, ; | ITEM XIV: I 10 nereoy bequeath unto my beloved granddau hter, Ruth | | os himself devoses and says, that he is a subscribing witness to tne 5s iper-writing we e s AS P s urvin McKay, the only chil i my deceased son, Franklin Ervin, a wool quilt, i er : id testamen ; rvin, now shown him, purporting to be the Ya t a a we e s a a = ITEM XV: I do hereby bequeath unto John wesley Ervin and his wife, : execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that auth Gaday &rvin the heating stove which is in my home as well as the kitchen : ! it in the wesence a.d at the request of said W J Ervin, deceased; Stove which is in my home, a : . . : f » ot +ho 1 . en »xeCuU ‘ , as ac I wwledre and that at the time of its execution (or at the ime its execution was ackn At h tl Aa a Se . ¥YVT-. b ,Oa+ ¢ . . . } AVI: All the rest and residue of my property, whether the same ; is ing memor said W J Ervin was, in affiant's opinion, nind and disposin; »MOrY « stocks or real estate, I do hereby give, grant, devise and bequeath 2h Me es brown ——_ - shares to my eleven living childrer tat Le Laura K, Brown TEM ) : do hereby name it i loved s ITEM XVII: I do hereby name, constitute and appoint my beloved son, of Dec. 1951. Severally sibseribed and sworn to before me, this 10 day icKinley Gladstone rvin, as the Executor of this my last will and testament, to i i mith ‘ . : ; “ik wry ? rG ur lre je ] L © unt execute the same according to the true intent and purpose thereof, and he shall plerk Syperior Ye ; , . , _ ad4udeed by e col hat the said not be required to cive bond, and thereupon ay 28 considered ind @ i judy} ed Dy tn court t 4 ti Sa i WTINBed ‘Pop ree . haw ‘ea the Las 4 and testament of W. J. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 22 day of papér-writing and every part thereof is the last will won November, 1943. irvin, deceased and it is ordered that the sane, with the foregoing examination and W. J. Ervin (SEAL) ! | this certificate, be recorded and filed. Yigned, sealed, published and declared b ; be ~ pH ; , ; é e Lis and Cc by the said WwW. J. Ervin to This 10 day of December his last Will and Testament in the presence oi us, who, at his request and in , . ots eer and in the presence of each other, do subscribe our names as yt : _ Pr Tredelt witnesses hereto, | ma a | : JOUNTY « L. A, B r I | - A, Brown __froutman, N, Laura K, Brown Troutman, N, J, F, Brown Troutman, N s 2 Addresses. “Seat teh ae NE NR ite hae J writing now = nown NO. 3550 ; hike sasha Y ' Ludwig Chis writine Prudence v +UGWIE, NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. ibe sie and testament, ana tnatl aililian >. I, Mrs. Prudence C. Ludwig (Mrs. 5. F, Ludwig), of the aforesaid county C ie ~eaned: " ‘ atid Mrs Prudence Ludwig, deceased; Sa aU sikh ee and state, being of sound mind, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly exist. \ Ludwig was. in affiant's opinion y Luda f AY; I aiiltai Lon, ¥ lirs Prudence 22 s An Se ence, do make and declare this my last will and testament: Sa t e e n ea m e s executor, hereinafter named, shall give my body a decent a, ’ ’ y ; decent and ay all funeral expenses, together with all my just debts, out v . VWs “ Severally subscribed and he first moneys which may come into her hands belonging to my estate, give, devise and bequeath unto my adopted daughter, Mary considered ee vatherine Ludwig, all the property, both real and personal, of wnich I may die pos- Sp i n y He e p ee Sp - sessed, writing and every part thereof is Thin } , r ~ ; ann : ’ : 199 had > 2s and 2 ¢ is 7 5M tna \ Third. I hereby constitute and appoint my adopted daurnter, Mary Vatherine “uUaWd deceased and it is ordered Ludwig, my lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last d this certificate be recorded and oe ; : f s m, 3 inne in mh 195 will and testament, and every part and clause thereof, according to the true intent . e of December, 1951. UV. Ge. Smith. and meaning of the same - hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all ot! ‘Terk oucerior courta lredell wills and testaments by me heretofore made, In witness whereof, I , the said irs. Prudence U, Ludwig do hereunto set my hand and seal, this 19th dat of May, 1941. { No, 355] Mrs. Prudence C, Ludwig (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF COUNTY OF IREDELL JOSEPH B. JOHNSTON Yigned, sealed, published and declared by the said Mrs. Prudence U, Ludwig (Mrs. S. F, Ludwig) to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, + who, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each otner, do | | I, JOSEPH B. JOHNSTON, of the County of Iredell and State oi North Carolina, subscribe our names as witnesse } O° : , ee hli4eh. ; . pee GS witnesses thereto. | 40 hereby revoke all former wills made by me and do hereby make, publish, and declare i. B. Smith |e P e a . : 2) | ‘Ais my last will and testament in manner and form as follows: W. A, Shimpock Item One a I will, devise, and bequeath all of my property of every sort, kind, and i : ‘ ° ANN TE vy STO} | description, both real and personal, unto my wife, ANNIZ D. JOHNSTON, absolutely | NORTH CAROLINA ! . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT == BEFORE THE CLERK. | jind in fee simple. i h 4 f =m ‘, iy no Vv ' | IREDELL COUNTY. _ re | teen fue ) IN THE MATTER OF TH. WILL OF Mrs Prudence C Ludwig, DECEASED, | I hereby constitute and appoint my wife, ANNIE D. JONNSTON, the executrix | The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and of this my last will and testament. I direct that Annie D. Johnston, my said testament of Mrs Prudence ¢ Ludwig deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned |@xecutrix, be exempt from giving any official bond as my said executrix. & Ludwig, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is "Y hand and seal this 22nd day of August, 1951. taken by the oath and examination of F B Smith and W A Shimpock, the subscribing | Jos, B, Johnston. (SEAL) | | Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell vounty, North Varolina, by Mary Catherine IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I, the said JOSEPH B. JOHNSTON, have hereunto set ae 9 *9 | | witnesses thereto, as follows: Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said JOSEPH B, JOHNSTON, CAROLINA So be his he presence of us whoat his request and.in his NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. Tegence nod tes ke eee eines oehae do hereto set our hands a6 witnesses, rr ee 7 h emith and W A Shimpock being duly sworn, depose and say, and ac Ps Ge COLROUR for himself deposes and says, that he is a Subscribing witness to the said paper= Fe Be MiG 1] 7 1: DM rhImAS . LHe oUribnlOnm COURT ee BEFORE NORTH CAROLINA ; Li v TAT Diy No. 3552 IN THE MATTER OF THE , 0] Joseph B, Johnston, Deceased. ; ‘ IREDELL COUNTY ; The paperewriting hereto attached and purporting to be I, William H. Cornelius, of the aforesaid County and State, do make and voSepn 5b nston, deceased LS exnibited beiore the unders seas ents to-do uy iest ee ee a Many by Meds: dante, 1. I will that my Executrix hereinafter named shall pay all my just fo) sno amaAt ’ a : ’ »s following proof thereof debts, including my funeral expenses, out of the first money belonging to my , Sh u . = ee McClure and : estate, coming into her hands. ai s ES T ee r = eR ap Be n sg e n i n i o r t g ha n g i n 2. Iwill, give, devise and bequeath all my real estate and personal SI S ee So S Se e > ca e ae property, including my household and kitchen furniture, to my daughter, Willie L, lieClure and R. S, Arrowood being duly sworn, Cornelius, to belong to her absolutely and forever. , ay a ‘ / C elius eacn for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing 3. I hereby constitute and appoint my said daughter, Willie L. Cornelius, paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will Executrix of this my last will and testament. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said William H, Corneoius, do hereunto set my 1 B. Johnston, and that he saw him execute this writing hand and seal, this the 29th day of July, 1949. William H, Cornelius (SEAL) and that affiant attested it in the presence and ament, B. Johnston, deceased; and that at the time of its i : ublished and declared by the said William H. Cornelius execution (Or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Joseph 3, Signed, sealed, pub y ' — ea va : to be his last will and testament in our presence, who at his request and in his iant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. D @ presence, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. R,. S, Arrowood J, G, Lewis Rk. G. Calhoun o ; Rachel K, Lewis Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of December, 1951. C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. |NORTH CAROLINA | In the Superior Court - Before the Clerk And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said | IREDELL COUNTY. paperewriting and every part thereof is th é i11 ment o@& Joseph | ry p hereof is e last will and testama@ |IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF William H. Cornelius, DECEABED. | B. Johnston, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing ; The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and examination and thiscertificate be recorded and filed. |testament of William H. Cornelius deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned This 19th day of December, 1951, . » S908 Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Willie L. C. G. Smith nie t Cornelius, the executer therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County. 18 taken by the oath and examination of J. G. Lewis and Rachel K. Lewis, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: FL ELIAS Se Oe Oe i NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County , . J. G. Lewis end Rechel K. Lewis being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is subscribing witness to the said paper-writing HOw shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of William H, Cornelius “Md that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said William H. Cornelius, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said William H. Cornelius wags, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. J. G, Lewis Rachel K. Lewis Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2st day of December, 1951, C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of William H. Cornelius, deceased and it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 2lst day of December, 1951. GC. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell Couty,. RR KR KK KK KK KK we Ke oe KK MO. 3553 North Carolina Iredell County I, William R. Brady of the State and County aforesaid, being of sound nind a,d memory do make and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner and form as follows: Item I. My Executor hereinafter named shall pay all my just debts, together with the costs of my interment out of the first moneys that shall come into his hands available for that purpose. My said Executor shall pay all estate or inheritance taxes levied against any property passing under this will orany codicil hereto or any policies of insurance on my life, out of the general funds of my estate. To that end he may use principal or income in his sole discretion. Item II. I give and bequeath any automobile that I own at the time of my death to my nephew bobby (Robert E.) Brady, son of James A. Brady. Item III. If she survives me, I give, devise and bequeath unto my sister, Miss Agnes Louise Brady, all the rest and remainder of my property of whatever nature and kind, both real and personal, to be hers absolutely and in fee simple. Item IV. If my said sister, Miss Agnes Louise Brady, should predecease me, ten and in that event, I give, devise and bequeath to my brother, James A. Brady, all the interest that I own in and to the business known as Brady Printing Company at Statesville, North Carolina, and including my undivided interest in the rea] estate in which the said business is housed, at the intersection of the North side of West Road Street with the Landmark Alley, and the rest and remainder of my property, exclusive of that I give, devise and bequeath, equally, share and share alike to my other brothers and sisters to be theirs absolutely. Item V. ad startesville,ME&+, #8 £ peenton I hereby constitute and appoint my brother, James A. Brady, of this my last 1) and testament, to execute the same and every part thereof according to its true Ment and meaning, hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made, I brpressiy authorize and empower my said Executor to sell at public or private sale, ce any Court order or proceeding, any property owned by me, either real estate r Personal property, for cash or upon terms approved by him, and upon such sales ° make al) necessary deeds to convey the land in fee simple, and as to personal Property with the absolute right to convey the same and particularly to redeem, “change or Sell any stocks and/or bonds that I own in his sole discretion. Wo poe shall be required of my Executor, sini Ck AP P R TT S . . Sc a t h He pe t = = ~ ee r oh we n a oy e eg ee ae Ae nS ae SE Te fr e Tae er e wn to 7 BS a RL at e an I i i a A a Se e s me e k ? Sr OT soe te oa eg x IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said William RK, Brady, have hereto placed 1946. William R, my hand and seal, this the 30th day of October, Brady (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said William R, brady to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, wo at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto Subscribed our names as witnesses, John A. Scott Hessie Blankenship NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, IREDELL COUNTY. Before the Clerk, In the matter of the will of William R, Brady, Deceased, The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of William R. Brady, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned, clerk of the superior court of Iredell vounty, North Carolina, by Janes A, Brady, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Hessie Blankenship one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto, and of R. M, Lazenby, as following: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: Jessie Blankenship bein 1g duly sworn deposes and saya that she is a subscribing witness to the said paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will testament of William R. Brady and that she Saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said William R, Brady, deceased; and at the time of its execution (Or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said William R, Brady was, in affiant's | opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Affiant further swears that John A. | Scott the other subscribing witness to said will, signed the same as a witness in i the presence of affiant, and that affiant saw him sign the same, and that said John A, Scott is now dead (or resides out of the State of North Carolina, or can not after due diligence be found within the S,ate of North Carolina, or is insane Hessie Blankenship. or otherwise incompetent to testify.) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 December, 1951. ’ hil a avg th erk Superior Court of Tredell County, NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County, R. M. Lazenby, being duly Sworn, deposes and says that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of John A. Scott, one ofthe subscribing witnesses to the paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of William R, Bradys deceased which is hereto attached, dated the 30th day of Uctober, 1946, having often geen him write, and that the name oi the said John 4, Scott subscribed as a witness to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said John A. Scott; d affiant further swears that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of William R. Brady, deceased, whose will the attached paperwriting, dated the 30th day of October, 1946, purports to be, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said William k, Brady subscribed to said will is in the gentine hand- the said William R, Brady. writing of R, M. Lazenby Subscribed and sworn t® before me, this 27 day of December, 1951. C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the court that the said paper witing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of William R. Brady deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 27 day of December, 1951. GC, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court. ek KKK KKK KKH KK KK HH / Ng. 3554 WILL OF LOLA BELL LACKEY State of North Carolina, County of Iredell . I, Lola Bell Lackey, of the aforesaid State md County, | being of sound mind, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, | do make and declare this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me. FIRST: I desire and direct that all of my just debts, funeral and tewtamentary expenses shall, in the first place, be paid out of the first moneys which may come into the hands of my Executor hereinafter named, SECOND: 1 devise and bequeath to my husband, Vernon Bsker Lackey, all of my estate, real, personal and mixed, wheresoever situated or located, “0 be his in fee simple, ‘ THIRD: I hereby constitute and appoint my husband, Vernon Esker Lackey » Executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will and Vestament , according to the time, intent and ee of the same, and I direct that rt fon Gpltauey, Oo te, a aa he as my ene ohads, hy } at trom Se re an t e n n a e na RE S ee l ji = K ~ sy ; SA S S E R OE OR S . he be Ee <a E * ea EE TE ee ET E eo = ae ES = - = - ae aa ~ en e = te * Se ee = ax ~ me e r Se 23 a a << ) is a - : j } " i Sa ee e i e e n e n n e e t n a n t i h a a m m e n e e n t t t i n d a t i a s te e t a ae Pe ; . = ee e 5. ae Se e s = =: OS Pp TO T S to e s a zs oe “ ‘ “ Sa s 2 PE S aa a oo ie ee . - at s . r re ae a ee er ae ee on e = a ae — official bond, In witness whereof, I, the said, Lola Bell Lackey, do here t unto set my hand and seal, this the 30 day of May, 1935. Mrs. Lola Belle Lackey, (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Lola Bel} Lackey, to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, who at her request, and in her presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto Set out names as witnesses hereto, the day and year last above written C. &. Fraley Residing at Statesville, \,. C, A. B. Vickery Residing at Statesville, N, C, NORTH CAROLINA I S ‘ Iredell County. n the Superior Court--Before the Clerk, IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Lola Bell Lackey, DECEASED. The paper=writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Lola Bell Lackey, deceased, is exhibited before the under- Signed Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Vernon Esker Lackey, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of C, E, Fraley and A, B, Vickery the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. C. E. Fraley and A. B, Vickery being duly sworn, depose and Say, and each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and Ee Sa testament of Lola Bell Lackey, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Lola Bell Lackey, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its @xecution was acknowledged) said Lola Bell Lackey was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. C, EB, Fraley —— A, B. Vickery Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd day of January, 1952- Martha D, Varker, Deputy Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. ; And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper the last will and testament of Lola Bell Lackey” deceased and it is ordered that the Same, with the * writing and every part thereof is certificate, be recorded and filed 2 This 2nd day of January, 1952, Sto 2 Oe ae 6 @ <Sypgr Fog Court oT Tretel a ? if C.g. s itt 0. 3555 | determined woich of us died first, then and only in that event, I give, devise and | ; | | State of North Carolina. Iredell County. I, James Livingston Hood, of the State and County aforesaid, being of sound mind and disposing memory, but realizing the uncertainty of life, do hereby make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows, viz: Item l. My Executrix, hereinafter named, shall give my body a decent, but unpretentious Christian burial and pay the expenses therefor, together with any other just debts that I may owe, as soon as practical after my death, out of the first moneys available for that purpose. My i&xecutrix shall pay all taxes, if any, in the nature ot Inheritance Taxes, that may be levied against any property passing under this will, or any codicil to it, or any Insurance Policies on my life, out of the general funds of my estate and may, in his or her discretion, use income or principal for that purpose, Item 2. Subject to the above, I give, devise and bequeath unto my loving wife, Lois Steele Hood, if she survives me, all of my property, both real and personal, of whatever nature and kind and wherever situated, to be hers absolutely, to have, to hold or dispose of as she may see fit. If my wife predeceases me, or we both should be killed or die as a result of a common casualty, under such circumstances that it could not be readily bequeath the said property one-half unto my legal heirs, determined by the laws of the State of North Carolina, to be distributed among them according to the intestate laws of the State of North Carolina and the other one-half to the next of kin of my said wife, Lois Steele Hood, to be distributed among them according to the intestate laws of the State of North Carolina. Item 3. I hereby constitute and appoint my said wife, Leis Steele Hood, if she survives me, as Executrix of this my will, to execute the same, and every part thereof, according to its true intent and meaning, hereby declaring all other Wills by me heretofore made null and void. My Executrix shall have the right, in her sole discretion and without any court order or proceeding, to sell at Private sale or otherwise, as she may think best, any personal or real property that T own that in her opinion, it is necessary or advisable to sell and dispose of in ‘he business-like administration of my “i cuy teased ’ * a atid estate and upon such gale, she is expresely | authorized to convey absolute title to personal property so sold and the fee Simple to any real estate so sold. In the event my said wife snould predecease me, or we should be killed in a common casualty, as above set out, then I constitute and appoint my orother, J. E, Hood, of Charlotte, N. C. as substitute Executor of my estate, with all of the powers and rignts conferred upon my original Executrix to be vested in him. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said James Livingston Hood, have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this the Apr. 12 day of March, 1950. Rev. James Livin -ston Hood (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said James Livingston Hood to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, do hereto subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, J. Frank Brown H. A. Neill NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT -- BEFORE THE CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF James Livingston Hood, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to bethe last will and testament of James Livingston Hood, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Lois Steele Hood | the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of J. Frank Brown and H, A. Neill, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County, J. Frank Brown and H. A, Neill being duly sworn, depose and say, amd each for himself deposes and Says, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper-writing now shown him purporting to be the last will and testament & James Livingston Hood, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said James Livingston Hood, deceased; and that at the time of its execution said James Livingston Hood was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, J. Frank Brown — H, A, Neill ee | Yold all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made. Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11 day of November, 1951, L. L, Nesbit, Deputy Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Vourt that the saii paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of James Livingston Hood, deceased, and it is ordered that the sane, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 11 day of November, 1951. Uv. G, Smith Vlerk Superior Court of Iredell County. no, 3556 North Carolina Iredell County I, Laura P. Christopher, do make and declare this my last will and testament: I My executors, herein after name, are hereby authorized and directed to Convert all my property of every kind and description into cash as soon as Practica, after my death and in order to carry out this provision of this, my last will and testament, I authorize and impower my said executors to sell my real estate publically or privately on such terms and at such price or prices as | they deem the fair market value of same and to execute and deliver proper deed or deans to the purchasers thereof and from the proceeds of said sale or sales or from any i other assets belonging to my estate to pay all my debts, funeral expenses and | agministration cost and expenses and to distribute the rest and residue of same equally @mong my children to share and share alike. II I hereby constitute and appoint D, L. Raymer and A. B, Raymer my lawfu) *xecutors of this my last will and testament, to execute the same according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and hereby revoke and deleare utterly In witness of I the said Laura P. Christopher do hereunto set my hand and “eal this the 24th day of August, 1948. an Witness: a P C ° Raymer ma (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Laura P. Christopher egal eee Cap ail te . o ct al e e SU R E oe ee e 7 ee a oe Po t i e t o e p e o n n wo a h PF Se i me g a n e ra e Si a n aa a h pe e A SS Se CA H sn SG Ee EN to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at her request s and in her presence, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto, UD. Len Raymer _J. B,. Raymer NORTH CAROLINA ieee Ss IN THE SUPERIOR CUURT--BEFORE THE CLERK, IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Laura P. Christopher, DECEASED, The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Laura P. Christopher deceased, is exhbited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by D, L, Raymer, one of the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of J, L. Raymer and J. 3b, Raymer, the Subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell vounty. D. L, Raymer and J. B, Raymer being duly Sworn, depose and say, and each for himself d@poses and SayS, that he is a subscribing witness to the said paper- writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of Laura P, Christépher, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence amd at the request of Said Laura P, Vhristopher, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Laura P, Christopher was, in affiant's| opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory, UD. L, Raymer J. B, Raymer Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3lst day of December, 1951, Joyce Dobson, Deputy Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and everypart is the last will and testament of Laura P, Christopher, deceased and it is ordered that the Same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed, This 3lst day of December, 1951, C, G. Smith — Clerk Superior Court of Iredell Gounty+ i ee ee we mw we me me ke mk me me me MNO. 3557 WiLL I, Fannie Gaither, of Iredell County, State ot North Carolina, do hereby make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament, revoking all former Wills by me Made. After the payment of my just debts, including the expenses of my funeral and final illness, I dispose of my estate in the following manner: First: I devise and bequeath to wy beloved nephew, L. M. Gaither, Jr., the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), the same to be paid to him within twelve months after my death. Second: I bequeath and @vise, in fee simple, all the residue of my estate, both real and personal property, to my beloved sister, Ruth Gaither Lackey. Third: I hereby appoint Ruth Gaither Lackey Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the 10th day of Uctober, 1939. Fannie Gaither (SEAL) Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by Fannie Gaither as and for her last Will in the presence of us, who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of one mother hereby subscribe our names as witnesses. Mrs. R. A. Lewis Hazeitine M, Nicholson Marian Robertson si NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT+-BEFORE THE CLERK. TREDELL COUNTY, IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Fannie Gaither, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Fannie Gaither, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Ruth Gaither Lackey, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Mrs R A Lewis, Haseltine M, Nidplson and Marian Robertson, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. Mrs, R A Lewis, Hazeltine M Nicholson and Marian Robertson being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself depoges and says, that she is a Subscribing witness to the said peper-writing now shown her, purporting to be the last will and testament of Fannie Gaither, and that he saw her execute this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence anq at the request of said Fannie Gaither, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Fannie Gaither, was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Marian Robertson _ Haseltine M. Nicholson - Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3lst day of December, 1951, Joyce Dobson, Deputy Vlerk Superior Court Iredell Vounty, Am thereupon it isonsidered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Fannie Gaither, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 3lst day of Vecember, 1951, C. G. Suith Vlerk Superior Court of Iredell County. eeERRHREHERAEAAHR ER HR RK RH WILL I, Robert V. Templeton, a resident and citizen of Iredell County, North | Carolina, being of sound mind and memory, but considering the uncertainty of my | earthly existence, do make and declare this my last will and testament, hereby | revoking all former wills and codicils by me heretofore made. ITEM I. I direct that my Executor, hereinafter named, shall pay all of my | Just debts, including my funeral expenses, and the cost of erecting a monument to ‘my grace, out of the first money coming into his hands. | ITEM II. I give, devise and bequeath my house and lot situate at 508 Souk Race Street, in the City of Statesville, North Carolina, and all other real estate that I own at the time of my death, wherever Situate, in fee simple to my father, W. A. Templeton, In the event that my father, W.A, Templeton, predeceases me, then in such event I give, devise and bequeath all of my real estate, wherever situate, in fee " ed Simple as follows: To my sister, Mrs, Mohear Templeton Robinson, a one-half undi vid yet aoe eee interest, and to my brother, Webster A, Templeton, a one-fourth undivided interest, n ’ and to my sister, Jessie Templeton Myers, a one-fourth undivided interest. In the event that Mrs. Mohear Templeton Robinson, Webster A, Templeton, and Jessie Templeton Myers, or either of them, should predecease me, then the children of such deceased shall take what the said deceased would have taken if liv- ing, with the issue of any deceased child taking the share of the deceased parent. ITEM III. I have a life insurance policy in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) with the Metropolitan Life Insurance U mpany, and my sister, Mrs, Mohear Templeton Robinson, & named beneficiary therein, and the said insurance shall go to my sister named beneficiary therein, and shall not be affected by ‘ : at ry a me an . t named another this Will unless my sister shall predecease me and have not name beneficiary in said policy, in which event the same shall go absolutely to my father, W, A. Templeton, and in the event that he has predeceased me, the same shall go equally to my brother, Webster A. Templeton, and my sister, Jessie Templeton Myers, and my brother, Jack K. Templeton. ITEM IV. I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest of my life insurance, including National Service Life Insurance, and all money that I have, all of my personal effects, and all personal property of any and every kind, except the Yne Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) life insurance referred to in the preceding item, absolutely and in fee simple to my father, W, A, Templeton. In the event that my father, W, A, Templeton, predeceases me, then I give, devise and bequeath the insurance, money, and other personal property devised to my father, W, A. Templeton, | in this item of my Will, absolutely and in fee simple, share and share alike, to my brothers and sisters, Mrs. Mohear Templeton Robinson, Webster A, Templeton, Jessie Templeton Myers, and Jack K. Templeton, In the event that either of the aforesaid legatees, to-wit, Mrs. Mohear Templeton Robinson, Webster A, Templeton, Jessie Templeton Myers, or Jack K, Templeton, predecease me, then the property that such deceased would have received der this Will if living shall go equally to the children of such deceased, with the issue of any deceased child taking the deceased parent's share, ITEM V. I hereby nominate and appoint my father, W, A. Templeton, as Executor of my last will and testament, with full power and authaity to carry Out all the terms and provisions of this Will, and I direct that he shall not be 8 Pequired to give bond. In the event that W. A. Templeton predeceases me, or i te and Wable for any reason to act as Executor, then in such event I hereby constitu 1 and ®ppoint my sister, Mrs. Mohear Templeton Robinson, as Executrix of my last wil | pose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that they are a subscribing | Witness to the said paper-writing now shown them, purporting to be the last will — testament, with full power and authority to carry out all the terms and provisions of this Will, and I direct that she shall not be required to give bond, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Robert V. Templeton, have set my hand and sea] to this my Will contained on three sheets of paper, and have also written my name on the bottom of the foregoing two sheets, all done at Statesville, 3,ate of North varolina, on this the 8th day of June, 1948, Robert V. Templet (SEAL) Robert V_ Tensistes” Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Robert V. Templeton, as and for his last Will in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of one another, have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto. Robert V. Templeton signed his name at the bottom of the fore- going two sheets of this Will in our presence. UG. B, Winberry vharlie Fay Murdock C. H. Dearman Witnesses, NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPEXIOR COURT--BEFORE THE CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will amd testament of Robert V. Templeton, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by W. A.Templeton, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of C, B. Winberry, Charlie Fay Murdock, and C, H. Dearman, the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: | NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY, C. B. Winberry, Vharlie Fay Murdock and C. H. Dearman being duly sworn, dé- and testament of Robert V, Templeton, and that they saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said Robert V.Templeton, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said Robert V. Templeton, was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory » This Will is exhibited by C,. B, Winberry W, A. Templeton : tay “cto Vharlie .'ay Murdock C, H, Dearman | or principal,. ! 5. Williams, if she survives me, for and during the balance of he natural life all of Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day of January, 1952. Joyce Dobson, Deputy Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper- writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Robert V. Templeton, deceased and it is ordered that tne same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 7th day of January, 1952. C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell Uounty. sa 2 &@ Sh Se SV eS Se Se #0. 3559 State of North Carolina, Iredell County. I, William Lee Williams, of the State and County aforesaid, being of sound mind and memory and wishing to make disposition at my death of all my property in a fair and just manner, do hereby declare this to be my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. Item i; My Executrix, hereinafter named, shall give my body a suitable burial and pay the expenses therefor, together with all other just debts that I may owe as Soon a8 practical after my death. My Executrix shall pay out of the general funds of my estate all Inheritance and/or Federal Estate Taxes, if any, that may | be levied against any property passing under this will, or any codicil hereto, or _ any insurance policies on my life and she may, for that purpose, use either inconre Item 2. Subject to the above, I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary RY property of every kind and nature, both real and personal, wherever situated, with the right and privilege, if it should in her lifetime be necessary for her medical care, akon tak and nursing, in the event of long or protracted illness, to invade and use so much of the principal as may be necessaryfor her medical care, attention ‘nd nursing in her lifetime, without accountability, and at her death, I give, devise and bequeath the remainder of said proverty as follows: (a). Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in cash to my niece, Alma Huggins Armour. (b>). Oneehalf of the remainder unto my daughter, Mrs. Claudia Ww. 8 in fee simple and forever. If my said daughter, Claudia Ww, Shulenberger, Should die without leaving issue, prior to my death or the death of her mother, then the share herein willed to her shall revert to and increase the share hereinafter willed to my daugher, Mrs. Miriam W. Mills. (c). The other one-half of the remainder unto my daughter, Mrs. Miriam W, Mills, in fee simple and forever. In the event my daughter, Mrs. Miriam W. Mills, Should predecease me, or die before her mother, then at the death of her mother, the share herein willed to her shall go to Vlaudia W, Shulenberger, as Trustee, in trust for the equal and proportionate benefit of the children of the said Miriam W. Mills, to be held in trust until the said children severally reach the age of thirty years, at which time their share of the trust property is to be paid over to them. in the meantime, the said Trustee shall have power and authority, in her sole discretion, as Trustee, to invest the principal of said trust fund in such way and manner as she may think most advantageous and use the income arising therefrom during the minority of said children for their maintenance, upkeep and education and pay their share of the net income to them, after they have reacted the ace of twenty- one until the trust is closed at the age of thirty years. Item 3, I hereby constitute and appoint my daughter, Mrs. Claudia W. Shulenberger, as Sxecutrix of this my last Will and Testament, to execute the Same, and every part thereof, according to its true intent and meaning. I specifically authorize and jempower my said Executrix, in her sole discretion, to sell either real or personal \property, if it may be necessary in the administration of my estate, at public & [private Saie, for cash or upon terms approved by her, and without amy court orders pnd proceedings, and upon any such sales, to execute and deliver deeds conveying real | pannenty in fee simple to tne purchaser, and to sign all transfers or assignments bo as to convey the absolute title to any personal property sold. I request that ne pond be required of my Executrix, IN WITNESS WHEREUF, I, the said William Lee Williams, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this February 12th, 1949. William Lee Williams (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said William Lee Williams to 0é his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at his request, and in ue ulenberger, ‘ j h 2nc saci other, do hereto subscribe our names as presence, and in the presence . witnesses hereto. _John A, Scott —Hessie Blankenship NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR CuURT. IREDELL OOUNTY. BEFORE THE CLERK. In the Matter of tne will of William Lee Williams, deceased, The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of William Lee Williams, deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned, clerk of the superior court of Jredell vVounty, North Carolina by Mrs. Claudia W. Shulenberger, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof there- of is taken by the oath and examination of Hessie Blankenship, one of the subscrib- ing witnesses thereto, and of _ John A. Scott _ a8 following: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County: Hessie blankenship, being duly sworn deposes and says tnat he is 4 subscribing witness to the saidpaper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will test- ment of William Lee Williams and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of said William Lee Williams KkmexwWikiitiums, deceased; and at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said William Lee Williams was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. Affiant further swears that John A. Scott, the other subscribing witness to said will, Signed the same as a witness in the presence of aifiant, and that affiant saw him Sign the same, and that said John A. Scott is now dead, Hessie Biankenship Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 7th day of January, 1952, gy G, Smith lerk Superior Court of Iredell County. NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell Gounty. (Mrs) Mary W, Feimster, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is well &cquainted with the handwriting of John A. Scott, one of the subscribing witnesses to the paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament ofWilliam Lee “illians, deceased, which is hereto attached, dated the 12th day of February, 1949, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said John A, Scott subscribed “8 @ witness to said will is in the eenuine handwriting of the said John A, Scott; and affiant further swears that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of William Lee Williams, deceased, whose will the attached paperwriting, conse the 12th day of February, 1949, purports to be, having often seen him write, and that the name of the said William Lee Williams subscribed to said will is in the genuine handwriting of the said William Lee Williams, Mary W, Feimster Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day of January, 1952, C. G, Smith Glerk Superior Court. And thereupon it is considered and ad judged by the court that the Said paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of William Lee Williams, deceased, and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 7th day of January, 1952. C. 0. Sezen Clerk Superior Court wm WK MK KK Ke Ke ok oe oe “My. SOC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IREDELL. I, F. Stamey Barnett, of the aforesaid county and State being of sound mind and disposing memory do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, as follows: I hereby will devise and bequeath all the property owned by me at the time of my death, both real and personal, to my fife, Lillian Thomas Barnett, to be hers absolutely and in fee simple, I hereby constitute and appoint my wife, Lillian Thomas Barnett, Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, F, Stamey Barnett, have hereunto set my hand and seal, to this my Last Will and Testament this the 17th day of November 1950. F, S. Barnett (SEAL) Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the Said, F, Stamey Barnett, to be his Last Willland Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names 86 witnesses thereto, Buren Jurney ee William I Ward, Jr. Nini, ee Sexes AAR Pilih se ‘ORTH CAROLINA NORTH IN THE SUPERIOR COURT«-BEFORE THE CLERK. IREDELL COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF F. Stamey Barnett, DECEASED. The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of F, Stamey Barnett, deceased, is exhibited before tne undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell Vounty, North Varolina, by Lillian Thomas Barnett, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination or kburen Jurney and William I, Ward, Jr., the subscribing witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County. Buren Jurney and William I, Ward, Jr. being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he is a subscribing witess to the said paper-writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of F, Stamey Barnett, and that he saw him execute this writing as his last will and testament, and that affiant attested it in the presence and at the request of Said Ff, Stamey Barnett, deceased; and that at the time of its execution (or at the time its execution was acknowledged) said F, Stamey Barnett was, in affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. William I, Ward, Jr, Buren Jyrney Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5th day of J.nuary, 1952, C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Iredell County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said Paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of F, Stamey Barnett, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing *Xamination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 5th day of January, 1952. CG. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County, eRe KEK Ke KF se e me e ae , Yio. 3561 WILL Of THELBERT WEAVER NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY I, Thelbert Weaver, being of sound mind and memory, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make, delcare and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all wills and testamentary disposition heretofore made by me. I, I desire and direct that all of my just debts and funeral expenses be paid out of the first moneys coming into the hands of my Executor, hereinafter named. II, After the payment of all my debts, I will, devise and bequeath all the remainder and residue of my property to my three children, Lily Mae Weaver Nichol- son, Frances Weaver Morrison, and Samuel Weaver, in fee simple absolute, to be equally divided among them, share and share alike. IlI. JI hereby appoint Neil S. Sowers my Executor, to execute this my last will and testament, giving and granting to the said Executor full power to sell or dispose, make title to any or all of my prooerty at private sale without order of court, in exactly the same manner as I could do if living. In witness whereof, I, the said Thelbert Weaver, do hereunto set my hand and seal, to this my last will and testament, this the 6th day of December, 1940, Thelbert Weaver (SEAL) Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said Thelbert Weaver to be his last will and testament in our presence, who sat his request and in his presence | and in the presence ofeach other, do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto. This the 6th day of December, 1910. Witness: Neil S. Sowers Residing at_ Statesville, N, C, Witness: Carolyn Carlton _ Residing at Statesville, i. C, NORTH CAROLINA TREDELL COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT--BEFORE THE CLERK. IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Thelbert Weaver, DECEASED. The paperwriting hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and t *stament of Thelbert Weaver deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of 2 the Superior Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, by Neil S, Sowers, the € xecutor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by oath an d examination of Neil S, Sowers and Carolyn Carlton, the subscribing witnesses thereto, 4S follows;