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Divorce Records 1855-1913 Morris-Ostwalt
STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title) sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon; that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated; and that on the date of microfilming, the records were in the custody of the North Carolina State Archives. wd, ig 7 (Signed) CZeteel V 2A a tL Camera mae / Genealogical Society of Utah (Signed) (ethical E Dearie) State Archivist and Records Administrator _ Fe ee Date 23 Fi 2, LEDS North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Division of Archives and History Betty Ray McCain, Secretary Jeffrey J. Crow, Director ATTENTION This reel of microfilm may contain images of documents and records which are difficult to read or are illegible because of ink bleed through, acidic and brittle paper, torn pages, smeared or fading ink, water damage or other dark stains caused by prior improper storage. Quality may also vary due to differing conservation methods used; Barrow lamination may cause a fogged appearance and Mylar encapsulation may cause a glare. Every effort was made to produce the best possible copy from these original records. Catherine J. Morris (teherinehfe Meni State Archivist and Records Administrator MAILING ADDRESS: LOCATION: 4614 Mail Service Center Telephone 919-733-3952 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4614 Fax Number 919-733-1354 Raleigh, North Carolina , MICROFILMED BY THE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH NE a 3 eee if | a HT t . ag ea ee ae aa a | 1 a i ; ree te | b j ' ye ea eg ys | ps i | po ne gery cha | | ih STA 7k I | 1 rf ARTS eee | Hay at ALG } Ll if a i if f STATE ARCHIVES _ NS OPERATOR aap LU Cen moby — 329-TONY GILREATH 16 ayaa LIGHT METER SETTING f ; 4 | ee Wallis aor | . FILM EMULSION NUMBER FILM UNIT SER. NO BELT YAP Ra CH ease ema Ronee Ise @ Se SN aE TSE ITE PPR et fst ge tee tht ee setiiaiiecsiliiealiit 067 | LOCALITY OF RECORD Tai aaa) DAY NORTH CAROLINA. TITLE OF RECORD Maa eS eel |S SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. —Judge.—Printed by Crowson F Bros., Pushed: Statesville, N. C. oie ee _County.--In the eens Court. of zs Porat “9 | ica) et = SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. hago ie — To the Sheriff. You are Hereby Commanded to summon— =< o 3° a. 4. PD ms Yo a O16! the defendant._above named, if be found within yo unty; to be and appear before the Judge of our Su Court, at a Cort to be held for the Copnty of Zl j owen at the Court House in lr Ws 24tad / on the JF Monday fey - Monday eo ee Ox ‘ the same being the 19____, and answer the complaint, a copy of deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, fail to answer to the said complaint within which will be within the first three days of said Term, and let said Defendant_.take notice if that time, the plaintiff._ will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. KX Returnable to of the Superior Court of Received ee. P+ IZ. po eg 194-0 Plaintiff’s Attorney. OOS Cee eo ae teen aa ae Agp: 7-7" snag oUl B1OJog Poqiiosqns puv 0} UIOMYG *SUOI}NIEeXe WoT Jdulexe AjAedo1d puv sorjtiqel] ‘s}qop sty aAoqe pue IdAO ' ! ! ! ! ! ' ! ' ' ' ! ' 1 ! ' ' ' ! ' { a 2. =} oe @D = ° 5 5 n © Om wa > © z < I ct = ct a © nm Ss 3 ° as er = ° = e 3 au g Qu °. i] a Morris, J. G. vs. Morris, Eliza 1910 “SIY} ‘s[ees pu spuey ino ssouzIM ce) Asp--°? om “-"-er“@ Wr quepueze(] ey} se 4ysoo HHUIG][_ OY} JI “TOAeMoy ~ JO WINS OY} Ul ‘UOT}OB SI4} UI-~~~JUBpUaTEq eu} “Yyurelg oy} Jo zoaover ABU ~~ ‘uorjoe SITY} UI-~- yons |[8" ~~~ yuepuejeq oy} Aed [jeys ~--->----- >>> >>> ‘pIOA oq 0} EMMA re ee on no nneae a me ~--o}UN PUNOg SaAjesINO Spa; MOUYyIV 9M, LSNIVOV ( Me oe | ‘YNIIONVD HLYON 4O 3LVLS ‘yaNOoD AOlIedng ey} Uy North Carolina, In the Superior Court. Tredell County. J. W. Vanhoy being duly sworn deposes and says that in the entitled action now pending in the Superior Court of Iredell County sheriff of said county has returned the summons issued to him in rv the defendant, inquiry Tredell County;" A after due di sence tbe found within that said by J. G Morris as plaintiff vs. Hliza liorris as defendant. ion brought Wherefore the plaintiff prays that an order may be made by the =< oo a3. PB colo yo a that service of summons »be made on said defendant by publication O16! newspaper publish in Tredell County, North Varolina. Affiant. =< oo 3.4. PB i © a O16! North Carolina, In the Superior Court. Iredell County, J. G, Morris, IRDER OF PUBLIC It appearing from the affidavit of J. W. Vanhoy, attorney, § in this. action that Eliza Morris, the defendant therein, is not to be found in Iredell County, and cannot after due dilligence be found in State, and it further appearing that said e of action is an action ordered that notice week for four successive weeks in shed in Iredell County, setting forth the tit r. the action, a irpose of the same, and requiring the defendant appear at the ext term of the Superior Court of Iredell Couhty, to be held on the lionday after the first Monday in March of 1910, at the Court House d 2 said county, andswer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the relief therein sought will be granted. of 1910. == 2 > a. PB im Sf a O16! North Carolina, In the Supgrior Court, Iredell County. May Term, 1910. J. G. Morris, vs. GO8 PLAT HR? Eliza Morris. The plaintiff complains of the defendant and says: FIRST. That he and the defendant married and became husband and wife to each other dbeut six years ago, and continued to live together for some time. SECOND.That the defendant in this action, about four years ago wilfully, knowingly, dilibertly, and without any provocation or cause or conduct on the part of the plaintiff abandoned him, and has lived separate and apart from him for the past four years. THIRD. That the plaintiff has been a bona fide resident a of this state for more than five years next preceeding the commencement of this action. FOURTH. That the facts herein contained and setfé6rth as a complaint have existed to his knowledge for more than four years next preceeding the commencement of this action. =< o 3 3. Bp ois 8 a 0161 North Carolina, Iredell County: J. G. Morris, the plaintiff in the above entitled action, being duly dworn says that the facts set forth in the foregoing complaint are true to the best of his. knowledge and pelief, and that the said complaint is not made out of levity or by collusion between himself and the defendant, his wife, nor for the mere purpose of being freed and separate from each other, but in sincertty and truth,for the causes mentioned in the complaint. The plaintiff further alleges that the facts set forth in his complaint as grounds for this divorce have existed ? to his knowledge for more than four years prior to the filing of this complaint, and that the plaintiff has been a bona fide resident of the state of North Carolina for more than twenty years uses preceeding the commencement of this action. Wherefore the plaintiff demands judgment that the ponds of matrimony heretofore existing between himself and the defendant be dissolved and that he be freed and discharged from any liability or responsibility to the defendant because of the relationship heretofore existing between them. Sworn to and subscribed before me, ? this the. 25th dayjof May, 1910. } / y / LA LAAL f .S.C. | ~*~ isi es ion e211 q “SLOW "SA “ED ‘f ‘SLLOW] O161 aa Se Ea ae Galt Ke oy We oe Co dsz ws a & v S atinvach, aa 02-2 fra ene A Aghe L- cewe Seale Lte. | oor ae a fie Ze aAr.0A 5 h pe 2 Me fe a. : Zee Otece (at Ache 24 ox fe Te. f7.. e2e ZZ. xX xs Si Se, Ott 6 er es oe Ae Lovtbi_-e K Dra rth AaxrvrH 4 : . AY Ul oan ote AA Lok v Lee ODA Ae fae : (Za wl De beta . Mrs Le 49/2 : Ao “K7’ ee fans Ss pane raze — Kao aoe 6 LF, ao F | (KauLnack, & noei2fF es Mee A brge Ke o- tw Senlieu Lhe 5 S ch. Dee ae er: / 2 Yt 04 4 occech (Ot Are ete of (< Ay frullr LL FA then, Aa 2 cL CO, = 4 qQ Me eked vx tk x 4. Coe Prac AX~ flec¢e en Oot ett; —— A Dre tes te Dy, ArAth AarH = U 2 hee AA Lee 6 Leen, A. s LL: Ut . C tefe SYl DG 6; ADD Mite £6 49/2 3 Ie lease Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally 7’ Cr gg Cc 7 <2 Fp pao f ee pe ca ae oS Kae “14 6 um ae ey ‘he ante acre, a Dlcow fa 2 Pec ZL ag Ke Lo tee la pgs Se © Coc | fr fe Ae 2s 3 Ld ¢ y, 2 -/ a wt 4 jane tt oy a oe ra pce BL. L2-Ox Fh 4, Arn 2 a +e ee eel pe the. x oer ocr ee Beene, CQtere wre wick jae , ; be ez Oe g _g yy tA a4 tte cr ne Af < 3 . 4 Zh se 7 ; My) a ; ; l r 44 fA Lp / \ de. keer’ Lid Y Liwa+y Chol, ‘Z. C_ es Hy ke YC DIG b: OP i, CLG lease Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally ~— Kc eo fece oe | | he OO) a ee Ex i bahek- cx coe talons Ll, Die ste oe. P ad ee? ue es tty << 4.4 YY m= FO a Yi heer Last v seer O16! e214 “SLOW "SA 'D a ‘SLO O16l “ — Wdbiienedeal aipeaiant. <__5 octhedbtidiieelaadinadiancithtica rsa ionitinamylicies‘achamns melded. , codaaiuabitaain abaya ceceeaaaial | Derg. ? af aAtr oP C 224 eg f () ( Y her ~~ _e_ \ ¥ oT —— 4s pA Ln the fee r Ceoteert’t > ef neti says 4 z Yf, el AY JA (CAL BAL ee ~zZ i ae F i ALttdo vt ° tha ptsde. (ea i PRES ahs | | / L Oy ZttLw Lotntilac Bs tate CARS ane CGlivies . / # t i. a. 2 iliac oe Aza - alleg sty tae Ate Ca. ees 2-4 f be. Z / SSE SES ESE SSS SSS SS ES SSS SSE Sarsse Morris, J. G. vs. Morris, Eliza 1910 < © 5, fs 8 0161 "SA ‘D) ‘f ‘SLLIOW | : ihe aelinu @ Corvin? On 7) he Laval caf Seared at, cfr ae Difore Siu t Oo J a ea " Gee GHGs. Bie f Figo laud Cte), Ltt TEBE PEE EES EEE i at eee: oe. 6414 He cn ae ¢ Nie ott ew et I? the Jl Aaa eee! et nee eet Shee So ecg lh Opa oh ge Lhefeoe, LD ert sitll neal LadfaLy : Stat le ae : yf we ’ 2 oe BZ Seeds a Atty aated ea aivrr ee To a . / y 3 A f 4 a 4 7 ‘The. { 2 4 Tr-w~ ZL f Cf gee Zt LPLE ee ~ Leaf j ae <2 osm WZ T27LD, aK - f Br. f (ihre ale me Le Lage Z A oo Z fA arate ip Yy. & Weare. Judge Jortecdiug. e Morris, J. G. vs. Morris, Eliza 1910 prarecect ie The 255 oa, Oe. oF. Afrr< SETA. a: hat flan Lege ai> Sigs eee bw H ae the 2 1g head 4 abreci, ee Cun. fia—_—_-€ Je, an? of Whe a 7 Baa | poe. Tel og Ballo , a> + Late peek re | $= IL od ae Bi eee og flo. Ly i A> Sifinrach on in Afric CEP/, the 9-4. < Pat ung igriveds L- roche pr ryhe, Lao. ee a. vivansdae pefere Kacenr mM Jeortgy L- Yonwg< fe fa A an <<, pel. pr tk fe A..,9 et eee | prs ant fail Shee on, 4 ZL. ig Oe Qe FO anel fn eset | - . . BTN] *‘MOlIOW "SA ‘mOIIOW “Ww uyor ey i het Siginrat Lan dpe Be | - At, tege, looted, a» Hot Lh ear Ww Orr ~ra jee 2 PSR heat Pe |. Po gk ee ae Aaa f for AY I 4 A. the ea ae ate es a Ere dee We Fas ees pow attri, oe atK, Th. fsck rach ree Aue ates Vir Ce Af Sheltie face ach for TL tin hos Conn flare oat XLK, bial Aux / Cow vive te, | i [PAnk 2A fae ek ine Ls Cu py “wm uyor ‘mol10OW_ CS Oe SSK —— BP Soba ee ~~ ee ‘7 tS Co Powe | | J. H. HILL, Crerx. Slatésville, B. €.. fw Vitti — Aehrbd aS bis, Ae Men lig i. ea. Be I | Faw Apo KS oy se : tr Che Lares a ; oa eRaRT Id Beda! eo = Hae Ke Def Sa mfg oe b77en. ZK, ffoer rE . / te [2-2 arene rtd B72 2% Ho _ Kae 2a dad averat Cate Delavmrece of Ghiva terivs CE Jodi. og o Pa A732 po? - * Ao} ee le Oe eet : pe 1S Hiugt 22 po torre a Ti. (la Lff cri flase Qc te athiges | Rh ot is Galee Bae ctat pit yi ee hen? thee tare JEG )L FY fF 76 Ann Pom Wid A a PON Tg 29° han of Wfare SEY Cunre,) ee i Seales ‘ av da. ——~ ao Qe. 2<« 4444 (4 firm : | AL a4 fg the er ab on oo Dpret /9E2. erty, See pees bod a res Pew rene y Jo fai sae Chae of beus ff TL, Sep ttd ae Co bas > 565 eu Sen eienee ge 2 -2ii 8 Aad. leo once Ce Speedie Rey ferrr— f calirn cu Ue fork o9 sd lo Cpy coresarerced | Fe eh gaan Cheney aw alec mee $244 ad ie Bik ge ee oe a eas eae eZ. ot ten got es: ate, OLE AA oer te [Sant bg a alates sack: Osa Long Lu pcs cee Ca, df The char, Que efi Preumne ow he | flor Pe ae Pea dl Ls gree by. HA. okt ashe ease Fit ohss ale oe baat. [euetGue Ck ed ots’, wt frcll Lana, Bile 1 lat py am Lome, 7 Chey Lust 1 ie ~2 oe saci CLs. Al efle ot, aa~Z adhe NIT NRT NE TET ner semnrperm net pom tts SAmoneepen om Pan. AK, Sree, ye a, 0 ee clench of fie Ba dacct., "haz aS gh Lowe ae ea Laee fan oa |e e.g Gro in. ok Se eae ZL. Pla. Cg. Lz rwcar Cini g tO ELe LrunZet Corrotirck ofr csace Yee oe Pina tLe terse orange ng tre~d of ex [Dip nctank Ge aber ack fer th, fia A Ce [2 peers oe a0 Pt Clinnen treet anew ag ILive (Otte, BE Pete k Gin, ok: Ao Chas dare, ay “9 r.. . basen Che Lf—eto—t oh ernree | C ores parecer cece C1 ba tke Pla-.Cfg, avec 2 na eRe LA i L2ec ann en O24 aT. CC diene tee AL Ceca os Poet, Chewice Mt ed CNC oe Lak t.f0 oa ee Ae. tne* nce A a ACS RO tore I LTS ott Ls ~ es A ~ Sie Ao ay Sons ee ce veya a ct Anan of Ooty C1 ch. fo ete Chie eae ce LZ Lev hak Apnwcetl A b«~4a te. Olé... 2g SE ear en J+-2« Ze GY fa £ ozs fe ieee - atewt ee foneee 4 Par eae, he a a 24.9 ok A. Z. PL OQ 722. Wan ch afr ee prelar nee — L! Lem oly, je Le~d>,/ Dee anh Se ee rms of Ck, Qe. ae cy eee ei clone. aw A Se So ? ‘ Oe ie O34 14st Y, Pe ee ee. Bip. ao—t Be ee J |-4e<—o 4+ ef2 2414-4 at. aaa, oft ance Cees ce exw. AH a ’ fw hie shaegcisd ales af L wan at's ——— Ex. J. ae Le LL. fr Or We Fah Big ae G3. Cee Ce AF Fe ae Za [acy oy Sa te Clan ce b.7 2— é Mog Fe tLe ms Rie ee aS iieiag whee eae 5 Boi at Cran cl iS Oe Ae2Gee. 24> oD ie Q<~ te La ee —< te Pla...¢ 77 lug ee A ae see Ate A a 4 Pe Los Ze + j ee f é.% A2LE es L.tile S cee teas ool tur Jf it ear \hteestr.2e hi ed Pox atx eet Lf wee cas °o Pla 244 Onn~< AW MA a £ bos a > ae ae Ze _. omy Of eee . ha > ‘ ‘ / Lr Terr eo eg ak JO AwaAtA fa pctigas: Ghat, bigg ty we fcr pm. he = iss iit & rhe ane ar Da a ann CA aie, ni, C, oe \ bl i ae Ohad Poa 247 ~ ren Ehis foretnnnee, d cf ots btw 2+ rt com ft. a a ae, wr wie fe. eS Z f ie Meer 1 Ana PCC. 4.4et_ A ol won ge : e ’ ya . fa * 4 han 44 A oS + oe i+ Cotes~o (~~ a é Lot oe ‘ pe lat. bp tee £6 eels) eewomia mame f Ca..C gg a (2 Ome OP. che, Cn haf Aan Dh acts SDAA meee oly thew > oe pasa ana C PB ee Aap rm C24 Ane —- fee a a ee eae Qan~ct pay ee | C tier Owe tans A : has L797 lug « ARLE ae! Lili § ore Pe” ae aa aS Dif Sak Lees eee inte Pav nicigee fe LL. a Cileaee |A, Ju oe petit nae zx, bn ten erent, bof a. Bing cer cea foe gece baste: A. gree boa Ae pe ee Bripin ce aart fee ER So eo (ais. Zap ee ae, Li ef ot. deere tael 6 onus Fin Loy ni 2 pe ee Peli 8he Last pent seccene) ot Le Lane Seiten 0s bec Wang bee ee fea ee er hit ee dae oe oe ee Platte ee prescient Arracge Sri ari Gan Se Cal Lata pee 2 oe fet alin, Pe, eta Pes aft Lae yror of (a oi aa ae a aes a owe joe yes + og jag. < CES ern po Set Foe yf ley Ph Le fete ant Cet ie cia ant - Deters Qasce (24feo a>» a aia eee. Ao: Ria Boreas hella oe ZS ‘ . a 7 * — ‘ ae PPC Cle bed, Zs fr~ A.~ oh ah B grt Cmte, fe fu ae tt. offen ewes e Toi Qe.) 2-214 4.2%4454 ae je fh. 2.- Li 2K i ae oe of tig Po we ee i re epi fa; Wd a JZt+a-~ se a fA, oe 27 a 2) ef ce oe Ow? a |} Perot af fe claw a jong. p Gare at. wi - -rew ZS £; es ° x had a Outragir fa ee ii x f- + 2, A. ~ct 244 oe La S224 CLE 4 ya fia 7 [6-0 At 2ee wewce ee came Ch ale fe On wep Fb a ‘ LO oz~ a fae ae Rc aa was ai eee ay cee port A tee A.A. Sa ‘ ZH cece vr (] ae an_ Car, 2th o ~a c.. ™~ (= on Piss Zi CL eid Ova Aar.c “ere . Art | LO>¢ Nite. CP a. lS ay dbp. é ei Ph tne e2hxc f Age, GES Cae Cia nOt.. Bam ea Se a ee Atak ices [Mu Lhe frp 4 ZL. deg. roe pas oe -¥ os ee ch of Cann, a tly ec ale 6 oh emee Jaw rncs rer th Chee Pe eta A vce i. «- Sa Vis cren puis Lies ort oa Scie Diente Bit Chin dg ee yr ott tute thics : Pec J bog ~ bree th Dan Bhan Tm ck rohit at 6 | | Lint Li Lo a Lange cringe as fot ow band a Cay. out er f- torn |@ueic- A, of atlwint 36 Actzesy_ GQuot @acrin ¥ Eee. Sel |e a+ Aho 2 GQeice an. Outlier. ate oF aa Cov fw pasta are Ol Mae JU aan Lat 2h. Aga te wietaiy fra aBoorns 2 IR te tw feieete Bio $i Be Livat. 2Za4 Crna Dae B rece ate Li foo foo Be |A-<4 ge A SESE <onnndhin pee po F-5 ae Jrecad, Cash airee NT Ju Efe poafon of fa, 22. Phat <¥ Bho oney, Once pr . I< A Love re c. Z: ng i. Cee Elan mg oA |-7 ela: pod Tt ee Oe ty fer eke fb rin he a a Sia Neon aa amon Resanasea aat —— re aM i <<, “+ Gi ed tla BPE ea it ~ Z Pe sue, Qar~ nC. Lat the Deb elect Jesek teas oo poh | los 20, Sis he et Kok te a9 peas oes Bee cf THa Pla... CZ7y iti. japan 4 UW, Ury.~fa— 3 Pe He Pla—vZR io A+ J00 gr~ paveee ba. ps | Pos ay Meir ee. pe Lo he: ante bcuek “f 1 tHe ss ef eee dicen : { &F& on 7 Dl nd. OL YC OO fp ; pigs fa: 2~—~ Oo et, e+ anaes a.<t fs abd wai Cet =< a Fa ~~, eu } TL Apne Jat , | hex BS fs eek choo lhe G Pha Cpe [Tht Le Argo fay B14. Pla ~L79 | \the oun of Fite Mien Dece ome Afb, Saceons | Pec tee Se ce... pe oe MS ig ol 4 Pe ee lat ohisrin, as Play 2 Cee wit t lopecZuw, Merce vo cornfrladl RB afin «f-~ eharet A to fru eck ee br A few tet ethno pli HOG, 2 ras ee | | : a Serna rn . Teer —————— SET ND ETRE Sy i a Sar Par es en, cr we ooo \eZ, MG bvanpelcts of Clay tt Cane pa aek, ‘4 Phot Lh. foc otot) uw be. ee Co a aes JN pyerm Bi Lm OC Qiee Ae ae ao S00 gi: Le |O a~ ee Dg ae Lowrey ek pee 578 ata pa eae ie Fag aoe ee ae press ee Fon ok ee hk iin ee oy Meee fe 5 CC ax. 2 ep Z2<4.e ~~ : ef pa — adi cas caf | 3 Eee et eee a on : | ek ae ffm eS Zhe. ae | secaae SA. Coeteee fdu+ 6 ye - ys Ze, Lae | 7a. tak tna mee Me. CfKe+ a Avan i 6 ee Aer G aac geal a = Ve “Y “2 ay~ oun Aa ane | Rts meat tg Ie ia p As PAG Oy =f hes: ee ee F Mn Maflerr~ 4 ‘ a atl :; iy. La 4 - AA a. ate L-th fia ~—Chaaatla, | wi ‘ iv flie DAE tS x LY 9 cee IL oo 2 oa wrorees. sasuwbide woes oogcaccereiscsrtoese ; 4 Eb $ oe 3 y's 88"; a iS ode pecesatiedss de00n S72 ~» bites ths: Cai i. 3 Reif, Qo. He x VU ae 2 ies ee heed. - P2 ttr-y3a+/ ae PV Pica s ceal | VS high Tes. Fabian cis i, Pla—apg - Lo ath areececl By Givens ta. re hl be a ad Beg. Gee ee 4 aang Z > fret — Por If. the emer. Dho1 th, Vilewibiegel | Meanie PEED, seerhat Pane fore rcaZiw eke Ge. fot pte Pla lig, ig CD eae 2 tan pene lan J. nara 4g eco Loo it la Coe 2<c€L oe Be: ba me AA ce OCnahere Si g | - ~ Lz < A fed : x2 Bact .ay Cig oe ath, he ae | Orwx« oC A Ca c« w oe Mt Jenn oC aa AY i ee | | Oa~e pee ny oe 3 Lee oh \ fae G12 vo cs “ate ioe fo ie \ a. ese hk, C-r Z Cex GQ. “4X bs Fe. og Caw e. k Cy of & eee (2A AC thy ligt en Se = fl) a rt a y @ e414 Gy Zz PLES J Cr he a ls ares ci oe cscutied Cute mat Epc ha Sz we Loe ee ‘ as é ies; a eZ. PCa. Ve2 Wrath, ouet, Lk ct ere } fa c% dd L as rc GO S44 we r Aeeccercte) Crap Caurt oas<-: 2 v6 iw nny abn ie et rN Cip fA. os ride ti) ek, tar forren co, pi it in as, St og iii a Poin Son ot, é « & P——/ =... c— iat vit Lv" ees 1) KA tC -t red YY) ) Wy ‘ ? ( OU 4 i a Ey s spite wa ' a ayy 7 cre eee ms a es Ce ener tee 2 ct ent Ae a ii ie aia rey eet ee BE Neg ary tna nip anc pie t | e * een ess Bo Wn <alee< Conk 3 Ky i cic ae Comfla4 (Z, fea 4 te Cort CL. MG. Z Hz — |Aagae TCL. BS farag A eo Oven eons Loa olen _ t of A G Ke ean Fontan La eae oe Cte Lone, ee we ets, eedee ok of Zow /§F) — ERS a od Lig OF2-24 Cen Lon bing tn 24 Fafh 4 : eh aust wr > “ Anite ad bt Ae 7 bans | a nage Bh hue — ride. fr 5 2 ALAMO 108} Ig ZoLVe Lntied ef LaudcLEe Yreary ke gill elaltwes - OL a ap Ay oe : A472 a atu re Phi (feeder. (al 2ae§. es | Katbarre of mrad Key Grd 40 laa: @pead 3 127 ba (1g Dhalilrne Hood 25 Fee) maw , JOO x20. ae, preteens Caton — | i dsiag Rat ae Bat oeg AGRr2107 cD | Bry, EL bE Pes ae ath | One I deer tal LAA, 2-4 Tove pages Ce 300 The aa Ape ae Leerw 2 a 7 oe Lapsed fg i ane be bap p eS + Fe LC . AEA IE ata eo eS re oo “QS: : oo pi ft thd yo eo ae dey TE, ee er ag pe 2dS J, f = arab fr a4 spe é 2? WZ tut te A En4 eee sa hp Biko ROSS Ns: on f bé<e ty “ese 1S a Apathy Ws | » HELE: ed derats £0 se A, gE ay 6, eS } fee needs Hoc fen notee ef lee | AzotrezistlerQ aan — pe Coen 22 tf - a ptbeey Cirsee Lee 2OC Gece cA ACR LK Gila eee ff eect Heat Leet dA tn Meecrnc ble eft CAINtEy Af r—€ eo PA ZeZl2y stsce fey Jneetirce lat Meer lg, uel! Oe SO si nase esrb nt ce. Zina | ada ad a A2¢ Se | tu Man sk Lit... std tiived b eas (od ys Le, a a ee se Te ae. joo re. Mtfercaet, ok f sae On pene CF On—3 a a i Sf. L-~<—o | ow ee Aa- e es ~ a yy ze ~~ ft Ge, #~ pe abl ee. fas Dreg/an Saud axe ee 2th Ge gee ae 2 eo a Stem Fs i a Oa a 4. Ofaene LAS 00-2 on se Le recog nated ah Box Lh. Oe hes af A> LA PAA oz 4 — Gace oo Ay tre Cur — L-t2: Gg eek aL foe ZL eo Sa cies: 0 APR gi’ of a Bo On ae On —> a Mie po pa. ee, Pe 4 tl ges Oe ee ge a resent Che Seep of ge oe oh Bee. ip ot ED on. ae Xs Sr 6 ba -< { , Caine i MOK pn eta eee " | - i ~ ‘ Se fic fF on CL Cae KN ee Ban th Of, te4 id A Ce fae stn Psccigevia tel it Oe Cx Le ce fh i ee gs dick. Ce Zi Week bs yen a4 - ee ae a ee aw aol ee eam ony, at Picea. HL Bife.ao—t ces J deg ee ee ae Dffiat 22x70 ut te Pla tp 20-—~ WE Lowe ol Le eee of al cnt, ee a fou ee ee any Sp O-H~ee~ frcfor~g- Auer J a. Has ga Ho ee. Le, bese ee eee hi he Bi CON EF f ~ Beret tate) 2+~< had: Cle tas Ot Zoe fats ec) ea Ce. Pee hi jet potas e IE Lo ie fo o< L,. oe ape fo me Cae a ieee eo Bie. 1. Lin po ron aoa Za | Fic nee $ 164 Goat a oy ea. eeu tt Garey oo ge Be poe ae eee Rage ine oe ee K. emake a Cant Lo VESEY LOST Ce as foi Yer peer a ha “Ga OL. Piven Oe i Og Learnt 4 baa wae . aoe SZ cn oe, DA—se—t a a fv Pry af 2, Le, Sp or wie Zo oe Pee. VET. 2-8 Fo et Coats cies ee Yo POG Da eh ana Meal PE NE ene ge EO RE ti jo ee . eae nT : A J we wt i oe Jue L~ te 2 4~ ae eg TD a \ a ie dae @eca- es Via ee eae Co. D. 4 Poe err C4 es: lie no rao LK — c— Bhool .— Oe? y ow € P Hg 4 4 alee: CN ll 9a tnaernn itll, CoP tr Cn Bantry one’: Ce § cilia | Par Gi Says af 21 he, fz. fia ——_ Ge J41 ee ae 24 = a, a Selanne ae ee _a~ 977 { Fe Le 442227 22¢ oe ; Ia a ecco. dae gan Py le Vaca. ee eee < 79C Cag <tfreerG Se le ES nt Saeed | wo WA Tete ect LE , Leek x epee ces a ; Zee te Wes A eA oer 13, fuerte ence Cowes te 1 aged Meditate G ate te —— foe th wk Verses, i Pig ie te AF 4 pf Zo -- A421 melee Pe ee 4 | 4224 frac. Me Ae fLe reece herr) ahaeT ISAC1<T ef Cart, 20-22 2tet ee1 eek, wets Pied eas oe eee lectn ACneth- Lats Jb chica eee ee aa pe Loge, iit aes LAE eM ef Cees A -224% 5 bet CLlem2aec az, <7 Gee’. Eth MER aeahael Ax Cheeta OL AWD Cog I Beart X Zz fom fr Zeek, oF geceze eae Oe eee Heck ton Cine J AO ere Go Pass x es oon es Xx a ae sa cee : NE i Se AARNE OE reas <r Tine nitle taie Wile ne dee | fice CLaveeroles cxf Lact Coes De FD VIeetd <1 Been. SF Aeceten Cet eee | oe 4 teen & “brecen Aw geet ace ice ce, ug Wre5 & Cth. dle Lag gle Cages egy cas Lleet~ 22 gece) Laren Cai he Aa 41+ Ailes wee | | seg Ka ped 2. Opn & Zece cl Zetec st |e : ' a \ \ : s ae y vo A ge Pie pxete Atece2Oo~ Lecer A, 2 / Mate Ce. pe Z2e 4 ae eek. oo A ae re i ane ag Ci wba aes facets eS ie <i a aan i a a LEZ Ze 7. LA if <Aucd K ZPz, et af F AA Led Ge-eHk_ a7 ae Lela ez > § 4-2 2t2221c€. wee ae ait SL thins a iita os Koei es ae Lt cf 222 Gey oan ae: “tx sg ills ob Cex Le of C<_ Vive LAF 3-F xy i ce Mathie cee Jb2-1-2- 22200 “2, AF; Bi Co 2A 27EB ( A WS Pfs , tdhe3+—... Low: l aii < foo Eda /aseg eas 2 any | ¥ game om cncty nar ssel I hoover | Ee Chrrnete< 116 <Bad & ZA: os L. 20 e ee ae : aaah ay ope el re be Libiice oe Z2<7 Mantle ectm x /p.t-L 2 : SF, ge ae, bt es soe Ge ne Latpucte atte Pia F etic, te S2<z7 sAseG Al Si AB, 6 Mme (Let Oe ea ee aaa wee a Pel af S | fb a Way Z2e 2: ZO.0 s aoe 33x i. as avi aQ- = : 9 aa a funk Lc led cea ee Oo Ba a aoe ee vo os —~ <—.~-~< CL a S < yro- £.. Ba es i A A 2 te Zt. wr a we +s ¥ Cee ; a ) ¢ fw pu ticentad S ee mite: an sigs ical GL. Teegh S SS ae ( REGED ERT rae BS ie ye aPe — F Mag P24 72 d ove es = ioe Ndi fe 5 CoG, Deveree Keye Pe a Aectttecte ofe Pom sLank, met to ere of hy tor em Fe CL Conte po 2S~Gtans, Ane Bonn a open rei ee pe a Zan Qa e se An ae oe CL at 7 ow, > qin ne ~ w ie ker Rewre a" Boe fa FS Margarct on. Opes eck fez — Lt 181 QAO = , et i 5 ee of Kobe xg ($6) Le teen ee Dea Lorn ~a of C25. Genie, —<— e_, ne oe fue Pe", a. i Coe a ee @.~ ce. eager Te. Ae ta ments pas ee, PEs Zan Sion i | en: Cae 2. -Z Da hee x Lat > Ae | beh ee The whan art Pate 7, et fk. bet Ao ee ee a Ths is ee eh ea a 2a gue ee Per a eZ et ee, i: (enri<ea. I b-«. 2a f~2 of Kreps. Ik iL. 7 Pla—Cfey Louive my eee ae / ‘ Carer Po ce o-3~4_-» tas Cm eee , Gee PG. £.£ f a LQy---< ime Za 7 l1_O-2-2-* CNS a od Ce, hw G ‘ Z Zor led Seu Z. pee Sftetorn 4 a Pirigg aang. Hn fe pete led eee ee ge a ft as x ZA. ger | Cet tit cb Neener “ ZG 4 aa ; <P Nb Plr hark. Canhinin. D> a Qe VS os Maat P21 Pregrrws ¢ icons eee Bee pe a 7 gary Cot _ = Platt Ace. Z cn eg al a ote see i : dicen lei, Cet tally, P26 40 Rece eee 2 wa Jala LS‘ ima. Por eee gs BCL Gama ee le hoa ge— Pee Lerten eee Ce es oe ag ie LZ. Fe ra gy of Z- eh Bk, im Cats Oa gt at, Pi? See Lue snr kh ea pee Bote; Pf ft se Leck a on, Bed Cente 4 eae pgs ate / ee ae oe ae oo v o unm CC Ciit~we, x - ie Csr Vs ita 2 em 2 nee H | ie 4 g.e~ at: nae Lease - Os j eek Oe hk Be iy fe: 7 LC As Lice mt oy Ze 2 Ze Ce Cn es de Ok. face - ce a oat VOCALS cei Le = anes see Ce ~~ Dit ae. yet p< a. =| Az a gt Cas A Gur ov Cu ee cas ow =a ie AS Stents Ly (ann, Wag ally ty Yew Cha fOor~, hhez Aare ee a, Ea Cut themett Tee Puee Fe Bok laut PAILS A Fetes cai ye ich ak ee ee ee ee Lage: i TH ae ao, Zo a of Sawes 5 ae A ins Ata Gt Kakz Ceo ae L_IrS { bese — Me Co~ a i - Bunch + 4 ZZ c. Fi, ee Sat ot ek. 7 Co ee 9 aa fig a ee, poor ee ieee. Rr aeey Jl for ZA; than at Pa Pea sg: posCanane oe > ek Cope Cn oo Citi Ga AGL, Z ee a —_— = Enis Rin EH « Ze on ie Zr syk 2 oe, of etn Ame eh asses Ope ar ork. CL es Vc ct : S. Lem) ane Pe C1 Lx . a 4 US tae Aun Zs JS pres Sa tania aie Menaidad eo: Ca ah gente Vin ve —_ DigpEL is Lace 7 om— Canarian! Ph pics a. Sarll oe es ae end je a a os ee Tus wi Poe pe ceae eee Gee ce ea Cela a ae feng ht Sera Ce Kure ee er. > ao ha lc i Pr tinea Cra, ths: ie oa wee. Affine Cee eas BD -e = 4 Fg, one ~.2t wae Aart. (Oo te, ne 2 a ca x4t Cages 2eeowr, ae 4 CZ. 7 La suk _ Larfo oe Dn re ry | x Calera tat & wale Ga J ) | 2h ED iil ae ZL ok D4 oe \ 4 | Ope ETe £rre &7 Pasa ee aff © ten C.-eZ SLs Fu kvzZ Cc oo Le o> a et a 3 oa 8 a, sewk Ze oeo-t = a Se ee oh Go | 4 4 Bey I of prs te Cate ee a ea F ote <a ; Yn Cl{c — Jeev fe f = Oe ee OO te. : verte nn TT. ree ie foe — LF... ot. tadeg... MP lain. F ih 2c e a” cte.4.< x a i oa. sa / bi hs ee Leeg ht Sena ek hor zs eM TP a ee BR ee tee Geel age Rs ee _— Cafe fe ee oe Jeet. Bia % Bile See eo 27. La "i x Fiver +3.) / Zi iy a ¢ i Rw Ons” y LI SAL E, a / Cf he; Alyn CP Key vk A4 Comet / Lyte — Coins . Of cZ acer CBee" La 44) “Getty, COP o. Sane Z hy Cesk sl “i 2 ve oe LY 2 ye has! ae Leal) OF ( ecwcecb tbattead) f/ 7 Zeal ot fb LA Aececie 747" Gucrlieccs ALL tel © r ae i. a ; cpl Lee cc At CO Ctr L774 tt 3 Lox” uf Bot, ae Sia | Mi QL Lae al EEE PSR Cte AAG Vz ye ek = tee Ce~ Ze 4 CE fA, x a. ge Hr een 4 pone Gled™ Lill heer ca? Bohs ac Cirich ¢ oe rie Ye Li, 40 Gp 2ei7 ee a Ai GAD sou 4 j 5 Ss rt By- Chon. Wa, ZA aes a7 tt f4- LL Poca ee elev a 2 Jifeeg ee fee gee , YA. CE tice | - iy thuly/t ‘FZ 4 oe Lun ag tac fx ea cewe 1, Cec el tee} | Bzer Se Ze Ch, ew Alin, fala nullity cia seen 5% aces: eset tABY/E SF, CAs <<frieed Ep pees [i f , oak — ae en cen ta ne ran fp ot 4 Zr Yes Life Leask, €t4 Leese Mh ~ A CLA 7 <o Sohn A ee oA |\ZZx | (g 2 ee Cais Le ee Lhtuduc Leo as disttin whee Accent! glefic1ecemiccel Me teg eH Ltlecd, A141 AAG KK Seer Zo Pte teed dean det hada pac mia baie tee. a Ate lly Ae GA ven Lee fC C 22k: tlecn tf. GE pore (2c Corel ee I atnre be. cai ae ee nn | Sf ee Aen eS ae ae eo | Meck seucl the Citei fh Chet ey gs eos | ns Soe, WZ eel oo 2g Let, Zee coe we fa Lene Lee fez FG ececeC”/ ee ere (QOL Lecrepecefa,- @Qe1n 2Cec€ be~ Lae eer aegXe Leer Cle Cae tone Tan. Lowe. spe oe alot dene. e1cete tf. ines Ce eo ae (i fo reclncect Ride wii, dm mee gs a x Cae ha a Liege rc ee “124%. tae “cee ‘ Dr2ext tee Ct a the te eae [been ere ZezZw ae a cetheer it Wich on soa! crhpereck i . cere y Jee corre ¢ (lochs tna Sia, , newunt MEO Chiatafad ~t~ Std. tat. BZZZC me Of coat af Arey AC re a ere A cerCe ae ee Ot wa tles Lr ea ide Coreg — pA oe oz 56 cy sigiareicg ried ji beee cele LAY « 7 ee Pity. [dle inntiov ek Beep Slead “été, pC 4+ewr +. 0 Segue F Lane, CER, C tel eect je Cote are“ ts C11 dR ss 47 ‘ cor € MO =“ « ey , 4128 — a~e1rel 2££€ Chacegey ne ee. of < cieeche ec Oat eZ — mete 2 eae eere fe rectec eel Xeses5 Megat Sa Ltr ecT ices | oe le Z pres 3 Gaze & ae Cte 2ttL LE cae, pe hinenCrek lice of Hee ater’ 12t Zoe e| the foe tial end LL aig ey. 9. pati Base gia Gb Kered MK Joeetn2+—ofn Leerel, -ts K Lees eee Cong leet Ba of eree 2 ence FMA f21eK 24-2324, x aes Loat-2~, 12. a * Bch Aenzehn DR Habis Moca ued, 422, FE ala Ee A Bathe we tererPajere open. ewceec] ihe wig a Gillon 0H Go“ ki Kor ce Cenete HL cel Ae ce Zot Gy Ys Zee Gina cee hace, ti eA teem Caw. B Ft, Cecteg 7d erp geet), co ZL, Ce Lead 202s s2ee Gee hE 5- Lat ae, Oecd SE a Age, 1 pre Zr<<en, A ; Vive 2.5 Gh se. OR. Cad fete. eet te T Zt-L« LLa ey Sete a ence h. fas Lee) wy 21h 21, 46 A<< fe 2G Zap 5 2 Vl. Le (26 Cathie Cy fe terlheee 1 cre ly ih dames fled wtih me At loremccs KLE Lleol <S 2e%.. ze oo RK Slick - ee die qecet 222 e1k ect ~ 2G LAS HEN eZ eats Lx eas Pie ge! Clee FOE DS Sp Ae tea ete: Ae eee it ed, ae Meme ge Ml capil atl ELE fed fer eefeer hy, og Bice en LAN Gla Ce, Aen oS AEZeS £9 Sut he a CL Le Cnezg y A2tgy <cle A, ot 242-20 A C+ete<n Lace J ape Cle << ler cn, hy oe ) G Lear ; EM oss a *¥ ihn eis ie Cee cae, “ty : | 5" Hizee, Of PLG -LADZSS§, A lity, Wb Pa at Oo Jie yy Ms 4 Z, A 1A - 2 24 02-20-™ j (vec Cr or A a eM Mie Got peelneite dae Binet aE aoe ote han: 4) oe Jor one phigh Dae Decor ow A pr a Sa ae Q AA 33 ee Fo Gaig<—t. yo UL eee eta x ds we ath « > We res ad ? _Pce ate ah ZZ." ca tc me. A, ha jex 2 Ze o> 2 Lt. Sf aa P gs PN adhe Lo “4 2 eee: of, or oz ~< ow fo mre ft-Z... C, “Che: 22 ce Baw Da — Der cararTt I 2 f= oe ss = L t £68 > if, & t Nov. Cf fo A tO he haya crcmesie nae Sm, Mc sues LH [key ocmtad in he Stet of Ont Soc. ea i ee ee | Mia aa perch shure aD Ment joey | Mpee | G4 pth. Gh web -cem = Cutie a es. Can: Lede Tee qame froin Vk & be Loving, ee rtpe hl > ple pt nek be hoc, (eh DB es oo ae OR Aa [Lp AP tee % Gabe ee. te a elite d: Be tin. eg ee a ae. ee ee pe eee ae , a ole or. Cig AE ap. Jala Gat EE Bi, Pit teen ag eann he a Ain afi TEs omen | Bre 4h an. Gomes Sawn (lax. ly7 am gE ef ae. ere. Zoey 6, B Cre. | Pet JO-)F6 2 | z : whe : gS see x oN | wt trey ce : 4 stil at. La, Ane | a a I OT Et eae ne eet aici enh ene tt Number 270--1. HT. 4A. —Printed ana for sale at Harrell’ Printing ‘ious, 3 Weldon, N. C.—2-26-87-1000 STATE OF NORTH ee , To the Sheriff of %22.24cee _—s=«w County—Greeting. WE COMMAND YOU, That-ot the Goods, Chattels, Lands and tenements of aor a CSO ree een at idaccdien rr if to be found in your County, you cause to be made the sum of 0m 0 i Lu a Spice yee ape ee a Dollars, with interest on ea Dollars trom é which lately i in our Superior Court, held for the C cube Ok” < ferris ths, cee , on the 4 : Monday tt fa--f-------- “reeovered. against the said___. »- Mamg es ier Done EE a eis a 5 ao aS, el] as the further sum of Dollars for Coat i in that behalf expended, OO 8 next, then and there to aR, the said J eran’ and Costs as aforesaid. ~ Mo by lee thes ee Monday in year of Independence of said State, A. D., 1884 Issued the_............ o eee day of._.«iA oO AR RT nn fo ~ Oe oy Defendant... Fi. FA, SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 4-21-’07-1M, Pre alee County.--9n the Superior Court. Bite Vii tocx AGAINST SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of POW County—GREETING: Dou are hereby Commanded to Summon Sar 2k Wu. een < F f E. = - } \ a & f a. B 6061 r Ce to be and appear before the Judge of at the Court House in —.........Monday of... the same being the... “& Se Ray Ol... oe Gere ee Bas cae and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within the first three days of said Term, and let said Defendant take notice if. 774... they fail to answer to the said complaint within that tinie: the plaintiff... will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this. 44 a \ : Py County “0} 2[qQRuIN}ey 2 5 JO J2N0ZD JoLIedng 213 jo a ‘31798 ¥01 SNOWAAS = F 5 F N 5 = gp een FoGS LSNIVOV ‘SA preMpy “YOopiny Aat10} Y Syuarelg 6061 SIY} SUI a10Jaq peqtosqns pue 0} WIOMS *suorjndaxs m0Ij 3dutaxa Aysodoid pure saryt[1qet] ‘syqap sty aAoqe pu I3A0 LSNIVOV *Ayunod *JINOD I01edNg 94} Uy ‘¥NITOUVYO HLYNON AO AL¥LS Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. , 2M—5—,04. ~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To TYE SHERIF OF: Mex ell County--GREETING: RRR REN SRS ERATE mei REE S = = aa o O° QO oO we ge B. = & Qa, < v Defendent...... 6061 And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by law. { f Pes | SUBPOENA--Civil, < 5 Q. ° F MN g = ‘SA prempy “YOopinyy 6061 Mew a pS Ops ‘ i f é i ‘ { \ « \ : = E a. 8 a wn 5 E "SA pleMpy “YOopinpy 6061 WORTH CAROLINA } IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, TREDELL COUNTY I NOVEMBER TERM, 1908. Bdward Murdock ‘ COMPLAINT, Sarah Murdock The plaintiff complains of the defendant, -First- That he and the defendant were married in Iredell County, North Carolina in the month of pecember, 1900, and lived together as man and wife until May, 1902. -Second- : That without any cause or provocation whatever, the defendant separated herself from: the plaintiff and has not lived with him since said time. : -Third- That since said separation in May, 1902, this plaintiff has not lived with the defendant and has not co- habitated with her at any time or place, but the defendant since said time, committed adultery with some party unknown to this plaintiff. That © more than a year after their said separation, his said wife, the defendant in this action, became the mother of a child, of which this defendant is not the father. -Fourth- That the plaintiff in this action has been a resident of the State ef North carolina for more than two years, next preceeding the institution of this action, and the facts above alleged as a cause of this action have existed \o his knowledge, for more than two years prior to the K & Q. o Q nw NM 2 ne! E ‘SA prlempy “Yop 6061 institution of this action. WHEREFORE, the plaintiff demands judgment, that the bonds of matrimony which have existed between himslef and the defendant be dissolved, and that he be freed from all liabil- ity and responsibility to the defendant, because of the marr- ee hk: Bb gces dage aforesaid. Edward Murdock, being duly sworn, says that the foregoing Complaint is true of his own knowledge, except the matters and things stated .therein upon information, and these he believes to be true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, . this the Ble? September, 1908. Edward M io being duly sworn says, that the facts set forth in his Complaint are true to the best of his knowledge and belief and that seid Complaint is not made out of levity or by collusion between husband and wife, and not for the mere purpose of hiihe seuais from each other, but in sincerity and truth, for the cause mentioned in the Com- plaint; that the facts set forth in his Complaint, as ground s for divorce have existed to his knowledge for more than six months prior to the filing of the Complaint and that he has been a resident of the State of North Carolina for two years next preceeding the filing of this Complaint. CH cal (hea bv Sworn to and subscribed before me, a: a Z Fatibeieu— < = F g E- 6061 ‘SA prempy “Oop North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Iredell County. January Term, 1909, Maggie E. Ingram, vs COMPLAINT. George T, Ingram. The plaintiff complains and alleges: i . That she is a resident of Iredell County, North Carolina, and is single and entitled to sue in her own name. - ae That in the Spring of the year 1902, the plaintiff went to the home of the defendant, George T. Ingram, by his earnest solic- tation, for the purpose of aiding and rendering services to the said Geo. ™, Ingram, as nurse to his family, cook and gen- erel servant in his house-hold; that the defendant agreed that if the plaintiff would live with him he woulda provide a comfort- able home and living and support tos her, and compensation for such services as she might render to him and his family. ee Thet in pursuance of said agreement pleintiff has been working in the home of the defendant, nursing and caring for his family, during sickness, cooking and providing for them, and doing general work on the farm, and such other domestic work as was necessary to be done in the household of the said defendant ; énd that the work aforesaid continued from the Spring of 1902 up to and including October, 1908; that during this time de- fendant's wife has been sick frequently, and confined to her bed for a month at a time, and plainti?f waited upon, nursed and cared for her during her sickness; and also during the time aforesaid defendant's children were frecuently sick, and plaintiff nursed and cared for them, and in addition to the above services as nurse to defendant's family she cooked for the whole family during said period, with the exception of possibly a few months, when she was away nursing for other parties; that the plaintiff also washed and dia general work on the farm, and < E Q. 3 re g E 6061 ‘SA prempy “YOopinypy did the usual and necessary work in a household. ks That the defendant, in addition to receiving the services ren- | dered by the plaintiff as aforesaid, borrowed 851,00 a cash from her from time to time during the last two years, which he has refused and neglected to pay to the plaintiff, and that the said amount, with interest thereon, is still due anda pay- able to plaintiff. ? Be That the services rendered as aforesaid, and more particularly set forth in paragraph three hereo?, were reasonably worth *50.00 a year, for the period of six and one-half years, mneking the amount due the plaintiff for services so rendered the sum of 5325.00; that the defendant has neglected and refused to pay the plaintiff the said sum of $325.00 so due for services rendered as aforesaid, and has also refused to allow her to remain in his home under the agreement first above mentioned: WHEREFORE, the plaintiff demands judgment against the defendant for the sum of $325.00, for services ren- dered as aforesaid, and for the farther sum of $51.00, and in- terest thereon, borrowed money, eas set forth above, and for sueh other and further relief as she may be entitled to. Be Zed A a as torneys for the plaintiff. orth Carolina, Iredell County. Maggie E. Ingram, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that the matters set forth in the foregoing complaint are true of her own knowledge, except those matters and things stated upon information and belief, and as to those, she believes is — fllbeag i. 2 tie : . , sworn to and subscribed before me S490 this the a yay day o Ce : it to be true, - “3 CLERK SUPE 2 COURT Cad rae Ane aa = : ee SUPERIOE [ tea < z 5 Q e f B 6061 ‘SA plempy “YOopinyy Murdock vs Murdock. Issues. First--- Did the pleintirr ana defendant marry as alleged in the Complaint? Answer. LL Second.~-- Did the defendant separate herself from the plaintiff and commit adultery as alleged in the Complaint? Answer. -LYd : Shird.--- Has the aintiff been a resident of the State for more than two years prior to the commencement of the action? Answer. SA—- Murdock, Edward vs. Murdock, Sarah 190% yereg “yoopinyy ‘SA PlBMP “YOopiny 6061 Sarah Murdock, defendant. North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County enuary Term 1909 Edward Murdock, plaintiff vs JUdgment. I { i t f This cause woming on to be he ard at this teemmof the Court before His Honor E.B.Jones, Judge upon the record and the issues submitted to them and the Jury having found all the issues in favor of the plaintiff; It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that the bonds of matrimony existing between the pleintiff and the defendant be dissolved and the plaintiff freeanda discharged from any and all liability because of the marriage aforesaifi 0 ole Presiding. Murdock, Edward vs. Murdock, Sarah 1909 Bill of Costs,—Civil.—Pricted and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. Original Summons, or names therein.. $1.00 TOVONT OODN OE ORR nk ioe isis oe es exicecsc cscs ‘Siaenatabebaads Bon IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County. Subpena, each name Notifying Solicitor of Removal of Guardian. .. .........s0ssssssee0es 1.00 Continuance. aveat to a Will, entering and docketing. Issuing Commission it, including Jurat and Certificate. Motion, Entry and Record of..... ...... ANabann soins; Aeohdudenud Sion ee vaao nay PUDRI caods asnes: cisndsspaendonscissaeds: plibvas esdaldsaacisganaiuccsseator: caceks eouinkdé * Notice, for each name over one in same paper : Impaneling Jury Judgment Against Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided Judgment final in term time Judgment final before Clerk Judgment in favor of Widow’s Year’s Support Docketing same < : Qa. 8 a g 5. "SA pleMpy YOopinypy Indexing Judgment 6061 Filing Papers Postage, actual Transcript of Judgment. Execution @ystferitrs Return Appeal to Supreme Court, including Certificate and Seal....... ... Transcript to Supreme Court............copy sheets, each County Tax, when Jury impaneled PIII: ci sxcaciniticnass: pcc\sabescissnucschinn : cues; cededavass ealpeideosantion oces Plaintiff's Witnesses F175 CIVIL DOCKET. BILL OF COSTS—CIVIL. (As fixed by the Code.) : | he | iy : it a i i Murdock, Edward vs. Murdock, Sarah 1909 pAoyj “YOOpINW ‘SAC Jospoy “yoopinyl 7161 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady, the Printer, Statesville, N. C. 6-9-’09-1M, Sb EEC ROE County.-- $n the Superior Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. the defendant....above named, if. <+Ke— be found within your County, to be and appear before the Judge of | our Superjpr Court, at a Court to be held for ty of. Pi rp I} ese L Palen UdittAA a on the. 7 — Monday after the... 7. the same being the _...2 7. Bday ec [Ae ii see ae 19.44, and answer the complaint, a copy of | which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior,Court for said County, within the first three . days of said Term, and let said Defendant... take notice if.@& hey fail to answer to the said complaint Within that time, the plaintiff........... will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Panis Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this..Z.. a ~~ 9S¥e[TN = Padts0oyf ae ———— csddesnalgpiewcsenssese "Oy a]qeBInyey “JO jInod sroLadng-2q} jo ‘131730 401 SNOWWAS *Ayunoj-" — Te 6 = i i scene Ing, Aepm SE BM BIOJaG peqiiosqns pue 0} VIOMS ‘suoIynoexe wl0Iy }dutexe Ajzadoid pune saizt{iqei] ‘s}qep Sty aAoqe pue I9A0 SIB[[OP PeIpuNny O43 JO UNS 34} 4}IOM SI Bq SAS TOMS Braque ee a . . (-peag) nr : (pea) Serer 61 ‘q Wo go Kap STY Seas PUB SpULY INO SSot}t ‘aorjoe stq} wr Yue 94} JO aaooe1 Avo JURpPUIJEG PY} Se 3SOo WONG aT ANRDUAIIC, a7 6OS TMM eas TB eT tt fo ono Oat ie Yyutelg ay} jf ‘Taaamoy j ‘Ayunog ‘ sense pibvccedeckssveneseauensen a *yINOD JoLIedNg 3q} UY \ ‘¥NITONVO HLNUON AO SALYLS pops YPOPINL ‘SA *C] Jospoy “OPIN cl6l c on} Q. ° Qa rr a2 ° << a. e a. } oO . A a. ge g vu a 7161 Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-15-’07-2M. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To THE SHERIFF OF Lidell fo-weeCOUNT¥--GREETING: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUMMON MILL. personally to appear the Court House in on the..2 9 ALL (12 pment. TN Monday—in. in a certain controyersy before sgid Court depending, : fade VE Wee LA fohinte ; is. Court for. SUBPOENA--Cil = 5 a. ° } x 2 ° co a. <= 5 a. ° a FF m ° a. ge o + o < Y’ 7161 th ll ip pe smc! ieee UL DNA hate RO RR, aL ee aaa eI ERE cnet Serre ren e Sere ere SOL North Carolina, SS In the Superior Court as of May Term, I9I2. Iredell Coumty. # ® Rodger D. Murdock V 8; COMPLAINT. Floyd Murdock. CORQRORORORO? The Plaintill complaining of the defwndant alleges: I. That the said Rodger D.Murdock intermarried with Floyd Murdock, the defendant above mamed, om or about the day of April 1900, according to the laws of North Carolina, and that they lived to- gether for a period of about one year, when the said defendant abandoned the said plaintiff, of his own accord without any com- pulsion or ill treatment om the part of the said plaintiff, and that he nas lived separate and apart from her since that time. 2. That on or about the _ day of ov , said defendant committed £ernication and adultry with Wherefore the plaintiff prays the court to grant an order divorcing the said Rodger D.Murdock from her husband, the said Floyd Murdock, absolutely on account of said fornication and ad- \\ ultry, and that the clerk tax the costs accgrding to law. A orney or rlain Rodger D. Murdock being duly sworn deposes and says: That the facte set forth in the foregoing complaint are true to the best of | her knowledge and belief, ekeept at to those matters stated threin on information and belief and as to those she believes it to be true; thet she has filed the said complaint not out of collusion between her and the said defendant, Floyd Murdock, but-in sincerity and truth for the causes set out in the complaint; that the said facts have é@misted to her knowledge for more than six months prior to the filing of this complaint; and that the said Rodger D. Murdock and the said Floyd Murdock have resided in this state for more than two years next preceeding the commencement of this action. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this JZ day of Febru- Oe a oe fayedk / a AGL EEF pAoj.j SYOOPINA, ‘SA °C] JoBpoy “OPIN 7161 Murdock, Rodger D. vs. Murdock, Floyd 1912 ee Vase - a (jd 3 oe pAoy{ JOOPINW, SA ‘C] 1OBpoy “YOPINI| T16l cf capa * psn BH vbint a AfAiAHK Fi . ( , CAA ; ZtS met go-nbin, Ark | : a tilapia ean eae ACEC ities ~ 7 tase ee tat eerie Ct: Murdock, Rodger D. vs. Murdock, Floyd 1912 Piss 74 Sane. McG a, Fens hoe dt <)> D Lege Pra, Looe, a Ci i> Es : [x frig” , Oe Piiweee et Pot Tig | Mans he eH , th. oleae. z L 3 a | L277 D fax € i. ok olla a froth og 2, K Jury Le oy é : . “2? fb Crete Io Al a ta” prstn sty /Fe iy; Th ACL. , pAoyy “YOOpsN ‘SAG 1eBpoy opm = * 7161 ————————————— LE AR A ASIN OER I SOIT OT men aa gs OEE RCT EAL OEE AT 2 oe) Murdock, Rodger D. vs. Murdock, Floyd 1912 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF .—Judge.— Printed and for sale by Brady, the Printer, Statesville, N. C. 6-9-'09-1M, eee CC Coanty.-- In the Superior Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. the same! being the’ ’! sos theo 19h! Paria? answer the complaifit, a copy of Which’ Will Be Gépasited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Coumrer batasConnty Within the arsi three days iofisaid: Term, aud Jet said Defetidant!!’ “itake notice if.“ a to the gaid’ complaint Within, that;time, thée:plaintific: .owill apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and-of this summons make-due\return. VOVI4e3 Bye] “qsoN SA JougY “IQSON clél “"O} aIquurnyay 0 31ND I01edNg 94} Jo 14 W101 SNOWNAS “ayy LSNIVOV hansjojnyy S, pUareld jo ep Pee ee SIQ} 9M BIOjoq psqiiosqns puev 0} DIOMS *suoTINIeX| wO1y Jdutexa Aj19d01d pue saiztjIqet] ‘s}qap sty aAoge pue 12A0 JuepUezEg 243 Se SOD Qons ye PHUyeLg 94} jt ‘aamoy TW aaa ee JO Tins 94} Ut ‘NOIOe SIq} UY "yAEpUayaq 343 OJAN puNog Seajasino sSpo;MouyIE 3, LSNIVOV "yANOD Joiedng aq} Uy \ “¥NITOUYO HLNON JO GLYLS eye ‘1QsoN SA JOUQGY WIQSsN clé6l eye ‘qSoN “SA IOUQY “JIQSON clé6l « North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Iredell Sounty: Oct-,term, 1912. Abner Nesbit Vs. Martha Besbit‘ The plaintiff complaining of the defendant alleges: FIRST. That on or about the ----day of Novy: ,1907,at Statesville, North Carolina,the plaintiff and defendant were married and lived together as man and wife until the defendant abandoned the plaintiff in Nov+ or dec.,of the following year, , 908. SECOND. Ehat sometime time in Nov‘ or december of 1908,the defen- dant disregarding the soleminity of the marriage vow,willfully and without cause deserted and abandoned the plaintiff and ever since has and still continues to willfully and without cause desert and anandon the plaintiff and to live separate and apart from him with ou any sufficient cause or reason. THIRD. That a short time after the said defendant abandoned and left the plaintiff as alleged above she took up with and left States ville with anothe colored man by the name of Palmer Morgan ,the tro going from here to Gaston Younty,l.C.where they lived together and commited fornication and adultry,and some time during the year of L909 said defendant and said Falmer Morgan were married in the State of S.C.and came back to Goston County where they lived together as man and wife and are still living together as man and wife in parts unknown to this plaintiff. FOURTH. That the plaintiff has not received the defendant in con- gugal embraces since she abandoned him as above stated. eye “Wqsan "SA JOUQY “JIQSON, £16! FIFTH. That the plaintiff has bean a boni fide resident of the State of NOrth Carolina for more than two years next preceeding the commencement of this action. SIXTH. That the facts herein contained and set forth as a com- plaint have existed to the knowledge of the plaintiff for more than six months next preceeding the commencement of this action- Wherefore the plaintiff demands judgmentthat he be granted a divorce absolute from the bonds of matrimony of matrimony with the defendant. Atty’forthe plaintiff. Abner Nesbit being duly sworn,deposes and says that the facts set forth in the foregoing complaint are true to the best of his knowl- edge and belief,and that the said complaint is not made out of lev- ity or collusion between himself and the defendant and not for the mere purpose of being freed and separated from each other ,but in sinceruty and truth forthe causes mentioned in the complaint.g¢¢ EFOURER 1 FORMER OPER T Thatv the facts set forth in said Complaint as grounds for divorce,have existed to affiants knowledge for more than six months prior to the filing of the complaint and that the plaintiff has been a boni fide resident ofthe State of N.C: for more than two years prior to the filing of the Complaint. Plaintiff. Sworn to and subscribed before me ,This ies a oa nn ar. oS. == a5 Oo > = es 4) Cl6l n said j ae BD TWICE-A-WEEK: TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, = ee hefore me: Pexnons....¢ ‘aes ~—— ., wha, being duly sworn af 4 eekly mewspaper published atStatecvtite mit 3, advertisement app@ared.in s a cutive week @ SRN BA a Soe nag ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED | ON APPLICATION — Spalewile, N CE OAL 1 yy Ms. D~ We (bertiacg Ube 8 > Nonte c ROLINA. | In theBupertor dhe, HEL ANDM RK Dr. ADVERTISING © ‘ei Nesbit vs. Martha Newbit, : RATES 2 S17 aera ection was issued againat the se R.R CLARK, PROPRIETOR FURNISHED TH) Harta clerk uperior Co : ON APPLICATION © { ae ce. abs - : feo TWICE-A-WEEK: TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, un ; he salt —— “ge a Or > | ne | Seal- Ulsolod baler | g-loa} | «ae, Beet fccamsd bovore me. GAOL. CA Pee | DN RS diag ee tutes emer duly sworn 2 | ‘IQSON Bye ‘WGSON ‘SA JOUQY Cl6l Please Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally Salewile, NC oatichse 1 - u mH EL A NDMARK Dr. sovenrising R. R CLARK, PROPRIETOR | FURNISHED: \ <3 ON APPLICATION | aid HED TWiICE-A-WEEK: TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, Meialte | spol | ” 1 i ee ’ } i ip ped mad Store Mes A. ; i who, bewe duly sworn ' (ly newspaper published at Stare advertisetient appeared, in 24 week fo cutive week Y serouwr Cr. Rou wre OV —-C e5A- me oOo ao nan ”N ro Go. = 5 <= a > Su Nn cl6l Please Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally as 2, oOo o nw” oe, Me, cos << > a ae 5 < Y clél North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County. October Term,1912. Abner Nesbit [ -vs- q -ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Martha Nesbit. { It appearing from the affidavit of Abner Nesbit,Plaintiff in this ection,that Martha Nesbit,defendant therein,is not to be found in Iredell County and cannot,after due diligence be found in the State,and it further appearing that said action is an action against said defendant for a Divorce absolute;and that said plaintiff has a good cause of action against the said defendant,and it further appebring that the said defendant the hes departed the State and that her whereabouts is not known tc plaintiff; . Tt is therefore ordered by the Coprt that notice of this action be advertised in the Landmark,a news paper published in Iredell County for Four successive weeks,setting forth the title of the action with a brief and plain statement of the cause and subject matter of the action and requiring the defendant to appear at the next Term of Iredell Superior enn Court to be held on the Eighth Monday after the First Monaay of September, the same being the 29th day of October,1912,ana answer or demur to the lnaint of the said plaintiff. Pm a he 6th day of Sept.1912. Misrk of Superior Court. a o g. = 5 5 ue o nw Z. 3” > Ss 53 a al < Y clél North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County October Term,1912- Abner Nesbit -VS- AFFIDAVIT OF PLAINTIFY TO OBTAIN SERVICE Martha Nesbit. BY PUBLICATION. Abner Nesbit, being duly sworn, deposes and says:that in the above entitled action now pending in the Superior Court of Iredell County, the Sheraff of said County has returned the summons issued to him in said action endorsed,“ The defendant , Martha Nesbit not to be found in Iredell County": That the defendant therein cannot after due dil#gence be found within the State; That said defendant is a proper party to said action,being the defendant therein ,which is an action for Divorce on the part of Abner Nesbit against said Martha Nesbit,his wife,on the grounds of adultery; WHEREFORE said plaintiff prays that an order may be made by the Court that service of summons be made on said defendant by publication in some News paper published in Iredell County, North Garolina. Dated this the 6th dey of Sept71912. \ ORC Plaintiff. Glerk Superior Court. eye ‘1qSeN “SA IDUQY “JIQSON, £16] In the Superior Court! orth Carolina, Iredell County / Sct, Term jtole, Abner *esbit AFFIDAVIT OF PLAINTIFF T0 OBTAIN Vs. SERVICE OF PUBLICATION oF sSuMoNs. Martha Nesbit» Abner Nesbit,being duly eworn. deposes and ‘says: That in the above entitled action now pending in the Superior Court of Iredell co? the sheriff of said County has returned the summons issued to him in said action endorseD, the defendant,lartha Nesbit,not to be found in lredell County'':That the defendant therein named: named ean not after due diligence be found within the County or State:That said defendant is a proper party to said action,being the defendant th rein,which is an aetion fo Divorce on the part of Abner Nesbit aga. inst said “artha Nesbit his wife,on the grounds of adultry. Wherefore said plaintiff prays that an order may be made by the Court that. service of summons be made on said defendant by pub- lication in some News Faper published in lredell County,North Car- Olina.This the 6th-day of pi Sworn to and subseribed before me,‘his 6th.day of “epts ¢ 9LBe - C.5.C. a o ~” 2. - > o 5 @ " < ¥ wd o ” S. <= 5 5. © w a 24 A ESL NOEL OED DNL Nesbit, Abner vs. Nesbit, Martha 1913 North Yarolina, In the Superior Court, Iredell County: Feb. ,Term,i913. Abner “esbit JUDGNENT. VSe Martha Besbit. This cause coming on to be heard,and being heard before his Honor, Harry i.Whedbee,Judge,and the jury,and the jury having answered all the issues submitted to them by the court,and which are made a part of the record in this cause,in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant; it is therefore, ordered and adjudged by the Court that the ponds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff be disolved and that the plaintiff,Abner Nesbit be granted an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony with the defendant, Martha Nesbit. Judge presiding. es Oo Oo ann a oo oS <= > Ss a5 a 4 < vi £16] Nesbit, Abner vs. Nesbit, Martha 1913 Prt Crt, ee Das JOT | Vi Shvevlac: 4-7 pfrcen i atin Penile soln at. au. 32> oe xeebS fy eared Zr of 22 Ara ge sor /CTG Cais hide Bubet, “7696! Bat Abed obi ten tay Bo Se ee Ff ae prtKk flar2g4, L2t phe Son rnc Leva Srila Fir, On adegx. 2 Awe a oe Fin: £4. CP 53eeu.dlC le. Ste ak2.<K pace. 4 a ; ate “a Cie / thew Zu. Zo | ‘ Palen 7 4, Le. Jarre l blew | 2ee+ a ; exakZnx L, Aix, gait ZB Arn ee Py Bnet % —, Ase ew Oe Le reise ek ae ae eee | Dsfun dm—k Kar Oba fr La. & | I | « UEP ae tp Mee ae a ee ee | i 2YZ Ch Pfr ad 2 ve ro+s. lo~-Ky-< 222 A—s Phe foe, a | pect > i UK a awn, tow. ae | | fact en othe, At {lai Zee: |G i flew ZG oH! Hag ic~—. |] |Z oa 2A4 fea Oe |A- dG ~~ Set, fo oe a a pe a 4 Fa Waly AaZowree QB Ar sai tire o— |) Oe alte bor ves, ZZ. a ee ae eee | PK. hanes ieee a ae eee | SAc PF tides: At pla—Ze¢2 ee ee A Pee. aS § aK fr-~< We y) av Aaa Ava y~s, cfu the ee Zn, Qo fern a Oe ee ee ee Ma te ee | THK C or ome G, Aw 20 teow Gee! rake Fr-KH Mwy ener T QS i eA ee | Pm fae Papen oS frags he € hn Armen map phim Bagh “Cn Fa ge neater la 7. sae jap pe | tins oSe~ of ans Aor a trae | q ' } 2 a2 \ OA fe ene, Bone. 10. (20 Wee Bec — Pte Be ae ee Cg a | eer Dt Porta CMin YEG 6, Par deer Bey titvMat®h tgitliv QV Ate ar ROA UA foun a Sy ac Cen | ye Mainly els Py ye: ey BS 4 BANE] ‘UOSTOYOTN "SA *d *f ‘uosToyoty “Qo Gee: Madge 4 4h. Cywtitty a f1 ladi ae ol taht hab ge —_. Lb aS Cll 7p {ALY 4A 2-2-7 A +7 Os Bepciiia 4 , gti, A er Bod QB Be bs 220 ura Ae : Lon “ic, x ewile. or me Lethe i 4 LLAMA EL Mor fn Aa. Drtcreflei1 we . Oth Be- ( St ttt tLe La hace nye Pe bitey Jo whe CY LIC We Vi fb laid, whicole har L Lpettick At M2. c Lee Bievetleg @ _ x Mo, ig “ig é J Y hic? Aol * ; } / pK folate an } — , L ae ’ a 2953 Gti 58 D px peokalion A A “Nicholson; Bena E. vs. Nicholson, Pettis *SA | { 1 hw Y 3 Yea U/ 7 Mir Te, beer han Lucfere or Gc. oa | ake boente Habs herr. (F £6 5 Pian te “4 Wiles 2 aps OR | fee Si Mabe. , re, pint Ke Bpcned Aen 5 es st } alle L7 Ace on On telbinand® Me Peon ¥ face ho CEP 3. | A Cerra nee ct Has beats | Ahr Clee. Le Meee ZZ ec nec Ze | Mflcrelened~ 2h fees Fy Dee ogee O29 Aire x Merth becrelern. auree S | DE cz zee “77 Ctz16€ a e<xe “tHi*v ec PRE : Co ) he 4 * z$) Vere See, Gz Ace Ala2oket aq Pence ie SAGAR is ore a: paces oe ae | | CAr224 4c bang CEES cre CA. 2 eg” \ | Tie La PeG x eCLerneceecee Lace oe Lye fle... | ca Fer hcincie setae 20tfi Of vr € fr | O<c 4t rpawvwAnr 7 Af Creo 21 2 ie. Cec cet g | wo" Ca tek geal or Pie ue cl ee Cg is | Oza mes & Dez CY anor Lier rey | erent Born De Siwy KR KrA 7 ee | % OG nol? Ahenolomine RK Ma Cx | | Ocnc¢ bee BON Bane. We cccer ofe« ae | fi Aas iS duce he Axffomnt OO Oe ig fre Pe Onn nu Cee St ey Ghee tan Me ds tee fir Anoy flertee Le. {ax hii ols 2< ag, | Kew heen ¥ te Ph ee, 1% ohne 22th, } A720 4A) <4 ihe ours K DQ hte Cred j li. Caw f Lect hh ST390q ‘UosTOYOTN “Gy Bue] fUuCsTOYOTN Conny fe ae 2 eg eS aenbet bbolie~ Ae habe lt-fLarer & (Preaty epi pew K i Genet Ly DY sere. : Clr dihewaee masiine 5” sees cammaam oto ~ Ais. on f= be Ken Cezeck ee roe 2. ee ae Lie ¢ HK. ce Ow Alone alt; OLS 2. ‘Weel A M., Gf Wc7nce ps Ze. zceek Sgr 2ec tT | Pe Wikonaes sae ao, za Paice Jae Ze z2< 7. APEDYEN ¢r “> Coy cS a eS PLG eu 3 ae Ge ne amt hia. OI Aare - Z _ asset fon att Cee ace K a chee oe De2.se | A Bz cll om. AD five ther refer on, oh ee ee Le fea 7 xz C a cata. Ce ek PE sd ies B for ALA ee ok C<<ezen oe Co X42 ASS CREE ero Bt fate Ecsey 2618 + 6 Fe, B45 Bur ® focs Se am | oo an tee ez! Aiec Phu faut oo | els aA fa Btw. flex [Ak 22. & Ze Ccertccc eel ve joale., ainiilee Bey we. 6 meg | ne Aztech jr Lee Cee Mes, 7 I cee | ~cHe zt ciavuoad ~ 2 Oo ReEC tk, | for ae Varna ene Ft o% aheoe sp fp 2, fren ity Cre, Seis ie ie “Tene oe 4 DEG aaa Pn PEE Ry, Oc Mbbct hnsie O Cin 2¢ (Or fok. (x eke Dan 0x22 <5 Guus Fer. 4 Le Heedon € Cec at Phd sete Oud Hue Pa mi ¢ fF 7p | ah Zeey 7X W<hazctc 2 oe OPN ce Len >@<et- ya Ok a ae ee Art C2 cast ony A) Cety oA 22 <. a of Y {2 his ek Ahe etc. “ Yeez cao Ope K tes P7004 0% Ca “nm ie ch LCC Cocke TMi _~ plabeere Cz nil cnne wal ig ST94eq ‘UOSTOYUOTN *g Buel SuosTOYyoTN G Se Koved yi Mihelier ST39ed ‘UOSsTOYUOTN "G Suey ‘UosTOYTN tefe 2 Qe ir kn (Pm Kk bate: £5 Cth on uct a S —~— a KA fe Cnet tees Seg DLG m oo Cax> awl oo) Pe, 12202 | | eels co? Jot 0k VP a ZZ fe. Co ee PW ¢—~< fe an Ake 7 hej Ac . ng C47 t<46c<cHo Le fe S& goon yee fr Lee MEOGS: a. “tHe petneed m2 OA € face Z aoe) C112 w= < (feo uke oes Cx~<s Le Paco Coaceono Bhs eto A ene er ea OE Be Uf rn ceseced on Le Cot yesgoee Ct<zc7” (iz cao Oc for a Qaene JG CLA S heey pr °¢, tenn, a oO “a Pd Hee if tes PAACK zeny = a rm eae see, <., Cencl cr~r.4 2k at | & 2 y Be 4% A ag . Pere ee ene Oe er eae ee aa su et ee Seats Nicholson, Lena E. vs. Nicholson, Pettis eget Ce Mendis A : & ~ acer eS ae ro Thee Ey MER: wiih S| Nicholson, Lena E. vs. Nicholson, Pettis Salas. een Zz es 5S. eS FP <Z > a L061 North Carolina Superior Court Iredell County May Term, 1907, Nancy..Wicholsoen, I vs (COMPLAINT . Manlius Nicholson ) The plaintirfr complains ef the defendant and --First-- That she and the defendant intermarrted about twnety eight years ago, and that several children wereborn to them as the re- sult of the said marriage. --Second-- t since the marriaz;e & the plaintiff and the defendant , the defendant has by his cruel and barabrous treat- ment end@ngered the life of the plaintiff by actual violence to her person, in beating her and ktcking her, depriving her of necessary sustenance, cursing and abusing and vilifying her to sucha. an extent that life has hecome unbearable and burdensome » @nd she is no longer able to live in peace and safety with the defendant; that these indignities have been continued vear after year, and have incressed in violence and éndanrering her} the defendant quite recently committed an assault” upon hik wife » the plaintiff in this action, with a deadly weapon. --Third-- That the plaintiff has been a resident of the State of North Carolina, all her life, and is now a bona fide resident of Iredell County and state aforesaid. io 2 SS 5S. g % BB ee BE ES & < ~”n L061 --Fourth-- That these facts have existed to her knowledge for more than six months prior to the filing of this Complaint, ~-Fifth-- That the defendant is the Owner of , and seized tn fee Simple of the followinr described real estate: Beginning at a sonte Miller's corner and nob Chambers ' corner ; Thence Fast to a Hickory sapling with Rhodes line to Me Intyres corner; thence along with MeIntyres line to a pine, aiid “atk iron stake at Miller's line, thence West along with Miller's Tine to 4n iron stake Nicholson's corner, at Miller's line; thence along with Miller's Line to the beginning at a stake on Bob Chambers cornr containing ten acres more or less. This being a portion of the « land sold by John Ayers to F. H, Conger and sold by Conrer to ‘Nichols on. end. Tract: Beginning at an.Iron stake in Public Salisbury Road at Rickett's and Rhodes corner; thence West with Salisbury Road to a Reck at Lippards corner; thence South to S. R. B Thence with said R. R. Fast to &® Stone Rickert's corner; thence with Rickert's line to the beginning containing 6-1/2 acres more or less. See Deed fron KR. B. Drake to wenlius Nicholson. That her said husband in violation of her wishes and against her will executed a mortgage upon said real estate and is now threatening to make a deed for the same, =nd leave the State, thereby depriving this plaintiff of her quiet enjoyment of. said premises and her legal right: therein ~-Sixth-. hat this action is broucht in seed feith, for the purpose above set forth, and plaintiff alleges that she is unable because of her poverty and deprivations of her husband touching her support to sustain herself, and little childeen, and to employ counsel to prosecute this actton Z 6 > =, S 5 < B. =: ” L061 "sa AOuBN “UOSTOYSINY 4 Wherefore, she prays the Court that a decree be entered di vorcing her from bed and board of the defendant for the causes above alleged, and that she be free and discharged fron all authority of her said husband towards her. -~-Second-- Thet the Court will order the defendant to pay into Court Such a sum of money as in the judgment of the Court will be suffi- ecient to mabntain the plaintiff and her three smll children, and Such other sum as the Court may think proper for reasonable Attor- neys fees in this case; &nd that upon the failurecof.the defendant to comply with the order of the Court as heretofore prayed for by the said plaintiff, that the said land be sold by the Clerk of the Court, and the proceeds arising therefrom be held by the Court in payment of the orders of the Court to be made from time to time in said action, and for such other and further relicf, as may be ih aie Attorneys for p gust and right. Naney Nicholson being duly sworn,.deposes and saus that the foregoing Complaint and every part thereof is true of her own knowledge, except as to matters and things stated therein upon information and bel&kf, and as to se she believes it to be true, Miae1 Sworn to and scribed before me this 23 February , the ---- day v ee QO © a B 5 <Z a Ps L061 North ,arciina In the Superior ,rourt Tredell County February 235, 1907. Nancy Nicholson vs Lis Pendens, Manlius Nicholson WOT: 7:0 8% The pleintiff in the above entitled gstion having this day commenced a Civil suit ageinst the defendant for the relief demanded in the Complaint, which Compleint is this day filed in the office of the Clerk of the Supericr Court of Iredell county for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony from Bed and nn and sh he hereby files 2 Lis Pendens upon the followin: described property. Beginning at a stone Miller's corner and Bob's Chambers! corner, thence past to & Hickory sapling with Rhodes line to McIntyres corner; thence along with MeIntyres line to a pine, and an iron stake at Miller's line, thence West along with ywiller's line to an iron stake Nicholson's corner , at willer's line; thence along with Miller's line to the beginning at a stake on RedGham- pers! corner, containing ten acres more or less. This being a portion of the land sold by John Ayres to F. H, Conger and sold by Conger to Nicholson. e"nd. Tract: Beginning at an Iron stake in Public ~alisbury Road at Rickert's and Rhodes corner; thence West with calisbury Road to a Rock at Lippards corner; thence South to S. R Tence with said R. Re Hast to a stone Rickett's corner; thence Aaté7t2 wit?. Rickert's line to the bepinning containing ae or less. See Deed from F. RB. Drake to wanlius Nicholson. Of which notice all parties will tale due heed. This Foes 25, 1907. [2, Wiha of Clabo-<g ZZ ee) 5 6. 8s BS =z B 5 ES & < “ L061 Injunction Order, Order of Arrest Subpena, each name Notifying Solicitor of Removal of Guardian. .. “ie Continuance. Caveat to a Will, entering and docketing. Issuing Commission Motion, Entry and Record Of). Notice, for each name Over One in same pape...... .....ccececccoss.s.. Impaneling Jury Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided Judgment final in term time Judgment final before Clerk Docketing ex parte Proceedings..... .... ....... selestioens awelad - Judgment. es ne. ©) 5S. gg B 5 2 5 Ps Indexing Judgment Filing Papers L061 Postage, actual Transcript of Judgment. Transcript to Supreme Court............ copy sheets, each County Tax, when Jury impaneled ae cieceacnreaneneconssencseroe CIVIL DOCKET. | BILL OF COSTS-CIVIL. (As fixed by the Code, Nicholson, Nancy vs. Nicholson, Manlius SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady, the Printer, Statesville, N. C. Irede11 .County.~- Gn the Superior Court. ‘T'S Wospoysin "SA “TJ “§ WOsTOysINy [16] AGAINST SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. S.I. Nicholson To the Sheriff of _: wei aoe Las *-Cointy GREETING: Wou are ue Commanded to sutnmon. 8. I; Hicholson ii a2 ' ‘ the defendant i be found within your County, to be and appear before the be of ) our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Iredell at the Court Sade in _Stahesville 64 of the!ii:” 8th -Monidaybfter the Monday/ofl)..! Séptember the ‘same being the!) Oth day of.04°' "t Oe tober 291 Pant! answer the complaint, a copy of which willibe dépésited in the office of the Clerk of the eee Court’ for ‘shia ee the firstithvee days!bfisaid: Term, and ‘let said) Defendant: Withi, that time, the-plaintifics....owill apply to the Court for the relief-demanded in the sala Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. TQ ren ade Whag County. ‘T'S WospoysIN ‘SA “TJ “§ UOSTOYSIN, I16l 1a hy “yet MPT BS ~ LOQuUSA Gy 03 a19emINI2y LSNIVOV 134 404 SHOWWAS uo S{TOUOTH ° t = ““WOSTOUSTHE: “ts” f e S 3 @ Pe: LD , a ae a “AWUNOD fF TSpsery “J,HN0D roqedng 2} jo 7761 ‘mI2,-° jo &ep ee ee SIG} IM JIOJeq peqtiosqns pue 0} TIOMSG *‘suoTjNdaxe woIy Jdmaxe Aj1odo1d pue sai} IGRI] ‘s}qep Sty PAOge pu 19A0 jUEpMayaq] 24}, Se S09 HUA 94} F ‘s9AaMOY “yNOD IJoVadng aq} Uy | *‘¥NITIONVD HLYUON AO ALY¥LS ‘T'S ‘wospoysin "SA "] “§ ‘wosfoysIN [l6l North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County October Term,1911. S.L. Nicholson,Plaintiff, -vs- GOS? | A TR? S.I. Nicholson,Defendant. The plaintiff complains and says: ~-First-- That he and the defendant married on the lst day of January, 1878, and lived together as man and wife for a number of years; that three children were born to then, ane all of whom are now of age and married. --Second-- That about five years ago, and without any fault upon the part of this plaintiff, the defendant his wife, ceased to be a wife to him, in that , she would not longer bed and co-habit with him and permit his embraces. --Third-- That for three years thereafter, the plaintiff continued to live in the same home and support his said wife, hoping that marital relations might again be established between them, but about two years ago, she notified him that he or she one must leave the home, and plaintiff being desirous of doing all that he could for her sold to her a home worth about One Thousand Dollars for Two Hundred and rifty Dollars, and surrendered to her the possession thereof, since which time, because of her request and failure to be a wife to him he has not gone about her or entered the home. --Fourth-- That he has been a resident of the State of North Carolina: all his life, and yet resides in said State. That the facts ‘T'S “Wospoysin ‘SA “TJ *§ ‘UosToysIN [l6l set forth herein have been known to him for more than two years next preceeding the filing of this Complaint. WHEREFORE, for the reasons above set forth, he prays the Court to grant unto him a divorce from the bonds of matri- mony, and if not absolute, then from bed and board, and for such other and further relief as may be just and right. orney for Plain S.L. Nicholson, plaintiff, being duly sworn says, that the facts set forth in the foregoing Complaint are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that said compleint is not made out of levity or by colusion between himself and his said wife, and not for the mere purpose of being freed and separated from each other, but in sincerity and in truth, for the causes mentioned in said Complaint; that the facts set forth in his said Complaint as grounds for divorce have existed to his knowledge for more than a year prior to the filing of this Complaint; that he has been a resident of the State for more than two years next preceeding the filing of said Complaint. sib ehhh. / . Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 25ty day of September ,1911. ‘TS “Wospoysiny "SA “T "§ WosToysiN _ \o —_ _ ‘T'S Uosfoysatny ‘SA “T "§ ‘wosoyoIyy [l6l North Carolina ; In the Superior Court. Iredell County S.L. Nicholson, vs S.1. Nicholson This cause coming on to be heard at this term of the Court, before His Honor G.S. Ferguson, Judge , and e@ Jury upon the record and the issues, and the jury having found the issues as follows; Did the plaintiff end the defendant intermarry as alleged in the Company? Yes. Did the defendant fail and refuse to bed and cohabit with the plaintiff and submit to his embraces as alleged in the Com- plaint? Yes. Did the defendant abandon the plaintiff as alleged in the Complaint? Yes. Has the plaintiff been a resident of the State of North Carolina for two years next preceding the bringing of this action? Yes. It is, therefore, considered and adjudged by the Court that the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and the defendant be disolved from bed and board, and the pleintiff be free and discharge from eny liability for support or otherwise towards the defendant S.I. Nicholson, and that upon the payment of the cost the plaintiff may go hence. Ld foarcgecpOe™ Judge Presiding7 /90 S.L. NICHOLSON vs S.I. NICHOLSON, tl as Fag me ae ct 4 a i ‘ Nicholson, S. L. vs. Nicholson, S. I. 1911 4 / or we s,s A oe ~bor E dog ff Dcl-/63, ode fantail | PrreelrnH lk pins Cor mnlY) Hes velo | | Pee CR AL Yf Hee a a “ ie wk phan fhe! VE5G7 Qe 2h oh Re iin te ee | OW Ohh kee Loe a Hirer fro he BS rae ¥ Mt yes b2e rh, ig tick denoting Vow Cm fant 4 Pla 277 eee Abe. elo ae tho 1 Covel Mex a ee ee — Quao” 12 tuen 14 Es a ore Thy foro ee AS 1 ee ey pg eS | hy Bhat - oe Bn Degrees ant ge Ort He ske gE Alte Lee eS ee Seiteed ae | hit Plarlzy okerel Lon ie, Dies 5 ly. oo < | ae guia oS Se ee | |} ee Cn pet oe Bow oe | ened eek 5 Se Rae ; ae van. «at, , one De ee a ¥ i a oe oat Or ~e- 1G SP Bek pie Ie Pie ee ws Pri x eet Ae we a a a a Pt oe Pia ranle ne deevree pow ffi Fon of eres Pe Aunck (Olek Coe wie Pre -5 Lge a Pi v | key Sag han Hn Ca Cat 40 OBo yor Mgt Lowe fe& Ong eke c < ) — et o | A occ Crk, thay fare SET = AL. Prive bréz. fro was Pl ek Be eee Cit. ae | Ne ee foe ean, Le Go Be ! Pu mtye rotg, aS Rik oe oar. be Plat fe Cr~plo—2- AnD Srazper for nl 7 ast tek Irate rt of aes or bets kk a ge Wm Fo Pe eae a—F Lyk as Peale tn O Ante Bad e | ae Janeth rity Tack Zi fo® | ie San Fey Gat eae) ee Br prot Lar rice ZS BD ere es .- ae SUMMONS FOR RELIEF—CIVIL CASES—Clerk—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, N. C. AGAINST SUMMONS FOR RELIEF F.M. Ostwalt ‘CW ‘A ‘Wyemysc SA “f BYYRY] IeMIsSC — \© N “ P.M. Ostwalt he the defendant___-above named if perior Court for the County of and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior, Court for said County, on or before the return date of this summons, and let fail to answer to the said complaint within twenty days from said return date, the plaintiff__.-will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this day of Yoeep ‘£aus0jyyy 8, yuutelg A a a Cee.) __ sellers to be void: shall pay the Defendant.._-----all such Pe ee ee being sworn says he is worth the sum of two hundred dollars We acknowledge ourselves bound unto vay cig Ma MR a 5 SUTRA on oo oe oa os ak ee ee acre Two Hundred 3 ° O os & 3 3 D < g — re . f Jo }AMOH Jowedng oy} JO yIaIQ 24} Jo soyJo Gn Re. day oh a A > __..-County fartha JLOstwalt in the sum of however, if the Plaintiff --------*--+--~----------------- -------ee goon n on ey} our sfep UTYIIM 9]qVUINye{y daITaa YOdA SNOWWNS ? may recover of the Plaintiff_._.--in this action. AGAINST Ostwalt Oi aoy ih a eS + cost as the Defendant TMI NT LSNIVOV Sworn to and subseribed before mie this.....day of..--5-.--22 (5-0. Witness our hands and seals over and above his debts, liabilities and property exempt from executions. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, the Defendant___- in this action uTYNIOTU4? Ostwalt, Martha J. vs. Ostwalt, F. M. 1927 ‘CW A ‘Wyemisco ‘SA “f BYR “WyEMISC bot \O N ™“ North Carolina, { In the Superior Court. Iredell County. |} Martha J. Ostwalt Vs. COMPLAIN T. F.M. Ostwalt The plaintiff ebove named, complaining of the Gefendant for cause of action, alleges and says: 14.That on or about the 18th. day of November,1@80, in the Couhty of Iredell, State of North Carolina, the plaintiff and defendant intermarried, md ever since said time have been and are now husband and wife. 2.That on or about the 18th. day of November,1925, the defendant seperated himself from the plaintiff, end failed to provide her with necessary subsistence, according to his means and conditions in life, and ever since said date has sc continued to seperate himself from the plaintiff, his wife, and fails to provide her with necessary subsistence, according to his means and conditions in life. (3.That during the time plaintiff and defendant lived together befove defendent seperated himself from plaintiff as above alleged, defendant at various times cursed and abused plaintiff y and after he seperated himseff from plaintiff, said defendant, in order to humiliate plaintiff and make it impossible for her to have adequate support for herself, advertised in the News Paper notifying the public not to allow plaintiff any credit. er 4.That the plaintiff is without adequate means of support, or funds, with which to employ counsel to prosecute this action for securing to hereself necessary support and subsistence from her said husband; that she is dependant on her said husband fo her support including a home for hereself,f@ood and clothimg, etc. WHEREFORE, $laintiff demands judgment against the defendant: r wa ‘CW ‘A ‘Wyenisco ‘SA "f BYR “yeMISC Lc6l 1.For an allowance for the necessary subsistence of herself, including counsel fees, pending the trial and final determination of this action. 2.For a permanent allowance for the subsisence of herself. 5.That such allowance as the Vourt may make be secured to her out of the estate or earnings of her said husbend as the Court may adjudge, and for such other and further relief as may be just and proper. GAt Bees vail Attorneys fo aint Martha J. Ostwalt, after being duly sworn, says: That she is the plaintiff in the above entitled action and has read the foregoing complaint, and that said complaint is true of her own knowledge, except as to those matters.and things therein stated upon information and belief, and as to those matters and things, she believes it to be true. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 12th. day of April,1927. Folie J,A.Harine Ostwalt, Martha J. vs. Ostwalt, F. M. 1927 ‘CW ‘A ‘yemisc “SA “f BYR “yeMjsC bent \© N ™“ North Carolina, § In the Superior Court, Iredell Gounty. 4 Martha J. Ostwait V8e NOTICE OF HEARING. P.M. Ostwalt NOTICE TO F.M. OSTWALT, DEFENDANT, IN THE ABOVS ENTITLED CAUSEs You will teke notice that the above ent&tled cause will be heard by His Honor,Michael Schenck, at Chambers, in the City of Concord, North Carolina, on Thursday, April 28th., 1927, at 11:00 O%clock, A.-M., at which time the pleintiff will ask for tne relief prayed for in the Complaint heretofore filed in this cause. This April 18the, 1927. Ostwalt, Martha J. vs. Ostwalt, F. M. 1927 ‘WCW ‘A ‘WYemisc ‘SA “f BYR] “Wyemjso — \© N “ North Carolina. In the Superior Court. Iredell County. Mrs. Martha J. Ostwalt § -vVs~ 4 JUDGMENT. F. M. Ostwalt This cause coming on to be heard upon the motion of the plaintiff for alimony pendente lite, and being heard, the court declines to grant any alimony at this time but contimues the motion until the November Term 1927 of this court; and it appearing to the court that the plaintiff is in possession of the defendant's land and that neither of said parties have been able to have said land cultivated; and it further appearing to the court that outa land should be cultivated or put in preparation for cultivation in order to raise funds for the support of the plaintiff and the defendant, if it be finally determined that the plaintiff is entitled to any support from the defendant; It is, therefore, considered, ordered and adjudged that R. C. Little be, and he is hereby, appointed receiver to take charge of and have the land of defendant cultivated and put in condition for cultivation for the year 1928, said receiver to have such crops planted and grown on said land as in his opinion can be most profitably grown thereon; It is further ordered and adjudged that the plaintiff and the defendant and their ehiteret snd their agents and representatives and all other persons be, and they are hereby, restrained and enjoined from interfering with said receiver. in the discharge of the duties imposed upon him by this order; It is further ordered and adjudged that the possession of said receiver is to extend only to the cleared land and such as is capable of cultivation, and in order to cultivate the same he and his agents are to have the possession and use of all stock, farming tools and implements be} onging to the defendant on said farm; It is further ordered that neither the receiver nor the plaintiff are to interfere with the defendant in the sale of the standing timber on said land by the defendant, and that the defendant be, and he is hereby, allowed to sell said timber for the best price obtainable in order to re=pay the sum borrowed with which to pay the allowance made the plaintiff by his Honor Michael Schenck, at the May Term of Court, and to pay the taxes due on said land and premises and the necessary personal expenses of the defendant, such as doctors bills, medicine bills, clothing > and other personal necessities, and if any remain that he pay a reasonable attorney fee to Grier & Grier, ay ony rurghis Roe pod Cece t, This cause is retained for further orders. er This the “aay of August, 1927. ‘CWA Wyeniso ‘SA “f Bye] WeMjs—C Le6I Ostwalt, Martha J. vs. Ostwalt, F. M. 1927 ‘CW ‘A ‘Wyemisc "SA “f BYE] “yemjsc— _ \© N M“s CIVIL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, ‘North Carolina. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA To the Sheriff of _ Gaston County—GREETING: Ottis Beam, Belmont, N.C, You ARE Heresy COMMANDED TO SUMMON 1, : hel . personally to appear before the Judge of Superior Court, at the pers, Core 42 oie e 4, £5 ‘our said county at the Court House in Statesville, North Carolina, on the--/tH» day of _..Pehruary,s. 192.8, then and there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of in’ a certain controversy before said Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein Martha Ji Ostwalt is Pintw@: and Vi Mit ew ew Se i ee ee ee ee eee eee eee eee eee | ee ee ee ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee Defendant y/ / Clerk Superior Court for Iredell County. ---- Martha. Ostwalt _ Plaintiff __ W ‘A ‘WeMso ‘SA “f BYU ‘yeEmIsC Lc6l “AnuATY. ROTM, LOLA ORK eae pape Ge, CIVIL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, North Carolina. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA To the Sheriff of _ Iredell County—GREETING: MorrowJS.J. Stewart) .H. Stewart yin C.A. Stew 0), -P, GuyW.k. Clarke}¢.D.) stwalt) (Troy Yiloan Dearipiobext Cruces rs._Bohert. Conlte s.{W.A. Travis) told SRN a, ARE Heresy COMMANDED TO ede Y iC... ClarkeL/H. N.Morr -M.Morrow)Sam>. ‘W‘d ‘Wemisc ‘SA “f BYR ‘WyeEMISC in a certain controversy before said Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein Martha J. Ostwalt is — \o N “I And this you shall in no wise omit, under the pénalty prescribed by law. WITNESS ____- J.4. Hartness ----EM__Ostwalt Defendant____ SUBPOENA--Civil, ‘CW A ‘yeMisc “SA rc eye] ‘yemIscC Le6I Term, 192-. | | acid J haw Aaah ck fucks 6S9 2S By BN \aruaur fd eer Lee By re ‘W ‘A ‘yeMiscC ‘SA 'f BYR “yeMIsC — \© N ~ OIVIL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, North Oarolina. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County—GREETING: Pola Stewart ,Hickory, N.C.-R.F.D.-Ne.s personally to appear before the Judge of Superior Court, at the next Court to be held for our said county at the 192__8., then and there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of__--+ Plea in a certain controversy before said Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein ‘W 7 qTemisc ‘SA “f BYR WyemIscC Le6l _..- Martha sI.__Yatwalt___ Plaintift__ VS, F.M. Ystwalt Pete de ee Term, 192_- food 6927 | ce SP4L5 ‘W ‘7 qemiscC SA “f BYR] JeMIscC pont \© N MN OIVIL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, North Carolina, STATE OF N CRT CAROLINA personally to appear before the Judge of Superior Court. at,the next Court to,be held for our said county at the : PS) Court House in Statesville, North Carolina, on the..7_-- day of 5 atogesthgaghtiy .., then and a there to testify: and the truth to say in behalf of ais cl Clerk Superior Court for Iredell County. ‘CW ‘4 ‘Wemisc “SA "f BYR] “YeMIsC — \© N M“ CIVIL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady ‘Printing Company, Statesville, North Carolina. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA To the Sheciff of __- Fre AVL County-GREETING: You ARE Heresy COMMANDED TO SUMMON fost. fof es ‘CW ‘A ‘Wemis—o ‘SA “f BYR] “WYeMjsC Leo! WITN f this the $ ‘SA ‘f BYR “WyeMIsC \O N “I ‘Wd ‘yemiso ‘SA “f BYU] IeMjs—C — \O N ~“ CIVIL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, North Carolina. STATE OF NORFH CAROLINA To the Sheriff of _ Iredell. ____ County—GREETING: You ARE Heresy COMMANDED TO SUMMON personally to appear before the Judge of Superior’ Court, at the next Court to be held for our said county at the 192_8_, then and Plaintiff.__._, and a cacunne nah iene. OSEWOLS 3a 7 Pee EET ES Defendant And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by law. Wirness _.J,.A.-Hariness Clerk of our said Court, at office in Statesville, N. C. lerk Sdperior Court for Iredell County. ‘Wd ‘Wemisc ‘SA “f BYR] “WyemjscC Lé6I Term, 192__ oe, fe et © 4A LO htt bo v 7, ol pee C-/GOS J fJh jae CObheternte HLA Ag by LBM. Ww (abeaer dod | Ftt1. fluc Fog ‘W “J ‘yemjscC ‘SA “f BYE “yeMmjsC — \O N “I North Carolina. In the Superior Court, Iredell County. January Term 1928. Martha J. Ostwalt -~vs~ JTUDGHMU ENT. F. M. Ostwalt This cause coming on to be heard, and being heard, before His Honor, James L. Webb, Judge presiding, and it appearing to the Court that the parties to this action have compromised all ttheir differences and have agreed that the following judgment be entered as a complete and final settlement between the parties growing out of the matters and things alleged in the complaint and of their marital relation; It is, therefore, considered and adjudged that the defendant shall, at his own expense and within a reasonable time from the entry of this judgment, re-cover the dwelling house and make such additional minor repairs thereto as may be necessary to preserve it. It is further considered and adjudged that Ss. 0. Lazenby and DL. Dawe ee 7 W,. Woorl aed ca be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to go upon the lands of the defendant lying and being a in Shiloh Township, Iredell County, North Carolina, and to allot by metes and bounds one-third (1/3) in value thereof, including the dwelling house, barn and outbuildings, to the whainease, Martha J. Ostwalt, and that the plaintiff shall hold and occupy said one-third of said land so allotted to her for and during the term of her natural life and that she shall enjoy the rents and profits therefrom free from interference on the part of the defendant, his agents a eaabienan: but she shall commit no waste during her occupancy of said premises and shall keep the same in reasoncbdle repair, usual wear and tear excepted, and shall have the privileges and be charged with ata the responsibilities in the use and occupation of said premises as a life tenant. It is further considered and adjudged that the plaintiff shall be and she is hereby declared to be the owner of the household and kitchen furniture, farming implements, live stock and cattle now on the farm belonging to the defendant. It is further considered andad judged that the défendant shell have the full possession and control, use and occupancy of all the remaining lands belonging to the defendant, free from any interference on the part of the plaintiff, her agents w " nj servants or employees, and that from and after the entry of this decree each of the parties shall be respohsible for and shall pay the taxes assessed against the land occupied by each; all taxes now due upon said lands shall be paid by defendant. It is further ordered and adjudged that each of the parties to this action shall pay the cost of their ow witnesses and that the court cost proper shall be divided equally between the plaintiff and the defendant, each paying one-half thereof, said cost to be taxed by the Clerk of the Court. It is further ordered, adjudged andddecreed that all orders heretofore made in this cause be and the same are hereby annulled and set aside, and that this judg- ment is to be and remain in full settlement and compromise of all differences existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, and shall be binding upon them, ‘W ‘A ‘YyeMiscC ‘SA "f BYR “yeMISC their heirs and assigns. And it further appearing to the Court Yhat the parties hereto have been jan \o N —“ living separate end apart from each other for more than two years; by agreement, it is considered, ordered and adjudged that each shall possess and enjoy their own separate property with the right to convey the same,without the consent of the other, and in the event it becomes necessary to mortgage, sell and dispose of any part of their respective real estate holdings each party hereto agrees to sign with each other such deeds or instruments necessary to complete the transaction. ge leet ~ fudge Presiding BY CONSENT: Lp Zz eT fLPL Aecoe 4 fofeeren, . / Attorneys for Plaintiff Si Be. a... 6. Attorneys for Defendant ‘CW ‘A ‘Wyemiso ‘SA “f BYR “YemIsC — \o N ~“ CIVIL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, North Osrolina. vr OF NORTH CAROLINA Court House in Statesville, North Carolina, on the...” ay of tier inane marae Ff Fh. Ad hi tose there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of .-....7 5.0 7) ~ . See in a certain controversy before said Court depending, and ion and there to be tried, wherein PQ Ly sof. tx ae ALG AED no wise omit, under the penalty preseribed by law. LE alan Clerk Superior Court for redell County. ‘W "J “yemjscC “SA “f BYURY “yemjsc—C Le6l me Ab amide. nf | Ry f of Baann 8 ae ‘CW ‘A ‘WeMiso ‘SA “f BYU] IeMjsC LI L” s. 6. LAZENBY COUNTY SURVEYOR _ STATESVILLE, N. C. Phone 334 R to pS 23> ae Bde dy a A Se we, C4 peee 5 lia ld Biol 3. STOO 20 pete & Ea eee darts. ean: Ces We 47 pot tte pe ok ’ MY. ith Frc L a) proba Te a Mike 1 UE W, [teal Te a. plewkl Vb EE 1¢ pote ta thie Ook on Fle Tonk Dn ee ed Ig pole ta oLenen Cow of Me 9p lanets 9, Taek Si pote t a thd to ee ee | pee es ea ete cee i=. a BSe a a 2 Sh Loe FA a ¢ tow a pe Sen i. ae ¥—/(928 ‘W "A ‘WeMisc ‘SA “f BYR] IeMISC — \o N ~“ ERLE A Aye SAN MT AD North Carolina. In the Superior Court, Iredell County- Mareh 9, 19238. Marthe J. Ostwalt “Vvs- REPORT OF COMMISSTON ERS + Fe M. Ostwalt Ye, the undersigned, Commissioners, heving been appointed by the Court in the above entitled action to go upon the lands of the defendant lying and being in Shiloh fownship, Iredell County, and to allot by metes and bounds one-third (1/3) in value thereof, inoluding the dwelling house, barn and outbuildings, to the olaintiff, Marthe yt. Ostwalt, to be held by her for and during the terms of FR LPO EN ie Oho ‘ ‘Wd “yemisc her natural life as in said judgment provided, beg leave to report: we went upon the lands af the defendant That in ovedience to said order» _ \©O N ™“s on March 8th, 1928, and after considering the value of said lands, BHA do hereby Ostwalt the following described tract of assign and allot to the said Martha J. land, by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at 4 pine knot, Clarks Gorner, and running Zouth 2 West take in Glark's line; thence North 85 west 64 poles to 4 stake in Martha J. Ostwalt's Line; thence North 2 Sast 20 poles to an jron stake, Martha J. Ostwalt's corner; thence North 8 West 47 poles to a stake on the branch; thence thence North 8 West 12 poles to a stake; up and with the branch 21 poles to a stake; on the road; thence North 8 thence North 67 wast 18 poles to & stake eat White Oak corner of the 19-2/8 acre tract; thence Jest with the road 18 poles to 4 stone, ence South down the pranch and with its poles to & etake on-.the branch; thence > a White Oak in Clark's line; thence South 85 wast 35 narcinnind nny} Sning za/A saginning, containing 33-3/4 aAcTese. ne above boundary ineludes the 4-3/4. aere tract, the two acre tract and and the eight acre tract cut off the nortnern end of the ’ sre tract. 2 attach hereto a nlat of snid lend signed by us, and have given the seid v a copy of this report, signed by sai . Me Ostwalt each gs reosectiu J Ss bi t ,OQG« 7. € oe 1 a) 1 a e ho VOommnLs: ee 4 2urv, yor Commissi ox Commissione ‘W J qeMiscC ‘SA “f BYE “yeMIsSC \© N “ North Carolina. In the Superior Court, Iredell County. March 9, 1928. Marthe J. Ostwalt “vs- REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS: F. M. Ostwalt We, the undersigned, Commissioners, having been appointed by the Court in the above entitled action to go upon the lands of the defendant lying and being in Shiloh Township, Iredell County, and to allot by metes and bounds one-third (1/3) in value thereof, including the dwelling house, barn and outbuildings, to the plaintiff, Martha J. Ostwalt, to be held by her for and during the terms of her natural life as in said judgment provided, beg leave to report: That in obedience to said order we wert upon the lands of the defendant on March 8th, 1928, and after considering the value of said lands, mmm do hereby assign and allot to the said Martha J. Ostwalt the following described tract of land, by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a pine knot, Chark*s corner, and running fouth 2 West 20 poles to a stake in Clark's line; thence North 85 West 64 poles to a stake in Martha J. Ostwalt's line; thence North 2 Bast 20 poles to an iron stake, Martha J. Ostwalt's corner; thence North 85 West 47 poles to a stake on the branch; thence up &nd with the branch 21 poles to a stake; thence North 8 West 12 poles to a stake; thence North 67 Hast 18 poles to a stake at White Oak on the road; thence North 8 West with the road 18 poles to a stone, corner of the 19-2/8 acre tract; thence Kast 51 poles to a stake on the branch; thence South down the branch and with its meanderings 72 poles to a White Oak in Clark's line; thence South 85 East 35 poles to the beginning, containing 33-3/4 acres. The above boundary includes the 4-3/4 acre tract, the two acre tract and the 19-3/8 acre tract » and the eight acre tract cut off the northern end of the B. M. Ostwalt 50 acre tract. We attach hereto a plat of said land signed by us, and have given the said Martha J. Ostwalt and the said F. M. Ostwalt each a copy of this report, signed by us, all of which is repsectfully submitted. S 2. Pe SE Ae Commissi@her & Surveyor ‘WC ‘A ‘Wemis—c ‘SA “f BYR “yeMIsC _ \O N MN North Carolina. In the Superior Court, Iredell County. July Term 1928. Martha J. Ostwalt F. M. Ostwalt This cause coming on to be heard at this term of the Court His Honor, John M. Oglesby, Judge presiding, and being heard, upon the tofore appointed in this case, and it appearing to-wit, S. 0. Lazenby, T. N. Woodsides Cli in obedience to the judgment heretofore entered in this ca enter f the defendant and after pine knot, Clark's irk's line; thence Nort eee ; North 85 on ¢t 12 no exceptions or objecti qi therefore, considered, adjudged and decreed that the said report Uti respects confirmed, and the said 8. O- Lazenby, woodside by orderet id land < ( ailonc the na @&5,0NE vic cultiveted wise mark and establish voundary of seid lands assi Ostwelt. presiding ‘W ‘J “Weaisc “SA “f BYR] “WyemjscC Ko, 3 yM (9 ue Le6I ‘W q “‘yemjsC “SA “f BYR] “yemjscC rs \© N ~“ at eh nee aR AREA ASI NORTH CAROLINA) ‘. ney In the Superior Court. IREDELL COUNTY) Martha Je Ostwalt ) ~VvVs- ) F. M. Ostwalt, Defendant) Martha J+ Ostwalt, being duly sworn, says: That she is the wife of the defendant in the above That she agreed to accept one-third of the lands of the defendant in value, not including the valuation of the home and outbuildings, but which third in value of the lands of the defendant to be allotted to me would include the home place and lands adjoining the home place, being so laid off that the buildings would be included on the lands allotted me, but the buildings were no sf de included in the valuation. That this is all I agreed to and in consequence thereof, by some misapprehension or inadverptanceon the part of my counsél at that time, the judgment was entered so as to in- clude the buildings in the value, which was contrary to the agree- ment I made, That lands allotted to me by the commissioners, Lazenby, Woodside and Guy, do not have but seven acres of till- able lands thereon, and the barn, as allotted to me by said com-~ missioners, was not and is not on the lands of the defendant at all, but has always been upon the lands belonging to me in my own right, which lands I inherited. The residence has not been repaired according to agreements; only part of this was done. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this the A diay of May 1929. ai jag! d 5 / JM y Puvttc My commission expires hh 2A, l&thc ‘W ‘A Wyenisco Le6l ‘SA “f BYLRYY WeMis—C OIVEL SUBPOENA—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Oompany, Statesville, North Oarolina. ! - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA personally to appear before the Judge of Superior Court, at the next Court to be held for our said county at the Court House in Statesville, North Carolina, on 6 there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of erein "ee before said Court dependi Ms Plaintiff...-, and under the penalty prescribed by law. Clerk of our said Court, at office in Statesville, N. C. “y acd Os ee Defendant-S_ -SUBPOENA- - Civil, ‘W “J qeMIsC ‘SA “f BYE “yeMjsC Le6I ‘CW ‘A ‘Wyenisco "SA “f BYE] “WyemjscC Le6I North Carolina Superior C ourt Iredell County November Term, 1929 Martha J. Ostwalt VSe eet F.M.Ostwalt Ze V. Long and John @. Lewis each maketh oath, that the two firms of Long and Glover, and Lewis and Lewis, represented the plaintiff in the ens case against F.u.Ostwalt, ind that ‘sua same was compromised by the attorneys representing each party to the action and before the same w@&s hahah to judgment it was submitted oy v to their client Martha 3.0stw At \and her friends, which was approved py her and the affiants eae ized in good faith to accept the terms of compromise and end the litigation, thereupon the judgment was drawn emboding in full the agreement entered into, which judgment was signed by the presiding judge with the consent of the attorneys of record, all of which will fully appear in the judgment of record. Ong rl foes I I pon i Ler Subscribed and sworn to before me, -this the day November, 1929 ‘W “q ‘yemisC “SA “ff BYRPy “WeSC — \© N ~“ NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SU) BRIOR COURT, IREDELL COUNTY. NOVEMBER TERM, 1929. ‘Mes. Marthe J. Ostwalt, VBe AFPIDAVI?. F. Me. Ostwalt. Martha J. Ostwalt, being duly sworn says: That she did not see the order or judgment, or near either one read, in the above entitled action before the said judgment or last order was entered, and did not ynow anything of the ‘WCW ‘A ‘yemiso co tents thereof, and of which she now complains, for several ‘SA “f BYU] “WeMIs—C months thereafter. 3 oth Le6I Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 15th day of Nov., 1929. NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, IREDELL COUNTY. NOVEMBER TERM, 1929. Mrs, Martha J. Ostwalt, V8. JUDGMENT. F. M. Ostwalt. Te above matter coming on to be heard before the undersigned Judge on motion of the plaintiff to set aside the judgment heretofore rendered, the motion having been filed of record within apt time, or in: less than one year endition of the judgment, and the matter having ‘WA ‘yemiso from the r been heard upon the record and affidavits: The Court denies the motion of the plaintiff, on — \© N | the ground that the Court rules that it is without power to interfere with the judgment which appears to be a con- sent judgment heretofore entered adjusting the rights of the parties, without the consent of all parties interested. Judge Presiding. To the above ruling the plaintiff excepts and appeals to the Supreme Court. Appeal bond fixed at bb Te record shall be the original judgment, the report of the commissioners and the order confirming same, the recnd of the ares sf the TK filed, and this judgment, AA Ld nt a oo ee ee ae Judge. Ostwalt, Martha J. vs. Ostwalt, F. M. 1927 ‘CW ‘A ‘Wyemisco ‘SA “f BYR] WyeMIsC — \© N | NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. IREDELL COUNTY. Martha G. Ostwalt, Plaintiff, -VvSs- APT 7 P AY Fe F. N. Ostwalt, Defendant. W. C. Ostwalt being duly sworn says: That he is the son of the plaintiff and defendant in the above action; that he was present in the office of Long & Glover, attorneys for the plaintiff when she agreed that she would accept a third of the yahdstofnthe defendant in value, not including in the valuation the home and out- buildings, but which third in value of the lands of the de- fendant to be allotted to her would include the residence and outbuildings thereon, but not to be taken into consid- eration in the value as aforesaid. That that is all his mother agreed to and in consequence thereof by some misappre- hension or inadvertence on the part of her counsel the judgment was entered so as to include the buildings in the value which was contrary to the agreement of the plaintiff. That the lands as allotted the plaintiff by the Commissioners, aes: Woodside and Guy, do not have but seven acres of tfllable land thereon and the barn as allotted her by said commissioners was not and is not on the lands of the defendant at all, but has always been upon the lands be- longing to the pleintiff in her own right which lands she in- herited. That the allottment is therefore not even in accord- ance with the judgment as drawn and that the judgment as drawn, is contrary to the agreement entered into by the plaintiff, the mother of this affiant. Sworn and subscribed to before me on this the 25th day of May 1929. ¢ > ‘ yy 0 0a otary blic My commission expires May 3, 1951. ‘W ‘A “YBMIsO Le6I SA “f BYR] WyeMIsC North Carolina Superior © ourt Iredell County November Term, 1929 Martha J. Ostwalt ) ) VSe ) ) ) FeM-Ostwalt Ze Ve Long and sntvaed) each maketh oath, that the two firms of Long and Glover, aks Lewis and Lewis, represented the plaintiff in the above case Ggainst F.M.Ostwalt, and that the same was compromised by the attorneys representing each party to the action and before the same was reduced to judgment it was submitted to their client Martha J,Ostwalt and her friends, which was approved by her and the affiants were authorised in good faith to accept the terms of compromise and end the litigation, thereupon the judgment was drawn emboding in full the agreement entered into, which judgment was signed by the presiding judge with the consent of the attorneys of record, all of which will fully appear in the judgment of record. Z LC D. iin subscringe zap sworn to before me, this the Gay of November, 1929 nian Onur - Ostwalt, Martha J. vs. Ostwalt, F. M. 1927 ‘CW ‘A ‘Wyemisco ‘SA “f BYR] eMISC ee © Ns} ~~ NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. IREDELL COUNTY. Marthe J. Ostwalt, Plaintiff, ) -Vs- AFFIDAVIT F. M. Ostwalt, Defendant. Jane Ostwalt (single) being duly sworn says: That she resides at the Emory Apartments, Charlotte, N. C.; that she was present with her mother at the time her mother agreed for Mr. Zeb Long, as the attorney of her mother to agree for an order to be entered in the above entitled action to appoint commissioners to allot one third in value of the lands of the defendant, not including the valuation of the home and outbuildings, which one third in value of the lands of the defendant to be allotted. to the plaintiff would include the home place and the lands adjoining the home place and buildings thereon, being so laid off that the buildings would be included on the said lands allotted to the plaintiff, that the value of the buildings were not to be taken into consideration, but the plaintiff was to get one third of the lands in value excluding any valuation of the said buildings as aforesaid in an adjust- ment of the differences between the plaintiff and defendant. That the agreement included the requirement of the defendant to put in good repair the buildings upon the one third of the lands to be allotted to the plaintiff as aforesaid. Se NN Se a + Sworn and subscribed to before me on this the 14th day of November 1929. Ro en C My commission expires May 5, 1951. ‘W ‘A ‘Wyemisc ‘SA “f BYR, WeMIsSC LOI NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, IREDELL COUNTY. NOVEMBER TERM, 1929. Mrs. Martha J. Ostwalt, V8. AFFIDAVIT. ) ¥. M. Ostwalt. Martha J. Ostwalt, being duly sworn says: That she did not see the order or judgment, or hear either one read, in the above entitled action before the said judgment or last order was entered, and did not know anything of the contents thereof, and of which she now complains, for several months thereafter. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 15th day of Nov., 1929. ha a oo Bee. 1 \WZo.- ) ) ) ) ) ) )