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Divorce Records 1855-1913 Caldwell-Cowan
OFFICE COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING HENRY CLYDE PRIVETTE ATTORNEY AT LAW HH Di a peat North Oarolina) Af?fiad avit . Forsyth COunty) Mi. Caldwell being duly sworn that he is unable =» ” oy ter a Lim the. surities required by law to enable h to 1 u nA 7 337 7 YD . th 1 Qa prosecute the above suit, against the de a - . + 17 aw, - 1e C fendant, and therefore prays that he he allowed to sue as ndant, an¢ 2 s the 2 7 day of Hag, 1917. ‘SAW “TPMPTRD ° i a. < co e E a. 2 L161 ei ri ® > > os ro a iS 8 re q 6 Ar Caldwell, M. vs. Caldwell, Armanda 1917 Caldwell, M. vs. Caldwell, Armanda 1917 QO 2. e = @ ey E a. = LI6l "SA “WC ‘TIMPeD SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, N. 0. County—In the Superior Court. cs ‘P21. Lobe the defendant__ above named, if_<@Aébe found within your County, our § ior, Conrt, at a Court to be held for the County of_. ela ap the same being tha ¥ of | . q-~ + e ” 4 which*will be deposited ‘it.th he Clerk ‘ofthe 9 thrée days bf said Term and lef said Defendént____také noti complaint within that time, the plaintiff plaint. to be and appear before the Judge of ~-, and answer the complaint, a copy of rior Court for said County, within the first ce if they fail to answer to the said will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com- ’ Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due retur ° t Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this_ Peay et... Yih. to —-.101-7. | C : Ay jsuby ; FOR RELIEF. Returnable to_._¢_______.<__ Term, 191__-- of the Superior Court of ““-"""="OFUN PUNOG S2AjOSINO SBpejMouyoe 9A VNVIONVO HLYON AO ALVLS “-"""==3O WINS OY} UT “WOTSV sty} UL ~-~~jUBpUezecT oNy TERR en oronn mtenenenonece rT | ‘suorjynoexe wory ydurexe Ajsodoad pue sarzIyIqel] ‘s}qep sty aAoqe pue 12A0 “101}08 BIY} UT --~-~~YVUTe]g oy} JO 49A0001 ABU ~-~---ZuBpuezeg oy} Be 4800 ToTe gL rrr errs re rcenensssss= Jo ABP ""-"—"- "Sty OU SLOFEq Peqiiosqus pus 07 U1OMg ‘panog sorsodng oy} U7 ee RO a a eee aN ee Aep-~---~--stq] ‘s[ves paw SpuBy INO ssouyr AA ~ yons |[@ ~~--~~juspuezegq oy) Aed [eys-~-"-"“"- 90" o-oo n nn rm een inne nan =-9-"“ aes 9%} J ‘zeaemoy ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ! ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; & S R a = ° “ = 5 “< Zz = @® ~ 2 om S eS = — = ® na = = = ° = =— = ° = a 3 —¥ Qs > = “PIoOA aq 0} EE a oe ON eae ag ate tay Phaintiff’s Attorney. Caldwell, M. vs. Caldwell, Armanda 1917 " o5 7 7 f ; Caldwell hein J & duly sworn I0ve entitled action Iredel] unty., +) a@ Caldwell not t thetein can that ‘ 1erer + ‘SA “WC ‘TMPleD OQ P. & = e ; 5 a. 3) It. appearin Armanda Ca As cede % im LI6l tLe were ve Statesville, N. Godage 8229 gy ——Gase_M XCalawel) ve Armond Caldwe) 1 N ACCOUNT WITH VILLE SENTINE INC. PUBLISHED CIRCULATES AMONG : BEST PEOPLE or THIS AND ADJOINING COUNTIE. ESTABLISHED 1892 s ADVERTISING RATES ARE REASONABLE. iT WILL BRING YOU RETURNS "SA “W ‘TTOMplea QO =. a 6 : 5. © Li6l Caldwell, M. vs. Caldwell, Armanda 1917 "SA “WC ‘TPMPTeED epuelIy “TJEMpleD Li6l lease Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally "SAW TIP“PIRO epuewry ‘TompleD Li6l lease Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally \ lease Note: Document(s) a oS S ° 3 a @ 5 cs = os ® S a Caldwell, M. vs. Caldwell, Armanda 1917 asked for in said cause. * This the ist day of June, J. A. HARTNESS, —AeM-I-4 Clerk of Superior Court "SA “CW ]]SMpyey epurlulsy ‘{[aMpyeo LI6I lease Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally North Carolina AFPVIDAT =? . Iredell County. I, W. Bs Crowsn, d o hereby certify that I am the editor of the Statesville Sentinel, a news paper published in Statesville trede1l County North Caroline, and that the the attached notice hereto in. the case of M. Caldwell vs, Armande. Caldwell was published in said papet,foncé a:weekcesi forsfour saccessive weeks, beginning with tune 4th. 1917. ° eo es Subscribed and sworn to before me this the /S aay of Wag > eke & -}. Grates. Dep't. c. S. C. SAW ‘TIOMPTeD 2 ee. a = &. : 5 a. & LI6l "SA "W ‘TOMpeD QO -. & = o 3 5 o. > LI6l North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County. October term 1917. M. Caldwell vs. COMPLAINT. Amanda Caldweél The Plaintiff in the above entitled action complains of the defendant and alleges for his cause of action; 2.28 Ge? ‘That the Plaintiff in this action is now ahd has been a resident of the state of North Carolina for more than two years next preceding the beginning of this action. SECOND. That about the year 1879 this complainant was married to Amanda Caldwell the defendandt in this action, and that the said bonds of matrimony are still existing. 7 wa es That the said M. Caldwell and Amanda Caldwell have lived separate and apart for the past Ten successive years next preceding the filing the complaint in this action. Wherefore, the Blaintiff demands that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the Plaintiff and Wd Defendant be dissolved, and for such other and futher relief Counsel for th¢ Plaintirr J as may be just and proper. ‘SA “WC ‘TP D ° a Qa. z iS 3 a. a Li6l ayn: M. Caldwell, being duly sworn, deposes and Says that the facts set forth in the above complaint ar true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that said Complaint is not made out of levity or by collusion between himself and his wife; and not for the mere purpose of being freed and separated from each other, but in Sincerety and truth, for the causes mentioned in the complaint; that the facts set forht in his complaint as grounds for divorce have existed to his knowledge for more than Bix months prior to the filing of his Complaint, and that he has been a resident of the State for more than two years mext “preceding the filin of said Complaint. hl Be iiey: this the 14th. day of September 1917. S46 navn Dep't. C. S. Cc. Subsoribed and sworn to before me Oe ee ee ro . Ie ge Seep IRN MUENRRCANI IS CATION NIETO MRM PNM PRINT HBR RTI A TP peter faye a ‘SAW ‘T2MPIEO QO -. & = ¢. 5 S. & Li6l ‘SAW ‘TOMpTeD OQ . Qa. 6. ; a. © LI6l North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County Cctober term 1917, M. Caldwell vx ISSUES armanda Caldwell First Has M. Caldwell been a resident of the state of Nothth Cerolina for two years next preceding the beginning of this action? ame; On Second Were M. Caldwell and Armanda Caldwell married as alledged in the Complaint? Answer; are” Third Have the Said M. Caldwell and Armanda Caldwell lived separate and apart for ten successive yeers next preceding the beginning of this action? Answer; ‘SA “W ‘TIP“PIRD a i Qa. < o e E a. & LI6l North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County October term 1917, M. Caldwell vs. SUDGHRBAT. Amanda Caldwell This cause coming on to he heard at the October term of the Superior Gourt of Iredell County before His Honor, E. B. Cline, Judge Premiding, and a Jury, and the Jury having answeréd the issues submitted to them as follows; FURS FT Has M. Caldwell been a resident of the state of North €arolina for two years next preceding the beginning of this action? Answer; Yes. SECOND alleged in the Complaint? Answer; Yes. t.2:2 29 Have the said M. C aldwell and Amanda Caldwell lived separate and apart for ten successive years next preceding the beginning of this action. Answer; Yes, FOURTH Has the Blaintiff resided in this State for the past twelve years continuously? Answer: Yes. Wherefore, it is ordered ajudged and decreed by the Court that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the Plaintiff and ~efendant in this action be and the same are hereby dissolved, and the Plaintiff is hereby granted an avsolute divorwe from the Yefendant. It is further ordered by the court that the Plaintiff be charged with the cost of this action, as may be taxed by the Clerk of this Gourt,. ye: Vow y) ‘ — CLI Cre "SA “WCW TPMPTRD epueuy Temple LI61 North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County October term 1917. M. Caldwell vs. JUDGMENT. Amanda Caldwell This cause coming on to he heard at the October term of the unex ioe Tours of Iredell County before His Honor, E. B. Cline, Judge Premiding, and a Jury, and the Jury having answerdd the issues submitted to them as follows; Fi2 2 Ft Has M. Caldwell been a resident of the state of North €arolina for two years next preceding the beginning of this action? Answer; Yes. SECOND Were M. Caldwell and Amanda Caldwett marriea“ase™ alleged in the Complaint? Answer; Yes. ras. RD Have the said M. C aidwell and Amanda Caldwell lived separate and apart for ten successive years next preceding the beginning of this action. Answer; Yes. POURTH Has the Blaintiff resided in this State for the past twelve years continuously? Answer: Yes. Wherefore, it is ordered ajudged and decreed by the Court that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the Plaintiff and Yefendant in this action be and the same are hereby dissolved, and the Plaintiff is hereby granted an absolute divorve from the Yefendant. It is further ordered by the court that the Plaintiff be charged with the cost of this action, as may be taxed by the Clerk of this Gourt. oe J y ‘ eas a __ Judge Pre@iding! at Ae haa a Ac diecemiaNLMi ali aA g 5 ‘oO oo as 2 a B< “ 816! SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 3-15- 13-1M. Li hethl County--In the Superior Court. 7 AGAINST ‘SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. County—GREE TING: the defendant ... above named, if hha. be found within your County, to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of... A A-t_£ »...at the Court House i eke . Me. on the He. Monday after the [A. Monday of 7, ee Sg the same being the Ja day of 1918, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the oul of the Superior Court for said County, within the first three days of said Term, and let said Defendant .take notice if ik seas fail%o answer to the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return, Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this VL. day of Reanrmhk. 191.§—. JALAL... Clerk of Superior Court Kanwke County. uowrry ‘[jaqdwe> "SA SIAN] Toqdures 8161 ALR S349 Uy Nace: Remi ite Na atk tn Nl Ale it hc tae — ¥ " ™y -_ a R tt 7 Ie SSPE: 70} atqeuim daITZa YO SNOWNWAS ¢ ; r Te Jouladng ay} 161 jo Aep- st} 9Ul a40J9q paquiosqns pur 0} TIOMS “SUO1{NIax9 WI0I1y Jdmtaxa Aj19d01d pue sarziiqer ‘syqap SIY 9A0qge pur 13dA0 SIe[[Op paipuny OM} jo uns °4) 410M st aq shes noms Sutaq (jeg) (jeag) (jeg) . . A 7 4 161 ‘q'y jo hep hy S[B9S pue spuvy ino ssanzy Seka yy YUU I 24} Jo raA00a1. Avur JUBPUIJaq 31} se¥ ys00 yons |e iepurjeaq ayy Aedyypeys~ ate roy oluwtl a, on? Pifenehoht ‘PIOA aq 03 ‘s1e[[oq “SS JO wushoq) Ot “dorjoe siq} ul JWBpuajaq ay} “0jUN punog saajasino a3pa|Mouyoe ay LSNIVOV (‘Ajunos Tee eat | ‘VNITOUVOD HLYON 4O aLY¥LS Merb lane Cora ahaha Leki Csi ce hacer Lic Me, (olin. cea lear tecl€ Actfeec Guts Mawtuctln terete Gert fescer bial tn fox geet LYEE AES ie. athearncetiet “ett Lecrr sees Cortera tus beet hey Lwect Lagutticr fer tent | Lar ¢ alta yor pect terier ate Leen Coen | pagan fer tuted pw fre igi 422 45 Daa siete: Munro aaa, (lponcee 4 énkae picffe, 212 Jen Leer: ae Meee <em, al Vle—luck 7 de a fcc Loo 0 bcers aller Pare Ce 4 de2e1 pw <, LX herd Mb few Afiar ed fever Zee! lec te lasacectl Leet bei 42d oS = ce or ft x C Lear CL Lo ite cee 4 Chg ae rzert « “of GUE fe Clvee, MV! at fb Eom hears of her 2 o-nllndltod ga, Maia Zepoetec€ O lene Leta i Lu~ # pes 1, bceet peAener | Moat = ferel Af Cort Leet oe fice i hare Corr yeotenl | hey Bia aga ZO Leet Livtt1<, trhiewe JA S122 ec oO “7 ees wt ACSA Lelie. ton: atepenct G Vp wer peclettereee Me Let ~ Left ied brvecz<. ask beceel © A treet Leey De2tlece Cotherns — Mee Cee ect J cr, Gebienx« she bend Clea Ciutop- R= won vu frele Cmcezn lap witil op ims MELE SEY et Za~7 A Ae : BS : po eh ane gape tan A A, ama. ete | \2 411k , Cewek Les eae reer her ee a) & | Vhaaiiuile ope Coy bauteecer. | Lier feel Ceerece flees Yaoi teteezet blew oe Lei, Creek bewhe te hefieralect prove feerer @22H0 (P2te7e Pitan dba lame ZZ conte) ALY, Glee : 26 few to Cesrrecllok ecoullles had Z anf ble bie — M127 then ee” ar f47 leer LL . dete ae a ee Die gm he Cnoitetclet ak Ludlia x siecle FC: aerHeree ea aa 724-74 rues aa ge Ay Geel: Drege C i ge Qetn1w» Anccw lect Lect Sete pre £ ite Al Hae , Ltn, Cnmdicl | Greer uctitunee pores I “Cceet Lecect DB tsccdian 4 sit dea Mi poe mi lacs Like eugitnee “er Lathe O24 EE ay Jé2z27rkK‘ (Cem \Z 7 yy / Ctt2tC grr sees Lee oe a , tere ZC , DW e101 ger fotiteemnee / 2 [i Carer puree bi, A Ae tere~— on Rae yore fldn Loved Le FROOEO CCT CTE: GG ZLeyv . aeleCleeere ZI 4am tee Lez2222ee Oc. PL, es ee | | : / Fg : / y j 4 / he af SPrprgivetee ) | Le thin Hn SFL Get fete teu f “~ 17a ' i “i q %. he Ziey ae Pg | Eiawaiiah ic... ce free fret (see ace, pfeccer J Lug <eLeee ae OD a iivieea a | Cate ol thea: Secpicer er COTE OR Eft ee Cerne, g vba Chen Ce OE ih ca as a Letaiis atl eah a. tuck fen LF C&— (722 ee ST ee pote ie Eases ( ie Paden LOL ae) tn 20 healer bam Jeg Mons. teutitiad eB 4 ' ail Atte Liew whence € Kerrytlites<4 27 JZzat (of Ceara “ee ig Lilie hceen (eae Vi aed Mare Liew snap ian Zeb of, a2 ee Z42fC <A cea lert zlenw L Pg Lt pulls ae g a \ ( oo 22d AA22zct1 CerCpe sap enne hte a "Lt - i Di amet Azzy Le2 far. PFZEA* ) Z 240 Meaney An hedhe ail. les Aa f “getes 221¢22 Ceesece€C_~ a fe Zant 7. PCG R Aer alate él Hee ZA2z inne e224, Cécce1e! lace ee Be cece Ss te City taut Chi~tlgeh Zo lces farce OS. 4 on ap a eX doeeretie) CV 2-37-Z2E226- ceoe ( HK L22¢7 Pe ee Melon ri Oa fot North Carolina In the Superior Court fredell County May Term 1900 Lewis Carlton, plaintiff. Complaint. ¥s Lillie Carlton,defendant. The plaintiff complains of the defendant and says; First---That he and the defendant intermarried some five or six years ago and lived together as man and wife until the time hereinafter to be mentioned. That there are no children living, the offspring of said marriage. Second---That in the month of July 1898, the defendant without any cause separated herself from the plaintiff, lived and still lives apart from him and refuses to be a wife to him. That while he and the defendant lived together as man and wife he provided for her wants and did all in his power to make her comfortable. Third---That plaintiff is now, and has been & resident of this State all his life and the facts set forth in this complaint have existed to his knowledge for more than twelve months prior to the issuing of the summons in this action. Wherefore plaintiff demands judgment; Pirst--- That the bonds of matrimony now existing betweon the defen- dant and himself be dissolved, that he be discharged from any and all li- ability by reason of the marriage aforeseid. Second--- For cost of action to be taxed by the Clerk of the Court and for such other and further releif as may be just and right ld, 6, Lae 6000 40h ee erceoeua ©ceeev0eeeeee 820+ O28 68 Atty For Plaintiff. : $ ' North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County May Term 1900 Lewis Carlton, plaintiff. Affidavit. Vs Lillie Carlton,defendant. Lewis Carlton, plaintiff in this action being duly sworn says, that the facts set forth in the foregoing complaint are true of his’ own knowledge except those matters and things stated upon information and beleif, and these he beleives to be true.That sai complaint is not made out of levity or by collusion between himself and the defendant and not for the mere purpose of being freed from each other, but in sincerity and truth for the causes set forth in the com laint; that the facts set forth in said com= plaint as greunds for divorce have existed to his knowledge for more than @ year prior to the filing of this complaint, that he has been a resident of this State all his life for more than two years next preceeding the institution of this action. AY ) ‘ode Sworn to and subscribed before me Mai MK oe ; cvs ELE sco. This ~A/ Day of May 1900 eocoeoeoe qgyescowooaeeceeoe 66080 eeeeeeaeeeeae scan tiainaiil Sey 2} Bee te 3 pattnstat on fiw Die pan = Ar~a~ 7 2 + gp Be te A eS Ls Oesedks Mi | is ee we Gtr of NS fet Wie Se AK Ant fn! ns a ee lain ec ee ow A re tf nae. | tie fee ac. LG Bia ge alig~ < ie Nain G9. se SUMMONS FOR REIAEF.—Judge.—Printed and for Sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. PeLeee County.--In the Sierter Court. Mee oe 3-29-’011M IEA uosre> ‘SA BYOLILYy ‘uosieZa 9061 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. To the Sheriff of... &/ Wou are Hereby Commanded to Summon a a the Defendant above named, if .... Lh... be pete 1 Cony to be and appear before y Court, at a cape held for the County of oe ; the Court House iD, ---jff Monday after the ifs or Monday a Ete Oo sing the .. 2. : LoS cra answer the complaint, a copy of abs will be deposited in the office of the Te of the Superior Court for said County, within the first three days of said Term, and let said Defendunt_..... take notice if _. ce fail to answer to the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. il J th : he di e return 7 J Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this C Of me el < Clerk of Superior Court ITAA ‘Wosie5 ‘SA BYaLIe] ‘Uoses> 9061 ‘Ayuno0; ’ " PdATaIay 0} I[qQuuinjay guys es Z Ef JO JANOD s0LE8dng ay} jo LSNIVOV "iy & WZ “ADUIONY syQureyg JHITHY UOd SNOWWAS ‘Ayunos a ve " f fo hop 814} au ao fag pagisasqns pup 0} uLomg ‘suonnoaxa mods ydwaxa Ajsadoad pun sarjipqny ‘syqap Sty anogD pun 4ano SaDjjop paspuny om} Jo wns ay} Yyz40M $1 ay shvs usoms Burag dg ("ypag) (“7mag) ("7a$) 061A ‘¥ fo fivp S14) ‘S]Das puv SpuDy ano ssauzi4y "uoljaD Sty) ul Sinead oy} fo sano0aa Row quo ~puafaq] ay} sD 7809 Yans PD junpuafeag ay) And zpoys ium ay) fi ‘4anamoy "pion aq 07 ‘samyog JO UNS Ay) UI ‘uONaD S1y) Ul yuDpuafog ay) ojun punog sanjasano aliparmouyan @ jun punog san} LSNIVOV \ ‘ALNNOI "74n0) so1dadng ayy uz ! ‘“NITONVD HLYON 4O SL¥LS TEA, “WosreD ‘SA BYOLIBY] UosIeD 9061 Aid. eat He feng ap aulerrageced Chic ii< Z oy As Hizabigaed ted Zisclagen ve Jp LAL hen a leigeend b fee ee fe f ri Acco fy ; 1 i ae aay ser hey LAr i Zp > 327 Fray ae Gt Lette a. Li Hondacel on ard & Bhecwte, ) Ahi acid Hale 2 a ee. Ye; tale Ctcd oft Peon Aer acd Enticlhuted Dd ta lHaey te Aap oy oF << A> oY Jef feert~ —_ al RATT LS I eR ARC a RET 2 eee, RRR ER mamma j / acd Wthiek “ecd “el Cire be f say ge A bp Locace het ST a> Whe 'aeed Fiat hoy ae 4 J e WF. Ln: tek Zin Let hicd Le , deorche Checdev (het cred os. ; , Z fp Fe Cay plaiit~ Frac Aa gael y x amr i bis ~~ Te , ® yi i ? Cy A ° 11 VBA | Km ‘ Cetera, Coe . | / bees b ee hele. ing on Cfa« 9 tte Vaucd Hel Dye foe. a acd Cn filer Paul — fan Geen | $ ~~ 4s lS) a lide ceul - OK Gfe Hale of AME (Cepia | Ware mak dee AfLit ae 2edf- tee te J fh, Q et ten fra Kellan b ot this, (O22 4 e 2. eine - C Mf atula A: Ante vu TEA wosrea ‘SA BOLI] ‘Uosie> 9061 WhO h Zz hutete,,- be 2 VY TEA Uosre> ‘SA BYOLIRY] Uosies> 9061 e he Le a i C1 p Apr, Agy > —., af > Ve VV “7 4 J vi ( ig 2 2? re epe ue ‘SA BOLLE ‘uosre) 9061 Ke dih&r J t ¢ < | CAL luce (o<, Cfdectig eile ae ae : : Le ye? | foe fer CDeeth tet 2. Di ! 4 C. Wate Ke 7 et £ LE Aw wa, Shik ‘£ a AVANTE Ey, ITA, ‘Wosre> ‘SA BYOB] ‘uosIe ~ ; ITA, ‘Wosze> ‘SA BHOLEWy ‘uosre7) North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Iredell County, July Term, 1906, 9061 Marietta Carson, vs TUDGCARE ET. Will Carson, This cause coming on before His Honor, Ferguson, Judge, at this term of the Superior Court of Iredell County, and the plaintiff having taken a voluntary non-suit, It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that the plaintiff pay the costs of action, to be taxed by ee ee 4d; ED Judge Presiding. Bill of Costs,—Civil.—Pricted and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. ITA “Uosre> SA BYaLIe] ‘UosIe; Original Summons, or other original process, including all names therein...... Every copy of same 9061 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County. Continuance Poe Caveat to a Will, entering and docketing Issuing Commission Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided Judgment final in term time Judgment final before Clerk Judgment in favor of Widow’s Year’s PCG si poccee cass: cites esse Docketing same Indexing Judgment.. Filing Papers Postage, actual Transcript of Judgment. Execution ang Sheriff's Return || Appeal to Supreme Court, including Certificate and Seal....... .. || Transcript to Supreme Court............copy sheets, each County Tax, when Jury impaneled || Referee’s Allowance || Sheriff... Zs. WF Mac ricdeciacacanebccen te WN CO iia secu, “ sereerees appr eee seenepyereeceesesseneeses Ja 14 a oY. “ CIVIL DOCKET. BILL OF COSTS—CIVIL. (As fixed by the Code.) Nevept saccade oe rs are 4 Carson, Marietta vs. Carson, Will 1906 sanenreenatenntn naanaatansettieiaee re | } ; | | j a Tx, SR MOL Ze, Ket ree cht ra b—*~ es K-45 fac ihe fin. Be plan 9p | LAr : ac = t-. pede GnccAeren bs Te Kf Chen. a > by —— A cy * ae ' | : ¥ Ze cc AG t ey aL po 4 op Peel, S ia ed nat... ey i WETTTIM ‘4yseO *SA WETTTTM *YyseD “SA qoreziey ‘yseo en fe iS 7 , 3 | KPA, Gio Cae. e Chea. Boor his, VfPe-ee te hak Ka. hic Fae, PLA SHA, | | KS Bin Ptewit< a, Ef lo _ Cig Pans Se VE Lg : uP 2 se SES a jhe a foo “ee hon 2Sj; 2. (lated coe Ath! ee. hee) B an / ; ti. Ang ) ik K, fet Dito ad bp Nie ws ' } C Cinema. OL Deere dt. a Ba : | | wi ie | ; ple Me: aw em Le Bs cia TAL So ar (ff £2 oe a Oe | ntl Va 2 <L Fed ox a | ee he ae ta a i sg iain ohug... ee, Ole. ee vf Cash, Margaret. vs. Cash, William ‘4 o. Jie f Sf 7 _ en ee jf ' , we lL? i <— ; er ; rel onan fr ZeftT— [tt A£L. A@Gsn< fete <-f Lt ro Ue ° t / ‘ . f At. — oa Se oe ‘ cf, Zev out. clleg aCeesec Ch Paw tum Feet a p \ ¥ ria “7 > wt IK A f2447 OF EO i241 Lit«..-f., 9 oh SS Pe {A ial —_o Ns Lia enol dss A Manes yg ALA GK *SA WETTTTM ‘yseD oo ce. Pia si Se ao eu Hire So ee See Leino he. ok Ee, S - Z ae ae FERRI wg >< Sree Z th , aes Fait eater Re 7 / L ea Gb A ee: S Ee . pee ee Tre “tae je. cf So os 2e Life Leak B-~Ca KL Aeon | he, 7 ae : Wa Afi hea L : | te Be fe eh > Mea Ht z, | tye Seed Bake. CLM AC Goecuele | K pr 2. BZ Acta he pore hal | : aGfr~ BAe. e+ Ca eK, ) feck tendon, tw B end fort fot Camp A BLM tnd cn ork & Gy ezace ce Bre lta : : ; fa WETITTTM ‘yseD "SA qozeBiey ‘ysed ‘ pcridbezerin| WETTTIM “YyseD “SA qouesiey ‘yseD es A em ee Cash, vs. William I TF — fe | Zée Y ; ¢ "My dd ~~ / C pirhibitiiter, 0 | ¢ Ye Chciey Cfrteecag OY ee hen ct ¥ Cfed the Ofei Cieeg? (le c LA ¥ Zo Cotto cece (pit cifon | YEO Gah EOlltd filnecety fcr... Cfecoe Geo Colceo* Mitid big ths a flea ns gs @f & Oates fe ZEF2, Zea7 to Mac cag Ate tgac? Bact 4 Y CALELL th, O Ble. cua Get te aXe AS ae. G bal? Z * Y-b Moeiny QO Ota cl CD cee o~ | Ob cg..0 Mead fla, GPA _Eeratttir whe Lz 4. Clb th 2 Chi Me Mata ai Yoo. ay Aifpocects MB Piaesaiiee AB Kate . Qt televet Of P tals. Yfbct2op¢ ct Laflicaty..fe tha tae, LE Aa Ale CCC eee C6 Fltlew Aecct lf Cybarr CHic &- ic Chere agg & Co CA6 ct fpa Pat | ect fo fe Gere foul Hoe Btn. PE EEE OPENED ERI: erm ag. —— a V7 G0 git Cece S206 Cp CYL0EL siete L8 I Ce of Bo aS eee * vf o ¢ Sins: oe 4 foe 7 the LZ a& efoto. 4 , Gee S if ; 7, , D 7 . , On ete Mf CA <-. io oe a ClaciE. LLe@é7Il LA4 BPP = 4 ] ‘ ae ADL 4 A e2e eve Y= + Ct he JZ CCLee es 4 ¥ A Bou ZB LAOZL2 _- | WETTTTM ‘yseD "SA ‘ a MY — ee yl sce we Ce We — en . > os coy gat? : Hie ee. baad: (hale: Cniy re by Cho Lace {JNA hpi’ LOCA” rca bwca Gt Gg Cae Lhag ho, Ger. iL, Cat. H) MOA ye eV Lah bigs Cecofew "A a fidlictak) OA “ttle Blttt0C eee ch LAD V a ee bi biach, y Aes (eer. - C7 6? wee ZO A? Cancel aed ee: ae cha ag (pln cin | Bho vee a eb y Gea 0 Chg Go Ceeewerz Zeeee2ttte | fice 4 40 ise leg CS LEA Ate aw eso ae ee Ae ive. ae Ceti fu “<O A Ghec oO by the Cerne (ics Geert FN" Pape (Me 7 lf Clo sane ey bh CLL ys tly S- # a - Z. Msn tA C, 7 a | ad Cz C4 Oba Lt CE Zt ae Z Ged I Her pb, 0 @& et Gy Oa thi uly Za | fe v4 Chi C4 bs. a Cid 27 wt thee age et ae r20 Back’ ie ace ie Sheree’ A AC & Coy A OL Fan Cece 175 Z eo<et a WETTITM ‘yseo "SA ‘qouesiey fy GHA: @ i Co LEMLE tgp ig So LEE Ma 7 i Loe S° Ge eas fa Czci? Oe L baci fxe a Zo G7 Cth CHE fi! Hig pe ee a FEG ke Like Food Z- f | CL Lae ee Pc: os Vo bot thk. hin Bicone a Bs Gees. ft ae 4~ £4 VW Welertlyy, WZ, or 4 - 71 leone Med Ape LA. Giggs LZ. hidcrat~ be 2a Prete’ of res ee V4 Atle PI - Cuctg ® dal ate higflard er "ae am. Pho Pa. t bbe stellt, at Ae bois L382 SEER La, Phuv gr ae LIA CLL a, jd lay. Blof ceut ~~. fret “LTE 4 Juang acd 2th - Fin yoy CA tL 04 c thle A) Ln e7- bof Oa a. Ge Af f- Begining ee A Stith t Ve Wha Lbcl.. ie A ipoiaee: Pe Aas a eg Padid- Ly Px fis DP ea iS ras Lote L214 C4t eu Aree pg B/ “Qadct IG Dihy VA, we Vek. a SA 44 ts ewe 2 b- "Vh-wt /- ye Qy, VE A Sant Pa CL) Arr 2h, pI! pra ff- vu Df Bb a tlihe Vitec L Any th Gy! Pr cal $Ptheos Zp aho begenirg Orn tering SLY, Motu. Broo or ele Op poke a oy Jedjieel uly Ue eee Ves Feo. Loy fo ELE. , Tear deg 07 Baw. pr LO WA. Carried pete I I) tr, : g Yj ee q DP C&O Lath Le fe. ; ae (Cro1 ade ose é ay Ut r.cachs J Mn Jee Ga Z : 7 ; Jt cart /, Aa (Zp tote’ / /C4 - Lf BRE 4 } r Cf eet. OLish i te ti. at 4 oe ticiiesrce cine taemene cere ee MT cere aarere Nefort-of- i Cru IID Ow t Ma Fe Left badth. WETTTTM ‘yseo "SA qeaeBiey ‘ yseg *y epueuy ‘sse9 "Please Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally ‘sse9 Te pra, Fn Bar en HOR Ac... fate ike Knot. Io Ped Cems re Te Clic Mia Wnalel Me. her bh aicd We CaP La,: haw wren Great ange Dhow Spe fa Lave’ £50 PRD Prasat, faarettear Hae, Wak how dace, few Konan fora Gr lve ifltr. LER oo Ahacoss. 42K Oe Lz OAR Ooe~c anc Atmore ane tv Lis AADAC IO t-PA, Aen Doin hei: deri Mae hin, ae vay ohana Ane BRT hn BR Jree MS, ome Bo Koo S, hers AX 6 arp Ted the KAR has aePerrn —.- AM Lh ttngn ARs Dee ARS TH Gai: Lé; ‘i ae ae Baomen hag Kaen Ss Ae “SA “ad epuewy ‘ssep ‘d TeTHxezg ham Cha cae Mite ett ce GE Xs pes z tii Ay haere haccpee bit tenn, (he bets Leagece Zocor fa Are nape a st 7 : fhas Feberevreé— — Mn % WT A . . < Cute afte Hae A flta LEE h- Pirie crrece. ¢ ei a ee anor ‘ee “=. 1 Mosncitie 6 _ ~¥ Sy A Ao a Sd pia ‘ 28 ae In nin os op ERE GEE 2G ae to Mw Stent Wintec Pre 1B te age i Mm Cone tle gract Aor a eee = a "ad Tetyezg ‘sseg “SA *yY epueuy ‘sseo os | ya 9 -2 Flee: Ph helorveny Bh. Chow AM firth ‘ | iter Canoe LR meee frsrifior of Cony 5 ae ae fo ae fre Se 6161 ‘dA pel ‘sIoquieyy ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘sroquiey) SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C 3-15- 13-1M. Sccheee. County--JIn the Superior Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. the defendant ...above named, if fue be found within your County, to be and appea: before the Judge of at the Court House in rior Court, at a Court to be held for the County ey , CHL on the. ll eee Monday the same being the 2 day of i" 19147, and answer the complaint, a copy of of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within the first three which will be deposited in the office « take notice if..2&....4eey fail to answer to the said ;complaint days of said Term, and let said Dgfendant will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. of ..Monday of within that time, the plaintiff Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due ‘return Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this .néh, d- 191 f= LE. AL oe (Lar Clerk of Sup¢rjor Court Pon Cheech County. A A4tAn~ . £A-C . eal, dn. 264 Pcsgnnas Oi ee, 6161 “d Peay ‘sioquiey "SA “=D Aon] ‘sioquiey3 “03 F1QeUINJay PE e Sguatrelg 4 ghn- eS Com E S] g E sel “ - apteyy: 7 ry jo Aep- Stq} PUI S40J9q paquosqns pur 0} TIOMS ‘SUOI}NIIXS WO ydutlaxa Aj1adoid PUL santiqer ‘syqap sty 2A0ge pur I3A0 S4e[[0P parpuny Om} jo uns ay} yqI0M St 24 SA¥s aIOMS Suaq (1e9g) (1eag) (1eag) 161 ‘q-y’ jo Aep S14} ‘sjeas pue spuey ino SSO0}I My “HONE S14} BE png aq3 JO 19A0001 Aevum JUEPUIJaq 311} se yso0 yons | [e wepusjaqd ay} Aed |jeys Fae 243 jt ‘asamoy ‘PIOA aq 0} ‘sie[jog oon JO WINS 943 OF ‘none siq} a Wepurjag 34} “OJUN punog saajasino a3pa[mouyor ay LSNIVOV (‘Ayunod ‘NOD souadng ay) uy ‘¥NITONYOD HLYON 4O AUL¥LS Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 2M—5—,04, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, J pel ‘siaquieyy ‘SA “2 Aon’y ‘sioqureyy RK a, 7° ‘ a , 3 v 6161 fy to appear the Court House vo a Boe SNe Ria a ee Se Bo as Monday in 0 506 ee Monday = next, then and there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of... Plawa Fe Bea ie Se tet Defendent...... : ‘ . Wiitnes Clerk Superior Dy. for, Plaintiff _..... Defendant ..... a “ sear ag te Att an la AEE ON ee 5, sy — ~ a ae Rei i ee ee ‘ s ‘ ve ¢ Ws {we te ct OK % Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 ‘d Pedy ‘sroquiey "SA “2D Aon] ‘sroqurey North Carolina, ) Superior Court, Iredell County. August Term, 1915, Luey 0. Reser ~-vs- } COMPLAINT & AFFIDAVIT, ) Fred H. Chambers, The plaintiff maketh oath, complains and alleges: ~First- Thet the plaintiff married the defendant on the 25th day of August, 1903, in Winsor, Bertie County, North Carolina, and Since that time has lived in Statesville, with the defendant until their seperation hereafter alleged; that no children were born by this union, Second- That the defendant, while they livea together as man and wife, by cruel and barbarous treatment endangered her life; and offered such indignities to her person as to render her condition intolerable and life burdensome, without just or reasonable cause; and on or about the 7th day of June ,1914, maliciously turned her out of doors, which will fully appear as hereinafter alleged. ~Third- That on Sunday morning of June 7, 1914, the plain-~ tiff arose and while the defendant continued to slumber in bed, she went to the kitchen, kindlea & fire in the stove and prepared breakfast for the family, and while cooking the meal, she had an occasion to go to the room where the defen-~ dant was in bed, and as she closed the door, she did so harder than she intended, which annoyed and angered the defendant; he immediately got out of the bed in his night clothes ana overtook her in the dining room, with his fist drawn on her and said, "You nasty whoring biteh, if you slam my door like — : t. ‘A Pady ‘staquieyD "SA ‘2 Aonry ‘sioquieyy 6161 thet again I will kill you". ‘She said, "I am no whore and you know it", He said, "What are you doing hanging around here, nobody wants you here, you have done nothing, but whore all around here ever since you have been here”. She said, "That is a lie and you know it - I have been true to you". He continued to curse and abuse her, using other vile epithets, shook and rubed his fist in her face. The plaintiff called for help and the defendant said "Nobody has anything to do with it". That while he was cursing and abusing her, his son Irvin, by his first wife, a minor years of age, slipped up behind and struck her on the back of the head, this angered her and she said, "You hit me and I will scald you". Fred, (the defendant) said, "You are a liar”, and took the boy's part. The defendant told her to leave his house, that no- a body wanted her there. He said if she went for an officer, that he would kill her. That knowing that he had heretofore struck her, threatened and abused her and fearing that he would execute his threat and feeling that her life was in dan- ger, she left his home on said date, to-wit, Jume 7, 1914. That his conduct was without cause or provécation on her part, aS alleged aforesaid, but was the culmination of years of hatred and malice toward the plaintiff. ~Fourth- That soon after their marriage, the defendant manifested dissatisfaction with their union, and often gave expression of anger towards her; that she endeavored to do the honorable part of a wife toward her husband and from her marriage to the time of her separation above set forth, sre cooked, washed, ironed and performed other domestic duties in their home, and provided clothing and food for his children and in all respects was a true and faithful wife. d pel ‘sioquiey5 "SA ‘2 Aon] 6161 ‘sroquiey) -Fifthe That about two years after their marriage, while in their home, she made a friendly remark about one of their neighbors, which she did for his amusement, when he became Suddenly angry and said she "did not do anything but allow negroes to come here and bring you all kind of lies", and got up out of his chair and drew it on her end threatened to kill her; that the remark she made did not reflect on him, and gave him no cause for his words spoken or act performed. That about two years before she was driven from his home, as alleged above, there arose a dispute between them, when he becane angry and mad, and called her a hussey and a strumpet and slaped her violently in the face with his hand; that she bore his insults, endured his cruel and barbarous treatment, and indignities offered her person, as set forth in this paragraph and continued to live with him, performing her usual domestic duties and observing their marital rela- tions, with the hope of reconciliation, which proved futile, and in the meantime his hatred and malice toward her grew stronger, which was manifested by his acts and words, violent epithets and threats to kill her, finally culminating in driv- ing her from his home as alleged aforesaid. -Sixth- That at the time of her marriage she was forty years of age, and was teaching in the colored Episcopal School, St. Austin, at Raleigh, N. C., and receiving a salary of $160.00 a year and all expenses; that prior thereto she lived in the home of Hon. Patrick H. Winston, as a house girl for twenty-five years; that she has always borne a good character and respected by both white and black people: That by the acts and denduct of the defendant, as alleged, she is forced in her 01d age to work for her own lively-hood, as a allies 6161 ‘d Pedy ‘soqurey> ‘SA *D Aon] ‘sioqurey5 domestic servant, without a home or shelter of her own. That She has no means wherewith to sustain herself, except the fruit of her own daily labor, not has she sufficient means whereon to subsist during the prosecution of this suit, and to defray the necessary and proper expenses thereof, -Seventh- That the defendant is the owner of a house and lot on Tradd Street in City of Statesville, worth $1,000.00 or more; that he owns a seven room house near colored Graded School, worth $1,200. or more;that he owns a 3 room house known-as the Mim Chambers house, worth $500.00; he owns a S room house next to Frank Chambers worth $700. or more; he owns the Turner Smith place in Rabbit Town near City of Statesville of the value of $600.00 or more; that he owns other real and personal property in the city, building and loan stock of the probable value of $2,000.00; that his in- come from all his property, and his daily earning will aggregate about $1,000.00 per year. -Eighth- That she is a resident of Statesville, Ne. C. and has resided in North Carolina for more than two years prior to bringing this action, WHEREFORE, she asks for judgment against the de- Wis fendant: For alimony pendente lite, for divorce from bed ani board, and alimony and for such other and further relief as She may be entitled to. pdb Att. Atty. Tor Plaintit?. 6161 "A Pedy ‘siaqurey5 ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘soqureyy Lucy °. Chambers being duly sworn, deposes and Says: That the facts set forth in the foregoing complaint are true to the best of her lmowledge and belief, and that the said complaint is not made out of levity or by collusion between her and her husband, nor for the mere purpose of being freed and separated from each other, but in Sincerity and truth for the causes mentioned in the complaint; and that the facts set forth in her complaint, as ground for divorce from bed and board, have existed to her knowledge at least six months prior to the filing of her complaint, and that she has been a resident of North Carolina for two years next preced- ing the filing of her complaint. Subscribed and sworn to before this 3/7 day of July, 1915. df Pet ‘sioqurey5 ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘sioquieys 6161 pen dae: eae @ | C7. Partack veh fle fu Leow ty Le A tet gcd ot a a “ 4 (914 Fea froact Fa flan 7 qe 4 eee Cnty C. Center alle, pgp. ots brent L chew Jeera cles Grcectecbiy. — Lary teh Ch we Ant frrrfar. he Gee Ja Fh, Cores = Ae bow, We ee ine wey) on] ‘sioquieyy “A Pax ‘si0q ‘SA “DK 6161 Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F. 1919 ‘d pal ‘sisquieyo "SA ‘2 Aon’y ‘sioqureysy 6161 North Carolina,) In the Superior Court, Iredell County.) August Term, 1915. Iuoy C. Shenberer) ee 19 NOTICE. ) Fred GK Chambers. To ‘the defendant in the above entitled agtions | You: are hereby notified tint’ th pleintiff in «the above entitled action will move before the Judge now holding the Colt of Iredell County eat the present term of said Court on Friday, August 13th, 1915, for alimony pendente lite to defray the necessary and proper expenses of her suit and for the plaintiff's subsistence during its pendency, as provided by Revisal of 1905, Section 1566. This the 7th day of August, 1915. lucy C. Chamberg. BY. LD Gaccuo Attorney. ‘A pery “sioquieyy "SA ‘2 Aon’y ‘sioquiey —_ ‘© — © yD ‘sioqurey5 6161 d Pedy ‘siaqui "SA “Dd Aon Atak LURE ani. had Orkin lich, im the Pepto deguny sod ih Died: 4 n'y ‘sioqureys) "SA ‘cd Ad 6161 "J pal ‘sioquieyD ee se ee ad 5 2 q SA ‘2 Aon] ‘sIoquieys 6161 d Pel ‘sioquiey5 SA ‘> Aon] ‘sIoquieys 6161 “ad Pedy ‘sioquiey5 Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 d per ‘sioqurey5 "SA ‘2D Aon] ‘sroqureyy) ° Civil Subpoens.— a and for sale by Brady, The Printer, ae Cc. Te pe arses * \ Hoe a _ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, * ES County--GREETING: Wow are beredy yee to Lo" fee hes GP: oS Bons ms si ac Hot Cs -at the neXt ie be held for our said county at personally to appear belore the Pe of Sul the Court House in Z-D, A then and there to t&stify and the frut ‘e say in behalf of ..y Clerk of our said Court, at office in Monday after the Clerk Superior » O- ay wthinkerpeccsass este a: . : ‘A pe ‘siaquiey ‘SA ‘2 Aom’y ‘sioquieyy 6161 Term, 106. * | fuctboctae- = 19 145— bb 4 UWURTAWS Mee 6161 “od Pedy ‘sioqurey5 ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘siaqurey) North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County October Term, 1916 * Lucy Chanbers, plaintirg. = Ben ae JUDGMEN? ‘ Fred Chambers, Defendant. This cause comin on for trial at thig term of the Court, the plaintirr not being in Court, was called to come forward and prosecute her cause, or said case would be dismissed, she having failed to do go after being Called: | Court that the Plaintiff's cause of action be dismissed, and the de- fendant recover his cost to be taxed by the Clerk of the Gourt. Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F. 1919 Lucy Chambers -vs~ Fred Chambers JUDGMENT. Kbk Ib P2776 ‘d Peay ‘sioquieys ‘SA “2D Aon] 616! ‘sioqureys PROMO EKENEE State of North To the Sheriff re I YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to summon the defendant____above named, i. found within your County, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the ~~ 7) Superior Court for the County of Pr. , on the. 2S day of. ta ey, 191. take notice that <5 ----Will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint, Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return, a Given under my hand and seal of said Court, thins dns sty of UL Tm pues LTTema qunygo °A pepreae eq 7844 yons q 04 ATnI4 Bpueztep sre “ty .suUutesr PTOA J8ATSSINO 93 peTMouxoR ey UT 4uU Qa FFTIUTCTA 044 Tt *pted o 204 w peqqoput f @ m2 @ °o G y e Fee) =} fo") a 9 3 a @ e jos @ ct ss oe UT SZuTstze ums 6T6T 499 Aojr PUG 0d 04 eSTmreyz0 4 Yous Te fed TTseys 4 STU} JO voT4TpuoO or C Peipuny siomy To £ontT FUBpPUSTEp e174 o4Umn U4 Wey4 esto gst BW SB S4sg00 ST puo SIBTTO TI™ wut urewoez PUTq ST e 4 Plaintiff’s Attorney. Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F : 1919 6161 d Pedy ‘siaquiey> ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘sroqurey5) North Carolina Superior Court Iredell County November 6th 1919 re. Chambers, Plaintiff, Vs Complaint. Lucy W. Chambers, defendant. The plaintirr complains and says; First ° That he and the defendant, Lucy W. Chambers, %@arried some time about the year 190} and livea together as man ana wife until about 1916 when the defendant left the plaintifi without cause Second. That at the time of the marriage aforesaid and ever since, the Plaintiff was and has been desirous of having children born to him and his saia wifes that ne was @04 puysiculsy abuse vO veges tlarex and financially able to Maintain and Support them, but because of the impotency of his Said wife, no children have been born to them.That before the defendant Separated herself from the plaintifr anaf for years he hoped and expected ofispring Third. Plaigtifr has been a resident and citizen of the County of Ire- dell and State of liorth Varolina ali his life. Wherefore he prays; sOlved. that he be declared tree from any and all liability ana responsibility by reason of the marriage aforesaid and for the cost or the action ana Such other and further releit as may be just ana Tight. -* Cals. ceey Counsel for plaintirr. And for a further or second cause ot action the plaintiff says: First. that he and the d-tendant married as stated and alleged in the first paragraph of the first Cause Of action and lived together &as husband and wite as alleged in said paragraph 6161 “d Peay ‘sioquiey5 ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘siaqureys Second. That on ar about the year 191y the defendant, without cause therefor being given her by the plaintif:, Separated herself from the plaintir?r refused to live with him or to recognize him &@s her husband ana has removed to another State. Third. That while living with the Plaintiff, her treatment o+ the plain tiftwas gruel harsh; the ing@ignities ana Teproaches infligtea upon him were such as to render his condition intolerable ana unbarable and unburdensome; that his children by a former mar= riage were called bastards and not permitted to remain at home Said childgen having been born in lawful wedlock, Wherefore plaintir? Pays judgment ; that a decree be entered by the Court divorcing plaintiry and defendant from bed ana board; that he be permitted to deal and be dealt with as if entirely free from the Plain- tifz; releif as may be just and right. for divorce have ®xistedg Prior to the filing filing Of the -Omplaint, 6161 “A poly ‘sIoquieyy "SA “2D Aon] ‘sioquiey)) North Carolina Superior Court Irdell County November 6th 1919 F.¥.Chambers $ Vs Aftivavit. Lucy W. Chambers. F.#. Chambers being duly sworn says; that the aetendant, Luey.w. Chambers is a necessary party to the above entitled action, the same being for the Purpose of 2 divorce; that she is a non res- ident of: the vounty and State and cannot after due diligence _ befound within the County and State; that Service of Summons cannot be had upon her, the Sherifr haveing returned said Sum- mons " Defendant not to be found in this County and State" Wheretore plaintiff? prays that the Court decree that service be made upon her by publication, in some newSpaper pub lished in Iredjell Lounty according to law. Sworn to and Subscribed betore me this the 6th day ot Nom- ember 1919 4 aad Uf Clerk of the/Court. In the above entitled action it appearing to the Court that the plaintiff? has & g00d cause of action against the defendant that she cannot after due diligence be found in the County or State as appears from th return ot the Sheriff; and it appear- ing that she is a necessary party to’ said action and that ser- Vice cannot be had against and upon her, It is ordered and uecreead that service upon the defendant be had by publication ir some newspaper published in the County Setting forth the style or the action » the purpose thereof and that the detendant is required tO appear at» the office of the Clerk of the Court On the 25th day ot November 1919 and answer or demur to the Complai..t, this day filed » or the re* leif prayed will be granted. ) 2} LA Marhytit~ Clerk of the Court.— TERRE LRT NTN SHR P. F. Cahmbers Vs Lucy W. Chambers Affidavit. Caldwell & Yaldwell Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 "d Pary ‘sioqureys ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘siaqurey) j a Cee North Carolina, J Superior Court, Iredell County. November 6th. 1919, F. F. Chambers, Plaintiff , -V3- ' MOTION 0 Lucy W. Chambers, Defendant 7 . hd T0 THE HONORABLE J. A, HARTNESS, 0. 8. Gs; The mpterpigned respectfully shows the Court: i FIRST; That ‘the “defendant in the above entitled action is at this time living in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., and is at this time unable to come to Statesville; thet it will be necessary for the undersigned to confer with Said defendant before he will be Amended Complaint filed in this action; for able to draft an answer to the that it will be necessary for the defendant to come to Statesville trial of this action which comes up at the August Term 1920, WHEREFORE, the undersigned respectfully asks the Court that the defendant be granted until the } dey of August, 1920, in Which to file the answer*in this cause. This the 30th day of 1920. This cause coming on for hearing in the above entitled motion, amd being heard: It is ordered and adjudged that the defendant be allowed until the b day of August, 1920, in which to file her answer to the Amended Complaint, This June 30th. 1920. oe Chambers, ae ; MOTION, 3 +e, ©. & = Filed on the a day of e 1920, Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 ‘d Pag ‘sioqurey ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘sioqurey>) North Carolina, ( Superior Court, Iredell County. November 6th, 1919, F. F, Chambers, Pleintire f -VS- lucy W. Chambers, Defendant 0 The Defendant answering the Plaintiff's Complaint, @lleges and says: FIRST: That the first paragraph of the Plaintiff's com- plaint is true and is not denied, SECOND: That the second peregraph of the complaint is denied, THIRD: That the third paragraph of the complaint is admitted, FOURTH; That the first peregraph in the Plaintiff's fur- ther or second cause of action, is admitted, PIPTEH: That the second paregraph in the Plaintiff's fur- ther or second cause of action, is denied, SIXTH: That the thira paragraph in the Plaintiff's further or’ second cause of action, is denied, And further answering the Plaintiff's complaint, this defendant alleges and says: That the truth is that on or bout the7th day of June, 1914, the plaintiff by cruel and barbarous treatment endangered the life of this defendant, threatening to kill her and drove her from his home; that almost from the time of their marriage the pleintirr manifested dissatisfaction with their union, giving expressions of anger toward her, notwithstanding which, this defendant endeavored to do the honorable part of a wife toward her husband, and from the date of her marriage to the time of her separ- ation, she cooked, weshed, ironed and performed other domestic duties in their home, and provided clothing and food for his children by a prior wife, and wes in all respects to the very best of her ability, a true and faithful wife, That by the acts and conduct of the plaintiff as heretofore ‘alleged; this defendant wes forced in her old age : calle ssiiiiiiieaiil 6161 ‘d Ped ‘sioquiey5 ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘sroqurey to work for her own livlihood as a domestic Servant; thet she hes no home of her Own, nO means wherewith to Sustain herself except from her daily labor; that She has not Sufficient means wherewith to prosecute, to defray the necessary and proper expense of this suit, That the plaintiff is the Owner of valuable real estate in the Gity of Statesville worth from $5000.00 tx $10,000.00; that as this defendant ig informed ana believes, he is the dimes of an automobile and considerable valuable personal property ®ggregating in value possibly $3000.00 to $5000.00; that his income will approximate annually from ¥1500.00 to $2000.00. WHEREFORE, this defendant prays thet she 8° hence with- out day; that the court refuse the plaintiff a divorce as prayed for in his complaint; that she be granted alimony pendente lite; a divorce from bed and board, ana alimony, and for such other and further relief as she may be entitled to. htt tad Attorneys Tor Defendant. North Carolina, | Iredell County. § We Ae Bristol, being duly Sworn, says that he is af counsel for the defendant, Lucy W. Chambers ang makes affidavit in her behalf for the reason thet she is now living end working in Philadelphia, Pa., and is unable to come here and verify her answer in this case; that this affiant hes read the foregoing answer and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to those matters stated on information and belief, and gs to those matters, he believes it to be true. Subscribed apd sworn to before me, this the U4. of » 1920, ¥. F. Chambers va, lucy W. , Chambers, ANSWER, = Filed 26th day of dan, 1920. me athe ©. 2 ir to} r ihe ihe hae OE Bt ae OLWO ats v5 e at alae np Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 “d Pedy ‘soquieyp ‘SA ‘2D Aon] ‘sroqurey) NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, IREDELL COUNTY, PF, F, CHAMBERS, vs his Honor, Judge and Jury at the above term of court and the jury having rendered a verdict set out in the record the defendant through her counsel moves that the verdict be set aside, which motion is granted, It is, therefore, considered ordered and ajudged that the veredict be and the same ig hereby set aside and a@ new trial grant ed, Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 ‘d Pedy ‘sioqurey5 "SA "2D Aon] ‘sroquiey) North Carolina, Superior Court, Iredell County. November 6th 1919, F. F. Chambers, plaintiff. -Vs~ Iucy W. Chambers, defendant. The Court having granted permission to plaintiff to amend his complaint, he now alleges: That,as he is informed and believes on or about the day of 1919, defendant committed adultery with a party to plaintiff unknown and at another time and place, permitted herself to be embraced by a person other than this plaintif?. a WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays that the bonds of matrimony > existing between himself and his wife be digolved and for auch other and further relief as may be just and right. (2 Counsel Vv plaintiff. #. F. Chambers being duly sworn says that the foregoing complaint is true of his owm knowledge except as to matters and things stated therein upon information and belief and as to those he believes it to be true. That Said amended complaint is not made out of levity of be collusion between plaintiff and defendant, his wife not for the mere purpose of being freed and seperated from each other but insincerity and truth for the cause set forth in the complaint; that the facts set forth in the amended complaint as grounds for divorce have existed to his knowledge for more than six months prior to the filing of the 4 ‘d Pedy ‘sIoqureys ‘sroquieyy) "SA “2D Aon] 6161 complaint and that he has been a resident of the State for more than two years next preceeding the filing of the complaint. Sworn to and aubscribed before me this November 6th, 1919. Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 od Ped ‘siaqurey5 ‘SA “2D AON] ‘siaquiey>) North Carolina, , Superior Court, Iredell County. November 6th 1919, F. F. Chambers, Plaintiff, -Vs- ANSWER TO AMENDED COMPLAINT Lucy W. Chambers, Defendant, The defendant answering the plaintiff's amendea Complaint in this action, alleges and says; FIRST; That the allegetions contained in the first peragraph of the Plaintiff's Amended Complaint are @bsolutely untrue and are denied, ) Purther answering the plaintiff's Amended Complaint, the defendant alleges and says: FIRST: Theat the plaintiff and the defendant were married on the 25th day of August, 1903, in Winsor, Bertie County, North Carolina, and size that time until on or about the th day of June, 1914, they lived together in the City of Statesville, nN. C., as man and wife. SECOND: That the plaintiff, while they lived together as man end wife, by cruel ana barbarous treatment endangered the life of this defendant ana offered such indignities to her person as to render her condition intolerable and her life burdensome, with just or reasonable cause; and on or about the 7th day of June, 1914, maliciously turned this defendant out of doors which will fully appear as hereinafter alleged. THIRD: That on Sunday Morning, June 7th 1914, the defendant ®rose and while the pleintif?, her husband, continued to slumber in bed she went to the kitchen, kindled a fire_in the stove and prepared breakfast for the family, and while cooking the meal she had &n occasion to go to the room where the plaintiff was in bed, and as she closed the door she did so harder and with more force than She intended, which annoyed and angered the defendant; he immediately got out of the bed @l- in his night clothes and overtook her in the dining room, with his fist d per ‘sioquieyy "SA ‘2 Aon’y ‘sioqureys drawn on her and said, "You nasty whoring bitch, if you slam my door like that again I will kill you". She said, "I am no whore and you 6161 kmow it". He said, "What are you doing hanging around here, nobody wants you here, you have done nothing, but whore all around here ever since you have been here”. “ghe said; "That is a lid and you know it- I have been true to you". He continued to curse and abuse her, using other vile epithets, shook and rubed his fist in her fact. The @efendant dalled for help and the plaintiff said "Nobody has anything to do with it". That while he was cursing and abusing her, his son Irvin, by his first wife, a minor years of age, slipped up behind and struck her on the back of the head, this angered her and she said, "You hit me and 1 will scald you". Fred, (the plaintiff) said, "You are a liar, and took the boy's part. The plaintiff told her to leave his house, that nobody wanted her there. He said if she went for an officer, that he would kili here That knowing that he had heretofore struck her, threatened and abused her and fearing that he would execute his threat and feeling that her 7” ; life was in danger, she left his home on said date, to-wit: June 7, 1914. That his conduct was without cause or provocation on her part, as alleged aforesaid, but was the culmination of years of hatred and malice toward the defendant. FOURTH: That soon after their marriage, the plaintiff manifested dissatisfaction with their union, and often gave expression of anger towards her; that she endeavored to do the honorable part of a wife toward her husbend and from her marriage to the time of her seperation above set forth, she cooked, washed, ironed and performed other dom- estic duties in their home, and provided clothing and food for his children and in all respects was a true and faithful wife. FIFTH: That about two years after their marriage, while in their home, she made a friendly remark about one of their neighbors, which she did for his amusement, when he became suddenly angry and ssid she "Did not do anything but allow negroes to come here and bring you all kind of lies", and got up out of his chair and drew it on her and threatened to kill her; that the remark she made aid not reflect on «Le 6161 ‘A Peay ‘sroqurey5 ‘SA “2D AON] ‘sroqurey) him, and gave him no cause for his words spoken or act performed, That about two years before she was driven from his home, as above alledged, there arose a dispute between then, when he became angry and med, and called her & hussey and a strumpet and Slapped her violently in the fect with his hand; that she bore insults, en- dured his cruel and barbarous treatment, and indignities offerea her person, as set forth in this paregraph and continued to live with him, performing her usual domestic duties and observing their marital relations, with the hope of reconciliation, which proved futile, and in the meantime his hatred and malice toward her grew stronger, which was manifested by his acts and words, violent epithets and threats to kill her, finally culminating in driving her from his home as alleged aforesaid, SIXTH: That at the time of her marriege she was forty years of age, and was teaching in the colored Episcopal School, St. Austin, at Raleigh, N. G., and receiving a salary of $160j00 @ year and all expenses; that prior thereto she lived in the home of Hon. Patrick H. Winston, as e@ house Sirl for twenty-five yeers; that she has’ always borne a g00d character and respected by both white and black people; that by the acts and conduct of the plaintiff, &S alleged, she is forced in her old age to work for her own lively- hood, as a domestic Servant, without a home or Shelter of her own, That she has no means wherewith to sustain herself, except the fruit of her own daily labor, nor has she sufficient means whereon to subsist during the prosecution of this suit, and to defray the necessary and proper expenses thereof, SEVENTH: That the plaintiff is the owner of a house and lot in the City of Statesville worth $2000.00 or $2500. 00; that he ownes, as this defendant is informed and believes, other valuable real estate in the City of Statesville worth from $3500.00 to $5000. 00; that he Ownes an automobile worth from $1000.00 to $1500.00; that he ownes other personal property of e@ value of $2000.00 to $3000.00; that his income from all his property and his daily earnings will aggregate from $1500.00 to $2000.00 per year, Ze "J pel ‘sioquieya ‘SA “Cc Aon] ‘sloquiey.) 616! him, and gave him no cause for his words spoken or act performed. That about two years before she was driven from his home, as above alledged,, there arose a dispute between them, when he became angry and med, and called her a hussey and a strumpet and slapped her violently in the fect with his hand; that she bore insults, en- dured his cruel and barbarous treatment, and indignities offered her person, as get forth in this paragraph and continued to live with him, performing her usual domestic duties and observing their marital relations, with the hope of reconciliation, which proved futile, and in the meantime his hatred and malice toward her grew stronger, which was manifested by his acts and words, violent epithets and threats to kill her, finally culminating in driving her from his home as alleged aforesaid. SIXTH: That at the time of her marriege she was forty years of age, and was teaching in the colored Episcopal School, St. Austin, at Raleigh, N. G., and receiving a salary of $160:00 @ year and all expenses; that prior thereto she lived in the home of Hon. Patrick H. Winston, as e house girl for twenty-five years; that she has always borne a good character and respected by both white and black people; that by the ects and conduct of the plaintiff, as alleged, she is forced in her 01d age to work for her own lively- hood, as a domestic servant, without a home or shelter of her own. That she has no means wherewith to sustain herself, except the fruit of her own daily labor, nor has she sufficient means whereon to subsist during the prosecution of this suit, and to defray the necessary and proper expenses thereof. SEVENTH: Theat the pleintiff is the owner of a house and lot in the City of Statesville worth $2000.00 or $2500.00; that he ownes, as this defendant is informed and believes, other valuable real estate in the City of Statesville worth from $3500.00 to $5000.00; that he ownes an automobile worth from $1000.00 to $1500.00; that he wwnes other personal property of a value of $2000.00 to $3000.00; that his income from all his property and his daily earnings will aggregate from $1500.00 to $2000.00 per year. Se "J pal ‘sioquieys “SA “oO Aony ‘soqurey) 6161 WHEREFORE, this defendant having fully answered, she prays the Court that she go hence without day; that the Court refuse the plaintiff a divorce as asked for in this complaint; that she be granted judgment against the defendant for alimony, and for such other and further relief as she may be entitled to. North Carolina, 0 Iredell County. Lucy C. Chambers being duly sworn, deposes and says that the facts set forth. Be RE ang Wiis the best of her knowledge and belief, and thet the said Answer is not made out of levity or by collusion between her and her husband, nor for the mere purpose of being freed and separated from each other, but in sincerity and truth for the causes mentioned in the Answer; and that the facts set forth in her Answer, #8 ground for divorce from bed and board, have existed to her knowledge prior to the filing of her Answer, and that she eceding at least six months has been a resident of North Carolinas for two years next pr the filing of her complaint. setbdote Rn \y Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 6th day of August, 1920. "J pei ‘sioquiey) "SA Q Aan’y ‘sioqureys) 6161 WHEREFORE, this defendant having fully answered, she prays the Court thet she go hence without day; that the Court refuse the plaintiff a divorce as asked for in this complaint; that she be granted judgment against the defendant for alimony, and for such other and further relief as she may be entitled to. North Carolinas, 0 Iredell County. Lucy C. Chambers being duly sworn, deposes and says facts set fLerth in hea PETE A OO ieee f, and that the said Answer that the the best of her knowledge and belie is not made out of levity or by collusion between her and her husband, mor for the mere purpose of being freed and separated but in sincerity and truth for the causes mentioned from each other, and that the facts set forth in her Answer, #8 oard, have existed to her knowledge in the Answer; ground for divorce from bed and b at least six months prior to the filing of her Answer, and thet she has been a resident of North Carolina for two years next preceding the filing of her complaint. ] ] m oil lB ae cv 7 Subscribed and sworn to pefore me, this the 6th dey of August, 1920. i tae BCcmoucs ’ + WOUTLLye L Wek VY ‘ — Chambers, Lucy C. vs. Chambers, Fred F. 1919 ‘sioqureys “A poly ‘sIoquiey "SA *D Aon] . North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Iredell County Before the Clerk, 6161 Pred Chambers -vs- Motion to Extend Time to File Pleadings. ) ) ) ) Luey W. Chambers) o the Hon. J. A. Hartness, C. S. 0; The pipeatite in the above entitled action through her Attoxney, respectfully moves and asks permission of the Court to gran’ Sereeee time within which to file pleadings, for the reason hat plaintiff is now in the City of Philadelphia and unable to con- fer with her attorney personally, ch is absolutely necessary. This January 2nd., 1920. . In the Superior Court, North Carolina : Before the Clerk, Iredell County. Fred Chambers ) ) -vs- Order. ) Lucy W. Chambers This cause coming on to be heard on the above motion, it appearing to the Court that the plaintiff desires further time to file her answer to the complaint: IT IS THEREFORE ordered and adjudged that plaintiff be allowed until the 26th day of Jannary, 1920, within which to file her answer. This January 2nd., 1919. ( 3 Ae = Ke SES Court. ‘sioqureyy “d Pet ‘sioqurey5 ‘SA“D Aon] 6161 ‘ Te incpatnem aes Pa en psec ih Bebe 2 ®.% a tll a ita £ rs ‘ “ « , | Sitter k wore = “A Peay ‘sioquiey5 ‘SA “2 Aon] 6161 ‘siaqurey5 Civil Subpoena.—Printeda and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N.C, ‘ 2M—5—.04, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ee To THE SHERIFF OF County--GREETING: "ou are Hereby Commanded & fae oe ae personally to appear before the Judge of Superior Court, at the next Court to be held for our said county at next, then and there tottestify and the truth to say in behalf of ina corigin controversy before said Court Pennee ae » Clerk of our said Court, at office in 4 Monday after the "J poly ‘sioquieyy "SA ‘2 Aon] ‘sioqurey) 616! 6161 “d Pedy ‘sioquiey5 "SA ‘2D Aon] ‘sioqurey) Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. _ 5-15-’07-2M. Pay County--GREETING: on ie Oey Wee he Monday in next, then and there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of. ASL. Court depending, and then and there to be tried, wherein in a certain controvers before said And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by law. Clerk Superior Court for. d Pedy ‘sioquieyy ‘SA “2D Aon] ‘sIoquieyy 6161 | ; : at tiaras Su ‘dl Pedy ‘stoqurey ‘sioqurey)) ‘SA “2D Aon] 6161 Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, the Court House in on 6 FAs. Clay Defendant... WITNESS, The Printer, Statesville, N.C. 5-15-’07-2M. TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Coynty--GREETING: Clerk Superior Court for rr Leth county “d Pag ‘sioqurey "SA “2 Aon] ‘sIoqureyy 6161 ) ) 1 a i } : j { a “sroqurey) | poly ‘sIoquieyy "SA “2D Aon] 6161 CAPIAS.—Printed and for sale, by Brady I Printing Company, Statesville, N. C __County--In The Superior Court. CAPIAS (if to be found in your county,) and ourt to be held for the County of€ His Honor, the Judge ofo jor Court at the Court House in _AR< = < We acknowledge ourselves indebted to the State of North Carolina, in the sum of Dollars, jointly and severally, to be void if the said his personal appearance at the next term of the at the Court House in \ ' ' ' ' o> re ' ' ! a By ON a ' {Sy KR L I. Sarre Sheriff : pe Zo Fee {A bia Received Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 ‘sroqurey d Pedy ‘sIaqurey5 "SA “2D Aon] 6161 §-15-’07-2M. Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO'THE SHERIFF oF:...Z. L\ next, then and there to testify and the truth to say in in a certain “A Pedy ‘sioqureyp ‘sroqureyp "SA “2D Aon] 6161 Brrreicrreibe dc Plaintiff_____ Against 6161 ‘Pedy ‘siaqurey5 "SA ‘2 Aon] ‘ssaqurey>) Pein No. 102, a and for Sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, N. C. ” _ Se hee _County--In The Superior Court. The State of North Carolina, ll K pey b- hae be -o our Superior Cou to yogi the Court House in aes oa ha. bw be tried edhe of to ot: in an actio 7 and ag on the part of f Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this Ds Of) Sr. J ei ‘ bh pee’ a2 Ferm, 19.2... An JC Mg 0-1 P20 4i/ (ME tA f LYmDF or th Lf ~ “>< SQ 84B}g ey} JO yzed UO ----ssot}IM SB (Oo a Aqorey ere NOX ieee 40 WUaTO AHL OL Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 ‘sdoquieyy “A paly ‘sIoquiey) ‘SA “2D Aon] 6161 Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 2M—5—.04, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO THE SHERIFF OF Iredell County--GREETING: Wou are hereby Commanded to Summon..Will Reed personally to appear before the Judge of Superior Court, at the next Court to be held for our said county at 6161 d Pedy ‘siaquiey5 "SA *D) Aon] ‘sroquieyy Fane PA eee a a ane Defendant SUBPOENA--Civil, ...Term, 190 aoe Ltt? SOI 9 2d P YP BAY C4, MMe wey) nT ‘sioqurey) “A Paxy ‘si0q "SA “2d Ad 6161 6161 ‘d Paay ‘sroqurey> ‘SA “=D ANT ‘sdoqurey) F. F. Chambers ( -vs- ) The Issues Tenderea by the Defendant, Lucy W. Chambers. ( First; Did the pleintiff ana defendant intermarry as alleged in the answer? poe BROWNE Es ee Second: Did the plaintiff, while they lived together as man and wife, by cruel and barbarous treatment, endanger the life of the defendant and offer Such indignities to her person as to render her condi- tion intollerable and her life burdonsome, as alleged in her answer? } aid Answer; gt ae he weqlgr e- & Oaring bitch as allefea ; the Answer: Fourth: Answer : Fifth: Did the plaintiff drive the de- ’ “Ng a ee — POSEN PO HN satan atime Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 d Pedy ‘sIoqureyy "SA “2D AON] ‘sroqurey) North Carolina, Superior Court, Iredell County.’ August Term, 19 20, F. F,. Chambers, Ve Lucy Chambers. This cause coming on to be heard at this term of the Court, before Hig Ho ry,lane, Judge, and a Jury, and being heard upon the whole record, and issue submitted, and the dury having found that the plaintiff was guilty of the Act o? Infidelity as alleged in the complaint. It is therefore cons sidered and adjudged by the Court that the Bond of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant is hereby disolved, and that the plaintiff be and is hereby free and discharged from all liabilty of any kina tsoever, because of the relation existing between them. is further ordered that the plaintiff recover the action to be taxed by the Clerk of the Mes? aoe” JUDGE 4 Hic. Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 6161 d pet ‘siaquieys "SA ‘2D Aon] ‘sroqurey3) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IREDELI, F. F. CHAMBERS } V. ° - ° LUCY W. CHAMBERS ) The defendant, Lucy W. Chambers, by and through her counsel, moves that the judgment rendered in the above cause at this term of the court be set aside; and the defendant further moves, through her counsel, for judg- ment in favor of the defendant on the issues found by the iyryy ened etek Sg PRY lig It is ordered by the court that the judgment rendered at this term of the court be, and the same is hereby set aside, and that the motion of the defendant for a judgment upon the issues answered by the jury be continued until Momday, 23rd day of Atgust, 1920, to be heard by consent, in Concord, North Carolina. 7 Be EF a f a | hog, yl ) iw Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 ‘d pei “siaquieyy "SA ‘ED Aon] ‘sioquiey) 6161 2M—5—,04 Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To THE SHERIFF OF Sur ee County--GREETING: personally to appear before thie Judge'of Superior Court, at Dy next Court to be held for our said county at ' : my ee le ‘ the Court House in... And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by law. Defendent , Clerk of our said Court, at office in ee YO on’T ‘sisquieys ‘d pel ‘sioquie ‘SADA 6161 Defendant ae > ~ SUBPOENA--Civil Superior Court April 8th 1921 ‘sraquiey) Worth Carolins Iredell County “d Ped ‘siaqurey5 "SA “2 Aon] ¥.F.Chombers, 6161 ‘Vs . Amended Complaint. ‘ Lucy Chambers. The plaintiff by leave of the Cours amends his complaint and says. First. That he and the defendant marries a number of years ago and lived together as man and wife until the Mth day of June 1914, when the defendant without cause left the plaintiff and has not lived with him since said dete, and that more than five years have elapsed since the separation aforesaid. Second, No children were born to the parties hereto. That plaintiff has been a resident of the State all his life and still is a resident of the State. Wherefore plo intiff prays that the bonds of matrimony existing between himself and the defendaht be dissolved:and for such other rel eif es my be just and right. Z Counsel for plantiff F.F.Chambers being duly sworn Says, that the facts set forth in the foregoing Complaint are true to the best of his knowledge and beleif and that said Complaint is not made made out of levity or by collusio between him and the defendant, and not for the mere purpose of being freedas separated from each other but in sincerity «nd truth for the cause set forth in the Complaint. that he has been a resident of the State for more than two years nect preceeding the filing of the Com plaint and the facts set forth have been known to him for more than two years prior to the filing of the Complaant . 7 i Wf f Sworn to and subscribed before me this April 8th i921 “d Pedy ‘sioqurey5 “Sioquieyy) ‘SA ‘2D Aon] 6161 Civil Subpoena.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-15-’07-2M. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Iredell County--GREETING: And this you shall inno wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by law. aii gee a ete eo Ee --+ smasessesssannseereeey Clerk of our said Court, at office So AAS 0S enn Py idee Chere @ifonxhox 6161 “d Pedy ‘siaquiey5 "SA “=D Aon] ‘sioqurey) SUBPOENA--Civil For Belle McNeely and Birdces dlorris Received May 14th., 1921, the with- in named Bel le licNeely ; nd Birdces | Morris are no: to be found in Ire- § dell vounty and cannot after due diligence be found in the. State, This } llay 14th. » £92], ee P. Alexender » Sher- By a = 6161 ‘d Pedy ‘siaqurey5 ‘SA ‘2D Aon] ‘sdoqurey) oe ee pent & etree ve fo the Hon. J. A, Hartness, Clerk oz the Superior Court O1 Iredell County, N. G,; Dear Sir:- Tne undersigned persons, being witness tor the defendant, Lucy Champers, in the action or F. F. Champers VS. Lucy Chambers, hereby renounce our right to any tees that may be due us, and we hereby give same to Lucy Chambers. Yours respectiully, GorAr L e Z Chambers, Lucy C. vs, Chambers, Fred F. 1919 equiey) on’T ‘sioquieys “A Pay ‘sx ‘SADA 6161 J pesy ‘Stoquieyy) "SA ‘cd Aon’y] ‘sioqureysy 6161 North Carolina {| In the Superior Court Iredell County | May Term,1913., Ida J.Christy -VS- COMPLAINT. Preston Christy The plaintiff complaining of the defendant,alleges: ; (First). That on or about the 7th day of May 1901,in the County of Iredell,North Carolina, the plaintiff and defendant were married and lived together as man and wife until the defendant abandoned the plaintiff in October 1908. (Second). That during the month of October,1908,the defendant,?reston Christy,without any cause or reason whatever and without any fault on the part of the pidintiff,left his home and abandoned the plaintiff,taking up with another woman by the name of Ida Ball,with whom said defendant committed fornication and adultery and has ever since and is now living in the unholy and unlawful relation of fornication and adultery,thus totally disregarding the solemnity of the marriage vow: (THIRD) That there were born of said marriage four childgen,one of whom is dead and th f whom are now living and are cared for ported by the plaintiff,Ida Christy: that the children now ll years of age and two little 5 years old,the other 9 years of age. (Fourth). That the plaintiff has not received the defendant in conjugal — embraces since her knowledge of his conduct and since he abandoned her as above stated: (Fifth). That the plaintiff has been a bona fide resident of the State of North Carolina for more than two years next preceeding the commence- ment of this action: (Sixth). That the facts set forth and contained herein the knowledge of the plaintiff,for more than six uojsaig ‘AIsuyD SA *f Bp] “AISHYD [61 ¢ & months next proceeding the commencement of this action: WHEREFORE; the plaintiff demands judgment that she be granted an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony with the defendant: uojsaig ‘AISLIYD ‘SA “f Bp] “ASH €l6l { " { ‘ North Carolina | In the Superior Court Iredell County [| May Term,1913. Ida.J.Christy | -VS} | AFFIDAVIT. Preston Christy ' Ida.J.Christy being duly sworn,deposes and says;that the facts set forth in the foregoing complaint are true to the best of her knowledge and belief and that the complaint is not made out of levity or by collusion between herself and the defendant,and not for the mere purpose of being freed and: separat*+dcfrom each other,but in sincerity and truth for the causes mentioned in: the complaint, that the facts set forth in said complaint as grounds for divorce,have existed,to affiants knowledge for more than six months prior to the filing of this complaint and that the plaintiff has been a bona fide resident of the State of North Carolina for more than two years prior to the filing of the complaint. Sworn to and subscribed ¥ A before me this the -¥_-day uojsaig “AISLIYD SA *f Bpy “AIS el6l uojysaig “AIsLIyD ‘SA “f Bp] ‘AISLIYD £161 ar? gf. % ‘ { SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady, the Printer, Statesville, N. C. 7 i . Hrrosi To the Sheriff of... tf eee ee = wou are berebyp Commitmanded to Sufnmron } the defendant....above named, if be found within your County, to be oa appear before the Judge of bone ae our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the Goypty of Ax KE Lat the Court House ‘i in Sal nt Ard Kop Md Monday “after the 4 Monday of SVR the same’ being the / g. day of . Peg. CEA rol Janel answer the complaint, a copy of which willibe depésited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Cotitt'for'said County) within the firstithréee days) of; saidy erm, and let satdsDefendanti:. take notice ifs..° “they “fail to answer to theysaid pomplaing Withip that,tame, thecplaintiffe »owill apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this. AL OF} s[(quasnjoy ‘131730 Od SNOWWAS SI} 9UI arOjoq peqiIIsqus pu 0} BIOMS “SNOT}NDex2 wi0Iy ydmexe Az1adoid pune saij11qQe1] ‘syqap SIy 2AOge pu 132A0 SI¥]JOP perpung Oj Jo UNS 94} qVI0M st oq Shes WIOMS BuIeq™” ‘noIjO8 sy) Ur ~"JUBpHajeg ay} se 700 yans yer maepaazeq 9y3 4ed ypeqs: 3 yrureyg oy) jt ‘reaamoq ‘proa 2q 0 ‘sreyjoq™" mit yaepuryaq 243 0}UN pUNog SeAfasino aBpe}Monyoe 9M LSNIVOV ‘Ayanog > ‘nod soyedng 943 Uy] \ “¥NITIONYD HLYUON JO ALY¥LS uojseig ‘AISLIYD SA “f Bp] ‘AISIIyD €lé6l QO = eae wn _ << - on a o ” 2 ° 5 cl6l QO - me “A 4 “A Qo. > foe < v7 { * ( ‘ North Carolina In the Superior Court Iredell County May Term,1913. Ida.J.Christy i -VS- { APPIDAVIT OF PLAINTIFF TO OBTAIN SERVICE Preston Christy | BY PUBLICATION. Ida.J.Christy being duly sworn,deposes and says that in ° the above entitled action now pending in the Superior Court of Iredell County,the sheriff of seid County has returned the summo issued to him in the said action, endorsed/"Preston Christy, dereantan’ "a not to be found in Iredell County;where-abouts unknown": that the defendant therein damnot after due diligence be found within the State;that said defendant is a proper party to said action,being the defendant therein,which is an action for divoree on the part of Ida.J.Christy against said Preston Christy,her husband,on the grounds of fornication and adultery: WHEREFORE plaintiff preys that an order may be made by the Court,that service of summons be made on said defendant by publica- tion in some news-paper published in Iredell County,North Carolina. Dated this the 18th day of March,1913. JS b ain Clerk Superior Court. ©) s ee a 4 nee = — o “ Z ° 5 clél OQ so a QZ 4 << mee o. p Ce < a ' W t A North Carolina | In the Superior Court. Iredell County [| May Term,1913. Ida J.Christy -VS- ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Preston Christy It appeering from the affidavit of Ida.J.Christy pisintiff in this action,that Preston Christy,defendant therein,is not to be found in Iredell Comnty and cannot efter due diligenmee be found ‘within the State,and it further appearing that said action is an action for divorce,and that said plaintiff hes a good cause of action against said defendant,and it furthe® appearing that said defendant has departed the State and that his where-abouts are not known to the plaintiff: If IS THEREFORE ordered that notice of this action be adver- tised in the Statesville Sentinal,a news-paper published in Iredell County for four successive weeks,setting forth the title of the action,with a brief and plain statement of the cause and subject matter of this action,and requiring the defendant to appear at the next Term of Iredell Superior Court,to be hela on the lith Monday after the lst Monday in March,the same being the 19th day of May 1913,and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. This the 18th day of March,1913. Clerk Mr KS . rc) 5.5. 42 SX a oe o. o © Qe S: i a cl6l ‘ b od d North Carolina | In the Superior Court. Iredell County I! May Term,1913. Ida J.Christy --VS-- NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PUBLICATION. Preston Christy. The defendant above named,Preston Christy,will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 18th aey i O.E 28, Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell County,State of North Carolina,wherein said plaintiff sues for a divorce absolute from said defendant on the groungs of fornication and adultery on the part of said defendant;and the said defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint at the May Term of Iredell Superior Court which will be held in Statesville, Iredell County North Carolina,on the ELEVENTH MONDAY after the FIRST MONDAY in March,the same being the 19th day of May,1913,at which time said summons is made returnable;or judgment will be given against him at said Term of Court and the relief demanded by the plaintiff will be granted. This the 20th day March,19135. Long & Scott Attys.for Plaintiff. Statesville, N. C., Ne, is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ESTABLISHED 1804 Statesville, N. C., ho? G4” fey we: Dorset, tam Of Phd bobic cad Pid, xterp Aee€ fer if — | cao / Put pltiee ee rst) Se oy oe nn > = 2S a a. o so < BG Cl6l he Account With LTATESVILLE SE BLISHED EVERY THURSDay MORN N= | a gainst ‘ubscription Price One Dollar Per Year In Ady, or this and adjoining Counties. Established 1892. Advertising Rates are 1 7 ani > Y A cf + 20 a ORD Je 4 7 vv P 7 AQ AO oo 5 & a % te — — ~ e. a 5 oO & oS ta - . = = < - €lé6l nr — = -— o- — 4 “Ye — = 4 4 — — — td Oo & a or 34 ~ = < a el6l hf In Account With \TATESVILLE SE BLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORN AY MOR Established 1892, Advertising Rates are fe > Y Of. A 2 Ss + re < C8 > A oo ; Att’ys. for Plaintiff. 3-20-4 ~ t Repeated Intentionally Please Note: Document(s) In Account With =/ | iat SE BLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORN “| SB DAY MORN en-|! ns ubscription Price One Dollar Per Year In Ady. this and adjoining Counties. Established 1892. Advertising Rates are rom if peace: : groun ieation ul-} ° tery on the part 7 said defend-| ant; and the said defendant is| appear and answer} Ba; ee at the| court which willbe held in State ] county, N lina, on the 11TH (MONDAY AFTER THE FIRST : MONDAY IN MARCH, same being the 18th day of May, at which time said sum- “is made returnable, or or t will be t ae bins of chatter This the 20th day c of March, 1913. HARTNEss, Clerk Superior Court. Lone & Scort, Att’ys. for Plaintiff, 3-20-4t —_——S ~ > fod vz ~ ww a. bo o> a ~ rs — = v a ue a") + oO a -_ ~ 2 ~~ Please Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally €l6l is * Sama ap are of Summons. : ok ee Ay vy Aan — Con peer Gee ry In Account With Ida J. amet | Notice of Ser- Preston Ohristy. | Publication. | | ATESVILLE SE Bane Eulgtog Coston t shove named, [ UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORN tied a summons in the above en- |’ === action was Krome ae ubscripton Price One Dollar Per Year In Advz cr sleek of the "apeed ffi and adjoining Counties. Established 1392. Advertising Rates are court of Iredell county, state tate of enon ee bn lina, wherein said} ta AP PRS 6 3 ae paint sues for a divorce abso- | (y Ts ", Bla from said defendant on the| grounds of fornication and adul-| tery on the part of said defend- ant; and the said defendant is| required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint at the May term of Iredell Su oo court which will be held in ville, Iredell county, North a lina, on the ' 11TH \MONDAY AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH, same being the 19th day of May, Ry at which time said sum- ‘is’ made returnable, or ju udgment will be given against im at said term of court and the relief romneet, by the plain- tiff will be gran This the 20th de day ree March, 1913. J. . HARTNESS, Clerk ‘Superior Court. Lone & Scort, Att’ys. for Plaintiff, 8-20-4t o~ eo ~s S = nn A _—> = hae ae — — — Cle Oo & Om = ‘ on = < — So lease Note: Document(s) Repeated Intentionally 16l c & M7 "SJ TS ~- ig G suby ( a of. \ Notice of Summons. | | C bs Ay Uy Chak North Carolina, | In Superior Court | RC ne teniinterniae cy ao Iredell County, | May Toone i In Account With ve Ida J. Christy | Notice of Ser- vs. | vice of Preston Christy. | Publication. TATES VI LLE SE The defendant above named, |, Preston Christy, will take notice UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORN that a summons in the above en- | a titled action was issued against ubscription Price One Dollar Per Year In Ady. day of rch ot the donee: a. and adjoining Counti Established ye Joining Counties. os! ished 1899. Advertising Rates are F court of Iredell county, state of Ue amnanr noes ee North Carolina, wherein said} 2 0d ye } ee plaintiff sues for a divorce abso- | / y elas ae ute from said defendant on the grounds of fornivation and adul- tery on the part of said defend- ant; and the said defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint at the May term of Iredell Superior court which will be held in States- | ville, Iredell county, North Caro- lina, on the i 11TH \MONDAY AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH, same being the 19th day of May, 1913, at which time said sum- mons is made returnable, or judgment will be given against him at said term of court and the relief demanded by the plain- tiff will be granted." This the 20th day of March, 1913. J. A. HARTNEss, Clerk Superior Court. Lone & Scort, Att’ ys. for Plaintiff, 3-20-4t ~ — f ~- < O v ~ - 4 ad Co. “ Sf ‘Please Note: Document(s) — Repeated Intentionally Cl6l In Account With ATESVILLE SENTINEL JBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING itiotine Price One Dollar Per Year In Advance Cireulates Among the Best People of this and adjoining Counties. Established 1892. Advertising Rates are Reasonable. It will Bring you Returns. NO GOr, “Mah a0, ay Y BRL Iu lO HZ B B\29 uojsaig ‘AIsLIyD ‘SA “f Bp] “AISLYD cl6l Christy, Ida J. vs. Christy, Preston 1913 " ten f decal pss Sidieaial. “oH, zie sivtpoon Bel 6. gee 2. Cozeceury eee ee. Me Lee oe. Awe: > £ PD et fore. Aree 0 ata Z bz to trrtheck - item fee nem oa adil : ae rs "3 feghwesl a. ah ae os 4 Fo - F Zhi he 7 go ee Jee melorffice Mayes. ls ais ae fle dink tify Ant Lae ~ As tke aaaph We wrteue ott tteollehe Beale ae An dlc ray ll ie Deeg Avvedey Brleoscel - The beecots Czecrte + teste hevok Wf « <0bn <A> Ciel ~ ee ae Boe safe htm (r<zeitel ig i bfatie his Ze fer eae eee Cet aterver<<y' BE IS ay. ee gach me Hh acevl uojysolg “AISLIYD SA “f ep] “AIS cl6l Christy, Ida J. vs. Christy, Preston 1913 rot) 5. 5. 4234 ke << =< 5 < Ee: mF 816 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, N. C. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. the defendant. above named, if ol Court, at a Court to House in , So eG Pinte cree onday after the enles. of 1 LLL4 the same being the. <=. Be 08 a cch a tee 1918, and answer the siauieial a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the 7. of the Superior Comp for said County, within the first three days of said Term, and let said Defendant take notice if Ch they fail to answer to the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com- plaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this_.c2. 53-day ef. AAC Eileen. mf : DG*/4 Clerk of Superior Court Zig CLA county. ~"""""J0 UNS 94} UT “MOTOR SIY} Ul ~~-~yuUBpUeze”] oN) ee. ee ie VNIIONVI HLYON AO ALVLS ‘suorjnoexe wory ydurexe Ajsodoid pue serji[iqer] ‘sjqep sty eAoge puB J2A0 “WOT}OW SITY} UI ~-----YyUre__ ey} JO 4eA0001 ABU ~~----4uBpuezeq ey} SB 4S00 "psnog sorsadngy oy} uy ro ee rn etre ee Sept nee oul B1OJeq Peqiiosqnus puv 0} WIOMG TIT CA Th cho ee te ae Aep----~~~~stq3 ‘s[ves pue Spuvy Ino ssoujT A — ee yous |[@ ~“~~~~~juepuejeg ey} ed Na MCT yo a a a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' i ' i ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ! Ee Tn 2 = So 3 = g a > ® me =e = 3 = pa @ 2 = 5 = me = = ° &. a a. => 2. a a Oe Men er re ioe, | (“]Bag) oe Plaintiff’s Attorney. A ge eee a lt cae Christy, M. W. vs. Christy, Minnie J. 1918 North carolina, In the Superior Court, tredell County. July Term, 1918. No 62 Me FUL INL eo J J } JUDGMENT I J Minnie Christy Plaintiff is called and fails« to prosecute his action against the defendant; whereupon, it is considered and ad- judged by the Vourt that he be and is hereby non-suited by the Court. Judgment is rendered against the plaintiff and his bond for cos ts. - ° Ze A kin ~edudge Presiding. Summons For Relief—Clerk—Printed and for ssle by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, N. C. Sect County.--$n the Superior Court. ® BUTUPOUTEA, “YOINyD "SA “AA “f YOMYD 061 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of SFretece County—GREETING: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to summon be found within your County, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, withiftres==eenoeadaye-fronr date of ha take notice that ale Wh 20° fail to answer to the said complaint Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this. &_/..--day of 7 onion atoen a Clerk Superior Court... faethe SUMMONS FOR RELIEF Returnable within.____, days into the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court Sheriff Kode cr ~ hdc sone igi algae tte es lenis County. Plaintiff’s Attorney. Church, J. W. vs. Church, Wilhelmina BUTUNTOUTLA, “YomnyD 0761 ‘SA “A “f YomyD North Carolina In the Superior Court, Iredell County J e We Church vs COMPLAINT, Wilhelmina Church The plaintiff complaining of the defendant alleges and says; Piret. That the plaintiff is a remident of the state of North Carolina and has veen all his life, Second, That the plaintiff and defendant were married in the month of Octo*sr, 1914, and thereafter lived together as man and wife until the defendant abandoned the Plaintiff in the month of august, 1916, Third. That a short while before the @efendant abandoned the plaintiff, and without plaintiff's knowledge, the defendant committed adultery with one Roy @. That this act of unfaithrul- ness upon the part of the defendant was unimown te the plaintiff until sometime after the defendant abandoned the Plaintiff, Pourth. That on the 224 day of March, 1916, a child was born to the plaintiff and defendant, said child being named. Cecil Gibson Church. That said child has made its home with the mother of the plaintiff and has been cared for and provided for hy the Plaintiff at all times, Bxfeex Wherefore the plaintiff prays; ist. That the honds of matrimony heretofore exist- ing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolved absolutely, 2d. That the decree of the Court dissolving said bends of matrimony give the care and custody ef said child to the plaintiff in this action, Sd. For such other and further relief? as the Plaintiff may ve entitled to, > 7 Cats, Orney for the . North Carolina Iredell County. J. W. Church being duly sworn deposes and says; That the facts set forth in the foregoing complaint are true to the best of affiant's knowledge and belief; that said complaint is not made out ef levity or collusion between the Plaintiff and his wife, and is not made for the mere purpose ef being freed and separated from his seid wife, but in sincerity and truth for the sauses mentioned in the complaint; that the facts set forth in the complaint as grounds for BUrUNTaYTIA\ “youny) "SA “A “f Yony 0761 diverce have existed to his knowle fer more than six months prier te the filing of the complaint; and that the plaintiff has been a resident of the State of North Carolina fer two years next preceding the filing ef the complaint, EL ted. Sworn to and subserived to befere me this the LB me of April, 1920, ofl BUrUpSyyiAA “Yomny 0761 "SA “A f ‘yomya North Carolina } In the Superior Court } Iredell County | J. W. Church VS. ASF ED BYES. Wilhelmina Church J.W. Church, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That in the above entitled action, now pending in the Superior Court of Iredell County, that the summons in said action was issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on the Sith day of February, 1920, and made returnable on the 9th day of March 1920; that the Sheriff of said County has returned the summons issued to him in said action endorsed “search and inquiry made, defendant not to be found in Iredell County"; that the defendant therein cannot after due diligence be found in the State; that a cause of action exists against the defendant in favor of the plaintiff, same being an action for divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of adultery committed by the said Wilhelmina Church. WHEREFORE, the said plaintiff prays that an order may be made by the Court requiring that service of summons be made on said defendant by publication in some newspaper published in Iredell County, North Carolina. This the 7 day of March, 1920. e Sworn to ang Aibscribed before me, this the & #day of March, 1920. erk superior Vourt. BUTT SYTLA, “YomNyD 0761 "SA “AA “f YOY North Carolina | In the Superior Court { Iredell County | J. W, Church VS. j ORDER OF PUBLICATION Wilhelmina Church 5 OF. SUMMONS . It appearing to the Court from the affidavit of f: J.W. Chureh in hte SOVEOR that a wciarairin was issued in this cause on the 27th day of February, 1920, said sum- mons being returnable on the 9th day of March, 1920; and that the defendant, Wilhelmina Church, is not to be found in Iredell County, and cannot after due diligence be found in the State, and it further appearing to the Court that the said J.W. Church has a cause of action against the defendant for divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of adultery, committed by the defendant. It is, therefore, ordered by the Court that & Summons be served on said Wilhelmina Church by publication and to that end that notice of this action be published once a week for four weeks in the Landmark, a newspaper published in Iredell County, setting forth the title of the action, the purpose of the sams, and requiring the defendant to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Iredell County on the /F day of April, 1920, at the Court House in said County and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. ., Thia: the. day of March, 1920. — el 7 Glerk Superior Court. Burau “Yomnys 0@6I SA" “f “YounyD a J.AeHartness, C.S. COUNTY. « Sa ek Chard Chur Tie henner above, ame! sjove : The ‘action ent! tice tha Superior’ ts in “the ; none Selesville, NG 22281 6,19 PEGRAM A. BRYANT, PROPRIETOR PUBLISHED TWICE-A-WEEK: TUESDAY AND FRIDAY 4 7 20} 21 22 | 23 | 24) 25) 26) 27 PUrUTOYTLA, yomnys "SA “A “f Youny3 0761 et NM J.AsHartness,(.S, Salewill, ME, 22t11_ 6,1920 TOTAL eULWUTSUTIAA “Yom ‘SAM “f “YOY 0761 eUrUNTaUTIA, YomyD "SA “A “f ‘YomnyD 0@6I BUrUNTOUTEA, “YomyD "SA “MA “f ‘Yomny 0c6I Church, J. W. vs. Church, Wilhelmina 1920 Bill of Costs—Civil.—Printea and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C, oa al Summons, seca SR apa prog oo copy of wg 55 it vonbbhionl “ . IN THE SUPERIOR court, 4 Pope on | == 0761 Notifying Solicitor of Removal of Guardian... ... fat to a Will, entering and docketing jing Commission 4 Affidi Notice, for each name over one in same paper Impaneling Jury Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided . . Judgment final in term time Judgment final before Clerk ope We . Indexing Judgment Postage, actual | Transcript of Judgment id Sheriff’s Return Appeal toSupreme Court, including Certificate and Seal Transcript to Supreme Court... . copy sheets, each. . County Tax, when Jury impaneled Referee's Allowance Sheriff. . “ Defendant's Witnesses. CIVIL DOCKET. SS BILL OF COSTS--CIVIL. Church, J. W. vs. Church, Wilhelmina 1920 North Carolina, { In the Superior Court, Iredell County. { August Term, 1914, i Annie Clark { Vs, { JUDGMNEN T, Frank Clark { - This cause coming on to be heard and being heard at this Term of the Superior Lourt of Iredell County, before His Honor, and Judge W.,J, Adams, end the plaintiff having come into Court, agreed A to take a non~suit: It is therefore, adjudged and decreed that the above entitled action be and the same is hereby non-suited, and iteis futher adjudged that the plaintiff pay the-costs of this action as taxed by the Clerk of thts Court, nas LAH, seule et 9 i ' } ques “Ye1D 0 5 ~ > | 5. o “ y riél RN on amerrwetimgee NP meme nd ANNIE. CLARK VS. % FRANK CLARK 1p en trans tm shine el JUDGMENT, (teetenae Smet, Clark, Annie vs. Clark, Frank 1914 bIOG “yea 0761 Q 5 ait < ° 3 5 ° oO < a rd Summons For Relief—Clerk—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, N. C. trede11_ _County.--9n the Superior Court. oer ay SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. a\y State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of__Iredell County—GREETING: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to summon the defendant....above named, te found within your oe to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of.....44 , on the ES da A 6 ep SE Pi diveesecchin acca 19}. and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office ‘i the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within fail to answer to the said complaint at that time, the plaintiff....will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, thie/Bth ___day of...D@C»s 5 FOR RELIEF Returnable within days into the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court laintiff’s Attorney. Clark, Monroe vs. Clark, Dora 1920 B10 “HIRI 0Z6I Q 5 a = ° 5 ° & < Y Monree Clark ' Dora Clark: ’ ' ; { x “North Darolina,?. tn the Superior Ceurt, ’ Trede@ll County .' vs, Complaint. ee ef +6 The plaintiff complains and alleges: ‘1. That he and the defendant are citizens and residents of Iredell County,N.C. 2. That en the blank day ef July,1905 the plaintiff and tie defendant intermarried and that the marriage relation has existed from that time to thé present time, 3. That en or about the 15th day of June,1919 the sy, Dora Clark dad e it adultry at the home ef Nenree Kesler with one Penk in Iredell County,N.C. and did at ether times corm adultry with ether men unknown to this plaintiff, 4.That this plaintiff has net lived with the said defendant since this act of adultry and aas not cehabited with the said defendant and a8 done nothing to condone the said act ef adultry. Wherefore the said plaintiff asks that the judgment be given d&sselving the bends of matrimeny between him and the said Dora Clark,that the cost be taxed py the clérk of,tnis court according to law and for sueh other and further relief as ‘me may be entitled to accerding to law. yf | Re ee SR he J Attorney for Plaintit?. / Monroe Clerk the plaintiff being duly swo.n devoses and save that the feregoine complaint of his own knowledge is true,except as to those h things therein stated on information and belief and as to those he believes it te be true,that the said complaint is mt made out of levity or by collusion between husban:) ani wife and not merely for the purpose of being freed and separated from each other,but in sincerity and truth for the causes mentioned in the complaint,that the facts set forth in the complaint have existed to the knowledge of tne plaintiff fe. six months prior to the filing of ine complaint, that the plaintiff has been a resident of the State of North Carolina fo. more tuan two years prior te tne filing of the complaint. Losarier Bag llig Sworn to and subscribed before me this the Lh dav of December,1°1°, hr 7 NotarycPublic, COP >r2012 Sie Ore pret FEN SPAS tr 000 totdequa sa: 20 AP 0 9 & 3 o 5 0761 \ 5 : ‘SA 9O0IUOW “yIeI>D 0761 be a Clark, Monroe vs. Clark,Dora _— 1920 Bill of Coste—Civil.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N, C. Original Summons, or other original process, including all namestherein . . . . - +. $ 1.00 25 .60]]. Order for enlarging time of pleading Interlocutory Orders Attachment, Order in Injunction Order, including Bond aud Justification . , Order of Arrest Notifying Solicitor of Removal of Guardian . Continuance veat to a Will, entering and docketing Issuing Commission Notice, for each name over one in same paper. Impaneling Jury Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided. . Judgment final in term time Judgment final before Clerk Judgment in favor of Widow’s Year’s ou. lh ee Docketing same Ta €x parte Proceedings Judgment Indexing Judgment BIO “yIRID Q 5 & = ° 3 5 © a < ~ 0761 Filing Papers . Postrpe-actua! / Transcript of Judgment. . as .25 aa Sheriff’s Return 50 Appeal to Supreme Court, including Certificate and Seal en. Transcript to Supreme Court. . . . copy sheets, each. . County Tax, when Jury impaneled Referee's All " Sheriff. . Lb. ir Constable. .. No... CIVIL DOCKET. BILL OF COSTS--CIVIL (As Fixed by the Code.) Clark, Monroe vs. Clark, Dora 1920 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF—OCIVIL CASES—Cl ‘2 saprey “YIELD 9761 Vs erk—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Btatesville, N. C. 5 | , a8 Seeee Semel. < ..- 5. 2-4 County—In the Superior Coutt. B Ce os ee sce pie enn poneanaennnamenete ta Se Oe ee eae S| SoCo cauepmebes alana ee pert hata tee souehsomientels SUMMONS FOR RELIEF Oe Og ee Pe oD ckdneashbaanetenmapmehampmaunmmmmmann pnmietee rem nem nc iy at tk ts ial perior Court for the County of. As SESss perior Court for said and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Su County, on or before the return date of this summons, and let...------ MR sid mcadied take notice that if.-&---- fail to answer to the said complaint within twenty days from said return date, the plaintiff..._will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this. L4th slay of 8}49P STY eA0qe puB s9A0 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF Returmable within days into the ALE” ON ev~xeqy---------- office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of “ATETO “Up azany - euty-~say_------ ‘YNITOUYO H.LYON AO ALY.LS ‘AIUNO> ~~~ -TTepexr - rahe 30 Aup-----~stq} out esozoq Poqiiosqns pue 0} u0omg | | perpuny omy ~----j0 Uns 94} UI ‘uoTjOR Sty} UT ~"-“jUBpuezeq 943 ‘}4N0D 40120dng ay) uy ATBIO "oO “SOT@BND ----- oun PUNO SeAjesINO BSpepmouyoW oy “WOT}O8 SII} Ul------YRUTETY 24} Jo JeAoged Avul----juspuezeq ey} sev ysoo 7 © a ie es ee & ~ 5 Qs = | 5 S Ss ® 4 co “< oe wh ° B Ss o > ” g 5 re 3 S oe = E BS WIOMS Zutaq WV TO Up aang -empy -+sa_--- PHU OY} FT “dAemoy ect? Lady ek Sheriff Mrs F104 county fo. ae Aep-gr si ‘s[vos pues Spuey ano SSOU}T A Bi: Ue Ete tenn neon on wetmueeteecte (‘[ceg)---=5 (resp) é 7 owe. yous [[v"~~~~~~~jyuepuezoq ey} Avd pyeys--- SB]]Op Perpuny OM} Jo ums 943 YRIOM st oy Sf "PIOA 8q 03 “‘s1B]]oq------ Clark, Alma Currin vs. Clark, Charles C. 1926 ‘2 sopeyD HEED Mrs, Alga Currin Clark t Q g : g Nerth Carelina, | | In the Superior Court, ’ 5 Iredell Ceunty. § a D 4 $ | a: y . Be j COMPLAINT. Charlies C. Clark The plaintiff compidthigef the defendant, alleges and says: 1.That on er about the llth, day of November,1925, ih-the Stdsetof North Carelina, the plaintiff and defendant intermarried and lived together as man and wife until the defendant abandemad the plaintiff on or ebout the 6th. day of Yune,1926, end that they sre now man and wife. 2eThat en or about the 6th. day of June,1926, the defendant, withopt any fault on the part of plaintiff, abandoned plaintiff and has since since said time failed md neglected te supvert or maintsin her; that, said time pleintiff and defendant have been living seperate oud spart frem each other. 3. That the plaintiff has beem a benifide resident of the State of North Carelina fer more than twe years next preceeding the commencment of this action, 4.Thet prier te the merriags of the plaintiff end defendant, the plaintiff's mame was Alma foobgeed Gurrin, and she desires a decree of the Court changing her name fror Alma Currin Clark te Alms Hgpogeod Currin. 5, Theat the facts set ferth and contained herein have existec So the knowlédge-ef*phadntiff fer more then six menths next preceeding the commencement of this action. WHEREFORE, plaintiff asks judgment that we be granted a divorce a mensa et there frem her said husband, a Cort make a decree changing her name frem Alma Curria Clark te Alma Heebgeed Currin, and fer such ether and furth relief as may be jugt and preper, oe aja Attorneys for plaintifr X ‘ 9761 ‘D sopeyy SyeID ‘SA ULL BUTY “WIRD 4 Nerth Carelina, i Iredell County, j Alma Currin Clark, after being duly Swern, says: That she has read the feregeing Complaint and that the facts set ferth in the same are true te the best ef her knowledge and belief; that the said Cemplaint is net made eut ef levity er by cellusien between defendant, and met fer the ef being freed cand seperated frem each truth fer the herself and her husband, the mere purpese ether, but in sincerity and Causes mentioned in the Cemplaint; that the factyset iferth'1n the complaint as greunds fer diveree have existed te her knowledge for mere than six menths prier te the Cemmencment ef this actien er the filing ef the Cemplaint; that Plaintiff has been a beni fide resident ef the State ef Nerth Vareline fer mere than twe prier te the cemmencment ef thés actien er the filing ef this cemplaint, Owerm te and subscribed befere me, ‘December, pe aerartates inne Clark, Alma Currin vs. Clark, Charles C. 1926 ‘D Saprey “seID 2 Ee S z 5 O 5. 5 a 9761 Nerth Varelina, } In theSuperier Ceurt, Iredell Ceunty. | January Term, 1927. Alme Currin_Clark | Vs. 1 LSsSsveEs. Charles C. Clark t Altace lst.Did the plaintiff and defendant intermsrry as alleged in the cemplaint? Answer: = AK end. complaint? Answer: a Ae Srd.Hes ‘the plaintiff beem a beni fide resident ef the State ef “erth Carelina fer twe years next preceedin ef this actien? Answer: oy Ag. / pid the defendant abanden the plaintiff as alleged in the g the commencment ‘2 sapeyD eID 9761 Q e - | Nerth Carelina, | In the Superier Ceurt, a | . YTredell Ceunty. | Sesuary Term, 1927. a * d. < Mre. Alma Currin Clark 4 Vise } JUDGMENT. i | | Charles C. Clark é hea d end being This cause ceming en te be Miehael Schenck, Judge presiddag> and a jury, . issues suimitted te them by the Ceurt eut in the heard befere His Hener, and the jury having answered the against the defendant, as set in faver ef the plaiatiff and recerd: plaintiff be and she adjudged that the It is therefere, erdered and Et There frem the bends ef matrimeny {s hereby granted a diverce A Menca and that her mame be changed te Alma Heebgeed iff pay the cests ef this actien. with the defendant, It is erdered thet pla: Currin. residing d Mor “oye HELD) SAY £061 SUMIIONS FOR RELIEF.—Judge.—Printed und foe Sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 3-29-'011M County.--9n the Superior Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Court, at a Court to be held for the C: ounty of on the. 1 f &* vr the — day ¢ Le a and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the gs = take notice if _..7~ Superior Court for said County, within the first three days of said Term, and let said Defendant - will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the fail to answer to the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff? complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. ri Li Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this lerk of Superior Court ‘d Wor “oyzE[D “SA Vv “1 ‘oye £061 a ~ S3eory ceeereelMciiintiediithe y JO YANOD soMsdng aq jo LSNIVOV AS 0} 2[QeuUIN}OYy aal THe FO SNOWWDS oe: cae eae Peareoey “AsUIOWNY SyyUrel_g 5 or: > 3 : ~ fo. hop $14) GUL a40f2Q PAGLLOSQNS PUD 07 ULOMS ‘suoinoaxa moi jduaxa Ajyaadoad pun satpinqny ‘syqgap sy anogn pup 49nd SADyOp paxpuny omy yo wns ayy yzaom st ay sins usoms Butag - ("708$) (jag) EEE Ca er ee er fp hop > sry ‘synas puv spuny sno ssaiifiy- ‘uonjap siyp ui oo figumyy 947 fo ashovaa Row ~~ yu “puafog ay} so 3800 yons yyv,~-yuopuafag yy ind toys > “EN OE Te . Hiya oy3 fi ‘saapmoy ‘pion aq 9 ‘sanyog ~~ Te " Jo wns ay) ut ‘uoroD sty) ur yupuasag oy jun punog $anjasino. abpajmouyoo a4 ‘GNOS8 < LSNIVOV “ALN|09 *44n09 s01dadng ay} uy | “¥NITONYOD HLYNON JO GLYLS ‘d UYor “oyzeID A°V "TORI ‘SA £061 North Carolina, In the Superior Court Iredell County. : May Term 1903. Mrs L.A.Clarke vs. COMPLAINT. John P.Clarke. The plaintiff above named complains of the defendant, and alleges: First-- That on or about rng day of Jo} 198 ff in the county of and States of North Carolina,plaintiff and defendant intermarried,and ever since said time have been ,and now are, husband and wife. Second-- That plaintiff is anda has been a bona fide résident of the state of North Carolina for @ period of more than five years next preceding the commencement of this action. - Third-- That on or about the 6th Gay of October in bhe year 1900,the defendant,having sold the cotton growen on the lands of the plaintiff and obtained the money therefore, without informing Plaintiff of his intentions »left her and her children at their home in Falls town Township Iredell County,and went in the direction of the town of Mooresville N.C. That this was the last time plaintiff ever saw'the defendant,he never returning to.his home ‘That the defen- dant took with him all the ready money from the crop of 1900 and left the plaintiff without means and heavily indebt and that defendant has contributed nothing to the support and maintainance of plaintiff and her children by him begotten,since said 6th day of October 1900. That plaintiff had always been a true and dutiful wife to the defendant and that the defendant wilfully and without cause deserted and abandoned her as aforesaid ,and ever since said time has and still continues to so wilfully and without cause desert and abandon plaintiff and to live separate and apart from her,without any sufficient cause ,and against her will and without her consent . Fourth-- That the issue of said marriage between the Plaintiff and defendant are three children-two girls and one boy=- to wit; Unice Clarke 12 years of age, Grace Clarke 10 years of age and Hazearl Clarke 5 years of age . ‘d Wor ‘oy7e]5 SA “VY “TY OMIEID £061 j Wherefore plaintiff demanis judgemt, that the bonds of matrimony existing between herself and the defendant be dissolved,and that the custody of the minor children above named be awarded the plain- tiff and for costs of action and such other and further relief as may be just and proper. Mrs L.A.Clarke ,plaintiff above named, after being duly sworn deposes and says; that the facts set forth in her foregoing complaint ape true to the best of affiants knowledge and belief,and that said complaint is not made out of levity or by collusion between herself and her husband,nor for the mere purpose of being freed and separated from each other,but in sincerity and truth for the causes mentioned in the complaint. That the facts set forth in the complaint ,as grounds for divorce ,have existed to her knowledge for more than six months prior to the commencement of this action or the filing of this complaint; and that complainant has been a resident of the state of North Carolina for more than five years next preceding the 2kkkuxxa commencement of this action for divorce. Sworn to and gubscribed before me ag f° bajo this th day -of Aprjl 1903. 0; WZ 4 —~ oO < A / , J; Se f Yh A 4 ; 4 ae Z d ci le bh hos “ee 2) J North Carolina, In the Superior Court Iredell Counfy. March lith 1905 d WYor ‘aye ‘SA “YW “J ‘OmEID Mrs L.A.Clarke, vs. AFFIDAVIT. £061 John P.Clarke, Harry P.Grier,attorney for the plaintiff in the above entitles action,after wbeing duly sworn deposes and says; That in the above entitled action now pending in the Superior Court of Iredell County ,the sheriff of said County has returned the summons issued to him in said action "After diligent search and inquiry the within named defendant not to be found in my County ,said to have departed the state” ; That affiant is informed and beleives that the defendant ,John P.Clarke, cannot after due diligence be found within the state and that said defendant has departed the state and is not a resident of the state and has not been a resident of this state for more than two years past; that said defendant is a proper party to the above entitled action ,said action being brought by plaintiff against the defendant for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from said defendant who is the husband of the plaintiff ; Wherefore the said plaintiff prays taht an order be made by the Court that service of summons be made on said giakn- ki? defendant by publication in some news paper published in Iredell rf county , N.C. Date@ this March llth 1903 "A Clarke, L. A. vs. Clarke, John P. ‘d Wor ‘ayzef5 AV "T ‘ome ‘Ss £061 North Carolina, In the Superior Court Iredell County. - March 12th 1903 Mrs L.A.Clarke, vs. | Order of Publication. John P.Clarke | It &ppearing from the attached affidavit of Harry. P.Grier made in the above entitled action,that John P.Clarke the defer Gant therein »is not to be found in Iredell County ,and cannot after due Giligence be found in the State ,and it further &ppearing that f against the defendant: for the orf obtaining e Givorce from the defendant who is the husband of the plaintirr. It is therefore ordered by the Court ,that notice of this action be Published once a week for six weeks in the Carolina Mascott ,a news Peper published in Iredell County »Setting forth the title of the action ,the Purpose of the same ,and requiring~ the defend- ant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Iredell County ,to be held on the Third Monday in May 1903,at the Court house in said County ,and answer or demur to the complaint of the Plaintiff ,0r the relief therein demandea will be granted. This March l2th 1903. 5 - L. ) twa 2EWL LA _ ZL is ‘d Wor “o¥se15 ‘OED “SA A “7 £061 North Carolina Sup-rior Court, Iredell County November Term, 1903. L. A. Clarke lst. Did the piaintiff ana defendant intermarry as alleged the complaint? 4 Answer: a Has the plaintiff been a bon years next proceeding the com- 2nd. a fide resident of the State of North Carolina for five menement of this action? Answer: Did the defendant willfully, and without Cause, abandont 1d apart from her as alleged ord. the Plaintiff, and live Spearate ar in the complaint? Answer: Daas neon Clarke, L. A. vs. Clarke, John P. 1903 d Wor ‘ayseI5 ‘HELD SAY “T £061 North Carolina Superior Court. Iredell County November Term, 1903. ZehA. Clarke” vs Judgement. John P. Clarke This cause coming on to be heard at this term of the Court, before His Hgnor W. R. Allen, Judge and a jury, and the Jury having answered the issues submitted to them as follows: to the first: "Did the Plaintiff and the defendant intermarry as alleged in the complaint? Yes." and to the 2nd, Has the Plaintiff been a bona fide resident of the State of North Caro- line for five years, next Procesding the commencement of this action? Yes,” and to the third, "Did the defendant abandon the plaintiff and live Separate and apart from her as alleged? Yes." It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that the bonds of matrimony, existing between the Plaintiff and levi cl TEES chix oe Se pea Ae cv A wees To tds Bie: 7 ee She re CL AK a - Judge Presiding. defendant, be and the same are hereby disolved, 2 Clarke, i A. vs. Clarke, John P. 1903 ‘d wyor — £061 OHS) V "7 ‘omreD BILL OF COSTS.—CIVIL. —Printed and for sale at The Landmark Job Office, Statesville, N.C, 2-1-’96-1m, Original Summons, or other names therein za. Order for enlarging time of pleading Interloeutory Orders Caveat toa Will, entering and docketing. Issuing Commission . Judgment Against Judgment final in term time Judgment final before i ESERIES, Judgment in favor of Widow’s Year’s MA OOR acid foc cck ccscuic || Docketing same | Indexing Judgment Filing Papers | Transcript to Supreme Court, .... County Tax, when Jury impaneled Referee’s. Allowance I] Sheriff. | | | es | | | Justification of Sureties, except as otherwise provided + +. COpy sheets, each... .......... jsuivdp (“apoD 0g} & paxy Sy) [tat —-S$SOD JO 110 “LANIOG MAID ra e #3 Hg Ce ee re ee eee Clarke, John P. 1903 North Carolina j In the Superior Court Iredell County j August Term,1915, Stanly E. Conger,Plaintiff ( jhe &. = TO { C oO M P L A I N zt ae Mazie L. Conger, Defendant. { The plaintiff complains of the defendant and says: ~-First-- That he and the defendant married on the 14th day of April,1904, and lived together as man and wife until October,1912, when because of the conduct of the defendant as hereinafter alleged, the plaintiff ceased to live with the defendant in marital relations. --Second-- That there were born to the plaintiff and the defendant Garland Conger, age ten years; Gladys Conger, age eight and Myrtle Conger age six years. ~--Third-- That the defendant committed adultery with one P.D. Cline and other men to this plaintiff unknown. WHEREFORE, the plaintiff demanis judgment that the honds- of matrimony existing between the defendant and himself be dissolved; tdaat he haze the contwel ani custody tthe wbepe—rmmet chii@ren, md for such other and further relief, as may be just and right. Couneel for Plaintiff. ] aze josuo.) ‘sa “gq Aqueig ‘Iodu0D Sl6l Stanly E. Conger, being duly sworn, says, that the facts set forth in the foregoing complaint are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that said complaint is not made out of levity or by colusion between himself and his wife; not for the mere purpose of being freed and separate from eath other, but in sincertty and truth for the causes mentioned in the Gomplaint; that the facts set forth in said complaint as grounds for divorce have existed to his knowledge for more than six months prior to the filing of the complaint; that he has been a resident of the State far more than two years next ceding the filing of the Complint. ‘ETT OST WL gangera BoE? J" MY commission expires Jal. 150, 1919, 1 aizepy “19dU0D ‘sa “gq AqURIS *JoBU0D cl6l ey C) o ° 3 5 go 99 ao 2 se eB oe ne < Y slé6l sn ne ZAZA. vey : g n| Conger, Stanly E. vs. Conger, Mazie L. 1915 ‘Puejedo> UW Areyw SA“ ‘f ‘Puejedo5 £761 SUMMONS FO RELIEF—CIVIL CASES—Clerk—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company, Statesville, N. 'C. ..Areaell County—lIn the Superior Court. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. the defendant____above named, if perior Court for the County of —_- and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said take notice that if. She County, on or before the return date of this summons, and let will apply for the relief fail to answer to the said complaint within twenty days from said return date, the plaintiff__ demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this__5th day of 00 ayy “pUBpPUSJIG] 94} sv 4s Huyarel_T 9yy Jt ‘reaomoy ~~" =“quBpueyzec] SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Returnable within days into the “‘SyTRes puev spuey ano SSOULT MW ‘WOT}OW Sty} Ut Aeui LSNIVOV ~ ¥ > office the Clerk of the Supericr Court of ~“sIyy “STY} oul a1Oyoq peqtiosqns pue 0} UWIOMG ~="o7Un punog S~8A[O8INO ad pe; Mouyoe oM pb he ee ae County. = ay} JO 1aA0d0I ~-jJO TNs OY} UI ‘YNITOUVS HLYON AO ALY.LS tL Taq jo Aep “POULB rn ee a < & Q. a & < a > zn Qa o = vA so = > Ss. ® Zz 3 me oe — a = m - “< a” - we A - S. S Zz ay sfes W40OMS “UOTjOR Sty} UI '}4N0D s012adng ay) Uj Sounty. om Avd ee ae ;UBpUsJO”d ‘saeyjoqy --~ SIB[[op peipuny OM} Jo UNS 9} YOM st aq 0} yous {? POA Copeland, J. w. vs. Copeland, Mary R. 1923 North Carolina Superior Court Ireiell County 8 Before the Clerk 9 “WAR ‘purjadog SA “AK “f ‘pujedo JeW.Copeland, plaintiff. | = | Complaint. } €76I Mery Rivers Copeland, defendant. The plaintiff complains of the defendant and says; Pirst. . That he and the defendant married in the year 190% and lived together as man and wife until the Spring of 1916, when the defendant refused and @eclined to live with the plaintiff as his wife. Second.e That plaintiff and defendant have not lived together as man and wife since early in the year 1916, though *he plaintiff has supported the defendant. Third. That ‘more than five years have elapsed wince the plaintiff and the defendant have lived together as husband and wife and more than five years have elapsed since the defendant submitted her person to her said husband inm marital relations. Wherefore the plaintiff demands judgment; that the bonds of matrimony existing between himself and the defendant be dissolvea; that plaintiff be releived of any and all liability and demand for maintenance of the €efendant, and 4 and further releif as may be just and right. for such other JeWeCopeland, plaintiff being duly sworn say, that the facts set forth in the foregoing Complaint are true to the best of affiants — a Ramnto 4 : + knowl and D Com; int is not a Are ‘purjados ‘Purjedo> SAM“ €6I levity or collusion ‘betwee: i ind defendant and not for mere purpose of being separated from each other i anaA truth 1 st en li iain AEs ae ae ae " Sincerity and truth f: t causes mentione: n the Con- +1 nt Pam pmAnnaa PAs che, Complaint for grounds for ipl “avis i Soi val ee +3 ee le eared exist: knowledge for more than six months ¢ to the filing of this Complaint and that complainant hass prior of been a resident of the State of North Carolina for more than 2 2... + M Ah in Sant ve two years next prior to the fili: § of the Complaint Sworn to and subscribed before me this the LF day of Bae whe te ole he hie VL bute FO, ‘Puejedo> “SA “A re ‘puejado> y Arey £761 THOS. A. JONES ROBT. R. WILLIAMS THOS. A. JONES, JR. TELEPHONE 1526 LAW OFFICES JONES, WILLIAMS & JONES 417-422 LEGAL BUILDING ASHEVILLE. N.C. August 20th, 1925. Hone Le Ce Caldwell, Attorney at Law, Statesville, N.C. In re: Mary R. Copeland vs. J. W. Copeland. Dear Sir: We have your letter of the 20th inst. mailing a copy of it to Mrs. Copeland and will write you as soon as we receive her reply. We are today Yours very truly, JONES, WILLIAMS « JONES, 749 ae BY £761 "U Arey ‘purjado5 SA" ‘f ‘purjedoa THOS, A. JONES TELEPHONE 1526 ROBT. R. WILLIAMS THOS, A. JONES, JR. "Y Arey ‘purjado5 SA “A\ “f “‘purjadosy LAW OFFICES JONES, WILLIAMS & JONES 417-422 LEGAL BUILDING ASHEVILLE, N. G. May 15, 1923. £6 Hon. Le C. Caldwell, Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir: Je W. Copeland vs. Mary R.Copeland, Superior Court, Iredell County, N. C. We have your favor of the 12th instant,informing as that the above case was set for trial on May 30th, and en- closing us a court calendar for that term. We see from the calendar that there are twenty-four cases ahead of our case. We do not wish to come to Statesville with Mrs. Copeland and her witnesses except for the day of the trial. We would greatay appreciate it, therefore,if you will write us whether he case will certainly be called for trial on the 30th. If it is not, you could wire us in time, notifying us what day to be present. The case, of course, will be contested. We and you have had enough experience to know that cases are often not reached on the day on which they are set for trial. Appre- ciating the favor of a reply, we are Very truly yours, TAJ:C JONES, WILLIAMS & JONES, BY: S49 €Z61 "UY Are- ‘purjado5 “SA "” t ‘puejodo> Wakes 80 Yiy fs 5 MING Edit - Stal ille 77 <) wb ve (s'- b har b nell D0 tau onl bes thar HAR: _* Ine [hear ‘py ie, ae og Sia sap hia a4 “WG €%61 -y Arey ‘puejado ‘SA “AA “f ‘pusjodo-) hy €:& bxuduu hy ; Salavitle HE ' dis Bae Melat ayer fom ; a E Prcanee OhiK Witt wh oe ' Whiw b detid- f Inaker fy” othe $ Phin | Nie a eee che Auk be hadi tafe” | . age ’ ' ’ * j / ae. ‘ a : f a Ss $ 4 3 Be YOVT ie s . ; 7 ¢ ee ee i am he ae ; RS _ ( Vhos Vk Poea? Belt ch Gites , Me | Mt Matier Mle). ¢ Wad he gu £2 Humpa Ye | Jih trnk-any. thy, eg Wi whl Npardg hain Mf, Meme ~ Ly tics I teava fatpr bt ptas— THOS, A. JONES ROBERT R. WILLIAMS TELEPHONE 1526 THOS, A. JONES, JR. LAW OFFICES JONES, WILLIAMS & JONES 417-422 LEGAL BUILDING ASHEVILLE, N.C. Y Arey ‘purjados “SA “A 7 ‘purjado> February 28, 1923. £6l Hon. L. C. Caldwell, Attorney at Law, Statesville, N. GC. Dear Sir: J. W. Copeland v. Mary Rivers Copeland, Superior Court, Iredell County. We have your esteemed favor of the 27th relative to the above case and returning the agreement signed by you giving us until the 26th day of March within which to file answer. We duly appreciate your court- esy in this matter, and thank you for the same. From the statements made to us by Mrs. Copeland, we are of the opinion that this is a case that ought not to be tried in court, but that the parties should sign a legal Deed of Separation and Mr. Copeland pro- yide for a reasonable monthly allowance to be paid her. We do not understand exactly from your letter whether this meets with your approval, or whether you are go- ing on with the divorce case. Please let us know, at your earliest convenience, whether the plaintiff in- tends to prosecute his divorce suit. We are of the opinion, from the statements of Mrs. Copeland and another witness, that>the plaintiff was guilty of most reprehensible conduct towards his wife, and that if she separated from him, which she denies, that he was the cause of such separation, and she was justified, from his behavior, in not living with him as wife. We take they are both too old to care about marrying and that therefore there is really no necessity divorce if mutually satisfactory terms of separa- be agreed upon. avor of an y reply, and with kindest tee tele... 4 Be gl a cae : | Plan, Cees. Becexe Corre Zee Zrcre HALE) Je eee Cutcirtc. ‘ey LASS FOS ~ Ze & Oy EA <n, a Peo se . Gee Polite: Bec 5% ok wr : 4 on fakt ig Pa gene S¥at le , | @ f akan FE pce 4 = eos 7 Pex ee Se A A Be o. o i We ihn i a eee Lh « Fue lcd fa Ue A fen Fpe ih... ja a Peete het gr Chrece. GS Brew Innlln iene dun ede ee Rg cc, Atte, ¢ pl a i <a ores A il PA (PPC OF rn oe. Of SS ei i +E~ GZ Aone CA a a es x, ‘eS c< J J - eee HA Bf a for fr ke F F~| Se ak Sa oe OK DZ uA KLG) oi pt eam es Ee. 7A ea Pen are > aT 1 i. 3 N ¢ b a GGL -. . “SA mM *5 *weMog essTiel ‘uBMod Cowan, G. W. vs. Cowan, Terissa