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Appointment of Administrators, Executors, and Guardians 1928-1964 (2)
et ee e Is ed "4 i F189 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—tIredell Counts Serlie D. MeCall APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Inconpetent SMKONOEKX To the Clerk of the euperior Court of said County . . ian curd The application of vecur2 “ational Bank of Greensboro respectfu Wich D. MeCalj iy Presents thet CNT JGEOTOM Mt ore ,.incomneten XR 5a . ~~ ” r 5 . ane are without a guardian; that the sai | ABMOCN tried ane entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 155 eJ\ nt hly fron a) -« AAWX, according to the best information and be 5 " rn er {2200 ete nt t the estate « ARO oe tae may be preserved, and managed according to law ur applicant lO THE END, THER EFORE, tha ant prays may tx ued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the (xuxneae ? 18 day of... July, 19.49. Security Nations} ahk o. isboro By: Pi. Ingalls, Asst. Trus: Pficer, IREDELL COUNTS ale I ilis 9 +o Sist ant drugs t Orfricer mg duly sworn, says that he S ucyuainte) with ¢ sud personal estate | welor to the above named GGIDEIEIOK incompetent RMX |). the best of his form e) ti alr aid estate is al m£155.50 ‘ ionthly fran V etie Toa ind the vas the rents a profit the real estate is aBaGX hone © me, 1 1g / Dollars, Poe Ingalls, aSsistant Trust Officer ay of euly, 949.) Security National Sank Of Greensboro. 7” . . we se a e \lerk Superior Court fuilford Country, OATH Of GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, } > In t ré t ( t } Lette snpalls, Assistant “rust \f/5 camemgimiecuri ty ational Bank of Greemse — Tuardian. 1.4 : a (.9 4 -ncornneten ; ' iw het x “©. “sohthie y SWear dG, well ate? tay endc charge ol? and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that 1 will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMED ‘TS as long as any of the estate remains in my hand s SOIC IE OEK ICI Kee OIE OE IK OKC ROR K oC Ig »« ‘ . ‘ ‘ per’ fist Faw requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hunestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before ¢, this 18 . . = ‘ a f Po ingalls, As 949 \ Security Nationa Vfricer ns boro. Cs. ¢ oe . : Y 1 + «. he chee a ; Sees LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Ck tk of the Supenor Court for Iredell County, that Serlie D. MeCall » incompetent , aan EK ARK. “4S58i.8tant Trust JTficer ity without Guardian, andl’ 6 li incalls, having applied for the (uardian weelrity tional Bank of Greensboro ' “an atid having been duly qualified as such ; helene r NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE SRSA EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the eves and chattels, rights and cr: cits, of ant PRP Ree t BB Tesoever to be found, and the . , and same to take into possession, secure and improve a 1 every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the wis AB QOUDE tent, according to law. ve seal of ti « Court, this the 20th. day of July, 19469 6 C. G, Smith further to Manage sail estate anx Witucss my hand and t) Clerk Superior Court Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT. -In Jel) County Helen liclieely APPLICATION FOR Gt ARDIANSHIP Minor OROMiaGx To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Je Edd liq! eely ' in « nr rs $+}, - - +0 an ws nhee + Helen MCOLECLY 23S & monor Without A ss UAT a! mia... & oo hae ewe Vd TIO hr AUC GY, SEER OCC DEDEDE wR ETC AtOC CO oe at JOO URI oor tw Mie Jephae whe we ae ae MHKERKA CEN KE EN EES AIGK aceon dss " rmat TO THI D, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor SENS may be preses ne accor \ that Letter cartauship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may ' wR, +} 7 02? C + 3.2 ee Thi Veae day of v Ad. ST » WL9, ve. wad C..e€el1 IREDELI \-—ss cl eely 7, s , > “* estate belor hove named Giiitamor Tlelen ]ic] ecelv, Mino; eK icht ex Besse nnescessnn knowledge, : n and behef, the valuc of said estate is about 2 ors Asda d “ ~ 4 LO¢ ‘ : Port we , ’ 4 JUjeeeesceecanmeeemeaocaaa and the valu rents anc profits of the real estate is about & OF" ‘ oe mah Lady . = . Sworn { mm this fed * . / J ‘ C € ] day of Vu s 1% ve \ . . a) [nf Margaret Lew, Lic tary rut ’ j iy Cor ; a . a rot Oe VV est MHPSALCS Vune <0, 1950. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CA} INA In the Superior Court—ss Iredell ( } 7 7 Te Ma? ») +, Lge Bad sgNeely Guardian for Helen Mcleels;s ‘ . f ©.« “tT ; at un mak minor gery mnly swear that I will well and truly tak: harge of, and preserve, all the estat my said wa r ‘ that I wi NEW MY BOND EVERY true return NNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands and that I will RENE i . : f } f ? ul faitht ‘ thot i criorm wit THREE YE the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of assy said Guardianship, I will fa tt ' Y the best of od ability ‘ *» 3 ~ 3 sa) «+ Subseri worn to before me, this e5th. / ve +l Cc. ee! day of J uy. 19 49. \ AMvrares ee ‘ ? a ae Peal SOW, LOtary Public BI: ie, A Or eo. . 7 it . we. YRS § 2} “APAres vune 9 «Jd Ve LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLIN In the Superior Court Iredell Couns } Toa All Whom The Presents Shall Come—GREETING t ‘ that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for tredell Coanty, , Helen MeNeely mnt Sewer without Guardian, and J sad “Clieely ‘avin, © @pplie! for thy and having been duly qualified as such Cuardianship of said minor oR ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the eid Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods UNE + a : ¢ ’ am) credits, of said minor oto. ’ . , and according to law said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the id minor Gpipx anc NOW THES: | - ¢ to possession, secure and improve, an ate chattels Tight wheressever to be found, and the eame to take into 7 Mfther ¢, 4 Manage Witn 20 _ July, 1949 » my hand, and the seal of the sak! Court, this the 28 th. _ ‘ V. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court ; ; F191 F192 Form 2 10 © aaes80 91.60. sage Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County WilliamvA. Weaner In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Evelyn Jeannette Linvingston age 18 yvears Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp APPLICATION FOR GUARDIAS Minor Orphans. VSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: his clini di William I, ward, Jr. enact scsi Ss aiatlentlon al Cline 8, Linvineston Jillian «a, Weaner ax is. the tfully presents that Evelyn Jeannette Livingston, i rm biid . XX minoXLRRES, Alvin Sishop nean ‘ is.a mbnor eT decenead max RKRMMXHiUKKMX ERAXaK ‘ ‘ is : : ‘ ete Bl ae oe Five Hundred Fift-- and are without a guardian: that the said tiinor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 65.8 200 per nonth» and AK with: ut a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate e value of 4 .UnOTeQ 21105 dollars, according to the best information and bx vr applicant & No/10 ae dollars, according to the best information and belief eT ee TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law ur applicant prays ) THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and marae das ‘ i ray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of th: ninor orphans, that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the int rest of t = nor orphans, Z Bin . C ure a i Tan P od, ¢ O74 1 Seri noat ny This “Ge day of... sUcust, 19.49 ¢ Williaa I. Ward, Jr. This 13 day of....... AYBNSt, 1949 « vline R. Livingsto IREDELL COUNTY—-<s IREDELL ry —ses, et a %e eal a 8 tee ie t tort a ‘ Willian *e MODU, De , being duly sworn, says that he is ac juainte.! with the real and personal pote Sat aesreer son GeO ivingston sein , j i st mf , ++oa 7 4 «rd - the ‘ estate belonging to the above named children of alvin oj shop wE6oner deceased ; t) the best of his estate belor ¢ above named SMRARXKEVelyn J@annettie Livinssto: AXRKX . . 7 ee f _ knowledge, information and beticf the value of said estate is about 429 200 per month Dollars: knowledge, ; mn and belief, the value of said estate is about “Aw eve ind the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ] ione Dollars, and the valu t ents and profits of the real estate is about 4 worn to before me, this 2nd / i yW } Sworn t re me, this / 5 / rline ivir tc umn me William I. Ward, “r,. = - RE. 5%. Ride Va ’ ‘11a ‘ ic day of august 9 19 Ae \ day of AUC UST , 19 AS 2 } ? +) ° : Martha. D. Park er, veputy Clerk Superior Court A. ° + Ven Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ Iredell } . 4 - Lli weaner ‘line R Livineston oh -velvn Jeannette | ton I, wit lian “~* ima, “DD. Guardian for illiam A. . - I, mee oe MAY S456, 8 VUE Guardian for . ; _ on ud that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make minor heir lemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said war ™ ” ER on ' r ds: and tl 1 RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY rue returns NNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and tha will RENI I T 7 ; : : oe wise ‘ yuare : I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEA the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfu i n ym the best of my skill and ability the best of my si ill and ability Subscribed and sworn to befor: me, this and. / ait i Subscribed! a: sworn to before me, this LS- / Uline 2. #ivi u tur ue P William 1, ward, de, sane . | day of AU ist , 19 49 \ day of august, 19 49 os ' ee ‘ Cc. 6 rt t} : wartna J. Parker, Deputy eac e 4O2U0 cs. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, } , In the Superior Court In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ Iredell ( maunty \ , TIN To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING of « eve . < - It being certified to the undk tsigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for iredeli County, that William A, Weaner “velyn Jeannette Livingston . ¢ 7 . ww. > minor ehiid without Guardian, and Wil liam I ° ward IP minor orphan without Guardian aniCline Re Li Vv in, ston having applied for the Guardianship of said minot child and having been duly qualified as such having applied for tie Guardianship of said minor child 2 , abe . - i Ss : . = ver NOW THESE ARE THEREFOR K ~ a {HQRIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular ne and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor Agpigog and having been duly qualified as such wheresvever to be found, and the same to further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods take "A possession, secure and improve, aad id chatte.., righ; benefit and advantage: of the said minor Aga and credits, of said minor orphan , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ ourt, this the 29 2nd + wher wer to be found, and the same to take inte possesion, secure and improve, and further + manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit «nd advantages of the said minor orphan 9. 49+ day of August, C. Ge Smith , and according to law wa August, 19» C. G Smith ; With: ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the / Clerk Superior Court | Clerk Superior Court Form 2 43 +10 0 DARWARD Ore } { APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 00 9 sug In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Iredett County, APPLICATION FOR GUAR DIANSHIP z i fwd Minor Orphans. fe is To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of . ° respectfully poosents that i Ie | ieiieeia rs_F] 1 HH anc are minor children of deceased, i ! i und are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ate h. ie o . ‘ wt dollars, according to the best information and beli | of your applicant k 4 is TO THE END, THEREFORE t Pe fs i mee 7K , *REPORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays hi that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, “% y : . -? : Ss Chis day of ca ae 19 4 . VF » ae) ahi tian ot ber pd : * REDELL COUNTY heb aes i) . being duly sworn, says that he is ae juainte t wit! ul and personal Ee ie i estate belonging to the above named children of ‘ ‘ - feceas that to the best of his Ps 4° knowledge, information and belic f, the value of suid estate is about 7 ra Dollars t » is and the value of the rents and prohts of the real estate is about Dollars, f *, z a? } worn to helore me, this / ats | iB 7 1 ’ i") day of 19 \ fi et : t 1 Clerk Superior Court bit OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH ¢ L\ROLINA, : in the Superior Court—<s Treclell Cottnts . ane f I Guardian for proruny stad , ert {1 miner het wilemnuly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward j and Gat TS ‘rue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE VYRARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform ue the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, this 4 / day of : ot 19 } LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } , In the Saperior Court Iredell County \ . ‘ iE NG To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the umdersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that b ey t sy @ } “iy . c ‘4 se id i i : r °7 vw : : a *# "ah whi ‘ : minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Cuardianship of said mime child I NOW THESE ARK T HERKPORK , and having been duly qualified as such ts TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular ” improve, and i orphan whereswever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure antl further to manage said estate and every part th 19. 49 and chattels, rights and ctedits, of said ming ereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ mrt, this the tl day of August Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County rawley III pili . o} awry Lee raw ] “ y APPLICATION FOR GI ARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ; Ne 1 : c ‘ respectfully presents that The application of rawley J GI Crs : J : WO! be. us . oJ J ' are minor children of i +4 , “ dleceased, ni " anc ; and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of nd g out a a , ’ ‘ef me } ii ade singe Sa -_—-—-—-— -— « dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant R re i » t 4) : Kil ; , ’ ’ i red according to law, mit hea prays t ' TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according t ee hay) | ; : : _ . ~—C , k best, for the terest of the said minor orphans, that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think , for the inter ' $ \ Thi a day of Moe 19 td - a 4 ay “ ’ IREDELL COUNTY-—<ss. ; z te . pey ley , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal be by | ‘ 1 r* ir lecea that tot t of his } estate belonging to the above named children of d ’ . - i . Dollars ' ite. 4 knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ’ a % by te is al ° Dollars, i" ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, itis ellie y { 4 ; { 19 bt \ s a day of ? j aie Whee f ui } . * , uit Clerk Superior Court th + a - ' OATH OF GUARDIAN fib ling » 4 nd H)? ; . ‘ , om) NORTH CAROLINA, it In the Superior Court-—ss ae ; ant Bt adh — . — 3 > es ann bt . . Da int raw ls I ny erry I Nellie rawle; Guardian for hsb ‘ ro : ley ¥ 4 Rr : . ’ . , . t estate of my sand ward , ancl that I will make viet minor heir solemnly swear that [ will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate o an iene if ) a re . s and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVE \ ] true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; anc é; ; ae iil ae ; . . ‘ ones orm with y ue THREE YEARS in th Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, U will faithfully and honestly perfo "i 4 Hi} 4 i the best « 5 abi eh vest of my skill and ability. 7 } ' bin 30 rs Neallle 0 Brawley + Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7 nit f ‘a 44 day of A) : t 19 ‘7 \ iq ; fF y re tb t ee \ a | ease a tet ST eco Bi “TTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP ema} LETTERS OF G gH {Ht tal b i rs J i 4 ad 4 ; Hy are} NORTH CAROLINA, / , In the Superior Court. ke Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING ' | : - It heing certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that 7 - wy Te rawley 1; : rawley II and y I y ' * ¢ we Nell rewle) minot orphan 9 . without Guardian, and ‘ e , : qualified as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minu child YON _, and having been duly qu NOW THESK ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWL © ‘« said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular (he goods , SK is ARE ne - : ssion and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 8 wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into posse , ecure + ‘ ; , { according to law further to Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan » ane ‘« Ai} August 19 49 yh day of CS Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 F195 480 © @AMUARD O14 06 yy ou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT “Iredell County, Jerry McLelland, 7 years of age APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Noel R. S, Woodhouse respectfully presents that Jerry McLellana and FF minor childgy of Graham N, Mc Lel land ! minor children are entitled to real $356.73 ana $5d.00 per. month from VA deceased, and are without a guardian: that the Saic and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belie! f your applicant TO THE END, THER EFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of th: this 2h day of... October, 1949. Noel R. S. Woodhouse said minor orphans. IREDELL Cot NTY Noel R. S. Wookhouse , being duly sworn, says that he is ac juainte ] with t to the above named « hildpege of Graham Ne Mellel land knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $886 of} ul and personal estate belongin deceas that to the best of his Doilars; and the value of the rents and profits of the gx! estate is about $58.00 per mon th, péns Lon Dollars, "worn to before ‘ Ss “worn to before me, thi 2h / Noel a. 2; Woodhouse day of October, 1949-6 } C.G * SM1L th Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH ¢ AROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County I Noal R, S.Woodhouse Guardian for Jerry MeLelland minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that f will make true returr 8 and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in m y hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND RVERY YEARS in the Superior Court, other duties of my said Guardianship, { will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE as the law requires, and all the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24 / Noel q ° S. Woodhou s6 ' day of October 0 49. Ce G. Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA j , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for iredeli C Jerry Melellend ounty, that $ Woodhouse? Minot orphan without Guardian, and Noel RS W having applied for the Guardianship of said miner child NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE and chatteis, rights and credits, of said minor » and having been duly qualified as quch AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular thes prove, and and the same to take into possession, secure and im ® the benefit and advattage: of the orphan wheresoever to be found, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, fc said minor orphan , and according to law. day of Octoberp 9 kg. C. G. Smith Witness my hand, and the seat of the said Court, this the 2 Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 F196: ‘ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Virginia F. Brown, Guarcisn of Sallie Dean Brown, SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County APPLICATION POR GUARDIAN Hip Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: i Virginia P Brown t tfulf resents that The application of Sallie Dean Brown xmux is a AG minor childM@Mof C. B. Brown leceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Qne Hundred & NO/100 <2 2 rn nn ne ene n a nen em ijottars, accontine tothe be t information and f vour applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and may ! ! to law py t pray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of 0) ne. % ' J This..l et. day of December, 19.45, Virginie F. Brown IREDELL NTY—ss. Virginia F.Bfqwn ition , , estate belo to the above named children of C. B. Brown t & WN \Nenen ee se eeee= pollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about vne “uncdrdd «& 0/1 \ at and the valy the rents and prof'ts of the real estate is about none Dollars Sworn: t fore me, this lat 7 y irg inte F. Brown day of December, 1949.6. | Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County le I, Virg inia P. Brown Guardian for Sa 11 se Dean : . of cand w ami that | will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charg: of, and preserve, all the estate of my se ar t will ma iit RIEN t ‘ VERY “ww tetas and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; end that I will RENEW MY BOND | THREE YEARS in the Superior C ourt, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardians vip, | will faithfully an ly perform wit the best of my skill and ability Subseribed and sworn to before me, this let . j vi reg tintin k ‘ 8rown ey of December, 9 9. 4 C. G. Smith ea LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA. / In the Superior Court. iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4JIREERTING . . ‘ hat It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for tredell County, tha Sellie Dean Brown minor orphan without Goardian, and Virg in ies F ” Brown having applies! for the ¢ . A h *tardianship of said minor child , aed having been duly qualified as eux Now THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and angular the gots ane chattels, rights 0 posseesion t inprove, and and credits, of said minor orphan wheressever to be found, and the eame to teke inte ¢ , secre ane t ; wp { according to law further to Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the henefit and advantage: of the aad minor orphan » are « De mb oh9 . : fay of ce er , ! Witniss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the let. mer te Virginia F. Brown Clerk Superior Court i| b NT Brae } ¥ i ’ | ’ : F197 410 © MARNARD STA CO OF Lowe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrs Mary Lillie Day incompetent SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ‘To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Grace Daye The application of respectfully presents that Mrs Mary Lillie Day, incompetent, (having been declared an incompetent uum procdeding in court) KIO K of OO inane mpetent nc is und age without a guardian, that the sail fh won MRO entitled to real and personal estate to the value of One Thousand & No/10Q-------- == -----= dollars, according to the best information and ‘lief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, this. 18 day of .. November, 1949. Grace Daye IREDELL COUNTY . being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuaintet with t il and personal i state belonging to the above named children of decease; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars ind the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this of 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County Grecé Daye Mrs Mary Lillie Dey, Incompetaet - and that I will make Guardian for Fee ee true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY solemnly «wear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward rHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 18 i049 . \ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Grace Daye day of November, C. G. Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court Iredell County \ NG To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mra. Mary Lillie Day, Incompetent ORK POH without Guardian, and... @race Daye incompetent xm having applied for the Guardianship of said , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular nor and chattels, rights and credits, of said APH DS” teant.. soever to be found, and the mprove. and samp to take — a secure and f further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said (A G9RR Se according to law. 19. 49+ Clerk Superior Court Witm ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 18th ° day of No vember, C. G. Smith ' ' Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SUPE OR COURT Iredell County In the matter of SUPERILON ' aun Barbara Myrtle Ma ulden, ll years of Age APPLICATION POR Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Noel R. S. Woodhouse Barbara Myrtle Maulden and dare without a guar lian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and person al estate to the value of $58.00 per month from VA penne TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preservs i i : i ‘ $0 stl ‘ourt that Letters of Gu rdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cour This 6 day of.......Dece mber, 19,9 « IREDELL ( NTY—ss. Noel KR. Se Woodhouse being John A. Maulden estate belor « to the above named childggg of A ‘ . knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $58. OO per mon th rr; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about none Sworn to before me, this 6th. / Noel L . a. Woodhouse 1” LQ. \ day of December, Clerk Superior Court C. Ge. Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County 1 Noel R. S. Woodhouse Guardian for Barbara Myrtle 1 } ee ‘ nt so ave charge of, and preserve all the tat ' minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take brant? ml «will RENEW true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remarns im my sa ' ; . ther duties of my . Cnardransl THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all the best of my skill and ability Noel R.S. Woodhouse Oe | Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6gh . day of December, Ce Ge Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County wiell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Trecetl m Barbare Myrtle Maniden without Goardftan andioe® 1 miner orphan pay’ heen duly qualified as sue h Saving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having Seer » enter in and apen all ; if Goardian ¢ NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO At THORIZE AND EMPOWER the ssid Guardia - var. ancl thre and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresnever to be fou . ff the eaid minor orphan further to Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the henefit and advarntag we dav of Witness my hand, and the seal of the eaid Court, this the 6th. c. G. Smith minor child of John Ami ck Maulden Vanlden ot 1 wall rrpake MV BOND EVERY erform with Te All Whom These Presents Shall Come <GRERTING R.S. Wookha se sed cingular the goede eame to take inte possreston secure and imopreve ard , ared ace ording to law December, 9 h9. Clerk Superior 4 omnt Form 2 ‘ os APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP on In the matter of ae renee ‘ aa SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell Cx ; lie “es Wallace, Jr. —— date of birth 7-19-49 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Mrs. Hazel if. Wallace respectfully presents that We. WN. Wallaoe, Jr. xX are minor children of W.N.....Wallace,. Sr. deceased, nd j j and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and perscnal estate to the value of Yne Hund rer % No/1 — Saneea eee oeaneeee dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant "CO . Es tm Ett , , l THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays > MAW, r applica ) that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the ninor orphans. this CORN. aay of... January, 19.5U- Hazel H. Wallace IREDELL COUNTY Mrs. Hazel tH. wallace being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of ie N . Wa l lace » ole deceas t to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about kone hundrec *« No/1luu Se icicnasetontinuan “Dollars und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Une Hundred ne No/1QUseeeeerereee== * Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 26th. / tT 1 ; Hazel H. Vallace T : o-* day of Jan lary, 1g V6 \ te Fe. Smit : itn Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ ue 7 rs aze allace wel i 8. l e Wallac Guardian for WeN. Wallace, dr. minor h 0 me sinor heir lemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that J will true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEAR: Suy « ; + in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed! and sworn to before me, this e 2 sbscrit i to before me, tl 6th / Kkazel H. Wallace January, Ue | day of C. G. Smith cac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING Itt he und ; ’ wing certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that We N. Wellace, Jr. minor orphan without Guardian, andl?’ 8 « H having applied for the G trardianship 8 p of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE wy iF : rT . . ESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure further to man ‘ . . r er to age said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan and according to law. rite 0+ Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 26th e den January, 19 5 yo Form 2 mary me azél 4, walle? F 2u0u APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSI IP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Irecell County wary “mma Rickest, .ncompe tent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Wkivox Sacks x To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: £ The application, of amiel Kickert a! respectfully presents that Rickert, incompetent, (Certificate from Supt. Hospital ) RABRAAAM REX leeeases Bx competent is it a guardian; that the sai DEMIEIOML entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without Mree Hundred & No/100“*+~--"- er" = aottars, accordins incompetent THEREFORE, that the estate of sai / SOME AMA Mnay be preserved, and managed accordin t. for the interest of the said KKKARARX » the best information and belief of your ipplicant to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, that Letters of Gu urdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think bes This © 28 « don of February, 195U. Amiel ickert IREDELL NTY—ss. Amiei Kickert being duly sworn, says that he quaint t rsonal estate belonging to the above named omormooK Mar y Emma Hicke rt, Incompe tent RAMAK that tot t of his knowledge, information aud belief, the value of said estate is about G10- 92 from heilrouc pens Lon Dollars and the valu the rents and profits of the real estate 1s about Dollars Sworn to before me, this 21st. Amiel hickxert 19 5Us J day of February, CC. G. oamitn Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County 1, Amiel “ickert Guardian foM@Oary omme Kickert, Incompetent TAN solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; { all other duties of my said Guardianship the estate of my sand ward and that 1 will make I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY and preserve, al and that I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc the best of my skill and ability. 21st. | amiel Kickert Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ayo _. February, oe \ C. Ge Smith Cc. 8. € LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } \ In the Superior Court. 4GREETING Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell Courty, that Mary omne Rickert, incompetent SERA without Guardian, and been duly qualified as such Amiel Hickert incompetent and having h aving applied for the Guardianship of said and singular the goods lian to enter in and apen all NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO M, i mr AND EMPOWER the said Guar and chattel : tré t to be found, and the sa » ion, secure and improve, and els, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be ' aye ere” nefit and advantage of the sa , and according to law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the be Ww 21st , Pebruary, 19 906 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ist. day of Co. Ge smith Clerk Superior Court nceompe tente ~ a SS es Pa n Se bs . 4 yo = ah a ge d | YS Ass ad ie iit Mh ae my | Phi Wit 28K Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Mrs. Hiley PP. Sloan, Incompetent P22 WD STE 00.95 4) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP BOK Cod To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Ce. Re Sloan The application of Mrs Hilley P sloan, incompetent, (now cinfined in State Hospital & ~) « Atte a 4 fram -upt tache tnocm petaat 19 Aas amnarorx and are without a guardian; that the oA Zo KI DK HVE entitled to real and personal estate to the value of real & persnonal prop, NO/1U0--------------~-----xxx aoles » according to the best information an: Five Thousand sila a alicia : : competen TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said ARS RRRS may ib preserved, and managed according to! respectfully presents that certificate. XB $400.00 | belief of your applicant iw, your applicant prays incompetent, that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sai | AMD This 2Uth. February, 19? bs i. ie Sloan day of IREDELL COUNTY Ad ~ ve %. Oloan » being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted estate belonging to the above named Bmkawkxilirg Hi ley P sloa n, Incompe teat $5, 000.00 knowledge, information and belic f, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rent ul profits of the real estate is about no income at pre sent “= 2Uth. worn to before me. this / C R e loan > “* . - day of reoruary, 109U 6 \ a, Q a ze Gs Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County ' Ge Re Sloan xB SOM IC ge solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward {rue returns and ANNUAL Mrs Hiley P Sloan, Guardian for th the real and personal S907 R x that to the best of his Dollars; Dollars, Incompetent ; and that I will make SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to befor: me, this 20th ° / s] .. + , . Re a ean dayof Pebdruary, 1050. § 7 , Cc. 6 so Ge Smith C.$.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / , In the Superior Court Iredell County } . y NG To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETI It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Hiley Pp, Sioan, 4ncompeteat XKK GX FH RMX without Guardian, and CR poouge tent x he t applied fr re CG ‘ . : . vaving applied for the Guar ianship of OY wee 9 » and having been duly qualified as such , Sloen NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO At oot ; AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the 6 and chattels, rights and credits, of said Pf further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage : of the said minor orphan 20th. la C. G. Smith February, Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the improve, and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take inte possession, secure and , and according to law. we? Clerk Superior Court Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Kdith Jeanette Lee born Jan. 19, 1942 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Mitior Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Jjo@l Re ». Woodhouse icati sspectfully presents that The application of respectlully pres nhdith Jeanette Lee Coy Ce. Lee deceased, aK are minor children of ; ; . 9) Ore @ titles] 4 » ar re, stat ‘ > of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ir applicant $380.0U « $50.09 per month, from VA dollars, according to the best information and belief of y TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays i = »in st of t! said mino’ pl $. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sa iinor orphans 20th. — Feb., 19 DV Noel RK. o- Woodhouse Thi day o' IREDELL COUNTY— ss, Noel ik. &. Woodhouse , being duly sworn, says that cyuainte! with the real and personal Me bed deceased hat te he best of his estate belonging to the above named children of Coy C. Les lecea t t j g JO Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Y 400 e\ a Liotlars, ) obth from VA and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about y 50 «OU per mort 20th. ( Noel R.S. Woodhouse 19 2s) Sworn to before me, this day of February, C. G. Sifiith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredelf County. Noel a = Woodhouse Edith Jeanette Lee I Guardian for ; and that 1 will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward iINEW ; ID EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND Ey y eeave ‘ w+ , ane * ; ; . THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hone tly perform with the best of my skill and ability 20th. ‘ayol February, 19 5Us C. }. Smith i om Noel R.®. Woodhouse Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAR ILINA, \ In the Superior Court. Ireclell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that kdith Jeanette lee rdian, ana Noel KS woodpouse minor orphan without Gua , ; h having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as suc : { ular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sing ' and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure ' farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advautages of the said minor orphan 2 Oth. day of C. Geumith , and according to law February, 19. 50+ Witnoss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. eli aN fein pam | ij : xz as — +e I} itd (4 : ' yy A oat | (CESS | MD EE f Mate’ t a eee “ 7 bu per + bh : Form 2 F U4 i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP u In the matter of stO © BARNARD Sf cog) Lowe SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. ee Annie Cowan Ky 15 years APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP fy Minor Orphans. : th : To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: | i] in The application of Mrs. Ide lle Cowan respectfully presents that " Wy Annie Cowan , i xx are minor children of Ing#am He Cowan deceased, af and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ve Three jiundred « No/1pu--- oF Saree eareneteeataneenes =. Collars, according to the best information and belief. f your applicant. bi) i TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays f Ae that Letters of Guardianship may be issued te him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans oi} This. 13th. ...day of... March, 150. Mrs. Idelle Cowan ha Mi IREDELL COUNT. <s i, ht Mrse Idelle Co an , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal Bit estate belonging to the above named children of Ingram H. Cowan decease), that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the v alue of said estate is about Dollars; ih ’ he , and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dottars, ae a 13th. ( Mrs, Idelle Cowan 1h if, day of March, 19.50.- | f u C..G. Smitn Clerk Superior Court Ul OATH OF GUARDIAN j NORTH CAROLINA, '" > In the Superior Court—~«s / Iredell County. 7 r “9rse Icelle Cowan Annie Cowan : 5 ’ Guardian for minor heir : and that I will make ‘rue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Ml i THREE YEARS in the Superior Court. as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and bonestly perform with . the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13 th. } i > Mrs. Idelle Cowen day of March, 19 50. \ Ge Ge omith csc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, j , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ . + NG To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETD It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Annie Cogan Superior Court for Iredell County, that Idelle Coven minor orphan without Guardian, and irs having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREF« IRE TO , singular the goods AUTHORIZE AND EMP« /WER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan improve and wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure ont further to manage said estate and every part thereof, { , and according to law. * March, 9 m the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the i 3th =. day of C. G. Smith Form 2 » comnts one APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT--Iredell County Dagzie Mae Ellis age le years, & James Honry Ellis, age 9 years, (cld\) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Je We @cClelianad respectfully presents that bDazzie Mae rllis | and James... Henry blliea are minor children of Ralph 4llis deceased, i id minor chi are entitled to re: rsonal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value o Two Hundred & No/100---------------- dollars, according to the best information aud belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law ur applicant prays < ‘ . Sie Matas ‘ sf ¢ said mino wohans. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of tl © orphans. J MceClelismd This 14tn. day of... March, ig0Ve Sn iettare IREDELL COUNTY—=ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real a personal : teceased ; that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named children of ea i ’ Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this / day of 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—+ss Iredell County 1+ W. McClelland minor heir® solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward g..; and that I will make fue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY Dezzie Mee * James Henry tliis Guardian for = . 4 ones , 7 t THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ljth. / Je We MeClellarc day of March, 19 5u. | Ae 4%. Wilson, Dem ty Sac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAR« ILINA, In the Superior Court. iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Dazzie Mee Ellis and James Menry Nilis minor orphan without Guardian, and Jette McClelland having applied for the Guardianship of said minor childT@N. , and having been duly qualified as such: _ : all and the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon singular . secure and improve, an and chattels, tights and credits, of said minor orphan 8 whercscever to be found, and the same to take into possession ' 8 ing to la farther to manage said estate and every part thereot, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan® , and sevording to law day ot March, 19.50. Witacss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 13th. C. G. Smith Chetetienien Cues, ¥ “s + ca e es 2 Form 2 pr 205 442 © GARHARD S14 co gy Lous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Jerry swing 17 years of age SUPERIOR COURT “Tredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans, ‘ To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of George W. Chirssie respectfully Presents that Jerry Swing ind are minor child® of Roy Si ing deceased, and are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Une Thousand------.. dollars, according to the best information and bet f of your applicant TO THE END, THERER( REE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardia: ship may be Chis lst. issued to him or such other perso day of Aptil, ipU. u as the Court may think best, for the interest of the George W. Chtftstie ? ininor orphans IREDELL COUNTY Jeorge w. Christie » being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintet with the real and personal estate belonging to the above nam I< hildgey gig f° Roy S wit ng knowledge, informati m and belief, the decease:!. that to the best of his value of said estate is about $1,000.00 Dollars; and the value of the rents and protits of the real estate is about Dollars, . wr lo fore « Ss t worn to before me, th ist. / George ", Christie r ] cS day of april, 19, Ve) Rrmkz, C. G. Smith ° : caste Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR ILINA, In the Superior ( murt—-ss Iredell County i weorge W. Vhristie Guardian for Jerry Swing minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate af my said ward and that I will true returns and ANNI AL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in m YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law rec the best of my skill and ability y hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE iMires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, [ will faithfully and honestly perform with Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ist. / dayot April, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA j , In the Superios Court Irexlel) County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified te the un fersigned, Clerk of the & Jerry Swi rg wapetion Court for tredefl County, that tie Ming orphan without Guardian, and G@OeWe Chris having applied for the Cuar lianship of said minor child » and having heen duly qualified as such ‘ NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sing ” orphan whereseever to be found, part theroof, for the bene and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor improve, and and the same to take into possession, secure and further to manage said estate and every Mt and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law. 0. of the said ¢ mart, this the let. April, ww day of Witn: s» my hand, and the seal ; Court. ' C. G. smith Clerk Superior | Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Maxine S. Scott,.a Minor (ite or. Clarence. L. Scott) SUPERIOR COURT -lredetl ( APPLICATION POR GUARDIAS nip Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: } f S | o tan x The application of lirs. Mazel seagie (alexan QSsTr ov. ) Maxine +. Scott, wite ot Clarence L. Scott, is a minor and are minor children of le and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Lor. the P rpose of execut ing a nove ana aeeu 24 Lama da F, AMPH oat k Att me eeiF on, ipplicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according te law. \ ur applicant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor ans, This 24th day ot “Pril 1920 urs. Mazel Seagle IREDELL < NTY—ss. lirs. Liazei Seagle 1 i ~e OCOt MRT that tot est of} estate belor to the above named children of xine ° c ES knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars ‘ rs and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this e4th ' TSe MAZEL S&S +* day of april 19.2¥_. J ; Bio a ae He we #iSSON, Yeputy Clerk Superior Court ovetvesViitust * we OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ‘ In the Superior Court—as Isedell County ! irs. Mazel Seagle wardian for MEBANE Se SCOVL . ~- ” . he eatate « 1S sat ware and that TI will make mine beir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge al, and preserve, all the estat " : " th i MY BOND EVERY Wee returns and ANNUAL SETTI EMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, and thet I will RENEW A THREE YEARS in the Superix the best of my skill and ability. “AA + Subseritied and sworn to before me, this Tem cre ( “PS. wWEZCs COOE.e day of april zt. A. J. Wilson, Deputy C. 8. « LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH ¢ AROLINA, Tresteil ( In the Superior Court ounty \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <IRERETING . t fee Frevtell Coent thet It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superion Court for Tredell County Maxine S. Scott . Yas ar.e without Guardian, and Toe mAZOL Ve o* minor orphan . ving one theet) duly qrrafiter! ac eneh Moving apptien for the Guardianship of said minor child manel trawites . 4 the good NOW THESE ARE THERKEFORK TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the mid Guardian to enter in and apon all and singular the goods ove, and ‘ fel the sete fo teke fete powseesion, secure and improve, a: _ Chatteis rghts and credits of said mine orphan whereever ty he found, 4 ' ave ees : ' tr tr vrarr . tired according ether 4. manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and adeantage: of the tld minor orf : 24th myo “prid re QV Witocss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the - f am. ti Clerk Saperior Court respectfully presente that asec), prays re ity and hone 4; th he | *. and ¢ ther duties of mv caw! Goerdianshin will faithfully a honestly perform wt Court, as the law requires, and al et TT abe ¥, t ici Pate ot MP eR EF ori i ‘ees i ai Ee H th i é HG f ‘ | ee bea OH iat ; em ee gr e a a ; Z a : ) \ F 207 480 © BARNARD $14.06.87 Lug APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—lIredell County. Urs,.Mannie S, Gabriel, Incompetest APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Bike Hears, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Winnie lM. Gabriel lrg. Nannie S. Gabriel, incompetent (oy order o1 Court) respectfully presents that and BIOGEN deceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant incompetent if may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said Jot Six. Thousand TO THE END, THEREFORE, that ‘| © estate of said This 6 day of... J Une 19.50 Winnie Gabriel IREDELL COUNTY—ss Winnie M0. Gavriel , being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintet with thes a! and personal estate belonging to the above named cRGDMax irs e Nann ie we Gabriel , incompe tent Kkba that to the best of his 4 ne f) knowledge, information and belicf, the value of said estate is about ¥ 6 ? 000 : 00 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 6 . m ( Winnie Gabriel day of June 1 ee | ve Ge wmith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County Gabriel, incompet I winnie li. Gadriel Mrs. Nannie 5S. OLDiot Mia - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with Guardian for solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6 day of June 19 29 \ _— Winnie Gabriel C. CG. amith a / LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ G : . SREETIN To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETI It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Nannie S, Gabriel, incompetent r nie 5+ Kee without Guardian, and Mrs. Nan incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said BRABBAB , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singles ines | and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, = ’ further to manage said vstate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to lew. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 6 pe June 1959 ; C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Com gent Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Iredell County Ralph M. Austin, vr. age. 16. sTS. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. f the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Roxie Austin os iacinsilaillis pienieatn Chil To the Clerk « The application of Ralph M. Austin, Jr. as XK minor childrer Ralph ~. Austin of. leceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled t real and personal estate to the value of Pit teen... HUNdredesssrss retest ttre T TASS Mollass, accor formation a ' TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be 4 Ke 4 ra pray that Letters of Gu urdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ¢ t ma " this. 140h day of June 1920 irs, Roxie Austin IREDELL NTY—ss. irs. Roxie austin estate belo: to the above named child&e& of . 444 iph Li, #ust in sl. . knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is avout v L500 .VU ars and the valuc of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Sworn to before me, this 14th ( ln Se Roxie aust in day of June 19.50... ' Clerk Superior Court C..Ce. Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \uardian for Ralph hie & istin » vee 1, Mrs. Roxie Austin solemnly swear that I will well and truly take all the estate of ry sah) were arn t 1 will make charge ol, amd preeerv and that I will RENI Ww MV BOND EVERY minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any 0! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, ane ali the best of my skill and ability. the estate remains in my rands i fe fealty xi honestly perform with sther duties of my sat Guardianship, T will faithfully and t ' Roxie austin aa Mesa wee l4th ! , Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of June 9.7”. J LETTERS Of GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court Iredell County To All Whom Thee Presents Shall (Conme GREETING ourt for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ¢ Ralph Wi. Austin, Jr. : irs. Roxie Austin minor orphan without Guardian, ati and having been duly qualified as such EMPOWER the sat be found, and the care to take inte having applied for the Guardianship of said minor chile NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND wheresoerer to {4 Guardian to enter in and apen all and singular the goods possession, secure and improve and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan _ fing to law of the said minor orphan farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for th , eo benefit and advantage 14th day of Cc. G. Smith s une 1950 Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court F 209 40 D BARNARD SYA 1 .L0u5 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP re eS) Ral In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—lIredell County. r ) G ine b Jack t x Oo a Elizabeth /ackson APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ae : age 12 years aa “ a ii Minor Orphans. bib ; e To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Ml ; TT : 4 The application of MIrSe se len C . Gilbert respectfully presents that ft ay i Matt E J Mi Toss G. Jackson , 7 and Elizabeth ¥ackson are minor children of TS. Ve : deceased Sie iy ’ bi does not have 4 and are without a guardian; that the said minor chil@€Q6%6X 2%0€D0MOGK real and personal estate to the value of aus > said Guardianship being ror the person oi the minor and giving a none dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant aN consent tor her admission into an orphanage. ; we, TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays - i that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, 1 Ve . . Hit This... 3rd day of . AMLY 19.50. Helen C. Giloert > aS IREDELL COUNTY—ss e ‘ Mt x , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte 1 with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars, und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this / day of 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County Elizabeth Jackson - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY { honestly perform with 1 Mrs. Helen C. Gilbert minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Guardian for FTHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully anc the best of my skill and ability Subscribed aad sworn to before me, this 3rd / day of July 19 50 C. G.. Smith cac Helen C. Gilbert LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County *eTING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come oo It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Elizabeth Jackson pet! rs. Helen C. Gil the ° mip ied for t Guar Beis hip of said minor child and havi i bs hes duly wali! “an SR BABARRE . of the per gon of nd , eV GRE REA AE eo dnt EB at the said Guardian to enter in and all and singuler ee on ' wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. is Clerk Superior Court minor orphan without Guardian, and M and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 3rd day of July C. G. Smith Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Ir Phyllis J. Westmoreland Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: yplication of da.Bhe Westmore land APPLICATION Ft The aj Phyjlis J. iestmoreland end are minor children of sans and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and person il esta » tl ilue of 9500 90 Five liundred ' page wer (iat akand ili TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and manage faceor »} \ that Letters of Gu urdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thin! t t ' This..20 62 day of .. DULY 19 39. J. He westmoreland IREDELL COl NTY——ss. J. H. Westmoreland estate belonging to the above named GMX Phyliis Westmoreland DS OSes knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ¥ 50 0200 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Geer to belove me, Cs 26th ( J. He westgoreland day of July i‘ C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, . In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County T tr ‘ 4 r n fo as oso “NN BEES 2AnS 1... ve H. Westmoreland ee ‘ ee har , mi pree J ' tut “ minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take — ; ' VE \ NDI RY aul maine in my hat “ ' , . true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any the estat man n ‘ ' ill fa , « , ‘ wardia THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, 4 . the best of my skill and ability. a 5 / ' nore lar Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2oth ‘ ee H. es tmore sain cn day of d uly 19 50.) C : G . Smit h c. 5.8 LETTERS Of GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } \ In the Superior Court Iredell County n> fis Wham Th : + tae Tredeli County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Comr for 1 Phyllis ¥, Westmoreland on « erpha without Georarrt — toate qualified as euct having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having . rin the eaid Cuartian t “ter NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUT HORIZE AND EMP WER the sa ' the found, ariel the serne tn take tn and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to ut : the eaid minor orphan At and advantage vf 2oth day of Cc. G. Smith further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benef Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the sald Court, this th vuUuLy Decent Shall Come ~<GREETING hi ve and anon all and singular the grmnds neeeresion, cure ane improve anv an! according to law 19 90 Clerk Superior Court ‘1. westmorelana No. F-2l) 9 4 0.2 eee mi Form tail APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP py oT SUPERIOR COURT --Iredell County Pi Hie ule In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County, In the matter of 12 : oe sieve Hse her Vw den pi ned Jerry MeLelland, 7 years of ace Barbara a rtle o auia : ma. I, F 11. years of. age APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP PM tg APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP : | pa (i ' ptt i! Mi Orphan 1 } yhans. } Minor Orphans. inor Or} » Superior C said County i To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Traderick nblee respectfully presents that . | 7 2 bn a ” Yredci ick Le vhanb Ce ij The application of Frederick G,. Chamblee : respectfully presents that The application of 7 " i oF {Ano ; ' -_ Jerry McLelland Barbara lLiyrtle .auiden . tM ; HXninor chilly of Jolin Auick Maulden lecea and @HXninor childéas of .. Graham Wo McLelland pony ond t a guardis ‘ > gai inor children are entitled to real and personal estate | » the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor childre : | { ¥ : dollars, ace tot est information a ' , dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant i we ; ' ray ; ¥ tM om . re : +s y be presers nd manag ’ t i . ‘HE EN 7REF( *, that the estate of said minor or »yhans ma pr i " ; TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the ¢ , I ) ' Hi, +) t wn he’ e .. : - issued to him or such other person as the Court may t k t " a, that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Letters of Guardianship may be issue > nim oF Ss a P 50 Frederick Chamblee | ‘ 0 " > . 92 : august 19/ Freagerica Ue dia ait rhis.. 20bh day of. AUgUSE 19. 9O Yrederick G. Chamblee This... 20h day of. #*UE, IREDELL ( NTY—ee. IREDELL COUNTY $ Frederick G. Chamblee . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal Fre derickx G. Chamblee eee ’ . + 2 mae a . ‘ his estate belonging to the above named child&s of Graham li. MicLelland deceased: that to the best of his estate beion to the above named childd@t of. « ODN ss. aulden : iar knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about | . und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Secon to beleve wie, this 28th / weotertar 6 Chamblee Sworn to before me, this 28th : Fredericx G. Chamblee : dey et... 30D %0 1950... | ne dayof. BEDU. 19.29... ) es nt +} C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Wi Wo. We... eee Vee Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN ht NR OATH OF GUARDIAN , ; a NORTH CAROLINA, 2 n NORTH CAROLINA, [ te the | : In the Superior Courts jt it HES, icc ; ' n the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County uld 4 Vet : 44 : redell County : » : i + ty tle a en bt? psbe4 ° ‘ para yr » a "” : ' . mL. wy Liel j I Frederick G. Chamblee Guardian for oar wn 4 a 10k - Cheahies Can es JORey Moleliane ' ke cl f, and presery sll the estate of my said ward srvcl that TF will make ¢ - ' . yt charge of, “i preserve, minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make en cndlnigpeaenngte a. sida ; f the estate remains in my h ands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY tree retums and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long 09 any © r 1! hip, I will faithfully and honestly perform with Se eee mis arrce v ; iE tS ir . ne : as aw requires, and all other duties of my said Cruardiansnty THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requ! the best of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability } 28th Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 oth { Freaer ick Ue vhamblee Subscribed and sworn to before me, this © / Frederick Ge Chamb lee : 1950 day of yept. 19 50 \ Guardian = maph. GC. G. Smith Cc. 8. ¢ C..Ge Smith +e LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | nai oi NORTH CAROLINA, | ' In the Superior Court. GRERTINO In the Superior Court Iredell County TING isededl ¢ , } To All Whom These Presents Shall ( ome recen ounty er To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREE . . er ounty, that It heing certified to the undersigned, Clerk Af the Superior Court for Iredell Cow Barbara Myrtle Maulden cmp miner orphan without Guardian It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Jerry McLelland rederick G Chamblee and 2 k Ge minor orphan without Guardian, and 4 rederic lifter h en duly qualified as suc having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been euly 4 ' 7 1) RMPOWER the 1 and singular the goo NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMF d lar the cnute having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such id Guardian to enter in and upon all and aingule £ NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon al wove, and to posession, cure ari seme 4. and the came to take in wheresoever to be found, , and and chattel : h and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve %, tights and credits, of said minor orphan 9s ent abventag of the said minor orphan , and according to law : further t A, for the bene . ' further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage. of the said minor orphan , and according to - 0 ae eee ny ee 8 h jay of sep . 19 50 day « n : 9 5 Witn ' { Court, this the 2ct Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 28th day of Sept 9 ' ee indi h Clerk Superior Court C. Ge Smit C. G. smith Clerk Superior Court sa ; ; No. F-214 oN No. F=213 nie 2 (See Renunciation in file) a Hy 480 © BARNARD STA.CO.81 Lous 0 ne. ©. MORNARR, Pf as bo 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP fy} f ta ij t In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—-Iredell County. In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County, Edith Jeanette Lee aryoe. ARR Parcel} hat | | born Jan. 19, 1942 | — bch Nt APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP vee Pome APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP \ Minor Orphans. Minor Orphans. 1e Superior Court of said County: Frederick Ge Chamblee respectfully presents that Ml To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of th y 1 ny ‘ Frederick G. Chamblee yepestiidiy auaiaiaiaa The application of The application of y tdith Jeanette Lee Bruce Ann Parcell gt Ris e and are minor childséaof Coy U Lee ure minor children of Bruce F,. Parcell deceased J ° deceased, and... é | and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and ere without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. and $58 per month from. ; - dollars, according to the best information and belief ur licant i tO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your upplicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and man aged according to law, your ap wit prays 4 . at ' ’ “ . ® : . oe ft ‘ e of t! lenin ne ’ that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sa r orphans. wie OR ! : : > . ~ Cham) This... 20th day of August 1950 Yrederick G. Chamblee this... 24th day of... Qetoder 1990 Frederick G. vhamblee ¢. G. Smith, C. 5S. C. . IREDELL COUNTY—ss IREDELL COUNTY—ss. “7 . — Frederick G Cr Seam of ; 1 that he is ted with t aid per ul derick G. Chamblee . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal , being duly sworn, says that — : \ estate belonging to the above named children of Coy C. Lee deceased; that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named children of lecea that tot CH OF AS ’ rll knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate 1s about ones hh Tdollar and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the vu.ue of the rents and profits of the real estate is about l 92+ Sworn to before me, this 2oth - or . Sworn to before me, this / ( ¥Yrederick G. Chamblee shat ay » ' day of vept. 19.50... \ day of 19 ) wh . uit f 0 m4 , GC. Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court Clerk Superior Court if OATH OF GUARDIAN ih OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | | NORTH CAROLINA, » In the Superior Court—ss In the Superior Court——ss. } Iredell County \ Iredell County. tat ; ” 7 1 yf i! " l VreA , ‘} » a " bruce ann Parcel j IL. Frederick G. Chamblee Guardian for sdith Jeanette Lec 1,.. Frederick G. Chamblee Guardian for y Het . . co ‘ ard : i that I will make : minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that 1 will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate { my said war an a * t saeee — cay , q ENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will R said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly pe rform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my the Lest of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability. 24th vreferick G. Chamblee Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th = . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7 Frederick J. Chambbe iter yialinginataieamaa ines 0 day of. October iP day of sept . 19 50 \ Guardian Ce Je Smith & ¢ C. G. Smith c.a¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / NORTH CAROLINA, | \ In the Superior Court. \ In the Superior Court Ired redell County ETING Iredell C ty ‘meETING sink — To All Whom Tt P Shall Come—GRE To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING o/ fhom These Presents Shall \« , . It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Edith Jeanette Lee Bruce Ann Parcell suardian, and Frederick G Chamblee derick Ge chaable minor orphan without ¢ It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that minor orphan without Guardian, and re : h having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as suc dian to enter im and upon all and singular the go als saving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such SANDE ii i Gua ZE AND EMPOWER the saic NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORI | a i and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into yin sa re : | , i i ° according w further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan $0 , | * of October 19 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2 8th day of Sept. 19 50 Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 24th day C..G Smith Clerk Superior Court . 2 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 4100 F=2]3 £9 © DAnmene ere 89-99 Loung APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Tredett County. Edith Jeanette Lee born Jan. 19, 1942 . 72 49 APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSHIP Mitior Orphans To the Clerk of the muperior Court of said County The application of Frede ri ck G ° Chamb lee respectfully presents that udith Jeanette Lee and are minor child meMof Coy U + Lee leceased, and are without a Kuardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFOR] that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and Managed according to law, yin r applicant prays that Letters of Guar lianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said mins t orphang D + 2, This 20th day o Au;tust 19.50 ““rederick G, Chanblee IREDELL COUNTY = . aw , 4 . ion r { é sredcerick g . being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainted wit! and personal estate belonginy to the tlnave deceased best of his knowledge, inform ition Dollars td the valu Dollars, “rederick GC, Chamblee OATH OF GUARDIAN « Vhamblee minor heiy ’ il rt well and truly take charge #, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward arid that | will make true returns and ANN PLT TLEMENTS THRE YEARS in tiv (uardian for edith Jeanette Lee % long as any of the « Mate remains in my hands; and that 1 will RENEW MY BOND EVERY ts the law requires, and all oth rt duties of my said Guardianship, { will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of ny 20th . . : rede PaGis e Vhanhbke Guardian LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA j Iredell Conmnts } To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being core ‘ s the rT ! une Clerk of the “peti { curt for tredell ¢ minty, that anette Lee Rn ot inet orphan Without Guardian, an rederick G.Chaabl ‘ Paving applies! foe the (uation hip of eaid iinet chibd » ated having heen duls Gua 'ihed as such NOW THESE ARK THEREPOR; POAUTHORIZ AND EMPowrER the said Guardian te enter in and upon all and singular the goods sm) chattels, rights and credits om saad tine tphan Wheresuever te be found, and the same to take inte Possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part ther of, foe the benefit and advantage. of the said ; inet orphan , and according to law 0 day of vept ° v ? C. Vv. Smith Witn: se my hard, andl Che seal of the a | Court, thi the 28th Clerk Superior Court. No. F214 ‘ FE 2 (See Renunciation in file) orm APPLICATION FOR GI 'ARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR Cot RT -Trecett County Bruce Ann Parcell APPLICATION FOR GUARD] ANSHIP Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Fre der ick G ® Chamblee Bruce Ann Parcell | are minor childrey of bruce I. Parcell anc and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal. ' fhe "7 v200.00 and.$56 per month from. V..A. dollars, » TO THE END, THEREF¢ IRIE, that the estate of said minor orphans may he preserves that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such othe; person as the Court may think jy This 24th day of October 1950 Frederick CG. vVhamblee C. G. Smith, Cc. S, C, IREDELL COUNTY s. estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of nts and profits of the real estate is tbout Sworn to before me, this day of 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROI INA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell Cx tint Parne? 1... Frederick G. Chamblee Guardian for STUCE anh Parcel) nor heir lemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward aut Chat Twill make ue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will R} NEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEAR ‘ i tis ventory ithe > in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said ( uardianship, | will faithtully testly perform wi the best of MY Skil} ane ability Subscribed ay ! sworn to be fore me, this 24th : Ve vnanblee day of October ; 10 C. G. ~nith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH « AROLINA In the Superior Court Trext i ¢ ounty To All Whom These Pres nts Shall Come 4JRERTING It leing Certileon) tee the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court { - Iredell County, that Bruce Ann Parcell without Guardian wi Frederick G Chamblee nino orphan h name applin fog the Guardianship of said itisnoe child , and having been duly qualified as such : NOW THE vEAKK THERE: RE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon ail and singular the goods ‘ wove s Aad chattels, 5 hts and credits, of said ininor orphan wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and ore On ’ ; if ; 1 aw at te manage said estate ard ¢ very part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan rand according to la October 19 90 Witte 6 my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 24th day of C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court In the matter of edith Jeanette Lee born Jan. 19, 1942 To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Mreder kk The application of frederick pdith Jeanette Lee and wid are without a guardian, that the r) Reh Phi &V Lh lay of IMEDELA COUNTY NOKTIL CAROLINA / the best of sey shill and lity a! A 1 andl ' t " ' ' ept day of wv © NOKTIT CAROLINA, { Tee the aperhd Comnt Irevtell Comnty Tt teedeng contiteedd tee Che econ ogee ‘ ¥ euith dt nette Les i j NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO At spl chattels, rights and credits further to manage sat! estate and « aiel mrniricer chile ro THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate o that Letters of Guardianship may be meued to him o Aust true returns and ANNUAI LTTLEMENT os ben PHKREK VRARS tn the baaperiot Cotrt, as the haw requires having applied for Che Comarelianety A saw! mined cheb “a sani tne orphan very part thereat, lot the benett and advantage: of the sand mine orphan Wite os ary feared, aed the seal of the eand Conert, this the No. H-213 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SUPERIOR COURT —Tredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans j yhamt Le) te Ch Am dle respectfully presents that Coy Ve LOG deceased ire minor child seeol lren are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and bely air applicant {said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays rouch other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sar utnor orphans. 1950 VYrederick G. Chanblec Yrederick i. Cha iblee Iotng duly sworn, says Chat he is ac yuaimte td with t snl personal estate belonging to the above mand chalks Coy C. Le deceased, t best of his knowledge, information and belef, tl alu t ut Dollars and the value of the rents a pereniat { the real estat nat Dollars, f Yrederick G. Chamblee OATIT OF GUARDIAN In tl tea t Irevtell Coamty \ ‘ } ria amt le i ] i . AUT. . MANDLCS Cuardian for 44a ved Jeanette Lee minor heir Jemnly owear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sax! ward sick that | will make HOND BEVERY as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY‘ ly perform with sed all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and how “edurick .. Vhanbbe Guardisn ha LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP fo All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING Clerk of the Superma Court tor tredell Commty, that mined otphan without Guardian, an au having been duly qualitied as such THOKIZE AND EMPOWEMK the said Guardian to enter in and upon all ane whereseever to be lownd, and the sume to take inte possession, secur _ and eccording to law 9 50 Clerk Superior Court 28th den of C. Ue smith wept . #rederick Ge Cheadle j cinguilar the gonris and mmprave, and E 2 (See Kenunciation in file) orm APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Bruce Ann Parcell Minor Orphans { the Superior Court of sald County Frederick G. Chamblee To the Clerk o The application of Bruce Ann Parcell ire mitthot and and are without a yuardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and | and $56 per month from Vee ( yO THE | ip may be bev do to him or such other person a Qetober 1950 that Letters of (ust liansl This 24th $C, Ge Smith, C. Se Oe day of IREDELL Cu! ry ‘ estate belony! » the above named children of knowledge, tafor und belief, the value of said estate is about and the value « rents and profits of the real estate 1 alent bworn to re me, this 1” \ day of Clerk Superior Court ip, I HEREPORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may s the ¢ SUPERIOR COURT child wr that tye part tthe Frederick G. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAPO NA, | ; In the Superion Const Ireviell) Coast . Frederick G. Chamblee mand herr Jemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge true returns and THREE YEARS in the Superiog Court, as the law requires, and all other duties the best of muy skill ancl ability Saalewctile al eworn to before me, this 24th / day of Uctober ' 0 \ GC. G. Smith NORTH « AMOMINA j Irestet f In the Superion Court erlell C cannty \ i It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superit ‘ Bruce Ann Parcel] moma opphan havin € pple’ for the Guardianship of said miner child SOW THESH ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE ad chattels, right further t., and credits, of aid mines orphan wl Manage said estate and evcry part thereot, for the tenets 24th A it ss my hand, and the seal of the auld Court, this the ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long a8 any of the estate remam {my and having been duly wreowevet to le found, t and advantage C. Caardian for of, and preserve sin my hands No. Trectell Commty Fe214 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP uruce i. Parcell est informal ' ue of y2VU .0U Vinambl ve uruce ann Purce ll all the estate ad Cardiansiny { my ant “ and that | will RENEW 1 will fasthinl Yred@erick GU. Vie ablee LETTERS OF GUARI JIANSHIP of the said mina orphan nr We To All Whom These Presents hall Com cart for Iredell County, that without (ardean, ane AND EMPOWER the said Cuardian to en and the same to take inte day of Smith qualitved as sue h October ter in and upon all and possresion, secure and seny perham “it GREETING Frederick G Chamblee , and acconting to law 19 90 Clerk Superior 4 cmart angular the gernts cow, aml seme | hi : 1h De, ie } i fee (tii aed Vans Bae i Hanh} an hd PUtiy) eit ta a tf By bP ae iy heh iat 4 ’ iii ; No. F-2.5 0 BARNARD 914.00 BY Loing APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Elizabeth Sue varkley and Yommy Eugene Yarkle} 4 y APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Mrs. X. Era Barkley Fitzgerald veanseidiliie eniiiliita ’ wes hat Blizabeth Sue Barkley Thomas P. Barkley Vonmy uugene Barkley are minor children of pon and und are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of abou t Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant pray > aw, ‘ cd ays that Letters of Guardianship may be issue | to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. rhis .25¢h day of Qetober 1¥50 Mrs. X. Era Barkley Fitzgerald IREDELL COUNTY *' ne - = le y ” mT Se Ae a Ba rkle; ‘4 itzgereld . being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintet with t il and personal TM > inVeat snomas ie varkley deceased, that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named children of $95. .00 Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the vy luc of said estate ts about und the value of the rents an! profits of the re il estate is about fore me, thi / . _ ’ oa irs. X. ure Barkley Fitzgerald October 9 DO the Ve wilson, Deputy Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / Ireclell County \ Guardian fo LAizabeth, ou , Barkley & Tommy bucene Backicy , and that l will make minog het solemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the @state of my said ward RY thirs. X. bra Barkley vitzgerald true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY‘ BOND EVE PTHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon stly p rform with the best of my skill and alnlity ubscribed and sworn to before me, this Mrs. X. sre sarkley Fitzgerald . : October Guarc.an day af she d . diison, JC uty LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA uperwd (ort Iredell County fo All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Slizabeth Sue Barkley and Tommy Eugene Jarkley without Guardian, and uirg % 20eatd mites orphan having applied for the Guardianship of sated minor chil iren um] having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE cure . ) K AKK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goo m, secure and improve, and od chattels, rights lore ol enk ann re and credits, of aid miner orphan whereseever to be found, and the same to take into possessc further to manage f "i ' ' 0 sage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphanS and according to law. ° 169 Clerk Superiar Court Wit «6 my hand, and the seal of the ead Covert, this the 25th day of October Ce G. Smith No. F216 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -iredell County, Frank Nesbit, saed 18 years "We Nesbit ged 19 years pugene Hes it, 98 . APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. k of the Superior Court of said County: James “. Nesbit To the Cler respectfully presents The application of Frank Nesbit Eugene Nesbit and are minor children of Fannie Nesbit and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and pers mal estate to the value of fan Ant tececcew ee eee eeeers eoeeeseee= Two Hundred be ia ollat , ace ording to the best information an 1 bel TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and man aged according to law, y that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of th This Jth day of... pecember C. G. Smith, 0. %- Cc. IREDELL COUNTY~~ss. 7 19.50 James we. dtesbit , being duly sw estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about , . and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this day of 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss. Iredell County. JFrenk Nesbit & Lugene Nesbit Guardian fo ; vames W. Nesbit and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make minor heir S solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; { all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hone stly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th James ii. Nesbit day of December 1950 GC. G. Smith c.ac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, \ In the Superior Court. Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Frank Nesbit and Eugene Nesbit , James W. Nesbit minut orphar without Guardian, an having ar: ving applied for the Guardianship of said minor hid OR _., and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER m all and singular the goods the said Guardian to enter in and upe and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and said minor orphond , and according to law December 19 50 an, chattels, tights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the 7 th day of C. G. Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. B02 . mh hnIT Form 2 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Be th oS a St Se se a r se a l i p e n a i n g r r n r Ha m m a m e t In the matter of om — SUPERIOR COURT -Iredell County Kerr Johnston In the matter ol SUPERIOR COURT--Iredell County, Liarilyn Keed Meitner, Minor Mrs. Nannie Lee a Se ee ss APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP a OR R di k Ca e s e r Ke n c t i d a n ws * Minor Orphans Minor Orphans. ‘To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mirs Svelyn B. Meitner, (Mrs suvelyn B, Raynel Nesbit Johnston The application of respectfully presents that The application of LS e and F on minor children of deceased, and Johnston ny * 1 Ary ehsb ws Vas y ah ave Nannie Lee Kerr aOR OOM BEGG GF... and are without al} Q ’ : oy fons yf and personal estate to the value of fh : } j : ; dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to Twelve Thousand Five..diundfed........... dollars, accor incompetent ND, THEREFORE, that the estate of said niGieKotPhEGE may be preserved ninor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE ! or\such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Letters of Guar lianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thin! January 1947 This. 2000 dey of December 19 50. Nesbit IREDEL! IREDELL C' rY—ss. a Nesbit Johnston incompetent estate belonging to the above named children of deceased: that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named ¢ ! personal being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real an knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; knowledge, infor ion and belief, the value of said estate is about und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ae ] day of December 19.50 \ Ce Ie Smith fore me, thr 19 Clerk Saperior Court Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superi« ‘ ss > In the Superior Court——ss ell County \ Iredell County NORTH CAROLINA, / Ire — oO? LCD. Vb Messen VVee ton aa wre c incompeten wid ward nd that I will make ~ . ” : wFSe 28st wh . ' YT t+ Tr! . I, Guardian for I, Nesbit Johnston Guardian for ; and that 1 will make tale ht solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my minor heis solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserv’, ."! the estate of my said ward and that I will RENEW MY BOND EN ERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, am THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I ill faithfully « mestly perform wit THREE YEARS in the Superiot Court, as the law requires, a vd all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perf sbility the best of my skill and ability. the best of my skill and 45 +h Subscriber! aud sworn to before me, this 28th ‘ubscriler! and sworn to before me, tl 1 zveiyn b. Meitner Januar; ; day of December LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, / eo - , In the Superion Court ‘ , HRagATS., ) Irertedl County \ In the Superior Court. bine To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETI It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that {incompetent It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Xyeizxax¥sxrkaitagr Meriiyn xeed Meitner, iniant Urs. Nannie Lee Lee Kerr Johnston, . coer ave ly n Be Mei XAG KchBan X without Guardian, and incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said wks BMS , and having been duly qualified as such mine orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of sat] minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE AKKE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the eaid Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods ‘uardian to enter in and upon all and «angular the goods NOW THES ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE ANY GAG" YWER the said ¢ and chattels, rights and credits, of said MEM wheresoever to be found, and the ne Ome ent to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said gape corpora ae according to law 49 19 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 26th day of and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor ofphan wheresurver to be found, and the same to take into posses! re and improve, and same to take info possession secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan and according to law. i ‘ Wits: ss my hand, and the seal of the wid Court, this the 51 a January we P. Whitley, Asst Guilioag County, N.C. December 19 59 Clerk Superior Cont 6... Smith Clerk Superior Court No . Fr2l9 Form 2 482 D BaRwnan sre o APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT ‘Iredell County, Ray Junior Morrison, age a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ve wtp °. rave 4 o wally worrison respectfully presents that ? rnt can mOrricon ~3 KK minor chil of Pauline Worrison deceased, and are without a guardian, that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of none 7 os ee . of STTtt*O= aa ext geen a > an ee 5 POPa.nyment made yor the Purpose of s'gning hapers for hij . “es oh aa @ . MiS Gdmission into the dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant fO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, y ‘pplicant prays hat Letters of Gu iwdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. day of January 19.51 “ary Morrison hy wae » being duly SWort, Says that he is acquainted with the roal and personal n of deceased; t the best of his of said estate is about Dollars; € real estate is about 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH ¢€ AROLINA, / In the Superix Iredell Coun \ r - eam? on —" 2 I wf wD oO 4 SON c : De: a iat Guardian for AG) v4RL0FP WOrrison minor heir solemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ard Chat I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLE) MENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YBARS in the Superior Court as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly pe form with the best of my skiff and ability +} Val 9 - subscribed and sworn to before me, this aay o¢ TONuary LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA i r Im the ~aperior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superiot Court for Iredell County that aay Junior ee in minor orphan without Guardian, and mary uz riso HS Apples fos gh &y waeshiy of 2H nur child. h NOW THESE ARE THEREFOR} s - f é 4 £ a We baring Mreduly qualified as guatr appoapigent made ior * a > one ewe, ah - Ve 7 ® TO Al THORIZE AND EMPOWER the sand ( i minor orphan where e oods suardian to enter in and upon all and singular the » and chattels, rights and credits, af sai ever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, asd further to manage said estate and ev TY part thereof, for the benefit ane l advantage: of the said miter orphan + and according to law. Witn: ss my hand, and the s al of the said wmurt, this the 9th 7s dayot Jahuary 19.52 mith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARD] ANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT 2 Iredell County Grace Blackburn, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARD] ANSHIP RRO aE To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Vivian McKee The application of Vivian Me > Grace Blackburn, incompetent (Certificate rro +s mx.Goldsboro as to mental condition) xxxxxxr xa XK incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said Mid GMARXKare entitled to real and personal estate 1 Eight Hundred ------e--8--.. =. dollars, a . incomoetent TO THE END, THEREF( RE, that the estate of said FIGARO NIEX may b. presery that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court m ay thint This Ah day of... January iol Vivian IREDELL C ‘ . 74 apt < mr a* _+ estate belongin, » the above named@DBGE AC 4nc WIP ey Ov « knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the valu: ‘se rents and profits of the real estate is about + . Cc Sworn to before me, this 15 th - -% day of Y4RUary 19 > . mie + » . re UMITD Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR: ILINA, In the Superior Court—~ss Iredell County we 2 or oe wvian Ore i tate“, wOnee Guardian for Goace Blackburn, sncompetent ERXAE: solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward nd that J will make true returns and ANNI AL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that t will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardians! ip, { will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability, 1 and sworn to before me, this 15 th iuary 19 51 yvaith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA j , In the S ox Court. iredeli ( ounty } a wee s To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —< *REKRTING It being Serlihed to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that in @ slackburn, incompetent iho BeBe wa 2 without Guardian and Vivian Lckhee incompetent od having been duly qualified as such hi . *¥ing applied for the Guardianship of said ek AL Now THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE Set EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and wngular the gorsdls nt chattels, rights and credits, of sas DEOGK oe pO mea nome ee) © be found, and the same to take info possession, a. and improve, and t : further to mar 98, nc ompe Age Said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said naGXdt@bau. ’ and neon € to lew anuar gp Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the l5th day of Jan 7 i GC. ¥, ~mith Clerk Superior Court STA. 69.87.touig APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. J. Will Moose, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Uipar OK Misia To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: 4 ea inn rr ? ian nie - + hi a The application of ul Se a Orn ie loose ana nveret ve WoosSe respectfully presents that J. Will Moos©, Incompetent person (having been declared incompetent by jury) aot x atk Midna Chi AIX mena ¢ nt ers ent till ethan a guardian; that the aid SREB RARE bone PS to ree | to the value of e lear " viet nd TT / 0 meee -- -<<= : . i wd ad sand «© iO Li dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant erson TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said EBgoapetent.. Conve and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said @ixok This........6 day of... e bruary 19. D1 IREDELL COUNTY 6 . on ‘rT . on ‘ f _ + Moog lus ‘ aA os JovU BVe.Cvve wu JV e wa i v v mOOSC , being duly sworn, says that agit! ac Dey int S with the real and personal eee Mhat to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Two. Thousand & No/l00-.------ none estate belonviig to the above named Saeko % incompetent person und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about + i to before me, this 6th 4 ‘ai " . P wo Se wannIsc 12.0056 brut 19 51. Everette lLioose Deputy Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County ia..lirs. Mannie Moose 8 Lverette LiooSW. Guardian for J. Will Moose, Inconmy KK LAK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and tl etnet vat I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability f 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this oth irs. Nannie Moose day of... February verett 0ose guardians wv , wv Me J “ues “a . J . wd 1 S$ ° LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that . J. Will Moos Incompetent stan. Mann pioose o- »* ee oe without Guardian, andLIT’S « Nannie 0 & Everette Moose tSncompete having applied for the Guardianship of cakyentoorconinx / ~ = ompe tent beet PRESS qualified as such N OW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUT eon WR EMe WER the eid Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said eamecocpeoax / wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, ot further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said SGMDESEBGS in CAD petite bo law. Wittess my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 6th day of Februa ry 19 d C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Contt- Form 2 No. Fe222 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, Pegsy DeAnn Warlick Age as years APPLICATION FOR Gl ARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: a 7 le : The application of De N ° W arlick respectfully presents that Pegzy DeAnn wWarlick "e DEOCDEDLOR XDLDLEK X and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to-the value of Qne Thousand ‘ i scaeentes suliotes dollars, according to the best information and belief of TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed accor ling to law, you that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the This... 22 day of........ March 51 S..N,. wWarlick IREDELL COU NTY—ss. S. Ne Warlick . being duly sworn, s to the above named child#@h of Pegry DeAnn Wa rlick estate belong! knowledge, .siormation and b lief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 22 dey of... March 19.51... | / S$, N. warlick C e G. omi th Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. W arlick Guardian for Peggy DEAnn Warlic k - and that I will make RoiicoucdilhMiens AU all the estate of my said ward minor heir jlemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, ands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVE RY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my h THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Gus ardianship, I will faithfully and hon stly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22 / 5 ‘ N * Warl ick day of Larch 19 51 \ v . u . oni th e.¢ e LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County st To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Peggy DeAnn Warlick ,arlick : ’ minor orphan without Guardian, and. ¥ « N ° having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter ® Jae Rsi improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, nto pe jon, secure and imp and upon all and singular the goods and the same to take f t to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law 22 day of March 1951 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the te k Be me ia m =~ + - ~~ ~2 l e @ ~> oF - a ee ee _— - — - . he ee ee ee ee _— — ~ — eS Se e | = ™ Form 2 No, Fe223 a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—-Iredell County, Patricia Jane Warlick age 18.yrs. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ‘To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of W.... Te. Warl ick respectfully presents that Patricia Jane Warlick and are minor childg@gfof and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of One Tho usand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays hat Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. { ral This.......218t day of... wareh 19.51 W...T..Warlick IREDELL COUNTY—ss . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal W...T...Warlick estate belonging to the above named child@@xf Patric ia Jane warlick MOCOEHK that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ol , 000.00 Dollars; und the value of the reuts and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 2lst ur m + ° cs ( W...T, Warlick March 19.51 G. smi th Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA ( In the Superior Court-~ss Iredell County \ I « T Warlick Guardian for Patricia Jane warlick minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY fTHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21 day of Me } 19 51 We I . Warlick CSC LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | r In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that “atricia Jane Warlick minor orphan without Guardian, and W. Te Warlick having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child . and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular one and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresuever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and img r - further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the sav! Court, this the 21 day of 1: reh 1952 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Com Form 2 P-22y APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, T lirs..katoryne. Ge Williamws.(irse dade Williaus)..Incoupetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: a” The application of MPS « nvelyn we sn0aes SPC presents that prs... hacaryne..te williaws..nas.poeen delared imcompetent .ro.u wan of under- to manage her own aliars, and peand.* : HOTHMICKDOIOKN MCIGIOX and odie without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of about 36.439 Oh weenie : . . dollars, according to the best information and net.e Ww Nae ’ ' . may be preserved, and managed according to law, your apy mt prays : incompetent that Letters of Gu wdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sar Q6iMKutplGis. Tne value or the real estate 1S not Know. This... LOth...........day of.....<spril 19....5.. prs. Uvelyn «. s19aes TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mee IREDELL COUNTY MlB.0...0NE We modes , being duly sworn estate belonging to the above named OQIWKEWOK inc ompete nt knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about w 6 ’ §3 9 . 61. and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about nét known Sworn to before me, this 16tn / re day of ri 19.4 \ Lng. mit: Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court-—ss. Iredell County Guardian for! I'S « 1, brs. svelyn we. moges sme solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, am true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; { all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and 1 preserve, all the estate of my su | ward - and that I will make and that I will RENEW MY BOND E\ ERY oY WHAT , hon perk tl THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th mre : wnoaes day of apr i j 19 4 ‘* se ami. th Cc. S. « LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLIN . In the Superior Court. Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4GREERTING Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court fe — .; ¥ ot ory Slijaws, incouwpetent iS, ivelyn w. Ahodes, guardian for MPs. SS nryne GU. witssaMs, Aierm RES CM GeUIOWd be incompetent ving applied for the Guardianship of said s2GSO0GM , and having NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter i been duly qualified as such in and upon all and singular the goods 0 ape en . rd i , and and chattels, rights and credits, of said SAMMOOOTOLG0 ‘whéresoever to be found, and the same to take ee 2ST aA¥ e and improve antage: of the said MMGMGEMAG a according to law day of April 19 51 further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and adv Wita:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 16th CG « Me smith Clerk Superior Court ataryne @, williaus, incouptent Form 2 7Fe225 we 2: enineanie Aa APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County, Robert Leonard...rown Age 5. yrSe ‘ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Siagpeotsc To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Jonn G. Krown respectfully presents that Khooert Leonard Brown KK iS. a... Minor chikiasvor.. JOu.n UW. Brown eka, and are without a guardian; that the said minor childrég are entitled to XD&R! personal estate to the value of rive sundrea and 1.0/ 100 ™ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor DeptMads may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor &iXa% This... 29th day of may 19.5 Z IREDELL COUNTY wn . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with theA2&s and persona! O22 e 2rFrowt estate belonging to the above named child&aS of Jonn.u. orown QGIEKEK! « that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ive fmundred anda NOslLOQmmeennnnnn--= ™ Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about One Dollars, Sworn to before me, this j / Jo r, iM rown IML \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—s Iredell County \ ‘own - and that I will make l, JOAN ° row Guardian for oO ; hai minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon« stly perform with the best of my skill and ability 5 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this he Jai John G. Jrown day of ay 1951 1 wartha J. rker, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that aoovert s/eonara vrown prown minor orphan without Guardian, and JOAN Ue having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, a further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witn: ss my hand, and the seal of the saw) Court, this the 29th day of 4 way Ve Ue oritnA Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT. -Iredell County Jacquelyn JVavidson, age 12 years dell ktebecca Vavidson, age 0 yrs Brendell : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Ulog ell Javicdcson Jacqueiyn Davidson anu -rendeli “eoece ont are mina WDM and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 1 } ‘Two inc usand : dollars, according to the best information at ' TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and that Letters of Guar lianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best for th . os OZCLL This... LOO day of... June 1951 IREDELL C‘ Jlozeli vaviason : ae ae pene estate belonging to the above named children aJdaca se lyn Vavidson VIGSOMaAXK that t knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this tn day of Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ lahece y don 1... -LOZ€1L] Uavidson Guardian for JVaccuely.. YVavaason reiaeil7 1 preserve, all the estate of my san! ward and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY ‘ mi that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, anc ‘ ! ima true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, id Guardianship, 1 will faithfully an honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sa the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this itn day of June ve Ve wm. to LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA Iredell ( In the Superior Court . it or coe To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Stouelvr ~~ ; rei P neve ca wWava ison Luar AYR Javiuson aie min C00 Mr. without Guardian, and well iason having applied for the Guardianship of said minor charen , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said ¢ and chattels, rights and credits, of said miner GUID wheresoever to be found, and the same to take inte further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and adva juardian to enter in and upon all and «ingular the gonrdls powsession, secure and improve, and ntages of the eaid minor orphen , and according to law dayvot «= dune te omith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the i,th # F- 227 Form 2 360 © BARNARD S74 6 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Rollie Chester Johnson date birth Sept 25, 1936 APPLICATION FOR OUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ” J. Cheste: Johnson The application of respectfully presents that is Ya minor chile Mecenees, and and are without a guardian; that the said minor childsesr SB entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Three Thousand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ssued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. J. Chester Johnson that Letters of Guardianship may be | This L5¢D aay of June io al IREDELL COUNTY-—=ss. J. Chester Johnson , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named child¥er ef Rollie Che ster Johnson deecwweed Chat to the best of his none Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 15th / of June 19 51 \ C. G. Smith J. Chester Johnson Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ I, Je Chester Johnson Guardian for Rollie Chester Johnsce minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that J vi ame truc returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon stly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscrfed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of June 19 51 C. G. Smith J. Chester Johnson LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING Rollie Chester Johnson It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that minor orphan without Guardian, and Js Ches having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child . and having been duly qualified as such 228 tet ter Jonne® NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Cucrdian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods : improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. : ; Witness my hand, and the seal of the s d Court, this the 15th day of June - i C. Ge. Hmith Clerk Superior Court APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Irecdell County John David Richardson, age 12 as a qilliam Crockett Richardson, 9g@ 6 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. rior Court of said County: Mrs. Julia D. Richardson ails sac taidie ial To the Clerk of the Supe The application of John David Richardson ‘i William Crockett Richardson are minor children of#411.em Crockett xichardsgn..... and are without-a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and be nd managed according to law, your aj unt prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, a f Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the 21st aay of....... June 19 D2 Julia D. Richardson that Letters o This IREDELL COl “TY—ss. Mrs. Julia D. Richardson sstiacn tails eee, ome thal estate belonging to the above named children of Willian Crockett Richardson lecea that knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 3 Vy yr § ONS OOOO SESS & © OE 822222 BSEO° and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sixty Five ieee to hatecn ate, Se éLat ' Julia D. Richardson Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County \ : 1 Mrs. Julia D, Richardson nd truly take charge of, and preserve, Guardian for John David Richardson & Wadden Grosketh Rach Aras cPoa. minor heir solemnly swear that I will well ar ds; and that I will RI NEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my h THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfull und honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2ist / Julia D. Richardson day of June . 19 51 C. G. Smith c.8.c an LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } Iredell ( \ In the Superior Court. : r ’ . ar” “se se To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING tmardohn David Richarason It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, and William Crockett Richardson they minor orphan Ss without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child FOR _, and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to ent and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan & wheresoever to be found, and the same further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan S_ _, and according to law 21st a June 1 5h C. G. Smith Witness my j.and, and the seal of the said Court, this the et a en e = er in and upon all and singular the goods to take into possession, secure and improve, and Clerk Superior Court oo ee ee —= — Form 2 # Fe 3H D BARNARD BTA 08.61, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County. Mrs. Mattie £, Setzer Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP COPIOC OIDIa0s. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: respectfully presents that The application of H e J e Setzer irs Mattie E vetzer, incompetent, (See attached certificate from > . a 1 ent . * “ves apt. 8tave. mos) ita XSTRATA IN incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant incompetent TO THE END, THUREFORE, that the estate of said 342828 may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays One Thasand + yr that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the ttt SRR Stee’ Sth day of July 19 51 Be Je Setzer IREDELL COUNTY-—ss H. J Setzer . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with t ii and personal estate belonging to the above namedzgnpmaet. lirs Mattie £ Setzer, incqmpetent AITO, that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about yl ,000. Dollars, und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about to before me, this 5th / H. Sa Setzer Julv 19....51 ) Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss mity id setzer Guardian for Mrs liattie « vetzer, ode KOK solemnly swear that 1 will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that 1 will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hone stly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and «worn to before me, this 5th . : . H J Setzer day of July 19 51 -» smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that lirs. Lattie . setzer, incompetent, OOO without Guardian, and H J vetzer having applied for the Guardianship of 11 hort betintetethe inc Ol gent PAR been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan whereseever to be found, and the same to take PHCOR BSS ‘cae and img , further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said @gRganoeotem accord ng to law. 1952 Witniss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 5th day of July i. Smith Clerk Superior Court inc ompetest Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County syganne Jensen,.Jiinor TaAh"n sna Mi Carlo Joun. Jensen,....inor APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Qeptoec< children To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of J.B Bistick, trust a 7 m ' Suzanne Jensen anu.g arlo John. and are minor children of Layinia « Jense! nd ./.. Maceasedt, -uardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a ¢ ; 7” ~~ e oY ow j ' inet f al WenY Ln) OO ARRAN... ‘ dollars, according to the best informat ? ” ¢ minore 13 ldiren TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said ese may be preserved, ar that Letters of Guar lianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thin! This Lst day of... ALZUSt 19.51 J IREDELL CO! \ TY—ss. stick,.. iurst...! estate belon; » the above named children of a Jen: knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the valu the rents and profits of the real estate is about 1, a+ Sworn t re. *, this mo 19 51 \ day of Clerk Superio: Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court——ss mand iOf-uardian i tay mia? » trer wwe ny os Aw a ale Se ’ wer 2 minor heir wiemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, af THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, a id all other duties of my sarc Guar lanshty the best of my skill and ability Subscribe! ar worn to before me, this day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | \ In the Superior Court Iredell Count : To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Jensen minor MedNet without Guardian, and ¥ having officer, rican ‘rust mpany applied for the Guardianship of said minor child ren , and having been duly qualified as sue h NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the save Guardian to ente and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresse farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit an | aivantage r 1 at of us ust Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ov dey . ¢ in and upon all and «angular the goods wer to be found and the same to take inte possession, secure and improve, and of the eaid minor orphan , and according to law e* 19 J+ vr a™H Clerk Superior Court th esonapan init Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP no e we t te — aS aS In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County, In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County Jonnie. Jo Brown Dalton.Zollie / Born 12/2843 a a a one APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Born...Lé, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIE = Minor Orphans. Minor Orphans. I To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: o the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: os . rf mt 4 .% Da . ‘ — a . res ectfully res ts that The application of... PEC WL ty .ationa. 22 areens.ooroe respectfully presents that The application of presen sa n t nr ca n a i ee em m a el aa n oO “Own 28....a MK minor childHof ) do.-dn clef ro deceased, and.¢.,. is a. 4€ minor chil of . Collie. drown deceased, and -~ Ae i i i ‘thot yuardis P > sai inor children are entitled to real and per and ¥% without a guardian, that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor childr po ae s ce e ee s = '% . ‘Tr ie . : } Q ~*~ y . id nN e n LY ) r.2090 per ..2Q LI? O....V.o...ddo dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant i) 090. r =e id mi , “HEREFORE, that the estate of si inor orphans may TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, T HEREFORE, that the estate of said minor or} hans ma i i . i i : s of ( rdianship may be issue +h other person as the Court may at Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as , ee , * 7 . cy " 22 nT : 4 oi oT cia . : "7 daw « uly 195.4 day of JuLY 19.51 J,ecurity National.Bank.of Grecnsboro This... / ar .....eg . Tepe hi 4 - Ty 2y 3 J i shitley vI 7 ete t HOT Pe AWIORMANL £094. UP Pavia IREDELL COUNTY—ss IREDELL ey , *. , ‘Sey msl. ti ier , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainted with the real and personal ? 7 ; vr, : bo 3 1 ch e estate belonging to the above named child4Xof cOL.1L¢ rown deceased ; that to the best of his g to above named children of a | ' rmation d he 1e VE ai state is about knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about ede. 0.'v Dollars: nformation and belief, the value of said estate ab rents nd t f ‘ -al estate | about uid the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about rents and profits of the real estate ts ary | ] n to befor 4 fo 195.1 : ul dike Kelhedrtir Ceti > 7 - ‘ ? OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAI P ric Ci < ior Court—ss the Superior Court-—s Iredell County \ 7 yuardian for l, eo WAbvudly, ca Guardian for 29°...2 vO o~FTrowWwn : stein hs : err tht ll the « 0 mn iemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge 0, and preserve, all the estate my true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; am minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make that true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY orm with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and ali other duties of my said Guardianship, wil the best of my skill and ability THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and bon stly perk the best of my skill and ability Subscribed ar . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ea yer and sworn to before me, this day of July 1951 issi fru ‘o ce ie ore m= J HAatt, ovary lic xIS EX (Woters 3° ‘ . ‘ - o-K-C- 7\? + ee ; , .* MOVED 1s seal) y comuission expires April li2, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NO} ‘ — NORTH CAROLINA, | RTH CA} ‘A, | ; In the Superior Court iredell C In the Superior Court Iredell County \ 7 ie, To All Whom These Present Shall Come —GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING os ” = . or li County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ¢ curt for Irede — ss ga ton zolli own Bank of Greens»oroe ; ’ without Guardian, and minor orphan without Guardian, and Jecurivy Nati miner orphan ” sav on duly « lifted as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such ving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualift ; ene ee ' 4 : 2 yz “4 Geardian to enter in and wpon all anc st ec ee > NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sate (rus : Ce ant chattes e er to be foun and the sate to take into wyreerewmon, sic } nd chattels, rights and credits, of said orp . : and improve, and S, tights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresocv and « « di credits, of said minor orphan whereseever to be found, and the to take into possession, secure sf aor ae furtive ; i" t e further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. lo manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantag 51 ’ >} Sel Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 27th 19 51 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ‘ Clerk Superior Court Clerk Superior Court Form 2 No, F233 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Iu the matter of \ snares 5. Lec SUPERIOR COURT Sky Ji, ‘Tredell County RNa Y) st 4 Zz . 7" *, VOrn af O/ AL APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County oy . .} Pine ; ter J 2 , 7 . ™ : * The application of ecur it a veVil In OL tm baw Ql"O respectfully Presents that Tas anle In PLes e aC We oe ‘), mes? , } and are minor chil@@gg of 419PLES o . Beck deceased 13 ; ; ‘ wiDUR Without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ho & ) °£ Her Fran mm de vd pez Nd. Bye Sd... 0G .-0ddeg dollars, according to the be st information and belies , { your applicant TO THE END, THEREF« IRE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to } AW, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardi ‘iship may be issued to him or such other } verson as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said n nor orphans. This 7 day of July 19 2 wecurd SY. Nats onal lauk.o reensboro ASSistant *rpist B¥e p20 IREDELL Cor NTY—ss e ° > J J -g...§ . . . + KG - being duly sworu, says that he is acquainted with | tt and personal estate belonging to the above named chil@@ag of 4533 rles knowledge, inform ation de ack deceased; that t the best of his and belief, ) md £ » fretut 2 eis J... cificl > eee pod NO ¢ Dollars: © value of said estate is about and the value of the re nts and profits of the r¢ al estate is about no ne Dollars, + vor to before me 1 s i / . 7e@ 20 ‘silt ey t De ‘ > me 5 . i ASSistant Trhat icer a a - 19 I 2 -Cf a7 } er , + + . 4 ~ S < v LL : r ore jalter ; late, vary | RAG pcsta6 Seine IU 9 ) } Ss spr ] “9 ) 53 OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ) In the uperior Court—ss . lo ys *» Asst. Lust +4 . Depian for . tmunor heir MPrLES wu solemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge be . and that I will make y hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and } of, and preserve, SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in m Superior Court, as the all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNI AL, THREE YEARS in the law requires, and alt honestly perform wth the best of my skill amd ability ; : ae . ~ubseribed and sworn to before me, this “i / . . h Is > iSsista =r he trem . . = * - - - a ‘ . 7 . , day of vALy 19. 5] ‘ ~ecurit: iad Lat reensg org o sf + a o ° - » Notary ic ow 5 > ] ] } . 4 O44 , . Om LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA i r Tt the Superior Court Iredell County } To All Whom Thes Presents Shall Come—GRERTING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, , ~ ‘ih Al . 3 that - . ’ "* * . i“ J i iS ro, ‘ Vy o 4 hey a. minor orphan without Guardian, andJCC ur it; -atL0n having applied for the (stiarch anship of said mune child » and having been duly Qualitred as such AND EMPoOWw ER the sak NOW THESE ARE THERE RE TO ALY HORIZE s 1 Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the good and chattels, rights and credits, of sad minor mphan whereseever to be found, further to manage said estate and « very part thereof, f, , prove, and and the same to take inte possession, secure and im r m the benefit and advantage. of the said minor orphan , and according to law With ss my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ matt, this the e 7 th day of duly - 54 Clerk Superior Court. $€9. © BARWARD S14 py tt tour Noo F-235 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR Col RT Harmon Turner Tredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Incompetent AtooKonbexx To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Security National Sank t tiully presents that Harmon Turner, Incompetent TT ACARI std drone yt ROL iaAeegepetent is and are without a guardian; that the said MH entivef te real and personal estate t the value of .One Thousand Three Hundred kighty-Two & 79/109 ($1,382, 79) dollar information and belief of t t incompetent of said 1otonx WS may be preserved, and TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate itanaged accord to la rays treat of the si RRR E+ Security National Bank that Letters of Guardianshiy may be issued to him or such ther person as the Court may think best, for thy This. 16th . day of... August 1952 py: P, WwW, Inzalls, Trust orf: er Asst. IREDELL ¢ NTY—ss . : , = egcurity National 3ank P, W. Ingalls, Asst. Trust orrs ser,.f ng estate belonging to the above spugukotitiess! Harmon Turrner, incompetent CC knowledge, infors 1 and belief, the value of said estat: al out Sl, 5026 793 and the valu © < PROSE 400 Se 60U LCI wee Xo $159.99 per month From VA, — Sere eee 46 / . ; 4 a 7 4 none ee 16th ' fe %e sngells, Asst. Trust Jf[ficer, day of august 1952 | vecurity National 4ank C. Je Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA ; In the Superior Court—ss Iredell ¢ t } ‘ eecurity National Bank ie We Ingalls, Asst Trust Jificer, wardian for Harmon Turner, Incompetent EAN cmuly swear that 1 will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, al! the estate auc y will mak ue retur: NNUAL SETTLEMENTS as jong as any of the estate remains in my hands: an at Il will RENEW ' ‘DI RY TRREE YEAR Ge Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of My sac Guardianship, ] will faithfully and he Uy periorm w the best of mny sj and abilits Nennies! aud sworn to before me, this. 16th { P. W. Ingalls wa esncnnin “Td. humiste 52 } Asst. Twmst 2f ficer, Secur:t: onal @y '* we we wmf th LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP N RT? 4 j . r In the Superior Court Iredell Cun \ ones To All Whom These Presents Shall Come *REETING Ut he to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Harmon Turner, -noompetent Jeatoor or mieux without Guardian. an Securi ty N ational Sank. havin, - petent a 4 ; ch Seren, tor the *Vardians) ip oF sand eee eee and having been duly qualified a = NOW THs SE ARE THERE: E TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter i and upon al and singular the goods nd chet, heompetent : * improve, and wheresnever to the found, anc the Tr to take tier secure anc ‘ aeasation every part thereol, for the bewefit and adwantage: of the exid els, tight SnG credits. of Sard ‘urt , am) according to law her ty Manage seid estate and | | . fay of Witter oe my land, and the seal of the saul Court, this the 16th ‘ C. G. Smith August, w 52 Clerk Superiar Court ~~ 5 4 oo k 7 SE ee te n e m e n t ka , a SEO ©. BARNARD STA 00.87 Lousy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Joseph Cleveland Massey, Jr. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor OrphanK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of J. GC. Massey, Sr. respectfully presents that ‘Joseph Cleveland Massey, Jr. and ism@Kminor childaexo!.. J. GC. Massey, Sr. and are without a guardian; that the said vit children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Thir ty-Two Hundrede<------2-c eer rss a. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This... 2Qth. . day of........ July, 19.51 J. C.. Massey, Sr. IREDELL COUNTY J. C. Massey, Sr. . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the re ul and personal estate belonging to the above named childlh of au 6. Mas sey, Jr. MMOGEMK that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Thirty-Two Hundred Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 20th | A » J. Cc. Massey, Sr. July, 19. 51 | Rt 3, Statesville, N. C., Box 216 Ce GS Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ J. C. Massey, Sr. Guardian for Joseph Cleveland Massey, J?- minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly tae charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY rHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th / J C Massey Sr > 7 - ~? * day of July, 19 51 \ C. G.. Snith ea.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / , , In the Superior Court redell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Joseph Cleveland Massey, Jr. minor orphan without Guardian, and J. C. Massey» Sr having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the § and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and imp . - further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. 19. 51 Clerk Superior Court Witnacss my hand, aud the seal of the said Court, this the 20th day of July, C. G. Smith 398 Form 2 No. Fo235 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —lIredell County Peggy Joyce Robertson, age 9 yrs Lesslie Allen Robertson, age 7 yrs Rebecca Ann Robertson, age 4 yrs APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Hugh A, Robe ‘tson Peggy Joyce Robertson, Leslie All en Robertson aa. Rebecca. Ann Robertson are minor children of Mrs Evelyn Shippe Robert aan, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the \ ae a a epee eRe ee Ne eee 10 THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed accordin that Letters of Gu wdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the inter this 23rd day of..... AUgUSt 195.1 Hugh A, Robertson IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Hugh A Robertson , being duly sworn, say estate belonging to the above named children of... Ms. Evelyn Shippe Robertson knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about One Thousand and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Sworn to before me, this 23rd / day of... August 19 51. J . G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Hugh A. Robertson OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CARO! INA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. ey Allen Robertson and Rebecca pnn Robertson Guardian for PEBEY Yoyce Kobertson, eslie ec charge of, and preserve, ill the estate of my said ward and that I will make is; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY 1..Hugh A Robertson minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly tak true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my han » we fully at nestly perf ! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully a 1d honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23 day of August 11 Cc. G, Smith Cac h A. ertson 2s Hugh A. Robe ee LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } Iredell C \ In the Superior Court. ounty “is " To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Peggy Joyce Robertson, Leslie Allen Robertson ind Rebecca Ann Robertson without Guardian, and Hugh A Robertson minor orphan § ing applied for the Guardianship of said minor chil? @Q. _, and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sing aad chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor 23rd day of August 19 52 Cc . G. Smith Clerk Superior Court ular the goods and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and orphan , and according to law Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 No, Fe236 GEO © BARNARD S14 60.81 tous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Sue Bettie Barringer Margaret Due Barringer ~ “T 4 : Gk, Watts Barringer, Jr. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP aS ss a Minor Orphans. The application of Je M, Wagner respectfully presents that Sue Bettie Barringer, Margaret 3arringer Audr aye 01 ant. An@péw Watts Barringer, Jr. and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of are minor children of Frances W Barringer ee a Ee 3 Three Thousand ------- * * * -tMollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant = TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the intcrest of the said minor orphans. This 2402. day of... August 195. J. M,. Wagner Re ae a = IREDELL COUNTY-——ss J ° M. Wagner . being duly sworn, says (hat he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Frances We Barringer deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Three Thousand oo-- D2? * ‘Dollars; ind the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, rn to before me, this 24th ay of August il J. M. Wagner Martha 0. Parker, Deputy Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ i J. M, Wagner minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and hon stly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th / , Jo M. Wagner day of August 19 51 ) Guardian Martha D. Parker, Deputy C8.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ 1G To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETIN It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that eo 7 a Rudy : Sue Bettie Barringer, Margaret Due Barringer, and Aadeew Watts Barringer, dre minor orphan § .. without Guardian, and J. Me Wagner having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child? @BD , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to lew. Witn: ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 24th day of August = 51 C. G, Smith Chere Super COR | ; Barringer & Gie2, Watts Barringer, df Guardian for Sue Bettie Barringer, Margaret Due - and that I will make # F-237 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Ries : SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County Charles..Davis Mooney APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor caeptous. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs...C...W. Mooney respectfully presents that ad... Charles Davis..Moaney 53690 minor childees of MP. & Mrs. C. Vi. Mooney. mocaex ith without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of S$1,l41. a0 dollars, according to the best information and be! TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor QAM may be preserved, and managed accor ner that Letters of © tardianship may be issued to XD® or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of This..... 30th day of....... August 19.51 Mrs.. C...K...Mooney IREDELL COl NTY—ss. Mrs . Ce Ne Mooney , being duly sworn, estate belonging to the above named childgex of Mr knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Sworn to before me, this 40th dey o....... AUZUS 19. 51. J th Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County \ I, Mrs. C. li. Mooney Guardian for Charles Davis Mooney minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND E\ ERY —_ . . m. I faith an onestly perform wit! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will fa thfully and honestly perform ' the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 49 th day of August 1951 C..Ge...Smith c.s.C LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | Iredell C \ In the Superior Court. ie: ‘ y . on Ta — To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Char les Davi 8s Mooney minor moto without Guardian, and Mrs.C..Mooney having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in @ = and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orga wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to Manage said esiate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the «aid minor yas nad upon all and singular the goods , and according to law hi z 1951 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 40 th day of Auguet 5 Co Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. No, F238 Form 2 APPLICATION In the matter of Matthew Hooper, an Incompetent To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Coutty The application of She 1s a sister of Matthew Hooper and that the sald Matthew Hooper WOMMOKOMNONK 2 f fairs ocr ig Incompetent owns ‘ DEM without a KUardian; that the said POOMOCDEN ICR ax Ded ped ROCK IE personal estate to the value of One Thousand a0. mentelly capable of managing his J t Nive Hundred and 00/100 TO THE END, THERER« IRE, that the estate of said her that Letters of Gu irdianship may be issued to ADB or such other person as the Court may think best, This.. llth day of . eptember 19.5) IREDELL Cort NTY loreine Hooper © Iter estate belonging to th hove named CMDEDOM Ay Matthew } 20per Loreine Hooper Cofer Incompetent socks ARMARD G14 vo 9, Lug FOR GUARDIANSHIP SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUA RDIANSH Ip respectfully Presents that not = dollars, according to the best information and ty lief of your applicant ur applicant prays -Ompetent, SOOR Aaa may be preserved, and managed according to law, vou for the interest of th, vd 3Odo) Loreine Cofer » being duly SWort, Says that he is ac Maintet wit) and personal » the best in” Aikocaen |! knowledge, information and betic I, the value of said estate is about One Thousand Fi ve hundred Dollars: the value of the rent ul profits of the re: tl estate is about 7 aa Lith 19. S57] Clerk Superior Court None ( \ Dollars, Loreine Cofer OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH (¢ AROLINA, / In the ~uperior Court Iredell County i loreine Ho per Cofer BAL WE solemnly swear that | will well anc true returns and ANNTt Al, THRER YRARS in the Superior Court, the best of my skill ancl ability “ubscribed and sworn to he fore me, this li th day of veptemoer Guardian for Mat thew Ho sper, npetent Il truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; aed that | will make SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon Uy perform with Loreine Cofer LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH ¢ AROLINA / { In the Superior Court Iredell County It being certified to the une reigned, Clerk Matthew Hooper is ay Incompetent and is To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Incapable of managing his affairs and ‘ ; er OLOOR. of ptr without Guardian, and Lore sane hooper Cof ‘ncompetent having applied for the Guardianship of ai eatueacan hes and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THERKFQRE To at TORI zE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods tage en and chattels, rights and credits, of said further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the Witncss my hand, benefit and ady antage: of the said and the seal of the said Court, this the lith and wheresvever to be found, and the toc to take into Possession, secure and improve, eed on Cad according to law. day of September 1954 C. Re Smith Clerk Superior Court. # Fe239 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Elizabeth Annie McNeely, Age..17 SUPERIOR Cot RT Tredel} County APPLICATION FOR Gt ARDIANSHIP Minor ¢ rphang. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ; Myre 3 + ) The application of mUSe Mohe 4 | -_ a , 2 . fc 4420718... Vt OE I J “OF thintor children of a ON and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal « TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphats may be pres: that Letters of tanship may be issued to him or such ther person as the Court This ito day of / Vey oP. ak, IREDELL (¢ BIS. af 7 “HUNSCCLY estate belor : ove tamed children of knowledge, infor: » and belief, the value of said estate i and the valu rents and profits of the real estate js about 7 tT Sworn t re re Mu CALVO day of yu er 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CA in the Superior Court s Iredell ( - . ’ : } ‘ rn 1, , ” ~_- . ~es ~ ¢ ad Guardian for “ minor heir tee return: ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remain im my hands; and that THREE YEAI the Sy the best of My skill ay ned ability ; — Hf the o«« vemuly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate perior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sai Guardianship, | will faithful Subsc Til» to before me, this day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CA; In the Superior Court Iredet} ( onnty To All Whom Thee Presents Shall ( me -—GREETING i sth A © McNeely is lt being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court tor Iredell County. that Lizabet) AMnM i 4 hin orphan without Gaardian, anc having *pplied for the ¢ *uardianship of said minor child y and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREP« IRE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the eat (emardian to enter in and upon all and singular the keoonts aad Chatteis right farther ¢, ” “NTO POwEPRREn seeteE an! improve, and and credits, of said minor orphan wherewever te he found. and th mame to fake im 1 f ‘ » atl according to law Manage saicj tatate and every part thereof, for the benefit andl advantages of the eaid minor tphan an! ac K Yi day of Jctober 95d Witn ss ony hand, and the seal of the sail Court, this the euth aay We 4s VMAS Clerk Superior Court ato © BARNARD S14.60 81 Lousy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter ol SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County. Jay F...Frank APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor OFPUMBS. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Fred C. Frank respectfully presents that . Jay F.. Frank is.a minor child of Fred Cc. BKK akoniWoK MAO. a AKDaM without a guardian; that the said minor childxe X2X entitled to 93LO0 personal estate to the value of 4en. 24.9U8 ana dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays hat Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 5th day of... Jd anuary 19.52 Fred C..Frank IREDELL COUNTY rrea ¥v rrpansk . being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintet with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named chil@aat of Fred C . i rank GESEIED « that the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Ten Thousand Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about no value Sworn to before me, this Sth / r > Fred Frank day of January 19 52. \ 4 ae Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ I Fred C. Frank Guardian for Jay F. Frank minor Ink solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that 1 will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon stly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5th / Fred C ‘i Frank day of J inuary 19 52 \ Ce Ge Sr c6¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ is To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Jay F. Frank is a minor child of Fred C. Frank and is minor @QjGRh without Guardian, and Fred C. Frank having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such | and singular the 6 NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon al re and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor alphd wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secu! further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and adveatage: of the said minor Mpa , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Sth day of January - - C. G.. Smith Clerk Superior Comm ¢ F-2h1 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT. -Iredell County cr or : Drum Mrse Maggie L.. (Bessie). Drur APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Incompetent MOK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County . n 3 The application of Vy VSe 4 1 en . ln , 4 T : } Driver ty , M ¢ Na +8 we d 3 iT AL y ati COMI (Morgant oA Ae MOAI AX ’ 2 , LG em = tent s | vuardian; that the said MKentitled to real and person: Pour Kumdred Ninety and are without a TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said inkooK MAK nay ‘be pe the s of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Ce y thin st, f uo awls that Letter: } ’ { This J day of Feorusry 19 IREDELL CO Mr: ; ns hangn estate belong: the above namecDebpabieencot knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Sworn t re me, this day of Curuary ith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA In the Superior Court-—s Iredell Count) 3 Mrs. Glenna we augn Guardian for! NCOM) ¢é ' Con ni ; otemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and presetve, @ u true returus and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any « the estate remains in my hands THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my satd Guardiansts the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1 ik @ oY day of s8uruar y nith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA j In the Superior Court Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING . ‘ It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that “I wm Bah d Tun, nc ymmpetent, (certit icate from Static nc or anbton UNDUE without Guardian, and . incomnetent aia having applied for the Guardianship of said nin ont! = and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sac and chatte) tae” °” Yecsessever to be found, and the sgme to take ar secure and mmprove j advantages of the said Wise , and according to law c r of Feoruary 19 5e Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 7 -” anv » tights and credits, of said ' urther to manage said estate and every part thereof, jor the benefit an< C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court EE ne a, el { Guardian to enter m and upon all and wungular the goods aa a Ja c n e n sa i n ap n at i n na e ? eo - EOD BARNARD S14 60.87 Louis APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—-Iredell County. Shirley Elain Feimster, age Ae Howard Feimster, age 9 Gloria Feimster, age 7 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Harold E. Feimster, age 5 Lendia Feimster, age Janice Feimster, age ¢ Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ise enitieeal Everette Feims The application of ive ¥ c ster respectfully presents that + Shirley Elain Feimster, Hovard Feimster, Gloria Feimster, Harold E. Feimster endia Feimster & Janice Felmster....are minor children of Howard. Feimster OE KKA, and. 44 and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Ni » Hundre : 2 hine nunare dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans phans. This lth . day of....... February 19.52 Everette Feimster IREDELL COUNTY wena Daimate . tverett. reimster . being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintet with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Howard Feimster SIE ; that io the best of his $90 9.909 Dollars: knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate i about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, 7 + n to before me, this 24,00 / a ee , Everette Feimster ve | art £2 reoruary 19. 3¢ \ - Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / Retms . € In the Superior Court—ss a r r, Lendia Feimsver Janice Feimster, Gloria Femister rola EB. / , Guardian forohirley Elain Feimster, Howard/ at | will make Ireciell County \ yims i. Everette reimster minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and t true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lith / , Everette Feimster day of . Fevruary 19 52 4 Ge Smith ea c LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County ETING Howard To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GRE lt being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Shir ley Elain Femister', ‘ ’ ; }e ‘ +an tl. at a e y on ‘ Feimster, Gloria Feimster, Harold E. Feimster, Lendia Feimster and Jan.ce ~ ae ee : t Feimster minor orpharf without Guardian, and Everette Fe ims te? having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child? GI , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the - e and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphand wherescever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secur further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphanS and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the lyth day of February - 9 Clerk Superior Com C. G Smith #P-2h43 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County. DM age..18 John ve... IPLOW» > APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Jay M@. Morrow ohn .D.. Morrow are munor chic oh and are without a eyardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal Bight. .Hundrec no/102....= TO THE END, ‘THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans as the Court m that Letters of Guar jianship may be issued to him or such other person This... LOth day of February 19.52 IREDELL © \NTY—+ss. yay | arrow estate belong: » the above named childf€Mof knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is abu and the valu: e rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn t fore me, this Loth day of ruary 3. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAI In the Superior Court—ss Iredell C 1, JEBY Le Morrow Guardian for : Qunor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate o in my hands, arn true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardtanshy the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this dy od... February we Se Smi th LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA In the Superior Court f Iredell County \ To All Whom Thee Presents Shai, Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ¢ ourt for Iredell County, that John D. Morrow without Guardian anv! Jay Roe } ri miner orphan ha lied Wing appliec! for the Guardianship of said minor child _ and having been duly qualified as sux h NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guar ian to enter i same to take into posscesion, secure aml improve, « and apon all and singular the goods and ‘ and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the } advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law further to manage said estate and « very part thereol, for the benefit an : f , w 19 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 16th day of February 9 Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court No. F-2h), Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrs. Margaret R, Feimster, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredett County APPLICATION FOR GUAR] NANSHIp AREXK BARAK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Kenneth E. Watt Mrs. Margeret R, Feimster, xX attached) respect fy") incompetent (Certificate from Sup. State Hospite) TOKOUN XO oF and are without a guar lian n are entitled to real and Personal estate to the value of Three Thousand dollars, according to the best information and beli Vout applicant apy TO THE END, THERET( RE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be Preserved, and managed according to law licant prays at Letters of Guardiar ship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, this. 28 day of ... February 1952 for the interest of the sa nor orphans. Kenneth F, Watt COUNTY Kenneth E. watt aging Co the above named IMR Incomptent . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted wit xo id estate is a rut Kenneth EF. Watt 19 52 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAKOLINA, } j Kenneth E, Watt lemnly swear t} Guardian for Mrs. Margaret R. Feimster mat I will welf and truly take charge of, and preserv« - all the estate of ay said ward 2 at | will make true returns and ANNI AL ty of the estate remains in my hands: and SETTLEMENTS as long as ar THREE VEARS i that I will RENEW MY | IND EVERY suardianship, I wil] faithfully and honestly perform with n the Superior -ourt, as the law requires, and al) other duties of my said ( he best of my skill and ability nn a 28 Kenneth E, watt February 19 §2 v. §. ¢ C. G. Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH ¢ AROLINA In the superior Court Iredell Counts To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-GREETING lt being Certihed to the wreck reigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, thar Mrs, Margaret R, Peimster, Incompetent having appliod for the (Guardar ij REaXOKe Without Cruardian, and Kenneth E. Watt w» MaSgaRoten and having NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE To AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the “aid Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of «id tent Whetews ver to be found and + amd the € to take into possession, secure and improve, TY part thereof, for the benefit and advantage : of the wis ABS QMpe tent according to law been duly qualified as such further to manage said estate and eo Witacss my hand and the seal of th sad Court, this th 28 day of Pebruary - 52 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court 'Y Presents that that the said minor childre: /go. F245 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR CoURY Tred Betty Jean Somers elt County AVY AC ATION FOR Gl AR DIAN itip Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Security National Betty Jean Somers 2 a8 @ z and are withou uardian; that the said minor childaal Bae entitied to res mo. from VA TO TI Db, THEREF¢ IRE, that the estate of said minor ors that Letters o u anship may be issued to him or such oth Thi é day of... February 10 Se IREDELI P, We estate below “ hamed chid¥b of knowledge, 11: belief, the value of said estat anc tae vaiy its of the real estate j Sworn t 2 day of Walter JOR REMI Notery Puolic hort? } 196° april te 9 Ae (TH in the Superior ' Nettona} san ! Greer >r : Ufficer, POCur | tpdriian | betty ingalls, Trust Jesn Somers UMY Swear that I will wel an trui s NUAL SET? LEMENTS as jong as an an superior Court, a ihe law require pe. ‘io Hiatt, Notary Public maxx -ee.) My commission Expires Apr ~ * ; LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP in th superior Cour To All Whom Th “hed to the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court for iredeli County. that y /ean Somers Bank of Greensboro Seenutin without Guardian, andSecurity National/ ; ‘ : ; Menta appli fF the Guardianship of said minor child » and having been duly qualified as ax ‘ ' ‘ YS THESE } > thats Matter 4 ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AXD EMPOWER the said Caardian to enter 8 ah pee ai) and “erigiiar the gue »* "NCS and credits « t n ; ’ take inte DOPRRwMor, secure an Trager « - to be foun and the eame ¢ sari mune orphan whereas ¢ ‘ t . ud acoording to lav MARAGC said extate and every part thereul, for the benefit and advantages of the said kuenoe orpien an ‘ 5 neal 1 52 Witn.» My hand, ard the seal of the said Court. thie the ec 4 February C. G. Smith Clerk Saperior | curt > = {G R O re r e # F-2)6 Form 2 ies oleic ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, Harry Young Somers APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Security National Bank of Greensboro respectfully presents that Harry Young Somers XK 48 8... &Kminor child%xX of Harry Y.. Somers deceased, is and are without a guardian; that the said minor child#&KaeKentitled to real and personal estate to the value of $120 & $45. 43 per mo. from VA dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. Thi 2 aa February 19.52 Security National Bank of Greensboro By: P. W. Ingalls rus Ificer ss - National Bank of Greensboro P....ue Ingalls > Trust Off icer , Secur ity Z. being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal IREDELL COUNTY—ss estate belonging to the above named child# of Harry =, Somers deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about @120 & $45- 45 per month Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, rams te Sees oe, Se e Security National Bank of Greensboro By P. W. Ingalls, Trust Officer day of February 1952 Walter A. Hiatt, Notary Publde. ,axeoum My Commission Expires April iz, 1953 (Notarial Seal) OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss redell County \ National Bank of Greensooro 1 P. We Ingalls, Trust Officer, Secur idgfiian for Harry Young Somers minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY FTHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of iny said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 / P. W. Ingalls, Trust Orficer day of . February 952 Security National Bank of Greensbord Walter A. Hiatt, Notary Public gmuazgz (Notarial Seal) My commission expires April 12, 1953 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County or, To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Ns Y arry Young Somers Bank of Greensboro 1/ minor orphan without Guardian, and&S@CUr ity Na ti having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such wm all and singular the 6 NOW THESE AKK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and up and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witn ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2 day of February = 32 ; C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court #F-247 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, Jerry Wayne Somers APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of... Security National Bank of Greensbvoro respectfully presents that Jerry Wayne. Somers aK. is. A....%minor childmMof... Henry Y. Somers _— oe 5 bs : and are without a guardian; that the said minor child#@W@% entitled to real and personal estate to t, * ilue of $12 0 & $ 356 44 per month from VA ; : oe dollars, according to the best information at d beli TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed accor: that Letters of Gu udianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the 2 day of... February 1952. Security National Bank of Greensboro By: P. W. Ingalls, Trust Officer This REDELL COL NTY—ss. 7 : ws National jank of Greensbor >. ¥. Ingalls, Trust Officer, Security / , being duly sworn, says that he ts acquaint vit Henry Y. Somers estate belonging to the above named child@&n of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $120 & $45 o45 per month and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Sworn to before me, this... @ ( Pp, We Ingalls, Trust Officer day of February 1952..) Security Nationai Bank of Greensboro Walter A. Hiatt, Notary Publipramconx (Kotarial Seal) My commission expires April 12, 1953. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County ) Nationa] Bank of Greensboro iP..W. Ingalls, Trust Officer, Secur i tyriian for erry Wayne Somers all the estate of my said ward and that I will mak minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve s; and that i will RENEW MY BOND EVI RY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hand > 1 il | ' wt f t ir other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 / a ings lls 9 Trust 0 fficer p day of Feoruary 19 52 \ Security N.tional Dank oj Greensboro ee A. Hiatt, Notary Public emt Noterial Seal) My Commission expires April le, 1954. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | \ In the Superior Court. Iredell Cx minty nor ’ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Jerry Wayne Somers Bank of Greensboro m@ecurity National/ minor orphan without Guardian having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such dl ll and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO Al THORIZE and upon am ane AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter im and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and wheresoever to be found, and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan of tite eaid minor orphan , and according to law ther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage 2 day of February 19 52 C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Witn'ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 836 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County. Wilton Lenderman Kimmons and James Allison Kimmons APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: respectfully presents that The application of Mrse Dorothy Carson Kimmons Wilton Lenderman Kimmons and ames Allison Kimmons are minor children oi We Le. Kimmons denen, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of SIXTY-FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR AND 96/19 OQ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. 17th day of April 19.52 Derothy Carson Kimmons IREDELL COUNTY .2Se YOroO thy Carson Kimmons . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte. with ' and personal ; a7 L Wtn estate belonging to the above named children of ue e Kimmons deceased: that to the best of his ; : eTymy_oTULP LINKNer knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about SIXTY-FIVE BUN DRED. ------<<<<<<--~-=««. Dolla; ar und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, ar 7+? to before me, this 4/00 April 1952 Dorothy Carson Kimmons . Sank be : ‘ je [Mitn Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | Iredell County \ In the Superior Court-—ss T S - ¥ i Yim n> a Dorothy Carson Kimmons Guardian for@22ton Lenderman Kimmons anc Tr c r minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, Janesudtadson Am ona that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon stly perform with the best of my skill and ability ct and sworn to before me, this 17th Apri 1 1952 Dorothy Carson Kimmons 3. Smith c.s.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / In the Superior Court Irecell County \ r To All Whom These Presents Shall Com GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Wilton Lenderman Kimmons end James Allison Kimmons minor orpharS without Guardian, and Dorothy Carson ; Kimmons having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child? 6. , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singutar the poms and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orpharf wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, ot further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphar , and according to la® Witn. ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 17 th day of Avril " 32 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court form 2 #P= 249 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Sharon.» laine Johnston APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Security National band of Greensvoro Sharon. Slaine. Jonnston ‘ad is MXminor childrM of Khobert Adair weekly and are without a eyardian; that the said minor children are entitled to re al and pe estate he value of $2000 and $58 per month from ¥,..A, Actions eocendinn to the best informal TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be prese that Letters of iardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may t This... 22 day of May 1952 Security National tank of vreens y P. w. Ingalls, ‘rust Officer — National Bank of Ureensboro P, W.. Ingalls, Trust Officer, Security/ . veing duly swur estate belong above named hildSe% of “+O bert adai rowe ekly knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $2000 anc 35 per mo. from r ) and the valu rents and profits of the real estate Is about none , this 22 ; p W. T 7 [rust te mate 1st aS, 19. 52 security ational Sank iota Public 1953 OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAI In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell Count ; si ae ia i ' Security Nationa} Sank of Ure: 1P.W. Ingalls, Trust Officer, Guardian for Suaron ©]a.ine minor heir lemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, ane preserve, all the estate of true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains © my hands; and that THREE YEA! » the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sav Guardiansiit the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22 ‘ } _ ingal } s, lr ist Ut ficer 1952 eecuri ‘ iona. ‘ ank 0. sreens Ord, suaraian . UV ita day of hay walte: he uiatt Notary Puslic crag aaae . 3 \WEAL) i.y commission expires April 12, 1953 LETTERS OF Gl ARDIANSHIP NORTH CA} . In the Superior Court Isedell Counts To All Whom Thee Presents Shall \ ome GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Snare. 210288..<enaeaee Bank of Greensboro without Guardian, and Securi vy Nat ional miner orphan Raving applies! for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZI AND EMPOWER the eaid Guardian to enter tn wd upon all and sengular the goods and chattels, tight further t., a © a ecamer ake into possrenon secure and improve, amd nd credits, of sand mimor orf han whereever to tre founded. mel the tet ont p ‘ : > i bh ' of the eaid minor orphan . and acc ording to law ond hay 19 52 Co. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court and advantage 22 manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit Witn-ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 #F'=250 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, James U, DeViney APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: respectfully presents that The application of vecurity Wational Bank of Greensboro James ), VeViney “xxx is incompetent . RMN GIN deceased, incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said n entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $192.50 per.mo. from.VA dollars, according to the best information and belief o! your applicant incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said MHZBr orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompete that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said GUE mt This... 23 day of hay 19.52. vecurity National sank of Ureensboro By P. W. Ingalls, Trust Officer IREDELL IUNTY ° nr 7 ' ational Hank of Greensoow r ” "oe ' : .@....0@ Ingall S, trust Off icer, eecurity/ , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named QGMEX AIX incompetent deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $192 » 5D per MO. from VA print. o4 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, a 23 . Ingalls, Trust Officer day of . May 19. 52. \ Security National bank of Greensboro Walter A. hiatt, hotary Publigcmxaxa oe (SAL) my commission expires April 12, 1953 OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ eecurity National sank of Greensboro 1,2 oa. ingalls, irust Ufricer, Guardian for James VU. DeVire y mene tS = pezent swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that [ will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23 on May 1952 P, W, ingalls, Trust Officer security National Bank of Greensboro Guardian walter A, Hiatt, wotary Public OKK SEAL) my commission expires April 12, 1953 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Jan Uv. VeVi ; me s eViney, Incompetent Bank of Greensboro , KS KOM without Guardian, and Secur ity nation having applied for the Guardianship of said @@QE%0m incompetent duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTH RIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gonts : ncompe and chattels, rights and credits, of su DROLOLK ROO. where®oey ceny. found, and the same to take “Ty possession, secure and improve, - further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said (MA Ke KOK ncompetent to law. 19 52 Clerk Superior Court. Witness my hand, and the seal of the sa i Court, this the 23 day of May ve GU, Smith Form 2 #F-251 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Robert T. Humphrey APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Incompetent x»MaxKaqmmox To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Eve lyn Ae Humphr ey Robert... Humphrey, Incompetent are minor children of wnt... Incompetent and are without « guardian; that the saiQQQ@OKOURGCGS are entitied to real and personal estate to $750.00 and 150.00 per month ; dollars, acco TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, a1 think that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may This day of........ July 1952 Evelyn A. Humphrey IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Evelyn A, Humphrey estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 19th dy of... July C. G, Smith Evelyn A. Humphrey Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, } > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County L Evelyn A. Humphrey Guardian for Rooert T. Humphrey, Incompetent minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward und thet 5 wit mans true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my bands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Sabseribed! and sworn to before me, this 19th { Evelyn A. Humphrey day of July 9 52 | 708 E. Iredell Ave. Mooresville N. C. C. Ge Smith c.6.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | Iredell C \ In the Superior Court ell County — es To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <GRERTING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Robert i. Humphrey, Incomptetent Evelyn A. OK KARO without Guardian, and Humphrey Incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of cid} KARR HORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFPQRE TO At . —— he ‘ , wcure and impr ’ chattels, rights and credits, of sai on wheresvever to be found, and th a st ent d to law further to manage said estate and every part thereuf, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , and according 19 th day of duly 19 52 Ce G. Smith Clerk Superior Court and having been duly qualified as such Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the _— s —— — — ~ lo w e a ta = & ~~ ev e APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SUPERIOR COURT -Trecell County In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Robert Gerald eil in ik iene i lorry J AX OV... Zdp..d id , bi : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans " { Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County “ To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County MH iy Ha : 4a a at os anew U teri as { lhe lea ’ t i : The application of hi e MAL, Ve AYs4Ve respectfully presents that The applicat 0 ; . F , | Pipa ' iit San} os i ; t ald O'Neil and are minor children of WII'S e I earl Ke J 'Neil densnesa end "a 9 d®uninor chiller : PeOe MOO . and are without a guardian, that the satd minor hildren are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of od | without a guardian that the said minor « hildted albentitled eo real end personal estate et (| ; ; ' dollars, according to the best information and belief of vour applicant Si; + " ahd MAb pb ae MINIM, « t infouemat ’ ro THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your heant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved managed a ' . “ | j ! that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Letters of Guardl snship may be issued to him ov such other person as the Court may | . o Te : : ' ' j ; rhi Lith day of ep r 19 & Mary V. Ky les This day of wl) r W ‘ i\ IREDELL COUNTS IREDELL Col being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte | with t s} and! personal : "Neil deceased. that to the best of his catate belony: the above named child@h of st uols i ° e tate belonging to the abawe nearne lehukiren of i ion and belief, the value of said estate ts abut Dollars knowledge, informatio : ' ' ' ' knowledge, mformation an lief. the value of satd estate os atv ' Dollars, and the valu: rents and profits of the re al estate is alnnt Sworn t me, this 9ra day of r Clerk Superior Court Clerk Supertor Court OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, . i ; ; Te the Saepereot Coanrt 8 ) ' H County \ Iredell County \ otal | { wee ; si . ' — ve stat | . In the Superion Court) 9 , . . fey a\ O & Qa i , s I, . \ ; . . Couantian t] sll the estat i my seh? ware arnt st 1 well oeake i ’ . . AON Cuardian for charge of am! pres rye mined hew wlemnly ewear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that | will make minus heir lemnly ewear that 1 will well and ute ein if the estate remains th imy hans HOND BEVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any & and all other duties of my sid Cinareanetyy | L ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that 1 will RENEW MY I honestly perform with true returns ar THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, PUREE YEARS in the Superion Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my saxt Guardianship, I will faithfully ane the best of my skill anc ability the best of evy skill and alulity Suabactites! a worn to before me, this atu / uivectibedd and eworn to before me, th lith / . day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA | In the Superiod Count , In the Supertot Court Ireviell County \ Iredell County \ , . GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Com GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come “one , ” ‘ « o ‘ at» 4 : . : ; : mi» ‘* It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Rovert ue ld O'Ne! 1 It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ¢ ourt for Iredell County, that mines orphan without Guardian, and y Vv. Kyle@ minor orphan without Guardian anfl Se MAT Y i h having applied! for the Goerdienehip of caid miner child . and having been duly qualified as sh haw applied fon the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as ach pie ‘ i { ‘ o ent j upon all and singular the go . NOW THESE AKK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the seid Guardian to enter in and upon all and cangutar the ge NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND KMPOWER the said Guardian to enter tn and ay , | sal to possession, seeure and impreve, ane amd chattels, rights and credits, of aid minor oephan wheressever to be fownd, and the same to take inte posecasion, secure and improve, chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be jownd, and the same to take tate pr . ' hy , and according to law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the aaid mings orphan , and according to law to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit aud advantage’ of the said miner orphan ’ “ , ' 4rd Senptemver 9 he Witenes ay hand, and the seal of the eaid Cont, this the lith day of Sep Lamver 9 52 Witnres my hand. and the seal of the sald Court, this the ard dey of g t Ge Ve ww mi th Clerk Superior Court C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2. 5 25 © APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP © CARWARD 914 co 1OuNy In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT: —Tredel! County, SY. ode. oe. oon te dad Pr May 2y A J APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Ubmmd ICES ww a respectfully presents that and .S M4 minor childpex of ; hese, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, “state of said mi esery aw, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said ininor orphans. This day of.w.8loG d , oe... Lig AMal SACD » IREDELL COUNTY —~cs boo LILES ht ACS». wile » being duly sworn, Says that he is ac yuainted With the roal and personal estate belonging to the above named childg&Xof MRRBEA that to the best of his knowledge, information aud belief, the value of Said estate is about ind the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, “worn to before me, this 19. am Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH ¢ AROLINA, In the Superior Court Iredell County 1, al , i Guardian for #illis HA9GCS, Me Minor heir : y ‘ : , , and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my bands; and that I wil RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS tt the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 wifi faithfully and hon suy perform with the best of my skill and ability Subseribed and sworn to before me, this is #4 he eke day af ~ 60 b IGF LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CARK ILINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County } To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the unde Tegned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Wil lis Rhodes » Te “se ~ Minor orphan without Guardian, andj lijis Khodes, 9? having applied for the Guardianship of said minor « hild » aad having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THER ER: RE TO AUTH: RIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and < redits, of said minot orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, ant further to manage said estate and ¢ very part thereat, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan » and according to law. 19.52 Clerk Superior Court. Witn SS thy hand and the seal of the Savd € ourt, this the da y of S er t 26s ‘ . t / Form 2#F-255 hii ita cas APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR CoURT ‘Iredell County. Edwin Robert. Long, Non Compos Mentis APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of J» L. Long respectfully presents that Hdwin Robert Long, Non Gompos Mentis, over the age of twen ty-one years is an inmate of the State Hospital for the insane at Morganton, N, C. Non Compos MentTs ts and are without a guardian; that the Saif REE ANKE entitled to real and personal « tate to the value of dollars, accordin to the best information md belies TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be presery: d, and managed according to law, your applicant prays Non Compos Mentis, that Letters of Gu wdianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think { st, for the ul f This 10 day of... October 1952 Jo Le Long IREDELL COUNTY —ss, q..L. Lon spate . Non Compos Mentis estate belonging to the above named pegumeper knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $180. 00 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 10th 2. a Long day of October 19.52 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR; ILINA, { Iredell County 1, J. lL. Long Guardian for Edwin Robert Long, Non Compos Mentis Saxe solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND Ey ERY vuardianship, I wiil faithfully and hon sly perform with In the Superior Court—~ss THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said ( the best of my skill and ability, Subseribes! and sworn to before me, this 10th { J. L. long day of October 9.52. C. Ge Smith .5.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } f sm the Superior Court. To All Whom These Presents Shall C ome “GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Edwin Robert Long, a Non Compo Mentis, and en inamte of the State Hospital for the Insane at Morgan- ton N, C, XMEA KKK without Guardian, and J. I. Long “ Non Compos Mentis aYINg applied for the Guardianship of «i/ een , and having been duly qualified as such . eee — ws Seare 4 upon all and singular the goods NOW 7 HESE ARE THEREFORE. TO, chaue® mak eee JWER the said Guardian to enter in anc wpe a heer tga lente ‘ c improve, Sd chattels, rights and credits, of 00 ARK IK wheresoever to be found, and the NS 5 Comp o's Went s 0 Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the sai + and according to law 10th day of October 1952 C. GO. Smith “ines iy hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the B44 Form 2 Wr.256 SEO © @ARwann s APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Robert M. Stevenson Age 18 years SUPERIOR COUR T—Iredelt County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIA NSHIP Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of tht Superior Court of said County: The application of W. G.. McLelland Robert M. Stevenson is ue #Xminor childgaw! Mrs, Rachel Mm, Steven sonteceased, 1 are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the v; respectfully presents that ak alue of .. Five J‘housan@g dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREF( IRE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ay think best, for the interest of the sai 3. McLellang IREDELL Col NTY—~~ss We. G. McLellana , being duly sworn, Says that he is acquainted with the estate belonging to the above named < hildta of Mrs, Rachel M. Stevenson knowledge, information and be lie $5, Q00. 00 rcal and personal deceased; that to the best of his f, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and protits of the real estate is about Dollars, »worn to before me, this 18th / , W..G. McClelland day of... June 19.52. | C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, in the Superior Court—ss Iredell County I, W. Ge McLelland minor heir Guardian for Robert M. Stevenson arge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make * 4s any of the estate remains in my h solemnly swear that | will well and truly take ch true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as lon ands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior C ourt, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn te before me, this 18th / W. G. MeCelland aa June 19 52 | C$. Cc LETTERS OF GUARDI ANSHIP NORTH CAR ILINA, j In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior C Robert M. Stevenson court for Iredell County, that Minor orphan without Guardian, and W, G. McLeliand » and having been duly qualified as such THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said ¢ 1 credits, of said Minor having applied for the Guarc NOW THESE ARE and chattels, rights anc lianship of said minot child ons wuardian to enter in and upon all and singular the ¢ ‘ prove, and orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and im . further to manage said estate and every part the teol, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan » and according to law. Witniss my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ curt, this the 18 th day of June ™ 52 : C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. | _Form 2 F257 en APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Bobby..Eugene Hager Auge 65.1935 -. 17. years of age SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County APPLICATION FF¢ IR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: J... Le Wallace Bobby. Eugene Hager is xR ‘ . RK minor « hildren of The application of respectfully presents that and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to re One. Thousand TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mi al and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and he nor orphans may be preserv: d, and managed according to} } ray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think fhe st, for the interest of the said mit ©” orphans This. 28th day of... OC tober 19.52 J. L. Wallace IREDELL COU NT Y—ss. de Le Wallace being duly sworn, say at hic : \ 1 al estate belonging to the above named children of : { knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $l, 000, 00 liars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dolla Sworn to before me, this...28th ( Je Le Wallace day of Jetover 19. 52. | C..G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR\ ILINA, In the Superior Court—<s. Iredell County I, J. Le Wallace Guardian for Bobby Eugene Hager minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL THREE YEARS in the Su the best of my skill and SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY . be ® haw . e« fey t) perior Court, as the law requires, and al) other duties of my said Guardians? ip, I will faithfully an tly perform with ability, Subscribe! and sworn to before me, this 2o th Zz. L. Wal lace day of October 952. | C. G. Smith ©.S8.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the S Court. Iredel) County \ tiesto To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being Certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Booby Eugene Hager minor orphan without Guardian, and Je Le Wallace having applied for the Guardianship of said minor chikd Now THESE ARE THE Wd chattels Mights and credits, ¢ . and having been duly qualified as suct REFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the exid Guardian to enter in and upon afl and singular the goods A said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and i according to law 10 Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan + and ding to ‘i e oer 19 52 Witess my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 26th dayot §=OCto C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court : : ;*f { ' : i : ; Php ion ' i Tete t : hei ya} 1 ' a oi 7 i} : ' : } Pi ij ' 'y ; > . ‘ hia ' iu Th ; 1 ee ee GEO D BARNARD 514 €0.81.LOVIg Form 2 #F-258 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ie In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County, hae Herbert Miles Foy, III Born 3-22-45 Glenn Edward Foy th Born 3-18-48 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ‘To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: i Mrs. Perci L. Foy te Herbert Miles Foy III th 2° aM and and are without a guardian; that t are minor children of Herbert Miles Foy, Jr. af Five Hundred The application of respectfully presents that Glenn. Edward Foy po he said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Annua ll dollars According to Sela information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. 1953. that Letters This 21st Mrs. Perci L. Foy day of. January IREDELL COUNTY--ss al and personal . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the : Mrs. Perci L. Foy deceased; that to the best of his Herbert Miles Foy, Jr. Five Hundred estate belonging to the above name d children of Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the v alue of said estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 21st / 19.53. J Clerk Superior Court Mrs. Perci L. Sworn to before me, this Foy January Smith day of C. of OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Guardian for Herbert Miles Foy $4 & Ghenn . dward wiP dake BOND EVERY orm with 1. Mrs. Perci Le Foy minor heir 8... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perf the best of my skill and ability 21st / Mrs. Perci L. Foy 953 | 222 N. Race St., Statesville, Smith eac Subscribed and sworn to before me, this January C. G. N.C. day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / ‘4 In the Superior Court Iredell County \ ETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GRE It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Herbert Miles Foy III & Glenn Edward Foy minor orphan 8... without Guardian, andr 8 P having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child ren, and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and u sossession, secure and improve, and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 8 wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into 7 further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. 21st 19. 53 day of January Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said C.urt, this the C. Ge erci Le Foy pon all and eangular the goods and Av 2 69 ogo. © eannane ors.00.0 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Form 2 SUPERIOR COURT—lIredell County In the matter of Jovce Lee. Sines,..date birth 8-d—K1 Sines... date..birth Baa !3 Sines, date hirth V-t°%-4 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Rohert.. 1.0" Minor Orphans. Superior Court of said County: Peoples Loan *& Savines Rank and Robert Loy Sipes To the Clerk of the respectfully presents that The application of a jovee Lee Sines, James A, Sines, ‘a ae Ralnh. Easly Sipes deceased, are minor children of and that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; A » hE herinnine De let. , bo°16.90 on hand and *10.6% each per month beeinn ine, OES ematinahd belict of your applicant 1909 } 1, and managed according to law, your appheant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preservc« that Letters of Gu udianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of tl iid minor orphans. 20th _Necemher 19.52 This day of IREDELL COU NTY—ss. : . Peoples Loan and Savings Bank R. A, nal) ter, Trust Officer, . being duly sworn, says Uhat he ts acquaint dl and personal ‘ "ak F Iw Cines : rey tht estate belonging to the above named children of Ralnp as pes used; that to t vest of his i *2 1.5.00 Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about . olla ineame from Taka P and the value of (hesranterencheneat: se is about 410.44 for each minor Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 30th Peoples Loan % Savines Rank day of Necemher 19.08 J Qvye R. A. Collier, Vice Pres. (he Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County zs . 2 . 7 g. ny Loan & Savings "a? James A. Sipes & Peonles ' pK . wee Lee Sipes, vames LR. A. Call ier, Trust Officer, Guardian for’ O - Pt eawt Lov stpes, — : veep and th itm inor heir S.. solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said war and that I will make il RENEW MY BOND EV\ ERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I w Uy perform with all other duties of my said Gu ardianshi; sly perform wit ba fea nd bonc THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and I will faithfully and the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30 R..Re Collier day of Necemher 9 52) C..fe.. Smith c.5.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING In the Su; Court. Iredell County \ si tl To All It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Cong, here a Javee Lee Bines, James A. Sines a/Lov Sipes R. A. Collier minor orphan 5... without Guardian, and 14 TON, and having been duly qualified as such HORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to and the aame to take inte poserasion, secure and imy , and according to law having applied for the Guardianship of said minor chi he goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUT and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan S Wher to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage of th 30 day of C. Ge Smith enter in and upon all and singular t wove, and whercaoever to be found, «© said minor orphan December 9 52 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court ' te UploF( GtO © BAnnano sy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Form 2 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Vinal Alfred Stenhens, Jr. Acre 9 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. a e To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ii a . “igs Trench Vovd The application of respectfully presents that Vina? AlTred Stenhens GEMM chilaMXoVinal Alfred Stephens, Sricceased, $246.00 per month and aa ee e ee ee and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of tr V7 . . : rom Ve A e dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This........th day of........ May 19... 53. French Boyd IREDELL COUNTY—ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte 1 with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this / 19 \ day of Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. French. Sore Guardian for. Vinal Alfred Stephens, Jr - and that I will make MY BOND EVERY minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1 L, / French Rovd ot 09 Res dy Box 333 Co.Ge. Smith csc Statesville, N. C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Vin a? Alfred Stenhens, Jr, French Boyd minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and singular the goods at | further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. : li, day of May Ag 53 C. Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. . 4 é Loan *& Savings 8ank 2, A. Collier, Trust Officer Peoples J, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted wit i tate belonging to the above named Mmmuan.......Oscar A. Honeveutt, incompetent MXMAX that to the best of his ha Si *{ Five Hundred vollar i} yi | knowledge, information and belief, the valuc of said estate is about ; Se eeeeren Dollars : tt 1 + ig 4790.06 yr eh fr Vy 1} ae and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about /@ er montn :rom ‘Ve A. urs ; bs Bee 2? i ; Pe te Swe to before me, this Li ! Peoples Loan * Savings Ban: I ' ih Var £3 r As : ‘ ) . Penre "Si nor i =} day of A 19.53...) Bye Re Ae Collier, V. P. & Trust Officer prea Hie ih ' ‘A : rt * +H Co e..tte Smith Clerk Superior Court 4 . > : ‘ib t 4w2A41 is APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County _Osear. A. Honeveutt,. Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SS ae r a t e : —— PS Mow ONDA +e To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: | ba Pennies Loan * Savines Bank a . ie The application of nee J Nerar A, Honeventt, incompetent . T i and... JEODOKOE MMH DLN ; i ; vt and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and pers mal estate to the value of Five Hund red Dollars ® 1 , 4 : : may a 90,00 ner month from. Vie a. dollars, according to the best information au! beh your applicant ; Fite al i} sais 7 TOC THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your ap; unt prays i ul it | i boii that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of tl iliac tial . , iy ba This 2? day of........ May 19 53 Peoples Loan & Savines Bank ’ : ® ; : 4 ; , ; OATH OF GUARDIAN 2 a 2A MO M S EO NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss S k 2 t ' County Peoples Loan * Savings Rank { ty sanMwe? incom eS nt sc onevcutvy incompetent Re A. Caliier, Tevet Officer catia tes Oscar A. Hon tt, | ERE UA: solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ancl that I will make it y hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY tree returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains i m 4 all other duties of my said Guardianshiy oc , 2. eS I will faithfully and honestly perform with el - THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an — on e eg g oa : = the best of my skill and ability. é Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd / R. Ae Coll ier, Trust Officer AE im ) Ts day of May 19.53 yee atts 0. Ge Smith C8. i ' - LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, *reeents Shall Come GREETING In the Su x Court. Iredell County \ ee To All Whom These | It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Oerar A, Yonevcutt, incompetent RRA NM without Guardian, and inceompetedt enh having applied for the Guardianship of said MM@heRiaE , am NOW THESE ARE THEREPORS TRATPRRE” AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to tnd chattels, rights and credita, of said SeNSrTeEpimn..... wheressever to be foun, and the swrte® farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the coy) OE 22nd day of Cc. G. Smith | having been duly qualified as enter in and upon all and singular the goods prpeession. secure and improve, and , and according to law May 19 53 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court ro Form 2 #F~262 SEO PD PARNARD S15 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Mrs. Carrie M, MeDougald, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp seis ; To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County; The application of Miss Iris McDougald Mrs..Carrie M, McDougald, incompetent FUE ARLE HG OC 1 are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of respectfully presents that XC RoCIIE anc dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said This 2nd day of July 19 52 minor orphans, Iris McDougalda IREDELL COUNTY—ss, Miss Iris McDougald , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the . estate belonging to the above named cMuxxux Mrs * Carrie M, knowledge, information and belief, the value of saix m il and personal McDougald, Incompe tenetuex. that to the best of his 1 estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, “worn to before me, th's 2nd / day of July 1952 \ C. G, Smith Iris McDougala Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ or tent+28 Iris MeDougald Guardian for Mrs, Carrie M, McDougald, more solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that J will make ‘rue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd day of July 952 | C. G@. Smith cs —~ Tris McDougala c LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } { In the Superior Court Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come-—-GREETING It being certified to the unde tagned, Clerk of the Superior Court for tredeil County, that Mrs. Carrie M. McDougald, incompete@nt RERAMAMX — without Guardian, and Miss Iris MoDougélé competent having applied for the Gu ardianship of saix aunxmk 4 » and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFO 5 TO Al Egor 4 AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of san!) 2m> = wheresoever to be found, and the to take ‘3 ion, secure and imy var further to manage said estate and every part thereat, for the benefit and advantage: of the wis RESTS , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2na day of July 9 52 Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 #P~263 i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Theresa Ann Scott, 5 yrs. Francesca Scott, yrs, Myrtle Druscilla Scott, 2 yrg, SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GI ARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Dolleither Smyre Scott re Uulty pre that Theresa Ann. Scott, Francesca Scott ot Myrtle Druscil la Scott are minor children of RRIOKK and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value o Five Hundred & Fifty dollars, according to the best information and ! TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saix ! minor orphans may be preserved, and m that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interes This. end day of........May 19.53. Dolleitner Smyre Scott IREDELL COUNTY—ss, Dolleither Smyre Scott estate belonging to the above named children of AXKAM 1 knowledge, info:mation and belief, the value of said estate is about Five Hundred & Ffity and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 2nd / day of. May 1953 \ C. G. Smith Dolleither Smyre Scott Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR: ILINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County, em Scott & Myrtle Druscilla Scott 1. olleither Smyre Scott Guardian for Theresa Ann Scott, Francesca/ nor heir - solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my ue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY ant ward ard that I wall make THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will fait) the best of my skill and ability. “Miwsrbed and sworn to before me, this... iad ( Dolleither Smyre Scott day of May 19 53.5 Rt. 7, Box 2hi-a C. G. Smith i. a Statesville, N. C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, be 8 t. a { In the Superior Cour pee n To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredeli County, that Theresa Ann Scott, Francesca Scott & Myrtle Druscille Scott without Guardian, and Dolledt ther Smyre Scott suardianship of said minor child PON , and having been duly qualified as such Now THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and apon all and angular the goods ant chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage. of the said minor orphan , and according to law minor orphan Neving applied for the ¢ wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into powsession, secure and improve, and , ve 1953 Witn ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2nd day of May Cc. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court. ‘i ‘ ' ‘i ‘ ‘ ; t : ‘ é ' pos * : ‘ } : ; ; ‘ \ ; . 2% ; ‘i ' ’ . ? : 4 ee) J i ie mie Lene 2 ed { o ial ii a is Pte rho ts . f : 4 ei : Form 2 #F~26 £9 2 BARNARD 514 €6.9) Lous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, De ai Brackett, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUAR DIANSHIp XGKKAAGRX To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of D. A. Brackett facompe tent (as per statement from the Morganton, N. 6, OADM Or eee guardian; that the said minor chikiren are entitled to re . & $2580 personal proper ty dollars, according to the best information anc real esta i be lief of your applicant _ Incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said rotouocothcos may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incom lianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the suid moe This... Lat day of... July 19.53. Mrs. Anna Brackett Mrs. Anna Brackett respectfully Presents that State Hospital ARK and are without a al and personal estate to the value of that Letters of Guar IREDELL COUNTY—<s Mrs. Anna Brackett , being duly sworn, says that he is acjuainte eStat belonging to the above ODAC Ine wor Dr A. Brackett, Inept. knowledge, inform son and belief, the valuc of said estate is about 0 0 0 & - and the value of the rents and ‘ profits of the real estate is about 2 25. 00 “worn to before me, this ist / aay of July 19 53 Clerk Superior Court ! with the real and personal GOORIGMIK that to the best of his Dollars; Dollars, Mrs. Anna Brackett C. GS, Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLIN A, In the Superior € urt—ss Iredell County } i Mrs. Anna Brackett AMO solemnly swear that I will well and truly take ch state of my said ward ; and that | will make ‘rue returus and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW M\ BOND EVERY THREE YRARS in the ~uperior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, this lsat f day of July 19 §% | Cc. G, Smith - $C C.8.¢ Mrs. Anna Brackett LETTERS OF GUARD! ANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, j , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shalt Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk D. of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that A. Brackett, Incompetent SRR R OOK without Guardian, andMips, Anna Bracke Incompetent having applied for the Guarlianshipy of sand . and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFQRE To At PORE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gouds and chattels, rights and credits, of said prove, and wheresoever to be found, and the Ths tare secure and im F further to manage said estate and « "Sry part thereot, for the benefit and advantages of the «is eeeuipe , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the let day of July a 53 C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court. | Form 2 #F-265 f APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Ronald Wayne. Lambert, Age 10 mos. SUPERIOR Col RT —-Iredel} County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: We. E, Lambert Ronald Wayne Lambert The application of ‘ins L SR minor chitgem of VA rginia and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estat Marlene Lambert ‘xmxg © to the value of $750. 00 endian dollars, according to th. best information and b TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, a aged according to! , pra that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may ¢! ink best, for the int -~ t ror ts, s This... LOth day of....... July 19.53. W. E. Lambert x mark IREDELL COUN TY—+ss, W. E. Lambert cing duly sv , ' estate belonging to the above named childKM@X Ronald Wayne Lambert RXKX knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $750. 00 Nar and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about t his Sworn to Lefore me, this 10th f W. F. Lambert x . mar day of July 19. 53. | Cc, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR; LINA, > In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County 1, WwW. gE. Lambert Guardian for Rona ld Wayne Lambert Minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward atc that I will make (rue returns ani ANNUAL SETTLEMEN THREE YEAR: tn the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said ¢ the best of my skit) and ability. Subscribed anc TS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY . if j nd honestly nerforn ie} suardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with i sworn to before me, this 10th / day of July 953 Cc. G, Smith c.5.C his W. ©, Lembert x mark ¥ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Ronald Wayne Lambert minor orphan without Guardian, and Ww. E, Lasbert having *Pplied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THES and chattels, rights and having been duly qualified as such E ARE THEREFORE TO At THORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and _ ali and singular ag and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into posession, ae b “0 Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the henefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to ta : J 953 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 10th day of uly Cc. S. Smith Clerk Superior Court ; ' i ante tl : ; ‘3% ; ; iy 4 ; : }* Hi ‘era te ‘ ‘ 4 Penny i £% tin, €: i bye ti eh | , ny eT ae id e a Se eee a aa. ¥ Miia 7 t { } { PB a Form 2 #F-266 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT “Iredell County, Conard Mack Privette born April 9» 1936 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Violet P. Millis Conard Mack Privette The application of respectfully presents that and are minor children of Qu ince Pr ivet te and are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of has no real or per- sonal estate. The purpose of this appointment being to sign necessary papers for admis Sion into he Armed Services dollars, according to the best information and bel: f of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law. your opplicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This 50th day of July ig 52 Mrs. Violet P. Mills IREDELL COUNTY —s » being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with t anc personal estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and betic f, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and protits of the real estate is about Dollars, »worn to before me, this / day of t9 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CARO] INA, / In the Superior Court Ss tredell County 1... Mrs. Violet P. Mills Conard Mack Privette solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make ‘rue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that [ will RENEW MY BOND RVERY Guardian for minor heir THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, t will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of July 1953 Cc. G, Smith c.3.C¢ Mrs. Violet P. Mills Rt. 4, Statesville, N. C. —— — LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA } ; in the Superior Court Iredeli County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Conard Mack Privette imner orphan without Guardian, and Mpg. Violet P. Mills For purpose of Signing necessary papers for his admission in Armed Services. having applied for the Guardianship of said minor hild » and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singuilar the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, aud further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage. of the suid minor orphan , and according to law. 30th tay ot July C. G. Smith 19 53 : Clerk Superior Court | Witacss my hand, and the seat of the said Court, this the : : Form 2 #F~267 aa APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT trecell County erry A. Cook, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP MESA AK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Peoples Inan & Savings Bank, Statesville, N, Cc. respectfully presents that Jerry A. Cook, Incompetent max..is ROC LOG IL 6 XM MAI without « guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of F4 Vé iiundred accume- lated & $172. 50 per month from V. A. dollars, aceordiny te t est tnformation and belief ra { TO TRE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said ininor orphans may bx preserved, and managed accor to! r aj ray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him < f such other person as the Court m ay think best, for the interest of ¢ ' ; on. This 7th day of Augus t 19 53 TREDELL Ci rY—ss, . Savings Bank WW. Barnes, Tr Officer Peoples Loan &/, tring duly sworn, save tha " ) the above named RMMAKA Jerry A. Cook, Incpt. $500.00 as estate belony knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about the rents and profits of the real estate is about and the valu Sworn to before me, this Tth / 19 53. | Clerk Superior Court Peoples Loan & Savin -s Ban day of August oy: 4. ". Sarnes, Trust Officer C. 4. Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CARO, NA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Tredel] Count, \ Jerry A. Cook, Incompetent the estate of ay said war amd Chat I will mak Guardian for uw. W. earnes, Trust Officer uw Wee returns anc! ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all im my hands; and that | will RENEW MY # IND EVERY Guardianship, | will faithfully and honestly perform wit the best of my skit) and ability Subscribed an: sworn to before me, this 7th / tye Auzust 1953 ' C. We »mith Cc. 8. ¢ Peoples Loan & Savings Bank By: W. @. Barnes, Trust Officer LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / lredelt ( { In the Superior Court tedell Coun . — To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GRERTING Jerry A. Cook, Incompetent It being certified to the undersigned, Cierk of the Superior Court for iredeli County, that nt having @pplied for the Guardianship of said incom ete , and having been duly qualified as such NOW 7 HESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said) Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods r . jon, secure and improve, and M04 chattels, rights and credits, of said CONh, crcscever Pe hisziea*° farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said ¢ and asserting to low 7th day of August 19 53 C. G@. Smith Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the without Guardian, and Peoples Loan & Savings BK teh BE pale j ' 4 . : “f bi? ET bs i Vt eae BP roa te ; é ' * } : ' , ti ‘\ ; : ; : i4 ; ry Fog ai, ; i“ ud ti A SU The iW ut teh, f ct! pees vets ees Lise kas nay WT ade ue : 1} B30 o) ’whinst bad i i) i} ‘ Magna oa : MF if Ths SE 4 ‘ba 5 BH sf ie 7 ; a IES © i A it in et ‘ ro] - ‘ B30 Form 2. #F-268 B49 © OAMNAND $18.60 85.45 2 ai APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Dwight E,. Jarvis, Incoamnetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp JOKLKK Kop ksox. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Dwi ght E, R. E. Jarvis respectfully presents that Jarvis, incompetent, (having been declared incompetent by VA ang xx. Supt. State hospital Morganton BEX 9606 DEC DDL DEK Dg deceased, incompetent is LOL Doi cee ocDn and, are without a guardian: that the said p entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $2500.00 and $63. per month from VA dollars, according to the best inform incompe ten TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said ana gent. ation and belief of your applicant preserved, and managed according to law, yout applicant prays that Letters of Guar: This.......a0 lianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said min day of... SOp tember 19.54 r orphans, R. &. Jarvis IREDELL COUNTY—<s ke S Jarvis , being duly sworn, says th estate belonging to the above2iaiaor ain NG Dwight wey Jarvi: , at he is acquainted with the real and personal incompetent ARR, that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $63, 00 per month from VA Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, worn to before me, this 10 / , R. 4 Jarvis day of “eptember 19 54 \ C. 4, Omith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—as fredeli County I, R. E. Jarvig OCKHE AMX solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, true returns and ANNI Al, SETTLEME Cuardian for Dwight E. Jarvis, incompetent and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and Uhet I will make NTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn te before me, this 10 / R, & ‘arvigs 613 S. Race St., Statesville, N. C. day of Se; tember C..G, Smith ». 53 § c.8.c LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / » In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified to the unde reigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Dwight E, Jarvis, Incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said Ade Rg tent and having heen duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THERER« EE TS Al eeetEe® AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and angular the goods whereseever to be found, and the vy $9 jake inte secure and improve, and c eht . part thereol, for the benefit and advantage: of the said + and according to law. day of September 9 53 C. 4. Smith St KOK without Guardian, and R. E, Jarvis and chattels, rights and credits, of said further to manage sail estate and ev ery Witness my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ eurt, this the 10 Clerk Superior Court. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mra. Ella M. Holmes, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County APPLICATION FOR G1 ARDIANSHIP AKouKsOK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mary H. Souther respectfully presents that Mra. Ella M. Holmes is now incompetent and an inmate of the State Hospital at jor anton, Bisd Rob TAP" hnt ta fe hsnsbs es fearaa S. McKee, Jr., M. D, Super n- is WME are entitled to real and personal estate to the value ol $7, 000, 00 real estate and $3,000.00 personalty The application of and MMHvithout a guardian; that the sai according to the best information and belief of MAKK incompetent MEXR pb imay be preserved, and manayed aceer ling tol aw, Your appl int prays incompetent unk best, for the interest of the said Mary H. Souther TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said ¢ that Letters of Cuardianship may be issued tath@kor such other person as the Court may tt This 5 day of........ July 19 53 IREDELL, COUN TY——ss, Mary H. Souther to the above nameQ@RMiwe. Mrs, Elia M. Ho lmes, incompetent ROOK! at to the bet or ner knowledge, inform $10, 000. U0 I Three Hundred Sworn to before me, this 3 / a July 19 53 C. G. Smith estate belonging ition and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Mary H. Souther Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County 1, Mary H. Souther AEE solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate o true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in m THREE YEARS in the the best of my skill anc Guardian for Mrs. Ella M, Holmea, Incompetent i my san! ward am) that ] will make y hands; and that I will RENEW MY HOND KVERY ; p, I will faithfully and honestly perform wit! Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully an vt rim with i ability, Subscribe: and sworn to before me, this 3 / Cay of July 19 53 \ C, @, Smith Mary H. Souther v. ©. & LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come-—<JRERTING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mre. Elia M, holmes, Incompetent REEKAEEK without Guardian and Mary He Souther incompetent lied for the Guardianship of said Saab . a — Saard > ent nd upon all and wngular the goods Now THESE ARE te ot a SSNS CRE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and ay having apy and having been duly qualified as such . , Secure and improve, and ane chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be found, and the RMIKA MEK 1 according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the eaid » ard ace /« . day of Ju 19 53 Witn: ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 5 ” ly Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior C wart a Uh) ah aah Poa he. Sieid ia ' ’ ft 1) PEP ; 4 ‘ } ; [ oa : : ? 5 ‘ 1 ; I oR A : ‘ ; ; ' Pity : i i 7 ’ t iy et vO 13), peal Le Hip pees av, woe E ie Form 2 #F-270 GEO B Bannany oy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT ‘Iredell County, Mrs. Annie Moose Ayers, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP IPO To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of H, F, Moose respectfully pr cents that Mrs, Ann ie. Moose Ayers, incompetent, (by petition and issue jury Submitted to 2EX 26 EMO EK DT ZOEK incompetent and are without a guardian: that the sci MRK Ae, are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Thi rty-Seven Hundred Pifty " dollars, according te the by incompetent TO THE ENp, THEREFORE, that the estate of said KAXXBR, may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays in other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sak som otent This... 5th day of... O¢tober 19.53 He FP. Moose est information and belief of your applicant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such IREDELL COUNTY Ss. H. F. Moose » being duly sworn, Says the estate belonging to the above named Rimage Mrs ° Annie Moose Ayers , knowledge, information an $2, 000, 00 none at he is acquainted with th: cal and personal incompetentmmmgex tha: i 1) best of his ! belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about oworn to before me, this 5th / dayof OGtober 19.53... j Clerk Superior Court Dollars, H. PF, Mooge C. G. Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court $s Iredell County \ H. F. Moose re, the estate of my said ward ; and that | will make s a8 any of the estate remains in my hands; and that { will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YRARS in the superior Court, as the law requires, and all of my said Guardianship, I wilt faithfully and honestly perform with other duties the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, thie 5th / day of October 19 53 \ C. G. Smith C8.c H. FP, Moose LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court Irecett County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the unc rsigned. Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell C Mrs. Annie Moose Ayers, incompetent XR without Guardian, and H, FP. Moose incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said » and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREF RE TO AU ont AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of iSO BRR EOD : prove, and wheresuever to be found, and the session, secure anv) im : ounty, that further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit anc adv antage: of the aa , and according to law. dayot October 993 Cc. G. Smith Witncss my hand, and the scai of the said € court, this the 2lst Clerk Saperior Court. Form 2 #F=272 + APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Kenneth Ry Byers, date of birth 5-7 ho Patricia A. Byers," ". a: el SUPERIOR Cor RT—Iredett County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Peoples Loan & Savings Bank, Statesville, NC res; Kenneth Rk, Byers and Patricia A. Byers ectfully presents that aad. are minor children of Mack M. Byers and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate te the value of $500.00 and 47. per.mo,. for each from VA leceased, dollars, according ta the he t informati ind belief of Applica TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed acco ng to law, your a war that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think hx st, for the interest of the this... 76h day of........ January 19. 5. Peoples Loan & Savings Bank IREDELL COUNTY —+s, s Bank ¥. W. Barnes, Vice-rres, Peoples Loan & ~*vings ae , being duly sworn, says that Mack M. Byers $5v0,. 00 and the value of the XR profits of the MAAARAZEKAK from VA - $47. 00 each per mo, Sworn to before me, this 7th day of January ‘Hl C. G, Smith estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Peoples Loan & Savings Benk By: W. 4, Barnes, Vice-Pres, Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. Loan & Sav 8 Bank a oe Barnes, Vice-Pres, Peoples Guardian for tofteth + Byere & Patricia A, Byers mir heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward tre returns and ANNUAL SETTLEM ard that I will make ENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, the best of my skill anc ; fell nd hone , perforn hh as the law requires, and ail other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hoa stly perform wit f ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th f Ww. We Barnes » Vice-Pres, day of January ‘5 5 Cc. G, Smith C.5. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County ——— To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that KRERLRaxkaxm Krauts w RRMA XAKXAXXSXAARE, Kenneth R. Byers & batt, ane Loan & Sav a Patricia A, Byers minor orphan B . without Guardian, and peepee ing * “pplied for the Guardianship of said minor chiidP@EA —_, and having been duly qualified as such ‘ lar the good Now THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and . and hattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan & wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into posession, secure and improve . ‘ord to law. to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan B , and according to law ma 19 5, . of Witnces my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 7th oye Ja ry Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court ude ae ae fifa! yi Ha : KOT tb 2 Lge Be f ee ‘s ol pe qf 1 6 : P i i i Be NAGS OER Bet Ria A Eo } tp tiaaft ; P Seon Wiehe! & a u i ‘ ' bt ete ; ee ee rs : ’ ih “f 1 sted BPE ; ; ri fitaa ddd } Pita ; i} 4? : 7e} r : : + , ea'sisi yey i j id Pe lent NT gat 4 ot bad few $} | taf ; : ' > '? ore Form 2 #F-272 #10 © Mannany APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT ‘Iredell County, John Gatton, Jr,, age 17 yrs. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs, Thelma Gatton respectfully presents that John Gatton, Jr, : and., are minor child&®&ot JOhn Gatton & Thelma Gat desires to enter the Marine Corps and {+ and are without a guardian; that the saic } minor chi le necessary to have some person appointed to Sign the application dollars, according to the best information and he lief of your applicant TO THE END, THE REFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issuec ! to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sai ARK. child This... 22 day of... January 15h Mrs. Thelma Gatton IREDELL COUNTY » being duly sworn, Says that he is ac jaintes with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, inform ition and belief, the valuc of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate js about Dollars, »worn to before mc, this / day of 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH (¢ AROLINA, In the Superior Court—~s¢ Iredell County ! Mrs. Thelma Gatton Guardian for. John Gatton, Jr, minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that | will make true returns and ANNTt Al, SETTLEMENTS as long as an y of the estate remains in my h FHREE YEARS in the Super ands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY a Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Gu ardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and abuhity Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21 / tno January 19 Sf C. G. Smith Mrs. Thelma Gatton csc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / » In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to tix undersigned, Clerk John Gatton, Jr. of the Superior Court for Lredell County, that child ten nino 2x without Guardian, and Mrs. Thelma Gat having applied for the Guar Hianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARE THEREPORE T and chattels, rights and credits, af » and having been duly qualified as such whia4 RIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods wheresoever to he found, and the same “gira possession, secure and improve, and ttages of the said minor , and according to law. said minor further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and adva:- Witnrss mry hand, and the seal of the said ¢ court, this the 21 day of January 105 C. @. Smith Clerk Superior Court NORTH CAp Form . #F~273 as eannaen ' APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Robert L. Poston, Incompetent ‘Irecell County APPLICATION FOR GUAR DIANSHIP SANK. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of R. C, Bryson respectfully presents it Robert. L. Poston, incompetent incompetent fd are without a guardian; that the saic @ entitled to real and bersoual estate to the value of Tweive Thousand ollars, according to the te st infor inc ompeten TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of sai ROURKE may be preserved. and ' hi, ier eile 4 Managed acerreir toa that Letters of Guardianship may be issu cd to him or such other person as the Court may think best. for ¢ terest of the ln itis. This... day of... F@Ds 9 5k R. C. B3ryson IREDELL COUNTY—ss, Rk. C. Bryson with 4 State belonging to the above named GMREMEE Robert L, Poston XK knowledge, information and belief, the value of Said estate is about Twe lve Tho usand and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about LIne Sworn to before me , this kth f R ‘ Cc. Bryson day of Feb. 19 54 } c. G . Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR ILINA, > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County ine ten¢: C. Bryson suardian for Robert Le Postan aeambe solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all tix estate of my sux) war ae that § will mak true returns anc ANNUAL SE THREE YEARS the best of my kil TTLEMENTS as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands: and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY in the Superior Court, us the law requires, and land ability all other duties of my sak Guardianship, | will faithful : i tly perform w Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th f day of Feb. 19 5m | C. G. Smith R. C. Bryson Cs LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LINA Iredell , In the Superior Court. County } To All Wham These Presents Shall Come—GRERTING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ¢ aunty, that Robert L. Pos ton, Incompetent is RERABREK — without Gaartion ant Re C, Bryson having applied for the Guardianship of ic RRQTRS tED t and having been duly qualified as such NOW Tuy and credits, of said ; . ree . Soardian to J all and singular the goods USE ARE fe ot an SS pe tent" AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon Sa) Chattels, rights i ‘ ty t » eure and improve, and wheressever to be found, and th t petenem a fartber to Matage sari estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the wid , ar according 10 Sy ¢ yp of Witscss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 4th may Peb. Cc. Go, Smi th Clerk Superior Court tia} ie His), | ; Piet he ee ee SB 2:3 i ie aN. i ! : } * ' $ ; ' : ; ¢ : j) | 083} ‘ : mee ij } *. = Wf iT ty £38 St e e ll ag p t a s ni e n t e eec t s ee ) we ee d = — — Sc e c i i e n s Ca e oo es ~~ es Form 2 #F.27h HBO ® BARNARD S14 00 4) sour APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of E. CG, Beatty Guardian of Kuth Barrier Beatty, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT- ~Iredett County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSH] P XRMAMAAMNRLK. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of E. C, Beatty ®uth Barrier Beatty is incompetent XEEX XREAAAKAKAN may ; ent and RB without a guardian; that the said angompetent to real and personal estate to the value of Seven Hundred dollars, according to the best information and belief of respectfully Presents that your applicant TO THE END, THEREF« IRE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orph Hans, This day of .. January 19. 54. IREDELL, COUNTY—«s E...G. Beatty - being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above name | SAVKAK inc ompetent ARBRE, har co the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $700. 00 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Nothing Dollars, “worn to before me, this 28 / day of January 1953. | Everette A. Whitlow AxKSgeRMAMA Notary Public My commission expires November 14, 1954 OATH OF GUARDIAN E, C, Beatty NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Tredell County inco dpeten t®- c. Beatty Guardian for Ruth Barrier Beatty solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn tw before me. this 28 } day of January 05h | Everette A, Whitlow, Notary Pub&&exxx My commission expires November 13, 1954 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP E. C. Beatty NORTH CAROLINA j In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come-—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that (Mrs) Ruth Berrier Beatty, incompetent i ®t a without Guardian, and BE. C. Beatty having applied for the Guarchanship of cRS ERS ent , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTI on & AP EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and ctedits, of said en wheresoever to be found, and the to take mio pogsession, secure and improve, and further to manage said esiate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage of the wit SEpBBS ent. according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ curt, this the 28 day of January : C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 #F-275 spies: APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP + In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County Date of birth May AQs..1935 Rt. #1, Woodleaf, N, C, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Cian: Boples Loan and Savings Bank reap Margaret Louise Jones The application of Ctfully presents that =... &.... PMminor chilsam of Willie Lewis Jones deceased, ‘and are without guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ..9ne. Thousand eaarernsnseasesessenssneges ‘ dollars, according to the best information and } Hel ol your applivas TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to} vour applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of 1) t minor orphans. This day of...... March 19 54 EDEL COUNTY—es. Loan & Savings Bank ¥..W. Barnes, Trust Officer, Peoples / , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted wi estate belongins to the above named childEa& of Willie Lewis Jones knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is ab« mut Une Thousand and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to befure me, this 31 day of March 19 5h C. Ge Smith Peoples Loan & Sav. Bank By W. W. Barnes, Trust Officer Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR: ILINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell Ce ; . — Peoples Loan & Savings Bank 1... W, Barnes, Trust Orr icer, / Guardian for Margaret Louise Jones minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said war and that I will make tur reteres and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of m, skill and ability, Subseries and sworn to before me, this 31 W. ¥. Barnes tay March oth | Cc. G,. Smith c.a¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the § Court. Iredell County j m the Superior Cour : ae To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—~GREETING It being Sertified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredeli County, that Margaret Louise Jones minor orphan without Guardian me = & having *pplied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such é; NOW THESE ARR THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods secur prove, and hattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, and tm aati to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the sid minor orphan + and according to law. day of Maroh 19 5 C. G. Smith and ¢ Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 31 Clerk Superior Court { 4 nf 1} P std i Aid ei By 8 ii ft Bs 4 ' Py Ae ; iy + ; { 7 : é ' yw pba atl bit ti hide sigh) tet fe 3 ee ae" i eit Bite et o ft ed 18, Pl ee ited PRT Hey | a iic4 et 4 (io) ie. i i" dt ¥ if pee " ah date Hae it : ae het és od ie + a a fees) af { i fori) | aed / ) e ' * ‘ cae: SE) Pi ‘ , | el l e s al e = = Sh Form 2 #F~276 S10 & Hamman sya co 9 Lone APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, John F, Sherrill, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSH] P ALON RIEL To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Peoples Loan & Savings Bank John F. Sherrill, Incompetent, by certificate from Supt. State poaP ital, Morganton, and TOQNOIOICKOK KOC XIN incompetent is 00 per month and are without a guardian; that the sai Gian ntitled to real and personal estate to the value of $63. dollars, according to the best information and belie respectfully presents that from VA, from 2-11-5) incomp eter t TO THE END, THEREF\ JRE, that the estate of Sai CIOS CMa y be preserved, and managed acc f of your applicant ording to law, you; applicant prays in = competent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the This....7 day of... April 19. 5. IREDELL COUNTY—ss Loan & Savings Bank » being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the 4. @. Barnes, Trust 9fficer, Peoples / ul and personal estate belonging to the above name (skaaxe John F, Sherr 411, incompe tent BMI, that co che best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $63. 00 per month for pension from VA Dollars, -worn to before me, this 7th / day of April 1954 C. 4, Smith Peoples Loan & Sav. Bank W. *, Barnes, Vice Pres. & Ir. Officer Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Loan & Say iW. %, Bares, Trust Officer Peoples/Guardian for MERAAAK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all th true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as THREE YEARS in the Superix ings pang Sherrill, incompetent ; and that | will make estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY « Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said G ¢ estate of my said ward any of the uardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th } w. W Sarnes day of April 1054 | Cc. G. Smith c.8.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court Ireclell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John PF, Sherrill, incompetent is RRR without Guardian, and Peoples Loan & i etent Savings Bank having applied for the Guardianship of said » and having been duly qualified as such - NOW THESE ARE THEREFY tRIS ; Behe" AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the ¢ ads and chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and benefit and advantage: of the said tent, according to law. day of April 0 Sh C. G. Smith further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 7th Clerk Superior Court. aateg “vplied for the Guardianship of wiheeomge tent and having been duly qualified a« euch ms chattels tights further to Form 2 #F=-277 ; APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Williem A. Myers, Incompetent SUPERIOR Col RT—Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP RIUAK ROOK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Peoples Loan & Savings Bank William A... Myers, respectfully presents that Incompetent, having been declared incompetent by VA mx. ZGEKIOUUOOUIULX REKKX mp etent. and are without « guardian; that the said are entitled to real and personal estate to the 1 sine al $63.00 per month from 12+18-53 dollars shied ia Seer ies io THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may he preser » and managed accor t ays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ( + ne This 7th day of Apri 1 1954 IREDELL COUNTY —+s. loan and Savings Bank H..#. Barnes, Trust Officer, Peoples / g duly swor emate belonging to the above named summa Williem a. Myers, Incompetent REXKK knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ui and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $63.00 per m. for pension from VA Peoples Loan & Sav. Sank Sworn to before me, this 7th f W. 4%. Barnes, Vice Pres, & fr Officer day of April 19 Sh | Cc. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ) > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Peoples Loan & Sevings Sank 1... We. Sarnes, Trust Officer, / vuardian for Williem A. Myers , incompeten t XIXKKR solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said war and that J will make Wee returns and ANNI AL SETTLEMENTS as jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties o my sani Guardiansiup, | will faithfully « , ¥ perform with thet best of my skill and ability Subseritre sworn to before me, this 7th f Barnes tay of April 9 Sy | C. Ge Smith Ss LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } , In the § mart Iredell Cous - { h the Superior Cour Tu All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being Sertihed to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Wiiliem a, Myers, incompetent is Re without Guardian, and Peoples loan & Savings Bank THEREF« bE TO Al Ss AND EN ° = “arita enter am & all am! singular th ommxis ne i SE ARE : : , ND EMPOWER th if G viien to t ™ 1 pon | ase} ne the g and credits af rT Ne fir ric ce to take inte f£ , Secure and mmprove, and . said wherewever t) found, a the m — wv 1 acoording to law Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the sa » ane ne 7th day of April 19 54 Cc. G, Smith Witnces my bend, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court AN eR e oe Ss t — aa a oe OS el Se r ca m s a n a e ‘ : j Ber ork i i wes 1? , 4 e | ‘ aN ; ' 4 ; ‘ : t ' } ; ; ' : i : m a tay ; Leen tL ¢ oem } ay i aut re ben, t ti Se ES Form : #F- 278 GEO D BARNARD STA 6 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Charlotte. Rebecca Hamrick,..Age.15..yrse APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP George Thonas Kaurick,- Age Ly yess Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of g#aid County: ’ wees Mv Or 4 Ham - The application of mis... Me lia Ham ick respectfully presents that Ai Charlotte Resecca. haurick and. George. Thomas..damrick ‘ ‘Ta and ....are minor children of Je... Se... Hamrick deceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of For ty. Seven. dundxred..£ ifty=-two & h2/ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. | This... LY TD day of........ SULY AFL... Mrs. YWmelia.kamrick IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. iy v Dar ‘ . . . Mrs... Omelia amrick , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the re 1! and personal ‘ . T 5 $n} . estate belonging to the above named children of ve Ss, Hamrick deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $L:752- b2 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this us th - : ( Mrs..Omelie Hanrick July 195k... J a 7 . — C wy. Smith Clerk Superior Court. day of OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Georcse Thomas hamr-cxK rs. Omelia Hamrick Guardian forCharlotte Rebecca Hamr-ck &/ well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward8.....; and that | wil eae NEW MY BOND EVERY I, minor heir 4 solemnly swear that I will true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RE of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th { Mrs. Omelia Hamri ck day of July 1954 \ C, G, Smith aac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | \ In the Superior Court Iredell County ETING 4GREETE To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Charlotte Rebecca Hamrick and George Thomas Hamrick Hamrick / minor orphan $_.. without Guardian, and MrSe Ime lia, having applied for the Guardianship of said minor childT ON, and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goots possession, secure and improve, a and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan S wherescever to be found, and the same to take into , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan 8 19.54 Clerk Superior Court. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 28th dao duly C. G. Smith Form 2 if F-279 BLO © BARNARD BIA APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —lIredell County William.C...Campbell., MISSING. PETSON....cccssscee MISSA. SOX APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Mitdr OXphaas. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Lov ©. Horton 7 resp tfully presents that The application of ‘Liiam..c....Camabell wy is..a.0 issing...Pers.on eX PATH OE ETA EK OE Ketek M3 S Sisubree ers; and are without a guardian; that the said dick BSteh are entitled to reabaKd& peKMMLestate to the value of ndred SO OO Te encasenncantsnnostnonssnneene ste astees psockapescosssennesss tlollars, according to the best information und bel ur applicant _ Six.Buna 10 THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said oxbroc eapbaxsenay b: presery that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the mterest of Ci bandon otra ose This i% day of...) 28 19. j IREDELL COUN TY—ss. re Lou C.. Horton xing duly swor estate belonging to the above named ShaeeeroK. "7 issing rSol AAR knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate 1s about 1 Sworn to before me, this - day of 9 ) otarv . MabiX Kehcbisere lohn ony ° @ OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County ; Hortor ( lian for a risktny Te vaste 4 Oruon suardian i ht Nee solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of m) saul wat and that T will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rematr THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said the best of my skill and ability 1s in my hands; and that 1 will RENEW MY BOND E\ ERY Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LE / day of re 19 \ or ' lotaryv l v0Onn Dv. ean ue LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ eee: GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that william % Campbell. ™455 y persor ie ee without Guardian, and having missing perso! ‘ applied for the Guardianship of said het AAD , and having been duly qualified as suc ' NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TQ AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattel uP Spat ergor be found, and the sagre to take into possession, secure and improve, and S, tights and credits, of said nok whereseever to be ound, eres ing or sor ' ' i further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said mntnow orp ttn , and according to ls , lf of June 199. 54 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ‘ day 3, G. Smith Clerk Superior Court = = - Pt 9° ea e as GEO D BARNARD $14 60.87 Louie Form 2 /F-2*( APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT--Iredell County. * r j APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP MinomOepioios x To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of the Ae edrj Ch respectfully presents that ¢ wt S and is minor child¥e& of 4.0 V lie Sh LVes., deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Seven..Hundre.g....w rl ve.and..oX fl Ut ceeessons ene according to the best information and belief of your applicant CHL At TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor dfphAiis may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. ; — , ; 19 a... Ae... ABOPICHK This Un day of IREDELL COUNTY-—=ss , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the « Deckpereorad 6... estate belonging to the above named chilQen of Rov..L...shives deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this t ‘* ve 19 \ day of Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ iL. e Ae *OOriCr Guardian for uby Lee onive: solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make nm my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY 1estly perform with minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains 1 janship, I will faithfully and hor THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guard the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this kh 2. A. Hedrick day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County <<, To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ‘ Lee 3} (yes child , Nedri k minonorpheae without Guardian, and./+* “* edrices having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TQ ADF ORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor %ep Kate wheresoever to be found, and the same to jake, into possession, secure and improve, and C G further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor oveteso , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Sth day of July 19.94 Ce Ge Smite Clerk Superior Court APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County Shirley Louise...Coone.,.. AGE... vears APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP * vnor OX XUMOOK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of irs, ar : ; wat. irley Le isé ,9ON 8.» is 4 ; ZS minor child&Z of and are without a guardian; that the said minor BiMAKiNake%entitied to0OKSOR personal estate to the value of Seven Hundred and Ne /100. eR TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preset ees eh a that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as ie | : , | | This.....- day of AULZUS + . Nry—sa. IREDELL CO! . Mary..3...Freeze neu MN w m estate belonging to the above named Minin of. YRMAN tot . knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this / day of rust 19 : \ artna arKe! Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County I ar’ o. freeze Guardian for a Pa 1 Tr ? ‘ ‘ y & Aa z i whl ae munor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, anc preserve all the estat my said war 4 4 of the estate reme'ns in my hands; and that I will RENI W MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any and all other duties of my s suardiansiityp, | will faithiu at hor tiy perform wit! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this a f LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. GREETING Iredell County ; To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that rie Louise oor "hild minor wee boot without Guardian, and . i . and having been duly qualified as such AND EMP* WER the said Guare all and singular the goods aving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child tian to enter in and upon NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE T ; IZK iSE z E TQ PY THORIZE anes an aad chattels, rights and credits, of said minor KEK . wheresoever to be found, and the «ame to take jnto posession, secure and imp e, “ther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advan «te of the said minor wyhen , and according to tow j s¢ 10.2 r ad of * rus Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 7 , Ge Saasn Clerk Superior Court Se s eS er e = oo Tr e ee ; = Form 2 #F-282 BPO D MAHNARD B14 Co 4) sine Form 2 fF-293 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANS| iP i wait ' 7a @ : YY ae § ; i iy In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County ‘ ' pa é 4 rs.» dete 3. White, incompetent dames... vlaude..King,..a. Minor y pj ie nose ‘ if i aa . $ ‘i Bel ht APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIp APPLICATION FOR Gr AR DIANSHIp : pet f att é ’ : » ie Botox Gisebanar ei - Minot Otptians x To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: / rr ard ily ‘ : Johr Kir r : The application of wt... UL respectfully presents that The application of JOANN Oe KG} .O...802@ 1 ; that ttle ©, White, incompetent: » Jadiudzed ineom: etent order of Court) James Claude Kine a mir A Male . < eh and aOoM Roy oti dredar checeaqed . SR... GAKKAI Kon, Ony ° a ‘ Ahh hod ncompetent is : Child Ss and are without a guardian: that the saic iit Mites Mae entitled to real and personal estate to the value of i | a guardian; that the said minor}MMMX ME entitled tat KM personal estate te the ‘ : r NOUSANG «renee ene PR dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant ‘ ‘ ‘ dollars, aveording to the best inforn incon etent ‘hild TO THE END, THER EFORE, that the estate of said ratoox orpdiians may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applic ant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minoKoO4HBMAK may be preservs 1, anf managed a that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the Said WeMooscoeshyngs. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think beet. for ter t om ennx This atk......day of......Aucust 19.54, ., Ailliam J Ward, Jr. This ‘ day of........22Dter 19.2! . nN» IREDELL COUNTY —ss IREDELL COUNTY—<s. wr. 4t.Ward. Jy » being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal Johns Seba De »....22° cing du vor ‘ ' AASAL ehila estate belonging to the above named DHMH OK Mrs.dJdett Ls 3. White » Lneomnue bent OOMMMK that to the best of his estate belonginy to the above nameDennren of CON. o- Ling, ‘ IKK knowledge, information aud belief, the value of said estate is about 3 eY¥V0.00 Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 4 ‘ and the value of the rents and Profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about “ : ‘ — 4/!t kes . . ae « / ; ’ ~worn to before me, this / ar Vard . Sworn to bef me, this y , Wiit i Ward , , ° ‘ ; day of ugust wel. | day of September ae 7 : Clerk Superior Court v2 , ‘ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN a ' “ . ° “ry NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, ! » In the Superior Court—ss » In the Superior Court—ss ee Trecelt County } Iredell Counts ry “f » £1 ; ; ‘ , ' a ; ’ I, 4. Ward Guardian for rs Jett oeli-.sc I, Une King, Sr, Guardian for ; she ‘f i? : ‘ oil > 7 minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that | will make munor tad solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve. all the ect ate of my said ward and } ! h ' true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns anc ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my han is; and that T will RENEW MY BOND EVERY iv bi f b fais ells ’ ' tee f mm with THREE YEARS in the superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the “uperior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my eal ¢ mardianship, will fa = vt : ; * : the best of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability a ‘ye Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4 / 1} ar ard fy Subscribes! ine sworn to before me, this « / r : * > “ , c ‘ ; A . . . day of Usust 19 5h. 4 day of cemer 19 } Ve omit} c.ac i. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, ; Iredell County ) , In the Superior Court. J asl aay Iredell Counts } b ; . . »—-ORERTING To All Whom These Presents Shali Come —GRETTING To All Whom These Presents Shall Com IRER ’ It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It heing Certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that . ett ; . ¥? ? ‘ares 1a ie ¥ * cs ncompeten: et bo ara Jr G tian, and! O) fe OR, oP *Oe Of EK without Guardian, and. 411114 >. minor Aap oan without Guare Neornaran- having applied for the Guardianship of said )6#ia6ede Mac » and having been duly qualified as such heving “pplied for the Guar: NOW THESE ARE THEREF( MRE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the . * ly qualified as such hip of said minot child and having been duly ae iardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods fians } fred wheresoever to be found, and the and « hatteis, rights and credits, of said 6 ot eK NOW THESE further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the : ; an © gevvt ARE THEREFORE TQ AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and angular the goods ime to take into possession, secure and improve, mex ncomrmone er > 208 best ttre and terprave, and ic chattels, tights and credits, of i mince MeWReN whereaever to be found. and the same Na take ms > powseesi wet ¢ , 2 : Man ; i ¢ , and according to lax benefit and advantage: of the said OK , and according to law. farther to age said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor MNNGK anr , — , ei jeotemhe: 10h, oe See ut tie seal of the said Court, this the © LOR day «f AUZUSt 19.4% Wita: ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the « day of se Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court Form 2 #22), GfO © BAMmARD sy, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County. Barba A... As... BLane » ABE 5 yvrse APPLICATION YOR GUARDIANSHIp Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of 1 reg A.,..etntae....0T 2 respectfully presents that arnara 1. olar aie te = ae 5S a4 minor ch a4 and ; MPO MR Miko OC HKGKE and&e without a Suardian; that the said minor chil EK Hk ontitied to real and personal estate to the value of URUSENG So meses terse ween ewe nce dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREF¢ RE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, r) ; This day of { St 19) ‘red . Mane, UI « IREDELL COUNTY—<s ILaNne . » being duly sworn, says that he is ac juainted with the real an ! personal estate belonging to the above named ¢ hilddex atx arhara A olane ACIGEA ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dg MUA 6 UL Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, worn to before me, this ; f 4 : Slane, Jr, day of tem 19.24. | Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—<s redell County } i, , 74a? “* Guardian for arocara A olane tinor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / day of we; ner 19 \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA. / 4 In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the und rsigned, € lerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that a Saraa. ar Child . na A lane vr minor gD begy without Guardian, andFred T Slan ’ having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFOR K TO At THORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor wry bee : wheresoever to be found, and the same to phe gnto possession, secure and improve, and q further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor MSDGK + and according to law. . . 51 Witness my hand. and the seal of the said ¢ our, this the a day of Je Ht per 197% so Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. having apr further to Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the eaid minor Form 2 H# F-2&S APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Trodet} ¢ hat Pamela Dysard, Age 8 years APPLICATION POR GUARDIAN HIP Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of 26....a0 Dysar Le... Pamela Dysard ie ein a yi es ( cni ld p= ‘ TOOK RICK RAMA is is and x without a guardian; that the said minor childaggpgpreen titled to real ar Ten. 2bousend © eee ew ee ee ee ~ = mo) TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may } that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Conrt ; This... 27th day of... Oc taber 19.5) [. Le Dysar Le Ps IREDELL COL NT Y—as. I. lL. Dysard, Jr, estate belonging to the above named childgaKetx Pamela D ysard ARMM knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about i¢ 2VVVe and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 27th Te. Le Dysata, Jr. day of Ictober 954. | Marthe D. Parker De pu toler: Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell Counts Pamela Dysard Len De. Le..Dysard, Jr. Rams minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truls take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward | | true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as tong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY HOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my we Cunndien a enone the best of my skitt and ability, Subserites| and sworn to before ime, this e7th { De. Le Dysard , Jr. day of Wstober 95 | Martha D. Barker Deputy c.s.< LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / { In the Superior Court. J e , oan aparatecess a we To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING o : ity hat It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, tha Pamela Dysard child minot ben without Guardian, and T, L, Dysard, Irs fn t fi ch lied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as ow RIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and apon alt and singular the goods } oe AS ve . NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE T - ~— Bilice . © possession, secure and improve, and ~~ chattels, Tights a gate wheresoever to be foun’, and the same to take into posse nd credits, i o i its, of said minor , and according to law 27th Aay of October 19 Si C. G Smith Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 #F- I¥¢ sassaiilindiies 20.87 Lou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Ire ‘ell County. Mary Love sressly APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs ) Mary L....B... Press ly respectfully presents that Mary Love Pressly is a minor. child xX _.. JARO Sh ities 20f Charles..W...Collins deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of [Two Thousand ----<<-ecr cere rrr oe a dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. Mary L. B.. Pressly This... 19th day of November 19.5. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the r al and personal Charles W. Collins Two Thousand - - - - - - - = - = = = Dollars; Mery L. 3, Pressly estate belonging to the above named childyaxt of deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about None Sworn to before me, this 19th / 9.5. | Martha D. Parker Deputy. clerk Superior Court Mary L. B. Pressly day of November OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Mary Love Pressly sand that I will make Guardian for I, Mary L. B. Pressly minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, thi 19th day of November 19. 5 Mery L. B. Pressly Martha D. Parker Deputy csc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County “ETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETIN It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mary Love Pressly nia c minor Otplowa Be Pressl¥ without Guardian, andMary Le having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods wheresoever to be found, and the same ghia possession, secure and improve, -” _ and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor 19th day of Ce. Ge Smith November 9 54 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 #F-287 Gto © BARMAno ora 5 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County, Donald Lee Gabriel, age 14 Charles Ray. Gabriel, Clarence. Wayne Gabriel,..age..O APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Hazel Gabriel respectfully presents that The application of Donald Lee Gabriel, Charles Ray Gabriel and Clarence Wayne ‘Abriel M.S. Gabriel are minor children of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the v alue of dollars, according to the best information and ywrad TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed acc that Letters of Gu udianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the inter This........9 day of. kebruary 19.5. Mrs. Hazel Gabriel IREDELL COUN TY—ss. Mrs. Hazel Gabriel it le ie a M. S. Gabriel estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 26th } 19. 5... J Sworn to before me, this Mrs. Hazel Gabriel day of February C., G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County I, Mrs, Hazel Gabriel solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and 7 a e reserve, all the estate of my said ware ; am ayne that [ will make ; 1. Cherles_Ray,.Gabriel Guardian foDonald Lee ,Gabrie: a “t rles,h viet . i minor heirS true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in ™ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guare the best of my skill and ability. y hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY fianship, 1 will faithfully an | honestly perform with a / Mrs. Hazel Gabriel day of February. 19. 5 C. G. Smith c.$.c¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, Presents Shall Come 4GREETING In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ siete To All Whom These he Superior Court for Iredell County, that and Clarence Wayne Gabriel Mrs. Hazel Gabriel It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of t Donald Lee Gabriel, Charles Ray Gabriel minor orphan without Guardian, and id ren , and having been duly qualified as such: MPOWER the said Guardian to enter and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and , and according to law. having applied for the Guardianship of said minor chi NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND E aad chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan 26th day ot . February 19 Sly C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court in and upon all and singular the goods Witnss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the TE OE CE —— — - . 7 — ee = — aS De e te bt ke ee Form 2 | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Trecett County Mary Love Presaly APPLICATION FOR GUARI NANSHIP Mitior Orphatia To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of (Mrs) Ma ry lL. B Press ly respectfully presents that Mary Love Pressly is a minor child WX annnmxdhioe Charles W. Collins deceased and are without a guardian, that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of lwo The ONO neaeenen «cnn cn enes ceenseenneneeen . wo housand dollars, according to the beat information and belies of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed ac cording to law, your applicant os ' i ways that Letters of Guardianship may be iswed to hin or such other person as the Court may think beat, for the interest of the said minor orphans. rhs. L9th day op NOVember 19 Sy Mary L. 8B. Pressly IREDELL COUNTY bemg duly sworn, says that he is ac yuaintet with the real and personal Mary L. B& Pressly estate belonging to the above mamwel « heh poae of Char] es W e Co] lings deceased, that to the best of his knowledge, information and belef, the value of san! estate is aleut I'wo Thousand aia a a en oul the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about None Dollars, vorn to before me, this 19th / Mary L. B. Pressly November mw 5) Dey uty Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NOKTHE CAROLINA, tu the Sapertar Congrt freviell Commty \ i Mary Le & Pressly Guardian for Mary Love Pressly mine hea solemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the catate of my said ward ced Chat 1 will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY HOND EVERY THRE VEARS in the Superion Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, U will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability tectited and eworn to before me, thia 19th day of November 1” Sly Mery Le & Pressly Martha D. Parker Deputy S4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / ( ln the Saperion Cont Jredlell Commnty ; » <GRERTING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come it being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superion Court for Iredell County, that Mary Love Pressly child minot @tptote without Care lian, awdMary Le Be Pressl} having applied! for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualitied as much NOW THESK ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gol wheresoever to be fownd, and the same to teke tute posession, sceure and improve, and ‘Shae , and aceording to law. amd chattels, rights and credits, of eaicl mite ¢ further to manage sail estate and every part thereat, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor Witness my hand, and the seal af the eaid ¢ cmatt, Chin Che 19th day of November ” 54 C. Ge Smith Chere Superian Come Form 2 #/F-287 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -frecelf County Donald Lee Gabriel, age ls Charles Ray Gabriel, age 12 ve ‘ APPLICATION POR Gt AR DCANSHLD Clarence Wayne Gabriel, age 10 PE P E LE AE E ee er r em om e Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of sald County The application of M rS. Haze | Gabr lel reapectfally pres Donald Lee Gabriel, Charles Ray Gabriel and Clarence Wayne ‘Abriel 5 ae Gabriel and are minor children o and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal « dollats, acco TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be presers that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think beat. for the This 9 day of February 19 54 Mrs. Hazel Gabriel IREDELL COL NTY as. Mrs. Hazel Gabriel M. S. Gabriel estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the walue of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 26th / Mrs. Hazel Gabriel day of February » 5h. | a C, G, Smith Clerk Saperion Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, } HI me In the Superios Court--ss Iredell Cotsnty \ } i 4 tis ‘ Cuarhan for G > ¢ It v7 G > “4 M Md) tan tDonald Lee sae reade Herne Gabriel’ Hh a tet will Gab I, Mrs. Hazel Gabriel minor heirS slemnly swear that { will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, true returns and ANNUAL, SETTLEMENTS as tong as any of the estate remains in my hands, and that [ will RENEW MY BOND EVERY ait Goardianship, t will faithfully and honestly perform with all the estate of my sant ward ami ft THREE YUARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my « the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, thie 26th ! Mrs . Hazel Gabriel ayo February 19 5h | C. G. Smith C84 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH AROLINA, In the Superion C vurt. Iredell ( eomnty To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Donald Lee Gabriel, Charles Ray Gabriel and Clarence Wayne Gabriel without Guardian, and Mrs. Hazel Gabriel mine orphan any “plied for the Guardianship of said minor child ren , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESH ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWKE the said Goardian to enter in and upon all and vingular the geote and chattets, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and iunprove, and f Wwiher to manage said estate and every part thereat, for the benefit and advantages of the aid minot orphan 26th day February 9 5h C. G. Smith , and according to law With os my hand, and the seal of the sald Court, this the Clerk Superior Court Form 2 #/F~228 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT fredell County, Zeb Vance Young APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSH Ip Minor Orphans Ta the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of R, C, Edwards respectfully presents that Zeb Vance Young and 4 6 ; 8 are minor ¢ hilddMeppt XK KKM, and BR without a Kuardian, that the said minor chiidtdGSH entitled to real and ¥ Vola Rays the yalug of None~ This a p Ointment 1s being made in order to Sign papers for dottars » according to the best information and heli fof your applicant TO THE END, THEREPORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may he preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued te him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, Phi 20th day of December 1954 R. C. Edwards IKE DELL COUNTY » being duly sworn, says that he is acjuainte f with the real and personal estate belonging to the abov named children of deceased, that to the best of his knowledge, information aud belic f, the value of said estate is about Dollars i the value of the rents and probts of the real estate is about Dollars, te belore me. tha Clerk Superior Court , OATH OF GUARDIAN - > ee . SP Oe ER I N 5 RE I ee NORT CAROLINA ta the Saperiog Court frevfell Coamty i R e GO. Ed wards Guardian for Zeb Vance Younr mines hess solemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that f will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND BVERY THUKREK YEARS in the Superior ( mart, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of ay skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before mve this 20th / R C Edwards day of December 0 5h | CGC. Ge Smith CS ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NOKTH CAROLINA / , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING it being certified to the wn fervigned, Clerk of the Superion Court for tredell County, that Zeb Vance Young without Guardian, and R . C ® Edwards mnt orphan having applied for the Guardian hep of said minor child » amd having been duly qualified as such NOW THESH ARK THEE HE KE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in apd upon all and singular the @ ated chattels, rights and credits, of said mine orphan wheresoever to be found, and the sune to take into ponsession, secure and Hmprove, o further to manage sail estate and « very part thereol, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minors orphan , and sccording to law. day ot December 95h C. G. Smith Clerk: Superior Com | Witacss my hand, and the seal of the acid ¢ cnet, thin Che 20th Form 2 #F-2°9 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT fyeten ¢ ettty Billy 1. Lackey, incompetent APPLICATION POR GUARDIAN Hip Inc ompet en RDM CKOMK De. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Te tt nthe af Peoples Loan & Savings Bank Biliy A. Lacke Y 7 is incompetent por i KR KMRRKAMIEK / and are without « guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and persotal catate ¢ $1600.00 & $181.00 per month from Ve Ae duttrs ues TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may he preset that Letters of Guardianship may be iwsued to him or such other person as the Court may tt Peorles Loan & Savings Bank By: W. W. Barnes, Vice- res. Trust Offieer this 6th day of .. January 1955 ’ IREDELL COUNTY —«a. estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, t alue of said estate is alwnst and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this day of 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR LINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell Coun ty bpeten cet swear that 1 will well and truly take charge of, and preserve Wi. W. Barnes, Trust Officer Guardian foe §=Billy A, Lackey, all the estate of oy oh) wagel ol t 1 will make trwe returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY 4 i ull wh hee werflorn ! THREE YHARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sid Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and I tly perform with the best of my «kill and ability 6th W. W. es, Vice-Pres. & Trust Officer Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ’ day of January C. G, Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH Cape HLINA, in the Superiog Court. Iredell Connty , ’ To All Whom Thee Presents Shall Come <iRERETING It being Certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Billy A. Lackey incompetent KKAK ee without Csardian, and W. W. Darnes and having been duly qualifier as each incompetent having applies for the Guardianship of said MOMMA fae the anode NOW 1 HESE AKK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the eid Goerdian to enter in and apon all and singular “ aud chattels, Mights and credits, of said LIS Qiks = wheressever to te found, and the ' gam ———en farther lo manage said estate and every part thereot, for the benefit and advantage: of the said 6th doy ot = ONary 9 55 C. G. Smith , and according to law Witn: os my hand, and the seal of the said Court, tits the Cleth Saperion Court Form 2 /F-290 GEO © BARNARD STA. 60.87. 10UI5 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of William A, Weaner Born 6-26-42 SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Boyce G, Gibson ’ Jr ® respectfully presents that Willian A. Weaner is and Xake minor chil of..... Alvin. Bishop Weaner denen, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real agpypersonal estate to the value of $706 eOO on hand and $67 oft. per..MQ.« L£YQM.......dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. this......6 day of. January 195.5... Boyce G. Gibson,.Jr. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Boyce G. Gibson, Ix. _ being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Alv in Bi shop \ eaner deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $706 -00 Dollars; $67.00 per month from VA. Dollars, and the value of the rents and prolits of the real estate is about 4 Sworn to before me, this 6th | day of Ja nua a 19 55 \ Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County 7 Boyce G. Gibson, dr. William A. Weaner minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND BVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform on Guardian for the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th / Boyce e CG. Gibson q Jr. on ot January 19 C...Ge. Smith Cac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that William A. Weaner without Guardian, and Boyce G. Gi minor orphan having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child _ and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, “ , and according to law. 1955 January C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Comet further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 6th day of bson, i. singuilar the goods : form 2 #F-291 Pay ann APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSI IP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County i White, Incompetent Mrs. Jettie Be waite 9... 2 AG. OMP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ER To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. respectfully presents that Mrs, Jettie.B. White, Incompetent “ KKK KAAHAKK deceased, incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Three Thousand a ee ee eae - = = dollars, according to the best ir formation and belief of your ipplicant incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said rBAGXIAPAA may be preserved, and managed accor fing to law, your applicant ptays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said n inor orphans. wis....Obh day of... January 19.55. Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. IREDELL COl NTY—ss. Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the 1 ' ul estate belonging to the above named Quiebaat of Jettie B. White, Inc ompetent MRXX that best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate 1s about $3 ’ 000 00 Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $75 200 Dollars Sworn to before me, this 6th day of January 19.59... J C. G. Smith Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. L, Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. smock solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my other duties of my said Guardianshiy I will faithfully and b Guardian for all the estate of my sai ware and that I will make hands; and that I will RENEW MY IND EVERY THREE sonestly perform with YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all mestly pe the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. day of January 19. 55. J C . G . Sm i th c. 5. 4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, \ In the Superior Court. inde County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREERTING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court fox Iredell County, that Mrs. Jettie B, White, Inc ompetent OXON having applies for the Guardianship of said dasoue’* and having been duly qualif ° #s such K AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHOR _— and chattels, rights and credits, of said tigopesten wheressever to be found, ent “pusebs® accord ta . ; t iw farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages the said j- — 6th tayot vanuary 19 55 C. G. Smith without Guardian, and Boyce G. Gibson, _ secure and improve, and Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court Mrs. Jettie B. White, Incorpetent leg rh: t Mh ag i ath ie teh) a + ' ' : : GLO B BARNARD S1A.00.67 Lou Form 2 #F-292 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Paul E. Houston, a minor, husband of Maxie P Hou n Maxie Poole Houston, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: H. B. Houston and Maxie Poole Houston The application of respectfully presents that Paul E. Houston, Husband. of Maxie Poole Houston, isa minor are minor children of _ deceased | personal estate to the value of for the purpose of : ; the order of the court, executing.a note and deed. of...trust.. undeYP....dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant and and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real anc TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays Suardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. H..B.. Houston Maxie Poole Houston that Letters of ¢ This LOth day of Februa he 195.5 : IREDELL COUNTY~—-ss. H. B. Houston and Maxie Poole Houston , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainted with the real and personal SITIITK that to the best of his Dollars; estate belonging to the above named pastocomDOk Paul E. Hou ston knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 10th / February 19.55... J H. B. Houston Maxie Poole Houston day of Martha D. Parker, Deputy. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Guardian for L, H. B. Houston Paul E. Houston minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENE of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully ar - and that I will make zw MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties 1d honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. LOth } 19.55.) Martha D. Parker, Deputy c.s$.c H. B. Houston Route 1, Statesville, N. ©. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of February LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court. Iredell County : hese Presents Shall Come ~GREETIN To All Whom T It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Paul E. Houston H. B. Houston minor orphan without Guardian, and , and having been duly qualified as such: having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singw’s oe and improve, and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure , and according to law. 1955 and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan day of February C. G. Smith Wituess my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 10th form 2 47-293 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Iredell County patty. Jean. Waite (barn 2-25-h2) “Judy. Ann. White (porn. .1-2h-47) ‘Brenda Mae. White.....( barn. 8-11-48) Poris Carolyn..White (porn. 62-50.) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ‘The application of Peoples Loan and Savings. Bank Patty. Jean White,..Judy. Ann White, Brenda Mae White ana are minor children of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Wc Ve OY Le dollars, according to the best informat each..per month...from..VA be preserve rod mana la we TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may t! This I day of... Mar ch 19 5 7 IREDELL COl NTY—ss. R..Ae Collier .Truat Officer, . Peoples Loantei: wort, i estate belonging to the above named children of 30yce Ve HHAt $ knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about o 250.U VA af : a and the value of the rents and profits of the %ahPoshss is about wo ye DY Of 1 per nt l Sworn to before me, this 7 f . A Sllier » o\® * FF ~ s+ ay Maret 19..55.. J Clerk Superior Court Ce ie Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Rf r eg loa Savings nk . i iy Ae Collier, Trust Ifficer, Peopl°Suartan forpatty Jean “hite, Judy An Yhite, anite A > wr ‘VY . : . ; patent of de - : Ee ha i ety Por aR t OT LP had ty” Bie charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sald war a tl ll mak and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY as any of the estate remam in my hands; true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an the best of my skill and ability. j all other duties of my sail Guardianshty 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7 ! ie Collier day of March 19 55.3 Ge Ge Smith 4 5. € LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | Ired In the Superior Court. ell County \ To All Whom Thes Presents Shall Come GREETING White, Judy It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Patty Jean , 3 Ann White, Brenda “ae White end Doris Carolyn minor orphan White nd R. A. Collier without Guardian, @ , and having been duly qualified as such ND EMPOWER the eaid Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular ¢ me to take into poserssion, secure and improve, and , and according to law having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child he goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE A and chattels, rights and credits, uf said minor orphan wheresoever to be to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage 7th found, and the = of the eaid minor orphan day of March 1955 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court C. G Smith re Re e c e higth Form 2 GEO D BARNARD STA 00.99 L0UIg Form 2 #F-295 eannae i. i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP } ; if Bi eed ; rib @ 14 In the matter ol SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County. In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County ri} : ih Martha Ann Wooten, (born Jan 22,1991 Harvey Harris, Incompetent Bi i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP wa ba ta ba VE MAKES, Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: s The application of Mrs. Nettie Je Wooten respectfully presents that The application of Mrs. Nina H. Powell respectfully presents that Martha Ann Wooten Harvey Harcis, Incompetent (See certificate from Supt. State Hospital) and are minor child¥&h of Nikekake, wn ae RR BORLA AL ARKRK 5 and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of a.dare without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to rea! an | personal estat the value ol Thirty eight Hundred jullars, a t information and belic ir applicant one Thous ELIA we ww 0 oe ee TT dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, 1a Quik SK i ent THEREFORE, that the estate of said may be pr . ri | the ¢ TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, y: ur applicant prays that Letters of Guar lianship may be issued to him or such other person a cg fd as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, 26th an .....elt il 19 that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person This This l2th. day of April 19.55. IREDELL C‘ ry—ss. IREDELL COUNTY ; Mrs. Nettie J. Wooten , being duly sworn, says that he is ac juainte 1 with the real and personal Mrs. Nina He Powel 4 estate belonging to the above named child of Marthe Ann Wooten RAGA that to the best of his estate belong:: » the above named bk gex of Harvey Harris ’ ince ompeten t xxx ° knowledge, information and belic f, the value of said estate is about $1 > 000, 00 Dollars: knowledge, information and belief, the value of esid estate is about Thir ty- et tht Hundred - and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about none Dollars, and the value e rents and profits of the real estate is about sworn to before me, this 12th | ow ) we thi 24rd f ’ , Mre. Nettie J. Wooten — . Mre. Nina H. Powel day of April 19. 55.. ) tn of May oo ce) ; Ce Ge Smi th Clerk Superior Court c. G i Smi th Clerk Superior Cour OATH OF GUARDIAN | OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court-——ss . 7 7 ' In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ Iredell County \ Mrs. Nettie J. Wooten Guardian for Martha Ann Wooten 1, Mrs. Nina H. Powell wwardian for Harvey Harris, Incompeten’ minor beir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make Rind solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, anc presets al e estate of my on™ -_ a canes oogueg . ona . ‘ . - ' . ad ¢ ‘ NI { 4ONLD i} true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long 5 any of the estate remains in my han and that I will RE Ww MYI DEVERY ; 1oh5 THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc all other duties of my said Gu wrdians fai ’ onestly perform with Pid the best of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability '. i) t tf Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12 th Sul hed and owe ‘ " . 4rd j : bie] : ( Mrs. Nettie J. Wooten weribe| and sworn to before me, this &2 | Mrs. Nine H, Powell erp ii ' day of Mey 1955. MBG 7 - : day of Apr il 19 55 \ Ce Ge Smith c.ac C. Ge. Smith ~e : ; i LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS Of GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court r om Court Iredell County \ leede Counts \ In the Superiar Cour oe To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING To All Whom These Present Shall Come -GREE ; o « © : ‘ for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Sows Martna Ann Wooten Harvey Harris, Incompetent ie ie Woot without Goardian wi Mroe Nina ie Bess ENKKIRES Powell It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that minor orphan without Guardian, and Mrs. ha ' incompetent een duly qualified as ouct having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such ving applied for the Guardianship of said and having been duly 4 ile . . , — ° — goods : ‘ aa ‘ ‘martian to ente 1 “| wpen li and singular the goes NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the NOW THESE ARE THERERORE.TO.Al TH gia AND EMPOWER the exid Guardian to enter 1 and upon « ad ch and and Re se ten he found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve. chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be fou ig further i the ¢ oe orphan , and accordme o law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the ssid minor orphan , and according to law. to manage said estate and every part thereol, for the benefit and advantage EEE day 0 19 55 Wome my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 12 th day of Apr 4 l 9 55 Witnr ss my hand, «nad th seal of the cai Court this the 2 4ra fay of May Clerk Superior Court CG. G. Smith Clerk Saperior Court Cc. G. Smith Form 2 #F-296 £9 0 BARMAND $14 00 87 Lousy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP he In the matter of i Janice Lawter, age 17 SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ri: | nt To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: . he Say } ] The application of Charles Roscoe Lawter respectfully presents that Pik ‘ 4 Janice Lawter : ! is a b xodx BWHAninor children of Charles.Roscoe Lawter wWemeRIxxx ite ’ oe and are without a guardian; that the said minor childygx are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of for the purpose ar e , *. : 7am of settling @ Civ i] action dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Pia | . Pia ai TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays : i ie a ‘ that Letters of Guardianship may b« issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. i This... 3286 day of... May 19.55. Charles Roscoe Lawter IREDELL COUNTY-—ss ie = : r Cha rles Roscoe Lawter , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal o Ps + i estate belonging to the above named childgeg of Charles Roscoe Lawter MDKOEIEICK bat to the best of his hy for the purpose of settling a civil action “4 , knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about , Dollars; ; ~ Sart a re ‘ and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about for the our pose of settling a civ: 1 BC LAB iar ‘ roe | i ie Sworn to before me, this 4 ret re Sa dist | gharles Roscoe Lawter B May ac, day of 19 \ aa } Pe ; A Ce G. Smith Clerk Superior Court A ah Fig)" aa OATH OF GUARDIAN a ; NORTH CAROLINA, / a In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ . 1, Cherles Koscoe Lawter Guardian for, .vanice Lawter minor heir solemnly swear that 1 will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make (? true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 41st Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Charles Roscoe Lawter Si e day of May Smith 1955 C. Ge aw c. 5. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Janice Lawter without Guardian, and Char les ‘ogcoe Lawter ininot orphan having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child . aud having been duly qualified as such ‘ NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sei and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and , , and according to law. 19.55 Clerk Superior Comtt and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 15th day of June | | Form 2 #F-297 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —lIredell County poy Burges’, rosie Burges’. yoclain, 5. yess and Garry McClain, 1éyrs; Linda Burzess, 12yps. 10 yrs.3. Sywie Marie Klmer Wayne McClain, 5 yrs. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 6 yrs. Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Susie B. McClain tfully presents that The application of Roy Burgess, Linda Burgess,Rosie Burgess, Sylvia Marie McClain, Elmer Wayne McClain are minor children of leceased, od... Garry McClain and are without 4 guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to r al and per Phir ty- five. WUAARMMe sss S SSA TLS TK Aollars, acco t information and | rpplicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may b that Letters of Guar jianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cour t, for ter t » evvhens. e | = This. 5%0 day Of... PLT. 19.55 IREDELL CO! NTY—ss. Mrs. Susie 5. McClain estate belons to the above named children of wi A lie W. McClain 2c { knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $2 / J9.VU0 and the valu the rents and profits of the real estate 1s about ee — ( yrs. Susie 3. McClain July 19.55. J Cc. G. day of Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA "| In the Superior Court—ss Roy Burgess, Linde Surzen,: Iredell County Rosie Burzess, Sylive McClain, _— a ? t » 0 ad Cla in , urs. Susie Be McClain Guardian tor Elmer Wayne McClain & ver y Wc i e “ . wat ar at wil ‘ « minor heir solemnly swear that 1 will well and truly take charge of, anc presery all the estate « iv & mak ‘ ‘ . ' VERY tree returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains im ™) a a : * RENEW \ BO i : ‘ ait 4 ty ae , THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties ol my yvuardians it wi the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this oth ( Mrs. Susie Be MeCiain day of July 19.92) Cc. G.. Smith —" LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING thatRoy Burgess, Linaga burgess, It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County nd Garry McClain Rosie surgess, Sylive Marie MoClein, Pimor Wayne MoClain ® without Guardian, and Mrs. Susie Be McClain mined orphan « having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child POD. and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO At THORIZE AND EMP IWER the sid Gus a GB wheresever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure andl improve efian to enter in and upon all and engular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan urther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the henefit and advantage 5th 8, and according to law July Smith A the eaid minor orphan c duy of 9 99 Cc. G- Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Saperior Court : oF ; ' : } ' ’ it) ' ' i} timely a 4 at i) el HE Hey ry i oe a #F-298 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Mrs, Mary Fletcher Holland GEO D BARNARD $14 66.51 Loug APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Incompetent XOOROIOR 4 To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of respectfully presents that Mrs. Mary Fletcher Holland, Incompetent( Having been declared incompetent xma Oy & petition and issue sudmitted. to mmorxXinexwx. jury and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of sock dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant o THE END, THEREFORE RRREREERS , TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saic s may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be This 6th day of July 1955 IREDELL COUNTY~—=ss. W. D. Holland estate belonging to the above namedinmmxxx Mrs. Mary Fletcher Holland,. Ine $7,000 knowledge, information and belief. the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 6th ( W. De Holland 19.55. } Clerk Superior Court Sworn to before me, this day of July C. Ge Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ a - D. Holland Tae solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will REN THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully anc the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th / W D Holland day of July 19. 55 Cc. G. Smith csc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County To All Whom These Presents It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Mary Fletcher Holland incompetent incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said gggpseiic , and having been duly qualified as such: XXRAAAAMAKAX. without Guardian, and NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sing™ tent and chattels, rights and credits, of said further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said Witniss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 6th day of July Ce. G. Smith wesc hat wheresvever to be found, and the “i to take into possession, secure and imp a ; ; incom issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the «si SORES , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal » the best of his Dollars; Dollars, Guardian for. ¥ys, Mary Fletcher Holland - and that I will make EW MY BOND EVERY | honestly perform with Shall Come GREETING Jar the goods CON fi. according to law. Form 2 / HPe29°o onda APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Linda Ka..JoLleys..10..years..of age APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Pe e loan & Savings Bank = ' The application of eovles Loan & Savings bank sieiiapitias aimee had . ’ Linda.Ke..Jsolley we is..a.minor child. MH GMMKE MMA of YESSLE COL) teceased, Ko : and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Nine Hundred. Yne ang 50/] enn rer ert dollas according to the best information and belief ra unt TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and ma { r ! rap t prays that Letters of ( suardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court ma r f ' ns. This day of.......AUZUSt 19..5.5 IREDELL COl NTY—ss. ae e. of , : i‘ 74 Droc Dannie 2 'b r 4 W.Barnes,..vVicerPres,.-eonies Los estate belonging to the above named children of JVESSLE knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about e and the valu e rents and profits of the real estate ts about Sworn to before me, this L J eh ' day of August 19 \ ice- one mivn Clerk Superior Cow OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CA} INA / ; > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell C I, - " Sy Vice=Pr S» " uardian to how “a manor beir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, anc preset all the estate of my san ware am) that | will make — is « my han acl t 1 RENEW KK EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any © the estate remains in my han an uilw I l tie 1 «) Guardiansh wil ili vestls ciorm witt THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other dutics 0 my = uardia a t 1 the best of my skill and ability Subscribe! and sworn to before me, this ded aka f we. We in : . ?? i day of August 19 \ . ° 1% c.8.4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court. : — ) T,, All Wham Thee Preaents * :al) Comer GREETING | Coun th It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior * curt for Iredell County, Ue! 74 b TA et »* as + wa De miner orphan withen( Gaardian, at — rualified as euch having apphed for the Guardianship of said minor child and having beer duly qeatie om NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZ and chattels, nghts and credits, of said minor orphen wheresnever to be foun’, f ; or orphan further 1. Manage said estate and every t thereat, for the henefit and advantage: of the eaid minor orphe + Geerdian to enter in and apon all ane singular the goods EK AND EMPOWER the A the eame to take tnte aaesion,, woure am) improve and _ and according to law Yt day of Aucusi ad Witn:ss my band, and the seal of the said Court, this the fn Seni +) Clerk Saperner Court v. te il e . 2 . —— —— a TT T . e300 Form 2 4tO D BARNARD $14.60 81 Loy r APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County, ronrad..E.. Redman APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP DOK ODOM incompetent No the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: “ od lewe' y Redman The application of wey Use meama respectfully presents thet Conrad. E Redman. .wenkxaxsfxincomnetent acconinux sinddrsmpo! deceased, and and are without a guardian; that th said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This... 2th day of... AUZUSt 19.5.5 IREDELL COUNTY-~—=ss meamona . being duly sworn, says that he is acquaite i with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named ghjticoo 0k incompetent deorreack that to the best of his knowledge, information and belic f, the value of said estate is about Dollars, und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this sth / ewey ’ Redmor day of August 19 \ ° ° mith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—ss Irecell County \ i. ewey weame Guardian for conrac 5. seama - and that I will make | well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward tw MY BOND EVERY minor heir solemnly swear that I wil true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that 1 will RENI other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to bef tl sth } ees wi and sworn to belore hie, 8 28 ‘ . t : Dewey Ue Nacmon ; AUZUSt day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County - ome GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall C It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ronrad E Redman ; nceompe tent BE MOU phRK without Guardian, and incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of cad eer NOW THESE AKE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singe ncompete: and chattels, rights and credits, of said Sie es wheresuever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, lor the benefit and advantages of the said Khia’. 1c pamin edosetite to law Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 6th day of August _ and having been duly qualified as such jar the goods and 19.99 . o er ‘ >> Ge Smith Clerk Superior Com Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Iredell! County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor (¢ \ephans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of H # 4.9 respectfully presents that ate minot children of lacéased , weK...1.5 and are without a guardian; that the sa mal estate to the valu id minor children are entitled to real and per TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, a snaged a | : aes that Letters of ( ‘uardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think t r tt f w orphans This day of 19 IREDELL COl NTY—ss. ) , s estate belonging to the above named childxai of lecvash $ knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate 1s abot SE mane Ee ee = Tollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about I eo to before me, this / e. of ; 19...5.5... } : : Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County I, Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve all the estate of my sah) war ard Chat | will make 1 will RENEW MY BOND EVERY in my hands; ane that | true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remain and all other duties of my = Guardianship, 1 will fait fully ane mestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, 4GREETING Iredell County \ In the Superior Court. To All Whom Thee Present Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that wo minor orphan without Gnardan ard been duly qualified as such , and having { Guardian to enter ™ and upen all having applied for the G ; i Ad ¢ Guardianship of said minor chi end singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE aad chattels, rights and credits, of said minor urphan wheresoever to be found advantage: of the said minor orphan t to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and ° ’ 1° day ow Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ; . t! Clerk Saperior Court AND EMP* IWER the sar and the same to take inte possession, secure and improve, and , and acoording to law , : f wa hil : We jh) Laid Hee Theat Form 2 r 4#9 © GARMARD S74 00 oy oun APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredel} Coutity a fe iver,..Incomn 2} APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minoe Orphans To #ie Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of respectfully presents that a wrtha A eaver,..incomne:.ey (hh and » ; e MIA ov r + Teayany amnel rr) go ee tirt indore CMR Sp 0! u? ur Keded a4 ‘ and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of r vw ’ ~ ~— ae oe om Ae om ae oe ae ee dollars, according te the best information and be lief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to taw, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This day of : 19 NODS IREDELL COUNTY-—«s » being duly sworn, says that he 1S ac yuainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named “Dihiren of ra ot S.« ay ™ fi We . i Morea that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ’ . Sa . Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, worn to before me, this / IQ) day of 19.5 } . Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County i Guardian for 7 *+ iP i . , nes titer her solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, thi } os ne day of 7 . iv \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA i In the Superior Court Iredeli County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Lredell County, that a ys ‘Are ~~ ¢ ve * . Ld " . sawers Mit OMPKad without Guardian, and |. ' e sOwers suardianship of said hihat €IKIA NOW THESE ARE 1 HEREFORK having applied for the ¢ , and having been duly qualified as such: TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and nn Amn G improve, hattels, rights and credits, of said mIwor wrphae wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and further to manage said estate anc 7 id hixo Peet ing to law. benefit and advantage: of the said whit beptiah os ah and according ourt, this the day of entemper - so Ge Smith Clerk Superior Cow and « tl every part thereof, for the cs Witness my hand, and the seal of the «aid C Form 2 ; APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of } SUPERIOR Cor RT -fredefi ¢ ’ Veynre ) } To} nmeton ichae we | ‘ l minty APPLICATION FOR Gr AR DIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Kern ; wax, Are minor childber of ° ; and are without a xuardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estat ilue of Accu M4. A 2, ate weed Lf eet 9. ts dollar a mcitig to { informati i j TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be pr ed, and managed a ” that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thin est, for the t 1s. This Ak....day of AAMT ST 19 IREDELL COU NTY—ss, Y ar ne y > _F by ‘ al estate belonging to the above named childsew of ’ at knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about i . Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about : ' Dottars Sworn to before me, this ; : day of AUrUS 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County 1, ° ruardian for @inor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, ail the estate of my san! wa amd that 1 will make t and? that I i R MY VERY tue returns ani ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I « ENEW MY BOND EVERY iit faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfau ’ honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / day of Lic LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CARs iLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredeti County ee To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <IREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, thet ‘Owe ] Johnst on minor orphan without Gaareian, and, ¢ . Maving applied for the G uardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such omnt Now THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the eid Guardian to enter in and apon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and mi . to law farther to Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the sid minor orphan ey dosed 9 - of ner Witness my hand, and the seal of the suid Court, this the Clerk Superior Court —- - 1 ai n sa g t ~~ 4 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredel! County, t+ Theras row! APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ‘“Yinor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of respectfully presents that and are minor children of _-’ ‘ al deceased, and are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFOR i, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law. y our applicant prays that Letters of Gu idianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This day of : : i? IREDELL COUNTY —«s » being duly sworn, Says that he is acyuainted with real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of . deceased; that t i the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about D. Werectascttetente ee ee Om we Se ante eae Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, worn to before me, this / day of : 19 } Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLID A, a In the Superior Court : fredell County Guardian for As I, minor heir |) solemnly swears + will well and truly take charge of, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENT THREE YEARS in the Superic and preserve, all the estate of my said ward 5 as long as apy of the estate remains in my bands; Court, as the law requires, and all ; and that | will make and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY other duties of my said Guardianship, [ will faithfully and bonestly perform with the best of my skill and abvility Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / day of rt Y \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA. / 4 In the Superior Court Iredell County } To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified to the tune lersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ' ne Brown minor orphan 3 without Guardian, and . “ _— having applied for the Guardianship of said minot child | » and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE AKK THEREFORE To AUTH RIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular thes and chattels, rights and crerdits, wheressever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, an ‘ : * the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan >... ., and according to law. 6&6 ' i the seal of the said Court, this the ‘ day tA SePtember ” Clerk Superior Comme | ' 8 said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part the teot, fe Witness my hand, an GEO P BARKAND $15 Oy 9 sou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell ( ounty Darr Yntthar aor } James Shay Ade hab ag af? © ue ir ? ai ther ars Are 7 rarvil 3 os . Sn aa 2 ” oF APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Nancy Katherine Gaither, a Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of MSs Ar Zaret ait respectfully presents that James Ray Gaither " aryir a : . and..... Nar f are minor childre: of tkciased , and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Twelve Wir ana A | CLy= Ei Varro Mollars, according to the be t information and ir applica TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed aceor to ta 1 . ray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thi ik best, for the interest of ¢} i na. This +60 day of Qctoher 19... IREDELL COUNTY —ss, ) og. FF £arert 1a] oF ing du t " il estate belonging to the above named children of % Petodaeel’ that t ‘ knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Aeemintcme tee lueluslerieasciaaiet tk ~ Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about i irs Sworn to before me, this 4+ teN / , : day of I Z 19 ) - ? Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County ie . 1, ie eLareat it Guardian for , minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward um) that | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as Jong as aay of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Cour t, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sat! Guardianship, | will faithfully and bon stly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ‘ / ‘ > . day of na 19 } . ‘ t &. 3. € LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court. Iredett County j . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <IREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that +1 . ; r "y y yo ee - i , ° ry . : ’ 7 minor orphan without Guardian, and , having applied for the ¢ NOW THESE - chattels, rights uardianship of said minor child - ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and apon alt and singular the goods " , and and credits, of said minor orphan 3 wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and omprove to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan Witn- , and having been duly qualified as such » and according to law pe . Zip day A “my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the : , ~ ei n e ep ae or at a m a l e ti e ea e et ntieke th i e r aes fe ge e ap e mr em m m r an g Hf © Ganmann ore APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT ‘Tredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Mitior Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of . ‘ d ; respectlully presents that Arid are minor childteh of Lotus tACNE deceased, and are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREF€ IRE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, vour applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the saict minor orphans, This day of : f : 19 IREDELL COUNTY *, . being duly sworn, says that he is ac Wainte) with t! ie real and personal estate belonging to the above namx } children: of deceased: that to the best of his knowledge, information and belix f, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and protits of the real estate is about »worn to before me. this day of : 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—<« lredell County } L . ' . BC Nan Guardian for : Zanet! a minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward truce returns and AN? SNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the ex THREE YEARS in the Superior C and that I will make tate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY curt, as the law requires, and all othe r duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and aworn to before me, this day of Vambar ON te 19 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / , In the Superior Court lredeli County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-ORERTING it being certified to the uncersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Lredell County, that iZabdet} y >) , ve gcnam e ei, . miner orphan without Gaardian, and / having applied for the Gu atdianship of said miner « hild NOW THESH ARK THEREFORE and chattels, rights an: » and having been duly qualified as such: * TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in end upon oll and es and i credits, of said minor orphan vheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and further to manage said estate and every part thereot, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the «aid LI 19 55 omart, this the it? day of November . « Smith Clerk Saperior £99) Lows Form 2 7-307 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Verzie. Fox Free it County APPLICATION POR Gt ARDIANSHIpP Tncompetentaamapaginn To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Qn nm The application of L Bio OX - @ Jergie Fox is incompetent m..(See Order..of. Court) ADE MDE OOOH Hexen eth, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the y ulue of Eleven Thousand SPT TP OP oe Oe, om oe oe oe we ae we ee me ee dollar s, according to the be TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserv: !, and managed according to | that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think This... 13 day of January 19.5.5 IREDELL COUN TY—~ss, lie P. Fox bemg duly swor : ‘ faint t estate belonging to the above named cMMX A Jervie [OX, sncompetent XK KM 1 Q : Fleve: thousa knowleds rmation and belief, the value of said estate is about 1A CVO a 42 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about VD @ Daw ean se en 0n wn oe en en en en oo Sworn to before me, this ] 3 / day of January 195 } v9. Ge mit } Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—s Iredell County i, Le P. Fox Guardian for fYerzie Fox, Incomp: elke taey solemnly swear that I will well and truly tak charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said « art anit ue returns anc ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands: THRER YEARS in the Superior C ourt, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Gu atilianship, I will faithfully an the best of my skit! and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13 { eS « FOX tay of January 1956... } 1«. Ge Smith C8.€ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ ’ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Verzie Fox, Incompetent is MOMMOMEMXXX withowt Guardian, and L D.el ‘ Tw a sn "€ applied for the Guardianship of said we RES KEL am! having Leen duly qualified as such tfully presents that Morne xen, Cent that t will make and that I will RENEW MY BOND KVERY l honestly perform with GREKRTING Fox . he gemx! NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the guxnly 104 chattels, rights and credits, of said eben owchowe BED Snercssever to be found, and the tase ipet sh further to Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said } , pot January Wittces my hand, and the seat of the suid Court, this the 13 a” - ' 7 Ce Ge Smith m, secure amd improve, and and according to law 1955 Clerk Superior Court Li 7 : ‘ ; } ; : ' : : : \ ' : : , : : , 8G 4 : ‘7 eid : an we © a ca t e ae ak . Form 2 //F-30° APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, parrell. Luther Clark tr fewitt APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Peoples Loan Savings Bank farrell Luther Clark. Hewitt KK LS. .@&Xminor childek of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 9,00 and *47 per month from VA TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This....24 day of....... arch 19.59 IREDELL COUNTY ss . : , 1 mavinsts Hank Par 2 TT? noe P e D lee ?. : : : . ° arneS, 44 cee rreSe eop.es Loan % / , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal Luther Ni. Clark estate belonging to the above named child of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 3 500. QO Dollars; mor tl vy pavr ant 3 Pram VA and the value of the ¥@nexoeiieat te M022 e700 O6203¢ is about *67..00 Dollars, 25t Sworn to before me, this inclines D : aan ie , Peoples Loan *% Savinzs van wal afk a ee ws r day of ar 19.56.) Py: We W. Barnes, Vice-Pres. % wt +b . . . . . te UL Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ : = - Lean and Savinzs Bank 1,0. Parnes, v¥icee reSe eopies 7 Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY Be IND EVERY fHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this yar / =) "WJ t we day of March 19 56 ; . } 7 Smi th j Ss Cc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / ' \ In the Superior Court redeli County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Darrell Luther Clark Hewitt * r minor orphan without Guardian, and Luther '« Clark having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: ‘ NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular - and improve, and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure , and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 19.55 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2k day of March Ce G. Smith G40 © BARNARD STA C4 87 104 " respectfully presents that Luther.N. Clark deceased dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant deceased ; that to the best of his Darrell Luther Clark Hewitt - and that I will make GREETING Clerk Superior Court #F-309 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Iredell County Mss. Betty.» @hristy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Ve iin Wa rner respectfully presents that Mrs, Betty... Christy, minor nx. Xk HMMA XI eceased a3 is snd All without a guardian; that the said minor childaiXafe entitled to real and personal estate to the v ilue o Two Thousand snenanecensnerene . dollars, according to the best information and belie! ur applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed accord that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may This oth day of... April 199.9 0... me IREDELL COU NTY—ss. va les Wagner being duly swor that In 1c jualin th t la al 7 * . ‘ T wi ats . Perper oat estate belonging to the above named childdin of Irs. Eetty J. Varisty MXKKA th { his i sati d i ev id ate bout v2 900.90 Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate 1s abou , none Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this oth { J. Le. Wagner day of April 19.55... | Clerk Superior Court Ce Ge... Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County. nf t . T "hei att I Ve..tee Waecner Guardian for rs. Hetty de nrisvy } “at minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward sod that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RI NEW MY BOND EVERY 1 all other duties of my said Gu urdianship, 1 will faithfully and hen stly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an¢ the best of my skill and ability. 5th / V. Le Wagner Subscribed and sworn to before me, this tay of... April 1955.. § Ce. Ge... Smith c.8.C LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } \ In the Superior Court. wate County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Betty J. Christy , Ve Le Wagner minor orphan without Guardian, ane and having been duly qualified as such Suardian to enter in and upon me to take into possession, secure and improve, and , and according to law having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, lurther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor aya f day of Apri 1 1999 AND EMP JWER the said ¢ all and singular the goods ? & and the Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ath C. Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court. me A it i A Hi qi} ie a ih ' \ At? ; } pein aut 48] —_— ' ; | 2 : : \ : ’ it ; t mh ye iad ' wa4\y taht i} eT radi +) Hail : ae) ius Re wig ea Aaah t) i}; « tea) Bis : at eth a tale Wie wae a y tet gr ha Hi Mba alde itioarlh | ae aNd! os i rial d 3 mali Li Form 2 # F=3 1 0 GLO © BARNARD gra APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County, Louis S. Crowson q 4 ¢ ’ late birth. July 29,137. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs. Louise Crowson respectfully presents that 4m Louis 5S. Crowson : ake minor childi¥n of .... We. Be..Crowson eine and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Twelve. Hundre 1 Ninet Yo three..%.16 /1 QQ i dollars, according to the best i1.formation and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 9th day of April 19.50. Mrs..Louise..Crowson IREDELL COUNTY-—=ss _ ; . . hse , : rs. Louise o-. VLrowson . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal ' r a estate belonging to the above named child¥@¥ of Ne Be. VrOwson deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about > 1293 at Dollars; None Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this Ith ne : Pw = rr ( Mrs. Louise Crowson day of April 19..56.. J «... Ga... SAEED Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County 1....“F3e Louise Crowson Guardian for Louis Crowson minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed cl awe to before .u ) h a ; - ubsc and sworn yefore me, this t ; — setae Ohman day of Apri 1 195 6 \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court REFTING Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-G2 It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Louis Crowson 4 Lopige Crowsor minor orphan without Gaetan, 2 7 having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sim possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. gular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage; of the said minor orphan 19.56 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 9th day of April C. G. Smith Clerks Superior Comte ' : fom 3 fF-31) saen amo APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County Mrs...Martha..£. Weaver,..Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP NOKLXOOE PLE. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of F..S...Sowers.andS. R.. Guy sii alii lai Mrs. Martha. =, Weaver,..incompetent (havinz been declared in y a jury. and ws.and.order...of Court.) APORKIOK OOM IK lecnatell, BRRRERRE Se & and are without a guardian; that the said af are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Three ‘ hundred- fifty ‘ dollars, according to the best information an Ib wwpl TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and manag« 1 aceordin law ira vy that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest ‘ ins This 23 day of Apri ] 19 5 c. F . De OW 3 d« ° IREDELL COl NTY—ss. 7. Se Sowers &.Se..Re. Guy being duly sworn, says t 1a estate belonging to the above named OGKItX AT ut Se artha. E. Weaver, incomper DDGILIE ; tha $ i -v i ate is about 7Q00 2al 3 . Pe at Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is abou Lg.did\t @ 3 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about one ) . 3rd - ' ' Si . Sworn to before me, this 23ra y &. owers an i wy day of April 19 7 \ C...Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County. I, F. S. Sowers %_ Se Re Guy Guardian for rSe artha be Weavers, ° f i a co y sal war a that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estat my said v . ' S that I ik EW BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that 5 1 RENEW MY BO \ 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with { all other duties of my said Guardianshty THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an: the best of my skill and ability S24” . — Subscribed and sworn to before me, this msi 3 / e Se vowers . .* iy dy of. April 19 ' J - de omith C. 5.8 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. « Shall Come “GREETING I , redell County To All Whom Thee Present It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that . ** ; ee Weaver incompeterl t : . ' . irs. artna Se * avers, > S, Sowers and -» Me id 1636.08 6996 without Guardian, and De nt , « such having applied for the Guardianship of said eR SRMRZELL and having been duly qualified as suc iene D EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter mm and upon all and singular « furthe i peeainediananiabenel race ‘ wacesion, secure and improve, ard aad chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into pe | -“ , rhan o urding to la of e said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantage: of the eaid minor orphar , and according . 165 , i d of Apri 1 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 23rd av C G Smith Clerk Superior Court we . « an o n as SR Ss CS IB ¥: We iy at pat 4 } : ' th 4 ~ ; : ¥ ? ' ’ : t ; : i ' +4 a} : 1 si ey i” a ‘ we ; ral) : at a ‘ _ ; ‘ei » hee <2 ) 2 et oe ~~ = rs ++ ee > ee =" Form 2 #F-312 349 © GARMARD B14 O9 8 L0yg APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Mrs. Marzaret..R. Feimster,. Incomnete a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIA NSHIP RK Kor To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of respectfully presents that ‘’se. Marzaret. Re reimster, incompetent, (certificate from L) hy Supt. State ospital. in eZ ] e O-« em 2 iii Pa SEK OMOE XIN DOE OL incomp< deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said wiwox a; nt is ete ® are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Th, tun ‘ A } : ; : Thirte en=-hundred dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREF¢ IRE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be Preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said mine © orphans, a a ay 19.2.9... This 5th day of Archie Feimster IREDELL COUNTY-—ss ; pel ean, Archie Feimster , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainted with t real and personal aret Re Feimster, INCOMpet emma that to the best of bi Thirteen Hundred as - estate belonging to the above named children of | ICS ¢ ar knowledge, information and betic f, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Six Hundred Dollars, this t! Sth 56... } Clerk Superior Court »worn to before me, Archie Feimster day of Ay 19 OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—~ss Iredell County i, Agchi 2 Feimster argaret R. Feimster, incompetent or minor heir re Guardian solemnly swear that [I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the es THREE YEARS in Uf all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will rake tate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY #¢ Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and 5th “ay 2 . ‘ sworn to before me, thi« day of Archie Feimster LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } , In the Superior Court Iredell County } ’ NG To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the unedk reigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for tredelt County, that rs. Marzaret R, Feimster, incompetent Archie Feymater rMOLX ob Mx without Guardian, and SHAAm etant having applied for the Guardianship of said RRERER saa ‘ » and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREP« RE TO Al THORIZE AND K , eat and chattels, rights and credits, of said Khedes ven further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the be he goods MPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the § eresoever to be found, and the , and ¢ to take into possession, secure and improve nefit am! advantage: of the said and according to law. Witniss my hand, and the « al of the said ¢ ourt, this the 5th 1955 day of ° Ge Smith May \2 Clerk Superior Court Ly Form 2 #!-313 sai piesa tt APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ba he Boe a7 i} He In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Tredell County at ‘ j Carolyn Jane McGuinn pa Bt pe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Bot gt aa he bs i : ’ Minor Orphans. ; To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ! > : The application of Sam C e Ci ine that : Carolyn Jane MeGuinn (is a minor l ears of are) and are minor children of ' ‘ and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal ’ t} 29%»900..00 dollars, acc form TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be pres: ‘nd ts aes that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court : { This... 2° th day of... ay 19.5 IREDELL COl NTY—ss. Sam. Ce Cline ; estate belonging Lo the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is aly ut ? . i and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about : 4 . 1 Sworn to before me, this 2 th / ; day of ay 19.5.3. } T T 4 * + ’ ‘ =e. se SOLt, asst Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN ‘i NORTH CAROLINA, i. In the Superior Court—ss. } ij Iredell County. ; 4 penis I, 5am - Cline Guardian for Carolyr Jane a : f. my minor it the e of my wid wa t I will make ; heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all fate of a i nak { eal nd th will RENEW MY BOND EVERY Tpr true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hends: and that ! Ri ‘g : : THR f fias », | will faithfully and honestly perforr th BE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardia p, I will fait perform wi ; the best of my skill and ability Subscribes! and sworn to before me, this 22th / val “* : day of Vay 19.55.45 Mol. Nesbit, Asstt c. 8. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA. In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Co « It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ee varolyn Jane “eCuint minor orphan having *pplied for the Guardianship of said minor child » and having been duly qualified as such . i lar the goon! Now THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and angular the goods ad chatteis tights and credits, of said minor orphan fatthey to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 22th day of Smith Witncss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the without Guardian, and OA’ . b ewer to be found, and the eame to take inte posseesion, secure and improve, and where ° ay GREETING pline , and according to law fe 19/7? Clerk Superior Court 460 © BARhann APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 7 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT R rs fredell County ~@tty Sue RNardins, minor APPLICATION FoR GUARDIANSHIp Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the superior Court of said County The application of Peoples Loan and Saviness Bank respectfully presents that and etty Sue arcdins uk minor child of deceased, and are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of wentymeictht Sixty-six and 50/109 dollars, according to the best information and ty lief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREF¢ RE, that the estate of said minor orphans itay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays hat Letters of Guardians ip tay be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the ud minor orphans. This + day of June 99.55 ! DELL COUNTY meee F i ‘ = : , 9avings Bank ie ADNeS, :iceePre 3, Yeaples 1L0an * ” being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with ¢ 1) personal estate Selonging to the above tamed childdex betty 2tLy Sue Hardin MNGIGIEN : that to the best of his knowledge, information . . atid belief, the value of said estate is about 42EH 0 2V Dollars; am) the value of the rents a ! profits of th real estate is abort Dollars, +h worn to before me. tf + / a? r fe te We Carnes, Vice-Pres, ay of 19 Sf } Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ : 5Oan & Sayin ‘5 Bank : i mn ‘ fe. we PAaPns, ViceePr e Copies / Guardian for betty Sue Hardir minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as kk mk as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE as the law requires, and all YEARS in the Superior Court, other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and te tet r + He We a sworn to before me, thi« 4th / day of June } sarnes, Vice-Pres LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA j , In the Superior ¢ cnurt Tredell County } To Al Whom These Presents Shali Come-—GREETING It being certified to the undersigne 4, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Patt~s. jue Mardine ws Mae nes minot orphan without Guardian, and Ws W+ bar having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE and chattels, rights and credits, of saix » and having been duly qualified as such TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said ¢ 1 minor orphan further to Manage said estate and every part there: he goods juardian to enter in and upon all and singular the # ' prove, and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and im H, tor the benefit and ads antage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witness my hand. and the seal of the sail Court, this the ; 19.56 4th day of June > a. 2 . ior Court. we We Smith Clerk Superior Form 2 4-4 fiz APPLICATION FOR Gl JARDIANSHIP t In the matter of John P. Speaks, Incompetent SUPERIOR Cot RT Iredel) Counts APPLICATION FOR GUARDIA’ Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: HOward F. Speaks John P. Speaks has been adjudicated incom of a guardian for said incompetent mux.an order entered for the appointmentxxxxnuxtne KXXX. AARKAKXAKION that the said AR RBRRRREE AB leshate te the ve Fifteen Thousand The application of TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may | that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other pers This Sth day of... Junhe ! » 56 H. Fs Speaks IREDELL COUNTY —+ss. Howard F. Speaks ate belonging to the shove Miamremrese John P, Speaks, incompetent knowledge, information and belie f, the value of saic $15,000.00 RXEXX 1 estate is about and the value of th rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 8th / H. F. Speaks day of June 19 56 } C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAR) LINA, > In the Superior Court—ss Iredeli County i Howard F. Speaks Guat . ian for JOhn P, Speaks, incompetent wax d 0 4 n was ‘ ot l will make solemnly swear that I will well and truly take char » and preserve, all the estat 1y sa “ : true returns and ANNI AL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remai: mn my hands; and that { will KENEW MY BONI J HRY > eres + ‘ oe ' , wit thts thon wit) THREE YEARS im the Superior Court, as the law requires, and al) other duties of my said Guardian i will fait ' ‘ , the best of my skill and ability Subscribes ar x Sworn te before me, this Sth f day of June 956 | C. G.Smith C.§ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA Pp In the Superior Court Iredell County } To All Whom These Present« Shall Coen GREETING . hat It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, the John P. Speaks, incompetent BERSERKER — without Cuartian and He Fe Speake nt ’ having applied for the Guardianship of said ansemeet’ , and having been duly qualified as euch ; ’ : ag vf to ent « and epon all and cingular the gonds Now THESE ARK THEREFORE HK AND EMPOWER the eaid Gaardian ater i ad chattels rights ore «t ta be found, and the same to take inte poseresion, secure and improve, an ver te , and credits, of said wheresvever farther to Manage said estate and every part thereol, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan » and according to law teva | =oUne 1» 56 Witn: s¢ my hand, and the seal of the eaid Court, this the bth C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court petent to manage his affairs and Rigi ' is biggie it Pia ey ti ; ke © } > AF t ' - ; : : ' : : ; ' \ ‘359 ' nt Form 2 4 £~ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—lIredell County John Donald Baker, SR. Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Peggy G. Raker John Donald Baker, Sr., her busband is incompetent (certificate from Manager Veterans Administration Hospital) attached is incompetent is and BXwithout a guardian; that the said - entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Four Hundred ($400.00) TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays respectfully presents that dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Sp Se a s oa k s > ae “ oo ea as that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. his — June 19 56 Peggy G. Baker IREDELL COUNTY-—-ss Peggy G. Baker - being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal catate belonging to the above named wimax. John Donald Braker, Sr, IncompetenvxnmKx (ha: the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars, ind the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars, o before me, this 9 / June 19 56 \ C. G. Smith Peggy G. Baker Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Cuurt-—ss Iredell County \ John Donald Baker, incompetent - and that I will make I Peggy G. Baker Guardian for cK MOOK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9 June 19 56 \ C. G. Smith a. &¢ Peggy G. Baker LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County nent To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John Donald Baker, Sr. Incompetent EK KEK IK without Guardian, anaP CBSY Ge Baker having applied for the Guardianship of said absggpetent... having been duly qualified as euch n and upon all and singular the NOW THESE AR “se oh: * TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter i - ind chattels, rights and credits, of HP oO xs wheresvever to be found, and the ‘t to a oY nt secure and improves » and according to law. gonls further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said 1956 Clerk Superior Court Witn. ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 9 day of June C. G. Smith Form 2/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—lIredell County Walter Summers, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP XR AKRAM AK . Superior Court of said County: To the, Clerk of the Superic Peoples Loan & Savings Bank of Statesville ial The application of Walter Summers, Incompetent, (Certificate of incompetency from VA) and . an tte AR SGESR a? and are without a ¢ uardian; that the said entitled to real and personal at $66.15 per.mon.. from VA dollars, according to format incompetent | ee TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of <i SRESDRER ay t reserved managed ac int raj — Peoples Loan & Savings Bank By W. W. Barnes, Vice resident $500.00 and that Letters of Gu udianship may be issued to him or suc h other person as the Court ma This 19th day of June 19 56 IREDELL Cl NTY——ss. W.W. Barnes, Vice-Pres, the above named oxmaxaa .. Walter Summers, Incompetent XKXXXMX. knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $500.00 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $66. 13 per mo. from VA Sworn to before me, this 19th ; W. W. Barnes day of June 1956 C. G. Smith Peoples Loan & Savings Bank. estate belony Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss. Iredell County W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres, Peoples Loan L& Savings Bank ° Guardian tor QO solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge ©, and preserve, all the estate sin my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY Walter Summers, Incompetent of my sail ware and that IT will mask twee returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rematr THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my aid Guardianship 1 will faitht ¥ a ’ tly perf the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19 | W. We Barnes day of Juahp 1956 C. G. Smith c. & & LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } wen Oran GREETING \ In the Superior Court. To All Whom The« Presents Shall Come Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Walter Summers, Incompetent RXEXAMKE without Guardian, and A a Barnes having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sai oo secure and improve, and 4 _— . to take igte pe chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the “tosouest eh “nd according to lew lurther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said ’ June 19 56 19 day of Clerk Superior Cot C. G. Smith { Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and Witacss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2. #F-318 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPER mR COURT Tredelf nies Marvin Christy Shoemaker, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDLANSIUp SEALE DONG IO To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Mrs e Doris Ss. Long respectfully press nts that Marvin Christy Shoemaker, Incompetent and MXAEKAXKMAXNX xuxax and are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Two Thousand ee 8 eee reenwe «ee caece dollars, according to the best information atid belies t vour applicant felch bila idence ae ‘ ; ; Bat YO THE END, THEREPORE, that the estate of said ARS LBRS ECP 2€ preserved, and managed according to law, your tpplicant prays ' incom that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of th aid etent this 2] day of June 19. 56 Doris S. Long [KREDELEL COUNTY Mrs. Doris S, Long » being duly swort, says that he is ac juainted with the real and personal state belonging to the sb iiannomaaxx Marvin Christy Shoemaker, Incompet eNnbeease:!: that to the best of hi knowledge, information and beli f, the value of said estate is about $2 »300.00 Dollars; and the value of e ren } profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, 21 ( Doris S. Long 1» 56 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA / fredell aunty \ : Doris S. Long Guardian for Marvin Christy Shoemaker, Inc. XX KK demuly swear that 1 will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward wud (hat [ will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS ts long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND BEVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability ulscribed an vorn to belore me, this 2l / June 9 56 |} C. G. Smith cas Doris S. Long LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / WipetTid © ont Iredell Connty } To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the euperion Court for Lredell County, that BervansChraasy Shoemaker, incompetent OOxOC ee without Guardian, antDoris 8. Long navn Syphon? fee thee sthatcitan 1p) of and , and having heen duly qualified as such * . uxts NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the g and improve, and amd chattels, rights amd credits ft said minor otphan wheressever te be found, and the » vene secure furthe: to manage said estate and « vety part thereof, for the benefit and adv aritage: of the os BAS BBS , and according to law. With: ss my hand, and the seal of the aaid ¢ mart, this the 21 day of June 1056 C. G. Smith Clerks Superior Comte APPLICATION FOR Gl IARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Mrs. Margaret Boyd Stephens, Ipc. APPLICATION POR Gt OU OLIS. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of .PeOphes Loan & Savings Bank, Statesville, NC Mrs Margaret Boyd Stephens, Incompetent (Certificate from Superintendent State ital Morganton, attached) - : : RAIMKHORHK MWK XXXXX and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real anc persortal Eight Hundred ($800.00). sas i ent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said HR may } that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person This.. 20 day of July 19 56 W. W. Barnes incompetent XAKAK IREDELL ( NTY—ss, W.W. Barnes, Vice-Pres, Feoples Loan & Savings Bank estate belonging (0 the above named pennexaiargaret Boyd Stephens, Incompetent xxxxx knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate js »bout $200. 00 and the valu: the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 20 day of July 19 56 \ C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Peoples Loan & Savings Rank By: W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—«s Iredell Con i, W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres, coax! °OPLe8 Loan be ay ings Bank ake ol ttue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of ¢ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all the best of my « Hl and ability. W. W. Barnes Subscribed and sworn te before me, this 20 day of July 10 56 \ C. G. Smith LC. 5. 4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH ¢ AROLINA, } { In the Superior Court Iredell County GRERTING To Alt Whom Thee Preeent« Shall Conn . ‘" that It beiny certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, tha Mrs. Margaret Boyd Stephens, Incompetent MAAK without Guardiar having applied for the Guardianship of said mRERERet eo”... having been duly qualified as such wa « f he geen NOW 7 HESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the ¢ 6 “ir vre andl improve and xc found, and the sage to take into pogsession, sx and hattels, rghts and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, a "J { , and according to law further 'o Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the saic 20 day of July 9 56 C. G. Smith Clerk Saperior Court wiW. W. Barnes Witn: ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 #¥-320 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ’ In the matter of Linda Gray Grose, Incompetent Inmate SUPERIOR COURT. —-Iredell County at Cagwell Training Schoc ee , gweld aining Jcnood APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ; ‘ | : Mirax “o0dcads } ‘To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : , The application of Ma rv J ean Gr ose reapectiully presente that Linda Gray Grose, Inmate Caswell Training Schoo] roe he and ork Mik OF XDI ocx Of deceased : ten dl | and are without a guardian; that the said ht horn, are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ; aT te dollars, according to the best information and belief of your pelleens TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said oppor enpbegganay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prave that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said tee OS. cf " ' e ~ Asse Thi a> day of . AURUStL 19 IREDELL COUNTY | “ G reer | ¥ * . . ‘ . PR eS A 17 being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte | with t und personal I ; ; ”, + Le "ye knowledge, information and belief, the alue of said estate ia about wig thee J Dollars 4 und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, | | estate belonging to the above named SMEG Lj naa ray Grose ARRBK 1) 0! the best of his day of Au rust io * \ . he... i vil Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | H County \ L ae i ary an Gros Guardian for Linda Gray Grose, Incompetest Mor BM XX wilemnly ewear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward sed that I will make ; true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will KENEW MY BOND EV ERY THKEK VRARS io the Superion Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the Lest of my skill aud alnality 7 ' and eworn te before me, th oA / “" , re , ‘Ary Jean 038 lay of August 95% \ Rt. #A ° i . ptatesviiils ° . ¢ ’ . . ‘ { >» ( ; o—e . » gree . LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP ; NORTH CAROLINA / In the Superiew Cont Ireviell Cenmnty | Print To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING s It being certifved to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Linda Gray Grose, Incompetent *¢ a tes 5rose hha AKG without Guardian, and Linda way os ard having applied for the Guardianship of said die tox xxx , and having been duly qualified as such lar the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sey men , ond aml «hatiels, rights and credits, of ead oxondt Bho sbon x x x whereseever to be found, and the same to take into powession, secure and maprove further to manage said estate and every part th reel, for the benefit and advantages of the said KAM and according to law 19 54 Witarss my hand, and the seal of the ead Court, thie the 25 day of August rr ° Superion Court ,e Ge Smith Chast Form 2 /!-321 sia: vr APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP a. . UPERIOR COURT. Iredell Comnt Carolyn &. Shaw APPLICATION POR GUARDIA Hip Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Dp me | Tome ’. Gawt new — er ‘ a ‘ The application of eople } LOAan JaAVINFS aniy ) it, } ‘ that Carolyn E. Shaw and i ? KH minor hilde of EV “att . iw ! ! j and are without a guardian, that the said minor childve Ma entitled to real and per al estate tot lue of a Hundred Dolaars % 367.99 per. mo. from. VA aottars, acconting tot! niforts TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may tn that Letters of Cuardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court ' ' ' ' ' . This day of... August 19! RY W. W. Barnes, Vi ‘ IREDELL CO 1VY--ss. ¥ Ww Parnes, Vice-Pres. Peoples Loan % /°9P i nad, U3 estate belony » the above named child of . Everett E. knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ; ‘ . and the valu: the rents and profits of the real estate is abont . Sworn to | cfore me, this 19 / F , yt September 1 56. se ie ymi th Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superion Crurt-—-es —_ — — Irertell ( Any leaewi ne ; rib i nf arnes, Vice res, eqnies | Guardian Ven ; - naw una heir lemnly ewear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve Ht tate ‘ ' A ’ Lv yi it ” true returns and ANNI AL SETTLEMENTS as long a any ef the estate remains in my he ar that I w , ; ¥ ’ wit THRER YEAR ) the Superiog Court, as the law requires, and sll other duties of my eatd Guard I ‘ the best of my skill and ability Subscritier! and sworn to before me, this af / WW arnes nm Y day of J2Pte 19 56 J . sa 2M th c ‘ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP WORTH CAROLINA In the Superion Court Irertett ( minty \ fo All Wham Thee Preaents Shall ( ome {RHE TING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Carolyn E. Shaw sr Peoples Logan *% Savings minut orphan withent Chardian, and & ank qualified as such spplier! few the Cuardianchip of said minor child , and having been duly q | 1 Guardian to enter in and ape all and wngular the gurls NOW THESH ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sav to take inte possession, cure and improve, anv! SSF chattels, rights and credits, of said miner orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same man , ‘ 1 wading to law futher to aur sid estate and every part thereat, for the benefit and advantage: oA the said miner orphan oom ‘ ° 19 5 fy : f 4 a Sent . Witrr va my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 19 day Ce. Ge Smith Clerk Superion Cort | , ' we p ee e Form 2 #F-322 440 © @ARMARD Oy8 0 9) Lou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of ‘ James Lewis Lipe, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SOMOLOMMIOK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: \ L. Young White respectfully presents thet James Lewis Lipe, Incompetent (having been declared incompetent by jury) The application ot and XX BKM XK MIX M : KK , , DELMAR ad and are without a guardian; that the sai n are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of rive Thousan d-~- = 2*- | -.2.2°..°?..2..2%...2 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant ‘aiid incompeten TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said SODGD® ay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays Apgompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the This lst day of....... November 19.56 L. Young White IREDELL COUNTY —ss L. Young White , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte! with real and personal estate belunging to the above named SMDQEXAL James Lewis Lipe, Incompetent MOCKIEN: that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $5 000.00 personal pro.e $20, 000.0 OQ and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, worn to before me, this lst / day of November 1956. \ L. Young White Ge Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ I. L. Young White modaDe M08: true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with James Lewis Lipe, Incompetest - and that I will make Guardian for solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lst / . Young White > ° 2 - day of November wd 56 \ Co Ge Smith ca< LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | :; , { In the Superior Court redell County . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that James Lewis Lipe, Incompetent KAKA Koh WK having applied for the Guardianship of said aR PBR EE QE aud having been duly qualified as such: : ; . ,* . . ods witieemncudpenadeeamssay a0 TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and dagates O06 and chattels, rights and credits, of said en to take into possession, secure and improve, and Pind according to law oung White without Guardian, andl. . Y wherescever to be found, and the further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said 19 56 Witn.ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the : st day of November C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 /¥-22 Cc APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR RT—~Iredell Counts ABEUSEMS....2.... HIVES.»..iML. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIT OME biog Ona th ark To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of ba ay . ugustus e #V > ‘ and Aré ACOA A X pace and are without u guardian that the said Stimore MMiilren are entitled to real a Fourte , SALLY. cxeerecesrsec: TO THI ND, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mitoomorpkaos n that Letters o rdianship may be issued to him or such other persor x wor wer Seon x This nh day of me 1g IREDELL rY—ss estate belong « above meted eithénen of : . ’ ya ae. knowledge, 11! m and belief, the value of said estate 4 ° and the valu: ¢ rents and profits of the real estate is about . Sworn t inc, this ‘ / day of r 1 \ * ° . v Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN ‘ORTH CAI INA / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell Cou \ i .-S ay Ne enton vuardian fe all . . ’ minor heir lemnly swear that I will well and truly take charg am) preset all the estate of my sa . tha ‘ j i RY (ue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remat ny hea . " : ' THREE Y HW ot! tarcia will fait j t tt YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ot uitie my sa : the best of my skill and ability Subscriber! and sworn to before me, this 2 / , day of } vem’ a 19 \ —_ : , . « Ge Smit} C8 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / \ In the Superior Court Iredell C. meee County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ( cart for Treden County that ‘ 12 4 ap, Tne tert Augustus —. Rives, incomp a “Taper rast a Ne without Gaardian, and minor contre » fneoamnetent s Meving applied) for the Guardianship of said sabe o8 bd ‘and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE mega TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all ane nr + ‘ © and improve and c Ler 4 to take into possession, secur n wheresoever to be found, and the onc OME ten F 1 singular the goods ad chattels, tights and credits, of farther to manage said estate and every part thereat, for the benefit and advantage of the said gator + Gnd qeaeeding totes : November 19 *f Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the é day of 0 +}. Smith Clerk Superior Court } } } —_ Form 2 #F-324, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County. ys Mary.Henry, (Inmate of Caswell raining School) mn APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ” The application of io... Fe... respectfully presents that i fenry, is an inmate of C Training. School, and has heen for more thar A...31X. years YK Dot KM OF acne, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of KK@al estate SL ‘ 99 and. Personal property le Qe...Rer YI ae dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays iy omneter that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said took oep0ae. + mis " Nawom) r c gt c iy Lecki Phis ; day of ays , [ 19 a ee a YtCOCKALG IREDELL COUNTY ss , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte.! with ¢ | and personal estate belonging to the above named AAG Mary Henry, Ir compe tent AkGKT, that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Ph eo” er } Dollars; PI ne mont und the value of the reuts and profits of the real estate is about ° Att Dollars, worn to before me, this ce / . iy I al’ . : . - ai al AY, yem . 19 &é \ 1-@....he mitt Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court —ss Ireiell County \ I ‘ ’ Guardian for ary He nry] Incompetent solemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that I will make comm kot true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this a / ’ > T day of } ovember 19 . \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | ( In the Superior Court Iredell County SREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that inmate of Caswell Training School ary Her ry, i without Guardian, andU,. Fe OCH e And OL oe Ose having applied for the Guardianship of said njdex alll owas ae ; oods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular (he § and and chattels, rights and credits, of said nitGK pK ssion, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said naGXKdtphaK , and having been duly qualified as such whereseever to be found, and the ame to take into posse , and according to law. 6A . o : 95° Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2? day of November -_ . a — “tinct Ganertior Court to. Os Sith Clerk Superior & * ' Ww nN wt Form 2 APPLICATION POR ¢ In the matter of Mrs. Robena 5. White, sncompes Maron We ene To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ti" SUARDTANSETP SUP RTOR Conny \y ! APPLICATION Peo cyt The application of * e VAT i! Mrs. Rohena 8. white, Incompetent ask HOGA IGM eenmasenn ‘ incompetent Ss jeaacerecwithou! , guardian; that the said retook MOOI entitle! to real a { be a i? eli atan? TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of sa ia AAs tay ? that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the | ‘ wena wonenee y this. 14th day of Decenber 19 5 » Dearmat ° ° i ’ IREDELL Cl NTY—ss > 4. Dearman estate belon ¢: the above named MMdaOK 1 NC OF petent knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is alout bie . and the valuc e rents and profits of the real estate is about f Sworn to before me, this Li th / —_ day of December 9 5€ | o Ne C..5. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Courts Iredell County \ I, so He. Dearman B. = ‘ ‘ a HX lemnly swear that I will well and truly take chars ° tue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate ’ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ot! ' ' the best of my sh ill and ability Subscrier! and sworn to before me, this lith / day of December w 56 4 Ve ie wT, j th ‘ | LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIT NORTH CAROLINA I In the Superion Connt redell County \ a a ile Sail anauweue It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Comrt f felt « ' ' Mrs Rober 2} hit Ineompetent Se .© na eo ANIL, ‘ e > ear 7’ yr wrtes ewit he incompetent . Ving applier| for the Gardianal ip oA = (hr — ‘ Hf . ‘ ‘ re ' gitar the got NOW THES : 4 0 AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER tT . a SE ARK THER EPORK £0 BUD HY ni tnt he weg. te, tele Due. ypetemston, secre and immprowe, and “Mattels, rights anc credits, of mid ee pe ehry t bu tates Bi: pe, farther te —_—s , ‘ Seeere or seconting to lee ) Manage said estate ancl every part thereat, for the WwW ihe December wo «SF ite ss my hand, and the eal of the anid Cort, thie t [ . re ir it? C Jerk aperior « ener? ing Pats Form 2 #¥-32¢ Form 2 f'=327 19 © BARnAnDs APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP mn APPLICATION FOR Gt IARDIANSHII AN j Bl @ | i 4 i In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —tredel County In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell Counts r.4 A Hobert Lee Cash, Incompetent Henry 9. Brawley, Incompetent ah t i ' ‘ APPLICATION FOR Gry ARDIANSHIp F APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSH j I ' ! M 190 X mih oan. JOE OLX Otop kein x To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Mrs. K uby Ce Hartness respectfully presents that The application of PSs Mar y Ge rawley ' tral that Kkobert Lee Cash Incompetent (Grtificate from State Hospi al. Mores Tt lenry 9. Prawley, Incompetent (Certrirs, ta Pinan a ns ‘ o , igi} i { , 1 VaSn, iC ON ; / 9 24 ; amo V2 NnOSsSplita ° “Orgzanton,N¢) Henr de ¢ 27Vg AMNCO!I ven ¥ sAlicat ror Iupt. State {Os} tal? © ganton) a X¥ , . Moe IK Xi XO OO MOCIUKICK AX m9 aa TT? mpet aaa - XM KICK HR ORK IOK Xk mod x inco Jetent 4hiICQOT 4 ’ ; und are without a guardian; that the said ania eeeonx., entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ~4) ehQ | SP..%O6 fron, aod are without » guardian; that the said@aG daw BOMOE—G are entities re i f social] Security. 8 pl ° 000.00 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Five indred ’ : ineror Datent ) THE END, THERES ORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may he preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said OOque wxbox may | . ’ i competent neor ent that Letters of Gu wdianship may be issued to him or such other persou as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said o¢ or sof Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person a ‘ mur ‘ AL ‘eda ae Mik that Letter Thi at h day of Janua ry i9 57 Mrs - Rut y © . Hartness This Lath day of Marcn 19D" "Se ayy e aw IREDELL COUNTY IREDELL rye rse Kuby C, Hart ness » being duly sworn, says that he is ac juainte! with the real and personal MPSe Marv GG. Arawlev estate belonging to the above name DE DIDEX HX hot ert Lee 2ash ° Ine on pet ent BMKRRA 6) at to the best of his estate belony: the above named MAiaraivey } enry Je irdwlie . r On pe Lant RHARK knowledge, information and be lief, the value of said estate is about b41 e440 per month Dollars knowledge, 31) ‘von and belief, the value of said estate is a ut ) . wo las . t 5 iv) : ‘ amd the value of the rents and protits of the real estate is about Val 4e...C t eal Estate oh. N00 Dollars, amd the valu: © rents and profits of the real estate is about ae} iL ’ orn to before me, this : Vv ‘— Sworn to before me, this dhth / vor 4 rem / Mrse Huby fc. Hart ness wort it ie . . - i day of January 1957 ) dav of arc? 1)" ' ; : ie te Or ith Clerk Superior Court C. e vrith Clerk Superior Cour . OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN +i} NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA ' Pp In the Superior Court—ss In the Superior Court-—s ; id Iredell County \ Iredieli ; 4 Parr Sig J } rse Huby Ge Hart ness Guardian for Robert Lee wash, Ir cor petent L. Virve « Mary cs irawleyv Guardian {x ienrv a ‘rawliey, in Ompeten ' % thie AK X solemnly swear that I will well and truly take ch arge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward snd that | will make iA kK lemnly swear that I will well and trwly tak sare act! presets all the estate of m abi war ‘ that i will mak : true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that { wilt KENEW MY BOND EVERY Wwe returns » ANNUAL SET TLEMUENTS as long as an: the estate remains tn my han an! tha will REN MY BOND EVERY i ti :¢ 7 THREE YRARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully a. “yonestly perform with THREE YA the Superior Court, as the law requires, aud all other duties of my said Guan anistty, C will faithfully a ce Bt ia the best of my skill and al lity the best of n am! ability ag . . 7 Stibscribed and ‘worn to before me, this st h f hy rs, Ry y Ce Hartness Subsert! « worn to before me. thi 2ht0 i ' r ary Je rawiey or day of January 1957 235 N. Lackey St. day of arc 9 57 | eb } b : . , oresy e 2 ae Statesville, N. C, PUreSVSSSO, He i se Jo wil Ae i. & < " : i onw . » > . " penume : : ; 4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIE ‘ NORTH CAROLINA j WORTH Cap, LINA, | In the Superior Court : , in the Superior Court Iredell County \ ee Iredelt Count | GRERTING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come PRE It being certified to the wocder waned, Clerk of the Superios Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for tredetl County, that Kohert Lee Cash, Incompetmt Henry S. Brawley, Incompetent l at C tness ithout Guardion, andiCSe Mary Ge. Brawley XM OO ReoE without Cuardian, ands eRuby C.Har See hee without Guardian, an incompert ent. nco etent . having applied for the Guardians! 1p of sated KI XK and having been duly qualified as such MINE applient for the Guardianship of said ms onP and having heen dniy qualified as such o« vod . am to enter | < me Hand angular the goles NOW THESE ARE THE RE eee ge A Av gwize AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gor NOW rugs) ARE THEREFOR . x » Teer AND BMPOWER the eri Gaerdian to enter in and upon all and ang «, and at th, Nd ‘ e ; Av take into sion, secure and epreve, and and chattels, rights and credits. of sand wheresoever to be found, and the © to take into — secure and improv Chattels, rights and credits, of said sgdeat whereanever to be found. and the owe Ae ay one ven i -™ , and according to law further to manage said estat: and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said Boks” , Sad according to law. rater ’ Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the henefit aud advantages of the ev ‘ “7 : 1957 ' day of March 19) Witness my hand, and the « al of the said Court, this the eth day of Janua rv % Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, thie the l&bh ? Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court 4 f) | Form 2 #F-328 GLO © BARNARD Ste 69 1 Our, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Virginia H. DeBow, Guardian for ila H DeBov . Lila... DeSow APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ae ; Sm 4 } NeRc The application of Vi rginia He Dekow 9 respectfully presents that Lila HH. De8ow . aa is..a.minor..child MERMAKKMKEAX.§ He Ae De sow donate and ion without a guardian; that the said minor childgggragsentitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, . lad lc ec" V4 iw LW % This 4ST day of may ee a Virginia Ne Ve 7OW IREDELL COUNTY—ss. /1rginia Me Vecow , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Ne Ae VOlow deceased ; that to the best of his i i ‘hree Tho na ( 3 00N0 .A0 ) knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about inree. snousan HI gVVV 0 VV) Dollars Yrorne and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ~s? Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 48% / Jirg?nia H. DeBow “+. Ee” “i day of May 19.5 \ vea..¥4@e omitn Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ i, (APBINIa Me Yevow Guardian for Lila H, Verow minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and to before me, th lst ‘ — ' NeRnr scTibe and sworn to betore € ss / V4 rginia H. Je iow day of ? Ay 19 57 \ - Je oT j th ecac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Lredell County, that Lila ? De“ow Le lt wad H. Desow 1S 8 minor orphan without Guardian, and. ViITZina he v having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the § and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit aud advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to -™ 9 $7 " as 2 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ist day of way , . A : Superior Court. we te Smi th Clerk ns APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -lIredell Connty gertrude C. ingram, 4° APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP MMos Ore haws To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County - C a, The application of Sei Msone anne Neate ser sem t tfull resents that Gertrude Ue sangraz aK AOA CARO A ohh x ; inrcorpetent. is aden ut a guardian; that the said-gnines-chikdyep yene entitled to real and- personal estat the valuc ’ ea ! 492 NOS Personal ‘ G+) 9 i. SOla TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be pr : : i ' y. your a . re o'-*a that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such ywther person as the Court i . ! t VERA AAM, This 7 day of... APD > + TD. ‘se ° IREDELL C NTY—ss. . Se - ~-+ er - * 7 estate belonging to the above Mapamekeitikesok. wer ruce e snerar., dorescae! Sele knowledge, information and belief, the value of saidveptgty is about -~.9 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate 1s about oh. ; TLAAA Sworn to before me, (his 4 / rome liie day of april, 19.57. | ve Me OTL0! Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County L, ® se Sol 1 j er yuarcdian for e *“uUUue . . ‘ . olf “a af : il make MRew2eet 60 solemuiy swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and pres all the estat 0 was har n sa will REN MV BOND I ERY tut returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in m aruis; anv! t wii RENE w) fait tly and honestly perform wit! Cnantians THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc all other duties of my sa the best of my skill and ability Suuscribed and sworn to before me, this < f eo Me : day of April 195 ' A ve Ve OFitl LC. 5. 6 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | lnedet! yr In the Superior Court D County \ fy All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREE TING . . % that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Tredell County me ons48 7 —_ . ; sertrude CC. Ingram, incompeter SKIKE without Caarian. an aii “rae petent havin, ais OF Im i i ‘ ™ - ;, , ' t et +» date avalified aq eu appled for the Guardianship of aituaeeabene and having been duly qu + wr Stan ta enter tn and we all d angular the qoorls NOW THESE ARE THERERORE TO AUTH yp IZ, AND EMPOWER the eal naria ter ” ur all an! «neu “ inconmpeten: and chattels. Tights and credits, of said ; mther to manage said estate and every part thereot, for the benefit and advantage + pewerecion, secure and improve andl and the eame to take int ' on * nh _- v f the ait Ey and according to law : 4% — Ap id 19 59 wheresnever to be found! Witm:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the } Sm t+) Clerk Superior Court ss | iis Me — oe ) . an a | a AIR Form 2 #}-329 GLO D BAMHAND Bra 0 0.8) Lou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrse Mary Louise Evans Dobson,widow SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Winx Wook x : d Incompetent To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: u . hat Te anntinatt nerme OOSO The application of rman vooson respectfully presents that Mrs. Mary Louise Evans Dohson, widcw,is..incompetent Xai XOtK BD Ot KIMI EK OFX XeeHORIKX is | . apuncgmpetent..is and a&€without a guardian; that the saichewigon sivldegenegesen title: to real and persor al estate to the value of 2€ 700,06 ; ’ 05: Be YE dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant at warn incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mMpiQoe ory’ ysunay be preserved, and managed according to ! .w, your applicant _— : ’ : 5 incompeter that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the ssicheaiuoaree vent »,Z 1 This... 4OtN day of May 19...57 Je Herman Dobson IREDELL COUNTY—ss Herrman hson ' | i MAR. WVOOsoy} , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal Snr > estate belonging to the above named children of ncon pet env deceased ; that to the best of his £790.90 knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ae ee Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, bef Le} } Sworn to before me, this 4OT.D ; ~ I on eherman Vorson aw E> day of : 19 ; \ /e Se «2M tr Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ nec narene: an Dobson Guardian for MPS. Mary Louis tvans Dobson, edu Kal X "solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 7 Subscribed and sworn to before me, thi LE th I r = , , J. Herran Dobson day of a y 19 57 . Ze omit h ea € LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County | " To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that rSse ary Louise Evans Dobson, widow, incompetent } bson : IU OF 0k without Guardian, and Herman Dobs recor I natant having applied for the Guardianship of said GJGKOBIK , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upc ) atare and chattels, rights and credits, of wo Lobe geecebi ie! **“wheresoever to be found, and the saipe to take into possession, ty ot Ores according to law. m all and singular the goods secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said 9 54 Clerk Superior Court. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 16th day of may C. Ge Smith Form 2 #F-330 r APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Michael C. Lail, Minor APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of. Peoples Loan & Savings Bank ili ae af minor child@ae of Kenneth C. Lail leceased and.. and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children aré entitied to real and personal estat: Sa yl “a 70 THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preser ind ma e that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may ry This Oth day of May 19. 57. IREDELL COUNTY—ss Bank W.W.Barnes, Vice-Pres.,Peoples Loan & Sav, Kenneth C. Lail estate belonging to the above named childd@Kol knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is abou! ar and the valuc of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about an 26th Peoples Loan & Savings Bank ay ef May 19.57. } By W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres. C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Courts» lrede!! County \ Savings Bank i .W.W.Barnes,Vice-Pres.Pepples Loan & Guardian « Michael C. Lail minor her solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, an preserve, al! the estate ©) my san! war ant tha will mak an! tha will RENEW M PONT BEVERY ee returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains tn my han my said Guardiansht 1 will faith ful and honestly perform wit! THREE YIARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of Peoples Loan & Savings Bank Subscriber! ani sworn to before me, this 28th By W. W. Barnes, Vice Pres. day of May 10 57 \ C. G. Smith ‘ . the best of my skill anc ability LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH © AROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell Coun . 4 County \ Te All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It beiny certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Tretell County, thet Michael C. Lail without Coartan, oPeoples L & SBank minor orphan r ats salified h Raving applies! for the Guardianship of said minor child sand having heen Culy que ip h / . ian te enter in ane any ar the ee NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the exi4 Guardian to enter in and apen all and singular the goo td chats and the same to take inte possession, secure and improve, aad ei r ry! » Tights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresnever to be foun fartne { the eaid minor orphan , and according to law T to manage he henefit and adrarntoce 28 tayot = Maly 9.57 C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court said estate and every part thereof, for t With: ss any hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ee e ee i | | Form 2. #F-331 480 © BARNARD Ora o8) Lou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Alaina Christine Kelly Minor SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ‘To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Peoples Loan & Savings Bank Alaina Christine Kelly, is and MAninor chia of Robert William Kelly deceased, The application of respectfully presents that and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orp! ans. This 28 day of ...May 19.57 IREDELL COUNTY-—-ss W.W. Barnes »Vice-Pres, Peoples Loan & Sav Bank | sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal Robert William Kelly knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; estate belonging to the above named childggg of deceased , that to the best of his and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 28th / day of May 19 57 \ C. Ge. Smith Peoples Loan & Savings Bank By W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres. Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Savi Bank .W.W.Barnes,Vice-Pres, Peoples Loan RGanrdion be os Alaina Christine Kelly minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Peoples Loan & Savings Bank By W. W. Barnes, Vice Pres. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th f day of May 19 57 \ C. G. Smith c.8.C LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | : \ In the Superior Court redell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Alaina Christine Kelly without Guardian, and People minut orphan having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the prove, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and im : further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to ion. Witncss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 28th day of May “ a7 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court s L & S Bank Form 2 #F-332 prone APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Alice Baker Bagnal SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SM aux eo baad x Incompetent To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Baxter HK. Fi neh : shits si Alice Baker Bagnal (Certificate from Supt. State Hospital attached) 7 muax.incompetent and is. — ROROCDLDLOR DELUX Of doce: Lncompetent is yaakorx without ( guardian; that the saidéeaionx Meooreypoen title! to real and personal estate to the valu we p2VUE0eG we +. Thousand Five Hundred & eight inco! ,etent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said UCR OMDORCOR 2 be preser und mana 1 that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thi est, for t res LOOX sepddbeed This... 19th day of June 19.57 waxter He Finc} IREDELL COlt NTY—ss baxter He Finch u 1 i acu ‘ estate belonginy Lo the above named pigddeoq0[s. inconmpetent knowledge, information and belief, the valuc of said estate is about we pg DO eG! iollas and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about nor Sworn to before me, this 19th ! axte? + na} day of June 9.57) Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NOKTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County ; 1, Baxter H. Finch Geardian fos Alice Saker Hagnail 3 ten ¢ TAS | solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sani was amd that | will mak tue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY Be IND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and ali other duties of my sax! Guardiansh 1 will faithfully and honestly perform wit the best of my skill and ability O Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1 7 / Baxter HK. Finch ove June 19.57 \ ve Ge Smith C.a.< LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA j leedell Counts { In the Superior Court To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Alice baker barna4 48 an incompetent he AA qwithout Guardian, and B@xter HeFinch incompetent Meving applied far the Guardianship of ieeananacieats “and having been duly qualified as gach NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the «aid Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gonds j t , i umpreve, and . hattels, rights and credits, of said en wheresnever to be found, and the eagre to take a. secure a army ; * “lo manage said estate and every part thereol, for the benefit and advantages of the said asus » Gnd according to ls o_, 19 ond June 19 57 "ass my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the . Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court ; Pg ¥ a i if, fi #F-333 Form 2 480 © BARNARD 814 C0. 97 19y "% APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrse. Claudia Steek Douglas, Incompetent (Claudia. M. Douglas) SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Mimor xxix x To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ii ] M i The application of Mrs. Altha Mae Hendren respectfully presents that Mrse Claudia Steele Douglas, Incompetent (certificate from Supt.State Hospital mmx... attached) AED OK YRSKK 7 Be CepeLent 1s : and are without a guardian; that the said Milde entitled to real and personal estate to the value of #123 «00 per month from. VA dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said OK Seok gyent This 21... day of........ June 19... 57 Altha Mae “endren IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. Mrs. Altha Mae Hendren , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named xpiptnexot Mrs. Claudia Steele Douglas deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about. $123.00 per month from. VA Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 21 / Altha Mae Hendren day of June 19.57) Ce Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County I, Mrs. Altha Mae Hendren Guardian for Mrs. Claudia M. Douglas, incompetent MRK RAK XX... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21 / Altha Mae Hendren day of June 1957. J Box 83 4 N C. Ge Smith Cs.c Héddenite, N. C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Claudie Steel Douglas, incompetent NREA RABE X _ without Guardian, and Mrs, Altha Mae incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said ri 20K OOM , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and pape and chattels, rights and credits, of ait PABORREE ONT sc cssever to be'Tound, and the ¢ jnto ion, secure and improve, compete further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said , and according to law. 19. 57 Witness my hand, and tie seal of the «ad Court, this the al day of June C. G.. Smith Clerk Superior Comrt i | Form 2 #F-334 aoe — APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Curtis Bernard Sigmon Born..9-23-56 SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: A The application of Peoples Loan & Savings Bank respectfully presents that Curtis Bernard Signon ‘od. : are minor children of Isiah Hill lecea and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Two Thousand ‘ Dollars ‘ dollars, according to the best information and TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. Peoples Loan & Savings Bank : Collier. Try ers ke Ae Collier, Trust Officer This & day of........ July 19...57 IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. Re Ae Collier,..Trust Officer , being duly sworn, says that rcquainted wit seal ond perennel estate belongin, to the above named children of Isiah Hill : that to the t of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Two Thousand Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about rs Sworn to before me, this 8 / -. (se llier day of July 19.97.. ) Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. wPeoples Loan & Savings. Bank suardian for Curtis 3ernard Sirmon sanl ware ancl that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my tra. return< and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sate Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this g / Peoples Loan * SAVINES bant day of July 19 57 loys oA. Collier, 'ryet Officer Ce Ge Smith C.5.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court I ; — . ane County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Curtis Bernard Sigmon ; without Guardian and Peoples L & 5 Rank minor orphan Neving ayplied for the Guardianship of said minor child _ and having been duly qualified as such ; iiaiinae . ; ; < : ; ie goes NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular « oe “4 chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan same to take into owsession, secure and impr fests 1 accord to law to manage said estate and every , art thereof, for the benefit and advantages oa ~~ g pa July 19 57 wheresoever to be found, and the of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court f _% ee i a Form 2 “#F-335 GO D Bannanns 4 00.81. Loug APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Laxton L. Crowson, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP XMM KOEI IGX To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of S. E. Isenhour respectfully presents that Laxton L. Crowson, Incompetent (Certificate from VA attached) and NRHA KAA KAKI deceased, incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said ititled to real and personal estate to the value of Four Hundred Fifty dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. this...26 ange June 19.57 /s/ S. E. Isenhour IREDELL COUNTY-—ss S. E. Isenhour , being duly swora, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named Mima Laxton L. Crowson, Incompetent MAMAK that to the best of his $450.00 Deen: amd the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 26 / /s/ S. - Isenhour day of June 19. 57. \ C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County I, S. E. Isenhour MOOK eX solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26 / /s/ -, Isenhour day of June 19 57 \ Ce G. Smith &. &. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | { In the Superior Court Iredell County ompeent To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Laxton L. Crowson, Incompetent O00 OC without Guardian, and Se E. Isenhour incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of sai . and having been duly qualified as such . ’ . . . aoadls NOW THESE ARK, THEREFGRE TO At HORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the ® en and chattels, rights and credits, of sak : prove, and wheresoever to be found, and the eaamaan secure and im further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the sald Court, this the 26 day of June 1957 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Guardian for Laxton L. Crowson, Incompetent 49r | Form 2 #F -336 pererce APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Dorothy Mae. Brcwn Date of Birth.10-12-40 wince eee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Si ior Court of said County: fo the Clerk of the Superior Court o Trust Officer the application of He, Union National Bank, by Everett C Stevenson, / resjetfutiy prosn Dorothy Mae Brown ‘ 3 asi XX minor childmexxwe ; EXKKK —— a guardian; that the said minor ens ttiflersentities to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief « uw TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant) gray child that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor RGR this. 9th day of........ AUZUSt 19.57. The Union National Bank of Charlotte, N C --.By Everett C. Stevenson Trust Officer Union National Bank, Charlotte, NC Everett C Stevenson, Trust Officer/ , belng dilly sworn, says that he is acquainted wit estate belonging to the above named childwExat Dorothy Mae Brown RAXMAXN | tot t of his IREDELL COUNTY~—ss. knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 9th { The Union National Bank of Charlotte, ( \ NC -- By Everett C. Stevenson me angen “ee Trust Officer C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. Union National Bank Everett C. Stevenson, Trust Officer/ Guardian fo minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, Dorothy Mae Brown all the estate of my said ware anc that T will make tree returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that | will RENEW MY BOND EVERY | Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties «of my satd the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th ( Everett C. Stevenson tay of August 19 57 | Trust Officer LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, j In the Superior Court. Iredell County. To All Whom These Presents Shall Come AREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, thet Dorothy Mae Brown niet without Guardian, and Union National Bank -. Everett C. Stevenson, Trust Officer apphed for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE T WHWORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and <ingular the goods oa . mala op eeion a rove, and ant chattels, rights and credits, of said oda wheresvever to be found, and the same to powsr , secure - improve j ; ‘ vit t farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said wm hi8 , and according to law 9th day of August 9 57 Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Witecss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the fa Fi i f Ld 4%; ‘fF -337 Form 2 GEO D BARNARD gra £9.87. Lows APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrs. Bessie B. Morrison, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP XOEM HOEK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Peoples Loan & Savings Bank The application of Mrs Bessie B Morrison, Ificompetent, (Certificate for Supt. State Hospital attached) respectfully presents that and JOOOMIEK 2ONIEIOIORK deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Nine Hundred Seventy-eight. & 17/100 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays a ; ; incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said This... 26th... day of........ AUBUSE 19.57 Peoples Loan & Savings Bank W. W. Barnes, V. P. IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. Savings Bank WW Barnes ° Vice-Pres ° Peoples Loan &/ , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named GMa Mrs Bessie B. Morttson, Incompet entacoeexxt ha: to the best of his and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, 26 / 19.57. \ knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Sworn to before me, this day of August C. G. Smith Peoples Loan & Savings Bank W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County & Savings Bank WW Barnes, Vice Pres. Peoples Loan/ Guardian for Mrs Bessie B Morrison, Incomp. : and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26 / day of August 19 57 \ C. G. Smith .&¢ W. W. Barnes LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —~GREETING it being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Bessie B. Morrison Incompetent without Guardian, and cs 4 Barnes ’ Vice-Pres. Peoples Loan & Savings Bank having applied for the Guardianship of said , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFG tOR iE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the < and chattels, rights and credits, of said whercsoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and = , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan August C. G. Smith 19.57 Witacss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 26 day of ‘#F- 338 440 0 GARWARO SYA OO 8Y LouNe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Flossie F. Smith, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP EMAKXOKRKKK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of “rs. Estelle S. Brady ectfully presents that Flossie F. Smith, Incompetent incompetent and are without a guardian; that the saic are entitled to real and personal estate to the value $600 ,00 dollars, according to the best information and bel ra t TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according t> la ra t prays incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for terest of t xX This. 12 day of... september 19.57. Mrs. Estelle S. Brady IREDELL Col NTY—ss. Mrs. Fstelle S. 8rady being duly sworn, sa estate belonging to the above nai. od SMIRK Flossie F. Smith, Incompetent $600.00 Doll knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about epee to befere ane, Cie 12 ( Mrs. Estelle S. Brady day of September 19.57. | C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. I, Mrs, Estelle Ss. Brady Guardian for Flossie F. Smith, incompetent QUOI solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward wid that 1 will make tue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship the best of my skill and ability. 1 will faith{olly and honestly perform with Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12 Mrs. Estelle S. Brady day of September 19. 57. C. G. Smith nes LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAR( ILINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4SREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Flossie F. Smith, Incompetent KKM KN Mor without Guardian, oaMrs Estelle 8. Brady _ and having been duly qualified as such ess h ; and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREF K AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in pc , secure and improve, and tad chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be found, and TEE bape berie = ™ « of the , and according to law to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage September 1 57 12 day of C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said Witncss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ADR Form 2 “EF -339 GEO D BARHARD 7A 00 9) Loug APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Augustus G. Hayes, age 20 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSH Ip Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs, W. Ge Hayes respectfully presents that Augustus G. Hayes is and XHXMninor childXt KIX and are without a guardian; that the said minor child&3MIMEntitled to real and personal estate to the value of Three Thousand cert crests dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, aid managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This... day of... September 1957 /s/ Mrs. W. G. Hayes IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs. W. G. Hayes , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named child@QGX Augustus G. Hayes MEMBK that bo the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Three Thousand Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 14 ' /s/ Mrs. W. G. Hayes dey of September 19 57... \ C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County b Mrs. W. G. Hayes Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate.of my said ward Augustus G. Hayes - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in tue Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ls { Mrs. W. G. Hayes day of September 19 57 \ Ce. Ge. Smith Ca: ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Augustus G. Hayes aniMra. We G. Hayes minor orphan without Guardian, having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such . _- . . _- : 7 _ ous NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the 8 and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresuever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witn ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 14 day of September 1957 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court | Form 2 #F-34,0 Sa | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County. Fletcher. Teague Moose, _Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs. Nellie M. McLain and Mrs. Eunice Hoover respectfully presents that Fletcher Teague Moose, Incompetent and.... : ; WOWOGOOOUOUK xXxKOOxX aapgompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said efititled to real and personal estate to the value of Forty-four Eighty-nine and. 88/100 _— dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant ancompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saic ay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said This 9 day of... November 19.57 Js/ Mrs. Nellie M. McLain IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs Nellie M. McLain & Mrs Eunice Hoover ting duly sworn, says that he is ae uainted with the real estate belonging (o the above named MeMSK. Fletcher Teague Moose, incompetent KxeMKtha! to the best of his $4,489.88 Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 9th Ve/ir Nellie M. McLain day of November 10.57. \/s/Mrs. Eunice Hoover Route #3 Ce. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County Hoover iMrs. Nellie M McLain & Mrs Eunice/ Guardian for Fletcher Teague Moose XERKOCK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ’ ‘ ' Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of November 19. 57 C. G, Smith C.3.¢ /s/ Mrs. Nellie M. McLain /s/ Mrs. Eunice Hoover LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP * Pan 1 24h ; NORTH CAR ILINA, . Iredell County j In the Superior Court. To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4SREETING = —_ ns It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Fletcher Teague Moose, incompetent KAKA without Guardian, and Mrs. Nellie M. Mclain and Mrs. Eunice Hoover , and having been duly qualified as such "6 applied for the Guardianship of sai ‘ NOW THESE ARE THEREF( Cup EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods _ — fimprove, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be found, and the € eo” said , and according to law. to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the 9th day ot November 19 57 C. G» Smith Witncss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. 4 Form 2 ‘#F-339 S#0 D BARNARD SrA co 9; ‘ite APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Augustus G. Hayes, age 20 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: 6 The application of Mrs. W. G. Hayes respectfully presents that Augustus G. Hayes is and XaAXKminor chilMXH KKK and are without a guardian; that the said minor child@3Q9GMW€Entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Three Thousand eee eee ee dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans this... day of... September 1957. /s/ Mrs. W. G. Hayes IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs. W. G. Hayes , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named child@QGX Augustus G. Hayes REMAX 1h101 to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Three ‘housand Dollars; and the value of the re.ts and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 14 ( /s/ Mrs. W. G. Hayes day of September 19 57 y C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Augustus G. Hayes - and that 1 will make I, Mrs. W. G. Hayes Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate.of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworm to before me, this ls / day of September 19 57 J C. Ge Smith csc Mrs. W. G. Hayes LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ ° :G To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Augustus G. Hayes vuardian, andMrs. Ae G. Hayes minor orphan without ( having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such . ; . _- . . - a ous NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the 6 and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witn. ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 1, day of September 957 . perior Court. C. G. Smith Clerk Su 5 ! } i Form 2 #F-340 £0 0 BARNARD BTA CO 81 LOUNe ' APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT ‘Iredell County, __ Fletcher. Teague. Moose, _Incompetent a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP XDEMXDEIMDEX To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of...MrSe..Nellie M. McLain and Mrs. Eunice Hoover respectfully presents that Fletcher Teague Moose, Incompetent and... . WOWOGK RICK xocKOX waegompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Forty-four Eighty-nine and. 88/100 ies dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant ncompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saic ay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said ; This......9 day of...... Novem ,er 19 57 Js/ Mrs. Nellie M. McLain IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mra Nellie M. McLain & Mrs Eunice Hoover being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainted with the real and persona estate belonging to the above named MMMSSK. Fletcher Teague Moose, incompetent. xxexxthat to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $4,489.88 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 9th '/s/Mrs . Nellie M McLain aay ot... November 10.57. \/s/Mrs. Eunice Hoover Route #3 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss. Iredell County. Hoover Mrs. Nellie M McLain & Mrs Eunice/ Guardian for Fletcher Teague Moose XRRKXK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make tue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND LV ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hone stly perform with the best of my skill and ability. /s/ Mrs. Nellie M. McLain /s/ Mrs. Eunice Hoover Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of November 19. 57 C. G, Smith c.5.C LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAR ILINA, Iredell In the Superior Court. oe To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Fletcher Teague Moose, incompetent XARA MK without Guardian, and Mrs. Nellie M. Mclain and Mrs, £ « Eunice Hoover having applied for the Guardianship of saic t’ and having been duly qualified as such : sn senitieiitiatiaiiaiiin . ’ “MG ; i al an NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE rh ‘AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in an — po a a # co. secure prov td chattels, rights and credits, of said heresoever to be found, and the tic eapet . ; ing to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , and according to lx 9th day of November 19. 57 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 “#P-341 GEO © BARNARD ra 00 85 Lous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, J. C. Pledger, Minor APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANS] 1Ip Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of We We Barnes, Vice-Pres. Northwestern Bank,/ J. C. Pledger and. are minor child@@axx of Pete Pledger : deceased, Statesville, N. Cc, respectfully presents that and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Eighty-six Hundred dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. this. 22nd day of... November 19.57 The Northwestern Bank By: W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres, IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Statesville,N.C. W W Barnes ° Vice-Pres ° Northwestern Bank fein, duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named child&& of Pete Pledger deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, seneastaalanains tert 2end { The Northwestern Bank day of November 19° 57. \ By: W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres. C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ Bank i, WW Barnes, Vice-Pres Northwestern/ Guardian for Je Ce Pledger LK KX solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY : and that I will make THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22 / W W Barnes > . * day of November 19 57 \ C. Ge Smith ea< LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NOKTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ SETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come “GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Je C. Pledger minor orphan without Guardian, and We We parnets C. Vice-Pres Northwestern Bank, Statesviile,%- , and having been duly qualified as such: , . . 7 oods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the 8 and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, 1957 Ce. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ ourt, this the 22 day of November Form 2 #F-34,2 es APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County John C. Lapish, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP AMM MIKE To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. res; ily presents that Jonn C. Lapish, Incompetmt, Veteran of World War #2 (former Gdn. Zeb V. Long,Jr) ‘eid. i ARMMMMAMAMOCM MK leceasest incompetnt is and are without a guardian; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, aceor x to the best informatior TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserve und managed aceording tol your app! t pray incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the this. 26 day of....... November 19 57 Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. being duly swor at he is acquaint ba estate belonging to the above namedemmmexux John C. Lapish, Incompetnt knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 26 / Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. day of November 1957... \ C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—as. Iredell County. John C. Lapish, Incompetat all the estate of my said ward ond that TE will make tt RENEW MY BOND EVERY 1. Boyee G. Gibson, Jr. Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I wi hip, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sad Guardians the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26 Boyce G. Gibson * Jr day of November 19 57 C. G, Smith c.ac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAR ILINA, j In the Superior Court Tredell C , a _ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John C. Lapish, Incompetent XMM XMM without Guardian, and Boyce G. woes incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said epcoupe . and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TOA TyoRige AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and ingular voy aed chattels, rights and credits, of said LocouRs en V neresnever to be found, and the nag, gomession, _— and improve, ar parte manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said Hechbes , and according to law 26 day of November 19 57 C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court With ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the #F-343 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Sharon ope Mundy SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. Sharon Hope Munday The application of respectfully presents that and 1S. A. %% minor child of Craig Tie Mundy deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardiansip may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. this. 26 day of... November 19 57 Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. IREDELL COUNTY—ss . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte] with the real and personal Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. Craig L. Mundy estate belonging to the above named child of deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 26 / 19. 57. \ Clerk Superior Court Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. day of November C. G. Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ Guardian for Sharon Hope Mundy - and that I will make I, Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26 / day of November i9 57 \ Ce G. Smith Cac Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County <2TING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Sharon Hope Mundy without Guardian, and Boyce G. Gibson minor orphan Jr. having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and — aod wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, , ani according to law. the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 19 57 Clerk Superior Court. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 26 day of November C. G. Smith pcxome { i i | Form 2 #F-3h) aot APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, Frances..Ann EN asinine ; lh years of are ek ia ca ai lian APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of The Nerthwestern aANnks © tatesv Lilt N.C respectfully presents that Frances. Ann...Guy.... - a MK minor childwKof... dames A Guy leceased, and are without a guardian} that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of : Eleven Hundred Ninety Fc sat ancs emo dollars, antisite to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This...16 day of. Decamber 195.7... The Northwestern. Bank By: We We Barnes, Vice President COUNTY—ss. RB IREDELL CO - western Bank We.We Barnes, Vice-Pres,..The North/ , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named chilgggn of James A, Guy feceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 31190 2 OC Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 18th We We Barnes day of December 19.57. | Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. : 4 Northwestern Bank 1.We.We Barnes, Vice-Pres, / Guardian for Fr@mces Ann Guy i ., and that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ware true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18th / /s/ We We Barnes day of December 19.57 Ce Se. Smith cs.c LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. tendell County. To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Frances Ann Guy minor orphan without Guardian, and The — ern , and having been duly qualified as such: having applied { . ; e's : or the Guardianship of said minor child » enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian ¢ and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take farther to manage said esta‘ and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan 18th day of December 19.57 Ce. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. into possession, secure and improve, and , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the am | oO | re ie q i By ’ ar Hf i Mtl 7 i — BF ?US . Wy Form 2 fs / Form 2 #r-3h6 becca nae Vi pn y | G80 © BARNARD BY8 Um BF Lo ” APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ' big In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Tredel! County bi i John Albert Archibald William Walter Pharr i ag i , . age ll yrs o bl a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ‘ AG. Years of are... APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP bia if ’ ‘ if ; Rey | a Minor Orphans. re Minor Orphans. Bit F , To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Bee | The application of Mrs. Crystal Archibald The application of Mrse Fay Se Pharr respectfully presents that respectfully presents that | i} John Albert Archibald. . William Walter. Pharr, 1s a minor child | oe ; 1 - is : 4K minor childs of deceased, ie... r. are minor children of We De Pharr deceased, " \ andXt without a guardian; that the said minor child#%*®@Kentitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor chilQggpgamentitied to real and personal estate to the value of j Nineteen Hundred Kighty a shila dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Approx imately. 355 000, 00 ; dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant we e hi TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minoggggguggm may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prayg TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed accor | t Ny ee enild | i} that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor aiKaK that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, ea! 1) was 2 i") . , / . om ; : 5 as a day of February 19.58. /s/ Mrs. Crystal Archibald This.......29 day of. November 19.56 Mrse Fay Se Pharr j fii Bt IREDELL COUNTY—ss. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. ine id nm A 7 c | | EB Crystal Archibald , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal ‘ Mrs. Fay S,..Pharr » being duly sworn, says that re ju it } | ; = . . q estate belonging to the above named childF&X of John Albert Archibal d ANGI ; that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named chiltaeKof We D. Pharr atial: itiak ta’ ss of ite ; ie knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about '1980,00 Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $5,000.00 Dollars ; . and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the valuc of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none D ! a Sworn to before me, this 13 Mrs. Crystal Archibald Sworn to before me, this 26 / F@ S. Pherr , Bh day of February 19 58. J day of February 19.5...) F ’ | Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court ' ae OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN pi) | a A! NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, ’ | > In the Superior Court-—ss In the Superior Court—ss "4 i Iredell County. \ Iredell County. 4 : 1 tf I, Mrse Crystal Archibald Guardian for John Albert Archibald L Mrs. Fay S. Pharr Guardian for .William Walter Pharr f minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make Minor heir . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make i id true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY ‘4 ey ‘ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of tay said Guardianship, | will faithfully and honestly perform with ; : ; : ; the best of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability. hi M4 He ) y ys Subscribed and wn to before me, this 13 Subscribed 25 Mv Pay Ss Ph : . ee ee { Mrs, Crystal Archibald memes and ewern to Letese ma, this.........6 MPSe FAY Se SHAT ih zz day of February 958 | day of February 19.58 \ amo ; Lae Ce. Ge Smith c.ac Ce. .Fe Smith c.5.¢ b 4} bi ' | i : 1a LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP + 4 ; Hi »* ‘ r ‘ } a } Wy NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, : ' d ¥ ss — \ In the Superior Court leedell In th. Superior Court. tf T £ is edell County " ell County ; A : . IREETING baie ' ; . . <p RETIN ; c hese Pi ts Shall Come GREETING Ms / To All Whom These Presents Shall Come-—GREETING ie ooaaleaanitaeas 4 iy 7 + It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that 4) ’ } John Albert Archibald : William Walter Pharr ; | . {pac ‘ M Fay S. Pharr : minor orphan without Guardian, and. M28 « Crystal Arch: minor orphan without Guardian, and MIS» J . : having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such taving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such - eatiaitial ' | ocver canes ae . q ; re : c all ung! gous NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the ee and improve, and 1] yomeession, secure iy ’ | and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, - and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into p ; i. | ’ : : ording to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan » and ose . . ‘ebruar 49 56 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 13 day of February - 58 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 26 ty ze 7 Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. #F=37 Form 2 SEO 0 BARNARD 814.00.81 Long APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrs Mary E. Seroges (Mrs J £) SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Incompetent ROOT PI REX To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: e has W laf The application of Helen We Turner respectfully presents that irs Mary E. (Mrs.dJ.£). Scroggs, having been declared incompetent by Court proceedings si and APO GALORE ve {incompetent 1's Neches, and are without a guardian; that the said 3>MOXCMiKEK AEX entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Per sQnal :F roperty 513,000,00 & Real $15,000.00 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, you applicant prays {reompe ent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said MMORLKAGK this... uth day of 19.58. Helen W. Turner March IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Helen W. Turner , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal MKS: that to the best of his £28,000.00 Dollars; $150.00 per month Dollars, estate belonging to the above namcPeRrs Mr Se Ma ry E e s crores ’ I nceompe tent knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this lth day of March { Halen w. Turner 19 58 \ Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Guardian for Mrs Mary E Scrogess Incompetent : and that I will make I, H elen We ZEXMRAMX Turner Pp endK true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lth Helen W Turner , : oo ue day of March 19 58 \ ¢ . G . Smi th i Sw 4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County <pEETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETD. It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrse Mary E. Scrorrs, incompetent Hi elen We Turner without Guardian, anc MK Ot Kop OS incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said @DUGRDUR , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the § dR UR OE crescever to be found, and the tb to take ipo geqeeeten, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said and according to law. March 19.99 Clerk Superior Court and chattels, rights and credits, of said Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the th day of Ce Ge Smith | Form 2 #re3 48 Basile APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of . SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell Counts N ancy Lee Kyles, age 16 yrs (, Kyles, JF are lh yrs Edwin Ke “ 2 Ulan si we . APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs Rachel Me Kyles I thr! ts that Nancy Lee Kyles and Edwin Ke. Kyles, dr. and... . are minor children of x ] and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal t + ! _Two Thousand dea’ ilies tin thet dict eT ; TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be | ' that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cour This Sth day of .March 1950 & el ° i IREDELL COU NTY—ss. Mrs. Rachel M Kyles estate belonging to the above named children of Edwin K yles knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this Oth el } whe day of March 19 \ Co. Se... Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Z “rs Rachel x Kyles Guardian for Nancy Lee Kyles * iwin Ke Kyi : : 1 the < c '@m and “ea ’ ar t | wil mm ke @inor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all tat ny said f ‘ wi that IT «ill RENEW MY BOND EVER true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains tm my hands; and that I RENEW MY B DE RY THREE : se by Seattle et 3 thy perform wit! YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties { my said Guardianship, 1 will fa ; per the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Jth achel . Kvles day of March 19 5E o Ge..Smith tac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court. Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, - 4 Nancy Lee Kyles and Edwin K Kyles, JD Mrs Rachel } without Guardian, and : . Ayies minor orphan and having been duly qualified as such having apphed for the Guardiansh id minor child uardianship of sai ‘uardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goors NOW THESE ARE i ORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said ¢ RE THEREFORE same to take into possession, secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the wither to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage 8th day of Ce Ge Smith , and according to law. March 168 Clerk Superior Court . of the eaid minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 4S Ma r e e as s o s > i an t + Bi e dl e we s+ <% - s ~ we A eS ee 7 . . i ~~ oi st P | : ; Form 2) #F31,9 SEO © BARNARD Sth Co ay Lug APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Sylvania E. Redman, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Northwester Bank of Statesville, NC respectfully presents thes Sylvania E. RedMan, Incompetent (Affidavit of Supt. State Hos, Morganton att and m® minorceinittirerr of = incompetent re freee, and are without a guardian; that the said mfittor tiffitren are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $1460.00 persoabl & $3,000.00 real. TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays The application of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This... 21 gt. . day of... March 19. 58 We W. Barnes, Vice Pres.(North Wes, Bank) IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. W.. We Barnes, Vice-Pres. North Wes. Batiuieing duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named gaildeuat gylvania E. Redman, Incompetent $4,460.00 Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, ARP. that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Sworn to before me, this. 21.8 es =" Barnes, Vice-Pres.(North Wes. Bank) day of March 19 58 \ C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ 1 We We Barnes, Vice-Pres.(N.W. Bank) Guardian for Sylvania E. Redman, Incompetent he herr solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st / day of March 19 58 C. G. Smith W. W. Barnes Vice-Pres. Northwestern GANK o.4.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Sylvania E, Redman, Incompetent without Guardian, and We We bernes NortHles tera Bawk goods minot orphan having applied for the Guardianship of said @iffer fmrr , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE AKE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the : mprove. and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and 1 further to mauage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the me a eer ge me , and according to lew day of March 158 C. Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 21st Form 2 47350 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Leon B. Rhinehart Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of . The Northwestern Bank of Statesville iit i Leon B, Rhinehart, Incompetent (certificate incompetency from VA Attached) and.... RO Nbr ab te a a om bce at tale and are without a guardian; that the said ARSQMRS EM iu. d to real and personal estate he value of $180.00 per month from VA, i ai 1 incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the i Ct tee i 30 day of... April 1958 W. W. Barnes,Vice=-Pres.(N. W. Bank) "0 THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved managed a IREDELL COUNTY—ss. y,w, Barnes, Vice-Pres. (NM. We Bank) twin su estate belonging to the above sameb cui Leon Rhinehart, Incompetent saaseaiaee nowiedge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $360.00 accumilated with VA lar snd the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $180. per month from Va Dolla Sworn to before me, this 10th / day of April 19.58.) Ce Ge Smith W. W,. Barnes, Vice-Rres. N. W. Bank Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County. 1,...We "7 Parnes, Vice-Pres, (N. W. Bank dwian or Leon B. Rhinehart, Incompetent : . . : — er that 1 will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estat sclihccanelinca ; tue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my an ‘ xl ithfull nd honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Su perior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and | ly perform wit the best of my skill and ability. hands: and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY W. W. Barnes Morthiestern Bav® Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10 / day of April 19 58 \ C..G. Smith c.5.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / I In the Superior Court. a To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Incompetent Leon B. Rhinehart, ee without Guardian, and W, Barnes Moanthwesterny GAVK , and having been duly qualified as such having apr ‘ > . pplhed for the Guardianship of said minor child « said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER th + to be found, and the farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said AA? PFN 10th doy ot kpril 198 C. G. Smith en er came to take into possession, secure and improve, and aad chattel< . wheresorv » Tights and credits, of said minor orphan | and according to law Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the y Ad 4 ; 4 + ad Form 2. #F351 GEO © BARNARD SrA Co oy Lous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Linda Carol Elliott, 17 years Joan Elizabeth Elliott, 15 years Brice Robert Elliott Jr., 14 years SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs. Thelma Je Elliott respectfully presents that Linda Carol Elliott, Joan Elizabeth Elliott, & Brice Robert Elliott and are minor children of. : Brice Re Elliott, Sr, deceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This 18 day of April 19 58 Mrs. Thema Je Elliott IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Thelma J. Elliott estate belonging to the above named children of , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainteJ with the real and personal Brice Re Elliott, Sr. deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 18th day of April 19 C. Ge Smith 5 Mrs. Thelma J. Elliott Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. I, Thelma J. Elliott solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Linda C, Elliott, Joan E. Elliott k ; and Brice Beac Blliott true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY Guardian for minor heir “HREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18th / April - Ce G. Smith ‘ i. oo o Thelma J. Elliott day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Linda Carol Elliott, Joan Elizabeth Elliott, and Brice Robert Elliott, Jr. without Guardian, andThelma Jd Elliott minor orphan having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such ° ’ oan . oon one on oods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the go and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and im) , and according to law. April further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 18th day of C. Ge Smith 19 58 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 #F352 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -t Roby W. Thomas, Incompetent APEPLICATIO Mina Danbars To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Curlee S. Thomas Roby W. Thomas, Incompetent (Attached Certificate from Va) The application of and. em oe oe ew ee ne oe oe and are without a guardian; that the ADSOPRSESHY. entitled to r_ta $500.00 accumilated & $225. per mo. form TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may VA Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ( mines expannee 19 58 that Letters of tris Oth day of .. May Curlee S. Thomas MEDELL COUNTY—+ss. Curlee<S. Thomas ¢ to the above named TMP RN” Roby We Thomas, Incompet ent $225.00 per mo. from Va estate belon: knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is a { the rents and profits of the real estate | Sworn to before me, this 6th f day of May 058 \ C. G. Smith and the valuc Curlee S. Thomas Clerk Supenor Court OATH OF Gl ARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredel! County L Curlee S. Thomas Minor ber Guardian for Roby W. Thomas, Incompetent he « mok harge of, an! prew all ft estat solemnly swear that I will well and truly take true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in im chante om THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all oth the best of my skill and ability Curlee S. Thomas 208 W. End Ave. 6th } Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of May ode | Ce G. Smith c. 5.4 City LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court iredel County GRERTING DPreeent« Shall (om . ¢ for Tredell County, t? It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Cour fer I 1 Cow Roby W. Thomas , Incompetent <heneter= without Guantian, and Curlee 3. Thomas : t having been duly qualified as suct having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child oe . ' Il and cingular the goods . * * 1 1 eat Cosartian to enter in an apon all arr NOW THESE ARE THEREF : UTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the we EREFPORE TOA ’ me ; ce to poetestion, scr and improve, ane i chattels, rights and credits, of said mine: cophan whereane ver t fens and the same to take into pe harsher ‘ ‘ ee lie a , and according to law P to henefit an! a manage said estate and every part thereof, for the 6th Yay . May 1958 Cc. 0. Smith Clerk Superior Court Witoess my hand, and the seal of the sald Court, this the iy bia: ¥ T Ri i sj ik 4 i | 2 7 4 * pith Vd Pa ae y re ; ow id my | ' i OI hai M Form 2 #F353 GEO © BARNARD Bra ©-87 Lotg APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Samuel Monroe Goodman , SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSH Ip BRKAMIKKA To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Northwestern Bank veapnctihily: peestiie tin Samuel Monroe Goodman, Incompetent -(having been declared an XxX. incompetent by the Court) KXKKK ERNE seo and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of The application of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said SGMIEDEMs may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor or hans This... 22N@.. day of........ July 19.58 The Northwestern Bank, W. W. Barnes, Vice. Pres. IREDELL COUNTY-—~ss. W. W. Barnes, Vice-Pres. Northwestern Tihs innnins: tins Cente tienen 1 with the real and personal incompetent estate belonging to the above name denen ° Samuel Monroe Goodman ASBAMBA that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 22nd / The Northwestern Bank » ’ f July 19 58 \ Clerk Superior Court W. W. Barnes, Vice Pres. day o C. G. Smith. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Samuel Monroe Gcodman, Incompetent - and that I will make 1, We We Barnes, Vice Pres. Northwestern sank, AO AIO true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the es.ate of my said ward THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd / Ww. Ww. Barnes day of July 19 58 \ C. G. Smith ea LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ TINO To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Samule Monroe Goodman, Incompetent without Guardian, and incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of sa , and having been duly qualified as such . ’ onse » epenneenesen : oods ee ee et bye?" AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the § secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said whereseever to be found, and the game to tate tS pena further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the oeggompeten , and according to a. » 58 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 22nd day of July C. G. Smith i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Charles Fishe? Bolt, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP XOOKIDEMI. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs, Margaret F, Bolt r tfully pr ts that Charles Fisher Bolt, now confined in the Caswell Training School i MKAXAKKKRMMUK XKKKX ax Incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said MIGACKIMIEN are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Two Thousand ww wm mmm mr nr nr re rr rr rene dollars, according to the best informat incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said may be preserved, and ma ta that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for Ul terest of tt this.. 23P4.....day of........ July 19. 58 Margeret F. Bolt IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs. Margaret F. Bolt , being duly swom, says that cquaint estate belonging to the above namcDOXRE RN Charles Fisher Bolt , Incompetent XRKAN knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Two Thousand------------ Dollar and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 23 rd / day of July 1 58. \ C. G. Smith Margaret F, Bolt Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County Charles Fisher Bolt, incompetent all the estate of my said ward wid that I will make I, Mrs. Margaret F. Bolt minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other cuties of my said Guare Guardian for fianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd / day of July » 58) C. G. Smith c.8.C Margaret F. Bolt LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP WORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court. Trex! ‘ , \ . 2 . ee To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Charles Fisher Bolt, Incompetent JOIIITILICK without Guardian, and Mrs. Margaret F. Bolt ompet ent having applied for the Guardianship of said mansouP , and having been duly qualified as such AND EMPOWFA the said Guardian to ent NOW ee ent ' ssion, re and improve, and ad chattels, rights and credits, of said t wheresvever to be found, and the rr to take et bnt sore fart} 1 according to law to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said ee 23rd day of July 1 58 C. G. Smith er in and upon all and singular the goods Wita:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. = ee e oo / | ] ! ea e ea ok na k eh Form 2 #355 GEO © BARNARD Cra CO §y Lous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Audrey Watts Barringer, Jr, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHI P Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: A. J, Boyd Audrey Watts Barringer, Jr, The application of respectfully presents that xu : are minor children of Ag We Barringer & Frances #!tinger and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Four Thousand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 29th day of August 19 58 A. Je Boyd IREDELL COUNTY—ss. os A. J, Boyd , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal of estate belonging to the above named chilgeamexA . W. Barringer & Franees Barringer deceased; that to the best of his Four Thousand Dollars, knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about none Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 29th | 10 58) Clerk Superior Court Sworn to before me, this day of August C. G. Smith A. J, Boyd OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—ss Iredeli County I, A. Je Boyd minor heir Audrey Watts Barringer, Jr solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY Guardian for THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 29th } day of July 19 58 \ C. G. Smith C.8.¢ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this A. J. Boyd LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / , In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Audrey Watts Barringer, Jr, A. Je Boyd minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPX IWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and ores wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and impro , and according to law. ' August 19 58 Clerk Superior Court: and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 29th day of Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the C. G, Smith } | Form 2 #356 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of James Frank Hager, SUPERIOR COURT--Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Qgaeae. thtfa To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Flora Hager The application of respectfully presents that James Frank Hager =x... ie is a XM minor childraxr J. Walter Hager leceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of One Thousand. and 007100 aknad - dollars, according to the best information and belief TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor may be preserves f your applicant ' , and managed according to law, your appl ( prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, this... 4th day Of... September 1 58 Mrs. Flora Hager IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs. Flora Hager being duly n iys that he ts acquaint with tl ua personal J. Walter Hager i 1: that to the best of his One Thousand and 00/100 nonvalue estate belonging to the above named childgggg of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 4th / Mrs. Flora Hager day of September 1 58) LQ ISIXESXSRIEK L. L. Nesbit Aas! rior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. James Frank Hager - and that I will make Guardian for 1, Mrs, Flora Hager minor heir all the estate of my said ward solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, is; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my han THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of September 19 58 L. L. Nesbut, Ass't C.3.¢ ! Mrs. Flora Hager ) LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County. To Ail Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that James Frank Hager . minor 1d t Guardian, and Mrse Flora Hager withou having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOW Rader joand the same and chattels, rights and credits, of said mino@R3QQID Chi to bef + ome aa a ther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the 4th day ot Sept ember C. G. Smith h: , and having been duly qualified as suc ER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods t to possession, secure and improve, and , and according to law. 1 58 Clerk Superior Court. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the +. gl e ; ' , a irs ’ i ae a hieas aye | ft aa a Se y a oe ee ak a Se dd a = , ae. | } | Form 2 #358 Form 2 #357 a fa e _ ££ . Ee e 2S SS S SS APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County Julia Kay Nabors, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor ARRKs. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of ¢ Mrs. Pauline H. Nabors Julia Kay Nabors, A Minor are minor childd@XKof respectfully presents that and and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of FOUR THOUSAND ($4,000.00) DOLLARS dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Child TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor SeXDGRs may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays , applicant pray. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. ph This Uae September 1 58 Pauline H. Nabors IREDELL COUNTY-~-ss Pauline H. Nabors . being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintet with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named childr30GR Julia Kay Nabors BRIMAB! « that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the va. of said estate ts about Four Thousand ($4,000.00 Dollars, und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, Uhis llth / September 1 58 | Pauline H. Nabors day of Ce G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NOR’ Ni RTH CAROLINA, | iti lil Iredell County \ Mrs. Pauline H, Nabors Cie ten Julia Kay Nabors and that | will make l, minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this llth September 19 58 | Pauline H. Nabors day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court tor Iredell County, that Julia Kay Nabors A minor ghiid without Guardian, andMre. Pauline He men having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child . and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE Té ) — AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and u possession, secure and improve, 10 58 Clerk Superior Court pon all and singular the go and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to im. Witness my hand, and the seal of the «an! Court, this the lith day of September C, G, Smith APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Mary Ellen Lillian Bostian, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP AMMO. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Je Edgar Troutman respectfully presents that Mary Ellen Lillian Bostian, incompetent, haveing been declared incompetent mx by a jury and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal LTen Thoursand Dollars dollars, TO THE END, THEREF( IRE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be pre that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, tot vis 15th day of September » 58 J. Edgar Troutman IREDELL COUNTY—ss. J. Edgar Troutman eing duly sworn, sa t hh sainted with th estate belonving to the above named oad Mary Ellen Lillian Bostian, incompetentax i. knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Ten Thousand and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 15th J ‘ Edgar Troutman day of September 19 58. \ C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. Mary Ellen Lillian Bostian, Incompet. all the estate of my sar! ward snd that I will make I, J. Edgar Troutman Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th Je Edgar Troutman day of September 1 58 \ Ce G, Smith c64¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mary Ellen Lillian Bostian, Incompetent XXMMAKM without Guardian, and Je Edgar Troutman etent 3 having applied for the Guardianship of said dpgcue |, and having been duly qualified as such EK AND EMPt YWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORY TO AUTHORY Tacombsy accord ee coe e Wwheresoever to be found, and the ant sion, secure and im e, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the sai , and ing to law. 15th vay ot September 10 58 C. G. Smith Witnss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 #359 oe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ’ In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Daniel Lawson Bolt APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor D6DENI To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs. Margaret F. Bolt Daniel Lawson Bolt respectfully presents that is Me minor childrMof Chalres Ae Bolt and and are without a guardian; that the said minor child€2B are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Two Thousand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 27th day of August2 19 58 Mrs, Margaret F, Bolt IREDELL COUNTY~=ss. Mrs. Margaret F. Bolt , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal Daniel Lawson Bolt, Minor 2aecx): «hat to the best of his Two Thousand Dollars, Dollars, estate belonging to the above named child@aB of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 27th / August 1 58)\ day of Le Se Nesbit ° Ass? t Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ I Mrs. Margaret re Bolt Guardian for Daniel Lawson Bolt minor Moe solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make and that I will RENEW MY Bt IND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, | honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully anc the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th August Mrs. Margaret F. Bolt day of L. Le Nesbit, Ass't LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / ‘ In the Superior Court Iredell County 4 , Presents Shall Come GREETING To All Whom These It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Daniel Lawson Bolt * rnin ee without Guardian, and Mrs. Margaret Fe having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE cyiee )RIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all wheresoever to be found, and the same to into possession, secure and and angular the gous improve, aad , and according to law. wo 58 Clerk Superior Court and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor « further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said min Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 27th day of August APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredel! Thomas Steven Young, Age ll years APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor BiapKMXK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The Northwestern Bank The application of Thomas Steven Young i et s.8 XMOOinor childVaxo Youny, Incompetent without a uardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and person al « and are g lollar act be pr TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cyt imag, Cy) i! , that Letters | The Northwestern = This 2nd day of... 9eptember 19. 58 /s/ We W. Barnes, Vi IREDEL!. COUNTY—ss. W. We. Barnes, N-Pres. The Northwestern i L ne 4 c ‘ R Vay estate belonging to the above named childr&Pef Cha rl 1€ Se iVUTI knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is abou and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 17th day of September Ce G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. jank 1 We We Barnes, V-Pres. The Northwest @imnian fo an! preserve Thomas Steven Young gunor ber solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge oF san! war arvel that 1 will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any o! the estate remain t will RENEW MV BOND EVERY faithfully and honestly pertorn wit! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an< all othe the best of my skill and ability 17th Subscribed and sworn to before me, this tayo September C. G. Smith LETTERS OF Gl JARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, lredet In the Superior Court redell © . ° —_— Te All Whom These Present Shall Come <IREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Supertor Court for Iredet! County, that Thomas Steven Young, Minor Child And Northwestern Bank JEIIOIC DE DODLK JOLIE IGA heen duly qualified as such , and having » enter in and apen all and einguiar the goods having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE and chattels, nghts and credits, of said minc@@SQDRIGKC wheres t and the same to ta further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the sald minor ATH , and according to taw 17th tov ot September o 58 C. G Smith AND EMI" YWEE the caid Guar Tian t wver to be foun ke inte powseedion, secure and improve, and Witness my hand, and the seal «{ the said Court, this the Clerk Saperior Court Form 2 #261 ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP = In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County. M. L. Nantz, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP XONDLODOADN IE: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of David H. Nantz M. L. Nantz, Incompetent (having been declared incompetent by a jury) “nx n. Xe eROOMMEK aK naman ; aE tent. and are without a guardian; that the said are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of One Thousand, Five Hundred respectfully presents that dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ' . incompetent 1 to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said JOO IagE. /s/ David H. Nantz TO THE that Letters of Guardianship may be issuec This 18th. day of September 1958 IREDELL COUNTY-— ss David H, Nantz estate belonging to the above named ghehiney ot knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $680 00 per year Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 18th / September 19 58 | , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte i with the real and personal M. L.Nantz, Incompetent MAX. that to the best of his about 37 ,900 00 Dollars; day of C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ M, L. Nants, incompetent I, David H,. Nantz Guardian for . and that I will make mnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward at I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY minor heir sok true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and th THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this... L6H David H. Nantz Sept.enber 1958. J 650 E. Iredell Aves C. G. Smith a Mooresville, Ne Ge day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ ome GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall C It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that M. L. Nantz, Incompetent hh KDI without Guardian, and David He Nants incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said _ and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE ae TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the 6 ny cccure and improve, at wae” aan wheresoever to be found, and the ° Dre onipee’ , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the sab and chattels, rights and credits, of sak 958 September wn | Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 18th day of Clerk Superior Com C. G. Smith, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County “ax. State Hospital) and are without a guardian; that the said nhaeXGhANeh are entitled to real and personal estate to the value o that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredel! County 1 Mrs. Faye Se Cline, Incompetent, rik hi APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSHIP Mtoox Seon Deora The application of The Northwestern Bank cacpiiatiltes tani Wind Mrs. Faye S. Cline, incompetent (Certificate from Supt. XID “VOGKK XXXKKKAX Incompetent Hars, accor tot est information and belief of vour applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be presery and managed accor iw, \ rap ther person the Qourt may t! s best, far t The Northwestern Bank this..25th day of... 9eptember 19. 58 W. We. Barnes, Vice Pres. E COUN i -——$$. . , IREDELL UNTY—+s The Rank ¥. W. Barnes, V-Pres.$/Northwestern/ sahil ll oie cdete beloacing to the shove nemed MUMENK.Mre. Faye. Se Cline, Incompetent XXKKK eat of his knowledge, information and belief, the valuc of said estate is about rollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about i . Sworn to before me, this 25th f We We Barnes . \ day of September 19 58 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. ; } The Ba ia + - . nk “ . . ° °3 4 7 ~ : iW. W. Barnes, v-Pres./Northwestern/ ank nto MrSe Faye S. Cline, Incompetent ; Sec solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, anc preserve, all the estate of my s are ane at | will make ) ; true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any © the estate remains in my hen ‘se: and that | will RENEW MY BOND EVERY 4) I will faithfully and honestly perform with , +h c duties of my sai! Guardians THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other the best of my skill and ability 25th ' / WwW. W. Barnes Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of September 19 58 | Co. Ge Smith C8. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } j In the Superior Court Iredell County _ To All Whom Pheer Presents Shall Come ~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Faye S. Cline, Incompetent NOM FAIR without Guardian ani The Northwestern Bank tent ‘ , Baving applied for the Guardianship of wis eee” = and having been duly qualified as suc h te enter in and apon all and singular the gocrls NOW THESE ARE THEREFORS ay : AND EMPOWER the said Guardian t and chattels, tights and credits, of said wheresoever to be found, and “a nem ee eH secure and improve, and , and according to law ' to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage uf the said 25th tayo September 1 58 Cc. G. Smith Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court ; | 2 un an E E E E E Form 2 #363 GEO © BARNARD S10 Co APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Charlie B. Young APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP MOE Incompetent To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Northwestern Bank Charlie B, Young xux is imcompetent (Certificate and petision iro VA Hospital) and are without a guardian; that the i REARS EO tte to real and personal estate to the value of... $3500.00 Real & $1600.00 Personal The application of respectfully presents that 198GEX dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant : nco ‘ ae — tent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said Kay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said m®ae-KeRWRs Incom + . pete 25th September 4958 The Northwestern Bank, W. W. Barnes, Vice Pres, This day of IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. Bank , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte | with the real and personal W. We Byrnes, V-Pres. TheNorthwestern estate belonging to the above named cMMMRXM Charlie Be Young , Incompetent CEIIEM . that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about $3 500 00 Real & $1600.00 Personal Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, 25th / 19. 58. J sworn to before me, this Septmember W. W. Barnes day of a2 C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Nortwestern Bank Guardian for Charlie B. Young, Incompetent - and that I will make The solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY 1 We We Barnes, Vice Pres. padeae ene true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 25th } 19 58 \ C.s.¢ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this We. We B rnes day of Sepember C. G, Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ 3 ' To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that %2 Char’ie B, Young, Incompetent without Guardian, and RRM OKKIX ' incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said . and having been duly qualified as such , nr * * . . nr ; : the NOW THESK ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular ten ‘on, secure and improve, a and chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be found, and the to take ipto e further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the st RESSDRE , and according to a 25th The Northwest eri 19.58 Clerk Superior Com day of September C. G, Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 AND # 365 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrs, Anna T. Dockery, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT. Iredell County APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSHIP ae wIcKMK To the Clurk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Fthel Walker - Mrs, Anna Te Dockery, Incompetent, having been declared incompetent by a max jury and order of the court. XIEKIOU OKI OLX and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the valu Four Thousand-«<-<<-<<-----%-""-° lollars. a on Ot eee saat TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor or] hans may be preset that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court tois. LOth October 1058 Ethel Walker day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Fthel Walker ng du estate belonging to the above named M@EMDGK Anna T. Dockery, Incompetent $5,000.00 Dollars $25.00 per month knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 10th / 1 58 \ Fthel Walker Sworn to before me, this October C. G. Smith day of Clerk Superior Court OATH OF Gl ARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. I, Fthel Walker aE: true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remain Guardian for Mrs. Anna T. Dockery, Incompetent ° we i th st T will make solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of and preser all t tat ’ ' ; i, my hands: and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY f my eaid Guardianship, I will fait fulle ancl honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires snd all other duties ¢ the best of my skill and ability Fthel Walker 42, Green St., City Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th / No vember io 58 \ C. G. Smith C. 5. 4 day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court GREETING Iredel t ) Vounty Presents Shall Come To All Whom T! anty, thet It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell C Mrs. Anna T. Dockery, Incompetent XXXXERX a. end Ethel Walker without Guarrlia Incompetent having apphed for the Guardianship of «aid@GXaE 12902 , and having been NOW THESE ARB THEREFORE L Ug hiz : AND EMPOWER the said Guar and chattel ereacever to be four d, and the is, tights and credits, of said wher of the aaid luly qualified as suc h fian to enter in and upon all and <ingular the goods oT - ecure and improve and , and according to law 0 58 to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the tx nefit and advantage October Clerk Superior Court 10th day of C. G. Smith With: ss my hand, and the seal of the avid Court, this the es | Form 2. #365 a0 © GARAND Gra ¢ 6 L008 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. John Fdward Coone, Incompetent P APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Fmma D. Coone The application of respectfully presents that John Fdward Coone, Incompetent xx IODA KIGIEIN XLRI incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $150.00 a incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said may be preserved, and manayed according to law, your applicant prays ore : incompet that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said This 218t day of October 58 Emma D, Coone dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. Fmma D, Coone . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal John Edward Coone, Incompetent 2xxocexnt ha: to the best of his $150.00 Dollars, estate belonging to the above name OED knowledge, information and belief, the v alue of said estate is about und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, sworn to before me, this 21st / Rmma D. Coone October 1 58 \ day of L. Le Nesbit, Asst. Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County Emma D, Coone John Edward Coone, Incompetent nh eR and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY | honestly perform with Guardian for solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully an the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st / day of October 19 58 \ L. be Nesbit, Ass't, Cc. 8. ¢ Emma D,. Coone LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ ETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GRE It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John Edward Coone, Incompetent Coone xR without Guardian, and Fmma D. incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said _ and having been duly qualified as such . 7 . . + . ,* the NOW THESE ARE THERE ea 1ZK AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter © and upon all and angular a and chattels, rights and credits, of said wherescever to be found, and the i epee secure and improve. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the n eapeabet , and according to -™ Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 21st day of October C. G. Smith 1058 Clerk Superior Comrt | | Form 2 lial ethicajae fein 9 Pa APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Ae Mi i In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County PH awit ; n , twa: Martha Elaine Graybill fii if 1Svears hie) el . _ } n s APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSHIP hei ty Suzsnne Elizabeth Graybill Hi ll years fi Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court oi said County | The application of Ee Be srayb i Lie JPe re tfully preeente that Martha Elzine Graybill ss ' , wi wi... Suzanne. ElLizaceth Braybill are minor children of . Co Be Graybill, dre RRRKK and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of | $11,100.00 lollars, a rding to tl nformat Y belief r appli TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be presery and managed accor t —— “ ene that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court inay t} st, for terest of t! : » cephene : Cth amb GF This Sth day of........ December 19 50 . E. Graybdill Jr. IREDELL COUNTY—+s. C...Es..araycoill,. dre estate belonging to the above named children of J e Greybille, de ABABA that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ws 1 eliVUev\ Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars } . e : : Sworn to before me, this oth / ‘moyvki)] \ Ve Ke raybill, dfre ; day of December 1 59 \ } 6... Seen Clerk Superior Court : OATH OF GUARDIAN . iH . 0 NORTH CAROLINA, / | In the Superior Court-—ss ea Iredell County. \ é iby at | : . a . b . {rn ‘ser ki > ' . : 1, C. E. Graybille, Jr. Guardian for ertha Elaine Suzenne E. Grey id biti] | presere all the tat oy ’ wr ancl that IT will moke minor heir S..... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, 4” true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long «5 any « the estate remain ther cutte iw ei! Goartiansht . is my hands: and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY —a te m . - ow a es ee . i le ea d me stl faithfully and honestly nerform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an all © et the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Sth / Swowht i) Ir ’ | . . ’ . 7 P cy of wecember 19 } 651 sv ¢ Ges tatesville, ° ° Ye } a no: . ars ve Fe Smith Cc Ss ¢ he r ; oy a ai s * LETTERS OF Gl JARDIANSHIP I a me NOKTH CAROLINA, | Cn Ro = o. _ I u i In the Superior Court ; i a re To All Whor Th Preeent« Shall Come ORERETING } ] * . , af ; " It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, t! i \ } } uzenn : sabeth Graybill } tne Graybill ana Suzenne 544 ’ | ) Martha Elair ra; ; | ‘ @ without Guardian, and Ge Be rayt til axl b aving been tol qualified as such 7 having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child ren NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO At THORIZE and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan & wheresoever to lx found, and t AND EMPOWER the said Guar fan to enter In and upon all and singular the goods 7 a same to take inte possession, secure and improve, and t the aid minor orphan 8 d according to law farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages he said minor orphan — ms ceh December 1 59 w . day of itness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Cc. 0. Smith Clerk Superior Court . Wy it ! hi id i ii a r Ha ff = ea ee ss ie s BLO D BARNARD Gra 00.8) Louse APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrs. Nancy E.. Lewis, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SgDeOrOLOS x To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of James T. Lewis respectfully presents that , Mrs. Nancy E.. Lewis, Incompetent. (Having been declared incom. uw. petent. by... jury.ana order O Court aPOHIIOKGG Miko OK AKKREX competen and are without a guardian; that the said OMA CMI are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of t ai ompe : — according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said R0oXoOOrWMM ay be preserved, and managed according to law, youg applicant prays LHeompe ent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said MDMOEXIKEX This 2 day of December 19.55. James T. Lewis IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal Hames T. Lewis estate belonging to the above gomomenikaxm. Mrs. Nancy E. Lewis, Incompetent NOI Mhat to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this end / James T. Lewis 10 58 \ Clerk Superior Court day of December Ce 4. Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Tredell County \ m : M N ¢ wis, incompetent I, James T. Lewis Guardian for PRs... CRAOY..Ra. Wr ahs Se Rhee EK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd ! James T. Lewis day of December 9 58.) Ce. Ge Smith csc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that MI’Be ‘ . : " thebmpete . v Nar cy ~e Le , nt I Les without Guardian, an mito or orp icse incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said MDORRIR ots , . . * . . , ; he NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TQ AUTUQRIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter M and upon all and singular (oe 8 ine i , we, and wheresoever to be found, and the “TH colB ete —— secure and | further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said @iM0t , and according to law. 9.59 | Witncss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2nd day of December ' Clerk Superior Court | _ and having been duly qualified as such and chattels, rights and credits, of said GOT OD C. Ge Smith F368 | Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County Randall..D...Bowen Age.6 years ; APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of The North western Sank respectfully presents that is a and. Randall..D. Bowen 7 RK minor childgexof KRM set Bf without a guardian; that the said minor childr®h ale entitled to re led persgpal estate to the value of rom Ge Four Hundred Dollars..& *52.00. per..mo. dollars, according to the best information and | sl TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed accordit me r applicant pray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cgurt may, think best, for the interest of t inor orphans. tt horthwestern bank This 8th day of........ J@NUArY 1959 W.. We Garnes, V.P. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. We. .W. Sarnes,..V.P.; Northestern. bank being duly sworn, says that he sai real a al estate belonging to the above named childragopi Randall. D. Bowen AKA XK t t of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $0 0.00 Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 5526 &O per mpe IFom Ve Dollars 8th ! cone 19.59 \ Sworn to before me, this day of January Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. western Hank Guardian for 1. .le..We. Barnes, Vice-Pres, North- HanGagseid ive swe! hat | will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, ali the estate of my sat © - _ true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands: and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully an hen GS Se the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th ( WwW. We Barnes day of January 9.59.) Ce..Ge. Smith X. &' LETTERS OF GUARDIANSI i1P NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Ran ell D. Bowen ming orphan without Guardian, and _ and having been duly qualified as such MPOWER the said ¢ having aj plied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND E wheresoever to be found, of the said minor orphan and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the C. G. Smith To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~-OREETING we. We. Barnes, V.P. Northwestern Bent Suardian to enter in and upon all and dngular the goods and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, arwl , and according to law tth day of January 1%9 Clerk Superior Court ni l e ei n ae ‘eC Be bt a Vit ‘ i Lao ha (6 4 ae i fF it Vy nay wy ‘\ ’ ; i abt Po Fr iff a r. A ai: My - | . - Form 2 ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP . In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County. Charlotte Rebecca Hamrick r 8 ; xeorge..Thomas Hamrick APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clesk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of The. Northwes tern Bank respectfully presents that Cherlotte Rebecca Hamrick & George Thomas. Hamrick are minor children of J.e..£&.. Hamrick deceased and and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of four... thousanderrc+rrrrer* dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays 1 to him or such other person as the Coust may. ae est, for, the intergst of the said minor orphans. "he tor Mwestern Bank Te This at day of........<..anuary 19.59. W..W. Barnes.- Vice. President that Letters of Guardianship may be issue IREDELL COUNTY—ss W.W Barnes, V.P., Northwestern Bank . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of J»... Hamrick deceased ; that to the best of his $44,000.00 we Dollars, knowledge, information and belief, the valuc of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about The Northwestern Bank Sworn to before his } Sworn to before me, this 2l / We We. Barnes - Vice President day of January 19.59.) C.c...2a Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Bank 1... WW Sarnes, V.P., Northwestern Guardian for. Charlotte R. & George T. Hamri¢k minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward . and that I will make and that I will RENEW MY Be IND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; “stly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hone the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this elist / 19 \ we We parnes day of Januray C. Ge. Smith c.ac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ . : To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Charlotte Rebecca Hamrick & Ge ree Thomas Hamrick juardian, and ww garnes,VeF- Northwestern minor orphan 8 _. without ¢ having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child Gren and having been duly qualified as such erven? ones » emenunen en : the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singulet a S wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure ond " _ and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 8 19. | Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, thisthe 2ist day of January Clerk Superior Court C. G. Smith | Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHEUP } ri In the matter of WPERIOR COUNT tecdell Comnte i" Mrs. Margaret V. Holcrook, i hi incompetent | APPLICATION FOR GQUARDIANSHTE Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of The Northwestern alk feanectfally preeites that vrs. Marcaret V. Holbrook, incompetent, (certificate from Supt. State Hosphtal —_— RKMAA KOA X X «ee ary max attached) , incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said mdogx totdron are ec: titled to real and per l estate to the walu $85.00 per month from V4 incompete! t TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said JOR. K BADEN may ! eset , . . ' “4 y ° ent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or su h other person as the Cy Xe KAY ine rth. e?Y This 2h day of February 1959 te ° arnes - Lce 1 siuent COUNTY—+s. IRFDEL! WW Sarnes, Trust Officer, Northwestern/ estate belonging to the above named children of Mrs. Margaret vv. Hosbrood., ineompe Melts knowledge, information and belief, the valuc of said estate is abou and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ©55.00 per mo. fron Ae »* ‘ ‘ 7 : 5 4 v h : Sworn to before me, this ra L \ Ae e bar s - ice trresiaent day of February 0 59. 4 } : Clerk Superior Court Ce Fe Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN : NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss i Iredell County. westerr eank 7 mm . wf “? et { o j L.WouWBR apnes, Trust officer, ort-h- Guardian for Mrs, “eree . aoe Zp NCOM. ’ : munor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, ane pres ‘ tat tT will evoke ’ 4 true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any © the estate remains in im enele: andl the pENEW MY ROND EVERY a: ‘ ‘ ’ @ ’ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an all other dutic ’ rrordianehi HN Faith ferlly ae neathy perform wit! : ‘ the best of my skill and ability : Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2th / We . Rarnes day of Pebruary wee \ C....B... Smith C. 8. ¢ LETTERS Of GUARDIANSHIP ss NORTH CAROLINA, " Peeeente Ghali Come <IREETING i In the Superior Court redell County a Ce aa mart for Tr j It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Supertor | Mrs. Marcaret V. Holbrook, incompetent sapetent LK WENN without Guardian, and wb Bernes, VeP. tneompetent Northwestern ‘nk aving applied for the Guardianship of said RAKRAY anid having NOW THESE ARK THER EFORG, Tt , AND EMPOWER the HY RBA UH at to lake inte posseedion ercure and improve and sit Guardia x found, and the game and chattels, rights and credits, of said iGO " , Tosompese” aii f the Se ‘. A acconting to ia* farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the hen fit and advantage ne m8 - ‘ eter in and tpn all and cinentar the goewts Ht? ne ot Pebruery 10 59 ie ; Smith ve e Wits os my hand, and the seal of the eal Court this th Clerk Superior Court 480 B BARNARD STA 60.91. Loing APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County. larold..L. incompetent Lackey, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP MX PLR X To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Boyce G. Gibson, Jr. respectfully presents that Harold L. Lackey, Incompetent § Petition and order in filer] and moe moon bee of Sine incompetent Ceceased, and are without a guardian; that the said 436% XMM are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $225 e 00 per mo. from VA —— according to the best information and belief of your applicant incompeten TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said MOOMEGHRAA may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said gigog yep bhemgs. 19.59 Jr. Gibson, Boyce G. 10 day of March his IREDELL COUNTY-—-ss boy ce. G. Gibson ’ Jr e . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Habold L. Lackey, incompet nt deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $225 . 00 per. mo Dollars; und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars SS 10 ( Boyce G. Gibson, dr. day of March 1959 \ C...G...8mith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN ORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ Guardian for I, Soyce G. Gibson Harold L. Lackey, solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY minor heir - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; rHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and al ility Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LU / Boyce Ge }Lbson, JP day of March 19 ©9 \ C. G&G. Smith Cc. 8. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / ‘4 In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that incompetent KAK BARA without Guardian, and Boyce G. Harold L. Lackey, Gibson incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said Mat IK _ and having been duly qualified as such ai aes etait wills , the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREF« ¥E TO At 1 yor! + AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular a cOBpe , secure and improve, . en . . Re wheresvever to be found, and the to take into a FRR RRRRE Ons scone oe further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said LOth and chattels, rights and credits, of said day of March C. G. Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the sald Court, this the _Form 2 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of CUPRRIOR COURT...) Ralph Hill, incompetent \ Y) 1 VAD Y)TA ’ Mina Wookenax To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of The Northwester! flank ol totesville Ralph Hill, Incompetent and t{ncompetent BRO OLDE OC DEI EK OM and are without a guardian; that the said doe OM Gee) are entitle Five Thousand Dollars TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans m “ . that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or suct t " ‘ ¥OXX conie é Ws This 19 day of.....March 196 § <a arnen @ Sane nie idan IREDEL! UNTY—-ss $ WoW arnes, Trust Officer, horthwester incompetent estate bei ¢ to the above named siigaygm! Ralph Ran. dom { r+ «xu? knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat: alycurt ~QVV0O,.00 and the va f the rents and profits of the real estate is abow >» ] ° Re rt \ Swor: fore me, this is f s We ‘ é ~ f < ‘ day of March 1 ) C + G . Smith Clerk Supertor Cou AN OATH OF GUARI NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Courts Tredel! County o! ; hw te , ‘ 1. Wk Barnes,Trust Officer,The / Channtien | - any ee oo Minor heir solemnly swear that I will and truly take char 9 . true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as ony © the estat , _ _ sen “ THREE y EARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, on all ot fort % . the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19 / ly aornes, day of March 9&9 \ C. G.. Smith oe ' LETTERS OF Gt IARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, GREETING In the Superior Court Iredell County fo All Whom TI Presents Shall Com It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Super'or Court for Iredell County Ralph Hill, Incompetent Barnes, VePe Northweetern Ww W The wt Guardian, and MOK ee wit he hank and having be duly qualified as such ‘ tncompet ent ' ingular the goods having applied for the Guardianship of «aid gar AND EMPOWE®” the s sid Guardian to enter in and upon all and NOW THESK ARK THEREFORE, TO AUTHORS?! and ch ' tHe bin event } { ' mel the we to take jnte poe esion. secure and improve, and hattels, rights and credits, of anid ‘ wheressever to be tow . "3 , ait and according to law farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the beneht and advantages of the ' ' qo w day of March 19 Witness my hand, and the seal of the aid Court, this the 19 lay ar Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court uit ! $ Bs) ; F373 Form 2 49 © BARNARD 814 CO 81 40) ry APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Fi hy ae In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—~Iredell County, YVennie Shaver Hollar (Mrs...B.Sp ) | } incompetent. a P APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP | nd) XMM eX | a To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: | } a } } ‘i The application of C....Me Hollar respectfully presents that ak i! Vennie Shaver Hollar, incompetent (see certificate from eupt. State Hospitae)) hah and ak MBP BKK AKAKKX / } , : r and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ‘ rr . . : . i $3 9 5 00....:0.. re al estate Lncompet ae ars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, rif TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said MMA MIGAK may be preserved, and managed according to law, yous applicant prays i incompetent : pi that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said O40 A2620Nx i] this...26 day of March 19..... 29 C. M. Hollar IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. vf Ai C....He..BOLiee , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above namedX MMM of Vennie Shaver Hollar, incompetent AKA: that to the best of his ce i” - i" knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about #3 , 500 . QO Dollars; a and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $360. 00 per yre Dollars, a Mas Sworn to before th 26 4 worm clore mec, 1s / C. M. Hollar day of March 1959... J we : C... 8... Smith Clerk Superior Court. Hi T . | "| OATH OF GUARDIAN , - wt, NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Ireclell County. Guardian for Vernnie shaver Hollar, incompetent - and that I will make l, Ue M. Hollar . minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Ta true returus and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26 C. M. Hollar day of March 19. 59 \ Rt. 2 Box 62 Cleveland, N. C. C...G... Smith c.s.c sid LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court. Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that S.) incompetent c. M. Holler Vennie Shaver Hollar (Mrs. 5. MAH Ke MT. without Guardian, and incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said GORI 10% , and having been duly qualified as such . NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular “—_ and chattels, rights and credits, of said ili@oK MAINA wheresoever to be found, and the ss WANS nore secure and improves further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said IIOR ORI , and according to _ 19.59. | Clerk Superior Court March Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of C. Ge 26t : ; ' ; Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of George.F... Wilson, SUPERIOR COURT. -Iredell County APPLICATION FOR UARDIA SHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of the Northwestern Han! 1 se George F, Wilson and... 242 minor children of Orma e ] and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to t! lu we] —39--per nonth{fror: VA dollars, accordi TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and manas laccor that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, fort ' rt ! t . This lh day of.......4pril 19.59 the Northwestern Bank - W. W. Barnes VP IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. Bank Ws W. Barnes, Trust Lfficer, NortheseterMminy duly sworn, ays toa estate belonging to the above named children of Norman E. Wilson knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $27. 30 per month and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to be e : i i th Sour to before ane, Cts 4 | The North Western Bank day of April 19 \ W. W. Barnes V. Pres. Cc. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. North Western Bank I, W. W. Barnes, Trust Officer, / Guardian for Geroge F. Wilson minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserys all the estate of my se iL ancl that T will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that |! will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianshiy will faithfully and honestly perform wit! the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th / Ww. W. Barnes day of April 19 59 \ C. G. Smith CSA LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / , In the Superior Court Iredell County Presents Shall Come OR KETING To All Whom Th It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that North Western Bank Geroge F. Wilson ag We We Barnos minor orphan without Cuarcian having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qual fied as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPX WER the said Cuardian to enter in and apon all and singular the goods and ; wheresoever to be foun 1 the aame to take into possession, sectire and Improve « “ 0 ‘ and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan on , and according to law snd advantage: of the said minor orphan 1s aay of C. G. Smith further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit 10 59 Clerk Superior ourt April Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court this the ea e ee e SEO D BARNARD $14 60.81 Lous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, j rs, negina Ne stwa Lt in Cc ynoetent noes f APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP { } } | ' H Minor Orphans. hyd H a To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: : iil tila te arl.D...0stWelt itt The application 0 Wat e VWSUWn AL respectfully presents that bi a Mr Se... ina..R. stwait,..ineompetent...( sees certiticate. from. state..Hosottal BF Lual.) } x TARO TION Ch Mitten OK ee i mux Tncompetent Weveaker, | ? e and are without a guardian; that the said Ms CHINA Are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of i 4 ‘ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant f neoamneter , { at TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said wthoerurpemM may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ; rcompetent 1 i) i that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said MMonorpNaax J ” : 4 f . ~ ere - ; This day of 4apl Ao hes AOel h...4d 0 twal re | 7 4 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. } f ; ; A Carl. ate VEEWEALT , being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintet with the real and personal y) , > ; ' { estate belonging te the above named cKild#eaA ADS - * , : ie Ostwalt, ZOOM Weckased; that to the best of his ' [ knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about whe Bee Dollars; ’ . und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, ’ f rr) Sworn to before me, this / wn a+r1¢ + As 4 /* ’ day of prid 19. \ an or ° ° Clerk Superior Court ’ if . iL OATH OF GUARDIAN | , Hy buf NORTH CAROLINA, { | x In the Superior Court—ss " Iredell County \ r » bere + eines + + in I / ° : Guardian for. +}Gm-*-". +*8 minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward . and that I will make v true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honcstly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Ae | / on ti > 4 ade Jstwalit ’ day of Pi. 19- \ se * c. 6. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | ‘ In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ? tree etwait ne r tent trinurnet oy incompetent bli / having applied for the Guardianship of said #itade WG , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE T HEREFORE hy THORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon al and chattels, rights and credits, of said Mih&e CARS wheresoever to be found, end the same, to tage into possession, secure : , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage; of the said $ManGApMa6 without Guardian, and 1 and singular the goods and improve, ad £4 " an * 19.57 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ’ day of . uly s. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court : : Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -fre:tel Isaqc Jay ALexa! Ors i! tT t APPLICATION FOR \ 1A i! Mimoroxphanx. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Cc. RELIG Alezan r ~ @ *.« + - ar Gl» +7 t aa ire Bilbo ChFC 4! stern sed, and are without a guardian; that the said MMO CMAP are entitled to real and il t : netent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said IH}ONPOrR MIO" may reset : . that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court ma Mot Beek This c day of... sy 9..5 . IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Co. HOLK...aoLExanauss estate belonging to the above named childred of ao ve knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this / - day of y 19 \ ‘ i * Y t Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredeli County. a “oe vardian fo . . munor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge ©}, an preserve, al! the estat uk true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of tue estate remains in my hands; ane R W MY BOND EVERY er duties of m " vrordiar 1 faithful ut , iv perform w THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ot the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / . we day of 8. 19 ' "er . * ¥ > 4 ‘ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, i i r In the Superior Court rediel) ell County \ Te All Whom TI Preeente Shall Come -GREETING e. that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ( , ae te oY en eittheut Goartia ! : nih "WA "Yr ’ ? . 4 natthed at ch having applied for the Guardianship «of said wetenervtriicy and having been duly qua as SW ' : ‘ « af “ nd s onus NOW THESE ARE THERREORE TO Ai THORIZ1 ANT) EMPOWER the «aid Guardian to enter in and apon all and singuler the gow : ' “=> ol the me to take into possession, secur and impron = aad chattels, rights and credits, of said WIRNOGRM wheresoever A HE ehah fee t 1 according to law ‘ 7 ‘ ccorr ‘ further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and ad tag f the eat - , and @ : ~ oo 1” u 4 { fs Witn ss my hand, anc the seal of the said Court, this th , T Clerk Superior Court A yD ” ee ev a p cn a oe ie a ao te — a ee ed i a r a | ; ian a eP. il iH 7 i} r Hh 7 Ba eta if Mt ats nay fh Ht ' i | if 4 ' 7 ae ' hit ' ' GLO D BARNARD $14 60.87 Lou us APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, lary A. Sumter, incompeten APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of te respectfully presents that ey \ mT eY Sia Dae MeaIOM Children Pc mrot y and are without a guardian; that the sald fame mank « are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Mocoagest x y dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant ty netent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said Mahogany ybaats may be preserved, and managed according to law, your appli cant prays ; eént that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said pee This 1 day of may 19.59. Mrs... Memie..Vowan IREDELL COUNTY—ss. E , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal ympetent +7 VX aye mter af = estate belonging to the above named children of ° 22 ‘ MBRBAL that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about .p.4 59 afl Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 25.00 er nt rent Dollars, Sworn to before me, this G / — wa n day of ay 19 > \ ° ° Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County I, ame wv Guardian for s.4PY te amt ~ bem ante solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will mal RENEW MY BOND EVERY minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Z ou day of : 19 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ary Ae iter, Incompetent ine petent warm 4 wen “EKOr dtp. without Guardian, and 176™ 4 9... ~ _ + + having applied for the Guardianship of said tatbevow’ hiked’. , and having been duly qualified as such: angu the goods NOW THESE ARE THE RE FORE TO, AU THORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and = ot and improve. and chattels, rights and credits, of did Ree” f to,take vp, peseeecion, soem wheresoever to be found, and the eps, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the aid BRNO LEE. , and according to a Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 1° May day of Ve +. Smith |_Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of . —_ essite K, Campreil incompetent SUPERIOR COURT -fy Mrse APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHT Migor Omar To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mr Se ear cearet te LOLL' wr Mrs..~essie i ampbell, 4 frp Yea.. ; Aré MAM AOCKINICA AD Lemar *nromr +ant and are without a guardian; that the said Mihet SMiMAaare entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Six Hundred | -°--*---> ae iia + TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said 4 maiame eas MaOK may be preser 1! and 1 that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thi MIKE Heo Bius This 2k day of #.UNe 19.55 ° IREDELL COUNTY—ss. n ‘ “ona? r ‘uae ‘ . ai’* Je + » 7 ' estate belonging to the above named children of BmBrse +6! ie Be * airet knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about , . Hare and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this ae / r day of June 19 \ a.>.@ me Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. 1, rearet a. ae Litey Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, s the estat ' will emake true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and thet | 1 RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other Aurtie my eaid Gnardianst faithfully o ly perform wit! the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this “ f i . day of .« Une 19 \ . ‘ e . ~ it i ie LETTERS OF Gl IARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } teed , In the Superior Court redell Cx County \ . an we Tm Presents Shall Com GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ¢ vert for Iredell C ty, t c’« 2 emorhell neom + ne ‘ Cet nt . ‘ ‘ RA ORM without ¢ ’ ‘ + n ? r ' ' tal qualified a h having applied for the Guardianchip of OS BRR ae and having — - sid Guardian to enter in and apen all and dngular the goeul« NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO Al THORIZ1 AND EMPOWER the and chattels, rights and credits, of said ihe Unie hereecever to be found, and the sam { the eatd minor orphan ty take into possesion, secure and improve, and 6 all , and according to law further t, manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Cort, this the 'th Clerk Superior Court a US ed ce - ee e ee A si s i te i Bt ss . ne n ee e —— er —— — _ 2s Be i ae ele oy F| r EA i hab il ae | f 469 F 379 Form 2 GEO D BARNARD $14.00. 81.L0UIg APPLICATION FOR. GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Henry Alexander Richbourg,. Jr. _Born- November 13, 1944 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Gladys M. Corpening The application of respectfully presents that Henry. Alexander Richbourg,. Jr. ie and are minor children of Florence Corpening Richbourg, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Thirty-six Hundred le dollars, according to the best informatiun and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed: according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 21 July 19.59. Gladys M. Corpening day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Gladys M. Corpening Florence Corpening Richbourg $3,600.00 , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 21 / July 1959... J C . G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. Gladys M. Corpening day of OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Guardian for I, Gladys M. Corpening Henry Alexander Richpourg, . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make 1 RENEW MY BOND EVERY minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I wil THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability al Subscribed and sworn to before me, this July 1959 Cc. G S,otu cs.c ening Gladys M. fo © 4 ion, N. C. PO- Box 453 — day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | \ In the Superior Court Iredell County . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Henry Alexander Richbourg, Jr. minor orphan without Gua having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and wheresoever to be found, and the sume to take into possession, secure , and according to law. July and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan 19.59 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 21 day of C. G. Smith rdian, and Gladys M. Corpenins singular the goods | and improve, 4 | \ } ; | Form 2 poo APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ™p the matter of Douglas Leroy Barnard Age. 17 yrse.. 6-18-42 SUPERIOR COURT —-Iredelt ¢ APPLICATION POR CIYTARDIPANSIIIT Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County H. E. Barnard bial ose kit A The application of Douglas Lerey Barnard, a minor and... ane RXR KK and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal es to the valu _ Three Thousand Eight-four & 12/100 = = spats ow TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Co this... 26 day of....... August 19 59 H. E. Barnard IREDELL COUNTY—ss. H. E. Barnard Douglas Leroy Barnard $3,084.12 Pott estate belonging to the above named childggy/! knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is alot Sworn to before me, this 26 / day of August 19 \ C. G. Smith H. E. Barnard Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County. L, H, E. Barnard Cuartian for Douglas Leroy Barnard minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preser all tt t I will \ true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my Han ts; and that RENE’ ROND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all oth © duties of m Quardiancship. I will faithfully and ! ely perform wit? the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26 / H. E. Bernard day of August 059 \ Ce Ge Smith C.8.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } Iredell C \ In the Superior Court del) usa To All Whom Tt Presents Shall Come GREETING ‘ . ° } ; It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, tha Douglas Leroy Barnard chout Guardian, and He Be Barnard nor orphan . } t qu er ct mg applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMP* WER the said Guardian t came to take into possession, secure and improve, and nter in and wpos all and singular the goedls er to be found, and the aad chattels, rights and credits, of eaid minor orphan where wer , and accor fing to law further + . os of the ‘ or orphan o Manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantag f the eaid minor ph 26 day of August C. G. Smith 10 59 Clerk Superior Court Witacss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the oe a ag e n —— . ee _ ce Si n Ae s : a a AE a en ao —— — 400 © BARNARD Bra € 9 8) Loum APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-~-Iredell County, Bennett Houston Tolliver, a minor under twenty-one years of age, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ry if (Born Feb. 14, 1941) Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: G. T. Tolliver (Father of the Mynor) Bennett Houston Tolliver is a minor child of mononmanonw Mrs. Ruth Mull Tolliver, deccass, — 1 minor childg@gx@@Kentitled to real and personal estate to the value of $2, 079.06 The application of respectfully presents that — = ; and {xX without a guardian; that the saic dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ssued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, G. T. Tolliver R.F.D. 1, Statesville, N. C. that Letters of Guardianship may be i This 27th .. day of August 19.59 IREDELL COUNTY~—-ss G. T. Tolliver . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the KRRX: personal estate belonging to the above named childp@xol Mrs ° Ruth Mull Tolliver, knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $2, 079.06 Dollars None Dollars, deceased ; that to the best of his and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Sworn to before me, this 27th ! day of August 1 59 \ C. Ge SMith G. T. Tolliver Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County \ I, G. T. Tolliver solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Guardian for Bennett Houston Tolliver ; and that I will make suW MY BOND EVERY honestly perform with minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RE- fHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th / G. ?. Tolliver “— angnat 059 | R. F. D. fl C. G. Smith C.8.¢ Statesville, N. C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ ° To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Bennett Houston Tolliver G. T. Tolliver miner orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: the gouds NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and wpon all and singulrs possession, secure and improv’, - further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. day of August ° 59 C. G. SMith Clerk Superior Come and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wherescever to be found, and the same to take into Witness my hand, and the seal of the sand Court, this the 27th Form 2 40 © eannant l APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County James F. Brawley, III - Age. 18 yrs Grace H. Brawley, Age 14 yrs APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Os P. Houston respectfully presents that James F.. Brawley III and Grace H. Brawley are minor children of .Vamee PF. Brawley, Jr. { { deceased and.. and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Five Thousand -.-.-.- dotlars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This 29... day Of aos. August 159. Os P. Houston IREDELL COUNTY —ss. Q. P. Houston , being duly sworn, says that he juainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of James Ps Brawley, Jr. lecea that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Five Thousand 2 2 2?.@ Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars 29 / day of August 1959... J C. G. Smith Sworn to before me, this O. P. Houston Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. dL. 0. P. Houston ‘awley minor heir jlemualy swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and t! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all the best of my skill and ability. other duties of my said Guardiansht 0. P. Houston Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29 day of August 1959 c/o Mooresville, N. C. C. G.. Smith oe LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, leedetl C In the Superior Court. ‘ ——— To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that James F. Brawley, III and Grace H. Brawley minor orphan® _. without Guardian, and 0. P. Houston having applied (or the Guardianship of said minor childF°@N _, and having bern duly qualified as such : NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO Al THORIZE AND EMPOWER the said wheresoever to be found, and t tages of the said minor orphan 8 ._, and according to law. 29 oud August 19 59 C. G, Sgith Guardian to en and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advan Witr ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Guardian for dames F Brawley, III and Grace all the estate of my said ward and that | will make sat I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY p, I will faithfully and honestly perform with ter in and upon all and singular the goods he same to take into possession, secure and improve, and Clerk Superior Court. re it hie ae @ r 472 | | uM F 383 Form 2 GEO 0 BARNARD 514.00.67 Loup APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Orrion (Oren).B..Setzer, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Northwestern Bank of Statesville, NC The application of Orrion (Oren) B. Setzer, Incompetent. (See certificate from State xx Hospital. in file) JSNOHBOONBAT and are without a guardian; that the said apsompctent 29 to real and personal estate to the value of.... dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant respectfully presents that TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ., ;, ‘ ; inco that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said ancompetent. This......2a July 19.59. Hoey hog thwestern Bank V. Pres. day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. wow Barnes, Vice-Pres, The Rerthecterat tes duly sworn, says that he is acquainte with the real and personal estate belonging to the above namedxpgptpeaet. Orrin. B Setzer, Incompetent MMV: that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 21 / July 1959 \ C. .Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. W. W. Barnes day of OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, f In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. 1.W..W. Barnes, Vice-Pres. The Northweahern;Pank Orton B. Setzer, Incompetent peed. solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21 July 1959 C..G.. Sgith C8.c W. W. Barnes day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / : , { In the Superior Court redell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Orrion (Oren) B. Setzer, Incompetent sOOOwNIX _._ without Guardian, and w. W. Barnes having applied for the Guardianship of said spcompetent and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gots and chattels, rights and credits, of said PRS OMBEESDY bercsnere to be found, and the to take igto , secure and — - further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the Oe OMB E EDT. anon a 59 19 July Clerk Superior Com Witn«ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 21 day of C. G, Smith Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Richard Dehton: Wood; Jr. Age 4 yre SUPERIOR COURT ~Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs. Ruby Wood Richard Denton Wood, Jr. and..... sssvnenee . are minor childg@xof Richard Denton Wood Sad and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Two. Thousand dollars, according to the best information a TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, « na d accor 1 — that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think bes This kth... day of... September 19.59 Mrs. Ruby Wood IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. Mrs. Ruby Wood ing duly sworn, s Richard Denton Wood f his $2,000.00 estate belonging to the above named child@GXof Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 4th / 19.59... | Clerk Superior Court Sworn to before me, this day of September C. Ge Smith Mrs. Ruby Wood OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. I, Mrs. Ruby Wood minor heir . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sari ward ane true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY I will faithfully and home Richard Denton Wood, Jr. i that I will make Guardian for tly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianshi the best of my skill and ability. 4th ] 059. | c.s.c Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of September C...G.. Smith Mrs. or Wood 237 Oakland Ave., Statesville, N. C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell Count er To All Whom The« Preeents Shall Come 4SRERTING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredeli County, that Richard Denton Wood, Jr. without Guardian onfirs. Ruby Wood minor orphan , and having been duly qualified as such { Guardian to enter in and upon all and cingular the goods to take into possession, secure and improve, and having applied for te Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sax and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law 4th po September C. G. Smith 19 59 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the et} 4 f ; } < a if wit | full 1 Sides z yf i} i ,” ‘ Hl ‘ RT | ; : ' : ’ 4 4 ' I Form 2 ACO $1. Loug APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Betty Ann Webb, age. 13 yrs Julia Irene Webb, age 7 yrs APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. eee To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: hii The application of Ee de Webb, JD. Betty Anne Webb and Julia Irene Webb respectfully presents that an | wail are minor children of Mr. & Mrs E. J. Webb, Jee, ; M and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ; / Ten Thousand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant M7 f TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ; } a that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor SRbb aren. 4\ This 19 September 19.59. Ee. Je Webb. dr. day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. ie E. J. Webb, Jr. a? estate belonging to the above named children3G Betty Anne Webb and Julia a $10,000.00 , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte 1 with the real and personal xR that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the volue of said estate is about Dollars: j ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, i i Sworn to before me, this 19 | te E. J. Webb, Jr. day of September 19.59. \ C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ y I, E. J. Webb, Jr. Guardian for Betty Anne Webb and Julia Ire minor heir8 solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with , the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19 ( E. a Webb, Jr. September 19.59.) C. G. Smith ac cay of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | { In the Superior Court Iredell County ETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GRE It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Betty Anne Webb and Julia Irene Webb E. Je Webb, Js minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child PeN. , and having been duly qualified as such: . , as as . . * . ; he NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular ¢ pr wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. day of September C. G. Smith and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 19 Clerk Superior Court 1959 | F 386 _ Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Bobby Charles Brachen and wife,.Phillis Hobbs Brachen, Minors SUPERIOR COURT. -Tredell APPTICATION FoR or PO TyPANTOUINE Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Bernice London Hobbs The application of Bobby Charles Brachen and Phyllis Hobbs Brachen, Minors MKKKAXMKIKC A and RNIK and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to rea estate for purpose of executing mortgage on real/ii, TO THE END, THEREF< IRE, that the estate of sai n r orphans mav ! that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ¢ This 24 September 59 Rernice London Hobbs day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Bernice London Hobbs Hobbs Brachen estate belonging to the above namedJaummaxx Bobby Charles Brachen and Phyllis/ xsmex knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about One Lot and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts alout Sworn to before me, this 24 f September 1059} C. Ge Smith Rernice London Hobbs day of Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County. I, Bernice London Hobbs Cuardias . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and pres true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any 0! the estate rematr THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, ane © Phyllis Hobbs Brachen Bobby Charles Brachen & minor heir see PONT I wnt the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24 ( Bernice London Hobbs September 959 | C. G. Smith , day of LETTERS OF GUARDI ANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court Irecell County ) cui GRERTING « Court for Tt fell Count d Phyllis Hobbs Brachen, Minors ot Bernice L. Hobbs It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Super Bobby Charles Brachen an minor MRK. wit! paren and having - die se ¢ the Guar fianship # eid minor . ‘ a 1 nd AND E Pow! R the a t ; ingutar the g ww NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TQ AUTHORIZI wheresoevert to : Lote possesion, secure and improve and © foun ' ’ ce amd advantages of the said mind§ O@IEICIIO and accor 21th iyo September C. G. Spith ‘ it sme to tak aad chattels, rigtts and credits, of said minor , us . ne to law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the bene 19 §9 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the oe | 400 0 BARNARD 614 60.91. Loug APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Virginia Pau. Doughton James. Horton Doughton SUPERIOR COURT-—-Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor expanse To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Je Horton Doughton respectfully presents that Virginia Pou Doughton & James. Horton Doughton 20x are minor children of J. Horton Doughton Severe and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preser ved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. phans, This li November 1929... J. Horton Doughton day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. J. Horton. Doughton , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of J.. Horton Doughton Mocoaper that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 21, 500 ° 00 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Lo ( Re 1959... J Sworn to before me, this Horton Doughton Novembe day of Smith Clerk Superior Court /* te OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County. Horton Doughten Guardian for Virginia Pou Doughton & James - and that I will make D BEVERY I, J. Horton Doughton minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BON rTHREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16 / J Horton Doughton , 7 . ’ o ’ day of lLovember 1959.) .e Ge Smith cic LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , \ In the Superior Court redell County . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Virginia Pou Doughton & James Horton Doughton without Guardian, and J . minor OPOvese having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child7?-QN , and having been duly qualified as such ost . ; . . 4 . ot) “ vr he NOW THESE ARK THEREVORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and = alll wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure ont : , and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 19.59 Clerk Superior Court Witntss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 16 day of November C. Ge Smith Horton Dought@" | Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Tr (Miss) Ina Winifred Stevenson Incompetent sass tei J i ‘ PPLICATION POR ¢ ARDTANSHIP Minsmoxpbane: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs. Martha 5. Jones AT ' Ina Winifred Stevenson, Incompetent=- (See attached certificate from Stat mi... Hospital) OO MOTONOIIDTICO MT tecensech incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said sabaorebibtrencare entitled to real and personal estate to the valu Twenty-two..Hundred.is--.- dollars, act nos ttacs teased Maibeiicenteins ak Gediied oil alia aaa TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be presers . . . . . : ‘ i $7} vee tant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think bh ' ‘ toft nehrar wep hens This 12 day of.... Jovember 19.59 r3.e artha . Jones IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs...Martha. S..Jdones ily sw reonal estate belonging to the above namedOMKKo Ina Winifred Lavy 1B¢ ue vere v knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ) e¢ ° Hoot and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about nona ! Sworn to before me, this LE*h / Se artha 8. day of November 1999 \ C...Ge..Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. nebent oo es ~ J — Ceardian for ie) ‘ } Ne I, sib 2d © artaa de vOn0S y } ' ’ ' et " Wenoer solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, ane pe - uf t ' " ; ? a)! “ey ’ iF wP true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remar ’ 2 I ' y oe . ‘ - Conagtia "f ' ' le pert * THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other dutie ys ' — the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LOth / rs . artna > Jo day of I Ov 2mt BF 1959 \ or. . _ + at wi } : se Ge Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } a In the Superior Court arate ) Fo All Whom These Presents Shafl Come GREETING ; _ . +) It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ( ‘ ; Ina Winifred Stevensor incompetent siren tehout Guardian, and Mrs Martha o« Jore uly qualified as such ant . incompetent wen a having applied for the Guardianship of aid _ and having ' . teow » ents s and 4 tT! and ingular the go NOW THESR ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the salt "um'™ an 2 nage ; , and ncompetent to be four and the came to take into possession, secure an improve, ane chattels, rights and credits, of sai wheresnever to tent... tan to toe : . 7 Mand accordin farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantas _— 12} wot Nogember 1959 Witn: ss my hand, and the seal of the eald Court, this the Clerk Superior Court pe e ei sie nsintaien sd Visi Form 2 a i ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP } : ; ata In the matter of iia SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, In the matter of iia iles ithe deal incaul i i R ij 5 T 2 yrse- Nannie on ae aan ’ ry oii i Bettie 7. Graham, 20 yrs ju ile irs. Margusrite N.. Henkel ‘ i € } a 3 WW ‘el (t d s, We Grady. Graham, Jr. i Ta nena an . a Graham, 1& yrs, We y. ‘ ° APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP sncompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSIIT . «aT oO > : 17. years...and hancy C...Grahan,...14..yrs eee . | : } Minor Orphans. YOO Oybanx fh) ; | : To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County } ani =i dae 4 a ‘ +" n ; | The application of On A Graham respectfully presents that The application of he De waymer i au , : <9 wre : Qn ‘s, ~ ‘ QO . WW y n aie a a a : = : : : so : af Bettie V. Graham, Minnie R.. Graham,..W.. Grady Graham, and Nancy C. Graham Mrs. Marguerite Wi..Henkel (having n adjudged incompetent by a jury and th Hy, » minor children of... J. Grady Gral a Lael and are minor children o “We UNady uranam deceased, xn Court ) OO HOO Mt — "eoOm s+ ant tS « ay and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and without a guardian; that the said ee - “492 uitiled ts vend enid oo e vie +5 } } : . ‘ ” ; 2 . Six Hundred = - dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Ten. Thousand ites , { jneom synt ' TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of sail ei mp et gan ; " ; Lamy ‘ + a f that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thi ‘ ; soft sacer wheter ¢ a 4 Ne bs 59 E 4. Cra} 1 : wale 32 day of....... 22cember i? Elon A. Graham “i 22 day of......February 19. ES, Soyae ee IREDELL COUNTY—ss. aa - ‘ ™ a e . ee 9, Elon A. Graham , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainteJ with the real ane personal Ac... Be Raymer ' ! y : . ‘wT . , + ’ incom et 2nt a estate belonging to the above named children of ve GPraay zanam deceased ; that to the best of his estate belonging to the above namec ox ¥yrry , 17 r ‘ . iy knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about 2000 e 00 Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the yaluc of said estate is about Ler ousa #" ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is shout Sworn to before me, this 31st ~ s + , : orn te » me, thi 22nd / , Lai worn etore & P+ OY / Elon A.. Graham Sworn to before me, this 4 A. . : day of December 19.59... J day of February 60... \ ante Smith Clerk Superior Court Le L. Nesbit Ass*te Clerk Superior Court f , | OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN ' oi NORTH CAROLINA, / NORTH CAROLINA, } ; “ In the Superior Court—ss , In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County. . . . : . - Iredell County. Bettie V. Graham, I ~nnie Re — : ron - i r A a ww ; > nc az a r r o . —— Meee meray + wk } Li Wale tertate ba n+ I, Elon A. Graham Guardian for “+ UPaay waham Ure, wancy veur I Ae De Raymer Guardian for 7 2°S Ar : , ’ , minor heir. S.... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make Monde [.. solemnly swear that I will well ar d truly take charge of, and preset n tt t : : \ ‘ — a at thet T wif! RENEW MY BOND EV! true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and AN.JUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remair ! bai . ‘ ‘ ‘ : fale '" ' ly perfor wit? ; | § THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an 1 all other duti 3 the best of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability ; j Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st = Subscriber! and sworn to before me, this 22nd / A. . aymer jo 1} Elon A. Graham 7 ani day of December 19.59 \ day of yeoruary 19° ee tM oot 4 ~ i T T Noaek4 sate soy ft aa Ce.Ge. Smith Las we be Nesbit, Ass . : a} as > i i! ! “i : ‘38. aan RS G IANSHIP P LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIA Ane ie thi . 2 NOR Tt . J i a. NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, | 5 ed a In the Superior Court ' » In the Superior Court ad fa Iredell County \ SE TING tredell County } r, ANY Preeents Shall Come <GRERTING AA. . . ‘ NG i; To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREE erue . ‘ a _ anty, that aaa It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Cour! ton —e ; 1 Cr G . T ; 7 “AA ~+ an® ye + : ~ . . . - e 1" ( Graham * ; neasrtita & fen} ] incompetent ’ Bettie V. Graham, Minnie R. Graham, W. Grady Graham, Jre, and hancy ¥* MPs. Margucrs : : BST Ak E Graham »® without Cuarcta arvd Re Be (aymer i minor orphan. 3__. without Guardian, and Elon A wor aay: : . ‘ : LnCO stent nd ha heen duly qualified as such , iy having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child 'QN , and having been duly qualified as such: img applied for the Guardianship of said > Te ' {upon all and singular the gouds 4 : goods a : a : AND he said Guardian to enter in and upon md sings ; (tga) NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and —"* ot winger mame eugene SCO! Mont, ST ie al to take into powsession, secure and improve, and i oii ver to be fo od U me to take into on a , and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan S_— wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, : aad chattels, rights and credits, of said - wherewsever a a Lagomee* ont and according to law i : f ' efit and advantage: of the sar OE , 5 yc } further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan S__, and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit oe Z a 19.59. | = ‘ 22nd nyt February 19.60 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 31st day of December . ; Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court this the ” s Court ' +‘ ‘ tanh? + att, Clerk Superior Court Ce Ge Smith Clerk Sup Le boo WOGBVUAY, AS ‘ 7 | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COL (Miss). Sarah Bryant, Incompetent ape RhoonOmebens. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: | The application of Mrs... Winnie B. Green Sarah Bryant, Incompetent, yen proceedings) EEN ides ; ir ompetgnt iA and are without a guardian; that the said) are entitled to real and personal estate to t my my? Three Thousand 3 incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said S may be preserved, an . that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think | 4 ( 19.00... rhis 20 day of..... February IREDELL COUNTY-—ss y Mrs.. Winnie B. Green GEO D BARNARD B14 CO 5.,0uN JRT—Iredell County, -LICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP respectfully presents that (Having.been declared.incompetant. by Court he value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant 1 managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent, yest, for the interest of the said gine lirs...Winnie..B...Green , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named OOMOCOMOK Sarah. Bryant ’ Incompetent desesoye! ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 3 »4 00 ° OO Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none Dollars, mf >; te) Sworn to before me, this ~ “S / . ‘ F Hr Se day of Feb ruary 19 60 \ C hy ; : . Ye. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLIN/ ' re { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Winnie B. Green I lirs. Winnie B. Green Guardian for Sarah Bryant, Incompetent otpox kom solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully an« the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26th } day of February Box 711, - Ge Smith c.8. Cc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | r In the Superior Court Iredell County \ It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that (Miss) Sarah Bryant, IT KEK incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said mpigggr NOW THESE ARE 1 MERKPOR % TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and chattels, rights and credits, of nit PAE OTR EL CNT Lc cscever to be found, and the same further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said 26th day « Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Ce Ge To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREET without Guardian, and irs Minn , and having been duly qualified as such | honestly perform with Mas . Winnie B. Green Shelby, Ne Ce ING incompetent je B Breet od singular the goods and to take into possession, secure and improve, ent and according to law. : 1960 “ February Clerk Superior Court Smith Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —-Teedelt Jay Hugh White, incompetent APPLICATION POR CPARTITANSHETE MOO ON To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Joe Le whit ' es Jay Hugh White, Incometent at XC NIGGA CNIKINO AD SEEN N incompetent and are without a guardian; that the sai MKSEMEGM are entitled to real and per i cetate to ¢ DS Peer ety Hundred + LUY? SAX nunarea incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of sat i potanrorciareasonay | that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ¢ hontrax KIN: This 29 day of February 19 OU JO fice it IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Joe..L...white estate belonging to the above namedCDibaren Of Jay Wurh White, ineol { srr A, , knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is alout 2 \ oi and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about ) AS O+ bh Sworn to before me, this ~ 9th ‘ day of February \ ve Me Smith Clerk Supenor Cour OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTE CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—~ss Iredell County. ; — a i ; ” ; : I, Joe L. White ; Aa " , moni solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and pr } tat — ar ‘ ' “4 RONT PYVPRRS true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any © the estate remarrs ft owt : ’ «! +f , THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, a all other dutie —e ' the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th f Te . Whit day of February 19 ) + 1 «= Ro Ce Ge Smith C.8.4 itatesvi » Ne Co LETTERS OF GUARI )TANSHIP NOxTH CAROLINA, } , In the Superior Court Iredell County ) TT, Au Wi nm Presents S* OREETING ~ ust toll ( ’ 7 It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior rt for Tr Jay Hugh White, —ncompev® a » See White SOIC OMI ! Joe L . Wh incom etent +4 ' ; sl las such having applied for the Guardianship of sid - Sean , — » mae O08 el +1) TAEPOWER the rifia NOW THESE ARK THEREF* FE TO THOR! AND EMPOWER ¢ ic etent pk ee and chattels, rights and credits, of said inbane orcteo0 wheresoever * : further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for 0 benefit and advantas Oe) ayo February tee the ‘ ’ Witn: 2 my hand, and the seal of the said Court Omtek poo lon, or i tt me to take inte a ant t 1 iG *“oud according to law the oa > 1 deeatar the « wv are and improve, ane 19 60 Clerk Seperior Court " aie j | } ’ a ; . : ’ : : : 9 : : : yy 7 i : q 0 mt ‘| , * 7 io apa is GEO © BARNAND GIA CO oy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of _ SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, Larry. David Wolfe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Yephaps. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Robert A. Colli er, JX0 respectfully presents that Larry. David Wolfe ; ; _ . Be Beane afe minor childaaxof Burton E..Wolf.. & hagrzie / yore 2 : is . child is and R2Xwithout a guardian; that the said minor aye enticled to real and personal estate to the value of n. ~~ Q a } } T+ 7 m fre : : > Twent yeseve n Hunared and i ifty ( wold e QO hotlars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor 3tXD@KS may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor DOME This... 5th day of..... larch 1960 Robert. A...Collier,Jr. IREDELL COUNTY-~=ss. Robert. A. Collier, Jr. child cna I - - on = , e °. estate belonging to the above named MAME of ~~ urton & Wolfe & , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal BKM! ; that to the best of his laggie B Wolfe 759.00 Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $2, OMOEA ODO AD (DD EON HOC ONDER ROOTS GEOL COMM, Sworn to before me, this 5th / day of March 19.00. \ eo Ue omitn Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ , Robert A. Collier, Jr. Guardian for Larry David Wolfe, minor 30x solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and thet I wil true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Sth / . , a at ! R. A. Collier, Jr. day of March IDO \ Re Ae Collier, JY. ie Je Smith Sa ¢ Carl G. Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Larry David Wolfe minor optoax without Guardian, and. Re A.Collier, ure having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such asl NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and epee possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor QpRGK wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor agphgn 1960 ' Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 5th day of March Clerk Superior Cort C. Ge Smith | Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Jon Davy Talbert Date of birth: 5-18-53 SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mildred H. Talbert , shilte os “— Jon Davy Talbert child a is AKXninor VOW» Reginald TAlbert tecensed and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and persor tate to ti $5,145.83 PSN ale ean eres TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preser that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may t | > Cie tetoenel This......49 ap o...... ARE, 1960 Mildred H. Talbert IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mildred H. Talbert ies ia Reginald Talbert $5,145.83 Dy dlar estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 29 / day of April 19 60 |\ C. Ge Smith Mildred H. Talbert Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. Mildrdd H, Talbert Guardian for Jon Davy Talbert tat ‘ ' ‘ at 1 will mal of, and preerervs at minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charg: . ‘ het T will RES so wuY POND EVER tree returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, ane ¢ wit RENEW MY atestdnapty ain «itl fait ’ thy erform wit! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other dutn i my (,ta : l : pertor the best of my skill and ability 29 { Mildrdd Talbert 60 | 220 Hillcrest @r. cs Mooresville, N. C. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of April Ce G. Smith LETTERS OF Gl ARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Cour* Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING . . ‘ur that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, : Jon Davy Talbert without Guardian, and Mildred TAlbert minor orphan ve been duly « sfed as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly quale’ ® { lar the goxls NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and apon all and singwis 5 be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and d chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be tow of the said minor orphan , and according to law April 19 60 Clerk Saperior Court A, toa the bene ft and advantage 29 day C. G. Smith further to manage said estate and every part there: Witn-ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the melt a) ui 1% | Ii ! Wh 1 it hal - ¢ vi aif — = SEO D BARNARD B14 CO 81 49 ue APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Regina Gale T lbert Date of Birth:5-18-53 SUPERIOR COURT —-Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mildred H. TAlbert Regina Gale T*lbert and is euinn pile The application of respectfully presents that Reginald Talbert deceased, and are without a guardian; that, the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $5,145.83 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 29 day of April 19 60. Mildred H. Talbert IREDELL COUNTY-—-ss. Mildred H. Talbert , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal Reginald Talbert deceased: that to the best of his $5,145 283 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Sworn to before me, this 29 / dey of April 1960 \ C. Ge Smith Mildred H. Talbert Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NOR’ CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredeil County Mildred H. T lbert minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Regina Gale Talbert - and that I will make Guardian for true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 29 } A > Mildred H. T@lbert day of April 19 60 \ o 220 Hillcrest ° C. G. Smith c.8.¢ Fo eerie nc. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Regina Gale TAlbert minor orphan withou t Guardian, andMildred T’lbert having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and # and wherescever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. ngular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan day of April 1460 Clerk Superior Court Witn-ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 29 C. G. S_ith | Form : F~396 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Sarah Marie Talbert Date of Birth: 5-11-55 Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of VPERITIOR ORs Vredell APPLICATION POR OrAPDANe Mildred H. Talbert Sarah Marie Talbert a 18 aK min aKMM. Reginald Talbert and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are ¢ $5,145.83 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of sa } that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or su Thi 29 day of April 190 60 IREDELL COUNTY—+ss. Mildred H. Talbert knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat: and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate | Sworn to before me, this 29 day of April 1960 *¢ C. G. Sith Clerk Supertor ( OATH Of} NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior, Court-—-ss ' ivecde., County. ) Mildred H. Talbert minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly tak Wue retur THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc 9 the best of my skill and ability : : : ” Suvscribed and sworn to before me, this 29 day of April 19 60 C. G. Sith LETTERS Of NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Sapermer 4 eort ce County f th nmrior urt cing certified to the undersigned, Clerk o ns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as the es child Mildred H. Talbert Reginald Talbert $5,145.83 Mildred H. Talbert CUARDIAN Sarah Marie Talbert Mildred H. Talbert 220 Hillcrest Drive Mooresville, N.C. GUARDIANSHIP Sarah Marie Talbert having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child at NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZI a rower and hatteds rights and credits, of eaid minor or] har Gi further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for tt tteie th Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court AND EMPOWER t i ft and an W ] ! tall CRENTING + Iredell ( » ale ' | Mildred H Talbert 29 ry of April 0 60 Ce G. sMith Clerk Superior Court S60 DB BARNARD S14 09.95 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of William Dale Talbert Date of Birth: 7-13-49 SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mildred H. Talbert William Dale Talbert and is &Xminor ghild The application of respectfully presents that Reginald Talbert and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $5,145,83 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law deceased, dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. — a April 1900 | Mildred H, Talbert day of IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. Mildred H. Talbert , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal Reginald Ralbert decease:!; that to the best of his $5,145-83 Det and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Mildred H Talbert estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Sworn to before me, this 29 day of April C. G. SMith 1960. | Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. I, Mildred H. Talbert solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward William Dale Talbert - and that I will make Guardian for minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY I IND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29 day of April 19 60 } Ce Ge Smith c.ac —— Mildred H. Talbert LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / { In the Superior Court. Iredell County ‘ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that William Dale Talbert Mildred Talbert minor orphan without Guardian, ane having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child _ and having been duly qualified as such all and sngular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter im and upon ot same to take into possession, secure and improve. 19 60 Clerk Superior Court and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the , and according to law. April further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 29 day of C. Ge Smith b F-398 _ Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Gary Regan Talbert Date of Birth: 2-6-53 SUPERIOR COURT Iredell APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHT Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Mildred H. Talbert Gary Regan Talbert The application of and is 2K Mn) chad Reginald Talbert and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and person $5,145.83 foltas TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orpha that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or su h other persot the This 29 April 19 60 Mildred H. Talbert day of IREDELL COUNTY—+ss. Mildred H. Talbert Reginald Talbert estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat about $5, 145 283 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is a! Sworn to before me, this 29 / Mildred H. Talbert day of April 60. | Eg. G. Smith Clerk Superior vu OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / . In the Superior Court—ss Iredell ( munty L, Mildred He Talbert Guardian for ' Gary Regan Talbert Minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take chars f,a res : tat * rer — ° es : . — VMYI ! true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rema , and t tut y sa r ' THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and at) on the best of my skill and ability ( Mildred H. Talbert Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29 day of April C. G. Smith V4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court redel, County To All WI . Preeents Shall Come GRERTING . 0 ” ounty, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Go rt for Iredell County ; Gary Regan Talbert minor orphan without Guardian, a , Mildred H T’lbert , od hh » heen duly quahried as such having applied for the Guardianship of «aid minor chil’ , and having been culy quanm NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter im and upon all and ingular the goor's “a o possession, 9 nd improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan sheresuever to be found, and the same to take Inte pos ssion, secure a t ’ al « . o , ' of the said minor of han , and according to law April ft and advantage 29 day of C. G. Smith 4 further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the bene 19 60 Witness my band, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court AQ7 ra d GRO © BARNARD 814.00.85 Log APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of (Mrs) Anna S, Montgomery Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP } To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: | The application of Allen Mont gomery respectfully presents that Anna S. Montgomery, Incompetent (Having been declared incompetent by jury) and -. Jaeptvarcomucomok incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Seven Thousand ...B.. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant ~apcompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saic may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays al , . inco that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the a in — May 19 60. s/ . Allen Montgomery deceased, day of IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. Allen Montgomery ie , estate belonging to the above named QQM@OS....Anna S. Montgomery $7,000.00 , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal that to the best of his deceased Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 18 / s/ " day of May 19 60. \ C. G. Smith Allen Montgomery Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County \ Guardian for Ahha S. Montgomery, incompetent - and that I will make I, Allen Montgomery soa true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and prererve, all the estate of my said ward THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18 3 May 1060 C. Ge Smith aac l Allen Mont gome Rt #6, Seateaville, Ne Ce day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Anna S Montgomery, intompetent lian, and Allen Mont gomery DOO without Guar : ten having applied for the Guardianship of au eRgompe t and having been duly qualified as such a oa pen . Luar the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO Al Neel ‘ AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singu rt a and chattels, rights and credits, of said w stion, secure and improve, eresoever to be found, and the t ‘we SHE further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , and according to law. May Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 18 day of Clerk Superior Court C. G. Smith * Fe400 ae BARNARD G8 ‘ nn Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP — In the matter of Maggie S.. Freeze SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP incompetent MOO To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: F. Le Helms The application of : Maggie S. Freeze, incompetent incompetent and. are vu! 1, . Apeompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to t stias Six Thousand. follara, ac bin Gan thant Saenieai 1 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preser and neared @ . ‘ad . : that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may t Thi 18th May i9 60 day of.... IREDELL COUNTY—ss. F. Le Helms incompetent estate belonging to the above named knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Six Thousand and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none 18th / 19..CO. \ Sworn to before me, this day of May Le Le Nesbit, F. Le. Helms Ass't. Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. L, F. Le Helms wowoxk true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianshty Maggie S Freese, incompetent said ward and that 1 will make Guardian for . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge f, and preserve, all the estate «f my the estate remains in my hanes, and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY I will faithfully and honestly perform w t! the best of my skill and ability. 18th F. L. Helms Subscribed and sworn to before me, this May L. L. Nesbit, / 19 60. | Ass*t/.sc day of 514 Boger Ave., Mooresville, N. C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Maggie S Freeze, incompetent ERNE ine tent having applied for the Guardianship of oe , and having been duly qualified as such saline ; NOW THESE ARE THEREFORS TO AUT Vet s AND EMPOWER the said Gaardian to enter im and upon all and singular the go : e and chattels, rights and credits, of said Wheresoever to be found, and the further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said 18th C. G. Smith F. L. Helms without Guardian, and to take into possession, secure and improve, and “and according to law May 1960 Clerk Superior Court . ; day of Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the - ARQ y Hy i i sina diel _Form 2 i " ait ato eannanc : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ) t | In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—TIredell County (Mrs) Anna S, Montgomery 7 Maggie S. Freeze b Incompetent me cis i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP a ; ieee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 7 Ra incompetent | 1 - To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: . ’ : “ The application of Allen Mont gomery respectfully presents that The application of F. L. Hedms respectfully presents that ' a Anna S. Montgomery, Incompetent (Having been declared incompetent by jury) . Maggie S. Freeze, incompetent and WROD OMNOCSOOK 1 d incompetent a : deceased, and.... “ arcs eenien of cele 5 incompetent is incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to the value Seven Thousand e..2..& ie ‘ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Bi Six Thousand. scaelivetins . dollars, according to the best informat nd helief of vour an a . incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saic may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preser , and managed a to law, your ay t vs in ; that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said RSE ont that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think bes | ; . this, 18 day of May 19.60 s/ Allen Montgomery this... LBtN......day of.............. May 19 60 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. " Allen Montgomery , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal F © Le Helms being duly swor incompetent estate belonging to the above named QQQDBOF Anna 8S. Montgomery deceased ; that to the best of his estate belonging to the above nameStaee : knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $7, 000.00 Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Six Thousand Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about none ‘ Sworn to before me, this 18 / s/ Allen Montgomery Sworn to before me, this 18th P. i. Helms day of May 19 60 \ day of May 19 60 \ } C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. Le L. Nesbit, Ass't . Clerk Superior Court . OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN ) NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, ' In the Superior Court—ss In the Superior Court—ss. : Iredell County \ Iredell County. . 114 S Freese, incompetent vd that I will make I, Allen Montgomery Guardian for. Aha S. Montgomery, incompetent L, F. L. Helms Guardian tor Maggie ; and that I will make monack . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward a xo solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward il RENEW MY BOND EVERY 4 and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rem duties of my said Guardianship, ains in my hands; and that Iw true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; I will faithfully and hone stly perform with 7 aithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18th { Fe Le Helms a} THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will f the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18 ! s/ Allen Mont gomery : e, + e day 60. | | | ) f = 7 1960... a, . me , 514 Boger Ave., Mooresville, N. C. i] | Tie ; C. Ge Smith cac L. Le Nesbit, Ass't/ ac , pa i: +}! | # 5 a . CRS ne {Vag LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP to : Mies 4 ‘ ; ay NORTH CAROLINA, } NORTH CAROLINA, iP » In the Superior Court In the Superior Court. aa a Iredell County \ oneal Iredell County . ‘ hall Come GREETING $4 , To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING To All Whom These Presents Sha - tf ij a Fi r It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that it iF og Hi 7 Anna S Montgomery, intompetent Maggie S Freeze, incompetent ac PF ! gomery . ‘ elms es JOOWOCRIO without Guardian, and Allen Mont AOTC ale F ’ i | inc tent na} : , h f having applied for the Guardianship of au gegompetent and having been duly qualified as such having applied for the Guardianship of aan , and having been duly qualified as suc b upon all ond singular the goods | ; : goods — ; » aa E id Guardian to enter in and u ee eee CoH : AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the at NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO Jeter eT peo os to possession, secure and improve and | : nt to take into ’ , / and chattels, rights and credits, of said a to be found, and the t ine ane secure and improve, tnd chattels, rights and credits, of said w to be found, and a pagompe' en and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , and according to law. ! further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the 60 : . ; h day of May 19 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 18 day of May 19 60 : Witn:ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 18t : : Clerk Superior Court. Superior Court | Ce Ge 6mith C. G. Smith Clerk § ; *F-1,01 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Florence Barnes SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Delina B. Morrieon Florence Barnes, Minor The application of respectfully presents that ex ; LS... AMXKminor childwXKof Blanche Barnes deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Seven thousand and no/100 ($7,000.00) TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orohans. This... 24th day of June 19. 60 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Delina B. Morrison , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named child af Blanche Barnes decease: ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Seven thousand and no/100 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 24th / day of June 1960. J L. L. Nesbit, Delina B,. Morrison Ass'* tC Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / ree rena Iredell County I, Delina B. Morrison Florence Barnes solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make RENEW MY BOND EVERY Guardian for minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of June 19 60 Le Le Nesbit, ( Delina B. Morrison ) Rt. 6, Box 328, Statesville, Ne Ce Ass't. c.s.cC LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell Count rede munty \ ETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GRE It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Florence Barnes rdian, anaDelina B Morr ison minor orphan without Gua having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter tn and upon all and apie eres wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. 9 60 Clerk Superior Court and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 24th day of June C. G. Smith Form 2 ” F-402 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of John H. Payne, Incogpetent SUPERIOR COURT--Tredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ORCC fo the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of The Northwestern Bank sistas ‘eveciiaiia t John H. Payne, Incompetent (Certificate from VA Hospital) ‘ . YOOVOOOBUAC ‘a incompetent is — and are without a guardian; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to the valu $1301.64, plus $66.15 per mo, from VA incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mav be preserved, and managed accor — unis a incom etent Acllare. according to the best information and ! that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thin! ¢ for the interest of ti This......20 day of........ Swly 1960 By E. H. Troutman - Trust Officer THE NORTHWESTERN BANK IREDELL COUNTY—+s. RB. E.H.Troutman, Trust Officer, Northwesterfh/,,,, ., John H. Payne, incompetent estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $1301 64 Dollar and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $66.15 per mo. from VA D Sworn to before me, this 20 / B day of July 19 60 \ C. Ge Smith E.H.Trottman, Trust Officer THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County. Northwestern BAnk \E. H. Troutman, Trust Offtcer / Guardian for JO 2000UCK . solemnly swear that i will well and truly take charge of, and presery all the true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I I will faithfully and ho hn H. Payne, Incompetent estate of my said ward sand that I will mak will RENEW MY BOND EVERY ; tly perforn itty ther duties of my said Guardianship ly perform w THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an i all the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 Q { E ° H. Trouaman day of July 160 \ Ce G. Smith 4 © LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , in the Superior Court. lei see anal County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John H. Payne, Incompetent a ' D5 on oo without Guardian and £ Rs Troutman in ent having applied for the Guardianship of ieee , and having been duly qualified as such ‘OW - AND E z 4 Guardian to enter ~e ' er to be found, and the to take into scion, secure an \ attels, rights and credits, of said wherewrs e ain benefit and advanta. + of the said , and according to la lurther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the 20 day of July i - C. G. Smith in and upon all and cingular the goods Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court rf i : ivf ; tihs | he ah ’ if ii! j ! , 4 ; : ; ;7 ray i hi, ‘) eit A idinad Tie - mii ae eS) aan itis 4 ag ime . ; GEO D BARNARD Sta Om #F Lo APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP #F=1,03 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-Iredell County, Michael Hunter Frye APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ~ To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of $ ildred Ve Loggins respectfully presents that Michael..hunter. Frye a) = wy a Hy ena are minor children of Garland W.. F rye leceanad r & : ' and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 33 5. 00 per month. from Vae dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This 30th day of July 19.60 Mildred V. Coggings IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mildred V. Coggins , being duly swora, says that he is acquainte. with the real and personal nm } estate belonging to the above named children of Garlan d Vv. Frye deceased; that to the best of his \ yr knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ‘w 3 Ds 00 per month from Va. Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, ‘ Sworn to before me, this 30th / Mildr ed V es Coggins } day of July 19 60 \ Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN ; NORTH CAROLINA, ‘} > In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. \ I, Mildred Ve Coggi ns Guardian for Mi chael Hunter Fk rye - and that I will make D EVERY minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BON THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th July Ce Ge Mildred V. Coggins 19.60 c.s.C day of | : ] e f . e N 7 C . Smith Rt. #3, Mooresville, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, \ In the Superior Court Iredell County . : To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Michael Hunter Frye = juardian, and Mildred Ve C ggiss minor orphan without ¢ having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: s NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and ogee wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. July and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan 30th Ce Ge 19 60 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of Smith | | i i i Form 2 In the matter of James C. Torrence Guardian of Tonita Torrence, Infant HOOK OHDAMs To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County . QC a “yO a The application of James C. Torrenc Torr nce [fonita APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP i PR) SUPERIOR URT Tr APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHTE i. 1S Xatalminor childr® Jar e r "eX is and ae without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and 1 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans ma t Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ¢ YMC tha € ; law > i [+a yeree? ‘© This 30th... day of... AU» 1960 Jame . rte IREDELL COUNTY—ss. estate belonging to the above named childen of James Ce iorrence FOO knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 30th f James orr ‘ , . 4 Z ) day of AUg. 1» 90. M h } ke Ne Tv Martha 6. Parker Deputy a OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County I James C. Torrence eaten ti onita Torren minor GG solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charg : res vot 7 ’ s ’ true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any ©! the estat \ ‘ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ot! tt , the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th / James. ‘ orrence day of Auge 19 \ w ‘ r : “artha D. Parker Deputy C. 8. ( LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } : In the Superior Court Iredell County re A When 1 Preaents Shall Con REETIN It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ‘ eurt for Iredell County, that Tonita Torrence cine —- KEE Guardian, ant « duly qualified ch having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having bee uly qua as such ‘ } Guardian to enter it nd up all 1 angular the gor NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sail ™un'™ opt aapepect-conegpeamenaigine ' tis ne : nto possession, secur and improve, an aad chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever t At and advantage 30th further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the bene Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Martha D. Parker vi be found, and the d the said minet of} han same to tar , and accoramg to law uy 40 fl A’E- 199 OY ay Oo Clerk Superior Court Deput y Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP " if £405 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. (Miss) Nita J.. Kerr,.. Incompetnet APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP MOE ZONA To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: : exiiantl Ee Ervin The application of Te Be EFv respectfully presents that Nita. J. Kerr, Incompetent EMRE KMAKA deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of F, fteen Hundred and dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. 18 day of Auge 19 60 Te Be Ervin This IREDELL COUNTY-—=ss. 7 T,. Be Ervin , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal Nita J. Kerr, Incompetant deceased ; that to the best of his 35,000.00 wail None Dollars estate belonging to the above named KIRIN knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 18th / AUg 19 60 \ ,., Be Bevan day of Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. Nita J. Kerr, Incompetent I, Te Eo Ervin Guardian for DOR aC solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that ' » "| make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability oa } -_ ”_ . 18th T. Ee Ervin Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Si d oa of . , ” day of A ge 19 60 Rt. #2, Mooresville, li. Ue C . he Smith Ss = LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ ING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREET It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Nita J. Kerr, Incompent AK Aetrin , and having been duly qualified as such: Te Ee Ervin without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of saiD@pQagec aga NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter mm and upon all and st and chattels, rights and credits, of saiDG@QIGXC2ERGM wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the saicqpQpOx Cia - and according to law: 60 i 8th day of AUg - ™ C. Ge Smith Witness my hand, and the sea! of the said Court, this the nguiar the goods and improve, and Clerk Superior Court | Form 2 Seiniaat APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP pa oe In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT. -Tredel Se APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ig s..Pahline Swann, Incompeten Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Ee He troutman, Trust Officer, Northwestern Ran! Mrs. Pauline Swann, Incompetnet wnt ‘ MDL CTO Incompetnet and are without a guardian; that the saiDEMSOKODMOEDO are entitled to real anc per J} Rare TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may | that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person the Cour stony DEMNENS: This 19th... day of........ Ag. 19. 60 a I. Trout lan, rust Offi IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Northwestre ani nm %eL j E. He Troutman, Trust Officerying au estate belonging to the above named sitges of...Mirs. Pauline swf ann, Incompetnet knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Doll and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ! —— : 19th j Sworn to before me, this : . He Troutman, rust Offierr day of Aug. 19.60... \ The Northwester an! Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County ) Northwestern ak! 7 5. He Troumtan, Trust Officerprardianfor Mrs. Pauline Swann, Ince XEGNOE XX i * . . ' ‘ ‘? ’ solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charg and preset at 7 nd ead + ' wt ‘ ne 1 ' tree returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my ha ’ ! ’ : : ‘ . 4 the perform THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sa urdia the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1 Ith / Be F Troutman day of Aug. 9.60 J 20 Ge Smith C8. LETTERS OF Gl JARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } a In the Superior Court Iredell County ) fo All Whom The Presents Shall Com GREETING t being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ¢ wrt for Iredell County, that Ou.» Taro + ant Mrs. I auline owann, Lncompev net :; & . WW : ? reveman without (uarcta ‘ SOIC EAD d having been duly qualified as st h having applied for the Guardianship of said Phe AK , an NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sav aad chattels, rights and credits, of said “OX MIO eo w@ the benefit an m ’ 1 h ' { Guardian to enter in sad upon all and singular the § wuls e i ‘ Y € ane } é nio possession, secure and improv agever to be found, and the same to take 1 } 1! advantage: of the said KLEE , and according to law 19th tay ot — Aye 1” 60 Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court U e i further to inanage said estate and every part thereof, f« Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the GEO © BARNARD G14 0.5 Lous APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP AF 07 oe In the matter of a SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Teresa C,appell age 7 yrs. = P APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: TT ( ‘ “ « © T " ‘ Vain encleitiin a Edward T. Chappell and Helen D. CHappell viiciatiiiniiaaaiiea is Teresa Chappell Xake minor MMRK%t and deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ry ive: Thousand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. November 19...60 (s).. Edward. T. Chappell This 3rd day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Edward T. Chappell & Helen D. Chappell , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte. with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named childrgg yk Teresa Chappell SCOCISKIX Mat to the best of his ‘ vr knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about @ 5 , 000 290 Dollars; and the value of the rcnts and profits of the real estate is about sone Dollars, ard } 19.60. J Sworn to before me, this Edward T. Chappell Helen D. Chappell a 4 day of November Ss ( S ) Ce. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Teresa Chappell - and that 1 will make 1, Edward T. Chappell & Helen D- Chapp@hduian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of Novmeber ae9 ae 19 60 J (s) C. G. Smith ane Edward T. C. appell (s) Helen D. Chappell LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / { In the Superior Court. Iredell County <p RETING fo All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETD It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Teresa Chappell without Guardian, and Ed . T . Chappell & Helen D. C,appell jar the goods and minoO@DRiaenr having applivd for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and snes possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan November 19.60 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 3rd day of (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. | | } j r Form 2 aban APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP in +o rt 405 In the matter of Willie Maddox, Born Nov. 5, 1947 SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of The Northwestern Bank respectfully presents that ont Willie Maddox ure minor childréree leccened, 1 and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the valu $215.00 plus $35.00 per month dollars, according to vest information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may-be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for t rest of t i wr orphans. N é THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Thi 15th day of........ NOV « 19.¥™... ee ee oP ae Rey tect ae RV » } yy ‘ m- We man T ’ NP PS A BY: (s) Be Ue Lroutman, iru % UZracer IREDELi, COUN TY—ss. £. H. Trouthamn, Trust Officer a aes a oe aa wikixe scents hat te the best of his estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about . Dollars 2 —— 335.00 per mo. from Va. a and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 15th i THE NORTHWESTERN BAN! Troutman, Trust Bficer Sworn to before me, this day of Nov. 19 OV \ BY: me ithe (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. The Northwestern Bank 1 =. H. Trotman, Trust Office / minor heir Iredell County. Guardian for will ie ! laddox of my said ward and that I will make . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND E\ ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability ; f THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 1 5th / - as : , BY: E.H.T nan, Trust Officer day of Nov. 1960 J BY: ° Troutman, ust i (s) C. G. Smith wae LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, j In the Superior Court Iredell C . en eh County To All Whom The Presents Shall Come 4GRERTING It being certified to the ur Jersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Willie Maddox ana THe Northwestern Bank minor orphan without Guardian and having been duly qualified as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child eaid Guardian to enter m and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and t farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 15th dav t November 19 60 (s) C. G. Smith he same to take into possession, secure and improve, and , and according to law Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. } *)| \ ee ee it Mares he qin) ae 7m = « - . S- *;/ a GEO © BARNARD G14 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP #F 4,09 © 8.9% In the matter of Carl Robert Parker; Willie Leon Marker; Rikky Jerry Parker,. May. Carrie Parke Carol Haven Parker, .Kathy..Parker SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Estelle Parker The application of , Carl Robert Parker; Willie Leon Parker, Ricky Jerry Parker; Carol Haven Parker respectfully presents that Kathy Parker are minor children of Artrue Brown Parker and deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 3128.58, per mo. Workman Comp. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. ao 1@th Nov. 19, 90 (s). Estella Parker day of IREDELL COUNTY--ss Estelle Parker , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Artrue Brown Parker deceased: that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about . Dollars; “ > “fs and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about gl2ée ° 58 per MOe Dollars, 1th } November 19.60 \ Estelle Parker (s) Sworn to before me, thi (3s) Ce. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Estelke Parker Carol Haven Parker et al I, Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that J will make nds; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY estly perform with true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my ha THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18th / |! (s) Estelle Parker November 19 60 \ day of (s) Ce Ge Smith c.3.c LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | ( In the Superior Court Iredell County n ; une GREETING llie To All Whom These Presents Shall C Carl Robert Parker; wi It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Leon Parker; Ricky Jerry Parker; May Carrie Parker; Carol Haven Parker; ' r Kathy Parker minor orphan without Guardian, and £stelle Parke having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child PEN, and having been duly qualified as such . /- eer as _ cood's NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the § ' , and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. 60 18th November 19 day of Witntss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the (s) C. G. Smith Clerk Saperior Court catalase aenllecltaipeieiblaniesicecscu acpi ree APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Grace Blackburn, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT. ~-Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Ee He Troutman, T.O. Northwestern Bank respectfully presents that Grace Blackburn | is and.. oummuxnmonok Incompetent Kaa X Incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said @gasencouitixed are entitled to real and personal estate to the value dollars, according to information and belie! your applicant z= Incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said WMXGKJEMERG may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant pray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for t sterest of the said winor orphans. 25th llov j THE ORTHWESTER Aisi oo < ii ‘ ‘ ‘ dV os This ? day of ‘ e 19 (5) Peumnetuen Penyvrue f j ~« * VU , aa Uh \ 4 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. ” tr m : . a as “a be tle iroutman, , orthvestern wath Kk wing duly swor i ha juaint with t t ‘ ial estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about I 1 Sworn to before me, this 25th / \S] sae . .roufiman, Trvat Officer day of November 19...0 J (s) + Ge omit Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. : \orthwestern Bank Guardian for Grace BlaBkburn munor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sav! war snd that | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties { my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability —— i j : nm mas Tessa? Pere nay Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20tn ibe e i:rouuman, : us Uilicer day of November 19 \ (s) C. GC. Smith or LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } f In the Superior Court. Iredell County . — . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4SREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Incompetent : NR RIOTRIOOC without Guardian, or al qualified as such Grace Blackburn orthwestern Bank Incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of saiD@RaeKchild NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE and chattels, rights and credits, of A RA wheresoever to be found, of the said minor orphan , and according to law _ and having been duly AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and apon all and singular the goods and the same to take Into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit an { advantage 25th day of Noy . 19 60 (s) C. G. Smith Witncss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court o- Wee ; ae bs |e APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of (MIss) Julia Johnston, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. GEO © BARNARD S14 CO fy #411 - - APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: argaret R.. Johnston The application of Julia Johnston, incompetent and arxmmonehibtnco of incompetent |. and are without a guardian; that the saidapigog Qhyldren are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 1 Ty Ty nire: 1 Twelve tnousanda respectfully presents that deena dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays This 13th.......day of........ 2@Cemde’ 19...Q0 (3s) IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. Margaret R. Jonnston estate belonging to the above named yhgigrencot Julia Johnston 9 Ii competent / 2 U 90 . UU | knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about wh me he and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about i Sworn to before me, this 13th / Qs) Margaret R. JOhnstor i day of scember 19.6 \ 5) ie re Omit Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN : | NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court-—ss 4) Iredell County \ I, largaret R. Johnston Guardian for. JULia Johnston, ooo kor solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and th THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faith the best of my skill and ability 13th } » (s) \ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of Jecembder 19.0 ( 3) - Je Sith ins a LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Julia Johnston, Incompeten t imcompetent having applied for the Guardianship of caicbapdeie tte! , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE 1 HEREVORE 10 AV TNQnIZe AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all ane ¢! wr LY eri Hip C and chattels, rights and credits, of said i9fotm Oompeven further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said L3th day of (s) C..G. Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the December Margaret R. Johsaston To All Whom These Presents Shall C without Guardian, and Mar gar wheresoever to be found, and the same to agen, secure ane i , and according to law. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. Nargaret R.. Johnston , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yjuainted with the real and personal wocosseh& that to the best of his Dollars; Dollars, Incompetent - and that I will make at I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY fully and honestly perform with ome—GREETING et R. Johsste { singular the goods 1 improve, and 19. 60 ' | Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 ‘ oannan . APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Ruth D. Caldwll,.14. yrs; William Ii yrs; Martha Jean SUPERIOR COURT —Ir i “oo ®. Cal iwell, , we | Vv Caldwell, 4 yr: APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Ua Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ° ‘Y ’ ee 7. Wire « The application of 6hTYSe YAaANC Nhe ALaWwe J respectfully presents that Ruth D. Caldwell, .14.yrs.; William C. Caldwell, , TSe, Mn we h 2 Tane Caldawel] i, ema and Martna vane vas Gweets + Jive sein bialenae eleibiling ; sa and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate ‘ TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be ! : . _— es ati i as that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other pers the ¢ This... 2OTN.........day of... AeCeMd er 19 t rs. Ja ‘ IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs...Jane.H.. Caldwell u estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollar and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about . , f+ Sworn to before me, this Tea teens f ° i . day of i cemoer 10 \ (s) we j* omitn Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County I, rs. Jane ie at well Guardian for’*™ . oa ’ ae. Pee i i minor heirS solemaly ewear thet 1 will well and truly take « haree of, and presery et tat war 1 t | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any o! the estate remains in my hands; and th i will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, an 1 all other duties of my said Guardianship, I faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this WEP f j . A ° , day of Jecembker 19 ' \5 } /* ; . Smith ‘ . LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, |} In the Superior Court Iredell ¢ > \ , a To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING . net Ruth Dz William C. If; It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that : ’ . ’ and Martha Jane Caldweli conpha thout Guardian, and Mg, Jane He ALaiWw ] | Ti ng beet | 1 such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child rel and having ua as & te enter in and apen all and singular the goods AND EMPOWER the said Guar liar it} sme to take inte NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE 3 to he found, am possession, secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 5S. whereseever to ™ a, = 1 advantage: of the said minor phan , and according to law ‘ tutther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit an 1 c+) scembe 19.0V Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court this the Clerk Superior Court om sie ' ; | { { ’ aw ‘ 1h ‘9 Wi ! ' can i A#O D BAMHARD G14 C09 ‘T413 ¥ Ou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County, ’ ’ 2 3 oe Agnes S. Christy, 8-6-53 Jerry. As Chrr st} 3-6-56 : , Ys APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: U. Gro an. Trust Office } hwestern Rank - Groutman, Trust Officer, Northwestern Bank _ respecttutty presents that The application of oe fh Agnes S. Christy and Jerry A. Christy are minor children of Raymond L. Chris ty and deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ry -) fuam VY , O56 0 )e-UVU [rom < nd 65 eUU rome : : ; LIU eb ror va a pe pe de dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant YO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans ‘ , t } ae . mn - . a . ; r , This 239tn day of ecemoer 19,04 (s) The Worthwestern Bank RYVe OF HW 7. + y Tress aos BY: E. H. Troutman, Trust Officer IREDELL COUNTY—ss eal eo ° y } » le ' The Northwestern. bank , being duly sworn, says that ‘ec is acquainted with the real and pers 1 personal estate belonging to the above named children of haymon i L * Chri sty deceased: that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the \ alue of said estate is about pLO U0 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about he 2 eJO eacn Pp or M06 Dollars, 5 & nq Sworn to before me, this he 9 uhh 1") ’ } . t NOFA WO Cs ee 9 { (s) The Northwestern Bank rnamhar ‘ : '? r e sor day of rend Se 19 ) BY; E. H. Troutman, Trust Officer {o) } iti . . . . 1.~/ # feo wis ws Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / » In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County 1 Ee.He Troutman, Northwestern Bank Guardian for. ABBeS Se Chri Shy ong Jerry A. ws i 2 minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND BEVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 5 } os Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th { ( 3 ) T e Northwestern Bank day of December 60 \py: £&. H. Troutman, Trust Officer (3). Ce. Ge. Smith ac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / { In the Superior Court Iredell County tETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Agnes Se christy an Jerry | Christy ea L minor orphan S without Guardian, and The having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child F@N. ., and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all # secure nd singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 3 wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, and impr further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law. 1900 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 29th day of December , . 7 . ‘ 7 ° (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Northwestens Bank ’ ! ) Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ; iW AlL In the matter of sess SUPERIOR COURT Iredell ( Neil Walter APPLICATIO FOR GUARDIA? oe Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Bo He... sroutman, irust Offi) >. + an!) i i t ’ e and wre minor childs i ss te and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled | 1 os . ' $105 from VA and 335- per mo. TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may | that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other . 990+) naam) » This he Fudd day of...4J6¢ Cu to 19 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Tae Northwestern Bank estate belonging to the above named children of | 110} knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat about . and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about . : . Sworn to before me, this etn / day of eceaber - \ (s) 3 Ge..Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. ) L, The Northwestern (Dani Guardian f aiter » Te @inor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preset all the tat I true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rema my hea anv! at I RI ¥ MY BOND I THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ther dut {my sa arta rf the best of my skill and ability . . } + Subscribed and sworn to before me, this GJ | A ’ A day of Jecember 19 \ (3). Co. Ge..Smith 8. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } . \ In the Superior Court Iredell County ; fo All WI I he i nt sli Come ~JREETING It being certified to the undersiqned, Clerk of the Superior Court for tredell County, that : 1 ’ - tw — 7 . i] Walter FOX, vIe TUT (y Tir minor orphan without Guardia oe ’ Ai nalified as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly | y € wuts NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and st gular the g wheresoever to be fou ! and the same to take inte possession secure and improve, and ne ’ and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan , thar d accord to law ferther ‘o manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantagt of the said minor off han , ane act ng tom 29th scember 19. OV Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ( 3 ) ry } Smi th Clerk Superior Court ® 1 Ri ae hi i gee . j jt aig 1} eee i. ey ‘ mn » ae '7 | wae { ie ii ' { . ¥ 1 ‘i é ie 4 oe p if AE Ha ua | 4 ; ' q | wt ’ el ate } ' hil ‘ ib) GO © BARmAnc 79 KIS’ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —lIredell County, Robert Jerry Carter 3-15-42 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Robert P. Carter The application of respectfully presents that Robert Jerry Carter are minor childggnof Robert P. Carter « und deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $1658.05 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 9th. . .day of... January iv. 41, (s) Robert P. Carter IREDELL COUNTY , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal Robert. P. Carter estate belonging to the above named chikigg of . Robert Jerry Carter, minor MGMIEX that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $1658.05 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 9th / (s) Robert P. Carter January 19 61 \ day of ( S ) Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County \ a Robert P. Carter Guardian for Robert Jerry Carter minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that 1 will make and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY | honestly perform with true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully an the best of my skill and ability zen { (gs) Robert P. Carter \ 1609 5th St., Ext., Statesville Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of January 19 61 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | { In the Superior Court Iredell County —— To All Whom These Presents Shali Come GREETING it being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Robert Jerry Cart er without Guardian, and minor orphan having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMP IWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon se same to take into possession, secure and all and singular the goods myprove, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan whercsvever to be found, and th _ ”. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to - Janw ry 9 61 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 9th day of (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Robert P. Carter Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter ol Hele cobe2 a . Pe i 7 Mrs. Florence Be vVsenaenin (Mrs. J. F. Clendenin) ait ! iu | ! mt T . Incompeten q Meno See iene® To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ? . %. ’ pe The application of Mrs. Clarice Ue V inson Vee Floreace PF .,eandei} Tneamnet ‘ vam oe £ & eace . v7 ends L l, LTit ; bh and - XV wy Vw wot ‘v ve Wren and are withouta guardian; that the said minor « hildren are entitle “a © ol, 237 047 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of sa that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him of 16th day of Vanuary ; l ; IREDELL COUNTY-—ss ‘ . P wa Clarice C. Vinson estate belunging to the above named Motor DOK. incompetent eorrey knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat hg 4 and the value of the rents and profits of the re al estate + Th Sworn to before me, this 4000 ' i? , day of January 61. ' (s) ve Je Smith lerk Supere mt OATH O SLIARDDIA? NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Supermer wrt aunty \ 7 : ~ er a j ve ‘ Slarice C. Vinsor r . ! incotipet ent errr solemnly swear that | will & andl truly tab T true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as a the estat THREE YEARS in the Superior vart, as the law require . the best ny skill and alulity Subscriiee!t and eworn to before me, thu Lotn / { arf \ , ha ‘ » ; ‘ ~— vahary ’ ' » - = . \S. we Wwe OMITNA LETTERS O CUARDIANSHT! NOK \ROLINA, | . In the Samper wrt irediel) Comnty — cing certified to the andersigned, Clert +? ' Mrs. Florence ?. lender, xXXNKK Slarice C. Vinsor incoppet an Saving aprlvert or the Gaardianchin of DeReBe fot : : ' ty : new thee ’ W THESE ARK THERE nig KAabh He UME h amp iy ‘ tale inte! ten tre and tener ” © chattels, rights and crevits, of eaid 1 if } €ant ; ‘in ad « tine to lew “itther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for ' 14t Janta ry 9 6] Vituoss my hand, and the seal of the said ¢ rt tt : , Clerk Saperior Court * ‘ 7 Hi) Pas ae Hai 4 ti i { , mm ¢ > ita 1) a 1) aa Ss ti) ee f i ee na e . ct e ee at e ne APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP #F-4,17 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, W. P. Hager, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP MinonOxptrn: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Zula Barker Hager W. P. Hager, Incompetent — The application of respectfully presents that EO HIOOOGKIEX AT UXXGXX and and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Twelve Hundred dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant sino: Abii stati teibalihciiaieindiia incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said 99 s may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ; . ; incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said sOQOeDUS this... 18th day of... January 19. 61 (sO Zula Barker Hager IREDELL COUNTY-—-ss , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal Zula Barker Hager incompetent Moot estate belonging to the above named cg AKRKBAA) at to the best of his $56.00 Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $100.00 per mo, from Social Security potas and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 18th ‘ / (s ) Zula Barker Hager day of January 1961. J (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ " , ; . : indempevett Barker Hager — W. P. Hager MK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sak! ward ; and that | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and how sly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18th ( s ) zUla Barker Hager sy day of January 19 61 4 Rt. 1, Saatesville, NC. (s) C. Ge Smith eac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County . ome —GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall C It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that W. P. Hager Incompetnet Z oO MOOK without Guardian, and Zula Barker Hager incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of aid desemk , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THERE’ "i TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upan ait and singuler 0 and improve. and ee nscees to be found, and ty eo secure ; , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the sa Witness my hand, and the seal of the «ad Court, this the 1x8th day of January and chattels, rights and credits, of eaid 19 61 Clerk Superior Court (3s) C. G. Smith HO? | Form 2 WB nic ta lin APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT. -Iredell County (Mrs) Nancy Smith David, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ~MDOK Moots. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: WN hweae a yy T nL The application of The Northwestern Bank sian tamil Mrs. Nancy Smith Davis, tocompetent - i : art OHINGKC NUOCOEOX incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said rotoorccoitdcee are entitled to real and personal estate tot dollars, according to t! t informat incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said gdxx may be preserved { naged according to! ur applicant prays incomp : that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think ! rt terest of the minor eT. Th 28th... day of........ F@Re 19 61 (3s) THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Ve Tf ! Tint may Re val am -* —“* . a4 A ld “» - VY A I IREDELL COUNTY—ss. E. H. Troutman, Trust Officer r incompetent re ? . sont erica estate belonving to the above named DOO@OeMOOK Se hancy oMLUNA VAVIsS mse | to t est of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about a4 mere <renmirime arent . Sworn to before me, this 26th / THs MihnWwholsim A dey of Feburary 19.01. )pys E. H. Troutman, Trust Officer (s) Cee Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. 1. Northwestern Bank Guardian for Mrs. Nancy Smith Davis, Incompetent SOL solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said w ard and that I will make ains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rem ther duties of my said Guardianship I will faithiully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all the best of my skill and ability. 28th ) THE NORTHWESTERN BANK + OFC wn rust Oliacer Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of February 961. BY: E. He. Troutman, (s) C. we Smith a LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / { In the Superior Court Iredell € . r si To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs. Nancy Smith Davis, Incompetent OK DOI with wt Guardian, and The Northweateyn having been duly qualified as such fian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said @Qpqxcuesacx , and NOW THESE ARE THEREFQRE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guare " 2 te , secure improve, and chattels, rights and credits, of a on wheresoever to be found, and ” ic hotels o one ratte farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage- of the ° ace 28th dayot Feburary 1961 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. (s) C. Ue Smith san ’ & > : : : ; : * teh Hin. ining i ] ee ¢ 4 am 50 mY GEO © BARNARD G14 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, In the matter o! UPERI is } fa . ? ee ‘ i Roland uv. Mills, Incompetent... (miss) Mabel Niblock, Incompetent t APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ( APPLICA N ] : Nix ROKK SHO CH Dats ’ To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of eald County The application of al.a....he Mills respectfully presents that The application of North Carolina National 1) Roland ue Mills, incompetent Miss Mabel Niblock, amnat ' | - _ an SCXD KINIGKOC XabaeaaX od MONMOOIC Yom Ie roy ; seid incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said mjoox. are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entith Qne..Hundrdd dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said m that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said iptpoxoertnex that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other ae | sae ne 4 . ll ad \ : a This 2nd day of March 196] .... ( Ss ) J.¢.. te. Mills Th 10th day of marcy 19 Y ° } o IREDELL COUNTY—ss. IREDELL COUNTY--ss. t nee ss . "p28 Pe ee ill S , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte.! with the real and personal Thomas Ihe Pay Q, Trust Officer , estate belonging to the above named xiyxntx. Roland uw. Mills 5 Ine ompetent ABBKION at to the best of his estate belonging to the above named pemtérmemem liiss Jia l Niblock, ompet t | ‘ 7 . knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 100.00 Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is ahont : . Per | + | ' und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is 9! ; , Sworn to before me, this 2nd ( ( Ss ) Je ue Mills Sworn to before me, this LOth | Y day of March 1961. J day of March 961. 4 . » 3 f - ‘ . : ” Tad > \y ) Ce “Me Smith Clerk Superior Court (s) ve Me VEU Clerk Super e | | OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAT ) NORTH CAROLINA, } wOREE CAROLINA, f > In the Superior Court—ss > In the Superier Court-—-** } Iredell County \ Iredell County \ a Je we Mills Guardian for Roland wu. Mills, Incompetent : North Carolina Nationa anK ' ‘ , MOE OM solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make Talhah Toke solemnly swear that I will well and truly f true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY I IND EVERY fue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as ’ : THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and hon stly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law r the best of my skill and ability the best of ry skill and ability ee Arne? ‘7? Try Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd / Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LOt! / ie i . on ‘ pee ; i - (s) Je ade Mills ae a ' , ’ ve } . ‘ iv . ’ ; ‘ é day of March 9461 my ot arcn ; = i * / » » / ‘ . . : * a Td Ce we Smith cs.c \s pe Se Smith i) ea tle NSHIE Wa . . we > OF GUARDIANSHIP » LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIA 1 : bol + thee NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, } 4 In the Superior Court. in the Superior Court Iredell County \ GREETING ' A ¢ . redell County \ ‘ ir RETI } ies To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ri f bale i It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that cing certified to the undersigned, Clert Roland u. Mills, Incompetent fiss Mal LOCK, p t a +1 : } ri £ moO RIO. without Guardian, and Jeo Me Mills ‘ . 1X MODEX 4 | incompetent ncompeten a f 4] having applied for the Guardianship of said IGMOOGS , and having been duly qualified as such aving applied for the Guardianship of said GO emz aving a cc Pr ons : “ee serve? the said Guardian ¢ ter gular the goods reais NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the 8 OW THESE ARE THEREFORE, TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWE! 4 : 9 n eeste , . use and improve, and and chattet s . 0 envy. a i aa ‘ " and ' to take into pos w “, ‘ ' : i ar! chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be found, and the » to take vo — sex *, rights and credits, of said ¢ x Angomete 1G. . assentinn to len | further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said o om ‘and according to law. ‘ther to manage said estate and every part thereof, ior the bene" ee en ° ; fl hy March if 961 10th , Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2nd day of March 196 Vitnese my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the (s) C. u. Smith Clerk Superior Court (s) Cy. 4- Smith Se t . 7 : 7 #F421 SEO © BARNARD SrA CO 7 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Rachel Leigh Jones age 10 yrs. SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Elizabeth L.. Jones Rachel Leigh Jones is and gg¢ minor childnen of Marvin C. Jones deceased, The application of respectfully presents that and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Eight Thousand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 16th day of March 19 61, (s) Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jones IREDELL COUNTY Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jones , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal Marvin C. Jones ‘ 28,000.00 Dollars; estate belonging to the above named childan of deceased: that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 16th { (s) Mrs. Elizabeth a Jones day of March 19 61 \ (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County 1 Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jones solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Rachel Leigh Jones - and that I will make Guardian for minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hone stly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th { ( s) Mrs. Elizabeth Lie Jones day of March 19 61 \ (s) C. G. Smith as LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Rachel Leigh Jones ardian, and Elizabeth Le Jones minor orphan without Gu having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such <a . ‘ . . the . NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and e. and ; 4 improve, wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure ans’ , and according to law. amd chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan jurther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan March 19 61 Clerk Superior Court | Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 16th day of (s) C. G. Smith APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Herbert Pickens, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Tredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP YeDOCICREII Ss. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Northwestern Bank aa a as The application of Herbert Pickens, Incompeent - incompetent HANA RKKAK Jem X and are without a guardian; that the said SOMAEMMAen are entitled to real and per $475.00 and.monthly payments form. VA lollar incompetant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said pgygggegoghepegsanay be ps | ne 1 ; ' - that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may t! rt és muP NAPTIWRATRRN RANY — 2 ava March ol (s) THE NORTHWESTERN BANK E. H. Troutman, Trust Orficer IREDELL COUNTY—ss. E. He Troutman, Trust Officer estate belonging to the above named gta... Herbert Pickens, Incompetent $475.00 knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $120.75 from VA 26th / THE NORTHWESTERN BANK LTLe bei 1 Caabie and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this day of March 961..\pys E. He. Troutman, Tnust Officer (s) C e Me Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court——ss Ireciell County. Herbert Pickens, aincompetent ,. Northwestern Bank Gusetien tes RAK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate o! my sm = ae eae true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains tn my bends; end thet I will RENEW MY BONDS" irs THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sat? Csuas nciaeiniaeecacreabuamtaapsi: ere the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th / THE NORTHWESTERN B NK “ day of March 961 ‘py: E. He Troutman, Trust 0,ficer (s) C. We Smith C. 5. 6 LETTERS OF GUARDIAN SHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } r In the Superior Court Ired 902" . redell County ) fo All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~-GREETING ' : e v that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, Herbert Pickens, Incompetent OIE — without Guardian, and Northwestern Bank been duly qualified as suc h incompptent having applied for the Guardianship of said sggpaxppild and having ZE AND EMP JWER the said Guardian to ‘OW THESE ARE THEREFQGRE TO AUTHO ; ” ‘Tpcompet ont ot to be found, and the game to take into possession, secure and improve, and chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to Tasomat ent ‘ and according to law ‘wrther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage of the said 28th fay March yo 61 (s) Ce Ue Smith enter in and upon all and singular the goods Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court -_ ~~ {1 il i Ea t cn ea Se = | ye ai}. A tt an } we | iad a7! * % } Form 2 PE eo APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mildred E...Helms, Born 12-24-45... SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP : ct Minor Orphans. | To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mrs. Ruth Ce Mildred E. Helms } Heath B. Helms and are minor children of Helms respectfully presents that deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of % i ~14,0 . 00 add #35 ° 00 from VA dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 20th day of....... April 19 61 Mrs. Ruth C. Helms IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs. Ruth.¢. Helms , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal Heath B. Helms 335.00 per M0. from VA estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 20th | 19.6... } Sworn to before me, this day of April (s)..C..u..8 ith Ruth C. Helms (s) Mrs, Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. 7 Mrs. Ruth C. Helms solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of « Mildred E. Helms - and that 1 will make Guardian for minor heir id ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 20th Subscribed and sworn to before me, this April 19 61 Smith .6.¢ (s) Mrs. Ruth C. Helms day of ( s) Ce Me LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | { In the Superior Court. Iredell County sy EETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mildred E. Helms minor orphan without Gua having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possessim, secure , and according to law. April oh Clerk Superior Court and upon all and singular the goo and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan om ot furt'ver to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan Witniss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 20th (s) Ceo Ue day of Smith rdian, and Mrse Ruth C. HEles DES | _ Form 2 #FBR2L APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Martha. L..Denofrio, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP AUKMXDEMTEIG. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Northwe stern Bank te that Martha L..Denofrio, Incompetent ' ORDO SOOO | Ce irtea to real and and... sero and are without a guardian; that the said seteiiai aiinihen he. the el lollars, accor tot information incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said i ee dw aie may be pres und managed ha . weed that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cour 20th April 61 THE NORTHWESTERN BANK This day of.... 19 > = r 4 t H. Troutman, * - . —~@ IREDELL COUNTY—+s. - ‘ Na thwestern Bank E. H..Troutman, Tnust Officer ng du estate belonging to the above ngexcumeaask.Martha L. Denofrio, Incompetent SEI knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 20th / THE NORTHWESTERN BAIIK —_ April 61...) BY: E. He TRoutman, T ust Officer (s) Ce We Suith 4 uperior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County Horthwestern Bank 1E..H. Troutman, Trust Officer Guardian for wow ttue returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in = Martha L. the estate of my san! ward Denofrio 1 tl will mak solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preser sy hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY i WH : ; Sacnafinke it tte ful si honeatly perform iy THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sari Gu surdianship, I will fai lly j ly perform wit the best of my skill and ability 20th / THE NA THWESTERN BANK ‘ 1 614) BY: E. H- Troutman, frust O ficer Subscribed and sworn to before me, this April (s) C. u.. Smith day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } \ In the Superior Court Iredell Ce a — To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It heing certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Martha L. Denofrio, Incompetent ad The Northwestern Bank without (arcran heen duly qualified as such incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of sicepgpercotstk , and having ZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and si: gular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFQRE TO AU HOW pe e « inte » « and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of Heb et wheresoever to be found, and th thr to take rn our ord 1 farther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the sand » and according to 'aw 1961 20th Clerk Superior Court day of april Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the (s) C. “- Smith —— | Form 2 SEO D BaRKang or, F425 9.97. Lounge APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Irede}} County, Carl C. Julian, Incompetent. APPLICATION FOR GUAR DIANSHIp Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Tmcavntatinot MP8» Jessie Thomas Julian and Mrs, Geraldine J Jehneon | canaad Carl. C. Julina, Incompetent and @2aQnooooaRTaL Jeger, and are without a Kuardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of fmioockk Two Thousand ($2,000.00) _ - TO THE END, THEREF( RE, that the estate of said that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said dnco t. This LOth aay of May 1961 (a Mrs. Jessie Thomas Julian s Mrs. Geraldine J « Johnson dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant tent may be preserved, @nd managed according to law, your applicant prays IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Johnson Jessie Thomas Julian; veraldine Je , being duly Sworn, says that he is ac juainte! with the ; ab aud personal estate belonging to the above named 322 incompetent SOGMGEX that to the best of his knowledge, information and bc lief, the value of saif PERF ORAL Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about None Dollars, Sworn to before me, this... LOH ( Mere, Jessie Thomas Julian day of May 061 | (s) C. &. Shith Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court-—~ss Iredell County Wetwaxts veraldiae J. Johnson Guardian for. Car] C, Julian, Incomptent xateockoK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, alt the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, thts 1Dth { Mra. veraldine 2. Johna on day of May 19 61 ) 24,0 Hartness Rd., City (s) C. Ve Smith C.8.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA , In the Superior Court. Iredell County j To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Carl C. Julina, Incompetent ODOR without Guardian, and Mss. ueraldine : te 1 having applied for the | uardianship of said mk EQ ™PC ; Rt having been duly qualified as such oods NOW THESE ARE THER EF: IRE TO AUTH RIZE AND EMP* IWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the ¢ and chattels, rights and « redits, of said and : : improve, a soever to be found, and the » secure and further to manage said estate and every part Luereol, for the benefit and advantages of the said , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 10th ay ot May 19 61 (sa) Co Ue Smith Clerk Superior Court. i f i APPLICA SION FOR GUARDIANS: nT F~426 In the matter of Stipenicis oe Richard Allen Clary, Minor Minor Orphane To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Mary R ‘ Clary » Ribhard Allen Clary jot... fax: »i: and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled + TO THE END, THEREF* RE, that the estate of said minos that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or sv h other + This. ILS... day of....... May ‘61 (s) Mary R, Clary IREDELL COUNTY—+s, Mary R. Clary estate belonging to the above named children of knowledze, information and belief, the value of sa d estat and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ic a Sworn to before me, this 31st f (s) Mary ns Clary day of May y 61 {s) C. &. Smtth its tis OATH OF GUARDIAD NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court—<a« Iredell County } mary 8. Clary Richard Allen Clary @inor heir solemnly swear that I will well and tral Sut returns and ANNUAL, SETTLEMENTS 4s lone as any of +h tat THREE YEARS in the “iperior Court, as the law reonires the best of my ski} and abitity sthscribed and worn to before me. thi« jist / _(s) ’ Mary R, Clary lay of May 0 61) ge. 3, Mooresville, N.C, fe) ¢. w, Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH \ROLINA, | In the Superior Court hott ‘fedell County } : ' ' ; , REEF aperion Court “IK certified to the undersigned, Ch tk of th Richard Alen Cl “O¥INg apptied for the Guardianship of aid minor child , and having bes . — > ’ lor et OW THESE ARH THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER t : : rina cula attele tights and credits, of said finer orphan wheresvever t toma , : ' > anes 7 earthen ‘ ' ; ‘ wither ’ Marage said estate and + very part thereof, for the benefit and advanta ' : "pas mn? SCCarINg t6 3let : ' May 61 (s) C.u § Clerk Superior Court vith ss my hand, and the seat of the said Court, this tf - ) a aN ee ee a ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F-427 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Tredell County Wallace Franklin Edwards, rncqhpevent | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSIIEP Minor Orphan lo the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of E oo H. Troutman, Trust Officer Nov thwestern Bank respectfully pr Wallace Franklin Edwards, Incompetent and OOOO xODRK and are without a guardian, that the said minor children are entitled to re sl and personal estate to the value of dollars, according te the beat information and belef ro THE END, THEREPORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to liw, your a ont pray that Letters of Guardianship may be tasued to him or ou h other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said s ; 0 , J 1 The Northwestern Bank rhin Let day o une 61 py: (8) B. H. Troutman, Cashier *% Trust Dfficer IREDELL, COUNTS E. H. Troutman, Trust Officer Northwestern... luly sworn, saye that he ow ytearnte with thes perwnal cotat belonging tothe obo oueiaaoagox Lncompet ent (PEBEIERE He! (o the bewt of is knowledge, information and lelef the value of sat! estate im alent Iallars sod the walue of the rents and profits of the real estate ts alvontut Thodl are en te before me, lst / The Northwestern bank June » 61 \ BY: (s) E. H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust are Officer (s) Ce Me Smith Cletk Superior Cott OATH OF GUARDIAN Mok TH CAROLINA / E. H. Troutman, Truat Officer Northwastern, Bank Wallace Franklin Edwards I etent AOSSHP Ae iy wear that 1 will well and truly take charge of, am! preserve, all the estate of my san! ward aind tt will make OND EVERY Tee the Sanpete © canrt true returns and ANNUAI ETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains In my hands, and that IT will RENE vi PHREK VERARS to the Saperter Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and hemveathy peetoam with leat of cry chill andl alulity ried and wwern to befere ene, 1 let } The Northewtern Bank BY: (s) E. H. Troutman, Trust Orficer —_ wOl | - ’ & Cashier (eo) C. “. Smith oat LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP CTH CAROLINA / reste ll © cannty \ . To All Whom These Presents oll & mm GREETING It being certified te the wucersgned, Clerk of the Sapertes Count for Tre dell Commty, that Wallace Franklin Edwards, Incompetent MOI sit hivtst Gesaretion, Northwestern Bank incompetent ayrplieet fee Chee Cranmer etannstingy « “” _ and hawing been duly qualified as such vte he go NOW TIS ARK THERE it) Al etent AND) EPMPOWEE the said Guardian te enter in and upon all and angular the 6 a “ engererve jorner enientt, eoc vere and oetny wt «hattels, rights andl crecdite, of semeewer to be lowed, and the sagne to take mite . ent, to law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, fot the benetit and advantage: of the eatd Spoons Sand according 61 With oo avy had, and the seal of the eand Coat, Chee the let day of June (s) C. Ve Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSHIP #F-428 In the matter of UPERIOR COURT of Miss Moye Swann, I,competent | | APPLICATION POR GUARDIANSHE Mir hat To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Ee Me Troutmm, Trust Officer Northwestern Bak Miss Moye Swann, Incompetent and WAQOQO0OOGOOKC .00003%x and are without a gu wdian, that the sand xdPegeRsten’ ‘ ro THE END, PHEREPORE, that the eatate of oa incompetent that Letters of Guardianalip may be issued te him or euch other ' ‘ XK OO ux 2nd dayor . June )61 The Northwestern Bank BY: (8). E. H. Vroutman, Peust Officer & Cashier REDE! WNTY 90 Bank £. H. Troutman, Trust Officer Northwestern inte being tothe above mamet ommaae Lacompetent NOOK knowledge, information and belief, the s sluc of said e aml the { the rents and profits of the real estate sere aan, Os and ' The Northwestern Bank day of June » 61 \BY: (8) E. H. Troutman, Caa@ier & Trust Officer (s) C. “se Smith Clerk OATIE OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ! me. 4 E. H. Troutman, Trust aaron Northwestern Bank wigs Moye Swann tent ; — hoon ly swear that 1 will well wt truly tat has ‘a ' ' ' ‘ seen ee sul ft st } TY '\ ; | j Tee the Staprerion © cnet trwe retur wl ANNUAL SETTLEMENT? as long ot oF of the estate t i ! i i THREE VEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ot the beat my hill ant alvlity uireritea and sworn to before me, this — 2nd | The Northwestern Bank tay of June ” 61 BY: (s) E. He Troutman, Cashier ABPust Officer (s) C, uw. S ith LETTERS OF GI ARDIANSHIP “ORTH AMOMLINA Tea the period Count OD \ ro All When 1 Prearnt i Come GREETING ont theft It leinng certified toe the undersigned, Clerk of the Saperien Cent te Iresdell Conmnty . Miss Moye Swann, Incompesent e2000c%K. cihoat Cowtion ont Northwestern Bank incompesent . als ‘ having applied for the Guardianship of stl QQ nd having heen duly qualified as em W THESE AK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EM CWE the ott, sights ant credits, ot suit GRAMMES vee ver oe fo . A ss vue” ce a hanage said catate an! every pert thereat, for the te + in and wpe sll ancl ngular the goudte ann sin the - ” 61 (s) « Smith Clerk Superior Conmrt + my bared, and the seal of the 1 Cont, te o) —? { ' Lag a mabe : ite i ‘ al ‘ PY 14 ve | “) ; 4, GEO © BARNAKE F-429 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Kyle Mark Dellinger SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Northwestern Bank Kyle Mark Dellinger The application of respectfully presents that Dwight B. Dellinger and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and oe estate to the value of « Accum. amt. $140.00 and $70/00 per MQ. LroOMollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant and are minor childr@& of , deceased, TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays , SPP Ant Dray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. 21st June » 61 The Northewstern Bank BY: (s) E. WU. Troutmn, Cashier & Trust Officer This day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. E. H. Troutman, Trust Officer Northwestern, BAMKiy sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal ectete belenaiun to the chove nemed canal... DMA GRE. Bic Dellinger knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $140.00 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.. $70.00 per .mo.. from Va. 21st / deceased, that to the best of his Dollars; Dollars, The Northwestern Bank Sworn to before me, this ics J.ne 61 BY: (s) EB. H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust u Officer ( s) C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ , E. H. Troutman, Trust Oficer Northwestern, Bank solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Kyle Mark Dellinger minor heir - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability anata eee 21st | The Northewstern Bank June » 61 \ BY: (s). EH. Troutman, C. Ge Smith c.3.C Cashier & Trust Officer cay of (s) LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | { In the Superior Court redell County . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Kyle Mark Dellinger , Northwestern Bank minor orphan without Guardian, ane having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such oman eeenes a . ‘ . on . he goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singules * 8 { improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure am , and according to law. June further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan 2ast (s) 19 61 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of C. G. Smith AIO Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F-430 In the matter of SUPERIOR ( RT —Iredell John ALlen Adams Born Sept. 6, 1943 ee APPLICATION \ ! I Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County he application of Mrs ° Ethel Adams John Allen Adams and x and are without a guardian; that the said minor children_are entit Seventeen Hundred Sixty-two & 20/100 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said m ; of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other June that Letter —. *s) Mrs. Ethel Adams day of IREDELL. COUNTY—ss. Mrs. Ethel Adams ing to the above named child@® of _ information and belief, the value of said estat shout “19620806 and the value estate knowl ig of the rents and profits of the real estat 23rd | Sworn to before me, this June Ue Smith Clerk Superior Court Mrs. Ethel Adams day of {s) C. ARDIAN OATH OF Gi NORTH CAROLINA, , In the Superior Court-—s Ir ' unty I Mrs. Ehhel Adams John A, len Adams minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly tab r i t true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estat THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, ar all the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd f Mrs ° Ebhel Adams day of June 19 61 \ Mooresville, N.C. (s) C. uw Smith LETTERS OF Gl ARDIANSHIP NORTH ¢ AROLINA j In the Superior Court Iredell Count \ ' tro AN W all REETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John Allen Adams sanaiainle cchout Guartian, ant BORO] Adams Vit i n duls ‘ ed as ct aving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qual so ‘ wariian t nt ; ape fi and engular the go ‘OW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO At THORIZI AND EMPOWER the 1 Cwarita wma om a ; ¢ } » tal nt ween, eecure and inp and and hattels, sights and credits, of said minor ory han whercesoever to he fou anal t sme to tanet ' } e. of the eatd nor orphar , and accor « to law urther to cnanage said estate and every part thereof, for th: benefit and advantag ' aie sees June 61 sort, this the 23rd ry of (s) C. Smith itn: ss my hand, and the seal of the said Ce Clerk Superior Cvurt we nt o ee : 7 il se m ] a . y ; | (s) C. &. Sth&th GEO D BARNARD S14 00 @ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Fe431 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County, Nancy Steele, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mary Cornelius Smith Nancy Steele, Incompetent The application of respectfully presents that and Reet tes t+ a scum : : 8 ind are without a guardian; that the said miRRQBRE*: € led to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of yo i . ‘ i of your applicant incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said DOMOCMOGRNSNay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. Jumma May , 61 =(s) Mrs. Mary Cornelius Smith that Letters of Guardianship may be This 30th day of IREDELL COUNTY-=ss Mary Cornelius Smith , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named yx incompetant AQESEIEK! at to the best of his Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Teh | Mes. Mary Cornelius Smith day of June 19 61 \ Sworn to before me, this Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County \ Mary Cornelius Smith OR solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY Guardian for Nancy Steele, Incompetent - and that I will make THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th / ( s) Mrs . Mary Conneltus Smith day of June 62} Mooresville, N.C. ( s ) C. “. Smith C.5.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ GREETING Come—GREF Ih To All Whom These Presents Shall It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Nancy Steale, Incompetent OOO wit incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFOR TO AUTHGHIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and #0 ove, wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and impr CTEM cording to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 7th day of June (s) C. u. Smith gular the go's and and chattels, rights and credits, of said £ further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the sai 61 Clerk Superior Cowrt hout Guardian, and Mary Cornelius Sait Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP # F-432 In the matter of SUPERIOR URT—Is Ruth A. Barrier Beatty, Incompeten Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of E. Ce Beatty Ruth A. Barrrier Beatty and MXHKAMAKK KIN XMMKKX aud are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real a $5000.00 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of sai | minor orpha that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ¢ — day ot February 1» 61 E. C. Beatty IREDELL COUNTY—ss. E. C. Beatty | wNKwxx incompetent NICK Five Thousand and no/100--------- estate belonging to the above namex knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat none and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is abou Sworn to before me, this LOth / day of Runa july 19 61. \ (s) C. we Smit h Clerk Superior Court E. C. Beatty OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court if ll Coraty \ I, E. C. Beatty Guardian Ruth A. Barrier Beatty, Incompt. ax solemniy swear that I will well and truly take chars f, and pr ll t I \ true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any o! the estate ren ny ! at THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, at the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th ! tay of July 9 61 | (s) C. w. Smibh C8. E. C. Beatty LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superio= Court redell County " ; ounty fo All Whom T1 Presents Shall Come -GREETING ‘ ediel woty, that wing certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court tor Iredell County. ; Ruth A. Barrier Beatty, Incompetent SEN «without Guardian, wt Be Oo Beattfy tert ye as — having applied for the Guardianship of said ipcompe and having been duly wal . | m all and singular the gow [ : id tar lian ster in ancl px OW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said ( ' rina j ' the > pacssion, secur whercsnever to be found, are ine onipet ent ding t V wi advantag itt a) DERICK. , and according to law 10th iyo July "1 (s) C. Me Smith Clerk Superior Court and wmprov anv and chatt ’ is, rights and credits, of sai ‘ent further ¢ — irther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit 2 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the A ’ a way at t i ao e ae d eg a a LO ee > a ar o r a | i j } ' APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP “on #F=1,33 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Katie Bell Fowler Woodward, Incompeteht Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans i To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ” Roberson The application of Be. Ge Katie Bell Fowler Woodward respectfully presents that sor SIOOIUK OLN OK incompetent ind are without a guardian; that the said are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Twelve Hundred dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be ts ued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans This lOth — day of July 19 6) (s) Be. C. Robertson IREDELL COUNTY Be Ge Robertson , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named cgiipggz incompetent CEEIEOE HA Hat to the Lest of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dolless: and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about None Dollars, wenn to Saws Gi, See LOoth ' (3) B. C. Robertson day of July w 61 \ s) so Ge Smibh Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court-— ss Irectell County \ I, B. C. Robertson Guardian for Katie Bell Fowler Woodward Incpt. OU: solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that | will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY HON D EVERY rHREK YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and! alality Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LOth / Joly Smtth (s) Be C. Robertson is) Ce. Ge LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Ireciell County \ _ “ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Katie Bell Fowler Woodward - Incompetent without Guardian, and ROL ORCI incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said 1 _ and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and « a ove, eae aamRe* Ter wever to be found, and the meacesion, secure and impr to take te we ent ty to law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , and according LOth July ans and pon all and angular the « amd chattels, rights and credits, of said 19 61 day of Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court (s) Ce. Ge ~ «) he Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ihe + 34, In the matter of SUPERIO} URT Iredell = ' COUR recell County Debra Elaine Bustle APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of Jack R. Harris - Debra Elaine Bustle, minor child of Thomas P. Bust winde Vnek® and POC IORI Reon ek ¥¥uredx and are wt a guardian; that the said minor children are entit! ila ' | $3,019.79 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of suds ' that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other t t ( tT" 22nd — day of August 196) IREDE! OUNTY—-ss Jack R. Harris estate he! ng to the above named chikQ900 Debra Elaine ust le CMMKX knowled, nformation and belief, the value of said estat alant wv 0 196 and the © of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about »9 to before me, th 22nd Sw before me, this ‘ / , R. Harri day of August 1» 61. \ (s) ve se Smith Clerk superior | wrt OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAKOLINA, In the Superior Court Trevis L ounty Jack R. Harris Guardian for Debra Elaine Bustle minor herr solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of and preset wit fate of m Aas and that Twill make true retur und ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remanis in my ban, wed that f will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREK YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires snd all other duties of my satd Guardianshiy 1 will faithfully a mestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd } 19 61 } (3) Jack R. Hartis day of August (s) C. Ge Smith C8. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, \ In the Superior Court Irevleil ¢ " county 7 fo All Wham Thee Presents Shall Come 4SREKRTING t It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior 6 wurt for Iredell County, ‘he Nebra Elaine Bustle Jack R. Harris miner orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as such uk ! . . ; we A Creare o ent ad upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREPORK TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and ape hereserver to be found, and the same to take inte possession, secure and wnprove, and * : of the said minot orphan and chattels, rights and credits, of aid minor orphan and according to law ad aclvantage : 22nd (3) C. G- Smith f further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit « 1961] Clerk Superior Court August fay of Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the we AFD D BARNARD 814 CO.87 LoUig APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP #F=1,35 In the matter of Robert Franklin Triplett SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ; To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Robert Franklin Triplett respectfully presents that } and are minor childr&& of Robert. Tri plett and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Two. Thousand. Two. Hundred. Fiffy dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays " that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This........ 29th August 1961. (s). Robert Triplett day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. 1 Robert Tripl ett , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named childgey of Robert Triplett GABAA: hat to the best of his ' knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, | Sworn to before me, this 29th )} (s) Robert Triplett | day of August Ol. J ; ( s ) Ce..Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. ih OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. I, Robert Triplett solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward Robert Franklin Triplett Guardian for minor heir - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my ski!l and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th / August 1061. § (s). Ce Ge. Sméth csc (s) Robert Triplett day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, , In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Robert Franklin Triplett yuardian, and Robert Triplett minor orphan without ( having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly quaiified as such: oats NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and pe cer and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure a 5 , and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 29th August o (s) C..Ge 61 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of Smith Clerk Sune Come | _ Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP #F=1,36 In the mat.er of Thomas M. Stone, SUPERIOR COURT -Tredell ¢ Incpt. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHII Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County W. I. Stone The application of : eee be lai Thomas M..Stone Ipcompetent and . OOO ADCKINIK XI XXKKK incompeten and are without a guardian; that the sai KMGMOE 1 are entitled to real and per al estate to t i TO THE END, THEREF* IRE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be pres . inept. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the ¢ Se OKC this... L4th......day of... September ol (s) W. I. Stone IREDELL COUNTY—ss. W. he Stone estate belonging to the above named pépdaryappi Thomas MM. Stone, Inent. knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about > 50.00 1 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 14th ( (s) We Ie Ston day of September 1961. \ Rt. , Box 148, City (s) Ce Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court-—ss Ire jell County. L W. I. Stone Guardian for Thomas M. Stone, Inept. won solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and pre Itt ate : that | ab true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remar my hands: and t! I RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other Juties of my said Guardianship, I will faithf for v the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th / (s » We Bs Stone day of Sept ember 19 61. | (s) C. G. Smith C8 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / anit : \ In the Superior Court ee To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING } r. ‘ : . oun hat it being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, tha Thomas M. Stone, Incompetent OK AK eteht he having a plied for the Guardianship of said RRSQRP , and having been duly qualified as such { Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFOR TO AUTHORIAE AND EMPOWER the sai and ; 9° e to be found and the to take into possession, secure and improve ind chattels, rights and credits, of said wheresoever to be | , Tasomet ent { advantage yw tne and according to law | advantag of the sar . ‘ £ an, and W. I. Stone without Guard lurther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit am dayot September Lath (q) C. G. Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court zt on ~— w ai i dl ii iN an — om e r ne — — e S ee GO BD BARNARD 6y APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP , #F=1,37 In the matter of Billy E. Hodgin,Jr. Brock A. Hodgin Beyldia N. Hodgin, Bonnie Hodgin, and Betty. J. Hodgin SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Ee H.. Troutman, Trust Officer Northwester “ank respectfully presents that Billy E. Hodgin, Jr. Brock A. Hodgin, Beyldai M. Hodgin, Bonnie Hodgin and Betty J xmi...Hodgin are minor children of .Billy. E. Hodgin, Sr. deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of.’ % ~l9 . 00 per mth, from VA dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said min é need pn ye hittin 1061 — NORTHWESTERN BANK (s) E.H. Troutman, Trust Officer IREDELL COUNTY—ss. - E. He Troutman, Trust Officer Billy E. H¥dgin, Sr... , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainteJ with the real and persunal deceased; that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named children of $19.00 per mth. each from VA Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, 4th ) THE NORTHWESTERN BANK 106]. \(3) E. B. Troutman, Cashier and Trust Officer Sworn to before me, this day of October - C. G. Sms ( 3 ) ve We Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Northwester Bank + E.H. Troutman T be Guardian gy Billy Ee dtp, Brock, Asbeyldia KM. ' tman Trust Officer Wonnte’ and béty ds Hoagih minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward -and Mat I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY Bt IND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th { THE NORTHWESTERN BANK oe October 961.) (5) E.H. Troutman, Cashier apd Trust ( S ) C . G - Smi th So & LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / — \ In the Superior Court redell Counts mi on To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Billy E.Jr., Brock A., Beyldia M. Bonnie, and Betty J. Hodgin , Northwestern "mk minor orphan 3 without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child P@N , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and =e ¢ and improve, and gular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan S wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secur *. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan S___, and according to la October 9 61 Wits. ss my band, and the seal of the said Court, this the 4th day of (s) C. G. Smith Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP #F-438 In the matter of Martha B. Kippard, Incompetent SUPERIOR COURT—Iredel! County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Brent. P. Yount a il! ‘a thea Martha B. Lippard, Incompetent and.. . HODCAKKAHKK zeKx incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said anes are entitled to real and personal estate to the valu: lar or t t TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and mar 1 a to law, your apy renee incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may thin! SOX Xs. this. 258N.... day of... October 961. (s). Brent P. Yount IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Brent..P.. Yount yeing duly estate belonging to the above named giygigrgryof Martha B ‘ Li ppard i Incompet ent XNNRK | st of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 20 { (s) day of October 961... | ‘s' C. G. Smith Sworn to before me, this Brent P. Yount . a" - a Rockingham, !\.C. Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court- Iredell County. Guardian for Martha B. Lippard, Incpt. of, and preserve, all the estate of my said wat i and that I will make I, Beent P.Yount .eDDoK true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charg« in my bands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform wit the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 25th { ( ss ) day of October 19. 61 J (s) Ce. G. Smith csc Brent P. Yount LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / j In the Superior Court. a To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING ! : ton C ; y, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior ¢ ourt for Iredell County, tha Martha B. Lippard, Incompetent KOGVUG having applied for the Guardianship of said incompetent and having been duly qualified as such . —r . " 4 Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWSS Ue wardiar t , t yecesion, secure and improve, and en wheresoever to be found, and the to take pont = st advantage. of the said LasomRs , and according to la ‘urther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and 25th day of October 19 61 Brent P. Yount without Guardian, and *6 chattels, rights and credits, of said Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the (s) C. G. Smith Clerk Saperior Court HOT M\ 1 : \ j nn . ’ . ; s *9 : { 4 i a web ; 8 Ud : “ey if 4 ah tia ‘Ala } a Form 2 i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 4EO © BARNARD « | » " i, In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. In the matter ol rpy \ , i e Aga . A} » O i) y { we . . | 3 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP . } Minor Orphans. Minor Or | vee | To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County i. The application of : i ° ; A respectfully presents that The application of ‘ ; ; . ’ ice. ‘ hie y hf ‘ ‘ ’ ss . : and are minor children of Joceaekd; ont i | and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children at tit! ; ' . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your ipplicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said miinor orphaas may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays 7 Wk END, THEREFORE, that the estat: 4 | von we that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Lett { Guardianship may be issued to him or su ne ee 1 This day of......4.0.N.~ 19 ' 2 ; % day of : IREDELL COUNTY—ss naes ae " i; ‘ ‘ , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte! with the real and personal wt * if } | estate belonging to the above named children of i she 4 , , deceased, that to the best of his estate | ng to the above named children of ’ knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about : Dollars, knowlec, formation and belief, the value of sat ' | eal) und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about , Dollars, and the i the rents and profits of the real estate . Sworn to before me, this / © e j Sw before me, this ' b } \ \ : day of 19 day of | : / Clerk Superior Court : / iL TT — 7 | Z at? rA4 | OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GI / NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, | | > In the Superior Court—ss . In the Superior Court Iredell County \ Ire unty \ : rn I, . . Guardian for @. fA , : I f ininor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that 1 will make minor f solemniy swear that I will well and t true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BUND EVERY true retur und ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as lone THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly p rform with THREE LRS in the Superior Court, as the law r the best of my skill and ability the best ny skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / : : Subscribed and eworn to before me / cay of 19 \ day of \ | , , , c. 8. ¢ . ' ; an ‘ | » 2 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHT 3 ’ u f : Me NORTH CAROLINA, |} NORTH CAROLINA, | ' { In the Superior Court : In th iperior Cour ; Iredell County . iredell County ' ; “4 : . OREETING To A oh S To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETI | ee + J Co a It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It heing certified to the undersigned, Clerk of t) wpet art ) . 4 3 , rai ty . "Ol ® fo . wwiaor orphaa without Guardian, and ins 5 aa | whl : ; ten ; - yualified as su : rs having applied for the Guardianship of said tolpor child , and having been duly qualified as such P epplied for the Guardianship of said minor child ee if 1 . inci the goods ial <1) EMPOWER the sa rita a oe laa NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and angular i ‘OW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHO! 7k AND EMPOWS! ; sie i| . ove, . mver ¢ 5 ani t an tak ’ : amd chattels, rights and credits, of said miner arphaa wheressever to be found, and the same to lane into possession, secure and impr and chattels, right« and credits. of sald minor orphan ! 7 : u : ‘ . ~ trther to ; ' set t and advantas ' ; further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said meer corphos , and according tols vanage said estate and every pas! thereof, for t ~ ‘ . ” 5 Se" iis . * + +t py! Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of iat iter se my hand, atid the seal of the sald ut ; : 5 lerk : rer wv » Clerk Superior Court i 4} ) Vie p vis Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP atO © BARNARD In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, In the matter of SUPERTO! RTT APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION 3 . i i 4 : Minor Orphans. ' Minor Orphan ne . To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County . . e rov ‘ The application of P respectfully presents that The application of ° ‘Og oh -_ Wt ie are minor children of : 1 ' rn : and : are minor children o 4 i deceased, , aiid. ite rninr ¢ ; and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 4.2 ° } VA and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are ent tl , . | : : s | dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Asa @.+ TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said m : ; that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or su % other t 4/4 <A ss ae This day of 19 } : Thi day of 19 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. IREDELI. COUNTY—ss e 5 , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte.! with the real and personal . aad . | . . . ! estate belonging to the above named ¢ hildren of ° deceased. that to the best of his estate bel ing to the above named children of Z n . V mT knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ° ; va Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat rbot 4 i. and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about t aa Sworn to before me, this { Pd Sworn to before me, this / a > ‘ vik wea de day of 19 » BY: BE. H. Tr , day of 9 \ if ‘ i ° Clerk Superior Court SJ . Clerk Superior | ; #)| TT > ARTYTAN OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIA NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, } > In the Superior Court-—ss In the Superior Court~-s a4 Iredell County \ Irecell County \ c , I, “ . . ‘ Guardian for . ‘ I, . . minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserv:, all the estate of my said ward . anit that 1 will make tolaor Keiz solemnly swear that I will well and truly tab har f,a true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY It IND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estat THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ot! ! the best of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability ul —_ . / Subscribed and sworn to before me, this i Jig “a Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of 19 \ : 2a rade day of 19 ' . ; My d *} ag ‘ . c.s ae c ; ; : ner - | N » i} 2 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHII " } i ’ , NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, } ) | sal ( In the Superior Court. . : \ In the Superior Court i} i} rf! Iredell County ons C - 4 County " ir sll « GREETING i) BES . : . SREETING To A ‘ oo To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREET ' hs ae . ' : for Iredell County, that ‘” It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court tor Hs K It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ; I rwheent cmgleas with ' ? . minor orphan without Guardian, and Side ' ‘ havir wlied { id having uly qualified as su having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such - "ing applied for the Guardianship of said mation cid pen ter in and wy all and singular the g ij : ; :- . » maseem com om . ular the 008s sic ite a i 3 ND EMPOWER the said Guardia i NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sing ad OW THESE ARK THEREFORE-TO AUTHORIZE A , shebang se ss ) i i improve, and ch r tah eheresoever to be found, and t ne to : and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure ans iattels, rights and credits, of said titié? ofphan eet ; oumor orptuat and according to law ; i accor we Uther to ; ; henefit and advantag t : t further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and ding to la ier to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benent « 19 ; i Vv fy 19 . Wi mn lee sy of & Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of OV A Vitasse my hand. and the seal of the said Court, this ¢ ' Sourt Clerk Superior Court ' \ « Ue Clerk Superior © ».. ke it I re 8 GEO. BD. BARNARD S14.c8 Hr APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Julia Mae Melchor SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: i mm - m oY oanaryat "Pa A + . + i oak iy | Troutman frust ViLicer NOoOrtnwe 2xn a The application of . ‘ TioMtietsretsne 2 : me : respectfully presents that Julia Mae lechor and are minor childteh of p,.9. rt ofS 1 enor 2 J r. deceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ° id 35.00 per mo. from VA i! ; ° I . bs dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. Tornnory mre ADIT IME — This day of A As 19 . ‘ oe Uit lil Wool ON ANK ve | 3) } Trout! Wrssae WPS 2 : is be ‘le iroutman, ru ,icer IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Bette. Lroutman. trust... OLLicer. ..OPvawest 2X being ddbysworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal ; lehor. Jr estate belonging to the above named children of oo... 222 . oD ° deceased ; that to the best of his > knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about dd ® Dollars; $356 ver mo. from VA and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ‘ Dollars, Sworn to before me, this : / THE NORTHWESTERN A / n ” aAAS Taw . . ary 1) ¢ Fi nar day of Januar 19 \ . a3 ae e srouvuman, ru lficer . ” Yr “~ : . . ] AX } ° At I 2 UV Glerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County ;. He Troutman, Trust Officer ; Julia Mae Mblchor I, ° Guardian for - and that I will make W MY BOND EVERY minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENE THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hon stly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ib { : 0 2 WEST SRI AN . ’ wr \ Wwe Teavtn : Pris “As ser day of VANMAE 19 ‘ o be . 2a IUMaN, \ Artvnia . ir r, puvy C83.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA } In the Superior Court Iredell County \ ‘Dp EETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Tas ; 'T o} JULLIG al “ nor “tt 7 esamoent’ 1A) NORTHWEo. Sh! minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such , — ° " goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter m and upe 1 all and singular the . mprove, and wheresuever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and i further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to —_ , r January and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 4 . 19 ) he Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Ad Wil day of (s) So Ge. Suith Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Ir fail L. Gilleland orn Mar. 2, LQ APPLICATION FOR ¢ ARDIANSHIT} Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of PS « wena, wad tA . and.. are mit and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and 1 s ' TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said m r orphans ma that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other persor the ( T 12th day of........ anUuary 19.22 { “Ss IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs. Lena Lades estate belonging to the above named children of rLay knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Aaah and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this Lat / b day of January 19 \ $s) . je 4 1t Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court-—s Iredell County \ I ; . int a « ‘ x ; t i minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take char f, a i ‘ ‘ ' ry i ll KY tre returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rema \ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc a® the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ; \S/] day of Janu ary 19 é \ e Ge Smit ( c LETTERS OF Gl JARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / P In the Superior Court ' an ; usaeenee To All Whom T Presents Shall Come GREETING . . . : few deli County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell ain wail ue td A! without Guardian, ane lified as such and having been duly qua ' 1; ‘ ar the goods AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to Saving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE ' wheresoever to be found, enter in and upon all and ingul n er and the same to take into possession, secur and improve, and d ( hattels, rights a credits, of said minor orphan 7 : pap ivantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law a a} trther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit ane ‘i } 2° h day of van ry 19.74 Vitness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ; ‘ ‘ . Smith Clerk Superior Court (Ss) se je Wiha ve 5 : . i Ts GEO. o\RNAMD STA CO #7, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ie sa | 4 Pe mm yey) In the matter of John..Ross..Gregory SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ; . ¢ . } Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ’ } p Ty ‘ ’ —o | The application of John 5S. uregory, Jr. respectfully presents that 5 er na John Ross Gregory T Ss ; or 2 Cus : and are minor children of...” ohn Je resory, ur. KRAKSICX | and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of “ 180 JeVO / | dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. etal ana th Rohr] uy 4,2 (s) Johhnr : Ym PAU Ir # This un day of .4.2.0ruUary 19. O« S Jontn ve Gregory, ule IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. JOON. we... UPA2ZOPrY su Pe , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainteJ with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Jonn HOSS ure sory deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about p1500.09 Dollars. and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, ra ; irr Sworn to before me, this : { ( ; ) John a. wr szory Jam. | yo hyo rU A> \ day of i ruary 19 he / f + > lv . wit * ; * | Al Uiled ° ArKeCr, PUCY Clerk Superior Court ; OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. I, John 3S. ur Borys Jr. Guardian for Jbhn Ross ur gory - and that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this vA } ( : ) John 6. Gregory JP. te 4 9°99 your 5 \ ; - . day of fe Cvs Mat 19.7 4 (3)... Martha.D...Parker, Deputy Cac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County SREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Johh Ross Gregory minor orphan without Guardian, anc , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and = o take into possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child guiar the gorvis and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same t further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan re > 902 6th day of February ' Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the (s) C. Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court. ,John S- wegorys pr. | ' ' : Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Lonnie G. Tyrner, Jr., Incor SUPERIOR COURT -Ir APPLI ATION POR ARTDTA. wip Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ' - . > + wr , The application of MI S.0.... 0h ex de . s v Lonnd Ie I rc es and.... ire n and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real 5 24 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said . .inor orpha that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other per + bh 7 ; a tame — : ; : This..... +2 ¥2 day of!S.! ruary 19 . ° IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Mrs. Hester Se lw I estate belonging to the above namedebhidtes Of. knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ‘ + Sworn to before me, this ° / sete day of oPruar’, 10 \ fa) Sn t & \3/ . Ze WAU Clerk Superior ‘ OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County I rs-e Hester S. Turner rdia . plD es : Jeb eat solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, ® 1 preses all t tat ' : owen ee : ‘ ' wt ovr WD I true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of th tate ' wr . . . + aft | : ! ' THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ot stie the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / . t mur r , . ; . : /* - : day of February 19 » | is , . mi + A.mt 6 ‘* Ae wdtt iA VAL LETTERS Of GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / In the Superior Court Iredell Cx , eee ede County \ To All Whom These Present Shall Come —GREETING : , . ‘y that It heing certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court tor Iredell County, ‘a Lonnie G. Turner, Jre, +.i.com yoent Mrs e ter S. Turner di ‘ minor orphan without Guardian, and incompetent b 3 aaving applied for the Guardianship of said;epQonouek _ and having been duly qualified as suc h j Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gouds NOW THESE ARE THEREF( RETR, THORIAL AND EMPOWER the sax n CvVeily he found, and the same to take into possession, secur" and improve, and aad chattels, rights and credits, of said] whessssever 60 5S Em Tacomps' nt j 1 . 4 and according to law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the sa? , 15th day a. February 1962 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the (s) *., G Smith 2 Clerk Superior Court é Wt me : 4 be aa i. Pu : oa 1 Daag : fe hod 7 i 4 ; , ‘Hed 4 Ri t ah! i ; kina GEO D BARNARD SrA Co €y APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP eb) 7 Ttmhh Lous In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Mrs. Martha Emma Lackey, Incompeten APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: vo a A. Ge Lackey The application of respectfully presents that Mrs. Martha Emma. Lackey, Incompetent and ae 4G 200 GL A ROBB incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said minot 2 1 are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant ei ta hee _ incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said DMO M2phGids may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. O+h f a3) A2 : 4 " T This wn day of april 19 & ( 3 ) Ae Ue Lackey IREDELL COUNTY—ss. the \ac. LAC SY , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named 4a. lartha Lmna Lackey, Incompetent Mocoasext; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this eas / s } ~ , are ai oe (3) Aw G. Lackey day of seh se 19 & \ : +} . . . ° ° Jie. & Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. . rt raw ; . rt } Puma Yankay Tr tont I Ae Ue LACKSS Guardian for )°Se MArtona MMa wackey, incompeteny edidon tad © solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Neh Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4 eae / ( 3 ) A G ‘ Lack Ly N ;] , + . cawi il N.C day of Apr . 1902 \ : L4 yarroll Qtey, Stat »v A 4 g weve ,e..Ge Smith Cac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NURTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County \2 RETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETINY It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mrs.Martha Emma Lackey, incompebent A.G. Lackey mie CrpXat without Guardian, and eae y having applied for the Guardianship of said Mian xh xi nc Orme Hedextbcen duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPt IWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and ; or ‘ove, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said wd SLA te he resoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and impr gtent 4 according to law. singular the goods further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said 19.62 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the LOth day of April ‘ ve Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 Se : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT -Iredell County Rebecca Burton Brow Richard Holwhn Brown ‘ APPLICATION FO GUARDIANSHIP 1 Sharron Elizabeth Brown Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: . . TJ mn , ~~ The application of ecko rown ; ‘eae 2 at ” hl tn rr . An » Rebecca urvol ( a the . Ho i! A Brown a Nir = end ire n t r - . oie ‘ KOCosnity and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal Pi eh+.Riva Hundred 3 , ~Au tev ive AUunared (.38,.500..04 ) lollar TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may b that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other persor the C oe Ot} Arr) ’ : This 4VUN day of Apri 19 & ) Le . IREDELL COUNTY—ss. H . 7 . I rown estate belonging to the above named children of Ips Poetielie : AMM knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about I ur and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 2Utn / , j oie day of aADra 19.62..... } oGe..OMmlta Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN SORES CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court-—~ss Iredell County. I Slele rown Guardian for 4424 ECA urton brown; “W1¢ua — ; : i li the estate of r if wear A taal tanft hak minor heir. solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate ay sand war ‘ , my hands; and that I will RI NEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains 1 ‘ fait sits paneatiu nert with ther duties of my said Guardianshiy I will faithfully a mestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all the best of my skill and ability . ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this « a , ) ° - Brow ‘ 4 ; day of Apri 19 é } . ze oMitn Cc. &. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. Ired ‘ . ' om redell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~GREETING ‘ 2 . : that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, ta } . ee oe ee aia it "14 eaheth Brown ite cca burton pown, Ricnard Holwin brown as Sharron 21124 th Brow minor orphan 5... without Guardian, and‘) 4 ¢ rown ‘ . fied as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child Pen, and having been duly qualifier NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWE R the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods 1 xver to be found and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and wheres - ’ of the said minor orphan ri 962 Ap il 904 Clerk Superior Court and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 5 for the benefit and advantage> 20th day of , and according to law ' Uther to manage said estate and every part thereof, Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ee GLO D BARNARD S14 00.81 Lous F-448 A APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of John S. Meredith, Jr. Katherine M. Meredith SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ) To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: J. Talmage Adams / ‘The application of respectfully presents that John S. Meredith, Jr. and Katherine M. Meredith ond are minor children of... JOHN. Se. Meredith deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $125 OO and $25 ~00 per month from VAs dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans This 15th. day of May 1902... (s) J. Talmage Adams IREDELL COUNTY—ss. J. Talmage Adams , being duly sworn, says that he is ac juainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of John Ss ° Meredith deceased ; that to the best of his f knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $25 . 00 per month from V eA, Dollars; ie and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this L5th / ( s) Je Talmage Adams day of “ay 19 62 \ (s) Martha D. Parker, DQQRty rcrior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County John S. Meredith,Jr. & Katherine ; and Mereditd JOND EVERY 1, J. Talmage Adams solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward s Guardian for minor heirS true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY I THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th } day of May 19 62 \ (s) Martha D. Parker, Deptty (s) J. Talmage Adams LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / r In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come “GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John S. Merddith, Jr. and Katheréne, Meredith ade Talmage Adams minor orphan 8 _ without Guardian, having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child Fen. and having been duly qualified as such . * . ,* . - .* pots NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the ee and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan S = wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and im : further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan S__, and according to lew. 6 19 62 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 15th day of May (s) C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court ' ' ' | Form 2 hq ode Ve APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County D 9 “ ata AAs - APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of veensntiiie emente that and are minor childyeh of leccased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to t lu s é lollar TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preset i and ma that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for ¢ ates rs ‘ — Thi nd day of Un, 19 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. estate belonging to the above named children of : 4 Dollars knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate 1s about | and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this / day of 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. I, ° ’ Guardian for solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sani ware und that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY duties of my said Guar fianship, I w minor heir THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other i faithfully and b iy pecvorms we the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / day of Tid 19 \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / { In the Superior Court Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING . . ». that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, os 4 minor orphan without Guardian, and qualified as such and having been duly tian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child tR the said Guare NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOW! wheresoever to be found, age: of the said minor orphan and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and and chatiels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit an« 1 advant , and according to law adva nd day of 19 Vitncess my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court j ‘ ne 4 . hd ; ; ‘i al re * ; La | ; “" r : iS te a 1; aX its { vl a i ; : |. anata ti Form 2 ens APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County. In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Irecdell County . . } 9 ; Y . Yn . i : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP : . . . ‘as / Minor Orphans. Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ey The application of ’ : : Pea respectfully presents that The application of ¥ tiv oresente that i q . PF es } and are minor children of......* 1 Le deceased, and ire m ren ' and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ; and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to rea! | a . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant hirteen undic.ad....and Si Etc ' ' tot 7 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays rO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orp! vay t t ray that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person a the ¢ yt tof t r $. This day of V2 19..t.in. Leavd ad a Q L T! ~ day of........ 19 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal @ E estate belonging to the above named children of * > deceased; that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named children of . / knowledge, information and belief, the v alue of said estate is about ; S Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about I irs and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about | Sworn to before me, this { , : ry: Sworn to before me, this ‘ / re j } iL day of ¥ 19 \ day of Vv 19 } d Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court : ; OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN ’ NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court—~ss In the Superior Court—ss _ Iredell County Iredell County. I, Guardian for : - I, . Guardian for minor heir......... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..2.; and that I will make minor heir . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sald ware and that f will mak _ : : cccniaiai ° . ~vERY ca . — * wo I ' nd that W ] W MY It iViR true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands, and t i RENEW ¥ BOND! - THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guar fianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform wit the best of my skill and ability the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / ' ' eT ’ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / " day of 19 \ day of Vv ' 19 \ ‘ qj c.8.¢ C.5.8 ’ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, : In the Superior Court ane { In the Superior Court. — To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING on To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-GREETING o oO ’ . . . 8 . . o y, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, tha . — gu v¢ u without Guardian, and ’ minor orphan without Guardian, and wes , minor orphan ’ { a t . . y , lified as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child hr. . and having been duly qualified as such: ‘ having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly ques ; ' nn all and singular the goods | ols . _— 1” 1 Guardian to enter in and upon am ane , ‘ NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and — a NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the sit uss ke into possession, secure and improve, and iia <. ‘ i the same to take into pe on, - , | and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improv and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and tht » and according to law Y a . . . the said minor orp an ’ i further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan...» and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the . - : Aya’ 19 f ; ‘ 6 day of i9 | Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of y Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the A ‘ ‘ : Clerk Saperior Court p§ rt q ° } : Clerk Superior Com : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —-Iredell County. } 4 . WY { , - = sii APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of respectfully presents that i and [ . 2 are minor children of ; ; deceased, } / and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ' ; na . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This day of v 19.9.2 iJ LzinLa@..4.2 IREDELL COUNTY-—-ss , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal i ' estate belonging to the above named children of : > deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about , 2 Dollars; : and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, | | 4 Sworn to before me, this / , . wae . ‘ ‘ ~ day of Y 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN : NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County I, Guardian for . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward .; and that I will make EW MY BOND EVERY minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will REN THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / day of 19 \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | , In the Superior Court Iredell County \ <REETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for tee Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such anne a : he goo!s NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the 6 , . mprove, and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and impe and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantag_: of the said minor orphan 5... and according to law aay ’ 19 £ Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of Clerk Superior Court having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child Form 2 510 0 BARNAGD APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of ¥ espectfully presents that and are minor childrex. of leceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estat the valu ><. and..Aixty ollars, according to the best infort nnd be ira TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may | reserved, and 1 ' , ah ieee that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may t i Tl ? day of........ 19 ‘ IREDELL COUNTY—ss. estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Db Sworn to before me, this { day of v 19 \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. I, . Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ware and that I will mak true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND E\ ERY and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, « the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this vom 19 \ day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. ome —GREETING Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall C . : . s y, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, tha minor orphan without Guardian, and and having been duly qualified as such , i , he good NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods wheresoever to be found, of the said minor orphan and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan , and according to law cof, for the benefit and advantage: f ‘urther to manage said estate and every part ther ‘ ' G4 day of ” Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. 443 ’ \ " / Form 2 Ba Form 2 “4 i eannia APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ae APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP v. t In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—-Iredell County. In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT. Iredell ¢ t ; a | “tr ¢ i, ' ‘ iN ele urty } Nn IST da avila 4" ancoc: . : APPLICATION F¢ GU iS ‘AT ION FOR UARDIANSHIP APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP , i / Minor Orphans. Minor Orphans. | | | To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County / The application of moon servi os ompson 7. i e — re applicatio - - respectfully presents that The application of 1A ‘ ‘2 ash ¢ ~ be thas ’ illy ; i 4 en 4 i ay . ie ' ] . . ons at ay i a Ht | - “A 46 minor childfeno Vv f . leceased, and eaiiiion ALB Mi tor CR of Lie ancock deersex} Hi | ind 4s€ without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real — —_ . ’ ev dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant " ’ : TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphamg may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orpha reses ; ; a wy that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or suc h other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphana that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or su: h other person as the Cour y t ; t of t ea mia i . ¢ y . . ; } This : day of ‘ 19 . ‘ Be cnsenopaggs eves ‘ it ‘ day of Cc 19 LU : ; . y , IREDELL COUNTY st IREDELL COUNTY —ss. ’ Na euoon ; : d . , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with un] personal = See ancocs } ap . ! estate belonging to the above named childggi of i1Vi.SCLVOCS deceased; that tot «st of his estate belonging to the above named childs€X of 2c ait en c smerny} ] bial knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about : = Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts aout . i : ] t en an and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about aes Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ai Sworn to before me, this by / 3) 7 : © sO” > Sworn to before me, this j mn . ee 4 ; 7 ois 7 . . day of 19 \ ; = F . day of c ve ” “ \ a ; / P j . ° l / : ° Clerk Superior Court Clerk Superior Court ' ' ‘ | OATH OF GUARDIAN OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLIN \, / > In the Superior Court—-ss In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County \ sith Iredell County. i se n ink I n , , Guardian for : nelee a I 4 “3 @ ancoe Guardian for . 29 minor heir wlemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward und that 1 will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preset ‘ tat ; . i will mas true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long #5 any of the estate remains in my han and st 1 will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other juties of my said Guardia I will fa ' ly periorm wit the best of my skill and abslity the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, th | - ‘ ; on Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / ' . ey day of I 19 \ as ; C day of ctobe 19 OF } & ; Z a ; c. 3.4 . . c 8 ¢ ** , . , . . os iaiimibiilal ae - ‘ . rit ' > LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHII ‘ ' a . . ° : +a , NORTH CAROLINA, | NORTH CAROLINA, } ; seodell \ In the Superior Court ' ( In the Superior Court . i recdell County . redell County : “pEE G t a hee P ste Shall Come ~<GREETING : To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETIN To All Whom These Preses Koa ta | . . a ta ics , t Pi It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Supertor Court for Iredell County, = : iy + ) avid ..ay ancoc: iii tia stern ank h t( lian, ard * inc ot i Pa 4 —" without Guardia ' hed minor orphan without Guardian, and minor orphan | havine ly qualified as such : having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child . and having been duly qualified as such aving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qua 1 Hand lar the gourds aig me a ; ; ; a the goods " . ‘ . . rf‘ 4 Geardian to enter i an upon all and sngula - NOW THESK ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upoa al and singular ‘OW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND Se Jimprove, and : . ove, and . : 7 A 4 the same to take into powession, secure ant im «, ane | and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and impr and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be foun’, an ' shee further to manage said ‘ 4 according to law Utther to r he benefit and advantage of the said minor orphan Cc 4 o age said estate and every part thereof, fos the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and ace ) manage said estate and every part thereof, for the bt 2 ag | ‘ awed Octobe 9° « w . ; ene pe 9 ~*~ ae . 3 } day of JC 1 ite: ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ly i day of ibe sseesee Witerss my hand, and the seal of the sa A Court, this the ' ; ; oe . . : Feng Clerk Superior Court / (s) J. Go. Smith Clerk Superior Court (s) ve Ve wmhuls : : GkO © BARNARD APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP oe -/,! In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. a1 ent arr dd APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ’ Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: | : . ) The application of J>on ie dic she au S) Oo ps [On WwhGrriid respectfully presents that | a1. Kent: sherrill and... LS... @r6 minor childrenof VY fc ttoed Se ote, deceased, and 4s€ without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of } : ) wmmaYaey i dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphamg may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphan& iy : : sa * I's .v7 i¢ pson 1ig@lt* : This 7 ae day of i 19 : eae ‘ , a : 5 > I ner: IREDELL COUNTY—ss. eboon vier isd A g . pon . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named childggi of LIeUSeLves deceased; that to the best of his ; knowledge, information and belic f, the value of said estate is about .= Dollars; no } and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about eitaere Dollars, / i ' } Kil Sworn to before me, this + ‘{s) 2 3) omps > ’ "ry } , \ ° : :¢ J SY ’ if day of -} 19 \ \ i 2. 2 Olt 110 1 : : . Clerk Superior Court ) ' { . ~ OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court-——ss | Iredell County \ a " ss ' se n ins ran ’ ins Cc Guardian for " - : minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ‘ ) —~* . ~ day of } . . l LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court Iredell County SETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that pha - +ern ank 7) © minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon @ li and singular the goods and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said ».inor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law. ; ' oo aaah 19, 94 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Bon day of Yep UELS (s) yo Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court 543 | | } 4 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of : SUPERIOR COURT Iredell Count - Javid ay nancock Ht County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of a e se ancoc i as on and satiation ace minor childs 2 ° 2 deurscxrt and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are « ntitled to real ' il ¢ ‘i TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may | reser la that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cour y thinl for t rest . me This 2G day of......6 2008. 19 SJ » ane IREDELL COUNTY—ss. er L. llancock estate belonging to the above named childd€X ofc JALG lee ancoce) drenayt knowledge, information and belief, the value of said est.te is about . Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about I Sworn to before me, this , 4 ] Lie >OCc Cc } > [ day of cvooe 19, 02 | i} } . . i . Clerk Superior Court f OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. I As UE be 1.ancocK Guardion for 4 ancoc minor heir solemmly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preser sll the estate of my said war and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY ; } if will fait i u roncst perfor with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all ther duties of my said Guardianship, I will fai y ! ly perform wit the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / [ « } ‘ > a ancoc! day of >,abe 190 OF \ © . < s. ¢ 7 . , . ‘ ‘ . . . i ¢ : aU LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP \- a : ~~, vv NORTH CAROLINA, } ee red { In the Superior Court. . © fret redeil Co , . . > oeerrt i 4 — To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~-GREETING 1 hi y , : hi 7 It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that hi Javid Nay “ancock ig lalter L. ilancock ‘) i minor orphan without Guardian, and ry a ’ : ly qualified as such } having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qu Il and singular the goods i NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sing ; ae es 7 j improve, and : ‘ 7 ‘ 4. and the same to take into possession, secure ane and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, # : i eeiialiienaeiias ( furthe 4 y ol the said mruor orphan , and accor urther to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages © ; ] day of Vevone 19 02 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court this the | (s) Ge. We. eh sd Clerk Superior Court | GEO © DARNARD B14 Co ay APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of illy Osborne Upright -.16 yrs, SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, ‘rank James Uprigh - 14 years oe oes ere APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Leona. Abine Vpright..- Lb. FNBa The application of ita r® OSS WAL Ae respectfully presents that , S tha 277 Pon ond ale ois ae a Seed whet x 1s id Usborne weishts; Yrank James Upright and Leona Aline Upri : and are minor children of XXXKXAICK pe ; and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 1 YUU e OC J : : . , . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and maneged according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. Nie +h Tar K2 c S11 tan F ue . This 8th day of....Y. aM 19....9.2 (s) (24itam ose YPOSss IREDELL COUNTY—ss. ~ 4 ° Vw - , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte] with the real and personal | estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his Ki knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ewes Dollars; 4 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, / : \ re Sworn to before me, this / 1S] a . , > 3 day of ‘ ini . 19 ma \ | ‘ a Se z : Clerk Superior Court ) OATH OF GUARDIAN Th ! NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. : : Sean liaric ‘ahkk James i * Leona biine upr: i a , - Guardian for ~~>- y re ‘ ’ minor heir..5... solemnly swear that I will well and truly taki charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward 5S..; and that 1 will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Cuurt, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this : \ . aie r ana > } hiked io OSS VS day of iNe 19 J 2 \ { . ) \ j - . TLS c.s.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County se EETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETINY It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that . ll. ” * ‘ _ > 72 ~ nr ent x : ne Up e Yrank James Upright; Leona 442ne 41] 2. ¢ -osswht minor orphan ~ without Guardian, and...1'°++* having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child “CTD, and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all a goods nd singular the . , and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan G wheresvever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan S___, and according to law. 4 4 19. 9D ' ‘ , Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the L il day of Jalie Clerk Superior Court. b. (s) | Form 2 enna ec APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 56 In the matter of Ann Cillery..-...kern..7-4-5 SUPERIOR COURT —Iredel! County ee ; mnonas Jackson (Jackie) llerv.drd born 3- 1-56 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of OMasS ° 9 le ie mn L 8 rv sors AL . . Te lan - lie r and p0O a5 .ss ack: on Lite d..f ° ire mino l ° ® os ° steogaset: and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and per 1 te to t Wu >,000.00 lar t . TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preset ma rding to law ra t pra that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cour +} ae 5 5 Te / \ . , This Tet. day of Jane 19 / a ° IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Ie Se nomas vce LLtCi’' sv. e ' , : : uaint wit t , r il estate belonging to the above named children of jE L VCS SSIOGM, that t t of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate 1s rbout , . Dollar and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate | it Dollar Sworn to before me, this z / ) se day of Januaxy 19.2.2 ) ( : : - Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CARKULINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. I Oo7as Je 2 illery, i @ Guardian for ann FR. tae ree " y~“7 charge of, and preset: ve, all the estate of my sal ard 3 und that I will make minor heir..S.... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RI NEW MY BOND EVERY ‘ 1 fell . mestly perfor } THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Gu urdianship, I will faithfully and honestly pertorm with the best of my skill and ability. ; ’ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / So] ‘ ve - Te ee , ” \ day of vanua 19 . is) ‘ Y e vva BV , eve i . . , L : 4 s LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } a In the Superior Court. — To All Whom These Presents Shall Come <*RERTING ‘ . . . y, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior © ourt for Iredell County, tha 27) and omas Jackson (Jacki 2) LhLCE YS Ann L dd © x t¢ n, and minor O¢@GK without Guardia \ “an . ly « A ch having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child CN, and having been duly qualified as suc NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE ~ . be found, d chattels, rights and credits, of said minor G@02G3 wheresocvet to ogra ntages of the said minor aia, , and according AND EMP* WER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benent and adva ; 64 3 “d 4 Jane 19.7 Ww ‘ at day « Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ee ( 5) Co Ge vill Clerk Superior Court Y iis f ' ha) ; yg : 1 a a” a Ma Ps ‘) ‘eA | dd ae vgu i Ul ? if ii ‘ay il i ; £0 © BARNARD STA CO 91, ouNe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ; if '=1,56 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Peasy C. Wiseman APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: + °a mr Se Wiha iie ‘ - n @ % pe | The application of respectfully presents that Pegry C. Jiseman ‘ . » , are minor children of?.*"? * ala . Ai seiian ; and and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Seventeen Hyndre: i 2even en viiG. © i dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays 8 “rr * Te 5 that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. ) Jan 4 3 ce ) ro a rs seman This ve 2 day of meer fet 19..< [= aii pA chy ertzan pe Space IREDELL COUNTY—ss. *) £ « rman . 4 . 2 5@Mat , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte.! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named childpgyc of a : ‘Se Vede wi SC!.an pcp that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the v alue of said estate is about 2eventeen ‘und ‘ed Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 4th / ( S Douna - Jisenan day of Janua‘y 19.9.3. J -- \ . j . . ‘ . : . Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County : : . mama : arcey C ; enan I . ° m9! GneS Guardian for * MOD. _ ae minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all othes duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability 5 = . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this “+ : / \S/ ama e #isenan January a | day of 19 \ (s) ¥o Ge Smith cae LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ on To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that sgevy C. Wiseman Emma lie Jiseman minor orphan without Guardian, and ——v having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such : . , . oods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and ee and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into posecasion, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to att January 93 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 21 t q day of (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court _Form 2 fase APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Le In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —-Iredell County, ‘ussell....orrisen APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: argaret Adams The application of phitiy aeeteiin Wire’ Russell -orrison d LS & we n i oi a ‘lah . ; eapenaes an minor cl re erent and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estat ’ ° Har TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may ! t : | ! ra { 7 that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may t! ‘ { . ¢. 11th ‘al (>) This L107 day of........ mate 19 ‘ : P IREDELL COUNTY—ss. argaret 4qans 2 estate belonging to the above named childv@X of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about , - rs and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is abou Sworn to before me, this i / ) day of Je ) \ (s) ‘~*~ law : ri4¢+aljenut . SJViILOoLeY Yow LUSuUeYMY. Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Treci il County. . arraret Adams Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly tak charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my san wa andl that T will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND E\ ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sud Guw fianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this : / \S] A air 4 day of CDe 19 \ -_ . 7 . . 8) ) ley S. j ite, eputy c.8.¢ LETTERS OF GI! [ARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } \ In the Superior Court Irecte _ ne To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that useell orrison arcarez Adams minor orphan without Guardian, and , ; having a . ” pplied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such suardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said ¢ ah ealagpe and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and imy . water to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage* of the said minor orphan oma Oe , 11+h Feb. 19 O2 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 11th day of (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court j | ~~ : ; a o& ¥ ha + abr tne Se |? 1 bie | Se ' i pe ' : ty \ | tle ; Wes ae GEO D BARNARD S14 00 5 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Pb Rs oD In the matter of David... Brown,...born..12-28-43 SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superjor Court of said County: he Northwestern “ank The application of respectfully presents that David G. Brown ian S.A ae minor childdol. LLes.. Wendell. 2rown deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of orvy housand . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. a) 62 e Na Narthweet . en This a day of oe 199 .. ( s ( 1e 40 'CAWeS bern bank y E.il. ‘outman, ‘us ‘Foe IREDELL COUNTY—ss. elie Ou an nust VU Ce nwOrvcme SveErn bel@zUely sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal 7 r 517 . , estate belonging to the above named children of 34+ Ss /ende dno rown decease]; that to the best of his 0,000.00 knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about ‘ aVvVvveY Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this | (Ss ) he nortawestern an KA ep .9 \ Vs “Gistte ~Ouv™an, st ce day of ; ered 29...e ) / ° e Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ . ani ' [ote j an u ic HOrt.1 WESC Bardian for avid . ‘own minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this st a : oer cs (32 E. He. troutman day of SOorUary 19 63 \ ; = 5 ‘ Jom consanion Cac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP : NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County _ . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that AV iG fe ‘own minor orphan without Guardian, and** , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and cvery part thereof, for the benefit and advantage; of the said minor orphan , and according © _ 63 19 dat * an ye a+r Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the * day of J eoruar) (s) C. Ge Saith having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child angular the goods and Clerk Superior Court. . 4 orthwestern Dank further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of ¢ ' ' ' ' Form 2 : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP BARNARD P-459 In the matter of Linda D. Gaither, /inor SUPERIOR COURT—lIrecell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: James D. Gaither ane The application of Linda D. Gather and : XDOOUKKRUOKXDOK X Xxx and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and pers l estate to ! 32850.00 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preses ' sibin ty tenes, Weal saeelianiah ai that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cot uN ! toft ie a this... 23 tN.......day of......... “aren 19... 63 *s) James D. Gaither IREDELL COUNTY—ss. James D. Gaither . estate belonging to the above named childgggyg Linda D. saither XXX ; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is abou t and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 13th ( day of March 19 63. | (s) C. G. Shith (s) James D. Gaither Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. James D. Gaither Guardian for vinda De Gaither minor DOCX solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate my sa ur ‘ nd that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my ban is; an ' it fxs t honestly nerf th THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Gu ardianship, I will faithfully a ly perform the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13 th . ( Ss ) James D. Gaither day of March 19 63 \ (s) C. G. Smith ac 1024, Eighth St. Statesville, N.C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court. Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Linda D. Gaither , James D. Gaither minor GORROCK without Guardian, an , and having been duly qualified as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child MPOWER the said Guar: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND E and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, tian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and the same to take into possession, secuse and improve, and , and according to law March 19 63 he said minor orphan ' 13th day of Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 3 Clerk Superior Court es Form 2 SEO D BARNARD STA APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F=1.60 00.8) Lous In the matter of Dorothy Lyndall Wood Rt» 1 Union. Grove SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of ..C LEO Lawrence Wood & Northwestern Bank Dorothy Lyndall Wood and , are minor children of Harvey A ° Wood respectfully presents that deceased, : a and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 28, 693 e022 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This lst... day of...... April 19..63 (s) Cleo Lawrence Wood Northwestern Bakk By E.!!. ‘routaan IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal Harvey A . Wood deceased ; that to the best of his $8,693.22 Deter estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this lst / ( x) Cleo Lawrence Wood xaxekApril 19 O23 \ day of (e) C. Ge Smith Northwestern Bank by E./li. “routmn Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. :. he Northwestern Bank Guardian for _ Dorothy Lyndall Wood minor het: solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lst The Northwestern Bank April » 63 | BY; E. H. Troutman, Trust Officer day of (s/ C. G. Smith asl LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County ons : To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Dorothy Lyndall Wood > tern Sas minor orphan without Guardian, and. + he Northwes , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upan all and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to lew. April 10 93 Clerk Superior Court having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child singular the goods improve, and Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the lst day of (s) C. G. Smith Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 6 P=461 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County RG, ss Union Grove, . APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: the application of. CL@O Lawrence Wood and "he Northwestern Bank Vera Ann Wood Nar ur A ‘eT ere and are minor childr 1arvey Ae Wood ‘ ; iene 18 693.29 and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to t! ' OO 93 end folla TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may | t ln la f ! ravs that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or sucu other person as the Court may t ‘ toft aioe as. vhis........28% day of......“pril 19 63 Cleo Lawrence Wood Northwestern Bank by E.!i. froutman IREDELI. COUNTY—ss. Harvey A. Wood estate belonging to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this lst f Cleo uaw "ence iood - oe ; NOrthwestern Bank by E.H. ‘routman day of April 1963 \ (s) C. G. Smith ‘ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-——ss Iredell County. I, The Northwestern Bank Guardian tor Vera ann Wood charge of, and preserv all the estate of my ss 7S hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY rd i that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take ‘ atiw ak true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in ™) THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability ‘ ‘ } 4; a ~~ ; Northwestern Fank by E.H. ‘routman Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lst / ” y day of April 19 6e \ trust Officer (s) _C. Ge Smith C8. “5 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSI iP NORTH CAROLINA, : Iredt . In the Superior Court At Y redell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING | i tuna ' J ‘ : ips It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that | wa Vera Ann Wood il es minor orphan without Guardian, and Northwe stern Bank & 4B . ch f having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child _ and having been duly qualified as suc i yuardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods . t1ZE AN : FER the said ( NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER t + Ms ye, and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve | tages of the said minor orphan April i 63 | kien and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan end eccerding 10 lew benefit and advan lst day of Is) C.G. Smith Clerk Superior Court. | further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the GEO © BARNARD SrA £0. 8.Lowe F=462 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Miss Jesse Lee Cornelius, ..Incompete SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: William E. Cornelius The application of respectfully presents that ‘iss Jessie Lee Cornelius see certificate from Broughton Hosp. and SPOON! sooo and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Thirteen Thousand dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, April 19.63 This 2nd day of IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. William E. Cornelmus estate belonging to the above named TKI , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal KAM hat to the best of his $13,000 Dollars Three Hundred Fifty Dollars, Incompetent knowledge, information and belief, the valuc of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 2nd / William E. Cornelius and April 19.63. J ro a ( Ss ) C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County 1... William E. Cornelius WOOwsaxX solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY I { honestly perform with Incompetent Miss Jesse Lee Cornelius, and that I will make JOND EVERY Guardian for THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully an« the best of my skill and ability William E. Cornelius Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd / day of April 63 (s) C. G. Smtth a — 19 1918 Wendover 2d. Charlotte,lC LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | { In the Superior Court Iredell County LD ERETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Jesse Lee Cornelius, Incompetent William E. Cornlius minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sin and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take inv possession, secure and improve, , and according to law April gular the goods and chattels, rights and crerlits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 19 63 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2nd day of (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court. pe Pre > Do De Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Mrs. Lillie. Ks.Morrison SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell C mpnity APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor (¢ rphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Poe HUY tT . gs ii and. and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to rea! Rs fey » Hundred T+ eo Fifts inree nunare ( 300. ) rea , ~ Oo TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such ther per »O+} , te } LUuTU Thi a0 MES day of . > 19 2 IREDELI. COUNTY—ss. I's . Ruta i R...ddkadeadinc estate belonging to the above named AMldrenvor ESa...4 . knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts a and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is abou! Sworn to before me, this £0 / day of August 1 \ / e . . ‘ S/o ir 7 = j lit he) a4 a9 ; ; . : . : * Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. I Mrs. Ruth io il] Guardian for /" 5 « . a 94 . minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preset allt at f 1 will mak »in my hands; and that [I will RI NEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remat . . . . + ‘ Cres Rios will fas fully it stly perf it? THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sa yuardia I 1 fat ly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this { - day of August 19 ) ’ oe / 7-2 . ~— Ihirley S- White, Veputy c5¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, GREETING In the Superior Court Iredcil County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come . : “ t It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, tha . ‘* . t . a4 ’ | ‘Om? Mrs. Lilli . rTLSON, ANY minor orphan without Guardian, and , and having been duly qualified as such R the said Guar and the same to take into possession, secure having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child eee NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPX WE and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ereot, for the benefit and advantag sOet day of he Wha dian to enter in and upon all at nd improve, and wheresoever to be found, a t a orphan , and according to law further to manage said estate and every part th ©: of the said minor orp : August 1963 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the (s) Co Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court ay EO © BARNARD G14 6 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Tommy H.. Wares. Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ' my , } } i - ne The Northwestern bank The application of . respectfully presents that Tommy H. Ware, [Incomp sten | : and 2ate MRGCH Den of Pott ae i ’ -Omyp e ni ra . and are without a guardian; that the said rotoot chitdten are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of My - . &r\eid per..monva dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said fmalaor ofpazn gas may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orvhans. This vn... .day of aprid 19 3 The. horthwestern ba Y; Ee He Troutman, [rus' r IREDELL COUNTY—ss sat br : . . orvunAw soern ani es4 » ne + / 1: . yo re 2 ose A +A . ~ “ 4 , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with t ' and personal rat estate belonging to the above named cHMHXA .1LCOMmpe tent, Tommy He. ware deceased: that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; ? and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Dollars, : ; ort jestern A thd Sworn to before me, this / — = = | ; day of avri 19.62 \ { ie [. Troutma . ‘rust . - . . - t . . Clerk Superior Court i} OATH OF GUARDIAN } . « NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County \ . . . yee ‘ . . . ° mrntr ' ; ef . he. G t I Seats _ > == 7 Guardian for + U"*". 2 , ’ : mines hair. solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward snd that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ADP 19 \ day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / \ In the Superior Court Iredell County — . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that mm? ~ + camnetant i . Are, 4 my n lort hw i I minor orphan without Guardian, and Amnotant having applied for the Guardianship of aid tinct UK _ and having been duly qualified as such . ~- . . th grads NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE Tt A THORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter m and upon all and sangular the i and chattels, rights and credits, of said OGMOC Meg Bent wheresoever to be found, and the sane to take into pos ee incompetent further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the aiden aor oF , and according to law ’ , : 19... 63 Witn ss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ‘ th ona Avril “s) be Ge Smit! Clerk Superior Court. JUSar ci. ilbr; ] arilyn -. ill rs in A> ~ —_ 2~ Form 2 ‘ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell Counts Su 3AN Be Mild or = 4 ye irs arilyn. Ke. Miller 10. year | ; K athrine a % Milt 2r- 3 vyoars APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP jane Je Miller -.6 years Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County . { 1 se, 2 The application of R.B.8....Maed a ] : * ie Susan =. Miller, Maril; - : : : ' , and and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled tot 1 per TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said m ror that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other per : oa? acai i 44.054 m4: + day of ; 19 IREDELL. COUNTY~—-ss. rs, Olive Miller estate be! ing to the above named children of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is a! ’ and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate Is a Sworn to before me, this day of apr 19 \ OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. , 7 > se. Ul Vy ] i r (,uardian i, ‘ harge of, and preset i minor heir....5... solemnly swear that I will well and truly tak true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any 0! the estate remains 1 1 THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc ther duties of my sa the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this : . / rse day of April 19 \ Vee LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP a NORTH CAROLINA In the Superior Court Iredell County \ 2 fo All Whom These Presents Sh ali Come ~GREETING a © : “le “‘oonty, that : » ys It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, : x ¥ I rs A I i i 7 Liiva ; . ' » UlLiv r minor orphan without Guardian, and 4 fuly qualified as suc h ren, and having been ¢ | #aving applied for the Guardianship of said minor child y NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO At THORIZE AND EMPOWER t ‘ o be found, and t and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan. ~ a ‘ lar the gow he said Guar tian to enter in and upon all and snguiar “ heres «t be same to take into possession, secure and improve, and f ~ where ve age sax m d to law n orphan J ., and according 4 further to anage i estate and every part thereof, for the beneht and advantage* of the said minor of; j m id oril 19/3 th day of ADri.a itness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Ap bead ae ; smith Clerk Superior Court (s) Ge Ue 4£0 © MARHARD G14 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP #F -4.66 In the matter of 'eresa Chappell age 10 years SUPERIOR COURT-—~Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ‘To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: es ae I’ lor . The application of he Northwestern B ank respectfully presents that leresa Chappell : C. Chappell and are minor children of Edward..|. & Helen 0006) and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, wiie Oth dune 1903 (s) the Northwestern Bank day of IREDELL COUNTY —-ss EH ‘routman Arust Officer at Northwest Bank ts elle ‘ v 4 Uo ‘ : 2 wee > BR duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal ‘eresa Chappell WMEIEK that to the best of his $5,000.00 Dollars; estate belonging to the above named child knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about None Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 6th / fhe Northwestern Bank pial June 1» 63) BY E.H. froutman, "rust Officer (s) Martha D. Parker, Asst *Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County : Northwestern Bank _— a feresa Chappell sed that | will make JON D BEVERY minor heir solemnly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sab! ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that [ will RENEW MY k THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and alulity Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th / ( s) E H routman day of June 19 63 (s2 Uartha D. Parker Asst. csc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / In the Superior Court Iredell County s$WEETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ‘eresa Chappell, ‘“inor - nk minor MeDGIOX without Guardian, and Nor thweste! n ba having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such gular the goods NOW THESE AKK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sm improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and | further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to —_ 19. 63 Clerk Superior Court ; Witness my hand, andl the seal of the said Court, this the 6 th day of June (s) C. Ge. Smith Form 2 £0 0 mARNAN ‘ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT. «Iredell Counts John M. Sherrill APPLIC TION POR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of ‘largaret A. Sherrill t presents that John M. Sherrill is a tre minor childra% lake A. Sherrill and and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entit tor $5,000.00 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor or; that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such 26th July i, 63 TY! day of IREDELI, COUNTY—ss. larm aet A. Sherrill >) -} : wih 2% ' "lake A vne Li estate bx ing to the above named children of . caer : knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat ‘ and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts a! A+} Sworn to before me, this 26 wee / 7, \ day of J uly 10 63 \ (s) Ce te Smith ; Clerk Superior Cou OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court Iredicll County ° . : ; J ne ilj ; largaret A. Sherrill iat ee Pe ae : j ‘ | t ‘ tt i mak minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and pres ' at ' ' ENEW BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remat im my an 1 that | w ' , ‘ ‘ fat im of Gorardtar I will t ya ; thy perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the Law requires, ane all other duties of my sat’ Care a the best of my skill and ability At +L ans Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th { ( s) argare A, oherriid day of July 19 63 ) (s) C. Ge Smith C8. ¢ LETTERS OF Gl ARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come In the Superior Court Iredell County \ of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John M. Sherrill It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk Margaret A. Sherrill minor orphan without Guardian ard and having been duly qualified as such having applied for the Guardianship of said minor « hild : XOWER the said Cusr NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMI wheresorver to be found, ges of the said minor orphan July 19 63 Clerk Superior Court tan to enter in and upon all and singular the gods ad the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and am che and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan , and according to law f ita further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advan 26th day of (s) C. Ge Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the s : ’ ot ig ‘ay o%! Ag Fy ur, ’ ¥ 4 o 4 ; Cae” % Fr p a : Pa | . | a id % ‘4 ; ‘ibd rT GEO D BARNARD via cos APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP /F-L68 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Katherine Marilyn Meredith and Poke ee i . Jonn ocot iY) ; ; ° ‘ ott. Meredith,..dr APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: “ne ele << : or Virginia F. Meredith The application of E respectfully presents that Katherine Marily Meredith Q oO ct ct 3 Tonhn . . Mi ++}, T onn ocott Mere n e : : Tohn and ; - rot eredit tS are minor children of Dr. John th. * deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 2 2.6 2 29a oF VS ae A fF AVI Sais dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This day of....... AUZUST 19.63 IREDELL COUNTY-—ss. are i eee o* +34 e.§ : Ad Wis , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal Nr Iahn natt Mar $+} estate belonging to the above named children of re. gonn oCOUU mer edith deceased; that to the best of his - f : ‘ lie ‘ : aid estate is al eachs3 335.47 knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about “7% Dollars; eact ra 226 a and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about soaesectyeselh devel so i Dollars, Sworn to before me, this C / irrinia F. Meredit! day of 41 gv st 19 63 \ rtha . arker Seal+ . : aaa “ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County. \ ee - ‘ a aia ' nen , > : ’ Sa Jonn sOotrv ered _ One rs ; : tT WM 74 WY ¥ srt ne Ma g 7 a» a rr t+} , I, arginia f. leredith Guardian for. SAatNerin ari.) ' a minor heirS solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this < Viwerint Y ‘ore tr > irginia ’ 23 Neyersseat 62 day of sarees 19 arty t rvor eal Ad sic . ‘ An ve 3. « LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ <P RETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John ott Meredith, Jr. and Katherine Marilyn Meredith i Virginia minor orphan without Guardian, and va "Be red ith having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child [CN __, and having been duly qualified as such gods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the c ‘ mprove, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ~ wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and 1 further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law. 1963 Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this x Sth day of August Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F al, € In the matter of : - SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County William E. Hoover, incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: v The application of . . OOve? ! ' ts that Jilliam E. Hoover, incompet nal Ark MX DDD EX XO, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entith TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said 1 that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or su 12 Aug. Tt -: day of IREDELL COUNTY—ss. ye E. Hoover estate belonging to the above named XDUMBGKo!...... illia: te ‘ AKKKEKM knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is abot and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Sworn to before me, this mf / ile day of a 19 ) ’ . ms + . . Hh th Clerk Super OATH OF GUARDIAN YORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—s Iredell County. I . - noover ( ardiia ' BELOO IE MDX solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge f, and preset all at ‘ ‘ ’ {that I will I iW ty HOND .t } true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any o! the estate remains in my Hanes, & tE +t tics of mt 1 Guardi I will fa . y perform wit THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, und all other dut { my said ‘ : the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / t ° day of AUB. 19 a \ ° n t! 4 ‘ eT r¢ > LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHII NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court . Iredell County \ To All Whom These Preseuts Shall Come—GREETING : ‘ . ounty, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County 1a Slliam E. Hoover, incompetgn > r hha hep terh without Guardian and { having been duly qualified as suc h having applied for the Guardianship of said sitot D0 oom ingular the goods - . : < \uardiat NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guards and chattels, rights and credits, of said @iMdE SephieK wheresoever t further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the bene ft and advar ‘ al de ] Z day of Augus . Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this er * CG. Smith + to enter in and upon all and ito 5 on, secure and improve, and » ame to take into possession, o be found, and the = j * stages of the -aid minor orphan , and according to la 162 Clerk Superior Court Re w , % Form 2 GEO D BARNARD SYA © 8y 45 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F-470 Ba she mentee af SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Neil R. Millard, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: icati The Northweste Bank The application of ne Nor tern Bank iiss detalii ahi eil R. Millard, incompetent (See proceedings in file) and KOR ROK ChMate OK ; deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said 3D62CKDENEM are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saidyimogcorphs may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ‘ ncomr atant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as t ; j e inte: > saic ~ieK sat I of G I y ss c person he Court may thing best, for, the interest of the seid MILADOM aX ; 12 Assense 2 Reece VePp This 4.3 day of August 19 63 OY.3..deedee. MECC 5..Ne4 res. IREDELL COUNTY—ss. . © iam V4irePres Northwestern Rank ; : eset! ae PiVve ws VIEW Ve 4 o6 pees , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal . ser w Sy Neat} tT Millard Incom atrtant % YY estate belonging to the above named’ chitdteh & SM ee... 45.0... Site F M.8....5°22 Omp evMthy Hocbaee 4 that to the best of his . 7 AN knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about va pw Wet a> Dollars, 180 per mo from VA and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.‘ D.... etter Ron eke OO... Soe Dollars, — The Northwesterr a Sworn to before me, this = / ie i - re a , ~ . . a eS shy = A> . some? 2 day of ‘¥ve,* 19 “a \ Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / Inu the Superior Court——ss Iredell County | a a% a Dent wOrvnwesvern Atif * ey ” we -- Dense er £9 Millard iy “-ompetent I, roe ete ee.-2 costa tbseetboot Guardian for ‘vs4 ¢ + a“ SB ostos teas \ falahe herr solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EV ERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability The Narthweetern Rank Subscribed and sworn to bef >, this 13 ee ee im. VWePras uUHSCTIOe an wor “ we me 1 ; : / j : ee se sreen, V I = ‘ day of usu t 19 ) \ r - + ~ . Cc. S. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | ( In the Superior Court Iredell County TING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that +e Millard + ; Am ton weil . A Incompetent © dah ae motte having applied for the Guardianship of said aihdt SRG . and baving been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upam all and and chattels, rights and credits, of said“etetot Koplak wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, further to manage said estate and cvery part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said diihgl MaiplitaX _ and according to lew. £3 ! 1 August Clerk Superior Court The Northwestern | 58" Sreen, V-pres- sat without Guardian, and : By: Liebe singular the goods and \ day of Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the “ r . We Form 2 t APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Fel," In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County Susan Gale Browt. 14, years APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Mrs. Berlene Pre ale The application of aH viet ; respectfully pre hat : rf 7a QR + Susan Gale vrown and. and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estat t lu . tY 3 a nr ¢ Twenty nine. Hundred ($2,900.00) ii ice il i lie lls TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate « f said minor orphas that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person a 19 rust Thi 7 day of..../* ug BD..00 iPS... eQriacne rowun ACads IREDELL COUNTY—ss. mn : ‘ ‘ li i ta ies — a, Mrs. Berlene. Brown Kezlan estate belonging to the above named child¥ex 4%. knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is abot and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this +7 Mrs. rl j 5 . < 1922... } — ae August Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. NORTH aE . g . = ee I rs. 5erienc rown i.€<4 Guardian for . co y war and that I will make harge of, and preserve, all the estat im sk! wa my hands; and that I will RENEW MY solemnly swear that I will well and truly take as any of the estate remains in minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, BOND EVERY stly perform wit! ne .* ’ it faithfu nd how said Guardianship, I will faithfully a and all other duties of my the best of my skill and ability Subsct.bed and sworn to before me, this ; : ° I ‘ A \ day of August 1963 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, GREETING \ In the Superior Court leedell County To All Whom These Presents > sall Come « Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Supers Gale Brown, 14 years 2 ; ' rs. be wusan lene Brown Ke zlan without Guardian, arw nunor orphan been duly qualified as such: , and having MPOWER the said Guar and the same to take into j and upon all and singular the goods having ajplied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND E wheresoever to be fou lian to enter m roseession, secure and improve, and nd, and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan fing to law . , h , and according further to : thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan ‘ manage said estate and every part t , . August 19° 3 19 day « ee Witn , the said Court, this the a : , ss my hand, and the seal of the said \« i 4 mith Clerk Superior Court. GEO D BARNAMO G14 CO ey Loung APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP RQx F-172 x -4, (& In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Chester James Hill - 17 yrs. Webb Hill - 19 yrs, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. 4 . ‘ a ae To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: on William E. Webb, Jr. The application of ? respectfully presents that Chester James. Hill and. Webb..Hill and are minor children of I'S . Nancy Hill. Schwade deoaiad / and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Twelve hundred. ---- ‘ : ; : Lpwelve DNUNGIeo dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ; , that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. 5 1 mher 2 Wh4 Sam TT a a This 4 day of veptembde! 1963 ’ Villiam . ebt ,ur. IREDELL COUNTY-~ss. “dlliam E. W,ob, Jr. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquaintel with the real and personal ichwade estate belonging to the above named children of rs deceased; that to the best of his $1200.00 t+ VV Dollars; q knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this ¢ / sVTlitam ’ T . é . oe ted te AME * G ’ day of Sy vs oe! Be ocsvl \ : . mi +} ‘ . . . . ° > es Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ 'slliam } ‘ebb J ‘hester James Hill and Webb Hill I, (i++ ian . eod0, vr. Guardian for neste! ames fide minor heir solemnly swear that I wil well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this : / S$lliem aht Jr LiLieMm . ’ . ; rem ‘2 day of ey temper 19-7 \ rn oat m4 + . G. Smit) eac LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ SREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come ~<GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that {i11 and W “bb Hill yhester James minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such . , : . oods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all ant ages ass and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan September 1963 . a( Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 20 day of C. G. Smith Clerk Superior Court Jilliam £. wWebb,| oF: Form 2 40 » eannan ‘ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP mW ope In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—lIredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ] To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: acts Fay’ Memory The application of J Zi8 Siem ia s - Paula Mmmory ! po ” We ~ We alean wdMary Marshall. Marks ire minor childs , ks, Jr. = and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are ent tled to real t y TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor or t ' that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other perso the ( t f : ne . SA amr a Th 17th day of eC} tember 9 j IREDELL COUNTY—ss. ‘amorvy M ke \ 2mory Marks estate bel g to the above named children of..." ame sS..ay ’ , knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat ar and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts a 774} Sworn to before me, this = / ray Mer , > day of C : 19 \ m4 ¢ . : >. wae Y Clerk Superior Court i OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. ir * ’ . 3 7 I * mory arKks Guardian for ‘J é . ‘ ‘ ‘ is T ate state ( ’ ‘ wu . at ot | will mak minor heir. ~ solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and presefve, a © tat ie : ' = har d that wil RENEW MY BOND EV! ay true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains 1 my hands; and that I | N : : ‘ t mw eid G jianship, I il faithfully a mestly perform wit! THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, @ vd all other duties of My dneumeen , , the best of my skill and ability 17tt j ' ~~ , Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ; : ay gmory ) net ; coo, ' ,. Ge mit} Cc. &. ¢ sa “aS ® LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP : he ja NORTH CAROLINA, / | “eee be * In the Superior Court. \ GREETING Iredell County To All Whom Thes Presents Shall Come nk . . : ty, that ie It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County a . taewwe Marshall Marks Paula Memory Marks and Mary arenes a Tae emory Ma rKe | afta iO! Par | a minor orphan without Guardian, and 7 | a n lifted as such s hevine anniie . ren and having been duly qua i ing applied for the Guardianship of said minor child riian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods } . i si o NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the st 'S8 eee a i the same to ‘ . wheresoever to be found, anc of the said minot orphan S ec and ‘ —~ chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan , and according to law f hene stage further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the fit and advautag 63 17th « , October 19 © vi day a Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Ge G. Smi th Clerk Seperior Court LO D BARNARD 5) 4 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F-47h in the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, James William Ostwalt, incompete APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The applicati Everett F. Ostwalt The application of respectfully presents that compe ency) + © Jd (See Proceedings as t oO James William Ostwalt, Incompetent aeGHiKos SMS of KKXKY and and are without a guardian; that the said nvidoxK CHO &Sre entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays , AMNea ant ° . } - © aa that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think Lest, for the interest of the said DOpRpORaCpuaasEX 9c renhor 2 ena day of ycvober 19 63 IREDELL COUNTY-——ss ++ t stwalt , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal . oy foama mV14-¢ ar>esm 1? + a me an? ewww estate belonging to the above named AhAdtahok. . Ames Lit Lam Os wal v» Incomy CUCU Meek that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars: and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this / veret?t tT ctw 1+ ver Ie S LU, } T ( n rf day of t 19 09 \ eVe DOX OQ ] tatesville, N. C. ° ° t Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County verett F. Ostwalt . James William Ostwalt, Incompetent I pean : Guardian for solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make riabeated elt ENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will R THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully ane honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Sul. scribed and sworn to before me, this / EKyerett we Ostwalt > , sreuv fe StWalv day of \ ctob er: 19 ¢ J \ . le mit} — vs c.8.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ onrentt To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that ames William Ostwalt, Incompetent yverett F. ostwalt without Guardian, and Rh hrse” having applied for the Guardianship of said Mia OMM , and having been duly qualified as such ” . , . ‘4 . * oF. :- ; he NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon oll end dager’ a . ove, wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and impr and chattels, rights and credits, of said papgor oCpioss , and accor ‘ing to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said O(IOCMO6RG0t 56 rt > 9 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the aD day of October I . " : mith Clerk Superior Court. | 63 G Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of William SUPERIOR COURT Tre lel! County Boyd/Daniels, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: } ar 1 so 7) be ) LVA Ne aa Nova Jl)a OY a iT) J peer re ure mine Attar’ The application of Mrs. and VA AA and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are en Ten Thousand i TO tHE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mu that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other A HRs Hae let Ni¢ emher This 40 U day of ov emt 19 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. e e] ~ ey ¥ : rs. va he. vani . y ng to the above named Kiietiets 6 e estate bel nformation and belief, the value of said estat knowledge, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estat 7 Sw to before me, this . { Clerk Super OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court——ss Iredell County ' rs. Eva H. Daniels uardian for : — wes wed that | will mak solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and pres and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any o! the estate remains und all other duties min hei 5 a jOND EVERY true returns i} tly ¢ fi, wit! {my sani (stlarelans) thinly @ ly perform THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Nevember 19. V2 j a day of G “m4 +) . i * bah Wal \ » 4 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom Thes Presents Shall Cone GREETING j ; ‘ County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court sor Iredell 4 Incompetent Boyd Jani fs ’ HAP he phan qualified as suc h without Guardian aml , and having been duly re applied for the Guardianship of said minor an 1 upon all and singular the goods NOW THESK ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZ where id Guardian to enter im an E AND EMP YWER the sa and the @ me to take into possession, secure and improve, and soever to be found, of the said minor osjpyban November , and according to law and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 1» 63 nd advantage further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit at lst seal of the said Court, this the day of Witness my hand, and the Clerks Superior Court Form 2 GEO © BARMAND B14 co» APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F476 In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Lonnie C. Clark, Jr. 13 years of. age : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ” The application of Lonnie ©. | ARK animes ; : respectfully presents that Lonnie C. Clark, Jr. is a minor child and areninot chtidteh of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of t? } 3 . r c eventeen Hundred Forty one - = = —— dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant pray aw, plicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. inor orphans. 19 63 L. ©. Drare ae Necemher This ‘ day of vecenvoes IREDELL COUNTY-~ss. anr > ar} ” wU . a ae | . , being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte! with the real and personal da ea a ! Lonnie C ‘lark Ir weesrerenne estate belonging to the above named children of att ES8 SS ° 4&9... U4_@ XdeeeasAX that to the best of his : O77) 7 ‘ knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Rte S coin Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, ) o hefore : ; T . “lark Sworn to before me, this / con - Lark ereamt -_ A day of : ehOEs 19 a \ e m+ +} ° ° beh Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—s Iredell County \ Lonnie C. Clark re Lonnie lar Jr I, ’ Guardian for LON. e Lares - solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my bands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7 / Y a eo aon ; ° - Clare ecemt er 2 “ £ Z o . day of > ae ; it - \ L at l l Ow Ge . . . CG MmOOTrTeSViIsdsl, Weve re >. omit! . . c. &. ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that mnie C. Clark, Jr. ‘ ; minor orphan without Guardian, and Lonnie having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such and singular the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upan all and improve. ond wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure _ and according to lew. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Witn as my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 9 day of December GC. Gs omace S Clark,5?- | ' Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Yoh 79 In the matter of Mrs,.Lula. Rimmer..2herrill, Incompetegt SUPERIOR COURT. Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: . we ; . ' . S arv nac The application of Mrs. ary we YON ‘ a bn tens i = E a . : Mrs. Lula Rimmer Sherrill, Incompetent ( tificat . Diack ide. eae ond po X2GES UE NOE MMM: TKD tS pein en incompeten and are without a guardian; that the said twhabrohmher arc entitled to real a Real Estate $4400. & Personal $4°0. TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of saicDrpinoxorpe mens put > aameaie a4 .? that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such IDEN ON, a4 “ Bae This......~4 day of wovemoer i ) IREDELL COUNTY—ss. irs. Mary S. Jones estate belonging to the above named childteh bt PS. Ute . nerr ; peter AeA HM knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat i ‘ t and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts a An Sworn to before me, this eo / — lovember ne | ; : : 4+y 2. e -wmMmsv: Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County. * e +*. _ . . . . r ’ , I. rs. ary e vones Guardian for , : ' ' . that Iv ‘ ORO Kan solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charg of, and presery ill ri stat ‘ an a nak hat I Wt Ree V 2) VERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my sands: and that i w 1KENEW M BOND EVERY ff my said Guardianship, | will farthiu an westly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties 54 ' Léa Va py ones ary . Js . . 94 day of November 19 63. } oute 2, Mooresville, 4%. \- the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this o Smith LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court \ GREETING Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come « Court for Iredell County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Super Incompetent irs. Tula Rimmer Sherrill, : Mes. Mary S. Jones ‘ without Guardian, and Tid ae Pts and having been duly qualified as such MPOWER the said Guardian to ent and the same to take in having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND E wheresoever to be found, ages of the said minor orphan November 1963 ex in and upon all and singular the goods to possession, secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan hereol, for the benefit and advant 22 day of Martha D. Paker , and according to law further to manage said estate and every part t Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the ‘ ’ . Ass‘ t «Clerk Superior Court > GEO D BARNARD S)4 Co gy ' APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F-47& In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Thad Michael. Thompson (age 9 yea.) Mark Evanf Thompson (age. 5 Amelia Martina Thompson (age 3 Mog.) MAL YU APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: nD . my n icati Ruth F. Thompson The application of Pp respectfully presents that Martina Thom Thad Michael Thompson, Mark Evan Thompson and Amelia ison ‘ : : : Qn m1, a = ’ and are minor children of -lem Thompson pa : and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to réaf and personal estate to the value of , - "2 — re fr VYVatarans Adminietraté: seven hundred Eighty and 00/100 year irom veterans Administration . ‘ dollarg, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. . t . +h ecembher é 3 Rare} e Th saan This 4 Ui day of...’ cembder 99 MUTN fF e inompson IREDELL COUNTY-—-ss Deh F Thamnenn ¥ re inompson , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainteJ with the real and personal "lam Tham y estate belonging to the above named children of i1em sno! ip son deceased: that to the best of his : . , ‘eyen iIndread richt/and 00/] per knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about. * ven nungrea Seer crissecers sore era Dollars;* ~*. none & and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, } +} ; Sworn to before me, this + vss / Deeth PF Thompson ° + A 2 : : ; . ; ; T F of day of vecemper 199) \ mOUve sy + Ox . sant lla iM Maneha | Parker ea te oun aida, . ° ; eee “Clerk Superior Court ' OATH OF GUARDIAN / NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ Thad Mibhael Thompson, , ~ . ss Wn we 4 nth -F Thompson yr Lb Pean Thomnson and Amelia martese l, suatteree - inompson Guardian for /-2T 5 van inompseys an ™hompson NQmveve : and that I wilf make * solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ~ minor heir and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability } + Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Hecokh FF -” ( Ruth F. Thompson , a . s 2 day of ec emb er 19. <4 \ Martha D. Parker ss't. : i. & © LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ sD ERTING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come 4GREETE Thad Michael Thompson, It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Mark Evan Thompson and Amelia Martina Thompson mouth F. Thompson minor orphan without Guardian, and ah en having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such - . o* ones no . . b s NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upan ail and dagites #8 ' . and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresuever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve further to manage said estate and cvery part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according te iw. 63 19 - December Lth — Decemd Martha B. Parker Clerk Superior Court Witacss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the enniter of i s SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County William C. Miller, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ae a “ a4 * . * Ss Ashlen i ar The application of Mrs. thien M. Mille: i ail adie illiam C,. Miller, Incompetent |{ Se othe in nis : + C Le He tettnedk Aah deere i and ’ incompetent and are without a guardian; that the said yenenck ieclrew wr emtith Tv e tah? : } 7 nad 5 Forty Lignt hundred plus +: ; TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may t ! , “ that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other 1 Cou a an . KKK 16 +V day of ecember ' IREDELL COUNTY Mrs. Ashlen M. ass 9 ler MiLLeY estate belonging to the above named GhMMBE. .. 221250 . Lo 9 Ompet st knowledge, inf and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate i 9 72 Sworn to before me, this ; f re. i Ht day of OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—-ss Iredell County , Mrs. Ashlen M. Miller Guardian for , J ‘ . j os pre ti the estat im ani ¥ 1 I ! ‘ minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly tak harge of, and preserve, au ate ny ands; and st I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any ©! the estate remains im ™) let t il G fians THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, anc all other duties of my said Guarcran the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this . her 63 | Le . I den « ecember 19 Ye 44 ‘ ’ ; Mooresville, . . os ° — at ‘ . le mith} ° 2.¢ ae ®, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, ‘ In the Superior Court GREETING Iredell County To All Whom These Presents shall Come . ; ‘ County, that It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell '4lliam C. Miller, Incompetent “ ~ ‘ ** ‘eh lan wv Miller . mrs ASNLeCN Me without Guardian, and ° minot orphan been duly qualified as such and having ; - EMPOWER the said Guardian to ent 1 angular the gourds having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child or in and apes of ont NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND to take into possession, secure and improve, and o o . and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be fant, ant Ge a han and according to law up , further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage of the said minor oy 16 ey of December 1963 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the - : Gs Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court a eA a ha em 5 4 1 ATES. i i H Form 2 Sb 6 saann 009 400 Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP F 45h ee . ; 7 AS/ weaeieuile Pees APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ~ ES : In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County, In the matter of i i as e - Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell Gray, SUPERIOR COURT Iredell County incompetent sel ; Thomas Jake Corry : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP nom K y APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. ey ’ To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County - To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County Ly ) vs t+ man myer fi nar N rthweste ‘nr Rank z : : j , —s ‘ The application of . H. Troutman, trust Ollicer, ortnwes Tr nk respectfully presents that The application of ar ’ - tfull naa £ £2 . espectiully resents that Oi lace +) ie de ln ae 9 Gray, Incompetent (se certificate from tate tage Thoma: Jal Se i is al ac ‘ / a Sst , and ° — Selnteetiidet of deceased, and “wte'minor GAttdrar' ny! heoeased ; competent is ' and are without a guardian; that the saigapiorc xthtphtoxare entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ind are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and persona estate to the value of t Nine Thousand OF1 77 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant lollar il a ‘ Sy omnetent ifs, accoreimy to the tn information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said aitat 49pKaks may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed ac rding to law, your applicant pray mneten ey I , % ; i rs re . ‘ ’ that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said imtoo orptpaps. that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Cough may think pest, for the interest of the said minor orphans. ' , Wks a. ’ This day of J id i This < day of 1” VY . * ; -EDE ce _— IREDELL COUNTY——ss IREDELL IUNTY—-ss. — (CR 4 = Ay wt he, ctorr anh : ; ] ¢ Trout ma - y rust f . ‘ obi e U! ; -? . — , Weirig Yfaly sworn, says that he is ac yuainte.! with the real and personal ’ Util a4 sequainted with thaGhat 2688 personal " ae aie } oe oo T comnet nt. that to ‘ tate he , » ehove aamed « . > estate belonging to the above named clia@nenam 01rs. tizavetn PM. 1X ay, incompevcn.u lucha Hd, tha the best of his ite belonging to the above named childrAhutch I a that to the best of his g f 1 QG Oo ge, i atic < . eX © of | t knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ; 7 2. Dollars; knowledge, information and belief, the value of said est Dollars , eee J und ¢ L : : sand profits o © re estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about . " a ‘ Dollars, he value of the rents and profits of th al estat ' ltincn i a if hy: | Trait mar Tn ¢ ers or Sworn to before me, this 4 / { Sworn to before me, this E y . e I j itl, ! age ; ; — ‘ ad Aly ‘- day of sy 19 , \ ay of ' \ $ . ° ' Clerk Superior Court : : : 7 ° Aa lerk Superior Court ' q _— oO ( Gl | OATH OF GUARDIAN ATH O| ARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA, / / — a oy, ( In the Superior Court a \ | Ireviell County ' ' ' es ehh a 'r lizabet! ° ray , incompete! 5 Urnest iroutman rust i. I Guas es oT atl.s r t ; r t rowoOl 1 C Gabrtien for sve >? . , ’ viraretian for J soiour Kcr » solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly ta urge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward und that I will make : RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate rema in my hands; and that [ will KENEW MY KOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will INE : . . orm wit! Tl ? VEARS iy riug Ce as the law requires, and all ot luties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly ‘ ; THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform IKEE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, a r dut ' uardia piv athinily a ronestly perform with ie ; : the best of my skill and ability wt ‘ the best of my skill and ability Stilys ved an ‘ ore « ‘ / f y se Subscribed and sworn to before me, thi / en routmar ubseribed ee to before me, t / ‘ ‘ ; Tem rat ¢ r lew af JULY 19 \ : . ¥ day of : 19 \ 4] > ee FF re . ‘ ‘ a. ? = ' Ss r +) a ) « iy: ae { .| > eee wh LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP } =~EEe me . a li} LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP ee . ue re NORTH CAROLINA, / hy ~ NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Hf , Se ee NG oe To All Whom These P hall GREETING Iredell County ii Come GREETING ToA vom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING To All Whom These Presents Sha rs . It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court tor Iredell County, that it being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that 1 ¢ r Thomas Jake | rry 7 abeth Mitchell Gray, incompeten}, Troutman Trust office AnomMas ane c J i] : Prethe oe pwestern Bark ! ' he yrthwestern Bank ‘ jortnweevse minor orphan without Guardian, an - | 1 Inthe tytder” without Guardian, anc rebvee hiloe® 1 lifted h having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as such yplied for the Guardianship of said t : ¥ , and having been duly qualified as suc is : igs mS ‘ : 40 in una 4 een oft end cinautas the qvede ae . , RK th iG hi to enter in and upon all and singular the gore NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in an ™ i NOW THESE AKK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian wo © ’ ‘ « o take into possession, secure and improve, anc i th to take into possession, secure and improve, - and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into pos ' ats a creaite, of d minut arph hers t to be found, end the same to Ne ‘ orph , and according to law and chattels, rie amd credits, of card mime orphan whetewnve , aie according 10 law ) further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minot orphan 1 “ further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the venefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan ’ 62 . 5 F Jul y sof 2 a7] d a Jul y ” Witacss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 7 . ay « ve Witness my hand, and the seal of the aid Court, this the ‘ may « ——~ ¢ ' « “We mitn Clerk Superior Court. s r ‘mit h Clerk 5 ; mi ve : Form 2 SLi 00 6 seman ss APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ro In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell Gray, ioe Ld od incompetent : ' APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: t Ww Manat mor trust FL ne Northwestern Rank , — r mar ‘rust officer lorthwestern Bank The application of... + Ms 4POUUM hy ’ . : respectfully presents that Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell Cray, Incompetent (see certificate from State Hosp Toate . - : reo \ Ag ‘ / and ane FoI vt ‘lel incompetent ls and are without a guardian; that the saidonaiyor xixisbioxare entitled to real and personal estate to the value of thO1 .99 ; ; ae DUwees oe dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant smnanmnateant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said dihdt 4epKawis may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays mnetant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said ming oye xm This 27 day of Jul z 19 : IREDELL COUNTY~—ss. ae oe ie ~ E estate belonging to the above named clan ors. Lil zabeth MM. ray 9 eos : . AQ1 .99 knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about yOPt@ 22 Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about . Dollars, y rt we + ’ Sworn to before me, this ' / hy: ‘ ‘ routman, r Tey Vy 6° day &f...M MS? 19 ; \ - mitt Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ 2 nial , : . : T ‘ T were oes » Narthwes » mr Myre lizabet!l ‘ ray ,incompeven. 1 fue Ths rouvl ’ r t ; I I iortnwe Gebriikn for rs - iA ‘ 7? ' < olen Ken solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that mestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and he the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / ; H. ‘routman July fo ¢ fenst off =: day of oo 19 3° +} . e.6.< LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, { ( In the Superior Court Iredell County GREETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that irs. Elizabeth Mitchell Gray, incompetgnk mpoyeman, Trust . Northwestern atl tytedey” without Guardian, and , and having been duly qualified as such having applied for the Guardianship of said rere’ che” NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and aaerwes wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secwe and unprere, , and according to law. Tay] y 19 62 . ‘ 5 oa JUL Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the : day of and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan Clerk Superior Court c cc. GCG. Sm officer Bark t wa ii j } Form 2 A" ey > . : ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ~&F57 ¢ In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT--Irecell County Thomas Jake Corry APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of 2 585 ‘orthwestern Dein tk ie respectfully presents that J _— P i e Q Y ry . ane “eteminor Gtidrar os rs deceased, and are without a guardis g > 83 ine ildret } and are without a eng that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ? nOUSana to Nin nc dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the est ! ~ . WRIy ‘, the he ate of sax] minor orphan Prese ‘ ul mat 1 ! r orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to | or such other 1 I ssucc » him or such other person as the Coug, may think gst, for gh interest of the said minor orphans, This 7 day of 19 IREDELL COUNTY-~—ss. t Froutman, Trust ff rt ‘ 2 , 4 ont thite ~ we t +} j gefu i at he ac juainte.] with théGital add personal state belonging to the above named childrtuof JOS@} r | ! i al leceas that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about : Dollars und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about I dollars, Sworn to before me, this 4 / J + 5 av of ~J 19 \ . ‘ ~ ’ 7 . . is Clerk iperior Court . m vl OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. r e+ rr . — . ~ I, AumCoYy ‘ U hee sus ‘ (,tardiian for . minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make truce returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my sar Guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability rt vert . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ¢ / Y i “out tod July 9.02. J BS UETICeF ~ & — oem . . = i i ( Ss ¢ f ily . : "i > | LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP ee, i a ta . NORTH CAROLINA / ! , In the Superior Court i Iredell County \ ' To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that as ae . homas wake orry re howe torr Par i shi Al minor orphan without Guardian, and = * - having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as suc h NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter im and upon all and singular the goods same to take into possession, secure and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the Lenefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and according to law a 7 } JUuiy aoe Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 3 day of - I + Co mitek ~ Ge miwvn Clerk Superior Court Form 2 _. pte In the matter of Nannie.B. Lipe,. Incompetent £0 © BARNARD UIA co APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Xo the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Thomas. Neill The application of respectfully presents that Nannie B. Lipe is. an incompetent, presently at Broughton Hospitel, Morganton, ### North. Carolina Hethectrtbittst ih beth Hd dhdhi! is incompetent is andé#yAwithout a guardian; that the said fhpreg teh eiteth sate entitled to Aepadpersonal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant Three Hundred, Twenty Five.and..No/100 TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate @#edtyidhie tttipfnay be preserved, and managed according to 'aw, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sai ranean had incompetent. 1963 (s).. Thomas Neill This. 31 day of .December Thomas Neill IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Thomas Neill , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with t AOBBH personal estate belonging to the above named P\AAHF - Nannie B, Lipe, Incompetent HeteHHH that co the best of his Three Hundred,Twenty Five and No/100. Dollars; ase knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about faa rneaned a tie eens amps Miao tat debgat Sworn to before me, this 22 / (s) December 163...) Thomas Neill Thomas Neill day of Clerk Superior Court C. Ge. Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County Nannie B, Lipe, Incompetent - and that I will make Guardian for I, Thomas Neill shdbtbe: wet solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward es true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVER ; — ‘orm with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly - the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31 / ( . ) Thomas Ne ill day of ... December 19 63.4 Thomas Neill C. Ge. Smith c.s.c LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / ( In the Superior Court Iredell County :REETING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come— It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Nannie B, Lipe, Incompetent , Thomas Neill without Guardian, and said incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of Oat tab tha: AOS , and having been duly qualified as such — NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO mpetent EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all a - and chattels, rights and credits, of said “= ‘esoever to be found, and the eae” = and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the sai 1963 Clerk Superior Court (s) C. Ge Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 31 Form 2 i In the matter of William C,.. Tucker (date of birth 8/17/,6) oe 4£0 © RARWARD SIA CO 8 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of William C. Tucker mui. is andgggvithout a guardian; that the said minor childyex are entitled TO THE END, T HEREFOR E, that the estate of that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such ot! This........ 13th... day of..February IREDELL COUNTY—-+s. Mrs, Margaret Tucker estate belonging to the above named ¢ hildgxegg of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate Sworn to before me, this 6th lay of March (s) Ce. Ge Smith NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior Court Iredell County. I, Mrs. Margaret Tucker minor heir true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requ the best of my skill and ability ubscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of March (s). C..G. Smith Mrs. Margaret Tucker solemnly swear that I will well and truly ¢ respectfully presents that is a RXV minor children of deceased, 1 to real and personal estate to the value of oo > , af dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant said minor orphans may be rved n ; I preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ler person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said 196 ininor orphans, Cuwly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal leceased ; that to the best of his Dollars Dollars, (s) Mrs, Margaret Tucker Mrs. Margaret Tucker OATH OF GUARDIAN Guardia William C, Tucker ak arge of, and preser all the tat " ol ward amd that I will make uny of the estate rema n : ond that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY 1 ali other duties of my wa stearcia I will farthfully and honestly perform with / ( ) A , s Mrs. “argaret Tucker iw 64 4 Mrs. Margaret Tucker 520 Davie Avenue “9 Statesville, N. C. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that William C. Tucker further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan Witncss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING without Guardian, and Mpg, Margaret Tucker minor orphan , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the gouds wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and , and according to law 19 6 Clerk Superior Court 6th dayot March (s) C. G. Smith we As APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, James 0. Daniels, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP AKOTA To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Pres & Trust Off, The application of The Northwestern Bank, Be E, H, Troutman, Vice- respectfully presents thes James 0. Daniels, Incompetent 1 . ROOK HON IC EIOK = incompetent X zero and are without a guardian; that the said @gusoqsitiked are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant $1,080 from VA and $80,00.per.mo. TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent, that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of th: Said PERE ORR RAR. This....20 day of February 19 6 REDELL COUNTY- ss a — Northwestern Bank Bo c. Troutman,Vice-Pres & Trus t Officer > being duly sworn, says that he is ac quainte.! with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named gojtkeoxk. James O. Daniels, Incompetent Sever! ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $1080.00 Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $80.00 per moe Dollars, Sworn to befure me, this 20 j The Northwestern Bank By: (s) E. H, Troutman, day of... February 16h. J Trust Officer ( 8 ) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, 5 > In the Superior Court-—ss Iredell County Northwestern Bank 1, Ee He Troutman, Trust Officer, Guardian for. James O. Daniels, Incompetent : and that I will make ye es solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward W MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENE ; y and hone with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully an { honestly perform the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20 / E. H. Troutman day of February 19 6 \ ca ¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA / { In the Superior Court anaes County ts Shall Come—GREETING To All Whom These Presen It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that James O. Daniel B, Incompetent MRK ORDO without Guardian, andNor thwestern incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of sid GERRRRAK , and having been duly qualified as such tar the goods nm ; ‘ and ang NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter ' and upon all and : : secure and improve, and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, ; . according to law further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and me Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 20 day of February . ior Comrt. (s) C, G, Smith oo. 4 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Ray. Garland Dancy, Jr, SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Robert Ne. Ra ndall respectfully presents that Ray Garland Dancy, Jr. , and are minor chilgggn of Mr. & Mrs, Ray G. Dancy ROI a d > "3 © ie » ent ; and are without a guardian; that the said minor childggg are entitled to real and personal estate to tl ! f ‘ ai an onal estate tu ic Viulue Oo Seventeen. Hundred 1 . ; dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be ] han ay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ant pre that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other pers« I . her person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans This day 0 ‘ 9 lay of... Januar y 1964 {s) Robert N, Randall IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Robert N. Randall uly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named « hilgegg of Ray G o arland Dancy, Jr Vos e Seger! ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $1700.00 Dollars; und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 9 / , (s) Robert N. Randall ’ day of January 16 - (s) C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN “ORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court Iredell County. I, Robert N,. Randall juardian for Ray Garland Dency, Jr, minor heir sole > b ! nel try i, and 4 jlemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said w ard ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands: and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE VE » Superior C 1 uires | f EE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardi anship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this “4 / (s) Robert N. Randall ; day of Januar y 9 64. t (s) Cc. Ge Smith c. &. ¢ 's Lt TTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / Iredell In the Superior Court. recell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that RExaxkxRaxRxxaxkikx Ray Garland Dancy, Jr, minor orphan without Guardian, andRobert N, Randall having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan , and according to law Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 9 day of January 19 64 (s) C. G. Smith Clerk Supe ‘or Court. Form 2 PAD APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Rebecca Elaine Wylie SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: respectfully presents that Clarence Edward Wylie Rebecca Elaine Wylie The application of xi are minor childrgrgof ; ou, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $1,995.96 , TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. This 1 day January 196, IREDELL COUNTY-—~ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! wit) the real and personal Clarence Edward Wylie RMARK that to the best of his $1,995.96 Dollars; estate belonging to the above named childrgp of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $1 , 995. 96 Dollars, ia Sworn to before me, this lk ! (s) Clarence Edward Wylie | day of... January 19.6 } Clarence Edward Wylie { g ) C....Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ Guardian for Rebecca Elaine Wylie I, Clarence Edwerd Wylie . and that I will make minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY . with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and ali other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honcstly perform the best of my skill and ability Subseribed and sworn to before me, this 14th | (s) Clarence Edward Wylie day of January 964. 5 lk Fieldstone Road Mooresville, N. Ce (s) Ce Ge Smith C.5.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | ‘ In the Superior Court. Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Rebecca Elaine Wylie minor orphan with out Guardian, and larence Edward wylie having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such :, the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and — ‘ : and improve. and wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure , and according to law. and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 19 64 day of January (s) C. Ge Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the lu th Form 2 F-l87 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT —Iredell County Forrest .L. Carpenter, Jr., Incompete APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ALE RK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County ae Northwestern Bank The application of E. H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer,/ Forrest L. Carpenter, Jr., Incompetent (See Order made April 20, 196), ) and incompetent igs MAKARRAMKN and are without a guardian; that the said “entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, th r¢ f 1 mi . *REFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of th 1 , ma tink best, fo 1¢ interest o ¢ sal DOIDOK JERE This.......20 day of April 19 6 THE NORTHWESTERN BANK By: E. H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust IREDELL COUNTY—+ss. Officer : Northwestern Bank EH. Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer/ iis ig Guly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named MMINONK Forrest Le Carpenter » Jr e Incompetentxax that to the! to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Doll oulars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Doll vlars, Sworn to before me, this 20 / A ; THE NORTHWESTERN BANK day of... April 19 64 | By: (s) E,. H, Troutman Cashi & F ) (a). Ce Ge Smith ashier rust VUfficer Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court Iredell County. ficer, Northwestern Bank KMD XIMOEK OC : BREX. respectfully presents that incompetent eH, Troutman, Cashier & Trust Of-/ Guardian for Forrest L. Carpenter, Jr., Ingp, true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that 1 will make THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20 / (s ) E H lay of April 19 64, \ (s) C. G.. Smith C8. Troutman LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING Forrest L. It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Carpenter, Jr., Incompetent ROKK MAK without Guardian wi The Northwestern incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said nlGKdkMi , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE ae TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and angular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of saic wheresoever to be found, and the game to take te: possession, secure and improve, and Losompe en further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , and according to law 20 dayot April 0 6 (s) C, G, Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court Form 3 uf ice ee 48 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Rebecca Elaine. Wylie APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Clarence Edward Wylie respectfully presents that Rebecca Elaine Wylie pon ; are minor childrgryxof XDI, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $1 , 995. 96 ; .....dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans. ) This 1k day oJanuary 196)... IREDELL COUNTY—ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal Clarence Edward Wylie RAR that to the best of his estate belonging to the above named childrgn of knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about $1 , 995-6 96 Dollars; ! and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $1 9 995.96 Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 14 ( (s) Clarence Edwerd. Wylie day of January 1964... | Clarence Fdwerd Wylie (s ) C...G.--Fmith Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ I, Clarence Edwerd Wylie Guardian for Rebecca Elaine Wylie solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that I will make minor heir . and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; a THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, | will faithfully and honestly perform the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this lth / (s ) Clarence Edward Wylie January 1964. | lly Fieldstone Road Mooresville, N. Ce day of (9) C. Ge Smith c.5.¢ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | { In the Superior Court REETING Iredell County | To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—G It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Rebecca Elaine Wylie minor orphan fe without Guardian, antClarence Edward wy) having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child . and having been duly qualified as such _ sm . ‘ = all and singular the & NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter and up< and : : and improve, wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan , and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan 19 64 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the lk th day of January (s) C. G. Smith he Form 2 F-4.87 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP r In the matter of | . SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. Forrest..L,. Carpenter, Jr., Incompete APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP AKER KK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Northwestern Bank ‘Lhe application of Ee He Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer,/ respectfully presents that C Forrest L. Carpenter, Jr., Incompetent (See Order made April 20, 196) r and DEX DLDLOC XM EX OC ; incompetent is a and are without a guardian; that the said MiJGKAMRADOEntitled to real and personal estate to the value of ONE estate oO he “ eco dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mi THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the sai Roompe tent Ma nA cSt, oO c erest o c sai DOAQOK JERI. This........20 day of April 19. 64 THE NORTHWESTERN BANK By: E. H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust IREDELL COUNTY—+ss. Cl tour ae ‘ i Northwestern Bank 4, u i ! lul alle ro Man, Cashier & Trust Officer/ beng Guly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named MMJEMOUK Forrest ie Carpenter > Jr. Incompetentxxx that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Doll oars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dol! dollars, Sworn to before me, this 20 7 eee { THE NORTHWESTERN BANK : day of...... “PY 19 64 | By: (s) E. H. Troutman Cashier & Trust Officer (s ) Ce G. Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, } In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ ficer, Northwestern Bank . eH. Troutman, Cashier & Trust Of-/ Guardian for Forrest L. Carpenter, Jr., Ingp. KOK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20 / (s ) E. H. Troutman day of April 19 64, } ‘ iv mo (s)...C..G,.. Smith CS. |g . i} ~~ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP } aa NORTH CAROLINA, } Mg In the Superior Court. he Iredell County \ if To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING 4 P /. It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that orrest L. Carpenter, Jr., Incompetent } UUILK OL without Guardian, wa The Northwestern Bnk,. if incompetent having applied for the Guardianship of said niiGKdhMd , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of saic wheresoever to be found, and the locoupetent, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said , and according to law day of April 19 64, (s) C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 20 Form 2. F-88 GLO © BARWARD SrA Co 87. Lou APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Henry Pharr, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP OOO OR IOK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Northwestern Bank The application of respectfully presents that Henry. Pharr, Incompetent. (See petition and Order in file) i X2GK KIMMIE IK naman ' and incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said 30K OSE entitled to real and personal estate to the value of $620 from VA and $155 - 00 per Me dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said SMIOEGAMAMKmay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays incompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said mg + M 6h, THE NORTHWESTERN BANK This. tay ot... ” By: -(s) E, H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Bank E. He Trou tman, Trust Officer-Northwest enp/, duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal incompetent estate belonging to the above natal ROReRSE knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Henry Pharr ASSAX, that to the best of his $620.00 Dollars; $155.00 per mo. from VA Dollars, und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about , Sworn to before me, this lh : THE NORTHWESTERN BANK day of May 1964... | By: (s) E. He. Troutman Cashier & Trust Officer (s) C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ — Northwestern Bank Henry Pharr, Incompetent - and that I will make ,. Ee He. Troutman, Trust Officer od Guardian for eK ROK solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability us )s) day of May 19 6h \ (s) C. Ge Smith 2.66 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this E,. H, Troutman LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell Count _— ; r minty \ To All \. som These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superio: Court for Iredell County, that Henry Pharr, Incompetent AKAAGRA incompetent ; having applied for the Guardianship of said , and having been duly qualified as such lar the goods NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singy j and improve, and and chattels, rights and credits, of said xaoagmee tent resoever to be found, and the to take ant secure without Guardian, anc : according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said ’ ns bh 1h day of May (s) ©&, G, Smith Witness my hand, and the seal of the sai Court, this the Clerk Superior Court , Northwestern Bank | | Form 2 F-89 GtO © BARNARD GTA COBY LOWS APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 22 7 % In the matter of eee J SUPERIOR COURT—-Iredell County Catherine. Benjamin, alias Catherine i B, Allison, Incompetent APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP PLC RIK To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: Geneva B, Miller The applicati he application of respectfully presents that Catherine Benjamin, alias Catherine B, Allison, incompetent & RK AKAAAK MAK KIAK xoes IN! : _ incompetent is and are without a guardian; that the said :gtgegcotutoe entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Two Thousand Four Hundred Thirty One and 69/100. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant as iia incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said QUXGLIUNDWGMnay be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the saic incompetent This.....20 day of May 19. 6 (s) Geneva B. Miller Geneva B,. Miller IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Geneva .B,.Miller estate belonging to the above named MiNdEMDOK inc ompe tent being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal EZMABK that to the best of his knowledge, 7 an ae rlief, the value of said estate is about Two Thousand “our Hundred Thirty One Dollars Dollars and 100 and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 20th . ( (s) Geneva B, Miller day of May 19 6. \ Geneva B, Miller (s ) C. G, Smith Clerk Superior Court t OATH OF GUARDIAN i NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Catherine B, Allison, incompetent I, Geneva B, Miller Guardian for Catherine Benjamin, alias/ minor heir . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and that I will make ; true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RINEW MY BOND EVERY ' THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all uther duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly periorm with | the best of my skill and ability : titel ash niin toteben 20th Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / ( a ) Geneva B. Miller \ day of May 19 6 | Beneva 5B, Miller : “3 Ra 708 Cascade St., Mooresville, ' (s)..C,..G,. Smith C. 8. ¢ Ne. C, i LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / { In the Superior Court ST aa Oe Iredell County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Catherine Benjamin, alias Catherine 5, Allison, Incompetent x oo without Guardian, and Geneva B. Miller apesmps'e* om having applied for the Guardianship of said _ and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE ee TO AU HORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter tm and upon all and singular the goods wheresoever to be found, and the game to take into —— secure and improve, and en further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the it Reombak ; and according to law 20th day of May 19 64 (s) Cc, G, Smith and chattels, rights and credits, of saic Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court. Form 2 F-)y 90 GEO © BARNARD gra APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Melanie A. Mills Ned . 8 Mills ’ Jr + APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Nor thwestern Rank The application of E e He Troutman ’ Cas hier & Trus t Officer of, respectfully presents that Melanie Ae Mills and Ned T. Mills, Jre ast are minor children of Ned FT... Millis deceased, ind are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, THE NORTHWESTERN BANK This. 2 day of June 19. 64, By: {s) E, H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer The Northwestern Bank Ee He Troutman, Cashier *x Trust Officer fring duly sworn, says that he is acquainte! with the real and personal IREDELL COUNTY—ss. estate belonging to the above named children of Ned ce. Mills deceased , that to the best of his Dollars; knowledge, information and belicf, the value of said estate is about $50 - per mo from VA Dollars, THE NORTHWESTERN PANK and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to before me, this 2 F (s) E. H. Trout day of June 19 64. J By: Cashier « Trust Officer ( 8 ) Ce. Ge Smi th Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Officer, The Northwestern Sank |. E, H, Troutman, Cashier & Trust/ Guardien tor Melanie A. Mille & Ned T. Mills, ‘ solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward RENEW MY BOND EVERY - and that I will minor heir. g@ and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will true returns : aithfully and honestly perform with THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, 1 will f the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 day of June 19 6 (s) Cc, G. Smith cac ( (s) E. H. Troutman \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court — To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Melanie A. Mills « Ned T, Mills, Jr. minor orphan 8 without Guardian, and children having applied for the Guardianship of said minor sag _ and having been duly qualified as euch ual NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all a or ia wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure impre to law. . . a ‘ and according further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan * 64 2 day of June . jor Court. (s) C. G, Smith Clark Sage and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 8 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Northwestern Bank Form 2) F-)91 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Paul Donald Cook SUPERIOR COURT—Iredel! County ae APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ” The application of de E, Cook respectfully presents that Paul Donald Cook, minor : and, ; ’ £8 minor Stee: KRM and are without a guardian; that the said minor childrMDG@re entitled to real and personal ¢ Fifteen Hundred state to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE he : estate il : , that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your ipplicant prays that Letters of Guardianshi y be issue ; ‘ ¢ , p may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the int This... 9th day of... June 19 64 (a)... Je. B...Gook rest of the said minor orphans. IREDELL COUNTY —+s. Je E,. Cook b d ! is ac cing duly sworn, says that he is ac juaimted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named childggyx of Paul Donald Cook deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Fifteen Hundred Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 9th / day of June 964, \ (s) Je bh, Cook (s) C, G, Smith f Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court—+s Iredell County. ; ' I, Je E, Cook Guardian for Paul Donald Cook, minor minor heir solemuly swear that | will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Gu irdianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th ! fa) day of June 64 5 (s) C. G. Smith C8. J. E, Yook Rt. #2, Statesville, N. C, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersiqned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Paul Donald Cook nn without Guardian, and Je E. Cook having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor {uw wheresoever to be found, and the eame to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor SRL , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 9th day of June 19 64 (s) C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 F-l90 GEO © BARNARD STA CO. 51 .Lomg J APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, Melanie A. Mills Ned T, Mills, Jr. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The Northwestern Bank The application of B...He Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer,/ Melanie Ae Mills and Ned T. Mills, Jre Ned T. Mills deceased, respectfully presents that and are minor children of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. TO THE END, THiREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, J 6b. THE NORTHWESTERN BANK "™1.t ¢ This....2 day of une e By: (s) E, H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer IREDELL COUNTY-——ss The Northwestern Bank E. H,. Troutman, Cashier & Trust Officer cing duly sworn, says that he is acquainte.! with the real and personal Ned T. Mills estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate ts about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about $50 - per mo from VA Dollars, THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Sworn to before me, this 2 ! (s ) E. H. Trout dap of June 19 6h. J By: Cashier « Trust Officer Clerk Superior Court (s) Co Ge Smith OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. Officer, The Northwestern Yank 8 1. E, H. Troutman, Cashier & Trust/ Melanie A. Mille & Ned T. Mills) . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY Guardian for minor heir.g@ true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 { (s ) E. He Troutman day of June 19 6 \ (s). C, G. Smith cic LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP j NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court — ) To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING: It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Melanie A, Mills « Ned T. Mills, Yr. | tern minor orphan 8 without Guardian, and Northwes children ' i h having applied for the Guardianship of said minor gigtg& , and having been duly qualified as suc ; the goods lian to enter in and upon all and singular NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guarc al at ‘ jon, secure impr and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 8 wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession ding to law : according ° further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan Ss. .,and bs Ms Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 2 day of June Clerk Superior Court. (s) C. G. Smith Pat ee ee HSI Form 2 F-91 GEO © BARNARD STA CO BY LOUNe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of Paul Denald Cook SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: J. E,. Cook Paul Donald Cook, minor and...... ; des minor Soe Sor ; RAK, and are without a guardian; that the said minor childr&iQGre entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Fifteen Hundred The application, of respectfully presents that dollars, according to the best information and belief of your ipplicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the iuterest of the said minor orphans, This.... 9th day of June 19 6, (s) de Ee. Cook IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Je E, Cook estate belonging to the above named childgggx of Paul Donald Cook , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Fifteen Hundred Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 9th / » > (s ) Je k . Cook day of June 19 64 \ (s) C, G, Smith Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court—ss. Iredell County. I, Je E. Cook Guardian for Paul Donald Cook, minor minor heir . solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward .; and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th / (s ) s. E, Cook day of June 1964 \ Rt. #2, Statesville, N. C. (a) Ce G, Smith Cc.s.C LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Court. Iredell County. . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come -GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Paul Donald Cook minodiAse without Guardian, and Je E. Cook having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor 9aRg@D wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor#pRaxX 9th day of June 19 64 (s) C, G, Smith , and according to law. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the Clerk Superior Court tis = ay = ~s To Form 2 F-)}92 GEO © BARNARD S14 0.81. toMy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP in the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, John.. Joseph... May APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Ouxhamsx child To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Florence..C.. May . . respectfully presents that } T ~ vy} MVM John Josenon May and is.a 2x minor childen of ..F Lorence..C,.. olay esepEst x and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. child "O THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor O¢piDl0$ may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays child that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor qgugamx ( « ) a re Vaw This......29 day of June 19...) \a)... Plorence. 0. May IREDELL COUNTY—ss. Florence ©, May , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainte | with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named childrd&%f of rlorence..U.e.may dcocaend ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this 29 / (s) lorence Ce . day of June 19. A)) \ lorence CGC. ay 5) Bg Aha. Re Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / > In the Superior (—ss Iredell County I Florence C,. “ay Guardian for John Joseph May | me ney , ‘ - and that I will make minor heir solemnly swear tvat I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward « and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY aithfully and honestly perform with true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will f the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this zy (s) lorence a ' May Florence C, “May 211 Cascade Ste a . 2 Send °s.c a (s.) eo... de..-mi th C.5. Mooresville, Ne Ve —_ — — _ day of June 19 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | > In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that John Joseph May minor d¢7GK without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as sae all and singular the goods a : ' m NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AYTHD IZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upe gn , and possession, secure and improve, and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor whe wheresoever to be found, and the same to 3} "4 ol sag to tor. 5 1964 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 29 day of une superior Court (s) C, G...Smith ane further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor i Florence Co May Form 2 F-!93 £0 0 @ARNARD BTA CO BY LOWe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of g s SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County Bobby Steele. Pence APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To.the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of Mildred S Pence C e enc respectfully presents that er ae . LOnby..oteele Pence and ; o ; ; ¥ ¥ / } is L8...a XBMK minor childgexof . Urman We rence deceased, nd ee Wi a guardian; that the said mi fg i a ithout a guardian; that the said minor child Mire entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Seven..Uundred..Fifty 1 DY. «.0-0-4-0:0-0-6-6 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant $7 re . * Cr : d TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the es on . EREFORE, that the estate of said minor Wopheoys may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be isst nese Z 3 g wed te or such othe “rs ~C ’ . ; , Ree uch other person as the Court may think be st, for the interest of the said minor OM os. “hie Ath < This l wil day of July 1% fs} Miler } > e 5 MLLGI ~e “nce IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. Mildred S, Pence , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named child ‘ ‘ } 1 of rma y >Y) Mo irman ° nce deceased ; that to the dest of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is rbout SVE) NDR [PTV wats Lose seth . : re ee Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about None ne Dollars, . IA+h Sworn to before me, this ‘ : / MitaAaw ; .. ; ; > LAA CPO GO e ce day of July 19 6h) ) ) . . e208 a ) "ith : (s . /* eh UES Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, > In the Superior Court Iredell County. Mildred & ne ; I, Ls GI } . ence Guardian for bobt steele enc minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward amd that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remain sin my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honk stly perform with the best of my skill and ability > / . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this LO. th / 1A ; > yr Toly i... & al'e /* ence day of v¥ UAAd 19 ; \ : . = (s) . le ywmith & < LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come--GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that Bobt y Stee le Pence child minor oryzae without Guardian, and Mj l iped Ss ° Pence having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO Ayr ize AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orplomx whereseever to be found, and the same to take yy possession, secure and improve, and Fh further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor GEPRIGK ._, and according to law Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 16th day of July 19 64 (s) to Ge. Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 F-9 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 100 © GARWAND Gra 00 8) Loum f In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. irs. Mollie.S..jiartness, Incompeten APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP RM OT HIGHS To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ~~ . ‘ . 1 si \ffs ao ry WN } a Oh a ois The application of \7« R...omitn, Trust PL aCer, +e orthwestern Pank respectfully presents that Mrs,..Mollie S,.Hartness, .Jncompetent nob seROMinoK siitdromot yc, ‘3 incompetent 18 < Moet without a guardian; that the said ¥akiSochAKA Bs entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, incompetent ; TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mon orptoms may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ncompetent i that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said eae | fia’ +.R. Smitt 4) \+ ee mitn This 20 day of July 19.51... O6°Re Smith, Trust Officer | The Northwestern Pank i IREDELL COUNTY—ss. senhaiin, Deals ! . R Om s +} Twat ffice "he North . being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainted with the real and personal Se...the omith, LPUStL Picer, .2Nne. s.OPer & y { Snramnet iain. ids ‘ estate belonging to the above named op igep gl incompetent XOCOEMM . that to the best of his { ! knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; und the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, ul >; / . ‘ baie ute ’ Sworn to before me, this é “ R, Or th , lay of July 19 64. J te Re Smith, “rust Officer, The Hl ay 0 pl . : ] day orthwestern Bank { o..Je.. 2m it? Clerk Superior Court i Tr . : OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | }| > In the Superior Court——ss g Iredell County ve ve +2 c an?’naae ‘ I The rthwestern. Pank Guardian for. Mrse Mollie. ».(ia SS | incompetent ( { that I will make 1 Vik ie” DO solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward , and tha an } ; “4 <NEW MY BOND EV i true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY I , < . Ty. ' : ‘fai » and honestly perform wi i THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly p the best of my skill and ability " Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20 , (s) r R, omi th } R Smith day of July 19. 6... } 3>o Re mi la +. Ge Smith csc LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / In the Superior Court Iredell County \ _QRERTING To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that : Mrs. Mollie S, Hartness, Incompetent qT) J tern Jomecux phan without Guardian, and 1 ne Northwes Bank incompetent ‘hed h having applied for the Guardianship of said migggontatdl , and having been duly qualified as suc seas a : ‘ 4 upon all and singular NOW THESE ARK THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and up : improve, and ncompetent int , , secure and i and chattels, rights and credits, of said ROUSE RN wheresoever to be found, and the 3 to teks Sete snon ’ and according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said 19.64 Witucss my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 20 day of July (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk: Superior Court ,@ Ve i Form 2 ‘a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP - In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-~Iredell County 4 Richara’ Ry DaRhnaax q " APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP icone Seni 3 Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of e f PI respectfully presents that and are minor children of deceased and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans This day of 19 IREDELL COUNTY—-ss. being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of tat to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars Sworn to before me, this / day of 19 } Clerk Superior Court : OATH OF GUARDIAN ; NORTH CAROLINA, |} > In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County. \ I, Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that t will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of 19 \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP Burke , NORTH CARCLINA, / 3 { In the Superior Court Trédel County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come —GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that . RTAKARAR, DARKAAAA “ANA ar lea minor orphan without Guardian, and AAA having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian t) enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minat orphan , and according to law ll neue’ 9 41 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of A ‘ 19 T ° Q c Wa tan Clerk Superior Court. nty NeCe yf Form 2 F-),9l GEO D BARNARD Sra £0.81 Loung APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County. | Mrs..Mollie..S..jiartness,.Incompeten APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP XMM OTM | To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: . | The application of le Re Smith , Trus.t..Officer 9 rhe Northwestern ank respectfully presents that | Mrs...Mollie..S...Hartness,..Incompetent poms ROEMDOR HITS OK dence, is incompetent 1s Mode without a guardian; that the said HhnsechIKeA 48 entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. incompetent TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said mtgoxocptoms may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays ncompetent that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said »iespugkem . \ . . . . i jul " (s) GR, Smith This lay July 19.6)... oe aca ae FU... OG Cnn AE + yo Re Omith, Trust Officer | The Northwestern Bank { REDELL COUNTY . ; _— = western Bank \ ; Poe smi Eh, Trust ff icer, The North/ , being duly sworn, says that he is ac yuainted with the real and personal | estate belonging to the above named Ob eigen of incompetent XAGOCIEN - that to the best of his | knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; ' | and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Dollars, iv Sworn to before me, this 20 / . . we " Sr {th day of July 19.64. J to Re Smith, “rust VI! ser, The nt ; Northwestern Bank 1 o...Ze... MLE Clerk Superior Court i] OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ : : laren eee rthwestern Bank Guardian for. Mrs. Mollie S,tiartness, neomneten ike’ Deke solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and that I will make H true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with | the best of my skill and ability ’ Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / (« . 2 Smith i . ~ . T } } 2 Sm i day of July 19 6h \ ie . lth le . . tw f +h . ‘* ° arb UE cS a¢< LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredell Count on { rede munty \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that , — iilta | I LL e flartness, Incompetent Northwestern without Guardian, and Tne Bank JamCCOR pt incompetent : having applied for the Guardianship of said mggppotgidt gular the goods | . # NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO Al THORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and at Lncompetent , secure and improve, , and having been duly qualified as such and chattels, rights and credits, of said = wheresoever to be found, and the to take into MDS CENT 4 according to law. further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said , 196. Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the 20 day of July (s) C. Ge Smith Clerk Superior Court Form 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of UPERIOR SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County Richarn’ Ry .BaRhangax ~ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County The application of : os — t and | are minor childre: Laer i are ho lian: th 1 id mi: ! i and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and ver ate tot aluc ars, a r stot rina r TO THE END. THEREFORE im 7 END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphan Ly reser and managed accor ‘ raj that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such r th i to him rf such ler $ the Cour ay think be c r : c ns This day of 19 IREDELL COUNTY—ss. 16 1 “ estate belonging to the above named childre 1 knowledge, information and belief, t! alu a at a Ars and the value of the rents and profits the real estate ae wee Sworn to before me, this / day of ) \ Clerk Superior Cou OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, / , : « upctiog & Iredell County \ I, ardian minor beir solemnly swear that I will well and truly tak ary (, and preser a tat . “ sa true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as ar { the estate rema 1 my hands; and that I will RENEW M‘ Di ; we , t ; , ’ THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties ny sa yuardia I ‘ : ly perform wit the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me. this j day of 19 \ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, / viva , In the Superior Court Irede’ County \ To All Whom These Presents Shall Come-—~GREETING It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that wT Aa a2 - ~ ARMM a” 2 xLA 4 Se aq ” nite ofpman without Guardian, and AAA having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child am sly qualified as such aving \een « NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Gaardian to enter a and upon all aad angular: he gel ‘ ‘ and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take inte possession. secure aad improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said manor orphan , and according to law Witness my hand, and the seal of the sad Court, this the fay of 5 1” 2+ fe row © " : Clerk Superior Court £0 D BARNARD BIA CO 81 LoMg APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP tt) N TDK ‘NT TNT —_—— Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: a ai. The application of respectfully presents that and are minor children of desi ased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This day of 19 IREDELL COUNTY—-ss . being duly sworn, says that he is acquainteJ with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of deceased, that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; rofits of the real estate is about Dollars, and the value of the rents and + Sworn to before me, this day of 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County \ I, Guardian for and that 1 will make EW MY BOND EVERY vestly perform with minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will REN THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and hor the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, thi day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court lredel}] County . To All Whom These Presents Shall Come—-G It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that a we >} minor orphan without Guardian, and having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child _ and having been duly qualified as such NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and the same to take into possession, secure and and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan wheresuever to be found, further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of 7. Roy Wacaster Rur k e ’ 10 0 BARNARD S14 60 $1 Lome APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP In the matter of SUPERIOR COURT-—Iredell County, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: aa 174 The application of ‘ -s respectfully presents that and are minor children of and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, TO THE END, THEREFORE, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved, and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him or such other person as the Court may think best, for the interest of the said minor orphans, This day of 19 IREDELL COUNTY—ss , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate ts about Dollars, Sworn to before me, this day of 19 Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN NORTH CAROLINA, { In the Superior Court—ss Iredell County I, Guardian for minor heir solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward - and that I will make true returns and ANNUAL SETTLEMENTS as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will RENEW MY BOND EVERY THREE YEARS in the Superior Court, as the law requires, and all other duties of my said Guardianship, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP NORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court Iredel} County To All Whom These Presents Shall Come It being certified to the undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for Iredell County, that "eri « ; ine ‘ J ‘ i ie Dhwl minor orphan without Guardian, and * ©’ having applied for the Guardianship of said minor child . and having been duly qualified as such: on ; NOW THESE ARE THEREFORE TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sng a and chattels, rights and credits, of said mine: orphan wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and impr further to manage said estate and every part thereof, for the benefit and advantage: of the said minor orphan , and ing to . t June 19 Witness my hand, and the seal of the said Court, this the day of I. Roy Wacaster Sager Comet q County, Ne e Z 61. Burke State of North Carolina Department of Archives and History Raleigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title) sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon; that the records were microfilmed date and at the reduc- tion ratio indicated; and that on the date of microfilming, the records were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s). It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s) were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 845.1 « 845.4, General Statutes of North Carolina; and that in order to insure archival quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed, they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved, by the State Department of Archives and History. 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