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Appointment of Administrators, Executors, and Guardians 1895-1905 (2)
i | | | | 248 434/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, -.County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the administration of the estate of \ : ii a os 4d 08.6, . = e - - - = = — oo fa eee thes orn, doth say that C&xrz-+44 bail ot. ie late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and ee tebe WS ....Is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said Lt- - > r, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $O-99 2° are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ae ere ns ORF OF Clerk S, ior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. £ W. ‘. 5 dt Miiicae DSc Re ar a ae , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that Dil ccsisccctiee ties without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer Alioth pre ce. _.-.-----y and a true and as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaiging to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said perfect inventory thereof return perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to hefore me this. Bue IR day of -1GPOM ae 5 Kea tt ar rch. _......, Administrator. ,68. 06. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION y : sa aies deiedind, ...County—In the Superior Court. State of Nosth Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats Shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ... RMaktareor late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearidy that....... /. fp. Melati weacitadialb i fe cae deceased, and having qualified as administra ~~— according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra.c~~w. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and sagisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the pe, ae of A fA. sae Fa IPDOl County, that -. 1s entitled to the administration of the estate of the 21296.—Every executor, administrator and collector, within three rinsiina eieots qualification, shail return to the Clerk, on oath perfect estate, “ina tar othe Garon uh ahr nn he ara ehh egos aint dys ares ne by " y him, a full and itemized account thereof, which shall be him and recorded by the t.—Every eneontor, edasiniatrator and collector shall, within twelve monthe from date of hte qualificallon oremeern ee Soup 0: any of tao souan qpeneee control, file, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of ieuty sseatvee ue tte or Ce oe eae nature of such investment, and his recel pts and disbursements for the past year in the farm of debit and credit, He must produce vouchers for all payments. y ng oon may examine, on oath, each sacountiog parts ‘- denis tarceemar een oa ae neers or any other matter relating to the estate, and having carefully revised and audited such : wens —~ " deemed prima facie evidence of correctness, Each Clerk must annex or attach a copy of this # goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his ee 432°. epieeacics Ttileci the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of 2 teats 0 . D Before ... oo ache : Pact uke 8. ¢. | oer bbe tty ., being duly sworn, doth say that \Q o ~~. OL. Uradteo—— late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and wc tee YaWikhi a ‘alas _.....is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said Nl a ciicnadbilic, A ‘ Wr enn. Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ 0700 22% (haere and that AQ? Ac. US tbo. Mees VN. br. are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this A ..... day of urt. } OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ---- County. all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said lO sities cls ® Waren, , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly -......---, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. iis Nitec On iar. L i Klhottosrch_ ..., Administrator. / LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. ....County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for petite. - sees. Couaty, that OS enraten. OL AA) AA Beets -.-..... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that....... a fi. Rletr arr. ; deceased, and having qualified as administra Lav~according to law: Nees Now these are Therefore to Empower, tha said administra dacy> to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattele, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue Of said estate to distribute according to law. hithlleatey of... Kf . 1s entitled to the administration of the estate of the Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .... (4 —wei> selene 41396.—Every executor, administrator and enliector, within t) He shall also return to the 5 tn ae to chek, € oheh, WN eae APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 249 i j { | j / ; | ee eT 433, © APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 200 -_Is the Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at and that (Rainiabees,... ee are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, i ee OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. day of Clerk Superior Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ce : ... County. f . J, as d ‘ ON en i ee oh SN BON ee , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that t , died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all andAingular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said tue? ..., and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all perform with the best of my skill and abilit Y: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _. dé x 1G2 he Dein Maite 080. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. day of ..., Administrator. a State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : . It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ... Qe ALE, ea icles County, that a | etnan hi. -A.. es late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and vor and it appearing that... Peis Dn acted dh deceased, and having qualified as administra ese according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra co~.. to enter credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the a I as y of 41306,—Every executor, administrator and collector, within th months pfter his qualification, shall retu estate, goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands\er te . ch nvemtong ai On cath, ® Just, true and perfect inventory of all the real ands of any persoy for him which Inventory shall be signed recorded Clerk. He shal! also return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months reach sale made by him, a fall and item\zed account the meres oon County—In the Superior Court. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and ‘wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and si BH e/ ve er duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly — the past year In the form of debit and credit, He must produce rome paymen Clore may examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the receipts, diebursements or a ge mnanteal means : ny other matter relating to the estate, and carefully revised audited such he approve the same, he must endorse bis approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima tm ech Cth: ness enicet et soko oe eaiaeie * taeued by him, ‘ 7: . APPLICATION FOR LETTERS or ADMINISTRATION. = 4 a APPLICA TIow FoR x 2 | a, a4, ia, Freres AM ayaa gyi coe . being swors, doth Say: ‘County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testa- Per person entitjed to Letters of Administration on Eom geen ns : be asccrtair ed at the daty of this application, is abgut } fe - AGy “a we oe b > A. en '. pe J 4 Ede. —j ¢ AAS a 8 os Vf @ 4, AA WALA ee SOT. iS — f : 3 rey” : : “ --are entitled as heirs and distribfitees thereof, Re ’ . oe ULV AAALTD rt. STAT ee. ae Oo Roxen : a a ae ee yf SRP Gers. 4 oe 1 Hee ; @ tperior Court, ngs 8 ) gmc | ; eee C4 ! ian a GE ae » do solemnly swear (or affirm) That er ee a re }--died without leaving any last Will and nd io all andsing, - ougulat the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the i q weal ; “= and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; es = ; : ~ a ye pers appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and h tl i a perfordih : y and ability; So help me God, a 434 ° 251 | APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. | ----++++-+----County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of | a Rafara LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. _. sis ; 3 ‘, AO County—In the Superio State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall ecame--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, (Clerk of Superior Court for .... f# Couaty, that came 4A FO. PAL Abacraagot said covnty, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing Wiican caea nae deceased, and having qualified as administraev—... according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administrasy~... to enter in and upon ail and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis[y, and the rosidue of said estate to distribute according to law. AA ae Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the Aad vivin. hp Of: lateness iio ek Tai, ; Heo - 1s entitled to the administration of the estate of the 41396.—Every executor, administrator and coll ator, within three months after | soods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the hands Perron (ite Every executor, naire ae eathtn uate months after each sale made P #1899.~Every exeontor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve months control, file, in the office of the Olerk of the Superior Court, an in and int, @ nature of such oes pte and disbursements for the past year ta ye form oath, such accounting ; : 433, APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 200 proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said‘ Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at date of this application, is about 8/42 JZ =H and ike POltethies..., nis : ik Ha En tsstemy— : oti cs A Trcic Oe Te OH. | | ; 74 vail ct are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2 x day of OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. Clerk Superior Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, £ RL : ingular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said YL. J fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Court. County. ----------» G0 solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all an ee ese aie , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all perform with the best of my skill and abilit Y: So help me Goa. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... da x .....day of Ss 14 Reto. 086. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. fy . és ee tua. ‘Le ~< ......., Administrator. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-=-GREETING : ; It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .. Oe ALLA. Paiute adeembians County, that Yk Shesa phen Keo Knee i -. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and oo and it appearing that... Ann 8 Picea th. i deceased, and having qualified as administra ex according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administrace~.. toe credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this tho... day of ____ Laoab- fe , ~Every executor, administrator and collector, within th months gfter his qualification, shall return to the Clerk, on oath, BI yy chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands ‘er to is of any person for him, which inventory shall be stguns by hten een shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after ench sale made by him, a full nnd itemized account executor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or and account, under oath, of the amount of year in the form of debit and credit, He must I disbursements or any other matter relating to the which shall be deemed Prima facie evidence of correctness. Kach County—In the Superior Court. -. Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the inter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and ‘wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and er duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly — s- APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 251 | -. -+-.--.-.--County—In the Superior Court. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADM! Pa NISTRATION. APPLICATION FoR 3 ae Tht A MN NGL » being swor:, doth say: ate ment, an A erp “ate of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testa- (shad il the estate of the said. FIL to Letters of Administration on ike 887° me ig ‘ ia : PUR HER, That the value of said e ee ' $4 bg > tl | <ab Grim peta, | aigdhasbeugl DGS °F S| a8 OL, VA <<t2 Swett Dac BE Vf *++++++..Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR, SS.—In the Superior Court, “ ‘at 1 Reman » do solemnly swear (or affirm) That er . | Soaps eee died without leaving any last Will and 4 : ll and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the P es | perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law: _ uy 3 me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the , + . I x . ? 3 oe VIE ee eho. ‘ : *+++++s4++-+Administrator, te 7 vied, £ . yee w SOSA + oo ERE ASE ere a on mn wien iene SR ~ \ae i Ltn, a eta PES IM ha SS Maas 33 Pd NaN die e en EE cman a ra ll alin cee ge. ————————————————— EE ae % : age ee = LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. >. ae — County—In the Superior No rt. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for rt hit hidhcicis aa that . nnn ff CAA At 740 I” Le-thacaqot said County, is dead, without having made and published any las: Will and Testament, and it appearing Wibsccoel ae -- Oy deceased, and having qualified as administrasy—... accurding to law: - 4s entitled to the administration of the estate of the Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administrasy-~~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis[y, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, tais the. A d cisaieey 0: gL MaRcieaii' is tosh 2: es Ped Beth itigh a sm oe om administrator and collector, within (hree months ! . shall reiuen to tbe Clerk, on ern tn tng msn meh ae s&h Se as es shall, within twelve the 8a an inventory and ives i . ni . 435/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. In the matter of the administration of the estate of 1 R KL Before . ....-----» being duly sworn, doth say tint Te late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and sui Oa i | H Fl i Hy j : i ; ; i f : “is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said a * Ze. a? A-,- are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this a 4 day of OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF N RTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ; us County. -..------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that ed died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said fo f LR : a | | pérfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly ...., and a true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... a 4 day of , Administrator. LL Ab 08.6. ETTERS OF ADMINISTRAFON. ........County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-:-GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -sceeeue----- County, that eeewnwewwnewen Goce grees credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .. AA... wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and | 11396.—Every exeoutor, administrator and collector, within three months after hj quaffcation, shall return to the Clerk, on oath, and perfect tory 1 the real estate, goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the han: person for him, which inventory shall be smiee to hak and ee eeate aa e sabes He shall oe ne on oo Sneten Oana toes a by him, a full and itemtzed account thereof, which shall be signed by him and recorded by 9 ivety enaeo: istrator , Within twelve date of his qualificat! ine 19 BES Ol, Mle, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an inventory and soos ty of the amount of baopery sniennally, #0 long ae any of the entate remain 436/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 253 In the matter of the administration of the estate of -----» being duly sworn, doth say that .. late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and that... C VU, Vana are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. ~ Swora,to and subscribed before me this _. 6* edeuasnnenl es ORION Clerk Superior Court. C2 Vici OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. : H.. SA AAA County. A Nee Pm ES. . died without leaving any last Will and Testament j and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights ang Credits of the said. ll eels ue perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in os sopsinbuee aa Mig maaiebi ce tania’ s Meetes , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that ., 40d & true and mp, I will faithfally and honestly perform with the best of my skill and abilit y: So help ae God. A Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 6 ccna ccs OF ..» Administrator, 686. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _...._ /¥-. i waists ied Be deceased, and having qualified as administra@acv~ according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administraZeq-w. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. a oR Witaess, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the _.. & Lcsebics day of, ¢ Ls Font nega aeo ga anmeee ree ee Couaty, that Rete Ss sas late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and -...--. Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the SA eee need mnie ew ae Oe ee oem eee 435/ .. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. | & O52 436/ eo n e a m e en e 7 i Before... In the matter of the administration of the estate of 70.8.0. oo” the Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ oS B.C Eelen oo ag are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to and subscribed before me this z 4h day of 18§fal rior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF N@RTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ee te — County. lL, At died without leaving any last Will and Testament j and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said < - Rn Sd -----.----» @0 solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that -----------» and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and abilit y: So help me Goa. LY ........ day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this _... Ae Le ,08.6. ETTERS OF ADMINISTRAFON. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _....... fe Womens www ewe Ge cee --. Testament, and it appearing that eee. ris credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the £4... wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and #1906.—Every exeoutor, adm arenes — collector, within three months after q goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the Person for him, which inventory shall be signed by hi Clem. He shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each by hii, @ full and itemized account thereof, whieh chall be signed by him and recorded by the : ~Every executor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve eB from date of his qualification or appointment, and annually, 80 long as any of the estate 5 =. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an Inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of of property received by him, or batibeamaghe peas deceased, and having qualified as administri@ac-. according to law: credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and ‘ the residué of said estate to distribute according to law. NRE CU ae Nats Gta he fication, shall return to the Clerk, on oath, # Just, true and perfect inventory of ali the real estate, — APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. -»A8 6. Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ Sto. Hata wae seca vaebeL Ree and mae UW. CL. ae 8 See Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ieieachuctarencty Glued. bateal sunt bay a Saag ie Ln , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament j and that I will well and truly administer perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in , and a true and , I will faithfally and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. A ........, Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRAJION. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : toe ewes ceweo we ----...---+. 48 entitled to the administration of the estate of the Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administraZaqcw. to enter in and upon all and siaguler the goods and sbattols, rights Y Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the es 253° County—In the Superior Court. NE A TT ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. | 259 Before .....___.... late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and oat_A7L._ Le Rags See Swe ire Finan neninne eee ee en nenne enn AB the County—In the Superior Court, proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the wt 2 A-- Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about SI eowe COpREa TOL -..are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, | Sworn to and subscribed before me this z 4s .. day of rior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF N@RTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Stee Nae L—-..... County. ----------» @0 solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament j and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said se ais. /* -----------y and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and abilit 'y: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. LY¥ etka nea Or OF ETTERS OF ADMINISTRAWON. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the eh, ‘vuoi glaheiai ee L Klara) io A Ant Sens wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and 253. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. In the matter of the administration of the estate of , being duly sworn, doth say that... late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that....' C lh Vee Bi Bac ....ds the Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ SJ PO os, and ot UW) Qh... ; Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Sss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. bidet daca, ~nonnnnnnnnanosaancansnnnnnnnsnssssnna------9 GO SOlemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament j and that I will well and truly administer perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in po e t i c le n a i a t i a e n e s , and a true and , I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ae , Administrator, el e ra e oe er IN S Ss ea e ee =] State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : iced, County, that late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and ~-----.-..-., 8 entitled to the administration of the estate of the deogased, and having qualified as administra@a-~ according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administraLZoace. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. te eho oa Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, ‘this the _.... Or ae of. Y A Lil pi nt . ga OK sé | = é‘ Pelee Hoi * 2 ; Y ooo I om oo i T | | } ; | — 254 4371 Be i APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. es County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the administration of the estate of fa R mM Bolore bila ° Lt. 08.0. cues Aw . .., being duly sworn, doth say tra 7. 2 —O- late of said County, is dead, withoul/leavihg any Willand Testament, and that...“ : : A AA Piwnsne~onbonnnfleayivecoansinnpaenn ff Sie proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said Se ss mM a Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ A Lhe Lm wil hat APL ishit Akt ew ‘il tts Fo inaack are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. my 2 Sea Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. Sworn to and subscribed before me this se g day of STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .. County. ----------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said. ; 77s _-.-----, and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed inlfne, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. é .. ¢ day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this _. _....--..y Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA ec County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, es To all to whom these Presents shall come-=-GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for __.. prtlect Lilie County, that ..--... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and ...... 18 entitled to the administration of the estate of the Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administhacr credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. “¥-.t0 enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and Ser 438/ St 955 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Pimuclceieesalupeciie County—JIn the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of ,68.0, proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said. AN ADAMAA... Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about oo 2= and on DBicatenh:. ae oo Vy p) are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this A cu ebaacas day of A / APO Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, f ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. dcuputoaseuicnsaad ae AA_............... County. [,...... TRAY. C ae ~-----------, @O solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that Pies bis SD iicdinaabeia dhs died without leaving any last Will and Testament j and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said A¥l22<cete (Or dlitriihncais cdl : perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly ce : Ponto , Administrator. -., and a true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... iii nates am ae: 68.6. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. ...........County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come+-GREETING : It béing Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Mei dt, its @ of said County, is dead, without having made and Published any last Will and -senaceeee County, that deceased, and having qualified as administrdt~.. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administraLaa. (o enter ia and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and Cradits, of sald deceased, and the same to take invo possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the eaid deceased to pay and eatialy, : lait adeno the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. : Witness, my hand and the seal of the aid Court, this the ...em.......day a. Lace traabian, pep ; 7 : . - ~ " - oe p er --- I entitled to the administration of the estate of the ‘a “i Poiana 4 256 . oe 439/ &* APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. a In the matter of the administration of the estate of is the are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn a subscribed before me this : ..day of OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—InN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. , c.. Woon pene snc ennnnnneneeennnsnansuseseneseneenneey GO Solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer V. SEF, sadistic , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appeptaining to the charge reposed in ma, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. a 7 swrewasl ccc OL _-..-----.y Administrator. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come-:GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for fre aleet. <ieedialinlas County, that “S/..... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and .. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the Now these are Therefore to Empower the said adm nD credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ..... Z. Sibideve istP@deen.... to enter in and upon all aad singular the goods and chattels, rights and wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis{y, and ‘Testament, and it appearing that. L<~ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 257 4 sai Gaisa saves daibveusaeugiues alien eet Scediee- -.-.-----..County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of w. §. lu A sm mes Pe Before ... — eo ee , being duly sworn, doth say a tn L/S Fess late of said Cou MA. WaT noi i ee proper person entitled to Letters of Administragion op the estate of the said _. herr po it rhs oa ae be t ,68.0. aty, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that... Further, That value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $940. tC es \ and nur CRAB, Wd AMS LL... da P W mb 4 Qireot- & Qo XS Wirlerrw. Mics are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ae £~ Sones ican OR Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. diesen “soseennenesnnasaesnnnsenassnnnes-s--y GO Solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer —_—. all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the ia dtd as §) hat aains .., and @ true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. : " Subscribgd and sworn to before me this.. - oe nscava---- GAY OF ------.--» Administrator. ,08.6. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, mC —In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, ‘ ey To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .__ a aie Ww. 9, We%o Aw assesses County, that See ee cgesuth: —e of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and , buh aloes te ..... i entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as ddministraler>» according to law : * ; Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administrad-%... to enter in and upon all and singalar the goods and ohattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. ert ' 2) lea mee: +e se lpn Hoenn ee 44]) APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 258 ..County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the administration of the estate of e Before iil i ed ai WO Alero, kk ‘at. ‘ Rutintsinimilidea doth say that de U/ (Mee i late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and a A £. teis ic hete1.~ is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the ostate of the said dW. L/. Yt tt eg os Further, Thay tho value of said estate, so far.as-can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ 4 OO One | and that ak. Pt iM, alti te lesa pte 1B Ramm. are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to apd subscribed before me this 4G day of P wi Dhiba Clerk Superior Court. wf oo eS OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, } | AME $s.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. - County. f 2 ‘ beanie e » te. Dies , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that lw. Ww. WO il ik de without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said dy. : i : Piet ed , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and thot all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability; So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day of ek A of - 4 : J thithabisuis , Administrator. ,08.0. LETTERS OF oe State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall Come="GREETING : Jrtdtthc. _covcoveee County, that late of said County, is doad, without having made and published any last Will and ..County—In the Superior Court. It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Testament, and it appearing that . , Ce. g deceased, and having qualified as administrad-y~-accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said administrae2—~.. to ontor in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis(y, and the residue of said estate to distribute acoording to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said Court, this the Khe any Lehed~ wis pu} .. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the qualification, shall return to the Clerk, on oath, @ just, t perfect ventory of ail the real ests of any person for him, which inventory shall be image ey teen aoe es the Clerk. ww ® full and itemized account thereof, : Person concorpiug the receipts, disbursements or any other matter rola 9 samo, he must endorse his approval thereon, whic! shall be deomed prima fucte ovidence of vorreateens. a APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. . ; beater ehabaeseag vase eakultak does 4 CALs a. A_A...County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of - l Cun fh Ooo | ue SAN 0 Ta 68.6, . MeATen. , being duly sworn, doth say that Lon dideda:. te, t.. (Se MOOe gored ts late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and th 4 wo PY, ' jraevectuecenenesc eae & CF conde tes Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ A 40,7" ss ‘ . 3 - and ideas, © akan. Cee FF. (oats Jacob KS asin citing proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Ardai- s A a of prev gor = 4444 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE O NORTH CAROLINA,,. * ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. Sieiics aude ack cole County. HW : par. ---s---sse-y €O solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that ee & ‘ Gace see without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the thither aacade Ev. ka actildinsini perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to tho charge reposed in ma, I will faithfully and honestly , and @ true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this A&é& ak day of Peter 1? gt Hihatin 08.0, >K ‘ A... , Administrator. if ba ] LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. . --.--...County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-+-GREETING : / It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ....... on 0 Nee een. svete... County, that ‘ i Pg ait Li en Ttnen. ...--. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and ta Testament, and it appearing that.... .. pO OT ge..... OF sab Gast # eee eran cen enue is entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as addfnistra ..... acourding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administra t-w.... to onter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and : oredite, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis(y, and — the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and tho seal of tho said Court, thie the BOE tay ss PUD sis Sa rel ee ee CTT ee ke eee, eee “443i bee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. ~~, 6.8.06. -...., being duly sworn, doth say win OR iets all is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said —<* Further, That the value of-eaid estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $/2.9090-2% are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. ek Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of Me, GH By Clerk fuperior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. : ie sgt aa tm A pt vnnswnenevenasenaense--y GO Solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that 3. Sisii.... died without leaving any last Will and T. ment; and that I will well and truly administer re all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said --..----y aNd @ true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all otheduties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ‘ ~ th Subscribed and sworn to before me this oO Mee. 1a day of ..., Administrator. ,68.6. .......County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for........ fm AV awww sngewennwad ~~~ Me... Testament, and it appearing that........ one Rien. cs deceased, and having qualified as admig/strat~_... accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said administralem~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found , and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisiy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. . ob i Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the s Spteiattunted day of \ #1306,—Every executor, administrator and collector, within.three months Bi 4 qualification, shall n woods and chattels of the deceased, which pave come to his hands or to the hanae ot ‘went ‘He ahall also return to the Clerk, on within threo months after each sale made _ {1800.—Every executor, administrator and collector shalt, within twelve monthe ...... Ig entitled to the administration of the estate of the 9 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Lcicedicaceucnnbtany County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of ace! (1.4 Mrerafiira. late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that.. proper persou entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said. Further, That the value of-gaid estate, so far as can be ascertained a « . and fica. AA ap Mirsitiz AA date of this application, is about $8 PGOLe Sworn to and subscribed before me this GF bee. en al 7 are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, day of M7. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. scandens sana bai és Z : % “11k OL, ecok el aeetiota itt eipaisseeseacowcs sti hese , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving fi last Will and Testament ; and that I wil! well and truly administer ld. perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and thet all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly a Dror ffir, _..., Administrator, all and singular the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of the said. ~ ., and a true and perform with the best of my skill and abilit y: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... G tit eaipasieccse Wf of day of 68.6. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. ined ivelpweresed ~ C4 .......... County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall comes»GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Sredset_ beads as County, that said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testaments, and it appearing that ....7 deceased, and having qualified as administ Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administradyty-.. to onter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just dobts of *%0 said doceased to pay and satisfy, a1 the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. ‘A ef : Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, thie the. idan day of.) an nvouwad MGA . 4s entitled to the administration of the estate of the 16a baie nard en Te 260 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. V matter of the administ ion of the estate of Before .. _4s the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said “—“— Further, That the value o and that ..are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to and subscribed before me this } k Me Gu BB day of Clerk uperior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .. County. -, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer iilistieniea all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said... .., and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all othseduties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ‘ ~ Ah Subscribed and sworn to before me this XO ; ........ day of .. Administrator. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... f%™ Metasewanqecccooed A 3 a we Testament, and it appearing that... La. deceased, and having qualified as admi Lenton. . according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said administrale=~.... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisty, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. : : de #4 Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ss Sinwebieica .. 13 entitled to the administration of the estate of the ewan "444/.— BRS In_the matter of the Wp, of the estate of late of said County, is dead, ones leaving any Willand Testament, and that. Lid. do proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said. Further, That the value of-said estate, so far as can be oe a and ee date of this application, is about —— Sanaa ee nse eks error a iC ee are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to and subscribed before me this... G day of Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. mcedanie avnue sean $ Sa eo County. * -, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving agy last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattelg, Rights and Credits of the said (eof 2. , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly U.§- LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. sibnescuese <ocdou es git iee eae Ret... -County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for freddie. be caah ee bes County, that Ws. rT yA Eewss—“‘“—ti‘CS™S said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and perform with the best of my skill and abilit y: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... z day of erate - of , Administrator. 68.06. - is entitled to the administration of See e the .. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administradety.. to enter in and upon all and singular tho goods and ohattols, rights ant credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoover to be found, and all the just debts of the sald ee the residue of said estate to distribute according to iaw. ef Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the. Me cesnsaeee- Gay of. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. J -.....County—In the Superior Court. 262 445) 446/ ahh ) APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, 263 er County—In the Superior Court, KL. a In the matter of the administration of the (Arlee tt Et 68.0. FG. i a ae duly sworn, doth say that . is the late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and nef @! Cuuaty—In the Superior Court. A. Rou de ..ds the proper person gatitl Se of Further, Tha the value of said estate, so f¥r as can be ascertained at the date of this applic&tion, is about $. Pree e-puetif Tee proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the sai Further, That the value-of said estate, so far as can be ascertained a A.C ' @ date of this application, is about shoo 0 OS oe and that.. AL | | | | are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this a x day of csi A.W. Clerk Superior Court. Sworn to and subscribed before me this A b day of ant OG ORD al Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF ORT H CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ; County. i ar lt. died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; apd that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said Lille erece. y ‘ . and a true and nd singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE,OF NORTH CAROLINA, $S,—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. ------------» dO solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that ; --.-.----, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that ied without leaving any last Will and Testament; and 1] and truly administer , and a true and perfect inventory thereof retura as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this A g day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this Zz 6 th aoe day of alr e , : “es lv ° : __......, Administrator. “ . 6 1- j Pp fo he ‘ ..., Administrator. ; ye 0.8.0. . . (J 6806 LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, ; winnnta Gace. ....County—TIn the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats Shall come--GREETING : LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. a : { ————~.County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactagily Proven tg the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _._.__.. Testament, and it appearing that... bb a. God -............ ds entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administrany~w.. according\#o lafy : Now these are Therefore to Empower the said admidistra. my. to enter in an credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ae sone day of Are. * l Gt --ssess.-. County, that * , 2 eae YS late of paid County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and County, that : It being Satisfactorily Proven to th Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ... --- late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and .. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administraZeyn.. according to law: ae Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administralsr~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis(y, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. ; Ws Sa Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the Ao bic bile d upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and Rand eee eee wees 41206,--Every executor, administrator and collector, within three mon his qualification, shall goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to of any person for him, whlch tevonign ion etn ® dst He shall also retarn to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each sale made by him, suet 4130,-Every executor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve months from date of Control, Mile, In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an Inventory and account, under Of such Investment, and his recelpts and disbursements for the pent year In the form of hb, such accounting party or any other person concerniug the receipts, or any other matter F ! bis approval thereon, whieh shell be deemed prima facie evidence of Crm APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 264 County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the administration of the estate of ----+9 & S.C. is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said MC. 2 Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is and that. i i | 166 eich ssi al Sn Sndbile pllblicebee sa eolaaie etek as aes | ' ee -.....are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this yas ... day of oo ag Rd Je | Clerk Superior Court. i OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Mec .. County. --------- do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer Rights and Credits of the said ly. L IG perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the ch ‘Ze reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly all and singular the Goods and Chattel + _ouceu-y aNd @ true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. * Subseribed and sworn to before me this... a / ..day of : GF aS ee fy Administrator. ,68.6. 5; LETTERS OF ADMINISTRAT\ ie County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clork of Superior Court for __.. predut- Siaaciiailk iaiaiaid County, that sentnenesceneneee W BY oN, Uy fe-------------... date of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing 2 “Tt rs deceased, and having qualified as administraZew... according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administ -- 0 enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis[y, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. f Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the Ree. ...... Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the 44g/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. ---.++.-------County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the admipistration of the estate of (f° A Betore. (L-CLGQY 4 ,686 ROM. Reeey , being duly sworn, doth say that AR . Jey late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and Mae lee proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said (8 & Ge. Seneory. isaiere aban is the Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $A g.0 2 & oe ane : Cys Neuro Saad. Ttiney, Sha. Teen, ) ? Inet (BeaeOr Peay) A. 6 Chi bahjeer dewait Carper, dimpe, Blahe ( are entitfed as heirs and distributees thereof. | fumiee OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. Clerk Superior Court. STATE O NORTH CAROLINA, | ss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. ...., 40 solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said KA) i CR. oC” , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. £ ...... day of ie E LV : Aacseyy , Administrator, ,48.6, Se ee LETTERS OF ADMINISTR ON. ‘as ound re a -....County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : Wicd cabandas .. County, that It being ai. Pyoven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... FF -..-.. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that........ {. EA cag mi NE i a i Sa awk . 48 entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administrd cx. acourding to law: mA Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administrd 4%. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. sales: Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ig apuiios eee ewe j i ] | 2 i fi / i i ee e 266 4491 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. wonecsecteegeneee seneeerenneeens fn: tfichet.............--County—In the Superior Court, In the 9 of the administration of the estate of | Thy * ‘ AA...._....., being duly sworn, do ---» GS. €. late of said Cou is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and that.- is the a; pa o Further, That the value of saig-ystate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $A 225 - ‘ . . and that Wen ’ c Re Arnnny- or AE os et ee eee are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to and subscribed before me this IA 1 day of £2... Gl Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF WORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .. County. ----------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that : - died without leavipg any last Will an Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer al ‘Singular the Godlls and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said ec 5 : ‘ va ccussscen cen. RG @ true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all othaf/duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. i /- — . day of , Lee mie WP_7- (Sen tcece 08.6 State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfgctorily Proven to the U dersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ibs itam AL... Psat ... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and thine tsa - Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified i Now these are Therdfore to Empower the said administra@o= to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. . Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this tho . day net. lohan dist la UP co a Eu Lee W.C 00 te , Clerk Superior Court. er his quailfeation, shall return to the Clerk, on oath, a perfect the real estate, hands of any person for him, which inventory shall be osbk an tok = reeattint be ee, ee! He shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each sale made by him, a full and Itemized account thereof, which shall be signed by him and recorded by the Clerk. ‘11000.— Every executor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification ee Sppointment, and annually, #0 long as any of the estate remains in custody ie, tn the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an Inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property received by him, or invested by him, and the manner nature of ach investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of 4 The m — County, that 41396,—Every executor, administrator and collector, within three nent goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or s00ds and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to fie hands of any person for him, which Inventory shall be 450/.— APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF MINISTRATION. otal wirckcctue selclinissesi ees ....County—TIn the Superior Court. Before... f— Ne Hy ‘ ,08.6. . ” j .-, being duly sworn, doth say that A... Meectaff late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that. Pod is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said. La - ae , Z ow Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $7 FZ elias and that... are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Swopn to and subscribed before me this 7 ¥ day of Wf O 7 ee puly Court. , fh Aietop OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. NORTH CAROLINA, SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ... County. eocmeweballss ovnewneeeenseeeesss-----y GO solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and,Testament; and that I will well and truly administer } all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said ie - ©. , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge feposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. ZF & siicn cee OL , Administrator. County—In the Superior Court. LETTERS OF — State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactori Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... am AG y Testament, and it appearing that... . deceased, and having qualified as adffinistra€y~—according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administ -os-seenee County, that late of said founty, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and is entitled to the administration of the estate of the * to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the Zz : "a “ Sstles day 0 his qualification, shel! return to the Clerk, on oath, 's #1396,~Every executor, administrator and collector, within three He shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each sale made by him, @ full and ftem\sed account therevf, which shall 1300. ~Every executor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or | j nant; 967 | % ee IE 268 on APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF, ADMINISTRATION, “-vseseeece-OountY—In tho Superior Court, In the matter of the administratiag of the estate of cr VA Pass bad , boing duty sworn, doth say that WL. Wtulbete.— ‘Be 3 late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that.... i don hee 08, 0, ZL. . is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said Lv. vs “ hele LIME Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ < JO 2Z2 and that JL Vw de. LL. JN ete | aes ut Atty~ 4s. ck., Coll cate: i a me are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, i | Sworn to and subscribed before me this J b day of al ; Acle/’ | 4 ts Ak re Ctt-Lk/ ) 4 ros Clerk Superior Court. ' caaaae od | OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. i. STATE, OF NORTH CAROLINA,) i. se ss.—In THE SupPERIOR Court. YEA CC County. f i hkl as } I, ‘ : arcta/ 2. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that du/ UL , Jiitttk .. died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said L/ LL i Prielthor—e , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties apportaining to the charge roposed in mo, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and abilit ¥: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Zi b day of uz YM iia CALA CLELW 080, / 7 LETTERS OF ADMINISTR N. , Administrator. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, dog all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clork of Superior Court for heetleee -.o--.----- County, that W.0...dnetek..— Testament, and it appearing that t Wp : Ort, deceased, and having qualified as administraley~. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administradev~. oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and . is entitled to the administration of the estate of tho - 0 enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and 41906,—E very exeoutor, administrator and collector, within th ) goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hand! CG He shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each ante made by him, 41300,~—Every executor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve months from form of debit and credit, He must produce vouchers oath, such accounting party or any other person concern tug the receipts, disbursements or any other Lee enh nn ee corner i epernn nano Which shall be deemed prima facte ov by him. SeinetaloneuitnemanEtmemamemenn oO Ee “ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 269 s0bavnd weiddnine saxeustsoige LA voces coceceeesOounty—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the admiftetration of the estate of | é i CP : l | | Bolore......__- ‘ Aart LAAs , 0.8. 0. ne Meh LAN ‘ hom that (P. yr is the ion, is about $ 7 2¢_4 Otek t Reyrypat. Further, That the value of said estate, 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this appli and that TNarrka (Poreter. Sis (ae (Preset + MNa y Lun, dt aE c T ba Hr) uot Of . : , ¢ Lee i iL . - are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE MF NORTH CAROLINA, “ Sworn ta and gnbscribed before me this Z o day of SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and stament; and that I will well and truly administer ts and Credits of the said ( Bae hey AA perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties apportain , ANG @ true and is tothe charge ropoved iy me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. 4 ~ this te day of oe A W. © 68.6. WVETTERS OF ADMINISTR N. Subgeribe , Administrator, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : ---neevee County, that ev... 00... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Ape alte _ 4s entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administ ow. acourding Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said nist > Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the j the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the A tere nentwmewee MO OE on neue han vununutana, Ce re reer TE wn nt CELE FE + lf ~~ « Camel Pa ee et a | guid 2 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINJSTRATION. In the matter of the administration of the estate of Before . WB. Taseiny~ , being duly sworn, doth say that Lu I Kab insta late of satd-Cownty, is dead, ‘without leaving any Willand Testament, and i dil ahh: aint, proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said fee fd 2 ae ; : Meera ° i Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ J 06 me : and that Di ins . De hs pintna ‘Zee Eo. Fela Batet stein 68,0. are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn {Q anqysubscribed before me this J ¥ day of te: oe, Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—In THE SUPERIOR CouRT’. County. L, Unk. J eq --, 40 solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that fer H. Diba. died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said A. , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subs ibed end sworn to before me this Z day of or. /t J. To _..., Administrator. i. 08.0, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come-*GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Hosdions . A. nected a titans dntt Fads 0 late of sakd-Gowesy, is doad, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that - DEL WwW deceased, and having qualified as administratywn... according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said administraler~.. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, oy to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and --ceeseeenee- County, that is entitled to the administration of the estate of the the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the Z. L........ day of. (Sane eRe en eee nnnnhamanaw my party or any other person concerning the rece the same, be must endorse bis approval thereon, ipta, County—In the Superior Court, ts the 20] ..-..-..County—In the Superior Court. 454 / APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF INISTRATION. tter of the administration of the estate of { Before ,68.6 ing duly sworn, do late of said County, is dead, Without leaving any Willand Testament, and that.‘ is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said 2 Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $47 -~——>.. and that... AAW. a. R d/¢Aaur are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, a LL, OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. Sworn tg and subscribed before me this J J day of er Clerk Superior Court. STATE OFJNORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Cour?T. County. E. : Nile iss , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that 0S died without leaving last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattols, Rigtts and Credits of the said Ce , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charg¢freposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly Chauf Mallia , Administrator. perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed ang,sworn to before me this Z S ... day of Mark. a 7t— Ze 108.0. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATIO ‘ . County—In the Superior Court. i State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-*GREE TING : It bein sfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .... ----- County, that vow ---. late of said Couaty, is dead, without having mado and published any last Will and at Lele tla tian: is entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administrate. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administré sar... to enter in and upon all and siagular the goods and ohattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis/y, and cit the residue of said estate to distribute according ¢o law. fo te Witness, my hand and the sal of the said Court, this the “2... day of... £1 om Mt sce ee sccapadiagia ext Fk anewceeeeny Clerk | PS u n a n s g i @ e e n e - s e e e e e n e e e 2702 4554 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. In y matter of the administration of the estate of ae WHS — , being dul¥ sworn, aoe that Cc late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and that—€/....._.U7__.__ O27: County—In the Superior Court, Before ..__! 665.06. Lites: is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said... o@o ge ee alue of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this applica tion, ig about $- ‘iy 2 : peo st and that g spl ksh eames ame I rrp oe eh are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. — ‘ Sworp to and subscribed before me this Z Jb ewudiewseccns Re OF ber c Y) Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR, STATE oO NORTH CAROLINA, Sss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ... County. a ee a @. Wy faa ow waigea smiley tect he alec ale ce , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that tae Morb € ties without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said... , and a true and perfect inventory thereof returc as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. _., Administrator. -, 0.8. 6, LETTERS OF ADMINIST State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... a late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing Sa Dn ee deceased, and having qualified as administrdea~. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administrgé-na~ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Wi d.the seal of the said Court, this the . ae > -. ig entitled to the administration of the estate of the ty executor, eee collector, within sala his qualification, shall Atels of the deceased, which have come to his han: hands of Person for hi yeu Fecal salen cn ne deh ra 456 County—In the Superior Court. : ES Belore. &. We ee i coolee a , being duly Sworn, doth say that Lehi Drcctant late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and that Lt: ny 9 ethared. ha uritlewr- Raesiz 7 Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $/00 £4. proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said and that~ are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to i subscribed before me this Ls J ae day of bid Goce Sohn uperior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF INORTH CAROLINA, Oecd ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Bienes ee o3 ....... County. ia A ae all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said____- -, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving amy last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer ee , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly : L/. ia - , Administrator, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATIOM. ee aad ARAMA Nee ......... County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for | Ged. dels Heated Couaty, that .. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ~ Subscribed gnd sworn to before me this___. wt 2 ch Or 2 Uh... he Testament, and it appearing that - W532 te deceased, and having qualified as adminicrselaMeseeding ts to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said administralaom. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of Cie ett ected 0 ny a ea ee the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. 255 vneen day Of... Dek. lca a 190 Pu 7 - 48 entitled to the administration of the estate of the Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 2¢3 near 274 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMI a matter of the admini Coclansa snennasine -a sen enuacssienanmidtsiiiii Ni nS Re. 0 County—In the Superior Court, tion of the estate of w—A, Hevea ko ee proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said... ~L4-L 4 ¥ Further, That the yalue of sai{ estate, so far as can be gstertained atthe date of this applicabion, is about ache AA] Att heok - Sa ia —.. —f;HALS RA, Biocsi LEE are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to and subgcribed before me this UKeAd- day of \ Prac. a ae a e i e e e e e ne e ee = Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE * NGRTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ... County. ated anes , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving gny last Will and Testame t; all and singular the/Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said Le sS - perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining tofhe charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly that I will well and truly administer _....-., and a true and Hf perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help mg God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Al en ie ea . day of WA W ,0.8. 6, —~...., Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATJON. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come=-GREETING : It beipg Satisfactorily Proyen to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Testameni, and it appéaring that.....f/ £. \ DP deceased, and having qualified as administrad-pm_.. according to law: ial Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra dors. credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. ad Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the AE tng Of... f Fi MAE TA County, that cbs - late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and ...... Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and “i f i A atti el Ot | SS 3 41996,— ’ administrator es collector, within three months after his goods and chattels ve come to his hands or to the hands He shall also return to tho Clerk, on oath, within three months after each aale y exeontor, administra‘or and collector shall, within t as wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and 45 g/> APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 275 =—7...........County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of | is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that... /' fp Als = is the . ? Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ J 40 2 and that.../4 Get ulate Kap hR. Cotaberd are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. day of ‘ VA OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF,YNORTH CAROLINA, ‘ act .... County. ft SS I oe vagy os PEROT at Net oe AEDS MIT a OT , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that AL NAAR Gh ‘ cites de without leaving any lagt Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said 7 ee ae CR. Coctbiead perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and thot all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly {ss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. , and a true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _- A b ee cceiennd POL Mag £ LK. Crit when, ..., Admintstrator. (08.6. — a — - sion he anv nn nies san none cilileatinin State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for bee -sovceoseueCounty, that ~......... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that .»/™4—*-~—GF-A-__ oR see deceased, and having qualified as administra C+W.. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administraheo—. to enter in and upon ail and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever tg be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and — the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. rf eS Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the A a=. day Of ....g¢A —-.... is entitled to the administration of the estate of the sete a ee eee eee TTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. a ee haias gi AL -.......County—In the Superior Court. cs APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. eT APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF #DMINISTRATION. 277 i Socewin senawcinsesvnttevsioahe eet ee eueeIa ic fcc rae County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of PA pee ee oo eee , 0.8.0. po Ce, gtk. ae S| Me See oe BS as & ,68.6, i late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that....-.-----.------------.----.----- . wr ecennenecestenanites eanetaenennnencnaenn AS BG late Of said County, is dead, without Teaving any Will and Testament, and that...j , : Lasher proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said..........-......---..----2-022--22- vee veeeeenee nneeneeeeeee reece Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ and that... "Sais “ pnebs acre ee ye : : ; Sacto are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Swora to and subscribed before me this 4 day of \ Ure a Me P— Sow é Dhorh You swear that you will faithfully and honestly aduinister all and sinzular | arr , 7 i ; as d. : —= min ¥ * - the zoods and cnattels,rignts and credits of the said J.«.Yoore deczase * fs ae ii ani a true ani verfact inventory thereof return according to law # and that i ATH OF A | all other duties avvertaining to the charze rsvosed in you,you will weil and @ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. traly, perform, according to law,and with your best skill and ability : ae, oe : I believe that ‘| ¥p eel o-you, . -.---.-----» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that as Sworn to and subscribed >efore me ° uly administer ‘tais 20th dav of darch,®902. , Ye LV A Hae ~ died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer : t end a true and all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said LY (2 . PAu ctl = , and a true and | and honestly perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly J Y perform with the best of my skill and ability: So ji me God. scribed and sworn to before me this. A ; day of .....» Administrator, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATI -...County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Mr j Testament, and it appearing that... ehitiitinaiactis wnnnsvnnueecenonusscnssesssassensee dS entitled to the administration of the estate of the d : Testament, and it appearing tha deceased, and having qualified as administra ....... acourding to law: 3 deceased, and having qualified Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra Now these are Ther, singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, credits, of said deceased, andthe same to take into possession, whe to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. +e : {2 Bis em rit Oe Maat Be ts bes It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of UO TE I sain ec ii a County, that Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .... EL - -.seseeeee County, that -----. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and ---. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the... day of NER ONOE UNSER RHO SO Rem we Sts iw and wineiiinmmuuiimNn) #1306.—Every exeoutor, administrator and collector, within three months after his qualification, shall return to ath goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the hands of any person for him, which Sadenbeer thence onal , He shall alao return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each sale made by him, a full and itemized account thereof, which uting party or any other person concerniug the receipts, diabursements he same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be doumea pris fests evident ex OU, te: the estate, and. 1M s a3 Tei APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. shelens san scerapnnppannintemiinnbeogbdegantconeeteestigeterbicastal County—In the Superior Court, TE anna ct cctitenenses ee ‘ “pe --, 68.0, , being duly sworn, doth say that -.............-222200-20...------- - : late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and that......................--..... esis Siinbeeph dale dace sold cal 42, proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said......... Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ and that... are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to and subscribed before me this .... day of 189 Tews. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. Brow «tre* * fF TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. HSE T9064 {Pat Tema? ‘¢) bial County. y q ‘ L ......----, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that NV ¢ wit A died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer ov tee e ae Tc “and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said ages uae Sabie sap Sete ae i ee ee « ¢ *s fect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly form with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... day of - _.-...--.--» Administrator. ,08.0. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. sb enebdicapesceeeeicl County—In the Superior Court. e of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come=--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court WOR voriicrsacansiuie voce eeeeeee- County, that -.. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and -. 18 entitled to the administration of the estate of tho Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra.._... : credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever | * the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand atv] the soal of the said Court, this the ............. seaeee day of ---- (0 enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and SNA SNS LL OSM SH NHONES GG oe Oda Dama wiiineinmmneniie ami = y 11296.--Every executor, administrator and colicctor, within three months after his aalification, shall ret sods and chattels of (he deceased, Which have come to his hands or to the hands of any person for h written eevee é within three months after Im, which inventory shall be signed | , ) cach sale made by him, @ full and itemized account thereof, which the - dates OF appointment, and ani Sopa eegeta men eres which i matter relating to ¥e Tre APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF MINISTRATION. ......-.County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of Before ,68. 6. wile County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and that... 4 .....fs the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said a? Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ if 8 a : Cc and aa tel is aes GLVY Martha In AA » are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4 day of Cpr gga Sax é | ee perior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OB NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Court. County. fF. 4 Ae Riecsecnsuecus wees-ceseees-ss---y dO solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer t all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said "(Wi c . ferris ~ perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that ail other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly , and a true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So jp! me God. bscribed and sworn to before me this. A earn, . day of , Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATI -County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being on Oe we eee Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .... - seceseeee- County, that Testament, and it appearing tha deceased, and having qualified ; Now these are Th re to Empower tha said administrate". to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, andthe same to take into possession, w to be found, and all the just debts of the aid deceased to pay and satisly, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. 4H j ao Saar Ops % % _ is entitled to the administration of the estate of the Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this A461/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS QF ADMINISTRATION. Be aT a emammeamomsnamiae xe eamnemene <ngaetaes AAA, eneenenenenneneornbine County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the administration of the estate of i Before ..\p,...U*. orn, doth say that TE i NB itn late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and acct, f7.. proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said WwW DAL pe Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $8 S65. See and that O a... Ce AL. nsiponwesig whe Bhat Os , being duly s is the ae ble eee -........... are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Swopa tg and subscribed before me this ib * ....day of rik 18V- a2 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Po cuaies County. ----------, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament j and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said WW atb~— ‘ _.-..---, and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill aad ability: So help me God. Subscpibed and sworn to before me this...../ b A : _day of a (ibe aig 19 0 ssinsaiinsiesseitone bb : A is Administrator. (| LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. . is Qediee. .......County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for __ A _ 8 ck County, that - late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that....! ar, SDA deceased, and having qualified as administra l=... according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administraley~_.. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceaead to pay and satisly, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. .. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the 41296, — executor, administrator and collector, within three months after ualification , goods and chattels of the deceased, which have como to his hands or to the hands of any person 462/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF proper person qntitled to Latters of Administration on the estate of the said tie Pe Further, That the yalue of oy. 8o far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $fe@a-———. ode PRAMS ann 2 Bonsihiny dele , mp aml! s 2 iii inceeaie - are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, day of C Fea Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. --------.-, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said. aS -\/: , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge repused in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So ap me God. rT d and sworn to before me this. g oe . day of State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _........ Testament, and it appearing that... ><> iS: deceased, and having qualified gf adninistralawn—.. according to law: ait Now these are The to Empower the said administraLe~-~. to enter in and upon a!l and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said decesved to pay and satisly, and .the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Sk Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the hE. . 4s entitled to the administration of the estate of the -. day of 2.0... CN oa uh uicasl cA... Od | 463) é | APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION. A 6 4 / APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 28] (eachenlpiesliccneittvcneestlgaA an Enna nnn nnn-nnnnnnnn-COUMLY—In the Superior Court, Sintec. eee --.......--..County—In the Superior Court. . In the matter of the administration of the estate of 280 In the matter of the ad G a AK 68.06. . ae -. ee be doiaiapin acaiamatendenecs ’ being duly sworn, doth say ou - Cette (PONT an Ue eccocwey being duly sworn, doth say that...__.\V-wm- wal Valiiin— late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and a CL V od is the Ihjh of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that... (/>+4 4. Cai “ fe the : é Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about s/; Sots proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said... er a oO 5s person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said : + =. Further, That the value of said estapa, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about sh 77 ee ONE a and that.__.. and that are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. BAe ean ete ences are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. day of orn to and subscribed before me this Ze ZL * day of Kee Pp p hw ee a. Af ctype doecetirl (40-47 ge Court. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. TH CAROLINA, STATE NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ocd sabes ae ...... County. asceceesaci ste aees : -..... County. E.. LW Y. AA 2 Wooo eencneeecnecnas conessnnnnneessnssseeey GO SOlemnly swear (or affirm). that I believe that Doe Arte AXAAT RL @ . (2 ‘ ae died without leaving any last Will and T@ament ; and that I will well and truly administer - cad Paina died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said a es Le ‘ ~ : -ooueae---y AN & true and all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the wip Lor, a & attic 20-—— perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly ---..-----» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: Soh God. perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help,me God. a bscribed and sworn to before me this... of .. day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Ae day of é upd. maeeear UW Ly Aarcttad _..., Administrator. ,08.6. ,68.6. pp Crs. Gam ~~, Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATIQN. abapem enable County—In the Superior Court. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : LETTERS OF ADMINISTR State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-=GREETING : os... County, that It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .. It being Satisfactorily yy to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... J9Q) A_ Ribnadie aeilisia OQ. WYO" ---.-----... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and » Yaa A. [ING - late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that....... WY... 2 Testament, and it appearing that... Gh Tam. G Atne—. - 4s entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administralev~. according to law: re deceased, and having qualified as admilistraus~ .. acoording to law: >>.. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, right: and Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administraley-~.. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and r to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. dase bh : Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the A Brovionn...ay of... 8... County, that .. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheres the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the 4 esi datel lL PSII ke Se TS aa so ot Sagal a Oe A Nc ee os ee #1396.—Every executor, administrator and collector, within three ma Gl sbartesisileanininns:winadimniitiiiasibi aii, 00ds and chattels of the deceased; which have como to his hands or af hands of any person for him, which inventory shall be signed by him and 1208 Att aleo return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each sale made by him, a full and itemtsed aceoont therenf, which shall be 41309.Every executor, Stas tne el withia eee date af pet regan epee sen fi wf the Superior Court, an inventory and account, under 4 : for the mat in the form of debit aud credit. prima 465/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. County—In the Superior Court, Ro Kne ntitled to Letter p (paid pt. Nm LL A EY rr aa That Uhe value of said estat8, so far as can be ascertained af the ah te of this application, and that wh. Q. Pn Le are entitled as heirs and distributees thereol. day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this / 7 . oO agi .. 187 af Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .. County. ., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that _..., and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all otMer duties appertaining to the charge repoSed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this £ T= day of got Ck DLor _.., Administrator. ,68. 6. LETTERS OF ~~ State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: _..County—In the Superior Court. atisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _......... County, that late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and _ is entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administralye... according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administralg+~~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoaver to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the .. eC os “3 ; oe , Clerk Superior Court. < 9 71390.—Evory executor, administrator and collector, within three mont! er his qualification, shall return to the Clerk, on oath, a ja n of all the real estate, goods and chattels of the the ed, which have come to bis hands or to the hands of any person for him, which inventory shall be signed ‘ Ne fen, an eae mee ie sho onsen. —— = on oath, within three months after each sale made by him, a full and itemized account thereof, which aball be signed by him and recorded by the Clerk. my “ne! execu po ean) eo collector shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, and annually, so long as any of the estate remains in bis file, in the office rk of the Superior Court, an inventory, and account, under oath, of the amount of property received by him, or invested by him, and the manner of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the 283 __ County—In the Superior Court. a 4 - APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. In the matter of the administration of the estate of | , 6.8.6. , being duly sworn, doth say that JA A. Fam late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that... Y Pain ccectotnincciic eae proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said ZA ‘. é. atin? ~ ie : | ; é Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ b 0a ~e wane Lh xb. Prat 9. Prati, Wbeane Warn, Ectlisa & Tr: lhesag yen, Cater — AN inert Raga (nag [pete are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. eer GS. PR Pate . Sworn to and subscribed before me this Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF RT CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. cdeteomaca eect ams f-- AN ; County. 7 Us * fe. D0. died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said JA e &. : Tat perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly __......, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that , and a true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. bscribed and sworn to before me this - aavtthe day of 17 4 - ,08. 6. ~ non alnrenmmeet LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA] : D —— __...County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It beigg Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ....... ow... County, that 4 ALAY _ late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that............. 4d & Taka. deceased, and having qualified as administrzLa~m~. acourding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administralerw— to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and nhateols, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of tha said deceased to pay and satisly, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. rhage Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the we OL... day of .. £7 is entitled to the administration of the estate of the ‘ 2s S + {1986.— Every executor, administrator and collector, within three months after hts qaatifeation, ahatt retarn to the Clerk, on onth, « just, trae and koods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to hts hand@ of to the hands of any person for him, n, Which Inventory shall be signed by him He shall atvo retatn to the Clerk, on-onth, within three months after enol: sale made by him, a fall and iter coutret, Stn, tu the eabee of the Choon of Gab eupaber Coach rine rang eoeoems ones sauna a on ‘ ‘the araount: Sr a —_—_—— A R. @ Hort. _....., Administrator. 1! | 284 control, file, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, un inventory and account, under oath, of pature of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the past yar in the form er cath, of the amount of property received by him or invested ty bi, and doe mente neh 467! APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF AD \ j Before -... County—In the Superior Court, matter of K administration of the estate of ‘1, being duly sworn, doth say that... is the Sworn to and subscribed before me this Alo day of OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. Lileininisetchee acl _....., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Mights and Credits of the said... A _....., and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to t day of Up GS bs 4 © cae OS vou...» Administrator. Upc, G86 ; k eba OF ADMINISTR harge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ate. : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -_.... spy goons nneagp----»-Jate of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that....... NAA. ok al cv: _. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administrate... according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra“... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. 2 (0 Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the . Pn eeeaweeawen gece ‘executor, administrator and collector, within three montha po his qualification, shall return to the Clerk, on oath real estate, i . ust, true and perfect inventory of all the 5 goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the hands of any person for him, which 1 ocd “ He shail also return to the Clerk, 00 oath, within three months after eneh aale made by him, a full and iternlaed account tnereot chek at oer a sna seeort 43300.—Every executor, admiuistrator and collector shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or ee ere cae r in his, appointment, and annually, so long as any of the estate remains oath, such accounting party or ony other person concerniug the receipts, disbursements or any other matter relating to Re ret en eae ae the estate, and having carefully revised and sudited suck set: he apy rove the same, he must endorry his approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima facie evidence of correctness. : n me Ench Clerk must annex or attach a copy of this em nf i. are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. 5 Clerk may sae i f APPLICATION FOR LETTERS ADMINISTRATION. - Lnnasins sbecieweats sauwn nagfieasdissctniaaged ial ocoveeeveseee-------County—In the Superior Court. Betore... any Willand Testament, and that..<_/_.-- AA, Pe ial lea aaa ae In the matter of the administration of the estate of AIO ALNA----- oe tadhe. Rtn... AM TeC late of said County, is dead, wit 08, 6, proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate. of the said... . * oo Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $.0° Oi wes ee ee ¥ ok Law GMa Preells, OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, bests THE SUPERIOR COURT. ~_......... County. __....----, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said_......f-" .., and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subsopibed apd sworn to before me this - Z z peceeiees day of ...., Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATI —~“....County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -......... fF>- .......Couaty, that Leute ein late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that... , be d be. deceased, and having qualified as administralz~—.. according to Ia “ Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra Loew. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. \ a Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the. Z sRvincecons 7 .. is entitled to the administration of the estate of the | en a an e ne n nn | 286 469) APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, late of Said County, is dead, wi proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said....... are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this f day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF/NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ies cadena VX _.....--. County. _....-.---» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and thot all other duties appeftaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly all and singular the Goods aud Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said... __......, and a true and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. bscribed and sworn,to before me this... x sais : _ day of Sp Re engnns Sash 19.0 LETTERS OF ADMINISTRAT)ON. _....-----y Administrator. f_....... County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactoglly Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .........JfP-1..MS County, that late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that.... KY... f- ETI] becetlns ___.... ig entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as a Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said administra UAW... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis(y, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the “& —__fas>- 31208,—Every } executor, administrator and collector, within ongn meats nla Necanalhiadiins saudh return to the Clerk, on oath, C cools and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the hands of any person for him, which inventory shall be signed by hes recorded by the Cle _ He shall also retarn to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each sale made by him, a full and item\zed account thereof, which shall be ny bis and re 11890.—Every executor, shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, and annually, 80 . for a ‘and collector © Serponge dol ctharpeemblceenttay law types Fraunfapeaqrelaape yi ong en hye: amount of property for the past year in the form of debit and credit, is dik pramese tenes ar in for all payments. ° party or any other person concerniug the receipts, disbursements or any other matter relating to the 1d and | endorse ‘approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima fucte evidence of correctces, Teen Choe, mectanton ero nee i Pre ete enpit oe Rood pees t astatey of phe said... f f...s.... . . Aw “ore =e — APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. ‘4__......, being duly sworn, doth say me Jor vehattfone tan sbte fae EE- AEE «anne wre nenserensewes: is the Further, That the vajue of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about 3h.o0-2% Aed- TO ta and La ak oR cunidetme Y, Masertratl8 doer - tae Tf. AL 4atAr d 4 w.C, dude ninencss ou ig ve O are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Mt. It OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. orn to and subscribed before me this. LY... oe Or <Uleife Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ...... County. AY VQy.................. died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the a is i acca _, and @ trae and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. hencoay stance ane --.-..-----.y Administrator. —-....County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shali come--GREETING : g Satisfactorily/Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ...7-*.-- deceased, and having qualified as administral>.. according ‘0 law: . Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra. (x... 10 enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohateols, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the jast debts of the said deceased to pay and eatis(y, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to jaw. /7 ' At 2 aortas Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the .7<f......... day of... <C4AG. sa Mee , late of said Cougty, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and “#_... is entitled to the administration of the estate of the He mm 47i/. =: APPLICATION FOR LETTERS | 288 County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the administration of the estate of | Ww a Before .... --» G8, 0. ---- Neb + -M_s an eeer nani ennren vanes is the and that...... are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof KJ. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. Sworn to and subscribed before m9 this / day of Clerk Superior Court. STATE OF . i mee x w : WW. Chick died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said. lw ‘ ld his Che i perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SupERIOR Cour’. County. ----------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that 5 _..... and a@ true and appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. i cs ca l i e t e e i e n e Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..day of . CY. tea coeeeeeue------y Administrator. “........-...County—TIn the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for diniea baxtl A). WwW Chick eihiladipcatidlsesi late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing we fi pe Se deceased, and having qualified as administraliwm,. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administralave.. credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the..../ 2... County, that .. Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the - 0 enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and OOF 0 .... Me oa mA ew een n SS tee ewe es htt dhe Te TTT 91906,—Every executor, administrator and collector, within three months after nf fa woods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the hands Y Person for him, which inventory He shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, within three months after each sale made 41909,--Every executor, administrator and collector shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or control, file, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an inventory and nature of anch ir venty and his receipts and disbursements for the past year we or any other person concerniug the rece! pts, d ne approval thereon, AT2Q) APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. .........County—In the Superior Court. I matter of tbe administration of the estate of 4 i a Botore ye, VE, . . 086 es a A E tA— 3 c 3 " AD! a: A4A4A1<<. ~——-..., being duly sworn, doth say that PPA D5 scenic late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that.{ ji. JJ. .' ’ ii <~——— Td. Le. the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said Tk. Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained a of this application, is about $ J Oo. on &, Hat. Ahm, tAnctiinaeieas,, iy and that..._f-f-...W\« : AAne 4 are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. . | Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, bine iawn ae aS 3 , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that aed. C - died without leaving any last j" and Testament ; and that I will well and traly administer ¢ all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said /p . f . BAR .., and a trae and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in mé, I will faithfully and honestly A i H Sie, -..., Administrator. perform with the best of my skill and ability: So 4 me God. Subsgribed and sworn to before me this... b eae nas day of a cask Ga C8. 6, LETTERS OF ee =) Pilsen Ret nnn. COUNLY—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : Testament, and it appearing that...... Grd Soo ig deceased, and having qualified as administralow.. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said admin Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, w: the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the <+eee eee Me wwne ee ae Ot Oh ele te t e r a en 473/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF 290 Mo nnTenen ene nnenennnnnes County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the administration of the estate of proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the sai , ’ : @ = Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $a eo... and that \ 44 Qo Are C. Rucks nn iz. mo id are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn to ang subscribed before me this [ _ day of 1G 0 —. qe Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, } ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. sh in County. J ---------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that ied without leaving apy last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer —F Fa . scan Atiddggand a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all othe? dutios appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly all singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... f: 7 .... day of ae Teck 10 a A tana wt. ‘ ,68.6, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRAT. I Ghai _....--....» Administrator, <<......County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : being Satisfactorily Proven to the 2 Clerk of Superior Court for _.. .. £47 County, that ; ucts. AX “fA late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that... ls ¢—F-—~— BL... Gist. deceased, and having qualified ministraCW. accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administral,.... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this tno LF oleic day ot PAK. binge dha .. Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the #1806,—~ haope pow emer apts collector, within three months goods and chattels of the ve come to bis hands or to the bands of any person for bim, which tnven be He shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, with three months after euch sale made by him, a hory call signed by him and recorded by the » Within tweive mon ~~ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 291 } ss Dbs apcedeclaaesuaicgel Beet. Weta sas ....-County—In the Superior Court. (R. matter of the inistration of the estate of | Botore >t“ F ahe2 -cosp f OL Nhe, Ahh J oe. ------» being duly sworn, doth say that R. : Maite: late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and meg)! ee ~ ek euangelees ...s the proper person entitled to Letiers of Administration on the estate of the said. ar 4 A me rewwal =, 00 Further, That the valug of sai esta 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ So 24 each alles eB eons < 7) fs € and ag UCL ,AL- AA ‘ 4s. : Chaudin LA, pPAAAo~— « Covatete fll } SZ. are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. 2 to and subscribed before me ee day of 7 ‘ : haa 4 OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. Clerk Superior Court. STATE AF NORTH CAROLINA, SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ........ County. ---------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said (43 sale f , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfally and honestly xe em ....., Administrator. perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. 5 A seas ........ day of ,08,06. LETTERS OF ADMINISTR Since ceueniel County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactoril RE or. Testament, and it appearing that... R.C.. WA RAALZ deceased, and having qualified as administral sm. acovrding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administrale-ro~. to entor in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and — the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. | Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the... day of... €-Ce- ven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ... o ,~----- late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Willand — ...-. County, that - 4s entitled to the administration of the estate of the yy? a NT Re ee ET MATEO hail desta Obese administrator and Collector, within three which have come to his hands or to the Clerk, on onth, within three months after and collertor 949 4725 J APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. In the matter of the administration of the estate of $v orn, doth say that late of said County, is*dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that... Th. ae value of gaid estate, so far as can be ascertained at the (date of this application, is about $4? xX ‘ ---~ 68,6 teense «+ is the and that are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this V 4 day of IVE ek Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. + STATE OF CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. ----------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that ing any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all an@ singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said \j-. . ....- and a true and perfect inventory thereof retura as provided by law; and that all othdr duties appertaining to the charge reposéd in me, I will faithfully and honestly XN Se perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subsgfibed and sworn to before me this. eS day of sae Loe ts 1p" ie Gp- CBrlcicte. _asg ——_.., Administrator. <“_........County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : d Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Qadtic pisniua plaid ay peas! County, that ..---. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and ....... Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the Now these are Therefore to Emp@wer the said administra. la-y~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satis(y,and — 41396.—Every executor, administrator and collector, within three months goods and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the He shall also return to the Clerk, on outh, within three months after each 1 orany other person concerniug the it . ath, ouch S re aa vn ae or any other matter relating to the estate, and having and Oath, of the amount of property ! sac ee ne en ue of debit and credit. He Prosene vommniesnnr a fasued by him, STAT OF,NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. 7 nals es County. ~ ee AF ae eee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS yo py 293 ’ In the Sb of the administration of the estate of l MM... ret Caw — “ 080. , being duiy sworn, dot}, say V/A “Fy. eee late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that... f/f‘, / Cogeh a proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said Li 4 a Further,That the value of said estate, so far be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ A J te and that..— AA, rele. ¥ bi Ss -.....County—In the Superior Court. . are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Li a OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. G0 ye Swomft to and subscribed before me this 7 g day of Clerk Superior Court. } died without leaving any Jast Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said hr . , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in’ me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subsgribed and sworn to before me this. 7 day of ip /t- CP ned sane , Administrator, County —In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-“GREETING : It being Gatisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for __. Gl, -soccceese County, that M. (AV VAP TV _. ; Aan. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and * €. Testamen, and it appearing that... f/ J*._/ aed deceased, and having qualified as administraCew~.. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra Leam.. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights aad Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and 1 the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. ios Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, weiss aes “ ae / " ‘ 4 6 om " A vad oo o " ed — Se 4 is entitled to the administration of the estate of the ; ] i 4 407 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 294 County—In the Superior Court, - is the F a ay value of said estate, so far as.can be ascertained at the date of thi ee and that.. Be Nya are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. day of Clerk Superior Court, i OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR, STATE O NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. eat sackeniccda mae unty. Lae auiese OD solemaly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Gootd and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said _...-, and @ true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertatding to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly el perform with the best of my skill and abilit 'y: So help me God. i a and sworn to before me this 2 Wo Subscrib day of 4__..., Administrator. ,08.6. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRAAION. . swiss oie eegoeluel Ce aHete -........County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall ecome=--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Provey to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _.... gC County, that id County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and ... Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the Now these are Therefore to Empower the said adminis credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, whe the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. 2 Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the 2 svsdincdetiae day of _/* tra.-+—~. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and resoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and Every executor, administrator and collector, within three months after his 4 tion, shall return to the Clerk, on real estate, and chattels of the deceased, which have come to his hands or to the hands of any Person for him, which inventory shail Naas ee ee aman of. ait the , _» He shall also return to the Clerk, on oath, within threo months after each sale made by him, a full and itemized account thereof, _—-41800,Every executor, administrat.r and collector shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, an control, file, in the oMfve of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an inventory and accoun he approve the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima facie fasued by him, iM 478/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF, ADMINISTRATION. ..-..... County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the ap istration of the estate of | tn , being duly sworn, doth say that RG. Pr Pken.— illand Testament, and that. Ue i a , 68, 6. late of said Couaty, is dead, without leaving an is the A. G. N- proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said «he, ge Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ x Zr J ; and that_g=—t ALT. /- 2 3 bithicuutt, mM Rk» <—. Mtthsewsrrn.. IM: pce eel are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof Sworn go and subscribed before me this Ps 4 day of 6 2*l— f Clerk Spi Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, $S.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. sain eer eeigt oam €% ty County. --. do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that Va. died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singuiar the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said , and @ true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of m Y skill and ability: So help me God. 44 Sabserjed and sworn to before me this wo 1” day of [2 .., Administrator. C806. LETTERS OF —— State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-*GREETING : It being S isfactorily Prove; b N° Testament, and it appearing we yO deceased, and having qualified as administra Ga... accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tha said administraler> __ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights aad credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said doconsed to pay and satisly, County --In the Superior Court. o the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Conrt for . ~~ so-so Coumty, that - late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and _ is entitled to the administration of the estate of the the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Coort, this the 2: » tibet tte ee ere } H } / | | ij } i 1Q 4AW9Q/ 296 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF MINISTRATION. the matter of the administration of the estate of proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said __| o¢ Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about sasio ee and wnat PV Wr. Pi Ce Mater, rn. Jb. Mace. ?Jpses, 5... are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Sworn tqand subscribed before me this . / a day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT’. County. Net died without leaving g last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said Cy ee Dit seve-eueeee-y ANd @ true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly Sybscribed and sworn to before me this... A / ar day of if ee . (Bc waal os ic Administrator. 1g ol/ ae cL ,08. 06, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATIOM. ib =............County—-In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satigfactorily Proven to the Undersi ned, Clerk of Superior Court for... dl diel ik sal that sono F.-*. MRS ow " Aba tive of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that... f f+. : Chiara deceased, and having qualified as administraLeAw according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said administra lr. to en credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, --------» do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that perform with the best of my skill and abilit ¥: So help me God. -..... Is entitled to the administration of the estate of the terin and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. “4gov— APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF Ceba ns In the ‘matter of the administration of the estate of ‘207 ... County—In the Superior Court. uaty, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that..\p..f VOY \ is the proper person entitied to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said . 60 Further, That the value of said estate, so far as cay be ascertained at the date of this application, fs about $ o o0— ) are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, | } De doceaici Clerk Superior Court, ) OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE O NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SupERIOR Cour’. ciliate a \ County. . JL cient. dae Be ca r e na a n si t i a s i i a i t l i i i i e l Ce ee an e s «S M R NN a o n a n e n s sa l e c i n d —— in c ie a t h e n n i t i n i a a a i a t re n a ts e s e n t r t e m n n n e e a e n i c t na e ~ 5 ‘et, ) Drm , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said JA ' KK : Y re died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly Subscribed and sworn to before me this_. A 3 day of ipa 2 MAL A eee , Administrator. , 6,8. 6, LETTERS OF ele County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shail come=-GREETING ¢ It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clork of Superior Court for fore datas ....... County, that ll A ai A late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that...‘ deceased, and having qualified as adaffhistralem.. according to law: % Now these are Therefore fo Empower tho sxid administra ceSe... to ontor in and upon all and singalar the goods and chattels, rigs avd credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wherosoovcr to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, atid is entitled to the administration of the estate of the the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this tho 3... day of. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF,ADMINISTRATION. 4 OS. C: W's : late of said Cdynty, is dead, without leaving any Willand Testament, and that. proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said ~~ oo prefer” value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about 37 J Od thats...3.2.05 +. ARAAS ie: Seles ’ iol H i i Sworn to and sybscribed before me this J & sail ......... day of Ds Aon a gor OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE OF NQRTH CAROLINA, Sss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. .. County. ----------» 40 solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that died without leaving any last Will and Testament ; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said (AA PA4a._ tA , and a true and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and thet all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help we God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. es £ peers . day of ) =_........, Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATI (.. ECO County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It ing Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... ____ -.-2-+-----. County, that --- «---+.-. late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and Testament, and it appearing that...._' eed EO xy fn deceased, and having qualified as adaifnistra tw. according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said adminisira credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoe the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Wi hand and the seal of the said Court, this tho {/ ~------.-.-. 18 entitled to the administration of the estate of the Linmis.. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and ver to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and day Re rr ee res County—In the Superior Court. ....Is the APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF A f the 7° of the administration of the estate of 2 bd: Detar late of said County, is dead, without leaving any Will and Testament, and that.. proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said. Set e re a r e ac m n t e e e t c i i a s i e i e t Se e c e t i a are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof. Or. ne n t Sworn to and subscribed before me this - / 5 ed day of ) = ior Court. : OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. NORTH CAROLINA, i At t ’ . = ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. ee cecdee hen Se , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that Fhe. -. died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer 772 nfatyttt. , and a trae and perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the ch all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said arge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. re 3 . ... day of ae. G02 wetue 4 vs s Othiuvett Pcs , Administrator. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATIO —...County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-«GREETING : ing Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for --wA wo eT on en YEN... late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Willand — Testament, and it appearing a Oe Oi SOT 95 con Me higccneea eae entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased, and having qualified as administra Love. according to law: gins Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said administra le-w.. to enter in und upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever io be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased t0 the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. a” Wane ee Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the AS day of... V- ge ok \ sn na o v n e pa r i a p e e rn oe 300 eso APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMI -County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the administration of the estate of i Pitt { Betore aoe -, 6. 8. 6. 7a od. , being duly sworn, doth say that. J {L4AKY A Laotth . ; late of said County, is dead,. without leaving any Willand Testament, and that.&—tX\AL oh is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the estate of the said [tl cccdin., 2° Further, That the value of said estate, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, is about $ 3 60 and that oe i RC Lint... Kate a Kher Lette, : «ee poet Lethe Mat Quel xi are entitled as heirs and distributees thereof, Ps Sworn to and subscribed before me this Ef day of Yr} — 1a if gg Ae Clerk Superior Court. Rg OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR. STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA, | Ss.—IN THE SuPERIOR CourRT. County. J L os AL , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I believe that Jhiccolr died without leaving any last Will and Testament; and that I will well and truly administer all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said Pitt iwrHlr Litllx.. , and a true and : perfect inventory thereof return as provided by law; and that all other duties appertaining to the charge reposed in me, I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this MA day of Mov- 9 v — x. sit (Apc — , Administrator. pn O33 wy ie LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. mS we County—In the Superior Court. 2 State of North Carolina, “ Lhe To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING , : | It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Testament, and it appearing that S 2 deceased, end having qualified as administ County, that late of said County, is dead, without having made and published any last Will and is entitled to the administration of the estate of the Now these are Therefore to Empow¢gr ‘the said administrakersy. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the LZ K day of ii ; 1 7 zw ONE ci ed , Clerk Superior Court soninasnsslle 11906.—Every exeoutyr, administrator and collector, within three months ates his qualification, shall return to the Clerk, on oath perfect ' real estate, goods and chattels of the deceased, which have como to his banda or to the of any person for him, which invontory shall be order yal oom eesabinie teataees: ™ i He algo return to the Clurk, on oath, within three montis after each sale made by him, a full and itemized account thereof, which shall be signed by him and recorded by Urs Get pr ane executor. administrator and collector shall, within twelve months from date of hie Aualification or appoir ment, and annually, en long as any of the estate remalt io control, file, iz the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of rroperty recelved by him, or invested by him, and the me et pature of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the Past year tn the form of debit and credit. He must produce vouchers for all payments. The Clark may exami ‘ath, such accounting party or any other person concerniug the recelpta, disbursements or any other matter relating to the estato, and having carefully revised and audited such he approve the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima facie evidence of correctness. Each Clerk muat annex or attach # copy of this section to all issued by him. } . is the "Cet oe erein. Furtheg,That the property of the said Panne sence ne satan nance tiet anette ROME wince oc ig » CR Oe — ~sos-seonnonsnnnos--4F@ the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ---j that I rics well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, 80 far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to ‘o to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. State of North Carolina, To all to whom thesc Presents shall come--GREETING : . ° . APPLICATION FOR g 5 # rs County—In the Superior Court, wie chotysidshatednnhybiawuaonniece Miacca gis. Sha a r named therein. v Goo he Peat Meet siseese trots ite ase Sus b j iil ee 4 Ae CL Cz. That the property of the said __\< PLO Gon naa tten ieee eM SN Ne 9 » OONsieting Of. ka nd rrefenh | Sworn to and sphecribed before me this. LP... day of OATH OF EXECUTOR. : . OATH OF EXECUTOR. . NORTH CAROLINA, , ne “3 STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, : Yee =. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. AZ 2 EEE : as 4 tng A = Moe OS ie. i pciuiewnnieeband more g lature eed ..-, do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing Be es 2d 2 ae a ae SS , to be and contain the Yast Will and Testament of. Peed : Cee hey i “vowsowno---o---p GO solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing ~--------- j that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament w Ofesatenl LO. sialic -..j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then hi legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the jaw will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate sha Il extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, tay bea of my skill and ability: So help me God. t os Le Subscribed and sworn 6 before me this..__._/ 4 acthits day of hi a ) ; ” , 0. 8. 0. LETTERS TESTAMENT, swwtin fronowene nals spflen st Senanranttn ne SRC ane Oe si County-—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, sa : + int i # bal To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING ; ae meee send nner eaneneese: nese mene has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and named therein, having qualified as such according to law: has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof fs hereunto annexed), and... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore’ to Empower the said Execut.. #1... to. Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, whereavever to foun the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, = a gre ae AS SHR ane : a yl. to enter in and upan all and singular the goods and chattels, rights 4 aredite, of wald deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debs of the said deceased to pay and tis the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. and tho seal of the suid Court, this the =>. lilac tay ob pr, ny B.S % “ ‘ eas ; ¥ ue APPLICATION FOR LETTERGS)TESTAMENTARY. APPLICATION FOR LE _County—In the Superior Court. Te paneiior the will of matter of the will of ok : © : ' Botore.......77' ai LAT CML]... 686 LAV 149 late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published he. sud is the utor named therein. If the said Further, That the propert a so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that .....— eS ee ee are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. are the parties entitled under said Wil! to the said property. Sworn\f6 and subfcribed before me this ...... Clerk Superior Cour ; ~ ———————————— i a rr So Se SSSS..,.8,.,.,,,E ESS OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STA F NORTH CAROLINA, STATE NORTH CAROLINA, fest THE SUPERIOR COURT. {sty THE SUPERIOR COURT. a manne ne oo ee oo ceesessssuss-----4 do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing L...... ALY _.. that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament of .. Donk: Saco , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing j that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament of. ..\¢?- of Bon z the same by first paying his debts and then (racies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law Will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office gf Executor I will discharge according to law, pine best of my skill and ability: So help me God. day of LETTERS TESTAMENTA State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: - / “ has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and...... therein, having qualified as such according to law: aa named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ssi Now these are Therefore to Empower the said ExecutZey-..... Mow these weedeat: eeesgee Empower the said Brecut..-v¥..... t entar fn and upon all and ‘single the goods and, chatian, sli oon and al ere, wearer ob fd, lta fh ad aoe tp ad isfy, ane ee ee to take into possession, hedgers en eet eet toroid of sul stat to dstiats asortng to te divouon of uid Wi : feel sol said estate according to the dretine aes APPLICATION FOR LETTER ESTAMENTARY. q é In the matter of oF Ans | MO A Le Stina LT At Ee. ce A ~All (] Spad Ker &. oe being dulygworn, doth say tha meni; and that...._| LEanx. hag Ie late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ..__.4 a....last Willan consisting of. Ce ati te A Clerk Superior Oouct. OATH OF EXECUTOR. NORTH CAROLINA, s C _—— $s.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Ck, a Poy nnn nnn onnnnnnnnnnnnnnrgennnnnnnnzesen-y GO SOlemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing alee bacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining --; that I will well and truly execute State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : ng nn. EBL. Undersigned, Superior Court for . Ae tea creccn a awa ereep tes i late of "(LE admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and—_#__| named therein, having qualified as such according to law: pa Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execute... o eater in and upon all and dans the oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of Oe i and tho sual of th sid Court tis tbe .. 2. = a e County—JIn the Superior Court. vi eS ae doth say nt LOCO IE at eect enk, cca ee Ss late of said Couaty, is dead, having first made and and published -.-ls the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said 2/__ oe tnaaee ica Khas OATH OF EXECUTOR. > psc THE SUPERIOR Court. - do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing i te ~~ that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to Z best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Sbspfibed and sworn to before me this... “7 ~ day of Se FE 50,2 to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ____ <6 -iuswetpam ~ 0 “Sate and all other duties pertaining State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats. shall come--GREETING : o the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Alama de cheat m ete | County—In the Superior Court, hereof is hereunto annexed), and. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Asad Mga y Now thete are Therefore to Empower tn ald Iuoat 47>. to eter in and spon al and ng credits, of sald deosased, and the aame to take into possession, Wheresoover to be found, a . the residue of ga: ote, aaa: re aRiprpeoet > a Pane age APPLICATION FOR LETTERS APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. PR al crew ipeacncnnctnaane County—ZIn the Superior Court. ata Vltrnor—-_ Lf. A Ma, , being duly sworn, doth say sei Miah nee: das: ‘3 Pear m oe : a last Willand Testament; and inte dit Tectia tems VO. late of said - Pai init. , being duly sworn, doth say that. Drarthea ¥ 27 unty, is dead, having first made and and published... #\- __....dast Willand Testament; and oo a LO. ae etc nett i. we peneceneceeeeeesenesseeeeee----=-d8 the executor named therein. ci ee .-- Pe or, consisting of... ~-“-<*-*—... <A> Further, That the property of the said... Brae ea Kham L811 #778 ‘, consisting of (Ries oeesneonstecesnne oe In the matter of thg will of Before late of said Co ., 80 far as can be ascertained at thgdate of this aie amet and that.....-........-2..-..-. -2--------.eeus _., 80 far as ogn be ascertained at the date pf this application, and that....<7 ...are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. 9. , before me this -..- 7? secon cae te i ~ Clerk Superi Tk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. we 3 NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, THE SUPERIOR CouRT. } ss —IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. 1 (PhO LES. 7 do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing : MAN). Wa a ena : , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing une thee AR cs ; 5 thay will well and truly execute to be and contain fhe last Will and Testament ZN rhe l Mtn PVY42-7 ile ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first aa latiail and pe a so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining : the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties — to the office of Bxocutor ill discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and abjity: So help me God. “ j to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. icici races a: . WF Foy bsgribed and sworn to before me oe ae CR. A pa ee oa =i Di - os _..... 189.4 er Bier: neve Hp wee we wes ewe cern sae ee PES eee eave Mee a ———————————————— SS Ne oretiesocs ™ LETTERS aes ay : LETTERS a , County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactefily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ..- LO Ses sie scone sion Aflcatits.. lew a2. -GB....,....... ate of said County, pe. havi Pane Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto saneaety, te Ee / aerate t oe the Bxecat..22 has been admitted to Probate (a-trae-copy-whereot-ic-hereumto-amnened), and... ee named therein, having qualified as uch according to law: named thorein, having qualified as such according to law: i Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecut.c-2-—. to enter in upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, oh an ae a a Oe the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. ssh (ae ea ci nt a to ni, ed aut afi nntnman ating ota oneans nee = ers and the seal of the said Court, this the ..... 2. Ky ..-day Of........Gilgahes..0ee. ‘ APPLICATION FOR LETTE " Mar Me +s boing duly sworn, doth say that late of said County, is dead, having Yirst made and and published...“ 4 = ‘es OY... Jast Willand Testament; and that.....@/.. 7 —G/1 7 [ Ma a ener nener enn neniwentiye neesenvwseninvwesesvevw sh SRG executor named therein. Consisting of . Further, That the property of the said ay eA SL KG ARKO, consisting of... Ret: See is worph about $.. foe ae oF far as can be ascertained at the application, ayd _ WA MN GMA gl are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. ~Uleguad before me this / f -------.. day of . 189 fe; AM th ., Clerk Superior 0 Court, mr Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. a NORTH CAROLINA, Cyr Meee STAT NORTH AROLINA, Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. pss—is THE SUPERIOR Court. .-- County. .-. County. -, do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing L.AMW > a Mn fneg ht ght atic tia , do " Pas swear that I believe this paper- writing a pte ney a = a en j that I will well and truly execute to be and contain Sear Will and Testament of... Dn. EM Ang hh. --.- j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, . the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. and sworn to before me this_....... if State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shalt come--GREETING ;: Satisfactoplly Paffen to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for * + 6 ewww MEE, ISS bisa tcabbias late of said County, has admitted to Probate (@-tev0-copy-mborcol-ie-horeunte-annoned), and (~~ named therein, having qualified as such according to law: abl sili Lis ci allel a. ee oopy whereof is hereunto annexed), an named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said oredits, of said deoeased, and the same to take into possession, wh ge eee rec ‘ Dns tr (a and upon all and singular the goods and chai : sot st dione ime tee psn wher fad nine A Sol ea. the residue of aai@yestate to distribute coonrting 6 Sis Menten ot le ~ Clerk Supe (or Court, OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE/F NORTH CAROLINA, 8s.—IN THE SuPERIOR Court. County. I... Kf frer MMe. CLT re ORD senate eh ukatons , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be contain the last Will and Testament ot. Grok sins ee Tiaise - ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying héw debts and then hée’legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. sworn to before me this_........ Z Pa Re gacasic day of LETTERS TESTAMENTA County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come+-GREETING : ng Satisfac zo Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ..........> a . County, that Yorn bl GA hdanl...~ cal late of said Cou has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ft last Will and Testament, which - won ME wn wn en wens | late of said ERB. ig eae having first made and and published...74+ Jast Willand Testament; and ret AL 82% APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. - County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of dy as op BED , being ae doth say that Ly Rf. G ces Dre the executor named therein, Further, That the property of the said dl. A. ad hun. Sees 10 @¢ Te , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that... “Bung we plete, ast el nck f Meiirenfiitcal Sworn Oo subscribed before me this ......... / ¢ bates ens day of are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. OATH OF EXECUTOR. © ~ Clerk. rk Superior Court, STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, pasos THE SUPERIOR Court. phe the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shal extend, or the law will charge me, , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Willland Testament of. ay. ! -j that I will well and truly execute and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to ' to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, patti To all to whom these Preseats shall come+-GREETING: ey S64 & 5 oy 315 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. eocicesnseneeeace mmeneneenmacenredorentesonanessenanaseannncerenanesias sans County—In the Superior Court, Bice We Ee ne cacao oe In the matter of the willof 8,0, lo 7 I iis ios epee ccouketigucdeatunee teeta ae ae Be rn eas BAM. Wee wo , being duly sworn, doth say that <.4V Fox. ee late of said County, is dead, having first made and and iat Willand Testament; and that...-...- bd. otintninasncschinnthoinlle _.is the executor named therein. ._.1g the fem d thereia. : RS Reig UM AIO OE oma aca ae i j ane natl. Uberti ane ‘ae Further, That the property of the said. at _gnk be tase Sanpannnit meniwmcmbeie nine , consisting of. forte, Qe, = ek Bah. _are the narties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn jaand co before me 7 Qo. ...... day of Clerk Soperir Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OH/NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF(/INORTH CAROLINA, fss—t THE SUPERIOR COURT. fst THE SUPERIOR COURT. a coieaic orig te , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing oS Lo Rt _......j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament of..- the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, s6 far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability, So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to wf best of my skill and ability: So help me God. aes bscrited and sworn to before me this... VV hh 189. x sce ep itn. CS Gf ECT © | . oY Urrhoe, 0.8.0. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY LETTERS TESTAMENTARY State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: has bef admitted to Probalé (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), ang/ t been admitted to Probate (-teve-copy-whereot-te-hereumty annexed), named therein, having qualified as such according to law: named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Brecut#-...... to enter in and spun si 204 siaruhr te ontane ails anne : Now thee ae Therefore to Rmpower the mid Buco Co eae an open ll ad sagt | credits, of said deceased, and the eame to take into possession, wherescever to be credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wheresoever to found, as cele seeed e the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of By? Ae sounds ite alin fall as ER SNE = eee LY. the seal of the said Court, this the ...../. f pwligiconsh day of... APPLICATION FOR LETTERS JESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of , consisting te nt / tale | ibed before me this _......<7--.--.“7------ OATH OF EXECUTOR. ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. _---------+--- County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining _....-..} that I will well and traly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: : named therein, having qualified as such according to law: a: a ies ff . hae Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Execut. 4x... to enter in and upon all and singular ths goods and chattels, rights credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceaséd tw pay and satisly, the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of Will. Bs eke eee j and the'seal of the said Court, thie the... Cf-....day of. AL Mi barre... 199.0: i a Mets APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. , being duly sworn, doth say ed Af 4 eee In the matter of the will of o cael is worth about sino? beh and subscribed before me this een Clerk Superior Cou? OATH OF EXECUTOR. to be and contain the last Will and Testament of...<74 the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, tosh ret of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subser, LETTERS —— ae State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : orily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for GU GUIA ooo late of said Cougty, is dead, has been admitted to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), an named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the eld Rrocut..?~.. to egger-in and upon all and ai credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be | , " , and a! the just dobte of the the residue of said estate to distribute according to the direotions of said 9 Sf Lis +e 2 Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said Court, this the... De a ee t ee e APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TE eineninreantnante re newcomers ase eee Mn County—In the Superior Court. sreeeensereeeenenseeereenmncnnnsnenahbanntnnnnnanerec stone NEE Cccannacanee County—In the Superior Court, son LV Gr NA eas \ In the matter of the will of late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published...-AA.¢___last Will and Testament j and tar. Ke. 02.) 6 Mh, ALS. are .............. Ig the execut ' ed therein. Further, That the property of the wid FAL, Pree oe ee Ctr Salleh chit es Be Ky Ae 0 ne Z ee Of for aonb. blade cee tet gee Te ri lannner oon sontigl worth about gi eet LrO.G ee. 30 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that lites nie doy pear an ei cautin soc hg , consisting of... me ee before me this... o eis ei Clerk Superior Co OATH OF EXECUTOR. ; OATH OF EXECUTOR. - ORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourT. Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Court. po nenetnn enn eee eee County. Fee NEW AS Steen ta ao RONG iB irimrd dalle cain hinae lag ee , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing aw.....\Ze ee sc , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament ot LA wee eh an ~~ mlm invert ica csta aa ca ; that I will well and truly execute R. On ole sees ~vcosonsncon jf Chat I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining cies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to - best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to rig the best of my skill and ability ; help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi... aaa day of LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. a. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : rane to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : ween nnn. See Ne ORs oe tes Kee gewbas sewn ececeuuces has been admitted to Probate (a true cop y whereof is hereunto annexed), and named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), ' sci f therein, having qualified #3 such according to law: : ~ Now these are Therefore to Empower the said BrewAenck to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Brecut.7-~wex. to onter in and __ eile of sald deceased, and the same to tak into possession, wheresaver wo be found, and all the Jost debts othe sald deonaged to pay and stiaty, 124 he raided Geoetsed, and the same to tak ito ponsasion, wheresarar tobe found, and all the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, svar tobe tend, and 3 BE pee | the residue of said estat to distribute acocrding to the directions of said yl dd and thé seal of tho said Court, this the 5.4 G iii day of Az : mo . tee ey band and the s @ said Court, this the w nt _— APPLICATION FOR an TESTAMENTARY. ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. $91 Abeer County—In the Superior Court. od oh BV Ss ot ..» 08.0. unty, is dead, having first made and and published .<7&- ....last Willand Testament; and that... if : tate of sait/Counyy, is dead, having first made and and published late of sax Nn Etec vaisinsenaendes NO _-.-.----y boing duly sworn, doth say that ....<ff-.-*.--..2.-= xecuser named therein. LJ ie epueeton samed thes ~~ Further, That the property of the said....“o€-- cB Aor.----- fa » consisting of .....4..Se=<Ptset 0... ee} the property of the said <_- HAL YKAANL A MAA MVAL oo _...., consisting of. Bei.cabnw LU Ofren/ | stmiicie. ae Oates Ain, Mnrns. ot. 64. rhatad oo , 80 fi can be ascertained at the date of this application, and ou Iperry. 6. Peed is worth about 5 A000 ae. Seige __...y 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that ---.—..........-..-----. -----------0r--= o2. n= Eee areca tenn nana ben etan ene at sent afonn enna bnnnneannannninwnnnnernne an ennnaanw enna: Gaenars are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. gee ea ete oie ak at Sen perry es Be ncaa gi | fA dep hse | Se Swern to and subscribed before me this -_-......-~---- 7) pe Ke a Clerk Superior Court. ~~ Glerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE NORTH CAROLINA, STATE NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR COURT. ts —ty THE SUPERIOR CouRT. de AM ma, noone enn--------y 10 SOlomnlY swear that I believe this paper- writing 1 SIEM Cp hussain... eee teense ing tutuutuneveseeaeee--y G0 Solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing eo ; _.....j that I will well and truly execute taining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining | ; that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament (KO atte 3 the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties per to the office of Executor I will discharge according to a," the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........*7—..--.----- day of Mea ck — LETTERS TESTAMENTA State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: State of North Carolina, ‘o all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: ee en ee ee Satisfact Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -... exed), mM named therein, having qualified as such according to law: id Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocut. 71> enter in credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and. _ the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of sajé Will. fe Witness, my hand and the sea! of the said Court, thie the has been attihitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and--- named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execut.#2-—:... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever | and all the just debts of the said deosased to pay and satislY, the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of ny a yy yor all and-singalart tee to be foynd the seal of the said Court his tao Sosa day of. errr rrr! APPLICATION FOR LETTER TESTAMENTARY. a : APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Lx Sst acetal , being duly sworn, doth say dows We. Pac bunty, is dead, having first made and and published... AL WY. wee is the execufer named therein. ; oe ee ne Further, That the property of the said._.< Uhr B cere coon “a ~P_SreeNaen nnn nnnne nc nnnes , consisting Of... 4. Seec Pet... ae the property of the said <- HAL is worth about $ ” Swern to and subscribed before me this i Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. NORTH CAROLINA, STATE NORTH CAROLINA, pests THE SUPERIOR COURT. }ss—ty THE SUPERIOR COURT. Cueto ee ee ee rr County. ‘ the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to i the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Whe Atte County—In the Saperior Cour = County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina, ‘o all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: aR ty we To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : . : Clerk of Superior Court for ....... 2 be Atee fa Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .... f’ having made_./€4-2.....lest Will and Testament, tted tc Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexod), and... (a true copy whereof is hereunto sniitonte named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ' <n aoc. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecut.42—~... to enter in and upon all and singolar the goods and chattel oe Empower the said Bxecut. 77. credits, of vald deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wheresoever to be foynd, and all the Just debts of the said decsased to pay 422 : : > take into posses 4 eatate to distribute according to the directions of sald: ’ 5 aaa Se en en Se nD Oe eI ce m e n e n n a l in n i t na t n ne i n a nl nt nee according to the directions of said Will. APPLICATION ot STAMENTARY. eanknanegceng ind sans We tenetonanneonnnnamennsnnesanomesyanenantnecten est County—In the Superior Ccurt, ad vn MU. Gonasedecee of yng dead, having first made and and published ..€4-£-@-<-... is the executhr =o Further, That the property of the said. a 7, | f 6s Seg os senncennlinarieen sen , consisting of ................ ey 7 a OATH OF EXECUTOR. - STATE F ORTH CAROLINA, LLL ss.—In THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of...4...£4...\¢.....S=7E.. ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. and sworn to before me this -...... GY eo eesnacninad day of State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .....-.- EC oer -----.--late of said Co therein, having qualified as such according to law: Licarioydis Lng dian wri with A a ta, of anid: deceased, and tho same to take into possession, wheresoovor tobe found, and all the Jost debs of the auld deceased to pay and satel, end ty, is dead, havi Zz # suit : amet ain * , seal of the said Court, this the ...97............ APPLICATION FOR LETTE} TEZTAMENTARY. ...County—In the Superior Court. | 3% OF Bago O..4- awgntto___.__._.., being duly swora, doth 2k teap late of said County, is dead, having first made and and satetnet tletie tie Willand Testament; and seccdaniee. _..4s the executor named therein. € Pee ee Further, That the property of the said an ~~ Z Ll Aoronsngy Se Le eae , consisting of Z fas A a. In the matter of the will of is worth about $17 494 —— _...» 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and is fastact sean seh cal aentiiogy tray are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Adelle Coad otdinelionin a Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. SEATS oF N ie CAROLINA, ss —IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. senbiegenceeceed _---------- County, A , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing : 2? Ditbray ....j that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament of. “~ the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribg@ and sworn to before me this .. ode GIA. any of LETTERS TESTAMGAITARY. eas LO ttt ALL............County—In the Saperior Court. State of North Carolina, pe To all to whom these Presents shall ecome+-GREETING : ( y Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for . Ra — ill i seta Ue has been admitted to Probate (a true copy wheréf is hereunto annexed), and. named therein, having qualified as such according (0 law: credits, of sald deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be fo os of said Will. 94 © APPLICATION FOR LETTERS T wotinnedannnncunes Mig vaige Metter 2 the Superior Court, | wun Zé) VS. In the matter of the will of y having first made and and published -y— Mshetiall is the exeogyfamed therein. Further, That the property of the said... og Aare, 201: 5 ce ae , consisting of... (~>- at the date of i erior Court. — —<—— i —— = —— SS NS enon oeapeneneemonnnnenn en ————————— — noe borane een eee ona — OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STAT F NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. ss.—IN THE SuPERIOR CouRT. wedieiande Clee cgi na neki e cies ena : IEDAA— do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing slot hh (ra. Sepia , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ACAI LL Of Os that I will well and truly execute to be aid contain the last Will and Testament of _. ; that Sofi well and truly execute the same by iftst paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or tho law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will'charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability a God. ; ; LETTERS TESTAMENT <P i the Superior Court. Z State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : GF ah Ve to has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), an named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the sald Brooutr7X credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescover to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and named therein, having qualified as such acourding wo law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said | Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, 0 Recs stoke seer w sauccoat a enter in and upon all and singular the goods and. chattals, rights and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Hf A jy aigiriokt : APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TEST. ENTARY. - Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing uj that I will well and traly execute the sam cies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining @ by first paying his debts and then his 1 to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. , 3 AzA- Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......»A—4. is ewnthase* ) f se rae r Z LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. E sccctconiertil Hae Je tA ..........County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : an. ( the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for —.-- side Z Pi tS ae aa the Bxocut.47-~- Now these are Therefore to Empower the sid Brocuter: ‘> enter im and upon all and singular the goods and chattel, rights and otedita, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoovor to be found, and all the just debts of the said deosased to,pay and satisly, an4 the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will sheets’, eaterest i mhgng and the seal of the said Court, this the . A x...tuy ot CA, Sogn Ea. WF id late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published A __........ is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of thg said..7-7--{ NAA gle... about s/ (ee. A OATH OF EXECUTOR. STAT OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. hn i ee. ‘ to be and contain the last Will and Testament of. a c. the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as te said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing t I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. os ed and sworn to before me this --....- /- _....day of oo 2 ES County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: sii sg Now these are Therefore to Empower the said BxecutaY’..... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possessiou, eheresoover to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay ik rye 328 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. | ; Before MW ae 3 , being duly sworn, doth say sp tile ee 2 last Willand Testament; and that....-.-.---------------------------------------- , consisting of ..-........----- oD is worth about $ Jb om __.--- 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that -.......---------------.----------~~->- Sworn Sep before me this -.. Z se. of sect A, 4 fit F-- "Clerk Superior Court. oe — = — _— OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fest THE SUPERIOR COURT. avere a. LTDA rr ------ County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing in the last Will and allen of. __...... j that I will well and truly execute a sg the same by first paying nk Yents and then hie legacies, so Tar as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. —7 and sworn to before me this .. LG _....day of State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and, named therein, having qualified as such according to law: : Now these are Tierefore to Empower the said ExecutD...... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will Sets a de se ee sk ba RUB MP fel Further, That t — before me this G nb sak day of Lor gf are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. 18. VPadecpbas Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF EXECUTOR. STAT OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss —In THE SUPERIOR COURT. _... County. ' Ate EL IALA LO. £7 A Ah Pat! , do solemnly swear that believe this papar-writing AAA A? ; that Swill welland truly execate to be and c@ntain the last Will and Testament ite the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, s0 far as the said estate Yor the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining ANA AAM to the office of Executor%-will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help #@eGod. Subserjped and sworn to before me this .... 6 = _...day of LETTERS TESTAMBRTARY. ARR... _-oesusseeueaCounty—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: L y Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -... has been admitted to Probate (a true named therein, having qualified as such acourding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Executar?...... to enter in and upon all.ead singular the credits, of said deceased, #2d tho same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the ss | deo the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of snid Will. OME! care atelinae 4 : the soal of saeett oars inns... a: fal | . tical de A taal ) FY ea r OO O CR O LI ae a ee e ne s e nn e r Oe ee e ar - SESaaes er Ne we Pe ey en eee Ne , + ore ee ae a eo eee ee a me Soe ee Pee er ‘ 33 . ‘ye : 30 APPLICATION FOR LE TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. ing first made a o wallace sees isle fawn of the property of the said - he Nees a ee en n a DN ON O re “oe ghout § 3 s ene — Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OH NORTH CAROLINA, STATE NORTH CAROLINA, , }ss—ty THE SUPERIOR COURT. fests THE SUPERIOR COURT. County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing _._....., do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing Tht teeneneee- ¢ that I will well and traly execute so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining _.; that I will well and truly execate to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ~- the same by first paying his debts and then his legacios, the same by @eet paying #4 agi ye then bis legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining dere best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to ype best of my skill and ability: So help me God. /6. LETTERS rienggenler LETTERS TESTAM State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: ek To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ... S22 tReet ere nnn n nnn nnnenne County, hat =—§ «ss Ting atisfactorily Broven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Vourt lor ----. YP 2--%---0" py LAR AAA Ln date of said Coun le hayjng LMA Jast Will and Testament, which ; NO RKP C“TA AAA ARDD. oop ! gg, havi made. t Wy has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. “7% <.» pew Low Ga saan ennvnnnnnnnnenn the Bxecat@P...-. = , od), 8 A att Ah pickee ~ named therein, having qualified a8..." according 10 Jaw: 4 named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Al ex-a. alive epetlaure ciel _ Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Fxeou#N........ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights aad Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said oa... to enter in and : credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the jast debts of the sald deceased to pay and satisly, and credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and 1 eat ae the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Willg ae ameaeem 101°‘ APPLICATION FOR LETTER STAMENTARY. coennansoreonsnns corneas Soannnnnessnnnrenwnneneccenasatacennnennsennne en County—In the Superior Court, Before... &—. ya (—— Kt ee 548.6 being duly sworn, doth say mn otis dead, having first made and and published ’ f eAn 2 last Willand Testament; and that —2#*+2-—“—-—-A_ ; ae at tec Be nt ie --last Willand Testament; and that. oe ek 1h le call BST Further, That the property of the said “Fe fee coe Mago grat tne tase Dhiscnsriceinigiciewinissen , consisting wt ¥ et Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. ’ STATR_OF NORTH AROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Oe Sosa cre Ste ct , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing Fin anennnnnnsnnnnnnnannnnn-n------» €O SOlemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ------------. f that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the Yast Will and Testament of... 77. +. Ghat hen ie ~--s---sce------¥ that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, to be and contain the las ill and Testament of... \4-.. and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. | eae wduwme <-y= of§ 8. 6. fon. -f--2..- 40. d- OZ ees a) C. 8. 6. etanded <*> aie ' - ns LETTERS TESTAMENT. LETTERS TESTAM schvedsenicGiaicdl (far rasta annenneennnneeaeee--County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ... oe has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and../_..\:..4. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Benatierted. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and obattels, rights and — credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisty, and — the residue of said xistribpye according to the directions of said Will. / Witness, my Id and $46 seal of tHe wid Court, this Ob CS / Av e n t ts e to and subscribed before me a 7 oa of ior Court. ~~ Clerk Super OATH OF EXECUTOR. ROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So kelp me God. LETTERS TESTAMENJARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come=:GREETING : ng Satisf(¢torily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ..-.. een ee ene e egg «no 0 n= Heo ‘Bas boon admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof ig hereunto annexed), and. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: aie a Now these are Therefore to Empower the said ExeousA«A.... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights aad oredita, of sald deceased, and tho same to take into possession, wheresosver to be found, and all the Just debts of tho said deovesed to pay and satisly, and f distribute according to the directions of said Will. . > se btant APPLICATION FOR L ty, is dead, having first made and and published Res the ecutor named therein. & Ree Poe... _--» consisting of é Oa ttre putea hay sie le TS ae eS So a aa Stich aeeenemenenneiransnimnni lll the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. / yo a Swarn to and subscribed before me this ..../.47 A-F-.....day of -. 189 - OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE NORTH CAROLINA, past THE SUPERIOR COURT. last Will and Testament of. ee is wacies, so far as the said estate all extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining ingpoistebts and the to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing __... 5 that I will well and truly exeoute to be and contain ~. the same by first scribed and sworn to before me aa oe ... State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: ...County—In the Superior Court, - a ee ee ..., consisting of <<. is worth about .., 80 far as can be ascertained ai t te of this application, and that.......... OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. CAROLINA, CAROLINA fss—ty THE SUPERIOR COURT. best THE SUPERIOR COURT. Be epian County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing ; that I will well and truly execute ; that I will well and truly execute State of North Ca a To all to whom these Presents shall come-*GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: i ec to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), . het, having qualified as such acourding to law: wid eee a iar these di ott dvsemssic- “or een spun nanan ec ee ice ae arnvtonc to Manpower the mit Rrvout @-—1.o-enter tn nad pon all and singular the goods and ae of aldose andthe sane to into penn, whreerr 1b ond adel hot abs of ths dna to pay an seth #86 credits of ald dconuaed, and tho exo to to into possesion, whersoorer ta be found, and all dhe Junk debis of te ould 1 top J ostat oo ee si ok the residue of aie enn ving qualified as such according to law: eee 1 a cilia APPLICATION FOR LE TESTAMENTARY. County—Ia the Superior Court, the wil! of -»~E8.0. Lt A \ a et being dujy sworn, doth say that oA. Eaielinga Macatee Sk O Leta: Rene GF hn. being duly sworn, doth say having first made and and published A... last Willand Testament; and ac F i Pe Law —\A4 fre € AA jg the exegytoghname in. aa Z Further, That the property of the said “~/..” \4o "= > OATH OF EXECUTOR. fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing 2 Sr nenlinst bass guictaaalinaiclal ; that I will well and truly execute a a j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying iiis debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, } and all other duties pertaining V to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, - best of my skill and a to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-«GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-»GREETING : ‘hag been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), gamed therein, baving qualified as such according to law: “Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocut.e=~<>to enter in oredite, of sald deceased, and tho camo to take into possession, wheresoaver to be found, anc Hl the jast debts of the said deceased to pay and satisty, tha.geettien of anid estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. . ae Ow a ae : Ze. ore ewe sn Ont Naa i” Teen seossauah dud aa ails eon oiwaie wie fp! ees {pon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and 109 APPLICATION FOR ERS TESTAMENTARY. 34] ricenceokeenel To Ngan cnn nnneenennennnn novos y-------County—In the Superior Court. atter of the will of a . is dead, having first made and and published<_.““->..... GEC the ee od therei — That the property of the said. ..~/ <7... ori taetlinentoncemtnnmpnerirmetideentinerteorehccriiay Oct a , Consisting of ..... Fe< ES as ie i | | i : srinssuhihen ep bsbanduottrwansondendes toagsecn'ssaciupuampertunete sts ast ee OU ts ice ee ean are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Swepp, to and subscribed before mé ¥ sate jah: aes day of ee so OE OATH OF EXECUTOR. NORTH ‘AROLINA, ss.IN THE SuPERIOR CouRT. .-- County. ate A-, Go solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing Dag wtiigs babinbbeehii j that I will well and truly execute. to be and contain the last Will and Testament of , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ~a _—- Rs v6 aca 189.¢.. LETTERS TESTAMEWTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-+GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), an named therein, having qualified as such according to law: us Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Executa—-—.. -tntante ied upon all and singular tho goods and chattels, rights ee th nerenin aca aa end 4 lh jt eto he md dann ea sa has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), Berend res oaacna aaa Sworn to/a "Clerk Superior Court. --» Consisting of .........._.. Soa cn NN SH OATH OF EXECUTOR. Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing --; that I will well and truly execute State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : rily Proven to the Undéfsigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .. (pA A HES ee eaalaen castes, late of said hag beon admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), aud named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxocut.e--¢/ to enter in and upon all and singular Gnssile and ohattals,| ey at Tet rmnelgeerren anne te ele {44s prosenicn, wheresoever to be found, and all the bute according to the directions of said Will. the said Cours, this tbo... X, of. Just debts of the said deveased to pay and APPLICATION FOR i 343 3 ...County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of y»68.6 -» being duly sworn, doth say that A rE hares at the date of this application, and that. a dh, ---are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. RUM. S2ace) ~ Clerk — Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. ° STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. --- County. -, do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing --} that I will well and truly execute State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: - d to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto amnexed), having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. last Willand Testament; and that... 47, 77 2 ornecatnnclncceatlwenorlsownewsewene vancectient pilin side eetniprndsiislSiitedilnbn tists nennewtehocuceaneesuencees re the parties entijjed under said Will to the said property. and ~~ before me this 2 Cc: ehh a {7 Coe er _ Clerk Superior Court. ones n nnn nanan nasa oononnnnansannonnnnnns- N@ the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. before me this .......... 0 -- day of Sworn tg,gnd subscribg ~ Clerk Superior Court. : OATH OF EXECUTOR. ' OATH OF EXECUTOR. | CAROLIDNA, i « SUPERIOR CourRT. pasts THE SUPERIOR Court’. eR crete ee , do solemnly swear that % believe this paper-writing --------.f that I will well and truly execute ~----------» GO solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing j that I will well and truly execute ies;S0 far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining JAYe— Ae to the office of Executor will discharge according to law, to the best of my ski oe aod. _ _ State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: State of North Carolina, esc Preseats shall come--GREETING: Cag Oks Ane ons en Ree Ke bond macae tanner eee . FESS OENE REE R OSH RTEE Rees ten eeeeen sebine cbe. unto annexed), and...A\/\7.+.47 \' named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ties this aie "rha ial ‘hi Credits, of said veceased, and the same to take into named therein, having quslified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execut.é—--4oto onter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights oredite, of said deosased, and the samo to take into possession, whetesoever to be found, and all the just debts of tho said deceased ed to the residue of said estate to distribute according to thc directions of said Will. ae HAA n we me med s 1% the said Court, this the ....4—.~..... fd 4 ' (_/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of - wisna ast tne ee Botore [/--.A..°..4 BALA 0 renee 4 8.6 RT ae ae » beds — doth say that----, nn ee APUICGS -- La being duly sworn, doth say at LB. AK eerie _Jast Willand Testament; and that..--.------------------------ = “Yeo County, is degd, having first made and and published ..<<““-= . 7AM g ~—“-~~——__ ig the executor named therein. * ft AMAA Further, That the property of the wae 43. BL. , consisting of - tbbennaddeder sovebeny | | late vf said County, is dead, having first made and an snes Lac 8G Willand Testament; and th ; ee eae Bs . .... Ig the exadutor pamed le conve oF ere day of shor} to and subscribed before me this -....~-.- OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CoURT. County. fasts "HE SUPERIOR COURT. __........., do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of... =<. * --SSteei=a----" oes orn _......$ that I will well and truly execute so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first payiag his debts and then his legacies, the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate to the office of Execator I will discharge according to law, to y best of my skill and ability: So help me God. d. sworn to before me this ..-..---------------------- to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. aS —_A - sooeemnees = : io . = - . a pocreeemens E LETTERS TESTAMENTA LETTERS TESTAMENT. State of North Carolina, . State of North Carolina, “ai To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: sie, art i DOD has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), an... MA has been tted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto Anne. Pe Otome, eetrertter etree por ete --the &: attra palit law: ECA ‘ A ganits eae named therein, having qualified as such according to law: 9 said 0% ights a0 Now these are Therefore to Empower the said id credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wheresoever to seman und, isfy, aad “ai alg nao lee the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of sa{d Aenean nee em --» being dul ou doth say LOGS af d, having first made and and published last Willand Testament; and that..7 © Qe \ Aéthe Le named therei: Further, That the property of the said.“ \ ‘’' OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. 3 fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Court. swear that I believe this paper- writing + do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing -.; that I will well and truly execute } that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--:GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: d, Clerk of Superior Court for ae County, that late of Tey is dead, having made last Will and Testament, which — Y boon admitted to Probate (a true copy whereot is seal tel ee ee ee having qualified as such according to law: 3 ou ee sen nes hrig clio gh sotigW : are T ) | t Choodh PC tak ad saps i es Now these are Therefore to CORE sypscribed a me this ....... a ts aie day of a Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Pa n n e n ne t a ie s S h s e a R n e a e S ni n fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. { i bi te se ce , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing non cacen weve Sennen annnasnenne eee menses j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ..., 6. 6, LETTERS TEST. ae To all to whom these Presents shall come:-GREETING : State of North Carolina, It being Satisfactorily Proven to the.Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for peticondagyd ooRe Tiana hn. OT ete late of said Coun bas admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and..<\\— ea therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Sais upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and - eredite, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, w. to be found, ol amemntan the sald doonused to pay and satialy, #84 nibute according to the directions of said Will. ee eeendennwnenmwmne OM OF. State of North Carolina, named therein, having qualified as such according to law: inantn ene ee the residue of said estate to distribute renee ...County—In the Supericr Court. In the matterpf the will of / \ \ ~ late 9 County, is dead, having first made and and published See eh Stl. _.. Is thepxecutor named therein. Ream oe ey : eG weal Further, That the property of the said ek are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. ee | hee Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF EXECUTOR. OF NORTH CA INA, ss.— InN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. ace eae tase Nee Nee County. « to be and contain the last Will and Testament o EN: A the same by first paying his debts and cs 80 far as the’ said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. "OSC4_ and sworn)to before me this -. ie oc A —any of ,08.0. = To all to whom these Preseats shall come+»GREETING : t being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for. SOP 8 he Sin SOE i ah MA ra i Nanci ha tl eh pe rina tbl (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), abet. RN. M, haw (nese are Therefore to Rempower the ud Breoute>—-/.. to enter én nnd apon _ APPLICATION FOR = TESTAMENTARY. 85] ' Se e , en ee e B52 KA. A ote i wie De LUA boing duly sworn, doth say , is worth about a> a ane ee Ki hemor SEES < ie ert bd ap aR ote 1 Sworn to and subscribed before me this... ~ if C Ts of Ane os 3s 189°7 is | mia Clerk Superior Ct Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. ng OF NORTH C OLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. A Se er e n t ee e ee e te , do elles swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of 4 @—<~~*—e . x ( Q2¢: oo the same by first paying his debts and then igMegacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining j that I will well and truly execute fl to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... x AA -.day of RR Los McA tas Ace... 8,0. 7 = / JA State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), an named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said BrocutAsgl... to enter in and upon a!l and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredite, of said decoasod, and tho same to take into possession, wheresoaver to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satiety, the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. aM Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the 122/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 853 -..County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of ) late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published .....- ..is the executor named therein. a is worth about $- Bo o ee , 80 far as can be ae at the date * this application, and that .. ae are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. ye to and subscribed before me this a : day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE al NORTH CAROLINA, - "fsa THE SUPERIOR CouRT. lace ........ County. wannneennue-sese-----y GO Solomnly swear that I believe this paper- writing the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, to be and contain the last Will and Testament of... j that I will well and truly execute and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. a ¢ “toes Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... SB. a ..day of LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, Jseacuiiasshebbhicinaheacdneited ; Nips: aia as the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-»GREETING: (eee Hewes ewe newn aden. It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ee Cinnneeen svncevesnnen County, that «ff fpa sla salatitis late of said County, is dead, having made. hie us Will and Testament, whioh | has beon admitted 10 Probate (1 | true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and pam Hohn the . named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: ita Ap Now these are Therefore to Empower the suid Bxoout-o..... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels 2 hia Credits, of said deceused, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be fo ane isly, the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. and the seal of the said ene, this the... a ea 354 3/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Se ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 859 County—In the Superior Court, ahaa caches seinen nnenciii es eC ee ee en eels County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ..__. ie ae Willand Testament; and that... — A) Oa See eae ee es ...... Is the ‘Gnd. therei; -.-1s the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said... ao Further, That the property of the said... ~ Charter tn ame eeceeUb Mig tee Wetec SS ls is a ol --..are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this __.. i 2. .......-. day of --- 189 F.. Sworn to and a. before me this... 2s ne ...... day of i B OKwe 2 AS W Lb Aaya iia en Clerk Superior Court. “Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. -, do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing sci XII, Lo. NOD nn enn nenniecnnnnnnnnnnnaennnnnn-y €O SOlomnly Swear that I believe this paper-writing ee Peco hn inscinesinn mmccsab Latraidecieaaile ; that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ........>~—@ AA -; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legaci®s, so far as “} said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. oe ae x a ou oe eee -— = = to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 2-/at-.... day of +¥08.6, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : seecaennconnnnennn hh. £. Gt Neen eronnennnnnnnnnanna--COUNtY—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It bein o. oe Proven to the Undersigned, Clork of Superior Court for ........... JV CU APAA Bee en County, that 3 It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ......... sevenendunnent on yg aeons EFT nono on 106 Of aid County, is dead, having made... see Will and Testament, which montana HLM has been admitted to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and.............\ WV ce LO PIGOLVT,. nn. 4 to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and...... re tree Cnet ax cued sooreding t0 bev: named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the sald Brecut Ager. do sniee astidigin tina apea Us other Pe ee emanate Sa Biitahieete saber -obeescac! aaa treeoge sec escony “ Wil nce: to enter in and upon all and singular tho goods and. chattels, rights ' ana of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, whetenseten to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay . the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .. La. fan sasannee Gay of __...A Mart. li bil be conan y 190, Paes 4 4 Noa Se er e s ee e a IE a St ga a Me ee et ee t 125/, APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of auf bd pert Kotlu the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the wu 2ho tb. rey OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. it itt Nobfud solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing to be and contain the last Wi -; that I will well and truly execute and Testament of............7. A rth the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for menncceesnnsnenenenved Ma Mb. orth avdecseecenens late of said Coupgy, is doad, having made....-PAAs_. last Will and Testament, wil } has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), oe named therein, having qualified as such according to law : ho Att s.o-0gf, hauiauaan Brecu! Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Executacs..... to enter in and upon all and sinclar the goede and anattols, rights id credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and . the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the. /.@......... day of " A pa FO * Ee cy S deleieieteteiietteieeee 126 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. BHC -.-County—In the Superior Court. OMe 0.8.0. US- +f: al LL. Ok Ma duly sworn, doth say that...“ l-*—*— | / LAA ee last Willand Testament; and that... be, dal Rast % i. ..Is the executor named therein. In the matter of the will of GM. late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published... / Further, That the property of the said. Ce hel Mech eae ae ee , consisting of... mae -., 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that.- eh Ghee _ Oyen | ee -..are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. LOU ge OATH OF EXECUTOR. STAT OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. iedbe ui ae cep ae 4 Cn i> — a hind hbo -- === -------.-----y G0 solemnly swear that I belieye this paper-writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of... 1G es Bee i the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining ..; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. —— PO case Rect, Subscribed and sworn to before me this __.... -..day of LETTERS via NTARY. ssoteanieenedae AAR --nnnnneeee-e-County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : ee to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for . It 9) Satisfactoril has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and.. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: 4 Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocut.sv.<... lo enter {a and upon all and singular the goods adele readpnn ne ogame gpm aR xg a ; the residue of said estate to distribute anne Oe i ° ieee i y hand and th aE ie alt Go g 127 35 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—JIn the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of In the matter of the will of WA, es pomeors ib ere one rane enon ’ Re ee er oe pd. Cees -, being duly sworn, doth ‘ay that. eb. Ss Oe ; L i ; late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published alte. -last Willand Testament; and ecuthind Ad Sou ees is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said bw A. 086 .» 48.6, ” ig worth about $ a eo se: -------y 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that. zs mM we re Sees near aaeck eae eesu owe Ae Se Cui he ad Se wnonnnaannnnua----nans------QF@ the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. b.0.. Paterna a OATH OF EXECUTOR. As - Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF EXECUTOR. i | . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. -, do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing L | asi Ye, Maan ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining ..-... County. fs THE SUPERIOR CourRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing if to be and contain the last Will and Testament of #7 ----} that I will well and truly exccute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discherge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. 68.6. 4 6806, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : ven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for DAM AA. tach +++ --- County, that : -Jate of said County, is having made. has boon admitted to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and bid. c named therein, having qualified as such according to law: sabiten, think Now these are Therefore to Empower tn tald iso ure». tent a aden sll and Credit of auld deceased, and th same to take into possesion, whetessover to be found, and all Je We residue of sald extte to distribute aooordiag tothe directions of sald WIN manna Beets eee ome Me It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for It being Satisfactorily --- late of said County, is dead, having mate .......4 sc ibet Will and Testament, has been tted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Executwa~...... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights - Oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and sati the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, tits the 2.4... day ot IV 129 a APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of el i e n e i e e e e n e - a .. Is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said i hes Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Buice = se at, nn eae ae aenee nO County. -. do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ..; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... ore of LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being SatisfactOrily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for iat i j-a/2sneemsattn boul County, that sit i Masia cgay. errs tena ...ate of sald County, is dead; baving made... bedcag\-..ent Withanl Testaieial whieh has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), at. Be fey... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Jost debts of the said deoeased 10 pay and se ee nee ee . it SO ene nennee re Vy eaten 361 APPLICATION FOR LET7ERS TESTAMENTARY. dicbichitaina latencies iit -----------County—In the Superior Court. ----- 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and wsibdiathh ae oe dee f e 5 Se Sea pWOe a Bn wnnneadons Hub. f. 2.98 : c. = ete _ s Sworn to and subscribed before me this. a concise nee OE OF a Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .-. County. , do solemnly swear.that I believe this paper- writing to be and contaie’ the last Will a -; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, vr the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... Y/, ica cebeeual day of LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : has been admitted to Probate (a true copy w named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Brecut.~..... wo eotee ettsigin bseahiguapiea ea caiidenl credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be Se nee the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, wish, Goes the said Court, this the. Bday o..8 o a ane ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of ee Alig ao brh. ! 7 in Sworn_to and subscribed before me this Ms ak _........ day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, SSs.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. ce e ee be ph he , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing a to be and contain the last Will and Testamertt of _. Bbq abe oh ig. the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining j that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn tc before me this... FR ...day of “Pee aegis AM._W, C 0 U 7 —— = ————————————————— a ae LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To ali to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... td A | named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocutases..... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deoeased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the sald deceased to pay and satisly, the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, Witness, my band and the soal of the said Court, this the... 2-day or Q@A~ < ae sahil a Noosa 2 363 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. il land ntentlbionaciak Wahine: ----ee-+-+--County—In the Superior Court. Before. = A. Awa) . , being duly sworn, doth say that... UW, Rarities . In the matter of the will of LAR Tot Ad! , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this — and that-. are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and Ook. before me this L 6. aa .. day of G Bei. Clerk Superior Court, oa LO? L scricineidiln OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of .. dds. j; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then hiftegacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me ie ....day of LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .......° SMA AAne County, that ills GAD MN Ne... lato of said yap” 8 ssinscuaiMe: -last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. YW. i Darrah. PEC: he. named therein, having qualified as such acourding to law: ma Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxocutsev... to onter in and upon all. and singular the goods and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, arn Mama rcgR ans mn jon the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. . + ee Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said Court, thie the .AC2.......day of... LAS | Hh4 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 1337 365 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. o int cba ibiacucashilenecneacoic: hoi a. ...--------County—In the Superior Court, Ban Po: Ae. Yona 54k song . . nty—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of In the matter of the will of Ahad boing duly sworn, doth say thar Qturor' 6 Grate octet is last Willand Testament; and tut Gs. Qt eros Stora fu besimesltbaies Nerden , consisting of O Rook ¥ Cok. berasale tea Meron hi aniasioh-epepon spinnin sie de Secale: isdadossid aieisthiesec -hectnisantrcasirlnnnisrnin hill UC a are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this... day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this. J22uck_ _day of eee ; nha a date ta mai agra wee caren a iy : Q : Le trim 490018 -C fasten Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Court. Sianeneii ince cli eoenceswadsnnnsnecenecennaanne--- COUDLY, rt teal scooping acs Ae Ilaria ae a ak , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing Gos 8) a @ ‘ Daberren Cea, Papi Bthelhin. do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing SnpP aad onnthhe the lett Will gad Testampat of 2 j that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament of. (lor I OA Noor. j that I will well and truly execute id the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this... sat. ..day of RGU a ear aa 189... Si ctwenpadaensnensauncarcdienwwacsiinenidas lege ebeisasdinenuseugauia secede amedtetemdsnialel ‘ &. a, Deh» 1fer Be headbrice 9 0 &, 0, »~ 68.6. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-=GREETING : County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come-«GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Minced alles Slits caeclyncnndntbiaaindber ai late of said County, is dead, having made... last Will and Testament, which AAA late of said County, is dead, having made has boon admitted to Probate (a irae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), aNd... .oo.0.-oeeeoee-eveeccseeoecs the Brecat...-.---- (a true copy whereof sateivinie cnneaetisanit ily... Mad el ' Sf named therein, having qualified as such according to law: , el named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Se papitlin Nt Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Broout.....__ ‘o enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattels, rights and Now these are Therefore to Empower the said BrooatIR... 10 enter in and upon . ‘ oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoover to be found, and all the jast debts of the said deceased to pay and : credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all he jast the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, sie the residue of raid estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. = ex | Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said Court, this the... MI ig cata ie 189. ; ¥ @ f | Ni i f | 134/=. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. \V County—In the Superior Court, sli Maite ace Para 08.0, In the matter of the will of e SL. By late of said Cotnty, is dead, having fffst made and and siledbi lh cada ta Willand Testament; and that.. ptt ........... lg the executor named therein. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ___/ Zr mh. ee day of ; - oo “Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT’. rE kot County. Sivas uabinbiaiae i 5 95 he Rae , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing to be and contain the last Will and Testhment ot OSL... --j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according an law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LY Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. -....day of ahs QL. 6. §. 6. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for si aa o£. has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), tnt Pleas the nnalite : named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said ee to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, righta and : credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of sahemthatentin nics and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, 4 ys oe Reem eenne Py ee ‘ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. es es Or bee -. County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of fi wW were +} Before >’ nL ,68.0. , being duly sworn, doth say that* Dil Ah Radian nds late of said County, is dead, having first nade and and published... ‘ Jast Willand Testament; and that. is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said , consisting of ie worth about $ 22. , SO far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 189 day of Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss —IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. Co a , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of j thatI will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties portaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... day of -» 68. 0, seeewsuaveenaunsaueseenendsenasnncenedssccetisussnsseechoeeusaeud County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come+«GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of DUO DOOR cis isienifw iiss casijss:teesullccithanmaciaaBiatin tt -Vounty, that late of said County, is dead, having made... Jast Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho sald Brocut............ tr aks ag Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be "eae ie igre ted the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, PERO LES ee A ei ih id eet bid wine ab si AS a A BN al 'a geed Sat eae Selly tg a Pokey Dae a Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the .......... -iveae MINE ache ilissehs lines basi 135/ \s APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 136% PRO 3 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, BL r County—In the Superior Court, Be Qe eck ee ....... County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of Ch. Before . + eben gin ,08.0. ne oa ....» being duly sworn, doth say that. At. 4. IenetXB sab» ‘ late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published aA... last Willand Testament; and that... QR. Sh. hha. ..is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said at. + tA A jee , consisting of. CR ep ee x -<-» 68. 0, (Ghia ra duly sworn, doth say Oa 3 oe XN... ty, is dead, having first made and and pentiined Leach. peta last Willand Testament; and that. : es is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said............ wt mR is. worth about 3/9 y nea ---.y 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that... esag Wecus a neua seas ca tci, ole reheat cs eS ee ee te a are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. $§= @ |. So aiectlied ie cle ee Si ‘ ses : are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this. LZ2n day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7 ¥& day of “GW dh Sr ol Rearpasa brea x<.. Clerk Superior Court, “Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. ORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fs —IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ‘ eR AB jacks a icidnnoee ey, : Pye10 solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing ai BBG te -----» do solemnly swear that I beliave this paper-writing <— -------- § that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Jestament of Ad. 1 di j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining oi THE SUPERIOR CourT. pertetee County. the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. 2 LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. rien Oe atc the Superior Court. ee County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, ete WE Mest Camclign a es pe Subscribed and sworn to before me this. lh g ....day of , 08, 0. To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : To all to whom these Preseats shall come+sGREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... «—<A-¥ 7 _ & ‘ Any Ee Bxocateres-af named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said BXCCUteyma ny. - to enter in and &pon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights afd credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the jast debts of the said deceased to pay and mains the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. ih he dl att ie ne to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), snd... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. day of... Witness, my hand and the soal of the said Coart, thie the. As: send day oe wise ' ne APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of A Tie Tle 7,658.0. wv * — doth say that. A hes. Marre. ae j ‘ . Is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said uae Fk. Guba O5496. fe Fl hen - Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. --- County. Be oe _Dp Lt. oars i oe to be and contain the last Will and Testament id COL OT | the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining -» do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ---$ that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. he County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for wrenee tinal MN, MMIC: seins elite of said County, is dead, having mado. ee Jast Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... Fr wai named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxocutddeyes... to enter in and upon all. and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the nid donee ie PaO PH the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. 138s/ , 371 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. scincatt he Nps sciesidguneanae Qeraren __ -..---+-----.Couaty—In the Superior Court. ( Before. a Q. "Aelia 280 a ie Sui (a. é Mea alti , being duly sworn, doth say that... Caen. “ct nliiinsa:si stitial late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published... @, last Willand Testament; and weh.Q. dibsmrre.. . Is the executor named . In the matter of the will of ., consisting of. OR-e ut / 37 is worth about $- Jto + — -------+--.-.--..-- 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that. ( Phovihe.& CO Retintn. /23 da. fe Midi. ne sine -. are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscrived before me this... // senna of ae £0 ee ~ Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of . Valin a iii cig the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining ; that I will well and truly execute Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. al es -....day of a 68,6, to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So heip me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. ii seasepaiscaics ile hag tinal the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come+-GREETING : i ne ‘a aeee has been admitted to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... named therein, having qualifed as such accurding to law: 6:4 nee Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Brocuter~m.. ‘to enter fa and pon all and singular sh gods credits, of said deceased, and the same to tako into possession, on tame e ee a me ee eee ee eee i, a ¢ 1304. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of 2S ks ele , bejng duly sworn, doth say that. Ae haa fs late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published. a last Willand Testament; and that. L. 4. hard ... is the executor named thereir. . ho th. -» consisting of. Cree. ae fer = pi ede AQ Qua Asm > Further, That the property of the said ...f/-# po r c e l a i n s si e r a e e c c n e n s r e , , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that a i . | sokk nls ceeaneaae | Police nice obs aus edu pcuisul cc Caen acne sere tewealile SOs s Soest ond Hi cc nea ea aun aes are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. : Sworn to and subscribed before me this ioe: weenenneennnee day of eee Clerk Superior Court. ig OATH OF EXECUTOR. a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Court. ee it le Pe chicka nclni ida nea aca nae ee , do solemaly swear that I believe this paper- writing | to be and contain the last Will and Testament of...... Ad Akan. o— ..j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as tho said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining | to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : Now these are Therefore to Empower tho sald Froude. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, ri credits, of said decsased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of emai Se eee He net Stine according to the directions of said Will. 4 —O 1407 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 373 Pee heen, side etitainininigil County—In the Superior Court. y t , ’ Bre fm OAL wt A 68.0 i <3 NQa aa . - being duly sworn, doth say that Yeo ~F. Ax od. late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ee In the matter of the will of Fey last Willand Testament; and ORE: A pecs in Ri: seine GAL. soeeeeennscoeeso--.....M@ the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said eke x Afra te iii. ..., consisting of ? ; ' tne a , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that... 0 is worth about $/99 o_. _ are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4 day of AGO] : Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, pss THE SUPERIOR Cour’. f , do solemnly swear that I belicve this paper-writine to be and contain the last Will and Testament of . AlLvio A. ee the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will chargo mo, and all other duties pertaining ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Oar hina ss LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... g we ....day of -» 68, 6. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: a .. late of said County, a a weal aia a eal i ait named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: ii He wie tacet as Passi ahiaatls ie siiiapsattiaesieieal: ane wlar the Lemituy Mee OM i ee the residue of said estate to distribute acbording to the directions of said Will, = nn ny hat at iy salt ng ae 874 141/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. ES ae eters -----------County—In the Superior Court, ta le oe MA. ,05.6 YW. , being Waly sworn, doth say that...7£ ae Willand Testament ; In the matter of the will of Before Further, That the property of the said... ne -..are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. haan OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, if i b | ii ‘ . | i ‘ | }ss—ts THE SUPERIOR Cour’. ce ea ee , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ..--- fe -.; that I will well and truly execute en e } the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far\ag thé/said estate shall extend,\ér the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this....& a. J atcseaceal day of ae eG Pe LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court DO cidcbnice haotece — denlionil County, that AY ----------: late of said County, is dead, having made. willed’ last Will and Testament, which (a true copy whereof is Dgreunto annexed), and. Lneerrtcrn. F.- OG onion the Brooatsem- named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Rrocute--~.... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ohattol, rights oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the sai ecgnend te. pap aed OR the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and ihe soal of the said Court, this the Bh. ie State of North Carolina, has been admitted to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, mdunth: cicero, ee the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. 142) APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TE NTARY. 3 ¢ 5 oe the Superior Court. ,68.06. In the matter of the will cf Before... — by eee duly sworn, doth say that... ag QQ. Q:: reer late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published... es last Willand Testament; and bite ee eats -..is the executor named therein. O . Qa * ohh Further, That the property of the said. i. a. . _.., consisting 0/’.. yea A— Qexrol oo Dy arm is worth about 8.4. 000 99. --, 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that... are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. A gee Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ope cs. ®. fle : , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of les bic. ae the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining foscis THE, SUPERIOR CouRT. County. ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed gnd sworn to before me ie . -.......day of es seis TUK gpa a. (8. MitRnakian died Ae stent Seco onan LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. . To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : tneewee Now these are Senna ance eons peminangiiiatiinais Soa ie 1g Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the . AD ty et. CLD ane 143) - = APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Rewer neen en County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of l Elle: Pers me) SS a3. eda e , being duly sworn, doth say that... WE. PIA tannin late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published lies -last Willand Testament; and that. Laken Meerathrig., is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said LO R bok ; , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that. is worth abou, $AL.2.0 ee _ are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. saan ce e r a a t t a m e e n c c n e n a n ee m e r m e m e e e e m e e e e e e ee e day of Sworn 5 and supscribed before me this i F : Pe : Ka: rk Supe Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. es Aa, Cees , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of Ww 18. pes the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining jy that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. L2 0.8. 6. - Subscribed and sworn to before me this... Wat --day of LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ........ seeansenuacne scl iL ieee shits late of said County, is dead, having ills all cli Will and Testament, which ‘ the Brecat.aum.- named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Bxocutdy=m... to cnter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of sald deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and anne the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, part td 0 GennGnensswnnnee eenwne ‘ \ 144/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMECNTARY. Ser alee. <__..,....County—In the Superior Court. meres ues Jal eee tee eben Cc Wert. , being duly sword, doth say at bo. Menten late of said County, is dead, having frst made and and published eal ee In the matter of the will of : i Before... last Willand Testament; and jet Lf. DN 09%. is the executor named therein. , consisting of fA 7 A*>~-4, re an. eee snide oe , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that is worth about $7800. @2- G..8. Pern, re. i a are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this lp Ph 3s C. lor Court. day of Af al PP cache: OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Pare Peel ae Paes. to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing Ws es, 80 far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his le, to the office of Executor I will discharge according to oy to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. (p & Subscribed and sworn to before me this... day of Ah: Gl uantiaes Se cma anaes, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. | State of North Carolina, To all to whom theeg Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clork of Superior Court for ........ f ee xk. Man. a hl nt cn Pad lh has beeh admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... pai wl Mee named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ae Now these are Therefore to Empower the ald Hrsote~——.. 1 ontatin and upon all ad singular th goods and cata, gts os ly eet Agee Sage eA ee id the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of eaid Will. pn Se: eli pike Saat 377, ne Se e ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 378 In the matter of the will of , boing duly sworn, doth say that. Vb... od Teme, ine late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ..—- --last Willand Testament; and that. 7C. a-ha... Shad. a) — ae is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said LL. 9. Titec i ic , consisting of ..{. fA... 3 are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. ATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF. NORTH CAROLINA, to be and contain tho last Will and Testament of. — : the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as tho said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT’. prog -» do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. i oe Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 7 ......day of ape nereus TESTAMENTARY. Mo State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whercof is hereunto annoxed), Was He en etn é named therein, having qualified as such acourding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Bx0cateym ng. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and obattole rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoevor to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased —— and baad residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the soal of the said Court, this the. F.... (One nena ee ation + a Ae es, » FO Oe I ee ’ a dr “ta ae a ” i COOCOH ONE COR DeSae cereew eRe deettwe Cet ceatet mine me Te APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 379 reat Bae County—In the Superior Court. ; dy ,48,6, we AA Lr, T.Y WMapboing duly sworn, doth say that sid : iliac eal late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published selec. -.Jast Willand Testament; and that ld TSPanagfenn PMU. whey M- Q.R. Vihottys the executor named therein. Further, That tl the property of the said... ad. ha SA Racicak , consisting of. OL firrrewas. will of : oe 2 is worth about $ ae 4. ef. j , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that.. are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. WT Ohad Dw WhTE, 0 OATH OF EXECUTOR. Sworn to and subscribed before me this By-eh, day of wipe | Clerk Superior Court, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.— IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. rweTt oh €tRenufrmar YN: whit. 7 y, Nitiow, Qa k. thodine solemaly 81 swear that I believe this paper-writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of oer g ho the same by first paying his debts and then his logacies, so far as tho said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining j that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this... ze -onn-- day of W.T> UPayafen— WUT, INNA “w%. | LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. ee the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, Tv all to whom these Preseats shall come+-GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ...... Actdurs— ht ialedibaecteniiile -. County, that i seal N sees ak, has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Sa ee MIMI CS ote eid tek ihecahesiangnpeal ) Credits, of sald deosased, and the same to take into possession, tah cee ay the residue cf said estate to distribute according to the direotions of sald Wik _ Mas my ad a hao ale. rsa ae * We 68.0. as eae ae NN NCE APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. :..County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of “sy C. 8. C. sworn, doth say that... late last Will and Clerk Superior Court. / Ps OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, }ss—ts THE SUPERIOR COURT. County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... Zz . Ree Te LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for - ___.Jast Will and Testament, which __.the Bxoont...----- named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Erecut. «> Sn» satiityaadsge hak dente ae credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, sn sh fot dt of ta lt err eA a er ee hike icy’ the seal of the suid Court, this the... Zoovuo.....day of... fle 148) 324 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. sc Ticcaspoisc Ls weaeiudeOce ceili pred. _........-County—In the Superior Court. ,48.0, In the matter of the will of yen OS & Seem... ., being duly sworn, doth say that - A. ia k. Teer... bee idNGounty, is dead, having first made and and published. adaes, seca last Willand Testament; and : aa pieeaae KR. ioclile Is the execut ed therein. Further, That the property of .the said.. us Siasary... eee a or Jere ce ° is-worth about $ 25... _.., 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that............. are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this -. . day of aot wf par Court. 7% OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF. NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute h far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 47 - vaiameme Ag LETTERS TESTAMENTARY County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being — Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for aie « AY . late of said County, is dead, having made so laa at Sea to Probate (a trae copy whereof is hereunto annexed), an named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Ee Oe credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever bd I a ml the residuo of said estato to distribute according to the directions of said Will . : ee pia.....day iM. Witness, my band and the soal of the said Court, thie the . aie ts. ee e su t n n e t e e e n e n e n e n e e es a e s t e l i n e n e e i n i n e n i e e m e e n e ee t ee ea ¥ sworn, doth say that... Jast Willand Testament; and that...--..---.-.----.----------.4]. ...is the executor named therein. ees wae tar I OF a , consisting of _............... "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouURT. ... County. ‘ \ oN ‘ ne Pb anck ns nctnasecnctinwssonnoimebiowbcsaipduadcibhasecanesmaepuniig soouiiin: sacieshina nsosmas lia ewenies’ne Winieshiei sig a RAnNnIINn ann nn an ns men uOEL Ia to be and contain the last Will and Testament of _............--...-------%--....7>.--t Dinas cineca ae that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. 68.06, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .........---..222--00----.-necencoooscecnecceseeenennneooe! County, that innnnnnanannnnenannannnnnnsennnnne ceicoe Gowiaeseeeetacsseneeentnennennnerannnne late of said County, is dead, having made...................last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and__.....--- 02-200 oon enn e ooo ooo ee eee ooo eee the Execat...------ named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocat............ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and - the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .................. credits, of said deceassd, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all ~_— debts of the said deceased to pay and renee aad if 149v APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. -. County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of 48.06. , being duly sworn, doth say that PML... Shee. 1 As late of said County, is dead, having first made and and slit Sil tao Willand Testament; and that..." AA ...18 the executeryymed therein. te Sah tn. SEO Ree _, consisting oa Pimms Creel. the date of this application, and that. me (Bree. 7M. ete Further, That the property of the said... #/\., Gv0 te... .. is worth,about $._.{Y¥.0 ¥ = ----y 80 far as can be ascertained "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE 0 NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .-. County. _m. ads ee the same by first paying hisidebts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contaia the last Will and Testament of .. -; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... . scion OF LETTERS TESTAMENJARY. . j State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Ss th. i. a se See County, is dead, having made has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), an. Arte 272... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Brocutey~ay... to enter in and upon all and singolar tho goods and chattel, rh credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, tue co eee the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will : Witness, my hand and the seal of te eld Coat this the LB ty 383 | ai a re a ee n co t e pe e ns e c s n c e e n n r e s e n a n ti e n e n ia o r e n s r o m r e r t n e n r e s s e s s i t n c e n - c t t c n s n n a i n b e t e n n i i t i n t s Re e u i d i a e a t a c e m i i e e 384 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS I 5 A . 385 | : APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Cae ee a ee , odendnacitcoidudansnshasnsebeaeiee weet wap---+ =-eee------County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of In the matter of the will of Before (Fee ae aN 0.8.0, , ah. Mace ......-» being dily sworn, doth say tha seb is wok mn. Q. i. » boing duly worn, doth say that hbase: fate. Bids late of said County, is dead, having first made and and cite Miia Wilkand 7estament ; and a ea late of said Couaty, is dead, having first made and and published —~.....last Willand Testament; and that t-v—- LN... R. a Aa. ued .. Is the executor named therein. ...48 the executor named therein. , consisting of. Qt. E2¢ at Further, That the property of the said WY FINAB Coben _., consisting of. Rear, Qh cot. ee Oe . Further, That the property of the said... ..., 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and li. Tuacete. is worth about ror _, 80 far as can be ii at the date of this application, and that. PUL: R.. n eee A... ke os / i | i ir i ' ... the parties entitled under said Will to the said C=“ nuns op NANG, Se ik NL is cas ak cia are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. . Swern to and subscribed before me this - Ba. day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this he & day of ~ Clerk Superior Court. in s e a m a en e a n n n n e i n n a n c n a n a s e n s e r . ae t n a ne 3 Clerk Superior Court. i OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. | } ~ | STATE O¥f% NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. | csr 4 ; a -County. | , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing = «$B ra M.. ou ira. ...-.--.....-4 do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing | j that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament othto~... Cas al wis neat ; that I will well and truly execute i the same by first paying his debis and then his Iggacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so fur as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to Jaw, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this oe a day of 2 to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTA Spbscribed and sworn to before me tis j 6 Sidaiwencanco Or -, 0.8.0. ‘4 LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : 60 Fane m ern Teneewessnsn wanna neew ied . ‘ CO AA. late of said County, is Wes has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whbreof is hereunto annexed), and:..... A i tted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... 072. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecutem-m.... (0 onter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and Now these are Theref to Em sitet a as oem ers ink, sy at : credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of tho anit dereanedte DAE ONO waite aiid ae dca ee, ins pss, wher an, a al ot tomes oe fis Aa the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. the residue of said tod ~ ing to the directions of said Will. ee debts a meet ace : Shi hseiion iy £3 eA Witness, my hand and the soal of the said Court, this wie th _f "er dead, Waving first made afd ddd published ..- Y 0444 Vis the exeggtor vf) therein. urther, That the ee of the said LG Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF N TH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. Dicceieccaaereds : .. County. As , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing --; that I will well and truly execute @ said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscriked and sworn to before me this. - .....day of Ft a4 State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : Pests: -s-esossnsesnsesseanenee- date Of said County, is doad, having made...—Retwcy......last Will and Testament, which Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. M1: Ke frasasas Brocat.a7 he! Waving qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocutew...... to onter 7 and upon 41 and singular the goods and ohattels rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased oe and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my band and the seal of the said Court, this the ....7......... day of... Ase ithe cudstialia a eee ne new AOR Reem, a oc 28 il at be pr i 153v LOM S87 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS Coe, Conse inertaiins iasins acne: Swe. eiscbiwaal County—In the Superior Court. POM Ce, i a a Un WwW. HN. i ld pote , being duly sworn, doth say that. DN GAAN. OS a cinulicatcdiemn late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ulead. -last Willand Testament; and inal lW,. Wd WypA re is the executor named therein. — , consisting of. Dannie ; In the matter of the will of 08,0, i tN ol i ll Further, That the property of the said -----y 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that shes rip i ‘ } is worth about $940 22 pals are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworg to and subscribed before me this a g day of AK ABOU Clerk Superior Court, Li). H. Were Bann OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, a rH ULe .. County. res W. fi. he jist tase aati -, do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as tho said estate shall extend, or tho law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining fos --IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT, to be and contain the last Will and Testament of . j that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So ~~ me God. 4 Subscribeg and sworn to before me this LA 3". -..day of 08,0, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. _Prtclee. ses County—In the Snperior Court, » 4 State of North Carolina, P To all to whom these Prescats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ........ Frtilethan aden s-ns++- +e County, that ...Jate of said County, is dead, having made.» nt Wad Foti wt has been admitted to Probate (a truo copy imide dese aadeniedt id Wate Were. ws somebenibelated wm named therein, having qualified ay such acourding to law: NOW theoe'nce Thdwetere te Miapower thrmit Atorc pwn... to enter tn and upon ait-and peg migra aan 8h uh MBS ye ! Me retdna of said estate to distribute according to th direotios of said WIM, Rik ik my dead wot tort ! 154’ °* APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of RR. é c. - eels , being duly sworn, doth say that. A. a. E. — : bid L...last Willand Testament; and that.\_/ B.C. a late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published .--- ...1s the executor named therein. esnmeledie hen reassdenuacnne cee ates oir So ronsennonsnnnonacanaasansccncanncncnnan-nsnssnnannannnansG@ the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. er are’ subscribed before me this... 770°. day of aes arf i iptha asia oe oe ie ; Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF, NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Bou County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing --; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. OLE Lg Subscribed and sworn to before me ON dd el day of State of North Caroling. To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It ary Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ‘ County, that ...last Will and Testament, which wenn nnn eR ag et RE on. Pee AAS Rent late of said Cou CO havin, eatasihace: has becn admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), alt i Rb ships C- -.the Bxecut...------ named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Exocuts->~~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and | Ofedits, of sald deceased, and the same to take into possossion, wherescever to be found, tnt al te Jon tat se ald een acme ete the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witnees, my band and the sal of the said Court, thie the. 7’. day of chsh hese eihnie Al ; 5 Eta ee "1557 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 889 ,- County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of ,68. 0. , being duly sworn, doth say that... YQ. , Aladin: late of said County, is dead, having first made and and oc... Will and Testament; and that..24J. et ...is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the ae 2h. ee fe _, consisting of . )Latacw : Okbsuie are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this .. > a ..... day of fone 7 ae Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, pedure ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ... ffU_X& : AL , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of - Pee 2 Eee as ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Subscribed and sworn to before me oti i .....-day of 46486, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfacterily Prgyen to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -.... LT... ’ sae Mild. kia ecitak late of said County, is dead, having made has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. a ; & fa pao ne EEE te a named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ef Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Brecut.ecty..... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and. Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, ikem hci th reiduo of suid eatate to distribute according to the dieations of sald Wil, * i nam my Bnd edt ft Car tt. | 154/ ’ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of eS late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published .-- A )...last Willand Testament; and fe.8 A. a ...is the executor named therein. ese day of ok es oe | Cia LTE ca bs Clerk Superior Court. | OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF, NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. a 2 — se eachenc County. ; , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing wtTT onan ussite! ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge igi: to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ---», 68.6, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. = ee State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: It ‘Gé. é& Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _......... fecasee Beh ic acal County, that ...last Will and Testament, which C8. ick late of said Cou is dead, havin iiss: has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexod), a jal Aeveiiuh named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Fxecute-~>~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. -.the Bxecut...------ E Witness, my hand and tho soal of the said Court, thie the../ 7! day of . 135/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 339 | anaes ,--County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of ,68. 06. , being duly sworn, doth say that... X04. A. leh scones late of said County, is dead, having first made and and seis es, ..-last Willand Testament; and that....24J.9 MM . ...Is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said a ig ..., consisting of? Laan , Abbe is worth about $. all yo. 0 pe - 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that. oe na Arr fae 2 het OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, predur ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ---- {A NAb... a yp he ---------» GO solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of. oe eR hives. ; that I will well and truly execute tha same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I wil!l discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. .-..day of , 68. 6, (/ LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. J Covnty—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come+»GREETING : It being 7. to. y Prgyen to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for _.... LA ao Rae Pl Ra late of said County, is dead, having made ‘= has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. Hh. named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execut.e-\..... to enter in and sain tiheakisieiiheoaa cit ia rami pin a he ras the residue of said estate to distribute neoentine We Fy ene eee ee e Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ... A A | Oa — 3890 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of i ee Wi Ti. } Before... " Ct. Cu Rata doth say that ..40¢44-Y. late of said coy, if ead, having first made and and published ..¢-- County—TIn the Superior Court, C. §. 0, that. SN or woebehZe ---last Willand Testament ; ..is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said... .» consisting of..... « o « "i is worth about g3 90 2 paces ... 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that. KW El. [AAA are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this / ( -day of LA! BY Of (K- ce ? : Clerk Superior Court. 5; OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. .. County. sip babel se hia , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing Che. Mrathvi.. as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to be and contain the last Will and Testament of. ..; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so to the office of Executor I will discharge accordin law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me tis /, : ailing ete... .. ae Th Pirisswssounukns day of LETTERS TESTAMENTJARY. County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: i County, that eins sai Will and Testament, which has been admittdG to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and.. Cy We pamed therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Fxecut@1™..... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and ofedits, of eaid deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased er seas. Aegean =e Sermons according to the directions d Will. ‘ seal of the said Coart, thin the. {@ retay ot. MU. ae a wal mee fs 157 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. TO Leremanes Ft. Carat. , being duly sworn, doth say that. fT. KE. Arf fern. that. Daiiiceasilll Caeurtan late of said Couaty, is dead, having first made and and published. at. last Willand Testament; and ., consisting ot Real ffreessat -, 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that Sint Sad Mesias 301 ...County—JIn the Superior Court. ty ,A86 : : ee ..4s the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said v + WN : Abr f fu o is worth about 342. 4. : & are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to apd subscribed before me this Vv p et day of - | Drtcinhut a Oo Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. vadiawirelcuseaiaaiuaii tall Z ........ County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing a to be and contain the last Will and Testament of . ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estatd shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTAAY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8 ( ------.day of ) ) ,08.0, County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for hedett- ie iodboclicay County, that yak A A ais - late of said County, is dead, having made. eke us Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probata (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexod), and. Emmi WN. Cotman. meets : named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Execa 8 ea pt L papal openaminantmenrnscagares Aig eames ands ‘one. the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. ss eh! ; sist -day It being Satisfactoril Prqv ye ae ie shee) 44) Witness, my hand and tho soal of the said Court, this the . ry | : Tt APPLICATION FOR LETTERS 7... In the matter of the will of late of said Further, That the property of the said... ---» consisting of. is worth about oct: 0025 -, 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that... Sworn to and subscribed before me this _.......... day of Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF, NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Bb ebes dupavaun inal ; ft wannasnss GOUMES: , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing LC. eas ‘“ to be and caAtain the last Will and Testament of .... 7 C4 ..; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far § to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me sie. isicciindenecne eee LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, Sex. .-.County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : County, that last Will and Testament, which Probate (a true copy whereof is hefeunto annexed), and...... named therein, having qualified as such acourding to law: ' Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execu é lo enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredite, of snid deceased, and the samo to take into possession, wherescevor wo be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and sti, aad the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Aenea wewne 159 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Abin. --.-.--County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of Rm 2; Sere a So Bofore . Ip A ind ,058.6. of ifort | Dede as tk. eae per sworn, doth say that. ys 2. Jawan ABY-CK late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published - 298 | ...dast Willand Testament; and eanilcticadid ds Le, Deremrad .. Is the c~ named therein. Further, That the property of the said ‘ mM. thi ce piece ck 02 is worth about 9 oo Bsa are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. J adele A243 Uily. Sworn to and subscribed before me this - day of ma i Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. } STATE O NQRTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN. THE SUPERIOR CouRT. spend eabaccaaes : / Pili diniwncannn vec on CED z —— , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to be and contain the last Will and Testament of j that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 7 ...day of -, @8, 6, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come+-GREETING: It yn Pyaven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ....... a RAS: .. late of said County, is dead, having made . * has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... named therein, having qualified ag such according to law: i Now these are Therefore to Empower sheen to enter in and upon all and sesh td cy credits, of said deceased, und the same to tako into possession, ol daesaenamssnsciric i: the residue of said estate to distribute according to Ce ee 1600! APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 16 4/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TE 394 wesctecsenoeeeee storeereenncnnsancnnagfied tne AOE County—In the Superior Court, County In the tere thu In the matter of phe will of In the matter of the will of i oe Bolore ...$ ph fb ARAL ALMA, 0, 8, 0, ‘ Beforg <A ¢ tt ee seams scepefunaBenateacs ile wie wag e i 2 é LL 4 AAAS wee Y «| . : : . : FEL bo weoeeeeeeseteeees re doth say that. Ns. AM Ck LEG _ mre ee | eck. .., being duly sworn, doth say that. (LA@ARA+t4444 UK A hy late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published —A4An.....last Willand Testament; and that.¢— A lure, late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published. KAA. last Will and Testament; and ra. (OZ < hi _....1s the executor named therein. p CEN Oli. se ag Further, That the property of the said.__/ tS. . .., consisting rat alata is worth apout so) . bey ek a , 80 far as can be ascertaiaed at the date of this application, and oe eae TA Te eu ee Bapcis ee As 8 7 i oats ke oe aa Ga okies ety eal ules paper ge be ad are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. --are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Swora to and subscribed before me this... Moe ----.--.. day of Sworn to and gubscribed before me this a: nocac-one GAY OF Marek. eae ae Clerk Superior Court. wees. OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE MF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. pss THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ses AUR tO ee , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing ------------» G0 solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ~----.j that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament of - the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of m y skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to fe to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me nC Subscribed and sworn to before me this. nk sakceveascsntMQeOe, J ae LETTERS TESTAMENTA LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Sgtisfactorily Provep to the Unde ed, Clerk of Superior Court for .......... E.....! Mee ee uaty, that It being ctorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for... f Go. dere Give acct "AL fe. Et MAAAAS Me... late of said County, is dead, having made PAS. last Will and Testament, which i ...late of said County, is dead, "C-. - . e . ? ' , has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and..— LAA_A fe. A Bxocutacer.. has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and..... @ +l a A heer one pamed therein, having qualified as such according to law: named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ty Gala Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Brocut_t:o——to enter in and upon all and singular tho goods and chattals, credits, of said doceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. mi a Bite are Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Executecc... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satia(y, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, : ba A hs He A day of. Prank... 1 \yzd i and the seal of the said Court, this in (0, Bintpaptnes aay ot “Ui 2 IW g é is eo (| C WY hae pte re CUthyZ Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, jai ie ces sia APPLICATION FOR LETTERS it iinencnpiicineiukontiin ~E-- eke Nee Sree New... ..-..---------County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of S 6806 "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF,NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. sh niSansuicencasreuel ASN ........... County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing --; that I will well and truly execute LETTERS TESTAMENTABY. --.County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: g Satisfai orily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Pes A Silt late of said County, is dead, having made. dled last Will and Testament, which admitted to Probate (a tue copy whereof is beetat annexed), nd KL... lpn Brecuter.. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: - Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Brecutum,..... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of taid deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and "the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of aid Will. di; ‘i s my hand and tho seal of the enld Court, this the.s7O......... day ot .Aedfony. CRMC OOUE sn <wustich ro Selous dee upa. 2 Lal ek genes Couaty, that ob fag -County—In the Superior Court. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS cP In the matter of the will of , 68.6. - being duly sworn, doth say that.............. late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published... last Willand Testament; and that......--..........----00e.---ceeeeee-eeee- -.. is the executor named therein. Serres Wer NU cia , consisting of. 6 UPEE BOO Boo ks 80 fer as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that eo regeaaanbtes Meek Been oes Sst are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this... {coccek Ge OF 189... - Se "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Sss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. saicehas te nmuasene ed wis pinltdwtaweiientnsesasceconvec~ 525 OEMs b by SL to Oe mecca Tel ae Megs TUG Oe OSI - do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing : to be and contain the last Will and Testament of...............-..-------------20-00- 00000000 ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.........................day of ‘ ~ £89... iacemese uber eae esr ok a anak Od ,68. 6, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. seseectesectennneteeennaeseanneennsnseetineesensensesenseennes County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .................... ... sseeeteneescnnesnrateentente County, that “late of said County, is dead, having made................ last Will and Testament, w has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto AMMOXOD), BND. noe cnnn ons Prepcberetneenaa sot sepeeeneeee bh Bxaoat.. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ; ie Wat ciel “Ug aa Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Brecut............ to enter im and upon all and 4 Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, ic nea ama: he the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. — ff Vitness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the........... -163V APPLICATION FOR LETTERS) TESTAMENTARY. PRT Gi scavhs aretha, County—In the Superior Court, the matter of the will of ---aré the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Swora to and subscribed before me this A an day of Clerk Superior Court, a OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE NORTH CAROLINA, SS.—IN THE SuPERIOR CouRTt. soni anvnasae ee ; snowannninae COUNLY, i Dad contain the last Will and Testament of _.. - do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing . } that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said ostate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Syuscribed and sworn to before me this... of ‘acosnnandll Ge ‘eisai f iil. Mo AL LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for County, that eis D Neato nn Jate Of said County, is dead, having made cas Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and..~ Ys. named therein, having qualified as such acourding to law: 5K Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Exocutew....... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredite, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and tho residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the Wahu Midi ik ei LE EET OEE T ORT eee, 164/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 399 f County—-In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of | Giese | Laie 108.0 FR Mop --.---y boing duly sworn, doth say that. hilt cud Priarett= late of said County, is dead, having first made and and ii -Jast Willand Testament; and tat ON. a is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said 1 Paced. sons , Consisting of J*0 Aes. f Haut Aro — ‘lille. f= = om is worth about 1S G* , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that.... A eae ne ee ae ech. ¢ are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. OATH OF EXECUTOR. Sworg to and subscribed before me this A / @h day of Clerk Superior Court. RTH CAROLINA, SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .. County. AEA. aie , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing d contain the last Will and Testament of. edn OC rs the same by first paying his debts and then his logacies, 30 far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. ag DR par ,08.6. J LETTERS TESTAMENTARBY. .--County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come-«GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for Pretest. rawntendvouy Couaty, that late of said County, is dead, having has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), atts etal FUT named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecut vw... “str I and spon ll an agus ad aid Credits, of said deceased, CML dcadan w+ ee ee ) the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, ais “ a see lay 0 iL L DE 165!" APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESJAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of late of said County, is dead, having firs¥ made and and published .= __ is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said ..... _...are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. “6 rk - Supéfior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. ea e on e em m a STAT OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Se a ante ee __.-s-------y G0 solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and Uontain the last Will and Testament of... XK LY. coccnvseoeewenereeee-aeee- f that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me oe of Bess sacs Ciprurlt - 08, LETTERS TESTAMENTA BN satin County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: t being Satisfactorily P: rgven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ........ named therein, having qualified as such according to law: : Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecuth--.... \o/enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoover 0 be found, and all the just debts of thanid Geomaast to pay Ome and the residue of said estate to distribute aooording to the directions of said Will. ay band and th sa of tol oat, tte 17 sill BLAM seis | ores 1667 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of : | CG Mf MAA Wn SS thaud, being duly sworn, doth say ime Mar. £ late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published we ae Willand Testament; and that. Peta, i ...is the executor named therein. ee Further, That the property of the Said. ! ee iy 7 _.., consisting of. Z 2-4 ttt e4..... ,68.6. & is worth about ee ae , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that =e — are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this h ot day of Jr. Pt fettent_ oy Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. ccudadcedumonaeatebe: - A oo ccs OE , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing E.. Cat. the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far a he said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to be and contain the last Will and Testament of. ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according va the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this - is day of c DNOA oo 9022 A. Pe - 08.6. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. a County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall ecome--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ....G. er Se oR nee cnn san nn nn County, that be & At Aypnre........late of said County, is dead, having made spied gS ia Wilrend Testament, which = ae has been admit Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and../- NA... Mi “Sertorof revensbonted the Bx00Utemere ; named thereia, having qualified as such acourding to law : ve) ap z Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecrte-w,.... to enter in and: upon all and singular the goods and chattels, ri credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possession, ehasaniver tobe ead, sad He AOE AER the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my band and the soal of the said Court, this te LB. nen ay of. 167% APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. 1687 403 | APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. County—In the Superior Court. 3 the Bi tter of the will of In the matter of the will of AY - wey being-duly sworn, doth say that Op. C . ae A’ ~....Jast Willand Testament; and that. 5 TY Click late of said County, dead, having first made and and published ..~ ,65.06. Before .. haku. , boing ¢ swo f doth say that pu hha estes last Will and fd eet iis a is the executor named ¢ A ) r Re Sas , consisting of i - x ,68. 6, late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ..-- is the executor named “Lich Coby te Further, That the property of the said ......... PTF... AE 4, woneacnnnenennnsonscenncnncnennneens , consisting of... Further, That the property of the said ~~ : . 0 ; is worth about $ 43.0: .. sss. 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and sas Cette C Olel q is worth about $ / 4% oe so far as-can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that — ~ agit a a OS cope NG ae ti mee tios oe a el a oe . abo-the-panties entitled under said Will to the said saat Lass is ese Sa are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. ee to and subscribed before me this my ‘ day of Sworn to and sybscribed before me this hud day of : 1899: _ Sts 19 03 ' yer Gc ’ CO actrees. pee ae. - eis er Annssiamage ods Court. Clerk ior Court, OATH OF EXECUTOR. OATH OF EXECUTOR. | STATE OF)\NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, , ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ss —IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. a fulsiac stu YM County. pibesi Gceneieice ...... County. 5 hye us , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing fon AS. id ee - to be and contain the last Will and Testament of .... ee 5 SAMS... _----.-} that I will well and truly execute to be and contain t do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing Ze oe ; that I will well and truly execute 0s, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining last Will and Testament of the same by first paying his debts and then his legacie¥, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his le to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Sybscribed and sworn to before me this -.. 13° ae Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Lut day of . ek we GP Cea” ee 6 Lf ote ia Metin R . 8 0, ,08. 0 LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. LETTERS TESTAMENTAR sp iihiieialiasispacciniitae’ MAAAQ.............---.County—In the Superior Court. coeceeveveetereen ff bh LA —......County—In the Superior Court. | State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina, | To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: To all to whom these Presents hall come+*GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ...........g-¥-- ID AN Nene oon se tnn ence ene Couaty, that It Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ...........f..%e%- OT ono concnen neon VOunY, that Seah acialbbidlig we. RAV, Jate of said County, is dead, having made ~KAn........last Will and Testament, which late of said County, is dead, having made ..................laat Will and Testament, whioh i has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), wedi ss sinha aahebdiiinaas nsidbiilogsaisdeglndiougee the-Bxeout....----- has mitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and: het Hove wae 3 : Rehr oo, aan “ named-thesein, having qualified as such acourding to law: ? ' mamed therein, having qualified as such acourding to law: : ae Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said Bxecutecm..... to onter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and : Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecuta-+-+4.... to ontor in and upon all and singular tho goods and ohattels rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly,and credits, of said deceased, and the samo to take into possossion, wi +40 be found, tah ah nS ee eee the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. 3 the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the. de . Wisgoes, niy hand and the sont of tho eald Court, thie the ...2.... ae aie Q 169/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS ptcaale MRR ace a , being dply sworn, doth say that. ZB Dm. - late of said County, is dead, having first made and and jo last Willand Testament; and wt 2 ated. eee iain ee ie _ Is the "IL. rein, Further, That the property of the said... cs psec ees edu wee ogy Wakcmen i caike cic es sea eee ee a are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. ogjnd subscribed before me this .. = vm soi day of , ee : OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ers: SA ree Pec aie oe en i en , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of... 2 Zz. the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining tern cere cio alias ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to la to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTAR el esi ccctienacia County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : WE os scasich cious County, that ...Jast Will and Testament, which CT Ae the Bxecaty-y¥™ has been admitted to Probate (a tr y whereof is hereunto annexed), and......~ ~~ Plow tosis named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Fxecutg-¥%~.. to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights aad oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, whervoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to tho directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and tho seal of tho suid Court, this the A.) sahil. day of. hi aed tee ee ee ~— ~ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS JESTAMENTARY. Peet ...County—In the Superior Court. the matter of the will of a ms Re A / Before... sf LA ae 058.6, oy ‘cages doth say that Fick wr. County, is (vad, having first made and and published : we “ ..Is the executo Further, That the property of the said... ...are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and sybscribed before me this Lr. css day of . —* CAA stack LY... : Clerk Saperior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, bss —ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. af [Lach the same by frst paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge mo, and all other duties pertaining , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. sworn to before me ie oe ieee Subscribed a day of LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It bei CL 72 Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for f--7.... ca 4 [Dhak me .uu.late of said Coumy, has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... named therein, having qualified as such acourding to law: .-last Will and Testament, which .-. the Bxecut g-y enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and — Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, ee ee the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. onewe, 1707 405 1 <3 County—In the Superior Court. ..., 0 8. 6. late of said County, is deadVhaving first made and and published __ is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said¥<#—?. vy WwW : _..are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this -.- a Bick .... day of 192 a ca oe ae rr OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE Ok NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. .-- County. _., do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament eae Te ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this df. intweneein sons aa -, 68. 6. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: It County, that _.last Will and Testament, which has beon admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and A Us ha 4 0. the Execut.<--+ named therein, having qualified as such according to law: the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the sald Court, this the..&.1.......... way ot Yeh. iilalan nies ag SAO Ree Ree nena enn ee mem! Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exooute-te<.... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and ofedits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of ihe said deceased to pay and satisly, and Ter | 407 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS JESTAMENTARY. _..County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of Before &. 6. -, being 7. sworn, doth say yfirdte. 136 of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ....-jA+-+—.- last Willand Testament; and that<-> _..Is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said... _, 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that....-. __are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. we ...day of uperior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STAT OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss —IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. oats icpe cane ee 1A _....... County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then egacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or Ye law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscriped and sworn to before me ae. Ae. ninsee ......day of LETTERS TESTA State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: t being Satisfactorily é to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superker Court for ... named therein, having qualified as such according Yo law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execu credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever oasiabuabil the jn eho oak Gren aap tho residue of said estate to distribute according to tho directions of said Will. PA oe Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the... AC....-...-day of... “yey (/ Sin Birla we ag “a es & _— TAL, , consisting of OC eek ¢[rre0€. 173/ APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TE civ csiectness County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of , being duly sworn, doth say that ...- late of said County, is dead, having first made and agd published... last Willand Testament; and that... 5 the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said .... __.are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Swarn jo and subscribed before me this L/ . day of ve mn. i Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE * NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. a Ce cone ..... County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of... _.; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Ll Subscribed and sworn to before me this -....4-..--...-.-...------- day of , 68.6. f LETTERS TESTAMENTA State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : oved oe fas we. = ° a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. mM. Co YesktulA ‘the Brecuta-e-~ named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocute~A~... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deoensed, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debis of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. _.County—In the Superior Court. L74v APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of G2 a Dna ZC-OPA __,, boing duly sworn, doth say that, ae on AAA AAW Oo late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published .__-: es eit last Willand Testament; and me LE be mle ane _.is the executor named therein. , consisting of...-.- Further, That the property of the said.. 7 tes. ae is worth about $ hy OL o yee oo _..., 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this , application, and that-- BE Merwe JS ih B ~~ Par gen LOO are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. mre to and subscribed before me pa # : pays decwaler Sie. ACL LAA C2 Cler Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. day of STATE Z No Le CAROLINA, ss. —IN THE SUPERIOR CouR’. .. County. oe Gren to be and contain the last Will and Testament of wii , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing 4 Meat the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining j that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LF and sworn to before me this.... LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. A ECLA Sta Se County—In the Superior Court. eee hint mee. that _late of said County, is dead, having onnvviecies tes Will and Testament, which 7 = _..day of State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall ecome--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clork of Superior Court for named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ; i ‘ Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxocut.--+7. to enter in and upon all and singular the g credits, of said deceased, and the same to t.ke into possession, w whsencen nmentient a ate ee the residue of said estate to distribute acoording to the directions of sald d tho seal of the said Court, this the .. 1757 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. ee eee a ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court, County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of 68.6. - 6S. 0 late of said County, is dead, having first made and and saci eee oe Willand Testament; and PE LA ...is the executor named ¢ _.., consisting ¢ a LG. A < Further, That the property of the said. —AC_= en is worth about $-...- LE. a i Salina , 80 far as can be ascertaine a Nada Pe 4G. t the date of this application, and that ---.---.---. ama. 7 adi haan Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF EXECUTOR. é = OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fst THE SUPERIOR COURT. ae THE SUPERIOR COURT. -.. County. .-. County. ba. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing Aloe a Bie cscs u---it.--.--y dO solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute to be and contain the last Will and Testament ot <7AL.__ : Carag -.----.-..---.$ that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said éstate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed apd sworn to before me te 4... of eh 2 ire to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this er State of North Carolina, : State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: To all to whom these Prescats shall come--GREETING: x has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... f. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: : .. : - Now these are Therefore to Empower the said a ei ts a sam in ae lt te a ad ts ci al onda na at pe, whenr en al ej te a 7 the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will oan pean the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of sald Will, a ea ay Gas” aaa 8 Wa, my Bnd ad ta eed or tbe Fay MET ish im mr a ott lr te Ly has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Sa al a n a a A 177! APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of ee Mass ha. LAL Clerk a Goare OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE_OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. ---County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shali come--GREETING: _Jast Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower tho said eit aa enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoaver to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satislY, and the residue of said estate to distribute. according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....._ c Ae ARR Reem emt ene ae Creagh re the Bxeoutc<—~ ve een "ae APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. _County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of ?PLéx Z | Botore... Efe LE pi ee y | fa. Ph avifa es - being — doth say aa Jee LBh orecsfle. Cc fs late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published << ce Bocce ee last Willand Testament; ; and Pe ee y %b Further, That the property of the said 6K LL LY.. OS ne - 4e is worth about $2.74 7 00 .. so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that--..-......-.......-.--. -----------+---~ J « zag ll PO tle. SONG = oe Ae cl are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to ang subscribed before me this me 7 patent day of Le 5 fy ene / wh. fll. LE. OX POP ATOR : c ae ’ Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. PAT LOS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.-..-. Cia day of Spel... GE: 68.0. State ‘of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : has been itted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and. named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now thes are Therefore to Empower the said Rxecut/>....... 10 eater ta: and. epee all end singaler shi. gonés end « credit, of sald deceased, and tho amo to take into possession, wheresooor to e found, and all Ub Just debe of the wal deceased ta the residue of said estate to distribute according to tnc directions of said Will. ‘ ey Witness, ay Beat hn Mian ot ca it eh le Be. pie ites ws 175) APPLICATION FOR LETT , being duly sworn, doth say that. late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ..J4£<Z..... last Willand Testament; and that... CUL __is the executor named therein. < Further, That the property of the said..... "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. NQRTH CAROLINA, hei THE SUPERIOR COURT. ., do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing Beco a uid ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or thé law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscri LETTERS TESTAME State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily e e Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ......... e Ubtlit. YIGAL... late of said County, is d CO’ Gi has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereofis hereunto annexed), and..... ! wn qualified as such according to law: Tow these ade Therefore to Empower tho said Exocut(/@.-Z... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and Anal te 0 Gh ley , and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and leatatd to distribute according to the directions of said Will. oe ZO y/ and the seal of the said Court, this the Fase adel ‘i | en MQ nmap aann 180 APPLICATION FOR LETTE BS ......County—In the Superior Court. In the matlor $f ey will of oe Before. Goll ak tt 2 ae Ts A TOA, bein ae LE oe. eH g duly sworn, doth say that .- late of said County, is dead, having first made and and ee A last Will and Testament; and that... a ia souente 2 © E-ATR a ...1s the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said...“ crn iy eae , consisting of .... - L tea tira ¢ CoO oo is worth about $-.--.. £200; 2 cn iemibee , So far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that... be a. < me — + 20. F- thy. mee MARA... Ley... og _are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. J Go A “ Sworn to and subscribed before me this ..........7-- =... day of kTse 00 Hi Zo G CRirren eed A iS “Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, peso aaa Ziatheel _. County. L KE. a . to be and contain the last Will and Testament of..-- ae Lee? a Mpeg. the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining . THE SUPERIOR CourRT. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing ; that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to ms : the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this --.. / . nnen= day of - )A cee > (6 a MATIO 0 9 J GA ee ces ,08, 0. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -.....---------+---n0.--~ wennnwnnnnn annnvanenrnegennnenie! County, that _Jate of said County, is dead, having made ..........-....--. last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), BG... a -ecoe nan nnneneen nan ene cena ons tnae natn neers he Aeron named therein, having qualified as such according to law: nach § Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execut.. to enter in and upon All and ingulr the goods and statin Credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wersrror wb fond and lh Jat dbo tv wd deme the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Spa sexe 5 gece ea A Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said cons fas ti nn escom AY Che men-nsiti tiirntrsinctnr Ov 2 20,°° Botha, 415 | ee ea ye 181/ APPLICATION FOR ee acacnanscneneseee aeeee C FORME isan seen sn neneens ONG IS the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of nine bp. Altasdht.. eke ( heh reubll LLL 1 a Hs CAL AM...) being ayy sworn, doth say ee Pee ra hve of said County, is dead, having first made and and published. MIE ec last Willand Testament; and that. ip hag... es A144. is the executor named therein. | a Xm > 2D Further, That the property of the said ..... pf Me Oe — of j 2 Sea fehidt.tt.t...ebhily "ASCE. ee ee ee ¥y | 00 is worth about $.......@22.- Lie. 2 cpprnnnvececesnennene , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that ....---....------------. ----------------. Le ae @ the... -. 3 Mel Fe Miss eg eh a Scie ct neal i Ae ca ea a ea AA a a ieae eS ee eee eets are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. cl Sworn to and subscribed before me this -...... as a day of Beaatcd........Ae- 9° 7 7 tla Kier. sa ees a Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. cs CL, <atatocitloniosess 2 De es . G0 Sa Se hag, bo heed ee Meni et eg eee oes , do solemaly swear that I believe this paper-writing t. fn Z Pe : to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ..........<¢..-....--4---£—-— CLA. ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.....--- oA banc smecased day of ie a FOOD ee Ges Mars tivear. ‘eaiion i ih ia a lhl County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom thesc Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ............--------»----.1------0--+ -nennnennenensnentees County, that Sid S Nes Meld i saaritinarnigtina ic dSabalglitest late of said County, is dead, having made................--. last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and_.............---------~-------~-------00--secenennseeeseneennenenenenee’ the Execat..------- named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Exocut............ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisty, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .................- APPLICATION FOR ee CZ thE CCR .. County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of | o pee. | Gna Ae Fanny hs ar ad A m4 bee Mariubn ie duly sworn, doth say on fe te Vat Oe late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published .....- Leal Willand Testament; and shat a heehee fh. ‘bl _....is the executor named therein. ze. BB. en SQ. _+~-f-<@ Further, That the property of the said... consisting of , ~ oa ee ; Rhett had ee 15p) 22- A. Bey athe 47 Ff oO is worth about $-......---¢ Cf 83 , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that....- “an cavantobnqeel ot aniane = ahaa HMhhi.... Chern P2 © Buachee Au Geli 3. y ne ain sheen lane nneeLiee ee str i is 9 ahs Dea are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Z J day of C DEC pear ne A SPOS : A eC Ll By Se tele g+t2 ——s HK» FQ De, a User <2 eo "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. ete i NORTH CAROLINA, "fasts THE SUPERIOR COURT. atti Sane it M6 iscsi nccsen OD &: <cMegie to be and contain the last Will and Testament of..-- MA LArti2 Set ES Ce’ C2 <?-C2 a the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing j that I will well and truly execute to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. AY Subscribed and sworn to before me this-..-....- SE 2 — se. oe JG © lly Crtrnha Chivrcee Ea ae. Le Ox Laas een poe he 8-6, LETTERS siniiiaaiantiiii. visa op bleidiiiicotcaicck seeliondetinntormucen ccuaianpciamcnadaiiias County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court Lor -...........--------.--- wn--nennwnn annnnnnnncnennnnnenns County, that ate of said County, is dead, having made .................. last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and ---- the Brecat.......... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: (ance eg Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecut.......... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, werner wo be found an ll thst ab of thsi dread to pay the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. si. Sh Witness, my hand and tho soal of the said Court, this the -day OF... cinnaventrgbivenncrneee sence cten sng Ml a: Se ee eh hs aa h 183. APPLICATION FOR LETT SS TESTAMENTARY. enerenesses ge BO pl a the Superior Court. Be matter of the will of A lot | 4 o "i | wnt ln FE ui being duly sworn, doth say that ---- GS. Of : | late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published 7. Ratan last Willand Testament; and that....- pL. ££ Lett ae 2:2...... MELAS ef WM the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said ........ A ae ek (Lee Sic paella tebiacaesasia , consisting of sacs kc 2. Gee ONAD fk fab Ont GA «Chg ee Pee ncltee wot ale ' ,- ss ea ae is worth about $.....-22 ey a os , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that -.............--------..-----------.---~ lee ve ca f LLL, LAL elise, os oe. fo are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this _...... _ _..... day of Lp) bee wr. 4° 7 Clerk Superior Court. Gov le: LLRs 5 OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE Ce CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. COMER... xs eatin AN | Le pee ( to be and contain the last Will and Testament of._-.--.-------- ., do solemnly swear that I believe this paper-writing ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. 7 Subscribed and sworn to before me this..........£-------------- day of a GL. es SUL Ley sp hele Meter 0.8.6. — £ ene ceceeneee nn e LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for ..........--..------+.--- -------n0-+ -2-eenseevsenennnneee County, that Niner caneobbllen tidbits ili late of said County, is doad, having made...................last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and_....--..-..----------------+-------~ -2---0--neenneee ene en ennnnn enone the Execut..------- named therein, having qualified as such according to law: credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and me and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .................. Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Fxecut............ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and _County—In the Superior Court. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of | i Before .......... ,08.6. Baas a tT rmmepeemreretten miperertns , being duly sworn, doth say that ...............--.. late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ................--. last Willand Testament; and that........--------------------+-------00-0--00=" _.is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said...........-.--...-------------------------------------eneennnnenennee nee , consisting of. are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this _...-.-.-.----.-.- day of ... 189 .....- "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .. County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---.......-- ......day of - 189..... 5 O88, a mn — oo a ane ea carne aera LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. oo -ansneeee .........County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shali ecome--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -.....--.------0---e eocenteenet eotnesenernnnwasenee County, that late of said County, is dead, having made ................ icst Will and Tesiament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and... ... tha Brecat......... named therein, having qualified as such according to law: ee Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecut.......... to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and tho same to take into possession, whereseror tbe fund, and ll te jst debts of teed devoted to pay and tis the Tesidue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. zal eine Che Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this UO oa tee ly of... APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. sansseenerneceee seenneenancnnnssnanuessnanenanaiensnnnananenstcnsccatesns County—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of Before ... «1, OE C Rie as ey Os i ie Ne sa ey ar eee Meta Gal are, I I I insane se regen sttneteveee enn late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published ........-..-------- last Willand Testament; and that.----...-.------------------.---------... _... is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said..................--------.------- -----------~-------------nnnnnnnnn enone , consisting of ......... __...-------.-are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ...................---.....day of "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. wstccvbinnaas UORREV. a ae epilation rr rere to be and contain the last Will and Testament of..............----------------------- ----------------0-----0eweeeeeeesnnenenn-e--ee j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -...........-.------------- day of MI i EE Ra I oe SAS a tl os Uc en a cee ,48.6, State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for .............-.-----..---.-------000 ----eeneennnneneeeees County, that ae aU a Ae ik i nromnmnsonnusiaictilaiplicstsbac baits late of said County, is dead, having made...................last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and...........-..-..--.-----0-------2000 sonseeoneneeeesseee senenneeeeeeneeees the Exevat..------- named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Fxecut............ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoaver to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisfy, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ................... WAG OF on naisisnseiinni ginal sinsiblliiiedinle csi , 189... i APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. Before....- , being duly sworn, doth say that... County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of ,68. 0. late of said County, is dead, having first made and and MONE os easinc ences last Willand Testament; and that.....--.-.------------------------------ __...ig the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said....... , consisting of. is worth ebout 8.2... j , so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that -..... are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this _day of .. 189 PE SEI TN eek “Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. 5 RTH CAROLINA STAT “fasts THE SUPERIOR COURT. oils County. WS i oe Wass sete aa rs Le i ae cw ence , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of... woe cenncc nnn nnnnneneneessns j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... <aciesinaen nena ae SB hpedeendandenetanmnennmannmntssinmsenns suhostan summer tE at ., 0 8. 0. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk: of Superior Cott £00 ~~~. +---<or-e~ ener or onnvortnand bodentnenemennnesr te County, that late of said County, is dead, having made...........-...---. last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), OB0.....----.-----vs-snciiwonnsnconnsaniendinvaadntnsnacdeawennnne named therein, having qualified as such according to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Execut....-...-- credits, of said doceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. soy the Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .......------------ day Of na nnevnennannencnercnensecnensenancyis 401 | ' j H oe APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. eenecansacecornen sonneees wecenerennnnnennncnnenncenencennnnnnesannnenne----- COURLY—In the Superior Court, In the matter of the will of REA co TRIO een ah SRNR ANU Opn Doe irarmretew remcntae Y | EP See ek A et op seta ee RTC Rain Raa cay EN I nanan cn i pitstop ene late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published...............---- last Willand Testament; and that.........-.---.-------.-----.-.---- is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said..................-------- .-----------------+--0nenoeeeenoeeenncenntennnennnsennenens , consisting of ie Wott Gb0NG Bo ee , 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that .............--..--.--. -------..-0.--. Se ag a ae ae, _..are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of NGOs. eee "Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ... County. Gi estes cmc ca paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of ..............--------------------0+----------20neeeeewneeeeenennennennsnnneeesee- j that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -..........-...------------ day of MM se SE eS ats cs eee eS ag ae er Ae ama ee ae a aaa ,68. 6. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. sia a a ae aa County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Court for -..........---------+.-~ -----e-00=1 seneesneeseseseeneees County, that hinidinenertedatennsaetecsnecdstenaiasibinee: sessocees sentoontentioatpaesneihensaiibe late of said County, is dead, having made...............-... last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), and................-..---------------0-+-0-00--snneenensenesnecnenenenseenens the Bxecat..------- named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Fxecut............ to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and satisly, and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of tho srid Court, this the ..................- APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. _..County—In the Superior Court. In the matter of the will of Before............. sc ; stavecancang aie Oe wennenne neeeeeteeneenseentenennnnnts ons ., being duly sworn, doth say that.............-.-..----.------------+ sss (ascakeenisien late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published................--- last Willand Testament; and that.........-.-----------------<----+---------= _..is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said.............. ..., consisting of... io werth thea &.................0..528 _, 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that...... MTOR Te 2 AS ke, Ba _.are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me this _.................-.......day of te eee " Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. ... County. , do solemnly swear that I believe this paper- writing to be and contain the last Will and Testament of... ; that I will well and truly execute the same by first paying his debts and then his legacies, so far as the said estate shall extend, or the law will charge me, and all other duties pertaining to the office of Executor I will discharge according to law, to the best of my skill and ability: So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -..............------------ day of ies -» 68. 6. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. seceeneneneccenenenessenceceeennnnens ooe-osseeennnenesnseeeeeee--County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: ae It being Satisfactorily Proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of Superior Cagrt for... 02. e a eseenecennennnstnnnsnnnsnenn se COUMLY, pe csisedbteeech dacs ele ans late of said County, is dead, having made ...................last Will and Testament, which has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), AMG... von nnn nen nen nnn sha ane ee ...¢he Brocat......... named therein, having qualified as such accurding to law: Now these are Therefore to Empower the said Bxecut........... to enter in and upon all and singular to goods and chat rights ond credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, eee er the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. day of... Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, thie the cee Sind ; . 452 APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of _.......» being duly sworn, doth say that ...-:.-.-.-..-----.---.2-2.-22222-. -.- late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published .............------ Jast Willand Testament; and that... | __ is the executor named therein. Sree 4 Further, That the property of the said... Lisanne ies accep enn acal aee , consisting of... a : is worth about $_........ ede eds _........--- 80 far as can be ascertained at the date of this application, and that... -............... -sconcnceaceea Sih agessvi vencento wap asin dialect cies dane oe are the parties entitled under said Will to the said property. ; Sworn to and subscribed before me this <scnesseny Of } 189 OATH OF EXECUTOR. Sss.—IN THE SUPERIC™ to be and contain the last Will an the same by first paying his debts a. to the office of Executor I will discha Subscribed and sworn to before me 189.__. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these jaar It being Satisfactorily Proven to the \ has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is } named therein, having qualified as such according to la \ Now these are Therefore to Empower the to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights - credits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wheresoever to be found, and all the Just debts of the said deceased to pay and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....... sonegesnses MEF Of on cinendisnicdicidbcpiaiusiiiousuabiodieel tal 189... ee ee ee ee APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. In the matter of the will of j a a ie ..-, being duly sworn, doth say that ....:.....------------------+0e000. 22+ late of said County, is dead, having first made and and published is the executor named therein. Further, That the property of the said is worth about $ _.......... Sworn to and subscribed before me this 189. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF EXECUTOR. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ss.—IN THE SUPERI®™ -.-. County. to be and contain the last Will an the same by first paying his debts a. to the office of Executor I will discha Subscribed and sworn to before me . 189... State of North Carolina, To all to whom these It being Satisfactorily Proven to the \ has been admitted to Probate (a true copy whereof is } named therein, having qualified as such according to la Now these are Therefore to Empower tho to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, t oredits, of said deceased, and the same to take into possession, wherescever to be found, and all the just debts of the said deceased to pay and the residue of said estate to distribute according to the directions of said Will. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the... oct AA OF snieniecibeinssestinnisieeiniialulnles 189... ee RM ag a et o5 APPLICATION FOR ee me SUPERIOR COURT, .“4-=— vith COUNTY, In the matter of co eennewennseeeeve-) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, a cietanpciansancncsonscanuncnincn MMNEn CEN | To the Clerk of the "Oy Court of said County : The application ot... £0. M F0QAy 107 > _....Pespectfully presents that. Mackae deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Joo Baa CA CTY. 22 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore/that the estate of the said minor orphan may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to higyor such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphan@ oe Arhey. oe 189. © JA. Awa AY. COUNTY-:-ss. O22. iiesials being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named childremof - a afk Me veal , deceased ; that to the best of hiéknowlodge, ‘ ¢ t information and belief, the valu of said estate is about tev OE itaok rl % Pw Whe oS ———~ dollars; and the ot) dollars. value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about d subscribed before me this ~ - day of Tl S. - a ste ie Saree Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STAT F NORTH CAROLINA, ss. —IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. a ee os ucecnasinawcnese OOM LS ‘ Mm. IC 7 At 5... ., Gvardian for (peti, friten fx i ee ear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns ands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. UW, M. Fea — .-y Guardian, minor heir... solemnly sw and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my h Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship ed gnd sworn to before me this day of v 19 8 > LETTERS OF GUA SHIP. State of North Carolina,...@. “~S*-" ; County, To all to whom these Preseats sh It being Certified to the dersigned, Clerk of ¢ cocvsusunereveeseee-Oounty, that Mg gerd. Ga trast a Ke Mnf ie auie G MH. In. FO ar BOY Ci rc Ne cesinkakoseon having applied for the guardianship of said minor oniId........-- , and having been duly qualified as such : Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage sald estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the sald minor orphan...., and to law. a i Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....2.98>....day of....5Z leceg Ral Ho XP ter he aa ? 453° Pe ee 06 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, (744 an aa matter of \ COUNTY, oe Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of...-----,4------- Fe a Sah ee gee eas Cainer nanan ent ae alsin on Sk ett BD dl eee See dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate ui the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This ..27..... day of... AGS. OE. Ae SrA 5 Z. Keen _........COUNTY--ss. a a a ale BL ae a i ee pie tne , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of ._..--.--- picasa trial ano Specie liew ac pes nN oes oir Ee cca , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about...............-----------------------2-----------cannnnn nae neeeennnnn eennnsenenenneesnnennnnnnan en dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about..---.----------------------..-.-------------- a ee dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this ............-.-...........day of 189__.. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATHB/OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. .....-. County. minor heir..., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ee orn to before me this. A2f eee day of a 2 . ee ea meeps copa aay ara gam ae 7 ee ae dia 2, , (| ae &. Aton. ca. eas , Guardian wn Aina. th Presper titi Areal State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents to Ahe Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for__...... Piraannton, Mieingn. bo cesin ao ss LD Tes Pit ttl oor _....--.. minor wina<t .... Without guardian; and .... OLA L: 4 Or having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.2-«+~, and having been duly qualified as such : Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan. wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan, and according to law. t being Certifie i i « ‘ie ee | Os A LOO Cle ______...., Clork Superior Court. #177.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his qualification or appointment, make ret Superior Ovart of all the estate in his hands or received by him up to that time; but euch time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on gona comes eamoas Un ahs to eaten wlncile. #178.—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian sball, within twelve months from date of bis qualification or appointment, annually so long as any of the estate control, Mle, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property received by him, or invested by him, and the manner @! of such investment, and bis receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit. He must produce vouc! which be’ : for all payments. ne Clerk of Superior Court may examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the receipts, @ must arc te carefully revised and audited such account, if he the ; Syeneanre, tueiens $7, pprove the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima Bi alos ” 96 455 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. : SUPERIOR COURT,..(“.* is Pe Rice ........ COUNTY. In the matter of Prema 2 a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Supgrior Court of said County: : ec Letterg of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. COUNTY-:-ss. re weer ee eet mmr tS a Se et __..........-y baing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of ........ eB ue asia oon ci , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about................--....-------. dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.-...........----.----------. -~---------------) seeen ee noe veneer nnnns _.....----- dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this. ee aay OF Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STAVE OF NOR CAROLINA, {set THE SUPERIOR CourRT. - C {Ya Rr ieee , Guardian for wag, (Bah) A Brew) ME Pa a Yoir 4, solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said vente and that I will make true returns Xunual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years ia the Superior etrt, as the law requires; and all other duties of — guardianship I will faithfully an@ honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. / ciivesponccunn OUI ....» Guardian. State of North Carolina,....“.\"- = rls To all to whom these Presents sha It being..Certified to the Undersijgned, filerk ofthe Su AA y an fee uy ° An. ty 2 Peashy.,.USidin 2A CNS isha i Cag eusdaweseacneaineenuat minor orphan. having applied for the guardianship of said minor child “ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of seid minor orphan. & wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor A, and accordipg to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ..... [4 eam the ee oe ; received ny him up to that time; bet sach ti not exceeding six moe ch ne Sere eine ris om fe ste men pas poe Mee ; { S8 +. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.,..... tts. at, WA Goths. Ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 456 In the matter of ee Pigg rene Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the ag) said County : The application a. LO Ssnstliee CLAD. lib ecacaidauinnmcnmiainade mn _Whhee- (Ze We a se are minor children of _/\ Z04—C© + 4 A ep pe are leo a guardiag ; that the said minor children are entitled to reaYAnd personal estate to the value of +P : Ce, toe gs . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, To the End, te that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and ma . Sse. to law, your applicant prays that Letters of e ip may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for THD 1 or minor, Od 75,2 7-day of Cprelh...0d deceasegéa This ....-Q/ MN ALLL A COUNTY--ss. aes Pahl Bi. --------4p---y Doiggxduly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of ... p AA Le) MM Ze Lor 2. ee -----------y deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said esfAte is about ofa 2c) BAe CEA Le ach aie . dollars; and the value of the renfs and profits of the real estate is about 2k <2, oda Phe or. es ..----- dollars, or eg before me this = day of 139.3 aed PA bce Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. So NORTH CAROLINA, ) Cx ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. _... County. . @ x, 4 4. ) Ee Cael ch eet em, , Guardian for eben, minor heir, solemnly swear that I will well and traly take change of, and preserve, all tho hate of my said ward §; and that I will make tras returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of pid fuardianship i will faithfully honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subsgyfbeg and sworn to before me this a day of Be 4h. 185 oy Guardian. AV. Ptr akex « 8.6. ETTERS OF GUARDIA we Vip ACEL C tre) County, To all to whom these Presents gn ee come--GREETING: vovaneeseaee County, that eing Certi Gf) wep (@). Pravtie the Superior Cou --.. minor orphan. rh, | aan without guardian; and ........ - O. Sy D bakit pw sccunuil ot having ap) led for the guardianship of said minor child #42, and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan &. wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said m Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .....@/...7<...day of... <7 7G 7K gh ...County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, , Clerk Superior Court. SS 477.- , administrator, collector and guardian shall, withia three months after bis quetifestion of appointmen ouunst estate in his hands OF received by him up to that time; but such time may be extended Poo ninent, make return on onth to the Clerk of Superior executor, administrator, 59 457. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,......-7 — “4—* . COUNTY. In the matter of (Brass hig ... Minor Orphans. a. County : Tho application of...... 4.4 wn -eee O OV BAe onl are without a guardian ; thet the said minor children are entitled to real 4 oe FG ae FAY. ooo oo RR... --.-+.-------. Gollars, according to the best information and belief of your appl cant, To the End, ‘Therefore, that the astate of the ‘said minor orphans may be preserved an Letters of Guardianship may be issued to ~ or such other person as the Court may think best APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. COUNTY:‘-ss. being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted \ith the real and personal estate seas , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, “YY _... dollars; and the au eoecabe, dollars, > oe Ce Steel [44 oo OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE GF NORTH Sane Swo and age before me this ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. , Guardian for. nd that I will renew my bead'e every three years in the Superior Court, as tHe law requires; and all other duties of wy said mpesiasi I will Ayeodlonet and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability, eg and sworn to belore me this / ? day of MS fa Pancha... 08.6. LETTERS OF GUARDIAN » Guardian, ...County—In the Superior Court. County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : e Undersigged, Clerk of the Superior Court for....... State of North Carolina, . swthiiouee pitas Sa 3 AM. GaA minor orphan........... without guardian; and ... having gpplied for the guardianship of said minor ohild.......... , and having been duly quali J Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to onjff in and upon all and singular he goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to ba found, and the same to take into and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor a--y Gad Wi my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ...... tee of... 458 60 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Ry CI OT = onsen nsec sa nnsecnenacmmnsesondect or .. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: deceased, and are without a To the End < -, deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, = ee _.......dollars ; and the PARDEE ap na Id RESET ca Seagate + dicaiiedkicelh ie caeUeuceus ieee Guests s dollars. & K leap Lt Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE NORTH CAROLINA, - > ss.—In THE SuPERIOR Court. caine <A See SPF ERE oun owen nncainss CORED Aa esi call alk (AeA fh CeP or (Od * fab Lb nf. Lorn minor heir, sof/maly swear that I will y&ll and truly take charge of, and preser HI the estate of my fei ward...; - and tpgt I will make true Teturns and Annual Court, asthe law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ie and sworn to before me this of placemats wa ge 7. = coef Arn? , Guardian. r, 0. 8. 0. LETTERS OF GUARDIAN e CA Clerk of the Superior Court fop -. ern age Nes Seca Dicaecnia bk t AP Uf Le ee a) 0... Pilsen rsiviaisenesivenceniceninnrecinmeaiatasinstibie an..&....... without guardian ; and .. AA .e2., and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authori and credits, of said minor orphan.JS_.wheresos’ in, Secure and improve, and further to manage said estate g to law. and credits, of said minor orphan 5. wheresosver to be found, and the same to take {nto possession, secure and improve, and ang Saad artae oaeatesasiimeclen alge ys ingfo ii 61 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 2, ed eee SUPERIOR COURT,......00007 0 45% .. COUNTY. In the matier of Ah bn. wuttcne PCI GLA an Brtinehases a ahi, Gor obese Abhbean lise bcresbons ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 408 fe "SORE ORR ROR RE eninm myeacaninseayensineceaanccnecstaccosnecsaces MUMOP OPphans, / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: i application ets DD rennin sem phn respectfullygpresents that ps A be sete, Mange DLE ae OF lene Gham. Merc. lle fe Mt noha deceasg@, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of TP ca pe 2 Pe ies . dollars, according to the best informM¥ion and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the eatate of the ‘tald 1 minor » orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think bes an the oe of the said minor — Sete eereseeenaemmneapaomeeeemene 4 sage So np acer aera COUNTY--ss. Lot a, ae a being duly sworn, says that he is nee with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-namnedChildren of . ee fe ann en , decease?; that to the best of his knowledgo, . dollars; and the information and belief, the value of said estate is about. fo SA. Arh “ value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... Qa foi. i. M Sexrtcisdh and gubsgribed before me this ..... by ......... day of @ Clerk a Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. ae k su dollars, Sworn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, rain arr Z wD hor rho scene ey Guardian for Xa (ty 2m, MK A, 4). gn? L Gorn hag indi ivlitetate ‘goletaaly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and ppgserve, all the estate of my said ward.J; and that I wili make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribe@and sworn to before me this. . / t day of 4 sob — De. VFarcken.. 68.6, ge ee LETTERS OF GUARDIAN NSH AAA. ALAR... County—In the Superior Court, ‘a THE SUPERIOR CourRT. he In Aw Preto M ber AAD.....scs-saisiey Sil State of North Carolina,.: County, : To all to whom these Presecats sha{l/come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Supggtor Court for”... ... xf A ny cele, a County, that ‘ (hea Pike, On Moermehern,. (0A. A “CO (amen oe set, ricktheten. ar pvandiiunstac te. ‘ Ww) Po ermAerg Qe... minor orphan. S....... without guardian ; ws Phetstnnd 2 Meer Pdr having applied for the guardianship of said minor child r-e-+-, and having been duly qualified-as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and p oe singoat tho fpoteand: APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUMP ee, In the matter of a a +) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. i i j | J Seat ee cletinecheouna ep Aetaeresttaneentaerenteoaneniiianidilueiireteind Minor Orphans, / To the Clerk of the ZOO Court of said County : | - — The application of. 40... 22...- LA fA Co Pe ae i a eRe. Mall are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of . Ce ee oO LT eee neeeennnneennenseeeense- Gollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estatg of the said minor orphans may he preserved and managed according tod W, your et prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to hi vinterest of thé gait Q belonging to the above-named children of Bz The hin elt Gs wa es ORG SA a ls , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is ee vita ihiebichthaicichgs sb dollars; and the ee Ate ALLE OR Clerk Superior Court OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE NORTH CAROLINA, — wt ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Court. iis ee Ax fhe. _. County. J. OtA-CA” hit, arb tec eiecalien usagi , Guardian for minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and traly take seem of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward.- -; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remal in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law yéquires ; and all other duties of my s janship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. , Subscribed/andawo biden ae LA lafitNy mcd / ZF. way. Laas 0.8.0. ; Se ee = Se stk Ng a a LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. 4 ee ls PY GI oe ea ere girl kt Huan ek. asec County—In the Superior Court. | State of North Carolina, wow A 4 «4 RO ~.County, eon TING: It being Ebrtified to the mnie Mil Me a i es County, that oe ah aR 2 Ril camcioivacdaiianbibenosmiciatsbiciict lalwtduis minor orphan........... without guardian ; and .4-04 20 €-<@ PRA R nee having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified a 4s such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possessi and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and accordi —wagene 63 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Oo} 46] SUPERIOR Courrt,...\—“~ ft ACME COUNTY. In the matter of a it ep ee cts a fesu cs a .... dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. te of the said minor orphans may be preserved wad managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to fim, or such other person as the Court may think best for thefnterest of t id minor orphans, en e “= eerie < - ee — af. Bite ALLL COUNTY--ss 2... Ese Re ffL, boing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the seakend personal estate belonging to the above-naméd children of. 5 OPEL. aii ey deceased-> that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the valug of said estate is about... ye 2 ene se ~ladupicennasionde wonnnns--seee---no---- @ollars; and-the hhh eas Clerk Superior Co Court OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. t42xs+-2t NT arene sini RP Oommen. Be AAA AeA tocvrveereneenrnennn and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in ay hands; and that I will renew my bond « mn three years ia the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said gugfdianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribe d sworn to before me this - ae Baa nae ape Sagan cnmececcencesesanneesnseos ~~ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. ve neeee nee SEE ree " Sete the Superior Court. ee lhe pidiataata and-. hod... ascii aiylieeads : having applied for thé guardianship of said minor child. XT and having boon duly qualified us such : Now these are Th Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ¢ and credits, of said minor er to be found, and the i ae and every part thereof for the bonoflt and advantages of the sald minor and law. my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ae day of. a sonny i | | | i i: 462 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. oe) SUPERIOR COURT,. Ath 4 ee In . matter of .. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of th application of A... [Lek lan tere liididesonaniers respectfully presents that... FN I cp nce Nl ae and... Me wit. 1h, cl OM. i are minor children of ‘ an and are wifféut a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the va¥ue_ot-___. Phe ta A A pa eallagscad aap se al dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of oe may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for 4X6 Anterest of the said minor orphans. perior Court of said County: POIB .. Mie sonns day of........ LAs. gt eet. tli All oa ieee ........... COUNT Y-<-ss. Luu . .. LE: ltd NORE , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belongin the above-named children of... JO. Pere Mex. - APD aay ae a information and belief, the value of said estate is about Baw a A» ae ee ee value of the rents and profits of the real estate is BY om mips ara cin emnianecnns sb Diwhiasn’ » cas signee tte Ses ooo is a ia Sworn to gad subscribed before me this day of Ons A as 1893. Se 7 a1 AF i ae Clerk Superior Court. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, .. dollars; and the OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE € NORTH CAROLINA, ss.— IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. AYA LLL o f ..Coun , “ ee or Moke. Foe ghee irsS, solemnly swear that I will well and traly take ebeine of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns nual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior ‘Cobft, as the law requires; and all other duties — I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.. ...day of OLA 159% He V Funekee 1080) LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP , Guardian. sevasohennpintentntnsiStnsdeanatcennstuecnntnartttMliSesinkeks ve County—In the Superior Court. “ae Leet — Cou nty, To all to whom these Preseats shal ec-«GREETING: State of North Carolina, Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Saeive the said Guardian to in and sete ali and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan. wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into ion, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan&., and according to law. ‘by him up to that time; pecnae toes Sasliniaren gumdizo inde etnaatt ‘ot ye Clerk of Superior Court, an tn: ee dana an under cath of the amocnt of property recelved by him, or 1 vouchers, which mus t ventory and account, aaa ‘anda disbursements for the asin tems antennae cteit aioe He must Ag The Clerk of Court may examine, on oath, such person © and credits, of said minor orphan. 5. weenie ws eal at ee eae ee ee ee ee and ei n e s td Ss e ta s ke cc en e . 65 _ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. aw 463 SUPERIOR COURT, FPA AAHLA COUNTY. Poa _) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. “i. I ee deceased,/agid are without a genta ; that the said minor children are entitled to semkemd personal estate to the value at iffy. “A fig t “Teo. caer Aion Sets dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the ‘End, ‘Therefore, that the estate of the maid minor orphans may be preserved and pianaged according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best fo j iecapundy , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the rewtewd personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dollars ; emé-tie ubscribed before me this __... La wy of oy Lt Prod ae J, An nee Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE NORTH CAROLINA, s8.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. and Aaueat Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bédd every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and ponestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ae to before me this...... L2- _... day of p a. oe ee Ss Se a rae ue Se - . ae ; =.c wenn§ Guardian. een mnt - LETTERS OF F GUARDIANSHIG County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, oe re minor orphan. A: poass — ian; and .. having applied for the guardianship of said minor child @#n74nd having Joon duly qualified: as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the sald Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights to law. seatet tha tat Geatly Vile hb cs: Ace ne ne s ar e n e TT et en e m a 66° APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.. In the matter of \ ae APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. . COUNTY. pais ee _........ Minor Orphang. | To the Clerk of the Superior Cours of said County : The application of LA ar CP AAI is censesionemeninet respectfully presents that... 7” ALg HL ae (2x th i ee chened Ac bunakecnrhascranssories—ae0n gene ry ag ieee a as cinctacsielcganonh oie cic nin mmektlmael are minor childeem of < A~. cs A- deceased, apd age without a guardian ; that the said minor children asa entitled to real at personal estate to / TTT cee nnneeeneeses-+- Collars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. t Ef Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Lettérs of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. of a ic. in Sf ee i ee . COUNTY--ss. “ AML ® MEE MOM cnnonnenanvicny a says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named childven of .....Z— NA sof te rA-<f __, deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ate is about Selb rawr. f- fG— < pill iat EF, ee 88d oN ei accede ck ie bie SU a, ‘Dy and subscribed before me this fc be ot information and belief, the value of said dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. oo NORTH ee ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. OLA LAL- County. ee Ll atc eeu , Guardian for....... _ minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, 1 the estate of my said ward; and tlM I will make true returas and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. op and sworn to before me this ol day of ; =. 189.5 ALTA? tem PAT. , Guardian. LETTERS OF cy i nacecaxadoade roan ateee _......County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, .. AEE Rare. County, To all to whom these Preseats shall edufe--GREETING: dersféned, Clerk of the Superior Court for -...........------C no anne nen ...County, that A minor orphan...-.....-- without guardian; and having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.........- , and having been duly qualified as such; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosvor to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphgf..., and to law. » Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ones teab eet iilve eA OE ice. Mepsiess kis scnaies , 189. CF ike ——— umK tor, administrator, collector and guardian aball, within three months after bis "i parte the estate in hie hands or resel ved by him up to that time; but auch Wine may be extended by the Clerk of sean ck aaah sane eee tit ania ren : ‘administrator, of guardian shall, within twelve months from date of bis qualificattou or appointment, annually #0 lor under oat, of the amount of property received by him, or invested executor, control, file, in the office of the Ulerk of Bupertor Court, an inventory and account, te of gueh Mae wu seovipns and essbarsetaents tor tho past year la the form of debit and credit He must produce vouchers, which must bo file : yOn onth, such accounting pay or any other person concerning tho reement much aenount, If he approve the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be deerned pr ~~ 6% APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.,.... In the matter of \ . COUNTY. ..) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .... Minor Orphans. ; To the Clerk of the erior Court of said County: oo The application of... ee Be oo ide co ewlon sana ehccntiereennnosheseene __.... dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. TA thle End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphang may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. _COUNTY--ss. ) A LATO é : being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate h d profits of tf feal.pstate is about... ““-<“A-*-*-*4....- “We: fis bro t LwHs worn toa A tea before me this ....-....----- oa . day of <9." , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dollars ; and the wocaceneuea-GOligrs, T Court. F Mh-f Jerner OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE O NORTH co Ale eeee—_. County. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. 2 Mons minor __, solemnly swea¥ that I will well and traly take charge of, and preseryéfall the estate of my said ward...; an and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate ae in my hands; and‘that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said fuardiansbip I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. day of LETTERS O State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats shall ¢e = of the Superior Court for -.........-.---Neugb@ Cre eerie Spee wa none nnn nnnnrnnns County, that wovicudepseielinllls ci cies scecaite tase ent ~~~ OOP orphan....de.- without guardian ; and IMAP LIAO, once having applied for the guardianship of said minor ohild.........- , and having been duly qualified such: thy. Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .....-----f--..000=- day Of era SAE Neff 2 --- mmo vn , 189 & 465 O42 pa e a a R E e a e e n en ah a a ie e e pe c t it ~ Sa h AA A ES S AS S SS ag APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, oo SUPERIOR: COURT, 2... In the matter of \ HSTE +, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. \ Oe, i To the Clerk of the Superior Court_of said County: beese “hic cient amen sick ke beagle en dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. ea Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your —" prays that ...dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about .-- dollars, DP and subscribed before me this pet eS ee... ee LY’ cua) Clerk Superior Court. CATH OF GUARDIAN. oe NORTH CAROLINA, SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ft. _t4 £27 County. L, le pte sin nid Si ., Guardian for... J... —<<+_y A~A~~y minor heir... solemaly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, @fl the estate note my y said ward. -; and tht I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of m y skill and ability. ‘Do, and sworn to before me this ..... ad day of ; oe 18955 _ AOE cae w-.----- y Guardian. State of North Carolina, ee rte.:.......... Count, To all to whom these Presents shall edufe--GREETING : YL eee —— __ ae tht j LETTERS OF race omnes o eedie tas A vse ee eae County—In the Superior Court. ; | Satie sagas without guardian; and , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosvor to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor or, -, and to law. the ontate in his hands sdminitraon,olector an eee ae nin Saves commie alten hie.a seieillicery. sadaeme, atenmaianataeotauee : may be extended by the Clerk control, file, in nachna athe ok Mga Sommenaenboret res re nn of such and his receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form for all paymenta. The Clerk of Superior Court may examine,-on onth, such accountt Mate. oe =. Code of Civil Procedure, Sections 477, 478 i“ en -- COUNTY, 6% APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 469 SUPERIOR COURT, Wn . seeveracoe COUNTY. In the matter of \ To the Clerk of the Smperior Court of said County : —: The application of... ro CUSTOMS LM SOigsse i Oe ee Ast OF minor childem of << f+#-...©o.. “W<~4 fins ye ee: ko <r. nd are without a guardian ; that the said minor childpea axe $6 entitled to real personal estate to the value of .““*-8 Ase. AL ASM Np ~~ nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nent nnnn nen eenennnneeesseae------- Collars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. Th the Egd, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphang may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ...dollars ; and the Rh chitinase § and ao of t on) pstate is about... \4<“A4™e, Daca Tibed before me this -.............- = ay Re See 390 . Ne Furcheg OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE egal CAROLINA, smiouh th Gieascimemes Aledbeee— county. I... JA... KA a4. tia , Guardian for__.... Qf AAP. OT i i a minor .., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and presery6fall the estate of my said ward...; and I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remajns in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. » Guardian. P ampatant og of the Superior Court for ence cetneeeennfeveseeveeneeseeeeeveseseseeeeeo%.....minor orphan....o¢.. without guardian ; and ‘ having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified ad such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Sugewer the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and obattels, r and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into secure and improve, and further to manage said 61 and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and to law. ABE Ata my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ..........f-..--..-day Of favencnenenewenauni ab ts wie‘ ea nee Fh ed wenn alah meg iia ll nt, ake return oa ont , : to the Seneca SSeS e ea not exceed! , ee SS E ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, A.» At te COUNTY. In the matter of ee a A Bo Beken mk Minor Orphans. / APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the SED Court of sajd County: The application of... (42 Caine a e c and be De, Ak. Rg P are i a 7 hat . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, dian t th satate f the ‘said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that to him, ér such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said 1ninor orphans, Letters of Guardianship may be issued This LS day of Bam 89.6 &é. 7A Da. ALL42—_— COUNTY--ss, belonging to the above-named children of a p being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ‘“Keee anf , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estat dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about an ke, .. dollars, head a A441 subscribed be me this A q. day of yh i ts eee --4 Clerk Superior Court. Sworn to finn. _— OATH OF GUARDIAN. NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE At ce #2 LR County. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. z E TA Kee tee anA > , Guardian for rb db kia minor heir S, solemaly swear that I will well and truly take shares of, and pregfrve, “2 2. estate of my said ward $; and that I will make true and Annual Settiements as long as any of the estate remains in my handsf and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the Jaw requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. STATE C bribed and sworn to before me this 2 x day of C 1 Ge &E Wi Kelemath. , Guardian. WD Facrchun «s a | LETTERS OF cuanoinassyy) State of North Carolina, ea To all to whom these Preseats sl ...County—-In the Superior Court. County, ome=-GREETING: ... County, that .. minor orphan. So. ving applied for the guardianship of said minor Child Qtexd and having been duly qustibed us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said (Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said minor orphan 5. wheresosvor to be found, and the samo to take into poss , Secure and improve, and further to manage said ostate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan.&., and ¥.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian aball, within three months after his quatificatio the catate in his hands or reostved by him up to that time; but such time may ve extended by the Clerk of i178.—Fivery executor, admintetrator, collector or guardian ball, within twelve months from date of his quali control, file, in CE ee ern eT ee ae RET and. sarannh, Snder cath, of the amount Of sah investment, and his receipts and reerpernyeinderteypd port ab erence erp jor al ee ‘The Clerk of Supertor Court may oxantine, on oath, such accounting party pernon concern! having carefully er re Ort Procedure, Beton 69 §Be APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SY Lad bee COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT, Apa Lae XN | Minor Orphanf. / APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the ug Court of sa ounty : The application of... i i a oa deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of. are minor child rea of phic aa, Dav- ae t.4- eh foo ates: ie dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of wae may be or or such other person as the Court may think best Cd a interest of the said minor a — oon ft © [4~ Bisa sre MON silken day of ee ‘J pos ~ 1 “ager -eamcgeaee | tele ad bfiag duly sworn, says that he irdviiava with the real and personal estate belonging to the/4bove-named chil LG: Saher » doa iia the best of his knowledge, . dollars, information anWbelioef, the valua of said estate js about dollars ; and the and profits of the real estate is about Ao to and-subscribed before me this .189.@- NV Fuvehes. Clerk abe Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. 1 — , Guardian for Chu. A? Lu. ha a ell . eee J. sbnens of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ar an and Annual ee as re asa i, of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond ¢ eneey Subseri sworn to before me this. . 2, 0. day of chic ste aes ete 189 6 12, woh LZ... () tI will make true returns ree years in the Suporior ,08. 0, 7 LETTERS OF GUARDI State of North Carolina, having applied for the guardianship of said minor oMfild.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights . and credits, of said minor orphan.... wheresoever to be found, and the same-to par? thoreof for the benefit and advantages of the said mi d and the seal of tho said Court, this the ......Al..... Negus die / Ps respectfully presents wie dees uch Se Vi | 1 i | | | | a ee ee ee n s ee e ES Ce Se 468 — - AR R CO SA N sp a e an s e h e n se v e n p e m e c r a s e i n e m m e n c s m a r a s oa APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR COURT, AxrLtice—_ Counrry. ; Jn the matter of \ tl 5S Fp _.) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. I pao Ch ue hae ae Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the y Sentra of said County: Aas of. , ; decea i{pout a guardian ; thgg the said minor children are eptit d — real > f_Do (44 ore oY. Le f Biers a ing to the best information and belief of your applicant. d, Therefore, t ...are minor childre personal estate to the value of t the estate of the said minor orphans may be Preserved and managed according to law, your applicant pra ys that Letters on Gufrdianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for interest of the said minor orphans, mul RE aD dxy of “wae p-' VA ara TOP te oe. COUNTY--ss. , being oa sworn, says that he is nléd with the real and personal estate A#w—h— , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, nd belief, the value of said estatefis sae Ay er aps bs : aaa "7 the stale ae: an eho hoard OATH OF GUARDIAN. NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE Hie Ceee___— County. At n Fran , Guardian fo solemaly swear that I will well and traly tako charge of, and frve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annfal Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my handsf and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed < to’before me this i o day of EE "imran at mows 1905 eee Leben Piniwnie belonging to informatio value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Raza Sworn to and subscribed before me this / “3 = of Clerk Superior Court. STATE + SUPERIOR Cour’. , Guardian. Be bel niy_ —In the Superior Court. .. County, that y uch; a ow these are Therefore to Authorize and Smpower the said Guardian to enter ff and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan.S., and according toJaw. irk Superior men SOR Son RT a ete in or, adininistrator, collector and guardian shall, within three thie eatate In bnis hands or received by him wp to thet time; but euch time may ne administrator, collector STE TC RCE eee mete res etn et Lhe after his qualification or appointment, inake return 01 oath to the Clerk of Superior Cuurt of all by the Clerk of Bupertor Court on good cause shown, not exceedl six months, Or guardian aball, within twelye months from date of his qualification OF appointment, annually eo long am any of the estate remains in his executor, ‘Nie, in nent, and iis vecelpts and alabravee sents oie pan arin te orm a eb ad evel hemes esos ene noe nated by im, and te manne [nature APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of \ | QanFinan/ MPT FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Qete 7. Piedad! Minor Orphans, / OOUNTY. Le SO respectfully presents that ANOS ener _.are minor children of Dr rw Hira se. and are without a guardian ; that the saig minor children are entitled to real and pprsonal estate to the value of . Pe ok sah St dat. ue he waded hegh sheer, according to the best information and o tke End, Therefore, that the estate o the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be a or such other person as the Court may think best of ooh of the said minor orphans. aby. : : 1390 - Dwar COUNTY-:-ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, value of. | doliars ; and the ut por fu dollars. Swopaf to and sybscribed before me this a {v5 | HOA ict) Clerk Superior Court. This .. belonging to the isovetemid childreg of information and belief, the value of said esta reats and profits of the real es OATH OF GUARDIAN. NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. BG feed. cnartan blero Glocy S oeadbed ilamtiitaoe mikes tia. i stele nly swear that I will well and traly ‘take sere of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward. ; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that Iwill renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the lay requires; and all other duties of my said Rn I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subs and sworn to before me ZC day of oy of + County. , Guardian, 08.6, Ba a atte nem mes emer LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. County—TIn the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, Airedegin To ail to whom these Preseats sha ie ee ail a ee _minor orphan...5...... without guardian ; and ... having applied for the guardianship of ‘said misor child. rren.. , asi having been duly qualified as seh! Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and apes él 204 siagular she gosde.anh dtnteule righ and crodits, of said minor orphan. sotarenerée tbe Read, ant ho tame te 9) ns NS SY Te ee and every part thereof for the bonofit and advantages of the said minor *., and law. mf hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the .....6> 2... GAY Of... Lai Of oes wine wb. Sa aa a sr e e ee r er r y en e r re e r en o n e wo n APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT)... ..0A-- te. In the matter of ch eennennnnnnenteene) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ie ie bis specie tub eatecaanlinetiC nc tals ies Minor Orphanj. ; ee minor childrea-of..— a and are without a guardiap ; that the said minor childrex ee entitled to PR Paci eek cl Oe ce a a es i ae adfars, accordinggo the best information afd beli, ur applicant. LL- thay be preservé ataooi Roach g to law, your applicant prays that Letter. erest of’the said minor orphans, @ said minor“ Orpiaggs Yat may think best for the , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ,» deceased ; that to the best of & knowledge, Sa I 5 ee We al St. Sea DS ope MUNG RE ORE OCT IC A ORE dollars; and-the- FE Ga se Sin elbnheionig au ay heb acbis tik elatiaetoeeaMGh <. eucaahly AMM Rp Uae as ce dollars, Sworn to a before me this ....... a of an Ma ae 1596 Clerk Supertor Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, IOR Court. fss—ts THE Sup Dok. to before me this. faa atedpat day of State of North Caroliga, ‘ ~acony 0,8, 0, LETTERS OF GUARDIAN > Bi the Superior Court. unty, ; come--GREETING: To all to whom these Presents It & Certified to thé) Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court having applied forthe guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as snch: ei Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and eyary part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and ‘or to law. my hand and the seal of the said Court, this ae een wane nen g MOF. inne ay of... 4b... SF FERSTL ONS SN AP EEN OHH Iba N One AUEENES whee esudiionnndnnaddakwban D 77.~Every the estate in his control, die, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the past y: for The Clerk of Superior Court may examine, on J APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.............-- bn a BC EE COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application ot LOT thi Len pte ieee ace a respectfully presents that.<<f"*-- wn ftom food. I~ Bs Qn t— heat. tev 04 Minar dalle had hee hfe fertne (rane Whe! mw: thane Yorn th Lhe tad ra y nse oeemapey we pew acta p—/_4y7; th , dovwasel, and,freprithout a guardian ; that the sai sneha sso eat MCA ee eptap geM aaret eeneis ne hay oe eR SU ea ea ... yflol according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said, i s may be preserved and managed according to tne that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best 2 interest of the said feof This: LF: day of. YY Qe he ar 189.6 YY, Viethihevint os og 4—___......... COUNT Y--ss. ‘ , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the peat-and-perewmal estate AMWeLptrrH , devenset; that to the best of his knowledge, -------------.Gollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about......... shecincueats Neti tacboue ays oye: pi cee hte shia eh ibasahucleed dollars. . Sworn to and subscribed before me this ...........- Z 7 Bs day of a GOV Surehkion Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF RTH CAROLINA, . ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. County. ee we nnn a ee een Rp wee en mene nn be ene ew een ns ewan emensan cemeweneseebasecbecseameseues smincrter .., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. aca ee Dn Ntkhin’ ny Guardian, Subscribed and sworn to before me this... i de ..... day of seapstsnsnncicnuvaree -< Ogee Malate 5: County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, C7#2¢<“4<4— To all to whom these Presecats shall UZ. Cc haw Du ee rr ee, * ' ah «GREETING: having applied for the guardianship of said sédet-€ $*tfid having been duly qnatified as sach: ‘ Now these Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and credits, of said cas to be found, and é and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said Ties). my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .... G.: a Pee 472 | 74 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.,... APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. q SUPERIOR ick nessa cee abies sosspcadeilguiecasutaMaae CNA Wee In the matter of lhc tite In the matter of a OT PEI: APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ae 4... ofa Lote: kA Mth Paste ooesa eaaee eee See cea a Minor Orphans. / ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ee ee etd g ee ee pws ot ce Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court_of said County : of said County : are minor children | ae Mo sabe Hittot orf J , gg¢or t infophhation a Ahi ief of four a To the End » Therefore, that ree. Pix Be said minor orpha iy be pre A fie 7pvour a ms baer Se ae Re al Lowprs offuargi “Eee pay pe issueyt TEs Safn Other person as the Coupé may think b x aoe — re "To the End, Therefore, that 1 oy atte Boro A or a eo Letters of Guardianship may be issue The: hog day of........ A Adn «am... ©. : Is - ay 0 ea 139. © Ea ccot erattsniceninricmcameatanemanionraieceeraeasia a coe eS he : es Fass spin 8d. COUNTY 00 ee | , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate TN cei eau cs cantata a , deceased ; that to 4 ee his ee belonging to ahéve: named children-of ..A4/ . informatigf and beljff, the d PLE. ¢ fee. fh oe4 soe APY: 6G : ; i fire —o that to the best of his knowledge, Se . dollars; and the uns ly e information and belief, the value of s estate is about ...-..~< — value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... <7 * Sete a Lax oh Sworn Pa to wid Sub EHIbC bel ore me this “Ge 2A... to and subscribed before me this -. ay ........- day of ae, ee Clerk S uperior Tt. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Cee _.. County. oe 4 i minor heir $., salemaly swear that I will well and traly take ohana of, and preserve, all the estate of my said wardS; and tMat I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate — in my hands; and that I will renew my d every three. yeags in she Superior A. STATE O NORTH C ROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Cou and ual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in a hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior igure, a8 the I the law W Tequizep; ang all ao duti ardia sonaiad ley and honestly ee po enact Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. wor Corese wm cA nas (LE PBam A - ase V2 ° ore mé ed Pena ire ee oe OE germane LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. “ cee ee teeeeeeneee LAA LER —. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, i ACR. County, State of North Te County, To all to whom these Presents shalp cowc--GREETING : : To all to whom these ereeettant come--GREETING : ere to aes Undersigned, y Kd rior Court for... nggrsigned, Clerk of he Superior Court for. SNE th and sworn to before me this. .. 1 wanda OR » ag 139 (2 MN Farcher seve} new e Se tee Onto nebemasescesesesesaee ha g applied for the guardianship of said minor child...--.... , and having been duly q Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Sea to and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to’ Now te are mee to Authofize and Sueaner the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the is fa aie te rights and credits, of said minor orpban.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and pore Soe d if for the mened) and oe of ppfaid minor mi. = and ji (eee lees a and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor f---» and every part th faaat coh is alot dao ioe tas weecsiatiiae’s 1 and the seal of the said Court, this the VLA ..day of. - Tr} rs j sone eededeciinn cnn g — NAY ; AAW e ‘ x e PR Ns eat teak BEE NN al 1 lalla aria Aenean seteeesees oe ans! Pa AC NRT a oa oa a shall, within three months after his qualification a areca , ‘ j — = EA as ks NEL RP Jo shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or ep eptnngnde reepreey-aun pr pete pend pdooe fgg opuoed erty APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CouRT,........ ~~ A«4 Ce“e— In the matter of -.....-..---. Minor Orphans. / t of said County: | iz | | Y Gurckea oni Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE O ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. one coreneene Ob etch tk E— _..Connty. minor heir..., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. f day of | | --vce-y Guardia D. | | ie | Cake eee al GUARDIANSHIP. y ee ing arg t - ‘ee. the Supepor Co cs diteeetiaidtahiih nucle Pinal te or eeeess--nee--- Aino? Orphan SA._..... without guardian; and having applied for the guardianship of said minor child en, and having been duly qualified us ; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan S wheresosver to be found, and the same {o take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate t thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan A, and to law. oeenwnedeewewewne Lane his recelpts and disbursements for the past in the . ‘ho Clerk of Buperior Court may examine, on. aon ee Letters of ae may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for tha interest of the said minor orphans. This 2 BP eos day of......- <a a : on fu Bibi Miaictiaks carn oh Ao onell. ey y Mo —<@ aii APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,............ 7 --.--- COUNTY. In the matter of . Riis. oe swe? APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .... Minor Orphang. / To the Clerk of the S AE, of said County: The application of... “2 ANA. si adlitsiadacapacbals asth respectfully presents that. Sarat, Ong 2 : i a ste minor outime ot 22K 1 == Dash. niece tcc Aaile deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor childrer 6 entitled’ to,real and personal estate to the value of .<~@/40~4.. (Pur sone sennnnnnnnnn nena nnn nnnnanninnnnnennnnnnnnanananuensacnueeeternennnesnsneeeenssssseeeee--» Gollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that COUNTY-:-ss. sae -..--..---, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with tie real and personal estate no ® Dh (y. ss 2 a , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is-about Teds, ad dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about..................-------.22..-.--22222-eceeeereeeeeeneee .......-- dollars, ee. subscribed before me this ........ A o -.---.--. day of lee Of ss ae fb bof OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT’. enitinnas cea Mccatececesetteste ; ..... County. oO) / fg ‘ - Aono wove-oe-e-y Guardian for—/ S4-F-#4* \ Aa_¥ot dctlekeiatieencaele aie ming » 8olemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Arnual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remaing in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said sughinsh I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subgepibed and sworn to belore me this. - 2 f day of a Sontoae 189 LE Clerk Superior Court. --eoesceeey Guardian, LETTERS OF GUARDIA State of North Carolina,....&%/ ng Ie Ce, Undersigned, Clerk or Court for ..... SAP Mp iota i County, that | Ana Sd. FOE | NE LAE LOTS: &: RS BEE Roe EEE LE ES ‘ <i eeieipcefcrhconn pani eiaele Be eee orphan........... without guardian; and CT cities having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualff js such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to entey/ja and upon all and singular the goods and chattela, rights and credit, of said minor orphan.....wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possossion, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor }.---) and to law. yates ego aan W. oe ad and the seal of the said Court, this the... ‘¥ 5p fri ins uO ee “ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. of tee, ~ SUPERIOR COURT.,......---..--------ssee-cobee ene tre nena In phe matter of art nerve beaten ee | APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the Supefior, Court of said ip ee 8 he application = Ee : Maas a7 ; aga arg without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to reatend personal estate to the value ey ee UY. fpr 4 Br a aS reece ee Ne Dl ee ee ea te dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. . Therefore, that thejestate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that oe interest of the said minor orphans. PU tr S. Ar 2 Af when a aa So being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the-rewbend personal estate ing to the above-named childzes of .. aes 5 and subscribed before me this 2 x WN Barkin Superior Court. ., deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ...dollars ; andthe OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE Of NORTH CAROLINA, Bee ss.—IN THE SUPERI OURT. ae OL A ce Lee aie _. County. ese ssh A Mh oe --Botrs.. ee , Guardian for... Ke cs te NN RRR ae a S any of the estate remains in amy hands; and that I will renew my bead e every three years in the Superior law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ail ae: State of North C To all to whom these Pres Caises to t It _ Clerk of the Superior Cou ciNiccaianecwet yA A... Bes ska hepa a County, that Po sticaih cs aa ted ....... Minor orphan having applied for the guardianship of said minor obild pial or jl aad upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights yeegsion, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate F i #177,—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his q Eo eS ee ae heres enna eee him up to that time; but such time may be extended by the , ‘4078.—Every executor, administrator, collector or gv.‘rdian shall, within twelve months from da‘ aaenaabieemth, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Cvurt of all of Buperior Court on good cause shown, not exceeding #1x months. bis qualtfication or appointment, annually so long as any of the estate remains in his 79 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. : SUPERIOR COURT,................. 4 LEA 4A]. COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Mtn A PA JIOnAOA ALS are minor children of. ees 2 has, ee ee, gs i ate fi wore to the best information and belief of your applicant. at forss ga e End, Therefor, aes the estate of the haid ante orphans may be preserved an managed atverd i flaw, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may(he issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the fAterest of the said minor orphans, This __... £2 ie ~ day of of oy 139 © Ne e .COUNTY-:-ss. ao oe A ae ee , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging t above-named children of Me sie *K-ve Ay , deceased ; that to the dest of his knowl information and belief, the valua of said estate, is about Pens Bescsahnd coats ........ dollars ; Aan tefofbinpasscch pnt - dhs, Paes aes Ree: Mis ee subscribed before me this ........ 2 ~__._.. day of ee e OATH OF GUARDIAN. RTH ee ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , Guardian for. Le G4 CLA Ulett uf fick J ve ‘ mino, ; solemaly 61 swear rie I will ‘wall and rely take shins of, and preserve, all the estate io my sa ard...; and that I will make true ret and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law,requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. sworn to before me this ...... ee ..day of 139 & , Guardian, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. State of North Carolina, eV ra Clerk of the lp de fo NSE... ob ESN, EO... - 2. 4 .._ adhe Oa. minor orphan @~..... without guardian; and ........ having applied for the guardianship of said minor child 4>~4 and having been duly qualified Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and and credits, of said minor orphan.s...wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into en oe and every. eof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan.»., and to law. { the soal of the said Court, this tho ....-se2day of S01 being Certified t executor, administrator, collector and Pree his hands or received by him up to that time; wel vame ween mnng 50-eonsamen a Tne executor, administrator, ee a ne ee ee saoneers Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, nt, and hier plemented pth gmat “80 ne APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR COURT,.. In the matter of \ +, APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. --COUNTY. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the att ourt of said County: __.respectfully presents eae — at The application of. £4‘ OM. 4 EEAAKA ZZ To the Ailooks TK erefore, ‘that the ¢ estate of the ‘eaid minor orpiade may be peesievell and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of gy may be issued_{o him, or such other person as the Court may think as of the said minor orphans, This. ts COUNTY--ss. 9 being duly sworn, sgys that he is acquainted with the seetesd personal estate DO a Prd -» deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Cae _ dollars ; and the __ dollars, ts ae cece aden of .. belonging to the above-named child#e® of ..—y.--' + CAA information and belief, the value of said estate is about Leone JE: value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Fa Sworn gtyand subscribed before me this 4h ne OO 1h Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, | -SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ceva nua-- COUREY. j th ey ae Qn the a ate , Guardian for C47 AZ Pe minor aa , Solemnly swear that I will well and truly take bars ge of, and preserve, all the estate a of my ” sald ward ..; and that I Mill make ieve returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Gy sworn to before me this LL : day of Tua ‘ tN PPL Ley _ovs--- y Guardian. ...County—In the Superior Court. e Undersigned, flerk of ond Superior Court for -. a _minor orphan. .. without guardian; and ....—~. Ff having applied for the guardianship of said minor child , amhaving been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Gugfdian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresoover to be found, and the same Jo/fhke into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every.4 hereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor =, and Fes Ww. estate, and having Se sere me nat eae eien ener Code of Civit Procedure, Sections 477, 478. ‘eh sll be doomed APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CourRrtT,.............. “|. COUNTY. In the matter of ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. wenwarenwnnwnwneenwns snenwn aennncneenesenentnnenanecenennentannsnnscene= Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the ior irc of said County: é The appligation of../J¥YV.-Y" | ay coca | eS Nee eR respectfully presents that. 2 Ba AZ. Abhi b. At a CPL AA. “Eesha coment are minor children of.___/¥. on 2) ; i rsonal estate aged according to law, your applicant prays that interest of the said minor orphans. , SeeeEwMe; that to the best of his knowledge, a r Plamen _ nn... dollars; and the value of the rents and a. of the real estate is about........-- POPMMRT acc aca o's information and belief, the value of said estate is about.. .. dollars, Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. RTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Bees tars jk (i 92) es , Guardian for... SOM _A—.. b Pi minor heir blemaly #1 swear that I will ell and t trply ‘take cane of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward. : - and that I make true returns and Annudf Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior a day of -_ ANCA to before me this... ,¢8, @. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. unty, come--GREETING : minor orphan... ici ithout guardian; and having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.Q% d having been duly qualified Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter and credits, of said minor orpban..~ wheresosver to be found, and pepe tr secure and i 4 strereel for the benefit and advantages of the said mi 81 479 upon all and singu. tho goods and obattele, rights i the value of. LL aa . dollars, according to the best information and beligf of your/applicant. Se eS 82 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR CouRT, \“ 74 \ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, wb ee) c “le ceusaae COUNTY. | APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ' ~ po e deoensed,-entmore without a guardian ; that the said mines-obitdren-ane cntitled to real and personal estate to the value of... ...- AAA se eS ee sneneeeenee anne sgh _ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. anaged according to law, your applicant prays that To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said mines-omphems—may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Pe i ee te ee dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. ~ Tothe End? heres, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and. Letters of GuardiggShip may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may thinkMest for if / Mite: riinor orphans, Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said BORE hee This day 0 cio 1894 1809 ote 7 (: Merah Lh Lowr ‘ \ as ae L_@ 2_. _... COUNT Y-<ss. _COUNTY--ss. } “ay L 1. Le. A AAAS. 2m haces , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate Pn — duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to tf above-named oktRHeEof ._. ome Pee a Ne ae a raoeresed ; that to the best of his knowledge, belonging to the above-named ehttdren-0f—__.. ss deseaset> that to the best of his knowledge, oO information and belief, the value of said estate is about oe Satis cshanantinabiecie sdtentieninrominifiiiienieii dials dlliit psi iam BiG Bs information and belief, the value of said estate is about 2: 5 Oe. Freliding totere—and-the- value of the rents and profits of the real ee So ce aed cog asc aan Nc ern « Le econ — vetee-ofthe rents and profits of the real estate iocbontes? ™ : ....... totars- Sworg,to and subscribed before me this .. day of Sworg to and subscribed before me this. 2 a eons OAS OF Clerk erior Court. , ats Clerk Superior Court. ZZ 2e. GJ Mlleesn cacsetn— [| 3 oe gp anf L2G OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE . * NORTH CAROLINA, | STATE NORTH CAROLINA, YL A Le a -SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. } ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ; roe wieae .. County. j a .. County. Abt etl itee ake” , Guardian for (Dr. Mh LOU WOK 2 bPLteun Cee 2 ‘ , Guardian sid ciel Aci encanta, cael sme / /solemaly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of 1 my said ward...; and that I will make true returns sminorheie , solemnly swear that I will well and traly take cbatge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward. ; and that I will make true returas and Anndal Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties — I will fayhfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability, a sworn to before me this... sccinedgeencel OA OF me & 189 47 2. : Subscribed and sworn to before me this A. 7 day of if os ¢ ° ‘ i VA : <b oe Be Gaara. LALA ; 4 ie fle sy Guardian, og Tl Cs oh ,08.06, LETTERS OF GU HIP. LETTERS OF GUARDIAMBHIP. an tathsudesearuleee Mtaaeera A <<... County—In the Superior Court. allan aeeeaes (4A voocecssosee--eCounty—In the Supericr Court, State of North Carolina, ek eM Ml. ag sis State of North Carolina,. La SLL County, It being To all to whom these.Preseats shall aome--GREETING : ed, Clerk of the Superior Court for having applied for the guard hip of said d to the Undersi Ifybeing ‘Of, Goto hehe a Ae eee — guardian; an ae.., and having been duly qualified : having applied for the guardianship of .said ¢nrmep-ohiid , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these ar; erefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in Gnd upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these i to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of oa wheresosver to be found, an Same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and credits, of said _wheresoaver to be found, and im same Brtake into possession, secure and improve, and further to manaye p mid nate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said mlnor-eephen...., and according to law. and every part thereof Yor the benefit and advantages of the said , and gee tg mad aad the seal of a said Court, this the .....€@..2~.....day of............ CC. BA * f andthe seal of the said Court, this the . AG. ------ uy of ee oh eae UME a ee eae yee ‘ a ae Leaky _—. MA Eatin . $7 Every executor, ‘administrator, collector aud guardian shall, within three months after his qualification or the eatate in his hands oF recelved by him ap to that time; but auch time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court 408.—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of nie antinneian er an pais ste Sh wegen adhe me Gre smile mpi aarti gna under oath, of the amount of property recelved by a ad of such Investment, ee Sort may examine om ant, puch accouting party or aay ste He must produce tel ae ro ae oon 477, A78. tt 8 4 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 85. 4129 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, . : KE COUNTY. ‘ tLe UPERIOR COURT......‘ OMe. ieconane oan oc ancabantacadanagtGn eae ake ee In the matter 0 f 26 ” — - Se I —— a RPPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, = eLe pee i hang. | Minor Orphan{. ; senmeettentenneceeensessnennnensneneeereeesnennes Minor Orphans, / To the Clerk of the Wt of said omy : the To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Coysgty: licati Mh. ae nae : _.......... respectfully presents that. es ee les a , ° " om a "Dey hd Mt Le Nt feo. eee FI oy --- respectfully presents that..4-7.V.4—@ 2 we Fe Meee ee a 2 children o 4 LBA Lew Cd ie Bests aM oe Sis ee, Dy ; _ pe | Cie as ec hf. he A acho Ne ii ins needs cea bs pe and are without a guapdian ; tha ithe said minor child Arey aye * seal dard lersonal estate Bate Sable ‘ =p nmin a nnnnn awe nnnns 4 deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to suum personal estate to the value of “7 / ad Me tc Ler tee Bu Jaoon. according to the best information and belief of your applicant. a . doll di 5 oe biics ollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. Le Sais , that the estate of tho said mino sess may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that To the End, ‘Thevehie, that the aeieie oe ‘the ‘ate “a orphans may be proserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of a may be issued fyhim, or such other person as the Court may think wy; foy the interest of tlpsaid minor weg ye Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, vr such other person as tho Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This day o aaa Ey 1897. Fy, : Be COUNTY--ss. SoS mr ee oe y sito . ° > . : “aa tor Maret SE ASEAN ES ee ’ . crc he ML Mahe MAA gory... yy... ying duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate a childwas of , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate J Clee’ of the rents a and id profits pl the real, estffe is , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, SSIOC2. _... dollars jaeindathiee Hn YO a eee eae Mid tzes wt ese eh". dflars ; and the ee ais subscribe before me this day ane ‘ sis Court. . OATH OF GUARDIAN. ss Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE ¢ NORTH CAROLINA, | AROLINA, Mpe ALLL ; { ss.—INn THE SUPERIOR CourT. este eet Bienen Caan ounty. AL f Norton Sf --------------- County, A= @a. nh Ary , Guardian for A 4px AOA 44 tA hun. ee whether GAL. is minor hr... solemaly swear that I will we nase and traly take oharge of, and preserve, the es€ate of My said ward...; and that I will make true returns minor hein, wre swear ihe I will well and truly take ohare of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; aan that I will make true returns and ual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of tho estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Co as the law requires; and all other duties of 3 said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. . Sulsgribed and sworn to before me this day of (2 ee sworn to before me this... Z/ aesscevce, acs QAP O Mh Ye : joa je , Guardian. wanennn nee LZ, es 189 7 2 ; pe banat sah PEA knees) wosacenecoasoeey Guardian, : U4 FA At WM ow 686 . LETTERS OF G ANSH(P. A Atte su County—In the Superior Court. oo he State of North Carolina Keck Cc 5 ina. & . Hh. 2 To all to whom these Preset To all to whom these Present 4 . E lek of the Superior Cour§ for, a As dO HAAck—-1 (Ol minor orphan*......... without guardian; and ...4.04..4.0.0..4.0. A°0O“N Oy having applied for the guardiansbip of said minor child Asset, and having been duly qualified as such; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower ihe said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and obatiels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the sanie to take into pussession, secure and improve, en and a thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and to law. sca secollie eee eaas saree Cnnnrpfattarrreen Gfenencecen-cen snip BO. f Witness op d the soal of the said Court, this tho..2- -....day of. CA eee e * eneenter; eAnataiauraner, collector and guardian shall, within throe montha after his q i i: i Si i Maw catate tn le hands oF rece ved by nim wp vo that te; but such time many be extended by the C excending 1 spor Go wi \ sa, witha dren m Seuens , administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months fropy peappenegsee OO | : m oF , thas t pate LETTERS OF GUARD fersigne lork of the Superior Court for... It bei ertified to the U -veccenwwwe WIUNGUL SUGIUIGN, ald ..... and oredits, of said minor orphan... and overy part thereof for the bonoftt and advantages of the said minor orphan... mder oath, of the lala ia ta in antl APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. and personal estate to the value of ......-.-..---..----.----.---.... ...dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. This .. oe itera A ‘Z ~ Le APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.... 485 . COUNTY. In the matter of Minor Orphans, / of said County ; cman COUNT Y-:-<ss. ee Gs duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal esiate ada is about PL. o information and belief, the value of ga , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, =—-— ... dollars ; and the .. dollars, waa: value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworp/to ang subscribed before me this S/S Fraeecceuss MOCO Clerk Superior Court. ; OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATEXNDOF NORTH CAROLINA, | oe THE SUPERIOR CouRT. PS a SCS Pte : / , Guardian for (at. 7 4 folomaly 5 swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve; all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of -. said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. day of (P Fa... Oe Dae A ea ie , Guardian. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _.- RS sip siscuunaGaaneiie a County—In the Superior Court. ~ p24 ar County, To all to whom these Presentsfhall come--GREETING : Mote, Certified ae phe Undersigned, didcheeuii ldap tbeiieciacciesaiigekobesciesmelanase minor orphan®......... without guardian; and . Se having applied for the guardianship of said minor childrex..., and having been duly qualj Ad is-such: . Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to efter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights ad oredits, of said minor orphans’. wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphang*.., and accordjng to law. “ State of North Carolina, ...County, that #77.—Evory executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his qualification or appointment, make i faacery executor, naminietaor clio ara sal, witin tay Bee elie at She ele ns rena Mile, In the office ietens Cheon of wapertes cin autraenoary ghar control, of auch Investment, eas ot Cu baer oerrone payne ie ee for the amen meh mcng om nena Cro ure Ovr may ext accounting party or any other person seen a coe eats diane, be mens entciee bis ope i rvoctdure, boon Oa . COUNTY--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ad , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, . dollars ; and the ..- dollars; Bet ttc en ‘and subscribed before me this -. 89. Sworn Clerk Superior ( Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. “Fe . — camera THE SUPERIOR CourRT. , Guardian tor 7Y.%f + Ae. Ge de : I+fA.E, 72. Erno Site ee ec Mnaes minor heirf.., soffmaly swear that I will itt. ina traly take eiaies of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; aud that I will make true returns and Annual S€ttlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my ca every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said ghardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. nae sworn to before me this - Ce eppengupens TF) 3 oes LAL 189 7... Pp LETTERS OF GUAR » Guardian. San a State of North Carolina, .7 dial site To all to whom these Presentsfhall co It being Te. to the JUndersigned, a. of the Superior Court,for -..-. DAMME AY 2.6 10 minor orphan. S%........ without guardian; and .&<“(« having applied for the guardianship of said minor child7@m..., and having been duly qualified as sash ' Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and apoa oll and stagular the pode ad chstinln sights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, srrner end agen aah oa and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of gaa cosa and to Jaw. . Onna --GREETING : ene ew none 86 ~ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.... COUNTY. In the matter of In the matter of APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ieee ee. 2 ial Geils | a Dr. igs espectfully presents mack ¢ alether! : f said County: of said County ; dian ; that the said minor chjgdren are entitled tor ag cd --COUNTY--ss. Z if g duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate . ig Ie ad ova , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value/f said,estate Ge A ane cone anatase na + onenn sees dollars; and the A\ value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about...7.&*-741 | Sworg/to ang subscribed before me this SJ, LZ eS epee ane HX Charthia—\ ~. eph-\ath adams : nL Clerk Superior Court. ...dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... .-- dollars, ..- dollars: Bett tt te i 3 ~ at withopt a gu ' ' | j “Clerk Superior Court. a oma sad ————SS = = ~ eI 4 } i iz | | 1 OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATEV/OF NORTH CAROLINA, : STATE,OF' NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. Hea LCA ; Se County. an be SG Soo on Mi agg nnn bce . bos ok. AA 4A-taem- , Guardian for (at. 7 Lf ae ly OLA AL YN em nnn Guardian for. 7. minor h 4 Slemaly swear that f will well and traly take shine of, and preserve; all the estate of my said ward: a - and that I will make trae n returns minor heirf., soffanly swear that I will well and traly take sates of, and preserve, me he Be Gide poms 4 aa a> will make true returns and aguas Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Stttlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my ad every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of i said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said ghardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this __. 2-J- . day of ( _.day of & ‘ eee AACA APN, Guardian. , Guardian, De. On ; 0.8.6, Scie ae NR ae _% Xe Buck Hosa) LETTERS OF ee ANSHI ao — CAAA. ................County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, fafa ....County, To all to whom these Presenatsyhall come--GREETING: ; e » . To all to whom these Preseatsffhall conre--GREETING: ..County, that It being TC, A.M. GAY ALS ie G PF» MAA AAA. eet ai ES I a ee minor orphan.S........ without guardian ; and .S<“ (+ having applied for the guardianship of said minor childrem_.., and having been duly qualjfAd as.such: 5 having applied for the guardianship of said minor child7@n...., and having been daly qualified as such ; » Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to efter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights 1 ’ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the , and credits, of said minor orphang‘...wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and credits, of said minor orphamf..wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and norm and further and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphans.., and accordjng to law. - and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan ., end aocordjg@ to A nd the seal of the said Court, this tho... 2-5 = ical day of... a d the seal of the said Court, this er re LETTERS OF GUAR administrator, collector and guardian shall, within after his qualification or cppataumant make raturn on cub to D the atate in his banda of Foe ved by hin stare asset nar aes good cause shown, n¢ ng eee ees Sneha ee onan ne Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of of ptean daburcmnenta fo tho past ear othe form of debit nnd rea pain crap nan t an er eupener Court may examtne, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the receipts een ccounts If he approve the same, he must endoree his approval thereon, whlch phatl 88" APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. --COUNTY, SUPERIOR COURT,.. matter of In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. a ES of EE eG REAR SESS NU EVE ler leer CN Minor Orphany To the Clerk of the FL W5 be said County: The pe cts respec Widens ge ee “ape-minor childses of _. A_ as see occ} a guardian ; that the sai minor child sg ave entitled to re d personal estate to the value of -.....--.-.-- 2-2 se e Se deceased, dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. managed according to nt prays that r the interes .COUNTY--ss. | ae --, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate / os -. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. f the ‘said 1 minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for Vy Velbailicte, of the said minor orphans. -..COUNTY-<-ss. Pec O Nec aul daa ce Ramen , being duly sworn, ~ that ” is acquainted with the real and personal estate - ed ; that to the best of his knowledge, ty foo ....dollars; apdthe — a cr -, deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, belonging to the above-named ohiidiie of ee ee n ce e te e n i e ae : en i n g ' ‘ ' ' \ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ t ‘ i ' ' ‘ ‘ ' of, is about.°- et | anne nae eee ee PONE enone comin Seti pier eines dollars ; and the information and belief, the value of said dors Zana gn | value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.-- Swo, apd subscribed before me this’... te ne atone day of ~ Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. ue OATH OF GUARDIAN. va : STATE NORTH CAROLINA, <scsceandecem * A_— AA Ae... County. uperior Court. pe e r em n e e y e a e n s n e s i m a i u i o n a n e e e e e n i n n | | | | | | | | fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ee eer rT rT rT Perr rs eir..., ‘solemaly si swear r that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, , all an estate of my said ward...; and that I wit make true r etur ns minor heir_.,, solemaly swear - that I will well and traly take lange of, and preserve, all the estate of n my y said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the Jaw requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the gw requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. en e Subscrfed ang swgrn to Welore me this. aed o° tO OF eo... , Guardian. , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUA sill State of North Carolina,. adhe alhe 2 5%. _..County, To all to whom these Present ss Court for. Mh NA he SY NYG ni mnenninrrntr asd Sua erica Bria ses iss oat fe eee minor orphan........... without guardian; and 7 ( Natdiuds oo . It being Certified to t¥q Undgrsigned, Clerk, having applied for the gyardianship of said MK having applied for the guardianship of said minor child ......... , and having been duly qualified as sach: Now these are Wher .to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to‘¢nter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods am and credits, of are Pheri ca ‘“wheresosver to be found, andthe sa take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate | and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the game to take into and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the wa-ny ODO i, to law, ‘ and every part for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and Wi and the seal of the said Court, this the .. ws Ahm... day of RM ai. scat aes: : my hand an seal of the said Court, this he Bay Of Aa VA nhs a Ml }77.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his qualification or appointment, mak $n. cnt 08 C Une eatato in hnla hands of reoe!ved by init up to that time; but auch time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good canes Showa nag ceed! tro ale, n ane ome of the Clare of Superior Court, an inventory and account, underoath of the amount of peter ere ee he ’ F pe peonranlrden bargin feeder freemen oy pons ereb egw yng phor Mge gpd pan Acloode pire op = hen pit Sek secieaaiae cieer inearca He must oo 90 488 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERICR COURT,.. 91 taiaaii : 489 © APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. - ; SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of AAR COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Rach nlc ecensaal oe Minor Orphans. / ee To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Comnty: To the Clerk of the Syperior Court of said County : é (ithout a guardian; that the said minor childvem are entitled to ref a ergonal estate to t Zi g j 7 eae) OE LI LAP re... --nnnnnnsennncn-nnnee dollars, according to the best information.and belief-of your applicant. To the End, e, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the saigminor orphans. tis. f=... day Cet— sites erefore, that the effate pf the said minor orphang may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphang. Se ee - Tee pati espe SS EEE soncons Sie ste Ney oe ee eae — _--- COUNTY--ss. U, ™ i] Bi eg , being duly’ sworn, says thatShe is acquainted with the real and personal estate ? ; me s : sr ~---------y Geceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, belongingfo the glfove-named chil gaan y phe Lot a , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, > ee AAA ane UY 2AA ie . a Y i a aa ceca rieihies nai connemteeriniye Penny ttartr tnasiineds dollars ; and the inforn{ption ad belief, the valus of saj éstate is about, . “= hain ST. dollars ; and-the— ti : } value of the rents and profits of the teal estate is about.......<——__ Rose ee Esk ue ek oe DENG Tort Cotas Tsao | Oc to and sybscribed before me this — nee day of Sworn_to and subscribed before me this ..© LAA... day of q COD A499. Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE F NQRTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. wenee nnn naan Shag on bee xine peri pgueren............ County. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. NORTH oo hh de Wott pe SES En alle iit sicnnsininestinetinn nets , Guardi, ;-- fLt ite ae fe hee eo. a | minor heir§., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said wards ; and that I will make true returns ir.., solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will'make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior andfyYanual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Co , a8 the law requires; and all other duties of my remo I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this - - > 2. to before me this -.....-.. /- picsoiua day of 48% ..., Guardian, LETTERS OF GUAR _ou.---a----. County, that without guardian; and Ast ariwtbienetdnewcseuinilvemsies Chan Seka Sg TE ec sens ieee ements NARI cha aaa ae trae tum peo anh belie ns minor orphan...--....-- without guardian ; an having applied for the guardianship of said minor childY-€%\..., and having been duly qualified as such: having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly q Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresoever to be found, and the same to take i secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part Sorel Se the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan $.., and and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor sil Fae Witn hand and ide seal of the said Court, this the .....f. snvieniwoe GY OE LICE ORR a s € 4 the seal of tho said Court, this the... F- AAAS, tay of... eeenawrena Tene la sewn ane Gown ie anaes OO a ela e tween emsneekassasreseehanenscentnadindiuig SORE TMT, mmm, 8) ORY ESS UR IR Mme rman era al Hh Nl NI lc. e000) Rial 8s as = —— #477.~Every tor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his qualification or appointment, make ‘hands of received by hilt up to that time; but such time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cance ing (: ‘ , administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually 80 long as any of the estate remains in his control, file, in -offive of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property recetved by him, or int sted by ra ate of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit. He must produce vouchers, which must be filed with the: bork of Bune a for : rk of & ; ‘The Clerk of Court may examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person the 1y other matt forall : _ , aaa > ae vs concerning nivs enciT¥e tomeed pions Peat a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ; SUPERIOR CouRT,..\“A“<—"“ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.,........ .._ COUNTY. In the matter of In the matter of dollars, afcoyding to the best information aud belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefor e estate of the said minor orphans may be ~preserved and managed accordiug to law, your applicant prays that -. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. refore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued yo him, im,or such other pat Court may think best for th Po * a i such other person as the Court may think 7 for the interest of the said minor orphans. -~ gr fn fo LAE 7 se CA eel E he wat ll any laa re ; tO 7a Ft ns OE Ghia ND COUNTY-<-ss. a4 being duly sworn, says — is acquainted with the real and pony estate (A. says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ce i p i e p e m i e n e e g e e e e e | | } a belonging to yhe above- ae ; feo , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Ee a eee nada that to the best of ite knowledge, informatiof lef, Ai IS AbOUL. <n nnnnnnnnannnennneenee =aoriarnsoneethicip-nciier-serd gn dollars ; aind~blie= information and belief, the value of said estate is about. Den —4,- “ dollars ; and the ! COE TS IO ai —dottarss— value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Uecetnonip ia cer acne rcceuecer seh eevee ae Mere ee dollars. | s to and subscribed before me this -..- ribed before me this ..../ oe day of I Sworn tgand su N 7 s —E Clerk Superior Cou OATH OF GUARDIAN. ela ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. unty. fkia MT ites ) __ siaoimaal adil “XG AS 7 minor heif-.., solemnly swear that will wall and truly take obangs of, and cane all 1 estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true retarne : ta and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior perform with the 2 J of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties SOLA... I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ements as long as any of the estate remains in a ay hands; and that I will renew my boad ¢ every three years in the ieee requires; and all other duties of Zz, id g eptads I will faithfully and hones LP day of sworn to before me this... day of , Guardian. State of North Carolina, ! To all to whom these Preseats being Ce d to. the Under ned, Clerk of the Soperioe Court Tap. (9... Gf gaia ctacat aaligcanll sie dcacess Nek. [ nkhe; . Fite, how asada SetNth: dcs MRMT D eee cies oonciwcnp ss minor scitiek i without guardian; and <7 =-€-4—. having applied for the guardianship of said minor child/ Zand having been duly qualified as such: ae Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan..wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into and every part pireractfor the benefit and advantages of the said minor prphagy’.., and weer eeeone 6 eeewwwnewn wey iw aandcsbiiae i : Pye , ytd vary: eeebeenanraeennennen, eumaaniae ox guardian, ON, wemnve tate maniba fens Gate Of Hin Gand or appointment, annually control, file, in the office of the Clerk of Ateirarowsnanta for Ue post seat tn Wwe ferns 9 detll and ered, ie eitok wets een oY niet, OF taveutns by Stas, of such investment, and bls receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit, He must Produce vouchers, which must be Ovurt may examine, on oath, such accounting purty or any other person conoerolug the the receipts, audited such account, if ho semen an een MA eeet Tee ee a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT........-! In the matter of \ 95 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT ,....4 4.000 oe **—....... COUNTY. ,—- Aeow 7, ft. i fil? dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or sych other person as the Court may think best for the inter w f the said minor orphans, This. Lx ex: day of. eke Ses 80S ag La te _....... AKCOUNTY--ss. C7 et cs Nee Nec , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-na OI OE in nc sroreneesalien , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, th : i is about /..--- : Pc OT I a dollars; andthe hie. Sworn to and gubscribed before me this .- re Casa day of — 1890. OATH OF GUARD? CAROLINA, STAT NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. : ee aja THE SUPERIOR CouRT. 1.6 (ie conteeneTe ed wctnn AX Anes. Joe I—|A-4A BACK , Guardian for. Diary > Cece ke Foy toctfe) : 7 : 70 of, &; a ; : te of my said-ward...; and that I will true revarns solemnly swear ha y ill well and traly take obarge of, and preserve, all the Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I fyill renew my bond every three years in the Superior / i @ Racca generates ans <meptoimecnind alicia It being Certified to the ,Undersigned, Clrk vol A, hort, Fann 8 gn toeare AO eclitsatitines Meee a aks pale Ke ai eel la RES eh ii a amici or orphan 3._/...... without guardian ; (aD A ORD Te eh Ne vaianiia Salt Sdacamiacllemadaabaas spbenele Sealkskisde apn oll orphan pi having applied for the guardianship of said minor childAc—«/., and having been duly qualified as such: kee 4 dianship of said minor child.......... and having been tra falified ps such: .. ~ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods at 4 o Authorize and Rmnpower the said Guardiag’to enter fn and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights 4 and credits, of said minor orphan». wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into | gf Oy Bm Crphan...., ver to be found, and the same to take (nto pos > secure and improve, mee eee jeregf-for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan &., and g r80 é am rh banat ent ym 2 that but such time — administrator, O Of the Clerk of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.....~“~“ In the matter of \ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSH! 495_ SUPERIOR COURT, WW eae Sete nciceeasnee COUNTY. COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, deceased 2fd are Gerdes ga a guardian ; that the said mino-ohttdren ape eatitled to #eakand personal estate to the value of .....<_-. “Fe e ie 2.9. hf GRD Rena iene a ae ae a al pn glollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. o the End, Therefore, that the estate of the sai j ay be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issueg to him, or such other person as the Court may think b Eeeeeroe ete mee oe ne enue ees a Te a ae dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may thing best for the interest of the said minor orphans, mis LC... ieee — of... Ss , says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate a , Geceaset=that to the best of his knowledge, » being duly ‘n, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledg:, he above-named informatin/and belief, the value/of saidestate is abo fog 2 Se cc ie ca aN ae ae dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is yn PO woeeecsenee vase ctenne seeaaeeeceeeeeneeernneeees dollars, value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about......--<-..---sscsnnnneeeneveezxz—-rn.nNn.n.n...... dollars, va Ly and subscribed before me tf ------- day of 2 ee : Sworn d subscribed before me nee / A Peat ’ belonging ...dollars ; and the OATH OF GUARDIA S ; ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. oh Ore ee ‘cane ane yolemnly swear that I will well and truly take ohaege of, and preserve, all the estate of my y aad ward... a and that I will make true returns minor heir.& sofe Roa. I will well and traly take share of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ®; and that I will make true returns Bettlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my. bond every three years in the Superior and Annual ements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior ‘aw requires ; and all other duties of To dianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the Iawfrequires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. eee .....day of , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUAR SHI State of North Carolina, County, all come--GREETIY er O, Mg NE. dis npanninen ta nanncitnann CRY COPS j and... Sats neil << Pe aiid. csc MMMMM cdc ih minor sort dsl hed without guardian; and...» i ? having applied for the guardianship of said minor chilfAa--~4 and having been duly qualified and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights a Now these are Therefore to Authorize Empower the said Guardian to enter To all to whom these Preseats " and credits, of 8 pinor ae. | wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into fais g : m nef ther? efit and advantages of the said 42 Fwy and sess tg ! EY i | penal 3 of the said Court, this the ...d-..Z.....day pf... AA Senn ete enw en wens nn Masunasenn a ans» VEG OEEye tee Vee eee I Fe Ce rt lt el learn a ell Gers of sapere we r rk of Superior Court aatain teen exceeding eae eaeeuter, edminietzator, eollen!or of guardian shell, within twelve months from se ee a A and the mam ; ‘in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of wer ae ‘and hls receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit. He must produes rushers muh oe ben examine, on oath, such accvunting party or any other person concerning the re eee aes 98 «- APPLICATION FOR GUARDIAN SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY, eo without a PG that the said Saanouaa seontltied to peatamd — estate 10 the Vale Of... cise ee eo, oe 4 ate the End, ‘Therefore, that the te of the Said minor orpheas may be sremprel and managed according hear that Letters of Guardianship may be issued 44 him, or gugh other person as the Court may think Rest for the interest of thepat 8, that to the best of his knowledge, eye lanes and the ... dollars, OATH OF GUAR CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouURT. y; and that I will renew ‘my hekie every three years in the pesariae Will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my sk#l and ability. Py ceny Guardian. 2 oo County. scans ieee cea ie, Se 2... SI eE.-...--..---., Guardian hire . and Annual Sett} Court, as the law ires; and all other duties of 1 ~ said ype D ofl for-she guardianship of si Now these Xre The to Au estine sk Empower the said Guardian to & and credits, - wheresoever to be found, apd the sa and every part thera fh bonoflt and advantages of th » Sod} of the said Court, this the eS att and singular the goods and chattels, rights and improve, and further to manage said estate executor, maimanneenen; collector and guardian shall, within three months LID pointment, inake ret oath Clerk Derails hae tibaocenetee® tertshentapatibeah-qiene;y oan suet tisha uneg e-eitendie’ ny the thece 04 Super . bees weg sh ae. of o¢ Court on gad cause shown, not 99 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COUR 497 Rr has acne eter nce aa bdenionnecacntes COUNTY. matter of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. . Tothe End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think bes cterocg 12. A EI A Anna nn----zey-y Doing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the rextamd personal estate belonging to the above-named children ee a M42 MARA A , deceaseck-that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is sivas et Re -..dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about................-.----------....-------------- Wselcinliehe ssuucilonetisste es ebecaueea dollars, Sworn (ye subscribed before me 7 eats Z Beate day of oa 4 See Ses _ Clerk Superior G Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. NORTH CAROLINA, —IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Pein cecus ceo Coupty. 1... 2, LVAD pitted ee , Guardian tor 72): &. fad Lede Me minor heir. ‘solomaly s swear r that I will well and truly take ohare of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; _ that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said —" I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Dh and sworn to before me this _.......S€¢..7_~<~— day of wiisihcabsleiteck tate Se a ac al minor “age without guardian; and 2. a having applied for the guardianship of said minor chil ‘and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan $. wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into a ee and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said wg and 707. : = tif Taped seal of the said Court, this the = =i APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR COURT, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,...4./—. In the mgtter of rnacacccncennmeoDasee a eo *,..-) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. pane Minor Orphans. Fee os Rae Re ena SR pte ered ceetvai CL aaorcetiis (gt gms Eke Se MMMM |e en 8 Minor Orphans. of said County : “>._....respectfully presents that....< 7? lout. respectfully presents that. PA S7 I Bly ps ge tPA Gy. We Dee ee PKL ate Pom nn tmgnontinaet. D2 otenl deceased, and are without a guardian 7 that the #d minor children are entitled ta real and nal estate to,the Valné OF. OM i es ro deceased, ay age ithout a guardian ; that the said minor child?eq axe entitled to real and personal estate to the value of. ’ * * : , i oY -...------ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. ‘ 3 _ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the And, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphan¢ may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for t To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be isgned to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, _ te. 207 LEN aR prs eat Se kno eee COUNTY--ss. EE an t e en e r .......--, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate -....-..., deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, --.-.---... dollars ; and the information an rT. dollars ; and the wansces.-c-<Q0llars, value Of Gee renee eae preiie of tho real cotaie is abopt 2c nnn occ cececee bac becodncs oe... 32 Galaga value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about i Sworn to and subscribed before me this ......."....T-.....-..... day of OLN = et. ee na ne e en n en ee Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. ’ STATE F NORTH -AROLINA, ss.— IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. i a | - : e. i A _.., Guardian toring p<. In. Kos, £Ofete. (IAL 78. On bm 1. 5 ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. , Guardian for Wey AAs ‘\ solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns minor heir said wine that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior a Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. and sworn to before me this... “7 os day of ‘O 189 F EX) SO Ee owes y Guardian. Subscri a LETTERS OF GUARDI State of North Carolina,.....7/4 To all to whom these Preseat It being Certified to the ed ned, Clerk of the Supe WE Ooi Glen ES coe asian gi iberig tba tiaig eS A“ . ~- -- ene t being Certified to the Undersig rk pf the Superior Cou Sieaiaiee es cuiwdieinincwedtttlnrency iol tenes idle Sen minor orphans? ---- Without Buardiany a Te t e saa cateca ry el ea a as le minor orphan..........- having applied for the guardianship of said minor childA+--~, and having been duly qualified as such: having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having deen daly qu g such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize an Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular tho goods and chattels, rights Now these are ‘Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan. wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estat” and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into pc jon, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate aof-fpn-thg doneflt and advantages of the said minor orphan®.., and a ing to law. oi and every parrtia Aes nefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and oo Lao: sh GOT 00 i eA I il o. Witi Cay \4) 4 W6 sed) of tho said Court, this the... _naflay of. we MRE owe odes t) Oden ee eee ee eR ee wenn ene we eeneee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR COURT,.....-7. 500 , 102 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR COURT, 501 ..COUNTY. COUNTY, the matter of In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. / Minor Orphans, / estate to the value of ... ie _ dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, f the said minor ag may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that said minor orphans may be preserved and ma d according to law, your applicant prays tha he interest ofAhe said minor orphans, ee ee ee r such other person as the Court may think best for the interagt of the said minor orphans, 3 | 4 Aiea ’ AY COUNTY--ss. being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal ostate gia ait , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with tho real and personal ostato re es i re een mee belonging to the above-named children of . —Y,.. OF , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate 1s about dollars ; and the information and belief, the value of #2144 deters enite e valuo of the rents and profits of ‘the real estate is about fa Segictpeee apes ttl value dt the bende andl Woality of the rad-Gtats te ahaa socials: aaa Sw. d subscribed before me this Z QA day of ft = Sh * Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court. a 8 § ene subscribed before me 0 ao _day of scat 189. - a : Ciscoe Jit dc tt o* Sew oe on fH C: OATH OF GUARDIAN. * NORTHJCAROLINA, ss.—-IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. / ¥ peek (Qoeren—— ufc , Guardian { > ec minor hei?”, solemnly swear that I will srall and traly take charge of, and erve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns or he re, solomny-swear that I will coait ie traly ‘aloe sane of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward #; and that I will make rue returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my haids/ and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of ae said guardianship Will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the jaw requires; and all other duties of a7 said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ae Big o Ma aa ache nis Guardian. IF = Lh he oy Guardian, { se 3 | tr | ie O80 n LETTERS OF GUARDIANSH LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. Cem ed eae tecashardsouescueebiaencae County—Ia the Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. NORTH CAR INA, js THE SUPERIOR Court’. , Guardian alti a wiciee: Oe 4G: , OL .. County. ei n e n ee DE E D E S SE N E T Sn ee ee ...County—In the Superior Court. inate «:GREETIN To all to whom these Preseats It being Ce t}fied to the Ungtysigned, Clerk of the S County, that r Court for.... ..minor orphan. invaded without guardian; and &““t--*-—= aXe @ i eetcmtncttce cent SL A RC IC R E R N C R O N - o p a N n c a a m a g a e A siikasvasneii oa a minor ss £ having applied tho guardianship of said minor a. (Mah and haying been duly qualified as such : “ae having applied for the guardianship of said minor chilgA4e44~ end having been duly qualified as such : Now thesé are Therefore to Authorize anf Empower tho said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, and credits, of said minor orphan #..wheresosvor to be found, and tho same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said enn | and credits, of said ne Abe '_wheresosver to be found, and the same to into possession, secure and improve, and further ” manage 2 and every part thoreof for the benofit and advantages of tho said minor orphanZ., and and every part 3 AdéOHaft and advantages of the said minor orphan te Witnoss, my heffd ix’ thd soa) of the said Court, this tho .../..ce&<. | rete | bi IA. 4 : Fini whic % ASS . ate n hin banda or reeled hy him w Stern mate mane , ‘administrator, collector of guardian sball, within ine raat maserane Grek aves antes stp eee yore fa Tv 503 - APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CouRT—..~ sacra saceeaatt Amann COUNT Ws APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, ...f4050" \ In the matter In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Orphans. / , .. Minor Orphan said County: , and are witho uf a guardian ; that the said minor children-are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ..- a F(a ON penile aes a Catt a as ee, dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for thei. ~e sf the said minor orphans. degpased, and seq without OR) ' oy e said minor elec. 9g to reatend oe estate to the value of ——f @ estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved a Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think bes anaged according to law, your applicant prays that rs @ said minor orphans. I ° saat ie e e e n t m e t i n e n m t e n n e e m m e c e et h e n e , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, 5 em a i \ i i A} Hi ' | : } ‘ ' is | i} Wo t : | | } -. dollars; and the ; P gy deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, 7 oe dollars ; ard~the- .-.- dollars, orn to and subscribed before me this f 2 - Sats Clerk — Court. / OATH OF GUARDIAN. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Co .. County. i warne of the rents aad preBis of-the-renl-cotete ip about. co re serena cemamennsnansteneanotenent i a ee : (Cd ocr Mes woeeeeee---------y Guardian fo wwnggtinnns a minor heir... solemnly 8Wear that I will well aid traly take charge of, and preserve, all the cetaie of n my y said ward. J aad that I will inake true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfullyghd hone erforin with tha best of my skill and ability. fE-> fal patidoments & long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond ener three years in the Superior Court, a the law requires; and all other duties of my sgid guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. cribed and sworn to before me this day of , Guardia. , Guardian, - ~~ eee Goceen Tap Ae ewe ene ween wen nn ene enn oue, a) -- = wacveel ese dpoctbuctnen ona s seeaneones a Sex -* bianca peti ..minor ae cag without guardian; and .- y baving applied for the guardian’ f said minor chilgAraad/and having been duly qualifiga Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Soares the said Guardian to opter An and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights 4 ' Now these are Therefos to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and apes all and singular the goods and chattels, rights y @ into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate ‘ and credits, of 2 mis ..Wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to —— orphan». ., and % ording to law. and i G Es Bon) ¢ and advantages of the said minor r orphan. wony ANG pT. law. ee to x ay egy Cie aides ; 1397, the said Court, this the... EF ay ot // ee ee Ee TO Hen enema nemnneenssnennanatposeseBaschensrennang EOC Ue See Eg Mc eel » Petia Se ens, ae attain cate abba attest Lindcssntsisohensie:..eii eee RI a rr SR a SORE ERMA UMMM EI aL ono 5d) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, APPLICATION FOR —— ee SUPERIOR COURT,,. ; COUNTY. In the matter of ee res eras respectfully presents that Pt eis Valles arated , and ateqvithout a guardian ; that the said minerchildren it a gaan cs cthat the said minor childreg ane entitled to real rsonal estate to the value of digs ee ec Rs a ae dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may de preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued i, or such other person as the Court may Wd forthe in t of the said minor orphans. simp ali eget thence: Aalacicsae il lowe cdl ip ail ha according to the best information and belief df your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minororphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think besd for the interest of the said minor orphans, ..COUNTY--ss. ., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate Z — Canc _..., deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of sai Samihobaickiias sa cepiale cline dollars ; 7 re the renigpnd = nd, prota @ the real estate is about tint ns item value of tie-rents and profits othe r state is about... RUA MAN ROME eM SMC J Mi ae ES : : ' ' : : , ' ' ‘ ' ' ; tt , ~ | & Ss NY Vi i = s 8 ° o> =, _ : ' ' t ' i t ; ' ee ‘ { 2 ‘e t ' | ' - i t ; f : it ‘ ' Ho s ' | ' i] : ; . 4 : ‘ ' : | ‘ W. ! ' ~~ . ‘ ° i} ' : = ' ' H 3 t (| : > {i i ' { | ‘ ‘ ' ' i : ‘ ‘ ‘ i “ ' ' n ‘ ' ‘ i ' : ‘ t ’ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ it : i ‘ i ef ' 3 ' : ‘ | ' ‘ ' j os : ; | : ' ij ‘ : : ; ' ‘ ‘ : : ; : ‘ : s Sworn to spbscribed before me this _......- prior ( Court OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. TH (CAROLINA, NORTH C OLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouURT. ee County. a CO County A. of ; : iat , Guardian fi Be oh a OEY oa ir.., soletmnly swear - that I will wall and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of. my said ward... “/ vend that I will mole teen returis — will well and truly take charge of, and présfrve, all the estate of id ward...; and that I will make true returns nual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hand{; And that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior ss.—IN THE SUPE se o e i l i e e e m m e m e n ee n e e m n e e t e e n e ee e en er e | Court, as ‘he law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. iE , Guardian. ° , Guardian, State of North Carolina, Catia To all to.whom these hae Prevent at pe Se It being Certified the Undersigned, Clerf/of the Superior Court for . Teen cee mw en eres enneeneen ees Rete cadens de alien ccames 5 eee minor orphan..........- ; Sd... soi hia without guardian; and .. having applied for the guardianship of said minorchild......--., and having been duly quaji having applied for ee of said minor child .......... and having been daly qualified as such: Now these are Jherefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian r in and uponall and singular the goods and chattels, rights d Now these fore to Authorize and Renpower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and siagular the guode and ebatiol,tighte ) a-S_wheresosver to be found, and jhe same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate : and credits, of s Oe set ign a he sale dtaee CHEE eae elaine et | egefit and advantages of the sai é, and ac WwW. i wy betr bape s q advantages of the said minor orphan...., and i9f to law. A iets Mis watt ALLA A_, gy F : : dic said Court, a) ~<a day of. if. f : ee sy me Se ee ee eee onshetitnhnedhuathadubwegeiauetiodnicasilc bel eocomewe wi; T - hee vine 0 + Le Ft 5 ST ae hea tae a “th rs a ye pom eeeR: _ ot t of al . ba Be a ay is oe , . f a ry by the ee wart on guck eotos ances ob ies 4178..-Every , administrator, months from date of bis qualification or appointment, ark control le, tn the oMfee of the Clerk of See ee on ‘auch investment, receipts form of debit credit, audited such account, If he approve same, be must endorse his approval APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, “4..7..... ee 109v APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT Te eee Ro ie ese Re ee a eT oil ii ee 5 es te COUNTY. ter of ABTA APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Lr fetes Monnens nite Minor Orphans. | To the Clerk of t County : The application-—t....f 4.7.1 leew eaig ope hkl sre recep cr RAM N S aa respectfully presents that (Pb s ts — ca i m a n ee : deceased, and withopt a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to e-the value of _.....¢ -- Ce ee eee ee ene Meee dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, ee a. a o 7, eee ff : Be eect Sts seh ne eee ect nope dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. L f inal ; ; Me of the mld minor cxptans aay be 9 nerve and managed according ’ ma, your applicant prays that To the End, Therefore, that theestate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that astern af COSIGRIAND SIT 90 TERE $0 0M, OF - other person as the Court may think best for the intesest of the ald — hans, Letters of Guardianship may be igsued to thea_gr such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, | Afb Ke fe ae sb... A... dared. LO ane i= 1897, Th artheg Channn. (72 Z Co A-—_ VEE duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate . bck cuseeuceiguere Gut stoner ea eo, Go ee ae .---, dé ased ; that to the best of his knowledge, -. COUNTY--ss. zt. e xt ret—...., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with ction ms OL , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, : ~. & $ 8 & Ee . So & ~ &B a a 2 =e a —_ oo > @ x — = > S “> 8 a ad ” S ~ DS ~, a p = S i. dollars; and the information and belief, the value of said estate is abou dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is 4 bon nnnnnnnnneennnennnnnnns teeeeneceennnnees Tareta tetas senna nnn en ene nneemenennnne dollars. wales & he OR ae eee a Ce eet ons Oo eet... en dollars. Sworn-t subscribed before me this _....<7—- CO; Foe day of : Axi Lf AA x Pe aeecs 189°7 [A eee MOAN, hte | ONatt Ve the Be Path ne a Clerk Superior Court, ni OATH OF GUARDIAN. : NORTH CARO os sg OATH OF GUARDIAN. RTH CA INA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ckikdeenicuins COMME, Zz. Dictation he. f ae Guardian for.7: : pikes iidihvermnisionSeialaceomtwdintaccadeune ae minor heir_., solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward... j and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. bscribed and sworn to before me this. . L “day of 189 ‘F When AK a. An attnn wy, uardian. weinmwery ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. <_.... County. , Adm : t ho eth. ie te gee minor heir’, solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward” j and that I will make true returns | and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said uardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subsepy Lf nticwcdentneverieesguis day of A .--y Guardian. minor orphan. »¥. aitied without guardian; and .A.A“,A/,. A440 OO minor orphang?.... aE. having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.f......, and having been duly qualified us such: having applied for the guardianship of said minor childA-—~- having been duly qualified us such : : Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Theref Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upou all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor opphamp.wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and credits, of said minor orphans -. wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into m, secure anu improve, and further to manayo said estate ad advantages of the said minor or; hank, and accomding to law. the benefit and advantages of the said wy and nme aR enicinaaatatahahat es a ntact ei air, Mssawianden tans neue Rh, ee, Re al CR ene mn Maia ys yummceter Oo. lil: (RR aa H477.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three the estate in Oe eee ee Pere eee coned but auch time may be , or guardian shall, within twelve wt Court, an in’ and for the past 478.—Every executor, administrator, co - Sontrol, file, in the office of the Clerk of 508 110/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the "ts igd-County : lars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said “tninos-cophane may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court my think best for the interest of the said miner-orphans- 2~—_-2—e beloaging to the abové-named information and belief, the value of said estate is ab value Mf ther i and —_— of the real estate is about, worn-to an f subseribed before me Z @e or ‘day. of AY, A Hee, - Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ... County. | | ‘| , Guardian tor LZ f/ ic ne I ce ee see nee Pacis all-new ce ill well and traly take obarge of, and preserve, all the o: espete of my said ward...; and th4f I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I wil¥renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and ali other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. , Guardian. ning GB, O, LETTERS OF GUARDIAN County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents sh e Undersigned, County, that Pee ee eens ee neee ewe cten cre ncebeseteewaseckuae snees Pena 4 and having been duly qualified as such >. Now these areas and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor-orphan..-"wheresosver to be found, Se tae into Ps possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate aad every part the:eof for the benefit and advantages of the said mines-orphan- d accapding 1 of the said Court, this the ROR em nena en hi Penn nnae Sameera erates control, efi a te Ger of aperor Osram inveniry and account, of the amount eee Sacer He . . and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond eve li APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ee il SUPERIOR COURT.,... oe COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the S arq minor children of..C“Y t ithout a guardian ; that the said minor children neg entitled to real-and—personal estate to the value of... ncbinsetei nial AR RORe ee RR meet TT ean cd rrr ener neta dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of ee may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think ey t for the j deceased, and - COUNTY--ss. belonging to the above-named oe te en , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the reekend personal estate f , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, f\ cogent wii re ooo onnnoes Gollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.........--.-----..----.----..-.-----2--ceesee+eeenneeeea anceee-eocsececeeecenee.-...G0llars, etre ee es ee information and belief, the value of said estate is about. <= OATH OF GUARDIAN. fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , Guardian ford BA. QS. 4 minor heir..., solemaly mee that . will jal and traly lake pr of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward: if and that I will make irae retafes three years in the Superior best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with Subscribed and sworn to before me this- J f ....day of ---y Guardian. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats ‘It being Cegtified to the venir the Dee, Court cao ibe sn lla anno eli ee Sie Cosel iat Ne oS Sania se a SSG hs Caguabi minor orphan........... NLS and ..ANV1... J+ having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified 4s such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular aeamleattiininie 4d and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, oka 0 ee ee ois ee soal of the said Court, ti tbo FL — AeA re 112! | =e APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, ee SUPERIOR COURT, .. chandeeresmenetite COUNTY. \ 113) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,. \ In the matter of a | APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .. Minor Orphans. / ior Court of = County : To the Clerk of the birthed has acpa ss conncshngiecence tteagraacnroceeeseseD MOLES POOREDEE TERE... feet face 2 a application of. BMW atee 2 i a a aes suas coeeeeeeeseee. Ah minor ohildre of Z~- Ne deceased, ghd are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled io sehaadanaamntes Ss eeu Gren. D dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. ° > the End/ Therefore, that the estate of the ‘said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be jesued to him, or such other person as the Court may think est for the interest of the minor orphans. 189.7. LO KP. ZAC - rralsienindieiemnienions - aoe oot . ” . mieeeeaiabisinmatinn @ to the value of. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of he said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, Letters of Guardianship may be iss ! f , i | tag ey toe that the said This ris. =. sand of... aos COUNTY-:-ss. Z het eae” COUNTY:--ss. | ay 3 Lp a: ...., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ; aye snme: ing a 1 says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate | | belonging to the above-named children of ate eet siete .---- deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, belonging to the above-named children of tae 3 om eo , deceased ; that to the best of hittknowledge, information and boliof, the value of said estate is aia: oe i &y hte hey Pitan eae ....... dollars ; sadthe_ ot information and belief, the valua of said estate is wif So : dollars; and the vatuoor the Tomsand profits of t weeeeseatteeeecereaeeneene acenntenen aetenceneneeeneenenennnne sss UOMO value of the rents and profits of the real estate ina, BEX ~ oe Swor and subscribed before me this T= day of | = ae =i F g Mei a “te DE. p ph Teh os Clerk Superior Court, Olah Superior Co OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. 1 of STATE F NORTH CAI LINA, F NORTH CAROLINA, a = oe ss.-In THE SUPERIOR Cour’. ss.—IN THE SuPERIOR Court. | he County. wt Q avvenootiill ML. cero ee AF... County, 4 i 4 ( a bhactcasnas Bs cai ar dourtian a Le, Paty Long ae oo ’ ; on. <7 _......., Guardian Burt & A deren nn hd, Batt, rea. (¥ Sr Irrrsans minor Pad. 0 EA ar that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward® ; - and that I will make true returns » 80 Goinly 2 swear thd t I will well and truly take change of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward&; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and ail other duties of my ye guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability, Substribed and sworn to before me this ro to before me this Qe EN day of Sulfs : we atlio KR , Guardian. ,08.6 ...y Guardian, LETTERS OF GUARDIAN ...County—In the Superior Court. ..County—In the Superior Court, 1 come--GREETING : ...County, that han S? ....... ‘ having applied for the ba of said minor sin aa having been duly qualified ee to Authorize and Empower tho said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singola tbo goods and obuttle, rights ipiepirsncchapverephryiritn shit Bary wre eae ah os feet chniaaie er ea alee Banana ording to law. having applied for the sutinblp of said minor child4+-/and having been duly qualified us'such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan’. wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possgssion, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphand.., and ing to law. Witness, my of the said Court, this tha ......./.--...... he eo haan nnasenwnnaee Sere . executor, admiInintrator, collector and guardian shall, within three month: his quatification or ep bind ap to that tinse{ BWA euth Slate tay be entended by tho Clern of ’ E or eh “contra, Office of the Clerk of Buperior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property rec sthy conan ja hte eunsigts and diebaneamontn Sestbe past Four Se tbe forma of 40bM and eres’; He muat ‘Court may ) nosouoting pariy oF any otlver person & vow he. nt ib ) me pee ee must endorse his APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of x APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior ( ounty : (| _ The apeetics of 7. (Bl Bin. ona PMG 5. Ciicvonesanou son cannoeseneeneennenane susseceensenereeenngene saagenn _------- SAP O-BHROP-ODHEPOR-Ohrewmee..-,------------n0--nnnnennnnnennnneennnennneenenenenen and ae with ...respectfully presents th — j that the said minor-ebttdren-are ntitled to real and personal estate to the value of ..............---.--.-.... ee e a COUNTY--ss. ., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , Geoeased-y that to the best of his knowledge, - Ce ae belonging to the above-named ehitdren-ef- << E" ] information and belief, the value of said estate is about dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about. Sworn d a cribed before me this “Ss 189.7 eK. 1 foo At Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. NORTH CAROLINA, OF ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT.’ .. County. -., Guardian fo “t , “S-Solemnly swear that I will well and traly tako.charg re of, and preserve, , all the estate 6 of 1 my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. d.and sworn to before me th Pa Lf 2... 89.F, Subscribe , Guardian. ...County, that minor-obttt——._.., a aving been duly solttes nw 2 20X ci te eset ge orize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights having applied for the guardianhi of sai ; Now these : and credits, of eresogvor to bo found; stinger as any secure and improve, and further to manage said estate | "> and every part thereof for the Fea nets and advantages of the sai ; and a 54 Wjatiess, my hand and the Seal of the said Court, this the As SOT, nem we me Ml |. Prt Be Pie een rowan aa ely , D OF Appolntment, ai 20 account, under oath, of the amou: property van beasts deneptiaasanareeee a mete or any other person coucerning Cee ee hi 115/ 3 APPLICATION FOR en 51é SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY. eee | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the The application of. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issyed to aie: or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This 7. S$ acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ~——7...dollars ; and the Pie Pan oe Sage above-named childfen of ..- Laer ee ees information and belief, the value of said estate is about.. +t value of the rents and —" of the real estate is oe OATH OF GUARDIAN. ’ fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Court’. , Guardian for. ZU wm -» Solemnly swear that I will well and traly take chaegs of, and preserve, all the estate we my y nid ward. -; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ao Subscribgd and sworn to before me this... day of . Guardian, It being He the Undersigned, Clerk o_o aa eS pias ok ee rat minor orphan having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been aes qealig Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower tho said Guardian to ite ‘hed apes oltant siague diaginiasmbanasioncaliel pornstar bese: uma maiccan. ee 5 and every part the ee ee n...., and to law. : With, ae nf the said Court, this the... <Pomvtag of...“ SB He nweee ~_ T1177 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,..@ 4.00 a ae ee ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR COURT, \ Siecanceiaiiiien COUNTY. COUNTY, In the matter of ee Sr et —----) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. . / . Minor Orphans. / Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the/Superior Coutt.of_ said Cou The application of M42 ‘Los To the Clerk of the-Superior Court of said County : | deceased, and without a Gd" that the said minor children are entitled to realand- personal estate to the value of __........--....-...-- : ne f no pe aetaea SS e e ... dollars, according to the best information and belief of your vata ee eee ee emer rete ON, eo eg dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be we OF to him, or ia ch other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, | i j a eS TE N T SS | | ae OC. —jO--» pping duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the reatand personal estate , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate 2 ‘ging to the above-named children of .._-_-' wane eee n ene en ee neeenenenes-s-e--y Gooeased ; that to the best of his knowledge, i 3 ildren of . 4#-CA—A- XSF ___n ge an Sat _......., deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, | ormation and belief, the value of said estate is wu POTLEL.. saat nieivedeetipnuyiah taal eons domes ep aee Sand th0 : information and belief, the valus of said estate is abou OBA: a : ES dollars; and the | | value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about : wisi aan naanndsina dha? anew baie animlsdcaphibina dailies dollars. value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... -Sinbiscceda dutusar cucducahiss: Speier ot Sua aaee eh a a e Cae, before me this An day of Lf Xt 89Ge + Superior Cours, STATR OF NORTH CAROLINA, Lot pt ae. i: : 2 oe Swoka\to ren before me this ... ae ...day of pee us ‘het 9 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. TH CAROLINA, | ss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. te THE SUPERIOR Cour’. County. + 4 nuanpnisTebicnt, sa eminem copes ¥ resect af I ea Re Bits ver ntinticiesniccwnnns , Guardian for 5 afectcng cntedagsteines nai ‘ll well and twely: take charg ‘@ of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true réturns aes of, and preserve, all the estate of my wards’; ind that I will pee Tue returns and Annual Settlements as I(ngas any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ee! and sworn to before me this... eo eae sues ORY Of - (Vo. and sworn to before me this... ra ix ...... day of 0 O4— o Maa aa ai ancl Mer gwen mr enmwn sm oe 1397 4, Guardian. 2 o® B LETTERS OF GUA ...County —In the Superior Court. Now these are Therefore to Authorize ard Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights a Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to in and upon all and singular the goods and obattels, rights. and credits, of said minor orphanX... wheresosvor to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and credits, of said minor orphans wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said “<_ and every part thereof for the benoflt and advantages of the said minor orphan&, and (SE to law. a and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor — -, and (Ve. to law. Dips chin Habe ccbtns Minuet : “: s 4 12 i L f Of Ue Salud VOUlt, bas 06 ..¢..-.. ai of... anwannwas sw ewGbewineivareeerwneves “9% i , 7 ey i Came aaa, H77.—Every executor, I or, collector and guardian shall, within three mon] his qualification or tn eat inne hande of reeved by hin up to hat ine; but sch ine may he ex f the Clerk of Su ty executor, adminiatrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve rom date of his q or appointment, annually so long as any of Mle, in rane npn an irre gt Pnim anos ne ‘ieee produce voucher which ius him, just produce re r e an n 5 _ SS ne ne ys of Court may examine, on forall payments, ‘The Clerk of Superior : 118/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, ... In the matter of \ PLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said lication of.4..-—=——_* ornate |. | respectfully presents anti? feet si ee Se A. . pe ea’ F Fe ee ee ee a ne ee ne On ee Tree ee (? / — Helin cstiecneces giles eocerr dpe horni ie amicp anit aba minor childreg of cidigoson se aa ee eee Geer ... dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, thatthe estate of the mid 2 minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issueq,to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest @ . orphans. This COUNTY-:-ss. -, beigg duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the reatamtpersonal estate belonging ¥g the above-named childPag Of... _, deceased ; that to t of his knowledge, information and belief, the valug of said estate is abo dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is bent - Qe and subscribed before me this ae eS day of’ ..- dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STA OF NORTH CAB ILINA, Sss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. =gcn-an GOMRLY. AKG pT ea ticasesnches iP , Guardian for_4__{“ minor heir..., solemaly swear that I will wall. and traly take charge of, and preserve, the estate of 1 my said ward. j and that I will make t true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. OE and sworn to before me this _- = 4 aro , Guardian. os een State of North Carolina, - It being Certified to _..County, that hibihlicmicdesrnsnbcwiinsinsavediuuihivineapiateewernsensi minor orphan having applied for the guardianship of said minor child_......... Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan_..., and PLE to y. Witness, seal of the said Court, this the #177.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shali, within the estate in his hands or recetved by him up to that time; but such time Uia—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardien shall, within t or oman ee teats Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of prepuce orahved by treren of auch investment, and nal Ga eatin. ee le eee eee ve the sane, be Tus endorse hn atone geno ces ' Ti9y B17 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSH i SUPERIOR CouRT,— 4. AA. COUNTY, ) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court ye think best for the intereg¢ of a said — orphans, This .. As aN es 189%, ALA COUNTY--ss. ji being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children or that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about value of the rents and profits of the real estate is Dd are en 2 a .... dollars, o,, wR before me this... Z 6~ isu day of 1897 LF LY ike bs AS 2 pe Buyer Court my 7 A * OATH OF GUARDIAN. dollars ; and the LINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ... County. , Guardian f oy Pre. ac Peart Portas, from itof heiA%, solemn will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward J; and that I will make true revarns and Afffual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in tho Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ae to before me this. - Lf 6 day of 2 ; a ale y AL , Guardian, State of North Carolina, being ified to the Updersigned, Clerk of the st of .wouss CUS fas “0 SOF oe AHERN ST Tee eH Ont aap enna inp One wN y Reape congo aben teem naee te ecwsheatenni ‘ona al: ieaki Aas 4nd having beon duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian (o enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights tee Gear e aetna ataiert iatanihen a ee a Oe ee ee ing to errs ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,............. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. BET Les oe cic ks respectfully presents that....AAAAG-—@ __ 1d deceased, and without a suerte that the said minor children ake ¢ntitled to real and—personat estate to the value of ole 222. seca ce AO IN ee a ~deHars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the‘End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the sgid minor orphans, 7. LD... ee my ot... Yeas... ol Ht pe a Genk RA hat he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the ee, named children information and belief, the value of said estate is about._...-- 7 , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Srcclipscee serra euloas rons tnpueainddinshnitagt COMMER? ANd 606 value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.....-. Sworn to and subscribed before me this d a ae .... day of oy as le a 189 ,, a ah 7 flsrk Super eh Spero pp .. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH ee oud ) = --#f- c - , Guardian for... tae minor heir... solemnfy swear that I willfvfll and sraly take save of, and preserve, , all the estate of n my y sald ward. a + and that I wil make troer returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -. if: ...day of ; ee stl An... a0 Pewee pa Soaks ae ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , Guardian. vesscnsne bl Lhe ut/ County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : the ea ee AR etineiiag ea cnr da ian ec ME sr ceasing seas ie minor orphan having applied for the guardianship of said minor child........... Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and ase allnd singular the and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and micZ law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the.... LA. O~ heii aie day of......... on 188 f7. #17.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three re re ee ee ee but time executor, : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.,............. COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Depress de paacsivs sangeet eo peep asec soos Uetanhnteins na cu etons ..... Minor Orphans, To the Clerk of the Superior Court_of said Coun The application of.........> _.respectfully presents that.. ted ar Sab er ie a he a minor children of. rot. Mle. G deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal es to the value of .. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. COUNTY--ss. , being duly sworg,says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate } ] deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Jac £? ) ; dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Se ee Lid dollars. g information and belief, the value of said estate is about. > 7 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, sf ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. (. Va heron ------yy-- fOUBty. s es W “> sles , Guardian for... minor 1 lh solemaly ly swear - that I will well and t t ly take ebaige of, and preserve; all tho estate of a my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my _— I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 2... = day of , Guardian, Pisces __ Dealt State of North Carolina, . It heing Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of, the Superio, minor orphat@-. ... without guardian; and.........' having applied for the guardianship of said minor child@4AA-, and having been duly qualified as Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and and credits, of said minor orphanA@/wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, aie Ree and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan®&, en ' Witness, my hand and the seal of the sald Court, this the .........0...day of... resis aS i ly mf , wf 0 ae APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, hie SUPERIOR COURT,.................. O7-G-ue 123/ 521 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.......... Pra KH cored COUNTY. In the matter of thn Ad. oe In the matter of Qe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. eee eneveenvissanvernessqaacerdannnicasn MOR ORDRAGR: | .. phen pees i respectfully presents a eae A fee and << ee ee ee ee Se a are minor children of ...(.AL_A- - Mb. A a, without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of To the Clerk of the Superior Coust of said County Pica. BO a a nk ts 7 Se aR PAR LEER CEPOO EN dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Theraliee: that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, ee akc day of Mcarsaaher— aus 07 To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think sig oe for tho interest i @ said inizer-erpimms, J-~--~—~~ : eee cle ‘ RAMEE easss «ok Tana a — ek day of... ARAB. ee eae 107. ls Loe. ir acerca afantille,. ca oops COUNTY-<ss. Tn oe a a Sr -COUNTY--ss. 5 Reena a ert onstrate Sete ee nn » bging duly sworn says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate rma ree i ee , being duly oweees -_ that he is acquainted with the real and personal esiate ai belonging td’the above-named children of ........-- ( nal ae LN ADV MEL ---» deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, : meer. ery Math Bi hn t ° Serene eres , 5% belonging to the above- aanied obthtiorer st ts ck ..-.y Geceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, a information and belief, the valus of said estate is about... dollars ; and the ‘ information and belief, the value of said estate is about. 2 GO) gee ik teal _........ dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.. DIE L- b/ ro. eee iniihiinstiaens Sworn to and subscribed before me this... ‘of i Se day of A. monn (Tl Pe 1 if value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.. lf Sworn to and subscribed nee: ty me this ieee Sees "9a 2s Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. TE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, z ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. Fenn sche na OA, cise teas -.------ County. County. Syxcacs P : » Guardian for_.<_ULDAT SF “(pry ys. RC lt lg NO ae. S Tee , Guardian for... Matha. t wane Mead minor heit/, ‘solemaly swfar that I will well and traly take eaten of, and preserve, , all the estate of 1 my y ald ward... j and that I will make true returns , solemnly swear that I will well aad traly take change of, and preserve, all the estate of my eld de ja add that I will ‘nae true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and ‘Monica Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Suporior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. ie. day of e Subscribed and sworn to before me this .- 14 ........ day of (i> : Jeatrrhss— 189.9 aes cli Hl te ue y Guardia D. GAL. t. elds oeehiloniiiok 'E - oi Lrigplalte -soconey Guardian, ,68.6. 4 EO LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP, / LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. snes hiteansineot Saul aed ALdA—.........County—In the Superior Court Fo the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, Jartlu Ameren S| State of North Carolina, Da dhiien ..County, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : *« Se Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of thgSuperior Cour, ce ne County, that It being U to the pars Clerk gf the Superior Court for minor orphang.......... without guardian ; a0 gins... acc beef Cain gh cna MAINE te ice ccwennces MMM a pad a Ee Oe ha _ NROP-ORDOR without guardian having applied for the guardianship of said minor child:2444-., and having been duly qualified as such: having applied for the guardianship of said sees , and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these uthorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular duaeteutdn and credits, of said minor orphan4...wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate : and credits, of said ....wheresosver to be found, the same to, take into possession, <coure and improve, ced fret mag ta and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan’33.., and according to law. and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said ~---y 4nd according to law. chy ie Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ep wtntinaee day of... Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the......49.....day eo) > a An neem! 4#477.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after *i1s quatifcation or ; inal nin hana Frente by hi up tbat ie; but rch kine may bo exendd bythe Cer of Superior Courton good cause shown, not eer executor, , collector or guardian shall, all, Sth aeetve toontha freon ante of nox os @ office of the Clerk of heen beatin mee aby groban mg of and bis <a ate ee a the debit and credit, acer ry the recet pt thereon, any other person endorse his approval APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CourT,.........‘ 123/ 593 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, Pickett ae COUNTY. In the matter of In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ee Seas ... Minor Orphans. / a ag aaa p se da Minor Orphans. / Sn ee eS ee To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of............-- Pla Le sine lcci To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application = een cr de. are minor children of... B= QE LIF nnn onal estate to the value of Me. a ILE. ALLE : dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ..._..........---.-..--...........- ajay giggle cla <p EN a iain vase aissincdmsoniling dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. p..;~ hte To the End, Therefore, P that t ti e otal @ of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. —* and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children-are entitled to real and ple a ao , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate 4 being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate i belonging to the above-named children of ........... Shanes. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, j deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ii ’ , , | information and belief, the value of said estate is about.........€ erp nance nena dollars ; and the Si information and belief, the value of said estate is about.” dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ses Lek eho uauature Seman ee ees) dollars, value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about. ... dollars, YY: h Glerk Superior Coury OATH OF GUARDIAN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, a THE SUPERIOR Court. aeiiea THE SUPERIOR Court. >. County. Like. fecalnarscs apace Hr jan for... Thon actdarncr te le aes Charnnut™ _ Ao fF : , Guardian for. the atore , ‘ beget, + solemnly swear that I will weil pp truly tak farge br sat preserve, all thelestate of my said ward. 5 - and that I will make true returns minor heir_., solemnly swear that I will well and troly take ebange of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; + and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as ste of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, gp the lay ees abel ot dudes of sof my said guar dianship I x il] faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me gis eesti Me ee cuca ay day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this_.- A. Fc oau niece OL , Guardian. CB. Po Mbt eck , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. State of North Carolina,_. County, To all to whom these Presents shall come-»GREETING: It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for .................. 77 #. ee... _.minor orphan J__...... without guardian; and having applied for the guardianship of said minor child_-........ , and having been duly qualified as such: having. applied for the guardianship of said minor child and having been duly qualified as such: ‘ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower tho said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate | and credits, of said minor orphan AS wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to ae and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. hagd and the soal of the said Court, this thoe...../.9.......day of... Mende g— to law. and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orppin.J., and acc a q Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said Court, this the...«-ff--....day of... ees and shall, within three months after his q ora time; but such time may be.extended by the Clerk of Goart en good sham how, Bon enins ws Get of Buperior appointment, so k me eran! 126) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. . SUPERIOR COURT.......f/7=e\OW In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : een presents an lle des Latticut To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant cae that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, ..COUNTY--ss. ita eing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of ........4=O— , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate Ys about. LAA Om... ($449 ...dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about -....-....--..--.---- cei peieuee tees Pini delat es ase a nce ath ee dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ...... Sere -.--..... day of I ..----- KASD, “a minor heir... solemaly SW that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the oatate of n my said ward... xf and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ' EO D. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... oo day of Le Ve Weitere $8 xe LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, County, To all to whom these Preseats shall ecome--GREETING : It being Certified to the Un rsigued, Clerk of the Superior Court for._.....y-#7_‘ County, that Mnennwnenanennnneetennenencenececeneneneneeeeneneee es .......dninor orphan having applied for the guardianship of said minor child........... Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and. npoo all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this we Se Every executor, administrator, rap an thas omee one ee eee ae ae a mak e chu sendcts ido uandane snpetveh tar wien ap to tenn Woents Deh anath Aiean Gaoee eeeteeted he the tee Ppointment, inake retarn on oath to the 4178.-Every executor, sciminiitor,cobectr o oar dlan shal, within ei month rm Gla of hi his qualification or oar nah 9a barn er iets snarbe ers tentacle aps te , ' such APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.. COUNTY, In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Bieter eta a ee eer en Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : No Sct Tica Milt cas aii presents tat Preach. [barn The application of.....--1A+ NALTOLA_L ot. EAA AA Awe. of Faotars according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. Ee above-named children of ......... f—~Th Be f dar --., deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the valus of said estate is about... ean Merete Ay .. dollars ; and the caine wsnnaconnduaypuasdaed souls Wis s\n! -COUNTY--ss. -, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... LL PR, - day of ie Sworn to and subscribed before me this .. , Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. , Guardian for Settee bon (Burton py~-t Ahi lant stele ae Slips. swear ‘thet I wili well and traly take oberg of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returne and Annual Settlements as Icng as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. / Z. 7 : day of Qt. DATA, 08.0, eK LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. -» Guardian, minor orphan @........ without guardian; and _... having applied for the guardianship of said minor childea.., and having been duly qualified Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan..... wheresosver to be found, and the same to ow Se an TREES Sa8 Rerehee te and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor --» and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .... de. = Hed 128/ APPLICATION FOR oe SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY, In the matter of \ Cape t, Me HI Minor Orphans. ; To the Clerk of the Superior ly V7 of WC Coun ae The application of (f. Mek - minor children , 4B ‘ @ Vilage oOo t deceased, and are (Without a guardian ; that the said or children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of atten ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. and dollars, according to the best information and boliof of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that tho estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Lotters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, e / M7 cf this / 9 day,of LR A. page aetiue bds COUNTY--ss. ct NX ' MY hay, Jw on, duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, , ‘ee Tee information and belief, the value of said estate is about 0 SO dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ov : dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 7 0 day of — RR. Mek 4 i , K . AANAAAS ; ae Sere Clerk Superior Court. : OATH OF GUARDIAN. NORTH CAROLINA, | ea e S “ A ? ss.—In THE SuPERIOR CouRT. County. j eee , Guardian for Vi A tdehheie: dei WW CK minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well/and truly take sharge of, and presorve, all the astate of my said ward ; and that I WAl make true Yeturas and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of tho estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. /Q~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of (/p YW tA ¥ Zo / ‘ CZ , Guardian. le ,C8. 0, LETTERS OF wae State of North Carolina, Pet her County, To all to whom these Presents shall come+-GREETING: It being Certified to the OL. of the Superior Court for - Z ' .. County, that County—In the Superior Court. minor orphan 4... ithout guardian; and...\/ having applied for the guardianship of said minor childamsAAweand having been duly qualified us such ; : Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower tho said Guardian (o enter in and upon all and singular tho goods and chattels, rights and credits, of sald minor orphan... wheresoavor to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and /inprove, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the boneflt and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witnoss, my hand and the soal of the said Court, this the “9-. ‘tines day of.....0.4. Se lhc 4... LAs I ORT etn tion then , Clork Suporior Court. }177.— Kvery executor, een ane sipeaieasiaen tech onan by a oe ena him wp pean Oe eoaea Stes maains from Gale 6c is respectfully presents that.. phic L V4 hey en EE Dt PAR a Keen ease ELON TTT 129/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP 52% SUPERIOR COURT,.. St hick. COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the 1 A Court of said County : SLM ar _..... respectfully presents that fovilane, mM le tAaincs Aish OW. Aneratrtiedy bh a frsacty :, and...... etl i. MR are minor childremot 21. rh WNP -bhmrm. Be deceased, and wn without a guardian ; that the sald siineeablldads axe are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 7 “oe dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may bo preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think bost for tho interest of the said minor orphans. this....(41....... -day of —e 4 ero Ad Cacti MN fo COUNTY--ss. ; ‘ MN t Landhhun , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the rewland personal estate belonging to the above-named de vd tt AAR , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the valua of said estate is about fi . . <x dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is abou tof mee Toaretygrtt he dollars, Swoga to and subscribed before me this VA 4f day of Pro WX a Clerk Superior Court, AY fae ie: WW da a OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, $s.—In THE SuPERIOR Cour’. Gk County. ‘ ¢ J, Ad - Me Pain , Guardian for F tisachiltial uM iia A ralae, minor heir.., solemnly s hat I will well and traly take ohare of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of tho estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years /n the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this f 4 day of dct He we A a W7 CL. mar , Guardian. C2. A> OALUAA a8, c ee LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. sila a County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, JrtUuhsr.A.. _.....County, To all to whom these Presents spall come--GREETING: It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clork of the Superior Court for.. sina ed aa lg MOR orp without guardian; and ....«<“p/...... CA, Oe aii . 8 having applied for the guardianship of said minor ohild........ , and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower tho sald Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of sald minor orphan.... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, sooure and improve, “een een and every part thereof for the bonofit and advantages of tho said minor orphan...., and Witness, my hand and the soal of tho sald Court, this the .. oe bei 1307 131/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ae APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY, ] In the matter of \ SUPERIOR COURT.,........ | | ie a 4 , In the matter of wittcre __Chipreea teva.) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 529 .... COUNTY. \ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. se as ST ERIE IE sit eG sao phen int amentS c - R e te ..-.--..---. Minor Orphans, / To the Clerk of the Superior No hee said County: . To the Clerk of the Tk | County : The applicatjonyof “ Aah epunmnainamme ctfully presents that....¢ The application of.....\.. } eae A ee ot —thATAnv respectfully presents that. Cense . tia Hi and. . ’ ’ = Fm ...ar0 minor children of Peon j ’ S~ 1 Naira plecen sell es cact baie cas an bandh cbdbin’ ..are minor children of. rt. Soe... dias deccased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children aro entitled to real and personal estate to the value 4 FAL Ys. > 3 jor deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children aro entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 2. PO... | | : .. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, : . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. | To the End, Therefore, that tho estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that To the End, Therefor re, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that | : Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for 1. ir eres of the said minor orphans, Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as tho Court may think As the interest of the said minor orphans, | This LA¢......... day of oi 19) oe : i ie : 7 sills alles ies ‘| if J, g COUNTY--ss. COUNTY--ss. | hs! if X.. si e belongin® to the above-named children of , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate i Ay... YS. ile ee A. sii Amtmee..., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate A+~mey deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, belonging to the above-named children of .. JYVTR.. ON At A , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and boliof, the valua of said estate is abou uy ? 2 2> 4 a rs dollars ; and the information and belief, the valus of said estate is about value of the rents and profits of the real estate pire merece vuarn-sassusbeesbeebausicatis ss een dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... nerd lars, to and subscribed before me this ZR ac day of \ g Sworn to and subscribed before me this a b day of Q. ae pile Cherwcesipe Swo Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, } STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, o THE SUPERIOR Cour’. fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. .... County. CS 1 GIG , Guardian for RNR ew., Uth ir n+ (tah , Guardian for. p Pa yp5rn,. &: Atuth... minor viel ; sey swear that I will well and try take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward _.; and that I will make trué ay minor heir, solemaly 81 swear that I will well and traly iake chines of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in tho Superior i and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the Jaw requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ‘ Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ac 4 day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this. . a 0 day of Ge oo Ane wo f° XK 2 Leal inci iii Guardian. wae Tf ge . J Pa MEE ie Pee -» Guardian. / es W. ae 080. i. Me oper ne LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. = Se coca eel me sia CE he carp MM EET County—In the Superior Court. le Lipnaalaanens County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, arn al th uli County, State of North Carolina, County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of ™ Superior Court for..... County, that It b Gils _Ininor orphan.d........ without guardian; and . on J Liat sadinr Bam Seceeeenueeeeeeessucewwweeceeewereeteeeneeereseeee-seeeeedMinor orphan .3........ without guardian; and .. having applied for the guardianship of said minor childa~aa-», and having been duly qualified us such ; having applied for the guardianship of said minor childq+-+-, and having been duly qualified us such : Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights 4 Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.... wheresosvor to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, ne and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan}.., and ing to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ...0.02..........day Of... LAB PD socseseinnon and credits, of said minor orphan ¢. whoeresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the honefit and advantages of the said minor orphan®.., and accorging to law. EE ROE NE PM Ci Dusen ee ark Superion Soar. ‘ a et Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three hidaintitetsiessbabeeitenn ke ret oath Clork supertor Ovart all rt sceauunaulo or aprtnuen ma turn ca he ark a : oe, executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, 7 and nosount ender oath, ofthe ammount of propery eee sea fe hh aa an any of tha ent ie cea le, th Oe te ee ote ae ene ae ae ea naan ok EMRNG Hoc by him or iva by Nim vi din Or of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit’ He must produce paymen Clerk of Superior Court inay examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person { sles eae iy vorieed and multe toch aceon I he wpprove the atime be tat enone Nn sppeeral apron Hi it i 132, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. fe SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of \ COUNTY, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of. sie. Me. oe at ai ...respectfully presents that it ec wteaitcon dong | and... RENN SO Ma eae ay are minor children of..- deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to a fase Baas HF Sa ce ee ao a eae dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Theretete, that the ¢ estate of the said minor orphans may De preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, this 20h - day of tf : AGP ee ace COUNTY--ss. a , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of... lig ack nm information and belief, the value of said estate iv about Gian —r value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26H gr ‘ <a Clerk Superior Court. , deccased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ay. dollars jahd the .-- dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. pac pte County. cn ee IN... Pacsofl OC Te i Pot At1t1. o ar Favre fief, inde heiraay solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserwé, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior’ Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this J 6 day of ae, ee a mm. Pott wy Guardian. Md. leary O86 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. County, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: ...County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, ...County, that hidiinieiniiibesnlod Nebel sinhessscedeuwentweicrerci ........ minor orphan ........ without guardian ; states Mek GD aonctl.... ciysasctanwuvohauls having applied for the guardianship of said minor childyesee.., and having been duly qualified us such; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and ~“ rights and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan®.., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ala Lipa day of... {477.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three the estate in his hands or reselved by him up to that time; but such time may be by the Clerk of Baperior collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of bis 4678,—Every executor, administrator, annually srtire we seen une ies voouipes ama savecommente tr the: post pear nthe ores of G00 and ered er enor esa ey timer nt oduammmpadindemnummmoome ne He must produce vouchers, wh! ma Mn NR Re EE OE a oe paleo ain G. Py COUNTY. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT........... Phd as ep nee In the matter of Tne bie SOA koi APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. pele etohetis co ecnpasiyabeiemas etek pipe sca ue aug Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application Res - Qxr an Ath YE deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of + NAsAAre yf AA LAM ye ss . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the ‘maid minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, COUNTY--ss. - being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate Se lx Noten ea to the above-named children of... als. aR mf) MY information and belief, the valu of said estate is about , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Vaasaedndl. _ — er —nmeemeemenen dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Qrnr, ne Sworn to and subscribed before me this. a recreated day of aro ... dollars, Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , Guardian for ZAI, (ff. (pi ~ Neth} 2 ir.., solemnly swear that I will wll and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said a. + and that I will make t pire Sone and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my a every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ae : RA re -, Guardian, 7Oh6. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. ... County. a Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bs day of County, To all te whom these Presents Ahall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, It being Certified to Wiest... Clerk of the Superior Court for anise sais ae gta minor orphan & ........ without having applied for the guardianship of said minor childgs..-., and having been duly qualified a ag sach: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan $- wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, OO re and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan S.., and according to law. ee a tayo Meera em.. oo, ee = | — ™ | | AS I 134/ 135/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 5 3 93 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. . SUPERIOR COURT, ‘ COUNTY. ie sks aac tine at \ SUPERIOR COURT,..... 77 PeetW CET vn nnvesncnsnesannnonnag RR Tes In the matter of Lorre ad | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, Se ie ei __........... Minor Orphans. / ee ei) To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : ee The application of..2NYL.. AAA _respectfully presents that. Charro sil: are minor children of deceased, and are withoyt afyuardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to-real personal estate to the value f/--.....---------.--.-.... --- ee --- dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, AGP 4-0 UL. a. su -. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. ‘To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the ‘sald minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays ihat Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, _COUNTY--ss. ., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dollars; and the dollars ; and the | value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... KAA Otte et thy tA dollars, value of the rents and ‘il ee ee re Wr io a oe dollars, f Sworn to and subscribed before me this ? eos seewenaeon Sworn to and subscribed before me this ....... ©. oo dae OG ‘ Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. : OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE, OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | ss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. os THE SUPERIOR CoURT. none eens off b-- AO ee eee Nr... County. ... County. Bate: Dake Lhe & thea Sed acl naan _...., Guardian for- Lhrarctak..- a wlio SAA) -bAes! A , Guardian for Charrot. wth - mk minor heir..., solemaly swear that I will well and traly take suas of, and preserve, all the estate of my said fard...; and that I make true returns i ir { } delemaly # swear ited I will well and baly ibe ashen of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward _..; ead that I will nahe nes vane } and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that J will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every tHree years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... a iicecinserneeeee Subscribed and sworn to before me this... © =. -- day of _ 1998.0. 0 Ww. &. , Guardian. costal O30 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. canara: Qa d Guardian. " LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. County —In the Superior Court. Be EI RR IC ie A dates Nop aioe Riga ees bog! le aii cueing i aia County—In the Superior Court, ~ County, State of North Carolina, Seeastre County, : To all to whom these Preseatypshall come--GREETING : To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: ...County, that It being Certified to the Updersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for........ 7%. acted MUTUAL OUI § OIE i lis ies sini ar i cca cca escapee 5 Se Sa la having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the cg Coals day of...4 and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresogver to be found, and tho same to take into possession, secure and improve, and lane to manage said estate and very part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this tho... bee day Of Nob Mee eines rnennnennennnene 136/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT..... In the matter of JI... Ld a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minarchildsen are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of a ss Is eh a et 30 the ald’ wee aay according to the best information and belief of your applicant, To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said m s may be preserved and managed according to law, Jour applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor_orphans, This...2.0.......day of re... ee COUNTY--ss. sine ail aage ni NIN acta DNB ono naennnnee-------y Doing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belongin - . s Deana. ia ies oo information and belief, the value of said estate is about , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about .-- dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this Z 6 .. LF a | o — ™ ph oe Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. .. County. Z. .norceceineett A. eae das ‘ , Guardian for.. Jn. Le... . SEE EEE, at a ae : minor heir..{/solemnly swat that I will well and truly take ohare of, and preserve, all the estate of my ‘said ward and that I will make true returns aad Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. f> ¥ Titewnc8 8.6. - pa LETTERS OF GUARDIANS State of North Carolina, . pradece— oo .County, To all to whom these Prescats shall come--GREETING: d to the Undergigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for... ents <nivaienasiiesianiccss: Al ar It being we cer he FASC having applied for the guardianship of said Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and apo all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor‘orphan...., and according to law. Witnoss, my hand andthe soal of tho said Court, this tho .&e@........... hag i WM cliMti eo sein O00 Subscribed and sworn to before me this....... 4@ ~aniwwneseer OL , Guardian. SS id County—In the Superior Court. .—Kovery exeoutor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within ths after his quatifocation or appointment, make return on tie Gaiata in hie hands or vessived by Alm ap 00 thes Uae; but cash siege mag ba Une Chueh of Manner Coenen eee te ees oath te the Soan-tovery enseutor, cdmataiataaton, ooheoter or guardian shell, within tetehve menthe from dete of hie guattacatien an of ccs neuen, Oe EE Seca eames a ee ee He must pr e vouchers, ne Crh of Baperior Gato 13% APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ‘SUPERIOR CouRT,. 535 COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .. Minor-Orpimns. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application peels aes i: ee na sad. aniheeSblltose Sortie ....respectfully presents that... enemas oe . AA dovensad, and are without a guardian ; that t d to real and porsonal estate to the value of ....... iy scteeieiasuncaee eyes . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To this End, Therefore, that the estate of the ‘said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, _ t-te ot a A a COUNTY--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate Anehir. (PA ft “y™s_, deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, belonging to the above-named childrenaf 4 information and belief, the value of said estate is about value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about sine Mints here ih. Sicwnkas ~---»---+-ollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 | ...... day of dollars; and the Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, bike = (Pr , Guardian for Rawk. lemaly swear that I ill woll and traly take obarge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward!_.; and that I will make true returns and Annual! Settlements as long a3 any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. Subscribed and sworn to before me this d I day of o ro A. Capen Qt. A _..County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : dersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for ...... State of North Carolina, sitesi ii vomaadiisesiotbaneinlbonasunobetios : veeseeeevee Without guardian ; and 0.22000. 0.ccccccccccceecnne having applied for the guardianship of said ee ---, and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Thereforg,ta Authorize and Empower the said Gourdn tent and apna and singular ode ad btn, gh and credits, of sald ménér-orpinn...- resoaver to be found, and the a ee r= ate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said according to law. uns « halge: Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said Court, this Bl tay of... a \: - a \ a sceuas Mm oe eee ee wee een m7 ‘ i ”) - Coed e Lhe n kerma emi y —————— APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR ae ee COUNTY. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. E In the matter of To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said ns may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said ga this....&.(2.......day ot. ATR Am baa “99.21 aciaies ie. Cesk fas... ents Sapa tacaaan a ace ca nen Ne <== = =p Seaescenocnareoeeeee CMT coc COUNTY-:--ss. pha ene Nader ra ff New nnn anna nanan ennes----y Doing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named chétdren Uf. | ore Inc a a ,-fecensed:; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about Pilz BB ig Siiilanptiicliialecmiicqeninceiag hintaan dia apie Hellas dollars; and the value of the reate and proGite of the real estate te abouts. mnemonic cnn dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this........ a. 6. .... day of AGFA) Clerk c Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. eo A] Ne AA JisbsuctlbvsuaSadnibcics , Qrartian oe glempuceasen Ades. JA* - --y solemnly swear that I will Mi and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward _; and tha will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me i ae day of , Guardian. .-, 08, 6, Lo LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. seesitiiveinenci cise A_44-C___.....County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, Get tl 2- A. ....County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for eal Sea ©. 7Ae. sib pkediihnreekaiempaiercs hettintenininbonnuegrcbennene«a-55 tila EM Getta oscaiens without guardian; and ...: rex) having applied for the guardianship of said , and having been duly qualified as cauh: £ Now these are Jh to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said nrtmer-erpian..— wheresogver to be found, and feesa into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said ----y and according to law. ; Witness, my hand and the soal of the said Court, this the ..A@..........day of... -77&= eA denen een ee ee wenn ena tae Men wwn ewww nkane APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,........ 537. Peau. ss COUNTY. In the matter of ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. a eneeeeeeeneneeaeeaee-------- Minor Orphans. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : and..wAAn sg a sea minor childrenot LAI. \A). A OD sikacsitsieaieins diane deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor childnem-ate entitled to real and personal estate po the value of ..f.f-------- oe en : -. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the satate of the ‘nid minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, this .2F skate day ot Jaye, fA COUNTY--ss. ‘ -, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and poveamal estate , deceased ; that to the best of he Knowledge, . dollars ; and the oe 24 Gr Qi | \/ belonging to the above-named children of C Jur. uN sy information and belief, the value of said estate is about. WLAApo oe value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about ~ 20 7 ‘Sworn to apd subscribed before me this. fe oe . ..... day of os meh. tee dollars. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. cise seieeek cae : AAN——............ County. p. minor heir... solemnly swear that f @ thargo of, and preserve, all the estate A my said} ward. J + and that® will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as-any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew~my~bond every thre years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. -... AY Miao Lg CBG State of North eS ee County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : dersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for... oP Pre gee sabi Soo isa Sislicpcslaiehond cate raterus Mal soesui lg Mies Sea Hen ........... without guardian; and — hoe having pre for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular thé goods and chattels, ¥ and credits, of said minor orphan..... wrest ud ah ma a nt pn, ad apy adie gy l at and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the vue lePh day Of Pam. iis dhol Si ; Pa/ ee reed ee ee er e er e 1490/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,............. Ridice CouNTY. In the matter of \ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. a eee tee Minor Orphans. ; rt of said County: ll inilaii according to the best information and belief of your applicant. inor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that the above-named children of oe , (Whtrthctes-. dollars; and the an meen rel AOL aise oti na se ee caiaee sg Set See ei Me information and belief, the value of said e STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ty THE SUPERIOR CourRT. = ee il athens. ois , Guardian for. - As pA Retiree... Vast . Mew J Lok. ming will well and truly take charge of, and rel of my said ward...; and that I will make true ret¢rns Punwal Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I wil¥ renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me =: dee ..day of , Guardian. —O.. County—In the Superior Court. Lear 4. County, Il come--GREETING : st a County, that State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents s It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for............ c Bo & Dee hibeipiicclevadiietsitge minor orphan.A....... without guardian; and . having applied for the guardianship of said minor childepxoem and having been duly qualifi Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan 3..wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan§.., and according to law. “Sees A , Clerk Superior Court. ths after his qualification or appointment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Court of all ded by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not exceeding six months, ’ ve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually 80 iong as any of the estate remains in hls 141) oe APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 539 |} SUPERIOR COURT,... preders_ ...... COUNTY. In the matter of _) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .... Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application 8 Zs ... dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Thesefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. ~ 1990 satan ‘sella x thes as U COUNTY--ss. ...-----y beipg duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the reat+ead personal estate Lia haa th. VL , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Plat das.. 72 0 £2 ronars j and the velucof the reate-and profits of the real] estate is abont 8 em TE dollars, yd sissies ene 2) | belonging to the above-named children of information and belief, the valus of said estate is about Sworn to and subscrited before me this -- Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. F NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. , >. , Guardian for.. PN ark. minor heir-.., solemnly swear that I will well nd traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward... ; and that I wijl make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of Nhe estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in tho Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. aun wtan GOURES, Subsgribeg and sworn to before me this- - 4 day of a LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP, inksdehubivNebeeianut tase a ee the Superior Court. i County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, It being Certified to the Ungersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for _..... YZ... without guardian ; and hess Ss. C having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, end farther to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., an ing to law. ; Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the a aia | 4177.—Evory executor, administrator, collector and guar@ian the estate in his hands or received by him up to that time; but such #78.—Every executor, administrator, collector Seen w en nn cnn ee Meen Manes tsebawe control, file, in the office of the Clerk of of such in his receipts and di Stree hee ees Code of Ctvit Procedure, Bections 477,478, aici aaa 143) R GUARDIANSHIP. og PRS eo patie . APPLICATION FOR GUARGIANSHIP. o4] . SUPERIOR COURT,...........Z74.~ d COUNTY, q, rol 4 SUPERIOR COURT,...... ft ‘ es 3 / ove -COUNTY., In the matter of In ihe matter of Mik APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Been iia _....--- Minor Orphans. / erk of the Superior Court of said County: .... Minor Orphans. | To the To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of....-..... Ck. sites (> Np tia ns acane cunt respectfully presents that. PULA AAAAA Ae (er4yet The application of.......4.-£-- yo Ne .....--------. respectfully presents that. iy oe wt ee TD Fi Te el — \rciciate eiaina MSS ere Ses ee es --are minor children of.. id) | de ial deceased, ) are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to seabead personal estate to the value of -_- aad kee oe oe red eee eet Gi. Na hereon «een eens deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real an¥! personal estate to the value of OTM ii. ssi notion tntnen nian Rib yeaa sie accag Ge Us ee) a Soak . dollars, according to the best izformation and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. a eric To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. 1 | cad 23... day of... 47 eee dle c 2 ¢] Bef } —= earner ae 4 == —————————— —= <== = = = fz <a So : SIRE ee ee ae Ee So ee ee Re ae ~ oe ...COUNTY--ss. eeeceeeneny being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal ostale ae (tt I és: 0. +-~ 4. g 0 -futO. 9. Calin being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate --.---------y deceased ; that to the best of ah Frowlodge, belonging to the above-named childran of ....\(_— Yee q. —~— canal , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ....4<hea& ogi OME aie tein iets nnneeennes dollars ; and the information and belief, the valus of said estatd jis about /A J dollars; and the valueof the-reate-and-profts of thereat estate ts about. Pare value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.. OMT is Sle re a dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this st be a Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23 ; day of AGM i pf - 2 | ae —.., J? : 2. ao Ch. ~ , - i Clerk Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Court’. | ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. wewowavee denseeenselalcets4. Seneee anes ——~..... County. Spahuiceca chris Re Ose County. . io nw - Quardian tor. (~LAL4AY— © Sand trat bY Moyle ee. ' Scie Guardian for... PV LAL ht nen f S-e- oS minor heir.., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said\ward ..; and that I will make true reMurns minor heir... solemaly swear ell and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the Jaw requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... K 3 Siateacceucea RO Subscribed and sworn to before me this fn 3 day of Bs : Ptah nes Ut/-A— sSidupionag any RMT D: C C. - -, 0.8. 0. ,08. 6. LETTERS OF GUARDIAN LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. tdi bubcie tks caweuseueaes eA ee County—In the Superior Court. ectannntesnennnceenas nape abonte ia -County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, peectc1et— _.County, State of North Carolina, p< ae County, To all to whom these Presents, shall come--GREETING: To all to whom these Presegts shail come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for..... —¢ (Aft A ——=_............--County, that It being Certified to the Undersigne Clerk of the Superior Court for. ~j-~* ec aentane ness County, that ~~ ile F pice Ae. VA" tes UA ary han vec cnenennnne fel Shh Cee. taal el EN eens tins nnccsornen aininigeclsscinaioensipaleliuisitiO ils simiapicaialiiacte ile sili sce idcidiniieiaraacen ils lrsitensive sa <egaittigdh niente Oita Tih. .ush without guardian ; and...070.».d. 2t/, aa& PR idicints ncpeoniencon anhcteiansinnnncnsnadetisiestragbeinensnnibenint minor orphan ........... a and ... Bs having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified us such: having applied for the guardianship of said minor child._........ , and having been duly ee such; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower tho said Gee to enter in and upon al! and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan .... wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. , Clerk Superior Courh Fa UL = months after his quaiification or appointment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Court of all be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not exceeding six months, : shall, welve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually #o long as any of the estate remain in his —— ‘ ale, in the office of the Clerk of Buperior Court, an inventory and soount, under oath, of the amount of property received by him, oF invested by hin, and the manner and patare of such investment, and nen eectgto ine Sememonennse he te SSE peaey nema s cone 50g sedi He mest prodace vouchers, which must be filed witu the Clerk of be gocounting party other person concerning receipts, disbursements or other matter Se: approve the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which sball be dnesiel gétes feute evidence of correctness,— s78. es : oe 1447 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. i SUPERIOR COURT,...... In the matter of \ 145/ 543 | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, fre Be. vent COUNTY. In the matter of deceased, and are ne a guardian ; that the aah children are entitled to real and or estate to the valug of .-: personal estate to thé-Value of ..._.....--------- ene ¢ . ead dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. SO Taeh. oe PEI ee a a eR oo ee redken _.. .COUNTY-=-ss. voce ene owed Neb AN Crm Ny --------y---, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ee AR ae aes mM a. belonging to the : i a AS information and belief, the value of said estate is about a KAM AZ nnn. DING duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, { belonging to the above-named childre -. dollars ; and the 3. information and belief, the value of said , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dr» Oho... is dollars ; and the é@ is about value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about...’ MS Pee SEA OTT Nag - = =n nnn nn nnn ne ene nn nn nee dollars. q value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Qare. ES geatehetLMntigiehy de Dietie baci dinkcasncsalietesscuses dollars, Sworg to and subscribed before me this 2 wonnnone GY OL Sworn to apd subscribed before me this ____- 2 8 ...-.--- ay of “Clerk Superior Court. ee ey “Clerk Superior Court. ‘ OATH OF GUARDIAN. \ OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | ss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. gehaseowiessaonmmeds IA a Cees eee! TS god bisrocec ahs saree tela MR i.e SEEN IR cm igen ciem , Guardian for tetitin -tV-Y;, - A p tlhe st. . ‘ a. a, , Guardian for (Ooh. ee Met ae oe ee minor heir. ealemoly 1 swear that I will well and truly take shade of, and preserve, all the estate of said warf™; and that I will make true retufn: Bee solemaly’s swear that I will well and traly take obange of, and preserve, all the estate of m p- war and that I will make true returns and Annudi Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I-will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Anal Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... A SL Su cacpocaucres EMO Subscribed and sworn to before me this - a 3 tg day of , Guardian. ors Fi 68,6. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP” : LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. 7... LA At... County—In the Superior Court. sihdaqanteessatins i . A hrthetiitties wns. County—TIn the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, Redette. County, To all to whom these Presents shat come--GREETING : County, 1 come-*~GREETING: State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents s ...County, that It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for..........._f- Withent Guardian 5 O00 oes ics iihibiinmensnnssannsessdurestsnniniacthuabeiusudan having applied for the guardianship of said lias child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: _ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take a secure and improve, and further to manage said estate Aten having applied for the guardianship of said minor Childg-any and having been duly emalited us such: $ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan. ....wherososver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphans®., and accogding to law. and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ial Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the... waseea lay Of... ld ] 7 wh are onan syn eaieting serine cma , Epovanasae ei teaiametscne ee ; 146, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHI?. 5 SUPERIOR CouRT,..... Iredell... wend In the matter of \ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. _ Minor Orphans. | To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : OA eo Soa dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the ee: Therefore, that the estate of the said ee may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This. AQ. bcageoues day of.... JULY... a eaeeee yeaa ame _.... COUNTY--ss. ._, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , Cxoemmk: that to the best of his knowledge, ... dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.......-..-.--.---- 2. + s--ennennnnt eon een ene cennen nnn GOllars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10 nis. ee 3808» ....day of Rachel: Cornelia Culp . _Jas He Deaton Notary. Public. CKarik ftapentcootmnck OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. j Rachel Ce Culp... , Guardian for. ee in SO ii est minor heir_.., solemnly swear that I will well and traly take nares of, and preserve, , all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make { true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 29. day of July...1901 x James -Hs--Deaton yc ace pee > LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. _Rachel Cornelia Culp... Guardian. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, Iredell. To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of ‘the Superior Court for... pi cine coke ee Da ke County, that that M. M- Culp. eae sik saad ra re re a es ee ‘ without guardian; and....Rachel Cornelia Culp....................------- having applied for the guardianship of said , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these a e to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of wid wana .wheresogver to be found, an take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said .-., and according to law, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the H78.—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian aball, within twelve months from date of bis qualification or appointment, annually nannies a eee Me Sp enenvane ae ie bean are Geese cr an one eh is connate eats amo arated his receipts and disbarsemcnts for the past year in the form of debit and credit, He must produce vouchers, which mast be or : examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the receipts, renin eon bea penaree Mavens. WRG Meee No 147 / sai 5 15 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, a COUNTY. In the matter of ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. a Fagg that the said minor childrg Re'4ntitled to real and personal estate to the value of . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the &; Thevetiie, that the estate of the said minor orphan& may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, -. dollars; andthe Clerk ~—. ert” OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE F NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. lw’ 3 ss__..., Guardian for... nn — . minor heir... solemnly swear that I will ivell and aaly take ebangs of, and preserve, all the bstate of my sa if wang sand that I will make tree returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond wake three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Wb. AL MOV FUE BAA Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDIAN Subscgibed and sworn to before me this... i ecco day of ? 708 C. State of North Carolina,..../* To all to whom these Preseats Certified to the GE 2 Clerk of the Superior Court for ‘ Cepia Min lini wiinscsicvniinocsesiencinisc atlanta ascii ii aac inaaiaubeiaa i Sinilkploni stieia wij wails mamma Te : minor orphan without guardian ; and LW. Lh. having applied for the i caahl of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: ae Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and apon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan..... wheresosver to be found, and the same to ane ee eee ee ener ae Sn Seen and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said ..., and acoording to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .. ee TE re ee e T4g/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.,... In the matter of \ eee abe. COUNTY. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. - Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of 9D. Spperior Court of said County : The — AY, La-u4k Gaespecttully presents that.- COUNTY--ss. ., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted ‘with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named obskénen i os Dale ‘ , Geceased.; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about. Up —_ dollars; and the i tee ee eG nsiunenvisitleniee ubitae.) Acc Sse eal a ek ast Ctake | value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... Sworn to gnd subscribed before me this wo oat day of Lofk A. 10 Clerk Superior Court. ) OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OB NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. fretted. County. ann i VW... mM p. Miabasu Leptin for... mNnosrheir..., solemnly swear t . will ges cate truly take charge of, and preserve, ‘all the ¢ estate Ok-thy said ward ..; and that I will make true returas and Annual Settlements as Mng as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will reneW my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other dutics of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ® wA4y hyo Subscribed and sworn to before me this- va isos sceckus MOE : 0 ad Mh eth. Feat Fuck Ca, , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSH ...County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, County, To all to whom these Presents shall egme--GREETING: tt being Certified to the _. Clerk of the Supsrior Court for Reh. .20n20--M-- raves ee Tp Til cl MINN insivninn yin sen igi tec bn ps inst-nip-n ney Sig ai aac ohana nee coe eeeeeneee sees a of OGPBRAN without guardian ; ord dba having applied for the guardianship of said rmateaeld =... , and having been duly qualified 4s such: Now these aregT herefese to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the and chattels, rights and credits, of said Fees et wheresosver to be found, and take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said ..., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the . ww. aXe avy of... Pot BIMAD oo sniscicianccenias, 7 10. wesw: months after bis quaiiAcation or appointment, make return on oath to the extended by the Clerk of 8 Sores rats = miseries Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the WN of the said minor orphany, 149/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CouRT,.__. suas Ue Ast ft L eopuere. In the matter of ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. i Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk. of the Superior Court of said County : a enon ernment ee nena SL Ta ee ok dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphane may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Mths , A this LO :' re on: Wek. cece AAGOL , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, -. dollars; and the value of the rents and ti cic le aa before me this... / 2). day of etek TT In. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Soe eee ; -.---.----. County. <P. eee oink Natit age 6 ee os Guardian for.___... he . bidet ihc Zt ee minor ae » solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 49... day of -es 7a Ke wif oes OS State of marth Carolina, screeds ea. oi, Cae To all to whom these Preseats ghall come--GREETING : It y Certified to the Undersigned, “Tt the Superior Court for ci A a a i einai minor orphan........... without guardian ; and fk... LS é having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.........., and having been duly qualified as such: Now these 2‘ Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular tho goods and obattele, tights and credits, of said minor orphan... MIC. CC ee eee ee ee ding to Witness, my hand /~ of the said Court, this the..../.2. ragllgy of. Ck L4 Pe aida fat -y Guardian, cg ORS ae of wen ene newwene Co ae e e e d i e n e n e c m e m e i e t e t i n s > ee m i i e n or n ee e = es APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY, In the matter of ee ae Lae isa APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ...... Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: : Ke application of..--- th. FA Cede s,s presents gt ai cin ss op eg ey deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and neem digigthsrsditonds nest hcaiiinptindes ech tetoclang vila tiaponiitinn silent dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphang may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This_..7_<' COUNTY--ss. ia , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named childvem of ..............\ _......, deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is .....-----.dollars ; and the Jute. Oe. GC. Ge value of the rents and profits of the realestate is about Sworn to Qn subscribed before me this - Y. . ~------------ day of &. 2 670 ALA DAL. Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. County. a uardian for_- = ; Se ee s4cdene minor heir__., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years ia the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ‘sr Subscribed and sworn to before me this __- day of ; Coen 4 uardian. xa Oe 8 O, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP nr OO AO haw. Comaty le the Superior Court. _...County, State of North Carolina, _. To all to whom these Preseats all come--GREETING: . lite iss, citar It being Certified to the Undersig rk of the Superior Court for.........f-B- ned, Cle eas allenic Ji Nb FOREGO ae ; pelassineiecbuiuee AGL oie wbiedtiicitineMioabipahagsivarsail stent minor orphan........... without guardian ; ant Ld... PPL. J4ALAF | having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part’ thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said mjgor orphan...., and “Cer : ¢ ; Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the...4..-....-.. Pe ci , a A ne Fr OT Ra. Nea Nene Se ee ee — lai se fin rator, collector and guardian sball, within three ths afler his qualification or appointment, make return on oath to the Clerk Su, rior Ovurt fn by him up to that time; but such time may be by the Clerk of Superior Court on good enuse shown, not exceeding sie moatha, or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually so as any of the estate APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.............-.... COUNTY. In the matter of os ee i Pe a et ) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. --.-..-..--. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of.......<-) ee ket dinic ela. Bo recke docu anny pe cemn IRTO-TREROP- CRTN ORM a deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said nieax hates entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ............ OF See ee Or -------------...-- dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. an ome Ss day of... ek sects sete G0/ ; i Ul. YAS. ..COUNTY--ss. belonging to the above-named Kine XE information and belief, the value of said estate is about.. EL ZO aoe value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about 477 2 a before me this... £ os. day of Cc wat Wr 4 7) Clerk Superior Court. -----, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deeeased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dollars; and the .---.------ dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Died s BW 2h . : Sonsintitnenwennton csp GP AERe Le Pe ae . minor heir_.., solemnly swear that I will wdlf and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I. will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. fse—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. -...Z A day of eae Atk gat — , Guardian. can-uy O & O, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSH - -......County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, _...County, ’ To all to whom these Presents shalfpome--GREETING : ‘ j ned, Clerk of the Superior Court for................ fp. PR ooo enone ne County, that beh alae rete hss vn asi ncae a dks scans Seon ote without guardian; and ....< s/... having applied for the guardianship of said miwor'cnrid...--..... , and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Ih to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and and credits, of said ufiner Orpaan.--.. wheresosver to be found, and the to nto possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate — and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said mi ese according to law. ge Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the... ......-.. day of... . Cn ee | 152/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. * : SUPERIOR COURT.,.....-...-.-....------------ In the matter of \ A. Katehit- to Od pee et Me ns 261 is APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ee one eng ee als ee Minor-Orphanas, / To the Clerk of the ws Court of said County: The application of. ....2£-.s-./ VY -..20- se seca bans sical aseseidiasa aaa toni dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said Hage may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said mipor orphans. te 8 day ot LER DR bry ne 199 Of ae lv ba Dig se a eo om = SNES AeA —— i a are , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named auseaPe saa coer shiinlisoaaca ale eas cab aiultaseoiaisnccistie , Geesased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about BLS ioe ccs en le ete 4 dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.../ Gg 0 2 pote eos uae eres Se gee tee cease oy dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this __.. A eye a day of Superior Court. — malian agin —— ——__— _ = = ——— —___— i ——— OATH OF GUARDIAN. ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Pepin os sateen , Guardian for—P-—he - Mx presepve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skil] and ability. , Guardia. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREE TING : It bei Pf Certified to the page Clerk of the Superior Cpurt for_...... ft ie ilies iin nic apraieiccanstia County, that having applied for the guardianship of said , and having been duly qualifled as such: Now these are Zherefgreto Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said unacp-saphalr ~~. wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to p* Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the Ce si aadiiia a AZ......., Clerk Superior Court. executor, administrator, collector and guardian - three months after his qualification or a: the estate in his hans or received by him up to that time; but such ti ppointment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Cuurt of al! may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not exceeding six months, #418.—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually #0 of the estate remains in his control, fle, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property recelved by him, of lavested by ine, ond the maniner and nattre % and his receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit. He must produce vouchers, which mast be filed with the Clerk of Superior Court, Clerk of Superior Court may examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the recelpts, disbursements or any other matter ting to the Fevised and audited such account, If he approve the santo, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima facte evidence \ < vs 477, 478, ® r et ne ] 53/ 55] ; ” APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT........ hedeet : COUNTY. In the matter of Macatee amie toca icone adieebactice «lukcasng pe .... Minor Orphans. / ee wowoa--ee----+------PeSpectfully presents es es © leruacd > ce Si ane minor — * i Rediintia di ciciide i: degeased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitied to real and" personal estate to the value of... ¢/3g2F— le I ee ete een er oor he age ee ee .. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for ihe interest of the said minor orphans, someon Le Gow é. ae COUNTY--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate b ing to the above-named childpem of __............__- he Pee ce nee , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, o “e information and belief, the value of said estate is about / Jd es dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is aba ew Pet eee a Mas tous ig a ee Foca acua- a COLE fee 9 OATH OF GUARDIAN. ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. AA County. ft ~--------------y @uardian for Qo. OQ. Kerceerel Pr... solemnly swear that I Il and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of 7" guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ve ck fat Ce. Dare pr , Guardian. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ; ecco ORE OF Clerk Superior Court. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. - : day of Mie ger 68.6, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSBIP. Gidttl County, ~......County—In the Superior Court, Ue iocie ss dhs Soh ie dinar cunoune cetera uuenaatecranes minor orphan........... without guardian; an A. G.. having applied for the guardianship of said minor child _........ , and having been duly qualfed’us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate ing to law. and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said ae orphan...., and —— cee www www nn MEY LOOM tT = = OMe NE II Re me 154/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CouRT,......._ f¥ ©. f_........ COUNTY. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. In the matter of De Le ie re aera ian Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the es “ of said County : The application gf.-..-- As ke Ce Do cn nl eae Ba a ae elk Se ip ee ae Re Rae -----.. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate “ny. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about.....................--...................4f..... belonging to the above-named children of {.4.-..4.© ...dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about...........-....---...------..-.2---00c--eeocr -aecsneeee oocesecceeeeeeae----.......G0llare, Sworn to and subscribed before me this...“ day of tk... se O. CZ Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. piven dcbnietes one 1-LC Ne... County. eran e Pie cern ee nda ..., Guardian tor ALM vy minor heir a, solemaly s swear . that I will ¥ wéil and truly take chen of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward. i and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond efery three years in the Snperior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___. Zz ce day of LETTERS OF GUARDIAPAHIP. State of North Carolina, County, all come=-GREETING : To all to whom these Presents It being Certified tagthe Undersjemed, Clerk of the S having applied for the guardianship of said minor chiMat4e.., and having been duly aia as ak Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphans. -wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benellt and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the & Maile phon ead day of. ...... ome UN A AAD, Clerk Superior Court. .—Every ensvuter,ahipiniateator, collector and guardian shall, w three months after his qualification or a ntment e Clerk all trey exnaor, smn eso and gar ton one ante zs mrt gral pnmet manana th nt a ptr Gn 476.—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification Or appointment, annually so long as any of the estate remains in his ‘control, file, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oat, , of the amount of property received by him, or invested by him, and ec reeta cate of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the pact year in the form of debit and credit, He must produce vouchers, which eee te Se Cee eee for all payments, The Clerk of Superior Court may examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the receipts, disbursements or estate, and having carefully revised and audited such account, if he approve the same, he must endorse his approva? thereon, which shall be deemed 155/ 553 — APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 4 SUPERIOR COURT, -.... ansaneveneneer A OOUNE Ys In the matter of __) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the TS ake Court of said County The application of..-..--ge-<< A hw. respectfully presents that F. . FL. erect ee ee ee neneneneeecsn: cnceneeene-ne-- APO Minor Children-of.. «tte. A. ‘“ ed, and are withouf a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of... AAR. ALR\®¥ ge ei es A eer dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of me may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, tis LO = wit Cie A. Leirt p aK = Boren tice + of... belonging to the above-named childpemof _. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the valua of said estate is about dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is pee scan eteneene emmee sn recs Sencar epee cane ua dollars. Aiensisar thy hedramae worn to and subscribed before me this LO ... day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. RTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Cour’. , Guardian for XL. minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and eraly take sii of, and preserve, all the estate wae my said ward ..; and that I will make tree returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate romains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Coa Ae A i: , Guardian, ,08.0. LETTERS OF GUARDIANS ubscribed and sworn to before me this. - / day of *.Counity—In the Superior Court. ...County, that eee eee eee ne SS -.wnlaor orphan .......:-.. without Guardian » GR vicina on sk ccacicces cece ced nececatacbeussinchidlenmiics ues having applied for the guardianship of said 1 minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: _ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights aud credits, of said minor orpban.... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said -_ orphan...., and ing to law. iri: teeny tonto administrator, collector the etate in hls hands of seoetved by in up to that administrator, 478.—Every control, in the of the Clerk of sain t hoe of the er lab 1567 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,..../& In the matter of abe ere eta oe ce tele Ne Sa Se as ee ee Ue eee ee dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person_as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. = nm span AF AAN—__...__...... County. low @ uletlpiPaciich 1... ALY HOARE , Guardian fo atl. Whether hy. ortthaee-, Ala slutlpr minor hei), solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said wardS. j an@that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscrib ( and sworn to before me this b iecokeetatenn scace day of L, J y C : AA Fee W EE Pann sscsnccany Oy ty O, Guardian. bf LETTERS C© GUARDIANSHIP. <nsaiangecadiabianda eo f-........County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, ldaatry Q... STO he FW. Wirslo~s... minor orphan .)....- without guardian; and.L4-~ having applied for the guardianship of said minor childq»s.., and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.3..wheresogver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and accordigg to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....44........... day of 3 pul nocsacedbaxeasccesecuns stan : "a , Clerk Superior Court. . months after his qualification or appointment, make ret of all : er ae ee eee eer Dr vAegsecenr apr Daag tego inatnide tagteenr t, poialypieye th dpe roars gy Basa 4478.—-Every executor, adzninistrator, collector or guardiun shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or a i aeons exceeding six months. in his control. file, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the am Ppointment, annually so long as any of the estate remains ii of wa ee Tory 555 | --------- COUNTY, 157 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,,................... In the matter of ec O OE -) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the The aie of, a re eh aretmines-childremof..... are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of “A MEO Oss Pine a apd ae Mayda aa teatLce ile nnn tied dawn Seen i a ollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said m s may be preserved and managed according to lay, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said ieee mis AZ. ule os shee a | =, Lhkero—— es a COUNTY-=ss. perior Court of said County: -------------..Pespectfully presents that... a oa , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ———".__, devensetl ; that to the best of his knowledgo, a dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of -the real estate is about___.<—______...___..._-_==:.---............. do lar. Sworn to and subscribed before me this .. . eo ee OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE QF NQRTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR COURT. ill me Bt Tc ded npc le .., Guardian for MW, , solemaly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward; and that I will make true returns 1 Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ubscrived and sworn to before me this ee - ‘ having applied for the guardianship of said , and having been duly qualifi@ as such: Now these are Sherefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said nNaorospher..... wheresosver to be found, and into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said .-, and Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this te ZL. chained on , administrator, guardian shall, r. tne sotsis \a tia hands 06 sonsivad tg hiss ap to thes Une; bat wach Giane way be extended 7 Clerk 0 office of the Clerk of Ceart ua teensioty at eonsous, wate aan control, file, in the e Ch ‘ 158v APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT........... f=! In the matter of _. Minor Orphans. / unty: dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. ‘To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardiggship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best you of the gaid minor orphans. ..COUNTY--ss. -, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate —————, belonging to the above-named childrom of .....p-—\-40- 4444-49. OE deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about......\c+-¢ dollars ; and the valuc of the rents and profits of the real estate : a van pisicnesinciomnnnad sousdonnnan srusner aps Meee meni caduionat Jade ceecuaiai el aE ERD Sworn to and supscribed before me this -.. ... day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE O NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. County. minor heir ¥ bolemaly s swear r that I will well and traly take ohargs of, and preserve, all thy@state of my 7 said ward...; and that I will inake true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I/Will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties Pha guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and syorn to before me this. Ca Se ees day of » Guardia dD. minor orphan A having applied for the ghardianship of said minor child , and having been duly saaliaus as snob: pes Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and uponall and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan. ....wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said a ---, and according to law, Witness, d and the seal of the said Court, this tne Af. day APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. oD SUPERIOR COURT,............. f- 7.4 AAA... . COUNTY. In the matter of -) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ... Minor Orphans. deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minvr children are entitled to reaTand personal estate to the value®f.— ane ck = .. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your appl To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the aid * ‘minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of a may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of t COUNTY--ss. -, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the hest of his knowledge, betntng above-named children of .. a. 1 - fof information and belief, the valus of said estate is about. 2” 4 Pe : Sra dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is aboy ise a ol enh cg bnccauroubactaelaiesiccd mea aaee oy oe Sworn to and gubscribed before me this eae: OATH OF GUARDIAN. CAROLINA, ; ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. _, Guardian for. Dhl, & oe jit make b tree returns AI Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in ar hands; and that I will renew my bo ds onan three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of a guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my, skill and ability. Subscribed angsworn to before me this. GE ...day of » Guardian, having 6 y these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian ty’onjé ee desitnsndancune sd WMP ik esther explan C. vhbscencnvet to be rasd, and the same to take intbh-pbs: meee ee and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor Ss, ee = my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....4/..<"* anna plot hab ay thf Zoe APA serrate ay or received by him up to that time; but such time a cohener ve or guardian shal), within ff 4 160) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, SUPERIOR COURT,....../ AAA. County. In the matter of \ +, APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. _. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County,. The application of.....d@- ..-respectfully presents that...’ L dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. ey that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that i er hela lea s COUNTY--ss. sats aie NAA... MAAR Yo ing, duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of ....{[“s [= A. AACR -ON ~-----------------y Geggased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said esffte is about Diaae A ae 4 / for ..----------.dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.....-...... conte nae iuns sounaanehanwnnculcbynayetG SeAes cain Leauucage Sy dollars, Swopa tyand subscribed before me this SAGs ok re OATH OF GUARDIAN. jy NORTH CAROLINA, . THE SUPERIOR CourRT. , Guardian fom B78 AL trtlery by and Annual Sutibeenente as longer any of the estate remains in amy hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Susenias Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ZA County. > Guardia p. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents It being Certified to the Ungersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for..........¢.7° &-€ ‘ or ec. ‘ ~ Fs ‘ .Minor iad. sad without gua having ‘applied for the guardianship of said minor childaa——,-and having been Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan'a...wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan., and acgording to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the z pcspadtvcdthens day of... gf FI une aoe CO NON ccna tcossnennenseeeey Clork Superior Coart. #77.—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, withi the estate in bis hands or received by him up to that time; but such time months after his qualification or appointment, make return on Court of all extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, area Be Core of Geis 4(78.—Evory exeoutor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually 80 long as any of the estate remains in his control, fle, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under cath, of the amount of property received by him, o¢ invested by him, and the manner ‘ % of sich investment, and his receipts aud disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit. He must produce vouchers, which must be filed with the Clerk of Su 10rfy APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 009 BUPMRIOM QOU INT)... nics cnennns sovcgeesirenvcneenpeenenen COUNTY. In the matter of ie elias a en ieee ‘_o...-a-.-.----- Minor Orphans, ; of said County: lication of. i (PYAAR tErclann Lp To the Clerk of the GT Cou personal estate to the value of .......------ 20 enesee nee nen Pe ee ete a eS es en dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that t) “| to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. This -. ws <7... day of ___; pat JHA. Letters of Guardianghip ma, Je OR a fey MAM Pesce h Sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of... Co LEDAASA SI — - -....y deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the valua of said esta¥é is about ..dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is Am .-- dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this -. ..day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. CAROLINA, pss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. , Guardian for.. LOK syn. 4 6 minor heir&, solemnly swear ‘at I will oul and trely take ohare of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward: .; and that I will make true returns and Annuai Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this __- eS aesccencsueh Gr seca aA, ai ae Le Rk o 1086 4 » Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. State of North Carolina, it being Certified to the Undersi » Clerk of the Superior Court for................@6&- ia RE RC rl a a _.....-. minor ee without guardian ; and ... see applied for the guardianship of said minor child«........, and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan .... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor --, and according to law. Sn nn ee ae : | | 162, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, Sree COUNTY, In the matter of Btn: (alice iu. ( ‘- i ‘ : - Mis ie f S. POM...) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. ; / ; To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : Tho application of..\ eit... (POmti ta respectfully presents that bibtai Ohba ont Mp iisiscnwniay puis Add ninor childres of ‘ s ilies deceased, and spewithout a guardian; that the said minor child yew Abontitiod to real and personal estate to the value of Cheuk PA ie 45 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according te law, your applicant prays that Lottors of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as tho Court ma Y think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This Q day of Ua psasd. 1 0 eg COUNTY-:-ss. ‘ Gui oas,. (P , boing duly sworn, says that ha is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonfiing to the above-named children of , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ° information and beliof, the valua of said esta dollars; and the ¥ . OT. .. is about rn =< u,cek value of the rents and profits of tho real estate is about a RN RS orn to and subscribed before me this day of a. Clerk Superior Court. ... dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | ’ ss.—IN THE SupERiIoR CourT. q County. f I, Ny: Aer (Outi , Guardian for ite Caren 3 minor h@r.., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make truo returns i and Angual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Suporior Court, a8 the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ubscribed and sworn to before me this day of : fisctee. Fe tude ar cinesik , Guardian. ,08.0, LETTERS OF ls te. Geditt. County, To all to whom these Presents AGall co C--GREETING ;: It ow Certified Poe: Undersigned, Clerk of tho Superior Court for / minor orphan........ ... Without guardian; and‘ Coit Bis Calihnr«c— having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.........., and having been duly qualiffd us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower tho said Guardian to onfér in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ... wheresoover to bo found, and the same to take into po sossion, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the boneft and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witnoss, my hand and the soal of the said Court, this the... County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, .. County, that oy Ga — -socevesseneeny Glork Suporior Court. H77.—Eivery oxeoutor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, throe months after his quatification or appointment, nue ‘ ae the estate in his hands or reoel ved by him up to that time; but such bo extended by tho Clerk of Superior Court on good 476,—Fivery executor, adininiatrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualifica ystecdbed and nis reoeiptn and dleburverente or the Past yest ia the hao ee oat oF the amount of property received by of suo investment, year Of debit and credit, Ho must : ror Tho Clerk of Buperior Court may examine, on oath, euch accounting party OF any other person concerning the ean Teh must be fled with the Clerk of Bupertor O = soa taving pally ravieed ond nedited seuh encouet, bursoiments of any other matter | onei p ee Toke wr, ae. oe he approve the samo, he must endorse his approval thereon, whieh sal be deemed pris ten welaonen @ etek tn coca ane Se of auch in 1637 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, 064] COUNTY, ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. In the matter of dh Cae Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : Bs application of... f f (P, Bil Tw ies respectfully presents that. Cbacgptnd: hs .. we ce areminor childneaof ih, airing. item deceased, and without a guardian ; that the said minor childres are entitled to real ddd personal estate to the value of Chott Ph, CY I» LO is i. oe dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as tho Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, _ This A, soe. day of Adepasadr o2— <4 Peet ik eeo COUNTY-:-ss. , boing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and HG estate ad. AVA , deceased ; that to the best of belonging to the\gbove-named childres-of : o information and beliof, the valua of said esta¥é is about o7 YH is £— value of the rents and profits of the real estate oc dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. — (RATT STATE * NORTH CAROLINA, ) ' ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. loa nate cuates aaa County. LAA CG BTR , Guardian for Meterporet Kk. VaR E nian oe all the es swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, 6 of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns ents as long as any of the estate romains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duues of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. any EET sacinenicics, |: tals LETTERS OF GUARDIA IP, , — ..County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, Gy deel. To all to whom these Presents Ahall come--GREETING : being Certified to L "(OaeL. Clerk of tho Superior Court for ke. vvescctevee eevee OOunty, that ceseenscinarescheceMatsasvestens minor orphan...... .. without guardian; and... PI. ies Van having applied for the guardianship of said minor child ......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to onter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ... wheresoaver to be found, and the samo to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the bonoflt and advantages of tho said minor orphan...., and Witness, my hand and the seal 0. the said Court, this thé .../7Z..........0» nowledgo, dollars; and the orn to and subscribed before me this wuypoaZ— Ax A f “ae Superior Court, day of Sybscribed and sworn to before me this day of um 6 Z— ,28, 0, County, administrator, collector and guardian shall, ved by him up to that time; but n v abealnleizaden, cobeater oF anarclen 19 bt parma, Clerk of cones sanz cession oP = acc © Otvil Provedure, Beotions 477,478, ops am \ | ce APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. In the matter of .... Minor Orphats. / To the Clerk of the Superior a of said County: The application of.......\.>-.V_ ahison ..-.... respectfully presents nate, Ate Be lip te ig ek a lle na es ae kee deceased, and are wi out a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of bree AA Ah t AL dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. ipo V c M.S AA ......COUNT Y--ss. This ed deen SS Be ar ce belonging to the above-named children of Whew. = o information and belief, the value of said estate is about BY 40 oe ~-yy---------y being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate (duet , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ..... dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about piiecnsdomataneticaied Wi cocoa cols La Ls Te tal Swern to and subscribed before me this 4 ooo A Oe Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Bo C&A _.....-y Guardian for Nutt a minor heir, solemnly swear that I\will well and traly iake charge of, and preserve, all the estate of aid ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew y bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. : tc. KR os Verpeile—. _., Guardian. nn LETTERS OF GUARDIAN County. Sybscribed and sworn to before me this... 4 pasties OA Or Pasion ip County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, i To all to whom these Preseats shall comeg-GREETING: -ws----.---- County, that ict ipaihaietlandisncnnraintiglisst oss ptllyacd. cen iitioig minor orphan )....... having applied for the guardianship of said minor childy«..., and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphanS..wheresosver to be found, and tho same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphanS.., and aggording to law. , Clerk Superior Court. H77.— tor, administrator, collector and guardian aball, wi three months after his qualification or a the estate in his hands or received by him up to that time; but such time be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not exceeding six months. executor, administrator, collector of guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually 80 long canara the estate remains in his property received by him, or invested by hina, and the manner and nature Ppolntment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Cuurt of all fei: et hs APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Y SUPERIOR COURT, .. TY CHALE 4 : COUNTY, 165/ 563 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, FEMLEL ..COUNTY. In the matter of PEC Patino er leat PWC. Ryttiacs | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, Mabeher: t Jere’ ; Flos Orphans, / To the Clerk of the I ¢ Court of said County: wy . 0 NR ied astace mina respectfully presents aah’ A peg: Mitheke~ y L. Dalek oy Saresdilitatinkalendiceyeasierichideplsabiaaiuaia tated tas ee 2. Dilated in Mee ee eS are minor children pftute e GAS chviersdehanes Cas deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to realdnd personal estate to the value of .................... 0° PO AA BLY 6 2 sonnennnnnacvsnnnannannnonns aseosneen------ GOllars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, .....--.--... COUNT Y--ss. ee Rite ee , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of ..\ Latha = oo == - Mececne - tate is about B/S g Lae value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about... -----=$<=-"-"N--7”X"T- =... dollars, orn to and subscribed before me ae AL. eevlegeme( (3 2.) § : iar AG 0 Clerk Superior Court. Ae OATH OF GUARDIAN. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of sai dollars; and the STATE OF NOBTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. sa NITRO Ae. Guardian for Lf fav ete har faayf, Bretton Loa, will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all t tate of my said ward...; and that I make true returns minor heir-.., solemnly swea t ; and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. FAG LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHI Subscribed and sworn to before me this......74..4.............day of , Guardian. 6 as -County—In the Superior Court. having applied for the guardianship of said minor childg4+.—, and having been duly gu Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian tag) ym tor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, ' mate return on oath to the Clerk of tee aitcte ta es telnet teen by him up to that time; bat such oteneneenen )abown, not exces alx mo H78,--Every executor, or 0 cr e m e se n n a eR i g p n e n t c a t e si t i o n ne i n 166/_ - APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of \ COUNTY, Minor Orphans. , To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application ee Tle Poca Ares eI. 55-5 cecal ecnces dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. This i et $3. Werte as ..COUNTY--ss. .-.-.---, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children at Qon oc Wowk information and belief, the value of said estate is about. ov AAXxe Cl erior Court. eile cuca tact, , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ...--.dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn Ag and subscribed before me this / f gol’ dollars. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, sS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. eee Wr sik A“ .. County. minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and presffve, all the estate of my said ward/; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; dd that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties iQ said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Dp ' to ‘ Dharis eec, vove-ey Guardian. .., Guardian for’. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _-- / aoe ast ee It being, Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk,pf the Superior Court for __.-.... LO. Wo tlentitcanepeiccieMRtesecttacsee teawarctercactoey ces minor oPphan }..------- without guardian; and .. ff... oe SLE YY having applied for the guardianship of said minor child--eom, and having been duly qualified as such: : Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan} ..wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan$.., and ing to law. ooosee-e--- County, that Cee MC nt il sap betediean’ , Clork Superior Court. ~ maT ths after his qualification or appotutment, make return on oath rt of all ne aes in his hands or received by him up to that time; but such time may ded by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, so opinttae itched . executor, administrator, collector or guardian sball, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually eo long as any of the estate remains ia his control, file, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property received by him, or invested by him, and the manner and nature of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit. He must produce vouchers, which must be filed with the Clers of Superior Court, for all paymenta, The Clerk of Superior Court may examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the receipts, disburrements or any other matter relating to the entate, and having carefully revised and audited such account, If he approve the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be deemed prima facie evidence of correciness.— Code of Civit Procedure, Sections 477, 478. sauce’ ctsaan se aaimne Ne hae. a: i ie ORS a iP i al a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.......... 565 ’ COUNTY. in the maiter of See ) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. _... Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the S erior Court of,s County : The application of......sf- R. AL- <V¥-4 Pca ....Pespectfully presents that.. Mei Raha, ees oe ee a. a ae eee Meas... RNR on smn cnen wntenenoanseqenstecviey. onceneccoen cca MEROn GRIER OL. tee. SOT iets guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of deceased, and are withou ae Any. NOD. ----------------..---. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, eae 189) 0 2 COUNTY--ss. -, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging th ALT. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ~~... dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about _..——— es oe Ba dollars. Sworgno and subscribed before me this. Z. ~ a day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. F NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ie pa 1.2... 2 7 on ., @uardian for. a Rare ncSrtrom minor feiy..., solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability, Subscribed and sworn to before me this a day of | WALT 1 0¢/ ,08,.0. | LETTERS OF GUARDIANSH State of North Carolina, Seal » Guardian. ...County—In the Superior Court. County, To all to whom these Presents shill comg--GREETING: It being, Certified to th ndersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for......... ys tL Ath AY ‘inal ha sddisclionadais wcrc cl, Sil 2 ee cs 3 \woue Lcekdsnetechdheniandsobestebceheusedualton be aascngigicccnsalbad is athe nile while neidhwdenidd haba dn ds hake ania alaiaibebasalea Ss pada Sb ceca occ sola; cuainics bistous dns sacouret nee SaaNee GEE Sebi odeast without guardian; afd having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qual Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enVér in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresogver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and farther to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and accogding to law. : en ge ge 9 Fe RO ON 6 Fie aa Es a ee Me ae Ue Every execator, administrator, collector and guardian abull the estate in his hands or received by him up to that time; but such time m 18.—Every executor, administrator, collector or 168/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of \ | APPLICATION FOR SUARDINNGH. SO aR De ae eh Sh ee Minor Orphans. | To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: A a2 as Lot OAH ee respectfully presents that..... Bins AAA tor. application of... degga ey, and are without a fe W: s dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of a may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best fog the interest of the said minor orphans. belonging information and belief, the value of said estate is about... value of the rents and profits of the real estate is “Gh get FFT. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ..0-.-........06 day pf et OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF RTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. in Cow te , Guardian for.. a eat minor —— » Solemaly swear dat I will well and truly take shares of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward._; + and that ts wi “ill ‘innit trae ¢ returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of ee guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. _# Pie te agcbeg day of one Qef woe ea ©. , Guardian. > pi Sieh ciiiiiesidlaacknncdteileaate Rete eotousied. 2 minor orphan ........... without guardian ; and <<“ h-*#--@ ©—, having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.........- , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon al! and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said bstate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said mil rphan...., and according -— Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the...) .......... OR ie Za hab tes Bee ere tT rnannreteeestnet ani neneieeae imine , Clerk Superior Court. #477,—Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three # after his quatification or appointment, make ret all the estate in his hands or received by him up to that time; but auch time may be by the Clerk teatlon or apolniment, make eons deen iene of Superior Cuurt of , administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve from date of his qualification or appointment, annually #0 long as any of the estate remains in his 4478.—Every executor control, Mle, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of t prosues sommient wuts wank Rhett on oe tae of such investment, and his receipts and disbursements for the a miter ce ne credit. He must produce vouchers, which must be filed with the Clerk of STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ‘State of North Carolina, having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: 169/ ee a APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR MI EE aos ok sie secon ecginad < ana tbaccaivninicasacouindac atch Made ee In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. neeemaepie i eraaiee rare Aes ae a Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of. pinta Ma 6 bo ees @: MP vethsss wun, eee respectfully presents that... eewswencesuccsces © BST et eee rem n ne ee re eee eee creme ewe ewe ee meen mere e eee te mwe ee see eee ec eeensccceeneceenteece = Sn Loo eee ie ae ata dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. direltite, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that ship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may thiak Ais. for the interest of,the said minor orphans. This { pe seeeoso eras —_ of... Qt. LZ Ga: Cit ORE ih ccstaian f) si eee eM ‘CAR Beas ... COUNTY--ss. Ruane... being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named childnem Wf._-.........-----. 2-2 penne nnn . that to the " his knowledge, aul , pote “*4ollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is oe pee ae DR a SO ies A ot ee Se ee eg i, to . subscribed before me this - os Pee OF information and belief, the value of said estate is about. .__ dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .-. County. ‘. A... / minor heir..., solemnly swear that I will well ‘ait trely iy ‘take ehktes of, and preserve, all the estate of my y said ward: J asd that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ee and sworn to before me this... [Ft cintces ae Oe: G See bs 4 we?” Cu. ad SD cet spit “~~ Guardian. To all to whom these Presents shall It being Certified to the ersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for _................. Senter een e nnn et ere teen nn cman rene seen e wes mawen ees sew ss eee uwwn sere eennwe seen en ent abt sedadee seuneesesectasssacudooenebadeusn (oF einen kasd iocck nme ecpiuubescasiuesnccbtcn minor orphan........... without guardian; and .~ _ Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chatigia, ‘rights and credits, of said minor orphan..... wheresoover to be found, and the same to take Oe ee secure and improve, and farther ee and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said mi -, and according tp law. Witness, my hand and the soal of the said Court, this the ...2.).......... eet ais LLZYL. t0— ( dabaiadeiedeleteudabeniabeibeeieiacehdaes I Brn en r co The Clerk of Superior Court may examine, on oath, or any other person concerning the recelpta, pin, Musbiesoeueuibae ob eeey bois enaaeer stant tna sah sno barr ma must endorse his approval thercon, which .s ‘oarefully is on me Shall be deemed prima facie evidence en e we e r Se r a an n e ae n e t e n e n o n ee e 170/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. co ‘. " CBU RI GIR TE .- = onan enna once en ree decewernesnee nen sce In the matter of 2 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphaag may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. belonging to the above-named childrep of .... 7 information and belief, the value of said estate is about value of the rents and profits of the real estate is Ké Swopg,to and subscribed before me this - a i iaincscooley day of - Clerk — Goare, } OATH OF GUARDIAN. ORTH CAROLINA, $sS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. soeeceuccimiessnccon CAAA = .-. County. I,..--- ARR A Meet , Guardian fir ih J tee gk ae ee minor heir-.., solemnly swear that I will well and take shane of, and preserve, a all the @ 3 of my onid wardff ; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond €very three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscpjbed ang sworn to before me Prey 2. Sgseencsemuaen cE, silat A~ ——- lf ., Guardian. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Preseats It b Certified to Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for..........f-4--- a a aes lan minor orphan........... without guardian; and t Cte... having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and clattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresogver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and Oe Gav. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the . A sacininies APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 569 © SUPERIOR COURT....... ke (A Cth a COUNTY. In the matter of |, APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Se ge ace acne near cut nipitnenonsinntaceensrominiteapcocsace MOR GRDRREG: } To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application Cook, RP. he al o— acc aea tras respectfully presents that. Lilatuse Adis a xl RY nn: ~~ == nnn = oon nnn nnn neni eeeeeeeeeeneneees+--s+----- Gollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. d, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. <cnshy te paesetiesuanime ial acie Meme AAA --....-....... COUNT Y--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named childnem of ....\/.. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about.. — dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.-- be 4 and subscribed before me this 3 / oh ects .day of ..- dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE NORTH CAROLINA, fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. pie Fis tee: € whuaTii. hed o esl , Guardian for... 2, Tims bitte hin ee minor fae , solemaly swear that I will welt and traly take ohana of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this o/ wigete Nace ine OL a Fi as Vi ales _..y Guardian, State of North Carolina, . County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Certified to 5 Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for -.......¢ 7 ..S= 4 ff EO BN ei PS oe Ci minor orphan D......... without guardian; and .. sua Riaiaartal: having applied fcr the guardianship of said minor childye..., and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further ee and every part thereof for we benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. oceewnewmwnwe MEY UL... .- 172 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.............$-7«<¢L In the matter of a Pa ote) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Set en se ee oes WinorOrphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: he application oe _e J ae Da. UAL SA WA 4p AA i weesased, and-ane without a guardian ; that the said i Ate entitled to ei personal estate to the value of 4“t-at{4— oO : Canteens fovea veeeneeeevnvenennseesenaeeecnenesesoceesccnsenccneeconeereentnarenassesna fee gages dollars, according to the best information and bellef of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said iS may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. mis 29... day ote pedeu iene ae ‘ <> in a ; Se manana Saat __........... COUNT Y-<-ss. ieee eae ...., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and persoual estate Qi ee belonging to the above-named ehildagapr-of~__.¢-—_1—3-s PABAQR nnn nnn nnn nnn , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about 60 —— cin=csadormelicisnininiuisnm ieitinearhlethating tietsliniaeleeliy Shai isleralen igi ak cadkd dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about bo aes eee eesti diahe es n wae scilee sc onduteyssnanuc neal elise dollars, Sworn jg and subscribed before me this - sua of i net aia G0 OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF ORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. “___..... County. x I,. sila, AAPBAL ALG a , Guardian ae ~, solemnly swear truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. a 2. henna ...., Guardian. Subscribed and sworn to before me this et pect al Atala day of MQ OZ 1, 0.8, 0. — — ” , 4 " en Vv , nie ane ge “betters OF GUARDIANSH imiairtineneetneeencinn ood eMC ance County--In the Superior Court. saci. ORE, To all to whom these Presents sha’ come--GREETING : is cas a cs County, that having applied for the guardianship of sai Now these ~ ah sor to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of -...wheresogver to be found, and the to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the iene es and according Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the 44 devils day of... 177,--Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within thrce months after his qualification or appointment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Quart of all the ontate in his hands oF recelved by him up to that time; but such time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not excesding ate monthe , Clerk Superior Court. 4078,—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually so as any of the estate remains in bis control, file, iu the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property received by im, or iavted by lm, and tbe manner ana Batre ‘such investment, and bis recetpts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit. He must produce which muat : sana pogareates ‘Phe Clerk of Superior Court inay examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the reeelpte diaben bide nated ek a estate, and having carefully revised and audited such account, if heapprove the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be deemed Code of Orvit Procedure, Sections 477, 478. prima i oe nee ay APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. a SUPERIOR COURT........ —__. COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. et eee ncaet hk whee oy io ag oa -. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : ) deceased, and are without a guardian; that ‘he said minor ps are entitled to real personal estate to the value of ... Gat. E Ml. 278.70 dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the in/erest of the said minor orphans, Al. EA are. Sree en Liiigenpviesaiennn 1 oC a ab ger: D i P2774 --...-.....--y being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate ‘PAGS oie reer , deveased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the valu of said estate is about -..__.. Zz ne .. dollars ; and the belonging to the above-named children of _..._ 9>F+_...C—. Waree OF Ep OR GRE ree Oe ON i a dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this ............0-...........day of Clerk Superior on OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, pasos THE SUPERIOR CouRT. _....-----y Guardian for... A cae minor heir_., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my’Said ward __; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ......- r ......... day of oo ie er ee ee tifa? . LS ‘ ’ Guardian. y Midi LETTERS OF a , ne nensencttnneen-Mieceeconccssencsonancocsausccncccenccinncaae -COURtyY——Ia the Baperior Court. State of North Carolina, hee ACE. County, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : sisi ccdccuc COUN It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for ............ “a. , A ain, OMT OME TT minor orphan..........- having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattele, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advaniages of the said minor orphan...., and to law. ’ oe Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ..... errr: APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT.,..........°-=— In the maiter of BOs a ae Ne a dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, belonging to the above-na med Ae lee ; i 3 information and belie6fthe value of said t, is about #2 sing % dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.__- 2a i. i dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me this..7.. day of Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ie THE SUPERIOR CourRT. diosa ns sow cle SN. foo c-c.t 8... -.-.--.-... COUNE> ia \ Break Pe ee ke tet. 2a a mae, Z. é hud swear that I will well and truly take chine of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns ee Aanual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship 1 will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _.-..- f - pice ean ee day of , Guardian. h 2. 08,6. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. To all to whom these Preseats Piss Pie os kd It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for........... ' Sieh tainnthcakseapiiihs spoibawainjeibnian <onntbetaliei & ----------. Without guardian; and wn he OB. ne having applied for the guardianship of , anc having been duly qualified as ch: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and Z same és take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said ----y and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .....7.......day of .....© an oh eee e wenn, oon wns een anew wesw nn Bin FO, — . APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 7 , SUPERIOR COURT,.......... KC ka .. lpawaioe COUNTY, In the matter of be Ladies. Yisaisn............V APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Se a teers sen ue Minor Orphans, / To the Clerk of the Superior Court . sai — deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ... sce lpia uc eater er i ----------.---- Gollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor oe This _..__.... 7 sete _ eagis OQ ae eee Ka. C4. <a etn. belonging to the above-named childrea of , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ‘nformation and belief, the valua of said estate is about oo LY. be cates es sate eis dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about..........-.-.---.----------. ...---2200-s0eeee-eeeeeeeeee eeeeee-eee----2.222-.....@0llars, DB to and subscribed before me this ....... a neat eee -day of Si OO OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, / sSs.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. Aad NI ses County. 5 Lie. RS oie RCE , Guardian for.._..— minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take obangp of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward. sand that I will make true retares and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond spite three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......... £ es no LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. State of North Carolina, Lee hele County, REETING: C te Se ee VCAttLLA, Guardian. ---County—In the Superior Court. To all to whom these Preseats shall come-- It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for -........ : without guardian; and having applied for the guardiansbip of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as suca: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all und singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, svoare and iageors, aad farther 40 manage auld etal and every part Patani amen aa way nd f Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the oa me APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, ig SUPERIOR CouRT,........~“ CHL fe COUNTY. In the matter of : (CL ha. Dez ii. NPPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .........-. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: ssc gh espectfully presents that eae csi ns Setticens tap pee eat idee Ming pes CO pS are minor children of... REALY oe LZ. ae at deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ............---.---..-----._..... he Genesee Ue Ses Eka eee So a ee te dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued im, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor ea ie 4a 0 oe El a hie < es a) (Px22 Re so lan COUNT Y--ss. ESB ches aN ae ee as ee Eee ee ee ae a ; being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate on Cas ; belonging to the above-named children “. Cihite eee Fe information and belief, the value of said estate is about.-.....- | eee Sacchi ioe ..---.----. dollars ; and the value of the rents and—profitsof the-realestateis about os tee ua mascac sgh pngeeie pete teeta dollars, er and subscribed before me this one ay OF tee. ged OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | Clerk Superior Court. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. adios a hetecs.,. a J | disks ZI, Bl L Zhe Bar es Wag eee ca te --y Guardian for OA Az log 22th - mninor heir..., solemnly swear that I will well and tral ly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. -------, deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Subscribed and sworn to before me this --- ics Cee, fork -oo----y Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. State of North Carolina, ™-<- County, To all to whom these Presents shall ecome--GREETING: wesuee-------- County, that It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for......,.»< hate. Lt he Veh cn AM ails Ot orphan <2....... without guardian ; wii kee Ae Me an 4 hate apy Ae having applied for the guardianship of said minor child 24¢+s., and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresogver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and oO to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....7.-2-....... sg t as h e Ce Wi a SL A N E SO S Po bo n ne t re Ltt? APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CouRT,........ 742K, _ ..-..--.--- COUNTY, In the matter of - epee perenne NT Sos APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Bale chic Scare cca ys vicd Minor Orphan. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : —_ ao The application of.....: 4 “a eta pee Rae ss anckocccanticie sc respectfully presents that........... ae cAI cs ae 2 ent co cx Ree eascek here are tac ete eee oe ae ee ape minor children-of. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. day of... Voz Acek Satie aa ¢ LEO yo Ate tacee -..---.-....- COUNTY--ss. Bat See essa ease ee eke ss sac nggren cone ncneeceneceany being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named child?em of... <707_ «Zl , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, o wf eyw i information and belief, the valus of said estate is about.“ <77__# Leet ck ere Rel Cone Igoe mete " dollars ; and the cad Drerrcs-6 HH F82+- OStafG 1IS-aog ---...----- dollars, * sworn to and subscribed before me this... 7% oinannan ORY OL " oe Clerk Superior Court. ——-— we —— —=— LS ——— NS Ne Oe an Sat = - —nanareetnes SSeS OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, SS.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. L A fp (enw acd, laa itt ae Mas ., Guardian for... minor heir.., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward.- j and that I will make tne returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duues of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. A IE Subscribed and sworn to before me this..........7./............day of sings ws “o Yo Mi s sel < ae ----+-y Guardian, ,08. 6, "LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. : aren iach oepewtees Gavdiay siaewanainan chan vagboksd County—In the Superior Court, state of North Carolina, ree eee” Conaty. To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : WS gi St i a a as minor orphan........... without guardian; and having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. ' : Witness, my hand and the seal of tho said Court, this the .......Z-.....day of = One { Perrrrrre ry aww wen tne neme Kachica , , collector and after his quatifica?’na or: ttn a ada roe oy i tthe time bet ac te maybe the Ulerk of Bupertor Court on good in the office of the Clerk of Court, an inventory and account, under onth, of the amount of conta ae, heen a Berk of Superor at i re atery an onaek wm 178/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of \ COUNTY, Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of sajd County: as od. A ‘ad ecteceu. Amat Ce KCEe ees o * euel aot - - ooo = PE Ree OS = Be deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to and personal estate to the value of .<*— ......-.--- dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. i al s 9 BA R AS nT Ba ae fe a To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for Ue of the said minor orphans, is 2 . 3 This a of... ZAI ae 2 oF OW « : La 4 q COUNTY--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of ....-..- , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about ..... dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about svnueiNCOKenORD Wha tie al Som dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of Be 189 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ee Le A fleet .-, Guardian for He alrer ve = minor heip®., solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Md Fee Subscribed and sworn to before me this fe day of tl.. kes , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUAR --o-s+------County —In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, Fre 4 It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk ae Court (lsu Moc _,...County, that Tee eo cccuinshanbandeiabis minor orphan. <?_.... without guardian ; and... 20 X. Bec trette«“j2o—. having applied for the guardianship of said minor child~**~~., and having been duly qualified as such: 4 Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights a and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresoever to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the soal of the said Court, this the .......2--......-day Of........ 2202 Fo ALF a on CA eee Cae Meade rr Mee oneneenenseny Clork Superior Court. sie — — a Every tor, admit sunrahen ealbesseniiied grartian ththty tesil Tanenganiihn ethan ble qusiideniion or appeintenh ane wh oath to tofall the katate in his hands or received by him up to that time; but such time mny be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause sliowa not e im aoe. Qoeeteh eee nee executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of bis qualification or appotniment, ; ins in bie remaine a net ' Code of Civil Procedure, Sections 477, 478. BEI ete iar Kg & ih ik il as 179V APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR CouRT,. In the matter of sectenteerercece Freee eee cena ewe EMS weit enn ewencceete -...--..---- Minor Orphans, / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of. pAe.. =< -S. Bed J Bb a” ur eR -...-.Fespectfully presents that ace Botte EE ae and... ka Mr Lb AAA mien een Linens Stelle ff fiten Lda deceaged, and are a. ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of. Niet tc Rca lies pau ft & : blero. ---.----------. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. d, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. A wf this... = day of... IIR ss acnicsncncnsbiciounes ed = Pk. Bs on ak, -COUNTY-<ss. ..------y being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about....................__.. <a Sworn to and subscribed before me this... --....... day of -- 189... Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. sian buces ens CREM wg Sie AaAtast7._ } ha minor feir#, solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward. j and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability, TA Subscribed and sworn to-before me this... 7 J = day of Gar a LAA , , Guardian, LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. enc cle EE es, ~------------.County—In the Superior Court. ee€eck ......County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for... 020 nnn ono vn snp nnannnnnnenncnnne wistentthiiteiahneccenheihstibinesisnresecqsscnscncieniastial CANIM. scsi without guardian ; and ........-.00.ccccccco-necoococoncnennseecaasees having applied for the guardianship of said minor child <t-*s~., and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to onter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan .... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, seoure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the beneflt and advantages of the said minor orphap...., and according to law. te Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....7.7 <<day of... AeccBetetascees cscs coe ee 2 7 He QO One se cen enetemeshnn tee a ee ennwenseoes .—Every executor, administrator, collector and gaardian shall, within three months after his qualification or : ciao his hands or received by him up to that time; Dut such time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior or ‘months from date of ; 577 ..COUNTY. _.., Guardian for Aaa. Lorddin,, F77aAMA, dar ch pull: (Prana. om In the matter of ee Ber ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, _e--) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .... Minor Orphan / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of...<f%-=—*-~...%° respectfully presents that....-............. uh a ak ie Ce eer Fe a oes AN ae and are minor children of.. ee EE 0 rte SO deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to reai and personal estate to the value of _... an, Bets etjiae GLE i 6 as ee . dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans inay be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This ——* _. day of tay 4 ae ‘ oes Af EE reer s rN. Oey ene... ......., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate S duly 5 belonging to the above-named children of .J> BS ib, cap cee pele aie COUNTY--ss. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about... C2<<< Hhecee leech Lae... esienensesen--on-----Gollars ; andthe Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7 ‘ . day of OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH ee ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. roe Fe teen County. ee bee La: Me eS ok , Guardian for... \O-~ ee ee Brent minor hefr/., solemaly sweaf that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other dutics of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. A CU Chet nba , Guardia. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. Lue eee ....County—In the Superior Court. County, Clerk Superior Court. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 2 day of mu ay ae ; OF*Ks 5 6, To all to whom these Presents shali come--GREETING : State of North Carolina, It being Certi to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for.. Ere te ee a ee Lh cette Sr Rotel ee ee ee aa ia iia nlindianoypusl NN MR cabal without guardian ; and... 27 RR ss) Se eee having applied for the guardianship of said minor child_......... , and having been duly qualifie/as such: ‘Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said minor orphan ...whoresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. eeuevee------ County, that , “ xa Sf eet tetee> icatns secu , Clerk Superior Court. se executor, administhator, collector and guardian shall, within throe months after his quatlfication or appointment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Cuurt of all eatnaens wre du or received by him up to that time; but such time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not exceeding #ix months. 4178.—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian ahall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appotntment, annually so as any of the estate remains in his control, Mle, in the office of the Cierk of Superior Court, an Inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property recelved by him, of invested by hime and the macener and nature of such Investment, and hie receipts and disbursements for the past year In the form of debit and credit, He must Produce vouchers, which must be filed with thé Clerk of Superior Court, estate, and ba Sos aindt Proosture, uerioen 477, 478, a laa » Sobek ih eet #77.—Every executor, admintatrator the estate in his hands or received by him 1 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. In the matter of ee a Len. ER, -...-.------- Minor Orphans, / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application af he Qoche peti eie Uist bosses incoladiainabaca respectfully presents that........... Fail shies ecenigihciice coer na tik ned sheikednibuaiie uacaevudt tie re minor children of fs Gg Bibi ate “Abe tac Fsacnnith te gt ng <6 i sin as a deceased, and are without a guardian that the sai minor children are entitled to real gid condita A to the hes of. & f Ky ye Riise css -....-. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. hans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for ihe interest of the said minor orphans. = RB Cukeo coe ees | ~ovsnnsnnnnnnnsnnnnnnnssneensny DOiDY duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of F SP. itatseisaindle, information and belief, the valua of said estate is about ee gb Le ere Manche war. COUNTY--ss. , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about - ms ee i. us : oy mr dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me this...“ : S .....day of MEG... BO a AL. Sf acheter on DB Fade Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, - ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT’T. ee SLeELELE, oe csp en , Guardian for Sather Zex week, o~ 2? HeLa Fee cea Bs minor @eir_., solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to belore me this. _ Cittez é Ge % day of . p JB PKs , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, #@<<¢<4__ __County, To all to whom these Preseats shall ee ee It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for_........... iii se oreo ool cove tenvevee nee County, that wi easiteet sana tiddteviinceentnine intitle IN MIR oe cn SR ONS ONO ii Sl ann esaemsisasigitecmstiias, icuis Mine ae having applied for the guardianship of said minor child“*-€~>-~, and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan _. wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said ec‘ate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan.#., and according to iaw. eee eww ewes ee NT UE 22 0w nn Finn eLenncan see ewan enh aewinnnwemnnnun ene enone wee oe ; but rach time may be extended by the a SUPERIOR CouRT, \helte A. COUNTY. se e s s a e i h e n e l i a t e i e b a n n e e a t e m n e n a n e a i e m m a e n e n a n n in t e AT ET TT TT LT TT I 182, APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, \ In the matter of \ Minor Orphans. ; To the Clerk of the Nie a of said County: Tho apnloention of... es are minor phildren of... 6 eB S -- A .. ee .. SSS ildren are entitled to re d personal estate to the value of dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think the interest of the said mizor orphans. oiceares onan 0 _........ COUNT Y--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of .................---.------------+-------------e-nneneeeeene nnn oeneeeeensnee---y Ceceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about _.....---. dollars; and the valoe of the rents and profits of the real estate is about.............---.-.-----.-. ..------<in--n00+ enssenstemncnenndentabepassentecnseseelae Sworn to and subscribed before me this .. 189... Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. minor heir..., solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and prescrve, all the estate of my said ward. d that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years ia the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ae ....... day of ; ; = c fuo- oe oi aaa acenesse-e-y Qpardia a. 7 Lf lek be eet | | LETTERS OF GUA NSHIP. Le Ete AR ‘eeuheaecctgacd County—In the Superior Court. Se habs. _..County, To all to whom these ee eome=-GREETING : to the ar EG _ Court fhe... I=... Kee , cick duit nbenbeweges cases Oar minor orphan without guardian; and having applied for the guardianship of said minor child , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and ace, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ..... cos pane 7 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. on SUPERIOR COURT, _Keetcee. - COUNTY. In the matter of The application of..-- a et ae DID Sue acl and.22) =... Midi its ut. PL iil . _...are minor children of ..<°<€ M(0._ Al! Echldeae gh, deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value 0fa@k2._ Lf Pe +Kee 2, I2 g002 7 ie ee Oa ee eas -. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best forthe interest of the said minor orphans, oe ( > or. ? ELIS nan nace nanan LOGE re a 622- de. a a COUNTY--ss. <N....-------, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children wh shee (Le ee. Pot <LEe << <& , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about.../.<c77 Lied seas tnt P7700 =) dollars; and-the i aun cckntcdn ne COLAND __ Sworn to and subscribed before me this ....-. Ae day of =< ape 7 it ) Che oe i Ay C Ye Ye GALLI Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. +cciinsccane COURLF, hice iu. _., Guardian for Le Milled ¢ LaF hag Liblinr ‘minor heir, solemaly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, allAhe estate of my said ward; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... é b day of = 5 s 2 AlA at ee eae ae , Guardian, ,08.6. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. nk Blethen, nscocesseeees------County—In the Superior Court. : oo State of North Carolina, ~Ge<<Cee County, To all to whom these Presents s pall ecome--GREETING: It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for. \&*-<- Bee’, es ai eee) ce Pec cawauaesiouces cena minor orphan-<2. having applied for the guardianship of said minor childcee..., and having been duly qualified us such : Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manago said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan.«<z, and ing to law. 4 hand and the seal of the said Court, this ey of.4.>; fa. 183%) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT .,..........------------------~-- In the matter o APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. .. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said yap? The application in SB hike vn eh ERLAPAN,...... respectfully presents that / deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 2°. <<. ALte = ee eae dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person <3 the Court may think best for 24 interest cf the said minor orphans. ee aa K_.0 Leck. ee a 22". ie being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of Ae. Lys Oz 22 £e Ce Cle PG es a Je , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about.. Lid ecw, oui Pare. i ita ice OU Aa eae dollars ; aadthe a aa aoe a dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this _........- i. ee ees day of s ~ Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF’ NORTH CAROLINA, ee Check Sa eee County. ' BML 22h KL tee ba als , Guardian for~ Gp. lai Leis hii set Mince Git minor heire’, solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve/all the estate of my said ward@.; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. @ Ye LCELL. ac See fe tas Cae , Guardian. | ss—ts THE SUPERIOR CouRT. day of State of North Carolina, It being Certified to oO se uaty, that Ce nua lh sll naan minor orphan .cO....... without guardian; and _......--.----.2.--22-.22-2.210-22--2020200 neeeeeeeneeesennennneeeeeneee* having applied for the guardianship of said minor child. Z2@+., and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan<?., and according to law. my hand and the soal of the said Court, this the .....2@........day of. AAPG aenenee hice ee dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me this --...... * EES day of ace... fe: a ee A 4. ore -¢ — eyecare oe APPLICATION. FOR GUARDIANSHIP. “ SUPERIOR Céunr, Se ees." Se COUNTY. In the matter of APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of nal AB: ? 0 - SS mica ieee ett er Ne eee HOS eT Le E Pe Se has oe Ren or |e dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. iv ee Lele Siar a7 COUNTY--ss. S2--&& onan EG Ey y-------------------y being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children of .<4_.< , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledize, information and belief, the value of said estate is wz ater ae Llp eee dollars; and the ‘Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. | aioe os. HO MR AM iss i Se a , Guardian for__. ee ae yew es j minor heir_.., solemnly swear tad will well and traly take sine of, and preserve, all the estate of # y said warf..; and that I will sake tes rhatee and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my hend-¢ eneiy three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. 2a wa Fes , Guardian. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Coos day of ater Rice ee i ee LETTERS OF OF GUARDIANS LP iGo ahaa eee ’ WM the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, _. County, To all to whom these Presecats shall come--GREETING : It being Certified ae Clerk of the Superior Court for ...7- 75-292 ek. Silicate Pa a ae minor orphan........... without guardian; and , Ace having applied for the guardianship of said minor child......... , and having been duly qualified us such: vial Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular che goode and clatioly sights. and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, ee ee and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the suid Court, this the... .......day of 2 2 Sw BEOK > " ht oviey Sante saesibteniina sbi 4 ieeenshi nam: H minh handao envoy his wp tas Ue but. such time executor, collector dian | ee ee D and hiss APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, oS EEAY In the matter of S; fells.) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 186/ | 55. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.. Suhedhasdiawninen wate oe ~snwvecaseang (isIE We COUNTY, In the matter of a ee Minor Orphans. / minor Orphant | ee rr oe or ne To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of . 22222.....772.€- 2 U2 Bite, tree, (Pa Ll I oe PP pe oe aes 7 : : ' The application of......<=... pe MO re respectfully presents that.......... Neste. bleak. Pitta 2e,! Y0etlesr.\0- GLA 2A ee ee pn ade: — | cs uae 5 ie Neem AME Lacerta ennai enaagpeean | A0t = Ke. ort hte. AL? Panel Sulnoe ehitdren of... OABEAL....Che... eas = e a ee a ee are mindr obildrey oth Orn. Lea 2772s A075 a deceased, and ate without » guardian ; that the anid minor children are entitled to real and pereenal eotate to the value of, Osta -<2-Ne_cctcea cecA deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of “ta. Shit oe ek on sail DE A aii hasanabi iene dollars, according to the,best information and belief of your «p,.icant. k eas. <& Cw MOPED cok scant: to uo bees tehecanihie ait deadlieadibediitaaas To the End, Therefore,that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that : wi oe ’ To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. Bleek Bxt..22 af pe CL SS ae ee a2. Saag, Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. a == EF _...... COUNTY--ss. ; COUNTY--ss. | AQAA om. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate _...., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate a ne eagle ee ete nbine ni nnninwnnnmnnins ---» deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, belonging to the above-named childpom—of 9 =e j-teceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, A : 3 - 5 oer id a about. Keen Lb eee =atEe ; -----------. dollars; and the information and belief, the valus of said estate is about Bbb EE? e dollars; and the é PPOE FS EDO... anna nana onan nnnenenenee vena Anaeeaneesnsnneneneeennesnnennees dollars. value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about................ iene Gea ce Secesaeee ......--- dollars, wag subscribed before me this. ae sinvennenguenins day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this. oe. bay Ot ins 5 ih os on : = aan... WIA | , ? wy Ht “2 ES, Ex. s ‘ateerege oe pti ad a. AZ Clerk § Superior Court. Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, >) ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. eee nike eee. County. —~ A Bie Bin aie er enone | Bich, Pathan 2X 2 0: ca, Ri ast I... 2... LES oe... Mea, ek , Guardian for \-“Lee fe. (A eheere EF AQ... ‘ee — Lette... ., Guardian for L/< Ces “tes ave OK eae minor heir.@ solemnly swear I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward._.; and that I will make truer eturns minor heir.., solemnly swear that I wiff well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward; and that I will make true returns | and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as ary of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior | Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, ‘as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ’ * act | Subscribed and sworn to before me this ............. 7 acer Ana ..day of Subscribed and sworn to befcre me this. - <= day of ao DLE (etror _.y Guardian, Ps ; 5/2 ; L-@. aH ais eines V , - i ..-» 6 8 6, : Rt peace ‘ , 08,0, LETTERS OF GUARDI LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. inl soiaeavsisiaiieaiescreaterhcaiaress a ‘inkbeippiscslanadpesiiead County—In the Superior Court. : ; Sa MN ...... County—In the Superior Court. | oe a | filial nan eM, . State of North Carolina, . ERLE County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING: : To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : 2 j ) It being Certified to the Undersign Pe PF cc, » he toca e lta ese pen sectdcuiic Sinan «gE Si Sind bar. oj I ee ne Ean yas Whe tea danseet tans ME su Sterecenateten tees 3 eat Se fies Patlmer minor orphan ........ without guardian; and <7€...<¢ @ \ : without guardian ; and .....—~_ a: snsicham aiphiadamreeagte ts issiiaetshicnmilinh-sathget naiensacaens having applied for the guardianship of said minor child. -*«-..., and having been duly qualified as such: 4 having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights ‘and credits, of said minor orphany...wheresoaver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate s and credits, of said minor orpban.... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and evory part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan-., and according tp‘law. vid and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor = * aod : Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....... ie wistiincee ORY OF... sce Bactnndenvstainisennsubachoesisgns f - Witness, my hand and tho seal of the said Court, this the .......: < Aca AS OM. AAC RIS tihatie asthe wancnnteees ass Simuentflinsanete Mewcers EC. ec en eeneenssvsn-enny Clork Superior Court. aaa 77, tivery- administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his qualification or appointment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Cuurt of all the estate {7 his hands of received by him up to that time; but such time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not saa Superior U7e—Brery ox , administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually so long as any of the estate remains in his control, file, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under oath, of the amount of property recetved by him, or invested by him, and the manner a: nature and his receipts and disbnraements for the past year in the forma of debit and credit. He must produce vouchers, which Se Sted en cas or Cler of uperior Court may examine, on oath, such socounting party or any other person concerning the receipts, disbursements or one = estate, and having carefully revised and eudited such account, If he approve the same, he must endorse his approval thereon, which shall be | , Code of Civil Procedure, Sections 477, 478. ee : P deemed prima , ' Se ea s Ae ee Ee ee : ee Sa n e R E n e m e n e n e m e n e e e n n s a e te oa n ch A TR a mr e 56 187/ Pe an am APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. as 9 Ase SUPERIOR COURT,...o Sem... a Gy eo Cun Cuca Lf. La Zn... Cen f. Prec 6 ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said oe The application ae ae aap a respectfully presents that..77%..7...<2<+tA_ p fctome et~Ad « on ea fet f- a Mme. Ak 7. ee Aalel and. AM. REET fern Prim Reset Og i ee ey eet. Se a aoe eee tee eee ia oie deceased, and are wre a guardian ; that the said Aides Hilton ara“ ent tld 10 reatendFarsonsl estate to the value of oe A ae eR ee according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters uf Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think Deatibr the interest of the said minor orphans, » ee , Z Z z This .......7._2... day of Lk. tay Ss enbellbaaieel 1807 LF 4 »: .. £oe i Sts _.COUNTY--ss. sie he a a ae voneeenese-en-----------y being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate - belonging to the above-named -ohHldren-Of ._.... Cx Eh Am, -- 2-88 nnn eee oe i ancoiepnpasnios , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ...dollars ; andthe .-- dollars, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouURT. auinorheir_, solemnly swear that I will well and traly ‘take oem of, and preserve, ‘all the ¢ estate ae my r said ward. -; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _........- Oe day of it eee ” WU om 4 Melon. em, x Re i Lobes. ) a sie ehiisiglapamaeiiiicamt . sini beneath aa tdi ined anf Y- , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDI State of North Carolina, —St. een... County, To all to whom these Presents Shall come--GREETING : having applied for the guardianship of said minor child Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the beneflt and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ........9.......day of........ P24. Pe al ‘ SUE ve 587 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. BUF RRION COURT, ......~.----.cn-ccsevecescva niennesceseysorsvereesoe- In the matter of ‘ RD Leica...) NPPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP, COUNTY. wonaintnniecniy nitniwamacon sane. RMON CRRRRES. | To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of.......-: Poy: Shes TTS -------------------- respectfully presents die Pi oh leis cal et eo sill iacllli e e e a se ee ee are minor children ot <2eak 4 / C irr Fae iain tinaccuc saa: deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to reat-end- personal estate to the value of AMA. ga J ee seese ee dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant, To the End, Therefore, that the state of the ait minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, Ms EE tay ... t ae ae 3 A. L Ceaadadr COUNTY-:-ss. esa alle me Z Centin, hiaine: belonging to the above-named children of ....-7 <n : ae 22uta information and belief, the value of said estate is about #9 dd ae, -, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, dollars; and the —vatre-of—the-rents-and—prefts-of the Tert-estatet3-abets.. Tectia dollars. cf Sworn to and subscribed before me this -. Pos day of hee hel af »™ ; 29 fo Ce Cecee see Se LO eee La. Clerk Superior Court, OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, een ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. .. County.. em a we a. fei iak , Guardian for CA KMhatall cm ¥ ox A 4 minor heita, solemnly swear that I will well aiid tral ly take abies of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward __; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my " guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ies and sworn to before me this Ie Rooke tea OO LY . Re € a” Ze)” Jo ivtabbat , Guardian. i _ PA facta sevecseeeeeeeny BB O ’ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. mA Ben. sith heli To all to whom these Preserts sh ome--GREETING : -.County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, It being Certified to a Undersigned, vio the Superior Cgurt for Rolf... bu Bake. ML tones _. minor orphan.<?...... without guardian ; and .. de La sexeabot th, sic i, Seale having applied for the guardianship of said minor child <+-, and having been duty qualified as such; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and sirgular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and farther to — ait —_ and every part thereof forthe benefit and advantages of the said mo a". , and a Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ......7 i a baile a Ree eR Eee sean nae sdimtatstratr, ollector ae alpre | by him or e ] OO ee e ee ee e 189. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR courn,....f 6. btek .....COUNTY, In the matter of eee cpp ae ie ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. _........-.---- Minor Orphang / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: The application of........ Ce = 4: 78L Ghete ict respectfully presents that...... His Me og a Oeste LS GS eT Re ae sl Galatia eM So sae ae are minor childnap of .<222Z MM ae eo oi ae deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of J bbe bert PRAM faerie. Hias._ctattah 27210 BE WE Aceby dears, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. Tot nd, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, Reece CF lag TE oi 16 49 ae a ..........-- COUNTY--ss. piattpiet esac bentc al Se ei as evieeeeenceneensnceeenessse-ess-y Doing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate OTP 0 Sie ROUEN TIE acini cepts selene connahsipemsiicdnmeepnaaliancpenieenana ...--- deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about. ...........-.------c-ne--nccocdmcasoosessecne--ccndinendacsmensensansninesnoabirwesnesnetinecieiiens GOUARG; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about...........-..--..--.-------..-.-------------- + Sasso bli eaesstarciode haba iriailale tates dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me this .......................... day of - 189... - Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. ---.-----. County. te ee ,anensnninninacannsone'y GUATGIAR na oe D2 allen so minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 77"... day of LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. _..---y Guardia d. State of North Carolina, ...€<« To all to whom these Presents iis ES all come--GREETING: eing Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for........“....-- EN <ocsaveeeeeeae County, that OE le a ee Ne lad a la gaay .....----minor orphan........... without guardian; and ....0-<\ mG: “20 <O CA 4 having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: . 2 Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate = and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the.geal of the said Court, this the ...... L232. day DapiienMeeninnetierae tin title onhn:iiiabiuiie : Siz? ~ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR count, __.42 Zeek. SES COUNTY. In the matter of To the Clerk of the Superior Court of i County : - 4 7) The application o an pfhownen-~ £ We Meet C£ El scisimindcocbinpecncerstias yeupesifeliy presente thet. es iniicibiscsbstincncaMall ath... (CLs Rah tare, ss idialid tects nce sini cles eosin uo oleaace castec aa eeieseee a Gk . > ees cs I isl i i csc ss, See cael i are.minor children of... £22. C... <i Xk Cet... deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of ...........--------- a co tueneenereeee eet M Lee on ds Ss SO ee ee ea! dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, Thie........... f Frc scsi OS AGG ean AGM a a oor a htt e. ; COUNTY--ss. wipe pes cP Mca La C..... pe tees , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named childrenof ...... 44: » UC. PR CLL ce ie , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about tic dollars; and the ......-.--. dollars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this -........- ot - Af Ll F 4 & Ce bz C-LEL, LL. senees Clerk Superior Court. ------------ day of oe aa OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Siciiatie cM ew County. Sc cctenits Vl Ome Lbeec ll spistedibabscsecbuuies _., Guardian for... Aatt.e2n ae 224 £¢oL1+ 3 minor heir-__, ‘solemnly-swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward. j and that I sar tres returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. 7 fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..- ae day of i ‘ ae —_| Ps ’ acids (Anny 2. a KE SAece cL a , Guardian. = wits tll niente —— a $n a eS =— <= LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. nes l wanes ee LEK, ss sneessnnerenn..cCoanty—In the Superior Dourt, State of North Carolina,»“C<@e60000. County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for .........— 44 ACO Pianta: cipal cider PO a. t Lo : Zo? nf , ate one aN i ial eae eer a carrie occ ceeeeeeeeceeeneeesseeees-dMAnor orphan........... without guardian; and Ak wo as such: having applied for the guardianship of said minor child ......... , and having been duly q Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and. chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. th 2 SEE no rt es ice snaseallay of. ea LZ > - 4 CeeLewn ee ac e 191% *» APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of _.) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphanf, / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : ; , a = on a ages sab wo. oe ee cabs respectfully presents a ee Ct. wn. | EES a CEOS Setaniae mR 2._...Os.....fhe minor ee Fe Cie. deceased, and ss without a guardian ; that the said minor childreg it eatitled to real and personal estate to the value of ..... At... : Msgee...... oe ween tne eewatieeeaeeeeseeeeeeeees-e--------- dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, : a This ...... ae of cop fee S en LOZ (. ee. 20 ee en. tl ciao Vee het .... COUNTY--ss. ee MESS - £0.26 CL 443 t>..........., being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named children lle ee: Sa nee etre ae ee eee , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and boliof, the value of said estate is about... % 2.9.27 4. - sae cece elaaes ees heateas dollars; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is es q---ce--s-s GOL lars, Sworn to and subscribed before me this ‘ _day of <4 Cee 198 0.2 Z. | yy ) : Y<- Jf ¢ 2 Ce-c7.)-. < ~ oe L- (4 f < f C Ce ¢ Bake Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | oo: ; -ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. wn EMA renee ----- County. j I, LEO LO) CLR. he hbo.) Cnardian for... CC PxRectecctett...-- Sew Conn. Saal MEd tgs minor heir... solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward ..; and that I will make true returas and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my ., guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. , Subscribed and sworn to before me this _.- aa! : day of ) ‘ gn ) a ee 4 >) 7 a jS— neoaeee MOL 2 . Wnt LE 9 AMN — LZ AU te O80 , Guardian. LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. State of North Carolina, “<«-e€«-<_............County, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : . _ It being Certified to the Undersigned, eo rt for,..... Mieco ag dio a ..........County—In the Superior Court. -.....-.. County, that out ne ie mec heer. ee, Zeke ; CONN a er, OO ae aie ESE DRT ROSE URED OUR HOO Me VE minor orphan-.......... without guardian; and a he? on Ce Porites eenssnni having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orppan...., and according to law. nd the seal of the said Court, this the ......<: t ae, MBG 0 0 fen Ss AMO cise ws tits soe s . SOLS “m ee , Clerk Superior Court. excoutor, administrator, collector and guotdlan shall, within Lures months after lis qualification or appolutment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Court of all eats os an yeived by him up to that time; but such time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not exceeding six months. , executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually so long as any of the estate remains in his eS ST EI T CO T E S ES R aed aud credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. ne - APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. sa SUPERIOR COURT, Le eee never ne COUNTY. In the matter of nn it — ttn faa APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ~_oyr. J, ‘ ; w---s-so----Pespectfully presents that. <227.>.» "GLE 0 connceses i i a a : isi’ are-minorchitirep-of~ deceased, and ate without a guardian ; that the said entitled to real and personal estate to the value of 28-744 S° ~eneeannnannnannansnnnnnsanencnsnasannnanaanncsnnenasennsnansnsnssssneensnseeese-eens-« GOllars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other,pgrson as the Court may think best for the interest of the said PHO OF PIRES, ao x pe! hat tO, fovea 38 pte. rv ~- gu v 4 aff 2 ~ FOO sks F baile OF OE i Mo on isc, SY: a eae. REY ai F a = -- st one Se enema es = ~~ = = — Kee COUNTY--ss. sea MSL... soncoseneesnnnnnnnnss-------- Doing duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named ohildnenof. <<+< ire 770, “7 Zz ape , deosasad; that to the best of his knowledge, informetion and belief, the valus of said estate is about. 27272 £ dollars ; and the value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about .... P<. on ee a .... dollars, cesses ef =z. sit Ty Sworn to and subscribed before me this... - --..... day of Clerk Superior Court. , OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, si ie il ....... County. LO aol tell P Fak ll <f , Guardiaw for a a, 2. een A, / icin ticlciieunaggimie en. ena 1 aninorbeir.., solemnly swear that I will wéll and truly take charge of, and preserv®, all the estate of my said bet: j and thavwill make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. - - . day of Af Oe. ~~ & 6, 7 fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Court. , Guardian, Gua vd an ~ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. ~-aceneeee-e--County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, ,.. Acdece _.County, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for....... hee | icblcdads cibiiaiaidhil weve ASEDR ee BL acre eke dearer Sheva rere peter minop-orphater........ Without guardian ; amd 2.2. ooo. once nee nennnnvnnnvnnnnnnennnnaensnesoeseevescousecc.c6 having applied for the guardianship of said ee and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the......../.........day of. or, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months afer his qualification or nds or received by him up to that time; bat ach time may be | . OF Dourt f , adminis weenie or shall, within " ie c e n e e i a i i e l i c e e i m e i e e e r e e t ee e er n ee e 1 | | : b APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,./. . ~~, “s ‘ ‘ COUNTY, | APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Minor Orphans. ; To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : oRy Co The application of 22°22 th ENE IE ied 4 —_ ed, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real a ee Ltt ieniasininnliail: Aeserh Ata, Lee... ....... dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, - a i ee er Fi = day of ... LE pet ot: ee ODE. eke, Pee 4 ~~. 47. ..---.-Fespectfully presents a Cagpree ..are minor children of nine > C. teen. d personal aatate to the value of CEM th COUNTY--ss. a eS Cine belonging to the above-named children of fe: es a. ran ee ee. od of , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said éstate is about az. he CL Mocciitbcal oe beted is , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate dollars; and the ES value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about I ye .. dollars, = Sworn to and subscribed before me this hee ies day of ae yile oes “a ~ (102 Lng Sekay Pd <_-Chepk-SupertorCourt- OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | . ‘ — THE SUPERIOR COURT. _ 1 Si CZ L,..<272... ie la. Ce geece , Guardian for, z a (02 ite... sp ARNG. LU spa minor heir..., solemnly swear that I will4vell and truly take charge of, and pyggtrve, ‘all the state of my said ward .. /and that I will make ire returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years ia the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. LE. ee he Set. mm ~\Zce MOLL County. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. ... n= day of al : Ple f. ce Zp BV 2 Clio , Guardian. Vike, i vfs ep fb Xo dl + ely Qutb LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. Leta CLK... County—In the Superior Court. County, To all to whom these Presents shall ecome--GREETING: State of North Carolina, , Clerk of the Superior Court for .><"> ... County, that e miner. seats int Stull without guardian; and 2742: de ul he we ae MATTIE EA cwcenenneee abeeee having applied for the guardianship of said minor child. ¥4<+..., and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goodg.and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan... wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and ne manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and acoording to law. It being Certified “” Under x sre ome pe Dourt of party or any other person concerning the rin an pr a oe recot pts, @ a EM R E SA U D A SE AS S 194, . : om APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. a 4 xs » B..% > ” ee 7 SUPERIOR CourRT,..___| fete A. COUNTY, In the matter of ) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of... PL Lh oun. rTeeeh Ce —— hea hy Seer Jims nospoottully presents that : &?._.. Gore. fe ge: i Essie ccacctaecensscn-ss seas o+ ennneenn-n-ns oe-mninor-ohildrenof - a deceased, and <2 without that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of A Seek dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. = the End, thames — the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, This .......- a 7... day of. Cenc. 9 Pe oui Sia SGM cll ~ pe Go pee” Co i . renin ce “ 4 Na 4 - ae Per « <. S ee ge Pact, date, silanes MAO ee. ome COUNTY-:-ss. _ LH... bed dean hg: eat et... Veena... , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above-named Ghittron-of- weg : i. ; , deoeased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about andi Fasc Seen dollars; and the hy. ee velue of the rents and profits of the real estate is about G SS oeserenerrrnrereeo esneree nee « nnnrmdellare, Sworn to and subscribed before me this af day of Aig , Rf m id 7 . ai fe 4 4 ~D O dae zs esaledsatle. OU » Hee Ce i LK Be 092 oe ee “¢ Clerk Superior Court. ae oer ae 9 a OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OH. Cawntk bees , Guardian for ports fect. i ee x ici , solemnly sweaf that I will well and traly take alone of, and properve, all the estate of my said ward. ..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years ia the Superior Court, as the Jaw requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with tho best of my skill and ability. a. sS.—IN THE SUPERIOR Cour’. County. , B ace “% cae ER tiv Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of enenpea i x wise 3 pre one a v aa Ce , Guardian. ‘ 777 ae See * een ,68.0, 7 ae Ab acketen... LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. ate mee &... Coumty—In the Suporior Court. State of North Carolina, ecclece County, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court tee .....b& ¢ ocheccoe Gigi iti sion County, that si cues ciccaa et Cumme aaear a all agil Sloan Crp sci s WION ONIE IER § ODF saisiiiicnsicidsiicnineneannses otesaomsinananiaterenpnncnsiammisionuinbiinadin having applied for the guardianship of said minor obild.......... , and having been duly qualified as such; Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower tho said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan. wheresosver to be found, and the same to take {nto possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate. and evory part a ere nS ee ~vvey 400 according to law. ae ee ee eee es THERA eRe HNO Hom yD ‘wots ween mae A nese ina be Arter one Ce ae Ta sae Ghee youd cause oot vr 9 503. 195V' APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ss ees SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of 196/ : APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. e . om gre * we be ~~ * . SUPERIOR COURT,........ ake CLECER COUNTY, In the matter of spins wieiibiatsassabeaneucchueniniaiscseneamsnins IN aan f ke 3 A ; | nsnetenatnsanunssnneuesennn eonevenweranenenieeseceseeeneesceeesesenenn ARO? OPpRASEr To the Clerk of the Superior Court 2. County : and wget / a nae nage ji To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: , F Z fen male The application of..7~—S<.-.. NG Oi pean ...respectfully presents that... = y Lave: CLE Aa, __respectfally presents that.......... Qareciz. CE we 1 Panini ck ak cae & tt ee le ci 4 i i a cece teks wuoeaemensonel ~areninor children-of . inset ssie iat Late cadcncabusic decouveccicucdivecsnied cacueceeanc id iiueaaienaaibiiiiiaagali: | deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to real an deceased, and are without a guardian; that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of. a i a a ge -. dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. | savennSt el Meat sagen pee, wie LBD ——Aollarg, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. efore that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that i Toth hiévatbes, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that | To the End. Ther ; : p | | ip may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. : Letters of anuaiiaes may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for tho interest of the said exiner orphans, Letters of Guardianship may S p | ? KS Le - 5 Mes 22 eee... ; $A aa. This —— day of oF senenennees WY venfofonncras Tee «Ms. day of. DiS si ei iscil Seoiicecaca wiize vente Mk. bee | Tt ae wo peers oe ah : = | iii aca i ee Se | i 2 | te ea Zeek. COUNTY--ss. i hee COUNTY--ss. | | a Bee. ee ; , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate | iN a .. AK. a < a ae , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate | c * 3 ° ; ra | belonging to the above-named childrea-of ... «ft soma Le, , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, belonging to the above-named ehitdren-of ene Rain. 2 , -teseased ; that to the best of his knowledge, | information and belief, the value of said es de is about 1.7 At Veet acek nina ctnnesenn= weveneneeeaa-------+- Collars; and the ! information and belief, the value of said estate is about a ae we 22-2 ie : hace dollars; and the | value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about --- dollars, i value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about es co — ranean nnn dollars, | Sworn to and wey d before me this wa / Sworn to and or before me this mf... foe . i LO : > o gs eae a we | a OF ges oo ge ee ae Ae Zen, c AOA CG Cte St 414 SBI GEL Le COLE” ee fx MOLE: L Mele eter Clerk Superior Court. i Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | -ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. c e ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CourRT. | Seek County j URE Rn Re emmmicT., | - «— enyg ceaaneaaigeaetal LN 0Lte £-¢- a soba ...... County. i P 2 6. s Z wie ae. Lat a I eg a ee Se _.. Guardian for pS Ae, Cae <P Acta piesa sare fo OE heii: .. ------y Gtvardian for... so LLL... 8 MECN EMA SA ARES | minor heir feolomaly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and presgfve, all the estate of my said ward. ; andAhat I will make true returns ateebiaaias:) solemaly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward; and that I will make true returns / | and Annud Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; nd that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior | Court, as the law requires ; and ditcther duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. | Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. ’ ys i j rt SS | Subscribed and sworg to before me this — day of ue oe sworn to before me e ay o i Ww : i | ei $e 12~ Cig ie , Guardian. wecenenceeneeoewed p> : Rs a CCLEMLLEAAN , Guardian. ri - 7 - - -———* -- - ° | yy (Sea ecLeeee?, 1 08 0 xe , LAM es cies O80 moe ef = “ ee eon mT asi LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. LETTERS OF reaeienem | aeetk _......County—In the Superior Court. heMes LELE. ..........County—In the Superior Court. | | State of North Carolina, ele : suis eae State of North Carolina, nba Shields To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING: To all to whom these Preseats 5 come--GREETING: : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for... A .....County, that ; It being Certified to the t Underaigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for......° od A Ca — --seveee--- County, that . ol PLETE RE Re as i saat 2d ml GT “a Shee eee tt gg Ot... Se dabwhnaninnliaowcmainnel ins sewewyinmamigitint intimin iprtibinildgin fh n= nnnwenrnwnn enn OTE OC TR G.oovvcsvecne-ou...toino? orphan........... without guardian ; and Xx... FT cee ceeeeneeeeeees a leat ck ie ret sn RMR ge gu ; ; roa sng Fatma anne having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified us such: a having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qua as such: ights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, r and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresosvor to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said ostate and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, “a her wthe, into sna secure and improve, and further (0 manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to |, and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said , and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this tho a 0 .-:2icsniitn hows Lewes fe. a Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ........ 7? day «eee. cialis Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights AAO Oe ee OE a mee cn aceeemanmmeniiae =e oose ccccmnmctreee ss: — a administrator, collector within three months after his qualification or guardian shal isednhiceiinliciaiis aiid eases eid iii i ta come of Superior Curt of all i ; . collector and guardian sball, cos western earn antine renanana e as ; pee tree Seas, ON sae WS ey Se ee ~ = collector or guardian sball, within twelve munthe from date of his qualification of appointment, annually #0 long as any of the estate remains in lls : ; e2 yr, collector ‘se ay reir an erent ’ Court, an inventory and agcount, under oath, of the amount of property recel ved by him, or invested by him, and the manner and aatare fle, in the office « ayerier Court, an ae oon ee Se eee ee one. evens. He must produce vouchers, which must be filed with the Clerk of ‘ vi sceipts and pie Sooounting party or any other person concerning the receipts, disbursements or any other matter lating to the ena on Oe ¢ Seon 198/ APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 4 es eh ee SUPERIOR COURT, Kee heel Fic sicienacenenesens <ncen ee CG BEEN, - F APPLICATION FON GUAROIANGHP. Jae In the matter of = SUPERIOR Court,....~— CEE CLL... COUNTY. gf In the matter of Goal ; ) es j : LAG, JAELS.. ods, a naitiileas vn -Gf.- a ela, ren oe wer APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Y. das Ra: Shcat Lele leew at. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. te pet ie Ae a te Minor Orphans. / ’ ' SLES PCS BEPC go Pa ie i eg oe CL AMIDE IGE, ~Minor-Orpheans, / * To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: eg 7 ee E74 ~ of g cpt 02027 Vet 4 . le 8 Bas oe is 4 if, Ge a ee ne sh ie” a i ci en air cael Sat ad eu Pan cr ae coe oe ee it, din Shoal eee lhe id 000 2s. : este hee RA Pe. SZe aX ead are minor children of...¥ --- CC A A! & Ze OE Bs aaa a { deceased, and are without a gugrgian ; that the sgid minor children are entitled personal estate to the value of .. , 4 lars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. se! , . : ; ‘ te of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that $$} .. 77 apts gdaptammprapereameeraremre _--— aeaany U0 ah ONE aenrendinn ant boliet of your applieant, may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, / v4 “2 w....... eee: day of C22? cast cohen nate +. BG AZ” . 4S a Mee pi To the End, Theref Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of we ee 0 ee. 2.2. day of... Ge ape wenn tt 2G 8 so . - NE tetepen sian adil . ea pg COUNT Y=-ss. if . ae . eine, fly owors, says that be is acquatated With Singuet 608 parenal cota 2 es. 4.22. Eg Prem Rae ak Ee i rs ate , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate 7 ee Re < feat Tae ae - Goneaned 7 thapte tie feet of ‘Ate know lodge, belonging to the above-namg(f hi “ae are Bae ener Dose ta cae a Oh , deeeased ; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said Astate is about OG, Becchecd F ds wa hei = eS Dee icone ane ; and the information and belief, thé value of said estate ie-ebout... 222 £_————______ =... donare; andthe value of the rente‘and profits of tha real estate 19 abot bia aaan cca r ce ne value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about. Fcadyeksace toment seal neo teenereeeeeand dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ea day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this ............. is), day of CL. ~ _ 2 ne i cnn eee ~- Wh29 e. sg ee 2 5 : tee ee eee eS ( ce ‘ Wy 2 = ” oe * _ ae iii one weecdnsencesen dn agensnsaseoetons - Y — * £0 Ce ie tee gle _ eile a acca ae 7 3 aa 6 ee Sie dale Stat . eo fo Cae Ne: Clerk Superior Court. / Clerk Superior Court. . f OATH OF GUARDIAN. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, a Z, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. ZL ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. oe Bo ek caconkes VW Cmte 8 County. CLL é 4 . C . 7 . hg y uhh al i a nnn TOME. Ea 2. pn ME tn ooninn nan GONE BP... TPE ri adel stile i cca : ee Pe Ee rr ee ee a _.-, Guardian for LC th. aay ee minor heir-S, solemalf swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward__.; and that I will make true returns minor-hoir..., solemnly swear that Vwiil well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all hats of my aaecaee _.j and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... ZF... day of | Subscribed and sworn to before me this. ........% 7... day of 1 Leer v2 Ae a ies 2eete, , Guardian. , Li te LE feng a - LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. " seed plied vevsses-o--------County—In the Superior Court. g ate dssossessaseveseee.County—In the Superior Court, 4 State of North Carolina, s4<<« Sin 2 i State of North Carolina, ae eek. sist tlisnesins es OUMEY, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : me--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for............° See Gow ttiey cts without guardian ; and wt i AOE aisnrnenaconsec tiple tne —.-...., and having been duly qualified as such: ————— — = = - = = - <= SS ee ° es sina To all to whom these Preseats shall si t e It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for .....C& saveeee------ County, that 3 having applied for the guardianship of said minor child...+~-.., and having been duly qualified as such: having applied for the guardianship of said Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orpban.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and oredits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and to fake into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of tlie said “<, and according to law, cof Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the LF day of S20 oa fer ~ Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his quailfication or appointment, make return on oath to the Clerk of Su Ovart of all: the Saute in hve bende or received by hint wp to.that “te; but such time may be extended by the Clerk of Superior Court on good cause shown, not pints the or : }178.—Every executor, administrator, collector or guardian shall, within twelve months from date of his qualification or appointment, annually so long as any of the estate ain in his ‘control, file, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, an inventory and account, under cath, of the amount of property received by him, or invested by him, and the paneess of auch Investment, and his rece! pts and disbursements for the past year in the form of debit and credit, He must produce vouchers, which must be filed with the Clerk of ae for all payments, ‘The Clerk of Superior Court may examine, on oath, such accounting party or any other person concerning the rece! pts, disbursem ents or any -extato, and having carefully revised and audited such account, if he approve the same, he must endorse his approval thervon, which be ‘ other matter ‘Code of Civit Procedure, Sections 477, 478. 4 shall wae: facie evidence 4 e APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, In the matter of Boasckes : Seria dee ne no pot mntarnichr som evacmacte seed ema Gee) To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: EAE IESE 1 Ase) gh Ua AUN SRE gar CERT Mehl nN a Rett AN RERER Mer tae EER dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. -..COUNTY--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate wn eee teat eae , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, eee tee dollars; and the Sworn to and subgoribed before me this... 7.7. day of a ee ace OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Lek CLK Cee ess aspiisubesa ....-.---. County. Biches ‘le Z Y. a but caused nin Sebo sncamcats , Guardian fet nosis. LL. Bich alamarsigse Viclhe, Athi tide minor hgjr_.., solemaly swear that I will well and truly take charse of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward’; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Le, LA. sca ciesp one caer tac ie a fss—ts THE SUPERIOR CourRT. i Subscribed and sworn to before me this.......4.4.......... day of Bg 0 pag terndyete H- eS ara Cte cenossatGee cerita. -» 0.8. 6. LETTERS OF GUARDIAN bees nonsnnnennndtenns tc tnascceestnceMyesansersceessnenerenen-COUnty—In the Saperior Court. (sain Since To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : RC RS R R O R R N ar a m a S ot o State of North Carolina, It mes Certified to the Undersigany Clerk of the Superior Court for eae kg ee minor orphan...»....... without guardian; and... ln ge Ce i a a having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.c<<+, and having been duly qualififa us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to eater in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and Seat and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the County, that intial cece. nos, ert sossesseseensrneeseeeseey Glork Superior Court. 477.—Every executor, admiatstrator, noaincatnn sere aene ten an Sree aa ete inter ae ora, estate in his hands or received by him up to that time; ime may be extended by k perlor Court on good cause shown e eaaiee executor, administrator, camasier Commarea an Sinan ere eae date of his qualification or appointment, fy ican Urata Semeesorten aera over aaee under oath, of the amount of inventory and account, and disbursements for the past year in the form. en cece Bonds credhed toch enpepat, it he apoeero tus m Sonal endies Ue eppuerel eppolntment, inake return on oath to the Clerk of Superior Quart of all ; 2007. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. 599. v ae me a ' SUPERIOR COURT, LEC. ead COUNTY. In the matter of pone ats : @ i ae Le iM a ol lle oat Ae let te APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. Ot eae tase hedclale cck sees ac curs _......... Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans, eal A maeee -_COUNTY--ss. cy duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with tho real and personal estate j Act 5 , deceased ;. that to the best of his knowledge, dollars; and the value of the rents and rite tees ee ee Sworn to and subscribed before me this... - sncse-wnn OOS OF z i Zl or 4 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouURT. —,., Oa , Guardian for vtec eeee i. < Kwek __ eet e minor heir_-> solemaly 21 swear that I will well and traly take shares of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make tres returas and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.........<7.2.......... day of A S abe Lo ae. : LEEPER , Guardian, OO LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. -.-County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, County, *=GREETING: To all to whom these Preseats shall eco It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for.. coos oseeeeeos County, that ena ah ee ene nmce tease ere een aH ne ee eee nea ERROR RENO e ee AD ee RTH eH OES LOTR Eee neo nKeeennewreen ens eneh engl n de were eee Ra seg ndaeeneeeeeeneesenebsnsenwnnmenaa i Saco te ut i a uo minor orphan........... without guardian; and Me: C4 CLE OEM, having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and mecailie anseeaen ee ee and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan... te aw Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the 2 ial aI coi new ewww ent a Meee get www nee “se APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT, -.....- COUNTY, In the matter of CC — ; 222. C4...) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. q Be peer ee ay ar eee Minor Orphans. / To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. FI cnctitess 424 day of VM. 127 * MM Meth sols csiciaiplapilincaseatseigiMes Sie 3, ‘ value of the rents and profits of the real estate is about Sworn to and suhgemed before me this .......... fe day of Clerk Stiperipf Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | eee fss—ts THE SUPERIOR Court. 1... CM. LA. Selina , Guardian for narescie YY. Gelb, oLlanyaseret Wilh, Athi tide on Berens sca shaseedgocnn ote hI Meenas cccncnngurtlcd gansta canaeeeectne Sal facncnes minor heft, solemnly swear that I will well and truly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward’; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and 241 other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Re CE LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. x vite cnotukias tute County—In the Superior Court. ceeen--ey Guardia D. It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for......\é-=—<A——T™N County, that spi Jdtesi« 220.2206. RCrererer Yb nthe <7 -tb aaa a i minor orphan...S....... without guardian; and..£ 427 7 having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.c<<+, and having been duly qualia us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to r in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresoover to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .......4.2....... 200V APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. : SUPERIOR COURT............. be EZ In the matter of \ ag PONCE ge ie a ] rece ican cel cl Na a Sense, le APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ¥ ak: ee t ao COUNTY. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. ES Ze Bunclel VLR , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , Be AP ge: Z 2° bec , deceased ;. that to the best of his knowledge, 6 abou dollars ; and the sonecavnscse OS Sworn to and subscribed before me this...” =>... day of acetel GA EAR OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. —-__ é i Lie MLL LOT EEL En. r Guardian for ~t<<eeeee ty minor heir_>; solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward...; and that I will make true returns and Annual! Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. .......-7 2......... day of i Honan _ i os A County—In the Superior Court, State of North Carolina, 4. To all to whom these Presents shall eco oo County, «-GREETING : It being Certified to the Se ae cuca sere tate without guardian ; and _bhibe aE having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: ae Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan ....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and pee Bate Bl i se aaa pei . Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the 2 4<-___day of wea ccowenss, cee ss a ee e ne ce to e es 7 ae e e e a e e m m n e n m e m a n e e ea r s ce r e Oe a ~— 7 e ee APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR 6a: kee eee In the yatter of nee @At be Te _...-) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. lage tical Sa ace ell —— Ae ~ ONdg To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County: bie The application of.....- Bk ‘inn etl ae A Sill iacecnalpiewnetienidelnbootee respectfally presents that ................----2---0-e0e----2enee enn necnnee ES RS REAR CC AES ee ae 3 ee are minor children of Les.nft\ i a eicnintslinssmpong lassie stall deceased, and are without a guardian ; that the said minor children are entitled to re ,and osuanas estate to’the value of...” L759, 2 ae icesas PEE, Gi Mh: hae: Lever el /-------------------- dollars, according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the End, Therefore, that the estate of the Said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. This......<./... day of mV wicca races ee ee a a” AM hie Ce cas cee eM COUNTY--ss. mete eg ALG pring being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, Adm 0 wim on ww mw = on fr en = re wenn enn en Jon oon nn nn nn on enn ees Sworn to and subscribed before me this ..............02. i 1 Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. i eisetesanacone ey ey i cposed Be i ae iets eat eatin , Guardian we Lia esd CG a minor heir-.., solemnly swear that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the Jaw requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this __...--..--- 2L fs . day of "pea peer wa Caf fo SNeefacice hie ae ea te SN es 7 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. State of North Carolina, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Superior Court for-..... mae hee Bile tae: i egtacbar County, that Fe aca wie OLE SAM gs i Ee A aM ie Sic rc a me a a I allah calles catctin lle cpsectplerhncnsonsdsiitieabeslosincolal minor orphan........... without guardian; and nite rn SE ee having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.........- , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the beneflt and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according {o law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the... FL day of.........2»< Gk cee ‘ 192 > ———_— - ee Every executor, administrator, collector and guardian shall, within three months after his qualification or appointment, make tas moda ta tae beeen oreesehved oy biog np bo thes tana} meena I peadbeby.scenn-uetn dhe drain be dptaarebadbrsenphea are f , administrator, collector or hin twelve months from date of his qualification or appoin i ‘and account, under oath, of the amount ‘ 2027 APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,..........----.----.---...-. nwnnannasn acres OOS Ws In the matter of He to ee oon nenennnnescnnmnnnenn sees) APPLIGATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. re se ec Ee et Minor Orphana. ; To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of......- Le LA fst Rese aeh ns suet eicionsae nee reepotifally presente thee. 2. i Aiioaccit il irre oper a ge or Ae are minor childrea o aw ecsess Ml apices cnc cc pda cin cap soci agate aia f Qe Mia eek pina & Clerk Superior Court. OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. oF ce hee LL. + ccs RN 2. _ Bei. senate a itt iat it ma sdlins <sssisesinstaninancsinlines , Guardian for... acne... tL. Pest sincsan an'o-cusceinlighl ciseleaileallaaa minor heir... solemnly swéar that I will well and traly take charge of, and preserve, all the estate of my sai .-j and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as Jong as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the bést of my skill and ability. -.-» Guardian. G a F ieee noo 5 ae = LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. ee ee ie ee eee eee eww ween ween ween ens nncewnnceweneos MHEG OF PUGH .....---0.- WiGHUEL BUGTUI“N, GU ..... having applied for the guardianship of said minor child.......... , and having been duly qualified as such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to and every part thereof for the beneflt and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and to law. i 42> ae Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the ....... day of. Ba -e. 60 i al APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,....... .. Minor Orphans. / thy Fi rth engenad/ To the Clerk of the Superior 3 of said oe 3 The application of...... a soos ce ON SN LUE a i es respectfully presents that........-..--.--------.------2-00020------- ee Nie eae eS a ce rw: CxZA ss Re eaccsetenchawatne a euicomesuie sk Aumiimmniertan at ties Naini te Cine Sapt tee uiries unit iaee iio eae icici oe cs are minor children of. Bia SMI i & dink a ue 2? deceased, and are without a UBER oo: the said minor children are entitled to rod and personal estate to the value of ...-- Ae 2796 =. ce 600 Gf lara. Sahoo flac TS cs, ts MOUAPR, nosso to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the a Therefore, that the estate ota the Said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letters of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. a / ay Of LV SoA eonuseciiocs a eae fo a Mrléa Bi iy poco --COUNTY--ss. , being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, a IOI ym wel SED a we GS ewww cena Law en Oe Ganon ccnfhonncunwtnfhakada Sad "Clerk rk Superior Court. } OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, THE SUPERIOR CourRT. sats PS, Betis cnenece srnciapee i oa te f° a Me he la EF acon sccouhtaiccika vaninata , Guardian ee i..e. Peake al C RT sian pitta hielekes odcnrnng minor heir... solemaly swear that I will well and traly take uae of, and preserve, all the estate of my said ward’..; and that I will make true returns and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires ; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the best of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...........~Z_.-~.---.- day of Le a. 2.2 ~ | tak Mee. “sini cpgiiaie ts. iii pene ae 08.6 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP, saoernnhpaicgacanle hth .....------County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, ELLA Roe eres sesee- ne COUNTY, To all to whom these Presents shall come--GREETING : It being Certified to the Undersigned, Clerk r the Superior Court for a diab Laiskinieepauansoumbsasinbucil minor orphan........... without guardian; and iia ae, having applied for the guardianship of said minor child........- , and having been duly qualified us such: Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and oredits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and improve, and further to manage said estate and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and according Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this tho.......4......day of........ ><. > 19822 ~ ee ’ a te en ana guardian na caren mana ae a nde Fecal ved by him to thas >; bat such the C s ft Raperic 4 , APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. SUPERIOR COURT,.....0 .-. COUNTY, In the matter of -) APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP. ..... Minor Orphans, ; To the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County : The application of......< pare DR wad ste ie eee anny cueelnpoy rece: respectfully presents that is siete Tenia A a es EI IAD anncenennneeneennncenennnn cerennnrentnneeeeetnneenstnnnceeettnnnttnaeerganonenetineeentannnssetenareteanneeeennnet aad... Se <2. aso minor childrea of .. 22<.+e 4 a price he 4nd, aa efore, thé the estate of the said miuor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that pa of Guardianship may be issued to him, or such other person as the Court may think best for the interest of the said minor orphans. 3 eee dion day of. cl a lla -COUNTY--ss. -, being duly sworn, says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate , deceased ; that to the best of his knowledge, ~dollars ; and the ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this... >... . day of ee. ea MG ee 2 fg ASG Ry dnptineee <a Z Clerk Superior C Court. 4 OATH OF GUARDIAN. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, es z ss.—IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT. CE LLCLA.. _........ County. J ; ae oa be. LL piiiewn a -, @uardian for....... aacerce he... ét/..- Avchecn minor pe i‘ ‘solemaly Fr ae hat I will well and waly take ohare of, and preserve, all the estate of my sai ..; and that I will make true returas and Annual Settlements as long as any of the estate remains in my hands; and that I will renew my bond every three years in the Superior Court, as the law requires; and all other duties of my said guardianship I will faithfully and honestly perform with the bést of my skill and ability. Subscribed and sworn to before me this............A_.......... day of V = ee “ LZ LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. Sidsceindaguee aLee Leck voseeeseseeee-ees---County—In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina, e@eee.. .....County, To all to whom these Preseats shall come--GREETING : haying applied for the guardianship of said minor cbild.......... , and having been duly ssiikineie * Now these are Therefore to Authorize and Empower the said Guardian to enter in and upon all and singular the goods and chattels, r and credits, of said minor orphan.....wheresosver to be found, and the same to take into possession, secure and iwprove, and further te manage said and every part thereof for the benefit and advantages of the said minor orphan...., and to law. Witness, my hand and the seal of the said Court, this the .......% day of State of North Carolina Department of Archives and Historp Raleigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title) sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon; that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduc~ tion ratio indicated; and that on the date of microfilming, the records were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s). It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s) were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 8=45.1 ~ 845.4, General Statutes of North Carolina; and that in order to insure archival quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed, they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved, by the State Department of Archives and History. amera Operator END OF REEL END OF REEL