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The Landmark, September 1917
.Gaither Campbell of Mocks-ville,a deputy under United StatesInternalRevenueAgentVanderford,was shot and dangerously injured,ahout 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon,atPoplarSpringscampground,in thevieinityofCalahaln,Davie county.Jim Belk,an Iredell negro,whosehomeisintheHarmonysection,ischargedwiththeshooting.The negro fired five times at theofficer,four balls taking effect.Two!Voftheballsenteredthesideandtwotheabdomen.They lodged in themusclesofthebackandthehip.The A ESDAY,SEPTEMBER 4,1917. A meeting of the Iredell County ondCouncilofDefencewasheldatthecourthouseyesterdayafternoon,|thepresidedoverbymechairman,Dr.T.E.Anderson.The house was com-fortably filled by representative cit- iicwordsintroducedMr.A.ry,the speaker for the oc-RB 3 [tha intestines were injured but not per-|pleforated. Immediately after the shootingMr.Campbell was brought to Dr.Long's Sanatorium for treatment byDr.Clyde Nicholson and Mr.Beal!Smith,the party reaching States-ville about 3°o'clock in’an automo- Poplar Springs is a negro camp-ground and a meeting was in prog-ress.Officer Gaither,accompaniedbyMessrs.Beall Smith ani Willoster,went to the place to investi-te liquor selling.They found aSoowithliquorinittheyfoundBelk,who was not knownofficer,latter attemptedhisarrest.Belk,it isWeaponasiftosurrender it to theofficerandthenbeganfiring.It wasalldoneveryquicklyandthenegroandhiscompanionhedinstantlyaf-ter the shooting. as is known Belk has not.State and Federal offi-cers from Davie,Iredell and Rowanaresearchingforhim.It is report-ed that he was seen yesterda morn-ing in a thicket near Calaha in;thathewasbleedingfromaninjuredarm,supposed to have been fromoneoftheshotsfiredathimbyOffi-cer Campbell.Officer Campbell's father and sis-ter,Mr.J.B.Campbell and MissLizzieCamphell,ai Messrs.L.G.Horn and RB.F.Hooper,all ofMocksville,came to Statesville Sun-day evening after learnedtheaayyearsRJimBelk,mulatto,has a bad _utation.He has served a term on theIredellroadsforcarryingaconceal-ed weapon.Near a year ago he shotandkilledLesterMade.color-ed,of this county.That shootingaeasanaccident,but seme whonewthemandoubtedthatitwasaccidental. Colored Man Loses Foot.’Paul Wilkes,colored,employed onawreckingtrain,fell between cars,while coupling a car in Statesville Saturday afternoon,and his right footandankleweresobadlycrushedthattheleghadtobeamputatedjustbe-low the knee. The wrecking train had been toClaremonttotakecareofsomewreckedcars.At Statesville it back -ed on the siding at the Slaine GlassCompany's factory to pick up a carinbadcondition.It was while hewascouplingthiscarthatWilkesfellandthewheelsofthecarpassedoverhisfoot.He was put on the trainandbroughttothestationandthenremovedtoDr.Long's Sanatorium,where the limb was amputated.Thefootwassobadlycrushedthatsomeofthebonesdroppedoutandwereleftontheflatcar,where the wound-ed man lay while being brought tothestation.Wilkes’home js in Asheville. Ten Called For Friday.The local exemption board js send-ing out a call for ten men to reporthereFridayformilitaryservice.From this number seven will be se-lected to leave Frida for the train-ing camp.The first’order was tosendthemtwoatatimebutthiswaschangedyesterday.The menwillarcvideyare:iNiam wink,JamesThomasColemanGalliher,Francis MartinArthuraeFletcherann;'rmony;D.F.Kestler,Steele and Thomas Everett®Cash,Statesville;Hugh Alonzo Wallace,Troutman;James Franklin Shoe.maker,New Hope;James AdamsHoneycutt,Mooresville.These men will report to the localboardinStatesville,where they willbeinstructedastotheirdutiesandwillhesenttoColumbia,S.C.,to en-ter the training camp.The next te#0 will be sent in about two weeks. CLERKS VOTE TO STRIKE.About 50 clerks employed in theolivesoftheVirginixJivietonofthe“Beaboard Air Line railwaedtogoonstriketoday aniess and when|had said,drew his |la prefaced his speech withtetothe§ that you are anReferringtothe present war,hesaidweareinthemightiestconflictsineetheinningoftime.UntilApril6,1917,the speaker explained,he was bitterly opposed to this coun-try entering the war;thought wenothingtodowithwhatGerma-hy was doing.But when the Presi-ent asked for and receivedrationofwarhenowstandi the finish.closed and the fight started.We areeitherasoldieroftheUnitedStatesorofGermanynow.It is waste of time to tr to con-vince the German people vy arewronginprincipleandthatitistheirplaceto correci themselves.They believe they are right and areconvincedthatthegreaterpartoftheworldisagainstthem.Theythinktheyarethegreatestpeopleandthattherestoftheworldisen-vious of their gretaness and tryingtodestroythem.A fight with auchapeopleisafighttothefinish.TheserjiousnssofthiswarMaynotberealizedbyourpeople;if it were..2re bit.The could toidentforelectionbutnowhisPresidentandheisgoingtostandeyhim.A manwhowouldmakepoliticsoutofthis‘onftict,he declared,is a traitor tohiscountry.Mr.Price said he would not abusetheGermanpeople.They are fol-lowing their teachings —teachingscontrarytothoseoftheMaster.Webelievehereintherightofindivid.uals;the Germans believe the indi-vidual has no rights.No one canchargetheUnitedStateswithen-tering the war for indemnities,ava-rice,out of hatred,etc.It is a freenation;its attitude is unselfish inthisgreatconflict.It has neverheendefeatedandmustneverbede-feated,The young men selected forservicehavebeenselectedbythebestconceivedplanofequalityofpur-vose.All must bear their propor-tionate part.A man who is willingtoenjoythebenefitsofhisgovern-ment and is not willing to bear itsburdensisatraitor.fe does seemhardfortheboystohavetogo,butitisbetterthatthandisgraceandanotherformofgovernment.The speaker closed with the hope ofuniversalpeaceandthatwhenthathourcomesweallmayfeelthatwehavebeenloyalanddidourduty.MrPricemadeagoodtalkandonethatpleased.He waa accompanied by MrsPrice’They came to Stetesville byautomobile.It was not decided until Fridey eve-ning to hold the meeting.In view oftheshortnoticeriven,the representativeaudiencepresontwasgratifyine. Armor Plate With ceremonies attended by thou-sands of people from several sectionsofWestVirginia,ground was brokenonthe21l-aere site in SouthCharleston,W.Va.,by Secretary oftheNavyDaniels,for the govern-ment armor plate and projectileplant.On this site the UnitedStatesgovernmentwillspendanap-propriation,recently made by Con-vress,of approximately $22,000,000fortheconstructionofthemunitionsandarmamentplants,:Dr.Hasty Commissioned. Dr.Vance Hasty yesterday re-ceived a commission as first |uten-ant in the dental officers’reserveUnitedStatesarmy.The com-mission is by the President,throughWarDepart.Dr.HastymadeopplicationinMarchforthe‘ppointment but heard nothing untilvesterday.He had been accepted‘or service in the craft army by theotmare.Dr.izasty has not re-‘ceived orders to reportihedentalreservepectingordersanyda Mr.Z.\the BuffH.Price triwithout|creeks was higher than it was dur- ‘telai ThemTheytiemtheheevysaath8romvyrainsitbegantoraincameinadown.Bandmight.Priday it del!Blues marched to the ville,&c H =a friends and |ville,8.C,recs 0 'SSS marched wthteeene eeanit‘mare!wi men to >oan mpncnnble or At the depot the crowd numbered|The Harkey bridge over ‘is—-the largest crowd,prob-|creek,the Eagle bridge over »ever assembled at the station.|creek and the Liberty Hill There was a wait of about an haur |over the Little Yadkin were for the train,ante which time the |down stream.ever people forced their way around |place,on|through the jam and =shook hands |*road,and the one}ith the soldiers.The band furnish-|Back creek,on the Lewis f ed musie during the wait.The spe-|road;the Gant bridge over cial cars for the soldierscreekbeyondLoray,the Stewart|‘tached to the southbound train formillbrandtheAllenbridgeCh:rlotte and left at 7,30 o'clock.were considerably damaged.It is ex-les of the town had pyedaendpeetedthatdamagetootherbridges|!nches for the soldiers,which werewillbereported.placed on their train.The boys leftTheextentofthedamagetothe|'"fine spirit and as the train pulledcornonthelowlandscan'tbe aceur-jeut from the station y wavedatelyestimated.While it is their hands to their friends and rel-the crops are by no means ortotal the,and called back messages toloss.The water in Third and F The seed of the campeny when it entrained Saturday,165 menasfollows:Westmoreland;R.Mills;sec-H.Turner. ed entirely oe and three officers,was.Captain,Wm.M,inst lieutenant,OscarRobert ing the flood of 1916 and muchthemagnificentcornontomswascoveredwithwater.wogt a1 aes ~~also bad loskeneenwotoutonksasomemage *aa Sergeants —ter E.Kilpat-resulted.The Virginia ~-rick,Roy R.Sherrill,John’A..Bark-iron Company bad j the Buffa-jley,John T.Troutman,G jing a mistake, coffer dams at the site of i .L..Kilpatrick,Coite O.Marshall,Wm.lo Shoals bridge on the Central R.Culbe Ralph noyEastep,ities”Teese etae”calel isu neth S.Herman,Gratz B.“STincams,and a lot of material,including a|Wm.J.McDade.quantity of cement,assembled by the Corporals —~James D.Morrison,company for the construction work,|Robt.N.Curlee,Marvin E.Mar-went into the river,This not only shall,William G.Staley,Thomas M.causes a to y but de-{Gilleland,Oliver.E.Harmon,Jameslaystheworkonthe:R.King,Doite Holtsho ’The road on the Catawba side of|A.Johnson,James B.vA.Brown's ferry was bad-|%.Marshall,Jr..Wilt J.Knight,ly and crossing had to be|Frank J.Neill,Nathan C.Ha ne,suspe until the road is repaired.eset iter,Frank F.King,It was reported Saturday that the|Baird S.Barkley.Souther fone Company dam at|:Cooks —Robt.L.Foster,James::B.rs,Will Blackwell.roqkoutwas broken,but this proved a Mechanic —Carson Hill,Jno,W.eCoy.Statesville Man in Graduating :—Ashley S.LeGette,C.1 Point .Her .c at West .First class privates —Herriot C.Miles A.Cowles of Statesville was Alexander,Charles Artontis,Fred.No.33 in the class of 152 graduated|{.Bradley,Carl J.Cline,Frank H.at West Point last week.Colvard,nt Deal,John A.Dow.Four other North Carolinians were dy,members of the class—T.L.Futch of a ..Griffith,Monroe,No.27;Norman McNeill.|Mervin W.Harwell,Ivey E.John-Fayetteville,No.104;C.B.Wilson son,Robert B.King,Sidney E.Lit-of Greenvile,No.146;William H.W.ton,Eli P.Mitchum,Charlie C.Reinburg,Wilmington,No.74.»Ernest Moore,Jerry J.Only once before has the West Point Moose,n Moose,Charles E.Military Academy graduated two Scales,Gurney A.Stamper,Robt.F.classes in one year—in 1861.The Summers,—Swicegood,HarrydeplomaswerehandedtomembersofSherrill,Vance Ward.the class by Secretary Baker,who Privates —Wm.M.Bagby,Jo.said:W.Barkley,Charles J.Boovey,Mar-vin L.Bost,Wm.Brown,Augustustionasked,Do the American people |M.Brown,Chartie L.Brown,Gayli-understand what this war is about?/an G.Brookshire,Clint.Brown,1 have absolutely no misgivings on Clint.Ball,Major Ball,Grady F.this subject,and the heart of Ameri-Call,Fred.C.€hapman,Henry L.ca is right on this point,for it know:Craig Stamey Cranfill,Wm.P.that when there is a fight for human Crawford,Vernon Cutting,_Derightsonhand,America’s place is in Church,Fred.0.Carson,2 ‘gethatfightandatthefront.We wage |Vis,Rome D.Dison,~~E Zethiswarinthatspirit.There is none |$0",Robt.F.Eagle,F ag vastep,of er personal Betred ~eharac-me i.~terized the Struggles of other centu oa a ae cee eeeries.Our strength and our courage is aoe &.a =Gece ~~not that we hate ou>enemies,but GC”Gat s,J fh.ae ‘ashen lee RoyratherthatwedeeplyloveourcauseNastiaAileeE.Harris,Turner lareemy|‘is;Ralph Hedrick,Wm.P.Hedriek,rat ee gee ee the great army Jesse Hildebrand,Adolphus Heath,now about to be organized,”said Sec-Samuel E.Homsy,Elmer FE.Honey-retary Baker,“I want to ask You to |cate Chuvones E.Honeycutt.Menresrememberthateveryoneoftheenlist-Hager,Rosen jooska Colte deesedmenintrustedtoycurcareissome-George B.Jebnscn.Benjaminbody's son,and that every one of ther Jengnak Clarence W.Kestler,Arryisasoldierofyourcountryandhis|Lackey,Ivey E.Lackey,BaxterDoyourparttomakeoursadisciLagle,Charles H.LeGette.Charlieplinedbutademocraticarmy;a clean Lemly,Wm,P.Link,Edgar M.Lip-thinking,a clean living army.Set|pard,Pred 'E Lloyd,Gilbert E.Mar-for your men,always,an example of ‘hall,Wm.S.Mason,Clinton May-the highest courage and true democ hoe Jo.G.Miller.Ralph R.Mills,racy.”.-Ral mp.7s.a ee a te-.Car .urdock,Arcme R.Me-The Rainfall—ropes.Laughan,Robt.L.Moose,Perry 0.Mr.F.T.Meacham_tells The|Ostwalt,Floyd G.Ostwalt,HaroldLandmarkthat6.30 inches of rain!Padgett,Ernest R.Parker,Jim C.fell here Thursday,.77 inches Fri-Paine,Uriah Pierce,Wm.R.Poole,day and 1.92 inches Friday night.Wesley Pressnell,Clyde Privette,This makes a total of 8.99 inches Lawrence T.Queen,Edgar R.Rank-practically 9 inches in 36 hours.in,Thomas Reid,James W.Robb,Mr.Meacham,who recentivy re |Baxter Ross,Lester Sharpe,John L.turned from a trip to western North S'pes,Preston D.Sipes,Pearl Sloop,Carolina,says that while away hesawthefinestprospectforcornand Sterling L.Smith,Thos.P.Snow,Paul Salesbee,Charlie Somers,Lew-vegetables that he has seen latelyCropsareabundantandinmany|| the river at Hen .Ennis,"Gil Ciarenee We “Now and then one hears the ques- Camp Sevier The following|infortnation about the camp is of in-terest: |Camp Sevier lies four miles north.|east etn among the foothillsjoftheBlueRidgemountainsTothisexempted|camp have been assigned more than is §e,Erwin J.Summey,Cephusplacesinthemountainsnotracesof itener,Milton R.Wiges,Gil-ited one field,located on bottom land Edwards. to the acre, were left here to join the company ern district will meet this morning|early Sunday morning. board last week,whi were over-| Ross Bunch,Statesyi ‘ —~is a licensed|18,000 National Guardsmen from Ten-services with the Croas;Mar-|Carolina and the District of Colum- Ww,Shoemaker,—Tea »Arley W.Warren,Sidneylastyear's flood are visible.The po-,Wh;tato crop is especially fine.He vis-ford A,Williams,David L.Williams,Pink Young,Chas.Fleming,TevisintheSwannanoavalley,which pro-duced 400 bushels of trish Potatoes!Lewis Speece has smallpox and Ed-_var M,Lippard typhoid fever.TheyDistrictBoardMeetsToday.[laterTheexemptionboardforthewest-The Blues reached at 10.30 o'clock to continue its work.Among the claims _—by theiclookedbyTheLandmarkingettingareportofthemeeting,were Henry on industrial groundsembaimerandhas volunteered his |nesaee,North Carolina and South tin Rex Fraley,Red,ex-)jin,It covers 1,900 acres of wellemptedonaccountofbeingengageddratgadSeerandthewatersupplyiseteo)Butler okt furnished from a reservoir located onmeddependents. G.!by Gen.| forces inrance,said that the Ameritan peo-ple must learn the meaning and val-ue of patience,and not ex thattheoulitionaryforceslandedinFracanberushedimmediatelytothefrontlinetrenches.To put an inadequate,insufficient~ly -supplied force into actual com-bat,he said,would merely be mak-whieh the Germans )CAMP.|NOT UNTIL NEXT YEAR?|BRIRF ITRMS LOCAL Clary,wasSundaywhen hiscaughtinthegearandhisated, unquestionably have hoped and ex.ta:pected the United States wouldmake.it is the determination,rath-er,that when A does take hermericaoeinthelineshouldertoshoulder offeredwitheotheralliesnextwillbefullypreparedthesummercampaGermansfeelthefullweightofhermipower.“Those of us who have fully stud-ied the situation fot who know whatisnecessarytodone,”said Gen-eral Pershing to the APress,“are anxious that theathomeshallstrivetorealizeimmensityofes"a -which weareengaged,through pa-tienge and confidence,help us to ac-complish that task in thepossibletime.goingwellwithusbothasanationandasanarmy.We are making giantstridesdaybyday,but we are juststarted,“We came into the war withoutanarm entire year,she o H.Fos-|sed way to defeat thehammeritandkeep onit.That is what we expect to be do-ing with all our fresh strength andcuywanioomduringnextyear’s cam-pagn.”* 9snemmneasaiipentChineseDoctortoStudy OurHealthMethods. The State Board of Health is ad-vised that Dr.Yen,medical directorofminesinChina,a Chinese peecian,is on his way to North -na to study peqwention of soil pollu-tion,particularly ing hookworm disease.r.Yen was directed to North Car-olina's method of soilworkbytheRoard.He is now in New York city.The Chinese doctor is expected toarriveinRaleighthisweek.He.willfirstbetakentoDavidsoncounty,where he will observe the work oDr.E.F.Long,health officer of thatcounty.Then he will probably betakentoNashandothercounties‘ow engaged in the work of prevent-ing soil pollution. DOCTORS TO MEET,The Iredell -Alexander MedicalAssociationmeetstonightat8inDr.F.A.Carpenter's office.Dr,Jas.W.Davis,who recently attended themeetingofthecountyauxiliariesoftheNorthCarolinamedicalsec-tion of the National Council of De-fence,at Greensboro,will make re-port,and the doctors and the warwillbeatopicfordiscussion.epiernatnepammanmatetinnapaies READY TO Go.By no means all the drafted menwanttowait.Some of them areanxioustogetoffinthefirstincre-|ment.Two citizens of Alexanden—Mitchell R Ingram and John RalphWarren—wrote the district boardlastweektohurrytheircertificationhacktothelocalboard,so they wouldgetoffinthefirstlot DOG WASN'T MAD.Dr.©.EF.Raynal's dog didn’t havehydrophobia.The dog was killedlastweekafterithadbittenalittlewirl,a visitor at Dr.Raynal’s home,and its head sent to the State labor.atory for examination forThegratifyingnewscameback thattherewasnotraceofrabies, POSTPONED.Because of the delay of the con-tractors in getting to werk on theheatingplantintheSouthschoolbuilding,the opening of the whitepublicschools,scheduled to beginnextMonday,will be delayed a fewlays, BOUNDARY ELECTION.The town boundary election is on orytoday.Those opposedtovate.A majority ofvoteisrequiredandthosevotecountagainstthe MR.GRAY TO DUNN. Mr.R.M.Gray has accepted thesuperinthe rabies,| analmake the |2c,ill ir —FS International Health|The 10 o'clock.The St~fevered iva to 3theopenexercisesthewteachersandtonewgirls.The enrollment foryearpromisestobethetwoprecedi:friends of Micouragedtobelieve thatnowabouttobeginwill besplendidsuccess. earTes Gat systematicMooreasathoroughcanvassofConcordbytery,and as a result manyrononwillappearintheregister ofstints.ecole ocateres aan|made y for -thine will be in the best conditionfet,er —s sepereem 'e faculty for t next rheencompleted,and ispl|teachers of the best trainingperience.Those who will teach in MCollegegazsessionare: Parker,philosophy,|Ruth Tedd,languages;Anderson,English,exp’|lramatic art;Miss Ethel|mathematics,natural sefence;‘on Anderson,history,English:W.A.Eliason,iment;Mrs.Sara b|eonomics;Mise Ina A;mary department;Prof.dam,director of music;F.Morris,assistant in peesRoseGillespie,voice;Sherrill Ca ‘ter,=|ment;Mrs.Bara BE.3|Dr.M.R.Adama,college physician. BRIDGES WASHED AWAY.|The wooden bridge spanning the‘Catawba river between,Lenoir and the Carolina and|western railroad —.at the same|place,were put out of comoFReneeeeemare5toytrafic sev- by thefloodwasse.vane tn Cite Burkecounties. Ji, Graceand | |s } Cotton production prospects im-| to the extent of 550,000 bales during August and brought the es- timate of final output to 12,499,000 eS:500-pound bales.That quantity /is forecast by the national nt of Agriculture on the of the crop August 25, showed a decline of 2.5 points }with a 10-year average of 66 points decline.Acre yield was forecast at 174.6 pounds,compared 166.9 pounds forecast from Ju- conditions.; erop forecast compares with 11,949,000 bales as estimated from the condition of the crop July 25, and 11,633,000 bales,as estima from the condition “con — year’s crop was 4 pales, two years ago 11,191,820,three years ago 16,134,930 and four years ago 14,156,486.The condition reported compares with 70.3 per cent.of a normal on July 25 this year,61.2 on A 25 last year,69.2 two years and 70.9,the average on August of the last ten years. In forecasting total i produc- _tion the department allowed 1 per cent.from the planted area for a ment.The final out-turn probably be larger or smaller than the quantity forecast,accord- ing as conditions hereafter are bet- ter or worse than average condi- tions.The condition of the crop in North Carolina was estimated at 69. May Exempt Medical Students. Under a supplemental regulation by President Wilson,gov- erning the operation of the selective draft law,hospital internes and medi- cal students who have been more than a year in college are exempted from the draft if they enlist in the enlisted reserve corps In disapproving a proposal by Rep- resentative Shouse of Kansas that all men engaged in agricultural pursuits ‘Yast March 1 be exempted from mili- tary service,President W'lson wrote the Congressman that a class exemp tion would lead to “many difficultiesandtomanyheartburnings.”He add-ed,however,that he would like per-sonally to see all the genuine farmersleftattheir“indispensable labors.”,The President also called attentiontoProvostMarshalGenera]Crow- der’s recent arrangement for calling men whereby most farm labor will notbedraftedinservicebeforeOctober1.when,it is believed,most of the heavy ‘farm work will be done. Arrested For Wife Murder. Will Edmiston was arrested inWatauga_—*few days .ee with attempted naeofhiswifeandchildatRosedale,Ind.He denied his guilt,waived ex-tradition and was taken back to In-diana for trial,says the Boone Dem- ocrat.Edmiston arrived at the home ofhisparentsinWataugaonthe18thofAugust.On the 22d of AugusthismotherreceivedaletterfromIn-diana relatives,saying that someonewife,his 6-year-old daughter hadbeenshotthroughtheheadandwas not ex to live.Edmiston seem-ed to greatly distressed by thenews.His wife's father lives in Watau-and when he heard of the Indi-ana tragedy he suspected Edmistonandawarrantwasswornoutforhis arrest.About that time a wire was him in cash or securities,as he may|received from the sheriff in IndianaaskingforEdmiston’s arrest. ALAR Turned Down Hardwick Bill. Senator Hardwick's bill to prohibit the sending of American draftedconenemaeetheirconsent ersely by the Senatemilitaryaffairscommittec.FavorablerecommendatFletcher's bill,providing that enlist-ment of Americans with forces of na-a Germany shallAmerteancitizenshipHardwickmadea iof the almost killed Edmiston’s| jon was given Senator |Ment to vote on the Yiing yielded,the 4 fi| | iiH i f e a i f a e | i if f ii Fsf fras | i3i E4 ti t i|HikH s |[ i t Fi" fact is available.| No U-boat has been captured by the Americans.Reports from Lon-: don that the submarines are working| now farther at sea than formerly’ were confirmed by Navy De- It may be that new boats| of greater size and better sea-keep-| ing qualities lend to this extension of the zone of activities,but it is re-| garded as more probable that the in- creasing vigilance of the anti-sub-| marine forces is mainly responsible.| The effect of the increasing patrol, of the employment of airplanes and| ition of new devices to the| anti -submarine weapons,has been to force the U-boats under water to a greater and greater degree.Their| effectiveness is limited in propor- tion.They cannot run down a mer- chant ship of average speed if kent under water.They can operate only against ships that almost stumble upon them.And all the time they are under water,they are consum-| ing the stored power of their storage batteries,decreasing their range of under-water action and compelling them to come up at night and lie idle on the surface while their oi]engines are used to recharge the batteries. The decision of the Navy Depart- ment to spend $350,000,000 on new ted destroyers and destroyer building fa- cilities,approved by President Wil- son,is based on the effectiveness of the swift fighting machines as prov- en by Admiral Sims’forces. American experts have developed a depth bomb for use against sub- marines that is deadly at considera- ble range.The bomb,containing high explosives,is dropped from a destroyer over a spot where the, presence of a submerged U-boat is indicated.It is timed to explode at| a certain depth.If the explosion oc- curs below the U-boat and within a reasonable distance,the hull of the underwater craft cannot withstand the pressure,but is crushed like an egg shell. Signs of the destruction in this way appear on the surface in the| shape of oil from ruptured fuel tanks.bits of floating wreckage,and the like.It is very difficult,there- fore,to be certain of a hit,as the Germans on more than one occasion released oi]purposely,turned loose wreckage prepared in advance and dd everything else possible to cre- ate the impression that a boat had been sunk.; Airplanes are being used in con-.junction with the destroyer work of the allies along the French coast and in the channel. The underwater radius of the av- erage U-boat ix less than 150 miles under most favorable condition.To get that distance it would have to! travel at a rate of very few miles an hour.It is argued,therefore, that if by means of nircraft,destroy- -s and all other agencies for the de struction of submarines,a zone of 150 miles or less in width could be drawn about the German bases or the entrance of the North Sea in which a submarine could come to thesurfaceonlyatrareintervals,the Germans would not be able to oper- ate on a seale to threaten supplylinesexceptinsidethatzone. |SALAMA LEACEERITESTES Mrs.Bingham’s Will —The University Bequest. Soon after the death of Mrs.Bin-ham,formerly Mrs.Flagler and be-fore that Miss Lily Kenan of North Carolina,it was announced that she had left $75,000 to the versity to establish the Kenan pro- fessorship.As $75,000 isn't a big amount for an estate of about $896,- 000,000,said to be the amount leftherbytheFlaglerhusband,this did-n’t attract much attention.Later itwasmadeknownthatthe$75,000 istheyearlyincomefromafundgivenbyMrs.Bingham to establish the enan professorship,which meansthattheUniversitybequestis$1,-|600,000 to $2,000,000,as one mayfiguretheinterestrate.A codicil to Mrs.Bingham’s will jleft $5,000,000 to R.W.Bingham,herlasthusband,the amount to be paid jelect.The bulk of the estate wasilefttoMrs.Bingham’s niece,Mrs.|Wise of Cincinnati,and it is inti- |mated that she may contest the pro-|vision which gave Bingham $5,000,- 000, *DAY FIXED FOR VOTE.’ The Senate has reached an agree-war tax bill not|\later than Monday,September 10th.The theopeogeewasreachedinthealmostcertainionofaclotureresolution.The -tors who were delaying a vote hav-cloture resolutionwaswithdrawn. sitionlater thaneeapeoine ow y,September .ittagAAA. i h ra l | State Uni-is s t #rf ba s k ta t :?# Auit F £ nu i rf 23as pLi5= freigh or nae eaanatt.@ ximately It is a crime,ome |the law, act more;it cannot sell for cause the government will pay that Fs v2 crop is fix a ed August10th,at not less than $2, Chicago --which means $2.20 North Carolina.It cannot be this much is ranteed;it may more.It wouthatwecanproduce in North Car olina a much larger crop F s a profit.Every consideration of h manity would urge us to do all we can (whether at a profit or a loss)to keep fed a hungry world.In manycountrieswomenandchildrenare dying of hunger;many thousands every week.“Patriotism calts for ‘Special Ef-fort,’each of us in the sphere of ac-tivity for which we are best fitted, and thousands of us here in NorthCarolinacanbestdoourwarbitinthelineoffoodproductionandfood » saving.” Complaint of School Books. Dr.J.Y.Joyner,State Superin-tendent of Public Instruction and ex-officio secretary of the State Text- book Commission that adopted thebookslastsummerforuseinthepub-|lic schools of the State the next five|years,is personally looking into the|matter of charwes that are made in some quarters that the series of read-ers as placed on sale at the book de-positories are not up to contract in a number of respects.Representativer of certain concerns that were unsuc- cessful competitors for this contract are pressing the charges,it is said.Dr.Joyner promises x thorough in-vestigation and if it is found that there is any material variance the book concern,Roe,Peterson &Co. will be held strictly to aeeount,there ™ being a $10,000 bond for contract per- formance.If he finds any reasonable grounds for doing so he will call th: State Board of Education and the Text Book Commission together tctakeofficialnoticeofthesituation and take steps to exact conformanc: to contract or forfeiture of contract |s and bond,should deficiencies be grave enough.He does not now believe} that there is any deficiency. |eg ELSPAERDELE EGS EEE LSD Navy League Takes It Back. The Navy League,which Secreta-ry Daniels recently disposed of sat- isfactorily to the country,hassuedastatement“Accepting the re-port of the naval board on the MareIslandexplosion”(which —nobodyaskedittoaccept),and expressing regret that it gave currency to anopinionthattheinvestigationwasbeinghamperedbytheNavyDe-partment under the influence of pow-erful latior interests. While the Navy Department was investigating the explosion whichkilledfiveandinjuredmorethan30inJuly,the league issued a state-ment declaring a reliable informanthadtolditthatthe=investigationwashamperedbylabor_influence. Thereupon Secretary Daniels issued Is- en order severing the League,a pri-|-from all connec- itvateorganization,tion whatever with the navy;and The price of the 1918;ber ©the food act,approv-)wa.*itor H. ithe Citizen,bethiny”with the same girl. of wheat Allison than we have been producing —at)agwe|him. is to be hoped that,notwithstanding| the apology,the Secretary will let the order LEMONADE,10 CENTS. Lumberton Robesonian.Owing to high price of lemons,it now impossible to get a lemonade at any of the drug stores in town for|less than a dime.A 5-cent piecewouldbuyalemonade=since theyhavebeenmakingthemuntilrecent- ly,when the price of lemons hasreachednewhighground. Bad Stomachs—The Penalty. take Stomach sufferers should warning Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Stom- aeh and Intestines,Auto Intoxteation,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicitis,and other dangerous ailments,are some of the penalties.Most Stomach,Liver and Intestinal Troubles are quickly overcome with Mayr's Wonderfuly.This favorite prescription ha»re. stored millions of people.Let one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy prove today that itwillhelpyou.For sale fy Statesville Drug |Co, PUBLIC SALE OFVALUABLEFARMANDDESIRABLERES.IDENCE PROPERTY. Ry virtue of the power contained in the last |«ill and testament of D.M.Howard,deceased,| |late of Iredell county,N.C.,the undersigned |will onSATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 22,1917.pone to public sale to the highest bidder forcash,the following described real estate,to~2 || f i l l i M Fa z ii i f e l l if i r $ >i || j' } } } | | In quality of materialsinexcellency of workmanship.The Krippendorfand RedCrossexcel in style,wear Wehave readyfor yourinspectionmanyof thenew st,les. Comein andtrythem on,youwillbepleasedwith thecomfort.Popular prices. =S MILLS &POSTON.|_ aol conlint. . Barber Killed Soldier. In Asheville Thursday night Wil- liam A.Allison,21 years old,f Company F,Naihotandinstantly killedRich,an Asheville barber. Rich surrendered to the officers.According to the story related bymen“kept compa-Rich was calling on the young woman andwaitedforhimoutside. Rich appeared Allison struckRichranalittleway,turned and fired.The bullet t Allison.quarely in the forehead and he died about twe hours later. OAC ETONATM Experience the Best Teacher. t is wenerally admitted that experience isthetestteacher,but showld we not make use{the experience of others as well as ouroweTheexperienceo*a thousand persons i.more te be depended upon than that of one individual,Many thousands ef persuns havepedChamberiain’s Cough Remedy fer coughsindcoldswiththebestresulta,which showstobeathoroughlyreliablepreparationfor Liase disemmen,Try 6 Ot ot prompt andeffectualandpleasanttotake. For Sale RyC.D.MOORE,Statesville,N.C. DRARPORe |‘ie Leray,N.C. i!Geed Dealers. Application For Pardon. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY Notice is hereby viven that application willmadetotheGovernorofNorthCarolina the parden of Bryan Simerson,who waavietedwttheMaytermoftheTredellcoun.| ty Superior Court,1917,on the charge of having liquor in his possession fer the pur-| pose of sale,and sentenced to @ term of eight months on the county reads of said county,which sentence he has bven serving.BRYAN SIMERSON. T.Frank Hudson,Atty.Aug.24 6t ‘OSTEOPATIHL. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.OFFICE OVER | Merchants’&Farmers’ Office ‘Phone,824;;’Phone,279 Green. Bank. House No Solution for Submarines C.WATKINS,who has been play- ing such havoc with Building Mate-! eight WAT-| KINSES in the Lumber business and,rial prices.There are THEY BUY IN QUANTITIES! FOR SALE. One ten-horse power International Engine.Portable,together with one bread meal millalsofeedmill..Entire outfit for sale. reasonable.Can be seen at Fred H.Con. ger's THOS.J.CONGER. Aug.28 3t. by Be:| ||oe |! Terms } | ||| || ||'| | | TOBACCO FLUES. Don’t take chances on curing your Tobacco with old flues,for the price of Tobacco is the highest this year in history. We can make you the best price on flues. Write or ‘phone us.We can make delivery the day you order! STATESVILLE TIN CO. ‘Phone 65,114 EB.Bread Street. No man wants his wife to work her fin |He wants her to have everything that will make ‘easier —save her time—give her leisure—for this "home life brighter,happier,sweeter. McDougadelayand 25c.Clearance Sale WillContinueAllThisWeek ———Or until we close out.-——- 1 lot Hats,sale price,°2he.1 lot Middys,sale price,-2he,v5e.1 lot Collars,sale price,1 lot Feathers,sale price,1 lot Flowers,sale price,=-2he.1 lot Baby Caps,sale price,-Zhe, We also have a nice line of White and Colored Skirts we are offering at 4 great sacrifice.See our line and be.convinced. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. to the bone!her work makes No wife can do herself and her family justice,when woman who does not know the value of the 1 Auto-Front should visit this store without learn how it cuts kitchen work in two. Williams Furniture House. she is all fagged out by needless work. Eve THE SLACKER And nobody wants a slack Tire. Unless you keep your Tires re- paired you have a slacker with you at all times. THE IREDELLVULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Full|stock line Tires and Tubes in hear fe wi pay for you mtanyth - i —— —} nN eaeeneeee ., Regular Picnic For you if you carry one of our new Thermos Bottles on your outing. We have large,small and medium.your beverage just the t ,refreshing w Keep hot or cold indefinitely.Indispensible to automobilists. We'll be glad to show them to you. You can serveand LEST fiow,ts 0 geedtime to estes Gat Reames Bemorteofbth,GriesMavi Hi t os er tf ‘i! i#Ht3la “i f iF ii : ii CeeDeeerEoern Cai!“ SS.,ee iu MM. :5i::§ Special Prices SilkSkirts ere all signs of womanly trou- Gardale Whenot pout Ait wok"?|in Black,Blue and all . “PHONE US”|Shades in Stripes,very F bag of Davis B |ora 0 vis Bros.|):Graham Flour,fresh lot ||'atest styles.Price $3.98 right from the mill* Don’t forget that we have ||to $7.98. anything you want in the way of Spices,Vinegar,,Extracts,Rubbers,Jars |]5°me beautiful Crepe de and Jar caps. Phone 89.Chine and Georgette Crepe Eagle &Milholland.|'Shirt Waists. FINE See them. LOT Fine showing in COUNTRY Silks, MEAT.Taffetas, Miller-McLain SupplyCo.|tessaline and Poplin. Harmony High School.Solid Colors or Stripes. A Farm Life School For Girls and Boys.All Shades. —SPECIAL COURSES IN ;So ee and See our offering in Prepares for College and Universi- ty entrance." =-,ore a ap >on Serge, now at Dormitories. For further information and newHlustratedannouncementwriteto Ottaman, R.H.LANKFORD,Principal,\ Harmony,N.C.a Broadcloth,etc.DID YOU EVER BUY A Door or ee ee the ‘Doors,Windows’and ‘Frames,|And don't overlook ourready-made.YOU CAN TRY THEMBEFOREYOUTAKETHEMFROMHISLUMBERYARD!5 - weaters.WANTED! per pound,Ligh.has a_i We have all the latestpourFORSALE:| New and second hand machinery shadesforsaleandallkindsofboiler|,room supplies. mea tees TURNER.2.|]Won't youcome in and Battery Trouble Righted.look through stock? If you have Battery troutolee’os your Car.eh oethetrouble.All work done byanexpert!© STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. All grades —lowest prices.Nails, Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Brown and Green Shingle Stains. €.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- dell County. wooDAm SAWINGtosawyourseemeor - Shallee pleased to show |Respectfully, TE ‘BOYD HOLDS LAW.VOU. 7,Keating Child Labor Law Tem- ;a -Effective For.rict. Judge Boyd declared the Keatingchildlabor’law unconstitutional,in ary AN BDAY,-.Se tions of labor,Judge Boyd said.Hy»reviewed briefly the development ofgovernmentfromthefamilycontrol, through the tribal day to the presentstageofcivilization,and stated thathisopinionisthattheparentcontinuesthebestagentforthedirectionofthehoursandotherdetailsinconnec- tion with the labor of the child.This assertion,it was explained,was mere-ly by the way and not of direct bearingupontheissue.He said he came ta the duty of passing upon the validityorinvalidityofanactofthelegilativebranchoftheFederalgovern ment with full realization of the sig nificance of his position.His approv al of laws tending to elevate the con dition and moral state of all the peo ple,white ineidentally expressing ome doubt of the wisdom of too much child labor legislation,made it clent that his judgment on the act was ba ed upon his interpretation of the co: stitutional limitations of congressic al power, The decree signed by Judge Bova From TaylorsvilleNo.23 ar,050,leaves 10.28 @No.15 ar.6.25,lenves pm23and24arenotoperatedon(ME.RHYNEWON THIS TIME |Another Suit Under the Fomous_Olin Township Chicken Law. Esq.David C.Rhyne of Olintownship,who was in town SoturdayhiswaytoOldFortandBlaekMountaintospendaweekormore,pped at The Landmark offiee longenoughtorelate,with a good deal ofSatisfaction,that he had brought‘another suit under the Olin chicken law and this time he had won.:It will be recalled that some month ago Esq.Rhyne indicted his neigh-bor,Mr.W.T.Holland,under the statute which prohibited fowls ran-ning at large in Olin township.Mr Holland employed Lawyer Zeb LongjofStatesvilleandMr.Long madejthepoint,when the case came totrialnareeemagistrate,o-therewasnosucaw.It couldn't be ,-¢»preliminary recitation of thfoundandEsq.Rhyne had a big bill hed ee oe cam lal ie aos ntofcosttopay.He was sure the law (4 5,¢,uity aaa the “come!ae neexisted,he said,because it had been...os the WMideliéy ManufacturingprintedinTheLandmark.Esq.(...,,,ny (of Chark 7 ii ad a rie|Rhyne was right.The law was du-,.4 une acm valk filed by Metra.ly passed for Olin township and 4,eae .Ww Cc “th ae ‘a a }printed in The Landmark,but it got eeintothelawhooks“Olive”lastend motion yp el ag aftorne an of Olin township,and even this act Ca at the “defendant Fidelityhadnotbeenfoundatthetimeof“@nutfacturing Company be and i:the trial mentioned.hereby permanently enjoined.in an After thinking it over for some “*Y or manner,by reason of the|months,Esq.Rhyne decided to piek of said act of Congress,dislbisflintandcomeagain.He these-charging the minor plaintiff,John Da g : force fore took Mr.Holland on a warrant £¢Dhart,from its services,or curtail for allowing his fowls to run.at /"#the employment of the min large after being duly warned.P'sintiff Reuben Dagenhart,to &Three magistrates sat at the trial—hors per day .Esqs.Templeton,Sam.Jurney and The decree goes further,enjoinin:N.E.Moore—and they held Hol-‘he district attorney or his deputi:and agents,from “enforcing or a tempting to enforce the provisions o the aforesaid act of Congress or an: land guilty.He was taxed with thecostsandappealed.{The effect of the decision is to held that the law was passed for Olin part thereof,and from institutine ortownship,Iredell county-—which it “using to be instituted any proseeuwas-—and that the error of the print-tion or proceeding under the afore s in printing the name of the town-«oid statute or any ef the provisionship“Olive”instead of Olin in the thereof.” law beoks,does not invalidate the The decree is operative for thiluw,The case now goes to the Su-district only.The cas aporatedperiorCourtforahearing.pd will finally be heard in the SuTherewerenolawyersin”this;)reme Court Foregoing facts fromtrial,said Mr.Rhyne.after he had the Greensboro News related his story to The Landmark,The sult was instituted on behalf of“but Towish Zeb,Long had been John and Reuben Dagenhart ond theithere.Vd a fixed him,shore.”Mr.father.John Daeenhurt ior 14RhynehasneverquiteforgiventheandReubenDayenhart,wader 14.ars Statesville lawyer cor being —instru-or were.emploved by th Pidclit: mental,as he thinks,in “throwing Wanofacturin:Company of Charlottehiminthecost”at that other trial.fhe action was to restrain the comnaJusthowhewouldhavedonethe..from discharging Joho and refixinghedidn’t say,but evidently ctrictine Reuben to eight hours a da:he had something framed up that be under the operations of the new Inwhoushtwoulddothework.effective Saturday TT—A er re ES EDCommendableAspectofRus-\tHEY WILL MAKE GOOD.sian Character. A little-known aspect of OR haracter is reported by Lincoln Ste! fens,who writes in Everybody's for August the account of his i tary Those Holding Back From the War Not Al)Cownrds—Cid- eons Case. Monrie sin EnquirertoPetrograd.“Street meetings were That a man dreads to vo te war i encountered on all ‘ides eel ra:hs ho mea i Melee ithat he jhighanddecpThe speabers were a caward.The baile,the bragenrt passionate,so was the crowd,but the who blows about )Serht Ccieaditmobwouldlisteninsilencetoan¢pever put.up the real “nasty”fight asional speaker who advocated tl that one of these qvict,penee lovingmostunpopularpointofview.Th ‘ellows pots up when be is foreed Was a moment,when Lenin the 'to it.Seme time avo the Enquir eran radical who came home throuorh er maa read vem:ho wns draft Germany,Was mest unpopular ‘ed into tt eof h country with the previsional government |during wa : the people;they said he wa.Je nue,wa to dravi from a receptaizingtherevolution;bat the cle ath eapital,Put handworkmenweulen’s forbi h was drafted,t the same.Themeetings,and the people kept aon ame oof this parteaha wnscrowdbeforehishouse,ta see ¢ideon.To the one who came to he was pretected and heard Wl him to tal up th word.Cid. “Nor would they tet ou pad ‘tated,“Lam the |t my faOneswhenamemberofthcrswhetise.I phy vealidworkmen's council Wa onditions Gideo wa peaking of Levin for the trouble he ‘hen _he s AKT aubheout theedsuddenty“least,”he virt re Pree“Is ther vthing hore:ition that 1 othe oY were that Leniy (nex ©renser a !r ;5 than he ‘Lenin is as sincere as any cf ae -ce ”7 cua aisarrogantandviskstheasficeater'thejusttostichtohisawntheorrour,that \;[ha ,set“Nobody kuspected 1 famil th:\Lhe oymeanneormetemochsm:‘cded ::oh a ;1 “~what 1 me |exultnat ’I he bh he w :ne ‘m\,B itdidn't suspect others.becnu Gideon did hot ver |honiagedvern't wullty themselves;they .treet es }enthefloodofidealismFiveMriseni‘vy th (neibeonMia=i :Be A put upoaor t tt i ‘and |Midianites whe wer that timefrontforhispolies.was neve aving the Gert ’ed of evil intent n}ingr itwrony-headedne And if thi ne ee a ne ryte h we +; A Geod Man Makes ai Good Germans,th:Soldier.»Pet hy cer “The best man makes the eelokdier.”in the opinien ef MV fanting to |:;Gen.J.F.Morrison,who comm rround of : Camp Sevier.at Greenville s olng te put oe ;is quoted by a writer in the ¢mish the world,wh :~(erro inesen nd give the amer ¢‘ “And in fact,”continued.the BR weneratio der,“the better a man is the bv SOO WOsoldierhewillmake.Becaug ahting weet 1 eeprofessionofthesoldierisfieht™7 to the muood,is no reason to hrrive at the cone ion that he is oF necessity a « throat and that he is bloodthirstyan!lacks the finer instincts ofentieman.has.Brown “The soldier is the man made more Slored,were sent: nearly perfect,if T might be allows ix 'Amateur Yeugs (U! In Davie Superior Court ly and Sam 4 } years,respective 'y to speak of it in terms ef compat ‘ison.Waugh plead vity te th ion Donning the uniform of the harge of as alt Oe ae 2Americanarmydoesnotmaterial!)if the Mert har ts at I :change a man’s viewpoint.But the Vank in Mocksville several week man whose moral inclinations are of @ and in his testimony he imp!not a very high type may,under the «ted Brown,declaring that he wa proper training,become a better @ party that planned the It man;but the man with inherent “od robbery Brown denied —the cleanliness of life and thought **atement made by Waugh robberybringshimintothearmythatwhic!»attempt at was mace will enable the organization to ma Open day and was without resultofhimamoreefficientanitinth J.Ml.McHEE&CO"great flichting machine of the cov.WiteneverYouNeed ©General Tonicornmment.”>OM Standard Grove's TastelessADVERTISERSchillTonicisequallyvaluableaschangeofearly.No change of General Tonic because it contains thead.ivaranteed after 12 o'clock to-tonicproperticeofQUININE morrow!acts on the Liver,DrivesauiinG?aWankins. will .please bring ' } } ge s cosieer ae a3 :>-tent ease brought before him atNo.21 west-bound,4.50 p m.‘reensboro,The decree was signedNo.25,westbound,=10.25 $m.Friday afternoon and by virtue ofMe86,enst-hound,due 1010 &™this decree the mills and employes in No,12,ieee Se Vo >this Federal judicial district may dis-No.6,east due 6.00 p.m.vegard the law until the court of lastARLOTTEANDTAYLORSVILLE.resort passes on odecision.‘rom Congress can regulate trade amongag3=hed ———“e@ :m.the States but not the internal condi- Tire Conservation Day.| Wednesday,September 5th. bring ¢to the motorists of this city and vieinity frrst-hand in- formation for all who are Inicpested in inéreasine the werrne power of their tires and so reducing this item of a CNC! }7 ,"ot :ert will;Vawell-known tire expert wil ip Ave j onal attention to the il atl wh ;:c t!tems of all who come Lhe demonstrat Ion,His iterestings exhibits show.all ir—-preventablereWCu ntable-and his.!+ao9¢and wihoreve cl Misi 13 t reduce to the mini-iy |Pb kn fmumtyventabieKindsof tire ‘| “e F o '.ec ior motorists of this khud of tires you use urged ITI you are (oer for yor r good,. Remember the date and re- member the place— Statesville Motor Company. One Case Mill Ends, 36 inch Ginghams, 12 1-2c.Wool Remenants,.-BUY NOW.|Viet one toc Soe ‘ JOHNSTON -BELK 00.” New Fail Goods Arriving Daily in all Departments. Buy now,prices are goingtobehigher. INew Dress Goods,Percals,|°Ginghams,etc, New Dorothy Dodd ShoesforWomenallofthelatest styles. Clothing Departmemis. New and up-to-date line just rece’ved.It will be to your interest to inspect this line, Stetson Hats. New fall showing of Stetson Hats. ‘hoes. Big line io seiect from,Men's Women’s, Child:ns’and Infants’, Corc early and often to the Store thatsellsforless,‘ 18 Big Retail Stores.18 Bg Retail Stores. “=Phone 212. OneCase MillEnds;”’ No missing connections—entire train runs through,MemphistoTexas.Leave Memphis 10:10 p.m.Arrive Dallas 1d? next noon,Fe.Worth 2:00 p.m.Another through train ‘tie business methods in the upkeep.eee And thus hundreds of shauna,|Watson’s Injunction Refused. ea ang’ahaa a eee fs decision in the w .Keating labor law case was .a {the natural oneand was to have :been expected.A few years ago errr Congress would ‘not havepassed e arene weeeeeeeee law like that;_neither would that ar bedy,in aformer day,havepassed numerousotherlawsithas passed recently.The very attempt would) ieee cans Oe con,Sa eee on; think the and courts progress liveuptoit.When theroadbuilding |.Suprame Court,”said Mr.Doo-|trator worked |out den come 68 starts the pressure comes for a rond |tey,“ginerally follows the iNiction|the various grades and classes Fd of te eee eee here and there.Those authorized to)returns.”While that isn't true,oF ee ee ee from the Governor. say how many roads may be built!Jrictly speaking,it is true in a,ont $2.20 @ >or,who was at . and where,may realize that if they|....All the courts in time follow $2.10.Number a of each jg|Lake Fo _.ane et build more roadsthantheycanmain-'8 cents less,number 4 is 1 that the Governor e | ithe trend of public sentiment;for-,uthority and immediately i taintheresult will be the lossof the!less.The basicgrades are No.1 hard|?i °|mer decisions are reversed and pre-winter,red,winter and Northern Chief of Police Schuettler to permit| mone id forconstruction and gen-)i inter,.seting and to givethe delegates| ‘™8 wall |eedents overturned.Public sentiment spring..potiggner 5 i eral dissatisfaction.But usually per-|i,the matter of child labor has un-In a statement accompariying thé "When the pacifists heard of the sonal and political pressure,some-:|dergone a great change and is des- times self-interest,are too strong for |tined to undergo more far-reaching| common sense and business methods.| Presently the funds are exhausted and the maintenance fund,if any there be,is entirely inadequate for the up- keep.Everybody is happy while the roads stay good,but when they begin to wear out and go to the bad,the changes. conservation and self-interest vent the enactment of adequate child labor laws,Congress has undertak- en the regulation,just as it has done in the matter of the whiskey traffic where pre- To reach States announcement of President Wilson said it is the of the food administration,and own as well,that the fixing of orice will keep for al /rent year.The bread,too,the President said,will be| k the |wheat |mayor's action Sunday morning im-made tomediatepreparationswere hold the meeting,which had been | prevented —in Minnesota,North Da-| kota and Wisconsin,and been | forbidden as unpatriotic and disloyal by the Governor of Mlinois.When | they heard that the Governor was leending troops to oust them,some of | ‘the pacifists wanted to stay until ejected by foree,but the majority de- iF stabilize the marketriceswithinmoderatebounds transactions during the cur-price of flour & ept down. The committee,in its report tothree .P insteadofsending warmthdoviyihrloneipesitletoitrive—Seana to gras.hone direct,this methodanysiherandgivespeat mcstection IhorefCatmbenéenane.— We'd liketo horough ;Stenecdinkas teskatenk Thereis no on your part,andweknowyoubeinterested.CRAWFORD-|FURNITURE CO.:“THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU” Phone 400.~ nani oe eel and other cases,under the general ghe President,gave as the -:==as insistent,\fare clause of the constitution,chief considerations that entered in-cided to get throws and get out be- Se the demand for more!vnich ean be stretched to cover al-to its deliberations the fol @:fore the treage arrived.‘| in the first instance.The au oot anything The fact that the United States is at ~Fa Iitinols.a ee ee thorities are often helpless because)pi,ig aa’criticism of Judge pote the _cme the ers,declared there was more misery s »q >wees :producer,anc e necess re-igi they haven't the money and lack the Boyd’s decision,nor a discussion of ducing the cost of living to the eon-in the country today on s.any nerve to adopt some bold plan,made.the merits of the law under consid-Sumer.;time _—a Hill._‘= necessary Ps y i :. earty :worse ng ev 1 se by necessity,to obtain the |eration.It is a prediction that the Sresperts of en carly and radical history of the Uni States,”he, funds.Or if the funds can be ob-|mt cf last resort will more than reduction in bread prices apparently said,“than is happening now,en court o a !vanished when Herbert Hoover,the neaple like you are branded as crim-| tained there may be a tack of system- and millions,invested in good roads,a! prime necessity of modern civiliza-|States District Court of Georgia has tion,are lost because public business|refused the injunction asked by Tom is so often conducted loosely and in a|Watson,to compel the partment totion,the Jeffersonian, mailing privileges.I way that would put private business | in bankruptcy. LS AEE Our friend Judge Bond,who for-, meriy made stump speeches in oppo- sition to woman suffrage under the mise of grand jury charges,is now making speeches on the war.That's||' judges are now making patriotic war te grand juries. character,so long as they are with-|nation,as distinet ble bounds,are proper - abnormai conditions nowthe ailing.The masses of the peo-|are the victims of lawless need to be informed and to have Stitutional ane ae |will be the efforts to make their deeds ‘ \rival the glowing traditions of their sec-|hero strain- |world will behold America’s demreda- tion and shame, the|under fire of our line of battle,the in- ordered the Inter-|glorious flight of our defenders,lik: the recent debacle a |army,print paper for the government bul-|much the same, the |of our country, patriotism aroused.Especial- tis this need great in some eV—————eeeeeee } Taking note of the fact that gé¥ernment hasnationalPaper Company to furnish fetin at 2.1-2 cents a pound, Greensboro Record wants to know|i ,Why the same rate can't be fixed for |Popular go newspapers generally.It is to be| supposed that the government has .oO §” decided that 2 1-2 cents allows 8|of the American Alliance for Labor there and Democracy to be held at Minne- reason |apolis today,and the task it will un- a oe °by Presid WilasbeengivenbyPresidentWilson however,|in a letter to Samuel Gompers,pres- ident of the American F |Labor and chairman of the alliance. fair profit.That being so, would seem to be no good fiwhy the rest of us shouldn't share the benefit.Uncle Sam, i may consider that he has a right to j*special privilege. ‘The American public has been ex- tine he:t d at|®nyjireeingtohearalmostanydaythatnationwhosecitizens have been foul- the American troops sent to France | ‘a couple of months ago,were in the! “trenches.The statement of Pershing,published today,indicates ‘that the Americans will not join the humanity has next most shameful and treachery,does nat know its own|fathes in the trenches before year.It is made clear that the pur-) j.pose of the American commander is! sto get a big body of troops in the| ‘best posible shape before they begin operations on the battlefront,and when they do strike he expects the blews to count.That's wise. ATI.SeSAME The progress of the Germans acnipst the demoralized Russian ar- mies indicates that the Tevtons will have possession of a big me of that country,with acces:to its !supplies,in the near future.The Germans almost have Riga,an im- 'portant strategic their| possession —may have it by the time this ix read.Petrograd is 360 miles point,in from Riga,but at the rate of Ger- man progr in Russia,Petrograd ;May he their na few months.The failure of Russia means the greater the burden for America. TCT +That was fine advice Secretary Baker gave the graduating class at {West Point “Remember,”said the Secretary,“that every one of the |enlisted men entrusted to your care is somebody's son,and that every }one is a soldier of your country and his.Do your part to make ours a j disciplined but a democratic army.” While discipline strict discipline |«.is absolutely necessary in an ar- |my,Secretary Baker wants the pri- vates treated like men.He wants German military autocracy.And is right. a bothonapublic "and Se |likely hold the law good, }quently from the column: ifersonian to show its purpose is to obstruct the reeruiting or enlistment of men in the service of the United States.' hetter.Many of the Superior Court|American court of equity,says Judge j ae of our country to contribute its mail- speeches.in lieu of the usual charge|ing facilities for the furtherance and Addresses of this|success of a propaganda against the as it is truculent © soldiers may be convinced that they +seek to ignore America’s grievance Gen.!to join ' without theae it Judge Emory Speer of the United accord Watson's publica- Judge Speer’s decision quotes fre t An appeal is mede to an r,to oblige the postal authorities dangerous.; If by such propaganda American and uncon- oppression,vain indeed i On the contrary,the the disintegration ‘ of the Russian|¢ brought about by the destruction of its nstitutions and the perishing vernment on earth. ENR ATA TESS STE ES LT President After the Disloyal. Hearty approval of the conference suppressing \dislovalty, eration of The letter denounces those who gainst Germany and insist “that a ly murdered under their own flag.the time flour reaches the vholesaler thence with Billingsteys Mme to Wo OM Muy! whose neighbors nave been invited until it is sold by bakers and retail.|deck’s corner.thence with W.M.Murdock« in making conquest of its line to Davic avenue;Uhence with said avenue territory,and whose patience in pressing the claims of justice andbeenmetwiththe policy of truculence mind and has no comprehensible reason for defending itself.” “While our soldiers and sailors are doing their manful work to hold back reaction in its most brutal and aggressive form,”the President wrote,“we must oppose at home the organized and individual efforts of those dangerous elements who hide disloyalty behind a sereen of spe- cious and evasive phrases.” Tae aEREEEeneeeeimmmenmmanmnt Sheep Driven Through Chicago Streets. A flock of several hundred sheep escorted by brass bands and detech ments of soldiers and sailors,followed by numerous floats,gamboled through Chicago’s business streets Saturday. It was the city’s first sheep parade and was given under the auspices of the national sheep and wool bureau to promote interest in wool conserva- tion.Six young women appropriately garbed acted as sheperdesses and were kept busy trying to keep their charge:from dashing into hotels and shop doors along the line of march. Some of the signs carried by march-ers in the parade read as follows:“There is no substitute for wool,weneedmoresheep;”“Food and wool for workers will win the war;”“Homemakers’guild advocates sheep raising| for women.” LS *FIXED PRICE OF PAPER.i '$5.In an order which newspaper pub-lishers declare will serve Je im-portant precedent,President Wilsonhasfixedapriceof21-2 cents on|news print paper for use iningthegovernment'sbulletin.The order fixing the price was is-sued by Baker at thePresident’s direction,underthe na-tional defence act,whichempowers government to commandeer jetin |food administrator, sible,Mr.Hoover said,only if bakers, retailers and consumers unite to elim- Postoffice De-|inate wastefulandco-operate to obtain a standard- second-class|ized of the Jef-two or three dollarsflourwillselllittle cheaper than at ti) present. bakers of the country as a voluntary the hixhest bidder at the aide to Mr.Hoover,said that a 16- ounce loaf for 10 cents would FEPTOs |at the hour of neon,the following real ¢ sent a slight reduction prices. hard to bring about,since varying “tk On the negth by Tradd street,on osts in ingredients thet go into bread the wes!bh)Front pit +ceed on the east by have made it necessary to increase or the Obl Nor and Seuth Corporation fh ‘f veytnmee 4 acre More «levyreducethesizeoftheloaf.No move (yo Ooneginning at a large are will be made towards price reduction...the <junction of the ‘Tar 1 and dings puat cast of the andMr.Corby said,until the food admin- stration ha announced its plans for ye cuth «dere.cast a stake on th lealing with the baking industry west cide of Tradd street,Chener thward which may be a month yet.with the weet side of ‘Tradd street tr the ,‘branch,thence up the oranch to the begin mittee which recommended the pric: ‘onvinced it was possible to make anc 24 degrees weat 04 feet to a |sell l4-our a r 5 Vine;thenee east 24 degrees south ¥0 fect methods|la f-ounce loaf of bread for thence with Reynold’s line 120 fect to the b the ultimate conquest |cents. of to hold their 'New York at from $11.75 to $12 |barrel. flour to small bakers and retailers 200 Seet to a stake on Davie avenue. should be from $10.55 to $11.25 average retai!price of family patent*',:One Lot Reginning at Jennings corner,on flour in New York from April to Auge Mocksville road,near crioration line of city ust has been $15.36.At present bak-of Strtesville,running south 6 dewiern enst ers’patent is selling in New York te ‘%feet tom wtake,Mrx Key's corner thence jiobt or ta 5 north Mo degrees ens 48 :n stake fooeeee at $10.65,which would make Murdock’s line;thence perth 35 demrees west it cost small bakers and retaiicrs 200 feet to said Mockevtile rox with hbout $11.the road 198 feet to the besinniny ntain- 1 ,‘‘ing nearly one acre,more oo Mr.Hoover made it clenr that un One Lot Beginning at a stake on Davie der the food control act,excent in|avenue in the middle of th lane between the isolated instances,the food adminis.'we lets which were sold by Ho Burke and wife W Hill.thence with tration has no control of prices from.porry's line to a stons ers as bread. be accomplished only by voluntary ac-more or less tion by bakers and retailers and by One Loi Be na sine at MC.Willams Lenk .i Lae slim;,|ger.running with Davie avenu in a south-the assistance of the public in climie er ai ccetion 100 feet,thence in a south. nating waste.vasterty direction with W.A.Moore«lone 217 4-4 feet ttwo handred and seventeen and ,ons Sold °..fowr-fifth fect)to a stake,thence in wn ecnst- Provisi of bs iers Insur-erly direction parallel with Davie avenue 1yanceLaw.feet to MC.Williams’fine,thence with Mo Williams’fine to the bewinning,217 4-5 feet |children would receive $15 a month;| “Miciel daily |the.serviceYte$200 « needed for war ;LA,nicaonal y,whichhad announced that):ui,and den the right of free he best the public may expect is 8\ssembly.”He also declared that |16-ounce loaf for 10 vents,or possibly ss).oniy who welcomed the 8 cents.the only people bankers and editors,war were the theThe8-cent loaf of 16 ounces is pos-|4 denounced conseription and ending of troops to France.—| Ex -Senator Works of California methods...another speaker. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. RY virtue of a deeree of the Superior Court Ireietl eounty,rendered in an action en- 4 G6.EB.French,administrator,4b. with the will annexed,of Philip Bo Kry.vs Henry K.Klingender et al,the undersicned C.1.Corby,who is serving for the commissioner will sell at public auction tecourtheusedoorin distribution loaf.The price of family flour,t.Hoover said,should be reduced athepresentpriceofwheatatleastabarrel.Baker's |,nm.| Statesville,N.C,»on SATURDAY,OCTOBER 6th,1917, 1 the city of Statesville,belonging teinpresentime would be |the estate of the said Philip Bo Key,and te»Standardizationandarats cribed and defined as follows,to-wit Hand tory im the city of Members of the wheat Pree “COM =vite corner,supposed to be one-fourth of an acre more or lets f $2.20 fixed by President Wilson One Lot Beginning af i stake on Tanya! for wheat,declared after their work branch —eee baniseh in attr mere Aegrees oust “”«, i was ended that the committee was liube.Mark Simonton’s corner.thence north stake in Tomlin» ..cinwingThecountry’s millers have agresd —Also a profits on fiour to 25 fellowing:,on one-half undivided interest:in’the re Le One Lot Beginning et Aibson’s cornercentsabarrel.Under this agreement pavie avenue,in the city of Statesville,run- Mr.Hoover said,flour should retail in)ning south 35 decrees cnet iH fret stake thence north SF degrees en Hae of Kinder bet \degrees west thener beginning, Th vn Mra.Key's corne: f .ice y .east 198 feet to a stakeThepriceofbaker’s patent)Renee with said fine north tert to the more ¢ with Davie avenue 19 containing pearly one acre, The T.4d.Peery amd M on Billingsley»line |. A price reduction N 10e feet to the beinning,containing one aere, (two hundred and seventeen and four fifths ene-half aere,more or less | of Statesville on Liberty|corner of Wal- Insur- in.feet)containingTheSoldiersandSailors’ ance bill,designed as a substitute : .»ora One Lot in eity the future for the sorb nt vipers ion street No.10,begining at the system,favorably reported to the ter Connelly «lot on Liberty street,running House of Congress,would provide,north 51 degrees cast 200 feet with said Con- y "e8 ents cern im |nelly’s tine now Allison's),Stevenson's lineafordependentsofmeninadBriler's iine to southeast corner of Bnil- the service,compensation for death|ey's lot No thence couth 39 degrees cant 106 and disability,optional insurance for|feet with said Bailey's line on lot Noo ®te officers and enlisted men,and educa-!N.®Mill’corner:north 51 degrees j ati weat with said Mills »200 feet to said tional and vocational training for!Mijie corner on Liberty atreet:thence with| honorably discharged men.Adminis-!Liberty street 100 feet to the beminning,com:| tration costs for the first and sec-|taining %-4 of an acre,more or lea ond years of the war are estimated .Terms nf sale One third eau oe | at $176,000,000 and $380,000,000,re.hen]sted estabPed +.| spectively.ROR MeLauvhlin,Atty.|Commissioner. The optional insurance section of Sept.4,1017 the bill,around which the bitterest > fiwht will centre,contemplates the issuance to officers and men without Wood's Seeds — ‘THE COLE THREE-ROW GRAIN DRILL. The Cole Three-Row Grain Drill is the atest labor-savin Drill that has ever been wcanaed.The Open Furrow Method which is made possibleaathe=y safe way to sow Oats,and is the best for other grain,so as to be sure ogoodstands.: Thousands of farmers who used the Cole DrillharvestedgoodcropsofOatsthisseason-the hardest ever known—while those who used other Drills enc got back their seed.Also,wheat sowed with the Cole Drill stood’the winter betterandmadeabetteryield, Cole One-Horse Grain Drill,No.34 With Fertilizer Attachment.Price $22.50. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. STS eer~ If you are nursing a grouch and don’t want to get rid of it don’t come here. Our customers are a happy,contented,carefree lot because they turn all their motor troubles over to us. We are equipped properly to handle any com- plaint you may have to meke of your car. When you come to us you have the satis- faction of knowing that the work is done right. distinction of policies ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 for the duration of| the war only,at an estimated cost| of $8 per $1,000 to the policyholder.| insurance companies are said to have!declined to assume such war risks}Alfalfa for less than a $1,000.will yield four or five cut- Proposed allotments for depend-season,Fall is the ents of men in the service would me for so very t ranfe fromRy an —y Baws ae-| cording te number of dependents and their relationship to the man in service.A t wife with no with one child,$25;two children,|$32.50,and for each additional child,||Upon death resulting from inju-|)ries a widow would receive from $30to$200 a month.Similar provisionwidowedmothersismadefor.Ab WOOD'S FALLCATALOGfordisabilitiesincurredin}fullwouldrangefromeyen —{‘Whattax-res\A |YOUR EYES*ARE FRIENDS. Let Us Help You Care For Them. Do not neglect your eyes;you may RUIN them. was ey a ruin them ueyour ee are tested Scien y and your glasses y. You should get mew glasses every few years as the “power”of r eyes Changes. ara Re ps .We will testyee ome ‘G00 We know the optical business. with and cafe.We will fit you out wit glasses you should have for amoderate .price R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. THK LANDMARK’|ADVERTISRRA ARBUP-TODATR, )4 nd will ‘spend several Miss Spee Troutman,daughter of|Mr.and Mrs.J.D.Troutman of|Statesville,and Mr.George Hendren,son of Mr.John Hendren of Turners-|,were married August 29th inPhiladelphia,where Mr.Hendren isutworkinthenavyyard.Miss!Troutman left here about six weeks|ago to visit relatives in Indiana and|went from there to Philadelphia,where the marriage took place. Rev.and Mrs.John G.Lutz ofBrooklyn,N.Y.,announce the en-ga of their daughter,Edithirginia,to Dr.William Ray Griffin,, assistant physician at the State Hos-=at Morganton.Miss Lutz wasformerlyateacherintheNorthCar-|olina School for the Deaf at Morgan- ton. License has been issued for the)marriage of Mr.Fate Columbus LaddandMissLeliaCarolineAllgood;;Mr.Fonzie R.Benfield and Miss Co-ra Lee Benfield Noticesof New Advertisements Account book and small check lost.rn to W.E.Morrison or TheLandmark.Sale of city property October 6.—G.E.French,commissioner.Five -gallon tin cans for sale.-—Statesville Mint Cola.Bottling Co.First class carpenters and able-bodied colored laborers wanted-— Camp Green,Charlotte. senger boy wanteds—Postal Telegraph Co.Ford tire lost.--Reward for re- turn to N.S.Gaither,County Line. Salesman wanted for lubricating oil,ete.—Riverside Refining Compa- ny,Cleveland,O.Experienced office n wanted.Must be ineligible for dfaft.Address“Purchasing,”care The Landmark.Suit case lost.—Return to TheLandmark. Will help you take care of your eyes.—R.F.Henry.New rugs and draperies.—Ram- sey-Bowles-Morrison Co. New fall goods in all departments. Johnston-Belk Co. Boitled drinks atColaBottlingCo.Cole grain drills at Lazenby-Mont- gomery Hardware Co. Less fuel and more heat when you use Caloric Furnaces.—-Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.Big lot of new goods.—J.M.Me-Kee &Co.Cans for sale.- Co,Experienced saleslady wanted.—Write D.,care The Landmark. Evangelistic Conference at Lo- ray —Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Loray,Sept.3 —An evanrelistic conference will be held at Concord church,Saturday and Sunday.This conference will embrace the pastor- ates of Rev.L.L-Moore and Rev.S.L.Cathey.Two sermons on Sat-urday and again on Sunday.Dinneronthegrounds.Miss Evelyn Lynch of Rutherford is visiting Miss Lila Bartlett.Miss-es Robena Somers and Belle Coch- Statesville Mint -Iredell Canning ran are visiting Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Marlin.Miss Allie Bradford hasgonetoOldFort,where she willteach.Miss Lelia Stevenson expectstogotoStonyPointtoday.She willteachthesixthandseventhgradesthere.Mr.North Bratton of Chase City,Va.,is visiting his father-in-law,Mr.John Stikeleather.Hemadethetripbyautomobile.Hisfamily,who have been here for sometime,will accompany him home Wed-nesday.Mrs.L.R.Stikeleather andchildrenwillgowiththemforavis-it to Chase City.Mrs.StikeleatherisasisterofMr.ton. Flood Damage on Third Creek. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,Sept.1-—Throughthissectionwehavetheprospectsofanunusuallygoodcropofvarious| kinds of in on the uplands;but)the pi on bottom land is rot)very .The continuous rains ofevening,Thursday nichtandFridaysultedincolitesthe| to an enormous height, ird creek,which on streamsfo otaffordedas finea body ofcornasithasevereItisbelievedthatthecropsonThirdcreekbottomswillbealmosten-tirely destroyed,as the water is high-| res @a-|its| er than ever known beford.The|Harkey bridge,lately built by the| con-|county,with steel sleeperscreteabutments,is washed.McHenry bridge was also Mrs.Louisa Arthurs and daughter,|Mias Jessie Bell Arthurs,have re-icc:visiting relatives in! awaywreck- |Summers. ,wood, Mr:and Mrs.J.Henry Tharpe ofElkinspenttheweek-end here withrelatives.Miss Kate Stratton of Charlottemttheweek-end with Mrs.Thad. .Summers.Mr.Fred Summers of Charlotte isvisitinghismother,Mrs.Thad.W. Misses Geneva Parks and RosaMundofConcordarevisitingMrsMogeieAlexander.rs.W.T.Bannerman of Wilming-ton is the guest of Miss Mamie Mc-Elwee.Mrs.F.E.Cowan of Dickson,Tenn.is visiting relatives in Statesville andthean.Mr.Watt Eagle has gone to ChapelHilltoresumehisstudiesattheUni-versity. Miss Madge Johnston of Charlotte,who spent a few days with Mrs.A.BJohnston,returned home yesterday.Mrs.W.B.Spight,Mrs.BlizabcthCokerandMissLydiaCokerofEcruMiss.,and Miss Lucy Seawell of Bis-coe are visiti Mrs.J.M.C‘‘lark:Miss Seawell and Miss Coker,the lat- ter a niece of Mrs.Clark,will spendthewinterhereandattendMitchellCollege. Miss Josephine Lowenstein of Brooklyn,N.Y.,will arrive today to visit her uncle,Mr.Sig.Wallace.Miss Manetta Crowell has returned from a month's visit to Concord and High Point.Misses Lois Crowell andElizabethHarrisofConcordareher fruests for several days. Mr.and Mrs.G.PD.Elsworth and son,of Washington,D.C.,are ex- pected in Statesville to spendThursdaywithPostofficeInspector and Mrs.B.B.Webb.Mr.Elsworth is superintendent of the division ofsalariesandallowancesinthePost- office Department.He is a North Carolinian but has lived in Wash-tagrton many years. Mrs.Aaron Clarke,who had beenvisitingrelativeshere,returned Sat- urday night to her home at Balti- more,Md. Mrs.H.E.C.Bryant and daugh- ter,Miss Betty Bryant,of Washing- ton,D.C.,spent Saturday and Sun-day with Mr.and Mrs.Pegram=A. Bryant and left yesterday for Meck- lenburge county to visit relatives and friends. Lieut.and Mrs.Robt.Hill are spending a few days here with rel- atives.Lieut.Hill expects te leaveinafewdaysforhospitalservice in France. Mrs.A.D.Cooper has returnedfromavisittorelativesinWilkes county.Miss Dorothy Gill has gone to At- lenta,where she will spend the win-ter with her aunt,Mrs.D.F.Steven-von,and will take a business course while there,; Miss Lila White left Saturday for Huntersville,where she will teach this fall. Mr.Herman Wallace is awhile in)New York and CityMr.Jno,W.Heath and Miss Daisy Heath left Friday for Bladen coun- ty,where they will teach.Miss Matilda Bryant of Durham isvisitingMr.and Mrs.Pegram A. Bryant.Mrs.M.J.Brady is the guest of her nephew,Mr.J.A.Brady.Mrs.Brady’s home is in Morgantown,W. Va.She has been visiting relatives in North Carolina this summer. spending Atlantic Mrs.J.F.Click and children of ifickory are visiting relatives in the countyMr.Grier Waugh left yesterday forMiami.Fla.,where he will locate.Mr.J.F.Miller,who visited rela-tives in New Hope township,has re- ee to his home in Jacksonville,a.Mr.T..W.Edwards has gone to. Indiana to visit kinfolks.He willvisithisson,Mr.Amos Edwards,atHadley,Ind.,and his brother at EI-Ind.He expects to spend some time in Indiana.Mr.J.Paul Leonard was at Rocky Mount vesterday,attending a cele-bration by the local merchants’as- sociation. Master Lenoir Scroggs,who spentaweekatthehomeofhisuncle,Mr. J.A.Tatum,in Olin township,re-turned Saturday to his home in Mor- ganton. Mrs.Snyder and little son of Ral-eigh are visiting relatives in Olintownship.Miss Rebecca Stimson will leavetomorrowforGastoniatoresumeherworkasschoolthere.Mrs.J.C.Sloan of Salisbury spenttheweek-end with Miss MargaretHouck.Miss Bessie Fowler has returnedfromaweek's visit to Mocksville andWinston-Salem.While in Winston—the guest of Mrs.A.D.ark.Miss Hattie Fowler returned Sun-day from Monroe,where she spenttwoweekswithMrs.Z.V.Murphy.Miss Etta Smith went to MarionMrs,W.F.McPe-Lelia Smith has been inseveraldays.and the Misses Smith will goYanceycounty,today teacher in the graded| it.to a letter an Ameri-| canambulancedriver in The American schoonerRostellan ae we se,»arrivedin anrday.and anFederalwhichwouldrequireaon’a declaration of war,ease of actual invasion ordangerissoimminentas not tomitofdelay.” Seven men were killed and twootherswereseriouslyinjuredat.®Pennsylvania railroad crossAberdeen,Md.The dead men 'tomato -pickers,riding toawagonwhichwasstruckby ajatarailroadcrossing.: A gift of $500,000 from the FordMotorCompanytotheRedCrossisannouncedbythewarcouncil,in the|form of a credit on the Ford factories|for half a million dollars’worth of automobiles,ambulances,parts,ete.,|as the (Red Cross may designate. |Meyer Brauharg,a college student|of New York,convicted on a aa violating the draft law,has|granted permission to appeal his }ag'to the Supreme Court.Braubargsentencedtoserveoneyearimprison-|went for refusing to register on June |Five members of the People’s Con-ference for Democracy and Peace.|who went to Hudson,Wis.,to ar-range for holding the council’s na-|tional convention,were placed on a|truck by an angry crowd of 1,000 |citizens,escorted to the depot and |Placed on a train bound out of town. 'Rev.George J.Kelly,an itinerantclergyman,in jail at n, thead t , confessed the murder of eight per-sons.Six of his victims were mem-bers of the same family —father,mother and four children.He killedthemwithanaxe.He _intimates—the Lord directed him to do the aqeed,. The contention of the Federal gov-ernment that Germany has violatedinternationallawinitsmethod«=of warfare is upheld by a report of thecommitteeoninternationallawoftheAmericanBarAssociation,whichwillbepresentedattheannualses-sion of the association,which begins at Saratoga Springs,N.Y.,today. Resolutions condemning the pick-ting of the White House by mem-bers of the Woman's Congressional Union and urging press and public to discriminate between the picketers and the “great body of loyal,patri-| otie women”who are working for!suffrage,were adopted at a State!conference of the Woman Suffrageparty,at Saratoga,N.Y. Virginia Republicans in State con-| vention at Roanoke,placed in thefieldafullStateticket,headed byThomasJ.Muncey of Bland county, to oppose Westmoreland Davis,| Democratic nominee for Governor, in the November elections.vention went on record as being!squarely in favor of the prohibition laws on the statute books of the State. Plans for purchasing and storing in Chicago of a million bushels of notatoes for use after January 1,/ have heen started by the middle Western section of the national foodadministration,The potatoes are to be sold to corsumers at cost,the price to be fixed after all expenses, including interest on the capital re-quired to finance the deal,have been determined.iceeaeieielsteienesieaiiadeiieiaaniimeaiienteeraiacaeaal Welcome Rains —Road Work —A Wedding. ‘orrespondence of The Landmark. Harmony,R-3,Aug.31 Niceshowersfellinthisvicinitylastnight.The corn crop is cut shortconsiderablybydryweather, al-|though the showers came in time to do quite a lot of good to late corn. Farm work has been on a standstill quite a bit.Searcely any wheat landhasbeenprepared.But the showerswillhastentheworkandprobably there will be a big wheat crop sown The good roads convicts are pro-gressing right well with the roadfromKennedy's bridge to the Yad- kin lne.Tobacco curing is on and is doing nicely.Mr.T.N.Sharpe ts in from Wake Forest among home folks.Mr.Sharpehasbeentakingalawcoursedownatthecollege.Mr .Vasie Renegar and Miss UlaReavisweremarriedafewdaysago and quite a lot of guests were pres- ent.Mrs.T.A.Anthony is right sick. Miss Adelaide Wearn will arrive to-morrow to visit Miss Morrison.Mrs.Ernest Johnson and childrenarespending,a week with relativesinAsheville.Miss Margaret Durkce of Jackson-ville,Fla.,who hes been visiting i: Asheville,is spending several dayswithMissMariannaLong.Mrs.R.J.)Buchanan and littl»daughtre of Roanoke,Va.,are spend-ing week with Mrs.W.F.Bailey. i rs.Oscar Mills and little son,Osear Mills,Jr.,left y for Franklinton to visit s for a|few days.From there they will gotoCampSevier,Greenville,S.C.,to|visit Liewt,Oscar Mills.Misses Hilda and Effie Meacham |returned from a three- |weeks’visit to .r.and Mrs.Goodman of|M ,Who have been visiting Mr.)and Mrs.R.J.Hoover,have return- Mr.W.W,Lents of Hillsboro,Il.,Mr.J.C.Lents et his of town. Mrs.Me-|¢¢home. is |Iredell CanningCo. i L o i r e i e "E e ;: | companied ——waneoutriding.a it daefromhomeMissAndersonedofaseverepaininherfriends,realizingthatshewasdan-geeate,a es to *resi- nee 5 Flippin.Ithough |reaching there in three minutes’time,the doctor found that life was extinct.'Bessie was just in the ofmungwomanhood,beloved by all|who knew her.Having an amiable|disposition,the entire communityfeelsthattheyhavelosta,She had been a.member of the:Western Avenue ist church for|several years,and membershipfeelsthatanotherdaughterofIsraelhusbeenealledtoherreward.Reaizingthatanachingvoidhasbeenleftintheheartsofrelativesandfriendsthatcanneverbefilled,weneverthelessfeelthatourlossisher vain.|The remains arrived here on No.Ww Thursday evening,accompaniedby“Pr.Robert Flippin and Mr.Har-|Miss Anderson's |ry Swanson andcousins,Messrs.Edgar and MeggsNeedham.Funeral services |held at the home of her parents onCaldwellstreetPridaymorningat,11 o'clock,conducted by her pastor,|Rev.G.H.Church,assisted by Rev.L.D.Thompson.A FRIEND. Opening Lenoir College. The 27th scholastic year of Lenoir|College,Hickory,begins today,4th,with (a)examination for admissiontothefreshmanclass.Candidates |for admission presenting certificates|from recogni high schools will be |admitted without examination;(b)_examinations for the removal of con-| ditions and deficiencies.Tomorrow,5th, arrangements Thursday,6th,tures in all departments will begin.' CARD OF THANKS.To those who have been so kind and good|during cur sorrew,through the loss of our little daughter,Lois Todd,we feel an appre- elation which we cannot express. i MR.AND MRS.M.L.MOTT,JR.Sept.2,117%, MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Preduce Market.|The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket: Spring Chickens,18e.per Ib. Hens,15e.per tb, Favs,36¢.per dozen.Roosters,je.to Se.per Ib.Tub Butter,6c.per tb,Beeswax,2c.per th.Green Hides,18.per Ib. Hama,25c.to se.per th.Sides,25c.to 28e.per Ib.j Shoulders,26.to 2#e.per th.|New Red Honey txtrained),16-18.per Th.\New Red Honey Comb,I%c.to 2%.per tb,Seerwood Honcy Comb,22c¢.to the.per th.jExtractedHoney,22c.per Ib.Oid Auto Rubber Casing,4¢per ibTrishPotatoestomy)$1.60 per bushel. The following were paid yesterdayforgrainonthe|market:Wheat,$2.25 per bushel.Corn,$2.00 per bushel. Oats,ihe.per bushel.Statesville Cotten Market. On the lecn!market yesterdaypaondwaspaidforbestMarketrm. 24 cents WANTED—Messenger boy with wheel.POS-TAL TELEGRAPH CO.Sept.4 1t.*| The con--LO8ST—Between Catawba river and Statesville,| containing wearing apparel and aReturntoTHELAND- 4 suit case pair of ziasser MARK. WA NTED—E xperienced saleslady Sept.Li Be for de- partment store.Write D.,care THE LAND.MARK Sept.4 LOST—Pord tire betweene Statesville andMocksvilleRewardforreturntoTheLandmarkorN.8.Gaithe County Line,|d.P.GREEN,Mocksville,N.C. Sept.4 2 SALESMAN WANTED -—Lubricating oil,| grease,specialities paint Part or wholetime.Commission hasix until ability is ea- tablished Man wit!iw preferred.RIV-ERSIDE REFINING CO...Cleveland,Ohio.Sept.4 LOST—Book of milk accounts and small cheekReturntoW.FE MORRISON or THELANDMARKSept.41°. FOR SALE—Empty 5-gal'on Tin Cans—suite-ble for molasses uod «syrup whe.eachSTATESVILLEMINTCOLABOTTLINGCo,Phone sz Sept.4 WANTED—200 first class carpenters,rate 50 conte Also 150 able-bodied colored labor- ors,rate 25 Apply Camp Greene,Charlotte,N.¢CONSOLIDATED EN-cents GINEERING CO Sept.4 Ot FOR RENT—Seven-room new cottage on North Muiberry «treet B.F.LONG.Aug.31.ot WANTED—Chickens and Eggs.|pay cash.No! commissions.Write me A.L.MAUNBY,600 Bouth Church St.,Citarlotte,N.C.Aug.$1 WANTED—Brick Mecene,Camp ae° Greene,|Charlotte,N.C.Rate 6°cents per hour.,CONSOLIDATED ENG.CO.Aug.31 at WANTED—Ambitious young men,mechanical- ly imelined,to learn ihe moulder'a trade.Will pay $1.60 per day to start with,in- erensing:be.per day for each week of serv.jee,UTHERN DESK CO.,Hickory,N.C.Aug.28 ft. WANTED—Oid fnise teeth;don't matter if broken.|pay $2 to $15 per set.Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail,F.TERL,45 N.Wolfe St.,Baiti-more,Md Aug.24 @t FOR RENT—Storeroom formerly occupied by==Allison.R.A.COOPER. ug.10, WANTED Experienced Office Man,notEligibletoDraft,in Purchasing ment large Corporation.|“PURCHASING,”careStatesvilleLandmark.Sept.4.. A FewCansFor Sale. We have a quanity of No.3cans with solder-ed tops,which we donotneed.We willowoftheseat$5.00 per hundred. ‘THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, || |j | es A FINANCIAL education is one sort of an educa-tion every man can have.He can teach himself to” SAVE and prosper.The first lesson is-START a bank account;the second lesson is--keep on increasing the bolance to your credit.wt This is easy if you will only ACT.If you have got... only ONE DOLLAR in your pocket just try putting it in our bank and see how good it makes you feel. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.' verge?Statesville,N.C. DISC HARROWS.— ’ = Get your wheat land in Good adit with one of ofHarrows,We have ~Sa =7 int price on.y leavethe gfoniocapeIREDELLHARDWARE|HAVE YOU ’ a NEW LINE OF TOILET SOAP 10c.and 25c.per cake. —|aon 3 HALL’S DRUG STORE,. PRESCRIPTIONIST.| Phone No.20. Our new Fall stock of Shoes for. Men,Women,’Misses and Children is very complete and we takepleasureinstatingwehavethemostcompletelineforFallthatwehaveeverhadthepleasureofshowingyou. We will take real in show- ing you through y large and complete stock,an very anxious for you to see what we have tdofferinFallFootwear. If it’s Footwear call in and give usalook,alwaysarealpleasure for ustoshowyouwhatwehavetooffer, PHONE 88.SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO wei .*that some =was nted |on September 19.Novem 9,| Gk days later,the pasture was ready te be grazed.At this time,the! ts were from six to eight inches| .There were five pigs,weigh-| ximately 45 pounds , the beginning of the test,placed nm each acre of pasture and a half ration of a mixture of corn and shorts fed as a supplement,This I}area of pasture afforded the r half of the ration until May 1, the hogs were sold and the re- maining crop and =manure turned r Jt was found that the hogs during time made exceptionally cheap ‘dins.One lot of hogs was fed in a ey lot and fed all the corn and rts they would eat.When corn is valued at $2 a bushel and shorts at M9 a ton,it cost $9.20 to make 100 pounds of pork in the lot where no- thing but corn and shorts were fed. In the second lot,where half ra-| tion of corn and shorts was fed in conjunction with rape pasture,it! cost only $7.22 to make an equal increase in weight when corn and rts were valued as above and rape ure at $10 an acre.Ina third,where a fourth ration of corn} and shorts was fed along with rape re,it cost $5.30 to make each i180 pounds of pork.‘When expressed another way,itwasfoundinthesecondlotthatone|of rape saved 18 bushels of corn| 498 pounds of wheat shorts.Inthethirdlotoneacreofrapesavedbushelsofcornand475pounds wheat shorts. eal Horrible Treatment of Prison- :ers of War. Starved,beaten and subjected to,Many indignities,prisoners of 'in Germany are being compelled toworkintrenchesandfieldsunder|ithe fire from the armies of their owncountries.Reports made by Rus-sian soldiers who have escaped from‘Germany and which have been trans-mitted to the State Department at,Washington,say prisoners of al!na-tionali are —used on work.just behind the lines and within range of the guns. A small portion of bread,some .thin soup,and occasionally a bit of | meat of horses shot in action,com- |ise their rations.The prisoners oo been organized into units ascarefullyassoldiers.Their work istdonesystematicallyundermilitarysupervision,with long hours and_noyhentheRus-4 medical attention.sian soldiers left many of the units!had lost by disease practically half‘of their number.No new clothingihadbeenissuedtothemandinalljsortsofweathertheyareforcedtoworkinvermin-laden rags.Military ;overseers,the Kussians reported,fre-‘quently had them tied to boards andbeatenuntiltheyhadreachedthe point of exhaustion.Included in the labor units wereGermansaswellasRussians,Brit-ish,French,Belgians and Poles.TheGermanswerethosewhohadpartic-pated in food riots or those who were physically unfit for service in the ;ranks.men were treated very‘little differently from the prisonersjotwar. ;All to Be Interested. -«!Phe mavy wants every workman employed in the factories making goods on government contracts to feelthatheis“doing his bit”for the sup rt of the armed forces in the field t wants these men to feel something of a personal interest in advance of the mere thought or idea that they arc merely working for a living and de their tasks;that at the end of the ‘week they can get their pay.A po.- ter with red,white and blue bands at the top and bottom,s'gned by Samue'McGowan,paymaster general of the pavy and chief of the bureau of sup- plies and accounts,has beon prepared for distribution in the plants that ar manufacturing textiles and uniformelothsforthenavy.Six copies of th poster is to go to each mill tu be put up in conspicuous places that ali may read.This poster s:ys , “Every One in This Viant The navy has awarded this plant a con tract for uniform cloth for the men irthefleet.You can do your part by helping to make this cloth well and Promptly.The nevy ts depending o: you SAMUEL M’GOWAN, “Paymaster General of the Navy.” ATTNSELTAAProtestSegregationof Negro Troops at Camps. Protest against egeregation,ordistinctlydifferenttreatmentofne- gro troops in training camps,wasMadetoPresidentWilsonandSex retary Baker by 2 committee of ne Ss white educators.After the rence at the War Department it was said that a unanimous opinionwasmanifestedandthatSecretaryshortlywouldmakeanan- houncement concerning treatment of Inegro soldiers.Members of the com-|expressed the belief that the j ar Department's attitude would betothem+The negro leaders promised to co-operate to eliminate as far as pox- sible danger of race riots near negro concentration camps.They made no definite objection to the movementofnegrotroopstoNorthernStates, danger probably would bethantoobjectgener- training or treat- !‘mentof ei i n realize moreandmore thatwe ‘areinwar.The man Bolejack,whowas re- trened Wy partie the peniten-| by .Bickett week,is well known here,as this was his/ |several years before he| There,in a fit;i .he murdered| his wife.He was t sentencedto be electrocuted and the sentence was| commuted to life imprisonment by Gov.Craig.The pardon is i- tioned on behaviour he must report regularly to Mecklenburg Su- verior Court.He is paralyzed now, is 74 years old and his sons desire to care for him.He has served sev- eral years of his sentence.Mrs.Wm.Howard of Cape Gir- ardeau,Mo.,who was visiting her sister,Mrs.R.E.Brantley,has re- turned home,accompanied by heriaughter,Miss Sarah Howard.MissCelesteCarpenter,the oldest daugh- ter of Mr.and Mrs.W.P.Carpenter,| leaves Tuesday for Lenoir College. Mrs.M.W.Watts went to Char- lotte Friday to visit her _brother, Mr.P.J.Brawley.Mr.Jim Lee Goodman of Raleigh was here Fri- jav to visit his sister,Mrs.Sarah Miller,and spent Saturday at Amity at his farm.He attended the meet- ing at Amity Sunday. Mr.G.E.Goodman was here Sat- urday and bought a new machine. He has a fine farm and residence at Amity,and all he lacks to be happy now is to get a partner and hang a sign on the wall:“What is home without a wife"? Mrs.Warren Preston of Charlotte came up last week to visit:Mrs.Ww M.Norman.Mr.and Mrs.T.8. Youngblood went to Asheville last week to spend a few days.Miss Ca- ry Troutinan leaves Tuesday for the Woman's College at Greensboro. Mrs.D.E.Turner and Miss Hattie Williams have returned from a va-cation in the mountains.Mr.Paschal S.Boyd and family, who spent two weeks at Montreat, returned home last week.Messrs.R. Lathan Mills and Wm.Carmi John- ston expect to leave this week for the A.and E.College,at Raleigh,to en- ter school.The fall communion service wil!be held at the Lutheran church next Sun day.Preparatory services at ¢+o'clock Friday evening. Mrs.Zeb Deaton and dauchters Misses Madge,Ruth and Sarah,went to Wilkesboro last week.Misses Maude Lentz,Leona Robinson and Mrs.Mort McKnight attended thesummerschoolforteachersinChar- lotte. Miss Julia Stirewalt,the president announces the regular monthly meet ing of the U.D.C's Tuesday after noon at her home at 4 o'clock Mrs.R.FE.McPherson and Miss An nie Mills chaperoned a company of voung ladies on a camping trip be-low Salisbury.on South River,last week. Mr.Will Deaton,who has been laid up with malaria for three weeks,is able to be out.Notice has been given to the pa rents of children who expect to at- tend the coming of the Mooresville graded schools,that the! children must be vaccinated before they can enter,unless they have alreadyheensuccessfullyvacinated Mrs.F.E.Booth and daughters, Lillian and Caroline,of Catawba, came last week to visit Mrs.R.M. Abernathy.Mr.and Mrs.W.L.Matheson visited at Taylorsville lastweek.Mr.Matheson has been ap- pointed to settle his father’s estate, his brother,Mr.Leon Matheson, who was administrator,having jied a few weeks ago.Misses Nona and Jett.Brawley and their niece,Miss Reba Brawley,are visiting Mr.Ja:WwW Brawley Greensboro Mr.Brawley and 14 R.V.Brawley and family of Salisbury were Visitors here recently A the soldiers of the Piedmont Battery,now at Greenville have written to friends here they are well fed and eared are enjoying camp life kind remembrances to their friend in Mooresville.Mr.Brice Willefe of Concord has been appointed order sessions number of Sayetiy for and They <er re ly to Major Gen J.ft Mo ,the camp commander Mr.and Mrs.Zeno Mann of Whit taker’s visited Mr A.EF Bell last week.Mrs.Mann is n sister of Mr Bell)They were on their way home from Lexington,Ky t Jane Jones and family of Richmond,whe isited Mr Jones’parent Mrooand Mrs.Jas.W.Jones,have elurnes to their home The headquarters of the chamber o commerce ha been moved “rom the Goodman building on Main street t the new municipal building on Brond street,and Mr Wharey M breexc has been elected seeretary Phe reg ular monthly meeting is the second Tuesday night of each month Miss Dorothy Ketchum of Wash ington,DD ¢was here last week making a record of all the children at the Mooresville cotton mills from 14 to 16,under the new child labor inw The fourth annual family reunion at the home of Mr.J.D.Harris was held last Tuesday.where a number of relatives and friends gathered.A splendid dinner was spread and apleasantdaywasspent. Miss Maud Lentz,vice chairman of the Red Cross,wants every lady who can to come to the work rooms next Goodman's drug store,on theworkdays—-Tuesday 9 to 11,Friday, 1.30 to 6 —-and assist in the work that is urgent,whether you are a member of the Red Cross or not. Rev.W.E.West,pastor of Pros- pect and Centre Presbyterian churches,has purchased the residence of Rev.R.W.Culbertson,on East-pa Heights,and will move here this at,_Mrs,C.T.Carr of Asheville is via-iting her mother,Mra.8.C.‘Miva’Bernice Long leftTRatedll: onadeotested |ses “—<sides enemy —on westtheregion,on thewestnearandonthealongtheeasternbankof|oS scant 15 miles distantfrom |ity:|Im the latter the after a heavy bom tonthe —nrcagebens,famedas scene ae ey eee ae ‘continuing to bombard vielently their course northward alongthewaterwaytowardRiga,withRussianscounter-attacking but unabktoholdthem.Some 20 miles southwest of Riga aleng the railway live running fron Mitau to the seaport,the Germanshavebegunanewoffensive.Here a big battle is in progress,but in whosefavoritisgoing,has not yet beermadeevidentbytheRussianand German official communications...Nei- ther is anything contained in’them concerning the operations near Lake Babit,where the Germans were last reported standing,about 12 miles west of Riga.Preparation evidently was made F d. Wie and=o thot and ley wil=colored.ia it Logdn V ,wanted for mur-Sewell Rippy.countyieortamtetoteaommen The S-monthe-oldbabyboyof W.|B.Craig,a farmer ear |mont,=— on aJo.Floyd was dead beside the | elven ar in the w 1uequerwa'werk See SS ee 7 The first bale of new crop cotton,sold at Monroe a few days ago,wasnotNorthCarolinacotten.it wasgrowninChesterfieldcounty,8.C. Rev.Mr.Carter,pastor of the.Baptist church of Spencer,has re-.signed.This leaves pastorless fourofthefivechurchesinthatwien town. James Edwards,16-year-old son of|Inco)Edwards of Wilmington,was)drowned at Wrightsville Beach Sun-|day afternoon.Was bathing and got! too far out.| Collector Bailey of Raleieh has no- last week in reide by airplanes or|warships and military works im the| Gulf of Riga and by the maneuvers of | German torpedo boat destroyers,sub-| marines and mine sweeping trawlers| in adjacent waters for the new offen | sive against Riva.While the capture| of Riga would be of vrent strategic value to the Germans in controlling the entrance to the Gulf of Finland at the head of which stands Petrograd it would not necessarily place the capitalinjeopardy,for it lies overlanc 200 miles as the crow flies from Riga and 360 miles by rail. In southern Moldavia the Russians fighting near Fokshani in conjunctior!with the Rumanians,evidently have ceased their desertions and again are facing the enemy. On the Italian front General Ca dorna’s forces have extended their yvains and have taken additional pris- oners and war stores from the Aus-trians.Five Italian airplanes haw flown from the Italian frent over Viennna and dropped pamphiets tell ing the Austrian people of the vieto ry of the Italians from Tolmino to the Seu. In the Isonzo fighting Friday,Gen-| eral Cadorna’s troops took more thar |700 additional prisoners,bringing the total for the offensive up to morethan27,000,The Italians captured additional trench elements on.the Carso and withstood suceessfully vio-lent connter-attacks by the Austriaris,,,., on the slopes of Monte San Gabricle In Belgium the British big guns are the German positions,evidently prepar ing the way for anothe “mash at Crown Prince Rupprecht's front State Has High Birth Rate,Low Death Rate. North Carolina's high birth rate, Our which is seven points higher tha: that of the registration area of the United States,is indicative of the hig crop of babies she is now raising along with her boasted cotton and corn,Last vear the State's birth rate was 32.0 per 1,000 of popula ton.In 1915 it was 31.9.The birth rate for the registration area of the United States for 1915 was 24...or ‘even points lower than North Car- olina's rate for the same year Coupled with the State's vrth rate is her low death rate This combination,the State Board of Henlth points out,is not only reas suring to our pride as a Commo: wealth,but becomes one hich of the State's greatest assets.Many births and few deaths among a people that s #per cent.pure is not a bad state ~affairs and no uncomfortable feeling,says the board. Another significant point that the ward brings out in view of —the State’s high birth rate,is that no State in the registration area,which ‘rea comprises the New England States,New York,Pennsyh ania, Michigan,Minnesota and the Dh triet of Columbia,even approache hat of North Carolina,despite the ‘act that all of these States have a arge per centage or a foreig?popu ation,and the birth rate for ‘ raices in this country is much hicher that for domestic races. DLSAENANERS Can't Run Car For a Year. hiebury Peet. Ye Young Robert MeLean of Moore ile,who was here with his father everal days ago and was driving a car that)struck a Mr.Trexler ard nocked him down while the litt was crossing Main street,was plac ed on probation with his father for 12 months,not to be allowed to op- rate a car again during that time, eing under the age for which ve we permitted to operate mact : the father was required to pay 4nthecaseandwhateverdoctor{jl ‘ir.Trexler incurred.This matier vas disposed of in the county co irt. a GERMAN PAPERS BITTER. German newspapers gene hitter in their denunciation of | dent Wilson's answer to the Vy). peace proposal.Only the Social si papers have a good word for tine President.One of these say tiny many’s Socialists believe the » ment cannot in honor refuse Po dent Wilson's stipulation that the German people guarantee Germar y's peace treaty. —————Rich of Winston -Salem is visit) Miss Celeste Carpenter.Prof.W.©, Ariail and family are at home from their vacation in Virginia.MissesLottyeRobinsonandWinonaHaith-|cox and Mrs.Lala Rodgers have been attending the teachers’insti-tute in Charlotte.Mrs.Belle Hous-jten and son,Ben,StuartarevisitingatSelma,Ala. in,Drives Out Metaria,BulldsUpSystem Houston, tited all his deputies that.taking adr.nk of speerits will autdémetically| eover their connection with the pov- ernment payroll, lienry Souther,16-year-old son of James Souther of Lovelace township, \county,was killed by hisimrunningawaylastweek.Hevosfounddeadintheroadandtheronsclearlyindicatedthecause ath. Lyda,a lineman employed by clephore company at Hender-ile.was instantly killed when ch came in contact with a heavily charged wire,as he was rhing on a terminal pole.He was ‘os vears old and married. Mi Emmaline Moree,near 90 ves 'd,was knocked down by @ run- away mule,at her home in Union tv,and died soon afterward Tho mgile was pulling a plough whentranawayandstruckMrs.Moreewhowasstandinginheryard.i To supply the great demand for pewriters and stenographers —in rovernment service,civil service minations will be held Saturday, nh,ut a number of places in the ite Asheville,Charlot‘e. Cree oro and Salisbury amongner Gov.Bickett,who spent some time a Hendersonvitte and Asheville. peaking at both places,made a‘ resses at Lenoir last week,at New avd Hickory Sunday =morning{afternoon and at Salisbury ves- iv,going to Raleigh yesterday ‘rnoon. William Hicks,aged 21.shot)and ‘Nod his brother-in-law,Calvin Fai aged 28,in Wake county.When vertaken by officers —several hours slater Hicks said that Faison was ad vancing on him in a_threatening manner after he had rebuked him fo: mistreatment of Mrs.Faison,Hicks’ sister. Can't Work Interned Prisoners. Washington Dispatch to News Observer. A delegation of North Carolinians camhe here to see if the interned Ger- mans at Hot Springs and elsewhere ctould not be used vr road:building purposes on the government lands in and the mountain districts of the South. Among those here were Messrs.FErn est Erwin,William ©.)Erwin and Gordon Tate of Morganton and T.B. Finley of Wilkesboro Secretary of Labor Wilscn ex plained to the Tar Heels that)Ger- mans already in the State are “in- terned”but not “prisoners of war,” and under treaty previsior theycannotbeusedforthepurposecon templated.If any German prisoners of war are taken they can be put to road truction,Representa- tives Weaver,Doughton and Hood went with the vivitors. SS es JUNIOR RED CROSS. Launching of a Junior Red Cr> membership in which will be open to eon all school children oof the Usited States,ix announced by the Americar Red Cro It ix heped to asemb! 22,000,000 children into a bedy that materially will assist in the work of the main orvanization Change Safely Passed by Taking LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “TL never get tired .Pinkham’s Vege- table © becauseChangeof Wagoner,Okla.of praising Lydia well by tak-©ing Lydia F:.Pinkham’s egetable Com-a"Mrs.Vio.a Fintcan,Wagon-| _chemieally “prepared” ‘8 cessories, glad to serviceinneeded. GOOD,OLD -FASHIONED TRONRESTASTONIC! Plain,Highly -Concentrated Natur- al fron Sicvenger and Contains No Habit-Porming Drug,Narcotie er Alcohol’ WHOLE Th: tural storeIron Mineral,will stimulate the di- gestion and appetite,and make any oer woman run down and weak, strong and more vigerous before a ‘ollar he is half gone,and =aes cording to tests of thirty years,the absence of alcohol and purgatives in this remarkable rem:dy makes —it ideal ns a non-habit-forming tonic and blood purifier. We are bourd FAMILIES USE IT! f just plain,ordinary,use O71 .} 'ttle to notice an im- provement shortly after taking Acid, tron Mineral,because it is frem two to six times stronger than the usual tonics, natural,medicinal iren with no narcotic,aleohot or laxative Acid Iron Mineral may be given freely to the whole family for blood,kidneys and digestion.Be sure u get the bighty concentrated iron Being a vided, The trademark “A-I-M"protects v There can t daneer of re iction,false stimulation or of any one forming the habit.The more vou use Acid Tron Mineral,the less | vou need it . If the bowels are normal,we «trongly advise ayain the use of inv remedy containing —laxativ hut where one's bowels are sluvgish, the little A-I-M Tablets vou can get at the drug stere for 2 cents are ad mirable Jittle Pser pills and bowel regulators and work splendidly —in confunction with Acid fron Mineral. All druggists have it.er send di- rect to the Ferredine Chem ical Cor- poration,Roanoke,Va.,&1,prepaid FACEPOWDER. The beauty secret of women who knowhow to take care of the com- plexion.Cannot be detected.Heals Sun-burn,stops Tan.Soothing, cooling,refreshing.« Pink,White,RoseRed.FSe.at Lraggistsorbymaildirect,7Sample(either color)for 2c.Stamp. LyonMig.Co.,40South FilthSt.,Brooklyn,N.¥. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partners!'existing between 4.VV.lo and dre A.Seott,dr,under the vame and atyle of I &Secott,atiorneys-at- law,bas been die t by matual consent | All persons ine »ented firm will setile vith Mr.Lone \*ntx against the flem will be presented i)M Long for payment J ZER.\LONG, INO,A,SCOTT,JR. Aug.28 6t" I .Battery Inspection Free. We are thoroughly —to recharge Batteries an aveinstockafulllineofBatteryac- STATESVILLE MOTOR CO, i C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.’Phove 340 Green. von,procurable at any drug|under the trade name ef Acid| andPAYcaweoapybtSifour Wedo NOTARYPULICworkalso.J.F.CARLTON,-Manager. That’s Fit To Smoke. That’s The Way We Keep House. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y ‘Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. is made exclusively ofpurematerials,and for this reason ‘it covers more surface with greater density longer than,other Paints. Cordially yours, and lastsTRYIT.«a better finish FOR SALE BY Statesville,N.C. SEED RYE. We have a few unfilled or- ders for Seed Rye.In order to get the stock in for these orders we are offering $2.00 per bushel,CASH,until the orders are filled.Get your Rye on the market while. you can get this high price. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. es a eeecee“.nonenth oe ony NEW SEED BUSINESS. Turnip Seed in packages and in bulk,Also a variety of other garden and Field Seed. All New. T.N.BROWN. Your Crops Are the best they have been for years.Also:rices.Give the wife aumptolelpherwithher work, Myers Pump and repairs for all makes, W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 BE.Bread St. Phone 55.- et ————_ NOTICE! Commencing today we will discon- tinue the Jitney Service in the | way and establish Schedules on. diflerent prominent —streets. to be operated will be a line from Bloomfield ‘at W.6 Sumpter's Sterc)via Front Street to Square and Southern Depot.This car will run every 30 minutes—on the even and half hour.Others will be put on later.No Schedule on Sunday.RIDE THE JITNEY. JITNEY TRANSFER CO. Stateaville,N.C.Om,TANCE,RASTT.Roonw 6-7-6,SecondFloor, iOe..1ie a a ted eeee A Call For Women! The President of Mitchel!College hasissued «call »While the “shalt T,whe a lost father a7{mother,”said the orphan,“be ta':-en?Shall exemption boards putforseventy-five Boarding and one hundred Day ring pe ae or,that commen |beards putpupils.his sword and his shield,farther upthelinethanblindchaneedecreednoweae:-that he should ?Will you men on |Earnest,ambitious young women from the age of “ing Popular conception of warrae-cxemption ‘hoards bear with heavier ee eeceed Geet ©Wit hese ap an*‘.d the motherl than you r .2 rue twelve to twenty will be in firstcall.|peter wot tol on te lane off bo oa boy,whoae.mother lives”?forraly with the other forage than the:..it :;during After these v say,con-i 1TheenlistmentwilltakeplaceattheOfficeofthe|Freauently’wesee a “ingtepear,science cnoke to.members of ex.|Use Buckeye Hul's prapetty and rom wit,HidCollegeWednesday,September Sth.Thesacrifice Jeae imo newly sown Sale of Giat |RS dts ol Lata be deaf to nomical,|.°‘¢‘and running ina course a ‘will cost something but it will be worth the price |paraltel with the one the water weal,mation"5,spas to you.It |Other Advantagesandmor[gt J *neers.=om with every man’s finger ‘pointed xt Buckeye Helis cost much less 2000 poundsreal totheetesingtssnk'ilod,sin moet erty wena’ip ff Deadfc Me Sma rtej’4 y acevsing SSS.mulationcuratyouinmyacevsin oO Gunes . °°.°__?not only carries off the surplus,Seay :§Superior Oificers will be in charge of the training.‘which should be stored for fuwure "erix notpointedat nce Whol:I Wo weuherdest,Wo lint.Takeless space in the bara..weds,but also tak 1 .The advantages will be great for the development that is not too hard tobe,diesalwed 22inst you.ds startste A heed ee Om,e °..by it,3 ot eo ):t ¥?9 t i o ..\.\of aricher womanhood.Failure to enlist will be in.the “diiches ‘end streeas oeiee coming years you can look every hes been feeding Buckeye Hulls to threemilch cows.whe man,rich and poor,white and black,He saysthat the cows are giving more milk and butterareproach.Water moving at the rate of two '¢"¢!-eyed and be able to tell the and are in fine condition.Heprefers BuckeyeHulls,iles pe 1°wi man who savs that you did not heldmilesperhourwillcarrvofffourthescaleswithequalpoise—do every |ete,cntthBearinmindthedateofenrollment,September het halt thet Pact henna at,MEMOS saan that he ia @ Veer:.'te de.bility of causing it to move slowly.7 ye ’‘ee Wat5,and the place.To do this will require the construe-Furmers’Meeting Resolves.tion of &series of terraces at regu-Fk.P.Latham,of Beaufort county,’M °~lar grade intervals,and having -member of the State Board of Aeri-i ~|>||(|I a .ficient breadth and a very regular culture,will head the North Caro-4 I t C 1 C )Cc gg ec.and cradual fall,Ditches”built too lina Farmers’Convention for the.nicrow will cause the water to flew next vear.“Ue was elected to sue-SE -_=eT Seo repidly,just the same a:those built ceed John Paul Lucas of Mecklen-on too “teen a grate.Tho steep or burr.B.B.Miller ef Rowan countyas.)narrow ditch may therefore eause js one of the vice presidents.the water to pick un a rreat deal of The convention adepted —resolu-F sand or silt,which is almost sure to tions which heartily endorsed theOi[r be depesited in some slight depres-policy and methods of Presidentsionofitscourse,causing jt to be-Wilson in the prosecution of theBcomeclogged,thus making the water wer;expressed commendation for theArenottiedfromcarryingoutyourex-break over the bank at this point usricultural legislation enacted by —ameeee meerpectationsanddesireswhenyouhaveanddoingmoredamagethanifper-the recent Legislature with the co-mitted te go unhindered.operation of Governor Bickett;and 66 .@moreysConsiderableskillisnecessaryfor’npecled to the business men of the ‘7"the proper Jayine off and construe-State to co-operate with the farmers a @ rl 5INJHEBANK.Bc onof the terraces if they are to in the extension of the most.ade-,vrove really effective.This,howev-ouste cash markers throughout the?.er may be acauired by any one and State for the greatly increased and 99YourPankAccountdependsonwhatthebetterworkshouldbedonebymorediversifiederonsthatarechar-nce ore you Save,the one who tills the land in ques-sctorizing uUhe farming industry. .Pp tion,a:he should know best its na-SR eeniesItisnotamattertureanddrsinagerequirements.He B!°TISH CASUALTIES FOR THE.MONTH OF AUGUST.OF GOOD FORTUNE char een austinpeeee.aac letal a Brick ca dia “Restore this normal attribute of respee-‘.a in well pos- furoces jin cuch exeollent repair that all fronts,as reported in August is table inde dence to is ‘::2 :the land will be built up instead of *S11,divided as follows::pen eeAcquitethesavinghabitwhileyourin-veshed away.Killed or died of wounds,officers,the esteem of our world society ascomeissmalf{and it will be easier as ;To terrace a field one shouj@ first 1,287;mer,10,942.Wounded or miss-|*”your income increases to B |view it as Oe ser oe —ing,ofleers,4.122;men,13,469,as business.number of —eionoriniasapproximatelocation—especially =—s/_WOMAN'S BACK.is iIncreaseYourBankAccount.ilimteWwe iecaientae gmc -bank offers |aometyingthem. Fhese should be ane Advice of This Statesville We-sible to,encourage people to save andNowistheopportunetimetoopenanLicecet.pron moter the men ls of Cotten “oh.THRIFTY.Account with us.#water will @ the least harm,prefér-=Many a woman's back has many;.ably in piece oftimber,erass-land aches and pains.A good way to start is by opening a say-©a ,¥B e "ter z is oat Oa e &, People S Loan and Savings Bank.Bo acainst further washing iv the use a tis the kidneys "ut.igs Account,if with only a smallofbrosh,rocks or honeysuckle vines.‘That's why Dean's Kidney Pillsirdi’aa Mactiv amount.“MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.”hbes-4 eae ee are so effective. Many =Statesvill yome kno °°GEO.H.BROWN :President.amount of humus contained and the gig en now Drop in any time we are always glad tocroppingsystemfollowed.LandsO.L.TURNER °Cashier.thet are steep,low in humus or are Read what one has to say about see you.-.5 .~DOC ito be used for clean cultured crone,it:—,.con will need more such protection than Mrs.0.1.Leagan,215 Poulevardothers.street,Statesville,says:“I sufferedAfterdeterminingtheir_approvi-Merchants and Farmers’Bank.mate location comes the “running.”&@Peat deal from pains across myRSALE,which may be done with a survevor's peg ehoulder ;I ee t do Of Statesville,N.C.I ()invtrument,cheap farm level or with my hourework and felt tired andcommonAframeandcarpenter's languid all the time.My head ached “The Bank For Your Savings.”level.The grade or fall may vary and JT had dizzy spells when |could:::from one-third to one per cent.,ac-9 comece wel oor nti as :io :208 acres,level,productive,red land farm,fronting quarter mile ‘ording to the tyne of soil and the S¢@veely keep from falling.Doan'sonthemosttraveled,public,sand-clay read leading into States-care taken in their construction.Kidney Pills were recommended soville;nice two-story,frame seven-room dwelling,located in a About 1-2 per cent.,or 6 inches per highly that I began taking them.beautiful grove;barn and out-buildings,fine well water,two 100 feet,is a very good fall for the ‘The first box brought me relief andbranches;abundance of fruit;quarter of mile from school and average land.If they are wellbuilt the second did me a world of good. a :ae :and kept up the lesser fall should be ‘%churches;80 acres in cultivation,80 acres in meadow,balance in the Salter.”Care must be "cae,‘S My back got stronger and my kid-Wavwoodland,part of which is inclosed in pasture.An exceptional vet the grade uniform for the full’neys became normal.”|Aa 1 Pe 5 5 a ee opportunity to buy a fine grain and stock farm.Will take in part length =a the 4 Price 60,at all dealers’.Don't,i york out o e terrace,payment,small farm if well leeated.like the running,should be done with simply ask for a kidney remedy——getcare.Begin by plowing in or back-Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that[T furrowing to the i f stakes,,neERNESG.GAI HER.alae Gc esas Pek 4 of Pat Mrs.Leagan had.Foster -Milburn that does not roil you toward thecenterbecauseitcannotsag;.per furrow over toward the center Co.,Props.Buffalo.N.Y.that is absolutely noiseless,having nothing aboutitto creakorgroan; Insurance,Stocks and RealEstate.with a V-shaped terrace drag.From.cgerent ce ——————thet conforms to the shapeof thebody;Phone23.Satesville,N.Cc.oo.poo a —Lo Barium SpringsWater.that has no looseai:-nds,open linksor sharpcoraerstotearbed clothes.(come settled it may be advisable to ¢,Will a when —‘oo Quarter century guarantee.30 aight's freetrial.arepeatthisoperation.Care must he T ag ee oer sitet atakentobuildupthelowplaces!ther Skin eumatism,Bezema anc EV A bedspring that can’t sag because of the patented flex- ible hollow strand construction; diseases.‘Phone W.A.‘caused by crossing small washes,to a :ygApreventtheirbeingbrokenoverhybatacon”the POLK GRAYNthefirstrain.Building up these low)B&UG CO.D places will also enable you to have;straighter terraces,which will facil-°aeitateworkingalongthem.|The BradyPrinting Co.ae During the preparation of the DitaEverygoodcitizenatthistimeshouldlandforacropisthetimewhenthe)terracing may be done with the leastdohissharetowardStrengtheningtheamountofexttlabor.All.land |Has taken over fromFederalReserveBankingSystemwhichbeingpreparedforwheatshouldbeR.P.Allison the ean ‘y 4 4 on Go has ted h i so terraced as to protect it from the .§;—our vernment crea wit ts heavy washing rains of the winter f.vebilliondollarsofresourcestostandbackLandforcornorcottonmaywellbo|8@Mcy for various SupremeComfortofitsmemberbanksandalltheirde-‘terraced and prepared during the |Magazines and Book |: Y tribute direct!spring’planting will not henesdiess.|Publications and wantsOUcanconteytothelydelayed.Assistance will be given |your orders for sub-strength of this system,and at the ,those desiring it as far as tiene wil ;time secure its by iting desired,wherever apetttationsare |seriptions to Magaslace|will co-operate by inviting his zines of all kinds.Willdollaryoudepositwithws.goes directly iy working outany terracesthet'sre|OFder any book wanted.TITUTE,into the new system,where it is always me 6 eA.|All Magazines on coun-For the Education and Culture of Young Women.foryouwhen wanted.cataaen CANNOT BE CURED |tersoonas out,Classical,Literary and Scientific Courses leading to diplomas,isasuggestionforpromptaction.disense.©,Graduates credited by State Department Education for Teachers’|Sa Serna Certificates.pee!diplomas awarded in Music,—Art and t ns,Expression.cellent Commercial Course,Domestic Science.Member Federal Reserve System..oS Domenti'AINTION:8 inlists in all departments,srUAtiOn eakten in capital city gives special opportunities.Prices.I social advantages.COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK.{|Ameer er:andcutoorsbystede: all winter.STATESVILLE,N.C.185 MARY , infoOWEN ¢— ;‘BOARD HAS EXAMINED 625),4s— Or Meetings in Town and Country—Church Notes. Rev.L.D.Thompson has return ed from his vacation and conductedusualservicesatBroadStreet church Sunday.Mr.Thompson and"vacation in Li Rally Day exercises will be the feature at mal Street church Sun-day school next Sunday morning,these services being appropriate for renewed effort after the summer va cation.The 11.o'clock service will! he especially fer children and youngle.The South Yadkin Baptist Assoc'- ation,in session at Bethel church, Fallstown township,Thursday and Friday,selected Harmony I pace for the next mecting sentatives were present trom all of the 40 churches in the tien and the report howed ing progress in th work the excessive Taing prevel ted ing out the provramme t tent,the Association had meeting. Visitors Reach,mis China field; eigh,State Sund Cod.)Thompson,‘ Biblical Recorder;Dy trewer,president of |Mer lege,Raleigh:Mr.Hamr Thomasville orpha:igre Rev.Dr.Biser of Va preached at the First r church Sunday m mye ning?Dr.Biser was from Montreat Whi. he was the yuest of E.Sloop At their meet noon,the Ladie~ Firat Presbyt nl servi who have Le M Satur colitis,at Radford, brought arriving Sunds Mr.and Mrs brother,Mr No.15,ar early were taken dir : Oakwood cemetery,whi service was conducted by Archdeacon Hardin Mrs.James Gatton died Friday nivht at her home on Fourth street Funeral services were conducted at the home Saturday by Rev.J.W Williams and interment was in the graveyard at Snow Creek church. Mrs.Gatton was 24 vears old and urvived by her husband and one chil 1:also several brothers and x ters,One brother,Mr.Arthur Fid- son,isa member of Company EF.Ire dell Blues,and remained here for th funeral,leaving vesterday for Greer ville,S.C.,to join his company Jack Brawley Hurt. Jack Brawley,ll-year old Sh Mr,and Mrs.F.W.Brawley of tins tenia,who have a farve connection iv Statesville and Iredell,was injurcd Thursday afterneen, Gazette,when he fell eyele white coasting ed to his home in a: dition and did net ness until 1 o’elock bones were broker for :time that h eda fraeture o dition wv consich ra day and it hel rut: it In the mayor’ Ja Hobson,colored,vs 1 ' ona charge of eursing;John Ray- mer,white,and Jo keke!oloved, diseharyed for cursing;Jo.Reseman and Po Ko Heuston were charged with diserderly eo t Heorster was discharved and K ma taxed with the costs, lin Norris Waive hefore Justice Moore teroon and went te |MK)bend on a charg {me whea KE.Troutman Harmony lTiems Corre thoner {Vhe l Harmony,Sept “Farm Folk.will academy bere Sa amuatl udm th pre of the Mr. Wake Collere The ele the South tion L.Reid Cc A 1 Themon Kt ver Internal Reven we Collections, During A \t<0 this district «! ternal : Verbon Lrerrer PineFargas Fine Oteornn rie This $144,269.23 hoe Auprust,1916,or 46 pe Bethany Graveyard. Cerreqoneence 61 Phe temic» The cleaning of Bethany graveyard failed last }ay on account rain,We will meet now on Wed nesday,5th.Tf that should be had day,we will meet on Thursday,th Oth.All who have relatives barred there are acxked te come Please donotforgettecome. Dunlap,Sept,3. topic and lawative efirct,LAXKA-JLMINK bt»better than ordinaryfotbeamianhatnarfullnameonday‘W.GkeCROVE.we. Olin,uccepted; New Hope,exempted; ADULTS The local cede board passed pear on 88 registrants eee Of this number 41 wereagent,68edontonetransferred “alboardhasaccepted217e..and ex-empted 308 of a total of 525 passedon.The board at the beginning —ed for physical examination 525 men,=of whom have been anon.is hoped to secure lredell's quota of 144 from the number called,Those passed Friday follow: 422-122.David Tuttle Beish, Statesville,exempted;wife and midtren, i23--1788,B.D.Kelly, Mourne,accepted;no claim.424-642.Munroe Pickens,States- lle,accepted;no claim. 125-939.Wm.Thomas Nantz, Mooresville,exempted;wife and iildren.ii 1639, Mount Joseph Lee Hoover, k exempted;wife andEutola, 222.John Mt ville;transferred to Detroit. j28-2564.William Andrew Cash, Lary y.accepted;no claim.Morrison,Eufo- t-1,aceepted;no claim. {WG,Victor Allison Johnson, ile,accepted;failed to ap- Quincy Davidson, “qua A705.Ollie 337.Thomas Frye,Dunlap, te i:no claim, 32 ves.Alvin Hughey Adkins, ‘lmwood,exempted wife aad chil- 700,William.Frank Hall,Jr., He,exempted;physical disa- DeWitte auece pte : :‘Nathan ckwelder,Troutman, ee nts.1a Tobe Ellis Sherrill, Mon resvéle,R-2,accepted;no claim, U6 Clyite C.Madison, no claim. 2v7.John Williams, .accepted;no clam. ;Chas Bikas,Statesville, wife and children, Thos.Oliver, xempted;wife States States- and chil- Wezk.AL Ro Miller,Eufola, exempted;wite and children, 2611.Jesse Ross Bell,Elm- vod,aecepted;no claim $42--707..Hal.Henderson Harbin, xempt physical disability. 145 34.Burley Monroe Myers, Jennings,exempted;wife and chil- iren. 144-1425.Wesley ©1 and Pool, physical dis- 445 1002)Ralph Teague,Moores- ie,accepted;no claim $i0--1151.Odell Overcash,Meoores- dle,exempted;physical disability. M47 —1101.Rufus Eugene Gabriel, Mooresville,acceptt d:wife. 148-368,James Cochrane,States- le,accepted;no claim. $49.974.Marvin Oscar Sikes, ooresville,exempted;wife and hildren hu eS,Roy Bratton Whisnar Fufola,R-l,accepted;no claim. 151 —220 Walter Le'exempted;physical Walter Daniel Peaeoct accepted;wife and O26.Cobb |Monroe Miller, resville,cxempted;wife and dren. 1 010.Archie Leslie Wilson, res Ie,exempted;phy-ical ai {S57 George Patterson, nan,uccepteds wife, ypu Henry Calvin accepted:no claim, Rarl Axley,Statesville belongs —to neointor Robert & cepted; Elwood vempt Jer and childre re Brantl New State and children 1%Roscoe Wil empted;wife Reneagedfath f Henderson, vife and chil- is?1474.Richard M.Anderson, irmony,R-5,cepted:no elaim “3 144 Witham McKinley lychell,Statesville,R-5, aceepted; claim, m4 8°.John Clayton Padgett,tatesville,R-1,accepted;wife and hikiren. ;ha 2300,Imvid H.Winecoff,Mt.1.R22,exempted;physical disa-|bility. thnerchildren , |eaeoaien accepted;Set’wow ae .James WalterBrown,ville,R-3,no papers.04,John Cresseer,exempted;‘wife ren,400-1064,Bentley N Bus-tle,Mooresville,exempted;phgainal disabilit:491--Sint,Oliver Baxter Mayberry,New Hope,exempted; cal disability.92-120),Ernest Coble,Moores.| States-|ville,aceepted;no claim,193-2286.Gus.Ritchie,ville,R-1,accepted;no claim,4942370,James William Eh Heoustenville, children. 495-2152.James Walter Statesville,R-7,exempted;b and mother.196.1510.Dallas Turner Holmes, Houstonville,accepted;no claim. 497-1091,Vernie V. ability. 1yk—VISX,Ray Eusene Harmony,R-1,exempted;wife and hildren. 490 470.Randall A.Lowery, Statesville,exempted;wife and chil- ire, soo 312.Thomas MeDuff Achary,| Statesville,R-3,aecepted;wife,nO 1407.Frank Samuel Hill,| Harmorty,R-1,accepted;no claim. HO2e -1720 Rohese Lester Auten,| Mit.Mourne,exempted;physical dis- ability203.1620,Henry Gaither, 04-1284.Eury Mack Overeash, froutman,R-2,exempted;wife and hildren, ah Sh) accepted;ayed mother. hOG-—191.Napoleon Allison,States- ille,accepted:aged mother, 7 2480.Harvey Walker,Olin, sted:no claim, nON 204.Maniius Gaither,Har- mony,evempted;physical disability. DO 2d6.|Enas luton Swann,. Statesville,R-4,accepted;aged pa- ents, The followh vesterday:510.477.J.Frank Leve,States- tle,exempted;widowed mother.S11.1187.Tony Eugene Sherrill, Mo resville,accepted;no claim. S12--1179.John Andrew Sherrill, Mooresville,exempted;physical dis- named were passed John Jo.Saunders, R-6,exempted;wife and William Durant Hus- Statesville,R-7,accepted;ne Joseph Youn Caldwell, Ile,exempted;physical disa- ds,Robert Charles Deaton, ville,accepted:wife. 2546.James Morris Givins, pe,exempted;wife and child. i9c6.William Alvan Darr, Ie 2-8,exempted;physical Jiis Cliften Ralph Sloan, sville,exempted;wife. 1228,John Wesley ville,exempted;wife. 132.Lester B.Morrison, ’exempted;wife. 20-1774.Viliiam Gladstone Johnsen,avidsen,accepted;no ‘ulm, Allison. 124.Joseph Lewis |Harrison, ‘ville,accented;no claim. *).Rh)Witham oT Castles, faoresville,accepted;no claim VT James P.Haye lhe,R {.exe mpted;wife Congress Works on Big Bills. Compress works this week or measies the £11Owarbondandcertitiont: FUG OOO revenue ani the wy aha vod sailors insurar till may |} the Senate befor which time th yo yea profits provision nue atotalof Sts lly.expected to vigh tax Senators will cor ir fieht.The first vot the Senate Saturdyy ed,62 to 17,the x r Johnson of Calif high tax yrroup,fo of SO per cen of Hits,estimated bets voballien deltar Wied provided in th LakFellette promp rdmept prope ts tax of TH per « 4 Wa postpor at {Chimes of the Pell last chimes of —the the subject of (many lietory article the ron onapers,says a dispatch terdam Before cae bel! down to be sent to the indries the clergy ois man villaves celebrated ho services)commemorating ind record of the bells.on hich are centuries old rely organ meanwhile playir riate music.next day the villaver io witness the taking di Leloved bells on which sit was bestowed by the 4 mastor.Then the village ma d them with flowe ane after which the bell on the carts that w them to the nenrest or place of embarkatic: choir slowly followiny n chanting hym:TA Haywood Chambers Called. *)the Edtter of The Landmark We have a Haywood ‘olored,registered in.thi ounty Person—and he will be called on the firet draft.We have been unable to Chambers hear anything from him.We under.|tand he came from Statesville He will be called for service September| 19,and will have to report here Sep-tember 18.We would be pleased ifvouwouldgivethispublicity,as we do net want to give him any unnec-essary trouble.J.A.LONG,‘N.C.Clerk. “are a moreexempted;wife and Hayes,|rothers _Evans,|Mooresville,exempted;physical nt Garland Mor-| row,Eufola,R-1,accepted;no claim.| ..‘{Alfred Jones,Statesville, ' |Handle well beeause the ‘ Wearwell becausetheyare madeof thebestmaterial bythemost skillful craftmen.Shoot well because they hold the charge togetheratextreme ranges.compactly greatest attentionhasalways beenpaid distributionofwoodandmetal,to insure perfect balance andthe most — Twenty-bore Parkers have set theinginpopularityeveryyearwitht lor further information regarding guns in gaugesrangingfrom 8 to 23,address, |3)Warne’Sreet.PARKER BROS,MasterGun Makers,Meriden,Conn.,U.'.A: ..ee oneorsmallboresinAmerica,grow-most progressivesportsmen,eres iSelf -Sustaining County Home | \self -sustaining county home isinraraavisinNorthCarolina,butthecountyhomeofBrunswickcoun-.this year demonstrating thatthespeciesisnotextinet.Early iMaytheNorthCarolinaFoodCon- rvation Commission urged the boards of county commissioners =inthe100countiesintheStatetoutil-‘i.e their county home farms to the Limost extent for the production of|staple foodstuffs and feedstuffs.Noreportwasaskedforbuttheclerkof the Brunswick county board haswrittentothecommissionthatall cleared land at the Brunswick coun-|t\home was put inte cultivation and|that the county home there will be f sustaining during this year.|The county homes in the State| ‘have an average of 150 acres of land |each with an average of only 40; res in cultivation a year ago.Thefoodcommissionisoftheopinion!that a largely increased amount of| food and feedstuffs could be secured| from these farms,and the result in} Hranswick county demonstrates the, rectness of its surmise.No doubt.many other counties have almost,if, t altogether,equaled Brunswick’s rd. Pites Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your éruagis will refund money if PAZOOINTMENTfailstocureanycaseofItching,| Blind,Bleeding or Protrud!ng Piles in oto Mdays. The fret apohication cives Marve and Kest.Sve.| WEDNESDAY IS.TIRE DAY, At StatesvilleMotor Co’s—An!Expert Will Show Motorists About Tires. Une of the greatest factors in pop- ilarizing the motor car has been the vast)improvement —in automobile| tires,In the olden days the tire, question was about the biggest bug- aboo that disturbed the motorists’ peace of mind.If he started on ajourneyhewasindeed@ortunateif) he ever finished it.His troubles were fertile fields for the comic sup- plements and many jokes were crack !at his expense. All this is changed today.Tires] are indefinitely more dependable now.But although tires are being built with a much higher factor of| safety and dependability than ever before,and much vreater mileage built into them at the factory,thou | sands of motorists are constantly disearding tires that have failed to| reach their three-score-and-ten, through no fault of the tires Millions of miles that were built nto the tires failed of attainment :ir threugh Jack of the <implest repairs,thet could easily have been made hy the motorist:himself, As n national tire conservation movement has been inaugurated with the object of showing motorists ev- ervwhere methods of tire care that will add many miles to the perform. { ' || | | ance of their tires, Carrving out this idea the States-| ville Moter Co.has arranged to have; a tire expert from The Goodyear Tire &Rubber Co.assist in the ob-! servance of Tire Conservation,Day on Wedne y.September 5.| “Theis question that motor- ists of Sint ile and =vieinitv:can] get mor iles from their tires,” avs Mr.Ben.Cooper of the States- ville Motor Company,so we have secured thi expert to come to our nlace to demonstrate the simple methods of tire care that will add wonderfully te tire mileage.We have not asked him to make a stock| demonstration speech,but have —ar- ranged for him to give individual at- tention to every motorist that has a tire problem to he worked out.—-ad.ee a cence | Boston,“Ma s.August 30,1917. HENRY FE.BONITZ, Grand Sec:etary,Wilmington,N.C.| }This unwarranted attack upon an! absolutely sowid ana solvent insti-tution is from the same unprincipled| source as before in hopeless effert to| postpone defeat,nothing to it.Our} investing three hundr a and fifty thou-| sand dollare in additional securityprovesthiNothingtofear,WW ‘ame out victorious and unseathed. SAMUEL N.HOAG, Supreme Secretary DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mre.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS &to6."PHONE%. ‘Mt You WantaFlooring That Flooring that wont warp,Ceiling{that won't kick off,Shingles that iwon’s cup,and Weatherboarding ‘on won't buckle,bay from C.WATKINS. TheStore With theQuick Parcel Post Service. NEW RUGS AND Beautiful Fibre Rugs,new designs, fast colors,9 x 12,$12.50 each. New designs jin Deltox Grass Rugs,9 x 12,$11.50, Smaller sizes to match. 36 and 40 inch Scrims,Etemines, and nets,in White,cream and ecru.Plain,Hemstitched and Jacquard Borders,18c.,20c.,25c. and 35c.yard. 36 inch White Swiss,12 1-2c,.15¢. and 18c.yard. Sun Fast Draperies for light weight Porteries and over Draperies,40c. and 75c.yard. l lot Ecru Nottingham Lace,with Brown Border,special 25c.and 30c.yard. See this beautiful lot now on sale. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. Mint Cola Orange Crush Cheerwine Statesville Mint Cola Bottling Co. Phone No.82.623 N.Center St. Cocolade GingerAle RIRE'S In Bottles5c.Everywhere. INGERSOL DOLLAR WATCHarprice$1.35 Seemeif are inofanykiofaWioonInstock,Elgin, ae am e , la l en aa » ‘THE MURDERER IS INJAIL.WOUNDS CAUSED DEATH.| OfficerSlayerofSur- the that M By =Gey MokPp.m.Belt, fired thefatal shots,wenmurrenden Sap eliberob Les"a,in town-Twrnersburg Recording to the best informationavailable.took to the woods im-mediately after shooting Mr.Camp-bell.Soon a goodly number of Davieofficers.and United States officerswereonhistrail.Later Ire-dell and citizens =from!os|and —counties joined;negro manag-ed dodge and keep ahead oftohispursuersanditisbelievedthat,—_for swollen streams which kenotcross,he would have madehisescape.Hetried to get a party tofurnishamuletotakehimacrossa stream but the party refused.It is believed that Belt came intoTredellcountySundaynimhtandnev- er got back into Davie.He visited his home,which is between two andthreemilessoutheastofHarmonyforaboutfiveminutes,but esca;before the searching party could gettohim.The hunt was continued alldayMondayandwasresumedearlyymorning.Up in the dayyDeputySheriffE.V.PrivettburgtownshipreceivedamessagethatBeltwasatLeeer’s and that he wanted to r if he woud not be shot..Privett secured 2»machine andtoShoemaker’s and found Beltwaitingforhim.He was brought toStatesvilleandcommittedtojail.It was reported here that therewasmuchfeelingandindignationamongMr.Campbell's friends in Da-vie county and for fear that an at-tempt to take him from Iredell jailmiehtbemade,Belt was taken to a=in another county for safe keep-ng.The officers left here late Tues-day evening.He will be tried in Da-vie Superior Court for murder.Bloodhounds from Salisbury werebroughttoIredelltochaseBeltbut were not put on the trail at all.Belt is 24 years old and has a wifeandchildren.Hie has a bad reputa- tion among some of those who knowhim,and it is very probable that Mr. Campbell is not the only man he haskilled.It will be recalled that WhitAlexander,colored,of Bethany town- ship,went to visit Belt at the latter’safewdaysbeforelastChrist-mas and that Alexander was killedAtthetimeitwesclaimed,and wasapparentlytrue,that Alexander was killed by the accidental discharge of a pistol.There are those who do notacceptthetheoryofaccident.Beit was reared in the Cool Soring com munity in this county and is a son of Hugh Belt,deceased. Selected Men Go Teday—WillBeEscortedtoTrain. Sherman Cicero Lambreth,New Hope,and Hinton Baxter Overcash, Statesville,have been called to re e here today for military service ese in addition to the ten names published by The Landmark Tuesday Seven will be sent to Columbia,S.C., and the other five are substitutes The men who leave today will be given lunches and escorted to the train by Mavor Bristol and a dele gation of citizens.As each group is sent off these courtesies will be shownthem. WOUNDED SECOND TIME. Mr.FE.F.MeNeer of Elkin hasreceivedaslegramfromOttawa, Canada,stating that his brother, Stanley MeNeer,who is in a Cana-dian regiment in France,was wound- ed in the legs and foot August 26andisnowinLordDerbyHospital, Warington,France.This is the seec-ond time that MeNeer has been wounded since going to the battle- front. GERMAN FLEET AT RIGA.With the appearance of a German flect in the Gulf of Riga,the difficul- tic:of the problem facing the Rus-sians in the operations on their nerthern front are aecentuated.Not only is the safety of their armies concerned,but apprehensions are ex-cited as to what will happen to the Russian fleet,if the German naval forces are given full swing in the Baltic. URGING CONGRESS TO FINISH. Several letters have been writtenbyPresidentWilsontomembersof Congress,endorsing the view thatitwouldbeafinethingifCongressweretofinishitsworkinthenearfutureanditsmembersreturnto their districts to speed “full light” on the war and its objects. BEAR'S NARROW PATH. The retreat of the Russians fromRigaoveraneckoflandamileandahalfwide,between Lake Kish andLakeEgel,is being accomplishedwiththegreatestdifficultyandwith the enemy constantly shelling the rear guard, MEXICAN SOLDIERS DROWN. According to information receivedLosCal,200 MexicansoldiersweredrownedWednesdaynightintheGulfofCaliforniaavaresultofthesinkingofaMexicangovernmentvessel. PERSI ITEMS. Miss Mamie Adams has returned from a visit Hendersonville.Mire:J.Womble and,Mr JimyeFEL.C.Caldwell.St eRe Seni |feets pistol shot wounds inflicted of a=Tuesday‘as a Fine YoungMan. Mr.Gaither Campbellof Mocksville asl bane den 5 eeatSanatoriumfromtheef- by Jim Belt,a negro.Mr.Campbell was a special em-ploye in the revenue service underAgentVanderford.Sunday after-noon he was notified that whis wasbeingunlawfullyhandledatPoplarSprings,near Calahaln,Davie coun-ty,where and when a negro camp-meeting was in progress.When Mr.Campbell arrived at the campgroundhecameupwithBeltandotherne-groes,who were suspected of bavingtheliquor.He ordered Belt to dis-arm.Belt reached for his pistol,which was in his "pocket,to handittotheofficer,asthe latter thought.Instead of passing over the pistol the—began firing,shooting at the«r five or more times.Four of thebulletstookeffect,two in the leftsideoftheabdomenandtwointhe right ~~The officer fell,raised him-self as best he could and shot severaltimesatHelt.None of the shots hittheAfterhehademptiedhispistolBelttooktothewoods.Mr.Campbell was brourht to Long’sSanatoriumassoonaspossiblefor treatment.At first it was thoughtthathehadachancetorecover.His condition became critical Monday night and eontinued so until his death Tuesday afternoon.Mr.Campbell's body was taken toalocalundertakingestablishmentandwasembalmed.Wednesday afternoonitwastakentohishomeatMocks-ville and yesterday was interred atOakGrovechurchcemetery,Daviecounty.Employes of the local reve- nue office acted as pall-bearers Wed- nesday in transferring the body from the undertaking establishment to the train.Mr.Campbell*’s fother,moth- er,brothers and sisters and a numberoffriendswerewithhimattheSan- atorium. Deceased was a son of Mr.and MrsJobnB.Campbell of Mocksville and was 25 years old.He was unmar-ried.His parents,two sisters andthreebrotherssurvive.He was a young man of fine character and hab-iis.He made a splendid officer andwasfaithfulinthedischargeofhisduties.He was a member of the Baptist church at Mocksville and wasattendingservicesthereSundaymorn- ing when he received the call for hisservices. GOT THE CASH AND GONE. Sold His Employer's Fruit and Took the Proceeds. Monday,a white man.between the ages of $0 and 40,giving his name as J.C.Moore,sold to J.K.Morri- son Grocery &Produce Co.dried fruit for which he received a check for $71.68 Some of the firm who handled the fruit remarked =on its i:aportance and quantity.Moore re-vlied that he and his crowd had done right well taking care of the fruit. The man went off to get his check ‘ashed,but Monday being a holiday ind the banks closed,he failed to get the cash.Finally he returned to J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co.and they cashed the check.Next day,Tuesday,Mr. Smith,a merchant ofcounty,dropped in to know if J.KMorrisonGrocery&Produce Com- pany had bought some fruit the day oes and he was told that they had. Jackson Alexander He asked the young man who had weighed and receipted for the fruit to step out and identify the team that had brougnht the fruit.Mr.Smith's team was easily identi-fied.Then Mr.Smith explained thathehadsenttheloadoffruittoWal-lace Bros..Company by a man whe worked on the place,with instruc- tions that it be eredited to Mr Smith's account. After disposing of the fruit the man took the team to a local stableandaskedthattheybefedandtak- en care of during the night.He then disappeared.When he failed to show up at Mr.Smith's the latter be- gan inquiry,with the above result The man’s right name is DeWitt Maulden and a warrant has been is sued for his arrest, Mr.Lunsford Recommended. As evidence that there are more jobs seeking men than men seehingjobs,two men have recently degline:the offer of a place in the office of the collector of internal revenue They are R.L..Madison of Jackson county and Stewart M.Scott of Wins-ton-Salem.The position—that of nar cotic deputy—is under the civil serv-ice.Collector Watts offered to rec-ommend Mr.Madison of Jackson coun- ty for appointment;then Mr.Scott. When both declined he made a simi-lar offer to Mr.Blackwell LunsfordMr.Lunsford has agreed to accept if the Civil Service Commission is agreeable,and it is supposed it will beMr.Lunsford formeriy taughtschoolinIredell.He is now located at Nebo,McDowell countyInformertimesascore or more ofrsonswouldhavesoughtthisjobdifficultyinfillingitnowisduetothechangédconditionsbrought g consultingthemonwhoare in- stalling thenewheating plantin the decided L MANY SECURE EXEMPTION Action of DistrictBoardinIre-dell Cases. The exemption board for the west-=district,in agincree and ednesday,pas on eIredellclaims:William =Loga Moores-ville,R-5,exempted;exempted bylocalboard.Wife and children.DeWitte Parks Emiott,Olin,em ;exempted by localWifeandchildren.John Lioyd Elder,Eufola,ed;exempted by local board.and children.William Smith Thomas,States-ville,R-7,exempted;exempted bylocalboard.Dependent parents.Flake Lundy,Charles,exempted;exempted by loca!board.Wife andchildren.Queen Campbeil,Olin,competexemptedbylocalboard.Wife children.—Harmon Dellinger,Sites ville,exempted;——_y localboard.Wife and children.Charlie Hampton Henry,States-ville,exem ;exempted by localboard.Wife and children.Ernest Oscar Sigmon,Statesville,exempted;ex by local board.Wife and children.Earle Eugene Gibson,Mooresville, ee exempted by local board. pendent parents. Hugh Ivey Tomlin,Statesville,R- 5,exempted;exempted by local board.Wife and children. James Lloyd Clontz,Troutman,R- 1,accepted;accepted by local board, where he filed no claim. John Reuben Myers,Statesville, R-1,exempted to January 1,1918; accepted by local board,where he filed no claim.; William Pinkney Harris,—= Point,exempted;accepted byboard,where he filed no claim. Charles Franklin Foster,Haste’ , Troutman,R-2,exemp:ec to January 1,1918;farmer;accepte local board,where he filed no claim. Walter oe ="R-1, exempted to January 1,;farm- er;ae by local board,where he filed no claim. Ray Eugene Gaither,Ha é R-1,accepted;‘farmer;" local board,where he filed no claim. George Ivey Wooten,Statesville, R-4,exempted to January 1,1918; farmer;accepted by local board, where he filed no claim. James Morrison Bustle,Loray,R- 1,exempted;accepted by local board. Wife.Vance Hasty,Statesville,exempt- ed on condition that he is accepted and qualifies as first lieutenant =in dental officers’reserve corps,United States army;exempted by local board,Dependent mother. William Andrew Cash,Harmony, accepted;farmer;accepted by local board,where he filed no claim. James Edgar Hoover,Statesville, accepted;accepted by local board Dependent mother. ichard Mitchell Anderson,Har- mony,R-3,exempted to January 1. 1918;farmer;accepted by local board,where he filed no claim. J.Dexter Holland,Statesville,ac- cepted;farmer;accepted by local board,where he filed no claim. William Durand Hussey,States- ville,R-7,accepted;farmer;accept- ed by local board,where he filed no claim,. Harvey Walker,Olin,accepted; farmer;accepted by local board, where he filed no claim. James Logne Young,Mooresville, accepted;painter and working in cotton mill;accepted by local board, where he filed no claim. Neal Singleton Brawley,Moores- ville,R-5,accepted;farmer;accept- ed by local board,where he filed no claim.Robey Francis Lackey,Statesville, R-2,exempted to January 1,191%; farmer;accepted by local —board, where he filed no claim. Clyde Lee Austin,Statesville,R ¢.accepted;accepted by loeal board. No claim. The board reversed itself in the case of Fred.Hyams Deaton of vatesville.He was rejected by the jocal beard,being under the regula- tion weight,was accepted by the district board,which reversed itself when its attention was called to the weight regulation. The board adjourned tothecallofthechairman. Wheat Costs $1 Per Bushel. Investigating the cost of wheatproductioninIredell,at the request of Food Administrator Hoover,Mr. G.E.Dull,county demonstration cent,finds the average $1 per bush- 1.Some of the farmers grow wheat for less than that,but the average of the estimates obtained is around $1 per bushel.price of this year's crop has been fixed at $2.20 per bushel and the price of next year’s at $2,so that crowing wheat at $1 per bushel gives a very profit.The farmers should seed a big acreage*his year,not only because the crop mect at will be but because theworldwillneedthebread.Thereforewhatisapatrioticdutybecomesapleasurenmitisapayingpropo-sition. *DR.D Ep.Dr.J.C.notified D ee aeGREATERSTATESVI board,|as provided in the act pased by theLegislature, ries resulted in a victosionbyamajorityof26 ers living in the territoryproposedtoannex,as well as voters in theboundary,were privileged to e registered vote wasbringinthenewterritory.necessaryThe vote for extension was 605,givingmajorityof267forexvotebywardswasasfollows:The population of theFirstward—for extension,102;againstMajorityforextension,77.Second ward —Registered 104;for extension,91;eoMajorityforextension,78.hird ward —red484;for extension, Majority for extension,164,Fourth ward -—stered 228;for extension,Majority against extension,52.territory is variously estimated 2,000 to 2,500.Probably 2,000nearercorrect.The population Statesville a total7,000,possibly 7 it at 8,000 or more,mark is figuring on a safe basis.ny,exempted to January 1,‘ accepted ie local beard,where he}The new territory will also add filed no claim.$750,000 to $1,000,000 of taxable Roy Bratton Whisonant,Eufola,|property.It brings in the Bloomfield R-1,exempted to January 1,1918;]and Paola cotton mills,the States- accepted by local board,where he/ville cotton mill,cotton seed oil filed no claim.mill,No.2 Statesville furniture fac- Nathan DeWitte Blackwelder,'tory (formerly the Kincaid),theSterlingflourmillnowbuilding, a large residentmuchvacantproperty.While the campaign sides.The extensionists they had to get their voters istration books.Thencountedagainsttheproposition they stayed away from the polls. transferred the office of collector internal revenue in The occasion for this tor Watts’four years in office exp ed in July. are not appointed for fixedlikepostmasters,and do not have be reappointed at years,they are required to year period.creased business of thecollector's bond was increased $5 000—to $210,000.While for the collector and collector is $4,500.If his office cleetsasmuchasamilliondollars 000 he must sive a salary.The collector who does collect over a million,therefore, better off financially than one wcolleetsmanymillions. revenue collections in western district of aggregate more than collections of all the States south revenue collections in the State States south of us,including tana. Elected Mayor in Georgia. Dr.Clyde A.Stevenson Wood,over Judge J.G ical contest that has been stagedCamillaformanyyears.” nativeDr.Stevenson being Statesville a ta,Hie election is the more sign cant from the fact that hie- nent,Mr.Wood,has always lived ular man. son was 127 to 00 for Judge Dr.Stevenson had been a of the town council (board of aid THE STERLING MILLS. Brick -laying on the building the Sterling Mills (Inc.) this week and the roof is < *? i t i s LLE. Town’s Boundries ByTuesday’s Vote —-tion Increased to 7,000 or More. It is now greater Statesville—or will be when the territ attachedtothetownasaTuesday'selectionbecomescomityapartofthetownonthe30thofnextApril, he election Tuesday on the ques-tion of extending the town bounda-for exten-votes.Vot- it wasthepresentmunicipal press themselves.There was a newregistrationandamajorityofthe to- tal registered vote was 943 and the annexedisteredvote,127;none. vote,none. vote ;against,23. vote, :against,13. Statesville seven years ago was 4,-599.The annex territory,on aconservativeestimate,will givepulationaround.Others estimatebutTheLand-/|the the way of industries,in addition topopulationand was ratherquiet,much work was done on bothbelievedfremtheoutsettheywouldwin,butregis- tered and then get them to the polls.It was only necessary for the oppo- sition to get their voters on the reg-their names Collector Watts Gives Larger Bond —Business Increased. Revenue Agent Shawhan recently Statesville from Collector Watts to Collector Watts.was the re- newal of the collector’s bond.Collec- While revenue collectors terms, the end of fourrenew their bonds at the end of each four On account of the in-office the the increas- ed business means an increased bondincreasesthe cost of the bond to him,it does not mean an increased salary.The max-imum salary of an internal revenue vets $4,500;if he collects $100,000,- bigger bond, which costs more,but gets no more sho the Norin Carolina the combined this State except Louisiana;and the North Carolina total about the same as the aggrevate collections in all the Louis- was last week elected mayor of Camilla,Ga.,after what he local paper,the Camilla Enter- prise,describes as “the hottest polit- This election is of local interest, He is a son of Mr.and Mrs.D.F.Stevenson,now of Atlan- oppo- Camilla,is a lawyer and a very pop- The vote for Dr.Steven-Wood. member men)prior to his election as may was com- It is hoped to beginionofmachineryabout .B.Brown,who is to man- Statoil ae Oe.ooieoen to ville from Lynch STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 7,1917. to a e at is of in if of ir- to 0,- ol-he n't is of of in of ifi- in er- or. of he- ete a SeeTHEWARPROFITSECTION total |obototallevyof$1,286,000,000,or aboutone-third of this year’s war and ner- mal excess profits:This is an increase of $1,060, 000 over present taxes.etaxadvocatesfailedtosecuretionofasingleamendment.vote on on of the finance com-mittee’s was 72 to 7.The sevenwereBorah,Gronna,John-son,California;LaFollette,Under~ wood and Vardaman.Action on the war profits sectionwastakentechnicallyincommitteeofthewholeandissubjecttofinalreviewlater.The decisive rout of thehightaxelement,however,mayventfurthereffortsalongthis lineandSenateleaderssayitforecastsde-feat for the fight for heavier income taxes.With adoption of the finance com-mittee’s war profits provisions—in-creased by the committee from000,000 to $1,060,000,000,afterthehightaxSenators their fight—the bill totals $2began522,000,000,near which figure itis expectedtore-main.Many predict ultimate elimina-tion of consumption taxes,aggregat-ing $86,000,000;second class mail in-creases of $12,600,000;freight taxesof$77,500,000,and stamp taxes onrcel_post kages estimated toRicidabout$8,000,000.As now written into the bill,thewarprofitssectionstrikesouttheHouseprovisionsforanadditionaltaxf$200,000,000 and is a substitute forpresentexcessprofitslawnowyielding$226,000,000,It also extendstaxtoordinary,normal peace profits in excess of 10 per cent in ad- @itian to excessive war reach ed by rates,amounting tosurtaxesrangingfrom12to60percent.The excess is based upon thenetincomeabove$5,000 of corpora-tions,partnerships and individuals ‘in trade or businessover the averageof 3911,1912 and 1913-—the pre-war standard—with a minimum exemptioy, of 6 per cent of actual invested capital and a maximum exemption of 10 per cent.Senator Simmons presented and the Senate accepted a provision exempt-carried on chiefly by personal services and with nominal capital.He also accepted an amendment exempting from consider- ation as taxable income that derived from the business life,health and ac- cident insuranee combined in one pol- icy on the weekly payment plan,and another exempting profits of other oceupations besides professicns de-pending mainly on personal qualifica-tions with nominal capital. Iredell Doctors in the War. At the meeting of the Iredell-Alexander Medical Association,ihDr.F.A.Carpenter's office Tuesdayevening,there was ciscussion of themedicalmenandthewar.It wasbroughtoutthatatleasteightIre-dell doctors are already in serv-ice or have been accepted and were awaiting orders,and there may be others.The eight are:Drs.W.D.MeLellafd and_PinkChester.Mooresville;Drs.R.A.Campbell,Coite Sherrill,J.C,Dye,J.H.MeClellan,Robt.Hill, Statesville;Dr.Ed.8.King of the county.The latter was called this week.In addition Dr.F.8.Steele,who enteredandDr.T.Grier Miller from Phila-delphia,are both Ireceil men,there are doubtless other natives ofthecountywhohave where.Looking over the field,the Iredelldoctorsthinkthememmersofir vrofession in the county are measur-ing up well in the present crisis. Queen Knitting Mill Operating. TheStatesville’s new industries,began work in a small way about ten days ago.The company is now operating 16 machines and will soon have ten more in operation.One hundred ma- chines have been bought,but the manufacturers were unable to fill the order immediately and are delivering in installments.Eight persons are now employed at the mill and the number of work- . enlisted else- ers will be increased as more ma-chinery is installed.The output for one day this week was 65 dozen. The plant has been running until 9 o'clock at night this week and next week will begin running regularly at night.The new company has not yet pet any of its goods on the mar- et b ville railroad,in the vicinity of theStatesvilleCottonMills. TOBACCO SALES TUESDAY. The leaf tobaeco market in States-ville opens next Tuesday.Leaf to-bacco,like most all other things,isbringingahighpricethisyear—has been selling very on the leaf markets in the eastern section--and tobacco farmers in this territory will get good prices in Statesville. Senate—Total Levy}—Mr.Y ».who hereforsomeThebitterfightintheSenateover]day forhis homeat the warprofitssectionof the war tax}—MissNellie Heathof the service from Hickory,|i ueen Knitting Mills,one of|Sheriff ut it has had many inquiries}Richardson of andfromdealersandtheprospectisfor!daughter of Mr.8.W.2awoodbusiness.;Statesville,died at the homeThenewmillisYocatedinthe]parents in A ednesdaybuildingformerlyoceupiedbythelternoonat1o'clock,after a sheGaitherLumberCo,,on the Taylors-|ijiness.The remains were ee il == iAs at k A f{f bytery.wail held in the FirstrianchurchOctober16th and Not Wanted Here. After erawling under the flapsatentandgreatlyanamantherein,Andersonyearsold,and whocounty:his of gavehome,is being§M.Mitchell pendingreceiptofinformationfromthoritiesatStatesville,says *Asheville Citizen.The paper atosaythatWallaceis-msound mind and iunderatentwherean“4isinprogressintheAsheville.The sheriff ofwroteSheriffAlexander ofnroposingtosendthemanSheriffAlexanderiedthatmanwasnothere;it isevenknewnthatheisaresidentIredell,and Buncombe canofhimasitseesfit. bywerenu-at nearby men from the District ofunderthedraft law;Senators and aaaaves, government departmen children, ete.There were 70 Senators,headed oe Nelson and Warren of the army,Martin and Bankhead ofConfederatearmy.Hundreds of membersoftheHouse wereheaded by Speaker Clark and ex-Speaker Can- non.Secretary of War Baker march- ed at the head of the War Depart- and Secretary Daniels at the of the Navy Department ingenWhent.the parade reached the White House President Wilson left the ranks and entered the reviewing stand. Most of the members of the cabinet, the Japanese mission,Ambassadors Spring-Rice of Great Britain,Jusse- rand of France,Minister Calderon of Bolivia,and dozens of officers in the uniforms of the armies of the na- tions that are fighting Germany,were in the stand.In New York city 30,000 selected men for the National army paraded and while the parade lacked the pompofsoldiertrappings,the thousands of bystanders were aroused to patriotic fervor. Defective Ammunition An investigation of the defective cartridges reported to have been supplied to the American forces in France has been asked by Gen.Cro- sier,chief of ordnance.Gen.Cro- zier said:. .“Certain small arms ammunitionsuppliedtotheexpeditionaryforce in France have been found to contain defective primers and the command- er of the force had been warned and duly advised in the premises by this department.I recommend that a beard whose membership =shal!in- clude at least one competent chemist, be appointed to investigate the cause of the defects which have heen in these primers;the methods of in- spection which are intended —to ruarantee against defects in small arms ammunition;the adequancy of the measure in consequence of this ineident,and all the circumstancesconnectedtherewith,and to make full reports upon the subject.” Gen.Crozier said a sma!!quantity of bromide,which retards fire for a fraction of a second,had been found in about 2 per cent.of the army’s cartridges.Confidence was express-ed by the general that the boardwouldfindthatthedefectwasuna-voidable.The bromide in the potas- sium chlorate of the primers,Gen- eral Crozier explained,was not de- tected in sufficient quantity by tests made at the arsenal to indicate pos- sible danger.It was sufficient,how- ever,to cause chemical!action afterthecartridgesweremadeup.“Thisisoneofthetroublesthatwemustexpectunderascarcityofchemicalscausedbyinterruptionofworldmar-kets,”said the general. Chicago Council Approves Gov- ernor’s Course. Chicago's city council,sitting as a committes of the whole,at the endofaturbulentfour-hour special ses-sion adopted by a vote of 42 to 6 aresolutionpraisingGovernorFrank Lowden for his action in overridingMayorWilliamHaleThompsonby refusing permission to the People'sCouncilofAmericaforDemocracyandTermsofPeacetomeetinIli nois.The council urged the Govern- or to prevent any meeting in the fu-ture which may be inimical to pullic safety or disloyal or treasonable to the United States.The neace councilmeetingwasheldinChicagobypermissionofthemayor,after theGovernorhadforbiddenittoas-semble in Hlinois,and concluded its session before the Governor could assemble troops in Chicago to dis perse it. The session of the which sustained the Governor was held under a heavy police guard, with Mayor Thompson presidinyMayorThompsonandhisfriendsinthecouncilmadeastubbornpartia- mentary fight to prevent the adop- tion of the resolution.They made an unsuccessful attempt to have the subject referred to the committee onschoolsforconsideration. STEERER Six Negro Soldiers Punished. Six negro soldiers of the 24th.in- fantry,who clashed with the civilpoliceandthetroopssenttosubduethematWaco,Texas,on the nightofJuly29,were found guilty of vio- lation of the 93d article of war,heforethegeneralcourtmartialheld fecentiy at Camp McArthur,Waco Five of the men were sentenced to five years at hard labor in the Unit-ed States penitentiary at leaven-worth,Kansas.The sixth man re ceived ten years.All were sentenc- ed to be dishonorably discharged from the service and forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become duewhileinconfinementunderthe city council tence. The findings of the court martial were forwa to the War Depart-at Washington. does not refer to the recentptenesatHouston,Texas,where5werekilled,The affair prior to the Hous-ton and was not so serious. CAPTAIN'S FAULT. feceived in.London fromBouthAfrica,say that een held recently to‘Say nk of the Brit of A .in which »and apassengerthatthedis- ae before winter|puts an end to the active fighting,j but the logic of events gives com-'forting to those who have predicted ot Germany will break ‘nder the offensive of the summer of 1918,The French thrust before Verdun is more important for its moral ef-feet than for its military results.TherecaptureofLeMortHommeand Hill 304 mark the passing into French hands again of the last of the im-portant points that the GermanCrownPrincetookinthefamousbattleofVerdun.So,after 18months,the second greatest battleofthewar,like the Marne,which(was the first,has ended in a com-plete,unmistakable and tremendous| German defeat.In February,1916, the Crown Prince began his attempt to capture “the key to Paris.”In September,1917,the German line is back approximately where he stfrt- ed.He sacrificed.500.000 men and cuined not a foot of strategicaliy important ground. Even more significant.as it illus- trates the weakening ef the German punch,is the battle of the Chemin des Dames,in which the ill-syarred Crown Prince figures again.In the assault on Verdun during rush the Germans did momentaril: sweep the French off their feet,and batter their way to the very gates of the city.If the offensive on the Somme had not diverted their atten- tion,they might have succeeded.But along the Chemin des Dames the at-'Thegetastart with almosttackdidnoteven Crown Prince attacked as great numbers us at Verdun,but the French halted him in his tracks All that he got out of this reme effort wax another appalling casual- tv list and a couple of adynnced trenches on the Californie plateau. Obviously,while the Teuton hosts are still formidable,they haven't the “pep”that they possessed 18 months ago That the Bri trenches me eHOWN aval ish near int phase of th walked Ypres, vattle is gained,althongeh |substantial advance,thar the ' ingly slieht losses of the attac! The British took more 0 prisoners than all their ammounted to. Of course,none of these,ror all of them tovether,has won the war or is likely to:but they do ga to indi. that the war he won bea military decision —«the front.With the German further weakened by the wastaye of the winter months.and the FEntentestiffenedhytheadditionofa million American treeps,prospect for a decision by the late summer o7earlyfallof1912arebrivh eReeme Urged to Sound the Crv. Lawyers of America were urged sound a Serv of alarm"through- the nation for a suecessful pros- ecution of the war,in an address de- Nvered by Elihu:Root before the con- fr fence of Amer ean Bar \“ja- tion delegates,at organ:zation al ied with the American Bar Ascocin- which =met N.Y.He urged of the bar “exert evers and every pewer he over his chents,ates in every commu na wo ate ean wester etline line to yut tion,at Springs, member Avence possibly friendsitv”POSS@sSes and oa in that direction “Ht SO perfectly this apposed has become Rant fet between two Hably opposed eystems~of ment,of policy,of po povern- of human FOCTOTY . “Se lor there exists a great military autoerac: 1e Yr by om! gasaay which has ¢ gominatior long epublies,deme tries which pre freedom and individual riehis,cour tries which subordinate government to freedom must he at the merev of autocracy,As well go to sleep with a burgiar sitting in hall as to talk about the peace and se- curity of a democracy with Germany till eompetent purst ite of domination.” Will Travel Lirht Baggage. Member?of the National now being to camp are direct ed to take a minimum of civilian clothing and personal belong): Toilet towels and handker hiefs recommended and no ob- jection will be made te two changes of underclothing,but other les ire frowned upon Attention is called to the fact that ivilian clothing will be discarded when camp is reached and to those not desiring to send such apparel back home,it is suggested that ,clothing not worth keeping he worn.The men may.carry.only light handhaggage on the train.As viteases and handiags will not be allowed for permanent use at camp, articles may he in bundles, f desired Before reporting to the local hoard,drafted men should have their hair cut very short,should be:bathed and wear clean clothing.To insure tuick communication with his fami- ‘vy,each recruit is ae@vtsed to provide himself with posteards or stampedenvelopes, powerful pose tea secure force, ‘racies,coun individual #9 A \’ntoyfront to le career army sent g articles, are arty carried LL CATARRE CANNOT BER CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS,as they ean-net reach the seat of the disease,Catarrh iealoon!ditense,greatly influenced by conetitu.tions!canditions,and in order to cure it youtrusttekeantyternalrenedyHall's Ca-tarrh Cure ie taken internally and ectathrourhthebleedonthemucoussurfacesofthesystem.Hall's Catarrh Cure was “preserited\y one of the best physicians in thiecountryforyears,It i composed ofofthebeetteniesknownoumpblaed‘with coleofthehewtbleedpurifiers,The perfeet com-bination of the ingredients In Malls CatarrhCurefbwhatprodece:cach wonderful resultsincotarrhelconditions,Send for teatine. 2 ©0,,Props,Toleto,6. b Hall's Family Pills far constipation, the first, :j will “‘orld,| and other documenta,somelinstancesarrestedofficialsfoundup-on the premises.In Chica Feder- lal agents took possession =i" ‘tional headquarters of the t 'yarty and a warrant authorizing the jseizure of its documents was served ;upen its counsel,|The seizure of documents was car-ried out in accordance ewtth a planperfectedbyWilliamC.—sistant Attorney General,working under the direction of the Attorney ‘General.A statement issued by the Department of Justice announced ithat the seizure of papers was made lin connection with a Federal —grand iury investigation of the Industrial Workers of the World,now under way at Chicago.The department's action was taken on the eve of a report to President Wilson by Chief Testles Covington, f the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,who was designated recently by the President te investi-gate the labor situation in thé West. Judge Covington has completed his investigation.Whether the cencert- ed action of marshals throughout thecountrywasinanywayrelatedteinvestigationwasnotdisclosed. The charves against leaders of the organization under arrest or whose arrest is contemplated were not made public.I.was said at the De- partment of Justice that these wouldhavetobedeterminedbythegrand jury iovestigating the organization.For many weeks past the aetivi- dies of Industrial Workers of —the World leaders have been under close erutiny of the department's bureau of invest These activities have never been regarded as a labor movement.They have been held to be pelitical and,in some mnstances, with a view solely to hin- hamper the government. Recently it was charged that inelud- ed in th ranks of the Industrial’ Workers of the World were many Austrians,who have active in 'ne opp strif to ham- Americar doing work niled by ref the mited Stat a state of war tine with Germany. 2.Crew we rereewe MATTERS OF NEWS. OnGregory,United Statesmanytownsandcities une uratior conducted der and been tended Industries, Germans leclares Tre Monday 107 per- wounded. raid errand, Amt air bom,F Hed and 86 val base. ment official- send troops te that ine hot he Brazil ‘; e Beazilia rover lies that (tf will ::and it is also erned German -hip ‘onsed to the Entente dently intends for ow to do the fighti iz. tration of plans to assa Robert Borden,premicr Arthur Neighan, ral.and oto dynamire the nuildings at Ottawa, the police a hi been effected by the arrest of ant ‘onseriptionist agitators. Eekimes at Etah,in the trackte f the Arctie,now are amu themselves with phonovrapl ro them by the so-called Cr aceording to f) who headed| returned to N of more than stated will allies the other Fro ware « Canada. itor genre Parliament nnoune sl ' o ney i expedition, Mac Millan, who has absence 'st ald 6 aod ston,a men pene he University or | Hh.was killed whe driven bev ton of Chapel {with a jitney bus, altimore and Wash» e ening.Geo,Johnst a third man ' jured, satlors it the compan; ork,are ot vangs of ¢ pon Americans tried to b wher:American itent!y the Cork gent is of the popularity ef t rs with the Cork fed vie hi Hall, whelncies of¢ mmber of set vans havena ta I ile eile The Big Bend Bil}. lonsed though futile Rep.u attacks were made in the Hi Wes esday on provisions of the 045,460 war bond and certifica which gives wide discretiona o the Secretary of the Tre: making allied foans In rapid suceession the Te as the committee of defeated or sidetracked p bracing virtually every Repu jection to the bill Amon vere three war expenditu tee proposals. LEMONS MAKE SKINWHITE,SOFT,CLEAR! Make This Beauty Lotion For a Few,Cents and See For Yourself. What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemoh juice to remove comples ion blemishes;to whiten the and to bring out the roses, freshness and the hiddenButlemonju'ce alone is acid,there fore irritating,and should be mixed with orchard white this way.Strain through a fine cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle corntair ing about three ounces of orchard iwhite,then shake we!l and you have a whole quarter pint of skin andcomplexionlotionataboutthecost jone usually pays for a small jar ofordinarycoldcream.Be sure to strain the lemon juice se no pulp igets into the bottle,then this letion remain pure end fresh for!month¢,When aprited daily to the! |faee,neck,arms and hands,it should|thelp to bleach,clear,smoothen andie3¥j Any droegist wi supply throe!oe of orchard wh'te at very lit. |ite cost and the grocer has the Jem- ona, 1, the beaut,? are Every druggist here,yes!your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling- They all give the Dodson's Liver ‘Tone is taking itsoffinthesaleofcalomel. came reason. place.“Calomel is dangerous and people know it while Dod elt for your money back.Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting,pure- ly vegetable remedy,harmless to both children and adults.Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine,no sick headache,biliousness,ague, Prisoners in Russia. sprain Oliver of the American teamer Cantpana,and the four al gunners,Delaney,Roop,Kline |Jacobs,who were taken prisxon- when their ship)was sunk re- by a German submarine, prison camp at Brandenburg, ssia.The news comes to Wash- nre r by cable to the American Red| from Geneva, \brerch cruiser which other member of the a's crew,reported rine had been nker was sent {that the rescued that a SUNK after down,and it had Toure destre yed U- is the one with the five Amer- ibourd,Th Red Cross dis- did rot me:William Al Miller,a Ofth member of |the the Navy eaptur- SOU meed HAVIN by been aun HAVE YOU WEAKLUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in your ronchial tubes?Do covjhs hang on, re you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard agninst consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod hver oi]which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratorytract aud improves the quality of the blood;the wlycerine iu it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- s.You can get it at cny Crug store, Scott &Bowne.Bloomfield,N.J. at the house and Reginniny toy Ble ton treet south ¢ besinningfermsof sal in 6 menths and Ro 8 MeLanwh ir Nuwust Voy Cam-| Ison’s Liver Tone is safe and gives better re- its,”said a prominent local druggist.*Dodson’s Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist.A large family-sized bottle costs only 50 cents and if you find it doesn’t take the place of dangerous,salivating calomel you have only to ask ! | \ | }|or |||| aCalomelSalivates!it Makes YouSick andYouLose aDay's Work—Dodson’sLiverToneActsBetterThanCalomelandIsHarmlessfoMen,Women,Chldren—Read Guarantee! eS sour stomach or clorged howels.Dodson’s LiverTonedoesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all next—o calomel. ake a dose of calomel tonight and tomorrowyouwil!feel sick,weak and nauseated,Don't loseaday's work! Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine,You'll know it next merning because you will wake up with your head clear,your liver active,bowels clean,breath sweet and stomach regulated. You will feel cheerful and full of vigor and ready for a hard day’s work. You can eat anything afterwards without riskofsalivatingyourselforyourchildren, Get a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone and try itonmyguarantee.You'll never again put a doseofnasty,dangerous calomel into your stomach, Bark president prefers Buckeye Hulls ° Mr.1D.W.Gaston,Presirient 62 ho b iret Notional Bank,Aiken,3.CfeedsBuckeyeHullstoHitsteersondmitchcows.He cays thathe expects to continue to use th aia he coosders them superior tooldstylehutSeThemost‘ewner of live stock in everycommunityrealize(ac advantages an!ecomomy of feeding UCKEYE CLs’ The readily «Eicet ‘cing 109 percent roughageand«Ning at wy (pe.won dese than old style hulls,are much better Vai.Se tony .c you get more real roughage to thenoondeverytescoststress,voor shovid you buy anything butBuekeysHubs?¢>tow muct farther they go and howmuchmunisUs LINTLE SS fulls To secur tae b thorouyhly tive! wetting them cow.:night o thie cannot be J feed the hulls dry td to develo the enailarc odor,wet thehulls»afore tooding Wt is easy to de this by Hervornine fox ut feeding lown at last therty ovimucs.ff you prefer teAol?xc mueh by bat,ac ot old style hulls, Boar of viixned Feds Free f poesabinet of feeots used im the Southmr.for 'the ting,for work,BDneetaproperly.Send for your one we 240 Oli Gives the reht formal w evhowmu-b to feedfe on € Buckeye “Hulls and gives « copy to nearest mill bet.K The Backeve Cotton Oil Co.nes.k Atlanta Augusta Gimiryha:,Chareits Cicemy ut Jarhcon Life Rock Moser Memphis Solme SOeSCRereeemeNeeeeeee Tellsscribes‘ i _ee A Regular Picnic For you if you carry one of our new Thermos Bottles on your outing, We have large,small and medium.You can serve your beverage just the right temperature,pure and refreshing when carried in these magic bottles, Keep hot or cold indefinitely.Indispensible toautomobilists, We'll be ylad to show them to you, POLK GRAY DRUG CO. CeO Don't take chances on curing your Tobacco with old flues,for the price of Tobacco is the hihest this year in history. We can make you the best price on flues. Write or ‘phone us.We can make delivery the day you order! TOBACCO FLUES.| STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 55,114 K.Broad Street. reyril And nobody wants a slack Tire. Unless you keep your Tires re- paired you have a slacker with you at all times. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. Full line Tires and Tubes in stock. PATRIOTIC RECORDS heard on the VICTROLA at ourstorearethedirectcauseofonemanvolunteeringhisservicestoSam.should hear thcse Dereate!y are thrilling.We will play them for you at any time! Andrews Music Store. ost”ing Musical. KE SLACKER en eS eeee ee ——In Condition —— That’s Fit To Smoke. That’s The Way We Keep House. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y Let Us Help You Care For Them. bo not neglect your eyes;you may RUIN them._You may also ruin thern unless your eyes are testedscientificallyandyourglassesfittedweeny.You should get new glasses every few years as the “power”of your eyes changes.We know the optical business.We will test your =with knowledge and care.We will fit you out withglassesyoushouldhaveforamoderateprice. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler... tI e {[larmony High School time,CorrespondenceofTheLendmart. |got upCardui I hadtakenthe entire bottle year. couldnearlyi ii i be just £5ii :j; PHONE US” For a bag of Davis Bros, Graham Flour,fresh Jot right from the mill’ Don’t forget that we have anything you want in the way of Spices,Vinegar, Extracts,Rubbers,Jars ‘and Jar caps. Phone 89. Eagle&Milholland. FINE LOT COUNTRY MEAT. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. A Farm Life School For Girls and Boys. —SPECIAL COURSES IN- Home Economies,Agriculture and the Manual Arts. Prepares for College and Universi- ty entrance. Fall term opens TUESDAY,Sep- tember 11,1917.(Engage beard now at Dormitories. For further information and new iMustrated announcement write to R.H.LANKFORD,Principal, ‘ women trict draft exemptionwaynowpraise_Marshalgoodhealth,|the NC-133 ,“#8¢8 should Harmony,N.C. TTTDIDYOUEVER BUY A Door or Window,and find it would not fit the kFrame’|.WATKINS hastheDoors,Windows and —Frames,ready-made.YOU CAN TRY THEMBEFOREYOUTAKETHEMFROMHISLUMBERYARD! WANTED! SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brassperpound,Ligh;Brass 5c."FOR SALE: New 2ndsecond hand machitorwalandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies. Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phone No,14,Bell Ne.7. Tic.per and half hour. ‘WASHING Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. Statesville municipality has addedm.to its equipment this week and addi-me tional auto firetruck and an autom./truck sprinkler,Some weeks ago=an auto garbage truck was put in™.commission.|The new auto fire truck carries 1,-|100 feet of hose,30 feet of ladders,ltwo 3-gallon and one|¢hemical tanks and 200 feet ofchemicalhose.The autp fire truck which has.,been in commission for some years‘carries 1,400 feet of hose,48 feet ofladders,one 50-gallon and two 8-gal-‘lon chemical tanks and 260 feet of|chemical hose.The horse-drawn hook and laddertruck,which carries over 106 feet ofladders,will be fixed so that it eanbeattachedtooneoftheautofire Barium,Sept.6 —SchoolattheorphanageMonday morningwithenrolimentof225.y haveseventeachersandtwomusicteach- ers.They expect a successful school trucks,and horses will be dispensedofevithatthefiredepartment.Thedepartmenthasonlyonehorsenow,ene having been sold some time ago.The old hose wagon,bought about16yearsago,when horses were firstputinthefiredepartment,willriggegpeberemodeledandputinuse“°sub-fire station in south States-ville.The Statesville fire department isnowwellequippedwiththemestmodernandup-to-date fire fightingapliances.The new auto fire truckj¢ost $1,900,the auto truck sprinkler$4,500 and the auto garbage truck'$1,350—a total of $7,750 invested in;modern equipment for municipalpurposes. The new sprinkler carries 1,000gallonsofwater.It has four flush-ers to flush the streets in addition tothetwosprinklers,which are in front of the machine.These sprink-lers,turned on at full head,will,cover Center or Broad street—thewideststreets—at one pass.Theideainthepurchaseoftheautotrucksprinklerwastosprinkleal!the streets in town.The sprinklingjhasbeenconfinedtoalimitedarea. Considering the large amount of wa-|ter carried and the rapidity withwhichtheworkcanbedone,it is be- lieved this can be accomplished.The auto garbage truck has ren-dered splendid.service in keeping the town free of garbage and hasjbeenfoundmostsatisfactoryinall|respects. COLORED HEALER WORKS. ‘Believers Among His Race. The colored man who advertiseshimselfasDr.Wm.F.Edwards, “world’s famous healer,leeturer and preacher,”and =who incidentally holds a license issued by the State,has been operating in Statesville for‘several weeks.He has preached and practiced healing at the colored church in Rankintown,the colorediuburbansettlementonthenerth side,and many of the colored peopleseemtobeimpressedwithhim. Rankintown colored residents anythatwhitepeoplehavealsovisited the healer and availed themselves of his services. One old colored woman,telling her experiences to white friends,said she suffered much pain from rheuma-tism or neuralgia,she didn't know which.She told the preacher -doe- tor her trouble and he simply made a pass with his hands.The pains::;instantly disappeared,she <aid,andhandmixedpaint,that will soon had troubled her no more.The samechalkoffanddiseolor,when you con colored woman says she —suffered=:from —indigestion,The —preacher- loetor took a vlass about two-thirds full of water,blew his breath into the water,and gave it to her to drink.She drank it down and now, while she eats whatever she wants, Sor can get,indivestion troubles her no more.Must be oa pretty og od hypnotist,that preacher iw\ opened Miss Blanch Mann,formerlytheLynchburgorphanage,is matron wt Lees cottage. APPEALS TO PRESIDENT. The White House will not issueforthepresentanyspecialregula-tions regarding appeals made to the President from the decisions of dis- boards.Pro-Crowder has notified State Geverno-s that appealedbesentbydistrictboardstoStateheadquartersfortransmissiontotheprovostmarshalforactionofthePresident. Mt.Airy furniture factories employing women because efseareityofmalehelp. arethe Scena ecntgerersocaAppaTABLETS. Buy Washing Tablets that willdeanClothesinfrom10to15min-utes,without rubbing and not injurethem.Price 15 cents.Address D.W.RASH,Statesville,N.C.Deliv-ery in town and pay postage bothWaysoutoftown.Subject War! Dr.Wm.F.Edwards. The World -Famous Healer,Lectur- er and Preacher,in’the city of Statesville.Located at 255 Garfield street,First Baptist church, colored, Cures all kinds of Aches and Pains, Nervous Troubles,Female Com- plaints,Fevers;and in fact will henefit or cure anything that is not unto death,without the use of near Has Many drugs. Will preach and heal in Court ffouse, Sunday,9th,at 3)p.m.Reserved seats for whites.Come,regardless f race or color.Those wha havetriedhimandheardhimsayheisawonderTribune,Record ane Greensboro Daily News highly en-dorse bis work. Office hours:8 to 9 p.m. Coneultation ble, a.m.to 3 p.m; free.Term reasona 255 Gartield street. WHATS THE USE oying on ta okd-Gme, old-fagy, doctor colored man tells The Land- ‘kh that while the preacher - nid he could cure anything one doe-»theroughly modern,scientific,ma-mechine-made PURE PAINT that '!will out-cover and out-last lead-and-“wasn't bern with,”he <7 liadoilpaintandcastyoulessmoney?10 Pelieve his hodily afflictions..,was suggested that)the applicant FOR SALF BY Jacked faith,but he insisted that there must be “somethin’in it,”even though he yet no relief.The preach- r -doctor does nothing but make pusses with his hands over the pa- tients,he said,and give them water to drink after he has breathed on the vater.There is no rubbing or nomena, “LT thought that there things « and prayer,”ned mrrator of the tory Statesville,W.C. TICE!NO ' Commencing today we will discon-tinue the Jithey Service in the usual way and establish Mehedules on the Hiferent prominent streets.First ov factinobecperatedwillbealinefromthecolored Bloomfield fat W.T.Sumpter's herein related.“He (the prencher-Store)via Front Street to Square deetor)may pray,but Eo know he and Southern Depot.This car wil’doen't fast,"he concluded.very 30°minute nm the even .:ae!ka |Others will he ei cn Will Be Attached te the Amer- later.No Schedule on Sunday.ican Army. RIDE THE JITNEY.ae *That temiee ecu tr ioJITNEYTRANSFERCO.transport)section of the American Statesville,N.C. an- me cont Meld Service will be taken over lytheAmericanarmyandincorporat-cd in the quartermascer's department.The ambulance sections of the same serviee are now being tak- en-over by the American Army Med ical Corps.In the Freneh army,to which the field service men have been attached,these two ections vere under one head,that of the au- tomobile service. The enlistment of the personne!of DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL enStatesvil.TELEPHONE AGEMENTS, SVECIAL ATTENTIONTOCHILDREN'STEETH. trouble,~h BatterIfyouhave th ebringusyourCar.the troub’u.an expert! STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. DR.J.M.HOLLAND.DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS RUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store —the ambulance sections probably will require some time,as they are scat- tered along the front from the Semme to Alsace.The transport sections are concentrated in a single sector,and the werk of medical ex- mination and =enlistment can becompletedsoon.This work will be undertaken by the arvermaster's department within a Tivcotens Cedar and Pine Shingles. All grades —lowest prices.Nails, Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Brown Green Shingle Stains. ©.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- dell County. wooAm D SAWINGaytosawyourseemeor ae: ".a8 1 . If You Want a Flooring That | | | i}uiitH} ti Messrs.Julian and Searr Mo von of Statesville are attached to the auto -truck 7 rt service - loorin:‘ail was expected t this service woul °c at wont ———be taken over by the American ur-that won't gp gg ra Pn my in France. won's cup,a eatherboarding ."Bxperience the Heat Teacher. that won't buekle,buy from it ts generally admitted that experienceC,WATKINS._(best teacher,but should we net make cee own’oneBatteryInspectionFree. the experience of others ae well as our it more to be depended apon than that of one We are ive Battery ac- The experience of @ theweand por jindivides!,Many thousands of perconm have rechargeOme.caer te ereA OR CO, fused Chambertsin's Cough Remedy for courts pewe Sere ia jand cohts with the beet reulte,which howstobeatherouehlyrelvationfortheedieoes.Try fh ft ft prompt angeffvetualandtotake. 'Tal Dib a oa * ”pose of the organization as —News Items. Special Correspondence of The Landmark.Mooresville,Sept.6 ~~Mr,Wal-' ter D.Brown,aged 27,died at hishomehereTuesdaymorningofinju-ries sustained from a fall SatuattheLoreneCottonSeedOilMills,where he has been employed for sev-eral years as cotton weigher andgeneralmanager.Besides a devotedwifeandthreesmallchildren,he issurvivedbyhisparents,Mr.andMrs,James W.Brown,four broth-ers-—Messrs.Oscar,Clyde,CharlieandFrankBrown;and one sister,Miss Lorene Brown,all of this city.No death in recent years has beenmoreofashocktothetown.Fall-ing from a platform not more thanfivefeetfromtheground,Mr.Brown did not realize that he wasseriouslyinjured,After reachinghishome,medical aid was summon-ed,but his condition did not seem to be sufficiently serious to causealarm.He grew worse Sunday andMondayhisphysicianandfamily,realizing that he had gustained in-ternal injuries,summoned Dr.LonyfromStatesville,who found that theinjurieswereofsuchanatureastorendersurgicalormedicalaiduna-vailing.Few young men of the town wereorepopularwiththegeneralpub-lic than Walter Brown.Of an un-assuming nature,he lived his lifequietly,faithfully performing hisdutiesatchurch,at home and atbusiness.Yet he was kind and smnial,ever ready to perform a kindlydeedortotoad0helpinghand.Hisdevotiontohisfamilyandfriendswasunusual.His death was an in-dex to his life.When told that hehadbutfewhourstolivehean-swered calmly,“It’s all)right.”anddevotedhisremairinghourstocomfortinghiswifeandparents.Bravelyandcalmlyhepassed,with a smile,into the Great Beyond,leaving be-hind him the record of a good and ablamelesslife.The funeral was conducted Wed-nesday morning from the Methodistchurch,of which Mr.Brown hadheenamembersincehewas13yearsofage.In the absence of the ‘regu-lar pastor the servicy was conductedbyRev.J.W.Jone®,in the pres-ence of an audience that filled thechurehtoitscapacity.In the fewremarksfollowingthe Seripturereading,Mr.Jones said in effect:“]can say of this man that he had notanenemy,so far as I know;norhave|ever heard a word of blameconcerninghim;and I have knownhimsincechildhood.”The members of the fire depart-ment,of which Mr.Brown was amember,acted as pallbearers andthenewfiretruckwasusedtocon-vey the flowers to the church and‘cemetery.The unusual number andbeautyofthefloralofferingsboreeloquenttestimonytothehighes-tcem in which Mr.Brown was heldbyhisfriends. Among the out-of-townhereforthefuneralwere Mr.andMrs.J.M.Deaton and Messrs.Frank and Gus.Deaton of States-ville;Mr.and Mrs.A.D.Troutman,Mr.and Mrs.Nosear Brown and MrHermanBrownofTroutman;Mr.and Mrs.F.H.Deaton of NewtonandRev.R.A.Goodman of Mt. Pleasant. Rev.L.A.Fall day from Mill county,where he people returned Wednes- Springs,in Polk conducted a pro-tracted meeting.This was Mr.Falls’first charge when a youngman.In his absence Rev.J FsJonesfilledthepulpitattheMetho-dist church Sunday morning.Thisjuniorpreacher,who junior innameonly,havi served 39)vearsintheministryandreceived)Mr.Falls into the church when a boy,see lacks much of being old.Helivesasdpreachesthegospel—withthesamespiritandenrnusiasmthathascharacterizedhimallhislife,Mr.John W.Qvereash and son,Walter.Macon,Ga.passedthroughhereMondroutehome,iter spending a few days with rel-atives at Amit Misses BeatriceandLoisHall,the attractive youngdaughtersofMr.T.N.Hall,willteavenextweekFloraMcDonaldCollege,at Red Springs.Mr.Lath-an Mills feft)Tuesday for Raleisch,where he enters the A.and E.College.Miss Willie Poston of Mazep na,left:Monday for Davenport Col- lege,Lenoir Dr.Frontis Lent Ot of the University of Baltimore,returned Friday,after p ' here with h ’t M dean Rich returned to he n tt WinsteSalependingeveralday‘the rest Misees Eth Carp The opel College is only a few 'Two al ed member af the fs ty havebeencalledintoservecehythegee ernment Dr on MeCon nell has been asigned to duty at Camp Jackson,Columbia,and Dr,T W.Lingle of the chair of languages, is en route to France,where he will have charge of Y.M.©.A”work The places of th @ill be filled by Dr.George Carthedge in chemistryandphysics,and Prof.H.B.Over- eash,the latter an honor graduate of the elass of 115 M:T.W.Linele will join her hustiand France thi fall,The two children will remain in this countey with relative VERNIE GOODMAN. Gompers to Laboring Men Samuel Gornipr of the American Federation of Laber and chairman of the American Attiance for Labor and Liemocracy,which open ed its national conference at Minn appolis Wednesday,outlined the pur- the as-sembling for the support of the vov- eroment “all the moral and material power of the working clays of the na- is oT e €.) Toor the faculiy Marvinand,at Raltimore Vacation to m Tuesday ter ter Jobe wv president ¢ ,tien,” “Tt shall he our task,”he said,“to ~ interpret America's democratic spirit and purpose in this conflict te ow fellow-workers,especially those of foreign birth,and to combat every of propaganda,no matter by it may he carried on,whichtendsteweakentheloyaltyarddevotionofthemassesandtheirwilling.hess to strive and sacrifice for the na- tion and ite high “i Lenoir now hasfree mail delivery.| | E iffi t ih tFiifEE ?i:|3 f Hl fi F&z eis ES E E E g ¥ & @ € ’ _ GH G S MA E S & E : 5rSSi iH y “ t t 3g gcFi|| dN E Ed G.WhiteMotorStatesville,N.C.vw Lenssen JOHNSTON-BELK 0. New Fail Goods ArrivingDailyinallDepartments. Buy now,’prices are goingtobehigher. New Dress Goods,Percals,Ginghams,etc, New Dorothy Dodd Shoes “for Women all of the lateststyles. Clothing Departmemts. New and up-to-date line just received.:will be to your interest to inspect thisine, Stetson Hats. New fall showing of Stetson Hats. Shoes. Big line to select from,Men’s Women’s,Childrens’and Infants’. Come early and often to the Store thatsellsforless, 18 Big Retail Stores.18 Big Retail Stores, “7 Phone 212.=" a LEST WE FORGET. Now is a yood time to select that Monument for thelovedoneswhohavegone.We carry a larger andvarie’assortment of both Granite and Marble inMon:incnts,Tombstones and Markers to select from,Vrices reasonable. Barron &Conner. Phone 215,118 E,Broad Street, i INGERSOL DOLLAR WATERWarprice$1.35.See me if you are inaWatch.I can supply thatneed.In stock,Hamilton,SouthaEigin,New York §&iance,H.B.WOODWARD of any kind of man is not "903Wilson,writing to Sam'l.“ean fail to see that ashamed.officerswererecentlysenttoColumbia,5. C.,including those from Iredell, found the vamp quarters not ready. |When they sought quarters in town ‘they found rates at an ordinary boarding house $3.50 per day.Athescrambledeggand:wo chips of ba- con at a quick lunch counter cost 55 cents.Four officers clublied togeth- er te rent a house for their wives. atriv-They had to take for six months at ing men and women are counting the treasures of right justice and liberty which are being threate.ed by our present enemies.- Continuing,the President pays his respects to the moral traitors among us who are trying to weaken our forces,Hear him,you who “ean’t see no use for this war";you who pretend that you don’t know what we are fighting fer;and you ignorantly innocent who are misled by the agitators who try to create unrest and disloyalty.Hear him: “ft has not been a matter of sur- prise to me that the leaders in cer tain groupe have sought to ignore our grievances against the men who have equally misled the German peo- ple.Their insistence that a nation whose rights have been grossly vic- lated,whose citizens have been foul- ly murdered under their own flag, whose neighbors have been invited to join in making conquest of its ter vitery,whose patience in pressing the claims of justice and humanity bur been met with the most shatme- fal poliey of truculence and treach- ery their insistence that a nation ca outraged does net knew its own rind,that it has no comprehensible yr eaon for defending —itself,for joing with all its might in main- jainine a free future for itself and its ideals,is of a piece with their deafnesa to the oft-repeated state- ment of our national purposes.” Read that again and again.Car- yy it with you and read it at every opportunity After that if you do sot know “the voice of that America SS love and serve,”your case is hiepeless.Hear the President fur grec: or forcesit,perhaps,that these ‘earnedtagonismhavenotyet the of that America sve and serve?Jt may well be those among us who stand ready forward the plans of aggression od in seeret do not understand the ceiuage of democracy when it pro- towns the purposes of war in terms i neace for the peoples that shall -untroubled by those whom men acc but the pawns their strugle f.y power and gain.But true Amer- jeans,these who toil here for home ie the hope of better things,whose Aifted eyes have caught the vision of i.diberated world,have said that of Yhe policy of bleed and iron there shall be an end and that equal jus- Bice,which is the heart of democra- cy,shall rule in its stead.” RUSSIA. The Russian situation may not bethopeless,us the optimists claim,but ‘The Landmark is unable to see any thing on which to base a hope.After geveral months,barring one forward moversent early in July,before the Russian seldiers became demoralized vith their ideas of freedom,the Rus- Bian situation appears more Hopeless dhan ever.|Disorganization and de-moralization are widespread.ThefallofRigamaynotbefatal,and theMarkTapleysbelieveitwillpwepiritintotheRussiantroops.They aiso see such disaster to Germanarms,if German troops go toetrograd,as followed Napoleon vhen he invaded Russia.ve ope the optimists are right, bet they must excuse us if wegan’t see through their spectacles.If German military commanders think it wise to go to Petrograd,the Ger- man army will go there.If it does not it will be a matter of stratery, not because it can't go. Stable government vill come Russia after years of turmoil! strife.There is not now,northerebeen,any solid foundation for a hepe that a stable government can beorganizedinthatcountryinafew months.Why deceive ourselves about Russia?That country ms to behelplesslyimpotentsofarasthiswar is concerned.The taking of Riga may not be en important in reality,but the moral effect in’Germany —canerlybeestimeted.Moreover,themsionofRussiagiveseeeto stpplies that Germany + The war may end v but not by the help of Rusia: we must understand that the br of Russia's default falls on the ed States, er e-em ee SUPPRESS THEM. Speaking at Gotham,N.J.,Theo- dove Roosevelt:urged enactment by t oovress of legislation which would prohibit:publication of —newspapers printed in the tongue of any nation with which the United States is at war,“We must have one language —the languaye of the Declaration of Independence,of Washington's fare- well address and Lineoln’rreatspeeches,”the former President said, “The leading German papers of this country has candalously dis- loyal to the Siates and tohumanity.” Col.Roosevelt is cverlastingly fight,and The Landmark would =gorther,The publication of newspa- ws in the United States.in othermtheEnclishlanguage,should beshibitedat r an row voice to mn ‘ to and has ceeds rer ’vear and rder Unit heen United any and all times. lish is the language of this try and foreigners who come to live should learn to speak and the English language.Printing rs in a foreign language»The Lawimark holds,to pre- the study of English and to pre-the people who continue to and read the language of their countries from becominy gooodcitizens,foreign language newspaperhitedStatesshouldbesup->nets remain sup- Yearsold,son oftown-bloodForkofA©biapete country ie at war, $500 a month,a house worth about $5,000.Rent of rooms at hotels jumped from $20 a month to $45. Only a few samples.There has been much talk and ef- fort to secure moral conditions in the zones surrounding these camps.Whiskey and the immoral women are to be barred,All most com- mendable.And yet some of the folks who chase the bootlegger and the scarlet women with great real,will turn about and rob thesoliiersoftheirlastpenny,and look ious while they're doing it.There are morals and =morals,and somepeoplewhothinkthey're very mor- al are guilty of practices that world make a commen thief ashamed. Too much can't be done to drive lisver and lewd women from the vi- cinity of these camps:but Vnele Sam should include in the drive the brazen robbers who would take from the men who are serving their coun- trv their little substance take —it from them because they can. RE a Florida has en member of “Governor Catts —of appointed a woman ar taff playing polities,likely.” remarks a contemporary.Gov.Catts has done worse than that.The ap- pontment of a woman en his staff, purely honorary position,can do no harm.But the Governor,elected as a reformer,appointed his son,a young man inexperienced in milita- ry affairs,according to report,colo- nel of a Florida regiment.As a re sult the War Department sent an efficiency beard to Florida and the idea is that it will dispose of young Catts.The Florida Governor is a preacher,we believe.He won the governorship over the machine poli- ticians,and now he discredits him- self and his supporters by appoint- ing his son to a responsible position, for which it is alleged he is unfitted his Secretary of War Baker is deter- mined,it seems,to send negro diers ta Southern camps.It is pass- ing strange that the Secretury per- sists in this course in the face of the imminent danger;a danger of which he could know if he was willing to listen with an open mind;and a fact he should know without being toid It is strange,too,that President W# son,Who should be familiar with the cituation,in view of his Souther: Lirth and rearing,docs not interfer It will be little shert of 2 miracle riot and bloodshed Not from sending these troops Southern camps. PEATOTTETOTIEiTAREE While cotton mills and other in- dustries in western North Carolina,affected by the Keating child labor law,are not subject to the opera- tions of the law until the courtsfinallypassonJudgeBoyd's opinion that the act is unconstitutional, some of the factories are observing the law.Having made preparation in advance to exclude all children under 14 and to work those between 14 and 16 only eight hours a day, some mill people are carrying out the plan. Moonlight Air Raids. The first moonlight German air raid over the London district occurred about midnight Tuesday night and re- sulted in the dropping of bombs.The extent of the damage has not been stated.One bomb fell just ouside a hospit- al,another smashed through a_thea- ter and still another hit a retail store in which a number of girls were sleep- ing Notwithstanding the moonlight, nothing could be seen of the raiders, _although their engines could be heard overhead.That they were invisible was perhaps due to a slight haze. which was insufficient to obscure the moon, The Chatham district sol oif result to does nerre of Enyland for the first time experienced an air} raid Monday night.when one or mor:bombs fon a section of the Royal Naval barracks,killing 107 bhie jack ets outright and wounding &6 others The property damag as not heavy. fei Ww Negro Troops How colon Vine elo oin assim@nme: the drafted section of the National army is revealed 'general orders ss ued,showing the War Denartment’'s intention to apportion the negro troops evenly,where possible,in all cantonments.The order —provides that in every cantonment there shall he one negro infantry regimert,vhere sufficient:personnel is availa ble. Protests have been made.against quartering negre troops in certain arts of the South,but no modifiea- tion has heen made.The order —is taken as an indication of what the War Department will do in disposing of similar regiments in NationalGuardcamps. Another Coal Promise. Early fixing of retail coal prices ispromisedbyDr.H.A.Garfield,the fuel administrator,in a statementoutliningthegovernment's coal con-trol policy.Prices will be establish-ed for communities with the aid oflocalcommittees,into whose handswillbeputresponsibilityfortheirenforcement, A plan of apportionment of coalwillbeworkedout,Dr.Garfield an-houneces,by which domestic consum-ers will obtain everywhere a fairshareofthesupplyatpricesWhichwillrefleetthosefixedforoperatorswndwholesalersbythePresident.ee-.ceeControlofthesugarindustrtheUnitedStateshasbeenvolu administration by refiners’|sentatives,who agreed to rerawsugart‘be ~~ins Apportioned. have ignor-¥ neyro troeps in heen t { ' ntarily in the hands of the food their - thejudges 7 few days of comeeennsagainhavestarted Bainsi:oe and thensizzautoeastofGorizia,on however,from i Brestovizza val ae sea,lialians have been com AS 'stand violent counter -endeavoring hold back Gen.Cadorna } a further appreach tooneplaceforcedtheltalianstocedeAcounter-attack by the i but resulted in the capture of morethan400prisoners.‘ of Gorizia,the Italians save made further vains,capturing an be No details have been vouchsafed;concerning the battle whichis in sive against A on In the south,ley to Austrians,who are Tings ' Austrians at one not alone retrieved the lost position, On the insizza plateau northeast tant Austrian position near Oe >j progres)northeast of Gorizia,and no confirmation is at hand of the ré-); verted capture by the Italians ofMontSanGabriele,the last domi- nating position held by the AustriansnerthofGorizia.Nearly 1,700 menhavebeencapturedbytheItaliang ©). in the fighting in the Gortzia seetor. In the region of Riga the Russians are retiring eastward and nerth- eastward all along the line,pursued|by the Germans.The war vessels which were reported to be shelling! the Riga coast line,and which it was | thought,probably might be cover-|ing a landing of troops,to cut off the) retreat of the Riga army,were sub-| marines, The operations on the western | front in Beleiom an@ Yranee con- tinue to be carried out mainly by theopposingartilleries.Reciprocal air| raids continue to be earried out British,French and German airmen| at points far ~behind the fighting || line.Rehind them,the Russians left Ri-| ra partly aflame as the result of the! German shells hurled mto the town!before they departed,while the smouldering ruins of small villages mark the path over which the other contingents have passed,having been set on fire during the rotreat.WhiletheGermanswereknockingatthe rates of Riga from the west and outhwest,hurling shells of all cal- and loosing yas waves againstthetown,Joyal Russian troops held them back Jong enough to blow up the fortifications at the mouth ef theDvinaandrazetnebridyesoverthe waterway.To the south where the defection in the ranks of the sians was apparently greatest,the Germans,according to the Berlin of- ficaal communieation,took some thers We claim to have more plant to the square foot WHERE.We keep our YOUR STOMACH’S SAK! OWN SATISFACTION. VISIT us, time you drop in, by js Rur-: CLEANLINESS. You will find a CLEAN house any old The home of in bottles. To get the TRUE meaning of SANITATION LOOK US OVER. courts to write , ions,authorizedlionofaproposal toateto vored the *error”nowheforetheUnitedStatesSenate,#measure em courtstodisregardintech-nical errors or defects which do notaffectthesubstantialrightsof parties.The indictment of Germany de- rounces these acta:Sinkine merchant ships withoutsummons,ee of a barred sone conspiracies mestic peace and trade ofedStates,murder ofvscaultsonwomen,wanton devasta- oft - ‘ Freatt and threats te treat oth- ryiners as franetireurs,deporta-of women and young girls,and king hospital ships and supply h ailing under save conductsromtheGermanauthorities. “We welcome,”said the report,entry of the United States intoworineonjunetionwiththeEn- ies for the purpose of check- ne such lawless excesses and over- +s ng these forms of autoeracywhchmenace4hepeace,security andationofthewholeworld.” _SERENATACDCR tri erm el e the ter ‘ evil Rand Played For the Fighting. vethur Toscanini,the noted Ital- conduetlor,for many years up to isieal director at the Metro- 'Opera House in’New York, I on decorated wy the Italian vovernment for yreat bravery under {cys a dispatch from Rome. ‘Tocseanini,the accounts from ont disclose,kept his military niaying during the battle of Sante in the present offensive Italian front,the soldiers tooning the positions of the enemyvtrainsofthismartialmasic. the midst of the fiehting and at itime when the Austrian barrage was at its height,Signor Tos- ni led his band to one of the ad-ed positions where,sheltered |.s huge rock,he conducted a(|which did net stop until |had heen brought»to him that '.jiahan soldiers ffad stormed and the trenches of te Austrians the music ef his band. The medal,whieh iv inseribed with 1 ‘taple engraving,is made of sil wes oar Sh. the ‘t}14 on the ey ate \— thousands of priseners and also cap- ton do more than 150 guns and large vatities of war material,——— CLEANLINESS in our than ANY plant ANY- plant SANITARY fer ‘as well as for YOUR We encourage folks to BOTTLING COMPANY. the do-the Unit-.civilians and’ i localities abandoned,looting| ’cecupied regions,murder of Cap- 'CTORIAL REVIEW PAT- TERNS eliminate all wasteandatthesametimeguaranteesmartstyle. ;‘That is true economy.Make|\}pews own clothes and let other,ands do other work. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS male sewing a pleasure.‘They carcure perfection of ft,perfectionoffiveandsavefromone-half to one whole yani of material on every dress. ' i} ft'\ »N October Patterns and The Fail Fashion Book NOW ON SALE Be sure to see our new Plaid Ginghams,Everybody’s Wearing Gingham Dresses Nowadays. We wil)send you samples—ask for the Devonshire Cloth,too,the best by test for Children’s school wear. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal pesrenege of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGIGRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if our service in needed. Cordially yours,= Manager. Wedo NOTARYPULICworkalso. THE COLE THREE-ROW GRAIN DRIL J.F.CARLTON,- DRILL. The Cole Three-Row Grain Drill is the greatestlabor-saving Drill that has ever been invented.The Open F'urrow Method which is made possiblebyitsuseistheoniysafewaytosowOats,andisthebestforothergrain,so as to be sure of stands. oo of farmers who used the Cole DrillharvestedgoodcropsofOatsthisseason—thehardesteverknown—while those who used otherDrillsscarcelygotbacktheirseed.Also,wheat sowed with the Cole Drill stood the winter betterandmadeabetteryield. The Thoughtful Husband SuppliesHis Wi |Modern KitchenHelpers.Wie ™ No man wants his wife to work her fingers to the bone! He wants her to have everything that will make her work—gave her time give sheisall fagged ont by need|woman who doe |.No wife ean do herself and her family justice,when of thewithout easier her leisure —f makes:|home life brighter,happier,sweeter._—Cole in . LE :Ff P a d h fii Fi s ty Fleming t visiting Mrs.R."Bikin, Mi.ond Mere.LL.C,r,Helen,have returned to ¢homeAshevilleefteravisitoftwoweekswithBtatesvilleretatives.Mee.W.L.Bil of Gainesville,Fla.,whoapentthesummeratConnetiySprnga,ia thegeetofMrs.J,F.BowlesMixesHelenWeedonofsiowing Rock in ipPtutesvilletospendthewinterwithher«id-ter,Mev.Talton Kennedy,and attend thewehoodtr.J.M.Welch has returned to bis homeatHolder,Fle,after spending two weekswithhissister,Mre.N.P.Watt,Mies Rachel Goodman w spending seme timewithhergrandmotherintheeduntry.Mrs.L.W.Morgan is at Alkalithia Springsforafewdays,Mr.F.J.Axtey bas returned from a visittoAtianta,Ga.,and other points.Mre.Ax- ley,who had teen in Celifurnia for some months,haa returned to Murphy and will behormeinafewweeks,Litth Miss Betale Davis of Salisbury ia the wuest of Mixes Virginia Long. Mr.and Mr.H.BE.Lewin and littl daughter,Kleanor,who have been spendingtwoweeksinElkin,will return home Sunday.Mr.Jno.W.White returned to Chapel Hil Wednesday to resume his studies in the Uni-versityMr.James P.Flanigan returned yesterday from a besiness teip in Virwinia.,Mies Laura Lazenby went to yesterday to spend two daysMrJ.Paul Leonard returnednightfromReekyMount,where attend a barbecue Munday. *Minn Matiidn Bryant,whe vivted Mr,dndMrs.P.A.Bryant,returned yosterday to herhomeinDurhamMrv.J.1.Kimball has wone to Coneord to attend the marringe of Mine Johasie Sims andMr.Rother Rideohour,whieh takes place inConcordtomorrow ise Willie Lawe le Ga.,where she will tench sehun! Mies Lois Lowe has gone ta teach in the bivh school department of Asheville schoolsMieeKatieHoover of Newton in few days with Miss Nannie Mill» Mo.and Mra.Charles 4.MedffattGraceMoffettofBirmingham,Ala,iting Mre.Fred A Themas ‘Mes F.B Audrey of Daltias,tguert of Mre J.D CoeMiesJaneStiholeather bee returned efter a two weeks’vireit te Miss Lydia lbeethe:at Loray Mr.and Mrs.C.Vo Henkel and children and Mero ood Mero Dd.Cravi and children havehavereturnedfromBlowingReoek,where they Spent the summer Mr.and Mr-Harhey bers,whe fm,teen spendingintown,have returned home.Mrv.C.Watkins has returned from a visit toTelutivesatGaetoniaMre.©.M.Richards and children of DavidSonarepiestsofMr.and Mrx.W.F.HattMrs.F.F.Steele and little son have turned from Brevard,where they spent summer Miss Kdith McLaughlin has returned fromavieitofseveraldaysatLenoirandBlowing Troutman agd tittle Thomasville Wednesdayhewentto ves today for Newnan,Raurlish in the biv': Asheville to the pending a and Mine “are Vine Tes,is the here Stike- of North Witkee-severni day»do the Lewis is apendiny «few day»withter,Mre HL A.Millie,nt High Point R.EK.Clapp and ser,Master Reberi have returned fram Peederick,Med, they spent ten days with relativesJ.Mo Mitehell spent Tuesday inforaville,attending a meeting of the holders of the cotton millMrs,Lila Mo Henry of Wadesbere fpend the week-end with Mrs.Mary LL, mone.Mrs.Henry is en route homethemountains Young Folks Off to School—To- mato Club Meeting Corresponuence of The Landmers Mt.Ulla,Sept.4.The last Temate club meeting was with Mra.Jehn MeNeely ofAmity.Mise Henkel was ehere and conducted the meetngy and work The elub seems to be doing tine work,a most every one hea been wetting alone nies'y vith the’canniny Mies Linnie Albright of Waynesville stoppedovertoseendtheweekemdwithMrTom Morrow.She went on to China Growe Monday,where she will teach in the Farm Life Sehooi Miss Elizabeth Albright came up from Camp Latta at Charlotte to spend a few deys vis-iting Mr.Morrow and Mrs.Owens,She willgofromheretotheStateNormal,Greensboro,where she will be in school this yearRev.R.Bo Owens of Charlotte,who hasheenconductingamissionatChristchurchatCleveland,spent last night with his brother, KE.PF.Owens,at Amity.geitie on this morningtoCharlotte.Mrs,Lee Goodmin of Raleigh,who has been visiting Mr.GB.Goodmanandotherrelatives,was joined here by herhusbendSaturday.They will return home to- Pay- Btoek- will Si- from y.The old Poston bridge was washed away by the big rein Friday night.Quite a let of the corn on the creeks was damaged badly.Ray and Kate Morrow leave this morning for sehoel Ray weing te the A.and EL atRaleighandKatetoMitchellCollere,States ville We wish these youns people a suc-eowful year.Rev J A.Smith preached at Bethesda Sun- day.Every one whe heard him pronouncedthesermonsplendid.We will have services how every first and third Bunday at il emPredMorrow,from Camp Greene,Charlotte,spent Sunday at home.MP.Junius Christy of Amity,who has been quite sick,ix improving. Notices of New Advertisements Household furniture for Phone 452blackRoomforrentforlighthousckeeping.West Front streetFirst-class sawyer wantedBimweod,R-). lresh Jersey cow for «ate.-A,W. Howse for rent 1 C.Steele. Cid fashioned pound cate.DP.J.KimballChattanooraplows.tredell Hardware Co.Announcement.BR.L.Sloan,Sanitary plant.Coea-cola Battling Co.For new cars,take a wok.Statesville tor Co,Vall styles at Ovstreicher's,Salisbury.Mics Amy Heinzerling,tenecher of piano-forte,617 Tradd street Allen's Princess Ranges.-Crawford-BanchParnatareCo.Olive soap.Mills &Poston.shoes.Sherrill-White Shoe Co.and new plaid winghage..Rameey-Bowler-Morrivon Co.% ale, 616 h Q Warren, Runeh. interested in ears at court bouwre Sunday after.Rdwards. ae ce s Mo.| i fe IL E ti n e Mi if |aft ®meeting of oe Sonatas ofreeyTuesdayafternoonMrs.Mackeowon,Mra,BR L.PostonBarringerwereelected State convention of theheldatKinstonOctoberwastransacted. Mine Lila Parker of BirminghamfuestofhonorwhenMrs.BE.BR.Rankin en-tertained at severn!tables of bridwe Wednes-day afternoon.Prizes were presented to Mre.A.P.Steele,who made the bhivhest score,andtheguestofhonor,A salad course wasserved,Guests from out-of-town were Mins Parker,Mts,Eugene Davis of LynchburgandMixRachelBordenofGoldsboro, Miss Manetta Crowell entcrtained Wednes-day afternoon in boner of her quests,MissesLoiaCrowellaudBlignbetiiHarrisofConcord.A number of yvames were played,“MinsesBuniceStearnsandLilaHenkelcutforthehighestseore.There were no prixes but themuestsofhonoreachreecivedaprettyero-echeted yoke.A dainty calad course waxserved,A green and white color scheme wasearriedoutinthedecorations. Misses Marianna and Virginia Long gaveanoutingTuesdayto2numberoftheiryounfriends,complimentary to their guests,Misses Margaret Durkee of Jacksonville,Fla.;Marguret,Sura,Virvinia and Elinabeth BoydafMooresville.The day was spent in Mr.T.J.All'son'’s weeds on Davie avenue.Various frames «ere played sad dinner waa servedTheLouschildrenalsogeveanat-home to #number of their friends Wednesday afternoon. The Dauyhters of the American RevolutionbeudtheirfirstmeetingoftheseasonMondayatTe.J.FO Carlton's with Mra.Bawene Da-vis and Mrs.Cariton as hostesses,Several hew members reported.The Daughters give @nnually two medaia,one for the best articlebyalocalhighschoolpupilandtheotherfor the best article by a pupil of the county seho!s,of some subject reflected by the chap-ter,The subject selected for this year’s awardfa:“John Paul Jones,His Relation to NorthCarolinaandHisServieesDuringtheRevo-lution.” The chapter agreed to knit outfits for sailors on the battleship North Carolina,Mrs.BB. Webb being clewted chairman of the committeetohavecharweoftheworkHowusalso tered not te serve refreshmenta at the meet- jugs of the chapter and to divert the money that woeld be spent for refreshments ing Wool for the kaitting Here's hoping that more of the follow the action of the Daurhter efreshments at their meetings ved are not noeded they are net especially layrne:they Nave .the grown-ups war and eat bet treatin, they ent sulmtantials at then let them eat befoce they startfotheirmeetingsortaketherlunch fetter sQiH,quit in time to wet heme by rex-Giar mend time,“Phere are those,in this tine of hoe.of L,whe find it hard enough to pro- vide three square meals a day und it is hich time to save all possible. Many Meetings in Yadkin— Visitors—Mrs.George Crippled Correspondence of The Landmark. Hamptonville,R-i,Aus.41.We have had dry weather and the air is cool and pleasant.Had aw sood rain last night The protracted meeting season is new on.The meetin at Shiloh embraced the first Sun- day in this month The pastor.Re Ww.T Cone,Was assisted by Revo Mr.Fry of Mocksville,whe did some able prewehing Quito «number professed faith in ChristThemetingatZionbewanthethirdSun- day Rev.Messrs.West and Comer assistedthepaster,Rev.T.BE.Redmar The church wee greatly revived ana a pumber ofsinnersweresaved.The meeting closed Fri- day night The meeting at St.Paul besan last Sundayandwillcontinuetendaysovtwoweeks.The paster,Rev.F.C.Wert,is being asgisted byRev.Wit)Johnson of Gastonia.The ia Bro. Jobnson's home church.He is quite a youns man but bids fair te make an eloquentpreacher. Dr.W Windsor of Bayard, relatives in this section eat nied by hia wife,th andechild They made the entire trip ow oeur They were on the road 10 celine 1.200 miles Dr.Windsor wasrearedinJredeilcounty.near Wil.Hamebilrs He taught school for a numberofyearsintheeounty:Later he studied medicine and located at Courtney tkhnown then as Cross Roads),Yadkin county hemerriedMiakMaggieJarvis.In 1803)hemovedtoMissouri,where he stillMr.and Mrs.Raymer Windsor,Mr.and Mrs.Hebart Johnson.Meésdames Evie Cass and Eva Wood of Winston-Salem are visitingrelativesinthiscommunity.Mr.Frank Dear-man and family of Dunlap,tredell county,visited relatives here the first of the week“Aunt”law George,who_lives with her daughter,Mrs.EK.G.Myers,fell some time awo and received injuries waieh disabled her Owing to her extreme age her recovery isdoubtful, :“AUOWLIVE,}O Surppa Torrespondence ot ‘The CLandmara. Harmony,Sent.6 Wednesday morning at rurprise wedding took piace at Har mony,at the home of Mr.and Mix.J.V Haguarly,when their only daughter.Emily Dahite Baywarly,beeame the wife of Mr.J Thomas Mishoe of Conway,8.(The riage war a aturprive to all except ai fewintimatefriendswhowitnessedtheceremony until telexcams of congratulation came pour-ing in directed to “Mr.and Mrs.J.1Mishoe,whieh told the story The bride was beautifully attired in a wedding costume of moute colored satin,with accesories to match She carried «@ gorycous rink Killarney roses.The onlyornwasadiamondplatinum,agroomMrs.Mishor for several years has held animportantpositionwithHon.H Wood ward of Conway.“Twas here Miss Bagwarty first met Mr.Mishoe.Later,friendship sprunr up between the two,then love entwined their hoarts,Mr.Mishoe is to buy- eltba willandcuton Thetosustain neurul refresh menis ‘the taoreky : the yve ur ihe Vittle children which they vont if tneal time, own Quite ,Visited waerecomandawlittle in nw me days,tra bern and v herve lives ‘aoa mar. bouquet of ornament Vit of the a young man of sterlingcuatitiesandisheldinhighexteembyall jwho know him.He holds a reaponsible posi- tion with the Southern Railway Co. The evremony was pertoymed by Rev.OvidPullen,osing the impressive ring ceremonyimmediatviyofterthetwoWeremadhebriteandgroomleftforanextendedtriptoWesternpoints.Mrs.Mishoe's wise‘cirele of friends wish them ail yoy and happ- Personal Items. or.eapondence of The Lanamart |Trowtman,R-1 Sept,5.Mrs.Daisy Logan of Taylorsville te spending a few weeks with |relatives and friends here Misses Fannie jand Brevard Neill are visiting Mixes Fannie ‘and Ola Cavier,near Mooresville,Mr.M|R.Sherrill,whe has heen vwortine in Richmond,Va.,for the past year,came homeweektospendawhilewithhieparents ’and Mee,W.T.Sherri! Miss Grace Jotmeon is spending severs'daysinMoorgnville,the mwest of her sister,MrsMebLeanaLL.,Mrs.&H.Houston and little con aeor.Oviwalt is the guest ofRenaBrownofMooresville. one have club member; in which it is competing;(4)er first,second or third year ——sped *ot autiiiite Ass —First year gir’best exhibit,5 jars:1 jar blackber-ries or dewberries (canned)orpumpkin;1 jar peaches,pears or ap-ples (canned);1 jar string beans feanned);1 jar soup mixture (can-ned);1 jar tomatoes (canned); Canning outfit given by Meridian Canning Co.,Meridian,Miss.Class I!-——Any club girl under 20vearsofagemakingbestexhibit,$10 to defray expenses to CanningSchool,1918,given by Merchants’Association,Statesville. |Seeond prize—-$8 to assist in defrayingexpensestoCanningSchool, given by Chamber of Commerce, |Mooresville.|Class Ml —Club woman over 20iyearsofagemakinybestexhibitof |canned vegetables,82.50 given by Chamber of Commerce,Moores- ville.1 jar okra;1 jar soup mixture; }jar string beans;1 jar corn,1 jar tomatoes,Club wemen allowed to compete \for one prize only. Class IV Clab woman over 26 years of age making best exhibit of preserves and sweets to be packedin5042jars;1 jar preserves;1 jar watermelon rind;1 jar blackberry jam;1 jar peach,plum or orange marmalade.$2.50 given by Board of,Education. Club woman over 20 years of agemakingbestexhibitofsweetandsourpicklein5042jars,$2.50 givenbyBoardofEducation.1 jar euewm-bers or cucumber rings;|jar sliced tomatoes;|jar chow chow;1 rDixierelish;1 jar sweet pickle venches;|jar stuffed bell ppers Best jar cucumber pickle;best watermelon rind sweet pickle;best canned peaches;best string beans;hest apple butter;best mint jelly; best glass jelly;best bottle tomatscatsup;best jar cucumber rings. PAYING COUNTY BILLS. Bids For Bridge Bonds on 24th—School Tax Election. The county commissioners,in regulary mooth-‘ly session Monday,pasted the following claims:Roads and bridges Clarence Abernathy $20.J.A.Bradford $21.11,Brady Printing Co,86,i.H.Brantley 810,J.BE.Boyd $125,3.4bBowman$16,G.C.Cress $5,J.L.Caldwell $16.42,BE.F.Craven $185,C.BR.Bellinger $9, Deits @ Pattersan $15.60,8.A,Fowler 8407.92, Gieod Rovds Supyiy Co.&.W.HK.Haricedl$339.62,C.C.Hactness 8563.16,C.G.Hoover $12.50,N,Hussey 8456,Holland Bros.811.08,H.C.Hunter $201.64,C.B.Jones 8715.02,W.C.Jehnston &Co.$26.98,J.W.H.Jobnaten $4.74,DO PF.Jenkins $140,Lredell Hardware €o,8265.01,Larenby-Monteome:y HardwareCo.$70.65,©.LL.Murdock $255.00,E.A.Matheson $16.25,Rame Matheson #15,L.¢ Myers &Son $19.01,J.KR.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co.$313.01,W.M.Neel Co, $237.86,G.C.Putman #29,¢~PerJ.A.Perry $4.45,W.LL.Post Pieree 88,C.C.Redman #4 d$100,A.M.Rankin $147.54,J Reavis$4.44,John Shaw 86,A.1G.Smith $12.55,T.M.Stikel ather $25,M.J.Scrowus $20.PDShores$53.08,Statesville O11 Co.tsa.14.|Bille 858.90,C.V.Troutman $68.f0,1 fempleten 88.15,J.DD.Tucks $25,1Turner&Co.621.04,C.C.Tharpe 85.75 Turbyfi})}$34.45,BR.PD Williams 87.20,V'allace 827.J.G.White @22.21,M.M erepeoon 86.05 Taxes W.A.Howard 83.18,/ 846.90,J McDowell 82.21,Jcolored,$3.18,Wo B.Campbel} Warsham $5.48,all rebate:Buren Jurr listing taxes,$186.80;The Landmerk.ndver- tising fax definguents,Sfi6,Jd.M.Watts, balancing tax scrolls,Court house,court and county officers H.¢Cook,janitor,$45:J.A.Hartness,portage, $2.50;M.P.Alexander,postage,$6.22;States-ville Printing Co.81.25,Walker-Evans @ Cows- well Co,827.50,City Blectrie Light &Co.$20.94,Edwards &Broughton ¢Brady Printne Co.€9.90,Tredell Hardware Co.$2.20,all for supplies;L.C.Caldwell, esunty attorney,@25;Mh Ross McFlace. county physician,850,W.C.Johnston 848,J.T.Smith $37,J.A.Brown $48,GE.Pull inty demonstration agent,860,all cnt.>M.P.Alexander $13.36,@.L.Woodsides13.29,conveynye prisoners;Mrs,CL.Cruse, wurt stenographer,810;Billy Alexander, drawing jury,#1 County Home superintendent,#60 .M L.Warren 825 fer to,Mb Bov les-Morrison Co. Furnishing Co.$2.49, Litten @ Clodfelter Co.$22.20,H.C girlor fer and paupera-W.¢Perr, ».Goedman £)and D Mra,Lettie Preye,Goodman #2,Rames $1.00,Statesvilke House Smith &Brawn #1 8, $8.45,Statesville Drug Bailey $20,3.F.Yount #9, G.BK.Dall $8.80,Wallace Bros’Co.#40 02, Ss Ww Stimson 83.95,Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.83.06,4.K.Moerriaon Grocery &Produce Co,$3.46,©.C.Tharpe 826,Moores- ville Flewr Mille 872.50,Ipedel)Produce Co.$41.52,Iredell Hardware Co.$5.06,all fer ipplies:Evaline Grant $2,Lewis Redman #2. temporary retief:J.C Reseman,baline straw, 318.40 Miscellaneous The notice te pensioners, work; nurse, Landmark,publishing $i.ie:C,Hyamea,| painting signe for bridges,66 cents.Larerb-ty-Montgomery Hardware Co.,suppliesyl,$170:OF.LL.Wweedsides,jailer,862.95;f.F.Williams,fee and auto hire,86.95,1.J faylor,railroad fare to Mount Motrne,40cents;lredell Hardware Co.,supplies for jnil, £i 4a it was ordered by the bonr@ that an e!held October 20 in Barripywer tes the purpose of voting on a specin tion nehip schoel teefice tax R.L.Dacone wae awarded the contract ta)build the Withesbore and Saliehary road fronttheWilklinetotheJonesvilleandTay- torsville Tond for 8100 per mile The board adjourned to meet thereceivebideonbridwebends. Mr.Robbins in the Navy. ‘orrenpondence of The Landmark. Mr.and Mra.J,.Robbins and little daughter,Ruby Elizabeth Robbins,“of Nor.fotk,Va,who have been visiting their father,|Mr.W.Rebbins.their grandfather,Mr EK.K,|Robbins,and their sister and brother,Mr.andMrs.8.A.Rolibins and ttle dauel VirwwininAllen,on Fourth street,Statesville,resturnFPrideytotheirhere Mr.Robbins being in the serviceUnitedStatesnavyandontheU Hampehire,will return to Bridgeport,Conn.after taking hie wife and dawebters home, Mr.Robbins wishes afl the Statesville boys inthemilitaryservice&good time and areturn,He also wishes every man in service|Ss for he leven to see every one Great Paith inrere—vee 24th lay isColle and Pinte | at which placehe was buriedon Fri-,day,August Sist.An aged wife,three daughters,two sons and fiveerandchi.with many more rel-.atives and friends,survive.James M.Stewart died2d,just three days after thetheelderbrother.He was 65 yearsold,had been afflictedbuthadalwaysheenable to do mostallkindsoffarmworkuntilabout a year ago,when cancer began prey-ing upon him.He wasa v pa-tient sufferer.He was a member ofMarvinMethodistchurch,at which place his body was laid to rest,fu-/neral being conducted by Rev.Mr. Rhinehardt.Such has never occurred in ourcommunitybefore—two aged broth- ers called home so near the sametimeandlivingwithinafourthofamileofeachother,both afflicted by the same disease.The many relatives and friends ofMrs.Mary Pool met at her home lastSaturdaytohelphercelebrateher“0th birthday.A bountiful dinnerwasspread,Mr.MeAphine waspresentandgaveaveryinterestin talk.A nice time reported by all present.Mrs.Laura Drum received a let-ter from her grandson,Ralph Drum,Somewhere in France,”dated Au-wust 12th,saying he was well and| having a fine time. For Big Wheat.Crop —Sick .Correspondence of The Landmark. Sept.§.Mrs.A.E.Suther andMis.PB.A.Shinn spent the week-end in New- ton and Hickory with refatives.They were aceompanied home by Mre.A.E.Rowe,who will spend several weeks here with relatives.Mrs.Florence Stikeleather and daughter, Mixs Merl.who have had typhoid fever,are|tetter and able to sit up.One of the smatierciuldrenofMrs,Stikeleather now has fever.We have recently had heavy rains and thecrecksinthisseetlonwereveryhich,doing|nuch damage to the bottom corn and washing|ewas @ number of bridges,The rains werecrybeneficial,however,to upland corn and cotton and have put the wheat land in proper»he plowed,which is now being done!The indications ure that the acreage to amall grein will be increased.Many have net dene ao in the past, and onts could be made a very profitable the farmer of this section if proper are taken in the preparation of the land,the selection and grading of the seed.The sowing should be done preferably in October,fter the first frost,and Inatly,do not fail tw | apply guano diberaily. _MARKET REPORTS, The followi prices paid vesterdaywingwereforproduceonthelecalmarket;Spring Chickens,Hens,lic.per tb. Ewer,36c.per dozen,Roosters,7c.to Be.per Ib. Tub Butter,25e.to 26e.per tb.Beeswax,3%.per tb.Green Hides,18¢.per tb.Hama,fe.to 3%.per tb Sicies,i to lee.per Ib. Shoulders,26¢.per tb New Red Honey ‘strainedNewRedHoneyComb,tse BSeourwood Heney Comb,22e Eatracted Honey,20¢,per tb.Qid Auto Rubber Casing,4c.per tb |Irish Potatoes (new)$1.50 per bushel.| The following prices were paid yesterday|for grain on the local market: ent,$2.25 per bushel,j Corn,1.00 per bashed,:} Oats,Sbc.per bushelStatesvilleCotton On the leew market yesterdayBarietttm4forbentrm.| Shinsville, will sow whe Wheatropfe wae 18e.per Ib.| 12 1-2e per tb. per tbh. per Ib. 23 cents | WANTED—Afew good miich cows.W.D.CLARKE Sept.7.at. NOW IS YOUR chance to get @ $25 Victrolaamd$26 worth of records for $22.50.414 8.| Mulbersy 3)Phone 1 black Sept.7 WANTED—Music "|Rates $1.50 por Month.Phone 45 F { eee eee ae ee | WANTED—At once a first clase sawyer.J.Q@!WARREN,Elmwood,Re!Sept.7 be*, FOR RENT—Four rooms suitable for light|housekeepin;Front street. Sept.%. 616 Went FOR SALE—Carpet,machine,piano and otherhouseholdartic!es Phone 452 black.( Sept.7 it’.| WANTED—Several fresh milk cows.W.E.MORRISON,Statesville Sept.7 10°. FOR RENT—Haddon house on Mutherry street,|Hear Graded School.J.C.STEELR. Bept.|it 1 SELL the old-style Pound Cake at a priceleasthanitwillcostyoutobake.This istheentlyrealcakesoldinthecity.Call me.'Phome tie)th J.KIMBALL. FOR SALE—Fresh Jersey mith $5.A.W.BUNCH WANTED—Ecperienced salesiady ferpartmentstore.Write 1,care THE LAND-MARK.Sept.4_——{ WANTED-—200 first class carpenters,rate 50conte,Alxo iio Ja beer ers,rate 25 cents Apply Camp Greene,Charlotte,No ©.CONSOLIDATED EN.GINEERING CO Sept.4 3 FOR RENT—Seven-room newNorthMulberry«treet.B.FAug,31 st rnee AWNTED—hCharlotte,No ©.Rate éoCONSOLIDATEDENG.CO WANTED—Ambitious young men,mechanics!-ly inclined,to learn the moulders tradeWillpay£1.60 per day tart with,increating:Se.per day for cach week of sery-fee,SOUTHERN DESK CU,Hickory,N.(Aum,2»48. FOR RENT—Storeroom formerly eceupied by &FP.Allmon,R.A.COUPERAug,10, able-bodied colored cottage onLONG, ents per heur Aug.SI St | Experienced Office Man,notEligibletoDraft,in Purchasing| ment large Corporation.|“PURCHASING,”care)Landmark,Sept.4..|eae a een=eS ne eee | A Pew CansForSale. We have a quanity ofNo.3 cans with com.|is Prettt A FINANCIAL education is one sert of an educa- tion every man can have.He can teach himself to SAVE and prosper.The first lesson is—START a bank account;the second lesson is--keep on increasing the balance to your credit. Thisis easy if you willonly ACT.If you have got only ONE DOLLAR in your pocket just try putting it in our bank and see how good it makes you feel. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK; }| Statesville;N.C. cd Bin eeeeePREPAREDNESS—-A National Issue. Everyone is now interested in getting | more for their money,that’s why you should buy an ALLEN’S PRINCESS RANGE. Thepipe } the warming closet | is out of the way. = ALLEN PRINCESS RANGESAresoldinStatesvilleby Crawford-Bunch furniture“The Store That Always Welcomes You,‘PHONE NO,400. Now that we have had a fine rain everybody will get busy breaking wheat land.Chattanooga Plows can’t be beat.In fact they are beaters.They area short cut to satisfaction and good crops,IREDELL HARDWARE CO. eeenena ent aio ate iesenagecee —-—CR ~——~ NEWLINEOF TOILETSOAP 10c.and 25c.per cake.woe HALL’S DRUG STORE,|PRESCRIPTIONIST..PhoneNo.20. a4 ii 2 °3l Presbyterian church at South-port and of other churches in Bruns- The Lumberton Robesonian deposesandsaysthataRobesoncountyman20watermelonsfromonevine Preacher Wolf,who was put underbendof$500 to answer in the Fed-eral court at Raleigh for seditiousutterancesinasermon,has been dis-missed without trial.Wolfe wantedtegotohisformerhomeinOhioandwastogo.a the seven billion dollars,for the pres-’9yRowancountycommissionershaveOne:this cost-plusl0 percent way of,Corns or Calluses O9 With |The season’s newest shades are la of the soft neutral and dark tones,in-ES under consideration a ee ‘©doing business runs into money,it is!Fingers—No Pain.§cl Cuban Brown,Plum,Rei ,Beetroot,Mole,Russian Green,NavyBS:BaggAla lag og nigh |trwe,and it is likewise true =esti-|-7 bates!Any —whether |and :F ,*|mates of ndit >all the hard,soft or between the t¢5:en errne2 ee wale being revieed upward.But it |loesenright up and lift out,wither ‘The Season's materials are Velour,Broadcloth,Serge,Gaberdine and;ed overpment.wii :x1 whileto spend alla particle of pain or soreness...pA harelar entered the home of Mr.that —-tec CSC drug i called Treenone and i Novelty Cloths,and Braid Trimmings h Iceman,superintendent of the 3 bee “h »&compound of ether discovered|:jee cotton mill.at Monroe,geeylyindebe.Inines,with a popu.Cixeinnati man *1 he Dresses The Blouses==—,.-_got oon lation of between 34 and 35 millions,||a 2 on,drug —“oy!it ~—‘,.$900 in cash.Mr.Iceman thin ;sa ae v,.bottle o reezone,which wi e :..:.:.E jhe was chloroformed,us he didn't oye Bantontatnan nasa 's;,|beta trite,ot is)wudiciont te Hi Latest in fabric,color,style and adornment is|Fascinating Autamn Blouses that have jnst arFwakeupuntillongpasthisusualnowButthenaticnalwealthwasM¢’S feet of every corn or callus.embodied in these Dresses.Satin combinations rived.Blouses with high or low collars.time,then about $600 per capita,so that the ,Put a few drop:directly upon any)..Georgettes,Satitts and Crepede Chines are the:The consolidated school district of |$83 of national debt against each indi-|tender,aching corn or callus.In and Serge Dresses,Fur and Button Trimmings,fa and iOriental,Pamlico county,has bought|vidual amounted to 14 per cent of all stantly the soreness disappears and)vored materials .embroidered@home-made auto bus to convey the the wealth.Now the per capita “hertly the corn or callus will loosen|as well as many pleated effects effects,and in new colorings.‘children to and from school who live |wealth is as much as §2,000-—ronsider-|=he oe po gece .-2-i i |a €igutsidethe212-mile ton.Thebes ed oe eens Ceeetore,ee cornsor calluses,“but shrivels,Prices from $15.00 and up.Prices from $5.00 and up. Aldridge,is chairman of the school!ally ex the country will owe|‘em without even irritating the sur-|.:“:’f nd e !.‘board in this progressive district.about 4 per cent of what it has.Just think!No pain at all:no sore.|Also a fall showing of the new Silks,Dress Goods,Buttons,Gloves,Corsets,A second death has occurred as the|‘result of an automobile collision inWakecounty.Jim Manning,colored,driver of one of the cars,was the 'victim,and the condition of others of passenger in one of the cars wasinstantlykilledatthetimeofthecol- ‘)ision1Frederick L.Horton,an Asheville tailor,disappeared Saturday night.|:Monday his body was found on amountainsideinthevicinityofAshe-ville.The body was in a reclining"position,leaning against a tree.It.was decided that death resulted fromjheartfailure,caused by exertion in|,Climbing the mountain.{ ;_It is reported that J.W:Haynes,chairman of the Buncembe countyraticcommittee,will be a can- jfor Superior Court judge to succeed|wJudge Carter,who will not be a/:te.The district is composedgotBuncombeandMadisoncounties.8.G.Bernard and others of Asheville‘are mentioned as possible candidates In Northampton county named Jordan to recover en.Harris was shot by Richard Jor the young negro at last account. —Taylorsville News, Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Sept.6 Monday,business.Rev.L.L.MooreSalemPresbyterian church today tobeginameeting. transacted =only tinued through Sunday.Mr.John Watson Moore, geant in Cox's field ather,Mr.J.W.Moore. Female College. Messrs.R.W. gram and ny-Point,will leave Friday for training camp at Columbia,S.C.Miss Lizzie Ingram has returnedaweek's visit to relatives inCatawbacounty.Mrs.J.FrankClementanddaughter,little Miss Hanes Clement,have re-from a week's visit to Mrs..t's mother,Mrs.Philip»in Mocksville.Mrs.Warrenandchildren,Master Sam.little Miss Nellie Presson of#,are spending the weekithMrs.Presson’s aunt,Mrs.R.B e.Miss Ada Viele will leavejorrowforDurhamtotakeuptheworkofteacherofmathematicsinhighschools.Mr.gonn B .Rob-g —me a =—-Wash- ity,spending the week.his family here.Mrs.L.has returned from a stay»Va.,in the interest ofdepartmentofalocal vt Help Wanted For Army. A ee of 2,400 negro steve- Qs a io has a ‘ar Department,meet the demand for caperienced to war supplies for the"foree in »eapecial- nm seaport cities,been instructedtoseekmenfor the = William M.Shaw,pastor of of its mer ‘capita,which Yolved in the latest food ! -was $11.36 per cent of its wenlth;|mately 3,000,000 re are‘approxi. ine:'id:billion more in bonds authorized but|9175900,Se eS oe not issued.With the loan of sevenjs 5 ::ad billions authorized April 24,the total} eoning 0 fer the product of ene vine.|of the country's indebtedness is eight pT ‘as a third of their assets,there is no! 'European nations as anywhere near|bankruptcy. injured remains serious.A young|them will be grievous burdens indeed | |not be of necessity.If the burdens of |with the entrance upon war the coun. |try is and has been for years increas-' ‘didate for the Democratic nomination ("#its surplus rapidly. |ANNOEdward9Harriswenttothehomeofanegro% chickens ¥which he alleged the Jordans had stol-|% dan,a young negro,and died from his 4wounds.After he was shot Harris!§killed the elder Jordan,Richard’s ,father.A posse was searching for % AA SEATS Alexander Sends Four to Camp —The board of county commissioners,in session @routine% will go to New Rev.J.G.Garth,@—of the Presbyterian church of :ieckory,will assist him in the ser-&vices and the meeting will be con-¢ a ser-g :artillery,Ral-4eigh,spent Monday here with his & Miss 4KlizaGastonMoorewenttoStates-9villeWednesdaytoenterStatesville§ Chatham,M.R.In-&Ralph Warren of this %place and Leroy P.Gwaltney of Sto-§ f ri i > 5 z z 4 i: a oe ) centfi 3.62 per $7 capita,about 6.34 per cent;it now owes proba-|PS 22 Automobiles and chickens are bly $265Russiaowed these$18.36.The United States went into the!war with a debt of a littie more than) a billion dollars,with nearly half a} have risen to $43.70 and|America,If one -sixth of thesechineskillachickenar,it econ400,000 dead chickens,If each .en weighs a pound at 35 centspound,that means an annual loss of:If each hen lived }it might lay 100 eggs,in its life :iwhichmeans50,000,000 eggs ihefoodadministrationsaystotheautoists:“Save the chicken”! WONDERFUL STUFF!LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS| pply a Few Drops,Then Léft| and one-half billions.Compared txtheindebtednessoftheseEuropeannations,this burden is slight.It is about $83 per capita,but only about 4 per cent of the national assets.|t is reasonable enough to figure on)4 i Prices from $15.00 and up.Prices from $15.00 and up. With liabilities in no case as muc!|ness or smarting when =pplying it or .afterwards.If gistreasontoconsideranyofthegreat)have toca a o_you.The debts of some of %&;— C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED AbCHITECT, Statesville,N.C."Phove340Green. Pine Shingles $1.88PerSquare.Car Just Received. C.WATKINS. UNCEMENT! I take this opportunity of thanking my many friends and customers for the loyal support and patronage given me while connected with Sloan Cloth- ing Co.,and also to announce |will be with Crowell Clothing Co.,(Succes- sors to Sloan Clothing Co.,)and will be wlad to see my friends at all times and serve them to the best of my ability,in fair and honest dealings. Yours to serve, R.L.SLOAN. ON THE CORNER. Hosiery,Neckwear and etc. Visit Our Store.R.R. Fare Refunded onDaveQestreicher',%=a SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA.and Over,Both [FEATURE SOAP DAYS! SATURDAY AND MONDAY, -—-—We will feature ——- PALMOLIVE SOAP. This is a»wonderful soap made from pure Pam and Olive Oils, No alkali or foreign substance to bura or chap the tenderest infant.Two big cakes for 25c. If you hold a Coupon,bring it and get a cake free with your pur-chases ==MILLS &POSTON. All Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Attention Try Us. but if any of the peoples should repu- diate their national obligations it wil! war debt in this country are properlydistributed,they will never be actuallyburdensome,although they will causevociferouscomplaint.NeverthelessfortheperiodandpurposeofthewarCongressiskeepingaownthedebtby means of extraordinary revenues;ev-er:is to feel the effect of war.The wales is the more wise,apparent- ly,in view of the circumstance that =<=}yearatenet - AndHandleWell. Parker Guns.Wear Well.Shoot Well THE STORE FALL SHOES! Wear well because they are made of the best material by the most skillful craftmen. Shoot well hecause they hold the charge compactly together at extreme Tanges. Handle well because the greatest attention has always been paid to the distributionofwoodandmetal,to insure ‘perfect balance and the most symmetrical outline. Twenty-bore Parkers have set the for small bores in America,and are grow-ing in popularity every year with the most progressive sportsmen. For further information regarding guns in gauges ranging from 8 to 23,address, 3 Warren sirect.PARKERBROS,MasterGunMakers,Meriden,Conn.,U.S.A.32 Warren Street. Stas ne =amps em NEW BUSINESS.,”Your Crops |TurnipSeed in packages ‘Are the best they have eeeensintendasa A 5 Teacher of Pianeforte and Harmony,oaiuie ofedithCollege.th ofDunningandBurrowe’sused, |and in bulk.Also a [I]been for years.Also}variety of other garden |—Give the wife aandFieldSeed.to lelp her with her },————— B fegiment.An effortis bein AllNew.ont =midstaid PHONE T.N BROWN,|fforsiimake,"|craterintrenches.armyalso ONE 83.eee a w E.MUNDAY ro"by=rtict|SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO.|‘Es475,527.Lretege,geneeen|= +ae errr nly)ck iu want a andeetSeagecanrelyandmavienasaeDumonttheer,innde case,write PheCaMedicalAdviser,Swift Specyouean","bem c Atlanta,Ga, ee is oscditinois qne Will Continue Ail This Week —-——Or until we close out. Special Correspondence of The Landa. Taylorsville;Sept.3 —Rey.Walter Watts has sold hismilltoSherilf_A.Adama,will take charge of the business last of September.The many friends of G,44“who lives near town,to hear that he is thought to 3recoveringfromaveryseriousop-eration at Dr.Long's Sanatorium.A young man named Goodman,onhiswayAtiantatoAshecoun-ity,lost control of his car near .3.C.Echerd’s and the car ran off a ‘embankment.Goodman was rightseriouslyhurtandhasbeenunder the care of a physician since.The old cherch has been torn down and work commenced ‘on the newBaptisteburch.Mr.Ed.C.Campbell is in charge of the work,The con- “regauion will hold regular servicesinthecourthouseuntiltheirchureh is finished, anle price rt 25e The Red Cross entertainment giv-: 1lot Hats,ale prven,:°en at the court house by local talent —<"""ra fsKEres ee in the os = 1 ioe Middys,sale price,-2he.last week,was very well attended,|care’a oo *the :sale ..Oe.notwithstanding there was a show in °°RROF e1lotCollars,sale price,os.tours.‘he exerciags were wale W-Th.production of beer,which 1 lot Feathers,sale price,a 25e.teresting ard the proceeds amounted ted that of the —_——a fe 1 lot i lowersmY cale rice,e Pe to $26.Prof.C,O.Smith of Coneor-ni.ae oe eh Tone . ae .:dia College,Conover,will lecture on OF 05,00!ors 1 lot Baby Caps,sale price,-25e.the Reformation at Salem Lutheran *"'paid last year on 60,729,509 church at It o'clock,and at &:ts at $1.50 per barrel and other Vaul’«church at ‘Laylorsville at Te )ae ao OF an toe. We also have a nice line of White and satiny “inst $88,771,108.= Colored Skirts we are offering:at a great ely ui the show Friday nigeht,Billy Diker in ere ee encanl 2 ‘.Leber of the Ipa-Lehr Steck Compa-MMLUFERTINE,FLOR,ta,Spies sacrifice.See our line and be convinced.ny,who was taking a leading part in .°,oF bankers,con guree’:ns,bro- t.Elmo,was shot in the leg by one As,th malere,rns ae eom- of his co-aetors in the play.The gun oe eae me rehants,A aida 3;-_ of vource Wa.menor to be loaded oy)ay).a eat.i oh with blank cartridges,‘The actor ©""0°":rp omaserond ee dsc .~on was carried from —stage,his a a a MRS.MARY SIMS ee nar oe ee we ee °;seas ehin to oanthnee raging .)ordinary re- .e sage dail he was able to continue cle up te |$488,212,412,Income the Cash Store.Mo Sohn A.Millce of Middtebere,(sof $350,681,228 =erought the Max a here on a visit to be wee,OU"nae a.the ey ailways x @ 13,256,up to ,-——T.H.Miller of Taylorsville and John TA ways Ua “72%, —=A Miller,Jr.of L ited can.ond aoe eee with S512,2 measEroUEcnomnuAne c teil the meeting of stockholders of ~~,he year betore ; :ee pair .Th:cost of collecting the revenue he ‘Vaylorsviie Cotton Mill Co.Mra. :C.ole 1 Wa approximately $6.53 per $1,000, M.o1..Gwaltney returncd Saturday.“",,ele *%fram.Richmond,where she went en!per cent.,the lowest on record. .een .:‘ur and corporatia bravbed d hucnoss trip.Miss Lula Mathe-,a =gage a ibe | i i ee aa oi and spent oun aan “dering the past fiers Ate not tied from carrying out your ex-a 7 7.ene with her siste®4,corporations S179.07,883,| pectations and desires when you have My.Hell Watts has meved into dividuals _16,108,;Ne s York. Money his handsome brick |vencer bunga-*ull other Sic wich papraontof ren tow,north of the depot.oa ORY in ce aa ae ar is 4 NK There was a very interesting ooo),=ro corporation CaX :-i IN THE BA ;mreting at Three Forks |Baptigt tak ailine vedi ran F ?.‘ag?.>hare 1 is weck if .abide.:abe See Your Bank Account depends on what ‘eh hbo closed aan aiL Seinen Sexen,$Hd1 ISIS you save,there were several roca —bihtb hen iden eee The Taylorsville High OG CHILD G vps CRO £SS,SHC Ss ‘.pene |Monday morning.The teach ase:li is mot a matter f.ee eae a AND FEVERISH WHEN 'G I )FORTUNE Sts enfield,‘Mehane;Miss Mary CONSTIVATED! Ol OO Mie Cengue,Taylersville;Miss Mipbe! ul viren,Wilkesboro;Miss Ney Louk,Mother!tf Torene is Acquire the saving habit while your in-Smithey,North _Witkeshore:Miss canted Clean Lilile Liver and come is small and it will be easier as Annie ee a Aanetllis nawels,. }ht werR echool department,.emt your income increases to C.Cox,principal;Rev.J.A.Whitey If vour little one’s tongue is coated |r Y A t.Taylorsville;oliss Lucy .Plunkett,fi is :e sip th tomach,i:ver ¢i Ba k Ou Cramtevilie,8.C.;Miss Flora Gare ard tower need a genie, therouch ne tase eur n ce f tt,Burlington,musie teacher glesncing et once.When year chile is .i »‘(the foregoii was intended for jg !h,listless,pele,doe Nowisthe opportune time to open ca rienday's paper,but wax received gt ‘ep,ee Account with us.o late for publication.“The tand-bar ch bad,stom:our,tem marh.d full of col thront sere,or if fover- ;.ee igh,v 1 terspoonful of ‘¢r People’S Lean and Savings Bank.President’s Greeting (o Solticrg gin Scop of Fi Res ncn awe of Nation:!Army.hour idl the clogyed-up.con sdimarg? .A President Wilson send the fole Waste.cour bile and undivested food MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.Eee ace to ae,soldiers »f the will ere y move att of ine :wel GEO.H.BROWN e President.national army,who are criterias lhe y h a well,playful chil °>'~*ervice today:IN.: O.Es rURNER =cashier.‘To the Soldiers of the N:tional A Sick ren necdi't be eaax:!to my:tink -th harm!“fruit da aN ~—-‘You unre unde rtaking a great Ine Millions of |mothers epi haves *e Tho heart of the whole co ry bs chusc ft]W action on vith you.Everything that yeu da Somact .'mv vill be watched with the deepe wn U ''ve ‘R terest and with the ee;Wiven tous!ane ’1 ts a |tude,not only by these who arc nour morrow,, and dear to you,but by the whole A A en ie Bm ion.This great war draws all —o hi WHFOV UE NT of be. 206 aeves,level,vroduct rod if '':wether,makes all comrade:and Wiel cams ireetione:Vor be! a .“~’:a oe ee farm,Promtng LL AS mile oul id un ha Pret f t children of all "f ‘ Ce ee An Moruibe,sand-clay road leading inte States-themselves to be when we first made UPS P Po ay oC }ak ville;mice two st ,trome ceven-room dweiling,located in oa vood our national —indenerdence Hadid of oi f e ;Ne beautiful grove;born ned out-buildings,fine weil water,two The eyes of all the world will be up-Compeny au wPida 1 th grup branehes;abundance of jiuit;quarter of mile from school and m \a =oe roid tl of geil A ‘‘oe :ense e soldiers ¢r ¥'. churches;8 a res in cultivation,80 acres in meadow,balance in Let it be your —pride.therefur to No Solutioen for Submarines woodland,part of whieh is inclored in pasture,An cxceptional hee omen everywher not only . opportunity to buy a fine praia and stock farm,Wall take in part what wood soldiers vou are,tut also C.WATKINS,'been 5 payment,small farm if weil located.hat vood men you are,keeping ing such havec with Batting Mose your:fit and ight on rial price PEL eas Gy ht WAT 4 -3 ‘r wo oan vire and clean through were ;;paleet -asERNESTG.GAITHER yey ate eth INR:ENR yh Taleb ne°aniven adank so high tha!wi THEY BUY IN QUANTITIES: “4 be on glor vy to live up te it,d then enecteegtesteInsurance,Stocks and Real Estate.vice ue we He apd add @ cow Te Phone 23 Satesville N C laurel to the crown of nen ea My (ys I Ie |Av !li.p NG.Biaitectionnte confidenes aes wih oot 1 Dp,§.W.Hoffmann, in every battle and every test.|{ae : nein ep and guide you,OFFICE OVER “WOODROW WILSON”Merchants’&Parme:Bank. eeee Office ‘Phone,sue lousePATRIOTISM*BUSINESS Every good citizen at this time should do his share toward strengthening the Federal Reserve Banking System which our Government has created with its billion dollars of resources to stand back of its member banks and all their de-. You can contribute directly to thestrengthofthissystem,andat the sameCapteen,agree by depositing ourmoney us,since ofypart every is a suggestionforpromptaction.MemberFederal ReserveSystem. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C. for Booklet,“HowDoes it Benefit Me?” Cut Down the Sweetenin’. tion's statement says, essarily demand great sacrifice: only needs the cnlention of ble America to make up the diffe: ence required by the needs of th: hrescar that emphasizes the needs The world’s shortage istivelysmallandisconfined ro to The world’s sugar supply i esti- mated this year at 712,997.American consumption the househol.). Reduced consumption of sugar ts “does not nec-It) wastell and the careful use of sugar to cna- 164,665,246 gallons,an increase THE "INTERNAL “PAXES. ee “ConsumptionofTobacco—tn- come Taxes. A Ht previous American —to mire pee noCommis- oki Osborn. consumption of ee.ae arcites andforthefiseal year one weording to thesionerofInternalDistitiedspirits from every source, of 26,000,000 gallons over the previous year,yielding a tax return of $186,-563.06,Cigars of all descriptions andweight,9,216,901,113,approximate- y per capita,as ‘compared with337,726,580,the prev:ous year, (ivareties,50,529,1°3.638,as com- pared with 21,087,7557,078,an in-crense of more than 40 per cent.To- baceo,chewing and smoking,445,- zi pounds,an inerease of 24,- per cent,over the previous year. vsked of the American people hy the foot administration that a threaten af shor in the allied countries ‘be averted,Lack of ship to move the ¢ee and Hawaiian crops) promptly,it is.declared,makes it) necessary that this country share its ugar supply with Europe. “The conservation asked of the American people,”the administra- ' i ald It is not actually a lack of su4 for its conservation in the United Statessomuchasitistheinabilityteget)the sugar to places where needed, compara- Eu- “|have hieh opinion of ChemnberleTubletsheHillousnessandae7s -_write Mra.©.A.®texotr Bartes,‘Tharleston,i, wit 000 pounds.ven snoff went te apparent new rh levels of production with 35, :™pounds,an increase of 2,200,- ihe yevurn to the government ates unds in the year,in on cigars,cigarettes,tobacc nuff is $103,201,592,an incre a ipproximately $15,000,000,or 18 The enen ee ne 18,659,792 tona,|= ‘eainst an average production of 18,-| for|the first half of the present year was|iiashelyAe =f than las year,whichinistrationattributesto "Phone,279 Green.’ The Brady Printing 0.| Has taken over from R.PP.Allison the agency for various Magazines and Book Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zines of all kinds.Will order any book wanted. ii . I j53 i it i iiFy Aiz a) “Make|hrift Fashionable. Once More” “Resicre this norm!atirthute of respee-(hte oe io ts right!ul place in the esteem of cur world of seciely as well as busimess.” “ NOV; This haak offers every opportunity .pes- sitle te encourage people to save and THRIETY. A good way to start is by opentag a sav.ings Account,if with oniy a small amount Drop in any time we are always glad to see you.. Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank Fer Your Savings.” eeee |0et et e r ne e Ce te ae The WaySaaless Spring) A bedenring that con't sag because of the patented flex- rand constructions troll you toward the ecater beeause it cannot sag; less,having nothing about it to creak or groan; ee te t es ible holiow st that does that is absolutely aol: that conforms te the shape of the body; that has no losse atronds,open links orsharp corners to tearbed clothes. Quarter century guanuice,30 night's free trial, Try ft 30 Nights to Prowe it's Supreme Comfort eeSTATESVIIL!HOUSE FURNISHING 00, WANTED! oP H Ee b r )men,preferably married to work in aluminum plant&el per day,7 days per Ww wages iid steady $14.00 per week to start. Increas s granted :vibe one,three and six months ee Fine new houses with water,toilets electric lights.Cheap rent,Steady work inside all yearround.Apply Employment Bureau, Tallossee Power Company,Badin,N.C. ct yle pre d \, pan ausaen merge PEACE INSTITUTE,RALE ° All Magazines on coun- ter soon as out. For the Education and Culture of Young Women. Literary and Scientific Courses leading to fmm, credited by State Department Edecation for Ti Classical, !Graduates Certificates.Specin!—awarded in Music,Voice,pyand Expression, aS.WATKINS (or PengeometPoe Planters’Wh.,Statesville. Excellent Commercial Course,Domestic Science, Domestic ArtINSTRUCTION:Specialists in all departments. SITUATION:Location in capital city gives special opportunities, os htful social advantages,LETICS:Supervised indoors and outdoors bya oe.Special attention,individual development.Ciimate out-door life all winter. Por outalons or further information,write at once to aMtSSMARYOWENGANA aah at ———s as Saati abooae Paty . Se aN ale i i ceil dh el cide SE eDoees(SAMEERENcoeeae ood News To Man W men to place them. and found satisfactory. We are now located in our NEW and PERMANENTquarters---the building on West Broad Street formerlyoccupiedbytheCarolinaMotorCo. We will sell the Oakland,the Reo and the MunroeCarsandtheRepublicTrucks. We have good Mechanics and will Repair anything intheautomobilelinethatistoRepair. We have the Parts---including Parts for Fords---and the We have Everything wanted in the way of SuppliesandAccessories.If we haven’t them we can orderthemquickastheotherfellow. We handle the Good Year,the Portageand the Ajax tires. We offer one Great Advantage---we are starting outnewandeverythingwehaveisnew---new but tried If you want Courteous treatment,GOOD cars,the BEST tires,Satisfactory.re-pair work and accessories,come to see us or phone No.41. YOUNT &ALEXANDER. ere ne ne TUE LANDMARK OPENING OF THE COLLEGE Sor hie veur and FRIDAY.——.Se ptember 7,1017 Public Exerci«yf Viichell !a A ENS ea en see,Coliege Yesterday,s ee \ Iwprovements For New Buildings,Et a os :ie At its regular { Monday the Het:pas i lke wing It was ordered that R Buildines,| months i PAS CS OTEcountyboardedie“‘’the fall :};Geo to War. rresnondenve of Ur Farm Life school d ee Mitchell investipate alk ed schoo)hoof tow h condemned for eolo hag “fot ;ane)WallaintronDavis’land,Distr ‘!'The oventCoddleCreck:that the be inthalfor 2 ar 3,Fel th dition to ¢ in District ship;that « build 800N as convenient necep!the pre and Thoma.tohouse town-bip;that the '!bat h Paint ind t }} school house, on township,ar t!pit lo n Baptheworlthat\\PrP Wo :.‘T lof 1 Mio, hoard pav half: that the bonrd I hot ho ]\\''$10.7:Moore «\(’(Si 647.8 }5 {t(Wath repair Shept Craw r My for rent of tal 25 for m Cruse,$1 for \ Harmony Farn Celeste bier awarded 'tit t ‘ ad davis Gallih Cid Shot By 'ke Tuesda.ak 'aisNEWCORNMEI:.eeCitepondeeof’ W.RR.MoFiewrMil)@n the 3d a Gread fer su hichtainlydelici« Wf there ic anyvt)th aeatinthemile,\ne he continued teWokeoutforhimee!!’'€the tac Mr.C.¢ ge Mills fad for Rog Weed and Hay Fever. Gorreenendence of The Landmark .Will The Landmark please mtion of the proper towt»the quantity of +:i ae ine by the sidewalks,on the wa-1 i.;> + thesandevenintheyordeTwentefivenew .erreliied,«#Inter nomber af-&my ever ‘’ able There ]royTharpe,wh ears |{fvochingtownshiyhHeooaswastaken 1}dinne ‘thre 4%)o Ral ror Court Items. re Justice Slo Tue he Char@e ef the larceny of e My i.EL Trevtea Thy found probable £100 bond to anewer in court.Norrie gave S900 | nomlay fo appear in Wille all t) auther iw weed trctent are made worse by =the entofthiscommonplant.|1 liege he i M4 and anewer a chare>« mg &@ Mag out of a mule net vet es moplete n especially strong ae the orn by vi al -COUNTY SCHOOL APE AIRS.9.0 a oa a wh ate 1 hes Tey enure and Nor the tenchers expe Hora Men Who =Lenunacefordtakeeersusin4)Harmor ¢’|Sept A rece;’ Negro. it froeSk hicher A Wed. o the defrand (HEY DON'T BELIEVE —IT, .wekening bor Germans Who Ron't Think \mericans Will Co te France to Fight. “Tt ois a pits that se much tlaod ee?sired t i \Germar ‘okhen prisoner the recent b+oom ance i f Verdu 1,I ttalofficer1 the man in give h thy ow rt paid hom the co ul rened ied to ne idea th would Mi :nou {Stat Wh.‘]} menical hope hu t murderous str le’he NG expect 1 t ‘ardnUnitedStates.They 4 it,dart the wii r pve toW yw pe fect!in Grermans } Kpect as to the intents of Pre t Wilson.He pla th >he will temporize withe ’ ing «=owholk heartedly —j we nfliet “When vo ure hopelessly be iten, will be 'mutter of the : soand will impose a peace it lobe advantage ‘tt 1 erat {ule ‘of Ay rica He i}never compromise the Stars ane >n ture wh r nt.” French offices ly informed we prisoner th 'ds of Are n soldiers have landed in)Frat‘necks i h 1 { vaph the of !'| ion;UF Amer »troops is ut the fror tl ovner cont rents, »importa ould arris tor end of the vear and that thetStatmingmillions menThose are only lroit maneuver signed to keep up the spirit »combatants.”replied the prison- The French officer then said: “We will convince you;vou shall conducted before Gen.Pershing, commander-in-chief of the merican expeditionary forces in Hrance,now here on the Verdunnt.You epn question him your if and you will learn whether it is w German people or as whe are be we deceived by those who govern.” When the escort came to conduct prisener before Gen,Pershing, ®tears rolled down %fa cheeks and remarked sadly:“Sinee that is the ,it is all over.We are lost.” SeAoeoe Flagler Money in the Courts. Determination on the part of Mrs.rwrence Wis Lewis and =other re of the Inte Mre Bingham,for- neriy Mr Henry M Flagler,toontestthebequestof$5,000,000 ish to Judge Bingham,to whem the ‘tater Was married only ai fewventhebeforeherdeath,became ev- lent when will and codicii were or- lered probated in the JeffersonountycourtatLouisville,Ky. In the proceedings there it was prowght out that within less than 60lawsafterhermarriageMrs.Bing-ham ve her husband $50,000,and tor overt to him securities amount-ng to approximately 8790,000,fromiwhichhenowhaganincomeof$56,-000 annually, That old car of yours wasmightygoodinitsdaybut,it isn’t up to date and doesn'tquitesatisfyyounow. Bring it in and get an estimate of what we willallowforitagainstanewone. You'll be on the road again in a few days withanuptotheminuteoutfitandwillthankusforthesugges-]tion,: Look in and look us over. he CK &Doogs BRox MoroetTL AION 4 Mint Cola Orange Crush §Cheerwine Straw- berry Statesville Mint Cola Bottling Co. Phone No.82.623 N.Center St. ~~ Lemon 1 Seda Cocolade Ginger Ale In Bottles 5c.Everywhere. ‘WIDE-AWAKE PEOPLE SAVE MONEY BY READING a ne s a sF e 4 28 !faculty—in shape.ready if necessary,butnotbetaken. put inis22yearsold .©,Fleteher ofHarmony.Recently he has been em-as clerk in Detroit,.»for the New York Central£S.™—=n in ete a ingle man «a a carpentertrade,Mr.Steele is 25 years oldandmarried.He was a driver forJ.C.Steele &Sons.Mr,Cash is 22yearsoldandsingle.He was amechanicattheDiamondFurnitureCo.Mr.Wallace is 21 years oldandsingle.He is a farmer.Mr.Lambeth is a farmer,is 26 years oldandsingle.Mr.Kestler is 29 yearsold,has a wife and is a furnitureworker.Mr.Millis is 23 years old, is single and has been employed at a saw-mill.The men were on hand at the head-quarters of the local exemptionboardearlyFridaymorning.Allwereinfinespiritandseemedeagertotakeuptheirduties.In additionthemembersofthelocalboard»were a number of others theretogreet.At the appointedtime—10 o’clock--volunteer automo-biles came for them and their rela-tives and friends and took them tethestation,Dr.W.G.Nichoison,chairman,and Dr.Ross McElwee, member of the local exemption boardaccompanyingthem.Mr.Fletcher was put in command of the partyandMr.Swink second in command.Courtesies were extended the young men before they left and they were provided with lunches for the trip.A number of friends and relatives were there to tell them goodbye andwishthemGod-speed. A citizen who was at the stationtoseetheboysleaveobservedthattheyoungmenwerekeentogo,butthattoooftentheirrelativestake an entirely wrong view of their go-ing.They seem to be laboring un- der the impression that the minutetheboystartsheisasgoodasdead. As a matter of fact,they are justbeginningtolive.There is not aboyinthatpartywhowillbebene- fited less than 1,000 per cent.before he leaves the training camp.They will have more attention given totheirhealththerethantheyhave ever had,or would ever have had, had they remained at home.They will receive an education they never would have had otherwise and therewillbekindledintheirheartsade-gree of patriotism that would forev- er have remained dormant.If they see service and return home they will be infinitely better equipped forlifethantheycouldotherwiseheve‘heen.If they die in service the endwillbemoreglorioustothem=and their loved ones than it could possi-bly be otherwise than in a sacrificeoftheirlivesfortheircountry.Those boys are to be envied,rather than pitied.;; DR.MOTT ILL. Capt.T.A.Mott,recruiting officerfortheUnitedStatesmarinecorps,has been called to New York fromRichmondbythe—serious illness ofhisfather,Dr.J.J.Mott.Friends of the family will be glad to know that the elder Mott is improving,says the Hickory Record. Tt has been known in StatesvillethatDr.Mott was ill in New Yorkhutitwasnotunderstoodthathisillnesswasserious. HEALTH BOARD MAN CALLS. Dr.A.M.Crouch,chief of the bu-reau of evidemology of the StateBoardofHealth,was in StatesvilleSaturdayinconferencewithDr.Me-Elwee,county physician,about r- antine reyulations in Iredell reisconsiderablescarletfeverinthecounty—especially in MooresvilleandtheMayhewsectionandsomeinStatesville, RAILROAD MEN STRIKE. Clerks in the Seaboard railroadofficeinRaleighwentonstrikeafewdaysago.Yesterday all localfreightofficeandyardclerksinserviceoftheatRichmond walked out in ape with the general strike.The clerks want more pay and shorter hours. IN HOSPITAL SERVICE. ry desires,under themayropeoe an oT afordispos hethebondsandcertificatesinnewspaperpublicityRepresentativeCannonofMlinoisobtainedtheadoptionofa—,mise amendment to exempt from tax-ation forever interest on notinexcessof$5,000makeit$10,000,Leader Kitchin would not agree.The bill authorizes the issuance of$7,538,945,460 worth of convertiblepercent.bonds,subject totaxesandwarprofitstaxes,terminate at the discretionSecretaryoftheTreasury.total $4,000,000,000newalliedloan;$3,000,000,000 worthtotakeovera31-2 per cent issuealreadyauthorized.This meanpurchasersof31-2 per cent andtooftheOfthisisfora thatrtybonds,issued last June,can exchangethemfor4percentbondsassoonasthe4percentbondsareissued.Un-der the Cannon amenament the bondsarenottaxableuntiltheamountex-ceeds $5,000.The remaining $538,- 945,460 to be wu for convertingcertainoutstandingbonds,includingtheDanishWestIndies,Alaskan rail-way,Panama canal and naval con-struction issues.Issuance also is authorized of notmorethan$2,000,000,000 worth eachofcertificatesofindebtednessandwarsavingscertificatestorunnot more than one year and five years,respectively,at rates of interest tohefixedTreasury.subjectbonds. by the.ThesetothesameThebillprovides Secretary issuesare to of thebetaxesasthethatfor- eign bonds,taken in exchange forloans,shall not be sold at less than the purchase price. For more than veered from the bill an hour debate itself to the general war financing situation, Speaker Clark and RepresentativeSherleyofKentuckyurgingthatmoretaxesshouldbeleviedsounand declaring grave dangers lay ahead if Congress continues to issue vast yuantities of bonds without regardtoequalizationbytaxes. Increase in Listed Taxables. Mr.Buren Jurney,who has com- nleted the tax lists for the town of Statesville,has given Tne Landmarkthefollowing turns: summary of the re- Personal property listed by whites, $674,481;whites,$1,843,976. 457. estate Total, real listed by $2,518,- Personal property listed by color-ed people,$6,960;real estate by col- ored people,$51,843. Total realty for Total both =r ,858,803. aces,$1,-895,819;total personalty for both races,$681,441.Grand total ........:....$2,577,260 Total last year ..........2,443,160 Increase over last year ..$134,100 The foregoing does not include the corporatitaxcommission. ons listed withWhenthethe Statecorpora-tions are added the total will be ma- verially i ncreased. Met Death While Hunting. Ira Martin,son of Mr.J.H.Martin and grandson of and Mrs.Mrs. Zebulon B.Vance,was accidentally killed Friday morning while huntingnearGoerymbroon,the country homeofhisparents,near Black Mountain The body was found tree andthehammer of near the indications the weapon was discharged.Deceased was the youngest son ofMr.and Mrs.Martin and is surviv- ad by hi two brot >»parenta,twohers.One brothersisters a fallen were that his gun caught and and was re- cently commissioned second lieuten-ant at Fort Ogiethorpe. in AshevMakes Veiled Attacks? ile. Interment Dr.H.Q.Alexander,president oftheStateFarmers’Union and mem-ber of the State Board of Agricul-ture,spoke at Startown,county,Friday.The Hick ord says: CatawbaoryRee- “Several of those who heard the‘peech saw in it only veiled attacksagainsttheexistingorder,an effort to cause oroment disaffection withwithoutactually the gov-makingremarksthatcouldbeuseddefinite-'y against him.” CUT OUT MUFFLER CUT-OUTS. Because muffler cut-outs on auto-mohilesandaddnoise fromallafterthe110 have no mechanical value poon Mg ahyeamAmerlife,the natofcommercetheireliminationcarsbuiltin1,1998.in thenotfitcut-outsfi present cara, ‘he story of the tragedy at Concord ing at ing the death of Mrs.King,said no investigation would be started forthepresent.The solicitor isprosecutingmurdercasesin‘ourt this week.It wasthatMrs,King’s brothers,frecago,and their attorney will ¢with the solicitor.Solicitor Clement said that he wasnotabletoreconcilesta’made by Gaston Means before os Ul coroner's jury,with facts asfoundthematP!ackwelder sjwherethetragedywas“The spring,”he said,“shut in #0denselywithundergrowthandmas-sive trees,could hardly be called agoodeytodotargetpracticeat8o’clock at night,in my opinion.If,asGastonMeanssworebeforethecor-oner’s jury,it was so dark at theosthathestruckeatoseetherewereanybumponxhowcouldheseeMrs.King,whewas30feetawayatthemoretree,with the small inherhand?It was a ?5-caliber auto-matic and he could have put it in hisvestpocket.”Mrs.Melvin,Mrs.King’s sister,is with Gaston Means in Concord,having accompanied him there fromAsheville.She affirms Means’inno-cence.Her mother,Mrs.Robinson,in Asheville,is credited with sus-vecting Means. Concord has come into the lime-lieht and the Concord date line isbeingcarriedbynewspapersallover the country,all on account of thedeathofMrs.Maude King,awealthyChicagowoman,oc-‘urred near Concord on the night ofAugust29th.Mrs.King was sup-posed to have been‘accidentallyshot,but the later reports indicatethattheshootingmaynothavebeen accidentalOnthe evening of August 29 Mrs.King,Gaston B.Means,business ad-viser of Mrs.King and in em-nloy;Afton Means,a bi ofGaston,and A.S.Bingham,a broth-or-in-law of Gaston,went for an au-tomobile ride.Mrs.King andsister,Mrs.Melvin,were visiting inConcerd.Gaston Means is a nativeofConcordbuthehaslivedinNewegandChicago.Afton Meansa1utomobilepartystoppedataspring}two miles from Con .While‘here Mrs.King was shot and killed.The three men with her said a_pis- ol was discharged while she washandlingit.As there appeared no reason to suspect suicide,the killingvasacceptedasanaccidentandthe‘oroner so found.Mrs.King’s body was sent to Chicago for burial.NowfromChicagocomesthisstoryun-ler date of the 7th:Accident Theory Questioned. A post -mortem examination ofthebodyofMrs.Maude A.King,widow of James C.King,late Chi-‘ago millionaire,whose death result- “i from a bullet wound near Con- cord,N.C.,August 29,indicatedhatMrs.King was murdered,in the pinion of Coroner Peter M. Hoff-nan.The body was removed fromthemausoleumhereandtheexami-vation conducted just before —mid- night last night by order of Judge‘ersten,of the criminal branch oftheCircuitCourt.Dr.William Bur meister,pathologist,of Northwest-ern University,conducted the exam- deo in the presence of represen-atives of the police and coroner's vffice,“In my opinion,from —investiga- tion and post -mortem examination,the wound was not self -inflicted,”said Coroner Hoffman,in contradic-tion to the opinion of the coroner's jury at Concord.The verdict of ex-amining physician concluded:“The ntrance of the wound was about two nches forward of the center of the skull,behind the left ear.It show- 1 no siens of burns nor powder narks,indicating that the revolver vas a considerable distance fromheheadwhendischarged. “The left ankle sWowed ais dark liseoloration.The examination re- nled it was broken before death\!!other organs were negative,in ealthy,normal condition.”Denial Entered.This comes in a dispatch from\sheville under date of the 7th: Emphatically denying any comlicityinthedeathofMrs.Maud A King,widew of James C King,the‘ate Chicago millionaire,Gaston BMeans,the dead woman's secretary vho arrived here today,tonight told \ugust 29.He insisted that theleathofMrs,King was due to theaccidentaldischargeoftheautomat-ie revolver he had loaded for her afewmomentsbeforetheshooting,ind declared that had she lived “it was of the utmost importance thatthedeadwoman=%Chieago next week to protect property inter-sts there.”He denied that he hadwrderedthenegrortodrivemnfromthespringwhereheandMre.King had alighted from the“ar,as has been stated.Mrs,Mary C.Melvin,a sister ofMrs.King,today wired the Chicago exoneratingMeans,Mrs.Melvin returned toAshevilletodayfromChicago,where she the body The}viniahasbeen —:‘): STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,SEPTEMB ithe last day of last her|700 fet SUIT AGAINST OFFICER. Forsyth Jury Asseased OfficerGilbert$1,000. Mr.C.L.Gilbert of Statesvillewasdefendantinasuitin—county court at Winston -Friday and Saturday,in which judg-pent was rendered against him for000,The plaintiffs in the case were C.M.and W.J.Shouse of Winston-Salem.It will be recalled that onDecemberDepu-ty Collector Allison,Officer Gilbertandothers#on the road,intheSa*county,an more whiskey than the law allowedbuttheoccupantshad=—andOfficerGilbertrequiredttogive bond for carrying concealed weap-ons.They were tried at the lasttermofIredellSuperiorCourt,con-vieted and fined.In the meantime Shouse brothersbroughtsuitagainstMr,Gilbert fordamagesinForsythSuperiorCourt.They alleged f.arrest ongroundthatMr.Gilbert,being sim-ply constable of Statesville town-hip at the time,had no authority tomakethearrestwithoutawarrant;they also charged him with assault-ing them,with a)ating theirproperty—pistols —and with hu-miliating them.Each of the plain-tiffs asked $1,000 damage.The courtgavethem$500 each and Mr.Gil-bert took an ai .Mr.L.C.Cald-well of Statesville appeared for Mr.Gilbert in the trial. Col.Feild Librarian. Col,A.J.Feild,editor of theStateJournal,Raleigh,has been ap-pointed State Librarian to succeedCapt.M.O.Sherrill,restgned.Col. Feild was private secretary to Gov.Kitehin during the latter’s term ofoffice.He is a of Mr.B.8FeildandofMrs.W.R.McLellandofStatesville,Miss ton,assistant libra-ep Ww.a -MarshallaanceyywoodRaleigh,were applicants for the place.feeelectorswereGov.Kitchin,Secreta-ry of State Grimes and Superintend-ent of Education Joyner.re-duced the librarian’s salary from $1,-to $1,200,increased the salaryoftheassistant,Miss Broughton,$200,and the salary of her assistant,Miss King,$300. Mowed Part of His Cotton. Mr.W.B.Harris,who lives nearMooresville,and is one of the county’sbestfarmers,was telling The Land-mark the other day about an experi-ment with cotton.He had about two acres of cotton on lowland,and theweedgrewsorankthatitoverlapped —the rows being rather close togeth- er—so that a dog could hardly go through it.No sunshine could getinandthebollswererotting.De-ciding that something had to be doneMr.Harris took a scythe and mowedthestalksfromeverythirdrow.Hesaysheneverheardofthatbeingdone but it was the only measure of relief that suggested itself.Mn Harristhinkshewillgetmorecottenfromwhatisleftthanhewouldhaveob tained from the whole patch if he hadleftitalone. Catawba Community Fairs. Catawha county will have six com-munity fairs this month,to be fol-towed by the county fair at HickorySeptember25-28.The communityfairswillbeheldatMt.Olive’onthe15th,Terrell on the 18th, Kil-lian’s on the 19th.Rockett on the20th,Yount on the 2ist,Minerva onthe22d.The officers and directors of thesesixcommunityfairsnumber100andbackoftheseofficersanddirectorsthecountydemonstrationagentshaveasmallarmyofproducerswhoatevieingwitheachotherineveryhonestefforttoshowthebestexam-ples of their skill and industry The Blues at Greenville. Private Harry Sherrill and Cor-voral Samuel Miller of Company EF,First North Carolina Regiment,now in camp at Greenville,5.©.,spentSundayinStatesville.They report-“d the members of the home compa- vy all well.Their camp site was aittlerough,part of it had to be litched and drain pipe put in and there were many stumps to remove and rough places to smooth,but the‘amp is in pretty fair shape now, Each company has to prepare its own camp—Jay out streets and doallthenecessaryworktoputthegroundsinneatandsanitarycondi- tion, TO MISSISSIPPI. Mr.Alwyn Morrison,son of Mr. and Mrs.Eugene Morrison,and Mrs.fh 8.Ramsey,Sr.,leave tonight forWashington,Miss.Young Mr.Mor-rion will enter Jefferson Military College,at Washington,of whichMr.C.G.Prosperi of Statesville re- cently became superintendent,and Mrs.Ramsey will be matron of the institution.Mra,Prosperi and children andMrs.ri's mother,Mrs.Wal-ser,joi Mr.Prosperi in Missis- sippi last week. NITRATE PLANT.Machinery for the $3,000,000 gov-ernment nitrate plant has been or-dered and construction will begin aswonasasiteinsouthwesternVir-definitely se’a Severathe automobile occ y was put brothers,the rs suspecting it}The mayor,clerk andwascarryingwhiskeyin‘violation|were authorized borrow $6,000 toofthelaw.cade didn’t have|meet expenses.On motion the}openonSunda ER 11,191%. —Mr.”—is havinganbuilding ’ J,Mefekee &Co. mittee.The sewer lineavenue,as laid -by cit< shortage of funds,done later.For the same reasonwesdecidedtopostponepaving al-leys.:It was ordered that all garages inthecityhavecertainhourstoys,and an orbetothiseffect.The hoursforSundaybusinessingaragesis6.-30 to 9.30 a.m.,2 to6 p.m.ordered city con» i showed 214.59;$370.99 from taxes, lights,$145.58 from water,$5cemetery,$485.76 from streets and$37 from license.themegFyBy198.34 for sala-ries,$396.91 for$307.71 for fire W.Stimson,on Vvo’clock Friday morning,by Rev.L.D.Thom the interment was in are spending a few days at Mr.Stim-son’s.Mr.Richardson has returnedtoAsheville.Mrs.Boone of Salisbury,who was i in Asheville,accompanied Mr:and Mrs.RichardsontoStatesvilleandstoppedhereforthefuneral, News of the Churches. Next Monday is the Hebrew NewYearandWednesday,26th,Day ofAtonement,both of which will be ob-served with services at TempleEmanuel.The services will be con-ducted by Mr.Samuel S.Kaplan ofNewYork,a ministerialRevivalmeetingwillcommence Sun- day night,16th,at Cool Spring Bap-tist church.Pastor JA L.TeaguewillbeassistedbyRev.W.L.BarrofCooleemee.Sunday,9th,inst.,Rev.J.M.ClarkclosedanEvangelisticconferenceinConcordchurchatLoray,which wasthethirdintheseriesofnineCon-ferences which will be held in Con- cord Presbytery.He leaves a toconductanotherConferenceinva- tira church,Rowan,beginning thireveningandclosingWednesdayeve-ning.The Statesville Conference istobeheldTuesdayandWednesdayOctober9thand10th. Certificates For Teachers. Superintendent Mitcneil yesterday received the first grade certificatesissuedbytheStateboardofexamin-ers to teachers who took the exami-nation in July,They are Miss Kath-erine Gray,Mr.L.R.Houpe,MissBlizabethHartness,Miss Carrie Mott Sharpe,Miss Edith ietoue®lin,Mr.J.W.Rash,Statesville;Miss F r.of the publishingwork. Met T Mackey denofaletgr.J.J.Mackay,Jr.director of the Unitedicles amt Statesville Saturday to look in upontheworkoftheexemptionboardthewesterndistrict.He askedPD.M.Coiner,secretary of the oy z hoard for the eastern district.result of the visit of Mr.Coiner Annie King,Statesville,R-5; Mr,|of Mr.Mackay,the equipment offr.A.Kennedy,Troutman;Miss Lil-|western board will be ineresbed109filingsystemandmuch stenographic help employed.* TOBACCO SALES TODAY.aTheMcElweePlanters’4 lan Bagwell,Miss Estelle Wood-sides,Loray;Miss Mary E.Davis,Miss Irene Gudger,Mooresville;Miss Alta Younger,Miss Kate Camp-bell,New Hope. Barn Burned By Lightning. The barn of Jim Gray,colored,who lives about two miles north oftown,was struck by lightning and burned,with its contents,carly Sat-urday afternoon.Gray's loss includ. ed a mule,a wagon,buggy and a quantity of feed,estimated by him atabout$100.He had no insurance.The loss that disturbed him most,Tim said,was a barrel of 2-yenr-oldapplevinegar.’He seemed to thinkthatvinegarwasworthmorethanthemuleandvehicles. a good corpsthereduringtheseasonandpresentindicationstobdecoistosellforhigherpricesthan urged to be present—formally any matterschoosetoconsider. *MAY PROSECUTE.Mr.Dorsey Phillips,aagentfromtheDepartment oftice,Washi dD C.Sai eee Be Fcharge,©hleather,who is to have tr gE ni d ii y.are al-|German money’part,this propaganda,| tors.|The Federal grand jury at Chica-is now sifting out the evidence.will by no means betoChicago. Doesn’t Think Much of Our! Army. A dispatch from The Hague saystheWeserZeitung(a German paper) has a sarcastic article about Ameri- ca’s army,saying that the Ameri- can and sitied,press is still talking about the forthcoming setp of 1,000,- ridicules the statement50,000 men have arriv-|later a full million are com-adds that in the repetitionthequestionofwhoisthearmyisforgotten,like-3,000,000 tons of shipping.It adds that the fact thatpresentfightingtroopsare a of asa pune is apparent- lyf‘to America’s militaryZeitungproceedstogivethenish-AmericanthedetrimentofAmeri-that even the much-talk-Rough Riders were chiefly ne-It says that “long afterwardconditionsweresubjectsof,American humor,”and that dishon-| in American army contracts hastakenon“almost Russian propor-|tions.”It is learned at The Hague ed-of i thattheopinionprevailsinGermanythat!jour and allowancesevenshouldtheAmericansbeabletolandtroopsinGermanytheywouldbeunabletofeedthem. —_— Malone Quits His Job. Dudley Field Malone,customs col-,lector at New York,tendered hisresignationtoPresidentWilsoninagainstthefailureofthetttoadvocatepassageoftheFederalsuffrageamendmentandbe-cause he permitted the imprisonmentofwomenwhohavebeenpicketingtheWhiteHouse.Malone,who as=Ps of the |anya arrai:_ashington police court,told thePresidentinhisletterofresignationthatinasmuchashe(Malone)hadisedthewomenofthesuffragetesthathewouldexertallhisenergytohavethenationalDemo-cratic administration endorse suf-by constitutional amendment,.he felt obliged to resign and devote’himself to redeeming that promise.In quitting the office of collector counsel defended at New York Malone leaves one ofthebest-paid places in the vern-ment service.He is a son-in-law offormerSenatorO'Gorman of NewYork. Chicago Mayor Asks Damages. Mayor Thompson of Chicago,whoisso7-German that he hasmadehimselfandhiscityridiculoushisattitudesincethedeclarationwar,has brought suits for dam-=aggregating more than $1,600,- ,against newspapers and personswhohavecriticisedhim.The Chicago Herald and JamesKeeley,publisher,will be asked for!$50,000;|$250,000;Chic TribuneChieagoDailyNewsand Victor F.Lawson,publisher,$250,000;$200,-000 from Jacob M.Dickinson,for-mer Secretary of War,who hasmadevior’s anti-war attitude,and $200,each from H.H.Hedrick and Arnold qunaney Ne th SS oa getheicagopter otheNationalSecurityLeague. Thinks It Will Be 20 Cent Cotton, “Twenty-cent cotton will be themarketfigurethiswinter,in myCarr Durham,who is in Wash-helping Herbert Hoover ad-the food control law.“Inotbelievethatthepriceofcot-ton will go below that figure,nor,as ?manufacturer of cotton goods,do 1 desire it to do so,”continuedDurhamman.Those persons|are declaring that the cotton Want an embargo on cot-may profit by a de- the raw materialof manufactured goods atonhigh-priced cotton, unpatriotic motives to crepeedce&price s comment on the may-| it,”says Gen.Julian S.'! i¥ oE .z ; f;: 8§ il i |i:f £;i % of this survey in to the circumstanceswhichthecrimeforwhicheachprisonermentionedbelowwascon-vieted.As a result of the study ofthissurvey,and of the investigationbyme,pardons are granted to FAmong those released were:Jos.Williams of Martin county,sentenced 12 years old to 25 years inprisonforburningabarn.Hasserved15yearsandhasnearthree years’time allowance for good con- duct.Geo.Johnston of Nash county,sentenced at age of 15 to 30 yearsforburglary.Has more than two years’time allowance.Will German of Greene county, sentenced at age of 12 to 15 yearsforcriminalassault.Has served 11yearsandhastwoyears’time allow- i ance.Ewell Overton of Pasquotank wassentencedatageof11to20yearsforhouse-breaking.Has served 11 years and has two years’allowance. John Perry of New Hanover,wassentencedforlifeforburglaryatageof138.Has served 27 years andhasaperfectrecord.:James Alexander of Rowan,serv- ing 20 years for second degree mur-der,has served 16 years and his al-lowance for good behaviour wouldhavereleasedhimDecemberIst.Of the 21 pardons all are ne- groes save one.One of the 20 ne-groes is a woman,Melissa Clegg of Cumberland county,convicted of second degree murder at the age of 16 and sentenced to 20 years.She has served 16 years and has morethanthreeyears’allowance for goodconduct.The prisoners furloughed drew a total of $1,905.53 for good behav- @ranted undertheactofthelastLegislature,White Woman Refused Pardon. A little old woman of 75 sits inherroomattheStatePrisonand,knits,threading off the hours be-fore her life sentence is ended.‘Shemighthavegonefree,too,but the proffered clemency of several Gov-ernors she has declined,preferring to spend her last days in the onlyhomeshehasknownsince1879.ThewomanisAuntSarahWyckoff,serv- ing a term for murder committed in Alexander county,her sentence hav- ing become operative June 10,1879. Several Governors have offered her “a Each time she has declin- “[want to stay here the rest of my days,”she says always.“Mychildrenhaveallforgottenme.I! have heard from nobody I once knewinyears.I want to die here and beforgotten.”She has a room of her own,with a private bath,both kept clean withscrupulouscare.For ten years shehasnotleftherquarters,and in thegripofrheumatismshecanonlyhobbleabout.One of the doors of her room opens into the ward of the hospital.At this door she_sits most of the time,knitting or talk-ing to the patients who will talk toher.Often she reads her Bible,and each Sunday looks forward to theSundaydinnerthatMrs.J.R.Col-lie,wife of the prison superintend- ent,always provides for her. SAAT TEMES COED After Seditious Publications. Searching inquiry into the utter-~ ances of German language newspa- pers in the United States,Socialistic magazines,and literature of so-call- ed peace societies and associations, regarded as likely to lead te prosecu- tion in some instances,is being con-ducted by the Department of Jus- tice.The department considers its posi-|tion strengthened by the recent de- cision of Federal Judges Hough ofNewYorkandSpeerofGeorgia,insustainingtheactionofPostmasterGeneralBurlesoninrefusingtheprivilegesofthemailstoTheMass-eg and The Jeffersonian.Recent utterances and activitiesofMayorThompsonofChicagoandTheRepublican,a newspaper whichsupportshiminconnectionwiththeso-called convention there of thePeople’s Council of America for De-mocracy and Peace,are also beingscrutinized. The department has held rppeated- ly that it is not its functior®to pro-hibit or to break up pacifist meetings|or conventions,but a close scrutiny‘of the utterances of speakers and others at such meetings is main-tained to determine violation of theespionageact.Included in the investigation of alleged seditious publications andothersofacharacterrdedas—to —a a wspapers a Magazines publish-ed in German in this country and thespvernneandotherliteratureof I have made a|“There is no power in 21 prisoners mentioned below.”| the is = | cf i i| di ;ionlythroughtheco-opera-ition of all interests concerned.food bill that power.Everywhere ‘in Bo.5 teats he als|rope price fixing-——that isofmaximumprices—has failed.ehadthefixingofwheatpricesthrustuponus,as it is our duty to purchase80percentofthecropfor—.and we had the wheat commnameapriceasaguaranteeto pro-ducers and to stop specula ‘“The meat situation is such thatahighpricetoproducersisguaran-teed for many years.If war weretoendsuddenlyorifthesubmarineweretobeovercome,however,greatsteresofwheatwouldbereleasedinArgentina,Australia and Indiaandthebottomwoulddropoutofthemarketsinthiscountry.These threenationswillhaveonhand=soonenoughwheattofeedtheworld,butshipscannotbehadtotransportit.“Beef and pork present different situations.We export a _smal!amount of beet relatively,but now we are over-exporting pork and it may become necessary to take meas- ures to keep a proper relation be-tween the price of corn and hogs. There is nothing that can be done to atop this rise in meat prices if the shortage continues,but if we stabil- ize prices the rise will move at a con-tinuous level.Producers must haveapricethatwillstimulateproductionandmustgetthatprice,though there can be no government guarantee,andIseenowaytobringaboutavolun- tary agreement as to prices thatshouldbepaid.” Wants Pay For Two Jobs. A member of Congress may be pa- triotie enough to vacate his seat and join the army,but at least one of them thinks his patriotism should‘draw pay for the two jobs.Repre-sentative LaGuardia of New York, who quit Congress in August and joined the signal corps,asked for hiscongressionalpayforAugust.Un- der the advice of attorneys,the ser- veant-at-arms of the House advised LaGuardia thet a Congressman who joins the army automatically vacateshisseatandisnotentftfedtofur- to fix prices and we never 2 ther congressional pay.LaGuardiasaysifhesurvivesthewarhewillbringsuitforhissalaryas)Con-gressman, Trailers For Ambulances. Every American ambulance in France is going to be equipped with a tail.The tail will be a kitchen to run along behind each ambulanceloadofwoundedmencomingfromthefront,and see that they get something hot and good to eatThistrailer,the Red Cross warcouncilannounces,was invented by the New York county chapter of the Red Cross.It is being furnished in large numbers to ambulance compa- nies now in.training at Allentown, Pa.bulances now at the French front, the Red Cross needs all it can get,both for use there and in Russia and Serbia. What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS 1S AN IMPROVED CASCARAADigestiveLiquidLaxative,Cathartic and Liver Tonic,Contains Cascara Bark,Blue Flag Root,Rhubarb Root,BlackRoot,May Apple Root,Senna Leaves andPepsin.Combines strength with pala-table aromatic taste.Does not gripe.SOc —MAYR’S” Wonderful Remedy For STOMACH TROUBLE One Dose Convinces Statesville Drug Co. and other reliable drugzgists.| Wood's SeedsAlfalfa will yield four or five cut-tinge season.Fallis theforsowing.Every ||as to fedor;|feedtoraise muave fivestech.| Wood's Alfalfa —Ainerican-grown '|bestquality obtainabic. ||WOOD'S FALL CATALOG ||gives Reem neefeetarep a nthiwtdion. of | SeedsforFallSowin Write for Catalog and jyvtcesanySeedsrequired. T.W.WOOD &SONS,SEEDGMEN,-Richmond,Va. Although there are 64,000 am-| wt? Lucien D’Hilly,37,awhosineeooutbreak .,has been posing as a memberfamousLaFayetteescadrillelecturinginvariouscitiesperiencesandadventuresasan avi- ator in Franee,pleaded gly in po-|lice court at Rochester,N.Y.,to the)charge of bigamy and was held toawaitactionofthegrandjury.Aero Club of America investigatedHilly,i he was not amemberoftheescadrilleandhadneverdoneanyflyinginFrance. SAA ATT SUMMERS’FINE REDUCED.Dr.J.W.Summers,the Charlottephysicianwhewasconvictedofper-forming a criminal operation on ayoungwoman,who died,gets offwithapaymentof$500 and thecosts.mmers was sentenced tothreeyearsintheStateprison.Gov.Bickett commuted the sentence to afineof$1,000.A few days ago theGovernorreducedthefineto$500.Dr.Summers is prohibited frompracticinghisprofessionforthree years, Frenchman,of the warthe Sample (either color)for2c.Stamp. Lyon Mig.Ce.,40South Filth St.,Brooklyn,N.¥. qe RYE! We secured another small orderfor Rye and can still use a qpanity at $2.00 PER BUSHEL. Bringittousfor CASH. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. UNCLE SAM KNOWS Our Government has taken the output of factories that make vuleanizing outfits.This showswhatUncleSamthinksofvul- canizing Tires.Why not you doashedoes—repair your Tires? &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. NEW SEED BUSINESS. TurnipSeed in packages and in bulk.Also a variety of other garden and Field Seed, All New. T.N.BROWN. The. be an invalid,but I told him I wantedto wait awhile.Our druggist advised my husbandto getLydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it hasentirelycuredme.Naw I keep house for seven and workinthegardensome,toe.I am so thankfulIgotthismedicine.I feel as though it saved mylifeandhave recommendedittoothersand they.havebeen benefited”.—Mrs.W.E.Linvsey,R.R.3,Tennille,Ga, If you wantspecial advicewriteto Lydia E.PinkhamMedi- cine Co.(confidential)Lynn,Mass.Your letter willbeopened, readand answered by a woman andbeld in strict copfidence. For you if you carry one of our new Thermos Bottlesonyourouting. We have large,small and medium.You can serveyourbeveragejusttherighttemperature,pure andrefreshingwhencarriedinthesemagicbottles. Keep hot or cold indefinitely.Indispensible to automobilists. We'll be glad to show them to you.POLKGRAY DRUG CO.“On theSquare. YOUR FAVORITE CIGAR. ——In Condition —— That’s Fit To Smoke. That's The Way We Keep House. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED AXkCHITECT, ANNOUNCEMENT! reons indebted to said firmwithMr.Long.Any acountswillbepresentedtoMr.ZEB.V.VORG,JNO.A. »JR.'|Awe.28--6t.*||'—BtoreroomR.P.Allison,R.A.Aug.10.hl al ame heardon theVICTROLA ourstorearethedirectcauseofone ': j} hisservices tof I take this opportunityof thankingmy many friends and customers for the loyal support and patronage given me whileconnectedwithSloan Cloth- ing Co.,and also to announce I will be with Crowell ClothingCo.,(Succes- sorsto Sloan ClothingCo.,)and will be gladto see my friends at all times and serve them to the best of my ability,in fairand honestdealings. Yourstoserve, R.L.SLOAN. THE STORE ON THE CORNER. A tr e e d a ii * Natingreleved mount!iook Card, i ii For a bag of Davis right from the mill’ anything you want i way of Spices, ;Extracts,Rubbers, |and Jar caps. Phone 89. Graham Flour,fresh lot Don’t forget that we have inegar, Eagle&Milholland. qualityandprice. Bros, n the for our farmer friends. eet ee n c o n e wa l l e aa r o n Jars a - 2 FINE LOT MEAT. +—$$$ DENTAL SURGEON, TELEPHONE"Phone 197. COUNTRY Miller-McLain SupplyCo. DR.VANCE HASTY, Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,.& ENGAGEMENTS,| SPECIAL ATTENTION TO C TILDREN'STEETH. Tan Boots. DENTIST.| 5 OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. }Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store.‘Statesville,N.C. %HOURS &to 6. |DR.J.M.HOLLA ' |‘PHONE 81.|} ND. Eaglish Walking Shoe. DID YOU FVER BUY A Door or Window,and find not fit the Frame?C.WATtheDoors,Windows and;ready-made.YOU CAN TRY THEM:ME YOU TAKE THEM FROMHISLUMBERYARD! SCRAP BRASS--Heavy Biper—_Ligh:Brass WANTED! FOR SALE: Neweee hand machineryforandallkindsofboiler Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell"Phono No.14,Beli No.1. 1 it wouldKINShas Frames, { see them. rass 74c. Se.per Re | If you have Batter the trouble. an expert!All work Cedar and Pine Sh All grades ——lowestaeRoll,Valle Tint BrownStains.c.WA eeaciensatinienacained seremnanranapcosnemanan I to sawsee—me—421v,6 ey Battery Trouble Righted. bring us your Car.ell loca STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. WOOD SAWING] ————__ jot & done GS ices,Naile,— -Shingle King of Ire- soetetroceeerect youror We havethem of every style, The big ToughHideMud Splitter| The broad toe,low heel school TheKidor Patent Boot,French or Military Weel,for dress,or anyother kindyou want. Just received shipment Dark 1}We havethehigh French or Military Heels.Also lowHeels They are Beauties --don’t fail to And we are prepared better than ever to supply the wants of the children—Bring them in. Andthe importantpartto many i}is this;muchof this stock Again the French and the Germans are engaged in extremely heavy fight-|ine in the Verdun sector,with the Germans trying to recoup thewoftheendoflastweekoothe rightbankoftheMeuse,but with Genera!Petain's forces holding them back al-|most everywhere ond covering the_@round with their dead.Over a front of nearly two —\the Germans Sunday morning,follow-jing unsuccessful attacks Saturdaynight,returned to the fray with rejnewedvigor,especially around Hil!'$44.At some points French trencheswerecapturedbytheGermansbuttheylaterweredrivenoutand_theFrenchlinewesentirelyre-establish-ed.In the fighting around the BoisidesFossesSaturdaynighttheGer-jmans left nearly 1,000 dead on the‘ground before the French positions.|At various points on the front held |by Field Marshal Haig the British|4roops have delivered successful attacks,especially northwest of St Quentin,where German positions ©a front of several hundred yards wers{eaptured and prisoners ‘taken,In Mlanders the British guns are still roaring in the mighty bombardment that has been in progress more than a fortnight,but as yet the infantry‘has not been loosed for the impending dash into the enemy territory.|Germans and Russians, There has been a considerable slaek-ing in the German advance in north- ern Russia,due in large measure to ithe Russians making stands at sev-eral points,particularly on the front of the Pskoff railroad line leadingjeastwardfromRiga.Here the vanruardsoftheGermansandRussian cavalry engaged in fighting,the re- sult being that the invaders are held back while the Russians are preparing defenses in which to make a standOntheupperreachesoftheAariver the Germans have thrown ponteonbridgesacrossthewaterwayandarc gathering their ferces for onether on slaught.Concentrations of Germans‘also have been discovered in the re gions of Jacobstadt and Dvinsk,prob- ably indicating that Prince Leopold of Bavaria purposes an extensive op- eration against the Russisns in this region. On the lower end of the line,inRumaniatheRussiansandRumanicontinuetoholdtheAustriansand ing violent attacks which have been preceded by heavy artillery fire.ltalians and Austrians. Although terrific storms have ken over the ‘Austro-Italan front causing the rivers to overflow their banks and turning the plains inte quagmires,the heavy battle for Mante ‘San Gabriele continues unabated,with}the Italians violently attacking,but with the Austrians siill maintaining the positions,On the Carso plateau| the battle has again lessened in vio-| lence,only artillery Guelsactionstakingplace. The Italians have already,30,000 prisoners amb the total losses ‘ef the Austrians are estimated at 120,000. How It Started. One of the little grandsons of the Kaiser snid lately to his works.He examined everything Tf showed him carefully and then crie/: him.” Burke Man Strikes It Rich. D.F.Asbury,son of 8S.M.As- bury of Burke county,says a patch from Morvanten,has 9 won world-wide fame by an importantinventioncoveringimprovementsin big guns. This improvement was by young Asbury several years while he was draftsman in the War Department.His improvement was instantly recognized by the British government,which hought the rights to use it an@ sinee that time Asbury has been getting large royalty checks.Last week he received a ‘heck from that governmen:amount- ing to over $380,000,leaving him a clear royalty of $26,000,after the? English income tax was deducted. SERRE -enerElevenofEach1,000 killed. Eleven out of every 1,000 men onthewesternfrontinEuropeare killed in action,according to French official figures.The per centage of killed is much less now than earlier in the war.The high mark of casualties =in French army was at the battle:of Charleroi and the Marne,when 541 mon in every 10,000 were killed orwounded,The killed have not ex-20 per cent.of the total cas- rat Stites .‘Ne being Him.6.A.Marnen,hae yaees | +Ned Jones collided with a telephone Germans for no gains,notwithstand-| bro-! and patrol ' tuken| imperial| relative:“Grandpa,did you makethiswar"?“No,child,”replied the Keiser. |“Then did Uncle George make the!i war"? “No.” “Did Unele Nick make the war, grandpa”? “JH tell you how it starte },"said his grandfather “A man named Teddy Roosevelt came to see me and 1 took him to lock at)the Kropn “With all these,works and all your preparedness vou can tick the world.”“And,”added the Kaiver,!sadly,“I was fool enough to believe tudied out)ty the! The Rich Times fearsheseareltyaanPeresult intheexterminationwiallthesquirrels 1 Northampton county. ee.capitalists have bought theClevelandSpringsyy,nearShelby,formerly aSTcen A hotel will be built. Rev.E.O.Sample,a Presbyterian minister,formerly of Mecklenburg!and well known in this section,died|a few days ago at Hendersonville. The contract has been let for the|new buildings for the institution for|the blind,te be erected near theStateprison,in Raleigh.The cost is| $140,000,| Daniel S.Jones,night fireman atthelightplantinlzabethCity,|vas shot from ambush while at his! work and mortally wounded,dying 1 w short time. The Posteffice Department has au- horized two additional clerks for the| Winston -Salem office and instructed|he postmaster to keep the office| pen until 9 p.m.| Lindsay Brittain,a 12-year-old hoy of Roeky Mount,wading with other hoys in an old rock quarry near Wil- mington,stepped in water over his head and was drowned. Fitzhugh Griffin,driving a governmentautomobileatCampGreene Charlotte,fan over ai negro bevFrankGein,The bey died and Grif tin faces a charge of manslaughter. At Wilmington Mrs.James A Fuirley was run into by a negro ridingabievele.She was seriously injured.The newrro was held under. vrrest to await the outcome of her nyuries, Mrs.Chalmers Glenn,mother of cx Gov.R.B.Glenn,died Sunday verning at her home in Greensboro | in her 87th year.She was the moth.| er of five children and ex-Gov.Glenn |<the only survivor. Mrs.Carrie Travis,wife of Mr. Cicero Travis of Maiden,Catawhe county,died a few days ago,says the Newton Enterprise,from the effects: of burns reeeived when kerosene oil <ploded in a cook stove, Nineten young women from Wilkes county left North Wilkesboro in one day for Winston -Salem to work in the Reynolds tobacco plant.The hild labor law eut out many work-ers in the Reynolds factories. A patriotic meeting will be held in Roone tomorrow in honor of the se-lected members of the National ar-my in Watauga.Messrs.W.C.New- land,Frank Linney and 8.J.Erwin ire named as speakers.Picnie din- ner;Testaments for the men. John W.Hutchison of Charlotte, who had entered the second training imp at Fort Oglethorpe,died there Saturday,following an overation for appendicitis.Mr.oo”was member of the Charlotte bar,was 3 vears old and is survived by his mother,Mrs.A.C.Hutchison, twe brothers and a sister. At Lenoir an automobile driven by selected James T.Gross,one of the oc enpants of the car and a member of|Battery FE,field artillery,was thrown fon the concrete sidewalk and his skull fractured.His condition is se rious.The other occupants of the ear were not seriously hurt. Several weeks ago A.C.Stroupe, i}.prominent citizen of Gaston coun y,mysteriously disappeared,Search was made for him without avail and .reward was offered for him.A few jays ago Mr.Strouve was found in Charlotte by a neighbor.His mind was a blank and he was unable to rive any account of himself. About a year ago August 27, 1916 Robt.A.Beattie,a Charlottelrrecerymiun,60 vears old,shot and Killed his wife.He was held insane and sent to the criminal insane de jnartment of the State prison.Hethasnowrecovered.is pronouncedwne—and will be returned to Meck Yenburs for trial for the murder of| his wife. BE.A.Todd and Sam.King,white men sentenced to a vear in the State vrison for operating a distillery at |Wilmington.had friends at court tnost. ‘John J.Blair,superintendent of Wil Mington city schools,and other in |fluentia)Wilmington»citizens,ap yoared in behalf of the booxe-mak ‘vs,and 1.200 citizer siened a ne tition in their behalf All of noved Gov.Biekets chanwe the iprisonment to a fine of $1,000, |;|whieh | }| | -|iComplyingWiththeLaw. Gastonia Cazectte In the meantime th tten manu facturers are comply.‘psolutely i with the law (child labor law).They“are giving the brokers to 4 and cloth are chipped iron-elad guarantee that the wood involved| are mare in’compliance with ew law.There is no concealing the fact that the mills are feemne the effects | of the law and the brokers and re Hlers will also”feel it.The millannotfilltheircontractsbecauseofttheenforcedshortageoflabor.Many of the mills in this section are work ing on government contract whiet hey say they cannot 1 for thi reason,Hence Uncle Sam,it)ap pears,will suffer along with —the mills and with the families which (wil be deprived of part of their gmeans of subsistence Whether one belie this bill i ta just one or not.all recornize the fact that it necessitates a readjust |ment of labor condition in theSouth,which will require some time to briny about The Trouble in Russia. Premier Kererjiiky has ordered General Korriloff,commander-in- chief of the Russian armies,to re- sign in consequence of General Kor-niloff’s demand fer supreme power. General Klembovsky has been ap-beinted commander-in-chief.Premier|Kerensky has declared a state of|War exists in the city of Petrogard.|Korniloff is considered in revolttndhismaybeacounterrevalution. =ee peameres Soo ae Tablets, opinion of Chambertnin « whee and as &caetiee,i,| ay nog ~ OMESEEOURCOMBS and SHELL6 hom varns | Let \ hair ornaments. your lovely tresses ins Let us show thei n to you. When you dé present for baby them.The y lo ef “quality will be there.” 1s show you our handsome combs,hair pins,and, We have many beautiful things to decorate.» hell goods;also in gold-and silver. siredeg iing in the jewelry line frdyn a birth is for thegolden wedding come ie us for R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. tenn angeranti Mint Cola Lemon Seda Cocolade Statesville Mint Cola Bottling Co. Phone No.82.623 N.Center St. Ginger Ale In Bottles 5c.Everywhere. erOrangeCrashCheerwine 1“ae ’ i Str aw berry Are found in the |‘plumbing makes che long hours ife at a home a‘spent by the pleasure nothing el: WE. Your |canbe Phone svch a pleasure that e can dive. MUNDAY. MER meme men me NOTICE! ‘ ¥ ih. ~|If You Want a Flooring That Flooring that wont warp,Ceiling that won't kick off,Shingles that home.Good won’cup,and Wrathevboarding that won't buckle,buy from C,WATKINS. We are to recharze ceasories, 114 B.Broad St STATESVILLE MOTOR OD,; Batiery Inspection Free, thoroughlyBatteries andinstockafvlllineofBattery ae “ae ve -oe ence ee METALS. Commencing today we will di Nothing can take the place tinue the Jitney Service in the usual : way and establish Mehedules “_™metals.We are sheet different prominent streets irst to be caenened will be a line from workers and will make Bloomfield (at W.T.Sumpter’s Store)via Front Street to Square you want —tin roofme, andSouthern Depot.This car willrunevery90minutes—on the even P yalley tinandridge roll. and half hour, later. Others will be put on No Schedule on Sunday. RIDE THE JITNEY.JITNEY TRANSFER CO. Statesville, STATESV ‘Phone 66,106 N.C. knowyour wants. iih a ES, ii AL o5 _ - 8 8 te a t the fain alpeace vo-cates feel that those in authority really want to continue the warwhentheymightenditifthey would,We must in considering peace of-|fers determine,first,whetherirealandpermanent.It is useless to consider peace termsunlessthepeaceistobelasting.If the nations of the world,after the ; conclusion of peace,are to go onmakingreadyforanotherstruggle,|imposing on the already overburden-ed people additional burdens forequipmentforaconflictthatwillbe- gin as soon as one nation or a group of nations feel strong enough tooverridetheothers,that would mean simply passing to a future veneration the horrors we now en-dure.It would be selfishness su- j e,rank cowardice,to stop with‘the matter unsettled,simply to giveourselvestemporaryrest,and topaesthesettlementontoothers, with the task made harder by the ,delay.That is why the far -seeingstatesmenoftheworldavenocon-:‘rideration to a peace that meansonlytemporarysettlement.Sir Ed-|ward Carson,a British statesman,Sins #0 well expressed the view,thatTheLandmarkwouldurgeastudy_of his statement.He says:,.“There is a great deal of a veryjlooseandmischievoustalkabout“neace,people imagine weshaveonlytoconcludeatreatywith;Germany and all will be well.But)1 should like to ask what is to hap-pen then?‘Are the nations of the‘world to proceed with preparations|i for the next conflict —to pursue‘their researches in science to the ex-,ransion and creation of still morejdeadlyweaponsofwarfare—to‘snend their urees in the creationofenormouscohortsofairplanesgandsubmarinesforthedestructionofunfortifiedtownsandthemurderofinnocentwomenandchildrenthat‘inhabit them;to take advantage oftheexperiencesgainedinthiswarintheimprovementoflethalandpois-enous gases for the destruction of,humanity?Are we to live in dailyterrorthatatanymomentanothergconftietmayarisewhichmightal-most lead to the extinction of civili-zation itself?“The truth is,a treaty of peace does not necessarily secure peace in;the only sense wherein it can be of“any real use to progress and human-itv.We talk platitudes about a-leawue of nations to enforce peace,Without considering conditions’es-i sential to its success.There was a“lea®ue of nations to protect Belgium-~there were solemn treaties andconventionsatTheHaguetoapplythenrinciplesofhumanityasfaras,possible in war and give effect to in-ternational law.How did these availontheoutbreakofthewar”?Sir Edward then quotes the Ger-man emperor as saying there is nointernationallaw,that treaties areserapsofpaperandsoforth,and adde: “T have not yet seen a single sug-|restion as to how in future)these jes are to be preventedfromifthetawlesstem-per of Germans remains unre-nentant and their power to repeattheircrimesremainswhatithasteeninthepast,relatively to therestoftheWorld.President Wilson isrightwhenhedeclaresnotermssignedbythepresentrulersofGer-— many would afford the slightest se-curity for the peace of the world,nothing is more certain than t jvst in proportion as the milita- ry defeat of Germany is incomplete,the duraticn of peace would be short.Whatever terms Germany mightbeingherselftoaccentinordertoretuperateherstrengthforanother agression,her people would soon for- fet such economic privations as they have had to endure and =would re-main convinced they proved them-selves invincible.” Sir Edward asserted that if thiswaristoputanendtoallwar,Ger- man wilitariam must be sufficient!ycrushedtomakefreshaggressionbyherimpossibleforalonetimeto come,“and until it is no longer pos-sible for the Cerman people them- selves to be deluded by the legendgattheirinvincibilityInarms.”That is to say,the strugele is onMillionsofpeopleandbillionsof‘dollars have been sacrificed.It isbetter,far better,to go on,even ifhitmeansthesacrificeofthemanandthelastdollar,than to stopiwtheconflictunsettled,onlytherenewedwithaddedhorrors a‘years hence.When the German5learnthattheycannotdomi-world —leawillae again attemptjermanpeople—German rulers —will ii ifi le e be=it sf H t be near—we praynearorfar,for.=r= peace,the war will */com aoe to make mm that leason so! make terms that will mean «Sic H t overmentrties in connection pro-joning polities or the indulge in men who playe’politics in connec-tion with the wur are traitors totheircountry—and Judge Pritchard _——spoke a greater truth in hisife.i “Why should we pay more for pa-| per,”asks the Gondene Record of|The Landmark,“in order that Unele |Sam may get it for less”?This re-|fers to the fact that your Uncle has|commandeered a supply for himself |at 2 1-2 cents a pound,on the idea}that 2 1-2 gives the manufactureranddealerafairprofit,while the!balance of us continue to pay 3 1-2,)4 and 5—or whatever the trade de-mands.Answering the Record’s|question,Uncle Sam hasn't get that)right,but b’gosh,he’s took it.The!‘old man isn’t giving the rest of us asquaredealonpaperproposi-tion,but probably he hasn't time tothinkaboutitjustnow.| Col.Harris of the Charlotte Ob-| server is of course keping it inmindthatnextSunday,September16,is the date set by the New Jer-| sey seer for the “catching up”of thesaintsandthechildren.The colonelwasalittledisposedtocomplainaboutclassdistinctions,but wetrustthatintheintervalhe’s got himself ready for the “catching up”and will be able to pass the censorwithouttrouble. Indictments For East St.Louis Riots. Mayor Fred.Mollman of East St.Louis,Ill,his private secretary and87otherpersonshavebeenindicted|as a result of grand jury inquiry in-|to the recent race giots at East St.Louis,in which a large number ofpersonswerekilled.One hundredandfivepersonshadpreviouslybeen|indicted in the same connection.Thegrandjuryrecommendsthatthe|new grand jury,which is to assem-ble on the 17th continue the investi- gation.iThegrandjuryreportdenouncesthemayorforhisallegeddilatori-ness in taking means to curb the ri-|oters who took part in the slayingofnegroesonJuly2,and _recom-mended that he be removed fromoffice.The specific charge against |the mayor is malfeasance in office.|The charge against the mayor's sec-|retary is that of conspiracy with|the rioters,in that he ordered the|police.and militia to destroy camer-|as,“thus preventing moving-picturemenfromphingthemobs,”the report concluded.aRoTwoKilledForResisting. Thomas Simon,a Syrian,called forthedraftarmyinspiteofhisclaimthatabrotherintheTurkisharmmadehimanalienenemy,was kill-ed with his wife at Hawkinsville,!Ga.,Saturday night,while resisting arrest for assaulting a member oftheexemptionboard.After the as-sault Simon,his wife and a brother, barricaded themselves in their store and greeted a posse of officers andcitizenswithavolleyfromriflesandpistols.When the fire was returned Simon and his wife fell dead,thelaterstillgraspingarevolverwhichshehademptied.vrother es- caped through a back door.Threemembersofthepossewerewound- ed,one of them seriously,with abulletinhislungs. AST Federal Road Money.| Apportionment of $14,550,000 to the States from government fund toaidintheconstructionandmainte-nance of rural roads,in aecord-ance with the Federal aid road law,is announced by Secretary Houston of the Department of Agriculture,for the year ending June 30,1919.The law calls for apportionment of$20,000,000 for 1920 and $25,000,000for1921,North Carolina will get $342,556,South Carolina $215,014,Tennessee$340,668,Ne er $298,120,This is third ——— ving beenand$9,700,000undertheact,$4,850,apportioned for 191 for 1918, No Date For Second Draft. Provost Marshal General Crow- ‘tions of the war,” ;are ‘man legation. _the amendment as a conscription edge of the contents of the -“Moreover,I am sure,”;Nordvall,“that no Swede would havebeenapartytosuchaheartlesspro-veeding.”Mr was of the opinion ¥ Mr.NordwallthatBaronLowen would be recalledbytheSwedishgovernmentandsaidhelookedforanexplanationanda disavowal of any intention to com-mit an unneutral act.What effect that disclosure willhaveonArgentina's relations with Germany could only be guessed at byStateDepartmentofficialsandbyAmlorNaon.‘The ambassadoralreadyhastransmittedmesagestohisgovernmentanduntilinstrue-tions are received he will not com-ment on the incident.A dispatch from London says: The ashington State -ment's revelation of a SwedishmatinArgentinaactingasan inter- mediary for transferring GermanmessagestoBerlin,has created -onethegreatestinternationalsensa-says adispatch.The development itself not,however,a great surprise,chief surprise being that the Ameri-can officials were able to obtain themessages,as_they did the Zimmer-mann note of last winter regardingGermanoverturestoMexico.TheSwedishgovernment,with the mon- archy,the aristocracy and the armyoff:cers,has been rather strongly pro-German throughout the war. Swedish people,on the other hand,reported as leaning stronglyagainstGermanyinthemorerecentstagesofthewar,particularly sincetheunrestrictedsubmarinecampaign|an.e contents of the published tel- egrams cannot but show neutral gov-ernments the amount of faith theymayputinGermanpromisesandGermanconcessions.The accredit-ed representative of.the German em-pire to Buenos Aires,while actuallyenjoyingthehospitalityortheAr-gentine republic,is seen advocating the deliberate murder of Argentine,subjects on the high seas in orderthatthesinkingofArgentineshipsbyGermansubmarinesshouldleavenotracewhichwouldmaketheir. crime known in Argentina,and so,make an enemy of that country.|Denies It.The Swedirh minister to Argenti-|na,Baron Lowen,denies that dis-patches in cipher were sent to Ber-lin by the German charge through the Swedish legation at Buenos |Aires.He declared:i“I have not sent nor caused to be|sent by the legatien under my)charge any telegram from the Ger-| news is a greut,and disagreeable surprise.I havecabledtomygovernmenttoclearup matters.”| Senators Knock Hardwick. While the income tax section ofthewarrevenuebillwasunderdis-cussion in’the Senate,Friday,anamendmentbySenatorHardwicktoincreasetaxesonlargeincomesinordertopaya$50 monthly bonus toallAmericansservinginFrance,stirred up the Senate’s temper.Itwaspromptlyvoteddown,74 to 5,having the support only of Senators|Gronna,Hardwick,LaFollette,ReedandVardaman—all the =groupwhichopposedthedraftact.} When the Georgia Senator urgedofwealthtopaysoldiersconscripted,| the Gueness, Ail the charm and magnet- ism with which Robert W. Chambers’imbued his hero-| ine,“The Girl Philippa”— all the endearing ways he gave her—all her beauty modesty and wholesomeness, which made her so popular to the millions of readers of the Cosmopolitan magazine has been transmitted to the » screen in all her pictures- Stewart: i | ' .: CUE GIRL PHILIPPA” | A Tale of Two Hearts Told. in Terms of Love,Courage! and Adventure. She Held the Fate of King- doms in Her Hand. She was only a_will-o-the-| wisp girl,a bespangled| he was assailed by Senator Nelson,cashier in a cafe on the:a Civil War veteran,who denounced|the amendment as “humiliating and) belittling”to the American soldiers,“Our boys are not as cheap as somestatesmen”!the Minnesota Senator|shouted.Senator Chamberlain,chairman ofthemilitarycommittee,with evidentfeeling,cited Senator Hardwick's op-|position to the draft law and declar-|ed the anmdement tended to demoral-ize the army and toward further re.sistance of the law. to the ad-! he|he mt patrioticm”|of his critics.Senator Williams crit-|Senator's past and,attitude toward the draft law|7 shewas destinedFranco-German border.But. bithings.i —, ‘The PictureThatBroke New York Theatre LEST WE FORGET. Now is a good time to select that Monument for thelovedoneswhohavegone.We carry a .andvariedassortmentofbothGraniteandMarbleinMonuments,Tombstones and Markers to select from,Prices reasonable. Barron &Conner. Phone 215.118 E.Broad Street. by dainty Anita \" H.B.WOODWARD INGERSOL DOLEAR WATCHWarprice$1.35.See me if you are in needofanykindofaWatch.1 can supply that need.In stock,Hamilton,South Bend,Waltham,Elgin,New York Standard,Reliance. Jeweler, c :=e THE ST ATESVILLE |REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD. Out office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same . HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call ‘at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No,54 if ourserviceinneeded.| We do NOTARY PULIC work also.Cordially yours, Manager.J.F.CARLTON, THE COLE THREE-ROW GRAIN DRILL. The Cole Three-Row Grain Drill is the.greatestlabor-saving Drill that has ever been invented.The Open F'urrow Method which is made possiblebyitsuseistheoniysafewaytosowOats,andisthebestforothergrain,so as to be sure ofxdstands.ousands of farmers who used the Cole DrillharvestedgoodcropsofOatsthisseason—thehardesteverknown—while those who used otherDrillsscarcelygotbacktheirseed.Also,wheatsowedwiththeColeDrillstoodthewinterbetterandmadeabetteryield. FF ! : i f i f ie é fn and te |SOSe ee ee tee tie)Pa .Sloope Q’en eee and son,Master J yeumaster C.1 MOORE,Bx-Ofieto Treasurer,|Med I peri R.7 !for WakeForest to |ol¢andtals tne Aw E100 shamed it deecoeatn an No man can hide money and keep OTHERS from© |‘The kinds ae urther shewe:!aL ae ole =s Bicbere ir seein92200000020.SR |peetenday,Fale somata,knowing it.There is alwayssomethingin his actions» ”old head.The “aaa Allen,accom “vewivobe‘of gm-(cents Now i's ten.Fetal “enroliment—wites .........",Neue |visit.Me,ilson ___that “gives him away.ectite cole hat |Potal—eolored 5...ee ees eens |ot re visiting her |‘te have 2 Oe ..v .oye"ie Trier fe ae oat toe |Total —both Sa chk 2.1:$i n Mand mi Mrs.ow Our strong vaults will keep your money safe ae nee cewiikinw BeutedWerien|Primary "Dept white 10"Wachoim |quests at the homeofMr.mgt Besides this,MEN of known financial RESPON:- ~~..re|No,”says Mr.Herm ow een hes it |BYereee wot eek psoas ose a cssecc ses ib ©,Dr.8.T.Crowson.|; deatite peas eee eaebb oBe Biteel4 tachehere averaae ae 8 Mr.kaveney Sones,A.~SIBILITY are behind our bank.k v ‘a ;:ra,average ....|summer . Mm.FB.kin,=Me,me Tees sover Seee a one e take this opportunity to call)4 ile to spend Sunday |few dags tate,returning to for losethan two ond s halt vez0®,S reve|special attention to the crowded =aeae oF i aa ae,Oe Make OUR bank YOUR bank |L.W.,MeKesson atid Waticer Me-oS ©ae SSoa ==—.-o “at.—»4e|moms.enteg &will |join MeSundaymorningfromitewlarwelyworkashoubrother,Master Wallace Moore,an ’Ce Sel ciker dite,Genes they npoes *|Rae eters for then a ms 7 havemore than 40 children ome deen Wines Moore,on We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. ithe Miss Julia Fowte:has returned from Catawbe Sherrills are now hay ire further to call to your|accompany them to iencegs,| vinit to her uncle,Mr.Henry Fowler,in|thelr late —of melons to —at.=attention the fact that by reason of Tenn.,and s a few days 7"T ,dmailnen gute ©‘iden ioe Getue taee Oe ‘Noch pro.|the city’s failure to vote the bonds,them at McCauley’s school,which HE F IRST NA TIONAL county,where she will have |Seeed in Catawba.There's ant enough,how-|recently asked for,the school board they enter as students,vefore going ae nullinery department of the Or te eetigane ervill of Lexington |'#compelled to borrow money,inter.’to Sherman,Tex.Mr.Moore be |Statesville,N.C. at 5 “a cena f hexinestn est for which will come from oural-|a senior at the University at Sher-|___-—— DewidtatiinPe cee ans SSE.|Tends rs and sime'"'w."t!Menryot ready insufficient income for the man this year,Miss Irene Le-|SaasmezsJacksonville,Fin,after «ten days|proper maintenagce and running of |Queux has returned from a .HC.Renewar &apending ‘a few days |with oe and pn here,left Saturday |the schools.Had we been to week's visit in Asheville,Black a 2oe worked|{erieheme at,Jacksonville.twey return "|borow this money,the South or Main Mountain and other points in the | his way back to Chapel Hill to enter the Mr.Leopold lip wd putting in a sor-|school would have been closed for the Mountains.Mr.and Mrs,Ray Ech-,'’ & on ‘University.ee Ee oe ede eel it larger part of the winter months,|erd and little son of Asheville are’ o pltte,Bennett+otcee —might |commenunity,os very"scarey indeed “some At present we urgently need four guests of Mr,Echerd’s ene,Mr.| wt Nisan,|farmers ave compelled to haul their cane a dis-|more white teachers and one colored,“4 a.J..oe oe .r.,W been v tance of eight miles to get it made into syrup.|agg ith Miller,his F °Gaither of pA ing went to|,The fali term of the State High School whi |but this me =of the question poco Messrs.T.H.Miller and J.A. Concord Saturday to secompany his grand.|bein September i?th,On account of pre-e@ present income.Mill J il lew canaemeer f Miss Edith Guffey,who t the|Vailing conditions it has been necessary to|Respectfully submitted,liller,Jr.,Will leave ‘el‘oak Win..chonaeand Gath theotal of tenahore oopend |F.A.SHERRILL,Chairman his —e .~—.Mr.| Be ;un annow e "*s t :and Mrs.T.H.Miller and daughter,areshowing big line Sport WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS.Mellie frome wilt he aia.”tee io |ie heii hates =little Miss Sara Miller,will accom-We a of —King will be assistant to the principal;Miss|Recov F ,|vany him home for a visit..ees Cc y Entre Nous Abandons Study i Bette oe “Seteovitty will —gone |as calcul -:--| For a is t La»-a sep ,g me!a me ago ion arose s ioeestmteeeeeetesaeeeeeeeeeeneee. oo —ae ee cee oe cqluadchute tptent binke tas pane,Miss |had not paid to the county the full chill Tonic is equally valuable as a.a ?=a)a Howe rennet fie petroan of the octeel wiamouns to which wus General Tonic because it contains the Sheared Brim,Rolled Brim,one Be :Merv.Ernest G.Gaither will “entertain|purchase no new books until after the be-|from the fees collected in the |és in honor of her mother,ginning of school.This t micht well|well known tonieproperties ofQUININE # 4 BertaGictentrich,of Fort Mill,&C.CePcal &antigen cor te ome,me aie Oe ew of deeds.For some and IRON.ItactsontheLiver,In fact all the newstyles 4 {change of books this year is State-wide.|reason county commissioners out Malaria,the end |materials shown this 1 [eense has been issued for the marriage;A troop of Boy Seouts will be organized|took no action in matter,-Buildsupthe System.60cents.|season. }of Mr,Sam MelMurray Morrow and Mina Lil-|here this week,will be under the vro-|by being of the opinion that Bsi :s Eller;Mr.Alvin McAllister and Te wing of Rev.bs a OUTMAN.|the jasten=IARKET REPORTS.Have just received a good line of i Veatrice Jones..D.TRO .{owed nothing.Not ' ——a ,|isfied,with settlement,in P.eaneseaeeMinsBerthaClinewashortestotheBCAUTOSINCOLLISION.’Waddill sult agaiat the ox.Btavesvitte Market.Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists, |gine’ts tn intormal”sewing ‘Dagty and the jachin:Fall ,on behalf of himself and 9.7%Sute"on'Uefoal market in the new models.We are always ‘:one chatted merrily,white they worked.|Damaged Machines —other citizens,to recover the amount “‘gpring Chickens,18e.per Ib.|Ay refreshments were served.|Farm Work —Personal alleged to be due the county.As a,Hens,160.per Ib.glad to show you our line. 2,SS teeter cotrtainet io Oc.)|Beene.the clerk‘of ‘the count of Forayth Recrgm.te per ihe = :.oe >mer.*-|Correspondence .,he.to 260.‘ wW.t Nicholson,Friday morning.As this|of The Landmark.|county $6,223.88 in settlement of the an (th <->oe ‘oe ina was the first meeting of the season tt was Statesville,R-8,Sept.8 The hard rajp of |judgment t him Of this Hiiles,18¢.per Ib.i se devoted entirely to business,and the ladies |last week caused an overflow of the creeks t $4 i the oe oe j ; »discussed plans for the winter's work.Mrs.|in this seetion,also washing dewn corn and #moun 5 goes into WON-~Sides,2éc.per Ib.‘ Hughey served sandwiches and tea.‘damaging hay on meadows that was ready/eral fund and the remainder covers Shoulders.26c.10 28e.per Ib..; —:j for fall mowing..‘the cost of prosecuting the action.New Red Honey (strained)12 1-2-16e tb.vel Cer lence of The Landmark.|“Bowing crimson clover,making roughness nem |New Red Honey Comb,18.per tb.; Dunlap.Miss Florence Dearman entertain-|and breaking land for another year's wheat |Embargo on Coin Exports.|@emrwood Honey Comb,28e.per ib.’; ed a number of young peuple et a porch vacw |Soope is the prelude to another busy harvest|v ed Honey,20c,per tb..: honor r .season.Presiden bber Can * Scenes—.of Statesville,cad coverel of|A_head-on collision of automobiles driven |charge,Seti Nien “an OldAuto Rui 7 ee Soke |TheCash Store.pee the people who will leave next week by Dr.J.8.Talley of Troutman and a Mr.|.ve ,on Grain.|y ? for school,Ail report a alee time.COM.|Seommeore of =ee ent |Os ae _-coin,—and |The following prises were paid yesterday —|Mon road .-|currency.same time -market Ee eer The Entre Nous club held its first fall 2 to both machines.Mr.Symmers feeMS |thori the Secreta of the ao.for >beolint,‘—NS —eee ———— yecting with Miss Carrie Hoffmann Thursday|to have gotten rattled in steering his machine|Corn,$1.96 per bushel.|.* Afterncen.Officers for the new club and collided with Dr.Talley despite the|Ury to license —Gas.Fie,pat boca.4 on were elected us follows:Mins Carrie Hon.|effarts ofoe noesSe cart :Litten 1 meres in the opinion of Feder-|Statesville Cotten Market. iden Ross McEl i .1c a! nd ST aE Webb scour ee \left Tuesday to enter Lenoir College,Ge |nee Boa -=a not harm-ootaie =at on grate eotee.| ::bers decided to elim.|ory.Mexers.David Loftin and Clyde Ont-trengurer.a)ere —walt left yesterday for Philadelphia jand The effect of the eohea which SERAVED—Two ten-weeks old Berkshireetetie’enti,ach meme Wining,"Dak io tobeww eich applies to all nations,will "be to “wart for"nformston or "urn Mi Wal Carttlth Ger ewe ’|Greenwood and daughter,Mine Sadie,left yes-place absolute control over gold ex-¥.LONG.~~oe in . Master Allen Suther delightfully entertain.,terday for their home in Elkin,after a in the hands of Secretary Mc-WANTED wren for night j\doo and the Federal Reserve amall Sales.Aeaie’——_ed a number of his little friends Saturday|month's visit with Mrs.M.F.Gabriel.Mrs rd. fternoon at the home of his parents,Mr.Jamie Booth and children,who were also|(gf,8 will ,:# and Mrs.Joseph B Seetor,_in banepot Me oe 6 Sool,Tae wetnened to their |boy athat eee ee ThEteL.TELErHONE ob.a |er a.“Se ie ats one invited >tho!See -aa has =“wate.|a.of Ss .~»1.-2t.| room,where deticious refreshments ton,D.C..some ~Mr.coun since ning o!,. ee The room @as uttractive in a!Lippard left a few days ago for an extended |war,whieh i 1 oun en ee in store isitin Portamouth,Va.,a Washington.{cotacchareeofpint,ane en teeMe.Flake Clodfelter has returned to,his "tpon heavily by Japan,Mexico and 11"ae.eae Wuests enjoyed this pretty affair.COM.|Position.in Washington.:|Spain._FOUND—OWaichfeb.Owner can have came | maaan bined ag —will again enter Har-|MOTHER'S CLUB.’by paying for ad.and deseribing property.| Notices of New Advertisements ™"’—oT .Apply to THE LANDMARK.Sept.1.| Oakland Sensible Six.Yount @ Alexander.Storm in Alexander —Visitors|The initial fall meeting of the co"G 5,KIMMALL'S is the place to bay Anita Stewart in “The Girl Philippa,”at |Mothers’Club will be held in Shear-|"gugar.fem.11.| Crescent September Me “—A Wedding.jer Hall at the col Thursday af-a =cemencnaeomeanaes |I wanted...J.K.jrocer Sorreapondence Landma:rnoon P|NTED—t m x | Protoss Co.".,he 6 --\pi a :or boa z a Wiens Kevine machines preferred.Agely to ,‘e..oe 7 ’ere ,af jRepairyourtires,Iredell Vuleanizing C Ph agen R-4 oo .*sever oe.@,chairman |civies depart-G.,are The Landmark Sept.11.| aa Gahes heme comfortable.|senr™.spentipanind We heavy rain,viola|mare has sppelstes the following|= W.EB.Munday.ble wasting evening.committee:Mrs.J.E.Sloop,Mrs.G.|LOST—Black purse,containing $20 to $21, Sheet metals,Statesville Tin Co.crete Sees be me guving oe||1 Mrs.R i j,$10,85 and dollar bills and some chanwe. Combs and shell goods..R.F.Henry.besides blowing down forest timber and fruit|!Ballance,Mrs.R.P.Allison and )ward for return to THE LANDMARK.| Grain defile trade Iredell Hardware Co OD eea ee Mrs.W.A.Sample.‘Sept,11-18.| New a.bad -_queen ntuaydoen i «—- Shoes of ail styles.S.M.MeKee@ Co a Charles Harrington of Jack-|The Statesville Circle of The Child FOR SALE—One mare cight years old,weight New fall models in corsets.-Ramsey-Bowles.orville,Tia,came this week to visit Mr.|Conservation League meets regular-|1,000 pounds.Good worker.Also one colt Morrison Co.Harrington's parents,Mr.and Mra.William j the 4th Th od,Terms to suit buyer.C.|,”,ne p , 9 a load of tobacco.-_MeKiwee's Plan.|Bore.one other ey oe en 4 |a on a “ne IAMS,Jennings.Sept.11 ie.|—"7 at t .areh:‘..*|each mon Shea ,gianni aay ~ aeeeenameneh aieineaamnnetnantl m “Mare und colt for snie—C.W.Williams,894 Mrs.W.F.Milstead.Mr.Harrington|Mitchell College,Mrs.Thomp-|—After October Int,house on If youwill us the samenumber bushelsof wheatnecessary te Jennines.was renred in Alexander county and we are,id .M w w tb ent.Avenue.Bither furnished or un-| House for rent after October ist.Mra.|“'waye uladwo Mews him among us.‘ee lent;Mrs.W.EB.Webb,|tuhed,MRS.GRIER WAUGH.a Drill twoyears we will give you the same. ag ‘Detroit,Mich.for”some “time,"seame home|rasa me Da grade drillandone twohorseGeo.E.Nissen Wagon.veroe&SS ew.“vacation ts viet ha varcnts.|TEXAS OFFICER INDICTED.|@ineep—a 7 goes .‘ Puree containing sum of money lost.--Re-|or &12-day vaeation to visit hix parents,|Lv,|WANTED—A few good milch cows,W.D. ward for return to The ;Oe eee ake Kee ties oTbais|tae eaetam ©GENES,WOene oF.Sev.*2%it ig hardly possible for wheat tobelowerfortwoor three years to Watch fob found..-Apply to Landmark.|mare reg ne ©|legedassault on a negro trooper pre- Notice ofcuservence holidays.Wallace |whe will accompany him back to his place of |ded the a toh eee pupils.Rates $1.50 J Get : 1 ness.ih riotous outbreak q jreen.‘1-8.come.busy. Bre int Sante position.Address W.,care|We are siways sind to read Mr.Julian,diers of the 24th United States Qe MI cee a em nm merece The Landmark.Morrison's letter from Franee.“antry at Heuston,,August|FOR RENT—Pour rooms suitable for light Garages must observe Sunday hours.Board|“—=—-2 =coun|23,in which “17 were ki |Housekeeping.686 West Front street.I * idermen .r stant w ae *Sept.7.‘ “estrone gt Sememf,Soe"have way To the Urine Nas eee ee andmurcr,‘The |WARRHDSave iw com corpntem,ey3 :~~ qrtor,Blony a a|Ailssen Masie and Adie Montgomery visited vtter charge was in eennection with|cents.Also 150 able-bodied colored lsbor-, ,t.f re cy tes typewriters wanted,Apely ©.ee (ed eS,“See een...|he killing of &ome several|Gm rate 28 conte.See DATED EN:'“7 Calorie Pipeless Furnaces.Crawford-Bunch|snake #few daysago,The doctor was called |jays afterthe .|»GINRERING co.Sept.+t,a v8 Co.and the mule is very well.\iaistiandicariats *LIDAYS it : been designated a|The undersignedwill oberve Monday,rth,|i !;:| 23 t Thursday ean-up day at the Troutman High Seb«and Wednesday,26th,as holidays and theircadallinthevicinity@heeanconveniently|Sieees of busines will be cloed.come to assist in this are asked to do WALLACE BROS.CO.,2°1 o'cloek po N.HARRISON.it ponwehoo!open ,September)Sept,Mt |>17th,and all the are cordially invited |- to be present on { ot"GARAGE SUNDAY HOURS.j De ED try OF STATESVILLE:.frm or —AT— HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20.e ny a ‘* eg standsexceptoe aha!dur- a nin ann Teenie aamen,saat |Mthea4, oF ,P ows ” i -|Green,KRobert<as ve Ss B.Hurd,ie Mary pom -alebeforewaged|been past week at a)>fight -si disease,but |postedlies window.She was ‘his y- y of them havework,others turniareaaed festilleriesintomanufateallpossibleattentionhercon-|on her vacation.Her father,Mr.J. a not improve.E.Brown,returned a week ago!for ee vinegar and by:Mrs.Porter was 28 years of age from Statesville,where he under-|Off cials estimate thewentantion.He is stiil veryweakbut.is able to be up.t fRev.W.A.Hough,pastor of the)not in bond will bring the besides her husband and parents is survived by two sisters,Mrs. te Rogers and Mrs,Marvin Baker) this city;and three brothers,Baptist church at Cornelius,has re-}on hand in the country up to it sors.Arthur,Menford and Elihu signed to engage in mission workat |230,000,000 gallons.Tie annual ‘ er ,Gastonia and preached his farewell)duction of whiskey has been t116,000,000 gallons. During the fiseal year ended Jun1916,847 distilleries were 8-operated th twethet ~|ures available,ie most recent.on.‘ensus of manufacturers taken in had a eall to Cornelius and s'1914 shows that 6,290 wage earnersoverheretospendtheday,ile;worked in distilleries,It is estimat-visiting the Cornelius people.He has|ed that the total has since inereagednotdecidedtoacceptthework,as he |one-third.Kentucky with 202 regishasapromisingfieldatBonlee,|cred distillries and California withChathamcounty,to which charge he|165 will be the States hardest hit bymovedfromKentucky,where he had|‘he new law.Pennsylvania has 69.moved from here.Mr.Austin has}Ohio 44,Missouri and Maryland 2s sermon Sunday.He will move with his family to Gastonia.He is a ood preacher and a faithful preach-'}¢,er.His people regret to part with,tered and 635him.|he country. Rev,C.B.Austin,former!tor of the First Baptist churc' ;Mr.John P.Berry,aged 34 years, died Sunday morning at the Char- lette Sanatorium,where on Wednes- he underwent an operation for ndicitis.Following the opera-| tien Mr.Berry rallied well and _his condition was favorable until Fri- day,when he suddenly grew worse. His family was summoned to Char- lotte Saturday.Early Sunday morn- ing it was decided to operate again as a last resort,and he passed away during the last operatton.. i.Mr.Berry had lived in Mooresville for a number of years and at his death held a responsible position as|many friends here,who were glad to,‘ach.and New York 20.|Distilled a foreman at the Mooresville Cotton see him.as yielded the United States in Is.A good and honest man,pos-|Mrs.W.E.Cope has returned,‘he last fiseal year $192,111,318, of a genial nature,he made!from Cornelius,where she spent)|SREnenmanyfriends.He is survived by a)several days visiting her parents,'Cotton Gianed to September 1. Wife and three small children;by his Mr.and Mrs.R.G.Proctor,who =Cotton ginned prioe to September ts,four brothers and two sis-have been in feeble health for some 1 amounted to 605,513 bales,count ,the latter of whom all live near|time,and who are not getting any)ing round as half bates,the Cénnelly Springs.better.'bureau announced Saturday in it:;‘The body.was brought here Sun-At the regular meeting of the U./first ginning report of the season. ety night and funeral services will|D.C.held last week Miss Hattie!Round bales included numbered 22,-be conducted today from the First!Williams was elected delegate to the 724.Sea Island included were 2.890s¢church by the pastor,Rev.|meeting of the State convention at!bales.a U.Weston."The 10emonths-old child of Mr.and |Kinston in October,with Mrs.W.M.|This vear's ginning compares with |Norman as alternate.Miss Albertine|350,668 bales vinned to September 1 Mrs;M.G.Newton died Saturday Cress of Rowan spent several days/'ast year and 463.883 Liles in 1915iattheirhomenearNo.2 cot-|here last week,the guest of her)Seventy -two bales were ginned in fee i,The body was conveyed |nephew,Dr.G.C.Cress.Miss Sallie|North Carolina prior to SeptembertoCliffsideforburialSunday,after)McPherson is visiting her brother,|1.MePherson,who is eensu jas hneral service conducted at|Mr.R.Y.at '.i by Rev.L.A.Falls of the Black Mountain.Miss Nettie See-/MR.KLUTTZ MEMBER OF Methodist church.graves,who was on her way from BOARD.: Mrs.J.A.King of Statesville is Winnsboro,8.C.,to her home in)Hon.Theo.F.Kluttz of Salisbury spending several days here with rel-|Baltimore,stopped a few days wth has been appointed a member of the tives.Miss Efe Leigh Melchor her sister,Mrs.W.C.Ariail.Mr.J.|district exemption board for —thisihasreturnedfromSacksonSprings,F.Dorrah of Gray Court,8.C.,came|istrict to succeed A.H.Galloway of —she spent several weeks,os i last week on a _“wr aene Winston-Salem,resigned. t of her aunt,Mrs.J..|friends here.Mrs.J.W.Fisher oh ————:[oly |Kannapolis has been the guest of IRON FINE FOR)BLEEDINGiMrs.Chal.Rankin is ott |Mr.=Mrs.A.-——:)GUMS! tat her home on Main street.rs.|E.Cloaninger and son,Edward,o i Wi :—:ae :oe Troubled th Sore,Bleedingnkinhassufferedformanyyears:Golumbia,are visiting relatives 3 ;5 ,—Mrs.W.D.Gilmore returned)@¥ms,Use This Mouth Wash thewithcancer,and her recovery is not here.,is:’last week from Mt.Gilead,where she Dentist Uses:expected.;Prof,G.F.MeAlister,principal of visited relatives.lsoop ro CUTS .ow wt.Pleasant Collegiate Institute,Dr.W.D.Gilmore was last week &ror aahea’AND ul and Prof.Harkey were here Satur-|clected city physician to succeed Dr.Ray waren “iroukiod ee sar:day canvassing for the school,which}McLelland,who has answered the jlaier sans ala hues opens theré 20th.The prospects are|all to service.lipscae lnk CCMA’ce Gc we Mr.Vance Lentz has been electedbetterthanwasexpectedforagoodthelate'term,owing to the war.The build- j ings have been greatly improved and+new furnishings and equipment add-;ed |who formerly lived here,sustained a* The Orr and Armstrong meeting broken leg Wednesday evening andatKannapolis,which closed the 2d,)was attended by Dr.Geo.W.Taylor. was a great meeting and resulted in At the meeting last Wednesday$272 conversions.Prof.Harry P.night of a large number of property1Armstrongclosedhisserviceswith|owners it was decided to put down|Dr.Orr at this meeting,he having,oermanent street improvements.We accepted the position of music direc-|hope at no distant day to see better}tor of the Y.M.C.A.at Camp)treets in the business part of our*Greene,in Charlotte,to which hewasrecentlyelected. j Sergeant Hal.Hayes of the Pied-;mont battery came home on a 48- hours’furlough from Greenville Fri- ‘day,returning this morning.Rev.and Mrs.Walter Pharr of Charlottewereherelastweektovisitrela-tives.Margie Rankin has returned,from a visit to Mrs.John ClarenceYount,ty Newton.Mr.Will Morrow_of Amity expects to leave today forBaltimoreandWashington,and mayiinthegovernmentserviceat .|Wasbington.iss Leona Miller,|minister of the Presbyterian Church.who was visiting home folks,has re-|Miss Thompson is a charming andturnedtoBarium.‘cultured young woman,and is promMr.S$.H.Potts,an old soldier inently connected in the county.ShewhesehomeisinDavidson,but who|is delightfully known here and has, is an inmate of the Soldiers’Home|many friends who will look forward in Raleigh,was here visiting friends |'o her marriaye with interest. be elated after rinsing the piwithahalf-and-half solution of wa-}ter and natural iron,known as “Acid|Iron Mineral,”which may be zor) ed at most every drug store. Dentists use it te step bleeding} ind as a mouthwash when extractingtecthanditisperfeetlyharmless,} {i acts as a germicide and antisep- ic as well as a splendid healing agent.ig cotton weigher to succeed Walter D.Brown. Mr.L.W.Brown of Davidson,| ‘ cuts,this same natural iron is ine.Pouring a little on the spots tops bleeding and prevents sorenessindfestering.Thousands of people troubled with old sores never heal- ny have found the solution in AcidIronMineral,which being a highly oncentrated form ofnakesasuperbexternal remedy.| (io to the nearest drug store andl ish for a bottle of Acid Iron Mineral,| If druggist hasn't it,send §1 to the} Ferrodine Chemical Corp.,Roanoke, Va.,for a large bottle.NOTE For piles,ulcers,sores,and skin affection,the Ferrodine} Chemical Corp.has perfected an oints|ment consisting of this highly con centrated natural iron and soothing!medicinal elements,which com)ined makes this ointment unexceiled.Agk vour druggist for a S0-cent jar of ” hriving town.Secial Items Invitations have been here as follows: “Mr.William Carl Thompson—re- tuests the pleasure of your company it the marriage of his sister,Carrie Elizabeth,to Reverend William|Chalmers Jamison,Wednesday af- ternoon,September 19th,at 4.30 clock,“The Pines,”Davidson,N. "Accompanying card:“At home after October Ist,Belle Haven,Va.” Mr.Jamison is a successful young received the past week.He has been with Miss Annie Mills.entertained at “A-I-M Ointment”or send direct.friends at Davidson a couple of|luncheon Thursday afternoon in hon-|a amen -~| weeks and will return to Raleigh in|’or of Mrs.Hal.Hayes,a recent)a week or ten days.He says the old;bride,The guests were Misses|soldiers are satisfied and well fed Elizabeth Rankin,Reba Brawley and are as anxious for the war news 1nd Mary Johnston,and Misses)as any of us.Merle Booe and Sarah Wooten of Davidson.Mrs.John B.Houston entertained jwite a number of friends Friday af-ternoon from 4 to 6 at her hospitable home west of town,in honor of Mrs.|Warren Presson of Charlotte.Theporch,hall and parlor were beauti-fully decorated with ferns,army col- ored zennas and marigolds.The vuests were served with punch ontheirarrivalandamelonfeastwas ‘njoyed during the course of the af- ternoon., Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Goodman,whowerevisitingMrs.Goodman's pa-rents,Mr.and Mrs.8S.A.Hoover,returned to their home in Raleigh Saturday.Their brother,“ir.G.E.Goodman of Amity,took them to Charlotte in his new machine,ac-companied by Mr.W.P.Goodman. Davidson College opens for thefalltermThursday,13th.The Mooresville graded schools expect to open Wednesday,19th,unless delayedbythescarletfever. ForSale RySROat‘*,‘Loray,N.C And All Good Dealers. EVERYBODY WANTS Mrs.G.N.Daniel and son of Mrs.P.S.Boyd entertained theGreatBend,Kans.,spent a few days Idle Comments club at her home on F.R.Eestern Heights,Friday afternoon.there last week,visiting Mr. Sharpe,Mrs.Daniels’brother.They went from here to Hiddenite,where they will visit relatives before going .L.W.Sherrill,a native of|Iredell and who until a few years agoaweShepherd's,died at her‘at Barber Junction,in Rowan,last Wetupiay,sand 55 years.She Mrs.J.A.Harrill entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Sewing clubattheopeningmeetingofthefall Wednesday afternoon.Rook was played and light refreshments serv- "™. eT FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT. As a result of an automobile acci-|dent,14 miles below Salisbury,ontheroadtoBadin,Sunday after-néon,J.W.Zeigler,aged 22,of Win-ston -Salem,is dead and his father,George L.Zeigler,is in a Salisburyhospital‘suffering’with bruises,| is survivedbyher husbandand fchildren,tWo sons and (we aWhitenerCatawba two sisters Mrs.RuthandMrs.Jay Howard ofoonandbyfourbroth-.Waite,Pink and France BECAUSE IT 18 THE BESTFORSALEBY ;of this county and Mr.thern,a passenger,wi is-|HardwarejSherrillofSranapteetined.and L.E.ae ‘and Rc,|Lanenby-Montgomery Co..ae*aty was brought here Shields,also passengers,and ali Statesville,A.C.'ven the carly train from Winston-»escaped inju-|‘and to Vanderburg ry.||church,wherethe funeral and burial 'i were conductedbyRev,J,Greet Faith tm ChamberiainsCotteandDer. .‘s Colle and Diarrhoon Rem Combination Burrowe'’s M ethod ry teint,“}pei Statesville,N.C. of tomeshe Mre a . Ue natural jron,] 4 Notethe and theseats,Sorin dee dae Epson©bothtonneauand driving compart-ments,EverymeasurementmeanscontentneoeeeTeemakingtheSixoneofthehandsomest,aewell asmost sen- sible,careeverbuilt.- We refund railroad fare both ways on all purchases of $25.00 and over.Shop at our store. Ready With an Abundance ofFASCINATING.:“,FALL STYLES IN OESTREICHER’S “THE FASHION CENTER OF THIS SECTION” SALISBURY,N.C. correctWOMEN'S OUTER APPAREL. We invite you the ladies of Statesville eapecial atterition to our show-ing of ex e outer garments,ng all the fashionable andsmartmodesoftheseason.The Is have been selected with dis- crimination and can assuredly be taken as the vogue of the coming The SuitsTheCoats Areall enveloping,tho not two full,and have |That translate perfectly the fundamentalmodesofthenewseason,yet mark that in-many novel belts,numerous variations of the bigprotectingcollarsandunusualsleeve effects |dividualitythatsets fashions here far above the usualandcommon place.that make them simply irresistible. Prices from $15.00 and up.Prices from $15.00 and up. The season's newest shades are largely of the soft néutral and dark tones,in-SE Gotan Brown,Plum,Reindeer,Beetroot,Mole,Russian Green,Navy The Season's lar ma are Velour,Broadcloth,Serge,Gaberdine and Trimmings.Novelty Cloths,Fur and The BlousesTheDresses Latestinfabric,color,style and adornment is ey Seamer yar perl a just ar- *.*.*rt is Ww or l.—in these mug Satin —en inins and Crepede Chi og Serge Dresses,Button Trimmings,|fyvored materials.Beaded and embroidered as wellas manypleated effects.effects,andinnew colorings. Prices from $15.00 and‘up.Prices from $5.00 and up. Also a fall showing of the new Silks,Dress Goods,Buttons,Gloves,Corsets, »Neckwear and ete. All Mail Orders Visit Our Store.R.R. Hosiery Have Our Prompt Daye Fare Refunded on ISBUR Purchases ofAttentionTryUs.Y,NORTH CAROLINA.and Over,Both Ways. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY.OUT task to 0 vinhe ox Sve veers theBYvirtueofadecreeoftheSuperiorCourt|with Davie avenu ~teet to the beginning, of lvedell county,rendered in an action ea-|@htaining nearly one acre.more or bens.titled G.BE.French,administrater,d.b.an.One Lot Berinning at Jeanine’corner,onwiththewillannexed,of Philip B.Key,vs.|Mocksville road,near corporation line of eity | «e t weet with nid Mille’Tine 200 feet to saidMill’corner on Liberty street:theneeLibertystreet100feettothebeginning,eon-tainins 3-4 of an a@ere,more or lew.Terms of sate One-third each,one-third tnthreemonthsandone-third w six monthsG.B. R.B.MeLaughlin,Attty.Henry K.Klingender et al.,the undersigned|of Statesville,running south 36 dewrees eart |comrtiesioner will cell at public auction to|200 feet to a stake,Mre.Key's corner:thence Sent.4,1917.the highest bidder at the court house door in|north 36 devrees cast 108 feet to a stake,Murdoek's line;thence north 25 degrees wept °$%a:200 feet.to sabi Moi -siiie rad:thence wih Application For Pardon. the nee 198 feet to the teginning,contain.|REDRLLingnearlyonesere,more or less.|@TaATR €NORTH CAROLINA,BIOneyyPagerayatastakeonDavie|we ,javenge in the midiile of the lane between the|two lots which were sold by and wite|.Nutige ls hereby given thas Statesville,N.C.,on BATURDAY,OCTORER éth,1917, st the beur of noon,the following real ea-tase in the city of Statesville,belonging totheestateoftheeaidPhilipB.Key,and deserihedanddefineda»follows,ta&wit: One Lot On the north by ‘Tradd street,on |ee ree es Ww fiat Setat SE |te made to the Governor oftne—ie Frees oan,gt on the an Wy|Sevep’s Mn te &etone on Biinstey's Mine ;.|for the pardon of Bryan FEL =__an t eeeenaiien Of.|thenee with Billingsley’:te to W.MM.Mur.|co"at the May a ~og—_4 om aan or Tess.dock’s corner;thence with W.M.Murdeck'’s |Superior Court,1917,on &,a,J i ,mning at ?la te or |Hine to Davie avenue;thence with sald avenues|HOviGe liquor in his posessionimftlorksorjunetionoftheyard100feettothebevinning,containing one acre,|POP.of sale,and sentenced to *bransh heading just wast of the Spoke and oe tows,months on the county sends of sald A ca south we PP Sale >ee One Lat Beginning at MC.Wiliam’car.“nen pee Ai"piidengow.wert aide of Tradd ctrowt:thenee ssuthward|wer,eohan 8 |¢.net ee Ace.9¢-~-€. =;-—tor -clean —ee melee|Senmeb ;thenee °the teanah Gp tae kai easterly direction with W.Ay Moore's line asW ter.ning corner,supposed to be one-fourth of an|217 feet (two hundred and’seventeen and Barium a »|"GasLotRapttinine ot,@ ctehe on Caneaid :a ata onbranchondTreasstreet;thence with thefeettoMarkSimonton's corner;thencepuesSYee,00-8 .it thenee devrces souththencewithReynafineTiTorttothe ‘4 one-halfundividedinterestInthe ’pastes = 32 5 3 F PHONESS.| {LL-WHITESHOE CO. el ieakeLA! i é a ee e : p e than the av five vears,1911-15.Besides the record crop of corn, asi fine lercer production than ever beforearm:Peri will he harvested in oats,with L,-just see)523,000,009 bushels;rye,with 56,-a 000,000 bushels:white potatoes,with|nificent *seieas 462,000,000 bushels;sweet potatoes,|“0 Fama Me with 88,200,000 bshels;tobacco,|aS ae ee with 1.221.000,000 pounds,and hay,who Susie te =S with 91,700,000 tons. common cause of the allies SegregateNegro ‘Troops.consecrate their lives,if needthecommoncauseofliberty.rPresidentWilsonsaidtneéweareallfightingfor sc e White and negro troops at Camp, Jackson,Columbia,8.C.,will hecompletelysegregated.Such is the) and the interests of definite announcement made at the United States are at stake every-office of the commanding general of ‘where.The allied armies are at!the camp.\eripa with the enemy,whether it be!“We have received orders to eS i ef ii: or-|nders,before Verdun or on the)ease one “ee re e-em |Faenzo,|However,we expec’here wi } “Today in all great cities of|more negroes sent to this camp than America is being celebrated the an-|are sufficient for that one regiment, |niversarv of the birth of LaF .;and in that case they will be organ- ‘Today also I will visit the tombs of!ized into separate battalions.”i ithe heroes of the battle of the Marne,’Negroes will in no way ve mixedthemenfalleninthatadvance'with the white troops.They will oc-| of the armies,which now are /evny one portion ef the camp exclus-|ing for right and civilization.i : |SHERR - ODO OTOL On we NOOO Ace not tied from carrying out your ex-pectations and desires when you have moneyIN THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on what ~you save, ,it is not a matter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in-comeis small and it will “be casier usyouriacomeincreasesto IncreaseYourBankAccount. Nowis the opportune time to open an Account with us. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO.H.BROWN President.0.L.TURNER Cashier. Your Hands vely.>our two countries are celebrating to-|Major Chaffee says that thousandsdaytwocommonanniversaries,’of negroes,selected for service in) which must draw them still more the National army,will arrive atcloselytogetherandinspiretheminthiscampSeptember19,when _the the struggle in which they are en-,Second inerement of 40 per cent.of zaged.”|the selected men will report.By thatPresidentPoinenireconcludedwith:|time,it is understood,plars for their “Long live President Wilson!Long reception and training in military live the free United States”!science will have been developed. He was loudly applauded and then.reeetheofficersnevethreeame,ant ai ToCure a Coldin One Day. iger.The cheering was taken up Teke LAX pointe Itstopsthebythetroopsinthedistanceandcon-|Cough works off the Cold,ste md money if it {ails to cure,aGaovns signature on phe box.Me.B tinued while the President and his varty were moving off the field._-—=e non -commissioned officer,who stood|RECORD OF THE PAST!near during his speech,was greeted ;by some of a i he — ed his command with the question:'i “What did he say”?in Statesville!; “I don’t know exactly,”was the re-)Look well to their record.What .ay.ot think he said to ‘Give they have done many times in years “That's ‘the stuff"!yelled a num-sone by is the best guarantee of fu- ‘her of privates in chorus and the .pexult ;badardvanohapunddownthehaetureresults.Any one with a - i\khaki lines amid another ovtburst back;any reader suffering from uri- ‘of cheering.vhary troubles,from kidney ‘lls, Here’s a Real Volunteer.should find comforting words in the “IT could not longer wear citizen’s following statement: ,elothes when my fellow-countrymen =Mrs.L.B.Nicks,302 Seventh were res ing to the country’s .acnllforable-bodied men.I feel that street,Statesville,says:“I suffered it is ith duty to fight for America.from backeche,was restless at nightandalthoughImustleaveleved:.:‘ones at home,|am going to France @nd in the morning felt all tired out. and ask that I be put on the firing |was aiso nervou.«and had dizzy line where I can best serve my coun- No Stronger Evidence Can Be Had LINTLESS . no lint to clog or flux the tract.and they allow the forage to asameashayoranyotherroughage. your (ced with Buckeye Hulls you knowusingroughagethatwillhelp-—-not hinder—,CoM,ets,or whatever concentrate you prefer. Other Advantages real roughers to Mo trash or dust.1500.Easy to handle becanse sacked. perton.Theymixwellwithotherforage.s They take less spaceimthe barn. Henderson,Aiken,S.C.,aye? would rather iicve BuckeyeHulls than any others,altogether -~says are te develop the ondilage oder,met thehoursbeforeagiyiaeasylor‘geding.wet down at Le thisty minutes.Hf,useonly Aalfasmuch by bulkosofold Book of Mixed Feeds Free the right formula for cvcry combination of feedsTellshowmuchtofeedformaintenance,for milk,for fat- for work.Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for using them properly.Send for your copy to the nearestpes.&TheBuckeyeCottonOilCo.Atctt kewl"——ovhnaw™”Been LP aay anaeCISeS SS 1 a%it 33 H l i ;if i2§ So it Fe s x r z ti s ii H H i l : rF #4£ H i Dept.K i try.”George Pou.son of Congressman Ed.Pou of the Raleigh district,is|thus quoted by the Washington cor-|respondent of the Greensboro News. FOR SALE 206 acres,level,productive,red land farm,fronting quarter mile on the most traveled,public,sand-clay road leading into States- ville;nice two-story,frame seven-room dwelling,located in a beautiful grove;barn and out-buildings,fine well water,two branches;abundance of fruit;quarter of mile from school and churches;80 acres in cultivation,30 acres in meadow,balance in woodland,part of which is inclosed in pasture.An exceptional opportunity to buy a fine grain and stock farm.Will take in part payment,small farm if well located. ERNEST G.GAITHER. Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate. Phone 23.Satesville,N.C. =: Every goodcitizen at this time shouldhissharetowardstrengthening *BUSINESSND ’ Mr.Pou is beyond the draft age and'is married.Through his father'sinfluence,he probably could have_been asigned to an easy job.He took 'advantage of neither of these oppor-tunities,but walked to a recruiting office in Washington and asked to besentwherehecoulddothemost |ood.He was assigned to the avia tion service and will be sent to ,France at once for training Another son of Congressman Pou,vounger than George,is in the avia- ya service and in training in Can-jada. French Don't Call Them“Sammies.” The use of the term “Sammies”todescribeourtroopsisalmostunknowninFrance,according to dis-'patches received from the United States marines in the ovéfsea expe- dition of the “first to fight.”How the term came into use is explained ‘in this wise:When the “first to fight”contingent steamed into port ‘ the friends,”but “les amis”may soundagooddeallike“les Sammies,”and newspaper men so_interpretedit.Immediately folks “backhome”began calling our troops “Sammies,”but the French have yet to acquire the habit. Fined For Giving Passes. On the admitted charge that it hadgrantedfreepassestocertainoffi-|cers in various parts of Virginia forwhichitwasreceivevaluableservicesininviolationoftheconstitutionwsoftheState,the Southern Railway Company has Virginia cor- When arraigned for what theofthecommissionde-as a “false,immoral os il-“a compa’mit-that it had >tf toWwW.8.oolf of Regnier the people on the wharf shouted .s 5“Vivent les amis”!—-pronounced }.ts’&Farmers Bank.'“Veev lays ahmee"!hat this Phone,324;House means is “long live the (our)»279 Green. headaches.Doan'’s Kidney Pills stop- ped the pains in my back and made my kidneys normal.” THREE YEARS LATER Mrs. Nicks added;“I haven't had to take Dean’s Kidney Pails for several years.” Price 69.,at all dealers’,Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy - get Doan's Kidney Pills.4he same that Mrs.Nicks has twice publicly recommended. Fester-Milburn —Co., Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. NoSolution for Submarines | C.WATKINS,who has heen play- ing such havec with Building Mate- rial prices.There are eight WAT-KINSES in the Lumber business and THEY BUY IN QUANTITIES! OSTEOPATII.Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.’OFFICE OVER — The Brady Printing ( Has taken over from R.P.Allison the agency for various Magazines and Book Publicationsand wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zines of all kinds.Will order any book wanted. All Magazines on coun- ter soon as out. “Restore this normal attribute of respec-table’independence to is ri intheesteemofourworldofsocietyas as business.” This bank offers every opportunity,sible to encourage people to save and beTHRIFTY. A good way to start is by opening a sav- ings Account,if with only a small ~* amount., Drop in any time we are always glad toseeyou. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” TINS -”verything toBuild With.ral . eeeeysemeates A bedsnring that can't sag because of the patented flex- ible hollow strand construction; thatdoes not rollyou towardthecenterbecauseit cannotsag;' thatis absolutelynoiseless,having nothing aboutitto creskor groan;\ that conformsto the shape of the body; that has noJoore sirends,openlinks or sharp corners to tearbed clothes. Quaste:centuryguarantee.30 night's freetrial. For the Education and Culture of Young Women. Classical,Literary and Scientifie Courses leading toGraduatescreditedbyStateDepartmentforCertificates.ae!diplomas awarded in Voice,Art andExpression.Excellent Commercial Course, t ial in all bsLocation;aoe ee lee ents opportunities. e andgutdoorsbyathletedies mea Concord,Mr,i were four of us in the par-|ty that evening,and we left the ho-tel shortly after oper for targetpractice.ee King had many times a strongexpressed desire to learn hew to handle a revolver.I had ob- jected as strongly =and vurgrestedthatariflewouldbesaferThere were two revolvers in the party one a Smith &Wesson,the other a in | MraColtautomatic,the smallest m could buy.Both were empty King left the car near a spring,the two other members of the party re maining in the automobile.1 loaded the automatic and walked towards the spring,Mrs.King following me Half way between the car and the spring was a tree with =forked branches about five feet from theground.I placed the toaded revol er in this tree and continued en to the spring.Mrs.King ref dt drink.|was bending over prepa ing te wash my fiands,when T tum ed around and w M King withtherevolverinherhyi her to return it and saw her motion as though t )! was bending over the t ing,when IT he 1 }I]' aftound just time ,Mrs.K fall.” Concord k nd of the Stor From ¢rd ‘the same date,ix a story t the effen colored chauffeu nw after the par ba fat tt spring,and did I Me nie Mr ir > whe live near tt } were t ow ; ING st CCA RE t ‘ of the ques ua “TN pornia ‘ the Mi ’firs 7 :hear ny Y ite q r \ from th ‘\ the autom »th ' shot ar sa ‘ then left the sr Concor I Ki testit that there w s¥ Means and Mrs.Ain The N pers carry 1GaitMea\\ ‘r r \>wae a ‘N \e of the ¢™raneor He was later sent to ©}e he r nd oma t i ersor and it was through }wife that h became acquainted with Mrs.King _Nirs.King Was 2 count y wil,rear “ed near Chicago She married King, om old man and a millionaire.Whe he died she found she w left oo! ¥100,000,)She brouche succ and hwon compromise.secured a million,After she became acquainted \yo M who had left the offi of the ¢ mills at \loin ' -~—claimed fer a time to be the em plev ef the German verernment,ac- cording to the New York pare h employed him to look after me bar sine matters,He munageid th affair well that he w her conf dence and it is said that th she consulted Mear about all her affairs. Solicitor to Investivate. Attor ui Ma eda ie le rm As t Attorne vf qi that a er of Co t lieved,aft mt estivat Mrs.Maru!K f Ch wes killed near ¢‘N (\ gust 29,|1 te n \ ney General Marv enentod th telegram to tor H Chon ent at Sal yoand asked hinmakeanitHeratioweS Real Estate Deals Mr.A.W - tewnship wh !rr Landmear ¥Yn da told oo m7 n }neigh he Mr.E.¢Cyaith ‘ er of Sta I \ Daver hard!-t ’i ner townshiy i )) har m Shilol |Jo Brow f Stor »i Mr Gaithe proy fic) th den t f \I By ht \ farm ' pl A ty ‘} th iofthi: r Cort t t ee the « const (, « tiee La hy of dist:] cs ¢ as (} cer ye mat fui Sunday school Prenic A gine atiended th. school | day.Ther refreshmer tx and evervin Mr.Clye A ty bere of}! day echoo!+‘ Catawhea 1 ¥,‘ and they had a rood iim People Speak Wet of Chembertain’s Tablets "T Rave bece welling Chon for shomt ten veo dheporeformy,t itme’¢there |t hew « .Ont if »' oy comfipationWildeyougerd. wali,‘=sent to the AmericanCressacontributionof$100, letter she said if the year. The PresidentwenttoNewYork morning and inl yacht at the Yard to spend a f.n New York water and Mra. early Saturday|\ boarded the presiden-| See Ha-Red the contribution|would be renewed monthly to the end Wilson| Brooklyn Navy ew days on 8. Fifty -six members of the raw| rs and Labors’ lisndtche Protective mahave been re-indieted at Abi-| ne,Texas,by the Federal grand}They are charged with con-| piraey to defeat the draft law j Three men were killed and 21 per-| .including several women,were| ured in an explesion at the gel rd arsenal in Philadelphia.The ex- on believed to have been due he accidental drepping of a tray} _i ves, Twenty-three Ame ambu-| e men have beet decorated by | he fh h xg nment with the! Var ©)luring the last week,for| the }t heavy fight lude Lansing M.Pay ‘a ham,N.‘( An to responsibility for| “i Sige primers sent ‘’rahit xpeditionary| n ‘vester-| tivent made hy :mittee,by reque War Department stated |recently In al '} | Associa-| ome f them cen } ‘}heen taken from] 'ti my ft be melted| won \later dispatch t |tue in Ger m rem ons hot and wounded |hers e beaten with revol ‘tt:S when t Ninth fl fantry ore pa labor pa-| it Spring lil,planned as| tion {ymouthy with ¥(fuctors and 1 m | Virginia tobac wr othe Americat | t ut ai Ned the holds of a] maste sch that has sailed| Atlant ert.Smokins vd | winter ¢vas luded in the mer aa |rs the «i t Unites .France .!e Joseph Lawrence of —( O.am er f BE Battery }i Art r \nstarit at Fort H,1,When 60] t fright at the heavy yun !tampeded,Eleven other per were injured,twe of whom are | ye ‘yf ‘ 0 Italian wa killed,another | Frat woun ind twe ‘ere shiz ame 'e W s wh | Y *!i \i |e The t Italian er hot ree m!ef oar i h i 't delepat f the y vy \4 .Trage party ‘Is thir t his home Ovs | Haas ‘Rue vert CC:ra ' mo n ’‘ms toon 4 ren ereus th 0 {t re b \‘‘‘f ‘}oye !‘|\o ht Cle it |] \ttm at t farm |sh fren 'Chr «Ind Works th ‘‘The }vi it “y !‘' a !’ {shipmer ((it Brit; Ital th o! »oR ! ‘'‘+ r | {' ‘ ' ‘a { ‘\ { "{ *He (th Wn1 ;1 I) ‘\ "v ;. ‘r 1 ‘ afte mie om aWOULDMOVETOCOUNTRY. j?iH r f h war {resi-wha nterd the exten-going to move to the coun- (of the umber tell ThematAmorethansix'mtil they will lewally become|rt ef the tewn,mavhe they will |ler,;ee teee ee RNBUILDING?C.WATRINS. Keep Them Clean. You Can’t Hurt WARNER'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS. The height of style, Luxurious Comfort and every Corset guaranteed not ‘o RUST,BREAK or TEAR. $1.00,$1.25,$1.50,$2.00 and $2.50. Then we have the GOSSARD LACE FRONT CORSET \ For those who prefer the front laced Garmeni. New $2.00,$2.50.$3.00,sar’s, $3.50 and $5.00 pairs. “LADY RUST" Orov,Front Lace Corset ai £1. $1.50 and $2.00. A corset for every figure. RAMSEY-BOWLES- MORRISON (0. fall models in Cos. Tobacco is know how to sell your HIGH dollar and will do it if you us a chance.We work hard -farmer’s interest,and our long experience in thebusiness makes our services most valuable to you.BRING US A LOAD and we will send you home with more money than yeu ever sold the same amount of tobacco for in your life. a, er an t e ean nc e en e ee ta n re e ee ce c e ee McELWEE’S PLANTERS’WAREHOUSE, STATESVILLE,N.C. A BOOK AtayOFTESTIMONY Thousands of Caloric Pipe-less Furnaces are owned by as many people in cily,town and country,all over the land. These owners installed the Caloric under a distinct and dcfinite guarantee of entire satisfac- tion,or the removal ofthe furnace. Hundreds have written voluntary betters.speakingin the —terms of the Caloric.thes let tors been gathered into a quite sizeable book that you may reed for y ourself if you will call and ask for a copy.This bookis Proof Positive That the Caloric —P rfectly and Saves In fact,the Caloric is —tomake amerhouseonlessfuelthananyotherfurnaceorheating the average amount of fuel saved-as oon letters have 3 tem, ee-R show is 35 nd the average comfort obtainedis 100° Do you aow of any house-heating system that wil beat this recy Th loric is a one register furnace.Phheats by a natural warm cir circulstion,Its heatisn't cJongcool.d pipes,but rises freely und au;Gee from roorn t>room till the whole houseis delightfully comfortable.Scientists say that eireuleted heat is most healthful,and Caloricowner?find it true—The Caloricis a perfectly healthful home bre ater. You ¢an install the Caloricin any home,new or old,and .py.In faet,a cellar isnt absolutely necessary—a pit une .the house will do. We have a Caloric set up and will bedelighted |to point out its many advantages money-saving qualities, Come in and read our surprising guarantee—no other heater can or does makeonelike it. sani 9 acer &Taare WIDE-AWAKE PEOPLE paveMONEY BY READING ADS, coke agence 2 Al Ry ae “ z R-1;ve Gregory,Statesville;James Coleman Galli-Harmony;John Thomas Gilles-Statesville,R-4;Franklin Bu-Wilson,Stony Point,R-1;Lon-nie Welborne,teaville;Fred.Wilson,Mooresville;William Har-rison Wooten,Statesville,R-4;Wal-ter Lindsay Woodward,Statesville,R-5;Harvey Walker,Olin;WilliamAlexanderClaywell,Statesville,R-6;James Franklin Cash,Harmony,R.F.D.;Sherrill Cloer,Statesville,R-4;apreriee Campbell;JamesLieydClontz,Troutman,R-1;Jamesrane,Statesville;William I.Cas-thes;William Andrew Cash,Harmo-ny,R.F.D.;Stamey =Mills,Trout-man;R.Frank Milholland,Dunlap;Ellis Munday,Statesville;LonnieMyers,Jennings;William McKinleyMitchell,Siatesville,R-5;William Barrier,Statesville;Fletcher BassDunlap;James Walton GroverBrown,Mooresville,R-3;J.A.Broth- erton,Statesville;Neil SingletenBrawley,Mooresville,R-5;Jess RossBell,Elmwood;Leazar Barker.NewHope;John Naston Brown,States-ville;Frank Honeycutt,Mooresville;Raymond Belmont Holmes,Houston- _ville;J,Dexter Holland,Statesville;Frank Samuel Hill,Harmony,R-1:John Gaston Pruitt,Mooresville;Wil-liam Butler Orren,Statesville,R-3;James Logne Young,Mooresville;Jesse Locke Lippard,Statesville;lenry Calvin Lee,Mooresville;Clyde BE rette we Austin,Statesville,R-6;AlvinGrierTolbert,Mooresville;RalphTeague,Mooresville;B.D.Kelley, Mount Mourne;Thomaslap.Realizing that it will rot haveenoughmencertifiedfromthedis- trict beard to get Iredell’s quota of144,the local board yesterday called the following named 100 men to ap-pear Thursday,September 20,at 9 a.m.,for physical examination:Graham Templeton,Filmore_Ire-land,Charlie Lee Smith,John AdamNantz,William Felix Bass,HuntHawkins,Shuford Gray Adams,Al- bert Cavin,Benjamin Alston Stim-son,Maurice Godbey.Henry Woods,Flake Summers,William Wricht Stroud,James Whitlock,Sidney Ern- est Killian,Banks William Wingate, Buril Avery Elledge,Everett Gil-more Perkins,Tricy Vanhoy Ander- son,Glenn William Kesiler.Thomas Brem Williams,Marshall EdwinRamsey,Jr.,Frank Hunter Kenne- dy,John Edward Fox,James Hous-ton,Thomas Jarvis Miller,HomerBrevardMayhew,Chester Lee Hor-ton,Arthur Bennett Barrow,RobertLeeSimonton,John Mock Thomp-son,John Chambers,Earl McAuley,Jetner Sherrill,Clyde Dejounette Bailey,Bard Lawrence,BaxterAlexander,Sam Nesbit.John MartinPerry,John Franklin Stafford,Wel- don Walker Newman,James CarlAlexander,Hugh Roy Melchor,Jo-seph Esker Summers,George Frank-lin Massey,Albert Alexander Sloan,Moffatt Pressly Guy,Hoyt McFar-land =Morrison,Fred.AlexanderNantz,James Oscar Hunter,FosterMorrisonPowers,Ernest Warren,Erastus Lee Williams,Ney CliffordSherrill,Archie Leander Graham,Philip Sheridan Compton,Oscar LeeBrown,Harry Wade Watt,WilliamThomasCampbell,Rufus Edgar Journey,John Huggins, RichtirdMunsieDanner,Claude Turner,Wil-liam Pinkney McLelland,WilliamFrontis,Walter Clarence Malone,William Marvin Rhinehart.HarleyChalmersBost,Udell Harris,Ever-ett Eugene Wasson,Edgar HarrisonMoney,Arch.Munroe Shaver,JamesRobertPolk,G Franklin Davis,Luther Coxie Wallace,Charlie Barn-hill,Walter Lee Williams,SamuelJamesN.Holmes,ade RobertOrrenAlexanderHartline, Frye,Dun- ers,Noah Griffin,Ira Gilbert Alexander,Buren Jurney,s FranklinHambright,James Morrow Josey,Frank Clemens Culbreth,Sam JonesKnox,Henry Lester Wilson,SamuelMadisonBarfield,Fred,Miller Ba-ker,J.Frank Hamm,Earl R.Blam,John Wesley Lioyd,James FranklinHendren,Core L.Millsaps,Jaylexander,Earl White Allison,John Dalton,Harrison Beecher.Philander Algernon who have not res to the call of the board for physical ex- amination are:John Christian,col- ored,Mooresville;Ford E.Beaver, Statesville;John’Martin Brown, Statesville ;Ben Summers,colored+Lin Sherrill,Eufole;—colored,Statesville;Vic- ‘lan explanation of Count Luxburg’s night, This is the result of the secretmessagessenttohisgovernmentCountLuxburg,the German aatBuenosAires,through the Swed-ish legation,advising that no con- z cessions be granted Argentina andthatArgentina's v be sunkwithout“leavi a trace.” governmentweekmadepublicthesedispatches,which it obtained in a way not dis-closed.They showed that while Ger-many was ostensibly friendly withArgentinaandwasprofessingtobewillingtopayforArgentinevesselssunkbyGermansubmarines,theGermanministertoArgentinawasengagedinagameofduplicity. Wednesday the Argentine govern-ment sent to the German tion atBuenosAirespass’to deliv-ered to Count Luxburg,the Germanminister.The whereabouts of CountLuxburgisunknown,as he disap-peared after his treachery was ex-posed.The Argentine foreignilsosentacommunicationto theGermanforeignministrydemanding action in sending the secret codemessagestoBertinthroughthe Swedish legation.If the GermancovernmentdisapprovesofthetextoftheGermanminister’s dispatches and especially of the word “ass,” which term the count applied to theArgentineforeignminister,th¢sit-uation may clear.If Berlin does not disavow the minister’s course Ar-gentina will recall her minister fromGermany,but permit the lega-tion to remain.t was the ideabeforethemobsturnedlooseinBu-enos Aires.This event probablymeansaofdiplomaticre-lations,if not a declaration of war. Trading With Enemy Bill. The administration trading with theenemybill,which passed the HouseofCongresswithoutadissentingvote last July,has passed the Senate with many amendments,including one giv-ing the President power to embargoimportsandprohibitingpublication of war comment in the German lan- guage papers unless actompanied iraparallelcolumnbyatranslationir English.Other important provisions inter- dict commerce between Americans and Germans or the latter's allies. give the President broad powers to regulate operntions of enemy insvraneecompaniesinthiscountryand extend espionage powers.The import embargo amendment,added at the ad-ministration’s request.would extenc presidential powers over export trade to imports as well. Iredell Men in Field Artillery. The selected men from this sec- tion,recently sent to Camp Jackson, at Columbia,have been assigned as follows: To 316th field artillery,seven men from Iredell.In the same com- mand are five from Lincoln county,five from McDowell,four fromMitchellandninefrom Mecklen- burg.Five from Watauga and 14 from Wilkes are assigned to the 322d in- fantry:nine frem Cleveland,eightfromDavidson,four from Davie and eleven from Gaston,to 317th field artillery.Two from Alexander and five from Catawba are assigned tothe32Istinfantry.Twelve from Rowan assigned to headquarters military police.Yadkin'’s four un-issigned at last account. Warrant in Stikeleather Case. A Federal warrant was received in Statesville yesterday for Mr.T. M.Stikeleather of Turnersburgtownship,the result of the alleged offer of a bribe by Mr.Stikeleather to Dr.W.G.Nicholson,chairman of the local exemption board,some weeks agoThewarrant has not been servedonMr.Stikeleather but his attorney.Hon.W.D.Turner,was notified anditwasstatedthatMr.StikeleatherwovldannearforahearingbeforeUnitedStatesCommissionerW.J.Lazenby in Statesville next MondayThewarrantwasissuedbyUnitedStatesCommissionerBrittainatAsheboro,on complaint of DistrictAttorneyW.C.Hammer. NEGROES TO COME LATER. The selected men for the Nation-al army for the negro race will notbecalleduntillaterandforthisreasonthemeninthe—officers’training camp at Des ines,In.,will not be graduated until October15.Training will continue until—ert.Dalton,tsnegro,a_son of Rob-a memberof this =cmeaee There eS fckede tomand=fraternizinggovernmenttroops.KerenskytakensupremecommandoftheRus-sian armies. While mism seems torm inprovisionalgovernmentsuccessfulissueofthearevolutionstartedbyGeneralKorni-loff soon will be returned in favorPremierKerensky,the situationremainseeeaeote.All the des- patchesfrom Petrorad at present areemanatingfromtheprovisionalgov-ernment or supporters ofReportsfromPetrograd are toeffectthatKorniloff’s march ontrogradhasbeenchecked,and thevenhisretreathasbeencutoffforcesfaithfultotheprovisionalernment;also that there havefurtherdefectionsfromtheranksKorniloff,and that a great still adhering to the governstatementissuedbythevicesaysthecountryundoubtedlyKerensky,“who is defending the rev-lution against General Korniloff,thedefenderofthereactionaries.” Meanwhile the spirit of unrestseemstohaveinvadedMoscow,martial law has been declaredgovernmentforcesaremaintainingorder.One of the bright spots in the of i f situation is the offer to the cencommitteeoftheconstitutionaldem-ocratic party to aid in the re-consti-tution of the cabinet so as to avoid civil war.On the battlefronts the military ae-tivity generally is far below that ofpastweeks.On the line in FranceandBelgiumonlyartilleryduelscomparativelysmalloperationsby infantry are being curried out.asefurtheradvanceshavebeenmadebytheFrench.Monte San Gabriele,in the Austro-Italian theater,has been the scene ofanotherviciousattackbytheAus- trians in an endeavor to dislodge theItaliansfromtherecentlypositions.Their efforts metsuccess,In the battle of Riga,according tctheGermanwaroffice,8,900 Russiansweremadeprisonerand325gunsandlargequaofwarstorescaptured.The fighting on this fronthasnowdwindledtoskirmishesbe-tween reconnoitering detachments. Gov.Pardons Fred.Hyams. Gov.Bickett has pardoned Fred D. Hyams of Charlotte,convicted of em- bezzlement and sentenced to theroads.The Supreme Court had af-firmed the judgment of the lower court but Hyants had not begun serv- ing the sentence.The trouble.was on account of aninsurancepolicy.Hyams wrote a policy for a man who gave him acheckforthepremium.The partythenchangedhismindandwantedhischeckback.Hyams had deposit-ed the check.There wes a disputewhetherthedealwasfinallyclosedwhenthecheckpassed.The Char- lotte lawyers who heard the case heldthatthedefendantwasonlytechni- cally guilty if guilty at all.\grant- ing the pardon-Gov.Bickett says:“On the recommendation of nine ofthejurymen,the solicitor and the pri- vate prosecutor and a peiition signed by 500 or 600 of the leading citizens in the city of Charlotte,and the fur-ther fact that the offense was,in thespinionofthepetitioners,purelytechnical,and in view of the fact thatfullfinancialamendshavebeenmade to prosecuting witness,pardon isgrantedupontheconditionthathe pay the costs in the action.” Club Exhibits at State Fair. Mr.A.G.Oliver,representing the United States government and also the A.&E.College,Raleigh,ix in the county looking after poultry ‘lubs.Mr.Oliver appeared beforetheCommercialclub,at the sovial meeting Tuesday night,in the inter-est of an exhibit from Iredell at the State Fair.It is proposed to make ip for the fair an exhibit from thejuvenileclubsofthecounty,consist- ing of poultry,pigs and corn,andusocannedgoodsbythecanning‘lubs.The exhibit will be sent toRaleighandtheproductsenteredat he fair.A banner would be placed m the car proclaiming it as Iredell’sexhibit.Nothing but club productswouldbesent.The freight on the car to Raleighwouldbeintheneighborhoodof$50wditwouldbereturnedbytherail-road without charge.Mr.Oliveraskedtheco-operation of the Com-mercial club and the merchants ofthetowninraisingthefreight*harges for the car.His propositionwasthoughtwellofandthematter vill be seen after, Mr.Murdock’s Texas Visit. Mr.W.A.Murdock of =CoolSpringtownshipreturnedWernes- day nieht from extended visit to no At J Martin county,Po-liceman wae shot andkilled,Gray,a blindthebeeneeOThanSeeTea.” night to 28. $86the nated. Senator Owen's viding vote.LaFollette’s substi-Raleigh to enter M College.tute war tax bill,proposing to raise Her father,=.James es ae-about $3,500,000,000 solely from in-Ww Miss E homecome,war profits,liquor and tobac-:velyn Henleyco,wes vejested,65 to 15.went to Jamestown Monday to re-'The Senate adopted,40 to 34,Sen-|Sume herstudiesat Jamestows highatorSmoot’s motion to strike out)p'oo,Mi :cae es.the McKellar amendment providing|Fi.)row al om —l-cent inerease in second class *|lotte Welseaday to ee a age rates beyond 300 miles and de-/ni.Gertrude Allen has tosignedtosecure$12,600,000.The|nv,Gatenn.Lanes -House zgne provision and the finance].1.ee ani "Mies Delphia Ste.committee’s special publishers’prof-wenn 1 »the week oak tayitsprovisionsalreadyhadbeenelim-benowy sae Ww is Pabter-inated.Senator Hardwick's substi-’.A.E.Watts, of gable to some war industry,haveappealedtoPresidentWilson and many others are coming in.Preliminary examination is beingmadebyGeneralCrowder,on whose recommendation the President will act.The general Ieys emphasis on afor t Mr. A relatives in the West.He visitedhisson,Mr.Clyde Murdock,at Dal-jas,Texas;his sister,Mra.G.W.Eagle,at Wichita Palle,Texas;hisson,Mr.at Seranton,lowa,and Mre.RossKdwarda,at Mo.Thelatterhomeandwill the tection Staod,wns with themilitaryaspectofcountry. 000,000. provision ent law manufacturingances,to sugar refiners,was elimi- amendment pro- the House and or two my,who expectPresidentforrelease,ak appeals tthey will beHouse. Farmington. single taxation measw can his —_was by the Senate.somewhat allowing fora tax weeks clean-up, to district .V.Furches and Mrs.Cash and last brother of the late Judge D.Purches of Statesville. of the family,Miss Virginia Furchessurvives. Deceased was 77survivedbyawife and four childrenHediedTuesdayathishomenear He had been a promi nent man in the offairs of Davie coun-ty,having served 12 years commissioner. FEWER VESSELS SUNK.marked decrease in the destruc-of British merchant vessels byorsubmarinesisindicatedin]Mass levying 2 cents a pound on coffee anditssubstitutesandtoraise$18,500,000.Another motion byBroussardtostrikeouttheoneand2centsagallontaxesonmolassesaccordingtogrades,was adopted, Then the Senatevoted,52 to 28,to strike out all consumption taxesinthebill,including those on sugar, tea and a pe|a ce ipree-or - “drawbacks”or re-export rangingpercent.on inheritances of $100,000to100percent.on those over $95,-000,000.was rejected by a vote of 51 to 30.The Jones’amendment,revised by tral]the committee,to levy a 10 peruponcorporations’undistributed sur-plus,was adopted on a viva voce tute to provide a zone system, creasing second class postrage ratesonadvertisingportionsoftions,estimated to eonextyear,rejected,to 20.The great bill,nearly four monthsinthemaking,will be returned tothengoestoconfer-ence with enactment within 10 daysprobable.Simmons,Stone and Williams,Dem-ocrats,and Penrose and Lodge,publicans,were appointed the Sen- ate’s conferees.the $2,400,000,000 new taxes provided in the tax bill for the du- ration of the war,$842,200,000 is to be taken from incomes,corporate and individual,and $1,060,000,000 from war profits.Mogt of the re- mainder is levied on liquor,tobacco and public utilities. In_the1ith-hour actions of the Senate wereeliminationofallprovisionsfortax-ing publishers and increasing second class periodical all consumption taxes on sugar,tea, coffee and cocoa,the latter reducing the bill $86,000,000. Appeals to the President. Selected men for the National ar-appeal to theare must boards, ignored at the White Persons who expected to use the influence of Senators and Repre- sentatives,or other influential men,in this connection,this help is not available.More than 1,000 claims for exemp- tion from military grounds that the claimants are indis- the postage rates are advised that service the fact thet only industrial claimsaretobeappealedtothePresident ns or attorneys appearingclaimantswillnotbeallowedtheevidencebeinglimitodtotheevi dence that was laid before the dis- trict exemption board decision the men claiming the exemp tion are subject to military duties. Pending fina! Death of Mr.Furches in Davie. Mr.and Mrs.H.V.Furches anddaughter,Miss Irma Furches,and Mrs.W,F.Cash,Wednesday at tended the funeral of Mr.W.F Furches at Eaton church,Davie county.Mr.Furches was an uncle of years old and is weekly admiralty eategory sunk vessels of moref= to bottom,20 in thelarge and three in the the than 1,600than1,600 tonsargcompared 50 to raise one cent. in- publica- Senators principal advisedbemadeotherwise on the Only one as county statement nd|a Red Cross nurse. : theside.occuhas$> e $43 ?ij He 25 3 : :3"2 on it and a car leaded withdamaged.Mr.Sherrill ofwasinacarandwasanyEngineerFetnerjurapedgineandwasuninjured.Mrs.Lester Ingram and children,from near Statesville,are visiting son.Mr.Weaver Edwards has returned coe ee.berT.erre vans,nm-Mrs.C.E.Sloan and children ofStatesvilleareof'Sloan’s cteiie-le Ties.I.MyMatheson Watts.on >a whospentrpartsum-mer at Davis Springs,iddenite,|several has returned home.Mrs.A.M./terdayBrawleyspentTuesdayandWednes-|heavy day in Statesville with relatives. Not All the Murphys Going. Recently it was published in thepapersthatallthemembersofthefamilyofthelateDr.P.L.Boer:former superintendent of the i j[ FE D it Hospital at Morganton,including oeMrs.‘Murphy.co to France Forty -Two Years a Conductor or service in con ion Waenect Comingdownon No.128 theother The Landmark learns that thisstoryisnotcorrect.Miss Mae Mur-phy has already gone to France asOneofherbrothers,a physician,has ned ahospitalunitandwillgo.Two otherbrothers,one a physicianwiththeRockefellerInstitute inNewYork,and Mrs.Murphy,do not expect to go,so far as known. Band Concerts End. Those who have enjoyed the con- certs by the Merchants’Band,givenonFridaynightsattherearofthe court house,will regret that there are to be no more this season.As far as known now they will be re-sumed next summer,when it és/eachagainwarm.It is decided it is too cold now for the open air.These concerts have attractedgoodcrowdsandhavebeengreatlyenjoyed,not only as an opportunity i r i t l a t for diversion,but the people have|‘®Make gradually andheardgood‘music.The Merchants’|'Mconvenience and expense & Band is a credit to.the town.Dr.|&by @ year,Fp nen,TRIAL MAY BEGIN The trial of Lula Allisen,for the —Lizsievepectadte Turner,the director,says it is goingtobestillbetter.Three new saxa- phones have been added to the band. Church News. Rev.A.R.Beck is spending a fewdaysinLittleMountain,8.C.,and on account of his absence no serviceswillbeheldinSt.John’s Lutheran|yy,7.church Sunday.Rev.J.W.Williams,pastor ofRaceStreetMethodistchurch,willyreachatBroadStreetchurchSun-day evening and Rev.L.D.Thomp-sen will preach at Race Street church.;’“Sabbath Observance”will be Rev,D.Thompson's subject at BroadStreetMethodistchurchSunday morning.i Horse Fatally Injured. Mr.Jo.Mitchell returnedfromatripinthemountains.His,wagon was loaded with apples andwhenhewenttounhookthehorsefromthewagonthewagonstartedrollingdownanineline.A shaftwasjabbedinthehorse's flank,sobadlyinjuringitthatithadto_bekilled.horse belonged to Mr.J.M.Miteheil. In Interest of Libraries. Miss Annie Brown of‘the “Lend .A - =” fi if-éz to an\rriculture of ™ WILLIAMS DIES TODAY.2 Today,in the Prisoneigh,Charlie for ;Sheriff Jno.H.|am previous co l .' wamisection,-but)Counell of of men wantedunder|for its 40,inclus-|¥P,toThea {i will clearly te one ornamedclasses.physically fit formustexpectto Department Stenal Off:gna :cer,Momdquarters Southeec De-partment,.6c Railroad Efficiency. Accomplishments of the railroadwarboardinmeetingtransportationrequirementssinceitsorganizationfourmonthsagoaresetforthina statement b Fairfax Harrison,|chairman.beard is operatingthenation’s 693 railway lines as one,continental system.What it has suc-ceeded in doing is set forth in thefsummary:the car shortage 70 percent,and increased the general effi-of the roads in moving16percent.over 1916. Saved 20,000,000 miles of trainserviceannuallybyeliminatingpas- senger trains considered not essen-tial to pressing war needs.Averted freight congestion bymovingptlyemptycarsfrom cngtoad to another,irrespective of SavedBo,000 ears by pooling coalandoreand—cars by pooling coal..Increased generally the loads here-carried by cars of al!classes.increasing the general ef-of railroads,thé war board,points out,has assist-mmment in solving mili-r 2 the Disposition of Negro Troops. The ©troops of the Nationalbeorganizedinseparateasisdoneintheregularar-and,as far as possible,will beintheStateswheretheyare § h i il g for negroes to mobilize atwillbeaayoytoal-. at the camp to ar-the organization of these)its.Both white men andoftheselectivedraftforcesgivenanopportunitytovol-for service in the battalionsoftroopsforserviceonthelinesofcommunication,their work beingbutnotcombatant.Howev-er,there will be negro fighting reg-of the National army,asthereareoftheregulars.Secretary Baker outlined this pol-iey of the War Department in astatementdealingwiththemethodtobefollowedintheorganizationandtrainingofnegroesliabletodraftundertheNationalarmyact.Presumably the negro regiments oftheregulararmyandtheNationalGuardwillberetainedastheyareasfightingunits.ET Advises Compliance With Law. United States Attorney J.O,Carr,who has been besieged with lettersandtelegramsastothecoursehewilluewithreferencetotheKeating-Owen’child labor law,re-cently declared unconstitutional byJudgeoftheWesterndistrict,issued the following statement:“T ey fully recognize the im-|portanceof a uniform ruling,but themostuniformrulingthatIcansuc-'geat is to stand upon the statuteuntilfinaldeterminationofthemat-ter by the reme Court of theUnitedStates.If Judge Boyd shouldbeover-ruled any one violating thelawinthemeantimewouldbeindict-able and would be prosecuted.He H t 5 lf =—veo —-—> gam ttSupremeCourtoeoe”™|ae Wanted to Go Back to Prison. Kannapolis Star.{Some 15 years ago Ike Cruse,col-ored,of No.7 township,killed his!and was sent to the peniten-|tiary for 35 rs.He had served15yearsofthetermthisyearwhen.Bickett gave him a pardon andhereturnedtoConcordtolive,afewmonthsavo.He liked it so wellintheStateprisonthatafewweeksagoupfundstotrytogetbackto:e got as far as‘he was advised thathenotgetinagain,so hecame-He is an old ndhedoesn’t like freshen ater wpest-ing so in confinement, Willam Plummer Jacobs,D.D.,75,died suddenly at his home»&.,ae Dr.Ja-was a well known Presbyterian,pastora =atrs.e foundedorphanageatClin-the Thornwell orphanage,retained an active inter. H i -\lee and provide its first stock i allies,|4.To distribute hospital opie.|ment and supplies of all kinds to!military hospitals for soldiers of the!American or allied armies.5.To engage in civilian relief,in-cluding:(a))care and education ofdestitutechildren.(b)Care of mutilated soldiers.(c)Care of sick and disabled sol- diers.(d)Relief work in the devastatedareasofFranceandBelgium,such as furnishing to the inhabitants ofthesedistrictsagriculturalimple-ments,household goods,foods,cloth- ing,and such temporary shelter aswillenablethemtoreturntotheir homes,(e)To provide relief for and guard;against the increase of tuberculosis.6.To furnish relief for soldiers and civilians held as prisoners by theenemyandtegiveassistancetosuchciviliansasarereturnedtoFrancefromtimetotimefromthepartsof Belgium and France held by the en-emy.7.To supply financial assistance tocommittees,societies or individualsalliedwiththeAmericanRedCross and carrying on relief work in Eu-rope.The War Council has sent to Eu-rope five separate commissions,each composed of representative Ameri-can citizens,skilled in medical andsurgicalwork,business administra-tion,and in other lines of Red Crosseffort.The work and policy of theRedCrosswillbedeterminedand,guided,Mr.Davison says,by the first|hand inquiries and the considered judgment of the members of these | commissions. report.continuing,says that“by reason of the crucial importance| of the work in France”a Red CrossCommissiontothatcountrywasdis- vatched as soon as it could be organ-ized after the appointment of theWarCouncil.This commission hasgeneralsupervisionovertheworkoftheAmericanRedCrossinEurope,|and its membership is composed of14leadingexpertsinspeciallinesofwork.Each of the other commis-sions has been selected along similarlines,and the work of all these com-missions is either volunteer or ispaidbyprivatecontributions.The commission to Russia recent-ly arrived at Petrograd,the commis- sion to Italy is now in that country,while commissions to Serbia and Ru- mania are en route,and plans.are making to send a commission toGreatBritain.In France the RedCrosshasassumedmanagementoftheWarReliefCleartngHouse,has taken over,under American armycontrol,the American AmbulanceHospitalatNeuilly,and has assumed| the financial responsibility for Dr.J.A.Blake’s American Hospital inParis.The Red Cross has also al- lied itself with the work of theAmericanSurgicalDressingsCom-mittee,which in July last distributed nearly 800,000 dressings among 435hospitalsinFrance.“The effort,”the report adds,“has been in accordance with the express-ed views of the President of theUnitedStatesandofthecivilandmilitaryauthoritiesofFrancetoco- ordinate along helpful lines all re-lief work being done in France and America.”Concerning the scope of the Red Cross work in behalf of the United States army,the report gays:“The first and supreme object of American Red Cross care is our ownarmyandnavy.The American armyinFranceisreceivedinlargerecep-tion camps on the coast,and =afterseveralweeksofpreliminarytrain- ing the men are sent across the) country to permanent training camps back of the firing lines.Alongtheroutefollowedbythetroopsthe Red Cross has established infirma-ries and rest stations,each in charge of an American trained nurse with an American man to assist her. “Additional infirmaries and rest stations will be established in the near future,and adequate buildings are also being erected whereverneeded,:“Canteens are being established by the Red Cross at railway stations where American soldiers on reservedutyoronleave,and those returningtoorfromduty,may find rest and|refreshment.Baths,food,gamesandothercomfortswillbemadeavailableatthesecanteens. “When American troops start for France the men are given comfort kits.Christmas parcels will be sent}ng we.| far Council has appropriat-|ed $100,000 for medical research“=a .reese. ©be able to do its work withoutdelay,the Red Cross is establishingwarehousesatdifferentpointsofim-|ie in the French theatre of| war.n @ tion of $500,000hasheentoestablishthisserv. s of sup- “In tesponse to a cable from the|commission in France,the W:Couneil $1,000,000 to_to be sent to | ,a whole quarter pint of the most re- 8 steaon¢@United tes Shiarmytra Cross su “The beof own motor transport service.Thishascalledforanoriginalinvestmentofconsiderablesize,but it was fun-,damentally necessary anditpossibleforRedbeflexibleandelastictoan immense-ly important degree.first unitoftruckshasbeenforwarded.“In advance of the fighting forcestheUnitedStatessenttotheEuro-pean battlefields six baseorganizedduringthelast yeartheRedCross-—the first UnitedStatesarmyorganizationsenttoEu-rope.These were sent at the requestoftheBritishCommission.“More than a dozen base hospitalsorganizedbytheAmericanRedCrossarenowseeingactiveserviceinFrance,and others are rapidly be-jing made ready for foreign service.Each of these base hospitals has astaffof22physicians,two dentists,64 Red Cross nurses,and 150 enlistedmenoftheArmyMedicalCorps.Be-fore war was declared,26 of theseunitshadbeepformedand47arenowreadyforservice.It costs atleast$75,000 to equip a base hospit- al with beds,blankets,sterilizers,op-erating tables,tents,dental outfits,automobiles and kitchens.”One of the most important under-takings of the Red Cross in France jis to combat the tuberculosis peril.The report says that at the presenttime500,000 persons are afflictedwithtuberculosisasadirectresult of the war,and that “scientific ef-forts to control the spread of the malady are not only of supreme con- cern to France herself but they are of great importance in making Francehealthyforourowntroops.”Aliworkisbeingdoneunderthegener-al adminigtration of the French gov- ernment and by French le.For the relief of wounded and sickFrenchsoldiersandtheirfamilies the American Red Cross has appro-priated $1,000,000,and the .organiza-tion has made plans to take caretemporarilyofthehundredsofthou- sands of destitute refugeesFrance.The report cites the FrenchMinisteroftheInteriorasauthori-ty for the statement that these ref-ugees number about 400,000,butaddsthat“there is reason to thinkthatthenumberismuchlarger.”It is not the policy of the Amer- ican Red Cross to rebuild the vil- lages of France,but it 1s tne hope of the society “to be able to give a new start in life toa by the ravages of the German ar- my.”The Red Cross has according-ly appropriated $403,090 for a pro- visional experiment in this direction, the plans for the experiment havingbeenworkedoutinFrancebyCommissionerofCharitiesHomerFolks.In this work the Red Crossisco-operating with the Society ofFriendsintheUnitedStatesand in England, ARRESTED FOR MURDER. Chas.Scherer of Wilmington hasbeenarrestedforthemurderofNeil Walton,killed near Wilmington last April.Walton was in company with a woman,Florence Davidson,when he was killed.The murder created a sensation,but after long investi-|gation the crime was not fixed on =one,Se ind } -herer is a middle-aged manamerchant. GIRLS!LEMON JUICE IS SKIN WHITENER!| How to Make a Creamy BeauttionForaFewCents. The juice of two fresh lemons)straine into a bottle =containingthreeouncesoforchardwhitemakes y Le.){ markable Jemon =skin beeutifier at! about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary coldereams.Care should be taken tostrainthelemonjuicethroughafineclothsonolemonpulpgetsin,thenthislotionwillkeepfreshformonEverywomenkaowsthatlemonjuiceisusedtobleachandre-move such blemishes as frecklessallownersandtan,and is the ideal=softener,whitener and beauti-er.Just try it!Get three ounces oforchardwhiteatanydrugstoreandtwolemonsfromthegrocerandmakeupaquarterpintofthissweetly*one..nm lotion andmassageyintoarmsandhands, ,have ts also wn ae rench railroads ate over-| in large number of | versons who have been left destitute ex-| the face,neck, ot ‘s which isoT,»touteaged aqmetiiinn to'erep voorbloodrich,eviate rheumatism andavoidsickness.No alcohol in Scott's. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLEFARMANDDESIRABLERES-IDENCE PROPERTY. By virtue of the power contained in the instwillandtestamentofD.M.Howard, late of Iredell county,N.C.,the undersignedwillonSATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 22,1917,expose to public sale to the highest bidder for.the following described real estate,to-- wit: The farm and home place of the said D.M.Howard,deceased,situate on the Lewis FerryroadthreemileswestofStatesville.Saidfarmcontains88acres,mere or about 50acresofwhichisnowinfinestateofeculti- vation. tom land,dredged,lying on waters of Thirdcreek.There 4s on this germ a nice new 7-‘oom cottage residence;a good tenant houseandoutbuildings,and alsw abundance of wood,both oak and pine,for all domestic purposes,The publie read,sand-clayed,runs rightthroughthisfarmandthesamewillbesoldintwotreetaandthensoldalltogether.The undersigned will bs glad at any time toshowthelandteanyonewhomaybeinter-|6 eeted in the same.JOHN M HOWARD,Zeb.V.Lang,Atty.Executor, Aug.21 -6w. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. By virtue of.a decree of the Superior §Court of lredell county,rendered in a specialproceedingwhereinFredL.Honupe et al.are plaintits,and Mary EF.Henley et al.are de-tendants,the undersi:c:ned commissioner willellatpublicauctiontothehighestbidder,atthecourthousedoorinStatesville.N.C.,MONDAY.OCTOBER ist,1917,at the hour of noon,thy following described|Jhouseandlot,in the city of Statesville,to-wit;Beginning at a stake on south side ofStocktonstrevt,about 329 1-2 feet enst of thecorneronRoststreet,and P.R.Houpe's cor-ner;thence with P.R.Houpe's line south 43 de-grees enst 223 feet to a stake in Irvin's line;thence north 45 degrees east 65 1-2 feet to astakeintheH.A.Bost line;thence withBost’s line north 4%1-2 dexrees west 218 feetteStoektonstreet:thence with Stecktonstreetsouth59degreeswest651-2 feet to thebesinning. Terma of sale:One-third cash;one thirdin6monthsandone-third in 12 months. FRED.L.HOUPE,R.B.MeLaughlin,Atty.Commissioner._Augwt 31,1917. output of factories that make |vuleanizing outfits.This showswhatUncleSamthinksofvul- eanizing Tires.Why not you doashedoes—repair your Tires? THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. NEW SEEDBUSINESS, TurnipSeed in packages and in bulk.Also a variety of other garden andFieldSeed. All New. UNCLE SAM KNOWS| Our Government has taken the || || i About 8&8 acres of which is fine bot-. } ' if on 6 ig ¢T.N.BROWN. i I I e L ESTER, REGISTERED AXCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.’Phove 340 Green. — a|NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. ‘The partnershiphoretufens existing betweenaY.a vag y A.—dr.,under thenameandstyScott,attorneys-at-law,has been dansteeh by mutual consent.AN 8 indebted to satd firm will settlewithMr.Long.Any acounts the firmwillbepresentedtoMr,payment. INO.A.aR.Aug 28-6.°, i,nA.Cooren,» ‘Cole One-Horse Grain Dri ll,No.34 ©With Fertilizer Attachment.Price $22.50.'Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware ( eee ae eae meee arene LEST WE FORGET. Now is a good time to select that Monument for thelovedoneswhohavegone.We a larger anddMarbleinMonuments,Tombstones and Markers to select from.Prices reasonable. Barron &Conner. 118 E.Broad Street. A Piccnic For you if you carry one of our new Thermos Bottlesonyourouting. We have large,small and medium.You can serveyourbeveragejusttherighttemperature,pure andrefreshingwhencarriedinthesemagicbottles. Keep hot or cold indefinitely.Indi :automobilists,tefinitely,—_Indispensible to We'll be glad to show them to you. POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On varied assortment of both Granite an Phone 215. the Square. YOUR FAVORITE CIGAR. ——In Condition,—— That’s Fit To Smoke. That’s The Way We Keep House. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y | IREDELL HARDWARB GO. $s toned as aipialblasiapictetlitias ioceenaaliak (8 pad oO 5 GRAIN DRILLS. Caeet as thesamenumberSteT aeWihaysenileforwhatoboerorttre yar i ai Anasisjiiaii6 SE gE E G E “f| tIi afs rsfe iB 1 iij i z t r t f r z ! | S For a bag of Davis Bros. Graham Flour,fresh lot ep Hight from the mill* Don’t forget that we have anything you want in the way of Spices,Vinegar, Extracts,Rubbers,Jars and Jar caps. Phone 89. FINE LOT COUNTRY MEAT. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-4,Second Floor. FIRST ‘NATIONAL RANK BUILDING, Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hours §to 6.SPECIAL ATTENLION TO CHILDREN'STEETH. Eagle &Milholland.| i = |Big line Wool Dress Goods, '|Broadcloth,Fine French StormSerge,Ottoman, |Serge,Poplin,etc.Most any shades desired.If you expect to make a coat, we have the cloth. Our Ready-to-Wear de- ‘|partment is more complete than ever enn ere oe ae DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS 8 to 6.‘PHONE 11. See our handsome Plush Coats. DID YOU EVER BUY A Door or Window,and find it wouldnotfittheFrame?C.WATKINS hasFrames,ready-made.YOU CAN TRY THEMBEFOREYOUTAKETHEMFROM the Doors,Windows and His LUMBER YARD!__ Our Coat Suits are coming WANTED!_ SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 74. per pound,Ligh,Brass 5c.per pourd .._ FOR SALE: New 2nd second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilersupplies.room Cc.H.TURNER.fredell "Phono No.74,Bell No.7. in and are the latest styles and newest shades. '|Our Sweaters must be seen to be appreciated.Made in stoek afull line of Batteryac-cessories. and Pine Shingles. Baber tee eee andgleStains.C."WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-Cc iy.Ps All WOOD SAWINGAmtosawyour_wood,J me or T.G.WOOTEN. Pa a E e E on er n ae fn a r e y e e n c e t n n e e t t i a ne n a ee Battery Inspection Free. Py.———al ee with Belts and those broad Collars.‘Green,Corn,Rose, | J ete.New Shirt Waists H } STATESVILLE,ee ee eeye—News - Shes and Things. |Corvespondence of The Landmark. |Statesville,R-1,Sept.12 Ms R.|iL.Murdock of this community fejeentlyreceivedasevereinjurytohis) ,eye.He was removing some wire,using a worn-out file which hetwasdrivingonandprizingthesta-iples from the old post.During the|time he was loosening his wire ajverysmallparticleofthesteelwasjdrivenfromthefileandstruckhim in the eye.It was so small a parti-iele that it was slightly noticed atthetime,in fact no pain has @verlresultedfromit;but some time af- |terwards he noticed that where'there was only one light there ap- _peared to be two lights.The sight j has hecome enlarged twice thejuralsize.|Mr.R.A.Galliher and Mr.F.B.|Winecoff,who owned and operated‘a servehum mill two seasons prier to‘this one,have recently sold theiroutfitanditwillnotheoperateéin this community hereafter.This wasnshockingsurprisetothepeopleof ,this seetion,as there was a nice crop of cane depending on this,the only mill anywhere near.So every fel- low will have to do the best he ean in regaré to his sorghum,Mr.and Mrs.'T.E.Winecoff ofTroutman’s and Mr.and Mrs.F.B.Winecoff of this neighborhood went late Sunday evening,via Mr.T.E.Winecoff's car,to Concord,wheretheyviewedforthelasttimethebodyoftheircousin,Mr.John Link- er,who died Sunday morning.Mr.and Mrs.Alvah Murdock of Southern Pines were here the past week visiting his mother,Mrs. G.P.Parker.They have now fe- turned to their home near Southern Pines,Mr.F.L.Murdock is having a new well drilled to take the place of his old bored well.With the use of a road machine,drawn by a gras- oline engine,a new road is being vraded out which connects the Statesville -Amity read beyond G. R.Mills’store and follows Trout- man’s mail route No.2 as far as Mr. William Winecoff’s. LR A TASAllowancesForDependents of Soldiers and Sailers. Provisions of the soldiers and sail- ors insurance bill for allowances of* from $5 to $10 a month to denend:! ‘nts during the service of enlisted mer have been approved hy the House of Congress Strenuous efforis of Representative Keating of Colorado speaking for various humanitaris ranizations,to have the allewar raised,failed. In addition to the government al lowances,the bill provides that at!eoual amount if not in excess af S15 monthly,shall be given to depend-| ents from enlisted men’s pay.These) are che amounts,in addition to any. sums taken from the pay,that de- pendents would ceive monthly. Wife,no children.$15;one child| $26;two children,$82.50 and $5 ad-] ditional for each ndditional child One motherless child,$5;two chil- dren,$12.50;three children,$20;Cour children,$30,and $5 monthly itdi- tional fer each additional child.On dependent «grandchild,—brethe: sister,$5.Special provisions =: made for the allowances of divorced wives, School Committeemen. Supt.Mitchell announces the ap- pointment of school commiticemen as follows: Dstriet No.6,Davidson town bip, 1.PD.Collins in place of Fisher:Bar- ringer,distriet No.5,J.8.Arthurs and Luther Beaver in place of J.C. Smith and Dlovd Murdock,transfer- red;district No.6,Chamoersbure, 1.Clend:nin in’place of J.W. Webb,moved away;district No 5, Fallstown,8.D.Dingler;district No. 7,Davidson,G.D.Neill in place of C.H.Cornelius,moved away;dis- trict No.1,Cool Spring,J Ll, Moore;district No.1,Fallstown,W. J.Morrison in place of W.LE.Ben field:district No.3,Fallste Rob ert Goodin in place of R.VWGoodin; district No.3,Statesville,A Au Murdock in place of W.A.Winccoff; district No.2,Cool Spring,W.J. Davis and W.T.Summer»in place of J.A.Guan and T.L.Moore. TeSeeSe Prices 20 Years Ago and Now. An exchange tells that in May, 1917,a merchant offered a farmer a buecy for $90.The farmer kicked and cited the fact that his father had bought a buggy like it 20 years ago for $€0.The merchant looked up the ol account of 20 years previous and found that the farmer had given in payment for the $60 buggy 12 tons of cotton seed.Finding this entry, the merchant offerea to ive the farmer then wanting the bugry 4 $90 bugry,a $75 wagon,a $40 culti- vator,a $60 planter,a $100 Victro- la,a $35 watch,a $20 suit and $500 lin Liberty Bonds,total value of $720,for 12 tons of cotton seed.In other words,cotton seed are worth 112 times what they were 20 years HI justreceived. ~[3:MLMel &:(07 MH Lad , ago.— |*IN CALLING THE LANDMARK Save time and trouble by owes |your business un- less course it is personal and private —-to whoever an- Keep that in mindand oblinmviiere The |gave time |*andmarkandforyourself and this '* * ;‘4 ~ . * * * * + /* le . }t * |estimate made by John Pau parent,£10;both parents,$20,cach" [SAVE ON THE STOCK ,F.Cotton Seed|Stock,andMeal matingBe |Cheaper,' Corn., Corverpondence of The Landmark.} The farmers of North Carolinaoansavedurthenext12months£9,131,500 their workstockin-better ion by substi-;uting two pounds of,cotton seed)meal for four pounds of corn inrationforthe885,000 horses andmulesintheState,accordin a anUCAS,executive secretary of the NorthCarolinaFoodConservationCom- Feeding tests in this and otherSouthernStateshavedemonstratedrepeatedlyduringthepastfewyearsthatworkstockwillkeepinbetter-ondition where two pounds of cot-ton seed meal are substituted forfourpoundsofcorn,than they will if their entire grain ration is madei»of corn.Two pounds of d@tton seed meal at $40 per ton is worth ic.;four pounds of corn,with corn even at $1.50 a bushel,is worth ubout Ile. The 385,000 horses and mules in North Carolina will consume in onevear.if fed two pounds per day, 140,525 tons of cotton seed meal, vorth,at $40 a ton,$5,621,000.This neal would take the place of 281,000tons,or nearly 10,000,000 bushels,ofrn,which would be worth,at $1.50 .bushel,$14,752,500.The =differ- ence in these tetals shows the sav- ry of $9,131,000..Corn will be used this season for human consumption to an extent never dreamed of before.Besides this,the experts corn to Europe will |mission. in all probability show an Increase of several hundred per cent.over vwormal exports.This means,ar- cording to Mr.Lucas,that even with the record-breaking crep of cornhereisgoingtobenosurplusandreatcareshouldbeusedinconserv-ng this crop for human consumption to as large an extent as possible Cotton seed meal will no doubt be used.more largely this year than ever before in finishing hogs for the rorket,for which purnose it may be |as one-third of the ration.Thistiionismuchcheaperandproduces »quicker and harder finish than corn tlone,but it should not he used forneriodofmorethan20daysbefore killing. VIEW OF DR.CHAPMAN. Hour For Great Religious Movement,Says Evangelist. Upon the eve of his departure for ecjal evangelistie work among the soldiers in the training camps and ‘antonments of the United States, Rev.J.Wilbur Chapman,D.D.,de-lared to a large audience at Mon-trent that it is his belief that “the hour has come for a great religiou movement throughout the world and hut this will be realized when eR lida Oe mtr tts —whatever your SS L EE market today. fcr any man. Touring SS S ——farmer—orwageearner, motor car will save time for you and increaseyourefficiency. Andwe recommendtheMaxwellto you as the most economicalcaronthe ThousandsofMaxwellownersoperate their cars at a cost of $6 to $8 a month. The Maxwell retains its efficiency for years and has a high second-hand value. The Maxwell is a genuine buaness assct Roadeter $745;Coupé $1096;Berline$1098 ;Sedan$1095Allpricesf.o.&.Detroit Fd G.White Motor Company, Statesville,N.C. businessmaybe,a Car $745 the | vorld war shall have come to an end,| this spiritual awakening to be felt n ool)lands.” He said further that the Churchhasbecomematerialisticandhasal-Yo its love for pleasure and vealth to come hetween it and God and that it may be the war will the Church to awrke to theveodtohumbleitselfandgiveGod Hic rirhtful place.If,the Church will do thic,he said,the present vear wilh lie the rrouitest in its history, this being possible if it will keep hack nothing from God.In order to trine nkout this desired result,heurgedthattheentireChurchrealize bat it is a means to an end in this comnection and that the time‘orne for ministers to speak plainly veainat sin,to present themselves to lod and to be used as He wills;that the time has come to praise God for stand still ed suse what is vet to come,to until the glory of —God is seen and intil in the vision He gives His euiding hand,shows the path =in which to move and then to meve for ward and go out after the lest,al in the spirit of prayer. Dr.Chapman said the hour has eome when God wants men aad wo man to help Him more in’winning the lest and pleaded for that spirit which ruled the carly Church,when ‘ministers felt they would die if souls were not saved a the result of heir work and when thev laid hands m Men to win them for God. Dr.Chapman expects to —devote himeelf th vear almost exclusively ta evangelistic work among the sol- ‘tera.ee Conscience Prompting Slow. In Rowan Seay:Court Tuesday the case a Ver Coin for the murder of A :lelaved on recount ot MM {are of the juror.|low naking know |!trou ples ageiust |'on er cumstantial «.Clem ent asked each py ee’Y |vor abel these serupk Mr Geod ‘tihowe fimaelf to be accepted and the jury impanel do before he made kt t} fact that he would not conviet on cireumatantial evidence.Tew a emphatic about it.too,and it put ‘he court in a dilemma After Judge Cline |d pondered o the case some tim d the at had consulted with hin.it was decided to make a mistrial and stert allo again.This wa the specin! venire of 50 men w re-summoned and the jury selected finally had only one wom the vho wis chosen in Mr.Goocm tend \ delay of an hour 1 d from the iy cident Sul Ee JUDGE PRITCHARD TO SPEAR. Judge Pritchard wi!l make patr'« addresses,vith the wirineenneetion ut the following pl Wilkesboro,September 17,efter noon;Elkin,September 17,nis ht; Dobson,Septgmber 18,afternoon;Mt Airy,September 18,night;Daohury September 19,afternoon.He will aba k at the Caldwell county fair or the 28th. ARTILLERYMEN IN FRANCE. A large contingent of ,American artillery hae joined the expedition- ary army in France and ir well along =its intensive utning — rench super ise ntrue . taorarvivet-a oqrttiter contingent hasbeen keptsecret.si i has ‘ ' COME SEE OUR CO a We claim to be one hundred per cent efficient, when it comes to handling and repairing Cars.— When you bring your car here you). may know that the trouble will be.=| located and the car leave our shop only in perfect condition. If you want quick work, done right , LAOio’WEL, Let OW 4 andsome combs,hair pins,and 4 r|it Vy ave any beautiful things to degorate your lovely t ell g0ads;also in yold and silver. Let u cy thein to you Whe jecire anything in the jewelry live from a birth present fe y to wifts for the golden weddins come to us for the ]yiality will be th PxaGkRSOL 1 War price 1.35.of any kindof a Wate need.In 3.7kWaltham,Eigu.,* Reliance. PFSTATaT A, [aMBSandSHELLGOODS. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.. See me if you are in need he .Hamilton, Ed low prices and the job» come to us. Ivy Je Te ta<0 Be ae ILLAR WATCH i can supply thatSouthBend, York Standard \Tow H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler. ,Aateshile Owner.If You WantaFlooring r REMEMBER!W.pect Stor. uge Batteries and rnish you with Distilled Water free!AN Battery work in done by .an ex-pert!STATESVILLE MOTOR CO,. —. Flooring that wont that won't kick off, won's cup,and)Wi that won't buckle,buy from!©' Ww warp, Phe eeeneeewenenerensPeeseReenereeeegerne ¥ #3 5 4 3le t f z e itobei#8 + st e e r s ? § Fefe 5 u s i H a l l il i a‘ E iy:i it7ai Hy s ii 3 i FoS The railroads say fe it 28 ] E andor fs the necessary business in Fon gltangible.In only a fewthesewarseagtiroienou8havewebeenabletoget at the bot-out all shows.—tom of some of these statements,|“ruint”without these shows,gnd while we found that there was and some of some basistohavebeen entirely —egg |lhe::jmade to a r entirely erent,_the ~~rea i of pre from the actual _fircumetances,but the : rieulture,w 8 asi urge the |do not believe t any statement ,.railroads to haul the carnivals,even that appeared in the press of the sur-|lieve is going to result in making . if t nd war supplies and the rounding country has gone to the ex.|the rece ts ie ~THE=oe 6 PP tent of that published in The Land-"esponsive to o «legitimate industry are mark,and which is calculated to do Masses than they have ever begnre.;Columbia such a great injustice._ have never been able to The facts in regard to the $500 per I ———~~=a PHILIPP A” enthuse over a so-called agricultural —ae a oe ce.I do not want to see a peace fair that is made up chiefly of these cohethity yong ae by some —that will leave the three great pur- cheap shows,If the fairs can't get ple from the North,who were so at-oaoag ented,te ee for in wn without the shows,as is con-tracted by the beautiful home of the vie ak lee -reen says: tended,let the fairs go.They are owner that they undertook to secure |.'in.most.terrible:idence in Co-not worth the effort.This paper be-oat ae oe Winter “months,Could come to the world now would All the charm and magnet- josi Hi iLFE FE it #ite the DivinePowerromaconflictforced on by Germany's lust for (1)We arein the wartoent|system of war. l1d Hl => Hh ieul-;ion |be an inconclusive peace.Five rs.x .:: att ae ae "oe :a i at information we have|more of war would be better“than ism with which Robert W.Beautiful new Sweaters in the weaves for Men,peace tomorrow if that peace left :a ;without the cheap shows,These ag-Te ueke eek [the world divided into two hostile Chambers’imbued his hero-Women and Children. gregations attract many people,i iving u his home.The parties |C@™Ps,each preparing for another .2 ane 9 :. will be admitted,but if they are left oe Soles this residence were civ.|MEuamte.ie eee wets ine,‘The Girl Philippa =We areshowi several styles,a others gf those who want an agricultural ilians and not soldiers.‘they are.up for settlement.We are all the endearing ways he are the collars with sashes,Old Rosefairforwhatitissupposedtobe!When ——an a |wormed eid hae”whe :oi &y d White Blueond White . will go along and enjoy it all the o.cupested that a or be |“Peace.Peace!”when there is no gaye her —all her beauty an we a and Cardinal more;and after awhile,ceasing to|quartered at the camp,but for some|Peace.The North and the od d whol |and White Combinations and Emeralds Navys——:imight have patched up a peace af-modesty and wholesomeness,|;’’-ypect the “attractions,”the public Teason,which has been attributed to .,White and Mexpece“attractions,P delayed shipments of supplies the |ter Gettysburg.The North might .we a aroon.will patronize the real fairs and be (Sm?was,not,fully prepared to have agreed to leave slavery in the which made her so popular i i i |restrict rm sae:.benefited much more than if they take care of these officers in the |South in some restricted fo we to the millions of readers of Children Garments,$1.25 to$4.00.are diverted or annoyed by the sort manner in which the officers dprtned,|ee ere ere el tee +oae dd therefore they were on the af-|et if such a peace had been patehed the Cosmopolitan magazine Men and Women’s,$2.00 to $1000.of “attractions”usually made the ae ef the samme Gay theawn p-| chief feature.There should be :5 :jup,there would have been another : some form of entertainment of!=.——,accompa)Wat to fight.We oe hone yy has been transmitted to the course,but it need not be the kind nied by their wives.Upon being truce andnota peace.Thetimehad noon in all her pictures-usually put on.Formerly barrooms pan ag poreMg ates A of had to perish utterly and ::and a redlight district were consid-pot in communication with the peo-forever from the face of the earth,QUENESS,by dainty Anita cred absolutely necessary for a ple of Columbia,and every one that|nd it is well that the war went on g town.Public opinion has changed applied to us was furnished with ad-a ewe,ieetoequatequartersatreasonablerates,would never again be spilled over any y-WwW asi ©oe and it wih enange a8 f°and in many instances no chargg|form of that question.the fairs if given an opportunity;:Ini :Today in like fashion we are fac-°ee ee pend Germany.There is the Hohen-The Store That P;ays the Postage on Mail Orders.and we doubt if there is a real de-ty of South Carolina threw open :anette a things new.dormitories free of charge.The Co-|#llern dynasty mad with the lust of |;,./conquest,and with autocratic power |nncanelumbiaCollegeandseveralotherinhandeddownfromfathertoson,the .*—:stitutions also threw open their dor-..;COLUMBIA'S DENIAL.'mitories at a nominal cost.If any|people heing ae in the-,4 cael SuneASUSThesecretaryoftheColumbiaexcessivechargesweremade,they|2#me of war the sers play.For(8.C.)chamber of commerce as-Were exceptional cases and certainly enerations Germany has stood pre-YSsertsthatthereportsofexorbitant®t the rule.We placed over 500|eminent as the exponent of the mili- Le people in a single day,and have since t#ry system.Mirabeau said more oF ‘7 “=a charges for food and lodging in Co-adequately and comfortably taken than a century ago that the chief lumbia have been exaggerated;that care of the officers and their fami-industry of Prussia is |making war.lies,and now have on hand fully 1,-|“Of all the kings of Prussia fromwhilethereissomebasisforthere-;”r ‘;|1700 until now,”it was said,“only ports the facts have been diraeent,|O acesie pues are available a one failed to wage an unjust war, The Landmark is glad to print the [t must be further considered that |@%d that one lived only three monthsdenial.This paper fully appreciates|there are over 10,000 workmen at &fter he was crowned.”This menacethefactthatwithasuddeninfluxofCampJacksonfromvariouspartsofofaPrussianizedGermanyhasdriv-|mg the United States,and fully 75 per en every other nation to higher na-|visitors the matter of accommoda-cont of these are being taken care of Vies and bigger standing armies and| tion would be difficult for the time in the boarding houses of Columbia,heavier taxation of the poor to sup- and that over-charges in some in-without apparent inconvenience and |port such armies and navies.It had:.cevtainly not at exorbitant charges.|to be so—and will have to be so—sostanceswouldbetheresult.It is|In other words,the city of Columbia|!ong as Germany is an armed camppropertosay,however,that the in-'bas had to absorb in its hotels,pri-|of expert soldiers ready to spring, formation on which The Landmark's SF ae tee rooming and board.wolf -=Reise —gogo :|b».Ei J editorial was based was gathered in ing houses,between eight and ten|War -mad Kaiser chooses to select!8 s °ray thousand people since the work on/a@s his victim:a Kaiser who dis-Es oathemainfromaneditorialinthethecampwasstartedaboutthree|misses treaties as “scraps of paper”|;/White and Tan Kid,at Greensboro Daily News and from!months ago,and we still have room|When they stand in the way of his’PethenewscolumnsoftheCharlottetotakecareofmanymorepeople|Purpose and so cannot be trusted to we s $7.50.Observer and other papers.The 2nd are preparing to do this whenthe |keep the peace with any nation.Shane’etttevted ems veiated .;)full quota of 45,213 men will be lo-!hile we are about it,let us make) prin several |nated in Camp Jackson.an end forever of this system,even |days before The Landmark made There may be a few isolated in-|as =—War ~-an ~| reference to the situation.It went stances of over-charges by our mer-|er ©uman siavery.ngland,|-7:ich,|Chants,restaurants and cab-drivers,|France and the United States are 2 a 2 .Black,° oo ppt figures which,but we have regulations which we,pledged to establish a Supreme 9inch Top Boots,in White and Tansaid,were based on direct hope will correct this immediately,|Court of Nations to settle interna-} information.The news stories pub-|upon receipt of a definite signed tional disputes hereafter and so end ~in id,° lished in the Observer and other pa-|statement containing the indisputa-|the system of war andthe intolerable |“THE GIRL PHILIPPA”K at $7 a|)a pair.pers corroborated the statementsin|ble evidence,but we will not attempt burden of supporting colossal armiestheNietoinvestigateeverywildrumorthatandnavies.t the Kaiser has no :ae ea ews editorial.It was supposed i,circulated.sympathy for this ideal,and with an I HON Dy 83. that the Columbia newspapers and,|will appreciate it if you will,unwhipped Kaiser the plan cannotatleastsomeofColumbia's citizens kindly give this letter due publicity.succeed The German dynasty took A Tale of Two Hearts Told SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. .7 7 Very truly yours,s |had seen these statements,and as H.8.KRALHOFER.and not until it ‘perishes or is con-'in Terms of Love,Courage |no denial had been made,The Land-Sec’y Chamber of Commerce,quered by the sword can the world's mark felt free to sul mit a few re-camemeaeeennennae peace be secure.and Adventure,|seedmarks,which it felt the cireum-Killed Cripple BecauseHeWas aake,:a ae ak ‘a Bother.Government Will Control the She Held the Fate of King-, This statement is not an effort to Slee,Veet,ie “_—oe:-'doms in Her Hand.|shift responsiility,but to show that P&teh,»Says Mrs.vin e entire American sugar indus--i The ics -ae hak Kenniston was found guilty of mur-try will be placed under government She Was only a will-o-the-|a :der in the second degree for partici-|control r 1,the food adminis-:|seems to have been the first of all pating in the killing,July 5,of Alice!tration announces,by the institution |Wisp girl,a bespangledthepublicationstodrawfire,¢Bradshaw,the crippled 8-year-old m ipetiieationstedrowfre,was set |i cecheer ‘ofa neither.‘Tis,tery|entgeene tn.ieeiquaier in a enfe om the|based on irresponsible rumors,but deli :;ae ~‘deliberation lasted but 40 minutes.ep was dec on wi -'|Franco-Germanbord Bu :on news and editorial statements in Mrs,Kenniston,a neighbor of the a of President Sane ne)er,t|4 responsible newspapers.Bradshaw family,was arrested with vent speculative prices and assure she wasdestined for bigger——_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—__-_Miss Etta Hicks.housekeepor for equitable distribution.hi 'We're very much afraid that the }=f 7 comaes ay nd Beet sugar producers already have |©ngs.4 .=2 y 6.co 0 ie ie,|pted i pat-io parcombied editor is “yet *|both women confessed killing the od Gy eo ears Se eioee vnnaee-of bitterness and the bonds|child because she was a bother.|eeomea a saving to the consuming | of iniquity,”notwithstanding our ef-Later John Kerwin,a farm hand,|4orts 'was arrested.He has since pleaded| =wy ©be |puilty as an ace after the mur-a“eaught up”with the saints and the der,and testified at Mrs.Kenniston’s er :children next Sunday,the 1th,the trial that under her direction hecar-|rise »alee ts Ce Thehome library that hasbeen equipped here offersnew ideas ofdaysetbytheNewJersey seer.|ried Alice's body from thespotwhere|i /y v ;the food administration,which will luxuryandenjoyment.-Made bold by the fact that he has't Was hidden beneathsomebrushto»among them.|:Wehave allofthelatestdesignsin library furnitare,any gradewyetd»“i it =:time the food ad-'ugust 9.ecording to Ker-|istration announcetherendingoftherocksor|win,Mrs.Kenniston told him she om bie a.youmaydesire.\at whichthefirehisexpectedtocon-|choked the girl while Miss Hicks 4o}j to all the e ‘the arthonthe Tact day,the meterwitht cub,tere |Ifyouwanttoknowjest howyearlibrarywilllook when,casimanassumesanairofin-|There is a growing demandthatSchool vane |}we Wie Suey 5 ,’intimat +s omevtet |a ye +S a for| the editor of The ‘**"prayer it warwetterget‘-cease.—Charity and Children.| Papo mest e7 7 2 2 tH E fi ees eo . edi bietiailie. b h i . 12ROM in i aMyi entertainedthe the-in the} |,where| absence have gath-| .“he.community r.Jo.Lin-| were the -ie at aSeaon |7 seam,| i i Miss Wi host-|and with ;touch-| \ess to the |Rachel Belles |— ,|morning.guests wn i » visited Mr.|their kni and the morning was|trast Mouselawn,butt the i uring is almost finished near Charlotte,spent in for the jeourt house lawn,but the “he as some of the farmers have the) P.Crowell of Ashev jTeed tea andsw wereserved,is still unsanitary.van of automobiles and good| was hereon a visit to hisson,followed by sherbet cake.Asters ‘The treasurer's report was en-y are thinkingoftrying|; Crowell,left Wednesday|were used fn'the decora,|couraing and the League was|the Winston market,it oe)ile to”visit other rela-tions.Miss Mary |Crater was found to be on 0 sound Auneldl a eee,eal eeeeeoed cg No man can hide money and keep OTHERS fram le wrest meeting.sis.repo ne prices . Mins Turner ednanien |=The members of the Civie League'there. for Des San S spend A member of yume paste nes opeouiens co.—=the .-_—Thos.Miller is in very feeble knowing it.There is always something in his actions with cousin apicnic a river -|se in enfo com-|health.o ” 1 --wins evening.“The.ta ee ee school a,ifthe hei,oe ———|thet “gives him owey. Seott n a motortruck ;rs.|w is enforced,it more|TITU PRESSED. onCe 2.i eit |DaltonKennedy chaperonedtheparty.than ever pecgaanry that he a chil te cue Winer af Gao tanomast:Our strong vaults will keep your money sofe. —.and 7)Mrs.Ernest G.Gaither gave a re-|school.It was that here in|deetre ‘to.cae Tek b toon Misses *and Lois ception pete ——from +Saeetes pee of age —Gute somes for their bindnes so our!Besides this,MEN of known financial RESPON- owel Concord visited |to 6 o’clock in honor mother,;and strong sically are to “_,deceased,sore t oon *creoel,|4 Seamed |Mire.F 6.Rivapanee.io =Dame tn idlenens of FORA the |Sna"sreipethy toes ie sor sad tovestement SIBILITY are behind our bank. 3,Reve of Dichoon,Tenn |Marriage of Miss Lippard and Mr.|The Civie League still hopes that |CAMPBELL,AND "bLLA .RupoeLt, :=ee as Sa:man Wednesday Evening.something can be done to rid the’Mockaville,N.C.:Make OUR bank YOUR bank ig coenting «low Gage WHR Hieasset tr Te tanto ‘Town of the numerous ussless 4°63.”MARKETREPORTS. Mra.A.A.Colvert Wed-|,The home of Mr.and Mrs.A.H.The servant question was discuss-|2.Wepay 4per cent interest on time deposits. ean =:two wenke’visit te |Ldapaed,—e Lowe ard oa “=tne pee a committee ‘Statceville ProduceMarbet i Cata ville,was the seene a pretty wed-3 n appoin to investigate |following priceswere yesterday ,j t Miss ae teen ‘ding Wednesday evening when their the subject and find out the gonti-|7,ereaen,se =a eee THE FIRST N A I ION AL ’ had St the primary depart.|voungest daughter,Vesta,became ment of the housekeepers in regard)““itens,ie.per ib . we eS Academy for |the bride of Mr.M.Clinton Trout-|to a regulation of the wages and!Exxs,36c.per dosen.{: expects to leave Monday for|™#"-The varlor was beautifully working hours of the colored serv- oostir.Be,yer ®,Statesville,N.C. to resume her .decorated with potted plants,green ants.The members think that oa oe =—_——___——_—__—-— Margaret whey and)and white being the color scheme.references should be required from Green Hides,18¢,per Ib.: Sherrill will leave y |The vows were taken before an altar any servant who applies for a posi-|Hams,30c.per ih. rae to enter Salem C of aie and flowers,with a large tion and certainly no d per-—,—_th.if Mins Aunie Eugenia Culbreth,little|white ing bell suspended just son should be employed in the kitch-,New Red Honey ‘atrained)12 1-2-1660 |;, da r of Mr.E Culbreth,over the bridal couple.en.New Red Honey Comb,Ie.per Ib.A | will also go to Salem y toen-|To.the strains of Lohengrin’s The next meeting of the Civic,Sourwood Honey Comb,22¢.per Ib. tae :|wedding march,played by Miss An-League will be October 9,which is’SeevoctesEaae Oe oe >oe @ Men TM.Crowell and Miss Gen-"2 Lou Barkley,the bridal party en-Fire Prevention Day.A pro-|Sus Pemmess (eum)000 bee eva Parks of Concord went to Ashe-tered the parlor.First came Miss gramme on fire prevention will be Grain. =Ville Tuesday to spend a few days,|Mariemma Henley and Mr.Wike observed,and the subject discussed —<t <a gb.cello | ‘uses Florence Miller,McBride Lippard;then Miss Nannie Trout-at this meeting.Any »a on oo oe » Alexander,Blanche ‘Ma-|man and Mr.Morrison Troutman.;Statesville who wishes tohapin the Corn,$1.90 per bushel. ry Cutting,Katherine Millsaps.Ma-|These were followed by the bride civic work is invited to join the Os ibe.per bushel. rv ns and Willie Ledbetter left ‘and groom,who entered together.League.On the Ea cana pas 1-2 cents é this week for Greensboro to enter|ceremony was impressively per..IN -|per ‘pound was paid for best grade _eutton. the State Normal College.formed by es :en af NEWS FROM OLIN SECTION :- Scot Brook Troutman.tation was macnn FOR SALE—Paper-white narcissus end Re- wn ua ie we roe |very softly during the ceremony.|Farm Work,Meetings,Social mr hyacinth bulls,|Se,retin oe| Ven Mt oth tar citer,Tepe.&|_Tee bride wae evelyn a doivty Gatherings and Accidents HOUSE.‘phone 285 vinck,Sept.14.| :V.Long.Miss Scottisenroute to creation of organdie and shadow Correspondence of The Landmars i% ee West,©C.,where che will|'e,vith satin wimeinge.tin,Bl —The feom quct te this|[UST fmenumeteamte MEE cota teach piano and the theoretical Immediately after the ceremony §ion is moving on.Pation|to select from.Come to see “us.HENKEL.| branches in the Woman's College.reception was given by the parents foy wheat crop,cutting and euring|CRAIG LIVE STOCK CO.Sept.14—4t. Dr.and Mrs.C.E.Raynal and vit-of the bride and a bountiful supper tobacco,and the saving of feed-is|go;ae el : tle son,Charles,returned home last “4 served in several courses.now on.“eSae.Predford Knittiar,win |; —after an-absence of several Mr.and Mrs,Troutmanleft yew |The women folk,are yet on,the toteondvit oe ee Thenen einen 92or * wee Be.Raya es ene NN ct at oh eae On aoes tet von enc ae Flee Ge UP:line of lina coast,Mrt.Raynaland,litle Bigte return they will be at home in||The good farmers and their fami-S we'goNen oe a —~Sox, son have been visiting Dr.a Ts.ies take a little time to at-|and a complete ne Boy’s rs.Troutman is an accomplished FOR RENT—Two rooms,with or without |# i Beatat Brose Va,gy oun lady tnd hae©wide Sele of aga church,Ran S.C MORE ey i oa Se ren's Wearables.: :home riends who extend their heartiest)|eo |POR E—splendid milch cows inet yo ae Wed neal,congratulations.Mr.Troutman be nell ee eS ee |p alape ry them,HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE |B Watch our ads in the future. night and went from here to David-the son of Mr.H.A.Troutman and some preaching and_several ee eerie | son to resume his studies at David-has a position in the postoffice.wens ato “church.TheOe CUS StiT—tee tve-room cottoge mith “Yourstoserve”,4 one Oe Noticen of New Advertinementa|ie¥school at that place,with ME.em one woe nee — Mra.J.H.Woodreturned Tuesda |W.M.Jack rintend Se ee =CO. toher home in Asheville,efter ao Two or three-horse farm for rent.)aoa.‘They get song FOR RENT—October 1,ight room house CRO WELL CLOTHING | visit to Statesville relatives._c.A.Dulin,Statesville,R-1;organized classes,with Miss Cecil West Front St.L.K.OVERCASH.a Messrs.W.A.nas and J.A.,‘phone 915R..|Paris and Mr.C.C.Holmes as Pin arta —e ON THE C ORNER.d Hartness returned Wednesday night Good apple and pear vinegar and teachers.FOR SALE—Good apple and pear vineger:|@ a flower bulbs for sale.-Mrs.Harry!We are glad to see interest in the ins.Hanky BURKE “Sevt.14 |eee from a few days’stay at Blowing k.Miss Rae Gill left yesterday for Florence,8.C.,where she will teach avain the coming year.offmann will attend Burke. J.B.Armfield. ber 1.—L.K.Overeash. and other points.’ Mr.and Mire 1.Lazarus of Morgan-day,28,at 3 o’cloe ton will arrive Sunday for the serv- fees at Temple Emanuel Monda y. Mrs.J.H.Hoffmann,who is visitin ‘ornand ig&Farmers’Bank,November 24. ers,ready-to-wears,etc.—J.M. relatives in Danville and Richmon : Va.,will return home conte accom:re Se line of men’s and boys’—<Frale ye last a pay iy om ~oun.Loy panied by herdougnteti re,Kant.clothing at Crowell Clething Co.|ectastng tp ter Same os longs Get =ee CR =ce —ae tue..2 53 ak es Oe 7 oem,ae spending a week WANTED Settled lady for a telephone "Minn Fannie Nash and Mr.and Mrs.New fall sweaters.—Ramsey-._—IREDELL.TeLEVHONE AB”“tateville,| J.T.aawer of a were States-Rowles-Morrison Co.|Preaching and Crops in Har-)..¢.,0 dao,overtor at Stony Point. villevisitors yesterday.i ing repair-mony Neighborhood pt oe Mrs.T.Foy White and children ene Ne eetS ne Os =cusugiammek oF ‘The =°WANTED—Pesition as calesledy in tere.| have from Asheville,where Vcendiels has no real competitor.Harmon R-1 Sept 11 The ée Addrss W.,care The Landmark,| “Gro Gy,past we months.—Coca-Cola Bottling Co.ries of matings which had been go-~—tarjas Hee,Connelly’returned New Wirthmor waists and fall ing on for tyrant is feed esas wate parents in Rock Hill,8 C.Her Librar uipment.—Statedville y night.Rev.Mr.Adams,aIr nished.MRS.GRIER WAUGH. ie tees Fe 'y equipme'|evangelist,did all the preaching,as-Sept.11 2t. —:rs-Tom Flowers,accompa-Housefurn Co.._._sisted by the pastor,Rev.Mr,Wil.—ae ne| ::pape ee |Early fall Soehn——Shorril-White |Ramo.uite a somber professed HOLIDAYS. .who spent a week with Mrs.D.F.Dorman Thompson,commissioner,ou snbamaae ek,ancene ye The undersigned will observe Monday 17th,| Jenkins,will home today.'will sell land October 15.the best i ,d M and Wednesday,26th,as holidays and their, M Y ;has I |Bu ie stud:est in years and Mr.Adame)oinecs of business will be closed ‘rs.‘.ave gone to Lan-|rrowe’s course of music study.has a warm in the hearts of|WALLACE BROS.CO., rum,8.C.,to spend a month with Class om September 20.—Miss!|the people.He preaches the Bible)N.HARRISON. her ‘ane Janie Love,whois |Sa:.,.|in the old-fashioned style,making |Sept.11 -4t.. ee lore ee cues b J high at ee compoeteinn,with much demon = -1.§.Eubankso nters’Warehouse.|stration a : -“are guests of Mr.and Mrs.e,;“Bloamfek mw Ae windand cainstonm visit-Burrowes Course :‘Lieut,Miles Cowles and MissBe.kota,for Eee steed tinlt-|Stace come Gemmantecere.GUfinntFoCl2|G BARE SE a ang Ree alah:ct eee terday v ir it.|we ©|have very crops of ever c W.H.H.Cowles.:|some cows.—Henkel-Craig}Early corn is the best.he ol MUSIC STUDY —Party “Live Stock Co,vor |September is here,reminding us . Penny |:“Notice of action in tredell Superior |fail is here.The farmers are Correapondence of Landmagh |Court.—J.*ne *amt |busiest ever.Fodder taking is (Kindergarten,—and Ad- Seed rye oats.—J.W.son.jer of :va °—a ow SUBJECTS TAUGHT:Re-sale of land October Ist.— Weatherman,commissioner. it.12,—The ladies of| Five-room cottage for rent.—Mrs. Eight-room house for rent,Octo- k.show at Merchants Fall merchandise —silks,sweat-|Me-|or of their Saturdayafternoon,from 2.30 Narcissus and hyacinth bulbs.— bringing«pen-|Park Pisce . -Organizing Juvenile Singing |Sunday schools.Tabor has a good| Sunday school,Mr.J.A.Troutman)eer . superintendent.pay hoopey —R-1. Bristol,3-year-old son of Mr.and|——~ Mrs.Clyde Messick,fell from the)88E W -_—-—FOR RENT—A two or three horse farm. Dr.Wallace A.N.Caroli Rubber-tired buggy and harness foot-board of the bed on the 3ist}|en oe nee ae aa for sale—A.W.Bunch.—and broke -his arm in the right z.fat 98.08 yor oh.me tt Asheville today and tomorrow.Two rooms for rent,with or with-bow.|W.L.SMITH sells Cardui for 90c.;I5e.bot-| Mr.J.Hi Hoffmann returned Wed-°")board.‘Phone 179 blue.Dr.P.C.Jurney was called to set|tes of castor oll for We.Black Draught| nesday night trom a visit to relatives oa oon weenie #ar"sale.—i —._on Miss |cerea eee renee:cont a esville Housefurnisnin 0,i Holmes Sunday afternoon,sustained|DRAY F iH f »PP at Richmond,»Lancaster,Pa..“Meeting at Connelly’s chapel eee a porch owing falling.Occupied|tte taht STATESVILLE nousert by three girls.| st,Mr.Bunyan Mus- Phone #15R. ~L.SMITH,Bloomfield,for Star Brand Shoes,Men's and Bays’Caps,Men's Cleth- Mr.and Mrs.J .M.Powers served |NOTICE—AN whosubscribed to fand for |}ice cream to a number of our young peeains Conny s nn om somite j Ne meet there Sunday,23d,at 3 o'clock."on the eve of the first in hon-|yy ‘eet.14—0°. |{ y| | In bottles has no REAL COMPETITOR altho thereareover300 IMITATIONS. Some compliment for that DELICIOUS: and REFRESHINGdrinkinSTERILIZED |bottles.Call for it by its REAL name, and you will get the REAL drink that MILLIONS are drinking daily. BOTTLING.|COMPANY. -|fine.|Aseries of meetingstsinprogress‘at the Holiness church across the\ereek,in Davie county.Mrs.H.F.Heathhas typhoidfe-ver.Mr.John Campbell has rheu-a and is in a helpless condi- Mr.MauriceGodbeyhasacovern-mert at Washington City. — *To get the TRUEmeaning of SANITATION—LOOKUS OVER.— oe Raper MianoeNeE ee —-ou-——NEW LINE OF TOILETSOAP 10c.and25c.percake. —on HALL’S DRUGPRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20,_ eaieeie dha bi oS)eS ee ee +Oye treatment in po.Total,10,600resaccountfe ni theuptothepresentfor as follows:Trained men mobilized immedi-on the outbreak of the war,4,-;untrained ersatz (compen-y)reservists called out August,4,to February,1915,800,000;class of 1914 recruits called out No-ms 1914,to January,1915,450,-first of untrained landsturm out at the beginning of 1915, ,100,000;class 1915,called May-Ju- 1915,450,000;remainder of un-ined landsturm called out the e month,150,000;class 1916,ed out September -November, 1915,450,000;contingent of hither- to exempted men called out in Octo- pe 28 8 —1915,300,000;second contingentmptedmencalledoutearlyini6,200,000;second landsturm ear-ly in 1916,450,000;class of 1917 call-ed out March-November,1916,450,- ;third contingent exempted men in 1916,300,000;class 19}8, ps out November,1916,to March, 1917,456,000;elass 1919,called outin?part in 1917,300,000;additionalexemptedmen,1917,150,000.Total, 19,500,000. e total mobilizable resources ofanysincethebeginningofhos-tmtie.,including the yearly classes ,Yeeruits up to 1920,number about 149000,000.Those called up number10,600,000,The remainder are ac- ted fer as follows: Phe remaining portion of the class of 1919 awaiting call,150,000;class of 1920,still uncalled,450,000;menployed’as indispensable in indus- ines and administrations,500,000; abroad unable to reach Germa- ny,206,000;men entirely owing to physsical disability,000, exempted, 2,100,- "ee of the 1920 class cannot he dalled legally until they attaintheir.17th birthday. ceeememnanentomnenenitentneremtieea .NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM ‘tems of Interest Gathered From Over the State. »At a special election in Maine on ;the 10th,woman suffrage was voted‘down by a big majority. i Dallas,the most populous county in Texas,voted “dry”in a local op-,tion election Monday.About 19,000fvoteswerepolledoutofaregistra-,tion of 28,000 and the drys had about,1,500 majority. Beginning October Ist Col.Theo-dore Roosevelt,a well known citizen *of the country,will be a regular con- ‘ +tributor to the Kansas City Star; s which statement will boost thejStar’s circulation. i John Allen Whittington,son of John Len Whittington of Wilkes ,county,was accidentally killed on the 8th,while at work in a conl mine at;Bondtown,W.Va.His remains were i brought to Wilkes fer burial. Unanimous approval of the hugejwarcreditsbill,passed last week by t the House of Congress,was voted ‘by the Senate finance committee af- ‘ter it had*added several minor amendments,The measure is ex- s pected to pass the Senate tomorrow. ;Gov.Bickett has granted a full j pardon to John Killian of Asheville, 4 whe has served since October,1916, “ora 3-year sentence for manslaugh- ~ter,for the killing of George Bates, gin Asheville.The pardon is granted*hecause the Governor is convincedthatKilliandidnotkillBates. i Denial that the government is contemplatiny requisitioning anyhouseholdstoresoffoodismadebyheDepartmentofAgricultureand the fued administration.Rumors had cached Washington that house-wives throughout the country wereapprehensivethattheirstocksof canned goods were about to be seiz-ed for the army. Alexander Berkman,the =anar-chist convicted of conspiracy against the selective draft)law,released —inNewYorkona$25,000 cash appeal ‘ ipbond,was immediately —re-arrested on a warrant issued by the San 'Franciseo authorities accusing Berk @man of murder in connection withmthepreparednessdayexplosioninthatcitylastyear. ,The ceremony of blessing the centeroftheQuebecbridge,the third pt to raise which will |.)madethisweeksWasperformedTuesdayGatSileryinthepresenceofseveralhundredspectators.Two previous attempts to put the Span in place re-©sulted dikabtrously.ssAupust The first was in »1907,when the structure collapsedwithalossof70lives.In 1916 a similar mishap resulted in theAkillingof14.The bridge has cost~up to the present over $15,000,000. _SATEENSee,‘The King-Means Case. [Nothing of interest has developed concerning the shooting of MyMaudeKingnearConcordonthe4“th of August 29.nats ‘will has been made pub-a=rty is left to her mother,<—nna Robinson;to her broth ers and her sister,Mrs.Melvin,the)latter getting the largest share of the estate. Phil C.MeDuffie of Atlanta,attoryforMrs.Robinson,and Chicayo is»are looking into the case.mentioned a demand to=me on Gaston Means &certainbelongingtoMrs.KingClementhasbeenbusyirSuperiorCourtthisweekandpposedhewithofKingcase a HE WAS AN EMBEZZLER. Dead Bank President UsedRichDepositor’s Funds. Comptroller Williams has issued a statement asserting that investiga- tion has disclosed that the late J. B.Martindale,ig 45%of the Chemical National Bank of New York,who died in July,1917,was an embezzler and forger to the extent of about $300,000, The amount was taken,the com- pany announced,from the account of a wealthy depositor,and the bank has arranged to make yood the en- tire sum. Capital and surplus of Mr.Williams announced,were not impaired in the slightest degree by the alleged operations of Martin- dale, The the bank, statement in part says: “The money was not stolen direct- ly from the bank;but was obtained ty manipulating the deposit accountofawealthydepositor,for whom Martindale acted as financial advis- er and trusted agent.Under Presi- dent Martindale's instructions the statements of this depositor’s ac-count were rendered by the bank pe- riodically to Martindale instead of cirect te the depesitor,and Martin- dule then manipulated and changed them before submitting them to the depositor.“The method by which Martindaleobvainedmostofthemoneywasbywithdrawingmoneyfromthedepos- itor’s account,either through a forg- ed check or by a ‘debit slip’signed by himself as presiaent.He would present these checks for $5,000 or $10,000,or whatever the amount might be,to the bank teller person- ally,explaining that the depositor had asked him to draw this money from the account for a donation to some hospital so that the name of the donor might not be known,01 that the depositor desired the matter handled in this manner or some oth er plausible reason;and he wouldthenappropriatethecashsowith- irawn to his own uses, “In explamning to the depositor at he end of each month these with- drawals,Martindale's plan was to nform the unsuspecting depositor hat he had placed the sums so with-drawn from the Chemical bank to the depositor's credit in a certain trustcompanyinNewYorkciiy,one of whose deposit or pass hooks he hac obtained and in which boox he would enter up in his own handwriting as leposits with the trust company the amounts of money which he hadwithdrawnfromtheChemicalNa- tional bank through the means of the forged checks or debit slips. “He also forged the depositor’s iame to certain demand notes to the tent of about 380,000,which mount he also got from the Chemni ot bank and personally appropriat- ed.” MATTERS OF NEWS. in which police estimated than 2,000 striking pack- ing h employes and their sym- pathizers participated and in’whichmanyshotswerefired,took —place Wednesday night at Armour & Company's plant in Kansas City, Kans.No one fatally hurt. At the home of J.C.Stamper,a tenant on the farm of Dr.T.S.Kirk vatrick,two miles from Fort Mill, S.©,Frank Stamper,an &-year-old 1oy,shot and killed his Flora Stamper,aged about 12 years,with a shotgun,the weapon being acei- dentally discharged while the boy was trying to unload it., After cutting all wire from Sullivan,Mo,54)miles cast of St four tule bandits carly yesterday the two town marshals and graph operator in a box car, through the town firing yuns to make the citizens stay indoors,and blew the safe of the People’Bank, robbed the posteffice and escaped Mrs.Nancy Hobbs,WidowJessieHobbs,Dead. Correspongence of The Landmars. Statesville,R-3,Sept.11 Nancy Hobbs,widow of the late Jes- Hobbs,died Sunday night at 10.- 45 o'clock,after an illness of sever- al months She was 76 years old ind a faithful member of Bethel Baptist church,near East Monbo, having joined some 50 years ago “Aunt Naney,”as everybody calledhes,certainly will he missed,for chewasamotherallandaplace is vacant which never can be filled. \that riot, more Wuse sister, leading south automo locked a tele rode Louis, of Mrs. to us She is survived by two daughters- Mrs.J.M.Lippard,with whom she made her home,and Mrs.D.8.Jo-sey of Statesville;21 grandchildren and «a large number of friends.The funeral was at Bethel church Tues-day morning,conducted by Rev.Dr.Charles Anderson of Statesville andthebodywaslaidtorestinthecem-etery there.She was a sister to Mr. John Waugh of Troutman,who pre-ceded her to the far beyond somefourmonthsago. SLDET ES A ENTE WANT MANY CHAPLAINS.The hig |ont will §ask‘ongress for authorit to empleoabout81,148,000 worth of oomychaplainsforthefirst687,000 draft-|4edboys»go to France. mentRobie.2on 8 |haplai re,tenants,f|ewtensint.ewe ehceive$2,000 a year. a en ae |HAD PL ANNED.ATTACK,| Negro Troops”Determined Bes forehand on Murder of Whites. Negro soldiers of the 24th Unit|ed States infantry had planned apis|ot of bloodshed among the white rea- idents of Houston,Tex.,August 23,two days before the deadly outbreak |which cost the lives of 15 Heuston | citizens,August 23,according ‘te thereportofthecivilianhoardofingui- v which reported to the city council |‘Tuesday night.The repert calsecriticisesSupevrintendentofPoliee! Brock for “his inability to enforee|among the police and de.'not qualified for |discipline” clares that “he isthepositionheholds. The committee's report says the “undisputed and convincing tem ‘imony of witnes prove that theerrosoldierswentferthtoslaythewhitepopulationindiscriminately, that ne negro was hurt or moleated by them,not one negro heme was fired into and that negroes were warned before and during the riot to | ‘tay off the streets. “The testimony thai of the Lowan and one that when the negre camp,one stationed at the ses the captain in | tir tution at Camp of his assistants igshootingbeganinthe of the negro guards fire station remark- se do himself to us)that the prier eon- fliets with the police were mere in- trident.of the riot;that the riet was unavestionably contemplated —prior ‘o that date,that it probably would have occurred,thouvh possibly not so severe,had th:altercation be- tween police offcers and the negre Seryeant Baltimore not taken place.” that shortly negro lLreons: The report declaresafterthearrivalofthe duced in Congress a bill empower/: ruption of eight days,dvc to the ent flood damaging the bridy the Catawba river,between Hic ind Lenoir, YES!LIFT A CORNOFFWITHOUT PAIN: Cincinnati Authority Telle HowtoDryUpaCornorCal-tus So It Lifts OW WithFingers! You corn-pestered men and wom: need suffer no longer.Wear the shiv that nearly killed you before,says this Cincinnati authority,because » few drops of freezone applied directlyonatende:,aching corn or callus, stops sorahess at ence and soon thecornorhardenedcallusloosenssojtcanbeliftedout,root and all,with-out pain,<>Sinatt bottle of freezone cost verylittleatanystore,but will pos-itively take every hard or softcoreorcallus.This should be tried,it isoP a and is said notfaebese free. hasn't anyteoweaamallboth for ©houseandactslikeacharm ire . that , ed that the troops were going —to N.Y.Salesrooms,PARKER Master Gun .U.shoot up Housten;that they had,2 Warren Street.S.A.nlanned to do so on the preceding Tuesday ninut,Lut could not get <aaviready.’aj .Americons !n Germany. of ‘dee ee "oh ia nae Since the breaking off of relations Americ Fibrei theIdeal F . the record convince us fand our !cen the United States and Ger-an ISopinionissharedbyInspectorGenenany.470 Americans have depa:ted|eral John L.Champerlain,of the frou Germany for home or neutral |Vor Any Room In The Home.United States army,who so express-}countries.The census recently com-| in Houston,there was manifested by ut lerst some of them a feeling of hostility and defiance of the State law requiring the eparation of white and negro races in the street ears:that whon on leave of absenes from the en the soldiers usually frequented ti »sections of Hloustor and the establishments whe the fewd and lawles-clement.of the vro population are to be feund:that: he newro rb dter while on guard lutvy at Camp Lovan were arrovant ind insulting toward white faborcr euzimg the most trivial cirenmst as en excuse to curse and abuse hem;that the discipline existing at eamp was grossly lax in)mora! ondiuions:lewd negro women,som: meve children,13>years of aye, ing permitted to freely visit the imp.and remain there overnight rob that)such women were permit to bring parcels into the emp itheet inspection by the sentrie:, veoping the jJsoldiers libeflally ip died with whiskey and other intos ‘ants Americans Killed. First Lieutenant Fitzsimm:of Kansas City,killed when Germer wirmen bombed an American he al in Franee last week,was recommendedforpromotiontoacaptcyonthedayhedied.Rep -esenta tive Borland of Missouri has intro the President to enter Fitzsimmeu name on the military reeord h he promotion he would have recs ed The Americans killed by the Ger mon air raid were:First Lieutens Wiitam T.Fitzsimmons,medical + <erve corps,and privates (first clas.) Leche G.Woods and Rudeiph bP bine,Jr,medical department, Oscar €.Tugo,medical colistes Ve corps, Nine other American wey wounded,two seriously.Eva Varmalee,an army nurse,was shiphily' hurt.i Train service with Lenoir wa established Monday after (an ‘ ————ee ERO AARNARan:Tecunteselinenataiaee ee {Parker Gams.Wear Well.ShootWell.And Wear well because they are made of the best material by the most skillful craftmen,Shoot well because they hold the charge compactly together at extreme ranges.Handle well because the greatest attention has always been paid to the distributionofwoodandmetal,to insure perfect balance and the most symmetrical outline.Twenty-bore Parkers have set the pace for small bores in America,and are grow-ing in popularity every year with the most progressive sportsmen.lor further information regarding guns in gayffes ranging from 8 to 23,address, Association of | of Berlin indi piled by the Americaa Commerce and Trade cated that there were approximately | 1200 Amesicans in’Germany on Macch 1 The present number will!Ws ANOSKX nel wrently exceed 700,half of whom|YY PRY KKKMeet ‘aie living in Berlin.'Tilt VV VV Ainericans continue to be unmo-WORAGCHEO TSE fested and are subjected to the same RMR XYXY YXy¢sé YY ¥/)petice rules and restrictions as new |a NOKAX trals.accerding to a dispatch from|AA AAA?'{Berlin,HTT SALE OF REAL ESTATE .“re tn les ans by \elise f ow judement mad X vy)\\\ al entered at the aly tere mt of the Sayetior Court of bredeli ce i ‘in ane netion aT ih niitied Eliza Rickert Wats and her busted »Harrison (owned wife,the unmederssy tte mm sehener Peewee te poll mle te tinhestbidderthecourheusederofbre MH county,at lls whomooen MON DAY.an “Te ‘EH 4lowingdescribedjetof hand toemted tn threw State ville towr ’w described at Lot No.$4 v1 ted ard planned oa +map tl nd Ww s White ict tal orveape ewneoffice¢Re of Deeds of I eminty mm ‘‘ term Cone '‘ ha with {Hewe ter the | DORMAN THOMPSON. i Ett Comnniiastone } NOTICE Or SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF VTP ACHMENT NORTH CAROLINA ry ‘American Fibre is sold strictly on its merits and is recognizedeverywhreasTheBestinFibreFurniture,American Fibre is made in Suits,odd Rockers and Tables. assortment.IREDELE COUN aSee cur big IN THE SUPERIOR COURT State thle Luagebe Company I WwW"|ford-Bunch FurniturIhecbthene=mt coc Crawford-Bunch Furniture A t ’wr 'fu 'ne ”».ath day i ior |“The Store That Always Welcomes You.”febsit We Abr Oe me ee ‘PHONE NO,400,hg nail amine ae he 0 Toercame,emameSATA i Ferther take:wcties thalhe om PAINT EXPERTS AGREE THAT |,- sy after the Oral Munday.in:Beghonvecr.18 {erebeinthe15thdavofQeteber,4 !nd auwwe aay te the ¢a in THEY ARE BIDDING mee Manel |DOLLARS THIS YEAR m th feredar +tuke |.*.xmaaliesaettyst‘a .‘|Tobacco is seliing higher thisteangranab(a ,year than the oldest inhabitanteturnofsuminnsoA.MARTNEmea fon ,‘}can remember andwe want toClerkSuperCourtofEredellCountyisthe—Standard of Excel-lf,:Be nee |impress this fact on you.We"NOTICE OF RE-SALE.|BECAUSE F7 Is rHe Best,|]know how tosell your TobaccoforhyvivaofuyniuutthesinwrgeFORSALFBY|)the HIGHdollar and we doit if(bead ean |="“the al yr Lazenby-Montgomery lardware Co.|you will give us a chance.WestorafSallieJones.aeeeased ve Waaynnond ———_—_—tte@mvila,A,||work hard for the farmer's in-ey,the unter “i tisstoner will on -MONDAY,OCTOUER bet.1917,||}terest,and our kang experience intheraesaotreatemust|NTNOTICE!||the business makesour services rwi described traets of land |most aluable you.on BRINGLyingandbeing-Fallstown|Commencing today we will diseon-|¥to 6 UStheaftmadStateandcvonty,|tinue the Jitney Service in the —A LOAD and we will send you line,cand carney at lot ae a}Way and establish schedules on the}: Ik a Sh «t ine ae to “El di erent prominent streets,First homewith moremoney than youthencewithwateold|line}to be operated will be a line from |ever sold the same amount of vine thet,eneeat 3 poles to a stake or)Bloomfield (at W.T,Sumpter’s|‘Meme cua e bas gyre o Saree anes |Meare)via Front Street to Square|tobacco for im yourlife. coke im Kextler's line;thenee south 77 de-|and Southern De‘pos This car will)McElwee’s Planters’Wareoreastsigterthebegnetin.contain:|run every 30 mimMulces—on the even)N CwemoresamoreatlemsaidactbettieWtondhalfhour,Others will be put on||house,Statesville.ind Nee reiston of the Mi later.No Scheduie on Sunday.—_e cmesecond“Pract Lying and being In Pallvtown wenn<ipining the trast lend stone Sereda}RIDE THE JITNEY.|;Firet Tract,”and bewin Yow “}b vend “or pine ent,gp “of I JITNEY TRANSFER CO.Home ComfortsN9«re nae er2Tne“poles “a «on Statesville,N.C. we;thence neort i]degrees weet %0 ole |eee anandtovfkcornerofbe"wah etn sestonto 0 sane ARAGE SUNDAY HOURS.Are found in the home.GoodineinKestier'’s line:thence south 77wilestening.>ORDAIN HY THE BOA Oratoting5eavesseers‘or tape —on.|BEIEORD THE CrrY OF WTATROVILER:plumbing makes the long hoursNo.5 pe stallotted in the division of the Mike!let.That any oe a pernens _'if j ne cons corporath 'Thivd Tract Lying and being in Palletown|the 7 <r een whail :SS spent by at a atownehdpcount:shall no work ‘ond AgAen gy ,except between hones of pleasure such a pleaserethatknownastheParkerline;thence south 0 6.00 and oclock,in themorning,anddevreweweetifpalstoastakeonthewiditto€o'elockin theafternoonsof the salt|pallies cangive.ine:thence enstwith the ontline 16 1 poles|day.‘abelconstakeomwmtd9oc2d.met 72 to a stake :dur-themee wald line 15 1 ‘=conning,cont 7 “;'tale Wh open .|.Raymer of cot M4,«NT. 4=e:{§ 4tfi g ~™ ?: i s af ifef in t hi ‘4 | i sf $!fi gep s !:}i i5f z gii; | Se HELP WANTED! 500 colored men,preferably married to work inaluminumplant8hoursperday,7 days per week,wages for steady work $14.00 per week to start.Increases granted after one,three and six months_service,Fine new houses with water,toilets andelectriclights.Cheap rent.Steady work insideallyearround.Apply Employment Bureau, Tallassee Power Company,Badin,N.C. ——_,ee homes know this CALOMEL.18MERCURY.IT :anes two must be carried onsgnthecamp¢ lite e a Weed f naval vessels, seem to be thriving unon the American destroyers.tanker | reported Sentember 8,the firht hav-|‘ng oceurred September 5.The brief)if neh Ser2 —.ne |}that six marines m a _..a oo Sevier is,™*s8e4 attack on the merchant flo-| the famous “Paris Mountain”|tilta that two of the steamers were which comes from the nearby Paris)sunk and that one of the submarines ::|probably was lost.mountain and is pronounced AS PUFE|“11 Westwero is an armed vessel|;“ye So Poe Mh >anid but there was nothing in the message The region covered by Vamp a>ae ew the other ships| Sin ceo —omnes oe,in prenaring for the press in the \diers:there are others to come.The PUrcau of operations of the Navy task of the establishment of |Devartment a statement of the con- |tents of the dispatch,it was written|i\soidiers is a gigantic one.,The -ian * ular work of the training camp 1%,,that “all”of the six submarines diet,of which beans,bacon and -lding are principal ingredients. ‘ :troops probably had been lost.Later on prosye e o —-hecking over the message and the r 7 statement issued to the press,it)The enormousi\Camp Sevier make up abunch.Whether you see at the camp,busy with their duties assoldiers,whether you see a lonelyprovostguarddoingdutyatastreet ‘was found that the word was “one in the dispatch.Officials were interested in partic-|ulars of the fight,since,if the ves-|sels _—~.as . ;et posed,and either of the two steam-| ee Se eosh ers lost were American,the first time”expedition,they are yi,conveyed American merchant craft The people of.Greefiville like the has fallen victim to the submarines.soldiets,"Ht the settlers only tame|,ihe “eet Met,Se quent wt it,the people of Greenville are anx-¢se 7 w+ws wsien Gs © ‘ous to meet the soldiers as individ-(O'°°led to the conclusion thal ° lot of soldiers atcheerful | hee The numbers =—hese he ts ——ave been entertained in au ‘,to be wun.oe —or with army supply there are many hundreds of lonely :fellows who have not as yet Great Feith in Chamberisin’s Colle and Diar- af the hospitality of the Greenville rhoen“Chamberlain’s Colle and Diarrhoea Rem-|edy wax used by my father ahout a yenr avowhenhehaddiarrhoea,It relieved him im-mediately ard by taking three dexes he waeabsolutelycored.Be has great faith in thisremedy,”writes Mrs.W.H.Williams,Stan- ‘.¥. jneople,Many social affairs,bothformalandinformal,are given fortheofficersnndfortheprivatesfromjthecamp.In fact,the man in uni- ‘form is the popular man in Green-| iville,The wives of many of the of-—-_{ ificers have come to Greenville to live LOOK AT A~CHILD'S for hile.These ladies are honor-ae “*ac -sodal duke.nad are un-byns ni,a ' der way for the construction of a Hostess House at Camp Sevier.This - |Take No Chances!Move Poisons| From Liver Bowels at Once. { SOC OROHICEOOLHOROORCHID Oe Your Hand Are not tied from carrying out your ex- pectations and desires when you havemoneyINTHEBANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It is not a matter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in-come is small and it will be casier as your income increases ta - Increase Your Bank Accouat. Now isthe opportune time to open an Account with us. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO.H.BROWN :President.0.L.TURNER :Cashier. P|visit. y taken up and distributed. B have a pleasant,comfortable jhouse,which will be erected by theWarDepartmentinconjunctionwith| lthe Young Women’s Christian Asso-}Mothers can rest.easy after-givingciation,will consist of attractive liv-“California Syrup of Figs,”because ing rooms and wide verandas.Here ip a few hours all ‘he clogged up the families of the soldiers may come wrste,sovr bile and fermenting food to meet with them for a few hours’gently moves out of the bowels,and A soldier's wife or mother or:you have a well,playful child arain. other relative may leave a note at Children cimply will not ike the the house,telling the hour at which tire from piay to empty their bowels she will mect him.The notes are and they become tightly packed.liver The sol-gets slucgish and stomach disorder- then meet and ed,place When cross,feverivh,restless,see ‘in which to spend a few hours to-'if tongve is coated.then give this de- eether.These Hostess House:have licious "fruit laxative.”Children love dier and his relative heen found of extreme imporiance it and ‘t cannot cause injury.No dif- in the lives of the ,soldiers at the|ference what ails your little one—-if training camps.full of cold,or a sore throat,diar- 2 rheea,stomach-nache,bad breath,re- Crop Report From Houstonville member,2 gentle.“inside cleansing” Section—Other Items.should always be the first treatment :given.Full directions for babies, Correspondence of The Landmark lehildren of all ages ond grown-ups Houstonville,R-1,Sept.10 We ere printed 01 each bottle. are having vlenty of rain,which is)Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. ood on late corn,turnips and break-'Ack your drurgist for a 50-cent bot- ‘ing land fer wheat.But bad time to\¢gle of “California Syrup of Figs.” era .oe|If you want to enjoy the nicest,"|gentlestvia7"ever experienced,just tubej|speonful of harmless Dodson’x Liver 7 Tone|devler sells you »50 cent bottle of |Datsen’s Liver Tone under my per-|omel is almost stopped liver isdixeyanddull, had; if tyweeineGe,potfine, |eoee aes|casen’|vewetable,therefore liver and bowel cleansing|cannot wslivate.Giveachildeen,Millions of |ime Dodson’s Liver ToneJanzereuscalomelnow.sist will tell you that the tonivht,Your druggia “i 5 3 8 f e 8 & 3 HlHhitiifi t M i jsave fodder and pea hay. ‘is a good crop of pea and cane ford made by the “California Fig Syrup te save if the weather is favorable.|\Company.”.We make no smaller ‘Cotton is late.Not opening vet.gine,Hand back with @ntempt anyThereisafullcropsofbellsand\if |other fig:syrup. frost will stay off late will turn out ———om ja good yield.The acreage is short.There is a yood crop of sorghum cane,Tobacco curing is in full prog- os lee good,although «ing such havoc with Building Mate- 8.A.Trivitte and TomMessick Rial prices.There are cight WAT- are preparing to make molasses at,KINSES in the Lumber business and Mr.Trivitte's home.|THE IY IN GUANTITIES!Mr.J.C.Marlow,who has been)—~Z ~*_i 5 |No Solution for Submarines | C.WATKINS,who has been play-_ ee =f D.DzLS pad ard aie Are :foc seversl yours,widegte A OSTEOPATH.Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.OFFICE OVERverymuchtoloseMr.Marlow;he is, a good neighbor,a good man and a! PATRIOTISM *BUSINESSND Every good citizen at this time shoulddohissharetowardstreng good farmer.Bank. Housep4farmers’There will be a tent meeting com-|a 32i;mencing Friday before the fifth Sun-|1 ppon (day in September,Rev.B.H.Vestal)‘>-8r0 Coe.will do the preaching.The tent willbelocatedonMrs.D.D.Trivitte’s place,near C,C.Tharpe's. Railroads Will Help Sell Bonds. At the request of the TreasuryDepartment,the railroads of the|United States will co-operate in the | publicity campaign that being| eeeee an eneepee te ana wan nere ten The Brady Printing Co. ’Has taken over from R.P.Allison the !planned for the second Liberty Loan..Coloredpostera sovertites ithe new agency for various issue of Li Bonds wi a ;Bookinthewaiting’estmne of ever ,rail-Magazines androadstationinthecountry.Thro Publications and wantstheseposterstheTreasufjmentwillbeabletoreacthemil:your orders for sub- lions use e -SonospieaPreemiethinet]Soretal kinda,Will.:Liberty Loan.The 1.760000 em-|)eee ——weorderanybookwanted. All Magazines on coun- ter soon as out. 3 2 3 8 8 3 5 oe And there (hen look carefully and see that it is @ NEW HATS DAILY Polks.Infactallthe new styles and materials shown this season. Have just received a good line of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists, in the newmodels.We arealways 4 glad to show you our line.ee MRS.MARY SIMS.j The Cash Store,a 206 acres,level,productive,red land farm,fronting quarter mile on the most traveled,public,sand-clay read leading into States- ville;nice two-story,frame seven-room dwelling,located in «a beautiful grove:barn and out-buitdings,fine well water,two branches;abundance of fruit;quarter of mile from school and churches;80 acres in cultivation,30 acres in meadow,balance in woodland,part of which is inclosed in pasture.An exceptional © opportunity to buy a fine grain and stock farm.Will take in part payment,small farm if well located. ERNEST G.GAITHER. Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate. Phone 23.Satesville,N.C, Sree THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY A riates the v liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolieghohiens,both NEW and OLD.Ourofficeisanopenone,andweinvite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thewewillstrivetogivethesame HIGH GRADE SERVICEithegoodwill and = will be bundled into ‘ester Troutman coach ?That day is coming,and the (°W!INs the sermonkiekermayaswellprepareforItAtameetingof for it.There may be a return to the hadayoftheboxcarfertheaceommVira Preebyterian these cars that svecial ress:.ation-‘hurehesShouldbemadeforthekic!]ind."Thegomevear:after the wa seeYoudbetweenCharlotteand£hur t ville,which was happily charizedonomeoccasionbyBillAry e presidedtheroadthat“is 44 r ‘ six hours long,”wa . Stock,and even en sich a hich-brow .Occasion as commencement :Da.“*Pect ct openvidsonCollege,accommodated its wing ispasseaboyromwhichtent,Pr W ed out and benches placed across the Path,S.f Interior for seats.It wax ;Fertablepassengercoach,for al!that, and the people found ie a vwotiy dl »Maude Lents,Ratt sior There is no telling whe th a Hetdrainentherellingstthergu Neely Sm Toads ismentof troops for me |Weston pastor ofos. hurch,has offered his@Meuttienthati"“ill leaxeshoutOctober tet,Bei tur the the railroads in taking care of Vr.Weston came here frompassengertrafficwhilefreightforestCollegetwoyearsago, traffic is congested,and the kicker being bis first charge.is always insisting thai the *sood work here and is held in high without a seat should esteem...enthecompany,”the Charlotte Miss Julia MeNeely is aasistingremarks:Miss Ida Henderson in the millinery “And what,we wonder,ix the ‘«pertment at Mills’at: kicker grins to do when the day ,Three children of comes t “heaboxcarwith plank seats across it,“ck for a few days. of being given the privilege The offers —ofofdemandingoneofthecomforta-'arvte will be installed at the Meth ble,plush-covered seats in the steel “ot chureh Sunday is no unusual thine even now to see vesday night,Mes one of the Southern’s mast arist Anderson,civil enycraticpassengertrainsstoptopick(tte.were given management of chewpaboxcaranddeliveritatsometreetPavingandthe station where there is urgent need hed to completion{.a missionary rally at the dation of passengers,and it ix y.which includes ,: some of the side panels were knock.Dal.Mrs.ToC.Jot have the ars wi Sept.12 —Rev,L.U.|been resignation He has done Mr.and Mrs. been quite the Epwerth morning,fol- town board Christy @ ineers of Char- rk will be church here to all the Presbyte- r some distance vie Nei th chureh ner ai the ng the dele-rhe meeting Mrs.E.F W.B.Ran hools isth Super ‘prine)- of Honea mer Me- Mrs.Lula Beulah Johnston, Kray na Crowell, eone Reobur at least will he cont The xtee?and Laura Pe Hay plants have beer 3 nted ¢WH ii i e Rad work or war orders ¢cannot ster yt h i to make steel car t possibl]act the grr use will in t we te be Sight to accompa taken off the run for epairs,and Ratherford Ce erowds of people clamori:f tick esins his frstetswillbegrowingJarverall)the ‘ion.Mrs.J.bb)Bb:time.The way out xeems to be ir hina Grove,i the converted box car All ef which Mr A.IT).Smoot,i tends to the observation that people Neely Smoot.M who are diseortented with prese:t spoon and ghild minds to be satisfied and stop their cisiting We WithKicking.They may be given better Mr.and Mrs..opportunities later on.”Vig Prof WoL A Liberty Motor is to Give Us parents.He wa:Air Supremacy.little daushter,AmTheLibertymotor,the airntane tor BM BitesengineuponwhichtheUnitedStates™O™ne fieisrelyingtoestablishdefiniteair!"supremacy over the Germans on the whole battlefields of |Frank e,hasPasseditsfinaltestandisoncompleteandgratifyingsuccess,Secre-|Wadia aytaryBakersayshtheHallInapublicstateme:t Seer Ss i haBakertoldhowallthetesttait:theandbusinessofAmericanmotordom conditions had better make up their turned to their hom: lay for Sumter.S arillis PY Bk:Hi whe y.Wine McNeely, ie balls ompanicd fa oh eeRR enmm emameecome had contributed its uccess and Atticles Found in GermanachievementstethegovernmenttoNewspoperOffice.produce the Viberty moter,which i:te carry the thousands of America:eR OETS th “oreairplanesoverGermany.“Prooabl,bt pn ME %the war has produced ono creater were raided Monda mentsingleachievement.”the Secret r }said,as he related for the first timthestoryofthedesignandconstruc ene 'oktionofthenewmoter,which has Pe beer ES ees 1 to AntaaddedathrillingchaptertoAmen.(2 tome for he Mharsdas Al!can engineering re regis E ::J I ng EspTheSecretarysaidthmotoriayAs'“now the main reliance of {N viles FONedStatesintheramdproductic:LOGJarre:numbers of we?t W planes for service 'tt war ::Pewer,speed ard cer,t alMinimumweight,the y eng :!‘vites comparison with ¢hest that ‘Peter §ri :nitheFurope:“has 1 ace Th ‘wt p theenginewahe'isjart et amt Pa \Lt Ytheco-op e°atior of mat th !¢‘ seore of enyines acct herr ¢skill and trace ‘t mn th Phitateemerpency.”;y Tt ™!'Progre ha alrexd©hecn mude M are Dh irt Dirkstowardorcanizinettiforedit'Hiernthemanufactureothem;Laschinesandcelrhe|,1 n tah compara:Ivo short)tim :‘this itermment th eT ':American avia }we :Noa)ed America ba rtberiatounpearieeneneraAmorthefightingliteihoxt’aa a a ce eeHardwickLawDenounced.“thDenowiey efore + ier ay tutie \:erencemEEOSin1.; abro Cotton Exports, rereeenemenepencenne yew People Come i t Mr.J.OW}'’,!W = may hey vith t .yi?h 4)f and»':a apartment ‘i}ri duliu.Watley ''Dey ‘‘. eling repre i thDuvis¢Ral ine tJ re \{1 b »}1 P i been ber ‘)Hay aes of Revi FOR he deprrtministernowisi sists ©wife Ks t vear tae Court Cases,h 'of P2.400.. Before Josticee 1 .Pere partment Jonnh Har (t }‘dof ed examination and en mv :t he United te anewer iY Superior Court ss ~’inpree Chere of assault on fama:'nall t er,with Tis Hazel Davic o colored,was put i ro ot tal to near whder B50 bond yesterday,charged TO bars Ie than Inst ~ear, ;.:b irs .tree hEwithfreit@anorviean'gah ’roo ve}ow every “MeLain for 84 re and a certain increase of de ct the United States die te the HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS.tion of two million soldiers ?months and eupplyingBricklayingisinprogressonDyC,1,Oruse’s horpital fer animaisbeing.built on weet Water on whatever The building will be aboueut th khaki and ve demand for tents,there i doubt thatforallthe 92,Will contain an office and druc cotton in sight available»Operating room and denart oo .;. =for dogs and’horses kept at Laas year’s American takings :1491.088 and In«year’@x-while ler treatment t 1,947,166. p of this year,” a total of 15,498,860,WA ina.=0 more -than the eatimated er.|Wilkesbero,has a ton to take ap ether work, J :missioner for four years, Geo.W.Gardner fellelevatorshaftinthe|Salisbury Hardware ando.in Solisbury and wast 1 reception WednesdayhonorofJudgeandMrs, Boyd,the event being the ion of their fiftieth weddingversaryTheFinleyHighschool The Elks cleb of Greensbore at Lenoir,built before the Civil = ind used recently as the + raded schoels,was burned Mond teht.Fire suppesed to have been ndiory origin.Geo.P.Palmer of New Loodat In additionto ourregular annual Corn Show,we areangoingtoinvitealloftheBoysinourPigClubtoex-doing |hibit their pigs,and will offer attractive prizes,andGeo.M.Lore of Concord was kill- trove hi automobile into creek,Lincoln county,where bridge had been washed wrecking bis machine and light injury to himself. in’automobile aceident Charlotte Tuesday night.The éag being ran rapidly when it struck :curb.Others in the car were in ed,but not dangerously. ‘Sqquire Alex.F.Phipps of Piney reek township,Alleghany county,His we have never seen before.daughter took him his dinner gbeuwt ‘clo 1.He was yipoed dead whik plowing. ck and found him dee s ol and leaves a family. A few nights ago at Catawha,the mers of the County may know about the showso thatwhileonhiswayhomefromstore,some one threw a sack over Mr.J.D.Little's head and knoeked him dow:The supposed =robberbut corn,and also that the boys of the pig club may gethedMrLittlepocket ‘thing i Bb.FR.Keapp,poultryman Animal Industry division of Mi vuncement of the marriave Viry,Logan Vernen shot and killed his neighbor,Ewel Ripteyv Vernon od managed to esenpe arrest until f lavs ago.when he was Joeatedsoagensouts TT MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANKOregon,where he lived under an ack for trial Lee Borrus Nichols,Alleghanyninty’s first recruit to the National 8 OF STATESVILLE.rmy,wes the victim of an accident iat delayed his coine.He was rid-“THE BAN‘woinoun automobile,his hat blew YOUR SAVINGS”f and he jumped out to get it while cor }Was Tunnimg He fell h a bone was broken. Mug Matti Witherspoon,12.={ter L.A.Wither-pee aaETS hive ‘YY ‘enrt if the hospital at Hick eufferore@fromaseverewour >his left eve,the skull being red.Anothi menrber of tl rew !ata chicken 3 \truck the girl..Fhe unexpected lscharge oa lf i t of of ivy wrrvit st ’1 th tir C rent t my}.Corarncte .At m rom Sallsbury, s of Jor, \j tende |n ee More select Men Go Newt Weel of he 40 .\ ?in ‘ tha } Nort ! i ‘h ' be North ep ‘ih South Carolina Sove the Coz. ho the chemin tea th ' cami ty or}til houne i GIRL WANTS JOB AS PAC] Martin,a 14 ville,Pa.,is ekingpintheHouse«Cong ese jobs are held by hoyiiasaysifawomanmay Representative in Cone !k rain from Mor tar i a cvitl may be a page wer to that,and Miss Res her members of Congress arr ne to help Cecilie land the jo.oe te me iee SATURDAY SPRCIALSSMITHEY&FRALEY'S:A$10 Ladies’Sport Suits,to ck $4;$4 to 86 Dresses to cloee at f $2 Sitk Waiste,to close at gc; early before the pick ie goneOthergoodsjustaxcheap.—ad, the ny +¢1 sf Sport Skirts,to clove at $1.25.Come! All °°-ee |ist their pigs in shape for exhibition.}e North Carclina experiment station, t president of ’°°vv sero ot the “American HY All Farmers In The County Cordially Invited To Enter The Contest.\ation of Instructors and In-rs n nty 0orsinPoultryHusbandry. Mr.John Wilforg Yount,sen and Mrs.Jno.P.Yount,and Miss Sarre Merwaret Kline of Newton were arried in Charlotte July 27.The an- wasmudeautNewtonTuesdayandcame a great curprise to their friends. of All Boys in the PigClub expected toexhibit their pigs.| Attractive Prizes and Souvenirs for all who exhibit,| _Ten years ago,or longer,near Mt.FULL PARTICULARS WILL BE PUBLISHED AT A LATER DATE. % premiums. IREDELL COUNTY has a BUMPER corn crop this year,and we believe the corn exhibits will be such as We are giving this advance Notice so that all the far- they may select their exhibits as they gather their MILLS &POSTON’S The Wirthmor is the Answer---here How good a Waist will One Dollar buy? Why are Wirthmor Waists so popular?Because of their refined pretty styles;the care and nicety with which they are made;and because they are perfect fitting. We also have on display a beautiful line Ladies’,Misses’and Children’s early Fall Hats,for Saturday,selling at special prices. =MILLS &POSTON.& Sa a g ra t e Fy SG U ee RE al ea e ore := METALS PEACE INSTITUTE,RALEIGH,N..For the Education and CultureofYoung Women. Nothing can take the place of Classical,Literary and Scientifie Courses leading to Gomes.W aremassee oven by syst aSe ="are ‘ertifieates.Special diplomas awarded usic,Voice,andmetalsearesheetmetalaDomestic’Science. rt.’CHUN:Specialists in all depayouwant—tin roofing,gutters,na Ton: A S eeiietlon indie Te Sate 1 ee Ge For E>ion,Excelle “or jt '»\and vill ’Domestic n xeellent Commercial Course, Un Location in capital city gives special opportunities,tinandridgeroll a ©social advantages. valley b .+ know your wants.ai<«£— a ee +i aSTATESVILLETINCO.Sit WAR OWEN,Foie‘Phone 66,114 RB.Broad Street,,) — awould take placelesoadvisedthepartiesandtheyleftforRaymorningi ae thatnamehedidnotgive,had in-him that there was addition- nce,wich,if the Governorit,would cause him to change }sentence.The Governor t- :stay to hear what the ev He also talked with the partyIredellaboutthecaseandin- them back on the 24th—an in- on that the Governor does not bect to postpone the execution »is the mysterious individual talked to the Governor and is the evidence he proposes tooduce,Iredell folks have some cu- y to know. Reconstruction Hospitals. ‘Bites have been chosen tentatively 19 cities for the great “recontruc-on”itals in which the United6willbegintheworkofrehabili-for private life its soldiersreturnwoundedfromthefront|Europe.The cities,i aslargestcentersofpopulation.»announced by Major Gene?al«,surgeon general of the ar- |1 ¥ as follows:on,New York,Philadelphia,imore,Washington,Buffalo,Cin-i od ne,>Paul,—rancisco,Los Angeles mver,City,St.Louis,Memphis,ond,Atlanta and New Or- TheBae jtals at — ington and ©bly will be the first baile.They ave 500 beds,with provision for ling their capacity if necessary. — Two Accidents. |Sunday afternoon,somewhere or Chipley Ford road,Mr.R.© les,riding 2 motorcyele,collided with Mr.W.C.Myers of Wilkes coun- ,who was in a car.Asa result of collision Kyles’right thigh was oken.He is in Billingsley hospital Three fellows in an automobile,en te from Wilkesboro to Charlotte rned over on the Wilkesboro road yesterday.One of the party received slight injury to his ankle.The ‘other two were shaken up but were ‘not hurt.The car was badly dam- aged. ns prob-New will Two Changes. Mr.E.W.Smoak,who had been ‘in charge of the Postal Telegraph ‘Co.'s office here for some time,has q e to Camp Green,Charlotte.to sed charve of the offtce there.He is guceeeded here by Mr.R.M.Lazen- by,native of Iredell,who had been in Charlotte. Mr.A.J.Brooks has resigned as ¢lerk at the Hotel Iredell and will to Charlotte today week to be with the Selwyn hotel.Mr.Brooks F been here for several years and friends will going -away. Autos For Selected Men. |Ma Bristol,Collector Watts and Mr.Thos.N.McElwee,commit- tee to look after the comfort of the selected men who leave Statesville for Camp Jackson at Columbia to- morrow morning,will provide lunch- es and cigars for the men.The committee asks that all who will -furnish autos to help carry the men to the station report at the court house with the autos a little before 10 o'clock.This request should meet with a generous res .Have plenty of autos on toed promptly. FOOLISH REPORT. ‘There is no truth in a widely-cir- culated statement ==.govers- |ment ex 3 to take supp |from ok.Both the food ad- jnistration and the Department of Rericuhere join in a statement to rounteract what seems to be a de- liberate propoganda to the effect that the government intends to take from every family all canned goods put up in excess of 100 quarts. SWEDES DISAPPROVE. At a great Liberal meeti Ss a resolution proposed .Edon,leader regret his ‘ |ville, cid nd its fared”iit aneanra 2.©Statesville,wa:June 15,1918-—aanellayearofteachingat alter Sipes,Eufola,R-1,Aged parents.Martin,New Hope,ac-“ante parents.Statesville,R-5,ac- ae C.Madison,Olin,accepted. armer.Rufus E -Gabriel,Mooresville,b le.Clarencecrane Patterson,States- l toClarence€.Follett,Mooresville, accepted.Dependent parents.George Dailas Renegar,Harmony,.Farmer..Love,Statesville,accept- h mother.William Gladstone Johnston,States- ville,Farmer.Cc Sloan,Statesville,ac- ce e.rt Charles Deaton,Moores-ville,exempted.Wife and depend- ent its.William Durand Hussey,States-ville,R-7,accepted.Enas Laden Swann,Statesville.R-4,exempted.Dependent nts.Henry Garland Morrow,Hufola,ex-empted to December i.Farmer.omas McDuff Asbury,ville,R-3,exempted.WifeRoyEugeneGaither,R-1,accepted.Farmer.John Clayton Padgett,Statesville.R-1,exempted to December 1.Farmer.George Ivey Wooten,Statesville,R-4,exempted.Farmer.Walter Daniel Peacock,Moores- ville,exempted.Wife.Hugh Torrence,Davidson,R-25,exempted.Wife and child.J.Dexter Holland,Statesville,ex-em .Farmer and has dependents.r Hoover,Statesville, exem—.mother.‘Milton X.Williams,New Hope,ex- Widowedem;mother.zekiah Houston,Eufola,R-1,ex-omens.Wife and child.ames Washington hgghey.States-ville,R-6,ex le.John Bryan li,Statesville,R-5,exempted.Farger and depend- ents,William McKinley Compton,Ost-walt,exempted.Farmer and has de Charles Sylvanus Johnson,Bufola, R-1,acee kmanI.Lippard,Statesville,ex- empted.In navy yard.Carl Bioomfield Riddle,Hiddeniteaccepted.Wife and farmer.Burton Rankin,Elmwood,accepted. No claim.John Meacham Griffin,Devidsonexempted.Wife and children.James Adams Honeycutt,Moores-ville,R-2,exempted.Wife and childEliWilcox,New Hope,R-1,ex- empted.Wife-and father.Corey Olean Caldwell,Mooresville,R-5,exempted to December 15.Far-mer and widowed mother.Andrew Otho Clodfelter,ville,exempted.Wife.The board meets again this morn-ing at 10.30 o'clock. WAS FOUND DEAD IN BED. Mrs.Jenkins Died Saturday Night —Stanley Conger Dead. Mr.Thos.J.Conger received a tel- egram Thursday afternoon,an-nouncing the death of his son,Mr.Stanley FE.Conger,at Hot Springs,Ark.,about noon that day.Mr.Con-wer had been advised a few daysvriorthathissonwassickbutnoin-dication that his condition was nec-essarily critical.Death resultedfromparalysis.He was taken sickathishomeatWaldo,Ark.,and wasremovedtoasanatoriumatHotSprings.Besides his parents,Mr.Conger is survived by a wife and one child,a brother,Mr.Fred.H.Conger,Statesville,and five sisters —Mrs.Florence Stroupe,Charlotte;Mrs.J.O.Ervin,Asheville;Mrs.NormaMcCanless,Salisbury;Mrs.EdithKennedy,Winston -Salem,and Mrs.Robt.Davis,Mount Ulla.He was$2 years old.He left Statesville~mg ~~—ago and at the time of his deat was onpages infarming.Interment was Friday atWaldo,Ark. Mrs.Jane Hatley Jenkins,wife ofMr.Jo.Jenkins,Sr.,was found deadinbedSunday,at the home of herson,Mr.Jo.Jenkins,dr.,with whomshelived,at the Talley place,a fewmilesnorthoftown.Mrs.Jenkin:was about 70 years old.She retiredSaturdaynightinherusualcood health and when she was called forbreakfastSundaymorningitwasdis-covered that she had died during the States- ‘Harmony. Moores- yi nieht.Death is supposed to have re sulted from heart disease.survived her husband,and five doughters.Interment wa:vesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock atchurch. She is that|Now Stirling STRIKES IN PACIFIC PLANTS. 26,000 iron work- AT CAMPMEADE.Dr.Ed,8.Kingof Iredell,who is in the service of thewithlieutenant,is< ‘ = iiit the arrest of Gene—the definite end of his re-inet at Petrograd.With General Korniloff was ar-sted General Lokomsky,wastheRussiannorthern P tical.Opinion inseemswidelydivergentas to thetreatmentthatshov!ld be meted out tothem.One of the generals involvedintherevolthascommittedsuicide,A dispatch from Petrograd says:“With the rebellion completelyerushed,all ring-leaders reportedunderarrestandtheRussianarmingitsloyaltybyvigorousof- ensives on at least two fronts,whole nation is divided on what pun-ishment should be given the traitorousleaders.‘The question has alreadysplitthecabinet.The public de-mands Korniloff’s death.Some ofthecabinet,holding the revolt wasentibloodlessandascribingonlypatrioticbutmisguidedmotivestoKorniloff,want to spare him.“Korniloff himself is Russia’s fore-most advocate of capital punish- ment.He forced Kerensky to agreetotheinstitutionofthedeathsen-tence again in the Russian arnty.Korniloff has probably decreed theexecutionofmanysoldierswhosemilitarycrimeswereoffarlessgravitythanhisownorganizedre-volt.The soldiers’committees in-sist he shall suffer death for his am- bitions.: Increased activity is noticeable onthevariousfightingfronts,especial-ly near Riga and on the Isonzo.Astubbornbattleisinprogress30milesnortheastefRiga.WhethertheactionaGermanattemptinforeeorafeintisuncertain.Petrograd reports that the Russiansarevaliantlyrepellingattacks.The Italians continue to advancetheirlinesandhavecapturedmoreprisonersandgunsfromtheAus- trians.In Campagne and in the Verdun region the German Crown Prince hasmadeineffectualattacksagainsttheFrenchlines.British troops,in asuccessfulraidintotheGermanlinessoutheastofArras,wrecked dugoutsanddefences.Berlin officially seesinthiseffortanattackinforceandannouncesitsrepulsewithheavylosses.In Flanders Berlin admitsthesuccessofalocalBritishattack.A German attack in the same regionwasrepelledbytheBritish.erest of Monte San Gabriele,commanding the plain of Gorizia tothesouthandsoutheastandtheFri-gido valley to the east,was captur-ed by the Italians after three weeksofthemostbitterfighting.The Italian effort to capture San Gabriele began after the taking ofMonteSanto,directly north,by Gen.Cadorna’s troops on August 25.Sev-eral times the Italians had reachedthesummitofthegreatmountain, so important to their further prog-ress east of Gorizia as well as on the Carso,only to be beaten back again. On the slopes of the rugged rock inthelastfewweekshasoccurredsomeoftheheaviestandmostsan-guinary fighting of the war.San Ga-briele’s top was occupied by the Ital- ians after the fortified hill or saddle of Dol,and the Gargaro basin.the =bulk of San Gabriele,had been taken, Capt.Westmoreland a Visitor. Capt.Wm.Westmorcland =spentSundayherewithhomefolks,return-ing yesterday to Camp Sevier,Greenville,8.C.,accompanied by MrsWestmoreland,who will live in Green- ville.Capt.Westmoreland was also accompaniedbyOtisCarson,a memberofhiscompany,who had =absented himself from camp without leaveCapt.Westmoreland learned Sunday afternoon that Carson was here and had him locked in jail until yester day,when he took him back to camp.Capt.Westmoreland reports all th« boys well.The quarters are being made comfortable as fast as possibl«and the boys are being supplied with satisfactory food, Carpenters Scarce. Anybody who could drive a nail or operate a hand-saw could get em- ployment as a carpenter in States-ville in reeent weeks.One man whohadabuildingunderway,on whichworkcametoastandstillforlackofcarpenters,made a tour of the coun-ty and employed a saw mill man and a well-digger to do carpenter work. They told him they weren't carpen-vers,but he employed them and put them to work.Most of the carpenters here abouts migrated to the army campsweeksago.As the work atcampsisnearingcompletionmenwillbecominghomesoon.TRADE MAGAZINE OUT.The first edition of the North Car- the the formation of a new cab-|@ the| -|home| nm,and others are alsorattheinv of the‘which Solicitor t will at Concord.plicitor Clement issued the fol- statement:ve fully determined to reouestoverthedeathof Mrs.ing.When the former inves-was made there was no sus-of foul play and the investiga-merely a matter of form.Indthatthecoronerwasno-of the death,in the morning7.30 or 8 o’eluck and had the t about 9 o'clock.This didvehimanopportunitytomakeainvestigation.He had all the members of the automobile soryandtheywereallexcmined,the premises were not viewed,r was there any testimonytoshowthatthenopowderburnsonhercoronerandthejurydidtheirdutywiththeevidencebefore them at that time.But since then there have been different and_con- flicting statements and a mass of oth- er material and important evidence has been uncovered which gives mereasontobelievethatMrs.King met with foul play,and her death wasneitherasuicidenoranaccident.“]know that the coroner and the are anxious to do their full dutytomakeacarefulinvestigation of al}the evidence in the case,and I it but fair to them that the mat- terbe again re-opened before them,80 t they can have an opportunity °ore their former verdict,if in —the evidence warrants if.With this end in view I will ask the coroner of Cabarrus county to reopen the ease and set the hearing for Mon- day morning,September 24,1917,in the court house in Concord.This will give an opportunity to secure certain documentary evidence which will be introduced at the inquest.“J am much gratified with the ac- tion taken by District Attorney Swann of New York and feel satis thathisinvestigationwillmateriallyaid me to get a full disclosure of all the facts.He has assured me of his es and has placed all thefofhisofficeatmyservice.” Gaston Means has retained JudgeFrankOsborneofCharlottetoappearforhim.Mrs.Melvin is at the Means home in Concord.Others who have come to Concord within thepastfewdaysareW.R.PattersonofCh,father-in-law of GastonMeans;Mrs.J.B.Foraker,daugh-ter-in-law of the former Senatorfrom:Ohio,and Mrs.Anna Dolan,a New York nurse,said to be friends of Mrs.King.In Salisbury last week JudgeCline,at the instance of Solicitor Clement,issued an order on Gaston Means,directing the latter to turnoverallletters,papers,bank books,certified checks and accounts of Mrs.Maude A.King,together with thepurportedwillofJ.C.King,deceas-ed,Mrs.King’s millionaire husband,for the purpose of impounding theminthehandsoftheclerkoftheSu-perior Court of Rowan county,for —_.Means,after a confer-ence wit kis attorneys,refused toturnoverthepapers,basing his re-fusal on the ground that to do so might tend to incriminate him.Nonetionhasbeentakentoenforcethe order.Means’apartments in New York were examined last week and — ng to newspaper reports evidencewasfound©aew that he had re-ceived much money from Mrs.Kingandthatherestatehadbeenpracti-‘ally dissipated.It is intimated thattheallegedwillofMrs.King’s dead husband,which Means claimed to have found and was seeking to es- tablish,which would give her $2,000,- 000,is a fraud,the intimation being that this alleged will was used to de-eive Mrs.King and defraud her in- jto payments of money.it is also alleged that other papers were found connecting Means withictivitiesinbehalfofGermanyand n agent of the Department fo Jus- tice is taking a hand in the investi-ration,The facts discovered inconnectionwithMeansaretobeplacedbeforeagrandjuryinNewkthisweek,according to the re- port, Killing Frost Damages CropsinWataugaandAvery. Mr.B.&.Millsaps,district demon- stration agent,who was in Watauga and Avery counties last week,says he crops in these counties were rreatly damaged by a killing frost and jee on the 13th.Corn,beans, eS suffered.There was frost.in counties on the 17th of dwae and in less than three months the frost of the 13th came. Avery county farmers suffered m from flood damage last year and now the frost damaging this sea- son’s erops leaves them in bad shape GOERS WITH AMBULANCE CO. Mr.Culbreth,who hasbeentimeathis Statesville,received orders to report in Raleigh for du- an ambulance company,in enlisted some time ago.left for Raleigh Sun-His orders were toafternoonat5 understood that the y is ordered tofortraining. “jrier Court atthemurderof Lines.MeCulMrs.|2/s°colored,and of Statesville.Thursday -|MeCullough woman, LULA St t ill rs ra. eSquittedof in Salis- Lula Allison,colored,of States-ville,was acquitted in ouee, was put on trial aboutnoonandthecasewasconcludedFridayafternoon.The Stateofmurderinintroducedfive witnesses. for a convictiondegreeand ‘our wit-neases were introducedbytheother|side to prove the woman acted inself-defence.large numbercharacterwitnesseswereputstandandgavetheAllisonagoodjury,wasonlyaver- dict.States-ville was one of the attorneys in thecase,representing the Allison wo- man,The murder was committed May30inacoloreddancehallinSalis-bury,._number -.omen ne- groes being presenThetwowomenfell out,the MeCul- character,a few minutes groansMr.L.C resultinginafewminutes.The Allison wo-man escaped at the time but in afewdayssurrenderedandgave$1,-500 bond for her appearance in court last week. No Heat at Camp Greene. Mr.Bruce Leinster,who has beenemployedinconstructiorworkat Camp Greene,Charlotte,hasspendingafewdaysinStatesville.He will go from here to Badin.Mr.Leinster says the Charlottecampwillhaveforwilllive60,troops.The n,n.uae,Ee eae beeormess.als.With the thepitals,thebuildings are constructeddriveninthe ments are prov 5hesays,have plentyscreenedtokoutmuchattention sanitation,but whencomeandthefrost,heat will beessaryforcomfort.Dr.Rankin,has been after Wwaboutheatand_and it is stated if thearekeptthereduringthe winheatandlightwillbeprovided.Un-less it is provideddierswillneedheat before they getit. Epworth League ‘Re-organized—Missionary Meetings. i{Hey i .})enue, from“el So omeSrenee,wasfeware.His Proves Wacko Lonstend,nareotic~lvoffice of Mr.Li Friday from eastformerlyiycapi by theater.wassuitthenewrenter. to —Whileriven>aeenrollmentalreadyanoverthepastare"beadents endbeen|day students the town | county.thebetweentracksofthe rape’for “eraan =bery.All —cleared off the plat it wilbeautified.oeenmeeenpesienincneaeanaes eereanaabltan and Sunday Law. t i fi 53E: B E Ry3 t t r lf i iE The young people of Broad Street|pj,church met Sunday evorganizedtheEpworth .Thesocietyelectedofficerstheex-ception of a president,whose electionwasdeferreduntilnextmeeting.The new officers are:Mrs.A.J.-ley first vice president,Miss LouiseSloansecondvicepresident.MissStearnsthirdvicepresident,MissEdnaSherrillfourthvice——Miss Margaret Sloan secretaryMissFannieGaithertreasurer. re- A woman's missionary conwasheldSaturdayatthePresbyte-rian church at Barium.Mrs.W.B.Ramsey of Hickory and Mrs.E.F.Reid of Lenoir were the princispeakers.The ladies oo the dayatBariumandvisitedopmentsintheafternoon.A number of -dies from the First PresbyterianandFrontStreetchurches,States-ville,attended the conference.Lady members of the congrega-tion included in the pastoral chargesofRev.L.L.Moore and Rev.8.L,Cathey are asked to meet at Concord church,Loray,tomorrow,19th,at 11a.m.for a Presbyterial institute.Mrs.E.D.Brown,Miss Mamie Me-Elwee,Miss Margaret Turner,andprobablyMissEdmoniaMartinof Brazil,a missionary,will be present to conduct the institate. Money Fell From Space. Standing in front of his place of business a few days ago,on the wateh for customers,a Statesvillemanwhoseplaceisononeofthemainstreets,was amazed when a dime—real money—dropped from|the space above.He recovered fromhisastonishmentlongenoughtopocketthedimeandholdhimselfinreadinesstotakecareofanyfurtherdroppingsofthatcharacter,secret- tv hoping that the dime would befollowedbylargerdenominations. Roourewtly that dime came fromspace,It hadn't been caught in the! awning,beeause the awning wasn'theingmovedatthetime,and therewasnobodyonthesecondfloorof | the building.The theory is that}the coin had been carried to a nook! in the front of the building by the |sparrows,in materials used for) nest building.which seems to be reasonable.Anyway,it wouldn't do| for the idea to get abroad that it)rains money in Statesville.That’! would fill the streets with standing atouttheirhats. WAIVED EXAMINATION. Mr.T.M-Stikeleather appeaforeCommissionerLazenbyyesterdaywaivedexaminationandgave$500bondforhisceinFederal? .neyMINNEHAHADESTROYED. Confirmation of the :oen submarine ant transport linerwithalossofis Officer Pierce were saved. ONE TURNED DOWN, Thomas Arthur Millis,oneeightsenttoCampbia,8.C.,the Sth,returnedtohishomeatHarmony.Mr.was turned down on account a—limb,the limb ost injured some years ago a WiAlltherestoftheexaminationandborenated.“the camp.J Oe MR,PIERCE HURT. Mr.L.R.Pierce, cently moved from §derson,Ind,was in anaccidentafewdaysagoand‘a number of broken bonesautomobilewaswrecked,dent happened at Muneie,> Pierce is able to leave the MR.THURMAN’S CLOBE CALL.The automobile of Mr.B.R.Thur-man,a former StatesvinowofHighPoint, railroad track at onHigh in¢\front of an approaching Mr.Thurman escaped with =4 the car wias knockedfromthetrack. SCHOOL CHILDREN CALLED. All children who were not inpublicschoolsthe—sessionexpecttobeginsession,to meet at the old centlonCourt ~ €‘i t H a. . ; iF ss z F : * im ic h e G@ 22 5 8 5 . |!i ifs:i be s t Hi 3# Q s3 e ' ai e ss iF ri f i s F f ifi F is i Ui s t Pk ie a! i ‘oer revenue ®.>policies the govern-|seem logica!fromdiaibiestorclericalwilltenes0910000.point.hat after yard at Nor-purposes of the bill are severalperdiem,has to a substituteforthepres-/atthe frontinliason thesupply.jentPension lawas it wouldapply|infantry and supportingbeexaminedin|to =sae ©oe oe.a new oo pon of itgrade—compensa-wn for maneuversrelativeSetehen|which will provide forSaene.ually multiplying American infan-of 100:jentsof thesoldierand rehabilitate|try.15,;men upon their return from war.co-operation of andcopyingcor-|Upon enlistment a soldier or sailor|infantry is so close under t5,|would be entitled to take out from|battletacticsthat it is they |its agents or the wholeThe|$1,000 to $10,000 worth of optional!should be trained to act al-|system of the and penalshallreceive|insurance at approximately $8 per}most as one unit.And just the|institutions of the and to ree-per cent.a eo.His dependents will be en-|first contingent of American n-ommend such and additional| cent,in report}to allotments from the govern-|try will devote itself largely through |provisions as it may dvem needfulletterwriting)to be-,ment of from $5 tu $50 per month,|the fall and winter to training other|for their economical and efficient ad-has been omitted.Ave,}and an equal amount up to $15 per}units as they arrive,so the first con-|ministration.or on the date of the|month for his pay.|tingent of artillery will train the,“To study the subjects of non-em-|Death or total disability resulting,|batteries,regiments and jes ployment,poverty,vagrancy,hous-must eugene to the ex-|the ts of any person in the/which will be thrown into ce ing cond erime,public amuse- aminer on day the qnaening-|SENN?or naval service,including before the spring campaign of 1918 |ment,care treatment of prison-|tion their ,taken with-|women members of the nurse corps,|is likely to in,ers,divorces and wife desertion,theintwoyears,pasted in the will be entitled to compensation!Modern artillery training is a social evil and kindred sub,andspaceprovidedontheadmissionrangingfrom$20 to $70 per month.|maze of technical details,a laby-their causes,treatment preven-cards sent them after their applica-|and the insurance.In case of total!rinth of mathematical problems,a tion,and the prevention of any hurt- tions are filed.Tintypes,group pe a,the cou woh |gree ending Renin <anes puz-a com a.— tographs proo’not be ac-rom to per month.!zles,in which such elusive sub-|“To study ai promote the wel-™=o |The rates per month are:|tle subjects as orientation,triangu-fere of the dependent and delinquent|examination is open to all|Widow,$35;with one child,$45;lation,deflection,drift,elevation,<hild._citizens of the United States who two children,$52.50,and an addi-calibration,meterorology,range-“To inspect and make report onmeettherements.For applica-tion blank (Form 1371),address theoftheUnitedStatesCivilServiceatStatesvilleorat=of the examination points,or theSecretary=wenaien.| must riy exe-ed tokwin,"oe DierksSecretaryatWashington,D.C.,in;timefor himto arrange for the ex-| another chapter to the story ofGermanintrigueinneutralcountriesandneutraldiplomats,hasbeenXooalesbySecretaryLansing,in the formof aletterto the impe-rial German chancellor from the no-,torious Von Eckhardt.the GermanministeratMexicoCity,to — intercepted immermann noteaddressed.It disclosed thatCronhoim,then fwasFolke onnish information from the “hostilea it communications to Berlin,that Von Eckhardt wanted himrewardedbyasecretawardfromtheKaiserofthe“order of theerownofthesecondclass.”letter was written on Marchhasbeeninmericangov-time.It wasshed- z explanation to Argentina ofconductofherministeratBuen-who transmitted the Ger- fee,Bereioh charge at Washing-ton that Cronholm was dis-from the diplomatic service|Von Eckhardt's partinthehasbeennosurprise.This ent has known of hisegtdlieeonebeforethediscovery|of the evidence given by the Zim-mermann note and since then his ac-in nda have been H i Rich Acquitted. Ector H.Rich,an saborite —was acquitted of a murderinBuncombeSuperiorCourt.weeks ago Rich shot and killedAllison,member of an/company,the day!the company started to camp!Greenville.and Allison had both beenonMissNellBlalock,and ac-to statements made by the,the stand,she had been en-Rich for the past three|only cc with Allison at:keep him from carrying outinstRich.OnkillingAllisonmade a!past the Blalock home|h,who was calling on the |came out on the,struck the barber af- words passed betweendrewapistolandeeareneon |between eyes.He lived,minutes.j si t i ef st i i if s ut # ai iP 7 editor of the,tt,and Dr.Mar-|tin ,qumeaing editor of that|paper,have been cted for trea-.son,Indictments of a leas gerious|were returned against Mer-| }s manager of the|;Peter Schaefer,president|company and Pau! office of the Tageblatt,»Ger- 'i SwedishinMexico,was depended up-,the German diplomat to fur-| camp”(the United States),and to)transmi without leaving a trace”, |which ‘larged regiments and which are shot|The loperation and hisraided|doubtful.k.The Z tional $5 for each child up to four. three,$45;and $10 additional for‘each child up to five.A widowed mother would receive$30 a month and no family allowance'would exceed $75 a month.Undertheoriginaldraftofthebillthe compensation for officers’depend-‘ents might have gone as high as$200 a month.A widow's compensa-tion would cease upon her re-mar-riage and a dependent chiki’s would cease at 18 years of age.Monthly benefits to asailorincaseoftotalwouldbeasfollows:If he has neither wife nor child living,wife,$55;wife and one child,$65;two or more children,$75;no wife,but one child,$50,and $10 addition-al for each child up to two,denend-ent widowed mother,$10 additional. Injured men requiring nurse carewouldreceiveanadditional$20, monthly.A man Iésing both feet,|hands or eyes,would be entitled au-tomatically to $100 per month. Amendments adopted would soldier or disability, i give |claimants 10 years instead of one inwhichtofiletheirclaimsforcom- pensation,prevent divorced wives who have re-married from sharing in a dependent’s allowance and elim-| inate proposed salary increases forpresentemployesofthegovernment who are to administer certain pro-visions of the measure. Opinions differ as to the cost ofavplyingthemeasure.The first year appropriation is $176,000,000,but it is declared by some that the costwillbenearer$200,000,000. SATETTTED Guard Officers May Lose. The reorganization of the Nation- al Guard under the French system. increases the numerical strength of the regiment,making ittwiceaslargeasundertheAmeri-can system,will result in scores of officers of State organizations eitherbeingtransferredtotheNationalar- my or losing their commissions en- tirely. The War Department announcesthatboardsofhigharmyofficersaretobedesignatedatallNationalGuardcampstopassontheefficien- cy of officers and to determine whichwillberetainedtocommandtheen- to be given other assignments or re-duced to non-commissioned posts. Under the American plan of army orgnization 7 smaller companies andsmallerregimentsthereareup-wards of 200 officers more than are necessary to command the enlargedunitsundertheFrenchplan. iceeanieneniasnienieieiianimimmmmnneeeTurpentineisCheaper. A reduction in the price of turpen- tine caused by falling off in sales to Europe may result in the navy againusingitinitspaintshops.Senators|from States interested in the produc- tion of turpentine are urging its use|in the navy.Until a few years ago.turpentinewasusedinallnavalpaintshops,but when the price reached $1.10 agallonmineraloilsweresubstituted,average price paid for mineral|oils has been 50 cents.Turpentine|now is selling for 45 cents. TEASATE Swallowed a Thermometer. Busy about hia tobacco barn,C.H.|Pike,a farmer of Lenoir county,sawabitofglasstubelyingonthe)ground.He picked it up and stuck!it in his mouth.A moment after-|ward Pike turned to do something |hurriedly and the glass tube slid |down his throat —about three andone-half inches of the glass stem of|a tobacco thermometer.At last ac-|count Pike was in a hospital for an|recovery was. Seed SENTENCED TO DIE. chil j finding and »dozen other branchesOnemotherlesschild,$20;two,$35;|of optics anc geometry and the gen- |American artillery |latest output of |the finest light field piece the world $40;| private orphanages,institutions and —receiving or placing chil- aren,“To issue bulletins and in otherwaystoinformthepublicastoso-cial conditions and the proper treat-ment and remedies for social evils.“To recommend to the Legislaturesociallegislationandthecreationofnecessaryinstitutions. “To encourage employment bycountiesofacountysuperintofpublicwelfareandtoco-operatewiththecountysuperintendentofpublicwelfareineveryway possi-”ble. Destroying Submarines. Stories of some recent successesoftheBritishnavyagainstGerman’ era!application of the concentratedpowersofdestructionareinvolved.|In beginning the fulfillment of itscontractwithWashington,theFrenchgovernmenthassuppliedtheunitswiththethefamous75's,which,it is generally conceded,are has ever known.It corresponds withandtakestheplaceoftheold38-inchgunintheAmericanarmy.TheFrenchhavealsosuppliedtheAmer- ieans with 6-inch howitzers,ba- bly the most effective weapon in the gun list. Shiptuilding Plants and Ships.Contracts for construction f a submarines have been given to thewovernment-owned shi Iding public in London,in a serieQof briefyardatHogIsland,Pa.,and for the descriptions of eight encounters in construction therein of 50 fabricated Which eight,and posibly nine,U-stee!merchant vessels have been let beats were accounted for.These hy the emergency fleet corporation ¢iht sea battle pictures were select- to the American International ecor-“!so as to cover practically theparation.whole ground of anti-submarine ac- These contracts are the first ac-(!vities.tually signed for the three new Im one case there was a battle be- tween an auxiliary cruiser and asubmarine,in another an engagementbetweenaseaplaneandasubma-rine,then a battle between two sub-marines,in which the British sub- marine captain proved himself thebetterman,and finally two tales ofchants’ShipLuilding Company for Successes of armed merchantmenoneatChester,Pa.The first of the against the enemy.50 ships will be completed within 10 a =|CATARRH CANNOT BE CUREDor11monthsandtheentirenumberwienLOCALAPPLICATIONS,as they can-will be finished probably within 16 not reach the sent of the divease.Catarrh ismonths.a local disease,greatly influenced by constitu.tional conditions,and in order to cure itmusttakeaninternalremedy.Hall's Ca-tarrh Cure is taken internally and actsthroughthebloodonthemucoussurfacesofthesystem.Hall's Catarrh Cure was pre-seribed by one of the best physicians in this plants in which the government wil! have built a large number of fabri- vated ships.The Hog Island plant will cost about $20,000,000.The oth-.er contracts will go to the Subma-rine Boat corporation for a plant atNewark,N.J.,and to the Mer- Fewer Hogs the Reason. One of the reasons for the hich cost of pork is seen in estimates of the number of stock hogs in the oa ——It is compared 2 someTistttonicsknown,combined with somelaagoSeptembere\”of the best blood purifiers.The perfect com-nouncec +t the Department of Agri-bination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrhculture.hey show a decrease of Cure «&what produces such wonderful resultsincatarrhalconditions,nials,free.F,J,CHENEY &CO.,Propa.,Toledo,O,All Drugwists,75¢.'Hall's Family Pills for constipation. a 8.2 per cent.compared with the sup-Send for testimo- ply of a year ago—65,645,000,Iowa,leading hog State,had 7,- 868,000,a decrease of 10°per cent. from a year ago.Georgia had 2,507,- Ceae Cole One-Horse Grain Drill,No.34WithFertilizerAttachment.Price $22.50. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. LEST WE FORGET. Now is a good time to select that Monument for thelovedoneswhohavegone.We carry a larger and varied assortment of both Granite and Marble inMonuments,Tombstones and Markers to select from.Prices reasonable. Barron &Conner.Phone 215.118 E.Broad Street. Thehomelibrary thathas been eywipped hereoffers new ideas of luxuryandenjoyment. We have allofthe latest designs in library furniture,any gradeyoumaydesire. If you want to know justhow your librarywilllook when equippedcometousandwewillshowyouanarrangementthatwill 000,an increase of 10 per cent.TheonlyotherStatestoshowincreases were—Mississippi ith per cent.and Virewe Gem ae cent honk FACEPOWDER.iCarolinahas1,599,000 hogs.‘Thebeauty secretof—_-euamicehy toewousickPS===7"|NEW EARLY FALLBOOTSnot d 4 TWO YEARS OFS a,75Sc.atSample(eRher color)for2c.Stamp. Lyon Mig.Co.,40SouthFifthSt.,Brooklyn,N.¥. factories that makeoutfits.This shows izing Ti aie me =>canizing Tires.as he does—repair oie Tires? &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. I a female trouble so |eens ll,—‘‘For about two years output of { Turnip Seed in and in bulk.Also a 9inchTopBoots,in Black,White and Tan | Kid,at $7.50 apair. varietyofother gardenandFieldSeed. All New. T.N.BROWN. ‘ ||INGERSOL DOLLAR WATC PHONE 83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. See ees a War $1.35.Seemeif areauradeWatch,I oe nam,‘Bigis,‘New York H.OODWARD Jeweler, .eat ~*pews 4 88 ohne ag tle “~hie ee.ee ne .oe bi ii options aca ondeeeees s sir a }‘¥of oe ¢{ve Harr:"se iad bis 4 ct vist &wee '‘as ‘Oh 2;Lig AAT ‘WY?ANT WHHaTTAN LAO)'i)Kt iO,eee Fe ae ee A e re oe wi TR ee ee ae «%ie ;el’.ron cnet ander'’s SecondReceiveCourtesiesLeaveFor Camp—Taylorsville. as ae en ” wy Near ,Specie!Correspondence of’The Landmark, Taylorsvfile,Sept.17 --Pollowing ig thbeen list of selected men who have | _to report here ‘Tuesday,the F #3 #8 BP E P E E E e . ordered by the local exemption| for military duty,and forrtationtothetrainingcamp, at Columbia,8.C.:Df.te,Per-! L.Hefner,Jason A.Fox,BR.M.) leather,Arthur J.Mayes,Ross: 15 6.2%|son,M.E.Ellis,Arthur &., 23 and 24 are not epernted on Sunday,kenship,R.L.Barnett,Robert ————=|Ryan,Osborne Johnson,Wilson [PRIZES FOR TEACHERS.Brookshire,Frank .Carrigan,Ed-| |ihesdiebmenee ward F.Rector,Archie Brown,John! “Why the United States fs at &aperve,Otis R.Douglas,Alex.Mi,’ike arlow,J.L.Seott,C.W.Brook- War”is the Subject..G.D.Bostain,Rom.8.Bebler Will interest you. on Come,give us the pleasure and pride of showing real Merchandise of Quality.. THE REXALL STORE. |Through the generosity of ©mn,J.Johnson,Jo.Sipes,Carl D. .eo ae the North Carolinn His-|Watts,A.Clyde Harrington,=e 9 jtorieal Commission,the pul chool}pe,Ed.Millsaps,Allie B.Me-ll D ( Children’s lteachers of North Carolina ave priv-|Gurdy,Wm.C.,Elder,Chas.Brink-Statesvi e rug omp y ilewed to enter into the contest,now |F.C,Halliburton, heine conducted in 14°States,for |Phe alternates are John D.Miller, ‘prizes offered for the best essays on’James A.Allen,Chas.P.Bowman, |“Why the United States is at war’?Marvin A.Bowles,Ives Blankenship, %t is proposed to offer the prizes as}J s F.Sherrill."TheCOATS.follows:Taylorsville Red Cross Aux-rn Groun A,for teachers in public)»has given a comfort bag to high schools:first prize of $75,see-|hoy who has gone from —the i QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. fo a of $80,third nrize of $20,’county and they have ——bars :5 ifourth prize of $15,fifth prize of|for the 32 who will leave Wednesday And thes es we ‘tas cubiaa,*?b |$10.on the morning train,The -will Ana wen :can rely upon the “quality”of your 4 |Group B,fer teachers in public ele-|give the boys a supper in the vacant emblem.’_ If you expect to purchase mentary schools:First prize of $75,)store building of Sheriff Adams,on ee wn eee::a err rn second prize of $25,five third prizes|Main street,Tuesday evening.Each Wecan furnish the propor pin,charm:or ring for any jof $10 each.:|haggis requested to bring a gues!order.Wedoa larg?business in that line.4 “PEAS”Essays submitted in competition |with him *eas a chil 7 erat”of b os int alu!liable (i °for these prizes should observe the)rs.Charles E. Echerd and chil-he ‘‘seéret”of our business SUCCESS Hes IN BIVINg Teth ’; a fineCoat,see our hand-|lasctee conditions:(1)Typing is}dren,who have been here the greet pan tahie ipweiry tn those win giva tf at fi mn : z ;eputable jewelry to those who give us tneir confidence. |not required but essays must be leg-| tion of the summer with Mrs : _We want a limited amount of \ibly written on sheets securely fen.|Reber parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.L.H iG ‘GOOD,SOUND,NEW PEAS.If y toned together.on one side of the!Gwaltn>,.returned to their home in R.F.ENRY,Jeweler.:° ::some Plushes We have j Sheet only;(2)Essays must not ex-Statesville yesterday.|Mr.Echerd have any,bring them to us.°leeed 8.000 words in length;(3)It is!came up to go home with them.a CN aa nna ore n't say how long we will be on lunderstood that many competitors,The store of the Miller Manufae ,will not have aceess to large Hbra-|turing Co,formerly Alspauch's cot-. market.The crop is large ries.In making the award stress ton mill store,six miles south of town 1 our order will soon be filled.all qualities of cheaper ONES|will be laid on the thorou and in-|was entered some time Friday nicht ltelligent use of such materia\as may ‘the safe was prized open and $30 t 3.K.Morrison Grocery he found in a school or town\ibrary $40 in cash stolen.Mr.Ralph Als {eaXly be)pa th:did not know ofiofmoderatesizeormayugh.manager, Produce Company.in latest shades and new-‘eecured from various oaks lit-}the robbery until Snturday morning : atte GARAS rey Peas \tle or no expense;(4)In making\the about 6 o'clock.He notified Sheriff ‘award in each group.the committee!Adams,who went and searched the eS will give the preference to essays in\premises but no clue was found.Fn A -«9 which the subject is so treated as to)§cc was made at the back dom 4 | est styles.he intelligible and interesting to pu-apd the burglar must have used a kes .:, pils in the class of schools in which for the lock.The door was not dam i -..Le 5 ) sLf 4 bi sy u : ?$the writer is teaching;(5)Elabor-:aged and the windows had not beer Forabag of Davis Bros.ate hibhographies and footnotes ar opencd.Mr.Alapaugh had feked not expected but each paper should doors and left the key in the inside ofaee Graham Flour,fresh lot We are receiving NEW |be accompanied by a brief list)of the tock of the back door. ti].hooks,periodicals and documents ac-Mr.YS.Echerd has returned from right from the mill tually consulted.For the less obvious |4 wip A Co alae Wood A ond familiar facts,brief references steck.Va.He attended the Ohie Lu . |ine va rah fac to the authorities should be made Im thera ‘Senod,in session at Wood-/{We elaim to be one hundred per cent efficient ‘ coheed arhalge ten COAT SUITS Aitensavs should he addressed to!Rincesvite Saturiay evenings tt hen it to handling and repairi iway of Spices,Vinegar,Waldo G.Leland,Secretary,Nation:|igh her en a when it comes to handling and repairing cars. al Board for Historical Service,113%ep a APs 2 A ae ee who has been ill for ai tew da:.r Extracts,Rubbers,Jars Woodward Building,Washinton.|Miuses Mabel Hendren and Nev When you bring your car here you and Jar caps.-hut eneh one should be accompanied a.ee a me ues.seme a : by a slip containing the name,ad-a cee ee ee eis may know that the trouble will be ‘on Phone 89,Every few,days.The dress and,teachin position of —the havo.fies fucy Plunkett,gewritcr,The names of writens will!tea@hey.spent the im k-end,hole of Mr.J.RB.Gill in Statesville located and the car leave our shop ‘&rot be communicated to the commit-Mise Sue Campbell left §; Milholland tae as nti thei ss Sue rmpbell le saturd:3 ta iti : Eagle tevs of award until after their covering for Winston-Salem to resim only in perfect condition. °,‘j .awards have been made.Essays must :‘ee |very latest in suits he received in Washington not later h Fr studte at Ss lem oc :' han 6 p.m.on Tuesday,January 1,Miss Mary Famster ©ae If you want quick work,low prices and the job ems we veneESEEESL wre morning for a mm yilegre in ‘iv N sitio Thent.ii!be senior:this env.Mr ai :FINE.See them before buying.||Wil!Not Reauleition Wheat,on Wt Tal and Mine Raby Dest done right come to us. Reports that the government is))jtored to Charlotte Saturday af ‘contemplating requisitioning wheat on ine turr ye «x »Mize Kut:{;v1 ,a.. on the farms to keep flour mills ge-a men in dtattersan (oda ol N ,rah ti 5 ‘;PP ee J T N hi {,ing,is denied by Herbert Hoover,ae ap 3 !of {vel cr an th.|8B Ao &ae eI Vafl eos MOTOR oF na ¢)ew shipmen the food administrator.Mills ven ie :Sie ‘‘,," A :P crally,Mr.Hoover said,are running ool thers |fs O 'full time,although some are han-FLOOD DAMAGE IN EAST.ie 4 i ped by shertaye of grain.i ni :;Food administration officials ex-Lives Lest and Mue -roperts ‘;}:.‘ COUN TRY SHIRT WAISTS co Se “a tees Damage aee oe Lae vin a sno time.y¥cept mH ™m <a ited areas,where anti-war and pro The heaviest)rainfall in etn |’;,y erman ropagand:s arried or rs im easter:North Carolina, pies ae "ion no die ti ‘Mr,|"itay night wus?flood,es-\. MEAT Hoover aaid,tp withhold wheat from *clalty in the finklsinne nection,|ae reece ic EI .ho market.Withholding,it is de HEN e loss of ne A oY amiae on oa 'T !: o .fared.will have no effect on price y and crop dam ve variourly est 1 rw |N O 'have just arrived.os yovernment will ni ntain i ton at from oe ene oe DOLI ARS TALK !: .Mille Mi L °g {purchases .popse Geld nd LaGrange A MN 4 e |Commencing today we will discon- e 2 |ee eeee ee »aged negro ar af t wife were 7 n tinue e Jitney Service g h :r ¢ain Supply 0.:To Dreft Aliens.rened in thor vin,whiel v ae wie —-=a ae +we ;:=a.on ally submerged by the over .>diferent prominent streets.FirstAllwool(oe OT Ae yea nally sutmenes Me"she oer DOLLARS THIS YEAR,|.fiverest prominent atreete,Plea ;nr rs i Lerlain resolution f {draftit {iE Cee Ske ,:::.i to be operated will be a line from ~ttteonc oa :iat i ali an see oF ,t fo "a white ma Nes ide ea Tobacco is selling higher this Moomfield (at W.T.Sumpter’s a :7 ’3 :he kam)4 )9 ewolle b :«“ont Stree DR.VANCE HASTY,miliary rervice under the Americ:rN reer Kinston.Between Clin.year @hen the oldest inhabitant |Oe.rte ee ea DENTAL SURGEON.7 ‘Under the revolution the Pr:¢ty and :':ea .a»onde area muthern Depot.Ns tar.W ‘ Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor SWEATERS Cont is authorized to enlist for nor a oe So iene remember and we want te J run every 30 minutes—on the even FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,cambatant war work ail nationals of ue i _a oe imoress this fact on you.We j.)'|half hour,Others will be put on Statesville,N.C.cemany or its allies living here.1 eet We .ee :ay later,No Schedule on Sunday.. pELEP HONE ENGAGEMENTS,|a ae wea all ater fe Bx R ran iesoop know how to sell your Tobacco for \ 'Phon ware .@ is ewiatec thi e muta eal »drow?\mhin 1 ‘a ‘’°¢:"J @PECIAL ATTENDION TO CHILDREN'S In Kelly Green Coen the colora approximately 1,275,400 "|BResmmne Or the HIGH dollar and we do at if RIDE THE JITNEY. eTH.7 om :ee.Vey tas rere t,® .—y ’p Y rie alien trate wo Mieonserininn _gael 1 ’"he you wiht give us a chance.W JITNEY TRA 'SFER co. ;asaumt wire mare signer who had been in th ack ware work hard for the farmer's in-Ste!aville,N.CDIDYOUFVERBUY],eievers who ae been i)hing Winrsass.the a hard for the farmer's in Ste ville,N.C. agen Cardinal Pu le touted States a vear Those whe :er ,KOK }na lens ene-rionre Te thLa A vo =conte and find it would §’_—claim exemption through trent 'ee ons silage?‘}nfnl -=and —ace ies ela _1 ; _not fit the Frame?C.WATKINS kas \the nilowed #0)days te Lave,Maavinnt.there)3 fhe DUSINess Makes Of Services ||; the Doors,Windows and Frames Corn Old Rose White etc he country .Sees ti ny coann ct galue!‘?ome On ; oid ,PIC.a:ynpour all of uN t mast valuable fo you.BRING ES |©IS: ready-made.YOU CAN TRY THEM ’’’—_—_————__—|io .|a te TAKE THEM FROM .Osteopaths Meet.cca |Hage ‘1 ’\LOAD and ‘we |sead you i ee ee a ———With Belts and Broad Col-Ai the meeting of the North Car t is known 2)bitch.”home with more rroney than y:Are found in the home.fiwod Osteopuatnic Society in Avhe tream flowing th:iw ''ny g ’ame amount of R . W AN’I ‘ED!Ne last week,officers were elected the ge inhs opine lb a ~oye mow a plumbing makes the long hours >ars.vs follows:Dr,W.FE.Cratehfie!d ny of the hous 'af awbacco tal vou!,.';cf en ‘roensboro,resident;Dr I ‘be teawn were flooded |yt ’’r |spent ay the wife ata home al. SCRAP BRASS-—Heavy Brass74c.:7 howe 1 of Winston Salem,m three to six fect McElwee 8 Planters Ware j ;'\re that ,:‘ar r }t awe done rey wd $99 t .pleasure suc t ||ber pound,“Ligh.Brass Se.per Don’t overlook our president;Dr.M.J.Carson of Wil Tee aril a a"house,Statesville,N.C.|an a pour FOR ]7 laa ns we re rule pted offering th e t away.:OCT A Ae nothing else car give. ‘'A JE:ervice of osteopathic physicians 1 here WA iso muct " q ond nd band machinery the wovernment for military sery Wilmington sectior W E “UUNDAY New «seco:wach!rt tt mecting of the s«siety will ":so ae 5 . for sale -_all kinds of boiler SHOES.be held in Gree —NAJOR STEDMAN RECONSTDERS Your Plumber,114 B.Broad St. room suppiies.In Wallace Hoffmann of tate Last Winter Maier Chi M.Sted :i ne :wone We. ville,who attended the meeting.was man,Represent:Coney ', ;Cc.H.TURNER.appointed a member of the sta din from the fifth di :i :tredell ‘Phone No,74,Bell No.7.ommitcee on edueation,‘>Mild retire at the expiratl ’‘ ‘RRR )ia rm.whereum 10}Y ee a nt |Our stock of School Shoes GERMANY REGRETS.nereddtona!asp Fee METALS. Cedarand PineShingles.|’Germany has sent a note to Swedk i ull ea -Bow t major ja : regretting the disagreeable Law ay red and ann may ‘; an —lowest prices.Nails,|were never so complete.CEE ee a erent ah Deaden tars til WER eindifate to succeed him Noth'ag ean take the place of Ridge ,Valley Tin,Brown and bom tolaut on Gan (f,muh to the disgusi of the con 7 mitting telegrams to Germany «;-¢:real W heet metal " Cc A S,Shingle Ki of Ire-|many says she ia obliged to the Swe esdlonal mapirents aturess Ww AB.e ore 6 .ing’ing '*mh ."coh ashes rereeeterernemrnene .. deli County.Strong Chrome Soles for i ren peas tee er ep NOP_A GERMAN SUBMARINE |vorkers and will make anythingy a =nn ee 2 ::t that a Cormar ihmarit ee om t nting i .resentative in Argentina shoul!have |—iiieeaen oo cesorienn waters .Ciner peiWhs.att foun t you want —tin roofing,gutters, ,}|$.nt the wrams ij rascolor when weighed in he raha WwooD SAWING theBoys.Broador pointed he phy telegrams in the phras -—_to an Ajiant Five 1 .‘bev DAVIS:ae pe m ae PUbe valley tin and id roll,Let us \A TTS amehips which PAINT Am to saw your HH]CON RESS TO ADJOURN picked up eieale wa 8 OS.”calla i , wood.see me or |!toes,low heels.With most of the important lenis dicatingt that a ship was being &ted FOR SALE BY know your wants. Black.\lation of the session either enacted by a Usboat in the vicinity -—Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.STATESV TIN G WOOTEN._}eta eR een A Lae cy cos!WkTIN 60. ..|Congress plan for adjo nt early ©¥ws sectional siinecaaitiaines ' :a anes in October.President Wilson hae no .—|"Phone 55,114 &BroadStreet. new legislation to recommend and ir | .\)sea act|Sic ee |he beeTe‘take pation.,Honpness aod ae f levative We are thorour ae “a «anf i S &We Md to recharee Batteries al tn ure ia Day.n in «tock a full line of Battery ac- agi .ge.stone the th .cessories. >a |to ©"|;STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. J eile i i es a tli ‘ae .3 +ae es a 7 a paneareseeSeese om ;seeeeneee eoewees eones ‘Landmark intended to incltheStatefairinthesamecategory with the county and community fairs.The editorofthis paper has |°%ily choked off.Accordingtore-| never attended a State fair,but in| past years,according to newspaper| “attractions”the same as the small-| er fairs.In fact a good many peo-| ple thought it a shame that an insti-| tution conducted in the name of the State and by State support,should put on such “attractions”as were al-, leged to appear at the Raleigh fair on =occasion.Latterly,however, those in «charge.of the State fair have claimed that the undesirable aggregations were eliminated.We hope that is so.If they are not, the State fair ought to go out of business.It has less excuse for the side shows than .the county fairs.j HIDING PROF.HORACE. At the opening of the University last week President Graham made 5 fs _ | aa n ns e gs oc t a l re l 23 3 5 2 3 3 3 he acceptedinitsentiretywith- ithou three of districts,maybe more,aspirants honors will port,Mr.Walter Murphy of Rowan is already in the running in this dis-| reports,it depended on the side show |*tict,and so is Mr.Chas.Abernathy| in the third;while not a few folks in Congressman Webb's district,if re- ports are true,are eagerly awaiting the oportunity to swat him in the primaries.All the opposition may be removed against the day of the primaries,but present indications are that it will not be. It is said that some of the mem- bers of Congress are uneasy about the effect of the draft law and the high tax levies on their political for- tunes.The Republicans will of course try to make capital out of these things;but it is The Land- mark’s opinion that some of the con- gressional incumbents who have haggled about the draft law,who failed to give prompt and vigorous rc patriotic address,not forgetting)support to all measures for the ef- a;i = Si £< ; ae . he wale of that something. to mention that eleven members of| the faculty had entered military service or would enter.He also men-| tioned the large part played by the University in the War Between the States,etc.It is not recorded that our good friend Prof.Horace Wil- liams made any remarks.It would have been most fitting for Prof.Hor-| ace to have repeated his famous! May talk in Charlotte —to have told the University students that we are not fighting for principle in this war;that England has wronged us as greatly as Germany;in fact BEng- land's offending is more grievots; but that we fight Germany because of racial differences.Prof.Horace didn't say that at the University opening last week.If he was pres- ent it wasn't mentioned.Slowly but surely it is being borne in on us that Prof.Horace has been choked off since his Charlotte address;that his| University associates are keeping him in the background,with his light under a bushel.So long as they afe keeping him at the University it would be more just to the public to fective prosecution of the war,have much more to fear from the people who are dissatisfied with their half- hearted support of the war pro- gramme than from the people who are dissatisfied on account of the war measures.North Carolinians are by no means war mad;they didn’t want the war;but when it had to come they believe in doing a man's part in supporting it.Their apparent lack of enthusiasm may have caused some people to believe that the war isn't popular.It isn't popular,as that word is generally applied.But the man who goes out before the folks to talk against the war;who a@empts to argue that it wasn't necessary;that we should not have gone into it;that the draft law should not have been enacted;that we should have depended on volun- teers;that men should not be sent abroad to fight except by their con- sent,ete.—the man who attempts that role has a surprise in store Here and there he will find support among disaffected groups,but the people generally are heartily sup- net be May st m U|recognition te the Generence,which will mect in A3signersofthehavebeencalledtomeetin-Chatta-nooga on the 27th for a conference.Some of the changes asked are;“1 The development of a greate:degree of democracy in the govern-ment of the Charch.“2.The limitation of the authorityoftheEpiscopacy,both as to term of office and as to making of ap-intments end the limitation ofpiseopa!functions.“3.A clearer definition of the re- lation of the Episcopacy to theChurchandConferenceboards.”Other aims are thus summarized:“The enlargement of the powers of the laity by giving them represénta tion in the cabinet. “The limitation of the tenure in officeofbishopshereafterelectedtatermofyears,subject to re-elec-tion or not,as may be determined. “The effecting of such legislation as shall do away with the unit ruleandsecretsessionoftheEpiscopacy.”clause relating to the tenure of office of the bishops says:“As ourChurchholdstheEpiscopacytobeanofficeandnotanorder,life tenureisanamomaly.It runs counter te al!sense of democratic justice and tendstomaketheofficeauiometictoade-gree that is out of harmony with modern ideas.” What strength this movement ha—whether there is any general de- mand among Methodists for a change in their Church rezuiations-—remain:to be seen. AN INDIANA TRAGEDY. In Which Watauga CountyPeopleArethePrincipals. The Landmatk mentioned reeently the arrest of Will Edmisten in Wa- tauga county.Edmisten came te Wa- tauga,his native county,from Indiana,on a visit to relatives and a fewdaysafterhearrivednewsreachedtherethathislittledaughterhadbeenshotandhiswifesobadlybeat- en she was not expected to live.Mrs,,Edmisten was also a native of Wa-tauga and when his wife’s relativesheardofthetroubletheyhadEdmis-ten arrested.About the same timeamessagecamefromIndianaask-ing for his arrest.Edmisten waskeptinjailatBooneuntilanIndi-ana officer came for him =and took him back to that State for trial. Capt.E.F.Levill of Boone,whowenttoIndianaasEdmisten’s at- torney,writes home that he had es-let him come out and speak his sen-'porting the government in the pros-t#blished a complete alibi for Edmis- timents.Then if they want to con-!ecution of the war,and they look tinue paying this pro-Geaman_in- structor of our young men out of the| public funds,the people would at! least know what they're getting. RSTALTE ERTS The newly -created State Board of Charities and Public Welfare has made a fine start in its work by neming Mr.R.F.Beasley of Mon- roe commissioner of public welfare.It is The Landmark’s opinion that he cans,but Americans —whole-heart-misten went to is the best fitted man in the State| for the work.He is a student and a! thinker —a student of social condi-| with suspicion on the man who talks against it.| After the foregoing was written the Salisbury Post came to hand with a discussion of the same sub- ject.The>Post concludes its re- marks with the following,which —is timely: What we want today in Washiny-ton is not Democrats,nor Republi- ed Americans with one mind,onethought,one desire and one determi-nation—that is to support the gov-ernment and win the war.Not all, n. The Reporter,a paper published,at Rosedale,Ind.,no brings the’story,published in the Boone Demo-|crat,that Mrs.Edmisten has con- fessed to shooting her little daugh-ter,who has since died,and to in- flicting the wounds on herself.Au- gust 17,so the story goes,Edmistentookhiswifeandlittledaughterto the home of his uncle,four miles fromRosedale,and told them to stay|there until he called for them.He did not return that day and Mrs.Ed- her home.As the night wore on and her husband did not come,she became very nervous, thinking he had left her.In thenightshetookherhusband's gun,tions,of the public welfare.He is Democrats are of this type and if shot her child through the head and not a dreamer but a_practical man.|there are Democrats of other types,attempted While some of the things he stands for may seem impracticable,things that seemed much gore impractiea- ble hav in North Carolina,within the The Landmark expects much good results from Mr.Beas- ley’s work.It may not be apparent for a time,but it will tear fruit. Mr.Bensley was graduated from Wake Forest College in 1894 and has been engaged in newspaper work since then,being editor of the Mon- roe Journal.He has twice repre-| sented his county in the General As- sembly,being a member the House last winter. icesindteniatedeemiminemmtnimesamemmrmeoneeael In these days of bounding prices it’s a joy to find something on which the price is stationary,or has de- creased.It's a cause for happiness ided we are not interested in the if interested as a seller,then the condi- tion is all wrong and the country's going to the bad.The cause for joy frightnowixthestatementthattur- pentine,which formerly sold for $1.-10 a gallon,now selis for 45 cents. When the price got to $1.10 thepaintpeoplecutoutturpentineinmixingpaintsandsubstitutedmin- eral oils,hence the drop in price.As nobody hereabouts owns turpentine distiNerioswecanfeelgoodover the decrease in price.When we're! @loomy and grouchy over the high 20st of things,buy «gallonof tur- save 65 cents and be happy— you don’t have to drink the past decnde, ot od *te-by faod Ad or any who fail to measure up,100 per cent.,whether they are in NorthCarolinaoranywhereelse,theyoughttobedefeated.A DemocratbecomerealitiesrighthereWouldsaythattheyoughttobede-found.feated by a Democrat—-but that isnotthequestion.The question is to defeat such and send a whole-heart-ed American in his place.There are in Washingtcn some very unsatis-factory Representatives,men whorepresentabsolutelynothingworth while,who have failed to measure up at this critical time and who ought to be snowed under if they have the nerve to ask re-election—and if thevotersthinkthattheyhaveonein their North Carolina district they arehonor-bound to do all they ean to defeatsuchamis-Representative. LANSAISOAEN One Russian revolt has collapsed, but the victors can't agree on the punishment for the vanquished and this may start something else. TENEATCAA President Took a Week Off. President Wilsen returned toweareWashingtonfromNewYorkbytrain|vasion of woefee tSundaynight,ending the longeststayawayfromhisdesksincelastfall,Germany was observinghersubmarinepledges.There hadbeennoannouncementconcerning|the President's movements since Sat-urday and in view of unconfirmedreportsofsubmarinesoffthecoast,the lity that he might returnMa.rT was discuss-|on=by"the publ in Sangean _ MAY EXAMINE The pgnnen—_the ten misunderallthat geotes ©yee a eo! 4 looms te)y ‘ea, to shoot herself.Thecartridgefailedtoexplodeandshebeatherselfonthehead gun.That was the conditionwhichthemotherandchildMrs.Edmisten said she thought her husband had left her and fearing he would return and kill her,she decided to kill her littledaughterandherself. Plain Talk. The Charlotte News remarks that “evidences of immorality in andabouttheenvironsofCharlottearesomewhatstartlingasrevealedbythoseinauthorif™and as related tothepeopleofthiscitybymenwhohavelookedintoconditionsanddis-covered the status.”The News as- serts that these conditions existedbeforethetroopsarrivedatCampGreene,therefore the blame can’tbeplacedonthesoldiers;and fur-ther:“Conditions discovered aroundhereallowustoremarkthatperhapsafterall,we should be less con-cerned that the morals of this citywillbecomecontaminatedbythein-afar and morealarmedlestfromafarwillbecontaminatedbyourownmorals.” |een TST ATT.TSN Arrested For Libeling Lincoln. At Vincennes,Ind.,Dr.Withelm T.|Von K pleaded not guilty.to=braham Lin- ofon asult in| were with the); SelectedMen Thesecondincrement of theNorthCarolinaselectedmen,who win report lumbia,8.C.,signed as foliows:lo the 336th infantry,1,875 men;men;317th ma-|316th field922dinfantry,angchinegunbattal 200; | willbe-at Camp Jackson,Co-!tomorrow,will be as-| artillery,1,226,and to the 317th field;artillery,1,025. —STATEMENT. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY. Hartness,Clerk Superior County : te J A FreetellThe he affairs of the Lith Roeky CreekDistriet,showing all the amountsthedisbursementsandthevalance to date Receipta.Received from Commercial NationalBank,money berrowedThefollowingamountawere paid totheSheriffbytheland-owners in said District and paid by the Sher- iff to the County Treasarer for theDistrietA.Summers L.ShaverTomiin Myers HeilandreLundy > Qe c r e n - i Cc c F .BE.Harmon .L.Heemon,Sr»de Robertson A.F.Ball rh CC.Cowan J.W.Lawcence:FE.L.HarmonDr.W.P.Parks 3 RK.durneyS.A.PadgettSharpeA.Padgett, SharpeMrs.Sam SharpeJ,F.Hotiand esinte a.A.GillRomeRedmanReceivedfrom sale of bonds County of Iredell on bridwe «ork <n m Reywuardianfor vuardion for Sam Total Disharsementis.March 16,1917,Sigman,Reinhard &Rutledge,excavatingMerch31,Sigman,Reinhard &Rutledge,excavatingMch31,T.A.Summers,for servicesMech.31,W.W.Holland,for rerviers Mch.31,People’s Loan &Savings Bank for note made by landowners t®pay Necessary expenses organ-izing «districtMeh,31,A.B.Walton,stenmcaphieworkMeh.31,FE I and materials Apr.1%,J.A.Brady,printing Apr.19 BK.R.Clark,advertising Apr.23,BE.L.Harmon,Jr,work ondam Harmon,&r work Apr.24.T.A.Summers,on C.A.Tomlin right of wayApr.24,7.A.Summers.Vanstory bridvre 24.'T.A.Summers,per diem to werk on 24,W.W.Holiand,pe and expenses to date Avr.24,ROT)Weatherman,fee Apr.24.Wo DD.Turner, Apr.25,Statesville Pty Apr.25,Sieman.R.&R, diem leon tegal fee Co,seal eveavat-ing May 19 WD.Alexander.service May \6.Commercial.National Bank. note May 22.RK.T.Weatherman,auto hire ard other expenses in re dam on Olin creek , May 26,W.M.Lundy,blasting andremovingrockfromc:eekJune15,Sigmon,R.&R.,excavat-ing ..A dune 15,.W W.Holland,expensesaeeountdemandbridgeAJune15,Curtis Mees,per diem ex-pense investigating district with4.A.HartnessJune15,W.Wservices i dune 28,W.W.Holland,later on dam and ine July 2,W.W.Holiand,services on board wine July 2,W.L.Robertson,lumber fordam Holland,15 days 19°days” R.,work onC.A,Tumlin right of way :July 14,Sigmon,R.&R.,bal.dueandasst.in full for excavating“=.Lo Tomlin,6,488 feet July 14,R.T.Weatherman,lesal duly 14,Siwmon,R.& M4,RB.lumber 14,0.Cowan,auto hire ..duly 14,A.Gill,expensesincon-nection with building dam ....duly 14,T.A.Summers,25 days duly14,WillD.Alexander,2 din»2 _services and cxpenses |...aduly14,tredell Hardware Co.ae- {foliowing i a financia!statement of Court of Drainage received,on hand 8 1,000.00 308 > ab 97 4104 120.54 236.75157,761.6.68 1,386.09 151.70 5,480,00 24.50 $15.686,00 it'2 1,000.00 2,000 oo! 60.00 50.00 st $9.40 14.85 1.26 uy sO 3.50 19.00 16.50 40.08 t Ha50 106.90 108.08 260 2,000.00 $1.56 1,010.00 2,000.00.{100.00 | I 25.00,i45.00 {17.40 39.00| 74 62.20 4,631.00, 34.08 | 150.00|150.003.60 69.00 8inch Top,Lace.Dark HavanaBrown,for School Girls.10-8 Leather Heel with Rubber Tap.Sizes3to7.Special Price,$5.50. <3 MILLS &POSTON.& i f i t h if g3 ERNEST G.GAITHER. Josurance,Stocks and Real Estate.Phone 23,Satesville,N.C. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. NEW SWEA’ FOR COOL DAYS. Beautiful new Sweaters in the weaves for Men, Women and Children. We are showing several styles,a othersarethelargesailorcollarswithsashes,Old RoseandWhite,Delft Blue and White and CardinalandWhiteCombinationsandEmeralds,Navys,White and Maroon. Children Garments,$1.25 to $4.00. Men and Women’s,$2.00 to $19.00. ! Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays thePostage on MailOrders. Pe aes ee5Ceeee Se liaaiint ieneUlites E n an iron cross offirstclass,500 marks ‘about $115) and 14 days leave by our division, aeieeth commander. |"ealled This is thefirst hint that has been! ‘club was obtained either from or ot of Misses J ters or from statements indicatingwhenionSeSeeOeeeaenallytoitsmen time of meet ;Americans are actually in France in| _force.‘ore red Germans| lide Comments club,Maids and 0,|}z here en»visit!M.Moore and Mrs.Pegram’A.Bry-|trons club and the Wednesday after to relatives,"white |meen sewing club. Mrs,J.P.Moore has returned |and aan aes aor by a,ow club mee aie from a visit to relatives at Hickory.)tooned with tulle.White asters were town Wed >Soe ee er —Eugene a et opent 8|arranged on the mantel and there poo.’oy eee an 7 . {was a pretty basket of nasturti lafter which cream,cake and coffee 2)y to her home at Lyneh-|on.the piano.Mrs,Clarence Stecle and Mrs.D. and Miss Gertrude;S.Thomas received in the diningiacakeutmintswere| ase.;%,.2|B.Kestler,who spent a|Mar a baw,&|Gees fall mecting.Fruit salad,sand- here with relatives,re-Bowles,Virginia Steele,Melissa wiches and iced tea weretoherhomeat|Warlick,Louise Bredy and Ada Belle|Miss Annie Mills gave a beautiful!five-course luncheon at her e |were served,Mrs.J-Howard McLelland enter-tained the Maids and Matrons clubTuesdayafternoonfrom4to6,at the |rnerspending a few daysA- Hf e f : agi? ternoon vy Miss Clara Mills,compli- mentary to Miss Carrie of I.it.and Mrs.J.H.Hill went to)4 ThompsonDavidson,who will be married Sep-|Alkalithia Friday to spend a few)the handle fo ahlias and fern with tulle bow onrmedthecenterpiece. _|Qn a near-by serving table was the r.J.G.Patterson of Danville,hostess’wediite cake,still uncut.tember 19th to Rev.Chalmers Jami- Va.,is spending a few days with re!l-|Miss Laura Turner received in the son of Virginia.The porch,hall and two rooms were decorated in golden-rod,marigolds and cannas,ingoutacolorschemeofyellowandwhite.The guests were met at the atives here.‘hell and ushered to the punch-room, Mr.Frank ©is at home from!where Mrs.Sig.Wallace and Mrs. home folks.Clarence Stimpson presided during rs,Harry Jacobs and child of|the first hour and Mrs.E.R.Rankin New York are visiting their father,,;4nd Mrs.8.L.Cushing received door by the hostess,who wore yellow j robayjandMrs.8.L.,yellow are in.i ble that shipments *oe Wallace.‘uring the second hour.The punch-taffeta with turquoise velvet.The Soaks may be restricted for a, r.Herman Wallace has returned|room was pretty with decorations of bride-elect wore a,pecoming gown of short time to assure American, -“."*"to New York and Atlan-|¢olden-rod and greens.white Georgette crepe.Aiver being’householders an ample supply.Su-| .-.presented to her,the guests gathered v nd molasses will come) Dr.P.S.Easley was called te|The Mothers’Club met in Shearer j,,the hall,where punch was served Siar tae wana conmeel as raw and. Clarksville,Va.,Saturday night on!Hall at the college Thursday after- account of the serious illness of his;noon at 4 o'clock.The meeting was by Miss Margaret Rankir..Followingthis,souvenir booklets were made,inmother,Mrs.Bettie Ensley.‘well attended and the programme \.4;fs :;-ART eTUR} Mins’Eve Alosander of Montreat is|wns very interesting.The papers which were recordedby pictures cut AUTO PARTY RETURNS. adios ot De P.&.Magny’awe cuscilant end wened anatel from magazines,various ineidents in Dr.and Mrs.H.M.Parker,Mr, Mrs.J.T,Montgomery is visiting |"roparation,After the programme won tae a pemanen A ipa.20S rene SP ae aa Ye tenth relatives at Fairmount,Calhoun anc|there was a round table discussion,lated bride's cake wae brougit in,|Rave ceturs “nade Gn wip |Dr. Dalton,Ga..led by Mrs.B.F.Long.The club and when cut revealed the traditional!Carolina.They made the trip in Dr. ‘a rtm wit okt its meetings on the second |something old and something mew,|Parker’s automobile.When they Scott’s High School i something borrowed and something Were traveling along a causeway) :.and fourth Thursdavs of each month i :‘: Correspondenceof The Landmark.lin the college library.The Kinder-:blue,”for the bride,and a tiny bag ef |neat ingetoes,B.C.ow ee The eleventh session of Scott's tarten will be the subject ca a oe ae oun behind,"Roden tet e strike |person present.The throwing of the rice was fore- stalled by the entrance of little MissesMaryParksandLillaBell,drawing a}little white and yellow wagon loaded| with gifts for the bride,most of thearticlesbeinghand-made pieces ,for)her trousseau and linen chest.Toasts| lnext meeting.The programme of Thursday’s meeting follows: Paper,“The Established Habits of Karly Infancy and Their Value to Child ond Parent,”Mrs.R.V.Braw- ley;Paper,“Habit and Its Relation to Character.”Mrs.Henry Hall; Reading,“The Erl King,”by Goethe. State High School will begin Mon-day,October ist.The following fac-“7 will have charge of the school:.T.Yeargin,BR.S.,A.B..princi-pal;Miss Lina Deal,-assistant inhighschool;Miss Ina Morrison,in-| termediate department;Miss Lizzie give this class his personal atten-tion,As far as possible French willbethelanguageoftheclassroomin conducting recitations in this classs.As in the past,the high standardoftheschoolwillbemaintainedand): ——ons og fe a qootes Lynehburg._ satis actori y will be admit to the;The ladies of the Western Avenue State University and to the standard paptist church gave an old-fashion- were Mrs.E.M.Land of Goldsboro and Miss Mary Scott of Brookneal, Va.,both former members of the chib;Miss Rachel Borden of Golds- bore and Mrs.Eugene Davis of were invited by the Camp Fire Girls of the town to witness a public out-|door Council Fire,at which the Go-hone Camp Fire was hostess to theothertwoCampFiresofthetown, |A patriotic programme was carried out,beginning with the fire lighting ceremony and roll call for patriotic ine a few days with friends in this commun i |Brown’s Wednesday to attend the |Svangelistic Conference held at hie|“*l Hardware Co. ehurch Two good farms for sale.—Ernest of TheLandmark. |.s G.Gaither..J.W.Shell is with his brother,“y jergarten,Prim and Ad-home|whe |is very low with typhoid fever in Se eee a §Cater, Lenoir.|Girl wanted for copying.—F.Haw.|SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Mics Ina Morrison apent the week-|iey New York.|Piano Work, with Misses Belle Cochrane and “Pive-room cottage for rent.—R.V.)Meter,Sight Play- { seription of conditions behind ’German January,1917.in great detail all about barracks|behind the front and indicated a bad| morale among the Teutonic fighting |forces.entries to describing “treasure hunts”| in the ruins of French and Belgian| cities,where the men dug for silver| and other valThediarycontained the name andidentificationdisknumberofmany |of his friends who possessed“souvenirs”of the war,some priceless paintings stolen from| dwellings. istration in putting the industry un-| der license.distribution and thus prevent hoard- ing. mitting itself to be drained of its su-| gar supply that the European all may receivecarrythem over until the new crops refined sugar. the mules Dr.Parker pulled too far | ‘eut and his machine tumbled into a, ditch. was no hurt to the party,but the top, of the machine was wrecked. Notices of New Advertisements for ken rakes.—Ire- Heretof:have laughed when informed of an! American ©——force-The same diary gave a graphic de-| It was stated inThedeaddiaristtoldlines. | 'He devoted a great many under fire.| ric including | %,a ;|Barringer.Pink and green were the : rs.R.H.Turner left Saturday!predominating colors in the dining|home on south Broadstreet,y Control Sugar Industry.| for Greenville,S.C.,to join her hus:|room and the decorations were the 'honor of Mrs.Hal.Hayes,the ,.vechtontinl Semation the| band,«Turner.same as were used at the hostess’city’s most recent bride.ae of enti =ie of the United | Mr.J.T.Setzer of Newton spent!wedding last January.The dining —place cards in the s of States ihan FineoSe Saturday here ontapings.table was covered with a handsome,rts were the means of the guests (0)suministration,to be Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Shepherd and piece of Irish crochet.Four stream.finding their places at the pretty dec-ML.O ticense system BE oa Miss Ella Click of Winston -Salem ers of tulle and smilax extended orated luncheon table.P antral deinen Gatetbetion ond ore ts of Mr.and Mrs.D.J.|\from the electrolier to the edges of A delightful social affair Was the importation,Stabilization of prices == K he table,and a glass basket of pink |miscellaneous shower given Friday af-;.‘the chief aim of the food admin-| |It also hopes to control «Just now the United States is per- iessufficientto Except light scratches there| THE FIRST NATIONAL RN RAge AR wi ea * Should YOU be taken away,from your wife childrendo you not wish for ther to be free WANT?: Thebest way to make yourfamily independent.is to REGULARLY BANK apartof the income from your labor or your businessandlet this money STAY In the bank.. Afoolish investmentmayendangerthe happiness of your family.BE CAREFUL. MakeOUR bank YOUR bank Wepay 4percent interestontimedeposits. andfrom . N.C. If You Are EverGoingto We live here and A Piano in the Home or will you come in and... ANDREWS MUSIC e 304.South Center Street, “MARKET REPORTS.'| in ‘tment;Miss canieneainans Marv —™Mrs.P.F.Long:Paper,“Methods were proposed as follows:To the |Stateoville Market.' All pupils and patrons are urged Of Inatilling Habit,”Mrs.J.E.bride,Miss Carey Wilson;response,|,‘Tee following putes Sane,Ga sestendng to be present on Monday,October Sloop;Music,Selections from Schu-Miss Thompson;to the groom,Mias |Bema Aer Dog sk | Ist,as there will be important an-|Pert Mrs.R.E.Clapp.Margaret Rankin;to the old maids Meas he pat i nouncements made then which will ee ..,Miss Audrey Kennett.The last toast)Bass,she.per dosen. be of great interest and advantage ,The Entre Nous club met with closed with,“Here's to the old maids,, Beosters.ie.to Se.pet We to every one attending school this Mrs.R McElwee Friday after-'may they be few,”and the response|a a oe r.There will be a class in!"Q0?-The ladies spent a pleasant was fervent and unanimous.|Geven Hides,1€c.per Ib french for those who wish to take a afternoon in conversation over their Delightful refreshments were serv-|Hams,2X¢.to Sze.per Ib. modern language. Yeargin |Knitting.No business of importance eq,consisting of ginger ale,salad.,Sige.ose.to a a has had cpeged training under ex-|¥"*transacted.At the close of the sandwiches,coffee,beaten biscuit and|New Red Honey (strained)12 1-2-15e Ib. pert native French teachers and will meeting the hostess served tea and chocolate almonds.|New Red Honey Comb,ie.per Ib a sandwiches.Out-of-town guests As the guests were leaving they Sourwood Honey Comb,22e.per Ib.| Extracted Honey,20.per tb. Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c.per Tb Irish Potatoes (new)$1.50 per bushel. 6 rain. The following prices were paid yesterday ‘for grain on the local market:Wheat,$2.25 per bushel. Corn,$1.90 per bushel, Oats.Tic.per bushel.Statesville C‘etton Market. Oh the tecal market yesterday 20 b-2e.to 2icwaspaidbestgradecotton. —without an entrance exami-4 quilting bee Thursday at —ceahyr _cheers,motion eh . ,of Mrs.D.E.Kennedy,on the Boule-and folk dance were given and honor!)=———“: Going to Seminary —Farm vard.‘Forty ladies spent the day beads awarded.|Five girls wore in-ss eg et Work with Mrs,sanneey and five a aa first camp fire rank—|CRAIG LIVE STOCK CO,Sept.18 2t x were quilted.e society will sell that of wood gatherers.Many of the)=:wea Sections ee See ig,|SS Se Sok Gee te|creek cod eens wore cola Sa MysIC PUPILS souened.,OeteLLND f tesville,R-._|seats for the new church.Misses Lu-|present and these were asked to oin pt.18 ‘I farmers are very busy thering cile Fuly and Sadie Evans entertain-in the singing of the See tee naan a ae peas,making hay and fodder.The ed the ladies with piano selegtions Banner”as the closing son.bo|SEN wae ea Bad. crops are fair in this vicinity.Corn during the afternoon.the strains of the music died awhy)}ing,Mth St.New York City,Sept 16. is very good,while cotton is short me a Miss Grace Kipka stepped forward|>nee.et and veg late.|Mrs.L.C.Caldwell entertained at and announced the engagement of ‘he FOR SEIT —Vive-room cottage on Davie awe i ‘siday evening .-7 .3 modern conveniences,‘ot vlkteie.M.Lippard has gone =M:——a 'ggg Role attractive and capable guardian,Miss,HRAWLEY Sept,18. phia,where he has a posi-|Mrs.Caldwell’s guests were rs Carey Wilson,to Dr,George Wins-9-5,:= tion in the a yard.Eugene Davie of Lynchburz,Miss ton Taylor.VERNIE GOODMAN,|4 FINE Lot SEED RYE ot b.3.KIM. Mr.Carroll Yount of Hickory is Rose Gillespie and Miss Ruth Todd.ams ::*|BALL'S.accor T—Three large airy rooms,suitable PIANOS!PIANOS!! One, Let Us Tell You “ine?The Ones We Sell. ,as your : Wo ie ee ae any outsider. piness,Contentment,Pricesright and termsto suit YOU.. May we call, : see andhear EVERYTHING MUSICAL.— |ANNOUNC Wewish to announce to the travelingpublic 3 theopening of het HOTEL BRISTOL. New and completeineverydetail.Hotand Cold running water.Centrally located to business section of city.Cafe in connection. A.COOPER,Prop. Phone 508.Court Street®* Rates Reasonable. 1 it 00 0 0- C H O O R D | oe »Insti —News fo i rusekeepin i"- to the Sooamiee cane ra Co-eer's ee Cane ,New line of coats,suits,shirt |yy By —MRS ay WiLHeLM. lumbia,S.C.Messrs.R.T.Trout-|ve |waists,sweaters,ete.—J.M.McKee!Green street.Sept.16-20°. man and C.0.Lippard will return’-|*oe |JUST RECEIVED—Three car loads Tennes-| to the seminary in a few days.They|Loray,Sept.17.—The Presbyterial eon your emblems from us.—R.F.'"pee Horses,Mares and Mules.Goad.variety complete j i Concord Presbyte rill enry.|to select from.Come to see us.KEL.- po ee ee on Cannel church,ecay.Wad English walking boot for school,CRAIG LIVE STOCK CO.Sept 14-4 **Prof.Victor V.Aderholt of Crouse nesday,the 19th.All the women of cirls—Mille @ Peston.|FOR SALE—On reasonable terme some fine was a pleasant visitor at the|thecon tion are cordially invited.See our gift department,—States-|lots and plats near Bradford Kaitting Mill home of Mr.A.H.last Sun-|Dinner will be served on the ground ville Drug Co.|Apply to J.H.MILA.Sept.14.at. day.Prof.Aderholt fs now teach-|‘Themen are invited for dinner.Mrs.|An Allen's Princess Range means ing at Denver.|.D.Brown and others will talk;also|Preparedness in.the —kitchen_M.P.Haddle of Irma,8.C.,'a miss will tall about her work |rewford-Bynch Furniture Co.Burrowes Course preeched at St.Martin's last Satur:|"Mr.and Mrs.C..A.Melelland and |,,J0in the |Home Suagt te be ie|day..jfamily and Mrs.J:P Watt anf |e oeee |scan OI amesie Harmony News.daughter motored to Rev.E.I.heering mowers and MUSIC STUDY. tg ySS 6 — ae a ot aly Caea 24x |SCHOOLS OPEN OCTOBER 3,\bichly of Rev.and Mn.E.Daon—_—_—-Brown,late of Iredell.Ts,1or7,Williamd?Reprieve Arouses In-| tae nc)ea &<——r.James H.Cloani )ED FORM)——Street Paving |ville,who moved with |hisqT|at Mooresville—Fair and 5,0.here to Winston -Salem @ of Interest Good Will Day in October.{months ago,has beer transferred to 'Special Correapendence of ‘The Landmark.|Asheville and has moved his fi From Over the State.:7 he there.He is in the employment P.Chisholm dupined in the |_Mecrmvtita,Sept.1 The ‘he Southern railroad ' at Badin when.a canor capsiz-Mooresville graded schools,which “Mr Ernest Jenks,one of the men ed.Two other young men with him were to open this week,will not in the Clinic barber shop for a year, in the canoe were saved.open until October 3d,unless other-will move to Charlette.He is sue- '.fralCleveGrossofBatterywiseannounced.There are a few ceeded by Clarence Baxter. an Artillery,who was recently new cases of scarlet fever,and this Mr.Wiliam Evans was here last y injured in an automobile precaution was thought to be best.week on a short visit to home folks, Sales at Lenoir,is recovering.We have had a very sad experience ind so was Mr.Jo.Hinson.They n the death of young Willis Barger sre at Quantico,Va.,with the Unit- recently,and by the death of the lit-ed States Marines,having beem, tle daughter of Mr.and Mrs.E.W..transferred there from the training i “Thisis the call to the loyal housewives of ourCountry.| Congresswoman Jeanette Rankin : Put up in jars and glasses,bottles and crocks,more fruit and vegetables ..of Montana has accepted an invita- tion to speak in Raleigh October 17, which i y s Brawley last year.The quarantine camps at Paris Island,8.©.{ Fair.——laws are being enforced now as well —_a -_-———than i ever have before. ies 5 ::i they n.One man was ar-who was paroled out of the Sta *i"> Théy’re paving roads with brick ccebaa Nag pe hued $10 and vrison at Raleigh,is working here at It will not only help your nation feed the world,butwill insure you of a in agli tc —=appa cost.If people would obey the No.2 cotton mill.He has —re-supply of wholesome food this Fall and Winter at very little cost.Food 7 ee ree quar vs »disease ‘would covered from the stroke of paralysis,ty s hi brick,the pavement nine feet a ae 8)disease wo Miss Lillian ———-prices will be very high. :;hint South Iredell people were greatly music school at Mt.a last week, W.M.ne..ee —disappointed when they heard that Mr.W.L.Harrill of Charlotte Be sure that .‘e ata -“d sotten BH,-Charlie Williams,colored,who so pert several days here last week.The two large f The pipe behing Make to death when a steam =pive brutally murdered Deputy Sheriff J.Dr.Fred.W.Rankin of Roche.ter,4 sure «Leaves wife and four chil-H.Miller,was not electrocuted Fri-Minn.,spent Inst week here with his you are _Cabinets take the |i/thewarming closet!day,as was expected.Mooresville,mother,Mrs.W.W.Rankin.He 'ae rs4-3 above —every- J.iR.Nantz,employed in the plant jei¢near the scene of the murder,May go to France soon,as the unit pared to can placeof tea shelves }cS ya is oytof the way. of the Myrtle Desk Co.at High ,,,»ople wer terested.Some te which he belongs expects to be ©ath }ane . was fatally injured when a Sd ae aca law ,ehidiae citinens called in the near future.Miss Katie most efficiently and provide a con-|e—--e Sanitary closet thing that f machinery fell on him.He .ay if that negro’s sentence ix chang-Westmoreland of |Stat svillo,sister lac ae room |does not dry out,. died ‘two days later.—ed by the Governor,you might as of Capt.Will Westmorelan!of —the and econom-venient place to i |oll |)ee have a . ford Martin,private secretary well abolish the courts and resort to Iredell Blues,is w h her cousin,|Lwarm dishes.rod Baa T2}i\goed reliable to yernor a.a a made jynch law altogether;and they would Mrs.¢_—St for tt She will make)ically t |:.. n of the North Carolina com-|..y the same if he was a white man,“er home here for the present.v2 Ta TA P mittee of public information,of the vat a meeting of the town board VERNIE GOODMAN.{Ten-Gallor le SS ae ene quick -cooking cil of defense.iast week Mr.Z.V.Turlington was e yN 2 :ily + “gale Ts,noted figure in elected city attorney.Since the first MATTERS OF News See that —Copper \ie ~and fuel- the workd of bor,is on the pro-district for permanent improvement Seven lowa stochmen were killed |boile ,d :t : Sole for an address before the was laid off,petitions have been cir-inday night in e rear-ecd collision)mers an Reservoir—wm NN saving range.of labor representatives culated and freely signed by proper-|:eae | ;7 on e Y yrton rariwayv r Furl :idframeveryStateintheUnion,which iy -owners,asking for additional ©the Burlington railway went Le'tles are in Plenty hot ;fan) will , :ville I.88 mile ect ae Acrored This i be beld in Asheville September paving on both streets and sidewalks Ten ie ioe ee =<fice i |water ea ov,is ab-:._|which will be considered at the next che]ay Venff.,the 15-year-old good order -;{4 A solu son who killed his meeting of the board,ye .:f Dr H M whe #of Dan-'?Mi heces- -in-law,©Witham Hicks,in The residence of Mr.Zeb.Aiexan-a v.°at *at ri ined horsetll your jars and b pam .~ Wake ty,submitted to a charge jer,about three miles out of town,S'Cr Van 88 oe se |4 jars he MGB sary.of jughter and was sentenced|on the Coddie Creek road,was de.“'h her ee ee oe fit right >a j i ‘ai |..2 Vedinoaiay iui not wish to “mie rh se He S ;E SN years in Gtate prison.Faison|stroyed by fire last Wednesday Using a Capreni machine with a cap =<ahekilledHicksbecausethelat-night.Everything lost except a few 1 ‘apreni_ine mistreated his wife,a sister of bedclothes and the organ.The fire rving 10 6 ee ne /ffi i Kit h .|[Siatted in the kitchen stove lve,78:08 1”persone,Captain Raat’of Vowr Bast Ally---Efficient Kitchen and Equipment..Lutes,a Wayne county!The creditors of Mr.James W the Italian army,stationed at the ar .a shipped a car of hogs—S8——-to|Brown met in Statesville last Ww cok my aviation field near Hampton, imore.The 88 were the product!before Mr.John M.Robinson,refer-Mion &fiehe of six hours’Me Don’t Waist Time,Money and Precious Food- artment of egriculture,have been 1 ered te Hearne under Dr.W.D Come in and let us show you the special featur:s which make the Princess especiallyer,in-charge of Southern field adapted te canning and preserving,let us exp'ain how it will do your work withstles.Mr.James A.Steele is presi-:containing Mrs.Alphonso '}"*’.eee —eProp i.sect investigation ‘and her 12-year-old daughter,dent and Mr.Wharey M.Freeze sec-At a Gulf.port rant ar lay customs more comfort and reqnire less fuel. The buggy was demolished retary.We hope to have the best Miewrs removed from a SpanishSeeattEEtradfoettheireReaaeant THIS IS A “PREPAREDNESS”STORE. 110th and ith.Mr.John McNeely P®salt erecting in Hickory has given the use of his large sta-thpassengertrainstrucka| F f -Ld —a Se ee in rere and selected .e \submarine of the United States .3 o months,the average weight (ees,naming W.D.Turner and H.Po)tie a M h O150.They sold for $18.20oniGrier.who will settle the estate.(|oor ee re stuffs J rying to Make the Id Stove Do. eo a ot’ed Lutes 52,109.-)>McNeely,FE.H.Miller and FE.C.\7.ee winking ee ....wn . ee re a pound ——:)Deaton of ——were selected |at o sesaee a oa a rn With the ever-rising cost of foedstaf's it’s foolish to try to economizeby making the reight train was derailed near ss appraisers.The Brown interest in Bs tic .ieee ay de .*}..le,Duplin county.Friday|the Catawba river bridge was sold|™¢?wed obstruction.|It wan an obiet old range do,Too much depends on cooking.We especially recommend “Allen's FS due to a washout.A negro ,‘o the Virginia Bridge Company for)of “hoodoo.”.Princess”as a war-time range. :was found dead,buried in|%2.500 and the crops on Mr.Brown's)"po combat tho dreaded pink bell 7 ;.x z ce .hi ake ar i |e ro a ’Tn .’”™o CT .J (a ee oe —a Ng pdigaltgh ee t begir now |worm,which was discovered this ALLEN’S PRINC ESS MEANS I PA i¢AL,PREPAREDNESS IN TH E re oe bh ed in}»re o begin ow rae eas earne,Tex.,12 xperts . .The engine overturned and nine jto get ready for the fair and Good,tre =“ST ee of jee,sig KITCHEN. b plunged into a creek.|Will Day,to be held here October (PUM Tae vere” y hurt and the horse escaped Personal Mention.i tores.The seizure was ... =a :’tome of Ports:mate n oe us baht Ca ds We're prepared to furnish you with the kind of goods that give you Wake county grand jury has Mouth,Va,who spent e few dos el was seheduled to depart for a fo thom »et '1 ae § ted Capers rite.a ak is here with home folks,returned howe Spanish port.This is in accordance lasting service and the kind ofprices tha’a ways insure you of the thd Raleigh postoffice,who is chary-[ast week.Mrs.Templeton and sen with the President's recent procla-greatest value.-ed’with violating the liquor laws.“ll return this week.Mr.and Mrs.mation,prohibiting the exportatior In these days of efficiency and conservation,a visit to this store willtheFederalcourtwentafter:*.R.Fry.who are moving from of sold8Cc.* leigh li bunch s i Bessemer City to Blacksburg,§Phe defective mechanism of a Get so :.aS .*.* manic eat Gt ce ae eame by here and spent Sunday with men terpedo,discharged by an give you many new ideas for effectively doing your work with less alleged that a Federal Rev.and Mrs.1.A.Thomas.Mrs,visible suimarine,is said to hav:time and labor.was being protected.Now Fry is a_sister of Mrs.Thomas.orevouied dicaster to a large Amer Biate court,which allowed the Misses Nellic and Mary Myers,ican steam-hip which has arrivedraecourttodoitsworkinthe“daughters of Rev.FE.Myers of Ad-from a British port.Recede to \yecapes,in administering on ‘ance,Davie county,who lived here sevsral of 100 passengers on board,rawio unc urniture OWitte.”‘“een 9 few years ago:and Miss Annie a cubmarine attack was made en the Yr -° a Mock,also of Advance,stopped over liner the second day sag é by ,here last week on their way to Dav-)some mears the torpedo was deflect-‘‘“—:.148 oy +7 ornenent toHandle Coal.“‘nport College,at Lenoir ed and didn't strike the steamer (ASH.AGENTS FOR AlLEN’SPRIN ESS RANGE.(REDIT. *1 retail prices on hard and soft Misses Sara Brown and Marguerite Sf - will be fixed in a presidential Brawley,accompanied by Miss Eli.Bad Stomachs tion about October 1.abeth Albright of Waynesville,left The Penalty.TRESS — an te ao egies advises jast week for the State Normal at ‘ mers to aWait the new covern-Greensboro Miss Willie Poston and tamacl tet shoule t P rk 6;W.Well Sho t Ww.I AndHandle Wellpricesbeforebuyingandhere-tea Now ae of ven ee pene a 'er a er unS.ear e )e °2 }Miss Norvell Templetor Mazeppa “"and tle plane to prevent industries have gone to Davenport College.stines,Auto IntoxivaingdownorhouseholdsfreezingMrs.S.H.Hay and child are at ae oe Peaelt ck of coal.The fuel administr:-home from their summer vacation ad Intestine!7 ill requisition millions of tons of at Montreat.i,y overcer cith)Mayr's Wont From this supply.emergens)Mr.J.A.McLaughlin of Birming-|Remel ht Ce er 14ofconsumerswillbemetattheham,Ala.,who was here visiting his Woo".Wonacec Remedy p i. ment pri¢as.rother,Mr.D,¢MeLauchlin,and wai nets you.ve ny States iit:I lers “caught leng™on coal mother,Mrs.H:A.McLaughlin,on Cocostthemmorethantheretail]Koute No.3,has a job with the Unit- the government fixes wil!losc cd States Steel Company at Bir the date fixed by the President’:mingham.Since the outbreak of the DR.J.M.HOLLAND. Mation no coal may be seld at war the cempany ha heen making |aT l ata price hiyher than the one shells for the allies.Mr.McLaugh-_D ENT!~ 8 price will be determined has worked at the same job for OFFICE MILLS BUILDING by cost at the mine,plus the 30 years Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. to destination,plus the jot Guilford Kerr came home on a Statesville,N.C.’P fixed profit,plus the retailer's furlough to spend Sunday with home |HOURS&to 6.margin to be fixed by the proc.folks.Miss Mary Lou White of 4.Statesville is here visiting Mrs.W.—— Garfield explained his plan,the 8.McNeely.Mr.¢(.Ward re-ment will conduct a banking tUTPed to his Home Wednesday,af- in coal.The capital wil!'e”spending several days here,thecoalrequisitionedfromtheTestofhisfriends.Mr.Ward is a f It will remain at each [#vorite in Mooresville.Mr.and MrandGarfieldwilldrawupon“etland Hoden of Farmville have@Semergenciesrequire.The been here visiting Mrs.Holden's sis-vpn »,ter,Mrs.P.S.Boyd.Mr.W.MNearesttheemergencywillfi!!Perryciear of Orangeburg,8.C.,is .the guest of friends here Carolina Troops Assigned aoe pent,Pridey her -arove«8 y ‘re,en ouweFirstNorthCarolinaInfan-home from Taylorsville,where she,|wWhich includes the Statesville had spent a few weeks with Mr.|»ie in the 113th gun battal-|Francis Stikeleather,a relative,who Wood's Seeds | TT Wear well because they are made of the best material by the most skillful craftmen. Alfalf ;|;“hoot well because they hold the charge compactly together at extreme ranges. a Hiandle well because the greatest attention has always been paid to the distribution .of wood and metal,to insure perfect balance and the most symmetrical outline.will yield four or five cut-tings per season.Fall is the Twenty-bore Parkers have get the for small bores in America,and are grow- best time for sow!.Every ing in popularity every year with the most progressive sportsmen.tarmershouldsow Alfalfa se ||||-\.»further information regarding guns in gauges ranging from 8 to 23,address,as to increase thesupply of || jer,Greenville.The has charge of the fine apple farm |x .PARKER BROS,Master GunMakers,Meriden,Conn.,U.S.A. feed to raise morelivestoct:.| regiment is in the near Taylorsville,belonging to Dr.Wood's Alfalfa SeediscommandedbyHenryLouisSmith,former presi-and ‘Tt You Want «Flooring That! Flooring that wont warp,Coiling sr, of North Carolina.dent of Davidson College,now aClnregimentspresidentofWashingtonandee,hestqualityobtainable. you |that won't kick off,Shingley’‘that wih Distifled Water free!All Nor Carolina cavalry at Lexington,Va.Miss Silli ;3 brigade.who is the very picture of health,WOOD'S FALLCATALOG h work is done b .at an @x-aa ¥that won't buckle,buy from 18 years old,cheeks red as a rose,giv ad wecling Ata pa.|>Piedmont and tips the seales at 175 Ibs.,had a =rt of Alfalia andwilepart,is half bushel basket of apples,carry-clotellselartille:iSowing.|||"Siarssvnsz moron co..C.WATKINS..eas“eal ved tofund -ina them home to show that w »ore real benuties,There were Seeds for rite for Os afd pricer of .coger gl 7||S ts aR A APR eT -a ee4Cvandlseethem,|eet Sie erelowk,Jcon|Oren prices,Sil TH oe en Boa aEE A, |Mr.Automobile Owner. REMEMBER!We inspect Stor-owe Batteries and furnish om teend >' ferent varieties.com-{7 1-2 ounces.She xX hy. wae met here her parents.1 ; a ”hyat w _—":o ¥‘—|me ‘; vam of in the “| This new t will carry a snap-cay,UP-TO-DATE line of Men's Suits,| Cease,Shirts,Hats,Sox,neckwear anda complete line of Boy’s and Child- ren’s Wearables. .Watch our ads in the future. “Yours to serve”, CROWELL CLOTHING CO.ON THE CORNER. |this: ,servers.U A Regular Picnic For you if you carry one of our new Thermos Lottles on your outing. We have large,small and medium.You can serve your beverage just the right temperature,pure and refreshing when curried in these magic bottles. Keep hot or cold indefinitely.Indispensible to automobilists. We'll be glad to show them to you. POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“Onthe Square. PE O PL O SOG Your Hands Are not tied from carrying out your ex- pectations and desires when you have _IN THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on what you save, It is not a matter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in- come is small and it will be casier as your income increases to Increase Your Bank Account. Nowis the opportune time to open an Account with us. People’s Loan and Savings Bank.“MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO.H.BROWN0.L.TURNER - PATRIOTISM i i i3 Ei 'snow.|grown-up boys and showed them the ‘nest. ‘immaculate littic erg: ‘the ground. |nesday the t.chu and Christians wereereatlyrevived.It was such a busy time with that the atend- ance was at day serviccs. the most cunning of"birds,$0°~"ate been working at,the.soiersevencrowinitsz | misleading an incruder.For in-camp in the past four istance,one pair kept me climbing would have done creait to of many times their size,when a8 a matter of fact I have every reasonnowtobelievetheirnestwasatleast300yardsaway-I have asked dozens of men thequestion,“Did you ever find a hum- ‘mingbird’s nest?”and in eleven cases out of each dozen the anawer has been “Many a one.”I do not ques-tion that ail these men were honest and meant to tell the iruth;yet myownexperiencehasnotpreparedme to believe that any conaliortbe num-ber of people except scientists ever find hummingbird nests.The greatmajorityofusurenotverycloseob-to a few years ago nine men out othatthenight-hawk,or bull-bat,wavthesamebirdasthewhiil But as a matter of fact re areelevenpointsofdifferencebywhichaclosea=qatinae,one from the other.The blue-t- catcher builds a aest like thet,Fthe hummingbird—‘the same 5)andoutofthesemematerial—and-only a size larger.Moreover,it places.its nest on a horizontal branch of a tree,a as does the hummingbird am persuaded that it would be a!-most as easy to mistake a blue-gray gnat-catcher on its nest at height of50feetforahummingbirdastomis- take a bullbat for a whippoorwiil. Hence I doubt not that many peopl:who think they have found humming-bird nests,have in fact been lookingatblue-gray gnat-catcher nests at high elevations.For many years I have made dili-. gent for the nests of thesecunninglittlecreatures,climbing ma- ny diffieult trees in the search;yet inmylifeIhaveseenbuttwooftheirnests,outside of parks and muscumsWhen|was five years of age Ifoundthenestofaruby-throat on amoss-covered branch of a wild plumtree.It was the neatest little thing!Scarcely larger in circumference thananordinaryovercoatbutton,made ofthefinestplantfibre,aud ornamentedwithlichens,so that it looked like alittletuftofmoss.The nest was‘lined with a silky vellow substanceandinsideweretwocers,not largerthansmallbeansandaswhiteasInmyexcitementIcalledtwe One of them the tree limb a swing, recklessly gave and the twe lay broken or hes I was in childhood deprived of opportunity for much valuable etudy- A littie more than a ye:r ago Mas-ter Eugene Williams of Charlotte, who was spending his vacation in Al- exander county,found a hummingbirdnestintheedgeofapineforestne|Lianey’s Grove church.jhorizontal branch of a pine tree,about 45 feet from the ground and ‘about 12 feet from the body of the tree.Moreover,it was built on an \inverted pine cone and was of the} same color and same diametcr as thecone;so that,having the proper treeandbranchpointedout,it requiredancxperiencedeyetodetermineonwhichofadozenormorepineconesthenestwassituated.To make itthemoredifficulttolocate,the bird|would enter the forest 200 yards from ‘the nest and then pass on to the nestundercoveroftheleavesofthetrees|Another wonderful thing about thispairofhummingbirds:Their youngwerestillinthenestwhentheJulycame.The rain poured down intorrentsalldayandallnight,andthewindwarjuntiltheyshedhalftheirleaves|When the storm passed away oll na-ture wore a look of gloom.Yet thetwoweelittlebirdswerestillun-harmed—these delicate lijle creat-|ures so tender that the weight of a‘finger would crush them;and the par-lent birds were feeding them as dili-ntly and cheerfully as if nothingmorethana_gentlebreezeoraspringshower.YoungWilliamsclimbedthetreeandther}went out on the branchas far asit|would bear his weight—far enough to‘gee that the young birds were alive :The micrationr |esting and fasel- inating study,and onc that is but im understood ten would contend stoutiy Ge It was on 'B) and twisted the trees} ;on this subject will come as right 3 at 50centsperhour.Farmers have an unusual amount‘trees for several hours.They would‘dart at meas though they would ‘a ooae on nit pierce me with their little bills,Gis-dy great : playing a flerceness and that r J.AA ler is improving his dwelling house —putting on a new roof and other improvements. Miss Lillian Massey is recovering from an attack of measles. Mrs.W.W.White of Statesville will spend next week at the home ofherbrother,R,H.Gray.Mr.Jim Blankenship shipped a calf,6 weeks old,to Washington,D. C.It seld for $18.Mr.Sid Sipes’boys caught a mammy opossum with 13 little ones in her pocket.j hn none is equally1on j neral Tonic because it contains the well knowntonic ofQULNINE and IRON.Itactson the Liver,Drives ont Malaria,Ensiches tlie Blood aud Buildsup the Whole System.60cents. BLOCK ADED! Every Household in _Statesville Should Know How to Resist It. If your back aches because the kidneys are blockaded. You should help the kidneys with their work. Doan’s Kidney Pints are especial- ly for weak kidneys. Recommended by thousands — home testimony proves their merit. H.S.Stroud,229 Boulevard Statesville,says:“Some years ago 1 was in.pretty bad shape with kidney and bladder trouble.My back was so weak and stiff that I couldn't straighten after stooping. Mornings I cculd hardly get out of bed.My kidneys were sluggish and the kidney secretions scanty and\un- natural.I never experienced such misery in my life as when the kidney secretions were passing.Doctors did- n't seem to be able to help me and I kept getting worse.I was advised to try Dean's Kidney Pills.1 did and was permanently cured of kidney trouble.” Price 60c.,nt all deniers’,Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Dean's Kidney Pills —the that eured Mr.Stroud.Foster-Milburn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. sane Barium SpringsWater.| Will relieve when fait— Stomach,Kidney and Bladder Trouble,Rheumatism,Eczema and ‘other Skin diseases.‘Phone W.A. EVANS and the POLK GRAY DRUG CO. No Solution for Submarines ! “CC.WATKINS,who has been play- ing such havoc with Building Mate- j rial prices.There are eight WAT- KINSES in the Lumber business and |THEY BUY IN QUANTITIES! drugs mix withWail oonasallowbettera9- of other food. Mr.Ben Fauik,Dothan,Ala.,Buckeye Iulls to old stylehullsbecauseteetha0Get,they ord chang anes haecows,and they go farther,one sack es long as f two sacks of style. tT thebest reeults and to the odor,wet‘o secure develop on £Spy leeret or erwafeedthehullsdry,useonly Aaif ss much by bulkas of old R.,| |OSTEOPATH. ‘|Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.OFFICE OVER Merchants’&Farmers’Bank. Office ‘Phone,324;IHlouse Phone,279 Green. Has taken over from R.P.Allison the agency for various Magazines and Book Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zinesof all kinds.Will order anybook wanted. e pores,‘I wish to writesomeday.Just.All Magazinesoncoun- \word,however,aboutthe m sions a ter soonas out. The Brady Pcinting Co.| co r e ne a t e r selinaenn aonb weee-r TRIG bh ne Hl We are showing a big line of Sport Hats.: Sailors inall the new styles,in Velvet and plush,also some Smart Hats in Sheared Brim,Rolled Brim,Tams, Polks.infactallthe new styles and materialsshownthisseason. Have just receivedagoodline of GeorgetteandCrepedeChineWaists, in the newmodels.Wearealways glad to show you our line. MRS.MARY SIMS.| The Cash Store. ———OUR -——- NEWLINE OF TOILETSOAP 10c.and25c.per cake. iceIDice HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20. ett eee premaeny aramaprerneneencemreesiesoen THE STATESVILLE _ REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY A jates the very liberal of its —f and policyholders,both NEW and OLD,Our office is an open one,and we invite all our customers and those who will become customers to use the same when theysodesire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICE thathas wonforthis Companythe will and 4 AN. ay ofRest andis ath was made forD.Obse rvance onStreet ttheout net undertake to he done on the Sabbath day. will depend upen our stan: conduct is the Word of God. our time must not be spent laboBeetwasthefirstsignificanceofth Babbath.Adam and Eve wen out of the Ga the same time th wt Wa @d that we arc t strnpiy tleborers.One das in sev:% aside for rest Men and women a made in the imac:f God:vy are gemething more the abn teilers.If a day of rest was neces sary in the beginning.it more neessarynow The Sabba ' rest but a day of worship ‘ worshipers as wel!to “He member the Sab!’holy.”By that Sabbath was set aside, from the othe:lays and s Through the ages God hs ‘asi and dedicated certain thi specific purpose For j mands a tenth of our increase ar he man whe depri ig a robber,You rol.God wh take that which belongs to Hin Sabbath is God's da He is the Lord of the Sabbat:You have ‘ days.The seventh ts God's and th man who takes God's day for his sifishindulwenceisathiefandarobber. Sabbath observance is a command of God and man can't be what he ought to be unless he uses the day for spirit- ual culture.The Sabbath is the friendoflabor.It has been demonstrated often,by actual tests,that one day's rest in seven is the proper propor-tion for the physical man.The hu- man machine can't get back in a nightwhatitlosesinthewearandtearofaday,and after six days one whole day of rest from Inher is nece sary Man needs it physically and as a so-cial being;time to spend with his fam- ily that can't be spared from labor or other days;it is pecessary for the home life.The Sabbath was also made for man as a religious bein Sunday should be kept for the grent things of the sou!for the reading an contemplation of God's word:to diyvorceourmindsfromsecularthings We will suffer if we do not observe s God of tha ih the Sabbath.We will suffer in body One will live longer by =attendingeharch.The service gets the min!away from secular affairs—-the trov bles and toils of the daily business, and we ean,if we will,get close to God on this day of resi. In conclusion Mr.Thompson said we should in the micier of Sabbeth observance consider first what be Jones to God.Seeond.the ©amnkweset,the good we can do.Keepi: the Sabbath is not a m serving certain rules,butkeepitinspirit;and toird,we consider our own personal welfare our spiritual and physical wel!-beinghesermonwasacommon-sens deliverance on Sabbath observaTheministerdidnoturderteketo cawhatoneshouldorshouldnot4Thatistobelefttocorecience,guilehyGed’s word. Court Record. utter of ob Ve shoul hovid Mrs.Sinte Wyke and M Lacy Queen were before Justice Luzenby Friday for an affray.Mr Wy paid $2.50 fine and half the cost and Miss Queen paid half the cost. Saturday Lonnie Riddles plead guilty before Justice Lazenby for an assault on a boy,Jonah Wilson,and paid the cost. Messrs.Wit]Smith and Jno W Webb of Coo!Spring townshin out ard fought on the streets Satur day.The trouble was ove count.The fight took place in fr of the Johnston-Belk Comps store and attracted a lars ‘ They were soon parted and little da mre resulted to ejthes I hn fined Smith $2.50 and cox Webb with the c do.Beavers.colores),«Ve New York Stats ‘'‘ with the police Son!nt pear yesterday ceeding the speed limit torHefailedtoappearandforfeitedhi throuet bond.He was en roure to Asheville Charlotte Women Act. A mass meeting of wom Charlotte passed resolution il] wpen the city and county mms stoners to erect and =o maimtan \ home of detention for delinquent wo men,with a matro:charge,and the appointment of a protect probation officer,who shill be a man,with two women pic roime: der her direction,the cost t to exceed10,000.The county commissions ha @ereed t)co-operate in the plar cont in the employme fit 1 op TWO KILLED.C.Will Stewart,nerro Charlie Worley,negr:.wa futa injured and died in .short time,i@tothernegrowasseriouslyhurt When an automobile in which the ne|goes were riding ran into a stre:ear in Charlotte Sunday evening. man,authorizing an”was the 000,000 for the ‘“s die-chent at sum,Methodist church Sun-ately Outset Mr,Thompson said fer purchasing,requisitioning or oth- mentionthingswhichshouldorshould charter: Ma-being constructed; ings must be determined the cost of building ships authorisedindividualconscienceandtheinthebill;$150,000,000 for the pur- or our viewpoint;and the standbywhichwearetoregulateou: Voltaire,noted infidel,said th Ghristian religion would cudure jus ao lone as the Christian Sabbath i obeerved.God first observed the Salbethatthefoundationofthewe by resting on the seventh da Ky t God taught that one-seventh o wn ut :?at ut eee te The $7,000,000,000 urgent Seisct "aes onealaccompaniesmarine»is 8$695,000,000 is made immedi.“From civilian te available,The amendment months is a record varries appropriations ef $200,006,000 attained by aequiring plants,material chanical engineer of the Santa Fe.or ships now constraeted or $250,000,000 for orwtse ca's finest young men appliedcoursesintheOfficers’ReserveatFertSheridan.Owing to lackaccommodations,but 4,000 of were admitted, chase of ships other than those now or previously specifically authorized, and $35,000,000 for purchasing,build ing or enlarging ship building plants. The House was expected to pass the the commissions were handed out. 120,000,000+ OOO)and Germany's $21,000,000, Austria's S12.800,000,000, The United States,he said,expects to pend during the first year of war DA 208 000,000,a censide part of vast once a year, ab many a chase after vhich will make provision for two the Southern hills.‘'s operations “He is a graduate of the Davis!the unanimous passage by Military School of Winston-Salemnateofth11,538.000.000 N.C.For six years,from March,|ond ‘all,Congress ended a 8$14,000,.1848,he was employed in various!000,000 week Saturd Thi ,capacities in the Baldwin Locomotive|ld's record fer legislative action Works,Philadelphia,but in January,|nvolving revenues 144,he sueceeded Edward CrafstromTheSenateopenedthevthemanwhogavehislifeinsavingmassingtheS247¢,000,00@ war rove.others at the time of the Topekamwbil,the House passed the sivu,.Seed-—as mechanical enyineer of the600,000 insurance Lill Thuraday Santa Fe,d the Senate put he bond bill “On August 1,1900,Mr.Allisen}through,making a total of 814,127,.“csigned from the Santa Fe te beCHO)O00) The House is nearly vome vice president of the FranklinRailwaySupplyCompany,later be-ready to pass the &7 000,000,000 urvent deficits ney Coming vice president of another com- bill,Senate and House eonferces PANY ewned by the same interests,re engaged in an effert to iran out [@mely,the American Arch Company,resigning his position to vo into train.ing at Fort Sheridan. “As an old Santa Fe man we havezivenMajorAllisonaSUNNYspotontheSantaFe's Roll of Honor,and allSantaFemensendhimcongratula-tions on the honors he has won andassurehimtheywillfollowwithin-est and pride the successful ea- differences over the revenu io Increase it by $84,000,000 SSSAINrSOPRES©ce Big Bond Bill Passed. The war credits bill,authorizingnewbondsandcertificatesaggregating$11,538,000,000,the largest meas-ire of its kind in the world’s histo- ee ms sf seer i _ene “eeu!reer he is bound to carve out fer him-ay witnout a roi cail or dissenting gcif He is at present in camp as avote,It had passed the House and —.3.+f .major of infantry atwenttoconferenceyesterday,,: bill,and Few changes were made in the bill Pies Cured in 6 to 14DaysbytheSenate,bord and certificate Your druggist will refund money if PAZOiuthorizations,interest rates and OINTMENT jails to cure anvcase of Itching,‘rovisions,giving the Secretary of Hind,Bleeding or Protruding Viles in 6:oldays.he Treasury broad powers (o deter.The Sret apolicsnor aives Rare and Rest.Se.mine the life ef the Ssttes,rema NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERSyoastheycametheHouse The most important Senate amend from '\;ning propert:abut ron thementwasthatoftheMnancecom-cilewalk improvement district herctofure laidmitteeimingfromne-sev by cre im duly passed by the Boacd of enth to rth of one per cent,:ae en tet peeteey ile,eatd atte 1 }t mprovement distric ine the sidewalkifthebonddoWer-savings certif-on the t street,from.theiwatesauthorized,the expense ,'said Broadincefortheirfloatation,and decreas-inet Pustieyine,‘ee t r {©leingtheallowancefortheindebteddewnfistriethi.been pdareslesscertificatesfromone-tenth to and that the wot of the City Bn-me-twentieth of one per cent.fee 1 rr ‘n The alfiee of the Cityc‘neAstheSenatedidnotrevisethe .‘Perse rther take notice thatumountofecurityIssuesproposedcomer©made ogainst the abuttheycannetbechangedinmfer-cots Twine fr wid sidewalk im-onet They are 87,588,.945,460 —of ye he made et th rular monthlybib],;:oy )!\idevimen,to be heldnvertitie££per c¢ONUs,Vr je 'City on Frida nicht,OctoberfoIncomesurtaxesandWar\boom...and all per-ofits taxes,and 82,000,000,0600 oxen 'csent aid meetinywarsavingscertificatesartent:i Shy swidl Asse srmentsrotaryntiniebtedriAldermenTheSenate;an ameriment C.D.MOORE, X aty ta }'!Ciuy Clerk und Treasure rit ast y n th r ony PRO D9 er arg:terest rate on t A per NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS{..but the tte the ¢fieatindebtednessjslefttotheSecre ‘'ty mbutt the.f tho)Troasuie Other nmend i nt divortet heretofore {aie as S “ter ba Pallet ')pus<ed by the BH 1ey;:.4 »f thie,siuhed sietelingproposatescethebondibeingthesidewants1denominationsof820andmultithevoorthharpestreet,from the),Ae t their ]to 30 vears 'Race street with said Shary:x ae yy :tot ferseetion of Omk street withvifpermittherotireme?after ee ie ehy notified that theevenyearswererejecteddownniddixtriethyeeSC‘{that the vcport of ttsedeene‘mwoon file im the officRussiaProclaimedRepublic.().),nd Treasu rey : Russia has heen proclaimed ao re nee rt Rees tbat:'...me uinat the 'i he provisions ‘en fo hale walh nitheproclam.a d '’esular monthlyeptemberLi,as follows he Board of Aldermen,te be held7loKornilof’relholhie ha >Me on Friday night,Octobe nog Pry Bu t }"be poesent at said meetinghareteatthNystdUstessimentwerthreate‘the rae«Rowrd of Aldermennewaane€Y €.1)MOOREHwvtput’Cry Clerk and Trea1toheterns]f—_C ae eineniiae PROPERTY OWNERS 'n (’\:ope ty abuttin‘the e)jeu é iat t horeteeltthe\4 state onfer «oda passed by the He !ng .anal a Wik i City of Statesville vied;!:,tment district being the hewn tiia:ona pra ’te Sharpe street,from themy,accord wi n th R f Race street with said Sharpe ,‘rf tate is ruled,a republican or the intersection of Onk street witapizationandithereby—proclaims eM ihe viewer ty eat INR‘:bhie.”:'he dewatk in’said)district hasItussianrepulihic,r sled.and that the report of theTheproclamatiornedhy'nee how on file in the office ofKeoenskyandothermi'e nd Trensarer‘vid pve will further take notice thataeahemadeagninattheabutMr.Kimh:il Talks Dk ives.“perty sners for said sidewatk im"il be meade at the regulaay»’e \!\1 the Koard of Aidermen,te ar1}tore a ‘‘rd oy fice on Friday niwht,''aft +}o'clock pom.and all perrae.'fied to he picrent at said meetinimoreify.Why seid mane MentdMimiralltte ch 1 hi Board of Aldermenme‘/:.it .D.MOORE,}.t ‘!City Clerk and Treasures,!t ‘{iHasfoto be SOTICK TO PROPERTY OWNERSthereitnadnothaalint'“whing preperty abulling on thytal;}improvement district heretefers '.al i Kimbal ordinance duly pasted by the Bond of4}he g ahout \idermen of the City of Statesville,said tele‘ty pa dog ‘ovement district being the sidewat:,lik 't ast side of Race street,from the inu¢'etiot f Front street with said Raer!talk b His present otree 'the interseetion ef Weetern Avenue-(are Frank,which he wtth |treet,are hereby notified that theyingofthesidewalkin@niddistricttas|:ny °the 7 inee (ari rlet tas beenaaaoesre:&completed,and that the report of the CityreeeleenancaveTreacyTOVingineertsnowanfiteintheofficeofthethefieldtriallaterCityClerkandTreasurerSaidpersonswillfurthertakenoticesthetCONVICTEDOFMURDER.¢aseomments to he made neninet the abut.:/ag property owners fer said sidewath im.Baxter the negro watchman provement will be made at the reeular monthly‘killed Abel Harris,a negro meeting of the Board of Aldermen,to be heldwhowairforhimaswatch-St he City offer om Friday night,OrtoberMan,in order that -he might rob the ath,1917,at 198 Oeteck p m..and nil per.y sone are to be present at said meeting ,ufe in the office of the street’rail-and show couse,if any,why «aid RncenemeneswaycompanyinSalisbury,was con."ould not be made.|vieted of first degree murder,in,|order of the Board of AldermencpSept.38,194%,Gly Cheeh snd Treeware *Rewan Superior Court. tockford,IN.""! men,but this is what happened ¢o!William Lecke Allison,formerly me- “Last spring some 7,000 of Ameri.| These men were en«)rolled on May 14,and on August 10 of)the total of 4,000 applicants,but ap-t eut deficiency Lill yesterday or to-proximately 2,000 succeeded in ge.day Representative Gillette of Mas.curing commissions.Six new ina jors |whusetts,acting Republican leader Were to be created from this entire”at for onee the minority would ‘amber,the office of major being the!ticise the majority committee hiwhest one open to the candidates,|.though it would reserve the Although Mr,Allison didn't say a word»ht to support a proposal for a con-Bbeut it,his personal friends felt cons!ressional committee ¢War exp vineed that he weuld land one of the!fives '-highest offices.The war manual had |Representative Fitzgerald,chair.been his pillow at night,and good!f the approprmations committee hard work,with sharp attention to!figures estimating that all the (uty,had ‘been his daily food.They,|eis at war have spent sve.o00,.therefore,were not at all surprised1O00sineethewarbeaGreatWhenthegoodnews-wf his appoint.Britarn’s bill was placed at $18,500,ment was announcedene.00 Russia's $15,000,000,600 “To Mr.Allison handling a gun igFrance's $15,327,400,000;Italy's $2,-Second nature and he always man-ages to go on a hunting expedition at)For some time he)was an excise officer in the employofUncleSamandassuchwenton} moonshiners in! you willbe welcome.That is just the feelingwe want ourfriendstoexperiencewhentheycometoournewquarters--on South Cen-ter street in the building formerly . occupied by the Lyric Theater, next door to Statesville Drug Co. We will expect a visit from you and while you are here we want you to know that you are in the ' house of first-class musical in-struments---Pianos,Victrolas, Violins,Banjos,etc---and also Victrola Records,in fact every- thing musical. Andrews Music Store. Fall Blouses, Georgette,Crepe de Chine, $1.98 up to $5.00. Gordon Silk JOHNSTON-BELK COMPANY. Wonderful Showingof Extremely Smart and Stylish Models Serge and Wool Jersey Dresses. And showing of these Dresses new complete.Beautiful quality of French and Man-Tailored Serge.The styles a wide rangetoselectfrom.Many ofthese models are copiesof veryhighpriced dresses.Youwillfind embroidered, plain tailored,fancy stitching and souache braid-trimmed styles. Ourprices on theseDressesare most reasonable,$8.95, $11.95,$16.95,$17.95.NAVY BLUE MIDDY SU At most attractiveprices.Madeof good qualityall Wool Serge,beautifullytailored.School days are here--by now prices lower thanthey willbelater.$8.95,$11.95,$1.250, $13.50upto$22.50NEW FALL COATS The stylesseem handsomer thanever,mixtues,Broadcloth, VeloursandPlushes.$9.95upto$35.00.Newgoods arrivingdaily in all departments. The Store That Sells For 18 Big RetailStores.18 Big Rei ilS ee ae ee ee alee ”4 Silk and wool Skirts, $3.48 up to $8.95. ee Monroe Shaver,Noah Griffin,Eras-tus Lee Williams,Thomas FranklinOrinAlexander Alexander,Glenn WilliamCe‘te doeyjoyd,a‘Gener es ‘ayhew, jounette »Marshalin,d.,=.BremWilliams,Sidney Ernest Killian,McFarland.Morrison,Fred. Hy Alexander Nantz,Weldon WalkerNewman,Shuford Gray Adams,Ev-erette Gilmore Perkins,Felix Wil-liam Bass,J.Frank Hamm,Sa—Knox,William Wright Stroud,Lawrence,Edgar HarrisonMoney,Ernest Warren,Earl MeAu-ley,John Henry Dalton,John Cham-|;hers,Heywood *Chambers,HenryWood,Flake Summers,Claude Tur-ner,Hunt Hawkins,Robert Lee Si-monton,Banks Williams Wingate,James Franklin Hendren,JamesMorrowJosey.James Robert Pope,Jetner Sherrill,Walter ClarenceMalone,Samuel James N.Holmes,Burel Avery Elledge,Richard Mun-sie Danner,William Thomas Camp-bell,Rufus Edgar Jurney,AndrewTraicyVanHoy.Filmore’Ireland,Udell Harris,William Pinkney Me-Lelland,Henry Lester Wilson,Mof- fett Pressly Guy. Those who failed to pass wereBurenJurnev,James Oscar Hunter,Jay Alexander,James Whitlock,Earl R.Elam,Hugh Roy Melchor,Osear Lee Brown,Arthur BennettBarrow,Albert Cavin,Joseph EskerSummers,John Mock hompson,Harrison Beecher Templeton,JohnHuggins,George Franklin Massey,Graham Templeton,Frank ClemensCulbreth. Those who failed to respond wereGeorgeFranklinDavis,BaxterAlexander,John Martin Perry,JohnEdwardFox,Fred.Miller 'Baker,Samuel Madison Barfield,GeorgeLaFayetteMillsaps,Charles LeeSmith,Ira Gilbert Alexander.The men who passed the examina-tien will be given until tomorrownighttofileclaimsforexemption,which will be passed on Monday andthoseacceptedcertifiedtothedis-trict board. Work of District Board. The exemption board for the west-ern district has acted on the follow-ing claims from Iredell this week:William Melton Shoemaker,NewHope,accepted;accepted by localboard,where he made no claim.James Franklin Shoemaker,New Hope,accepted;claimed exemption on account of being engaged infarming. Sherrill Cloer,Statesville,R-4,ac-cepted;claimed dependents;accept-ed hy local board. Arthur Morrison Steele,States- ville;exempted;exempted by localboard;wife and\physical disability.Clifton Ralph Slean,Statesville,exempted;exempted by local board;has dependent wife.District boardhadformerlyacceptedhim.Clarence Franklin Patterson,Statesville,exempted;exempted bylocalboard.Has wife and is tele-phone lineman. OFFENSIVE RENEWED. A dispatch from the battlefrontSaysthatearlyyesterdaymorningtheBritishinfantry“went over thetop”on a wide front east of YpresandtheFlanders=offensive wasagainon.The rush was evidentlysuccessfulattheoutsetforthecap-ture of positions of value were reportedbySirDouglasHaigduringtheforenoonandtheprogresswasreportedassatisfactory, LIQUID FIRE FOR AMERICANS. American troops in France are to be supplied with trained forces todelivergasandliquidfireattacks,according to an arm’announcementinWashington,giving the organiza-tion of special units to handle thesedevicesofmoderntrenchwarfare. SWEDEN PROTESTS. A dispatch from Stockholm saysthattheSwedishministeratBerlinhasbeeninstructedtoprotesttoGermanyagainsttheLuxburginci- dent,it being “confirmed that Ger-man officials seriously abused the confidence of Sweden.” ARGENTINA'S BREAK, The Argentine Senate,by a vote of23to1,declared for the breaking offofrelationswithGermany.The res-olution has yet to pass the chamberofdeputies,but it is believed it willpassthatbody. —Lieut,H.C.Baity of the ord- nanee department,an redell man,who has been at Fort Oglethorpe,been transferred to CampWheeler,Macon,Ga. ~—Mre.F.M.Wagner of Trowtma: E *3 um this week,irandherearlyre-isHf STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 21,1917. mie wilefon,ove me;Sam H.A.Gibbs,Chas.MeCall:.|Reuben Swan, .Greene,Jeston -.A.Atwell,Geo. Brown;Starly—SamW.Caudle,Geo.MI.Kirk,John A.Rowland,AWhitley. Mitchell College Girls WillHaveMilitary The students of Mitchell are preparing to do their bit forcountryincasetheyareneeded.will have military training in theirThetrainingwillincludethemilitarydrillandsettingupexercises,as nearly like the exer-cises of the regular army asTheexerciseswill Tuesday and Friday afternoon,underthedirectionofMrs. i depot,where the men were yup”to smokes and each was prov plenty of companville.The 40 perfromAlexandercountTaylorsvilletrainleasttwocarsofselectedmenfromthecountiesbetweenhereandAsheville.m.jabout four cars of “Bill (Hunters”attached toCharlotte.They were singing,giv- ing bugle calls,otherwise showing tforthefray. Following are the 57 who left here ed with a lunch.The were aboard course this year. Augustus L.More thun sixty youngladiesvolunteeredTuesdayandmorewillprobablyjointeday.The com-pany's uniform,which is to be decid-ed today,will either be of khaki orofred,white and blue, serge bloomers,white middy blouseandredtie. First Federal Farm Loan in redell James Franklin Shoemaker,Hope;born July 15, his possession,or under his control,William Melton money,which he refuses to surren-der.They asked for an immediatehearing,alleging that an attemptwasbeingmadetogetthismoneyoutoftheway.Judge Boyd ruledthatMeansshouldhavetimetopre-i.pare his defence and named Tuesdayasthedateforthehearing.Jt issaidinbehalfofMeansthatthe bothpropertyofMrs.King which he didnotsurrenderisinNewYorkand-—he ei it now.ene at a part o e property is inSeonemtian,or under the control of,Mrs.Melvin,sister of Mrs.King,who is Mrs.King’s heir and admin-istratrix of the estate.Mrs.Melvin George Norman Sloan,Statesville,R-5;born January 23,1892;farmer; Ernest Neel Sloan,Statesville,R-5; “oe”Jovem!rn J.A.Craven and wife,MaryYoungCraven,are the first IredellcitizenstoborrowmoneyfromFederalLandBankofColumbia,’the Federal Farm The mortgage wasTuesdayintheofficeoftheTheyaretoborrowfromJanuary1,1918,at 5 per cent.interest,and to repay same in 85 an-nual payments of $60.44 and a finalinstallmentof$59.88.The firststelimentisdueJanuary1,1919,To secure the promissory noteexecuteamortgagedeedon152 andafractionacresoflandnearMoores- born April 8,1895; Jessie Ross Bell, November 9,1893;brakeman ern Railway Co.;single. nings,R.F.D.;born September 18, 1891;farmer;single.Lieyd BainesR-2;born January 4, Franklin Burette Wilson,Point,R-1;born June 1,1896;farm- f was the last report from her. Dorman Stewart Smithson,Eufola.|- R-1;born Apyil 22,1892;constructionwork;has wife. William Alexander Claywell,States- SS =!Concord for reopening the coroner's continued.Leazar Barker,New Hove;born inquest next Monday,for further in-Dick White abandonment;July 18,1890;farmer;single.on ment suspended who was mysteriously shot at a springinthevicinityofConcordonthe night of August 29. Statesville,R-5;bornfarmer;single.Gus.Richie,Statesville,R-1;bornJune5,1887;farmer;two children.Frank Samuel Hill,Harmony,R-:born October 10, farmer;single March 24,1891;farmer;single.Lonnie Welborn,born March 3, C.B.Ambrose,an agent of the De-partment of Justice,and District At-|tial;-—with leave.mytorneyHammer,is taking an active edd Aider,a ——prayer forpartintheinvestigation.The Fed--—se uponeralofficersarenotconcernedwith}the costs and payment woodworkman; Tony Eugene ville;born April 22,1892; for telegraph company;single.William Tiff Castles,Mooresville;pressing club; James Franklin Cash.Harmony,RMay1,1890;the death of Mrs.King except inei-=ww Te See ane Stedentally.Their activity is prompted dine wont oo +..vebydevelopmentswhichindicatethatChechvleunesdia,of _J.|Webb's offepoeinApril9,1895;mill employe;single.born July 28,R.Frank Milholland,Dunlap;bornMarch30,1894;farmer;singleFrankHoneyeutt,Mooresville;bort May 14,1894;logger for veneer mill; Means was for some time employed J.Reid vs.T.H.Boosh,by the German government and was]”!.>aactiveinthiscountryinbehalfofminéd.W.M.Sharpe et sal.vs.%Germany.All of Means’activities in,MbehalfofGermany,so far as disclos.absolute.L.D.Jolly vs.T.W.Jollyed,were prior to declaration of war F William Andrew Cash,R.F.D.;born May 1,1890;farmer: Latta Little,Statesville,R-1;bornJuly19,1889;cabinet Clyde Claude Madison,Olin,R.F.1892;farmer;sin- Hope;born April Holmes,Hovs.-conville;born September:Eugene Gabriel,farmer:single.born December 23,1894;me-chanic;has wife. Clarke Follette, ,1896;horse deal- January 26,1890; mill;has wife...ville;born MayTroyLeeSherrill,Meoresville,R-¥°city,”".and that this “conspiracy in- volved several persons who actually participated.”The World says Dis-triet Attorney Swann arnounced,af- ter receiving a report from CaptainJones,pistol expert of the police de- partment,that he was convinced thatMrs.Maude A.King was the victimof“premeditated”murder.The dis-trict attorney stated that evidence in possession of his offive ax the resultofitsinvestigationwascomprehen-sive and conclusive enourh to con-vinee him that a conspiracy to mur- der the wealthy widow was hatchedinNewYork;that this conspiracyinvolvedseveralpersonswhoactively participated ;that in connection with Mrs.King’s affairs the crimes ofgrandlarceny,forgery and conspiracy ta trate a fraud had been com-mit George Dallas Renegar,Harmony; bern February 9,1894;farmer;sin-A.Brotherton,Statesville;born ?nuary 24,1894;farmer;single. annie P.Myers,Jennings:July 18,1887;carpenter;single.James Coleman Galliher,ny:born January 8, William Butler Orren,Statesville,R-3;born May &,1894;farmer;has 1895;farmer;|ville,R-4;born November q,farmer;single.:Alvin Grier Tolbert,Mooresville::born July 27,born October 15,1891; John Gaston William Gladstone Johnston,born October 28,1886;barber; farmer;single.James Franklin Love,Statesville; born June 14,1890;teacher;single. The Iredell menthe32istinfantry.It will be noted from a count of the list that 33,or more than half,the 57 are farmers by trade and that+|49 of the 57 are unmarried.Another noted in theatthereisapairoftwinsJamesFranklinCashandWilliam Andrew Cash.Some Failed to Appear.Those who failed to Columbia wereSharpe,Dave G rier,Sherrill Ch gle. William Harrison Wooten,State<-ville,R-4;born Februaryfarmer;single. James Lioyd Clonrz,Troutman.R- Statesville,R-5;born triet attorney as follows:1896;works at saw mill;single.Harvey Walker,Olin;born Sep-tember 18,1895;farmer;single.James Logne Young,Mooresville:bern March 8,1889;cotton mill op-srative;single.Neil Singleton ville,R-5;born farmer;single. city.I have instructed AssistantMistrietAttorneyDoolingtogotoConeordthelatterpartofthisweekandassisttheNorthCarolinaauthor-ities,I have directed that Dr.OttoH.Schultze,whom |revard as one of the best medical experts in this coun- iry such work,to go to Concord to December 12,1892; Clyde Lee Austin,Statesville,R-6;born October 6,1895;f,Lee Franklinraqaney1,1895; >yivester Cam p- have taken other steps to see thatthosepersonsguiltyofthemurderof Mrs.he brought to justice. Walter Grover Brown,Jesse LockeLippardandCampbellandSipewereandcouldnothere.assigned for the absence of the othersexceptGregory,who is on armer;single. onally full expense involved inheIhavetaken,should thisberewardedasanunjus-one on New York.I donotsoconsiderit.Should the guilty per-om be indicted in North Carolinaor -|death ends all.New York would besavedtheexpenseofcostlytrialsheretoconvictthemoflesserof: ;born Octo-ex been in Bethanphifather,Mr.E..MeAAnderson,Ind operative;sin- iWeseperetedonforappendicitis]otis, if Gaston B,Means toRovd — Lat-est in thehing-Means Sensation. Upon petition of Mrs.Anna lL. \|Robinson,mother of the late Mrs.|Taylorsville,Sept.20 —The tall}Maude A.King,JudgeBoydofthe|mecting ofFederalcourtsignedareceivership|be held aterderandenjoinedGastonB.Means|here,beginning Tuesdafromdisposingofthepropertyof*.,D :Nrs.Kingheis alleged to possess.|Presbyterian”Sherch ofAnAshevilletrustcompanywaspreachopeningcores Tues-ee,ere.We complaint rg aoe lart1%,some ,iwhichMrs.Robinson alleged Meanz|°",foreign,missionshasinhis;the hie lems ctu by Br.W fC 3 were jewels,diamonds and“mong them appeared automo-—which was recently garcia.e order was eee to JudgeBoydbyPhil.C.MeDuffie of AtlantaandA.Hall Johnson of Asheville,atorneys for Mrs.King.When the order was served onMeansatConcord,it is alleged thatheturnedoveronlyapartofthe Fproperty;that he has a much largeramountinhispossession,These factstheattorneyslaidbeforeJudgeBoydatGreensboroWednesdayandJudgeBoydissuedanordercitingMeanstoappearinGreensboroy,September 26,to show cause why heshouldnotbeheldincontemptofcourtforrefusaltocomplywiththeearlierorderofthecourt.It is stated that Means turned over1massofjewelsofunestimatedworthandacheckfor$3,000,andgaveanorderonthePiedmontgar-|‘age in Charlotte for Mrs.King’s car, thewhenthedecreeofJudgewasservedonhim.The oe,forMrs.Robinson allege that he has in $50,000 to $60,000.of Mrs.King’s in Coneord.She is standing byansandprotestinghisinnocence“t wrong-doing in connectionrs.King;or at least that Arrangements are under way at brother,Roscoe,is ing an accomplice icasewas into the death of Mrs.King,ua-Sine costs.Hosea Queen,deadly weapon;prayer for judementcontinuedupaymentofcostsand$100 to prosecutrix.A.G.Federal government,through Withers fale »cali compro- iiF x= cob Goble et al.;compromise.V.Teague vs.Roxana Teague,divorce Hl compromised.Earp Bros.vs. by the United Stat f tiff.R.|take zbytheUnitedStates.‘|Campbell,judgment for plaintiff.R.a_The New York World has a story]p.3 =Walter "Towaean tional ofinwhichDistrictAttorneySwannofjudgmentfordefendant.Mr.HardinNewYorkisquotedasboldlyas-|°Oy account of the late hour of]a position withsertingtheevidenceinpossessionofopeningcourtJudgeCarterdidnot}Bank and willhisehasconvincedhimthatalchargethegrandjury.After telling|work there today“conspiracy to murder Mrs.Maudelthem that he thou they knew|been with theA.King was hetened in New York]their duty and would perform it,he]Stock Co. made a strong,patriotic address,which was very much neededPatrioticMeeting.The supper given by the town,under the auspices of the local RedCrossauxiliarytothesoldiersandtheirguests,in the store building ofSheriffAdamsonMainstreet,Tues-day evening at 7 o’clock,was bounti-ful and delicious.The room wasnretilydecoratedwithflowers,flags and bunting.Immediately af-ter supper the company went to thecourthouseforapatrioticrally,The boys,as well as the audience of|#men,women and children that filled |ter General and is now &@thecourthousetooverflowing,were|the tariff commission.indeed fortunate in having three of a emerAlexander's honored sons to speak to FING SHOT OFF.them.Attorney A.C.Payne intro-|Locke T.ercash ofducedAttorneyJ.H.Burke.who;smadeasplendidtalk.He was fol-|men who was to havelowedbyMr.F.A.Linney,born and]Wan’s quota to CamprearedherebutnowofBoone,Wa-|nesday,did not totnugacounty,who was also intro-|In came a from Dr.duced by Mr.yne.Mr.nney |G.A.Brown to the bye &made an able address,presenting}cash had had two . shooting i[ The World further quotes the dis- “Mrs.King was a resident of this the reasons we are at war in a.clear|with a shot gun andcovisemanner.Mr.Payne present-|excused.Dgpails of theedthecomfortbags,made and filled|not stated.by the local Red Cross,to the sol-diers,and made an appropriate pre-sentation speech. Wednesday morning business wassuspendedandalargenumberofreopleofthetown,the county andtheschoolwenttothestationtoseethesoldiersofftoColumbia.Severalpatrioticsongsweresung¥theschool.Pleas.Teague,son of Mr,W. at the inquest next Monday.| “Tam perfectly willing to bear per- %major crime and convicted, be peonle of is being carried on by the Nadministration,withoutwithadvertisingtheTreasuryDepartment,—=— ~~>slogan adopt- is,“Food Will Win the War-— Don’t Waste It,”and this message soon will appear on posters and elec- light signs in all of the larger Federal and municipal authori- ties throughout the country have con- the use of public buildings to set up the display signs,most instances the postofficeshallbuildingswill,be select-electric light companies areingthesigns‘and furnishing power with which to light them without compensation.(An advertising campaign for thefoodwillbeoeoninNortiCarolina.Mr.J.B.Ivey of will enlist the help of re-Charlottetailmerchants and Mr.H.B.Varner of Lexington will work the moving picture men).—————————. Germans Enraged at Americans rage N The of German prisoners be- cause they believed the American sol- wae taking part in the recentensive,is told by Samuel!Owen,an ambulance driver,in a letter to his parents in Maple- “One of the German prisoners,on.R.C.’on the ambulances,American soldiers were inattack,and said:‘D——_the*to which I lied :‘D-——!"said Mr.Owen in his“The German soldier got red,a motion as if to strike me.guard asked me if I want-kill the German,and hehadsaidyes;but naturallyhimtoI prisoners as a rule are a starved,quiet bunch.TheythatthewarwillendassoonAmericagetsheraviationgoing.say it will end in 1918,and |y to God it will.”ALSTORETArmyOfficerInterned. Sergt.Alfred Bonhaupt,Sixth Unit-ed States infantry,has been internedattheprisoncampatFortOglethorpeoninstructionsofthebureauofim-migration,following his dischargethearmyonordersfromthe War Department,on the ground thathis»thies for Germany_pre-cluded the performance of his duties as a soldier of the republic.Bon haupt’s discharge followed the in-erception by the British authoritiesofaletterwrittentohissisterirGermany,in which he expressed re-that the United Statcs has enthewaragainsthisnativecoun-try,and the hope that he would not have to fight the fatherland.Bon-hai is said to have a good record|in service,having been with Per-| "s expedition in Mexico.He be held during the duration of war. Big Bean Crop. Beans take their place this yearasoneofthecountry’s most impor-tant and valuable crops.Forecast ofuctioninthefiveimportant! .wing States Michigan,California,New York,Colorado andNewMexico—announced by theDepartmentofAgricultureinaspecial.report,shows 19,969,000bushels,compared with 8,846,000bushelslastyear,and 10,321,000bushelsin1915.More than 1,500,000 acres weregeto7_>in those States andaveragefarmpricepaidforthemAugust15was&7.24 a bushelcomparedwith$4 on that date last year.At the August 15 price thetivecrop)was worth about$148,000 G00,c Price of Wool Yara (oes Up. Feminine knitters,who are knit-neehelene for soldiers and are ning to worry about|cost of being patriotic.Anof20centsahankinthewoolhasputitatthedollarSinceAprilthepricepertisenfroth$1.50 to $2.40Crossandotherpeliefor-that are supplied by theandwholesalersat attribute the risefactthatthegovern-| -rawwoul for, CAMPAIGN, WAKESthrough the |ject of peace war.“Before the declarationbodyhadarighttodiscuss whether‘the United States should carry onwarinstGepmany.But the‘tien of peaceor war has now beendecidedbythePresidentandCon-lpresa,not suddenly or rastity,butadvisedly,after a long delay and dis-eussion and patience under provoca- tion;after repeated diplomaticwarningstoGermanyknowntothewholecountry,When such a decis-| therefore the righthecountry immediately‘change.It becomes theirstopdiscussionuponthe questiondecidedandtoact,to proceed imme-diately to do everything in theirpowertoenablethegovernmentof ‘their country to succeed in the waruponwhichthecountryhasentered.“A nation which declares war and goes on discussing whether it oughttohavedeclaredwarornot,is impo- tent.After the decision in favor of |war,the country has ranged itself; and the only issue left for the indi- vidual citizen is whether he is for or against his country.From that time on arguments against the war =in which the country is engaged are en- emy arguments.Their spirit is the spirit of rebellion against the gov-ernment and laws of the United States.” Summary of Activities on theBattlefronts. Bombardment by the British artil- lery of the German lines in the Ypres sector,in Flanders,continues most intense,but there has been no infan- try movement in force.An attack on a larger scale than the usual daily raids is expected.Berlin apparently is much exercised over the ever-in- creasing volume of shells from the British big guns,as the report from there says’the British fire has bee: destructive. The Italians have been more ac tive on the Trentino front,harassing the enemy with raids and strong ar tillery fire. While the infantry has been virtu ally idle on the northern end of the eastern front,the Rumanians continur their offensive in the mountain re gion northwest of Fokshini,Moldovia Attacking the AustroGerman de fenses south of Grozechti,near Gena the Rumanians captured a_height Berlin reports that the Rumanians,at first suecessful,were driven:from the positions,suffering casualties and losing prisoners: Russia haviny recovered in a great measure from the effects of recent internal difficulties,is preparing t make a firmer stand against the commonenemy.[i is announced that the leadership of the Russian armics has been reorganized and that the fruition of reformative plans in the |tle of “California armies themselves is expécied short-;then see that it is made by the ~ ly.The Russian northern ermy has made some progress toward driving ‘the Germans back to the Dvina_line in the Riga region. Whether Korniloff,the leader of the recent rebellion,is to sutper the su preme penalty for his act,has not been determined, Revenue Case Gompromised. When the Federa!court reached the case of the government vs.JohnL.Casper,J.F.Smithdeal,T.C.Me-Coy and Guy L.Hartman,—in Greensboro this week,says the News,the matter had been rendered very simple by compromise.The goy- j}ernment had accepted $100,000 from Mr.Smithdeal and the case was closed on condition that Mr.Smith deal pay the costs as assessed by the clerk. The suit was for $403,000 which was alleged to be due in taxes which were never paid on spirits manufac tured and marketed by the defend- ants.Casper had served a term intheFederalprisonatLeavenworth, Kars.,as a result of the trial of the criminal end of the conspiracy and was later pardoned.The judgment signed at Greensboro expressly stat- ed that the relief granted Mr.Smith- deal by the action of the court was purely from the civil obligations in- volved, Whether Smithdeal,MeCoy andHartmanaretobeprosecutedcrim- inally is not made clear. Judge Carter to Obstructionists Hickory Record. Judge Frank Carter,in his charge to the Alexander grand jury,gave about 15 minutes to that class of cit-izens who feel that it is their duty to criticise the government in wartime.In his forcible way,the judgetoldtheobstructionistswhathethoughtofthemandinsistedthat sinee they were for Germany, every-|i jues-| duty to! j tom land,dredged,lyine en wate: There | hewishedtheycouldwearGerfmanuni-|forms and stand in front of his son and son-in-law instead of remainingbehindtoattackthemintherear. CATARRE CANNOT BE CUREDwithLOCALAPPLICATIONS,as they canhetremchtheseatofthedisenne,CaterrhaWwonldivease,greatly influenced by consttional!conditions,and in order to curemuettekeaninternalremedy.‘ ? ibn a ct er ne o the country years.of the best teniesblood .Rtknown, is anywhere else.Mai and others who use cecal,will = |pelled to quit business in a very days unless something is done to /prevent the railroads from jing their coal.More than 75 cent.of the coal sent to A Hendersonville and other ‘cities has been taken by the railroad, jit is said, Dr.Garfield,the coal administra-tor,told Senator Overman that the|railroads must have coal to keep troop trains and troop equipment trains moving.He realized,ne that the people must have light and fuel as.He is therefore trying te workoutsomeplantokeepboththerail- reads and the private corporations moving and at the same time pre- vent the supply of gas and electricliwhtfrombeingcutoff, eee EYENNISoeaSED NEWYON SUCCEEDS MALONEByronR.Newton of New York has been nominated by President Wilson to be collector of customs at New York.Mr.Newton will sacceed Dudley recently because of President son’s position on the suffrage qués- tion.Mr.Newton has been Assist- ant Secretary of the Treasury for several years. MOTHER!YOUR CHILD Ip CROSS,FEVERISH,FROMCONSTIPATION! If Tongue is Coated,Breath Bad,Stomach Sour,Clean Liver and Bowels! Give “California Syrup of Figs”at ence-—2 teaspoonful today often saves o sick child tomorrow. If your little one is out-of-sorts, half-sick,resting,eating and wting naturally—leok,mother!see ‘tongue is coated.This is a sureignthat<ts little stomach,liver gnd bewels are clogged with waste. When cross,irritable,feverish,stom- ach sour,breath bad or has stomach- ache,diarrhoea,sore throat,full of cold,give a tenspoonful of “Califor- nia Syrup of F:and ina hours all the constipated poison,us- livested food and =sour bile gentfs moves out of its little bowels without vriping,and you have a well,playfu! ‘hild again.Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless “fruit laxative,” be-cause it never fails to cleanse the little one’s liver and bowels =and sweeten the stomach and they dear-lv love its “leasant taste.Full direc- tions for babies,children of all avesandforgrown-ups printed on each hottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-rent bot- Syrup of Figs;” ili- isn't ”ae! fornia Fig Syrup Company.” MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Ry virtue of the power conta:executed to the by James DO Mooreecurethepayment ue deed being and defaait bas ‘T will onMONDAY,OCTOBER acl neon,at the court bejesville.sell for ensh to the hiahe the ff »wing tract of land deed 116 twave Sally Aiospreanidmorty recorded it beerny vo maship vy iands of Mountain»sehool,J.AL Lackey, ide of n new cul street north 3 degrees enst henee south AT dew hence south dew rec «on side of new cut anid street north #&4thebewineing“The ee neeyed to das.D.M:t '»and wife October 15THOS.J He ore wee CONGER eye 1,190%.Mer te PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLEFARMANDDESIRABLERES-IDENCE PROPERTY. Bywill and testament of DlateofIredellcounty,N.C., will enSATURDAY,SEPTEMBER expese to public sale to the bighert bidecash,the fotlowing described real cxtate,to. wit‘The farra and home place of th:dtHoward,deceased,situnte on the L:round three miles west of Statesvill:farm contains 88 acres,mere or berneresofwhichisnowinfinestot vation,About &acres of which i virtue of the power contained in 'astM.Howard ‘edthemed Third creek ts on this farm a nice newroomcottageresidence;a good tenantandoutbuildings,and aleo abundence ofbothoakandpine,for all domestic The publie road,sand-clayed through this farm and the same w \td in two tracta and then sold all towetherTheundersienedwillbegladatany time a show the land to any one who may be inter.| exted In the same,JOUN M.HOWARD Zeb.V.Lang,Atty. Aagg.21 Sw, SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. house vol, pret,4 ieeht By virtwe of a decree of the SuperiorCourtofiredellcounty,rendered in a «pecint|proceeding wherein Fred 1.Houpe et al are plaintiff,and Mary B Henley et al.are de fondanta,the undersigned commissioner will|sell at public auction to the highest bidder,at|hewse door in Strtewville,N.C.,on|»WONG, eribed| |hotse and lot,in the city of Statesville,to-wit;Hecinning at o stnke on south cide ofstreet,whout 229 1-2 feet enet of theBoststreet,and PF.BR.Moupe's::core ‘eet to «stake im trvin's line;os eH: t z degrees weet 65 1-0 feet to the:* ta l =| Field Malone,who rN i. few « 'dowwoud r line: -to a pine k -south ith P.BR.Houpe’s line south 49 dew} *l awfulison are nowauthoritytogone,iareappliedtoanycornor|soreness is aved and soon the en tire corn or |off with the |Freesone dries‘applied,and si jor callusirritating the surround skin.A small bottle ofcostverylittleatany ofstores,but will positi rid one’sfeetofeveryrdorcornor | hardened callus.If your sist| hasn't any freezone he can getAt atanywholesaledrughouseforyou. SALE OF REAL ESTATE . Inder and by virtue of #judgment made and ented at the July term,1917,of theSuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,in an actionentitedBlixaRiekertWattsandherhusband,~ht n Miller and wife,the undersignedmissionerwillexpouetopeblicaaletothe t bridebe vt heuse door of lre-ko m onJBER16,1917, at the ¢ eunty,at 12 owe MONDAY,OTC «filowins deseribed let of land:Located in southeast Statesville township!berg deseribed at Lot No.64,aa game ts and planned on the map of the landN.White,whieh said map ta registered ffive of the Rexister of Deeds of Ire-'unty,in Book 54,pave 60} Teome One-half cash,enechalf in three s,with interest on deferred payment,exe to the purchaser to pay eM eash,DORMAN THOMPSON,Commissioner, rw NOTICE OF |SUMMONS “ANDWARRANTOFATTACHMENT. NORTH CARQ@LINA,IREDELL COUNTY.IN THE SUPERIOR COURT.Statesville Lumber Company va.L. The defendant above named will take ne that a summons in the above entitled was issued agninet «aid defendant on h day of duly,Jo1e,by the Superiorlredeilcountyrecoverfromthe ant money advanced by the plainiff,anddsummonswasreturnedbytheSher- Iredell county,“Defendant not to be trode county,and said defendant the ike notice that he required to at the next term of the Superior CourtIicountytobehefdonthesixthMont the first Monday in September,the zr the 5th a of October,1917 ov demur te the complaint in said the priaiertil will apply to thethereliefdemandedinsaide@m- endant will alse take notice that a attachment wa issued by suid avuinst the property of said defendant, vars ix returns before the said irt at the time and piace sbeve named for mingaas.2 A.HART NESS, Court of Iredell County. hie!be ciurn of Clerk SupeV4,1007 NOTICE OF RE-SALE. Ry virtue of an orderoftrede!l county,made coeding entitled R.‘TI istrator of Sallie Josey,deecased,vs.Raymond dovey,the undersizvned commixsioner wil on, MONDAY.OCTOBER iat,1817.} at the court house door tn tredell county,» i2 o'clock m.,sell to the hiwhest biddecashthefollowingdeseoibedtractsofland First Tract -Ly.ne and being in Fallstown township of the aforesaid Btate and county, and beginning at a sitke «mat} Kestler's line,and esrner of 1 thence north 18 degrec .stake in the old line north 77 degrees wes! pine knot,corner of lot N 18 degrees west iS2 poloe stake in Keatler’s linreerte the f the Superior Court in the special pro- Weatherman,admin-, enst 1s rence with xe ”te eust Si polesmoreer allotted ip the di ands ine "acresNo.4: domey Second ‘I tewnship adjoinins First Lying and being traf No.4 east 182 thence ar ee eorner of hot No weet 82 poles ton ste wes 1s dextees pine knot in Kestler’s tin degrees east 30 taining 5 acres miere or les and being No.5 silotted in the division of the M thenes th 77 con. lot as the&Josey land Third Tract Lytownshipef and bexinoingsknownasthe and being in the aforesaid State at a stake Parker line: ner¢Palistown and on the old line, thence south 6 dewrees wes >poles to a atuke on the old ine;thence enst with the ofd line 15 1-2 polestoastakeonsaidline;thence north 0 dexrees enst 72 poles to a stake on the Parker line; thence with said line 15 1-2 poles to the be- winning,containing «©aeres more or less, Sale to open with the advance bid of DeweyL.Raymer of Eleven Hundred Dolhrrs R.T.WEATHERMAN,:Commissioner, county SS S hn . ES AN TV A W H i SN Touring Car $748 Roadster $745;Coupé £7098;Beriine $1095;Sedan $1098 _Al prices Ff.a.b.Detroit SA R s Fd 6.White Motor Company, Statesville,N.C. SA N S BO . TVLSBSTISSTSITiANNOUNCEMENT! We wish te announce to the traveling public =the openingof HOTEL BRISTOL. New and compleie in every detail.Hot and Centrally located to Cafe im connection. Cold running water. business section of city. A.COOPER,- Phone 508. Rates Reasonable. Prop. Court Street’ 5 shaseneeaaatenssstesatanteetetseetseszeestsaeass:cstttss gustateaae tt tase aaaaaa sa Tse Tees eemee een +a ADA SRE OB aU RS oarrowan f°‘4 %rg.LEST WE FORGET. Now is a good time to select that Monument for the loved ones who have gone.We carry a larger and varied assortment of both Granite and Marble in Monuments,Tombstones and Markers to select from, Prices reasonable Barron &Conner. 118 E.Broad Street.Phone 215. UNCLE SAM KNOWS | Our Government has taken theoutputoffactoriesthatmakevulcanizingoutfits.This showswhatUncleSamthinksof vul- canizing Tires.Why not you doashedoes—repair your Tires? &SUPPLY COMPANY.Phone 201 Court Street. ;and in bulk.Also a |variety of other garden and FieldSeed. All New. T.N.BROWN. baa tigoon io glenee Cc.H.L Thehome librarythathasbeenequippedhereoffersnew ideas of luxuryandenjoyment. We haveall of thelatestdesignsin library furnitare,any grade you may desire, come tousand we ( =e truck to haul the children to “who ° |Miss Jennie.Biliott was fatallyburnedatherhomeinShelby,dying me Walnut Grove school district,te |®native Woke eounty,hus bought a $1,000 in.five hours.Clething caught fire if j1 i m.eran and lost his while she was alone in,the room.FmUeofFranklin,|A number of clerks employed by |F("ag ones of him:er lived |{"¢Seaboard Air Line railroad,who -—0 truer,braver man ved recently went out on strike,have re-p.m.|than Mr.Mintz.A Rave turned to work,the differences hav-|phissightforthecauseBouth,|i.0 hee ifi"peen adjusted,*m.he aever let this handicap oe William Rice,30 years old andtelrn,SEM "|oremen at hamraiee alaeheoejf.|a force,was almost instantly kill-ifenhisdesiretoliveanuself-;sacrificing life.”ed when was run over by a stringi*..of eee in the railroad yards {§Miss Mary Haltman,aged nearly “t Asheville.iFOLLOWTHEFLAG!84 years,died Tuesday morning at Ramsey,bageaemaste:many [f11o'clock at the heme of her neph.years oo we Salisbury,Greensboro |i:,,_a :‘und Goldsboro,dropped dead Wed-and have 3 an ew,Mr.J.F.|Foreum,whom and Gold simarriednowchildrenshelived,a ot,wneral Nesday night ‘at Selma.Mr.Ramse:Have neverhadto haveadoctorfor Banish “Kultur”From the £ery co at Te en a was 40 years old ‘a lived in “Salis.'fematetrouble,and just resort to Cardui World.ifierncen at 2 o'clock at Tabor bury.Wife and child survive ieneedatonic,|amgladtotestifyto c ohure .ios Tainan leaves no In the Cora cotton mili at King’s [Bmmediaterelatives,ntai f joy Neged.1gSemeMESOIDranoeAmarawemeininnaaHeraifreadyandwillingtoenlisttoover-|Brick For New School Build-nett,in the left temple with a ma-¢youarenervousor weak,havehead-throw the military power of the one i Tuition Rates.thine Anmmeer,Warvey is in inilialaches,backaches,or any of the other ™aster of the German nation!That.ng—Tuition By a.ee ate rremsdatis“I!--Emperor William,Germany.”|The graded school board has fixed &"Barnett is in a critical eonditiontilmentssocommontowomen,why not a ceetrial?5 .led b They cannot be passed by the Ex-|the tuition of pupils living outside Mrs.Mary Covington of MonroegiveCardulaminingBoardonaccountofnerv-|the town limits.The tuition of pu-ax found dead Sunday in her room jimanyphysicians.Inuse over40years,ousness,physical weakness and)Pils who live within the teritery to|at Westbrook Sanatorium,Richmond,|BBegintakingCarduitoday.It may anaemic tendencies.Ii this is appli-be taken into the town next year Va.,having haneed perself by thebetheverymedicineyouneed.cable to you,why not step in the fer this year will be §1.50 per month cord of her bathrobe from the tran-|if McElwee’s Planters’Ware-house,Statesville,N.C. |Home Comforts Are tound in the home.Good plumbingmakes the long hours spentby the wife at a home a pleasure-such a pleasure that nothing else can give. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. Phone 55. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197,Hours &to 6.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'STEETH. METALS. Nothing can take the place of metals.We are sheet metal workers and will make anything you want-tin roofing,gutters, valley tin and ridge roll.Let us know your wants. STATESVILLE TIN CO. ‘Phone 65,114 E.BroadStreet, WANTED!sar RNodFORSALE:}i New 2nd second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies.|Cc.H.TURNER.Iedell "PhonoNo.74,BellNe,9. jand half ing to directions.out us thousands have already expe-|¢leventh grades. everybody|pils unaffected by extension of|pioneer of rich,;its,will he $2 per month from firstpermonth rienced,that bron, i knows,is the real as is the conquerer of all nervous dis orders,strengthening and ing the whole stomach abiding strength. der “The Stars and Stripes,” not get a bottle of lronized Paw-?aw without delay,take it aeeording directions,You will find your mu: 0 a short time most probably } ors, pass Examining Board with flying co!- holds you.Your ‘ns it,but if he doesn’t,it is sold thrug Co, fronized Paw-Paw,price $1.00 Formula on every bottle.Mail or- ders promptly attended toe.Inter State Drug Co.,Inc..New York.-\dvertisoment, School Books eee==a sarnnaaneneg || t a NE The Brady Printing Co.| !Has a Full stock of all books used in (iraded Schools.They are soid for CASH. DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS PUILLDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. HOURS 8 <<“;a a1, Battery Inspection Free. We are thoroughly i te ap to recharze Batteries and haveinstockafulllineofBatteryaec- CeRSOTICS, STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. not fit the Frame?C.WATKINS has the Doors,Windows and Frames, ready-made,YOU CAN TRY THEM BEFORE YOU TAKE THEM FROM His LUMBER YARD! NOTICE!ee Commencing today we will discon- tinue the Jitmey Service in the usualwayandestablishschedulesonthedifferentprominent=streets.FirsttobeoperatedwillbealinefromBloomfiel!(at W.T.Sumpter’:Store)via Front Street to Squar:and Southern Depot.This car wil!run every 30 minutes—-on the evenour.Others will be put onlater.No Schedule on Sunday.RIDE THE JITNEY.JITNEY TRANSFER CO.|Statenville,N,C. All grades —-lowest prices.Nails,Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Brown andGreenShingleStains. C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-dell County, WwooD Am wood, | SAWING to saw yourseemeor is known all over the countrj}purity,and is acknowledged"KokfeeWHATYOU ASK FOR! ——— for its by alljudgestobePERFECT.it and see that you GET red blood,the destroyer of anaemic to fourth grades;$2.50‘symptoms and a muscle-builder.Nux!from fifth to seventh and —~eleventhrevitaliz-s ;body,and Paw-Paw,over former years,made necesary |),untiverantly known as the only actu-increased cost in all lines.al vegetable pepsin which gives the lronized Paw -Paw Tonie lifts and ©!,:drugwist probably Picked up a dime DID YOU FEVER BUY.‘ A Door or Window,and find it would/-3 warp,Ceiling JamisonthatThompson. NC-139 nearest drug store and get a bottle of |from the first to the fourth graces;lronized Paw -Paw,take it aecord-|$2 per month from fifth to seventhYouwillsoonfindgrades;$3 per month from eighth to The tuition of pu lim toslightfromeighth This is a monthrrades,inerens« The board authorized the purchas: of 75 new desks to equip a room he new school buildingchildrenhaserectionofthebuilding will hardening,weight inereased and |C0”. Another Dime Found. The Landmark has told the story whoStatesvillebusinessman that mysterious|y ‘e while he stood in a ropued from spe and reeommended by the Polk Gray tent of his place of business.:,8 man,passinyThatsamebusine 0 front of The Landmark office a few days later,picked up a dime from,the sidewalk.Now he insiststhatthatdimedroppedfrom=abovwidwasintendedforTheLandmark, and that it is the fault of the news- vaper folks that they were not out- side to catch it;as a result of whichtlayneglecteduntilhefoundit.; Another case of opportunitysnockingatthedoorandneglected. Federal Employes in the Grab. Federal empleves in convention inWoshinetontoformanationalun-on,adopted resolutions pledging heir unanimous support of the Preg- jont and Congress in the present Endorsement was given the Nolan minimum wage bill.Other resolu- endorsed womarm suffrage,the rranting of equal pay to women do- ne the work of men,legislation ‘ooking to a seientifie and equitable ‘lassification of all government ‘mploves,a satisfactory retirementtsure,ete.Inereased pav and a! Saturday half holiday is included. Early or Late Fall? The unusually cool weather,the Dast week,for mid-September has brought the natural sugyestion of an arly begining of winter and that the|winter will be “long and hard.” A Statesville man makes the com- forting statement to The Landmark that an early cool spell does not nee- essarily mean an early winter.Onhecontraryhesaystheearlycool spell is often followed by a>“latefall”ond he’s predicting a late fall this year.We shall see what we shall see.The Landmark is hoping the Statesville man will prove a true prophet. REFORMATION CELEBRATION, A pienie will be held on the cam- ‘us of Lenoir College,Hickory,next slay,25th,the event celevrating 10th anniversary of the Protest- Reformation and closing the en- pwment campaign fer the collewe. he sneukers on the oceasion will be Dr.Simon Peter Long of \field ,and Mr.Jehn J.George of Cher- ryville.Dr.Long speaks at 130 a, mand So p.m.Publie invited, AMITY ITEMS. Mr.J.J.Beaver,who is spending some days in Amity community,will return to his farm at Bayboro,S.C.,vithin the next few days. Vr.Samuel Upright,who lives in the Amity neighborhood,suffered a stroke of Paralysis two week«ago ind does®not impreve much.Hisivhtsidewasaffected, BLOCKADERS ARRESTED. Deputy Marshal Jno.1.Milhol-land was in Burke county Monday and arrested on charges of distilling Chas.Smith,J.T.Self and HH.T. Morrow,They were commiited to jail at Morganton in default of bondindwillappearherefortrialinthe|Federal court next month, COMMERCIAL CONGRESS. Gov.Bickett has appointed Messrs.Wm.Wallace,H.A.Yount, A.W.Bunch,EF.B.Watis and R.R. Clark delegates to the Southern Commercial Congress,which ll heinsessioninNewYorkOctober15-rT. w Court Items. Will Moore,white,Wednesday,gave $150 bond to appear beforeJusticeC.V.Voile,Mooresville,the28th,and anawer a charge of falsepretence.Ht ia charwed that he waveamortgageonpropertythatdidnotexist, —dLivense has been issued for themarriageofMr.William Chalmers and Miss Carey Elizabvth 70,i|Stripes.-——J SAK i inIYyouaredesirousofservingun-‘he East End school and add to the;why Catipment of other rooms.Briek forforeolored bcen purchased and the begin som of her room.melancholia. Lenoir Methodists will lay the cornerstoneofa$232,000)church buildingSunday.Dr.T.N.Ivey.editor of the Nashvile Christian Advocate,will preach in the old church Sundaymorningandwillformallylaythe‘orner stone of the new church. ‘Ralph M.Odell of Concord,wh2sacommercialagentoftheUnitedSiatesDepartmentofCommercehavspentthelastsixyearsininvesti- gating the foreign markets for eotte sxoods,has resigned from the covernmentservicetogointootherwork. Capt.John W.Harper.61.vears old,owner of the Harper line of rivrsteamersand=operatine on theCapeFearriverfromWilmington,lied in Wilmington on the i8th.afteralongillness.He was a well knowncitizenandoneof Wilmington’swealthiestmen,Car!Martin,convicted at the‘pring term of the Clay county courtfordynamitingacrib,and sentenced»12 months on the roads of Hay-vood county,has been pardoned,iov.Bickett says Martin establishednolibiandthattherequestforhisxrdonwasjoinedinbyanumberof»jury. Mrs.Thos.W.Lingle of Davidson «engaged in extension work for thesiteUniversitv.Her work in gen-eral will be putting the resources ofheUniversitymore.completely atheserviceofthewomenoftheState,)‘wecifieally through the eorrespond- enee courses,club study programmes ind reading courses. While Mr.and Mrs.E.C.Ivey oflenoirweremotoringinthevicinityrthattewntheywereaccostedby man,apperently drunk,who was | 4 rnored,As they returned,aboutidark,a man on the roadside struckMrs.hey,who was en the fronteatofthecarhesideherhusband,with a quart bottle.The —bottletruckthetenofthecarandthisedherRomPearsonisinjail,in default of $500 bend,to answer for the offence. STaaeeRe Proposition to Settle Strikes. The vovernment has opened a way for possible settlement ef strikes in ’acific coast shipyards by offeringtopayhalfof nr companies iO per cent any wage increases making not more than profit on commandeered ships Francisco builders,in whose plants a strike of iren work ers is in prowress,agreed to consid the w demands for more pay,on the shipping board's cost- haring proposals. To avoid rkers compelled to pay a roportion of vaye inereases—for ‘ompanies maki hig profits on oevernment contracts,however,theresentofferspecifiesthatprofit«of more than 10 per cent.must be ap- nlied to th gevernment’s share of the naymen In «:where profit are hiwh,the widitional casi of extra poy crants may be horne hy he builds 1 t-sharing proralwillapnlytovesselsun rr -eanstructie commandeered by he voverinme to hasten their com vetion,mad will not afeet hip or iered Inally by the vovcramentrecone The Submarine’s Work. The fivitvesse|ml m one \ shown the British the loss of t There ison decider ,hove ‘Tr,in th {ah these being submarines. her since Germar nter Marine campai Th the largest in three mor The American steamer 3,445 tons,ows Ou Company.ha with the loss o Members of thi | vivors have he ‘The sir rines is Norway by an armed other wasleatroyer Weer n th th ece n adooby {| ter af reported One w ti enmant i ' account emme President Calls on the Children Ww il wou n iad a procla ven t!ehool chil dren of the :to do th pert i the war by joining the Junior Ree Cross to assist in the mere y of Preside mation enlli *ution ort She suffered from 5 . -’:ereTT 'é ‘+a CITIZENS OF STATESVILLE AND AUTOMOBELISOFTHESTATE: We are volunteers to the cause of Progress,"The tiring-line of Progress demands volunteers no lesdfit,no less efficient and no less patriotic,than theeallofDemocracyforvolunteersinthefar-flui “trenches of nerthern France.éTheCarolinaMotorCompanyhasrespondedtothecalf”r ef beth.Men have gone forth from our employ |for the front,leaviny gaping holes in-.oumatorganizatio::;and when they retern-—WHICH”GOP GRANT THEY WILL,SAFELY AND”SPEEDILY!—they will find that we,too,have +answered the call of community progress,"iIngivingStatesvilleoneofthehandsomestGaragesintheState,we have invested heavily in the loyalty.of our patrons;we have endorsed,without fe.scoureurfaithandjudgmentinthefuture_growth of our community.“iAndinthehighexcoleneeofourservice;in the unques- tioned skill of our meechanies,which is the best’that money enn obtain;in the sterling quality of”our merchanc and.accessories,of which ex 4riencehascon\ineed us there is none better,FOSTER A KUSINESS IDEAL THAT WEEx ‘ COMES COMPETITION!this spirit of serviee—and not kinship or factional-ism or partisenship—upon which we have builded.in the past,and it will be our drawing eard for’the future. We take pride in our new finely equipped Garage,with.its many conveniences for guesis and customers,and we doubt net thet our enterprise will bring”its own reward;yet in this world crisis,facingheavywartaxes,price regulations,freight.embargoes,car shortages,and eurtailment of ©Gasoline and cther supplies,we will do our “bit”|without murmur or complaint.WHILE “aSTRIVEFORSUCCESS,WE SHALL : ooSHIRKSACRIFICE!COME WHAT MAY,GENTLEMEN,WE REPORTFoR’ ,Opposite the” DUTY! In our new locaiion on East Broad streetInn—WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSK*NESS.WE iNVITE YOU TO CALL!eeco:e ; ;‘ae Statesville CAROLINA MO'‘'OR “WE NEVER CLOSE.”Statesville,North Carolina. OE EERE RE | | j SS en ca e , a me e n a i ' PTLOE SG ORT:ORL hee the senior organization The President save braneh of ithe Red ¢ opportunity for relief w benefit of beth the community amd country;will teach how to save fy order that suffering children else may have the chance to live and will make possible the “best workinthegreatcauseoffreedomto which we have all pled ed ourselves,” the children’s will vive an for the TICOATS,$1.08,—J.a i and interviewing satisfied owners.See us about it, READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESS M lhe upkeep of a car is more to be considered than the origina!purchase price.x: What you pay at first is secondary to what you get, how longit lasts and what it costs you tomaintain. The Buick or Dodge has a low upkeep record that cannot be beaten for the weight. Don't buy without seeing it ran —benee cence —~oe ee eee There is One Best prodact in every line of business.The 'ottling business is No Ex- ception, ia bottles Has Been---Is-—-and Always Will Be the world’s Leading drink.It’s so Delicious aod Refreshing.This is not Our verdict alone--Millions of folks say so--they do not stop a!saying u.:'--Millions drink it Daily. BOTTLTCOMPANW, To getthe TRUS meaning of SANITATION -LOOK U9.ORR Ssnesidittieiiadlieinds.cttcdaii cinta A |ii| f yi food.eee ene Bptesteessccesae OO less bring joy te the heartsof the a "MONTE .....,..............80 grocers,“The waste andloss fromLAAthiscreditevilcanhardlybeover-twelveY,_~-_September —amee |estimated,”says a food administra-f fsGSAVETDOUNTRY.tion statement,announcingthat 40,-dressed times —an =matterof passing in-#'0cers and food jobbers willbe canRed Crossjeauluotothhopeofenlistedin@campaignforeconomyof*.«changing conditions—-on the dis-(08 and energy in the grocery busi-iy‘vesaion forpositioninthishichhas"**-The salesmenwillseek to per-of Gev. alicia land te ace largepro-|2#de retailers toshortentheir cred-olution within the .of 8 and wholesalerswillfollow thepentionspastquarterOfumepolicyforretaildealers.Un- if Yours truly,pe . vere Five white men engagedsuchagbuildingroads,ditching jong.standing and doubtful accounts struction werk ot tae Jacksan /on!—SMILLS &POSTO -=)censwamps,erecting half million dollar 414 curtail unnecessary expensive Columbia,managed to pad :=5.f :N.<<postoffices in $10,000 towns,and oth-deliveries,it will mean a big saving rolls for a time.Tanded derthingsoflikecharacter,the first t4 the grocers and ought to mean a i”jail,and they'll go higher before‘2 Unele Sam is throughwith them.|thought is how much can we get out iy saving to the customers who pay 8 M.M.W »ond ties|of the government?We easily con-¢heiry bills—for in the last analysis B.x tccune of ‘ie Uoied Statesvinceourselvesthatthegovernmentthecustomerwhopayscashorpaysarmy,surf-bathing at Cape Henry,ought to do what we want done,for pj)!promptly,pays for the deadbeat |Va.,were caught in the swift-run- /i "i rerhead @ ning tide.Surgeon Wagner waswhatwewantisnecessaryfor=and the unnecesary overhead charges,pobaed and Grane ee ”well-being of the country.In fact or at least shares the expense with j.",precarious condition.seawearesurethatthecountrycan’t the grocgp ,Gotthold Prusse,owe of the design get on without it,no matter if the ers of the German merchant subma;i The Salisbury Post man is losing |;Py :.t f the country affected is ane :rine Deutschland,who came to Bal-']|We have toda a shiHanitedteabimunicipalpatiencewiththedisloyalclement.'timore on the first voyage of that J p-Yr.u oO an. Hear him:.craft,committed suicide in Baltimore|ment of new crop Buck-area,a township or county bounda-s a city jail by hanging.He had been im-'ry.remptive toowentenwheerceckbue.|prisuned as an alien enemy.|wheat Flour and “Log The worst enemy to economy is neglect. When you neglect your car you are pav-ing the way to higher running expenses.It’s the smooth running machine that gives The facet that the country is at xy and hinder the government in|The Synod of Catawba,which in-|FD :war and that all good citizens should winning moe It _time bo shoot —the ;sey ‘seu |Cabin Maple Syrup.Trythe»whee »a few of the disloyal,cowardly curs churches o ort ‘arolina ifs ,:*.eee ee thatyare barking at the heels of the southern Virginia,and which has!it,you will like it. povernment —~oe the government,day and night.tik -upiniatare,173 churches,a you the greatest amount of pleasure andfevernmenttoeipthem,a It would seem that something like church mem ors and 6 junday ,‘oo oy in;changed the situation.Rather it has that will have to be done before|8chool scholars,is in session at New-|Phone 89,reduces your running expenses to the minimum.A dollar invested for repairs .or adjustments is a dollar well spent and increased the patriotic desire to get some of them understand the se-|P°"News,Va.,this week.' Res %,° more and higher things at public ex-';jousness of the situation.A row ata Republican ward Favle &Mitholiand.meeting in Philadelphia resulted in} pense.The following from the TS Pronhminniry reaffirms the death of Geo.A.Eppey,apolice.|eure saeies |will save you many dollars,When youGreensboroNewsillustrates—the Paige uw —ee ree fom man,who was killed while _was|leave a dollar at our garage you haveint:the determination to continue e trying to rescue two men wi were |*ap ‘j"=ai,ton,D,C.,is full of pa-War until the disannexation of Alsace attacked.At a similar meeting the|FRESH not spent a dollar,but have invested aangsen,ai night before six men were sent to dollar. triots eager to save the country in and Lorraine from Germany is as-Sane :;;:.=;:.al as result of a fight.various ways,according to J.C.For-|sured,along with reparation for the the hospital as a r<=?|ote 5 .f .A dispatch from Amoy,China,!‘SiMitseree’”He has returned trom’‘amaces caused by the Germans.ous ‘wee than G00 ativen “eats PREPARED New Stock Goodyear and Portage Tires.short visit there.With him went And therein France is right.That killed by a typhoon which struckGarlandDanielandC.©.Hudson.country has borne the brunt of the Amoy a few days ago.‘The greater|tubber deteriates as much from age asTheywantedtohelpsavethecoun-war for the Entente allies and any Portion of the water craft in nearby BUCKWHEAT FLOUR from wear.When you buy Auto Tires |ro :—.tam ..barbers were destroyed and it is!:the an amon bla thane didn —peace which doe a not return Alsace soared that great damage was done_from us you know that you are going tomuchencouragement.Members of ®"4 Lorraine to France would not be in the interior,from which news |get the full lifetime wear from thosethecommitteeseemedtobeconvine-fair to France.was not available.|FOR :,°ed that there is no likelihood of ee Carl Reiger,28 years old,a baker tires, P omenter wot,the impressioN sufficient for North Carctina,at this c™ment officers in,Chica to pete:|0 =::*.:,-eae ..dnd upward.in ‘the United time,but a special from Wilmington nthe emire United "Staves army.If it’s an automobile you want and wish toStateshasarepresentativeinWash-to the daily papers indicates that,Reiger is alleged to have said that if.invest your money in a car that will giveim,and all of them there to see the body of Mrs.Bingham,who ‘rafted he would serve as a baker,°..a .ody bh ar up and get —died comme teases ago in Louisville “4 put poison in the bread.j Miler-McLainSupplyCo.you the greatest amount of pleasure andoFpeitwnetptenthebpev-and was buried in Wilmington,is to.4.50 WOOL SKIRTS,$2.98.—J.|returns for your investment,then you G sboro getting one of these Sometimes sensations are catch-subject to service in the Unitedcsiing.The King -Means affair seems States oe is being held by sev.\Chalmers,Dort,Munroe,Oakland,Reo.PANCAKES. inges in the capital in his life.As a be exhumed to investigate the cause M.McKEE &CO,—ad,eens eee ee |should easily make up your mind fromresultofthisforegatheringabouttheofherdeath.SEK OUR BEAUTIFUL FALL "t BEXicon.NA.Coorme es the above cars.They represent the high-overnment,the delegations from ee Coats.—J.M.MeKEE &CO.—aad.Aug.10.t efficie in Aut bil If rethevariousStatesdon’t find au-The German government is sorry est efficiency In Automobiles,the:di as easy as they found them inat Sweden was exposed in the Ar-were better cars for the money,we would The hotels are full,the moving €entina affair.We have no doubt if.handle them. is diffeult to invade a restaurant far exposure the German minister at y.enough to get a sandwich,the Argentina would have gone on using ount ex,Yr.Greensbo'discovered.Every-~a :;‘body seemstobe presentor account.Sweden to carry out the programme The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service.ed for and.most of them have of duplicity and treachery." schemes forthe promotion of the Ee |-{Also the Famous Trucks.national welfare and the redemption Trading With Enemy Bill.of the nation,|The administration trading-with-‘_l J A LIT Y PP ae P L l y Ss s E RV IC E. Germany can't possibly be defeat-the-enemy bill,which recently passed ed unless Uncle Sam spends a few both Senate and House by unanimousmillionsineveryneighborhoodforvotes,has been placed in form foraviationfields,army camps or al-final enactment not Inter than next |:.reek,most any old thing,just so the mon-“The conferees reached complete 66 99 :F O Reyisspent.agreement with acceptance of virtu-xX i Red Land ‘arm,rontingeeallyallimportantSenateamendments,ts A f =Col.W.H.Osborn of North Caro-including those authorizing the Pres-id,seven miles from Statesville.Nice two-*lina,who voluntarily relinquishes ident to embargo imports,giving a 7-room dwelling,located ina beautiful grove;barn,out-Ceaciece octane!eu"(SR surunes companies and pinatagtee on::.;ice orchard with a variety of fruit;30 acres inissionerbecausey:—:,,:rae |-tire administration of the bill within |Fall nd W te meadow land,40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland.Nearfreefromtheexactionsofofficialhishands.Amendments were added n a in r eherch ,Wuties,has made a record which does to definitely limit operation of the .him honor;which is a credit to him-bill to the term of the war.r .the t d hi Included in the final agreement was=a ey .the Postoffice Department’s compro- perty.Re ine oottooted the maxi-|nice substitute for Senator King’stumoftaxesleviedataminimumamendmentregardingpublicationofofcost.He unearthed many frauds,|war comment in the German languagecollectedover$25,000,000 in back The substitute provides that ten days taxes and was instrumental in send-@fter the bill is enacted the Presi-hen 40 th nitentiary some of the “ent shall have power to license allmeWwmepeaforeign-language publications or re- a i es SALE.—= Insurance,St men who attempted to defraud the quire submission of translations to |Ph 23wovernmentoftaxes,His retire-(he department before publication.®:one °ment is a real loss to the public serv-Seoe Now is the time for you to think }dice.He has set a standard of effi-Germany Professes Regret..a8 —oe scat <n aaa ciency to which it is hoped his sue-Expressions of regret over the tel-about your Fall Suit,cessor will measure up.egrams sent by Count von Luxbury,8 °etheGermanministertoArgentina,toMakingapoliticalcampaigna?through “Swedish minister Women are more than ever carerechinStatesvilielastfall,the &t Buenos Aires,have been made to 3 eOTtalsWbaa.None wee both Sweden and Argentine by”the ful about value since war conditionsieeepat.:i yverman government,.;tary of the Treasury,ridiculed the —The under-secretary of the Berlin have raised prices and made qualityWPederalfarmtownactanddeclared,foreign office has informed the Argen .,in effect,that if anybody was ever tine minister to Berlin that Germany uncertain.The improvednew Wilson is the machine :regrets the actions of Count von Lux»‘row a d by means o 3 :able to borrow a dollar by means of burg and disapproves entirely of thethelawhewouldpaythebill.Some expressions used by him in the tele.You'll bewell pleased with these : | with the central needle.You can sit in a perfectly comfortable position and do your sewing,without leaning to one side a of the hundred of farmers who are grams made public recently by theEnowborrowingmoneyat5percent.,State Department at Washington.*-Wooltex"’styles and “‘Wooltex”’Germany asks for a safe conduct for on long time,from the Federal Mone ogg er :some ot pm may return to Bevin explain per ae exclusive in Statesville,in a tiresomeway.It is ballbearing and She Wen.Lestic a line ond remind .Argentina,it was announced by its with this store you'll not find their runseasy,It has four nice largedrawers.him of hispromise,os Auecacao eke equal any where in town.|It is made of solid quartered Oak.It|‘They have variety at Camp Jack."™"Y oUtheGormanfo-vign office.|;i has all of the very latest attachments.feetarmy cue2 which al the hee =Out Shestage,|More new Crepe de Chine and |Is has our guaranteeon each one.And thetraining.A correspondent Writ-production of bituminsus coal chew|Georgette Blouses just in.1 price is in reach of all.from the camp says:“Sunday 4 decrease during August at the rateabusyday.Band concerts,re-of more than 3,000,000 tons a month |services,lectures,visitor and indicate that a shortage of coalbaseballfeaturedtheday.”The ihis winter,feared by many govern-Htshouldfindsomethingsatisfy-mont officials,may be a reality un->iinsomeoneorallthings.‘jess production shows a decided in-1creaseIndicationsarethatwhiletherewillbesufficientanthracitefordo-mestic consumption =Pe Come in and ,let us show you.It costs you nothingtolook cur goods over;we areonlyto gladto show you, cot giaatem:the | sl aBk er re ane Blanche Siepantee ous,to je oO ®Giawaa”"°:dno.H..Gray,Mr.CallieMr.and Mrs.Jno.H.Gray,Jr.,and MisslevisitedCampSevier,Green- .A.Cowan spent yesterdayonbusiness, allace left yesterdaynearHendersonville,will attend the Fleet Boyd and Miss Celesteitafewdayshere,re-their home at visiting relatives at Maiden,Cataw- La county.:Mr.Hart,traveling representativeoftheUnionRepublican,Winston-Salem,was a Statesville visitor Wed- ours.J.W.,3.u,A.R.,E.E.and Flake Sherrill returned yesterdaymorningfromGreenville,8.C.,wheretheywenttovisittheboysatCamp Sevier. Notices af New Advertisements Black Maria coal at reduced price—Iredell lee &Fuel Co. Oakland Sensible Six.&Alexander.Buckwheat flour and maple syrup.~—-Fagle &Mitholland. School beoks forPrintingCo.Fresh buckwheatMeLainSupplyCo.Hand -painted china. ville Drug Co.Wooltex suits and coats.—Ram-sey-Bowles-Morrison Co, Yount cash.—Brady flour.—Miller- States- New goods arriving daily.—Mrs.Mary Sims.Felt mattresses.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.Deposit your funds with the Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank.A dollar spent for repairs is wellinvested.—Yount &Alexander.Carolina Metor Co.is now open for business on east Broad street.Fall opening,September 26th and27th.-Mills &Poston.;Wilson sewing machines,—Wil-liams Furniture Co.No better investment than a goodpieno.—Andrews Musie Store.—Low upkeep record of the Buick orYodgecannotbebeaten.—Statesville otor Co.Pencil boxes free with boys’andeirls’=shoes.-—Sherrill-White Shoe Hoosier grain drills,—Lazenby-*Montgomery Hardware Co. Coca-Cola,the world’s leadingdrink.—Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Two -passenger automobilesale.--S.,care The Landmark.Watermelons for pickling.--W.N.White,‘phone 295 black. White waitress with some expe-rience wanted by smal!hotel.—Ad-dress The Landmark.Searfpin found:—The Landmark.Bank statements.—Merchants &Farmers’Bank,People’s Loan &Savings Bank,First National Bank,Commercial National Bank.Mortgage sale of land October 22.—Thos.J.Conger,mortgagee.House for rent.—Miss Mamie Ad-ams...Percheron mare and Berkshire pigs for sale---W.C.Pou,Elmwood.Two ten-dollar bills lost.Liberal reward for return to The Landmark.Fresh cocoanuts nad that poundeake!-—D.J.Kimball. Birthday Celebration. Correapondence of The Landmark. many friends of Mr.and Mrs.C,J.Nantz met at their home on theMocksvilleroad,last Friday morn-ing,to celebrate Mrs.Naniz’s 55th for birthday.All brought well-filled bas-/kets,spread the table under thelargeoaksintheyardandenjoyedaniceold-fashion dinner.herewereninechildrenandelevengrand-children.Mr.J.A.Honeycutt of Moores-ville was up for the dinner,he beinMrs.Nantz’s only brother.We wis!her many more such happy _birth-dupe.=ONE PRESENT. Mr.Kyles’Injury. ot The re.Lanome Mr.Robert Kyles,unrest son ofMr.and Mrs.A.A.Kyles,who livesafewmilesfromtownontheBuffalo > ~a e -i l a i e n e c t i n : ia i i? te sf 2 _ ° co a l Fr fe z f ‘ollege,Mondaevening,24th,from 8 to 10 o'clock.All patrons and friends of the col-|7 are cordially invited to attend.atesville friends have receivedinvitationstothemarriageofMMaryStuartJonesandMr.CarolDavisTaliaferro,both of Charlette.The marriage will take place at 6.-30 o'clock jay,obth,at thehemeofthebride's motherSimmonsB,Jones, Mrs.A,B.Johnston entertainedyesterdayafternooninhonorofher)guest,Miss Day of New Berne.About twenty-five guests were pres.|ent and rook was played at several|tables.There were no prizes.Thesitting-room was pretty in pink andwhitewithdecorationsofroses,while|seailet sage decorated the diningroom.<A salad course with rolls and tea was served, Miss Willie Nicholson entertainedtheWhyNotclublastnight.Noth-| ing pretentious was done,as the! vlub is living the simple life this season, The Katahba Camp Fire Girls will!give a tacky party oat Mitchell Col-|lewe tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock,| All students of the college ere invited. A prize will be given for the tackiest costume, Esq.Voils of Mooresville Did- n’t Get His Seed Back. To the Editor of The Landmark: By your courtesy,I would like to give,your readers my experience in raising Irish potatoes in a barrel, Last spring,reading so much inthedifferentpapersaboutthesuc- eess of some,especially one who had raised about three bushels from one otato,|decided to vive it a trial. selected a fine large potato,a nice barrel,hored the barrel fuil of two- inch auger holes to give the potatoesthenecessaryamountofair,placedaboutsixinchesofrichearthwithmanureinthebottomofthebarre!end on that I pa that fine pota- to.Instead vf planting the potato whole,|cut in halves (here is whereIfatledtofollowdirections,hencemyfailure).When the potato topsgrewtheproperheightabovethe earth,|put in another layer of earthandmanure,and so on as the tops grew till the barrel was full.I tooespeciallygoodcaretokeeptheearth in the barrel moist by watering when needed,as I knew that potatoes could not grow in dry earth.Thetopsgrewaboutthreefeetabovethebarrel,and from the luxuriant growth of the vines I anticipated potatoes in abundance. Well,after seeing so many of our fine young men in the draft pass by on the train going to Camp Jackson, this being the 19th day of Septem- ber,and a day to be remembered,| decided to harvest my crop of pota-! toes,knowing that most people are fond of potatoes,and especially the boys in camp.Well,I would pitythesoldierwhomighthavetomake a meal from the potatoes (the whole crop)that.|harvested from that barrel.In number,five.All in one would not make the potato in quan-tity that I planted. Now,dear readers,next spring when you are ready to plant youreropofpotatoesinbarrels,remem- ber my success and be governed ac- cordingly.Cc.Vv.VOILS,Mooresville,Sept.19,1917. The Unusual Hen Eggs. Something is going to happen,ev-| idently —if it hasn't already hap-pened.hens are laying eggswith_that mean somethiny.The Landmark has told of the col- ored egg laid by a hen of Mr.Har-mon of New Hope township.TuesdayMrs.W.F.Orren,who lives in the ‘icinity of Troutman,found | in anestafresh-laid hen egg that has|attracted unusual attention.Mrs.Orren sent the ee to her son,Mr.G.G.Orren of tesville,who hashaditonexhibition, The greater portion of the surface of this eve is colored a light greenand,like the Harmon ege.the color is fast.Attempts to wash it off wereunavailing.On this colored surfaceisadi¥tinet picture of what sometaketobeacross;others say theirureisanaeroplane,and that thecoloringmakestheaeroplaneaclearoutlineagainsttheblue,or lightgreen,of the sky.You can make Ee |er a cross or an lane out of it.,Depends on howata at it.Un-der this ne,or cross,are thelettersJ.O.—in capitals,with pe |riod after each letter.To one sthefigures70.The latter are iss Mrs.Nancy Fleming,on Mrs.son of Mrs.Lula P.Rodgers,|went with the boys to Camp Sevier at | been on a visit to her sisBrumley.Mrs.T.8.and son,John,went to Statesville|y to visit Mr.Fleming's mother, estern av-enue,Only a few new cases of scarlet|fever. Mr.Jas.Orr Rodgers,gentwho | ter,Mra.F. youn Greenville,8.C., :jCapt.Tom Royland’s south-bound11o'clock train was loaded with sol-dier boys Wednesday when it passed|here going to Charlotte.It was learn-,ed that there were 176 young men onboard,bound for Camp Jackson at Columbia.One of the boys Wasblowingahornandthecrowdwasshoutingandmakingmerry.It wasajollybunch,in fine spirits,It waslearnedthat32oftheyoungmenwerefromTaylorsville,in charge of Mr.R.M.Stikeleather;57 from States-ville,in charge of Mr.B.D.Kelly;49fromMorganton,incharge of Mr.E.C.Benton,and 49 from Marion,in charge of Mr.V.T.Ray.They were the menrecentlydraftedforthearmy.Ne new cotton has been ginned here as yet,but some ic being picked. Miss Vernie Goodman,The Land-mark’s Mooresville correspondent,isonavacationthisweek,attending the’opening exercises of Mount AmeenaSeminaryatMt.Pleasant,of whichherbrother,Rev.R.A.Goodman,is yresident,henee the short letter fromMooresville.She will return home today.___ SELECTED MEN HONORED. Corre.pondence of The Landmark. Misses Mae and Kate Rimmer en-tertained a large crowd of theirfriendsstapartyMondaynightinhonoroftheirbrother,Baines,andMessrs.Neil Brawley and TonSherrillofShepherd’s,who left Wed.soadey for Camp Jackson,Columbia,| ;‘ ~‘Troutman,N.C. BLACK CAT HOSE,THE BEST’ made.—J.M.McKEE @&CO.—ad.| COATS AND COAT SUITS OF,all kinds.—J.M.MeKEE &CO.—ad.MI-O-NA QUICKLY | Do not continue to suffer with heartburn, dizziness,after dinner distress,headache, bilfousness,pain in the bowels or sour and “ussy stomach.Get relief at once buy today a 5H.box of Mi-o-na Tablets.They quickly and surely end indigestion and stomach dis- For sale by the tress or money refunded. Statesville Drug Co. SEO IC) A Regular For you if you caonyourouting. We have large,smal!and medium.just the right temncarriedinthese Keep hot or cold indefinitely. your bevera.refreshing w automobilists. We'll be glad to show them to you. DRUG CO.“On the }POLK GRAY -ceemnemeeneePOO) . Merchantsand s » rry one of our new Thermos Bottles Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank ForYourSavings.” Kees,88.per dozen.Roosters,Te.to Be,per Ib.Tub Butter,26e.per th. Reeswax,30¢,per Ib.Green Hides,Ie.per tb. Hames,28e.to Bac.per Ib.Sides,28e.to B0e.per thShoulders,26¢,to 28e.per tb,New Red Honey (strained)12 1-2-15¢Ib.New Red I8e.per th,Seurwood Comb,22e.per ib,Exvracted »20c.per ib, The followingforgrainontheWheat,$2.25 perCorn,$1.00 per bushel,Oats,Ste,per bushel.CottenOnthelocalmarketyesterday 21 centsperwasforbestgradecotton.| FRESH COCOANUTS st D.J.KIMBALL’S,and don't forget that good Pound cake. Sept.2h. FOR SALE—Two-pasenger automobile.Own,|er drafted and will sell at bargain.“Ss,”eare The Landmark.Sept.21 -1t* WATERMBLONS—Fine lot for pickling.W..WHITE,‘phone 296 Black.Sept.21-10".| LOST—Twe ten dollar bills.Finder ai got | ceive liberal reward if deiivered at ‘TheLandmarkoffice.Sept.21. FOUNad. {D-—Scarfpin.Deseribe and pay forTHELANDMARK.Sept.21.| WANTED—White waitress,some experience.Live in first class small hotel.Protection ofwifeofproprietor.Address STATESVILLE LANDMARK.Sept,21-2t°. em et EE mmFORSALE—CieodSevenyearsold. niece Percheron .eight 1,300 Ibs,AlsoBerkshirepigs,seven weeks old.W. Cc.POU,Elmwood,N.C.Sept.21, FOR RENT—Seven-room house.Apply toMISSMAMIEADAMS.Sept.211°. GRAIN DRILLS—Car Lead Farmers’Favor-ite Grain Drills just received.HENKEL-|CRAIG LIVE STOCK CO.=Sept.18 -2t FORRENT—Three large siry rooms,suitableforlighthousek.Modern conven-|jences.Close in..&J.WILHELM,|Green street.Sept.18--20*. '*} JUST RECEIVED—Three car loads Tennes-|see Horses,Mares and Mules.Gond variety|to select from.Come to see ws.HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE STOCK CO,Sept.14 -4t. FOR SALE—On reasonable terms some fine'lots and plats near Bradford Knitting Mill.| Apply to J.H.HILL.Sept.14.---3t,| FOR RENT—October 1,poo room house on |West Front St.L.K.OVERCASH.{Sept.14-21. NOTICE—AN who subscribed to fund for re-|Painting Connelly's Chapel are requested toMeetthereSunday,28d,at 3 o'elock.A.G. CASH Sept.14-2".|--HOLIDAYS. The undersigned will observe Monday,17th,and Wednesday,26th,as holidays and theirplacesofbusinesswil!be closed.WALLACE BROS.CO.,N.HARRISON. at.Sept.11 CHOROPOROFCHOC OPO nic a You can serve rature,pure and agic bottles. Indispensible to Square. soon FOU FO With The __Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.3 Should YOU be taken away from your wife andchildrendoyounotwishferthemtobefreefromWANT? The best way to make your family independent is |to REGULARLY BANK apartofthe income from yourlabororyourbusinessandletthismoneySTAYinthebank. A foolish investment may endanger the happiness of your family.BE CAREFUL. Make OUR bank YOUR bank Pi n , 4 Pe e t e ii oi at We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C. ks Hay % Are simple in construction,strong and dyrable,, and do their work perfectly.We havethem in both Hoe and Dise.Our price is reasonable,and terms liberal.; Free!Free! We will give free a neat attractive ‘ pencil box containing a pencil and 4 cal fama fied qeachCASHPURCHASEofapairofBoysorGirlsShoesat$2.00 ormore. Seewindow display of thesePencilBoxesworth25c.,but given FREE,with BoysandGirls Shoesat$2.00 Cashormore. _Footwear for Boys and PHONE 838, Farmers’Bank. ‘tart an‘account, {INGERSOL DOLLAR WATCE SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO,| War price #1.35.ifofkindofany SeeWw io a 7 eeTHE ay Legislation to protect the civil“ae anedpropertyrightsofsoldiers,in effect&moratorium for the duration of thewarinbehalfofthemenwhoareservingtheircountryonthefiringline,may be placed upon the admin- istration’s programme for this ses-sion of Congress as a necessary ele-ment of the raising of a citizen ar-my.The “soldiers’and sailors’civil ems bill”to carry out this purpose s been introduced in both houses, having been framed in the office of the judge advocate general. r 21,ees To save soldiers and sailors from|the assessments,the during |indebtedness and assets of each ofallkindsoflegalinjustice a LS AN)DMARK‘(REVENUES OF STATES. { Ce enerte. ‘AboutHalfDo NotPay Expen-ses From Current Revenues. Twenty -six States of the Unionarenetpayingfromtheirrevenuestheirtotalexpensesforgovernmen-tal costs,interest on indebtednessandoutlaysforanentimprove-ment;and of this number 21 arenetevenmeetingtheircurrentex- penses and jnterest.In 22 States,however,the revenues exceed the to-tal expenditures for current expen- ses,interest and outlays.These and other important facts are brought out in a report entitled “Financial Statistics of States,1916,"soon to be issued by DirectorSam.L.Rogers of the bureau of cen- sus,Department of Commerce.This report gives detailed data in respectoftherevenuesandexpenditures,taxes and the their absence from home,the meas-|the 48 States of the Union.ure would enjoin the carrying out of|certain civil court actions until afterthecloseofthewar,and establish as@legalexeuseforfailuretocarrycertaincontracts,the fact that amanisinthemilitaryservice.It is proposed that creditors suitsagainstofficersormenmaybeheld| up and judgment by default deniedastheframersofthebillrecognizedthatamaninthearmyornavywouldhavenoopportunitytomakehisdefenceinpersonortoarrangeforitsproperhearingthroughcoun-sel.If such a judgment restedinstamanatthetimeofhisen-istment,the bill would prevent itsateSeat=sale of his Property during his absence,It would set aside the statute oflimitationssothatadebtowedtoa——might not be outlawed in hisitwouldpreventtheevic-tion ofaerate family while he was awayif7aces*pay the rent;it him against the ordi-|nary reof defaulted yments mortgages and keep himsoldoutinhisabsence;tae insure any rights =mihavetonds,altho iserviceatthefronthadSrecunal |auton ——the legal ac- in o|property.herelement of protection thebattcoseaccordtothefightingmanwouldbeastohislifeinsurance,which could not lapse through failure|to make any payment.His proper-|ty also would be protected from salefortaxesandineveryotherwaywhichthelegalexpertsoftheWarDepartmenthavebeenabletodevisealleivilrightsandinterestsofmeninthemilitaryservicewouldbesafe-guarded, Mrs.Bingham’s Remains to Be Exhumed?A report comes from Wilmington;that a permit has been issued by the health department of that city for the exhuming of the body of Mrs Robert Bingham,formerly Mrs.He: ry M.Flagler,who was buried there a few weeks ago,following her deathinLouisville,Ky.,where she was liv- ing with her husband,Judge Bingham.The purpose of the disinterment ofthebody,it is understood,is to de-termine definitely the cause of deathandsetatrestallrumorsthathave become prevalent since the death of Mrs.Bingham and the entering of the protest to the codicil of the will,by which Judge Bingham was left000,000 by his late wife.Cele- physicians and surgeons will‘orm’the autopsy when the bodyexhumed,it is understoodMrs.Bingham,who was left manymillionsherfirsthusband,Flagler, left a will giving the bulk of her es-tate to her niece.When the will wasofferedforprobateacodicilwasfoundleavingR.Wi Bingham.her husband,$5,000,000.The other heirs dissent from this provision of thedocumentandthisstartedthetrouble.Bingham.is a son of Major RobertBingham,head of the BinghamSchool,Asheville. ‘amp Site Wanted. || ah hie| | |improvements fe | In all but eleven of the States,therevenuereceiptsexceededthepay-ments for current government ex- penses and interest,and in 22 the revenues exceeded the total expend- itures for g@vernmental costs,—in-eluding interest and outlays.‘These 22 States were Massachusetts,New Jersey,Indiana,Michigan,Wiscon-in,Minnesota,North Dakota,South Dakota,Nebraska,Kansas,Dela- ware,Virginia,West Virginia,Geor- gia,Louisicna,Oklahoma,Montana, Colorado,Arizona,Nevada,Wash ington and Oregon.In Montana,inwhichStatetherevenuesweremore than double the total yvovernmentalcostpayments,the excess amountedto$4,175,213.This relatively enor- mous excess is accounted for by the setting aside of additional public lands for the permanent schoo!fund and is not due to any unusual in- crease in ordinary receipts or de- crease in ordinary expenditures.Oth-jer States in which the excess was more than $1.000,000 were Michigan, with $2,055,827;New Jersey,with $1.820,524;Massachusetts,with $1.-810,622;Indiana,with $1,396,650,and Minnesota with $1,031,494. The greatest excess of total gov- jernmmental cost payments over reve- 'nues shown for any one State,$35,- |349,717,is that for New York;the second largest exeess,$5,727,517. appears for California;and the thirdjlargest,$4,508,454,for Hlinois. The total outlays for permanent aggregated $85,099,- amount,$33,087,410, or nearly two-fifths,was spent for ‘ne construction of new roads and‘ne permanent improvement —such ils macadamizing or paving —of ex- sting ones.The yvreatest outlays ‘or roads in individual States were re for New York,$10,742,913;California,$7,706,370,and =Mary- tand,$3,568,697.Only 21 States Maine,New Hampshire,Massachu-eetts,Rhode Island, Penn:ylvania, ome,Of this Michigan,Minnesota,Maryland, Teouisiana,Montana,Idaho,NewUtah,Washineton,expended construction roads durin umber of the a which | Arizona, Oregon and California money direetly on the and improvement of tne fiscal year,but an other States apportioned sumscounties,municipalities,ete. were spent in improvement of roads, MATTERS OF NEWS. Proceedings in appeal from the re-cent ruling of Judge Emory Speer of the United States Court of —the Southern)District of Georyia, which the selective was held to be constitutional, heen filed by Tom Watson. The Inter -State Commerce Com- mission har suspended until January 18 operation of increased commodi- ty rates on cigars,cigarettes and to- bacco from Durham,Raleigh other points in North Carolina certain Virginia points to and St.Louis. Each AmericanheldinGermany two weeks through Mexic oO, have prisoner of |war will receive every the American the construction and | mi] conscription act | and | and | Chicapo| The wae Department is now seek-|Red Cross committee in Switzerland|ing a site in the southern portion of “three food kits,”the country for an additional camp,nine to 10 pounds each.where to send each prisoner enough food toforamachineguncompany,an adequate range can be obtained.The new range will require between!Fine idea,if the15and20milesofuninhabitedterri- tory,broken into level lands and alse into hill country so that battle con-ditions of all kinds can be reproduced|for the target practice work.There |Raleigh dispatch,is marshalling from idea is containing The last him until another kit is sent. prisoners food. The Fairs and the Midways. The State suys a all | fair management, must be room for a cantonment in||influences possible to bring to bear o:the railroad companies,especially the |which the troops can be housed,good| railway facilities,and adequate waterompely.a site will be leased orpurchased, _AOEPeeONASSUREODS IN GERMAN PRISON.W.A.Miller,the unaceounted formemberofthenavalguncrewofthe American tank steamer Campa,is inaGermanprisoncampatBranden- berg with the four other gunnerstakenwhenthesteamerwassunk.Dispatehes heretofore accounted foronlyfourofthenavalgunners. _ARTETARNINL t Dunkirk,France,by ye7 mee Mo- BOMB ——CONSULATE.the American con- y a=es onon Sepiomber 7,isDepartment. »and the archivessaved. Ay crop.‘s wheat crop just Was on the POR EV- ”> &co.\iShoes.—J Southern railway,to induce them to revoke their rule that no shows will be hauled this fall,this rule apply- ing even to the run of shows that ge to make up the midways of the fairs. It seems that unless there is some modification of this rule the whole cireuit of fairs will have to be devoid of the midway or faker features,and this would be ruinous,the fair mana gers seem to think The Landmark hopes the railroads will stand pat. AS NN me LOW TEMPERATURES. Temperatures considerably belownormalprevailedinallcentraland eastern belts during the past week,accordingtothecottoncropbulletin The t r averged six degreesadaybelownormalinmostofNorth Carolina,southeastern Alabama and northernPlerida,RATTLERSEO wi Snes,heh ol Chambertain’s Tablets.opinion of Chemberlatn'’sTabletsforsand with ‘TRY OUR South Carolina,Georgia,| vet the We have only a few left. "4writeMr.©.A,7 ih len,MaenmnttLae : wre tl a provost marshal,~a these points in the draft That there is no appeal to theResetsexceptinclaimsfordis-|charge based on engagement in - culture or industry.2.That no evidence not ounatities |to district boards will be considered|by the President in acting on i.|cultural or industrial claims,provost marshal general rules,how-ever,that dependency claims declin-ed by district boards may be appeal-ed to State Governors.“If local boards have made mis.|takes in individual cases,resultinginhardships,”he says,“there is an appeal to the district board.Also both local and distriet boards mayre-open cases in’which they are inerroruptothetimetheclaimantisactuallyorderedintomilitaryserv- iwe Tf the loeal or district board isindoubt,it may apply to the Govern- or for information concerning themeaningofthelaw.An individual who believes a board has erroneous-ly interpreted the law may call theattentionoftheGovernortothe case,When it is clear that theboardisinerror,the Governor may nform the board of the law and re-quest it to reopen the case.” we——_———eee DEFICIENCY BILL PASSED,The seven-billion dollar deficiency bill,carrying huge appropriations for the army,fortifications andshippingboard.poesed the House of ‘oneress by a unanimous vote, The bill,the largest supply meas- ure in the country's histery,now rows to the Senate,where prompt ac-ion is expected.It directly appro-priates $4.%30,000,000 and authorizescontractsfor$2,5314,000,000 addi-| tional.' LEMONS WHIThN ANDTIFYTHESKIN! Make This Beauty Letion CheaplyForYourFace,Neck,Arms andHands! At the cost of a small jar of or- dinary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most won- derful lemon skin softener and com- plexion heautifier,by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons inte a bot- tle containing three ounces of orch-urd white.Care should be taken tostrainthejuicethroughafineclothsonolemonpulpgetsin,then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemonjuiceisusedtobleachandremove such blemishes as freckles,sallow-ness and tan and is the ideal skin softencr,whitener and beautifier. Just try it!Get three ounces BEAL - of| ee weeeS $045 F.0.B.PONTIAC,MICH. YOUNT &ALEXANDER. Mr.Automobile Owner. PEMEMBER!uge Batteries with Distilled Battery work is and furnish Water free! done by an ¢pert! STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. We inspect Stor-y All ox- andant this] orchard white at uny drug store two lemons arom the wrocer make vp a quarter pint of sweetly fragrant lemon massage it daily into the face,avms and hands.It is marvelous to emoothen rough,red haniis.| nec MUSIC lotion and}Se *s)POR RENT—Five-re-room rottnge en Davie 5enue, PUPILS statics.MKMeptember24 WwW.R. Sept,1k.ft. ANBRAWLEY.mote rn Con hence Seasion begins McLELLAND Av- V Deering Mowers andRakes. If vou expeet to need one next spring it willpayyoutobuynow.We cannot buy them at the price we are offeringthese.You know the high quality of the Deering Mowers and Rakes. IREDELL HARDWARE CoO. PICKARD’S, eyes. Statesville HAND PAINTED CHINA “The World’s Best” STOUFFER’S, NIPPON. It’s a pleasureto show them.Theyare good to lookat.Comegive us the pleasure of satisfying your THE REXALL STORE, ‘QUALITY ie Drug Comply willbe mobilizedSATURDAY,OCTOBER 6th.Wel tl youmore ater MUTUAL BUILDING A=LOAN.ASSOCIATION..ee e..¥ el a i ae a Areenter Felt Mattresses Crawford -Bunch Furniture Company. ReRTE te io oeee Elkin Blankets. This Special Felt Mattress weighs 45 pounds, rolled edge,round corners,price $10.00. 45 pound Cotton Mattress,$8.00. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”‘PHONE NO,400, NO BETTER INVESTMENT THANINAGOODPIANO. if You Buy Right,and Buy the Right Piano,You will Never Regret the Investment. We are representatives of some of the most famous instrumentsandwewantyoutoseeandhear them. It costsnothingtoinvestigate. Justnowwe are making special prices and if you will callor write,we will makeit worth your while to makeyourselectionsoon. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. EVERYTHING MUSICAL. "Phone 304.South CenterStreet. enna i ae GET YOUR EMBLEMFROMUS. of your And then you can rely upon the “quality” emblem. Wecan furnish the proper pin,charm or ring for any order.We do a large business in that line, The “secret”of ourbusinesssuccess lies in givingreliable, reputable jewelry to those whogive us tnair confidénce. 600 colored men,pref married work inponyegobalerghoyy,7 days per week,wages forsteady work $14.00 per weck to start.Increases granted after one,three .and six monthsservice.fine new houses with water,toilets andelectriclights.Cheap rent.Steady work insideallyearround.Apply Employment Bureau, ‘Tallassee Powct Company,Badin,N.C. ee ee yemg ‘ee RR:ee eo eR EEE SE ene eet:en mememRpREmeRAeTwilllastforyears RU-BER-OID is made of a heavy felt,saturated ard coated with compounds that make it thoroughly water-proof and permanently flexible. In every case we recommend PU- BER-OID to our customers in preferenceto’cheaper roofings. have found that with only ordinary care genuine RU-BER-OID roofs are almost indestructible.Often they have given more than 20 years’of service without 2 cent for repairs, The genuine RU-BER-OID has the figure of the “Ru-ber-cit Man"on the wrapper of every roll.Look for him.He's there to guard you aga'nst imitations and inferior brands. Let us quote you prices and show mii une he ie oo psd you the real RU-BER-OID in Slave tng and BU-BER-ULD 2 hingin.Gray,File Rod or Copper Green C.WATKINSSTATESVILLE,- N.C, TTBaeetFeQOOriNiaSTSRMORE-WEARS.iONGE hb 38 jaeksane .,a ny <A et aa COUE SOMES CHOOT OOOOHONORCE.HOO MORMON)CONDYourHands! Are not tied from carrying out your ex-pectations and desires when you havemoney IN THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on whaiyousave, It is not a matter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in-come is smali and it will be easicr asyourincomeincreasesto Increase Your Bank Account. Now isthe opportune time to open anAccountwithus.\ People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.”GEO.H.BROWN -President.O.L.TURNER «Cashier. oTww|PATRIOTISM §BUSINESS | Every good citizen at this time shoulddohissharetowardstrengtheningtheFederalReserveBankingSystemwhichourGovernmenthascreatedwithitsbilliondollarsofresourcestostandbackofitsmemberbanksandalltheirde-positors.FYoucancontributedirectlytothestrengthofthissystem,and at the samctimesecureitsprotectionbydepositingyourmoneywithus,sincepartof everydollaryoudepositwithusgoesdirectlyintothenewsystem,where it is always4readyforyouwhenwanted.:Thisis a suggestion for prompt action. Member FederalReserve System. COMMERCIALNATIONAL BANK.STATESVILLE,N.C. Pin |ae a0.rd sae *MATRA GA i distil a il ies Bai i HOO 000 of loans were appraved by)einni:y :A} jpeace and happiness of the people of boa negroes are sent,and should be ‘WA’|INS for We will be glad to have oe call at our office .7"Bye ‘the 2Our andBoweleWEE Degeos’e von|Site Calomel makes you seh/i's)spon:fal end astdowsDepartmenttointhehorrible!Take a dose of the dan.You ipe hed makemsatgoreusdrugtonightondtomorrowTsye——the big cities,_Gen-you may lose a day's work Dadaon'‘1 ie .na thee oe ork,«Liver Tone ih a‘nen is tpievery or pier ihe —Sa beeause it:':Ve /wh causes necrosis of t yones.liver ee;entively e,.|livery/of ey eed to 7 chet |Calomel,when it comes into enatact therefore it eanrot salivate or meoftheparcelpostinthevicinityofwithsourbile,crashes inte i,you sick. that hosti have ceased,says the cities where established.brenking it up.This is whew you 1 guarantee Mhat one spoonfulrt,which continues:“1 would try out a plan,”said Mr,fee!thet awful nausea and eramp-,Dedson’s Liver Tone will put yeirlythebigBritishahurlBurleson,“by which the benefits of ina.Af you are sluggish and “elit shugeish liver to work and ‘jtheir thousands of tons metal,millions of dollars t on good knevked out,”if your liver is terpid your bowels of that cour hile 4eeanddestructionintoroadsandindevtofmotorandbowelsconstipatedoryouhaveconstipatedwastewhichis|the defences;day and t vehicles may be co-ordinated with the headache,dicziness,comted teeeuc,your system and makirg youj@reatsquadronsofaviatorsparcelpostsystem,so as to open up if breath in bad or stormach ur,triverable,I quniantec that a|their michines over the German’great stretches of country within easy just try «spoonfel of hidrmiews bod.the of Dodeon'’s,Liver ‘Tone with heen a and dump their cargoes ofhigh,motor distanee from larze cities and cr's Liver Tone tonicht.your entire family feeliee fine ‘forexplosivesonimnortantpositions,facilitate the delivery of food prod-Lere’s my guarantee Go to aay months.Give it to your children.Tejandcontinuouslysmallbodiesofwets,About manyof the large cities,gong store ond yet n SOcent ofthe!ix harmless:docen't gripe and they|British infantry are reaching out in-|within a radius of 50 miles or more,of "Redeon’s Liver Tone.Take “like its pleasant taste.jto the German trenches anateh-here are productive districts oceupi-—--“a ~++-jing back prisoners after playing ed by farms and villages which are =|havoe with hombs’among the dug-without direct postal facilities.Theseutes.and mortar emplacements,would he reached by the contemplat-|,Of course there is retaliation by ed moter truck routes.By the use|the enemy.but the advantage rests of motor truck routes it is believed;With the Entente allies in con-»very large amount of food productsstanthammeringprocess,Jt ia the which would otherwise be wasted orsteadydroppingofwaterwhichisdeliveredonlyathighcostwillreachwearingaweythestone.The terri-larwe cities at reasonable cost to thethletollofdeathbeingexactedfromconsumer,”the enemy ranks by the artillery andthecontinualdrainaweoftheirwar THOUSANDS OF PRISONERS DIE;supplies by the destruction caused Albert Champion,a French soldier,by shells and bombs are having thei?yi,on his third attempt escaped|offeet.The German wall of defence f,::iisstilstrong,but it is weaker than ‘fo Germany,brings information, lik was,and sooner or ater must 2ccording to the Paris edition of the crumble,if the allied methods of Now York Herald,that 3,700 Prenchwearingdownarecontinued.It needs and British soldiers and 1,500 Rus-no military expert to fivure this out.<ians have died from typhus fever atEveryTomyalongthelineis‘he German concentration camp atawareofit.:Sasel,90 miles northeast of Frank-Persons far removed from the war fort-on-the-Main,vane,perhaps,do net consider milita-See gee —=T/fy operations frem an abstraet view-point often enough.That is,they TARRH iSconceiveprogressonlywhensomecityhasfallenoranadvaneehasIthasbeensaidthateverythirdheenmadeoveragreatstretelfofpersonhascatarthinsomeform,lerritery ond thousands of prisoners Ries :1haveheentaken.Certainly thous We Science has shown that nasi!catarrhoperationsappealtothe imagina-often indicates a general weaknesstien,but,in’viewing them,ene of the body;and local treatments inhealtnotoverlooktheinestimable1he¢wm of snuffs and Vapors do httle,‘ue of the grinding.killing pro- “a8 which never ceasos..may g “!cet i enpy toavers:ld.™This precess has been continued ©COrrect CoLaFEA you shou!.:treat its The Co.y the British steadily since the re-C&%°¢by enriching your blood with the Dept.K Cotton Dept.&?\oe ‘siege &yi Benet’a ty?s ow}iaitLigoffensive.The artillery has =—.—.ee which A a Attanta Augusta Birminghem (Chartotte Gretnwood JacksonLittle RechMacon GlomghisSelma:Wi cinal food arn ;niledline -toui ei ‘pt up an almost unceasing thunder from alcohel or any bavestuid:ee Try it,4 long the whole front,and air paid: tape =vil throsts by the infantry have dette;ALR Bowne t een werhing great destruction in SALE OF CITY PROPERTYtheenemyterritory.The British air .emuice ei}vnintains s >y -«maintain _!ipremacy HY virtue of a Wecsus of tc Bucrrior Gaui nt the hig raiding machines have ap tredeil cone y.rendered in an indeingvastdamage.One ef the uined GE French,adminiaivator, eetacular air incidents eeeurred the will annexed,of |ok i lie y 'tn .et ti thie andwoenabrushplanedispersed2.000 nen reap a See enemy infantry Sy Curn.ng its ma , —- as g bidder vt the courinegunsonthemenalorgeeneoextite,N.C,an i highways.SATURDAY,OCTOBER atieeeeeeeeeereneeorfnoon,the followin end ¢*’1 city of Sta wionsine te :Farmers Got Loans.Co nle ae oe ee a More than 4,000 farm lonn aeser bed nnd defined as follows,to-wit.:One the nerth by fed wt ree ,tions are in the proces,of orrani-nel Us OP sa ea oe thee “hy We have our stock almost complete :the wert Pius t "’zation in the United States to ber-1...Old Noe ard South Corporation linc.,‘;s ‘few Wiener aenee (he Vales!Ms Cue 6 ee a of new Coat Suits,Dresses,Coats,lonn net.Twelve hundred of Ch@ty .Cae lot lealaning at a nepe sd Gana +103 +ie .orjranisatiorn;are slready comp!O@e-Pranch herding jot raat cf the Saeed Shirt Waists,Hats,Coilars,gloves,ty organized and chartered and Joans Hand!te mm othe erty of Sates vill ..ro de jhe far .\t!south ©8 Cegres {te thh on th ¢Impose these ‘aaseciationn,Five,‘ett side ot Trait verve?themes:wuthward Corsets,in fact all the new things to“"MOEN.128 G8 .with t?west le «id street ts heamountborrowedby each>associne fran tlefce up Uae penean'the besriy *»ladi ‘tion averaz®®about $40).007 and ain:«wooed tot eefomcch ef sn interest the ladies.hovld all of the 4,000 associations TOR Vor marietee ae eenoworganizedborrowatthesamepanchGeeride,eceeaniy ann Caen 2neeasxthosealreadychartered,street sch ato vices vast lie fete tos We will be pleased to show you ourover$150,600,000 will have been stake,Mok Sinonton’s ener eee Ma 'logned|by the (12)Ferleral Luna.fo Ori:vot 2)fort toa otekto Tommi LNe,banks within a year.Nearly S29.-thence with R Ax fine Lil fect te the bes the Federal loan banks anal the ,maT “erat ioent int ‘iw theped¢teas es Hy ’)followingamountoaanseeiubllymadedureOneLei es Aftlean's eorace on ing August approximated nearly $4.-Davie avenue,in the city of States on oo0,The tetal emo nt of loans ime sowth oS Ce vcee ist 200 feet ta a otahe, .erie ;.n Mra.Ke,errer:thence north 3 aeetuallyWaxy|out to farmers up to eurt [98 feat!toetele en line of Kinder letScptember1is$7,7'96,123.This rop-thence with id line north 48 dverecs ' eraents smpproximately three months 206 feet te a stake on ipavie Javen then:R ‘R :‘of actual Jending.with Bavie uvenits ati Pre ta nes °conlamine neowrl “'e,vey‘RES +0:emoie One bot lee ' her,of7a.yaNegroProkemanKilled.Morksvitte rond,none evry Uns of ch oon :‘ of Brotessitt tren ith >deve erent 1 he Cash Stere.Pink Whiieside.no neyra brake.200 fest to ;Wr 4 ‘theres .man from Asheville,wig:killed in a rorth a to.Wee Fert ten take .g tine vite nee eth lew ‘we t 2OEYApeculiarmannerSundayattheSil-arenes ate Cine ee sie|’son :P wave i ae aS siepiethinmone sence a mene an:2 ammenities yenninneiiemtitaigerCrechbridge,two miles west of the rend 10x ;‘lain oe siMorganton.He was either knocked ine nearly ©more ar te =:=:an ee aeoe a EST ee ae afromthetopofacarbystrikingthe—One Lat Hescin wane nt in stein om Th |::.’.me a bthe of tre wee et erertridwe,or fall,and in falling hist Qin.which wese wld he H.Harte nad witelothingcaughtthecdgeooftheis‘T.J.Perry and MoOW.Hill:thenes with !bridge dircetly over the ereck.He ers line te a on vy Wt —A tins Ae ¢wie ,©Cow thence with Plinwdey fine te Murwasnatmissedbythecrew.dugk's corner,thee with Wl ML Murdock 'Later a man at a distance saw the tine te Davi »(hence with wablca a |OURbodysuspendedandstartedtoit,but 100 feet te the sestnatr taining one neve,Ff at that time another freight train ore or lee :?‘stitial Sim twee |NEW LINE OF TOILET SOAPhodyleone.It fell into the creek 90!weuterly direction 146 (ret:thence in a neuihe 4 ~4feetbelow.Evidently the man was canterly fires m owith Wo AL Moore linekilledb}the first fall,as his heagd 247 4-5 feet ttwe hundred ane i we 10¢d 25 k.:.four-fifth fee ten «takes ther »o "was badly mashed,which injury oviy asalel es a *(eae:teas ie {.an oe.per ca e.cauld not have resulted from the fall)feet te M,C.Williams tine theres alth ML ¢‘3 fee i>show cause why his new pobtica to 8 f »creck Williams’bine to obey n i eet |—~.the sand of the creek.ftwe huedre!}eecentee ie tonvintins ok:Alvs.feet)eomtninine one t ‘nrore op te iAfterWatsonAgain.Ode Lot dn city of Sta on Liberty eas ‘ Thomas E.Watson has been orcer-ter Conmnelly’s jot on ft t et,running §f 4a)a \‘49edbythePostofficeDepartmenttonorth61desenstfertthsaidConj5mei .ington &.er:ity's e tnow Alliser .Bteve n line .‘Ls ":ippear in Washington September 24.nelty's tin eee PR ESCRIPTION is . ree vert '.titien,the Thomson (@a.)Guard,niley's linc on bot Nal 8 tw >7 ehouki not be exeluded from the N,er:thence north 5)deg |I hone No.20,suilxs,Seve re The -,Went with snid Mill’Tne feet to anid ae ;Pete :mails,Several weeks ago The Jef $e’corner on Hiberty street;thence with Gh —_ci itifersonian,a weekly published by the Jibsree street 100 feet to the bewinas,con,--o-e=—=;ee eee aeJeffersonianPublishingCompanyat|tatwing 4-4 of an were.»Thomson,Ga.,of which Waison is.Tortie of sale One-third third inRetebysiaeeeMere,aac Sra at eet THE STATESVILLEfromthemailsbecauseofalleged)qo Metauchlin.Att Commissioner,aaBert,4 !seditious articles and criticisms of Wen SecseenUesdethan ak .e-Jo”Solution for Submarines REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY quired by Watson and apeafed as a ,eweeklywitharticlessignedbyhim.C.WATKINS,who has been play-Appreciates the very liberal atronage of itsSSSsES.*:°Each State Train Negro Soldiers 1%eh havoc with Building Mate-friends and policyholders,both NEW and OLD.pee.Vhere sre sigh WAT-Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourA_resolution declaring it will be in SES in the Lumber business and the interest of public policy that each re customers and those who will beeome customersStatetrainj;‘0 soldiers THEY BUY IN QUANTITIES!:andin a camp seperate from those (a|Mess ::to use the same when they so desire.As in thewhichwhitesoldiersaretrained,has OST EOP ATH past,we will strive to give the same44.been introduced in Congress by Rep resentative McLemore of Texas.It Dr s WwW He ff HIG ll RA ]DD SERVICE.also stated that “the policy of send-°.°oTimann.:ing nage selflege foeus the Northern OFFICE OVER that has won for this Company coe will andStatestobetrained,or for other pur-|Merchants’&Farmers’Bank.confidence of over seventeen hun patrons,i the South States is Office ‘Phone,324;H jKeaghtwithgoustdengero>the |Phone,279 Green.ty Meuse |“WEINSUREANYTHING INSURABLE”andPAY ALE——===|HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT the communities to which the North- for any information,or te No.54 if ourserviceinneeded..pani on |]WedoNOTARYPULICworkaloo aleeraie:;|J.F.CARLTON,ee ia yak LAtIAg Cer es feel that his noble uous labors deserve ford College,what more fitting than : be called Weaver friend of Dr.Weave that it be presented Nerth Carelina Co tember 25,and ¢: tiens received.Rev Mooresville is sol in the southe Rev.L.Db.Thom) will receive ys} this portion of StotTippealfor lee is based on th 1,The many .More than 50 training wa rece partly at Rutherf 8.From 25 te 12 of _$€are ma to pre pe ther work for h mat 5 4.~re the ! 4 ar Mhister 1} ae ‘hi kd re fmB.By the seve student Without for each year by RThisispossiblebe«1cheapestpla0 6.This work ha cost of creat pers: 7.The propo « much needed a young men. 8.In the stim lutherford Collegedelightto«he #.Rutherford ser ritery in which Church has no other A few yeu mt-ed a T-acre camp en the beautiful 50-ac: of Christian educati:eontribute to this ca s¢hool and church ir service Rutherf 1 4 dered,and jc now re: Western North Carolin are now served by me dents are taught every ) life and conspi to be held ' membrance.Beenvse of his friendship for and in ferent Rut} Memorial « we y J Ha I a vf t " }: r \ I »nm A i i the ( 'In eve 4 ire ( e} th ' VW } ud 'me in al >te t}Methodist school for bey he eo!own- »®sMail woode building and a large wooden build ing.Today it owns a 5O-ncre cara pus,a wooden dormitory to holboys,and 2 new brick administra tien building worth 1 1 a the present grreat needs j n brick =dormito:t a nr { 100,This need to tne met ot building Weaver Hall.T a me morial to the Jate 7 Jumes |Weaver,a man of conspicueus serviceandoneofthemostlovedmenintheWesternNorth ference.For a long tin friend and trustee College.A few 1 sudden death he remark that he wished that ‘to give toeRutherfor tember 22,is to bn Carolina Con rie |45 at of f herford? hts bse e oh he had 1a,.000 1.Sunday.Sep Weaver Memo rial Day in the Wests ‘h CarolinyConferenceOiyinvth friends ef Dr.W er and of 1 tian educ ‘a :t w hs Werver Hall 1!rity list $25,000.A great deal «ere being taken in the onser noe f th day Individu from «mall amountchurchesareexpect: $1,600 or more. To Prepare For Mr,John VF.Bowles,Mr.and Mrs.Jno Statesville and hest folks as Jack B day night for Washingt enter Columbia Preparator \Lo repar for the nation to West Point Congressman Dojenatedi ship at West Point Chapel Hil and ent itv when notified of € we t ry one ¢ rewly for the WesttionnestJ\" Stat next VM he ex will building as we cordialingMu The chi who wer net mit pect to ent Meet wt '{, achool buil r oe lot dren not wv!| expert to asked te (t ure h } The M ! Monday ’ i Bread Street y ministers of the t ‘Rev A.J RanaTria,will preach «: ciate Reforme:|’ ingBervices at St.M an church,Treutm tomorrow nicht, }TOM HW ponet Public School.Oper West Point. Jr.sor of }Bowls 0 i We ms, heel’|wt service Burday at He n ADAMSON'S enor rMENT.shprevantative Adatmenn of Geor?Member «Cor wen appointed appraiser for the pers of New of $25,- Next Sunday is to be observed as Rutherford Colleee Day in thechurchesoftheWosternNorthCaroeeAnearnesteffortisbeingmadetoraiseafundof$25, 000,to erect at Rutherford Collewe &memorial building in honer of thlateDr.James Harvey Weaver,fo: mer presiding cider of Stateavi'll district,the building to accommodat100boardingpupils. The many friend®of Dr.Weav: ine cameos this weekthisweekand=‘alread‘opresent approximately 4) 16 train-Loans2 ‘=per centofthetotalquotaunderfirstcall.Already »the camps is the rua ine this $2 rd of 5 al vorbed, >per cent. advance|4OutofthishasbeencreatedaskeletonorganizationU.8.bonds deposited to ’»which the second increment will When the last men ofinerementarrivethecampswill use half ef:the first call forces,or 0 men,and the other half willfollowasrapidlyas The ipment and moving satisfactorily. men of the National army mav be ¥y partially eq hev are }« enormous mpt will hethHwar task mo made tipped for ilived, quartersiomentaremadeavailable.War Department states that of obtaining suplies fer the army to furni equipment of thelr Gesarture n clothi: tx,W in have to ‘lothins i .iar the \uu cht up he mol »7 0) rr .he thet t ¢iW 'Guard me li with iti of t question umber all an are indica men will be d aN will go to trenyth. fram ¢ tikals!n compil t }stl i ans ! e dt « gh that lea }i | armsher af div France Mones For | mobi KEPORI OF {ommercial S; é ol State of North ¢ ( tt ' RAL t Miye for used ines Some untile such a More than 300,000 menselected un- der the draftact the aes a being oa and some time and no at-them the urope, over for a strv has its work nm of one-half he first ¢all ari itional , are tn " i men I Ma met The syeanized, New thers, soon will em at wht- net imme-ucher and to of men:will of the Na army. a deficien- when off 3.training no fimure Nation bu York and immy, RV 1la- cx- tional sery Iso ha é rhumMe nits for a Mt or- of th: iVe tree s to be it to make u ted forces « quipment. tivnal Ba OURCkS ville,in the lina,at the September Lith,1907, KE ' t ' {‘ i a 1 —- Meyet 1,Way CONDITION nk at De Vv ut mux- Hoo States:10 of Business it f ¥t ' ty 8 t " DM LEY Cashier to before me,th H.HOFFMANN Netary Publ NS rh MILLS W.PY TWURNER,CM.STRELE,Mreetars, of cor el the possibilities are that conditions will afar as ~.|The Store That Sells For Less. |aviLDING?wares BUILDING?c.8 Gthenesell reorin sata OE 1b6 bisdone to 4 ane oe cate bibenee om eiveviation (parMEcocksvosgaekes $100,000.00U,“Ss bonds and certifi.eaten of indebtedness pledved to seeure U.8.depowita tpak val- uel ox .%6,000,00 190,000.00LibertyLewn‘Be nds,un-i pledged .2,500.00libertyLeanHondas,\ pletiged to secure U.8B.Hiandotherdeposits70,000.00 72,600.00 Securities other than U.&bonds .snot including stocks)owned un-ipledyed.judgments 12,712.98 J @SteckefFederalReserveBank(5A per eent,ef subscription)sie a,750.00 Price ofValueofbankingheuse..82,000.00 5Furnitureaodfinturem..........06 4,284.79LawfalervewithFederalRe-j iwrveBanh27,833.07 | 4 hin veull and net amounts due afromnationalbanks76,885.06 |»‘et mmount due from hanks andant ee tian inelado HemeT8 cil oo a We do not think the Government willerapgmateriallylowerthispriceondomestic :"sown.|coal.We do know,that,at the present rota ct at A annaan it is impossible to buy Tennesseecoal and Ww OM ote outstanding 100,000.00 feat nen oh oe Bem get worse as the winter comes on. ie ha hel cae Our BLACK MARIA coal is the best “ket te grade of T ennessee—Kentucky coal andPEreewepositivelyguaranteeittogiveyou sat aw gente entire satisfaction. cat gana Call us up at once—better be sure of yourleagesoerequirementsforawhile—at least. —PHONE 87.ae -Iredell Ice &Fuel Co. KEVPORT OF CONDITION ‘OY. Phe Merehants and Farmers’)Bonk at Statesville,in the State of Northarotina,af the Clo-e af Business,|Sepleinber ith,1917.#li eS ws MaeFalBloai,Silk and wool Skirts,Cordon Silk i icer 3.4 Georgette.Crene de Chine,.°._Sh Oy up to $5.00.$3.48 up to $8.95.Hosiery. 2 eee Oe Re se|JOHNSTON-BELK COMPANY. Wonderful Showing of Extremely Smart and Stylish Models Serge and Wool JerseyDresses. And showing of these Dresses new complete.Beautiful We quality of French and Man-Tailored Serge.The styles :a wide range to select from.Many of these models arePatcopiesofveryhivhpriceddresses.You will find embroidered,—plain tailored,fancy stitching and souache braid-trimmed styles Ik Gur prices on these Dresses are most reasonable,$8.95, $11.95,$16.95,$17.G5,:5-1 NAVY BLUE MIDDY SUITS 7 \t most attractive prices.Made of good quality all Wool Serge,heautifully tailored.School days are here---hy new prices lower than they will be later.$8.95,$11.95,$1.250, $13.59 up to $22.50, —NEW FALL COATS bs tle ayaa |The styles seem handsomer than ever,mixtues,Broadcloth, heh Velours and Plushes.$9.95 up to$35.00. —New goods arrivingdaily in all departments. PREG,Ct LAE GG: do setemniy swear that the thiethdayofBewtemmibesnaaa:18 Big Retail Stores.18 BigRetail Stores. in F.JENKINSW.A.THOMAS Bent.21,1997 tors me “0% SPU a a FS el Se tae aaa al Wie Goneontheernment’in particular,United 3}at ChurchneladleAwonygelRobertM.LaFollette of /@ India,wasinStatesville Sunday |"Wroresville,Sept,24 —Mre,Dans i show that |the western district.52 men accept-addressed a talked at the Assoc Re-herself.A|°?for service:ering in The Coliseum at T church Lone ethehear-|Graham Templeton,New Hopes!Sanday afternoon,under Memorialtoday.empted;disability.R-3,spices of “The People’sobjectedsomaiimoreaanHarmony,made up of Socialists, he come Charlie ‘Lee Smith,Mooresville,~Goott ving.place.5 :rr.Lak attacked theheadedongmenesswifeandchildren.American Cans-press,déclari thatxohn-Nantz,Statesville,R-/American newspapers are fee the deceasedquaepes—mont .—Ba the “war dren,two daughtersntLiam;|aren,ldren.|erty,mania _intoneata of the ®church Sunday,30th,at 11 |tho jatter li in‘n an sand cl —guabessnsg patch from eePehatan nalheal Borssning a Friday,Dr.J.M.wife Idren c that Clark will co a rected meet-were conductedwhoShuford"i Adams,ville,the President of the United States}ing at Bethany ch:Two services —Friday afternoon by the pastor,me.swayed Congress to such an extent“antedl de ae,exempt-/that the declaration of war was not]oq.ee B jamin Alston _—_States-the representative opinion “6dem- ttorney GeneraliisassistingSolicitorClem-in the prosecution, day —amn and night.Thiscordially—ene soitv.Dro.J.M.Clark,C.E.Ray-|mills have wore Dr.0. ¥., ternoons. :ocratie government.He WwW —Mr..P.who has“Maurice ely.Harmony,R-,|adn defneecn it Ince gal B aa FM.Par of Satna,whch was Wf by Dr,Pd eit Ee,Se ee ac :—rents..i S.A.Grier of Bari ,, Henry oods,tatesville,ac-v ><<oe nation in the form ville today toattend the igeee-.ae ne =—oe of ae aes le‘ing of Concord yesterday.;no claig.warrant for Means was issued res :—Sisteevilin ob Speaking at St.Paul,Minn.,last which the request of Solicitor Clement,week,Senator LaFollette told a : f i resenta-|©;no claim.hante cle District At.|.William Wright Stroud,Harmony,|®udience tha had|nextcertian withte First Presby.W,King,Swann of New York city,and|8-1,1;has wife,hems sether ‘terian church of Statesville.geon at the SyracuseFederaland_local ials.|James Whitlock,Houstonville,R-|01»sights of American citizens,YomKippur,the Day of Atonement |tion for Feeble Minded Children, observed by all orthodox Jews as a|placed first onthe listin a Stateciv-day of solemn fasting and prayer,|il service examination for physicians present were John T.Dooling,|1,exempted;physical disability..: Bssistant district attorney of New ;—Pe Eufola,R-a +oy cemae3aee.,Schultze,patholo-‘a w aa ae M ville,|belligerent merchantmen,laden —this evening at sunset and/at the State and reformato- ;Ca re ee.T.Jones,istol oe .eke e hho.quan oores *|munitions was worth going to war _tomorow evening at sunset.|ries.Twelve took the ex-|store of the New York police force;f pted;depe Hh a ._|about.His audience,mainly farm-Services will be held at Temple aminations and but two,Pa.Dr. Ce,#=—..~od;atte cok’detttote »Olin,exempt-|oy,freauently interrupted his |Bmanuel this evening and tomorrow.|King oo!mark on Fea-Cont i ns e;i.©.c-..a ~peech som,”se.were ~*sew t.vacancy at d he,attorney representing Mrs._Everette Gilmore Perkins,States-2 few a ee ee Progress of the Road Work in Sing guinea.pA .for him if heAnnaL.Robinson,mother of the|ville,exempted;wife and —whe Gd net eserove of the sent Wilkes.desires toovat it.” —oe eS:B.——_aa on ed,eee tes-|ments expres by the speaker.)Mr.R.Don Laws,chairman of the|«<i Y°Un®who is ie,"Thess ici —o sf cea ’ent P4-!When the Senator sought to defend giadreads commlatien ef Wilk well acquainted with The .a eae oe po iat oe Glenn William Kesler,Moores-|‘he sinking of the Lusitania,there ty,was in Stptnevilile 8 oo mailed a cardthe‘New ‘York.ant’Chiengo.offices |ville,accepted;no claim.came cries of “you're yellow"!In-lBpom’”ifr.Laws ‘The Landmark|reads,as,follows’‘and also examined several Concord a homas Brem =Moores-an coe he Eee al Senpas that we read commission is friends through The As @ preticaionry move Solicitor Marshal Edwin Ramsey,Jr.,-ae oo apSe Se fromWilkesboro and that the ‘people nee at Dunn.‘Clement made a demand through aeons,exempted;wife and|*A dispatch from 8t.Paul says #ety on ~>school,So farIJoronerCarlL.Spears for Gaston|child.‘ja.+_|that Gov.Burnquist of Minnesota .&unting Creek|though I did rush 'R.Means to turn over the wearing Frank Hunter ennedy,ouston announced that if an official investi-read is completed to within four 1 am sending you this so my eo ti t i ) : : bi g 7 5 u t ic h ;rel,firearms and trid dj|ville;transferred to Cambridge,|°"’miles of the Iredell line,at Temple-The Landma’learnDothereffectsof|Mrs.King”which|Nass.ation of the,alleged disloval,state-|ton’s store.Mr.Laws returned trom|where tam.Dunn,Harnett,county,{and Mr.C.W.Boshame[were in the possession of Means at|John Edward Fox,Statesville,ex-}Mn Mie oasis were sed Pittsburg last week.where he pur-|N.C.”We're interested in —- the time of her death.This request enguets;member Iredell Blues.a aca canis safety coum chased another steam shovel for|young lady.We're sorry that son. Was not complied with.ames Houston,Mooresville,R-4,sion,of which the Governor is chalr-Wilkes.The commission has order-|;ushed off so suddenly,and we're ed this modern im:gioa that the fade bar :|All arrangements had been made]exempted;wife and child.*t placed onaesuapentigthecorensi's inqntet Thomas “Jarvis,Miller,Stony man,will ask for the Senator's @F-l¢he Brushy mountain,on the Wilkes.|“24 mots hope all of her ;Concord yesterday.The reason|Point,accepted;t parents.z ————____-—boro and Taylorsville road,where it]wil]write her,whoever she is.for the change —abandoning the|Homer Brevard Mayhew,Moores-|School Opening Yesterday.|will shovel out a connection with the|jon't know —she didn’t sign herandarrestingMeansonthe|ville,;parents.Tne ceaeitinens ta the Whittle oubite Alexander county road at Kilby’s|name to the card. |murder charge —was given by So-Chester Lee Horton,Mooresville,P Gap.‘Seven bronzed soldier lads arrived ‘Hieitor Clement in the following |sccepted;no claim.schools,which opened vesterday,was|Mr.Laws speaks very highly of from Camp_Sevier statement:Arthur Bennett Barrow,States-|about 950 and 160 of these were new 4.F.Mulligan,superintendent “After an investigation of the vilje,exempted;physical wegen pupils.The total is a considerable|of the road work in Wilkes.He e, } aot iiiffi i a #& i| 'law,I find some of the courts hold ‘obert Lee Simonton,Statesvil increase over last year and the num-jsaye Wilkes is now without a sur-Pied sweet tomobile that a second inquest on the same|accepted;no claim.ber of new pupils is the largest at)veyor,as Mr.PD.Tucker Brown has 6 at bad oo “le et body may not be held by the coroner|John Mack Thompson,States-|the opening in the history of the]been called into the army as captain boys are in Ith y — without the verdict rendered upon|ville,exempted;physical disability.|school..of an engineer section.its and have no kick coming against Mr.W.C the first inquest having been set|John Chambers,Statesville,‘ac-A good many visitors attended the}The road from Wilkesboro to Tay-|eamp life.They report ty of |aside or quashed.cepted;no claim.opening exercises in the South graded florsville is an important one to this|wor!good treatment enough |‘If the coroner and his jury were Earle McAuley,Dunlap,accepted;|school building yesterday morning.!section,as well as the road that con-|to a “Enough to eat,course, |to hold the defendant at the second|no claim.Rev.Dr.Hi M.Parker conducted the|nects at the Iredell line,and The plenty”!remarked one boy;“but inquest,the defendant would imme-|Jetner Sherrill,Statesville,ac-]opening service and talks were made|Landmark is glad to hear that|say!I never did know before how |diately take out habeas corpus pro-|cepted;no claim..by Rev.J.H.Pressly,Rev.A.J.Ran-|Wilkes is at work on its end.It is|good mother’s hot biscuits tasted.I ceedings before a judge,and allege|Clyde D.Bailey,Statesville,ac-|son (a visitor in town),Rev.L.D.|hoped that the Alexander force will]only consumed nine for dinner.Could -that —scent inanest was mae,onged =a.mescavis Thompson,Dr.as E.Reee.Mayor|meet Wilkes at the line.have eaten more,but military dis- on the ground that the coroner an arc wrence,esville,-9,|Bristol,Chairman F.A.Sherrill of the]|PRE aay ciplhi me not to overes- |his jury had already held an inquest|accepted;dependent parents.school board;Dr.M.R.Adams,who Soldiers Come Home to Visit aoe oe hewhichhadbeenreturnedtotheclerk}Baxter Alexander,Eufola,ac-/urged vaccination;Messrs.L.C.Cald-—Some Changes.Mr.Locke'of court and which was standing as|cepted;failed to appear.well and Zeb.V.Long.News comes to his relatives here|nesday inthecoroner’s verdict,it not having]Sam.Nesbit,Troutman,accept-::from M W.8.Alexand his visit being to secure been quashed or «et aside ed;no claim.--Mr.E.G.Gaither has bought the Stat ie a ae i the chicken exhibit at the |“Tt is at least a debatable ques-|John Martin Perry,Mooresville,|Somers land,68 acres,west of town ona Bon ort Gece ale comity fair to be held here on |tion whether the coroner has a right|accepted;no claim.and adjoining the State Farm.he has landed safely somewhere in|the 10th and 11th of October.It is t >.th tter.Theref j John Franklin Stafford,Moores.CIO ed ;order to avoid all techniculitiesand|ville,exempted;member’Piedmont|accepted;no claim.Frange.|No submarine attack or |utged thatthe pects ile kas dew.|complications |have called off the|battery.Edgar’Morrison’Money,States-|“ther exciting event encountered on |Tieeoe mee it ean have a fairsecondinquest.But as I have suf-|Weldon Walker Newman,Eufola,|ville,accepted;wits.itie.|The fallow }local boys|and one that is worthy of the name,ficient evidence to hold Gaston,B.|R-1,accepted;no claim.Arch.Monroe Shaver,Statesville.)00a "Baiday night from Camp Se_{and that Iredell county can produce Means for the murder of Mrs.c|James Carl Alexander,States-|R-5,exempted;wife and children.see,eaeaelle cae)ome -the ue There will be plenty of —ge an bes 7 VB.a aaaer Pete Co a leat lai til ‘Sunday here with relatives;|amusement.As for engin De it Pact,pe fice et the cig of|flash Roy Malco,Moorevie,|George Renin ais Mowry Bed Bre ait |Kepea.viion ard overti.:ee z *;ville,Y :ys ,,ye =.ey,ine’Ganache rece hte Meme Pan astra|ater”Come Wate,"Reawton|Nigam,Perry Mie Haka ml Mpc ene Tecourthouse,this being the same time |R-1,exempted;physical disability.vin.nung’==;Ral :a te:“avert people may expect clean amusements .and place the coroner's inquest would}Albert Alexander Sloan,States-arhe Bone Mill,statesvilie,K-|~Curlee and James B.Williams.|and an exhibit of products and re- have been held.The witnesses that|ville,R-5,exempted;wife and de-2,—©an Mr.LeGette has been transferred|svurces that would make the Kaiser HEAT AT CAMP JACKSON. Anent the statement that isnoheatattremoftheIredellgo »sub be pendent mother.:engineer ©i po el ag te =a Mead:pe Moffatt Pressly Guy,Statesville,a*‘4 <<re Olin coeekannic.Se “Ne new cases of scarlet fever have but required to attend and r at|R-4,accepted;dependent parents.:coe J :.Jerr :>-|hee rted in the last few days,Sromrenineeceestommernsnsntinsaereq©attend and appea Mr.Jerry Moose,one of the Ire nm repo n a CROPICAL DISTURBANCE.the preliminary hearing before the]Hoyt McFarland Morrison,States-Rl,accepted;dependent mother.|1.1 igiues,suffered a broken limb|and the little folks are joyously an- aot magistrate on Monday morning phos R-6,exempted;wife and chil-a eae —Moores:|overel days ago.He was helping |ticinating the end of their long quar- “a “a have much preferred "Fred Alexander Nantz,Moores-|Orin Alexander Hartline, States-to —=ra ae and it fell _—sage |aeten’a. holding the moved in cues as it]ville R-4,exempted;wife and chil-ville,exempted;wife and children.*hea Sher ‘il Ral ih Mill Charlie a ak aa among them Cine would have given me ea ortunity dren.Noah Griffin,Mooresville,accept-eee y i occ -—oh mt gy Be sccaytrwee |oo oe to examine Mr.Gaston 3 Meahs James Oscar Hunter,Statesville,|4;ne claim.a,Roce ¥jam -Cy .mann =ig wos lye eS ee about certain matters that were both |exempted;physical disability.ira Gilbert Alexander,Moores-|t"ansferred from the Statesville com-|oun Cau .sin ;;:pany to division headquarters.Mills|M.Kennette.The disease is in a:,ia '..|ville,accepted;no claim.;;}pertinent and relative to the death;Foster Morrison Powers,Olin,ac-|)‘')'0°Jurney,Statesville,exempt-|'8 &Mounted orderly,Barley is as-|mild form,however,and _anti-tenin A tropical disturbance of in-tensity was central north Jamai-a Sunday andcovinga et ee::ng of Mrs.King.1 also desired to give|cepted;no claim.::igned »in the >shey.|and strict quarantine will doubtless,ee )a _led:physical disability.signed to duty in the offiec and Sher-qual ' con et et —=:a ae a -_Themes Franklin Hambright,|vill and Brown to the quartermaster's ——7 ae Storm signals have been ee ee "Prastes Lee Williams,Statesville,|Mooresville,exempted;wife ond |CopmeGiemg ioe thet .fee of $25 will be impos-|°"the Huh Casein Siem Bridge Bonds Sold.R-7,accepted;dependent wife.——Seervew dency,Prectaan Change in Train Schedules.[od upon any parent or guardian who MOVED TO COUNTRY. The county commissioners were in|Ney Clifford i,Troutman R cy accepted;no cain.‘|.There have been a few chynyes in|fails to immediately report to a adjourned session yesterday and sold|exempted;wife and children...’_llocal train schedules,effective last |physician or the mayor a suspected to the ‘American Trust Co.of Char.|Archie Leander Graham,|States-vile camped,photheed Seghitee,Sunday,Train No.16,northbound|case.A fine of $10 will also be im- 2,necepted;dependent sis-}‘''o”‘between Charlotte and Taylorsville,|nosed upon any person who enters..»)6 ville,R-2 .‘oelottethe$60,000 of 5 per cent serial)‘™Sam.Jones Knox,Statesville,ac leaves Chaclotte at fa.mand ar.(or leaves,without lawful right,a|a farm and store on the Mr.W.L,Troutman,who oe 8residentofStatesvilleforyearshadastoreonthere-cently moved to the \has Iredell.county funding bonds.The]**t:.ented;dependent mother,.i :: price paid was $60,250 and acerued oe oe Onmaeee,Ostwalt,ill gto Wilson.Mooresville,|‘wes here at 10 a m instend of 9.60 house in =Gen is either scar-iow aw.— .5 +wi Me ;eaves for f..ver,Iterer,the oomty te,farich wal|epee Serer,Mtgg,ex-|emcmpind ie amd Shige.|ame herefare:Hteave>for Tey |yest apse church here hgs|ton Mr.vgate Wel ploasdopinionastolegalityofissue.There empted;physical disabil northbound from Charlotte to Tay.|extended a call to Rev.Charles B.|with his new location.;were eleven bids in all,The bonds are iy ,Ga.,exempted;wife.’;.na for building county bridges and are wnt ig on Stony Point,|"Fred.Miller,Stony Point,accept-|lorsville,leaves Charlotte at 4.30 p.m oho of Been O-oS a MR.AND MRS.BRADY ARRIVE. to be dated October 1,interest payable |°*SMP te...Jed:no claim.and arrives here at 6.30 p.m.,instead|Pa®Semtanmclly Api and Osher |e's comes,|"Frame am,Moorwve,-)AA pm i awn fr Tavlos HRS preathed ‘ere af-caniy|andr Harper rad,oanenge Yege rege —;,cepted;de nt parents.vi 45 p.m.:.’ SUGAR EIGHT CENTS.——Rdgar Jurney,Olin,ne|Tt,Re Blam,Statesville,R-7,|Train No.25,southbound from Tay-|Pastor three years ago and impress.|ine tele a anes Se Bect sugar producers,in confer-oon "a -Statesville,ex-exempted;physical disability.lore to Charlotte,arrives from py:Fa aan ae -Pag Som ae y.go ence with the food administration,aol At disabitit:.John Wesley Lioyd,Charles,ex-|Taylorsville at 9.50 a.m.and leaves |®aithfu ao <a the church wiltiGhecc.The 4 reached a unanimous agreement un-"Ri ha:Ganntr Harmd-empted;wife and sz.for Charlotte at 10.20.five minutes “gg manos if it secures his serv-the trip ’ der which the stable retail price of ne _father and James Franklin mn@ten.States-|earlier than formerly.-ortuna :e ¥--to sugar will be about 8 cents a 5 en ’ville,R-2,exempted;wife and chil-On the Western road,train No.21,athe jadies of the First Presbyte-|1766 Nakano,Pw —Japan will sel!to wholesalers at a Claude Turner,Statesville,R-4 dren.westbound,arrives at 2.45 p.m.,in-|tem church are sending The Land-apnea me refining points at 7 1-4 cents!costed:wife and children."|George LaFayette Millsaps,States-|stead of 9.50 p.m.Train No.25.!)S%e and the Mooresville Enterprise|COUNTY SINGING SATURDAY. @ pound,cane basis,and the retail|®Ww |Pinkney McLelland,|Ville,R-6,accepted;no claim.westbound,arrives at 10.55 p.m.in-|4,each of the soldier boys from|The will take price,it was stated,would normally|occcville,R-h,exempted;wife and|J.Alexander,Mooresville,exempt-|stead of 10.20 p.m.as formerly.t house ed;ical disability.;TieRiditvarsencvtnenenionmae ingris White Allison,Troutman,ex-Gov.Ferguson Convicted. children James ££.Ferguson,suspended be not more than3-4cent higher. y ~~5 oegue¢TtheMethodistchurchrendered “n me yprogrameg Goveras of Texas,was practically or office Saturday when|deli the Senate,sitting as a higheimpeachment,found him ve on ten of the twenty counts has affix > »must he from a* ra l ei Es t e ee Ris 8zPe - il ig ai e ts cl e i ] rt al i i: iH FE i4 wf #3 :F Mt he g igi way ;on the right bank of Gov.kett and Adjutant Gener-bombarding the Ger-alY weretelephonedandnewposs.This,to the jail.Hearing of theMovementgavetheGermanspos-Governor's presence,the mob got in-of newterritoryon a front;to their machinesand left the "approximately 25 miles and six but returned in about 15 minutes and|miles in depth,enabling them to|again battered at the doors.push their lines to the west bankof |Bickett attempted to address thethePvinainthisarea.They took |men,but as he commenced the lead-only 400 from the retreat-er ef the mob began addressing theingRussans,but gathered in 50 masked men.The Governor contin-guns from the abandoned positions.‘ued,however,and his efforts laterRegardingtheairfightingofborefruitandthecrowddispersed.Thursday and Friday,the customa-“We appreciate you,Gov.Bickett, comparison is given by Berlin ofandEntentelossesinma-chines.Thirty-nine hostile machineswereshotdownonthosedaysbytheGermans,it is declared,while onlythreeGermanmachineswerelost.This varies notably from the Britishofficialaccount,which mentions 10nesdestroyedandsixdrivendownoutofcontrol.Theprobablelossof10Britishmachines,classed as missing,is admitted byLondon.Raepo a complement 2,ifightinginum,Britiswarships i of the Belgian coast patrolhavebeenbombardingthetownofOstend,where German naval works ed satisfactory.British aviators con-tinued their extensive bombing oper- TE 1- 0 ne n a aa h ie e i b e t t t i t o n n e n n a s e n e s i l i i i n a g i i a l l l a l g it si a 2 E ;Fr * i 3f if r u g s f i% ftin t ie:f Es éi#g $7 a H ii lf ; a ty “i lZtr &2 f <= 5 fe ~ zi i Z| i > t 4 5F it 2 z and we voted for you,but we love our women folks and we are goingtohavethatnigger”!one of the mob yelled,as the Governor continued his|talk.|When Gov.Bickett told the men that he would order a special termofWakecountySuperiorCourtttrythenegro,they shouted their 'approval and emptied their revolvers and rifles into the air.Jumping into their machines they whizzed away,shouting and firing volley after vol-ley into the air.|Gov.Bickett has called the specialtermofcourttomeetOctober8to try the negro.Wake court house,a new and mod- topstreet the principalalongsidethe r,stands onofRaleigh, ilats s f & “In order to clear up mmstandingsastothepower the,Governor to review or theaex-the ive|decisions <%tre sy andjemptionsfor|Grete,Governor Bickett issued|statement to the effect that the pow-ler of the Governor is limited to thelinterpretationofthelawandthathehasnopowertoreverseorreviewY-\the decisions of the local or districtboardsintheirdutyofpassingon the facts.He says if it clearly ap-nears to the Governor that the board has acted upon an erroneous legal principle,he is authorized to laydownthecorrectlegalprincipleandjasktheboardtoreopenthecaseand/nass upon it in the light of the cor- rect principle of law. “The Governor will be compelled to follow the rules of the district board and consider only sworn writ-ten statements.No hearings can be given.He wants it understood thatnooneneedcometoseehimperson- ally in reference to any of these ex-emption beard matters,as they can-not be heard,and only the swornwrittenstatementsthataremade arecordintheexecutiveofficescanbe considered.” Gen.Bliss Succeeds Gen.Scott. Maj.Gen.Tasker H.Bliss has with results pronounc-ern structure,with the jail on the been named chief of staff of the ar-Gen.Hugh L.my to succeed Maj.General Seott,Seott,who retires.ations behind the German lines,Os-United States court heuse and post-who is 64 years old,had reached thetendbeingoneofthepointssuccess-fully attacked by the aviators asthefleetwellas:The I :Poa ae sahing head- wa inst ustrians.The as «a —destroyer,a sunk by aies,is announced by the Brit-ish admiralty.Fifty members of the crew were theaccoare y { to the daily papersfromNewBernetellofthedynamit-the postoffice at Lowlands,county,one night last week,of 50 to 75,who are alleg-have been actuated thereto by—to draft act. men,rding to the gNewdisciplesof“Tom they have been lead tothedraftlawisuncon-stitutional by the Jeffersonian,Wat-tion.On the afternoonthedynamiting.8.J. postmaster,it is alleged,threats made against hiscrowdofmenwhohadaroundhisstore,and asasdarknessfellhemadehisfromthebuildingandwasnotinitwhentheblastoccurred.It is claimed that some of the men were recognized by the assist-ant postmaster and arrests were ex- the postoffice wasdynamitedauseitwasagovern-ment institution,the feeling beinginstallthingsbelongingtoUncleee.It is hoped that Uncle Sam’smenwillgetbusyonthatjobandmake-example of some of these have a way of dynamiting,Carolina,when things dis-Citizens of Craven and ulations,—the dipping vatstostoping;andworstofitwasthedynamitersseemedtocarrytheirpoint. Near Lynching in Harnett. Rufe Cagle,@ negro,arrested in | charged|Harnett county Saturday,with attempted criminal assault,wastakentotheStateprisoninRaleigh charged was most brutal.Mrs.F.8.™=to avoid a lynching.The 8,| traveling in an automobile with the}negro,were chased by men in automo-home with her three children,Wed-.A Door or Window,and find it wouldbilesandshotsfired,but making artheofficersmanagedtothrow|the lynchers off the track.Miss Adelaide Jeffreys,a young‘woman,was seated on the porch ofherhomeat9o'clock.A few mo-|ments later she was missed,the alarmgivenandasearchbegun,which con-tinued through the night.Early nextmorningshewasfoundunconsciousinacornfieldnearherhome.Re-viving Miss Jeffreys said that whileshewasaloneintheyardsomeoneacoatorsomesimilararticle her head,stifling her screams. struggle she lost conscious-knew nothing more until af-she was “pe An cuatainaiion a n disclosed that the girl) —It is believed thatCheeverattackedherwasfrightenedaway‘the alarm that followed so‘goen Was arrested on suspi-. |CA BE CUREDLICATIONS,an they can-eon eureHall's eeandacts office and fronting the Yarborough House.The reports of the mob demonstration do not indicate anyactivityonthepartofthepoliceandcountyofficers. Next day the negro was removed ed from there to Charlotte. Governor Promised Mob Immunity. Raleigh News and Observer.Gov.Bickett without hesitation advanced on the crowd then engagedinstormingthesouthdoorofthejail,Standing 25 yards from them,he began his peech.He told themthathestoodforjustice,that hewaselectedbythemtostandfor justice,and that they were about todoadeedwhichtheywouldregret all the days of their lives and a deedwhichwouldbringshameanddis-grace to the name of North Caroli-na.He promised them then that he would call a special term of court for the immediate trial of the ne- gro,and that if he is guilty,electro-cution will be the penalty. During all this time the crowd, already dense about the corners ofthejailandinthestreetsfromboth sides,had been getting closer.Lead- ers of the crowd warned the Govern-or to stand back.He,too,as he spoke had been moving up.“Why,I'm not afraid of you.Are you afraid of me?”Gov.Bickettcalled. “No,we ain't afraid of you.Get those cops back and we don’t care how close you come,”was the an-swer, Immediately the policemen wereaskedtostandback.The crowd stood back also,and the Governor went up close,mounted the steps tothesouthjailentranceandthereaddressedthecrowd,He made themthesamestatementofhispurposethathehadmadebefore,and after ;half an hour of cross-fire,questions {and answers,they|willingness to disperse provided that he,as Governor,would give themhiswordthatnoactionwouldbetak- en against therm for their attack onthejail.This he promised.The crowd filed by him,shaking his handandslappinghimontheback. The crime with which Neville is Celey,wife of a street car conductor,living in a Raleigh suburb,was at nesday night about 11 o'clock,while her husband was on duty.She hadheryoungestchild,aged four yearsandadeafmute,in her arms tryingtorockhimtosleep.A window sashintheroomwasraised,but the shut- ters were closed.Hearing a noise,Mrs.Celey turned to the window.Abigmulatto,half way through thewindow,pointed a pistol at her andorderedhernottomove.Coming onintotheroom,the negro put the pis-tol to the terrified womun's head andtook$1.50 in cash from her apron pocket.Then he demanded moregmoneyandshegavehim80cents,all there was in the house.The nextdemandwasforfoodandMrs.Ce-ley,covered by the pistol,went tothekitchentogetfood.The last actwasthecriminalassault. Mrs.Celey thought she recognizedherassailantasonewhoformerlydroveahackforherhushand.NextmorningNevillewasarrestedandsheidentifiedhim,although he changed part of his clothes,Neville has a bad court .Hehadservedtermsontheinganforlarceny,vagrancy and gambling. NOT FOR CIVILIANS, Federal officials call attention tothefactthatiswhoistinusingpartsofthearmyandnavyuniformaswearingappar.el,are liable to punishment a fine£400,,ororsixmontheinTherebeth.are a few exceptions,inchudi 3 Guddeus ot il._SEERSMEN,-Richmond,Vo. * intimated their « had ( age of retirement,but he immediate- ly will be recalled to active service.that for theSecretaryBakersaid present the general would be assign-ed to duty in connection with thetrainingoftroopsintheUnitedGermantotheStateprisonandlaterremov-States. MAYR’S | Wonderful Remedy For STOMACH TROUBLE One Dose Convinces Statesville Drug Co. and other reliable druggists. to take cage of the com- plexion.Cannot bedetected.que Sur endian,Ghalines-dis ' nS mail direc, Sample(eithercolor)for2c.Stamp.| LyonMix.Co.40SouthFilthSt,,Brooklyn,N.Y.| DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING.i Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store Statesville,N.C. HOURS 8 to 6. "PHONE 31.|| Battery Inspection Free. We are thoroughly e¢wippedtorechargeBatteriesandhaveinstockafulllineofBatteryac-cessories. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. DID YOU EVER BUY not fit the Frame?C.WATKINS hastheDoors,Windows and Frames,ready-made.YOU CAN TRY THEMBEFOREYOUTAKETHEMFROMHISLUMBERYARD! Wood's Seeds Alfalfa will yield four or five cut-ti season,Fallis thebesttforsow-Ryeryfarmersow80astoincreasethesupplyof WOOD'S FALL CATALOG |givcn full information about prepa-ration and seeding of Alfalfa andalsotellsaboutallotherSeedsforFallSowing. toy prices ofany T.W.WOOD &SONS, le n fie©, World’s Best” PICKARD’S, STOUFFER’S, NIPPON. It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to lookat.Come give us ihe pleasure of satisfying youreyes. 55f H E F84[ $5 7 5 THE REXALL STORE. Statesville Drug Comp’yQUALITYPRESCRIPTIONISTS. ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to announce to the traveling public the openingof HOTEL BRISTOL. New and complete in every detail.Hot and Cold running water.Centrally located to business section of city.Cafe in connection. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR PANCAKES. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. Barium Springs Water. Will relieve when drugsStomach,idney =andTrouble,Rheumatism,EczemaotherSkindiseases.‘Phone .EVANS and the POLK GRAYDRUGCO. ‘ A.COOPER,Prop. Phone 508.Court Street: Rates Reasonable. - ————ee LEST WE FORGET. Now is a good time to select that Monument for thelovedoneswhohavegone.We carry a larger andvariedassortmentofbothGraniteandMarbleinMonuments,Tombstones and:Markers to select from.Prices reasorable. Barron &Conner. We want a limited amount of GOOD,SOUND,NEW PEAS.If }} you have any,bring them to us.| Can't say how long we will be on the market.The crop large and our order will soon be filled. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. Phone 215.118 E.Broad Street. ————————————|UNCLESAMKNOWS |Our Government has taken the|output of factories that makevulcanizingoutfits.This showswhatUncleSamthinksofvul-canizing Tires.Why not you doashedoes—repair your Tires? &SUPPLY COMPANY.Phone201 CourtStreet. oe ee a canethas oe mmc NEW SEED BUSINESS. TurnipSeedin and in bulk.Also a varietyofother gardenandFieldSeed. All New. T.N.BROWN. The home library thathasbeen equippedhereoffers new ideas oflaxuryandenjovment. Wehave allofthelatestdesignsin library furniture,any gradeyoumaydesire. library will es want to know how your Be Ifyou Ne pau nce, C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARKCHITECT, Statenville,N.C."Phose340 Green. iiilicisncscussmnananaen »7 C2 wi ’a Me we St | 14 ; ais aoe ;ontinued.pastor 4A;copal church,one of the lareset aadi—_How Germany “shamefully abus-t influential Greensboro,Hair Falling‘Btateoville.Be First in and exploited”the protection of qumpended tyens his pastorate"yeuter-oe Paick, ar. Fr P r r e r correspondnee of The Landmariy A reunion of the families of Mr.G.M,|Hayes,formerly of Olin,N.C.,but nom:of|*°Havenever had to havea doctor |Manasquag,N.J.,was celebratedatthehomebad.tere thelr aba.Mr.Gus Hayes,at Point Pleas-ant,N.J,All the sons and their wives,the|daughter and her husband,and their children were present.After a general handshaking and exchangeofgreetingsasumptuousdinnerwas#on a long table prepared for the|The good thingstoent,far tov numeroustoPUPPO Sea wet with the symnetien offtmention,would have been tempting to a king.a ee eee wah the eympatny of Oe Everybedy enjoyed this pert of the }i tt A A ee ce oeerce ernest ae ee me D.1.TROUTMAN DEAD|REVELATIONS COME FAboo) :”its P irgenchare,News,ah.:STOP DPD:Story German Treach-_J.BH.Bennett,for two 6 ery ©of Centenary Methodist Epis BEAUTIFY Oe io,eas ct Ue en ol then eek eu ae Reautiful!7CorrespondenceofTheLandmark.i gt ogy i cog a merece,ot,Gumecnaiiymade aneiuat ‘: w the American ,hum,e has confess is guilt o ::,eyMateoville,Bet,Sent.22.—-Mrv.Harri taken charge of Germany's affairs|the charges,which were whispered .Your hair becomes light,.worn ieila aes st faut ‘ams bee at the Rumanian apes.quantities|for some time,his stewards hearing “Muffy,abundant,ond a a ’ Althouxh Mrs.Troutman hed powerful explosives for bomb/in its entirety the tragic and sordid soft,lustrous and beaut |ae invalid for some time the news of 'and dead microbes,with in-|story of his dual life.The presid.YOUNG girl's after a “Danderine hair setsan Gent,came ite +sarorhe cad Se Mpuctions for their use in destroy-|ing cller,Rev.Dr.J.H.Baruhardt,‘leanag:dust uy this —-ealemal Cae at hee lode he so!horses and cattle,are revealed |yesterday morning made the formal @ cloth with a little Dendori and her countenance was the only warning jby Secretary of State Lansing.lannouncement to the people of the “#Pefully draw it through your ' Tt was another of Mr,Lansing’s|suspension of the pastor.The de-taking one small strand at a 'Lverutte and Perey M@ries of disclosures of German in-|posed leader departed Saturday night This will cleanse the hair of .and two daughters,|ieligue,made public without com-|for Salisbury,ving the city be-dirt and eucons-ve oil and in just» ae eer ne :in the —_on ag enn haw of me breaking of the storm nell ates ae Save doubled.the. #survived by her aged mother,xburg telegrams,ve which was forecast.on ;:a eee!©betteoe El ght Argentina on the verge of (It is stated that the police found Besides beautifying the hair at ‘,:‘war with Germany,the von Eck-Bennett in a house of ill fame.The #®,Danderine dissolves — r deughier,Mins Jettic ‘Troutman,was)t letter from Mexico City,and News says he was not only a popu-ticle of dandruff;cleanses,eg eee Same Sieen's Ranctaree,Oe von Bernstorff telegram asking |ar pasior but one of the most,clo-#4 invigorates the scaip,forever aaa af her eetes'a death to grestrating |ae German foreign office for author-quent preachers in Greensboro.He “OpPng itching and falling hair.»1» :i tien to spend $50,000 to influence was married,but had no children).Bat what will Please you most will Mrs.Troutman will be buried at &Martin's ngress.The latest st is told in Siam he after a few weeks use,when : tot epteh chars she was 5 mwic:)TERTie Meport to the tate partment 'WO NEGROES NOMINATED.|will eetually see new hain—fine duboen fn the familytheuses!cete.at serve}fom William Whiting Andrews,For the first time in New York's |Cowey at first-—yes-but really sew! jee will be posponed.The deceased was one)geeretary of the legation at Bucha-history negroes have been nominat-hair growing all over the scalp.If- 72"a.ou sa ee eeriaie akeeae ae and a letter from Foreign Min-ed for office in party primaries,Ed-YOU Care for pretty,soft hair and |weaker,wiving larsely of all she had to the|ister Parumbaru,of Rumania.watd A,Johnson,a negro lawyer,a /9t8 of it,surely get a 25-cent bot rt of chureh ard missions,Her death!From the “von.Ixel papers,”long North Carolinian and formerly’a “¢of Kuowlton’s Danderine from he havencee inaeae.in the possession of the government,resident of Raleigh,was nominated ®°Y druggist or toilet counter,and ihe rea ved a“the sustaining comfort that ail is well with|the committee on public information or State Senator in the Republican jot try it. After dinner was over the party retived to jo.soul,|pieced together a story stranger and primaries in New York last Week.caethespaciousparlorandporches,where theytalkedofthegoodandhappydays«pent injoltNerthCaroling,Many amusing incidentswerebroughtbacktomemoryandenjoyed it May very much.Afterward all the party assembled on the‘lawa-ned had a number of photoes taken inANC+120 croum.When the photographer asked thecoamemneenneiaes—‘vood-looking gentleman”to please raise his fording the ladies a goed lnugh.lee cream,cake,cattdy soft drinks andwatermelonswerenextinorder.Then the (attached to each package and the end of the wee paws around.Bath kiddie was allowedwdrawonestringandbysodoingeneh dvew a nice tay or something cise.This af forded them a let of fun.About @80 mure refreshments were served.After this the party said°rood night and wenthomehappy.This was the firet time the en- tire family bas been sli wwether since 1896. All @r@ now married except Mr.Lester Hayes. This is the family according to age:|Mr.and Mes.G.HL fiayes,Manasquan, N.J Mr.and Mra,Wm,F.Heyes,Balti- more:Mr.and Mrs.A.C.Hayes,Point Pleas-aot No J.Mr.ond Mrs,‘T.L.Hayes,Belmar,N.Jo;Mr.Lester L.Hayes,Belmar,N.J.Mr.and Mrs.A.H,Hayes,Seaside Park,N.Jo:Mr.and Mrs.R,R.Hayes,Lavallette,N.J;Mr.and Mes,O,M.Peterson,Manan- run,ON,:Mr.and Mrs,Lon Messick,'Maousquan,N.d.There were also a number jof relatives and friends present. i:wae the privilege of the writer to visit one of the larve ftivheries owned and operntedt by the North Carolina beya,Ship Bottom, N.J The cateh on that The fellowinw duy it oH »and fish were selling at from $13 to per barrel The two days’catch netted about $4,500 The other boys not engaged in the fixh business are conducting a successful sro- cory at Senside Park Hieping that we will all be able to meeteachotherandcele®rare many more suchoecasions.A GUEST Notices of NewAdvertisements Vetch seed for sale.C,M.Shook,EBufola Men wanted for inside work.fmperial Fur nitare Co we €.D.Bailey Old false teeth wanted.F.Terl,403 NWolfSt.,Baltimore,Md.the home Good Kight-room house for rent.Jim Tharpe.°Pies for sale,W.W.ionts,Statesville,R-1Seven-voom hous for rent.Dr.MR.Ad- :2 Pall opening af pattern hats,Sept.26-27}spentbythe wife at a homeayo oa ckeeNewmodelChevrolet.N.W.Fox.pleasure —such a pleasure that |Aeurn oriminn Seu te 1)omDaveOestreicher,Salisbury Our pianos spenk for thomselves Andrew Music StoreW.E.MUNDAY.|sin uti 5 aeoetation. YourPlumber,114 B.Bread St.Beautiful line of velveis,dresses,cont suits,ete,dobnaton-Belk Co. Phone 65.Men's wearin apparel Crowell Clothins Company ESTEE Secure a 42-piece diner set for almost neth- .oe Poth Gray Drug Co. Poll millinery display September 26 andDR.VANCE HASTY,4.Mew.Mary Sima DENTAL SURGEON.Statement of Merchants &Farmers Bank oO.}in Stove oy Se 28,Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor.the ui dee en oe "FIRST NATIONAL Sage Suekaens,EK.G.Davia,automobile meckanic,at WORville,N.Mitix Mator Co.TELEPHONE aan.Statesville Ina will be reopened October |"Phone 197.Hours 8 to 6.Peter Bona,proprictorSPRCIALATTENTIONTOCHILDREN'S Retany verses and broadcloth:RamseyTEETH.Rowler-Morrivon Cx Te not be a vietim of hebit,remember our location orolina Mater Cr Saleeladion wanted OO PF.Bargain Steere. tiond beef enttl wanted.J.W.Allison Onion sets.2.J.Kimball _Went Out on the Curve. Nothing can take the place of “eae aaa Vaul Webster and DarSmock,dr,started to Charlotte MondametalsWearesheetmetalmorning,T7th,im Mr.Geinersa Ferd runa- °beut,and when they hit Iredell's fine sand i «*clay roade they opened their John Henry'sworkersandwillmakeanythingthrottleandwent“down the pike Soon aiti?curve in the road was reached,the ma- mt —ti roofi gutters.chine bucked and the oecupanta went head you wai im ing,,lens into a cornfield.Messrs,Gainer and.»Smoak cocaped without injury,but Mi.Web. valleytinandridge roll.Let us sustained «broken bone in his left ankleAphonemesaretothegarageherebrought know three new wheels and a radius rod and with your wants.the aid of these the party eentinued the tritoCharlotteSTATESVILLETINCO.|(old Medal For President. "Phone 66,114 B.Broad Street.The Humanitarian Cait's annual weld med al to the humanitarian of the year 1916,"was=a presented to President Wilson at the White —=House by a committee hended by Misha Ap-pelbaum,founder of the ewit,Chairman Apomneunase pelbaum told the President that the 19!.ée0 j humanitarians of the country were heartily in aceord with hie war policy,and that biEA,SToT |«Message to the Pope was “the @rentest hu-SCRAP BRASS —HeavyBrags 7ic.mapiterinn scare over ues oe ‘,hin W oe ae,>Teste at per pound,Ligh;Brass 5e.per said he henrtily endorsed the ecult’s creed ror OR s T E |toteeed abe +ve “—-which he te ~rot of w sin.SA LE:-,\DAMAGE TO WATAUGA CROPS.New and second hand machinery |)tye tioone Democrat saye the frowt andforsaleandallkindsofboiler|fries oe the i ~~roy yao me oF .>eonverroomsuppiies.Dam and Cove Creek seetiona were larvely|pr@fected by a fox,but the loss over the Cc.H.TURNER.‘eounty ia quite comiderable,Iredell "Phono No.74,Bell No,1.BARIUM PERSONALS. aSa en ne Ba Sept,24._se Black welderCedarandPineShingles.Satisier 24 Snort esti.|Mies Maude Parks has returned f ilowestprices.Nails,|.ten days to friends in Ervin.TeofidseRell,Valley ‘Tint Brown and|Ridge =e ve oo and |CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express to our friends an’theC,WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-members of Beulah church,our aineere shane‘for kindness rendered during our affliction |~aaa richest blessings rest upon cach of tWOODSAWING})nth itee me wert ' 1 j head w little,every man’s head went up,&f-|what has been crown.Even babies are taken!plots avainst Great Britain;foment- | “tring honwing on the outside of the bavket,| .more startling than fiction,showing At the same time James Thomas,*"er wae,Semen ant ee ee their |chat Germany through her embassy -olored,was nominated for alderman Mr.Automobile Owner. xy counts for anything,even if they are dot}WAS concerned with:un the New York city council.REMEMBER!We inspect Stor-wearing of the khaki.Many of the |“Destruction of Hves and property ee age Meterias aed farsi ge houses have a deserted appearance these days./in merchant vessels on the hich COSTA RICA QUITS.with Distilled Ws free!AllAs#sequel to the campatyn boosting to the |son :violation of the laws of the vee ::with iti ed ater free!‘farmers last spring to piant all they could,|808%:Violation oO e ::The Costa Rican government has }Battery work is done by an ex-now it calls for ail hands to help in saving United States;Irish revolutionary ¢opmatiy severed diplomatic rela-!y pert!:tions with Germany.Passports have STATESVILLE MOTOR U ted j ‘.nitee heen handed to the diplomatic and consular papreseasnay ee ef Germa- to the harvest fields and deposited in boxes,|.::aa tae Gia mashees aoa Wa the I “cing ill-feeling against the —: ing:and the babies thrive in the open eir|@tates in Mexieo;subornation o‘'7 ‘Sa i a ,,-.se .“Sina Cte ea a Sous a the health authorities so much advise.|American writers and lecturers;ny at San Jose and)the Costa Rican JU8T RBCHIVED—Three car loads ‘Tenvibe-Mr.Butler Orren wns the only young gnan|an we ¢pre anda:main-;patel gers ae alan oe see Horses,Mares and Mules,Good vurieiydraftedinthisvicinity,and bis friends rm |une ee r of =Ooms ander the lewation cand consuls in Germany re-to select from,Come to see us.HENKELyrettedtoseehimleave.Bis clean,mgnly,RANE Of a Spy SyetCn _called.The people and the newspa-)CRAIG LIVE STOCK CO,Sept 14!>f ,*tife is the kind ef whieh our army should be)USC OF a commercial investigation jor.of Costa Rica strongly approve : composed,‘The writer canvassed this seetion:Iyercau:subsidizing a bureau to stir 4.:onat ai RULLDIN 27 .TKINS. in the interest of the Ked Cross Assectation the ywevernment's action.G Cc.WA .a] } Steck of yvroeerien,horse and hack,ete.,for, Home-made molasses,Kawle &Milbotland.| **Tollet articles.R.PF.tenrynothingelsecangive.Desk tetbles.Crav ford-Bunch FurnitureCo to SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC.|Correspondence of jTheLandmark. Sunday school at Leonard school th.Public cordially invited.One of Materville’s a few months age,and found young Orren’s up labor troubles in munitions iemother,Mrs.W.L.Ovren,to be the mont plants,the bomb industry and otherpatriotiewomaninthesepurte,She is alfelated activities.”real.heroine.No sacrifice in too eres Bored Across the page atreaked =the es ‘ polnee.‘So ene ene bd et ne ike |Mame of Count Bernstorff,former .——‘ and aged parents to fight alone the heartache German ambassador,and his shame-his absence is enusing,mad life's other.prob leas aides,von Papen and Boy-Ed,lems.His youny wife is displaying the same’attaches of the embassy.Atop of spirit ef Ruth with Naomt by ccmatning toconsoleandcareforhereusband’s parents i this new revelation linking the GerIfwearetoexpectblessingsandvictoryin|man embassy with throttling designs this war conquest,we must insist on having arainst the United States,came Christianity as a banne ,and our officers es ::4 we C a8 pecially should be God-fearing lenders There |penator King in the upper ongre are raver dangers to be faced in ow can-|burens,revealing letters that prov- tonments than under the enemy's fire.Thatied “Fair Play”and other racial.ony in ae wan te ee,tamoraléy |newspapers had fattened on the lar-in camp life ler BO of the ye Z ae :ae men exposed to its temptutions,Why should TEssc of German and AustriantheSabbathbedesecratedwithsuchavariety!agents,newspapers and newspaperofamusements(>band converts,nwlige,|write r:being in the pay of Germa- jous services,lect .Visitors and baseball?‘‘‘ And i»there po other way to remember the |"Y-He —ised 1 oo eoroldierboysthanbysendingthemtobaceoand)|opawandists and =counselec mak- i ettes”Such gift—are unnecessarily ex-ig War on Austria,Bulgaria and E ive,to say nothing of their harmful ef-)Turkey.;;wwe " ‘te,We must have retivion in our armies,|‘. vad it should be the flest essential thing re-£Theupkeepof acaris considered than quired of the officers in charge of our train-Sale Elkin and Alleghany Road.more to be ins camps.The country owes it to us nothers lies vas signed by Judge WwhoaresivingofourownfleshandbloodsyPieanASeat the original purchase price.. as a sacrifiee on our country’s vitar,May &.Adams,in orsyth Superior rasoursonsreceivefirsttheoaptiomoftheHolylastweek,authorizing sale of the Ghost before enterine the baptivm of fire equipment and properties of the El-,secondary Ns which awaits tham beyond the seu kin,and Alleghany Railway Company What you pay at firstis towhat youget,# GOD SAVE-KEEP-HOLD OUR MEN.with offices in Elkin.The sale willfakepheTuesday,October 23,in |how long it lasts and what it costs you to maintain. Tune,“America Elkin God save our splendid men,as ss >aaa ;Se on pais hem sania,bom B.Penney and Melville W.Bu Dodge has |i that _—‘Ged SAVE oor —A aire appointed commission The ick or alow c Mnke ther victorigns,of The sale of the property wil]td Patient and chivalrous,have to be confirmed by the court and cannotbebeaten for the weight.th re so dear ty us,::7 ‘Ged GAVE our men.will be subject to a ten per cent bid. God KEEP our own dear men,Matters of litigation pending were or-’‘From very stain of sin,dered adjusted and Attorney D.1.Don’t buy without seeing it God KEEP our men.Ms a4 inted referee omWhenBatenwouldaan.Rlair was appointed referee,to whom \ ***. When tempted KEEP them pure,all accounts against the company and interviewingsatisfied owners.See usabout it. Ke their protection sure must be presented. God KEEP oar men.Some time ago Messrs.Penney andGodHOLDeurpreciousmen,hon uwroe 4 <receiver And love them tw the end,T oe en cod to art as a God HOLD our men.jor the read in an effort to place it on ;rhe.A . Held in Thine arms no strony,a sound financial footing,and it isToTheeUreyIbelone,understoed that the war hrs inter Held safe from every wrons,(Ged Gun dae a God HOLD our fered wit heir plans.i u men camernes nr areasmmnnr=cane emeee,'Has —_———-Chamberlain's Tablets.SILK SKIRTS,$3.98 AND UP. “L have a hich opinion of Chambertinin’<|Ras ee eR «£Tablets for bilicusness and as ai laxative.”-ine Plush Coats.—J.M.McKEE &writes Mra.C.A.Barnes,Charlesion,il!(O.—ad.__ “t have never found anything so mild and ace :*pleasant to use,My brother bas nie ued |WARM UNDERWEAR.—J.M. these tablets with satisfactory results."McKEE &CO.-ad. NTICIPATING your favorable pronouncement of our displays as de- lighiful expression of the newest fashions,we cordially invite you Miss Statesville to our Autumn Opening of 1917 Thursday Evening Next,Septemlcr 27th,8 to 10 p.m. Frem sources which at once dispose of any question regarding their success have come new Autumn and Winter mo.'~s in COAT SUITS DRESSES BLOUSESCOATSSILKSWOOLENS,etc. SALISBURY,DAVE OESTREICHER SALISBURY, N.C.N.C, CORT RRR eeeee Pee eee eeenesAPPHRPEEHOeeeeeee é ed iz } . . si e eee i | li i li : ?éfiehTT ; fe i i :izit t y fj sentverymuchwroughtupi - an interviewwhichPostmas-—af die ee done edt oeie coon ae ‘eds eae oohavehisit’s really Coffey)ti the ee the Washing-adds,to form|its crams.” Coffey . ffeet thatMr.was theonlymaninthewhocanbe |Pi electedandthattedefeat Doughton|.for the nomination would meanPsendingFrankLinneytoCongress.Wherefore Rowan ocrats,asMr.Bost relates,declare that the!Blowing Rock postmaster’s remarks, being interpreted,mean that the mountain counties of the districtwillhavetheCongressman;that ifamountainDemocratisn't nominat- be exhumed to more full deter-.ine the cause of death.i or from the authorities from whomit| mountain Republican will be|.Tt was)poa Then there is much.talk |disclosed,however,that the plot in|about Rowan having more Democrat-the cemetery in which Mrs.Binghamievetesthanallthemountaincoun-Was buried was guarded day and nightties,ete.,ete.;all of which The Hearing the report,Mrs.Bingham's |Landmark thinks unseemly.It's ear-husband sent a friend to Wilmington,|ly in the season,with the country at who unearthed the foregoing facts.|}war,to start an inter-partv row in Dr.Nesbit,the county health officerFthisdistrict,which has no Democrat-at Wilmington,admitted to rd:ie votes to spare;and most unwise Bryan of Atlanta,friend of udge |to be drawing lines between the Bingham,who went to Wilmington tomountaineountiesandtheotherinvestigate,that he issued the permit |counties.That kind of business,if to exhume the body,on the applica-|persisted in,would more than likely tion of Graham Kenan,a relative of|send some Republican to Congress.Mrs.Bingham.|The Landmark holds no_brief for,*:;Mr.Doughton nor for Postmaster After Mrs.Bingham's death ‘it was|Coffey,but the latter probably |found that a codicil to her will left |meant to express the opinion that.Bingham $5,000,000.The bulk of the|Mr.Doughton could get more votes estate,about $60.000,000,000,wasinthemountaincountiesthananygiventoMrs,Bingham's niece,Mrs.|ether Democrat.Past records would Louise Wise Lewis.It was report-|inflente that this statement had ed a few weeks ago that Mrs.Lewisgeomefoundation.The Landmark by would contest the bequest of $5,000,-|no means believes that Mr.Dough-000 to Bingham,alleging that hertonistheonlyDemocratinthedis-aunt was subjected to undue influ-trict who can be elected,and Mr.ence.Bi had agreed to acceptCoffey’s remarks may have been un-this sum and not make any dowerwise.But the Rowan folks,as Mr.claim.If he had made such claim,Bost records,are not helping mat-his share of the estate would be attersbyreadingintotherecordleast$25,000,000,it is claimed.Whenthingsevidentlynotintendedinthe|the will was offered for probate nonesumaster’s remarks,and by mak-formal oppositicn developed,—_al-ing other statements as undiplomat-though attorneys for the heirs nam-ie ne those made by Coffey.ed in Mrs.Bingham’s will were pres-li would be bad enough,in ordina-ent and questioned witnesses to it asv¥times,for Democrats to start a to her physical and mental state.APoltticalrowinadoubtfuldistrictleadingquestionreferredto.the rumored that her body was} |pointed to this position as NO tu will announce my in“In reward to Mr.from Salisbury in the Icannotconceiveofthe cs “|party nominating a man whoal defeated by the Republicans.re|is not a county in the distriet but eanfurnishaDemocraticcandidatethateanbeelected. “Mr.hong A is under no to me for his appointment as post-master at Blowing Rock.He was ap-&resultofacivilserviceexamiandmadethehighestmarkofallthosecompetingwithhim.Mr.Bost’s ref-erence to what he terms ill feelingbetweenthemountainsectionofthedistrictandthePiedmontsectionandanyefforttodrawsuchdistinction,isunworthyofanyone.” rot Speak Well of ‘s“T he been Hi Cha ‘toc ate alere eeoonfrommyae~—_1vethematrialmyself,and can thatdonotbelievethereisanothereratof Me-the kind c.°——.writes G,Bride,fo mat,you are toneroubledindigestionorconstipation‘Chev will do you good.= CAT.| A Guaranteed Remedy That HasStoodtheTestofTime.|Catarrh cures come and catarrh evres go,|but Hyomei continues to heal ecatarrh sindabelivhitedisgustingsymptomswherevercivilizationexints.Every year the already enormous sales ofthisreallyscientificcureforcatarrhgrowwreater,and the present year should show ellrecordsbroken.|If you breathe Hyomei daily as directed itwillendyoureatarrh,or it won't cost you acent,If you have «hard rubher Hyomei peasesomewherearoundthehouse,wet it out and |start at onee to forever rid’yourself of en.|earrh, triad, Brg YY lati - | |' LINEOFVALA E.&W.Shirtsand a beautifulline of Neckwear. THE STORE FOR GOOD THINGS TO WEAR. ON THE CORNER. You Are Cordially |} Attend Our First Fall OpeningWednesdayandThursday,September 26th,and 27th,1917.Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties, In Charge,Mrs.Mattie Short SSMILLS &POSTON.& HATS as wellasinallshapes to seeour ome as Invited andMissNellieHeathof Baltimore. Yours truly, more than a year before the election.unseemly now,when alltheeffortandenergyandthoughtof“ourcountry’s are needed against theenemies.The aalcampaign—at least the nois.anSallieeent——could wait until early next spring. “Judge Pritchard is renderingrnlendidserviceinconnectionwiththewar.He made fine patriotic ad-dresses in Wilkes and Surry lastweek.Speaking at Wilkesboro Se Pritchard said,as reported bythePatriot:“We are not divided,weareunited.Time for discussion hasnassed.Al!we want to know is that our dear boys are in it.God pity themanwhodoesnotwishthemwell.President Wilson did all he could tonreventthiswar.Now we can un- derstand why he was trying to avoidtheawfulconsequencesthatmustfollowthisconflict.*All whoarenotourfriendsareourenemies| and should go over and help Germa-ny.If we don’t win,Germany will, and will come here,and then may God have mercy upon American wo-men and children”! PETA TTLILEETENT ETIT Mr.R.F.Beasley,who becomes commissioner of public welfare Oc-tober 1,retires as editor of the Mon-roe Journal and is succeeded by hisbrother,Mr.John Beasley.TheLandmarkregretstheretirementofR.F.,Beasley from newspaper work.There was aes to his writing andhewillbemissed.But it expectsMr.Beasley to do a great work inthelargerfieldtowhichhehavbeen called,The younger Beasley hasheentrainedunderhisbrother,hasshownsplendidcapacityfornews-naper work and the Journal will bekeptuptoitsusualhighstandard. SARS HE.NOSES “Ask America to eat more rab- hite”is the head-line to a news sto-ry in the New York Times,in whichadirectorofthefoodconservationdepartmentoftheNationalFoodAdministrationurgestheconsump- tion of rabbit meat to save beef andpork.This will bring joy to citizensofChathamcounty,where the rab- bit industry has reached large pro-portions in normal times.EditorIsaacLondonoftheSilerCityGrit will doubtless begin to boost thepticeofhiscounty’s chief industry. (SERRE Oo enema meer nt It is explained that the negro Ne- ville,saved from the Raleigh mob byGov.Bickett,was sent from the-State prison to Charlotte jail not to save his life but to save the lives of members of a mob who might try toentertheStateprison.It would beimpossibleforamobtoenterthe prison and capture a prisoner,it is asserted,but fearing that someofthehot-heads after Neville mightmaketheattemptandgetkilled,thesentthenegrotoChar- would seem that Senator LaFol-Wisconsin has gone the lim-content with hindering and>government's probability of Mrs.Bingham beingundertheinfluenceofdrugsatthetimeshesignedthecodicil.Answers‘were in the negative.It was brought,out in the court hearing that Mrs.|' wood druggist,will sell Theandnoticehowquicklyitclearsoutootelloe 3 ——the .WheneverTaeStatesvilleDrugCompany,or an other |you a bettle of Hyomeiliquid)for a few cents;start to breathe it merages und makes the entire head feel a 4 .Hyomei used regularly will cure «atarrh,tBinghamsetaside$680,000 in!coughs collet sachin or aust »wellknown of QUININEstocks,so her husband would have plete out incline a coe pw ‘cokes 884 TRON,han Oe wo »ao\:nhaler an vttle of omel,costs iweotpom——a “.=shaenaah donna st‘reat it hte Saildetp the System.©cents..rom wzton,Ae)e germs,soothes hea i PwGnade eee aaeee rstatesmat-is atom that See,|meairane .=ne 4p LOUNGES?C.WATKINS.|zewis will not contest the bequest of |7 :—_—--- $5,000,000 to Bingham,an agree-|ment having been reached.{ SSTED‘THE REPLY TO THE POPE. Austria Anxious For Peace—Germany Evasive As Usual.|Peace would come from the recent||proposals of Pope Benedict if the!|belligerent nations would enter into||negotiations in the sense of the Pon-|tiff’s suggestions,Emperor CharlesofAustria-Hungary says in his re-|ply to the Vatican note.The empe-|jrer sees in the Pope’s peace plan a_|suitable basis for starting negetia-|tions toward a just and lasting|peace,and expresses the hope that|the nations oj ing his own may bejanimatedbythesameidea.Austria -Hungary's ruler receivedthePontiff’s note with a thankfulheartandwithanexpressionofhopethatthePontiff’s efforts may lead totherealizationoftheemperor's de-|sire for a lasting and honorable|Peace for all parties.Freedom of the seas is one of thepeacehopesofEmperorCharles,in|order that heavy material burdenscouldbetakenfromthenationsof\the earth and new sources of pros-perity opened to them.The Austrian emperor admits thatthefuturearrangementoftheworldmustbebasedontheeliminationofarmedforceandontheruleofin-|ternational justice and legality.Aus-tria is prepared,the reply states,toenterintonegotiationsforthesub-mission of international disputes tocompulsoryarbitration. The Pope's idea of negotiationsbetweenthebelligerentsforanun-derstanding for simultaneous andreciprocalreductionofarmamentsonlandandseaandintheair,bywhichthehighseas,which rightful-ly belong to all nations,will beopenedequallytotheuseofall,issupportedbyEmperorCharles. The German government’s reply to|the Pope's peace proposal “cheyjshesalivelydesire”that the appeal’maymeetwithsuccess.After the usualpreliminariestheGermanrepiysays:|“His majesty (the kaiser)has beenfollowingforaconsiderabletimewithhightandsinceregrati-tude,his holiness’efforts in a spirit oftrueimpartialitytoalleviateasfar,as possible the sufferings of the warandtohastentheendofhostilities.|The kaiser sees in the latest step ofhisholinessfreshproofofhisnobleardhumanefeelings,andalivelydesirethatforthe benefit of|the entire world the papal appeal may)meet with success.”{The reply adds that the effort ofthePopeaothewaytoanunder.standing might most surely be reck->a | Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. Botany Serges ceccoeinereee meat and —-——— Broadcloths. Way back nearly a year ago when Woolens were much cheaper than today,we purchased our Serges and Broadcloths for the Fall selling.So now we have a great big lot at prices much less than today’s market. We want you to see just what a big lot we have so if you can’t come,send to us for samples—and we will gladly maii them to you.Navy’s, Black,Brown,Tan,Green,Gray and Wisteria. Serge Dresses are in great demand andtheseare just what you'll need to make them. Cloakings and Skirtings,too,in abundance. aRamsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The StoreThat PaysthePostageon~Mail Orders, | | i i PETER BONA,Proprietor. Statesville InnWILLBEREOPENEDOCTOBER1ST. The Inn has ali modern conveniences.Baths,hot andcold’running water in everyroom.Rooms will be renovated and houseputingoodcondition.Our effort wiil be to make the inn a home-like place forthe local and traveling public.The hotelislocatedon East Broad.treet,opposite Carolina Motor Co.Automobiletravelerscordiallyinvitedtostopandrest.Warm hospitality and the best service Meals ceed at reasonable rates.Special ratesforboardbyweekormonth. ng Or Jt Bisi You can’t be living well unless you-have a Piano or Play That’scertain. We have theBest PianosMade andwesellthematsmallpricesandoneasyterms. All weaskisthat you let us provewhatwehavesaid.The Pianos willspeakforthemselves.Come in orletuscallonyou. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. EVERYTHING MUSICAL. "Phone 304.SouthCenter Street. Se tery without charge. There is no motor or battery troublewecannot fix.No- thing but first-class work,and at very reasonable prices. Always glad to see Automobilists, Made of solid White Oak (no veneers)Finished Golden,Early English,or Fumed.Several different sizes. SEE THEM AT Crawford -Bunch Furniture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”‘PHONE NO,409, Theimproved new Wilson is the machine with the central needle.You can sit in a perfectly comfortable position and do your sewing,without leaning to one side in a tiresome way.It is ball bearing and runseasy.It has four nice largedrawers. It is made of solid quartered Oak.It has all of the very latest attachments. Is has our guarantee on each one.And the price is in reach of all. Come in and let us show you.It costs you nothing to look our goods over;we are only to glad to show you. WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE. THE FAVORITE STORE. |What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS 18 AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Liquid Laxative,CatharticandLiverTonic,Contains Cascara Bark,Blue Flag Root,Rhubarb Root,BlackRoot,Senna Leaves andstrengthwithpala-taste.Doesnotgripe.50c b |Se are | AY,--September25, HS L home last week,DeWitt Ramsey and little son, leaves decorated ,week-end with Mr.J.H.room.The hall was in green and the punch-Mre.Frank Cranor and Troom was attractive with decorations with ranor,and Mrs.Hugh Cuey aM sage.| Wilkesboro,ave guests |Mrs.%V.Lone was hostess to the Entre| Nous club Friday afternoon.The afternoon|jwas spent in knitting.Mrs.Long served tea|jand sandwiches.Mrs.C,E.Raynal was a club guest at this meeting. Miss Annie Blair Bristol entertained themembersofherclubandanumberofother guests Thursday evening.Hearts was ,played at six tables.Ref of cream, cake and ca|"The home was|flowers,Miss|Rock was an out-of-town guest. Mrs.Reas Mille was hostess te the G.G.G.|elub last meeting,The club at bh decided to dispense with the regu-, lar programme and knit for the soldiersmemberwillcontributea Mra.|Milla, Olive of AshevilleDalton videon at Long's Sanatorium y.8.Grinwold,manager ofOrchardsofOakwouds,neatandson,Warren F.,were in town THE WEDDINGS. this winter. Special Ce Landmar ‘dollar to help carry on this work.| ns a ati assisted by her sister,Miss Pauline Horn,| have been cae daaen heme:"Mar and Mee.dasnes |*erved a salad course and candy at the close! Milton Gray request the honor of your pres |°*——:| anceat the marcinge of thelr Senet,Sean |.Th,MacHowell Susle stub will meet with! |Cedecodny sfternaan,October Si.at 0 Can |2%,©%,Menaneieeond Bie,B.S weet|~ye oe at Mrs.'s >y afternoon aWilliamsChapel,Beatty«Ford (near Char-\Celoek.The president urges that all the | fottes ,&Accom ing ard:‘*”|members be present,as this is the first meet-_home after October 24,Gulfport,Mine,Y-|ing of the season. ,|Shulenberyer is the youngest son of the 5|WG Shulenberwer of le,chy.Mar Gait|..The Katahta Camp Fire Girl entertained pet.Miles Goay jo hee ool haces fain (fhe,contents ofGeeta Ceeee Seen having beenateacher in the high sehoolde cod the for the benefit of the! partment of the graded schools for several|50O°N on cen™...<“tnahy”eae yeurs.Her efficiency as @ teacher made ber|14 the iden wax carried out in the decorations and costumes,which were as “taeky”as pos-\aible.A set of toy harness,the prize for the| a valued member of the eehool faculty.hae a host of ae here who will be inter- ested in her marriage.‘ol cokei'ackiest”costume,was awarded Miss Margi- A marriage of interest to the town amd)of garris,‘Tubs of peanuts and popeorn and community took place Wognenday rete |candy.served on a board,constituted the re-at 4 o'clock at the home freehments|Thompson,four miles south of Moora 5 :-|when his sister,Mise Carrie Elizabeth Food Supply Plentiful —Mr. Gaither Ml.|son,became the bride ot Rev.William |‘orrespondence of The Landmark. |mers Jamison of Belhaven,Va.The Harmony,R-1,Sept.21..We're having real country home,known as “The Pines,”,tuatefully decorated for the ocension.by Mins Hattie autumn weatherfine for saving feed andfarmersavemakinguseofthetime,Cotton wedding music was and Miss Jamison. is bewinning to open and there seems to be Thompson of Davidson,a sister of the groom,sang “At —and “Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee.”}bride’s only attendants were Mise Clara Mills |a full crop of bolls.|of this city,maid of honor,and Httle Mist Whether the war ends or not,we have abun-| Claire Thompson of Kannapolis,ring-bearer.|dant food for man and beast.Never t Mr.Lawrence Wilkinson of Charlotte wns |there been so much put up and stored away | |best man.The officiating minister was Rev.|for winter as this year,end much canning |4.W.Jonesofthiscity.Others from |will bedone from now on,Thisscribe’sbet-| |ville present were Misses Annie Mills,‘Year half Is taking the lead in this community| |Black,Margaret and Elizabeth Rankio,Pr im canning vegetubles;and froth gow on) r and Mesdames John Rankin whd Jd |she will make marmalade and 7‘butter,|..White.pear butter,pumpkin butter,ete.If the editor| |Mr.Kenneth Black of Richmond,Va,.the|of The Landmark doesn't believe these things| \son of Mr.and Mrs,J.A.Black of this city,|are,we invite him out to sample them.!‘was married on Saturday of last week (>!Mr.Milton Gaither,who lives near Clarts-| Miss Ruth Bell of Richmond.Mr.Black is |bury,was taken to the Sanatorium last Mon-/| a contractor and civil engmeer and his bride Gia We hope for him «speedy recovery.| teported as a pretty and charming young Mr.John Webb has bought what is knownwoman.My.and Mrs.Black will visit Moores:|as the Campbell place from Bristol and Weath-| ville Inter in the fall.erman.| Miss Clara Mills was hostess at a miscella-Mrs.JneousshowerforMissCarrieThompson’Fri-|butdayeveningoflastweek.A color acheme |i yellow and white was carried out in the flora decorations and in dainty bookleta in whieh|the stuests am themselves by pasting pic-{tures recording various incidents of the ro-mance of the honor guest.During the eve- ning little Misses Lila Mean and Mary Parks Saturday,22d,friends and relatives (about Hell came in drawing a wagon decorated in |75 in number)gathered at the home of Mr. yellow and white.The wagon proved to be;W.P.Tomlin ‘better known to hia friends|jonded with dainty gifts for the bride.Punch |as Uuele Billy)to give him a surprise,birth- was served to the guests on their arrival by |day dinner,it being bis 62d birthday.Two Miss Margaret Rankin and @ salad course was |sisters,Mise Maggie Tomlin and Mrs,Bettie served at the conclusion of the evening.|Hendren;two sons,Mr.H.C.Tomlin (with Mrs.J L.Donald was hostess to the Idle|whom he lives),Mr.G.A.Tomlin,and eight |Comments club Friday afternoon at her home|grandchildren were present,Among Mr.| jon Center avenue.Mesdames G.W.Cocke,»Tomlin’s friends was Mr.8.R.Jurney,whose| Eugene Johnston,C.U.Voils and Miss Hattie|y was the same day,he being 54 years| |Williams were special guests of the club.|old;and also Mrs Bessie Morrison,who was| |Rook was played at several tables and deili-|24. 'elour refreshments were served.|Mr.Tomlin wae indeed surprised.He had Mrs..N.Howard was hostess to the!previously invited Mr.Jurney to take dinner| Wednesday Afternoon Sewtng Circle at its last |with him the 22d,but knew nothing of any meeting.The afternoon passed pleasantly in one else coming until he saw the buggies and) sewing and conversation,lee cream and cake |machines driving into the yard.Then he, |were served.to hunt his Sunday best,1 The Maids and Matrons club was entertain-|.All present brought well filled baskets, j;ed on Wednesday afternoon by Miss --table was spread and all enjoyed the Brawley.This club displays a commendal 1 dinner in honor of the three whospiritinthatithasresolvedtodevotethetheirbirthdaytogether.j time usually spent in playing games to knit-|Te say Mr.Tomlin enjo the surprise| \ting for the soldiers.VERNIE GOODMAN.|would not half express it All the friends wish| :for the three many more happy birthdays. Loray News Items.en | of The Landmars |Experience the Best Teacher.| Correspondence |It te generally admitted that experience is Loray,Sept.24.-The regular communion |the best teacher,but should we not make use meeting will be held at Conecrd church the|of \experience of others as well as our first Sunday in October.Preparatory services |own The experience o>a thousand persons| Friday,Friday night,Saturday and Soturday|is more to be depended upon than that of one, night.There will be no preaching next Sun-|individual,Many thousands of persons have day,it being the fifth Sunday.used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs Misa Lelin Stevenson is at home this week.|colds with the best results,which shows There being no school at Stony Point on ab-|be a thoroughly reliable preparation forcountofscarletfever,the cormittee is |those .Try it.Tt is prompt and soing to fumigate and repaint the interior of |effeeteal and pleasant to take.i the school butiding.|.:1 noticed a piece in this paper a few num- bers back about the high price of calves. Mr.John Stikeleather of this plkece sold a six- salesiadies.Ap- an Ta morning.OF.F BARGAIN weeks-old calf which brought him $26.16.Can|oo on Building.Ask for Mr.Kate.) any one beat this’Sept., Miss Laura Rartlette has gone to Mt.Holly |pog mbe pigs .W.LENTZ, to apend a fortnight with friends there.Mr,|an ne <<.man a —_—a Pare ag little son and|‘vr.Chal.Me ¥of mity were the guetts POR REN Seven-houseofMiseLillianBagwellSunday.Mise Lavra|eae M °.DAMS. Bradford of Shiloh ts the guest of Miss Cath|anadmienciinserineMorrison.Mr.Nell Lewis of States.POR etch Seed,1 an.cvilleisvisitinghisbrother,Mr.Mack Lewis.M.e.Bufola.ees ee Died of Scariet Fever—Mr.Me-|ONION SETS.—D.J.iis ok 25. Lain Stricken.WANTEI once for inside work.|WANTED—25 men at Correspondence of The Landmark.|[IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO.,Statesville. Gane Pt,ee %Mary Myers,|Sept.25 -4t. S-year-@ ughter ¢«tr.ond Mrs ;—SS -- Myers,died at her home in thie place Satur.|POR SALE—At once my entire stock 4 are- day morning,after an illness of six days,of cerles,fixtures,horse and hack.hone. scarlet fever.She was buried yesterday at|tite or ree me C.D.BAILEY. Stony Point at 11 cee,a.m,,after a short|Sept.25.it funeral service at arave.She is survived |=~: loy her parents and two younger sisters.he ~“EN false teeth;don't matter if Mary was a bright,tatelligent child.i .|pay $2 to $15 per set.Send by Mra.Anna Barber Harris left Friday on an |parcel t and receive cheek by — extended visit @ relatives tn South Carolina,Liga.F.TERL,403 N.Wolfe &.,Baltt- >R.P.—.prominent citixen of|More,Md.Sept.25.--4t°. Gwattney'’s tow lexander county,who |Fon |i RENT—s-room house,with sll modern “a:Sao”blocks of Posteftiee,t Thago,had a secondst lnat Tuesday.:asyimTHARVPE an teh Personal Items.Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,Rd,Sept.24...Thie iv a very |basy time for farmers.is opening aRe C.Davidson of near StatesvilletovisitingrelativesinteMisnes Nell whi 0 Maincbet =4ce a of L.Heath is visiting in Statrsvillereturnshomeinafewdays.Misses|and Nannie Bell Elam will enter schoo!| Kinston. Birthday Dinner.|Correspondence of The Landwark.| ifener ——es et|WANTED—Two experienced .Modern con-|Sept.26...1t*. w¢.yts 26. in| co r n e a : 1s » : " ee ee e > “S “> © cs c oc 6 oo . 6 ; aa a Le a l ee a } x + bya el Ali the regrets in the worldwon'tbring back your money if you invest it foolishly in some “wildcat"’ scheme and LOSE it,—for lose it you surely will. The one sure way to have your money is to put.it.. in our Bank,whereitis SAFE,and let it pile up.Then— you and yours,who are entitied to it,will have it. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C. Sa Are simple in construction,strong and durable, and do their work.perfectly.We have them in both Hoe and Disc.Our price is reasonable,and terms liberal. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,. ~~STATEMENTS OF CONDITION OFMERCHANTS&FARMERS’ PTEMBER lITH,1917. OF STATESVI N.C,AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS,to North Carolina CorporationCommission. CondensedfromOfficial Report RESOURCES.LIABILITIES, aaa <a Capital Steck .....ccee§+++$336,197.30 Surplus sovees982.44)Undivided seneeeReservedforIntewest...3,832.79|Dividends Unpaid ......CASH and Due from Banks 36,067.48]Re,Dissounte,-.-.-Bills Payable .... e Deposits eee reer eetenee Total ....ccccceeess++$877,879.99!‘Total eseccessesss eg S0TSTOOO COMPARISON OF DEPOSITS. September 11th,1908““1909 ho 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 ‘ We respectfully call your attent on to the statement of fshownabove.The business of the past twelve months has beeninthehistoryoftheBank,and to our good customers andmadethisresultpossible,we are very grateful.We trust to —otcontinuanceofthisgoodpatronagebythesamecarefulattentionbusinessentous.'(Began Business February 10,1908).F.B.BUNCH,Cashier.;a Loans and Discounts Overdrafts ... Furniture and Fixtures ..1 seeeee “ “ “ “« “ “« “ WeHave Justthe Toilet Things She Mr.HUSBAND,Donotfeelthat becauee yourwifenot“ask”ies eran Ban for her toilettablethatvl bf _———Srar7.|Meme ofInterestAbout Varinas GatheredFromOverGal.W.J.Bryan ts scheduled to spel at the Forsyth county fair inimston-Salem October 2. Dr.Thos.W.Lingle of Davidson,who sailed for France recently toengageinarmyY.M.C.A.work,|has arrived safely. Prank McDonald,superintendentofasawmillatSt.Paul,Robesoncounty,was thrown against the saw and both legs were cut off. Chas.A.Rendleman,a SalisburymanwhohaslivedinJacksonville,Fla.,for several years,was drownednearthatcityafewdaysago. At Rocky Mount Jacob Lee Vick, nine years old,was playing betweentwopilesoflumberwhenthelumberfellonhimandcrushedhimtodeath. Gev.Bickett has pardoned GroverWalkerofWilkescounty,who wasconvictedinMarch,1908,of secretassaultandsentencedto20yearsintheStateprison. Supt.McBrayer of the State San-atorium finds according to thebureauofvitalstatistics,there were211'fewer deaths from tuberculosisinNorthCarolinain1916thanin 1917. A;“sparkler”—a fire works toy —was ‘the prize a 9-year-old Kinstongirlfouinacandyprizebox.Natgirally she lighted it.Her clothes=fire and she was burned to Enterprise says a small childof~and Mrs.W.C.Feimster ofNewtonwasrunoverbyanautomo-hile,while attempting to cross theItwasbadlybruisedbutnotseriouslyhurt. @ new for Salisbury hasbeenijucedbyDr.W.B.Dut-tefa,of _the First Congrega-tien:of that city.EveryotherSundayeveningatserviceattheparishhouseheshowspic-tures,the first series of them beingof,special historical significance. W.C.Weir and James Clergy, eanstruction men,were killed andrs,engineer,Geo.Col- fireman,and Tom Jones,brake- man,were seriously injured when a'logging train operated by the An-drews Lumber Company,at An-dmews,Cherokee county,ran awaydownthemountainidayafter- neon.‘NS Young Man Has Always Worn:a Dress. Jack Morgan,hailing from Goose Creek township,Union county,wasingMonroeFridayforexaminationbythelecalexemptionboard,says aroedispatchtothedailypapers.The remarkable thing about Jack andthereasonforthestorythathewas in town for the same purpose thathundredsofotheryoungmenhavegonetotownthesepastfewmonths,was that Jack wears a dress—has al-oe worn one.Here's the story:Morgan wears a real dress.Heisabout25yearsoldandneverdon-ned a pair of pants but once in hislifetime.That was when he was aamallchild,and it is said that the ridicule of his companions so affect-~him that he took them off imme-diately,never to don them=again.All his life has been spent aroundRockyRiver.When friends come insight,it is said,he will tuck up hissandflyfortheshelteringriv- er banks.“The man is not insane.He re- ceftly bought an automobile.Duringtheyearsthathaverolledbyhehasaccumulatedagooddealofproper-ty,but he still clings to the garb ofaWoman.Morgan is unmarried,andifheisfoundphysicallyfithewillinjallprobabilitybetakenbythelo- ont exemption board for the county'sthirdquota.”And then he'll take off that dress. _ASS Feed Wheat to Hogs and Horses A dispatch from Oklahoma City,.Says that while the food ad- istration is urging the holdingof.“wheatless”days,farmers inWoods,Blaine and other northwest-_counties,are feedingttohogsandhorsesratherthansellitatthepricefixedbythe a.according to reports of¥agents to the State Board of;lture rs are dissatisfied,it is not so much with the price wheat fixed by the government,the fact that prices on com-for their consumption werefixed. Oklahomans,some of whomtroubleinconnectiondraftact,are feeding their stock as a matter of spite “a way should be of Nine. o .Lightningjt ju |ed for $0 cents as the minimum|of cotton|Carolina farmers,it ix|hold for a minimum of 26 cents. {ga have been on strike for several|,weeks and serious disturbances have||oceurred at times.Sunday a riot!oeceurred in which one man was kill-ed and others injured. Five American regiments have|jbeen designated by the United ||States government to receive regi-|mental flags donated by descendants|iof Frenchmen who fought in the|American Revolution.| A negro railroad fireman and two negro passengers were killed and about 20 negro passengers injured, when a freight engine,running wild,|crashed into a Louisville and Nash-|ville passenger train near Neon,Ky.| An_international boulevard 400— miles long,stretching from the |'North Sea to Alsace,is to be theGreatBelgian-French memorial tothedeadwhohavefalleninthepres-| ent war,according to a British staffofficerwhowritestoaLondonnews- _pitper describing the plan,which he(says has already received the en-, dorsement of the governments in- volved. Fix Price of Copper. Copper prices have been fixed at |,23 1-2 cents a pownd,about 3 cents | ‘below the prevailing market,by| agreement between the government| and leading copper producers,effec-|tive for four months.Sales to thegovernment,the public and the al-,lies will be at this price,f.0.b.|New York,and producers agree noi|to reduce wages now paid in the in-‘dustry.They also pledged them-|selves to maintain maximum pro-|duction and to prevent copper from|falling into the hands of speculators.Although the price is fixed under voluntary agreement between ~ro-ducers and the government’s war in-|dustries board,with the President’s|approval,it was announced officiallythatundertheExecutive's war pow-|er “the proper departments of thegovernmentwillbeaskedtotake, over the mines and plants of any,producers who fail to conform to the| agreement and price.” Must Cut "Em Off Below the,Knuckle Joint. The Newton Enterprise says thatJohnHicks,one of the men named as an alternate for the squad of se- lected men sent from Catawba toCampJacksonlastweek,lost about an inch off each of the two first fin-|gers of his left hand,a few hours af-| ter he got the card calling him tothecolors.He was splitting wood .and by some means the fingers were cut clean off.Hicks wasn't sent to Columbia because he wasn't neededtofiloutthesquad,but the Enter-| prise says the loss of the fingers won't disqualify him for service.“The instructions to exemption|boards,”says that paper,“are that|the total loss of any two other fine-|ers is ground for exemption.The: cutting off in either case must bebelowtheknucklejoint.” ALTTE, Americans Near Battlefront. On a historic battlefield which merges into the fighting lines are encamped many American troops, far removed from the rest of their compatriots,who form the vanguard of Uncle Sam's expeditionary force in France. For military reasons,it is impos-sible to tell the world just where these men are,who they are,or what they are doing to further the interests of the Entente allied cause, but it may be said on authority te friends at home that they are a cred-| {it to The Stars and Stripes,which|for the first time in history fly over a camp of American soldiers in thatpartofthewar-wrecked world. TENSESSEED Savings Certificates. Savings certificates,to be sold by the government for $4.10 each and to he redeemed in five years at $5),each,are to be issued by the Treas-ury Department for the benefit ofthosewhowishtohelpthegovern-ment and themselves,but who areunabletoinvestinLibertybonds.Announcement of the certificateshasbeenmadebySeeretaryMe-Adoo.Their issue,it is expected,will permit every man,woman and| | icates will| Thirteen negroes under|a shed at Camp |astruc!four and in-other nine. Texas Farmers’Union has declar-| during the war.North|understood,| The strike of 30,000 iron work-|‘ers at San Francisco,affecting ship-building operations,has been practi-|jeally settled and the strikers will re-|jturn to work this week. Street car employes at Chattanoo-| Buying «wife,with tobacco as Cerrency,in the old days of Virgi..a For cigarettes,Virginia-Carolina tobacco is the best The sunny South—where cigarettes cvere born he first cigarette ever mace was Virginia- Carolina tobacco.All the mellow charm of Southern sunshine iccif is in Virginia- Carolina tobacco.An:no other tobacco has that “dash”and “co”to its taste that Virginia-Carolina tobacco has. The CigaretteofQuality NOTE:300 million pounds.That'showmuchVirginia-Carclina tobacco wasmadeintocigaretteslastyear—over 4timesasmuchasanyothertobacco.AndPiedmontisthebigyest-selling Virginia-Carolina cigarette in the world. _Commencing today we will disconjchildtoparticipateinthefinancingtinuetheJitneyServiceintheusual;of the war.In addition,the certif-|wa and establish Schedules on the promote and encourage |@ erent prominent NOTICE!| streets.Firstbealinefrom -|A barrelofMrs.Hicks’}jsaving among the people. »resident of SLANT er | who was killed by a fall |SHOT A YOUNG WOMAN,|“,an aviation John Long,a white man,fired np-|ane 'This car will,‘anada several on and seriously wounded Miss Nel-ahalf.30 minutes—on the even»not as the re-lie Ball,daughter of a farmer of the ®if hour,Others will be put on |mt,98 waspogeins:|Bahama sectionof Durham count |No on Sunday.|deliberate ef-|ot was rom amivan |RIDE TNEasan|about dark,while Miss Ball THE Jt Y.'Cana-'the spring near her .Long was mad at M Home Made Molasses.|! It isfine. Si NE Ry Mg ,Se aeeeeee fiero tegen Ca iseie,Seeneere,yon ||),and “curative workshops.”Fi.oes |nally,aftér the man is brought back|across the Atlantic to this country, there wil!be great reconstruction |massages and. 5 strengthens ite.It was freely suggested, CHE BOMB —socictics which Mooded wombat oe oe"¢KEEPS TESTA —rressazes when President ‘mental and mational responsibility,iwasaskingthatastateofwarbe:w icaring for the wounded,”said Majorcleanand‘clared.detain ani wna <\Gen.Gorgas,in an authorized state- breath ment of the government's plans, sweet.[tet So Se omaning —i“has undergone a radical change mann note,in which G |during the months of study given the posed an alliance with ee,by_experts oe me rg :ical Officers’Reserve Corps anBdGisesHON,Lilet Nor inctudcd”‘the Gorman-|°WP9f6 consulting with them,Instead:3 o the «#4 respons itySwedishbreachesofneutiMcneiedwiththereturnofthesoldier Argentina and Mexico.It =:SS private life with his wounds heal-oe See pee ed and such pension as he might be ’ively with machinations which the a pes a -Seen te eae Ameren ee Se ee ‘and re-edueate the wounded man,af- étrigue,but which many people Arm-ter healing his wounds,and to return ‘iy believed were carried on or Ghent him to civil life ready to be as use- ed in this country by German-Amer-ful to himself and his country as pos- ‘rans without actual money from ‘ile.epintiniiissioeion Berlin.:: Little surprise was expressedin DrivesOutMateria,BuildsUpSystem official circles or at the capitol,al-Exovurs TatsBre chit FOWnEL aries though members of Congress were Pletarie.eusiches de hieh!y indignant.There was some 4truetonic,Foradults and jan oir talk at the capitol of demandi an,=investigation.On the floor the House Representative Heflin of Ala-When Statesville Citizens Show a “NO REASON FOR IT! >ed S ,bama asserted that he could name ‘a ‘ hp "4 ¢13 or 14 members of the two branch-Way. ¥:ie eee am aos =There can be no reason why any a Oe,:TTT that they should be investigated.reader of this who suffers the tor-“Oo ="ae cme a name -ememeea ce,é 5 pt LS Generally,however,the disposition turcs of an aching back,the annoy-a we”ae :ns was to regard as absurd any sugges-::; =13 tion that any part of the $50,000 #nce of bladder disorders,the pains Wd J)bs ice By,roncht by ven Beventec®was intend-and dangers of kidney ills will fail Vy whe ee."ail Eas g2,to heed the words of a neivhbor who ‘a 7 ees ='°7,follows:has found relief,Read what a = casutheincohaainiit_eo spt ;,,“T_request authority to pay out UP x tesville w ;INGERSOL DOLLAR WATCH _}:2 2°00 titty thousand)jin orter,Statesville woman says: .::fH.as on former ocrasiens,nfluence fn :ad ee War price $1.35.See me if you are in need {Congress through the organization Mrs.C.B,Morrison,789 W.Front ofany kind of a Watch.I can supply that 5 von knew of,which can perhaps pre-street,says:“|tried in vain e ,vent war.Lam beginning in the need.In.stock,Hamilton,South Bend,—.to act accordingly.to get something that would cure me Waltham,Elgin,New York Standard,}“In the above civcumstances &®of backache and kidney trouble that Reliance.t peat oS Se “jesitable,had hothered me for years.Finally,Never before have we shown such a remarkable collec- ;‘in order to gain the support of frie Y eot Dosn'’s Kidney Pills and they tion of beautiful Hats,and as for new and novel effects,|H.b.WOODWARD Jeweler,|raince ‘here Ect Dec's Kideoy Pils ‘and tp ee —- ow —=ne ee The message was sent nine dayt made ai great improvement.I had surely the sty es Tor e autumn are v enough hefore the German government pro-use thom on'y a short time before I suit every taste.THERE ARE LARGE HATS AND nined Ry ear,whee SMALL HATS,41GH CROWNS AND “TAM-O-SHAN-warfare.When he wrote it Count Was in good health.Best of all,1 von Bernstorff was assuring the haven't becn hotheroe by my kidneys TER”EFFECTS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! meric r ess t :ae——ee ahs cimee.”Hats that combine two distinctly different materials, PPRGEISIe!SISANRADS? ad PRINety“LIFLEPREP? Your Hands ::violate her pledgesin the Bus-9 pe an at all dealers’.Don't sautiful Velvet Hats i i ,Are ane tied:ores corrying out your ex-rox coat or do anything that smivht Baie BO at 8M Gonieee ee ice .pe a a .oe a ne saan a = ctations an esires when you ave irow the United States into the list:simply ask for a kidney remedy ve d “.‘ak ae PRICE eg J f her enemies.Two weeks later,ee aa ee ‘RANGE WILL SUIT EVERY PURSE! "IN THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on what a you save, tt is not a matter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your ‘in- when von Bernstorf?was handed his Dean’s Kidney Pills,the same that vassports,he proféssed ignorance of .. prior knowledge of his government's Mrs.Morrison had.Foster-Milburn enti y ite omises to a Taeae ha —weer Promise *Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. eee7 Re RE om __ome Guard Companies,School Bouks||MRS:MARY SIMS. All ladies are cordially inv'ted to attend Wednesday and Thursday,Seotember 26th and 27th. Defence,in session in Raleirh,re-ceived from Gov.Bickett and Adju-The Cash Store tant General Young a careful out-sieterguninne:aceemtinemivemtprentas <eoreperenter line of plans for the immediate for mation of Heme Guard companies der trying conditions,and of mature judement and dependability.all hooks used in The Federal government is to pro- vide the arms for these organiza-+ tions but not uniforms or othe |Graded Schools.They equipment.The Governor wil!issue the commissions to officers just as ’} National Guard commissions are ie |are soid for CASH.j ,sued,with Federal as well as State '|' obligations.>see | The companies will be organized|i through a selective draft under the ; old North Carolina law that empow- ‘ers the Governor to draft citizens for) emergency period service.The Gov- ernor proposes to name a committeeineachcountytoselectthemen best cuulnge’for the service to bey rendered.Some of the smaller coun-7) ties will have an organization of say25menandinthelargercentersor- eanizations wilh be compose!« very Many more men,or nized un- der strictly military auspices. The Governor has issued a proc-And lamation calling for 5,000 men,be-= itween the ages of 31 and 45,for the No Solution for Submarines ‘home guard com >C.WATKINS,who has been play-| |Negroes to Re Called Next.ing such havoc with Building Mate-|A majority of the negroes of the!tial prices.‘There are eight WAT-| |National army will be called out for in the Lumber business and mobilization at the training camps BUY IN QUANTITIES! past,we will strive to give the samewiththecon’tof dreft forces |summoned for 8.In making OSTEOPATH.HIGH GRADE SERVICE Dr.5.W..—:~:has this Company the will and announcement Secretary Baker ‘Meschants’@ Parmer Bank.|)confidenceof over seventeen patrons. Account with us. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO,H,BROWN -President.0.L.TURNER .Cashier. come is¢esmall and it will be casier as throughout the State to take the The cmiing f'|a ::place of the North Carolina Nation tin ("|0 your income increases to al Guard now in Federal service.Brady Prin mg 0 ‘|: The plan is for the formation of lo-!'it Increase Your Bank Account.cal companies composed of carefully |HAVE YOU SEEN elected men from atgone Pag Has a Full stock of } ;‘teers,men who can be depended up-.¥ Now is the opportuac time to open an on as able to control themeclves un-OUR-— 10c.and 25c.per cake. AT—— HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20. ——— |oS NEW LINE OF TOILET SOAP ! THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the v liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyhbothNEWandOLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in the Every good citizen at this time shoulddohissharetowardstrengtheningthe You can conotributedir to thestrengthofthissystem,and at sametaeGosusetepectersneSygeting elespou acpodit en directlyyouintothenew’‘sheesh lo Ghwene Z States with the largest per cent n ion.Those f added that the negroes called would be House afternoen of assaulting LL.Wordeadlyweapon—a pieceabouttwofeetlong—andwiththeirfeetandfists.All arebrothers,mts of Bloomfield,near the Paola cotton mill.The plaintiff alleged that on th by Hub brothers 1 Lazen ames ©cour iv$190 bond;found Jo.James oanofsimpleassaultandfinedhimandtaxedhimwithhalfthecosts,and discharged W.A.James.According te the evidence.L.WdameswasonhiswaytothewellWhichisreachedbyapaththatpsesnearHub,James’house;Hub‘ames cume out the back w iaskedhimwhyhehadpoisoned hisdames’)chicker 1 Ww.James denied it and thereupon Hub.James assaulted him by throwing astickofwoodathim,the «tick «tringhiminthechest.This was fo! Ry lowed by further assault with stisfromHub.James.Jo.and W.Adamesthenappearedandtookahandintheassault.L.W.James’wife and daughter came to help him wut and each received jicks that di:no serious hurt.The appesrance ofL.W.dames about the head wa iffwientevidencethatsomethinghadhunpenedtohim.There was a coi siderable knot on his forehead,ugly scratches on his face and neck and the injury to his chest. Aub.James admitted the assault on his brother but contended it tool place after L.W.James had calle fim a damned liar when he a him of poisoning his chickens.Hut James did not recall how many times he had struck L.W.James with a stick.Jo.and W.Ao Jamesbethclaimedtohavegonetothe brothers in holds as peacemakers and with no intention of ties to the assault,being par- It was brought out in the evidence that numerous dead chickens hadbeenseeninthesectioninwhichthe Jameses live,but cence to connect L.W.James withit.He denied having put out anypoison. there was no evi Court Cases, Jo.Eckels,Lee Eckels,Houry Ber nett,Hub MeLelland,Hous dno.Stevenson,Wallace Bailey,Ji Watts,Prank Cornelius Spen Patt gon,Alfred Jones,John Stewart.IiYoung,Charlie Allison and SarDalton,all colored,were before thi mayor yesterday and paid .“5 disorderly conduct rt the home 0” Eckels Sunday morni: Jo Eckels was taxed with fj and costs for loud cursing at the G eafe,Saturday nivht Bunton Alexander,Dickie Wel lin,Frank Guy and G 1 before the mayor Saturday for tr passing on the emixe 1 \+, College.The mayor lectured them and let them po. Mr.J.C Henle:paid the eost ithemoayor’s court for ex:ling the automobile sn limi , Bob Benson and Clark Pompeyhothexlored,were befor i}n 0 Friday for an affra Pompey paid ifineof$2.%«‘; patd the cost. to FranceChineseTroops A delayed disparsays{!I’: pabli to the p t of 24.000 CF if mone,« Bvailable, approved th Mm eager t The ¢n Frat Inumber of imimedint tien,it ‘Ans cal ef dic : he r he t finan:i i )‘‘ trou p Just denut mil at doh tract { R.IHoward BOB.O0 perRevRk bide @ whol and Mr,Jo}bidder at §The sale wiforincreased Help Dishman Femily. Moved by the story of the tos e ths Dichmen’family in th amd all t and food,M« BR.Brietel he aThe Landmark o the their home k,na ‘ot @ are to contribute fer these people may at The Lendmar' cau leaveoffice we@ ColdinOneDay.Fig MEHOCW nine the‘aida.eure.|:bom.We.! sth }\ Specigi CorrespondenceofTheLandmark. Tayorsville,Sept,Rowman,foreman of the grand jury at last week's court,reCarterthat hills and presentments 24.-—Mr. ed totheyhadpassed brought 1 & Judgeonall fore them to the best of their knaow!l- edge and in theroom ability;that the court house were officers’ n ge rod ~pair and neatly kept;that the coun ty jail was well kept and they ree- mmended the lenk in the reef to be epaired and the walls,where the jastering ia off,to be replaxtered ty home was found in jood re- pair except a leak in roof.The 12 utes,all white,fou yusles id vieht females,were well cared for {contented.The rooms were a tly kept as could be expecied They recommended the mr ] he old house in front of th w home Mrs.W.B.Matheson is ota home today,having spen w day Charlotte with her so é ? Mathesor Mise Gertrud (Coope t to Statesville Friday ev lo i pt a posttior M t Vv imVenryMatheson,who spent a few s with his grandifither.Mr.A.H ttheson,has 4 |homvilleMasterGraydonWattfMy Mrs.G.W.Watt the mtolreekhisrawhile i rank ther aut Th t ere ¢mme 0 xet «n j 'eet {Mra T..0.¢|¥ H.(o ind M |}of S !!rel Mi “of Wi n-Salem,\weet t th of Dr.Gibser unt,Mrs,Sea- beimst Mrs.Holton under vent peration t Wy Gibson’ hospital reeently and sh friends he glad know that sherevevered Mi Jam DI ctt of er vistt her sister,Mr W.i?Deal Mero Gaston Ps dss \IiHandiesAtMao AV {mo!' favo and |til te €ith re Vir,¢1a f +Member Tot t ny (engGreenville,S.C.nrri Sa t tay until Tuercdss hh mare It nd Mr Ww YT t Mes)i.¢.Gwe!v,¢ee a 'Ashthey LeGett of Co ,.¢,le &(sp ¢1 nigeht Sunday |th ihomeMrS427,t ; Me avy uv !‘ ivht te it his far *reshytet vert h TR.AL Adame hae diphtheria}ry will be glad te know ©1 Tees HR Wi }!ar ec (et by expe Mas Davis Hill Smith developed diphtheria veste ‘ To Organize Home Guard. Month Mr.Walter Gilbert t revrar ‘n in rd comp:il! }to re rpore,ito!mterest could be wed Now Ge Beekett and the ite couneil of defence have comedplansforthtizationof ese companies f¢home defence, a Wlethe organization will eonfl {|throurh a sort of —sele tl Li ror to name ' eomr :(select n est ro othe purpose fh m especinily those 'hor rladiy h 0 tt 2 era wl nov Maye.ee Ga Government Work 1).AG and Millard I ' i ‘‘.}Mi fy as Na pepoed \Have t’t \wo we b i |t ut I Wa !Ww A !I t r ‘ \ The District Board. Vy } j Cotton Case Compromised,. !{’x ‘ ' '‘n t } ESTIMATES bee ' he “ve' .th an |th 'ins 'rt elyf wh }nensenae hurt iht wh at the ealothehim r even ertthet rvvew ther lips thementioned t, n hi Ye ie1rometdemy bit.” of vt:)shave when ‘ry thieves secured aMr peneutee to Carolina Motor |aving possibly-yele required too muchertion,it was left in thevlaceoftheFord.Then enlinewaaappropriatedfromlinetankattheDurham‘erage to wend the Pord gnltweefoundWednesdayummed@intoaditch,se from town, The Mooresville brass ts firet public appearance sinee Pe.organization last Thursday evening, when a coneert was given on the quare,A good programme war’fen.lered and the band gives evidence ofvrefultraining.The people came ut in crowds to hear the musicand> vioyed it,thoroughly.o ' Mr.J.E.Derrah of Gray Court,:S.C.,whe has been visiting ‘friends! here,has taken up insuranee work} ith Me.Bucene Johnston,and will} remain here indefinitely.i Mr.A,M.Freexe was called toichlastweekbythedeathofRake:tittle granddaughter.Mr.Preese!several days with his daugh-| pent ter,Mrs Lillian Taylor,and with | ‘ev.J.LD.Morgan,former pastor ef)the Lutheran church here.f\Miss Sudie Wilsen of Charlotte’ ted here last week,the guest of | Vrs.A.E.Brown.Mr.Fred.Gray! Deaton,whe is working in Charlotte, pent Sunday at kis home here,i The first bale of cotton of the sen-! row old in Kannapolis Satur- brineing we.per pound;seed,:Rie Mr J.A.B Geodman is spending n days in Mt.Pleasant with Rey.do Mre.R.A.Goodman.Mrs.Will Troutman and littl daughter,Pau. e,were Mooresville visitors Sat- rday M Pearl Cook has enter.| ed the Farm Life School at China(rave A new schedule was put on by theouthernmorningwhieh hanged the time of every train com- Sunins and going.‘Train Ne.24,whieh it Charlotte for Statesville and lorsville at 6.10 p.m.,will leave 150 p.m.,passing here at 5.39 mm:f Statesville.Train No.16, Charlotte Statesville,new leaves wre at &a.m.instead of 7.50,ar. ve hers at %100 a.m.for States- :returns at 7.45 p.m.Train Ne, 2 Winsten to Charlotte,passes nt 6.15 alm,arri in Char- tte at 7.25 a.m,remains there 20 minutes and returns,passing here Tor Winston at S.Atono m.Tt is stat- that hy the change on the Wins- n -Salem division the services of whole train crew saved to themmpany R Kk.A.Osborne of Charlotte, who hold ervices revolarly at St. Tames,Shinnsville,every fourth Sunday at 1)m.,came up Satur- RY do spent Seturday and Satur- vy night at Shint Ne,returning nday night Mr Osborne,whe is ex -¢federate,4 ene of the 7 *onble ministers and Phy every ¢whe =knows Hie oh hee preaching foryear VERNIFE GOODMAN. Hon.Hezekiah Coder Dead. Ho Ievekiah A Gudger died Satu morning at his home Dian,Buncombe coun M ved veral term -Lepislature and wi 1 uloof)the St !iin Raleigh.H a American consul a President Mchi r eight years t ’Then Presid pponted Wim Assocut Just Canal Z made him Chief Justic: ry which position he ror owas a prom \|'rominent as a men fechodist Church.He 'wife,five children other CeEeRRR ne Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your ‘ist will refund money if PAZOOINT’}*T fafls to cure anycase of Htehin;ailind ling or Frotruding Piles in6:olidars The hb plication of Eure and Rest.Sec ‘i tE BILIOUS”!LET a ARETS”LIVEN LIN E!AND BOWELS! Don’Stes Headachy,Const: p ci.Sick,With Breath Bad ini Stomach Sour! box now. and women who ic. who has h bad taste ant !,both gue, ZiNESs, and "use, ce upse disord: cold. nervou ick, or have a bud SCepirige your Cascarets,or merely every pill bowe! fore duys or castor pa weway few h |cathartre sleeps the vou remov\¢ ’while tomach, d,fermenting food ;take the exc bile r and carry out of the he constipated =wast bowel i}strarvhten a 10-cent box ore will k ‘ep ve ut et,liver and bowel {head clear for months love reste poison in the\et tonight:wv ‘tih3Gi the children.They they ken, taste froma‘i e DAVIS’100 agg cent.PURER PAINT easily leads in the quality race, YOU CAN’T GET AHEAD OF DA-VIS’PAINT! 2 7ibandmade’ { ae , ,fully ,comfortableandpowerfulMouseatepriceoilnreachofeveryone.' Why should you crank your carordrive with insufficientlightsorchangeyourtiresontheroadwhenyoucanpurchasesuchacarastheCHEVROLETatamediumprice. Seventy-eight cars delivered in our territory in 14 daysissufficientproofthatifyouwantacarthisfallyoushouldplaceyourordernow. _N.W.FOX,-Local Dealer. UNIVERSAL AUTO COMPANY.INC,-Distributors, WINSTON-SALEM,N.,C. Full Line Crochet aad Embroidery Cotton. Big Line of Sweaters for Men, Women and Children.JOHNSTON-BELK COMPANY. The Largest Cash Store In Statesville.| HEADQUARTERS For Dress Goods,Staple Goods,Notions,Ready-to -Wears, Clothing and Shoes.Our sales Increasing Every Month. Their must be a_reason. Paris predicts,Velvets for Fall.We are showing a beauti- ful line Black,Navy,Laurel,Marine,Brown,Plum and Ruby. DRESSES AND COAT SUITS. A Distinction Not easily obtained ts conferred upon every woman whowearsoneofourDressesorSuiis—ownership of one of these faultless carments—carries with it an appreciation ofallaishighestinQUALITY,latest in style and greatestinvalue. Sheets,Pillow Cases and Counterpanes. *)onysaay Toilet Articles. John A.Woodbury’s Facial Soap and Powder.every Box. aim OF svap,Shaving Sticks,Face Powder,Retize,Cold CreamandShampoo. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. The Store That Sells For Less. lree picture with The ().F.Bargain Store,Inc. Weannounce to the Public of IredellCountyandvicinitytheopeningofourthirdStoreinWesternNorthCarolina. testistor Everybody is invited to the y.money-saving event in the Friday,28th, i ty,Aalione MusicStore. The MajorityofTheseAre Col-|Community Fairored—A Shortage.October 6 _ahibitsand The event of next week in northIredellistheNorthIredellCommu-nity Fair at Harmony,October 6th.Everybody is invited to send exhib-its of farm,orehard and garden pro- and all Kinde of sent out notices to theteporthereOctober3,military service,ae fer Camp Jackson,© “win Faulkner,ville;Leve Glaspey, mith,colored,R.F.D.;Archie W. Eufola,R-1;Statesville,R-3;BuekStatesville;Charlie Statesville,R-4;Burton Rankin,eol-ored,Elmwood;James WalterverBrown,Mooresville,R-3;Feimster,colored,Statesville;Long,colored,Statesville;Martin,colored,Statesvil)Thornwell Knox,colored,StaJamesReid,colored,Mooresville,R-4;Carl Maston,colored,Statesville, Statesville;John Bennett Pa‘Houstonville, Benjamin F.Wellman,colored,oint,R-1;Dewit Simonton,eol-James Hart,col- at 8 a,forthatmn jes,’useful and ornamen-household articles and otherhomeproducts;live stock,poultry, Ail exhibits comincounty,north river,will be elirrizesintheir “Little Yadkin”||ie to compete forSchoolboysand School,régardless of the section ofthecountyinwhichtheylive,send their products,corn,pigs,try,ete.,in competition with all entrance or exhibits mustbeonhandby10a.m.Octobeexhibitsreceived latershouldbeplaced the sentence to life impris-day.That ni This failed,however,Williams would have beeneutedonthe24thbutforadefect intheelectricalapparatus.When thdynamowasbeingtestedmorning,prepara the electro-jon,a defect was discovered thatitwasfearedcouldnotberetimeforthe¥,and a respite of 24 hounted‘the electrocuti“Williams,who gave his age as 61,was pronounced dead by Cc udge W:at Gastoniaobtainedanorder York and Chicago partieswiththecase.clerk of the SubarruscountyallseizedinMeans’Newments,raided some time—officers. a to turn over to theperiorCourtofCa-Yor ceget’ a thataelectrocutionthat than 9 a,m.All and Observer3e Side amusementsrunningandjumping contests,auto-omobileparade.AbilesinnorthIrede?ltoassemble,with autos »on the Harmony -Turnersburg road,a mile southeast of30a.m.A marshal will be on hand to give instructions.are asked to join the parade,whethercarsaredecoratedornot,Some of the prizes offered are:$1 each for the best display of can-thenedfruits,vegetables or jar of -serves;50 cents each for best glasselly,jar pickles,chow-chow.Be underwear . se y i papers seized in thement,it is alleged,was theJ.©.King,which,if shown to bevalid,would give the heirs of Mrs.King about $2,000,000.Mrs,Mazie joined with Means inortheorder,alleged ored,Mooresville;ored,Mooresville;Henrcolored,Statesville; Murray,colored,Mooresvil are requesteddecora’thenegrodisplayedacoolnerve,and on the way to thedeathchambernoddedafarewelltordenBusheeasthelatter..After takingthenegrocalm- ms and feet.”recall the details.the afternoonDeputySheriff C.Melvin,whotheapplicationat—believed i . prose,the agent o partmenwhohasfiguredinthecase,was employed by a Chicagotrustcompany,which is alleged tobeinterestedindestroyingthesec- ond King will. in the application Harmony,at 9.- Robert Bailey,colored,Auto owners Statesville;Ollie Morrison,Eufola,R-1;John Williams,colored,Patterson,col-ored,Troutman,colored,Mooresville;Thomas Rober-son,colored,Statesville;Ernest Co-colored,Mooresville;Jones,colored,Statesville;NapoleonAllison,colored,Statesville;the!Ramsey,colored,Eufola;|HSinclairByers,colored,Charlie Martin,colored,New Coot Little,colored,Statesville; ter McDowell,colored, colored,States- Smith,colored, bers,Statesville,R-6;Doctor colored,Troutman;Summers,colored,Statesville;Wal-ter Murdock,Eufola,R-1;alcolmPotts,colored,Statesville;Lin Sher-rill,colored,Eufola;‘olored,Statesville,R-3;John Mar- it.Bin theareinthe above list.Thi increment is to supply the second 40 If all called shouldrespondOctober3thenumberwould still be four short.But it is not ex-pected that the entire 54 will be here.for there are some among the numberwhomtheboardhassofarfailedtogetintouchwith.The number wil)be short a dozen or more unless the district beard acts on and certifies some more to the local board from which the remainder may be secured It will be noted that most of those called are colored.None of the col- ored had been called for the first two elvin joinedexecutrixof On the advice of Solicitor Clem-ent and Attorney General Manning, Dooling,ete.,order of Judge Webb and counsel forMeansmadeloudtalkofcontemwhichwouldandClement. ad abandoned his crepofMr.Whit DryleftafterMr.Dry had advanced himWilliamswasnotathomewhentheofficercameoutof had been hunting,carrying a single-barrel shet gun,to him that he had a warrant for Williams gavecontinuedtowalktoward the house where he lived.called to him a liams threw his gun in position andwettheofficerjt.-ae. deputy steppec .ropping_4 side,and Williams Williams reloaded his gun,with the uty Sheriff A.Y.N ce r e persimmon andpudding,brown bread,gingerForlard,honey,soap (home-made), Vinegar,butter,¢sage,ete.,50 cents each;molasses,wine and grape juice.For live stock the premiums are$2,$1,50 centscolts,cows,beef cattle,bulls,heif-ers,team mules,pair horses,broodmare,sows,boars,chickens. ribbons are given forbestpeckofwheat,oats,rye,peas,soy beans,Irish and sweet pota’:stalk of soy beans,10 ears.bale of cured pea hay,stalks sorghum;best cured ham,bacon,half gallon beans,pound of but-ter,peck each of onions,apples,pea-nuts,each standard varieties of ap-ples,collection of fall vegetables bybestpumpkin,handoftobacco,stalk of cotton,corn,oatsandwheat;best piece of furniture,,axe handle,chair, fly trap.Fifty latter,however,The hearing on this order will comeupbeforeJudgeClineOctober8th. As Means has disobeyed a couple of court orders instructing him to turn over certain effects,presumabldertheadviceofhis grandstand play was doubtless »candy,sau- Mooresville;Henry ribbons for public consump- It was the same withmentbeforethemconsumedseveral .counsel argued that the Statefailedtoconnectthedefendant withthedeathofMrs.King.They want-ad it to appear,however,that he hadsentedtobeheldfortrial”the Superior Coyrt for two reasons,neither of which was to be construed as “any admission of guilt.One reas- on was that they understood,in theeventMeanswas was to be arrestednamedcrime”in New York.TheydidnotwanttheirclienttofallintothehandsoftheNewYorkauthori- -that was clear. reason was that the papers in pos- his hands to hisfired,killing the of shooting TDen-eel,who was withThelatterwasunarmedandleftwhenthefirst Williams then turned over the bodyofthedeadofficer,took his pistol and disappeared, per gent,or 58. single person; woods,four miles from the scene of released,that he the murder,and was shot and slight-ly wounded by the posse making the ‘celess refrigerator,cents for best watermelon. -Salem to avoid attempt at The fair will conclude with a fid-dlers’meet Saturdaybanjo,single fiddletestsforprizesby some of the bestfiddlersandbanjoistsofIredell,Da-vie and Yadkin counties. Mr.Morrison Aviator in France Mr.Gilbert Morrison,son of Mr. Mrs.Ellen Morri-son of Statesville,is now an aviator “sergeant in the U.8. He went over in Ju- ,,landing at Liverpool!August Ist.riting to home folks under date ofust18,Mr.Morrison says: the Iredell jail that purpose of attempting lynching,but found the prisoner one. Williams was convicted of murder in Iredell Superior 2d,and sentenced by His case was not appealed. gro had no relatives in far as known. ’Sheriff Alexander had an inauiry Tuexday from the State prison war- den to know if relatives of Williams wanted his body sent here.Since Wi!-liams had no relatives the body wasnotaskedforandwill used for dissecting purposes at State University. Recruits Wanted For Army. Private William H.Smith,in charg: of the armyHickory,was in Taylorsville this wee} to secure recruits and came to States ville yesterday for the same purpose He will be in Statesville until tomor “furriners”who have been quite ac-ee tive in the Means Home Guard Companies. It is understood Rhat the County Couneil of Defence in eech county will be asked to select the membersoftheHomeGuardcompaniestobe organized in the : Anderson of Statesville is chairman of the Iredell Council of Defenec.The men to be chosen for this work ‘re to “represent character and courage of Judge Webb's order,refused necessary for the conduct of Means’ defence.After a long argument over commitment,the case was ended forcommittedtoHisattorneysstatedpositive- iy that they would not make appli-eation for a writ of habeas corpustosecurehisadmissiontobail. H.L.Morrison of and grandson of Air Service.” New York openl “God-fearing men,who strive to men of fortitude,flights since I've been here and amlearningrightalong.you get this letter I It is great sport and I’m en- with Mrs.King’s death,and the in- timation was pretty who.that person would be. Contempt Proceedings. Solicitor Clement was notified WednesdaynightbyJudgeWebbtiatET.Cansler,attorney for Gaston Means was before him at Gastonia praying for contempt proceedings against Joh .Dooling and other New York mer for failure to turn over to the clerk of Cabarrus court the Means cose Judge Webb bad orderec turned over. went to Gastonia for a hearing beforJudgeWebbyesterdaymorning,So licitor Clement appearing for them. Judge Webb will render his decis- on in the ease if Charlotte MondayTheFederalCourtEnd.Gaston Means being in jail,did not appear in the Federal Court at GreensboroTuesdaytoanswerthecontemptproceedings,the result of his allege:failure to turn over to an Ashevill« trust company all the property of Mrs.King in his possession.Judge:Boyd signed an order restraining MrsJulianMeansandAftonMeans,wifeandbrotherofGaston,from disposin: of any of Mrs.King's possession,and requifring turn the property «ver to the Ashevillecompany. MEETS WEDNESDAY. the session of the Federal court in Charlotte,which was to have con-onday,has been adjourneduntilWednesday,to give the UnitedimetopreparehisaccountstothecloseofbusinessSep-Monday being the Ist of].October the accounts could notmadereadyforMonday. plaint;quiet and careful of human life,but willing,when necessity de-mands,to shoot straight to protectthehelplessandpreservepeaceand]ahout 4 o’clock in the morning,have The men to compose the compa-have breakfastare“to be selected,9.30 we stop flying, at 11;start flying again about 5 p. .and have dinner at 9.30.From 12to4wesleepandhavealittlelunch After finishingwillprobablybesenttoan advancedschool,so it will be some time before we go to the front how long it will be before I get my commission.” Now theThirteenth Company, Fourth Training Battalion. Greenville,8. from CompanyNorthCarolinaThirteen For the regular army recruits are wanted for the infantry,cavalry,field department.ordnancecorps,quartermaster corps (ip the latter for bakers or who wish to learn the baker's trade,cooks,type writers and stenographers). For the National Guardfieldartillery,coast artillery,engin ations are to be composed nei- of volunteers nen,but of men chosen by the com mittees because itpossesspeculiar for the.service any man who is selected the honor,it will not»thrust upen him.Any unwilling-ess to serve would indicate that the committee had is believed that oualitications National army —Engineers,quarter master corps (colored men only). Men who have registered,but whe have not been notified to appear be fore examination boards,will be ac- ,has been changed Superior Court Jurors. The following jurors havedrawnfortheOctobertermof Ire-tell Superior Court,which meets Oc- National Guard, th Company,Fourth Train- ing Battalion,Regiment,55th Depot Brigade,form- ing @ part of the 0th Division. brigade consists of regiments,three battalions to each '-|regiment and each battrlio:‘Ting of four companiesNorthCarolinaNational Guaré POSTMASTER QUIT FOR CAUSE. 8.J.Clark,postmaster at J.E.Tatum,L.Cow- an Overcash,J.F.Jones,L.N.Rus- wll,H.G.Morrison,J.1 8.Lippard,Geo.y.D.Wooly,P :Cornelius L.McHargue,J.B.Freeze,WHoward,W.C.Moore yberry,WesleyJ.WR.Lazenby,7 Horne,J.8.Wau " wired his resignation to the Postof- fice Department after at that place and threats made against his life bmenwhowereopposedtothedrw law,but he departed from Lowlands and does not expect to return. MRS.WOOTEN DEAD. Mrs.Will Wooten died WednesdayatherhomenearHarmony,aged 62survivedbyherhus-band and one son,Mr.Parks Woot- yesterday afternoon at Holly Springschurch. his building roperty in thei The brigade is a training and sup ply depot for the balance of the divis.|ion and will train all new troops be-‘|fore they are assigned to any compa-They will vo to Europe with thissionandwilltraintroopsanduta8&supply depot the same as theyaredoingatCampSevier. Won Prizes at Catawba Fair. .|Mr.E.A.Morrison of Iredell wonaprizeof$10 for the best ten ears ofH.|corn on exhibitionfairatHicko L.Brantley,1”Ma Blackwekier,J. ,ow.F.J.W.Rimmer, s aan,2.‘Nib- .J.HW.Cloaninger,Sr.,B.s,R.J.Bryant,R.M.Bagwell, W.F.Browning,R. _R .&.A States marshal RUN OVER BOY. at the Catawhr errison,woninthecornclubexhibits in W this week.TheSeeaawhilestipulatedthecentralfield,comgditinnIndiana,Hlinois and westernsylvania,will serve as atheentirecountryandif they weregrantedhavetobemetbyotherdiThe te an advance in coalforcedtotakeover mineseratethem.Iredell at the University. To the Editor of The Lanamark: Chapel Hill,Sept.26.—jThe IredellCountyClubmetMondaynightfor}y of officers and 5 zs 13 s ome a date &theoyear.were elected: send the Tar Heel for thecollegeyeartoallthehighschools inthecounty—Statesville,Harmonyotring,Scott's,Troutman and 3attheUniversityislarge,being 1,030,und |furnished more than in the ‘ years.The following list gives the civil servicenamesoftheIredellboysaccording|held under antoclass:Post uate—D.E.:|March,1917senior-—R.W.s,W.F master atW.W.Eagle;offices has i F F sophomore—S.8S. aT ——ee )es.L.Poston,.»afordWhite,Richard Mickel;men—William Foote,Robt.Deitz |'Clay Grose,Sam Stevenson,Gus Lew-is,Tom McKnight;first ~medica!—Hugh Parks,Glenn R.Frye. WarTaxBillAgreed On. The war tax bill virtually wascompletedWednesdaybytheSenateandHouse“Ty deat aan agreement on war ex-cess profits taxation question avert-|‘OUedathreateneddeadlock. & was practically d .It proba-bly will be reported today or tomor-row.Action on the report in eachHousewillprobablygooveruntil]-next week. The basic agreement on war ex-cess profits taxation is said to be acompromisebetweentheHouse ex-cess and Senate war profits systems,with a minimum exemption of about7percent.on corporate investedcapital.The conferees .vi :stood out for an 8 per cent.exemp-tien and are reported to have ac-cepted the lower rate as a compro- mise, Another compromise reported on the manufactured tobacco provisions,with the agreement between thegrosslevyoftheHouseandtheas-sessment of the Senate. Bud Lippard in Charlotte Jail—Usual Complaint. T.E.Lippard,better known as‘Bud”Lippard,is in jail in Char- ‘otte,in default of $1,000 bond,toanswerintheFederalcourtnextweekachargeofhandlingillicitliq- ior, Glenn Lippard,a brother of Bud,ind T.E.Forester are held as wit-nesses in default of $200 bond each.Bud Lippard and the others are charged with bringing three kegs ofwhiskeyandbrandyfromNorthWilkesborotoCharlottelastSatur-day night.Forester was arrestedSundaymorningforbeingdrunk.When Bud Lippard called at the po-lice station to inquire about Forest-er he was locked up.Later GlennLippardcalledtoinquireabouttheothers,and he was detained.Bud Lippard is an old and noto- rious offender.He has long operat- “!as an illicit liquor dealer and dis-tiller in Catawba,Alexander,Iredell!and other counties. ONE OR TWO FAILED. So far one or two of the last incre- ment of boys who were sent to CampJackson,Columbia,8.C.,have beenreturnedhomeonaccountoffailuretopasethephysicalexamination.Since no official notice of the physi-=examination at ©Jackson claims so far.Smithson,Eufola,isDecember1,1917,on account ofingdependents.The clerical force of the board hasbeenaddedtountilthereue50youngladiesatwork,.GScott,an experienced office manmanagerofhelp,of Charlotte,ed this week and br young ladies with him.Thehavearrivedandthebusinessofboardisbeingrapidly out.It is understood that Mr.E.T.Cansler of Charlotte,who beenamemberoftheboardfromthebe-ginning,has tendered his resigfna-tion,but so far as known here no ac-~—has been taken by Governor ickett. CHANGES,_ Mr.Clyde Alexander hasvepostionwith>rinting Company avesterdawithount atinautomobiledealers.Mr.Ross Bunch,who has &with the Crawford -Bunch 4tureCompany,leaves next “4forhisformerhomein ed to takeuphis work with the “Marie And daughter ofanderson,Mr.L.A.Anderson,has taken net known.The official result will be sent later.. BRANCH BOTTLING BUSINESS. >ao Compa-ie aah ty ny has from “Greene, We have the very latest styles in all new shades. See them.If you decide to make a coat,we have also. 4 $2.98to$7.98. See our Storm and French }Serge,42 to 98c,to $1.48. Dark Tan Boots, French’or Military Heel, Flanders— The British Poreesare » in Flandersand”they we ae |good results over a front |Sivess ofa disloyal and and shell craters teeming|rapid-firers —the\Beotch and Australian troops have statutes, but not without the most significant gain “assert was to a depth of two-thirds of a mile at certain points, Zonnebeke,to within a few hundredwesternoutskirtsof —village they penetrated,plae- Arriving every day. .yards of the Ladies Coats,$3.98 to}Lille.The which seems to ield Marshal tno United States Senate IT woul be ashemed to sit in that body until 1 found out some method of depriving, Senator Lafollette of hie seat in that chamber which he now disgraces by is presence there,”Col.Theodore + $35.00.Children’s Coats,rer mans from their naval bases of Ostend and Zebruggre Prior to the land at- forces heavily hh ;i.".again Wednes- repeated the transport of the( to the south. $1.25 to $8.00.Coat Suits.shelled Ostend,aa bombardment. planes dropped | $5.98to$35.00.northern Belgium with vis On the other fronts, Champarne and f : the line in France,no hostilities of |Before rng,ev a ‘answer —ener eokiea The sinking of men by mines week was smaller numbers of vessels sent tom go during any week rine’|anaes men were destroyed. the wide heavy materiai, and maute desperate ish thaeeday in entering the British lines tion to withstanding Silk Skirts,nothing to the tional casualties. Great Britain ian government$3.98 and up.Blue,Black mess of Russic f the new bic EE 2e .Peewee Stripes in all Wool Serge or ‘over Haywood county dispatch,had an Skirts, to manufacture,se proval of the s dismissed the men on payment of put them unde: against the »costs, show good behaviour court had been indicter term and had been them decided to them to wait wide,shrunk and spond, army cantonment We also have those stylish camp activities,ry best theatrical ta y had volunteered »ready to per form when the ing camps in this awarded to four sport goods firms by Clark Griffith,manager of the Wash- the equipment tween the 16 ments and the some big shipment$4.98 to $5.98. official statementDoyouneedChildren’s Wednesday night b: Shoes uninviting | |States SenateisFront.tionaddressedto af 's Non*ture at the Partisan ithenecessityofCecpuaeieninSt.Paul,Minn.i week.The commission also referred toUnitedStatesdistrictf-matter of the conductof Senator bts Pollette and others at the same meet.| Germans was near rownley,president of the Non -» tisan League.The latter —oe: his dgpepetntnent an in hich Senator LaFollette indulgedthemaboutsixmilesfromthe~Mere Perna fcemarip wleliway romping from Osten:through &n4 «sclaimed any responsibility.for 'Roulers and Roubaix to cutting’of this line, be the objective of affect the |haves air- towns in 2 ing,with request that theEnglish,found to have violated any ‘committee.ppre"ve vigorously prosecuted,ting forthvantagepointsGov,Burnquist stated that attorneys|formally ;having advised that no State law had|been violated,the comcompelledtocontentitself with refer- ring the ease to FederalPheexamined A.C.Cinshrivel Up Corns er Cal- Re lun Wood and himself as a part of the commission permitting the utterances, “If |were this minute a member of vosevelt declared ina talk at a cheon given for Maj.Gen.Leonard Lily effec-Middle Western patriotic celebration .in Kansas City. except in the sectors of Progress. ins again forerunner opera tions onmtinuing his remarks concerning wngress,Col,Reosevelt asserted that Congress had taken the action ee years are that ‘t has since the laracion of war,the war would i n over “if we take heed of any peace ut Champagne terance Germany prepares we wil! shelling the German Crown net prenared yet ow that wes ro out inte the world without a geuar- artillerists dian’!the colonel shouted.“America rent in Rus:ia that “Germany was en- Blockaders Came Into Court. ,bringing with them four stills, destroyed the drink any\I appear at years and appeare n at a previous fully evad of the at he men,cight of appear in court and they were who asked >could get his the proc: tN EE RRa Sports For the Soldiers. frame the i the Nationa! %,will be started al once and completed within a month This is announced by War De on.training: statement lent in the to play fe were open £30,000 worth of immediate »soldiers in the train ountry have been director of bat fund, explained —that divided be- army canton- Natioria!Guard have been in France, now being en American War Statement. nment’s firs: concerning military was issued Secretary Baker series which in.time to activities expeditionary though aseendency on the west front has passed definitely totheallies,they are content merely to wear down the of the American felt in the field. Operations for|September 22 are reviewed by Mr..Ba-ker,without reference to the Ameri-ean force now in France,——_———— High of,Chamberiain’s Tablets.Beiraof Chamberlain'soo2!a re intil the force makes itself week ending LEMON JUICE IS wst ma re the words of Presi Bria merchant-Jent Wilkon ca the world safe forrinesJastJemoervy}For this CARON,We ayyreyate should doels war neainst Austria to the bet-and Turkey.” since Ger-ive subma Senatcr Martin's Warning, merchant-Without a roll-call and after a .:lef de ‘—Se nate passed theermanCrown4...ti ar war deficieneyTuesday'py vrint '“a Nearly £00,000 attempts to re 0 vas added to the measure as.it v the Brit-}haa ime from the House.week.In the ww Mariin,chairman of the “mans succeedce opriations committee and Demo al two wie leader,rged sharp serutinyHaeS"Idi be owhat he termed extravagant and er t reckless departmental |esti- i.:::pe ve .He ado appropriations dur1ifivemonthsofwarwouldreach1sbroughtit1.000.000.0000 and expressed bug ad hh.lest next year’s total might :800 OO Oba France_have WwW npclled to shut oursthieonteaoreatdealwywoulk;’e e B ace“a the \"¥th ,ato "Be PHESe ate ou !y to t re these es*] to reports CUT tes vraws every hour.We must ve every dollar uecessary to prose at the ex-te the war,but our duty is to trim )extravagant and useless prepriations.The governmfusheareinaperiloussituates presi ding Are we ve!to ImMpove rish theSuperiorCourtcountryYefnecessarytnAshevillethiswar,lut God's name don't experience let's spend money unless ab.olute from the Py aetnaniSeeREPORTDENIED.presence:The Navy Department has offi- pledge not ;nied the published Faasthmerchantshipsawot weyving Ves sels had been th Vv marines,Secretary Daniels | mised that casualties wi! hhe!ld from the public. FRECKLE REMOVER! (oirks!Make This Cheap Beauty Lotien to Clear and)Whiten Your Shia!Squeeze the juice of two lemons >boitle containing three cunce orchard white,shake well.and ive a enarter pint ct the best id tan lotion,and compl-x- tifier,at very,‘sory ul Your grocer has the lem.»1 ny dy tore or oe count Ip three ounces of orchard hit {a fev’pains Me give his ;‘Yagrant .jou the we veck,arms and har 1 'see how freckle and dite } ippecr and how elec 4 ned te th kin becomes.)Nt isAWORDFoR#07GiTERS = isa grave mistak«: 1 a ep lgaag it 'fi silence —this only 1}t nese and often short If vour workistirt ify are oo ee Lohan i v0 depressed,you should |!to's Kinu lsion Overcomes ji ns, It possesses im concentrited for the very elementa to invigorate t}Vtowered, str saben the tissues,nourish |rvesndbuildstrength. ett's is strengthening theusands ofmeothers—and will heip you.No alcobal, Scott&Bowue,Bloomfbel!.N.J, DR.J.M.HOLL AND. DENTIST OFFICE MILLS BUILDING Over Mre.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS &to 6.‘PHONE 01 mitteeorvanizations islative — was CLIP THISJ SALE.OFCITY PROPERTY. Beginning af ‘t 'idypt1Schninieiiciaenlbseiaicise=. ONWIPESDRESSER cinnati Man Tells How to. luses So They Lift OffWithFingers. Ouch!1 %:%!Phis kind of rough talk wil"be heard less here in town if people troubled with cornswillfollowthesimpleadviceofchiscinneinnatiauthority,who claims thatfewdropsofadrugcalledfreezone vhen appiied to a tender,aching corn-hardened eallua steps soreness ai,end soon the corn or callu up and ‘ifts right off withou: He says freezone dries immeci toly and never inflames or even ir ‘the surrounding skin.<A 1!bettle of freexone will cost ittle at any drag store,but w:i! tively remeve every hard or soft ,or callus from one’s feet.Mil of American women will wel- io this announcement since the ruration ef the high heels.If r drugeit Joesn’t have freezone ‘|him to-order a small bottle for 5 virtue of a decree of the Superior fo lredell eeu .rendered ino a special ding wherein 1 ed L.Houpe et al.are and Ma:y EF.Henley et al.are datheundnedcommixaionerwil!tp aabebic anetion to the highest bidder,rt se door in Stateaville,N.C.,of MOND NY.OCTOBER bot,Loti heur of nmoon,thy following des eribedceandfot,in the city of Statesville,to-wit ake on south side of v 1 ne street,at Ay Bort et,and Y.Ro HowithPR.Houpe's line se ih 43 ae "28 feet to a xte ke in irvins line eoth 1%degrees ¢45 1-9 feet to a jn the He AL Maowe line:oe with worth @ 1?der ces we 218 fee tor treet 1 oth,Stoekton iexrees west 65 1 t the ante:Qine-th one thi one-third 3 ths FRED.L.HOUPE 1 MeLaughtin,Atty.Commissioner, \14h,le oTicK OF SUMMONS ANDWARRANTOFATTACHMENT, RTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY, IN TH SUPERIOR COURT é tesville Lam ber Company vs 1 Ww ell e od 4 t yet ae th wr t ty enti '™rs 1 f «int tey ,:e Super ft 4 ''er tromnwtooredby©plaisitt a |,was returned t s f tred Ie fenedien wt toe t und in ire mt and acid idant the 4 th ''edt year at the ne ms ©Superior € I oedeil un ter dee doen the <ivth Man* after Che 1M 1 -r being y ©newer «‘tt ' or the t for the fer ’ FRESH PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR PANCAKES. Miller-McLainSupply€o. —_ “UNC LE SAM KNOWS Our Government has taken the|output of factories that make vuleanizing outfits.This showswhatUncleSamthinksof vul- canizing Tires.Why not you doashedoes.repair your Tires? THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. Battery Inspection Free. We are thoroughly =equi to recharge Batteries and aatiinstockafulllineofBatteryae- cersories, STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. DID YOU EVER BUY) ADoor or Window,4 find it would |os fit the Frame?C,WSa hastheDoors,Wee can’eae a2fiatTags ” satin NEW SEED BUSINESS. Turnip Seed in packages and in bulk.Also a variety of other garden and Field Seed. All New. T.N.BROWN, ReGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C."Phove 340Green. padre oS Aoi ig ARAN DY = HAND PAINTED 7 A “The World’s Best” PICKARD’S,STOUFFER’S,NIPPON. ere good to look show them. pleasure of »STORE. ters|S ates wville Drug PRESCRIPT bie deepenoanoe91LeAeeENAMENrereee _Hoosier Grain Drills }’17trongandaurabte, re asonnble. W AT WW See.ae if you are i1cana?that Hartiton, Jewrter,el we KODWARD oe.ae me sn ieee The home library that has-been equipped here offers new ideas of luxury and enjoyment. We have all of the latest designs in library furniture,any grade you may desire. If you wagi to know just how your library will look when come to usand we will show you anarrangementthatwill seersaenenemeen Se acti THE LAN No,16,w ii |‘Train tr ra i d s gl i t z ! z iE ie z i fi _MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION.W.E.WEBB,MANAGER. FRIDAY,--September 28,1917.—Cotton Coming In —Busi-Lucian P.Elliott,49,employed asrgiAsTortureLOCAL.natsuaa | ¢7 : E44 Train No,»wenRossville,Ga.—Mrs,Kate LeeAble,of train Noo west-bound,No.%5,west-heund,Train No.36,enet-bound,lifting,he in-‘irein No.22)east.bound,Trai 7 -—bound ‘ast-boundCHARLOTTE:"AND T/ bear to presson Train No.16 ee Te oe 20 «will go to housekeeping as soon as a ‘ireensboro,where she was visiting chestorabdomen,He ‘rain No.24 ar.&.10, From TaylorevilleNo,23 ar,9.50,lenves 10.25 a,No.15 wr.6.56,leaves 6.55 p. .23 and 24 are net operated on Sunday. saving in the world than ours.We would be gat to fonewhy.Comein and let us explain it’s attractive start on the road to fortune on SATURDAY,OCTOB 2K NEWS OF MOORESVILLEz.|STATE NEWS. RAURRUTTR ae wy en ee eat)ulyRELIABILITY| ness Change—Other Changes.sawyer at a lumber plant in Kinston, Special Correspondence of The Landinark.was para ly a _——thrown from.on the saw an .iiatStatesvilte.|Mooresville,Sept.27.--Mr.|.bf ||Brown,with his wife and four chil.)Osear 8.Fulk,a contractor of.S49 &™!dren,of Kodgersville,Tenn.arcived Reidsville,stuck a splinter in his|ad -e te ihere last night and are stoppr.:at band,bleed poison resulted and hisdue1h.48 -mithe Commercial how u ‘own hand had to ke amputated at the| @ve 10.19 &Mes bouglit the Rainbow thes.and Wrst.a j ei,_is >.-will continue it in the building in ¢!Evelyn Virginia Carter,conehe r of} i due 800 p,m.|Brown block.He and his family wi!!Aubrey V.Carter of Kichmond,six rt ~the fade "as .Pe s !LYLORSVILLE.make their home in Mooresville ami years old,died of berns received in|if Neither the intent to play fair nor the promise to give the public a square deal constitute RELIAIES |TY. Something more is demanded than mere pledge or prom.§ive;ambition and intention are but the raw prods suitable dwelling can be had,with her mother.Mrs.Robt.Potts of Tate,Ga.,who’Rev.J.H.Bennett,the Greens!o-||has been on f visit to her sister,Mrs.ro pastor who fell and was ré moved ||BW.L.Harvey,left for home today from his charge.has gone to Wash-|| fenves 8.10 p. Se s 58 |ly H i t t i i f L i s t P u l l iM := yet without result.We became| i +He told me iis suffering y bedescribedastorture.E: 1 mit began to act he fainted,he <8!efeetive relies, misery,buthe got relict and|Mey vs tembay to mend atonce.He got well,|00!)Se tervitle Draxfu5 1 :;.in Raleigh Octot ivth.Th pet-Teectcease i Me SALE OF CITY PROPERTY.|"'Stheity Front:has w pump!ic",Malelh October 17th The meet cere .;sais ik +“,*Renee‘Thedtord’s Black-Draught willhelp you|iV virtue of n deeree of the Superior Court |store that weiehe 66 24 pounds,tis four brigade commander::CRIP”ALLISON?By their work in thetokeepfit,ready ior the day’s work.|"))))'"'oun.chloe’aa |ee and smooth,with i sroodd color.Dr.Barklev’s Ch:.Service 9 you know them;THEY CREATE IN OURTryit!NC-131 j ith th.will ak sod,oF Phin fh Key:a The colored Methodist Conte re :ee ey s ange ot Servic ha PAR SHOP AN’ATMOSPHERE OF REL 1ABIL-=mone jilenry h Kiinsemder etal,the undersigned [met st ye Hasire d at ~Z The Landmark has just learned |4 Ty!povmeiesioner with sel!at publie anction tol chugch,near the Juncitior The 2 that yd.M.Barkle)i ar .yeas :**i[tie bi fd lapad nt the court house door i sation ef ta coneee Congregations shel ged :aaa Pa ne “PEANUT”will he stationed at the front to diagnosejStatesville,N,»oF .e :9 “4,DOLLARS TALK!|SATURDAY,OCTORER 6th,1917,church met yesterday in Wilmine ton at petroit,Mich.retired from the |your Car troubles;“CRIP”wih be found in the}©he’ur (ef hosnl tie lhe pastor here,Rev.R.A.Parris,is pastorate last fall and is engaged in |rear to mead them. THEY ARE BIDDING ||: year than the oldest imhabitant f°).7.2500." ri s ir afbi the same amount of})\).uth ©tov “atobaccoforinyouriife.ee ik Set fo niesthemeswithniedUneMcElwee’s Planters’Ware-{|}."2 Moecksviile rend,mes 1 Stateuville,rucoinyss 210 feet to n stake,Mrs deatrees emat "fe to wm mtmke yee a Les ;SageAMurdock's lime;Uence north 85 dexress weat Non rand Jett B ley Mi Vinnie ene a rr )feet to said,Mocksvilte road;thence with}Templeton is ov iting relatives atiin the State than tere oethe198feettotheinning,contain-|Ports:ith,Vea.Mi ih tie Gray ig)WON inte cfer i ovewonearlyoneaere,mo rik arose Coe Atm ee Tou ©Mere ent jueted '‘Lot Bewinnine at a a on Davie |>vest hE Se n.oe 1 Mr FAO.’Now but the oo orto |ni.a uc in the mide of the lane be aween the |G.Kerr of Coddio Cron left Tuesday vir capt ’RealtAretoundinthehome.Good jive det:which were seid by H.Nurke and wifel to visit Mr,Kerr's sister and fumiby,(tien of thor crt ;+P.dL Perry and Mo W.Hill:thence witi Mr R.M Hont at Lexincton Vv:|Cellertor Pai f the ¢‘‘»:-‘orrys Tine toe a rtone on Billiagstey se lime pe me ,a A :Mb iiedt distitling " plumbiny makes the long hours hen with Wiblincetleys <Mowe o W M.Mu The vow ll he gone a week «{ivs cctior a t mined te uewe t;4 hos eorine thener with Woo.Murdoct Mr.Kerr,who was drafted the erntion of 'ne «ty after «spent by the wife al a home af ii:0:Basie avenue:thence vith nai avenue army.has heen we cngnted oneal Pre the det vs ;rsneeth00feetlothebewinningontainingonewere,wher 4 M a ::,bremke,:Sing cember Ist.i iwin Stecto ef -.pleasure -such a pleasure that]G00 ttevinnine at 9.©Wenn’core|Charlotte wre here this we lc ume De linia yhi|ae tier oe ,ith ;are i noo ot -Ther eo in,Mrs J.Bo Houste ney ce ''rr,Menotabe,.jwasterly efire »feet eMer ON on woth.‘’7 oa ‘;ms .t nng¢se can five.Jensterly direction with WooAL OM ne Mra.{BE.oss thorne t Oe en .sere te feet tive hundred and seventeen and?the Rridee club al her hone +it}mates hin heeWw.E.MUN?,"a h feet)to n «tat then no oath emst Proud street Wednesday aft:rnoen.Mr \:i ethos Bat‘dreetion oarnl!"vie ave 1 of this on ‘tain 7séA.a :tw M be "Wwilleg !:a cine ah M ”The rooms were decorated wit ‘el Saran cnYourPlumber.114 E.Broad St.Wilhems line te vbeaee i-5 feet [low asters and wolden elow.A)salad steoy d tn di he i'twe hundred an aod four-fifths course,wich beaten biseuit,was sorye After makir 'the moins |Phone 55.fost.Gnlaiulans o rs or tem.lod.Mrs.Hawshor ve.wn iA in €88 ones tie we i »Liherty ,:hoy wt *,.‘ww werving h daurhter,M Polle cautest.rimaine |Ha wekorne nd her sister M W That}TatitwithsaidCone]W.Rankis fells de ad ;a*Stevenxon’.bine dent.Prec ;ears $;,at corner of B ort s ’»oa tine im ‘:per we 4 OPE .;eeMETALS.oye cl Pel Quert a Month Law in Court.63th —OUR LINE IS COMPLETE.We have THE SOUTH BEND MALL Nothing can take the place of metals,We are sheet metal workersand will make anythiag know your wants,eal rierecein a <-nermeneammatbemmementieas 1 40000 (4 trent,are hore laying of the sidewalk ting property owners fe New 2nd second hand machinery |)2)"if"cure.If any. No,74,BellNo.1. i All persons owning Property abotting on the!ing them at ©cent and te rr ’tow .Mili h,:a,le ;ts ;ad.,only hav eto runone fire toTccadigesttanaeneMOWAT\(eemrovetanat district heretofore |¢til purpoes,The menhaden abound off the ee t a ‘de will all go,:“oe °out ty ordinance duly preset!ty the Bon He wth Carclina canst aed are coils vet,Ah,hewite there w be ne sour aw wf et aliaaparhceoe_—_Aldermen of the City of Statesville,anid ae ahi pow ner Slicing &prefit at the erot pe food left over in the tomach to have a warm \4 rtanie ©.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-dell County. siveet south 24 dewreen rlong experience in stehke.Mark Simonton's corner:thence north where they will make their home house,Statesville,N.C.[)och you want tin roofing,gutters,})"0 "\'qyy''"Ate..srept fer inedicinal,mechanic R.2,Stony Pong:Sam.OC.Hart,RG SSvalleytinandridgeroll.Let us J}Xorrer To PROPERTY OM Crs Potan n T Niey yk |Mooresville ,he sufferedso.He was swol-|ee Lieutenant John 8.Grierson’of theIfyouarenotabletodigestyourfood,if]United States navy,:you lnck on appetite,if your stomach is seur,|ton,S.C,and Mrs. aosy,upeet,your tongueandboughtThedford’s Black~cei.and you are dicey and have heartburn,|Grierson.They left taday fae Kan.“lement,pre ferred by offivers of the »Fmade him take a big dose,oo Mic nu at once,the first dose brings sure.|napelis and Mr.Grierson will go ! the city of Statesville,belonsing tof in attendance,educational work.=Dr.—Barkley'softhesaidPhilip1DOLLARSTHISYEAR,|ovoscv kts eee, Tobaceo is selling higher this i=Ole North _f has con ion tine,|where it was ginned for Mr.<Tater avouine Weddington,last Saturday.The price tices published at the time of Dr “WE NEVER CLOSE.”i j ]at an large more 1 1.9 7intheiorkeorjunctlonoftheTanyardand|Was:2 ents for the Unt and 90 Kurkley’s retirement from the pastor-Statesville,North Carolinacanrememberandwewanttof)0 (305 eee Smoke and]cents for the seot Mr,Weddingwo to::‘{le faetory he erty of watery theald <wile Walnnadac .as zNeeeeoeemMeTttakacectfwnttc]2h Feet Ny,ak ame Pe ameelcomt oes Lan A SrA Vr arse erator eranrmar.Lwact Gl lGn ‘Trama.moe thence wuthward}to My.Hawthorne,The first bale wa ey D.D.,are -ae yewre of lem ee ee eeknowhawsellyouobacewiththeestsideof‘Pradd street to the Pir d lest pear September 10th bois -Het:ti :ay eetheWIGHdollarandwedoitifpitalecaraa—apy ao fr.C.G."Cress,who lived on Fast ve forces lose an honored;2 nine eOrhe ippesed to be one-fourth of ant...Heights,rod hi f ily Mop whoes shoes they vill aot.were mere or lews.ern Ole!&,Mover Ane Tea :'youwill give us a chance.We One Let fewinniny et @ stake on Tanyard|day to his ferm--the Mack Harris:won the hirhest hanorhardforthefarmer's We fi brench and Teadd street,thence with the}farm near Mill Bridge,in Rowan 24 degrees West 90 feet to a stake in ‘Tomlin’s Miss Ellen Moore,whose home is at fo ”businessmakes Our Services P}inc.thence wast s dewress south 80 feet:|Mr,R.A.Deaton's,ic in feeble health “_thence with Reynold’s line 120 feet to the be.Wy ile hag live #4}t a !ne :most valuableto you.BRING US})Sic".Cocke coe,fered by.thn.Also a one-half undivided interest in the |Mawtrin tM reek.sands outside ‘teALOADandwewillsendyou|},,.\',2.cnebel!undivided to “|@ir.and Mrs,W.Pe Carpenter,Rev,“yt oMaide,his own De.Ba.Une ,ae toons corner Ont]A.Thomas,Micses Ethel Crarpen-i]pat ¢,j3Draybecityteeville,run. };nf n the Mower of jfnderibytoLenoirCollegeTuesdaytoattendpowersheisJayisdownmuchoftheburdentdowreewethaaad,foun Servicers .‘en ©Vv A upd itDavieavenue,thence h FeTOrMmayan 'vas i Mr.and ii regret,remembtettwtherinniny,|Mre.Rev Lentz of Salichury cre her i j :Ge :‘i t arse.mere or lew visiting Mes,Lentz's va ts.Mr.and i voat v yanJennins_corne "on Mr«e A Hieas er Mi >M srenitle ‘to and newnborly goed citiseporationHne:r weer ,:eysouth$4 devrees east}Furches ard Miss Alt Cornpening = pr We anh ‘reverent a ty.rt by ordinance duly pasted by the Bend of]Ce!oe ee fh oie,a :ACID NTO M ANCA,INDIGESTIONSTATESVILLETEMCO.$i siscrrsotheiyof states ite ould ee ts ein,aa eg einea‘Phone 65,114 FB.Broad Street,1)...0.ak Shen reet to the joteriection of Qak atreet with| hy in TreasurerSaidpersonswillfurthertake notice that SCRAP BRASS-epee Snpen toe the fhamensmenta to te nemede peroOaaa Ligh.Brass 6c.POP FT]provement om made at the rerular monthly |W i)Show ’Em Somet hing of lead in)vour ctemach,or \wweting of the Roard of Aldermen,to be held|have hearthurr it all59at.the City office on Friday nivht,Octats r|About Menhaden.aon ef acid ore ao MyPORSAT,E:ith,191%,at 7.20 o'elock pom.and all per Ath ©md TOV as re :SuenomsarenotifiedtobepresentatsaidmeetingUnitedState 2 jpire I pse ber be op !vibeburdenwouldheenhin'that Trey it ,' been completed,and that the report of the Ce ae _ease.that he actu reed Time i:Pape Diapepsin will r|w ‘,‘:Ted the liquer ¢diva)purpos 't it’wweede:ae ,:agAN’I ED!ee is a on Me in the office «E wi nv used.M he Oealint catinty (hs outs eee 8 ’or out of-o1 a eeeeeeteensaemeeecuettenet|a4 why said assessments|in Wilmington soor “sé nm that COM ca of Pape’Diapepsin and‘for sale and all kinds of boiler By order of the Board of Alderin:vA enh Rolee eee ft tae @ dove just ae noun Pa eaelercopMOOREpublicgeneraltyameMoverytby;Sept.18,1917.Clty Clork and Treasurer.|oantod the futhee a belching of undigested«‘tt enn ewe *eid foodCc.H.TURNER.’very cfitie dish and the:|et With acid,tomach eas or heart Favor ,.Base Burner VAsNOTICETOPROPER’Y OWNERS.|eh 7 avori.AN urner.youTredelt‘Phone watk improvement district being the sidewalk|pound pric:on the east cide of Race otmy 3 3ftersectionofFront«treet with said Race CATARRE CANNOT RE CURED odors.i eresRol),Va”Tin BroBrown street the Intgrocetion of Western.Aven:with LOGAL APPLICATIONS,they cawreenwitstreet,”are he hetified that the |not wont the dincase,Catarrh im)py »eaneive ast ::J ’‘2 oeGGhinglelayingofthesidewalkgeddivtricthasbeen«local @inense,Greatly inQuerced by constite-ive the xeessive acid Ak the stomach Come m early and get yourendthatthereportoftheClty|tional conditions,and tm order Wo evee it gou Which ix causing the food fermenta-tMein eupaanenaneetaesapantncaptoeey Shen ne further take notice that!throme the bined on the mucous surfaces of,Relief in fiwoopFaggayNG;I ESewindewttherevwlermonthlycer a8==othe.| many.The graded schools expect to open east 130 feet to a Oe feet ey,themes Pwere here this week,vvests of Misces;Blockaders’Increased Activity. I : ucts of ines i erience, The true test of RELIABILITY is PERFORMANCE;not merely the ability to give value received,bub] the consistent doing of it by day and night,from one end of the year to the other,under all eir-} cumstances, RELIABILITY is the most important asset a Carag can possess.For instance,your Car needs re- pairs.<A bit of eareless workmanship ogten re-sults in serious decident,sometimes in ah ardeath, AN INCOMPETENT MECHANIC WILL RUIN YOU i CAR QUICKER THAN THE HARDEST KIN OF DRIVING!To what mechani:s would you rather entrust your lifeandpropertythan“PEANUT”THOMPSONand} Mrs.Harvey will move to Charlotte ington City.It is said he will go otinafewdaystolivewithherdaurh-(he lecture platform.5~a“:weave on vr ox Ed.Brackett,a negro employed on |pects os he "-We _Jott's read foree,in Rockinghamson—Place in the est.h county,ran amuck,crazed with dope |13one=M.i sag oan ,.or liquor,shot and killed one ne wre |Master timer urner,Ae >A re | Statesville yesterday to visit relatives oy ——*d another,Brackett is {1 now at Charlie Cart Boyd,manager of the South-:a un Coal Company in Asheville,hasariersonareher:Prt °been recoated,your beadlon a visit to his mother,Mrs.M.J arrested on a charge of embez- ‘meany,and is in jail in default of*10,000°bend, Major Gen.Metis has called ameetingofthevariousStatecampsnextWedusaday.Grcher Ga _of ¢onfederate veterans to assemble there to Charleston.He expects 1) fifty-eent bex,For)be sent elsewhere soon, on exhibition at the Johnston wroc following real es- ee,und de-The first bale of new eotton sol’many kin and friends in his native O N A M¢YTC ?()tcaet.on here was bought b:Mr.c.E.Haw county will he interested in the -CAR LI R C °!'t by{|therne of the Mooresville OH Mi owing editorial from the Detroit Fi THE GARAGE WITH THE GREEN ROOF.1Jno.F.press,one of the many newspaper no- denomination, feet to a stake,|or.Neva Melchor,Alice Bell (ORR ag de eteaararUr Ale ;h 55 devrece finger and Mr.FL A.Cloaninver went pooch)fu wtie we \; Pe a ert ee”ieee TT STEEL RANGE that is enequaled.1 is in a elas hy itself,We Intebewueuaeemehamonth,RAILWAY WAIL CLERKS.fook Stoves that camnot be beat at the price.Also’od and Copl Cee ra a te pat fe annannesd from Washington #)Burgers,BS re |a ia geen ee naeSioataaclesgREEite ssi IREDELL HARDWARE GOLCarer,|The Resterat hometry |6 ek pice e pee :wens a ==|©pret '.8é .’ Le Fania cect sera =e acne sant TOO 5 avorite Base coral the iuttiog on th Vinatively atated thet the Nerth «V EAT BIG MEARS!NO Sock at owe ne tt CAG NAN Rite eee to “Pape’s Diapepsin®™—ix Onickest,wht i shart '.:©that the booe is wanted edival Surest Stomach Relief Known netifiid thut the 7 ae aaniddistricttex that he rently used the fique:fo.medicine,he Geh,Stomach within five:minutewouldbeinPoritIfvourmedortfit,ecomfortaavaninettheneeI’Hy,or what vou «like a lame wrebel {n- Let us place one in’your on de it the home and save you money on your fuel bill by heating ™@vour whole house with amixed huresn of flehert ted Get from \ro pharma ite to dealer aid fsheroen ard the Phere will he no sour has cuffere!to a large exten:by +indine burn,fullne or heavy feeli wp of this fieh tte fortifive or vedhe in the reet,from the in.|a em poison your breath with nauseous home. Pane’Diapepsin helps to neutral. the office of the |mist take an internal remedy,Hall's Ce.tion and preventing proper diges-terrh Cere ip token fnternaliy ond acts tien pick while we have them at ,aie ve minutes is waiting .jsreowttnt"paecans "ny fOE You wt any rue tore the alt putes.jeguntry for years,These lerve fifiy-cent cases containofthebeatbeesharecachhise—‘gnowgh aon PY Diapepsin”to uewal- ly soem,Os entira family free froma4tinnyonBnacidityanditshymptemsof *.*ran-"8,retin ead tealtarbe.for Si haa,See,«|a ft inbiletorsonstipntion.—ood eeSupreme Court is divided three \vo two in the appeal from chaser nen ”county ee the validitYS j =°<thelast General sembly tone ising 4 per cent State bonds——41 years,issued on countycertificatesorbondsfor5percent. for money for road improvement,or vather the justices are thus divided .to the constitutionality ef sectio 30,for township orroad dir Lambing made ts trict bonds tryie©sameascounty bonds fact that Bernstorff,former German secured and administered by the coun- asked his govern-'ty.The hold section 20 un- ment,|,for to in consti Justice Clark fluence Congress,Mr.‘in up and and Justice ‘Walker held that notonlyisseetion20valid,but that thewholeactismostworthyofbeingsustainedasa“most just,beneficentandprogressive”measure.JusticeHokewrotetheopinionfor~*ma-jority of the court and ChiefJusticeClarkthedissentingopinion.In the hearing below Judge Devirheldwiththeplaintiffs,the commis members ofprovewho had acted suspiciously,ving the impression that they hadreceivedsomeoftheGermanmoney.Later Heflin was called on to namehismenorwivesomefactsinsup-port of his charge.He could do nei-ther,and as a consequence he was “s “a chat au sioners of Johnsten county,that the ec ceuntry at a num-.ae ’isacting Siate Treas ber of members of both branches of ly ogg —i.io vee Congress are pro -German and pono to ‘pay eae the:ee tort they ought to have pay from Ger-county for the two tow!‘hips as rumanyfortheservicetheyrender|i itioned The controiiivur opin that country.It is questionable,a ‘aedew ta Je Seen neces ao however,if any one of these men [M®error !r udgo .i.hah have reeeived money.Most of them '"that it is held tha the ;oh are pro -German for personal or po-ca ag authorize a county board t litical reasons or because they are of ere ONS for road imy BON ment ti chat type who oppose whatever is.townships or road districts,jake Bui if Heflin was/morally certain of the whole county respon ible for b his ground,as he claimed to be,he efits that accrue solely to specific lo should not have made the assertion ealities within the county.a unless he was able to make srood _As to the validity ef the remainder The assertion was too broad.All of °the act the controlling opinion a us have suspicions at times,and “What effect this findiny of invatli i emetimes the suspicion is so well section 20 will 'en ther feynded that we are morally certain ng provisions the act an of its truth But unless one have “!er the gencral |ples whit tee proof we should be careful in f°bid that on fact this record making charges that involve charac-cost of building and urkeeo of local ter and reputation.oads for a township er road district A to be financed by ty,Will oper A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT.ite to prevent a Suite from incurring The Winston -Salem —Sentinel @ larse bonded indedic |aid 0! thinks that while Gov.Eickett is to road building in different countiesie;.are questions of largest import whierbecommendedforfacingthemobatwedonetnowdetermine.They pot Wake county jail,that he set a dan-being presented in this record,we dherenusprecede:nt in his coneessions n promising to call a special term af court to iry the case and in prom-mob.The not consider proper to decide by on- ticipation.” teenseisingimmunitytotheAmerica’s Shipbuilding.Lardmark has had the same feeling -;P With refer@nce to the promise of im._The magnitude of ‘the American munity.The promise of a snecial government's —shipbuilding|pro- thim of court,so that a specdy trial %7amme Is revealed for the first time mivit be had,is possibly t+a ih .a statement by «the shipping dune for criticism,even if it wan q beard,shewing that nearly 1,20 Race ston,AS that cours is often merehant vessels of about 6,000,000 wersucd.Th promise to the mob ‘ennage will be completed within alittlemorethanayear. that members should not be pros-aoxied,however,was a dangerous Completion of shiips cummandeer- Pece!ent,asx the Sentinc!says.Gov,@d in shipyards and of vessels actu- B purpose was not of course lly or about to be contracted fortbthemobbuttepreventWillgivethecountryafleetof1,600 Goods shed.Had forcivle resistance *hips with a total tonnage of more heen offered,a number of people than 9,000,000.In addition to this, auld have been killed.While the the board will complete in 1410 ves pv committed is one that stirs the Ix already contracted for and ous blood;and when one reflects that it der negotiations of about 4,000,000 may be brought home to him,the ‘765.A billion dotlars has just been seling that the perpetrator of so asked of Congress to complete —theamnaileadeedshouldbetreatedPreokramme..; én a mad doy,is overwhelming.The United States now is leadinswtonthectherhand,a concession the wor!d in shipbuilding and if the #mob law means the abolition of Pre ent rate of construction were law aod order—anarchy.Therefore,Kept up would become the leading the coneession cannot be considered;SPIpping pation of the world in a few and in the same connection it had as Yee’The British,whose present Well be realized that lynching and Ccean-roing ae is about 15,- mitempts ut lynching will never be U0'.000,are hampered in building:bygappedbytemporizingwithmobslickofmenandmateriats.In all oth-er coun $except Japan buildingandmakingconce: Seee irlually t a standstill, Recalling the prediction made to e jate Admiral Dewey in Manila Tried to Kill His Uncle. y in 1898,by Capt.von Goetz of Fernando Wood,a baerclor about German navy,that Germany 50 years old,was fired on from am-would wage «»war for world con-'bush on his premises in Randolph est within 15 years,this fact being :‘few days ago,and serious-report to jy injure Hi 8 ina Harville Wood,is al- red to have done the shooting and is shown in Admiral Dewey'stheNavyDepartment,Senator Lew-is of Hnois,m a speech in the Unit-jo, ed —_senate,—denounc ed the jn “Asheboro jail.According to the relaggardsinpatriotismandthoseport,the desire to become the imme who talk against the war.The diate benefic ary of the bachelor ur country guarantees free speech to (j,',will was the moving cause of the@veryAmerican,”said the Senator,opine .See a ° +‘w >»“2 at rm : but that man who uses free speech Some time ago Wood,who is aisnottheAmeri- ean to whom free speech is guaran- teed.In this country there can betiofreespeechtoanymantodestroy the freedom of his fellowman.There G@gainst America prosperous farmer and enrries $4,000worthofinsurance,made a will in fa vor of his nephew and a maiden sisterbothofwhomlivedwithhim.It is al leged that the young man,about 2° dan never be liberty of speech to an ©id ;M a ; American citizen to destroy the lib-YC8rs ol,sec ared Mr.Wood's gun and erty of the American nation.”went out to a nearby field,where he ©qeapesomecomremererereamnaee had constructed a blind such as is used, Rev.Dr.C.A.Munroe of Hijek-22 Shooting turkeys or crows,and condry,for years superintendent of Ceeled himself.When the uncle came home missions for Concord Preshy-within 40 yands behind the plow,th: tery and treasurer of the Presby-Young man turned the load on bim and tery,has been compelled to lay loft him for dead A physician wa ea all Courch work on account of SUmmoned and it is said more than uiling health.About etghteen 100 birdshot were taken from —the morths ago he retired as superin-Wounded mai’ tendent of home miss'vr and hweek,ee?meeting of the Presby-Woman ffrage Committee. wry in Taylorsville,he resis Creation of a cemmittee on wo-treasurer I Munt has been a Crt '|ays Sa eee :Saas man suffragy has been erdered by thefaithfulandditiventservantofhepos,f i..:.House of ongress by a vote of 181Masterandthefactthathehashad-4tetartae)Ack all he ke vy to 107,he ways and means comnytseearner’mittee will)name the personnel ofithregrethyawidecircleofoktSan}eaike }the new commktee,which will as a ee RSSe sume charge of/all suffrage bis,Texas Governor Out.pom panned fy)Ws mrongy auaesuffragejudiciafycommittee.‘James m.Ferguson h heen for Creation of the committee,for mally declared removed ‘om office which the suffragists long have con. as Governor of T:barred tended,assures an early fight on the from hereafter holdi:\public Susan BKB Anthony svuffrare amend- Office “of honor.|or profit by ment at the next session of Con- eo adoption WV he x “nate gross.Both suffragists and anti- hich court 7 himeént.«the sutfragisi«say they are anxious GAlorits ee ef ass \ymmit-thet the bill be reported,as they are ee of the eee rh ‘y re-onfident of victory on the floor, port was os sivhigenay puna a lablbiodad The antis,headed by ChairmanBeilies,wed beer Pid removal Webb of the judiciary committee,¢y hac pagel efeated.The made a hard fight against the reso- on adoption of t e Majority re-jution.They maintained that itsoe25to3,with one pair and adoption would be taken as an in-a a a 1d —dorsement of White House picket- an _earned that Fergu-ing,and that it was unnecessary in- ye resig neren with the aemuch as the judiciary committee ry of State near 24 hours be-planned to report the amendmenttheSenatetookfinalaction.ItsaidthathewillgobeforetheoftheStateforvindication restoration to office resolution early in the next session. Keep Gold at Home. led tar and men.They ee ane —< t 1%Peturn.a ee. and«# each of balances. leaving the\ateh,"Wiveet|Sitios "thaw soibee7voller =eae for ae The amount of gold whichpersonstakewith) agusGeen?omerae a — Seventeen National Guard jons mustbe brought to .tspecialcattten|upeeeaedsch,of tbe MammE § so the ‘aaer of drafted men tmainingatthecantonments will be sufficient to organize }National army divisions at a 'strength basis.Whether }divisions will be formed or a 'more men issued has not been { cated,|Secretary Baker says definite fig-'ures as to the number of National army men it would be necessaryto.transfer to the National Guard are!not available.A dyal process of or-|ganization at the Guard eneamp-ment serves to delay complete re-.ports.Not only are these divisions’mobilized for the first time,but jnthemidstofthatmobilizationthe. whole fabric of the infantry army ia being reorganized on the new ' warfare plan. With the adoption of the Eur regimental and eempany staeveryGuardreviment,which was to; be included in a diyision,had to be! expantded.Regiments and parts of: regiments are being consolidated to, furnish the 3,600 men regimentalunitsnowdesired.In making theseconsolidations,the department is at-! tempting te keep the forces as much| localized as possible.The same prac-tice will be followed in assigningmenfromtheNationalarmytoNa- tional Guard units.Wherever prac-al National army men will go to ‘opimenis frem their own State,in line with the spirit of the war army, t1 bill,which lays stress on localiza- tion of regiments.There are Many cases,however,where the practice will have to be abandoned to meet ’military necessities.The Guard consolidation has brought upon the War Departmentanewsourceoftrouble,Numerous| ‘olonels and regimental staffs of theGuardarecertaintobeleftwithout commands since the number of reg- iments has been reduced.This has|already proven a fruitful souree of protest from State officials.The pol- icy of the department,it is said,wil}, he to find places for such Guard pe ficers in other forces as far as pos- ible and desirable.ihe abote explains the change in the Statesville company,mentioned in another column.There wil be con- olidations and changes,old names will disappear,and sometimes com- pany,battalion and resimental dffi- rs will ga. NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS Incidents Gathered From All avis of the Country. Pusseny arriving at an Atlanti rt report che sinking of two Ger- an ostbmarines,one of which at- acked a transport ¢mnvoyed by Brit- sh destroyers. The veth National Guard division, jiimg at Anniston,Ala.,will te popularly knowr as one Stue and Gray division’hbaeause it inehudeGuardsmenfromboth‘the North and the South. The str'ke of 25,000 iron worker and other mechanics in’the Sa: ‘rancisca bay region has been set tled.The strike tied up work for 10 days on one-eighth of the govern ment's ship-building contracts. Mayor Thompson of Chicaya, whose pro -German attitude hs discredited that city,announces hcandidacyfortheRepublicannomi nation for United States Senater Thompson must think Germany isstrongamongHlinoisRepublicans. A round-up of Germans in the tivehoroughsofGreaterNewYork,whohaveviolatedthetermsofpermit yranted them to enter zones barred to enemy aliens or who have gone in to these districts without permits, was begun Wednesday night and a large number were arrested. At Danville,Va.,Thomas BaileyshotandkilledBerryBarrett.Ba:rett formerly lived at Cherryville this State,and his remains were sentthereforburial.Barrett chargedBaileywithintimacywithMrs.Bar-rett.Bailey hotly resented the im putation and the men engaged in astruggle,in which the shooting —re- sulted, Immediate measures looking to 2 ceneral reduetion in the prices of fu- +]oil and gasoline are under contemtionLythegovernment.It heen decided,it is understood, whether to move under powers con- tained in the food control bill or to seek an agreement with producers imilar to the steel and copper prices yreements. Air Raids in England. German airplanes)and airships carried out simultaneous raids onEnglandMondaynight.The air-planes invaded the southeagtern toast district of England and reach- ed Londen,while the airships strucknorthofLondenoffthecoastofLin colnshire and Yorkshire.British air craft engaged the German airplanes na battle of more than an hour over the southeastern district of London. In addition to dropping bombs the Germans used a number of aerialtorpedoes.Fifteen persons werekilledand70injured. Tuesday night German airplanesmadeasecond~.Twenty casual-tieaearereported in London. ~CATARRHVANISHES. HersOne Ramat That A Saflerers pli net ”ne governing the expor- TawW FOR AGITATORS,‘tation o -silver and currency,—.;innouneed the Pederal Reserve 11,20 “ast te drive Catareh and all its dis i White men,believed to be 1 queting ©from your «vetem in the ,Ww.Ee were taken from the Boned,indicate that the government shortest time,eo to your drumgint ane}.Gian,Ark.by »will restrict such exports to the ak fora —a ._¥Rrenthe ~yu of ©|i farmers,who administer suena te ear bd ie alia they|werrn;it given such quich relief that all who acHt far he fess iene areestantahesPicmeamtamtivnepter of material vil forcefrom$10.00to$30.00. Wool ladon rn -=<=MILLS &POSTON,=| The Qéality Goes Clear Through [{j———#=— | |The Lum Dort an looks and comfort |wins HER. Dort power,staunchness,sim- plicity,sensib!e running,cost and =consistent performance wins HIM. ive-Pussondcr mi —“t For verification ask any member Fur ce lye h «=of'a Dort-owning,family. Roudctr | }Then you will un:derstand the E.DIL ma ;reason for that universal Dort (x4 ~popularity. Sedan,$10 f Your car is on the floor to drive Sedanet,$345 j away—NOW. YOUNT &ALEXANDER. "PHONE NO.41. {oo t ‘ on ~-—Saas NOTICE TO AW pereone owning pr lewalk bmproven aft PROPERTY OWNERS perty abutt REED ee t by ordinaie.aseed by th \idermen of the City of Statens ile,de- wik bwprovement dy et bet the amthenorthsideofSharpestreet,from the ————~FOR-———— ntersection of Rare eet vith anid Sharpe treet te the intersection of Oak street with ‘arpe street,are hereby notified that the laying ef the sidewalk in said)dietrict haw 5 heen completed,and that the repert of the eteee nn emCityBawineerisnowonfileintheoMeeof—eel the City Clerk and Treasure: Said persons will furtine take notiee that the asuesements to be mare against the abut-Upholstered ting property owners for said sidewalk tm- provement will be made at themeetingoftheBonrdofAldttheCityoffiteonFriday night,October J th,B47,at T.80 oO elive m..and all per- mas are notified te be prevent at said meeting and show cutse,if any,why said assessmentsshouldnetbemade ~rular monthlyrmen,to be held Seats By order of the Board of Aldermen¢,D,MOORE,Dison 18,et City Clerk and Treasurer. ~NOTICE! Commencing today we will discon-tinue the Jitney Service in the usual—establish schedules on the’di nt prominent streets.First.to be operated will be a line from) PRICE $9.00. Crawford-Buach Furniture Company. stare)vi ‘ont Stren i “The Store That Always.Welcomes You.”.This car will PHONE NO,400,=3 "eee the evenandhalfOtherswillbe2am ee - “Spe THE JiJITNEY OR.iacedi.DR.VANCE HASTY,|Mr.JITNEY TRANSFER CO.|]_Srrrat sumcnon.PEMENDEDStatesville,N.C.BUILDING, If YouWant 2 Flooring That) Statesville.N.we do not believe vin sionally feel compelled to give one,as follows: Mr.A.F.Meister,an ubytrade,living swat 2211 Wheatstreet,Columbia,8.C.,says:“I suf-“Today”| from indigestion,liver tfAbarre!of Mré.Hieks’and constipation so that I could not{:ent nor sleep after any fashion.new Home Made Molasses. i saw your Tronized Paw -Paw adver- It is fine, jtised in the newspa ,but was atfiretsomewhatskeptical,having Phone your order. Phone 89, tried so many ready-made mediehowever,I obtained a bettle anditaccordingtodirections,1 table- Second hand Bridle and Saddle Wanted. spoonful half an hour beforé meals, C.WATKINS. WANTED—25 men at i |first bottle I felt somuchbetterthat1wishtocongratulaieonhaving‘such a splendid remedy,jing well again and my _indigestionhasdisapeared.Ineal not tell you1shallcontinuethetreatmentwhichhasmademefeelsomuchbetter.”'f you are suffering from anytroublessimilartoMr.Meister thereisncreasonwhyyoushouldnotob- tain Lhe same relief as he has had.Sicp into the nearest druggist andobtainxboltle.If he is not up-to ate,eall at the Polk Gray Drug Co. Formula on every bottle.Priee forTh-ounce bottle only $1.Attention given to mail orders.Inter -StateDrugCo.,Ine,New York.—Ad. once for inside werk.IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO,Statesville.FOR SALE—Veich Sted,12 I-2e.per Ib.C. e 26--48,M.SHOOK,Baufoia.Sept.25-Oct.2." Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Ouick Parcel Post Service. / There is a distinction between a shoe built onsimplelinesandtheordinarygenerallineof shoes.You will find that difference in theJ.T.Cousins Shoe. Boots with Military Heel are very popular thisseasonandafeshownhereinalltheleadingcolors.Field Mouse,Lost Purple,Champaigne,Mahogany and Pearl Grey,Blacks in all styies.Come in and let us fit your shoes.We guar-antee satisfaction in every pair of shoes we sell. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. mei and in a few days before using up the| am sleep-| ATSoe THERE'S MANY ASLIP TWIXT THE COOK[ANDTHECUPBOARD!: mar fortunes by saving.-MutualaAssociation.base burner.Williams Purniturc and ranges,tredeil Hardware Co.rockers for the tiving room.--Craw-.Purnitere Co, &ite |apnea ia repair work.Carolina Meter |Quality plus cleantiness.Coca-Cela Bet-‘ting Co.eo your plano at home.Andrews Musicre, find their greatest worth at Sher-rillWhe Shoe Co,vag Mad new ginnery.—N.B.Mille Gin-|ml room house for rent.-Mrs,J.8.Seteer.Honest repair work guaranteed,--States-|Motor Co. Milch cows for snle.-Ra.L.Long,Bhmwoed.a setter dox lost,Reward.—Wade Satfey.Farm for sale.“Owner,”Box 76,ChaseCity,Va.|Meadows’mills,mogul engines,ete)-—Pat._Leineter,‘phone 64 green.|Contes and cont suits,sik skirts,boots,ete.I 4.M.McKee &Co Dort cars.Yount @ Alexander.City tax levy. Silk parasol lost..Mrs,J.EL Boyd,Iredell Tei- Social Event—Church News. Correspondence of The Landmark, Troutman .R-2,Sept,24 We are havingverydryweatherandfarmershavehad@fine time to make hay.Quite a lot of molassescanebasbeenraisedthisyear.Some of th:(serghum mills have been running both day andnight,and can't néar keep up with their workMrs.E.F.Owens had a “Penny Party”atherhomeSaturdayafternoon,15th,for thepurposeofraisingmoneytobuyacarpetforBethesdachurch.Each one was to apennyforeachyearoftheirage.The -tion amounted to nearly $7.lee cream,enkeandwatermelonswereserved.We all enjoyedtheafternoon,Im sure,for it was proven by the time of departure sundown.Mr.G.BE.Goodman took Mr.and Mra,KB.F Owens to Charlotte today in his ear,to meetMrs.Ovens’friend,Miss Julia MeKee,whowillspendsometimewithher.Mr,and Mrs.Charlie Stephens of Mooresville spent Sunday at Amity. Mr.Andy Cook,who has been sick for sometime,is better.Mi H.Brown,who has Reward.|Motereyele pedal lust. lephone Co. ‘Making Sorghum j been confined to his bed with cancer gor two|months,gradualiy grows worse.He Hineshisconditionandsayshecannotbeheremuch longer. There will be two serviees at Shady GroveSundey.The pastor will have two otherpreachers,one fer the morning serviee and oneforthess.‘There will be dinner on the“reu reuching at Rethesda at 11o'clock Sunday morning. Barringer Farmers Have Food —dAssistant in Church Work. of The Landmark. Sept.24 Vanee rds e respondence Shinsvitle county,arrived here taken up chureh work atnttotherector,Rev.EB.A. ne of Charlotte.Miss Carroll is well pre- ed for thia pesition,having spent @ Number«rs in the diferent parta of the State in h werk.Nannie Hill Vaile Crucis,who taueht the first Parish School here 19 yeurs aso,arrived here this moraing to spendseveraldayswithMrs.P.A.Shinn.She was wecompaniod by another former teacher in the avsistar Smith of Varish School,Mixs Fannie Whitley of StMarka,Mecklenburs county.Mr.Alonso Westmoreland of Statesville spent Sunday here with his mother,Mrs.LsBE.Westmoreland The farr of this township’are coming tothefrontinraisingfoodstuff.Mr.S.H.Hous- Miss Laura Carroll| ton,one of our best farmers,remarked to the|writer that he had for a good many yoursraisedwheat,corn and meat for his own fam. ily and that his tenants,and this year heweingthetonebetter,as he had added to the other important creps a wood big molas- es cane patch,and expected to make enough| ior their own supply.Muny of our farmers are raising beats,peas,potatoes,molayses, and it is this writer’s opinion that thiaseetionwasneversowellsuppliedwithfood- stuff as at present. -Picnic on Rocky Face. |Correspondence of The Landmurs. York Institute,Sept.26.The annual picnic at the Rocky Face came off September This ix one day in the year when everybody, old and youns,lays aside work and takes a |hubidny.They were there from the greatvrendmothertothetiniesttots.The dinner was good and plenty fer ni!and many fraa- metits were ieft.This in an ideal place for&pienie an sbundance of water and fine place to eat:and for the older folks to restwhiletheyouncerones@ndsomewhoare. older went up the mountain.AH seemed to enjoy the duy and left hoping to meet again Saturday before the fourth Sun-day in September next yeac. Phere vill be a singing at Mr.GeorgeMarsh's Sunday afternoon. We are sorry to see so many of our boys leaving fer the training camps,but hope itwillbeagoodthingferthemandthatthewarwillseonendandwewillbesoproud to see them back. Good Prices For Tobacco—Personals. Correspondence of The Landmark. Olin,R-1,Sept.26.Mr.N GC.Campbell of Mt.Berry,Ga.,is visiting hie father,Mr.W.BE.Campbell.Mesare,N.G.and W.R.Holmes and Misses Clarice and Tina Mae Holmes made a trip by auto to SalisburyMonday. Mr.D.F.Messick put some tobacen on the Statesville market last week and was wellpleasedwiththepriceshereceived M EK.Sloan,who suffered a stroke of vatalyeix some time ago,t slightly improved Mi Melvin Mariew,an old Confederat “tier who tas been confined to bed civht seeks,is now able to sit up.Uncle Marlow 4d Aunt Reeky have been married 50 odd years and ther devotion is touching Theyjoytheienetrhbersdroppinginandchat- ting with them.We should ever be kind to the aged.e Ng |Non -t Teachers and,Where They Stop. The following is @ list of the out-of-town members of the publie gehdel faculty with their boarding places,published by request offriendsoftheteachersandpatronsofthe sehoot Misses Ethel MeNaiey,Mary Wortham,Mar-Willis,Nellie Hines and Allene CurtisarestoppingwithMra.8S.BL Miller.Misses Mamie Eaten,Cora Belle Sloan,Ethel Mon-ve and Beulah Isenhour are with Mre M,C Wood.Mixses Sarah and Christine Rutledge and Janie Tutth are with Mra W.M.Bar-ringer.Misses Ja Dunn and Thessa JimesonarewithMes.BB.B.Webb.Misses AnnieTerryandAnnieGeonarewithMerv.B.A.Cowan.Misa Mary Thompeon is with Mrs.V.F.Leuwenour and Miss Marea Jordan is with Mixes Nelle Armfield, Seedtape—A Novelty. A traveling saleeman was in Statesville thisweek,interesting dealers In “seed tape,”“Seedtape”te something new berenbouts.The houserepresentedbythissalesmansellsallsorteof|oa and flower seeds.as a>Jee enekepapertape,proper anceforplanting.Apheh A retails for 10contshas40feetoftape,which rontataeenougheoedfor425planm.The eerdener,ovforiet,ares the treneh for plawiing thecoed,lava fe the tape,meowtens it and coverswithearth,and the come up the prop- ie no thinning to do seed iv een « “waret ang EES a few Mrs.meet Morrison and Mra,Grier WreturnthleweektoMiami,Fla.,tospendwinter,Mee.Benj.M.Withelm and childrenspentthesummerhere,left WednesdayfrMiami,Fla,for the winter,Lieut.Miles Cowles returned Tuesdayfromovisittohisbrother,Lieut.W. Cowles,at Fort Caswell,and bis sister,Mra.Best,at Durham,relatives in Newton,Mrs.Graham Patterson,tives aon Sea yest who visited vel a Bet, ten days’vaeation with home folks,joe to New Berne W:¥.Mr,and Mrs.Fred Slane and Mr.and Mrs, returned from a threeweeks’automobile trip to Weet Virginia andPennsylvania,Miss Marte Stevens,who ae-companied the automobile party,stopped overinWashingtonavdwillspendtendayswith G.W.Stevens have Mrs.Charles MeCuntess.Miss Mary Litehford of Richmond,wheepentaweekwithMrs.J.W.Wilson,returnedhomeWednesday.Mrs.BE.SB.Clayten of Asheville will arrivetonivhttovisitMra.DM:Furches.Miss Altie Corpening bas returned homeafteravisitofseveralweekstoWaynesville and ether points in the mountaina. Miss Sarah Fowler of South River is theguestofMya,J.C.irvin.Mrs.W.A.Lawrence and Hitth daughterNancy,of Charlotte,are visiting Mis.Lawrencessinter,Mra.W.L.Gilbert. Mr.and Mrs.J.Walter Murdock are spendingafewdayswithwelativesatHickoryMrs.T.D.Webb and children went to Bris-tol,‘Tenn.,Wednesday to visit relatives.Mr.E.BE.Chappel,at home on a visit fromAlexandria,Va.,and Mies Kuth Chappel vis-ited friends in Turnersburg community,MrChappelhasreturnedtoAlexandria.Mrs.C.Mre Mitchellreceivinglineat CollegeMondayevening, Mrs.M.Hill ia visiting her daughter,Mr W.Wooten,in Winston -Salem.Mrs.Nettie Seott and children of High PointarevisitingMra.Seott's mother and uncle,Mra.1.Boat and Mr,D.H.Bost,and oth-tives in west Statesville.err Mr tives.Miss Lila White,who is teaching atHuntersville,will join them here.Mrs.Jos,R.Hl returned Tuesday night from Baltimore,Md.,where she spent sometimewithrelatives, {returned yesterday their home atmond,Va.,parents,Mr,and Mra.N.Harrison. Weddings —Social Events. Cards have been issued tofriendsforthemarriageofMiss Ruby Deal, to daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Deal ofTaylorsville,and Mr,Atan Thurman Bowler,ceretacy of the chamber of commerce of Raleigh.The marriage will take place at the »of the bride,Saturday,Octg@ber 6th,at Cards have been received in Statesville an-nouncing the marriage of Mixs Lilian MenefeetoMr.David Neville Bennett.The marriagetookplaceatthehomeofthebrideinWaynesboro,Va.and Mr.and Mrs.BennettarenowathomeatNorwood,N.C,MissMenefeewasformerlymillinerforMilla&Posten and bas many friends in Statesvillewhowillbeinterestedintheannouncement{her marriage. Mrs.R.L.Poston entertained the Round Desen Embroidery club and a number of‘ther guests Wednesday afternoon, lar werk and knithelpisneeded,for the soldiers if their sandwiches,olives,hot rolls,tea and fudgewereservedMrs.Poston’s home was at-tractively decorated with autumn flowers.used in the hell and dabtiaspearlerMra.Rosa Parker and arigoids were decorated the Miss Lila Parker of Birmingham were out«of- tonw aucste.The next meeting of the elubwillbewithMra.F.F.Steel,October 10th Mr.Murdock's Injury —Farm Work.Gorrespondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-!,Sept.26.People around here are getting pretty well through with their corn roughness.Plowing has ceased for thePresentgroundtoohard.Rain is needed very bad and ‘tis strange that the cloudyweathercontinueswithoutrain. Mr.R.L.Murdock,who recently receivedasevereinjurytohiseyesightwhiledrivingonafile,has had real bad luck.His eyeberantohurtafewdaysagoandhewentto Dr.Carpenter hospital An voperwidh was performed where «smail particle of steel from the file had pierced the eyeball,Afterthreedayselapseditwasfoundnecessarytoremovetheball,which was done.Mr.Mur- dock is wetting alony nicely and is expectingtocomehomeabouttomorrowAnartificialeyewilltakethepoftheoneremoved,Mr.Murdock'’s good neiwhbors and friends are looking after his work until he gets able to mee work, Messrs.T.A.and C.S.Basa have enchboughtacar.Mr.Lonnie Bost of Shelby and Mr.ReyBostofMinoiswerevisittheirfather,MrJymt,inet weet irs.Minnie Brooks of Charlotte is visiting her grandmother,Mrs. 4d.©Murdock,Miss Emie Howard has re- turned home from Albemaric,where she was visiting kindred und friend> Great Faith in Chamberiain's rhoea Remedy.“Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem-ody was used by my fath®r about a year agowhenhehaddiarrhoea.It relieved him im-mediately and by taking three doses he wasabsolutelycured.He has great faith in thisremedy,”writes Mrs.W.H.Williams,Stan-ley,N.Y. MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket:Spetne Chickens,1%c.per tb. ema,fe.per th Eves,38.per doenRoosters,je,to scTubButter,26.per tb.Reerwas,0c.per ibGreenHides,16¢.per tb Yb.per Hama,28.to %2e.per tb.Sides,28.to Bc.per th. Shoulders,260.to 2%.per th.New Red Honey (strained)i2 1-2-1he tb.New Red Honey Comb,1%e.per tbSourwoodHoneyComb,22%¢.per tb.apne Honey,2c.per tb.Auto Robber Casing,4c.pr-thlvishPotatecs(new)£1.25 per bushel. Grain.The following prices were paid yesterdayforimonthe|market; Ww ty $2.26 per bushet. Corn,$1.85 per bushel, Corn (new)$1.50 per bushel.Oats,8c,per bushelCatton Market.On the loce)market yesterday 24 1- rade conts|per pound waspaid for best .B.,on round silver handle,MetarntoMRS.J.BE.ROYD.—Sept.28 It, pom eee.Retween Water andBroadstreetswardforreturntoTRE-DELL TELEPHONE CO.Sept.281. FOR BALE—Two good malich cows,BD.L.LONG,Bimwood.Sept.28 2. '—-Five-room house on Lackey street.4.&.SETZER.Rept,28.--2t*. SALP—Rest and cheapest form on mar-:8 miles from Chase City.Fine nvcottonland,improvements.rite’=76,Chase City,Va. Be ng nam :=sre nae=e miaplaced.Sith paracel with ini-.© “ Lalli 2 |a1 7 :> .aance ae 8.H He spent yesterday with erday to herhomeina.en MeDougald,who is in trainingLuke's Hospital,New Berne,spent a return- M.Richards,who was the guest ofW.F.Hall,returned Wednesday to herhomeinDavidson.Mra.Richards was in the reception and Mrs.Edgar White of Purham willarrivetomerrewtoapendSundaywithrela- Mr.and Mrs.8.J.Weilman and little son Rich-after a visit to Mrs.Weilman’s out-of-town The clubmembershavemadenodefiniteplansforthewinterbutwillprobablycontinuetheirregu- Refreshments of fruit,salad,| Colic and Diar-| |All the regrets in the world won't bring back your meney if you invest it foolishly in some “wildcat” scheme and LOSE it,—for lose it you surely will. The one sure way to have yourmoney ig to put it in our Bank,where it is SAFE,and let it pile up.Then you and yours,who are entitled to it,will have it. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C. Of our business is due to the QUALITY of our product.Qur business was built onafirmfoundation—QUALITY plus CLEANLINESS.IMITATIONScomeand go as the breezes.Most ALLofthem are short lived. In bottles stands ALONE in the soft drink field.Its touches the spot.You get your money’s worth when you buyitin STERILIZED bottles. BOTTLING.|COMPANY, To get the TRUE meaningof SANITATION—LOOK US OVER. a nee The Growing Shoe Store, Your dollars find their greatest worth at Sherrill-White’s Shoe Store. To buy without investigating the matchless stock at this store would be doing your i- come an injustice.Taking into consideration the leap in prices,you will find our prices most economical in Shoes. By foresight months ago we are able to offer exquisite qualities and models in fine Footwearatpricesrangingfrom15to25per cent under those asked by the ayerage dealer. See the attractive models inthe latest shades. White Kids,Nigger Brown,Oyster Gray,etc. PHONE 83,SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO, FOR SALE. | | ' : af :&¢i i ~ FF iF >~ f ( t $ >a z z*Hrs 3 ssi z.theae —,for the prevention fires.Post eneintheschoolroomand the school term.that the loss of many schoolhousesinNorthCarolinabyfirecanbepre- vented by the observance of thesesimpleprecautions,and that the de-struction of much other property byfirenowandhereaftercanbepre- vented by instructing the school chil- dren to observe these precautionsforthepreventionofunnecessary fires.”With the exception of the StateHighschoolsandthecityschools, none of public schools of LredellwillbeopenOctoberth, TLBernstorffKnew. Further evidence that Count vonBernstorff,former German ambassa- dor to Washington,knew of his gov- ernment’s intention to inaugurate a oe of unrestricted submarine warfare prior to his request formoneywithwhichtoinfluenceCon-=.is in possession of the Statepartment.Secretary LansingsaysthatasearlyasJanuary19,Count von Bernstorff knew of the plan.Answering inquiries the Sec-retary made this statement:“In view of inquiries which havebeenmadeastowhetherCountBernstorffknewofthepurposeofhisgovernmenttorenewrelentlesseubmarinewarfarewhenhesenthismessageofJanuary22,1917,askingauthorizationtoexpend$50,000,1}ood state that the Department of te possesses conclusive evidencethatonorbeforeJanuary10,CountBernstorffhadreceivedandreadtheZimmermann§telegram to MinistervonEckhardtinMexico,which con-tained the following:“We intend to begin on the first ofFebruaryunrestrictedsubmarine warfare.We shall endeavor,inspiteofthis,to keep the UnitedStatesofAmericaneutral.” aLLLL TID The Bingham Case. The autopsy upon the body of Mrs.Robert Worth Bingham wasperformedatWilmingtonbyDr.Charles Norris,head of the Bellevue Laboratories in that city,accordingtoastatementfromNewYork.Vi-tal organs taken from Mrs.Bing-ham’s body are being subjected to tests at t laboratories.Final re-sults of the tests will not be knownforseveraldays,it is stated,as thechemicalnatureoftheexaminations make them necessarily of long du-ration,Graham Kenan,a lawyer and kinsman of WilmingtonMrs.Bing-ham,makes the following state- ment:“No charges have been broughtagainstanyone,nor has any intima-tion been made by myself or any member of my family that would re- fleet upori any one.”(A later report)says that DrCharlesNorrishascompletedhis pathological examination of vital o1nsremovedfromthebodyofMrsobertWorthBinghamandareport “Of his findings wil!be communicateddirecttoWilliamR.Kenar,a brothe: of Mrs.Bingham,at Wilmington.) SRNERTSNTTEI Situation in Argentina. While both houses of the Argen- tine Congress have voted to breakwithGermany,it is understood that President Iriguyen has sent a mes- sage to Congress in which he advo-cated that there beGermanyuntilthe receipt of the translation of the hundreds of tele- frams received or sent by the Swed- ish legation at Buenos Aires,which are being decoded in Washineton.It is further understood that the Pres- ident is attempting to oryanize » concerted action by the Latin-Amer- jean nations looking to a break with Germany by all the republics of South America. It is considered probable that the popular demand will bring about.arupturebyArgentinabeforethe government has had time to make astudyoffurtherdocuments.The an- ti-German feeling is strong andmanyoutbreakshaveoccurred. SAAD Strikes. With 4,100 men,representing a score of crafts out,after having de- clined to accept the new ware scale promulgated by the National Wage ission,work is greatly im-peded or entirely suspended in sev-eral departments,at the Norfolk na- A strike at 1 o'clock tomorrow morning of 12,000 members of the15metaltradesunionsemployedinSeattle,Wash.,shipyards and alliedcontractshops,has been ordered bytheSeattlemetaltradescouncil,theorganizationofthe15un _TRSGRRE THE WAR BEGAN.1917,the date President war resolution,fixed as the legal date ofneofthewarwithGer-ad- P HI no rupture with! i ? i n i;i a 2,é #8 58 #z oF ze ei2 z | ¢3 zi Fz ié$8 3 i e:H ofing in the Citstdayof ay,©dollars to be ap-yment of the currentoftheCityandtheinter-the honded =i ness thereof,one dollar to be applied totheexpensesoftheGradedSchoolsoftheCity,and ten cents to be ap-plied to the expenses of the Public Library.(B)On every one hundred dollarsvalueofrealestatewithinthecor- porate limits of the City of States- ville and on all personal property owned by residents of said City,in-cluding money on hand,solvent credits,and upon all other property taxed by the General Assembly of North Carolina,a tax of ninety cents on every one hundred dollars’value thereof, same to be applied to the payment oftheexpensesoftheCityGovernment and the interest on the bonded in febtedness of said City,33 1-3 cents f =*=&”28 z ¥: it5s a s yn the one hundred dollars’value thereof,same to be applied to the payment of the expenses of the Graded Schools,and 3 1-3 cents on the one hundred dollars’value there- f,same to be apnlied to the paymentftheexpensesofthePublicLibra- ry..SCHEDULE B.Section 2.That the following li- redse taxes are hereby imposed for the privilege of carrying on the busi ness,or doing the act named,with in the incorporate limits of the City of Statesville from the Ist day of October,1917,to the 30th day of September,1918,inclusive,and no- thing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve any person from the payment of the ad valorem tax as provided in Schedule A.AUTOMOBILE DEALERS AND GARAGES (a)Each dealer in or agency for Automobiles or fixtures and accessories per annum Thirty ($30.00)Dollars. (b)Garage —Each garage per annum Ten ($10.00)Dollars. AUCTIONEER —Each__itinerant Auctioneer per day $5.00 or $10.00 wer week.BILL POSTERS Each and ev- ery itinerant sign tacker or bill post ver day one dollar.er t - BILLIARD TABLES,ete.Up- m each and every Billiard,pool, nagatelle Table or Tables of like character,which are kept for rent,ow hire,or for compensation direct- ly or indirectly,per annum for each Table Twenty-Five ($25.00)Dollars. BOOT BLACKS —Each stand for woot blacks,per chair,seat or box, or each pair foot rests,per annum Two and 50 -100 ($2.50)Dollars. and said stands shall be excluded from sidewalk.; BOWLING ALLEYS —(a)First vlatform,per annum Twenty-five ($25.00)Dollars, (b)Each aditional and platform per 50-100 (812.50) WHOLESALE ‘annum Twelve Dollars.BOTTLERS AND DEALERS IN SOFT DRINKS Kach and every Bottler by Machin- ry,or Wholesale Dealer or agent of Coca-Cola,Pepsi-Cola,Ginger Ale, wo any other kind of Soft Drinks.($25.00)ner annum Twenty-Five Dollars.BILL POSTERS AND SIGN rACKERS Each person engaged Bill Posting andannumTwenty-n the business of Siun Tackine,per Five ($25.00)Dollars. CANE BOARDS ind every operator of or dealer in ‘ane boards,knife racks,sticking machine,telescopes,lung testers,or vamilar devices,not otherwise —li- jcensed,per quarter Twenty-five ($25.00)Dollars (b)Upon each and every itiner ant dealer in or operator of any one of the devices enumerated in sub-di- vision (a)hereof,per day ($12.50) Twelve and 50-100 Dollars. |CARNIVALS,STREET Street hows or Street Attractions known is Carnivals,or similar exhibitions,vhether exhibiting in the interest or or the benefit of any local organiza ion or charity institution or other- vise,per week or less than a week ne Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars.CIRCUSES OR SHOWS Upon ‘ach and every circus,menagerie, wild west show,dog and pony show, ind every other show not otherwise licensed under this Ordinance,a taxisfollows:For every day or part of ja day—(a)Shows transported byfive($5.00)Dollars. (b)Shows requiringionoffifteencarsorless.—-Twelve ind 50-100 ($12.50)Dollars;sixteen o twenty-five cars Thirty-Seven ind 50-100 ($87.50)Dollars;twen- |v five to forty cars Fifty ($50.00) Dollars;forty to fifty ears -——Seven- y-five ($75.00)Dollars,and =overfiftycartrainsonehundred($100.- }90)Dollars(ce)Upon every side-show accom- nanying a show or circus per day |five ($5.00)Dollars.CLOTHES CLEANING,—PRESS- (a)Upon each wagon transporta- seenAid COMPANIES —ny per annumty($20.00 \ELECTRICIANS —EverytricalContractorengaged wusiness of fixing or wiwithelectricalwiringorwiringorelectrical shall he construed to be antricianandrequiredtoy . cense tax of Fifteen ($15.00)Dol.lars per annum,or fraction iandfurnishatntenesTanthesumof$500.00,saidcoverelectricalfeesaswell as guar-intee against defective work,EMPLOYMENT AGENCIELABOROUTSIDEOFTHESTATEUpeneveryindividual,corporation or association engaged in the busi- ness of employing laborers for sery-ives outside of be State of NerthCarolina,per annum Two Hundred ($200.00)Dollars.FORTUNE TELLERS —Fortune Eachtwen- f elec. { lellers,Mind Readers,Palmist,periayFive(85.00)Dollars,or per an-|num One Hundred ($100.00)Dollars.|FRANCHISES Upon every)‘asoline filling tank situated on the|streets of the City of Statesville perannumFive($5.00)Dollars. FLYING JENNY Upon each and every merry-go-round,—flying| jenny or ferris whec!per day Two} £2.00)Dollars;per week Five (85. 00)DellarsGASCOMPANIES Upen each and every Cas Company furnishing ‘ns for illuminating cr fer fuel pur-|poses,pero annum Twenty-Five | ($25.00)Dollars. |Hypno-| || HYPNOTISTS Every tist giving exhibitions or perform.| inces,per week One Hundred ($100.- W)Dollars. HACKS,CARRIAGES AND AUTOMOBILES(a)On every person firm or corperation keeping a buy gy.carriage or other horse-draw:vehielg for the transportation of per sons in the City of Statesville for hire per annum Ten ($10.00)Dollars. (bh)Upen every motor vehiele op- ‘vated for the transportation of pas- sengers in the City of Statesville, with no limit on the charge to be nade to passenvers,per annum Twenty ($20.00)Dollars. (c)Upen every motor vehicle op-rated for the transportation of pas- engers in the City of Statesville,ifhefarechargedshallnotexeeed\cents for transportation between the vublic square and the depot or ten ‘ents for transportation to any oth r part of the City,per annum Ten$10.00)Dollars. (d)Unen every livery stable ‘ated in the City of Statesville a tax of Twenty -Five (875.00)Dollars per inum,but said Livery Stable license ex shall not give the owner of said Livery Stable the right to operate »motor vehicle. In order for the owner and oper itor «f a motor vehicle to have the Seht to operate said vehicle underhelicensetaxoftegdollarsimpos- id above,said)owner or operator must keep at all times displayed in ,conspicuous place in said vehicle a dlacard stating that the charges byaidvehiclearelimitedtofiveandencents,as preseribed by this Or- finance JUNK DEALERS —(a)Upon ev- y junk dealer operating and hav- ny a definite\place of business with- »the City of \Statesville a tax ofLifty($50.00)Ddllars per annum. (bh)Upen every person vathering ink by wagen and having no defi- lite business location a tax of hive ($5.00)Dollars per annum.LIGHTNING ROD AGENTS “pon each and every Lightning Rod ivent,per annum Twenty -live ($25.00)Dollars.LECTURES —Lectures,9 where idmission is charged,except where olely for charitable purposes,each Two and 50-100 ($2.50)Dollar LEMONADE STANDS (ay Up- m each and every Lemonade stand, ce cream or fruit stand,on public or pecial ocasions,except ch iritable vurposes,for first day Two Dollars® lo- (hb)Kaeh and every succeeding dayforoneofsaidstandsOneDollar. LUNCH STANDS On each and very itinerant lunch dealer {first lay Two Dollars,and one dollar forachadditionalday. MEDICINE DEALERS Every verson,firm or corporation conduet ne a sale or advertising by giving chibitions or attractions or lectures vr otherwise,of medicine,drugs, vntments and remedies,per week Fifty (50.00)Dollars or Ten ($10, 0)Dollars per day.MEAT DEALERS Fach dealer in fresh or green meats shall pay anannuallicensetaxasfollows:Fifty ($50.00)Dollars for operatiny a market and One Hundred (Slo0 00) Dollars for the privilege of peddling neat,ITINERANTS All‘ondueting or dealing in Baloons, ‘onfetti,Flags,Souvenirs,Fruits. Novelties or any other ware or class of proods not otherwise licensed un- ler this ordinance per day Five Dol- lara:per week Fifteen Dollars. ITINERANT DEALERS Fach ltinerants |ING,REPAIRING,ALTERING ANDNYFINGESTABLISHMENTS-‘pon each and every person,firm ororporation,cleaning,pressing,dye-|nw,repairing or a me clothes,|per annum Ten ($16.00)Dollars. |OONCERTS —Upon each and ev-or otherwise,per year One Hundred ‘ery concert and musical entertain-(ose Dollars.iment,if for compensation or for ad-don ——Kach -vertisiny purpose (no license,if son,or corporation enga olely for charity purposes),each the motion picture .MustratedTwoand50-100 ($2.50)musical or vaude- ,er annum -in stock any class of =merchandise, DANCING TEACHERS —Uponandevery=teacher or ive {¢0) person,firm or corporation carrying goods ot wares,who temporarily lo- cates in the City of Statesville for the purpose of disposing of saidstockeitherbyspecialcutpricesale itinerant op-spectacles or oe per week or Ten ‘SIGN PAINTERS lvert One ThousandhlPOEaeUEcetkeoaeespassedbyBoardofaioaninref-ant CACaR AMD,CATESshallpaythefollowinglicenseTen Dollars .SHOOTING GALLERIESShosting sataes for profit e rs,weekTwenty-Five per,»per ‘annum No license shall be issued exceptpotapprovaloftheMayor.SECOND -HAND DEALERS\ll delaers in second -hand goodsofanydescription,except cash reg-yters,sewing machines,adding ma-‘hines and typewriters per annum len Detlars, SEWING MACHINE AGENTS (‘pon every person,firm or ra-|cy located In the City of States-|ile and aeting as Sewing Machine|\vents a tax of Twenty Dollars per| “minum,SLOT MACHINES —Slot ma-chines,ineluding metallie scales,|im stands or other apparatus op-|‘led by dropping a eoin in the slot,per annum One Dollar.(TINERANT ADVERTISING-Itinerant Ad- sing Sign Painters on Fences,Lill Boards,Houses or any otherprominentplacesFiveDollarsper (ELEGRAPH COMPANIES Company,per an- HOUSES OR um Ten Dollars,THRATERS,PLAYVERAHOUSES-——Theatres,playouses,opera houses,per annumTwenty-Five Dollars.IRAVELING THEATRICALS cl traveling theatrical companies hall be collected equal in! ul it to that collected by State.UNDERTAKERS AND KM-BALMERS Fach Undertaker and aneen per annum)Fifteen Dol- arse Fach Telegraph +lax Section 3.The license issued under this schedule shall be for twelve months,unless otherwise specified, and shall expire on the S0th day of September,1918.Where a license is <sued for a quarter of a year it shall be for a quarter ending Decem- ber 31,1917,March 31,1918,June 1,1918 or September 50,1918; where a license is issued for a month or week it shall expire on the last day of the month or week for whichitisissued,as the case may be. Provided,that where a man desires ©commence a business after October 1,1917,and before September 50, 1918,and said business is subject toanannualtax,the tax in such case may be reduced in proportion to th number of full quarters that hav ‘lapsed since October Ist,1917,if allowed by the section fixing the tax Section 4.Any person,firm or cor- poration,wishing te carry on any business,or to do any of the acts named,or to enjoy any of the privi leges mentioned in this ordinance,sha!l before doing so apply to the City Tax Collector for lieense to do the same,and shall receive the said license by paying the tax necessary for such privilege or right,unless otherwise provided.Any violation of this ordinance shall,upon convie-tion,subject the offender to a penal- ty of Fifty Dollars for each offence Section 5.That the adoption of his schedule of licenses shall not abridve the right of the Board of Al- fermen to change,alter,Increase,or jecrease any of the above license taxes at any time,and when any in- crease made unless the same be oaid in thirty days,the license shall be revoked and no,further business ‘arried on thereunder;nor shall it thridge the right of the Board of Al- jermen to require a license in anybusiness,occupation,traffic,calling vocution net ineluded in the above chedule,and when such license is re-wired,then the same shall be paid the full year,quarter,month or veek,as the case may be, Section 6.That each license pro- rided for in this ordinance shall be for ssued from the office of and shall be signed by the City Clerk and Treas-ier and it shall be the duty of the ‘ity Clerk and Treasurer to keep arecordofalllicensesissuedbyhim, showing date,to whom issued,expi-ration,amount,business and loea- ion, Section 7.That all ordinances or marts of ordinances in conflict withthisordinanceareherebyrepealed,nrovided that such repeal shall notinanywayeffectanyrightshereto- fore acquired or the collection of any tax heretofore levied or assessed,orthevalidityofanysalesfortaxes, heretofore made,or any right here- tofore acquired under any ordinanceftheCityofStatesville. Section &. shall be in force from and after its woption. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS.CASH and Due from Banks All person:owning property abutting on thesidewalkimprovementdistrictheretoforeinidoutbyordinancedalypacedbytheBoardof Aldermen of the City of Stateeville,enid wide-weik tmprevement district being the sidewalkomthesouthsideofBroadstreet,from the| intersection of Green street with said Broad)street to the intersection of Bim street with| |.and that ihe repert ef the City Fin-wineer is now on file in the offiee of the CityClerkandTreasurer.jSaidpersonswillfurthertakenotieethat ~~Dealersin Never before have we shown tion of beautiful Hats,and as for new and novel effects, surely the sty le suit everv taste, SMALE HATS,GiGH CROWNS AND “TAM-O-SHAN- TER”EFFECTS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! Hats that combine two distinetly different materials, beautiful Velvet Hats in all the new colors.In short,WE HAVE HATS £3")ALE OCCASIONS,AND THE PRICE RANGE WILL StTY EVERY PURSE! MRS.MARY SIMS. Theadjustmentof yourcar is just as important | as the adjustment of your watch. When youleaveyourcartobe repaired you want to know thatyou may securely rely upon the ability and honestyof theman doingthework. Player-Pianoasismade,atprice aslow as he bought in any city in the world,and we will deliver it te yourhome freeof charge.There are Other and Larger Special Induce-ments Which We Are Now Offering. Come and see us and our Pianos.Don’t let any arewment anywhere,by anybody,stop you from see- ing our imetcaments.!‘hear,whether you want to buy or not.: duy at Ponie and Help your Town;Buy of Us and Help Yourself. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. EVERYTHING MUSICAL. "Phone 304. FALL =MILCINERY ee Thisis the guaranteewe make you and we are us or noi,your Home TownWecansellasfineaPianoor f you love music,come in and South Center Street. Aiaiie DISPLAY. such a remarkable collee- for the autumn are varied enough to THERE ARE LARGE HATS AND The Cash Store.| Fn ec ne.eee enn‘STATEMENTS OF CONDITION OF MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANK OF STATESVILLE,N.C. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS,SEPTEMBER IITH,I9i7. CondensedfromOfficialReport to =‘|That this ordinance Overdrafts North Carolina Corporation Commission. RESOURCES.LIABILITIES,Loane and Discounts...636,197.20)SUPpial Stork ooo 8 NGoo iexewewresee ‘982.44]Undivided Profits ......2,422.68ReservedforInterest500.00|Furniture and Fixtures ..3,882.79]Dividends Unpaid ......20.0026,967.48 Re-Diseounts ............»1,900.0036,967.49)Bills Payable *.......—ssamet ee POR Ck i ciawecsees .$1 acatalina Weete $377,379.99 Total vee w ewe cee s 887,879.00 COMPARISON OF DEPOSITS. September 11th,1908 Deposits $36,206.18“.1909 *16..1910 67,867.22°:1911.2 192 “ “ “ “ “ Wwshowninthe supply RU-BER-OID in Buildenesof every bind in “ate ieeeGray,TileRedandBER-OLD Realtunthiteh-vvtinge”Green,Letus quote you pr im a. N.C. se* eS as We PP? IA>.HUSBAND ot feel toat brears wife rae eae y ho vt 9 abl the Ids it {t |ed pre a ||i OV i kept burning:|f \ ¢it 4]t tOye rr TY>r41nTr%c “7 ler.= R.P.&aULLln RR 6 Jow ©¢ ithVDIa B.DSh HON he OS eeetootemew —=ns pec bee vat roca eTWs Prices reasorutie %s rr WY 7 L 4 y L E St ’i t )RGEay f . Now isa grocd thie toselect that “anument.fer ihepilovedoneswhomavegone.Wee carry a lareer and %Varied assortment a ae Granite and Marfle in Monuments,‘omb-tones and Markers (¢veleet framg 3 Barron &Co:| t Phone 215 Broad Street. IIE.SERBLEBRaE iicadlliencnneiaanailll COUN LOM. SOO CHIO DOM:*MIL SA)OS, Your Hands Ase net tied from carrving out your ex- CIE OBR LVR.oO PCH Cen 2!ei 8 pectations and desures when vou havefMoney tr Y rn 4 4 ?f4INTHEBANK, Your bank Account depends on whayouSave. is not a muaiter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in- come is small and it will be easier as your income facreases to Increase Your Bank Account. Now isthe opportune time to openAccountwithus, 'at .i # B an People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO,H.BROWN -President.O.L.TURNER -Cashier. PATRIOTISM§BUSINESS Every good citizen at this time shoulddohissharetowardstrengtheningtheFeders!Reserve Banking System which our Goverfiiment has created with its billion dollars of resources to stand back of its member banks and oll their de-positors. You can contribute directly to thestrengthofthissystem,and at the sametimesecureitsproteciionbydepositingyourmoneywithus,since part of every you deposit with us goes directlyintothenewsystem,where it is alwaysreadyforyouWhenwanted.Thisis a suggestion for prompt action.Member Federal Reserve System. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C. Sendfor Booklet,“How Doesit Benefit Me?” f ! { { } slunches and smokes furnishod uswhile jon our way to Camp Jackson.Ofcourseitwashardtoleavehomeandtherewereafewtears,but thehaveallgottensettledandarethesoldierlife.We are learningtocookahdeverythingUnatisnecessa-ty _for a hourekeoper to know,Men are coming in from all States North and South Giardbiorida-to serve in the Nation-alarmy.Cores ,bearing inaeription:such as “Berlin ov Bust’!“fo CampJackson,°8.©.and Back By Way of Kerlin,”were common,“ j The lTredeil beys “a ’beet divided |Into three companies,Band ©,al!in the S2Ist infantry,a would bike,to have the co-operation of lredell eft izens for theboys,as well as leading companies tr the National army.As the writer isinCompanyBhecanonlyspeakforhiscompany,which has fine offieers in every detail,even down to our mes serpeant,who is a geod one.He feed: ws jine.We have ho.coifce for break fast,pure water for dinner andg@plent;of iee tea for supp My!but anions taste jrood some days!panitery condi. tions cre tine.Cold water baths are enjoyedatleasttwieecachsevendays.We have clectric light 1 they ar.goin io put in steain heat.We have 2 1c.A.whe here is station ry Sinds of writing materials pay 5,macagines ind beoks by the hu “is.Scmeore ts playing the pi no alm all of Sunday and the boys een to enjoy the priviicge of singing ,utida nothing bul sacred song: ‘tut it is awfully hard te cop fr inging.“My Litue Girl,| Know Youre Waitiue,and itm Com ing Dek io You"! The redell boys sper ast Sabbati 1 Wene mother and fricads ae /;esent we have fbout 120 ir (om any B.The ea being pre- Va or the accommudation of 46,- 00h “‘iftecn the nd men are a WR sin thinting our army wil b ‘008 ',fy training coas i‘le he nor 1 KELLY ,dustries board,The general advancement ef rede!ot ith ws,old ‘ ose 2=half woek gplPres-|nt son approved a scaletationsfixedinapeeyegemmoonmadebyproducersoeawe=&Ee. 1c,MiwellastheAmerican‘andernments,will share in the reduct!which go imte immediate effect,~the agreement provides that produces: i »shall not reduce wages.The pric:* will obtain until January 1.191%,to be revined then Hf investigution showtheyareinequitable.The entire output of Amerivan ste>! plants will be distributed wider supes vision of the war board,which,exe cising the powers of priority of Warnsportationgiventhegoversmenthy ‘i,will apnenien it in a /ONZTens ttn mect the eounwy’s wor re quirements. The prtee agreement was reeched after se mith of neprotintion Ip lecers aad revert als.The priees were based on eo of production ‘estimates made ty th Federn!Trade Comritedion after a in firention comducied at the I dent's direction.The chief point of developed in the prolony conferenees was aver the que f whether the public and th vnments should shere co ex to be fixed.President Wilsoa insisted that they should. vice chairmen of the Fed Cemmission tertifi tho t of produciag etect pl:a) larver mills was $385 to $! op,but much high in the sma'l. pills Ninety per ceni.of the ini! aia,could sel plate of 858 a ton »profit.The covernment fi at #65,a roduetion of about haif ee ey RE me,mane ee+ Speak Well ef Chambertain's Tablets. t been selliar Char o years and hea :no Mey tstomers th a trial myaedf,: e there th anette die nd «ve to them,writes G |©.Headford,Crt I wit tion comet rat icy +tie will ae yew DON’T SCOLD,MOTHER! THE CROSS CHILD IS BIL- IOUS,VEVERISH! lifference ral mare People wok at Tergue' Cleon Little Stemach, Bowelbs! Don't sec 1!Soe a.-Liver ld your fretful,pee if tongue is coated; re sign its little stomach, and |are clog@ed with : liv- eurPonOWLS feaicrs Med Fie 0 ee°of treath had,threat re,does-‘ohution,leep or act nat hne 1.000 Trey!.nach-ache,indivestion,diarrhoea, cope,bachoud spoonful of “°Cuitfornia!affiiate:!Gi-:yo of Figs,”and in a few hou1'Werk r e foul waste,the sour bile a leh it th ,food pa 4 ‘the Woh to smal citir ty opmt vou have n well and phay- o mrad chi!(hirer lave thi atic as pla Mless “fruit laxative,”and moth- :ding ch en t easy after wivirie it,be- Dove eg Wt-’Y fails to make their 1]ude 21]'cle ay wi otont;\4 ca i he }''tatof,*;rm ers 4 «te re A upriss)Foye te !sigan,fit si tid ‘ o ives gt the W.O,eae !t-all as ’’pli ing o?the Friendship loc:nopen‘en th +Ke mem lee cornfiell nett,Sasakawa.Ata pre count !iarrangetimeTheWo.)lb wae te and e that your:i ad 1} capture small tawns,tak«armo of “Caltvorstal Bue Sorup Cornipons banks,burn bridvy ved «anh Wand beck with cor mpt any other wires,While the f,W.¥tl se ovyoupleiretreaapTahmi: Ueesident Wikson soni Goo Wot VE Oe REAL BSTATE WoOkioh ty Phoave ade eG Cleared,would have h nd of hel !'°r p 'te ,ad MUEIEt :ti ‘'Er ¢Ut ‘that Ke :’ worth dae cela ty na eet x rehols,Member 9,b 1,were {—+ 1.Spence,Stit cent ee ' theo c.f two ¢’fifswahtbeavaiablewiig ; and tuat tin Woot had ’by ated bee ‘ ht te eo ant ore "I Mettest ‘ae !fwIt:f ion he we?et bud t t in at ' incon foe the enc WR ben lt cou ee ee ee Re em TernThirdSericsofTrainingCampspavic A third series of offferrs’|°Rent es mmiprs Will be opened by the Wa bn partment earivio January.Ccrdidnte for commissions,Adjuta:Cenernt McCain annourn 1)leetor from entieted rm f th my ar those calf to the evr ‘ the selective draft law,no appli cation from cis itign id- red ’'of the ¢-on te no r 1 1 ,:it i ‘tion of the locaton of tt has be give for robolb t following the systeth asod in N nal army inion ment 't f th ps will i the Seuth in order to e ( f ther w 1 |™if afford mer Wot t!army an oppertunits mn and it is probal thy deafted men will he heavily rep- resented.Eatablishment of the third series of camps is part of a reneral policy of the War Department to continue the making ef office:hy pecial training in order to keeppacewiththeenlistedstrengthof the service, rE eeene we Can't Enlist After Being Posted Provost Marshal General Crowder states that a number of instances have been reported where men sub-| ject to call for the National armyhacenlistedintheregulararmy,the National Guard or other branches of the military servige,afternameshadbeenpostedcalling them for examination.In all such in- their| stances the men are discharged and| ordered to report to the National ar- my examining beards at their own expense, meaeeee Experience the Beat Teacher. tt t generaity admitted that experience tethebesttemeher,but should Wwe not make uneoftheexperienceofothersnewellourown?ot a thousend persons Upon than thet of one|Many persone haveteedChamberkain’s for evmmh«and colds with the reralte,which showsOOesQoondplementtotake,' | RE ee +RR ee ee Schoo R‘ool s (sienpmeniancepnmatiamnanarte ono= “The Bradyeeeteatemewe r Printing Co.ee me ee | las a Full stock of all books used in |Graded Schools.They are soid for CASH. eeee No elation for Subinarines C.WATKINS,who haa been play- ing such havoc with Building Mate- rial price There are eight WAT- KINSES in the Lumber business and THEY BUY IN QUANTITIES! OSTEOPATII. Dr.8S.W.Hoffmann. OFFICE OVER ogee ee ee ad a Merchants’&Farmers’Bank.Office ‘Phone,324;House;wae 279 Green. a WATKINS 7 1 Guarantee “Dodson’s Liver‘lone”willtheBestLiverandBowel , CUT THEPRICE IN MALF.CALOMEL SICK Government FixesthePriceofSteelPlates. LLNSIA AeCalomelmakesyousick;you fone.a WO «ntbottle pot a duy’s work. ver and it salivetes;calomel mnjarce your liver.if you are’biliove; DON'T ENG!Ths HORSON Cleansing You Calomel is quicksil “Tanne under my treet it wil clean your # betier than nesty ; fee]laxy,shag.make you sick aud you : #ich and all kroesed’out,tt your thing you went wilhout bowels are coaviipoted and your)vetted.Your druggist guaheadachesorstomaghisseéur,jus!thet each spoonful will.starttale«spoonful of harmless leed-liver,clenn your bewely son's Liver Tone isstead of using straightes you vp by morning ory “ickoning,salivating enlomel.Dog-we.your money back,Chitdten ons Liver Tone is réal liver niedi-:by “take Dodsows Liver Tone beeause you will wake up feeling gripe er cramp or make them sick fine,vowr liver will be wortieg,your Lam selling millions of es of ‘teudacho and dizeiness gone,'y ove Ded oF ‘a taye :Towe ta who stogmeh will “he and!bewels hove found Chat this pag,nt fecuber,You will feet like werk;fate,sree medicine takes the place— ine,You'll!be cheerful;full of vig-cf?danyverous eslotel.Buy me tie or and ambition.He on my sound,reliable :ee: If Coated,’ na You Your drug OP Se Ere know i 1 mermaw:it is pleasant tasting and t or dealer voll you:ss k your ch uggit about me,,:Secaeeele A Better Roughage for Less Money Mr.Wesley Johnson,Aiken,S.C.,feeds Buckeye Hulls to His milch cows and says that he prefers thet to any hulls he has ever used,Hebelieves that they are cheaperandbetter.Thatisthewhole UCKEYours in two words—Cheaper-—Petter.It is rate that the bestofitshindisthecheapestorthatthecheapestisthebert Prets is certainly true of Buckeye Hulls,Kemoving the lint not only eliminates all the objectionable features of old style hulls but makesitpossibletosellthedelintedhullsatthelowestfigureforwhich roughage can be bought.Hf you want the best ‘oughage you must buy the cheapest —Buckeye Mulls.If you buy cheapest roughage-—~Buckeye Hulls—you will gct the best. Tosecure thebest results andto developthoensiloge odor,wet thethoroughiytwelvehoursbeforefeeding.'tis easytodothiswettingthemdownattandenneineSescotfeeding.li at anytime this cannotbedone,wet down at least thirtyminutes.ff youprefer tofeedthehullsdry,use only haif as much bybulkasof oldstylehulls, Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the Tellsichte»feed for meintemnnes,for milk,for fattening,fer work.DescribeseMulls«jets directions far usiag them properly,Gend for your cop y to nearest millDeot.k The edness Cotton Oil Co.pes.K Atlasia -Rirmingham furele Rock epiAugretaCharlotte ne ee eeee ee me i ee ee a sLreenwoossJachsar LDP BAM AID,| Automohile Users! Woo now have with a:Mr.BE.4.Davis,who i4 a compe: |eyperieneod Automobile mechanic.Mr.Davis hod en yours’experience in general repair work, HE C.LN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A PACKARD,hiving served feur years as Repairman on i do ond Picree-Arrow Cara.’ if vay troub’e with your motor or clectri¢e sys- nti,Air.Day i!he ghud to examine it free of charge, Calbat cur ¢end tet us look over your battery, vilhout cest to vep.Will also gladly supply distilled water fer your battery without charge. Theve is no metor ar battery trouble we cannot fix,No- tatpe but iirst-class work,and at very reasonable prices. had 'Automobilists,Alwes Peta VW.RR.Mills Motor Co. TE OA EIT Re a OR eR i Eo “ OUR NEW LINE OF TOILET SOAP lOc.and 25¢:per cake. AT DRUG STORE, CRIPTIONIST Phone No.20. HALL" >41IN| ceo cramnaceceneenaninaeaas Coote eee ae ean ae ies Somme Oe a ee ee 5 THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the verv liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD, Our oflice is an open one,and we invite all our eustomers and those who will become customers to use the same when they so desire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGIH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundred “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUTWewillbegladtohaveyoucallat our office for any information,or telephone No,54 if ourserviceinneeded. Wedo NOTARYPULLworkalso,J.F.CARLTON,- ‘gigas:ae cee ee Beer a ©é Another Cotton Season is now u us.We have lle pm es ourNEW GINNING PLANT,which consists of six 80-Saw Gins,Every piece of machinery is new and , very latest and most modern make. Three of these Gins are Hulier Gins,especially constructed to gin late cotton—takes out all leaves,bolls,etc.,leaving the cotton clean.Ginsthe cotton smooth and makes the lint show up apparently as well as the first picking,except for tinge or stain that may be in the cotton. Three are plain Gins,constructed to gin the better grades of cotton.We havetwo Hydraulic Presses which will pack the cotton much tighter than the old Screw Press,making the risk. very much less in case of fire or being damaged by water,to say nothing of theloss " by cotton losing from the bale loosely packed.NO.DELAY—CAN UNLOA WAGONS AT ONE TIME.PM ) We'll furnish the farmer FREE ef COST,New BAGGING and TIRES,thus eliminating lossor damage by using oldpleced-up bagging.| SOM.MR.FARMER,here ‘s the important thing for you to consider:We spin more GOOD cotton than is sold on the Statesville market. So Med enn see that we arc in a position to pay you the FULL MARKtTl PRICE every day in the year at our gin.If we don’t get your cotton,we will have to go clsewhere and pay some dealer a profit and in addition,pay the freight to our mills,So,why not bring your cot- ton to our NEW GIN and vet the Middleman’s Profit?We will the man with one bale just as much as the man that has one hundredbales.We dont ask vou to take our word.Our gin is only ONE BL!1K from the PUBLIC SQUARE.Try the market and be eonvin-.Ooroninion is that this will be a short crop and cotton will start off high.No cotton dumped on the ground at our gin—it is rolled 7 teow py ontoaplatrorm.Should the farmer not sell the day his cotton is ginned,we truck it into our warehouse until he sells,with-H out Cos;FTO HIM,We ha ‘act erected stalls for YOUR HORSEs.and an abundance of shed room in case of bad weather.So drive F tt rin,this is all FREI te you whether you vin with us or not.We will buy your seed at tcp market price and will sell your udts af cerrect Market price.THE FIRST 10 BALES GINNED FREE BE ONE OF THE FIRST.* Mr.Hay We have with us again this ycar,our old reliable Mr.W.A.Watts,as Ginner.,Will be at the Scales,and our Mr.Mills. will be on the spet to buy vour Bale Cotton. N.B.MILLS Gli South Meeting St.STATESVILLE,N.C./4; ae a es :siecleSo cops THY LANDMARIN FS STATESVILLE NENT.CAPHERING AT THE CLD,xemsoe oT —,Se Big Lites OY Ful!Line Sheets,Pillow Cases.FRIDAY,Seinen yoy7,Meeting of Concord Presbytery fo Pay Club Debts —Talks to =od Ie Sa oo in Paylorss ifle.Colored Peapic —Road Stiga.Swea oN Crochet aad Embroidery and“Old t olks’Das”at Broad Si.eperted for The t 4 (af ‘.—News of the Churches,viral ak mes 4 Women and Ufidedn.-j Cotton.Counterpanes.Old Folks!D bent church mo .wo _—rate t : Broad Sir church =§m a ;a 7 i ‘i e . ple i Phe hess aie ,eoheadcrownofcling,f it |E 7 ae - found ino the way «rihiter :uP {alor e e2bs,16:31 ‘i i ‘‘!The ™get awuoy tue,3%|-.|The Largest Cash Store In Statesville. ce |HEADQUARTERS mes ::|:.ee ror natn ||liress Goods,Staple Goods,Notions,Ready-to -Wears, ifinay and Shoes.Our sales Increasing Every Month. Y Their must be a_reason. ch che’Paris predicts,Velvets for Fall.We are showing a beauti- “!Nie Slack,Navy,Laurel,Marine,Brown,Plum and Ruby. DRESSES AND COAT SUITS. A Distinction .\ot easily obtained is conferred upon every woman whoTheDeathRecesswearsoieofourDressesorSuits—ownership of one of =tert ||hese faultless garments—carries with it an appreciation of 2 SR S ,| 4,t j eute *s t «.‘Pn ‘,/®«with |cat ta ull thatis highest in QUALITY,latest in style and greatest ut ].}.Nc ee uit Vahiic. this |‘;\‘A (''t?..e .we het h :::Toilet Articles.ty,;ty ,..a3 2yt.Se .her John A,Woodbury’s Facial Soap and Powder.Free picture withdidnotaroWilliameveryBox.tend sa sa otie ie aim Oi seap,Shaving Sticks,Face Powder,Rouge,Cold Cream cate of aticr om)ats o re 8 ~*~.wie JOHN TP.M aa oe ee and Shampoo. eek ee nt ee being an SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY.To Work in Shipbuilding \ard ©home re sorties e mhardt,PD.A ’if this °appel,!rt ‘f -Pe Mre.Sarah Catherine Kin h©,dim Rayle,|Rivne,Ba '.thful and ied on the tt t her hon in e «Merson,Rouges Att and R et of 7 ss xt ,fockaville,oe i Two da rhtere Tha F :.Mille left Werine 'r *.Ge :oN ad aoa "curvive .Mra.J.VM.Downur of Bs News,Va.where t!vw wor ioe to Tayl se :ile -fr noir and Mrs,(I Mere of The Store -t or ©shiphdikding yard ite .‘YVocksville.i ‘‘‘ »I ee :he a .Ale i spring meet wv of Preshytery dim Watts,colored,wane «rod ——.,—————————— ©herp in.the con be held with the First Preaby-|the mayor on a charge of walt.ne iment ..guteWWWRaptinechurch.sicrinn chunsh of Btatenvition Ling Block Patton,also colored |ULMNG? C,WATKING.WIDE-AWAKE E 8A r ...some rermmgen a ae ee ae a TAREEoe wre oem .