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The Landmark, October 1917
tes to Be Sent to Co- wee a has} fted and wethSta[3 the colored menwill’be rs Young’s ,order reads in aredirectedto entrain,be-October 3,all avaiof100 Young to bo _for Mi.> co i ¥E # 3 iiF7i! i fe “i f lt Fe i l ex t if 3 = |£:er [5 #8 s T i f ! the entrainment of colored men com-ing within’first quota will issue fromisofficenotlaterthantOctober4.‘or the present no colored men areobesent.”This means that those who leavefromhereforColumbiatomorrowwillnumberaboutadozenwhite oe . lumbia,8S.C. named,as stated above,will be sent, the orders having been changed sincethemenwerecalled:Shuford Gray Adams,Statesville;colored,Statesville; Statesville,R-1;.colored,Statesville;John Henry Dal-ton,colored,Statesville;EveretteEugeneWasson,colored,Olin,R.F.D.;Archie Leander Graham,color-ed,Statesville,R-2:Banks WilliamWingate,colored,Mooresville. The Home Guard Company. While canvassing the situation foratentativelistofselectmenfortheHomeGyavethefredellSountyaofDetencehastak- en no fo action,awaiting in- structions from the adjutant gener-al.A partial canvass 8 convithememberswhohavelooked overthegroundthatamplemencanbefoundforthecompany,w willmeasureuptotheratherexacting conditions named by the Governor.As soon as the instructions are re-ceived from the adjutant general,themembersofthecompanywillbefor-mally named and then a meeting ofthecompanycalledtoelectofficers.Dr.D.H.Hill,chairman of theStateCouncilofDefence,has calledameetingofallmembersofcountycouncils,to be held in RaleichThursdayeveningandFriday.Dr.T.E.Anderson,chairman ofIredellcouncil,and other membersofthecouncilexpecttoattendthemeeting.The members of the Ire-dell county vouncil are:Dr.T.E.An-derson,chairman;Dr.C.E.Raynal,Mesars.Wm.Wallace,W.A.Thom-as,F.T.Meacham,H.A.Yount andF.A.Sherrill. First Bale New Cotton. The first bale of the new crop ofcottonwasbroughtinSaturdaybyMr.J.W.Sherrill.It weighed,intheseed,1,300 pounds,and in the lint 490 pounds.It was ginned by the N.B:Mills Ginning Co.and was bought by Mr.Mills at 25 cents the pound.r.Mills also bought the seed at $1 per bushel.The bale net- ted Mr,Sherrill $148,50-—$122.50 forthelintand$26 for the seed.Some seed cotton has been sold ontheStatesvillemarketat$10.60 per100pounds. GERMANY WEAKENING. Shaken but still powerful,is theestimateofGermany's defensivesthonthewesternfrontgiveninthisweek's official communicationtheWarDepartment’inWashington.The superiority of the British overtheiree-———says,has conclusivelybylastweek's fighting,while it hasdemonstratedthatthefightingstam-ina of the Germans is deteriorating. “ARGENTINA NEUTRAL. All expectations that Argentinamightfollowtheleadofherneigh-ce er heey anewsaI-is determinedPresidentIrogoyennottoheedtheactionoftheArgen-tine Congress and popular demandforactionandwillcontinueaneu- tral course. DECISION WITHHELD. peter ~to have de-Set fay oniameas te eat‘or con eansrsse"until the FIFTHGERMAN AIR RAID. 8.F.sendsthe of ofa senttotheveboard,of a-Salem,forreasons.In sendingthepetition Mr.says: oath is:“*That said enterprise is necessa-ry to the maintenance of the milita-ry establishment,or the effectiveerationofthemilitaryforces,ormaintenanceofionalnatdutheomThepetitionfellows and drafted for service inthearmy,wish to call your attentiontothefollowingfacts,which,we feel,is an injusticetousandadeliberateevasionofthedraftlawonthepartoftheman.“Otto Rosenbacher,white,cloth-ing retail dealer,member of the firmofRosenbacher&Bros.,Tradestreet,Winston -Salem,N,C.Ex-empted from service for industrial necWe know of 1eknowofourownpersonaeethatthismanisoneofseveralmentradingasacompa-ny in the retail clothing business andthatthereisnoialreasonthathecantullyclaimunderthelawforexemptionfrommilitaryservice,and we therefore feel positivethathisexemptionwassecuredeitherbyperjuryonhispartandsupportingaffiants,or through someundueinfluencethedistrictboardforthewesterndistrictofNorthCar-olina,sitting at Statesville,NorthCarolina.“Prior to being drawn for servicethismanandhispeopleclaimedforhimseveraldifferentphysicalreas-ons for exemption and bragged thathewasnotgoingtogo,evenif hewasdrawn.There is a goodoffeelingabouthis.bae-ed on industrial reasons.fairnesstous,we ask that this exemption belokedinto.:“We are,of course,preparedfurnishanynumberofaffidavits toshowthatthismanisa_citizen ofthistownandhasbeenforyearsen-gaged in the retail clothing business,and that his entire family is engag-ed in the same business with him inthesamestore,and jointly with himmanagingthebusiness;and that the business he is engaged in is not nec-essary to nor connected with in anywav,any national interest whatsoev- er.” The petition is signed by 43 men.Notice has been taken of the fact that exemptions “for industrial reas-ons”have been granted in somecaseswheremenareefhgagedinmercantileorsimilarbusiness.Itwillbeinterestingtolearnwhether the business mentioned is necessaryforthemaintenanceofmilitaryes-tablishment or the operation of mili-tary forces.The district exemptionhoardevidentlysoconstruedthelaw.Whether the President will upholdtheinterpretationremainstobe seen.a ae The New Liberty Loan. The amount of the second Liberty loan,now offered to the public,is $3,000,000,000.The bonds will run for 25 years,redeemable at the op- tion of the Secretary of the Treas-ury in 10 years.The bonds are indenominationsof$50 and multiplesof$50,and bear 4 per cent.interest,pavable November 15 and May 15.Subscribers to the bonds may payontheinstallmentplanasfollows:Two per cent._ication,18percent.November 15,40 per cent.December 14 and 40 per cent.Janu- ary 13,1918.The privilege of converting bondsofthisissueintoesofanysuc-ceeding issue bearing a higher inter-est rate than 4 per cent.during theperiodofthewar,is extended.Pur-chasers of the 3 1-2 per cent.Liber-ty bonds last summer can exchangethe31-2 per cent.for the 4 per cent.bonds at any time between now andnextJune.It is advisable to re-member,however that the new bondsaresubjecttoincometax.The 1-2percentsarenon-taxable. Mr.Neely Resigns. Mr.W.L.Neely,who has beencomnectedwiththemunicipaladmin-istration for near nine years,has re-signed to in the grocerybusiness.Mr.Neel has bought thegrocerystockofMr.Cc.D.Baileyandwillcontinuethebusinessatthesamestand,corner east Front anaSalisburystreets.Mr.Neely years andwasfortsixmonthscitationof—works andtax collector.SinceBeteeeee > Chiefof PoliceKerr is now actingchiefofthefire =ee ates dea)|that number of persons having = cy commission.It had beenassettledforweeksthatwouldgoontheInter-Statemissionandhisfitnessforthe—~err etnies,ae ot n y tot express sur-prise from the North Carolina Sena-tors,the President expressed for their disappointment and ~—-$1 060,000,000.understanding that he had p cide’!on was to taxtoappointTravis.He did not in-]®”tend to leave that impression,Se ®per cent.says.The President says hevassed.the situationhismindseveraltheItisstatedthatWoolleywasnotpom| endorsed by the Viwhohadcuibee=a for.place .It is further assertedexperiencemeanssoWoolleylackstheTravisandisbynofittedfortheplace.AnotherterofconcerntoNorththatWoolleyisfrom aStatethatforyearsenjoyedfavoredfreightratesoverNorthCarolinaandwhichhas,since thesegesinitsfavorweremodified,desperate efforts to restore themerstatusinfavorofVirginia.AVirginianonthecommiwillitisfeared,as unfavorable to NCarolinaastheappointmentof &North Carolinian would have beenfavorable.Another disappointment to someNorthCaroliniansisthatthepass-ing of Travis from a com-mission was expected promoteCommissionerLeetothechairman-ship and to promote Clerk Maxwelltomembershiponthecommission. Damage From the Coast Storm So far the loss of life in the stormwhich5portionsoftheGulfcoastlastweekisputdownat5, reported killed at Crestview,As the stormsouthernAlabamaconsiderabledamage to crops andwireserviceandbuildingsintownsandcities,but the loss of life andmaterialdamage,generally speak-ing,is small compared with thatfromsimilarstorms.In fact thestormofthisyearwascomparative-ly mild.Pensacola,Fla.,seems to havesufferedmost.For about eight hoursFriday,in —city and nearby ter-ritory,the wind for a brief periodreachedamaximumvelocityofbe-tween 130 and 140 miles an hour andblewforseveralminutesatthevateof100milesanhour.The wind dur-ing several sustained periods attain-ed a velocity between 60 and 90milesanhour.An accurate estimate of the prop-erty loss is not available but consid- erable damage was done along thewaterfronttowharvesand oviers and a number of vessels,mostly of small size,were blown ashore,butapparentlywerenotseriouslydam- aged.There was also damage duetohightides.Damage to the navyyardatPensacolaisestimatedat 310,000,Later estimates place the damageatPensacolaat$100,000, Motor Truck in Road Work. The 3 1-2-ton moter truck recent- ly bought by the county commission-ers for use in road upkeep is provingbed|satisfactory.It is especially useful for long hauls.A good qual- ity of top soil can’t always be foundconvenient.This made necessary theuseofinferiorsoilfortopdressinginmanyinstances,with the resultthattheroadsweresooninbadre-pair.With the motor truck oodsoilcanbehauledfromadistanceandabetterandmorelastingroad built.That is econmy.In addition the truck is used tohaultheroaddragandthisworkcanbedonemorerapidly.After therainslastweekthetruckwasputtothisworkandoperatedatnighttogetmoreworkdonewhiletheroadswereinconditionfordragging.The service of the truck has enabled thecountytodispensewitheightteams. No Decrease in Sugar Prices. The United States food adminis-tration announces that it has assum-ed control of the price and distribu-tion of sugar for America and herallies.Under the title of interna-tional sugar committee,five men,two representatives of the Europeanallies,two Americans and George MRolph,of the sugar division of thefoodadministration,will handle thesituation.All domestic sugar pro-ducers of the United States,it issuid,have agreed to abide by thepricedecisionsofthecommissionandtoco-operate with it in everyway.No immediate reduction in thepriceofistobeexpected,thefoodSAowingtotheincreasedcostofingsugar. twe houses ,Baturday on the "and Floridait did 5 imated to ProvisionsMeasure. The conference committeeof the of Congress agreed war tax ewraiseabout$2,760,-000 of revenue,after three weeks Commission.——The report was sub- The appointment of Woolley was @ mitted to House y.As reported,the billis an incsurpriseaswellasofconnae e sure and Lay ee over the we bill.These increases were ob- ed wy restoration ¢=> a etter postage provision,in-erease in second-class postage ratesihigherratesontobacco,the res- heritance. principal disputeoccurred,of eration of taxes on jewelry and in- Excess war profits,over which theconfereesltnotraiseanymoremoneythantheSenatebillprovided The The ee fihally de- exempted portionaa jitPokegredanted vcaleoftaxationisbasedonpercentageofprofitsmadeuponinvestedcapi- of the ¢ 5 and per cent. thospurposes,doubled on still bonded wai doubled.gallon is added On drinkspromisedbetween ettes,snuff andinereased and golf ballInlieuof a ‘rates ¢ 1919,and from was :letters,exceptingrestoredbythe private mailing was retained,The taxed.Moviequarterofacent price. eveninnourtie home SundabyRev.J.H. is survived by*hildren. internal reTobaceo: Neormargarine license Fines and penaltiesThisisan ledKE.sienedas a a newJuly1,1918, cent additional tax e@ taxvirtua)as passed by the Senate.Taxes on club admissions and dueswillraiseabout$23,009,000,Amuse- ment parks and concession charging 10 cents or more for admission arefilmsaretaxedone per cent.of his Frets The scale is 20 per cent.of prof-its which do not exceed 15 per cent.ital;25 per cent.on prof-under 20 perpercent.on profits overunder25percent.;45 per cent.onprofitsover25andunder33perpent.;60 per cent.on profits over 33 oi The whiskey tax is $1.10 a gal-lon on spirits in bond and $2.10 onewithdrawnbondforbeverage present tax waswines, to champagneandsparklingwines.On grape bran-dy or wine spirits withdrawn from a};rehouse theOnsweet nes,10 centspresenttaxes,grape brandy or wine spirits usedinfortificationofsweetwines,20centsagallonisadded. NEWS OF MILITARY FOLK. Private White,who was here Fri-day to secure recruits for the army,did not secure any.Mr.in Alston Stimson hasbeenfors-rvice in Dr.Me-Guire’s unit,Richmond,Va.Mr.returned Sundayfromandwillbehereun-til he is called out.Godfrey Kimball was athomefromJackson,Columbia,S.C.,to spendte ndwithhomefolks.He eeTeStatesvilleandIredellcountyboys in .Enh.trata toh SeendayforGreenville,8,C.,to join herhusband,xLonnieMillsof ie,whoenlistedinthePiedmontbatteryasaprivate,has been made a ser it.The battery is at Camp vier,Greenville. Sevier,the past few'days at home are Mr.Geo.A.“Sparrow ofspentafewherewithhissister,Mrs.“_ Ls spending f Theharvestmoon is now at i ac s tennis 2 cent t until 1-2 to 4 dropconferees, on cards section a foot.J wife to 1921, postal wasThefirstclassmailincreases are toraiseabout$90,000,000 and are ef-fective 30 days after the passage oftheact.The Senate provision ex- empting from postage letters writ-ten by soldiers and therateandtheSenateminimum.Cigar-chewing tobacco were.The automobile tax wasincreasedfrom1percentintheSen-Gaatebillto3percent.Three per cent.on the selling price ofers,phonographs andied.A like rate was placed on sport-ing goods,=n as iano -pennpes setae rackets a.the House zone tax onsecondclasspublicationsaanazone8,of-J with differentforreadingmatterandadver-tising matter,with special and _in-reased rates for religious,agrieul-tural and other publications.A flat increase on reading matterof1-4 of a cent per pound until Ju-ly 1,1919,and 1-thereafterwasovided.Advertising matter conning 5 per cent.ofspacewouldbetaxedfrom 1-4 to 2-1-4 cents aditional he total July 1, -12 centsmoreuntilJuly1,1920;and from 3- 4 cent to 6 3-4 centsfrom1centto9cents thereafter.An additional tax of 1-8 cent perpounduntilJuly1,1919,and 1-4 centthereafteronreligious,agricultural,fraternal and similar and publications,The one-cent tax onletters,was A one-andadded. sailors abroad, remains isewelr the selling A special munitions tax of 10 percent.is levied Death Record. Jay Moultrie Shoemaker,seven- months -old son of Mr.and Mrs.C.C.Shoemaker,died FridayattheirhomeintheCoolSpring community.Interment was SundayutNewSalemchurch.Mr.Christopher Parks Queen,ized about 45 years,died Saturdayat7.30 o'clock at his home Statesville Flour Mills.Fu-neral services were conducted at theafternoonat3o'clockPresslyandinterment was at St.Paul’s church.Mr.Queenandthree Revenue Collections. During September Collector Watt> of this district collected $2.178,295.51 venue taxes,as reyllows : 2.058,849.305S.487.2510,109.0511,049.400,217.99220.1853.00 ye.o423.20 is an increase over S ptember,1916,of $455,545.30,or 26.4 per cent. Change in Exemption Hoard. board for the West. theJ,Pineh anhee took a recess Saturdayuntilthismorningat10.50aeNoaanniewere—_ Cansler ofCharlnte who re-r board,isofRan-was here Satur- ville and Prizes at Harmony Fair. The management offairannouncethatanditionalizeswillbelivestockandagriculturalatthefair,October 6th.cient number of will beedtobringthetotalnumberinmen’s department up to the numberofferedinthewomen’s >Snecific announcement will be madewhenthefairisformallyopenedSaturday.A basketball game between States-ville and Hai y is oneof the sporteventsscheduledforthefair.eeStationEmployesStrike. Thursday afternoon four —.employed at the station to handle thebaggageanddootherwork,threwuptheirjobs.They .ere working for$1 per day and wanted more.Twoothershadquitseveraldaysbefore.Mr.B.A.Cowan,the agent,has beenauthorizedtopaymorefortheworkanditisexpectedthingswillbenor-mal right away.The work is beingdoneinthemeantimebytheclerical force. County Singing. The attendance at the county sing-ing,at the court house Saturday,wasnotaslargeasinformeryears.Inthemorningtherewasgeneralsing- ing and in the afternoon contest sing-ing.The classes participating wereMidway,Mr.C.©.Pierce leader;South Statesville,Mr.E.0.Shaverleader,and Lewis church,Wilkes county,Mr.William Speas leader.The Jatter class won the contest andwanawarded$2.Each class received i. HE 5 i?i! iz3 ?i ' ; || Mr.Norman A.Baldwin will giveanillustratedlectureonPalestineattheauditoriumatBariumSpringstomorroweveningat7.30.Mr.Bald-win lived in Palestine for a numberofyearsandiswellacquaintedwiththecountry.He lectured at Mon-treat during the past summer andthosewhoheardhimfeelsurethatthislecturewillbewellworthhear- ing.A small admission fee will be harged. Hurt in a Runaway. In Hiddenite quale SundayahorseofMr.David arren,at- tached to a buggy,ran ony.ranrveraboyandthrewMrs.Warrenundchildfromthebuggy.All threewerehurtbutnotseriously.The horse was standing by a well and Mr.Warren had gotten out of thebuggytogetwater.noise of the well windlasshorseandMr.Warren was unable to stop it. IREDELL AT STATE NORMAL. Tredell has nine ves attheStateNormalatGreens- McBrider,Willieiller, Silter ond MacySedgeeee s ri p e e a E :sLs i: i g & HfTE 2ib i Thompson _a cot Uke key ®vert,Wi ‘ormermadeanintoweutlecountryandoulAfterthep was anetheresocialhourserved.A large number ofattendedthemeeting. FOR THE DISHMANInadditionto=ported,The Landma$5.50 in cash for theily—$2 from Mr.andlinger,$1 from Misstonand$2.50 from twodidnotgivetheirnames.a total of $9.50 in cash.also boxes of —Clarence StimpsonAllison,all of which haedovertotheDishman MEDICAL MEN‘Nat : oo det athean Sturn- R.we Davis of Davie Springs,Hiddenite,pointed first lieutenant ne x.corps,medcers’reserve +ment of the army.Dr.J.P.also an AsonofcountyandDr.J,W.nell of Da:aremedicalreservecorps. att ti p l e and our dear countryinresistanceofthatstrength.”ES The Governor ot to Execute tAyear Charles Walker,aCaldwellcountyyouth,shot and kill- a because "taheek -S|solel:3 -E rare wae much indignationaccountwantonmurder,the citizens allowed the law toitscourse.Walker was con- et n and judgment of lowerirmedmoresix.The Governor has nev-for the execution.Be-of the delay,citizens ofafewdaysagosentthe a strong message urgingTheLenoirNewssays:from this message,which is,by officials of the county,:and ministers,a number ofa=Gov.|Bickett to give this mat-ter a and set the date for theWalker.”The messagefi:“Hon.T.W.Bickett,Governor,Ral- preponderance Hi i ; : i.*-tremendousofsentimentofthelaw -abiding cit-|izens of this county is for the y,xecution of the pigment the|.in the y alker for the|murder of Florence Sutphin,|restless over|is clear!wingthequiety,as well as overthereportscurrent“petitions bypromiscuoussignersforclemencyAnunlimitednumberofsignatures,can as easily be secured for making|law effective.The protection of|the of our citizens andourcountydemanda sharpofourrecentrecordinerimeanditsescapefromadequate Governor to execute the law. Government to Take Over Ships.Evéry American merchant vesselofmorethan2,500 tons dead weightityavailableforoceanserviceberequisitionedbythegovern-ment October 15,the shipping boardannounces.American ships availableoceantraffictotalslightlymoretwomilliontons,but some al-have been taken over for theandnavy.most instances,except whereforactualgovernmentserv-ships,it was said,will be!back to their owners for op- on government account,sub-at all times to any dispositiontheshippingboardmaydirect.The —announced i sharply t resent—by merican ‘ ng government supplies.It is=a.it is —ees ya iy them later to any foreign shiintheUnitedStates.Thewillbeinthehandsof ing board’s chartering com-| ithin less than six months vir-;every one of the 458 Ameri-can vessels now available for ocean!including regular liners,willeitherintheserviceofsupplyingAmericantroopsandwariabroadorintradesconsideredvitaltothewar.The intention of theistoreplaceshipsdrawnregulartraderoutesandfromcoastwiseservicewithneutralaeForeignshipswillbead-the coastwise service—.of the coastwise ship-A bill to make this sus-pension is before Congress. Matty Killed in Head-onCollision. -seven persons were killedthan.in, him :Representative |bassador ‘had acted suspiciously. oi e e2 8 8 f ui ? t; Ef .iu Hi ure te exempt Amer-;jeans from military service,shoutedtaresolutiontoexpelHeflin|wid be considered immediately.|Bri wanted to knuw if calling a)ber disloyal was not a reflection|on his int ty,and Pou evaded thequ;The clash started during a lull iniafterNortonhad to reply to re- said he wasdisloyal.After failing to get the,floor,Norton went through the Re-publican side to the back door of theHouseandwalkeddowntheDemo-| cratic side until he faced Heflin,who was seated at a table writing.Netiher man greeted the other,but after gazing steadily at Heflin for a!moment,Norton spoke:“Did you ever say at any time,orgiveoutanyreporttoanyone,thatIwasdisloyalinthiswar”?He ask-and sentenced to death.Case oq “No,I did not,”Heflin replied.There was a moment's silence, during which Norton continued toglareatHeflin,who still was seated.“Go back on your own side”!saidtheAlabamamember.“I'l go back when I get ready”! Norton responded.Then.Heflin rose,grasped Nortonbythecoatlapelsandbeganbacking|him toward a row of seats.Norton,the lighter of the two by 50 pounds,came back with a vigorous push which drove the Alabaman’s backagainstseatsacrosstheaisle.A mo- ‘ment later an assistant sergeant-at- arms and several members pulled the men apart,while Sergeant-at-ArmsGordonhurrieddowntheaisle.Mem-bers flocked from both sides of theHouseandpouredoutofcloakroomstowardthesceneofaction,many clintbing over benches in their haste.Some laughingly urged that the com-bat be permitted to continue.Representative Heflin began towavebackRepublicanswho,led byCooperofWiscon-sin and Representative Baer of North Dakota,were swarming acrossthedividingaisletotheDemocraticside.“Go back on your own side oryouwillget-hurt”!he cried,indi- cating his willingness to take on oth-er ——- “Take off your guns and you willhaveachance”!replied Representa- tive Cooper.But the hostilities were over.Mr.|Norton and other Republicans with-|drew,while the Alabama member straighten.d out his vest and resum- ed writing. The trouble had its origin in astatementontheflooroftheHousebyMr.Heflin,after Secretary Lan-sing had made public correspondenceshowingthatformerGermanAm-Bernstorff had asked hisgovernmentfor$50,000 to influence Congress against a declaration ofwar.Heflin said he could name 13 to14membersofbothhouseswhohad acted suspiciously,the clear infer-ence being that some of them hadreceivedGermanmoney.Later the matter was called up and demandmadeonHeflintonamethemenwho He declinedandcameoutofthedebateinbadodor.Then resolutions were pre-, sented demanding dnvestigations ofHeflin's charges and there were in-timations of expulsion.When therulescommitteemettoconsidertheresolutionsHeflinappearedbeforethecommitteeanddemandedthattheinquiryembracenotalonehischarg-|es but everything in connection with|the $50,000 Bernstorff fund.He said |he wanted to know who supplied|money for mailing out the asonanti-draft and Britten German-|American service resolution through-out the country and the money for|the anti-war activities of Senator|LaFollette.“I want to ask about!the Mason bill,about correspondenceofmembers,”said Mr.Heflin.“I,want to know how many are in the|secret compact to fight the selectivedraftinthenextcampaign;how)many will support Britten’s bill to!exempt German-American citizens,”|Mr.Heflin also declared that hewantedanyinvestigatingcommitteeselectedtobenamedbytheDemo-cratic caucus and not by SpeakerClark,who he charged hadunfairly.He also informedtativeNorton,whopresent,that he would havesetosayaboutron, some-himwhenthein-The ir oF 7 i ifh 1B ie EF upon Afton Means and fenryconfidentialagentofGastonMeans,the *the papers were produced before djuryofNewYorkcountyandand is now pendingjuryinwhichitisexpectedthatsuchbooksandpaperswillbeusedasevidenceinetcertainpersonsofhavingmittedcrimesinNewIfindictmentsarereturnedsuchbooksandpaperswillbenecessaryonthetrialinNewYorkelty.“Only one package of letters,subpoenaed a»aforesaid,were brought to North Carebina,beenuse of the pendency of the proceedinusabovementionedinNewYork.These papersweregiventome.The other papers vinw any bearing on the Means matter teNerthCarolinabyMr.Dooling were %obtained by him from various tadiviteni.,firms and corporations in New York,ChicagoandotherplacesandpapersbelongingtotheNewYorkdistrietattorneyandMr.Dooling.“Gaston DB.Means had,in addition te thefileleftinNewYork,another file left im theChieazoBeachhotel.When he left Chicas. imMHH in July this fle wes vent co North Caroling .afterautomobilexeeompanicdbyHenryDeutschaudthisfile,as I am informed,is now in theposessionofGastonB.Means.1 endeavoredtosecurepossersionofthisfileby Judge Cline sixn an order upon Mr.MeanstoproducesameandhavesumeimpoundedbytheclerkoftheSuperiorcourtofRowanpay.Mv,Means refused to produce this eo. “In my opinion,the defendant's counsel areseekingtopreventMr.Dooling from bringinsthesepaperstoNorthCarolinaunderthethreatthattheywillsemeandimpoundthesame.Tam afraid |am going to have troubleinsecuringthesepapersatthetrial,and |am more anxious than Mr.Means,or his at-terneys,to secure these papers,beenuse myunderstandingisthattheyaremoredamagingtoMi.Means than beneficial“All the aforementioned papers that wereturnedovertomebyMr.Dooling are now intheofficecftheclerkoftheSuperiorsGou.tofRowencounty,and I am perfectly ‘willinytoshowthemtoMr.Means attorneys at an)time they desire to see them. Cansler Replies.E.T.Cansler,counsel for Means.has issued a lony statement in replytotheforegoing.Declaring that hewillnottrythecasebeforetheunlaw-ful tribunal known as publie senti-ment,“created through yellow jowr-nalism,”Cansler asserts that DoolinghasfoundnothingintheMeanspa-pers to even remotely furnish a mo-tive for the killing of Mrs.King,Continuing he says:“Probably ifJudgeWebbinGastoniaThursdayhadknownthatDoolinghadbuncoedthesolicitorandgottenpapersbe-yond the jurisdiction of the court,the judge might then and there haveattachedDoolingforcontempt.”AndwhenPooling,as quoted by Clement,Says papers were not unlawfully seiz-ed,Cansler gays Dooling not only“distorted the facts,but suppressedthetruth,if affidavits of AftonaleansandDeutchandGoodmanofConcordaretobebelieved.” purpose to employ agencies to influ-ence them of which taey would havenoknowledge,and in case they wereinfluencedshouldbeentirelyinno:|cent.” Positive—Convineing Proof Many so-called remedies for anae-mia are 80 in mak-claims bycontain, what theytheVinol Stomach,rrouble,Rheumatism,Eczema iher Zkin diseases. EVANS andDRUGCO,MUSTANG the doctor knows| RANGE WILL SUIT EVERY PURSE! MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. when drugé Kidney and Will relieve ‘Phone W.the For Sprains,Lameness,Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penctrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers,LINIMENT FRESH PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR ~PANCAKES. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. fail—Bladder andA.POLK GRAY Saas ‘aliasHANDPAINTED CHINA “The World’s Best” PICKARD’S, .STOUFFER’S, NIPPON. It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to lookat.Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your eyes.e THE REXALL STORE. Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. Are simple in construction,strong and durable, and do their work perfectly.We have them in both Hoe and Disc.Our price is reasonable,and terras liberal, 2) contains,it cmedicine Liver Peptones,tronand |ind Am-hymoniumandSodaGiycero-li tell you that the in.|'Vinol 0 narhed above,and banish anae-.| Any feds pure esd sod'sc ih |am Ae.cnpenes||nee will be returned your health,W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. “Jechare “Batteries andhavetorechargeinstockafulllineofBatteryac. C.ARE Seae mateduring I Fs UNCLE SAM KNOWS Our Government has taken theoutputoffactories showsvul- vulcanizin :what Uncle Sam thinks ofTires.Why not you dorepairyourTires? THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 canizias The Doors and WindowFrames if Sob yttntet tein wr theshaxuryandenjoyment. eeeOSG tiesGigs &Goan furniture,"any grade youmay ¢ Ifyou want to knowjust how yourlibrarywill on a Cnn ene een ee ee ee nennen nee ee nnn ence te a fancing,Or Just Marking Time advances neverwinsa battle.Unless you advanee your fortunes by saving,you'll stand little chance of winning in in the world than ours.W.beglad to show .Come in and let us explain it’s attractive . Swine seal tofortuneon AA ¥.OCTOBEReh —T ASSOCIATION.W.E.WEBB,MANAGER. * ep 'ee E MATTERS OF NEWS.NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM (oo a a "|A recent dispatch from ftems of Interest Gathered ||.son?China,reported the city ofTene,From Over the State.ifDecLOCALChina,threatened by flood.c iF;:Hon.W.J.Bryan speaks at theaObjectionstoenactmentoffei.in W .Atel ot TESTERSROAD.alien slacker legislation at presente ae 2 Se Ge ote: No,weat-bound,due €.40 a,m.|VO y ‘retary Lansing ©‘,oa :ae AS at SEINE AG SE eho tary”ais come saw’sweet potato erp,w;ia a ®tee,resulted in a committee vote to as ’am Vs war wy ‘Gan ot Teale Me 4 See s ten :|indefi‘nitely postpone action,Gent.increase ever last year.oe !4 ,'fee Ss %tees &12.50 p.m.|The British steamship Tanne The date of the State meeting of es y it in |}Train No 12,due 645 p.m.|formerly the Den of Glamis.was the Farmers’Union at Winston-Sa-sf eeaeeealineneent tianliannight~~14,ge ee ».™|pedoed and sunk by a German sub-has been changed to November PinLOTTEILLE.i yer f Ire LR,yleftmarineoffthecoastofIrelandafewP|e :: ieHHf i oe “a :4foo SS5&Ei z ad ! |pele eg |days ago.Crew believed to have|The Asheville lodge of Elks has I “Train No n on re feaves try .Sheen saved.Property loss about)@one into the hands of a receiver, 'From Tayloraville |$1,000,000.with indebtedness of $10,000 and as- No.28 ar,9.50,leaves 10.26.80.m™|The League of Wisconsin Munici-|se not half that amount.{m. 0 wae eteemper |een cn or 6.56»...|palities,in session at Racine,4 Portions of Geldsboro were flooded t sf[E 5;: f 8EF3e i 8:i Nos.23 and 24 not epera’.7 :better,but the pain was S|oe ee oe SeaneeE ,ed Se -eee |atday as a result of heavy rains er |United States Senate expel the the second time recently a part of at a =>oo,ttbegan >ot \Peace in 44 Hours »jeonsin Senator.The resolutions |the city has been under water. |Per Stomach Sufferers who take Mayr's Won-f0llowed an address by Col.Roos@-;7)...car of Grover Welch of Le-. lderful Remedy.Don’t neglect your Stomach velt,in which LaFollette was 8@-|noi,out of control,smashed a plate Aliments another minute,What appearstobe yverely denounced.“ae ad Hickor hat will only minor Stomach disorders may often be The strikers et the Norfolk na giunss window at ie ory that wi me.It symptoms of Cancer and Uleers oftemoe |ard,shout ose oe all *el cost $150 to replace.—parsons number yea ach and Intestines,Gall Stones,Acute In »§_—re were caught between the car anc->an #Goalie Gastritis,Auto Intoxication,Yellow to work.The men said they ret ne wi ae oa eg tr were slightly |Jaundice,and other dangerous ailments,of ed to work upon assurances from n a & Me,|which the sufferer in not aware wntil too late.|g ..ot oy Daniels a Ase hurt.oe . Tecommend it as a splendid fe-An ideal prescription for overcoming quickly "°CTetary Daniels ary ssistant See-)yy.Oiserver says it is estimated ‘ss Stomagh,‘Liver and Intestine ‘Trouble is retary Roosevelt that their griev-)44.)Goo cords of wood will be t glee younslt to become|Mays Wonderful Remedy.Millions of peo-ances relative to the present Wake necessary to heat Camp Greene,| lE;ci Li pi r e ? pe r t iie t si i ple have been restored by it.One dose will »¢»Sb ::rom womanly||ROVE the it oil!hely yeu,Mayes Won.Scale would be considered at @ COM |Charlotte,the coming winter,one It should sure-derful Remedy is for sale by Statesville Drug _-be held in Washington stove being furnished for each of 6,-; ly help you,as it has e many thou-Company.oS WOOK.000 tents.What's the matter with n 4 by Eg the past 40 ;;wag,Private John Rogers,negro,arrest:|40.19 years.Headache,backache,sideache,|Saleof Bonds for Upper Third ed in El Paso,Texas,as a deserter Py noth county’s tubercular hag.| a,eee tired-out|Creek ae ee ae,made a written onete-pital,built at a cost of $10,000,1s;areall signs of womanly trou-|7 ment to army officers saying he Wad Gin for the reception of patients.|get relief by taking)yi.ane undersigned commissionors of the deserted from his company at Dowg-}4 matron and —nurses will be in Why not you?All drugzists.|0.).0)third Creek Drainage District,tredet!las,Ariz..because some of the n@-|¢harge to care for the patients under |B}NGARZ county,N.C.will on MONDAY,NOVEM.groes said thay were yoing to “shoot!the direction of the county physi-,” |MER 6,1vts,at 12 o'cloek,m.,receive sealed yp the town”and had obtained am-|¢jan,,. = si —_—am ee fe 4 c's cet te ae ee ne a had obtained OUR LINE IS COMPLETE.We have THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE }|inw of said creek from fear the Alexander Munition secretly for that purpose John Long,charged with shooting OPE ..ae . 7 DOLLARS TALK !leounty line to the old Watts mill place,being Hs statement is being investigated.[and seriously wounding Miss Nellie STEEL RANGE that is unequaled.It is ma classbyitself. ©Fi tion ‘of ‘sbeut’166,000 cube’yards.Widthof Bell of the Buhama section of Dur-|I|Cok Stoves that cannot be beat at the price.Also Wood.i THEY ARE BIDDING jchannel 18 to 22 feet.Vor further informa-Syrian Mother’s Good Example |ham county,walked into Durham!|Burners ia jtiow address,H.E.Lewis,Statesville,N.C.Among the Union county boys;Friday and surrendered,He is in||.: DOLLARS THIS YEAR ..a.who left Camp Jackson was Frank]jail.Armed men had searched forff} e .2 L.O.WHITE.Engineer we Nassiff,a young Syrian merchant,jong for a week without results.|IREDELL HARDWA E e Tobacco is selling higher this Oct.2,1617 4 He is not technically a citizen of|4 virtual embargo on the report/g)saiiesiaiidiiieaalias inh .t e epee a |tes country,not having received the |of certain foodstuffs and feeds is de-roseea I year than the oldest abitan Certificate of Dissolution last of a series of naturalization p@-|elared by the exports administrative|~~~ee eee eee ee arememberandwewantto«pers,but this is the land of his)pourd in adding a list of articles to this fact on vou.Weji stare or norte cAaroniys.perart-choice and adoption.So,when the those already denied shipment,ex- to .TE F MENT OF STA summons for his appearance before)cont where their export will contrib- sell your Tebaccofor To all whom these presents may edme the exemption board to be sworn im;ui to the conduct of the war.ir :.Hireetin t e service of Uncle Sam came 1 :oS .j and we do it if Wheress,it appears to my satisfaction,by he th wered eiect ‘eae 2 Mr:S.A.Mc ollum committedwillschanceWdulyauthenticatedreeordoftheproceedings|~oF oe bt io 5 gvicid at her home in Rockingham five us a .e for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the hefore leaving town _—_~eounty hy shooting herself.She%umenimeus consent of all the stockholders.train,he bade his aged mother good-|)....°,and several chil-the farmer 8 m-deposited in my offer,that the Star Milling jy i She,a native of Syria,loves lenves a hushand and seve ral ch Company.a corporation of thie State,whore °sree :dren,the youngest —child fourprivaipelofficebsitustedomtheTarlorvil,America,and to her son she said:months old.Had been sick for sev-fi:oad,in the city of Statervilie,county of Iree “Go;and may God bless you”!j and eee teen leeiti;3 ;3 ny ‘s and wat agoubtiess m-our services te H,State of North Caroting IT.0.Morrise:There are American mothers,_es “ ei he agent therein and in chirrwe thereof,jen,"j he iri ine ee rs :ipon whom process may be served!,has com.Orn B vd reared in the spirit of ine |President Wilson will bestow an :zt,dependence,who could profit by the American flag with an attached‘"*vf VetCorsorntions,”pres example set by this Syrian mother.'¢e will send you||)'i wih the req ei ‘‘::t er scribed to show it camethmoremoneythanYOU[i ime inary to the issuing ef this certificate of She did net Inment the faet that she gaewamer Inscrite oeovivalof15.emtithed dis olution Miia ::Tier *ftam him,upon the Boy Scouts ofeversoldthesameamountoff)0%,veretore 6 1 Bevan crimes Secce.UON oe.pay soldier.”America troop that does the most ef- **wry of the State of North ¢linn do he y mt sen 1 away ior the nae ao 4 line bonds im eachtobaccoforinyourcertifythatthesaidcorperation.dd.0°i cht forthe fective work in selling bonds im eactylife.y that the !peration tid the flag of her adoptien almost without State during the -eampaign for the ’Pla ’W tth day of September,|,file te my efties tL murmur Resred in the domain ofweeadulyneuterdattestedcontentin.a erty arMcEl8ntersare-a euly exe tied and attested meent in wri the rey Turk,ake annreciates eeond Liberty loan.ing to disolution «Jd corporatio:eas ide.4 »}+secutedbyallthestockhoidthereof,whieh American customs and manners.Her Lester Marlet ‘nla ekehouse,Statesville,WC.)sgi 2 the rockhoiders ‘thereat,which Am:ample and marrie!,was found be ide the j a f F S E i F ¥iH :i f men apt i Z z |ina f t proceed parting words to her son i ‘3 i ,ingra aforesaid ave now onfile in ca a,ng ame a siege ' mars |nn peovided by law Ot mee rroof of that.railroad track at Graham with Ih testimony whereof,1 have hereunt F ee neeee ee begs ent «Wis rons ion my hawd and afficed my official geal at Ro Fighiing Submarines.fated but died iu a few mareswh,this 26tn day of September,AL DO pei sane Wife and two children live at Grahanm0SJ.BUYAN GRIMES Another sertes of thrilling reports ;eae ;of . Oct.2.191 uf State cf revent naval actions ageinst Ger-Just how the accident occurred |-Secretary WALT Race ee Oman 8u sigalg illustrative of the series i 7 .A ;.manner in which the U-boat menace After two weeks’work by 25 en- Are tound in the home.Good |ROCERTES .ae mt ag sole wit se out hy tomoloriais ‘th Department hg :’'the British admiralt The records A\griewlture end Texas institutions,]f :plumbing makes the long hours ta are official and authenticated,but no it is believed there no longer is dar Airmen in the great war :tes are given.The report tells of r that the pu i rm will be spent by the wife at a home a I have murchased he ock the destri tie n of ubmerines by me established near Hearne,Tex,,ie ae pleasure such =pleasure that of @inentics of c torpedo gunteats and British U-v here it was discovered in a -tton|are using WRIGLEYS regularly. a Fas :e e ‘nnd the ichts made on subl-»d.Cotton wh prootec and] i £*:‘.' ::jailey and wiil continue ==marines bv armed merchanimen,A urned from cres ,giv ::esa ee eet on :etre ee :7nceeethebusinessatthesame71"(1 “almarine’were Mest herland,a,opertch on Cha it steadies stomach and nerves.H fF.| ;s .—5 osiiiabiaaateattdiiemandlinemieaatamntiel ‘tp ee ae sty ar perfor a ‘aW.E.MUNDAY,—|/[Stand corner Front and ©¢yPorramarsner chive tee es foro"ig pleagantiy fasting in taste.Teeti ; Your Plumber.114 KB.Broad St.Salisbury streets.Postponement of action on invita ‘het bh os 2 ee a cht aie |”si a :aie ‘y}tions to Cengress fro Pr ho and :ee rt :I aft oe least "Phone 55.am now in charge of the Prthen officials for.a congressional ""*,uppendix my the It.the wolera)Oat firmy in WRIGLEYS make f.L usiness and It 18 MY PUF-;delegation to visit Europe was agreed “t CAe REN Bie nt it emptiesto ;pose to give the best pos-*yor at a joint meciini of the Sem Ke tet,aceondiny:to the report.|sure of achievement.~ae METALS 'sible service.Your patron-|},tiers,following receipt of ward Dan Kanipe of Marion.who has|; {age wi he apnvreci;from President Wilson that he dec een much exploited f many years |:“ ;page will be appreciated,en eran ei ecmcemsiotal come the sole surcisor of the |Cater Our fand and water forces afedianmassac!‘ne belonging |vaiNothingcantaketheplaceof!W.L.NEELY.|Umen In ether words,the President {>Cester's comma bit was a)|strong for if.@nd the hewe-guard a°ret aocrimp i he sroposed nke resent when |ai a t OCCUPPEmetals.We are sheet metal Phone 85.eee *|as two bo ee ohare bin finds frech 4 benefit *°RRR RR re navy.mal om ered Ais |ce Si ie tj nworkersandwillmakeanything::STATE FURL ADMINISTRATOR,service as caval a master at|retresom ont ana b Ls) :1;arfield,national fuel ado mf outbreak of tie war .tam .you want —tin roofing,gutiers,The Big Ruberoid Ads |).Garfield,national fuel ai!baal .Cheer as pationt |this eccnomical,'cag-lasting ald te ::That are appearing in this paper are of Greensboro fuel administt t the State Mosnitn Rleich valley tin and ridge roll.Let us paid for by the manufacutrers of this North Carolina,A fuel admis.tra eocaped from th col teeth,breath,appetite,digestion, know your wants.Composition Roofing.There is an [C"8 @pper ose ae ns aes _yp ie,ervermous trade in Ruberoid in the ee ee pe 1,ne ane ane ack i:ee oie _STATESVILLE TIN CO.Nerth and West,and I believe the a.¢dictsibetian ef con;to neue there were no ma , 4 ;makers would not spend so much ad-cca!is sold at prices fixed by th his)person he i j ‘Phone 65,114 E.Broad Street.vertising it.in this section if they f vernment and is properly dot «neem bert to . Gna maeaegnns ate eee weren't offering “Quality.”Without "TC"aee —)) ia exception,every one to whom 1}LIPPARD GAVE BOND oe a Hn: WAN I ED!have sold‘some of it says it is the T E.(Bud)Lippard,noted Hlock-tin,Ky.,ne pi 1 brat ' on b@st he has ever wsed,er,arrested in Charlotte ten day posse ef 10 m }if CoN ; SCRAP BRASS-Heavy Brass 74e,c.WATKINS.HI oF Pi :“re of the Hee a aire Wa t '"oer gomah,Wig.Grane fe.per Be a i Aaah of GIAUR verd,Wal Hae whe te,ee aepourensedlast\he atvinie a justified ccmmasabua ith |rikneolon1"“é 1 d last week by giving a j el connection th the minerFORSALE:P EA S ”bond.He will be tried in the Fi the Tennessee -Kenru .*al court ip Charlotte this week.Por veral persons hav:' New 2nd second hand machinery ester and Glenn Lippard,arrested at ‘hat section as a resul!of o :for gale and all kinds of boiler We want a limited amount of |the «ame time,also gave bond.triking miners.anne canna ee aacon oenaiain i oh room supplies."ryt),ee oem cree mere me ee cn ‘we Woe 1 OFM»JARO ACH OAS éGOOD,SOUND,NEW PEAS.If |,ROAD WORKER KILLED Airplane Ambulance.om “,iD ‘ Cc.H.TURNER.you have any,bring them to us Ephraim Rhodes,working =for They now have sirplane ambu-!THktu.»MANY A Silt T WIXT THE COOK ”4 Tredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7.Can't say how long we will be on |)—county on se or §a lage,‘A dispatch from Pari Lvs A An HK CUPBO 'i E.roac oree,was electrocuted urs-the aitplane ambulance,for carry-|‘RD :|the market.The erop is large }day by wane in —with a live ing Saended from |ttle ield to ho oS T =(a A 1s e and our order :electric light wire while the steam pital,the invention of Dr.Chassaix BS 4 wooD SAWING J.K 7 a i oo os wn a a —of the French military sor ice,—in other words,many o..var nice dishes go to the E a Morrison North Wilkeshoro.@ lived about |ty iccessfully.The %iS .*Am to saw your .K,Ganeeey TEX sxascs alter cctthis ta contact GH ben cen mtrehis |fot kitehen never to return.Rather expensive,too,unless wood,Please see me or &Produce Company.|©)‘he _wire.\ouméed.you take advantage of our very attractive offer,where- I to paint the Red|at ie als ieta|Ol ie RAD AS REPORTED.coat.a on te by you secure a heautiful 42—piece dinner set for ai- Su Cc,WATKINS.Boone Democrat.ithe machine and adopt ‘the rule of most nothing. ”oet |fying ho hiehor than 200 yarde,so |,.won :.6 hes doneto crape in Wekeumn wocld that the enemy will be able to per-|Your choice of several original andcharming designs. "ib t Ith it ig colve Red Cross.That,howev-: buy in quantities ot Soak Ge-bodae Ile Eeetaperesd|make no difference to the \sk 1 your conpons ee each cash —anduthe:German,who readily attack hogpit-you'll have a set of fine dishes before now it. TU Get oo =~--q |ole—d¥en hospitals caring for Ger-youSspierscreervse)POLK GRAY DRUG.OO,“Om the.Squat T. _— |will take action. ‘courtesy”goes a ‘mean a long fight I plish the result. ‘ty dst, |ufacture of liquor from foodstuffs— . ‘ i a“‘ to double-dealing reputation for anything he says,no matter howcorrect,is usually discredited.So|nding. Mr.Heft It is pointed out thatandOvermanhavebeenfa‘porters of the President. tu in of Alabama.Whendeclarationofwarwasunder con- ‘be questioned,|for the count iz is‘due to an unfor-| \“attractions”at sideration in the House,Heflin made».has shown his appreciation of| a statement impugning the motives their support.It is to be supposed,of a fellow member from Alabama,jowever,that they have supported who he thought was not showing ino President because they believed|proper seal for war.That member the things for which he stood were--wame not recalled—put Heflin to a C3 {shame by challenging him to joi best for the country’s interest.It is him at once in moana _—theHonse,to go to Alabama and raise ¢,;,,i o oles, a regiment of volunteers.‘Then ,poe pay caus ef the re- Heflin backed off and said,amid the marks os thie line | jeers of the House,that his sister's ; on had volunteered...aie eee an an he p igpccte Mg It will be noticed that strikes are tivities of Senator LaFollette,Rep-rather numerous and all of them are seueniutves —on cae of in industries whose product is need-| illinois,and others,should be inves-'oq by the government to carry on thetigated,to find whois furnishing the oa It en seem that compuleo- expense money.But instead of try-py arbitration is going to be neces- ing to bring that about in a proper sary jn some of these strikes and it ay—a way that micht have pro-|should not be long delayed.Carecedresults—he queered the whole|should be taken to see that the men ‘Froposition by making a wholesale employed in these industries are paidehargethat.he was not prepared to adequate wages —the high cost of mck up.»living considered.If present wag-Ai first blush it would seem that 9,are deemed insufficient,they, the rales dommitteeshould have al-showld be increased.But equal care. lowed the investigation,on the lines should be taken to make sure that ‘geked for by Heflin,but Mr.Pou’s these strikes,staged at this partic-statement that it would _interfere ular time,are not hold-ups;are not with the more important investifa-taking advantage of a critical condi- jen,of wider scope,being made by|tion to force a wage increase that istheDepartmentofJustice,which is not warranted.The laborers have expected to send somebody to the ‘the same right to extra profit—if ex-penitentiary;and the statement of tra profit is to be made in these war Mr.Campbell,Republican member contracts—as capital.But neither of the committee,that members jghor nor capital should be allowed towouldasktotestifybeforetheHousegougethegovernmentnortheindi- mmittee to eseape testifying in the vidual because of the war,if thatotherandmoreimportantinvestiga-can be prevented.If the govern- ,are good and sufficient reasons ment can fix the price of the product| r the course taken.\of industries and name the profit that.shall be exacted,or in lieu of thatnrBinghamtaketheindustryoutofthehandsof |case,it is proper to say that the private interests and operate it for newspapers of Louisville,Ky.,the the government,then the govern- for purpose of ettting their, eer SHOULD TAKE ACTION. With reference to the home of Judge Bingham,denounce ment can fix the price of lebor andinlageates©rane pe —if necessary =—the =to ac- ngham’s remains and taking away SS psn ae ca he toce a,a —oom a |that far,but action to _—aoe inent citizen of Louisville and he neces:=cae ee ™issheldimportantpubliepositions.affected.The men who engage in ¢is evident from the attitude of the strikes without good reason,and Lovisville papers that he is popular thus hamper the prosecution of —the|¥=~~_+.oe war,=greater slackers then theple.‘os eens @harge that the whole proceeding is ha =o —— .result of the dissatisfaction of|TST TOT IE rs.Bingham’'s relatives because al NEW LIBERTY BOND LOAN. codicil to her will left Bingham $5,-The second Libert Ihele.Adetion is eed to the re ey oe eenTootthatpriortobicmarriageto|Pale®.for the sule of $3,000,000,000 Mrs.Flagler Judge Bingham volun-gay 4 a patter wang@arily.made end signed a renuncia-|),baiet a Bears,copa sigh ~tion of all right and title to any of 7°°.eo ——d fe aaMrs.Bingham’s property.This is paign for subscriptions an or theMeehanevihenseWnttetadheé:-next four weeks every section of the ens on her wealth and that her act country will hear earnest appeals forrivinghim$5,000,000 was volun.Toney with which to carry on the here ;oa war.Subscriptions to these bonds_e are nof only a safe and profitable in- *While denunciations of ’LaFollette’s disloyal utterances and the money is to be used appeals toidomandsforhisexpulsionarecoun-every patriotic citizen.Bonds can be|bought in denominations of $50 andy.-wide,many titions having In sent to the Senate calling on every citizen who can spare that that body to expel the Wisconsin @mount,or more,should_invest.man,it-.is.doubtful if the Senate Payments can be made on_the in-be com-g8tallment plan.It is hoped to ob-ag tain ten million subseribers and to-uld be—but “senatorial tal subscriptions of five billion dol- long way in that lars,two billions in excess of the‘An attempted expulsion would ®™mount desired.Subscriptions to theandtwo-thirds 2mount of $120,000,000 are askednecessarytoaccom-from the Richmond Federal reserveNevertheloss,the ‘istrict.which embraces North Car- fight should be made on LaFollette.lina,and_$200,000,000 is desired.It is an unspeakable outrage that a ee eeseeeeememberoftheUnitedStatesSenate,Fixing the price of coal and lim-shouki be permitted to give aid and iting the profits of dealers is neces-comfort to the government's enemies S@ty and proper,but it is presumedintimeofwar;and if a Senator is that Dr.Garfield understands that allowed to preach sedition the gov-it is the supply that is giving mosternmentcannotconsistentlyproceedConcernnow.The industries andagainstprivetecitizensguiltyofthePublicservicecorporationsdepend- same offe nee,but whose offending,ent ate coal for power ate new han- in resulis,j net to be compared dicanped in some cases;and the in-with the case of Senator LaFollette,dividual who was not sufficiently Geena foresighted to “i ina supply last“The Reed amendment,known as *Pring,or in early summer,notwith- the ‘hone-dry’law,went into effect standing the high price,is already|September §&.This prohibits the im.Shivering when he contemplates what portation of liquor into any State in ™@y happer to him the coming win- It maypelledbypublicsentiment to doandij hody vete would be as might!ly should go to the fairs at my and Mooresville. jcess ‘circumstances call for it they can do j called grandstand play Senator Vestment,but the purpose for which|*°®Y.i which it is unlawful to sell it,but Sr.We take it,however,that theprovidesthatitmaybeorderedfor°#!administrator wants to makemed:cnl,mechanical or sacramental Ute the public will not be robbed,purposes.”against the day the supply is in-|is statement,now going the creased,his efforts now being di-rounds of the papers,might come tected to the latter end.The short-under the head of misinformation.*#@,it should be said,is due to min- The bone -dry law was effective Ju-Pe |The provivion of the food ¥:control law which prohibits the man-°#!mines and draft men to digcoal. the police justice at Albemarle an-nounee that,fines having proved in- oa and soa -became effective ene A citizen detained in Durham‘8 bastile set fire to his blank-ft ant hiien, tabeniter ,"aan pr r ve asrethat prisoners setting firesforsanitathatthese less driver,wasgiven a roadof30days,the sentence tofirettimetheboyisfoundacar.That is to say,=man must after.pleasure of driving caneaniiineaelesshewantstoserve80daysononMEWASrons,ome——.The Greensboro AwaverStestively’doth the recbhees sentencethe ing theun-theIbe- .potecot pp at the wataing *Lo.ou,Maletyesterdayforthe. strikes and the government may| find it necessary to take over the| j tongue,head|with a cold—alwaystracethistotor- A magistrate at Greensbo nd|ca bowels or sour,gassy stom- effective in checking excessive speed| smoke from the burning t will be og reen:une came near suffocating the oeake eer fini ri ceeat@cotwasconsumedofthecar$50 ‘and.his on,therock: | Pie UTRN Rapercount community ‘county fair as a climax of the com-, Simmons munity events. ithful sup-|The community events are renal True,and fairs.They show the home products—agricultural and handiwork—andthetentshows,which are thesomanycountyThstimutateabsent. 4 while and that help to build up the }. evens. ee RE NE oe gLCEN The Lenoir News and the Greens- horo News —the first having madethestatementandthelattercireu- lated it—will please take notice i unbelievable that their support was county.The people of the county \that The Landmark did not “advocatetheplanting”of potatoes in barrels. The Landmark,along with numerouslothernewspapersintheState,print-ed,as a part of the literature of the times,statements by newspapersandpersonsabouttheallegedsuc-of the harrel potate =That's all.Small matter,butthefactsstraight.The Landmark|didn’t say the plan would work,be-cause it didn’t know it would,Itwastriedbynumerousfhere-abouts and in every case heard fromnrovedafailure.Either thewhoclaimedtohavebeen 1ingrowingpotatoesthatwaydidn’tmaketheirmethodcleartothose who tried it out-—-or they were— well,simply mistaken. The government has been lenientwithselectedmenwhohavefailedtorenortbeforeexemptionboards,or|failed to show up when ordered to|camp,but the period of leniency isatanend.Provost Marshal Crow-der gives notices that a reward of$50 will be paid for all selected menwhohavefailedtoanswerthesum-mons,the men to be delivered to thenearestarmypostorcamp.A de- serter is defined as one who fails toreporttohislocalboardorthead-jutant general of his State after be-ing ordered for military service.Should.such desertion appear to be| not wilful,the man will be forward-ed to his mobilization camp.If itappearthatitiswilful,the delin-uent will be tried by court martial or desertion. They had displays,threat of gun all sorts of oratoricalplay.con- ‘tempt proceedings,and so on,about the Means papers and lo!and behold!after it was all over,SolicitorClementsaystheMeanspapers weren't brought into North Carolina—at all.Mr.Clement says he would|have told ‘em that before if they'dgivenhimtimetogethisbreath.Lawyers are great actors.When the deceive them- acting is and dema- stunts that at times | selves.Sometimes _this Rid the Senate of the Disloyal. In an epen letter to the Governors|of the United States,made public| in New York,the executive commit-|tee of the American Defense Socicty|urges that “steps should be teken at,once to rid the United States Senate of those men who by their seditious utterances are giving aid and comfortto———j“The public remarks and the votes of Senators Stone,Reed,LaFollette, Gore,Gronna,Vardaman and Hard-| wick,”the letter states,“clearly show!their wilful obstruction,seditious,ifnotindeedtreasonable,tactics. Each Governor wasasked to ‘arousepublicsentimentthroughanappeal! to the fathers,mothers,wives and sisters of men at the front,”in his! State.i The Quinine Thet Bees Mot Affect theHoss |ofite tonie and effect,LAXA:|iV BROMOGUENI H:febettr thon cedinaty|ity 4 ause Hervousness norfnhead.berthe tull na }look Tee the signature of BE.W.GROVE.we | TAKE “CASCARETS”IFHEADACHY,BILIOUSANDCONSTIPATED!Seneeinece iBestForLiverandBowels,Bad| Breath,Bad Colds,Sour!Stomach! | Get a 10-cent box.Sick headache,biliousness,coated and nose clogged up | liver;delayed,fermenting food| HS Wicteee Fotore We have more new models thisweek,both in Coats and Suits,in the smart new fabrics such as Burella, Poiret Twill,Silvertone, Pom Pom Cloth,as well as all the staple weaves. Made with convertible muf- fer Collars,stunning big cuffs,Plaits and Military touches. ‘Don’t Ruin All departmentsfilledwithnew Fal Wee. The Store That Sells For Less. —a_ms PHONE 212.ae “Your Eyes;Glasses’Now. Cometo Us For Your eyes are your wood friends. Treat thern right. «We will test your eyes free. Come in. Our prices are low for Fitting glasses is a science. the skillful service we renderyouandfortheproperlyfittedglasseswefurnish. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. STATEMENTS OF CONDITIONMERCHANTS&FARMERS’ —oa BANK OF STATESVILLE,N.C. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS,SEPTEMBER IITH,I9IT.Condensed from Official Report to North Carolina Corporation Commission. RESOURCES.LIABILITIES. :18 Capital Stock ........we 00LoansandDiscounts....$336,197.30 icame 8 84...eens «nee Overdrafts .....0...0005 $82.44|Undivided Profits ......2,522.68|.3 Reserved for Interest ...500.00|Furniture and Fixtures ..——Unpaid ......teheas.e-Discounts ........sees|CASH and Due from Banks 36,967.48)pi,Payable |......--+-25,000.00Depemiie ooceccc esos ee 313,337.81 |Total Bs ea 3 Soriano ee _Total ..ose.eeeestes $837,379.99COMPARISONOFDEPOSITS. |September 11th,1908 Deposits $35,266.18eeie;raat|"0;:1911 =11—:1912 -159,i:.1913 °1 04a:1914 :1 2ra1916:4 We respectfully call your attent'on to the statement of condition asshownabove.The business of the pa:t twelve months has been theinthehistoryoftheBank,and to our good customers andmadepossible,we are very grateful.continuance of this good patronage by the same careful attentionus.February 10,1908). this result business entrusted to(Began Business friendsWetrusttomerit s F.B.BUNCH,Cashier. ee Your Hands -Are not tied from carrying out your ex-havepectationsanddesireswhenmoneyyou IN THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It is not a matter OF GOOD Acquire your Increase Your Now istheAccountw come i small and it willincomeincreases aa eS oa FORTUNE.(wilbe caer Bank Account. =f 2 af bi rH g 5 Ei Esss 5aftfi ss i] ; f a s e i t F f e s &j 33 i i i it iéMtfEi[el it ifai and are Ty.Mrs.J.A.Heath £3 Es j i i |'ji :ii both of Salisbery,drove to Lex-afternoon H # i- gE : r for their kind.| Maver Walter Weed.|A.aecompaniedlormingtheceremony|church of Lexington.|wren—if they will sit still long| rf 3 ci r af ua + ir “+ses t a i i i n g 3 " * ef i F x t s e k C i , z3 :.:3 ‘i then.The other buzzard nest I»|found but did not rob,as I was old-|fair weather for the work.Mol king | |is on and it seems from the way the farmersarehaulingcaretothemilisthatmosteveryerandhadmoresense. t F |spend awhile beforeatWilmington.Nicholson t «f a fewHartness,in &ri f op t t r ::¥ tHe::=2 community.Messrs.Tom Nicholson of Asheville andRobertL.Reed,who has a position in Chars|lotte,spent the week-end with home folks Mr.and Mre.W.W.Wood of PDavitsontheweek-end with Mr.and Mea,©.Bynington.‘ Messrs.J.C.Templeton,A.C.Templeton,Bugene |Vanee Mitchell,who are at work at Petera-iburs,Va.,spent a week with home folks af ”pe =o 7Olin,returning to Petersburg Saturday nights,Mr.and Mrs.©.Watkins spent Friday hr, 2.Mrs.D.F.Jenkins is spending @jfew dara!ag ae county 6 |.dulian 8.Carr of Durham spent Sate!urday in Stateavilic.or pene ee Qorrespondence of The Landmars. Harmony,R-0,Sept.20.Farm workprogressingrightwell,Feed saving isjeoverandthefarmershave L.will say that I am not i 88|one resolved last spring that he would sop hisjanornithologistinwriting,for I know ¢to knowIdon’t know when they don’t know any-thing.I ean tell the difference be- tween a turkey-buzzard and a jenny }Woodson soatinued their tiv enongh for me to examine theircar.They will returnThebrideis«daughter ofBlackmerofSalisburyandthelateMrs.Mary Davis 1 Reported For The Landmork. The first meeting of the McDowell cmb fertheyear1917-18 was held briday,SeptemberatthehomeofMra.Costin Wood,Mrs.,Mrs.MeLauchiin beind bh tenesMrs.won.Wallece,president,gave a shortaddressofgreetingtothemembersiontheopeningoftheninthyoorothecivbTheprogrammeofSeartiniviancricicfttows.Paper How Grieg Wrote “Peer Gynt.”Mra.Wallace. Songs The First Primrose .Gries.The Swan ...Haga Griex.Mrs.Wood,Piano Solos.The Butterfly Grieg..To Spring GriegMra.ClappSunshineSong:;.otters.Mrs.Thompsen.iSonatabeesehes+Fe arte perlMrs.Galther.Bong -“Die Atte Mutter”.:.Grieg.Mis.Duke.Song “‘Sylvelin”.Bindi re.Miss HenkelBtudeNo.12,op.12 ....‘Schytte. Mrs.Salley.Ae many of the club members had steeodthepledcecardssentoutbyMro.Kei ty ofthecyServiceCommittee,the clubunanimouslyvotedtoeclim.nate refreshmentsduvingtheperiedofthewar. The Mothers’club met in the parlors ofMitchellCollereThursdayafternvenwithaveryariasprogrammeonehildcultsce mn.instructive papers on Kindergarten Exten-were read by Mesdames W.L.Gilbert,Vv.Brawley,L.CC.Caldwell,RB.B.NooeSetzer;a reading from Faust by.H.Hoffmann and a piano selectionGounedbyMra.Will Tomiin.Mrs.B.Long ied in the Rownd Table discussion,hich was very enthusiastic as well as inter-esting.The ladies decided to “do their bit”knitting for the Red Cross at the meetings.The next resular meeting will be Thursday,October iith,and those on the programmeMesdamesJ,M.Moore,F.L.Sharpe,L.Sronce,Walter P.Moore,DeWitt Ram-sey and A.L,Philbrick. a " ? £3 5 " 7 F vi Notices of New Advertisements Rain eoat found.Apply to The Landmark,Bale of boads November 5.CommissionersUThirdCreekDrainageDintrict. ‘One or two-horse farm for rent.DR. Howard,Troutman,R-2.Notice of dissolution of Star Milling CoNewpianosandorgansatLeonard's Pi- ano 5 and steers wanted.Pigs for sale. “Burke.Flowers for sale.Mrs.Hunter Moore. "Phone 537 wreen.Competent renter wanted for three horse farm with or without stock and tools.Dr.| F.A.Ce ter.Store for rent.Possession after Jan-vary ist.-C.3.Holland.and distinction in Wooltex suits andRameey-Bovles-Morvison Co.chairs and =rockers.Crawford- rniture Co.indise.Sweaters for every:| Belk Co.wheat to theond reliable Davis Mills,| suits and hate for men.-Crowell Cloth- “Your cotton to the thankful man.--L.B. W.i.Neely,auecesor to C.D. #,composition roofing,door |Mrs.D.frames,builders’hardware,etc.—€.Watkins. teeth! Mr.Linney is correct when he| cays that the whippoorwill and the | pull-bat are not the same bird.Theyaredifferentvarietiesofthesame species,however. I note that Bruce Leinster is growling about no heat at Camp Green.Bruce,the last time I saw him,had enough meat on himself té keep warm,so what does he wantwithafire?I know nothing about |biscuit at home.in 1917-18,and net ask Mr.|dot’t know anything about the birds |Syrup and Mr.Sugar man for so much of) oe lepecor-ee |fast |Clubwe Wedding—know anything.But that puts me a,.ilizer and pi "i Gatherings.jcouple of laps ahead of some other |son as test a0 wrt,“theanteter ae Brent Blackmer ”Charles w.|people,as a lot of folks I havecol-! >=5 =lHided with don’t even know enough to The farmers are getting in some of their urging the farmers to get their ferilizer early,owing to the lack of cars for immediate ship-| ment,which is good advice,for the wey | sowing season deesh't last so very long.Mrs.T.A.Anthony died last Sunday morn-|ing.Interment at Sandy Spring.Rev.T.C.|Myers of Yadkin conducted the funeral servejee,nesiated by the pastor,Rev.8.S.May.Mrs.Anthony is survived by six children andenebrother.One son,Mr.Jim Anthony,|lives in Greensboro, Ashe Copper Mine Abandoned.| The once famous old copper mine at Ore|Krob,in Ashe county,will probably never||be worked again,says the Lenoir News,About two years ago a company was formed,hacked by Narthern capital,to reopen and operate this property,winch had been dormantformorethan30years.The mines werecleanedcut,much heavy mining machineryplacedinoperationandactiveworkhasinProgressformerethansixmonths,but the quantity and cuality ef ore found was set |sufficient to induce the promoters to continue | camp life,but I would not suppose a|the work,therefore all work has stopped and| camp like that would be heated as a machinery is being dismantled for ship- camp,but wevld have a little fire inithereandthere.Those men are tobeinnuredtosomehardships—get-ting along without a fire being one of them.An army can’t carry a steam- heating plant around with them;| they are on the move too much.And| \they soon get so they don't suffer with the cold as you and I,whohaven't got»any more sense than toliveinover-heated houses.I workinasteam-heated building —even in the summer there is steam in it.And to even things up I sleep with every window wide open -——evenwhenablizzardisripping‘round.1 get out of bed sometimes in the win- \ter,in the cold,gray dawn of the early morning,and wade through ithe snow that has drifted in the room‘during the night,to put the windowsdownwhileIdressfortheday.And I long to sleep out doors.If youhavenevertriedsleeping’with all windows wide ‘open —not simply cracked —try it.You will find itfine.BILLY DOCK. ‘Surprise —Wedding —Taylors-ville Items.- Speeial Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Oct.1 —Miss MaeEdwards,the pretty young daughterofDr.A.M.Edwards,and Mr.WRossAlexanderofStatesville,weremarriedThursdayeveningat7‘o'clock at the residence of Rev.J.A.!White,who performed the ceremony‘in the presence of a few friends.Themarriagewasasurprisetotheir many friends here and elsewhere.Mr.and Mrs.Alexander went to,Statesville Friday morning to visit)the groom's parents.Mrs.AlexanderreturnedtoherhomehereSaturday'night and Mr.Alexander has return-ed to his duties at the training camp at Greenville,8.C.Miss Sue Watts is visiting heraunt,Mrs.Ed.Campbell,in Char-lotte.Mrs.W.T.Woodruff and Mr ville,who were of Mrs.W.7.|Woodruff’s ,daw r,Mrs.H.T.|Kelly,have returned home,Mrs.J.|W.Hager,who visited her aunt,.Moore,has returned to.jher home at Stony Point.|Dr.and Mrs.Asa Thurston werebusinesstablished| ‘Caroline‘Motor om "|called to Mooresville Saturday by the\r Co,to us for glasses..R.F.Henry.Milchcowforsale.J.D.innMr.Eagle Sells His Farm—, Correspondenceof ‘TheLandmark.. Statesville,R-S,Oct.1..-Mr.J.O.GaitherreturnedtoPetersburg,Va.,where he work..Wade H.Coffeyhasreturned from Mor-.Wherehe visitedhome folks.Mra J.C.of Statesville,whohasbeenvisitingatRickert,hasretuhomeofMr.C.F. Leey iliness of the infant son of Dr.Thurs-ton’s sister,Mrs.C.P,McNeely.Mrs.L.Matheson accompanied them. Death From Kick of a Horse. Special Cofrespondence of ‘The Landmark.ile,Sept.27 —Mr,Smith©passed away Wednesdayat3o'clock at his home, about ree miles from Taylorsville. ° and is his widow,four!sonsand twodaughters,allof thiscounty"Wilde Mr.John Car-rigan of W The funeral and|burial services wefe conducted byRev.L.P.Gwaltney at MacedoniaBaptistchurchWednesdayafter-noon. He was curtying his horse Sunday)about 11 o’clock and the horse kick-| t.The men whe finaneed the werk ofreopeningtheminessustainedaclearlossof| more than $306,000,:cthtaneeneenatinamisoerseramiaenitin’Want 35 Cents For Cotton. Thirty-five cents a pound as the minimepriceforcottenofthe1617cropand$1atenforcottonreedwasadvocatedbymeme]|bers of the Seuth Carolina Farmers’Union,at a conference in Columbia,at which a came paign was launched to urge farmers to hold |their staple for higher prtcer A resolution | was adopted discloiming any intent of the |members of the Union to procure unjustprofite.In another teotution§the confers | ence cxpresserd its loyalty to the governmentduringthewar. If your childrefi are subject te croup getbottleofChamberlain's Couch Remedy,and when the attack comes on be careful to follow | the plain printed directions You will be surprised at the quick relief which it affords. MIDDY BLOUSE AND SHIRTWaists,39.up!—J.M.McKEEiopMcKEE & SEE THOSE STRIPED SILKS!—J.M.McKEE &CO.—ad. THE DAVIS MILLS, avt@ LIVERY responsible. New Red Honey (strained)N Honey Comb,lfc.per tb Sourwoed Honey Comb,22¢.Extracted Money,20¢.per tb.Rubber Casing,uwlrivhPotatoes(new)$1.26 per bushel, Corn (new)81.36 per bushel.Oats,Sie,te 90e.per burhel,CottonOnthetoca!market ote 24e.to 24 1-2,best erede cotton. SALE—Mule colt,CanORELAND'S STABLE. Anthony.‘|os sats number one milch , |WANTED—Nice heifers and steers.Have fewforsale.FLAKE BURKE. t CALL ond examine NEW Pianos andCANSatLEONARD'S MUSIC STORE. THE FIRSTPORRENT—One or FOR RENT—Store room neo systemofbanks,which makeone nation-wide, CHAINof banks solidly linked together to our depositors. We cango to our CentralReserveBank when we want to andgetMONEY on our securities.You can come to us whenyou want to andget YOURmoney. Put YOUR money in OURBank We pay 4per interestontimedeposits.ATIONAL BANK, Tharpe Five and Ten Cent Store. sion Jnnuary 1, |FOUND—Rain coat.Desethisad.THE LANDMARK. FOR RENT--Have three horse farm,withwitheutsteckandtools.Would sell stock and took I have if wanted.Have goodffbernandpasturefences,Would hire com-||Want some one who|[BE nt man by year, Statesville,N.C. vderstands soil improvement and value of|jf er fertilizer crops. this improvement.VENTER,Statesville. FPLOWERS—Have Flowers for sale. HUNTER MOORE,Phone 337 Green. FOR MEADOWS’MILLS,Mogul OUEe1to100horsepower,see PAT.LE Consider serious!y the advantage of doing :.~.if a firm that has already established its character FOR SALE—Vetch Seed,7 oe.a)] |WANTED—25 men at once for inside work.||IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO.,Statesville.||e Unloading Car Flooring. Properly Kiln -Dried. ,14 and 16 feet.hout a joint. C.WATKINS,'phone No.43,QUICK RELIEF FOR| ‘a ,STOMACHMISERY f Lengths 10,IfLayyourFloor|j And as we deal with individuals—witorarake-off to another—so we handle stock Use Mi-o-na Tablets,they are one of the |iF safe remedies for out-of.|[f Besides quickly stopping the|} most effective and Don’t buy a Tire solely on account of its to ~ you bigwines |stick sensibly to a Tire that : [LIABILITY by actual serviee,re-of the st@mach.strengthens and builds up the Do not suffer another day, For sale by States- digestive organs ville Drug Company THE OLD RELIABLE DAVIS MILLSBEBTERTHANEVERBEFORE With our new overshot water wheel we will be able now,as our hotel is closed,to get up your grindingwhenyoucoreandaregiving 40 Pounds Best Flour and 13 For one bushel clean wheat.We can take care of you Pounds Brand ‘ for RELIABILITY. YOU PAY FOR NO GUESS-WORK OR EWHENYOULAYYOURMONEYON OUR ‘4 COUNTER! You KNOW that behind the Carolina Motorthereistheruggeddeterminationtodothing.regardless of cost or sacrifice. is stamped with RELIABILITY. Take a Tire!IT MUST BE JUDGEDDIVIDUWOULDJUDGEANINPROMISES,OR EVEN GUAPERFORM—BUT UPON THE RESUL promise ACTUAL PERFORMANCE! established R gardless of guarantees, In this reliable class of Tires and Tubes are the old-tim- ers—AJAX und MICHELIN;and the sensation-© al HAYNES Tire that is made in Winston.: CAROLINA MOTOR CO.: THE GARAGE WITH THE GREEN ROOF. “WE NEVER CLOSE.” now in fine shape.We are paying $2.40 for wheat. Come on.It pays to patronize Hiddenite,N.C. oa DOD SE ee aneee eecmetan The adjustment of your car is just as important as the adjustment.of your watch. When you leave your car tobe repaired you want to know that you may securely rely upen the ability and honesty of the man doing the work. 'This is theguaranteewe make you and we are Yourdollars find their greatestworthat Sherrill-White’s Shoe Store. To buy without investigating the matchless stock at thisstore wouldbe doing your comeaninjustice.Takingi i the leapinprices,you willfind our pri most economicalinShoes. wearatprices ranging from 15to 25per centunder those asked by the ayerage dealer. See the attractive models inthelatest shades. White Kids,Nigger Brown,Oyster Gray,ete. PHONE 88.SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. ua INGERSOL DOLLAR WWar$1.35.Seemeif you arePedoteaofWwWIcanneedInTek, % businesswith houtfavor positions wonWednesday's battle castextensionofwhich tion flanking both not necessarily starv- the ting on the wall.BefourandfivemillionsofGer-mans included in the casualty list,a|million of German homes in mourn-|ing,the women fighting for men to)m:.These “facts”are recorded|by b writer who remained in Germa-ny ‘as long as Mr.Gerard,and who a as much unity for ob-servation.If von Weigand does not,know his Germany,who does?The!crowd,strong,militant,ar-| rogunt,mad with blood and land,lust.The Potsdam crowd,shot to!pieces,trying to rule a desolate land|and cringing before certain defeat.One’may subscribe to either view of|the situation,certain that he has the, support of no end of documentary,as well as altogether veracious,evi-dence.One may take either viewandbeequallycertainofabilitytomakeouthiscase. The Coal Prices Again. Government control over the coalindustryismadecompletebyanor-der.of Fuel Administrator Garfieldlimitingtheprofitsofretailcoalanddealersthroughoutthecountryto@basiswhichisexpectedtobringanimmediatereductionintotheconsumer.ordet,effective yesterday,di-rects that the retailers shall fix theirpricessoastolimittheirgrossmar-gins over cost to the average of suchgrossmargins——the year _= a maximum of 30 per cent.o1915margin,provided that in;ease shall the average margin of|month of July,this year,be ex-!Local committees appointedtheFederalfueladministratorinStatewillseetoitthatthe comply with to know,ere Be-| ie d eF oh $the order andthedealersthemselveswillbecall- upon to return sworn costs sheets wing the facts upon which theyhavebasedtheirprofits}Dr.Garfield selected 1915 as a al year because the coal short- ,which resulted in continued ris-in prices,did not begin until1916.The additional 20 per cent.isedtocovertheincreaseinthe jlers’cost of doing business,h has increased =substantiallyduringthepasttwoyears.Prices already fixed by the gov-7 for coal at the mouth of the. are near:those charged in 1915, and with the jobbers’charge nowlimitedto25centsatonandtheoftransportationnotmaterial- ly increased,the consumer,in every unity,should be able to getlofanydescriptionatapproxi-tely the price he paid in 1915. ;ATESCAENSOIT+eo SD ft Sam.Williamson,itchell Watson, yand J.B. ers Arrested. Kelly Watson,Christopher Car-Watson,residentstheLowlandsectionofPamlico mty,were placed under arrestoebyFederalofficers,broughtNeweensandarraignedbefore Commissioner C.B.Hill,the firstnamedonawarrantcharginghim with resisting the draft,the otherswithdynamitingthepostofficebuild-ing at Lowland on the night of Sep-ber 17.The preliminary exam- ion Was continued until OctoberandthedefendantscommittedtoCraven‘¢ounty jail in default ofbondeach. filliamson is alleged to have beeneleaderofawell-formed organi- ion perfected for the purpose ofistingthedraft.It is assertedtheadvisedresistanceofthe ft law,was chairman of commit-€tbe er club and received funds withichtofighttheenforcementof s law.he officers refused to make pub-lie any evidence which will be given inst the defendants,but did state t they had good cases ayainsthmanandthereislittledoubtbablecausebeingfoundatthe iminary trial.The arrest of the five Lowland n following the dynamiting ofLowlandpostofficeistheafter-th of the most active resistanceoftheselectivedraftinNorthCar- olina which,aceording to Federalnts,included threats of violenceinstChairmanJohnD.Langston the eastern dirtrict board atldsboro.Six or seven others arereedwithbeingimplicated.oS British Ship Losses. British controler of shipping antitthejomsesofBrittehchips ary have wpproximately equaltic«in the war before thet periodisreasonabletoexpecttheenemywithU-loats 200 vessels in ex: tonnage that can be built by next epringsaysisurgentneedfortheUnitedtoundertakemerchantshipbuildingorsenle,an otherwise it wil!be impose.to send o substantia:force of soldiers i arr WwyandGreatBritainperenneStilHazeatWestPoint. D martial were in prowrese at theStatesMilitaryAcademyatWeatethecamerof12cndets charged with basing two|ya The silewed victimes of » Pg on g have been abel. ‘orth KB.Shoult:and doweph A.Conneton,Jr,ofitohavebeenconmpeliedtofttheWat,on their tiptoe: Ca om *bok,for 45til« ustion heeNite “ane these | Anti -Draft Dynamit-— southern parts of Crown Prince Rup-Lo be .precht's Pm All the commandingny|positions taken by the English,ScotchandAustraliansinthelatestdrivehavebeenfirmlyheldbythem,de- spite numerous’furious counter-at-tacks delivered:with huge effective-ness,in which the Germans suffered terrible losses in men killed or wound- ed,Sunday night’s report chronicles the repulse of three German attacks in the Ypres sector,with losses to theattackers,including a number of pris-loners and several machine guns,The Germans,the British statement says, after heavily bombarding their ob-jective employed a thick smoke bar- rage to cloak their advance and also used flame throwing apparatus.TheartilleryactivitycontinuesbetweentheYpres-Comines canal and Zon- nebeke and in the Nieuport sector.The Berlin official communication of Sunday characterizes the artillery duel along the Belgian coast as “se- vere.”Berlin also indicates that the British troops are keeping the enemyonthea@Jertbystabsatvariouspoints from reconnoitering —parties-—-thoselittleforaysthatalwaysmakethe Germans anxious as to coming eventsTheItalianshavestartedanother big offensive against the Austrians on the Isonzo front,where for a fort-night virtual quietude prevailed.On the Bainsizza plateau height posi- tions have been stormed and taken|by General Cadorna’s forces and 1,409 prisoners captured.By their newsuccessestheItalianshavebrought)their line almost to the bridgeheadoftheChiapovanorivernearPodlaca and Madoni,which also gives them| possession of nearly afl of the south- eastern portion of the plateau. The Austrians,realizine the strat egic value of the Italian gain,have de- livered extremely heavy con:ter-at-tacks,but to no purpose.Likewise fruitless have been aitempts to dis- lodge the Italians from the southern slopes of the Monte San Gabriele Daily the Italians continue aerialbombardmentsofAustrianpositions. Card Index of Soldiers. _A card index of all American sol- liers at home and abroad is to beompiledbytheWarDepartment.‘ongress has appropriated moneythepurposeinthegeneralde- ficiency bill. Every mar in the army,whetherofficerorprivate,will be indexed by name and the records filed in alpha- betical order for immediate reference should he appear in army orders orisualtylists.With the description f each soldier will be viven the name of his next of kin and emergen-cy address.The plan of giving each man anumbervirtuallyhasbeenabandon- ed and it is understood that each oldier instead will be supplied with a small aluminum tag heariyg hi name and company.It will be worn around his neck.Plans have beencompletedforthecreationofa“sta- istical division”with a branch —in Paris,which will employ several hundred clerks to compile records Fighting Men Will Get Turkey. American soldiers and sailors —in every part of the world are to have Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey, ind of =the very best quality.The War Department is now making ar ‘angements for the turkeys.The to- tal amount required for the two hol- idnys,it is estimated for both serv- ices,will not be far from 2,500,000, and more than 1,000,000 pounds must be ready for distribution byNovember5.There are 32 canton- ments of the National army as well as nufnmerous posts of the regular ar- my to be supplied by the War De- partment,besides the fleet and shoretationsofthenavy. ¢ s, T NEEDSWOOLSERGETOSUI l J.M.Meandpockethookofa KEE &CO.—ad. 25 CENTS DESTROYS YOUR DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR! Save Your Hair!Mcke it Thick, Wavy and Beautiful —TryThis! Thin,brittle,colorless ry hair is mute evidence lected scalp;of dandruffirf. There is nothing so des he hair as dandruff.it robs the hair if its lustre,strength and its ery life;eventually producing a fe- verishness and itching of the scalp, Ct er and scrag- of a neg- that awful It «er eV tructive to teits 1 which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink,loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast.A little Danderine tonight now —anytime-——will surely save your hair._Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter,and after the first ap- plication your hair will take on thatlife,lustre and luxuriance which issobeautiful.It will become wavyandfluffyandhavetheappearanceofabundance,an incomparable glossandsoftness:but what will please ou most will be after justa fewweeks’use,when you will actuallyeealotoffine,downy hair—newhair—rowing all over the scalp.IF YOU WANT CEILING,| Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Case,BaseandMouldingsofall“kinds that are to MeBiwee arehouae..... WIN net\..Aenbers:..Tabasco...W: enn eee oe eee ems io NOG ¢tteson bacco pir Te a pound Virgins.Carolina tobar Duty.Isn't it clear «iy 1 rive you better guua/t 19 the bigegest-sel. cigaretic i:J a eeeeAREYSe DENSELYVERS . LIKE ENAMES “In all my experience Il have never seen the « a e will cover more surfas:it better,tham anythi er used.Its fimished apnslookslikeEnamel MASON,M“Marsholl,| FOR SALE By “C.E. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (0. Statesville,N.C DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-6,Beeond Floor FIRST NA NAL PAS,BuLBreu eoville TELEPHONE ENGACEMENTS‘Phone 197.Howes ®to 6SPECIALATTENLIONTOCHILDREN 9TRETH. Mr.Automobile Owner. RF BER!ories We inepect Stor and furnish youfiedWaterfree!Allworkiadonebyanox. tewith i e eFoycisarcttes,Vi 4 rginia -Co Sailors on the wharf of anearlyVirginiaSettlement swapping tales,betweenpipesofVirginiatobacco. ae aks tobacco is the best oe The sunny South gave the world cigarettes Virginia-Carolina tobaceo,the original of all Voce TaeeesTODaCCOs,Ss eee;Ard Virgina ee COMIMOAPISON. the suashine <f the South in it. mm Hing tobsocee “all the thet “lis ond “taste”that ur Ae ;scem fiat by Ly get Myo Jelave Cx, The Cigarette of Quality butnee Sc and 10cHtscan edmontae a package ce ehcp capes an sis eg Be j ' ,.Saar |“Today”| |'A barrel of Mrs.Hicks’ new |Home Made Molasses. |It is fine. Phone your order. Phone 89.Eagle &Milholland.| NOTICE!| Commencing today we will discon-|nue the Jitney Service in thewayandestablishscheduleson_the oe \ifferent prominent streets.First)to be operated will \Bloomfield (at W.T«)vin Front Streetandeadooni.This run everanthaltlater.No ci on your fuel bil!hy heating your whole house with a Favorite Base Burner.You only have to runone fire to have a warm comfortable home. ‘ Come in early and get your pick while we have them at the old price. WILLTAMS FURNITURE HOUSE.THE FAVORITE STORE. Statesville Inn HAS BEEN REOPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. The Inn has ali modern conveniences.Baths,hot and cold running water in every|room.Rooms havebeen renovated and house put in good condition,Our effort will be to make the Inn a home-like place for the local and traveling public.The hotel is located on East Broad Street,opposite Carolina Motor Co.Automobiictravelerscordiallyinvitedtostopand_rest.Warm hospitality and the best service assured. Meals served at reasonable rates.Special rates for board by week or month.| PETER BONA,Proprietor. ae —_— FOR SALE. 119acresof level,productive,Red Land Farm,fronting onpublicsand-clay road,seven miles from Statesville.Nice two-story,7-room dwelling,located ia a beautiful grove;barn,out-buildings;nice orchard with a variety of fruit;30 acres in,40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland.Near School.Small dwelling,good barn and out-buildings,75 acresincultivation,30 acres in bottom land,150 acres pine,oak,pop-Half mileofpublic sand-clay road,14 ERNEST G.GAITHER. Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate.Phone 23.Satesville,N.C. PATRIOTISM :BUSINESS Every good citizen at this time shoulddohissharetowardstrengtheningtheFederalReserveBankingSystemwhich.our Government has created with itsbilliondollarsofresourcestostandback | FF j b ty of |bassador,wi 7v4 s it vom Hun without,”Roosevelt asserted:|Egi Let us place one in your those who mont Imischietare‘oe home and save you money aan aewcgupens.©tenes weo-cebenrheadsstandtowardstheloyalAmer-aapof tatew omeey astheoldcop-| perhe over a centurystoodtowardAbrahamLineoln,like Senators LaFoliette andCongressmanMcLemorez‘substantially the position whichcecupiedin1868,nog cae Vallandigham inte te Fortsincoaa ;a ee ;we training,has returned home,havingthehostilelines.I wishcouldsendtoGermanperheadsoftoday,and esthosecongressionaland editoriacopperheadswhohavetakentheleadindirectlyorindirectly ;disloyalty to our country’s cause,while at war,and giving aid andcomfortinthiscrisistothepublic enemy.”}Asserting that this country should noi permit,during the war,anypertobeprintedinGerman,Roosevelt added that “there are plen-papers printed in Englishwhoseutterancesareatleastasbad|as these of the worst German-Amer-ican papers.Our government,”hesaid,“has been recreant in net deal-ng with all necessary severity withthestrongestandmostinfiuentialofthesepapers.”Quoting a German -Americannewspaperasassertingthat“theproblemoftheGermanpressistosaveGermanismintheUniStaces,”Colonel Roosevelt said: “This shows that the man making it and the men defending it are notAmericansandhaveno_businesslongertoremaininAmerica.TheyareGermans,they are aliens hereandperilouslyneartraitors.Thetimehascometomakeshortshriftfsuchmen.”Butler After LaFeollette. Members of the American Bank- ers’Association at Atlantic City launched into vehement expressionsofapprovalwhenNichdlasMurraySutler,president of Columbia Uni- versity,addressing them on “The Changing World,”demanded that Congress exercise its constitutionalrighttoexpelUnitedStatesSenator LaFolletie. “We are repelling attacks uponAmericanpeopleandinstitutionsoftwokinds,”Dr.Butler said.“We arefightingacrossthesea,and we arefightingevil-minded suspicion,cow-ardice and treason which have rais-ed their hands at home.Our sol-diers can fight the soldiers of the en- emy.You and I have get to fight sedition and treason here.Have theAmericanpeoplelosttheircapacity -corporate indignation”?he ask- ed.5 “There is a provision in the con- stitution,providing that Congressmayexpelamemberbyatwo-thirds’vote.What are they think-|ing of to sit there and permit them-}selvas to be contaminated by Sena- ior Robert M.LaFollette”?Cries of appreval came f ev-ery side as Butler proceeded:“Gentlemen,you might just as weil put poison into the food of every boy that goes to his transport as to per-imit this man to make war upon thenationinthehallsofCongress.”Speaking of peace,Dr.Butler said: “Any human being who asks peace on any other terms than un- conditional surrender is asking an-other and «till greater war.Peacewillonlycomewhenthesupreme confidence the Germans have in their instrument of armor and thet world dominating aims are brought to de- feat.That is the only road to peace.” _German Spies Put to Death? This story is sent out from Dur- ham:Court martial and subsequent put- ting to death of two German spics— =a wireless operator and the oth- er an orderly to the commanding of- ficer—probably saved rt of Gen-ershing’s expeditionary forceenroutetoFrancesomemonthsago,from disaster,according to aletterreceivedbyasonofAmericanAmbassadoralterHinesPage,from ty —+Frank Page,a nepthewof the am-is a student at Trini- ty College,read the letter while at his home in Aberdeen.It stated,he says,that the two spies were caughthandedbeforethesubmarine»and maesavTaewireless,operator, the letter is saidto have stated,was |wetting inside information from the orderly andtransm it to the U- boats.A brother of|whoingthe: FE “petal a !physically, “Sold rii a itie ¥i exceecinggrownra’large andnomanappearedfarther from.mel-ancholy than he.Col.Nichola was ea prominent Ma-son and had figured much in Mason- ic circles.In former yeaactiveinRepublicanyearsageservedatermin CongressfromtheRaleighbeingsup-ported by the Knights of Labor when+Pn as ie a flower in the State.©was a astervatRaleighandsuslaeoiaenoftheStateSchoolfortheBlind.He is survived by three daugh- ters. ES EYETTRSSSeo DR.PRESSLY DROPPED OUT. Dr.George W.Pressly of Char-lotte,who accepted a commission offirstlieutenantinthemedicalre-serve corps,and who was assignedSamHouston,Tex.,for found the serviee too arduous for himHewashonorably dis-charged from the service. Whenever You Need a General TonicTakeGrove's. The Old Standard Grove’s TastelesschillTonicisequallyvaluableasaGeneralToniebecauseftcontainsthewellknowntonicpropertiesofQUININEand[RON.It acts on the Liver,Drives out Malaria,Enriches the Blood endBuildsuptheWholeSystem.60 cexts. EVER HAVE IT? If You Have,the Statement of This Statesville Citizen Will [nterest Yon. Ever have a “low-down”pain in the back? In the hips? That's the home of backache. “small,”rieht over the If it’s caused by wenk kidneys, Use Doan’s Kidney Pitts. people testify to their Read a case of it: Statesville worth. Mrs.Evgene Fespwman,328 W. Bell St.,Statesville,says:“Io had sharp pains across my kiducys and theumatie twinges in my limbs and shoulders.One of the family advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pul's and I got a supply from thc Statesville Druy Comnany.After taking them I was relieved of the pain in my lack and the rheumatic twinge:Cisco ppear ed.Whenever |have any sien of kidney iro ney ’s Kid end they do me good.’ ible row,I nse Dou: Pi Prive G0-.,at all dealer’.Don't siraply 2.k for a kidney remedy cet Dean’;Kidney Pills—the stme that Mrs.Fesperman had.Yoster-Mi\vurn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y: ybotaae Sale ByC.D,MOORE,Statesville,N.C.BRADFORD &HEDKICK,Loray,N.C.And Ali Good Dealers. For - i ‘ The Brady Printing Co. |Has a Full stock of all books ‘|Graded Schools.They are sold for CASH.} used in | EETHE BUILDER Who is too blind to C.WAT- KINS for “Eyerything to Build ———— OSTEOPATII.Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.OFFICE OVER eeeae a es per ton on roughage matterhowmuch or little youare for oldstylehulls youalways cansavetonbybuying You inane fee hs EeaboutaPrhull,—hulls becauseyouaretoeverythreepounds Automobile Users! We now have with us Mr.E,G.Davis,who is a compe- tent and experienced Automobile mechanic,Mr.Davis had thirteen years’experience in general repair work.. HE CAN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on Packard end Pierce-Arrow Cars, If you have any trouble with your motor or electric sys- tem,Mr.Davis wiil be glad to examine it free of charge. Cail st our Garage and let us look over your battery, without eost to you.Will also gladly supply distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix.No- thing but (irst-ciass work,and at very reasonable prices. Alway.glad to see Automobilists, W.R.Mills Motor Co. |With”is most unfortunate! operator,| poSRA, HAVE YOU SEEN ——_QUA-—- NEW LINE OF TOILET SOAP 10c.and 25c.per cake. —-AT--— HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20, enema’ THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMP. Appreciates the vay liberal of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all our customers and those who will become customerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEwillandthathaswonforthisCompanytheconfidenceofoverseventeen 1 There Is Nothing More There is nothing more true than the old saying,“Stick to those that hove ane you.” Thereis nothing more true than that L.B.Bristol has stayed on the market,prices high or ttlow.Thereis nothing more true than that Bristol is willing,and has been,to buy your cotton hd whether ginned at his gin or elsewhere. Thereis nothing more true than that the world is a broad field. I am in the market,and the worldis mine. Iam here to give you the very top of the market and you don’t have to force me,I wantyourbusiness.I am here to accommodate you,and to stay. ee e ee Iam here,not for a neck and neck race,but for a Home Stretch,that takes us all to Victory.| It is true that I was the first to insure the Farmer against loss by fire,or otherwise.| It is true that I was the first to build stalls for your horses,and open wide my gates to all.’ It is true,|never charged a farmer storage and never will.| ‘Be true that I built my plant to serve the Public,for future use,and to maintain your con-| idence. I will buy Bale Cotton,Seed Cotton,or Cotton Seed,and pay the very _highest es,andexchangecottonseedmealforseed.1 willgive as usual,brand New Bagging,FREE;also Gin the first few bales FREE.| It’s the everlasting truth,that when the other fellows reach my mark,I will Gin on a sub- marine basis and buy onan aeroplane basis. It is further True that I appreciate Your Patronage and past favors,andbelieve me,lam your true and tried friend. L.B.BRISTOL,ne N.C. ee Seidecedaeeetneeneeiecudemetiiacatemmemeae ee e ee ee n - a TuyLANDM ARK THE MOORESVILLE (FAIR,tose af arrived al aye im re tines| —.=or the opening The followtng ¢=| TUESDAY,-.October 2,1917 Premium List Ready —Moores-)-the faculty:Superintendent~~ville News —School Opens rf W.C.Avinils principal,Mr.1 Our ew | ¢-Te pcak ane C Johnston of mea ath.S.€.;|Offenders in Court and Judg Tomorrow.ee Comite Falls Mary Mehecty: menis Rendered.ipecial Correspondenere of The Landmark .ancy Sieele,Maude a Rath Arnie Brewer and Wm.Holtshou-Mooresville,Oct.1.—The promium itrawley,Bet ile “F 2 shnston,Leo : ser “fout”on the trects Saturday list has been issued for the Commi Kobinson,Neely at,HL n Mex Th ‘Me oy : afternoon and the ca e will be heard nity Fair and Good Will Day,te be heimer of —tor im,Laura 1 e season S most pleasingcolors are ShadowLawn (ireens, by the mayor later.No serious dam-held Wednesday,October loth.(The lay ef Liberty Piitt S.C.and Me ave resulted.premium list,too lengthy to handle a mes Ro BL Neill,Mo rti nye Mh (R Coff Bro Shades.Maece MeNesiy Rie ATL ECU te ie el le es ime rawele aa ula ‘ocoanut Browns,Coffee Browns,Flash Blues and Plum Lenoir as his home,was arrested poecived,will appear iy Mriday's issue,ers Sunday and committed to jail on a The La ri The judg will Next Sunday will be observed charge of having too much,hoores je com)fone er tfrom the stat ee the First.Baptist church ax Home |)We carry the Popular Suit Fabrics and the Pleasing Prices.Withorwithout the and it is believed he used a knife on partment of Agricultue —Vrange-Comoe Day.An interesting pro [Belter Backs.Overcoats in perfectly plain as wellasextra models.one of his companions and otherwise yont6 have beon made for ar exhibit pramme,which includes special mu- disturbed the peace \\d ~alae ¢,is being arrangedSomeonenotifiedSheriffAlexan-2 O78 ©OO"edie pe eae MN Macde:Lenthlwas hont 'Y ow ”2 ‘ow ”dar Munday chai 4 beh We tathews Ue NT PE EY Creal Te ee ay Gauci claa Wereediy .our “Wants”cannot live if you “Want”anything to WEAR,If you will comeerSundaythatabunchoffellowAymmwillbeovidedfaheSunSoueiclubWednesdayaftwereintheroadnorthoftown,on eu Fontes eee heey noon.After spending two how to see us the Wilkesboro road,and that they a ‘eae =ve \Neasantly with sewing the were disturbing the peace.When the 1)un h :i!on e invited to the dinin r room,whesheriffarrivedhefoundonlyMcNee-a sus B tates tn +Se t lining talle wa te a ca ly,the others having wone.He also sealer :es :Sonae See : *,.A }7 fae anew ;th i dsopily embroidered Duteh banc}found a half-gallon can of booze hid “7!ner toeen);“) hy the roadside.There were four oth.CSM.Musi Sa pond Fand a vee ote lighted by ‘le arta =with McNeely,all from Lenoir,(OCs 00cV IS Ut ca and help ae ne oo quot a —ann i3Y‘he casion a CES eas aie :~‘?‘“Howard Phifer,calored,was te.,Fo eneral.infurmation about dhe (ure,«On ett eaeae Mie We carry everythingto keep fore the mav:aturday fer being fair.the publie i 1 to call «CONTE isvisted by her sister,Miss "Rc ing see iit tz.Mra.W.C.Arviail anddrunkanddis‘He was fined ite JA y EES 'W.':: 25 arnd taxed wlr the cost in the iP reenG,tn i imin Norman were opoctal your head warm and every event he shows good behaviour for 4 Anna Rod he Scatl ame the club.;...‘Se a ae a a ae hom euee:VERNIE GOODMAN,style to give you that stylish remitted ™‘he does not behave he in tt ere of the ff arde ,:will pay the Sea Ge he pane ke ve ae ete *dier Raid at Monroe.appearance. for 30 days..our Tu housand New York —troop:,"i : Hiarvey Lee Cham!‘i lh rar the reas through Monroe last Ties /Bs was before the mayor Friday for has tx tre ed ta N W hay ht,during a wait of an hour \«Reckleraly driving an automebibe,tere and Me tii hac heen trans.wil:half,raided peanut stands,Bot:"The Store of Society Brand Clothes. He no f legal ay to dt ar if \rte ¢|it d melon stocks,soft)drink automebile and th maver depr al iments,ete Abou s40 him of that priviles til he ald Ca de O wKelly he P corth of fountain pens and candy enough.t Pat Serene eee en from a drug stor Phe $3.00.25¢c.to $2.50. D.J.Speaks i }t peer he ‘7 ‘:’they were broke and some each morn 1}n wt ae ;‘ho merchants gave them ire pany at Camp s vier a how nit é year at Davidse i tobacco, Whe has walk«h i 'He ;rr er ;While many troops have passed e was chargei with |rderly ,one 'I ky wy Monroe this is the first condurt t duct.Ml fe Ato ky Nac i there,the Monroe papers say i tis.(Wintel towith (here has been a surprisingly «mal Successors to Sloan Clothing Co.be acticing Rebel Yell he anil TAG ne Sata ti mount of such conduct in this par ren “”° rut fear tie nto where hawt a _éhea ei the country,considering the many ei ie Merman’eats,trac econ cae es oon housands of troops passing.1").ON 1 HE CORNER. States Marines in training at Qua:Y ‘“~>be expeeted,however,thal a tough tices,Va..are practicing the old-time Die eli Roe |,,veh will appear occasionally.It '’. rebel ell.Confederate veterans,vt WoT oI tt whe feaan itifying to knew there are :9 —who t:keen interest int mee ;Meee mrestrirt viny of this kind, ities -the r-voldier 'tench.+call 'Bay !ipg the boys their b:ry,rem i.Mann oft Whitak Ti,eared To Cure a Coldin One Day.facent of Civil Ww ar da 'cht.Wee AE Pelt Toke LAXATIVEBROMOQuinine,It stops the Tt is theous rht th e blending of }vor ;;re Conwah and Headache and works off the c:aid. @ cownman “ec yae *with the 3 ‘\'elee Druggists refund money if it fails to cur ’nel en i!YI ntend ik.W.v.Goon?ofsignature oon cachbos.308.eurdling whoop of the Semi will put “ne eh te the Marine {ry co shi j a ihe —|mnemeemee eeBiceMmeiceheyuoeeyANISMCATARRE|SPECIALTIES NIGHT PROWLER KILLED.fat that he is again at the Breathe Hyemei‘for TwoMinnites aea6Wendt,Wake comity,Wil ere neeiacoorsSritattire”eran rages Milied Sp Gaal 0 Ox Bete |Wewer an assortment ofproven sellers.The most dis- Was shot by Mr J M,Wa eas he ‘vd \of !wet relief fr om cat ' aoe heube.Twe ive 38 -caliere billets it Williams chapel Wednesday af-‘he shorte et theme brenthe|Hyome | fired from a shot)gun entered the ;Pa “i Pye out your tend in :‘|when can the : negro's body He ran about 10 .Th —t change in the schedule Hyomei will end a cold in one day,it will you ea and fell dead.The coroner's Of 'ns ix f ea!inconvenience|relieve you of dingusting snuifles,hawkingpittingandoffensivebreaththawee . s “tie et :A »th mediat nity jreturnedaverdictofjustifaitewediatevicinityandis Myomel ts made chiefly from a .wing no small amount of diasatis-|pealtne germ killing aptineptic,that comes| A negro had been prowling about ction The change was preeuma-from the euenlyptas forests of iniand Aus.| at Wendell,peering in at vy made for reasen ars ‘onomy,but o—where Cg aoe —and consump.a . t °jon were never known fo enxint.. and alarming the inmate he |ene mt sche dete will doubtless “Hyamet ie plenamt and cusy to breathe Wool from $10.00 to $30.00.uw themselves and the be protester Just pour a few drops into the hard rubher phe wae Th earlet fever quarantine has tanates.ase as directed and cure i»almost A certainUpheenliftedandthechildrenarefreeAcomplete Hyomel outfit,inctoding in.eSSystemoeawainTherradedschoolswill|halter and one bottle of Hyomei.comix tut tit aaatheningtonic,n Wednesday morning,after @ de-|te,st dramas everywhere and nt the Ataten.’dew :sstsiiniiaiindil i ,“i ‘senprentnninctiiiaiis site iiaselinteneitsiini esieontialvilleDrugCo.If you already own an inhalerseveralweeksonaccountofthe|“Us threatened epidemic.Tie vcsWaaftseemsn,“ae ae re. Texempted;ane ,noltlgernon _Alexandereta,ardock 8exemcompen—Worle LendLloyd,‘iis ex- Fwae Franklin Henderson,;,ex : x net yet eetFSeueienWateex- “White Allison,Troutman,R-:oe and childres.ooonesKnox,ee Henry Leake Wilson,Mooreaville, Samuel’Madison pean,Rome,Ga,,exem:;.Miller Ba!ow Point,not exempted;no claim.Earl R Elam,Statesville,ont .Griffin,Mooresville,not ex-—no claim.Gilbert Alexander,Moores- ville,not exempted;no claim.een es.SS_—exempt-physical disabili 1, corMonroe ee Troutman,R-2,exempted to Becmnber 1,1918;farmer.theseoopd Geeltivexem3:aun bone Bi Statesville,h.Lccxempted:dependents.SamuelJ.N.Holmes,Olin,R-1, exem dependents.Wane baaRobert Rodgers,Statesville, wnotemeApe "10,1893; Shutord Gray Adams,yay”unmarried;born October 26,hushandman at Iredell ceneedinaetStation.John Martin Perry,Mooresville;wife andtwochildren;bernDecem- ler.Perey.Sas orshown Siestatien euuniel uswhohavegone.Two cars of selectedmencameinfromwesterncounties.One of thesecarswaslabeled“McDowell andBurkeCounty.Dam the KaiserToHellWiththeKaiser.” No Federal Court Here. While it has not been so stated of- ficially,it seems to be a settled fact that the term of Federal court scheduled to begin in Statesville on the 15th,will be held in Salisbury—both the Statesville and Salisbury terms being held in Salisbury.The reason for the change is thettheFederalcourtroominStatesvilleiafullofthedistrictexemptionhoardemployesandpapers.It wouldnotexem;cotton mill employe.|.4 job to move the exemption a cca "a —tates-|board,if quarters could be found,soThemesoeor_ht,the court is moved instead. dependenacesStates. DS ere Statesville, :James Robert Pope,Davidson,not “"Tateer’Coney Wallace,Houston-ville ts.Walter ‘Wi ms,Troutman,exem ;dependents.William .McLelland,Statesville,R-1,exempted;depend-nts..Walter a Malone,Eufola,not exempted;er.William PgMooresville,exempted;ndents.Harley Chalmers Bost,tesville,not eee:no claim.Udell rris,Statesville,exempt- ed:dependents.William Thomas Compa.States-ville,R-4,not exempted;farmer.Rufus ‘Edgar Jurney,arate, exempted;farmer and dependenHuggins,Statesville, hard Munsie Daner,Turners-burg,not exempted;dependents.Claude Turner,Statesville,empted;dependents.Srastus Lee Williams,ville,R-7,not exempted; ents.Ney Clifford Sherrill,exempted;dependents. Phillip Sheridan Compton,States-ville,not exempted;dependents.aan Lee Brown,Mooresville,ex- “Kaory Wade Watt,Stony Point,R-1,exem ;dependents.Baxter lexander,Statesville,not a ag Rhinehardt, a ex- States-depend- Troutman, its.Troutman,not Relieve Freight Congestion. The recent strike of laborers atthelocalrailroadstationcongestedthefreightsituationuntilmo.mat-terbecamesootSues:ith "CoCorporation |iteratedcasewCommissioneroftheSouthernLeoandSupt,Hudson Niredhewasassuredthatsectionfoveve would be vut to handling freightandthatthewagesofthelaborers would be increased from 10 to 12 1-2centsperhour,with the view to re-rlacing the strikers.It is believedthesituationwillsoonberelieved. MORE DOCTORS WANTED. Reference has been made in The Landmark more than once to the number of doctors due for army ser- vice from this State and the number furnished.Dr.Rankin of the StateBoardofHealthsavstheState'squotaofmedicalvolunteersis295 ahd only 165 have enlisted to date This means that 130 additional are due from this State. CONSIDERING L'FOLLETTE. The Senate committee on privi-leges and elections is consideringthepetitionsdemandingtheexpul-sion of Senator LaFollette but has not determined on a course.Sever-al Senators are said to favor giving him a severe reprimand.while oth-ers are for expulsion or impeach-ment.It is not believed that he willbeexpelled. HAIG’S NEW OFFENSIVE. Field Marshal Haig has becun a new offensive east of Yores.The of-ficial statement from British head-pit,€X-!quarters in France yesterday saysemnted;no claim.that the British attacked at 6 o'clockWeldonWalkerNewman,Eufola,vesterday morning on a wide front =industrial.Homer Brevard ——Moores- viller‘Sremptel ical disability.Joh TtcenpeoomMines—-f eter Sherri Statesville,not ex-em empted ne laim.lenn Williams Kestler,Moores-ville,exempted to January 1,1918;farmerHoyt McFarland—R-6,exempted; “bred\Alexander.Nantz,Moores- .James:cy "Foner i.ower ln,not ex: emptc 8 ome,Statesville,ex-"HughfayMelehor,=ee hendisabi ville xex pson,Statesville, sical idisaity a exem dependeESSeeCe.States- Dunlap,not ex- Morrison,depend- Cw“ —_ ey en ee‘States- and were making satisfactory prog-ress. AUTO COLLISION. An automobile driven by Mr.Isi- dore Wallace of Statesville and onedrivenbya.Mr.Hendren of Tur-nersburg.collided at the square yes-terday afternoon but without seriousdamagetomachinesandnodamayetothe*individuals. James Mitchell,Houstonville,ex- —,"Tnert K ‘‘ola,notinduooAvere»Olin,ex- Rverett Gilmore Perkins,States- riey Vanttoy Anderson.Eewne-ville,not*Witt “Peis x witnn, em . Albert \he physical disability, lle, ,R-1,ex- ,exempt- ex- Stroud,Sates- rmony; ville,Rmony,R--Walterwi= erageprices to meet the new tax of$210 a gallon,which reaches eventhestockofretailersInexcessof50gallons. Both the House and Senate adopt-ed eonference report on the wartaxbillwithoutarecordvote.As finally drafted the bill is ex-ected to raise about aS consumption taxesonsugar,tea,coffee and gas,electric and telephone service,to-gether with the House taxes on 1916incomesandageneral10percent,tariff levy,were features of the ev-olution of the bill.was some criticism in theoftheconference—,of tn Benateve,hile t the a great prove-ment over the original House bill,could not defend certain provisionsretainedattheinstanceoftheHouseconferees.Vigorous criticism of the bill,par-ticularly the second-classprovision,was made bySmoot,of Utah.Manyheasserted,would be drivenHioutofbusiness.He and other Senators ex-pressed hope that before the newsecond-class rates had becometivenextJulyme—po ha or modified.The clos Prone *Seatonparedtolargebond -demands for greater taxationwealth. Will Not Be Examined Now. The proposal to examine for mili-tary service all men registered forthearmydraftandnotyetcalled was killed for the present,at least,when the House and Senate confer-ees eliminated an appropriation forthepurposefromthewardeficiency bill,is plan was suggested by theprovostmarshalgeneral’s office inorderthateveryregisteredmanmightknowwhetherhewasliableforserviceandifsotheactualor-jer of his liability.The War De-parcment asked for expressions ofwinionsfromthe.Governors oStates,and only two signified disap- vroval,Secretary Baker said recently that the department had reached no de-‘ision in the matter and would notuntilCongressacteduponthepro-oosed appropriation to defray ex-penses and thereby expressed its will.In passing the deficiency billtheHouseincludedtheappropria-tion and the Senate added an amend-ment limiting the men to be exam-ined to the number soon to be need-od.The conferees eliminated the whole provision. Congress to Adjourn Today or Tomorrow The extraordinary session of Con-gress which began April 2,is expectedtoendtodayortomorrow.The regu- lar session begins the first Monday in December.The Senate was expected to take the final vote yesterday on the ad-ministration soldiers’and sailors’in-surance bill and the adoption,withrecord-breaking speed,of the confer- enee report on the war deficiency appropriationbill,paved the way for adjournment.The military insurance and defi ciency appropriation measures are the only important bills awaiting fina)action at this session.Leaders aredeterminedtopassoverotherlegisia-tion until December,ineluding thesoldiers’and saitors’civil rights bill.Within less than three minutes the Senate adopted the conference reportonthewarurgentdeficiencyappro- priation bill,carrying $7,767,494,410incashandauthorizedcontracts. Anderson Pitches.in the Series Mr.J.Fred,Anderson,who hasbeenpitchingfortheNewYorkGi-ints during the past season,hasheendraftedformilitaryservice.He registered in Davie ~andvillbesenttocampfromTheexemptionboardfortheWest.ern district has granted him exemp- tion for 30 days——until the baseballseasonisover.He willpitchintheseriesforworld's wtih begin tomorrowat¢the contest being be-a eeSe Se oeWhiteofChicago.AndersoniswiththeGiants. \—Therewasnothingofpublicin- terest the -fer -Medical JPoen-doctors 000 3.First,000,000 urrer,alnindividual ¢|Winona Smith,Mae ees torium,there waswindstorm,which,ie ind of her room and wet the Wa |was immediatelyrCuiee——thatthisgets.Bailey took@severecold,which intomoniaonthe10thofandcausedherdeath.Mr.brought action for $10,000 for men-tal anguish and for of his wife's services.The case has been heard threeShawuponbyeBalleyhadnoac-ee if there wasactionitwou‘pe by Mrs.aeeinieweee.This was sustainedJudgeShawandBaileytookagon-suit.He brought a second ac-tion and defendant demurred on <nd.Demurrer was sustainedbSuperiorCourtandBailey-Court.That dant’s ae Hon.W.D.Tur-ner of Statesville,moved for a.ment as of non-suit on the ground oforesevidencetogotothe4onthe—- ed in t complaint.e nrcuethattherewasnoevidenceofligenceintheconstructionofroom;no evidence that pneumoniadevelopedfromthe—<<cold, pneumonia being an acute dnoevidenceconnectingwith eecausealleged.The plaintiff,it wasargued,showed no violation of “~—to defendant.The casefon-suited and the plaintiff tonedaliwithallcosts.Th werein Seonyeee for the hear- were 7H.i ae |=~ae Messrs.Z.V.ta.and T.L."Shocks. Teachers’Certificates. Supt.J.F.Mitchell has receivednoicethatthefirst-grade teachers’certificates of the following na’have been renewed for anyear:“Winees Elizabeth Brawley,LouiseCulley,Belle Cochrane,Ethel Ervin,Matie Gray,Mariemma Henley,Ma-ry Miller,Carrie McDougald,LeliaStevenson,Ada Weston,Beulah Wet-more,Mary Cowan,Josie Johnson,Winnie Jennings,Daisy Jennings,Luey King,Blanche Kyles,NanniePowell,Cecil Paris,Annie Th a- jompson,Ada ws r bel Stevenson.Carrie Gertrude Marshall;Mrs.Neely;Messrs.J.S.Grose 8. Hedrick,J.Knox Patterson,J.taSummers,Marvin White,Edgar W.Downum,R.E.Levan,J.L.Lippard,W.A.Matheson,W.N.Morrison,Sam.J.Reid,T.H.Williams,J.P. Watt. The Daughters of ConfederacyMeet The Daughters of the ConfederacyheldtheirOctobermeetingTuesdayafternoon.In the absence of the president,the vice president,Mrs.H.P.Grier,‘presided.Instead of havingabazaarthisyearthelaliesdecided to assess each member 50 cents,withtheprivilegeofpayingmoreifshedesires.Mrs.wed McLelland was appointed chairman of the committeetocollecttheassessmentsandshewillseleethercommittee.Mrs.W.M. Barringer,Mrs.R.LL.Poston andMrs.L.W.MacKesson were appoint-vd delegates to State U.D.C.Con- vention,to be held in Kinston October 10th.Mrs.B.B.‘Webb,Mrs.D.8S Thomas and Mrs.J.C.Irvin are al-ternates,The delegates to the natlaconvention,which will be he.in hattanooga November 14th,are Mrs.M R.Adams,Misses Elizabeth Braw-ley and Margaret Brady. Want Marriage Invalidated. The jest marriage of Mr.L.F.Klutz of Taylorsville and Miss Mary8LorayatTaylorsvilleTynight,an account of which is ‘in by The Landmark's Tay-lors’correspondent,has attract-ed considerable attention here.Coutisel of local lawyers was soughtcomeWednesdaymorningandyes-terday Messrs.Caldwell &Caldwellproceedings marriage,if that isdeemednecessaryTheythinkthelawis#0 plain "wwalhdating a mar-riage of this kind that an action ofcourtMaynotbenecessary,as therewasnointentionofaousmar-riage contract on the part of the to bring "Balley|from mee|& ite A.while two littl girls wereuninjur-/ mm,le,Oct.4—PFollowing aremenwholeftWednesday ,jon*=oe train for Camp _son,Col 7!er Bayes wa ke ae 1.i=A. aobakerAdare,Laven oey;ney rry,jaKellar,Wilson vi .BurginWilson,James A.F.MarceKerley,James B.Moose,"Duniel P.Childers.The ladies of the town served ade licious su ning at 5.30storebuilding of SheriffMainstreet,and each onesentedaceantesthag-tundewad (ated andbymembersofthelocalRedCrossauxiliary.A large number were atthestationtotelltheboys;Only one of thefh-—Burgin Wtown.He isthe son of Mr.andMrs.R.A.Wilson.Mr.Ernest D.Feimster,sonMrs.Sara Feimster of this place.andMrs.Etta Enniss.daughterof Mr.J.C.Gentle of Rowan county,weremarriedin“aor Monday after-They arrived Tuesday nightandwillliveinhishomeinthesouthernpartoftown,A marriage that was intended for b & pealed to the of Mr.and Mrs.W.F.of|wie os sustained —_mae,cna Lowper L.F.Klos of ieactionacasecameupplace,a sonof Dr.KlutzofyatMevgentesforbearine.At en,Catawba county—found =conelusion the evidencede-they were legally married. on rriage and ie =r Be we Pee Sha Miss Sharpe,Mrs at of Statesville,lead to Mr.handing Mr..abilltogetthelicense.He asked iftheywantedreallicenseandwhentoldthattheydid,he called the reg-ister,Mr.W.A.Barnette,to his of-fice and procured the license.Aftersomeconversationaboutthe’ atheson perform ceremony.Mr.Matheson did not want to go forhethoughtitwasafarce,but theypershimtogoin.He examin-ed the license and ized Mr.Barnette’s -writing,andauestionedissand rr.oe,for he doubted their =When told to proceed,r.Matheson did so,and althoughnartiesdidnotanswerthetherewasnoobjectionraised,he pronounced them man and wife.The license was signed by two wit-nesses and Mr.Matheson in the vres-ence of Miss Sharpe Mr.Klutz.Later they went to r.Pgannoyondaskedhimtodestroythelicense,for the whole thing 7»a joke,-couNeitheroftheparties had any de-sire to marry the other and an ef-fort will be made to have the mar-riage annulled,At a meeting of the oognay bumofeducationMonday4Chee.ham,chairman of the board,resign-ed,Mr.Chatham has served the 2 resignation is regretted.Mrs.Ross Alexander returned yesterdayfromafewdays’visit to ~atives in Statesville.Her cousin,Mr.James Cranford of Charlotte,ac-|houcompaniedherhomeandwillreturntoCharlottethisLawverW.M.Smith hashomeinCharlotte,after ahisbrotherand=sisters,Mr.Smith and Misses Jennie and Ad- die Smith.Miss Blanche Linney of New Yorkcity.who has been visiting herbrother,Attorney F.A.Linney,at Boone,has arrived here to attendthemarriageofherniece,Miss Rn-hy Deal,to Mr.A.T.Bowler of Ral-ci¢eh,which will take place Saturdayafternoonattheresidenceofwthride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs. Deal.Master Mack Hedrick,who hasheeninStatesvillesomemonthsatthehomeofhisuncle,Mr.RalphSloan,has returned home.Mr.BE.C.York and family have|'moved to Greenville,8.C.,reMr.York has been working for sev-eral weeks.Mrs.R.C.Deal andchildrenhavemovedtoHickory.Lawver J.H.Burke and MissIreneLeQueux,court stenogravher,ure spending the week in Wilkes-boro,attending court.Mise Mar- cuerite Burke went to StatesvilleTuesdayeveningtobewithhersis-fter,Miss Sara Burke,who is ill. Crushed Under Automobile. Crushed onder an overturned §au-|;totmobile in which they were riding,Mrs.J.F.England of Lenoir waspotentigy©.Tuesdagef and Mrs,1.Pitts,Mrs.Eng-or wet";broken legwhenthecarwentoveranembank-ment near »Caldwell coun-ty,when an effort was te avoida,oeSe=“hes.eh Mrs.was the widowofRev.J.a Methodistministeronetimeheldapas-torate in county well for several years and his 4 N,|camps passedthroughhere ee e sf i:ilr ii nh »° Tuesday morning en route toOglethorpe,Ga. CHARLOTTE WITHOUT THEATERTheAcntonyofMusicin“Char-lotte has into «avaudevilleoanandhasnotheaterfortheshows.The CharlottearedisturbedbythisSeenaconve’nto a \ville are taylotteisthemostconvenientthemto.,to see theshowsandlargenumbers of from Wa recently,ed the name of Thos.Henderson ‘Statesville,It should ve Thos.Anderson.ir.Anderson railway mail he en inhospiunitforserviceinandwillserveUncleSaminamoreimportantfield. Mr.Robt. countWw.Wwness.the Roe ra 5i |The Ase Press summary oftheonthevariousbat-tlefronts thatsincethemiddleoflasttheGerman cl z iF 3% il a is t e of s¥ . 9 se e re eine 7allows1largenum.||oefor|bers of his troopsin an attempt to co aa oeSosSeonesDoesn't Gripe,msde thersthBrakare eroealy eat:§é NewDiscovery!Dodson’s LiverTone Acts Like CalomelBut Doesn't Gripe,condition|Guten andthe,submarine base at Gslinewae*perene-_Salivateor Make YouSick—Don’tLose aDay's Work-—Harmiess Liver’on the June Zebrugge,butthegunnersof Haig jy "to them,;*areaplanted thisagain wrought theat-|"Soldiersinthearmymaynotonly Medicinefor Children—ReadGuarantee!acres.|tacking’waves and the Ger-|usc0 a cow,butmayfeed it at -is 0.0 tained ll Uhr PositionsIntact,|gromant “apenee Ponvaed,ty Sotfemthesaysa :of 56,3 per still is noindicationofthe 4avocate .Thedecision an areaof hisefforts to on toward and cut kent by a detachment could be fed by |Ugh!Calomelmakesyousick.t's horri right up ane ope ee fine andvigorousI |and a final condition the Ontend-Llgrailway,but he 3 the government.|Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and|want you to go <to the store and get your ,"TEDELO0,the Cheeta ee ue,tle pounding of W.P.Beard,editor end publisher tomarrow you may lose a day's work.money,Doxison’s Liver ‘Tone is destroying thecroponanareaof36,832.000 |of ses of all calibres.Fe Se See ‘é.ee Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes|sale of calome!because it is real'liver medicine;acres with a final:condition of 73.5 the German war office as-To Pederal grand jury fer -necrosis of the bones.Calomel,when it comes in-|entirely vegetable.therefore it can not salivate or7omJeane4SowHageathmy—om eee mee ~n ing false reports andfalsescbapents to contact with sour bile crashes into it,breaking |make you sick.66.7 per cent of a normal and the 10-Verdun sector the Germans captured ne -ee tee *it up.This is when you feel that awful nausea}I ¢uarantge that one spoonful of Dedson's LiverchangeinconditionfromacomparativelylonglineofFrench™wae oe a and cramping.If you are sluggish and “all |Tone will put your sluggish liver to wofk andSa8te5hofficialcommuni.|P®per hasbeen barred fromthemails..:::s :rh—to September 25 is 5.2 |-on atdin ant|‘Whe resent tmescens in price of knocked out,”if your liver is torpid and bowels|clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipatedTheacreyieldlastyearwas15.66 onan mavely that violent artillery milk i New York city has ewused constipated,or you have headache,dizziness,coated |waste which is clogging your system and inakingpounds,the 10-year average 18.11 |fighting and spirited patrol engage-Pegg “ub as heeletAt.tngue,if breath is bad or stomach sour,just try a |you feel miserable.1 guarantee that a bottle ofFOes*took Snd French airmen torney Swann,who quoted as his au-spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver ‘lone tonight.Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family,ould Make Pershing Full continue —bombing operations thority Dr.Haven Emerson,com-Here’s my guarantee—-Go to any drug store feeling fine for months.Give it to yourchildren,¥General.peea y'seobenarine base at =aaa aayone and get a 30 centbottle of Dodson $s Liver Tone.|It is harmless;doesn’t gripe and they like its pleas.-Revival of the grade of fullgener.|Sbrwaue aesbpatetocet mney i raise the price and the courts will in.|ake a spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you|ant taste.al is planned 7 the War aviators are keeping up their attacks Ve*tigate..-ment to provide suitable rank foron German towns and cities in repris-Less than 10 per cent.of the sec-Major General John J.ing,ai the shelling by German aircraft ond increment of 4 Notae army RHEUMATISM L EtionaryforcesinReegenlan'®the open town of Bar-le-Duc.More ee lucien Res dP Many people suffer the tortures of F O R S A °Baker explains that early promotion than15,000 pee eae treed nu.account of physical disabilities.Re-lame muscles and stiffenedjoints because 119 acresoflevel,ive,Red Land Farm,fronting onofGeneraliscossntialbe-nee German settlements,among Ports of the surgeons show exami-of impurities in theblood,and cachsatil i 'fi Statesvi Nice tSEomens,angsim so foams the ons town of Balen,Ste?eg AAegeeuee”OFT.Seeatcaeaiedrycoraen |]Publ snd-layrnd,sevenmiles from Stats.Nico twoman,en ng him 'plet with,but 7 re,.Od -”al P .ie highest military title,and in or-peer se &Sag senent,giving the 881 selectmen from North Carolina —_To arrest rheumatism =ar re balling,’~ith ’ried of trait:30 acres imdertoobviateembarrassmentre-Austrians little respite from aerial ©X@mined 495 were rejected,parent etniesyour eee 7 —;Ww a va y ruit,lied commanders with "whom ‘heis iMeUFsions,again having dropped four |Testimony as to events leading to {°Purygovt ticot.ane meees tessa!|meadow land,40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,Nearilitaryobjec.the murder o ve }medicinal nourishment churchcalsndgenerate”SM AP tivesatPoethe free Auton naval tdPoheraan Wodleyof Raat fecaghensthe “xt tone,te 2ibacres wear schol and charch,3 miles of Sate igh.iatic,d bombed 40uls,ie.=&-bbse—eee -s gr otheryon ft wnery,“advantage.Which precipitated the in ceott's imatston tishelping thousands School.Small dwelling,good barn and out-buildings,75 acreswebeoneGetitleof penere In addition the Italians have repulsed Which many negroes were iN everydaywhocould not findother relief,:ivation,30 A 150 ine ook*.rman ;cast St.Louis that night,.bottom land,’.*asce a om have eee |doclaivaly another Austrian attack on >ogy l a of —we rs _RR Se CS ee ——,ares Halfmileof vublie sand-clay atgenerals.Since Concreteeeheree eante Sen Ge-charged with killing the efiews.fee NOTICE OP SUMMONS AND ra ory timber.sand-clay road,ne eee te rank ot Great Britain's los io”merchant ‘tial is in progress at Bellville,Hl.|WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT.miles from railroad.@ Neutenant general on the vessels through attacks hy sumarines|An appropriation of $10,000,000 for NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.ERNEST G.GAITILER, the payment of family allowances for enlisted men in active service in the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT.Statesville Lumber Conmpany ve. Powell. list has been made since Lieu-|and by striking mines last week wasJohnC.Bates retir-|the lowest since Germany started the Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate. vt Samue!B.M.YoungtenmnnTaaee Two Professors Ousted. New York Times. Two members of Columbia Uni-versity faculty —Prof.J Me-Keen Cattell of the department ,and Assistant ProfessoradsworthellowDana)the department of Baalich and ——were oust-|the University -a aontrustees,upon chargeshaddisseminateddoctrines to encourage a spirit of dis-to the government of theStates.specific instances upon whichagainst.Prof.CattellcontainedinlettershimlastAugusttomem-gi them to K te burege,A sentence in each letterEstated a2 ith thePeo-Count,to which he belonged. )Cents For Cotton. 30 cents aF gon to =was agreemen=by men in-mar and growingtenReatiersStaasbeingjustifiedbythepresentsellingofmanufacturedcottonaThe‘price ‘was suggested in i ;uanamendmenttoaresolution adopt-ed just previously,which declared—price regulation of cotton byortingofthisau-y to any r body.Somedelega’Pa 42 cents andanunsuccessfu‘ort was made tomaketheamount35cents.Resolutions also were adopted en-dorsing the movement to have baleseottonstandardizedthroughoutcottonbeltbymakingthemoftheuniformsizeof54incheslongbyincheswidetGrowerswereurgedtoholdcot-and market judiciously,storingandmoneyifnec- Se e s it EE AfterJustice Cohaian. resolutionwasintroducedintheYorkLegislatureafewdaysrequestingSecretaryofStatetotransmittoGovernor ANew Supreme Court JusticeF.Cohalan of New York “hadwith3ern- vio- prohibited,ae sieactsinstBesent‘tonSeerofSeraTareweravelt an sme af thelew vou Cote ; 523f|iFa z i*:z 3 of |to repeal the draft. any evidence in his -stain to establish >th the week before,which was the pre-vious low record.The embargo placed by Great Brit- ain on the exportation of all suppliestoHollandandScandinaviawasmadeontheinsistenceoftheAmerican government,so that its own embargoagainsttheneutrals,aiming at thecuttingoffofshipmentsofallkinds to Germany,should not be nullified. STSMasonDidn’t—Heflin Admits. In the House Wednesday Congress-|man Mason of Illinois stated that hehadwrittenHeflinofAlabamaaskingthatheretracthisstatementthatMasonhadintroducedabillfortherepealofthedraftlaw.The records,Mason said,showed that he had notintroducedsuchameasure.Con-|tinuing Meson said:|“I have given him (Heflin)ampletimetoactandIhavehopedthathehadthechivalryandhonortocorrecthispreviousstatements.He hasnotdoneso.I will say further thatifthegentlemanwereaswellknowninmyStateasheisonthisfloor,Ishouldnottakethetroubletomakethecorrection.” After explanation of his two amend-ments to the service of men in for-eign countries without their consent.Mason said: “When the gentleman said I wasitryingthustopreventthePresidentfromraisingandmaintaininganarmy,said what was unirue and heknewitwasuntruewhenhesaidit.”At this charge of untruthfulnesstheHousewentintoahubbub.Final-ly,Democratic Leader Kitchin movedthewordsbestrickenfromtherecord.But on a vote,the House decided,81to71,to let them remain.Heflinaroseandadmittedhewasmistaken|when he said Mason had attemptedAfurtherexpla-nation was shut off by an objection.;Mason ther voluntarily withdrew hiswords—“and he knew it was untruewhenhesaidit.” \mneninemee sega Doctor and Preacher | Other._Dr.Tom Hughes,prominent hys-ician and surgeon of Russel ville,Ala.,and Rev.J.T.Ter pastor of|the Methodist church,"Yuseelivitie,were found Wednesday afternoon,about six miles south of Russell-|Ville,the former dead and the latter‘dying from gunshot wounds.Dr.ughes had beenshot in the facewithashotgun.He was also shotinotherpartsofthebody.His entirerighthandwasshotoff,as if he hadrownuphishandtowardofftheshotfromface.|,Mr.Terry was still alive when|found and was unable to make astatement.He managed to shakehisheadinanswertoafewques-jtions.He had been shotjthelungstwicewitha38-caliber au-'tomatic —+as if he and Dr.Haeseeatively.|Hughes,according to the wered yes .saybeimpossibleforhimtore-a|cover to make a statementor‘throw ny Highton the rug Gen. *\C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire.| the 20th day of July,Court of Tredell county,to recover from thenia;and Representative Crisp of ivit,by the Superior Georgia has offered u measure to give veterans of the war with Germanyapreferentialcivilservicestatus. The concentration camp at Hoboken,N.J.,has been named Camp MerrittinhonorofthelateMajorGenera! Wesley Merritt.who commanded the expeditionary forces sent to the Phil-ippines in 1908,while the camp atNewportNews,Va.,has been namedCampStuartinhonorofMajorGen-eral J,E.B.Stuart,the famous cav- alry leader of the Confederate army. [Es that said summons was returned by the Sher-iff of lvedell county,“Defendant not to befoundinlredellcounty,”and said defendant appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Iredell county to be hetd on the sixth Mont same being the 15th day of October,1917, action,court for the relief plaint. court at the time and place above named fo:the return of summons.2.A.HARTNESS,Clerk Superior Court of Iredell County.Sept.14.1917. Sour Stomach.|Eat slowly,mustieate your food thoroughly,‘abstain from meat for a few days and in most . eases the sour stomach will disappear.If it defendant money advanced by the plainiff,and wil further take notice that he is required to day after the first Monduy in September,the and answer or demur to the complaint in said er the plaintif?will apply to the demanded in said com- The defendant will also take notice that a» werrant of attachment was issued by said court against the property of said defendant,whieh warrant is returnable before the said |dees not,take one of Chamberlain's TabletsmontWkelytocauserouatomack”ani sce |DIR.J.M.HOLLAND.may find it best to cut them out.D E NT 1 Ss T. WONDERFUL STUFF!LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store, meena Statesville,N.C.Apply a Few Drops,Then Lift |sours ¢t 6.‘PHONE 81.Corns or Calluses Off With ==~anneFingers—No Pain. No humbug!Any corn,whet!hard,soft oF between the toes,“will ¥FRESHloosenrightupandliftout,withoutaparticleofpainorsoreness.is drug is called freezone and isacompoundofetherdiscoveredbya'Cincinnati man, —+—drug —2 smallv0ttleoreezone,which will costbutatrifle,but is sufficient to rid,BUCKWHEAT FLOURone’s feet of every corn or callus.Put a few drope directly upon anytender,aching corn or callus.In-stantly the soreness disappears andshortlythecornorcalluswil!loosenandcanbeliftedoffwiththefinger.This drug freezone doesn't ext outthecornsorcalluses,but shrivelsthemwithoutevenirritatingthesur-rounding ckin. Just think!Nopain at all;no Sores,ness or smarting when applying it or’afterwards.If your druggists don'thavefreezonehavehimorderitforyou. SALE OF REAL ESTATE . Under and by virtue of @ judgment madeandenteredattheJulyterm,1017,of theSuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,in an action | UNCLESAMKNOWS 906.though tt ;vie fare in Feb-army,navy and marine corps is pro-ay ——=twit ake uae o«i aheaniiie -¢. =|that eesane +oe oy Gene ance met posed in a bill introduced in Cc 8 ge capri jaatae above euatthed Phone —Satesville,N (list —General Nelson A.|with disaster last week as against 15 by Représentative ker of Califor action was issued against said defendant on entitled Eliza Rickert Watts and her husband,|output of factories thatvs,Harrison Miller and wife,the undersigned |make |commissioner will expose $b pubtic oale te the|zi outfits.This showsapogeAgBd—heuse door of tree |Uncle Sam thinks of vul-ffcounty,a oe m.on |MONDAY,OCTOBER 15.1917,Tires.Why not you do jf}the following deseribed lot of land as ir your Tires?Located in southenst Statesville township |and being deseribed at Lot No.54,as same is ||plotted and planned on the map of the landofW.N.White,which said map is registeredintheofficeoftheRegisterofDeedsoftree| | dell county,in Book 34,page 601.;Terms —One-half cash,one-half in three |{with interest on deferred payment,|privilege to the purchaser to pay all cash.DORMAN THOMPSON,Sept.14,1917.Commissioner.‘SHINGLES,C.WATKINS.“WATKINS”and “SHINGLES”|are two names that have been con-|neeted for 36 years.The cight Wat-buaeswota: ene? C.H.LESTER, Our Government has taken the| Are simple in construction,strong and durable, and do their work perfectly.We have them in both Hoe and Disc. terms liberal, Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. Our price is reasonable,and lexuryand If you wanttoknowjust howyour ie Thehom rary ht hatbo spe!heir wee ideasof Wehave allof the latestdesignsin library furniture,fany gradeyoumaydesire.a a i ~ « lastCarduiwhich I tookmademuchbetter,in fact,curedme.Itbeenanumberofyears,still Inoreturnofthistrouble,feel it wasCarduf that curedme,@nd I recommenditasasplendidfe-male tonic.” sure- NO188 youwillgive us a chance. work hard the farmer’s A LOAD andwewillsend you home withmoremoneythan you ever soldthesame amount of McElwee’s Planters’Ware-house,Statesville,N.C. SaaS ’ Home Comforts Are towad in the home.Good plumbing makes the long hours spent by the wite at a home a pleasure -such a pleasure that nothing else can give. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 KB.Broad St. Phone 55. METALS. Nothing can take the place of metals.We are sheet metal workers and will make anything you want—-tin roofing,gutters, valley tin and ridge roll.Let us know your wants. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 66,114 E.Broad Street. renteect een at WANTED! SCRAP BRASS-Heavy Brags 7}c. per pound,Ligh,Prass Se.perFORSALE: New end second hand raachineryforsaleandailkindsofboilerroomsupplies. ‘©.H.TURNER,Tredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. 7008 WING m to saw your wood,Plense eene ¢ ‘phone me—42 ack. T.G.WOOTEN. HARDWARE.Locks,Butts,Hinges,Window Locks,Sash WeightsiCord,Valley Tin and Ridge oO “eae Ss, oo+ r ont"erstteaskoma }No.16,west-hound,due 6.40 a.m.‘Train Ne,11,west-bound,due 10.10 a.m. Train No.21,west-bound,due 4.45 p.m.Train Noe.95,weet-hound,due 10.55 p.m. No,26,enst-bound,due 10.10 a.m.rain No,22,enst-hound,due 12.50 p.m.|‘Train No,12,enat-bound,due 645 p.m.Train No,16,enst-bound,duc 6.00 p.m. CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLE. 'From CharlotteTrainNo.16,ar,10,00,joaves 10.15 a.m.Train No.24,ar.6.90,leaves 6.45 p.m.From TaylorsvilleTrainNo.28 ar.9.50,leaves 16.20 a.m.j mn No.15 ar.6.95,lenves 6.55 p.m.|Nos,23 and 24 are not operated on |Laber Conditions Disturb.| |The goyernment is working to de-|velop some comprehensive system ofidealingwiththelaborunresiwhichthreatenstohamperwarproduction.It is concerned over the pronounced |upward movement of!wages,dispro-‘portionate for various industries,and the difficulty of stabilizing conditions|without doing injustice te workers or,employers.Nearly all productionjnowisdirectl prosecution of the war,and the output of War materials is curtailed by strikes,extraordinary movement ofworkersfromoneindustrytoanother jor from plant to plant,and ether un- /Settled conditions.On the reeommendationsofthecommissionheadedby[Secretary Wilson of the Labor [e- ‘partment,now investigating gondi-jtiens,will largely depend the govern- ment’s final policy. eel SIXTH RAID ON LONDON. The strongest air attack yet at-tempted on London and the English coast towns by the Germans,was carried out Monday night by fourgroupsofhostileairplanes.Some of {the machines got through to London and bombed the southwestern dis- trict.Ten persons were killed and 38 injured.This was the sixth raid within a week. SESEEN Mrs.Smith Receommends Chamberlain's Lo Tab- “ET have bad more or tees stomich trouble for eight ot ten yeurs,write Mrs.G,Hi.Smith,Browerton,N.Y “When suffering from atiacks of indigestion and heaviness af-ter eating,one or two of Chamberlain's Tab- lets have elways reliewed mv.I he ale found them a pleasant tnantive.”These tntletstoneupthestomachundenablettto perform its functions naturally If you troubled with indigestion xive them a tria!, RAILROAD MENGIVETESTIMONY. Interesting and Reliable Facts. Mr.Frank Thomas, a railroadman,pddress Ro EF.D.No.3%,Colum- bia,3.C.,says:“If ever there wax a remedy that hax done me good,it is lronized Paw-Paw.1 was.afflicted pan stemach troubles,sluggish is yer and nervousness.Reading:in the prewspapers the good you w doiny |decided to give it a trial.as |could |no relief,and since your reme- || re ‘ j fy was not a “eure-ali,”but com vournded for just such trou):as Jwas suffering from.JT gave it a therough test,taking it strictly ording to direetions.The result heen very gratifying.IT feel now of energy;my liver is acting quite normal and my =stomach =feels Hike ney all the nervous feeling:has oft me,and I can honestly that renived Paw-Paw does all you say it moxt me hefull ay| will,To certainly will alway have some at home,as it is good for old and young alike.” Sa the vood reports come in from very section.One cured perso |sprends the pews to his friends of ithia dependabie tenic which makes fold stomachs almost as voeod as newJandsothewaveofhealthgoerson jand on,People who have been roubled for years with —slecpless |ne say that since taking Pronized Paw-Paw they can sleep all nicht land get up feeling strong and re He hed.If you need nic,if you need strength and gooi cheer,try a fhottle of Tronized Paw-Paw and be |ymeoas happy as Mr.Frank Thom- Your druggist possibly keeps t if he doesn’t,it-is sold in State Ne by the Polk Gray Drug lronized Paw -Paw,price $1.For- muln on every bottle.Mail orderspromtplyattendedto.Inter s Drug Co.,Inc.,N.¥.—Ad. MI-O-NA QUICKLY ate Do pet continue to euffer with heartburn after ditiner Mistress,hemtdache pain in the bowels or «ou Get relief at once box of Mi-o-ga Tablets.The ly end indigestion and money refanded,For Btatesville Draw Co. dintiners, bitiousnese, wassy stomach bry toe a Gite y and sure atemach tres or ente by That are appearing in this paper are paid for by the manufacturers of this Composition Roofing.There is an ,enormous trade in Ruberoid in theNorthandWest,and I believe the makers hot spend so much ad- vertising this section if theyweren't “Quality.”Without every one to whom |! of it teif necqsaary for the| ENDS INDIGESTION says it is the pickthe _— a Without Leave andPunished,But,Meentime Took a Bride—Moores News. 'Special Correspondence of The Landmarks,4 |Mooresville,Oct.4-—The y»raded schools opened very auspic |Wednesday morning with the largest MARRIED WITHOUT LEAVE Iredell Soldier Left CampWas i ighest value outofsavingzoucangetthehichest,citizen of as proof.Comeirandget themand be ready to startNOW with the prosperity procession.iG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION.W.E.WEBB,MANAGER. IMBER Saturday,October 6th ripeopportunitywe offer you togetyour future on a safe and sure foundation. a. JL. lar you make.You get financial security,. ~.who is indispensable to the town’s prosperity.~~!- Iredell Club Members Urged te Get Their Exhibits ReadyForShipment. Correspondence of The Landmark.) Plans for an exhibit of the Boys’nd Girls’clubs products at the Btate Fair have been completed andaoodshareofthefundsnecessary to make the exhibit without expensetothemembershavebeensubscrib- EXHIBITS AT STATE PAIR. | — SS Wh a '»1 n ear 'eaterofpooii covetedof EMEETec by"tie mophenc ent terecrs of i\Reta in the auditorium,and quite a Statesville y4 hae It =only %.:;ee remains fer the club members to “a|number of vivitors were present,prepare their exhibits and deliver YShorttalksweremadebyRev,:i 0):iM F.A.Barnes.3.H.ew wae them to the station at the appointed Z ehi]UW can a ala hee “the?hour to enable Tredell county to V4 esA RN aae oeiL.U.ston.Ke re Y wake «¥8 ring ,P a nil:;week will be spent largely in organ-———showing at the |" ization and the grades will -oy.‘The car will leave Statesville on’ite begin work in earnest next Mon a ie .eh din os Ae 909eeteeests‘he the afternoon of Friday,October 12,17 :—vis wer _“%«2 wae and each member will be expected tolelayedopening,but with an unust-ido his share by sending the best of |ally competent faculty the work will |pi.produet.Bach exhibit must be|be made up during the year and the properly erated and brought to the/Children will be none the worse forjea;in the forenoon,so it ean be |their extended vacation.properly stored for safe shipment.|}Miss Elizabeth Rankin left last)”bach Corn club:member should at 'week for Boston,Mass.,where =once go into his field and select an will continue her study of expression.}exhipit of ten uniform ears and al :ia Carey ——har see stalk of the same variety having F.oO.B.FACTORY "ome after spending seVeral days/ears similar to the ten selected and|.:etithfriendsatWaynesville.Missjof the number usual to that variety.|Amotor truck must submit,andPASS,="Margaret Rankin left Tuesday for|if a two-eared cern,the stalk should|the acid testofCOST.| Washington to attend a house our.have two uniform ears,er if a 6ne-|.si ‘Miss Willie Kipatrick has recently Jecred variety but ene ear.Only the gy Thatis the test wewant youto ";1 y bu pat YresignedherpositionwiththeMoores-|part of the stalk containing the ears|to the one-ton Maxwell truck—its ville laberatery to accept a position!necd be saved.Each ear of the ten|cost—-and its operatingcost.9 as matron of the Sarah Elizabeth hos-yenr sample should be wrapped sep-|St pital at Henderson.rately,|y AMaxwell truck--which is a hsAseriesofentertainmentsbythe}The Poultry elub members should |g truck,worm-driven—sel!s at a price xRedpathLyceumwillbewivenhere|see that the legs and feet of their|Y cannot bemet in any motorthiswinterundertheauspicesefand|birds are clean and free from scale,Z of economy. for the benctit of the volunteer fire by the use of a little kerosene.Have|a like *and .o department.The first attraction will|®lizht,substantial crate made,ac-|AMaxwell truckwill cover 100miles da be the Rob Roy quarteete on the 16th;cording :~a.already |g in a work day—twice the distanceofthismonthjeiven,anc piace =sufficien whea y ‘¥in Clee Samcce Welk ita regular |¢#alf or other litter in the bottom.|y covered by two teams andtwo drivers.e meeting Monday afternoon in the as-|oe -pe gyi —to ge a |Y It will do this at an operating costof asemblyroom{the mur :‘ipal bt il q.5P ¥Y the biras Wt water white on t le |3ingTheIvehiegreinargsomacer,as any water placed in a car is]Z less than that of one teamof horses.j os the constitution and clect its officers |™ae sure to be spilled and soil the|Y Moreover,it is of asize andcapacity the first of October in order that the}fae ss iemeak dhawld aise suakk |Y adapted to the needs of almost everyoRetaricay"4 ne r "8-aV¥,iad »s ou a «a >A "" hm ae ee —lan exhibit of at least one dozen eggs.Y form and phaseofcommerce,industry, f r v;C.B.Austin of Ronlee hes ae 1")hose should be large and uniform |or farming.*vt .»#*h 1 OF a”4 3 me .»sor aes ‘‘rm *.Ho }tecjtedthecallextendedhimbythe}y”,coer and shape.Phe color should|The is not,“CanIafford to '.be ..if eres ‘|v ii¢,+@ in é on L Baptist sleigh i thi Maes goth,y,and must be fresh and clean|have a xwell truck?“"will arrive abou ne t of Decem eri.hen taken from the nest.All eggs| ‘to take up the work here. y )Private John Moose,a member of i."sair and the money sent tothe}(A can notafford to be withoutone.the Iredell Blues,took leave of ab-!.pinitor 7 i,’‘senee from Camp Sevier last |Whi “il)not be nosaible to ex-|re One-ton Track Chars's 880%;Chanste aweek.came to Mooresville and was hibit ‘all Oe en “a Coe —the Z with cab and windshield £900;Chassis_pees married to Miss Thasie Lee O01 ck acemshern it in desivanie that all |ve with eab,windshield,end Stale GatetheNo.2 cotton mills.But militaty |e eods the See eat ek ee noe My Body $35). regulations ended the honeymoon,:et voi j a _e “‘de ,gee YW |4abruptlyWithinafewhoursfopro=veg gpinae oan n Be ey wi |at E y e M ¢y.§a f 1OUTR ¢>a eredit »showin.se ,coss was ready fer the bridegroon wee a conned cs send 12 or 15 of|d (.White i olor mpany,which required his immediate return tay be fe ee 1 \-‘sonal |’We NWN .:.:tae choicest animals.d persona ‘,¢ie to camp and ave him 90 days for de-lyinte being made to each member]Statesy ile,|‘sertion.After all,the bugle call has and chose having suitable pics fornotsilencedtheweddingbollsexhibiteurcedtagroomthepiMr.and Mrs.¢|Melch ent and construct the erate ready for}to Pot eet t week.in the T hipm (The crates will be] ling to cot »formerly occupied needed again seon for other trips,so by th:Till family.they will neo come hocld your M:s.M.M.Bingham and vhrer,hig not be i this call).The pirsWisMattie,from savannsh Ga.wil be p attention both |f °Pu lav for TWH We ¢"y 1 trars:t hey at the fair,and|]Sinwham’s daught Mrs,A.any prizes v will sro the own-;}t.8 Mias Julie MeKe R»rs of the ;14 Joa lcame here from Bariun,Orph:Remember,tf ieee of this ox-|} Home,where she wn ferme hibit depesds on cach member doing lent Iwhere she had dice hie or her y t It ry t nHspiTra t.She was met h by Mr«,2)h tion te each «}member Aci | Ov x of Amity,ere che w t ‘ly if h f mes thea it to] 8 dia few day Mre.(bver va make it Uf a sue it } for a num!cl yer t he 'will be a "Treat }t ’t for! home the county and ti momber i wo aches Tested with 0 roducts.Do ve purt }tly 4banreattachedte¢)n and help Tredel ty toh its 1 th ’tra Wood scnay,On sent !cub wertwhcarricPowellandhhGok.DULL.|nty me l they were in County Agent \| an RACES Rotana mirot nn Bombing German Places.|her hamc in (Chaplnttel after sncr _While in Foglar!the temands of|)[nless you expect te buy a new car every year oF"yon week hk ith Mrs Lest he peopl ANS DANE s ;;ss 2 4neBweekherewithMra.J.|Germans f .Bi so you will want to look exrefully in to the fife ofWelMr.Robert M.Staff ert i :”laf tg *on t oun ‘7theMporeavitl’ortamery left thi:20M prench,ficr-hace rovenged |?the car that you buy now. ae of i ere rs..affor -themeelve F ‘it lo-Drre |hobert,Jr.may join him in th Seis Crvman lt jos ..oarsratefuture,Mr and By Ff oe ak oy We ee ie The Buick and Dodee are made ric’,theoaningerperSundaywithheatr‘7 ,‘"2 nll hall 5%‘:;}!hter,Mr.Calvin:Shiny u at :engine and ports «il wear ant?run.sath,uesawalt:Pere :yell ::ey vdnumberfoerpeoplewenttoBoth8;}facto Pvit mr 4%y ‘he Winston fai®Tuesday to hear OTC Keey i tm)nWilliamJeaningsBryan.Meo ae,oo f alee ’v7}'.Bin°F.AL Cloaninger and dames 1)nd Morthe :|This yeor'’s rade!wi}k right ten years fomClopniarerwereamongtheyd,vilrond +"’|.\it }‘will stay over until next wee ne Phe Gern ,;HOW.Lou wil ves ive cause te be asl amed of t relatives .pt Orut :i ;q”';>vA >;‘..ie i a ais ek St.Denis-\W |tt.What more da iwant in a ear.re Wad,dav atterncci 7 in for herr { khanii on business witl the ‘gehts m tne by ,Hranch «tere of the Kelly Clothine *hich the casua ices .heavy, s Oe ereeeMat,Melchor,dauchter of oe KE ‘Me and Mrs.W.W.Melchnr,will Officer four »to the Sarah -Elizabeth §New arm)'n to work next week nereatter trel: An Evang tic Confercnes he the mobile art “ i t Preshyterian church he:i}to furnich tt wi -: he'd Saturtlav and Sunday,led by mounts acauit wh ie beOcad sa oeRe1M.Clark,D.D..of §&holding per af ve WER.PR GEville,beginning Saturday ar 3S p.m.missions w ’_::nnd services Saturday at 7.50 p.m..government m \Sunday at 11.15 a.m,and 7.30 p.m.cer#of the >}--eles "Ce eeeSoveralvisitingministersatee>a f,or offic ~AO 2h ROMO OH Oe et OCOY ’ pected and on Sunday the cohgr abMgmhed to ron os .‘,,tre of Prospect Centre and te be mount siitat h uy rE my YT A \A RF )]etShearerchapelhave’with!roawn he wapplied by the rierma ;Vike S8hRy baz ka LF i *their rvices and will attend the ourps.No officer below $vl ‘conference here,as well as de}tes majer in th fs 1 from Davidson,therimed to hav«mou <a 1s 43 Pcas akemaresh wy ty,a RESVERNIEGOODMAN.=special duty may requir It’s Ni,m every!ods Lo turn to th BEST , WOULD DEBUT Seen ee ee remedies tu enld that the chanyve ofeeVRTOSTENILETREKAGAIN.|season is sure to...)ig.Deportation of United State:Ser Fayetteville has patrod af '"9ati:Robert M.|LaFollette and his securing:the |of one ef th In other words,‘‘vet”the cold before theuythries’lines army eamps.De!on m Pay!‘way ,+3 i 'i Berlin <n pg ore a anude chante,Cece?fe iR cold ‘sret -Vou Dy using our high grade{,G whe ane ’a ;;eevee4utterances”was treed ina trol:claiing Gov.Bieke.t,wer in Wash remedies—100)per cent PURE and EFFEC.»tion adopted by clubs at Toledo,ipgtim thie week to m the adva 1a IVE ,.Ohio.agen of Fayettevill he War [e-|:‘;’:°Two hundred and twenty alleged partment and Fayeiieville has We'll give your smallest requirement ourdraftresistershavebeonindictedinhopeofsuccess.r promptest attention.the Federal court at MeAlester,Okla a ;7Theyarechargedwitheeditionandoeroyaaaold,.onapir to obstru draft.wae wned in a pond at Gastonia ineewae_Hesattempted to swim across the J b f |SOLID SCHOOL ‘ad lexhibited will be sold at the close of ‘ Ashey Citizen.says fouratiyaathCollegewerehazing. The FACT is,Mr.Business Man,you | j went togrievanceor against Germany,whether he in-tendstodosoornot,that man isservingthecauseoftheKaiserandiis@wncountryinthe‘man who says we wenttowarwithoutagrievanceagainstGermanyjachargeshis.ownsuvernmentwiththecrimeofmur-.Men who bring that charnownotonlyservethecauseof ieKaiser,but they slander every maninuniformwhowillinglyriskshislifeforthisrepublic.Men who feelthahavenogrievanceagainstnyafterallthecrimesshehascommittedagainstus,might atleastkeepsilent.Their talkharmonly,even if they are sincere.of speech does not carrywithittherighttoslander,or tomethecrimeoflibel.Men whoWingsuchachargenow,and printit,|respectfully submit are guiltybethcrimes.They cannot hidedisloyaltytoAmericabyclaim-unlawful suppression of .freeh.No line in the constitution, line in any law,gives to any manrighttocommitlibelortoutter Tr.i. n conclusion Mr.Pou predicteditnomanwouldbeelectedtothe t Congress “about whose devo-to America there is any doubt.” The mayoralty mixup in New Yorkseemstothis:Mayor Mitchel,ecrat,was not nominated by hisrtv,Tammany having named JohnF.Hylan.Mitchel was a candidatei@theRepublicanprimariesandit was at ‘thought he had receivednomination,but a re-the nomination to oneiMitchel, >le has strong supportRepublicans,Col.Roosevelt,Hughes,ex-President Taft and@hersapprovinghiscandidacy.In ainMayorMitchel’s behalf,5 elt referred to him as thepactsofAmericanism”and best mayor New York has everInaspeechinhisownbehalfyorMitcheldeckaredhimselftothesupportofPresi-ae ene the government ofUnited“States in the successfulthewar.”On thatshow!vethe.Landmark is hopinemarkishopingnyorMi1willwin. *Down in Union county a philan-~~colored citizen retailed meat15centsapound.Instead of call-ing @ mas@ meeting and passing res-glutions great relief given the oppressed Meat eaters,suspicious citizens al-Reyed that the meat had been stolen-they fell upon that philanthrop-t and placed him in durance vile.Aitizenwhosemorallapseswereun-fevered.on one occasion,complain-that “when I would do good,evileverpresentwithme.”The Un- n county citizen of color was evi- tly doing good to the folks whoathemeatatlessthanhalf e market price,but the folks whose ment had been —stolenthoughttheevilinthe Pe the good. |SRILA ten cece eS I In giving his reasons for one of is numerous pardons,or commuta-ions,some months ago,Gov.Bick-ett laid much stress on the fact that ublic sentiment seemed to demandhathetaketheactionhetook;andGov.Bickett argued,by inference atfeast,that public sentiment tooktheforceoflaw.Taking that viewthecase,public sentiment has ex-ressed itvelf in Caldwell county and evidently transaction is time it demands that a red-mded murderer,who was saved‘om vivlence because the peopleWantedthelawtohaveitscourse,betodeath.Already,this Caldwelliesentimentasserts,their pa-re has been sorely tried by de-day in the execution of the law Se -all at one of the banks and signforafewLibertybonds.That'snextdutyofthemanbackhomethemanwhohasgonetothet.The purchase price of a Lib-bend is not a gift but a goodsafeinvestment.Hence it’s no»if one can raise the cash,tothecountryinthisway.Simplyninterest. 'Colonel Roosevelt,thwarted in hisdesiretoleadabattalionineyRecord.f Was a division,not a battalion,-Col.Roosevelt wanted to lead’;colonel would be insulted by anEtecommandabattalion,with ke 0 tierce re September 25 was 2,905,829,i of commendation for the | : :- 2 E i! tit al i : i ii&z f i. * zz L=f Hl eans to keep many men|aeBs many days;that there is |lity on every hand and no in-|dication that the advice which Mr.|Hoover and associates have handed to|the civilians is beingnoticed at all inthesecantonments.To some extent,|,our information is that the same||wastefulness prevails at Camp Greene|here.A Charlotte man who was at the camp last Sunday states that he|saw enough wheat bread thrown into||the incinerator and burned to feed| five soldiers during that day.Some-|thing ought to be done about this.There ought to be a rule in force for-bidding ‘wasteful tendencies at the government commissary.” waste at these cantonments isamoreaggravatedoffencethanfor|the individual to waste his own,for;the public is heavily taxed to providejthisfoodforthearmy;and the pos-sible scarcity of food,and the hich prices for what can be bought, makes the waste more aggravated.|The preachments of Mr.Hoover and|associates to civilians are right and|Proper and should be kept up until the lesson sought to be taught is thor- oughly learned.But what is neededistolayanirenhandontheman- ;agement of camp commissaries. TESSENT ENCOURAGING IF TRUE. |A demonstration against the Ger- man government on Sunday,at Es-|sen,home of the Krupp works,inconsequenceofthedecisionofChan-|eellor Michalis not to state Germa-|ny’s peace terms,is reported in anExchansfeTelegraphdispatchfromAmsterdam.Women formed a ma-jority of the demonstrators,says the dispatch,breaking windows of the town hall and shouting demandsformorefood,for peace and for the return of their men folk.The police and military were called out to quell ithe riot.Two women were injured and several were arrested.The ' .|whole town of Essen is reported toj.|be in a state of ferment.!y |,on an issue of straight Ameri-All of which is encouraging,if |true,as indicating a state of unrest in Germany.We can't always be|sure of these seports,however,InBaltimorethisweekwomensuffrag-‘ists declared they would not helpselltheLibertybondsbecausewo- men picketing the White House havebeenputinjail,This incidentamountedtonothing,however,sofarasthesaleofthebondsarecon-||cerned,but it will no doubt be cir- culated in Germany as a general up-jrising of the wom against the{American government,_indicatinglackofsympathywiththewar.Onewouldnaturallyexpectthe condi-j tions described in Germany,after|three years of war,with all the sac-rifice it entails,but if the report issubstantiallycorrect“it may notmeansomuchaswehopefor. LSjTheLandmarkhopesthe Iredel!corn club,pig and poultry club mem-bers will give good heed to the ad-|Vice of County Agent Dull and get their exhibits in good shape,in am- ple time for shipment to Raleigh|next Friday,for exhibit at the State|Fair.These exhibits come in com-petition with the whole State andiredel!must do the best possible.Afirstclassexhibit,such as we arecapableofmaking,will,as Mr.Dullsays,be a fine advertisement for the county and it should be an exhibit ofwhichwewillallbeproud. STARTREALEORT Organizing New Party. The organization of a new nation- al political party is the announced purpose of a conference in Chicago of a number of prohibitionists,pro- eressives,social democrats and sin- gle tax adherents. The party is yet unnamed,but it proposes to elect half a dozen Unit- ed States Senators and between 20and40membersoftheHouseof Representatives in 1918,according to an announcement of the leaders. In 1920,the prospectus of the party says,a march upon Washington will be made to “take possession of the government.” Look Who's Here! Francisco Villa,leading a band ofhisfollowers,swept down from theDurangomountainslastweekandcapturedthetownofRosario,Du-rango,according to an employe of an American corporation operatingthere,who makes the report at ElPaso,Texas. had declared him- He said Villaselfsupremedictator of the districtsurroundingRosario,had regulatedthepriceoffoodstuffs,levied taxesandseizedaquantityofwheatfordistributionamongpoor.{ COTTON GINNED TO SEPT.25.Cotton ginned prior to September25amountedto2,498,381 bales,counting round bales as half bales. finned.Last year the cottonriortoSeptember25was4,081,989,h 1915 the cotton ginned prior to In Craven county rior Courtthejuryfoundforthe‘endant intheoetheownerofan)automobile was sued for $25,000,the! eo person,isdesivable from every 5aneffortnowbemade thought that if theventhewidestpublicity,weaveaarentamexof‘and even of individuals inbringingsuchdelinquents under mil-itary control.If,after such personsarebroughttoamilitary;it appears to the military that their delinquency is nottheywillbeforwardedtoamobili-|zation camp,and their local beard)will be given credit.If it appearsthatthedelinquencywaswilful,’they,will be prosecuted before courtmartialasdeserters.In either casetherewardispayable.” AATALISESTES Quick Work on Cantonments.{The completion of the 16 canton-|ments for the National army is oneofthegreatestconstructionjobsev-er undertaken by any government,|and within three months thementhasexpendedappro $150,000,000 upon this work,the largest amount anges in| any one year for the Panama canalwas$46,000,000,says a Washington| statement.|Within 60 days 190 saw mills inallpartsofthecountryshippedmore.than 500,000,000 feet of lumber tothecantonmentsites.Altogether 98,- READY-TO-WEAR LadiesandMissesCoat Suits, Ladies,Misses’andChildrens’ Coats.These are the very latest creation,therefore themost sty- 000 kegs of nails were used,;showings season. were installed 140,000 doors and lish ofthe 686,000 sash,while nearly 30,000,-|000 square feet of wall board was used for inside sheathing.When paved streets,stents Suits anywhere in price from $6.98 to $30.00. fire protection,electric lights,watersupplyandseweragedisposalare added to this undertaking,some ideamaybehadastothewonderfulpieceofworkdoneinrecord-breakingtimeinprovidingcomfortablequar-|ters for the National army. _SARASOTAINTEROMISEER Thinning Saloons in New York. Unable to cope with the multiplic-| ity of Federal and State taxes andinereasedcostofallintoxicants,1,-000 saloons and retail liquor storesinGreaterNewYorkhaveclosedtheirdoors,according to estimatesmadebyexciseofficials.October Ist, when the license fee of $1,500,whichmustbepaidinadvance,became'due,hundreds of places failed to open their doors. Our showing in Coats are big values.Children's,$1.25 to $8.00. Amongthese are Velvet Plush, at specialprices. In smaller cities the operation of|.the new State law providing that af-'f Ladies Coats,$3.98,$4.98,$5.50,ter September 30 geA on Hew —one saloon.to every inhabitants |in political sub-divisions having less|I $5.98,$6.50,$6.98,$7.50,$8.75, than 55,000 population,will result = closing some 1,500 saloons in theStatethismonth,the president of |$9.98,$10.98,$11.50,$12.50,the liquor —rogers esti-, mates,and he inks 3,saloons in| the State will close in six months.$14.00,$16.00,$18,00 andup to Judge Would Have Senators!Shot.|$35.00. the|Judge Waller R.Burns ofUnitedStatesDistrictCourt,charg-ing the Federal grand jury at Hous-ton,Texas,after calling by nameSenatorsStoneofMissouri,Hard-|wick of Georgia,Vardaman of Mis-|sissippi,Gronna of North Dakota,Gore of Oklahoma and LaFollette of|Wisconsin,said:“If I had a wish I would that you Seeour fine Plush Coats. Aad rememberweallownoone men had jurisdiction to return bills ;- of indictment against these men to excellusin the qualityof our They ought to be tried =promptly,‘ and fairly,and I believe this court,could administer the law fairly.But! I have a conviction as strong as life that this country could stand them up against an adobe wall tomorrowandgivethemwhattheydeserve.” An American DestroyerCollision. An American destroyer in Furo-pean waters recently was in collis-ion with a British naval vessel which,after taking off the American crew,towed the disabled destroyer to port.In announcing the collision the Navy!Department said no one was injuredaboardtheAmericandestroyerandthatthevesselsincehadbeenre paired and restored to active duty. An official inquiry developed that the.collision was unavoidable,the ves-.! sels having come to er during aoblame in ']When wetellyou ashoe is leather it mustbeleather. We recommend ‘‘Red Goose”snd heavy rainstorm.was |ose en =the American or the |“E.C.Scuffer”’for Childrensitishvessel,! CATARRH |School Shoes.Try pair,and QuicklyEndedbyaPleasant,Germ.Antiseptic.‘|ifnot satisfiedcomebackandtell The little Hyome!inhaler ts made of hardrubberandcancasilybecarriedinporkeroy |purse.It will last «lifetime dIntothisinhaleryoupourafewdromof|Hyomei | is wheorbed by the anticeptix | cause In North Carolina 28,614 bales were,mit sad now rem are ready to breathe it«itworkofkillingeq./te made of Austration|with other antisentionand(very pleasant to theTt&@uaretteed to teh catarrh,bron.«ore wee,croup,coumha bf colds oemoneybackcleansout4stuffeduphowlin_two minutes.;|Sold by the Statesville Drow Company andeverywhere.owtfit,rae Wiebe and one!cont.Mitete,f7afterwardneeded.cost 4 Almostevery day,consistingof| —aaPHONE 212.25 Your eyes are your good friends. Treat them right. We will test your eyes Come in. Fitting glasses is a science. free. Our prices are low for the skillful service we renderyouandfortheproperlyfittedglasseswefurnish. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.STATEMENTS OF CONDITION OF OF STATESVILLE,N.C. ‘Don’t Ruin Your Eyes;Come to Us ForGlassesNow MERCHANTS&FARMERS’BANK AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS,SEPTEMBER IITH,i917.CondensedfromOfficial Report to North Carclina Corporation |Commission.en i RESOURCES.LIABILITIES. }Leans and Discounts ...ee a,Stock ..........$ |Overdrafts erie este ae $82.44,Undivided Profits ......|..Reserved for Interest .|Furniture and Fixtures ..|Dividends Unpaid ...... CASH and Due from Banks 36,967.46)fa Diounts «sss esses. |PON os ken seus ....co $377,379.90|Total .....ccccceceuee $337,379.99 COMPARISON OF DEPOSITS. September 11th,1908 Deposits |““1909 “ ““1910 “ ““911 “ ““191?“ \©is 1913 2 ““1914 “ |““1915 “ 1 ““1916 “ |““1917 “ made this result We respectfully call your attention to the statement of condition asoo=ie =the rolistoryoftheBank,and to our good customersweareverygrateful.We trust to merit past twelve months possible, hasbeen thefriends |eontinuance of this good patronage by the same careful attention to|business entrusted to us. a Your Handsee n sc e n e (Began Business February 10,1908). -— Are not tied from carrying out your ex- pectations and desires when you havemoneyINTHEBANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave. It is not a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. Acquire the habit whileyourin-comeis smail it will be easieras your income increasesto IncreaseYourBankAccount. Now isthe timetoopenanAccount F.B.BUNCH,Cashier. | ;abcaaid }ae Bid The“BLATY of and bows to the RELIA-af the Ford,What ort aptoneaway“that ’prrnde«od TT YOU THEREAND YOU BACK"!Fespanit cues a Peed of leo ABILITY whenyouanythingbutgenFordpartsto-be put Hundreds of fins ‘euoniuane making te |te ge fp eegpeneny.manu rers are ng bogus !in ton vem Mavannten.|Ford and selling them to Garages at much Cooper as suest-of-honor.Miss Kath-o"“gat‘the summer ie a less than the cost of the genuine parts made by at naadnee eee E es ue de Biiteather,in acheviie| havea ofWh ent but the Ford can it the Fordplant.soewe,ce peta ason of santlameet nell Trlepihene,Go,‘spending .few |onlydo trong VAULTS and strongLOCKS ‘ Under our contract with the Ford Motor Company we ae +ewe ete SP ‘Wir.and Men dMMrktlwee,left atin ieee aaa when it is in our bank thisarenotpermittedtouseanybutthegenuineer~ae.Tee ints wie a |Qtee:Ourbank Is a member ofthe FEDERAL RESERV! parts.ee Sciestl sentine a few bank make nation wide, Yoo Cage Mae or counove poles Gas teams ‘eal a :vows ont Taser]COUMNGE Banke coldly trike bapethor €PROTECT your car ‘ou is ;\:! and you pay no more for these GENUINE Ford tabs,rs A.Bristol and .,Dube ourdepositors. eo the imitated ar-oo ee ent fe ens Wecan go to our Central Reserve Bank when we -*ao wantto and getMONEY on our securities.You con |ter yatta Noticesof New Advertisements =come to us when you want toand get YOURmoney. CAROLINA MOTOR Co. eeeee Se Cee Coen Cola does what other drinks fall to do. THE GARAGE WITH THE GREEN ROOF.ect first fall meetingof he Beletleeb)arabiity in oureare,—-Btatewille Mutor Co Put YOUR money in OUR Bank Winter shoes for men and boys.-Mills &“WE a me el ceetny efarncen.A contenof SeteAEE,|Pestce.We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.a read a paper on “The Government and Get that autumn cold before it gets you.Potk Gray Drug Co.{retoryoftheSpanishPeopleattheOpeningmatin.Fea ee ae pe,ae oe”THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN! ay|saed ©paper on “The Goverament Kyanize floor finish.—Ivedell Hardware Co.tory of the Portuguese.”After the current),vine round limestone.Ameriean Bal-|a. =events Mrs,H.©.SteelesangOleySpewke’|).°¢.:|“Slorning,”and at the request of all pees|'*%Co.Knoxville,Tens.|Statesville,N.C. “ent Mrs.Gaither played»Grieg umber.At by Nt™Set suite arriving dolty.Mre.Mary . |tractive sepia me were |Wa he ti —~———een presented the club by Mrs.Gaither.A salad arm hospitality an it service at the course was served,followed by coffee and wa-tesville Inn.Peter Bona,propr'ietor. \fers.Mrs.Gwyn Harper of North Wilkes.|,Our rot -ys on the job.J.J.| |bore was an out-of-town guest.f “The —at the Battle of Ancre”at!bee RRR auneeceRNRInNOREEE reseent ter today.|Gray -Shulenberger Wedding)Genuine Ford parts.Carolina Motor Co.|—Mooresville Social.ae oo furnaces.--Crawford-Bunch rniture ”.|Special Currespondence of TheLandmark.Explanation..-O.F.Bargain Store.|Mooresville,Get.4.-A wedding of interest|New goods in ready-to-wear department,|to om‘eve andcommmontty took wane hy me,ete.:M.oa @ Co.iz°°|nesday afternoon at ms’chapel,on jet your future on and fi 'In bottles reaches more stomachs in Statesville Meatty's Ford road,when Mise Brettle Marte|dation.Mutua!Building @Loan AssorlationNation,|9 Gray became the bride of Mr.Jay Shulen-|Woman wanted for cooking and general than ALL OTHER IMITATIONS I .i Why?waneee of Gulfport,Mixs.,formerly of Moores-ame cap ee Son Se eeme x The church was beautifully decorated.Pre-}at bargain._W.H.Kimball,‘phone 39.vieus to the ceremony little Miss =Hundred roosters wanted.W.L.Smith,|»°.~‘O pleasing i *q .1 ressed Bloom It 8 to the taste and refreshing to the Cee ate taheh oo <n The wed-Cord.wond for sale.:Foy Rufty,Hiddenite,if .‘.ding music was rendered by Miss Elizabeth |R-2 8body.It simply DOES what other drimks FAIL f Si°..cthtiittteasiite tod curried«shower drowh."careTaeLandmark."Se AS bouquet of pink roses.The little ring-bDearer,Expert youn lady stenographer wants wank!%,todo.It's so DELICIOUS and REFRESHING.|fie “tise cosst"S'sienna Wo tzagmare’”"Mra “aio: silver tray,surrounded by rosebuds.The)Clothing,shoes,groceries,ete.-W.L.Smith‘‘a i f honor,Mrs.|Bloo :g When youdrink it,REMEMBER-.MILLIONS of re Torsten ae een o ceautifu ae engine with wood saw attachment,naa frog nf Giftom,over hte Satin ighvalom Ware corm ll and ie”shinaothersaredoingitalso.Most EVERYBODY is Les Sat:eect oe RE ae ins sae ee Ok ‘ tee [UCU UL _|Vivid Views in Motion Pictures. :?Bring The New WonderofWarfare,thay tack (9 train for,Punin,the next ten|piceee of Caterrh thet cannot be cared by|s ’ COMPANY.en mene Ni iat eaterCaerake Gears aya Unbelievable.The Most Wonder- \-4 4 °Amons those from Mooresville who attend-the Blood on the Mucous surfaces,@ :sie hav éTogottheTRUEmeaningofSANITATIONLOOKUSOVER.|Sci,"ide Sx nuestra]forethot time po wih Sewn ip : tered with his best man.meeting the 2295 green. *it NOW.at the altar,where the ceremony was perf fen barrels home-made molasses wanted.doing ‘' lnmediately after the ceremony Mr.and HOW's THIS?x Mrs.Shulenburcer left for Charlotte,where We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward al ndsom sents ae n é g, B O 1 T I 74g -de ai number of he >|Hall's Catarrh Cure hes been taken by Ca-!2 RightBefore Your Eyes!It’sAlmost 4 I N G Both Mr.and Mrs.Shulenburger are well tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,|§ ed the wedding were Mesdames W.C.Ariail,ee Elon Sem he Sane aoe See|ful Picture You have ever seen,Mort McKnight,W.8.Shulenburger;Misses ag <<: d .ment in your general health.StartKennette,Clayton Davidson,Fred Hartnessa be ERO |10c.and 1§c..i q x :ries Mrs.3.B.Houston will entertain the Iie]gilg ‘Jha,&CO.,Tolede,Ohio. Comments club Friday at 3 p.m.Rook will be the game and a salad course will be served.|Sree re mano sce @ Miss Nina Black entertained the Maids and MARKET REPORTS.|—i ’canaibnnerensess a Matrons club Tuesday afternoon at her home |; jon Wilson avenue.Misses Janie Ransom a eee,|seas ‘: :and Martha MeNeely were special uests of rev the club,Light refreshments were served at for |F 4 : :Ea ’qtheconclusionoftheafternoonREOPENEDUNDERNEWMANAGEMENT.|in csac—cacMn,BE eae ;Accident,|Tub kes a pes th Modern ccnveniences.ths and hot and correspondence of ‘The Landmark ih o i ack | cold running water in ev€ry room.House gg ee ne a ee |Arri i D irenovated.|£0 to 58 pengle met at the heme of Mr.Daily|,BB,to Be,per Ib.|e ::°;::Waush,despite the rain and ae.fo sae New Red Honey,strained,Ite.to I6e.Ib | Cordial invitation to stop with us.Warm ee Oe Oe ian Baas]meee er Se Be mehospitalityandbestserviceassured.Seem”Set of eres eae nerrt ee 19 @ :te much.Of course no one objects to such pleas-!I P inew)26 per bushel.eons :ee ee ee eed eat ee es eee Our Milinery Department is complet,al ”|a ied a wi ,vend a sae }ware 'cook.ard od ede ee ance tor |ee,oe gee |the new Shapes and colors,Ornaments, all and plenty left for as many more.Corn,$1.85 per bushel.sdlin aaiperel te toe Soaps end bad some |Gabe Ww),viast ber sacha!.|Flowers and Feathers.We have never —shown a more up-to-date line.-I very good singing,while the others spent a P E E R B O NA,Proprietor.pleasant afternoon,conversing until late,when|the company dispersed,each one wishing Mr.¢ On local market yesterday 25 1-2.to 25 3-40. Stacy many more birthdays as enjoyable as best grade cotton.paid o *Seed,lic.per tb ° the one ual sem sity are visiting Mrs.Cotte Seed,61 per bushel Our Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Stacy's parents,Mr.and Mra.8 H.Waugh. and other relatives,They will return home We want to buy for cash 16 bar.|Waists cannotbe excelled. to Winston-Salem Wednesday.made Molasses.SMITHEY @)| rr evgnteg a =David War-:Oct.5 1 | }ren's wife and children suffer a very bad|—-————na meme |:. e necident.Returning home from church their NTED—Middle-aged white or colored wo-|See us before buying,we are anxious to e horse ran away,after they had arrived in the man of character to «tay on place and cook| home,th hem bugey end do general ho k.Good to!:Und seriously”hurt "Mrs,"Warrenand’one ct |Het party Write BOK 106,Statewvlle,N.|show you our line. We are sorry to state that on account of present freight Oe aa earn |sactiieninane cen one conditions,we were unable to meet the wants and de.ite eo uke or ete cack mg mands of our eustomers in our opening sale,Few Personals.gen and lot and one vecuat be -=e All =Correspondence of The Landmark._quick buyer.W "nee |M S. stock had not arrived in time and we could not serve our ,Oct,1.Misses Thelma Dellingercustomers.But we wish to thank them for the business thet mameathe abe WeWondsie|eo The Cash Store .ime -t the week ith E ‘. they have given us.cer camee te Wo:Uerltn.ie,Weert Sho.|aimee acer |venson —the week-end with relotives at)UNION SUITS ter everybody.Rain coats for f our sto!i i i-Taylorsville.shoes for id boys.In a short time our store will be a solid Statesville insti Sn tts tte Gitar erecton tot Wom Fae arent ew i on Seal tution.We will carry a full line of ladies’,children’s Charlotte and Mr,Clint Morrison left the,ITH,Bloomfield Get.8-10 same evening for Rowan county.'apenas and gents’ready-to-vears,Also a full line of notions,Misses Sue V ;,Margurette M Evelyn Osborne are working in a oe,amcor .st |.oe rt Shoes,Blankets,Bed Spreads,Sheets,Pillow Cases—in ——s f i»a |Pry,Teaaenne Re =Sa.6.ae*.HAVE YOU SEEN fact,practically everything in the Dry Goods line.We ”the"Maiden ;hen slime and “ine in Statesville.He is with the Maiden!FOR SALE—Right power gasetine‘Ginaing Co,kerosene e.Mounted wit wl assure the people of the town that everything sold in The communion meeting at Concord church,|aiiicee Ate Williame wa ‘mill ‘cana i OUR|———aLoray,will commence Friday night,instead of ehingle machin Shingle machinethisstorewillbesoldatasaving.Friday.Rev.W.€.Walker of arium will round blocks 18 inches long.POY Trusting that you «il will patronize us and make this ff _RUPTY,Hiddentte.R2,Ont Foe., store a successful institution,|uu.Pansgeee we eaerm scent ~NEW LINE OF TOILET SOAP 5-1, The 0.F Store :Seceeert "ace,"arene iedeyDemunryiatRe 10c,and 25.per cake. 'in Charlotte,tut desires to locate |.|ae ,:PinsthsLostonms ‘atl AT SCHEINBERG BROS.on ——AT— |i eae!HALLS DRUG STORE,Locatedinthe Mills Building,105Broadstreet.|te Sree a PRESCRIPTIONIST. eons SE eens =Sa aah _PheaeMo.28f For Misses snd Women, made mostlyofrichcolored WoolenPlaids,and Stripes. These are $8.50,$10.00,$12.50 and and heavy all Wool Serge Regulation Suits,Pleated ,all sizes 14 to 22 at White,$1.00,$1.25,$1.50. And with Navy Flannel Collars,$1.75. £0 new Blouses foday in Georgette and Crepe de r ’$3.50 to $7.50. Big lot new Coats{ -MORRISON(0. fE [2nf Ht ‘in his power to bring this about.The State quarantine law,which|went into effect August 1,requireseaseofcertaininfectiousshallbere-ported within 24 hours by either the physician in charge or,in’case nophysicianiscalledin,by the house- holder,to the county quarantine of- to be reportedarewhoopingcough,measles,diph-smallpox,in- |fantile paralysis,typhoid fever and:cerebro-spinal meningitis.Any home having a case of any of these dis- reported,will have placed on the front of it a the ro the that evediseases in any home ficer.The diseases itheria,scarlet fever, teases,when it har been large yellow placard bearing iname of the disease.If there is yellow card on the front of house,and if there is a case of any of the above diseases in either the physician or the house- holder has violated the law and is li- able to indictment and to the penal- ty of the law The quarantine officer of this coun- ty is Dr.Ross S.McElwee,at States- ville.Reports giving the name,ad- dress and school district of any childorpersonhavingacaseanyoftheabove-named diseases mst be made to him within 24 hours the disease is recognized.He will, once a month,publish the number reported to him in the county news- papers in order that al!the public- spirited citizens-of the county,andthosewhowouldhavelesssickness and death,particularly among ba-bies,children and young adults,mayreporttohimanycasethathasnot been reported.They may send himthenameofanypersonwho,they know,has had any of the specified diseases and whose name does not appear in the paper.Such a service on the part of any citizen will be held in striet confidence by the quarantine officer and will be consid- ered a service done for the good of humanity and for the life in the county. The number reported to the quar- antine officer as having a contagious disease last month,are:Whooping ‘ough 2,diphtheria 5,scarlet fever 52,typhoid fever 6. HUMMING BIRDS’NESTS. |Mr.Gudger’s Experience Finding Them in Different Localities. To the Editer of The Lanamerk: Mooresville,R-2 —I read Mr.Jo-seph T.Linney’s letter in The Land- mark with great interest (subject the study of humming birds).I did not know there were so many differ- ent kinds of humming birds,as the of ruby throat is the only kind IT have’ ever seen.Being a close observer, and having done a great deal of hunting,I will give Mr.Linney my experience in finding humming birds’nests.About the year 1885 I was fishing on the Cathey creek,inthenorthernpartofMecklenburg county,and found the first hum- ming bird nest I ever saw.It was on a willow limb.The bird attract- ed my attention by flying off the nest.I then climbed up to where |eould see in the nest and found two tiny white ergs in it.In the year 1907,I was squirrel hunting one morning with a small rifle and found a humming bird nest on a large oak tabout 40 feet high)on a horizontal limb.I decided to shoot the limb off and bring it home for the rest of the family to see.The first shot cut the limh so that it hung down and.spill-ed two little white eggs on the ground and broke to pieces.I fired several more shots the splintered limb but was unable to cut it entire-ly off Last year (1916)my little boys and myself hnd the luck to find two nests in one summer,One was or aninetree,on a maple limb about 20 feet from the ground.The otheronewasonadovwoodaboutthe ame height I am sure they werehummingbirds’nests,for we saw the birds’fly off both nests,so wi did not bother them until the young had gone.Then we climbed up at one and cut off the limbs and now have the nests,with about one foot of the limbs,on our mantel board for orna- ments Il agree with Mr.Linney that eleven people out of a dozen will tell vou they Rave een many humming birds’nests if you ask them,and they think they are honest and truthful in saying so.But it is vers likely that some of them have mis iken some other kind of birds’nestsforhummingbirds’nests, Would be glad to read more ofMr.Linney’s letters on birds and an-imals.J.C.GUDGER. en|ee Want More Chaplains. One of the bills which an effortwill’be made to pass before the ad- journment of Congress is a measuremateriallyincreasingthenumberofchaplainsinthearmy.It passed the| Senate Saturday and is now pendingntheHouse.The measure provides jone chaplain for each 1,200 men in‘all arms of the service and assigns}at least one chaplain to each regi-ment of infantry,cavalry,artilleryandengineers.Plans have beenmadetoprovide56permanentchap-|lains and 128 temporary chaplainsforthenewarmy,but many Churchjleadersthouwhtalargernumber|Was necessary, A - Rev.Henry Sheets,a well™xington,Bang opera udwar ws the house, after protection of# t y e S y Hf it t of S ? prevent of deaths and save os over thousands of doitars,is the task that has has recently been set before the peo-¥4 apleofthiscounty.The new State |{ting accoun quarantine law imposes this task,|which Miss but it doesnotimposeanyhardship |The Landmarkorimpossibility.h res only|says:that everycitizen shall his duty UTheEnglish peoplearetreatinginreferencetoanycontagiousdis-|us a oe besteaseinhishouseholdorcommunity.bie.They have ing &It pre -supposes that e¢citizen us;just go crazy over us,wants to see his county of dis-ed in Londen yesterday,my eseaseasfaraspossibleandwilldoallnyleadingthewholething,in the third squad in thesoamwelltothefront.SwintothebigleagueontheTherewerenolessthanfi chines working all the time,“I can't possibly explain theday's programme;can only saywehadthetimeofourlivesputtheoldU.8.A.on the maEngland.The captain told usmorningthatCompanyA_didthatwasexpectedofthemanditinawaythatsurprisedtheWeweretakenforsoldiersof f to five years’training.The King and Queen were out’greet us.I marched within 20 of them.The American Amdorwasalsoout.In facet it waszreatestdayinLondonforover 800years.Over four million people crowded the streets to greet us, “We were the first armed troops of any foreign nation to march through the streets of London sinee the year 106k —the days of Wil- liam the Conqueror.The King’s awn cooks served us at mess in Green Park,just outside the Palaee.The day's experience has been worth ten years of my life.We expect toteaveforFranceinthenearfuture, There our duties will he more dan- rerous than they are here.This has heen a trip of experience and pleas-ure for every one of us boys.Butwithinafewmonthswewillseea hie change “This is the prettiest country 1 ev- 3 zi s z er saw.The pine trees and nearlyeverythingremindsmeofNorth Carolinn,but is a much prettiercountry,Old seenes of the Revolu- tionary days sure wonderful.We ive seeing everything we possibly ‘an.Those boys at home are miss-ing the chance of their lives.” Other relatives of Mr.he is related to many of the Lackeys n this section have received a ‘opy of the Cairo (fll)Evening Cit- izen,which contains a letter fromMr.tackey to his father and mother.The material facts in this letter are embraced in the foregoing.Mr. ackey belongs to a regiment of en- vineers.The letter to the home folks breathes a spirit of patriotism throughout.Mr.Lackey feels that he has done what he should have fone and he is proud of the opportu nity to serve his country.He says ‘LT have done my part in a wav that they (the family connection)can al! be proud of.I had the chanee and iook it.As you know,the chance ‘omes only once in a life time.ihavedoneasmuchtokeepthefam ity name and honor as any of our an estors.” Christmas Mail For Soldiers. Secretaries Baker and Daniels ot the War and Navy Departments an! Postmaster General Burleson give notice that Christmas mail for ¢«abroad will be delivered Chr provided package later than Novem Packaves must be intelligentls dressed and securely packed.F must bear conspicueusly th SIHS Me THINGZ.mailed not nac}ivevords“Christmas mail,”the complecu nddress of the person for whom tended and,in the upper left ner,the name and address o sender.Every parcel must packed and wrapped as to a! easy inspection by the postma-: No pareel will be dispatched to i which hax not the postmastcr's prob bots fie that it contains norticlTherateofposta ents a pound, SECRETARY OF WAR BAKER IN CHARLOTTE. Secretary of War Baker w:! t tdarlotte tomorrow to Camp Greene,He will make he address,in the First Py ian churchyard,after the | f Camp Greene. EE ee ee Petitions sent the United Senate from Caldwell county expulsion of Senator Lak olletemilarpetitionsarecireulatioy @ Durham. ACIDS IN FOOD SOUR THI FOOD AND CAUSE INDIGis TION! Pape’s Diapepsin”Fixes Sony Gassy,Upset Stomachs in | Minutes! You don't know what tomach which portion of lid the damage do you \\ den't bother.If your stomach a revolt;if sick,gasxy andandwhetyoujustatehasferm Ipaet ind turned sour;head disrs aches;belch gases and nx eruetate undigested food foul,tengue coated just take . little Pape’s Diapepsin to neutra acidity and in five minutes you woderwhatbecameoftheindig and distress. Millions of men and women tknowthatitisneedlesstohave dy:pepsia.A little Diapepsin ocensiorallykeepsthestomach sweetensd and they eat their favorite foo without fear.If your stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit without ree!lion;if your food is a damage insteadofahelp,remember the ovict-est,surest,most harmlers antaci: Pape’s Diapepsin,which costs 0,ly 50 cents for a large case at drowstores.It's truly wonderfulstopsfisouringandsetsthinres \ly and ensily that it,aatonichine a stomach ; pecaate nna ACNB 0 gpagae \ are id of a h t e Lackey | thence with Reynold'’s line i20 Davie avenue,ning seuth 2 with Pavie s containing:nea: Mocksville road, of States i 200 feet to a atunke,Mex +ry thernorth35 MM feet to SUITS,$15,00 R.R.Fare RefundedOnallPurchasesof $25.00 and Over. COATS. $12.50andUpward.and Upward.and Upward. This season you will find it more to your advan-tage than ever before to buy your New Autumn Suit,Coat or Dress at Oestreicher’s. Dave Oestreicher SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA.“lbePromptlyFilled : $15.00 Let Us Have YourNextMailOrder,It SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. BY virtue ef a decree of the Superior Court leedell county,rendered in an action em. trhal G.BE.Freneh,admiuistrator,d.b.on.th the will annexed,of Philip B.Key,va. y Klingender et al,y undersigned mis coner will sell at pub!nuction te iviewt bidder xt the eou house doer in S:C..(on | SATURDAY,OCTOBER 4th,117 }ef noon,the foil ing reat e8- he city of Stoic belonging te e of the aald Philip it)Key.and nd defined as follow to-w One Om the north by Tradd street,on«wert by Pront street,and on the east by Old Neocth and Seuth Corporation line, ining G-4 gere more or je ‘Le Reginning at a larye yean ythe forks er jumetion of the Tenyard and“net ending just east of the and Handle faectery in’the erty of t bbe 5 ther th S&devreexcnsttonstat theextofTraddstreet;thence are tt est side of Tradd street to th bree thence up the brine!th . «»supposed to be one-fourt " 'tT bese On Beginning at #stake on TanyarynehandTraddstreet.thence with theetsouth24dewveeseast|fect to fn ake,Mark Simoenton's eerner;,thence nerth 24 degrees weat 90 feet to wu stake in Tomin's Hne:thence cast 24 dewrees south 8&0 feet: feet to the be-sinningAlso a one-half undivided interest in the following:One Beginning at Allison’ in the city of fh degrees enst 2 rorner,thence Lot a corner onrunsStatesville)to a stake, dew teenlet.Key's feet to y one +,move lenBewinningattere nNeae cor tioite,ranni One Lot fock's line:th the read 85 feet ta tt “me y Ofe 1) Ho f H t “7 ‘“\4 ‘+o ine to Pe the 00 feet t te vinning more or beOneLet ft nnir “4.CW ner,running with ovis epnte Inn « westerly direction )feet en ensterly direction th W s 217 4-6 feet itwo hundred and » four-fifth feet:ton ke erly direction ;lei with Pp feet to MC.W Nir t ia th be wit f red nd \tow'atest at |5 St I atrect No.1 'nt th Ww ter Connell on Libert north 3)t nm et t ( nelly's fir \.ried Pailes ra ! v to vt '‘ fe ith ‘t ihe 1 » N.ft.Mi!ttwit\ M enve ' Liberty #t t ' nines f ’ ie ! 'en ’4 n 'y i }% RBM ‘jor Sept.4,1 AA 8 inGROCERIES. I have purchased the stockofGroceriesofC.D.Bailey and wiil continuethebusinessatthesamestandcornerFrontand Salisbury streets.IT am now in charge of thebusinessanditismypur-pose to give the best pos-sible service.Your patron-age will be appreciated. W.L.NEELY.Phone 85. fF EE am 1,ae Unloading Car Flooring. eee PR erie,Lengths ,10,|fjooring,Siding,Boxing,Case,Base wy. is without a joint.Lay your Floor C.WATKINS,'phone No.43, it FOR RENT—Store room new eccapied byTharpeFiveandTenCentStore.oe sageere 1,18,«©.&HOLLAND.€;~—a jioh HH ti- 'C.WATKINS, ©|Planters’Tobacco Warehouse, WANTED—Oid faleilstk at Pipeless Fuy- nace is a revelation in simple,efficientandeconomicalhome heating.[t has noi_but one register.t sends warm airbynaturalcirculationthrough the whole house,drawingdownat=same time the re-turn air thr a properly con-structed co to be heaedagainandrestoredtothecirculation. There is absolutely no heat wasteinthismethod.Just a»a living springconstantlypoursupfreshwater so the The Original Patented Pipeless Furnace is constantly pouring uprevitalizedwarm air,t's as natural as nature itself antd very cconomical of fuel. The Caloric is positively guaranteed to reduce your fuel bill by @ third at least,and the double ribbed frepot (900 square inches more radiating surface than other firepots)for five years’avlid service Why waste heat in long,cold pipes and wall fue Why net send it directly up where youlive and need iv That's common scnee andeconomy.Hundreds of satished users eay the(aloric is @ heating wonder,and you will agreeif you installu.Let us show it to you, Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. “Today” Hicks’ A barrel of Mrs. new Home Made Molasses. It is fine. Phone your order. Phone 89. Eagle &Milholland. 1 NOTICE! FLOOR FINISH a good pounding.We ask you to do it.Then youcil know why soynanypeoplewecottowearprooftheir Boorse,linoleum and outside piazza Roors. ft looka better and wears longer thaa er floor f i ace1th a moner-backfewarrant¢wi oo '.it it du prove ab We differsnt prominent —streets.First eae to be operated will be a line from‘Bloomfield (at W.TT.Sumpter’s‘Store)via Front Street to Square lredell Hardware C0.and Southern Depot.This car willrunevery“4 minutes—on the evennemeaeatAPeeee DR.VANCE HASTY, DENT \!.SUROGBON,' Rooms 5 nd Floor. FIRST NATO.BANK BUFLDING.Statesville,N.TELEPHONY ENGAGEMENTS, "Phone 197 Houre &to & SPRCIAL ATTEND ION TO CHILDREN’S KTR and half hour.later.No Schedule on Sunday.RIDE THE JITNEY.JITNEY TRANSFER CO. Statesville,N.Cc._ ae ne aRR Mr.Automobile Owner. cently and ordered ag much_WIT * REMEMBER!We inspect Stor-age Batterie ud furnish you ff) with Distilled Water freet AllBatteryworkispert!i STATESVILLE MOTOR CO..| IF YOU WANT CEILING,las ~ilwase paints were *finishedatetiestjobofpainting in _done by an ex- and Mouldings of all kigtle that properly a mumeett eight gallons of next to MeRigvee’s.‘H.WN.c|t thal tine Gadling’mon 7 teeth:don'tto3 Commencing today we will diseon-tinwe the Jitney Serviee in the usualwayandestalliehseheduleson_the Others will be put on RUY DAVIS’AND SAVE MONEY. “I painted Mr.Watson’s house re- Favorite Base Burner. Let us place one in your home and save you money on your fue!bill by heating your whole house with a Favorite Base Burner.You only have to runone tire to have a warm =cornfortable home. Come in early and get your pick while we have them at the old price. WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE. THE FAVORITE STORE. “The World’s Best”PICKARD’S,STOUFFER’S,| NIPPON They are good to look Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your It’s a pleasure to show them. at. eyes. THE REXALL STORE. Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. AISMSBD Every good citizen at this time should do his share toward strengthening the:Federal Reserve Banking System which our Government has created with itsbilliondollarsofresourcestostandbackofitsmemberbanksandalltheirde-positors. You can contribute directly to thestrengthofthissystem,and at the sametimesecureitsby on olieecond every inte the @ pate,Whaee fh to chwayenewysyouwhenwanted.“Wire camelsteteoenescotien. MemberFederal Reserve System. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C.7SendforBooklet,“How Does it BenefitMe?” a a — #Kniht,W.M.Neel. a price 82, ie reli#h,one jar sweet plekle peaches,one jar fi g s &z$? z 9.individual wate x Gove ative bred:Ficst prise $5,seco|Siese “esaition,flint prize 85,bert jack,85.| Department ¢€}i For information confer with J,A.Steele,Jv non bon ho me year old:~~over o ' $2,cssund,$1 Uatw one —+. vst prize 82,second §st sow © your ad:First prise $2,second $1.Unde lone year old;First prise #2,second $1, Rest sow and pigs:Fire prive $2,second ot. Depertment } For information confer with J.A.Sieele. Best pen sheep:Fire prise $2,second j e 91.vs Depariment E--Poultry. Locke Robinson,A.L.Starr,J.B.Alexam- |der,In this department there will be given fivet,second and third ribbons,pens with pens and single birds competing one0.BestaE 2. ‘a. Special casa ee for et j in show,all classes competing.; a pens:First prize $2.60,second $1. 'Cock:First The.second S0c.Hen:First Tbe. isecond 56.Best cockerel:First Tbe., iM.Pullet:First bivoatl second Se,Best ur :First 75e.,seeond bic. —Robinson «ill give one cetting of Sil- ver Campine cass to the boy under 15 years| of age whe wins one of the cash prises offer-| ed on peultry.Department F—Farm Products.information confer with G.L.Me- Hest ten cara of corn $1,beat peck of wheat 1,List peck of onte 21,best peek of rye 81, best peck of peas §1,best peck of soy beans Fi.heat ptalk of velvet beens 81,best peck of irish potatoes $1,best peck of$1,bert peck of aptles 0e,, hoe.,heat home-made molanses ie.bewt cured ham $1,best cured bacon #1,best pound bat- ter $1.Hest display farm crops:First prise &2.50,seeond $1,Bent baie of hay (any kind),Fest turnips raised from seed sold First prize 82.50, For $i.Miller-White Co.:second $1.50,third $1. Rest Farmers’Uuion twoth,three errand prixes.Rest farmer's tndividval beth,three voand prizes.Best merchants booth,three crand prizes.Househo!d Devariment—G. For information eonfer with Mra.J.J. eNecly or Mrs.W.D.Gilmore, bas loaf of yeast brend 56c,,best loaf ealt- risine bread S0c.,best six beaten biscuits 50e,, best buttermilk biscuits best corn breadboe.,best loaf cake €1,best layer enke $1. Hest exhibit canned goods (tive jars):First second $1.One jar peaches or opides.one jor beans,peas oF corm,one soup mature,jar berries,jar tomatoes.Best exhibit of pickles cone jar);First prize $1.25, ceond The,Best piece home-made furniture 50e,,bert callection of flowces Doec.,beat hand-made gar-ment:Sie,bext machine made garmentss0e.,beat collection of embroidery $1,bestvalleetionofcrochet$1,best collection of tat- ting $1,best specimen of embroidery 5@c., best specimen of crocheting 56¢..best sneei+ aie., DS omen of knitting 50¢.,beet specimen of tattingBestbebyoutfit@neistingoffourhe. B pieces,$2.50;daintiest baby dress S0c.,beat heby caps S0ec.,best baby pillow S6e.,bertbabycoat50c.,beat carriage robe 56c.for girls onder 16 years of age,fancy workykind):Firet prize $1,second 500,Cook- ‘any kind):First prize $1,second Ste. Canning Clubs. Liat of special premiums for the exhibit ofiheCarningClubDepartment.The pre-mig:are offered to the canning club mem- Lers of lredeil county under the following conditions tar No entry from a club irl under 20 ‘fi tinge cars will be eceepted uniers aecompanied by daily veeord book Premiums are ty be given ‘for products canned or preserved according to club receipes and packed according to clubrulesandreguintions.Quality rather than quantity should be stressed.Labels sre tolhepastedunderthejarandshallcontain:!Name of product;2.Name and addressfclubmember:3.Number of class in which it is competing:4.Whether first,sceond or third year girl or woman over 20.Clase 1.First year virt making best exhibit «fir jnre;:One jor blaeckberies,dewherricepampkin;ome jar peaches,pears er apples ome jar string beans;one jar of soup mi ture;one jar tomatoes:Canning outfitvivenbyMeridianCanningCo.,Meridian, Miss,Class Hi.Any club girl under 26 years old makinghestexhibit,$10 for defraying expenses toCanningSehool1918,given by Merchants’Association,Staiesvitle,N.C.Second prise4$8 to ansist in defraying expenses to CanningSebool,given byMoovesville.chamber Class U1. Chub weman over 20 years of age makingbestexhibitofcannedvegetables,$2.50,givenbychamberofcommerce,Mooresville:Onejerokra,one jar soup mixture,one jar stringbeons,one jar corn,one Jar tomatocs.Clubwomenallowedtocompeteforoneprizeonly| Class 1V.|Club women ever 20 years of age makin bert exhibit of pres@rves and sweets to packed in 6042 jara:One jar preserves,onjarwatermelonrind,one jar blackberry jam, ene jar peach,plum or orange marmatade,£2.- 56 given by board of education. Clab woman over 20 years of age makinghestexhibitofsweetandsourpiekicsin5042jars,$2.50 given by board of education:onejarcucumbersorcucumberrings;one jar slic- ed tomatoes,one jar chow-chow,one jar Dix- of commerce, stuffed bell peppers.Best jar cucumber pickle,twst jar watermelon rind eweet pickles,one jscannedpeaches,one jar string beans,one jarnpplebutter,one jar mint jelly,best jar wlass |jelly,best jar tomato eateup,t jar cucum- ber rings, Death of a Child. ,»Oct,2--Alta,daughter of|Mr.and Mrs.Fate Head,died Friday nicht,September 28th,of senrlet fever,and wasburiedSundayatMt.Pisgah church.She+four years,four months and two day» old,.} Cotton is opening slowty,It is bringing «|stood price and the farmers are pleaned.prot meeting begins at Center|M.E.Church,South,next Friday. Would Boycott Liberty Loan. Mrs.Henry 0.Havemeyer of New'York,a member of the |¥.Troutman $61.85,C.Ht,Turner $17.45, year:Ls jeae |Nicholson &Co. |Drow Co.$7.05,U.A. lsingle birds of the same cissnes and ——Munday $34.10,Iredell ,conveying pationta to sweet potatoes|best pumpkin by ,bewinning at the Wilkesboro School Books w. M.Somers 1.50 .D,T Shores 97.15,J.&Withers $20,Home Bleetric Co.$5,N.$842.26,H.Hartscl)$469.06,C.C,.2 LL.W.Bicka $192.25,A.FSi,RB.&Hoke $6.26,Marshal!Howard 228.60,C,W.Heover $17,Harte Pow- er Co.$29.25.Harness,Vebicle &Suoply Co. $14.05,13.60,L.W.Hicks$2..$60.01,C,M.Josey $1.48,D.F.Jenkins $10,8.Bt.Joney$3.12,C.B Jones $406.55,We C.Johaston$59.22.R.BH.Kennedy $22.27,J.A.Kennerly$s 4)!for work and supplies. County Home and Paupers-—Iredeli ProduceCo.$85.29,Lasenby-Monwwomery Hardware Co.£6.10,R.L.Bradford $6.59,Eagle &Milho!- 0, land $2.80,Litten &Clodfelter $2.30,Stathe-—ville Grovery Co.$13.75,Smith &Brown$103.91,Troutman Drug Co,$2.25,J.W.Harness,Vehicle &SupplyCo,$2.10,Home ric Co.$12.20,W.H.Dingler 83,W.P.MeLeliand $4,J.M.Miller&Watts 220,J.M.Watts $16.25,StatesvileClodfelter§20,W.E.Hardware Co.$13.83,all for suppiles;W.C.leery,auperintendent,$60:D.L.Warren,lnborer,$26;Mrs.LettieDry,nurse,$20;all for salary;L.J.Taylor$2,lsniah Brown $5,both for temporary relief.Court House and County om M.P.Alexander $46.80 and J.A.Hartness $4,for postage;Mooresville Enterprize $7.25,adver- tining;City Eleetrie Co.$52.88,StatesvillePrintingCo.$8.06,Home Electric Co.$4.01, State of North Carolina $6,Brady PrintingCo.$49.10,Iredell lee &Tuel Co,$3,W.E.Munday $25.75,all for material aad sup-plies;H.C.Cook,janitor,$45.Jail and Prisoners 0.L.Woodsides,board- ing prisoners,$62.60;Jim Stone $%,Home EBlectrie Co.$3.90,for supplies;expenses ofandfromGoldsboro, $56.45.It was ordered by the board that the road le ginning at the end of the present improvedsand-clay rend,thence to the Wilkes line ncarTcmovleton'’s store,be built and deeared a public road. lt was also ordered that the Cove Gap rond sand-clay rendandextendingtetheAjexandercountyline, be bulit aceor@ding to survey,the board findiowthatthechangeinloeationandrelocationi+nmoccesary to publie travel.It was ordered by the board that upen the payment of the balance of the purehuse money to the county treasurer,that the county willraisevoquestiongastothetitleobtained, by W.Press Sharpe from Jane Growory,now a charge at the county home.The purchasepriceofsaidlandis$150,lesa $35 paid in sat- iefaction of a judgment to Dr.W.G.Nichol-ton,and $1.50 -cash,Balance now due by Sherpe ian $215.The beard adjourned to meet Monday,Ov- tober 15, MOTHER!GIVE CHILD“SYRUP OF FIGS”IFTONGUEISCOATED! If Cross,Feverish,Sick,Bilious, Clean Little Liver and Bow- els! Children love this “fruit laxative,” and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach,liver and bowels so nicely.A child simply will not stop playingtoemptythebowels,and the result istheybecometightlyclorgedwith waste,liver gets sluggish,stomach sours,<hen your little one becomes eross,half-sick,feverish,docsn't eat,sleep or act naturally,breath is bad,system fu!!of cold,has sore throat,stomach-ach:or diatrkhoca.Listen, Mother!See if tongue is coated,or,give -teaspoonful of “Califor-nia Syrup of Figs,”and in ai fewhoursalltheconstipatedwaste,sourbileandundigestedfoodpessesoutofthesystem,and you have a well, playful child again. ilions of mothers give “Califor-nia Syrup of Figs”because it is per fectly harmless;children love it,and it never foils to act on thé stomach,liver and bowels. Ask your drvggist for a 56 centbettleof“California Syrup of Figs,” which has full directions for babies,children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle.Be-ware of counterfeits sold here.Get-engin,made 7 ——Hid fompany.”Refuse any otherikindwithcontempt.\ THE BUILDER Who is too blind to C.WAT- KINS for “Everything to Build With”is most unfortunate! The Brady Printing Co. Has a Full stock of all books used in Graded Schools.They are sold for CASH. OSTEOPATH.|Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.OFFICEOVER "Phone,279Green. ' —— |INGERSOL DOLLAR WATCHWarprice#1.35.See me if you are in needofanykindofaWatch.need.In_stock, I can supply thatHamilton,South Bend, Waltham,Elgin,New York ‘Standard, Reliance.|#4.B.WOODWARD I Jeweler, Automobile Users! We now have with us Mr.E,G.Davis,who is a compe- tent and experienced Automobile mechanic.Mr.Davis had thirteen years’experience in general repair work, HE CAN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on Packard and Pierce-Arrow Cars. If you have any trouble with your.motor or electric sys- tem,Mr.Davis will be glad to examine it free of charge. Call at our Garage end let us look over your battery,without cost to you.Will also gladly supply*distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix.No- thing but first-class work,and at very reasonable prices, Always glad to see Automobilists, W.R.Mills Motor Co.|eensSEEaSEPESee Ce ESETe The Growing Shoe Store. Your dollars find their greatest worth at Sherrill-White’s Shoe Store. To buy withou!investigating the matchless stock at this store would be doing your come an injustice.Taking into consi the leap in prices,youwill find our prices most economical in Shoes. By foresight months ago we are able to offer exquisite qualities and models in fine Foot wear at prices ranging from 15 to 25 per cent under those asked by the ayerage dealer. See the attractive models in the latest shades. White Kids,Nigger Brown,Oyster Gray,etc. |PHONES3.* SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO.| THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpotheyohare,bothNEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the sameHIGHGRADESERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythewill and AMERICAN BALLAST COMPANY GENT using four tons of Ground Limestone per acre. FINELY GROUND AND We ship in bulk.100 pound paper bags.200 pound burlap bags.Writefor Delivered Prices. KNOXVILLE,TENN.,August 15th,1917. Knoxville,TennesseeLEMEN:-Last Fall I prepared five acres of land for alfalfa,After preparing the land I decided to put it in wheat,and thissummer!harvested and threshed an average of forty to the acre of!these five acres, |am a firm believer in Ground Limestone for wheat and other grains,as well as clovers and alfalfa,Very truly yours,(Signed)R.L.PETERS, rehiaslbus!a ANDERSON COUNTY,S.C.,8.M.Byars,County Agent. Plat of land 4 1-2 acres been in alfalfa seven years.[.and plowed ten inches deep last summer with tractor and team.Land broadcasted in stable manure,300acidphosphateandcottonseedmeal,and two tons — asect Ground Limestone per acre applied.Land seeded to wheat in November,one bushel of Tennessee blue star wheat per acre being drilled iv.' with vield of 143 bushels on {1-2 acres,or a yield of 32bushelsperacre.In Spring,wheat had suffered about 10 Wheat harvested June lth de>) per cent damage by hail or average would have been about 3S or 36 bushels per acre. What “Ground Limestone”Has Done For Others---Will Do For You. American Ballast Company, THE LANDMARKe FRIDAY, The Churches. Rev.A.R.Beck,pastor of St John's Lutheran church,ba attendance on the mecting of the Lutheran Tennessee Synod,which Was in session the past week in Ra der'’s church,near Timberland,Va Mr.Beck was president of the Synod and preyched the oper)ermo . report of the meeting says Mr.Bect preached an excellent sermoy “Christian Unity."Mr.Beck wil reach home in time to hold services at St.John’s next Sunday and the pulpit will be vacant that day Communion service at the First Associate Reformed Presi ‘ ehurch Sunday o'clock,Preparatory evan Wednesday evening,Rev.Ro Ro Cald well of Jessemer City assisting the pastor Services each afternoon at 3.30 and each evening at 7.50. been in services Offenders in Court. In the mayor's court this week Chal.Cline,white,and John Evans, colored,were taxed with the cost for exceeding automobile speed lim- it.Boots Alexander,a was yviven a whipping for disurder- Ww oconduct.Will Holtshouser, was fined $2.50 for his part fray Sunie Borders,colored, up for being drunk and disorde Dicchargwed fer good beha 1 est Little and Nick Dalton,twe the nevroes,were up for ft Discharved dohn We ! re ol \t charve «’ from a Cam vard Made His Boy Shoot Him Will Hud)i nye | Martin county,she lew,imtendinge tot ¥2-vear-old on and t for his owt death to the trigger of bh muzyle to his breast and fr his son into pulling the str load entered near h heart,him instantly After Hadyshothiswifehedecidedthat th would put him on the road eonchided that death was to ferred.The principal cacse o whole affair was “monkey rundrinkthat)puts ‘en ‘ facts reported from Williame«t Raleigh News and Observer Bone Drv Law Effectiy: Charged:with violatiny th ow dry law,Floyd Baker and Je.\ Moore.beth of vw n,th State, eaded guilty i:Federal court in’¢ j¢hmeond and were each tined S70 cial agents of the fabbed them on a train while they Were passing through Richmond e foute home from Washington with three suit cases of whiskey cont 76 pints.They said =thai or was intended fer a “shuck:: "The liquor was poured out 'Becretary McAdoo will visit Nort} ina in his campaign for Liber: t and will speak in Raleigh .Hair,68 years oid,died in ” jes «=sustained October 5,1917. morning at Lia hegro boy,,‘ rovernment ¢ THE School COUNT? Buildings,Attendance Officers and Bills. monthly Hoard o following At its regular Monday,the county transacted the meeting f educa Application was made to the State boat Fund for $725 to be ised as part on school butlding ain District No.1,Concord township. Sint.Mitchell aus instructed to n ecarvangemernt to enlurge color- t school house District No.1, wring township,or rent w more ui able house, 1.T.Yaeler was appointed com miiteemnan Distriet No.3,Bar township,m place of J.A. r,resigned, \i yranted a deed hool house Jot in District No «Hope township,in exchange wolet for new hool building. greed to pay S10 for use of yereh bunlding outh ofpurposesfor aistrict s for school ar e officers were appointed Jo.do:Fagle Mill ’Fall-tewn;8 i r;O.O.Harwell, Steele.Coaddle .Oling WL B pesbury Appoint townships were de f informatvon and want | pris pal rictNo.* atesville o.40,in- Se hool “45 for \«lis Dee nal for im busi- Items of Interest From Over the State. Ti five men who were jailed at New Berne,chorged with resisting thraftIuwanddynamitingapostof- sce in Pamlico county,gave bond1thesumof$3,000 each and were leased, Harry Tally of Charlotte,who lost leg and sustained other injuries in |noof trains in the Salisbury ards in November,1915,has receiv from the Southern for He brought suit)fer <5, mountain,in Burke county, th.place of the appearance mysterious light that has »much attention in recent rs.now the property of nent being ineluded in tl park reserve. ve Little,the Catawba counts whooe machine ran over and*hurt Glenn Harris,a <ma! mn the treets of Hickory urrendered to the sherit placed under $500 bond t result of the boy's Tachi Margaret Wilson, danght ’resident,will give a publie ad reception:in’Charlotte r 14 Miss Wilson :tencountryforthe Wournte *Rehef Association,the 4 f her concerts going ¢ rover the possibility eetcd for army serviee,Le Wilson counts kille Webb had heen exempt lly weak.It)was report had played the part and he noned for re-examinat »than comply he took his ow) Aastin Green,a negro who some eb ago shot and dangerously anded Jessie Roth,-a youns white rl,on the streets of Henderson, !who narrowly escaped lynching, was convicted of seeret assault, Vance county Superior Court,aid tenced to 20>years in the Stat on.The assault was entirel provoked and no reason assipned ex copt that the negro was under the of dope. eo OM eee SHOES — $2.0 and up.J.M. fluene McK hItheéCOad. ! Debate al Stons Point. Or,:’ee the se %ion .i t rida Ti vomen of Northalowedtt aliftcat nx the vjlluphold the neg| th affirmative Ev- OTHO J.SHARPE, Correspo iding Sevretary (hamber'ein's Cough Remedy the Most Re- lieb'e\expertence in the ase af h mediefoems,there are manyclerChambertain'«to any other,Mra, Co »,Greenville,TL,writes,“ChamtCoughRemedybesbeenatedinmytbhreveree siwaye ieond &@ ,Meytredel Crenebebe|Petintote ova and mine for yerrs,and we eure for colds andpea "GIRLS!WHITEN SKINWITHLEMON JUICE! Make a Beauty Lotion For a FewCentstoRemoveTan,Frecktes, Sallowness! Your grocer has the lemons =and iny drug store or toilet counter w:!! upply you with three ounces of orchard white for ai few cents, Squeeze the juice of two fresh lem-ons inte a bottle,then put in thorchardwhiteandshakewell.This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and com-plexion beautifier known.Maxsagethisfragrant,creamy lotion dailyintotheface,neck,arms and handsandjustseehowfreckles,tan,sal-8,Tedness and roughness dis.om and how smooth,soft andcleartheskinbecomes.Yes!It is results GROUND MASCOT LIMESTONE. SCHOOLS.NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM! Gathered| MEN'S “MUD-SPLIT- ' BONE DRY. GREEN Vite §.C.,August 7th,1917.ANEEAN BALLAST CO Y,xville,TennesseeGENTLEMEN:--lama Limestone enthusiast.To visit my farmnowandobservethedifferenceincowpeas,where,withonlyaterracedividing,Limestone was used and where itwasnotwouldconvincethemostthatLimestoneisthemostprofitablekindoffertilizerforourloamandclaylands,and especially so pl oo crops.1 used three sa Mascot Ground Limestone peracreonthreeacres,planted to wheat last fall and made one hundred and six bushels on the three acres. Yours very truly, (Signed)W.P.CONYERS. RED SPRINGS,N.C.,August 24th,1917,AMERICAN BALLAST COMPANYKnoxville,TennesseeDEARSIRS:--I have used “MASCOT”Ground Limestone withverysatisfactoryresults.Where —this season tobothcottonandcorn.the yield is fully 25percent greaterthanonsamegradelandswherenoapplicationoftheLimestonewasused. Very truly yours,(Signed)W.N.GIBSON. J.J. Se ee Sunk deep by Submarines,and knocked sky ward by Aroplanes,and almost smother- ed by Gas Fumes,still we are living andhaveourGinPlantintiptopcondition and ready to run at all times and will gin and store as usual,and are in the market for Seed and Lint Cotton,Cotton Seed the year round.Also keep good supply of all grades Fertilizers on hand ready. have been in business at Elmwood for 30 years and claim to know just what the general public is seeking—that is_satis- we guarantee that at all times, so come on,our gates are open in day light faction, and locked at night. ELMWOOD,N.C. LONG &SON. peered Winter Shoes forMen andBoys Like You SeeHere. Real work Shoes,Shoes that protect you from mud andwater.on Goodear welts,and McKays,with Soles.N better —CommerciaFirstNationalStatesv$79,940;‘ $41,020;ts and Farmers’,‘s Loan and Savings Bank, ile First National’$44,100:Merchants and Farm. aS $18,900,==Take notice that the banks are not expected to put the amountsnamed,hut the Enale and the public,subscribing the banks,aretosubetheamount. bonds are in denominations of$50 to $100,000 and run for not lessthan10normorethan26vears;in-terest 4 per cent.,payable November15anday15ofeachandevery year.The principal and interest of thebendsareexemptfromalltaxationbytheUnitedStates,any State oranyofthepossessionsoftheUnit-ed States or by any local taxing av-thorities except for the followingpurposes:Estate or inheritance tax-es,graduated additional income tax- es (ly known as sur-taxes)and profit and war-profit tax-es.en the interest and principalofbondsowneddoesnotexceed$5,-000,the amount is not liable to in- come taxes or excess -profit andwar-profit taxes.Subscriptions for the bonds may be made through any bank and mustbemadeonorbeforethe27th,and the bonds can be paid for by install-ments as follows:2 per cent.on ap-plication,18 per cent.on November15and40percent.on January 18,1918.Now is the time to subscribe.Ab-solutely safe and profitable invest-ment,and a patriotic duty to furnishthemoneynecessarytoprosecutethewar. Federal Court in Salisbury. Deputy Clerk Gill has been offi-cially notified by Judge Boyd thatthetermofFederalcourtscheduledtoconveneherenextMondayhas heen transferred to Salisbury,be-ginning Tuesda morning at 11o'clock.All defendants,witnesses and others who have to do with the court,are required to appear atSalisbury.The jurors of MitchellandAverycounties,who would havesetonthejuryhere,are excused and doe not have to attend at Salis-burv.The transfer of the court from Statesville to Salisbury is due to thefactthattheexemptionboardfertheWesterndistrictisusingtheFederalcourtroom. Hannis Taylor,Too. An appeal to Congress to prevent the sending of a drafted army to Europe,on the ground that it violates the constitution,was received by VicePresidentMarshallipstweekfromHannisJ.Taylor,former minister to Spain.and was referred to the mili- tary committee.If no constitutional exemption should be found to exist, then Congress,Mr.Taylor contendsshouldpassajointresolutionexpress- ly authorizing the sending of men to Europe so that the electorate at thenextclectionmaybeabletoexpress their approval or disapproval.Hannis Taylor is a very able man, but he has heen as bad as LaFollette although not as noisy,in trying to stir up something abou:the draft law SUICIDE AT SALISBURY. Mr.Perry Cline.a young =manfromNewtonwhohadheenemplov- ed as a nieht man al the express of- fiee in Salisbury for the past month,committed suicide at his home inthatcityvesterday,saysshootinghimselfthrough the heartwitha32-calibre pistol,death being instantaneous,Cline brooded -ondition.over his financial He leaves a young wife SOLDIER SHOT HIMSELF. Private Norman Overcash of Kan-napolis,a member of the Concord military company,tried to commit suicide at his home yesterdayshootinghimeelfthroughthelungswithaflobertrifle.Overcash leftCampSevierwithoutpermissionanditisbelievedhewasbroodingoverwhatmighthappentohimforde- sertings.e may recover. THE GREEDY WARNED. A warning thatwillbetakenagainst a few flourmillsintheUnitedStateswhichare seeking to accumulate profits in ex-cess of that indicated by the food administration,where specific in-stances of such violation are discov-ered,has been issued by the millingdivisionoftheadministration. ORDERED TO EL PASO. Lieut.M.A.Cowles,who has beenvisitinghismother,Mrs,W.H.H.©has received orders #join1Fieldany|at Fl Paso,.He ns go to Paso py. Academy last Au-aeeatceereLrdemcee—-"~- COUNCHS OF DEFENCE. Dr.of the _oftheWorkoftheCountyCouncils.To the Réitor ofThe Landmark:Mr.W.A.Thomas andtedourCouncilofatmeetingoftheState andcountycouncilsatRaleighonthe4thand5th.The meetingwas aponsnaeesuccess;the attendancearinexcessofwhatIitatoperson-os tes assign-ments,for I found myself and boardlinedupwiththemostmenintheState,imenasHenryA.:Pou,J Cese and with men all,over the State of their class.This meeting was held in conjunc-tion with the Woman’s Council ofDefence,and we had present somedistinguishedspeakersfromWash-ington,notably Mr.Watrous andMr.Porter,who made most clear andpatrioticaddressesalongalllinesofconservingallforceswhichwillac-erue to our advantage and the ad-vantage of our allies in this greatconflict.I was enabled by these up-lifting and enlightening deliverancestoseea‘much broader field for ourendeavorsthanIhadeverconceivedof.A splendid appeal was made byMrs.Joseph A.mar of Georgia,who was most happily introduced byMrs.Riley of Charlotte.By theireloquenceandforcefulfactssofelic-itously expressed,I was almost per-suaded,except those Liberty bonds,to be enrolled as favoring femalesuffrage.1 tell you,Mr.itor,Ibelievethesegoodwomenofoursoughttobeemancipated;they havebeeninbolongenough.I be-lieve they it to surrender and wezracefullyenterintocaptivity.Many things were stressed,most important being conservationoffood.This country must raise 3,000,000 more bushels of wheat tofeedouralliesnowdivertedfromtheirfarms;observing of wheatlessandmeatlessdaysbyourpeople, that our friends on the other side=~observe wheat and meat days;early buying of fertilizers;cut outalluseofsugarexceptforactualneeds.Use less in coffee,quit icing cake,quit largely cooking cake,lesttherebeashortageferthemembersofthecountycouncilsofdefence.Cut down the use of gasoline,stop ,dames H running automobiles just for jeas-ure.Gasoline is greatly fortransportationarmymove-ments.We raise one billion bushelsofwheat.This is not enough by 3,- 000,000 bushels,as stated.Eatingcornmealproductswasurged.Our neaple know the value of corn food. They even urged wool production by raising sheep and incidentally made slighting remarks about dog culture.But some one remarked that dogs from long abstinence had lost their taste for sheep.The county councils are to nametheHomeGuards.To Iredell 50 are allotted.From the adjutant general I learned these must be selected fromourcommunityferebviousreasons facility in asembling,ete.So the other sections of our county must not feel slighted.Of course these guards are available for all defense purposes anywhere in our county and must and will respond promptly and gladly. I regret to say from reports madethereislittlehopeofreductionofpricesforcoal.Lack of transporta-tion is the chief cause.A great campaign of pledge cards will at onceoperationand™}ask for prompt re-sponses from all our people.The schoels of our county will be the chief medium of reaching the child:en and families. The feeling of patriotism ranved high and the slacker and the miserable so-called American who slinks around and sows discord against the govern- ment,talks about this useless war and exalts the Kaiser,the grengest circulating be set in the Post,| by | summary action | malefaetor since Judas Iscariot,the jarch-conspirator against the peace of he world,is going to be dealt with jsummarily.Our boards are specially instructed on this line—to keep thei to the ground for all seditcus ut'terances and report them;and it is|hoped if by any @hance any membersjoftheseboardsarenotfullyinac|cord with the government,they will atjleasthavethedecencytohandinthei|resignations.Several of our friends|holding position in this State,whohaveifnotopenlybyfaintpraise«i: j counted the governnient,were given ajolt,with more to follow. !THOS.E.ANDERSON.Chm'n.Iredell Co.Couneil of Defe nec World Ball Game Series. The first two games of the worldbaseballseries,played in ChicagoSaturdayandSunday,resulted in avietoryforChicago.Saturday the|Chivago team,the White Spx,de|foat the New York Giants by{a seore of 2 to 1.Sunday the;geme was a 7 to 2 vietory for hicago.Dr.Fred Anderson,former-ly of Statesville,pitcher for the New|York team,was one of the pitchers inSunday's game,New York using four|pitchers in that game.|The next game of the series takesEeinNewYorkthisafternoon.e returns are received in Statesvilleondthelocalfansaremuchinterest- ed, FIRE PREVENTIONDAY. Fie Pon a GoweePrinteseliainthetoriumoftheSouchgradedschool Allare STATESVILLE,N. ad a0vo camr Pane The Selected Men Called to Re-port For Camp Jackson. The local exemption beard has or- dered the following to appear herePridaytoentrainforCampJackson,Columbia,8.C.:H.Ross Bunch,Statesville;9G.Gaither,Statesville;Carl B.dle,Hiddenite;Richard M.Harmony,R-%;Filmore Ireland,mony,R-3:John Adam Nantz,ville,R-4;Sidney Ernest Killian,Eu-fola;Tricy VanHoy Anderson,States-ville,R-7;Thomas Jarvis Miller,Stony Point;Earle McAuley,eydetnerSherrill,Statesville;Clyde D.Bailey,Statesville;Sam Nesbit,Trout-such}man;Moffatt Pressly Guy,Statesville,R-7;Foster Mo:r'saon Powers,Olin;Erastus Lee Wiilinms,Statesville,K-7;Phillip Sheridan Compton,Ost-walt;William Thomas Campbell, Statesville,R-4;Richard Munsie Dan-ner,Harmony;Walter Clarence Ma-lone,Eufola,R-1;Harley ChalmersBost,Statesville;Edgar HarrisonMoney,Statesville;James RobertPope,Mount Mourne;Wade RobertRodgers,Mooresville;Noah Griffin,Mooresville;Ira Gilbert Alexander,Mooresville;Sam Jones Knox,States-ville;Fred Miller Baker,Stony Point;George Lak ayette Millsaps,States-ville,R-5;Philander Algernon Alex-ander,Mooresville. All the above have been certified tothelocalboardbythedistrictboardThefollowinghavenotrespondedtonotices:John Maston rown,white,Statesville;James DnileyMoose,white,Statesville;WilliamBarrier,white,Statesville,R-6;Hen-ry Peeples,colored,Statesville;Thomas Robertson,colored,States-ville;Ben Summers,colored,States-ville;Lin Sherrill,colored,Eufola. The District Board.~ The exemption board for theWesterndistrictadjournedSatur-‘ay until tomorrow morning at 10.- 30 o'clock.Saturday the board ex-empted Jesse Locke Lippard ofStatesvillebecauseheisatworkin.munition plant in Philadelphia,Pa.Thomas Brem Williams,Moores-ville,who had been accepted Friday,was exempted Saturday until De-cember 1,1917,because he is enedinagriculture.Chester Lee =ton,Mooresville,not exem ;claim.Flake Summers,teavillenotexempted;no claim.Shuford Gray Adams,Statesville,not ex- empted;no claim. IREDELL MEN, Major ‘Barker'sPectom tetheHome Writing to the Salisbury Post,Ma- jor Max.L.Barker,First battalion,321st infantry,Camp Jackson,Co- lumbia,S.C.,says: “The battalion of which our boys (Rowan men)are a part is made up from our immediate section,divided by companies from counties as fol-lows:Company A,Mecklenburg; Company B,Cabarrus;Company C,Rowan,and PD Forsyth,with Iredelldividedamongthefourcompanies. We could not make a company from iredell on account of the smallness of its quota.This is to be regretted,asIredellhasalwaysfurnisheditsshare of good men in the service and should have.credit for those furnished.How- ever,they are with their next-door neighbors and in good hands.“The boys are comfortably quarter- ed in the new barracks and the food is excellent in quality and abundant in quantity.Thus far they cannotanddonotcomplainofquarters rations.We are now -drilling seve: hours daily in the School of the So! dier,signal drill and physical drill After a few weeks of this work a rreat change is noticeable in the bear- ing of the men,in fact,we are al ready beginning to observe it “We desire to interest the good peo ple of these counties in their compa- nies and te say to them that no coun ties have furnished better men to the National army.If the good v of the counties represented by ou hattalion want to do a fine thing they an send the products of their handi werk to their own men.While the government furnishes all necessities for its soldiers,there are a numbe: of articles,comfort bags,toilet kits, white stock collars,knit Jerseys,ete.,which are not furnished and whichiheboysneedandwillappreciateIfthesearticles,any or all of then mare sent to our boys it will prove to them,if any proof is needed,that they are not forgotten by the folks lack home.” Iredell people who may not have thr address of individual Iredell men,cansendpackagesincareofMajorBu ker,whose address is given in the in- troductory of this article,and he wil! see that they are delivered.Major Barker is a Salisbury man and it isfortunatethattheIredellmenarein his command.In closing the major adds this to his request to write the hoys:“Please write cheerful letters.” Lieut.Scott Safe Over. Lieut.John A.Scott of Statesvi'le,who was recently sent abroad with anumberofotherarmyofficersfortraininginFrance,has arrived safelyAcablegramreceivedbyMrs.7.V.Lone,sister of Lieut.Scott,Friday morning,conta one word,“Ar- rived.”The port at which he landedwasnotmentioned,this probably be- yen biesee aad nojhave gone. ©.,TUESDAY,OCTOBER 9,191 THE FAIR AT HARMONY. North Iredell’s First Commu-nity Fair Was Good.The north Iredell folks have everyreasontobeproudoftheirfirstcommunityfairatSomerSeteday.The display included the prod-ucts of the farm,orchard,gardenandhome—fancy work,cannedvegetablesaudfruits,preserves,cte.;bread,cakes,ete.The disvlayoffarmproducts—grain,beans, peas,potatoes,fruit,pumpkins,ete. was not elaborate hut the speci- mens were fine.exhibits ofpoultryandlivestockwerenotlarge,but they would do credit toanyexhibition.There were someveryfinehogs,pigs,cows,calvesandcolts,and a couple of sheep toshowthatbreedofthelatterisnotextinct.Most or all the hogs andcattlewerestandardbred,wingthatonlythebestisbeingraised.The display of canned goods,pre-serves,fancy work,bread,cakes,ete,,was splendid.It would do cred-it to any fair.The collection was not only of the best,but it wastastefullyarrangedinthenewdo-mestic science building of the FarmLifeSchoolandamuchat-tention.In the display of handwork were many quilts,counterpanes andotherpiecesthatwererelics,theworkofotherdays.One counter-mne,made by Mollie Anderson in1798,was displayed by Mrs.WwW. Albea;another,the work of Drusil-ja Gaither,displayed by .Mrs.LacyGaither,was over 100 years old;athirddisplayedbyrs.MaggieTomlin,was 106 years old.All werebeautifullydone.Other work bytheladiesandgirlsoftodaywasev-idence that the art is by no means lost.An embroidered spread,byMrs.C.E..Patterson,attractedmuchattention.There was also anattractivedisplayofflowers.fair was arran on short notice hibition and:most creditable to the north fredelll people.The day was ideal in point ofweather.The attendance was good,but not so large as occasionwarranted.This was partially due tothebusytimeonthefarmsandthedayoftheweek—Saturday —keptmanytownleandothersengag-ed at home who would otherwiseAnotheryeartheexhib- its will be larger.They could hardlybebetterasawhole.The display will stimulate and encourage oth-ers to compete next year.The fair was opered with a credit-able parade,some of the uatomo-piles being decorated with farm pro-ducts and flowers.Mr.R.H.Ken-nedy was chief marshal.Dr.W.G.Nicholson and Mr.Claude Trout-man,the latter president of the fairagsociation,formally opened thefair.Dr.Nicholson said he hopedtheHarmonyfairwouldforceStatesvilletohavea_fair,aboutwhichithasbeentalkingfor40years.The award of another column. prizes appears in The Farm Life School at Harmo- ny,a valuable asset to north Iredell, continues to grow.Out of thisschoolcametheideaofthefairandthesplendiddomesticscienceexhih-it was in large measure due to it.The school now has 40 acres of land.12 or 15 in cultivation,onwhichtheboysaretaughtmanyyracticalthingsaboutfarmwork.There are about 175 pupils in theschool,about 50 boarding pupils and the faculty numbers nine. Ascendancy of the Allies. Decisive ascendancy for the alliesinthesupremetestofbattlektrengthnowtakingplaceonthebloodyfieldsofFlandersisclaimedbySecretaryBakerintheweeklyre-view of war operations issued by theWarDepartmentatWashington. While it may be premature to as- sert that the British war machinehasforcedadecisionovertheGer- mans,Mr.Baker says,the victories af the past fortnight,threatening the German submarine bases on the Belgian coast,are conclusive indica- tions of allied superiority.With fa- vorable weather he thinks these vie- tories will be repeated and extended. The review,which is for the week ended Yast night,makes no refer- ence to the American forces in France or to the great preparations for war going forward at home. Soldiers at Home. Mr.Henry Cathey of Davidson,a member of the Piedmont Battery,is at home from Camp Sevier,Green-ville,8.C.,for a few days He spent yesterday here with his cousin,Mrs 1,C.Dye./ Lieut.Chas.B.Rickert,United States army,stationed at Camp Jack son,Columbia,S.(.,is spending a few days here with relatives Mr Riekert is from Iredel!and has beer in the military service fer a number of years and has steadily won promo- tion in the service.Mesers.Bryan Teague,Roy Sherrill,Lee Moose and Chas.Moore of Camp Sevier,Greenville,8.C., were among the local beys who spent the week-end with home folks. Mr.W.M.Bagby is here until the 15th. DR.MOTT’S ILLNESS.The Landmark has mentioned fi ee to time the illness of Dr. io.lott of Statesville,who hasheensickinNewYorkforseveralweeks.His friends will regret tolearnthathecontinuesquiteillandaccountofhisagehiscondition.Dr.Mott is in Dr. ‘s hospital,New Yorkhisson,Mr.M.L.Mott,isRB.McLaughlin of the service. and altogether was an excellent ex-|4 Mrs.May Steele Kincaid,widow of the late W.T.Kincaid,died yes- terday afternoon at her home on Da- vie avenue,death resulting from in- ernal hemorrhage.She was 52 ears old.The death of Mrs.Kineaid cameasashocktohermanyfriends.Herrelativesandintimatefriendshadknownforsometimethatshewasotinthebestofhealth,but nonesuaithatherconditionwasserious.She retired about 9 o'clockSundaynight.Yesterday morningherlittleniece,Sarah Kincaid,wassenttoherroomtoseeifshewasreadyforbreakfast.The little girlportedherauntasleep.About an caid,went to her room and foundnerill.She was conscious forawhile.Mrs.Kineaid was a daughter ofholateJohnSteeleofRowancoun-ty.She is survived by a brother,Mr.J.1.Steele of Cleveland,and foursisters—Mrs,J.P.Knox of Waynes-ville,Mrs.H.L.Kincaid of States-ville,Mrs.W.F.Thompson and Mrs.Annie Foard of Cleveland.Her hus-band,to whom was marrieddiedinAprilofabout25yearsago, this year.Funeral services will be held at the hom@ this afternon at 3 onconductedbyherpastor,Dr.C.E.Interment will be in Oak- cemetery. Raynal. Ww James Jolly,aged two years andfourmonths,son of Mr.and Mra.WwW.A.Jolly,died Saturday after-noon at their home on 8 street.Funeral at the house Sunday after-noon and interment at Oakwood. The]THE CONFERENCE TODAY.|\* —P. Rt.Rev.Jos.B.Cheshire,EbishopofthedioceseofN Caro-lina,will hold services and preach atTrinityEpiscopalchurchnextThurs-day evenng at 8 o'clock.He will beassistedbyArchdeaconWm.H.Har-din.Friday evening at 8 o’clock Bish-op Cheshire will ch to the coloredpeopleattheChapeloftheCross.The ministers will be guests in thehomeofJudgeandMrs.Coble.Rev.Dr.J.M.Clark closed a seriesofmeetingsatBethanychurchThurs-day night.The services were wellattendedandgoodinterestwasmani-fested.There were five edditions tothechurchbyFntcrggeoffaith.Rev.C.E.ver,pastor of FrontStreetBaptistchurch,began a meet-ing at his church Sunday morning.The meeting will continue throu;the week with services every nightat7.45 p.m.The public is invited.A Conference on Evangelism,forhepromotionofhomemissioninConeordPresbytery,will begin in churches;Wednesday afternoon at3,Rev.J.G.Garth of ans Wed-resday night at 7.80,Dr.J.M.ClarkofStatesville.Rev.Dr.J.M.GriervfConcordisexpectedtospeakatoneoftheservices.All sessions will be mn and the public is cor-dially invited to attend.This conference embraces the con-gregations of Fifth Creek,Elm-wood,Bethesda,Tabor,Bethany Barium Springs.Front Street andtheFirstPresbyterianchurchof Statesville. Heflin Subject to Criticism. The conduct of RepresentativeHeflinofAlabamainmakingcharg-es against other members of Con-cress in connection with reports oftheuseofGermanmoneytoinflu- ence legislation is “subject to criti- ism,”according to the “opinion”ofaspecialHousecommitteeappointedtoinvestigatethecase.The report, made to the House Saturday by Rep- esentative Barnhardt of Indiana,<tated specifically that the commit- tee had no recommendation “in the premises”to make.The investigating committee waseppointedafewdaysbeforeCon- ress adjourned and was unable todoanythingofconsequenceinthe vay of investigating. Murderer (¢iets Of Light : The jury in the case of W.C.Nel-eon,on trial at Wilson for the mur-der of Police Officer Riggan at Tar-bore,on March 3d last,brought in a verdict of seeond degree murder.Nelson was given the limit,30 yearsntheStateprison.In a previous ‘ial of the same =case at arboro,the jury stood 11 to one for first de- rree murder.Nelson was charged with violating the liquor laws.cers igganandGwaltneywentwithasearchwarranttosearchhishome,accom-nanied by the mayor,When theyfoundaquantityofliquor,Nelson»pened fire,killed both officers andwoundedthemayor.Another police-man became insane as a result of thevragedy. TO DISREGARD THE MARRIAGE Mesars.Caldwell &Caldwell,her sessionofthe Commercialnightandbeonhand.‘ Manderwih Feige ©Cline pre-:siding.Docket about as ofthe ‘eyhour later her sister,Mrs.H.L.Kin-| not represented inmeeti'f the DaughtersGealeaoreay,which ossembles the First Presbyterian church this|wyevening_outs —ae to-8 ‘norrow evening.ur of serv-\ices and the principal speakers are|-—Mr.Z.V.Long,who visited1sfollews:-eral of the western last Tonight at 7.30,Rev.S.H.Hay of jon ness,made anMooresville;Wednesday morning at|Haywood county fair at ] 10.30,Rev.W.E.West of Moores-|Mr.Long says heville,pastor of Center and Prospect|ated folks in »the are loyal to the government in a prosecution of the war.i YesterdayMontgomery Hardware ‘s 1Monrus,driven by Mr.T.¥éseather,and an a :oebyMr.John Sloan,had a slight alisioninfrontofthe4NationalBank.Mr.Sloan was com-ing into Center from CourtandMr.Stikeleather was instreet,headed for the depot.front of the caught theendoftheautomobile,—’against the running board.No dam- we of consequence. CIVIC LEAGUE MEETS TopA¥, The Civic League will meet at theCommercialclubroomsthisafter-noon at 4 o'clock.As October Oth isLeagueFirePreventionDay,will observe the day with an priate programme.jayor7speakonPeosubject ¢I revention,and any personedinthecivicworkofStatesville is invited to be present at this meet- ing.po oesGERMANSPASSTHROUGH. Germans to the number of 276passeduptheWesternroadSatur-day night,the first of 900 beingtransf:from og to the ternment camp at Hot Springs.prisoners were sailors and officers 3fromtheKronPrinzCecilie,A »oekaandCineinnati,interned at 4 ton,and they will be kept at otSpringsduringthewar,:a DAMAGE SUIT.¥ Suit has been brought in Cleve!4 county Superior Court againstL.0.White of Statesville,contractor,on account of ioteeeetaCineaewasMr.ite ~“was‘ilea by ancient while he ¥ near the dredge boat suit a for $30,000.eee 4 EXEMPTION ONLY PARTI ‘ The et of Ottoadistrictexemptioninabywasnotacantfora attorneys,have advised Miss MarySharpeoythatshemaydis-reward thofherselfandMr.F.KlutzTaylorsvieventvinceatvillelactweek.action be inRaperiorCourt.to have the ann ls to sections2,9 and 18 of chapter66,of the Public Laws of 1917,whichconcerning rates,the provision of proper meansofsedisposalandtheprohibi-tion of common roller towel.The inspectors will be official rep-of the State Board ofHealth,who will report the condi-tions of the hotels inspected on blanksbefiledintheofficeoftheboard.hotels will accordingly be graded their scores keptTheNorthCarolina division of theTravelers’Protective Association re-rts numerous complaints concerningforthCarolinahotels.The general 7° complaint is that the laws recently ‘and the sanitary instructionsfurnishedbytheStateBoardofHealthformanaginghotelsarenotbeingregarded.To improve bad san-itary conditions is the association'sreasonforaskingthatthelawbeen-forced.= Show Our Faith By Our Works,Says the Vice President. In a statement in behalf of theLibertyloan,Vice President Mar-shall says he wants to see “everyman,woman and child in Americawhohadbeenwavingtheflag,sing-ing ‘The Star —Banner’andbraggingaboutgloriesofdemoc-racy,prove now by their works thattheyhaveagenuirefaithintheAmericanrepublic.”“That proof,”added the Vice Pres-ident,“demands of us all that wetakeenoughofthewarobligationsofthisgovernmenttomakeusfeelsomesortofsacrificeforthecauseinwhicheachoneofusprofessestobelieveanddoesbelieve.We havebeenrunninguptheAmericanflagatallthehouses;we havebeenrisingwithsolemn cordnte-nance whenever ‘The Star SpangledBanner’is played,and we have beenproclaimingtotheworldournever-pe my _to those erentocracyuponwhic’!the republic was founded and is now sed to rest.ow we have reached the pointwhereourfaithisbeingputtothetouchstoneofourworksandwearesoontofindoutwhetherthislovewhichweprofessforourinstitu- tions,our country and our flag isbutasoundingbrassandatinklingeymbalorwhetheritisagreatandvitalinspirationofindividualandnationallife.” Tightening the Embargo. A final move to prevent supplies from reaching Germany was taken by |the American government in decidingtorefusecoaltoneutralshipscarry-ing supplies from South America to,the northern Eurgpean neutral coun-tries,unless their cargoes are in-in American ports.In making known ‘the decision theexportsadministrativeboard an-nounced that it would apply provis-ions of the exports control act which gives the government the same su-pervision over bunkers it has over the ex tion of goods generally.step was taken with the ap-proval of all the allies,who will co- operate by enforcing similar regula-tions.It follows closely Great Brit-ain's declaration of a complete em-bargo against the northern Europeanneutrals,which was designed tostrengthentheembargoalreadyputintoforcebytheUnitedStates.In a statement accompanying the an-nouncement the board makes it clear that the present absolute embargo|-against the European neutrals is notnecessarilypermanentandthatafinaldecisionastoapolicywillnotbemadeuntilinformationastotheneu-trals’actual requirements is obtianed. Made Sure of Death. Tying an iron anvil to his neck,Green Cofield,a negro farmer of theWySpringssectionofWakecounty,committed suicide by jumping intothewellathishome.Two hours af-terwards a neighbor,going to thewellafterwater,found the negro’sfeetprotrudingabovethesurfaceofthewater Cofield committed suicide,it issaid,because of impending troubleonaccountofhavinggivenseveralmortgagesonhisfarm,which he |would charge,no matter|theenemy—they would make aforhimanditwouldtakealmost su-|perhuman power to stop them.We|will win the war and the Iredell boysaregoingtobeheardfrom.i |Geld suggest that instead ofsittingaroundwonderingwhatyour|bey is doing,that you get busy and|;make him good warm clothes,or cookhimafewnicethingsandsendeachweek.Thege is plenty for you to do,but it is no time to worry.Get the “habit”and do something,for we wanttoendthishorriblething.But firstwemustconquertheenemyandthis takes co-operation,not of a few butofall.You perhaps have not a soninthearmy,but I wuuld not be proudofitifI-were you.You surely have\the interest of every true Americancitizen.Make some boy happy bysendinghimsomething.You know of some boy from your neighborhood |who would be pleased to get just a{postal from you.Then remember heisfightingyourbattles.What kindlofbloodflowsinyourarteries?We |will soon know!“He is gone but notforgotten”should be ringing in your ears quite often. Are we blue?If you could see us|in our sports you would never know }such a thing as the blues exists.|Would we like to be at home?If you ask yourself this question you are foolish,for all of us prefer being at home to any place,but we are untrue to our country by remaining there. I am sorry for you if you are phys- ically unable to serve your country,‘but you are a black sheep if you have{the opportunity and fail to take ad- vantage of it.If you saw a man pointing a loaded gun at your father,would you risk your life to save him?Then just remember that there are millions of guns pointing at your whole family. Iredell boys are assigned to differ-ent branches of the service.I am in the Field Artillery,A battery,316thregiment.My captain is Maloney, two of my lieutenants are Patterson and Noltine,and others I have notmet.I like all of my officers exceed- ingly well.My captain has had world-wide experience. Dear loved ones and friends,re- member when I am going to France |;am sacrificing my ail.I have only onerequest,dear Iredell folks,and thatis,remember us boys.I truly hopewewillhavetheprivilegeofcominghomebeforewegoacross.May God|bless and guide you in all undertak-,ings is the prayer of my heart;and|“God be with you till we meet again.”THOS.W.SWINK. eee The War Tax Will Now Come Home to the Citizen. The big war tax bill finally passedbyCongresslastweekwillsoonbefeltbyindividualsofallclassesandconditions.The cost of all sorts ofdrinkswillbeadvancedmaterially.|Smoking may also be more costiywithin30days,when added taxes ontobaccos,cigars and cigarettes are|put on,ranging from $1 to $7 a thou-|sand on cigars and from 80 cents to$1.20 a thousand on cigarettes.Evensnuffuserswil!suffer.On November 1 also the tax orfreightandexpresspackages,1 centforeach2centscharged,becomes ef-fective,together with a 10 cent levyonthecomfortsofberths,seats andstateroomsinPullmansorparlorcars.Every telephone,telegraph orwirelessmessagecostingmorethanl5e.after November 1 will bear acenttax,and taxes of ¢s onjeach$100 of life insurance and 1 centjoneachdollaroffireinsurancealsobegins. With a tax on “movies and legiti-mate”theaters after November 1 of1centoneach10centsadmission|charged,the cost of “looking themover”promises to mount.Stamp taxes on bonds,promissory |notes,bills of sale and playing cards|become effective December 1,as doesthe1centtaxonparcelpostpack-,;ages costing 25 cents or more.Theadditional1centonlettersiseffect-ive November 1,but the additionalsecond-class postage is not effectiveuntilJuly1,1918, Automobile owning,with a tax of 2percentonthesaleprice,becomesmorecostlyimmediately,beautifiers as : dash |eringtheperiod |peller to the ine,and camera,will have beentheUnitedStates.There has ithe call for aviators.This country has Also such| ¥members of the delegation that had represented as being clear ofdebt Fayetteville’s Chance. Fayetteville has been recommended }jewelry and cosmetics,|or reliefs in the form of pills,patentmedicinesandchewinggum,are hit |also,Sporting goods,motor boats,|estates,inheritances,for a military camp but there is no profits and other luxuries a?bp?allappropriationfornewcamps,nor has |wealthy are taxable immediatelytheWarDepartmentdecidedyettoestablishnewcampsinthiscountry—a decision be reached andprevailedupontoappro-,priate the money,Fayetteville will begivenoneseeratcampsinthecountry.is,in effect,was whatSecretaryofWarBakertoldGove,hor Bickett,Senator Overman and the ——— NO VEAL FOR GREENSBORO.Greensboro News.In order to discourage the slaugh-ter of young cattle in Guilford eoun-|ty,the commissioners of Greensboro|have decided to deny the local market |to meat from “male calves under six|months old or heifer calves under 18|months old when killed.”An ordi.|jnanee embodying this provision has|j been drawn and passed with the unan-imous vote of the board. to a camp for Fayetteville. AUTOMOBILE VICTIM. Lo of Rev.| of Goldsboro,ahospitalsfTaehewanundertreat,skull.Theboy,over by an automobile in LINIMENT Baker's statement said,“thiswillsenditsfirstairplaneThisairplane,from the tip a remarkably gratifying res an unlimited supply of youne menpossessingcourage,self-reliance,goodjudgmentanddecision—the things re-|quired in the air service.This serv- ice today is fitting thousand of Amer-icans fer flying.”Twenty-four flying schools havebeenauthorized,and besides the thou-sands training here students from theUnitedStatesaretraininginallthe allied countries,while many of them are undergoing intensive schooling be-hind several of the battle fronts.ThemennowinEuropewillbeturnedove:as finished aviators to the AmericantroopsinFrance.American machines also are being,built abroad and Mr.Baker said thatapproximatelyone-fourth of the num- ber soon to be needed will be made in the allied countries.In that connec tion stress was laid upon the necessi- ty for greatly developing and ex- panding the aircraft industry in the United States. Killed His Niece Because She ~Got Married. In Chatham county,on the 4th, Williams,a farmer living near — Wake county.shot his niece,rs Cassie Sears,und then shot himselfWilliamsdiedinafewhours.Mr Sears was taken toa Raleigh hospit.! Her recovery is doubtful.Mrs.Sears,who was Miss Yates.lived in the home of her uncle unti!her marriage to Lucas Sears,five days before the tragedy.Williams stren- uously objected to the marriage.Shetookcareofhiswife,en invalid.Miss Yates,24 years old,eloped and mar-ried Sears,whe took her to the homeofhismotherinChatham.WhenWilliamsappearedattheSearshomeinChatham,near noon on the 4th.,he found his niece and her mother-in- law,the young husband being in the field.His niece,expecting no trouble, invited him into the house.He step- ped in the hall,drew a pistol and fired on the young woman,a bullet entering her right eye.She fell to the floorandWilliamsplacedthepistoltohistempleandsentaballintohisbrain. The elder Mrs.Sears,who witnessed the tragedy.called her son and theyoungbridewastakentoaRaleighhospital.Williams was treated intheSearshome,but he died in fourhours. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Most Re-Hable.After many years’expertence in the use ofitandothercoughmedicines,there are manywhopreferChamberlain's to any otherA.C.Kirstein,Greenville,1,writes,“Cham-beriain’s Cough Remedy has been used in mymother's home and mine for years,and we always found it a quiek cure for colds andbronchialtroubles.We find it to be the mereliablecoughmedicinewehaveusedoe—MI-O-NASTOPS ALLSTOMACHDISTRESS Why suffer with that uncomfortable feeb ing of fullneas,headache,dizziness sour, Maasy,upset stomach,or heartburn”Get! relief at once delays are dangermus Buy| today now a 60 cent bex of Mi-o-na Tab.| lets.There is no more effective stomach remedy.For sale by the Statesville Drug Company.} For Lameness,Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Pain At Once \Fer kau and Beast|||25c.50c.$1.AtAll Dealers. Battery Inspection Free. w hl)ito‘sssleange “Mptsertes_onl LoveinstockafulllineofBatteryac-cessories.STATESVILLE MOTOR CO, OSTEOPATH.Dr.S.W.HoffmanOFFICEOVER Merchants’&Farmers’Bank.4;Hi"Phone,279Green.ouse Tante:Hes : cee iri eae 60conte,Lawes m= Mrs.| st | Wepublishtheformulaoftoproveconvincinglythatithas the power to create R ver and1SedBtwane Bost Gly Any woman whoVinoolgedAnasdid 3, ’.F.Hall,Druggi Barium Springs Water. .Statesville. Will relieve when =drugsStomech,Kidney =andTrouble,Rheumatism,EczemaotherSkindiseases.'Phone W.EVANS and __the DRUG CO. A fail-—Bladder and POLK GRAY MAYR’SWonderfulRemedy ForSTOMACHTROUBLE One Dose ConvincesStatesvilleDrugCo. and other reliable druggists. BH MILI OOOF 3 WHEN THE LEAVES BEGIN TO TURN. It’s time for everybody to turn to the BEST remedies for the colds that the change ofseasonissuretobring. In other words,‘‘get”the cold before the cold ‘‘gets”you by using our high gradea100percentPUREandEFFEC- We'll give your smallest requirement our promptest attention. 1}POLK GRAY DRUG CO. ' “On the Square. DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS &to 6."PHONE 81. FRESH PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR PANCAKES. Miller-McLain Supply(o. UNCLE SAMKNOWS Our Government has taken theoutputoffactoriesvuleanizingoutfits.swhatUncleSamthinksof vul-can Tires.Why not you doashepairyourTires? &SUPPLY COMPANY. —Court Street. C.H.LESTER, RecIsTERED AXCHITECT, |Statesville,N.C.’Phone 3406 ~ crTY THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.past,we will strive to give the sameHIGHGRADESERVICE As in the that has wen for this Company the good will andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons: “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT. We wil!be glad to have you call_at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No,54 if ourserviceinneeded. We do NOTARY PULIC work also.J.F.CARLTON,Cordially yours,-Manager. laxuryandenjoyment. Wehave allofthe latestdesigns in library furnitere,any grade you may . If you want to know your Ce,ee how yourlibrarywill a |- Pe Tr “ne Se ae 1 a‘ hi t h ah i gi .->iHi Prvage oo catego | A factory has been enantianesin Greensboro to manufacture ki dyestuffs.Judge R.B.Albertson,formerlyofElizabethCity,this State,died a| i few days ago at Seattle,Wash. Henry Millikan,colored,of Chat- ham county,killed three squirrels at| their activity,an in and day outgreatmassesofsicelhavebeenblast-jing the German points which aremappedoutforcapturewhenthenewdriveislaunched.The Germans areansweringthyBritishfireonvarious sectors,When the new offensive will startcannotbepredicted.Several days . may elapse before Haig has sufficientiypoundedtheGermanstowarrant sending his men actoss,or the ad-| counPinkham’s Vegetable Compoundatrialdencethatiscontinually the of? ip It hardly seems possiblé that there is a woman iff’try who continues to suffer without giving LSeallbeingpublished,proving be} i :vance may have besrun yesterday.icti :* omeadtee hay Sn vo one shot,says the veraciousChatham The aoe of the dean (ees contradiction that this grand old medicine has well.”Ifyousufferfrom pains due to These are Record.prince in Champagne again hes en-,More suffering among women than any other medicitiéin ;Fire partially destroyed am €X-|deavored to dent the French line,but theworld, female complaints,Cardui may be just press car,in the railroad yards at again has failed with considerable . what you need.Thousands of women |Greeysboro early Sunday morning,|losses in men killed or made prisoner.Mrs.Kieso Cured After SevenMonth's Hinesa, whoonce sufieredin thiswaynow praise and Puined its contents.lhe heavy artillery duel continucs ro’‘l.—“Forsevenlong months Cardul for their present good health.The |‘The troops at Camp Greene,Char-!stone the eastern bank of the Meus:frog's tomnale Sepa oak eres a Giveitatrial,NC-133 lotte,new number 12,000,The targe'|river in the Verdun sector,and sides until Ibecame 80 weak I 4 lccheesenonss ae &ee ae range for rifle practice is located near |Comparative quiet prevails on the s and b 9 the Catawba river,11 miles from the |northern portion of the front in Rus-ce got so Season’s |eamp.;j sia and along this line to Rumania.noise,I ‘ é 99 Earle Neville,the ro Gov.|in Rumania,however,the Russians Bickett saved from a mab in Ral-/in an attack northwest of the town :/eigh,and who has since bee nin :of Sereth,ig a Teutonic allied| Best ‘in Charlotte,was taken to gh |position,made prisoners of 762 men ‘Sunday night for trial.jaund also teek seven machine guns my own housework. id :A barrel of Mrs.Hicks The Boone Democrat says the buck-|!oder a heavy artillery fire the Rus an would try Lydia new —|wheat crop in Watauga county meee tans —=oo to hit ha —and out for {being threshed and the yield is abun-|«t°the positions,having previously 1680,590 North Ave.,Aurora,IILi;|dant where the crop was not damaged|'cpulsed several enemy infantry coun-2 Home Made Molasses.Skirts Hip the September’frost.|ter-attacks,.|cas aResty Gee SeeGet.-, i The young son of H.J.Hoxit of Baily a —-Austrians ham’s at S a yontetuow Goondtote 8. .!ai i ot :ih ore enge tm batties for supremacy Compou has done wasItisfine.—pg tod pS ee Se n the slopes of Monte San Gabriele.|health from female troubles that I could oy get off my bed,iM :the scerlental diseharce (i the latest fight the Italians cap-|had been doctoringfor a}timeand my r T ,Phone our order ‘as a result of the accidental disehary brea baa iti +th om to try Lydia E.Pinkham’s ’> P y :Prices rea able $6.50 lof his gun.He was hunting and tried |‘Ore enemy positions on the northern ry !egetable Compound.’SoI did,sonanie,Uy dre.his jun through a harbed |l0PCs and also took prisoners.On)has certainly made me a welkwerian,Iamable todo my Phone 89 aisa ten:.everal othe r sectors of this theater|and soha as I never expectedto »around the way:|;.the Austrians have delivered counter and J want rs to know what E.Pinkham|Miss Edna Elam of Raleigh,daugh-|ittucks,but everywhere were repulsed |¢has ”.ie 3$8.50 $10.00 $12.50 and |ter of Mr.and Mrs.R.A.Elam of J doneforme.—Mrs.Josiz Copnzn,1668 Harrison Eagle &Mulholland.UV,wows :'County Line,Davie county,was mar-The advance of the British in the|F ge vite ried a few ~~-to Mr.*=hlanders offensive last week was,as |you want )yee!|Craft,a traveling salesman ©ns-in previous attacks,timed to the min-cineCo,(confidential)Lynn,Mass.‘ourletter ton-Salem.They will live at Fapm-ute.The British forces at the given|Seadand answered by a womanandheld |$15.00.ville,Pitt county.jsienal at daylight swarmed from) i ;Government avents in different ‘heir trenches over the ground that|parts of the country are searching had been harrowed by myriads of 3GRRC RORCRC ROEREO ‘trains for liquor transported on the shells from the great array of artil-‘i Hoflin person or in suit cases,in violation of id pro ge ohne the front of more ||f the Federal law,and Wilmington is |than eight miles,they made notable : one of the points at which inbound "Ww —of —inflicted heavy ” yassenger trains are searched.casualties on the Germans while them- Herman Cone,‘olde st son of the elves suffering slight losses and took |/j Midd late Ceasar Cone of Greensboro,has |™@"Y Prisoners,a large number of iyenlistedintheFederalserviceasa|“-“—_ee in order to i ‘textile expert in the ordnance depart.|read a haven of safety from the ||k wes ment.His services were accepted as |oe te ;:;k oxensoonasofferedandheisnowatwork,|e attack was delivered with all |!.“a ,being located near Boston,Mass ithe dash of previous offensives,and |The call of distress , 8 At work on a talaghent pale at \swiely =—the Britichers,net:|&Is the S.0.8 9!.J \l withstanding heavy counter-attacks at |:BBs We Se : Rocky Monnt,G.H.Riley,an electri arious points,took positi has ;f 4oeleeweaMarked‘out fae chem.seat had lig And every car-owner ought to know wmwithahigh-power wire and wes)th °eh as ne x lief ¢'f -O!and heavy all Wool Serge thrown from the pole.His skull Ol Oech tees ur ue ae E That relief can be had at ONE-BEV EN-O!“s _———by the fall and he died im north and south to the east of Y con When accident your plans o’erthrow wetafewminutes.is nearly all in the hands of the Brit-Af CALL UP:“ONE-SEVEN-O”!# 5 .In the First,Presbyter ian chureh |ish ‘rs,and at several points the Os-Regulation Suits,Pleated of Morganton Friday afternoon at 5)tend-Lille railway now is virtually k Should your Gas run out,or the Carburetor o’erflow, :it ig Prioe oe Ross and aeAse range of Hhaig’s guns.‘CALL UP:“ONE-SEVEN-O”!sel Jeut,gohn Marsha oyce were n addition to the enormous casual:||:‘.°.ti ite united in marriage.The bride is @/ties inflicted on the Germans,the [>Whenever ¢sherev .,™".;Liake a tek oe tee ee a ce Vhenever and w erever you have to go,tt Skirts,all sizes 14 to 22 at a Mrs.a Somers Ross |Thuraday's attack,Gane "thom 114 jg CALL UP:“ONE-SEVEN-O"!rhb gi ‘ Morganton.Lieut.Boyee,now st&-)oMeors.Fs -odiedatCampdude.Columbia,|The HEH WMEINIEIE AREA!af hc No matter what kind of weather—cold,sleet or sf0w— S$.C.,is a son of Mr.and Mrs.W.|pritish fire employed in the ot.i CALL UP:“ONE-SEVEN-O”!4 neW.Boyee,who live near Pineville,|pgensive ::+Brenan f13.50.SMcchicabuer oeanty =rte is being paid tribute to by &When Tires fail of their mileage guarantee o?|.;ae |the Germans,it is noted by the inven.|'§>res 3 ,e AO ¢ao IredellHardware CO ds.D.Lewis,a Confederate veteran |tien of a new term to Jaks .|CALL UP:“ONE-SEVEN-O”!8 °85 years old,disappeared from his |bombardment.It is no ionger “drum-[:.rat _home at Rocky Mount last July.Af-|fire,”nor even “whirlwind fire”thet Anything about the roads you wish to know?;Wash ter dilixent eearch relatives despaired|is spoken of,but “hurricane fire.”It i CALL UP:“ONE-SEVEN-O”! of finding him..A few days agro his iis fire of this sort or measurably near |ip yoggaproncebyhistoning.|that is preventing the)German For serviee that is reliable and never slow 1” fas ree es )LOCK “Or 'reattneks ime «}’.é 1 ‘a 4.os teres _on Ry |eos i Presa from being as effect-(Ai The hurry-call is “ONE-SEVEN-O”!i tine p foul la i seeming!no ‘ason =iastiasnetaaaeianaiabasane ‘tg 7 5 a poAretoundinthehome.Good Middy comer ef cet the gorges Says She Didn't Say It m The place |ee ee place to spend your déugh;” :rad awe pad died |Peds way at.Remember)“ONE-SE i-(""!ia 'plumbing makes the long hours ee oe beesee eee sag Mrs,Henry 0.Havemeyer of New :a _—.ae P Se |York,who was quoted as having sai :1 SURELY GE ‘J tEY"’mespentbythewifeatahomea.—oe =avin aid yor we ELY GET YO R MCINEY'S WORTH,BO., MATTERS OF NEWS.lwusk belcke ¢wanien ap og WHEN YOU TELEPHONE:“ONE-SEVEN-O"!.4 pleasure -such a pleasure that Teo White men and three icerme |tats,that she would not lift a aneer :i ee i agic Se ne 1o9 aid the Liberty loan because wo j aed nothing else can give.cca i ne ‘it ea nS ly rive :who demanded true jae CAROLINA MO I OR Co.. ‘a sa pees pe pes:sad SES fat home were thrown into jail for ee ae Ww E MUNDA Y Good weight Jeans,all =pri a bioe oe -ie 2 doing.now asserts that -=THE GARAGE WITH THE GREEN ROOF.wate 2 _ &_A row over “loaded”dice ted to the |incorrectly quoted.She declared she “WE NEVER Cl OSE.” Your Plumber.114 K.Broad St.=“bg tes cae Neen a a -acon Sih Statesville,North CarolinaPhone85..ies n i cos j ma)Now part)bay ther Vv hone ane that she not ;*oh :ae News,Va..Sunday.©.W.Alexan-only worked 1 the vale of the se-:. —White,$1.00,$1.25,$1.50.der of Dallas,Texas,chai With |critic 7 the first ai °cn ad Taina OE TO Mis as 2 N T I C E 'the killing,escaped.subscriber!for come of the second —_.emmnegggnenie <)|In a battle over a negro,three white |“Sue ef the bonds tes e °1 ,; .men were killed and three wounded|.Leaders of the American Woman jo segaieOQiQIN QOH RROHITHER,EI HOR Commencing today we will discon-And with Navy Flannel at La Pine,Ala.White men went 7a."i ne i took aa ietinuetheJitneyServiceintheusualthehomeofawhitemantoloolfogs{gna H Ht Ae ean ae chair. way and establish schedules on the,a negro wanted for hishway va a a .ue oy ;oo =.eel 7 ° different prominent streets.First They were fired on and the battle (0 |ee aa wax selling necurities which |} to be operated will be a line fro Collars,$1.75.—_——ow bring 1 era barhte 'fate af moo 5 md vi—at +ae 7.Fagg we 3)ot —~“-whom ia eat tabay Livery bonds,SNe des |Are not tied from carrying out your ex- ront §o uare |{members of one family,were killed |1,pe.=avamever anukel tn .‘;+ on a ee yo aod is will ||instantly,and three others were in-|ondy ;a cee a iy Ho j =and desires when —Rave run ev 30 minutes——on the even .jured,probabl fatally,Sunda ee i ee eet mone and half hour.Others will be put on |50new Blouses today IM|when a trotley‘car struck a motes phe a nae the bi -al bmolalg 4 ”. later.No Schedule on Sunday.||bus asrsaeP Mae ge five miles West)gion,“We stand absolutely for total IN ‘I HE BANK.‘ RIDE THE JITNEY |jot Connellsville,Pa.land Joyal suppert of the administra-a ;. e |A —oo govern:ain 2 the prosecution =the war,”4 Your Bank Account depends on what -{operation o e@ print paper and pe mw said nd the prosecution 4 JITNEY TRANSFER CO.|Georgette and Crepe de |industries —the war and arraign-|of the war means in addition to the 3 you save. Statesville,}‘ing what it calls the defiant attitue offtiea)patriotism ships and foed 4 ; ‘ane :=)jof print paper producers,was fil a munitions And money must be J It is not a matterligteNenasepetaiisedIIhi:xy the Senate pfinting committee,\saleed to buy these things,Our g Ww NTED!Chine,$3.50 to $7.50.es beni await action at the December eee is ne hind SL OF GOOD FOR 1 UNE. SCRAP BRASS—Brass 7éc |Bight =——conn e padandin sr.eee Rn \cquire the saving habit while your in- ‘|in connection with the Working Class |game .ie j 1 ;isperund,Ligh.Brate be.per Big lot Coats for to-P|Urion “and other alleged wnti-dratt C.WATKINS for co ne is small and it will be casier as ©)" pour ;new organizations,were convicted and!:3 .our income increases to FOR SA LE:three acquitted in the Feders!court |“Everythingto BuildWith.”1@atEnid,Oklahoma.The maximum Full Stoch—Lowest Prices.Increas:Your Bank Account. New 2nd second hand machinery nalty for the offense is six years’|Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-~ to for gale andall kindsof boilersupplies. Cc.H.TURNER.tredell "Phone No.14,Bell No.9. WOOD SAWING Am saw yourseemeor imprisonment and a fine of $5,000,or |both. TWENTY ADDITIONAILAINS. A bill providing fer 20 additional army chaplains,designed to makeplacesforfaithsnotnowrepresented,| including Jews,wos passed by both,branches of Congress at the recentsessionandsenovesbythePresidentyy ToCure a Cold in One Day.‘ol theConte“= ie.Flooring,Siding,Boxing,,Laths,Lime,Cement, Mest Planters’Wh,Atateaville, CHAP. Just received.This com- tion Roofing is the Best itlike it.to { ShipmentofRubberoid Rooting have ever handled.The “‘gontractors who have used C.WATKINS.‘THEADVERTISERASKSFORYOUR Now is the opportune time to open an People’s Loan and Savings Bank:| “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO,H.BROWN0.L.TURNER Cashier. go RUSINERS “, ae)eat uw 4 hres ’ if it r i :g tz3& is i iiiFFs af ifiiif liL |F¢ ti n t iza k i f i j a% é ri f i 2i ==y2 thatcheerfully submit to the little, energy and “dditional “serouging”for the pleas- action been dis Ure of seeing the railroad officials played.The full success of these take what they have to take at times, operations,”continues the Secreta-—standing room.Moreover,as the aeeuue that the Belgian coast,|Observer suggests,the railroad offi- +wouldgagemen nl its numerous submarine bases,cials,traveling in this democratic will become untenable to the enemy.fashion with the general public, Zobrugge,Ostend and the system of would learn more about how to suc-| canals leading out of Bruges are cessfully operate a railroad than threatened.The supreme test of the they could possibly learn in any oth- attle strength of the contending ¢r way,if they gave good heed to helligerents,”concludes the Secreta-the remarks of their fellow passen- ry,“is taking place.Allied ascend-¢ers.While this knowledge might ancy would appear decisive.”not be of so much productive value, Another good ground for encour-they could at least get the view- agement is the announcement that point of their customers —a point che bureau of war risk insurance has which any sensible and successful reduced its rates on all American:business man is always glad to get. }samers and cargoes traversing the From this viewpoint they could un- war zone from 6 1-2 to 5 per cent.|questionably get some ideas which, “This reduction is made because of if acted on,would tend to eliminate the corresponding decrease in the the friction so often found between yinks,”says the statement.This the railroads and the public,the an- means that the submarine menace tagonism which grows out of the red otherhasbeenreduced,that the risk is so,fact that neither knows the touch less,that a reduction in insur-,well enough to understand and sym- ance yates is.warranted.|pathize with his difficulties. "All of this does not mean of itself The Landmark is of the opinion fhat the war is going to end this that the government’s effort to year or next.The lessening of the teach conservation,the abolition of submarine menace may be due in.lost motion and the direct applica- ome measure to other causes than tion of every ounce of energy in he success of the allies in defeating these war times,will never attain submarines,although undoubtedly ajthe full success it deserves until Un- fine work is being done by the navies cle Sam applies it to government de- of the United States and Great Brit-partments and cuts out all the waste gin.Haig’s success on the western there;and the railroad war board, front does not mean that the German successful as its work has been by army has been defeated—yet.But the application of efficiency and taken all together the signs are most economy,will not do the work it can’ éncouraging.They lend powerful do and should do unless the private| force to the general belief that,if car luxury is eliminated.When we the war continues to next spring,go out to teach reform to others,we the great force of trained men and must,if we would insure full suc- machines and equipment that the cess,first practice what we preach. nited States will then have ready ’ k put to work with the allies,will Twenty or "tae Appro- overwhelm Germany and end the pria2 y ahsaterthetAtotal$21,390,780,940 was ap-war.There is good groun propriated by the extraordinary war belief in any event,and the argu-ae *——.which ad — ment is greatly strengthened by the,turday,according to a Wash- ::ington dispatch to the New York ets mmtioned.This dese net Times.Of this amount $7,000,000,- mean that there can be any lessen-999 jg being loaned to our allies andfagofeffortinAmerica.To make about $1,000,000,000 is a propriated sure the success we believe is to for normal expenses of the govern-:i ment.All the rest is to put the ome next spring if not sooner,we United States in a ition to do hermustcontinuenotonlyto“do our!part in defeating the Central Pow-bit”but do our best in every way ers. He e l i s t e 37 ifi possible to help the government put gia force of men that will make the end of the war sure. 'The Statesville Landmark correctstheRecostatementthatColonelRooseveltWaswillingtoleadabat-lion in France.First it was a di-ision,but didn’t the colonel say hebegladtoheadabattal-n?—Hickory Record.The Landmark has no recollection én that point,and maybe the colonel Would take any old thing so long as they let him fight.It is this pa- per's opinion,howeyer,that the col- a woukin’t accept so small a com- and as a battalion. *Congressman Heflin was “subject to criticism”for maxing wholesale charges against members of Con- ress which he could not sustain,ac- ¢ording to the report made to the House of Congress by an investigat- ing committee.The public had al- peady decided that and acted ac- gordingly,before the committee was appointed. FOAL JOBBERS MUST REGISTER Coal jobbers throughout the coun- have been ordered by the fuelinistratidntoregisterwiththe‘ederal Trade Commission by Octo-r 24,stating the financial interestofallstockholdersandpartnersof ing concerns in mines.One ofpurposesofthisstepistomeetasituationcreated,according to re- Csci a t e oo ee ee ports,by the organization of “dum-F ing companies to absorb__—_fees allowed in additiongovernmentfixedpriceforfoulatmines. PY 1enema i MEXICAN REVOLT. j A revolt against the Mexican gov-t has been started by GeneralGonzales,former Carranza»who has mobilized 800 at Aldamas,according toreachingElPaso,Texas. is 100 miles south of Roma,»The Washington governmentnottaketherevoltseriously.SETSARETEERAN|PLOOD DAMAGE IN CHINA. "te "$300500."Tor”immedine fief work at -Tein,where Hoang riv- to= resentativesoncondition‘higher coat No nation has —somuchforwarinsoshortatimeas was authorized by the present ses-\sion.The a ——of the last, sessiun of the sf -fourth Con-gress were $1,977,210,200.Thesewereauthorizedbeforethedeclara-tion of war.The appropriations for the present session aggregate $16,-901,966814.91.Authorizations forthecurrentfiscalyearare$2,511,-| 553,925.|_Approximately $13,000,000,000 rep-resents the amount which this coun-try will spend in the current fiscalyeartoequipitshugewarmachine.This includes more than $1,000,000,-000 to be spent on the merchant ma-rine. While the $7,000,000,000 =which will be loaned to the allies is includ- ed in the grand total,this amount isnottobeconsideredpartoftheex-nses of the United States.The al-ies give this country their own bonds,bearing the same rate of in- terest,as security for the loans.One of the conditions exacted in the leans to the allies is that the money shallbespentinthiscountry. Speaking For the Liberty Loan. A country-wide speaking cam- paign by widely-known orators,in- ‘eluding former President Taft,Wil- liam J.Bryan,members of the cab-inet and scores of other men prom-inent in public life,will feature thesecondweekoftheLibertyloan campaign,which began yesterday. Scores of members of both housesofCongress,stirred by Secretary McAdoo's appeal to enlist in the or- atorical campaign for the loan,aremakingspeakingengagementsforthevacationperiodofCongress. Most of them will appear in theirownStatesanddistricts,feeling ittheirdutytopointouttheurgentneedoftheloantotheirconstitu-ents,but many will outsidedates.Billy Sunday has volunteer-ed his services and will speak in Cal- ifornia. Higher Wages —The PublictoPay.Bituminous coal miners of the cen-tral competitive field won their fightforaone_—increase,operators’a@ miners’representa-tives,in conference in Washington,reached a compromise agreement onthetermsofanewcontract.The agreement p sa wage raisethroughoutthejustry,since thecentralfieldscaleservesasabasis|for -——and a conse-ance in t government'sxedpriceforcoal.tors’rep-|to new ittheybeabortedtn, i i 23 sg e g k rf i z is FHi || il tonmentstionalarmyand the Nationalarebeingtrainedforserviceaccordingtoreportsreceived byrailroadwar;The 450 interned German cafinis'and 13 officers of the Prinz Eitel Friedrich,who have been confined intheprisonbarracksa:Fort_therpe for several months,have sheen,transferred te Fort McPherson in Atlanta.The prison at Fort Oglethorpewillbeusedforctvilianaliens,ofwhomtherearenowabout125. J.P.Morgan,treasurer of the $6,-000,000 pension fund for the #; of retired Episcopal clergymen,that the fund wasnearly75percent,total subserip- tions amounting to 88,712,000,Ofthis,$5,164,555 has already been paid,North Carolina subscribed $65,848,—| A dispatch from Petrograd,Russia, says that fire in a theater Sunday,inwhichsome25to100personslosttheirlives,according to varying esti- mates,is suppose!to have ignitedfromadroppedcigarette.Most ofthevictimsweresoldiersinthehos- pital on the fifth floor of the building and servants occupying quarters in!the building.| Resolutions urging the quartermas-'ter corps to establish a large ice creamplantattheAmericanhaseinFrance, and offering the resources of the Na-tional Association of Ice Cream Man-ufacturers to assist the War Depart-ment in supplying ice cream at ean- tonments,were adopted by the asseci- ation of ice cream manufacturers,insessioninBoston. Maximum prison sentences of two years each were imposed,in the Fed-eral court in New York city,uponHenrySeligman,physician of aBrooklyndraftboard,and Nathan|Ehrlich =and Lazarus Jacobson,;clerks,as penalty for receiving money for exempting a man examin-ed for the draft.Seligman,in addi-tion,was fined $3,000. A company of Home Guards wasorderedfromJacksonville,Fla.,to!Madison county,Fla.,to protect two |officers of a bank that had failed iw |The two men were expected to be too,put on trial yesterday.Not only have|their lives been threatened by angry—but also the life of thejudgeandprosecutingattorney,it issaid,owing to a change of venue. Dr.Ernest Cooper,superintendentoftheSouthCarolinaStateSanatv-rium,situated near Columbia,wasconvictedintheCircuitCourtofma-licious mischief,in that he did killadogthatinvadedhispremises.Hewasfined$25,or giving the alterna- tive of serving 15 days on the chaingangorintheStateprison.The caseisnowonappealbeforetheSouthCarolinaSupremeCourt. Cook Clayton,clerk of the FederalcourtfortheSouthernDistrictofGeorgia,has been indicted by the Federal grand jury on charges of em bezzling $15,000 of government funds.Seymour B.Byrom,president of the national bank of Byromville,Ga.,arelativeofClayton,was indicted for manipulating the books of the banksoastoaidClaytonmakingafalsestatementofhisaccounts. At Newark,N.J.,Federal agentseizedthepublishingplantoftheNew Jersey Freie Zeitung,a widely read German language newspaper and aresteditsproprietorsandeditorson charges of publishing seditious andtreasonablearticles.Four men wererequiredtogivebondinthesumof$5,000 each.The publishers had been notified by the Postoffice Departmenttoshowcausewhytheirpapershould not be barred from the mails. What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS (S AN IMPROVED CASCAKA A Digestive Lexative,CatharticandLiverTonic.Contains Cascara Bark,Blue Flag Root,Khubarb Root,BlackRoot,May Apple Root,Senna Leaves andPepsin.Combines strength with pal.table sromatictaste.Doesnet gripe.Sic vered Charlotte, tion with the riota, jtime in the history Final returns compieted and sent te! over-subseribed | Butter F We will pay 45c. Fe e Louis race weresentencedto14yearseachitentiary.The three acquremandedtoawaithearings charges.Yesterday hearings of the ¢the white men forin, ez 3zi s i2 g ; MESSENGER The “messenger her appearance onpayrollastheresult of boys in'of the ment,so far as any one can ber,appointments heretoforelyconfinedtomenandboys teen opened to girls. The Quinine That Dose Wet Affect theHead Recapseof its tonic audTIVEBROMOQUININEisbe Quinine a!py a at “CASCARETS”FOR A COLD,BAD BREATH OR SICK HEADACHE! Hest For Liver and Bowels,For StomachBiliousness,SourandConstipation. Get a 10-cent box now!Furred Tongue,Bad Colds,Indi- gestion,Sallow Skin and MiserableHleadachescomefromatorpidliverondcloggedbowels,whi cause|your stomach to become filled withundigestedfood,which sours andfermentslikegarbageina_swillbarrel.That's the first step to un-/|told misery —indigestion,foul gas-|es,bad breath,yellow skin,mental|fears,everything that is ible |and nauseating.A Cascaret tonight |will give your constipated bowels a.chorough cleasing and _straighten)you out by morning.They work|while you sleep —a_10-cent box,from your droggist will keep you!feeling good for months.Millions of|men and women take a Cascaret how|und then to keep their stomach,liv-|er and bow@s regulated,and never)kuow a miserable moment.Don’t for-|get the children —their little in-ides need a good,gentle cleansing, }SORE THROAT Colds,Coughs,Croup and cata°.°Relieved in two Minutes. le your throat sere?Breathe Hyorei. Have you eatarrh”Breathe Hyomei. Have you a couvh”Breathe Hyomei. Have you a cokl’?| Breathe Hyotmei.;|Hyomei is the one remedy for all nore,|throat and lung troubles It does mot eon | tain any cocaine or morphine and ail that is necessary is to breathe it throveh the tittle|pocket inhaler that comes with «och outs. A complete outfit costa but Ittle at drug:|vists everywhere and at the Statesville Drys|Co,and Hyomei is guaranteed to banish ca- terrh,croup,coughs,colds,sore throat andLoonechitisormoneyback.A Hyomei inhaler| lasts @ lifetime and extra bottles of Hyomei can be obtained from druggists for only 50| cents, Fe aa a THOROUGHLY PLEASED. _—agoI painted my |house wi | | | “My painter said it would take 27|gallons of Lead and Oil hand-mixed|paint.I finished the work with 15;vallons ef DAVIS’.“O.T.DAVIDSON,Mh coerggay act Md.”Paint looks perfect,because it isPerfectPaint. FOR SALE BYLazenby-MontgomeryHardware Co. Staterville,&,C. po e m ep r a p r t a n e e n e s m e e e — at. per pound,deli- forButter Fat, ,theuse of this boardtothecommuuity.an F.B.BUNCH,CASHIER. WIVES,Last week we gave son#e good advice to “Husbands.”While “Man's love is of man’s life a thing apart”and “tiswoman's whole existence,”our announcement to husbandsanawakenedmanythoughtlessmantotheirsenseof). W2 need not teil wives to make themselves more charmingtoholdtheirhusbands’affection,they know it. So,we shall offer our services and our stock when jewelry isrequiredassuringyouthat{h our store the “quality is there.” R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. FOR THE LIBRARY and LIVING ROOM. ==| Comfort Rockers,Tables,Book Cases,Ete.In All WoodsandFinishes. Crawford-Bunch Furniture _*The Store That Always Welcomes You.”‘PHONE NO,400, FullLineof Yarns |Make OurStoreYour]Germantown Shet- Johnston -Belk Co. BigStoresnow stocked fullof bright new Fall and Winter Goods. Goodsthat were not boughtonto-day’s market,but were contractedformonthsago.Do your Fall andWintereelsave Nereis RoceofofaWatch.I can H.OODWARD Jeweler. ane = : tt f ! os 5 Sa g s e icg Mrs.J.C,A.Turner =ondroomdoor{_and meet at rmanawereRive.t tae.[vine 'a,tistchureh,about three miles west of jisses shaded in yellow |town,nn Thursday.Sarahhledice|oo >.ir of many candles added beauty Mr.fC.Campbal c.gone to Carrie Mae (eenthe ceremony Miss Sie Succestlit ekedco eneStaun..the _——lake |Bowler sang “At Dawning,”b \J.P.Echerd has gone to Divernon,pewere!"Mis ‘Bond,“with Mion ‘Mary’Sharepla cr."Bes Mack’Moose‘t Camp:ss Ma scherd.r.amp |foe mien hig ot aio ae eae bat la oR toW.i and childten ire,/skilifully played by Miss |r.andMrs.Cart"Moose,wotil.to:.Hit ‘*|bridal y entered.Miss ‘morrow.Mr.Arthur Robinette iMrs.R.where they |Wood,iss Estelle Flowers,|visiting his brother,Mr.J.B.Robi.Mrs.and little 'maids,wore white net dresses aa ts Washington D.¢‘one ters wentto Goldsboro Fridayyellow tulle nage ond cast carried 8|Miss Elizabeth Robinette has gone"ae Au aM.Adams spent Friday in |coreene jto Statesvilletoaeceptapositionas|Winston-Salem on.inset:besingss.fesfnepheewas ving taaee |operator with the Iredell Telephone s We ..ames carried ring in a rosebud.i|and Mrs.J.M.McConnell of jpeautiful flower girl,little Miss at coe er gre —omLoDavidsonwerehereFriday,guests of rq Viele Miller,wore a dress of yy “poo,Mf a 4 T ‘Al.rine Kincaid ‘and Elizabeth|Dr.and Mrs.J.C.Dye white organdie with yellow ribbon ee net ae imeter and Mr.Mrs.J.A.Brady leaves today for snd carried a basket filed with yal spaugh,Miss Grace Feimster and Mr. The decorations of the BarringerhomewereofcutflowersandpottedDahlias,ferns and tuberousiaswereusedthroughout.Aschemeofamberandyellowwasoutinthehallandpunchroom.mantel in this room was bankedwithgoldenrodandyellownasturti-ums and smilax were used around thepunchbowl.A pink and white colornotepredominatedinthediningroomandparlorandthedecorationswereof8androses.The centerpieceinthediningroomwasawhitebas-ket of pink and white dahlias andtherewerevasesofpinkandwhiterosesonthemantelandservingtable. iidebrand,id dressed in a oveovergoldcloth,wiandcarriedaestiedwith Miss Mamie Adamswe—for an monies visit ef relati in =6 Covington,enn.,anTilie,Fexas.-:.Mrs.C,W.Boshamer spent FridayinCharlotte.Mrs.M.W.Seabrook and childrenofSumter,8.C.,are visiting Mr.andMrs.C.E.Mills and other relatives.Miss Sara Fowler,who visited rel-atives here for several days,returnedyessantaytoherhomeatSouthRiver.Mrs.C.8.Tomlin and Miss Kather-ine ay A returned Saturday fromMacon,.Where they visited Mr.and Mrs.Sam Tomlin.Mr.J.C.Fowler,a director of theCadeManufacturingCo.,is in Phila-delphia and other cities in the inter-est of the Cade typesetting machine.Mrs.L.C.Caldweft and little daugh- ver,and carrying valley lilies,was marrigge.his best man, to join the Pressly, church,Statesville,J.J.Edwards,The engagement of Miss Sallie .1d“Love Confiding,Foard and Dr.W.D.MeNider ofChapelHillwasannouncedFridayafternoonMrs.Quincy ScottentertainedatherhomeatCleve-land.Mrs.Seovt’s home was lovely ter,Ellen,leave today for Camp Statesville,where they with autumn flowers.In the daing Jackson,Columbia,s.C.,to viele bound train for an extended visit toroomayellowcolorscheme,was Mrs.Caldwell’s brother,Mr.Frank Northern cities,after which carried out with yellow cannas and’Love.From there they go to Lan-will make their home indahlias.After the ts were seat-drum,8.C.,to visit their mother,The bride is the younger dai ed around adaintily a;lunch-Mrs.W.Y.Love.of Mr.and Mrs.W.D._a “eon table Miss Annie Louise Thomp-Mr@ Jack Wyckoff spent Sunday £tanddaughter of the late yp noe son entered,dressed as a Red Cross here with relatives,returning to Le-™&@"R.Z.Linney.She was e =| nurse and cai a in which noir yesterday.ed at the State Normal College, were a number dolls dressed as =Mrs.L.K.Lazenby spent yester-Greensboro,and taught in the grad- dis-the .Eachnursecarriedafolderonherarm,containing the announcement.Miss Foard is a daughter of Mr.and Mrs.John B.Foard of SouthRiverandasisterofMr.J.Y.FoardofStatesville.Dr.MeNider is amemberofthemedicaldepartmentoftheUniversityfaculty.The mar-ringe will take place in January.Statesville people,who attended the Red Cross nurses.These were ‘day in Charlotte.dr.H.F.Long and Miss MariannaLongwereinrlotteyesterday.Mr.H.P.Grier was in Gastonia Saturday on business.Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Perry and Mr.William Perry of Durham,Lieut.Chas.Perry of Camp Jackson,and Miss Octa¥ii Jordan of Hickory spenttheweek-end with Misses Nel!Arm-field and Marea Jordan.Mrs.A.C.Jordan of Durham is spending a week secretar, merce, couple.Among neement party,were:Mrs.guests here were:Mrs.M.H.Bowler iY.Foard,Mrs.‘ereland Fowler,With her daughter,Miss Marea Jor-and Miss Mabel Bowler of Jackson-. rs.T.J.Allison,Mrs.m A.a8n _‘ville,Fla.,mother and sister of the nt,Mrs.H.L.Kineaid,Mrs.J.r,Emile Clark of Baltimore is groom,who remained here until C.Irvin and Mrs.Irvin Steele.spending a short time here with rela-Sunday afternoon;Miss Blanchetives.Miss Celeste Henkel goes to Ral-aden ‘Linney of Mrs.L.W.MacKesson entertained, «”the Entre Nous club Thursday after-cigh »where she will have noon.Knitting for the soldiers occu-chatge of the children’s department uncles of the bride; pied the afternoon.Saturday,13th,of the State Fair.Mrs.M.J.Brady,who was theguestoffriendsinStatesville,leftyesterdayforCharlotte. ia the birthday of the Entre Nous bride’s since club,and while needles clicked merrily tongues were busy with plans for a aker of Winston - rainbow tulle.bride,gowned in old iv|draperies of lace em byNewbold,entered from the bride at vows were taken beforestoroftheFirst A.R. tional beauty =—.:7 is the son of Mr.an rs.Minor H.|:; Bowler of Jacksonville,Fla.ic |nite See Co of the chamber of com-charms.—R.F. leigh,andmostpopularmenof that city.The numerous handsome and use-ful presents displayed in the giftroombespeaksthepopularityofthis w dahlias and ferns.Miss Florenceofhonor,a alt of Fz 23 5 satin withredinsil-bridal roses andleaningupon‘arm of her father,who gave her inThegroom,acco ri mpanHerbertsidedoor the altar.Rev.J. Mr. Re assisted by Revpastorofthebride. by Farrar,was softly played during the ceremony.“Soon after the ceremony,Mr.Mrs.Bowler left by a Mr. He is is one of the the out-of-town New York city and Mrs.|F.A.Linney of Boone,Dr.and Mrs.R.Z.Linney of Charlotte,aunt andMissEstelleFlowersofDurham,a friend of the:childhood; Florence Hildebrand and Lula Whit- Misses Salem,Miss Ethel simple birthday celebration on that Mrs.R.R.Cline of Asheville arriv-Wood of Spartanburg,8.C.,and Mr. date.Refreshments of cream and ed 4 to visit relatives.H.L.Newbold of leigh. eake were served after work was laid rs.J .Cornell and children of —_— aside.Mrs.H.A.Millis of High Point Roanoke,Va.,arrived Saturday night A wedding of much _interest to and Mrs.C.C.Phillips were club|to spend awhile with Mrs.Cornell's their wide circle of friends took guests at this meeting.parents,Mr.and Mrs.Jas.F.An-place at the residence of Mr.and derson. Miss Ella Click of:Winston-Salem, who visited Mrs.D.J.Kimball,hasreturnedhome.cate aks Kimball and Mrs.A.Y. ick of Elkin are nding the weekinWashington,D.C.*a J.8.—has returned from itimore,where he spent a few days.Mr.‘Setzer and family expect to leaveinashorttimeforBaltimoretomaketheirhome. Mrs.Julia Coe and her dauchter,Mrs.Howard Kelly,and Mrs.Kelly'slittleson,who have been living inWestVirginiaformorethanayear,are here on a visit to relatives. Mother Against Daughter. ,>~—at ——_ ast wee’>si an or-der maki rs.Sees c Melvin,sister of Mrs.Mande A.King,partydefendantwithGastonB.Means andothersintheproceedingsbroughtiWFederalcourtrecentlyatGreens- boro by Mrs.Anna L.Robinson, Friday eveninMrs.Campbell'sWatts,became thetonC.Munday.tered theMendelssohn's What is said to have been one ofthebestdancesinStatesvilleforsometime.was that Friday night,sriven by the Carolina Motor Co.at ita place of business on east Broad street.There were about twenty participating and =many spectators.The dancing took place in the company’s show rooms.Re- freshments were served. Miss Annie Bell Walton was hostess to the Why Not club Thursday eve-ning.The ladics spent a pleasant,informal evening together.Simplerefreshmentswereserved.Mrs.H.A.Millis of High Point was an out- of-town guest. The Mothers’club will meet in theparlorsofMitchellCollegeThursdayafternoonat.3.30 o’clock. PYTHIAN WAR FUND.Mr.J.df.Hoffmann of Statesville attended a meeting of the grand coun-cil of the evened lodge of Pythians in beth Lindsay,andmony,which wasformedbyRev.R. tor ofchurch,and Mrs, Miss Lindsa merei,”by and was the beautiful bride blue cloth,with ington,D.C., Greensboro evening.The|mother of Mrs.Melvin and Mrs.-| King,the latter havi been kilied daughter of Mr.and Mrs.F.P.wil fo ademas Ce ee coreitact clits toueice (st Concord August 2).The action Watts of Taylorsville,She complet:MGR Buea acre'W.X.STEVENSON North Carolina's of -‘brought by Mrs.Robinson was to ‘ed *coueue at the State Normal Col-at N.Harrison's and receive reward. »relief fund.The Pythion have all of the estate of |Greensboro,last year.Mr.“@et.9.-it. a re United States cateavaten ms find pence to the Central Munday is the local member of the ra od Ot in 4000000 for this cause and Hank and Trust Company of Axhe-fimof MacKemen &Munday,drug,|"este aic.watrack Or met:WwW.Fi) thePythians that has been made by“!XY elvin,through counsel,Munday of Statesville,but has lived outside town,placeto keep the of the State was very that the proceedings brought hete for se years.He is a SUC i Ome and butcher,Inquire at LANDMARK gratifying to the council.iby Mrs.Robinson be set aside on t cessful =_a eplendid an .a MRS that ng man.irs.Munday wen |FOR SALE—At bargain, wanes See Se.jurisdiction y 2 _aw =.Uha te a week or so ago to make |,or qatemattie.2.W.WARD. TheCharlotte Newsof Friday con-ee her Sat ©vies antcaly 2 few %at.___—_ eeeSe eee Sam,of vet nm on ith.me @ =knew thei.plans.The om matin13 ages ifaw ops A.Evans’many friends|We offer,One hare Reward tor fuente,from Here sehendisatts,“the Callur write W.T SUMMENS,Cleveland Taeree fall know that —case of cannot be cured by bride's sister;Mise Elizabeth Lind-R-2.Oct.9-10", t.Chas.P.Matheson.The.She off were Mr.and.Messrs.Har-Andrews. ROST AND ICE PREDICTED. Morganton Herald.weather Mr.predicts heavy played softly,humann.Master CoralCampbellcarriedtheringinalilyonlyattendant. Mrs.Edward Campbell,in Charlotteat6.30 o'clock,whenMissSuefMr.Clif-niece, briThe bridal pair en- room to theWeddingbeautifullyrenderedbyMiss Eliza- strains ofMarch, during the cere-impressivelD.Sherrill,pas-yi ethorns Lane MethodistCampbell's pastor,“Trau- The was becomingl gowned in a going-away suit of dar'accessories to match,and carried a shower bouquet of val-ley lilies and bridal roses.Immediately afterMr.and Mrs.Munday left for Wash-New YorkotherpointsNorth.After ten days’ stay they will make their home here.Mre.Munday is the charming you the ceremony city and per-| ;Chas.P.Matheson motored to Char-‘lotte Friday for the day.Mr.J.W.|Hendricks,county farm demonstra-tor,left Frida ton to visitroe evening for Farming-tives until Tuesday.Mr.L.F.Klutz went to Maiden Sat-urday evening to visit his parents,Dr.and Mrs.Klutz.Mr.J.P.Lambeth,son of Mr.Geo.the Lambeth of Iredell county,and MissLulaGryder,daughter of Mrs.LydiaGryder,were married while sitting in the buggy in the street near Mr.T.|©.Bowman's store,Saturday after-noon about 2 o’¢lock.Magistrate W.F.Patterson performed the ceremony. Naticesof New Advertisementa Library and living room furnitureinallwoodsandfinishes.Crawford- Bunch Furniture Co.Free bulletin 'Bank. Call Motor Co. board for advertise-a and Farmers’ “One-Seven-O”.—Carolina ';How loud our dollars are talking.|;~-McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse. ,lowest prices.—C ,Prices at Crowell Produce Co. Building materials,full stock andWatkins.Last year’s prices are this year’sClothingCo.Oats,onion sets ed schools in Raleigh last year.She nowine—2.i 6.2.ticsisagiftedyoungwoman,of Clothes of distinction.—Sherrill- Our gin is{Statesville CottonStudebakercar |Farm for sale,town.—_W.T.Summers, ‘land’s stable.Butter fat wanted. Our charming jewels enhance yourHenry.second to none.—Oil Co.for sale at a bar-| |gain.—J.W.Wardthree miles from PiedmontCreameryCo.,Charlotte.Six-room “house|Wallace.Place for hogswanted.—InquireA.Karusos willforaccountsmadebertSumofmoneylost.—Reward forreturntoW.A.Stevenson at N.Harrison's. MARKET Statesville Market.{ The following prices yeaterdayforproduceontheoiChickens,18c.to 2%.per Ib. »ide.to 18e,per Ib.Baws,B5c.per doze*,Be.to IOetbButter,26¢.toBeeswax,30c.per Hams.Sides,.Be,to Sle2ke.to Ste. Bhoulders,28.to 0c New Bed Honey,«trained,12 1-2.per Tb. for rent.— and slaughter n of The >.not be responsible|by Comer Tol-| n per Tb. 2ke.per tb. Hides,i4c.to Ie.per tb. per Th, per Ib. per Ib. New Red Honey Comb,18e.per Ib. Seurwood Honey,Ce ymb,22c.to 24e.per Ib. tracted Money,20¢.to 22c.per tb, *inew)$1.00 pe r bushel. Casing,4c.per thPotatoes(new)$1.25 per bushel. |The following were paid yesterdayforonthemarket:$2.26 per bushel. |Corn,$1.85 per bushel.Oats,85.to Mc.per bushel, On the local market yesterday 26 1-2 cents per pound was for best cotton. Cotton in Seed,1)1-4e.per tb. Cotton Seed,$1 per bushel. See ——a NOTICE—1 will not be for any ymer Tolbert, ite made by CHehereswarned "@--1e°. A.KARUSOS. 2 Cleveland,| Mule colt for sale at Westmore- Sig.|. The pub- “How did he leave her?” That's the question you often hear asked. “How are YOU going to leave her?” That's the question for YOU to answer.; Are you BANKING your money so that you won't add to her sadness the misery of wANT? Our bankis a safe place for your money. Put YOUR motley in OUR Bank We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK; Statesville,N.Cc.—--FS of DISTINCT Needle-Molded a£SI ccc Sct Your Measure --—By——’a THE GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY OF CINCINNATI,fe Makers of Needle-Molded Clothes. Prices $20.00 to $40.00. We are the exclusive representatives. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO.*PHONE 83._ 4 +a hs sa ving y. Our Millinery Department is complete,all the new Shapes and colors,Ornaments, Flowers and Feathers.We have never shown a more up-to-date line. '| | | Our Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Waists cannot be excelled. See us before buying,we are anxious to show you our line. |MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. Statesville Inn| REOPENEDUNDERNEWMANAGEMENT. |Modern conveniences.Baths and hot and|cold running water in every room.House Cordial invitation to =stop with us.WarmSomitaiiyandbegscurcieeaaueth ieMealsatreasonablerates.come aebyweekormonth.French chef is PETER BONA, stopping to regainind55 et ©naval operation oe i hi ©S> B a soldier and a manwhowantstogoand vant ANSWERS. Replies to Critics and is De-nounced in Turn —Commit. tee of Investigation. The end of the speci!Session ul Congress Saturday was mark«d in theSenatebyaspeechfromSenatorLaFollettewhoseexpulsionfrontheSenatefordisloyaltyhasbeenurgedinvariouspetitions.He asserted “that the war party,”besides carryingonacampaignof“libel and char- acter assassination”against membersofCongresswhovotedagainstthe war,was attempting to suppress dis-eussion of war issues and intimidatethepeoplethemselvesbyinvading their homes and unlawfully throwing them inte jail.No direct reference was made to the petitions for his ex- pulsion. Senators Kellogg of Minnesota and Fall of New Mexico,Republicans,and Robinson of Arkansas,Democrat,re-plied with criticism of Mr.LaFollette's public statements.They denounced what they termed his unpatriotic stand,Senator Robinson asserting thatifheheldsuchopinionshewouldseekaplaceintheGermanBundesrath. Statements accredited to the WisconsinmemberinhisSt.Paul speechwereflatlycontradicted,especiallythatregardingformerSecretaryofBryan's knowledge of ammuni being on the Lusitania beforeshesailedonherfatalvoyage. ently stang by the criticisms,LaPollette made a nunsuc- effort to get time for a re-He succeeded,in stating thattomakeknownauthority declaration regarding the Lu-which has been denied by Mr. Senate in executive session--without debate a —res- ‘empowering a privileges andelectionssub-com:nittes to investigation of the LakollettehatSt.Paul.The inquiry issdlelytotheaccuracyofthespeechandtosubstantiation Senator LaFollette’s statements ofttherein.The report will be made when Congress recouvenes in Decem- ber.The committee is headed bySenatorPomereneofOhio. AA Den’t Cry About the War. Many mothers are making mattersmuchworsebyweepingdayinand day out about their sons.enough without adding any extra sor-row before anything has actuallyned.Anna Steese RichardsonquotesintheOctoberWoman's Home [> ih Cmpanion from a letter written to her.The writer of the letter says:“Like most mothers who have givensonstotheircountry,|vo out whenIcantodivertmythoughts.AndwhatdoIhear?A friend inquireswhetherIhaveheardfrommyboy and adds,‘Well,I never expected to see the time that I would be wlad mythreechildrenaregirls,but |am now.’My next hostess comments on the sad- ness of our finest young men being sacrificed! “At prayermeeting the leader,in the voice usually reserved for funerals,spoke of our boys at the front and was followed by another speaker who solemnly announced the wel]authenticated rumor that our boys arc taking their coffins with themFrance!Next a woman related withharrowingdetailshowherfatherwent #0the civil war,never to ceturn,often her self-controlthemeetingclosedwiththerost melancholy in the hoo’,1hhymnfee!as if I never want to go to prayermeetingagain.” Destroyer and Submarine. Making public an account of an actionbetweenanAmericandestroyerinEuropeanwatersandaGermansubmarine,the Navy DepartmentavoidedanyclaimthattheU-boat bacheendestroyed,although idicatio:pointed to that result The reportonwhiehthedepartment's statemenwasfoundedwasmade|.Vice Admiral.Sims,in command of Americn:destroyers in the war zone,indicatinghisbeliefthatavictoryhadisscored,but Admiral Ben on.ehief »pointed out thatexperienceofGreat]tFranceinsimilarcas:wise to place too much «circumstantial evidence See German Raider in Pacific.Operations of German yaiders in thyROernPacifiewereprevaledlustweekinadispatchtotheNavy[vo-partment from Tutu!>,Somoan [siands,telling of the arrival there in aropenboatofthemasterofthemissingAmericanschooner(.Slade.with ifeau ind made it ur ,&story of how the famous Seeadle; * i had stranded on Mopeha tsiand afte:destroying three American ,and how members of th:arcrewhadsetoutfoirtherdepredationsoncommerceonothercapturedvessels.The United Stat. schooners (ser ,and best watermelon,J.C. ‘ond best, |first,Mrs.Lizzie |ida Hayes;blackberries —first,Be- ‘na Henley;second, |ond,}procecd | ‘Mrs.Lankford;second,Ida War is bad| to ‘Swine,Rest Berkshire sow,best Berkshire|pigs,male and female,G.W.Baity;best Berkshire boar,A. second beat,C.A.Grose;wilt,Virgil Green;best Durocpig,Red.Kennedy. Horses and Mules. best filly eolt,G.5 matched team of mules,A.F.Gaither Farm Products.Best pecks rye and oats,G.W.Baity; best Puroe-| >|Landmark. Troutman.wii.C PicturesSOW|tier bays sent by Stimpson’s|vereThe above list was furnishedInsomecases :possibly errors in’names, hurried writing,but the best peck wheat,A.F.York;best to-|omitted in the great majority. baceo,Ray Gaither;best peanuts,R H.Lankford;best five stalks sorghum cane,E.W.Dearman;best peck peasroutman;best pumpkin,W.H.Padgett;beststalksoybeans,C.A.Grose;best stalk eotten,G.F. corn,A. cxander;best peck Irish potatoes,| best ham and best beans,C.E.Pat-| terson;best peck soy beans and best | peck sweet potatoes,Farm Life| School;best apples and best peaches,|-J.T.Jennings Misceilancous. Best home-made table,Sewell Tharpe;best axe-handle,J.W.Hus-|sey. Boys’Stock Judging.|Best all-round judge,Sam Brown;|second best,Burgess White;best|judge of horses,Burgess White;sec-|Wright Lankford;bestjudgeswine,Raymond Tharpe;sec-|ond best,Cloyd Meas;best judgedairycattle,Sewell Tharpe;second|best,Cloyd Fox.j Domestic Science.| Mrs.Koon;|Sweet pickle —First rize,R.F.Gaither;second,rs./¢anned peaches —first and second,Mrs.R.H.Lankford;eanned corn—| as;second, Mrs.Harkey;ickle —first,Ida Hayes;sec-| rs.Arthur Kinder;chow-chow first,Mrs.Ida Gaither;second,Mrs.Arthur Kinder;canned peas — beet ‘first,Miss Pearl Rowell;second,Ida Hayes;canned tomatoes first, Hayes;‘anned beans —first,Sadie Tharpe; sccond,Mrs.Lankford;green toma- toes -—first,Mrs.Alonzo Heath;second,Mrs.S.S.Downum;_butterbeans—first,Mrs.Arthur Kinder; second,Mrs.G.C.Paris;pepper rel-|ish —first,Eula Mae Smith;pump-kin-—first and second,Cecil Paris; soup mixture —first,Ida Hayes; second,Mrs.T.E.White;tomato atsup first,Cecil Paris;second, Mrs.Arthur Kinder;jelly firstandsecond,Mrs.N.8S.Gaither;ap-le butter —first,Mrs.R.F.Gaith-er;second,Mrs.Patterson;pear pre-! Heath;|blood.serves,first,Mrs.Alonzo econd,Mrs.Ida Gaither;peach pre- serves first,L.G.(initials onlyappearinlist.—The Landmark);second,Mrs.R.F.Gaither;water-melon pickle and watermelon _pre- serves,Mrs.Ida Gaither;apple pre- serves —first,Mrs.Stroud;second, Mrs.Koon;tomato jam —first,Ce-“1 Paris;strawberry preserves— first,Mrs.J.F.Tomlinson;cherrypreserves—first,Mrs.R.F.Gaith- er;vinegar first,Cecil Paris;sec-ond,Mrs.R.F.Gaither;lye soap— first,Mrs.Charlie Tharpe;second, Mrs.Ida Hayes;home-made_toilet|soap—-first.Mrs.C.CC.Tharpe;mo-lasses first,Trivette &Messick; second,R.M.Hipp;honey,Mrs.G.(.Paris;red pepper —Mrs.P.B.Kennedy;grape juice —first,Mrs. Patterson;second,Mrs.Sankey Gaither;dairy butter —first,C.E.Patterson;second,A.W .Tharpe;eandy Mattie Mae Gaither;but- ter (home-made)first,Mrs.J.F. Tharpe;second,Mrs.R.L.Alexan- fer:clabber cheese Mrs.G.C, Paris;home -made cheese first, Mrs.Graham;second,Mrs.G.W.Baity;lard first,Mrs.ClaudeTroutman;second,Mrs.Ro L.Alex-ander;pork and sausage,Mrs.R.F.raither, Cookery. bread,Mrs.©,N Haves:second best bread,Alda Ostwalt;best cake,Mrs Koon;cond,Alda Ostwalt;best hiseuit,Blanche Gaither;second Alda Ost-walt;best pie and second best,Mrs.acy Gaither;tea cakes,Mrs.R.FP.Gaither;best persimmon or potatoidding,Mrs.G.W.Baity;secondi.Mrs.Ida Gaither;best pene bread,Mrs.G.W.Baity;best brownread,Alda Osxtwalt;best gingerread,Cecil Paris;best booth,ean- ng club exhibit. Handwork.Fir undersuit,Mrs.GrahamYork;first dress,Mrs.P.H.Lazen-by,second,Mrs.L.F.Harpe;firstembroidery,Mrs.P,B.Kennedy;econd,Miss Lois Steele;first tat-ting,Miss Ozelle Foster;second,Miss ——Lazenby;first cyochet- FF vrs CON,:‘buss; Best loaf of Hayes;first rug,Mrs.R.A,first counterpane,Mrs,Jo.Tharpe;second,Mrs.G.York;bestpieceunderwear,Cloyee Hunter;md best,Myrtle York;—firstpatchworkquilt,Mrs.J.E.Hendren;|cond,Mrs.Will Gaither,\beautifully embroidered bed- |Messrs.G.E.Dull and llownum;best |W.Tharpe;best molasses ind Mrs.D. J.H.Conner;best velvet beans and|ubestbuekwheat,J.C.Troutman;best |Meacham and Mrs.E.8. eck pears,C.C.Tharpe;best:beet,| J.W.Albea;best cabbage,R.L.Al. ‘should use it. ‘Our Dollars Blackwelder;second,Mrs.| wrinted as sent.In a few cases thevrizeswerementioned,but ‘ash prizes ranged from )ind in other cases ribbons ta warded.“iocors.F,.Meacham and BE.8Millsapsjudgedthefarmproducts;|a 3.A,Arey|nMissVoglerofa8S.Thomas ofMrs.F,T.Millsap tive stock; ville the handiwork; he bread,cakes,ete. Croup. If.your children are subject to croup get obettleofChamberlain's Cough Remedy,an:when the attack comes on be careful te followtheplainprinteddirections,You will-urprived at the quick relief which if affords.erence SeVRS.PHILLIPS TAKES IRON|IF BLOOD Is BAD!| Suffered Two Years With Pel- lagra Couldn’t Walk About the House Iron Built Her Up! TELLS WHAT KIND OFIRONTOTAKE. Every one’s enervy,vitality and general good health depends so muchupontheconditionoftheirbleed, and the normal functioning of thevitalorgansofthestomach,kid- neys,liver and bowels,the slightestirregularityshouldbecorrectedim- mediately.Any one troubled with their blood,for instance,is sure to sooner or fat-;er experience uric acid ins,weak, lame back;lost strength;nervous-|ness;headaches;dizzy spells,orsomeotherkindredsymptoms,andironhasbecomesowellknownastheonebestremedyeverybodyThequestionis,inwhatform?fron is put up by thechemistinpills,liquid solutivns,andmixedwithallsortsofelements,in-! cluding,in’some cases,altogether| too much alcohol for the good of the; system.| The cheapest,strongest,most ef-!ficient remedy is plain,natural iron,|hirhly concentrated,and bottled just|us nature intended it should be tak- *n.It is called Acid Iron Mineral,; is sold by druggists in 50-cent andone-dollar bottles.It goes from won to six times as far.It will help the digestion,stomach,kidneys andIfthebowelsareinactivea!rood liver pill like the A-I-M Liver| til at 2he.for a generous size box|is recommended,People with nor-|mal bowels should not use iron form-cd in combination with laxatives.Altogether too many remedies con- ‘ain purgatives. To indicate how quickly Acid fronMineralwillcleansethebloodani!tone up the general system and re-|new the wasted strength,the state-|ment of Mrs.N.BE.illips of Ker-|shaw,8.C.,is quoted below:“I began to be troubled with mybowels,stomach and blood a little|over two years ago.It finaliy turn-! ed into pellagra and at the =end of| that two years’suffering I couldn't |even walk about the house.Mrs.El-! la Hunter suggested I take Acid Iron |Mineral,and after taking it six weeks and using but four smali hate | t ' tles,|am up and about,doing my work and gaining in strength everyday. one who needs a good tonic or pellagra or stomach trouble.A teaspoonful of Acid tron Min-| eral in a glass of drinking wate af.ter meals makes an unusual,power-ful,economical and delightfully in-;ivorating tonie,appetizer,|lood| ind kidney remedy. A large dollar bottle if)drupyist hasn't it,will be sent prepaid on re-ceipt of price by the Ferrodine for! ' It has done me more good than | anything I have ever tried,and am |glad indeed to recommend it to any! Chemical Corp.,Roanoke,Va.| |Are talking louder than|ever if you don'tthinksocomeandsee for youryourself Av last week$3278We can do aswellforyou.Will youletus?Planters’ Warehouse general BELOW IS THE PROOF-DOLLAR,FOR DOLLAR.’ " 20.25.SS E E 532e 2 2 z 2 55 $1.00.This year1.50,This year ..,This year ..2.00,3.00.This year ..3.00, UNION SUITS. $1.50.This year2.00,This year ..,This year ..3.00,——STYLE HEADQUARTERS——**“THE STORE THAT SELLS SOCIETY ‘BRAND CLOTHES.”CROWELL CLOTHING CO. SUCCESSORS SLOAN CLC G CO. a ae ii Ti t yearyear .yearyear : .. Fe ? ? ? +-year ..SL.50, year . ES E S E R — We are Sorry to state that on accountofpresentfreightcms,we wereunabletomeetthewantsanddemandsofourcustomersinouropeningsale.All our stock had not arrived in timeandwecouldnotserveburcustomers.But we wish to thank them for thebusinesstheyhavegivenus. In a short time our store will be asolid Statesville institution.We will carryafulllineofladies’,children’s andents’ready-to-Wears.Also a full ine of notions,Shoes;Blankets,Bed Spreads,Sheets,Pillow Cases—in factpreceicatyeverythingintheDry s Line.We assure the le ofthetownthateverythingsoldinthisstorewillbesoldatasaving. Trusting that you all will patronize us and make this store asuccessful institu- tion.| THE 0.F.BARGAIN SCHEINBERG BROS. Located in the Mills Building.105 Broad Street. Ladies!Watch!Martha Washington SHOES Are Coming! AAAREETCEOS2.—$<—<—<—<——ay WinterShoes forMen and Boys J a»looking after the Germa: ee ~«Mr.Vinee Sherrill,who had bee;win Nie Pte FTI,he har boon spread,for which $300 had been of-/fered,was displayed by Mrs.C.E.|-’atterson.Sinee it could not belistedasa eounterpane,no prizecowdbeoffered,|i deservespecial‘oti as *on greatly||sPlanters’Ware.;Statesville,N.C°,.. vdmired by every one. 'Best collection ferns and bégen-':se :: They are ingto *.Statesville for ‘high fone with Mr.W.E.Coley. Cottontook «‘big jump yesterday=mecount of expected frost dam me tometl factorily for years. This year’s model will look right ten years from now.You will never have cause to be ashamed of it.Whatmoredoyou want in acar. viTESVILTF =il ane to teak ennedadly 1h to the life The Buick andDodgeare made right;the engineandpartswill wear and run satis- 4 |' Burner. Let us place ore in your home and save yor}money on your fuel bil!by heating your whole house with a Favorite Base Burner.You only have to runene fire to have a warm =comfortable home. Come in early and get your pick while we have them at the old price. = WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE. THE FAVORITE STORE. | PICKARD’s, eyes. HAND PAINTED CHINA “The World’s Best” STOUFFER'S,NIPPON. It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to look at.Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your THE RENAL STORE, Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS.| positors. PATRIOTISM §BUSINESS Every good citizen at this time shoulddohissharetowardstrengtheningthe Federal Reserve Banking System which our Government has created with itsbilliondollarsofresourcestostandback of its member banks and all their de- You can contribute directly to the STATESVILLE,N.C. Sendfor Booklet,“How Doesit Benefit Me?” our Chureh here must — ja German Church,opr a |Amorica.1.A.THOMAS.by Dean's Kidney Pilis,and we have ‘camps to be opened January 5 jates or under-graduates from %spée-, jamauga,Ca,|Price 60c.,at all dealers’.Don't f smaller unit of the army io be se-' ‘ed as vacancies occur.The college 8 but unmarried nen will be preferred,! F tnke the military courses given at!|the institutions will be eligible for the| j educational institutions will receive’ jon the increased letter mail rates! | rec a !compared to $35 fixed the Huse,|while a widow with two in would | receive $47.50,a reduction of $5.The,other sections of the House bill were accepted with only miner changeswiththeexeeptionoftheinsurancesection,in which was inserted a pro-—en permits a one not!.ater than five years after the war “If it is to rise to itsoem,ends to convert his insurance withoutitmedicalexaminationintoanyotherformofinsurancehemayrequest.Allowances to dependents 6f men atChureh,or a Dutch Church,or an the front range from $15 a month for English Church,but remember that it a wife to $32.50 for a wife and two.:.children and $5 more for each adii-is ap American Church,It cannot ii.5)child.One-half of each man’sallowitselftobeugedtoperpetuate;:aindefiniselynatavistiedifferences,and Pay '*toberetained by the govern.least of all to foster loyalty Bn none,to he paid to the man with in-foreign government,but wile pepe Se a a training school to make the transi-terest on his discharge or to his heirs tion from European conditions as thor-in event of his bh.:ough and rapid as possible.In every ooks tauga 3communityinwhileitisplantedPsaLand per ee a on ca 5.Mr.Will Holland,a very pleasent|on pablaasict He Sad aietty sacra gentleman from Olin,Iredell county, share of its responsibilities,as well as te lg Baa a last week,andenjoyitsprivileges.To think that),.:oe setaeh utr “ys aatitherestofthecommmmltyareAgne?-tain grazing lands,as well as some icans,but we are Lutherans,is trea-town property,with a view to buy- gon to the Lutheran Church ard to |and ee —He seemedAmerica.The oft quoted remark of °°*reine he a pleased with Watau-Terrence,‘I am a man,and therefore."‘find ==hope nothiny human is to me a matter of ©may find something to bis likingindifference,’may well be paraphras-and locate permanently among:us. ed for exch of us:‘tom an American,:ae eee?a and therefore nothirg pertaining to HAS pig scp FOUND my eountry or my people can - matter of indifference to me.rreligionshouldpromptustobepob-The Answer 's Found in thelicspiritedcitizens.In the —_Straightforward Statement of a ical class,as well as in the pulpit,the oloveofcountryshouldbeinstilled.”Taylorsville Women. Dr,Jacobs is dean of the Lutheran We have been reading week afterTheologicalSeminaryofMt.Airy,wook in the local press of StatesvillePhiladelphia,and,as author,teacher,citizens who have been rid of dis-leader anJ theologian,he has no su-::oe yrs ey ee Ceaah of tressing kidney and bladder troubles| with all the interests ofmustabandonthethought of Meoresyille,N.C often wondered whether the same Third Series of Training Camps)!"Pinion of this medicine istoThethirdseriesofofficerstra’re found in our neighboring towns.| This frank ard earnest statement run until April hf,the War Depart-by a Taylorsville woman will set ment er primarily -the this doubt »t rest.'education of enlisted men of the reg-:ur ares,Wabbaal Genet cal Mrs.B.Pearson,R.F.5B.No.5, tional army for commissions.Taylorsviile,N.C.,says:“I haveInaddition,however,2,499 gradu;found Doan’s Kidney Pills are just ified schools and colleves will be ad-)4%advertised,and [recommendmitted.A camp will be located in,them.My back and head ached and each of the regular army,National |iy 6 :Cuard and National army.divisions,‘¢"'®Were pains over my kidneys. and additional camps will be located|My kidneys acted irregularly,too. in the Philippines,Panama and Ha-Doan's'Kidney Pill ceplated " waii and one each at Fort Bilis and 208"8 Ricney Pills regulated —my Fort Sam Houston,Texas,and Chick-|kidneys and stopped the pain.” The quota of cach regiment of!‘:simply ask for a kidney remedy—-get lected to attend the officers’schools!’Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same thatwillbe1.7 per cent of the enlisted .:strenath of tek eemaedien.Greie-Mrs.Pearson had.Foster -Milburn ates recommended for commissions Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. ‘is 2d lieutenants will be commission-—————— men to be admitted must be between41and31yearsofageonthedayof} the opening of the camps.There is no restriction against married men other qualifications being equal.No graduates of the colleges who did not camps.Militavy instructors at the!¥For Sale By ‘hese applications «and designate 3 eee,“ee gh N.C men to be sent forward to the “And All Good Dealers, ‘amps.Any enlisted man between 21 and 40 We now have with us Mr.E.G.Davis,who is a compe- tent and experienced Automobile mechanic,Mr.Davis had thirteen years’experience in general repair work. HE CAN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on Packard and Pierce-Arrow Cars.| “If you have any trouble with your motor or electric sys- tem,Mr.Davis will be glad to examine it free of charge. Call at our Garage and let us look overxyour battery, without cost to you.Will also gladly supply distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix,No- thing but first-class work,and at very reasonable prices. Always glad to see Automobilists,: W.R.Mills Motor Co. years of age may apply.Company ° or other unit commanders will sift!out 10 per cent of applicants to be | forwarded to the division command.|' ©Character and military aptitude|| will govern selections,| The Brady Printing Co. Has a Full stock of The Increase in Postage. Detailed instructions to postmasters | which become effective November 2underthetermsofthewartaxbill,have been issued by Postmaster Gen-eral Burleson.They do not apply to! mail to mo.t foreign countries which are fixed by international treaties,all books used in but they do apply to all domestic mail,|and under that classification is includ- ed mail to Canada,Mexico,Cuba,|Graded Schools.They Panama,United neg postal |\ lageney at Shanghai,and all personsinthemilitaryserviceoftheUnited are soid for CASH. States in Europe.The Postoffice De-1} |partment issued these instructions:|Jc"| “Postmasters shall,on and after|| November 2,see that postage is paid } jat the rate of 3 cents an ounce or frac- )~©public sand-clay road,seven miles from Statesville. iPATTER EF —T A32wS|)———— FOR SALE. 119 acres of level,productive,Red Land Farm,frontingNice story,7-reom dwelling,located in a beautiful grove;barn,buildings;nice orchard with a variety of fruit;30 acres in meadow land,40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland. school aud charch.260 acres near school and church,3.miles of School.Smell dwelling,good barn and out-buildings,75 acres in cultivation,acres in bottom land,150 acres pine,oak,mr 'lar and hickory timber.Half mile of public sand-clay road,14 miles from railroad. ERNEST G.GAITHER.Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate. Phone 23.Satesville,N.C. :& f \elass matter except drop letters.All| idrop letters,that is,letters mailed for can take the of |) |dalivory from the office at which post-Nothing place ed,including those for delivery bcity,rural or other carrier of suofficearerequestedtohave |HAVE YO er en ere te smvay eget en ee teens eae _—_eeeetSEEN| -NEWLINE OF TOILETSOAP 10c.and 25c.per cake. —| HALL’S DRUG STORE,§ PRESCRIPTIONIST.: PhoneNo.28. =o a a>Sees enn oeeeeaEnae||Please Read This and Decide for Y You have made your Cotton Crop as a part of your money crop and looking to your we)-fare—and our success—we have gone into the athet oa bought the most modern and bestequippedGinnerytobehad,that we might save you many dollars and thereby gain yourpatronage.We have bought a Gin that is SECOND TO NONE.We're now ready to provetoyouwhatitwilldo.We have many testimonials from panes who have oaanieed aGullettGinningoutfitlikeoursandtheyc'aim that Oy geta larger turnout and better sampleon“stormy cotton.”Some claim to get as much as $10.00 more per bale.These facts areworthconsidering. We have 3-80 12-inch Saw Doubled Rib Try Us--Make a and Be Huller Gins.Convinced. These are Gins that will not a'low breast to raise and let Come to the Gin and sec the Mechanical Tramper thatoutUnginnedSeed,as many other Gins ds.In addition lays the Cotton in Folds.We will store your cotton in to having this class of Gins,we have insta:led a COTTON Warehouses or deliver same anywhere in Statesville freeCLEANER.This cleaner wiil make your Stormy or late of charge.WE ARE PREPARED AND WILL PAY ASCottonbringyoumanymoredollarsperbale.With this MUCH FOR YOUR COTTON AS ANY LEGITIMATEJennerWeproposetoopenupandGinyourlatecrackedBUYERWILLPAY.Mr.S.G.Caudell will have theCotton,which,heretofore hus been a loss to the farmer.management of the Ginnery,and we feel sure that youManythousanddoliarshavebeenfostinTredellcountybywillhavenocomplainttomakeastoyourtreatment.Mr,net having Gin Machinery that would handle the late or Isidore Wallace,our General Manager the ‘‘Top of the eracked cotton,With this cleaner tu erack and tear up Market Man’-will be on the job as usual,to buy yourthebollsandourGinstothrowouttheburrs,is where Cotton,If you want all that’s coming to you,don’t fail we are yroing to make you money.to see us. EE ER OESREE PHONE 2 Statesville Cotton Oil Company,Statesville North Carolina.| P.S.We want Your COTTON SEED FOR CASH or in Excliange for Meal.We Keep Meal and Hulls on hand all the Year Round. Ba 2.a ERR eat ET om tere THCOATS,ONION SETS and RYE for Fall Sowing. We have just received a car load of Texas Rust Proof Oats for Full sowing,the fmest grade of seed Oats.100 bags of Yellow Denver Onion Seis.300 bushels best grade Secd Rye.Help along the production of {hese voods by planting as heavy as you can. J.K.MORRISON GROCERY &PRODUCE COMPANY. 2 a ee een re TH k LAN DM AhWK THE MOORESVILLE PARR \UDERMEN IN SESNO ABINET PVIOCKE IN e 5 e —————“:oe aa :HAKLOETE. TUESDAY,--9 October 9,7 Son Tomorrow -=Death of (2 Vusiness Transacted:n ch te hal;t day Satur I ineeneDOCSChild—Mooresville News.Regular Monthly Meeting.ne lite ah Woe Tha ' .;‘:Ai :.tars ‘"Hu Hou 1AfterLaFolletteandOthemonthlymew Finishing the a t \1oof oldermen was heeePiecesMavnr } Raleivh,the « and cc tyedresol alty of Cari i pulsi fron of Robert M ancer ¢ti the war effec er Drives Out Malaria,Builds Up System The O14 Btandard memeral strengthening toric,|GROVES TAnt }chill PUNT,dr ‘Malaria,enti th Pharitdeegy cis i em.A true ionic,|!Susan’childre..¢ GIRES'DRAW A VOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAR, DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY! rv This’Hices Gets Thick.| Glossy,Wass and Beautiful).,.eeatOnce!Are simple in construction,strong and durable, \,ertain?;::,y ay ioo.eo hoe and do their work perfectly.We have them in emes hel fluffy,obundart +-....‘. !a Ki ‘ust ou sai:both Hoe ana Dise.Our price is reasonable,and tifil +ing ri’s after oa : Danderine |‘‘Inst trv terms lily ral, }moist i cloth with a little Danderine ar carefully draw itkingonesmalloassiecrexeanive Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o.eee nee neewanes \‘::ee oil,and j 1 few moments yotCoureen}Bee :.’-have deouli th Deaity of We wn eon eneepesieourt¢‘Obs nh «hand ma)haty K delightful surorios awaits aarca :\nD ENDORSEMENT For BARFOLLE?T TE [hove whese hair "been neglected s DR.VANCE HASTY, aid costs {‘ve Without discussion a he we ly —ees .na Mr.Automobile Owner.DENTALSURGEON. CC .:Y é ting vote ega?mn penides eautify ing ne heir,ahTeener’jis j senting te,ce ;j ly every particle REMEMBER!We inspect Stor-Rona b-7-8,Second Floor. had oa het a t Danderine «olve ‘‘‘ Bond hehe M4 Wop.Gi Seat ¢A ee eee of dandru®;cleanses,purifies and 9 ge Batteries and furnish you a aa pape ouumne GON be remitted.«1 hn aan tae Ga Gaal invigorates the scalp,forever stop-|with Distilled Water free!All seaterinthegangorlresahpe_mins ‘ping itehing and falling bair,but Battery work is done by an ex- foha Henry Io payee waptecthemedd fatal."what will please you most will be of-;:pert! bend to anpenr .{ih :::©the right to exprese the view '’ter a few weeks’use,when you see STATESVILLE MOTOR co..if ate nt minority’end expr zg@werforthintefijwentminorieenewhair—fine and dk te |at first—_'r"Sunday I will confidence in hie interrity and i te ‘see .mane raaineenmRR.Camp.es =/“s ’:'v-\yer—-but really new hair growing Doors,indows,v days for alty,“as a true Ameriean ci '|all over the scalp.If you care for aa,”Sede geoSe Se Seveaetae.C Carl AM Curedin 6to 14 war Siege errs|Caetee ;Pites in6 to14 Days rclintic conference at the GRENED Gere Gov.Mes:Cw ime:eet fale,and te of it,Ot 6a _ will sy Benen ‘on.i setendony caneof famteg,first Presbyterian church Saturday Richarda,fH.Spence,J.M.Clark sored.aet See —ongorProtradingMilesin610Mdeye4dSundaywaswellattendedandandC.FE nal.|en store or toilet counter and just “7givesLaneendKest.Sve.much interest was manifested.The ,ERNIE GOODMAN.jtry it,;"Sa.yor 5 me.2.5 aye me °w re»ageing “we ae j eae 9 ety <cmeamamaind Pe Me ed by olin |Ptio-acaam........! .are shot.|O.Steele,A.E.Welborne,J. groundthat he could not assumesuchresponsibilitybeforetheReichstag.One of the reasons for the mutinywasbadandinadequatefood.A Reuter dispatch from Amsater-dam says advices received therefromBerlinaretotheeffectthatChancellorMichaelisdeclaredtheishmentsinflictedonthemenatithelmshavenwerenotunjust,pa-pers found on them indicating thattheyhadboundthemselvesterecog-nize the principles of the independ-ent Socialists and proving that thatpartyhadcarriedonanextensiveagitationinthefleet.The chancellorisreportedtohaveaddedthattheindependentSocialistsbelongedto|Eapartyinwhichhecouldplacenoconfidence,as they were endangering the State.; County Food Administrators—Dr.Anderson For Iredell. Dr.Thos.E.Anderson,who is chairman of the County Council of Defence,has also been appointed county food administrator.Mr.Hen-ry Page of Moore county,who istefoodadministratorbyap-pointment of Mr.Herbert Hoover,national food administrator,desig-nates a food administrator in eachcounty.Those for coun-ties in this section of the State are:Alexander,A.C.Payne,Taylors-ville;Alleghany,R.A.Doughton,Sparta;Ashe,Walter Williamson, Jefferson;Burke,J.E.Erwin,Mor-ganton;Cabarrus,M.H.Caldwell,Coneord;Catawba,J.Yates Killian,Newton;Cleveland,R.L.Ryburn,Shelby;Davie,A.T.Grant,Mocks-ville;Forsyth,Jas.A.Gray,Jr., Winston -Salem;Lincoln,8.Reinhardt,Lincolnton;McDowell,J.W.Winborne,Marion;Mecklen-burg,Plummer Stewart,Charlotte; Rowan,A.H.Boyden,Salisbury;Watauga,B.B.Daugherty,Boone; Wilkes,Chas.CC.Smoot,Wilkes- hero;Yadkin,J.W.Pass,Yadkin- ville. Alexander Selected Men. Bpecial Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Oct.11 -——On —ae- count of the rain Tuesday the ladies of the town did not get to serve sup- per to the following named men who left Wednesday morning for Camp Jackson,but they were given com- fort bags:Lloyd Lambert,Victor B.Keever.Lee A.Marlow,Ivey H.Benfield.Benfield was sick andcouldnotleaveWednesday.Robert1.Echerd,Wyatt W.Richey,Oscar L.Goferth,Roseoe C,Bowman,Ran- som V.Payne,Eugene C.Cambpell,John B.Sloone,Alfred B.Lackey,Julius G.Kerley,Chas.Walker,BardK.Smith,John F.Jones,Sam.Lit-tle,William B,Head.Mr.O.F.Pool of this place suc-cceds Miss Lucy Plunkett,resigned,as teacher of mathematics in thehighschool.Miss Nellie Lambert.who was elected to succeed her,didnotcome. Mr.Ervin Dangerously Hurt. Mr.Robert D,Ervin,aged about 60 years,a prominent citizen of Con- cord township,was seriously,if not fatally,injured yesterday afternoonatLoray.He was on his wagonloadedwithwood,when the horsesbecamefrightenedandranaway.Mr.Ervin was thrown off,the wag-on passed over him and dragged himabout50yards.Several of his ribswerebrokenandhewasinjuredin-ternally.Dr.E.M.Yount,who ren-dered medical attention,says he hasachancetolive. Games Now Two and Two. In the world’s series of baseballames,the New York Giants won in New York yesterday,the score being &to 0.The Giants also won Wednes- day 2 to 0,Tuesday's game was notplayedonaccountofrain,The teams now stand 2 to 2,Chicago having There is muchconcern theofAoverofintriguestobringabout Committees:in theCountytothecalloftheStateCouncilof.meeting ot the local yyBe to organ- Bunch,L.C.W:Wal-lace were Gaeta en a tocarryoutthework.WelleswaselectedchairmanandtheoecommitteestoworkinthetowneyFirstWard—F.A.Sherrill,chair-man;T.N.McElwee and D.F.Jenk- ns.Second Ward—W.A.Thomas,chairman;Isidore Wallace and G.E.French“Third Ward—L.B.Bristol,chair-man;R.A.Cooper,T.D.Miller,; Sloop and C,E.Keiger..|Fourth Ward—D.J.,chair-on|man;H.A.Yount,J.a Salben andL..C.Wagner.th See wom —F.C.Wooten,T.5.W and T.L.Adams.;Ed.Long,W.8S.Clendenin and Mills.Concord—L.C.Stevenson,L.C..-Ww.Punts.vcpring—W.8S.-..C. Basle Mile.C.Tharpe P.Baa,Pr.B.Kennedy and G.V.Johnson.Fallstown—Jo.Troutman,W.A.Colvert and A.S.Alley.New Hope—J.P.Wiitiams,B.E.Weisner and R.M.Myers.Olin—H.A.Gill,W.W.Holland ge eerpesburg—R.E.King,.R.Bowles and R.R.Hill.Shiloh—J.F.Abernathy,W.D.McLelland and J.D.Elliott.Turnersburg—L.C.Steele,J.B.Parks and J.N.Barron.Union Grove —J.T.Jennings,E.Robertson M.Boggsc.and W.M..Coddle Creek,Davidson and Bar-ringer townships will be organizedfromMooresville.The committeesintheseveraltownshipswillelecttheirownchairmen.The committees will open the cam- paign for subscriptions Monday fortheameuntallottedtoIredell—-$122,-180.At the meeting of the States-ville committee Wednesday a poll ofthememberswastakenand$9,000 to $10,000 was subscribed. GERMANY'S PEACE IDEA. As Stated By Chancellor —For HomeDr.Michaelis,the n chan-cellor,stated _in a speech in theReichstag,according to a dispatchfromAmsterdam,that peace is im-possible as long as Germany's ene- mies demand any German soil or en-deavor to drive a wedge between theGermanpeopleandtheiremperor.The speech of the chancellor was de-live during the discussion of theresolutionagainstpropagandainthearmyinfavorofaGermanpeace.He is further reported as follows:“The German nation will standtogetherasoneman,unshakable, and persevere in the fight until its right and the rights of our allies toexistenceanddevelopmentareas- sured.In its unity the German em-pire is invincible.“We must continue to persevereuntiltheGermanempire,on the Continent and overseas,establishesitsposition.Further,we must strivetoseethatthearmedallianceofour enemies does not grow into an eco-nomic effective alliance.We can inthissenseachieveapeacewhichrvaranteesthepeasantthereward of his land;which gives the workermeritedrecompense;which creates amarketforindustriesandsuppliesthefoundationsforsocialprogress;which gives our ships the possibility on a free voyage of entering ports and taking coal all over the world-—a peace of the widest economic andculturaldevelopment,a real peace. This peace we can attain withintheselimits.”That talk was for German con-<umption;to try to keep the peoplefooled. One Iredell Case. The exemption board for theWesterndistrictadjourned—yester- day afternoon to convene at call of|,chairman.Since The Landmark’slastreportoneTredellclaimhasbeenpassedon—James Robert Pope.Statesville,exempted on account ofdependents.The board has its work practical-ly worked up.The force has beenreducedfrom65girlsto22girls.© DR.JOS.L.MURPHY DEAD. Dr.J.L.Murphy.tor of theReformedchurchofickoryandaprominentministerofthattownandsection,was stricken with paralysisWednesdaynight,while on his waytoprayermeeting.He was disabledbythestrokeandcarriedtoalocal hospital.Dr,Murphy died at 3.25 yesterdaymorning._. MACHINE RAN OVER HIM.Mr.Frank Jackson,a machinistfortheW.R.Mills Motor Co.,wasoeintullybyanavtomo-wasinfrontFthemachineandewonkedit,his —andbefore hecouldgetoutwaythemachineranoverhim.Dr.F.L.Shatpedressedtheandhewillbeallrightafterheoverthesoreness. Meyer,rthof"Pa MUneeKsaaBaswercomplicityinkillingof STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,OCTOBER 12,1917. THE IREDELL HOME GUARD Meit Meet ‘TonightteBlectOfficers. The Iredell County Council of De-fence —Dr.T.E.Anderson,chait-man;Dr.C.E.Raynal,Messrs,W. A.Thomas,Wm.Wallace,F.T. Meacham,F.A.Sherrill and HM.A: Yount —hatamedStatovillementy.compousomeGIredell,D.M.Ausley,A!‘won,A.B.JB.Quinn,B.F.Russell,Laveant,Jas.M.Deaton,J,Y.Foard,C.F.Williams,Jas.ene:.F.P MD.Webb,T.A.Nash,W.W A.Mitholland,C.E.W.E.Webb,F.F.Steele,Sronce,Fred.A.Thomas,C.H.=ner,L.O.White,C.E.Keiger,C.M.Adams,R.T.Weatherman,A.E.‘|Welborne,J.B.Foster,A.J.Salley,“1A.R.Sherrill,Rowel C.Morrison,d.Paul Leonard,N.W.Fox,D.E.nedy,Dr.E.N.Lawrence,Fred,Ramsey,Frank Link Johnsen,G.Crowell,J.L.Sherrill,Edward G.White,R.H.Troutman,L.J.? Holland,Fred.W.Sherrill,Rankin,Gales White,R.F.Garland Shelton,Geo.L.Ballance,R.E.Clapp,P.D.Kennedy.These 50 men will meet at thecourthousetonat8o'clock totakethepreseoath,to elect acaptainandsecondlieutenantandiotakeotherstepsnecessarytoor-ganization,All the men are selected fromStatesvillebecausetheideaistohavetheGuardcentrallylocatedandwhereitcanbepgaandassembled.It will have to drillleastonceamonthandonceaweek,It will res to du-ty call anywhere in the county. SIMPLY COMMON SENSE. Instructions That Should HaveBeenObservedAllAlong. As the result of a recent interviewwithGen.Crowder,provostGov.Bickett advises local and dis-trict exemption boards that they mustascertainiftheregistranthadhereto-fore supported his wife and childrenbyhisownlabor;whether or not thewifeandhusbandhavepropertysuf-ficient to support the family while thehusbandisinmilitaryservice.If itisfoundthathehasbeensuthefamilyandthatthereisnot-cient property for su thenregistrantisentitoexemunlessitisfoundthattheeitherthehusbandorthewife areableandwillingtosupporttheregis-trant’s family while he is in the serv- ice.If there is this willingness as well as ability,then the registrant isnotentitledtodischarge.The Governor advises that theserulesbeobservedinfutureandthat with reference to cases heretoforepassedon,if these rules have not been observed,that the cases be reportedtotheadjutantgeneralinorderthat he may,if he deems tt advisable,or- der a reopening of the cases.The Landmark had supposed that these rules had been observed all along.Certainly they should have been,as it would be contrary to com- mon sense to send a man to the armywhohadrealdependents,people whowouldbeleftwithoutsupportbyhis going,and to keep a man out of the army simply because he was marriedorhadafamily,when he did not suprorthisfamilyorwasnotneededfor its support,would also be contrary tecommonsense. Restrictions on Newspapers. Commerce and communieation re- strictions authorized by the trading-with-the-enemy act will be put intoeffectwithinafewdaysunderanExeeutiveorderbyPresidentWil-son.Postmaster General Burleson says the provision authorizing thePostofficeDepartmenttolicensefor- ‘ign -language newspapers is al-ready in operation.The PostmasterGeneralsaidthatpublicationsneed not fear suppression under the trad-ing-with-the-enemy act’s censorshipvrovisions,unless they =transgresstheboundsoflegitimatecriticismofthePresident,the administration.he army,the navy or conduct of the var,“We shall take great care not toletcriticismwhichispersonallyoroliticallyoffensivetotheadminis-tration affect our action,”he said.“But if newspapers go so far as to mpugn the motives of the govern-ment and thus encourage insubordi-vation,they will be dealt with se-|this orely,“For instance,papers may notnythatthegovernmentiscontrolledbyWallstreet,or munition manu-facturers or any other special inter-sts.Publication of any news calcu- lated,to urge the people to violatelntAvillbeconsideredgroundsfortrastieaction.We will not tolerate‘ampaigns against conscription,en- listments,sale of securities or reve-nue collections.We will not permithepublicationorcirculationofany-thing hampering the war's prosecu-tion,or attacking improperly our al- Wes, Mr.Allison’s Promotion. A telegram from Fort Oglethorpe.Ga.,yesterday,stated that Mr.RaymondV.Allison had been selected forimmediateserviceinFranceasfieldartilleryballoonobserver,with rankNison,who is a son.J.Allison,alongyHeyoungaa 5 !7 JOINT ADVANCE TUESDAY. Hoth British French Made Good As is customary after the attain- ment of the objectives of his drives,Field Marshal Haig Wednesday per-mitted the British troops in Flan.ders to have a breathing ll whileconsolidatingtheirgainsTuesdayalongtheYpresfront.Likewise theFrenchforcesontheBritishleftmdwerebusilyengagedinorgan-their newly won jons.A heavy rain fell during the dayandnoattemptsatstrongattacksweremadebyeitherside,althoughatvariouspointsthereweresmallforayinthenatureof iine-strengthening operations by theBritishandFrenchandweakat-tempts at counter-offensive on thepartoftheGermans,These latterManeuverswererepulsedandtheal-lies held the ground they won inTuesday's offensive._Along the right bank of the Meuse,in the Verdun sector,the Germans, following a violent bombardment,attacked the French line and pene- kept from proceeding farther by thefireofGeneralPetain's artillerists.!;the Austro -Italian theater,theAustriansattemptedtogainagainsttheItaliansbutinthefu-rious fighting they were worsted,suffering heavy casualties.Consid-erable activity,both by the artilleryandtheinfantry,continues on theRigafrontinthenorthRussiafight-ing zone.Launching their attacks simul-taneously Tuesday morning,both theBritishandFrencharmieshadmadecompiderablegainsbeforenightfall,in addition to inflicting heavy cas-ualties on the Germans and takingmanyprisoners.Prior to the an-nouncement of the commencement oftheattack,there had been no inti-mation that the Frenchmen werereadyforanadvance.In fact,ithadbeenratherexpectedthateventheBritish|commander-in-chiefwoulddelaytakingtheaggressiveagainforseveraldays,owing to theterribleconditionofthendheisinquestof—a veritable marshowingtotheheavyrainsofSundayandMonday.With apparent ease the Frenchmencrossedthefloodedriversandcap-tured the villages of St.Jean deMangelareandVeldhoek,togetherwithnumerousblockhouses,and tookprisonerseveralhundredGermans.The advance of the French was overafrontofmorethanamileanda man line to a depth of one and aquartermiles.Haig’s principal offensive center-ed on parts of the Passachendaele-Gheluvelt ridge,still held by theGermans,being directed westward from Poelscapelle,which was cap-tured,and northeastward fromBloodseindetowardPasgchendacleytheultimateobjectivestillbeingtheOstend-Lille railroad. Fired on Italian Submarine. Vice Admiral Sims cabled the Na- vy Department that an Americanpatrolvessel,on duty at night inthewarzone.fired on an Italian sub-marine which failed to answer rec- ognition signals,killing one officerandoneenlistedman.Secretary Daniels at once sent amessagetotheItalianministryofmarine,expressing the deepest —re- @ret over the unfortunate occur-rence and tendering his and thennavy's sympathy for theanelife.The Navy Department{this statement:e Navy Department has beeninformedbyViceAdmiralSimsthatrecentlyanAmericanpatrolvessel,while on patrol duty at night,en- countered an Italian submarine andthatwhenthelatterfailedtoanswer ‘he established recognition signals, the patrol vesse!onened fire,whichresultedinthekillingofoneofficerandoneenlistedmanbeforetheidentityofthesubmarinewasestab-lished.Vice Admiral Sims is thor- oughly investigating the unfortun- ate occurrence and reports will beforwardedlatertothedepartment.” Local Soldiers. Among the local boys home from Camp Sevier,Greenville,8S.C..onfurloughforafewdaysareFred.L.Bradley and Wil!J.Knight.Brad- ley now belongs to the PiedmontBattery.Mr.Maurice Webber has arrivedfromDetroit,Mich,where he hadbeenatwork,to spend afew dayswithrelativesatLoray.He leaves week for the training camp at Battle Creek,Mich.Mr.Carl Alexander of the Pied-mont Battery,Camp Sevier,Green-‘Me,8.C.,arrived Wednesday nightospendafewdaysathome. Simmerson Pardoned. Bryan Simmerson of Davidson county,who had been serving a sen-tence on the Iredell gang since May‘or having had too much liquor inhispossession,was pardoned this week by Governor Bickett and wasreleasedfromthegang.He wastriedandconvictedatthe.May termofIredellSuperiorCourtandhadservednearlyfivemonths.The par-ton is ted on the ground thathisfamilyisdestituteandbecausehehadhadagoodrecordasapris-mer.He pays all the costs. BEQUEST FOR ORPHANAGE. The will of Mrs,W.T.Kincaid,<pGat ents,beenfiledforth1ot?,andasexecutor,the Ba haswrittenSeptemberr.H.L.Kineaid isSamrhanage tiomavenworth8 n trated it at several points,but were|¢ half and they penetratedtheGer-|school church last evening.This ev8o'clock the bishop will to.the coloredpeople at the chapelofthecrass.Children's service at Broad StreetMethodistchurchSundaymorningat11.Congregational ong serviceSundayeveningat7.30.ublic in- vited, The First Presbyterian SundayachoolwillobservelilyDaySun-day morning at 11 o'clock.Therewillbeshortexercisesbythechil-|dren of the Sunday school and an ad-dress by Dr.1,The first session of the conferenceonevangelismattheFirstPresbyte-rian church was held Tuesday eveningandRev.Sam H.Hay,pastor of theFirstPresbyterianchurchofMoores-ville,was the speaker.Mr.Hay madeanexcellentaddresson“How any ofchurchmaybecomeanevangelisticforce.”-_W.E.bgp va pastor of Centre Prospect churches,wasapaberatWednesdaymorning's ses-sion.His subject was “1vangelism.”“Sunday School Evan-gelism”was the subject of peanesingafternoon’s session and Rev.J.G,Garth of Hickory was the principalspeaker.Mr.Garth defined the Sun-day school as the nursery of thechurchandsaidthatitschiefpurposeisthestudyofGod’s word.Evangel-ism in the Sunday school has for itsobjectthesalvationofsouls.An ex-cellent opportunity for evangelism isaffordedintheSundayschool,whichistheseedbedoftheChurch.The years have the ¥yschool.The ls that threaten todefeattheschoolarecold-of ers.A teacher sometimes fails be-cause of lack of training and for thisreasontheSabbathsc’needs ateachertrainingclass.Rev.J.A.Smith made a short talk on the needsoftheSabbathschool,especially the lack of conteachers,and the fact that so manyaallowtheirchildrentogo and Dr.C.E.Raynal commended Mr.Smith m heartily for his remarksMr.J.A.Brady,superintendent oftheFirstPresbyterianSundayschoolandRev.Ovid Pullen also made shorttalksonSundayschool,emphasizingthepointsthathadbeenbroughtout.Dr.J.M.Clark,who was in chargeoftheconferenceandwhopresidedatallthemeetings,was the ker attheclosingsessionWedynight.His subject was “An EvangelisticProgrammefortheIndividualChurch.” BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS —So far,Masters David and Tom Craig have collected about $5 on their tobacoo fund for the soldiers. At least some of the local storeshavefollowedtheleadofthoseofoth-er cities in the State and have raised the price on cigarettes,smoking tobaecosandchewingtobaccosintins. Perry Cline,the young man whokilledhimselfinSalisburyMonday,as reported in Tuesday's Leadmask,was a former member of the IredellBluesandwaswiththecompanyon the border last winter. There were 32 whites who tooktheteachers’examination TuesdayandWednesday—13 for first-grade,15 for second-grade and 4 for high school certificates.Fifteen or 20coloredteachersalsotooktheexam-nation.Mr.©.F.McKesson of Morgan-ton,who has been ill for several weeks,came to Statesville Wednes- lay evening to enter Long's Sanato-ium for treatment.Mr.McKesson's many friends will hope for his early and complete recovery. Some outsiders attended the Fire Prevention Dmy exercises at the Statesville Graded Schools Tuesday The principal talk was made by Rev. Dr.Chas.Anderson and several of the teachers read sclections appropriate to the oecasion. The Red Cross sewing room, which has been in the town’s centralbuildingsinceitsbeginning,will bemovednextweektothevacantroomupstairsatthefirehouse,the roomformerlyoecupiedbythesuperinténd- ont of water and tax collector : —Mre.W.M.Womble and two lnughters.Misses K.F.and E,B.Vomble,have moved from Norfolk,Va.,to Statesville to live.At pres-ent they are at Hotel Iredell butwill,in a few days,oceupy Mra.J.S.Ramsey's house on Davie avenue. --The Statesville tofice is now:central office to all the postoffices»the county.All supplies are fur-shed by this office to the others.All reportsaremadeto it and inturnitreportstoWashington.Thedeaistosimpiifythepostalserv- ce,Mr.Frank Meacham,son of Mr.and Mrs.F.T.Meacham,who is astudentattheA.&E.College,un-—for apuendi- | i= fH inreadbyainterestingholditsnextMackBrown Soai where she attended theheraunt,MissandMr.L.C,Hyte bridesmaid at theookplaceW. Statesville spentvestofhisaunt,Mrs."Charlotte ‘spent,WadaofCharlotttrelativeshere.C turned to Campingseveraldays here.LalBaileyand daughterTharpe,and MasterJr.,of Statesville,areeraldayswithMra.Geo.M.C.MeGrawchildrenofMt.PleasantdayherewithMr.and .__VERNIE GOODMAN, FROST DAMAGE TO COTTON. Frosts in the north centrallidconsiderableaccordingtothetinissuedthisweek.was killed in northern AkillingfrostsoccurredinDamagewasdonelocally inittoheavyfrosts ma and Georgia,butported =F little damage MissCOVINGTONTOme correspondentterianStandardfrom Marion.that Miss Hallie CovweekfromVancouver,B.C.rea,as a mPresbyterian Church.Last yearyearbeforeMissCovington ‘ae in en S*‘ollewe and is pleasantedbymanyStatesville people. LIBERTY LOANTO SKIES. tea > ig Cg oo - “a e Se te m = will play a largeivepartinland war- is already playing a part against subma- There are already’enourh Ameri- troops in France to deliver a bigGermanlines,if it at L “H E such an at this timetheNatgmestofWashingtonmili-experts,would be a useless ex-of men. EELesses But ManyYields.losses are recordedthe——*— as a result of the c - in ,but the govern-n September,there will beofcorn,oats,rye,whitepotatoes,tobacco and : f Te i: ft ti v was heaviest in corn,a reduction,of morebushelssinceSep-losses were optingbushels;ley,2,-buckwheat,2,331,- ite potatoes,8,985,-sweet potatoes,907,000;apples,537,000 bushels;su-118,060 tons;kafirs,4,-Is;and beans,4,155,- iiaHe i crops,however,showed im- tions,especially oats,in of 47,382,000 bushels, a record crop of 1,580,- bushels,or 31,000,000 bush-than that of 1915.Otherwererice,1,019,000 bushels,tobacco,21,837,000 pounds. President Wilson has signed com-as —for Maj.Gen.Tasker i iss,army chief of staff, ah Ht and Maj.Gen.John J.Pershing, commanding the American forces inFrance.ah both officers haverank,General Bliss takes prec-by virtue of his position asthedirectingheadoftheentirear- my organization.Congress revived the rank of gen-eral for the period of war largely intoavoidembarrassmenttoGeneralPershingindealingwithof-ficers of h rank commandingthealliedarmiesonthewesternfront.The new grade carries a sal-ary of $10,000 a year,an increase of~—over the pay of major gener- a The name of Major General Sibertismentionedasthemostlikelycan-didate for the first commission aslieutenantgeneral,a rank also re- vived by Congress,when 2"armycorpsisorganizedinFrance,as hecommandedthefirsttroopssenttoEurope. Feeding Wheat and Why. A half million bushels of wheatwillbefedtolivestockinOklaho-this fall,according to reports toOklahomaStateCouncilofDe-.It is said that in one county1,500 bushels of wheat is being fedtolivestockdaily.No explanationiesthisstatement,butsometimeagoitwassaidthatOkla- i farmers,dissatisfied at thepricefixedythegovernmentforwheat,were feeding it to stock rath-er than save it for shipment abroadasthegovernmenturged.Mr.J.C.Houpe,an Iredell county man resi-dent in Oklahoma,writes The Land-mark that feeding wheat to stock isduetothescarcityandhighpriceof.The Landmark had thoughtasmuch.It didn’t want to think,as.been intimated,that the Okla-homa folks were feeding wheat tostockforspite.It is bad enough forthemtohavetofeeditunderany|circumstances,when the scarcity of|is considered;and ai way!should be found,if possible,to obvi-the necessity. Bs el i Five Held For Trial. Four of the five Pamlico county by Federal officersabouttwoweeksagochargedwith|resisting the draft law,with beingconnectedwiththedynamiting.ofPamlicocoonbuildingatLowland,county,on 7th of Seand|intimidation of theatthatheldFerthe»Ape termYes "United |Districton at a prelimi-| ore United | month of June). |ter attending the operations of 1918,|when .\unite their entire in attack-placed|in theenemy,in"conformity tothe war. { “This shows,”concludes the state-ment,“the decisive character at-tending the operations of 1918,whenlethreegreatdemocracies,England,Fraree and America,will unite their entire strength in attacking the en-| emy,in conformity with the onlysoundprincipleofwar.” The commission’s statement,is-{i z&i F s3 §=7 lie information,follows: “Both Franco -German fronts on the Aisne,1917,and Verdun,1916, have a been compared and it has been noted that they are practi-cally of the same length.It has been stated that the German forces| occupying them before the attackwereequallycomparable,12 and 14 divisions.i is known today thatduringthesameperiod,from MaytoSeptember,the Germans engaged 25 fresh divisions at Verdun,and that they have been obliged to en- gage 45 on the Aisne.Furthermore, during an equal period the French took 5,868 prisoners at Verdun and8,558 on the Aisne.“This comparison included only asmallsectoroftheFrenchfront. But it showed a very interesting re- sult due to the increase of the ma- terial forces of the allies and the im-preved French fighting methodssinceadoptedbytheotherarmies, and also,as festified by the Germanstaffitself,apropos of the battle oftheSomme,in explaining their de-"eat ‘to the perfect use of technical methods.’.. “If the above comparison is ex- tended today to the entire Franco- Snglish front,if you consider thatfromApril15toJune15theenemy engaged 108 divisions against theAnglo-French forces,and,finally,if one bears in mind that the suc-cesses of the British offensive atYpresobligedtheenemytoengage15divisionsduringthelast10days,you can understand why the German losses on the western front rrowheavierandheavier.(They admit the loss of 116,000 men during the month of May;140,000 men are esti- mated by the allied staff during the fighting on front,as a matter of fact,_practically never ceases.Whether in the French sectors ofVerdunortheAisne,or in the En«-lish sectors of Arras and Ypres,the!fighting is only discontinued at one!point to be taken up at another.In| addition to the big attacks,a quanti-ty of carefully prepared smal!ac-tions which have been crowned withsuecessandofwhichthebulletins are not able to give a clear idea,in-crease the attrition of the Germans.“This constant activity,coincidingwiththeweaknessandinactionoftheRussians,also explains why theGermansareobligedtomaintain,and succeed in effectually maintainging,three times larger forces on theFrenchfrontthanontheRussian front.It is known that the Russian winter practically puts a stop to allactiveoperations,and that the reac- tion of the internal events in Russia| on the eastern front has allowed Ger- m@fiv to consider it during fourmonthsasa_veritable reserve forthewesternfront.Not content withdecliningtogivebattleand with-drawing a portion of their front on the Hindenburg position,the Ger-man general staff has transported tothewesternfront.between JanuaryandApril,a certain number of divis- ions drawn from the eastern front.As this did not suffice,they have drawn the picked men from each of their companies on the eastern frontandwiththeassistanceoftheclassof1918haveformed27newdivis-ions,26 of which have appeared in France. “However,in “This is because thethewestern spite of using all these methods,of which the latter have only been possible this yearluetothetroublemadebytheRus- sian revolution,Germany has madehersuprememilitaryeffort.The! statement explains that while Ger- many still has great powers of re- sistance,which will take all the al-lied forces to break,and she is capa-| ble of executing very vigorous local|Y offensives,her resources are dithin-ishing at the very moment when the|military situation requires that theyshouldincrease.“That is the vrincinallares,and eoncludés: “On the other hand,British andFrencharmieshavereachedtheirfullstrengthin’men and material|and are capable,with the help of America,of maintaining the enor-mous strength which they havegainedtotheendofthewar.To thisstrengthwillbeaddedthegreatAmericanarmy,which will arriveasquicklyaspossible,as threeyearsofwarhavedemonstratedthevalueoftimeandtheadvantageofmachday— “This ws the decisive charac- point,”it three great democraciesEngland,France and America,will only sound ai : is demands that they in-is ‘a whole quarter pint of ra fa ge !Hiit A 5 |Eefi to fulfill our duty in exallies.By elimination waste weserveourselveseconomicallyandmorally. “I therefore appeal to the church-es and to the ools for their as-sistance in this crusade,to all theorganizationsfordefence,local andnational,to all the agencies,com- mercial,social and civie,that theiointheadministrationinthisoutforthefundamentalsafetyofthe nation.”>Nearly 2,000,000 housewives havealreadytakenthepledgetofurnishthefoodthatouralliesandover- seas armies require,and their efforts are visiblytheavailablesupply.The 1amountswhicheachindividualisaskedtosavethroughsubstitutionandavoidanceofwastewhenmulti-nlied by millions become an effec- tive total.The whole problem willhesolveiftheAmericanpeoplewilleatlessofthefoods,which use of their coneéntrated nutritive val-ue must be sent abroad,and more oftherfoodsofwhichthereisanibundance.The foods that must besavedarewheat,pork,oat galvetsandsugar.Those that should beusedgenerouslyarefish,poultry,vegetables and all cereals except wheat.Federal Food Administrator ‘Hen- ry A.Page has practically perfectedplansforthecampaigninNorth Carolina,during which the pledge ofeveryhousewifeintheState,more than 300,000 in number,will be se- cured to support the suggestions ofthefoodadministration.The planadoptedbyMr.Page calls for theappointmentofafoodadministra- or for each of the 100 counties oftheState.These county food ad- ministrators will have an executive commiitee of eight members corres- ponding with the committee working with Mr.Page and embracing the county superintendent of education, farm demonstration agent,home de- monstration agent and chairman ofthewoman's committee of the coun-ty Council of Defence.‘There will be a wofking committee of four members appointed by the countyfoodadministratorineverywhiteschooldistrictofhiscounty,this committee being depended upon totakethemessageofthefoodadmin-,istration to the individual;and inthis“pledge-card campaign,”Octo-her 20-28,it is expected that everypatriotichousewifeinthecountry will be enlisted as an active memberofthefoodadministration. AAAITTTTTTY Sour Stomach.Eat slowly,mastieate your food thoroughly.abstain from meat for a few days and in mostcasesthesourstomachwilldisappear.if it does not,take one of Chamberlain's Tabletsimmediatelyaftersupper.Red meats aremostlikelytocausesoutstomachandawayfinditbesttocutthemout. LEMONS MAKE SKINWHITE,SOFT,CLEAR! Make This Beauty Lotion For a FewCentsandSeeForYourself. What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complex-ion blemishes;to whiten the skinandtobringouttheroses,thefreshnessandthehiddenbeauty? But lemon ju'ce alone is acid,there-fore irritating,and should be mixed with orchard white this way.Strainthroughafinecloththejuiceoftwo!fresh lemons into a bottle cortain- ing about three ounces of orchardwhite,then shake we!l and you haveskinandcomplexionlotionataboutthecost|one usually pays for a small jar ofordinarycoldcream.Be sure to strain the lemon juice se no pulpgetsintothebottle,then this lotion|will remain pure snd fresh for,months.When apriied daily to the! face,neck,arms and hands,it shouldhelptobleach,clear,smoothen and|beautify the ckin. Any druggist wih supply three |ounces of orchard wh'te at very lit- ile cost and the grocer has the lem-ons. Battery Inspection Free. We are thoroughly uipped in Techarage Batteries and havecessories, STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. OSTEOPATH.Dr.S.W.Hoffman -OFFICE OVERMaint"Phone, “UNCLESANKNOWS | f| new‘Sraemanenaennensrmmuiis samt The roomier,forose thingwsiretbatene:mhincreased ai inches.it to s stronger more rigid machine ‘The fe now ix inches,insteadofthree h werfulcre:Mage T means?firmness with which thetheandthesteadinessofthesonegivegoutsoneofecuiewithaEnscaryofshock- This New Car is 50 Pounds Lighter There's a marvel of engineering for you,friends!The car is —_bigger and stronger ~ord yet high or, irdeermeereseteoainanycurcosting = Ita looks now equal its proved mechanical The now upholstery is richer and gives a new a and out the new 1918 Maxwell ts aperfected car.ter ease and corm.fort on the roud,.We're proud to sell ir.that—it mean»greater ecunoniy.You’!to own one. Touring Car $745;Roadster $745;Coupe $1095;Berline $1095;Sedan $1098 Ali prices f.o.6.DetroitED.G.WHITE MOTOR COMPANY,Statesville,N.C. MiMi Kh ih ThisMore Psa) “NOMORECATARRH | | \Guaranteed Remedy That Has|Stoodthe Test of Time. Catarrh eures come and catarrh cures go, but Hyemei continues to heal catarrh and! abolish its disgusting symptoms wherever | civilization exists.| Every year the already enormous sales of |3 this reaily seientifie eure for catarrh grow|rreater,and the present year should show all It’s time for everybody to turn to the BESTremediesforthecoldsthatthechangeofseasonissuretobring. In other words,‘‘get”the cold before thecold‘‘gets”you by using our high raderemedies—100 per centP E end’EFFEC- evords broken.If you breathe Hyomei daily as directed it |will end your catarrh,or it won't cost you # cent.If you have a hard rubber Hyomei inhaler somewhere around the house,get it out and IVErereatoncetoforeverridyourselfofca-oacarrh,;.theSuatenitleDrugCompany.oF any othe:We'll give your smallest requirement ourwooddruggist,will seil you a bottle of Hyumei‘Heuid)for a few cents;start to breathe it promptest attention. and notice how quickly it clears out the airpassagesandmakestheentireheadfee!fineHyomeiusedresulartywillcurecatarrn,cougha,colds,bronchitis or asthma.A com-seis ienctne'"man Tee:Y POLK GRAY DRUG CO. inhaler and bottle of Hyomei,costa but little.|No stomach dosing;just breathe it.It kills|the werms,soothes and heals the inflamedmembrane.| “Doors,|Windows,Mantels,: Columns,Frames,Stair Rai!,Step Plank,Locks andHinges.C.WATKINS,State:vl.erent maernmeene eee | FRESH PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR PANCAKES. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. “On theSquare. THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the v liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomers’:to use the same when they so desire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL . HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our office for any information,or telephone No,54 if our service in needed. We do NOTARYPULIC work also.Cordiallyyours,J.F.CARLTON, 1—CASH!Short credits make long friends and satis-fied customer:;a cash basis means lower prices. 2—The best quality uf goods sold at a reasonable profit.There are no seconds or inferior Tires in ourstock.Everything sold is guaranteed. 3—The square-deal'We will not cut prices nor givesomethingfornothing;but we believe inacustomereverythingheisentitled 4—Preference to regular customers in the matter of quick service. 5—RELIABLE RFPAIR WORK BY aWHOARESKILLFULAND 6—Genuine Ford paris.\7—A GARAGE THAT OFFERS CLE ANDCONVENIENCESTOLADYconsis! UNCLESAMKNOWS| Our Governmenthastakentheoutputoffactoriesthat CAROLINA MOTOR CO. os |Shipmentof Rubheroid Roofing beingofbenefitin40yearsofusehas |All newest shades,inciud- ing Sand,Taupe,Havan- nah Brown,Purple,Silver}“Today” A.barrel of Mrs.Hicks’Grey,Plum,Battleship aw 1Grey,ete. Home Made Molasses. It is fine. Plaids or Stripes.Phone your order. Phone 89. Just received new lot |Wool Sweaters,with belts and fancy collars.Copen- hagen,Kelley,Navy,Rose, Purple,White,Marcon, |etc, See our Ladies long Coats, with belts and broad col-FLOOR FINISH nding.We ask you to a it.—you'll know why so lars,with or without fur many le use it to wearproef theirfloors,linoleum and outside prasza doors. tt looks better and wears longer thaaotherfloorfimshmade.©warrant this with a money-back —if i dvesn't prove all we "Iredell Hardware CO. Home Comforts trimmings. We continue to add to our showing of Coat Suits, Are tound in the home.Good}{the latest models and plumbing makes the lors hours spent by the wife at home a newest shades. pleasure such a pleasure that nothing else can sive. W.E.MUNDAY Your Plumber 114 EB.Broad St Phone 55. Our Shoe business shows a most gratifying increase C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—-Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, @,Latha,Lime,Cement, ete.Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. due to the excellent quality, of the leather,for Child- ren’s School Shoes,the Just received.This com-]E.C.Scuffers,‘RedsitionRoofingistheBest have ever handled,The contractors who have useditlikeit. WATKINS.ia Se, WANTED!\ SCRAP BRASS—-HeavyBrass 7éc.|oe pound,Ligh:Brass 5e.per || FOR SA LE: New end second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies. Cc,H.TURNER.Iredell "Pho No.14,Bell No.1. Goose”or ‘‘Lion Brand,” C.have no superiors.Try a pair for the Boy or Girl. Respectfully, WOOD SAWINGonFreadytosawyoutseemeoree J.M.McKEE&CO. me—421 Black..WOOTEN. m, m.nm,m,m, te em6.™, ‘More Secret German Tres<heryMadePublic.- ;‘Secretary of State Lansing had giv- ‘en the public another ab hileellectionofsecretGermandirLomut-ie correspondence,which sheds furtherlightuponwhatGermanforeignofficeandgeneralstaffofficialsweredoing in this country while ni atpeacewiththeUnitedStates,lkpublic,withut comment as usual,brief cablegrams, diselosiny|that more than a year before subma-|rine piracy drove America to war,th« |Berlin ove ronment was instructin Ambassador von Bernsterff to arrangelfordestructionofCanadianrailroadsjandtouseIrish-Americans in ear |inge on sabotaye in their own countr)|They showed,too,that von Bernstortf}on his part wes even at that early det:jsecking authority to support a cam 'paign to influence Congress,One of the telegrams was as fol:‘lows:“You can obtain particulars as|to persons suitable for carrying on sabotage in the United States and Canada from the following person.,1,Joseph MacGarrity,Philadelphia. |Pa.;2%,John P.Keating,Michigu: ‘ave nue,Chicago;3,Jeremiah O'Leary,16 Park row,New York,One and two are absolutely reliable and diserect, number three is reliable,but not a! ways discreet.These persons were in- dicated by Sir Roger Casement.In the United States sabotage can be /earried out on every kind of factory for supplying munitions of war.”Roger Casement the man whowithGermensidstartedtheIrishrebellion,and was executed.Mac-Garrity is a prominent Lrish leader ofPhiladelphia.Jeremiah O'Leary,besidesheadingtheAmericanTruth Society,is editer of Bull,a publica-tion recently barred from the mail as seditious,He is also the man wh« sent President Wilson an insulting telegram during the campaign of last year.The President told O'Leary hi didn't want his vote nor those of men who thought as he did. STATE NEWS. A roey ’ 4 1s Gov.Bickett and F. speak at a historic celebration Wilkesboro on the 26th. According to the figures of theUnitedStatesBureauofRoads, Nerth Carolina in the last year ex-pended the sum of $5,510,000 for road improvement. Miss Rankin of Montana,member nn |se cola,Fla.,jail dur Linney will: a winter need be feared, The new coalition has|assumed control of replacing,‘the Council of Five organized amonth | ajpro, The United States Supreme Court |has advanced the several cases to. Lest the constitutionalitlawandsetDecember 10 as the dateofthehearing, The AmericanRed Crosshas ca-bled $50,000 te China for the relief,of flood sufferers.amount ,ask-ed for was $200,000,as the need isvreat,and this amount will proba-bly be sent, William and Robert Blackwell,who sawed their wa4,of the Pen-the hurricaneastmonth,and as are under sen-tence of death for murder,were cap- tured in Alabama. of the draft| Ambassadors and ministers to theUnitedStatesfrom13nationsatwar with Germany will be guests of the! Southern Commercial Congress duringitsninthannualconventioninNew York city next week. The embargo on coal shipments to Canada has been lifted by the fue! xndministration,which decided thathesupplyeangoforwardthroughikeportswithoutendangeringthe<ipply of Northwestern States. \horse on the face track at Wice, Vs .fell on the track,dislodging herider.She got up and made the last halt without a rider,winning the ice,As she was being led to the tahies she fell dead from a ruptur-{bleed.vessel. Righty -three American Jews, ho,because of the war,were una le to leave Palestine until relief or- enigations in this country secured the assistance of the State Depurt ment,arrived in New York thiweek,They were four monthsiheway.on Twenty-three book paper manufac- turers,answering the Federal Trade ommission's complaint their bureau of statistics they had enhanced paper prices unduly,ar nounce that the bureau had been dis. eontinued and ask for a dis: charges against them. Two American soldiers huntin« ducks on the American side of the ovth of Fabena,Pexas,were over- nowered and taken prisoner by armed pacersviscal of line Movicans,removed to Mexican terri- tory and imprisoned,says a press di h.They later escaped and re- ioined their command New Orleans’segregated district, of the largest and most note- rious in the country,will be abolish- within a few weeks,the actien be-,-ken by the city at the request f Secretary of the Navy Paniels. and through i The new ordinance repeals the one assed 25 years avo legalizing th trict,j Liew Randall M.Mattson of Rechester,N.Y..)member of —the military pelice nt Spartanburg,S ya»Was shot and painfully wounded of Congress,who will speak in Ral-ay a Ss paler N octAileiehonthe17th,is also billed fee’&ccted of selling liauer to soldiers. addresses in Wilson,Winston-Salem "1 finds was in’turn”shot |fivelanvsmesbyLieutenantMattson.Matt-ind Charlotte.“iM a ea A raule owned by J.D.Diggs fell —eae eeoSmughttobefatal.noon old well in Richmond county,nee .;.‘Two other mules were employed to Vane me N.J.,Joseph Levy poll it out.The well caved in and |Piraded guilty of having imperson- ail were killed.tM 1 the on of Josephus Daniels, W..U.Davis of.Wernesvilic died OY ey one ee fe:te ee avnesville MOG ltenced ta two years in th ilinahospitalatAshevillefrominj®+j nein at Atlanta Passine 3 ny *s preduced in an nuto wreck.Cate)ap the Seeratary,Levy secuaed enrieTurncr,a woman,who was dtif-!y,.n60 into the navy club g New iw the car,has been arrested,Vork a ieceeded in borrowirg Lewis Hawkins,ecelored.of Wilke}mo f eral persons mineton,is dead,the result of haw.Sait h eon filed in’the _court ofnybeenrunintobyamctrack.t +,9,ty Rent icky,to colBuckMorriwhite,the driver of eR alceinnce &Gatlimatad at he truck,is under bond to answetd aq pay nau to 27.000 900 from the cs PC.|Robey,former rece Y-T "ate of the late Mrs.Robert Ww }treasurer of the Brotherhe of Lo-|Bingham,whose ertute estimtar comotive Engineers in Ash ill @80 000,000.Tt is estimated that been arrested on the charm ™-@ recover *the minimum esti heazling funds of the ord neunting }owated amount wonld eliminate —th to $2,154,ptire de't of the State of Ken Lee Perlins,Craver att c 'Tpeky onvieted of -burclary in the fir<t dew Payment of ren xe in pensio eree,we executed the State pris-P ewido Yr ho fought in th Wednesi Perkins’par \'Spanish America victed with bis poeal te VA ity Pt vine insurrecti preme Court ’votoa rrovi i “a nendment to } ‘ution,,’j !bie “Rit i Smith and Egher Jackson id spilor With,will be white,had been hunting in Robeson ith ¢}'Noven ' county Saturday.Coing home that 1 rt raised ght J:fell from a foot-log,!9 month 'm his gun was chara@ed i the load)&5 ta ’ struck Sith in the back of the heady!Jod }Vy f PhoenixViewhimetantly.Ariz..Fed ’he Globererear;md 4) Rig Molasses Crop.only ex-prees e America So much molasses has been made deratioy |ye ed and ix bet:made in Iredell thig “Hed at ¢:a :': vear that sufficient contain nt iNav Ba:c Ww he found to take eare of it.Barrels,anc y ‘ne ' cya,jugs.bottles,lard car any-nm !,fell,rollee rant :athingthatwillholdmotashuve‘'cat a af m Heon in demand at good price and the n.t 8 rare not enough can be found.A citizen °plate f the county said in The Landmark The }{ office a few davs ago that be had j what h ! ccarched the town over and couldn't)Bey ’ ind an empty barrel,State He form merchants have made efforts to vet enac . ontainers elsewhere,but not cuough jing 650,000 j } could be found to meet the demand,hay b as the mola crop em be torne rene ;1 ; large in all this sectior father of | COURT CASES.rere all Triler Woodsides went to Moores-sah yr }vile Wednesday and es va New Yoravis,»member of the rede : ive who had left Camp Sevier,Chicago Woman Disapperrs. Greenville,8.-C.,without permit-The anthorities of Hirhland Sanasion.He was returned to camp that terium.Asheville and city a .night Giese have been ‘search theGeo.Tomlin,colored,paid the comfa Agheville «ection for some ¢e of in the mayer's court Wednesday for)Wises Gr Potter prominent Ch speeding.Virgil Chambers and Lena|eago seciety girl and «e of Mr Dobhins,two colored girls,were dis-|Petter Palmer.who disappeared charge’for an affray.fram the hospital October 1,9 ing to a statement made puble rNEWMILLINERYARRIVALS! THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK’'S MOST FASHIONABLEMILLINERYHOUSES!TRIM-MED HATS,SAILORS,SHAPES,RIBBONS AND REMNANTS,spe-‘cially priced for Saturday and Mon-iar selling.MILLS &POSTON.— op on———farigz after the girl had dthanaweek annenredMiesPotter had been nt the bh pital for two montha previous to he disappearance.undergoing treatment for what the hoxpital authorities 4 \fined under the l head of 1 —trouble. rrenerna Croup.if your children are subject to crowp wet aofChamberinin's Cough Remedy,andtheattackcomesonhecarefultofallowprinteddirections.You willatthequickretiefwhichitwords.be Our wide experience with cars of différent . makes,combined with our thorough know-._,,, ledge of auto mechanism can be of great... value to you. We can probably locate any car trouble” and remedy it in a fraction of the time it would take you to get started on it. We are auto specialists and it will pay you, to consult with us. ‘vy a 9 ie)PO ea, ae STOVES, ‘a bee ‘rf like having fire these crisp,cool morti«, ing |(leating Stove this fall,we’have, |two brands that on upreme in their class,THE qew-. £1 VASE PURNEK AND BASE HEATER!There ia. {no exper ‘in beuving either of these Stove:—thef h stood the 4 f nint casons and have sustain |ed thei }«maey by merit—economy of fucl,large. )heating expan iy and leng live,YOUCAN'T GO WROGG Ik YOU Pt TIN ONE OF THESE HEATERS!et || strong and durabilé,.. mtanddotheirworkperfectly.We have them in} Our price is reagonable,and Are simple in construction, both Hoe and Disc. 1 tintvermsliberal.itthenty intended for him.Why he wasmeddoesnotappear,unless it omatic reasons.the doctor,however,looks alikedodging.It is easy to de- the fellow afar off;it takes nerve to talk about home folks.The nerve,however,was not lacking i»a committee composed of such men as Judge W.P.Bynum,Jas.H.Pou,Jos.(A.Brown,Dr,Martin of David-son College and W.PD.Pruden;and Ral Boyden of Salisbury,who is afraki of nothing,had opened the way | discussion which preceded theinnorqementoftheresolutionscom- m ' = be di C by denouncing Dr.Alexander by for his*Rewan speech andsayifigthatheshouldhavebeenpun-for it.It must be assumed ther@fore that the committee was nottonameDr.Alexander,but| that §t decided that he is not the only|Carolinian who deserves criti-| cism,for his war attitude;that all|couldnotbe namedand it was best to|leavg the names out.The Landmark has no pa- tie with Dr.Alexander's position<n has hitherto expressed itself—and %t can’t understand why he goes|on the things he is reportedto|be s§ving when he must know that}ly,harm can result,it deprecates|of some of the papers|telling the Farmers’Union|.Alexander should not be re-|president.The Landmark|Dr.Alexander's re-election asoftheUnionwouldbeun-|fortunate in that it would place that!in the position of endorsing his|¥on the war,which it does not.|But sure as the newspapers out-sidejof the organization go on de-|manding his defeat,so sure will they| a feeling of resentment among members that may result in|his re-election.That is human nature.|we consent to or aid inaccomplishingthingswedonotap-prove merely because somebody we|has no business to butt in keepsusnottodothat.remarks,however,are purclyreferencetoDriAlexander’s ig the organization of wiich the head.It is not intended toexeintheleasthiswarattitude.He invited and deserves the criti-clang he gets about that. witRe Alarmed by threats of imprison-ment,if they do not obey the law)end carry out the provisions of Pres-ideng Wifton's proclamation fixingpricesforbituminousandanthra-,cite 1,it is stated that a commit-we coal!operators will be in Wash- ngwuncon today for a conference.Itseemthattherehavebeenencesaplentyandthatactionis“ded.Cut out the talk and dohing.Dr.Garfield,fuel admin-weer.he hms received from the UnitedStaSurvey,the coal»Geological piton this year,both anthra- cite 4 bituminous,will be greaterby"hker cent.than it was last yearand26percent.greater than two'years ago.That would seem,to be evi that the coal shortageis,partially ®t least,due to attempts| at fite:. Aycarelessly thrown match causedateinNashville,Tenn.,that de-stroyed property valued at $75,000to|100,000.Included in the loss werd fourteen residences and damagetomanufacturingplant.If theparresponsibleforthecareless- ness.which caused that great losswastpunished,and he deserves pun-ishetent,he and others who are careless in such matters would haveacapeinfutureandmuchproperty destPoyed by fire would he saved.The {fire loss due to wanton,crimi- nal fegligence is enormous,and onlybyWeldingthoseresponsibleforthenencetoaccountinawaythey|will not forget will check the crimi-nal parelessness.Whenever there is n traceable to negligence the party ‘responsible should be punish- ed in a way that will cause him to rem Y. says that based on reports « Mooresville fair Wednesday was >oo Next year,D.V., reer and better fairsand.probably more fairs,in the 5 ile The Landmarkliketovseeagoodcountyfair,Hii te the opinion that possi-rs are better for theillefairisanes-ution and with theyfairstarted,each end ofintywillbeprovidedfor.By*the people a uffi-|nt through these lo-,to the importance and ad-{fairs,a big county fairbeputon—a realwon't be commerciailzed is controlledopngAYpressdeprivedofitslib- The failure to| |fully conserved his 'Mr.Kahn also said he intended jing would give ‘your request.I deem your requestarecognitionofthepersonnelofthe|rank a =of the a that compose t great national organi-zation,which is due them.” OR ETRE REN AN EES Ex-Sheriff Charles M.Griffith of Thomasville,who has always care- energy,bewails the fact that for 13 years ligiously wound up his clock every night,only to discover the other daythatitisaneight-day clock!Charity and Children.The ex-sheriff has cause for ac-|tion for mental anguish against thefolkswhosoldhimthatclock. ee That revolt in the German navymayormaynotmeanmuch,but it! is another,of the encouraging signs. |LETTE TESSET EE ARI CLIN,LicenseWill Not Be ReQuiredtoExportCotton. )of cotton shipments tocope,Luce pl has re-sulted in such a surplus of the sat-ple in this country that the exports!administrative board Tuesday deter-|mined to permit for an_indefiniteperiodtheexportationwithoutli-cense of raw cotton to the allies.When export licensing became effec-tive September 7,last,the boardpermittedtheexportationofcottontotheallieswithoutpermitsuntil Ocober 31,1917.It was explained that there now isamplecottonintheUnitedStatestojsupplythenation’s needs,including|the increased amount of cotton need-ed in the army and navy,and stillleaveagreatamountforshipmenttotheUnitedKingdom,France,Ita-ly,Japan and Russia.The board’s statement said:“The exports administrative boardhasdeterminedtoextendindefinitelythespeciallicensesissuedonSep-tember 7,1917,through the customsservice,covering raw cotton.shiptocertaindestinations.At that timeshipperswereinformedthatindivid-ual licenses would not be required for shipments cf raw cotton to GreatBritain,France,Italy and Japan, their colonies,possessions and pro-tectorates,nor directly to Russia,provided such shipments were cover-ed by railroad or an_ocean bill ofladingdatedonorbeforeOctober31, 1917.“Thé board now rules that untilfurtheractionnoindividuallicenseswillberequiredfortheexportation of raw cotton to the United King-dom,France,Italy or Japan,their colonies,possessions or protector-ates,or directly to Russia.” TEETEEDTET CIOS Mr.Kahn Will Fight For Uni-versal Training. Representative Kahn of Califor-nia,the Republican who led the ad-ministration forces in the Housewhenthearmydraftlawwaspass- ed,thinks a new draft act will havetobepassedatthenextsessionofCongresstoreachthemanyyoung men who have become 21 years of age since May 18 last,and that it probably will amend the existing law so as to register youths from 16 or 17,to become automatically subject to call on reaching the age of 21. tomakeafightforanuniversaltrain-ing law and an act to deal with alien slackers without violating treaty ob- ligations.“Sixty per cent.of the American beys are being rejected for physical disability,a per centage that is ap- palling,”said Mr.Kahn.“That means that 6 out of 10 young men between the ages of 21 and 31 are ao deficient physically that they can- not be taken into the United States army,a fact that must be a revelationtothinkingpeopleofthecoun try,though the proportion of —the deficient is not quite as great as was the case in England.Universal train the young men thorough knowledge of hygiene and sanitation and would develop a raceofmenstrongphysicallyandmen-tally.” Where Safe For Democracy| Doesn’t Appeal.Greensboro News. In a county not a thousand miles from here there are certain sections where the Grand Old Party of Lincoln |and Hanna is strong.Efforts to e has re-!| Says:“It is essential,in order to carryintoeffectthepurposesofsaidacttolicensetheimportation,manufacturestorageanddistributionofnecessariestotheextenthereinafteraesjisdefeatedisoneAllpersons,firms, bon a =—%v associations engaged in the business lthese who understand that the Unit.either of (1)operating cold storage States is fighting now for the Warchouses—a eold storage ware- same ideals of democracy and freed-house,for the purpose of this procla- om that have always actuated mation,being defined as any place ar- nation.The President gave warning tificially or mechanical that it should not be forgotten that below a temperature : German success would mean not fahrenheit,in which food products are only prevention of the spread of de-placed and held for 50 days or more; mocracy,but possibly the suppres-(2)operating clevators,warehousesor sion of that already existing.j other placey for storage of corn,oats,| The league,which will have head-barley,beans,rice,cotton seed,cot-} quarters in New York,chose as ton seed cake,cotton seed .meal or orary chairmen Cardinal Gibbons and pean it meal;or (5)importing,man- ‘Dr.Frank Mason North,ident ufacturing (including milling,mixing of the Federal Council of Churehes,/or packing);or distributing (inelud- Theodore N.Vail,president the iny buying or selling)any ‘of the American Telephone and Te ‘commodities named.' Company,is active chairman,| Samuel Gompers,president of the!FoR TAN BOOTSKEE&CO.—ad.American Federation of ; Charles Barrett,president of the!=OYES!LIFT A CORN |OFF WITHOUT PAIN!Farmers’Educational and Co-opera- |tive Union,and George Pope,pres-tion of omen |Cincinnati Authority Tells How|to Dry Up a Corn or Cal-| ‘ident of the National AssocManufacturers,as i chairmen. lus So It Lifts Of WithFingers! vice The object was stated as follows: “To create a medium through |which the loyal Americans of all |elasses,sections,creeds and partiesleangiveexpressiontothefunda-|You corn-pystered men and women| |mental purpose of the United States |need suffer no longer.Wear the shoes|that nearly killed you beferc,says this C.ncinnati authority,because a.few drops of freezone applied direct-;ly on a tends,aching corn or callus,stops soreness at once and soon the to carry on to a successful conclus- ion this new war for the independ- ence of America,and the preserva- corn or hardened callus loosens so iteanbeliftedout,root and all,with- out pai ltion of democratic institutions and ithe vindication of the basic prinei- ain, A small bottle of freezone cost very little at any drug store,but will pos- |ples of humanity.”; The League plans an active cam- paign to educate Americans in jidea that unity of thought and pur- ‘pese is as essential to successful prosecution of the war as co-opera-|itively take off every hard or soft j tion in material preparations.Con-jeorn or callus.This should be tried,| as it is inexpensive and is said nottoirritatethesurroundingskin. If your dcrougsist hasn't any free-! zone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house., iferences of leaders in the numerous ‘organizations represented will be t is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. SEE J.M.Me-' | | held frequently,statements of prin- ciple formulated,and attempts will be made to direct public thought throuch the mediums of the pulpit, lpress,public platform,and =many kinds of public,semi-public and pri- |vate organizations. eR NTS /At Work on Navy War Con- struction Programme. The American navy war construc-| ‘tion programme consists of 787 ves-| sels,including all types from super-| idreadnoughts to submarine chasers.| |In making this announcement Sec-| retary Daniels said some of the ves- sels have been completed within the oast few weeks and are now in ser- |vice and that the remainder of the programme is being rushed,The to- tal cost is estimated at $1,150,400,- LOOKS BETTER,LASTS LONGER, COSTS LESS PER JOB THAN THEOTHERKINDS. WHY NOT BUY IT? .FOR SALF BYarede- stroyers,and arrangements have Lagzenby-Moatgomery Hardware Co. heen made for carrying out the|Stateaville,N.C $350,000,000 supplemental destroyer : programme,which the navy expects|to be completed in 18 months.‘| Secretary Daniels said he expecte:Our Dollars the first of the new destroyers to be|launched and commissioned —within |; latest targest “and “improvedtyp Are talking louder than IXmerican navy,he said,and Tours |ever if you don'ti=ee by any destroyer think so come and see a =a =be pal for your yourselfeeeesaeera|time the ae we euunpleted,the $32.79.We cando ascrewswillbeready.”{well for you.Will you let us?Planters’ Warehouse general average last week,35c.to 37c.They are coming to Statesville for highprices. |MeElwee’s Planters’Ware-..|house,Statesville,N.C. 000.Many of the vessels DON'T NEGLECTYOURSTOMACH If you are net able to digert your food,if you Jack an appetite,if your stomach tm assy,upset,your tongue counted,your head aches and you are diazy and have hearth. use Mi-o-na at onee,the first dose bring safe and effective relief. Buy now today a sixty-cent boy wale by Statesville Drug Company. Liberty Bonds bear ‘nterest at the rate of 4 per cent,,§and are free of all taxes.arouse enthusiasm about the war have |hitherto been attended ingionswithnegligibleresults.Mak-ing the world safe for democracy isthephrasethatsticksinthewaythere,as it has been reported to do in |a certain other county.The inhabi-tants have never heard anything so|outrageous as that a_rock-ribbed,dyed-in-the-wool Republican,a Re-publican from awayback,should beextoasistinmakinganythingabfortheDemocraticeure..> And certain of the leaders,it is re:ed by a patriot who has been la-ing without results to arouse mil-~itaney against the Hun,are declaringHughesthatRoosevelt,Taft andhavealldoneturnedtraitor and goneovertotheDemocratparty. The twenty -fourth anwventionofUnitedDa the ¢will be heldspaennnemn,Tenn,November +ae. con-ofin13- those re-|Interest is payable semi-annually AND CAN BE COL-LECTED AT ANY BANK OR POSTOFFICE!‘Liberty Bond is a token of loyalty and a Badge ofonor. “SWEET WORDS BUTTER NO PARSNIPS”!If youarebehindyourGovernment,and want to help end thewar—BUY BONDS! |Bonds can be had at eny Bank;from the town and coun- ty committees;or from any of the undersigned. D.M.AUSLEY.R.A.R.|F.B.BUNCH.|L.C.WAGNER.Wm.WALLACE.| |LibertyLoanCommittee.' |Crawford -Bunch Furniture Company’ BUY BONDS!| BOTTLING|COMPANY. To get theTRUEmeaning of SANITATION--LOOKUS OVER. eee ee WIVES,Last week we gave sorne good advice to “Husbands.”While “Man's love is of man's life a thing apart”and “tiswoman's whole existence,”our announcement to hushands——awakened many thoughtless men to their sense of We need not tell wives to make themselves more charming to hold their husbands’affection,they know it. So,we shall offer our services and our stock when jewelry isrequiredassuringyouthatinourstorethe“quality is there.”R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.a Comfort Rockers,Tables,Book Cases,Etc.In All Woods and Finishes. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”‘PHONE NO.400, — Full Line of Yarns |Make Our Store Your]Germantown Shet- Store.Do Your Fall and Winter Shopping Here. Johnston -Belk (Co. Big Stores now stocked full of bright newFallandWinterGoods. (ioodsthat were not bought on to-day’s market,but were contractedformonthsago.DoyourFall andWintershoppingcathyealsavemoney. SWEATERS. Fullline nowinfor Men,Women, ant Gh srk alotmen).your Alldepartmentsfilledwithnew FallMerchandise.attthe aa oewhetheryouwornot,wearealwaysgladtoshowyou. The Store That Sells For Less. —aa PHONE 212.4 Neelenee a Sineeetihiteaaeeealaii INGERSOL DOLLAR WATCarprice$1.35.Seeme mo?ifee ae”Elgin,York H.OODWARD Jeweler. ‘who Wited relatives to Columbia,8.C,Kinser.who spent several.GE.French,left TucadayatSaltLakeCity,Utah.%A.Cooper spent Weiliesday in Cone , Notices of New Advertisement: newest coats and suite in new fubrics.Morrison Co.burners sod base heaters. .ad.B.Sloop,Don't experiment with imitations of CocaCocaColaBottlingCo.faction guarantees.Statesville Motor Huy Liberty bonds.Liberty Loan Commit- Ps?business...Carolina Moter Co,the farmgrs of Alexinder county.-Jno,W.Glenn,the farmer's friend.Large variety of fashionable fall apparel.~Dave Ocestreicher,Saliscory.Anewer your country’s cail tyLiterqyloanbond.First National Bank,Commercial National Tank,Merchants &Farmers’Bank,People's Loan &Savingshk.All kinds of seasonable produce wanted.redell Produce Co.Second hand Willson heating stoves wanted.dim Tharype.Sweet milk wanted in anymontCreamery,Charlotte,NConyfive-room cottage forBao.White servant wanted.The Landmars. Operators wanted.Iredell Telephone Co Cabbage and head lettuce plants.ParkPlaceGreenhouse,‘phone 285 binek.Ten to 26 loads of seed cotton wantedee. themums for sale.Mrs.J.W.kinson.Cottage for rent.Thos.J.Conger.—"dollars lost.-Return to Miller-McLain buying #8 quantity. Pied- c rent.J.E Address B Wil- BigMolassesCrop—Death—OlinItems. Special Cerrespondence of The Landmark. Oth,R-1.Ge.&The wind which necom-nied the thunder shower |Friday biew Se a let of top-fodder «We badonly@lightshower. There is a larwe crop of cane in this soctienSeveralmillshaveonhandaWeek's workandmoreisbeinghauledineveryday.Even‘with sugar high the schoo!children can enjoythegoodoldgingersuapsintheirschoolJunehthiswinter.Messrs.C.C.and N.G.Holmes have erectedetshout50tons. =and =realized =goodPinbeatwiadesbrought38and per pound,Mr.Sam Current,who has been sick forsomeweeks,in convalescent.We will be windtoseeSamoutagain.Mrs.BE.DD.Wooten,who has not been stoong for some time,isrightsickatthis.writing.Friends here have been advised of the deathoftheinfantspnofMr.and Mrs.L.RCampbettofJackson,Northampton countyTheirmanyfriendsinchisvicinity.wheretheywerebothreared,are sorry to hear oftheirbereavement.Mr.and Mrs.Lee Boges returned yesterday from Cleveland county,where they visitedMrs.Taxon,mother of Mrs.Boggs,who issick.Mise Rose Holmes,who spent severalmonthswithherparents,Mc.and Mrs.&.PHolmes,returned on the ith to her werk inGreensboro,A meeting is in progress at WinthropFriendschurchthisweek.Neither preachingnorSundaysehoo!at Macedonian next SundayitbeingannualcampmeetingdayatHarmony Wedding—Socin!Events. Mr.Marion Teague will have a birthdaydinnerathishomenearClioSunday. The Kort Dobbs chapter of the AmericanRevolutidn«ill meet with Mrs.Mary Davidson Crawford at her home near towg,Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Mr.Ralph G.Guither of Statesville andMissFlorenceCarolineRrooks,daughter ofMr.ond Mrs,L.8.Brooks of North Wilkes-bore,were married Wednesday night in Rich-mond,Va.,at the home of Mre.Alice MorrisMrs.Cnither hed been training for a nurseattheProtestanthospitalinNorfolk,VaMr,Gaither had recently held a position inHetroit,Mich.He has been drafted for theNationalarmyandleavesherethismornineforCampJackson,Columbia,8 C.He andhinbridearrivedinStatesvilleyesterdaymorning. ¥,Children’s Day —Mr.Hill Ml. Correspondence of The Landmark. Stany Point,R-l,Oct,10.Parmers are busy preparing their land for sowing wheat and oats;cotton is opening slowly for thetimeofyewrr Chittven'«day exercises the third Sunday inOetoheratMiewohchurch.All are cordidtlyinvited. Mr,J.Loin Hi!is rieht sick ot this writingMes.A.Tt.Godfrey and littl on,JamesWesley,have returned to their home nearCharlottefromatwoweeks’visit te Mrs,Godivey’«parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Bruce.Miss Julin Hill is visiting ber aunt in Con.cord,. Loray Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Leray,Oct.11 Mrs.2.BH.MeLeliond oieixvinitingatthehomeofMr.J.P. wt, Me.BE.BR.Rawweil in quite wick HowsTHIS? We offer One MandredDotiars Reward fwanycaneofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredbyeeeBio+on meforthethirty-#and has i~*remedyfor Cure actafestgeSisportions.=you have Mall's surfaces, Sher Seesandheal- Oure getridObie, |enre .Weoten put his tobacco on the| ‘|with the exception of a tin and willing to co-operate iagueinanyworkforthegood|of the town.He urged theuse less persons often throwand=burning gratifying to feel that theLeaguehastheapprovaloftheothercityofficials,and | mayor andjthatallare working together for the|velf;re of the town.jAldermanSteelespoketothe)League and expressed a desire that|the citizens take a greater interest|in beautifying their lots by tearing|flown some of the unsightly ‘Cnet f the|Chief of t Fire Department|Kerr and Sanitary Policeman Fulp |were present at this meeting.|The Civie League hopes that themembers.will take extra precautionsweainstfiresinthefuture.There is,|city ordinance that forbids trash||being burned on the premises after'|dark,and trash should not be burn-|jod at any time on a small town lot ‘or near a board fence,At the end of the Fire Prevention| Day programme the regular businessmeetingoftheLeaguewasheld. 'THE DISHMAN’FAMILY. Three Ladies Who Went to SeeMakeReport. ‘orrespondenee of The Lanamard Bloomfield Cotton Mills furnished the cotton,and the ladies of West| Front street gathered at Mrs.W.H. Kimball's last week and quilted |four nice quilts for the Dishman family,who were recently burned out.Another lady added ai new quilt,Then we “took a joy ride,”to:visit the family.We found them inahouse—one of the camp tents thathadbeenmovedfromtheLookoutdam.Many a dog kennel is morecomfortable.They seemed cheerfulandhappytohaveeventhatmuch)better than the old shed outside.Af- ter talking with them fer a littlewhile,we took the ouilts in and un-wrapped them and spread them on the old bed.The joy and apprecia-tion that they expressed—“They are so good and warm,and Lord!ain'ttheypurty”!would have repaid any one for the work and expense.Anumberofthingshadbeensent them and a large trunk was brought, in while we were there,but we did not wait to see it opened.While it looked to us that many things were needed to make it a comfortablehome,I would say upon the wholethepublicrespondednobly,and withthemoneythathasbeencontribut-ed,with no small children,they canubsist.Mrs.Dishman said ghe was10thankfultoallwhosentthem anything and -vished she knew allandcouldrememberthem.She saidifwehad“quilt seraps”we could make more quilts,so if any one has that commodity you can do your “bit”by contributing them.There| are two grown girls,all hard-work-ing people.Weuld say,too,there isanopportunityforhomemissionworkandthemostimportant:“A Holy Bible”wes not seen among anv of the contributions—who—will be the missionary?THREE-WHO-WENT-TO-SEE. Nurse's Report —Appeals ForClothes Report of visiting nurse for Sep tember: Visits made,152;nursing visits.62; weighiny visits,4;mothers’instruct- ed,17;visits to new patients,31;to old patients,31;deaths 2;babies re- ferred to physicians 2.Eight towels 8 shects and 6 pillow ¢ases furnished and one partial layette given.Onc patient sent to doctor,one for an op eration,one to a hospital,one to 2 dentist and one rirt to mission home. The Associated Charities is in nee4forschoolchildren.Those who havt garments for men,women or children that they wish to donate,if they wiliputtheminbundlesonfrontperches the association will send for them next Tuesday afternoon,October 16thThecallsforclotheshavebeensuch that the executive committee decidedtomakethisappeal.MRS.A.D.COOPER,Sec'y. Laid Church Corner-Stone. Methodist ctorpypen and laymen from all parts of the South gather-ed in Washington Monday to partici-pate in the laying of the corner-“~~«the re :—oneoethodistseopalChurch,South.Senator Robinson of Arkan-sas delivered the address.BishopWafrenA.Candler of Atlanta offici- ated at the laying of the corner- stone. The church will be erected at a|cost of half a million dollars,collect- ,ed by subscription in the South,to|s@rve as a memorial in the nationalcapitaltothedenomination.It was|designed by Southern architects and=be constructed of Georgia mar- Pai | BROAD COLLARSshades.—J.M.Me-ad k tied the four corners in a knot, ‘time I will tell the ‘fownd them a ve at them and hieofme.It is almost entirely > a red-shouldered I never had any trouble to find thebuzzardnest,but I did have trouble s couple of times getting the eggs.I started out soon one morning tolookforbuzzards’nests.1!one about 9 o'clock in a large hol-low tree that had broken offground,When I tapped on the tree,out came Mrs.Buzzard.When IlookedinIdidnotseeanyeggs,but1knewtheywerethere,so IonaStevedginneectiet:ught along for the purpose, ped on all-fours and started in.at.ter going about 25 feet (and theholewasgettingperilouslysmall,ittome,for such a big buz-zard,)I came to the nest.Ithosetwoeggsinmyhone the knot between my teeth,dog- fushion,and started to back out,when lo!and behold!the seat of my nts was caught hard and fast!You can just imagine the feelings of| %boy,five miles away from home,held fast in a hollow tree,not know-ing how soon Mrs.Buzzard was go- ing to return and begin on his barefeet.Pants were made of better! cloth in those days than they are!now,but there ix no cloth made that|would hold a boy the posiiton I was|in.Something had to give way and) it did!|The worst seare I ever had was}when getiing hawk eggs out of nest, in the top of a tall oak.But this let-|ter is already too long.Perhaps next|little boys and|virls how Mrs.Terrapin makes her|nest.J.C.CRAWFORD. Statesville,R-4.P.S.But some one might think I)lid not know a hummer’s nest.Will | state that I have furnished nests and eggs for the museum.| New Short-Time Certificates to) He Issued. Another issue of short-time certif-|.‘eates of indebtedness,$300,000,000involume,was announced by theTreasuryinanticipationofsecond“Liberty bond receipts.The new of-‘ering will pay 4 per cent,interest,will mature November 22,a week| after the payment of the 18 per cent. installment on the Liberty Loan,and may be converted into Liberty bondsittheoptionoftheholdersifoffer-‘d to Federal reserve banks Novem-| her 15,a week before maturity.The affering announced is the sec- md to bear 4 per cent.interest,the orevious offering of $400,000,000 hav- ng been at the same_interest rate. The highest rate offered before washreeandahalfpercent.The cer-ifieates are free from all taxes ex- ‘ept estate and inheritance taxesandthesurtaximposedbytherev-enue bill recently enacted.Denomi- ations of the certificates will be $1,-000,$5,000,$10,000 and $100.000,; The offering is at par.Subserip- tions will be received by Federal re- ‘erve banks up to 3 p.m.loca)time\ectober 15 and the certificates wil!vear interest from October 18. and Sickness Around Houstonville. Correspondence of The Landmark. Houstonville,R-1,Oct.9 —Wehavebeenhavingniceweatherforseveraldayspast,and the farmers are preparing for wheat and oats ‘eeding.There is considerable mo- lasses being made in this communi- tv.Peas,peas,there is the most of them that have ever been =aronud here.Cotton is ovening fast,and is veing picked.The acreage is short hut the yield good. The tent meeting of ten daysrokeSaturdaynight.The day at- tendance was rather small on =ac-ount of the busy season;the night ittendance was good and much goodjone.There is some sickness aroundhere.Mrs.W.T.Miller is right sick.Mrs.R.C.Moorefield,who has heen confined to her room quite iwhile,does not improve,Miss Mat- ‘ie Holmes,who has been poorly foromeweeks,does not improve.Ourt.F.D.carrier,Lon C.Fleming,isnthesicklistatHamptonville,his) home.John A.Myres,substitute.has been on for the last ten days. Mr.O.C.York is wearing a broad cron:it's a girl boarder, Gouging Army Officers. Complaint is made that many oftheyoungmenorderedtodutyasofficersintheNationalarmyarebe- ng gouged by speculators for equip-ment,which they must provide for themselves.Many of them,it is)said,have been compelled to pay £75 for uniforms worth $35;$28 forColt’s revolvers which sell for $153.- 70 and from 8706 to $80 for fieldwlasseswhichareonlyworth$35.In some cases young ers have goneivokebecausethehighpricescharg-«i them exhausted their salaries. Mrs.Smith Reccommends Chambertain's Tab- beta,“Tt have bad for eiwht or ten years.”writes Smith,Brewerton,N.¥.“When sulferingfromattacksofindigestionandheaviness:af- ter eating,one or two of Chambertain’s Todletshave@iwagsrelievedme,|have alsoPataxative,”There tnstomachendenableittetatufally,If you ave Crops mere or fer atom trenble rm.GH lets tone up lion vive them a trial,| ted|in neutralizing the acidity,so for grain on the ~_ All DistressGoes! Do some foods you eat “hit back”-~-taste good,but work badly;fer-ment into acids and cause a_sick,:.—Mr.or e yspeptic,down:‘’s Diapepsin helps neutralizetheexcessiveacidsinthesoyourfoodwon't sour and upset93Thereneverwasanythingsoelyquick,so certainly effective.No difference how badly your stom- ach is upset,you usually get hap-py relief in five minutes,but whatpleasesyoumostisthatithelpstoregulateyourstomachsoyoucaneatyourfavoritefoodswithoutfear.Most remedies give you relief sometimes —they are slow,but noteure.“Pape’s Diapepsin”is er * misery won't come back very quick-iy.You feel different as soon as“Pape's Diapepsin”comes in contactwiththestomach—distress just vanishes —your stomach gets sweet, no wases,no belching,no eructa-tions of undigested food,your headclearsandyoufeelfine.Go now,make the best investmentyouevermade,by getting a large50-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsinfromanydrugstore,You realize infiveminuteshowneedlessitisto suffer from indigestion,dyspepsia or any stomach disorder,due to acid fermertation. "MARKET REPORTS.— Stateevitle Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket;Spring Chickens,20e.per tb. Her tke.per fb Eu tie.per dozen,eaters,Be.to Be.per Ib. Tub Butter,2he.per Ib. ,ac,per tb.»Hides,be.to te.per Ib. le.per tb.'per bb, Shoulders,2%.to 3Me.per tb.New Red Honey,strained,12 1-2¢.per Ib. New Red Honey Comb,Ife.per tb.Sourwood Honey,Comb,22e.to 24e.per Ib,Extracted Honey,20¢,to 22c,per Ib,Uid Auto Rubber Casing,4c.per th Trish Potatoes (new)$1.25 per bushel. The following aor —oe yesterday mai : Wheat,$2.90 per bushet.Corn,$1.75 per bushel.Corn tnew?21.90 per bushel.Qats,8c.to %0c.per bushel. Statesville Cotten tOnthelocalmarketyesterday 27 cents per pound was paid for best cotton.Cotten in Seed,ie.per th.Cotton Seed,$1 per bushel mre re ct ra on oem ee FOR RENT—Five-room cottage on West BellStreet.City water in the house.Inquire of “THOS,4d.CONGER Oct.12.-&. —fin the street,$5 bill.Please notifyILLER-MelL.AIN CO.Om,12.1. PLANT,your Onions now.I have all kinds.@f Sets.oD.J.KIMBALL.Oct.12. Cc SANTHEMUMS—Yellow,Whiteinkchrysanthemumsforsale.MRS.J.W.WILKINSON.Oct.12 FOR RENT—Cozy 5-room cottage.improvements.srood netghborhood. sLoor Oct. &. 12.-%. HELP WANTED—Position now open for a st y and reliable white servant ‘unmar- ried).Send references with application.Addresa B,care The Landmark.Oct.12. FOR SALE—Cabbage and head lettuce plants. PARK PLACE GREENHOUSE,‘phone 286 1 Biaeck.Oct 12--4.| WANTED—Operators.Apply in person.IRE.|DELL TELEPHONE CO Oct,12 -2t. WANTED—This week,10 to 20 loads seed cot-| tom at 12 cents per pound.ISIDORE WAL.'LACE.Oct.13.eeendeue = JIM THARPE wants to buy Veal Calves,Chiekens,Turkeys,Eeos.Hidex,Tallow and |all saleable produce.IREDELL PRODUCEco.Oct.J2 <-<peempeitiditene wien poe inne. WANTED—Second Hand Willson Heating|Steves.Good condition JIM THARPER. Oct.12. MILK—We are in the market for sweet milk,any ntity lf interested,write PIED.MONT CREAMERY (©.Charlotte,N.C. 12—-1t NOT ENOUGHCHILDREN eve?receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both belly and brain during the growing period when | natere’s demands wreater than in | mature Hfe,This is shown in so many |pale faces,lean bodi-s,frequeut colds,| an@ inck of amtution. For at)such unmaistako ht)eeraest :They needScott's Kinulsien,awl need it now.It} possesses in concentroted form the very food elements to curich their blood,Ttchangesweaknesstostrenyth;it makes thems sturdy aud strony.No alcohol, Seott &Bowne,Blvomfeld,N,J. are we say with| 4 AW nba att Lapeteed? . In the new Fabrics,such asPOM POM,Burella, Silvertone,Poiret Twills,Mixtures Serges,Broad- cloths and Poplins. The conservative tailored effects--you’ll find to predominate,although many novelty models are shown.: Comeandseethese garmeats while the assort-ment is large and varied. NEW WAISTS today in Georgettes and Crepe: de Chine,$3.50 to $6.50. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The StoreThat Pays thePostageOrders.on Mail 7s ab aE a Fertilizers for SPOTCASH at These >.WATKINS.| *cnn nl +e jie?-¥y es aesPrices. 14 per cent Acid Phosphate,$1.95.16 per cent Acid Phosphate,2.00.10-2-0 Acid and Ammonia,2.90,10-2 Acid and Potash,2.90.8-2-2 Complete Fertilizer,4.00, Swift’s,Royster’s,V.C.C.Co’s or Union Guano Co’s,take your choice,f J.E.SLOOP. Statesville Inn | REOPENEDUNDERNEWMANAGEMENT. Modern conveniences.Baths and hot andcoldrunningwaterineveryroom.Houserenovated. Cordial invitation to stop with us.hospitality and best service assured.Meals at reasonable rates,Special ratesby‘ee or month.French chef is headcook. PETER BONA,Proprietor. Warm a ~--~~. al ‘Winter Shoes Like You See Here. Real work Shoes,Shoes that protect you from mud andwater.welts, Kormelk Soles.None better made.Everyented. fied.Prices %2.50,%3.00,$3.50, 4.00,oe $5.00. for Menand Made on GoodearandMcKays,with ir as repres-Ww always satis- us show you. Iee 7es FRIDAY,--October 12,1917. ‘THE ORDERS NOT SIGNED. Action of Webb andClineinCase. Charlotte Observer,10th. Solicitor Hayden,Clement,repre- |senting the State in its case against| Gaston B.murder of Mrs,Maude A.King near 20ConceudonShenightofagusth |tional Guard divisions in the South,|lina,Oklahoma andmregewonavictoryforimselfandJamesT.Dooling ofNewYork,when Judge James _L.“Webb refused to sign the rule of ci-tation requiring J.T.Dooling and associates to a r and show cause why they should not be held in con- tempt for failure to deliver over totheofficialsofCabarruscountycer- tain papers which they are allewed to have taken from the apartment ofGastonB.Means in New York.The announcement from thebenchherewasinlinewithasim-Uar decision made by Judge E.B Cline in Salisbury,refusing to sign a motion perpetually enjoining the iefendants from carrying awaythesepapers,or in the second placevefusingtosignanordercompelling‘the defendants to return such papers to Cabarrus county in the event that aan had carried them back to New York. Judge Webb said yesterday that he had declined to sign the orderaskedforbyE.T.Cansler of coun-ssel for Means,because he did notwishtoembarrassattorneysoneith-er side of the case.He said thattheassertionofSolicitorClement,twho stated in open court in Salis- ibury that to do so would embrarasshim,caused him to decline to signepapers.rn decision by Judge Webb,tak-en in conjunction with that of Judge‘Cline yesterday,leaves the prosecu- “tion at somplet:possession of what-ever papers they may have taken from ns’New York apartment.If counsel for the defence sees the papers it will only be through court-esy on the part of the attorneys rep-resenting the State. Bladen County Man Dies From Rabid Cat Bite. Lumberton Robesonian.Mr.Thomas Benson,the Bladen county man who was put off a Sea-board train here Wednesday eveningoflastweekandwhodeclaredhewassufferingwithhydrophobiaasa result of being bitten by a rabid cat, died in the county jail at Elizabeth- town Friday afternoon.The condi- tion of the unfortunate man contin- ued to grow worse after he left Lumberton Wednesday night,and he was confined in the county jail.As was stated in Thursday's Rob- esonian,Mr.and Mrs.Benson board-ed the Seaboard train at Richardson Wednesday afternoon with the in- tention of going to Raleigh in orderthatMr.Benson might take the sec-ond Pasteur treatment.Mr.Benson's actions frightened the passengers onthetrainandtheconductorthought it best to put him off here.He andMrs.Benson returned to their home in Bladen Wednesday night on the Seaboard train,Most of the people here who saw the unfortunate man were inclined to belicve that he had studied about being bitten by the rabid cat and his chances of “going mad”much that he had come to the conclusionthathewassufferingwithhydro- phobia when he was not. Mr.Benson and three of his chil- dren were bitten by a rabid cat lastduneandalltookthePasteurtreat-ment at Raleigh.It is reported that one of Mr.Benson's children,whichwasbittenbythecat,has not been acting right for some days. eeecome Will Have More Fish. Several million pounds of —good North Carolina fish will becom: available as a result of the action of the State Fisheries Commission in removing temporarily the —restric tions upon the catching of food fish This action was taken at the solic- so } itation of the Food Administration, being recognized that the public terest demanded a laryer supply ef fish for substitution for beef,pork and mutton which must be exported to Europe for the maimtenance —of our armies and the armies and oi.)ian population of our all) The fisheries of eastern North Car olin are among the most important mn the Atlantic coast and the remov al of the restrictions o Va Hee! fishermen means not only that the people of this State will)be more largely supplied with fresh and salt ftp at much lower prices than have prevailad recently,it is asserted,titthatindredsofthousan:ae pounds of fish will be shipped to er States. eee Governor Pardons Five Mor. Upon recommendation «{the Sts:Board of Parole,Gover BickerjateTuesdayafternoonauthorize:pardons to five convicts in State andcountyprisons,composing the largestbatchofmenyettobefreedatanyonetimeuponactionoftheparoleboard.Those pardoned were ©D.Godwin,serving l-year sentenceontheroadsofNewHanove:for assault and battery;Henry « serving a 10-year sentence fo;oi bery and larceny,after having ounty completeda10-year sentence for chesameoffence;John Ed.Collins,Or.)ime county,serving a 15 vear sertenceformurderintheseconddegree;Junius Hayes,Roles our ty,serving a S-year sentence for foy- mery;n Vidson,Randolph,serving a S-year sentence {.;sault with criminal intent. Means,charged with the| _MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN A ;Si 1 DMARK READJUSTMENTOFPLANScivil life.It has been How and Where Drafted Army Will Be Trained —MostColoredinNorthernCamps. Orders issued Tuesday to com- manders of national army canton- ments disclose the War Depart- ment's complete plans for the train- ing and organization of the first half-million men of the national ar- my.Shortage of men in the three Na- the thirtieth,thirty-first and thir-ty-ninth,coupled with a decision to form a new national army division of negro troops,has made necessary a re-adjustment of the forces at 15 of the 16°cantonments.The geo- graphical completion of three na- tional army divisions will be changedentirelyasaresult.General Bliss,chief of staff,issued this explanation: “The selected men that heing gathered into the 16 national army cantonments will be used to form the first force of 500,000 men authorized in the act of CongressapprovedMay18,1917,and to fill ip the National Guard's divisions te vractically the maximum strength of the new organization The balance f the 687,000 selected men will be used to supplement the voluntary en- listments for the special and techni- cal troops that are such an impeor- are now tant part of the organization of amodernarmy.It is expected that the voluntary enlistments for the regular army will be enough to keep that branch of the nation's forces filled up to strength without trans- ferring men to it from this first se- lection for the national army. “The force of 500,000 men will be organized into 16 white divisions and ye colored division.One white di-vision will be organized at each of the 16 national army cantonments, and the units of the colored division will be organized at the various can- tonments where the number of col- ored troops is sufficient to organize i divisional unit. “Instead of concentrating allo he colored men in the few canton 1ents of the Southern States,the oolicy of the War Department will to distribute them more or lessevenlythroughoutallofthe16na ional army cantenments,“In the Southern States,whose uotas go to the cantonments at Co- lumbia,S.C.,Atlanta,Ga.,and Lit- Peck,Ark.(Camps Jackson. Gordon and Pike),the number of white men required to fill up the Na- tional Guard divisions furnished —by hose same States is so great,that it has heen found to be physically im ‘ossible to organize three Nations! Guard and three national army «ivisionsatfullstrengthfromthe white quotas of these States,and herefore the War Department has lecided to take over all of the white men from these States,beth Na- ional Guard ard national army.and ryenize them into four full strength livisions (three ‘National Guard a national army).7!ational division will Jackson from the men left ver at Camps Jackson,Gordon and ke after the three National Guard ne urms Camp be Or ra ee u“ divisions (thirtieth,thortv-first and hirty-pinth)have bevy filled up to trongth. “At Camp Gorden,after its white ueta has been transferred to —the National Guard and to Camp Jack- »,there will be organized a na onal army dix’sion made of surplus vhite men drawn from Camps De- Upton,Dix,Meade and Lee: ndoat Camp Pike,after its white vota has heer transferred to the Nat Gy ind Camp Jackson,there will be formed a national ar- ision made up of surplus white drawn from Camns Sherman, ter,Grant,Taylor,Dodie,Funs noand Travis ‘This plan,though somewhat dif- foren from the one originally lopted by the War Department ‘mine a complete rational army mpcosed exclusively of mer rem each of the 16 national army ‘atl compliance with the t tof the Inawoof May TR,because ler at each white national army vision still represent iistinet ‘eorrraphical aren,the one at Camp i ee 'miarde ip entirely m the white men of the extremé Southeastern State the one at amp Gerdon heme made up ent from the surplus white men of thetremeEasternStates,and the one it Camp Vike being made up eotire vy from the surplus white men of the reat Middle Western section a the other hand,the lored division vi!)be made poof representat m every part of the pation,and be a truly national division. “Also under this phar possible to Hil each National Guard divisiorjarchmendrawnfrom.the ime geo jvraphical area from which the Na Guard division is drawn,” The new plan adds ai division tsjthenationalarmydivision,making i er n that foree to supplementtheNationalGuarddivisnisThenegrodivisionprobably vil be designated as the ninety-sec-division national army.It will bemobilizedasadivisiononly”when iered to France for duty.The forcevillbethelargestfirhtingunitoferotroopsinothearmy,and themajorityoftsofficerswillcomemthenegroofficers’training campDeeMoines,Ia,The division will take in nearly0.000 of the 88,000 negroes regis- lunder the draft law.There willorganiedinaddition,however,ice units for work behind thenes.Orders were published au-thorizing 24 of these,to be raisedyvoluntarytransferofdraftedmenorvoluntaryenlistmentfrom ting General ex-oF ianat ,the Ligerumens }aejsummaryoforders—al-— lotment of quotas of negro ed| men to the ca the|exception of Camps Gor-| ae for 250,000 men must be sent|this purpose. don,Pike and Travis,each sr ASRNAA RDN AN I MA Teae oe aee ng ee ee:aban To the ton-ment will accommodate all a the!negro quotas from the from|which its white troops are cael|Negro drafted men from Alabama,|Tennessee,Mianieotpet North Caro-|‘Torida will be itrained in Northern camps,and those ‘from Louisiana at Camp Pike,LittleRock,Ark.,it was announced in a |}memorandum from the —AdjutantGeneralmadepublicTuesdaynight. Neroes from other Southern Statesjwillbetrainedintheirrespective'States, |Assignments of Southern drafted jneerees to camps outside their ownStateswereannouncedasfollows:Alabama,to Camp Dedge,Towa;| Tennessee,to Camp Meade,Maryand;Miesissippi,to Camp Funston. Kansas;Nerth Carolina,to Camp Grant,Hlinois;Oklahoma,to Camp Sherman,Ohio;Florida,to Camp} Dix,New Jersey;and Louisiana,to; vamp Pike,Arkansas Georgia negroes wiil be trained at Camp Gordon;Arkansas negroes «Camp Pike;South Carolina at CampJackson;Kentucky at Camp Zacha-ry Taylor;Teoxes at Camp Travis ind Virginia at Camp Lee, IRONIZED PAW-PAWLEADSALLREMEDIES NUX FOR NERVES IRON ECR BLOODPAW-PAW FOR THE STOMACH. 3 Powerful Forces in 1. People in Statesville have found rreat relief from stomach trou!le vid nervousness,weakness and gen- lronized ==Paw-Paw vaiblis up the body and.strengthen t,clears the blood of impurities. timulates the liver inte healthy ac- rrects constipation and stead al debility tion,c¢ es the nerves.Daily and hourly he mand ois increasing, ghying versal satisfaction.Jronized Paw Paw does all and more than elnimed for it ‘your food distresses you,if you Elkin,N.C.,is the Highest Tobacco Market in the Piedmont Section.Just take alook at a few of the high salesIhave made for my customers in the last few days. J.H.Calloway,54 pounds at $50;106 pounds at $47;66 pounds at $47;96 at $39;110 pounds at $36;50 pounds at $31;126 pounds at$29;L.W.Weather-man,12 pounds at $42;24 pounds at #38;100 poundsat$36;H.J.Brown,306poundsat ;540 pounds at$33;W.G.Smith,206 ;254 pounds at$39;206 pounds at $37.50;Cockerham &Greenwood,100 pounds at $36;154 pounds at $34;130 pounds at$30;D.C.Smith,30 pounds “eo:1 pounds at $35;116 pounds at $35;H.B.itaker,60 nds at$41;126 pounds at $40;112 at $37.50;Jim White,306 pounds at $32;.pounds at $30;104poundsat$27;W.C.Freeman,114 pounds at #40;80poundsat$37;30 pounds at $36;J.D.Key,150 pouudsat$47;176 pounds at $38;114 pounds at §37. Bring your next load of tobacco to Glenn’s Ware- house,Elkin,N,C.,I will make you the best sale you ever made. aAana We have the best buach of buyers on the Elkin tobacco market that can be fouad in the State.Now, when you start to market with your next load of tubacco,drive straight to Glenn's Warehouse,Elkin. Jno.W.Glenn. The Farmer’s Friend. constipated,have headaches, spells,are nervous and get he lines,just get a taste of Tron- ized Paw -Paw You'll find all the wreeable feeling passing away vefore vou leave the store.Do as res of your neighbors are doing vat a hottle of Tronized Paw Paw stomcah ail- ery chron- this liver and T want e1 io come in and try the man or woman your ments goodbye. pie want Bonds for Upper Third Saleof SALISBURY, ote Railroad Fare Refunded Both Ways on all Purchases of $25.00 and over. SALISBURY,SALISBURY, ant ‘s ;mel.Sow OESTREICHER’S me in-and try this remedy.You'llhae60.the oblirathioned N.C.N.C. Lots of busing and e .°nites tcaal men Aral Ironikal Paw The Fashion Center of This Section.enables wes to do more and Always a touch of distinction. work,t seems to ergize °libre,sue and te Regia e :Ih ”ized Paw Paw \sO =can The Most Fashionable Fall Apparel - it,but if he doesn't,«ome to .he Polk Gray Drug Co. eaee el de oe Is Here For Your Choosing.te promptly attend dite.liter +os :,:State Drug Cau.Ine,New York We invite you Miss Statesyiile to buy your Fall outfit early for you not ae =..only have the pleasure of being first to wear the new things,but a long Certificate of Dissolution.season's wear for your clothes.Therefore again we say be sure andFF6FNORTHCAROLSDeART.visit our store at your earliest possible convenience.For we are sureMENTOOPSTATEwvhereyouwillviewthelargestselectionof “tp pen feom by i fesnoeited my afiew,that 1 In this section of North Carolina. 1 Rte ae ity of State |‘tresee SUITS COATS DRESSES rity te the ae a Unusual styles,In many clever styles,|Of unusual distinction, Ine aN ate of Soo oD yy $123.765 and up.$12.50 and up.89.98 and up. |et a ae wrth Be sure and visit our store before buying elsewhere.R.R.Fare refunded;——both ways on all purchases of $25.00 and over.'oftiee .-=4..s1 DAVE OESTREICHER Ovt .1 RYAN Rint a ’NORTH CAROLINA. reek. tion a HH.BE Lewis,StatesviikL.STEVENSON,Chairman amines We.the undersigned commi f }Automobi OwnerUpperThirdCreekDrainageDistrict‘i DR J M HOLLAND .le ,county,MN.¢will en MOND”)‘,«°°»‘4 spect StorBER6,1917,at 12 o'clock,m..re cine seals Tt REM a We »hick fy $1,900 6 per cent bonds for th:dredg-D E N T !s .te and furnishinwofanidereekfromneneander|OFFICE MILLS BUILDING.Distilled !iwantylinetotheoldWattsSauer'Ses k i ‘ae aeaboutel@htmilerinlength,with »)eave Over Mra.Sims’Millinery Store.—:by atienofabout195,000 cuble yard Width of Statesville,N.C.:ychannel18to22feet.Por furthe arma HOURS 8 w 6.‘PHONE #1.|‘ MH.B,LEWIS,Beevers }L.O.WHITE.Eaginver 'Oet.2,1917 4 Let us place one in your home and save you money on your fuel bill by heating your whole house with a Favorite Base Burner.You only have to run one fire to have a warm comfortable home. Come in early and get your pick while we have them at the old price. WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE. THE FAVORITE STORE. eres sans <tiipanetiasanneneaidbea>~-<5 COAT SUITS _Arriving Daily. Our Millinery Department is complete,all the new Shapes and colors,Ornaments, Flowers and Feathers.‘We have never shown 2 more up-to-date line. Our Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Waists cannot be excelled. See us before buying,we are anxious to show you our line.. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. FOR SALE. tive,Red Land Farm,frontingon ERNEST G.GAITHER. Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate. Phone 23.Satesville,N.C. Needle-Molded go Your Measure -.—By —— OF CINCINNATI, Makers of Needle-Molded Clothes. Prices$20.00to$40.00. Wearetheexclusive representatives. ‘SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO.PHONE 83. +doorsn’t een ema i gia i e §: ‘i .ii ii= H i . z>eges for |mer,anaes ribs,with .jtoes a coneomitants for supper. 'Brenk fast bacon at 65 cents doesn’tiphaze‘em.Those comely matronsbringtheoldbutcherknifeain”slashes across a whet rock and ‘they go to the smokehouse,where1sliceoffthisdelicatelyaromad|ibreakfast,strip in large,satisfying lqvotas each morning the year.| |What's left finds ite way through | ithe marts of trade to Statesville,but! ja bounteous home supply is first | Lotadaaggel gp ae two,ms pn ‘things which contribute z ‘ward making Harmony the deserved- lv popular little settlement she First,they lynch’every knocker who ‘eomes within their domain.i they have learned to toot their own) little horr to perfection.They lieve in cackling every time an egg is laid.A hen which lays an egg and | eackle is hustled off in a! ccot to Statesville.But the last and| vreatest factor contributing to their: eminently successful little kingdom) is tite fact that they all stand square-| ly shoulder to shoulder in all their) endeavors. Emblazoned on their’ manner is a bundle of faggots bound ceourely together,with thongs.Unit- ed we stand,divided we fall;death| o factions;boost,don’t knack;eull| the sweets from the bitter;say something good about Harmony,oF, ‘keen your darned mouth shut!| There is a bie expanse of ome surrounding this settlement, over with white farm houses,red Larns,green pastures with herds in the valley and fiocks on the hills, carna full of provender and ¢ full of corn.The fields are bursting| with crops and foreclosyres are al- ioc unknown.These farmers are an) intelligent class of folk.They dress themselves up in good raiment and ride in autos.They are men and women of good address. Now the community fair Saturday was made possible by these farmers ioining forees with the settlement and combining their resources in) making an exhibit of purely agricul- varal =products.A mighty nice’ voung fellow named Padgett was nesing around in his corn field and ‘on across a pumpkin nestled down in the grass.It was a little bigger, he thought,than the other pump- kins.so he took .it to the fair.It weighed 79 vounds and took.first prize.Mr.Turner Jennings started to the fair and en route gathered -ome fruit from his orchard.The va- ‘jetics,as well as I can recall,were Royal Limbertwigs,Magnumbonum and Ren Davis apples,and a late fall veach.He didn't go over his com- mercial orchard,selecting the finest specimens,but just picked off some ood average specimens.The ap- ples were as fine as one would sec in ‘any of the great Western apple shows,where all due care is taken ‘9 select only such specimens as ould make the best score.His Bo- |-ums were especially fine.while the ivghel of peaches were the finest I ever saw in October.. Thev tell it on Mr.G.Wes.Baity ‘hat his farm animals have no ribs, leastwise nobody has ever seen or felt a rib in anv of his animlas.He is a corking good farmer,they sav, and raises corn at a cost of ten cents a bushel,while his soybeans and oats lack just a little mite of costing ‘him anything at all The high price of corn doesn’t worry him.He just plasters it on his equines,kine and swine,till they look like pictures| vou see on cattle powder posters. One of his beautiful colts weighed 1,000 pounds at 18 months,and caught a blue ribbon.His 8-weeks’- old Berkshires shot up the beam at 65 pounds.These were royal blue- blooded Dollarmark Berkshires,with a lineage reaching back to the davs when Queen Victoria was a_little rirl.They were bred in the purple up there in the fastnesses of upper Iredell,and I'll bet their equals will not be seen at any State fair in the South this year.. Deacon Gus.Tharpe had a varied evhibit.He has been feeding States- ville on butter for 26 years.While ‘we were getting 15 cents the pound he got 25.When butter got down to 10 cents several ‘years ago,by dint pushed into his = and i still his butter is fed to another gen- ‘eration;still sheer quality is there and many there are who are) glad to pay a premium and spread , years ago|first 7“—100 cutie of ce.e has now snugly bo in this same silo enough good ‘suecule ‘akea Listen to me!take no more sic potatoes |20's,wslivating calomel when bii- ious or constipated.Don't lose a ‘day's work! which causes necrosis of the bones,calomelbecause it is real: cine;cannotilsonwaspleasedwith|with sour recent session of ing it up.»to)tat awful naveea and erc.mping.knoeked ‘sluggish liver to workhadg*-to thewish-|you are.Concerning 8:“The needs of the armyebeenmetinaway assureseffectivenessofAmericanarmsandthewar-branch of thegovernment,~“L abundantlyequippedwiththepowersthatwerenecessarytomaketheactionofthe nation cffective.“The oe -fifth de- Serves the gratitude apprecia-|tion of a people whose will and pur-pose I believe it has faithfull pressed,: record ofimpressed bycourseandits full comprehension of a great task.“|believe that it has also in equaldegreeandasfaraspossibleinthefaceofwar,safeguarded the rightsofthepeopleand—in mind theconsiderationsof.social justice so of-ten chseured in the hasty readjust-, and navy }ments of such a crisis. Calomelis mereuryorquicksilver Calomel,when it comes inte contactcrashesintoit,break-is is when you - and “all out,”if your is torpid and bow. els constipated,or you have”head-ache,dizziness,coated tengne,ifbreathisbadorstomachsour,fust take a spoonful of harmless Dod-son's Liver Tone,Here's my guarantee —Go to anydrugstoreandgeta50.cent bottleafDedson’s Liver Tone.Take a “it seems to me that the work of |this remarkable session has not onlybeendonethoroughlybutthatithasalsobeendonewiththeutmostdis-patch possible in thé circumstancesorconsistentwithafullconsidera-|tion of the éxceeding critical mat-|ters dealt with,Best of all,it hasleftnodoubtastothespiritandde-termination of the country,but hasaffirmedthemasloyallyandasem-phatically as our fine soldiers willaff-m them on the firing Inie.” MOTHER!DON’T TAKECHANCES_IF CHILD'STONGUEISCOATED! If Cross,Feverish,Sick,Bil- ious,Clean Little Liver and Bowels! A laxative today saves a sick childtomorrow.Children simply will notnottakethetimefromplaytoempty itheir bowels,which become elosgired up with waste,liver gets sluggish, stomach sour.;.}Look at the tongue,Mother!If, coated,or your child is listless,cross,feverish,breath bad,restless,doesn’t vat heartily,full of cold,or has scorethroatoranyotherchildren’s ail-ment.give a teaspoonful of “Califor-| ‘nia Syrup of Figs,”then don’t worry, hecause it is perfectly harmless,andinafewhoursallthisconstipationpoison,cour bile and =fermentingvastewillgentlymoveoutofthebowels,and you have a well,playfulchildagain,<A_thorough “insidecleansing”is ofttimes ali that is nec- essary.It should be the first treat- ment given in any sickness.Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your Druggist for a bot-tle of “Califernin Syrup of Figs,”which has full directions for babies; children of ail ages and for grown-aps plainly printed on fhe bottle.Look carefully and see that it ismadebythe“California Fig Syrup Company.” SALE OF REAL ESTATE . Under and by virtue of @ jodement made and entered at the July term,1917,of the Superior Court of lredell county,in an sn:entitled E''ca Rickert Watts and her husband,va.Harrison Miller and wife,the undcrsienedcomminsionerwillexposetopublicsuletethehithestbidderatthecourtheusedoerofLre-dell county,at 12 o'clock m. MONDAY,OCTOBER 15,1917, the following described lot of land:Located in southeast Staterville townshipandbeingdescribedatLotNo.54,as sume ix plotted and planned on the map of the handofW.N.White,which said map is registeredfntheoffeeoftheRegicterofDeedsofIre- dell county,in Rook 34,page 691.Terme -One-balf cash,one-half in Ua on three months,with interest on deferred payment, privilege to the purchaser to pay all eash.DORMAN THOMPSON, Sept.Commissioner. School Books ‘The Brady Printing Co. Has a Ful!stock of all books Graded Schools.They are sold for CASH. 14,1917. used in HE CAN FIX ANYTHING without cost to you. aes ee Liver eniirely vegetable,therefore itsalivateormakeyousieoneIguaranteeuiDedson's Liver ug your bowels of that sour bileconstipatedwastewhichisyoursystemandmakimiserable.|sruarantes t a bet.o of 0 ‘s Liver Tone will keepyourentivefamilyfeelingfineformonths.Give it te your children.tt is harmless;doesn't gripe and they Uke its pleasant taste, ii you FROMAFORDTOA PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on ~ackard and Pierce-Arrow Cars. If you have any trouble with your motor or electric sys- tem,Mr.Davis will be glad to examine it free of charge. Call at our Garage and let us look over your battery, Will also giadly supply distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix.No- thing but first-class work,and at very reasonable prices. Always glad to sve Automobilists. W.R.Mills Motor Co. OurWETems EEPe TE TTT— HAND PAINTED CHINA “The World’s Best”PICKARD’S, STOUFFER’S, NIPPON. It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to look at.Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your eyes. THE REXALL STORE,||StatesvilleDrug Com ryQUALITYPRESCR --—~OUR-— NEWLINE OFTOILETSOAP 10c.and 25c.percake. a\pe HALL’S DRUG STORE,— PRESCRIPTIONIST.7 Phone No.20. Automobile User We now have with us Mr.E.G.Davis,who is a compe- tent and experienced Automobile mechanic.Mr.Davis had thirteen years’experience in general repair work, 4 a "woigmiill "ee prea Fc .'‘,PO ‘o i A ;e Wiss ‘' /P ‘e . z ad ;Beat ||SecondLib il oar [_OOSEN your purse strings,sons and daugh-ters of Columbia.and take the bonds of theSecondLibertyLoan.Buy them till thepinchofbuyingbringstoyourhearttheglow hs of a good investment made,a good deed done.waaeem «=©6©—Buy U.S.Government Liberty Bonds.If you have one,buy another,and sell two more bonds to two othergoodAmericans., The Bonds are your answer,our answer,the one answer weasanundividedpeople,loyal to the cause of human rights canmaketotheWorldWar. The eyes and ears of the world are strained for our answer.The eyes and ears of our enemy,more eagerly than the eyesandearsofourallies. Strike the answer home thatthere may be no doubt of the answer. Our young manhood answers as our boys go tothe firing line;our farmers answer in food for our fighting men;our manu-facturers answer in shoes and uniforms,gas masks,big guns,little guns,powder,shot and shell;out ship-yards in food shipsandfightingships.But they speak the answers of individuals.The Liberty Loan speaks for our whole people.Let ouranswertellfriendandfoe,that we know we are fighting for human rights,and stand behind our demand. “The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy” Put every dollar you can spare into a LibertyBond.Never before could your doliar buy so much.It buys safeiy for your country,your homes and your chitdren,now and for years tocome.It buys life and liberty without takinga cent away from you.It fishts for us,and pays for the privilege of fighting.It fulfills a duty which has the combined rewards of agooddeedandagoodinvestment. Kor the Second Liberty Loan is the best invest-ment in the world today.A Liberty Bond ismoneywhichpaysyoua4percentincome,andisonlysemi-taxable.Always safe as_gold,always worth its face value,every Liberty Bond.with the end of the war,is sure to be held at apremium. You men and women with a few dollars to in- vest can put them to fighting for your homes at the same time they bring you an income. You may buy Liberty Bonds as small as $50 and pay for them by installments. Other lands of Democracy are making their fight and sacrifices for Democracy. The hour of America’s opportunity and privilege strikes.Lend your utmost to your government. Buy her bonds.Buy,and in buying strike our answer home,that the world may know beyond a doubt that America’s War Answer,Makes the World Safe for Democracy.” Go to Either of the Following Local Banks for a Liberty Bond. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. MERCHANTS&FARMERS’BANK. PEOPLE’S LOAN &SAVINGS BANK. financial support.”“The second Liberty loan,”saysthePresident,“gives the people oftheUnitedStatesanotheri-ty to lend their funds to r gov-ernment to sustain their country atwar.The might of the UnitedStatesisbeingmobilizedandorgan-ized to strike a mortal blow at au-in defence of outragedAmericanrightsandofthecauseofey.Billions of dollars are re-qui to arm,feed and clothe thebravemenwhoaregoingforthtofightourcountry’s battles and to as-sist the nations with whom we aremakingcommoncauseagainstacommonfoe.To subscribe to theLibertyloanistoperformaserviceofpatriotism..,therefore,I,Woodrow Wil-son,President of the United StatesofAmerica,do appoint Wednesday,the 24th of October,as Liberty Day,and urge and advise the people toassembleintheirrespectivecommu- nities and pledge to one another andtothegovernmentthatrepresentsthemthefullestmeasureof_finan-cial support.On the afternoon ofthatdayIrequestthatpatrioticmeetingsbeheldineverycity,townandhamletthroughouttheland,un-der the general direction of the Sec- retary of the Treasury and the im-mediate direction of the Liberty loan committees which have been organ-ized by the Federal reserve banks.The peovie responded nobly to the call of the first Liberty loan with anover-subscription of more than 50 per cent.Let the response to the second loan be even greater and let the amount be so large that it willserveasanassuranceofunequaledsupporttoheartenthemenwhoare to face the fire of battle for us.Let the result be so impressive and em-phatic that it will echo throughout the empire of our enemy as an indexofwhatAmericaintendstodoto bring this war to a victorious con- clusion.“For the purpose of participatinginDaycelebrationsallem-ployes of the Federal governmentthroughoutthecountrywhoseserv-ices can be spared,may be excusedat12o'clock,Wednesday,the.24th ofOctober.”Officers and Blockaders Battle —QOne Man Killed. In a battle between four Stanly county officers and five blockaders, six miles north of Albemarle,Friday night,one of the alleged blockaders, Virvil Lee Pinion,was killed;two.name unknown,were wounded and got away;and two others,Will Smith and one Howell,were captured. our deputy sheriffs went out tocaptureablockadedistilleryandwhen the five men working at the still discoveredtheofficerstheyopenedtire The officers returned the fire.with the result stated.None of the offi cers were injured.The men who es caped left a trail of blood. The chief of police of Badin andthreeotherofficerswereinStates- ville yesterday looking for RobertSmith,one of the men who escaped. Smith was shot in the hip and the of- ficers heard he had been brought to a Statesville hospital for treatment. They did not find him here;howev- er,and they left for home last night.Smith is about 40 years old. Frown on Publicity. Aroused by publication,in some narts of the country,of private ca. blegrams announcing urrival of American troops in France,the warandnavydepartmentshavetaken steps to prevent a repetition of theincidents,which may result in thecourtmartialoftheofficialswhosentthemessages.In some casesformerNationalGuardofficershavecabledtheGovernorsoftheirStatesofthearrivaloftropsandthishasheenpublished.The War Department has mosturgentlyrequestedthatnothingwhateverbeprintedaboutarrivals of troons abroad,promising at thesametimetoreportpromptlyanycasualty.Friepds who know thetroonshavesailedandhearnothingfurthermayassumetheyhavearrivedsafely, POWDER EXPLOSION. An explosion in the titro-starchdryhouseattheDuPontpowder works at Gibbstown,N.J., yester-day,resulted in the instant death oftwoworkmen.A third man is miss-ing and is probably dead.Anothermanwasseriouslyinjured.The de-stroyed building was a small one, detached from the main plant. GERMANS PUSH ON. The German forces,which were landed on Ocsel island at the head of the Gulf of Riga,Russia,are press- ing forward to the east and south, placing in a diffenlt position the Yossian forces and in the district of Arensburg,at the south-island,and especiallypenins *|Statesville Bloomfield Mfg.Co.,$10,000;Wallace e atinestiee1 t;G.E.Dull, leste Henkel,countystrator;Mrs.R,chairman Woman's farmClark,editor The been President,to 4. derson,county food has issued the followingTotheSchoolCommitteedellCounty: In the distribution ofcardsandwindowcard underschool committeeman is dell county.Thistiveand ask every school call on me or Prof.Jno, oly of these cards.We nrompt co-operation. that TI may send hesitate about theplan.Give this our country. mach Food Administrator for ouch with the teachers county and secure theirperationinthe“Pledge waign for Food teber 28 to November 4. &.Anderson of StatesvilministratorforIredellselectinghiscommittees vlana for the work. full instructions from this campaign. the sub-division throughworkwillbeundertaken ‘ommitteemen will be ry possible way.If ever needed our services, lieve that every one wil vas been published in th shall be published reference to theviththeschool an from them. our services to makehousecanvassinyour Anderson at the expira time above mentioned. Superior Court in Iredell Superior ing.Solicitor Hayden prosecuting and Mr.W. il number of roodheyhadbeenon owed of as follows:Gus.Dalton, ‘osts.Gene Moore,larceny; months on the roads.Thilarcenyofawatchfrom ceny and receiving;gui months on the roads.victed of breaking into Farmers’some articles a few mont Statesville night,the were made: Statesville Flour Cotton following MilMil Bros.’Co.,$7,500;State ture Go.,85,000. Committees are Miss Ruth Gill, conAllIredell countfarmdemonstrationwork;home demon-.Orr,countyCouncilofDe-fence;E.S.Millsaps,district agentdemonstrationwork;RLandmamanThompson,attorney.aTheFoodPledgeaoeWeek,which was set for October 20-28,hastponed,at the request of theOctober27-NovemberThepostponementistogivefullswingtotheLibertybondcompeign, which closes on the 27th.Dr.An-administrator, food administration each selected to have these cardshyeveryhousewifeandhome in -work is impera-the time allotted short.I committeeman_to superintendent of schools,for a sup- These must be signed and returned to me, them tofoodadministratoratRaleigh.Don't wisdom of THOS.E.ANDERSON, Supt.Mitchell Calls on the Teachers The State Superintendent of Pub- lie Instruction requests me to Conservation,”Oc- Hetime te timeinregardtotheplanandpurposeof Since the public school district is the public schools are not in session,the public school teachers and school take the lead in this very important movement and lend their aid in ev- at this most critical time,and I pond to this call to duty.For the present I shall merely of- fer a few suggestions to the teach- rs.Read carefully everything tbat hereafter,with campaign. committeemen rive them all the information ‘an and get all the information you Call at the county uperintendent’s office for pledge ‘ards,or at any other place that Dr.Anderson may suggest.Offer After the cards are signed scetheyarepromptlyreturnedto JOHN F.MITCHELL, Superintendent of Schools. Court convened vesterday,Judge E.B.Cline presid- ‘oreman of the grand jury.In going over the docket the usu-continuancesgrantedandseveralappeared underformerordersofcourttoshowthat Cases were tried yesterday and dis- trespass; judgment suspended on payment of Gere Moore and Robert Moore,lar months on the roads and Robert | Werehouse and Thev were cor the lredel! stenling hs ago. Liberty Bond Canvass. Canvasses are being made for sub scriptions to the Liberty bond loan At a meeting of representatives of corporations, canvassingweekforindividualsubscriptions. TO PEDERAL COURT..B.Gill,deputy clerk,and cases have beenfortrial, John F.of oe iss Ce- Dor-R. *, men of Ire- the8 pledge the um F,Mitchell, want yourcards the State the service tc Iredell Co. et inofIredellheartyco- Card Cam- Dr.Thomasle,food ad- county,18 and makingwillgive which this.and since expected to eur countrysurelyitis be-1 gladly re- e@ papers,or Conferandyou a house-to-community thatDr.tion of the Session. Clement is C.Moore is were behaviour. guilty; guilty;5 s was for th: J.8.Woods Ity;Gene - Saturday subscriptions £15,000, $15,000;ls, Is, sville Furni- this last D.M.AUSLEY IS CAPTAIN.|FOURTH SENT G.L.Crowell Second A Total of 92 of Iredell’s Quota ant of theHome Guard Com-|of 144 Have Been Sent topany..:7 Camp Jackson, Forty-two of the 50 men The local exemption board sentbytheCugeyCouncilofDefence21morementoCampJackson,Co- Harmony,R-3,and Walter ClarenceMalone,Eufola,R-1 —failed to ap-Pear,no reason given.The menwereinchargeofEarlMcAuley,Dunlap,with Ralph G.Gaither sec-end in eharge.They were showneusualcourtesiesandwerepro-vided with lunches for the trip.Thosewhowentwere:Henry Ross Bunch,Statesville;born December 15,1886;single;un-dertaker.Ralph G.Gaither,Statesville;born January 12,1892;married;machin-st. Carl Bloomfield Riddle,Hiddenite;born August 29,1889;married; farmer. ized by the election of Mr.D.M.Ausley captain and Mr.G.L.Crow-ell second-lievtenant.The majorityoftheeightwhowereabsentweregitherabsentfromtawnorsick.Dr,T.E.Anderson,chairman oftheCountyCouncil,called the.meet-ing together and presided.After @calloftherollhestoodthemenin@rowoutsidethecourtbarandallex-pressed their willingness to serve.They then signed the enlistment pa- wane a oe Smee in.“ee Mr.A.J.Salley putinnomi:for the captaincy Mr.Ausley.‘Therewerenoothernominationsandthevotewasbywrittenballot.Mr.Aus-ley reeeived 34 votes and Mr.G.L.Crowell 7.The vote for second liew-},.°'dney Ernest Killian,Eufola,R-tenant was by ballot without nomi-‘t;born May 30,1896;single;dyna- nations,The vote resulted in 96}'™®,tender.Triey Vanhoy Anderson,States- vilie,R-7;born March 16,1894;sin- gle;farmer.yThomasJarvis Miller,Stony Point;born August 14,1894;single;farm-er.Earl MeAuley,Dunlap,born De- cember 20,1895;single;farmer.Jetner Sherrill,Statesville;bornJuly20,1894;single;farmer.Clyde D.Bailey,Statesville;born December’1,1892;single;merchant.Sam.Nesbit,Troutman;bornMarch30,1895;single;farmer.Moffatt Pressly Guy,Statesville, votes for Mr.Crowell,9 for B.F.Russell,3 for J.M.Ramsey,and oneeachforT.G.Shelton,J.M.Dea-ton,E.B.Quinn and C.H.Turner.Messrs.|usley and Crowell ex-pressed their appreciation of thehonorconferredonthemandpledg-ed their readiness to do all they canforthesuccessoftheorganization.The result of the election will be cer-tified to Adjutant General Young,Raleigh,who will issue commissions to the officers.The organization=then be ready to carry out fur- er orders,2 :The official name of the company R-7;born June 1,1891;single;farm- vill be the Twenty-ninth Company.|°'redell furnishes 50 members andTaylorsvilleistofurnish25.Tay-orsville elects the first lieutenant. The two counties make the full com-nanv of 75.Uhder the State milita- e. Philip Sheridan Compton,Ostwalt; born April 24,1890;single;farmer. Richard Munsie Danner,Harmo- ny;born December 22,1895;single;farmer.r Harley Chalmers Bost,Statesville;ri daw company of,amoreamized porn April 8 1608;single;Machin:hene mie Lnabl ¢jet..hence the combination of the two der Marrieen Money,States- counties.While it is not definitely known,itssupposedthattheHomeG ville;born December 28,1894;mar- vied:farmer.:Wace Robert Rodgers,Moores-,>y and the govern-|..mores ;eee ae ——its|Ville;Born May 4,1896;single;mill use.Other details of the organiza-ee es Al i MtionanditsdutieswillbefurnishedfaGtORRRSeT,seoeren-ville;born December 20,1890; gle:axe-man.Sam.Jones Knox,Statesville;born May 12,1892;single;clerk.Fred.Miller Baker,Stony Point;born October 24,1895;single;farm- George LaFayette Millsaps,States-vile,R-5;born May 2,1890;single; ‘onstruction work. vy Adjutant General Young.sin- insane Man at Large. Messrs.Jas.M.Deaton and EarlMoserwereenroutetoMocksvilleSaturdaymorning,traveling inautomobile.Just before they reach- ed River Hill they overtook a man,walking,who hailed them and askedTheytookhiminandhe o ride.Philander Algernon Alexanderooktherearseat.He was asked]yooposville:born January 21,1898: where he was going and answered]i,oje.hookkeeper 7 that he did net know.Mr.Deaton aE its :This is the fourth increment of se- ected men sent from Iredell to Camplackson—a total of 91 of the coun- ty’s quota of 144.Some failed onhephysicalexaminationatthecampundwererejected,but official report‘Yas not been made to the local board ind the cxact number is not known. So far only white men have beenventandthenextincrementwillloubtlessbecomposedalmostentire- v of negroes. Judge Cline to Retire. old him they were going as far as Mocksville amd that he could rideviththemtothatpoint.Before they had proceeded many miles and were going at a good gait,he stranger tried to jump out.Mr.Deaton caught hold of him to re- train him.The stranger,who had‘limbed out and was on the running ward,began to pound Mr.Moser,vho was”driving.Before the carvuldbestoppedthefellowpulled loose and was thrown a considerable listanece.He arose and took to theoods,calling to Messrs.Deaton and Judge Edward B.Cline,|who is Moser not to try to catch him.They holding court in Statesville this‘veek,announced at his home in‘id not try,but the fellow had toldhemthathisnamewasAndrewWallace,son of Mr.L.E.Wallace of“irnersburg.They telephoned —the‘reumstances to a party at Turners- urge and were informed that Wal- ‘nce was crazy.His father and oth- vs went in search of him but had ot found him at last account. Andrew Wallace had been in west-rn North Carolina recently and got »some trouble at Asheville.His “ather brought him home a few day: Oo. Hiekory a few days ago that he will not be a candidate for judge to suc-‘eed «himself.Judge Cline’s first erm of eight years expires with the‘lose of next year and his successorvillbenominatedintheprimaries ext summer. Judge Cline has rendered fine ser- iee on the bench and many will re-rret his proposed retirement.If heyaddesiredtocontinueintheoffice ‘0 holds,he would,according to the ‘sual custom,have been given a second term without objection.He was nominated seven years ago lastCanningCompany's Business.summer,after a protracted contestTheIredellCanningCompany,|.ee eschichbeganbusinessinAucust,fin oo a —ee ‘shed the season's work Saturday.Wilkes end Col.Edmand dence of During its short working season the Laaaie =: ‘ompany put up 12,000 cans of to- yatoes,beans,corn and kraut.Of amount 6,000 cans were for i»tomers and 6,000 for the compay.The market price for the prod- t is now very good but the compa has not yet sold,Mr.J.M.Ramsey,secretary andreasurerofthecompany,who gave personal attention to the busi- Who will offer to succeed Judge ‘line does not yet appear,but thatherewillbecandidatesaplentygoesvithoutsaying. Soldiers at Home. Lieut.P.P.Dulin of the quarternaster’s department,Camp Jackson.‘olumbia,S.C.,arrived Saturday >spend a few days’furlough with nis ness,is much pleased with the work ione during the short season the}ome folks.; nnery was operated.Another|Private Charles E.Scales of the your,with farmers and truckers|‘redell Blues is at home from Camp ‘ware that a market is offered for|Sevier,Greenville,S.C.on fur- ‘uit and vegetables,the business|' vi}!of course materially increase.reeant Frank Summers of the sit is it is figured that nearly all]Hospital Corps,Fort McPherson.‘a.,is spending a few days with his nother,Mrs.Thad.Summers.LS ral Richard White of the"ineointon cavalry,now serving asnilitarypoliceatCampSevier, %rile,8S.C.,is spending a few‘ave here.Corporal Wm.G.Staley of Co.E.,Iredell Blues,who spent a few davs’furlough here and with home folks if the 12.000 cans put up was that vuch additional food saved saved rom waste and saved for the con mer,we CHICAGO THE WINNER. The Chicago ball team WhiteSoxhaswontheworldseriesbal!ames over the New York Giants.In Chicago Saturday Chicago won,3 toh.In vow _eer Chi-|‘n Lady sl returned yesterday to “vo WON again,o 2.is gave |Cam : ‘hicago four out of seven games and Fe ee ciecanncnsisnee he vietory,;Mrs.Troutman Ded. »»FEW.Mrs.Delphia Troutman.wife oforeUAT.|b nme leayat8.o'clock @ ae ee fer ee.—home a few miles southwest ~—.been decided im favor of the drafted|ysiny events cid and Ne pur. men.In other cases the President vietnm i te te wwe eonhasratifiedtheactionofthedistricteerf= compose Home Guard,met }g z death resulting from injuries receiv-day night at the court house umbia,8S.C.,Friday.Two of the!oq the da “La heoeantookeckeenumbercalled—Filmore Ireland,|thrown from his wagon.—_ DIED FROMHISINJURIES.|BRIBF ITEMS LOCAL Mr.R.D.ErvintheVictimofAnAccidentatLoray. Mr.Robert D.Ervin died Friday morning about 9.30 o'clock athomebetweenLorayandScott's, Mr.Ervin was nearly 60 yearsald,a substantial and honest citizen.Thursday afternoon,about 3 oehewasonhiswagonloadedwoodanddrawnbytwomules.IndrivingacrosstherailroadtrackatLorayhismulesshiedalittleand front of the to the double trees,between the mules and the wagon.He swung to the double-tree untilthewheelcaughtandcrushedhim.He was dragged several feet.Themules,which ha@ been frightened bytheshovingagainstthem,were stopped before they had one very far.As secon as some oneouldgettohim,Mr.Ervin wasakentothehomeofMrs.T.R.Os- borne at Loray,where he died thenextmorning,death resulting frominternalinjuries.He was consciousallthetime.;Mr.Ervin is survived by a son,Mr.Earl M.Ervin,and two daugh-|"°**ters,Misses Janie and Lelia.Alsotwobrothers,Mr.C.P.Ervin of:Bittsville,111.,and Mr.W.R. al i of Scott's.he grew.It weighed 4 —e —_!conducted ounces.zeatConeordchurchSaturdaymorn-.G.D.Potts family we s ing at 11.30 o'clock by Rev.8.L.eS De ea aCathey,pastor,assisted by .Rev.J.Dunavant,Kans.They BeA.Smith.Interment was in Con-|elling in —and ca Weekcordchurchcemetery.relatives in Yadkin county.Killed When Car Overturned.|,,—Thefirstloan to be Fleet Watkins of Black Mountain}pederal Farm LoanwaskilledFridaynightwhentheau-liained by Mr.J.stomobilehewasdrivingturnedover]amount of the loan is on the Fairview road,five miles fromAsheville,and him beneath the steering wheel.Watkins was enroutetoHendersonvillewithapas-senger,Mrs.Allison.The lady wasvothurtandwhenshetogetoutofthewreckshehelptoliftthecaroffWatkins.He wasdeadwhenremoved.He was run-|'1ing his machine rapidly and it over-ur on a curve.Watkins was about 53 years oldindissurvivedbyaandthreechildren.When a policemanatBlackMountain,several yearsago,he shot and killed John Hill Bunting and erously wounded P.C..Collins,in a hotel at BlackMountain.Watkins was called to the hotel to quiet the men,who were‘harged with creating a disturbance‘n their room,and the shooting fol-lowed.Watkins alleged self-defence.He was convicted of manslaughterandsentencedtothreeyearsontheountyroads,but was pardoned biov.Craig before his term ex b From National Army “te Na- tional Guard. The War rtment has madenublicdetailsoftheordersforthetransferof78,400 men from the Na- ional army cantonments to variousNationalGuarddivisionstofillthemtowarstrength.State quotasinthisprocesswillbedeterminediponthebasisofcongresstonal-resentation and so far as practicabhedraftedmenfromaStatewillbeossignedtoNationalGuardunitsfromthesameState.The divisions from the NationalGuardforeesshowingthegreatest leficiency in men are 30th 10,000,“ist 9,000,33d 6,400,38th 6,000 andwth9,000.The orders authorize the 30th division to call upon CampsfacksonandGordonoftheNational army cantonment group for 10,000nenfromNorthandSouthCarolina;the 3lst division to call upon CampsJackson,Gordon and Pike for 15,000menfromGeorgia,Florida and Ala-mama;the 39th to call upon Camp Vike for 9,000 men from Arkansas, i ovisiana and Mississippi,ete. Iredell Farmers’Union. The Iredel!County Farmers’Un-on was in session Saturday and dis- tially invited.No admissionhutfree-will offering will be TO SPEAK FOR LIBERTY BONDS Secretary of theAdoohaswiredMr.aSFour-Minute,Chairman of the of eaign for the sale of the TP.erty Loan.Mr.Leonard will betoappointspeakersforanyofmeetingstobeheldinoecussedgsamnto%the we a te - nembers.Messrs.P.M.Cline,on erest sale M.Deal,W.W.Lentz.and T.J.vonds.Notify Mr.Leonard if you want a speaker. FOR FOREST REGIMENT. tieth Engineers (Forest)The service of this regiment beoprovidelumber,poles,firewood and other forest Murdock were elected delegates toittendtheStatemeetingtobeheld it Winston -Salem November 7th uid Sth.There was some interest imong outsiders to know how thelelewatestotheStatemeetingwould tand on the re-election of Dr.Alex- inder,but this was inside matter and as not made public. MEDALS FOR BOY SCOUTS. Masters Gordon Wallace and Jim-mie Anderson,members of the localSoyScouts,have received medals in‘ecognition of their services in sell-ne bonds of the First Liberty loan.(he medals are “Presented on behalf ff the U.S.Treasury Department‘or service in Liberty Loan Cam- aien,Boy Scouts of America,June,‘917."They are awarded to thosevhosoldbondstotendifferentfam- ies, IREDELL AT STATE FAIR. County Agent G.E.Pull left Fri-day night for Raleigh with a car of the Roys’and Girls’clubs uctstorexhibitionattheStateFair.In the car were 14 registered pigs,20 crates of poultry,corn and canning club exhibits.A banner on the side of the car indicated where it wasfrom,its destination and contents. i ot a wagon thisvundiesofclothing donated toassociation,Bundles should beedonfrontporches.Tf anioe=‘jj.please 4Mrs.A.D.r,secretary Z association,and she will seetheyarecollected. MARRIEDINVIRGINIA. Seemed v sisters.Funeral services Mr,and Mrs.N.W.Fox and Mr.be held the home this morn- and Mrs.‘>Poaeee ee this||10 .by Rev. to visit the State fair.expect to return tomorrow. Fe ee a l HT ii i ts i t ci Brazi'the interest of Brazil?cbyin and q according company,to 'workmen’s demands and the losses 7 caused by the war. W.P.Beard,editor of the Seime- tar,a weekly newspaper published at Abbeville,8.C.,ich was re- cently barred the United States mails,was arrested last week on an nen Games “— violati:espionage act.e 8 on a bond of $1,000 the border atlastweek,and ten from the ranch and —Mt,pagerding.to received at aso,Tex- _raiders were pursued by American troops to the internation- al line,but escaped with the horses. The forty -ninth annual conven- ;tien of the National American Wo- of Butrill man Suffrage Association has been called to meet in Washington De- ecember 12-15.Washington was se- i lected as the mactiog place so as to 4s pressure on Congress for the aline suffrage amendment to the ’constitution. New York city has secured an ad- ditional water supply from the Cat- skill mountains,the line being 120 miles long.It was necessary to se- cure title for the city to 21,330 ueres,comprising 2,866 parcels of real estate,at an aggregate cost of $17,307,614.The cost of completing the undertaking was $184,707,540. Paul Wierse,editorial writer on the Charleston (S..C.)American, and Captain Klattenhoff,of the Ger- man steamship Liebenfels,were con- victed in Federal court at Aiken,8. C.,of conspiracy to sink the ship at (Charleston harbor,sentenced to two years in Federal prison at Atlanta and to pay a fine of $1,000 and costs eachThe position of Dr.Carl Eggert, assistant ‘lessor of German at the University of Michigan,was declar-ed vacant by the board of regents attheconclusionofaninvestigationin-to charges that he had made unpatri- otic utterances.charges were made by students.Dr.Eggert has been connected with the University since 1901. John Francis Beckwith,whoselevelettershavecostvariouswomenintheUnitedStates$21,000 andwhohasfourwivesinvariouspartsofthecountry,was sentenc byFederalJudgeRayatUtica,N.Y.,to 15 years in the Federal prison atAtlantaandtopayatotalfineof$15,000.He was convicted of usingthemailstodefraud. At Belleville,Il.,WoodandLeoKeanewerefoundguiltyofthemurderofScottClark,a negrodiedasaresultofinjuriesre-ceived in the recent race riots intSt.Louis,and the penalty wasat14years’imprisonment. Herbert 3 men to be tried on charges growingoutoftheraceriot.The trials ofothermenwillfollow.TNT Some Advance in Coal Prices. The fuel administration has ad-coal prices in certain outly-districts of Kentucky,TennesseeVirginia.In Virginia,prices R i e k s a l 3 pricesraisedfrom$2.30 to $2.-the mine coal.In Ken-in several districts are1.95 to $2.40 for run of i $z 5g i . : a l l the first revision of coalwhensetwerean-tentative,and followsoytothefuel—. both operators and minersupwardrevisionwasimpera-meet demands for increases tf anto ALONE AND WITHOUT FRIENDSFlorenceKearns,a widow,40eS BILL-OF-FARE,IN CAMP. .|Ten Days’RationsForSoldiers .|peas,40 pounds; wil]|Pounds has|Pounds; ‘Wood and Keane were the first white ; \.MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. at Camp Sevier Good Enough. Various reports have been cirecu- lated in regard to how Uncle Sam feeds his men at the army camps, some alleging that the boys are poorly fed andothers say the fare is allthatonecould want.A look at the bill of fare for ten days for 200menatr,Greenville,8.|C.,may an outsider to judge|for himself as to howthe boysarefed.The rations in bulk for ten|cogs for the 200 men consist of thefollowing:Beef,1,350 nds;pork links,80——beef og 65 pounds;sal- mon,“pounds;bacon,201 pounds; soft brea 2.146 pounds;flour,259 pounds;macaroni,30 pounds;cornmeal,pounds;corn starch,386pounds;beans,175 pounds;green corn,30 pounds;rice,127 pounds;oatmeal,36 pounds;fresh potatoes,2,295 pounds;freshonions,400 pounds;tomatoes,174;cheese,8 pounds;prunes, 20 pounds;evaporated apples,111pounds;evaporated peaches,80 oounds;coffee,80 pounds;tea,10 granulated sugar,300nounds;salt,50 pounds;black pep- ner,48 pounds;Chili pepper,12 pounds;No.1 baking powder,10 pounds;cinnamon,6 pounds;lard, #6 pounds;milk,246 pounds;lemon' flavoring extract,1 pound;vanilla) ‘xtract,1 pound;syrup,&gallons:| vinegar,2 gallons;pickles,10 gal lons.The value of this food is $730.-79,For this period and amount of men the government allows an ex- venditure of #79440.The saving,! 0 the men in cash and they ‘can buyxtraswithit,things that the gov- ernment dogs not issue. To give more in detail just how they are living,following is the daily menu for each meal during the ten lays:First Day —Supper —.Irish stew,wiled potatoes,apple sauce,tea and read.Breakfast —Oatmeal and milk,braised beef,fried potatoes, ‘offee and bread.Dinner —Boiled stewed tomatoes,appie cobbler,bread and water. Second Day Supper Beef hash,lyonaise potatoes,bread —pud- ling with sauce,tea and =bread. Breakfast Stewed prunes,—fricdbaconandgravy,French-baked po- ‘atoes,coffee and bread.Dinner Bean soup,baked beans with bacon, ‘liced onions and pickles,rice pud- ding,bread and water. Third Day -——-Supper —Hamburg-r steak and gravy,baked potatoes, ‘ried onions,tea and bread.Break- fast ——Stewed peaches,beef stew, hashed potatoes,coffee and bread. Dinner Vegetable soup,roast beef and yravy,boiled potatoes, creamed onions,bread pudding, bread and water. Fourth Day --Supper -—-Macaro- ai and cheese,peaches and rice,tea ind bread.Breakfast —-Milk toast, heef hash,fried potatoes,coffee and bread.Dinner Macaroni soup, beef a la mode,browned potatoes,‘reamed corn,corn starch pudding,vread and water. Fifth Day —Supper Salmon‘alad,plain cake,stewed apples,tea ind bread.Breakfast —Apple but- er,pork links and gravy,sella pa notatoes,coffee and bread.Dinner— Rice soup,soft roast,creamed pota- toes,green peas,apple pudding, bread and water. Sixth Day —Supper -—Chili con carne,cottage-fried potatoes,stewed peaches,tea and bread.Breakfast— Corn meal mush,fried bacon and rravy,fried potatoes,coffee and ‘read.Dinner —Bean soup,baked beans,sliced onions,corn bread,syr- ap,bread and water.Seventh Day —Supper —Beef- loaf and gravy,boiled potatoes,doughnuts,tea and bread.Breakfast-~Hot cakes and syrup,beef stew,coffee and bread.Dinner —Rice and tomato soup,beef steak and gra-vy,browned potatoes,fried onions, ‘orn starch pudding,bread and wa-er.Eighth Day Supper Beef pot pie,cottage -fried potatoes,stewed ipples,tea and bread.BreakfastRiceandmilk,minced beef on toast,fried potatoes,coffee and bread. Dinner —Corn chowder,boiled beef, boiled potatoes,boiled rice pudding,read and water.Ninth Day —Supper roll and =gravy,hashedbreadpudding,tea Breakfast Oatmeal and milk,fried liver and bacon,onions and gravy,fried potatoes,coffee andbread.Dinner —-Vegetable soup, roast beef and gravy,mashed pata-toes,stewed tomatoes,peach cobbler,bread and water. Meat- potatoes,and =bread. Tenth Day —Supper —Turkishbeef,baked potatoes,rice pudding,tea and bread.Breakfast -—-Cornmealmush,meatballs and gravy,ly- onaise potatoes,coffee and bread.Dinner —Potato soup,beef steak:pot pie,boiled potatoes,creamedpeas,corn starch pudding,bread and| water.|A further analysis of the above‘figures show that each man receivesonanaverageforeachmeal4.75 ounces of meat,6.72 ounces of breadoritsallies,8.22 ounces of vegeta-oo and other eatables in propor- Whatever may be the feed of theboys,the Statesville soldiers who are2caneGeegutpugrevemantontmost,j them,weigh moenwhen3feet,ite [POSSIBLYASECOND CALL. ;of 687,000 men is which in this case was $63.61,is paid!| peef and dumplings,boiled potatoes,|‘ .on the -run-down children or aged parents| SreeMorethie SecondCall For NationalAr-my ProbableinJanuary. The advisability of ex censussecondcallofwnforthetheNorth Carclina Faguafohetayconsidereddats|:ion is to furnishthelistfrom this may be fixedfor some timein De-|p,”cember or January.Mobilization of the first increment|now :advanced to show clearly that therewillbeabigdeficiencyforthe17)-National army divisions.More than250,000 of ti first increment are |:still to be assembled,but it alreadyisevidentthattherewillbeavaila-ble at the 16 cantonments quartersforanadditionalregimentateachvostandatsomeforafullbrigade| | etired nurses. ToCure e Cold in OneDay. Take b the CATARRH VANISHES. HereisOne Remedy That All Sufferers Can Upon. If you want to drive Catarrh and ali its dis- of two regiments.The strength of the new regimen-tal organization is 3,600 men.Witharegimentlackingateachcanton-ment,this alone would mean a short-age of nearly 50,000 men.In addi-tion,there has been formed a r- ate division of negro troops,ichmeansnearly30,000 men withdrawn from the original number assigned _—~—a me partially oo oympteme from your om »the e sno e |shortest possible time,go te your druggint ancthenecessityoftakingoutofNa-|«*)(or@ Hyomei outht retionalarmymentofillupNationa!|Hrenthe Hyomei and it wili rid you ef Ca- Asti acrh;it wives such quick relief that all whoguarddivisions.Two complete Na-|... i:for the first time are astonished.‘ional army divisions of Southern ,Hyomei ts a pure,pleasant antixeptic,_’:i $jets breathed into the lungs over the inflamed roops have been absorbed m this i membrane;Ht kills the Catarch germs,sootix|Way.The remnants of three other |.re spots,and heals oll inflammation Southern National army divisions|bont suffer another dey with Catarrh:the vill be consolidated to form a single|(se i:dangerous and often ends it con-visional unit,and the surplus men <,"":"Start the Iyomet teaumenttot‘-om other camps will be sent South jnai it that’s all.Ask the Statesville Drug o make up the missing divisions,Company.Drafts on the National army forces|~1ust be made to fill up the enlistedrersonneloftheaviationservice,the|lical corps and the service bat-|talions needed behind the fighting|lines broad.Eventually there will!he 250,000 men in the last named| 'For Sprains,Lameness,ervice alone,and aviation and the)||Sores,Cuts,Rheumatiem |Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25.Ge.$1.At All Dealers.LINIMENT ae) nedica!service will take nearly as many more,though not all of themvillbetakenfromtheNationalar-my. Opened Fire in Court Reom. an itiherant| t,shot Fred.Bavne to deathinacrowdedcourtreomatHam-| mond,Ind.,and seriously wounded a woman.The evangelist was shot and seriously wounded by court attaches, Landmeisser,who had been lectur-| ing in Hammond and Indiana Harborvhiteslaveevil,was on trial on charges preferred by AdelineHiartman,18 years old.jayne,her}weetheart,was in the witness chair when suddenly iandmeisser drewiworevolversfromhishippocketsandopenedfire.Bayne fell dead with a bullet through his heart.AecondshotstruckMrs.Myrtle Pe/-fer,Hammond's policewoman,over ihe heart.-She is expected to lve.Landmeisser was then shot down iytwoofficers.He is expected to -ur-vive. DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY The United Daughters of the Con-federacy,in session at Kinston, se-lected Wilson as the next place of|meeting and re-elected Mrs.Jacksie|Daniel Thrash of Tarboro,president.|Mrs.Biekett,wife of the Governor,is second viee president;Mrs.J.W.Pless of Marion is treasurer,Mrs.R.L.Gwynn of Lenoir recorder ofcrosses,Mrs.J.A.Fore of Charlotte historian. And Invigorates Old People Any doctor will tell you that «-ingredients of Vinol as printed \-!.wcontaintheelementsneeded‘0 im-prove the health of delicate ch'd-en |and restore strength to old pe.; T}Cod Liver and —Peptones,tern |*end Manganese Peptonates,Irea ai.i |Ammonium Citrate,Lime and Soc,Glycerophorsphates,Cascarin. Those who have puny,ailing or|; Oscar Landmeisser,cnugeli then |_— two AtszsMizle Por Sale ByC.D.MOORE,Statesville,N,C.BRADFORD &HEDRICK,Leray,N.C.And All Good Dealers. Doors,Windows,Mantels, ‘Step Plank,Locks and Hinges. C.WATKINS,State:v'llv. FRESH PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR PANCAKES. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. prove this at our expense,;ro UNCLE SAM KNOWS Besidesthe it does children|i and the aged there is nothing liie Our Government has taken theVinelvpcomeeestrengthandvitality|output of factories that maketoweak,nervous women and over-|aes a aoe wore oe !can Tires.Why not you do ished -om Jour ‘money as he ir your Tires? without $that proves |feienesa Gnd your protection.Mil.|THE IREDELL VULCANIZINGthiewayne“ave Deen convinced|&SUPPLY COMPANY. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville.F Phone 201 Court Street. n 10n ;Weed teats cre {NEW SEED BUSINESS.bar aaah |stoc :u "2 0 Ty ac-j i .“Frariorusn woron co_|}|nd balks “AlevarietyofothergardenandFieldSeed. OSTEOPATII.Dr.S.W. nn.OFFICE OVER All New. Merchants’&Farmers’Bank.Office ‘Phone,324;‘Heme T.N.BROWN. "Phone,279Green. All Sizes Framing,Flooring, Mou Jo Hi.L REGISTERED ISTER, "phone No.40.c,WATKINS, are MUST ANG |.Columns,Frames,Stair Rai!,| salfor boy supplied. Give him the lasting refreshment,the pro- tection against thirst. the help to appetite and Cigestion afforded by Wrigley’s. it’s an outstanding feature of the war— “All the British Army is chewingit.” AFTER EVERY MEAL HEATING STOVES. Beginning to feel like having fire the.e erisp,cool morn- fall, upreme in their class,THE JEW- EL BASE BURNEK AND BASE HEATER!© no experiment in buving either of these Stoves—they ings.If you need e Heating Stove this we have two brands that are There is have stoed the test of many seasons and have sustain- ed their supremacy by merit—economy of fuel,large heating capacity and Jong life.YOU CAN’T GO WRONG IF YOU PUT IN ONE OF THESE HEATERS! THE STATESVILLE.REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpeitephaldere,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomergandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethésamewhentheypast,we will strive to give HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisthewillandconofoverpatrons.“WEINSUREANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAYALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT. Wewillbegladto have call at our officeforanyinformation,or No,54 if ourservicein work also.Cordiallyyours,We do NOTARY TON,-.Manager. J.F. MRM a Se ail all rs.7%a OTa ee ain==October16 . =?2 mgegety e98 | AY shotBut- 7.i i bowel troubles.Easy to take,gentle and reliable in {ts action,leaving no bad after-effects,it has won the pratseofthousandsofpeoplewhohaveusedit.NC-135 ore mee Home Made Molasses. i “CABCARETS”BEST It is fine.}" for nson : I 5 forSvsAssistanta:J.8 “wough the principal streets of the city. rday by «vessel which picked them»just after their ship went down. Harry L.Kobimand,the first officer. »native of Germany,was swept off the after deck and drowned. ‘road at a municipal woodyard,whichshouldbelocatedonarailroadsid- ing if wood is to be shipped im by do the work;(4)use the municipal!teams for delivery of wood to @on- be bought in sufficient quantities tovipplythemunicipalyard,contract with Jandownercuttinwthewood under forest eon rvation restrictions and direet th: ‘utting of the wood with your ow: for the privilege of m re of Traine ot and “seriously wounded by CainFentERNROAD.Games ie cee ter at Dunn,Sunday morning,Butler;64 «.m|the towns the was “playing with”a pistol,iBaimnanmeEERGS|kelitets combs Gabe coe 5 ates Tr}r resident @ .was u:Meadoreville,Ky—Mre,Peart Pat.tao .=|Seaieter of urges the 1 Friday and a 2-year-old child ofwick,of this place,writes:“I wes)2 eo ye =of municipal w ards,the munici-“lark’s perished in the flames.wt te ee aioe &&ie Oe 5 |Stes©buy wend Delete en Lt tienes hs Bee'ta heWassouncomfortable.|wea son ant ;Mrs.Larkin Hodges,ve in thethedoctor,Sa aowe me come pile,|.MAMOTIEAMDTAYLORSVILLE,(Some to those who need fuel during <icinity.of Blowing ‘Rock,“rolled in-They weakened and seemed to Trmi?No.16 ar.16.00,leaves 10.15 «.m.|the winter and can’t get it TR to the fire”and fatally burned.=tO train No.24,an 6.50,leaves 645 p.m./The Landmark believes Mr.|.Rev.Dr.W.M.Vines,pastor oftearupmydigestion.They would,wa jister’s plan is practical and preper..the First Baptist church of Char-,;gripe me and afterwards it seemed jit.\%vy.%oe 2?©it fellows:lotte,has resgined,effective Novem-=1was more than before.|.'oa —_nenietontg qi)od her 1,a has accepted a call to Au-f dif;|wi y w le i ti-|-usta,Ga,}with rent =*1.ear of and @ |ties for delivery by “ogee e wii.Vernon Hock,convicted of man-|Our wide experience —©7slaughterforkillingGeo.Grissom in a .cotten mill at Henderson last Au- ust,was sentenced to five years in,ze,J,°A :1 got wellofthesour stom-Secretary of the Treasury,reas.T@l;(2)equip the yard with power (he State prison.;ech,my bowels soon seemed normal,Sf ra:meutng in Weumond Bun.etc.Wilxing such availble view Jas.E,Romd has teen in-|value to you.“afnoMoregriping,and I would take a in the interest of the Liberty ‘a ae dd .ae te an College «he 25th —“College ,bleop:y)ready’bas;(3)use convict dabor,1 College on the 25t ollesre ‘. dose now and then,and was in good ~—ae ee tee takes werk-house labor,or street foree to lay.”The judge was a student at We can probably locate any car trou ‘avidson in 1862-8.;A canvass of the county in behalf .esscseterenepsn —umer,cut ready for consumption,at of the Liberty bond sale is being ao k “4 ‘aoa ~*ie the finest laxative CREW OF STEAMER LANDED.|.ctual cost;(5)put somebody.in made in Rowan.Meetings are held would take you to get staried on it. ”Twenty -six members of the crew cherge of the work who is capable «|nicht in different parts of the «pea tt it wiont;ceteemeeroemeae oe of the steamer New Orleans,wreek-|of oe it successfully;(6)do not v,addressed by speakers.;We are auto specialists and it ill pay you Great value of off the Virginia coast in a heavy use coal cars for shipping in your ».T.Otman,a lineman for the =S.' in the treatmentofstomach,liver and |}.Wednesday.were landed —Sat--upply of wood;(7)if weed eamnot “iestern Union Telegraph Company,to consult with us was at werk on a pole at Linwood, iavidson county,the pole fell and O% n reeeived injuries from which h lied a few hours later i ire of unknown origin was dis-covered in the judge's room of Bun-COURT MARTIAL FOR RIOTERS.tabor;(8)encourage consumers to combe county court house at Ashe- An order for court martial of more betitute woed stoves for their coal ville,about 3 o’clock Friday morn .“IF HEAD. ACHY.BILLOUS,SICK,CONSTI-PATED. ip upon the retail wood dealer,for ne demand will be such that he eanellallhecansupplyatareasonable rofit,and if he undertakes to makeinunreasonable &6 od;”?than 120 negroes of the Twenty-(Ucners,as the saving in_price will ,and the room was gutted beforejayfourthinfantry,charged with,partic.eve than pay for the outlay.«tire was extinguished,po ra Ns ipation in the rioting at Houston,’“Mm many sections of the Statelast BK.S.Skinner,mayor of Durham .oe .Texas,August 28,which will be held Year,wood ready for burning cost nd servings his second term,diel Sat a eh pe A barrel of Mrs Hicks’at Fort Sam Heuston,is expected the consumer from $7 to $8 a cord,after a long illness.Was 1i.‘this week.Sixty negroes will be |™é the retail market this winter will notive of Hertford and a lawyer;ha —new charged with mutiny and murder and Probably be higher than.it was last.lived in Durhem since 04.Wife SSS ere oe a the remainder with lesser offenses.The furnishing of wood at cost bv and two children survive.anaes eeneso-ctlperenn tprecneennem een eames te he municipality will work no hard-4 little son of Mr.Hertice Glenn of Raleigh was knocked down by anitomohileinthatcitySaturdayand iv injured,Dave tlarris,colored, who drives the machine,was arrest-y -Best For Liver and Bowels,Bad profit,he cannot.for criminal negligence.tanty Ban ar ‘nteres >“Phone your order.Breath,Bad Colds,Sour Stomach,mplain if municipal competition Fire at Gai Saturday night Liberty Bonds be ar ‘nterest at the rate of 4 per cent.,GetlaliOimentl nee terferes with it.There is no thme jectrayed the plant of the &_and are free of all taxes,Souther makes,combined with our thorough know-|.” ledge of auto mechanism can be of great “'” oe and remedy it in a fraction of the time it +Csii TTR (050 ae emia ul ‘oe ‘<=4Nias) «BUY BONDS! TS O P DI S S II O D I I I O O S ,Sick headache,biliousness,coated (0 be lost.Let no time be wasted on Corton Oil Company,some outsid :;,.: I hone89.tengrue,heat ane nose clogged up the constit utionality s legality of |ikdingee stored with cotter do and Interest o payable semi-annually AND AN BE COL;. vith a eold always trace this to nis proposition.We have taken le eral railroad box ears.Loss es LEC TED A t AN \BR ANK ORPOSTOF FK E!: &hat }torpid liver;delayed,fermentin;cal advice to the effect that this imated at $200,000 to 8300,000,par-2 A Liberty Pond is a token of loyalty and a Badge faa .»howela or our rasxy WOrk con properly be done by nggnic le ens cea i pace }.:|!in the bowels or sour,grassy ae oe v covered by insurance.Origin He r.ty i ;tomach,palities and rend an ee ar ire unknown eeBt;:.‘logged {e ourt likely to interfere w e Wi teco Gales +}Phe ae aR?on],**s ,7eanReamereeeeeeeoeBergayeeeeoeeea“SWEET WORDS BUTTER NO PARSNIPS”!If you-——=—intestines,instead of being cas i amr nergenc)t te in ckir county five :;(ihe ayiteu te re-kbsavbed into the “Rich Will tet only help wik (ie WAT 04 aon gd was caved fcr the”xre behind your Government,and want to help end the. WATCH blood.When this poison reaches the eS rage.revent suffering =ectric chair by €ov.Craig ecommut-3 war—BUY BONDS! elicate Lrain tissue it causes cor hler an the part of those whe ean re his sentence,has been pardened :4 tion and that dnl,throbl :ffor ,to bi yw vod at any price,Gov.Biekeit,and the Reidsville Bonds can be had at any Bank;from the town and coyn-, wckening headache.eee eta ee Bee ith a neces ew says a good many Rocking-ty committees;or from any of the undersigned,‘Cascarets immediately cleanse the 9't¥at prices that will not be bur-folks are not pleased ai all a mach,remove the sour,undigest ees ;Thos.Trent of Kernersville was 4 D M AUSLEYedfoodandfoulguses,take the es “Let not any municipality —trea rourht before a United States com-3 >i i ai -—-—-FOR OUR eg ee Pe,this mugnestion Hibtly,deseiing it,oMent before»Usited States com,3 R.A.COOPERetefrontIverandcarry‘’Stoner inston -Salem and 4 o Fae ath nit all ihe constipated warte matter mnecessary The facts of the fuel hired te give bend for |appe ¢,RING and pelson 7 he tek Is,iat ye peak for themselves as _to at Poder 1 oe on the ah ’3 F i B.BU N¢Hi.A Cascearet aie will surely a rious “.of oe oe wearing an army uniform whi 3 .C.7 Totraighienyououtbymorning,VUrse’se oo)te :iar r Trent had enlisted @ V .Al.i.INTERESTING they work “while vou sleep--a 10-squarely in the face.The eity or he army some months avo and 9 ™arene i 1 feent box from your druggist means town that Wine 3 id forehande:s tuter discharged.3 -.*asyourheadclear,stomach sweet,Will,without delay,make itself,a ies Elsie Allon.teaches af ate Liberty Loan Committee. breath right,complexion rosy and ‘ar as possible independent of coal ¢j6 ccejence in Meredith College,Pe!°.your liver and bowels regalar for oo the wood busines:ay cigh)wan find dead in.the tr S2tZIt BITIIES : ‘onthe.hefore the winter is dyer Per com of the hk Aue ee :erase cent «noe mclneeeivasinhappaseenuiaaanngstenieiine-iseiteepsiaipaiiliiitabaiaiaatiall earnseneriseupandcal!the officials of |,i .:;Tig ~otenendliaarySeehutcityertownblessed.”one hae}ye re an ~~, 4]lk if .tie 3 Wee aX 1 a A ’‘,.Cra |||':!@ in the water :>tay ?“TTRANGEei43Hii{||Editor Harris Takes the Prize,(roiily afte:Sintise |So.I wf .ER:OL Ise dT.LA nM AT CH.tl Be ed |harivite Observer.ee a ee a War price 1.55.Sce me if you are in need 7 iH 7 1 coe eee Taylors.Bativn a of any kindof a Watch.I can supply that |4 ae “an 1]ville)people,quoth the wkory er mee :i)ts ’Be i}Woiscor!,“tried raish gz Irsh potae Much Shooting Without Result need.In stoc I lamilton,South Bend,4 Announ t arrels,=t ut the crop was \t Tesireton Friday night Ra W altham,Elgin,New Y ork Standard,7 cemen .:of evar se five os com MeNeil,a your white man Reliance ' ir as co Hao be fear €1,ane tomnt to kil)edt]-h wife or?)..>pss yysremaingfortheCharlviteOoepstep-father,D.B.Benson of |EL.B.WOODWARD -:enram :Ms 1 Hig net,of heth,by emptying sosadisaemnamntaionasaeawids sas essmcnceacaen’casas ici sels lred l]H d wre (‘0 :au :Sas a it :|pal "his Vin a !pio F nah ene z .“a ;-a a ante : e areware UU.Hut not the “tater ceeefuher who wore tandine ee eee ;:;:ter )!tandi rittoe of vw American Jewish is ;he t the Goserve a hoosted {ee rthe r +hardware store ‘i has ecided to postpone ee ig REE ementsnes emnenen Nate pots oO Pp :Raising pota-1 t f the town,,Me (Press,which was to have ur ars q ':a ba ee a ,dip ol pe st Neil!ip eet,refilled =}n held aut Wish ton November i f Home Comforts {t are itiot “The 0 fr i hei aoe neem eee aera \4weeen|ied the barrel only in the shape ay ofiver,int dashed by Taking Cathartics Ever)‘ox eme alk pens nc en atnariics Every Are talking louder than: Are tound in the '.(|'Jotte and rll the ceuntrs ned Bod 4 ;Br Sa Day lor W eeks Don t :if :|t ne es ii {aie t 278 hey =*'.-,=Seen const?‘eed aes neh ae AR him and!tt Cure Stomach Trouble |SV Ft _—plumbing makes the long hours :farmer who had forvotion all Meer rin dozen shots ot ot «Lite honeeun ihink se come and see _.i Bret inded one «o :ae ee ::va :spent by the wife af a liome “|Wk RA ay i an aa for your yoursell pleasure -such 2 pleasurc that |Was wee wee he th m ..'y mark mer “adnothingclsecanvive.i a tt ;TH:LATE DR.MURPHY i imwinel hed last week‘mR.|::9?an vhs .1 ub ne Ve ir I he the }i co {$34.23 and still climb- W.E.MUNDAY i oe MR.oy pastes asin et .AoBuisa.i '{'‘he |mg. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St cary hi ‘\“@ ; Phone 55.|fF othe rhenma iis 4 aur yh.:4hipekneeThe;are coming to ’ F one :aine sae ae \"’n :}.Co,ear .:|CG.WATKINS for co oe |;}Statesville for”high4;“Everythingte Build With.”r n "e m ;prices. Fall Stock—Lowest Prices.|He ee 1 :MeShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil |oo ye :tio by ench or Mi lises'e Plan are:me Flooring,Siding,Boxing,:ni,Aasneiation :re a McElwee's Planers’Ware- a Lathes,Lise,Cement,That Speli 'ah dai ;)7 ,;:house,Statesville,N.G.with hor ado.—TheNextPlanters’Wh-,Statesville.“;|:=\merase ceremenmen area eeTNS:AY oe eeeMe ?qneemaeneqpeien anm i YF a ea ee *aa aero sata A.ae :Thoroughbred bi.LOSS OF GRAIN BY FIRE.h -«peal “Ie |ORDER vou C 7 ’°ed lo nthe fire which destroyed ':::5;ra 'iyEeeeeeeeoeee|°.}a }t ‘thee ©hl)Shytayer sy hes r of the New York ‘acre a ,or -~3SCRAPBRASS—Henvy Brass 74e.Clothe s that Ww ill brin Jos :Saal ‘i.Brookls Fist er oe <=yn oS .a:‘alperpound.Ligh,Brass fc.per |}you out”and give you fred thousand bushels of oni,‘=——-#Thanksgviog and Christatas,|7pound;;that “swagger”ook,|vorh s1200.000,contin)os “they 4-4FORSALE:Let us measure you fora ff nso Sem Mla the Fre ent to Hil ..Tam takin’orders for Thanks. New nd second hand machinery So nti ACTING CABINET OFFICER na —ceple|7c.Christmas Fruit “amd |9ate=-ss Tike .”an nve ratio e na ,ANI iT cent.tk,’ggforsaleandallkindsofhoilerNEEDLE-MOLDED od Wiese,eek «ce lunes.President ©Pore ner er figs Pound ‘ake.Gardner's famous |&room supplies.3 ''Som 1.hem all in qu " C.H.TURNER Suit or O’Cont Tailored |e er i eetain gooke difwetor of th :aa Cakes,are superior to any on f |....Bae ort -.lie Sea erie retary £(5 whe Be ioOR Aa Iredell "Phon:No.74,Bell No,7.to Measure by The Globe Po).gece (ae etary Reifel t from Wash-Lagenby-a.‘tomery Hardware Co,the uarket and cost you less, ...se .*vmpa iZOYs,whan P tent froe h aly n oth .:;s ¢aSaiiancabaieas;moans ||Tatlering Co.,Cineinnati.|°°""Stcageeeemene r matt Washinete Th Ms ete \J ponnd Frait Cake for — -acs -—~9 On ae «4 kes M -P —_an acti -4 al net cecusiniataanadimcaiiisitiliabhs id ae ;)“‘“ar 1WooDSAWINGMISSPOTTERRETURNmaa14 ‘nd 4 ’=-Miss Grace Stewart Potter,Ch a-|ofheor when Mr.Red nhaent DR.VANCE i.Ty.j Am ready to saw your Molded to :7 figure.elety girl whe disappeared from arienern #he DENTAL SURGEON.The Pound Cake,30c.pound,’i}ALEN DER'S PART.:Th M teri ]BX-hospital Asheville Octe (ALENAN ;..a ond Biood.P e Da ais are f.'Rooms 5-7-9,Seeond Floor ,Ww °ease see me or CLUSIVE.The fashi returned a few days ag:Apportionments of Liberty loan FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,p.J KIMBAI j "phone me—421 Black.LoS an le Fashion yearned the outakirta of Asch ic,tend subacript have been made Statesville,N.©,.»Be i T.G.WOOTEN plates have extreme [|waking toward the hoepits nd ‘0 Alexander county banks and their ae ee mee siaaas INDIVIDUALITY.|fave ne explan her:aay oo fotieows:Baek of en.FPECIAL ATTYRIOR TO CHILDRENS|eeEe-t,.£th?save to estate varvely that na!Sider at aylorsyille,$28,400;Ban ,SSSSe ee |EVERYTHING GUAR-J “teen i)the country.”of Hiddenite,$4,260;Bank of StonyShipmentofRubberoidRoofing|ANTEED oo Point.$1708 DR.J.M.HOLLA ‘<’Chambertain'’s Cough Remedy the Most Re-,.,:.DENTI STreceived.This com-Mabe Mra.J.L.Culley is at Winston.|Mr.Automobile Owner.‘ =R fi i h Bes After many yenrt’expertenee in the ove of |Salem with her dauchter,Miss Lou-PAP WRIER!,St CURD BnAeoofingisthet4|it and other couch medigines,there are mangehicg ¢REMEMBER!Wo frepect Stor-Ove thn,ear teliede wi fer Chamberlain's te any other,“we ¢uhley.nge Batteric “lt furnish ro"me prefe ¥¥©r ty eeEY neoe NR TN ee ATLeTOCS am urnis youhaveeverhandled,.The ANY A.G.Kirstein,Greenville,TL,writes,“Cham Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days with Distilled.Water free!All nena Stateavillea,N.Gwhohaveuseda?=te fy ES vl acer,Tinstery work W debe by a8"Pae somataaresalwaysfounditvhekkforcoldsnttd)rh oy ue a 'coocmepeoerelitSRegeeEh,AresvaLak Hotel 66,.[Fsca£4 went”'they ited ave end emt.t :cL.:oOQENE Oe hd Vc.waren! g 7 #$e i¥ a i ija2§eii i rf +Pf =o"citizens,:criticismisnotwith-people of this.areas loyal,as to do their governmentasthoseofanyCOnGaSesaptebetheyaremoreloyansome.Rut,between ourselves it mustbe ad- they do not fully appreciatethesituation;too many are un- e rned,if not actually “agin the government,”for political and per-copal reasons;and a few who are se- er or openly German ———ers.¢All these constitute the minor- itv.;The great majority are true,althourh possibly not aroused as|cre be to the seriousness ofthe‘situation.The Clinton News-.Dispatch,a newspaver published noteofirfromDunn,had the following| in a recent issue:| “f seems that the United States,Senate would like to get rid of Sen-|;«‘or LaFollette.We realize thateSenftorLaFollettehastalkedrath-j er freely,and has made some _re-marks that should have been kept in,bul there are thousands of men whothinkinthesamechannelwithLav, Pollette.and they are not pro-Ger-|mam either.”|Peoinl a LaFollette sympathizer.|Px ons like that from a few)}newapapers —from some who would|nar“abe if they had the nerve —ond from many more individuals in!seme sections of the State,cause The,‘anmark to think thaf our loyalty, could be increased with credit to our--lves and with benefit to the gov-|ernment.This much between our-| relves. HOME FOLKS SHOW ‘EM. It’is a pleasure to note that someoftheUnitedStatesSenatorswhose,attitude and utterances hindered theutionofthegovernment's warmmeendthusgaveaidand ‘ort to the country's enemies,are ‘being made to feel the displeas-ure ‘ef their home people.SenatorReedofMissouriisoneofthese,AdispatchfromSt.Louis says Reedared“unexpectedly and uninvit-ed at a banquet given by the cham-her of commerce to St.Louis and country bankers”for the promotion|of the sale of Liberty bonds.Reedwassentedatthespeakers’table and soon afterward a country bank-| er quietly informed the chairman of the meeting that he would leave thehalliftheSenatorwaspermittedtospeak,and that the country bankers,numbering more than 100,would go|with him.A St.Louis man also de- P pewere given to the latter. doReed to speak,and it is f vy reception given ao apparent. said Senator Hardwick of Georgia,an-| other of the disturbers,had vited toEastman,Ga.,before his was so clearly defined,and had ac-cepted.Before the fair was held theinvitationwaswithdrawn.was so much opposition,it was stat-od,that it.was notdeemedsafe forHarfiwicktotrman,Men had been heard to saythey“would give a_dollar aforrotteneggs”if Hardwick showedwmatEastman,and the fair author-ities refused to incur the liability.The Landmark has no sympathy| with any violence to the persons ofthesemen,but the Missourians andGeoygiansaretobecommendedforJettingReedandHardwickknow how they feel about it.They are not denouncing LaFollette and lettingtheirownSenatorsgounscathed. A report from Raleigh says there is carlet fever in the for Tt s@ems there is work for the StateBoagdofHealthtodoathome,be- sides sending out instructions to“tha poor and ignorant mountainpeotie.”-Yadkinville Ripple.The State Board of Health givesvaluhble‘inétruction to all classesandconditionsofpeople.If theRipplehadhéenfullyinformedastothecasementionediteethatthecaseoffeverininstitutionfortheblindincamefromTransylvania ,where doctors had to be ar-and punished for failure to quarantine laws.lack of enforcement of quar-laws,it may be said in pass- not peculiar to mountainButwhereverthereisfail-control contagious diseases,the people of the immediate and county,but theState,may be endangered.Inmentionedthediseasewashundredsofmilesanditishowmanypeoplewerein-the way.all because theenforced.nee ry ' ;ances and teachings. cla to the chairman that he would|the United States had entered nally denounce Reed if the floor|war as a matter of racial difference| They kept/and not as a matter of principle,and a disturbance by not inviting|who has not denied that he said that,:the |and other similar things to a com-,him was!pany of young men in n in- speak at a ae at} attitude| There | to speak at Rast-| dozen |other prominent men,public officials, institution | he blind children at that place.| would have! try if we d>not provide thetofeedandclotheandarmthem fortheservicetheyaretoperform.Re-member,in buying the bonds you are not only making a safe investment, but you are helping to take care ofyourboyoryourneighbor's boy whois—t*and offering his life that we may live in peace and comfort.he second point to remember is ‘that the government has to have the)money to successfully prosecute thewar;the money is spent for our pro-tection and if we fail to provide themeansthegovernmentwillfailtosuccessfullyprosecutethewar.That|would mean German success and in-|0 hidemnitiesinthewayoftaxation)Today things are being thought out. that would not only entail a greater|Forever‘sacrifice than any we can make toovernmentbonds,but lifebeworththeliving,as ll says.course there buywouldDr.Cam are those whoofwillsneeratthispossibilityaswith-|out the range of probability.The Landmark is frank to say it consid-ers it entirely improbable,but ifeverybodywoulddoastoomanyare doing —refuse to heip —it wouldnotonlybeaprobabilitybutareal- ity.And the man who can help andwon't,who is willing to let othersdothefightingandthepayingwhile he enjoys the benefits,is a slacker oftheworstsort.He is not worthfightingforanditisapitythatourboyswillhavetofightforonesoun- worthy.,Reflect on these things and thenmakeaneffort—a real effort -—tohelptheLibertyloan.If one wants to buy a bond and hasn't the ready eash,by paying $2 cash on each $100 bond,the banks will loan $98,takine the bond as col- lateral.The loan will cost 6 per centbutthebondpays4percentnet.and counting off taxes nothing is lost. ALOTSODCD ED BROAD-MINDED OR— Two or three members of the fac- ulty of Columbia University,New York,and a member of the faculty of the University of Michigan,have been ousted for pro -German utter-In North Car-colina we are more liberal.Prof.Horace Williams,who declared _ e Charlotte,continues to teach our young men attheStateUniversity;and with theexceptionoftwoorthreenewspa-pers and about as many individuals,|Prof.Williams has not even beencriticised—publicly at least —forhisseditiousanddisloyalutterances. We are broad-minded folks,we|North Carolinians.We allow our|University professors to talk sedi- tion with little or no protest;andwehaveonlymildlyprotestedwhen preach it.Our time is taken up in fiercely denouncing men in Wiscon-sin and elsewhere who are sruilty of these things.We want to help hang them.We are strong whe:it comes to handling “furriners,”but when it comes to dealing with the same class of offenders at home —if the offenders be men of standing and in-fluence -—we are broad-minded and charitable.Some of the unregener- ate might call us hypocrites,but ofcoursewecan’t be that. The Landmark must again pro- ‘est against the custom of a fewnewspaperswhoclipfromcorres- pondents of this paper and =simplycredittoTheLandmark.Either leave off the credit entirely,please, or credit property—“CorrespondenceofTheLandmark.”The Landmark's correspondents are fine people,none ;better,but as they are privileged toexpresstheirownideas,it manifest-ly is not proper to credit their pro- ductions to the paper.It is surpris- ing that newspaper men do not ap- preciate and draw the =distinction without having it called to their at-tention,but some of them conspie uous examples,too —do not.arinmindthatthisisnotacomplaintaboutleavingoffcredit.If it wasleftoffentirelynothingwouldbesaid.It is the misplaced credit ofwhichwecomplain. |<ISeCATTCAR A grandson of Jefferson Davis,president of the Southern Confed- eracy,is a soldier in Camp Greene,Charlotte.He is Jefferson Hayes Davis,lieutenant in a company fromColorado.An older daughter ofJeffersonDavismarriedr.HayesofColoradoandafterherfather’s death,to perpetuate the familyname,it was chan to Davis.Lieu-tenant Hayes Davis didn’t advertisethefact,as he might have done with—when he came to willbe - \oar in oo ene}meana,some|wohlargeGenes,wie axe met inithehabitofbonds,have not|beenaroused to the necessity¢oean ?tok ow ©by ¢oeale *Jae aaprivanda[duty™-don't the last—for allofcanpossiblyraisetheprienone$50 bond,even on tle ul e s i if try in this hour of stress we|che patriots we profess toTheLanimarkwantsthhelpxample az si i z preach to practice and‘ause by their eingdeedfittheword.railroad folks can cut out a fewvatecars,even if it does entail a inconvenience. 33* }The Work For the Reserves. Speaking at the State University|“riday,on the 124th anniversary oftheopeningoftheinstitution,Gov,Bickett made a powerful plea forompleteserviceinthistimeofwar.|‘In this supreme time,”he said,“to lrun from work is as cowardly as to~un from war.The call will surely |come to every one of you,possibly tortainlytowork,and the manstoequiphimselfforthe |War,ce j who fail ii ib e i e s ct v j work he knows must be done in the nidst or in the wake of war,is a}|:raitor to the men at the front and||o the women and children at home.| hereafter they will behovghtout.When the smoke of|Sattle shall lift the world will need,|is it has never needed before,men)jwith cunning hands and culturedibrains.Hence it is of superlative} impoxzance for every young man,who does not go to war,to go to!school,and the student ‘who fails to} ‘do hard,honest work in school is thevorstsortofslackerandmeritsthe| contempt of his fellows.1“lf the -voung men who are left)behind do their work with as much_ heroism and self-denial as those who) -o to the front,the welfare of the'Stote will be secure.But if thev idle! while others fight,if they ‘fiddlewhileRomeburns.’the saddest andcorriestchapterinthehistoryofthewarwillbeentitled‘The Disloy- ty of the Reserves.’” RARERHET.YSARSEDSINTON AES Near Half Million Selected Men in Camp. The number of men of America's rew National army either actually under training or ordered to the 16 ‘antonments throughout the country, totals 431,180. In making public these figures Secretary Baker said that the ship- ments of clothing to the camps is keeping pace with the arrival of the new troops.Up to October 2,thedaybeforethesecondincrementof lraft men was ordered out,nearly13,000,000 articles of wearing appar-el and sleeping equipment had been;sent to the cantonments,and —ship- ments are being made daily.Camp Funston,in Kansas,has the greatest quota of men of any of the camps,its number being 39,533.Thenumberofmenatororderedtotheothercampsinclude:Camp Jackson,;South Carolina,24,975,and Camp Lee,Virginia,27,061.Articles sent to cantonments for the new men include 1,402,390 blank- ets,422,346 bed sacks,436,749 cotton breeches,259,805 woolen breeches,, 267,579 cotton voats,204,728 woolencoats,%89,718 overcoats,4,002,856pairsofunderclothingand937,75jpairsofshoes.All this materia!jwas manufactured in this country and the quartermaster departmentofthearmyannouncesthatdeliverieshavebeenmadethatseemedim possible a few weeks ago. \Germany Weakening,SaysStovall. After four years)spent in the center of the European =struggle,Pleasant A.Stovall,United StatesministertoSwitzerland,asserted on his arrival in)America a few day: \go,that the economic situation in Germany is acute,and that he be lieved the backbone of German—resistancehasbeenbroken.Since the viblication of President Wilson's re-nly to Pope Benedict’s peace proposals.in which the President statedthattheUnitedStatesiswarringup- jon the German government and not upon the German people,the revulsionagainstthewar,Mr.Stoval! snid,has been spreading through Germany.“The effect of this statemfent was for a long time not noticeable,”he serted,“but slowly and surely it is|sinking deeper and deeper into theGermanheart.If left to themselves the German people would make peace| tomorrow.As it”is,forces are atworkinGermanywhichwilleventu-‘iy —no man can safely predicthowsoon—compel the German gov-|ernment to make with the|world.There is no doubt about the|xconomic straits in whieh Germanynowfindsitself.The situation isacute.”{ DISTURBER SENTENCED. At Davenport,Ia.,Daniel H.Wal-lace was sentenced to 20 years in “prison for violation of the espionage |.ery |thouldact.Wallace,who claimed to be adeserterfromtheBritisharmy,was:arrested during a lecture tour inwhichheattackedtheselectivedraft|act of the United States.|eeeCENTRALFUELCOMMITTEE.| Charlotte,A.W.MeA fuel administra-tor for NorthCarolina,has appoint.|cmdDavis,andheseems to have been ed A.M.of Clar-red y accident.All of ence ~top,wee "=*pe Lieut.Da-Grahamof as @ centra’ in depending State istrasenseeratornametoWapine.tshim¥tis oweretaryof committee |containing iren, {joes not act as a |hi tt fs ES P. f i l “ f i i>&z ouse to he woman, Wild PreacherTurnsLoose. Denouncing government war poli-|ties and calling President “our!neomparable ”Rev.Ban¥.a.pastor ofshurch,5atFriday's session of the na-'council of,“eae ‘hurches at Columbus,e,j y “With our incomparable of un- at in the White House,byhefree-labor loving Samuel Gomp-rs on the one hand,”said Bradley,‘and the natriotie controllers of all|he oil and the gold and the lumber!nd the wheat and co and alumnumontheother,all safe and sanemen,getting val governmentcontracts,with the farmers happyvithadoublepricefortheirwheatandallthedangerousSocialistseith-vw in the workhouse or travelinghither,democracy is safe,especially when such tireless traitors as LaFol- ette could be taken out and shot.”Waves.of resentment interrupted:he speaker at this point and in an-rer he invited those who did not wishohearhimtoleavethehall.Sev- ral did go, December 14 Patriotic Day. Friday,December 14.will be ded-‘eated to “Thrift,Conservation andnatriotism”in North Carolina.There is to be a patriotic celebra-ion in every school house in the|State,for which State Supt.Joyner 3 now arranging the programme.Not only to the children but to allhepeopleofthecommunitywillthe lessons of thrift,conservation and ‘atriotism be carried.It is through vhis day that a general dissemina- tion of what is being done in Stateandnationintheseinternational movements for thrift,conservation und production and patriotic service ‘3 heped for.The slogan will be “To; make,to save,to serve.” \ll patriotic oryvanizations will actively co-operate.The State and county units will join the food con- servation boards,councils of defence,the Red Cross,and with them theeducationalforces. What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS 1S AN WAPROVED CASCARA |A ive Liquid Laxative,CatharticandLiverTonic.Contains Cascara Bark,Blue Flag Root,Riubarb Root,Blackhoot,May Apple Root,Senna Leaves an—.Combines streneth with pata table aromatictaste."ocano g-ips MW.E.CHURCH S PASTOR PRAIS.ES IRON REMEDY! “iewaberst cies 80 Sw |POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square. WAS A LIVING SKELETON! Through Use of Acid tron MineralDaughterWasRestoredtoHealth,Says Rev.0.B.Newton. The following tribute to ai medi cine from Reverend Doctor 0.BNewton,Pastor M.EF.Church,speaks volumes for the medicinal value of vatural iron as it is now eoncentrat- l,tested,and bottled by the Ferro‘ine Chemical Corp.,under the nameofAcidtronMineral.He said:“My little girl suffered from ras-vitis,acute Bright's diseasé,and de-eloped symptoms of pellagra.For coveral months she was an invalid and reduced almost to a skeleton. No one who saw her thought she could possibly live.The best medi-al skill available was applied but with no results.She only grew vorse until physicians told us not to le surprised at her death at any ‘ime.Our attention was first cailed o a kidney and bladder pill and wevaveherpartofonefifty-cent bot-le,after which we gave her AcidronMineralregularly,She is nowvellandhasallherfacultieswelllevelopedagainandyouwouldnot‘uess she had ever had a sick day n her life by her appearance.We ‘ave recommended A-I-M to several‘vienda and do most heartily recom-nend it to any one suffering fromnytroublewhichitclaimstore-eve.”Respectfully,(signed)O.B.Newton,Pastor M.E.Church,South,Chatham,Va.Unlike many prepared remediesAcidIronMinerallaxative,but the recessity of keeping the liver andhowelsworkingnormallybeingsowparent,the Fe ine ChemicalCorp,puts up an A-I-M Liver Pill in46e,boxes,which are recomjaspartofthetreatmentwhen usingAcidIronMineral.These little pillsrethebestwecanrecommendandireveryinexpensive.:Acid tron Mineral is just avyconcentratedformof iron,non-alcoholiceconomical.Whole familiestakeit.It never injures theteeth,goes from two timesfarandismanyandefficient medicinal anakesa ee t Te y ? ta n s NEW EDISODDIAMONDAMBEROLA IN YOUR HOMEONFREETRIAL. It won’t cost you a penny.Enhaveyourfriendscomeintohear i.ed at hebtheythinkofit,listen to all the bestthattime,at our expense.When you haveheitsoundsinyourownhome,compare it with .yourfriends’talking machines.Note the difference ineveryway.This is an absolutely Free Trial Offer with No ogtiedtoit.Thereis no obligation assumed.Come intodayandtonighttheNewEdisonDiamondAmberolawillbeplacedinyourhomeforathreedays’trial,freeofcosttoyou. INSTRUMEMTS $30,$50 and $75. Crawford -Bunch Furniture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” THRONE NO,400. Does Your Watch Keep Right Time? }| | hottle.a bottle today, Ours Do. When troubled on the “time’question in any way come to us We have “thin,”light watches which are CORRECT TIME- KEEPERSWe carry the best watches low a price as possible.If your watch is not “acting right”bring it in. or repair it.We wiil fix it rignt if can be done. uy your boy a new watch. made and sell them for as Let us clean R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. ‘That King of Kandies,NUNNALLYS Has neither gone UP in price, nor DOWN in quality. It’s the same deliciously rich and nourishing chocolate covered nuts,creams and other temp- ting varieties at the same old prices,regardless of the largely increased cost of its manufacture. Fresh shipment just received. Make Our Store Your]Germantown Shet- Store.Do Your FallanWinterShopping|‘#4 Floss,Saxony, re. Full Line of Yarns Received by Express. BigStores now stockedfull of bright new Fall and WinterGoods. Goods that were not boughton to-day’s market,but were contractedformonthsago.Do your Fall andWintershoppingearly—and savemoney. SWEATERS. Fullline nowinfor Men,Women,Misses andChildren.Me ph colors,prices Varying$10.00.Call andearly get your All departmentsfilledwithnew FallMerchandise.Visit our store oftenwhetheryouwanttobuyornot,we arealways glad to showyou.TheStore That Sells For Less. atti PTION FE:21 .—RADrien AaOclAt er N.. 1 ba :‘com ‘at Greenville,rh of winter,with :>°8 ,in-|&.C.,spentSundaywith her parentsat Elm-creased living expenses,calls for ~|gaging Corinne and Bites who ave saving and storing away all thatwe] |at Queen's :spent possibly can.We are not Quixoticohhvisiting*Convention poemtoGe weenae Se ee *|Port c.>sO af al . Mra,A.Cooper went to Raleigh Gibur-but we are practicing some “~?a few days.Raleigh,representing|war time economies.Not “ae¢r.C.EB Kelser went to Tobnecoville,|the Biblical Recorder,also address-our town siste who claimed to haForsythcounty,yesterday to mpend @ week|od the Associati The of m MewEE,¢ve |with velatives.|thi eer tion,business tabooed serving refreshments when.-Mrs.TG.Bhelton leaves today to visit in|thin meeting was largely routine and|they entertain (but the eol-Kerr;heots finiahed ’n (bu society |bape,ek,Maen|“ge ShesaChast,wee oasat |Teoy adicnrned to mest.otBeer [senate Rees aen®sertey Waleae»&VY.ol har »‘r 'cea|es ie a oe aat oath Tueratagbe [sent we fa fe the,countryUnionRectha.aturdny for Cleveland to visie before return|>Prthe second ienday -y it not deny ourselves all we :2 ay me,DY é 5 ad : First ldnwed local;second,Amity;third,‘9,MR,os MON.Roberts of Buncombe|1918,October,ne —see =a Sa ts’Booths.egyGoll api few days with relatives|‘There are 30 churches in the Alex-|verely while cutting corn a few days Tore eer Gi,Mile;second,D.|Mr WC.Weatherman of Jennings tet,|ander Association and the attendance|seo,and is now going on cru ' »"peste Seoniteent.i'Thursday sight for Atlanta to enter «dental |Was very et.Three of the —Mr.R.E.Troutman is laid up with 8.©.RR.Ribbon»,first pen,first eoek,|arn .|8 are in ell county,one is larivm.R.BR.Cline,who was the guest of|:Malaria.|iltet,second enck,A.KMarrigon,Corel |Mre.HM.¥.Lang for few days,returned |Wilkes,one in Catawba and the re-|Mr.U.A.Ostwalt returned to Pe-as on,pet.See omen to hor tame tn Asheville.|maining 25 are in this county.tersburg,Va.,yesterday,after a few| Be ee icPhomion cccund pallet,Chas.|uM J.M.Mitehell returned Friday from)Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Connolly,Mrs.ba’Shed h h ;,,on ,pal |wiles cemite,these be spams 6 fer eee|at wecks’visit with his family.Mr.J. be ot B -fet anteent,test ond|,ee Ee Geen <T Mecmeat.Wests|igo eareek.Mire,T.O.Teseae|)yy Ostwalt went to Morganton last| iets,KE Brantley.lf Mitchell College spent the week-end with|“hd Lawyer L F.Klutz wentto Char-|week to visit his‘wife,who is an in-| “Gamptncs LT ath,GG epebapeh,ust |Misses inohel and Ola Metelland in Sharpes:|lotte Thursdsy to attend the district|mate there,and to his sorrow found| |rm 5 j -.coek,rst pullet,second pullet,L.A.Robin.|ater D.‘Kirby Rene,dr.&Chew meeting of the Eastern Star,returm-iher condition much worse.She is. —asS.pegwd L.A.Rob.|City,who spent the summer with his grand.|("&Friday.Miss Eliza Gaston violently insane.{ Galan:Goct pallet.cenond pulict,Sarry Ge-|mwenteotMount Hive,bs vetting Mus.B. |Moore,‘student at Mitchell College,|A rumor is being circulated that; Shepherd ee ven,fimt corkerel,|will wirive ina few diye to uecompany hitt|a ns with the late Mrs.D.1.Troutman’s degth €.Bh Parker:frst putter,second cockerel,|Mm.‘Home “isees Gecwrade Casper ain Eee ee ee J.C.’Kistler ;second pullet,third pullet,third|Mr.R,Mi.Siasione,who Saent saveet i,ee ——7.ude Cooper ily desire to have the report correect-Sedest Giortcs Lintor;coeond pons fi.|cites im,Mitre,anes setae Oe |Srone Scrapers of |Raters Ciena os it lo weeety Males.Sho died bal ~~~~pen,C.M.Deaton |“as *.a,bene in Mocksville.h Mire ”x "eed r us «yg Blanche of chronie laryngitis.oe 4 2 re.Bi Graham and two children,who)Th Se he.7.8 =Sear .Arora,ftcolar.J 8Ananda tenisTntie cruniy,returned dat-Linney,a tained nurseof New York.|For Soldiers’Recreation,In the new Fabrics,such 2s POMPOM,Burella, Beatty;second pen,&.M.Turner.|/ont i aL Maen .2,ime.w as heen visiting her sister,T :.|m Z a :>'MOL.y wnd son,Oscar,,::he Rockefeller Foundation has Silvertone Mixtures Seer 4 Plymouth Rock first pen,J.P.jog Friday for Columbia,3.Cc.Myr.Mauney Mrs,Ww.D.Deal,will go to Hidden-appropriated =an additional $150,-9Poiret Twills,Broad- ties frst pen,Silver Campines,L.|eurned home yesterdss and Mrs,Mauney and te today to visit her sister,Mrs.Jehan gor work at American apmy ean-°.:pen,Giver Campines 1 |sop went on to dackscnville,Flu.,to viett for W.Hendren,before returning to!y cloths andPoplins..Robinson;second pen,Rhode Island Reds,|pity,ye Mre as :tonments by the’Playground and ’ :e Epereteen :=——Pees Mr ced Burke has returned from a visit pedal :rage ——=Recreation “Association of America.ati *"1 to ' oo .."to Mecksville.doAs A 3 re,ae :L.A.son;first hen,Qurk Cornish Game,ss ;prs With the $50,000 which the Founda-The conservative tailored effects---you find ;rry second hen,White Plymouth|.'hinks she may be called to France|+...yppropriated in September,its °, F Rock,BMD inestay ret cockeret,inown ITEMS OF SOCIAL NEWS,by Thankseiving,Miss,Mavel went {total contribution to the |coming predominate,although many novelty models are on .£»&Le Paster;sscend cocheral.BI maa 7 |(ren and Miss Annie Tenant spent)voor.budget for this work is $200,-|a 1 eS 8 ee:—eh a Club Meetings,Wedding Invi-Sunday in Greensboro.Miss Nev |goq —a shown paths ELA Morrison ae tations,Ete.Gmithey and Miss Nell Burke spett|The Playground and Recreation °.i H settingof Silver Campine ewes offered ‘The Fort Dobbs chapter Daughters of the Sunday In jariotte,iss)Garre’seociati t opera .a :an oo bas —oe os Revolution oe a with ae nent Sunday at her home in Sar.|Aes een —Come andsee thesegarmeats while the assort-eae e prize ow lay Daav ice Or ”t re b of Un fo =2 “4 .ar to Harry Gebriel 6.*.‘Capt 1 M C.navies clots giternaaa at 3 ington.-a !Bu |sion on training campactivitiesand ment 18 large andvaried oi Rouse wartment.p'cloek Child Seriously rned—|ihe American Red Cross,will direct _Saal bent lantsaitcrising,“Mi,J.d.McNeely ‘The HG.club held its Inst meeting with Messrs,Hill and Summers.Itt.|'ts efforts to activities that concern NEW WAISTS today in Georgettes and Crepe best six beaten biscuit,Mrs.Geo.Hawn.Misses Mamic and Annie Alexander at their Correspondence of The Landmark.|the soldiers in the communities sur-y m a i best buttermilk biscuit,Mrs.J.T.MeNeely:home on west Front street.Progressive si ‘A a |rounding the various cantonments,®. best corn at,toe ene cake,bg inal dominoes was the game of the evening and Statesville,R-5,Ort.15 —|tust as the Y.M.C.A.is concerned de Chine,$3.50 to $6.50. cake,Mins A Freee;ar sweet pliekles,ins Le ves eore.No!ers .anne _ee $.-&..j We,kesanee ee be Gets a oe,caeee os ae oe a a.cage eybay tide ‘with the soldiers’interests within i supplies,Mrs.G.W.Cocke:best jar honey,were served after the game and the guest ae —h an i ru ‘lthe camps.The Foundation’s ap- D.M.ees earn Dixie relish and vere entetained with a eumber of victrola sec tion than ever serore.“4 |propriation will be used entirely inpickles.J.W.Wilson:best piece selections Miss Ne!l Patterson of Washing-Miss Mary Bell King of Charlotte th.country :Rema coriar,Wc re owes fnB"C,nd Ms dese Knox woe sues a visiting her parentey Me,and.Brg.|""'"SWNT.|“xghand-made «arment,Mrs,John M.Brown;‘H.8.King.Misses Annie ou ases.j i °: best collection of embroidery.Mrs.8.W.Ste-'Pr.and Mrs.W.R.Ware and their daugh-|Gaither,Sarah Lewis,Evelyn and ,4 o :a venson;best collection of crochet,Miss Magvie |tev,Mra.C.A.Kricchbaum ofLittleton,at-Neil White of Mitchell College spent|a bateve _Sustins °: Miller;best colleetion :atting,Mrs.A.M.tended a “housewarming”in Newton Friday +he week-end with home le |W.R.Sloan Saturday charged with|:‘' Tevnee:Gent omibvaidery,five.M,F.Nesbit;evening,the cension betng the epening of|on”on kad pepit,assaulting Ralph Kirkman with a}o best crochet.Miss Martha MeNeciy;best the handsome new Methodist personaxe in Misses Marie Russell and Edna “!ideadly weapon,a knife.He gave aysthe ostage on knitting,Mrs.E.C.featon:best tattine,|Newton,More than 200 greats attended the liamson accompanied them home.|;-na hi in Ire-|' Mrs.2!M.—Golntiant baby dross and |reception.The parsonage is occupied by the Mr.George Millsaps,who has been dell :tor —,-.|vat cap,\.nm nkin:fancy work,wirle |Newton Methodist pastor,Rev.W.L.Huteh-2”:‘—:uperior Cow &week.o}s aaa:j euiie.18 pepeefiret,Mary Meiteclp;cecend,|one,and Dr.and far "Waste were in the re.|WOTKING in Yadkin county,spent!&..ie Bennett,wife of Lee Bennett,r aad ' :e —led to Wiltte Set ie line with Mr.sad Mrs.Hutchens and En daysPico -—.Ww.ee also charged with assaulting it =prize was awarded to rine|others,*,Millsaps,before leaving for Camp/Sle :',; 4 cei ead oe ay tor aes October 13th is“the anniversary of the Inckson.Miss Catherine Lawrence|3 C es es ot a Le ae F ala SPOTCASH These a string beads.Entre Neus tleb and the etub hed a birthdsy Of Statesville apent the week-end Baa.snd paid a fine of $2.50 and the |tilizers for at q viet ae ae eee nmana {3 lebration at the home of Mrs,Pearam A.|with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.W.cain j : best oxhibit,An Breast Saturday evening Mar colds re .i >:4 , Robinson;club «iris under 20 years dent.|cose:”desavacan Mis Btyente Cae -jawrenee.—Henry |kee :has Ed.Osborne,colored,and Archie nd . Ellasteth Linker second.Rernice Willlford .'oeliow volte achome wax carried out in the cane to Rateigh to visit her sister.Couch,white,paid the costs in the club women over 20 years first,Mra.FO OR j hail and paclor with vellow marigeldy,and Miss Annie Eagle,a te attend the 2 rail ‘fi excecdi the au-“ a Mre.8,a Stevenson ;_the dining room was in pink with deeora-State Fair.Mr.W..Coffey spent cainehibe ae pl a BARRO pnt preserves and sweets first,iss tons of pink cosmos Covers were laid for ‘riday i Salisb i ue ’e :ayhd Virginia Wauch;second,Miss Marie Gabriel.fourteen and two courses ;<aieeuie:riday in Salisbury..i : Cattle.en iets ete anceg oe 1 Maine eo oe The 7-months-oh child of Mr.and |Mrp.Smith Receommends Chamberlain's Tab-14 per cent Acid Phosphate,$1.95.an Dairy cow first and seeond,Tom Merrow;and Mrs.Jonnon ef Charleston,who were Mrs.Carl Austin was severely burn-leta.16 per cent Acid Phosphate 2.00.x heifer firat,S.M.Goodman;bull first,V.C.visiting Mrs.A.I’)Steele recwuciis of th *:Boh “}have had more or tess stomach trouble ‘2 ’t Edmiston;second,B.S.dempleton;beef bull elt.enews the od ‘Thursday morning when Mrs.ca.gight.or ten years,”writes Mrs.G.H.10-2-0 Acid and Ammonia,2.90 first,Siles Melauchlin;best heifer first,Austin left Jit oen a quilt in front of |smith,Brewerton,N.Y.“When suffering G °vaean Barium Orphans:.The :euler meeting of the Mothers tas Ae a big 2 =went -gather in |{rete aptechs of indigestion wadhuseinee,s8-10-2 —and +2.90. :.was het vereday afternon:in itehel!Col-‘cgetables fer dinner.n some way |‘»one oO wo @ tb-F .“ akee ocr ees pee BG 1.Dark ge ee,Be eee Hace io Y ite have always relieved me.T have alse 8-2-2 Complete Fertilizer 00 ——=im ee Coe es shes baat Os eae en salt.ree _oe a)-oa —e -hg near found oe baxative,”These ab Pp 0 4 le year first,No.5:second.Mo Sample;bext |did paver on “Strengthening the i Pawns e fire and when Mrs.Austin came icts tone up the stomach and enable it to 9 aolie 0.’’’$ ryt gd —first.ab 6:second Ne wnro hy Mi Vow Dh 1 hen n A asm:2 the child’s feet were badly burn-a 5 a an ag ht Swift 3,Royster 8,V.C.Cc.Co’sor Union 4 i ©);best sow and piss —first,i per,“The Part Sugwestion Plays Melf-Con-|v t Breen ‘.‘19 -,;rr she al,ur Chaag o Thou wan he ;.::ve ;well,§; er Colts.Mire broek Nie :pha "tp)oo Mra.Sam.Dobson is with her fa-|==won one May oe —_——_Guano Co 8,take your choice. dest.mare and colt,J.G.Morrison:one|reed p paper on "The banishment9 a T,LF ill,at Cie.Mr.Hill ~rARKE .paraded ail cn Sd eB Ra ot ine is in acrlnalyMh =MARKET REPORTS.ae CC,Kinthr over one yenr aod under three tien.L.Sronce ve a rend “lt Mrs.C.EL :s “Ts ives Market. first,ROD.Lipe;aeeiea c G.Heo:er i colt,Beherd aca Lasghl ners de echt in M .:Mr.P.M.Summe rE :who live The a ae id yesterday A } draft,under one year first,J.G)Morrison Lon fed in a round table discussion,which newr Charles postoflice,1s critically "or alas cn the.‘aces ete;°e second,BOP Kistler:eolt,draft,over one wre one of the best fentures of the clu il of paralysis.His brother,Mr.T.pring Ebtehont:26c)ver ee ‘ Ca ach eh ce ee Those on the prowramme for October 2hth are,Summers,spent Friday with him.Hens,tae.per tb.’ eeee Ee Feces SI,GA |fet any King of Trewmen)See Sm . colt ever one yenr first,J 6 Williams Hieh School spent the week-end reo ae .ete ~ —.be a o 2 ——ms and este e.P Psp peded issued in vith her father,Dr.J.E.King.Beeswax HOc.per Ib ule over ee years iret,a amison;‘vitations for ©marriace of their daurbte:eta:Boe on a }1 ws.Se.©4 a » second,C.A.Hudapeth Mery,and ~Sober Ernest Tatuom ,The State May Qualify For Regis-poo ~to 32e eke =ele ceremony will tnke phiee at the Elhott home 4 4 phe.40 , Notices of New Advertisements (Vineville Road,Chastain aa.Wee ventas tration Area.oleate sn ce pr Clothes that spell “Thoroughbred.”Sher.fe Gas aul le a Mitchell and New Red Honey,strained,12 1-2e.per Ib.;: Pe _a »y oy county and formerly lived in States Harvey Dickens of the Federal Cen-New Red Hones —SY a —-D.‘—one ees perar Faculty Recital at College.the State Board of Heaith inspect-ol —Casee ok ° verage week,884.28.and 4 climb.e ee 2 :;:@ “ ‘ing,MeBlwee's Planters Warehouse,'cate oa by ~_*of 7 pte -bell ee Irish Potatoes (weg)6 25 per bushel. Coat suits.conta and dresmes just arrived.‘ollege was held in Shear-)<!$with a Ww .ng : Mie BaryBi en tops ana ot,Hall lust evening.The pro-North Carolina to the birth regis-|;,tu_gievlespele ses mat settenme Modern ecnveniences.Baths and hot and ee eeae ones©n.boys and namme follows:ration area of the United States.It)Wheat,$2.20 per bushet.\eold running water in every room House F Hf the “time question troubles you,came '-Rondo Op.51,No.1 Beethoven.is believed that the vital staisties de Corn,$1.50 per bushel °"4 to a enry eal ‘st acaily ‘ame wo a -Fiver presrgyred the per Geen (now »Sass =het:renovated.’ wit underwear and hosiery for everybody.=ears &sal,centage o yirths a e overn-.ss hn Cott -ket ::::. Tt wutterties,nn AME a.Corbett,ROME requires for admiscien,and |On the local market yesterday 28 cents ce atl sth well stop with us.Warm Se Tek Oe Miss Gillespie.hat North Carolina’s birth statistics "¢f,pound was paid for best erade .serv’assured Roneatyc.the Kingof “kandies.””Poth Polomnise,A flat Major Chopin.will be accepted as in already her!Qaitee te Seed.12 t-te.per Ib.——©;te ee ' Gray Dros Co.Mr.Bondian.vcaten atubiation,by the Federal Con-|<cmieee totem Meals at reasonable rates.Special rates d ‘wv.pay cash for qreen Hides,tallow,drivd 5 a Apparitions -Lula Jones Downing cata 8 isticn,by .ern we a ae saan --———s jak te dea alehigay analy “ie (Robert Browning)us Bureau.STRAYED—White mate pig.Return to by week or month.French chef is head a duce Co.z b 1 Send My Heart Up to Thee While 26 States keep full and A,LOWERY.Phone 248 Red k ~ —stash =wownneten for sale or trade.(feces swan Branscombe..cjentific records of deaths,North Oct.16 1t°ee ee COOK.: boner can eon sy heifer by paying ,Miss Gtilespie.|Carolina being one of the number,WANTED—Agent for Statesville and vicinity.|.ms charges,Lowan Sherrill.6.Vencesia e —.Bee .Linet —12 ae the Union —Good orheggan eel Ae Seay repens = Houre and lot for sale.E,care The Land-:E vr.ete.virth records that are acceptable to Setessary.Free Schoolof Instructions.i ~ mark.-oe Selections Noves,Brooke,Seevrer.he Census Bureau,If North Caro-dress MASSACHL SETTS BONDING &IN.|%‘ Sewins machine needles.Williams Furni-Miss Anderson,::SURANCE COMPANY,Accident and Health vr s.»Nocturne Op,37 No.3 Chopin ‘ina is the next State admitted,she!Department,‘Saginaw.Mich.Capital $1,- 7.Rome.b Capriceiett M li be the lucky thirteenth 50,000.Oct.16 It ——_$—_——ssc ve howses for sale en good terms.€apricewtte .Mor rkowshi vi e lue i nth,500,000,6 :sin —i imi - ,Miss Morr ;:::~sien MantesAdem,.hot i.a Ax Gk oe ris An accurate birth certificate,=FOR RENT—Three nice rooms on Davie ave-,~ Agent wanted for Statesville and vicinity b Vv &poten Woodman ie bit es ially,hon .——-|ate,Phone 505 Oct.16 14%,}¢ Kates Wan.endian &tuonranes Co.»Violets .Huntington Woodman.|locument.e Ord an At Bo.mseAnse.|F oO R Ss A L E Be ii4AceidentandHealthDepartment,Saginaw.Miss Gillespie.Health was called on more than |?@R8@ COCONUTS AT D.J.KIMBALL'S.°oe Mieh.Seaeee |=:;Get.14..ore inble white person wanted for hothehold |Miss Ostwalt and Mr.Parks|Soa or the drafting period te)ee a 119 acres of level,productive Red Land Farm,‘fronting on work.Address with references,G.,care |‘Please tell me how old I am,”but LOST—Repert rifleman's pin.Return to The i i The Landmark.-._Wed.unfortunately for the enquirems,;LANDMARK,Get.16 it publicsand-clay road,seven miles from Statesville.Nice two-- Pig lost,ROA.Lowery,“phone 248,Red ———-.*—a hey oS oe arts <—‘rom BALE.or tends,nice stork of iroceries.,7-room dwelling,located in a beautifulgrove;bara,out-i ;—-May Ostwalt were quiett ted Wedn I *——mie ~~”ae ie ‘i *on ‘.weeetLostCrop»of pean Per £y’scale we ‘Nasurnes |Wane |-eported.Ot 161 oo with a variety of _30 acres in a Parker in Statesville,Dr.Parker officiatiny.|(}ment -SPRAY HEIFER came to my house few days meadowland acres imcultivation halance woodland.Near Corranpondence of The Landmark The bride ie »daughterof Mr.and Mrs.F.k |Govern Wants Stenogrph-ck «“Deasr may hove some by pastne ., York Institute,Oct.18.We are having youns women saat hin tee o aeen |ers and Typewriters.charges.LOGAN SHERRILL |school aud church. «e *.r ,come cool mornings tow.Mr.tM.Bevis Parks ts a son of Mr.and Mrs.W.8 Park:||Now thet Uste Gam hes te)a 260acres near school and church,3 miles of State High oF pole ®of Barium Springs.Mr.and Mrs.Parke witi|‘oung men of the country in ffain-|p SALE-—House and lot on Dovie avenue. a,,live at Ontwait.ng for military service,he finds are The landmar!Oct.162°.School.Smalldwelling,good barn and 75 acresaaneaeaaayewrietoe.WELPWANTED—Areliable unmarcied white cultivation,30 acres in bottom land,150 acres och,op. -|pernen to do household work and aewvist in| of vriters,beth men women,a.af children.Good bome.Address with larand timber.Halfmileofpublicsand-clay he rtments at ashington.The —-G.,care The Landmark miles from Civil Berviee Commission noti-,oe;:s ee ‘‘* ied all of its 3,000 boards of exam-|cewing MACHINE needles to @t ony mae)ERN LST (i.GAITHER., LLIAMS FURN o ‘a|a es Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate ile @X-|Five SALE—Good Phone 23.FoR AL jnowheldweek!in|Five.in South Statesville,onsteeah |po gee and interest exch year antil,;made to .€.MONROR ADAMS,Ort.16.|seamen any ac.for your wheat.0.J,KIM-Lig tomar nowast=i mere ee account of Fe ee ed Dlaee La Vie a "Fi TWic none ~«wae, Dae [_OOSEN your purse strings,sons and daugh- ters of Columbia.and take the bonds of the Second Liberty Loan.Buy them till the pinch of buying brings to your heart the glow of a good investment made,a good deed done. i| Buy U.S.Government Liberty Bonds.If you \’ |have one,buy another,and sell two more bonds to two other :good Americans.| |The Bonds are your answer,our answer,the one answer we as an undivided people,loyal to the cause of human rights can make to the World War. 4 The eyes and ears of the world are strained for our answer. The eyes and ears of our enemy,more eagerly than the eyes 7 and ears of our allies. .Strike the answer home thatthere may be no doubt of the answer. Our young manhood answers as our boys go tothe firing line; i our farmers answer in food for our fighting men;our manu- facturers answer in shoes and uniforms,gas masks,big guns, |little guns,powder,shot and shell;our ship-yards in food ships |and fighting ships.But they speak the answersofindividuals.|The Liberty Loan speaks for our whole people.Let.our answer tell friend and foe,that we know we are fighting for |human rights,and stand behind our demand. i $9|“The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy {4)Put every dollar you can spare into a Liberty You men and women with a few dollars to in- -f|Bond.Never before could your dollar buy so vest can put them to fighting for your homes at °ff much.It buys safety for your country,the same time they bring you an income.-f]your homes and your chiidren,now and for Y a Bond &d "il years to come.It buys life and liberty without ou may buy Liberty onds as small as $50 an takinga cent away from you.It fights for us,pay for them by installments. —eeprivilege of fighting.aap Other lands of Democracy are making theiradutywhichhasthecombinedrewardsofaSseisf]good deed and a good investment fight and IS =ante 7 For the Second Liberty Loan is the best invest-The hour of America’s opportunity and privilege ment in the world today.A Liberty Bond is strikes.Lend your utmost to your government.money which pays youa 4 per cent income,and Buy her bonds.Buy,and in buying strike our /f]is only semi-taxable.Always safe as gold,ih that the ‘orld wk b d if]always worth its face value,every Liberty Bond.aha repeal ecu dette:I}with the end of the war,is sure to be held at a a doubt that America’s War Answer,“Makes the oi],premium.World Safe for Democracy.”: if]Go to Either of the Following Local Banks for a Liberty Bond. ir FIRST NATIONAL BANK. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. |MERCHANTS&FARMERS’BANK. :PEOPLE’S LOAN &SAVINGS BANK. ' " — — sr s * Let us place one in your home and save you money on your fuel bil!by heating your whole house with a Favorite Base Purner.You only have to renone fire to have a warm comfortable home. Come in early and get your pick while we have tic at the old price. WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE.THE fAVORITE STORE. a a tS amen eeaepee DRESSES. We have just received a biy line of Coatsin all the new shades,ranging in price from $15.00 vo $35.00. Coat Suits from $12.59 to £45.00, Also a nice line of Satin and Serge Dresses, Our line of Shirt Waists are always complete. See us before buying. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store.NN ——r Grain Drills@ fronts ranging up ty 2 thousand yards, s ae ae -‘ie ma wTAWDMAR “TT Pid A P tion says the f losses during the landing on Island,the+Petregrad war office sgys COATSUITS,COATS and «ch gah ,se pn ; 23 8 e5 F fo e 3 r ¥ et e f il i ir :$2 i ‘ Fae aH H l i slana.the Russians have -|aviation bascs and other militaryestablishments,the garrison engagedtheinvaders.At last accounts the Gerthans wereressingbacktheRussians f :aections of the island were in German(hands and the invaders were only 2|short disionee from Arensburg,on‘southern shore,which was in flames. Cerel,which lies on the Zvorb °sula,the southermost ex oftheisland,also was on fire.WhethertheconflagrationswerecausedbytheGermangunsorwhethertheywerestartedbytheRussiansisnotknown.Although the German communica-Germans seaffered no that in attempting to cover the lapnd- ing cf the enemy ov Dago Island,toethenerthofOesel,four German tor-pedo boats are reported to have been =and one cruiser ran aground. ‘The small detachment which landedDavoIslandwasforcedlaterby Russians to return to the ships,while the Russian fleet,which at last ae-ounts bad suffered no material dam- age,was hindering the German war creft in the waters between Dago and Oesel Islands.As yet nothing has come through to show that the enemy has aitempted to attack the mainiand of wester:Esthonia,norhastherebeenanyindicationthatthe Russian front in this region has been moved, Pelrograd alludes te the German movement as a stubbern effort to cleariheentranceoftheGulfofRiganear the Courland mainland,Whether it.8 much more than this,possibly the forerunner of an ambitious push for Petrograd along the railway line up the Gulf of Finland coast,can hardly ve determined hy the moves more conservative view secms to be that the Germar effort is aimed ag gaining complete control of the Gulf of Riga,so as to realize to the full the advantage yained last month ly ihe capture of the city of Riga. For the first time since he started! his series of attacks against the Ger man positions in Flanders,Field Marshel Haig had to cease an opera-tion befere all objectives were attain- ed.It was net the German gunshowever,that stopped the British. It was a more than usually heavy rainfall which started during the bat‘le and turned the already swampyregionoverwhichthemenweresup- posed to pass into a veritable quag mire from which they could not un-|track themselves for a forward move.The drive,as has been customary inHaig’s strategy,was started in theearlyhoursofFridaymorningand at severa!points the British troop: succeeded in gaining ground ove: but the rain intervened and the fight- ing ceased.During the forward mov:ment over the six-mile front,the Pritish captured in the aggrevateabout600prisoners. Death Sentence For Neville. in iL i i h al s AgF vi },vegro gu {EVANS and the + al >tte32 7 E ia l :ee t oFit it : Ordway,in “WineFriday ni:ter the killing of any oy en a carpenter,va errywent§a resulting strike ofabout700workmen.ie atees tol | Cooper was shot w!going intothecamponhiswaytowork.Ward,who was arrested by the military,said the carpenter was not using theroperentranceandfailedtovhiscommandto“halt.”ofthedeadmansaidhewasslightlydeafandprobablydidnothearthe sentry.'Ward is held for trial by courtmartial,the military having refusedarequestoftheDistrictcivilauthor-ities that he be turned over to them.After the shooting several hundred|carpenters and other employes at thecamprefusedtogotoworkuntiltheardwaswithdrawnandtheentireforeewasidleallday.CampOrdwayisnotstrictlyamilitary‘amp,being designed for the train-ing of mechanics for the auto trans-oct service of the quartermaster department. Croup. If your children are subject to crown set # bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,snd when the attrck comes on be enreful to followtheplainprinteddirections,You will besurprisedatthequickFellefwhichitaffords PLAIN QUESTIONSTOSTATES-ILLE PEOPLE.a Every Statesville Reader Will Ad-mit the Soundness of the Logic. Would Statesville people recom- n-end Doan’s Kidney Pills as they do if the medicine were not relia- ble? Woatd they confirm —their siatemenis after years have elapsed if their experiences did not show the remedy to be deserving of it?State- ments like ‘he following must carry , conviction to the mind of every read-. er: Mrs.Reavis,212 Statesville,says:“I pain seross the emali of my wack and kidneys.TI couldn't sleep weil and in the morning,I felt al!tired out.My kidnoys didn’t act riehi and To was nervous end dizzy."Deaa’s Kiduev Pills,procured fiom Hall’s Prag Store,made me well.” AFTER MORE THAN FIVE YEARS HAD PASSED,Mrs.Reavisadded:‘1 back up every word of my former ‘endorsement.henever mykidneyscausemeanytrouble,a fewdovesoflioan's Kidney Pills give me relief.” Price 6¢.,at all avriers’.Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy--get Dean's Kidney Pills—the same tha. Mrs.Reavis has twice publicly ‘ree- ommended.Foster -Milburn Co.,; Props.,Buffalo,N.¥ Barium Springs Water. Will relieve when drugs fail—Stomech,Kidney and BladderTrouble,Rheumatism,Eczema andotherSkindiseases.‘Phone W.A Seventh St., suffered from DRUG CO. 2 te e . hi r e s i §x SSSR 20s RN Automobile Users! We now have with us Mr.E.G.Davis,who is a compe-~ tent and experienced Automobile mechanic.Mr.Davis had thirteen years’experience in general repair work.— HE CAN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on Packard and Pierce-Arrow Cars.* If you have any trouble with your motor or electric sys- tem,Mr.Davis wil!be glad to examine it free of charge. Call at cur Garage end let us look over your battery, without cost to you.Will also gladly supply distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix.No- thing but firsi-class work,and at very reasonable prices. Always glad to see Automobilists. W.R.Mills Motor Co. POLK GRAY Earl Neville,the negro charged oewithrobbingandcriminallyassault-ing Mrs.Celie,wife of a street car|!,conductor,in Raleigh a few weeks|ago,who was saved from a mob by ||Gov.Bickett,was convicted in Wake |, nonSuperiorCourtFriday.He was HAND PAINTED CHINA “The World’s Best”PICKARD’S,STOUFFER'S,NIPPON. It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to look Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your sentenced to die November 30. oo negro was ably oe 7 | ihree prominent members of the e ae ,Raleigh bar,assigned by the court to TheBrady Printing (0. that disagreeable duty.There was |considerable evidence in support of Has a Full stock of : THE REXALL STORE.; Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS, Are simple in construction,strong and durable, and do their work perfectly.We have them in both Hoe and Disc.Our price is reasonable,and terms liberal. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. es =—: Arethe kind you ought to | other negroes testified as to his |whereabouts the night it was com-,; | !m4Thetrialoccupiedmorethantwo at.days and the newspaper reports say G i i Sel |They eyes were getting big fees.The solicitorreferredtothisfactinhisaddress Neville was not given a fair trial.After Neville’s conviction he was criminally assaulted Miss Wilkie,|‘~ Howard’s companion,in Raleigh one || —_OVA-— 9q@ ‘rokind you ought olf HALL'S DRUG STORE, cover \.80,Nalis,bape d:PRESCRIPTIONIST.: an alibi,the negro,testifying in hisownbehalf,denied the crime and mitted.Mrs,Celie emphatically ||:dentified Neville as her assailant.all books used in the three lawyers worked as hard ontheirdisagreeabletaskasifthey are sold for CASH. to the jury and said it gave him!pleasure.He didn’t want it said that)---— identified as the negro who had| knocked down O.W.Howard and a night last July.Howard and Miss |a —-’Wilkie,both attendants at the State |,‘Hospital in Raleigh,were en route |.HAVE VY ty ft 10c.and 25.per cake. —~-AT nshinge a ac Eat‘ih |2.=4 a6ShingleKingofbre-}oi County. *‘ Sl TR ati A 0 lly ©a Be esae oem:Ae foe acy Picnon olthee poseleft J.K.MORRISON GROCERY THE LANDMARK [ITUESDAY,--October 16,1917 cRS OF NEWS. Seven persons,one man,two w men and four children,were instantly Inie Sunday when the a tomobile they eecupied wa t ' by a Michigan Central passenge train near Warren village,0 1 einity of Detroit,Mic! Arrangements are compiete earing for 12,000 veterans exp toe attend the national memorial \¢ wnien of the Blue and Gray at th pine 2 '‘ ’¥,i ‘at ¢ tial es * to startaB &PRODUCE CO NEWS OF MOORESVILLE. Death of a Child —Night Schoolk—Sunday School Ral- ly Day —Missionary Talks About China. se 1)Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Oet.15 Donald, onths-old m oo Mr.and W.C.Munday,who live near tt corne,died Saturday of pneu the eral services were iueted Sunday afternoon at Be- {tist church by Rev W E Holcombe beingWest,Rev.W.E f town, Prohibits Wine For Sacrament Contending that Oklahoma laws,under which shipments of saeramen-ial wine have bewn seized,are in vio- lavion of the treaty with Franee,bywhichthe“Louisiana territory”was vded to the United States,suit hasbeeninstitutedinOklahomaCitybyMatherUrbandeHasque,chantelor, of the Roman Catholic diecese of Ok-shoma,to test the constitutionality of the Stae “bone dry”law so far aswhshipmentsareconcerned, The Siate Attarney General,in a emt ruling,held that the Oklahoe-ma prohibition law prohibited —the importation of wine even if it was NIE CROWELL SUCCESSORS SLOAN CLOTHING CO.The Men’s Boy’sand Sie etal ened een eeea eteea ee ee Men’s Trading —SND We carry a complete line of the following articles in all SIZESandPRICES.ational Htarv park at Vieksbur Mir.Vernon Ballard was painfully ended for use for saramental pur- Mi._ Octol or 16-19,Arrangement Saturday by a falling a sce,In the petition filed :*con-Boy’s Suits,Sizes 10 to 18.......Little Men’s Suits,Sizes 3 to 9.ao have been made to care fer 20 h Main street.Mr.Ballard el that the treaty with Franee ne vas m —_sting in disying up the tree ussurance that the Catholies Good Materials.Pa erGood Prices.Union Suits,...........Two piece Suits................Shirts.Children’s Macinaws Hats and to match,Sizes 5 to 9. Eighty per cent.m id climbed-up to fasten @ rope uld be protected “in the enjoyment J was in stock on Oct:r 1 th 1 ich when the tree fell h lioerty,property and the re-:he aépans “oh es 1 =severe n that weofess.”Vear agro,accomling to “ny rises,he sstnined A meves My Ray BEV Lene:iFerencoringsovieteahestnanvereHatsin all sizes,shapes andcolors.renu of mark ib ;ed to ¢the wound,os Kunsas Doesn't Want Negroes.mutton in storage h mm i y attended 'yv yr.Ake ;awninat the :nit rae etest ngn he sending of \t ts H ts 50ofuhpsc.as a ad ,=eer is oats bince the Hud negroes of the draft army te ’e son a ’to 00.i ey ey hut frozen r,the am to the town sprinkler Ur»Funston and the transfer |ofnickledporkan¢ard,it rozen vr,Ine Wa 7 mee 1200 white soldiers of the Na-pork increased 1.2)per cent,fently decided that Saturday af- Evidence to preve a onation-wide terneon was time to “start some plan ef milk producers to raise the "Accordingly it started the price of that commodity h:heen vier at such a rapid rate that “ented to Federal authoritic at whole outtit was upset huding x i———are oe ‘4 \tv,Kans,in a telegram to Seere- All Colors. Bonar Hats,$3.00. Vienal army now in the cantonment o other camps in the United States.as made by Mayor Thompson and other cits officials of Junetion > Chieawo ly the Att ev G ral of colored driver,No di /;:r a Hiinois Ramit athe of 1]tatlegy ’Ret R 'yV Quartette,hich :A pene ‘Phe =(ommer- conspiracy,it:laim fend ais th first of a series ot entertain of lanhattan,Kens.,has:°,th |m milar protest.E the raising of a "‘te vents by the Re jpath Lyceum,to aa -} Place a man friend!y the Dairy-Tween Rere under a auspices of HROCOS!WHS Cat sed \orders (‘a s ie to ?00 men’International |.‘\nveer Fire Department we lat the ¢mp from the War K ps,e e e Hoover committee {el to tx oa joat the audi m Th lay |aR MENT U LIMITE TEN)the trans-|;j just price for mil go and was greeted by a large «"Ye 1400 white soldiers ”; take ;fee :.*the negroes.The te anéATAmeee8raeamwieCh‘tn !roe .;w j M :S ;a 1 1 !t}Junetion City ‘ie Bhat Hoh ce ee ee a wre th n City )pojwe —/—Men’s Sweaters,$1.50to $1SundaySs‘©populatic a ’ee :Communion services will be held ily delighted hy several Seottiah Killed the Wrong Man.Mens’Union Suits.................Men's two Underwear.i t e .t Pred emian churena ,'ae a Hii.ah s $Burda morning at TY wile Bree hom gee es Mes"an for Georee Frank Wilmette or Dace ck a ies.Men's Cee eee. Maratory services on Weeds lay,say of the :tive Tfiehla i t ame hue.walked into a tobacco fae-ar Overcoats,all Shades and Styles.Men 5 Canes and SwaggerThuraiay,and i riday rights,Vo cht sehwol,condactsd iy!Mr ors at Rinston,theaght he saw the |—Men’s Shirts,Collars and Ties.Men’s Suit Cases andeattayEAsigh:oR Lentz,we in att ixie oman he wante and |do away.:_atheFirstPresbyterianSur\vo}-ae th aeAAL the :Vcled §Poaree,colored,|.ags..<2BendyOTetaleDareorecmphaes,and is going forward cue a embied |George rhe store that sells SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES.Come in and get our prices,don Nnteresuing mre ‘.‘’put enrolled a MG Bs oes ne varie S }>ft 5 4s ‘:gramme was carried cut.There °°Se vas beast ee eee ee will then buy.Everything for Daddy and the Boys,were recitations by faster Alan a ae eran ee a a -Wve s oopge as ie had aeKeoxandlittleMixaNancyPlincon,(7!1y and is meeting aetna eee ot ee nathine teas vomtng and’motandfive-minute talks on "Refo ent of the mill and others i Ye . mation”and “Trinsform:on "Ate te Ye Pe “i mh h em mh :t lat William Wiiliams spectfully,by Mears,CoM y it told him that George Frank had e eandR.H.Ricker Dr.R 1 naind So aprreed d which has ce !veatedly The son.be- n short address on the object o hccuihe voulis ‘n rerieusly anes tagon andSunday—there were ap]‘e :“Ae ns =3 who e ation!George |Frank.with theriatesongsand=réespor read 1 eer thorta,fur the mast cui nts Seinmg.The Sunday school has be eythane moe,having di sic AAC ® carrying on a campaign for new rie!Sunday for part inkiow Stokes Farmers Visit Usmembersforthepastfewweemereworelew::wa ::.‘a?spombarefor the |peat fexe weckt cua the movrners were fe.tno vary Repay For Men Women and Children. tions,the Reds and the Bi aie at rendered an wuterexting Ralls ore uh Vonaie Ace WOEthsideswagedalivelyMepis"<<mae \eS f }}st.}.makes ,‘::ee tT ts ais cas ae “bisa ramine |Sunday morniny Goat sisited several da Not withstanding the scarcity of Merchandise in these two important wy aoe Me EE ey eta the usual hour,the school formed isi ace aL Waue ana Tes lines,Early contracts have enabled usto offer unusually strong lines for,Hues.e Keds faine r :j ::Sen £vw Ev’alt sli;ae ee noe Y :”eeeGecaorsapdalechadthelareandmarchedintethechurchrialeantandprofitabletrearlyallsellingonthebasisoflastSpring’s prices. +_»28 now memiys:«ene sae ‘¢Dp eon member o Yes a"oe ,*=..._—eee ea The entice,Sthoul Hrigad \Scripture ye surchased four head of pure CAL\CRT MILLS”Knit Underwear,for Men,Women and Children,isSemwhichwaafur.Sunday school Seve amd yong sevice the achool lersex cattle,Mr 8.He Steel dependable in quality,price and durability. extension,amounted ’”:7 {e t NG .oe \:i Ae zi }.hat }''Me ’ii esult of the trip.Me ‘>“‘>-ew ey “:Ge Foc Somantlecal Charge,(re tar ses fein ig 2)coe Be 3 veoHe HOSEERY FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. teucher of he «s slinke :cher of Rock il Qf !Sin aw ee »ee Ee eee ee cere iy class.hin subject,being:“Martin Lue 41)et pat i The following Standard Brands should appeal to those desiriny a firstcaresatefyVerroeWorke’i.;a s Reena oes ‘:*whe ce 2 =e ie ..North Carolina and this condition wt”Another interesting |feature gy og ;class stocking at a reasonable price.wa a wereres es Ot ao ae he Gale pall ee aria i “PHOENIN”Silk Hosiery for Women.arters ii fashinirton,aecording ::.‘}reece at ©OOre ‘.a ”~tnt eas ?°’a poten nt "mat by Mr Ja eo Be et et to accept werk in F!‘Linenwe ar In Silk Lisle and Cotton for Women.A.Pou,in an address iy Greer lr ee i,ee “Tron Clad”the great Western for Boys and Girls.*day afiernoon.Mr.Fou ar he :\j Wie aw doh on,ne ‘,Av :i ;;2 fe gecoreySeontoeapa1sSandityNeeavedielbible:Arundel”a veneral line for Men,Women and Children. activity of German age n th :ee He a sa yi \!ral years.—ee .country,and the vicious Aaeet cat ca cae oe Yours very truly,F attacks.He said aro ne t :aa ;ee oe ;.':niting oe nPRRAEwLorhea |3M ILLS &POSTON.&suspicion when investi '‘CInity wel eae —Ft = de,a dia detective w ’'t "*ar ,r?1 Pridav from W <a h e SS West,reached Los Angel and fn re 'A 'wl with coller e ;ee tiger taemennqnetnemanmaiseainynges antennal reece tempted to leave the eountry,but i ‘Cae eran lett today fi \ now under surveillance.the I"ne :ae ‘»C.,where she wil °1 7 pnse tions velation was made ly .::!Mr larence Brov §¢,andsennotonalevelationiesmaeneaieisatRailroadFareRefundedBothWaysonallPurchasesof$25.00 and over. the source of his information.¢}u wt Temoleton will r News enys it)caused a Lt ‘,::week frem of ’ comment in Greensboro {:heen visiting SALISBU RY,9 SALISBURY, <:ee ,dave,Uncle Milas Crawford Dead.m Comp Se 'tie we u Oy Mille entert . ek ee v 1 se !“oiday pe oon:N.C.N.C. years at ident of Bethar 'gu ee ::’S.Main street.in he |°e ‘Bpring townships,died bet Toeisiny has returnci te her heme ai Tat,oy Wilson,whose ene iee-|The Fashion Center of This Section. se ee |u ea Alwaysa touch of distinction. sona.and ere !‘i !vene “hail ton wa )Bethany ¢colored)church a on Bridge club ° ten onths ago to ire :were erved after Se ke childre::|,:Ea 1,;“Marv J oe 4 ©‘(ryainelas po ':€wer neciab wuce“mA tha number of her fr :VERNIE GOODMA’‘i,ha wie well 7 SeTNhgSERRINDNYns Is Here For Your Choosing.about 14 months ayo TI piel id le:,\|Lf OMING OUT!dren all live in Pen \eg :6 ...°.°beings employed iy the Tir 1 fungregution of Si,damex Ip:Sac Yous fale!Mabe Me Thirk We invite you Miss Statesyille to buy your Fall outfit early for you not allway Co val church as wosistant t ere “Ware,Glossy ‘and ==Beautiful at onl have i i wea new ingsIREDELLNURSESINNEWYORKoor,Rev.Eo AL Osborn Loa vs Onee!7 the sure of being first to .the things,but aaeWhMocinckofChamhereSaturlas,She ows ae peas yom will,after an applica season's wear for your clothes.Therefore again we say be sureeeeefoeMTODGrakemand"00 Dandetine,wiedor falling visit our store at your earliest possible convenience.For we are sure 7 ae r ume ;'.:‘‘y ro ra ‘.a here you will view thelargestselection of fe a nurse from th ‘Wa who +os veeks’ise,her '™“ a igi >\‘::2 :‘new hair,fine and worn at f SUITS,COA 1 S,DRESSES,BLOUSES,urdock |now e¢rod ain er pre ',or is Vyaet eally rew hair grow. paeion New \\Co Vv WwW Ss .er 2 fro of the Sco mt t !tHe 'm 4 pe Torderice immediate!In this section of North Carolina. -7 {.‘':a a alnte the beauty of your hair No Be ari Wt gerach t ey Terence how:dull,faded,br tt )AAAA AMERICAN STEAMER SUNK ee,eee reek ener cloth SUITS COATS Lia!News of the is \:7 ;rine and carefully draw ::'e ;'‘ce anes through vour hair,taking oneeeecheneeafReeinkscafePattereon|Mall stvand at a gimes The effect Unusual styles,In many clever styles,|Ofunusual distinction, Franee was re eal x Not or .::re a tha !e ‘_AMAZING vor ral . p th vi :N light,fluffy and wavy,and ow-,oe mgrJ a r ms had t ",!ti M 'Ww rad un ianea of Pte velane s l 5 é »and up.|2.50 and up.89.98andup. a st :ao pe ae eee ‘i :.e Wiliams left last incomparable lustre,«oftness ar!nine menwas missing J the Babi A heaanithe g nance,te beauty and shimmer It Be sure and visit ourstore before buying elsewhere.R.R.Fare refunded Moor 1 ,;:ZentteeStateGetnv25-cent bottle of Knowlton’(sWheneverYouNeedaGeneralTonic|,ne ie i aie deton tea Decteens |...it relatives at Freemont be-(sitet eounter,and prove that your) is valuable aa a }ee el Moore cig .,hair is ae pretty and soft as any ~!ai a i irrenda and reimtives ere 9 i i een injTonicbecauseitcontainsthe\:1 WO Brown of Aaaicn who has “e a _'tre oe o ured | fesof QUININE |hy i)for geveral months,will re-:Ba itdouble Be benny a sealBecte@theLiver,Drive ore to loam thet.Wis.condition ds po’©atintheBloodauddesperateandadmitsofnohopefora.Weens his recovery.His daughter,Mre.VUMDINGT C.WATKING.| Danderine from any drug store or both ways on all purchasesof$25.00 and over. DAVESALISBURY,| wt "AR EN a Oe cl, ” [ i t iH jto canvass.iptions and help the coun- ing are the subscriptions in the First Hotpeed Bank: ef ii He W.A.ite,$50;in,$100;Mrs.JW.F :;Mrs.W.D.Clarke,$50;E.O.Heritage,$100;Mrs.E 0. eritage,$100;C.E.Mills,$500;H..Steele,$100;W.M.Salley,$50;Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co,$500;B.B.Webb,$100;W.M.Barringer,me Mrs.J.C.Irvin,$500;O.W.Glass Co,$1,000;Judge B.F. Long,$650;Mrs.C.L.ilbrick,$50;Dr.J.E.McLaughlin 100;M.C.Williams,$50;W.P.nox,$100;Mrs.Margaret 8.Har- rill,$50;Isidore Wallace,$1,000;J W Guy,$500;George HowardFowler,$200;Jno.Cooper Fowler,$200;Julia Tomlinson Fowler,$200rs.Julia C.Cooper,$200;J :Fowler,$500;Jacob Wallace,New York,$1,000;W.L.Gilbert,$200;John Barr Summers,$200;Wm.Del-linger,$100;Chas.W_ Fuip,$100;Mrs.J.H.Hoffmann,$50;Miss Car-rie Hoffmann,$50;J.H.Hoffmann,$50;J.C.Fowler,$500;Mrs.GE.French,$100;Mrs.Sallie T.French,$500;G.E.French,$1,000;C.E.Ritchie,$100;Miss Jessie T Setzer, $100;J.G.Shelton,$200;StatesvilleFurnitureCo.,$5,000;Statesville Cotton Mill,$15,000;T.D.Miller, ;T.N.McElwee,$500.Total,$87,700. Eeeouee Commercial National Commercial National Bank,$40,-000;Mrs Wm.Wallace,$1,000; Thos.J.Conger,$500;C.H.Turner, $200;C.L.Poston,$500;Miss Annie Bell Walton,$400;Mrs.Thos.E.Anderson,$500;Wallace HerbertHoffmann,$50;J.D.Ramsey,$50;C.R Sloan,$100;Mrs.Eugene Mor-rison,$100;Miss Ruth Morrison,$100;E.Morrison,Jr.,$100;F.Scarr Morrison,$100;Alwyn Morrison, $100;H.A.Yount,$1,000;D.M.Ausley,$1,900;Statesville Lumber Co.,$2,500;Paola Cotton Milla,$5,- 600;Bloomfield Manufacturing Co, $10,000;Mrs.CR.Sloan,$50;J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co.,$700;J.E.Sloop,$1,000;W.D.Tur- ner,$200;Turner Mills Co.,$2,500 J C.Steele &Sons,$2,500,Total,$70,250. Through Merchants & Bank: Merchants &Farmers’Bank,$10,- 000;Herman Wallace,$1,000;W.B. Crowson,$100;Dr.C Cruse, $100;Statesville Grocery Co.,$5,- 000;W.Ross Mills,$50;Joseph Ha-moy,$100;Miss Frances G Nichol- son,$50;Edwin Johnston (Trout-man),$50;H.C.Patterson (Hidden- ite),$100;Samuel W.Stimson,$100; L.C.Steele,(Turnersbure),$100; Jno.Cooper Fowler,$50;E.8.Mill- gaps,$100;J.A Davidson,$50;Sig. Farmers’ C_|The:|found Mr.Holland guilty and taxed Te sed Golden bezzlement»em Zz ;.pros.with leave,W.T Holland,allowing chickens trate for action.This is the casefromOlintownship,in which Mr.D.indicted Mr.Hand forC.Rhyneallowing his chickens to run on thefarmofoneofMr.Rhyne’s tenants.istrate whe heard the case him with the cost.An appeal was taken to the Superior Court.JudgeClineorderedthatthecasebere-manded to the magistrate to makefinaljudgmentofafineortodis-miss it.He held that the appealcouldnotliewhenjudwas suspended on payment of cost.W.W.Gaither,false pretence;continued,G.B.Spann and J.A Williams,blockading;nol.pros.with leave. Henry Brawley,assault on female;judgment suspended on _conditionthatBrawleypaycostsandgohomeanddischargehisdutiestohisfam- ily.Hub.James and L. ray;Hub.James plead $25 and costs;Ww ruilty.Robert Steele,assault with deadlyweapon;plead guilty of simple as-sault;judgment suspended on pay-ment of costs.In another caseurainstSteeleforanassault,nol.pros.with leave was entered.Walter Brandon,assault; ued by consent.Grover Stutts,assault with dead- ly weapon;guilty of simple assault;judgment suspended upon paymentofcostsandgoodbehaviour.Ira Sneed and J.C.Sharpe,much whiskey in their possession;cuilty;fined $25 and one-half,cost e W.James,af-guilty;fined James notae contin- ach.J.B.Gaither,carrying concealedweapon;plead guilty;sentenced to‘ail for 60 days and taxed with thecostsGaitherhadalreadybeenin jail for 60 days and is given creditforthis.In other words,he has al-sady served his prison term.Jonah Harris,assault on female;lead guilty;prayer for judgment continued to January term on pay- ment of costs. Horace McNeely,too much liquor;-alled and failed. Parks Johnson,forcible trespass;lead guilty;ordered committed to the Stonewall Manual Training and Industrial School during his minori- ty or until the trustees deem proper to discharge him.The boy is under16years. James Carlton,assault with dead- ly weapon;called and failed;same for Burl Kestler and Maggie Sal- mons,charged with cruelty to ani- mals,Walter Brandon,assault;not ruilty.Goldy Davidson,assault with dead- 'y weapon;plead guilty;judgmentsuspendedonpaymentofcosts.Gol- ly Davidson,carrying concealed weapon;plead guilty;judgment sus- pended on payment of cost. Wallace,$200;Mrs.Viola B.Wal-Mamie Williams and Claude Da- lace,$200;J.W.Wallace,$100;D |vidson,fornication and adultery;nol. F.Wallace,$100;Crawford -Bunch]ros.with leave as to both. Furniture Co.,$1,000.Whit.Allison,assault with deadly Total,$18,550.———as ‘ ‘s Loan and Sav-Arthur oberts,distilling: dis- ince ae:tere -horged and to show good behaviour. Statesville Flour Mills,$25,000;]Ira Norris,larceny;changed to L.C.Wagner,$1,000;Dr.H_F.Long,|forcible trespass;entered a plea of $1,000;Mrs.Carrie Allison Lone,|nolo con e;nt to pay V. $1,000;Miss Blanche Click,$1,000;]E.Troutman $20 and costs of action F.A.Sherrill,$500;Rev.Jno.A.|and to serve 60 days on roads,the Scott,$500;L Ash,$600;W.A.Thomas,$500;Mia&s Luey Davidson, $500;D.F.Jenkins,$100;Mrs.Mag-rie M.Baggerly,$100;R.L.Green-lec,$100;R.V.Brawley,$500;Geo.H Lentz,$100;Mrs.Mary Estelle Simms,$100;C.J.Jones,$200;D.8. Thomas,$100;James L.Milholland,£100;Thomas Newton Brown,$100;Harry Boone Woodward,$100;James Hugh Bryant,$100;J.L.Sherrill, $50;C.L,Plaster,$50;R D.Greene, $50;F.W.Sherrill,$50;J.R.Hill, $50;Long Island Cotton Mills,$1,- 000;People’s Loan &Savings Bank,$10,000;R.R.Clark,$200;D.L Raymer,$100. Total,$44,850. The amount allotted to this Bank hy the Federal Reserve Bank at Richmond was $25,200,being an over-subscription of $19,650,Georre H.Brown,president of the bank, owns $10,000 of the old 3 per cent. bonds,maturing conty next year, which he will change into the Liber- ty bonds as soon as they fall due. Individual subscriptions: Wallace Bros’Co.$7,500. LEG are Pp.Ww,jon GroveMr.P pee n oes ite I ‘he the knee yesterday. =.Jurneyaccidentresult- “,ary 4 road sentence to be served only ifNorris-gets drunk within 12 months.Dr Holliday,a witness in the Whit.Allison ease,and James FE. Tharpe in the Haywood Golden case, were each fined $80 for not appear-Mr.Tharpe’s was later remit- ted.Hazel Lee Davidson,forging or- der;plead guilty;five months on the roads,Grand cars Report Would Abolish Chain Gang. The grand jury finished its workWednesdayandmadeitsreportItvisitedtheCountyHome,found thebuildingsandgroundsinfineshape antl inmates well pleased with their treatment.There are 39 inmatesoneinsanewhitewomanandonein- sane colored woman,Five colored and three white pris-oners were found at the chain cane, who say they are well fed and he- manely treated and their quarters asgoodascircumstanceswillpermit.at the camp, TRYING TO DEFEATLOAN. reports .conductoperationsinthenationalcapital.Assembled from varioustheeffortsofworkersagainst theloanartohavebeendioeourmainnee tempts to discouragetivebuyersofLibertytone:"aepublication,in certain WS]and other mediums of publicity,editorials and articles which,not directly onpening loantions,tend to discourage buyers;prevention,so far ss local andradiceffortscanvent,ofplacingofLibertyloanasadvertisingliteratwhereiturebemostbeneficial.Attempts to discourage buyers bythepersonalpleamethodhavebeenconfinedmostlytotheEasIn-stances have been brought to the at-tention of officials where buyers havebeenapproached,apparently in aspiritofgreatfriendship,and advisednottobuythebonds.Efforts to pre-vent banks from handling the bondshavecenteredchieflyinWestandNorthwest.The president of aWisconsinbankhasadvisedtheTreasurythathisdepositors,mostly Germans or of German pearenhavewithdrawnmanythousandsdollarsfromhisbankbecauseheaid- ed the first.Liberty loan.Many banks have felt the pressureofGermaninfluenceinthispropa-ganda,reports indicate.Sonouncedwasthemovementthat theStatesofMinnesota,North and SouthDakotaandMontanarecentlythattheywouldwithdrawStatefunds.from any bank which did not supporttheloan. More Loans to Iredell FarmersFromFarmLoanBank.© The Landmark's Mooresville cor- respondent reports four loans,aggre-gating $4,100,through the farm loanassociationatthatplace.This makessixloanssofargrantedtoIredellfarmers.A report from the Federal LandBankforthisdistrict,at Columbia,8.C.,shows loans closed to Octoberist:North Carolina,$168,135;SouthCarolina,$218,215.Loans ready tocloseOctober13:North Carolina,$144,210;South Carolina,$79,775.Loans approved to October 13:North Carolina,$1,516,691;South Carolina,$996,643.This means that up to last SaturdayloansforNorthCarolinafarmersto the amount of more than a million andahalfdoHars,had been approved andthemoneywillbeactuallypaidtothe farm@rs as soon as the titles to theirlandareproperlypassed.The diffi- culty in getting titles in shape hascauseddelayinmanycases,for yourUncleSamueldoesn’t accept a mort-wage unless the title to the land isperfectlyclear.And all the above shows that ex-Secretary Shaw,who spoke in States- ville about a year ago and declaredthatnobodywouldgetadollar through the farm loan act,or if theydidheweuldpaytheloan,was eithervastlyignorantorwashandlingthe truth carelessly for campaign pur-poses,even if he is a Y.M.C.A. lecturer. Will Celebrate Liberty Day— Meeting Tonight. _In accordance with the proclama- tion of the President,naming next urging the people to assemble on thatdayintheirrespectivecommunitiesand“pledge to one another and to thevovernmentthatrepresentsthemthe fullest measure of financial support.”arrangements are being made to prop-erly celebrate the day in StatesvilleForthatpurposeameetingwillbeheldattheCommercialclubroomsthiseveningandallpatrioticcitizensvreaskedtobepresent.Representa: tives of the Red Cross,the Civic league and other ladies’organiza-tions are invited._The idea is to have a public meet- ing,with speakers,a parade,etc.,toboostthesaleofthebonds.A .arge attendance is urged at the meeting to- night at 8 o'clock to arrange the pro-gramme. DR KING AT CAMP MEADE. Dr.Ed.8.King of Iredell,who is in army service at Camp Meade,Maryland,writes The LandmarkthatCampMeadeisimmenseandup-to-date.It will take care of 60,- 000 men,has electric lights,heat,sanitary toilets and cement roads, rermanent.It is located 20 miles-|from Annapolis,16 from Baltimoreand24fromWashington.Dr.Kingmendedforthereasons:|ir well pleased with the camp andThecost,feeding and maintenance his dutis,|7msae,>aaa SS —— per BR Fy superin-|thatsomeofthebooksintheclerk'stendenttwoat$200 ig 2 re-bound re-indexedmonth;ae <ee ee S in be overhauled, yy and ees.Oa ae and one of pad- countyof-)It was thatasteamficeawereitwasrecom-|olant to bothcourtmeCetreeeriebeinstalledasearlyoverandjas ‘|will go direct to the GI ce ae sen seneerons sae :There are no fees or dues to be paidTheFoodAdministrationwishestohave Instruction,but only those signing pledges*are entitled to Membership Window Card,*which will be delivered upon receipt of the .signed pledge. °.°. Those who sign the cards are ask-ed to returnthemtoDr T.E.An-rson,county food administrator,Statesville,and he will send all ofthemtoRaleigh;or if it is more con-venient,the card can be mailed andfoodad-ministrator in withoutstamp.It is preferable,however,that all the signed cards be sent in io ofthis cardis simp¢purpose card is simplytoprocurethepromise-of all thehousekeepersofthecounty,who handle the food for the familytoagreetoco-operate with the food administration in conserving thefoodsupply—eliminating waste;|-practicing economy in use 0thosearticlesoffoodthatarereest—such as meats,sugar,‘flour,etc..-——-by substituting erhingsattimes.Of course there is no purpose to}‘try to getthe peopleto eat less—al-though that would doubtless be indi-vidually beneficial in many cases;nor is there any purpose to dictate,in the offensive sense,to anybodyabouttheitdailyrations.It willbegenerallyadmitted,however,thatacreatsavingmaybeeffected,with-out anybody going henry if a lit-tle care,such as the skillful house-wife knows,is practiced.It is noto-tious that the American le wastemuchfoodbecausefihasbeenplentifulandtheyhaveneverfelttheneedofsaving,generally speak-ing.lity is a habit inmanyeethewell-filled table a Now that conditions have changed,it should be a matter of pride to see how much can be saved.The saving is a patriotic duty It is a service *.e *° , sum total.It is a financial benefit,too.Every ounce of food saved cutsdowntherationbillandincaseofthosewhoproducetheirownfood,leaves that much more to sell;and80,without physical impairment-— probably with physical benefit inmanycases—the housewife will ren-der patriotic service and will help the family financially,by signing the Jedge card and co-operating in thisnraiseworthyandnecessarywork.Like the purchasers of the Liberty bends,thev will help the countryandhelpthemselvesatthesame time.While the pledge cards are nowbeingdistributedandcanbesigned1tanytime,a special effort will bemadetheweekbeginningOctober28 o put these cards in every home inthecounty.To aid in this canvass, the school teachers,school commit- —and all who can are asked to 1elp, Fuel Committee —Municipal Woodyard. Mr W.A.Thomas has been des- ignated chairman of the Iredell coun- ty fuél committee,by Mr.A.W.Me- Wednesday,24th,as Liberty Dey,and |Alister of Greensboro,State fuel ad- ministrator.Mr.Thomas’associatesonthecommitteeareMessrs.J.H. Hoffmann of Statesville and Geo.C Goodman of Mooresville.Mayor Bristol has taken promptactionfortheestablishmentofa municipal weodyard in Statesville,as suggested by the State fuel adminis- trator,and mentioned in the last is- sue of The Ladnmark.The mayor is advertising for 300 cords of wood,which will be sold by the town at|co#t,the coming winter,to thosewhocannototherwiseobtainfuel.It should be clearly understood at the outset,however,that there is no || steam | The camp is evidently to be| .|PowerCo.,hasbeen in Radford for purpose rovide fuel for those who ao het Mele own wood,butmakenoefforttodoso.The pur- pose is to be able to supply fuel at cost to those unable to lay in a win- lter’s supply in advance and who imay be unable to obtain wood or} jt to pay the price when severe winter weather is on The Landmark heartily commends ‘the municipal woodyard plan.For‘the purpose outlined it is both nec- and desirable and will save in Statesville this winter. muncipal administration has taken a wise and proper step. WILL MOVE TO RADFORD. Mr.and Mrr.James Mott of Me expect to locate in Rad-f Va.,in a few or.Mr.Mott,who is connected with an Electric || «and will come toiafewdaystoaccom-“pany to Virginia.Their|Mr.2 is in theSofeeeCo..probably gotolater STATESVILLE,N.©.,FRIDAY,OCTOBER 19,1917. *of those Hy handii traihing camps of the country.AtToadtethobeensooCampjer,Greenville,S.C.,whereAnyonemayhavetheHomeCardof*|the Statesville company is located, were near one “anJackson,Columbia,where the Iselectedmenarelocated,about $286,- vram was and his body was notmother, Prattnotaaa hurt. destro;coveredmillionmilessincetheStatesenteredthewar,crossing theocean,convoying vesselssubmarines,this is the firsthasbeensuccess’ and four cars ¢end of an electric train carryi borers and thorized the payment of $50 German Influence at Work *to}AndTheirObject—AllHouse-Men Defeat Liberty Lean,heepers Sign.:The ~ Pro -German agentsin theUnit-The food pledge cards,whichit is |C@™P*subseriedSinton,accordingto dolbepe’,crerz,haackeenetralcthomewhe rected their santos toward istributed for signatures,are as :Jack WallaceethLiberounfoermga.e =:faeiyat BerOe Geom"Minnenata to,Texas.Te ta aac]:Sot oct imtoo fon tery subscribed$26,000 for the bondsIgFeegaTea eet,het ee gerry cutthe directions ond wtiviesof the *|the Tenth infantry company at Fortom.6 >Pood Administrator in my neem,in so i $14,000 in sub- gre -German agente,sh seri for company,he sub- H l i iz Se h E ¥ s E t Mrs.Betty Ingram,lives atCity,Ala.he wounded Although America:torpedo boatyershavea U andchasingtimeonefullyattacked.teen mn C.,killed civilians,the latter _a civil engineerandacarpenter,The wreck was a rear-end .a freight engineingintotherear soldiers from la- CompWadsworthtoSpartanburg. Reward For Sherrill Cloer. Adjutant General Young has au-rewardforthearrestanddeliverytothenearestNationalarmycampofSher-rill Cloer,white,registrant under the selective draft aet from Cool Spring|,township.Cloer has persistently re-fused to respond to calls tofromthelocalexemptionboard.Some days ago anofhisfather,John Cloer,and talked r went to the home with the latter on the seriousness of’Sherrill remaining in hiding,which heissaidtobedoing.The father,it issaid,intimated that efforts to takeSherrillwouldberesisted. Ladies to Help in the Bond Camp ‘ iMrs.R.J.Reynolds of Winston-Salem,chairman of the ladies’workinconnectionwiththesecondliberty loan campaign,has announced the ap- pointment of county chairmen to help in the campaign.Mrs.B.F.Long ofStatesville,is appointed for Iredell; Mrs.E.L.Shuford of Hickory for Catawba;Miss Sallie Hanes of Mocks-ville for Diavie;Miss Sadie Thomas of Charlotte for Mecklenburg;Mrs.R.V.Brawley of Salisbury for Rowan; Mrs.R.B.Pharr of North Wilkes- bore for Wilkes. GERMAN FOOD SITUATION.Reports to the State DepartmentindicatethattheGermanharvests this year have not relieved the foodsituationtoanyappreciableextent.Tt is known there is a great scarcityoffatsandanimalfoodandthatcuppliesreceivedfromRumaniaandneighboringneutralsarenotmakingpforthelackofprotein. RUSSIAN SHIP SUNK..A naval battle has occurred in theGulfofRigabetweenRussianandGermanbattleships.The RussianbattleshipSlavawassunk.The Sla-va sank as the result of being hit—times beneath the water ine.crew were saved by Russian torpedo boata. COOLER WEATHER.A cold wavethe drop_.inlastnight and cooler weather here may be expected. of teeeeee MAN DEAD.Ww.F.of of Latin inmember Wreck at nw TwoKilledManySee. Northern,electric in jSpartanburg,8.night,two men werejured.Those killed were:to the country in this time of war,|’Corporal Arthur C.Wright,bat-. and the housewife who saves a few|tery B,third field artillery,Buffalo,|ed ounces of flour or meat or sugar|N 'Y.;W.Jesse Edwards,Cavins,8.|m. from the daily or weekly allowance|(C.,a skilled laborer employed at)F in the home is rendering a splendid}Camp W im service to the country,for every;Of the red 14 were soldiers ownee saved adds that much to the/from Camp Wadsworth and two were|- j Nearly all the members of the!sejected men Mrs.R.T.Dobbins,7%yours,a sister-in-law of Mrs."7 Dobbins of ,»was burnedtodeathafewagoinTenn.,where she lived with aShewasusingheraprontoaskilletfromagasrangewhenclothingcaughtfire,burns.Interment was atTenn.She wasthe widowofDr.A.M.C.Dobbins of Williston. STIKELEATHER CASE CONTIN- Thecaseof healleged.offer toer,indictedforthe to~2S oa of ex- emp board aonPeon,ee called 4 .eral court a Beg REwascontinueduntilthenextterm the first of November.Mr.Campbell,who had beenBoulevardstore,has gone to ry. Of the sent toColumbia,+5 a>.ole acaeee aeComeinandletushelpyoutosecureaALBUILDINGANDLOAN Seiaacteitenenaad SananEae ty staff of theResignatiRidi—'s idents Gath iF all Cage Mrs.Lentz Dead —Taylors-Parts of the Country.{Sieg Anand}ville News..Don M.of civil life to the staffcorpsof various | &NEETO IN-|syeciad CorrenpondenceofTheLandmark.Postmaster Gendral unterCleveland,arches of the armyandcallingwmehaced$20,1.7%Oct.18—Mr,J.E.|died Monday at his home in a them into active serviee before actu- eee,Loth |Chatham,who resigned as chairman of Detroit,aged 71,al need for their services existe,In- and an expres-|2%the county board of education a|New England manufacturers have ‘icetions|atl,Pract faith”of the negro pa in |few weeks ago,has consented to con-|received contracts for ~conte Somers.F t The association|tinue to serve in that capacity.|the 7,000,000 pairs of shoes ordered '"‘ve ™led —2 of otal to to the first Liberty Rev.L.L.Maore will go to New /by the War rtment for the ar-™@*t«hag Ey | ;Salem this morning to conduct the!my.The average price is $4.56 per ~~hon of On oth ts & funeral of Mrs.Robert Lentz,who|palr.cn ec baneee a died Tuesday afternoon at her home;Under new war ration regulations "°!(up temporar number 4 in that emmunity.|England has begun the task of re-aT a don ie —‘osMr.and Mrs.C.C Munday have re-‘ducing wheat consumption for the pana ad f ~—aed it to.ra turned from their bridal trip to New ,fortheoming year to less than half *"*‘casas ia Be oe och We,the undersi Trustees in Bankrupt-|York eity and other points North,|the normal consumption before the win amy a an cauhan aa * |.;Se eee '| { 'The New 1918 ° ey of James William Brown,bankrupt,will [They expect to vo to housekeeping War began..se ;j>sell at public outery to the highest bidder.Inext week in the residence of Miss A verdict of not guilty was re-needed hg ———E axwe .ta =ville,Iredell county,|Cora Vail,on dast Main street.turned in the trial of Gerald Walsh,°Ve"aly..7 "“MONDAY,NOVEMBER 26,1917,Mr.Flake Campbell has gone to ™oterman on a Boston elevated GIRLS!LEMON JUICE Gives you all theroom—allthecom- fort—alltheconveniencesandbeautycb- tainableinanycarselling at $1200. And yet the operatingeconomy—the mechanical reliability——theease of hand- ling andthe wonderfulpowerthathave ae at 10 o'clock a.m.,in front of the |Raleigh to visit his brother,Mr.Rowe “treet car which lunged through 18 SKIN WHITENER! Se"elctan aaccieed’coal”of Moovesvilis;|Campbell,who is attending a phar-8"open draw in November,eo — How to Make a Creamy Beauty Lo- ‘_macy school there,and will visit 45 passengers.Walsh was ¢at No.1 Beginningat an in pin.Car-friends in Durham before returning with manslaughter.a tien Fer a Few penter's corner Moores.e,3 .\ center of Main street;thence south 48 de-home,Mrs.James Watts and daugh-Ragen a .=a one of The juice of two fresh lemonsgreeswest231-2 feet to an iron pin,Brown's |ter,_Miss Beatrice Watts,went to the nitrate plants for whic Congress ctrained inte a Wattle containing Seba oe oe Wena See:anes warts Raleigh Tuesday evening to visit Mrs aphrennates aoa iS eenoane-bree ounces of orchard white makesyinonBrown's line:ence north ,,se eR ,om ,»"»ne .oe Watts’daughter,Miss Blanche Watts,°¢by the War Department.The site OV ole quaster pint of the Get fe- markable lemon skin beautifier at4sreeseast25i-2 feet +n iron pin,-..*am iCugeneecorner:thence north 44degrees {@ student at Meredith College.is on the Tennessee river,near Mus- about the cost one must pay for asmalljarof—the ordinary cold west 191 feet to the beginning.containing ‘Mr.Weaver Edwards has gone to (le shoals =igh as cla3,079 aquare feet,more or less,and being the bee S oe ture ammonw and nitric acid.let on which is located what is known as the the hospital at Sanatorium for (reat- McGraw building.ment,That 2 per cent of the men be-onooms.Care should be taken to produced such marvelous road and econ-tat No,2—Beginning at a stake in J.W Mr.and Mrs.Lee Burgess spent tween the ages of 21 and 30 called beri the lemon juice through a fineBrown's line in Second North street;thence |Monday‘in Statesville.Rev.and Mrs.for draft |examination have been!omyrecords in every sectionof the world3‘civ berculosi ‘loth se no lemon,pulp gets in,thenBragn's corner on Melchor's linc:thenee |L L.Moore,Mrs.A.H.Matheson and found active tuberculosis cases was).)i,lotion will keep fresh for48degreeswest60feettoastake.|Miss Elizabeth Lindsay motored to stated by Dr.LouisL.Dublin,of New)nonths.Every women kaows thatMelchorBrothers’corner on Melchor's line:|Statesville Monday afternon to take York,before the North Atlantie Tu-|.mon juice is used to bleach and re- sd es ae cae cae ones Miss Eliza Moore back to Mitchel!bereulosis Conference at Baltimere (),5,e such blemishes as freckles, south 48 degrees east 60 fect to a stake.|College,and attended the faculty re-The granite shaft erected on)aliowness and tan,and is the idealthebeginningvorner,containing 10.860 square Feital at the college.Lawyer J.H.Lookout Mountain,Tenn.,in)honor)<iin softener,whitener and beauti-on 2 Ge chute souding Burke made a business trip to Lin-of Ohio Union soldiers of the Civil north 48 degrees east 181 feet to a stake,said are not only maintained—butaugmented. of YOUcan,SEE the VALUE in the MAX- WELL at $745, [ ee in the town of Mooresville.‘olnton and will attend Federal Court War,was dedicated Wednesday af-'Just try it!Get three ounces ofLetNo.3.Beginning at a stake on the fin Salisbury this week.Miss Thelma ternoon by the Ohio State Monu-|5:chard white at any drug stere and, >SatDae Moot.ta te ay Sitton,who was a guest of Mrs.J.C,ment Commission,assisted by Gov-|two lemons from the grocer and . her line to a stake in Melchor's line:thence |Hicks,left Tuesday morning for her ernor Cox,former Governor Willis|make up a quarter pint of this, north 46 degrees west 55 feet to a stake in suidfhome in Atlanta.Mr.Hugh Wilson and a delegation of citizens.sweetly -frazrant lemon lotion and|Meichor’s line:thence south 44 degrees west Lindsay has returned from ai fow Northstreet;thence south 46 dewrees enst 55 days’stay in Mt.Airy.Miss Eliza-shipyards strike situation by agree-|"ms and hands. feet to the beginning.containing 9.075 square beth Moore and her micee,little Mi:ment of 25,000 employes of the Se-| ~~Tee ice .ee lot |Mary Thomas Smith,who spent the attle (Wash.)and Portland (Oregon)+PEN ?:No.4.Beginning at an oak near the ——rite _home of Mis:vards to go back to work Monday,HAVE you ® gem ast 11 fous tothe canter of Church [have returnediotheir omeintone,ihe men aarced teabihe by’the ae,|The8 you realize the utter weakness street;thence south 44 dewrees west 16 feet yy M :See in Coat ee i pa a.ah se a sre xf sinnerto@stakeinthecenterofChurchstreet,|Otte.Mr.Moore accompanied them cision of the labor adjustment beard. thence <a 46 Sapros east 62 1-2 feet to a pand will visit there at the home of his In order to make certain the ear-@!d makes —_a arlene };thence south 44 degrees west 68 1-2 |brother-in-law,Mr.J.Simi ements ;ite .shinhuibds Torestore that strength and ste minathatfesttoastakeinthecenterofThirdNorth[pron ttn _T.J.Smith,rying out of its great shipbuilding Cae achine has ever equated street;thence south 46 degrecs east 128 feet e going to Fort Pierce,Fla..to programme of 1,000,000 tons by Eee 1 »ith 3,os Masulsi heeDstublntheevnterofThirdNorth«treet;—the ae at the home of hiss March 1 and some 13,000,000 tons in!CT 7 ,‘trength Secu meathencen8reeseastS&S:feet to a}daughters,Mesdames A.5 Sample!the next tw sane .shaiment cause ;TH -sists :On : poplar in the branch;thence north 2 1-2 de-and D.T.MeCerts :A.M.Sample |the a wy oye it the .shipping |movi iusigorates the blood to distributegreencast209feetfollowinthemeanderinses4erty.vard has under consideration the!energy throu rhout the body while its tonic | | 65 feet to a stake on the side of said Second Settlement of the Pacific coast massage it daily into the face,neck, i t si that robs ambition,destroys appetite, i Touring Car $745 Roadster $745;Coupe $1995;Bertine $1008; Sedan $1095 Al!prives f o 6.Detroit SA N S SE S S EE S EA S SE L L AS S O C OS S LS S SO S SS LLLE A S jofthecenterofthebranch,to the bewin-Mr.DeWitt Sloar,who volunte r-|question of recommending e.emption|6°)°™ining,containing 3-4 of :ore or fen.Led 9 »sl mere initia en ea te eo ile a |value:harpens the appetite and restoresing,wpint ee slave -puny ag 2 r ine cor at artillery |rom military service of all men em-!penn ina natural,permanent way.Eis Gegbatnn Sask|ce ind could not get in the service then,};leyed in shipyards.If vow are run down,tired,nervous,, silitesaine ae eg at an iren pin,the has received orders to report at Hick |Four masked bandits,at 3.30 in the)overworkedor lack strength,get Scott's g deeah:tenes north |sg rmlleenbppitiresy aeol and will leave today.jmornming,held up a railroad train en}Buulsionto-day,It is free from alcohol,Ed Gi.White Motor e ZY;t 282 t NSSTO AT STD |:;in the center of Third North gtreet to Boown's 7 jroute from Salt Lake to Geld Hill,}_Scott&Bowne.Bloomfield,N.J.’ oe:thence south 44 devrees weet 158 feet Make Loans Only For ihe |Nev.,robbed the passengers =and .Statesville N C camih 42Guavece oan tar ton noe ee Necessities.|wounded Charles Barberg,who offer Sale of Bonds for UpperThird oe Charch street:thence north 44 dewrees Frank A.Vanderlip,president of‘!resistance.They ransacked the ree168feetinChurchstreettothebevinning,[the National City Bank of New {™ail pouches and then robbed _the|°comtaining one acre more or less On th 5 .:‘‘ais ars’ above property are situate two.dwatilie ork,speaking in that city,urged ,Passengers,hundreds of dollar |We,the undersigned commissioners of the |;ss {iewelry -onsiderable sone Z .and a barn oankers to advance money on loans |“orth or jewelry and a considerable |Upper Third Creek Drainave District,lredel!OLE, Lot No.6 Beginning at an iron pin in the |only for necessities and for the pro-quantity of cash being secured.|county,N.C..will on MONDAY,NOVEM- thence‘auth ©Geen a 18 ie ae .|‘uction of material needed for car-Trial of Gustav H.Jagobsen,A!-bidefor 1.3 a's per cent Nenad for tae avs feet to a «take in the center of said street :ying on the war.ert Wehde,George Paul Boehm and ine of said creek from near the Alexandnorth44degreeswest152-4 poles to a “If a berrower.”said Mr.Vander-|Heramba La Gupta,charged with|county line to the ola Watts mill place,beins stake,C.K.MeNeely's corner:thence south »,“wastes money for a plant the conspiring:to foment a revolution in about ei@ht miles in length,with an exeava46degreeswest15polesand3feettoastuketactsrios,hi ence pce tion of about 185,000 cubic yards.Width ofthencesouth44degreesvnst122-4 poles top Production of which will not be nec-|India,is on in Chieago before Fedtr-channel 18 to 22 feet.|they intecma: the beginning.containing 1 1-4 acres more or |SSAaTY to the war,for a theater”or!l Judge Landis,Baron Curt von |tion address H.KE.Lewis,Statesvitle,N.Clens.~~the above property are situate tive Panything that is not part of our)Reiswitz,former German consul in}=-nae batallatenanthouses.hagaee't a +a ae Pe ;4 5 .¢ae 8,peretary Lot No.7.-Beginning at a black gum on aie purpore,he ought not to he NICAZO,Was indicted with the oth-|L.O.WHITE.Engineer.@thewestsideofWallace's meadow branch,|€rmitted to have it,no matter what ers,but is now in Germany.pita |Oct.2,1917 -4t.s *and Oliphant’s corner:thence |security he offers.There is now a/sen is a wealthy Chicago real estate — west 34 4-5 poles to a stone,Templeton’s cor-|double standard every banker should deal ner;thence north 11 poles to aw stone ;::::nephant's ear uses ging 9 poh eet rs a ‘ear in mind in making loans.First,Further investigation of the ac-|184 potentoa stake.Oversaah>and smith=|security,and then purpose.”—"|miracy_of statements made hy Sen-FRESH Beginning io feel like having fire these erixp,coo!morn- Hiumon,Oliphant’s corner;thence«2 Ic “Tt is an unpatriotic thing today ator LaFollette in his St.Paul degrees pet 91 pole to a stone,Oliphant»ao Dele beech will Se orl No-ings.If you need »Heating Stove this fall,we havecorner;mith 5 dexrees west 61 polex |!v at is not abs ‘ly vember 26,w gs will be re-to @ stone,Oliphant’s and Brawleys corner:|hecessary for the time being,and cnmed by .me ,4 :::tt|cor ;.!’:sumed by the Senate committee ap-two brands the y SU me i ap class boeSeleeianneoeHinmwenerhatissomethingthebankersshouldjointedforthatpurpose.Senator ids that are cupreore 3m their class,THE JEWtestake:Plummer’cormer “thence aouth |ye Clearlyandapply to every loan fomercne,chairman of |the commit-EL BASE BURNEK AND BASE HEATER!There isSeetetee:ads brie fo 8 stake in Ga }Stssill R ‘©,said the postponement was with-BUCKWHEAT FLOUR .P ,;poles or =Gmerve east 200 out sivnificance.The members de.}no experimen tener ren tcaase hae acres ae ts [ot ScuaeuReiE,es ic Members of Congress Go re to visit their homes before Con-!p 2 a"buy ing :ither of the =Stov >they>—_Oe se ee ax Hae =Abroad.gress convenes for the regular ses-have stood the test ef many seasons and have sustain-tor ef Main street in the town of Scores vite Ten members of C®ngress,travel °'2"6”December.FOR 1 thei t j fuel,|'§corner and running thence with}1 in unofficial capacity,but car-|Sale \ec leir supremacy by merit--economy of fue arge rere Hae south 44 dexrees ewst 13)feet}rying special passports arranged for Demand For Silver Coins.|‘,.to @ stoneatthe edge of Seee rth stree >ati .stv :,tC :thence north 48 dexrses eastIe te et,|vy the State Department,are on the Demand for silver coins is so vreut heating capacity and Jong life.YOU CAN’T GO WRONGironpin.Brown's corner on Hodins’line,|WaY to Europe to visit the wor that every mint in’the country has PAN AKES.thence north 44 degrees west 1"1 feet to an|fronts and fraternize with the par-.been placed on a 24-hour-a-day basis {IF YOU PUT IN ONE OF THESE HEATERS!tren pin in the center of Main street.B icorner;thenee south 48 desrees wert 10.feet hamentary representatives of the'to meet it.This never has been nec-to the beginning.On the above described allies ee essary before.2—_Dewees whet te known tc The visit is a development of the Raymond T.Baker,director of the Meller-McLainSupplyCo |Towether with this lot and the Colima recent cabled and _personal iInvita-.mint,states that the total sulsidia-we BYonwillbesoldallthefixtureslocatalinationsofrepresentativemembersofyysilvercoinagethusfarthisyear}oe and io on by the United States |[he British and French Parliaments totaled $16,551,000,or an increase ofualainainthetownofMeecrieotforcloseraffiliationoftheparlia-more than 800 per.cent.over the cor-—~tous Selle of ubest ben roti nt mentary bodies of the allied govern responding period last year in ite @ fumber of desks,a larse nate,etc.de.|MENts through personal conferences self a new record —when the total UNCLE SAM KNOWS—inventory to be announced on day of |at -sae onl gu ass Leh of such coinage was $1,769,000 |‘apitals.residen ilsen did not ne ley's corner in Bradley's line:thence nau |favor Congress officially accepting MONEY FOR BALL PLAYERS.|Our Government has taken theSYdeureesweat611-2 poles to x stone fem.the invitation at this time and neith-Th lay i he ce out of Sacteries that —sey®corner in Brantley’s tine.thence south |@P?house took action,but the 10 mem-+paytopic aae a ——vuleanizin outhts.This 613-4 degrees west 134 poles to a stake,Ram.ao ee sees inf series of baseball games recei ed |what Uncle Sam thinks of vul-sey's corner:thence enst 59 poles to n sione ia s arranged their trip informally.|g)52.988.58 as their share,this izi Ti WhBradiey’s line:thence north 3 1.2 4 Other Representatives are expected|.i ivi 5 :|pony age shee 7 98 8 &}1-2 dexress enct umount being divided 60 per cent.toll as he does—repair your Tires?120 poles to the begin f ;ning,containing 20 |9 follow soon,|.seres more or lems,Baid.ices Ga |the Chicago team,the wi ers,and known a»the Atwell farm.1)per cent.to the New York play-!Let.No.16 iataning at a stake im My Sick and Disheartened.|the losers.The total receipts THE IREDELLVULCANIZING Lot No.9 Beginning at a stone.Brant- THE STATESVILLE ers,Sant Be.Semec Yours's pall cimeate hi (W.Huske,an insurance man|for the six games amounted to $425,-&SUPPLY COMPANY.Rorth 88 dewrees west 26%feet ton rock |formerly of Fayetteville,who came/878,and after subtracting the mon-|Phone Court Street yheroftho,let of the cotored Raptist church .|to Asheville from Washington some!cy paid to the players the“two clubs |oe Y &INVESTMENT COMPANYthencesouthidegreewest200foottoarock,|]Months ago,committed suicide injare each richer by $115,200.51 andcornerofthelotofthecotoredRaptixiaetat Bcmaseggsina Rapti t church:|the woods near Asheville on the!the National Baseball Commissionfeetto>aan a .pete,Seay!tense w the beginning.cana ing |16th.He left a note containing this:|by $42,587.80.9 etre more or les.On the above!‘Lay down the burden,weary one,|S=sstes—s—mra—— tovemsof toe on houses.|and come unto me and rest.’hieves |BANISH CATARRH wiafollows;»Eze ensh am tip ot cs,—and everything | one-fourth in 60 days.one-fourth in fe gone.Sick and disheartened and -_--Turni :months and one-fourth in «i monthy ith }i ip Inpackagessixmonths,with |hopeless,with a brok »”*atereet on deferred payments.und nil of said]Mra.Huake .Breathe Hyomeifor TwoMinutes and|ong in bulk Also a.will be sold subject to confirmation lives in|Washington| “ le e i e t h a n d l te a ec c o nn e n i n i n e s i g a g em e r x er i e e s i e r e t i e e n s t o a Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyhobothNEWandOLD.Our office is an open one,andweinvite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in the tho Bankrupt Court and a.dpughter lives in Asheville and|Stuffed Up Head Will Get Relief.||variety of other garden past,we will strive to give the sameor1'eatarrh,col ’slater cement.rnorsary.arma tattmce t Ed Seed.PIG H GRASSSickTaonthepersonaloneHOW'S THIS?the shortest time breathe Myormei tha h ‘todere,Wiltity firown,enki,|any cares CetinWak Cane rca CS att sil cea gut your Bend in two minste|All Ne pe thea for oe 2’.o r mm”you to by reely“aie ona al!tools et River|e me Caterth Cure i ad om “al a aan be ap day,it «|Ww.of over patrons.Hall's Catarrh Cure has heen taleremovingbridesfr::en by Ca-relieve you of disgusting «nuffles,hawking,| )Cotton Wanter,aon ber i |tarch sufferers for the past thirty-five years,spitting and offensive breath in a waa “.collars,pada,ete ae end has become known aa the most reliable =Hyomei ie made chiefly from a soothing,°Harrow,steel hay rake aoe ee,Os Catarch.Hall's Catarrh Cure sets healing germ killing antiseptic,that comes|.rough the Bleed the Mucous surfaces,from the eucalyptus forests of injand Aus.|as nest 2 Weeder,expelling the Poison‘fromm the Blood and heal-tratin where catarrh,asthma and coneump..»Sinele |ing the diseased portions.tion were never knowl to exiet _,pipes,ete.;chairs in .After you have taken Hall's Caterrh Care|Hyomei ix plensent and caay to breathe the above described property qoane in pmqual tae improve-Just pour a few drops into the hard rubber$4 oclock «.m.on Monday,|Hall's ooo Gece ae a inhaler,use as directed and cure is olmont»1917,and will |coterrh,vee,certain,ae to 4:|)A complete Hyomet outfit,inctodin”the wale is]Be,2 Gite,healer and one battle of Myomei,cots tet tee¥P Bold the at drumpivts everywhere and at the State.a nl |ithe ——it =“2 own an inhaler you cm an extra tlh of owTrustees,C.WA drumtiets for only a few cents = “WEINSUREANYTHINGINSURABLE”andPAYALL wales =knee m=“ms npr ahaa C.H.LESTER, Or.91, gentle woman's amasaraulatrial.NC-129 “Today” A barrel of Mrs.Hicks’ new Home Made Molasses. It is fine. Phone your order. Phone 89. Eagle&Milholland. (Our Dollars Are talking louder than ever if you don't think so come and see for your yourself Average last week $34.23 and still climb- ing. They are coming to Statesville for high prices. McElwee’s Planters’Ware- house,Statesville,N.C. Home Comforts Are tound in the home.Good plumbingmakes the long hours spentby the wife at a home a pleasure —such a pleasure that nothing else can give. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114E.BroadSt. Phone55. C.WATKINS ferWith.”“Everything to Build a Planters’Wh-,Statesville. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS —HeavyBrass 74c.per pound,Ligh.Brass 5c.perpourdFORSALE: New 2nd secondhand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies. Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phowe No.74,BellNo.1. yi need suffer WOOD SAWINGAmtosawyour 421,Black.'me—°T.G.WOOTEN. resolution of loyalty.jadopt a ringing 4|to the.national government andnever|our allies in the prosecution of the;The Associate Reformediwarinwhichweareengaged,|“Resolved,second,That all further|ldiscussion be eliminated,leaving all!i*natters of detail or policy concern-ing the conduct of the war and itsterminationtotheindividualjudg-jment of members without official ac-ion or pronouncement by the State Union.”|Rerardless ef what candidates for |President members are supnorting,it was announced that the Union men){of the State wish and expect such a‘yinging declaration of loyalty and||vet will avoid controversies about||details.“There is no yellow streak|smonr North Carolina Union men,” aid one member of the committee. |SeEER RENAERTS |Increase of 14.46 Per Cent.inSouthern’s Revenues. An inerease of 14.46 per cent.in|he total revenues of e Southernirailwayisshownintheannualre-jnort of the road,made public Tues-day.These amounted to $81,388,- ;325.The.net operating ineome was |24,331,458,equal to 5.97 per cent.irned on the property investment of |he company,which is now $407,-688,151.The final balance of corpor- ate Income over charges was $12.- /260,161,an increase of $3,026,262 over last year.“Except as affected by varying ,erop,lecal and temporary —condi-tions,which caused this year a lossofcertaintraffic,principally perish- ables,there was a substantial,steady and uniform increase of ev-‘ery class of traffic,”the report says, ‘adding that in addition to.transpor-‘ation of supplies for the govern- raent a healthy growth of traffic is ‘xpected next year. _EE ERGTEOES ETTEARTA Rally Day at Pisgah. Correspondence of The Landmark. There will be a double service at Pisgah church of the Stony Point circuit next Sunday,21st.It is Mis-sionary Rally Day in the Sunday school.Exercises begin 10°o'clock. Vhere is to be some special music. Prof.Jeff McLain is to assist in the inging. After dinner at about 2.o'clock Mr.J.F.Anderson of Statesville is to deliver an address.Bro.Ander-on is a great Sunday sehool worker ind a warm-hearted Christian. The public generally is invited to e present.EK.N CROWDER,Pastor. LAETOLIeesRLM Secretary McAdoo to Speak in Charlotte. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoowillspeakinCharlottenextThurs- lay,25th,in behalf of the Liberty loan. The entire dist division of Nation- al Guardsmen,numbering =15,000 ien,from Camp Greene,command- od by General Wedgewood,took part ina mammoth patrioic parade in Charlotte yesterday.The —parade vas staged by the local bankers’as- sociation as the beginning of —the inal drive for the sale of the cityndcounty's quota of Liberty loan ond . Dairymen Deny. R.D.Cooper,president of —theNewYorkStateDairymen’s League, has issued a statement in which he vdmits that the directors of the or- ganization he heads 9 appropriated $5,000 to defray the expenses at Washington of a representative of he producers who would act an advisor to Herbert C.Hoover,the food administrator,but he denounces as false the statement of Attorney General Brundage of Tilinois,that the money was to be used “to place a man friendly to the league in thejaationalfoodadministration.” |SAILATES MISS RANKIN PLEASED. Miss Jeanette Rankin,the Montana “Congrresslady”who speke in)North Carolina this week,eaptivated her jaudiences,according lo newspaper re|ports.She was diplomatic and pleas ing.Miss Raukin spoke in Wilson|Winston-Salem and at the State Fan jin Raleigh,the latter address on Wednesday,where she was introducedbyGen,J.S.Carr, as 'DESERVES A GOLD MEDAL FORTHIS! |Cincinnati Authority Hells How to 'Pry Up Any Corn or Callus So ItLiftsRightOf, You corn-pestered men and women no longer.Wear theshoesthathearlykilledyoubefore, |says this Cincinnati authority,be- jenuse a few drops of freezone applied‘directly on a tender,aching cornstopssorenessatenceandsoonthe leorn loosens so it can be lifted out,}root and all,without a bit of pain. A quarter of an ounce of freezonecostsverylittlatanydrugstore, —————E EXPECTED THIS WEEK: Onecar cheapPine Se oe ie ele eeOnecarWithcoll ine! |but is sufficient to take off every hardorsoftcornorcallus,This should\be tried,as it is inexpensive and issaidnottoinflameorevenirritatethesurroundingtiseueoFskin.|If your wife a re shewillbegladtoknow;|ames ~tesnoeetdiacentnaeo|ost setongs j county, ‘found them a ow See o At East Bend Sunday evening|Miss Pearl Hope Clingman,16 years|vhenold,was thrown from a bugeyv »ithe vehicle overturned by rounding |:the1cornertooaviekly,and savecomentsidewalkwithsuchviolenee|hat it is feared her skull was frae-|‘ured.Her condition was seriouslastaccount. Presb;z|terian Ministers’Association of| Charlotte and Mecklenburg count at a meeting in Charlotte,adopeall | resolutions calling on ministers of|that denomination to present the!matter of the Liberty loan to their congregations in special meetings|called for the.purpose,| Miss Pansy Carter Britt,daugh-|ter of ex-Congressman J.J.Britt,and Mr.W.©Shuey of Miles City,Mont.,were married in Asheville onthe15th.At the same time the’marriage of Lieut.J.J.Britt,Jr,| son of the former Congressman,and |Miss Stella Roberts of Buncombe|was announced,The mar-rinvwe took place at Spartanburg,8 “.,August 2Ist.Lieut.Britt is on,mer at Camp Jackson,Columbia,8.| Coal Miners Strike Again.| With one-third of the big mines|in Hlinois idle and several hundredsmallershaftsclosed,the high tide| of the coal miners strike to forceimmediateincreasesinwages,has| net been reached,was the announce| ment yesterday Dr.Garfield,na-tional fuel administrator,is much|disturbed by the strike.He says:| “I do net propose to be driven into ranting inereased prices on the coalproducedbyanyhigh-handed meth- vis,neither do I intend to take hasty, action upon the demands of the min- ers.The operators and miners en-. tered into a solemn agreement to donothingwhichwouldinterferewiththemininganddistributionefcoal|during the war period and |proposethettheyshallliveuptothetermsofthisagreement.I am giving the!most careful study to the entire sit- iation and am doing everything in my vower to bring about better con-litions in the eoal situation.WhileIhavefoundthat‘there is plenty of|‘onl,the transportation facilities arelackingandthisproblemisonewhich we will have to solve.”In answer to the suggestion thatGermaninfluencemightbeadis- turbing facter,Dr.Garfield said hehadnoevidenceonthatpoint.i Rae ASSS.A AD ' Making Them Pay. Internal revenue agents have re-| ported that evasions of the special tax of 12 1-2 per cent by munitions manufacturers have totaled,so far, approximately $17,500,000,Morethan$10,000,000 of that sum already|has been recovered by the govern.| ment,' The amount of tax voluntarily! oaid by the munitions manufacturers| last year was approximately $26,- 300,000,Field)investigators,cheek- ing the returns,notified them that in many cases the amount was far be- low the sum actually due the govern- ment.In some cases the manufac- ‘urers,in their efforts to evade the tax,charged off the entire value oftheplanttodepreciation., Negro Officers Commissioned. Six hundred und seventy -civht negroes who have been in training feur months at Fort Des Moines (la.)officers’training camp haveheengiventheircommissionsinthe National army.One hundred and ixty were commissioned captains S20 first lieutenants and 198 second lieutenants.These new officers will ‘ommand the seventeenth division of the National army,which is compos- d entirely of negroes. Among the men graduated =are non-commissioned officers of the va rious negro reyiments of the reyulat irmy,many of them veterans of the Spanish-American war. Shelled Small Boxts. ‘mall boats from a British steam- yo pecently attacked by two Germanibmarinesweremercilesslyshelled y one of the U-beats,two men be- ing killed and seven others wounded, the State Department is advised in nsular dispatches.One other man vas killed before the crew abandon- ed the steamer,which carried a num- ber of Americans.One of the men killed by the shelling of the boais was James D.Tringor,a horseman, f Roanoke,Va.while another American,Frank Donohu,a horse- man,of Philadelphia,was among the wounded,The other Americans were saved, Result in Doubt. The result of an election in lowathisweekfortheadoptionofapro- hibition amendment to the State con stitution,is in doubt.At last report the count of votes gave 197,297 against and 196,541 for the proposed constitutional prohibition amendment.Stetutory prohibition now prevails inlowa—+that is,a prohibition law pass-ed by the Legislature.That law could be repealed if the wets should control the Legislature and to make it safe the drys wanted (o en raft prohibi- tion in the constitution. TTT ee ee Mra.Smith me Chamberiain’s Tab- “Tt have had more or teas stomech trowbleforelehtortenyears,”writes Mrs.6.HM.Smith,Brewerten,N.¥.“When sufferingfromattacksofindigestionandheavinessaf- ter eating,ong or two of Chamberlain's Tab-lets have atways relieved me,I have alontlaxative,”These tab-letstoneupthe stomachandenableittoperform=Bye eed naturally.troubled with indigestion give them «trial,stay weil,‘ Asa be using butter for cooking nowadays,if you couldgetthesamedeliciousresultswithoutit. Here Cottolene .::7InpurityCottolenehassctthehighestpossiblev ; standard for shorienings.4 Try Cottclene in y familiar recipe.Use ; one-third less than vou would use of butter,»- Gt ..:\ee ‘You will find thet shertenings which seem 4 cheap,when scooped out by the pound,are often -; more expensive than Cottolene in actual use.Ne Why?\: Pecause many careful housewives have found si that Cottolene—-owing to its superior richness— goes much farther than other shortenings which they had been using. Try Cottolene next time.It is sold by grocers in tins of convenient sizes.:: "5 Recipe for MOLASSES COOKIES @ 1 cup molasses 1 level tablespoon ginger 4a cup Cottolene %level teaspoon soda s ">suyal 4 cup cold water 44 level tea poon salt 3.to 4 cups flour “A Heat molasses,pour over Cottolene.Add sugary e galt and.ginger or a mixture of other spices if pre-e ferred,JJusolve soda in eold water and add to first ne r « Cottolene “Makes Good eeecena ee an et one maSCHOOLBOOKS ——At— Tharp’s 5 and 10c.Store. SouthCenter Street,Statesville,N.C. The Manufacturer’s Record Says that building can be done now as cheaply as it)can be done for years to come.(.WATKINS has Building Material on hand that was bought at old price So long as it lasts you can build cheaper now than for years to come. C.WATKINS. DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. PIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Statesville,N.CaTELEPHONEENGAGEMENTS,ernen,Ss Houra &to 6a10NTOCHILDREN'S Mr.Automobile Owner. REMEMBER!We inspect Stor-Batteries and furnish you h Distilled Water free!All tful economy — Oh—that sinking of the heart,when you look in your ice-box and see the tiny dab left from yesterday's pound of butter! You can, pensive butter. oo Battery work is done by an ex- STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. eee — Wood Sheds and Coal Bins. Plenty of Framing,Inch-Plank, Composition Roofing,Nails,Hinges and Pad Locks to make Sheds and ,C.WATKINS. a ee ee ee matter of fact,you would probably not *a " \T Wy* ‘ Yes -without a particle of butter! is the way:Use wholesome,economical ee °.‘for your fine couking,in place of ex. ‘ miature.Scr in flour,aking a soft dough to drop from spoon,or a stiff dough wo be rolled and cut Lake in mode-ate oven. FAIR BANK sonra] MAKERS irs Cooking poDa a f oe We live th’;life but once.Why net make the'l most of it as we go along” A good car adds happiness and years to your life. The Buick or Dodge car is not expensive to buy or to run. They have too many good qualities to tell here; come in and find them out. If you doi."keep pace with your neighbors in the matter vo.‘vning acar you will miss a lot of pleasur...t should be yours. || | ar i di eit iF z 3 if ii rt tztf 3 a2 . 3g i s z ' zal ; afivebillion. amount of work will have campaign is people gen be done within the next week to |ally —the masses —to appreciate cave teach the mibimem ameunt lthe fact that they must help:that it and it will be seen that every sub- geription,no matter how small,is needed-—badly needed.A failure to subscribe the bonds would be a vie- i i¢¥3 erally do not know what it is to buyIftheyhavesurplismoneyutitinabank—and they haveonlyomeeducatedtothatinre-cent years,since banks have becomenumerouws—or they loaned it to aneighboronalandmortgage.Tohithemindoftheaverageman,buy-ei banks and thewealthyclasses.All this has to be overcome,and that is the difficulty.Net only must the man smallmeansbeshownthataLibertybond is a sue See ae ie a ae fname ud that is ping himse nan- EXEMPTING FARMERS.|cially when he buys it—for it pays A formidable movement is under 4 cent.and is non-taxable unless way,particularly in the South,to|the amount held runs into the thou- have the President issue a proclama-sands—but that it is a duty to buv tion exempting farmers from mili-the bonds to help the country.The tary service,says the Washin nN vovernment must have the monev, ror ent of the Greensboro which will be spent for the benefit News.It is argued by friends of the and the protection of everv citizen. proposition that the draft law has [f the citizen refuses to make a loan plready seriously impaired work on in the government,then the money the farms and om unless pane willbe sooured by taxation—and we measures are soon taken,it w jall know t taxes mean. praetieally next to impossible to har-Bear this in mind,too:The man veat the crops.It will be recalled ,who has $50 or $100,or who can se- jhat Representative Doughton has that amount,even at a sacrifice, mark urges every reader of paper to take notice of the country’s heed and come to the rescue.If you haven't subscribed,make a subscrip- tio today. leurecontendedforthisexemptionoftheand who refuses to help the country farmers and he had a_very stormy jn this hour of peril,is a far great- session with Provost Marshal Crow-er slacker than the man who hides der about it,Mr.Doughton contend-to evade army service.The latter ine that General Crowder had stated!has reason to fear death or personal to him that farmers would at least injury.The former is offered a prof- he excused from duty until their it for his help,without personal risk. ALASTcropswereharvested.The general, however,denied that he had any Ben C.Reed,68 years old,former such intention.He later promised tax collector of Whitman,Mass., co take the matter up with President and widely known as “Honest Ben,” Wilson if Mr.Doughton would write has begun a two-year sentence in the bim a letter stating the facts in the workhouse after pleading guilty tocase.This Mr.Doughton did.lareeny of town funds amounting toWiththegovernmentneedingall$25,000.Reed says not a penny of the available foodstuffs not only for the money was used for his own suse in this country,but to help feed henefit,and the prosecuting attorneythesoldiersabroad,it is urged that says he has no evidence that Reedthefarmersengagedinraisingprod-used the money for himself.Theuctsshouldbeexemptedfromserv-former tax collector says he used the ‘they playing a most important money for his friends who were hard- yatt in the conduct of the war.It is up and unable to pay taxes.Anoth- stated thatethe President has been er case of an officeholier who ceiving a good deal of thought to the unable to distinguish between the farmer -exemption proposition.He public funds and his own.It wasefcourseknowsthefarmeristheallveryfineforhimtohelphis‘most important adjunct in bringing friends,if he helped them with his the war to a successful conclusion,own funds,but when he used the for without ample food supplies the public money for that purpose,the men who ate fighting the battles of éase was different.Thére are too‘the nation would not stand up long many officeholders in this countryagainstthefoe..who think they have a right to use;Class exemptions are inadvisable,a public position,in which they are‘as mark sees it.They placed to serve the public,ag person- work an unjust discrimination.Min-al property to be dispensed for thelistersofthegospelareexemptedbenefitoftheirfriends,and inciden-from military duty as a class and tally for their fersonal benefit;anc jmany a man has doubtless escaped when a halt is called they seem tothedraftontheathathewas@thinkthattheyshouldhavecreditministerora_theological student,for the theft of public furids so long was who was not —entitled to the as they do not squander the moneyexemption.In such cases usually on themselves.those who clamor loudest for‘privilege are least entitled to it.Ob-|viously farmers should not be ex-istrator,asserts that communitiesemptedasaclass.Manifestly the really in need of coal can get it atgovernmentcan’t get an armywith-!government prices.The supply is,out taking some from the farm,and ample,he asserts,for immediate‘there are many in the rural regions |needs.Don't overlook the word “im-who are not producers;whose going mediate.”The clamor for coal inwouldnotreduceproductionoffood-the Middle West and other places,.stuffs.A prominent and intelligent Dr.Garfield says,was due to the citizen of a rural township in Ire-fact that communities in need of coaldellwentoverthelistofregistrantsdidn't go about it in the right way.in his township and decided that at They should communicate with the‘least half could be spared without State fuel administrator,state themaaffectingfarmwork.He specific amount needed and for whatisconcernedabouttakingrealpro-purpose and where it is to be deliv-‘ducers from the farm,but he knows ered.In case there is no State fuel ‘hy an actual survey that many in administrator,application shouldtheruraldistrictsarenotproducers.he made to the national administra- Obviously,then,a plan should be tor at Washington.The trouble devised to sift out those who really about coal is in a measure at leastservethecountryathomefromduetothefactthatindividualsandthosewhodolittle.That was un-communities have not been sufficient- derstood to be the spirit of the draft 'y forehanded.They have waited and law when it was enacted.To do this waited and hoped and took chancestheremustbemorecarefulexamina-anti!they were down to the last scut- tion into the merits of the claims tlefull,and then they set up a yell for exemption,so that those of real that alarmed the country.service on the farms should not be Secameramenoemeeemtemcreantaken,and their places filled by those You want the war to stcp?of little or no value as producers.we all --if the stopping means athiswilltaketimeand_effort,’permanent and honorable peace.Butbutitisworthit.There are,in)|if you want to help stop it,subscribecountryandtownalike,many per-|for the Liberty bonds.Withholding sons drawn late in the draft,who the means of carrying on the war‘can be spared,from the economic means to protract it.The morestandpoint,much better than others|force America can put into the warsubjecttocallbeforethem.There the!and the more quickly the force cansiftingoutprocessisneeded.The/he felt,the earlier the end of theconcernshouldbenotsomuchthatwar.He who wants the war to endoneiscalledoutofhistimeasit}can show his sincerity by helping toshovidbewhetherhecan render|end it—by helping to furnish the service for the country at|means to overwhelm our enemies.home or in the army One improp-|Take a bond today.jerly excused from military duty not)only dodges the service that is his “It would be a fine thing,”says thebutpassesitontoanother.One ex-|Greensboro News,arguing for a mu-,evsed because he is worth more to|nicipal woodyard to meet the fuel.the country at home is not excused |emergency,“if Greensboro could lead|from service.He is already in serv-|off with the municipal woodyard.”'fee and the call is properly passed on|Statesville,esteemed,hee already ledtoisnotinthecoun-pre establishment of the woodyardiservice,so to epeok.i.the es ag a fixed fact and_—,|Mayor Bris vertising for 300andheardMissRank-|cords of wood as a starter.When ittanaCongresswoman,|comes to leading,turn your eyes tocorres-“The best town in North Carolina.” ie wt FM.Williams hes leesed the ewton Enterpr to 2 °Har Mr.Williams,of the veteran editorssayshemaybeperbusinessfor i So do lis their duty to help.Our folks gen-| a Dr.Garfield,national fuel admin-| approv\resolutions thankingandtheState You won't need to go their respective counties.The sheriffs also effected a perma-nent organization with the Ri Be aay f W:countyi-wards 0!aynevicepresidents,Sheriff WiMecklenburg;Sheriff Stafford,iford,and Sheriff Lane,Craven‘retary -treasurer,SheriffWakecounty. SSA SSS Short Rations For fartherthanourstore,pro-|| Sears,|vided wehave your size and American ::omeknitting has given women afiner aqerecio- a a aoe at |color.We know our prices tion of good Saeaters.We have them,the Stockholm cables the State }ment of the arrival at Stockholm of|Willot Charles Smith of Norwalk,Conn.,who escaped from a GermaninternmentcampatKielandbroughtwordthatAmericanprisonersinGermanywouldstarvebutforfeed|sent them by the Red Cross and Y.M.C.A.Smith was a horseman on|the British steamer Esmera’cap-tured by the German raider Moewe,and was carried into ——just|before the United States broke dip-lomatic relations with Germany }“Smith stated,”says the State De-/partment statement announcing the|escape,“that without the food k-|ages sent by the Red Cross and the|Y.M.C.A.,prisoners would not be 'Needles for knitting them.-Belk Co. The Store That Sellsfor CASHand for Less—aam PHONE 212.au Ci o Se t e ep e e will induce you to buy. |Let us prove it to you. ' Prices $5.98 to $30.00.Conie and See the able to live,as _——ration |F }e k ]N J consists of a slice o vlack,sour.i bread,and a drink of coffee for as.ona Ww breakfast,and for dinner and supperaboutapintandahalfofwarm soup,apparently consisting of water and turnips.” Was Craven,Not Pinion—Wounded Blockaders Found.|: The blockader killed by officers in)to our showing of CoatStanlycounty,first identified as Vir-gil Lee Pinion,was afterward foundtobeRufusCraven,whose home is in Starr neighborhood.Montgomery : county.Pinion was not connecwiththeaffairinanyway. Two other members of the gang}have been taken into custody.TheseareFredSmith,a brother of WillSmith,who was arrested on Friday|night.Fred.has a bullet hole in hisheel.He ws located at a house a! mile or two away from where the shooting occurred...A colored manbythenameofJayHarrishasbeen|located in the hospital at Badin,withquiteanumberofbulletholesinhishody,and the officers seem reasona- jbly sure that he was one of the de-fenders of the premises around theillicitdistlery.His condition is se- rious, Bob Smith,said to be a memberofthegang,has not been found. Shortage of Sugar. The Eastern States face a sugar shortage,with no prospect of reliefbeforelateinNovember,when the|new Hawaiian and Western beet crops arrive.In a statement fore-|‘casting the shortage the feod admin-| We are constantly adding Coats and Suits| Suits.Have just received some very stylish and at- tractive patterns.Price $3.98 to $35.00. Have received another ship- ment Ladies Wool Sweaters,istration again appealed to the American people to cut down their consumption of candy and =sweetdrinks,and at the same time gave|warning that retailers already havereceivedtheirstocksatpricesre-cently agreed upon and the public! should pay no more during the tem-|porary searcity in’the Fast then it! has heen paying during the past 30) jays.| | ' Colors Red,Blue,Purple, Our racks contain more new garments to- day than we have shown at any time this season.This week arrivals make the showing more varied and attractive than ever. Beautiful Coats $10.00 and up.Suits, $12.50 and up.Among others the won- derful‘‘Wooltex”and Sunshine Garments, Old Rose,Corn,White,etc.The shortage is due,the adminis-tration says,to the failure of the sublie,outside of a few loyal homes, to reduce consumption,and to unu-sual exports to France in order that|ihe French people may have their!meager ration of one pound of sugar |ver person per month.' AD RR LRT TINIE Friends of Germany..| Speaking for the Liberty bonds,| Secretary McAdoo says:“If the thousands of patriotic cit-' They have belts and Broad Collars. izens of this country want to winihiswar,now is the time for them to Demand your cdmiration.show it.If they don’t subscribe}See this wonderful collection.for this loan and lend their money tothegovernment,they are helping the enemy. “Every person who refuses to sub-| jscribe or who takes the attitude of |‘let the other fellow do it,’is a friend|of Germany,and I would like noth-|ing better than ‘to tell it to him tojhisface.|“A man who says he can't afford Rememberwesellsolid || leather Shoes.Welave}TheStore That Pays the Postageon MailOrders. Ours Do. =When troubledonthe “time”question in any way comeus.We have “thin,”light watches which are CORRECT TIME- We carrythebest watches made and sell thern for as |he $50 for a bond ks untruly.|Ti bond can be it at the raf$5 a monthfor a bondand$10‘a month fora $100 bond.A man who‘ean't lend his government $1.25 a|week at the rate of 4 per cent.inter-‘est,is not entitled to be a citizen,”SS the Tan Boots,ask to see) |the low apriceasPossible:epectmecrengrotessR.F.HENRY,Jeweler.“READ WHATSTATESVILLEBUSINESSMENOFFER, of Staunton,Va.Stewart and ‘The ==..Bugene Davis,formerly of Btotes-| ville,now of Lynehburg,Va.Mrs.L.Mar.) rill,who is vice regent,will act at regent, Chere Te iin oSncpeend ogee a nrid La Ro McNeely of‘onlin was o chairman of |bride r.y y oO Besettes emeten ©ee ToveB.4.Mooresville.Previous to the cere-| shared woul’and are knittiiy for the soldiers,mony,an elegant dinner was served | at the bride’s home,the guests being|One owitfit has already been completed and others are io progress.The State D.A.KR the members of the bridal party. place Wednesday evening the,Presbyt course with iced tea and fruit. The Eclectic club held a very interesting maicmectingwithMiaLoulnCampbellWednesda;|yi.1,and Me. afternoon,The curly histery of Latin Amer- jen was the subject for the meeting and.therewerethreepapers:“Exptorers Sent Out byCrownofCastileandAragon,Columbus and Magellan,”vead by Mrs.Dorman Thorpaon‘The Permanent Settlement of the Colonies,”read by Mrs.L.P.Hembet:“Seenic BeauticsandWondersofLatinAmerica,Then andLater.”read by Mrs.Wm.Wallace.A gen-era!discussion of current events followed the literary programme. The Thursday Afternoon Book club metwithMrs.5.L.Parks yesterday afternooa Notices of New Advertisements| The Carolina spivit of service.Carolina Motor Co.Two her father,Mr.E.A.Barber. hride wore her traveling costume of hlue with gray accessories,and car- ried a bouquet of bride’s roses.The “oom entered with his brother,Mr. Cyrus McNeely._Immediately after ‘he ceremony the young couple| bearded a train for points North, icvhere they will spend their honey- moon.On their return they will | it home in Mooresville. Mrs.McNeely is known as an ad- mirable young lady of sweet person-| ality and much charm of manner,| She is highly accomplished in music.| The groom is the son of Mrs.C.K,| McNeely of this city,and holds a re- nponsible position in the office of the ‘ixie cotton mills.His high moral integrity and sterling business qual-} ioe combine to make him popular| farms for sale.E.G.Gaither.pipetess furnace heats your house"revister.Crawford-Bunch Furni- ture Co.Hall's Glycerine “Letion.Hall's Drug StoreMuyyournewcoatsuitfromua.M MeKee &Co.The Bargain Store.Fashionable new coats and suitsBowles-Morrixon Co. Scheinbers Bros.Rameecy- an ane coin a =with all who know him.He is .one ONecdle-Moiged’”el white Gnas co”of =Mooresville’s most promising Call fer what you want.Coca-Cola Bot-voung men.. tling Co.|A number of Mooresville people ah of staple merchandise at Mills’wepe present at the wedding.inelad- Seuth Hend =Malleatic Ranges.lredet!|Mr.and Mrs.E Brawley, Hardware Co.Mr.and Mrs.Roy Troutman,Mrs. “rte cut and enjoy life.Statesville Mo.,K.McNeelv,Messrs E.M.and Majestic Ranges in all sizes and styles yrus eNeely,Misses Gertrude, Lasenby-Montgomery Hardware Co Julia and Mary Agnes McNeely,and several others.Social Events. The MacDowell Music club held an nteresting meeting with Mrs.ie| School books and hats.Cent Store.\ Everything is high but net so high as it will be.C.WatkinsChrysanthemums for Tharpes 5 and 10 snle,All colors. Mrs.8.P.Kaxle,‘phone 214 bheck.lev Frontis Monday evening. -cords of wood wanted.City of States-‘ollowing programme was rendered: vilie.... Twelve head of ecattie for sale at my fasm Sketches of MacDowell and Carrie W.A.Thomas.,lacohs-Bond,bv Miss Maude Lentz:| ae ee engine for sale at barvain.cgen)colo.“Thy Beaming Eyes.” ‘Yat Leinster.;.;a Girl wanted to learn to operate ape writer Miss Reba Brawley:_piane duet, Apply Piedmont Red Cedar Chest Co.“Witches’Dance,Mias Nadine at.Brawley and Mrs.John Rankin;pi- ino solo,“Will o’the Wisp,”Miss Willic Kilpatrick;piano solo,“Hun- hi a Dance,” Sate of real and personalMooresville,Nov.26th.W.D. Grier,trustees in bankruptcy.Reans wanted.W.L,Smith,Bloomfield propertyTurner,H Receiving clerk wanted.Isidore Wallace.Mrs.Eugene Johns- <—toae.lost.Reward for return to son:vocal solo,“Of the Hills,”Miss Catile wanted.Write er ‘phone _H %Grace Rankin. White,Salisbury.The club will hold its next meet- ee ne with Mrs Geo.C.Goodman,at Birthday Celebration.which time the guests will enjoy a! Correspondence ot The Lanuwart.Victrola evening.” Taylorsville,R-1,Oet.15.We are having Mies Mabel Cocke was hostess to Matrons’club Tues- ‘av afternoon.The time wes pass- 4 pleasantly in knittine for Unele sam’s soldiers,and delicious refresh- ments were served, Missionary Mass Meeting at Stony Point. Correspondence of The Landmark. A Missionary Mass Meeting will he held at Stony Point Methodist hurch October 26-28. Friday,26th,7.15 p.m.,address »the young people on the subject, “No”!Rev J.W.Williams,pastor of Race Street |Saturday,27th,7.15 p.m.,“The Far- Reaching Effects of the Cross,”by some very fine weather and the farmers are making good use of it,preparing the land for wheat and other smell arain.The mo lasses-inaking senson is about over and every- oa has plenty for theuwmelves and some to he Maids and ‘Our folka never get too busy to take a day off occasionally and thy tney did Saturday,October 14,when abou 65 of the relativesandfriendsofMessrs.Ed.and Jesse RectormetatMr,Bd.Rector’s beautiful home inhonoroftheir45thbirthdayMr.ClantonreadsomeSeriptureandmadeaveryappro- priate talk on the ceeaston about the noonhour.ali were inpited to come nearerthelongtableintheyawhiehwasloadedwiththebestofgoodthings.Afterward theolderfolkshadapleasanttimesingingold-time songs,led by Dr.Barnes,which wa»followed by some of the songs of the presenttimebythe—_—folks.Every went|away expressing the pleasure it had been tohethereandwishingtheMessrs.Rector manymoresuchhappybirthdays.The more we meet together the better|:we are and the more we love ench|Rev.J.J.Edwards of Taylorsville. other;and the folks who get most pleasure Sunday,28th,10 a.m.,Missionary and enjoyment out of this life are those whodothemosttomakeotherpeoplehappy. Personal Items. Rally Day programme by the Sun- fay School;1130 a.m., |Owe the World,or ‘the Relation of CorrespondenceofThe Landmark.the Laity to the Spread of the Gos- York Institute—Mr.and Mrs,Baxter Mijler,|el”Mr.Dorman Thompson of Howard Miller and Mr.and Mrs.Hall |Statesville;2.30 p.m.“Why I Am of Monroe spent Sunday at Mr.R.D.|,Methodist,”Rev.L.D.Thompson,Lackey"ine SharpeBEFie,a mette cane,Benesv.|geter Drage t church,States- and D.A.Lackey were in Winston-Salem|ville;7.15 p.m,1 Happy Life.”Rev.D 1.‘.& There was «sagins at Mr.2.B.Sharpe's hardt,Statesvillecircuit. wae is —some special music roughout programme.The |oublie is cordially invited to attend Correspondence of The Lanamars Reriam,Oct.18—Brs,MH.A.Trexter of |all these services. Craven i ¥her mother,Mre.W.H.|E.N CROWDER,P.C. Mra.L,Manshid and daughter|natin Are.oat e to KIDNAPPER CONVICTED. Porter whois teachingai;Months ago,it willbe recalled,the spend the week-end here.|attention of thecountrywasattract- of a baby—After awas Mrs.\in good circumstances,butvall of J.H.Ham of Charlotte;Mr.gudden he held a conference with t Mills,brother of the bride,is a!wife of John Parker and they disa erian church in Cleveland|nia. Edith mogter,became the|that State. |Correspondence of The Landmark. convention meets in Winston-Salem November | Sth and Oth ond Mrs,C.“WathineWs the chap.rhe church was beautifully decor-'Statesville,R-7,Oct.16,—~Farm-| ure dolege 7 -_a BE.G.Galttessn ated with autumn flowers,P the ors are very busy gathering corn .FB Bow ten.ine hee i i ris vi8borinserene,oe eee foniee =*.voting ee.ren-and sowing wheat.The corn crop committee,will also attend the convention.|,+o ny 18 a is good. After the business meeting a number of inter-Cleveland,the bridal Darty entered The farmers on Dutchman creek eating velics of Revolutionary days were shown ind passed down the aisle.Mr.Roy!ore planning to have the creek dredg- x,Capt,Davidsonat ihe request of the T Troutman and Mr.E.M.McNeely,er The State land drai ' ughters.Mrs.Crawford served a salad ¢™M :;ee ie drainage man |f Mooresville,ushers,were follow-|came up from Raleigh and looked it) od by Miss Mary Rosebro,bride’s|ver and reports that it can be sue- ti Barber,groomsMan.cessfully done.Miss Annie Barber,maid of honor,one of the farmers on oreceded the bride,who entered with|mace near 1,000 bushels of corn this The|vear and if the ereek is successfully| be|vhere they joined in several ‘|supper was served church,Statesville;| “What Do I! poliecory.of | rs sisters.Ficesandburialwilltake The woman has a_bro’Eph.left a wife and sixchildrentohustleforthemselves. Big Corn Crop —Will Dredge.Creek—A Near Fire—Social. Ff = lf i| i : F i But WHERE will you find A fr.pening father,=S 6 COMBIN ATION “ar courte thei .The bride le =decidesblonde and °ete RELIABLE :; youns woman of exceptional heavty and AND EFFICIENTSERV 7 DR! yi charms.She is petite and attractive.PS2)Detrman is the eldest son of Mr.and Mrs.|ver of Mr.J.P.Mills and lead a Dearman.He is «promising young|cr in the social life of the city.The|Presbyterian church ee tee nen ie ben eee of Goll MOTOR=is be -of Dr nad’Mrs.*—a wey wa .Sheweer sure ot Fe Batter “ie i CAROLINA Co. y ‘ster ..©roman Les le ie |2¥.Mott and is,a»young ieee 0Geter of Berit©Rufty.w Derma waa8 ari Wine rm Lie se |THE GARAGE WITH THE GREEN ROOF. worth.their return Mr.and|end was born and reared near Stony|class of thie echeat,teking Ay Fg “WE NEVER CLOSE.” e member |Mire,Mott will be at home at the |Point.jj home economics.Since then she has taken Statesville,NorthCarolina. Pulr Blut is visiting|splendid country of the groom's)Ephraim Wasson,considered and."vsti course in nedagoea_and numbered |GE.Wiley,parents,west of Mt.Mourne.of our best colored men.took @ tME|Teche’ct Teall County’Nok’she has! e a.Ss °Out-of-town —at the wedding a few days ago that set the colored)siven up her school of many for a school ot } is her sioterin.Were Mr.and Mrs,J.B Ale citizens of the neighborhood agogs|0":The time,of the ee een pectedtwMlut'icceh|and their two children,Miss He had made a good crop and aeThomas|here and fer the present they will board atthehomeofMr.and Mrs.J.A.White.Themanyfriendsoftheyoung@upleextendthem ‘The Fort Dobbs chapter tere of the!atucont at the A.&,E.College at |peared from these parts,They MaM-|the hearticst vobvale: American RavolutionmetTeeeeyegarthe|Raleigh |oe to reach Btateevitie and these!licht cl Bre"Dearman’s cluss-montee ond |)ccc. home of Capt.T.M.C.Davidson,near town.|Wedding at Cleveland.»|heugit tickets for Salisbury,and |friends we are pleased to have her with us accepted the resignation a Me |A wedding of much interest took |'ater reports say they rot tickets |Mineee Cora and Lillie Dearman,trained When you getout of bed on a bitter cold at 6.80 at|here for some point in Neeser nurses of Charlotte,were at home for the| |wedding. }friendsingthe sickness and death of our dear wife and beloved mother, inw he op ench and every one of you. ; - it { z i the service mayas“THE CAROLINE ERN GARAGE THAN WE OFFER YOU? Mr.and Mra.Dearman wiil make their home how much it means to enjoy real warmth your whole .And when you com acomfort.,Ther after a into a house that is warm And it’s all so 2 CARD OF THANKS. We desive to express our sincere thanks to our |and neighbors for their kindness dur-e in from the morningdriveit’s royal to scozy.'s May God's richest bless-| LUTHER TROUTMAN AND FAMILY. Mr.Johnthis creek, 'redged he will have to tear down|jd barns and build new ones.Mrs.E.A.Massey entertained theSunbeamsofSocietyBaptistchurch Saturday afternoon,13th,from 1 unm til 5 o'clock.The children,19number,after enjoying somemusicwereinvitedtothe yard, gam the most interesting of which ‘andy pulling.At 4.30 they were invited into the dining room,wherg Mrs.Elizabeth Hussey came ‘osing her home by fire Saturday a ternoon.The roof caught fire nea the chimney,but by the work o some of the near neighbors the flames were soon extinguished and her home saved.Miss Mary Stroud,who has been; sick for several weeks,is —erTSCARDOFTHANKS.j We,the widow and children of R.D.Ervin,| devire to express our heartfelt gratitude 0b the generous sympathy and help of our friends andprighbors in our bereavement Oct.19.°) MARKET REPORTS. Produce Market. The following prices were paid yesterdaytorproduceonthelocalmarket:Spring Chickens,20¢.per th, Hens,20.per tb. Baus,Ste.per dozen. } Roesters,8c.to Ie,per Ib. Tub Butter,28e.per Ib.Beeewnx,S0e.per Ib.Green Hides,lic.to 16c.per tb, Hams,%8c.to 35c.per tb.Sides,f0e,to 33e.per Ib.Shoulders,3%.per |b New Red Honey Comb,12 1-2.to 186.th. New Red Honey Comb,ite.per tb. Sourwood Honey,Comb,24e.per Tb. Extracted Honey,22c.per ibOldAutoRubberCasing,4c.per Ib Irish Potatoes (new)$1.26 per bushel.| The following soma were paid yesterday|for grain on the market:Wheat,$2.90 per bushel.Corn,$1.50 per bushel.Corn inew!81.20 per bushel Oats,S0e.to BSe.per bushel.{Market.| On the local market yesterday 28 cents per pound was paid for best e@rade cotton Cotten Seed,$1.95 per bushel.} Cotton Seed,$1 per bushel.| FOR SALE—Rebuilt Mogul #-16 OM Tractor| engine,first-class condition Bargain to| quick buyer,See PAT LEINSTER Oct.19 #e° WANTED—Receiving clerk for R.V.Brawley| Co.Permanent position,Apply to ISI-| DORE WALLACE Oct,19 It WANTED—Beans.Will pay $5 per bushel for colored beans and $5.60 per bushel for| white beans.W.L.SMITH,Bloomfield Oct,18. HAVE good opening for a Girl to learn to| write on Typewriter.Apply in Person e | office:PIEDMONT RED CEDAR CHEST co.Oct.19 2t } FOR SALE—Teeive head cattle.Can be seen | Supt.Mitchell will Visit theTown- ‘shipsto Approve Teacher Contracts. county on the following dates for the purpose| lof approving teachers contracts,by are requested to be present at the time andpiace Meeting : ship,Cool Spring schoo}, bury township,Harmony school, tonvilie school, Taylor Springs school,10 a.m.; townwhip,Central sched. wchool,14 a.m.;Olin township,Athens sehool, Zn,| Friday,261 ‘oneore ownship,‘.°.chal gunk!wenn’rviecww|balmy circulation of _healthful ae ca.hm | |be announced for the week folowing at my farm.W.A.THOMAS.Oct.19 it’) WANTED—Lot of cattle,both large and small.| Write or ‘phone H.Z.WHITE,Salivburg. x.Cc Oct.19 1t* Los gold ee ferd setting with gold inlay,“SB.C..‘16°Tnitialn ““M.2c inside ring.Reward for return to THE Oct.1%LANDMARK..eg FOR SALE—White,Pink and Yellow Chryt- anthemums.MRS.8.P.EAGLE,‘phone 214 Black Oct.19. WANTED—300 of wood.CITY OF STATESVILLE.Call at Mayor's office.Oct,19. FOR RENT—Gtere room now byTharpeFiveandTenCentStore.sion Junuary 1,1918 C.8.HOLLAND. —_—.|FoR avenue.Landmark.at*.eerineniiecanmientamnanmmmnciae.ite |SEWING te|chine.wacTaMs FURNITURE HOUSE any me |=}ee yo economical,For about. oe have .>thoroughly ——— the price you would spend for ; would heat part of your house oni the house warm,by installingandwidelyknown. | 1 will viwit theg various townships of the| as required |law.Ail committeemen in each township| appointed,and have contracts ready ifponiesibdeTeacherswillbeweleometothese Monday,October 22d “ool Spring town-10 a.m.:Turnera-| 2p m,|Engle Mills township,Hous-|10 a.m.;Union Grove town- hin,Union Grove »A,2p.mWednesday,24th New Hope township,Sharpesbure Tuesday,23d The Original You will not know real heating comfort unti your home enjoys the Pipeless =,7RyxtByresZszpMm Thursday,26th Bethasy township,Bethany| by the Calorie. All the heat of your fuel goes right into all your rooms h only one register,and circulates to the furthest corner uniformly,warm- ing every nook and cranny with pate air. us quote price on the size require- ed to heat your home.Crawford-Bunch Furniture “The Store That Always Welcomes‘PHONE NO.400. warmth producedAppointmentsfortheothertownshipswill JOHN F.MITCHELL,Oct.19.Superiniendent. The Bargain Store. Just a Turn From The Square.”Stataanlite's wor papain ant Se ee ee ibahvenipoom. the same goodsasothers,but our prices arejust ‘ *: « Boys Suits and Qevecoats,you willfind them great Bargains. SCHEINBERG BROS. Next to Alexanders Grocery Store. “Just a turn from the Square.” s S 68-acre farm,one mile from Statesville,three-toom dwelling,small barn,well,fine boiling spring,40 acres in cultivation;land level and productive,balanee in woodland,branch running through place.Ideal place for truck farming and dairying. 119 acres of level,productive,red land farm,fronting on public sand-clay road seven miles from Statesville;nice 2-story,7-room dwelling,located in a beautiful grove, barn and out-buildings;nice orchard,with a variety of fruit;30 acres in meadow land,40 acres in cultivation, balance in woodland;near school and church, ERNEST G.GAITHER. Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate. Phone 23.Satesville, We Can Cut Down Your Yearly Clothes Bill. Because they wearLONGER--and holdtheirshapeandKEEPnew. ‘“‘NEEDLE -MOLDED ” Suit and O’Coat Tailored to Measure by The Globe Pailoring Co.,Cincinnati. They have an extra snap.Hundreds of glorious new woolens, and aperne.EVERY-GUARAN- ee oor eei nceaneeniiaieasiens N,C. DR.J.M.DENTIST. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECOMPANY. ro et EN Cre ong “a ©38 Been on)PRae ie 08, MU eteasGetNM acca ee s PS ea e et ee [_OOSEN your purse oe 4 sons anddenetersofColumbia.and the bonds of tiSecondLibertyLoan.Buy them till thepinchofbuyingbringstoyourhearttheglowofagoodinvestmentmade,a good deed done.Buy U.S.Government Liberty Bonds.If you have one,buy another,and sell two more bonds to two other good Americans. The Bonds are your answer,our answer,the one answer weasanundividedpeople,loyal to the cause of humanrights can make to the World War.| The eyes and ears of the world are strained for our answer. The eyes and ears of our enemy,more eagerly than the eyes and ears of our allies. Strike the answer home thatthere may be no doubt of the answer. Our young manhood answers as our boys go tothe firing line; our farmers answer in food for our fighting men;our manu- facturers answer in shoes and uniforms, little guns,powder,shot and shell;our ship-yards in food shipsandfightingships.But they speak the answers of individuals. The Liberty Loan speaks for our whole people.Let our answer tell friend and foe,that we know we are fighting for human rights,and stand behind our demand.) “The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy” ea e ee e ea e en n a ae ee t ee ee e ce n en n a ee n ee n ee t 7 SS eS ee ee ee ce ee = st s Se a og a m e “ i A I I a ee e ie e e le n i e n t ee n r a a t i a n e n e e r e e n i e a ea t e n ai m e e ie e e Te n t s on i t l i i n i n e n e s a d e n an e m e n a e m a n e m n i i e e ai e an i a ne s e en e n n e n ee e e r a r t e n ea t e n ca r e n te e s — - Be . es ae Se w 2 Pt Se t Put every dollar you can spare into a Liberty Bond.Never before could your dollar buy somuch.It buys safety for your country,your homes and your children,now and for years to come.It buys life and liberty withouttakingacentawayfromyou.It fights for us,and pays for the privilege of fighting.It fulfills a duty which has the combined rewards of a good deed and a good investment. For the Second Liberty Loan is the best invest- ment in the world today.A Liberty Bond is money which pays youa 4 per cent income,andisonlysemi-taxable.Always safe as_gold,always worth its face value,every Liberty Bond.with the end of the war,is sure to be held at a premium. ,‘Go to Either of the Following You men and women with a few dollars to in- vest can put them to fighting for your homes at the same time they bring you an income. You may buy Liberty Bonds as small as $50 and pay for them by installments. Other lands of Democracy are making their fight and sacrifices for Democracy. The hour of America’sopportunity and privilege strikes.Lend your utmost to your government. Buy her bonds.Buy,and in buying strike our answer home,that the world may know beyond a doubt that America’s War Answer,“Makes the World Safe for Democracy.”: Local Banks for a Liberty Bond. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANK. PEOPLE’S LOAN &SAVINGS BANK. | gas masks,big guns, | a aat Call For What You Want. -GET what you CALL for.That's what. WE bottle EVERY day in the week,except SUNDAY.It might be a revelation to you | to actually SEE how CLEAN our plant is. Pay us a visit.Go and see OTHER plants. THEN you .can appreciate OURS.24 | STERILIZED bottles of most any flavor you wish,delivered to your home for $1.00 CASH. ee a ; * BOTTLING COMPANY. Favorite Base Burner. Let us piece one in your home end money on your fuel bill by heating your whole house with a Favorite Base Burner.You only have to runone fire to have a warm comfortable home. Come in early and get your pick while we have them at the old price. WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE.THE FAVORITE STORE. ASR UY RAR SS TO;SR COAT SUITS,COATS and DRESSES. We have just received a big line of Coats in all the new shades,ranging in price from $15.00 to $35.00.° ¢Coat Suits from $12.50 to $45.00. save you Also a nice line of Satin and Serge Dresses, Our line of Shirt Waists are always complete. See us before buying. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. \third class,those with a wife and |on. |might ‘fora time to time by the President .dividual value claims.In and \taken by GermansOnthemainlandto tivity on the partwhoatonenointendeav: F the submitted of civilians aeboardin sunk,two weredamagedandoneRussiantorpedo heat went to the bottem in an en- cagement Sunday in Soela Sound, north of Oceselisland,the Russian of- ficial statement announces,A report which,if true,probably for instance,horizontal colugane aF ‘*dicates that the Germans arc pre-lassifications would be based on de "i"for a big naval demonstration pendency.Men with no depe (against the Russians from the Bal- would be placed in the ween |tic,comes from Malmo,in southern those with dependent relatives in the ———it ee —o ner otsecondclass,th i :jerman war ¢©erver ace WHR wives Si Monday and Tuesday and that the belief prevails that they were rein- —for the German Baltic ect.The onpestes —,of >os *‘ich and Frene ensive in ium arrange fing i ann gi rane seweee 6 Ser Indus-"2s not cecurred,but there are tvial classes under consideration in heavy bombardments and reconnoi- this conneetion ore farmers,ship.“0%encountersyardemployes,munition workers,There is a noticeable return of railway and transportation employes,VOTUing operations by the British miners,-teel plants and mater fe (2rmen in Belgium and =ecross the a line in Germany,and by the Ger-|dustry branches to be designated '"against French positions.Brit- ich aviators have dropped tons of bembs on Bruges and elso have loos- ed explosives on a factory near Saar- brucken,Germany,while the Ger- mans have bombed Nancy and Dun-“irk,at the former place killin;107 persons and wounding 40. 26S ENT SNSN TET Wounded on Firing Line. First Lieyt.A.Graham,medical officers’reserve corps,attached to ho British forces,has been severelythighsbygunshot.General Pershing so advised the War nen for examination,boards would Department,without giving det sibs. first take all men physically fit,hav- !f Lieut.Graham was shot while ine neither dependents or value in °¢rving at the front,as is assumed, escentin’war industries.When —this he was the first American of (he ex- Jacs was exhausted,dreft authori-peditionary forees to be wounded on ty would draw on the classes hav-the firing line.One American _offi- ing the slightest dependency claims ¢°"was killed several enlisted vad the least value in essenital in-the department boats were It is proposedtocaldraftdistrict a table of allistrants,en each in a t)donoting dependentstrialvalueinthewar's h ene child in the fourth class,and so Similarly,the vertical columnsrepresentcertainindustrids or the War Department as tempora-rily cssential,The latter classifiea-might include plants making militory clothing,harness,first aid materinis,or professions such as chemists and other scientific men more needed fer war research than to‘arry arms.Thus the table with horizontal de- vendeney classifications and verticalindustrialclassifieationswouldheld a place for each registrant in ac- cordance with his dependency or in-selecting than wounded in the andmenofmedicalwoundedintherecent bombing of a Ivstries,Theoretically the draft |\twouldworkdownthroughthetalhospitalbehind the front.They al- ‘o the classes with most depend 3 oO were attached to the British ind higghest industrial value.forces No class would be exempted as ~~errors ‘och,bat the valuablé men would ra A CHILD'S TO UE SHOWS Inced so that they would not be If LIVER BOWELS ARE ACTIVE!cplied until the need for soldiers be- If Cross,Feverish,Sick,Bilious,‘ome more urgent and all the lesseconntialclasseswereexhausted. EES Pe ee rer=Give Fruit Laxative at Once. Evorv mother realizes,after giv-Lawyer Disbarred.ee “Professional blind tigers,”“ha-:rats : bitual violators of the law,”are just ing her|children ““(uliforn:s Syrup a f-w compliments which Chief Jus-of Figs,that this ix their ideal lax- .Clark bestows upon James H.ative,because they iove its pleasant johnson,attorney of Cumberland tasie and it thoroughly cleanses the ;tender little stomach,liver and bow- is without grriping.nunty,who ia disbarred by the Su- When cross,irritable,feverish,orpremeCourtintheappealofState© on the relation of solicitor agains.paren breath is bad,stemach sour,look at the tonavue,mother!If coated,giveJohnson. Johnson's case vexed the Chief .ee ;a teaspoonful of this harmless “fruitjustice.The lawyer was first con-:" vieted of gelling wine four years Gumptive and .a few _—== :t .Seek wi,constipated wuste,sour ble antagoandin.defence pleaded special —F ee undigested food passes out of thestatutewhichabsolvedhim.He was (ned,Chief Justice Clark says,$500 ignd did not pay the fine Neither ‘did he show good behaviour at suc- ceeding courts,sell out or quit his business.In 1915 he was convicted again and sentenced to three months after he lest his appeal to ihe Supreme Court.He was par- toned by Gov.Craig.Johnson won nis point in the lower court,which held that it had no jurisdiction in disharment proceedings.Ht held that under the Revisa!no such offence as should make him unfitted to be bowels,and you have a well,playful ehild again.When its little system is full of cold,throat sore,has stom- ach-eche,diarrhoea,indigestion,col- ie-——remember,a good “inside cleans- ing”should always be the first treat: ment given.Millions of mothers keep “Califor- nia Syrup of Figs”handy;they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow.Ask your druggist for a bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,”which has directions for ba- bies,children of all ages and grown- ;‘nee ae <dyu-|UPS printed on the bottle.Be-trustedinthe dischareeofMie ware of rounterfeitn.sald Nera,::don’t be fooled,Get me genuine, holis the judgment erroneous and orders the case remanded to the low- er court,where reeord will be made as of disbarment “that it may be knowr that the law will be enfore- ed ngainst all alike.He who habit- vally violates the law is unfit.to he jth sted in the discharge of the du- tier of the profession and is un-| worthy to sit among those who are ficers of the court.”\ 2ReEEEeve|SE = Hard Coal Men Line Up.'The Brady Printing Co. Anthracite coal operaters,repre senting most of the country’hard ‘coal output,at a conferenee with the fuel administration in Washington, pledged full support to the govern- ment in solving the coal problem. They agreed to name a representa- tive to act as an assistant to the ad- ministration and a committee to rep- resent the industry in all govern- ment,dealings It was brought out that the mines have produced 8,000,000 tons more of anthracite than had been mined at the same time last year.All of the operators declared the most dif-| made by “California Fig Syrup Co.” School Book —_——— Has a Full stock of all books Graded Schools.They are sold for CASH. used in That King of Kandies,NUNNALLY'S HasneithergoneUPinprice, nor DOWN in quality. It’s the same deliciouslyrichandnourishing chocolatecovered nuts,creams and other temp- varietiesatthesameoldprices,regardless Fis ticitytabannnh anet of tscrenaiagtanFreshshipmentjustreceived. ‘fieult problem is that of dietrivatien,|. |but they promised to co-operate With || the government and the railroads Nothing can take the place offurnisheveryconsumercoaloneal| needed at government prices.i metals.We are sheet metal workersand will make anything |pOCTOR CAUGHT UNDER CA On his way to see a patient at Val-| dese,Dr.J.B.Riddle of Morganton) ‘was pinned under his car,at mid-: night Monday,when the machine’you want —tip roofing,gutters, was thrown down an embankment!valley tinandridge roll.Let us lew yourwanis. -STATESVILLETIN CO. \by a broken br .The doctor call- for help until exhausted and was a@ rescue party,anpractically—— Sr PP oy ver-bores,Calomel,when it comes into cor:tact with sour bile crashes me F? you are “all knocked out,”if iliverisedoryou coutel vonggue,if breath is f stomach sour just try a spoonful of|ble. harmless Dodsen's Liver Tone, drs store and get a 50 cent bottle of Give it t your chil ; Ned-on's Liver Tone.Take a spoon-\less;doesn't gripe and” in-*":ful tonight and if it doesn’t straight-pleasant taste. ed the plans,torpedo ane eee ee Si ia dete iiaias eliiliiaddiialtkied ?y q en ae esoe.7.r— eo .it makes ;ts works Hf you |fine undonfoemoe is mereu quicksil-one ae a it up.This is whenyou feel)nausea and cramping.if, and bowles we headache,dizziness,pated wiste which is bad or system and making you1guaranteethst a Dodson's Liver Tone will Here's my guerantee-—Go to any entire family feeling fine for H a l $ i f f u t i i ii !i : copy aDen.x The Cotton Oil Dept.KAitantatagistaGeminghanCharatteGreenwoodJochenLiteRectMaceoMemphisSime Automobile Users! * We now have with us Mr.BE.G.Davis,who is a compe-’ tent ond experienced Automobile mechanic.Mr.Davis 5 had thirteen years’experience in general repair work.é HE CAN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on § Packard and Pierce-Arrow Cars.‘ if you have any trouble with your motor or electric sys-# tem,Mr.Davis will be glad to examine it free of charge.& Call at our Garage and let us look over your battery,7 without cost to you.Will also gladly supply distilled water for your battery without charge.ia There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix,No«, thing but first-class werk,and at very reasonable prices.. Always glad to see Automobilists,% W.R.Mills Motor Co. REE!AC rae ae HAND PAINTED CHIN “The World’s Best”;PICKARD’S,STOUFFER’S,NIPPON. It’s a pleasure {o show them.They are good to look» at..Come five us the pleasure of satisfying your eyes. THE REXALL STORE, Statesville Drug Comp’y : QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONTSTS., [Statesville Inn} aaREOPENED-UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.| Modern conveniences.Baths and hot and ap cold running water in every room.House ~f renovated | "Phone 65,114 B.Broad Street. EV IS HIGH! eur Rtemdch.| better buy Shingles, |Mat slowly,mantiente |WATKING ix tall,but Shineles | ahotain from meatfor »od"moth aren't ao high as they will be.You'd | |.‘Tablets Nails,Ridgethe Sigh aes.ments 8)Boll and Valley Tin while C.WAT-/ mont emmse stomach oad youwaythew ‘KINS hasthemat the old prices, Cordial invitation tostopwith us Warm hospitality and best assured.French chef ishead i PETER BONA, = —_—i Red anes ta 0 bant-|Ae the entire week beginning meeting |“me with County Agent Dull,willvisitthedifferentsectionsoftdiwhetherthee!county and diseuss with farmers presentandsoSacontinueasanauxformiliary.\,ible to recommend whether lime is | ren cor ee tebe =il weeded on any of these farms,and local auxiliary hopes to send a dek ‘cgest quantities that had _best bepate.A committee will be anvo:nt ed.If farmers wish their soilsedtoconsultwithDr.TE.Ander.,"*ted for acidity they may have Mr.| son,county food administrator,as Logan de so by bringing bef smalltheladieswishteaidinthisworkampleofthesurfacesoiltakenat!The misuse of the Red Cross emblem ‘he —at which the soil is usual- was also discussed.This emblem ty Draken.;. intended only for Red Cross work and While Mr.Logan is in the county should not be used for any other TECUNgs will be held for the discus-por :ion of the lime question,forms of The Red Cross sewing room was '™@¢that should be used on the;aan :Set pa farms .p bes inane PpmovedWedneslayafternoon.Thi sole Pv =tal os Pi _o -hanewquartersoverthefiredepart.97>",4 pees tT en Oatmentaremuchmorecomfortable‘td County Agent Dull will also haveval‘Whe teling feel that they can dae h of value te recommend with better work there.They wiil make,'o'trence to the selections of grow-.ney will make get as aaa .acomfortbagsforthe|colored sol ’ey uminous crops to ee " 4 *5 ‘’re amoun utrogven needer ydiers.This work is being done by ({T*)-f the if eh f Y the or :the Red Cross throurhout the coun-ra Pik ot aa ti A a ‘atry.The members of the local Red (S""'ae oe PtCresswillsewonTuesdaymorning,hy aan te |to Jredell.:ran o bring te redellThursdayandFridayafternoons;~hie f ' Mrs.B F Long Mrs.Roxs Vek!);nty the latest uy ee On BOS RE wee and Mrs Herbert Hoffman:will n the results of the agronomy ight on the ground whether a farm-| s )r Visto of he *xpermmen StationhavecharreoftheworkonTues.0"08,-,:oe :th if.: day morning,Mrs.Baxter Stephen.*of ECGS EX DSL RENE Ss cemaen..ove nt fertilizers and different cropa aeon,Mrs,Dorman hompson)arc hw me found intl s':isn sGtUs as are Teund tis aeMrs.Pegram A.Bryant will be in |.it 3 :: A ae VeK he Coun AgenchargeThursdayafternoon,and Mrs.ved that anty Agent ,.Dull ean render gre ne!»theRV.Brawley,Mra.T.1)Miller and Dull can render great’help to tht5we¢i lers im ¢erminiag eMrs.N.B.Mills Friday afternoar mers in determining what fertil-es —,rand fertilizer mixtures they had2;us via :a cuit¥Trusty Released Prisoner st use this year,and he will also..e able to advise where lime may be-Parks Johnson,a white youth,for cceured at the lowest.pri Mire seme time a trusty xt the aes MO an is to discuss with the farmerslockedthejailTuesdayafternoonimportanceofgoodseedfordiffer- and gave two prisoners Gene and ont crops and offer practical recem-Robert Moore a chance at libe Tt’«mendations as to how the farmer Gene Moore took advantare of the iy secure the seed from his ewnopportunitytogooutforfreshaircedEveryfarmerrealizetht for about two hours,and then re wd seed properly selected is of the turned.highest impertance for those who Johnson,who enjoyed the freed Mm wish to get the yvreatest returns ferofthepremises,had noticed where 46 Jaber and expense they put into the offcers placed the keys,secured jer farming operations.The farmthem,unlocked the cell and oe the ors of Iredell will have a yood op- negroes walk out.The Moore broth-Gortunity to discuss with Mr.LoganershadbeenconvictedinSuperior¢the meetings the imporunt prob-Court this week and wer n !toms which are pressing on farmersawnitingtheirtransfertothechaintcchyear.Jt ts believed that thesefrancetoservesentencesforlarcenycussionswilldevelopmuchofnndreceivingstolengoods.Roberc helpfulness.The following »eetingsMooredidnotleavehiscell.have been arranged:Johnson is a north Iredell boy.data —house,Monday,22d,about BH years old,son of Mr.and >30 4 »Un ion Grove school house,John Johnson.The parents do ‘Puesduy Md,2.800 p.m.;Harmony not seem to be able to contro!him)arin tire ‘Sct ol,23d,7.30 p.m.and he has given considerable gy trouble.He has been committed to ;deal itv school house,24th,7.30 p.m.; tidvge schoo)house,Zoth,7.3 the Jackson Traininy School at Con m.:Sharor chool house,26th,7.-cord,opm One-Horse Load Sold For $151.-THE RECORD OF DEATHS.35. Mr.T.R.Alexander of Shiloh Mr.Summers of the Countytownshipsoldaone-horse load of and Mr.Moore of Statesviite. -—cotton on the Statesville market Mr.Perry Meilmoth Summers died sday and was so pleased with th:Tuesday afternoon at 1 o’elock at his posult that he told)The Landmark home in Bethany township,in the about it.That one-horse lord of .6th year of his age.He had been weed cotton brought $154.35 in good feeble health all summer but did money.rot take to his bed until Thursday of Two reason First roml roads,t week Death was due to heart which enabled Mr.Alexander to haul nse about twice the amount that would,Mir.Summers was born near wheeundertheoldsystem,have been put he diced,a sono!the late Hirambehindonehorse—<1,.260 pounds:see mmers He was known as one oond,the hirh price of catton and cot t farmers in’his community ton seed,the price being 12.25 {that he was a successful one j But $154.35 for a one-hor land iJenced by the fact that he neoffarmproductsis“woins ome,"nulated pood property lard isn’t it?MiCY,tle soe a Cor lerntesaseeashiventheCivilWarLOCATEINALEXANDRIA.fo.CimaMr.and Mra.J.Wo Ward and aie gs con MchildrenleftWednesdayforAk!Grant,|dria,Va.,where they will locate.Mrooyyo3 Ward has heen emvloved in Alexar eon Ee lhHtiforsometimeand«i t :'leothes :\Vacersll |'ptakehisfamilythere.He mov bin :Ou leeSimmare ainiedann proeerty in Ales antria and locnt Summet ;tne Ja ng ned of Aipermanently,Mr.Ward was fo ;ay halfchrother,Mryearsanofficerr—deputs heriff at ep “6 nmere.of Florida . econstable—in Statesville ar 1 goed The f eral of Mr.Summers.tooloneHeandhisfamilyhavemars'Bethany church vesterdayfrierdswhorevrettheirvoin,e104 ve Rev.Ov a Pul Mr Wor dad}t ie coninci ’the a ‘1 'lot on Bell street to Mr Th Rim ’a Beat oe Carasm.FINE PEARS—GENFROUS GIFT.Pres|y Moore diedRev€..8,Cashwellh er Catt Prout (30 a clockwt(eure on hie place on Race pee ‘Frovt street,agedTheheimar}kr,;tthe early G2 ye it 1 res lting from pea thot they are Fie and fn er of th ata He hnd heer —Leeau M Caan ;ree wi t 1 |time Quince Summe cme some to th oes,not ty ches wr re \n ity 0 Ale or a half dozen ;:;nit ut ha eal State whole shel,od mea '‘’;He su hem with |mpl ‘1}‘lauybter,Mis preacher hae a ‘:'tt Messr tne newspap YY }t Ba Minin rr ity apy ‘! THE FACULTY hive ‘\eral x ere Re re A wood a ‘'’We esday mornin nt ulty t )'Hi (ireealy evenir rh ‘a rit Ways yee ’Vieag Vectings Praiecnal Ordersr")te ry devson at :}.:CRGillespie‘+):(|1 Riel The ¢'a?74 bb.Weare day \‘ COLORED James Car ored citir«of ||_}u wi ,nan died Wed ay ¢:!‘in Salisbury Qbout 57 A far ‘py thi Anniver ser)#0n owned his:hor '.MGs J tenant on the land «tr JOA.far RS I ‘Far!White, nard for ever |i LETS |ass Hoffmann, lord save he wor ‘‘M 1 in,Ty Witte Ram community and ‘a !y the white people.LHONAL ARMY MEN TRANS. MeCORKLE JUDGE ADVoo Vr;oa FER —Mr.¢M,McCorkle of New —‘:date m .‘H!N rth and brother of Mrs M 1 s ae :.i ’.a:mp Jack ’lun a,§Btatervill«and wel \r :f —’'t eer trar erred to CampPtateaviliepeople,ha nay t ier,Greenville,to fill out Nation-ed jude advoeate in the srmy woo (revimentr.As ther will,antherankofmaiMet:Ghanikie,he wlaced @llk 6 lawyer and his duties «,©1 ,mine (it ai theic Gan Beoten teeent the prosecution x»,N army men from rede tial.=:'tion o the State will :Croup,tre e placed with what wasiiwfeeaePhittBeourpetArnerlytheFirstNorthCarolina Gttark comes on be careful to folbw oTprinteddirection.You wil te GOVERNORAT DAVIDSON.the eae 1 affords,Gov.Rickett we speak at a©C.WATKING,343),°°"(“Colles Day,” TIZES.FY ap ey !ting of the D ra seMr.€.of the division ofnel eae ColoredSoldiers—ara Gerth Carolina IES:|tonal Curveunentonee planned to be Iredell countydur- Commercial club October 22.He will spend his entire the|of Columbia,8.C,,will| be.oh to chapter.The their ae,soil and crop ae they could do just ie 7 _ay n a be in ,their with a simple device for determinng | A Wikis Genvention of Rei **soils are sour or not and will be!; congregation of St.Mark'slanchurchon~subject”Dr.Seegers|fessor of practical at the|Southern Lutheran ,Sem-‘nary at Columbia,and is one ofstrongestmenofhisChurch”He iwuprofoundthinkeraswellasanel-equent and polished speaker,All|who will are cordially invited to at-tener tpstendtheserviceSundayafi.1EAVY: f Mr.James W.Owens,son of CETTLE:18 02-MLL-CODPER-TEMKETTLE: late Frank Owens of the Amity 402:ALL’COPPER:ne ighborhood,died last Wednesday COPFEE POT:of pneumonia and complications athishomeinSt.Augustine,Pla,The my was brought to Christ EB)pal church,Mr.Owens’home church,for burial Saturday,and the funeralserviceswereconductedthere—byRey.Jerry Brown of Cooleemee,Mr Owens was 80 years of age and be- ides his wife,who was Miss CollinsfSt.Augustine,he is survived byvisagedmother,three brothers and ¢hree sisters,namely:Rev.Bruce 2OwensofCharlotte,Messrs.EK.FP,ind G.B.Owens of near Amity; Mrs Ketchie of Mt.Ulla,Mrs.Gheen of Cleveland,and Miss Bey-‘uh Owens,the latter a trainednurse.Shé was with her brother at he time of his death. Plt Owens was held in high es- m by all who knew him,and wasmemberofoneofthemostinflu-'families of upper Rowan. oan Association has r eval mon- for four loans,as follows:J.A.users!Ts Siete LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO. 00,The loans are to extend a period of 36 years. Mooresville “National Farm More than a thousand Majestic Ranges now in usein Iredell Are you one of the“THE RANGE WITH A REPUTATION.” ‘The R.N.Hudson Company of At- ta,Gi,has the contract for the .y .permanent street improvement.The tract w awarded at a meeting of : ——Selling At—— oe town board Wednesday. Mrs.J ©.Denton of Statesville, who has been visiting relatives here, ft Wednesday evenin for Char- tte,where she will visit her son, Mr.Fred.Gray Deato Mr.W.D Pharr of Charlotte is u visitor here Mro and Mrs J.A Adams and Mr. nd Mrs.Geo.MceHargue of Hidden- spent Sunday here with Mr.and A.M.Adams,who also had as their guest Sunday and Monday Mr. MILLS &POSTON’S On the basis of last Spring Cost.The following Brands are the Best. MA Tuesday for Rock Hill,8 Coe Punjab Percals and Woolen Outings.Toil-de-Nord and BatesStormFlannelsMre.JT.Goodman of Amity andMrs.Ellen Erwin and daughter,(inghams.Miss Essie,of Wilkesboro,passedhroughhereWednesdayontheir av to Charlotte where they willitMr.and Irs.Charles Arey N kiMyErwinoaherdaughterspentapIns.>time at Amity with Mrs.Goed — Ir.Gray Hoover of Coddle and Flanneletts.Lakeside,Conestoga and Hickory Cheviots.Table Damask,Towels andRoyalOutingGownsandSkirts.Elkin Blankets.fey Mee ira een Bed Spreads and Comforts.Prices guaranteed only onnalaFUInletcottonpresentstock.recently and is the richer by $199.70 thy cotton is soaring to me price of ham and eg: Yours truly, ci cemmee "|—=sMILLS &POSTON.<= their gala attire on last Sundsas Hn tyrned out en ma to lav th'stone of the colored Pres!y DD FW )of Win ‘Tean et urch,several miles south Of davine a lo bt The stone was placed with A «“l ee;:eemenyvandritualandthechurchiVand tk frown as Bethesda,ehal peu t Veterans Re-elect Officers.SS Metts of>Wilminet ©]ADistinctive South Bend Malleable ie Strate Veterans’Assocint 4 ¥d. VREMET TS py oual session in Rate |week,re-elected all ‘ofee:(ave ee ee if it’s Hats You Want. (W.H.Smith of Wa -ecand Maj.ROH.R 'Tharp’s 5 and 10¢. Jount third,and dam:I Asheville fourth, Col Border was empowered t Gettysburg point ne farthest advanc¢ ern soldiers,a daring thet iv Fire in Stockyards Ml than half the steckvar i (.Kan,the seeand juniry,were destro ulteratTuesdaymorningpyCOOeattiieinthe:thea ‘Nusiness the day lef }any were liberated aft:will tdiscovered,many tt FOR SALE BY ed Approxim Store. what- rat t}att H0 ttle and 3.200 hogs Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (Co, :"the Io ne Satem Statesville,N.C.Wd There o are t ariam iLecal Court Caves.Certificate of Dissolution. nd Henry Wo TATE OF NORTI AROLINA,DEPART taxed with the co-t f MENT OF ST i eotiTittlewas‘taxed with Whe {b wor for being drunl baby Wut lve 4 the \riv,Finney Brown \for \the by 1 Pena charge of +'eeaied inn tt Millinmobilesp@edTimitpany‘th ''i he oiinlalaaiasieiandilineneens sésesinlecion aan ie {iFIVEMINUTES!NO ee ek eee INDIGESTION,GAS OR A i theres {harwasthereat, OUR,ACID STOMACTE!whom ‘‘eh.ins com: 1 with ¢t Chapt:2t, the ‘PP %iy )al 4 rations,ue Pouches the Stomach Al!Dist:elute | (oes,Now,theref !Prvan Grimes,See Wy ”a ‘\of t do herebydoeputSctt'fe the toon did y the |rider “really do ‘7 ‘ae fle in vice| 'reation,dysenensia vas,h ,»duly execute ~nt in | reo 20uTnes due t nei »in oy the d 1 .ap y tee ah by allt hereof,which|tation om five minu do eoneent nd t 1 of ey oodtthotmakesPape's 1)»aforesnid wre cinn id offic larg ‘elling stomach a»pron fded by 1 ,testimony whe f %hereunto setretulatorinthewor!{f w ’r hand and aff t y Ci i "t Ral.u eat ferments and turn mur,y ,this 26th «entember,A,DL 1947 h was and eructate ound:1.BRYAN GRIMES, od or water:head is dizzy ar Oct.2,19 i ary of Situte hes;breath foul:tongue co our insides filed with indwaste,Remember the moment ‘Pape Battery Inspection Free. Yiapepein”comes in contact with We are thoroughly equstomachallsuchdistrenisttorechargeBatteriesand veIt's truly astonishing aly in stock a full line of Battery ac-norvelons,and the joy is its harr cessories, lerrners,TES A large 50-eent case of Pape's 1)on VELLE MOTOR CO.nepsin is worth its weight in roll Se iateaia,to men and women who can't get their stomachs rerulated.Tt belongs eg EX IPAT Hl.a)»your home —should always bxkepthandyincaseofasick,sour,Dr.§Hoffmann.|sopere aeinsetstomachdurithedayorat|wiht.72.the quickest,surest ant.ae thestomach in the world.x p FamerATRING|Phone,#1)Grom, i | ——RANGE FEATURE any but ret SOUTH BE conetruction A range ishakknow is the heart range.THE SOU t BEND MALLEABLE is the only range made with Patented Ke. makes THE heyond com THE Sot an identi Look fo Ip additior ade matortantret be your rai you will « THE Sot can fami! are equipper homes,sinea'such an eye turn permits us to offer THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE range at oa even ead aia POHET ‘ea " IREDELL,HARDWARE CO. seaman:sat OUTH BEND MALLEABLE,It is the direct road torealkitehenc+ With the repu money will b ’the most value if it buys THE GEN- onomy and ce‘mkine comfort.f ous store at stake,we have refused to sell able ranges Therefore,we sell and recommend THE ND MALLEABLE because we know its quality and is right no better than its flue construction;every range user that.}u point we always consider,because the flue th r votone Copy “Searing Aluminum Fused Flues.This SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE flue construction good Pariser it BEND MALLEABLE trademark stands for mereBeatmn.It represents superior ranve construction. on ne yen coor to the patented flue construction and the very highest nis used in it throughout,there are many other im-ons why Tlik SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE should we choice.We will show and prove these reasons,ifi tH BEND MALLEABLE is the range of the Ameri- nearly hal’©million kitchens in the United States |with these ranges and many thousands of foreign they began te make them,almost twenty years ago. ‘mous output enables economical preduction,which price comparin favorably with ranges that do not ach THE SOU he BEND MALLEABLE class. SOUTH BES D MALLEABLE in miud and remember the best range value we know of,or we would not t fi i,and customers, i -omeee oe en ee eeeae The Most Exquisite Preparation Known For The Skin,Is Halls Glycerine Lotion. Cures Chapped Hands,Irritated Skin and 25 Excellent for use after Shaving. CENTS A BOTTLE AT HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No.20. INGERSOLL DOLLAR WATCHarprice#1.35.See me if youaredaanyneed.WwW H. kind of a Watch.I canInstock,—Elgin,York time _deweler,. STATESVILLE,N.0.,TUESDAY,OCTOBER 23,1917. BLOW.|To SE RANCE|STATESVILLE GO 1 Bond SubscriptionsMillienMark,Near $10,000 in Excess Sines fet cooee Sian bond sincriptions throwsibe,ieee=apportioned to States- pF depot b:andweignthecutoheeedoyother the officers to France bwi ;That was the amount up to last more by the t A special from Greenville,8.C in,|to the Charlotte Observer says ee _|six training battalions of the Si:Fifth Depot Brigade, Automobile paradeat 1 o'clock. jon of medals ie by District of Columbia The District of Columbia Band hassecuredfromCampGreene,,and consists of about 40 F All who have flags eIplease dec- time this is read, by the end of the week,It is noted with pleasure that the wbscriptions reported today include:vumber from the country districts. 2z e 3 , <=first,second and third battalionstheFirstTennesseeinfantrythirdbattalions First North Carolina infantthethirdbattalionCarolinainfantry,incorporated with thementsfortheirrespective States andalltheircommissionedofficersofcaptainandabovearetosoonastrans- war duty has been lost,its magnitude to bringpeopleoftheYnitedStates theofthewarinwhichtheyhaveis}gaged against Germany.the largest casualty list of the war,so far,of American lives,athefirstsuccessofGermans attacks on American trans:theloss of life was not greaterisduethesafeguardswithwhichthenavyhassurroundedthetransportserviceandthequick-rescue work of the con- announced —the disaster Friday night in a statement bbaseduponabriefdispatchfromViceAdmiralSims,which gave few detailswhetheritwasadayAnaccuratelistofthemissingcannotbeissueduntilGeneralPershingreportsthenamesofthearmymenonthevesselandthelistofthemerchantcrewisob- The Secretary's Statement. announcement, Daniels says:“The torpedo which struck the An-tilles was not seen,nor was the sub-marine which fired it. hit abreast of the engine room bulk-head,and the ship sank within fiveOnehundred rsons out of aboutAntillesweresaved.70 men are missing.officers and officers of the army whowereonboardtheshipatthetimeweresaved,as were the officers of theship,with the exception of the follow- Some of the colored people afe volunteering subscriptions,The Statesville subscriptionattractedattention.town in the State so far as reportedthathasreacheditsallotmentandthefineworkdoneherehasManycomplimentsWecan’t afford to rest on our seriptions are needed.KeepgoodworkforthecountFollowingarethereceivedsincelastFirstNational This is the only leave for ao as vortation can provided,accordingtounofficialinformation partristolischairman of the pa-mittee and those who will jer.This information,if correct,is oflocalinterest,as the Statesville com-pany —the Iredell]Blues —wasinbattalionoftheFirstNorthCarolinainfantry.inkling of the War De+}Rev.J gays,came in an order issued to cease improvementsThesoldiers rysubscriptions ng warships.retary Daniels to Uncle Sam its ex-tesville =have to be ‘ully when calledexpensemoney. Bight For Ca Registrants Who Not Come The loeal exemption board.has call- ed the following men to appear day morning,26th,to leave for Camp Harold H.Yount, James M.Ramsey,$1,000;Miss Lil- Vian Bagwell,$60;E. N.McElwee,$500; roe Adams,$100;C.L.Gilbert,$50;Miss Margaret Houck,$100;Zeb.Holeomb,$50;T.R.Kerr,Shelton,$100;S.J.Webb,$100;J.W.A .$100;KateWoodWhite,$50;$100;K.C.Bondam,$50;H.L.Kin-cnid,$500;Jno.Ramsey -Bowles1,000;NatHan Harrison,$200; rrison,$100; ney John Weilman,$50;$50;Walter 4 Adams,$1,000;Wm.W.Mil-ler,$50;Fern subscriptions,$97,100,Commercial National Bank:Bonds previously subscribed andreported,$70,250;Miss Leona Ha$50;Miss Fannie Gaither,$50;iss Carrie Anderson,$50;RobertM.Rickert,$50;M.E.Ramsey.IJr.,$50;C.E.Keiger,$100;Miss Glenn Mason,$50:LongEarleGWhite,$50;W.H.Morrow,$100:Mrs.Marv E.Sims,$100;W.E.Webb,$50;W.E.Coley,$50;J.W.T Nicholson, met,on for this and did not sa or night attac had wa finishedprovidingtheirtentswithfloorsand the brigade,to-his two colonels,Tyson,commandin:gether with one obothlieutenantcolonels andcallyeveryma leave at oncetobetransferred bodily117th,118th,119th and 180th infan-try regiments,formerly the Thirdennessee,First South Carolina andondandThirdNorthCarolina,respectively,troopswheneverpossible to organizationsfromtheirownStates.Allcommissionedtheirgrades.The training battalionstake-up their cazationstowhich $100;Thos.Gandcaptain,France,their men eonard White,Filmore Ireland,Harmony;Walter C.Malone,Eufola;James Brown,Mooresville;Richard M,An- derson,Harmony;John Adams Nantz, Statesville,R-4;Noah Griffin,Moores- ville;Ford E.Beaver,James Walter Sipe,Eufola.|The following registrants in the county have so far failed to appear ysical examination: John MartinSummers,Statesville;Eufola;Henry P .Thomas RobertsonOfthemensenttoColumbiaSeptemjectedoneexempted.cial report from Camp Jackson doesnotgivethenamesofthese. Two Sent to Training School —Federal Court Cases. Deputy Marshal land Nett Salisbury Sunday evening for Washington with Brown Ingram and Hobart Ingram, The torpedo Morrison Co,Jo.|Jersey sow over six months; being assigned|Sid Ayers &Son, Moore,$50;S. All the naval Sreteovtins 7inSher éywill be trans- Statesville departure of the local beard vr 19,six were third engineer officer;Boyle,junior engineer O'Rourke,junior engineer officer. “The following enlisted naval per-sonnel were lost:McKinney,seaman,secondL.McKinney,J.W.Hunt. next of kin, officers..mer adjutantcommandsthe first provisional reg-iment composed of troops from thatState,and Col.the second from the two Carolinas this story is correct it meansthatLieut.Col.R.L.FlaniCapt.Wm.Westmoreland,bothStatesville,will be among those as-signed to go to France;and that ifonlyoneofthetwocolonelsistak-en,the choice will fall on Col.Gard-ner of Shelby or Col.Rogan of Ten- class,next of kin,A.father,Newark,N.J.; seaman,second class,Isaac Hunt,father,Mountain Grove,Mo.,R-2;C.L.Ausburn,radio elec- trician,first class,next of kin,R. Ausburn,brother,2800 Louisiana av-enue,New Orleans,La.and H. Watson,radio electrician,third class,next of kin,Mrs.W.er,Rutland,Mass. “There were about 33 of the armyenlistedpersonnelonboard,of whom17weresaved.The names of themissingofthearmyenlistedperson-nel and of the merchani crew of the ship cannot be given until the muster roll in France of those on board has As soon as the de-partment is in receipt of further de- tails concerning the casualties they will be made public immediately.” Upon receipt of the cablegram from Admiral Sim¢the government kept ita promise not to withhold bad newsTheissuanceofthe statement was delayed only until the navy could telegraph to the families of the men known to have been lost who are com-Eulalia MeLel-Willie B.Nichol- son,$50;Miss Latonia Turner,$50;Mrs.L.W.MacKesson.$50;States-ville Drug Co.,$250:Jas.L.Sloan,$100;J M.Deaton,$100;J.A.Bal- lentine,$50;Ross S.McElwee,$300;Leah Stewhany, Tharpe,$100;Miss School in Washington for 15 months.land 8100:Nites The Ingram boys,one 16 and the other 18,the oldest the uncle of the voungest,are from Avery county. They were convicted in the Federal court in Salisbury last week of illic- The purpose of the move,itstatedinconclusion,isbetoprovideabodyof trained offi-cers from the division to instruct |when it arrives in France,which iscommonlyexpectedtobesometimeinJanuary,or early February at the Work of the Court. Iredell Superior Court,which is now at work on the civil docket,adjourn-ed Saturday until this morning.The following cases have been diW.C.Yates vs.Locke and Lum Freeze;plaintiff recoversDefendantappealedtoSu- preme Court. M.C.York and D.H.York vs.H ie non-suit and dismissed;plaintiffs pay costs. J.A.Ballentine vs.HK.C.Privette;plaintiff recovers $219.05 with inter- est from October 2,1916. Manufacturing Keystone Glue Co.;compromised bydefendantpaying and costs of action.J.C.Sherrill,trading as Ulla Roller Mill,vs.Mayo Milling Co.; action abated. Wash and John Stevenson vs.Fred .Slane;plaintiffs reeuver $75 and J.D.Atwell vs.The Board of Com missioners of Iredell County;report of arbitrators confirmed and it is ad-|'T judged that commissioners construct, at expense of county,a road from the |Wiss annd-clay road that cresses plaintiff's|Rives,$100;Leon land to his dwelling.The same order was made in a similar case in which|4 1D.M.Honeycutt was plaintiff.Brookshire,who was found vomery,$100;,was fined|'I,Thomas,$50;Mics Maegie Me-$100 and taxed with the costs,the |Lelland,$200;Misschangedfrom|#200;Mrs.J.T.Jennings,$50;J.T Jennings,$50;Mrs850:Jno.Bell Glover,3d,$50;J.Reid,$50;W.N. L.Seger,motk- Misses Roxe The court adjourned for the termFridayeveningandtheregularterm for Salisbury (that of last week be-2100;J.R.Elam,$300;C.A.Elam. Statesville),will +100;Mra.C.W. I.Vv.Johnson,uM. Alexander,$500;D.P.Sartin,$500;|Mrs,J.S.Simon,$100;J.O.Johns- J.M.Watts,.$50; Ww Bagwell,$50;Mrs.J.8.S.MecRorie,$50;F. —eS been consulted. from Iredell were tried at the States- ville term.About a score of persons from various counties,convicted various offences,mainly violations of the liquor laws,were sentenced to MeRorie.$50;J. None were sentenced :T.Meacham,$50;terms in jail.nhenson,$300;to the penitentiary._ Apparent Shortage in State Office. from the public. Total subscriptions to 7,.|Ivey Lackey,Eli P.Mitchell,Preston Raleigh News and Observer.~Merchants &Farmers’Bank: An apparent than $7,000 in the books of the State property and disbursing officer,cov- ering the time that 1 by Maj.George L.Peterson,now in the Federal service as major and as- sistant quartermaster on the stafftheThirtiethdivision,Camp Sevier,Greenville,8.C.,hasaayofficials tion,following an audit which has already been made and filed with the Governor,will begin todayminetheresponsibility forshortage,if it is a real and not an apparent one. BREAD CARD FOR EX-EMPEROR A dispatch fromsia,says the family of Nicholas Ro- manoff of A dispatch from “a French port”says survivors of the Antilles land-ed there are cared for at the Ameri-Sten,$160: C.8.Tomlin, £50:James Lawrence Hudson,$100; ——— the dispatch,plaintiff $254.78 |san o'clock Wednesday Many of those on were killed in their berths and oth-rs while dressing.killed the engineers,oilers and me-of the crew whowereinthebunksbelow.All the survivorstainoftheAntilles and the membersoftheguncrew,who stuck to their)officers searchedwithfieldglassesforthesubmarineuntilthewavesclosedovertheship.When the Antilles men were at the stern. leaped 50 feet or more into the séa,;as the stern rose to a perpendicular~osition,and some were drawn downby_the suction of the sinking vessel. htedeitherbeforeoraftertheexplosion.sea was runnintime,making it dicrewandpassengers.Some surviv-ors,clinging to debris, water an hoursightedbythe life boats.The families of all the militarymenwhoperishedonthe¥have the protection of the-|insurance law recently $100:G.T.Adams.$50;Miss Rosa-mond Clark,$50;©R.T.Weatherman.Crowell,$60::L.Sronce,850;Mrs.Emma put the Gov- si:Clarence Stimpson : 8.White.850;Miss Helen Patter- Rosa Burrows.$50; sank,40 or 50Mostofthem 1.Nabors,$50;P.Edwards,850;Miss Patterson,$50;™”»Se Miss Maggrie Mont- Bryant,£100; charge havingfulsepretence to forcible trespass. KILLED IN CALIFORNIA.Mr.and Mrs,Silas Tedder of AJ-|Stevenson.$200;Elizabeth Eugenia ,80;S G.Wallace,50;Mil-laughter,Mrs.Edwin Caudell,,dred %.Wallace,$50;J.H.Stimson. a telegram|$*0;L.K.Overeash.8100:Miss JaaccidentalnieGray, B.B Webh, »eeehanedielpeaniiiamsanegseiag:It to save the RECOUNT IN IOWA. Attorney General who were visiting|H.M.Havner bef ,a recount of the ballots ore they near Statesville,received Friday announcing thekillingoftheirson,Mr.E.L.Tedder,|Jennings,Olin,N.in California the day before.Tedder worked at a logCaliforniabutthenaturedentisnotknownhere.|Tedder and Mr,and Mrs.Caudell left.ifie |Saturday for Alleghantherewhenthebody arrives Mr i Freel,860;W.Morrison,$100; /F.N.Morrison,$100;R.L The Antilles.r ;os .:,and Mrs.|Alexander,Harmony,$50;GertrudeNOPRACEINSIGHT.The Antilics,a |f soe “]have scannedTioyd Total to date,$22,900.‘s Loan @ Savings Bank:Previously reported,$44,850;MrsLester,$50;J.E.Tatum,$100; $50;S.W.Stimson,$1.- y county,to hethehorizonin- of le For Democracy a PaneiasinchAutece-cy tay a Liberty oan Ron,000,A,L.Coble,$50. date,$46,150.‘allace Bros.Co.,$7,500. EE ae aIREDELLPRIZEWIN At State Fair —Won Eleven Prizes in Pig Club,One in Corn. Iredell county's corn club and pigclubexhibittookquiteaprominentplaceattheStatefairinRaleigh last week,Claude Morrison of Iredell (StonyPoint,R-1)won second prize of $6inthecornclubforthePiedmontsection.Hugh Leonard of Davidsoncountywonfirstprizeof$7 in thePiedmontsection,and he also wonthirdplaceinthesweepstakes,oropencontestforallcomers,the prizebeing$5.David Sink of Davidsoncountywonthirdprize,$5,for Pied-],mont section and Harry Baker ofNewtonwonsixthprize.Edyvar Brame of Wilson countywonfirstprizefortheCoastalPlain]section and also won second prize of$10 for seeond best exhibit of corn as utter wget cup’diesel.brsilvercup,offe:v T.W.Wood &Son,seedsmen,of Rich-|cone was also won by this same ex- ibit.‘Iredell came out strong in the pigkeetaalistofprizes or county:David Clark,Eufola,Berkshiresowoversixmonths;third in pig}club class and fourth in meat class. 50,Helen Clark,Eufola,Berkshiresowoversixmonths;third in meatclass,fifth in Berkshire Record As-seciation ial class.Total $3.50RalphLippard,Statesville.Berk-shire sow over six months of age;fourth in pie club class,first in meatclass.Total $4.Fred.Green,Statesville,Duroc-Tersey boar over six months;first innoafirstinsweepstakes.To- tal $10.Russell Guy,Loray,Duroe-Jerseysowoversixmonths;first in pig clubclass,second in sweepstakes,secondinDuroe-Jersey Record Association class.Total $14.Virgil Green,Statesville,Duroe-second|;in pig club class,third in Duroc-Jer-|i,rev Record Association special classTotal$7..Chas.F.Kyle,Statesville,Duroc-Jersey sow over six months;third invigclubclass.Total $2.—Bennie Sigman,‘ola,Duroc-Jersey sow over six months;fourthinpigclubclass,fourth in —Deroc-Jersey Record Association-|special class,Total $4.Eugene Jackson,Statesville,Du-}<voe-Jersey sow under six months;‘hird in pig club class,Total $2.Eugene Johnson,Statesville,Du-],;|roc-Jersey sow under six months;fourth in pig club class Total $2.Eugene Smith,Eufola,Duroc-Jer-‘ey sow over six months;fifth inspecialDuroc-Jersey Record Associ-ition.Total $2.It will be noted that Iredell exhib-_[ts in the pig club won over $50.The Raleigh News and Observer says that31pigclubmembersfromsixcoun-ies —Iredell,Catawba,Warren,Orange,Wake and Guilford —made}.«xhibits and the total winnings were3265.50.The average would be $44.-45 for the six counties and Iredellvon$54.It will also be noticed thatdevenoftheexhibitorsfromIredellookprizes,totaling near one-half ofheprizewinnersinthesixcounties. That's a fine showing for the Ire-tell boys and girls and one of whichhecountyisproud.They have hon-wed themselves and their county by ‘oing something worth while The Military Men. Among Statesville's military boysathomefromcamponshortfur-loughs the past few days are noted Sipes,m.G.Gatton,SergeantsiratzB.Millsaps and Coite 0.Mar-shall,all from Camp Sevier,Green-ville,8.C.:William Wilhelm from Fort Caswell.lr.Fred Anderson arrived FridayfromNewYork,where he pitched ballfortheNewYorkGiantsthepast season,Dr.Anderson was selected for military service from Davie county and had a temporary exemption until the close of the ball season.He will leave about the first of November for Camp Jacksen,Columbia,S.(.,to begin military service. Lieut.(Dr.)Ed.8.King.who is stationed at Camp Meade.Marviand. returned to camp yesterday after a -|brief visit homeMr.Tracy Williams,who had been isiting home folks in Alexander ounty,left vesterday for his home'Spokane,Wash.He has beeniraftedinthearmyserviceandwill eport at camp in Washington with- na few daysMr.Sherman Ramsey of CamoJackson,Columbia,S.C.,spent Sat- -}urday here. Citizens of German Descent Two thousand men,women and ‘hildren of German birth or descent,rrouped around the Carl SchurznonumentinCentralrk,NewYorkcity,Sunday,rmed theiriNewiancetotheUnitedStatesandted@edthemselvestoaidtotheend in waging wer against “the enemiesoflibertyandfreedom.”The meet-ne,which began as a Liberty loan rally,ended as an impressive patri-tie ceremonial when the throngjoinedinsinging“The Star Spangled Sanne.” Senator Hustings Killed~-)Hunting Duckson Sunday! A dispatch from MilwaukwnaBenaior Fosl'6‘|Hustings of died a.house alsodestruction of BE ag ag 7 4 5 f %44 torneys fer MissMarySharpe,were before Judge Cline him issue anM.Matheson, corny of PengL-4:romTheorder alsotheregisterofdeedsofcountyfrommakinganythemarriageItwillberecalledthat the mar-riage ceremony of KlutzMissSharpeofTa formed as a joke,wiofitsbeingserious. EXHIBIT BY COLORED SCHOOLS A splendid exhibit byschoolswasheldinoneMorrison's buildings on Canned goods,allductsandhandwork were in the exhibit, il x hi of MiesCBi HTheexhibitistohavebeen100percent.betterenantityandqualitythanlastThecanningandhandworkhaddonemostlybytheschools. HOME GUARD COMPANY. The Twenty -ninth HomeCompanyhastheselectingofMes ey,E.O.Heritage and J, ant to take the places ofH.Turner,C.F.Williams and D E.Kennedy,who failed to accept ap-pointment as members. AFTERSHERRILL CLOER. search of Sherrillwaslocatedatthe near Elkin but made his is wanted as a deserter frommyandarewardof capture and FREIGHTTRAINSCOLLIDER, Frei trains Nos 68 andhead-on near yesterday morning.The wreck the earlytethatoeena= WAREHOUSEATHIDDENITE aO R SE i i l co warehouseataesaeactothe"Saar maar =in :. eens a iL PRAYE Next Sun- Prayer American Day ofSuccess ;or a Arms. President Wilsen has issue@ a ting next Sun-day,October 2G day of prayer for|the success of American arms inthewar,in accordance with the re-Con, vongressbyaconcurrent reso-on the 4th day of thethofOctober,in view oftheentranceofournationintothevastandawfulwarwhichnowafflicts United Stalution the greater part of the world,has re-|quested a set apart by officialadaywhichour ee ead be ‘aiet waa to of- yer to Almightyhisdivineaidinthesuccess-rant ae —*it -great,people,nurtwvebeenintheeternalprin- and of right,a na-t from the ear-its existence to be obe-divine teachings which have inspired it in the exercises of its liberties,to turn always to the Supreme Master and cast themselves in faith*at His feet,praying for His aid and succor in every hour of trial, to the end that the creat aims towhichourfathersdedicatedourpow- er as a people may not perish among men,but be always asserted and de-‘fended with fresh ardor and devotionand,through the divine blessing,set at last upon enduring foundations for the benefit of all the free peoples of the earth:“Now,therefore,1,Woodrow Wil-t of the United States,son,gladly responding to the wish ex- pressed by the Congress,do appoint October 2m,being the last Sunday of the present month,as a day of sup- plication and prayer for all the peo- ple of the nation,honestly exhort- ing all my countrymen to observe the appointed day,according to their several faiths,in solemn prayer that God's blessings may rest upon high the task which is laid upon us,to the end that the cause for which we rive our lives and treasure may triumphandoureffortsbeblessedwithhigh achievement.” TT LS TS Receivership in King Case. The receivership in the case of Mrs.Maude A.King’s estate was discharged by Judge Boyd,in the Federal court at Greensboro,says the News,on petition of counsel for Gaston B.Means and Mrs.Meivin. The reason assigned for the petition was the fact of appointment of a“eollector”for the estate by the clerk of the court of Cabarrus coun- ty.Judge Boyd held that there isnofurtherobjectinaFederalre- ceiyership,since the State court hasdonethatprovidedforbylaw—named the collector and requiredhimtofurnishbond.By virtue of this action on thepartofJudgeBoyd,the propertywhichispartofMrs.King’s estate,and which is in the possession of theCentralBankandstCompanyofAsheville,will be fransferred to theCabarruscollector,who is C.fs Swink,cashier of the CabarrusSavingsBankofConcord.He has given a bond of $40,000 and the as- sets which the receiver will turnovertohimwilltotalnomorethan $17,000,it is stated.These consistofabout$10,000 worth of diamonds,mn automobile and a check for about $3,000,Gov.Bickett Proclaims nesday Legal Holiday. The President having set apartWednesday,October 24,as LibertyBondDay,and the Secretary of theTreasuryhavingexpressedadesire that the Governors of the severalStatesshouldproclaimthatdaya legal holiday,Gov.Bickett has is-sued a proclamation §setting apart the 24th,which is tomorrow,a \egalholiday.The Governor says:“I earnestly urge all classes andconditionsofourcitizenstodevotetheirenergiesonthatdaytothe sale of Liberty bonds.Especially doIurgethemayorsofallincorporat-ed towns to perfect plans to make athoroughcanvassoftheircommuni-ties in an effort to sell bonds ofsmalldenominations.The sheriffsoftheStatehaveundertakentocan-the rural precincts and I urge Mayors to see to it that the mat-of the sale of the Liberty bondstheirattractivenessasaninvest-ment is clearly set before all the peo-pic of the towns of the State.” oe Stole to Buy Automobile. Determined at gp preci to be- possessor of an automobile, Burnett,brakeman on a Dan- ville and Western railway train,stole$6,000 from the safe of the expressetreAeen,Hine in aautomobilethedayafterrobberydirectedsuspicionBur-When arrested he ad‘guilt and turned over a!!itheen what he had spent ey i i now awaits the ax at Danville,Va Tonic ALBUI Wed-| Through the Danger Zone. Mrs.J.A,Seott of Brookneal,Va., John A.Scott of Statesville,on17th.The letter,undated,wastenjustbeforethevesselonhe.was sent abroad reached port.has already been statedLandmark,Lieut.Scott reachedinsafetyandisnowintraining eith-er in England or France While the|name of the port in which he landedThe|‘8 not positively known,it is under-|stood that he landed in England andwillprobablybetrainedtherefor awhile before being sent to France.From the letter to Mrs.Scott TheLandmarkispermittedtocopythe |following extracts,which will be of linterest to the many friends|Lieut.Scott among our readers:“We are this morning only 150milesoutfromourportandifnoth- ing happens will,I suppose,dock to-night.We have been on the waternowsincethe12th(of September)and I will be glad to get my feetbackonearthagain,not to mentiongettingoutofthewayofU-boats.We are now in the war zone of course —have been for three days. Everything has gone along smooth- ly.We have only one thing asainst us —the full moon just when we hitthezoneofgreatest.probable can-ger.Many of the seary Williams refuse to sleep at night and pace the deck all night.We carry life pre- servers at all times,so that if an un- expected signal should come we wouldn't have to rush back and get them and probably jam the passayeways. “It is a wonderful sight to see ourfleet.Our convoy of American and British boats joined us as the (cen- sored)we got in the war zone andthereare,including these.over (cen- sored)in our convoy.The wonder to me is,if the subs are near as bad as they make out,how they could help stumbling on us,if they want- ed to.I don’t think they would at-tack us in the day time,as we sre too well armed and protected,but the moon makes the nights so bright that you can see almost as we'll. “The favorite time of attack by the U-beats is dark and daybreak.They of course come to surface at inight and if they see a ship they get in its wake and follow it all night to get the course and rate of ispeed,and then at daybreak sneak |off to one side and plunk her. i “No one is allowed to smoke orstrikealightorflashaflashlightatnight.The sentries have orders toshoottokilliftheyseeanyone showing a light at night,as cases have developed where it was done as a signal.The gun crews sleep at the guns and constant watch is kept. The first sailor to see a sub.andpointheroutgets$100,and then there is a reward for sinking one, but I hope to be able to discard all further consideration of this partie- ular phase of journey after today.” SANTI ent ci.mI SASS APE Cut Off Sugar to Candy-Makers |As a preliminary step for conser- vation of sugar against a further shortage,the food administration has sent out a telegram urging re- duction of sales to candy manufac- turers.The warning was sent to all the sugar distributing agencies of the country,notably the American refineries committee of New York and the sugar distributing commit- tee of jand beet sugar,respectively. |“We consider it essential,”the tel- egram read,“to reduce consistently ithe sales of sugar for production of candy.It must be reduced in order [to provide for household and®allied ineeds.This announcement appliestomanufacturersofgums.cordials, syrups and luxuries.Manufacturers of food products should have prefer- ence,condensed =milk companies coming first.” aateelentateidiemieeieeeaiaetmnmemaieidamminitenal Rosenbacher in Limelight Again, In the county court at Winston-Sa lem a few days ago Otto Rosenbacher, of the firm of Rosenbacher Bros.,was convicted of assaulting Miss Mary Wynkoop,head milliner for his firm, was fined $100 and the cost.It was alleged that,following a disagreement about salary,Rosenbacher grasped Miss Wynkoop by the arm,put his hand on the side of her face and push-| ed her toward the door.Rosenbacherdeniedthechargebutthejurybeliev-ed Miss Wynkoop. was given. Rosenbacher came into the limelight a few weeks ago on account of his ex-emption by the district exemption board.He was given only temporary exemption to arrange his business,but the idea got abroad that the ex-emption was permanent and strongprotestwasmade. |Question For School Debate. The query to be discussed this yearbysecondaryschoolshavingmem-bership in the high school debatingunionofNorthCarolinais“Resolv-ed,That Congress should enact alawprovidingforthecompulsoryar-bitration of industrial disputes.”TheytriangulardebatesbetweentheriousschoolsthrvillbeheldinthelatterMarchandthefinalcontest,as usu-al,will be held at the State Univer-sity early in April for the Ayeock Reur Stomach.Eat slowly,mastionteyourfoodthoroughly,|3stomachwill ,iofChambertain's out them out. Foryou ifeanmerarsComeinandletusyoutosecurea LDING AND LOAN ‘HE LANDMARK (in tHe supMaRINE ZONE.|FAULT OF |ESDAY 23,1917.|Lieut.SeottTeliaof HisTrip|Mr.Hoover Says They Make received a letter from her son,Lieut.!noticetothepublic in The!the year.At the same port edout that retail pricesdowninaceordwithwholesale >'tions,and intimated that the °‘er himself might this of’ FF -om $1.50 to $2 Chicago,which handle cane | Notice of appeal| ear Food Too High. “thebeenturned”in correctbringingproperpresuretobear.To aid the public in dealing withretailerswhocontinuetoextortWar profits,the food administration nowiscollectingwholesalepricesof2staplesin700citiesandsoonwillBe- gin publishing them weekly for com-parison with the retail figures.Without further authority from Congress,Mr.Hoover said,the gov-ernment is powerless to contral retail-ers,except those doing a business of more than $100,000 a year.He did not care to discuss the question of whether Congress would be asked to extend his authority,saying he want-ed to give the retailers a chance first.As an illustration of how the prices to the consumer are keeping up,a statement issued by the administratersaidbeefisnowsellinginChicagoni 14 1-2 cents a pound,compared with16centsinJuly,while the average retail price of round steak now is 81centscomparedwith27centsinJuly.The millers’price for firsi patent flour in jute bags ranges from $10 to$10.10,but tae average retail price is313.77,or,the administration says, more than the “a. sale figure warrants.Sugar shouldselifrom&to 8 1-2 cents a pound in spite of the pregent temporary short- age,eas the wh ale figures have notadvanced. Belgians Plead Guilty. Belgians pleaded guilty to charges of complicity in a conspiracy through which it is cstimated Germany feceived$25,000 worth of contraband woods each weck,when they were ar raigned in Federal Court in New York city It is alleged the goods were carried to Holland by Belgian reliefshipsandclandestinelyshippedby the Dutch across the border.The men said they ;lcad guilty for fear they would be deported to Belviwm and tried for treason.Belgians whe would help Germany after what Ger- many has done to their people anitheircountry,deserve death. ATENSEESw2weoRvane Mrs.Smith Reecommends Chamberiain's Tab-lets.“T have had more or tess stomach troubleforeightortenyears.”writes Mra.GH Smith,Brewerton,N.Y “When sufferingfromattacksofindigestionandheavinessaf-ter eating,one or two of Chamberlain's Tab- lets have alway.relieved me,have alsofoundthemaolensantlaxative,”These tab lets tone >the stomach and enable it + perform its If you artroubledwithindigestiongivethematrial,wet well and atiy well. functions naturally. Ee eeAFTERSICKNESS THEYGAVE HER VINO: And She Soon Got Bac:|Stomach,TroublekiHerStrength New Castle,Ind—“The measiesleftmerundown,no appet'ie,could |not rest at night,and I took a severe |whichcold on my lungs,so Iwasunabletokeepaboutmyhouse-sort,My doctor advised health so I do allch is the bestmI"aeAlice Record,437,80.ith St,New Castle,Ind.'e guarantee woncerfuliverandirontonic,Vinol,iweak,nervous conditions, W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. —MAYR'SWonderfulRemedy For STOMACH TROUBLE One Dose Convinces Statesville Drug Co. and other reliable druggists.| $$Saveds,UNE sim Ifit’s Hats You Want,|!ovo Tharp’s 5 and 10c.Store.| Wwi e are Se ree in stéck afullline of Batteryac- NANT ANIsoaeneanaaeet — OSTEOPATH,Dr.8S.W.Hoffmann. "Phone,279 |Taylortownship,Central school,2p |EVANS and me to take |and six bottles restored my |housework,in-| OFFICE OVER.ee i SO 4 1 pea.wadeial, sete BlameTrainCrew. As aresult of the investigationof i the wreek on the Piedmont and North- Food Administrat Hoover fi |<7"eassnd . brought out train was thatjieallyon the!main line in order to the con- ductor time to collect fares.All the grand ry.' Two of the men were kiled instant-‘ly and Sam F.Pearson,a civil en-gineer,died later.All the other in-jured are expected to recover. s ment in the new of a woman who been saved from an cperation and this picture was im-pressed on my mind.The doctor hadgivenmeonlytwomoredaystomake up my mind so I sent my husband tothe drug store at once for a bottle of LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,andbelieveme,I soon noticed a change andwhenIhadfinishedthethirdbottleI was cured and never felt better.1 grant you the privilege to publish my ietter andam onlytoo giad toletotherwomen knowof my cure.'’’—Mrs.Taos.McGon-WAL,3432 Hartville Street,Phila.,Pa. SCHOOL APPOINTMENTS. Supt.Mitchell will Visit the Town- ships to Approve Teacher Contracts. 1 will visit the various townships of the founty om the following dates for the purpose of approving teachers contracts,as required in each townshipatthetimeand contracts ready if by law All commicteemen are requested to be | slcee appointed,and ft:ve event |possible.Tenchers will be weleome to thesemeetings:Tuesday,23d)Eagic Mills township,Heous- jtoenville school,10 a.m..Unien Grove town.ship,Union Grove scheol,2 p.mWednesday,24th New Hope a om township, Springs school,Sharpesburem Thursday,25th Bethany township,Bethany echool,i0 a.m.;Olin township,Athens school,pom.Friday, choel,19 a m.; echool,oop.m.Appointments for the other townships will be announced for the week folowingJOHNF.MITCHELL, Superintendent. Barium Springs Water. Will relieve when drugs fail—Kidney and BladderRheumatism,Eczema andndiseases.‘Phone W.A.the POLK GRAY , 26th Scott's Fulbright Concord township, Shiloh township, Oct.19. other § DRUG CO. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FOR PANCAKES. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. hastakenthefaetoriesthatoutfits.ThisSam_thinksofrerhel =|whatU: ReGISTERED AKCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.’Phone 340 _a en a ied SNee eee strengthens the gums, keeps teeth clean and HEATING STOVES. Beginning to feel jike having fire these crisp,cool morn- If you need a Heating Stove this two brands that are supreme in their class,THE JEW- EL BASE BURNEK AND BASE HEATER! no experiment in buving either of these Stoves—they have stood the test of many seasons and have sustain- ed their supremacy by merit—economy of fuel,large heating capacity and Jong life.YOU CAN’T GO WRONG IF YOU PUT IN ONE OF THESE HEATERS! THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY liberal patronageofitswhereaswecustomersandwhowillbecomeontousethesamewhentheysodesire.Asin thepast,we willstriveto HIGH GRA iates the vsandpolicy r office is an open one, sameSERVICCompanyz = resorttoCardui_am glad to testifyto and was shot bforme, not sunk by her crew, medicineyou need, !HAVE WAVY,HICK,GLOSSY HAIRFREEFROMDANDRUFF. Save Your Hair!.Double its BeautyinaFewMoments—Try This! Tf you care for hesvy hair,thatglistenswithbeautyandisradiantwithlife;has an incomparable soft-ness and is fluffy and lustrous,tryDanderine. Just ene application doubles thebeautyofyourhair,besides it imme-diately dissolves every particle ofdandruff;you cannot have nice,heavy,healthy hair if you have dandruff.This destructive seurf robs the hair ofitslustre,its strength and its verylife,and if not overcome it producesafeverishnessanditchingofthescalp;the hair roots famish,loosenanddie;then the hair falls out fast._If your hair has been neglected andisthin,faded,dry,seraggy or toooily,get a small bottle of Knewlton’sPanderineatanydrugstoreortoiletcounterforafewcents;apply a littleasdirectedandtenminutesafteryouwillsaythiswasthebestinvestmentyouevermace. We sincerely believe,regardless ofeverythingelseadvertised,that if youdesiresoft,lustrous,beautiful hairandlotsofit—imo dandruff —no itchingscalpandnomorefallinghair—you must use Know!lton's Danderine.If eventually-—why not now? “Tod ay” A barrel of Mrs.Hicks’new Home Made Molasses. It is fine. Phone your order, Phone 89. Eagle&Milholland. eer eae cn seat ee Our Dollars Are talking louder than ever if you don't think so come and see for your yourself Average last week $34.23 and still climb- ing. They are coming to Statesville for high prices. McElwee's Planters’Ware- house,Statesville,N.C. (CS WATKINS fr;“Bverything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices,Shingles,omy,Se§ing,Cement,ie Hoong iding,»Lat Litne, “Hest Planters’Wh-,Stateovitie. EE EEE 88 Ras EE DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTALSURGEON. Rooms 6-7-0,Second Floor. Finst sentinel Be BUILDING, EXPECTED THIS WEEK: One-half car Sath Weights.One car cheap Pine Shingles.Se oo Pe Cink Nouiiggsss,St Right!Will voll Right!BoughtC.WA 8,Statesville,N.C. I Senta “Broad Collars and RelisieSReKEE&CO—ad. ‘“Tenens ly SCY4 ee or was a mere|Buch a tremendous scare was were |into the farmers last springcourt|890n as their crop of small grain wasof|garnered they began at once plantingagainsttheselectivedraft.|the same fields in corn, iltiam Lands,who resisted ar- davek ot selling eo |Ww reat Lieut.the military police,iswoundsLandsshotthe‘the latter was not seriously hurt. The Slava,the Russsian war shipreportedsunkbytheGermans,was says the Russianiministerofmarine.The Slava,it is|stated,was unable to follow the other|Russian ships,who were retiving,andjwassunktobarthewayofenemyiships,A thousand deaths a day from star-vation out,of apoulation of 350,000 in |the Lebanon mountains,near Beirut,Syria,is the toll of famine conditionsjthereresultingfromtheclaresRev.William H.Hall ‘of theSyrianProtestantcollegé,who recent-| ‘ly returned to this country from re- lief work ‘in that district. An appeal to seeure experts in pho-tography necessary for service in France has been issued by the signa!corps,The appeal was sent to allnewspapersandnewssyndicates,ask- ing them to release men for wor!jwith the American armies.Men who van work with the are few in number and mostly con nected with newspapers. C.T.Bryant,State organizer,S.L Risley,State president,and S.K Powell,secretary of the Farmers’and Laborers’Protective Association,werefoundguiltyinFederalCourtatAbi- lene,Texas,of conspiracy to defeat the selective draft and were sentenced to six years in the Federal peniten- tiary at Leavenworth,Kans.Thirtyevenothermenchargedwithasimi-lar offense were acquitted, The bodies of Mrs.J.C.Russell. wife of a farmer,and her two smal! ‘hildren were found in a fish pond on , the Russell farm near BridgeportAla.Mrs.Russell was apparentlynormalwhenherhusbandandth:farm hands left the house in thmorning.When they returned atneonthewomanandchildrenwermissingandthebodieswerefoundinthepond, SECSRRS CEPETSNEWSINCONDENSED FORM ‘(tems of Interest Gathered From Over the State. The Negro State Fair ie in progvessinRaleighthisweek.Gov.Bick jett will deliver an address at the fairThursday. Chas.W.Horne of Johnston coun-‘v has been elected president of theStateFuirtosucceedR.O.EverettofDurham., The corncil of the North CarolinaFederationofwomen's clubs will beinsessioninWinston-Salem Wed-nesday,Thursday and Friday of this R.J.Reynolds.the big manifacturer of Winston ho has been itt for i under treatment tobacco Salem, some time and in a hospital inBaltimore,is improving. 1!-vear-old rssanited The new attacked0 In Martin eounty an hite girl was criminally Vaan tS-vear-old negro. in jail The child was he was at home ol Willian,H.Curtis,for 14 years apolicemanattheWhiteHouseanda na North Carolina,died ir Washington last week and his remains were taken to Old Fort,his forme home,fer burial of Everett Jones,son of f Whitehead,Aleghanyhnveheenadvisedthathemetdeathinthelinesofdu in Franeo,He was serving with he Canadian forces, Six citizens of Kinston have been ndicted by Federal authorites fer iMlatine the Federal bone dry Jaw havi liquor shipped ir the Strte li is said that some of them hold docters’certificates. Five soldiers found in the wood ear Monroe are confined in Union ‘ounty jail as deserters.They re fused to vive their names but a letter ‘ound on one of them indieates that hey are from an Alabama camp Luther Parker,a negro farmer ofDuplincounty,stopped his buggy on the highway to talk with the wife of Leonard Harrison,colored.Harrisonameupwithagun.Parker drove m but caught the lead in his back. He is dead and Harrison is in jail Mrs.Alice T.Connelly,widow John K.Connelly,a prominent and wealthy woman of Asheville,diedSaturdaynightinRichmond,Va.She is survived by three daughters andthreesistersOneofthelatterisMrs.Richmond Pearson of Asheville. Mr.Laban Cloaninger of Clare- mont,Catawhi county,suffered an attack of apoplexy while riding on a load of tops and fell from the wagordead,About 65 years old.A doctorwhohadbeentreatingMr.Cloanin-ger for heart trouble decided thatdeathwasduetoapoplexy. John Carpenter,a young man of Bessemer City,Gaston county,was while tive of Relatives Tenderso ' Jones « COUNTY lo of ja member of the crew of the Ameri-can steamer Lewis Luckenback,reportedinlastweek's dispatches as sunk of the coast of France.It wae stated that 47 of the 56 members ofthecrewwerelanded,but Carpen-ter’s family have no word as to hisfate.{ee The QuinineThetBeesMet Aftect the Heednenrare iF f : DyODliquortosoldiers de-| required speed | Not patehesasusual,but fields and flelds of it.|This late corn,while ripped by 4isheingutilizedinfatteningpi4a=of beef eattle, of ‘his PUrpose and the planters are just r,but- It answers a very fine much to the good.Right in theofthiscomestheseedingofanother¢roy of smal!grain,also the like of|whieh the country has never seenMr.Wash Malcolm has already plant:|‘ed 100 acres of grain,the greater|part of which is now up and growingnicely.county’s big farm in wheat and oats.Iie hopes to produee an abundantsupplyfortheinstitutionand@|surplus to wive all his Sunday visitoneagooddinner.The stand of cloverjandalfalfaattheCountyHomein- creases each year,and this old worn- |}out farm is beginning to take on pro-portions which mark it as one of the|model farms of the township.|have recently added -some fine Hol-|stein cattle to their dairy herd and arejgraduallyimprovingtheirstockof dairy cattle.Mr.C.O.Lentz,who recently pur- chased a lot here,is preparing to ;erect a modern bungalow Mr.J.L.Faireloth of ClemmonsspentFridayandSaturdaywithhisbrother-in-law and sister.Mr.andMrs.W.Hi Hynter.Mr.Hunter is inverypoorhealthandisnotimprovingEveryfatherandmotherwhosend children to sehool here are earnestly enjoined to come to the academy nextSaturdayafternoonandattendtheconservationprogrammearrangedfor that oceasion.The teachers and thelocalspeakersaretovivesomevalu-able information and it is heved thatallthepatronsoftheschoolwillbeoresent.The programme will bebothinterestingandinstructive.You are asked to do this as per the re- quest of our rreat exccutives,who have instituted thi conservation propaganda for the national weal. Messrs.Waugh &Brown are pre-to move into the new brickbuildingrecentlybuiltbyMr.J.FBrown. Rev.Mr.Lonmacre of Hickory was'visitor here Saturday and Sunday.He preached at St.Martin's SundeynndtookthetrainfromStatesvilleforPhiladelphia,Pa.Mr.HermanBrown,who now has a position withWilliams-Shelton Co.of Charlotte,spent Sunday at home here.Mr.Her-man Kyles of the railway billing staffntSalishury,also snent Sunday hereathishomeMra.M. of Mocksville is here visiting rolatives,Messrs.Richard Cavin andClydeANeyJearvetodayforCanaver.where they have positio vith the telephone company.Mr.and Mrs,C H.Brown have tust returned from At-Ionta,where they went te withMrs.Cavir’s brother.Mr.I Crvin,who has been quite ill. Men Wha Were Skirt Cilled. Henry Jackson Morvan.the Union‘ounty citizen who has gained eon-siderable notoriety by wearing aressinsteadof“britches.”savs theMonroeEnauirer,was called in thelistofdraftedmenlastweektobeenttoCampJacksonHepleadedMthealth,saying he had been underthecareofaphysician,but the FvirersavshefellinJineatrel)ea) Whether he wore a drese to camn }not stated,but it is presume:thathevoton“breechaloons”for this o pering he p } rion ee McAdoo,Overman and Rickef‘ in Charlotte. ry Me Adoo,who speaks for in Charlotte Thursday 4),will be reinf reed erman,Go Bickett an Webb. this formidable ent,a counter attraction Bailey's circu will ome of the folks the Secretary of —the the bond issue EE ET ee NFWSPAPER FIGHT. Perey Williams,Prenti well and “Wash.”Moody members f the board of directors of the Tudl1(Ala.)News and Times-Ga wette,Were arrested at Tuscalo Saturday after a fight in which Fd ward Doty,editor of the paper and evident of the Alabama Press A:sociation,Was seriously injured.He not recover.It is said that the men had begun proceedings topaperthe vho Black- ilousa three nist Doty from control of the lie was resisting and this | w 1 to aE-e e JAP.STEAMER PROBABLY The Japanese steamshipMaru,due at Delagoa Bay,guese,East Africa, missing,and is believed struck a mine with the beard.The number of passer board is not known, LLLATLL|OT Two armed men held up an expres messenger on o train near Ridgely. Tenn.,took 812,000 in eurrency from the safe and left $10.000 in silver,se the messenger reports Rev.Thomas Spurreon,son of R Chas,Spurgeon,the roted Bapt ster,died Saturday in Lond Ne eS RE ee eee eeemee Croup. Vf your children are eubject to croup eet obottleofChamberlain's Courh Remedy,andwhentheattackcomesontecarefultofollew the plain printed divections You witl te sirprieed at the quick rete?which it affords NDmR ae ceneegeeme BLACK ROOP PAINT ot SMITH-EY &FRALEY’'S for only 25c.gal-lon,Paint your roofs before cold|weather.—ad, LOST. HétachPortu Oetober 3,] to heve lose of all on mir BOATA Mr.Bill Perry is putting the: J Holtshouser' on)Bupday morning ‘eodtis PBOPLES FAIROCTOBER 22nd to26th,Salisbury,N.C4 WeWish to extend a cordial Invitationto the Ladies ofStatesvilleandVicinitytoshareinthehospitalityofthis-Store. With everything in readiness for the most interesting Fair ever held ina this section,we look forward with keen expectation of welcoming our friends and customers of this community to make our store your store while at- tending the Fair. an Our Ready-to-Wear Section Teems with the Latest creations in Coats,Suits,Dresses,Blouses,Furs. Visitors to this second floordepartment will view an exhibi-tion of Womens’,Misses‘and Children’s ready for servicegarmentsthatisnotsurpassedbyanotherstoreinNorth Carolina.: The smartestCoats.The newest Suits andDressesandFursthatwillwarmthecockleofeverywoman’s heart. -Embrace the season’s most acceptable styles,in whichTHECOATS:are shownwideranges of the most fashionable mat--erials and all the new colors.Some have large collars that Fasten highabouttheneckoropenwideovertheshoulders,finished with bands,ofFurVelvetornoveltywovenFabric.The len vary from 40 to 45sinches.Some are belted,others half belted some are made of gen-erous flaring lines. The Prices Range from $12.50 and Upward.: THE SUITS:Too fascinating for description,but beautiful to the*eve.Fashion has allowed you wide latitude in thechoosingofmaterialsandcolorsandinthisimmensecollectionyouwillviewallthathavebeensanctionedbythearbitersofstyle.Plain tailored effects are much in evidence and those are often trimmedwithtouchesofcoloredembroideryandvariousmotifsthattowomen’s taste.Wonderful variety of plain and novelty materials andafullrangeofthefavoredcolors. The Prices Range from $13.75 and Upward. THE DRESS .Are of Serge,Serge and Satin combinations,—+and Georgette combinations,Satins,Charmeuse,Such a gathering of Dresses we doubt if you have ever seen before.Themostrecentstyleconcerts,the most beautiful colors and combinations,thedaintiestandraresttrimmings. Silk Dresses,$15.00 and Upward.Woolen Dresses,$9.98and Upwad. Fair Visitors are Invited.to make free use of the many conveniences this store offers dur- ing fair week. Use of telephone.Free parcel checking.Stand and ~_...room.‘| 7 DAVE OESTREICHER, SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA, Visit Salisbury and the Fair at our expense. On all purchases of $25.00 and over we will refund R.R.Fare both weys also furnish you with a general admission to the Fair. ne me ms.\club to push W:.ter Murphy's gressional candids y has been or- ivized in Salisbu eeSCHOOLBOOKS=—-At——CA”ARRH Tharp’s 5 and 10c.Store.(uickly Ende by a Pleasant,Germ-South Center street,Statesvillé,'N.C.killing Antiseptic.:ae The Manufacturer’sRecord Mooresville Special Corres:t f Meoresy i'!: Wileox,pas Raptist chur for two weeks,j to be at h morning Mr.and My 1 OW.Has John,ef Con mee ow h in@ Mre.Has dauyhter,ty Shoemaker.Mr Mary F Jone pho spent a week with her parents,i ey.and My A.W.Woleox,retur ed hy the antisept gnute ‘a or 1 Wirst Salen t are rendy »breathe t d to h hon ,“'fested membrane where it im ite work of killin cm.ting eul ‘Svea case bi omel in male of Aextralian &*nrega tlyptel combine,with other antineptics ned ery pleasant te othe. It i guaranteed te bay hit ore throat,croup,eoug: tener k it cleans owt ««tutte:minutes He 1 he ™ inhaler f hard he carried in pocket o at an lifetime, pour a fev te mnienad dropa of Says that building can be done tow neaply as it can be dene for rs to come.C.WATKINS has ‘ullding Material on hand that was bought at old prices.So long as it lasts you can build cheaper now than for years to come, Rev.Mr.Wallace 0}scriptions ir Wy tion this week f Workers’Home at Messrs.Cc.) Dull,who are dell farmers th Cool Spring High night at 7.90. {a few conte,Misa Myrt'e Hager,who visited Misses Mary ard Cora Hill at Clio, has returned to her home at StonyPoint Plenty Cheetnuts are ripe,say ocrat,fine in quality but not so and Pad Locks toabundant’as common.Bina. x aters,with Belts pre a Collar C.WATKINS, —Aa hades —J,M.McKEE 6 CO.——————-——en arna|BULLDING?©.WATKINS,|RUTLIING:! erry ral ,cieial a shod W adt the rapect ¢ the Christian,'enterrh,bronMontreat.|colds or |Money treetyanandGEB.Jin ¢ moeting with the Tre will be at Saturdey Sold by the Statesville Drug Compauy and droggivts everywhere. Complete ontfit.including inhaler and onehetthofFiyomet,costa tut littie,while | tra bettles,if afterward needed,coat only } Weer Schoo! of Framing,Inch-Plank,'the Boone (composition Roofing,Nails,Hinges make Sheds and .iy Battery work is done by a STATESVILLE MOTOR -Pe5 ee sf Hs i a F , a ; ne ig ) 3 Everythingforthe Boysand theLittle Man,| Er i 7 Hi!e a zii : 2¢FE |3 2 : ¢= z | ti t s é i z i f||IzizLi.i e Ai if i He s t iE oe zs more then confidence in the ob!close Saturday ry people were calling theattentionoftheirfolkstoStates-ville’g record to boost the work inandRowan,and the Char- lotte r remarked:“As expected,Richmond has al- ready bought more Liberty bondsthanthegovernmenthadIsidasideforher,and the town of Statesville,in North Carolina,is going to do the same thing.”Has already done thatcoingto,stop.We can'tquitbecausewehave theamountallottedOtherpiaceswillnotcomeuptotheamountappor-tioned and those who cen and will gooverwillbeneededtomakeupthe deficit.The Statesville banks and theLibertyLoanCommittee,Mr.Wallace chairman,have done splen-did work.They have given much oftheirtime—some of them near alloftheirtime-—-and spent their ownmoneytohelpthecause,and theyhave,put enthusiasm into the can-vass..All this work,the time andgiven,has been for the coun-try's cause —-for all of us;and ev-ery who can help should do soandhaveashareingrandwork, WHO IS MEANT. It Will be noticed in the publishedlistofLibertybondsubscriptionsforStatesvillethatbondshavebeenboughthyacomparativelysmallnumberofindividualsandcorpora- tions --a small number comparedwiththeulationofthetownandcounty.re is no criticism ex-pressed or implied,in any of these s,of those really unable to buy bonds.Those who haven't the mong to invest to help the war,can and will help some otherway.The argument ard the crit- icisng is directed to those who canhelpandwon't;the slackers who areleavingittootherstodotheworkofsecountry.Wi the amount of bonds allottedtoStatesvillehasheenoversubscrib-ed,more subscriptions should bemade,especially small individuel sul-seriptions —in the fifties andhundreds.It is not best for thecountrythatthebanksandcorpora- tions and a few individuals carry alltheseloans,and the governmentdoesn’t want that.Numbers are wanted every in-dividual who can take as much as$50.The more people who take thebondsthegreaterthepersonalinter-est and benefit.The more peoplewhofeelapersonalinterestinhelp- ing prosecute the war the better forthepeopleandthecountry.A few may not think that smallsubscriptionsare—.The small aoe are given first prefer- ence.Large ones are denied be- cause they necessary,but it’snumbersihearewanted,Get —thideaandhelp!If you haven't thecashand@@ppayininstallments, any of the banks wil!arrange it foryou. WHEN YOU CAN AND CAN'T. Talking about waiting to buy Lib-erty bonds until one has surplus money and no other use for it-andevensomeofthisclasshaven'tboughi—-many men in Statesville and elsewhere who owe maney andarepaying6percert.on the loan,have bought 4 per cent.bonds.The 4 per cent.bonds are as good as cashandifthepurchaserhastodispose of them his loss will be the differencebetween4and6percent.$2 per year on the $100 That isn’t a loss,either,for the 4 per cent.bond is net subject to normal taxes,and one teally saves 2 per cent or more _in that way.But even counting it aloss,it’s a mighty sorry man who wouldn't agree to lose for his coun- try’s'cause a couple of dollars a year. One is not called on to beggarhimselftobuyevenLibertybonds;he is not called on to give money forbondsthatbelongstohisforthatisn’t his to give. isn't to andafford Wm.the | government.We coat think that iswecan't believe any grownmaninthecountywithsens#enoughcogoaboutbyhimself,would sayagovernmentaisn't good.WhenabondissuedbytheUnitedStatesgovernmentbecomesworthless,then all other similar,forms of property will be worthless and things gener- ally will go to smash.it may be,however,that there issomesuchexplanationastheGreensboroNewsfoundinsomelo- calities where the folks were not at all interested in making the “worldsafefordemocracy.”The only de- mocracy these folks knew about per-tained to the Democratic party,andtheydidn’t want anything made safeforthewickedDemocrats.It maybesomefolksaresoblindedbypo- litical Liberty bonds “Democraticbonds”beeause a Democratic admin-istration ha to be in power,andtheythinktheymayberepudiatediftheadministrationischanged.Ifthatbeso,it is a waste of words to argue with folks like that. THE BIGGEST SLACKERS. In the canvass for the sale of Lib- erty bonds not a few men have beenfoundwhohadmoneyatinterest, were not in debt,were well fixed-— not wealthy butpendent—who insisted,becausetheydidn’t have much ready moneyonhand,that they couldn't buy bonds.Few of these men purpose to be “slackers”or to fail in their obligatien to the country.Theysimplyhavenotbeenawakenedtothenecessitiesofthecaseandtotheirdutytothecountry.It is time that such people were aroused.Theirexampleishurtful.Men of that type can buy bodtheywanttowithoutmakingasac- rifice,and they should know thatthepublicknowsitandtheywillberatec———and the rating will be handed down to unborn gen-erations,who will hear that their ancestors failed to answer the coun-try’s call in its hour of need.The man who can buy bonds with-out sacrifice and who refuses,is a far greater slacker than the man who runs away from military serv-ice;and the man who can buy bonds,even at the sacrifice of a few dollars,and who refuses,is a greater slacker than the deserter from the army. The deserter,universally execrated, has cause to fear death or bedily in- jury.And despicable as he is,he isnotintheclasswiththemanwhore-fuses financial aid to the govern- ment when he could give the aid with financial benefit to himself,oratmostwiththesacrificeofafew dollars This is Landmark challenges denial of logic. the PE IES Food Administrator Hoover makes it clear that food prices are now higher than necessary,in some linesatleast,and he thinks the retailer istakingmorethanhisshareofprof- its.The food control law does not give the food administrator authori- ty to reach small dealers.This mustbedone,he says,by public senti- ment.There is no question butthereisunreasonableprofiteeringin many lines of necessities outside of food.The war gives the excuse toputonanextrapriceandmany there be who take advantage of the opportunity.That is human nature.If conscience troubles and some of them seemingly have no conscience the excuse is,“Others do it,why not 1°?By no means all dealers are exacting unreasonable profits and itwouldbeunfairtoputthemallin that class.But teo many of them are and it is up to the consumer to buy carefully and with diserimina- tion;not to give the price asked ev- ery time without question RIA BPcer ADEN CUES rs “The North Caroline cotton mill men were soaked pretty heavily on the war tax on excess profits,”re- creditors,|marks the Charlotte Observer,“butNeither|never mind about that.Those same is ove called on to buy bonds if his|mill men have come into the open is entirely absorbedsupportofhisfamily can doe financially. er is ableto buy atnein plies SRL EN a The destruction of the transport Antilles,by a.with a loss of abouisthefirstsevereblowA bond his duty if he doesn't. is clear no criticism ’in the {market as buyers of the Libert in reasonable| comfort.But every individual knows!mill men know,are a i He|ment;and they knowinhisownconsciencewheth-|that if the bonds.”The bonds,the good invest-furthermore are not They have. Liberty bondswith|sold the money will be raised by tax-effort,and whether he is fail-|ation,in aalah ova the soaking they If his |have received in the matter of taxesap-|would be as nothing compared withAndsoas)|what they would receive,la business proposition the mill menAmericanjareexercisingGermanjbuyingLibertybonds;and of course 70 they are baying as good citizens ander-|patriots as well. good judgment received from Germany since|entered the war.enewer of America showenersymore|easz im =suppert of wherever called to the Liberty Day celebra-the philanthropist who wants to The| be in-/|sell food cheap There is littl encouragement to A colored citizen the of Union county who retailed meatiberal——of Lib-/at 15 cents a cast into|doing our bit with |prison,and an Asheville colored hoy|who offered exes at 30 cenis a dozen| to avenge our dead jto a suffering public pound was suffered thejaimefate.Evidently in theseFe D and help his brother man at once falls undertoGermany's attackon |the suspicion of being a thief. cd (eeaeeeef If You Can't Enlist—Invest!a Liberty Bond.Save a Life—Buy «Bond Ruy “well-to-do,”inde-| it Zeppeline Raid Englend—Four jof its crew and one of its cars, { plain speaking,but The loan|had condemned the crimes of Pres- |President. in| Ws:*State will levy atyof10percent.on thenoneys,solvent creditssropertyoffthetax“In addition te 10 per cent., oreceding computed thereon,lawful penalties for notwhichIthinkisdoubling and then put 12 per cent.on“The taxpayer who has notthistaxwillbesubjecttoiment,fine and imprisonment.best thing that such taxpayers can'do is to take their money which mayhavebeenkeptoffthebookshereto-fore,and put it into Liberty bonds,and their conscience need troublethemnomorehereafter.These ftorthern Esthonia,Meanwhile,theSee haveredinitsentirety#0,the en-trance to andalsotheiadofWeilbetweenMoonnel”nian coast in the of Finland.Several hundred2 were tak-| Roos wt a ioe }JgenumvastweekonOcselisland.Later—All Russian navel units ex-|cept observation elements have suc-ceeded in getting out of Moon Sound|without losses and arepoe the|northern entrance to the sound,the bonds will not be taxable,and they|will bear 4 per cent interest.Theaimanwhohasbeenhidinghisproper-|prejudice that they consider|ty from the ‘has put his money in these bonds can| tax gatherer,and who} look his fellowman in the face and|not feel that he is a tax dodger,or a careless or unscrupulous lister of his property.” The lowa prohibition election was| a surprise.Considering the strong|prohibition sentiment,that 2»prohibi-| tion amendment to the State consti-| tution was defeated by about 1,000;votes on the face of the returns,in a} State that already has prohibition,| was an unexpected result.lowa has| prohibition by logislative enactment.|Desiring to make the State safe! against the mutations of politics and law-makers,the prohilitionists want- | ‘ed prohibition made a part of the or-| ganic law.The attempt was en ap-parent failure,although »recount of the votes,which has beon ordered, may change the result. Brought Down in France. German Zeppelins raided England Vriday rivht and dropped bemts thatkilled27personsandinjured53. A number of Zeopelins,supposed to have been part of the same fleetthatraidedEngland,appeared —in France Friday night and Saturdaymorning.They were attacked by French airmen.Four were broughtdown.In some cases the Zeppelinsweresavedfromdestructionandthe crews captured.In one case th Zeppelin was burned,the crew being captured after they set it afire.One Zeppelin landed,leaving 15 members andtakingtheairagainwithfourmem- bers of the crew,mannged to getaway,but is supposed to have been lost in the Alps.The Zeppelins dropped no bombs in France. Soldiers Subscribe Millions. The soldiers in the 16 Nationa! army cantonments —the =selected men -——have subscribed $10,400,000 to the Liberty loan fund,and the 16NationalGuardcantonmentshave subserbed $12,250,000.This wa up to Saturday.The army as awhole,including the clerical force attheWarDepartment,has bought more than $35,000,000 worth of bonds.Over a million dollars was sub- seribed at Camps Grant,Funston andCusterandnearamillionatCamps Lee and Travis,all of the Nationa! army National Guard camps sub-scribing more than a_million each are Camps Sheridan,Shelby,Sevier, Wadsworth and Greene.Camp Se- vier is at Greenville,where —the Statesville company is located andCampGreeneisinCharlotte, TT One Mexican Talks Right. General Garcia Vigil,leader of theLiberalconstitutionalistparty,in apeechintheMexicanchamberofdeputies,declared it was the duty ofMexicototakesidesagainstGerma-ny The speech was applauded bythegreatmajorityofthemembersandthegalleries.The general.said he thought thatMexicoandthepresentgovernmenthadnotshowna_proper spirit ofgratitudetoPresidentWilsonandtheUnitedStates.President Wilson ident Huerta and had not recognizedhimbutMexicansappeartohavefor-gotten this attitude of the AmericanThereweresome_pro-tesis from various parts of the cham- |ber. LaFollette’s Denial. Senator LaFollette has issued a statement denying and denouncingas“libelous and mendacious”charg- es that he has been attempting toobstructtheLibertybondsaleby circulating certain speeches made b)him in the Senate during the warrevenuebilldebate,Senatorassertedthathehadcirculatedonlythreepamphlets,printed at his own expense,contain portions of whathesaidduringdebate,for thesolereasonthathebelieveditwould\“aid in awakening a public interest ;edly on various sectors. ‘sector at several j housework feeling wonderfully —department —in anrialstatement.the operationsintheGulfofRigaaRussiansubma-|rine sank one Germaa tra andisbelievedtohavedamaifnot.sunk,a German dreadnought at whichtwotorpedoeswerefired.It is reported that the RussiancapitalwillsoonbemovedtoMos- British naval craft have heavilhembardedtheportofOstend,Bel. gium,which is being used by theGermansasasubmarinebase.TheBerlinofficialcommunicationsaysnumeroushousesinthetownwere ‘amaged by the shells from the na- val guns.On the fighting front in BelgiumheavyartilleryactivityonthepartofBritishandFrenchcontinues,with the Germans answering spirit-No infan-try actions have taken place,except in the nature of reconnaissances.In Champagne and in the Verdunpointstherealsohavebeenviolentartilleryduels.In Uhampagne the Germans deliveredsomewhatheavyinfantryattacks )sow against the French,but were repuls-There has been brisk fightingbetweentheItaliansandAustrianstatheTrentinoregionandalongtheJulienfrontintheAustro-Italian‘heater,and between the EntenteforcesandTeutonieailiesinMace-‘onia.Likewise,in East Africa,there has been a_renewal of inten-sive fighting between British andGermantroops,in which the Ger-rians were defeated near Nyangao. ater,however,the Germans return-ed to the fray,and at last accounts new battle was in progress.Heavyisseshadbeensustainedbybotideswhenthelastreportsweresent to London.RELEASE AEA now's THIS?We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fornyeaseofCatarrhthatcannotbeeuredby |Hall's Catarrh Cure.Hall’s Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca-arvh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,ind has become known ax the most reliableremedyforCatarrh.Hall's Catarrh Cure actsthroughtheBloodontheMucoussurfaces, expelling the Poison from the Bicod and heal- ing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Caterrh Cure for a short time you will see a great improve- vent in your gencral health.Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of aterrh.Send for testimonials,free.F.J.CHENEY @ CQ.,Toledo,Ohio, Sold by all Druavide,The. M.Coat Suits,special prices.—J. McKEE &CO,-—ad, 'bAUGHTER WAS WEAK AND FRAIL. For a Long Time Lacked Strength to pong Far-—Nothing Seemed to Help FRUEND SAID A-I-M WAS WHATSHENEEDED. “My daughter's condition worried mea great deal.She was weak,run- down and troubled all the time,com- ing into womanhood with irregulari-‘ies which seemed to weight her down terribly and sap her strength and en-|ergy.She could walk but a_littlewayswithoutresting,”says B.H.| Carter of Bassett,Va.,just a few days ago.t “A friend recommended Acid IronMineraltomeandmydaughterhadn’t |taken but two bottles before she was| well and strong and going about the |im-| proved,The results have been so re-|markable in her case |believe Acid|Iron Mineral will do all that is claim-|ed for it and take pleasure in rec-|ommending it to all.I consider it aGodsendtosufferinghumanity.”The thusiastic endorsementofAcidtronMineral,the great iron remedy,which thousands of peoplepraise,proves how it is as atonicfortheblood,kidneys,bladderanddigestion.Acid fron Mineral may be obtainedatmostdrugstoresinlargeorsmallbottles.A teaspoonful inwatermakesadose.It jand in cramping a puble inion |nal fh |induce elapse th the|pas seusion to more adequately andjustlytaxwarprofitsandsurplusCah |comes, |.Turn Dollarspay“Uberty Bond, |the into Bullets—|digestion .Geta wear,Headlight Overalls, Pants,Riding Breeches, Rain CoatsandSlickers.—SEE US.— HATSand CAPS. EverythingforDaddyand the Boys. Hats,$1.00 to $7.00.Caps,25c.$2.00. Boys,Boys,see us foryour Wearables and Dress Like Your Dad. STYLE HEADQUARTERS WHERE SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES ARE SOLD. CROWELL CLOTHING CO. SUCCESSOR OF SLOAN CLOTHING CO. “On the Corner”“On the Corner” Come and See the Fashionable New Our racks contain more new garments to- day than we have shown at any time this season.This week arrivals make the showing more variedandattractive than ever. Beautiful Coats $10.00 and up.Suits, $12.50 and up.Amongothers the won- derful‘‘Wooltex”and Sunshine Garments, Demand your admiration. Tlvory Kid,8 inch Boot, _|Leather Louise Heel.$8.00. Black Glazed Kid,8 inch Boot,Leather Louise Heel, $7.50. Gray Kid Cloth Top, Louise Heel,$7.00.‘ Black Glazed Kid,8 inch Boot,Flexible,$6.00. Black Patent Leather,8 inch Gray Top Boot,$5.00. Black Patent Leather,8 inch Cravanet Top Boot, $4.75. Dull Kid 8 inch all Leather Beot,#3.50. Dull Kid or Gun Metal, $3.50 to $6.00. All widths and Sizes. Lad &Lassies men’s makes.M.&P.and Scuf- fers for Children and Misses,$2.00 to $3.00. Wide ankle Shoes for Babies,75c.to $1.40. Due West,&CC.Mra.BE N.vronce of Statesville was a guest at the Reported for The Landmark. On Friday evening Mike Mary herpes of wa bottle of toilet water.The guests werethenusheredintothediningroom,where thesehemewascarriesoutwiththena-i ¢olors.A lnree red bell was suspendedwethetablewithstroumersofred,whitejandblueextendingtothefourcorners.Thebeenterpiece“was ai tarae bouquet of whitechrysanthomums,amid the stripes of red,|white dive.The refreshments consisted ofmascourseof“A la Ovenge Delihtandcake,followed by mints,which also enr-j vied out the national color scheme,By cachplatewasacardbenringtheIinseription,|"f'we hearts that beat as one,”and the ini-jtists “K.MM.and “W.HL M.,”with the dateNovember81917.‘This announeed the en-|@agement and approaching mariage of Mins|Katherine Morrison and Mr,W.Harvey Morrow.This announcement will be of interestjto@largectreleoffriendsandrelativesofthecharmingbride-to-be and also of the sroum-eloct.Mivs Morrison is one of Loray's most popu- ‘ine young ladies and her many friends extendtherheartygoodwishes.Mr.Morrow is a|ueeewful busingw man and is the present|remister of deeds of tredell county.|Honor Roll Troutman HighSchool.'|The following pupils were on the sttend-ance haner roll of Troutman High Sehooliforthefiretmonthallreeeivingcardsshow- ‘ing they were neither absent nor tardy First grade Edith Brown,Sam Brown,Conrad Herown,Charles Clark,Rovert Cavin,‘Herman Hartline,Robert Hartline,Ruby‘Nesbit,Malla ferry,Marcus Williamson, |Hazel Wooten,George Younx|Second grade Hotwin Brown,Homer Corne- ‘time,4.C.Cavin.Edwin Kyles,James Orven,\teary Cornelius|Third grade -Annic|line,Elienbeth Hetheox,|WarvenPourth grade Frank Brown,Mary Johnson,Katherine Keever,Vanneh Mills,Robert Rog- Alley...Clarence Hart-Mamie Mills,Minnie Brown,Herman Neiison,Charies Neilson,MevleSherrillBighthgradeOlinAdams,Fredonia Brown,|Ada Cavig,Era Collins,Marvin Kyles,Charles|Kyles,Beesie MeGhee,Ethe!Ostwalt,AlbertiSetzer,Joe Setzer,Carl Smith,Otho Smith, ‘Reth Troutman,Gladys Troutman,lreneWegner,Mildred Young !Ninth grade Gladys Christopher,Honrine'Holtshouser.Mary Kyles,Lela Kyles.HomerKeever,Emma Kenneriy,Estelle Overecash,Flora Overcash,Janie Ostwalt,Madge Sher-rill,Flossie Troutman,Nannie Troutman,Ed-win ‘Troutman,Lela Waugh.‘ventn grade -Estelle Brown,Lois Brown,Albert Clark,Lillian Brvin,Ccer Harwell,Buin Rankin,Fay Seteer,Thelma Smith,janie Young. |Notices of New Advertisements Be a tailored man.Sherril!l-White Shoe Co Fastest crentions in conta,sutts,furs,ete|Visit un during the faire.Dave Ocstreicher, Salicbury |Stylsh,seug fiting and comfortable shoes |Millis &Poston Censerve the nation’s fuel sapply Craw- ford-Bur.ch furniture Co, We have prises for partion,R.Fo Henry Fvery woman joves a Favorite Kans:Cooper Furniture Co.,Ine Sale of personal property October 29th.at“Cabot Lodge,”Kimword.ROBO MeLaue! lin.attorney for extate of Louis Cabet Chrysarthemams and duttins for sale Mrs.Hanter Moore,‘phone 31 wreen Geed farm wanted at reasonable price1.0.Watts,Granite Felts. Seed wheat for sale.8.Grose,Loray,R-1 ‘Two car hoads of horses and mules just re-ceived.Henkel-Craia Live Stock Co Notice to creditors.Earl M.Ervin,ccee- |utor,Loray Fresh coconuts and fresh shipment of break j fast strips at J.KR.Poston s,‘phone 134 Cabbage plants.D.J.Kimball Everything for the practign!man or the inifty,nobby dresser.Crowell Clothing ¢ Wood sawing prices Robert M.Choer,TG Wooten,J.A,Plyler. +Empty molasses barrels just arrived.J.KMorrisonGrocery&Produce Co |Auto number leet 1.Ho Lee.Bust MonboPorkhowswanted.J.A.Abwher,States-ville,R-3.Furnished reom for rent.Write “8.eareTheLandmark Saving Wheat—Road Work. |Correspondence of The Landmark. Tayloreville,R-4,Oct.20...The farmers are}very busy doing their (all work and getting ‘ready to sow wheat,Some few have sown some wheat,while the main erop remains to (he sewn We believe the farmera are taking |srenter interest in the preparation of the|land for whent then in former years. The road force working on the rond leading from Taylorsville toward Lenoir has pitchedithelrtentstoAllHealingSprings.The wrad- ;ine hes very nearly reached Fraglese!The |former order of board was to stop at that}point,but a recent order was to continuewestwarduntiltheroadiecompletedtoMr|Robt.LL.Downs’. |.Messrs.Knox Sipe and C.P.Beherd havebeeninlredellcountyfortheIasiweek|viewing out a prospective home|We hope come of the Iredell boys will write from Camp Jackson,8 CMr.Deck Pennell,formerly of this countybutnowrunningagirageinWashington|D.C.,ty,viniting his mother,the widow of|Rev.A.MM.Pennell. HALLOWE'EN PARTY. The young Indies of the Fidelis clase of|Bethel chureh «ill give «Hallowe'en party |Saterday winht,27th,at Clark's echo!house|Pablie invited, i 1 || "The woes‘Mrs and Mo Chan Bhar R.J.Mille,whe vinited relativesyesterdaytohis D.C ae aton,i“y.4.L.Culley has returned from Wineplewhereshevisitedherdaughter,Miss Louike Culley,Mre.M.R Adame returned Saturday eveningfromMooresville,where she spent @fewdayswithfriendsMixaDaikyJohnsonisathomefromRal-on a visit to relatives.Rows MeRiwee and children retw|Priday from Goldsboro,where they for several days..A.J.Salley is visiting her sister,Mrs.J.E.tler,at Greenville,8.C.Mr.and Mrs.Nathan O'Berry of GoldsboroervrivedSaturdayafternoontovisittheifdaMrs.McElwee. | *Sunday and yesterday|Hoffman Mrs.Julius Kaufman:of Danville,Va.visiting her daughter,Mre.W.HM.nn.Dr.and Mrs.Jo.Hirsen of BaltimorewithMr,and rs. ".Mr.and Mrs.William Wood,who were gucets of Mr.and Mrs.C.E.Pennington,‘have returned to their home at Davidson.Miss Azile Davidson went to Hickory Saturdayafternoontovisitfriends.Mes.©,W.Spell of Godwin is visiting hermother,Mrs.J.B.Connelly.Messrs.M.Crowell,M.P.Alexander andParksCrowc!!motered to Charlotte Thursday who is atonbusiness, Mr.J.H.Rockwell,Re atEddystone,Va.spent a few days withhisfamily,returning to Eddyatone Friday.Dr,Cc Cruse returned Friday fromRaleigh,where he attended the State Mair. Miss Edith McLaughlin wen:to Lenior Sat-)urday.Miss Jo.Dunn,a member of the States- ville public school faculty,spent the week- ers,Lonnie Rogers,Marearet Sherrill,Pau-line ‘Troutman,Lucile Young.Fitth grade Alley,Hunter Brown,Fannie Cavin,Edith Hartline,Parnes»Holtes-houser,Clyde Neilson,Janie Smith,ArthurSmith.Sixth «rade Jesse Brewn,Katherine Heth-leox,Anna Kecver,Nellie Lawson,MaryVarks,Katheryn Troutman ' Seventh grade Suma Alley,Marvarine end with home folks at Albemariec. Bountiful Food Supply —TheHarmonyMeeting. Correspondence of The Landmark. Trovtman,R-i,Oct.17.Farmers are mak-ng use of the fine weather,gathering crops and sowing wheat.There promises to be alargeraerengeplantedinsmallgrainthanusual.Never have there been such bountifulcrops,The crop of pens,as before stated, in the best ever.Men are going aroundthreshingpeaswithgacetineengine,whieh beats turning by hand.There is so much molasses made that it's c:imost impossible towetanythingtoputitin,A large crowd was at Harmony last Sun- day Rev.C.P.Goode preached at 11 o'clockandDr.Anderson-of the First Baptist church, Statexville,preached at 2.20.Another meeting a year hence was given out in memory of theoldcampmecting,when people tenied andwentfromfarandnearandwentfor good of the meeting.day!Veople spend the aay riding around inavtomobilesandhavingagoodtime,Ourfathersandmotherswentforthegoodofthe mecting.The campmeeting secms to be @thingofthepast.Mrs.H.F.Heath is up from an attack of fever.Mr.Wesley Cartner is up and at-tended court at Statesville this week. ChildrenPick Cotton to Get School Desks. of The Landmart Troutman,R-2Z,Oet.17.The farmers busy sowing wheat and picking eotten. frost damaged the cotton considerablyAnumberofthechildrenofthe Plylerschoolandseveralofthemothers,with their teacher,met at Mr.D.©.Tolbert’s vesterdayandpickedcotton.The muney is te be used to buy seats for the new sehool soon be compicted.Every child and the pa-renta enjoyed the day.At noon the dinner was all spread under the shade of a big tree and vil enjoyed the delicious dinner that wasserved.Any one who ha:ever been to Ply-ler‘s on a public day know that the good la-dies of the neighborhood know well hew toprvegoodthingstoeat.While the day was pleasantly spent we madeawooddealforthedeskfund.We believebythiswaythechildrene1!!appreciate them more,ae they have done their bit in helping buy them. News of the Shiloh Country. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-,Oct.22.Mixx Julia Lackey.who has appegdicitie,was taken to DyLong's Sanatorium October 12th.She isthereforanoperation.Mr.John MeNeely is suffering from getting a plece of stee!or senate im one of his eyeswhileatworkinsmithshon.Mr.Tom Houston got one of his hands inapeashredderlastweekMr.A.W.Johnson shipped a 6-weeks-oldcalftoWashingtonlastweekondreeeived81° net,very nearly as muc!as mileh eows usedtosellfor,with the calf thrown in Mrs.J.A,Ale ——who has been suffer- ing from bronchi pneumonia followinw mension,is improving Mr.Press Sipe.one of the Blues,who spent Sunday night at home,oeturned to Cam) Sevier,8 C.,Sunday morning.He repert» he soldiers well fedMr.Jim Brown,from South America,ivisitinghisunele,Mr A.Stevenson. Mr.Campbell Very i)—Har- mony News, Serrespendence of The Landmark openers Mae areThe Hormony,Oct.22.Misses Anna Stith and Nell Robinson,who have been the guests ofMrs.J.V.Bagwarly,returned to their homesinWilmingtonlastTuesdayMissAmela Hutier of Kannapolis was the gucet of Miss«Stacy Hayes and Mona Gaither last weekMiesMattieMaePowellapenttwoweeksinYadkinvilie,attending the teachers’intitute.Messrs.John and Dwight Myers ot Houstenville spent Sunday with their sister.Mrs,BLL.Reid.Mr.PF.A.Campbell is critieally il with pneumonia and his recovery is not expectedMisaStacyHayeshasbeenverysickwithtonsolitieandgrippesinceWednesday Personal items, ‘orrenpendence of The Lan@mars. Statesville,R-A,Oct,22.Mra,Mery CowanhaereturnedfromBaltimore,where she spentamonthwithMr.and Mrs.Ingrwm H.Cownn Mr.Kugene Holiand has returned from Pe-tersbure,Va...where he has been at work Mr.and Mrs.T.A.Summers spent the weekendatStonyPointwithrelativesMissesMary,Catherine ang Klizabeth Loaw-renee,Annie Bell Gaithe:and My.Bard Law- renee spent Sunday in Wilkesboro with MrW.oH.Starr and family,Mr.J.DO.Gaither who spent several days at hore,bas returnedtobiswertitPetersburg,Va M 1.b.Austin accompanied him and will work there ray items, Correspondence of The Landmark. Leray,Oct.22.Mere.dobn Clodfelter of Oetwalt community ix vietting her father,Mr4.G.Woodside,and other relatives here. Mr.and Mrs.Erncet Sharpe of Rirmiawham Aim.,are viviting Mr.Sharpe's parents iondMrs,A.C.Sharpe, Rev.8.L.Cathey and family will be away most of thie week,are going to vietfriendsatLinesinton,baw Creek and MountHolly,Mr.Cathey will epend a part of hi«vacation away from home Therefore therewillbenopreachingthefourthandfirstSundaysatConcord. To Cure a Coté in One Day. How different it is te ; house that will' 'a ! FP ‘Mark's Lutheranjafternvon.On accountDr.Seevers was not ableentandhisaddresswilluntilthefirstSundayofCommunion+servicesSundaymorningatthe [ di i Er E Dale of Chester,8.C.Owing to the illness of the ‘{Rev.L A.Falls,there were no serv-jees at the Methodist church Sunday evening.|Mr.Eugene Harrington is spend-‘ing several days at his home here on‘leave of absence from Camp Sevier, at Greenville.||Mr.and Mrs.A.W.Parks and,Miss Julia Stirewalt spent the week-|lend with relatives in Statesville.Mr | ‘and Mrs.G.F.McGraw and Miss‘Helen Misenheimer spent Cnty at |Miss Misenheimer’s home in Wina- ‘ton.Miss Celeste Carpenter,who is}Lenoir College,—_ Vv. rian and the A.R.P.chu {R.C.was assisted at} AOR.P.Rev.J." i ja student atitheweek-end at her home here. jand Mrs.W.E Holeombe spent the |week-endPa Rev.Mr.Wyatt, jnear Ostwalt’s.|Rev.W.E.West,pastor of Pros-||pect and Centre yterian church-|ies,has moved with his family to,}Mooresville,having pu the,{Culbertson _resi ,on Eastern)|Heights.VERNIE GOODMAN | ‘Engagement AnnouncedBirthdayCelebration. Special Correspondence of The Landmark.j Mooresville,Oct.22 —At a recep-|tion at her home at Davidson There-|day afternoon,Mrs.W.H.Wootenannouncedtheengagementofher| daughter,Sarah,to Mr.Wood N,,|Johnston of Mooresville,the wedding to take place on the 4th of Novem- berThe announcement was made in a!{happy manner by a little bride andvom,Sarah Jetton and Master!ames Rutledge Withers,who enter-ed the parlor to the music of the}wedding march.The bride handed‘her bouquet to Miss Wooten,while ‘the groom showered tiny hearts and ithe secret was out.¢Phe guests were later invited to ‘the diningroom,where a_delicious salad course was served.The Woot-eft home was beautifully decoratedfortheoccasionwithwhiteandpinkroses,scarlet sage and autumn and is prominent in the social life ofDavidson.She was educated at Queen's College,Charlotte,and is a pretty and charming young py. Mr.Johnston is the son of Mr.W,C.Johnston of this city,and is one of‘ts most popular young men.He isassociawithhisfatherintheJHardwareCo.and theMooresvilleWholesaleGroceryCo Mrs.Jacob Freeze celebrated —her 87th birthday last Saturday with a dinner given in her honor at the homeofherson,Mr.A.M.Freeze.Mrs. Freeze,who makes her home with. her daughter,Mrs.John T.McNeely, was all unaware of the festivities planned in her honor when she wenttospendthedaywithherson,and was happily surprised when invited to the dining room to find several of her other children,besides a number of friends,including nearly 25 in all,gathered around the —bountifully spread table,ready to enjoy herbirthdaydinnerwithher.She alsoreceivedsomevaluablepresentsfrom her children Mrs.Freeze,who en- ioys perfect health at 87 years,was highly pleased with the occasion and ‘her numerous Mears a for her many more such birthdays. :VERNIE GOODMAN. “Big Jim”Carson —Farm Work-—Sick People. Correspondence of The Landmark. Houstenville,Oct james Carson,col cored,dled near here Tucsduy after an illness of ten days of pneumonia,aged 5 “Bie Jim,”ae was usually ealled,had very little Afiesn blood in bim.His mother was three-fourths Anglo-Saxon and his father wassaidtobeaprominentwhitecitizenofYadkin county.Jim pri himeaeif on hisitewanlikedbyeVerybod,He had been a reader of ‘The Landmark tor 25 yenrs. While the weather has been ideal fer sev- eral @aps for farm work,sme have been coding wheat,while others are busy pre-raring land for seedinwMre.W.F.Miller,who was right sick,ts better,Mr.Earl Critz and Mies Lillie Bar nard were taken to D Longs SonatertumSaturdayandoperatedforwppendicitix They are getting alons nicely »thanks to end neigehbe Lindinews ducing the siekness and death our dexwifeandbelovedmothe:May God's richestblessingsbeoneachandeveryoneofyouB.C.LENTZ OND CHILDREN Om,23.°“SaleofPersonal Property. ON MONDAY We desireurfriends OCTORER 26th,1017,1 will «ll at public auction for cash,a quantity of personal property belonging to the estate of the late Louis Cabot of Toston,Mass,,nowstoredinhishuntingletreandconsistingof tables,heds,beddinw chairs,«lver and ot tablewwre,etesatewitbe at “Cabot Lodee,”Bim-wood,and will commence at 16.90 a.mRB.MeLAUGHLINAttorneyBextateofLowisCnbot. Ovt,24, NOTICE TO CREDITORS.qualified as executor of the will of Kn in,it pertone havingclaimsagtingstWiseetatearetepre Ocoler i,ont fife to me on or tefore 1ope;all persons indebted t©the estatewillpromptsettlementiEARLM.BRVIN,Oct,8,1917,Rexecuter,Leoray,N.C. leaves.The bride-elect is well known here| i FOR RENT—Furnished room ancestry.| eisaedons akreasonswhyourrangesareevery tJwoman'sfavorite. When You Need for Parties ember We Have Them. If you are perplexed as to what will make proper “favors”or gifts for your party,come in and maybe we can help you select app-opriate thingsThesuccessofyour souvenirs you distribute. we supply the “favors.” in this line of goods we havePRICES.R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.me ili from our abundant stockof novellies.==party will depend much upon the..Your party will be suecessful whengsmanythiatPOPULAR ]i For | MARKETREPORTS. Market.StatesvilleThefollowingprices were paidforproduceonthelocalmarket; SpringChiekens,18¢,per ib. Hens,2c.per tb.Baus,36c.per dozen.Roosters,6¢.to Se.per tb. Tub Butter,28¢.per Ib.Beeswax,3c,per tb,Green Hides,ISe.to 1ée.per Ib.Hams,She.to 6c.per Ib.Sides,S0c.to 38c.per tb.Shoulders,30c.per Ib.New Red Honey (strained) New Ked Honey Comb, 12 1-2 tracted Honey,220.per !b.i Casing,4c,pcr thtoes(new)$1.26 per bushel. were paid yesterdayThefollowingforgrainonthemarket:Wheat,$2.90 per bushel.Corn,$1.50 per bushel,Corn tnew)$1.15 per bushel.Outs,She.to 9c.per bushel. Statesville Cotten the lvcal market yesterdayperpoundwasforbestgradeCottonSeed,05e.per bushel.Seed Cotton,We.per tb. TheMostExquisite Hall’s Glycerine Lotion. Cures Chapped Hands,Irritated SkinandExcellentforuseafterShaving.25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT HALL’S DRUG STORE, yeeterday i8e.per Ib.rwood Honey,Comb,24c.per Ib, 28 cents,cotton. in home with | The Skin,Is - SOSCr se Mn eee eee ay a a -|eT to 18e. | | all modern conveniences..-Write “'S,"careTheLandmark.Oct.23-—1t*.| WANTED—Pork hogs.Will pay market|price and call for them.J.A.ABBHER,|Statesville,R-3.Oct.23-~1t*, FRESH COCONUTS at J.R.POSTON'S. Phone 134.Oct.23 --10°. FRESH SHIPMENT of Breakfast Strips at| J.R POSTON'S.Oct.28-—10". FOR SALE—Chrysanthemums ond dahlias.”MRS.HUNTER MOORE,‘phone 38 Oct.25. WANTED—Tobuy good farm on sand-clay | 7 #reen.| rend,Price must be reasonable.Write or| see J.P,WATTS,Granite Falls,N.C }°Oct.a--10"T il re d FOR SALE.or trade,nice stock of Groceries.9708 Address M.,eare The Landmark Get.93.-it.i SEED WHEAT—iimited amount Leap's Pro-Man.;lifie for sale.8S.GROBE,Loray,R-!' Oct.23 a JUST RECRIVED—Two car loads of horses HENKEL. Oct, loads of mulessTockCOandtwocar CRAIG LIVE Dress with DISTINC- TION.Let us meas-1% LOST—Astomebile number,1213.Suitable re-return to Yount &Alexander oF28wardferJ}.H.LER,Bast Monbo Oct SET OUT your Cabbage Lord now.You hd NEEDLE «” eat get them at D.J.KIMBALL 8 :Oct.23 GARMENTS to} HAVE good opening for a Girl ba learn to eo,wa write on Typewriter prly in Person at.j 4tice.PIEDMONT RED CEDAR CHEST |T Co.,Cinein-: if Oct.19.2.}oc nati.;~ ware cords of oe h or 4 STATESVILLE Call at ayor's office,ce:»ihomMew“|“NEEDLE-MOLDED”| FOR RENT—Stere room nowTharpeFiveandTenCentStore,Poasea- sion Jnwenry 1,1918,=C,Oct.2. SEWING MACHINE chine. Oct.146. 8.HOLLAND. we mt on wee |Wear better;exneediesWILLIAMSFURNITUREHOUSE, ure you for tt *oF TAILORED fit or tng Re |Fashion Plates,and FIVE HOUSES FOR S8ALE—foodFivehoasesinBowthStateevitle,down,8100 and interest each paid for,C.MONKOR ADAMS. Terme.one-thirdyearwhtil Oct.16, Swagger new patterns, EVERYTHING WOOD SAWING We,Ge patent agreewoodatfollowprices|wou 60c.per cord;a wood 7 cord, &SONn,| GUARANTEED.‘wee |SHERRILL- Oe.per|} |- + good Americans. OOSEN your pursestrings,sons and daugh-ters of Columbia.and take the bonds of theSecondLibertyLoan.Buy them till thepinchofbuyingbringstoyourheartthe=~of a good investment made,a good deed done.Buy U.S.Government Liberty Bonds.If you have one,buy another,and sell two more bonds to two other The Bonds are your answer,our answer,the one answer weasanundividedpeople,loyal to the cause of human rights canmaketotheWorldWar. The eyes and ears of the world are strained for our ‘answer.The eyes and ears of our enemy,more eagerly than the eyesandearsofourallies. Strike the answer home thatthere may be no doubt of the answer. Our young manhood answers as our boys go tothe firing line;our farmers answer in food for our fighting men;our manu-facturers answer in shoes and uniforms,gas masks,big guns,little guns,powder,shot and shell;our ship-yards in food ships ‘ i ef ' and fighting ships.But they speak the answers of individuals.The Liberty Loan speaks for our whole people.answer tell friend and foe,that we know we are fighting forhumanrights,and stand behind our demand. Let our “The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy” Put every dollar you can spare into a LibertyBond.Never before could your dollar buy somuch.It buys safety for your country,your homes and your children,now and foryearstocome.It buys life and liberty withouttakingacentawayfromyou.It fights for us,and pays for the privilege of fighting.It fulfillsadutywhichhasthecombinedrewardsofagooddeedandagoodinvestment. For the Second Liberty Loan is the best invest-ment in the world today.A Liberty Bond ismoneywhichpaysyoua4percentincome,andisonlysemi-taxable.Always safe as_gold,always worth its face value,every Liberty Bond.with the end of the war,is sure to be held at apremium. Go to Either of the Following You men and women with a few dollars to in- vest can put them to fighting for your homes at the same time they bring you an income. You may buy Liberty Bonds as small as $50 and pay for them by installments. Other lands of Democracy are making their fight and sacrifices for Democracy. The hour of America’s opportunity and privilege strikes.Lend your utmost to your government. Buy her bonds.Buy,and in buying strike our answer home,that the world may know beyond a doubt that America’s War Answer,“Makes the World Safe for Democracy.” Local Banks for a Liberty Bond. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. MERCHANTS&FARMERS’BANK. PEOPLE’S LOAN &SAVINGS BANK. S ’wrong Su gga a.» bs.fe ws iaeaei ¥" oe IRR epee navele BUOY HON PARA BPN,OUT ;‘—+tite at ‘we’ag oor ts .a ov effet $iw Thao ye treettt cetteegGteee ’+#7 pmnmeeee pny ea =RANGE FEATURBS will if it buys HreneItinthedirect theFeputstion of otyoy rr if withbutreliablearen.Ten‘we Gil oadrecamnend oe,Til Inc Ha EABLE hecsuss Ge knowits quality and a. aon Gee «.itsflue construction;every ville.1shoulknow~It's a‘point we always consider,becauseSocueste ties }son,forincfukSOUTHBEBENDDWALLEABLEis_o onlycaly penansendsKiDMALLEABLEThismakesTHESourTHNDMAL‘ABLE.‘fue construction goodondTHESOUTH|H BEND MALLEABLE trademark stands for more +than identification.It represents superior range construction.Look for it on the oven door,In addition to the patented fluecupetneetion and thewate Bthichest’ { i i } ci f . - Te aa —e “2 e i an| 8 containing we marched ‘couuguilama and about if f tl fs oraS05withlastyear;|,tho,compared.with ion,exports,e¢'*.,a nt domestic con-sumption of wheat .n the United|States usually varies from year teyearbetween4.9 bushels end 5./bushels,averaging about 5.3 bushels.‘Last year eonditions were unusual,and the apparent per capita consump-‘tion was about 4 3-4 bushels,or al-||most 10 per cent less than the normal.This year's wheat situation resembleslastyear,rather than the norma);therefore,in ys alg ea ical surplus a of wheatsupply,by States,the consumption i+calculated on the basis of 10 per centlessthanthenormal,North Carolina’s normal per capite ” along a row ofthenamesofdiffer- grade materials used in it Greens,Os al —-r feil out,but where consumption of wheat is 4.5 bushels ae —PA THE SOU BEND MALUBABLE otShou ES are can’t say at present.’ter annual requirements under norWewillshowandprovethesereasons,it What anal of our a mal conditions is 10,953,000;and theouillcaiwaslinedupandanaunormal,less 10 per cent,is 9.858.000ESOUTHBENDMALLEABLEistheengeoftheAmeri-jeame along and took our suit C@8®%)Hey production this year will total|can family—nearly hal’2 million kitchens in United States ‘barrack ,ete,aboard and €@F 9954000 bushels,that being 1,308..are equipped with these ranges and many thousands of foreign jried them f the tents,Arriving @t 099 bushels less than she consumedhomes,dum they began tc make them,almost a gy ,our tents,we were soon ca t©For the five-year average of 1999 Such an enormous output enables économicalinturnpermitsustoofferTHESOUTHBENDD MALLEABLErangeatapricecomporingfavorablywithranthatdonotevenapproachTHE~~.BEND MALLEABLE class.ical exgreises, Keep THE SOUTH BE D MALLEABLE in mind and remember eur blood it represents she best ran=value we know of,or we would not we had arecommendittoourfriendsandcustomers. IREDELL HARDWARE ¢co. A COTESSS SS ee —_eeneee -enaniemarmeensneties COAT SUITS,COATS and DRESSES. "We have just received a big line of Coatsin all the new shades,ranging in price from $15.00 to $35.00. Coat Suits from $12.50 to $45.00. oon ee res Also a nice line of Satin and Serge Dresses, Our line of Shirt Waists are always complete. See as before buying. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. |#|FOR SALE!|s| 68-acre farm,one mile from Statesville,three-roomdwelling,small barn,well,fine boiling spring,40 acresincultivation;land level and productive,balance inwoodland,branch running through place.Ideal place for truck farming ard dairying. 119 acres of level,preductive,red land farm,fronting onpublicsand-clay road seven miles from Statesville;nice2-story,7-room dweiling,located in a beautiful grove,barn and out-buildings;nice orchard,with a variety offruit;30 acres in meadow land,40 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland;near school and church. ERNEST G.GAITHER.‘Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate.Phone 23.Satesville,N.C.| That King of Kandies,NUNNALLY’S Has neithergoneUPinprice,nor DOWNinquality. It’s the same deliciously rich and nourishing —B)trodscingasystemof”rationin|chocolatecoverednuts,creamsand other temp-tingvarietiesat the same oldprices,less ofthelargelyincreasedcostofits re. Fresh shipment just received.|ocheterwon Gh dies on teecersinStanlycounty,Guilford Howell=ae eeOsGATDatsCO2fom| or sonaiillie GE LI 3“WATCH has cupper,which we onions.Every one waslynextmorning,ready to take phys-which helps to while we eat.music and zines to read,Don't forget to write to your boys ai id friends,for they =be glad to ‘ar from home PRIVATE GEORGE DeD ‘RENEGAR.SeRAREINEAS Rouge,La..for the murder of Sheriff dwords. to cireulatinnicebreakfast ofham,vravy,rice and jelly We have-'t done very much today,for it is @ heinleg this afternoon.The camp is in a beautiful —_close to the mountains.*2 hall has a Victrola toThenthe Y. 1913 North Carolina consumed 4,991,-000 more than she produced.The | State has mede considerable moin ireducingherdeficiency. The volume of Nath Cerotina’s erops for this year will be far in ad-vance of that of last year.which was a bumper money crop year. STATESVILLE EVIDENCESTATESVILLEPROPLE! The Statements of Statesville Res-idents Are Surely More ReliableThanThoseofUtterStrangers! Home testimony is real proof. Public statements of Statesville people carry real weight up bright and ear- get freely. The FOR make muricM.C.all kinds of aa Tried to Cheat Gallows and,What a friend or neighbor says Failed.compels respect. Helair Carriere was s hanged Fri-The werd of one whose home is dav in the State prison at Baton far away invites your doubts. Here’s a Statesville man’s state-He was se weak —loss ment!. :ot s ane ae Fj : ph gl ge pom ce car-And it’s for Statesville people's ried to the seaffold.Ye protested his benefit. *innocence to the last,saying that theshotthatkilled\by a member ofthe : ‘rom the plumbing subdued. an Swi rds killed the officer brought negroes operations throughout made public by the In‘merce ommission {roads earned,net.approximately $1.-'000.000 more in July 1916. $42,060,000,leaving net.revenue from(railway operations,$3,000,000 morthanayearago.This gain,however.was reduced toalossofappreximately$400,000 com-peared with July,of $38.400,000 in taxes charged upagainsttherailroadsforthemontheasterndistrictshowafallingoffinnetoperatingincomedomorethan$2,800,000 for the month,|i Roeds in the while Southern increase ofof spproximately$1rroximetely$1,450,000 Italy's EconomieStr:'s Economic Straits. While gallantly fighting thetrians,Italy is straits. |Pends for many|plies upon the outside world,whichnow~~.means the United ,States nd requires all her ,'shipping for"her own purposes. >|situation is now so grave that thereisalmostvocoalforprivatesumptionandfewfurnaceslightedthishotelsorpriva'military os are hindered.aw be age accomplished a Producing no coal,Italy de- Such evidence is convincing.\the sheriff was fired That's the kind oF proof that sheriff's posse.hacky Doan’s Kidney PillsAttemptingtoescapefromprison|A.B.F.Gaith 816 ''add Bt.!two days before the date of execution,ale ee!“j ,eeCariierewrenchedanes=vines a ak ft —ainis«ai oan s honey lis off nad on or fought more than an hour with the:gume time and have found them'warden and five depuiies before being}je just the thing.to regulateThenightbeforehiecxe-"the acti :kid a eeaoeheslashedhisthroatfromcareactionofmyicneys.At times to ear with a safety razor blade,in My back feels a little wenk and 1 on effort to —the euiers.When have peins across my loins.A few first arrested the man exprese)revret o troaws Kicineo Palle ac account of the death of She riff ome =nae ;=”—and said he would not have’™¢feel better in every wry,if the latter had net Price 60°,at all dealers’,Don’t to help in his crvest simply ask for a kidney remedy-—get See Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Railroad Earnings.:Mr.Gaither had.Foster-MilburnCompletereturnscoverierailroadCo.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y,the country aa er-State Com-)gaa thatshow rail- last than in July,MUSTANG Total volume of business of all the For Sprains,Lameness, ‘yoads last July in the country exccet Cc Rh ‘ed that of July,1916,by $45,000,000 |Sores,uts,cumatism reaching the high water mark of Pene Heals. $348,437 206.Expenses increased trates and.Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers, >LINIMENT| ‘School Books The Brady Printing Co. 1216,by an incre reads registered an| Aus- in serious economic of her other sup- Has a Full stock of all books used ||Graded Schools.They The con- will beterineitherItalianhouses.Even the «reat 1 by limiting consumptionofallkindsofinha.oes are sold for CASH.| troducing a system of rationing for |,the population in |cities.aratiacar.|METALS. At the preliminary hearing of Will| owe |Fe ee ty Saittere tne|Nothing can take the place of metals.We are sheet metal =and redSith,brotha 1 valley tin and ridgerll Let ussans2ci[Moen aefortheSuperiorCourtontheconsnir-||STATESVILLETIN CO. nana ‘Phone66,114 R.Broad Street. -| of assault,but | eren't as high as they will be.You'd |OSE Automobile Users! We now have with us Mr.E.G.Davis,who is a compe-4 tent and experienced Automobile mechanic.Mr.Davis 4 had thirteen years’experience in general repair work. HE CAN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A ~ PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on ~ Packard and Pierce-Arrow Cars, ua eo: #, If you have eny trouble with your motor or electric sys-: tem,Mr.Davis wil!be giad to examine it free of charge. Call at our Garage and let us look over your battery,— without cost to you.Will also gladly supply distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or hattery trouble we cannot fix.No- thing but first-class work,and at very reasonable prices. Always glad to see Automobilists, W.R.Mills Motor Co.: — HAND PAINTED CHINA “The World’s Best” PICKARD’S, STOUFFER’S, NIPPON. It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to look at.Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your eyes. THE REXALL STORE, Statesville Drug Comp’yQUALITYPRESCRIPTIONISTS.| Statesville Inn’ REOPENEDUNDERNEWMANAGEMENT. Modern conveniences.Baths and hot andcoldrunningwaterineveryroom.Houserenovated.honialty andbest serviceamar Warm Sete man.rats,aol= PETER BONA, Sao_J..K.MORRISON GROC Beachesabetadiacetaal me LANL MARKTUES!October 23,1917.EACHERS TO TALK FOOD Conservation Next Sunday—Successful Revival —Pre- For Meeting—Church »,- iomh »* ws. Communion services at St.John'sLutheranchurchSundaymorningat 11 o’elock. A meeting which had =in at Front Street Baptist lakfor several days,closed Thursday night with 82 additions to the church.Pastor Beaver of Front Street church writes The Land- mark:“Rev.C P.Holland of Hamp-ton,Tenn.,did the preaching,to the delight of all who heard him.The Holy Spirit was there in great pow- er.To God be all the glory.” The dedication of Broad Street Methodist church has been postpen- ed from Nevember 25 to December 2.Bishop James Atkias of Waynes- ville will preach the dedieatory ser mon,Rev.J.C.Mock will preach at Turnersburg Sunday at 11 a,m=and at Mt.Bethel at 3 p.m.Quarterly| conference will be held at Macedonia Saturday,27th,et 11 a.m.and all the official members of the confer- ence are urged to be present.| Rev.W.©.Sample of Mebane will| preach in the following Presbyterian i a at‘CHANGE IN DRAFT PLANS. eeeee Classes, Which They ery of the selective draft,based on division ef the 9,000,000 remairing registrants into five classes in order of their eligibility for military serv- ice,1s announeed by Provost MarshalGeneralCrowder.Details of the plan, which has been approved by Presi-lent Wilson,are not made public.Itiscalculated,however,to do away with virtually all the complicated machinery of the first draft and to, make the operations of the local oards hereafter litthe more than rub- stamp proceedings ‘he plan was worked out at nees with local and district beard offieials and approved by the various State authoritic {ts chief features that will )and be able tu arrange his affairs accordingly,and that no man deemed necessary in any important industry or needed at home to support his family will be called to the colers unless the military situ- ation is desperate Detailed regulations new system are now being made endy for distribution to local and district beard members General Crowder,in.a formal statement,as- sures them that they will be given every registered man his exact } Mien to govern the ehurches next Sunday,viz:Unity.|ample opportunity to |famiharize 11 a.m.;Franklin y p.m.;Coolee-|themselves with these regulations be- tT.e ,‘,i fore the machinery provided Hedmee,«p.™.|’/, At the meeting of the local minis.|to use.As the next i H to th .1a s to be made und the new plartersyesterdayRevs.1.1).Thompson,|"ee et ele a. C.M.White and A.R.Beck were ap-|0"issuance is taken to indicate tha ed a committes to consider the;the second cail is not to be expe teal .@ of a service in the near fu-|before the first of the vear,although ture in celebration of the Protestant |"?;authe saeco i ia ment oo this Reformation.The ministers also de-|!i was regan le cided to preach on food conservatio:reneral ¢rowder s Statement. at their respective churches Sunday,General Crowder issued this state- ing out the idea of the Presi.|Mente .; Sans cnqnest “With the completion of the draft 4 The congregation of the First Pres-of the first army of 687,000 men :byterian church is making prepara-new system will be installed for th: tions for the meeting,which will be:|C’eation of succeeding armies,which will greatly lessen the labors of theginNovember14th,and will be con- ducted by Dr.Thacker,evangelist of the General Assembly.The follow-ing committees have been appointed: Ushers—E.B.Watts,‘chairmanR.L.Poston,W.H.Morrison,W.R Mills,W.W.Walton,Euvene Phifer Cc.M.Burroughs,C.N.Waugh.k.W Sherrill,C.M.Adams,Frank Stan ley,Gus Deaton;music —-C.EB.Mills,chairman;F.A.Sherrill,(.M.Steele,R.H.Rickert;publicity.J.A.Bradychairman;W.[..Gilbert,J.Mo Dea ton,C.Watkins,C.V.Henkel;finane:—R.L.Poston,chairman;W.W.Tur ner,J.E.Sloop,Don Stevenson,C.M .L.B.Bristol,E.EF.Stanley; personal workers—..).M.Moore,chair leeal and distriet boards.So far ha this been accomplished that it is be-| lieved that under the new system 80 per cent of the work willbe liminat- ed while the forms to be used will not exceed 20.in number as compared with approximately 182 forms wiien the present system requires “Along with the reduction of Jaber there will be provided a system which rducted inte military service and will classify each one of the nine mil liens of men who have not yet been each man will have been given his | place in the national scheme of de- fense. “To do this it has been determined te obtain from each man information man;members of the session and]°\):;Sunday school teachers;cottage pray-|0!4 character which will def nitely ermeetings-—S.W.Stimson.chairmar.||'*his CONORICE OTL 8)COM parceMr.Stimson will appoint his commit.|4 ith his fellow registrant.and fromtoe.the information thus obtained,to :Dr.Thacker will brine hic own]Place him in one of five classes,each 3 musical director with him,who 1]to be called in turn as the en 1 arises .have charge of the singing during|The,method of obtaining this infor- 4 the meeting,but in order thet there |MUO"Is through a ‘questionaire,’aMaybespecial.preparation for the |SETS ef questions calculated to oromusic,Mr.J.8.Leonard has heen on.|Ue the information required.This gaged to instruct a class in sieht <i decument will be mailed to every reg .This class was organized at the |St"an'net yet in service,on a day to church last evening and the instruc |"fXed.seven days ber oe:tion will continue through ten lessens |4}ch registrant to complete and revo::ithe same.Every opportunity will |Local Court Cases.joffered to cach man te complete hi Harvey White,colored,was before |“que stionaire’fully and witheut erry Justice Lazenby Saturday on al Phe focal board wl then examinechargeofobtaininggoodsonprom|ach tionaire’ind oassivn each ise to pay for them in work.Judg-|'CR/S¢rant to one of tive classes | ment was suspended on payment of|Phese classes will be based upon |costs.‘¥Y conceivable condition from the In the mayor’s court vesterday|"Milly or seeupa al tandpot Jason Warren and Thos.Saunders |thet should properly advancedweretriedforanaffray.Warren!®man desiring to he excused from | na@id a fine of $5 and costs and Saun-|Puittary Cla will tderspaidthecostsfrstcalledfehyoicalexaminat George Patterson, celored was d '1 wh 'evhuuste fined $5 and costs yesterday by the|(iass two Yo fodas.and thus eae mayor for loud cursing Failing to)mar red ow ultimately tnayfineandcostshewillserythisplace16nei |davs on roads.Pre Classes Tom Pickens,nec:|met It mised th th fined $5 and taxed with he cost Wided abs for exceeding the autemotile peed (‘Te y Back } Jaw,The maver arrced 1 rey d ' the fine if the boy's fath would we hrivehing20lasheThishisfatherbdop did to the satisfaction of the court.|iis Iwo Killed im a Wreck. Frank Larmand of Larmand.\V:i Ml ene af the mort trusted ens ers 0 ly the Southern railway and hic fir q man,James J..Johnson,av neyre.of \:' Alexandria,died Sunday afternoon 4 tour ieattheUniversityhoxpitalfromin-hree orf juries sustaine!early Sunday whe:hive «('' a northbound passenvrer train,the f 1} New York-New Orlear limited ‘=,;sideswiped a northbound local,just ': es it was clearing a siding near La : mand,two miles north of Orange,a ‘‘:rttownnamedforthedeadengines:to James ©.Pollard of Strasburg.ha helen@agemasterofthelocal,w:I ,'Ge injured Nearly all the ocenpont i od ':of the sleepers were throw fron 'irrtheirberthsandmanywerIhy mbruised.;:|te th 'foTHEBOYWAS4GinifrIr ot teetFlorenceKelly,av!mna®rth har if os ees }about 20 years old,was ron ov 'yniment vill rem sekilledbyanarmywhichshewasriding,Motor during the Lit truct FOR MISTREATING 4 SOLDIERAertyloanparadeatNewportNowCapSeyae Va.A few weeks before th iv re ps an .7 ‘ulliven,of loeat dressed in male attire,secured a joi cea d water bey at Camp Stuart and bh ple ny ms has been as a boy until the fatal acc worth.Sim i -i amp —— dent disclosed her so.|erawis 4 al eh -—‘oe ag :rotalhippingofPrivateOttoGottschalk,of the sume command.Cant iin Swlivenisconfinedtethelimitsofhisimentalcamp,A court martial the 24th to hear the case. =CARD OF THANKA.~the whtew and children of RD.Sevin,t pret eur heartfelt eratitude furChegegrseviepetheandhelpof«rhends4neighborsinverbereavement.“ou ies will t or \sweeping change in the machin-| con- |Miss potatoes, |tom. } } } |j I eth aMORMONAY S ieenemaeeterernee ee CRAWFORD-BUNCH FURNITURE (0. ores a This is a duty youoweto your-self,family and yourcountry,ae AN “IDEAL”FIRELESS COOKSTOVE will Fry,Steam,Stew,Bake,Boiland Roast perfectly andSavesTwoThirdsofYourFuel. That is what your Uncle Sam wanis you to do;save FOOD and FUEL. Phone us for prices on the size you need. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”’ sccm ESTIC:BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS| The condition of Mr M.J.Deita,| ho has been ill for some time,does ot improve. Now Stirling YO PLC.t aobox supper ut Elgin Wednesday night,24th €.iecose has heen is marriage of Mr.Jonah Roxie Anderson The Western Union telegraph fice will be moved today to its new will give | chool house ued for the Ducons and quarters on Center street,next the tederal building, Mr.CF.MeKesson of Morgan- 1,Who has been at Long's Sanate- rvuim for some time,was able to ride p town yesterday. The daughter of Mr.and Mrs. J.1%.Lackey of Shiloh township was‘rated on oat Long's Sanat rium as ee ee yesterday.Her condition is fayora-4WEDTIC-NEVER-BURN-COOVERble TSAVY STAMPED IRON MAPBLEIZED{CT1LE:1B OZ:ALL-COPPER TEA KETTLE40ZALL:COPPERCUFFEEPOT:pay The Vectern akinge a the teen days, 1.30 board for which has for several morning at exemption district, "ECORS nvcnes this t *lock. A bunch of sweet potatoes,to em,from the farm of Mr.FL H Conger,was cxhibited at The Land mark office by Mr.Lee StikeleatheSomeofthepotatoesweregoodartheyroupwasquiteual, A gift of apples and sweet pot's comes to The Landmark from MWoL.Gaither ef the Harmony tein A feat f the apples was : cluster five on one twig.Mr.J.dtheAmity—section bunch of —fine unu ot ofReaver fontributes a also Weert The thenlist Rev.J a,v Broad Streetchurch=Thursday —nigrht M.Rowland of Norfolk. us heard by a full house.He lress at re 77 AML CYLLENGER ‘AND -OR/INER:& More than a thousand Majestic Ranges now in use in Iredell County.“THE RANGE WITH A REPUTATION.”LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO. “MADE IN-ALL-SIZES amp STYLES _.» PLPIRGE NEVER-BURM WIRED:DRIPPING-PAN:2-SVALLNEVERBYRN-WIRED DPIPPING ‘PAINS-pooner?MALL DRIP-PRINS- Catt ALSO-BEvpUSEDAS- (i ROASTER: Are you one of the dof his travels in Europe and Pal tine.What he said was instruc eoaond entertaining and his ad- ress was highly complimented. Kind-b ted people continu:) member the unfortunate Dishma:users Trt Since last report The Laark!received for these peopl overcoat from Mr.E.G.Gaithewdaovantityofcannedanddre!The Death Record.Ht .Mrs N.A.Beaver and her ors of Cool Spring tow)Ibaskel Price,the three year old son ip f Mr.and Mrs.T.}).Price of Alix :ye AS marle and the grandson of Mr.J.2.Ale ondrians Seeing Things.itarris of Statesville.died at.the Tt andy made in Alexander home ef his parent in Albemarle ur vi ear must be pretty Saturday aft oon at 3 o'clack.The ro o tidge by the follow emains were broucht to Stony Point rom Wilkesboro Patriet:or burial,The funeral was conduct “8,al citizens of the northern ds at the Stony Point Methodist t Alexander county are ailey9 church Sunday morning at 11.500 by to f en an airplane flyi tev.Mr.York and the interment was’ly direction over that <e n the gravevard there. county dast Friday,qluth)Herbert Hlughes Green,10-months .4 n vas Ae said,Mr.fr 'Vd son of My ind Mrs.W A.tf name,whe wa ut MV -een,died Sunday morning at 6\"‘ders’home,reports +‘clock at their home a few milesIvsawtheairplanebett)suth of town,death resulting from}the motor fluttering.’eumonia.fiterment was yesterss:y afternoon at Pleasant HillFakesBlameOffNephew.hureh, bo Wood of Randelph const 0 BUSHEL (LAY AND WHIP- pullished a statement ia whieh COORWILEL PEAS.-SMITHEY @'erates his nephew from the !RALEY —adhairsofhootinghimsevers!-eks ago.Mr,Wood states that hi Plenty Shoes at last year's prices. hot,but is firmly convinced |.M.MeKRE &CO.—ad. that his nephew,Arvil Wood,now i)=nd charged with the crime,USE “CASCARETS”FORcuntLIVERANDBOWELS Wood wa shot and ever WHEN CONSTIPATED. inde while he was plowing Helrceentlymadeawillinfavor of When Bilious,Headachy,Sick,fornephewandtheallewationwaSeurStemach,Bad Breath,Bad he nephew was in a hurry to Colds.me into the estate,i (Giet a 10-cent box. eeesee orem fake a Casearet tonight to cleanseBOYKILLED.our liver,stomach and bowels,and loveph Gievannoni,8-year old ou Will surely feel srreat by morning.f list and rad.Ao Giivanne You men and women who have heed- 1s killed by anvautomobile in Char,*¢he,coated tongue,2 bad cold,aretteSaturday.Lieut Gievannoni bilows,nerveus,upset,bothered with \sick,gausey,disordered stomach,or have backache and feel all worn owt Are you keeping your bowels clean with Casearets-or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or caster oil? tached to the 162d infantry,from Varhineton,D.C.,at Camp Greene, nd hie wife and son had fecentlyvnedhiminCharlotte.The mahinewasdrivenbyH.C.Little and the killing of the boy seems to haveheenentirelyaccidental.The remains regulate the stomach,remove the sour, were taken to Washington for buial,a =——food and-oul gases;take the excessbile fromDrivesOutMaterte,BulldsUpSystem the liver and carry off the constipated the Remember,a Casearet tonight willWANTED_WE WANT TO BUY jt-cent bosfrom pout demmum aAforeash90barrelsHome-Marde Mo-healthlngses.—SMITHEY &“FRALEY andforget the waste matter and poison fromoutbowels * ar Casearets immediately cleanse and, a clear head!*for months,Don't ARN CE We live this life but once.Why not make the most of it as we go along? A good car adds happiness and years to your life. The Buick or Dodge car is not expensive to buy or to run. |They have too many good qualities to tell here;comein and find them out. If you don’t keeppace with your neighbors in the matter of owning acar you willmiss a lotof pleasure that should be yours. { FloorsWithout 2 Head-joint, Flooring 10,12,14 and 16 feet long.Please specify ering,Cae ‘wich,Ceiling,Siding,Boxing, ing,Rase and Weatherboarding,~ \C,WATKINS,‘phone No.40. to ep a*are as. :i F cn subneriptions,710 a|oi aesyasBeach,00;| ie,¢ie $50;M$150;Miss$150;Miss;Robert 8J.G.Colvert,$100;Mrs.Al-.M.Patton,;D.Watts,$1,000;D.J.Williams,.D.J.Williams,$500;Bros.Co.,$3,500;W.Walker,$560;Mrs.W.T.Walker,:J.W.Brookshire,$50;John N. Crowell, g Tou ce tae;rs.e .Steele : ,$50:J.B.Gill,$100;'Miss Ruth Gill,$50;Mrs.J.C.Steele,$100;Wm.McElwee,|$100:Mrs.S.C.Stimpson,$200;A._E.Welborne,$200.Chambersburg Township FirstNBank.|Lennie Davidson,(col..)$50;Ed-|ward L,Long,$500;Edward L.q ,P.M.,$200;Mrs.Ed.L.|Long,$200;Miss Helen Long,$100;T.L.Early,$100.;Total,$111,700.Commercial N: Ronds iousl ported.$77previouslyre}.”|260;F.B.Phifer,$100;R.F.Hen-'fv,$100;John H.Gray,$100;Mrs.|Fannie E.Gray.$100;SophomoreClassMitchellCollege,$50;GeorveV.Bikas,$100;L.Arner.&100;|Chas.V.Bikas.$100;S.J.Holland,|$100;P.A.Elam,Statesville,R-7,~$50;Miss Elizabeth Thompson,$50;|_James Hall Thompson,$50;H.C.Wilson,$200:Frank C.Culbreth,|$50;Mrs.J.B.Glover,$350:Geo.|M.Young.Troutman,$50:Robert E.Clapp,$100;J.FE.King,Statesville,R-5,$500;Mrs.W.R.Mills,850;Miss Ina M..Anderson,$100;Miss Grace C.Anderson,$100;J.S.Talley,Troutman,$100;8.R.Brown,$100:L.V.Cloaninger,$100;Mrs.L.C.Caldwell,$100;Mrs.TomLazenby.$200;William FE.Hatchett,Statesville,R-2,$50;Rev.Henry M.Parker,$50;Henry M.Parker,Jr.,$100;Philip B.Kennedy,Houston-ville,$100;C.F.Rickert.States-ville,R-5,$100;A.D.Troutman,Troutman,$100;Mrs.Mattie J.|Woodsides,Statesville,R-6,50:|Mrs.Phoebe S.Bobbitt.$50;A.W.Harris,$100;L.R.Smith,$100;|Miss Lula Annie Barnett,$100;|Thomas L.Davidson,Statesville,R-8.$50:Miss Maude Nicholson,$109: Miss Hal.Morrison,$250;Mrs.R.E. ot .*to oe tag =war Myrtle,4-year-old daughter of Mr.f HM.Statesville,R-2.$100:Mra.i.and Mrs.J.B.Orbison of the E.Hill,Statesville,R-2,$100;Wal-Mooresville cotton mills,died today lace Bros.Co.,$2,000:L.C)Calg.{Tom burns received Wednesday well,3200.oor ,night.Dress caught from openTotalsubscriptionstodate,$a4,.“"#te.Burial at Vanderburg church, Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Previously reported,$22,900,Mrs.G.H.Gentry,Richmond,Va.,$100;Miss Mary FE.Wortham, $50:W.H.Morrow,$190;Mrs.8. E.Lippard,Barium Springs,$50: Mrs.A.A.Barkley,$100;Miss RoseGillespie,Aberdeen.Miss.,$50;J.A.plppeF.Pressly,Stony Point,$100;N.P, Holmes.Olin.$50;W.B.Crawford,$100;C.V.Henkel,Jr..850;C.A.Dulin,$100;Mrs.J.F.Henley,850;C.E.Fralev,$100;E.$50,.Mitchell,$100;Mrs.:4.8.Leonard.$50:Hwrrill,Troutman.$50;L.C.My-ers,Jennings,$500;R.P.Ho ;Olin,$50:William WashingtonTharpe.$50;H.C.Patterson,$100; R.H.Gray,$100;Mrs.W.R.Ware,$50;Miss H.I.Alexander,$150;William F.Hallyburton,$50;MissNellieW.Patterson,$50;DeWittHoover,$50;W.Lawrence Little,|$50:Mrs.F.-T.Burke,$50;R.Hillf Statesville,R-5,$50;Lazenby,$100;iss HM.—$100;W.B.MeyPoint,$100;R.L.AlexanderHa:;Upha Lackey Alex Robert L.K. D.J.Craig,| L.if ample coal is mined,the$50;|ties of transportation,as a result of,the war,are great:and it must be .tion of coal V.on account of the war.Many indus-,tries on war contracts now run 24 ,agreed to discuss food conservation.next Sunday soldier's day afternoon and seriously wound-ed, rd,Barium Springs,$100;W.‘ he ran,refused to halt and was shot. man is under suspicion as a spy. -'farmer of »aeres a few days ago $810.96 worth ——ee ~ the women’s Liberty bond commit-tee),$200;Carl Sherrill,$150;Mrs.D.M.Pu/$100;Z. te individual not al-ityva with coal who is like- difficuItisCepe diffeul- remembered that while the produc-has been increased theconsumptionisenormouslyincreased —a day instead of 12,as former-y.The situation,therefore,shows thewisdomofnottakingchancesoncoalforhomeuse;and it is a matterofwisdomnottowaittobuywooduntilthenecessityarises.You maynotbeabletogetitthenTheStatesvillecreachershave and Mr.Thomsa asksTheLandmarktorequestalltheministerstoineludefuelconserva-tion in their remarks.The suggestion of Mr.Thomas ismadeasaprecautionandthosenotsuppliedwithfuelwouldbewisetolayinasupplyofwood.It is hop»an however,that the increased de-mand for wood will not boost thepriceunreasonably.Wood will behigherthanformerlyofcourse,butthereshouldbenospeculatingorunreasonableprofiteering.The municipality of Statesville isarrangingtoputinasupplyofwoodandwillfurnishitatcosttoindivid-uals who may run short during thewinter.It has been stated,howev-er,and is again emphasized,thatthismunicipalwoodarrangementisnottotakecareoffolkswhocantakecareofthemselvesiftheywill. Many people have not the means tobuyawinter’s supply of fuel at one time.¢people buy in smallquantitiesandhaveheretoforebeenabletosupplytheirwantswithouttrouble.The sale of at costbythetownisintendedtotakecareofthesewhentheycan’t get it else-where,or at least can’t get it at areasonableprice.But the foiks whoeanlayinasupplyanddon’t,neednotexpectheipfromthemunicipali-ty Brown Dead. Special Correspondence.of The Land- mark. Mooresville,Oct.25 —Mr.James Haines Brown,a prominent farmerofAmitycommunityandfatherofMrs.Fred.Conger of Statesville.died Wednesday night,after a longillness.Wife,son and five daugh-ters survive.Funeral Friday,26th, at Shady Grove Baptist church. Burned Death. vear Shepherd's,Friday,26th. Soldier Shot. Frederick Beethoven,wearing a uniform,was shot by a provost guard in Charlotte yeeter- Becthoven belonged to a company at Camp Greene and had left thenightbefore.When located in town The Charlotte News reports that the —Mr.V.H.Lackey,a tobacco Hiddenite,sold from two co.a People’s Loan and Sav Bank.Previously reported,150,—Island Junior Order UnitedAmericanMechanics,$250;DwightMrs.J.L.Cowan (for rehes,$50Vv.;»$50;Miss =Bros.,.R.Morri- —$100;I 0. Cc.Perry,$50;Cc.E.Poston,;A.Miss Nellie Gwynn, $50 “a e Child Fatally Burned —Mr. mu-sic by the band and short talks byJudgeA.LL.Coble,Hon.W.D. rf FStatesvilleLibertyLoanmittee,presided over thearoomand”baleon y were Judge Coble was the first speaker.He stated that our ome &at war Germany and referred to the presenteneasunholyandunrighteousonGermany's part.Germany is notfightingfortherightofrestoftheworld,but to make herself aworldpower.He pictured whatwouldhappenifGermanywin.In answer to con-tend that if Germany should win thewarthebondsoftheUnitedStateswouldbeworthless,Judge Coble ex-plained that the United States bondswouldbeworthjustasmuchaswillbondsissuedtopayindemnitythatGermanywilldemandifshedoeswin.If Germany should win,whatwouldpropertybeworth?theopeakerasked.If you do not take bonds to win the war,you will takebondstopaytheindemnity.If youdonotpaytaxestowinthewar,=will pay taxes to pay the indemnity.Mr.Turner argued that in the warsomewilldieand‘some will live.The government is ong us to fur-nish ammunition and to feed the ar-ee.oe -~food will win the war,but money is necessary towinthevictery.There are twowaystosecuremoneytowagethewar-—by taxes and by the sale ofbonds.,the speaker said,$250,000 has already been subscribedbutitisdesiredthattheofthecounty—the farmers —help.Theboy who goes to the war tofightgiveshisall;the man whostaysathomeanddoesnethingtohelpwinthewarisashirker.r.Thompson referred to the factthatLibertyLoanDaywasbeingob-served throughout the country andthatthepeoplewerepouringouttheirmoneytodoawaywiththeKaiserandkingsandestablishtheruleofthepeople.We fight becausewemust,he said,and may God helpthemanwhoisnotloyaltohiscoun-try in the fight.We are willing tociveallfortheprosecutionofthewar,he declared,but nothing for arencethatissatisfactorytoGerma- iy. Mr.Thompson,in a few avprovri- ite remarks,presented in behalf of the government,two medals to mem-hers of the local Boy Scouts for theirexcellentrecordinthecampaignforsubscriptionsforthefirstLiberty ‘oan.They were won by MastersGordonWallaceandJimmieAnder-7on.Neither was present,but MissMildredWallacewasthererepresent-ne Gordon Wallace and Master Paul Anderson representing Jimmie An-——and they received the med- als, At the conclusion of the programmeinthecourthousethebandassem-bled at the rear of the court houseandgaveaconcert.The people weredelightedwiththeDistrictofCo-lumbia Band,which came here for he celebration from Camp Greene, Charlotte.It was to have come on he train from Charlotte,but missed ‘onnection.Local volunteer automo-iles from here went after it.In be- half of the City of Statesville the ‘end was presented with a silk flagftheUnitedStates.The mem- bers of the band were well taken sre of. The band numbered 28.They were:Karl Sheaffer,leader;Chas.W Moore,color sergeant;Louis Ben- ner,Frank Carpenter,Bernard L Wannell,Horace Ackerman,PalphP.McConnell,Jacob J.Jacobson,trving Solomon,Chas.D.GilmareTamesFraber,Dewey Esais,WilliamHeyman,A.A.Hughes,John B.Lev-enbure,L.A.Sesson,Frank Schis-sel,Karl Ailsselman,Benj.F.Shaw,Wucene Gass,Benj.S.May,8.BDeVaughn,Chas.W)Thompson. J.T.C.Arbett,the drum major.was not present and Color SergeantMooreactedasdrummajorinhisstead.Leader Sheaffer,as his nameindicates,is a native of GermanybutisathoroughAmerican.The members of the band not onlymadefinemusicbuttheirgentle-manly demeanor during their stayinStatesvillewasasubjectoffavor-able comment.Statesville enjoyedtheirvisit. Cotton Ginned. Cotton ginned prior to October 18 amounted to 5,571,624 bales,count-ing round as half the tn of Day.There] was notas representativean out-pouringof thefarmersof the coun-‘y as was hopedfor,but therewere —formedin frontwasformineeOesree,Oeeastalongstreettothesquare,thensouth along Center tothedepotandbacktothehouse.The parade was comofmountedofficers,DistrictofColumbiaoftheGuard16 .|Cabarrus Superior Court which be- ee e : z #i Z$ ii tiie,Teagasc hover of Oe3@mentinfavorofendans.Imperial Furniture Co.vs.Jno.H.Shaw;compromised and defendant=costs..J.Con vs.J.H.MorrisonandW.C.Moore;plaintiff pays costandtakesvolunnonA.L.Aldridge vs.Euphy Ald-ridge;plaintiff pays costs and takesvoluntarynon-suit Statesville Air Line Railroad Co.;jadement against defendant foree.with interest from January 6.tesville Flour Mills Co.vs.Thomas &Co.;plaintiff takes volun-“7 non-suit.R.vs.ume:er ae ng costs an ivH.G.Nicks ve.Heathers RailwayCo.;plaintiff took non-suit.Board County Commissioners vs.Mete Cavin.Ida Cavin.et al.;costs‘a defendants and line toheishedbetweenCountyHomepropertyandCavinlands. Auto Struck Horse —InjuryFatal. Monday afternoon,at the railroadcrossingatDiamondHill,a horsebelongingtoMr.A.M.Litaker wassobadlyinjuredthatithadtobekilled.Mr.Litaker was in his bue-ty.driving the horse.On the rail-road track stood a box car.As Mr.Litaker started across the track,theautotruekofHutton&Burbonnaisstrucktherearwheelofthebuggyandcrusheditagainsttheboxcar,wrecking the buggy and throwingMr.Litaker out.In the crash |thethorse’s shoulder was broken.Mr.Litaker was not hurt.Henry Thomas,the young mandrivingthetruck,was not hurt.Hisbrother,Emmett as,who wasridingwithhim,suffered a bad tearofthefleshononearmandwasoth-erwise painfully bruised.No bonesbroken.The truck suffered consid- rable damage. Cloer at Camp Jackson. Sherrill Cloer,son of John Cloer of Cool Spring township,is now at Camp Jackson,Columbia,8.C.It will be reealled that Cloer had failed to respond when the local board call- ed him for military service.In addi- ‘ion to this,he had been in hidingandthegovernmenthadofferedare-ward of 850 for his arrest and deliv-ery to the nearest national armyamp. Tuesday morning early.(loer tel- ephoned to friends here that he was ready to come in and report for du-Accordingly these friends wentifterhim.The local exemption hoard certified him to Camp JacksonandMr.James E.Tharpe took himioColumbiaTuesdaynight.It is supposed that Cloer will not be pun- ished for desertion.He claims thathewasignorantoftheseriousnessoftheoffenceofnotreportingwhen called. Means Case Next Week. The ¢age of Gaston Means,charg-ed with the murder of Mrs.MaudeKing,whieh occupied so much spaceinthenewspapersawhileback,is‘pected t6 come up at the term of tins Next Monday.If the grand jury finds a bill‘wainst Means,as it probably will,the case May or may not he tried atthecomingtermofCabarruscourt and may not be tried ir Cabarrus at all.These matters will have to besettledwhenreached. Interest of Humane Societies. &7% | 83 £2 3 2 8 fl t l i at e2 7 8 nowterialincreaseincosttothe averagebusinessand.waysandmeansbedevisedtoeeehecoupesfirstclassmail.GaSe What the Statesville AutoLeakedatLenoir. “Doper,”in LenoirNews. Last evening an automo-bile from stopped in<<o-eafe tor |mu » wiutee,”notiend ©&ite sevananflowingfromcarve-ment.“Friend,”said Cyce+npg lag be leaking”!an ran out tothe machine heturned kerosene can was oe *—on its side and a liquid wasfastlyfromitsspout.kero-sene No,it was as itCaldwell“block”?It was!to folks:next time any of you folks aay thie qunthaeltte on asvhalt streets,the concentratedlyeiniteatsthroughthetoplayerandleavesanuglyspot. Mr.Frank Meacham Critical-ly TH.Mr.Frank Meacham,son of Mr.|°and Mrs.F.T.Meacham of Statesville,is critically il in a Raleigh hos- iaras tare aoe neethathisrecoveryisveryyYoungMr.>who A few days igo it became seri-ous and Mr.and Mrs.Meacham wereealledtoRaleighTuesdayevening.Wednesday his condition was encovr-aging.esterday afternoongramsreceivedherestatedthatwascritical, 108 Officers to One Private. A brigadier general,a colonel,sixmaiorsand100captainsatFortSill,Oklahoma,are commanding JohnGoings,late of the Third Kansas,lone private of the depot brigade.Until men from the Nationalpraia=mar atrive,n foree of the filled with the drafted soldiers.Atpresenthehasfivebandstogivehimmusic,but on the ‘other hand his |*nieasures are gpoiled by the all-too-frequent necessity of saluting his ——*Fe gen >©5 | it 108 superior officers. Merchants Tonight. Regular meeting Merchanst’Asso- ,today to attend aciationatCommercialclubroomsesignatedDr Raynal at-tonight.Mr.William Wallace,.1 o *his tend the Charlotte conference in LATE BERRIES Mr.G.;hone iries—real ripe ones,aiedto berriesoteanehieFrenchhasalsotheEverbeaetEenoughtoshowthatwillgrowinthisclimatein theseason. NSYLVANIA F.Mr.ye ae Iredell, chairman of the Liberty bond com-mittee;Dr.T.E.Anderson,chair- man of the county council of defence and county food administrator;undMr.R.L.Poston,merchants’repre-,sentative on food conservation,willtalktothemerchants.The meeting will conclude with asocialsessionandasmoker. District Exemption Board. The eéxemption board for theWesterndistricthasbeeninsessionsinceTuesdaybuthashadveryfewclaimsfromtIredelltoconsider,andtheywereclaimswhichwerere-opened.John Pearl Rhinehardt, Mooresville,is exempted to Decem-her 1,1917,on aceount of denend-dents;O.A.Clodfelter,Mooresville,is exempted on aecount of depend-ents;J.Frank Hamm,Modresviile,is not exempted. —seeant 7 : Dest Cassin’s Close Call‘harlotteManinCrew. Coolness and quick by Commander Walter H.VernonsavedtheAmericande- stroyer Cassin from destruction in an encounter with a German in the war zone October 16,the Na- vy Department is advised by Vice Admiral Sims in his full report of the fight,meager details of which were received last week. Before she had an opportuni to fire a amet Se Compegee =.Sad the stern by .d »R.C.»prosecution of the war wtih Germa-eae Mate “Semend Kelly - B.Johnson by the |ny than the farmers,because the;vram slightly wounded five others pend an the weigat of the ec Seeadler,were Te8-value of their product depends upon|of the crew and put one engine opt should moc be too ONKE Ch.ENE,MENGES “SE SHE SOF and landed at Tahiti the maintenance of America’s right |of commigsior.ton li ht ‘The ‘car nat is too heavy is wk the bi-to the freedom of theseas,this right}The Cassin had been searching half “_/not enly a berden on “the 1 .alivis,Reanati made|ene,of the chief,things chal-|an hour for a submarine first sight-Hf it is too heavy.the weigh!road,but its ewn weigh!affects 4 Aeut.is ade lenged by the German Kaiser in this|.4 five miles away,when Commander te liable to afiect its efficiency ee 4 elie:ot : from Hampton Roads,Va.\war.If our commerce can be de-|Vernon suddenly saw a torpede 400 s pape 60 ater ctor dant the mes ane a ¢herency,or the neola,N.Y¥.,a distance of 325)stroyed at the will of any foreign |yards distant and making for the and expense,[i it is too gn,1 heavy car is likely to rattle itself aesoh one ih ene |newet at any time that it suits the/<hip at great speed.Realizing that is likely to be dangeres and noi jato the serap heap. to ieee coruying ewe OF purpose of thet power.as subante-|his vessel was in imminent ger keep to the roed mach eccerding to ait-sion by the United States ”the |.f being hit amidship and broken inGeman,Kane's edict would olga.the soar eked ten .e pers would 6 spe a the 10,000 —oe their carples crops in the open |,=oo wank ae just =: war trucks will have markets of the world and the valve of the torpedo’s path when the pro- been by November 1 under 4¢our principal farm products wouki|jectile broached on the surface, present of the army quarter-jecline below the cost of production.|turned sharply and hit its objeetive —t,and the first de-america can never surrender this!Recovering from the shock of the is expected in January.The vital right.We must vindicate it.cxplosion,the Cassin continaed the number must be completed by wo can swiftly win this wer,main-A te the Prosecution of the War —The Freedom of the Seas His Concern. labor!A telegram from Secretary Me- ion ®Adoo to the Farm Leap Banks is a strike of more wloar statement of the special inter- miners in the ost -of the farmers in the successful of Arizona ©”|prosecution of the war,and the reas- ans why the farmers espetially should help the government.by the purchase of Liberty bonds.Says Mr. |MeAdoo: |“No class of our people are more of vitally concerned in the successful yo .Wew Series -“FOUR-NINETY "ROADSTER Roadster is ““ligh.foot not too beht A matter of gasoline consurapticn. *rat These important taings de- HWuUNOr Cal rheheavy Model “Four-Ninety”Road seer is a favorite for the reason that it is an cconornical car to own.Now equipped with de- mountable rims,tilted wind- chield and other new refinements. Price $020.00 f.o.b.Flint. The Chevrolet.is mechaum in weight,bus heavy cue in otha the cat will remanren the road at all times,and high.couch sethat the machine will no be hard on tires and will be econemical in the new heavy dutyplaced latter part of next June. Distinctive ribbons to be worn by American soldiers wounded in action have been authorized by an army general order.Where a man is wounded more than once on the same day,he will be entitled to wear ently one ribbon,but for each date uopn which received,ad- ditional ribbons may be worn. A man calling himself Dr.M.Gor- and a Russian woman are un- rest at Seattle,Wash.,charged violating the selective service by plotting to perform throat tions upon registered men ich would render them unfit for ice in the army.Authorities say suspect the plot is of Germaned a8 .George McCorkle,special examin- of the Federal Trade Commission, closed at New Orleans the hear- of charges of unfair trade meth- and attempts to monopolize the South’s cotton bagging and tie busi- fess made by dealers in several —inst Warren;Jones & z ofCompan s5 * t.Louis,B.P.Williams & y of Vicksburg,and Elmer &Company:of New Orleans. Suit to recover more than two and one quarter million dollars in dam- ages from the United Mine Workers of America is on trial at Sioux Falls,8.D.e Bache -Denman coal interests are suing the mine workers under the Sherman anti- trust act,charging them with de- struction of their properties in the Hartford vailey in July,1914.A nation-wide conspiracy to wreck the business and destroy the property of nonunion coal operators is charg- ed in the complaint. ————— Germany’s Loss Greater Than :Russia’s. The latest advices concerning the naval activity in the Gulf of Riga, between the Germans and the Rus- sians,show that although the Rus- sians lost the battleship Slava and a large torpedo boat destroyer,the Germans were the heaviest losers. @wo of their dreadnaughts,one cruts- er,12 torpedo boats,one transport and numerous mine sweepers were put out of action by the Russian fieet.While the exact fate of these vessels has not been ascertained bythePetrogradgovernment,it is an-mounced that at least six of the Ger- man destroyers were sunkFurtherGermanattempts to landforcesontheEsthoniancoasttothenorthofWerderhavebeenrepulsedbyRussiandetachments.With that sort of activity,theRussianfeetshouldbeablesoontoseriouslycrippleGermany's sea.Ht sounds almost too goodtobet Cost For Family of Five. A comparison of food costs in theprincipalcitiesoftheUnitedStates,made public by the national healthdepartment,shows that the cheapestwholesomedietaryforafamilyoffive,consisting of man,wife andthreechildren,costs $9.49 a week inChicago,which is more than any oth-er city in the country The same standard dietary costs $9.67 a weekinNewYorkcity,$9.25 in New Or-leans,$9.24 in Boston and $9.12 inSanFrancisco.The average for 24citiesandtownsintheUnietdStateswas$9.43.:menus provided at these fig- ures are not especially tempting,”report says.“A really palatablewillcostapproximhtely25morethanthepricejust -Swies frontier hastheseriousin- »accord- ’ieorn or callus vand all, tain our prosperity,secure the safe- ty of our democracy here and at the ame time make the world safe for democracy,if we go forward with resolution and courage and support ‘four gallant armies now already in | the field.To do this the farmers af | the United States as well as all oth.| +classes of our people,must lend heir money to the government by buying United States Liberty bonds.| which bear 4 per cent.interest and are exempt from almost al!taxation. State,local and Federal.Varmer:’ sons as well as the sons of all other classes of American citizens are now in the field.We cannot eawp them with the arms and ammunition which will give them the best chance to cave their own Jives and to win the war quickly,unless the government -an sell Liberty bonds from timer to time.I want the Farm Loan Bank to make a special effort from now until October 27th,when the sub- scriptions close,to get every farmer to.buy some of these bonds,No mat- ter how small the amount.It is not only a question of saving the rights and prosperity of the farmers and of all the people of the United States,but of supporting cur sons who have already been called to the colors and through whose valor and f4ehting ability we shall soon re-es- tablish a stable and just peace in the world.It is the highest duty of vatriotism of the farmers and every other class of people to support our vallant soldiers in the war and un- hold America’s vital rights.The least service any good citizen and patriot can verform is to lend i money to the government —on the safest security in the world Get these facts to all the farmers in your community and urge them to lo their part. 1nis “WW.G. In reouesting that viven publicity,We.Howard ©.Ar nold,secretary of the Farm Loan Bank at Columbio,S.C...the bank for this district.says: “We also urge that in this time of he nation’s need that the farmers. who are «etting the hichest prices in their history,meet this call to their patriotism,esnecially when pa- triotism and good business are com- bined This same government is making this call established this bank and furnished the necessary capital,free of charee,so that the farmer is securing his capital at the lowest rate and most favorable terms of any industry or business in this country.We urge that every farmer buy a bond and buy it now.” ONSSSES { You Don’t Have To. Lumberton Robesonian.You don’t have to buy a Liberty| bend.You don’t have to accept free crace and go to heaven when you die,either.You can tilt your chin and stroll hellward,to borrow an ex- pression from the late lamented Er-| win Avery,if you are a-mind to:butbeassuredthatthereisunreston| the way,either hellward or among those who can buy Liberty bonds and will not.| McADOO.” the above he | LIKE AN ELECTRIC BUTTON |ON TOES! Tells Why a Cora is So Painful and.Says Cutting Makes Them Grow.| Press ah electric button and you! form a contact with a_live wire which rings the bell.When your,shoes press against your corn it pushes its sharp roots down upon @sensitivenerveandyougetashock|of painInstead of trimming your corns,| which merely makes them grow,just step inf6 any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of freezone. This will cost very little,but is suf-/fficienttoremoveeveryhardorsoft)from one’s feet.A}few drops appliedtender,aching corn stops thenessinstantly,and soon the cornshrivelsapsoitliftsrightout,reotwithoutpain.This dragfreezoneisharmlessandneverflamesoreven;theroundingski ‘ |boats, that directly upon & search,to be rewarded by the show- ing of the U-boat’s conning tower.’ Four shots were sent at the German ind two eame so close that the sub- marine quickly went under again. With all men alert at their stations. the destroyer continued its hunt un- il darkness.Later,convoyed =by her American and British patrol! she made port.In the mean- time officers and men had made tem- porary repairs. Admiral Sims reported that the behaviour of the aon and the en- tire crew was admirable.One of the men of the crew is Rufus Wail Owens of Charlotte,who has been »the navy many years. SUFFERING FROM COLD If you shiver in weather,if have cold feet,if colds are stubbornandandnt,then yourblood poral oy coger yw sesh ery N.W.FOX,: UNIVERSAL AUTO CO., Dealer. INC.,Distributors, Winston-Salem,N.C. hasbeen correctingthiscondi-|Home Comforts tion for nearlyfifty years.It | possesses rare powers for!Are tound in the home.Good creating natural body warmth,|plumbing makes the long hours for charging summer blood||spent by the wife at a home a =winter a.—vo pach 0 Pleusore that ng pleasu nothing else can give.{Pgh and hangs. W.E.MUNDAY. 7 a The Norwe den cod live fp 1 in | Vi ‘ons is now re dinout } Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. Phone 55. }ran American taborator which | Ah .makes it pure and palatatle { Sale of Bonds for Upper Third’ os" Creek. the dersigned commissior f the || Third Creek Drainage Bist set.todell| N.C,will on MONDAY,NOVEM- ;Lott,at 12 o'clock,m.,reecive sealed 51 900 6 per cent bonds for the dredge| ine of snid ereck from meny the Alexander | county Vine to the olf Watts mill place,belts about ebrht miles in length,with an «cuva-| tien of about 1*5,000 euble yard Width of| channel 1*to 22 feet.Fer further informa. tion address A.B.Lewis,Statesville,NOC i.1.STEVENSON,Chairman. H.EB.LEWIS,Secretary L.O.WHITE.Engincer. Oct.2,1917-4 Certificate of Dissoluti STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,DEPART- MENT OF STATE To all whom these presents may come Creeting. Whereas,it appears to my satiefaction,by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the| unenimous consert of all the stockholders,| deposited in my office,that the Star Milling Company,&corporation of this State,whore! principal office is siturted on the Taylorevitle Wi Upyve FRESH PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR road,in the elty of Statesville.county of Ive-| dell,State of North Carolina (T.0.Morrison| being the agent therein and in chirtre the reof,| upon whom proceks may be served),has come plied with the requirements of Chapter #1,|Revisal of 1966,entitled “Corporations,”pre-| liminary to the issurne of thie certificate of dissolutionNow,tRerefore,1.J.Bryan Grimes,Seere- tary of the State of North Carolina do hereby| certify that the esnid corporation did,on the | 26th day of September,1917,fie in my a duly executed and attested consent i ing to the disalution ef sald corporation,ex- ecuted by all the stockholders thereof,which| anid consent and the record of the proceed! ines aforesaid are now on file in my said offer | as provided by law. ln testimony whereof,T have hereunto setmyhandandaffixedmyofficialseniotRel-elgh,this 26th day of Se;tember,A.D.1917. 4.BRYAN GRIMEA,Oet.2,101%,Secretary of State, OSTEOPATIL Dr.8S.W.ann. Merchants’&Farmers’Office ‘Phone,324;="Phone,279 Green. writ- A MAN CAN'T DO GOOD WORK WITH His WIND- PIPE FULL OF DUST,HIS LEG DISLOCATED AND HIS ARM IN A SLING!: Neither can you expect your car to work properly with the cylinders full of carbon and various parts out of adjustment. To insure satisfactory service the car should be gone over thoroughly twice 2 season. We are specialists in that line. ipo se egAMa ee Key edstl are eetoryourparty,t app"opriate thingsfrom our dmas eS of novellas. The successofyourparty will much upon the souvenirs you distribute.Yourparty will be successful when we supply the “favors.”In this line of goods we have many things at POPULAR ty aA ES en e r o | i You do not want tolooklikeeveryother man,Let us TAPEyoufor **NEEDLE -MOLDED ”ITS OR OVERCOATStoMeasurebyGlobeTailoringCo.,Cincinnati. atin quality -EXCLU-SIVE Styles that not on-ly fit but DISTINGUISH a man.Beautiful mate-rials.Snappy patterns. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECOMPANY. 104 Broad Street. i zare thenewestin ign,color and qual- 1] $ =&=3 g Allowustoshow #¢ “te 5 Thatwillgive youserv- ice,for Men,Women and Children.Come andlet us fit yourfeet. New Goods Arriving Prepared Buckwheat Flour,Maple Syrup, Sour Pickles in bulk, Prunes,Raisins,New Corn Meal and Home- ~made Molasses.Shelled Shelled persons were killed aodwoundedastheresult jan explosion at San Jose,Cevta ' a 4 le of Ohio will vote inNonthequestionof|the women to vote in presiden-elections.|The prohibition law for the Dis-trict of Columbia,effective Novem-ber Ist,has been held constitutionalibytheSupremeCourtof trict. Mrs.©.V.Thompson,wife of the|president of the Alabama Agricultural|College,at Abbeville,Ala.,was burn-jed to death while cleaning a skirt with wasoline before an open fire.|A dispatch from Colon says sub-i seriptions to Liberty bonds by sol-|diers and government employes in the Panama canal zone total $1,500,000Whdresday.Numerous PrnamansjandChinesealsosubseribed.|‘Two hundred million pounds of Louisiana cane sugur,contracted forbytheAmericanSugarRefiningCom-}pany,will beyin moving northward ;next week to relieve the serious short- jage of the Eastern States. |Levi J.Riehardsen,who as a mem-ber of the secret service at the time‘of President Lincoln's assassination took a leading part in the search for the assassin,died at his home at Waterbury,Conn.,Tuesday.He was-a veteran of the Civil War.In the past nine months 1,725‘automobiles have been stolen in NewYorkcity,an increave of 40 per cent. over the same period in 1916,accord- sion.Of this number 1,446 were re-covered,leaving 279 missing. |Dishonorable discharge from the National army,forfeiture of all pay and allowances and confinement at hard labor for five years.was the sentence imposed by military courtmartialuponEnoR.Larsen,draft-ed man from San Francisce.for fail- ure to submit te physical examina- tion for contagious diseases. Seventeen Mexicans,includingthreegeneralsoftheMexicanFed-eral army under the Diaz and Huer-ta regimes,are at Laredo,Texas,asnoliticalrefugees,having been de-‘worted from Mexico.Mexico au-thorities in Nuevo Laredo said these men were opponents of the Carran- 2a government and were “trouble- some”citivens,but had committed no crimes, Mr.Wallace as Author. William Kay Wallace,son of Mr Jacob Wallace of New York andDenver,Col,and nephew of Messrs. William and Isidore Wallace and Mrs.J.H.Hoffmann of Statesville, is attaining distinction in the liter wy world.He has ‘published a book,“Greater Italy,”and in the current number of Seribner's Miss Lillian Whiting,author and editor, pays high tribute to Mr.Wallace’s work.She says no book heretoforenublishedonItaly“ean hold a can die to it.” Mr.Wallace is remembered by many Statesville people,having vis ited here when a boy He was for some years in the diplomatic serv- ‘ice,Was secretary of the American legation at Tokio,Japan,and at Co penhagen,Denmark,and was also for a time in theAmerican diplomat ic\service in Rome. Sree the war bewan Mr.Wallace Anderson,county food administrator has distributed the cards throuyhout the county,and he is calling on school committeemen,teachers,preachers and whoscever will to help distribute the ecards in all the school districts of th county,and see that every hou op er in Tedell has an opportunit sign the cards,which are to ! turned to Drsiened, The cards,hi:been exp!rineinTheLandmark,are simply a pleiws of housekeepers to aid in the ec. vation of food.It is a patriotic aot: to sign these cards end help ir thiwork. Andersen afte)ine as Church News. Re J.WH.Presely and Mr.J Alexander returned Wednesday ning from Sharon,8.C., attended a meeting of the First Presbytery.The next meeting ofPresbyterywillbeatLancaster,8.C.,and Rev.E.B.Quinn is the moderator. Mrs.V.E.Lackey,Misses Alexander,May Morrison and|Patterson were in Charlottenesdaynightandyesterday io at-tend a missionary meeting of theAssociateReformed,Presbyterian|Church. How England Stops Waste. In England to “waste is a sin”has been changed to “waste is ecrimi nal.”To find any considerable por- tion of a loaf of by in a garbagecansubjectsthewastertoafineof$15 and upwards.Bread in Englandmust_be 24 hours old before it canbeofferedforsale.Bakers have been fined for exposing new bread for 8, eve- where they Annie Mey Wed- One farmer was recently fined$100 for not havi properly takencareofhisfarmteeajewtucingstandpoint.‘ ca,A party of ten Congresmen whovysailedforEuropetotourthe|War area,reached the other side in the Dis-| ing to a report by the police commis-|w has heen in the service of the Red | ross as an ambulance driver. Food Pledge Campzign. The campaign for sie the food pledge cards officially begins (omor- row and continues for a weel.ihr. udgeCline,who Fra Oxborne C son ofraMrs,Heriot of |}Charlotte,a lawyer and in|vractice with his father,vester-|flay for Boston,Maxs.,to enterthe||aviation section of the army.iRepresentativesofthe100Red| called to meet in Raleigh November1and2.entatives of the na-| to instruct Red Cross workers, President J.D.Andrew of Cataw-ba College,Newton,his resienation to take effect at thecloseofthepresentcollegeyear—||next spring.He has been at the head of the eollewe for four years. |f the State University forStatesSenatortosucceed Senator)1Overman.He says,however,that[Tr Graham is not a party to the! t talk ifWhen,Ralph |Maude Hefner | }in Newton,the mother of ,the bride |;#ppeared to forbid the ceremony.||She was too late,and besides the|girl was of age.-|Dan Wike a Catawba county| farmer,was leading a calf behind) jhie buggy,when the animal ran |;around the buggy and overturned|}the vehicle.Mr.Wike’s arm was),put out of place and his collar bone. ‘broken,but the ealf escaped injury, |so far as known. Rev.Baylus Cade.who has been nastor of the First Baptist church atLenoirforabout12months,has re-signed his charge to devote his time and being married Sigmon were { | |to the oversight of building the lino-St\type machines of which he is the|| Iinventor.The machines arebuiltinPhiladelphiaandCamden,||N.J |ad.i.By a vote of 398 to 68 out of a|' total registration of 1,067,Reidsville || voters ratified the sale recently made ||by the tewn commissioners of the jelectric plant with a 30-year ichisetotheSouthernPublieUtili- |ties Company.There was muchop-|. position to the sale and an attempt wes made in the courts to restrain the holding of the election called approve the sale. were convicted in Avery county Su-/|r Court this week of burning'mee!of Mrs.Jane Hanley,at/Oh Park.’The men were sentenced | Pp years each in the State’s Helens the womar was allowed ‘poy the costs in the case upon sumrendering her ‘insurance policy,nd relinquishing her claim aeuinst ji he company.It was an insurance fire. Sixty.-Seven Perished in the Wreck of the Antilles. General tshing Morday cabled (%the Wir Department the complete ° “ou list in the destruction of | the ard bound army transportAHegavenoadditionalde-taf the disaster.| FCrossorganizationsintheStateare!|B Bie tional organization will be present||i has resigned,(8 if igik Mr.W.T.Bost,press correspond-|ii jent,hears talk of President Graham |i United | Miss|tk »y Rev.M.A.Matheson at his home|| =fit and imagine the nig expenses that they must be un- being |5 fran-|G to ff é * The range peddlers are in your section.Theywillgotoseeyoutcsellyouasteelrange.They getenormouspricesbecausetheirexpensesareexceedinglyhighandtheyusefireteamsandwagonscostinglotsofmoneytokeepup,hoard and ship.The slick-tonguedsalesmenmakebignoney.dust size up the whole out- Be Leeder.Why pay their expenses by paying from,$85 to $95forarange,when we will guarantee to sell you a muchbetterrangeforlessmoney—THE GREAT MAJESTICRANGE? NOW WE MEAN BUSINESS!If we can’tprovetoyouthattheMajesticisabetterrangeandsellittoyouforlessmoneythanthatsoldbythepeddlers,we will pay your expenses to and from our store andyouabigdinnerfuryourtrouble,or DONATE PRICE OF A MAJESTIC RANGE TO ANY YOU NAME!5 WE WILL GO FURTHER.We are going to.give you a handsome set of enameled and copper ware,every cent of $8,with any Majestic Range you buy while the peddlers are in tnis vicinity.This ware postisthebestthatcanbebought,and will be given only if ayoubuyaMAJESTICRANGENOW!i 4 REMEMBER,we are not strangers to you.a ywillbeonthegroundforyearsandyearstocome,2 ¥the peddlers will be gone after they have secured yourmoneyornote.DON’T LET THE PE a "LOAD THE RANGE IN YOUR YARD OR IT 4YOURKITCHENUNDERSOMEPRETEXTOROTH..ER!They will go .o any extreme.Above all,DON’TSIGNANYTHING! Yours truly, | Sixty -seven men,including.16oldiers,went down with the shiv. another is unaccounted for and 170 | wore resened by the naval convoy. Many of those killed were foreigners | of the transport’s engine and boiler room forees,and some of the miss- ing soldiers also were of foreign rth,General Pershing did not ex- Jain why the were being nt home In the list of the lost are one man from Tennessee And one from Geer- ria.No others from this section of he country.Sergeant Otto Klebernfantryman,was from Germany and‘is father lives in Berlin eeeeeoe Death Record. Mr.T.L.Hemphill a business an of Morganton,an uncle of May *Bristol and Mr.W.A.Bristol of | soldiers Statesville,died uldenly at his | ‘home in Morganton Wednesday | morning.Widow and chree children | irvive,| Mayor Bristol oes to Morganton lav to attend the funeral.| Willie James,1 &-:monthy-old ot’Mr.and Mrs.W.A.James,died‘odmesday evening at 6 o'clock,a their home in Bloomfield B a8 yeaterday et noon at Little er church,Alexander county Wen Prives at.Atlante Voir. North ullAl Riv Carolina,in competition AR esHEATINGSTOVES. aay Beginning to fect like having fire these crisp,cool morn- fall,we have two brands that are supreme in their class,THE JEW- EL BASE BURNEK AND BASE HEATER!There is no expcriment in buying either of these Steves—they ings.If you need e Heating Stove this have stood the test of many seasons an?ave sustain- ed supremacy by merit—eeconumy of fuel,large heating capacity and Jeng life.YOU CAN’T GO WRONG ,iF .OU PUT IN ONE OF THESE HEATERS!orl with Georgia,Alabama,Florida and ‘Lennessee,made a tine showing attheBovtheasternFairstAtlante ‘ist week,Ten prizes were offered for the best individual farm and uunty agricultural exhibits and of the first five prizes of $200 or more, North Carolina took three of the ive,These were as follows:$4100 to DP.R.Noland,Haywood county;$200od.A Sharpe,Guilford county; 200 to E.J.Howell of Haywood county. WILL GO TO NEW YORK. Mr.and Mrs.John HH.Reid ofDavidson,formerly of Mt.Mourne,lredell county,will leave soon forNewYorktomakethierhomewith heir son,Dr.Rufus Reid,a prom- iment young surgeon of New York... HOW'S THIS?We offer One Hendred Dollars Reward for ny epee of Coterrh that eannet be ewred byHallsCutarchCov: Malls Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca-suffererstoreh for the poet thirty-five yearn, and hecome known as the most re lietle re for Catarrh.Wall's Catarch Core actsththeBleedontheMucoussurfaces,on the Poison from the Blood and healnediseasedportions.A you have taken Mail's Caterrh Cure for @ ahert thme.gou will see a erent tmproven.%feral health,Start taking) ’ re at once and wet rid—.free. |ee eeeaeramee For The Skin,Is Hall's Glycerine Lotion. Cures Chapped Hands,Irritated Skin and Excellent for use after Shaving. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No,29, eat nee aeWHATSTATESVILLE fa : ‘i E izi ii t 53 5 Bh i; | sf t ES : z s f : ea i;5i : H $i i14 5 it Tueeagcount of ae ©a be Fatherthen gameon for only a day—thequestiondo.|Sener of patri-Minds then would not be ft wy the |ca.youon ~~ ance will sa é'|little city,he said,was of 10,000toridi-aa on iewebe A habitants “The Germans were pat)Flanders are no matter :tent with the misery they |sitions woncoursedo,and act acordingly,let the |so"RawHung.Sonecquenees be what they tay.hed cxsued,Piet theydnmandid |v."TheROS»The coal minerswho quit work last |!women and mon |{week,for the third or fourthitmere.|int ®barking space,a : re-'the young men for service of i ue i VerdunUnderexistingcently,have goneback onthe job—sort or another behind the lines.oetion.oo tae OF Oe ca “Then they lined up the young|vanced|oe a adk «agi-|women to rank in boneay,|——on iene.They gnetes |The highest ial chose the _In the Avstro -Italianadusteialslaverycrwhatnot,at as his servant.The next highest jarce German forces have ? ‘on |nd "Flitch and Tolmino alsogoodandsoundreasonsfordrafting|pomts in tp nectarn bert of the!intsmanagementthattoo!™e”into the service of the country)ppis is but a mild statement of Bainsions viateau.Where the Ger-many cooks spoil broth;and oj 6 Oe aaa,service.as there ia|Getman atrocities in territory oceu-mans obtained large numbers of re- .\pied by the German army in Beél-inforcements for the Austrians in|£o8oe ~~eT nee.|can and France.Not only hasthe ‘this region has met yet become ap-ble jecountry been devastated,in many:arent,but it is not improbable that|cases ettaowt nr quem of milita-some 4 them were _pes ome aut |Tv necessity,ju non-comhat-re t northern front,among themselves.But provid.sbout in the coal mining!ants have been murdered and mal-ase beoguan the Dvina ‘et andSEtreatedwithoutmercy.Women and the Gulf of Riga there has been a iv $ ES E LS S fellows that the balance of the com-|1%js stated that the f inis-|tirls by thousands have suff withdrawal by the Germans over a’ys agree with tration will ask.-ee i treatment worse than death.Many wide front,:thm.There would be other groups urge that Thanksgiving Day —No-of us (and The Landmark is one)did "made a day of fast."ot accept as true the first reports Bob Fitzsimmons Dead.to ~<=oa would be ing this year instead of the day of °f German barbarity in the first pohert Fitzsimmons,formerentlyUsedandthecommunity-feasting it is customary to make it.|veats of the war.We could not con-champion heavyweight pugilist of=To thi day.tre.The suggestion is wise.While prob-ceive how .-could be guilty:the world,died at a hespital in Chi-often.this good day,eo"ably few people will feel called on |%f such le cruelty in this eM-'..eo Monday,after an illness of fivechangesinmanagementoftoabstainfromfoodentirelyqnthatliehtenedage.But as time passed days of pneumonia.Fitzsimmons ::¢z =5i 8 z she says.We don't know Thanksgiving —not to celebrate the Prominent and reputable Americ’\\ncrick in 1896.He was one of the business is not considered good day or any other day,so long as they the evidence accumulated,became \..5;years old.and a native of °Le —ld 7 can get it,certainly it should be urg-overwhelming,from the testimony England He apo teen by.yoy —~i —the*-ed on the people not to consume more °f witnesses whose truthfulness cam;1.1.and entered the sporting world ;4marsOnsameereaethanthenormalsupplyoffoodonnotbeassailed,including iin early life.Fitzsimmons came to ee oeelee Today wo anys tedores6EVERYPosada’et?4 _ tealNght cat be the Meee ese,Keane” end nctinahlongerwheel bese,soaking tt largerpircirnerersteESSE:tre«equal tag,teal Well caybap ao oie oooe cat TouringCar$748 Roadster $748:Coupe $1006;Berline $1008;Sedan $1098 Aliprives fo b.Detroit Wcccc the schools in Montana,but 4g,;‘citizens til there is no lon ;:FOR:y by feasting.The habit of gorg-jens,un ger any };t i ty —North Carolina the school man-ing at Thanksgiving is not good for reason to doubt.In fact there is Gano Pg oe “:ee aoe SP ae health and the waste of food at —anything —that 3 hy more than 165 pounds when in con-,rons eee -the Thanksgiving feasts is enor-|"o Germany that may ac-dition.H ld’s heavy-and panees.Neither |does mous.It is the waste that shouldbe cepted as true.So many and 0 eight title on"March17,1897,when .teea peels,ob wleaee Pits conserved.Unnecessary consump-great have been that country's of-1.defeated J.J.Corbett,in the 14th :&profit,aioe wa tis.tion of food now is wrong:and a fences against civilization and hu-'ound of their memorable battle at The CALORIC PIPELESS i is;—are a ee ssatis-waste of food isa sin and a crime.manity,that one can readily he-(arson City,Nevada.He stoppedet———t ae es ~yt'ra to.ES lieve the Germans capable of almost Corbett with his famous solar plexus ed for the Home,Stores andthedlipcusedsooepaper,bewer.|Semmens,of SySreyessv crime —The Lentuerk.punch of which he was the origin-|The ci moist warm air is preferable te any er,they don't have to patronize it.|jioht bonfires on the squares in some|Mrs.Bingham’s Will.anne <6 uae oo hn other method ofheating.it were community owned they of the towns Tuesda:tyhoiyevening,the;The will of Mrs.Mary Flagler 3 .when he was knoc ‘i_have if Statesville le,for *#me being called Liberty fires,Lib-|Bingham,widow of Henry M.Flag-in oh os June 8th,|nerrae,uld like io Po |or erty torches,or something like that.ler,and at the time of her death.Ju-Coney Island,N.Y.In 1962 he meticaeaLand.it was all very fine as a sentiment.'v 27,the wife of Robert W.Bing-Jeffries again,hoping to regain the|Gil ach akuudtete oc 1;Dut probably did not sell many ham of Louisville,Ky.,has been filed crown,but after having the better:al a.bonds.Mayor Bristol properly ob-for probate in New York.It dis-of the California giant on points,Bs j gp tn Pn ion a jected to the bonfire in Statesville.|closed many bequests not known at Fitzsimmons went to defeat in thea7Paigeiment.He thought it would suggest to the|the time thewill was offered for pro-sth round.}ready for theexperiment.cikiren *light henlives promicgs-|Sate at Fake Beach,Fia.,and at a a ee ..ously,as probably would,and the isville,Pro-German tory.|~Pawar eyR yetend os risk of a general conflagration out.Mrs.Bingham's niece,Mrs.Louise tavestivation by =eatinTeedt»tune Wameed cause —a.weighed the sentimental value of Wise Lewis,who was said to be the of Justian bee convinced an rence hag qoquttted ‘When the bonfire.|chief ny SiteSte will,dis-thee the campaign of misrepresenta-|ATED posing ,.receives a jury returned the verdict women 1)numerous places in the country only an income of $200,000 a year “on which has been advising house-—-=——a.last Sunday ministers talked for until she is 40 years old,and then pwegpatallen 4 2 Le heamie with,the hare when eeerty dealt vanieudios tee ben ver M ota =oulee tain is part of Gaiman prop-:’:E °.-'receives a rs.m's real-~.=.=.=7 np ig ar and Methodist churches of |ty except that Ke of in trust —.does the government lack-wile of one of the daleudante the Asheville Sunday morning,the serv-|provisions under will of Henry authorit fe cunnaiaiens household |"aa The jeny tap epadeved ices were in behalf of Liberty bonds M.Flagler,but her share is far ex-ana aks and cuppiies,but htPeieseehusbandis2"the Episcopal church laymen ceeded by that left to Mrs.Bing-“Ovee A cinertainad thas thee of Go.| nocent they have bos their duty Made addresses for the bonds.In the ham's brother.William R.Kenan,j1¢so.The food administration has|e ees v a.chamniene =others the sermons of the pastors and sisters,Mrs.Jessie Kenan Wise ‘(©ol paseitte to“cae tulations does not»ap.Were in that behalf.In Danville,and Sarah Graham Kenan,who get ues af taal a0 the preand that peer well to this court.”The ola Va.,one preacher had the nerve to the residuary estate,including Mrs.i uid lessen the drain thecom-|ologized ee :9 te the women to cut out the expen-Bingham’s Standard Oil stocks.:relat mol of Sond its | Glory to Judge Stacy!It is re-|*!¥¢apparel and buy Liberty bonds.a po oer |The story that the government|shing to find a Superior Court Se Geele Barbarity of Bast St.Louis),ouid seize canned goods put up forSinee.a },th Germany is exulting over the suc-Mob.h re ireulated|tation e ne és Sue aaa tan i geass of its seventh war loan of three .nok i h inte Ayse ’ons bee \pronri t oon —~-S and a third billion dollars,and is ,Testimony that ving,the race in Nort!=ina severa —eee.|eS awe *enforce |..sending the announcement to the few =in East St.a uly 7?-_Of course _was ..ed in as def caahe oo k ‘gemaining neutral countries.This threw a negro child into *urning but some people may have btated,~~or ——7 an on is Germany's seventh loan,remem.house after it had ——rom the it.,-—Fors for an sequittal.If a verdict ser,The United Stater is asking Mames,was given at “ty Bd..WANTED —FOR CASH,200/=just it is not rendered as a person-for only the second loan of three bil.sional inquiry into the riots by Ed-wala:4 ’ |ver to a defendant and should jinn which it is honed will be over-Win Povkess,a reporter for a St.fs Clay S.be so considered subseribed to five billion.The suc-Louis,Mo.,newspaper.He said he|'Peas —SMITHEY &FRALEY.—ad.|.Dterga can ne NNN gu etn nomennerneawanreneenmse 'ES Germany's loa also saw four or five National)==ee oem iLieut.John A.Scott stated,in his ~=>-a stir Guardsmen shoot and kill two ne-“NO INDIGESTION, AAD .burni:house.OR STOMIN IN !~ ‘ ere eee iork,“the favorite ;;Paul Y.Anderson,anewspaperre-;:|Germany has just subscribed its au 0 |~~o on b ome s a seventh war loan of over three bil-|norter,said that before Federal’,,"5eybrea’a 2?2 Jion dollars,and the United States,Judge Landis ordered a reformation —_—=—=—.3s.be 2 the wealthiest country in the world,last November,many ates in theeaollowitallnieetislaggingonthesecondloan.That City were conducted in a isorderly|yourcourseandrateofspeed,and snould stir our pride,and our patri-Manner and were chief breeding|sour,acid stomach feels fine,No in- 1)aaeeeemiemeeniets Government Co-operates The CALORIC.produces a —amount of heat from wi °° _You can aid your country byinstallingaCalorieFurnace,savethecoalsupplyandenjoyacom-fortable home. We will accept Liberty BondsinpaymentforaCaloricPipe-less ace, _Letusquote you onthesizerequiredtohome -Bunch Furniture Company.‘The S :tore That AlwaysWelcomes aTheUnited States men at daybreak sneak off to one ciicm as well.wlaces of crime.lawless ele-|digestion,heartburn,or belching of=and plunk her.”The report of @ Ee ment that the saloons,he'eas,or eructationssinkingoftheAntillessaystheheGreensboroDailyNews,a live thought,was the same element that |food,no dizziness,bloating,foul with the 7,600 member banks in maintaining the Federalcame@¢6.45 a.m.and the newspaper,is publishing Col.Roose-took in the race riots.or .\@ Reserve Banking System for the protection of the busi-ine was never seen,although voit's contributions to the Kansas a.2a,e Diapepsin is noted for its ness interests of the coun Through the Federal Re-.ie tele ee arearehe’City Star,by special arrangement _Found Hoarded Sugar.in sweetening upset stomache./i serve Boardin Washi t the twelve Fed-great deep until the waters clos-with that paper,and has also added Federal ts have fit is the surest,quickest and most n Washingtonit supervisesovertheship.Undoubtedly the the eable service of the London reportedto ashington discov.[eortain stemach antacid fnthe whole eralreserve banks;it one-thirdoftheirdirec-Tedardtateen eaten.tek al-Times toits newsservice.ery in a Buffalo ()warehouse |andbesides,itis tors;it deposits its f largely with them;it guaran-.attacks from ambush,had fol-LETS of millions of of sugar in tees the currency they issue, transport during the!.- ness,got the course and rate ofonus ieee et eeae —_Y aaa ba »labeled “top crust ,a8 Lieut.Scott says,and then 1%be provided to hold.it,Dr.John-.Notationsonthepackages,it wasthemorningsneakedofft0sonofCharityandChildrenvolun-said,indicated the sugarhadbeesideandfiredthefatalshot.teersto 8 centainat or twe pte me warehouse"over |shea,”tether than t several months.-oftoacriticismofF.a the‘ground.Notify Dr.sl agent who @ surveyoftheAsheville==Johnson at Thomasville if you have contents of ,estimatedsitintheSenate9|S uae ail bs ned aotone E 4>i5 z isH “i l : 3 ; )and that ney >ee ae ¥childrenat theThomasvilleorphan aa Foth:ri a l i it “| i s4 e e iT H F fH i g¢ #2 3 3 fi ;i |i Are youlinkedup with this newnational systemas one our depositors?If not,you shoulddelayno longer. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. STATESVILLE,N.C. .J with his parents,Dr.and rned yesterdayhespentafew F ad Nathan O'RerrySprings,Tenn., iy if = ;= z>i aliii i ifi vs fl Music club will meet withMrs.D.J.Craig atthisafternoonat4o'clock.|* .|Notices of New Advertisements| Pall Gpening of Park Place Greenhouse,30thMrs.Orin ‘Turner. Ifa good business chance were offered YOU today, are you ina position tograspit?You wouldbeif you had BANKED the money you have spent on things you | ;per Ib.really didn’t need. fstoea tee Begin NOW.Open an acoount in our pbonk.File coo Th sete up your dollars and it won't be long before your oppor- nce.tunity will come AGAIN.Shoulders,per Ib,ie gg _“*i8e .:ain Sourwood ,Gem ten,Sor Put YOUR money in OUR Bar Ol Rute "Casing,de.p>Mh We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.»:|re tects poten,==n THE FIRST NATIONAL »so Statesville,N.C. FOR RENT—Five-room.Statesville are visiting M 2 onJstreet,4 to JAS.F.RBIN.26-24. rs.Echerd’s|._L.”Gwalt- of land,November 11th, inety roadster...UniversalN.W.Fox,degler,Be exclusive in your dress.—Sherill-WhiteShoeCov. OR SALE—Two good work mules,two mares,pair moule colts,at a bargain:one young.J.B.CASHION,Bimwood.Oct.26.2t*. FALL OPENING of Park Place Greenhouss,expecially for display of chrysanthemuma,Tuesday and Wednesday,October 30th and the week-end with his parents,herdtownship.Mr.and Mrs.H.T.children and Mrs.Kelly’s mother,Woodruff,in Mocksvirickexpectstoleave tomorrow(laxton.Ga.,to visit her sister,MissSue—_.=Ww went Charlotte inesday.A.C.Payne and J.H.Burke attend-ed court in Statesville. maple syrup,new corn»Eagle &Mithol- Fender &Miller's passenger transfer notice.Good business positions for bookkecpers and.Greensboro Commereial School, suite,shoes and sweeters.J.M.Co. tch Bulbs,Tulips,Narcissus of manyindsandBulbfibreinwhichtogrowthem.‘Phone 285 black,MRS.ORIN TURNER.Oct.26, Laweyrs |SEED WHEAT—LimitedWewanttoexchangeaCaloricpipelopslifleforsale,8.GROSE,Loray,R-1.furnace for Liberty bonds.Crawford-Buneh Oct,28-20". Alesender Everybody welcome.Call us for large smoent_Legp's Pro 1 JUST RECEIVED—Two car loads of and two ca Speelalivts in car repair.Statesville Mo-Navy to Operate Transports.Rank 2 member of the Federal Reserve Blue Jackets will man and naval harsesrloadsofmules,HENKEL-LIVE sTock co.Oct.23. wmmercial National Bank.hose,coats and suits.Mills &Poston,an aveount in ovr bank.—Pirst Na- Farmers in this section|officers will command armytheircornerop,and WANTED..200 cords of weed.oorts hereafter.Officials believe STATESVILLE.Call at Mayor's office.will insure more efficient Get.19,ration of Dr.Blair's cucumber toil-Ramse CITY OF wf the ships;one,where t|greatest,and so lessen the risk rly in thewar;|et preparations for next two weeks.on a crew iso.bend today.—People's Loan _Five and Ten Cent sucre Paae_—ry 1,1918 C.8.HOLLAN by submarines.Decision to have the navytransportsisbelievedtobeenhastenedbythesinkingof thetransportAntilles,manned by civil-HOUSES FOR SAL. MACHINE coin to fitsm ma-N Mak :‘.WILLIAMS FURNITURE JSE.ie i OO tect ake your bank your friend.-.Merchantsa @ Oct.14.the Reformation|zif Five-room cottage for rent.Private sale of personal property.M.Ajj te rio i[ ¢8. F »$100 and interest each year untilpaidfor.C.MONROE ADAMS.Oct.16.il ne DidPassOver .To the Rditor of The landmark: your comment on peopletingthepassingofanintimatedthat i After many years’exi oF E cough there are many|who prefer Chamberlain's to any other.MA.C.Kirstein,Greenville,I.berlain's Cough hasmother's home and malwaysfounditabronchialtroubles.reliable cough medicine we have use«“Sale of Personal Property. 10 o'clock,a.m.,THURS-|Place This Number oP <3 rs writes.“Cham-|5°H We,the undersigned,agree to sawq;is i a F< x ick cure for colds and!Mrs.Weisner lived in[airplane.You rathertheAlexandrian'’s brandythanusual,and t ourMeLain,had seengoingthrough ROBERT M.CLOER &SON,''T.G.WOOTEN, a citizen,. .)an maginay\the skies with "he:I think the ai.over Alexander. Commencing at \DAY,the Ist day of November,1917,and con-tinuing through each and every day until 6 k p.m.on Saturday,the 3dwillofferatprivate salevty,(wearing apparelandkitchenfurnitureofleverydescriptionwhatever,field products,cornandforage,farmingwith»few volumes of the very select andvaluablelibraryofthelateRev.M.Vable.TERMS OF SALE CASH.Place of sale:The last residence of the late.V.Marable,No.9,South Meeting (MRS.)M.A.MARABLE,Extrx.26.~TOWNSHIP MEETINGS. I will hold township meetings of school|committeemen as follows: Tuesday,October 30 -Fullstown township.Ostwalt school,10 «.m.;Davidson township,ad eee school,2 p.m !wood school,10wertownghip,Shinnaville school,2 p.m.The »November 1—Caddle Creek town-ship,Mooresville gradea school,Statesville towhsrip,court house,Statesville. November,1917,all of my personalexcepted),househol A young lad about 3 or 4 o'clock,A 1foodcitizen,BESIDE YOUR PHONE.;Caldwell line,It.represents most prompt,satisfactory service and a reas-onable price.New,self -start-ing Buick Cars for Statesville lives near the re ‘hrown to the earth,which = Your calls promptly answer-|ed oy or night.Enjoy thedeWeveineaent=comfortourCarsafford.Twovianesailingintheair,afraic Fender &Miller Transfer Co.|JitneyTransfer Co, Battery Inspection Free. ‘dee would be the haven of,Come up to see us,Mr.Editor.Yours truly, Taylorsville,N.C.,Oct.Dr(Dr.CrowsonIredellfolksbelievitionedwerethere and|there would be an'dus te Alexander;Mr.Holland’sService at Front |'"vitation toStreet -Committeemen are requested to meet me andclosecontractswithteachers..tinstockafullline of Batterycessories.aNOTICEOFRE-SALE. Ry virtue of an orderof the Superior Courtoflredellcounty,made in theceedingentiffedR.T. come up may or may)ot po something.—The Land-; »theMONDAY,NOVEMitthecourthouse2o'clock m. el t ip He i t ? i ayis F FP L I ill in South Statesville,one-third WOOD SAWING. at the following prices:Pine60c.per cord;oak wood 70c.per J.A.PLYLER, —511— rs No.511. ;iWearethorou!aieese Batteries and eve fi Phoenix Silk Hose, Big Silk Values.Full lineblackfor$1.25;yard wide COAT SUITS—the kindWoo!Poplins,$15 up to $30, THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY policyhalders,bath MEW tea OLanopenone,andweinvite all ourcustomersandthosewhowilltousethesame iidontOurofficeis e808 9h 8 6 Oe Oe 6 66 OK 8 6 66:6 86 6 6)8CashmereHoseandSox,.....Great collection of Silks and Woolens.Ourneverbeensowellstockedwiththewan we an eeBAN why our ranges areevery woman's favorite,”’ THE FAVORITE STORE.:FORMERLY WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE. Sgee eee will and one No,54 if our 90c.,$1.25,$1.50 pair. 25c.to 50c.pair. DressGoods countershavetedcolorsandfabricsasnow. wideSatins for $1.50a,all colorsandblack,Twotables fine Twill and Storm black andBeautifulheavyCoatings,56 inchesw some colors and1.50. colors,50c.to#2 yard.,for $2,$2.50and$3yard.want—all wool Serges $10,$12.50 and #15. Ladies’and Children’s Coats.This lineis a wonder,Everyone aspecialvalue.Our prices ‘are belowthequality.KnitSpecial andSweaters,all colors,sizes,myard values in CostumeVelvets for $1 yard, customerswhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we willstrive to give thesame GH GRADE SERVICECompanytheofoversmaetenpatrons.“WE INSUREANYTHINGINSURABLE”andPAYALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT.—Wewillbegladto have you call at’our officeforanyinformation,or teserviceinneededWedoNOTARYPULICworkalso.J.F.CARLTON, xporting:ow thenthe,nifty sum of 7.30 was real-ize@;from 16,382 shipped lastyed?.This figures an averace oflhe,per rabbit—a net profit of 200perieent.on the cost.The crop wasbelewnormal,too,for in 1911-1912,216,080 were shipped from Siler City, the price,however,having been less in that year..ut 40 per cent.of the rabbitscaughtinChatham‘are ‘trapped in boxes and gums.The rest are shot.In the open season,November Ist toFebruaryIst,in most counties,the rabbits will average two pounds each.It is a strict vegetarian and és ae one of the cleanest meats obtainable.In striking con-tragt to the ‘possum President Wi!- sot receives from Georgia admirers, it eats no dead food..ie rabbit is by no means peculiarhathamcounty.There are 99hdrcountiesinNorthCarolinaandtherabbitcrop,like the blackberrycrap,is never failing.Probably m than 20,000 Chatham county rabbits were shipped last year.The hagyest was probably not less than 30, to at Thirty thousand rabbitsmetins60,000 pounds of meat.If allof‘the counties in North Carolinawopldutilizetherabbit,to say noth-in@jof other game,it.would meantheutilizationof6,000,000 poundsofgheat,which in turn would releasenearlythatamountofporkandvitforextothearmiesandeiaapoliition‘of Uncle Sam’s E n_alliesiththeassurance that everyitkilledandeateninNorthCaratreleasesforexporttotheysinthetrenchesandourallies©pounds:pork or beef,it is aoadkeanjonthataewt t will ¢®more prominent placeitheastfarethisseasonthanheeverhashadbefore. SS 38,000,000 Men Bear Arms. At least 38,000,000 men are bear- farms in the war 27.500,000thesideoftheworldalliesand600,000 on the side of the Centralwers,according to latest War De- rtment compilations from publish- reports in various countries.figures do not include naval Personal strength,which wouldmisethetotalseveralmillions.Against Germany's 7,000,000,Aus-‘s 3,000,000,Turkey’s 300,000 andria’s 300,000,are arrayed the,llowing armed forces:Russia 9,000,000,Prance 6,000,600, t Britain 5,000,000,Italy 3,000,-0,Japan 1,400,000,United States than 1,000,000,China 541,000,umania 320,000,Serbia 300,000,Bel-um 300,000,Greece 300,000,Portu- 1 200,000,Montenegro 40,000,Si- am 36,000,Cuba 11,000 and Liberia vO.San Rarine and Panama also havellforeesunderarms.Military experts do not regardesefiguresasentirelyaccurate,t believe they represent in roundmbersthecomparativestrengthofecontendjs#k armies as publishedently. Onions,Cabbage,Beans. Enormous increases in productionoffalloniewe\t cabbage and beans Ver tast year are shown in estimatesnouncedbytheDepartmentofAg-rultdre.Fall onion production isforecastat13,554,150 bushels,com-tere with 7,832,700 last year.The reaze this year is 41,300,against28,400 last year.Production of cab- have is forecast at 692,920 tonsa,com-red with 252,310 tons last year. ¢acreage is 73,200,against 40,- last year.Almost double the quantity ofHeansisforecast,with ‘a total of 15,- $24,000 bushels in the five principal growing States —New York,Mich- igan,Colorado,New Mexico and Cal- ifornia.A Shortage in Teachers. fithe State Department of —Educa- tien announces that there is the featest scarcity of teachers for the00sthroughouttheStatethis von ever known,It is estimated t as many as 100heplacedwithintwo hours if theyWereonlyavailable.In some placesteachersareofferedfairsalaries, >"the statement,but all too manv a®e paying something like $45 or $50 per month and then charging tepcher $20 or more for beard.So Many other =more —av-“of work are opened up under eee,conditions that few new teachers are taking up the work and manyeold ones have gone into otherwork, #™~VESSELS SUNK. Brith shipping losses last weektheresultofsubmarinesorminex gated 25 vessels,as against 18 hem yious week.British merchant cruiser Ora-.&vessel of 12,927 tons,has beenbyasubmarineandaBritishoverhasbeenlostinacollis- the There was no loss of life on the Fa,but only two officers and 21are=to have been sav-a -tpom ‘he atroe “4 have bee saved Sw for the DishmanMr.Ed. teachers could: tary effectiveness,”-—2 t blame or unpardonabpruderythatenduredafosteringevilratherthanhaveitexposedanderaditated.”“There is not an army in the fieldwhoseeffectivenessisnotreducedbyreasonofimmoraldisease,”said Secretary Paniels.“The navy sufferslikewise,and business halts becausevenerealdiseasesdestroytheman- hood of workmen and fighters.Dur- ing the last statistical year men of the American navy lost 141,378 dayssicknessfromasmallgroupofab- -olutely preventable diseases,or rather diseases contracted by —sin.This means that every day through-out the year there were 456 men dis- abled by this disgraceful malady. Add to that number those required to care for the disabled and we have enough men on the non-effective list each day to man a modern battle- ship.And this does not count those who,though diseased,were not dis- abled,or the evil of the loathingdangerofcontagiontotheclean members of the crew.- “In the navy in 1915 there were admitted for treatment for venereal diseases 112 persons in every 1.00), and in the army 84 for every 1,000, the number in the army having de- ereased from 145 to the 1,000 after the passage of an act stopping =thenayofallsoldiersadmittedfortreatmentforavenerealdisease, The new navy law stops the pay ofmensoafflicted,and will probably reduce the number to the army ra- tio.But these figures show a condi-tion of immorality upon the part oftheminorityinbotharmsofserv- ice that challenges the thought of the authorities.“In civil life the number afflicted is auvite as large proportionately as in the military service.“The remedy?There is but one—continence.It must be preached inthehome,in the school,in the martsoftrade,in the pulpit and in mili-tary camps and among shipmates afloat.The teacher who will be:heard and heeded when the teach-'ines of all others will fall on deadears,is the word of authority from) the medical profession.Young men expect ministers of the gospel to callthemtocleanliving.But the doctor‘s the man to whom they trust thetreatmentoftheirbodies.His wordshavenweightnootheradmonition possesses,. “You gentlemen of the medicalprofessiondealwithlifeanddeath.You bring the bedies into the worldandyouclosetheeyesofthedead.Yours is the ministering function,the intimate touch,and out of such relation you can enjoy an amazing power of suggestion Tell our vouths the truth.It is a duty IJaiduponyou.” Farmers and the Bonds. Gov.Bickett Wednesday sent the following telegram to every sheriffinNorthCarolina: “After careful study of the situa-‘ion T am profoundly convinced of two things:First,that the farmers of North Carolina are abundantlyabletoabsorb15millionsoftheLib- erty lean bonds;second,that these bonds represent the best investment the farmer could possibly make atthepresenttime.I urge you,there-fore,to redouble your efforts the next three days te get'as many of hese bonds into the hands of thefarmersaspossible.You have al-ready done noble service and are en-titled to the gratitude of the State, and I believe that an intensive cam- aign for the next three days among the farmers will place North Caroli- na at the very front in this great undertaking.” SHOOTING IN YADKIN. During the progress of the fair at East Bend,Yadkin county,Wednes- day,W.S.Adams,a special officer, shot a young man named Smither- man,who is dangerously,if not fa tally,wounded. It is said that Adams ordered Smitherman to stop cursing,thattheyoungmandrewapistoland snapped it at the offcer,and the lat- ter fired.An examination of Smith erman’'s pistol showed,it is stated, that two cartridges were dented but did not fire. _ARON CEES A RECREOTEN BLACK ROOF PAINT at SMITH- EY &FRALEY'S for only 25c.gal lon Paint your roofs befere coldweather.—ad. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFYTHESKIN! Make This Beauty Lotion CheaplyForYourFace,Hands! At the cost of a small jar of or-dinary cold cream one can prepare a full quarte;pint of the most won-derful lemon skin softener and com-|plexion beautifier,hy squeezing the |juice of two fresh lemons into a bot-tle containing three ounces of orch-ard white.Care should be taken tostrainthejuicethroughafinecloth©no lemon pulp gets in,then thislotionwillkeepfreshformonths.ivery woman knows that lemon!jnice is used to bleach and remove Neck,Arms and such blemishes as freck sallow-ness and tan and is cos“thes!shin|Machine,drassutpene®,wae and beautifier.ust ¢t!Get three ouncesorchardwhiteatanydragstoreoefromthemakeupaquarterpintofsweetlyfragrantAeslotionmassageitdaily-_the face,Much}bed honda a j intersection of Third North street and Ch tarrh,eroup,bronchitis or money beck. laste @ lifetime and extra bottles ofeanbeobtainedfromdruggistsfor only affewcentsSAMAPROPERTY.ening We,the undersigned Trust «in .ey of James William Brown,bankrupt,will’sell at public ovtery to the highest 'm the town of Mooresville,lredell county,N.C..am MONDAY,NOVEMRER 2,1917,hexinoing at 10 o'clock a m.,tm front of thePostofficeBuildinginthewwnofeethefollowingdeseribedrealestateofbernkrapt Let No.1 Beginning at an iron pin,Car penter's corner in Mooresville,N.C..in thecenterofMainstreet;thence south 48 dewreenwest231-2 feet to an iron pin,Brown'scorner;thence south 44 degrces east 191 feettoafironpinonBeown’'s line;thence north 18 dewrees cust 25 1-2 feet to an ivan pin,Carpenter's corner:thenee north 44 ———went 101 feet to the bewinning,containing 1.079 square feet,more or has,and being thelotonwhiehislocatedwhatisknownasthe Metiraw building.4lotNo.2 Beyvinning et a stake in J,WBrown's line in second North etreet;thenesnerth4%dewrees wast 11 fee.to a stake,aghtBrown's Metew jine;thence north 45 dewrees west 60 feet Ww na stake,Metehor Brothers Melchor's line thenee south 48 desrees went ISL feet to ¢ vin in Second North street,Hrown's earner: thenee seuth is dexrics cast 60 fret to a stake the beginning corner,containing 10,860 squmryfeetmore«»and being the vacant lot loented im the of the postotticee building in the town of Mooresvill:Lot No.4.Hewinning at a stake on theedgeofSecondNorth«treet,Mre.Wall's linethencenorth44dewreeneast165feetwithherlinetoastakeimMewhoo's line;theneenorth46dewreeswest65feettoastaninanidMetehor'’s line;thence south 44 degrees wes. 165 feet to a stuke on the side of said Seeond North street;thenee south 46 degrees cast 68 feet to the beginning,containing 4.075 squarefeet,more or lew,and being a vacant lotthovedescribed.adjoininy Lat Ne,2,Lot Ne.4.Berinning at an oak near thebranch,Maeckey's corner;thence north 46 deTLfecttotheeenterofChurehureeswest street:thence south 44 dewrees west 196 feet eorner en “oon on bees rear to a stake in the center ef Church street;thence south 46 devrees east 62 1-2 feet to @stuke;thenee south 44 degrees west 168 162feettoastakeinthecenterofThirdNorthtreet.thence south 46 decrves cust 128 feettostakeitmthecentercfThirdNorthstreet;thence north 43 dewrees cast 87 feet to tvoplarinthebranch;thence north 2 1-2 detreeseast209feetfollowingthemeanderthg”sf the center of the branch,to the begin.hing,containing 3-4 of an acre more or fests,On the above deseribed property are situatefivethre-room tenant houses. Lot No,5.Heginning at an iron pin,the retstreet,thence vorth 46 devrece west 280 feet |in the center of Third Nori)street to Brown'scorner;thence south |degrees west 158 feetonBrawn's line to Deaton’s corner;thenesouth46desreesemi222feettotheeenterofChurchsireet;theace north 44 degrees enat154feetinChurchstreettothebeginningcontainingoneacremoreorleas,On theabovepropertyaresituatetwedwellinghousesandabarn.Lot No,6 Bevinning at an iron pin in thecenterofChurchstreet,the cotton mill linethencenorth45dexreesvast15polesand 4feettoawstakeinthecenterofsaidstreetthencenorth44degreeswest133-4 poles to astake,C.K.MeNeely's corner:thence south15dewreeswest15polesand3feettoastuke:thence south 44 degrees enst 13 3-4 poles &the bewinning,containing 1 1-4 acres more oee.On the above property are situate fivetenanthouses,Lot No.7.Beginning at a black gum onthewestsideofWallace's meadow branch.Templeton's end Oliphant's corner;wert 34 4-5 ner;th poles to a stone,Templeton's cor.we north 11 poles to #stone,Oli- vhants :thence south 89 degrees west154polestoastake,Overeash’s and Smithcorner,thence south 45 poles to a stone or 2persimmon,Oliphant’s corner;thence *2.}.2devreeseast1polesto@stone,Oliphant’.corner,thence south 5 degrees west 61 polesto4stone,Oliphant’s and Brawley's cornerthencesouth64polesto@stoneonPlummer s |line,thence south 61 degrees east 164 poleto@stake,Viummer's vorner;thence soutt “8 desrees cast 12 poles to a stake in Ga-briels line:thence north 1-2 degree enst 20volestothebewinning,containing 125 1.)|acres more or lesa,and being known as th:8.S.Steele farm |Lot No.&Beginning at an iren pin,cen.ter of Main street in the town of Mooresviil: MeNeely s corner and running thence withMeNeelyslinesouth44deyreesemt1)fretfostoneattheedgeofSeeondNorthstroctthencenorth4%degrees east $0 1-3 feet |anrenpin,Browo's corner on Medygins’jinhenrenorth44degreeswest131feettoa:tron pin in the center of Main street,Brow, Powe ther orner,thence south 48 devrees west 30 foi |to the besinning On the above deseritin |vroperty is situate what is known aa |Postotties building of the town of Moorenyilie | with thi my owihl bee lot and the building ther:old all the fixtures located in sai huriding and in use by the United severamentforthepurposeofconductMestoffi:in the town of Mooresville,tures consisting of about 500 pustotiice |t orurnber of deeks,a large safe,ets »detayiedinventorytobeannouncedondayo |Brant |lot No ¥ :t |brie Revinning ati a atene,in’Bradiey's line:thenes t'dewres tet 6)2-2 poles to a stor RamcornenBrantley'’s line.then wouth1cheptreenwest134polestoastake,Ram y rfher;(hence cart 59 poles to &Stone irHowttey’s line;thence north &|2 dewrees east |1)gerbe to ~bevinniny,containing 5 |terex more or leas,Sai opm ":known as the Atwell Pag =|Let.No.10.Réwinning at a stake in MeLellandavenueinthetownofMooresmmerlyDi.Jomes Young's corner thence |rth 88 degrees west 368 feet to a roe kh,corneroftheletoftheeotoredBaptistehureh |thence south |degree weet 200 feet ton roeegrnerofthelotoftheeoloredBaptistchurchthencesouth88degreesenstHifeettythencetothebeginning,containingo10”an acre more or lew.On the abo.property are situate four «mall ten wyThetermsofsplefortheabovearaneen7 aes |as follows:On--fourth cash on day of sate 'one-fourth in 60 days,one-fourth in foumonthsatidone-fourth in six months withsconerevents,amd all of amieopertywi®Si ee,~to confirmation reek: At the «ame timeTrusteeswillsellthe Personal prope:lonwing to James William Hrown,Bonbrees,for carh,as a to-wit;Hope,tackle,cable and all toot 7bridge“used for removing bride bo 2 thenee |, |duilding Material on hand that was The prices don’t tell, Some shortenings will others. For instance: Many careful housekeepers have found that Cottolene..goes very much farther than other shortenings which they had been using. The reason? go much farther than It is very much richer. H 7 :.Cottolene contains no water.It is always uniform in quality. H You will find,too,that pure,economical Cottolene gives to biscuits,cakes,pies and fried tid-bits a delicate flavor that even expensive butter might well be proud of, ‘The snusual richness of wholesome Cottolene makes iis cconomy a truce economy. In baking,use one-third less of Cottolene than you have ordinarily used of other shortenings. Remember that the nc:t time you order from your groce:.Remeiaber,too,that he can supply Cettolene in tins of convenient sizes. Recipe for BAKING POWDER BISCUIT Into two cups of sifted pastry flour sift and mix one level teaspoon saltondtworoundedteaspoonsbakingpowder;chop in one level tablespoonchilledCottolcne.Wet to stiff doughwith',cup half water and half milk. Rolled 'y inch thick and cut with 2-inch biscuit cutter this recipe will mike about a dozen biscuits. Ciut_wx.FAIRBANKsoncany] Cottolene*TheNaturalShortening” Says that building can be done now is cheaply as it can be done for ears to come.C.WATKINS has Are talking louder than | ever if you don’t think so come and see for your yourself | ee Average last week Mr.Automobile 0 oo REMEMBER!We inspect Stor-ne Sele and furnish you They oe .- Statesville for high bought at old prices.Se long as it asts you can build cheaper now than for years to come.| Cc.WATKINS.;| illed Water free!AllBatteryworkisdonebyanex- prices. ‘ATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. |McElwee's Planters’Ware- house,Statesville,N.C. Flooring10,12,14 and 16feet long.Please specify lengths youwish.Ceiling,Siding,Boxing,Cas-ing,Baseaad Weatherboarding. C,WATKINS,’phoneNo.40. ial Be———RANGE FEATUREEeheead With Sopeininn Fk atore at <9ye eee refused sour BEND MALLEABUE becnuss ee tees ite mmallay aed eonstruction s should oi it’s oehoa alwaysconaider,beoannetee UnebakBahBESOUTHBENDMALLEABLEistheonlymadewithAluminumFusedFlues.ThisPatentedKeystone©makes THE SOUTH TEND MALCEABLE flue construction goodcoercomposes.THE 8O -BEND MALLEABLE trademark stands for morethanidentification.It represents fr range construction.Look for it on the oven door,In addition to the patented flue construction and the very highest'grade materials used in it throu it,there are many other im-partans reasons why TIik,SOUTH BEND!MALLEABLE shouldyourWewillshowandprovethesereasons,if Oa te you will call.THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE is the range of the Ameri-can family—neariy hal’¢.million kitchens in the United Statesarewiththeserangesandmanythousandsofforeignhomes,since they began tc make them,almost twenty yearsSuchanenormousoutputenableseconomicalproductwhinturnpermitsustoofferTHESOUTHBENDMALLEABLErangeatapricecomparingfavorablywithrangesthatdonotevenanTHESOUTHBENDMALLEABLEclass.Keep E SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE in mind and rememberitrepresentstherangevelueweknowof,or we would notrecommend‘t to our friends and customers. IREDELL HARDWARE CO. ee k a eemas eaeeaananorroamesemanne<a tenenaapareas COAT SUITS,COATS and DRESSES. We have just received a big line of Coatsin all the new shades,ranging in price from $15.00 to $35.00. Coat Suits from $12.50 to $45.00. Also a nice line of Satin and Serge Dresses, Our line of Shirt Waists are always complete.: See us before buying. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. science aiidicailaiana |s|FOR SALE!|s| 68-acre farm,one mile from Statesville,three-room dwelling,sma!l barn,well,fine boiling spring,40 acresincultivation;land level and productive,balance inwoodland,branch runnirig through place.Ideal place for truck farming and dairying. 119 acres of level,preductive,red land farm,fronting onpublicsand-clay road seven miles from Statesville;nice2-stery,7-room dwelling,located in a beautiful grove.barn and out-buiidings;nice orchard,with a variety of fruit;30 acres in meadow land,40 acres in cultivation, balance in woodland;near school and church. ERNEST G.GAITHER.Insurance,Stocks and Real Estate.Phone 23.Satesville,N.C. — i ThatKingof Kandies,NUNNALLY’S HasneithergoneUPinprice,norDOWN inquality. It’s the same deliciously rich and nourishing chocolate covered nuts,creams and other temp- ting varieties at the same old regardless of the largely increased cost of its manufacture. Fresh shipment just received.; POLK GRAY DRUG st seems CO.“On the Square. ye me:9 ris goongees Reve Walt ork . a.B. TOODWARD Jeweler. Nee nn es i | |natural obstacles ma e 7i s zHe 3 Z loads of greenish ore “tread thewearyway”to West Jeffersontherailroad;no longer is the °|tin-eovered hoarding house filled with|8 crowd of hungry men at =/meal.Only the huge heaps of|--black and hideous—the abandoned|dwellings,the rusting machinery,|verain to tell that man set his\of hideousness on God's fair erea- low underfoot tells it sometimes,too,|there are miles of walleries,theyme,in ithe mourtain’s heart.Rack of the fair,green meadows,with their shining streams,the\@lowing forests,the ranwes of less-er hills,stands “The Peak.”Sol-unchanging,-yet never thesame,un-named,un-namable,the“reat shape broods over the wide‘andscape,seeming to smile at man and the puny things of life.It is a great country,this,for alonelywoman,Wherever you choose0vo,yor walk free and unmolested,wrhaps for miles,through forests97evercountryroads,fearless,forwhowouldventuretodisturbawo-man?Such a thing,in the code ofthemountaineer,is unthinkable.These little homes,dowr in theeavesoronthemountainsides,havesentsomelonglimbed,clear-eved‘boys to do hattle for Uncle Sam.Be-eause they hated war and “didn't seewhy,”all the more will they do thejotern,savage,unrelenting fi¢htingjofthemountainmerwhentheyseeandfullyknew:some thines.Ashesentthemaffwithachingheartjhurningteats;but she filled r|«napsacks.made them more thi|than comfort bags.told them what|fine fellows they a!l were,and they;marched off to the strainsi“Tramp.tramp,tramp”!We sing it to the aqueen’s taste|down at the little school house,and iif the of Burnt Hill districtidon’t tell everybody why the UStatesisatwar,it is pot teacher's fault.There ‘tarchers in of |;are someCarolinawhodidnot)i wait for the President’s request to,teach their pupils patriotism.As|for those traitors who disgrace the-oblest and most ill-requited of pro-fessions,I should repeat the saying of Joal’s messercer Cuehi.in o-|ty to David's pitifal question,‘he young man Abaelom sefe’?“The omemies of my lord,the king,andalthetriseaeainsttheetodotheo hurt.be as that young man is.” |Amen.There sre times in this world.and manv of them,when nothing but Ho-'y Writ fits the case.and a traitor,aloverofourenemies,in the tenrch-‘er’s chair belones with Absalom,with Judas,with Ahithophe!,thejevmsellorsentfromSatan.1 reioice that Iredell.as tver.is‘oine her fall duty—and more.The Terd do so to me and more also,the lav I foreet to pray for her peace or |-ease to love her.Fver The Landmark’s truce friend,S.F.WATSON. War Won't Stop For Winter. Washington military exnerts donotexpectwintertohaltthegreatallieddrive,against the Germans inFlanders,although this doubtless de-nends in some degree on the severi- tv of the weather.Secretary Bak- er's weekly review of war onerationsdisclosesthebeliefoftheWarDe-vartment that plentv of material andmonwillenabletheBritishandFrenchcommanderstoovercome and continue to backward without |foree the enemy |waiting for spring. lary forees in Fi 5 the battle of Flanders andriuponthemoraleoftheGermans,the for the firstinexpedition-declaring thatthemen,after three months’inten- sive training,are in efficient fighting The reviewtimeuponthe A «|trim and splendid physical condition.In dwelling unon the importance ofitseffect war secretary declares it apparentthattheGermanhighcommandnlannedtherecentexpeditionagainst RooseveltBlindinOneEye. Col,Roosevelt toldtheother ~thathe hasn’t beenableto seeofhiseyesinceheleftthe friendly ballin“eae in é|Waite Housegymnasium.Thecol-. ot was,livelybout onewithcaptainof |with aiHi e a af i “Is —_— aeroplanelastweekanddroppedaingthattheywereonFortWayneandthento France.‘supnose the Liberty bonds aresellingfastdownthere,as dear oldIredellisalwayswillingtodoher’nart,We boys here have bought; $619,050,We are willing to anythingtohelpgetoldKaiserBill’s goat.1amnottheonlyTarHeelhere.TherearehundredsfromdearoldNorthCarolina. We have ai large number oftrencheshere,which are quite a cu-riosity for people who never sawanytrenchesofthiskind.We havehadagreatdealofinginthe tronches,as trench fighting is one of,the leading customs of today’s fight-|ing.We have with us several French offcers just from France.We boys have all the sport we canbaseball,football,and many others.handle,such as basketball,pool>We also have three large Y.M.C.A.’s,which furnish us writing mate-rial.books,papers and an entertain- ment every nicht.We also have re-licious services on Sunday and Wed- nesday nights.jWehavequiteanumberofsongswhichwesing.One of the most fa-miliar is entitled,“To Hell WithKaiserBill.”If you are ever aroundthisfortyou'll he sure to hear itWehaveinterurbancarserviceandthecarsrunevery30minutesfromindianapolistothefort.With best wishes to all of myfriendsofthecountyandtheeditor, too.TH .L.GANT..46th Inft.Supply Co. :SourStomach.Eat slowly,mastienteyourfood enses the sour stomach will disappear.docs vot,take one of Chamberlain's Tabletsimmediatelyaftersupper.ments are mont il to cause sour stomach and youomyfindhesttocutthemont."e Cough Remedy the Mast Re-! ALL ©LOVE “SYR-,UP OF FIGS”FOR LIVERANDBOWELS! It When Feverish,Cross,For Bad Breath orSourStomach! Look at the tongue,Mother!Ifcoated,it is a sure -that yourone’s stomach,liver and bew-els need a gentle,thorough,cleans- at once.hen peevish,cross,listless,pale,‘'t sleep,doesn’t eat or act nat-a.or is feverish,stomach sour,breath bad;has stomach-ache,soreSeiprontel“ef “Caldereia titeotulof“Califernia Syrup o'Figs,”and in a few hours all the—constipated waste,undigestedfandsourbilegentlymovesoutofitslittlebowelswithouteriping.pee have a well,playful child in.You needn't coax sick children totakethisharmless“fruit laxative”;they love its delicious taste and it al-ways makes them feel eplendid. Ack your druggist for a_bet-tle of "California Syrup of Figs,”which has directions for bebies,chil-dren of oll ages and for grown-upsplainlyonthebottle.Beware ofcounterfeitssoldherc.‘To be sure you get the genuine,ask to see thatitismadeby“California Fig SyrupCompany.”fuse any other kindwithconterpt. School Books The Brady PrintingCo. Has a Full.stock of all books used Graded Schools.They are sold for CASH. eatenerinpeterent e “-ao —— METALS.| Nothingcan taketheplaceof metals.We are sheet metal workers andwillmake anything| you want—tin roofing,gutters, valley tin andridgeroll.Let us |) i.isten wo me!If you want to drugebotth 35 iF Ly#2 g7 ft ad h H i 2 iF the nicest,gentiest liver and bow.j ever experienced,dron,spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tove under is i [ if ! of harmless|Dodson's LiverDodsor's Liver Tone tonight.Your ywereus ealome!iat or dealer sells you »59-cent!will tell you that Youcan restassuredfromthe mpeg ety eeefarmers,stockmenanddairymen BuckeyeHullswillmeet thantesknatiy en givtanyoubaltercemas.Leewaste.Notrouble. Te secure the bestresults andto develop the ensilage oder,wet iF }tHi :i We now have with us Mr.E.G.Davis,who is a compe-tent and experienced Automobile mechanic.Mr.Davis | had thirteen years’experience in general repair work. HE CANFIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO “A PACKARD,having rervedfour yearsas Repairmanon Packard and Pierce-Arrow Cars. If you have any trouble with your motor or electric sys- tem,Mr.Davis will be glad to examine it free of charge. Call at our Garage end let us.look over your battery, Will also gladly supply distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix.No- thing but first-class work,and at very reasonable prices. without cost to you. Always glad to see Automobilists. W.R.MillsMotor Co. qnoneErenwhee PICKARD’S, STOUFFER’S, It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to look at.Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your eyes. THE REXALL STORE, Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. HAND PAINTED CHINA} “The World’s Best” -TS NIPPON. Statesville Inn| Modernccnveniences.Bathsandcoldrunningwaterineveryroom. be ap oO.on WarmCorllvationa PETER BONA, and and owed Creswell, pepular songsaptlyparaphrazed te suit the occasiontdownthehousewith“Bring Back the Kaiser to Me.”Theaudiencerespondedwithinsistentapplauseandsucceededinbringing—the quartette for several en- The different speakers,in plainandseriousterms,impressed upon the people their duty as loyal and patriotic citizens,laying stress uponthefactsthatMoneyisasessential as soldiers in carrying on the war: that a Liberty bond is always goodfortheamountofmoneyinvested: and finally that it is a cuestion of lending the money to the government or giving it in taxes which must nec-essarily be imposed if the loan is not subseribed.Up to WednesdayMooresvillehad subseribed $37,000. The hich school department of the graded school has set s worthy ex- ample by taking a bond. John Moore,a son of the late Dr. N.G.Moore.left Friday for Char- lotte,where he entered the Horner school.He was accompanied by his uncle,Rev.L.L.Moore of Taylors- ville.Rev.Mr.Moocre's brother, Rev.Samuel W.Moore of West Vir- ginia,has recently volunteered as a captain in the army and has been re-leased by his congregation on condi-tion that Rev.|.L.Moore takechargeofthepastorateuntilhisre- turn Misses Minnie and Kate Temple-ton have returned from Lexington,where they spent several weeks withrelatives.Mrs.M.8S.Ozment left Wednesday for Charlotte to visit herdaughter,Mrs.R.J.Swaim.Ex-Sheriff Deaton of Statesville washereTuesdayonbusinesswiththeCarolinaMotorCo.Gabriel and Eugene Harrington have returned to Camp Sevier at Green-ville,after spending a short fur-louch at their homes here.Dr.and Mrs.Garrison moved hereWednesdayfromStatesvilleandhavetakenroomsattheoldhotel. Dr.Garrison will engage in the prac- tice of his profession.Rev.J.L.Smith of South Caroli- na will preach at the LutheranchurchSundayat11a.m.Rev.L. A.Thomas,the pastor,will preachinRowancountyforRev.V.R.Stickley. VERNIE GOOTMAN. Messrs.Eucene |, mine,but and in which you said you didproposetomakeanymore warlespeeches,|deemed oe incident clos-ed,and did not ——,that =» uation w dema any furtherattentionatmyhands. “But your reeent letter seems to treat my appointment of you as adelegatetotheNationalFarmers’Congress as some sort of an endorse- ment of your attitude.This viewofyourappointmentseemstobeen- tertained by some of your friendsindsomeofyourenemies.Your let- ter,and the contention of the friends nd enemies above mentioned,make it proper for me to state to you thecactfacts.The rule in the office is, that when delegates are to be ap- nointed to conventions of this kind, he head of the department of State government that crested in the subjects me before the convention, .list of delegates to be this list is ce of is chiefly in- that will suggests and rubber-stamped in the of-the secretary to the Govern- or without being brourht to his per- onal attention.This i precisely what.occurred with resnect to the list of delegates recently appointed Nationa!Farmers’Congress. !was out of the city and did not see the list until the names appeared in he naners. “tn view of your own constructior P this appointment,which,9s above sent, tn the tated,seems to be shared by both >friends and vour enemic an dor compels me te sav to you that I endorsing provern- in this hand J 1 to sav. ave never dreamed of your nttitude toward the ment under which you live. ‘oreme®erisis.On the other think,and have not hesitate that you are fundamentally,and,it enypears hopelessly,wrong.Your views on economic questions are as nsound and,in my opinion,almost as hurtful as vour views upon the wer,Instead of devoting vour snlen- did energies to constructive policies, nding to improve living condition rong our population,the net resultefyourspeechesistocreatehitter- ness and strife instead of a spirit of mutual sympathy and helpfulness be- veer the farmers and other citi- zens of the State.Indeed,you seem ‘>have fallen completely under the fluence of those two arch fanatics, Tem Watson and LaFollette,and in this way have destroyed your powertoeffectivelyhelpthepeoplewhore nt-rest vou have at heart. “Ido net for one moment question he sincerity of your convictions,and 'am sure thatvou will not question the fact remains,as cad it that vou have sim-certain, Local Court Cases.i thrown away a great opportuni‘.sty to he a constructive leader -the7%,B.Lindsay,white,was in the coblie theurht and life of the Statemayor's court for being drunk and This letter ix not confidentia!ani disorderly.He was fined $10 and eosts.He paid the costs and prayerforjudgmentastothefinewascon- tinued during good behaviour. Arner,the junk dealer;Ran Griffin and J.FE.Schenck,colored, gave $450 bond before Justice W.C. Moore Tuesday to appear in fredel!Superior Court for handling some wire that belonged to the SouthernPowerCompany.The aluminum wire had been in the Catawba river since the flood and it is alleged thatthenegroesfisheditoutandsoldto Mr.Arner at the latter's suggestionHarrisonTurnerandWalterMur- dock,colored,had a falling out Tues-day afternoon on the farm of Mr.RW.Fou,near Elmwood.It is alleg- ed that Murdock cut at Turner with a knife and that Turner went hon #fecured his gun,returned and shot a Murdock.'nd the other wack throu;rh his hat nd.No serious damage.Justie Lazenby placed them under $56 bondeachfortheirappearanceinIredell Superior Court AnAbsurd Report. A report rot a)oad in the north part of Iredell this week,to the of fect that the government hed put all banks not to allow env de ort withdraw his money nless he ?! bought a Liberty bond.Tt i some folks who had money or were much disturbed and that <>port would probably have startrunonthehankifthefell} been afraid that an attempt to d out their funds would prot ' bad matte wors« The revort was a!rideThegovernmentisa authority It has |!' the ge vernment }{to hey prosecute thew:the 4 Wouldn't lend the money bonis,tt ile ation a .folks wha} wanld he te pay it ‘ of which is true:! nified that nen that the vovernme seize bank deposis, Peterson's Alleged Shortage. Attorney General Manning hacalledontheAmericanBonding Company of Baltimore to make goodthemorethan$7,000 allewed short age of Ge-orge L.Peterson formerStatepropertyanddisbursingof eer and =assistant adjutant ver ral, who is now in the quartermaster’s department of the army.PetersonwaralsonotifiedbutatlastaccountbadnotreportedatRaleigh.His say the epparent shortare can he explained,and if any existsitcanbeexplained CHANGE AT Citar GREENE. The soldiers now at Camp Greene. *,are beine transferred tomysrepreparatoryFrance.Others are_camp,about 40,000 ways,and the greaterfthesewillbeunitsoftherep vou are at liberty to make uch ace of it as you may deem proper ‘Deenlv regrettine the necessity for writing you in this wise,IT ber to remain. “Very sincerely yours, oy.W:BICKETT.” Tv)Alexander is 9 serapper and his friends expect him to make an- wer to the Governor. oN eeree a eee Growth of Dyestuffs meee The American dye industry ha to only grown big enough to sup practically all)domestic needs, but is ow exporting imvortant mantities to other nations.In Inly arly $500,000 worth of —aniline were sh nned pbroad according »ficure published by the burean f fereiyn and domestic commerce ef the Denartment of Commerce Of all the industries created or eloned as on direet result of war nditions,none ha shown more inid provress than American dye tuffe,From oniv seven establish- ents in which528 people were en- gerd producing 6.619.729 pnounds al oan colors,valued at 81.126.- M,i SL.the industry haa devel.ped til}new it net only pplies he dom Jemand for enlo hut ‘|e fores mar rey eutral and allied caoun- .Canada Mex ier Argentina, 1 Brittsh Indian and Japan. The gov mer will suspend its Mor n,’order te 1,ot the en- th}Ohio.wester hipmenrt pla o hitamir domestic eda,ond t t each.seetion idered the light of the ircumstancee affecting it,a es Ten Germans Escape. I 'Hares Berg,who bLrought Appam t Hampton one of the 10,German ’1 from the alien’fetention cemp at Fort Meie‘Ga.Tueeéay nieht,bv tun»one of the I ngs.The aped hy me f a tunnel 100 feet long,which thev had fuy from under one the huildines 1 as sleeping onart of about 20 feet Hohe cor ‘hin !to a d hevond a sen try post on the ontside of a 'g which surround t}nrieo) mp. Leee PASSED THREE BILLION. it was estimated yesterdeyLibertyloansubscriptions t at Jarre had hiltion mark that in the eounreachedthethreeItishopedtoreachthe the, Good business positions are opening ms all over the country for bookkeepers and stenographers. Never before has there been such demand for office help.We have received hundreds of calls we could Many of our students have secured positions even before the courses have been completed.Unusual 'opportunities are open to those taking our shorthand and bookkeeping course.Our courses are planned to fit you for a desirable position in the shortest possible The demand for properly qualified office work- ers is so greatly in excess of the supply that there can be no question about your ability to secure a good position the moment you are ready.Write for cata- Can enter any time. not fill. time logue. .creme it aM Tey st Se delaate Greensboro Commercial School, vnc five billions by tomorrow night. Solid Leather Shoes—-none better.\4.M.MeKPE &CO,—ad. SRRET 119°OTSORETTSOSSpecialDemonstration of Dr.Blair’s Cucumber Toilet Preparations. We were fortunate in securing the services of a demonstrator of Dr.Biair’s Health Prepatations. the fresh Cucumber. For the next2 weeks, Ir.Blatr’s Cream of (acumber,pink and white;25e.to $1.50 jar. ‘s Blush of Rovcs: 2c.bottle. Dr.Blair’s Cleansing Cres 50 nd Milkweed Lotion;'-,bottle. ‘yr.Blair 25¢.iv 81 Cucumber a 25e.qf Dr.Blair’s Dr.Blair’s Hairon; ae.bottle. Dr.Biair's Colorine for Gray Hair; SL.00 bottle. Dr.Blair’s Shampoo; 2c.bottle. Dr.Blair’s Medicaied Tateum; D.Blair’s Dry Rouge in Vanity Boxes; Every article made from free instruction and advice will be given ai our Toilet Goods Sec- tion,as to keeping your complexion in a healthy condition;also insiruciions for keeping your scalp healthy and your hair soft and glossy ™m Qe |iw.DOK, Dr.Blair’s Liquid Nai!polish; bottle. Dr.Blair’s —Com 25. Se.ca Cucumber Bloom of and Astr@pent;jar. ion Soap; Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The StoreThat Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. bythethousands Established 1901. MAKE YOUR BANKYOURFRIEND. Don't look upon this Bank as a cold-blooded financial institution without a soul.It is made up of human beings,who are just as human as you are. We are interested in your affairs,and are vi- tally concerned in your well-being.Your pros-nerity is our prosperity—-WE ALL PROSPERTOGETHER' Don’t hesitate to discuss your business prob- lems with us and be sure we will help you if weean, WE WANT YOU TO LOOK UPON US AS AGENUINEFRIEND! YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!ANY TIME!COME IN Merchants &Farmers’Bank of Statesville,N.C.“THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” The Time For Argument Has Passed. The Time For Action Has Arrrived. Buy a Liberty Bond Today! And Then Another Tomorrow. Every Facility Offered. DO IT NOW! People’s Loan and SavingsBank. OS TS|THeLANDMARK’?ADVERTISERS ARE UP-TO-DATR. ~ $3 3 _STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,OCTOBER 30,1917. NOW IN THE TRENCHES.|THE FOODPLEDGE CARDS.CONCLUSION OF COURT.American SoldiersNowin the ‘For Food Conserva-|Remi riptior Judgmentin CivilTrenchesonBattlefront.tion Week and Its Mean-—ste,Fines Reduced andAmericansoldiersarenowinthe|ing.:400 in Excess of Max!Iredell Superior CourtadjoutrenchesinFrance.The following|Food Pledge Campaign week in —Total For the Coun.|ferthe term Friday afternoon,—statement et oo Amer-North Carolina was ushered in under Vy ialoc,Mrs Catt 'G|as «necclees "for eaten ees [Says the eet tay Lain nae ae |a tl of Liberty town|Wallace,Broa”Ge.va.'Woer.Carl E.as a neue or nstruction ¥rs y cing rv as ONS row Atesville .»&,iMafa32ooold,killed}®contingent of some battalions of |Food Teenen man tegen on soe bh 300i oontwosmallchildren.The|our first contingents,in connection!Day.Reports from many counties of =minimum allotment for the|from ee;=ns one Ge'he the result of a violent at-~a French battalions,|eState we Mat eohacanie meet.|3 ite eee ee.Ge “-".s Yount vs.J.Q insanity.Mr.White had not|in the first line trenches of a quiet ings were at the school houses ps '.?-Mrs.Si ‘arter;i for some time but only}sector on the French front,They |and that thousands of housewives Sherefore,ave $69,400 in excess —ae ———or twobeforethe tragedy did|are supported by some batteries of tookthe first opportunity offered to|of Reea Senet aad mare Gn|°E OE ne.G A.Cxtedees onditionromealarming.Sat-|our artiller association with vet-|pledge their co-operation for service minimum.ife.;Critche :mpkbersofhisfamilyhaderanVrenebatteries.The sector at home to win the ver ‘theallotment a i Beevite ro a sieatnhe nak ob can er d to his home to take some}remains normal.Our men have)8 was $63,000.subserip-|"8*eSefevencetehim.ada tedthomesives to actual jtreneh |ganized for this campaign and it is bok hep —total -:.we v Rankin &Co.and ThomasBrainedWithGun,conditions in most satisfactory expected that not only will the results h Which is §in excess.trvin,admini ‘of Fkillingoccurredatthehomemanner,”,|be far-reaching in 0 far as the say-|total subscriptions for Iredell oan,og ane Secam»father,ex-State Sen-onehnat “apinmeent was inoundin ing and omnes -of fvodstuffs ae,are $377,600,oo "|Charli_E.te,in Ellendale town-|Washington,Casualties among are concerned,but that a more inti-|¢xeessof the amount asked,immediate possession of all¥county,about two]American forces are to be expected.|mate sympathy on the part of the peo-|A Committee of the Statesville held faint’4AllHealingSpringsand|Reports from the front already |ple generally will be established,a Merchants’Association made a special thet tn Ervin ‘ie at ae ies from Taylorsville.The}*how intermittent artillery firingand |individual being shown by facts and|effort €ret every momber of the as-|y 'Holland gr Dorsett Fraley,and two little children were|®well-aimed shell may claim Amer-|figures that the service that may be}sociation to subseribe to the bonds|otal;piaintit takes voluntary non-with a gun,the skulls being|ican victims at any moment.There rendered by them at home is just as|and out of a total membership of 63 svit and pays costs.The brains of one of the}is nothing to indicate,however,that|important as the service that will be there ar GO subseriptions.States-;.quate fromthe wound,The eee eeon Tet,sam rendoved by the soldiers in the front =+omar oa —offatherfiredthegunonce,associa’8 ranks.Country distriets with good suc-‘of the shot took effect on the|to be expected,outside of possible “The service asked of the le cess.The vounty is well representedBofhisvictims.Both the chil-|trench raiding.The sector where |home is so claghe ani 80 nak the later subscriptions.pes ears,"Atwer_‘he|bon establinfedtwdecreas tne|Sta,Foed Administrator Pua that following Utof the art wbheofivers.our people have been slow to realize|s throug tesville banks:ied them the father placed|of the qu on the front.i nece:;National BankPbediesbesidethatof.The report from the front indicates rhe ieee =.ask a ee Satinerintons .reviously reported,defendant,plaintiffer,e coding a ok x oes ne mone Pa -ew.ui and the constmer of food will ey ;James $.Ward,cane costs.P ,=7 oo fe |help to win he war—and to win it}EB.e,;Thos.B.Swann,|J.A.ienti ,of the family,and he look-}final touch of ‘their preparation.The more quickly and with a ‘aia too —J.my i.nage W.G.~_L.Parca Pe E.Bro}0 ‘;Ohas.C.»$1,000;C.E.|Privett;plaintiff ;.Mr.i Mrs,White}Piying the front lines can be carried sidi 5 ‘the .‘ae ith interes from August«Mag The a eae on under actual war conditions and a Res :‘ae ee itells elon,nee ae e AL 3 w Webb vs é aad “SilPars_younaer than the vagy a treat at te ee e-|expect the fullest and most cheerful|¢xander,$100;Mrs.R,N.Penland,|compromised andieGaactyte.White wasled im every detail.How wide this |°o-oPeration,especially when one|$50;Louise Walker,$50;J.B.Gill,|docket.ered and taken to jail at]front will be,where on the long 'semembore tat ihe ee o mt ee 5 ey eh,en oe,Bakile,It was necessary to]it is to be located,and similar ques-|"°US*Wives to pursue ix the wise |ham R.Shaver,$50;F ee ee ames ot i Ebtpe in taking him.He’wasitions are matters ‘abet tude n,|course irom tee standpoint of econ.|$50}>©.Sarin.10s ne :posse rom January 1,1917,and‘4 d dike Watierios i.|sbaeudebion |;‘omy and health.”Brawley,$50;Mabe!Guy,$50;Mary|costs of action.down and slight injuries in a.is neruniiaes.|The pledge card which each house-|MeBlougald,$50;Vivion’Lipe,$50;|M.B.Holton vs.D.W.Ay wo ee ast seretine hurt.nae le *Re ee a.wife in the State is asked to sign this|Louise Walker,$50;Robt.L.’Reid.|action dismissed and costs;.i ©eir firs t fake .;Rebeetne =;iyhfFyv2‘ia sce a os aa feat teak the ae week is simple,imposing no onerous 7d.M.rtson,$100;W.G_|against =.&A or impossible obligation upon the h,$50;Walter Sharpe,$100;|J.D.¥vs.H.J.Brown; as soon aa possible of henor in the Sun@ay papers P reco $275 with fromBuriedinWataugs.abroad.with the firet American offi fner.There are no fees or dues to|©.F.Cass,$50;Avery Pelham Sher-|tiff recovers —5 te mae |cs :Deed be paid.The food administration|Till,$60;Annie Scott Marvin,$100;|January 10,1916,and aaste, rs.White was about 30 years|cial statement from Paris,and was tok Evelyn Shepherd,$50;M C JudgmentShewasMissLolaWatson,the|received with much enthusiasm in Wishes to have as members all of Alemander,850.‘wm.an —Snead,charged with hav ::7"4 -those actually handli vod iaghterofMr.Tom Watson,a well {London and Paris.—s andling food in the $100;David J.Craig,$5,000,|™uch whiskey,wasraetaewdteaPACIFISTHORSEWHIPPED.|The home instruction card,which|Wm.Roy Plott,$100;J.A.W.2 ng a $25 to $15..iiren were taken to Watauga Sun-|Herbert 8S.Bigelow,head of the contains in 4 nut-sheil the sugges:ley,$100;Mack Adams,$50;C.N,morning for interment omar Vir-|People’s Church of Cincinnati.one of |tions and advice of the food adminis.|Hayes and Miss Annie B.Hayes,$100;_nan as @ witnessHerfatherwasnotifiedSatur-|‘he leaders of the People’s Council,|tration,with a clear and succinct ex.|Virginia L.Johnson,$100;D.F.Ruf-en ee..ty evening of the tragedy,He came|Socialist and pacifist,was taken into |planation of the “wherefore,”will be|&:$100;Miss Mary Bell Hunter,Cotton Gin Burned.|Alexander and took the bodies to|a dense woods near Florence.Ky.,|presented to every housewife,even to|$200 W.H.ttunter,$50;Miss Luey|The cotton gin of Mr.J.L.Aberuga,the transfer being made}*hortly before midnight Sunday|those who do not sign the pledge Hunter,$50;Mrs.Lila D.Henkel,$50;nethy,in Forestanautomobiletruck.aight,tied to a tree and horsewhip-|cards.Those who do sign the pledge|Geo.BR.Anderson,$100;Albert M Chambersburg was,F Origin of the Trouble.ped by men “who wore longrobes!cards will be entitled to receive also Maeon Simos,$50;J.A.ed Thursda:|Mr.Carl White is 32 years old.He|and hoods,similar to those deserib-|®membership card in the food admin.B.Sample,$50;}and inery,£i near the home of his parents,/¢¢as worn by the renowned Ku istration.an »,850;Dr.Vance oe were a complete loss,Mr.A7andMrs.W.FE.White.Mr.L.O.|Klux Klan,”according to a report Nees Meeti t c House ;*.Sharpe,$50;O.W.lestimates his loss at abouthiteofStatesville,former super-|‘tom Florence.One of the leaders|cing al rt is Co.,$1,000;Crescent|with $1,150 insurance.The ginlentofIredellschools,is ajof the varty then read from a piece Fort the Y.M.C.A.WarWork.iH.8.Douglass,$100;|was an exceptionally good buirerandtherearefiveother|of naper he held in his hand:A mass meeting of the citizens of Mrs.W.A,Bristol,$50;W.H.Kim-|with metal roof,andhersandtwosistersliving.“In the name of the poor women |Statesville and lred it t ill ~/,$50;Mrs.Luch Chambers,850;Present cost of material,the esti-+When a boy Mr.White suffered ajond children of Belgium,this mans ie held ei!county willl J w.n,$50;Matte B.Lackey,}mate of the loss on building and ma-fevere fright which affected him|should be whipped.”ne held at the court house Thursday|$100;James 1.Elliott,$50;McLelland chinery is considered conservative.peply and for a year he wouldn't go MAY AID ITALY evening at 7.30 in the interest of a Bros.,$500;L.V.Simons,$50;Jno,How the fire originated is not>a certain room in his father’s a A i D ITALY.fund for Y.M.C.A.war work.Rev.|W.Guy,8450;R.A.Cooper,$450,known.It was diseovered about 1».While the incident remained|Italy's soldiers have failed to}P.R.McDowell,pee of the First}Total for First National,$125,000.|o'clock Friday morning,members ofhismindinhisyouth,it seemed |"heck the gnrush of Austro -Ger-|Baptist church of Melrose,Mass.,Commercial National Bank,Mr.Abernethy’s family being arous-pass with mature years and there |Mans and the entire line of the Ison-will be the principal speaker of the|Bonds previously reported,$84,-|ed by the roaring of the flames.no thought of impairment of his|20 is ‘threatened with annihilation.evening.Mr.J.K.Folsom,educa-300;Wm.A,Colvert,$50;John A.|There was no cotton in the build-tal condition.Later the trouble|Great Britain and France are re-tional director at Camp ’Greene,|White,$50;Mrs.John A.White,$50;]ing.One bale,the first of the sea-back in a mild form but it af-|otted to be taking steps to give the Charlotte,will also speak.No col-Wm.A.Colvert,Jr.,East Monbo,|son,had been ginned Thursday fortedhimsolittlethatfewoutside|shattered Italian army prompt and ection will be taken at this meeting.|$50;Francis T.Colvert,East Mon-|Mr.Billie Summers,who removedhisfamilyknewofit.About six|{u!!suoport.What form this aid The meeting is Most important /bo.350;J,Hall Colvert,East Monbo,|the cotton after it was ginned.Thepnthsagohismentalconditionbe-|will take has not been disclosed.mera ——attendance is urged.A yond ones &Lewis,$50;|gin was shut down about 3 o'clockmenoticeablyworse.He was mel-Ai Ge akc ‘ampaign 18 now in progress to raise;Miss Olive Gray,$50:Miss Mamie!Thursday afternoon and Mr.Aber-Retbely,wenk i tittle and be-DEATH OF MR.BOOTH.1 fund of $35,000,000 to finance Y.|Gray,$50;Carl.Lester,$50;Miss|nethy is positive the fire could note@excessivelyreligious.Thinking],Rev.J.H.Booth,a Baptist min--M.C.A.work in _the army camps|Jennie Morrison,$50;Dorman|have originated from the boiler or achangeofenvironmentwouldhelp,|ister of Catawba,died Sunday,in!and in the battlefields of Europe.Thompson,$50;J.C.‘Steele,Jr.,|hot box.is brother,Mr.Arthur White,who]his 73d vear.His second wife and North Carolina's part of this fund is $50;Geo.E.Hughey,$50:Gibson B.In addition to the loss on buildingfisinthebankingbusinessat‘Stony |“ive children survive Mrs.M.F.$300,000,The State has been divid-!Sims,$60;W.W.Turner,$50;Miss|and machinery Mr.Abernethy willint,took him to Stony Point to}Gabriel of Barium Springs is his |ed into districts and Iredell and Rebeeca Fleming.$50:Miss Lila J.|lose a season’s business,whieh willork.He made a good worker and|daughter.Alexander counties compose the White,$50;Miss Mariaddie Turner,|add materially to the loss,as gin-e was nothing noticeably wrong |=eee |Sixth district,which is expected to $50;Miss Blanehe Murdock,$50;/ning is quite profitable at thebouthim.At the end of three|Shouted,“God did it!_Coming down raise $9,000.Rev.L.D,Thompson,|Geo.L.Albert,$50;D.Matt.Thomp-|present price of cotton and seed.sks he went home,refused to re-|the steps he looked into the cellar,pastor of Broad Street Methodist{son,$50;Miss Elizabeth M.Orr,aantoStonyPointandhismental|°’idently looking for other vietims.‘church,has been appointed district |$50,Miss Mary Loretz Cowles,$50;Statesville Boy in Marines.dition grew worse.About a week |He then called to his mother,asking chairman to look after the raising of \.C.Blakely,$50;Samuel!V.Sher.The Charlotte Observer of yester-»his condition became such as to|her te come to him for five minutes.|this fund,and he is expected to have]rill,$50;rs.J.DeWitt Ramsey,|day says Comer Talbert of 8-'uneasiness.Last Thursday}Mrs.White and the children were|the co-operation of local ministers |$5;Rev.Ovid Pullen,Harmony,|ville,17 years of age,has enlisted in|fracturing the latter's7ehthewasupapartofthenight;|?In a passing buggy and sent to and committees in the towns and $50;Miss Bessie Louise Fowler,the United States Marine corps at}gan is in the Presbyterianahecouldn’t sleep.Friday night|®Neighbor's,while the others wen:counties in the district.;$50;Huett Flake Grose,Loray,$50;|the Charlotte recruiting depot as an|His condition was consideredwasworse,was up all nicht,|to the home of Mr.R.L.Downs for The local ministers,presidents of |Mivs Lillian I.Little,Statesville,R-|apprentice trumpeter and drummer.serious,but he is reported as improv-ed and wanted to talk on the}*88istance.There they got a gun,ihe Red Cross auxiliary and Civic]6,$50;J.A.Stevenson,Statesville,|He was sent to Paris Island,S.C.J ing now.ptures all the ‘ime.Saturday |°%*they had seen their brother fol-|League and the mayor met yester-|R-6,$50;Miss Lola Pressly,Stony|where he will be given instructions in “Roth Kimmons and Morgan wereninghisfather‘phoned for lowiner them,and called other neigh-|Jay afternoon to appoint commit-Point,R-1,$50;>Mrs.J.D.Croker,|music and subjects taught in the|employed at Camp Greene.It seemsrs.L.O.and Arthur White to|bers.;tees to push this work and the fol-Troutman,$40;L.L.Alexander.grammar schools.that Kimmons had continued to worknehome,as something would have .Was Taken.lowing organization was perfected:|$100;J.P.Alexander,$100;J,F.Some days ago Sergeant J.H.Nee-jat Camp Greene following his alleg- be done with Carl.Saturday fere-Mr.Newland Montgomery,armed Rev.L.D,Thompson district chair-Seroges,$100;J.R.Alexander,$100:ly of the marine recruiting depot infed assault upon M .He was ar-the insane man had his wife with a gun,went upon a hill to man;Mr.B.F._Stevenson district |Geo.A.Ayers,$100;James A.Hart-Charlotte,received notice directing|rested 4 ‘eschildrenputoncleanclothes|‘Vtech the insane man’s movements.secretary;Mr.Geo.C.Goodman,|ness,$100;C.A.McLelland,States-|him to enlist boys between the ages}Kimmons gave bend next and J go with his father and mother to|8"!sew him and went to him.He Mooresville,county chairman;Mr.J.ville,R-6,$100;John Jones,$100;D.|of 16 and 17 years to serve as ap-|Was released,Heis a Statesville man home of his brother.Mr.Parke|°@!broken his gun and dropped it Paul Leonard county secretary and}0.Cowan,$100;Dorothy |and Vir.prentice drummers and trumpeters.|tis home is on south Center ;fee,in the same neighborheod,for|*™4 Mr Monrtyomery allowed him to treasurer;Rev.C.E.Raynal city|winia Miller,$100;Mrs.S.B.Miller,|Tathert is the first boy to he enlisted |!t was reported in Statesville last. r.After dinner Carl,Parks approach.He shook hands With |chairman;Mr.W.L.Gilbert city]$100;Walter M.Miller,$100;John for this service at that station,week that he was in trouble jn Char-their father and mother.irs.Mr.Montgomery,told hire he was secretary and treasurer,The dif-|.Warren,Eufola,R-1,$100;PLC Tas |lotte,one report being that the maniatWhiteandherchildrenwenttcwladtoseehimandaskedhimtokill|ferent chairmen will appoint com-|Jurney,Turnershurg,$100;James Total,$52,700.~The struck was reportihehomeofMr.W.E.White.Mr.him.Mr.Montgomery caught him |mittees to aid them in the work.H.Bobbitt,$100;P.B.Kennedy,(ad.Merchants and Farmers.’not be verified.While the JitetalkedtoCarl.told him to}Y the arm,they walked a.few steps itional)Houston,ile,$100;Han-|}The list of subscribers through this |covanend on the 20th Kimmons,ac-his imaginatior,and go to work Mhis father and mother,but|Whole business of relieving and sup-of life.Surely our government,ourP,4 2 .eae ae ; ft ve r s } nd then Carl made a desperate cf-|Men Sent Back From Camp.foah Kineaid Steele,$100;Joseph Ha-|hank was reeeived too late for publi-|cording to the Observer's oe was S.weal be of viakt.fort to wet the un from Mr.Moni-|‘the local exemption.board has mov,$100;0.G,Sills,Elmwood,R-1,cation.The amoum previously re-|not arrested until Friday hTheTragedy.vomery.To nrevent this and pro-!inaily received from Camp Jackson,|$100;Mary A.Wagner,Troutman,|ported was $30,150,The last total Serereenecthimself,Mr.Montgomery knock-)°j!umbia,8.C..an official report on}$100;W.J.D.Bailey,Statesville,R-|}wan $8,400,making an aggregate Meeting Called Off. For the first time Car!showed ed the maniae down.inflicting a A ¥i demonstra in hi ".he men sent there by the local]>.$100;C.H.Knox.Statesville,R-|4,38,55oe|oy sc al —hen|Wound on his head.By that time|joard September 19.”An 1,$100;C.D.Moore,$150;A,W,|(tt!of $38,500._The food conservation astrauMotheadarrived,Carl was tied.)yon we ,i ohnson,R-6,$200;i °, oa ied hurriedly away the fa.{thers had arrived,Carl tied.non were sent,six were turned|Johnson,R-6,$200;Marquis L.Web-|I aa on aaesti-a ter ©=of trouble and went ovt |QU in to an automobile and taken to)jown on physical examination and|cr,Statesville,R-5,$200;Wm.M.f naaBpwatchhim.He saw him go to|/®¥lorsville jail bv his brothers,|../wo were exempted by the district |Clodfelter,Statesville,R-3,$200;J.It will be some days before the ae —_Merchants’Aaso-his home,get his rin and come back ‘ial uk ae an ae ..—"oe tn.“ene ae (aditenall banersine R .oan nt foe «Se wabecriptions =cation,the a’rows ™Sion look in the cellar at his father’s|sased no ferret for what usfeed ‘nan Stewart Smithson,cufola ;ea y ‘8 Ek tesville,R-5,3 |the Liberty loan is known.League met with Dr.T.se. .Apparently he was looking|yrosse!Nerewret be intel .William Butler Orren, Statesville,|Mre.J.B,me yd W.T.Row-/it is believed,however,that sub-|eounty food administrator.at"’©R-5.Rejected on physical condition:|‘and,Taylorsville,$1,000;Bloom-}.°°."‘‘Sr y lub S “:i Parks,oon tee that he could conquer the werld.|William |Melton Shoemaker,New|‘ivld Manufacturing Co.,,(addition-nae ee of gx,*F “aa on eet 4 ,time Mesars.L.0.and Arthur|*nt the Germans had done,he fiope:James A.Brotherton.States-|*!),$2,500,may exceed that.The minimum five.’om 8 e had arrived at the spring,|“Att.Would not be a circumstanceto |ville:James Coleman Galliher,Har-|Total subscriptions for Commer.amount asked was three billion but|to come to & GD yards from the tence,Tae what he wouki do if he was unre-|nony;James Cochrane,ile;|"ial Nati Bank,$94,150,the desire was that the quinerigtions ’“a ao and |trained.Leazar Barker,New Hope;Tony Eu-|People’s &Savings Bank,[total at least five billion,for thecamehouseAwfulScereattheHouse.gene Sherrill,Mooresville.This|Previously reported,$48,500;Mrs.moral effect,although it is the gov-nt cies cade controk,thio braun,|"ee"s that 49 stuck.Mille,caenae ied.&=Nannie |crnment’s.purpose.0 one”rol,|.ifs,:Mrs..R.Long,$100;|..zr.Parks,had gone to the home of |PROBABLY FATALLY INJURED.|1.Mi.Hill,Slot Rasteuont’2100:“tirelesshisfathertox*;At the Church street pailroad|Mrs.Vi Crawford,$100;FederalTherehe‘jetossing in Salisbury,at 11.90 yes-tTwifeterdaymorning,Western worst rioting Attorney Fekette. the aid teathhed ron and when John aude “ys -reiterated to t for Liberty bond meeting,5 placedarrest.Mrs.Brus turn-ed overthe keys to the hall.Themeetingwasledandeveryable-bodiedresidentwasforcedtoaNotabusinesshouseremainedagSeaneeytape © the Ili-at theintotheEastoneuirSt.is Seatle”det on the dayMayorMollmanLouispracticallyturnedfunctionsofhisofficeovertoCityCol.Tripp saidinEastSt.Louis early onwentatoncetothecity the mayor,in the hope ofthecivilauthori-maintenance of order.Themayorsaid:“I'm not feeling well.I 28streets, 3 me.Colonel Tricity athe best ied:“No, You'llFekette’s assistanceonthe ised not to go out onImightgethurt.ICity7AttorneyFeketteto said he returned tohallaboutnoonandasked to accompanyletourofthe city to findplacestostationtroops.The him on an I can’t do it.r have to get ‘along with or figure it outves.” Regulars For Camp Greene. The War.rtment has workedoutthesched the willbebetter thewinterweather and alsoNational under which regu-regiments,now .the posts they were sent for expan-declaration of war,|rred to winter quar-at Naténal army cantonmentsNationalGuardcamps.There thetedfromwillaidarmy The assi ments include the 47th, l e r nn n i z i picketing theatWashington,is supportingegcandidateformayor of Services were held last Sunday—the ov set apart by the President forspecialstationandyard,in memoryofofficersandmenoftheAmericanna-vy who have lost their iives in the’war with Germany. J.H.Kimball of Deposit,Md.,waselectedpresidentoftheFarmers’Na-tional Congress,in session at Spring-field,Mo.,last week.Kimball suc-;ceeded Dr.E.H.Stockbridge of At-lanta,who gave Secretary McAdoosomebacktalkabouttheLibertyloancampaign. A.L.Sugarman,a_prominent So-»eialist of St.Paul,Minn.,was foundguiltyonanindictment.charging“seditious remarks tending to causetreason.”8 were madeinregardtothedraft.He was sen-tenced to serve three years in Fort Leavenworth penitentiary. Capt.Francis T.Bryan,UnitedStatesarmy,fetired,said to be theoldestalumnusofWestPointandof the University of North Carolina,died at his home in St.Louis Sunday,aged 94.He graduated at West Point in the class with Geo.B.Me-Clellan and others who afterward be- came famous. More than half of the $5,000,000estateofMrs.Maria Antoinette Ev-ans,widow,of Robert D.Evans ofBoston,Mass.,is bequeathed to char- itable and educational objects.Tus-kegee Institute,Ala.,gets £100,000 and Hampton Institute,Virginia, $25,000.Both these schools are fdr the negro race. The crew of the German gunboatEber,which has been lying at theportofBahia,Brazil,set the vesselafireSaturdayandsunkit.The Bra- zilian government having declared astateofwarwithGermany,orders had been issued to seize the Eber,but the Germans sunk the vessel be-fore it could be seized. The board of bishops of the Metho-dist Episcopal Church (North)in an-nual sesion at Atlantic City,N.J. upheld the entrance of the United States into the war and in a messagetothepeopleofAmericaappealedforsupportofPresidentWilsonandthe government.The message said heavy taxation was justified and pleaded foravigorousprosecutionofthewar. SL ANNAN ATS German People Face a Winter of Suffering. of prayer—in every navel ship,the $8 li ca + es 4 3 2 3 m g2: ;| fs i fat;weof|swer the world’s a winning of this war than a she!!.”As to wheat the administrator saidtheallies’deficiency 6f is 196,000,000 bushels,wit s of577,700,000 bushels required to main-tain normal consumption,esti-mates the aggregate American,Ca-nadian,Australian,Indian and Ar-gentine export surplus at 770,000,000 bushels,but points out that lack ofshippingmadeitnecessaryforthiscountryandCanadatobearthebur-den of meeting the allies’deficit.“The problem is thus simply one ofships,”he said.“If ample shipping existed there would be no need forsavingincreasedproductionofwheatonthepartoftheAmericanxeople.But if we can produce econ-omies and stimulate produetion intheUnitedStatesandCanadaa vill enable us to feed the allies abso- jutely from this continent and thus enable them to live without sending\ship farther afield than our Atlan-tice seaboard,we can resist the sul- narine indefinitely.”Placing the United States wheatexportsurplusfromthisyear’s crop at 80,000,000 bushels and Canada’s at150,000,000 bushels,Mr.Hoover urg-ed domestic economies to increasethiscountry’s surplus to 150,000,000 bushels. State Prison Warde:Convicted S.J.Busbee,warden of the State prison,was convicted in Wake Supe- rior Court of assaulting R.iSmith.a white convict.The warden was fined a penny and the costs.Smith claimed that he was whippedforshowingtoanotherprisonera newspaper clipping which ridiculed some fhings about the prison man- agement.After his term expired—he was in for forgery—he startedtheprosecution.The warden claim-ed that Smith was whipped for as- aulting another convict with a deadly weapon.Marks were also setagainstSmith’s record so as not toallowhimanytimeoffforgoodbe- haviour. PLACE FOR SKELETON UNITS. Officers ana men left in National or aabhadd i dobudaa*ahabianl Dh thasst (cht LEANED?FDI ann th pile ‘ee atti),AL,Uilabidlh hesdaichii fF Ts2)uid didadasi Five-Passenjer Touring Car or Four-PassenjcrFleurdelys Roadster $725 Sedan,$1095 Sedunet,$845 The name Dort stands for high manufacturind,ideals —fo>a Rreat business builtandmaintaineyonhonor. Dortdollar-for-dollar value that measures up to every spoken and printed promise. Oar name stands for frank and courteoussalesmanshipwithyourinterestsfirst in mind, Our methods insure a continuance afterthesaleofthesameconsiderationthatmadetheoriginalpurchaseapleasure. Dort—Plus ourselves stand fur motor car satisfac- tion in this vicinity. YOUNT &ALEXANDER. cars worthily bear the name—a PHONE 41. FLL LATA LeLMMLLo ccd dA AAA a OSTEOPATIIL.. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. 7th,.59th,60th and Gist ;Guard regiments which have been an “Son now at Gettysburg,Pa.,A dispatch from Copenhagen,Den-heavily drawn upon to fill up other OFFICE OV ER and the 30th,38th,39th and 50th in-mark,summarizes from German organizations will have their chance|Merchants’&Farmers’Bank. 7 fantry,at Syracuse,to Camp Pewspapers some of the things the at the front.The War Department e ‘Phone,324;House;Greene,lotte.German people face for the winter,!plans to use all these skeletonized |"Phone,279 Green. Under the orders the 17th,22d,'**follows:units to form a reserve in France 27th and 28th aero squadron,United|There is only enough shoe leather from which General Pershing ma States army signal corps,will be for the use of miners,iishermen,ca-draw to keep his fighting forces al- transferred from Toronto,Canada,|"#!workers and a few allied trades.jyys at full strength.to Fort Worth,Texas,for winter The manufacture of leather footwear|0 for the rest of the population willsoonbesuspended.They will have|to get along with wooden soles andclothuppers. There is a big shortage in vegeta- For it cooks and bakes de- licious things to eat--re- training. Colored Woman a Patriot. Wadesboro Ansonian. Are toundinthehome.Good Ellen Sturdivant,a colored woman bjes and no hope of any material im-|plumbing makes the long hours |@ quires little attention and of W ro,has set a fine exam-provement in the fresh vegetable )|spentby the wife at a home al!eple.subscriptions were being supply.The turnip must again be ‘ia few repairs.--and savestakenfortheRedCross,she sub-one of the main stays of German diet ‘|pleasure ~—such a pleasure that1 :‘seribed and paid $5.Then she vol-this winter,although to a less degree |||enough fuel bills to pay for ——°t ‘Se cows to a than last year.nothing else cangive P yshirtsorsewingroom,an The fuel problem has not been °q she laundered.Now she has sub-colved,deuvite all the efforts made Philadelphia,Pa.—‘‘One year ago r anew dress every year.eas “a scribed for a $100 Liberty bond and for its solution,and the city popula-Wasvery sickand Isufferedwithpains W.E.MUNDAY tkshewillpay,too.That's helping the tions may expect to notice the re-sideandback Mer .If you have to fuss around the fire in your rangegovernmentwinthewarandshecan’suits of this fact keenly from time nearly went ||Your Plumber,14 E.Broad St.|—enjoy the owenk coneciousnese of to time."The |coal commissioner I went to Phone 55.trying tokeep the oven a even--turning, vingdone .rophesies that the pinch will be felt '‘.‘i—:eee |pansup and down,fromonesideto and(And that colored woman puts to here and there within the next few I hed |==pu ’shame many white women.She has days,.‘* much less cause,for many reasons,\‘The railway administration of »=—-wi eA pony get a Favorite Rangenow. eo Come and see us,and we willtofeelcalledontoservethecountrythanthesuperiorrace;but it is her country and she is doing her bit). TLRPEERS What the Women Can Do. Mrs.Bickett,Wife of the Governor. The women of North Carolina candenythemselveswithoutmurmurorcomplaint,for the blood of the six-ties flows in their veins,and to do ordenyforthoseweloveisourherit-age.The artistictask before us istocutthefeedofthemenwithout:it out,and so camouf-that the “lords of thewillsmacktheirlipsovera-steak while they are annihi-a bricket;will prize corn frit-above flannel cakes;scorn oys-for salisfy and glory in poundeakeguiltlessofbutterandeggs. *Brazil Joins the Entente. :The Brazilian chamber of deputies, an almost unanimous vote,has de- tell you more of thereasonswhyourrangesareeverywoman’s favorite.COOPER FURNITURE COMPANY.THE FAVORITE STORE.FORMERLY WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE. Saxony announces that railway trav-el will not be allowed without special permission.Finally,after the fashion plates for winter are out,the government has decreed that women's skirts must ibe made with a reduced amount of material,which will necessitate theirbeingmadebothshorterandtighter. SRSA EMER Planned to Invade Brazil. The publication in Buenos Aires ofadispatchfromRioDeJaneiroas-serting that the Brazilian foreignministerhasmadeknownthattrans-|lation of dispatches sent by CountvonLuxburg,through medium of theSwedishlegation,while the count|German minister to Argentina,re- vealed a project for a German inva-|sion of southern Brazil,caused a | sensation.It was reported unofficially iastFebruarythatbandsofarmedGer-|mans,presumably sailors internedin |andam would FRESH PREPARED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR|as a young gir!Ihad suffered withinsidesatperiodsandwas| i THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY preciates the very liberal ofitsbothNEWandOLD.open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire..Asinthe a e doctor had|two more daysto make | I sent my husbandtothe|atonce for abottle of LydiaCillowntnecomematced«chang aod ig ? i F= B2 : onlythatastateofwarexisted|Ar@entina,had crossed the Brazilian|knowof mycure.'’—Mrs.Tnos.McGow-| mybetween::border and that lan of tions s@Ab,$482 HartvilleStreet,Phila.,Pa.pas'stri thesamevoteomte.to ta The virtaniag in southern Brest,where there is °—:.—Our Government has taken the t,we will ve tounanimousvolewasreceivedwith!#ree German element,threatened.Bad Stomachs output of factories that make [/m.HIGH GRADE SERVICEacclamation.President Braz|Se Busin Fai ae Te aedtheproclamationofaDurhamMillionaireWeds,ess Failures'|WhatUncle Sam thioke of that beewan,Der Cite CaeaeesSee Conan ‘ war ...*-ey more fa not 7of“b Germany.si as i,Om.W Watts,Durham mail|1m thi dey of Miah eficeney more altura SGdaate 7 confidence of over seventeen patrons.a | destroyers have received married at the home of the bride's“ihe"sure.Nothing undermines he :fo proceed to Bahia and take sister,In Syracuse,N.'Y.,on the tum the enerny and vedore amon”ana/]TAM MRRDEL,VULCANIZING=German n ,.Wa was a widower.|SUPPLYCOMPANY. He PRICE LOWCONSIDERING QUALITY! It is not what a suitcostsyou,but “howlongitwillwearholditsshapeandbestylish.”Let us take your order fora*NEEDLE -MOLDED ” SUIT OR OVERCOATTailoredtoMeasurebyTheGlobeTailoring(Cc., Cincinnati. And you will get moreMONTHSofwearper DOLLAR.The abso- lute limit in the de Luxewardrobeofagentle- man.An enormous va-riety of patterns, EVERYTHING GUARANTEED.SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECOMPANY. 104 Broad Street.| New GeGoods Arriving || eeeeeteeetmnee ee emne Prepared Suckwheat Flour,Maple Syrup, Sour Pickles ii bulk, Prunes,Raisins,New Corn Meal and Home- made Molasses.Shelled Walnuts and Shelled Almonds. Phone 89. Eagle&Milholland 0.10,Gov.John G:Townsend,Jr.of Deleandhis =&+at over, =, Beginning at noon tomorrowbellofSt.John’s Lutheran ebandprabablythebellsofother |‘Btatesville charches,will rhey for |five minutes in recognition oi thefourhundredthanniversaryofbeginningoftheReformationbyMartinLuther.A proclamation =“The Joint Lutheran CommitteeCelebrationofthe‘Quadricentennial|‘of the Reformation,”reads as fol-,lows:“To the LutheranUnitedStatesand Canada:“When Martin Luther nailed his'Ninety-Five Theses on the CastleChurchdooratWittenberg,thestrokesofhishammersignlaizedthebeginningofanewera.It is re-.ed,er that on Wednes-| ay,October #1,1917,beginning at, ,noon and continuing for five min-|jutes,the Lutheran churches in theUnitedStatesandCanadacaw‘their bells to be rung,as a fittirecognitionofthehourfourhunyearsagothatpreparedthewayfor civic and religious Gorey.“Ni.A similar request is beingmadebytheproperauthoritiesofotherProtestantchurches.” Sophomore Class Flower Show. The sophomore class of Mitchell College gave a Flower Show yester-day afternoon in the College Library for the benefit of the Library.A silver offering was taken at the door and quite a good sum wasmade.The library was wonderfully, beautiful with chrysanthemums‘arious potted plants.The local rreenhouses contributed a number of very fine flowers,which weregreatlyadmiredandwerereadily sold te eager buyers.The reom was made attractive in a color scheme of pink and green,the class colors, The guests were served with tea and sandwiches during the afternoon.From beautiful booths in the hallcandyandsouvenirsweresold.The evening was enlivened by musie ren- dered by members of the class.Ribbons were awarded for the finest specimens of flowers to thefollowing:Mra,H.W.Clifford,finest cutie and yellow ehrysantiemums; R.L.jasson,finest vase of cerpaspaheenegees Mrs.Orin Tur-/ , Conysrioht t The V'volce Materials, Velour, Pom Pom, Plush, Broadcloth, Burella. in by Swilore Colors. Taupe, Oxford, Green, Blue, Brown, Burgundy. Mr.W.M.Barringer, plant. The faculty of Mitchell College acted as judges in this.contest. Geo.Fowler’s War Bit. Master George Fowler,1li-vear- eld son of Mr.and Mrs,J.C.Fow- ler,has received recognition for his, bit for the war.George knitted a sweater,muffler and wristicts,which he forwarded to the Red Cross at Washington,D.C.Mrs.Z.Wells Reynolds,ef the Woman's Advisory Committee of the Naval Auxiliary Red Cross,acknowledges receipt of the articles as follows:“You have no idea how delighted we were when the package came. “very one has admired your wonder- ful work and are very anxious to have a photograph of you,as itwou'd help in this wonderful.work for humanity,in writing a sketchy about you and the work.I am not supposed to write any personal let- ters,as IT am rushed for time,but lid want you to know how much your werk is appreciated.I am having your work put on exhibition ron couple of days,when it’will be sent as you directed.” tinest potted’ in Kentucky. letter to The Land Johnson,writing OW at Pinevilie,Ky.,of October 28,says: “As a matter of news,will t we ure having real old wi Pow It began snowine here about 12)o'clock today and has been snow men preater part of the afterno 1 hasn't been sticking very much here in the valley,but the mountai: tops are covered,This seems some what unusual for me,being a Tar Heal,to see snow in Oetober,but will ay that we like our new home fire Am wind to say that the strike i !in this section and the m »all back at work and are putting t a vast amount of coal.” Snow usines 1 Latt m 1}say iter and for out nersStyle must see them for Near Auto Collision, W.H.Cornelius eame nea a serious automobile accident S afternoon,On —the Sa the neighborhood of Fin wood,he met another car whe road is narrow Mr.Cornelius doves not know who the other fellow ts,but says he did not give his share of the road.To keep from wre«the ears Mr.Corueliva pulled too far out and a front wheel of his car struck a telephone post,damaging his carHewasnothurthimself.The other fellow never stopped and probably was not aware that anything had hap pen d. MR.MEACHAM BETTER. Mr.F.T.Meacham returned Sun-day from Raleiee,where he had beenwithhisson,tr.Frank Meachamwhoisseriouslyillinthehospitathere.Young Meacham’s conditionisbetterandhopeforhisrecovery ia entertained. HAVE ARRIVED IN FRANCE. Relatives here have been advised ofthesafearrival,somewhere in France.of Erskivie Johnoon,son of Mr.N.W.Johnson,and Jno.D.Patterson,Jr.son of Mrr Jno.1.Patterson,Sr. You your self.oy day roud,inWithnewonescomingand many going out each day, our stocks are always kept in the finest condition. Preach and Practice the “Gospel of the clean Plata,” ne |RAMSEY-BOWLES- MOREIION C0. et te ON ~1 ;corps. a MtTe fi reB48,Baa We ae a)NDERWEATaa Tas bsPR)!By ah i UmnamedA th. Church in the |, ner,finest trio of chrysanthemums;g@eunty organizations, deop sea ai sia.navy, ’izing of a y Sunday =~~ Dr,wa ‘perthashingtoncorrespondent Of the Co-ne (Germany)Gazette,is on hisWaytoGorman.having been deport-.bv the government.The order of|Sie een followed Dr.Barthelme's |recent arrest at Wichita,Kansas,forviolationoftheregulationspertain:|jing to zones barred to aliens, Amid great cheering and scenes been witnessed in Richmond,the ne-gro drafted.men of the city,410 in like of which have never before | ie fumber,marched in a big parade to f the station to board a special trainforCampLee.City and State offi-cers took part in the parade,which was led by a police escort and the'John Marshall high school cadets. ocakech <GRAAL A CRESTS Three in Auto Wreck —Com- ing to Statesville?A disastrous automobile wreck onthenationalhighwayinthebusinesssectionofSpencerSundayafternoon, Says a dispatch from Spencer to thedailypapers,landed Miss Lillian Key,presumably from Danville,in a hox-pital,D.8.Rimer of Kerncesvile andArchieMeDunnofDanvilleinRowancountyjailtowaitanearingincourt The accident oceurredeerConradofSpencer turned a cor-ner and his machine was crashed into by the visitors,the Ford machine be-ing driven by Arehie MeDunn andownedbyMr.Rimer.Mr.Conrad and femily escaped injury,though his Chevrolet car was badly damaged The woman was not dangerously hurtAftertheaccidenttheofficerspick-}ed up two suit cases,six jugs and twe bottles which it is tained liquor and a mained in one of the bottles. nice ladies’hats were also in the street, millinery establishment at Danville.Va.Officers state thatwereapparentlydrinking.Their tall was confusing.Rimecr said he had been to Dunville in his machine andhadagreedtotakeMissKeyandMe-Dunn from that place vo Statesville. Y.W.C.A.War Work Fund. avreetl had con- both mer ic when Engin- small amount re-|| Three | packed in a wrapper from a | _A large number of men from va- rious parts of the State held a con-| ference in Charlotte Friday at whichplansweremadeforNorthCarolina's part of the campaign to raise $35,- 000.000 for the war work of the Y.|g secretaries jM.C.A.Chairmen and for the 19 districts into which NorthCurelinahasbeendividedforthe campaign were announced and the amount each district wil!be expected to raise.Each district will havewithachair- men and secretary in charge ofcach,and there will also be specialorganizationsforcitieswithpopula- tion of 5,000 or more.North Carolina«asked to subscribe not less than300,000. Changes. Mr.Julius Whuch of Trovtman hatakenapositionwiththeMerchant: &Parmers’Bank,suceceding Mr Fresea Brown of Tr man,who ha gone with the (Charlotte Bank,Charlotte. Mr.T.J.Reddick,who has beon janitor at the Federal building fer some time,wil!five up the first of November and return to his former position as shipping cler) “—the Imperial Furniture Co Woman's Missionary Unien of st Preshytery of the Asso- ‘inte’Reformed Presbyterian Cherech, vhich met in Chorlette last week, wilt held ite next meetine at York, SC.Mes.D.A.Garrison of Gasto- nian was re-elected president. out er Local €ourt Cases, Hub.MeLeliand Stockton,colored,were tice Lazenby Saturday m the lands of Mr.1 MeLellend paid the cost an waa discharged ye Walion,colored drunk and orderly;fine &2.0 and costs,The aver recuire|)kim to vay hts wif: ’Hub Mel «!'‘calore al, ised with the «»being drunkThos,Watis,whire |»much ouoer in¢ide an , oken awa vorned to kee MPORTANT Important development pending in the reat war, Baker indicat i"*last weei.' frontk,which rief statemen'tha ef the America or have taken their nla t'e fremt to complet This is the W:I> mention of —the Vershing's men line, Eurenedusand before for hunting DD.Shaford and Stock we Wa EVENTS IMPEND. operat) OMING imum ¢neratut ‘ norther (pete Denver °COLD WAVE ¢ With a mir12degreesbelowWyoming,and th west te rature on orecord at Pu and Pocatello veaterdas momting.the wenther bureau issued a special cold wave warning indicatiog&decided fall in temperature for the Ohio valley,weetern Tennessee notthe?n Mississippi end nerthgrnAlabamalastnight. ALEXANDER'S SUBSCRIPTIONS.The allotment of the Bank of Hid- denite for Liberty bonds was %4820Thisamountwosoversubscribedby $500,@ subscriptions received by the Bank of amounted to -The Bank of Alexander at Tay-loravill®sold its allotment—.#29,400, E GUAR DRILLGoardmiatthearmoryheforitsfirstdrill,AboutheafthememberswereatsD.M.Avsley wastoattend.Lieutetiiaedcheryofthecom:' Stony Point eae work the ; Nationa!| CANFURNISHCtocevowFLUSHwith TOP v j The range peddlers are in your section.They will go to sce you te sell you a steel range.They getenormouspricesbecausetheirexpensesareexceedinglyhighandtheyusefireteamsandwagonscostinglotsofmoneytokeepup,hoard and ship.The _slick-tongued salesmen make big noney.Just size up the whole out- fit and imagine the nig expenses that they m be 4 der.Why pay their expenses by paying from to for a range,when we will guarantee to.sell you a muchbetterrangeforlesmoncy—THE GREAT MAJESTIC |RANGE?‘eG oe NOW WE MEAN BUSINESS!If we éan’t”prove to you that the Majestie is a better range and.sellittoyouforlessmoneythanthatsoldbythepeddlers,we will pay your expenses to and from our store and buy you a big dinner for your trouble,or DONATE PRICE OF A MAJESTIC RANGE TO ANY CHU,YOU NAME! WE WILL GO FURTHER.We are going to give you a handsome set of enameled and copper ware, every cent of $8,with any Majestic Range you,buy the peddlers are in tnis vicinity.This ware posit) ix the best that ean be bought,and will be given onlyiyoubuyaMAJESTICRANGENOW! REMEMBER,we are not strangers to you.We will be on the ground for years and years to come,while ihe peddlers will be gone after they have secured yourmoneyornote,DON’T LET THE.PEDDLERS UN-LOAD THE RANGE IN YOUR YARD OR SET IT INYOURKITCHENUNDERSOMEPRETEXTOROTH-ER!They will go io any extreme.Above all,DON’TSIGNANYTHING! Yours truly, |Lazenby-Montgomery Saslieate 00."| hismwememeo eeeeD ; ve ts TRY oO ii,bey 2 a~ HEATING STOVES. iy to fecl like having fire these crisp,cool morne fall,we have thot ere supreme in their class,THE JEW- AND BASE HEATER!There is ‘ing cither of these ©:ves—they ad have sustain- hy of fuel,large ijeng life.YOU CAN'T Go WRONG YOU PUT EIN ONE OF THESE HEATERS! Beginni ings.If you necd ©Heating Stove this two brands EL RASE BURNEK no experimer have ed their hea stood th any s@asona f supremacy merit mnomy fingg eapacily¢ Sem a ene came am teenae ate ea neaee ——ee aeee ele ‘The Most Exquisite Prep:ration “Known | For The Skin,Is | Hall’s &!vcevine Lotion. Cures Chapped Hands,Irritated Skin and Excellent for use after Shaving. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT HALL’S DRUG-SrOne, aie vd benteda2.;a aeetter ‘ So weet :a elleeaali De a ae ia a Cs roa ;i E m i t ee d e s t s M i t ii <me er . erence aeeneeeememeneemantied “Statesville now proudly boasts ofhiivingbeenthefirstintheStatetoetartamunicipalwoodyard,” re-marks the Raleigh News and Observ- That boast holds good,butStatesvillemadeaprouderboaststill,of which please take note:IttrasthefirsttownintheStatetooversubscribeitsallotmentofLiber- tv bonds,havi done that more than a week ‘ere the subscription ’A Mecklenburg farmer sold a hog,Charlotte,ai it wasn't such a‘hog.either,the Observer says,$107.60.Just how much wouldthecostofthehoctothecon-r after the butcher added hisdidn't know.It ‘t nectssary us’to know.mn hogs the price of athenwetakethepledgetoeatmorehogmeat,lest it causertooffend.We're no hog,with hog meat at that price. TSSRELATETOEETES;Whatever service we may be call-on to render the country in con-|jon with the war,we shouldanhonestefforttodoourpart.it be little or much,we cansomething.Not only should webecauseitisourpatrioticdu-fut there will be a hereafter.Inyearstocome,says Gov.Bick-the question will be asked,{did you do in this war”?Andwillhavetoanswer,“I readnewspapersaforour”That is,talked but did noth-| Col.Roosevelt,in his contributions|theKansas City Star,is going af-the abled-bodied men of militarywhohavegoneintoY.M.C.A.in the army.He argues,andthatitisanignoblethingforable-bodied man of military age|sepk a position of bodily safety,his example naturally exciteséentemptandresentmentamongmenareriskingtheirlives;the influence of the Y.M.C.-,¥-the oy ee agen-in military camps.fe able foie man under 45,con-Col.Roosevelt,should repre-|the Y.M,C.A.in the war zone)with the army camps.} Complimentingenting Statesville on yard,the Wilmington Star says:|“Statesville may not intend to do! wood and coal business of|t city,but she will be in a posi-to see to it that none of herpeopleshallsufferforsomethingtokethemcomfortable,whether,y are poor or rich.Statesville is olving with the national war its | Statesville will not engage in the!1 business.The plan is for thetolayinasupplyofnicipalityfrotomakesure,as the Star says,tt nobody suffers for fuel this win-|<The householder is expected to ke care of himself if he can.The wnicipal woodyard is simply to lp those who may be caught shortthroughnofaultoftheirown. AAAITTALATTA STI'+We are accustomed to think of mountain men as fine physical spec- —Some of them are,many are.The fact that 44 men out ofM—about 22 1-2 per cent.—sent m Wilkes county to Camp Jack- failed on the physical examina- fon,shows quite a large proportion physical defectives.To these t be added those rejected by the |examiners,quite a large num-The proportion in Wilkes,how-Tr,may be no larger than some rt counties,The very large num- rejected in this State for physi-‘ects,ix another evidence of theityofhealthcampaignsto proper methods of living.time county isealth officials constant agitation for betterareneededinallcounties. Thewanes of the war —and thentheageforthatmatter—the development of the air-instrument of war.When ‘to save themselves from andit|the |the food|to ourselves,especially as we are to|be paid for it. |for |the Entente allies,|heavier burden on America. EESLD week beef and pork and |white flour bread and serve some, substitute,the saving of meat andtlyindemandinthis)sriod,will be very great.Andinthissaving,not only will those who save help themselves by mate-rially reducing the cost of living,but| they,will render the country a greatservice.The seriousness of the war andourdutyinconnectionwithit,come!to us slowly.When it is suggestedthatweshouldeatlessmeat,uselesssugarandsubstitutecornbreadoccasionallyforwhiteflourbreadinordertohavemoremeat,flour and sugar to abroad to our allies,|there may some thoughtless oneswhowillresentthesuggestion.Theywillwonderwhytheyshouldeatless. ment,use less sugar,or eat cornbreadinsteadofwheatbread,that folks in Europe may have thesethings.A little reflection willshow.In the first place,we are not ask-ed to give any of these things.Wewillhelpourselves,as has been stat-ed,by practicing these economies;and even if we look at it entirelyfromaselfishstandpoiftt,the savingshouldbea_consideration in these days of the very high cost of foodproducts.In the second place,the Europeanpeoplesdonotknowhowtousecornforbread.They have never been edu-cated to that and we have.Therefore the necessity of sending them theflour.}Third.Food is very scarce in the war-ridden countries.The peopleovertherehavestintedandstarvedwhilewehaveplenty. Fourth.They haveineformorethan fight-three years the Ger-mans —-and to save us.Remem-ber the latter.If Germany)overcomes England and France and|their allies,we come next.The only:reason Germany has not alreadythunderedonourshoresisthattheBritishnavyhasstoodbetweenGer-|many and us.Fifth.Inasmuch as these people,in fighting their own battles,are atsametimefightingours,it is,certainly our duty to send them all!possible,even at a sacrifice been Under the circum-stances it would be our duty to re-spond if the food was sent as a gift.Sixth.The more food we can sendabroad,the more of our boys wesave.If allied armies are well the municipal wood-|fed and clothed their fighting ef-|ficiency is maintained;the morefightingtheydothelesswewillhavetodo;the less they do,the more forus.If the soldiers of our allies arenotproperlyfed,the more fightingfortheAmericanboys.Every ounceoffoodwasted,every ounce of meat,flour and sugar used that could be)saved,means that much more work| our sons and brothers.Ponder,that fact a moment.The logis is ir-refutable.In this saving and in the economies|suggested,therefore,we are helping triotie serv- helping to ourselves,rendering a ice to the country an lighten the burdens of American soldiers on the battlefront.If wearenotwillingtorenderthisservice it means not only that we feel no gratitude,no desire to help,thosewhohavebornetheburden”which would ere this have come to us butforthem;but it means that we are willing that more of our own soldiers should suffer and die that we may eat what we choose ana waste if we want. Are env of us willing to take that|responsibility ? The immensity of the Austro-Ger- man drive on the Italian front is dis-|turbing.If it is as bad as appears,| it threatens for the time to eliminate Italy as an effective fighting force,which is all the more serious consid-ering the very effective work donebytheItalianarmywithinthepastfewmonths.Taken at its worst,this Austro -German success’willonlydelaytheultimatesuccessof | and entails ay 1Thefoodconservationcampaigners|are not asking anybody to eat less—|to go hungry.Suggestions of that’one are nonsense and are made Theiscriminal to waste food now;(2)to substitute,as often as possi-ble,other foods for those that are| scarce —meatespecially,wheatadaea Brazilisthe |)tained since {from Austria in man jal important ‘objective in the recent fi :Two thousand of the prisoners ‘taken ThursdaRussia |The by |abroadof Ge y ited in the face ofItaliansWithoutgivinbreakingofofferi surrendering or thebyeasy access toofCividale.Prior to fallinghowever,the Italians destro:their depots and stores and the tered it.Possibly the Italians in_this re- a|was on fire when the Austro-Germans: yin3 gion,who are declared by Rome toredpositionsberetreatingtopaon-will turn about andmeettheenemyinopencountryfighting.If they do not,andenemyisabletokeepupthefastpaceangeasbeenmain- thetheoperation,the greater part oftheItalianforcesalongthenorth-eastern line will be threatened with‘capture.The situation is so gravethataagersmeetingoftheFrencheabinéthasbeenheldforthepur-pose of deciding upon the questionofalliedco-operation on the Italian front.The combined Austro -German at-tack on the Italian line began earlylastweek.The forces had beenstrengthenedbyadditionalGermantroopsfromtheRussianfronttheattackhasbeenkeptupwithsuchvigorthattheItalianshaveap-parently lost all the territory gainedyweeksofar-duous and successful fighting;and in addition have suffered a staggeringlossofmenandmaterial,whiletheenemyisabouttopenetrateItal- jan =,estern Front.The fighting on the western frontinFlandershasdieddowntosomeextent,except for artillery duels,according to Sunday’s report.The British have bettered their positionsalongtheYpres-Roulers railway insmallattacks,while the BelgtansandtheFrenchhavecapturedsever- of Dixmude.the French are violently bombard-ing the German positions,and it isprobablethatsoonagaintheywilldeliveranotherofdecisivestrokestowardLaon,ting.The new gains of the British and French in Flanders were obtained inaswiftanddecisiveoffensivelaunch-ed last week.The French made a their thewestward| commencement of | i | and | { ;| | i} salients in the nAlongthees| their sharp and, rapid advance over a front of about| six miles,capturing important Ger-man positions and thousands of pris-|The latest drive brought themoners.within sight of the important rail-|way junction of Laon,the objectivesought,which now is a scant eightmilesdistant.Large quantities ofwarstoreswereabundonedbytheenemyintheirretreatandaddition- al guns and prisoners wére captur-ed.The number of prisoners taken || | since the drive began exceeds 12,000,|more than 200 of whom are officers.were y.and Germany.In the Gulf of Riga and in the re- gion of the head of the Gulf of Fin-land,the Germans for several dayshaveremainedquiescent,making noendeavortolandfurtherforcesonthemainland,where they met with repulse infantry actions have taken placealongtheRussianfront.On the con- trary,there has been a return to the fraternizing between the RussiansandGermanswhichwasnoticeable some time ago on various sectors. twice last week.No large) Prior to this the German army on!the northern Russian front had re- tired,destroying everything on the15-mile front over which they re- treated.On the Gulf of Riga theGermansattemptedafurtherland-ing on the Werder peninsula in or-|der to harass the Russian right wingibutwerestoppedbytheRussian fire.Aireraft.Britixh airmen dailv are flying overpointsbehindthelineinBelgiumheldbytheGermansanddropping bombs upon military positions andairdomes.Railway junctions havebeenbombedeffectively,=ives have been loosed several timesuponairdomes.In intensive air of |firhting one night last week,Frenchairmenshotdownorforcedtolandindamagedcondition,25 airplanes.French losses not stated.Sa SurprisedtoSeeAmericans. ;i E i aea : < ii}* t if 2ss explos-| ‘|| | '|These are newgoods,latest and We wish to call eapecial attention to Ladies fine Coats. models and Fine Fabrics. Broadcloth,Valeurs,Plush, etc.Dark Brown,Bur- gundy,Taupe,Green,Navy and Black. It you want a cheaper fine Coat, We have them.Price $3.98 to $30.00. Don’t fail to see us if you need a Suit. You need not wait longer for your Dark Tan Boots |we have them,High or} MediumHeel.Price$4.50]to $6.00.| Comeinand let usfit you Yours truly, IGHTEN THE CORNE Flood the room -mellow,usable Rayo light,Strong enough to illuminate a largeruom—yettirelyfreefromuncomfortableglase,ve ‘ RAYO LAMPS light like a .Justthegalleryandtouchamatch,ES 3 auniveindesign,they are an ornament in any room,No cheap filigree work to keep you busy cleaning. If your dealer doesn’t have them,write to ourneareststation, Aladdin SecurityOil is a guaranteeofcntistactenyseapltefoamInenpa,stoves end beaten, STANDARD OIL COMPANwtFonShan,SEEN Send Our Silverware or Cut Glass. You will not “iss 8”if you make your wife or anyone a preserit of our silverware or eut glass.It is always aecept- able.. Our stock in ali departments is now full and it is time to be lookinw around for Thanksgiving and holiday pur- Chase You will look no further when you sce our magnificent wares so.moderately priced. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. eee JM.MeKEE&C0.| |ie ole ee ee ee)ro ri aa ,a r Spebeesrevecet nates The United States Government {o-operates with the 7.600 member henks in maintainingthe Federal Reserve Banking System for the protection of the busi- ness interests of the countiy.Through the Federal Re- serve Board in Washington it supervises.the twelve Fed- eral reserve banks;.t appoints one-third of their diree- tors;it.deposits its funds Iniyely with them;it guaran- tees the currency they issue, This co-operation yreatiy inereaces the value of the sys- tem tous and our community. Are you linked up with this new national system as one of our depositors?If not,you should delay no longer, MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C, W.D.TURNER,President. BE.MORRISON,Vice President. D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier. G,.E.HUGHEY,Assistant Cashier® - That King of Kandies,NUNNALLY’S Has neither gone UP in price, nor DOWN in quality. It’s the same deliciously rich and nourishingchocolatecoverednuts,creams and’other temp- ting varieties at the same old prices,regardless of the largely increased cost of its manufacture, Fresh shipment just received. POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square, INGERSOL DOLLAR WATCHarprice#1.35,me if youareofqutet¢I can Tats,New Pork OODWARD H. ed * i t y .%.V.Turi ;Y.Eesiagn )there to Fayet b. che if ee eT trenhaiee’reat The»Fire Caemied Reek and the Marte Five| Musie ee Victen Dutchman.| the ——church,p oo omnes ': 1 tage ‘Thuraday afternoon the Mothers’club met gggdla ue mis |Galiene,Mee LbTrmysor hi b -cont wi subject i other things.‘ftentens papers on read:“As the! Parent,So the Child:Relative Value of Pre- —=Example,”by Mrs.Robert ©t4 i Power of a MasterfulTemperand ite, Value Rightly Directed in Civie and Social »|Mr.James Haines g Ami-|Ure.”Mrs,BR.P.Allison:“Do We Repress .\community,whose "aoe of Children?”Mrs.M.F.P.| day night was briefly The quiz conducted by Mrs.B.F,Long H yan very |a eveloped val-’APT)+kk 7 \T AST 'oe last issue of The Landmark.poe,vere eeee ce estes aoe TMD ProUrk COPRVE SLOLLOL Ur DANK,.suffered from cancerforalong "He was about 70 of two of ——*a—eee On a pre |: ,.age,ri ie ‘r meet are *‘> /was twice married.He,is survived Mrs.W.Ht Mei,Mar."C.Dye.Mire.Just because ours isa NATIONAL bank is no rea-+ A,nox,‘.b neh,ra.ry ”by,iglast wile,wt wa ie ema|Cine and Me,Mise.BR,Lone.hover’gon why we cannot make you “feel at home”when *'son,Mr.Robt.Brown of Amity,and|br.an .£.N.Law ined|ou comein.Try it.C pastor,Rev.five daughters,namely:Mrs.Pred.the ‘ihe urlaee tk paler cosutan.Bre |,.’ Alcxandris,“Va.toJ.C,Keever of Those at-|Conger of Rapteowies Mrs,Grover)o%visyed of,three tables and Min,Ott |,Weare happy over being a Member Bank of the.,, Sie .c"iententing|tending,frum Mooresville wore Me.)STotiOe"ath Nop Gastonia:_Mir}ys nt cot sa bshes a pink oat FEDERAL RESERVE System of Banks.Wecan take | han gone to Wi &.W..‘i :ere themums were used in the decoration.The our securities to our Central Reserve Bank when WE Brown,and B,|Lillie Alexander of Seattle,Wash.,!pimum :~ FS See ot De.Geet Mee Lester Cathey,Me.Sam.|and Mrs.Thomas Morrow of l0t."sad'the’refreshment ‘hich consated «=—»-W@Nt toand get money.:at :and Vy..urned Friday evening from Green-7 :: thes *"MeKey was a familiar figure on the Amity,the latter being the only|of 1 salad course,hot rolls,sandwiches,coffee on ts ES ;in south child of his first marriage to Miss)2%bonbens.So can you come to us when YOU want to and were accompanied home by Mr.‘Chip-|streets pf Mooresvil..and ..‘of G ~|j th Mills.;senviomnmnicetsSpeSereeeNayofGeeedellforwgeneration.|Me ie Drawlcyof Statenetie|i Aen ENc,cuciainet te fiz;get YOUR money. aaa.*eee he Gealh of their 6-died several years ago.He is also Presbyterien ehurehat a Hallowe'en party at Put YOUR im ;ae ~months-old son,C.P.MeNeely,Jr.,svrvived by a number of grandchil- Magernediciyg B gage 04 ne a S|ut money in OUR Bank 7 ‘Mooresville Social Events.who died Saturday after an extended dren.we'en games on the lawn and bobbing =e |Wepay 4 per cent int ton ti ;its.¥ the city!“Squire Brown,”as he was COM>|xvies in the dim light of the pumpkin jack ‘ Qpeciat Correnpondence of The Landmart._—iliness,and was buried in ! )ee th _‘The Christen tndens.cemetery Sunday at 10 a.m,A short|monly known,was bom and Seamed vce na,apie and eheinuts were se & olan 2 the First Preshyterian shureh service was conducted at the grave at Amity and was a popularAree.|oa.THE FIRST NATIONALBANK, * t Le Fiand social meeting in the/by the pastor,Rev.8.H.Hay.ter in the community.Although he v2 a0 ee cos pale wo ones |"Rev.Sehn i.Smith,who with his received no college education,he was!Mis.Virginia Deitx entertained »number Sta N.C 7 FE.Vorcch unt't,L,Donsid,who also sane wife and two children is _yiniting|rossessed of an unusual intellect,ef "|(rend oS ee Pee ba tesville,BNs Nite i selections,all of which were very much relatives in this vicinity,preiched a)was well read,and one of the |pietures the young hostess and her queste were |—.:rere Light refreshments were served.good sermon at St.Mark's Lutheran |informed men of the entire COMMU |served ive cream at a drug store.: from nded automobll Y'church Sunday at j1 a.m.He also nity.A number of years ago he was..,; trip and wae gootel by ral yon preached at Enochville at 3 p.m.licensed b the Baptist church as a’‘ ..et re I S E N !aa t minister But never took active werk),«re.Oct.26.Mm.J.T.Yearsia wus L I Mr.Clyde Deni and Miss M Wasne at Mr.Smith is a se |’|hostess to a number of young people at a) ,cmeaiona iv Southern ‘in the ministry.He was a devout dinner Wednesday evening complimentary to vieimity .'minister in the | ‘tog married a week ago,when no =~ons Chareh and is at present on his way Christian and for years had been @|Miss Katherine Morrison,whose wedding to .ne 8.‘from Florence,8.C..where he has ‘cader at Shady Grove ee ee oe take place next anc:Howard MeLeliand was hosters to the wreached for four years,to an im-church,of which he was a life-long |—_. club Wedoesday afternoon.Resides de-i ‘aularmembers,Minses Mariie White and portant charge,to which he has ac-|member.Although a staunch Beur Stomach. Mace dohneten sere gusts.The parlor wes cepted a call,at Harrisburg,Va.fender of his faith,he was guilty of |Ex"slowly.anatase Guar Sued eonpuaiie, detoraied with goldenred After the ramer “Me.J.fed,”Brown has opened a no religious narrow-mindedness,@Md |(ice tnesour stomach wil disappear.“~ by Mrs,Melelland|1oot market in the Brown block on was ever ready to help with any ion not,take one of Chamberlain's Tablets|&splad course was 4 Mrs.Ed.MeNeely.;j : W.1.Matheson hostens the |Main street.terprise for the good of the commu-!immediately after supper.Red meaty are . a De amenwe,teste ee |ee hie Cathey and wife of Con-|sity,A better friend or 0 musoj cen [ar ©sum see cums SS me Bringyour TOBACCO and wil interesting game of progressive rook.*cord Pyesbyterian church at Loray,kindly neighbor in sickness OF|Chamberlst |~—Most R de course was served.; ' here Frid their way to trouble could not be found at Anity,,———-——i il Sie meee tn gy amy ae ee ao and he will be sorely missed.WANTED—Messenger Boy.--WESTERN UN-|.to STATESVILLE,where the MAR-' theSans Souci club.Miss Me-isit at Mr.Cath-;r “ was sesisted in cris ©salad euuees arent tame rd.‘arent and Although he suffered much during!!0N TELEGRAPH CO.Oct.30-11,y sister,Miss Belle McNeely.:his life,Mr.);>.:wife of Huntersville and.Mr.and the last weeks of his life,MY.’bor saLe—Cabbage Plants.Earlicet KET STRONG ; -‘Koavier clersem 'y Mi Mrs.B.T.Cook of Davidson were |Brown's unfailing patience and Tes}Charleston,Wakefield and Solid South,IS oe south Broad strect.Guests besides|Mooresville visitors Friday.ignation did not once desert him,$1.50 per 1,000,20e.per 100.(MRS.J.D,4 were Misses Mary Corne-|Rey Mr.Cummings,a returned and he passed away as he had lived OBTWALT,Mateerite,54.Wat.0S These ::make an |WANTED—A reliable white woman to assist mornings you :oemembersBeeandMaryLeeWhite.faith in general housework on ranch near Lank-“1"wer”we iss J .here —strong in the , ee ee eee ec ccompanied bybie wit VERNIE GOODMAN.neva homens ar fonts :, o "ing.é o or wre LHELIAN DUNLAT.Dunia,M.CG.think of that heavy Underwear,amiscelnbyMrs.H.DeWitt Mills,at her home |Friday,accompanied by his wife and Oat.49. dining room.Miss Wilson,the cucst of hon-~='Phere will be a rally and mass Mrs.Martha Wilson Reid,widow l i g t 7 Fz 5 St F After 2 tnost enjoyable game of .pects to return to Japan in Decem-Fifty Years. hearts,the guests were invited to the ber,Correspondence of The Landmark.i Main street,Friday afternoon to Miss their son,William,who is a student First Visit to Statesville rorRENT—My residence on Davie avenue.s rogeke.SLOAN.eth Suit and Overcoat,that we are * .Was presented with a clothes hamper hy j j =ee oe frrriage to De.Gere at Davidson.Rev.Cummings ex- .Tite Mie Mas Mille nc the entenad’the meeting for the women at the Graded of James Reid of Cool Spring town-FOR SALE—One used Dodge Touring car *e ;door and proceeded to eather the various wifts school huilding Friday,November 24,ship,spent the day Saturday with aes ee sue ink NoMa —_—at a very low 2asooaeleaSat3p.m.It will be an intensely in-her niece,Mrs.8.O.Lazenby.Mrs.Tien vid ee }price.p ee Cree ea le nalice ‘and send.teresting mecting and every lady in Reid had not been to Statesville inj -‘4 wiehes were served.VERNIE GOODMAN.and around Mooresville is urged to,over 50 years.The last time she et na A look will convince you.Get Notices attend.It ix on the all important|visited here was on Whe occasion of]K,PATTERSON.‘Seeiite 2-2.oe ot New Advertisements subject of food conservation,and as a general muster before the Civi Oct 40.2°.. Sale of jcrsonal property November 22.|the ladics are always foremost in ev-War closed,but she ‘recognized t POR BENT—sis —ae ao your wants from us,whereyour ol OST ;H.W.Sentt,trustee ery good word and work,we expect old Stimson house on the corner of)™)"a wi SR. Mouse for rent.J.TH.West..\Chrysanthemum display at)Park Place |&good attendance.Come out and |east Broad street,that being the}_rian . Gaguthoese.firs,Orin Turner.bring your neighbors.os she always visited.The late!Raina the ceyuatenen,daginy 4 buy 4 on Davie avenue fer rent.J.Lb.Mr.Fred Morrow,oldest son of Mr.&Pa ace Greenhouse,East Brond street, .B.Stimson was her first cousin.)and teemcrrow.,Cote and ering yout oe a .z today hite woman wanted for house work on ‘and Mrs.Tom Morrow of Amity,who The town east of the Baptist church friends,MRS.ORIN TURNER.c ranch,Apply to Miss Lillian Dunlap,Dun.|is a soldier at Camp Sevier,belonsring |Was In woods at that time._en eit g0 the F }°‘ to the Engineer corps,was at home|Mrs Reid is in her 86th year and |WANTED—Hichory Logs.Will 7"?perlaw,Hickory lor wanted.Ivey Mfx.Co.Hick-on gy week's furlough.He has got |lives within a mile of where she was ee tee best qaeltte.IVEY » ory,N.C,,4 j .OG Wheat and oats for sale,J.K.Patter.So myeh more flesh on him and looks |born and reared,10 miles northeast MPG.CO..Hicker.N if son,Statesville,R-2.xo much better we hardly knew him.of Statesville.She never visited a Oct.30 It a.j po \wt ano —|-Chevrolet:ears for The Mooresville creamery is justly |¢teat deal but ot ——hav-FOR BALE—Twe good workmules,<a:aon J e fied Re-snte of land Monday,Decemixy 3.|delighted over being awarded the first)ing her friends visit i oe a mule colts,at a kagome;one youns umpers.Corduroy Suits and ” Fred L.Houpe,commissioner.prize at the State fair at Raleigh for Rave them the best she had.¢.sot 2 ee oon wane.rdcmseeigb seed Wen Uni making the finest utter in North SATSytne™agat weet whentwe:went ARMED tie oe of wae COP Pants.:¥wo..y Cabbowe plants for sale.Early varieties.Carolina.te oA “g at’s.”\STATESVILLE.Call at Mayor's office..:og Mrs.J.D.Ostwalt,Statesville,fe).|Mr.J.D.Rodgers,who formerly Unt!:.Oct,19.:a.i wate,ike nd shih nallyof Newdlo~was employed at the furniture factory Pumpkin in the Barn.|Sicc-aacmina ascdies so Better Suits in Serge and Flannel,9 Vetcrinary hospital now open.“Dr.Cb.here,and who has been at work in Mr.F.N.Moore,who lives on the A S FURNITU ee’|a 4chine.WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE.; ruse.Statesville since the factory was pByffalo Shoals road,in the edge of Ideal Fireless cook stove saves time,food burned,moved his family there last town,may not have the biggest Oct.16 ang uct,“Crawford-tunes Furniture Co”week and will make that place theit pumpkin,but he has some pumpkin)Sale of Personal Property.Gur silverware and cut glass always ne. Alsoin CocoanutBrown,Greenand ceptable.RF.Henry,home.it comes to quality.This }° me millinery speeiatly priced.Mille &Mr.cand Mrs.G.C.Winecoff and camasin an just ame am ws)By|virtne of the terms and Bowers cane|Stripes. Grand introductory sale Friday,November non,Caldwell,were here visiting pumpkin vines have a way of doing,aan ia the 25th as ‘of June,19t%,Ww x c. 2.0.F,Barseain Store.i Sunday I and i ~~the alongside of the barn.It ——Hotmesand Dervett Fraley of fredetl county,|a ive e Goan'in "Sith eeeets edtors ond stvtes.‘evening service at the Lutheran igo grow and feel its way until iti M.©.to H.W.Scott of Waynehore,Pa.Conservati QOvercoats and the Fine “ana ake gl misses’coats,church.Rev.R.A.Goodman and crept through a erack in the barn.|*ee om dl ae ee : aweaters and coat suits,See our dark tan Mrs.Sallie Misenheimer of Mt.Pleas-'By and by a little pum kin formed|ter of Deeds of Iredell county,North Caro-| loots.J M.MeKee &Co,ant were here at the evening services and anchored the vine.There in the ‘ina,Book of Mortuazes No ay.Page 11s,nobby extremeBelter Backs.:’ caring Your tobacco andcotton to Stare.iso,Mre.Misenheimer spent the shade the little pum in grew and!Te eters te Sel ot ee:| wear,suits and overcoats.-Crowell Clothing night with her niece,Miss Helen Mf-grew until now it we 20 or more,tg the highest _bidd«for pier the pond c senheimer,one of our graded school pounds.But this pumpkin has nev-’dence of E.R Sicclott,devuty sheriff of tre:|Style headquarters.The store dai r»,3.D.Harris has bought the Hurbin mest |teachers,at Mr.J.F.McGraw’s.Mr.ier known sunshine,nor will it feel dell county,N.C.in Olin township. market.‘le 12 o'cle y fo i ' .{Goodman went on to Troutman afte:that kiss of frost that means well Seidesieens oe _o—th Il G iff 1 :B 1 One 22x88 inch Lands KEelipse Thresher,| Letter From Florida.|e _and children,who were visit-done for pumpkins.3 Correapundence of The Lanamert ng t re,c ;complete,No.—_wih dros ane Stacker, St.Auguatine,Fla.,Oct.23.-Naturally a.Mr.G.Gray Hoover of Coddle i your children are subject to croup get 8 oe Wy tigen ran nachos coe Wim Gos,a Clothes. ‘Tat Heol,*cannot refuse to send n line back Creek has wone to South Carolina to bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,94)three years old;three Jersey Milch Cows, to my aeomer that can't be beat in any-make arrangements to move to the when the attack comes on be —to fetiow |,three years old;two red steers,four Send on That,Sake meri 'st,tao|fArMhe recently purchased there:Srufaedattheelcaewich tear |Kimberewwnon Sih ana wo,r.ver 8 a rmer =A L &or near j ”re-:ua i °Sire water everynhare |dairyman 7 ore _—=——|Mee.Es.Rolmee.qr iiiemubare,|e-|REMEMBER,saving FOOD adds gray hairs to the Emperor, a .re it is water!hate to lose him ammonites Trustee of Frick Company.)|=neers ieee round,here.a A ‘et.30,7We're chLinas sf wresgportasion,trum|‘Those whose subscriptions have|9.SamuelsSostueMame |pec eee|CROWELL CLOTHING cotfc."aseet’teZou We’pepeto call'attheM.and F.Bark,“iier'thistemsfr he oe $so LOTHINGCO.js ;.«.x rinse *,,per th.. ome og a eSee |ab ,as their names will be pub-.ihe,per ih.|We,the undersigned,agree to saw SUCCE R OF SLOAN Cl * they get so they fall they add another|lis in the Mooresville Enterprise )tte Ib.wood at the foilowing prices:Pine “On the Corner” ee ee ee ee we ep cov.|OR OR:Tub Butter,2He.per Ib.wood 60c.per cord;oak wood 70c.per the Flovids crackers are wearing thetr big|Miss Jennie Shimpock,step-daugh-Bemwes,900.per Ib cord. j S ongeee while it @ pleasant in shirt|ter of Mr.A.M.Freeze,has entered —_s oe Bs ROBERT M.CLOER &SON, af down to ean ee ew |ae Whitehead-Stokes Sanatorium in|Sides,Ste.to S4e.per Ib.}.wre te Unele Sam in the tidberty |isbury for treatment.Shoulders,300.to Me ae it -A.LER,| I North Caroling wilt not|Henry Miller,son of.John Miller,New fea Honey trained)1210 |bent her.She nas vied the liewor 'who lives on Mooresville,R-I,was Copeae Heer Same,Sa fo etc,per We oe .|bittenby a maddog,as noted in the Butrected Money.2c.perih a was taken to Ralcizh Oi AuteBatter Costas,fe.orehel.68-ncre farm,one mile from Statesville,three-room..§— “Groin.i|on om dwelling,small barn,well,fine boiling spring,40 acres ~~ te i —in cultivation;land level and productive,inbushel.woodland,branch running through place.Ideal for truck farming and dairying.119 acres of level,productive,red land farm,frontingon —public sand-clay road seven miles fromStatesville;nice ~2-story,7-room dwelling,located in «beautiful barn and out-buildings;nice orchard,with afruit;30 acres in meadow land,40 acres inbalanceinwoodland;near school and chureh. ERNEST G.GAITEInsurance,Stocksand Rea I have bought the Harbin meat market. Will sell for less and sell for cash.The 1}bestmeatsa specialty. 1}.Patronagesolicited. 80,1917. Forecast. ‘Col.G.M.Yoder of Catawba,his-térian and weather forecaster,writes Hickory Record that the weatheriiremaincooluntilthemoonpass- e®the sign of the crawfish,as the a is running higher in that sien ofjac.” the weather got quite warmurdayandSundaythemoonmustbythecrawfishbythetime .Yoder’s communication appeared.Col.Yoder made a hit on the weather winter,however,and The Land-k is hospitable to his predictions.r him further: According to the old Dutch signsaboutthecrawfish,there will be aeghispellofweatherthefewlastysofNovemberandthefirstfewsofDecember;then on the 28thDecemberthefullmoonandtheerawfishhaveareguiartangiement:thén look ovt for a cold snap.Itsnoworperhapsacoldrain;on8occasionsthereneverfailstobeatimeandthepeoplehadbetterpre-for the event.”‘it will be noted that the crawfishllycausesthetroubleinCol,8 forecasts.It's a pity thatishcouldn't be suppressed.Weatherfetecastsforthewinterareofjn-mon interest on account of fuelanditisregrettedCol. didy’t intimate +sort.oftherthatwillprevailbetweenthe%named.owever,it isn'tforaweatherforecastertogivemuch {Hero Commission Awards.fty-four acts of heroism werebytheCarnegieHeroissionatitsmeetingat rg,“9 last week.In eight cases silver medals wereawarded;in 46 cases bronze medals.ve of the heroes lost their lives, ss era PACKAGES FOR ; |Mail For Troops setor who contemplateChristmasremembrancestotheAmericansintheservice j[i See,will be interestedthefollowingstatementbyterGeneralBurleson,SecretarytheheyDanielsandSecretary‘War Baker: ‘The time is approaching tothoughttobringingChristmastoAmericansoldiersandabroad.Arrangements have beenperfectedwherebytheChristmasmailtotheAmericanexpediti forces in Europe is to be delivoyChristmasmorning.Without thefullestco-operation on the part of the public it will be impossible to ac-complish this result. “The three essential respects inwhichthepubliccanaidinassuring a happy Christmas at the front,are:Mail early,address intelligently,and pack securely.For this reasonitisurgentlyrequestedthatallper-sons having Christmas mail for thesoldiersandsailorsandthecivilian units attached to the army in Eu-rope,observe closely the following Wholesalers’profits in war-times,at least on non-perishable foods,|should be governed the prices they|actuaily pay and net by prevailingmarketepnltsions,the food adminis- tration decreed im special regu- lations ich will be put into effect November 1 with respect to a num-ber of commodities.The rule is one of many drawn fortheguidanceofthefooddealerswho will be placed under license nextThursday,and the commodities af-fected include beef,pork and mutton, syrups and molasses,cleaned rice and rice flour,oleomargarine,lard and lard substitutes,oleo oil,cooking fats, condensed milk and various canned goods and dried fruits. No dealer in these commodities,the rule says,shall sell “at more than a roasonable advance over the actual purchase price of the particular goeds sold,without regard to the market or replacement value at the time of such sale.” Wholesale dealers in refined sugar are forbidden by a similar rule to sell “at an advance over the refiners’list- price at which he purchased «such . sugar no greater than the norma!‘directions:.margin charged by wholesale dealers |“!.Mails to reach the soldiers ininrefinedsugarinthesamelocalityFrancebyChristmasmorningmustforsuchmarginasmayhereafterbe'e posted not later than Novemberestablishedbythefoodadministra:15.tor.”“2.Every package must bear con-—_—————e spicuonsly the words ‘ChristmasWheatlessandMeatlessDaysMail,the complete address of the in Hotels and Cafes person for whom it is intended,and Beginning today and tomorrow,in the upper left-hand corner,the October 20 and 31,it is hoped to have name and address of the sender.“3.Every parcel must be so pack-“wheatiess”and meatless days ob-ed and wrapped as to admit of easyfeeepweeklybyeveryhotelandinspectionbythepostmaster.No|cafe in the State.That is,that ©percel will be dispatched to Franceonedayincachweek,every public which has not the postmaster's cer-leating house will serve no meat,or tifieate that it contains no prohibit-bread made of wheat flour.Messrs.ed articles.”B.H.Griffin of Raleigh and A.H.In addition to the above the War;}Galloway of Winston-Salem,food Department has made public rulesjcommissione’s appointed by Mr.yvoverning the handhay by mail and|Hoover to line up the hotel and res-express of Christmas resents for the*té the of eight of|tavrant men of the State.have mailed members of the Americuin expedition-pensiins ‘aggregating $5,460 ajaypeals to cvery hotel and cufe in ar,forces in Fravce.A general offi-|veer Were granted;to the depend-North Carolina and hope to get a cer of the army will be stationed atentsoftwootherswholosttheirpracticallyunanimousagreementteHebokeo,N.J.,as forwarding agentlivesthesumof$2,200 was granted,sto he applied as the commission may;Sanction._One of the sus-}tained injuries which disabled him,he was granted disablement ben-efits in the sum of $375.In addition to the maney grants,eight cases $12,000 was appropri-ated.for educational purposes,pay-ments to be made as needed and ap-Proved;and in 26 other cases awardsietattlepuvesecePages the Lentisinetes’iy ey poy “=aoe been approved by Somme of —=given com-Missions in army after trainin}with the 17th provisional craneregimentatFortDesMoines,lowa,are announced by the adjutant gener-j=They are about 260 in number,:of which 133 are from SoutheasternStates. «All these negro officers have been é Es —— — os e t assigned to camps in the North and;@ le West,most of those from theSouthbeingsenttoFortDodge,and Camp Grant,IMlinois.:companies will be made up of38. ‘with 41 leads all South-tates jn the number of ne-t oer given commissions,MostithemarefromAtlanta.The otheripStagesrankgsfollows:Virginia andyN17each;South Car-ol .16;nsas,10;Florida,9:i a,9;Tennessee,8:Mississip-pi,4;and Louisiana,2. RINCREASE FOR RAILROAD MEN.2 Thousands of employes of th:=Southern railway are to receive 10percentincreaseinpay.The instereaseistobedatedfromOctober |“and will be carried in the pay checksNovember1.,i oe of the Southern do not say--Just hew 1 y employes the raise inBpaywillafteckbutitIsassumedthatallemployeswillbenefitexceptthuWwhoareworkingunderUnenscaleofwares,such as enginecrs,conductorsandtrainmenandtelegraphopHeraters, ne eePERISHEDINTHEFIRE. At Sylva,JacksonSaturdaymorning,Grindstaff building ofFiateInstitute.Talmage Broom.astudent,lost his life in the flamesHissisterandtwochildrenofRevBE.B.Barris,who were in the build. county,early fire destroyed Sylva Colle om barely escaped with their lives,"Cathey,at the risk of his life.the children,says a special to.Asheville Times.Broom wa:i 21 years old, ee ;fe AMERICAN SHIP..avy Department learns that‘atts which fought a battle with|the an of the French coastwasoneofAmericanLuckerach'<tenmers and that the fight occurred§om October 19.According to the ne.|vy's advices nine men were wounded,reven of the vessel's crewandtwoofthearmedguard. DATE CHANGED AGAIN.1 ase of the State mecting of’Union at Wineton-Sa- mn been changed——from 8 to Nevember 14-15, date.The change ofofthemeetingoftheofthevenatWings. N 8,=A ‘obesc rve these days.and will pass judgment end arrange|.The patrons of the public eating fer the delivery of the packages inhousesshouldnotonlyshowtheirpa-co-operation with the postmaster andtriotismandtheirwillingnesstoserve,express company officials in New York ;by agreeing to such ap arrangement,‘ity but they should help to force The rules provide that al!parcelagreementbyrefusingtopatronizepostpackagesmustbeunderseve:the places who will not agree to the pounds and be inclosed in woodenplan.With the public in sympathy boxes;that express packages,alebdwiththemovement,the hote!and boxed,do not exceed 20 pounds incafeproprietorswilldoubtlessbeweightandthatthecoveringofsuc!willing to undertake it.hexes he fitted to facilitate inspex tion Food prodvets nest be in ean._SOCANSERENERRRETCE Peterson’s Alleged Shortaze. Major George L.Peterson of the quartermasters’department,Thir- teenth division,Camp Sevier,Green- or glass jars Mail ond express peckages shoul! addressed now prescribed by vostal regulations and plainly marke: as ville,has notified Gov.Bickett that “Christmas box.”They should be serthewillbeinRaleighjustarsoonaf.to “Pier 1.Hoboken.N.J.”Every ter November 1 as he can eet lenve peckege before shipment will be rched for oxplosived or other da) matter.The regulations that the coutents of each bn of absence to straighten out the mat-se ter of the alleged shortage of about gerous 87,000 found in his accounts be nan |quare expert accountant.He she could be clearly stated on the outside. not vet leave of absen:'The War Department order When Peterson turned over his of.\des that shipment of Christmn: fee to his successor his accounts were }uesss may begin at ence.but that checked over and found —correc:pene will be forwarded which reechWhenanexpertaccountantwernt}Hoboken after midnight Deeember 4 over the books,however,the appa Phe name and address of the sender ent shortage was foun’,[It was reo]must be stated on the outside of ¢: ported from Raleigh that the Attor.|box mney General had made demand on the |’’bonding company for the amount of Increased Cost of Coal. Peterson's bond.It is now denied President Wilson has granted arthatthisdemandwasmadeorwill|inercase of 45 cents a ton in thehemadeuntilPetersercanbeheard,|Price of bituminous coal at virtuoll ‘Tall the mines in the country,effec-OS eR eo ee SNOW IN THE MOUNTAINS,tive at 7 o'clock yesterday morniny Roone Democrat.|The new price will absorb wave A pretty snowstorm on Tuesday|"2!ses recently agreed upon betavesefternoon,lasting for mere than anj Cperator and miners in the centhour,2 heavy freeze following at!“empetitive and other fields. night.and today (Wednesday)we The President’s order provideareinthemidstoftypicalWatauga|(hat the increase shall not appswinterweathertheearthwrapped(ise Of existing contracts proinsnow,and the wind howling xo)!or an increase in price to cover afercelythatitwoulddocredittoa"ise in miners’wages.NeitheDecemberblowMucheabbageinapplyindistrietswhereoominer this section remains unburied,and is w'¢operators fail te agree upor course damaged by the freeze.miners’penalty provision satisfactoSeemaneeenetothefueladministrationM:! FRIDAY [8 ARBOR DAY.liens of dollars of the in ‘ Friday,November 2,has been set cost to consumers is invelsdebytheyovernmentondthetheorder,which was based upon 1StateschoolauthoritiestobeobserymmendationsmadetothePredasArborDay,Ih expected that deni by Fuel Administrator 6schoolsthatareinsessionwillob-fie'derveitinanappropriatemanne *‘A new Arbor and Bird Day ae The Means Case. has been prepared hy the North Car-harge of murder agains|( ohina Geological and Economic Sur Means,in connection with t!vey and has been printed and dis-of Mrs.Maude A.King.buted by the State Department of expected to be presented to theEducationhaountygrandjuryyesterdayeogheateexeeaeuetetsavealltheevidencecollectedintha,EN.ENBER KILLED..in connection with Mrs.King’M Robert Blackwell,an engineer feath was taken te Concord by JalfortheSouthernRailwayonthe|"Posting :assistent district attSalisbury-Spencer yards,was kille ey,in chai ge of tue nvesturatio:4 Sala y Fiiday soorning about 4 Dooling was accompanied by severalo'clock.He got off his engine to re witr®ses who have not heretoformoveeclinkersfromunderitandititifiedinthecase,it is said.CatsupposedWasstruck|by PASSINE William Jones,revolver expert,sin!oo r plat i the ie 4 I.Otte S,Behultze,medical ;agen ackwe Waa oun ene $¢o y ‘his arm and foot severed,chest ak .:waa ee ieerton i‘«awa-aeid neck bela ied at the first hearing at oncorCuesomeweeksago,also aecomp:him.Other witnesses from Chicar.will also be at Concord, TWO KILLED. R.A.Byrd was insvantly killed a>. Charles Moore was fatally injure. Saturday when an automobile in whieh were riding,struck a te! CUT OFF POLICEMEN'S DRINKS.The time-honored custom of givingfreebeerandwhiskeytopolicemenhasbeenabandonedbybreweriesandsaloonsofChicago.Beginning November1thepolicemenonthebeatmustpayforhisdrinksthesameasothercustomers.The dealers say thehig?cost of bec:and whiskey and in-creased taves have ehused them totakethisaction. What is a died several hours later.A third ojeupantofthemachineescapedunin.jured. POSTAL SURPLUS. la }from postaloiime"the gey AOU,, r ofwan paid ‘onyaly 1 1s TIMETO CALL A HALT Sum Action the Ob- st For .Germany.} Remarking on the report thatbanks_some sections of the coun- try,where pro-German -Ment is st »had been threatenedwithalossofbusinessroractivityinbehalfoftheLibertyloan,theGreensboroNewsisoftheopinionthe:the time is about at hand tosailors!dex!with the obstructionists of al!gorts who are at work,direetly or in-directly,in behalf of Germany.Thatpapersays: “The thought of the firing squad against a wall in the gray wndoesnotappeal.Vindictiveness andintolerancehavefoughtforthese Many decades |ge a losing battleforretentionofplaceinthepopu-lar character.Government reflectspopularsentiment,and its hand haslee.withheld from summary =pun-isnment for treason and sedition,|‘fot Chere is inevitably going to theepionspole on the highway rear Ca.* rey,eight miles from Raleigh Moore| i ner; paid Bribieee sete aris demand for less talk aboutobsrectenistsofonesortandan-othr working for enemy money,orforonylove,in this country;or else eme action.The AmericanandtheGermanpeopleareatincanother's threats.It is a met- cer of killing er being killed.It is! war to the knife and the knife to the|hilt,flowing blood and splintered bore There is no room for enemy| 2ctivities in this country.and should|be ne until such time as the enemy come the person of his uniformed| armics and makes place for himself| with fire and sword—if come he can. “To Germany with them!Names and circumstances will be weleomedLy‘he public in the matter of these| erem.cs of America now being har- hore.in this country and presuming| in the erpentine affrontery to plot with fools and weaklings to under.; mince the strength and defeat the yu snes of this wovernment;A gyth that must now be exerved for the preservation of the integrity o”the government not only but oftheveryformofpopularsovereign.|vy:and purpeses which look to the liberation of all mankind from the most (orrible and unendurable ills the confront them.” The American people have been slow to wrath in this matter,but so ‘eer,as these obstructionixts contin.| ue to ry our patience an outburst wii come that cannot be stayed.It 's high time,as the News says,that ve have less talk and more action. AUTO TIRES TO SHOE SOLES. A report comes from Winston-Sa- om that Stokes county people have scovered)that discarded from automobile tires makes fine half-soles and heels for shoes;and it Is asserted that so pleased are the Stokes folks who have tried out this rlan of conservation that they are oMecting all the old auto tires for this purpose, REAL TROUBLES IN)CAMP. The clashes between negro ua‘ white soldiers in Uke same sriny can p have begtm.Alabama lers and members of a New York nevre rest ment have clashed at Camp Mills, New York,and serious trouble threat FINCT ORS OEHERRAILROAD RATES. Thaorsday,traveling yoing to eost more he same freivht charges.To help raise war reve one well pa the present price for traveling and HIG Beginniny ‘he railroads es to ue * per cent added.Freight will be th esent price with 3 per cent added. CHROME AND TOUGH HIpeSheesforMenorBoys.--d.M.Mc- -— TOOKVINOL NowShe is StrongandWell Berkeley,Cal—“I wes nervous,irritable,no appetite,could not sleep,and was always tired,so my house-work was a great effort.After manyothermedicineshadfailedVinolbuiltmeupandmademestrong,I Dy virtue of a decree of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,rendered in a epecialcoeoedingwhereinFredL.Houpe et al.aretaintiits,and Mary BE Henley et al,are de-fomdants,the —commixstoner wll house and jot,in the cityBeginningat#«stake on south ofStocktonstreet,mhout 229 1.2 aS thecornerohRoststreet,and P.R “a oor.thence with P.BR.Houpe’s ee|ere enet 223 feet to a stake in Irvin's %-Shan her Pereoneeaaiaee rubber|1 iistartatefeeto iciiieetitaatiediieginiest reaoa seegt Pe ri ai le eee blieRoos to pledge its—a with its requesta,the inauguration of beardmentweek,one —= keeper in ttoSamea anaes‘ad the,ministration in order to assure tien.The Fveeigontsid tae in ne atten way than throug’co-operationthepeoplecanthenationaccomplishitsobjectinthewar, :?We offer One Mundred Reward for |wanted andanyeaseofCaterrhthatcannotbecuredbyHall's Catarch Cure,Hall's etn ba Ay beenote by Ca- tarrh sufferers for past thirty-five‘hase the ‘most.reliableandhasbecomeknownasFincous‘culttes,remedy for Catarrh,Mall's oyth the Blood ‘the ,cxpeltingthe Faion from the Blood and beat:|zladly recommend it,”declared E.©.ing the tiacnnedportions,a -~~Dd.we H ‘aAft1havetakenHall's tarrh re F Den heforasaretime‘yee will see aogt cumin shddiolena ~eens ~~ment in your #wt tuking .Hall's Catarrh Care at once and get rid of |People in all walks of life endorsecaterrh.Send for testimonials,free,this highly concentrated natural me-ait Soe”dicinal iron,Plain medicinal iron,sel tandatildaioe in this concentrated form,makes a===lmuch stronger,more efficient and10-CENT “CASCARETS” BEST LAXATIVE FOR LIV-ER AND BOWELS! Constipated,Headachy,Bilicus,’With Breath Bad or Stomach Seur! No odds how bad your liver,stonachorbowels;how much your headaches,how miserable and uncomfort alle yew are from a cold,const econemical medicine for the homeuseandgoesfromtwotosixtimesasfar.It builds up more quickly,enriches and purifies the blood,andone's appetite and digestion almostimmediatelyshowstheeffectoftheealciumsodium,potassium,magne-sium and free sulphurie acid,as wellastheheypoeofironthiscon- {contrat natural productPeoplerundown,debilitated Dent Stay tion,indigestion,biliousness an F i andslurgishbowels—you always get |loring weight readily find in thisreliefwithCoscarets,fon-alcoholic medicinal iron justDon't let your stomach,liver and |What they need to rebuild and invig-bowels make you miserable.Take |orate their system.Druggists sell it in 50e.and &sizes for home use.A dollar bottlesentprepaidifdruggisthhasn’t it,on Cascarets tonicht;put an end to the headache,biliousness,dizziness,ner- \ousness,sick,sour,gassy stomach,“1 cold,offensive breath and all|?eceipt of price by the Ferrodineotherdisiress:cleanse your inside|Chemical Corporation,Roanoke,Va. reans of all che bile,gases and con- stipeted matter which is preducing the misery. A 10-cent box means health,hap- for months. ~TOWNSHIP MEETINGS. 1 will hold township meetings of sehaolcommitieemenasfollows: ness end a clear head A ‘Tuesday,October 3 Fallstown township,All ‘urcists sell Cascarets,Don’t |ostwait school,10 a m.;Davidson township,{rec th hildre he little in-|Brawley echool,2 p.m.fospes tho children their little in.ide ed 1 stile lo clemnsine.tec Wednesday,October 81 Chambersburg ides need a gentie Cleansing,ani township,Eimweod schoot,10 a.m.;Barrin-tewnship,Shinnaville school,2 p.m. |;P al P thers jay,November 1 -Coddle Creek tewn- Sale ot erson roperty.hip,Mooresville seadea sehool,19 a nig A },rer it ,:omytCommencingat19o'clock,@.m..THURS |g nna SONMRIN court hewn,Matevilla DAY,the Ust day of Dd mber,191%,and con.Committeemen nre requested to meet me andtinvingthrowcheachandeverydeyuntll6]ue contracts with teacherseckpom.oon Saturday,the 3d day of JON F.MYTCHELE,wertkes,1817,Twill offer at private sale]ger a6 "County Suptwilefpersonal:WESUs:GPONICN Eo RRSinCISexcepleds,household ard kitehen furniture of |« ie iption wh ‘tield products,earn } 'f ‘1in utensil ete t ther [tf "‘ery select)and M f,Mar-al ‘ Place of «ale feat reside nee of the bate Rev ML -V.Marat »®Seuth Moeting Street,Statesville,N Mi M MARABLE,Eatre.:Get bs Are talking louder than ever if you don't think so come and see for your yourself Place This Number —511— BESIDE YOUR PHONE. It represents most prompt, satisfactory service and a reas- onable price.New,self -start- ing Buick Cars for Statesville passengers. Your ealls promptly answer- Average last week $34.23 and still climb- ing. They are coming toeddayoornieht.Nnicy the ‘: comfort our Crys afford.Two Statesville for high‘phones——-No.S11,prices. Fender &Miller Traasfor Co. Originally Jitney Transfer Co, ee McElwee’s Planters’Ware- house,Statesville,N.C. Battery Inspection Free. We are thoroughly oretorechargeBatteriesainstockafulllineofBatteryae- Floors Without a Head-joint. cessories,Flooring 10,12,14 and 16 feet STATESVILLE MOTOR CO,long.Please specify lengths you =wish.Ceiling,Siding,Boxing,Cas- ing,Base and Weatherboarding.WANTED! C.WATKINS,‘phone No.40. |SCRAP BRASS Heavy Brass 7a,SCRAP BRASS Heavy Brase74e.HDR.J.M.HOLLAND. pour d .DENTIST.FOR SALE:OFFICE MILLS BUILDING.{Over Mra,Sims’Millinery Store.|New and second hand machinery Statesville,N.C.for sale and all kinds of boiler HOURS &to 6."PHONE 81.|room supplies.breasts Cc.H.TURNER.if You Use|Iredell "Phom:No.74,Beli No.7. ~NO MORE CATARRH A That Has Time. and catarrh cures go,to heal entarrh and symptoms wherever GuaranteedStoodthe Test Catarrh cures comebutHyomeicontinves aboligh ite dinqostinecivilizationexiats. Every year the already enormous sales afthisreallyasclentifiecureforcatarrhgrowgrenter,and the present yeur should show allbroken“iTtes breathe Hyomel daily as directed it will end your catarrh,or it won't cost sou acont.ir have a herd rubberHyomel inhalercontevhatearoundthe_——wet it wTheancost willwill En GALLONS to ~~ger arguments you you FEhatWwneed7 ;to Steckten.street;thence withsaathSO,Semana eno art, A i‘a *% YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!ANY TIME! Merchants &Farmers’Bank “THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS.” We are interested in your affairs,and are vi- tally concerned in your well-being.Your pros-Y a prosperity——-WE ALL PROSPER , Don’t hesitate to discuss your business prob- lems with us and be sure we will help you if we WE WANT YOU TO LOOK UPON US AS AGENUINEFRIEND! of Statesville,N.C. TOOTH CLEANER AND SANITIZER Whitens,Brichtene,Tightens Teeth LARGE TUBE 25 CENTS For Sale by the Lead ng Draggists PRO-PHY-TOL PLODCC Ts COMPANY “ichmend,i.Vieginia DRESSES. We have just received a big line of Coatsin all the new shades,ranging in price from $15.00 to $35.00. Coat Suits from $12.50 to £45.00. Also a nice line of Satin and Serge Our line of Shirt Waists are always complete. See us before buying. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. Neithercan you expect yourcar to work properly with the cylindersfullofcarbon andvariouspurtsout of adjustment. To insure satisfactoryservicethecarshouldbegoneoverthoroughlytwiceaseason. Wearespecialists in thatline, COME IN "MAKE YOUR BANK"YOUR FRIEND. Don’t look upon this Bank as a cold-bloodedfinancie)institution without a soul,It is made up of human beings,who are just as human as COAT SUITS,COATS and A MAN CAN’T DO GOOD WORK WITH His WIND- PIPE FULL OF DUST,HIS LEG DISLOCATED AND HIS ARM IN A SLING! ‘ 'to,” an ,Eh ri ei bi e : =3 F Fe !i = 23 % e3 22 5 if Eg es is l cups. food,which they put on your7:F =:s& end in your bewl as you pass biseverything;When you get some ofyoumarchtoatable,sit down andcat.When you are throughup,put all your dishes,ete.,oa— jtray,@o out a r way se‘your trey on a big counter,where itispickedup,cleaned out and put in-to an electric dish washer.Steam isturnedonandthedishesarereadyiobetakenbacktotheotherendofthebuilding,ready for the nextmeal. “There are big rooms fer 500 men.rooms for clothes you get down onvourkneesonthefloor,shoes and socks off and pants rolled up,turn on he spigets,get out your serubbrushandsoapandgotoworkonroutclothes.—reason you.ont down on your knees is to represenachip's deck,as they have to do thatwayonboardship.You have towashasuitofclotheseverynightupdcometo‘assembly every morn-ing in a spotloss,clean suit and pol- hed shoes,a clean shave and ircombed,hands and finger nails clean,or you will be put to Leag»stumps or some extra work for yunishment,.“I do not like to sleep in the ham-mocks and prefer the cots,but theyarenetallowed.Everything is ac- cording co regulations,even to theshapeofyourshoes,shoestrings,the way your necktie is tied—~every- thing so each man will look and be exactly alike.“When you wash clothes you hang them up to dry by strings run through holes in them.You evenhavetotieacertainkindofknotinthisstringwhenyouhangup.the clothes.All clothing is fold and:oled up a certain way,and tied up with so many strings,etc.You srenotallowedasuitcaseoranycivil-ian clothing.You keep your clothes in a big waterproof canvas bag,with a drawstring in the top.Theyarerolledandpackedacertainway‘»the bag at all times,and the bagishungfromack-stay (or ironrodyonthewall.Never say >say deck;never say wall,say bulk- heady never ‘say upstairs,say top-side.or above;downstairs —below.“The hammocks are made of heavy waterproof canvas and ropes,a very soft,comfortable mattressandtwoheavy,fine blankets (theblanketscost$10 each outside).When we turn out at 6 o'clock eachmorning,we immediately roll up ourhammocks(with blankets and mat-tress inside)and bind them withiseventurnsofarope.The turns are made in a certain way and are called matling hitches.Then a_certain kind of knot is made on the end andthehammocksareinsuchpositionhatiftheywerethrownoverboard into water the inside would stay dry.“No tables or any furniture at allareallowedexcepteachroom.Nothing can be hung on 7 walls except overcoats,which must)be on a certain side ard hung in acertainway.Never say “quiet|down,”or “hush,”say “pipe down";|don’t say “go to work,”say “turnete.You are living in a differ-ent world,everything is so differentifromanythingyoueversaw. have a big Yhasabigreading room,all the pa-pers,magazines,writing materials, imoving pictures,entertainments, et i” Will Tell the Truth About North: Carolina Prisons. To know actual prison conditionsjastheyexistinNorthCarolina,andincompliancewiththeStateprisonlaw,the executive staff of the State)'Board of Health is making a com-nlete survey of all convict campsjailsintheState.It is the plan of system.Seven county jails have been scor-ed as follows:Pasquotank,65.56;|Perquimans,64.44;Washington,63.-,88;61.11;Beauf 50;An-son,46.11;Un 38.88.e exam-ination particu takes note ofobservanceofobservance *everynookand you get. two benches in! eM.C.A.tent,whieh as i t s . South,although stillingalocallyself-governed people.Self-rvle entirely passed fromlocalbodiesintothehandsofour|Legislature,which _ ind im 99 per cent.of the cases it is:ignorant of county conditions about|local |which it is legislating.affairs which ead Ge led by, Millions of dollars havethisStatebythefailure to provideaState-wide county audit system,not because our county officials aredishonestbutbecauseareunin-,structed,unregulated and withoutdirectsupervision.Fully 10 or 15,per cent.of the North Carolina coun-ties never had any reason for exist-ence other than the desire of somexrowingtowntobecomeacounty-seat-and the aspirations of local pol-iticilans to create a new set of of-fiecs,County government in NorthCarolinaonthewholeisawastefulsystemanditcalisforthoughtful consideration.“Our legislators in the main rep-resent the counties as units ratherthanmassesofpeople.This withtherconditionsmentionedhastru-v caused the county to beeome the Jungle ef American democracy.” GOOD NEWs- Many Statesville Readers HaveHeardItandProfitedThereby. “Good news travels fast,”and the many bad back sufferers in States- ville are glad to learn where relief may be found.Many a lame,weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Dean's Kidney Pills.Our citizens are telling the good news of with this tested Here is an example worth their experierce remedy. reading: 248 Western “My back caused me misery and after taking a few doses of Doan’s Kidney Pills I was relieved.I consider Doan’s a fine kidney medicine and don't hesi- tate to recommend them.” Mrs.C.0.Kennerly, Ave.,Siatesville,says: Price 60¢,at all dealers’.Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—-:ret Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs.Kennerly had.Fosters Milburn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. ~Barium Springs Water. Will relieve when drugs fail—ach,Kidney and BladderTrouble,Rheumatism,Eczema andotherSkindiseases."Phone W.A. oa on 'The Brady PrintingCo |{Has a Full stock of all books Graded Schools.They are sold for CASH. METALS.| Nothing can take theplace of} metals.We are sheet metal||workersand will make anything| you want—tin roofing,gutters,|) valley tinand ridge roll.Let us |know yourwants.| STATESVILLETINCO. used in EVANS ‘and the POLK GRAYUGCo. Everypound ofthe BuckeyeHulis contains much morefoodvaluebecausethelintontheoldstylehullshasnofoodvalue. The priceperpoundof real roughageiatheformof Hullsismuchlessthanintheformoftheoldstylehulls,Hullsdo not clog or flux the dig cetive tract.Other foodsmixedthemarereadilyassirailated, They are free of trash and dust,aresacked and gasy to hance.They take half as much space in the barn. If youhavenottriedBuckeye Hulls,please remember thousandsedicapenaytlyse.Maeg X y ~-eons olla sea .have not given eye Hulls afair trial,let the experienceofsuccessfulfeedersguideyouinusingthemastheyshouldbeused, i Hi E|i E f i i ! a efE combinationoffeedsused1.2the Tells how muchto feed for maintenance,formilk,fortening,for work.DescribesBuckeye Hulls and giv-sdirectionsusingthemproperly.Send for yourcopyto the nearestmill, pex.k TheBuckeyeCottonOilCo.ou.«a ee mi f ee z 28 Ce een Automobile Users!| We now have with us Mr.BE.G.Davis,who is a compe- tent and experienced Automobile mechanic.Mr.Dayis had thirteen years’experience in general repair work, HE CAN FIX ANYTHING FROM A FORD TO A PACKARD,having served four years as Repairman on Packard and Pierce-Arrow Cars. If you have any trouble with your motor or electric sys-_ tem,Mr.Davis will be glad to examine it free of charge.~| Call at our Garage end let us look over your battery, without cost to®you.Will also gladly supply distilled water for your battery without charge. There is no motor or battery trouble we cannot fix.No- thing but first-class work,and at very reasonable prices. Always glad to see Automobilists, neeHANDPAINTEDCHINA “The World’s Best” PICKARD’S, STOUFFER’S, NIPPON.’ It’s a pleasure to show them.They are good to look at.Come give us the pleasure of satisfying your eyes. THE REXALL STORE, Statesville Dru Comp’.QUALITY peescutheient Tk Modern ecnveniences.,Baths and hot andcoldrunningwaterinroom,House renovatedCordialinvitationto stop with us.Warmandbest alle eae by the issues ofwar,He the spirit,ca-pacity and vision of American wo-the war.Aeélieve,”he said,“that just be-we are quickened by the ques-of this war,we ought to be quickened to give this question ofwomansuffrageourimmediatecon- Speaking as “one of the spokes-men of a yreat party,”the President wed his hearty support,and add- ed:“1 want to speak for myself and ay that it seem.to me that this is the time for the States of this Union to take this action.”Explaining his jeaning toward suf- frage as a State rather than a na tional issue,he said:“I perhaps may be touched a little tom much by thetraditionsofourpoliticstradi- tions which lay such questions most entirely upon the States;but | want to see communities declare themselves quickened at this time and show the consequences of the quickening.” Location of Serial Numbers Woan't Count in Next Draft. In making up the registrant classes for the next draft for « tional army,the men of class o: which will be i laced those o value at home and with the tyobligationstode;encents,will | ,called in order of their serial runt « until that class is exham ted though all other classes had been empted.When class one is exhar the anme process will be applis clase two and se on down to claifitevershouldbecomeneces earry it that far. Thus a man whose serial nun im the great war army lottery had led him to believe that he would be among the last summoned,may | assigned to the fiwst class and ordered _into service with the first quota.OFtheotherhand,another whose num! assured him originaliy a place withthenextincrementmaybesoclasi fied as to make it virtualy « he never will be called STENte Five Go to Camp Jackson. The local exemption board sent fis more men to Camp Jackson,Colum- hia,§.C.,Friday.Three others were not sent on account of being sick and not ‘able to go.Walter Clarence M: lone,Eufola,and Filmore breland Harmony,failed to report.The fivowhowentwere: Richard Mitche!l Anderson, Har- mony,R-3;born February 28,1589; farmer and merchant;single. Ford E.Beaver,Statesville;bern August 31,1894;farmer;singleHasbeeninWyomingforanumber of rs. oah Griffin,Mooresville;borndune—,1896;farmer:single John Adam Nantz,Statesville,R 4;born January 14,1891;farmer; single. Glenn R.Sloan,Statesville,R.F D.;transferred from)some point intheWest.The men were sent in’charge ofMr.Sloan and Mr.Anderson.They were shown the courtesies usually shown the others who have gone. Talked Too Much—In Jail. Fer talking too moch and unwive ly-—especially the latter—-Frank FE. Spear of Charlotte,German sympa thizer,is in jail,in default of $5,000 bend,to await trina!in the Pedera! court on a charge of “uttering lan gruage ayainst the life of the Presi dent of the United States.” A witness testified that he hear Spear say that he would like to seallthetransportshaulingsoldier sunk,He also heard him say that President Wilsen sold out his cour try to Morvan and Rockefeller andeughttobeshot,and that he coul! shoot the President without shoving him any mercy.Other witne te tified to similar remarks,expecially to the expression of the hone that the transports wold he s t all the soldiers aboard:and }President had “sold out”ough to be shot.No testimony cus offer ed for the defence. Poor,ignorant fool! remem |ee eee Many Wilkes Men Rejected. Out of a total of 195 mer nt be Wilkes county to Camp Jackson for service in the N aio arm tin of 44,a little more than 22 12 px cent,have been re jected an turned to their homesWilkesboroPatriothisfoundtohavetuberculosis were mental defectives these have moron,accord) frmy surreon«’ort,wh thet one so afflicted retairofaehild-—his mind not veloped along with his ody \ the others were reje ied r flat foot,enlarwed toe joint,bad teeth.Obesity,round shoulders and other causes. ha ee SSeeoeee North Carolina in Dr.MeGui: Unit. North Carolina is well + fe the hase hoepital n 4 Stuart MeGuire has orvani hmond,Va.,for services in Fy A roster of those who have volo:‘ed and been accepted shows ther mm young women from the « A State iteluded in th:Te eight men in the cont ' Of the nurses are fro;Black niain,two from Salisbury.« rev Gastonia,on om Mt.Airs ene from Rocky Mount.Aman enrolled as stretsher-Learers ete.,ie B,A Stimeon of a la le in 6 to 14 Days tefondmoney @ PATO Peat ¥AY 'r ”ree endHest,“4 exciPeaceeeto on,ot -'a result of theomanbetwoevents inattheture,viz.:A demonstrationinterestoffoodconservationthisweek annual conver’Woman's Chris.will be heinthePirstBaptistchurch,Goldsboro,and a bie.association rally some November 1-4.time during the latter part of Feb-ruary.Speakers of the evening were Mr.Wm.Wallace,chairman of the loca! Liberty Loan committee;Dr.T.FE.Andersen,chairman county councilofdefenceandcountyfoodadminis- trator,and Mr.R.L.Poston,mer-chant representative of food conser- vation.Discussions of their work byDr.Anderson and Mr.Poston led to the decision te arrange for a foo conservation demonstration and cam- paign in Statesville this week,theplansforwhichwerelefttoDr.An- ferson,who is to have the co-opera- tion of President A.W.Bunch of the association and the heads of ether organizations of the tewn. Dr.Anderson told of his activity in the interest of food conservation, which inchides the distribution of food pviledee cards in the county through the district school commit- who have been named as food servation committees for thet: ommunities,and Mr.Paos- vained Wis part in the con- work among tie mer- Mr.Peston asked that the hants devote a small portion of -newspaper advertising space to food conservation,and that their display windews be posters on foed conserva- Ik those present arreed to the requested space. Wallace's discussion of bonds cry comprehensive He ¢om- {the familiarity with govern ‘horned ir the United State vith Germany,pointing out that the masses of he Germa peopl re lueated to the value of government opds and do not hesitate to buy mm.‘Tak -into consideration th that our people ore not familiar vith honds,he considered the rr rl sal n Statesville and Tredell tv really remarkalle. %Wal ventured the assertion thet in « few years many of our farmers anecomplainingabeu having to pay interest on govern. ent bonds held by Wall street-—the ery bends they had been given an onortunity to own themeelves fhe vssociation voted an invitation Mr.Ber Vardaman of De Mores,Ja.to visit Statesville dur y the latter part of February or the first of March.Mr.Vardaman, ho is president of —the Community Betterment As-ocirtion La ciate editor of the Mer hants’Trade Journal.is one of the ie nnd most dely sown lectur- rs oon business and commur ty sul jeets in the United States.He will leliver Tec ture in’a onumber ‘of North Caroling —tow durit the winter under the auspice of the Merchants’Associntion,each local assectation paying its proportionate rt ef his expenses.The States ville Association expects to make his visit to Statesville the occasion for a special association rally, The Crowell Clothing Company was elected a member of the associ- ation. 2}i ttherwouldbe National Red Cross Convention. A convention of Red Cross chap ters,auxiliaries,branches,ou workers in North Carolina has been called to assemble in’Raloyrh No vember 1-2.The Red Cross organi rition is the offieial institution for rehef at home and on the batt efield moarccount oof the yvreat wa i momber will make th with which our wounded will be treated,will knit the extra sweaters, helmets,socks,ete.,to preted them trem the cold,while ite nurses will do the suffering in the pespitals. There are now in’North Corolina 110 Red Cro chapters,and about fuxiliary organizations koi red that cach of these will be presented 1 th onvention hy from three to five delevat Ax there many co t t yet ornin also ‘ed that dele me t aie bandaves {come both mer COMM uUrnics Who Will Volunteer” Hi.P Gr | lowal Re t ’i ( Vor Giving a Soldier Whiskey. (i \\ WheneverYouNeedaGeneral TonicTakeGrove's,. chill Tonie is equally valuabt conan,Tonie beens it‘tontainethewellknowntonicpropertiesofQUENINend1kON,Itone be the tame,.laria,the tem.A truetonic.2 Durham doctors hove added to)ithewoesoftheirconatitiecallshavebeenadvancedto$:night calls to $4.Callers at thetors’offices will pay $1.50.for vice, The trustees of the North Caroli.|na Anti -Saloon League will meetinRaleighNovember15toelectasuceessortoRev.R.L.Davis,super-intendent of the League,who has re-signed, Che News -Herald says the ladiesofMorgantonareholdingprayerservieesweeklyinthegradedschoolcuditoriumandthattheservicewillheldregularlyduringtheperiod*the war. James Johnson,who was caught,with John Holmes,operating a dis-tillery in Johnston county,is a mem-ber of the U.8.Marine corps andwasathomeonafurloughwhenhe vas helping make a run of seupper-reas NONE brandy. L..J.Norris,who is serving'a termf20yearsinthe-State prison, bought a Liberty bend and it is said he purchase was made with moneyarnedbytheconvietsincehehas, en in prisen,Norris is also short- ve his stay in prison. In Union county Superior Court Saturday a jury gave Mrs.Horton‘0,000 damaves against the Sea-heard Air Line railway on account of the death of her husband,Condue-er A.M.Horton,who was killed vhile in servieo last February, Army orders state that the resig- nation of Second Lieut.Reyal H.Roy- ter,of the 117th Engineers,formerly North Carolina National Guard.has been aceepted by President Wilsen. .Royster ’onof Gen.BK.8. er af Oxtord irutant1formerly: »Reeord y \P.Sherrill fa two-horse loud of watermelons ikory Friday old them read-Is A few Hickery people,says the Record,have strawhe ri cad cream for breakfast and the fall cardens have green stuff aplenty.While it December weather in the moun- tin counttes Hickory ha <ummer- me foodstuffs, The committee of ti Sorth Carolin Confere Chureh,South,which is « be location of a hespital to be the Confers *.Was In sessten Sand received from Greensbero,Wi ton-Sa nd Salisbury.No aetion ° The committee meets avcris heville November 1 Ee Mayor After Liquer Dealers. vi |ol yesterday ats enes,white andmhehasroasentebelie anvthi about the itt it lecredhy te pled them but failed to yet in- aiia of value hie coved nethatthemaiterwoullhavehis trict atte ton not}future Re thy there no bee n note ed ey denee srecnsbero last wee tmmoned e of whiskey and letermined to find ont he liquor co «from and wheisitherefhetoldtemenwine{1 ye Jes that if thoy areetashtaidineondubetlinginanyway h:ne |io?itself or tho }ale:iv they mad *s,he woul to operveoahivehiclevfurthe wary :‘ambeten announced th ’wot ’on plain-clot! ‘Ip the regular off Church News, I of the duath Pheolovical lege at Coblurabia ?paredIsphard C,,with pres at Sharon fetin orning at TE o% man Suuday ttevill nal defy and Tt . Nels es Out Malaria,Bullds Up System Pie Old Standard general strengthening tonic,GROVICS TASTE)8 chill TONIC,drives ontsfalasisenricleDloodtadbultdsaptt"tn art childgen.¢ fRES'HAVE A WASS OF REAUTIFUL HAIR,SsorrGLOSSY,WAVY: \Small Battle Destroys Dandruff(1 Deubdlos Beauty of Your Hair. Wit ton minnes after an appli1ofDanderine,you cannot.findinedeneeofdandrufforfallingindyourscalpwillnotitchhu Stl please vou most will be few weeks’use,when vou ew hair,fine and dewny at first but really pew hair-—,rew- all over the scalp. ittle Danderine immediatelythlosthebeautyofyourhair.Noiffereneehowdull,faded,brittledscraggy,just moisten a cloth4hDanderineandcarefullydraw through your hair,taking one moll strand ata time.The effe amazing your hair will blieht,fluffy and wavy,and have an(ppearance of abundance;an incon ‘arable lustre,softness and luxu-rianee, Get a small bottle of Knowlton’s The O14 Standard Grove's Tasteless ioe SE Ee aanviletcounterforafewcents andwovethatyourhairisasprettyand rhe a ee ”a 4 Me sa 1 q 4 Ben i o "7 2501 350]4507 5 0 |6.00|7.00ThesepricesshouldmakethisourBanner |==MILLS.&POSTON.&P.8.Be Patriotic—sign your county pledge to save the feod. A WILFULMAKES WOFUL |WANT. AN IDEAL COOK time,food and fuel. “IDEAL”, Saves 2-3 of fuel. Store. You.” Grand Introductory Sale -At theBARGAINSTORE Statesville’s New Popular Price Stere,will start Friday,November 2,at 9 a.m. We wish to announce to the people ofStatesvilleandvicinitythatwehavere-ceived our Full Fall Line of Ladies’andGents’,and Children’s Ready-to-Wear,and our stock is now complete,and tointroduceourselftothepeopleofthiscom-munity we will start a Great 10 DaysSale,during which we will distribute tothepeopleourfulllineofgoodsatlessthanpresentmarketwholesaleprice,andwesincerelyurgeyoutocometothisGreat10DaysSale,as it will mean a greateventtoyou,as we are going to make ourgoreStatesville’s Best Popular Pricedstore. Phone for price on size youneed, Crawford-BunchFurniture “The Store That Always Welcomes EXTRA SPECIAL!1800 Yards High Grade Bleachiat101-2e.per yard.In5 and Yards Remnanis. SPECIAL!SPECIAL!| For this Sale on!y 260 Yards of || Fine Domestic ai 71-2c.Per Yard.| It is impossible to give here everything that we carry in stock,but you will find our stock complete,and we urge you tocometothisSale.Remember the Date,Friday,November 2nd,at9a.m.lasts 10 Days. Bargain Store wincro: SCITEINBERG BROS. Just a Turn From The Public Square. The Manufacturer’s Says that building ean be done now} as cheaply as it can be done for years to come.C.WATKINS has| uilding Material on hand that was’ Mr.Automobile Owner. REMEMBER!We inspect StorwgeBatteriesandfurnishyouwithDistilledWaterfree!AllBatteryworkisdonebyanex- ATESVUAE MOTOR CO..a soft as ~Ahat it has been neg.ete oF as n oon 'lasts youean buildcheaper now thanmenttsen—you surely can Sat --rese room wowhaveihenutiulhairardtoteofitif me Panes ured by careless treat- Furiches BivoduptheWholeSystem,©cemte,you will just try a little Danderine.| boughtatoldprices.Solong asit! Tharpe endTen Gent Store,come.ueceenee 1.wee ©.&HOLLA gemma:C,WATKINS. WASTE A FIRELESS STOVE will save There is no evaporation orwasteoffoodcookedinthe = . 7 ea Be r s cr o t n m n e t ea a n a v a o u o e c e r a e n s e s e e2 c 6 n e 0 n 4 0 Ge e n on ow e CG Q m a e w e ae r m a o e t s st ee eS ee => «2 AV S 2 6 —f a a e oO o en ew oe OS we