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The Landmark, May 1917
| i¥ i t i z e l sts_H a gFit 7 3 H o r t #|Scars,.ibitionist—Randall;So- North Carolina delegation di-,Pou and Doughkton votedIlreportedbythemajoritylitarycommittee,providin n;Small,Sted-Ge e t Ss i .pro- although he "hate one»was w rs tothedraft.On the final vote allorthCaroliniansvotedforthedraftbill. differ STATESVILLE,N.0,TUESDAY,MAY 1,1917. —camp Jno.A.Scott,Jr.,O,P.P.Dulin, On accoun+ofthe great rush ofajns, ee re ao SateStab canned »ve postpo:opening|week—to May 14.A;take the first medi ONET AND RIFLE BUTT|WOULD A movementltablishmentof a;tesville was er A e|through”itseftfee!that it is inamitsbit”in food counters in which the ae rifle butt were used freely"|the fighting along the rest of ‘free of charge or be paid bythe ap-plicant.Each applicant passed bythelocalsurgeonmustsendlettersof Chueh aud the vapect of Wie sheetjthereporty!|examination to R.W.Glenn,Greens- boro.The application will be turnedovertothearmyofficerincharge,who will notify the applicants whenandwheretomeethim.When —_eants are examinedby the army Yrtheywillsigntwoblanks,which wiilcontainenlmtoathandobliga-tion to serve with such commission|as is tendered you by the Secretary of|War,and if they are not commission-these od they will return home and will notfurtheroutinbillre- age lim-draft was fixed at 2i to.This is retained.The Senate bill,however,fixes the age limit ‘at 21 toOnthistwohouseswill ve to agree.Among the moremtamendmentsadoptedpyjousewasoneempoweringthePresidenttoexemptfromthedraftfnhisdiscretionpersonsengagedinagriculturalwork.Another wouldrequireeachStatetofurnisiaquo-ta of men apnortinned according toation,and still another pro|Vides that “no bounty shall be paidtoinduceanypersontoenlist”andthat“no —liable to militaryserviceshallhereafterbepermittedorallowedtofurnishasubstituteforsuchservice.” the Senate there was a long de-|bate over proposal to prohivit tinesaleorpossessionofintoxicatin|liquor during the war. Severaamendmentswereadopted,including'one to make it unlawful to sell orpFmdiquortoofficersormeninuni-or to members of Congress or|ther officials,andthen theSenatereverseditselfandadoptedasubsti-tute simply forbidding the sale of—."to soldiers in uniform and giv- 4 jn to make other prohibition|regulations.In the House the pro-;—matter went out on a point caeaes by ne sg — st!it men su t to draftwhovoluntarilypresentthemselvesshallterecordedasvolunteers,wasacceptedandwentintothebill.An-other long debate was evoxec overamendmentsbytorsThomasandLaFollettetoexemptfromcon-seription those havingtiousobjections”to military serv-lee.Both were defeated without aroll--~,the aoe exemptionPpisleftunchanged. "Persistent *®were mace in:Se House to le of ;J out ailofthomfailedAntb..Good of lowa,doub-ling the payof enlistedmen:nte free $16 ta'80 yasaduptos—Was »and¢amendment was adoptedinIntheHouseanamendmentforofprovidingawayfor!the purposeCol.Roosevelt to go to France withasmallarmyofvolunteerswasde- dent to equip four ¢divisi*enteers to be used in the trenchesabroad.In the Senate an amend-_of similar purport was adopt While Democrat |Lender Kitchin did not vote,canMann,'vhe ascle duringteattheselectivedraft. President wide discretionary | “conscien-| be sub.to service unlessjintheregularway.a;have in applications forserveCorpsexamination had best put in another application for Fort Ogle-thorpe,as no commissions will begiventoanyexceptthosewhoattend ‘training camp,says Mr.Glenn in’2lettertoTheLandmark.|North Carolina is asked to furnish2,000 men for training in this campforofficers’commissions.The train-ing lasts for three months and menjwillbetrainedforreserveofficersoftheline(infantry,cavalry,field andcoastartillery)and engineers.Menareeligibleprovidedtheyarecollegegraduatesorundergraduatesorclear-|ly well educated mex,and providedtheyhavedemonstrytedinbusiness,|athletics or other activities that theypossesstoanunusua!degree the abil-‘ty to handle men.applicants must be citizens of the United States,of good moral character and soundphysicalconditionandcapableofun-|dergoing the severe physical work ofdrillandmaneuvreswithfullinfantryequipment. No salary is provided fer but the| |government furnishes transportation|‘and subsistence in camp.Applicants;are asked to furnish their own uni-form in advance if practicable.Thisconsistsofservicehat.hat cord,service coat,flannel shirts,service|breeches,pair canvas leggings and one;pair marching shoes.The govern-ment will furnish rifles,ammunition,'haversacks,mess and cooking outfits,|tentage,cots,bedding,including blan-kets and such other articles of a gen- eral nature as may be necessary. American Steamer Sunk. The American oil tank steamer|Vacuum has been sunk.The can- tain and pert of the crew and the naval lieutenant and nine American navel gunners are missing. The Vacuum was sunk by a Ger-man submarine Saturday,while she|was on the way to the Unitel States. ‘ cluding three of the American navysunners,have been Innded.A boatcontainingthemasteroftheandtheremainderofthecrew.to-gether with the lieutenant and ninenavalgunners,is missing. Food Bills Introduced. The administration food bills wereintroducedintheHouseofCon-wress yesterday.They do not coverthepricefixingorcontroloftheuseofgrainsfordistilling liauvors.These subjects will be covered in a bill to be introduced later.The billsintroducedaredesignedtostimulateproduction,prevent oarding,makeforeqnitabledistributionand sus-nend the law prohibiting the mixingofflour.They contain provisions topreventconflictwiththeanti-trustandinter-State commerce laws. CALLED MEETING MERCTIAinlingofthe Mer-A spec meetchants’Association is called for to--_at 8 o'clock at the Commer- ship| NTS| thThechiefmateand17men,in-/ jage of spring plowing and planting, battle front from east of theridgesouthacrosstheScaMonchy-le-Preux. President Wilson hasquestsfromFranceandmediatefinancialaid 00,000 to $300,000,000edthembytheUnitednthenextfewdays.With the completitransactions,theernment’s loansproximate$500eryindication 000,000 moreliesbeforethesacrandtotalof Amerita’ing the first three months of war to $1,500,000,000.At this rate,7060.000,000 a year would be put out,or double the sum_provided for inthewarfinancelaw.The creat loan which the UnitedStatesisabouttoraisebythebondissueonbeaenoretRtge down in history.retary McAdooannounces,officially designated as“The Liberty Loan of 1917.”ThisnamewasselectedbyMr.McAdoobecausethemoneyderivedfromtheloanwillbespent,to the last dollar,in the fight which democracy is wag- ing against autocracy. Selling Corn at $1.80. “T sold a load of corn today for$1.80 per bushel,”said a farmer inTheLandmarkofficeSaturday,“thefirstloadIeversoldatthatprice.”The same farmer remarked thatheknewofagooddealofcorninthecountrythatwasbeingheldforhigherprices.He was of the opin-ion that under the present food con- ditions it was not exactly right toholdoutforthelimit.oreover,hesaid,weevils begin to hatch out in old corn about May ist and what theweevilswilldotoacribofcorn when once they get started is sur prising.They will so reduce thegrain,he said,that the loss inweightwillmateriallycuttheprof-it hoped for in the expected increaseCs Iredell Crop Conditions. Mr.W.L.Gilbert,county secre- tary,reports condition of crops inIredellcounty_—28 as foilows:Per centage of wheat crop that will not be harvested,5 1-2;acreagecomparedwithlastyear,92 1-2 percent.;usual crop,96 1-4 per cent.;present condition,79 per eent.Ryecomparedwithacreagelastyear,$5 per cent.;usual acreage,100 per cent.;resent condition,83 percent..Condition of t crop of ay,91 per cent.;ft over fromlastyear,12 1-2 per cent.Per cent- p o s e i g 3 . H e 26 3 5 iF gc .term notes,giving"portunity to sell theirproduttsbeforehaving to makepaymentsontheiroutfit.Hard-ware merchants present stated thattheynowhaveinstockcanningouz-fits which they will sell on easytermstohonestpeople.This beingthecase,it wasagreed that the bestcoursetobetakenwouldbethees-tablishment of a permanent canninviantinStatesville.A number othosepresentexpressedtheirwill-ingness to put steck into such anenterprise,and it is believed that the project will be a “go.”To Celebrate the Fourth.The association voted in favor ofaFourthofJulycelebrationforStatesvilleandPresidentBunch,Secretary J.Paul Leonard and Mr.R.L.Poston were elected a commit-tee to arrange for the celebration. This being a time for economy,thedeaistomakethecelebrationabigaoeconned+ag "as lit-tle expense as possible.It is hopedthataspeakerofnationalreputationmaybesecuredfortheoccasion.Delivery Problem. The Pr problem was discuss-ed at length by the merchants.Mr.R.L.Poston led the discussion byoutliningthecausesofincreasedex-vense of doing business under theabnormaiconditionsoftheday,andweedeconomyinbusinessforthebenefitofbethmerchantandcus-tomer.There is too much expense attached to the delivery of goods,under the present methods,and thewprovaleeisbeingabusedinStatesvillebypeoplewhokeepcoodsoutofthestorestoolong.Mr.W.H.Morrison gave his expe- rience with delivery and approvals)and urged co-operative effort ineliminatintheunnecessary’ex-|pense,essrs.CC.B.Morrison,||Brooks Harris,James M.Ramsey| jand others offered suggestions and| |recommendations,and Secretary ||Leonard told of the success of asso-| ciations in other towns which have | adopted schedules of delivery.In At-| lanta,for instance,the slogan “Buy |Today for Tomorrow”has enadopted,and the housewives are co-| operating with the merchants intheireffortstoreducethenumberofdeliveries.Bunchthatdrygoolsandchantsgetformlationsfordeliveries cS Ss first year’s 84 per cent.;yet to be done,74 percent.Condition of pasture land,08percent. Biggest Revenue Collections.During April Collector Watts ofthisdistrictcollected$2,082,528.08 internal revenue taxes,as follows: Tobaco $1,808,571.91272,297.34 629.99 recommended Fines and penalties ,Liquor license Emergency Capital stockOleomargarine license Narcotic ace :This is the largest amount evercollectedintheistrictinone month,being an increase over last month of $146,711.23 and of $1,058,-092.25 over April,1916,or 103 1-4 tetliveries for their lines. dent is anxious to see which work out a schedule ofThepresi- .Weatherman,R.L.|Munday werenamedasacommitteetogobeforethecountycommissionersandre-|quest that they place aattractivesignontheCounty Home| be seen from| ay. large and|the TALKED G confident hope that theUnitedStatessoonwill be flying onherbattlelines. Vietories sure to be won bythesol-diers of the two republics,once morefightingshouldertoshouldererty,declared the hero of thewill“hasten the end of thetightenthelinksofaffectionteemwhichhaveeverunited one American.unit atphome»—wn complete equ ent abecauseoftransportation problems.He said,too,that he did notAmericansnowwiththeFrench armyshouldbewithdrawntoserveundertheAmericanexceptpossiblyafewspecialistsmightbeusefulin=e the training of the newAmericanforce.He pnidtributetothevalorofAmericans nowfightinginFrance.American offi-cers,he believed,were fully eompe-tent to train American men,and hegaveitcshisopinionthatanAmeri-can army would develop rapidly.=« Mr.J.M.Mitchell Hurt. While en route to town yesterdayfromhishomeonthenorthernedieoftown,Mr.J.M.Mitchell’s horsetookfrightatanautomobileonnorthCenterstreet,ran away and Mr.Mitchell was thrown out of the wag-on,sustaining painful bruises.was carried into Mr.Jo.White’s home,nearby,and Dr.Cleaninger attended him.No bones were broken but onaccountofMr.Mitche'l’s advancedage-—85-—‘the shock was severe.The horse Mr.Mitchell was drivingis31yearsoldanditwosthoughttobepasttheageforsuchbusiness,butyounevercantellaboutahorse. MOVE MARKERS.The Daughters of the Confedera- cy and the Civie League,who are together and adopt uni-!‘ying the old cemetery,find it nec-|Clothingand|essary to remove some stones placed Morrisonipprovals,and that the grocers and|as markers at graves.These are not|White Shoechersde-|regular gravestones,which will not!Mills &Poston,be disturbed,but rough stones,group|without lettering.This is to notify;&Co.hnve signedheedhisrecom-/|persons interested,if any there be,|fective today,tosothattheymaylookafterthemarkingofthesegraves. ALUMNAE at COMMENCEMENT.At a meeting of the Alumnae As-sociation of M college,held atFridayafternoon,for the alumnae’s share in the co- ‘s com exercises werediscussed.Miss Laura Coit of thereeguageatGreensborowill and chickens, ABSENT MINDED.As evidence of how farmindednessgoeswithsomecitizenofthecounty,whosixmilesfromtown,daughter to town Saturdayineveningwentallthe wi her.’ oversight,heladythathewas onButinthemeantime|heard of the younghadstartedhomewitho'clock, helece,EARLYTheJohnston -shoe mer-/about beginning the work of beauti-ford -Bunch Con’bo.,4 bss.,Co.,MeLellan Stores AARclosebusinessat6 r° *Se it e l l n l E c i .a 3 1I i t ::: st iy | dead on theconcreterailroad|the Frencn Broad river |Junction,near Asheville,|morning,says |young man was ween knees,|examined the body |Fanate nee|was 6 open.old and his) He enlisted |it last October|border service.|the detail un-|t Byrd and went on}at 3 o'clock Friday morn-was discovered by!ht irain.A short!in the trigger guard left his command with-procuring leave of absence andawayforthreedays,vis-|relatives at Hickor NowastakenaesSsactwasassignedtodutywhen|He was said to have best of spirits and noisassignedforsuicide.young man was a son of Mr.|vs.Walter Jones of Hickory |survived by his parents,three|brothers and two sisters.His re-|mains were sent to Hickory for:burial. gE a E 33 F; fE z i iy ve a l ’ rE Volunteer Method Premium on Cowardice. Gov.Bickett hits the mark,asusual,in discussing the selectivedraftbill.word “conscrip-.”says the Governor,should notusedinconnectionwiththebill.measure “lays down the princi-ple of universal oeBo milita- upon part o ose capa-e of rendering such service.Hav-laid down this principle of uni-liability,the bill empowersWarDepartmen:to select thosefittedtoserveandassignthemtheworktheyareespeciallyqual-to do.It applies the law of nat-ural selection in the making up ofanarmyandsubstitutesthejudg-the War Department fortheimpetuosityofindividualciti-zens.is so eminently wise andinentlyfairthatIfailtoun-nd how any man can oppose |it,—_aa oeinequalexactigmenttoaandspecialprivilegestonone.“War is a tax on property and onlife.All men concede that the tax onustbelevieduniformly.|tax on life ought to beleviedwithstrictrdtotheefuniformityandy.“The volunteer system is the es-|sence of inequality and workshorriblediscriminationcqpinst our|finest type of citizenship.It puts ataxonpatriotismand@premiumon! World Famine Threatened.| Sie Femnch wer winston has - Ge Wings France needs mosttheUnitedStatesaremoney,ertilizers,coal,steel,oil and{Insurance on auxiliary sailing ves-,Which the Italiantionespec?-| t ;new machine and deliberately [i a Ti f Al s EE hastaken on the characterofagen-eral melee,as is.nna often the;evouflier,failing to‘ie Germanaloft,soughtoutoneinitshanobservationballoon|i onthe,divedatitandsetthe big|iablazefromstemtostern, se m : i 5TH F [>d E Uei? Uf a iii 8.Information on impfoved eook- gas *©*German fliers were farsearcerthanusual,and very difficult|to find.British machines were every-|along the battle front and far||behind the German lines.Bombing|raids were carried out 45 miles back,|the machines deliberately flying over|where battles were =raging|with the greatest fury.German|trains rushing reinforcements to the|front were attacked and transport|columns on the roads were bombed| and completely disore.nized.In sev-eral instances the,British machinesenmelowoverthefirht’ng lines andnouredmachine-gun fire into theGermanranks.One British pilot,after bringingdowntwoGermans,and all his am- munition was gone,descended, re-loaded,filled up his petro!tanks and|took to the air again.Within half an.hour he,had brought down his thirdmachine’for that day.Another pilotfelledtwomachineswalletneothersweredividedamongasimilarnum-ber of British pilots. Drawn Battfe. The createst fight,odly enough,was a drawn battle.One of the British pilots met a brilliart Ger-man flier and for a full hour they,manoeuvred in a most marvelous|manner,without either being able tobringhisguntobearontheother.|They rolled,looped,twisted,deliber-ately stalled their engines,and|standing the machines on their tail,|slid backward throuch the air,but all to no avail.It was probably the.most wonderful air duel the war has|yet seen.| The British pilot reporeee that|several times he felt sure he would|get his adversary between his sights|but the latter invariably wriggledoutofthelineoffire.The BritishfierhimselfwaskeptbusyavoidingtheGerman,and once he had to dive almost perpendicularly.The com-|bat did not break off until bota pi-|lots had fairly exhausted them-|selves and their petrol.Later in thedayanotherBritishpflotencounter-ed the same German machine.The|Britisher was winging his way home|after a hard day’s work,but he jock-|eyed with the German for nearly ajquarterofanhourbeforefivingon.| In strange contrast to this was| the experience of one British pilot,who somewhat peevishty complain-|ed that “I only got a rabbit.”tieexplainedthisbysayingthatwhile|his opponent had a good machine,hewasaclumsyfellowandcouldn't|firht at all,and was sent spinning|with the first burst of gunfire.Still another pilot mounted a fast —ed a German to get on his Yrat.|Then he suddenly looped behind his|adversary and caught him just with-|in the sichts,the burst of fire kill-|ing the German instantly.The ma-|‘hine’swerved and the dead man|nitched out ten thousand feet fromtheground.The fighting was all! British machines had bullet holesthroughtheirwingsbutsailedhomeunaided,and took the air again next|morning. No More Vessels Insured. The government has decided nottoinsureanymoresailingvesselsboundforthewarzone.The risksonthisclassofcraftistoogreat. sels also will be discontinued.The8|bureau’s present rate of 5 per cent.|'®?_army at present.on steamers bound for the war zoneof|has never applied to sailing vessels,| individual rates having been quotedoneachvessel,ranging up to 30 percent.ses on steam craft haveincreasedmeasurablyoflate,as hasthevolumeofbusiness,the largest@$1,000,000 on theMissourian.Sailing vessels|for vo:other than tothewarzonewillbeinsuredasfor-|merly.| Nevada led G ae ates in pro- stween poll’oneSOk| ' armybetweencontribution 94.4 centsepa ing is helpful. 9.Bi phical information aboutpresent-day speakers,ete.(We may add:school for librarians free of cost topersonsofthecommunity).10.Collections of good musicmodernaddition.11.Copies of masterpieces of artandrelics.12.Improved farming and treat-ment of plant and stock diseases can is a ‘he on file and information on conser-vation of natural resources of the country,as well.as handiest infor- mation,interesting stories,fash-ions,the best literature.13.As a meeting place for organi-zations of benefit to the town,14.As a meeting place for ¢o-op-eration in the interests of town andcounty. State Bonds Sold, .Twenty-seven bids,totaling 144,170,were received by,Treasurer lacy for the installment of $1,-State slatvre authorized ro ve issued forpermanentimprovementsatingstitutions.The Wachovia *and Trust Company of Win tem bid for the entire issue,premium of $1,250,which was below the total premeum on i ual bids.The bonds were ther awarded to the other biddeandindividuals,all living in NorthCarolina.The first installment ofbendsrunfor10yearsandbearin- cerest at 4 per cent. Before the first of July the State Treasurer will isshe $500,000 morebondswhichwereauthorizedbythe Legislature.These are $400,000roadbonds,the money to be ex-chanwed for 5 per cent.county bonds©assist in road building;$75,000fortheCaswellTrainingSchooland$25,000 for the State Home for Fal- len Women, Gerard and Clark. la a public address in New YorkMr.Jas.W.Gerard,ex-ambassaaor to ee arraigned SpeakerChampClarkforhisadvocacyofthevolunteersystem.He said hehadsupportedMr.Clark in his cam-paign for the Democratic nominadtionforPresidentin1912.“thank heaven,”he exclaimed,“somebeneficentProvidence,which xeeps the American people from puttingforwardtheirnear-statesmen,in-tervened.”And Speaker Clark answered:“It is hardly worth watie to wastetimeandbreathonJudgeGerard.The poor man is laboring hard tokeepinthelimelight,out of whichheisrapidlyfading. “He or any other man who im-pugns my patriotism «is a liar andthetruthisnotinhim.” LONEROTRTEER GARIBALDIS WOULD SHOW USPeppinoGaribaldi,grandson ofawithintheenemyterritory.Several the Italian patriot,now a colonel intheItalianarmyatthefront,madeaspecialvisittoRomewiththreeofhisbrothers,all officers underhim,to offer their services to theUnitedStates,the offer being madethroughtheAmericanambassador,Thos.Nelson Page.The Garibaldisthinktheirserviceswouldbeworth more in America,as instructors inthelatestmethodsofwarfareinarmyhashadmuchexperience,than in the A Oreestive LaxativeCATMARTICANDLIVERTOM Lax-Fosisnot aSecret or PatentMedi-<td-techionedlsosteondhecbe: ™™"# Beane - RHU {1B A MAY Al x ROOT ws $500,000 of the $3,-|000,000 State bonds,which the Leg-, ome|(SEE TOYOURBATTERY.| itals| It is a training i 4 tt y | iE i iik i| E£j‘ bs a0 - |ii :; £ i q i || bi n t ;| e l [ !;i ws Se 2p Be s HE g s | | Our storage battery departmentisinchargeofanexpertwithfac-tory experience.Let us put yourbatteryinshapeforsummerdriving. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO,. and Good aw are the pleasure of Tet us ,sir the Tires that williveyonVULCANIZING, THE IREDELL.VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 CourtStreet.|WesellMiller Tire and Tubes! u M u l 'L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In — Hidés,Furs,Wooland Bees-wax,Also old Metal.and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Books and Magazines.Wepaythehighestmarketprices. Independent Phone 306. SS Your choice,Asents for Royer,ifts,V.C.C.Co.,and Union Guano,Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls,Flour.e CASH OR TIME. ~—>JE.SLooP,<—| Spee ——— Anotherthrough toTexas via CottonBoltRoutefechashteo>joo Wennuh Be ‘to Fn SS (verlandF ours! There are definite advantages in these. OVERLAND FOURS that make each one stand out conspicuously above other cars in its price class, As a result they are producings cars of ex- ceptional quality—and marketing them at exceptionally low price. Every car is built to a rigid standard of appearance,performance and comfort. These Overland Fours are striking examples. The Light Four—the Big Four and the Light Four—4—Passenger Country Club. Let us show you these cars. W.R.Mills Motor Co.. THERE IS LOTS OF GOMVORT ON THE PO IF YOU HAVE IT FIXED UP GHT— COMFORT AND HEALTH. We have about the nicest line of porch furniture Bont delay fixing upthe perch whenitcon,bedoneewandeffectivelyasismadepos- sible re. Bell Phone ggoe. R.LINNE ¥ UE si we em STOP the PAIN 10 MINUTES 10 CENTS,BY USING -——AT —-HALL’S DRUG STORE, al No.2 . ee Pe ee = ome:i t s&§ g a t e ig §e Ie $1.00Per Hour pump the water andsaveyouthetimetodevotetoyourwork.Save thistimeandmoney.A MyersPumpwillsavethis.Letusputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. 10-Year-OldChildMakes| For you when as tae tlthen: ib nerse ecientarent i ge 00 hammer amy fe ¥”’re ;THELANDMARK yoe F : iz ai s lt l,\ | iHiF doubt,all hes-’“the said, ban-peo-itation,all unwillinishedfromthemind ofple,and hé is now our chosenforthisgreatcontest.” Simple leader House.White House,it is has‘ona “war footing”in theierofbanquets,long noted “forextravagantelegance.”ThreeeRarenowservedinsteadofUeualsevento10-—and the threeiaresimple.Good example. —= Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Etomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox-ationisand other fatal ailments resultfgomStomachTrouble.ThousandsofStomachSufferersowetheircom-plete recovery to Mayr’s WonderfulRemedy,Unlike any other for Stom-agh Ailments.For agale by theSievilleDrugCo.and druggistsE., We Try to Keep Everything in stock to meet your wants.Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 55,114 E..Broad Street. DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONSL BANK BUILDING,tesville,N.C,TELEPRONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hours #te 6.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’S TEETH Health is the most important thinginlife.It is too precious,too vital |to be bandied about as an article of|merchandise.It cannot be purchas-|ed in boxes or phials at the cornerdrugstore.BARIUM ROCK SPRING WA-TER aids Nature to restore itself when drugs fail.It drives Urie acidoutofthesystemandrevitalizesthe nerves, ¥.M.Shannonhouse writes:“IwassufferingfromshatterednervesanddisorderedstomachandkidneysandtheBARIUMROCKSPRING|WATER brought a speedy cure.” ’Phone W.A.EVANS or write where.- THE WAY TO HE Department L,Box 65,Barium’ Springs,N.C. Car Red Cedar Shingles \Reing unloaded by C. WATKINS,Shingle King of Iredell County. ONE LE RnOeSERC mem A fresh lot of Leggett’sPremierMayonnaiseintenandthirtyfivecentsizes.Try it,it is de-licious. We have ail sizes instuffedandplainolivesandpickles. Phone 89, SPECIAL GROCERY VALUES Peaches,18 cents a can. Libby’s Mince Meat,17 cents a pound, Pressed Figs,15 cents a package. Sherrill &Reece. 6 TODAY ” ||Mier-McLain Supply Co. |FINE LOT COUNTRY HANS. COUNTRY HAMS, Shoulders and Sides.We are in the market and will pay cash for ail the Country Hams,Sides und Shoulders}you can bring us.We can only handle goods of good quality.See us before you sell. J.K,Morrison Grocery&Produce Company. os |-_ate —_-—---|*°Jitney Station |In addition to our present way of,handling the city traffic,we are novloperatingschedulecarbetweenthe quare and depot every 15 minutes at ee ee oe Cc.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.’Phone340 Green , ¢the populer price of 5 cents.—Hereafter the ditney office will be closed on Sundays ‘PHONE £11. Nitney Transfer Company. bee ma oo ee ae reatsepee [DAVID A.LEWIs. WANTED! PIANO and PIPE ORGAN TUNER. Satiefacion guaranteed.Refer-ences.Will locate in Statesville early perp,Light rane 2 FO R SA ]iE $ ond handmachi!ail kindsofbollet in May.April 17—8t. r f i e s is al-the z the cooks don’t cat any idle|Mrs.Lettie Dry,ow ne:ways on the alert to lookjcomfortandcareofailmmates|She not only looks afier their‘comfort and requiremecis,but their|spiritual needs.Some time shejboughtniceNewTestamentsalliwhocouldorwouldagreetoread |j}them.This scribe received one,whichvery‘much.He has ie he appreciates moat ;mn verlatnightwitfoutaskingGod's bless-ing :—all.'onhiteell,the warison.If the yinCongresshadabeenwomenlike|Miss Rankin it is probable there wouldjhavebeennowar;but whether itiwouldhavebeenbestforthejatthistime,God in heaven only |knows,|Farmers are planting corn and oth-while theharves: | ler crops right along,so thatjearthremainethceedtimeand;will continue.The leavés on the trees jleok to be about grown.The wheateroponthecountyfarmislooking»Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit-‘ine at this time.Mr.Perry says the||prospect now is for more than anaveragecrop.I remember one year|that Mr.Perry raised 195 bushels of;wheat.That was wren he put his,own hands to the plow handles and didnotlookback,but quit only when allhisattentionwasotherwiserequiredattheCountyHome._D.P.HEATH. Story of Last Summer's Fleed—A Valuable Publication, The Landmark is indebted to Mr Fairfax of aMiller,vice president,for a “a Sa ulyvolumeentitled“The Floods1916—-How the Southern Railway Or-:ganization Met an Emergency.”Thehook’tells the story of the is ofinstJulyandhowtheyaffectedgtheSouthernrailwaylines.is amapoftheSouthern’s lines showingthelinesputoutofoperationbytheflood,handsome illustrations showing the damage to tracks and bridges and adjacent property in many localities.Those along the line from Eufala° Asheville are of local interest.There are pictures of the wrecked Catawhariverbi.dge,several of the temporary structure erected immediately afterthefloodandtwooftheeffectsofthe flood in the Catawba valley betweonEvfola‘and the river.There are also many other pictures—of the wrecksatundnearGreenlee,Old Fort,on thelineacrossthémountain,at Ride- crest,Asheville and beyond ‘ The book ig one of unusual interest and will be preserved as a valuable history of the noted flood of 1 1916,and the damage caused |iy iy President Harrison dedicates it “TotheManontheJob,”by “One Whe Admires him"”—to the men who with vigor and determination unsurpassedlaidholdandquicklyrestoredthelinesoftransportation.The Land-mark holds this publication of excep- tienal value and treasures the copy it has received. Making It Say What ft Didn't Say. The following is going the rounlsofthepapers: SEED FAMINE.(Statesville Landmark.)Mr.C.Watkins tells The Pandmark that hehaxcomeincontactwith@numberof who say they are unable to buy plantingNow here is what The Landma day say March 20,»month avo:Mr.C.Watkins tells The Landmark t:has come ii contact with a number of { who say they are unable to buy seedplanting.Myr.Watkins has decided to |yut these who can't help themselves,Hxarrangedfor40pecksofpotatoes,at 8)cont per peck.These he will furnish the pewhoean't buy for themselves,if they wi on him,so lone as the potatoes {ast only security required is that thoree «potatoes promise to pay Mr.Watkinpeckwhentheydigtheirpotatoes All of which shows that it wasn'tseed,but money,that was scarce;and by clipping out the first sen-tence and paying no attention to thecontext,the newspaper man ,whostartedthatclippingonitsroundschangedtheentiremeaningofthearticle.We don’t know the origi 'faloffender,but we first saw it in thatshapeintheRaleighNewsand©)-server and we're looking at that pa-‘per right now.rious so far as effects are concerned,but the exchange editor who is thatcafelessneedsajoltbeforeheputshispaperinforalibelsuit. The Question Answered. Monroe Enquirer.There has been such c wheat fail- tre in Argentina that an embargo haswenplacedonexports.Russia will have no more than a normal supplyofwhert,England will want everysurplusbushelofCanadianwhent.The winter wheat crop in the UntedStatesisestimatedat180,000,000bushelsshort.Potatoes are so hich in price that not more than a normalcrophasbeenplanted,mary peoplenotbeingabletobuyseedpotatocsjondothersnotwilling’te k puttine such high-priced oes in theiground.The stocks meat in stor-jame is 12 per cent lege than at thejsametimeyear.fhe reserves of reed *wheat is the lowest in modern civili- ‘DR.COITESHERRILL: }}~“General Practioner in~ lation.The|ques'ion “Wandbreadso Gu Rid h wediy ihei foregoing :newers theisPriceofmeat a ems Harrison,president of the|Southern railwey,and to Mr.BH.W. lof *tainly open that gate ence isnt se-| * an gn.will loveall.Poor crookeddark,.forest laws,and blind,will ereep once more fromithethicketsand set them free. righted,'arent deeds of chivalry performed, anc Weary souls by grace of Robin Hood Theat niwht shall enter dreamland.’|him.|vt of the dust and dreariness of| .our barren lives we may enter the|forest too.There we can believeagain,at least for a little space ofjtime,that all true and beautifulithingsbelongtolife—that,men are, 'brave—that maids are pure—thatloveisgssweetasahawthornbough,and that though we are all'so “teased with thorns,bullied with,briars,and baffled with stars,”we!are yet capable of nerous words!and eourai s.It will be)good for us to ,believe that again,|even for a little while.Sherwood Forest and the men in|Lincoln Green present for us the:play that is life.The trees and|sunshine of forest liberties some-; times give way to the prison walls)f defeat and disappointment.Fai-ries and an sometimes retreatbeforedark“passions and human|There are in this play thecruelplotsofPrineeJohnand|Queen Elinor.There are the old‘dark things of selfishness,bitternessjandwrong.But against these God| land Rebin Hood fight as to the |j}death.They fight and win,even|‘though death comes to Robin Hood|as it came to rist in His victory.| The meanmg of the play you mustfindforyourself,just as you must)find for yourself the meaning of|our life.But this may be sai?by;lway of guidance to both the play)nd.life.The best things come only;\to those who are willing to win)jthem by suffering.Robin Hood was ‘oved by all the poor and oppressedbecausehewonreliefandlibertyfor)‘them at the daily risk of his life.’|Marion won Robin’s love because!ishe defied poverty and the work!to.|w@.to his side in the moment of dan-|er.Richard was a great king be-!cause he rejected the honors men! brought hm in order.as the servant| ef men,to hringe liberty to the; world Blondel was a great poet be- cause he made himself homeless and lan endless wanderer over the earth ito follow what he knew to be the | |noblest truth and tne most heroiciman.i|Most of all you will find the, imenning of the play in the sacrifice! iof little Shadow-of-a-Leaf.First he! sacrificed his place among men and! theeame a fool to the wisdom of men ithat he mieht be wise in the thirgs God.Then he ercttficed his ivplace among the wise and beautiful ithines ef God ana chut himself for- lever ont of all he loved dearer than \life to bring life to Robin and Marian iwhen a death thet was blacker thanideaththreatenedthem.All he had tc |etve to them As in Blond:?’ i song,his answer to danjyer was |“Meath?Wha th®he eried, 1 must ‘ So,as we « |Wrongs, he rave ter the gates of ro- mance and fairyland that his sacri- i fice opens to and the gates be- rin to close,“Shadew-of-a-Leaf will steal wistfully end hesitatinelyneressasiftoenter.And the gate; will close in his face.Then he will *o up to them and lean against them in the darkners obbinge—-a =small| reen fieure,looking like a rreeh| wood spray against their soft ivery glow.So with all soldiers,rrophets and}fools who bring beauty at the cost of all they have to give God,who is the third King.will cer- to Shadow-of- to the other may fe +8, fa andve}and andwea-Leaf some dayfoolawhodiethat be safe ‘|nd free.ee | Curse For Him That Withhold- eth Food. Monroe Enquirer A great deal isnowabouttheman who attempts to.make a corner on foodstuffs and buys up things to eat and holds on for an exerbitant price.Solomon,who was wise in the affairs of men,but very foolish concerning women, said in some observations ne made and reduced to writing,“He thatwithholdethcorn,the people —shall curse him;but blessings shall be up-on the head of him that selleth it.”The fellow who tries to maxe a =wi being said just} ner on the corn market now hear cussin’and a-plenty of it. (And the same applies to wheat and flour and other foodstuffs.There |is @ belief that the prevafting price!‘of wheat and flour ie =”part tospeculation;that while the price is)laetually hich on account of the;'searcity of wheat and the extraordi-|nary demand,thataddedasaresult of speculation. and by,it iserymentwill—_— freed ig extractingSrofitsinthistimeof people whose) stress, ingdemand ite-The Landmark.) SYOSE ETE e Not All in Name.|Charity and Children. The Statesville Female i ita tooachangedom& ‘ve - of ‘oe i it t wi Col \a.‘be| >.|aoa Pe en is something is be-| believed,the gov-| unreasonable|andWhenitdoestheywillgetallthat)to them.Public sentiment| , _—* | THE BIG DISCOUNT SALE —At—Mills &Poston’s| Is now in full swing on COAT SUITS, SILK DRESSES, SPORT COATS(and Ladies’and Children’s) SPORT HATS. Many customers have taken advantage of this Sale.Why not you? Yours truly, id MILUS &POSTON. cSHammocks,Couch s ers,mocks,Hammocks,nei: In factwe have thegoodsto make th.Hammocks,Swingsorifboughtfromus. Nae Se ' ” powellhive i ealiiad the =7 5 it ee l ii i cE e o r t t SLE S re aeit e : = ai l 3i ei s ti i Ie ' i te ala i ii ; i | 8 g i & Ff £3 Z aie ;i’i ?:Fe it was evident that there |anme anyt aanis‘frame-u *.start thie very!caiamee ae vacant lots<oe >i icLemore resolu-}them,'’eulti-else,and they diseredit |ionto Americans not to take ation of foodstee,ThisSagacitytypormitingito|pmaeom STiSN ray Pek ill be appreciated,and;..suednThemorchanteshouldstand.to-strength has saved him from having.with’is of ee assured .a Pe 4 |be —_to ao eaeadministrationwas|.ne.acnag!at MtMovieswreckedbyasimilarelement.As.pson,will close Friday years some of the |£0r oo oS a ®enews S entertainment in the e¢ml was en :merchants and their cash-pagal.Hh at Baltimore in 1912 “isting of songs,soomnatiqns and an customers have helped up.viich was given to Mr.Wilson.|"Convention.deadbests becauseof ENE |.The BoyScouts,30 strong,went out o|aye SAVE THE CALVES!taneysoports toad Us “fort |to the Tremendous Demand|The most im t thing in con-|4ay.Theyreportagoodtime,|,little |—_thefish werenot so numerous,anden-conserv:of ;ze Statesvile Joyedthenight Te ant :Wehave arrangedtocontinueour jhere closed out Saturday and H ,ughtered|move to Georgia.:. |nav 3s retu #:|ship,the U.8.Repair Ship V :.L ‘olk,after spending afurloughwithhisparents,Mrs.John A.Young.Mr.sick sherl ott,Thamar |At 25c.Each. State vs.W For several These beautiful Rings are on sale;at our NetCounter and a new has beenaddedtothealreadylargeassortment. EVERY RING GUARANTEED. tate Hospital at Morganton11th,and whose rezntives could 4000 OR MORE RINGSreag,eier wt {Sica eee gart Betaare lear comme soci |e Inchudedin thi ale-emnbracing rings serious consideration.|alee leaves a sister Mrs.Harriet Mc-or any ns. mt!Ge aaahaadcea Oe —on em Amity commu-D SALE.|Pear! a Utoat well,fvadvinedthat‘The’Landmarkhas|orpuniagof the:Chia”Consennieen,Sat |it i who disseminate cial W.no doubt whatever that Presiden®League of America,ws here last W.FP locon iiadtndtomSobesrerenaes:|Witees would—or at least should—week fo-ming the mothers of the city |missioner will sell ai vousGostlon if?F -Fo e4 §s ?.= F e s e a p e n i a 3z i s F e n 4 es Fe 8 & F a l e have missed the spring fever this ;{ct!honored to,attend the North into a circle for the study and im-|Swe Gelderfor sual,at theyearandneverthoughtaboutit.|C2Telina Press Association,”but We |provement of child life.MONDAY,JUNE 4,1917,fear Ge ase all in”jknow also that even in ordinary!”Mr.Robert Lowrance of Arkan-at 12 o'clock,m..the following deseribedThusitwas,in tne language |times the President of the United’sas is here on a visit to his brothers,"a ’7-20tone,.States is too busy to attend meet-|5 {stome,Vithepoet,that the deadly blight or |:Messrs.Wallace and D.L.Lowrance,jing,thence south §%degrees eastSownmai,tnt ‘mowswii he,oventey at’wer,Bet ctet fatten,Mine "Lotive oe @ eae oe coe fscaft.war,nson,who is mg at Corne-,;;of tion itableitisamatterofdoubtfulproprietyjius,spent the week-end at her home|Sam%stone ee ee Poe re In fact all the newest crea’gs sul :going to prescribe for the twoorf.|oven,wae 7 time by asking here.Mr.J.Pinkney Mills of Char-cinning,containing $1 acces more or less for men,women and children.E::purport of the re-;:R.B.MeLAUGGHLIN,Zaceeaithaacateeo|mark to which our friend Nas at-ther WengPeMille,“Me:and Mee,_Mar 1.101%or Commissioner.Ring is fully guaranteed as Gold Shell oron,to be used as dirested by Gen.|‘#ched an interpretation utterly for-wR.Hartness are spending two NOTICE OF SALE.Sterling Silver as the case may be and ,Andrew Joyner,commanding the “1”toitsmeaning.|weeks with relatives in South Caro-—with each the manufacturer’sfoodstuffsproductioncampaignat)The Charlotte folks always keep lina.ok A.>Rinse =—ttins.ttt mek oe tn an tee of sitisfactionor Beck.a ‘themselves to the front.They invic-per’Rudeg other valtion Man}.|wife to D.K.McNeely and others on October|an tisf your money . Talking to news men after/¢d Mr.Balfour and Siarshal Joffre,4 Robinson,who is Mrs.Kings|took 44 298,in the office of :}y y JhisfirstcalloncadentWilson,|of the British and French war com-|cistor.Miss Estelle Gabriet |of Deeds STUNNIN G NEW DINNERReneVivian,vice premier of France Missions now in Washington,to vis-of Statesville,Mr.Homer Ballinger "#4 OFAY,Jie 4 1811 RINGS?and head of the French war commis-it Charlotte.The invreatrons were of Charlotte and Mr.H.Baine Ga-st 1g o'clock.noon,sell’the following de-a .sion to the United States,said:declined of course,but Chartotte got briel of Statesvilh,visited thelr|seribed property at public auction to the bigh-The v latest,set with a new“i am indeed happy to have een reer |grandparents,Mr.and Mrs.A.A.)3 bidder for cash:All the steel,abutments ery .’chosen to present the greetin of 'Gabriel,last week leaan Se dam tes We eeee stone that in its beautyand brilliancytheFrenchrepublictothe“tas.|A,declaration =Pad iga a "Rev.WF.Elliott,pastor of Sev-|hey gg ay Bag Fiver,both In the closest approach to the diamond that,is i :pected ,|and Catawba counties,at the p'French na math eaaiantt™s,i”O¥°TY |fortnight,says a dispatch from Pek.|craville,Methodistchurch,Charlotte,|Uitte the tll bridge formeriy stood,across has as yet been themessageisatthisvery|i":—-Statesville man suggests that {2tio)of the pastor,Rev.L.A.|Scot ofMooresville.N.C.he stech material,in platinum finish —equal inbeingreadandcommentedup-|™#Y China wants to borrow some Falls,preached an avie sermon at cts,being the eteel that formerly made up P to on in all our schools as the most ™0ey from the United States.the Methodist church Sunday ove-|Siebashe ot the a eS ere a high price ring.On sale w the*25c.perfect chapter of human rights and|ning.being in the .The sale to besofullyexpressesthevirtuesAwardsByHeroCommission.©4;the town primary Saturday the|Furcan torn teeenae Oe rings atyourrace—longsuffering patience Twenty-two acts of heroism were following officers were nominated:|,*ee ;.1.50heforeappealingtoforce;od force recognized by the Carnegie Hero Mayor,€.P.MeNeely;town clerk,My _!10)"-$1.00 AND $1.EACH.to avenge that longsuffering -|Fund Commission at_its spring Eugene Johnston;P.W.Barger was |omnestiencewhentherecanbenoothermeetinginPittsburg,Pa.|named for commissioner in ward No.+6 ‘|means.”|In one case a silver medal was},to take the place of M.W.White,y 1..'|awarded;in 21 cases bronze medals.resigned:commissioners vor ward jMarypeoplefailtorealizethat|Four of the heroes lost their lives No.2 were renominated;ward No.this country is engaged in a great and to the dependents of two of 3,F.B."Stonest H.P.Deaton ,The Store ThatPays thePostage on Mailwar--the greatest in its history.|these pensions aggregating $840 a and H.D.Mills.commission-7 —_}They go about in levity and indiffer-year were granted;to the dependent|ers,E.W.Brawley and Rev.J.W.eence.It is time for fasting and for |of one of the others who lost their Jones were renominated.prayer.No —wherewe will go jjives,the sum of 3500 was granted,!Mrs.Montgomery died here Sat-on this journey.It is no time for |to be applied as the commission may |urday at the home of her daughter,frivolity.—Greensboro Record.jsanction.In addition to these mon-|Mrs.J.W.Auten.Death resulWhydoesn’t Col.Fatrbrotherey grants,in five cases $6,300 was from paralysis.Besides herleadoffbycallingadayforfastingappropriatedforeducationalpur-|ter Mrs.Moandprayer?A good many of us—|-nses,payments to be made as need-|one son,Mr.some of the newspaper fraternity at ed and approved;and in 10 cases|—are going to observe fast awards aggregating $5,without their being called,if made for =worthepriceofrationscontinuestoPaymentsinthesecases wi ,last@ereplane;and a word of prayer in|nade until the beneficiaries’plane|waned to w fetime PIANOS oo season would also be proper.for the use of the awards nave been Mecklenburg,for burial time.You don’thave y Coal men estimate that the wage ‘"ae ”=|Ul our word for it.Getgrantedto175,000 'olinians.ry.anthracite fields will raise last week i attend our list ofcustomers retail price of hard coal an av-|‘German Losses.;a ois on -PIANOSTORE. recent %:aESERnEESaERRRRRIONENNNOTICE | iT0 TAX PAYERS.| Unless &fi a t = thethe i W.L.NEELY. : Pere l l l — a g & # 3 8 2 f iz e f i The Junior Order : wait stoneout be ond ‘»ed f i if YOUare extravagant roll this heavy of your pathway to SUCCESS and WEALTH. One from oneleaves NOTHING.If you spend ALL you earn your labororin your business youheve «*' nothing left.That's arithmetic. The wayto quit throwing moneyawayis to QUIT.The way to begin to put money in ourbankandgrow =» richis to BEGIN.a" Begin now and Put YOUR money in OUR bank. al ;oo?shay sc get :ifi i F * t E :$s > me,|x””|We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits..im“ani,tor gatnonn om ge ‘|THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, vn | ‘ne tehor .oesStatesville,N.C.Grain.|The following were paid yesterday|for grain on the market:Von Corn,$1.90 per bushelOats,¥0c.per bushel. Statesville Market.\On the local market yesterday 20 centsperpoundwaspaidforbestcotton.| the bride of Mr.r|Misses Rachel Jurney and Market firm.ie r.Pryo E.Hetner of Washington,D Cc |Jarvis were the Cotton Seed,60¢.per bushel.re for this coi "conon,©ide.perib.The room was tastefully decorat-|school and they taught a very suc-a on near Davidson,are at their homes oq in white and green.As the bri-|cessful school.(ADVERTISEMENTS in this column10 cents | 'dal party enteredtheroomMendels-|Mr.J.P.j per line.Neo ad taken for less .W.Lindley and children ne pf wi march was layed |o a new Ford.He also has the con-cents.Cash must accompany order.) went to Charlotte yesterday for &4.Mrs,Cullen Ostwalt of States-|tract short stay.’ville,and during the ceremony she|Jenn Mr.and Mrs.R.L.MeRary and played Melody of Love.Ms |Lee then to carry the star —moaWANTED——Bverybeds to buy~to Dunlap,succeeding Mr,ANprews’MUSIC STORE.May 1.| |rown.‘Miss Mamie Fountain of Lexington "0 attendants were Mr.Flake Mr.T.J.Madison 1»remodeling “(*1 [00 greet "tet SwanwereguestsofMrs.L.0.Gibson Grose,Miss Lillian Hefner,a sister|his house.May 1-109, of the groom,Mr.Ira Hefner,broth-;An infant of Mr.Thos.Gregory,-s er of the groom,Miss Beulah Deal,|which was seriously sick with mem "OR SALE—Mapeend eye Bed¥.|Mr.W.B.Gibson left yesterday for Aberdeen to attend a meeting of},cousin of the bride.The ring-|brencous croup,died on the way to SPORE.May 1.--it*. the auditing committee of the North)}.arer,little Macie Deal,a cousin o1|Long’s Sanatorium,where itina Mrs.C.A.Tomlin and daughter,}20+of a white carnation and } tween First National Bank and_postoffice.armers’Union.the bride,carried the ring in the|being taken for treatment,last LOST—New 99,bil,Saturdiy oft x Youought to &Qy Cluadia,left yesterday for tO ceded the contractin fase|where they will visit birs.Tom-|fasfather,F.W.Bredley.me,room,waco ON tee Dee week.a THEY'VE ALREADY BEGUN nt rd for return to THE LANDMARK.|eet aenerernaestiommnntomane |it,|a ; 1p.J.KIMBALLtstheman whe aelle the,have 7 KE.C.Pizter,who hes been the Performed by the Mev.B.bee De-/Statesville Women Economiz-|sis.Shor to kill the bore fia « 'de.A recep-|S|daeeanemnenaras -am y guest of her sister,Mrs.Tomlin,”|ti i P|ing and Trying te Do Their =|Yi F : ee yeuiy to her home in Tes teas 7‘a oe man of Bit For the Common Good.|"improvements,ease tn.ry “DRAWLET.|our LYeS 4 for Asheville.Later in the |Wherever she goes r.Hefner isoneofWashington’s most promis-|signed y" Farmer’s Wite.”is!bushel.1 will make molases this fall for the|.lexeelient traits and wins friends|To the Hdttor of The Landmark:ee . Mr.Van Buren Jurney will leave a s 8 “the article rd Friday's Landmark.;$08 @ALB—Simekine’Cotten Seed,91.38»|ested.XQ week he will go to Mars Hill,where ;ae :public.Sced furnished free for those who,business men.Mr.and heartily approved by the women of 4 a be will attend an alumni banquet at Mrs.Hefner left on Wo.16 for!Statesville,and the things she 0)gon,JR,Stony Point,N.eae|.AA! Mars Hill College.Washington,where they will make|wisely recommends are precisely);>=WZ Tomato Pian ‘Mr.J.W.Heath returned Sunday theiy home.Mrs.Hefner wore a|What they are trying to do.One)POR SAt- from Zara,Bladen county,where he going-away suit of blue.*hears expressed on all sides the de-|PS 9°".“Phone 42 green.May 1. j them a long and happy |termination to cut off extravagance —.—mi . Mr,and Mrs.J.A.C.Wadsowrtn'life,ONE PRESENT.|in food and dress and to reduce en-FOR RENT—Residence (21 Mulberry street.| t Sunday with Mr.and Mrs.L Mr.A.G.M f Mr |ercaeene ¥.”oe oo —---| ith Mr.a r..G.oore,son ©rs.|Receptions ve been off anc ‘;':‘ ?Henkel.|Harriet Moore of Statesville,and wedding festivities simplified.It is AUC TION SA LE.This will COST YOU NOTHING if you donot need glasses Mr.and Mrs.W.G.Cole and chil-/Mies Sadie Bristol Wilson were mar-|rapidly becoming ugfashionable tO ..oupoay,MAY 4,at 12 o'clock,at the or a change of glasses.If you do need them we will fit you had been teaching.We wis and son,J.A.C..Jr.,of Charlotte, dren of Charlotte spent Sunday with ried yesterday afternoon at the home|give Mr.and Mrs.Clarence Moore.‘ef the bride’s parents in Morgan:on.|have Mrs.M.N.Mooney and son,Wal-Mr.and Mrs.Moore came to States-|ings, ter,left yesterday for Murphy,ville last night ane are guests of |ment features,in the interest where they will spend the summer.Mr.Moore’s sister,Mrs.Clarence Mr.Mooncy will continue his work Moore.After spending a week here|well in the revenue office here \they will go to Nashville,Tenn.,|timeMr.Wm.Laurie Hill,formerly of where Mr.Moore has been located| ns’Home,Barium,was for some time.|mit,thetown rday.Mr.Hillis hav-see .Pen placing a book News has been received in States-| |Smith and Miss Lottie Wingfield in want me to make for them. F—Ponderosa ts 0c, per dozen.JAMES PATTERSON,north |. Whether YOU think you need glasses of not you should ~~. M.F.P.TROUTMAN.April 27~2t*.have the “power”of your eyes tested every few years. en a rty.Some of the clubs bance ea ‘ille.ii!nell ce i ,i shaoie suspended their meet-nt"public wuction Tine.ighent “bide,for Ou SCIENTIFICALLY for a moderateprice. ba -@.a wase ft oOwiththeirattendanti,cash,&rita noes See STEELE,D.F.JENKINS,Committee Your eyes are GOOD FRIENDS.Take CARE of them.economy and food conservation,a5|May 1.-2t’. as to give their members more,oe eee: ne for useful andproductivework.|Highest Price for Serap Cotten.R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. the tewn women are erying 6°win continue to gin ot buy your serap eot-| |emulate 7 ans A sisters in the wn ant pay you top of market until further| es os ;;raising of vegetables,fruits and "tice..L of poems which he recently puviish-ville of the marriage of Mr.Charles |chickens,and if the suggestion of May L--2t. j B.BRISTOL,| | the during the month of May to take the tax re-)& ed.“A ”ead th rill et a (|e \e ofNewAdvertize .|Roanoke,Va.,Sunday.Mr.Smith |com tor te anioe —-NOTICE 10 TAXPAYERS.:}7 Notices New Advertisements wig js a son of Mr.H.B.Smith,!With the ‘unp nted food cri-lf Vi ¢ bill lost,reward for re-who formerly lived in Statesville but!sis confronting us,this is not I will be at my offftee in the court house all|7 j canto Tes CkScraptol.Commissioner’s sale real estate.— ‘agner and Miss Corinne Ingram|the .A recently moved to Hickory,and is en-/time to em hasize the differences t he city of Statesville.The law|Me cotton wanted.—L.B.Bris-gaged in work in Roanoke.His bride|between the eam woman and the an ait i to be Hebel’bedave the}7 oe And a few lived in Roanoke before her marriage.|country woman,but rather the time first day of Juric,wo please cnll and make|J a ——- sincerity of the ether ands!’CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR.for rent close tn.—R.V.'went to Newton last week to attend)vork together for the common good. ee hrc hac,|22,cultivate «spit of mutual elp-"Yay tint "Cava,Lita.S Eabaage.Mrs.C.H.T Jack yi,Wii.W.J.a Bing shot D.J.Kimball |Wagn urner,Master,Jack’fulness,wheneachsnow WORKING, \the bi y celebration of Miss We have not all an equality of op-1,the Voters of th City of Statesville: cotton seed for sale.Mo-Elizabeth Corpening Saturday.Mis |portunity,but we can each one in tam an independent son-partisan candle |i There will be some garden truck 1lassesmadeforthelic.—W.E.Corpening,who was ars old Morrison,Jr.,Stony Point.|Setedeee is the Saaditor’ot ‘i is own place “lend @ hand”and ‘late for Mayor of Statesville.Ax evel 1 ask!Be grownthis year provided the neighbors’ Mr.|;to-the support at the election May *%,1917,of all a of bridge keeper's and Mrs.R.S.Corpening.|contribute at least a small share to who belleve in equal justice to afi and special|&chickens and cowsdo not intrude. ‘wards meeting theMRS.2 Saturday,5th.en tonate plants for sa.c.|Mrs.Mary Locke Simons and two |ene —James Patterson,‘phone 342 of her mus es Miss Catherine Mr, green.|Brawley and Miss Toby Holland,will| Deering binder and binder twine.|attend the music festival in Charlotte | Hardware vo.this week.,The ladies will be the saved on pianos.—Andrews quests of Miss Helen Foil.York Institate,April 28.—-Mrs.|.é . |B.Crouch is right sick.Mr.T.1.pes moved his offtce over “It will cost too much”.you will say, emMer-»ivileges to none.JiM MOTT.4 -_eect LONG."hit ti is Thereis one sure way to get Murdock ,arertne—Per--ame |Fi -=that is to buy —P a Us sonal Items.YE 'and fence your garden,back lot or eu tena,DR.JNO.C.D field as the case may be. Your eyes tested——R.F.Henry,The Why Not Club met Saturday|Lackey,who has been sick for four |.“Had you thought about it?If you will |ithe Bre,W.A.Bristol.Bridiewas|eerurdork,whowent.to Baltimore |Whe Statesville Drug Co.measure prices from a wheat,corn, ware prices hammered down.|layed.flardware course at the conclusion of the|for ¢ igamés.Mre.Darrel!Pitts of High they- rs otice to taxpayers.—W.L.Nee-yas an out-of-town guest.fast, ly,City Tax |Saturday evening in honor of |day se Mr.Jim Allen and sister,Miss Nora,|.;wet that Jest a life-time—Sarah Adam entertained and iis Vona Gryder pent gevter.Special attention to fitting at the little advance we ‘n operation some time ago,sion bacon or cotton price,we aretionfineandisimprovingoseandThroat.‘Tis friends will be gidtoknow.Bye,N .Hardware for Jess money — time in our history.Don’t get a tnnie |Mr.Minor Adams,and his Sharpe hos returned from Middenite.|Glasses.charge for our goods,but just T from Davidson ae.Re-where she spent two weeks with rele.ye about,what you get ‘for|tives.Mrs.Brawley and children 'all farm = met Thursday ftom Loray ave visiting at Mr.R.M.5 duc Nothing in the Hardware “Sy og-y EXPERT ON BATTERIES.|©is unreasonably high,We make it a spending some time with her |Bring your battery troubles to |)Uy point in our business to keep prices hes and tea and |been =a |or The Land-|SCOUTS HELP CLEAN PARK.|ited|Scouts of Statesville,’Piet¢pee}-7| by and Miss Rochelle Millsaps vis-|pow)any make storage battery. nts.Mrs.Troutman and iws.We charge,repair and over-|hammered down. telntves near here the first of this week,STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. Several of our young folks ore,!Lazenby-Monty iiardware Co.:the Catewin “ver NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS.& winterseason I kentdown the! to 10 cents the quart,this whenwessohigh,andata) 1 cannotPAINEVIRW DA NOTICE! of the Third Creek TF os 3 ners necatree Row")the |eth SPORTTR }and in every way assist him in ha oe Wp SR SIC apaPd solemnty,after long hesita-| i nd deliberation,lore appeal to every mem- ber of this powerful organization to stand by our President,who is com- mander-in-chief of our army and navy,ro- tecting our country,our homes and al! our splendid institutions. “Every member of this order can render valuable service,as so forcibly stated by President Wilson in his timely proclamation calling on all eit- izens to do their patriotic duty,and fortunate it is that every member of our beloved order can readily respond to the noble sentiments of our trustedPresident.There is not a member but! can put into practice in his daily life .all that President Wilson has urged omeCharlotte has voted $250,000bendsfornewschoolbuildi andimprovements—and aeceording toallaccountsthemoneyisbadly needed, The legislative commission ap-pointed to revise The Code,in ses- sion in Raleigh last week,selected Thos.H.Calvert,late assistant At-torney Somer to ‘supervise the work, The barn of PD.Ftownship,Guilford county,was burn- ed Saturday with two horses,two cows and a quantity of feed and farm-ing implements.Incendiarism sug- rrosted, Mr. Gossett,Sumner Smith Shuping of Concord wos stricken with paralysis while on hia way to his place of business,!"riday of j In thefirst two mon ofstrictedsubmarine ping to the amount of more600,000 tons was sunk mens,Dr.Karl Helfferich,Secretary of Interior,asserts,erys the submarine campaign is great suceess. com- An anti -pacifist prposedofsome1,000 of _ daged and convalescent soldiersfootorinmotorcars,paraded in Pe.trogred Sunday.Banners carriedinvitedSocialistswhohavebeen making peace demonstrations to get back to “William”of Germany, A dispatch from Vienna says thatallAmericanswhowishtoleave $17.50 $22.50 Suits reduced to.... Suits reduced to..... $10.50 .$13.50 $29.75,Suits reduced to......$18.50 $32.50 Suits reduced to......$19.50 Austria-Hungary may travel to Swit-zerland up to fo r wee‘ks from the dateoftheruptureofrelations,April 9 After that date no Americans wil]beallowedtoleave,but these remaining will not be interned unless they corm mit offenses American entry into the war was hailed with unbounded bie by every one of the 700 nat — Americans encamped near — in three Canadian batallions,onewhichthe211thhasbeenan. ed the new American Legion be- cause ef its lzrve percentage of“boys from the States.” Guatemsla has broken off dinhemmes: ie relations wii many,has hen ed the Boma)minister hi 8 voeteac and cance tied the exequators of Ger man consuls there.The decision,it is announced,is mn account plots of the Germar safety and indepenc Geuetemala.bui of the tral America.’ yr the $25 and $37.50 Suits reduced to $22.50 $12.50 and $45 Suits reduced to $24.50 and T n Poiret,Twills,_Serges. Coat Suits of Navy,Black and Grey Reduced as Follows: in his proclamation.It is in line with morning,and died two hours later. the avocation of every member—if a|Was a Confederate veteran and was farmer,to make his farm supply bern in Rowan county in 1846.. needed provisions;ffa mechanic,todc =C.M.Gattis was’found dead insuchworkaswillaidhiscountryinhedatthehomehisson,C.M.this hour of peril;if a laborer in mine Gattis,in Louisburg.Was 74 yearsorfactory,to assist in producing or old,native of Orange county and manufacturing the things that are sc")lived many yeays in Raleigh,necessary to carry en a successful Where his remains were buried. war;and all of us can at all times be Some time ago thieves stole a beeon‘guard to protect our country ®U™from Pink Heayner in the town- against traitors,enemies and foes|Ship of Bandy,county of Catawba,within and without our borders.‘took the honey therefrom and set the “Remember that our organizatior bees’house afire.Chas.Kanipe and stands for the Bible,the Flag,the Fred Smith were charged with the of- Public Schools and our Homes.fence but were acquitted. Fraternally yours,Judge Adams has named A.P. “Cc,B.WEBB,Harris clerk of the Superior Court“National Councilor.”of Stanly county,to fill the vacaneyedcausedbythedeathofP.B.Coggin,Feeding Bees Ten-Cent Sugar.Mr:Harris to serve until another Mt.Airy News lean oo Mr.Harris oe #‘=want the job e resigned theFred,Johnson is now busy with fice three years ago to become cash-the 500 golonies of bees that are =ier of a bank. im con m to seme extent wi He'snn ~vi :ublishing of this newspaper.no a :ae —;“going over the yards with a z i hecinuiaelin lana:»View to assisting the little rascals Rishon J:mes ath,every way he can in their effort to raceri tha We .WNgetstrongandinconditiontogath-,a.hae aig Leaer@eropofhoneyifitisinthe[ina Co As eanioiar had ich meets in Ahs:‘flowers tWis year.He finds that Ville in November,and Bishoo VmostofthecoloniesareinbadACandlerofAtlantawillhoidtheBshapeastohoneyandismakingNorthCarolinaConference.ima as :.,this by resorting to the sugar Mr.Van B.HU Ghaitcs Ti j heshe and sugar at 9 cents a.Hociness man of Raleigh,was fatal-of the sl eabuetend Arnel] salé.’The keeping of bees in these njured when run over by his own afte hi>modern ys Means that in the fall,’automobile Sunday night near Wak»avver1)before .the..winter months,they must rest.He got out of his machine .enlfi-he fed,and‘it also means that in the |to |e!another auto in trouble.He a%.spring when they begin to build up e?to put on the brakes and *fast they must be fed again.We ‘ic car started as soon as he left it are now giving each eolony a half ia ran over him.He died in about 7 rallon of sugar syrup mace by mix-hour |water and granulated sugar in The vortrait of Judge David Cald-equal perts.And it taxes some su-well wil!be presented to the Supreme - gar to thus feed 500 colonies.These Court today,Hon.Theo.F.Kluttz of | facts are given for the wenefit of Salishury making the entaiion farmers who may have bees and who oddress.Judge Caldweil was ene of are possibly neglecting them at this the great judges of his day,unique o Season =the year.A little feea as a personality and a powerful law Sat mean that the colony will Ths portrait i-the gift of }sitons:enough to gather honey indchildren,Miss Ruth and Petor“Way to be profitable,when if W.Heirston of Davie countyerletaloneitwouldbarelygetstrongSomeweeksacoNealWalt4enoughtomakealivingandnosutVer,t plus.night 1 lover ‘eWaiton, a negro, $25.00 Suits reduced to..$15.50 $27.50 Suits reduced to Shades of Rose,Copen,Greeof Mustard andGaberdines,WoolPoplins,Wootbe Sanere 6 iP, $12.50 $17.50 $18.50 $29.75 Suits reduced to. $32,50 to $40 Suits reduced to $42.50 to $45 Suits reduced to..$26.50 $19.50 $21.50 $17.50 Suits reduced to....veg ote $25.00 Suits reduced to 7.50 Suits reduced to izMarkDown Sale of Dresses for Street and Afternoon Wear; 4 »Gei f At The Following Great Reductions: Methodist , nd Ko Sor)5 Dresses reduced to $12.50 $52.50 to $37.50 Dresses reducedBearinreeW \mbassador iser Agoma for Sarjsolulu,Comp and Gon-* rQnesee navy ,:honerarrawell-known rea next fall, tember 1 ins th Caro 29.75 Dresses reduced an -$42.50 to $45 Dresses reduced In Taffe'as,Crepo J>-Chines,Ge-{»vzettes,Roman Stripes. The Popul “ew Spring and cummer Shades all sizes.Moore,6 imme a ately“revolution,grachedinJJ of Russian ‘ance is att promulgationpossiblefor a however humb le, directly th tion is regards!@ to establish closer Mark Down Sale of Coats for Misses and Women In ‘The Latest Spring Models REDUCED TO THE FOLLOWING LOW PRICES: $4.50 $19.50 to $25 90 Coats reduced to $15.00 00 #29.75 Coats reduced to $17.50 3.50 to $17.50 Coats reduced to $10.50 00C reduced to $19.50 Materials of Serge Velour,Gaberdines and Plaids,Colors of Gold,Mustard, Green,Rose,Wine,Etc. DAVE OESTREICHER SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA. *emperor. t lemeonc: relatiorand the £6.18 Coats reduced to.. $7 oor ireeetah$10.50 Coats reduced Orders +t)$25 dat:5 Pai roa divecting the country's »to giveeval andire preference over ail cther traffic have! been by the General Railroad! rid h Council ef Nattor i ‘he board says the ty of the nm:,supplies R wood ne:OTST a bor and 1 und that evasion ofDavidean!yy der would eall fo the strallezedthalmeasures. who vorwegian steamship,the Her story cnger liner to leave a ScaralTradehteidentifiedanegroconvictnrtfortheUnstedStatesiJohnron,¢x he New Hay e early part of February,;ak ner eon amin,the mn:1°ow York Sunday with 1.1o>board.A large number 43 the Ame skit Newapaner Pub eelishers’Association for disiributior ERAT:ieithe'entire etn of his hig New-=sag bes lsauelsfoundlandmili.The addition of the ae ue eeG6008temofpasesSrodecedannarsfomthodiatedviarationofJanuary ally by the Northcliffe ra itsaid,will break the print paper tiomarketandassuresmallpublishers an adequate «\lower rice The arrangement with Lordchiffeprobablywillmakej i fary to carry out a distribution by the trace commis- sion,proposed by pay manufac-turers some months ay Bhoas plarhevérwascarrmanu{facturers broke ‘off snetiations.FN yer Yequatewasshot nmLesnatementtinieimmnatettemmeetatiod Hope For Cheaper Poper. 'An adequate suppl}of newsprint waper for every eee an publ j is predicted by the FedeCommissionanno! 4 mn neine —Northelife,the no ublisher,would tem 4 probably turn Normal Gi Wilt Wright of the Wilke:W “|that a class of Normal Col nave seed to vive their v rT th some count Mave to chools is ¢31 At Washington's Tomb. The flags of Great Britain,| and the United States floated 1 Sunday over the tomb of they Washington at Mt.Vernor come.them spokesmen of the for democracies paid hom ‘'s solditr and state ‘d themselves,each ® mnchosen activity.a.ox North |oot :a Wik North The + Un rece ’ pian for paper rv vply at of theirwithout nmunities wh wich in done for vill be Pia pense willwillhelp “ney fT yp be abte—teach a|ot Men For the War,9 8!¢school,act as covern said that 90 seniors of home,give lessons in music,the S hoo!.Sundays assixt :i Universsity of North Carolina will eas eos th .'i .secure their aduating diplomas ia oy ujcing +h :foe edJuneatFort:‘Oglethorpe,Georgia,Denies ie |theyHtvmail,Members of the junio hey plan and ,Class will be accredited for work of :oSitheremainderofthesessionshouldSeptem-eeoyeee,,rinci-:er ag _ke course,The rad pas i.Purchaging Board Organv1@SS,Sive three mem-z -bers,will also yo to military norn The purchasing bo: e Camp.Profs.Dargin,Johnston and now the Jast Legislaturareumongthefacultythattsin*:x charitable in¢It is altovether Hkely a lia MLAL.sum-three State Hospital:eretary of War Newton Baker me $s Work,choo!for the deaf al mg will be detained in Washington ee ee ge school.the blind and deaf at ht¢and the University commencement Disagree About Taxes,and the Caswell Training a willke a rather slim ever ‘noffieial accounts of the worl Kinston,met in Raleigh jast .x4 Hho WAYS And reg é and organized by electing TD ¢et MeCamphell,superintencent of ere to do return them ith he any pri in the teach ir ihe 4 |Our PLAYER-PIANOS,PI-! the name of the dead,to 4 te (ANOS and ORG ANSS are the ee "|best to be had.Come in for;avtocraey on the line he hir la demonstration.Rian er ERONARD PIANO STORE. 4 Hydooui ety Our supply and repair business is iacidental to our business of selling cars. ing.Among the speaker Viviani and Mr.Balfour of th British war commie:i was decorated | other member: Stuart of Vir is In other words we do not have to depend on repair work and sale of supplies for ovr entire profit. g ndurave fall vacation the middle until about of th rivian also as This fact is all to.your advantage.We can save you monty and we do it.t!te’a Institutions the|e.|ton,| ich| at] Wrieht for these ry vor their . gir! you theAtthesainetimeweguarantee stschor weof. om. mill have tapf a storm among DrndRepublicans.gxe @ratood to be divid rv ed ont 1 income taxes,par-|| thejmittHungerMayBringPeace.tte :Greensboro News.}Df ‘ee It may be that,before things canibetter,before the world can tax 5100.00 ins trerb!i i i ek| the ryanton hospital,chairma and j of the Raleigh hoagpitai,ereta- Offices of the board will be irters will be-under the direction|a clerk and an assistant. PURE| Je ‘hn | Albert Anderson, superinte nde |i, ned in Raleigh July 1 and head.|Net of Ye~~,_—* all im -ee a fight of ta part the ope to regain its composure.condi-ticularly th te on Meomes of mer ©oye i==,to .iene hard to imagine how the May Regin Todey }:‘y.| tions must crow worse But witn than while Republicthousandsofpeopleeverywhere(hreaten over the sub commit ES can stand another winter of )eppenl as ieeucd to Germ wn}monitiong workers by Genral Croe- n ¢,erie=ary,or expecting to experience toe pla or taxes on excess profita oo ye of Tennessee,ner.head of the department of muni- hunger,with —thousands dying apd They alvo promise toor2becalledupontomekefilegislationto DAVIS’100 ~per cent. aguestof Mr.and Mrs.J,tors,in which he denounced strikersinworthtredell,is re.os polit ical traiters and anid thew =a that one may;ajeo 8 yT soar :Yrnis £1,500,000,000 PAINT scars above themcena,expect a definite peace more to he provided during the an quality and popularity. on attack of iHners.,would be sfippreesed with the full|Mrs.force of the law,hur resulted in sharp| e from some of the af-ar {:FOR SALB BY A. criticiam in the Peichetag main oom | *ere the end of sum To ee ce em oe say, The Writing Paper De Luxe. Box Paper,Correspondence Catds. Pounds,Tablets and Envelopes. All Sizes,Styles 4nd Colors. —The Rexall Stor.—_ Statesville Drug Comp’y Cando almostas muchto this war asthemanwiththesoldiercan’t6htaenaefed00it’s up ltie soldiers,as well oO ncekben * We have all varieties of seed,but just oneTTBEST.We'll be glad to serveyouatanytime. POLKGRAY DRUG CO.“Onthe Square” “The Man With TheHoe” ze 6 ==3 ii . i ? : # 3 &3 3&iiFzi F F y i n g 7: gs 5Z ‘ ;iue fF =3i 3ef ii ‘i i:E fz ? i I7 sa 8 jFa |fi ti "e tvi l Le t t i afaa7ef ei ¢ i fit s : or we is more onthefarm,adwherein itocomme ofai t tica l l i:; ri36 at e e e Yee,we loveourcountry,thoughouroldeyesmaybetooruliofandperspirationtosee =8 FARMER'S WIFE. es iW F j s7ai 2 a 7 Z { ! i 22gs F 32 2 ; ;; pi e l de e n a b e e | } | ;Dleasure bent,or tryingtoenthuse:the a your ‘Seen|!Thank youfor yourgoodFeahneceene Setotellusofourcountry’sneed.WehavenotimetoreadthedailiesOurfavoritegetsthecreamofallithenewsandgivesittoustwicea|week andwe can readit while werestalittle.We are serving ourjeountrytothebestofourabilitybyaneEeSeonteepossible,also by _economizingindress,ete.So,Mr.Merchant,wedon’t need so manyof you.Leavefatherinthestore(he possibly has|his term on thefarm)andcomeoutandjoinourranksand|ad with my back chat when I rot|show |down,I couldn't straighten up.1}-merchant—|a iIredellandadiining|ome hardly turn in bed,my back} to say,in justice to the |Kidney Pills for awhile,my back was|above,her letter|strengthened and my ki@neys mdn't,Landmark |{ |Price 50c.,at all dealers.Don't sim.| .|ply ask for a kidney remedy —get|‘€Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that||Mrs.Cooper had.Foster-MilburnCo.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. = H ‘; fl ri f t c i t de s i o ‘ i i f pi r e ; AH : ie ri t e pe a :F isi t e r i t:‘Ed The bayonet hascomeinef-fectvelyin dealing "withthe‘vertroublesomegunandgun- ners.out:iHI:3%F i? gz i!i ;Fs Ee :18 IT RHEUMATISM? Aren't You On the Wae — Sciatica,Gravel,and Urinary disor- ders.Doan’s are well-known in Statesville and warmly recommended by Statesville people.Read this, Statesvilie case:| Mrs.D.C.Cooper,836 Tradd St.,| Statesville,says:“1 had rheumatic) pains in my limbs and was often so|i=a AS te RS Ne I ai wth.in ni bothered me so.Afver taking Doan's| cause me any trouble.”! We can always supply you with the best to behadin Flowers for whatever purpose they shouldbewanted. _l#|-FOR SALE!|a[_ Sarees asewyouthes are built into it. ED.¢.WHITE MOTOR COMPANY.NEWTON,N.C.STATESVILLE,N.C. oe eea 95-nere fariain Cool Spring township,7 berndoutbuildings;50 acres oan 1 "in ‘woodland,8 een rab toa grober,blancs a bs grt ERNEST G.GAITHE tue of the Bast Ways Prue for War is to RaiseaBigCropof Food Stuff. If we can serve »come in and ,stated above,wears sendy,and willing ttoeniieeineverywaypossible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.||OfStatesville,N.C. “TheBankFor Your Savings.” of doing the op- te thing.She voted against the but she voted foy the bill on was ‘hn very badsawhewasbeatenHetoohadheardwithreferencetothe home se said:i skankers all over the ink that nobody is go- into this war except 25,and that theirlyhideswillde nm sending telegrams sow them.I know every in my district who has tele- e,and I know who is at bottom of it,and I can take a -barreled shotgun and run out my district every man who sent ea to vote for conscrip- and,if school doesn't keep too ,I will run _a few out,too.”| nd yet the sense =.=which Clark voted,vi ‘or volunteers camel oh the age of 18 Workings of the Bill. ithin 10 days after the bili is ,every township in the country 1 be registering its young men for uty,and work will have begun on the ming camps,where preparation ‘orces for war wil!start in Aug- ust or September. te to be set every citizen el i t da’by the act will be required on heavy penalty to present him- the nearest regivtration place, machinery will be provided for ing recruits and eliminating those exerupt.With the rolls of those for service complete,the task of selecting the men to go in the first increment of 500,000 will begin.It has been ted that this be done meens the county jury wheel. first man whose name is drawn would go with thefirst 500,000 to be called out for training within a few. The second drewn would go the second increment,to be call-later;the third with the nt,with duty a year off so on. ith the new regiments assembled, course of training will be .The plans call for the he first 500,000 men ob- mangeto 200,non-commissioned _officers ae in the regular and National Guard regiments.It is here that the opportunity lies for men who volunttermenintheranksof ty.Her quota for tne regular army is about 4,400.Governor Bickett will be asked to help enroli tne men of the State under the draft law. The number of men enrolled in the nation will be 7,000,000 but only 500,000 will be enlisted in the army. EE“Court Cases.— Bertha Summers,John Stewart and Lula Clark,all colored,were discharg- ed Saturday by the mayor on a charge ef disorderly conduct. The mayor yesterday fined Jim Lee,colored,$10 and taxed him with the costs,for cursing at the de- em Moore and G.A.Critcner were before the mayor yesterday forany.Critcher was dischargedthecosttaxedagainstMoore.lustice W.C.Moore yesterday af-ternoon required Richard Wollfolk,awhiteman,to give $1,000 bond forhisappearxncetomorrowtoansweraofenticinglaborersfromthe way Contracting Company,atworkontheCatawbariver.Samisheldinjailwithoutbondonasimilarchargeandwillbegivenahearingtomorrow.Emma Armstronz,colored,whocookedforMrs.J.M.Ramsey,waslockedinjailyesterday,charged withlarcenyofvaluableringsbelong- ing to Mrs.Ramsey.Before the trialyesterdayafternoontheringswerefoundonanailonMr.Rameey's bacl:and Emma was released. Corporations Fail to Report. The corporation commission,givingnoticethatcertaincorporationsinthe State will be dissolved for failure tomakereportfortheycars1915-16,names the following chartered in Ire-dell,and persons interested in keep-ing these charters alive may do so bycommunicatingwiththecommission:Statesville—Cotton Manufacturers’ Sales Co.Flanigan Harness Co.,Gaither Lumber Co.,Krider Stock Co.,Produce and Commission .Poston-Wasson Co...PhoenixMillCo.,Statesville AthleticWhiteCompany:Moores-Clothing M’r Co.,Lo-Seed Oil Mills,BondedWarehouseCo:Elmwood Mercantile&:and Union Grocery Co., SURGEONS FOR THE ALLIES. 1,000 Americanforservicewithannouncedthe oun- pe sme .menbytheAmericanCol-and the aim ‘s to |times. ‘tures,”attracted considerable morning by Rev.G.H.Church a@theintermentwasinOakwoodceme-tery,Mrs.A.D.Williams,mother of Statesville,Rev.J.W.Williams of CitybeenwhosedeathatherhomeinSiler mentioned in The Landmark,suceumb-any last Thursday morning has ed to an attack of measles after a fow | days’illness.She was near 76 years|old and had always enjoyed good|health.Four sons end a daughter|survive.The funeral was conducted|at the residence Friday and the in-terment at Rehobeth church in Ran-|thetheoldhomechurchof|hedolphcounty,the Williams family.j News was received in Statesville |Saturday of the death of Mr.J.. Clark,a native of Iredell county,whieh occurred at his home,seven)miles from Clarksville,Texas,Mon-|day,April 23d,at 11 o'clock.He was. buried there the day following.While he was never strong,his rela-tives in North Carolina were notawarethathisconditionwasse-rious,or even that he was ill,untitthenewsofhisdeathwasreceivedFrankClark,as he was best knowninhisoldhomecommunityinsouthIredell,was born May 17,1858,andwouldhavebeen59yearsoldonthe17thofthismonth.He lived in titeneighberhoodinsouthIredellwherehewasbornandreareduntilmovedWestabout23yearsago.He first lived in Texas wn@ then for“me years in Indian seer be- fore it became the State ef Oklaho-ma,afterward going back to Texas.“Mr.Clark is survived by his wife—who was Miss Mary Mills of southIredelli—and several grown sons andlaughters,and by his mother,a sis-ter and brother—Mrs.Sarah ClarkndMrs.J.C.Lipe of Biltmore andR,R.Clark of Statesville. The funeral services of Rev.J.H.Fesperman,who died at his »eme in Statesville Thursday night,wereconductedfromSt.Michael's church. Treutman,Saturday morning by Rev.J.L.Morgan,assisted by Rev.J.H.Pressly and Rev.C.M.White of Statesville.Interment in St.Michael's burial ground,near Trout- man,Mr.Fesperman was born in Row- an county,the son of Michael Fes- perman and Cynthia Gardner Fes-werman.He entered the Lutheran ministry in 1858,having a charge in Rowan county for several years. He was pastor of St.Paul and St.Michael churches in Irede!!from 1871 to 1877.This was his last charge, an injury to his leg causing him to give up his work as a_pastor in1877.He suffered from tuberculosis for several years,this and a compli-sation of other diseases causing his death.After giving up his chargeMr.Fesperman spent several years in Rowan,moving to Statesville about seven years ago. Although an invalid,Mr.Fesper- man was not inactive.He perform- ed marriage ceremonies and admin- istered the rites of baptism =at He engaged in literary work. Two books written by him.“The Life of the Sufferer"”and “A SickMan’s View of Christ and the Scrip- notice and were widely read. Mr.Fesperman was twice mar- ried.His first wife was Miss Crissie Ann Lentz,daughter of David Lentz of Rowan county.She was the moth-er of Mr.Fesnerman’s children,of which the followingLulaBrownandMr.Eugene Fes- perman of Statesville,Mrs.F.B. Lyon of Atlanta and Mr.Ney Fes- perman of Jacksonville,Fla.Mr. Fesperman’s second wife was Mrs.Mattie E.Witt,who survives him. Church News. Services at the Associate Reform- ed Presbyterian church Sunday night were conducted by Rev.G.I.White, of Mecklenburg county.Rev.Mr.Stroupe of Erskine Theo- logical Seminary,Duc West,8.©., addressed a good audience at Prossly Memorial church Sunday afternoon at3.30, lr,Chas.Anderson,pastor of theFirstBaptistchurch,preached the commencement sermon at WallburgInstitute,Davidson county.Sundaymorning.His pulpit in StatesvillewasfilledbyRev.M.L.Kesler,su-perintendent of the Beptist orphan- age at Thomasville. Shooting in Lincoln County. In North Brook township,Lincoln county,April 26,Peter Swink was shot by Clyde Workman.Workmarusedashotgun.Roth Swink's cyes were shot out and his face and shoulders ligerally filled with shot, possibly m than 100 being deeply imbedded in the head and body.He may die. The shooting was the result of a cuarrel,one accusing the other of having lied on him. LSNS UNABLE TO LOCATE BLAME, Unable to fix the responsibility for the disaster,the coroner’s jury investigating the exptosion of April10attheEddystone,Pa.,plant of the Eddystone Ammunition corpor-ation,rned an verdict,which set forth that “l qusneaan to survive—Mrs. F.|hat. +are under the command may beselected.ion thereisthethiOnhisarrivalRooseveltwasreminiscentofthe.On ‘ eleomed byerowdsthatthrongedthe aeandjammedthewindows,thecolonel |sta g in his automobile waving his| tomeAmericanAviatorsVictors,| American aviators again havevictoriousfromabattlein)the clouds with German airmen,sothenewscomesfromParis.|The heroes of the encounter wereWillisMavilandofMirneapolisandCharlesC.Johnson of St.a of aWilliamThawofPittsburgh,Flying together in separate ma-.chines,the two Americans encount-ered o group of Germ =n airplanes,Haviland forced one enemy craft to.an altitude of 4,000 feet,where heheengageditincombat.After a eeedfighttheGermanmachine, by machine gunfire,Afell.Almost at the same time > son had a desperate battle with an-other German machine which hetoflight,evidently in distress, fate wns not determined. other German aircraft refusedndescaped.ea For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast25e.50c.$1.At All Dealers,4’ KUTLDING? . Skirts for Misses. And we are always through. LINIMENT! CASH SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Dainty and becoming footwear is one of the first essentials for the summer girl. Dorothys are always in good_taste. They fit perfectly,and this means comfort as well as style. Let us show youthismodel. @ nearceeee Onn ees THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS.Joh nston-Belk Co. —_Z-A PHONE 212..." nem store buildings, E.G.GAITHER andAvril27WHITEWASHSKIRTS We have just received a big line of White Wash Skirts in all the new materials in- cluding the White Wash Silks. Also,a nice line of Middy Suits with pieated Our line of Millinery is always complete. glad to show you ‘ MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. SALE—In Stateeviire,two centrally le at. Sallor,Leghorn and Panama als SHERRILL-V Ifit’s a Sailor,Leghorn or Panamathatyouarelook- ing for just drop in and letus have the pleasure Sailors $1.50,$2.00,$2.50and $3.00, Leghorns$3.00 and Panamas$5.00. PHONESS. 8. In our big assortment you can find a RUG suitable |for any room in the home. A big shipment of fresh new patterns just received. Come in today and get first choice. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”‘PHONE NO.400. New Pianos and Player-Pianos from to $1,750.§y used Pianos $75.00 to $250.00.‘ Seeusbefore you buy yours and save realmoney.esell cashoroneasyterms.Libera!allowanceforoldiastru-mentstaken in exchange. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE.EVERYTHING MUSICAL. |HAMILTONERAGE weDE. .Troy Freeze ofMrs.Wood GillianofEufola;Mr.Geo.Rogers,and twosmallbrothers,Lonnie and RobertRogers,of Troutman. Survivors of Vacuum. The safety of Captain Harris,fivemersandthethirdmateandtswainoftheAmericansteamerVacuum,all of reduced the loss of life to 23,about13ofthisnumberbeingAmericans. It inereases to eight the number ofgunnerssavedandplacesthelossfromthecrewat18and18saved.The captain's meager telegramgavethefirstdefinitenewsofthelossofLieutenantThomas,U.S.N.,and the death from exposure of F.H.Loree,but did not tell how thesurvivorsreachedland.Five gun- ners arrived safely with CaptainHarris. Cotton Crop. Preliminary estimates from 2.100specialcorrespondentsoftheNewYorkJournalofCommerceindicateadecreaseincottonacreageof2.5percent.as compared with a year ago.reports bear an averagedateofApril24,and in practically all cases represent expected acreageratherthanactual.Final estimateswillbepresentedinournextmonth- ly report.*the propaganda for more’grainandfoodcropsischieflyresponsible for the decrease,bu:as against this the high prices for cotton have in- duced a number of States to increaseacreage.In North Carolina the acreage is reported a shade lessthanlastyear. American Steamer Sunk. The American steamer Rocking-ham has been sunk by a German submarine.Two boats containing 33 men were picked up,one by a pa-trol vessel.One boat containing 13 men is missing. The Rockingham carried 49 men, including many Americans.ecrewnumbered36andthenaval contingent consisted of a lieutenantand12men.The value of the shipandhergeneralcargowas$3,250,-000,The vessel was due in Liver-pool Wednesday.The vessel sailedfromBaltimoreApril14. MURDER AND SUICIDE.| The dead body of John Isaac Pip-kin,a farmer of Beaufort county,was found in the woods in that county a few days ago.Had beenshotandmurderissuspected. C.W.Yates,a farmer living nearMebane,took carbolic acid and cuthisthroatinanattemptatsuicide.He may recover. RUSSIA IS LOYAL. The Russian provisional govern-ment has sent to the Russian repre-sentatives in the Entente alliedcountries,assuring the allies thatthechangeirgovernmentinRussiacannotaffordapretextforanyslackeningonthepartofRussiainthecommonstruggleofalltheEn-tente allies. GALLANT FRENCHMAN. France's war mission was receiv- ed in the House of Congress yester-! dav.A roar of cheers greeted thedistinguishedvisitors,who shookthehandsofthemembers.As MissJeannetteRankinpasseddownthelineM.Viviani grasped her handand,bending low,kissed it. HOOVER COMES. Herbert C.Hoover arrived in NewYorkfromEnglandyesterdayonanAmericanshipandsaidhewouldatoncetoWashingtontoassumehisnewpositionasheadofthecountry’s food board, NOT YET LAW. The selective draft bill,passed bybothhousesof©night,has }has not been taken upence,but it will be passed soon. STATESVILLE,N.©.,FRIDAY,MAY 4,1917. nd|pacity, seep nneian of Davidson College,was in town ed the war generaily.Affidavitwasmadetosupportcharge.There were also reports that he had|made other statements more or lessseditious,but these,so-far as known,|were not substantiared.When asked about the matter Mr.Daywalt entered a general denial.He ssid he had not at any time cursed |or condemned the President or Con-gress for action taken with referencetowar;he was opposed to war,hesaid,but since war was declared hehashadnothingtosayeitherway.Immediately on receipt of the pa-pers in the case in Washington,Post-master Brawley was wired to “re-move Letter Carrier Jas.1.Daywaltfromserviceimmediately.” Mr.Daywalt has been a most ef-|ficient mail carrier and a most ac-!commodating and popular one.He}has many friends who regret the‘rouble that has overtaken him. This incident should be a warningtothepublic—and some local people|will take warning if they are wise—that Uncle Sam isn’t going to standforanyloosetalknow.Since thewarisenthereisonlyonesidetothatquestion,The citizen must eith-er talk for Uncle Sam or not talkatall.Government officers havebeenorderedtoreportallcasesofdisloyaltyandonedoesn’t have toheanofficeholdertogetintotrouble.The private citizen is in as muchdanger.If he doesn’t think so lethimproceedathisperil. For Training Camp and Army rvice. Messrs.Weston L.Taylor,God- frey Kimball,PF.P.Dulin,Jno.A.Scott,Jr.,Jno.G.Lewis,D.F.May-berry,McK.R.Long,Searr Morri-son,D.M.Etheridge,Julian Morri-son,Frank F.King,who had a!-ready been examined by Dr.T.E.Anderson as to their physical fit-ness for training in the officer'strainingschoolatFortOglethorpe,Ga.,went to Charlotte this week andstoodthefinalexamination.Allpassedexcepttwo—Messrs.ScarrMorrisonandFrankF.King-—andweredulyenlistedforservice.TheyarenowawaitingorderstoreporttoFortOglethorpe.Of the 208 ap- plicants examined st Charlotte 134Passed. While no pay so far has been pro- vided for the men in training camps, a proposition is now pending inCongresstopaythem$100 permonthinadditiontotheirboardandas Mr.W.H.H.Cowles of NorthWilkesboro,son of Sirs.W.H.H.Cowles of Statesville,has made ap-plication through the Greensboroofficetojointheofficer's trainingschoolatFortOglethorpe.Clyde Brawley of Gastonia,son ofMr.E.M.Brawley,and who former!lived here,has enlisted with the Fifta.Coast Artillery,National Guard. Mr.Scofield Dead. Mr.Stephen C.Seofield,70 yearsoldandfor6yearsa_resident andbusinessmanofMfDavidson,died Wednesday at his home in thattown.He had been in declininghealthforsometime.Mr.Scofield was a native of Co-lumbia,8.C.He married a daugh-ter of the late William Knox of Mt.Mourne,this county,brother-in-law of Mr.W.P.KnoxandMrs.P.R.Patterson of States-ville.He is survived by two daugh-ters.His wife died in 1918 and three sons are dead,two dying with-in the last eight months.Mr.Sco- field was a member of the Presbyte-rian Church and for some yearswasadeaconinthechurchatDa-vidson.Funeral and burial at Da-vidson yesterday,service conductedbyDr.C.M.Richards. Building Commission. Dr.Lingle Talks of |c__DuvideonStudents Dr.Thos.W.Lingle,of the faculty y | Wednesday afternoon en routehome | from Harmony,where he d the|address at Harmony Farm commencement.y‘Dy.Lingle said that some @f tho|a!students were leaving et?|otfewdays,enlisting in us|day—with fibrancheswishtochancesonoftheservice;that is it as of Hethinkshecanbeofserviceinthisca- Dr,Lingle is not only ¢student ofworldaffairsbuthehastraveledmuchabroadandwasastudentinGermany.Asked his opinion about the ili-ty of internal dissensions in nysoonendingthewar,Dr.an-swered that it was difficult to say,butheisoftheopinionthatonlygerislikelytobringaboutinGermany.The supreme virtue of the Germenpeople,said Dr.Lingle,is their obedi-ence to constituted authority.In thehomethemanisnotonlytheheadofthehouse—he is the absolute monarch and is so recognized and bywifeandchildren.Rv is obeyed andserved—the wife doing menial tasksforthehusband.In the schools thereanemanymorementeachersthanwo-men and the teacher is the absolute DRIVE jeNuisr wiptale BOYS. eer Volunteers ec who exwouldtagesof the hom Wm.or membersofthecompanywillgiveinformation. Submarine the Most Serious Menace her militarwhichforthefuture welfareStatesandtheEntente allies,is ree-ornized by all the powers which areatwarwithGermany. man underwaterbottomhundreds of thousands of tons|cannin: in .The Iredell localtcompany,|pag ‘ ;war st It be avridetoStatesvillep would beend volunteer »pportunities for commissions in4.focal company for men whothatambition.under wa: hte en nd this offyuardcompaniesa8offerschanceofpromotion When themenfor specialmanrtakenfromStatebe Young men who want to enlist,ortobetakeninthedraft,lo well to consider the advan-e@ company.Capt.er That Germany's submarine arm,notarm,is the menacemomentisgreatestforoftheUnited The last days of April saw the Ger- boats send to the bose in the schoolroom.All the pupils|of chipping.which means that hugeknowitandrecognizeit.In the mili-|,—a is universal,thisabsolute,unquestioned ae toconstitutedauthorityandtotheKais-er,is intensified,so that rebellionagainstthegovernmentisnotonlytreasontotheaverageGermanitismorallywrongandhewouldexpecttobeblastedandsenttohellforit.If the Germans can get food,saysDr.Lingle,the May go on for>warfiveyears,or longer Buying Ahead. A Statesville flour mill man,whorecentlymadeatriptowesternNorthCarolinasellingflour—at $14.75 and$16 per barrel—says he vras told thatmanyfarmersandotherhouscholderswerebuyingtwoandthicebarrelsof to combat the menace by all yua of ammunition and food-stuffs have been irretrievably lost tothealliesandmadetrepinchofwanttothosecountries,their soldiers andtheirpeoplemoreacute. These unseen monsters of the uh-derseas from April 20 to April 27 hadtheirsharewithminesinthesendingbeneaththewaves,some of them un-warned and with tolls of death,38Britishvesselsofover1,600 tons and13othersoflessthan1,600 tons,thesggregateineachtwoveaselslessthantheBritishAd-miralty reported the previous week,when the high poin:in the sinkingefBritishmerchantmensincethere-ports have been issued,was reached. being onl Impetus is being given to therape theflouratatime,laying in a supply for]countries at war with Germany,andmonths,on the idea that flour will bescarceandthepricehigher.SomeStatesvillepeoplearedoingthat.Themillmanthinksthishassomethingtodowiththeboundingprice—zhat somanywhocanbuyaherdarestoringup.He is of the opinion that flourwilldropalittlelater—no greatamountprobably,but so:nething.The government warns against thehoardingoffoodsupnlicsonthegroundthatanartificialdemandis|«created and prices go up;and alsothatitinterfereswithdistributionandcreatesunnecessaryhardship.IfthewargoesonthisisoneofthethingsUncleSamwilltrytoregu-late.Meantime every fellow will};look out for himself——that’s natural. Daughters Contribute to Cem-etery Work—Delegates. The Daughters of the Confedera-v,at their meeting this week,vot-ed to contribute $50 to help straight-en and re-set the tombstones in theoldcemetery,and Mrs.L.Ash andMrs.R.B.MeLaughlin were ap-rointed a committee to look aftertheworkwhichisnowbeingdonethere,The following were appointed del-‘gates to the district meeting of theDaughterstobeheldinHighPointtomorrow:Mrs.R.L.Poston,Mrs,W.M.Barringer,Mrs.M.R.Adams,Mrs.D.8S.Thomas,Mrs.L.W.Mac-Kesson,Mrs.B.B.Webb and MissesMargaretBradyandBrawley,the last named being theleaderoftheChildren’s Chapter. Confederate Would Go. ‘—-James HM.Sherrill of Catawha,‘onfederate veteran,dropped in onTheLandmarkWednesday,and intalkingaboutthewarexpressedre-gret that he couldnt call back 40years.If he could he would enlistpromptly.“I'd have gone to the Span-ish-American war but for my eye-sight.”said the captain (he has been],near blind for years),“and if Wilsonwantsmenowhecangetme.”Thecaptainwasn’t talking for publicationandhewasn't talking because he knewhecouldn't go.He was very much inearnestanditwouldbeapositivejoytohimifhecouldenlisttoday.He is]:the type of valinnt fighting men andhehasprovedit.He entered theConfederatearmyattheageof17. War Commission ona Trip. war commissioners¥ or,aldermen and twotheschool alsoThose who vote “For Library,”those opposed tunity to say Tuesdawantthelibrary.voted a tax for a similar purpose.IfthesupportisvotedforthelibraryMr.Carnegie will furnish the mon- ey for the building. club agent,is visiting theclubsinIredellthisweek.Mr.G.E.Dull,have been holding nicht meetings attheschoolhousesandtalksonpoul-try, re being made. fested and the poultry club work inthecountyisstartingoffverywell, Elizabeth]'t is said,hut is not near so exten- sive as it should becumstances. hopes are expressed that shortly acheckmaybejuttotheinroadsof :the submarine into commerce. MunicipalandLibrary Vote. Along with the election of a may- members ofboard,next Tuesday,ispubliclibraryelection. favor the library will the ‘Arainst Library.” The vote “For Library”means theimpositionofanextrataxof31-8centsonthe$100 valuation and tencentsonthepollforthesupportofapubliclibrary.The tax isn’t bur-Jensome and the advantages of a—pulbic library are unquestion-The voters will have an oppor-whether theyickoryrecently Poultry,Silos and Dairies. Mr.Allen G.Oliver,State poultrypoultryHeand the county agent, illustrated with lantern slides, Interest is mani- under the cir- Mr.J.A.Arey,State dairy agent, is also in the county this week,en- couraging the building 1losandprogressinthedairy workormoresi- renerally.Take Over Enemy Ships. The Senate passed by unanimous vote a resoluticn providing for trans-fer of title and possession of enemyshipsinAmericanportsandtheirseincommerceunderdirectionoftheshippingboard.There are about 100 Germanchipsinunderrepair, and many AustrianAll hips are not included in the resolu- American ports. tion,as the United States and Aus-ria are not at war.Two of the Ger-man ships have already been repair-ed,loaded with cargoes and sent ontheirway.to be ready by the end of the week. Canning Clubs and Presidents. Five others are expected .a yo VC |neseworkgets :| id Maryland,told Jenary,to greatindustryalongtheeastern shorehishomeState,and his experiencewiththefarmerswhogrowvegeta-|homesivefor~nets.—usiness in sayscausedfarmeanin*many :to increase in value from $10 toanacre.The farmers havethegrowingoftruckfor soenen tptetchae “canaienreasonsburyfinancialfailurewhenitfirsted,he said,was because the farmersdemandedtoomuchfortheirvege-|__Theidthemwere|MitchellLo|residenttablesandthepricestoohightomakecann’Farmers in Maryland,raise tomatoes for thearound$11 a ton and makemoney. and as many per acre,can be grownhere.Mr.Stabler had tasted someIredell-grown and Iredell-canned to-matoes that were as good as any hehadtastedinhishomeState.Thefarmerswillhavetobeeducatedtothefactthatvegetablesforcanning|*?can be grown successfully and prof-|‘ itably in this section. Mr.Lewis wasvillecanreby Salisbury’s expe- rienee antheright basis.He told of canner-ies in other States which were beingoperatedsuccessfully,and said thatfarmersinKentuckyweremakingbigprofitsraisingtomatoesat22centsabushel.The South is nowbuyingabilliondollars’worth of |ieannedgoodseachyear.But thisvear,under the abnormal conditions,|dieswewillnotbeabletogetallthecannedgoods,even if we have themoneytobuythem.Any ,food will find ready market thisvear.One of the problems con)fronting the railroacs is the matterofhandlingthebigshipmentsofrrainfromtheWesttotheeasternvorts,and it may be that eventhoughwehavemoneyintheSouth‘o buy food next fall,we will not beabletoitforlackoftrans- the Salisbury gen-seussing the varioushadarisen,the as- And just as good tomatoes,Sond’Ont sure that States-|should establish a cannery on|be ae|‘ot Mose)coe enlisted men than a forforieandmore than $25,000,000ineluding97, aes asr4 “caliitary stores of orkle Held For Second De- —Murder hearing inD.S.MeCor-.B.Nich-Lockout dam of theCompany,a few weeks was held in the sum of $1,000 a Superior Court™dn a 000 of second degree murder. the plea of self-defence was clearly developed,says the Newton Enterprise,the fact that the defendant and the deceased both carried guns that day and had had a quarrel previous to the shooting, influenced the _decision.The Enterprise further says:“The evidence developed showedthesethings:McCorkle’s youngerbrotherwassenttogetsomelughooksandNicholsthem,pulling «gun on him.elder McCorkle then went,pull-ed his gun on Nichols and got thehooks,Nichols saying that since Me-Corkle had the drop on him hecouldn't do anything,but he'd seehimlater.An hour and a half laterheadvancedonMcCorklewithhisguninhishand,saying he wasready,for McCorkle to get his gun andthey would shoot it out.McCor-kle reached for his gun and Nicholsshot.Whether he shot more than@ncewitnessescouldnotsay,as theshotsfollowedinsuchquick suc-cession.Nichols was hit twice,abdomen and head,and eithertomedicaltestimony,have killed him.” Send Troops Abroad Scon. The United States stands readytodendanarmytofuropewhenev-er the allies deem it wise to divertthenecessaryshippingfromtrans- porting food to transporting men.It is known definitely,say Wash-ingvon dispatches,that the govern-ment has offered tre allies troops,but has suggested that the alarm-ing shortage of world shipping maymakeitimpracticabletosendthematonce.In spite of objections ofthegeneralstafftopawsanyAmericanforceonthefiringlinebe-fore the great war army has beenraisedandtrained,the administra-tion has determined that the smallcontingentearnestlydesiredby rance for mora!effect shall be sent as soon as possible.The general be-lief is that the way will soon befound.Whether the force first to carrythe2andStripesintobattleinFrashallbemadeupofregularsorNationalGuardsmen,or both,hasnotworkedout. Frenchmen Before Senate. France’s war mission,headedRene.Viviani,Admiral Chocheprat,than a half hour on theSenateTuesdayandstirred thatandgalleries,crowded to ca-ity,first to vigorous applause andtoroarsofcheers.After the Senators and membersoftheHousehadspedthehandsofthedistinguisvisitorsandM.Viviani,vice owge 4 and leader ofthemission,delivered an ad-dress that thrilled his hearers,thegreatestoutburstofenthusiasmItwasatributetotheheroMarne,who,in response torousingcriesof“Joffre!Joffre-Jot-cra,tiedhg pra»which -ngl which all un While byMarshalJoffreand spent moreoorofthe »responded with eight words “I do not speak English.Vive LaAmericique.” ey TroubleinRussia. 4,1917. >i8 wpen us,:jtostrivetopreventitsbecoming any| prevented him) in| carry us oversituation j known its like.”|This shortage of food would bepressingeveniftheworldwarcouldendatonce.The world has used up‘its reserves and it will take severalyearstorestorethebalanceevenaf- \ter the war ends.We cannot hope\to make up this deficit while the warbutitisnecessaryforus jmore alarming.To do even this |will require hard work and consider-able self-denial,and it is certain{that such work can only be done asweawakentothevastneedbefore|us.|Our own authorities proclaim tousthatinordertobesafeinthematteroffoolstuffswewillhavetoo4growintheUnitedStates320,000,-|000 bushels of potatoes more thanwedidlastyear,1,000,000,000 bush- els more of corn,and 100,000,000bushelsofbeansinsteadof10,000,- So that Backyard Farm looms up.It must not be as the field of asiothfulman.It comes home to usallthatifwewillnotworkneither shall we eat.With sleeves rolled up, then,we come to some more of our suggestions.I.As to peppers.The old dark‘es usedtosaythatthereasonittakespep- pers so long to sprout is becuase the laybirds have to take thom to hell and back before they can come up.The only substitute for this methodofinsuringtheproperdegreeof hotness is to get cnundering mad before you plant them.Just think for 1 moment about Kitchin.and Stone,and Clark,and La_Follette and your peppers will be all richt. it may be well also to have the ground rich and well spaded.A mod- ified form of the plan already given for tomato culture will help-——do not trench them or plant them more than half as deep as tomatoes,butcovertherootswellandstakethemtopreventbreaking. Okra needs heavy feeding withmanureandshouldbeplantedatthe, bottom of a furrow instead of on top.Cover the seeds about half aninchdeepandhilltotheplantsas they grow.The okra plant needs enough foisture to keep it growing, so mulching with straw or manureontopofthegroundwillhelpkeep them vigorous.Il.Egg plants are a very paying crop when properly grown.The onethingtorememberisthatintheirearlierstagestheyhaveanumber of very destructive enemies.The flea beetle will cat and skip until the leaves look like sieves,and the po- tato bug will finish all that is left.| But once get them up a_foot high and well established and you canhardlykillthem.They will standlikecottonplantsandthriveon hard conditions.A_little tobaccodustforthefleabeetlesand,later on,a spray of Paris green for the potato bugs,will carry your plants safely over and their handsome fruits will repay you amply for thelittletroubleyouhavetaken. Rich soil,deeply and thoroughly worked,will give surprising results.A dozen plants on the author's farm|yielded 130 exhibition fruits a yearersoago.There is plenty of timeforthiscropyet,as they require warm weather. |Squash and cucumbers jshould have a liberal quantity of well rot- ted manure dug into the hills.Insmallgardensthebushsquashisbest,as the plants can be set closer.For bush squash the hills should be placed from four feet apart and for running varieties about ten.Cucum-bers require about six feet betweenhills.Dig out holes,at these dis-tances,three feet across and onefootdeep.Work in half a wheel-jbarrow full of manure,mixing it|well with the soil.Hill up the seedjbedstostandaboutthree‘inches|above the ground level and the worst|o*your work is done.|All these plants have enemies.It\is probably true that no other plants{are worried by so many ay ne The|stems,leaves,flowers and fruits all|have borers,bugs and beetles to|them.Plenty of tobacco dust tiansburg,Va.,forStecktonHeth,Jr.,who was According|statement at the trial,|dent under Vawter,was in/it ef drinking liquor with Va in{his home,Heth furnishing the \comingaieteiVawterhadseenhiswifeoutofHeth’s room and whenibraidedherHethbeathim.'saw Heth kissing his wifejhecomplainedHethbeat himinsensibilityandhehadtotake to‘his bed.When he reproached his!wife she told him she would oe as- |sociating with Heth if he (Vawter)i would quit drinking with him.After}all that,Vawter drank whiskey with|Heth and played cards with him in ihis home:and later when he saw hiswifeagaincomingfromHeth’s werent)“ New Discovery!Dodson’s Liver ToneActsLikeCalomelButDoesn't Gripe,Salivate or Make You Sick—Don'tLose a Day’sWork—HarmlessMedicineforMen,Women,Children—ReadGuarantee! Ugh!Calomel makes you sick.It's horrible!Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work.Calomel ‘is or quicksilver which causes necrosisofthebones.Calomel,whenit comesin- to contact with sour bile crashes into it,breakingit*This is =you feel that awful — an cramping.are sluggish and “aknockedout,”if poll ge is id and dowels constipated,or you have headache,dizziness,coatedtongue,if breathis bad or stomach sour,just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone tonight.Here’s guarantee—Go to any drug storeandgeta50centbottleofDodson’s Liver Tone.Take a spoonfulandifit doesn’t straighten you right up and make feel finewantyoutogoiktothestoremoney.Dodson's Liver Tone iscinofchadWmne©tek See eeeentirelyvegetable.therefore it can not salivate ormakeyousick,‘I guarantee that one spoonful of Dedson’s LiverTonewillputyoursluggishlivertoworkandcleanyoursofthatsourbileandconstipatedwastewhichiscloggingyoursystemandmaking you feel miserable.I guarantee that a bottle ofDoilson's Liver Tone will keep your entire familyfeelingfineformonths.Give it to your children.It is harmless ;doesn’t gripe and they like its pleas. ant taste. _Aztee Surviver Reports.F — Lieut.William Fuller Gresham,| room he shet Heth.Worse still,it was in evidence at the tris!that Vawter had written! Heth letters telling him he knew of! his relations with Mrs.Vawter,con-| senting to it and avreeing to makenotrouble.He wented his wife to the American naval officer who was)in charwe of the navy gun crews on)the American ship Aztee,which was!destroyed April 1 in French waters|either by a mine or submarine,re-'|turned France a few days iandrepertedtoSeeretaryofthe be happy.he said.In the same let-| ter he asked Heih to pay a liquor bil |of $68 for him and the receipted bill, was found among Heth's effects. EEL SO A MEA Food Control Legislation.| The food contro!legislation offered in both houses of Congress calls for!an immediate survey of the coun-|ry’s food resources,and confersjowersontheDepartmentofAgri-|‘Iture to prevent speculation and)vrice manipulation.Kt weald pro-| vide for equitable distribution,sus-|vend the law prohibiting the mixing,f flour,establish and enforce’stand-!irds for agricultural preducts and! "ortilixors.|Under the measure asked,theSee-| retary of Agriculture could,if the}ernment thought it necessary,li-} ense or operate any business of manufacture,storage or distribu- on of feed,food materials or seeds, He could comvel concerns so licens-} “il to turn loose hoarded stocks of ‘ved,to refrain from unjust or dis- riminatory practice ur charges,andvildforeethemtoexactfairprices nls. An appropriation of $25,000,000 js asked to carry out the programme. i,does not cover the plan of fixing nrices or control of grain entering nto the manufacture of liquors.3oth these subjects will be dealt with in measures to be drawn later. SUNDAY MEETING. The big meeting which Billy Sun- day is conducting in New York is ‘oming along,notwithstanling theexcitementofthewer.Up to.this veer $26,519.52 had been collected at the meeting and the number of “treil hitters,”by which title he des-ignates his converts,had reached 86 At Sundays meeting near$3,000 was lifted by a hat collection. i 56. ‘MAMMA!DON’T YOU SEEYOURCHILDISSICK,CONSTIPATED? Look at Tongue!Move PoisonsFromLiverandBowelsatOnce! Mother!Your child isn’t natural-ly cross and peevish.See if tonsrue! is coated;this is a eure sign its lit-|tle stomach,liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listiess,pale,feverish,fullofcold,breath bad,throat sore,does- n’t eat,sleep or act naturally,has!stomach-ache,diarrhoea,remember,a gentle liver and bowel cleansingshouldalwaysbethefirsttreatment given.Nothing equals “California SyrupofFigs,”for children’s ills;give a teaspoonful,and in a few hours all}the foul waste,sour bile and fer-!menting food which is clogged in the. bowels passes out of the system,and)you have a well and playful child)again.Al!children love this harm-|less,delicious “fruit laxative,”and it)never fails to effect a good “inside”!cleansing.Directions for babies,|children of all ages and grown-ups|are plainly on the bottte.|Keep it handy in your home.A lit-|tle given today saves a sick child to-|morrow,but get the genuine.Ask’your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of |“California Syrup of Figs,”then| }of the 27 Aztec {SEE TO YOUR BATTERY.| vy Daniels.No word has been re-ceived as to the fate or J.1.Epolucci,| bontswain’s mate,the one missingmemberofLieut.Gresham’s com-,|mand,nor has any news been heard)sailors who rowed)away -rom the sinking steamer,nev-! er to be heard of agar.The Aztec was the first American merchant ship to be armed,and/ Licut.Gresham and 12.picked men! were detached from the Doiphin af-|ter a careful search for a crewamonythebestgunnersinthenavy. The A:tee was destroyed in the night,without oppertunity for the men to test their skill,but after hearing Lieut.Gresham’s story of 7 the crew's courage and fortitude,’ Secretary Daniels declared that “ev-ery great tradition of the navy has,J been upheld.”The men _stood by their guns,ready for action,while 3 the ship was sinking.t There OVERWORKED MOTHERFindsHealthInOurVinol | Collineville,I.—*“I suffered from ainervousbreakdownandterriblehead-aches and was tired all over,totall:worn out and discouraged,but as Ialargefamiiy|had to work despite my.|saw Vinol advertised and ee ee—See (verlandF ours! are definite advantages in these OVERLAND FOURS that make each one stand out conspicuously above other cars in its price class. Asa result they are producings cars of ex- ceptional quality—and marketing them at exceptionally low price. averycar is built to a rigid standard of appearance,performance and comfort. These Overland Fours are atriking examples. The Light Four—the Big Four and the Light Four—4—Passenger Country Club. Let us show you these cars. W.R.Mills Motor Co. decided to try it,and within two weeksInoticedadecidedimprovement,and now I am a well woman."—Mre,AnaBECKER.We guarantce Vinol,our ron-seereé tonie,to strengthen and build up weet,run-down,overworked motiors,Aelica children and feeble old peonic.W.F.Hall.Druegist.Statesville Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.80 p.m.2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ap-intment.Anderson Bidg.,118.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324. Residence ‘phone 279—grceen. ceancemnanreme 2 Our storage battery departmentisinchargeofanexpertwithfac-tory experience.Let us put youreer?in shape forng. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO,.|GOOD ROADS, Good Tires are the pleasure ofride. Phone 201 Court Street.!We sell Miller TireandTubes! po |L,ARNER,Statesville,N.C. —Dealer In—- Hides,Furs,Wooland Bees- wax,Also old Metal and Ls ceteriserted fi THERE IS LOTS OF COMFORT ON THE PORCHIFYOUHAVEITFIXEDUPRIGHT—BOTHCOMFORTANDHEALTH. We have about the nicest line of porch furniture ‘ou ever saw andBon’t delay tixing up the porch when it can be done as cheaply and_effectively as is made pos- sible here. the prices all are attractive. ’‘. |chewTherewerestreetdisordersinPe-|will settle this problem easily.DustveeRussia,a week,saree |See ever every now and then and were thrown a-you are sure to s*ve your piants.General Kashtalinski was killed.Vv..°Root crops,such as beets,carrots,parsnips,salsify and horse radish,|should be grown in clean soil.Dioutdeeptrenchesorfurrowsanthemanureattheverybottom. Rubber.Scrap Iron,‘Books and Magazines.We_"highest market Independent Phone 506. look and see that it is made by the|\California Fig Syrup Co.|~|NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR.|RANT OF ATTACHMENT.| |NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.|In the Superior Court. Statesville Lumber Company vs.MarlboroCottonMilla,in with clean soil,letting no ‘The defendant above named will take notice the f ag he towed en SaGhemeh on ths tok|.we ton the 28thwrow.|Sis of Waste,tit,be Ue Cah of the bo. |Seeet Cuaes st Teste comaiy tee the cum of the Guaranteed pricesdelivered at States- villeOilMillor my Warehouse,take your choice,Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,and UnionGuano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. Hundred and Thirty-Beven Dollars,to the CASH OR TIME. $1.00 Per Hour For you when you can letthempumpthewaterandsaveyouthetimetodevote |to your work.Save thistimeandmoney..A MyersPumpwillsavethis.Letusputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 BE.Broad St We Try to Keep Everyjhing in stock tomeetyourwants.Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll, Valley Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxe anything in Sheet Metal you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO. ‘Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street —erepenaeanenreeeeenSee DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Reoma 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BULLDING, Stawavilie,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS, ‘Phone 19%Hours *to 6.SY RCQ\AL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'SVERETH.“TODAY” A fresh lot of Legegett’sPremierMayonnaisein ten and thirty five cent sizes.Try it,it is de- licious, We have ail sizes in stuffed and plain olivesandpickles. Phone 8&9, Eagle &Milholland. . RRR:ee eReR eS Se SPECI \I.GROCERY VALUES Peaches,18 cents a can, Libby's Mince Meat,17 cents a pound. Pressed Figs,15 cents a packayre. Sherrill &Reece. C.HW.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone349 Green. wa nominal sumfNewYorkcity.p and the wa by Joseph P.Daytteplantwillbeysvyforthelay-ut of the keels of the first ten shipsytheofMay.When it isrorkingattopspeed3,000 men wil!e employed working in day and ight shifts, LTRSFeTET The Brazilian government,whichvasexpectedtodeclarewarapainst‘ormany,has issved a proclamationfneutrality,} “OR SALE—Houre and lot in Troutman,W.C.See &A.HOOVER,Mooresville,N.C.April 20.4%.w. ‘OMMISSIONER'S SALE OFREALESTATE. UNDER and by virtue,of the order of the‘Yerk of the Superior Court of Lredell county,vade in the action entitled “J.P.Williamstale.versus Rufus Cass and Mra.Nora Case,”se undersiened comraiasioner will on MONDAY,MAY 21,1017, o'clock,at the court house door of‘ede!county,sell at puble auction to theiwhestbidderforeash,the following de-eribed traet of land:Lying and being inglewHoftownshipoftheaforesaidState v“d county,end beginning at a chestnut,Vilborn Shoemaker's corner in Raney Camp-eis line:thence south 124 poles with Wil-orn Shocmaker's and Burl Shoemaker's line eo a pine;thence north 70 degrees west 110alestoapine;thenee south 20 deprees weat A-teles to a pine;thence weat 86 poles to aMallpineinMeCurdy'a line;thence orth i derrees west 14 poles to a white oak,J.W.Villfans’corner;thence north 86 poles to 4tape,J,W.Williams’corner:thenee 214testothebeginning,eonfaining 156 acres re or less,but a tract of land composingneresmoreorlessisexceptedandreservedomtheabovedescribedtract.anid 15 acres+ov lees having been carved from and cutthenorthwestsideofsaidtreet. Db.F.MAYBERRY, April 17,Commissioner.Wii. NOTICE OFSALE OF LAND.— UNDER and by virtue of the power and itherity eonferred by ai certain mortgageedexecutedtotheandersiguedontheiistyofMarch,1914,which said mortgage ved is duty recorded in the office of the Rep- ter of Deeds of lredell county,in boek 38 pave 354,defewlt having been made Ja the ayment of the indebtedness recured thereby,bs roin provided,the undersigned meort- we will on FRIDAY,MAY 18,1917, t 12 m.,expose to sule eo the highest bidder t public auction,fer csh,the following de-ribed jand,toxether with the buildings there- »eiitated in tredell,county,Chambersburr cr of dees of Ircdell « I LACKEY, April 2%,1917. ‘ar Red Cedar S$ 3eing unloaded uM ayee, hingles by C. of Iredell County. onan 8 ee ee PINE Lor COUNTRY HAMS. Miler McLain Supply (Co. || WANTED! SCRAP BRASS Heavy Brass 7c. per pound,Light Braes Se,permuPORSALE: New end serond hand machnery for sale ani all kinds of bofler Poor, .TURNER. }| ; sat es kere ae te Se a Jitney Station In addition to our present way of | handling the city traffic,we pre now yperating schedule car between the square and depot every 15 minutes atthepopularprieeof5cents.° Hereafter the Jitney office will beclosedonSundays. ‘PHONE 611. wliiney Transfer Company. ee ncn eae aii ana A ts ei eToe DAVID A,LEWIS.PIANO and PIPE ORGAN TUNER. Satisfacion guaranteed.Refer-ences.Will locate in Statesville earlyinMay. April 17—8t. ee eee a em ier ct a see _DR.COTTE SHERRILL General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas. Hill'sresidenceorLong's — jware of wwhrebip.adjoining the lands of Tom Adkins .and described an follows:Beginning st a atone,‘Tom Adkins’corner,, do runniy north 6 deyrees cast 179 poles to!* stone,"oss trerons!eer ned theney uth Sé degrees ent peat to a stone Vo G.Hairs corner:thence south 2 dewrees ¢ee to «a tae tk stump,T.J.Con- “er:thence ith S#degrees emat 45 }wn stad ei eS e goviner inweDaout?t 431 t nn ty ¥v «t hie ¥‘¥'’'f y a ‘degrees east I ‘i “tome,Mary Puwe's ¢ 'th %8 her west 6 pot »an “the branch;thence south |degree4sstumporstoneinTom ive thence ith hin Hine north 6 eon weat 46 1-2 pels to a atone:thence ;{ers weet 83 poles to a dor. 4 4 rr theme nerth 6 de- e Ale?qrerde >a store tenestr+t t wr,«saat vee ne er jess and win the bdentical tract d eanveyed to WW.W.Bobbitt by deed «Webtx and fe,daly recorded mh the office of the regiv- WATKINS,Shingle King. EI N E S Se HR D effort to raise an abundanee of food- staff.He said he was going to set the example,he and his wite work. ing their own garden,Be moe the hest apeech on the food emestion and the world war condiuens we haveheard.Lawyer Turlington gave good reasons why we si ve a chamber of commerce in Mooresvilleandreceuntedthingsalreadydone by it;how it had secured speakerstegoouttotheschoolhouses=inthiswholesectionandtalkwiththefarmersandurgeonthenecessityofraisingf+not!ivy to tell them how to farm,fortheyknowthatbetterthanwecantellthem,but to advise them to bewhatthefuture,holds i:store for us,unless we prepafe forourselves.A resolution Was passed to as¢ist any farmer who beeomessickorunabletoworkhisPep,andanumberofmenvolunteeredtorooutandhelpanytime,Mr.Turling-ton,Scout Master,offered his serv-ices and the Scout force,80 strong,to go at any call.Good shorpeechesweremadebyRev.L.U.Weston,pastor First Baptist church;Rev.Jno.W.Jones of the Methodistchurch,Rev.F.A.Barnes of theSecondPresbyterianchurch;Mr.P.S.Boyd,seeretary Mooresville Cot-ton Mills;Editor Harry Deaton andothers.A resolution offered by Mr.' Boyd and adopted,urges our Sena- tors and Representatives te support 1 bill te stop manufacturing our rain inte whiskey. The chamber has about 40 vacant lots to be given free for gardens toallwhoapply.So let's all get busy.Mr.A.W.Parks of Charlotte,who will move here after May 20,when school is out,came yp today and had his garden plowed and planted.:Mrs.R.J.Swaim and child ofCharlottearespendingtheweekwithMrs.Swaim's mother,Mrs.M.Qement.Mrs.B.D.Graham and daughter,Mrs.Biggers of Cornelius,were Mooresville shoppers Tuesday. The Daughters of the ConfederacymetwithMissJuliaStirewaltTuesdayandmadeplansforthe10thof May.<A rood speaker will be cured and the old suldiers well ; fed for.Mr.J.L.the Caroline Motor Co.went to Statesville today‘ompanied by Dr.McLettand,to en- 8 se- O- Allisen of ter Long's Sanatorium for treatreent. Mis.J.T.Goodmans Messrs.C.R roodman and J.Ro MeAuley of Ami were Mooresville visit Wed nestay,and Mr.Wi B.Goodmun wa *here on business Tuesday.Mr.Gip. Freeze i uding this v :home The high price of raiions is being discussed among ware about:much as the war.\ow it’s It rivht to meet and disc che food milion and urfe peorl:»‘plant nore:and when a mon ‘ing a |big salary himeelt n tell other folks how to econom w he lives.etc,But the docr peop's who are trying to live and p their debts n the same salaries they :>and hree years aro,when prov are aheut twice,and in many tances thr times as high,are to be pitied.Rev.L.A.Thomos,who virited his wife and child at her patent:at Gran-ite Quarry,says Mrs,Tho .who is ick,is impreving very slow!)is bed,till in High Wages For Seamen. What is said by marine men to be the topmost price ever paid ‘or sety->on American or any overannerehantvessel,steam or sail,wasrecordedinNewYorkafewdaysago,gars a dispatch,with the sign- ’f a crew of an Amer-can ship that is to sail througnm rnc oma- rine zone. The firet mate will get $500 a month,chief engineer £250,second ate S200),first assestant neer#209,and so on down the Ine tofremenandcoal-passers st to‘Th,with mess boys at $45.But in addition,a war bonus of perrent.is promised .——oul):the Ares which are to cont >antilthemenarebackattheportof mbarkation.Should the -hip meet aster the men are to be transvortedhomeandthesumof£256 r officers and $100 for me i}be 1 to all who lose the:rsonal effects, The earnings of those woe ‘ollew the sea have been =gradual’,ac- vancing in the past year,|nowtheyaredoubleandtreblewhattheywereprevioustothewar.Prior to 1915 the wages of a first mate av- eraged $100 a month,with seamen, firemen and coal passers gett $50 to $40. Red Cross Ordered Out. Six base hospital units recentlyorganizedbytheRedCrossforar- my medical service have been order- ed out for active duty,probally in France,and are expected to leavewithinthreeweeks.Secretary Baker indicated that other units will go forword rapidly. Each unit consist»of 2°coctors, two dentists,65 nurses ane 159 en- listed mon of the medical (epart-ment,ond is prepared to «for500woundedmen. Maly,France Ruasta,The amount of the firat loans toFranceandItalytheUnited Loans to and Stetes will he $10,000,000 each,the fret ‘netaliment of the [Italian loan$25,000,000,|A lean will also he made to Rus-\sia and o loan to Belgium is ander }consideration, rf ternoon -—-oneotherinEe Singing ciation will a at the court AThebrickstorer.EC“ampbell on street and sald to Mr.W.T.itt,ts com-pleted and Mr.open a.stock of Tame Sorthisweek,two me build-ings wilt be —by the first of next week.r.J,8.Bibber willmovehissteckofmerchandiseintoneofthemassoonasitiscom-pleted,and Mr.Fred.Harringtonhasventedtheotherforamoving picture show.Tt will be in operationwithinthenexttwoweeks.Mr.Har- recently sold his stock of merchandise to Mr.G.P.Burns ofGreenville,8.C.,who expects to move it te Stony Pomt.Mr,Janves Watts has let the con-traet to Mr.E.C,Campbell to build1$4,000 brick veneer residence onhelotMr.Watts recently purchas- ed from Dr.8.T.Crowsen—cornerastMainandDepotsireets.‘The work will begin soon.Mr.Campbe!! is going te High Point today on business,Gov.Bickett has asked Messrs.B. f.Hipes,chairman of county com-missioners,and A.F.Sharpe,coun- ty superintendent of schoots,to con- itute a sub-food cunservation com- mission and that’they appoint a member in each school district to serve with them.The following| have been appointed and are asked»meet at the court house Monday, "th.at 12.80 o'clock,Corban Goble, J.Will Alexander,L.M.Alexander. Hoyle Martin,N.B.Dagenhart,E. L..Alexander,J.F.Burgess,M.R. Pritchard,H.N.Sharpe,Gordon Deal,David Martin,John Woodfin, |.B.Linney,D.V.Campbell,J.M,} very,W.ward,Smith Lackey,C.C.Harring- ton,W.W.Gryder,H.§.Deal,f A. Rarnes.Parks Russell,W.V.Beb-er,Benjamin Harrington,D.C.|Parnes.J.C.Fortner,W.J.Reese,1.A.Johnson,J.B.Echerd,B.F. Austin,V.W.Teague,R.S.Austin,C.P.Hefner,F,E.Price,W.W. Teague,A.C.Flowers,C.C.Rink,J.E.Chatham,E.W.Teague,A.C. Payne,Clark Thompson,Jacob Mo-| ser,B.C.Deal,C.M.Moose,R.C.Marshall,Smith Watts. Messrs.A.L.Adams and U.L.Hefner have gone to Charlotte to tke a business course. SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS. orrespondence of The Landmark. Names of pupils of Elmwood school on honor roll for the fifthmonth:Charlie Fleming,Ed.Cash-ion,Clyde and Floyd Atwell,PavtHines,Floyd Hendley,Lula Cagh- ion,Ninner Cashion,GeraldineWomble,primary department:Lelaioodman,Mae Goodman,Isidore Cashion,Licyd Goodman,Farl Thompson,Glenn and Ola Galliher,Willie Winecoff,Chester Somers, Robert Pou,Emma Lee Womble. Names of pupils who deserve necial mention for attendance until he end:Allison Thomnson,Charlie‘jeming,Lay,Ed.,Lala,Isidore v}Ninner Cashion,Clyde and yd Atwell,Erma”Lee and Geral-»Wombic,Floyd Hendley,WillieVinecof,Liovd,Mae and Lela Soodmnn,Robert Pou,Chester Som- rs,Ola and -Glern Galliher,Ear! Thampsen,Henry Templeton,Ervin nester, Honor roll of Oak Ridge =school or the past six weeks:Hugh Smith, ElizabethtubyMoore,Carrigan, Vada Stamper,Estelle MeKnimbt Robert Brown,Frank .Young,JohnRellCarrigan,Lewis Carrigan,Ho- hert Nantz,Julia Nantz, vlexander,Bennette Younp. Names of pupils who were neith- r tardy nor absent during last six veeks of school:Huch Smith,Ruby Moore,Bennette Young,Jack Braw- Preston ley,Howard Powers,Burette Pow- ers,Dezzie Powers,Troy Powers, Clarence Powers. Honor roll for Elgin school,fifth month:Lorease Jobnsen,Frank Austin,Hal.Deal,Thomas Goodin, Wildred Pope,Pabley Stevenson, ack Stevenson,Eugene Gray,Eu- rene Morrison,Ray Morrison, no.Stevenson,Carl Stevenson,Jay Sipes,Coleman Summers.Henry C. Sommers,Oran Wil-on,Robert Win- ters,Eula Deal,Pear!Goodin,Eva Johnson,Lillien Massey,Emma Sipes,Ina Stevenson,Hazel Steven-von,Mary Winters,Flossie Wilson, Alma Wauch Those who were neither ebsent ner tardy for the citire term:Eva fohn«on,Emma Sipes,Eurene Gray,Eugene Morricor Honor roll of Beaver school for the fifth month:Thomas Crawford,Nora Fox,:Ja- son Fox,Sidney ingram,Purley Knox,Harold Knox,Robert Moore Por eutire year Harold Knox, Robert Moore. PATTLE BYMN OF THE REPUBLIC, Mine eyes have sect y of the coming of the Lord He ix trampting tt atage where the grapes of vy wd He hath jvesed t of Hi terribleHistruth marchin 3 have vern Him tt f a hun- dren circling eamrsTheybavebuildedHim an alt n the eve ning dews and detaIcanreadHisrighteoussent by thandflavinwtan His day ix hine ot 1 have vend a fiery 6 in hurnishedrowsofsteel “As ye deal with my contemne so with you my wrace shal)Let the Hero,berth crush the serpentwithbiehe Sinee God i marching of Tle fee sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat He i sifting out the hearts of men before Hie yremt sent ; On,be swift,my soul,to anewer Mim!be j Jubilant,my feet!Our Ged ®marching on tm the bewutys sero the sen, With a elety in hin boeom chat trenefieure you and me;Ae We did to make mon holy.make men free,While God ie marching on.duitm Ward Howe —¢é. ot the Mites Chofet wae borne let us die to “s W.Patterson,A.L.Wood-,§ leah laos ati i gl me Pi 2%4 32? FB ee a PE A Pt OD ~ OO ‘' { CACHDECRORRCRCRD , BY OUR “The Man WithThe Can do almost as much to win this war :the man with the .A soldier can’t ,a he’s fed,so it’s up to.-‘hack home”seed for: one to get busy sowing set soldiers,as well as themselves, We have all varieties of seed,butquality—the BEST.you at any time. POLK GRAY DRUG C0.“On just one...We'll be glad'to serve” the§ Orr 5 OTH}p Oraie‘ yourred corpusclesandchargethe blood¥sustainingrichness,Scoft’s creates warmthoffcoldsandgivesresistancetopreventNoAlcoholinSCOTT'S.EveryDraggiet hasitSCOTT&BOWNE.Stoomfintd,N.J,5 aadUSEDPIANOSATMODERATE Ceean es od One Weser,Best Grade ....... One Livingston ..... One Horace Waters ............175,00)" One Ff,Radle_..245.00. By taking advantage of these exceptional values you willsavemoney,Sec usnoWw. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE.© EVERYTHING MUSICAL, ,$75.00,150.00.. . Hammocks,Couch Hammocks,Swings,Settees,Shades. In fact we have the goods to make thecomfortable.Hammocks,Swings orFREEifboughtfromus.Williams Furniture Houde: pcerey »his ow ee ee bers a""wwe eS $7 5 2 7 , l n i z 7- 5 4 i; ile on her way fromurbtoanearby |) showed that a 7 pany murdered after aj executive order signed President Wilson providing for Cen-| ip of cables out of and of telegravh andtoouralliesabroad1 find bma-|lines into Mexico, the way to curb the a |fre nd |With saguiations governing the Tomorrow we will sell rines,So serious is tne shortage of time tot ot oh food in England that there is gener-acar.Eating the refresh-Pave been made a al alarm.The King is expected to ments,no matter how nice they are,is to poemees me oe ng . issue a proclamation asking the peo-|j,4 positive burden to many ple |mation which might be value : ple to cut down their consumption and amount of waste can hardly.¢enemy.;Ladies SilkHose,a of foodstuffs by 26 per cent.,owing be estimated.But it’s the style—Venustiano Carranza to the eravitv of the situation.and most society folks wouldrather took the oath of office as the Conditions in Russia are ae be dead than out of style—each tries erent Presicent F ‘ thet that country can give _little ,and so it »THe Since the assassination of Francises help to the allios.Even if Russia js now:toma |beuhionabletoleave Madero,February 23,1918.Backed 75c.quality,Blackand doos not make a separate peace with oi the refreshments and maybe this by &majority of nearly Germany.feared but not now €X-latest fashion will be found so sen-votes given him by the Mexican Seee pected,Russia will not have a sta-.inle that it will eoncmnue after the =at the —section,_ ble government for a long time and war shall have ended.Jarranza —>:This isa time for or citizen ~- r bh eSATACITT NDT }to th ":aa a result will be unable to wage pon goed a ughehl the new consti-the Unites States Government,/and ffective warfare.The millions of : ‘scale te that great country,so After Food Speculators.tution.}so at considerable long the subjects of a tyrant,una-|On the instruction of the judge,a ble to call their souls their own,can-lems verdict of not guilty was re lves. not eévern themselves effectively in ators in the district court at Galveston, a little while.The extreme element)that there is any real shortage of Texas,in the case of Geo Tier,. will be hard to contro!and will com-staple foods in the United States.accused of murder in connection —_1 mit excesses,as they are doing Senator John Sharp Williams de-the death of Wm.Black,an if zg daily.‘elared there had been a hysteria Catholic lecturer,at Marshall,Tex-to giveprea Hopes of internal dissensions in throughout the country and that the as,in February,1915.The State an-to the me Germany have been strong,but)cause of ~was largely nounced it could not make a case on c none of us cam be sure they have a psychological.said he believed the evidence at hand.Another de-depositors. sound basis.The dissatisfied ele-the German corruption fund recently fendant was acquitted some time :. ment in Germany is being told that!unearthed in a Federal court in New ago and a case against a third was You can give your support to this it is better to endure the ills they York may have been responsible for dismissed.; have than to fly to others they know the hysteria.Word should go straicht |Confession was made in court in |Gevernment enterprise not of;that the failure of Germany out from the Senate,Senctor Wil-New York by Wolf Hirsch,arrested MEMBER and also obtain its means that the German people will jiams said,that there is no shortage with George Meyringer,both Ger-i FEDERAL RESERVE a pro- he slaves to the Entente allies—pay-of food.Senators Nelson and Me-mans,that they were on their way tection for your money ing indemnities for generations.Cymber agreed that there is no reason to blow up the offices of J.P.Mor-SYSTEM by ming one of our That is a strong argument.Our hope to fear a shortage.gan &Co.with a bomb when beco Z or ou of revolution in Germany is a food The attack on the speculators was cepted by the police.Hirsch depositors. shortage.How serious that is we jeq by Senators Thomas and Borah.mented before the court an @ have no definite means of knowing,The Colorado Senator declared they confession he had made earlier to but if Germany has food the war were the real enemies of the nation.the police—that the explosion of @ CIAL N ATIONAL BANK. ay _——es.i ‘expressed the hope Congress would —_¥pes Pcgy org ae a -t means our pa in};;:part of a schemeto¢ not adjourn without legislation that market reversal from which he and STATESVILLE,N.C. |f gtK l ii f : : il le e t og E3 5 if t |a | i iialwayshungryand exceptinthe actofderrlutition H|e the war is to be much more serious h appeared at the outset.Wel uae oom _non oe Meyringer could profit financially. condition of the Entente allies may)-peculatior.Before the debate turn-bear yigmnemnenp be somewhat magnified to impress .q to other things,Senator Thomas NEW PREACHERS. us with the,seriousness of the situ-|introduced an amendment to the es-Thirty-one new preachers,17 ation,but in any event,so far a8 CAA pionage bill empowering the Pres-from North Carolina,graduated at .we have a great task,ident by proclamation to suspend Union Theological Seminary,Rich- bend all our ener-|juring the war the operation of mond,this week.N.N.Fleming to the limit all our re-|}oards of trade and chambers of Woodleaf and D.T.Caldwell of Mt. successfully accomplish.|commerce which deal in futures.Ulla are among the number. We will make ‘if we}Senator Borah predicted a world = think our work Or €88-|famine if the war lasts two years,| :ond if eantnaeeenty =ee AN AGEDCOUPLE | i rts are not made re meet Yell HowThey | Business houses in New York—!:j ="«a onl ins ceetee—the pa in|inte |and |The “Wooltex”kind,the TELE T } bid na lies recent!|_Steubenvi Ohio.—“My husband | y anticipated nice.¥Freie |Preparing For Long War is 79 years and 1am 789 of age|bly anticipated nice profits.ir || ‘antici oasiens.dropped,however,|Must Do Our Best.|and we owe our good healthto when those who were favored with|The Federal government took into were notified to ship certain|its confidence the Governors and other °2 s goods.“You will deliver the goods State representatives in Congress this |kind that will not shrink. specified therein,”read the order,week for a national defense confer- “and the price to be paid will be de-|ence and outlined the problems the| termined by the President in due |nation faces in making war on Ger-|ha boa od All of —.—_—thet Un’)many.Cabinet heads explained the|S08|: e m is going take w io i ing needs in his business,peaceably if ee eae wer We 1 Remember too,that we are he may,by force if he must,and|measure.President Wilson recieved| pay for it at his own price.He does-the delegates at the White Houseand|. So _*aS =os |urged that the States draw all ener.|eee — There will be yells of confiscation of|pon ——s _Iredell r Shop.. course,but let ‘em yell.They will’‘The submarine situation was |selling Coat Suits,Coats and ~~e ie preole the ‘govern-|brought sharply to the front when . nema gouges se the Governors gathered at the State,|L.G.Baker,Cliffordtheynatufeelthatarighthas,been takenfrom them’when the|Seeretarles Lane and,Danicle picture Wan Kaight and J "G big relia:-G.Hi Dresses atPteth\the dangers that beset the country in That story coming from Chris-ithe German undersea war.Secreta-.|F{qmilton is now the tiansburg,Va.,of the college pro-|TY Lane asked the Governors to let force at the Hotel fessor who drank liquor and played the people know the government is : cards with one of his students in his preparing for a long war,and that Iredell Barber Shop. .every resource of the country must be ', relaignsetween his wife criminal jevcloped to its utmost if the United |Come and see us.ae Distributors. stud@ht and not only allowed that Slates,Worcing up the greatest fcht |J.G.Hamilton,Propriet ; but t }i.in .lp {_.j E po at a Teas sua Sean of ee i ~_Sones,on the defen-milton,roprietor.Our 25.~.&! ing money from the student—that sive,w ard to defeat.: is about "the mont “porrible Fevela-||Secretary Daniels asked ihe aid of We expect a solid car load in a few days. tion we recall coming t light je s in recruiting e nava |Bo among people of the former stant personnel to 150,000 after the new git :Give us your order NOW.!| ing i those involved.And after naval bill is passed,7 mee :-; t for ma m a s pb h h i n m n m e n e a m e ie ae Se ee a the husband shot the stu-!Sr ji car violating Ge_censtiny of High Food Prices.\: i.e085 at e had any!The Federal Trade Commission,9 = onan’.Pouce of a _of that directed by President Wilson to in-ype charge of the education and!vostigate with the Agricultural De-of young men.He ought ::partment the causes of high food be sent to the electric chair on gen-prices,started its inquiry with a eral i hearing at which i }representatives of e Statesville is not doing any more —o aa =of =J What think ye of a nk Account?Well than it should —bl ot «ons roughou e country.F ,7"Good hen Ban shou much —for the coda &“his ne In outlining the purposes and scope and 1 T is .Id be eas Landmarkie dis-|Sision“declared,their first aim ~YOUR BANK. rk is to be planted in corn.)meWefaveatleastcutouteecommis.WESER PIANOS last a We keep your business confidential attend te eageneive sion,clothed with inquisitorial and }j ’Gtapers end the tanswhe would corrective powers,will work in close oo a Seeto to it promptly and satisfactori!y.We con- ere sider your interests OUR INTERESTS andhav®occupied the park be en-co-operation with the A Itural ame y he =.while Depa vi rticular atten-oyr list of custom the produces ;tion to violat nti-trust laws...take care of them.We are prepared to ~is,jens of Mr.‘aradtord |were’Fepresented atthe conference,LAJUIVANUD Bt UE,|}giveyou a Check Account.* mens "tankers “anf'wihan|_PeaceProposal Deferred.)|§i)ANY TIME YOU CALL. ,a8 to theirdu-|Thespeech whichwas to havetiesBeatseleetSR:.’ ee 2 Se ne rae von Bethmann -Hollweg,aon:a i We expect your business and are lookingtions*.for you here. om*Sr |People’s Loan and Savings Bank.oa’7 /;| aeSor,fro Hug Ces br Gn oe )“THE BANK THAT ALWAYS TREATS YOY RIGHT” peace 17 é; ff i iF f F S E e F i s 5 5 = ifi tSf 2 i e I g |» F rEHh a,F| z:i if ot i fsFL isii Hi i f iiF; sandwichesandteawereserved. for The Landmark. evening,April 29th,at their home‘ork city,Mr.and Mrs.Simon Mosesentertainedinhonorofthetwen-anniversary of their marriage.ThewastastefullydecovatedwithsilverandShow |One interesting feature of the evening was |mock marriage,by wich the bride andoftwenty-five years ago plivht-1 theiragain.ceremony was er bybride's brother,Mr.co,Wallack (formertyie),The daughters,Misses Berta a Moses,and niece,Miss Blanche Vin-| were bridesmaids.Flossie Moses and Haze!WellachMinneMr.Jack age substituted for best man inplofMr.Abram W.Moses,who is wire-4 tor on an Ame-tean ship,and couldThebrideworeadressof Ai “the flower givls were operabepresent, Mecers,J.M.Belk of Monroe and|W.H.Belk of Charlotte spent ogy jte Waynesville,will |spend the summer.Mr.continue his duties inofficehere.:Mrs.W.P.Moward and little Wil-|liam Porter Ramsey,son of Mr.\Mre.J.D.Ramsey,this weekforMrs.Howeard’s home in Russell-;|ville.Ky.Mrs.Howerd has been the,|ruest of her daughter,Mrs.Ram-.jsey,for several weeks.}|My.W.-C.Hammond left States- |ville this week to take up his dutiesasappraiserunderFederal}Farm Loan Bank of Columbia,S.C.}Mr.Hammond goes to Warren coun- ty this week. Rally Day Programme. Quarterly Meeting and Rally Day service et Vanderbure church,Troutman cireuit,May 5- 6. Progra:ame.Saturduy he Pv.m.Opening service,Ww.R.| satin,with a black chentille lace over-|and silver trimmings,and carriedofAmericanbeautyroves.Many‘ul gifte were received by this worthy .and Mrs.Moses are well rememberedStatesville,having lived here for the firstyyearsof-married life.’ :WEDDING AT HIGH POINT. Correspondence of The Lendmark Point--Miss Jessie Blisabeth Cecil, of Mr.and Mrs.David O.Cecil ofPoint,and Mr.Gurney 8.8.Barker of;were united in marriage Sunday“Morning,April 29,at ®o'clock,in the pres-ence of the family and @ few friends,the cer.t y being performed at the home of the4‘s perents by Dr.Sylvester Newlin,pas-'tor of the Friends ehurch.The heme wes:tifally decorated with lilies and manyjspringflowers.Before the bride appear- .™tation”was pleyed on the piano byEdithHill,after which Mies Allah Cecil,of the bride,sang ‘The ierfect Day,”nied by the pianist.Just as the last_hote away the bride marched in to the—of the wedding march from Lohengrin.lore @ beautiful arch of flowers the couple|were united in marriage.Immediately after|the ceremony Mr.and Mrs.Barker left for|Greensboro,where they will make their home.|‘The bride is a charming young woman of many accomplishments and enjoys a marked|degree of popularity in this city and section.-Bhe te well known in lredell county,where she|has many friends ond relatives.Both bride'@nd groom were students tn Guilford College,.Mr.Barker also attended Erlom Collere,E He is well known m Greensboro as an |e@fterprising and successful man. _Notices of New Advertisements Children’s dresses,shoes for all.J.M.Me- Kee &Co.Expert care for your enr.Statesville Motor Sammer furnishings for the porch.Craw.ford-Bunch Furniiure Co.Paris green kills potato bugs.Hall's Dros Cultivators «ave time.Iredell |Hardware Co.:Cer load “Buck”cominetingCo,,distributors.Seven-jewe!American watch. work and Coca Cola Bot- R.HB.Rick- Son.Exceptional values in used pianos.AndrewsMusicStore.Shirt waists...Mra.Mary Sims.Satisfactory footwear.Mille &Poston.Member Federa!reserve system.Commer-¢ial National Bank.and satixfectory attention to ailPromptSSPeople’s Loan and Savings Bank.Iredell barber shop...J.G.Hamilton, dresses,coats and coat suits.John-Sport#ton-Belk Co,Special Pa silk hosiery.-Ramsey-Bowles- oa.Good business proposition...K.,care of TheLandmark.aa.ee wanted.--Shuford Mills, Position us chauffer.—E.A.Sherrill,‘phone green.Complete threshing outfit for sale.—J.H.Byers.C ont,R-2.Touring car for sale.—M.EB.Johnston,Bufo-la,N.C.Caladium plants for sale.—Mrs.Julia Aus.71 back.:s ne.-oo“ve. To swap for ceoh.-Iredell Produce Co.Tomato plants.Oscar Mills,‘phone 415. ai young business, Special music by Vanderbure heel,| 0.55 a.m..Recitation by Dewey Long:read- ing by Marie Gabriel.16 a.mM.ddress.The need of Orgnaniaa-tien in the Sunday School for Efficient Service, [om d,T.Ratledge.Hties 5 m.-Specialmusicby Ropky Moupt | i 1.4 .10.45 a,m.Address,some Fresh Data wnd|What Our Minimum Aim Should Be,by Rev.| K.M.Hoyle11,20 a.m.-Special Sunday vchool.11.80 a.m.Recitation by Edith Kyles.|21.86 2.m.-Addresa,The Christian Home,Bible Reading,Prayer,Religious Literature,A.Falls.Rev.L.12.10 «.m.—Conseerntton service,Rev.W.R.Were:,opecial music by Knox's Chapel Sun- tday school:recitation. |;$2.80 p.m.Dinner e 1.30 po om-—-Special muste by Shiloh Sunday |echool,1.49 p.m,--eeitation. iss Pp me.a murtc,by Wesley's Chapel Sewday se E155»m.-Recitation by Willie Cook.2.00 p.m.Quarterly meeting.2 p.m~Adjournment. Sun:'ay.9.30 a,m.-Love FenstIla.m.--Preaching,followed by the Saera-ment of the Lord's Gapper,Rev.W.R.Ware|Let the officials and others make careful|preparations for this mecting,that great spiritual blessings as wire as social enjoymentmayberentizedbyallwhoattend.Let allthemembershelpthestewardstomakethebestfinancialreportposibiefromeverychurchjonthecirewit.Let much prayer be made forthemanifestpresenceefGedinalltheseserv- ices,REV.J.C.KERVER,Pastor Planting and Showers. rrespondence of The Landmars. Houwstonville,R-1,May 2 To spenk of thehomegardenaeathingofbeavtyorathing of valine,would,in too many cases,be a serious misrepresentation.And =yet every gardenoughttobebethbeautifulandprofitable.Sinceangoodgardenmeansabouthalfthefamily’sliving,it certainly deserves the best of atten-tion.But it is true that a large number ofgardensarefarfromfurnishinghalfofaliving.This fe the owner's fault.Many oth-erwise model farmers have a measly little weed pateh they refer to ne “the garden,’when in fact it ought to be eatied “The Spot of Neglect."A great many men are never inhegardenfromthetimetheyplowituntiltheyplowitagainnextspring.All the atten-tion it gets is given by the wife,who is often©boxy cooking for the family,plus two or.three hired men,that the garden work,which might otherwise be a pleasure to her,is simplyanhourortwoofbackbreakingdrudgery.Ifthefarmerswillsteptoconsiderjustwhatagoodgardentothefamily,and will|invest a few dollars in the right kind of gar-den tools,and seeds,he will then be able to see that an hour or two spent in thewardenattherighttimemaymeanfarmoreindollarsandcentsthanthesamehourortweepentinthecornfield.Sinee the showers have been coming farm-ers are very busy ring land and plant-|ing corn and cotton.will be a very lit-the if any imerense in the acreage planted to cotton.Mise Fern Tharpe has returned from Char-|lotte,where she spent a week under treatmentin@hospital, Troutman Commencement. The closingexercises of TroutmanHigh school, a.™. Music by Troutman |ovitiens in the eounty. 4 7 c e l F F , ise s 5sHi l themselves,heardthisdispositionofthrnothinghasbeemakingtheloans. Stony Point Items., Correspondence of The Landmark. Me.4.L.Millsaps,afellSundayfromhisogel«ee Nie mS Mr.W.H.Wilson,an aged citizen,has beenquitefeeblebutisbetter.rs.B.C.is critically i!and all hopeof recoverybandoned.al 'Mighty Haag shows exhibited hereTuesdaytoasmallcrowd.Mr.C.&Houck moved from here Tuesdaytohisnewhometwelvemilesbeyond fi s rf f 2 loreville,which he bought from Mr,A.W.several weeks ago.In the time of need farm labor is scarcer than usual in these parts.Stony Point school commencement is on w MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket:Turkeys,20c.peSpringChickens,ens, r25e.to 8c,per Ib,lve.to fe.per tb,ra,Te.per Ib.Kawa,27c.per dozen.But*.r,22e,to 30g per Ib.Beeswax,26.per th.Green Hides,i8c.to 20c.per Tb.Hams,23e.to 27e.per Ib. Sides and Shoulders,Zi¢.to 22e.per tb. New Red Honey,16c.per tb.Sourwood Honey Conth,20e.per tb,Old Auto Rubber Casing,é¢.per ib.Sweet Potatoes,$1.25 per bushel. Grain.The following prices wereforgrainonthelocalmarket:Wheat,$5.00 per bushel. Corn,$2.00 per bushel. Oats,9c.per bushel, Statesville Cotton Market.On the lecal market yesterday per pound was paid for bestMarketfirm.Cotton Seed,60e.per bu .Cotton,8 1-20.per paid yesterday 20 centscotton. eee (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsperline.-No ad.taken for less than 25cents.Cash must accompany order.) ac eeTOMATOPLANTS—Barliana and Stone,Tencontsadoren.OSCAR MILLS,‘Phon 4)5.May 4 11 FOR SALE—One of the best besiness prop-Address K.,care ofMay4.it ‘Te buy good sound clean Suger Wil pay 5c.per barrel delivered 3 N.C.Address SHUFORD MILLS.Hickory,¢.Mey t WANTED—Position es charfer—machine ortruck.‘Phone 443 green.E.A.SHERRILL! Mey 4 -1t*. FOR SALE—Oneatabargain.C.,R-2 THE LANDMARK. WANTE N 4 complete Threshing ovtfitJ.H.BYERS,Ciaremont May 4.2 FOR SALE—40 H.P.Regal Touring Car, electrically equipped,First clase condition Bargain.M.E.JOHNSTON,Bufola, May 4 It*. FOR SALE—Caladium Plants at reasonableprice.MRS,JULIA AUSTIN.‘Phone 47!Black,May 4 11" WANTED—Everybody to the Etude utANDREWSMUSICSTORMay1. FOR RENT—Five-room cottage with modernimprovements,close in.R.V.BRAWLEY yi PIANO TUNING—E.5%.Salisbury. N N.¢ VanALSTYNE ofOrdersleftwithMr.L.W.Mac- KESSON,at Statesville Drux Company,will |)|NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS.| During the winter season I kept down thevrigeofmilkto16centsthequart,this when|he price of everything was so high,and at a}try to sell my customers)back sour Feb,20-—itw HAVE AN OVERLAND Touring Car in first-class condition that I don't need,Will givesomeonegoodexchangeforrealevtateDR.F.A.CARPENTER.April 24. OLD FALSE TEETH;don"t matter if bro-ken.I pay $1 to $10 per set.Send by par-cel post and receive cheek by return mail.F.TERL,403 North Wolfe 8t.,Baltimore,Md. April 27-41’. receive prompt attention. A MONEY MA ‘ Iredell.county onbbeandansweror demurytheabovewamedEoncbeesioole”in anid {Clerk of CourtMay4,1917.D.F. Auetion Sale ValuableytEstate. atweil“ear Next Monday,May 7,door in Statesville,I wihCompanyfarm,locatedcontaining86acres.yand place IT will sell the Vance place on Front street.at 12 o'clock,noon.J.Y¥.©May 4,1917. SATURDAY,MAYrthouse 5,at o'clock,at.beaetohishest we,M..F.JENKING, t p 2°. OILE,£May |. notice. to the courtfortherelief AUCTION SALE. for |THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Will continue to oh or buy your scrap cot-,ton and pay you top of market until further -L.B,BRISTOL. oe ® ideifYOUareextravaganttollthisheavystoneout”of your pathway to SUCCESSand WEALTH.: One fromonejeavesNOTHING.If you spend ALL youearnwithyour labor or in your business you have|“’ nothing left.That's arithmetic. Thewaytoquit throwing money away is toQUIT. The way to begin to put money in our bankandgrow’ richis to BEGIN. Begin now and Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We pay 4percentinterestontimedeposits. fr set atin Rare pag etiln tp isd wt OF ong tweet Dey eeane) nyoskd DG}28 ,wel 4hBa tpangat«nol i id Tete ot Tw Want to swap for cashatlowprices, ing =e pounds ‘country Hams,2 cars Flour,1 car ofHay,1 car Sweet Feed, 1 car of Oats.Cash paidforChix,Eggs andCountryBacon. IREDELL PRODUCE CO JiM THARPE sips’See ~Da.JNO.C.DYE Has moved his 'The Statesville Drug Co. Bye,Nose and Throat. Special attention to fitting 2 al Glasses. NoTIC E 10 TAXPAYERS. urns for the city of Statesville, your retarn as carly as possible. May 1,1917. ple’s Loan &Savings Bank. April 10, I will be at my office in the court house alliringthemonthofMoytetakethetaxre-The law cnires all property to be listed before thefirstdayofJune,so please call and make wt (ie ey ebid ,ae ® Whether YOU think you need glasses ornot you should have the “power”of your eyes tested every few years, This will COST YOU NOTHING if you do not need glasses or a change of gla If you do need them we will fit you ~“ out SCIENTIFICALLY for a moderate price.: Your eyes are GOOD FRIENDS.Take CARE of them. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. ij ‘ne etecDI ,ue May J.LAZENBY,List-Taker. ‘CHANGE OF OFFICE!| I have moved my law office from the second|float of the Commercial National Bank Build.|ing te Room No.8,second floor of the we | H.P.GRIER,JAttorney. |EXPERT ON BATTERIES. Bring your battery troubles to us..We charge,repair and over- hawl any make stcrage battery. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. | eiWithEverybodyT ———And a few———- oss to myvelf.1olyfreshmilk.I cannot takePAINEVIEW DAIRY. KER. milk.April 24. ‘a WORKING, There —be ——-on truck grown this year provi chickens and cows do not intrude. Thereisonesure way to get around this,and that is to buy wire from US and fence your garden,back lot or field as the case may be. “It will cost too much’, Hadyou thoughtaboutit?If you will measure prices from a wheat,corn, baconorcotton price,we are selling Hardware for Jess money than . time in our history.Don’t get at the little advance we charge for our goods,but iw about what you get tor all farm = ducts.Nothing in the Hardware is unreasonably high,We makeit a point in our business to keep hammered down. ye will say. rarywill wethem"?Some have *el if the government expecta! sth to producealargecropof| =~ior instance,it should guaran:|Sel.e%i tee them a price of not less than $1).1A oe M.V.evtate, »bushel.No doubt such a guaran-Ss bee Oe im Jone,one let, gtec would increase the —a Beshamer,Mr®£,aw Pront corn,but the young man who goentos ulbeyry Sts. .the’front and Rae the bullets of our —i1 oe 3 ‘Broad Be. enemies does not demand or receive pyowiey,RV.admr.J.8 Kerr,one assurances ot guarantees that he —one lot,Mell st F #ovill not lose“hie life Brown,T.N.,bal.,one lot,Steckton St.2 Xpane,Luther,‘eal,ene bet,a Bunch,A,W..one tot,Park Bt..8 Stimpaon,W.J,one,it is the duty of the Southern putin’W.£.)ono lot.Bietth BL...)35)Stimpen,C.Weafarmertofirstproduceallthefoodgurke,Mrs.J.P.,one lot,Mulherry 8t.15 Gwana,Mrs.A.D.,one bot,and feed supplies required on the Campbetl,Mrs.M.d.,one lot,Race St.8°77 Yayior,J.Muamd wife,one 9 practi.©*rpenter,Dr.F.A.,one tot,West Bnd :5 wins tense se hieuecs»farms of the South that it is p 2 Secemaaeh.3,it.ens Dk A “>enable for Wim to produce.It is his canon RL.one lot,Seventh ren eo inty to do this regardiess of prices Carter,J.Q.,one lot,Seventh St ;14 Tomlinson,1.B.,one tot,De or guarantees of prices.But this is »r Gres.two lets,Acme’»<29.17 Troutman,Clayton ©.,0%*at,Bete not all his duty.It is his patriotic CH —“r.aaa a”ene s.MRS oe Cd,ane bot.|'duty to produce the food and feed Colic,Mes.F.L.,one lot,Boulevard S Turner,Marvin,ene tot,Fc Bei ety pplies necessary to feed the people|Colvert,J.EB.one lot,Davie ave..“4S Turner,Mes.Som.,one lot,BhaqpelivinginthecitiesandtownsoftheC20"5°G”Gne ‘ui,Fromt Bt...aRae yurmet:{irs bale.one,tek,BoaSouthland,and even more,that We Craix ‘Bam H..one lot,Drake St.%mt o tot Micha oor may help to feed the nations fight-Panicls,C.KE.one lot,Brond St.:£1.13)@ietherman,vt,Davie ing with us.The man who does not Davidson.J ;A ne lot ae aes 6.45 y nd,M.,«ne lol = see this duty simply fails to appre-Deltinns :B.1 a tat.Kelly oak pion,Wo en let,Cirbe iv is.ciate his full obligations as a citizen pison,Jamoz,catate,two late,Center i Yous M.ML,one let.areal ; of a free country in time of need—|5 ss 90 une De.BM one te,Eeheiea.sicker.Bobbing,Myo:it ts aug rentat EAL Ye,16 eiBut“¢the people of the cities and iP hu ONS Oe She oe Corporations, towns are to be insured food and Duke &Axiey,one lot,Wafer St...|and Saddle Ca., fecd supplies,then they too have sn ts a J .one oe t s..36.60 TN tee a}Co.one tak Hides eaually important duty to perform.gigcen,.Park Plas We brve little respect for the man Ehiasen,W.A..wo lots,Shar :2 Calored. who loudly proclaims the patriotic Elliett,3 ane te rth St.2.04 Abernathy &ne but,Gortela §St,.ar duty ef the boys to volunteer to go ae Go re -bare _™7.deans,He iA <ht,Meet on 9 =:SIZE[3/X354 INCHES) to the front and of the farmers to Pespermar _J.B.cne lot.4th Bt.5.74)Ita Walt 4,Tvedd S.Ay produce feed and food supplies and Friedman.M la,one lot,BharpeSt.Tair Bailey ROD.one lot.Center BtorttaterSeeseensEYoc ACK SAFETY TREAD TIRESbusiness,fails to do all possible to ,,);ne toad 2 i oe ee a aeadStprovidethefarmersofhiscommu-fox.AP,one lot,Caldwell St 7.46 Bidet TG Chambers St nity 2 means of marketing at cur-!state,lot,Water St as rank.‘arvtrre Be rent prices all the food and feed pre-(°°)Go oh Spe eh ee ee te ‘oe en Soe : ducts"they grow.tuithe:,[Wo one bet,Bitte §WAT!1 Ast oo aaa experience of Goodrich's forty-eigiThefarmer‘x not entitled to any Ginen,J Fo fiate:tals une toi 0 wales HEX |oxrecicnce of eocdrich “THREG-SEVENTY-FIVE™ georaiees ae te Prices.unless the oy,®Walnut chet Poe ts :A —that new SUPER-TIRE for Fordcars, wholf scope of business is controled ¢)ed ed ;ae ‘::ae SRV Wand pogeed and prices of all com-Cire Po ‘one lat.Cs ier st .1 at Mat ‘‘:1 .a Ti you have not seen this husky yet graceful tire,a Ford me xed —-labor.manufactur-en L..bel.|tharpe §sea Ce ae ear tire of HEROIC SIZE.go at once to your dealer and ask for ed.m erials,e@e.,ae well as fare ee ee een ,aia ::Place,|it ;sees idle dn cdemiaa :Li erateosBt it.Just say:Give me—2 protufte.But he ¢s entilled to a@ and Race S :Feimatc>,Everer,t e lot,Chermark@ormarketingfacilitiesforHarbin.R one |,ler St.,20.2:P .OR ee *"<**.ch ,m4 .9 :.hi vgpduets,and it is the duty of |Harr.eons Wa Beli 3 12 ab |Primete:,Huivin,cre lol.Chnmhers i Goodrich’s *Three-Seventy-Five’ b i rehants to supply those facil.[300°a a or ;ete:'ae ,@ wer that is their business.Caldacii s bid Grey,dav.Yo.cr She St ’Whilgethe merchants are rightfully Carve!ne fot,Mee a ir cne,Me bon Gar St.‘Yow wil!findit a tire &rel to organize farmers for the sent Se bee mee -Woe fabric and extra serv yroduction of more foodstuffs,it is mi ;‘ent End A ‘:. e :eaqusile important that tiey organ-He:::me brome 'st ..Made in the regular Goodri a five-Singer Safety Tread ONLY,it ize themselves for the marketing of Iss.M |ic lot,Feerth 8 OR et :ton St.4 is built an inch biae eround we circunilerence than ordinary hese products.It in also the duty ore yc lot.Davie Ave.2M Shiva Tread ua 5 Fordcar tircs,and thicter i:‘t!ecrose sesucu.Jt its 30-inch rims. of the farmers te help the merchants 3 anso,ne it,Race St ! to organize for better marketing fa-Jot sson,>+eee Ss :i Its slightly hizher outset cost it conceliead by the economy of cilites,just as the merchants are orn,io my,Wieate ve TA?Me iw core Oh neh ee loncer Life,and the greeter setici.cuom you get from a morehelpingtoorganizethefarmersforesAuketut,Benth Be :|ona a 2B rE A as 4 .°the prodiction of more food and «1.09 Murtiek,J 4 \stylish and More GiccigBt POrd | If the men shants ur the South are Kuefees,one lot.Stockton Bt 128)Motie.1 'rigs .>ahsativetothelrpatrioticandbusiness2thJatocnelet,Erarth $¢eLearn!Wo one Aaetehl i The 3B.F.Goodrich Rubber Co.,Abron,Ohio dvtica,they will so organize them £‘j lt a Iwe im cet city mwnoand he :‘Bax t.B ;f t ‘er}ee aa ’eral rattene ee ee RL Bone det.Race St.aces at inftthe ieRun " et iv oan put mm ma 4 »of burly size,burly in extra rubber,extra »ecndiiien by the farme of the mth will :i int htS Y yet cairn. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Sinisehte enetot.eed ; Items of Interest Gathered |bed \o -os awe Wee 4.43Eeap:eo tae |.)Outwears leather-comfortable ~dressy-water prt:. 1 SRE ey ee a Tada ear Poe 3 More Home to the House y aste Time Newing, Vetional Guard.aun Ae crea i .,.;qaenettedintthefoeenetifsAccomplishedbyeesurPoreliviioastatementmadepyrvin.eA one tal,Bharne nnd Mule ;at smmerlc Wien we sell Children’s Dresses from 35¢.up?fothe German Rar d.0 one tt pains my Our Porch:Shades,Rocke EGAUTO ERS We cffer a mmplete line Summer Dress Fao- .oO and Couches ‘ics.from 7 1-2e up.All colors,stripes orHickory,has Wie.i bl oon 'j 1 an :z against Lenoir Col.so ee flowers fave few Coats and Ladies Suits,for #60,rate revoint “tudy Latin and Neglect Prac-=—arial :posse we are sellioc at saerifice prices,are moving Will meke sati-facto tic:sis ive Subjects.:cathe :them t tL.tpierested see them.Ladies’rre irmer.f :s |mn ;ee 1 ¢}Fake the raral high schools of one ;and {hil reOns W RE!(‘anv as3 Boots and Parayth county commie,Scsthern Stat ie North Caro-|~a Slippers,White Soles,othe:Leather or Rub- set a hone sa Le is an example,since th is the .*-ee “,;}i vat i.cease ve oe ni hear onty State from whic we nave been P ’ar Usghorenureh,that county.by oahte to obtain fiurez—and what are -‘oye om me ..ees Sas ‘ aa t chit mou impaired |he chi oewn tudying?According to co :;sc,ile 2 .¥N WwW }tiie to vo W Ingow (rvain Goods. :Le the Intest reports 6.06 are studying r i=|iesome e Tfehove s kind 'WR.Craig,a wealthy New York Latin an‘only 686 are studying ag-\!a —_y |We have all kinds,uvinesa man who owns a place in Iture—-and this in eountry high ||y ae i P "ft Sent ,Je lam =townsh'y Davie county,schools!Of the 45 subjects listed,::4 :%en Respectfully, Wil plant 50)aeres of potatoes on more boys and girls are’studyinghivplaceandgivetheprocee{s to Lat'n than any other one subjecttheernment‘ove are studying Latin than are PMigi ‘Pana8 aa.. ’from hi home in a Greens wither tongue!More than ten .ae —a?ih j e ®\aatcKee Companywoesuburbfor»days and then ‘imes as many farm hoys and girls a ue ‘Tee. :a }odv wa ee ek ww www etrlinonpontudyingLatinasarestudying,ae fs ‘iiiiiaaiaaaas ve P \'—nenaio ——}the riculture,the wort to which most ;.. maresthaofthemwillgivetheirfuture;or as MDS Dy ur ——~==~aoe re studvinge physiology,the scienee L 7=orogens pemiencmeentsc:msamnaletisesigaeVankirk,United of ier their —bodies in —7 7 avy 00 feet in an air-venalth!A subject like eco ies is ;4 a?\alRSRARRolel|“THE GREATOUP DOORSIS YOURS.”Do you ful PARIS GREENingingenlistlessthan400,whileoabetgreheayundwasdrown:"vari;7,000 conjugate Latin verbs |appreciate whala wonderful |perilage is,and all it meanseeaig‘Ht 1 4 parse Lafi enfence rith j {9rovkatingwreckageofthe%04 Parse Latin sentences with no |tg you in health,comfort amd happiness?--Arn't you )])s the BEST formachine.prospect of ever going far enough ‘:ar ye:.1 The lifeless hody of Jesse James with jag end =any real culture |goin to claim it for yourself by iiving more im the open ‘7 *Trom its literature..°,a nevro,who disappeared from his air t 18 summer”+4 ;>ha a ee aoe State’s Business to Prosecuie.Destroying Potato Bugs. ing from a tree in a swamp.The,Federal authority to prosecute Which are you consideriagmos',the smaHf cost of equip- man’s actions before his disappear-frauds in general State elections and ping your porch for comfort,or your health‘»ae We sell it ——— are miicated mental unbalance United States senatorial primaries and it believed thut he committed is materially restricted by a decision:a,————.“oe Court of the Unit-Be fair to yourself and §9¢our,porch furnishings today,HA LL’S D R U G STORE, i ed :Federal indietments for alleged make your selection 5,andiwe wi {pul up your swings, LO NT ee ne ce eo 4 ion,“Ve «s j wan?:¢:. The Pacifists of °76.hede ielend ouneroutenal a shades,etc.,free ol charge.PRESCRIPTIONIST. i tions and the 1916 senatorial prima-P No.20. The pacifists of "76 are quoted as ‘,Ph neal et tami :0 :_ty in West Virginia,were dismissed._ar lee the May Woman's Home the court decided the States and Crawford -Banch Furniture Company.bseen ee “Think of plunging into war be-not the Federal rovernment are av:Ee thorized to act.These decisi ,of-..‘cnore Of a petty dixpute over taxes,fieials chid.will curtail Ge nengh of “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” ecutions recently begun by the De. portment of Justice in Indiana,{cine <ninendoseilitnens tnienlifiemamnes cabbieourhomeshavenotbeen --~—-Ss heh Mat wm oy.hy Ee.we if not entirely defeat,criminal pros-—409.H A M I L 4 oO N be And et we purpore to Wee Virgini mekeepeWhy?.:W ent rginia and several other The railroad ti rs on time and stay tat way. _,oa on 3 eee ee "he OLATES. ceemnntngetemnnieee Doors,Windows,Leds,Shingles,Nails,{ee a rood hin when Itit has Why —on to Meet mr th ‘.{te men have good watchesin t eo.°us re an half The home place of the late Rd.Ri:ige Roll,Valley Tin,«a good wateh?it eo I have Watdien.>youm have thesheevenpromisestospendtheI’reeze,on the Le ‘Whole proceeds ‘of the tax right here was soli.Weslnenday.se Nails,Sash Weights @8@)Groen and ‘Brown Shingle eeefeAperionAndpotwearewineSootde,ie ulyaa Stains,B.WOODWARI 7 wel tok ewaaeeth oa WUAMLOTG THs vero yaA THT ITMAT WHT 8 cents a ton-mile—cost10-14 miles an hour—speed 2,000 pounds easily—loadEveryhour,every day-—work Over 10,000 users—meritOver451linesofwork—adaptability$350 and a power plant—investment ‘And twice the tonnage hauled by horses—over three times the areainthesametime—this is how Smith Form-a-Truck saves you 75 cents out of every dollaryouspendforhaulingordeliveryifyouarenowusinghorses. And there is a proportionate saving over anyotherformofmotorhaulingordelivery. You can quickly attach Smith Form-a-Truck to any Ford,Dodge Bros.,Maxwell,Buick,Chevrolet or Overland car,and you get a per- manent truck construction,fully guaranteed,that duplicates the most costly truck youcanbuy. Get your order in early—there'll be 30,060 buyers this yeat—don’t wait. nee.ve noe Guest Lc. East Broad Street. # 2 8 ; WAISTS!SHIRTSHIRT WAISTS! We have just received a big shipment of Crepe De Chine,Georgette Crepe and Voile Waists.Prices from 98c. to $5.75. Now is your time to get a new spring Coat,Cozt Suit or Silk Dress. We are offering our entire line at a big reduction. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. SYMPHONY LAWN. The Writing Paper De Luxe. BoxPaper,CorrespondenceCards. Pounds,Tablets and Envelopes. All Sizes,Styles and Colors. ri n i z&i 2<f4i iii : i f € 4 renting them to the farmers at reas-lonable rates,or you can pu*ractors and plows,as some are do-ing,put a crew on them and plowithelandforthefarmersatsomuch‘jan acre.You can also see that ev-|ery available plow and team is being/used,and then if there is a shortage |take some action.|8.You ean look up the idle labor|about town and see that it gets.outintothecountryto-the farmerwhoisreadytoputincropsandneedsthefinancespointedoutaboveandthelabortodothejob.Get all)unnecessary road work and|improvement to stop until the needs'of the farms are supplied.The season has been late and muchmayyetbedone.This is no timefortheholdingofmectinestowhichthefarmersmustbecalledoutofthefield.You must go out and lookthissitustionoveryourselvesandfurnishthecredit.the finances andthepowerofyourbusinessorgani-zation for the service of the farm-ers.The President appealed to all.He said,“This is your opportunityforsigne!service,efficient and dis-|(nterested.”Many sections in the South inkine hold of thetionedinthisDOINGYOURPART?|BRADFORD KNAPP.Chief Farm Extension Work. LP ARIEAICTENEED Storm Damage. areproblemsmen- The storm of last Monday night|did considerable damage in Char-lotte,Mecklenburg and Gaston coun-|ities and that section,In Charlotte asectionofthewallofHighlandParkMillNo.3 was blown in.In Besse- mer City,Gaston county,somesmal!houses were blown down andotherbuildings.damaged,and therewereminordamagesatmany HONS.One man in Meeklenburg wes hurt when a brick from his chimneystruckhim,the chimney being de-molished by lightning;telephoneandelectriepowerlinepoleswereblowndown.There was much dam-ee to harns and other outbuildingsandtimber.At Kine’s Mourtain cotton mills,stores and other buildings sufferedseriousdamage.In some cases thebuildingswereunroofedandwallsdamaged.In one case a store roofwasblownoffandthedamagetostockwasheavy.One colored churchwasblownfromitsfoundationsandanotherdemolished.Two men wereuphtunderthetimwersofafall-ing barn but escaped unhurt. |No Pardon For Wilcox. Gov.Bickett announces his refus-al to grant a pardon for James Wil-cox,the Elizabeth City man who isinerving80yearsforthedeathof Nellie Cropsey,the crime twoitrialshavingconstitutedoneofthebiggestsensationsinthecriminal‘annals of the State.Miss CropseyandWilcoxweresweethearts.mysteriously disappeared after lastseeninhiscompany.Later her Wilcox was Gov.Craig refused to pardon Wil-cox.Gov.Bickett says the conclu-sion of Wilcox’s guilt is tremen-dously sustained by the iact that|Wileox did not go on the witnessjstandinhisownbehalfateither |Jas.W.ter.it Aa Vou |Monday evening,28th. |CLIPTHISAND PIN— |Germany,will ‘ound in the river.|‘Flowers| ForAllOccasions!| —-— eee EERE seES j MORE VESSELS ARRIVE.| Fifty-one more vessels entered thertofNewYorkwstmonththanMarch,nemmnanng.Se Ger-man submarine menace.increas-|ed tonnage was 96,468,of which 32,-470 was repre:by seven moreshipsflyingtheAmericanflagthanduringMarch.iDeparturesinAprilweredecreas-|ed by 13 v or 2 tons,ascomparedwitheSanertewshipssailedfromNework.| TESTERSSD { GERARD TO SPEAK IN RALEIGH| The commencement of the State'College of Agriculture andingwillembraceMay27-28-29.iGerard,ex-ambassador to)deliver the address, ON WIFE’S DRESSER h.Eighteen few-| t| }Cincinnati Man Tells How to|Shrivel Up Corns or Cal- luses So They Lift OffWithFingers. Ouch!!?:?@!!This kind ofroughtalkwi!’be heard less here intownJfpeopletroubledwithcornswillfollowthesimpleadviceofthisCineinnatiauthority,who claims that } a few drovs of a drug called freezone|when apptied to a tender,aching cornorherdenedcallusstopssorenessatonee,end soon the corn cr callu:cries up and Ufts right off without paia.He says freezone dries immedi-ately and never inflames or ever ir- ritates the surrounding skin.Asmallbottieoffreezonewillcost very little at any drug store,but willpositivelyremoveeveryhardorsoftcornorcallusfromone’s feet.Mil-lions of Americen women will wel-come this announcement since theinaugurationofthehighheels.your draggist ‘oesn’t have freesonetellhimtoorderasmallbottlefor you. C.WATKINS for Wi vePartisare Lime,Cement,Wessling,Lathe,: “Nest Plenters’Wh,Statesvitie. We canalways supply youwith the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Stock—LowestShingles,Doors,Windows,Ccil-|)Boxing,| if} ~ee ee:—_oa EESeee —_—————i 3 {s|FOR SALE!|#] te eee —_—aa Aree oe *~**te “—Snail 95-ncre farm in Cool Spring township,7-roomandoutbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,good orcinwoodland,8 acres in bottom land,mostly meadow.. 78 acres,five miles of Statesville,6-reom,barn and outbuildings;40 acres in cultivation,good orchard,sheacresinfinebottomland. 200 acres,cight miles of Statesville,75 acres inacresinmeadow,balance in woodland,two dwellingstarge stockbarnandoutbuildings,and fine orchard,all .6-room cottage,good well and barn on Boulevard. 4-room cottage on Drake street,lot 60x280.na dwelling on Lackey street,good well and barn,lot (oN cas,Lot-—5€x162—corner Oak and west Sharpe street.For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER. Inzurance,Stock and Real Estate."Phone 28. sonnel |One of the Best Ways to Prepare for War is to Raisea Big Cropof Food Stuff. It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineverywaypossible,This Bank has always made it its business tofinancetheFarmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist in every way possible. Farm products of all kinds are bripoems,pet the indications are that then wil pstinuehighforseveralyearsatsoit’sevidentthatthefarmerwhocaelietesBIGPnwillbeontop. If we can serve you,come in and see us,asstatedabove,weare ready,and willing to assist in every way possible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C.“The Tonk For Your Savings.” ‘a eae THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY A jates the liberalfriendsandpolicy oa Address,by Prof.J.M.Moore of MitchellCollege.Benediction,by Rev.J.H.Pressly.Music.The mn will march fromthecourthousetoBroadstreet,upwestBroadtoMulberry,thence to West End avenue,thence to the,the veterans cropping outatnestreet.Order procession:Band,speak-er,mayor and commander of RCampbellCampofConfederate Vet-erans:veterans.Iredell Blues.olderBoyScouts,Children of the Confed-eracy,school children,younger BoyScouts:Daughters of the Confeder-acy and citizens.After the exercises at the ceme- tery veterans,members of the bandandmarshalsareinvitedtoadinnergivenbythelocalchapteroftheDaughtersoftheConfederacy.Allveteransareurgedtoweartherib- bon badges given by the Daughters,which will be pinned on at the courthouse,so that they may be admittedtothearmory,where the dinner willbeserved.Committees for the 10th—To dee- orate monument:Mrs.J.C.Irvin,Mrs.L.Harrill,Miss Angie Caldwell and Mrs.L.W.MacKesson;dinner:Mrs.D.F.Jenkins,Mrs.H.P.Grier,Mrs.Johnston.Mrs.J.A.Cooper,Miss Mamie Gray,Mrs.McLelland,Mrs..P.Mitchell,Mrs.B.B.Webb,Mrs.M.R.Adams;decoratecourthouse:Mrs.R.L.Poston,Mrs.E.G.Gaither,Miss Margaret Brady;flowers.speakers and court house:Mrs.W.M.Barringer,Mrs.J.F.Carlton,Mrs.J.M.Connelly:solic- iting committee:Mrs.D.8.Thomas,Mrs.C.H.Turner,Mrs.B.B.Webb,Mrs.L.W.MacKesson;tables:Mrs.J.Et Deitz,Mrs.C.H.Turner;dish-es:Mrs.D.S.Themas;lemonadeandice:Mrs.B.F.Russell,MissOliveGray;coffee:Mrs.Belle Carl- ton and Mrs.T.W.Summers:decor- ating graves:Mrs.R.O.LenisterandMrs.Ed.Deitz.Ex-Sheriff J.M.Deaton will bechiefmarshalandhewillappointothermarshals. News of the Churches. Service Sunday morning at 11o'clock at Trinity Episcopal church.Mr.C.E.Rankin and Mr.G.F.Knight,members of the DavidsonCollegevolunteerband,wil!speakSundayatBethesdachurchat11a.m..at Elmwood church at 3 p.m.and at Fifth Creek church at 8 p.m.The ordination and installation ofthereeently-elected elders of Beth- any church,set for next Sunday,has been postponed.The commun-ion service appointed for that dayhasalsobeenpostponed.Rev.J.M.Clark,superintendentandevangelistofConcordPresby-tery,returned to his home in States-ville this week from Concord,whereheconductedameetingforeightdaysatCannonvillechurch.He re-ports 17 conversions,:5 additions totheCannonvillechurch,about 75 re-consecrations and eight familiesaddedtotheFamilyAltarLeague of the Southern PresbyterianChurch.Collections for Presbyte-rial home missions,$21.75. Communion service at Concordchurch,Loray,Sunday at 11 a.m.Preparatory service Saturday morn-ing at 11 and Saturday night. Flowers on Station Grounds. Mrs.Henry Fonde,of the beauti-fying department of ‘the Southern ailway Company,was in States-ville yesterday supervising work be- ing on the grounds of theSouthernatthedepot.Tubs ofJapaneseshrubsandtubsofflower-ing plants,as petunias and gera-niums,have been placed about the station grounds.Plans are beingmadefortheplantingofshrubsin the stretch of ground between themainlineoftheSouthernandtheA.,T.and O.tracks Auto JumpedTrack. Driving her car on east BroadstreetafewdaysagobetweenParkandCemeterystreets,Mrs.L.K.Lazenby looked back and then theearranviolentlydownasteepplace —not into the sea but into a ditch. The embankment there is 15 to 20feet—nearer the latter than the for- mer figure—and the car landedrightsideupwithouthurttoMrs. Lazenby or damage to machine. While the car jumped the track itlandedsafewithoutawreckandthe Hon.W.D.Turner will make the literary address at Scott's com- mencement May 18.Everybody in- vited to attend.ADD SCIOL CMME NCE MENTS |The closing exercises of HiddeniteGradedSchoolwilltakeplaceThurs- day night,Friday and Friday night,May 10 and 11.Mr.Dorman Thomp- son of Statesville will deliver theat2p.m.Friday. THE LANDMARK BOX. The Landmark has put ap a boxonthefrontofthestoreonDavieavenuerecentlyvacatedbyMr.T.M.Hill.In thisdayand ,3 1-2 per cent. Muss.|the examinationIntroduetionofspeakerbyCol.L.B.Bristol.|.serves,with flying colors..Cilley served tn the Spanish-American war with the Hornet's ically,M Nest Riflemen of Charlotte.His fa-"3,ther,the late Col.Clinton A.CilleyvfHickory,comman a regiment|in the Army of the Tennessee.anddistinguimselfChicka-|mauga.Mr.Cilley’s ancestors for)six were soldiers.Per-|haps this accounts for the keen pieceofnewspaperworkCilleydidwhenhewasonthestaffofthePhilade!l-»hia Record some years age.Be-|cause of his bent toward soldiering.the Record had set him to handlingthenewstheMusso-Japanese|war.When General Nogi capturedPortArthur,he was ordered to the!relief of Gen.Oyama at Liao Chang,or some such town |Manchuria.|Mr.Cilley figured on the contour of)the country,made an estimate as towhatspeedJapanese-roops,accord-| ing to the record they made in. marching when they went to the re-|lief of Peking during the Boxer ri-ots,could make on such a march.When he thought they were due at Liao Chang.he annwunced the factthatGeneralNogihadgutthere,in the ‘lead’to his war story.The day after this the Associated Pressmadethesameannouncement.The4.P.news had suffered 24 hours’) delay in getting to America because of the censorship.Cilley hed seored a big ‘beat.’When he confessed toBaldwin,the news editor,what hehaddone,Mr.Baldwin,instead of| oraising him,remarked quietly: “*You were taking a big risk.’“T am farming my sack yard,and)Brother Raynal’s series on agricul-ture in The Landmark is worth thepriceofayear’s subscription. Labor Agent’s C ourt |Items. The case against Richard Wollfolk,white,who was under bond to appear Wednesday before Justice W.C.Moore and answer a charge of enticing labor- ers away from the Hard:way Con- tracting Co.,at work on the Catawba‘.river,was compromised.Wollfolk paysafineof$200,pays all the costs of hisowncase,including lawyers’fees,andagreedtoleavetheStateWednesdayevening.He also paid the cost in the case against Sam.Gregory,cclored, charged with a similar offence. The men were soliciting laborers work in West Virginia. A boy,12 or 13 years old,giving hi onme as Moffatt Davis and his home as Meridian,Miss.,was taken in hand for a few hours Tuesdey by local offi- cers.Davis represent-c that he was beating his way.from Meridian toAsheville,where he clxims to have rel-atives.He said they dislodsed him at Elmwood Monday night from therodsofNo.35 and he hed had to walk that much of his journey.He was turned loose Wednesday morning and when last seen he was waving his hands from the rods of No.11,west- bound,back to friends at the station.W.P.Bost and C.A.Foster split the costs before Justice Lazenby for an affray. to The Landmark has received a let- ter signed by two colored men,inwhichcomplaintismadethattwo white boys had offered indignities to children of one of the men,at a point near town.“i don't expect The Landmark will recognize this by it being negroes,but I think something of my children,”writesthecomplainingfather. The Landmark knows nothing of the writers of the letter,‘whether their statements can be relied on or not,but if the story is true it is an officer they want to see.not a news- paper.If the offence they allege is true and the colors had been revers- ed,a lynching would have threaten- ed.When whites wantonly mistreat negroes their conduct is more repre- hensible and less excusable than when negroes are offenders,beca ise the superior race is expected to show that superiority in its conduct to- ward inferiors. JUDGE CALDWELL’S PORTRAIT Ex-Congressman Theo.F.KluttzofSalisbury,says the Raleigh cor- respondent of the Greensboro News, “made a delightfully attractive and entertaining one of inose mortifica- tion hours known as Supreme Court portrait presentation ceremonie: Tuesday,when he brought back to the current generation Judge David Franklin Caldwell,Rowan county jurist from 1844 to 1859."Mr. Kluttz ptesented on behalf of Miss Ruth Hairston and Peter W.Hairs-ton,grandchildren of Judge Cald- well,the portrait taken from their ante-bellum home in Davie county. BONDS OFFERED. Secretary McAdoo announces that the first offerings of bonds authorized under the finance law will be a two billion dollar “Liberty Loan”issue, open to popular subscription at par,and that subscriptions will be receiv- ei till June 15,next.The bonds will be dated July 1,and will be ready fordeliveryonthatdate.Interest rateIfbondsatahieherrateofinterestareissuedlaterthosenowissuedmaybeexchangedforbondsbearingahigherrate.The-bonds will be sold at pay and in such dietelouted"to|the door. denominations as will sive all oppor-tunity to subseribe to the fund. A REQUEST. The Associated Charities most ur-.that =a he notopersonswineatEiyiait=poresy is it requested Having qualified astateofJohnL.to notify all personsealdestatetopresent themforeApril20,1918,or thispleadedinbarofthet indebted to said estate areimmediatesettlement.P.R.T.Weatherman,Atty. April 20,1917.* NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA tT.In the Superior Court,Term,1017.Imperial Furniture Man Company vs.Keystene Give Company.The above named defendant will take noticethatanactionentitledasshevehasbeencommencedintheSéperiorCourtoftredellcounty,North Cerelina,to recover the ‘cumof$509.55,for breach of eontraet on the partofthedefendant,wherein it obligated itselftofurnishgluefortheplaintiffcompany,sec-cording to ite requirements for the year 1916.The said defendant will further take noticethatitisrequiredtoappearatthetermoftheSuperiorCoartofsaidcountytebeheldortheiithMondayafterthetetMondayinMarch,1917,being the fist day of May ofsaidyear,at the court howse of sald eounty in Statesville,and answer or demar te the com.lnint in seid aetion,or the plaintiff will applytothecourtforthe—in saidconmplaintA.HA Ss. Court.April 27,Clerk 2NoticeoftheGradedSchoolBonds. Natice is herchy given that at atheBoardofAldermenheldinthe Mayer on Tuesday,April 18,199%,that the tonrd of Aldermen of said city,acting underheauthorityofanactbyGeneral Assembiy of North Carolina,an clee. tion to be held in the City ef ile.on Tuesday,June 19,1917;said eleetion beingheldforthepurposeofsubmittingtothe lle the 1917. ing ofofthe qualified voters of the City of yieation of the issuance of Theu-sand ($25,000.00)Dollars of SchoolBonds,as provided for in said Aet of theGeneralAssembly. Notice is hereby given that the pollingplacesforsaidelectionandtheoffleersofthesameareasfollows: First Ward:Polling place—Moore’s LiveryStable.Registrar,T.N.Brown;Judges,H.E.Lewis and J.BE.Colvert.Second Ward:Polling piaes——-Offlee of Ed.White Motor Co.Registrar,C,A.An-jrews;Judges,W.L.Gilbert and W.W.Tharpe.Third Ward:Polling place house.Registrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges,mn W.Allison and C.M.Adams.Fourth Ward:Polling ptace—OfficeFirstBuildingandLoanAssociation,trar,J.H.Hall;Judges,8 .B,Miller andJ.L.Sherrill.N is hereby given further that the of the Regis- Notiee Board of Aldermen has erdered a new regia- ration to be had for satd election gd that |qualified voters desiring to vote im saidectionmustregisterforsame.By res- ution the registration beoks will on Saturday,the 10th day of May,and saturday,the 9th day of June,1917. All qualified voters in favor of the |f said bends shall vote a written or‘inkedtllotbearingthewords“For GradedBonds,’and all qualified voters opposed totheissuanceofsaidbondsshallvoteawrittenrprintedballotbearingehewords“Against Graded School Bends."By order of the Board of Aldermen. Cc.D.MOORE, April 20,Clerk and TreasuPer. Our PLAYER-PIANOS,PI- ANOS and ORGANS are thebesttobehad.Come in forademonstration.LEONARD PIANO STORE. Rough and Dressed Lumber In all grades and sizes fortheretailtrade.Free de-livery in Statesville. C.WATKINS,North Center St. For, j tte combined.shades and coloring.Price $9.95 to $12.50, SPORT DRESSES. Voile and Gaberdine Sport Dresses.Price $5.95,$7.50,$8.95 and $10.00. COAT SUITS. New “one Suits attractively priced,7.50 to $35.00. SPORT COATS. A beautiful line that has everything stop-ped for value.$4.95 to $12.50. Shopping with an eye to economyis a pleasure in Store That Sells it for Less. 16 Big Department Stores.| 16 Big Department Stores. the neeeeSATISFACTORY FOOTY FOR DRESS AND COMFORT.. Select styles ia La Red Cross and Krippendorf- Dittman’s Oxfords and Pumps. They carry satisfaction in every pair. Plain Pumps,Colonial Pumps,Straps andOxfords. In Patent,Dull Kid and Glazed Kid. Prices $3.00 to $5.00. Cheaper makes,$1.50 to $2.50. LET US SHOW YOU. =SMILLS &POSTON. Fag eeee=~—CS DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mra.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS8 to 5."PHONE 31. Sailor,Leghorn and Panama tals ‘Panamathat you are look- Sailors $1.50,$2.00,$2.50and $3.00. Leghorns$3.00andPanamas$5.00. PHONE 83. Our customers all wear the If i's a Sailor,Leghornor |!«gmile that won’t come off.”| That is because a real grouch can’t ——ee -is —to perfection.re is only one wayweknowoftobesureavoidingcartrouble—thatisto put and keepyourcarunderourexpertcare. Think it over. ing forjust drop in and let ushave the pleasure of showingyouour very completeandsnappyline. tha:the——-have reached ‘y yd,subscriptions so far havebeenfrombanksandwealthyindi-viduals.It is the purpose to en-courage small investors wy :ssuing aportionofthebondsinsmalldenomi- bonds are to run haveyet to be de-torpmined.The of subscrip-tions by States turday showedthetNorthCarolinahadofferedto=bends to the amount of $183,- So far no offers have been madethroughStatesvillebanks,which areavhorizedtoreceivesubscriptions.The First Nationa]Bank has decid-to buy $25,000 of the bonds onitsownaccount.The interest rateis31-2 per cent. WANDERING BOY. Jo.Watts,nine-vear-oldMr.Will Watts,who lives on road,decided Saturday abouto'clock to down the railroad —< across the bridge and con-the track until he was son ofthe far some more dogsandhewentback.At 11 o'clock thatundandtakeninpartiesatClare-from home very " 2: Fa ;i ay morning :4 o'clock of his whereabouts andafterhim.The boy says heafterleavingBostian'sandwanderedon. Thieves Steal Food. Burglars entered the store of Mr. He ri : .must be .|staying,on the s ge e fl y ¢E ;# aePi t h : : Fe Ht &z t H i s ’ i e f . z i t s f5;|z<= F a a H l re e i f éE 2:a z§H :3H&z : ; E : ;f i Ey H iU2: iiizea it th ri s i. i¢ the mensive, trarcent a =&F sa r |therevistrarsithoutcompensation.All reg-ust be sworn,The voting place in each precinctforregistration.Full printed instructions covering ev-ery detail of registration will be inthehandsofsheriffsandmayorsonthefifthdayafterthoPresident’sproclamation. Thirty Thousand Cities.The mayor of a city containing morethan30,000 inhabitants,or the offi-eials designated by the Governortherein,shall,with approval of theGovernor,appoint for erch ward orconvenientminorsubdivision,oneregistrationboard,and shall designateoneofeachboardtoperformdutiesSsimilartothoseimonthe a—e desires,he mow appoint a cen- tra 'i; ,as heretofore outlined.If the to co-ordinate the work of|».rds.Duties of County Clerks.On the fifth day after the Presidenthasissuedhisproclamation,clerks ofcountiesandcitiesofover30,000mustsecureasupplyofblanksandcopiesoftheregistrationregulationsfromthesherifforfromthemayor.Absentees and the sick will apply tosuchclerkstohavetheirregistration—_filled -_In z such case — 8 persons ven registrationcertificates.phy ate to be instructedbytheclerkttheburdenisonthemtoseetoitthatthecardsreachtheregistrarsoftheirhomeprecinctsbyregistrationday. Absentees and the Sick.Persons absent from their homecountiesmayberegisceredbymail.Ifsoabsent,a man should go to theclerkofthecountywherehemaybe eth day after thedateofthePresident's proclamation. minor ed|If he is in a city of uver 30,000 popu-letion,the city clerk is ti.e official towhomtoapply.The absentee will betoldhowtoregister,but he must mailhiscardintimetoreachhisprecinctbyregistrationday.Persons too sicktopresentthemselvesforregistrationmustsendatentpersontothecountyorcityclerkonthesixthdayaftertheissuingoftheproclamationTheclerkwillgiveinstructionsforregistration.ae and Homes.Officials educational,charitableardotherinstitutionsshouldapplyforinstructionstothecountyorcitythe/clerk onthesixth day after the date al!sixth ; of.the proclamation for instructions‘}as to a convenient method of regis-“|tration,Thewardens of ils,i-tentiaries and reformatories shouldatotheauthoritiesastoacon-method of registration on the Eiye Save etter the ante of the Pros- | H s g e e e f . favorably reported -mittee had reduced the astioncarriedfrom$25,000,000 to ap-proximately $20,000,000 =an:eliminated 3 section authorizing ther use,ed in a coming third measure whiistoconferpowersonthecouncilofnationaldefence. Guaranteed $1.50 Per Bushel. A Taylorsville man who was try- ing to help on the bigger food crop eee.an Alex-a farmer crop,and he wanted toknowifthetownmanwouldguar-antee him $1.50 per bushel for corn.The urbanite was a little riled by theattitudeoftheruraldweller,and hethenandtherepledgedhimselftotakethesurpluscornat$1.50 perbushelDecember1.The farmertoldaneighborofhistradeandhewantedasimilaragreement,which was made.The Taylorsville man is in doubthowhewillcomeout.He didn’tmaketheagreementtomakemoney,but to show his good faith,and nat-urally he doesn’t expect to make a business of guaranteeing prices,something that nobody has a right to demand. County Commissioners. The board rejeeted propositions byMessrs.E.G.Gaither and Herman Wallace and the Henkel-Craig ©om-pany,who offered tracts of land to thecountytobeworkedfreeandthecountytohavebenefitofcrops.Itwasdecidedthatthecostofimple-ments to do the work would be toogreat.The sheriff was instructed to ad-vertise June Ist land for unpaid taxes,sale to take place the first of JulyTheboardorderedtnesheriff to see that cider-selling in the countysdoneawaywith. The Actof a Brute. Fred.Matheson,<i 15 years,son of Mr.W.8.theson,wasstruckintheheadFridaynightandeae,SS.The boy “¥icing a ye south along ulberrystreet,near W .E.Anderson cor-and 10 o'clock.three men in a buecyreachedoutandforehead,He was it was ch |the cam He|cided a|will findawaytoGerman breakof warEdisonandotheristsandinventors be|dicks says he “feelsingthat.andnetox Secretary rluteconfidencethataway will event- ually be found to handle the subma-rine.While not yct found,there ishopeoftheplansunderconsideration,which for obvious reasons can’t bemadepublic. cants four are lawyers.A dispatch from Fort Ogaysjabulationsforen t inthecampindicatedSundaynightthat38moreTennesseansandCaro-linians have qualified for admissionnthecampcanaccommodate.2,500 limit emo was ex-ceeded by several hu menlgSSclosedyester- .call was sent out ——-to 150 selected candidates for ad-mission,ordering them to report attoday.During the rest oftheweekfrom300to400menwillbecalledindaily.The camp formal-ly opens next y. Saturday said the folks in his -borhod were working as never afore.The rural people generally arerespondingtothecountry’s call withawill,and if the towns will do asTookdaywillbesavedifAll-Father blesses us with goodseasons.The wheat crop looks more prom-ising in localities and the fields pre-pared for other crops show evidenceofthoroughcultivation.There is,hwwever,much land that cannot becultivatedforlackofiabor—a ery-ing need.Pity the conscriptiononeofbeappiiedtotheidlerswholdbeinthefields. The Death Record. Mr.Julius W.Templeton,agednearly74years,died Saturday nightat12o'clock at his home near StonyPoint.Mr.Templeton suffered astrokeofparalysiswhenhewas18monthsoldandanotherstrokejxmonthsago.He is survived by one sister,Mrs.Mary Movere.FuneralserviceswereconductedatStonyPointSundayafternoonat4o'clockbyRev.Mr.Crowder and the inter-ment was in the cemetery there.Lawrence Hege Baggerly,youpgchildofMr.and Mrs.J Bagger-ly,died at the home of his parentsinStatesvilleSundaynight.BurialtookplaceatOakwoodyesterdayaf-ternoon, Red Cross Auxiliary. At a meeting of the ladies of thetowninteres’in the work of theRed©Society,held at the courthouseFridayqiwacen,19 names were added to the list of 50 that haveexpressedadesiretojointheorranization.The meeting de-to form a Red Cross Auxilia- ry.,secreta-ry of a committee a for thepurpose,sent in nec num-of names to form an cunibary toFurtherin- ie i r e li — i& s : I the|Dr. recent protract-ed meeting at Broac Street Metho-dist church,Rev.L.D.re-ceived elevSundayservices.Rev.J.H.Pressly of the First As-sociate Reformed Presbyterian churchwillleavetodayforCharlotte,wherehewillattendameetingoftheFirstPresbyteryoftheAssociateReform-ed Presbyterian Church,held in theFirstA.R.P.church of Charlotte. Passengers Must Make WayForFreight. Passenger trains now sidetrackforfreighttrains.Transportation ofsuppliesismoreimportantinwar- ee e e e o e a e e # e a e P e e e s e e e e ee ea e ee a e e e e ¢ time than transportation of folks—|Goexceptincaseofsotdiers—and thecitizenmayaswellmakeuphismindtogetonwithanabbreviatedrailroadpassengerservice. ermpment is ng to require morefreightserviceandthenextstepwillbetotakeoffsomeofthepaz-senger trains to put the engines tofreightservice. Miss Murphy Goes With Red ‘Toss. Many North Carolinians will beinterestedtohearthatMissMayMurphy,daughter of the late Dr.P.L.Murphy,who was for so long su-perintendent of the State HospitalatMorganton,sailed oy odFrancewithoneoftheRed tress units being sent alonthebattlefield. wraduated fromHospitalinNew Yorkago.She has visitedStatesvilleandhas COLLEGE CAMPUS TONIGHT. gov-)J 3¥: SF 8 F3 5 3 Se pi a ‘ 3io rBci t i2 ii s zi! & ai e as |d||ui i£i gs :' ;Ri fiF= 25 e 3 zt ? 7 ned in company andlaterpickedupbya said that the sub-Imost as soon as il z e f i tl e f i g i l l &=z :ee e z tains,whichnowbearsname,was a distinguished educator,|y we covet the |whe promise that thememorialwillenlistanevenmore privi-;and The revenue bill isbyasub-committee of themeanscommittee,mademanKitchin,RBeninDixonofIndiana and RaDemocrats,with ichigan andofOhio.The Democrats hearty support of the college on theipartofitsfriendsandwillstand. ' cated their approval of thetakeallornearlyallincomesperpetuallyasan.incentive to others/$100,000.Fordney is a ad to it;Lengworth favorsitoemulatethevirtueandworksofthesedevotededucators,|we recommend a memoriaofMrs.Eliza Mitchell Grant and!|Miss Margaret Mitchell and as a)jfurther memoria!of Dr.Elisha)Mi Presbytery change the!|Statesville Female Collegeined\t4 Mitchell College.*** When the chairman of a mass meet- held in Cooper Union,New York,by 32 organizations composed of Americans of Irish birth or descent, refused to receive a resolution calling upon President Wilsun and Congress to intercede in behalf of Irish inde-,a riot broke out which re-in the ejection of more than30personsfromthehallandwhich was not quelled until 200 policemen made free use of their clubs.The meeting was called to demon-trate the loyalty of Irish-Americans to the United States,and the rioting not begin until after resolution:|.had been adopted pledging support tethegovernmentinprosecutingthewartoasuccessfulterminationandcommendinguniversalmilitaryserv- iceCoroner Timothy F.Healy,one ofthosewhoarrangedthemeeting,reelaredthedisturbancewasthere-sult of an organized effort on thepartofGermansympathizerstobreakupthemeeting. Railroads Asked to Institute Reforms and Economies. An appeal to the railroads “toshowwhattheycandofortheir country”by instituting operatingreformsandeconomiesduringthewarhasbeenissuedbytheNationa!Defence Council’s General RailroadBoard.Definite.recommendationsmadeincludelongerlocomotiveruns,heavier loading of cars,quickerhandlingatterminals,reduction ofidletimeandlocalmeetingsamongrailroademployesandofficialstoim-|press upon every railroad man the necessity of doing his ful!patriotic uty.Already the country’s roads areoperatingasaunitintheinterestofnationaldefenceandthedetailedrecommendationoftheboardformtheprogrammebywhichtheadmin-istration expects to bring to a basisofwarefficiencyeveryportionofthe262,000 miles of road which make upthegreatestnationaltransportationsystemintheworld. EES Davidson —For Farm Special arrangements have been maade by the faculty of DavidsonCollegebywhichstudentswillbeal-I to leave at once for theirhomestotakeupfarmworkforthesummer.This permit is carefullyguardedbyrestrictionswhichwil) make it impossible for any one toleavebeforetheendofthetermun-less his leaving is to count distinctlyfortheworkingofYoodcrops.Writ- ten request from the parent,a defi- nite assurance by the student thathewillengageinagriculturalworkforthreemonths,and an affidavitbyresponsiblepartiesconcernedthathehasbeensooccupiedduringthe summer.will be necessary to obtainthecreditforworkincollege.It isexpectedthatabout25studentswillleaveunderthisprovision. SE EEE Observe Meatless Days. So serious does J.Ogden Armour,|the great packer of Chicago,thinkthefoodsituationintheUnitedStatessincewehaveenteredthewar,that he had this to say on thesubject:“As a measure of conserva-tion.for example,I should favor theinstitution,by government edict if| necessary,of meatless days—one ortwoofthemaweek—such as theymowhaveinEurope.This is astrangedoctrineforameatpackertopreach,but I believe that eitherbylaworvoluntarilypeoplewillbeobligedtostopeatingsomuchSehysummermonths,es-pecially y expect to have a suf-ficient supply next fall and winter.” Will Want Lumber. “The Federal governent will soondemandsforenormousstocks.Sr,running into the"United States For-Hail ofWashington stat-itizen in Asheville a fewwillbedemandsthe “J.B.SHEARER, |After hearing from Dr.|Pref.J.M.Moore,Dr.C.jards and others,Presbytery adopt- ed by a rising vote the proposition, “heartily and uranimously pledgingitssympathyandsupport.”Thus it was that on April 12,1917,Concord Presbytery,in session at Mooresville,N.C.,changed “Statesville Female College”to |“Mitchell College.”|Sixty years ago—1857,the same 'year Dr.Elisha Mitchell lost his lifeonthehighestmountaineastofthe Rockies --sehool began in the hand- some building now called Mitchel! College..The building’s “front,fac-ing the principal street of our town,s ornamented with a lofty portico, supported by six massive brick col- jumns,adding greatly to the beauty‘of its architectural proportions,” {says the college catalogue of 1859andwhich,a competent modern crit-ic adds,is really the only bit ofclassicarchitectureourcityyetpos-sesses, This 1859 thebeing that Arm- eatalogue gives names of 112 =students,86 boarders.The graduates of \vear were Misses Fannie M.field,J.Maria Bell,Jane A.Cald- |well,Mattie J.Hall and M.Lex |Stewart.Miss Jane A.Caldwell,sister of the late Jos.P.Caldwell— iher little “Bud”whom she |taughi iat night—is now one of our State's most cultured women and the —stu- jdewts she has sent out from Salis-bury have reached high-water markeverywhere.To the girl in her al- i/ma mater who makes highest record‘in English she presents the “Cald-|well medal,”a memorial to her \brother,Statesville’s most distin- guished son.| The faculty of 1859 was President EF.W.Faucette,Rev.Walter Pharr,| |Prof.J.H.Hill,Miss Margaret Etiot Mitchell,Miss Josephine Lange,|Mrs.Emma J.Cannon,Miss Mar- garet R.Caldwell and Miss Harrison.I»this faculty Miss Mar- garet E.Mitchell gave to States-ville the first woman who had re- ceived the same college training jgiven men.Her father,Dr.Elisha |Mitchell,had been a professor at theUniversityofNorthCarolinasince 11818 and his four daughters receiv- ed a liberal education.He began their instruction himseiy at home and his oldest daughter,Mary Phoebe, was reading Caesar at seven years jof age,with the other three follow- jing close behind.Miss Margaret|Mitchell was her fathei$s comrade land assistant.When the scientificobservatoryPresidentCaldwellbuiltatChapelHillcouldbenolonger used,Dr.Mitchell fitted up the attic of a large wooden building that had eight windows in the roof and fourlinthegables.In this “upper room” he and his daughter,Margaret, studied the stars;cetiected,tested and classified the minerals of North Carolina,and =gathered,analyzedandclassifiedtheplantsandflowers of our State.‘'Twas such training as this the Mitchell name brought to our college. “Thescolleze won its first sub- stantial suecess from 1873-1883,un-|der the management of sirs.Eliza |Mitchell Grant and Miss MargaretE.Mitchell,daughters of Dr.ElishaMitchell.It is given few to come ,\daily contact with two women so cul-‘tured in head,heart and hand,in) whose daily life the most consistent Christianity shone forth’—so runstheirrecord,Because the name Mitchell is ahighesttyofsynonymforthewomanhoodandmanhoodand“weneedsmustlovethehighestwhen we see it”—lofty mountain,peerless,woman and Christian man—the lo-|jeal alumnae of Mitchell College arerallyingtotheiralmamater,2 ee jto make the coming commencement an inspiration that will fill the col-lege with students in September and its usefulness in manyenlarge~~ his is an invitation to every old student to be present May 13-16,,and help us make it a success.Mon- day,May 14,is Alumnae Day.Noti-fy Mrs.M.R.Adams,West Broadstreet,Statesville,N.C.,when you will arrive,and the reception com-=will —and give you a cor- SS TGREED They're Added.Greensboro News. The Statesville basetall field isincorn.Add States-|.a fansBdumberorthoseSherman the| re-|knew what he) M.8. ciple but leans toward the totakeonlyabout60vercent,in- comes above $100,000.“What would you think of aplan.”asked Longworth,“to takeabout$45,000 from every income of$200,000?That would be about fourtimeswhatwearetakingnow.” Pinchot thought this would belettingtherichoffeasy.“I am nomoreanxioustogetridofin-‘ome than other people are heeaid.“I like money and what it will buy,but I realize war is not a pinktea,and that when we are asking wd -_. fille »a student,boat,were able toBodiesallrecovered. ther people to give their lives—the oldhesitatetodeny hemaeives ©little and get onapittancelike$100,000 a year.It veht involve hardships such as dis- ensine with some eervants,giving|ty house or two,but it seemsriebtthattherichsheulddo their bit.”he knewwho vich should not Sumner Cerard said many rich people in New York vere imbued with pitgiotism enoughacceptgovernfrent ‘onscrintion of ineomes over $100,-100.He said he personally knew aaltdozenfamilieswhohadlaidoff a docen servants apiece and had put their living on a basis of al-nost the bare necessities.Thia,Wractieedbymanyetchpeople,he ud,might have a tendeney to fe- juee the cost of living for the peor1yinereasingtheamountoffoodwailableforpeopleofsmallerin-“ome forcing into productivendustrymenandwomenwhohaveeonmoreornamentalthanuseful. o be willing to t least and Son of the First Mayor.‘ Mr.Clarence P.McNeely,who _iscobethenewmayorofMooresville, 's a son of the firse mayor of that‘own-—-J.R.MeNeely,one of thebestofmen.J.R.McNeely was connected with the first store open-|vd at Mooresville when the town!tarced,back in the early 70s.TheirmwasMoore.McLain &Co.The member of the firma was John Moore,from whom the town tookits.name,end Mr.McNeely was his)son-in-law.One of the first evtab-| lishments,too,was a grceg-shop, which soon became e muisance andhenthetownwaschartereditwae, ded in the chaser that no liq-ior should be sold therein.Moores- ville was,therefore,a own from the beginning. oeatreeOne Bem ene re Money From Rockefeller. The Rockefeller Foundation has)appropriated $475,000 to he spent! in the United States for medical re- search and humanitarian aid as the: beginning of its work in the war with Germany.An additional #400,-!000 will go to continue relief activ!ities now being carried on abroad.|!To aid the work of the Young}Men's Christian Association in the |raining camps to be established forthearmyandaoe$200,000 has!been appropriated by the Founda.) tion, Arst ' =|| COMMISSIONER'S fredell county, highestgeribed trect of land: Ne Wiliams’ stone,J.Wpolestothe beginning,containing mere or ics1§acres more orfromtheabove More or leas having been carved from and out prohibition of the northwest stomach.OneLax-Fos is invaluable forIndigestionorTorpidLi SALEREALESTATE. UNDER and by virtue of the order of theClerkoftheSuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,made in the action entitled “J.P,Williamstals.versus Rufus Cass and Mre,Nora Cass,”he undersigned commissioner will on MONDAY,MAY 21,1917, t 12 o'clock.at the court house door ofsellatpublicauctiontothebidderforenash,the following de- w Hope township of the aforesaid State|ané countWi.born Shoemaker's corner in Raney Cambell’s linebernShoemuk«to &pine,poles to a 14 poles to a pine emall pine in Me .apd beginning at a chestnut, thence south 124 poles with Wil.rs and Burl Shoemaker’s line nerth 70 dewrees west 110thencesouth20degreeswest thence west 86 poles to a‘urdy'a line:thence north28degreeswest14polestoawhiteoak.J.W.corner;thence north 86 poles to « Williams’corner;thence 214 thence pine 180 acres a traet of land composing lesa is excepted and reserveddescribedtract,anid 15 acres but side of said tract. D.F.MAYBERRY,Commisstoner.April 17,1917. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.os ?a.m.2,p. m.2.to m.ipinpmens AathoeseBldg.13-Broad St.Office ‘phone 324,Residence ‘phone 279—green. E TO YOUR BATTERY. Our storage battery departmentisinchargeofanexpertwithfac-tory experience.Let us put yourbatteryinshapeforsummerdriving. AN OPERATIONAVERTED Philadelphia,Pa.—‘‘Oneyearago IwasverysickandIsufferedwithpainsmysideandbackilInearlywent GOOD ROADS Good Tires are the pleasure of‘our ride.t us repair the Tires that willgiveyouvaleRineoeed!VULCANIZING. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. ne,butI kept get iting worse the moremedicineItook.month sinceIwasayounggirlIsufferedwithcrampsinmysidesatperiodsandwas never .I saw your advertisenewspaperandthepicture been saved from NOTICE 10 TAXPAY Office in the rt houseoftoye ‘-_ .*-——-Dealer In—— Phone 201 Court Street.We sell Miller TireandTubes! STS —— L,ARNER,Statesville,N.C. Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees-wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,nog,Books and Magazines.Wepaythehighestmarketprices. Independent Phone §06. orwill prove snprice S0e: OF Lying and being in! COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK.STATESVILLE,N.C.OverlandFours! There are definite advantages in these OVERLAND FOURS that make each one stand out conspicuously above other cars in its price class, Asa result they are producings cars of ex- ceptional quality—and marketing them at ev.septionally low price. avery car is built to a rigid standard of appearance,performance and comfort. These Overland Fours are striking examples, The Light Four—the Big Four and the Light Four--4—Passenger Country Club. Let us show you these cars.|W.R.Mills Motor Co. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO..| “iw THERE IS LOTS OF COMFORT ON THE PORCHIFYOUHAVEITFIXEDUPRIGHT—BOTHCOMFORTANDHEALTH. We have about the nicest line of porch furniture you ever saw and the prices ail are attractive.Don't delay fixing up the porch when it can be done as cheaply and effectively as is made pos-sible here.\ reanesseamememereneesenseeaateresceases eS aeMONEY MAKER.| =f i pe u t e e e e ii s Ha l Zik i ea eeeoeRAE ef when you can letthewatersavetimetodevotetoyourwork.Save thistimeandmoney.A MyersPumpwillsavethis.Let us put one in for you.~~ W.E.MUNDAY.Your Plumber,114 B.Bread St. We Try to Keep Everyjhing in stock tomeetyourwants.Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,utteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetal you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 65,114 E.BroadStreét. oe EN NS RS ane DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILD?Statesville,N.C.-_|TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hours 8 to 6.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'STEETH. ellow Jaundice,Gall Stones,ees.and Ulcers @ them JusticesoeCongressmen,‘vers,Bankers,Ministers,Nurses,np aesor a of =ery class—proba!your own neigh-bors.Stomach troubles are due most-I~to catarrhal poison.Mayr’s Won- derful Remedy removes that poison,thoroughly cleanses the system,drives out the disease-breedinggerms,allays inflammation and endssuffering.Unlike any other remedy.No alcohol——nothing to injure vou.One dose convinces.FREE book onstomachAilments.Write Geo.H. MAYR,Mfg.Chemist,Chicago,orobtainabottleofMayr’s WonderfulRemedyfromtheStatesvilleDrugCo,.or any reliable g¢rucgist,whowillreturnyourmoneyifitfails. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. UNDER and by virtue of the power andautherityconferredbyacertain’mortragedeedexecutedtotheundersignedontheist day of March,1914,which said mortgagedeedindulyrecordedintheofficeoftheRes-ister of Deeds of Iredell county,in book 38atpege354,default having been made in thepaymentoftheindebtednesssecuredthereby, as is therein provided,the undersigned mort-gugee will on FRIDAY,MAY 18,1917,at 12 m.,expose to sale w the highest bidderatpublicauction,for cash,the following de-scribed land,towether With the buildings there- on,situated in Tredell county,Chambersburgtownehip,adjoining the lands of Tom Adkinsetals.,and deseribed as follows: Beyinning at a stone,Tom Adkins’corner, and running north 6 dewrees enst 179 poles to a stone,Cownn Overcash’s corner;thencesouth86degreesenst125polestoastone,W.G.Hair's corner;thence south2degrees west 182 poles to a black oak stump,T.J.Con-w#er'e cerner:thence south 88 derrees east 45polesfea@stake,T.J.Conger’s corner in ein “Slug Shot”! Destroys potato bugs, cabbage worms and all similar leaf eating insects. A five pound package for 35 cents. Phone 89. Eagle&Milholiand. eaSPECIAL GROCERY VALUES; Peaches,18 cents a can. Libby’s Mince Meat,17 cents a pound. Pressed Figs,15 cents a package, Sherrill&Reece. C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C."Phone340Green. ~WANTED! SCRAPBRASS -Heavy Brass7).per pound,Light Brass 6c.oermeFORSALE: irsatonan?hand machineryandallkindsofboiler room -- Prge's Wine;thence south 2 degrees enst 47 1-2 soles to g stake,Cahinn's cortter in Mra.Maryage’s line;thence with her line north 86degreesweet50polestoastake,formriy atdackjack;thenee north 3 degrees enst 80 1-2 peles to a stone,said Mary Pare's corner:thenee sonth 89 degrees west 62 poles to anneheonthebranch;thence south 1 degree east 122 poles to a stump or stone in TomAdkins’Hne:thence with his line north 86 degrees west 46 1-2 poles to a stone;thencenorth91-2 degrees west &5 poles to a dog-wood,Adkins’corner;thence north 6 de-vrees enst 56 1-2 poles to a stone;thence north 88 devrrees west 10 poles to thening,containing 200 acres more or less and being the identical tract of land conveyed toW.W.Pobbitt by deed of J.H.Webber andwife,duly recorded in the office of the regis- ter of deeds of lredeil countyVv.E.LACKRY, Mortsragee.April 17,1917. INE7+FINE LOT COUNTRY HAMS. Miller McLain Supply Co. Jitney Station In addition to our present way ofhandlingthecitytraffic,we are nowoperatingschedulecarbetweenthesquareanddepotevery15minutesat the popular price of 5 cents.Hereafter the Jitney office will be j Monod on Sundaya, ‘PHONE 611. Sitney Transfer Company. A A.wis.PIANO andPIPE ORGAN TUNER.Satisfacion guaranteed.Roefer-ences, Will locate in Statesville early supplies 7 H.TU) .;was performed oF =fF f* ef 23dsa h i g 3<> J.T.Hale,a blacksmith of RockyhePoint,Pend iis madeand60totheacreisafair’yield,he |was enrolledir.In factthestudy of mu-jf |Peeler of Lenoir andOdellofSalisbury.in Salisbury April3andkeptasecretuntillastweek.Mr.Peeler,who is a tan,isnastoroftheLenoir. Mat,Williams was drowned andC.A.White and E.M.Bellanger,al! white men,barely escaped samefateatNewBerneearly:daymorningwhentheautomobileinwhichtheywereridingcrashedthroughtherailingofbridgeeverTrentriverandinto20feetofwater. To aid their operatives in livingmoreeconomicallyandtoreducethecostoflivingasmuchaspossible.the Erwin Cotton Mills Company of Duke,Harnett county,have employ-ed the services of Miss Cheatham ofDurham,a specialist in economiccooking,to give courses of instruc-tion in this line to all who will ac- cept.;5 ¥:\ceperiematitin Balfour Before Congress—President Hears Him. Mr.Balfour,Great Britain’s for-eign secretary,speaking before thelouseofCongress,said the worldonlynowiscomingtorealizethatpeaceandmaterialcivilizationmaybringthegreatestpossiblemenace to free governments.i“When IT was young,”ne sata,fweusedtoflatterourselvesthatprog- ress inevitably meant peace,andthatthegrowthofknowledge.wasalwaysaccompaniedasitsnatural fruit by the growth of good will.Unhappily we know better now,andweknowthereissuchathinginthe world as a power which can with wn- varying persistence focus all the re-sources of knowledge and of civiliza-tions into the one great task of making itself the moral and mate-vial master of “the world.It isagainstthatdangerthatwe,the ‘vee peovles of western civilization,have banded ourselves together.”The British statesman's words,in-terpreted by many of his hearers asawarningagainstaprematureend-ing of the great war,were cheered ‘ -by the Representatives and crowdedgalleries.Among the spectators wasPresidentWilson,who broke anoth-er presidential vrecedent by slippingunnoticedintoaHousegallerytoheartheaddress.Mr.Balfour,the‘first British official to speak in the hails of Congress,delivered a warm. greeting from the British Parlia-ment and predicted that the causeofdemocracy“surely shall con- quer.”After his brief address he held a reception in the well of theHouse,where the President joined =members of Congress in greetingim. Identification Tag? Dr.P.C.Jurney was showing The Landmark the other dav a piece of metal,in form and size similar to ‘a half dollar,which bore this in-scription on its face:“PD.Beaver.Co.I,91st In Volunteers,Germantown,Ini.On reverse side:“War of !861. Enlisted Dec.6,1864.Born (October 9,1849.” Another line could not heeut,as the metal was discolored.ItwasfoundrecentlynearanolhouseinUnionGrovetownship,north, Iredell.} The theory is that this was themetalidentificationtagofaUnion soldier.Steneman’s arm passedthroughIredellcountyin‘:c¢spring)of 1865 and the tag may have been lost then or it may have reached) Iredell soil in some other way.IfBeaver’s age is correctly give he|was but a little past 15 years old!when he enlisted, CORRECTION. In mentioning Mr.Thos.P.Sum-|mers in the last issue of The Land-|murk,the writer of the paragraph,|who hes known Mr.Summers for 30)years,assumed what he had alwameysupposedtobeai fact——-that aSummerslosthisarminwarofthe)60s.Mr.Summers didn’t say that, jana made Reformed Church at A ne presents a p .ure wh somewhat of an inno-,vation in the commonthisisaclassinvocalmusic,which|from among thedentsofseventhtotenthgrades.|Any one musical instruction|class without any) extra cost.ei an elective course.Miss:madeNellieRowe has charge of the class)and the work along this line!has made them quite proficient vo-| calists.Messrs.J.A.B,Goodman and Ww.:,two citizens ofMooresville,were visitors here yes-|terday.Miss Minnie Torrence of Da-| vidson was a guest of the Young | thy has been express-| family of Mr.Robert L.Rodgers over the death of the son,|Mr.William Rodgers,who was killed)at Greensboro last week.Young.Rodgerswasoneof a dozen or more)voung men who,after the crops;were destroyed last summer,sought’employment with tne railroad com-nany.In that line of work he hadmadegoodandwasrapidiyprepar-.ing himself for promotion.A ne cleaner,arer young man wouhaveSionheedtofind.He was agedcbout22yearsbuthehadhada man’s head on his shoulders eversincehewas15.Everybody liked the boy. At theMr.J.B.Waugh was nominated without o ition for mayor.Messrs.J..Smith,Charles L.Clark and F.H.Brown were unani- mously nominated for aldermen. The entire old board is retiring,af-ter having been sufficiently amusedfortwoyears..Mr.Charles Andrew RobinetteandMissCorneliaHaynie,both of Mast Menbo,were married SaturdayverebytheRev.J.L.Morgan.Thebrideisthedaughterofoneofthe prominent citizens of Eastandthegroomisanefficient em-ploye of the mill company.They will 7resideatEastMonbo.Rev.J.L.Morgan teaves today forAlbemarletoattendthemeetingof the Lutheran Synod., Some boys last night stretched alengthoffencewireacrosstheroad leading from the \:ethodist church. Mr.F.K.Ostwalt drove his car in- to the wire and came near turningurtiewithaloadofwomen=andchildren.The boys were heard to remark that they intended having some fun out of the wire. Plenty of Munitions. This dispatch comes from Berlin: “The munition department of the war office warns factory owners who think of going in for manufacture ofmunitionsthatfacilitiesnowatthe zovernment’s disposal are regarded as entirely adequate ‘for the indef- inite future.’The public is therefore advised not to convert existing es- tablishments into munition wor\s or to build new works.” Maybe sent out tor foreign con- sumption asa bluff;or it may be true.. MURDER IN LINCOLNTON. Mark Rudisill was killed,his throat being cut,and his brother Lester is atthepointofdeathastheresultofa knife fight between chem and two brothers named Kine and Horsce Da- vis at a school closing exercise at Ridge Academy,Lineoln county,Friday.The fight started when onc of the Rudisills leudly declared he “was the beet man the hill.” Blockad«whis!ey is said to have heen responsible,The King brothers and Davis are in jail. CHINA AND HAYTL. Hayti and China are on the verge of entering the world war again: Germany.President Artiguenave of Hayti has called on Congress to de clare war against Germany and acommissionhasbeenappointedto Consider the question A dispatch from Peking passed by the censor af- ter deletions says that China’s entryintothewaratanearlydateseem: inevitable. HEARSE SMASHED. The hearse of Mr.Robt.A.Blay- leek,undertaker at Mockaville,formerlyofStatesville,was smashed Friday afternoon when the team attachedtoitranawayenddashedthevehicleintoatreefivemilesfrom Mocksville.Ii was n.«learned wheth- and as a matter of fact he loct his /@?&corpse was in the hearse at the arm in an accident,not inThisismentionedtokeepstraightandinjusticetotrjmers, MR.LONG TO TALK. Mr,Z.V.long left last niwht on Ane-mnkine rake ny he w |ress a meeting State coun.el of the Junior Order in Knoxville, ow he will deliver an odu-n at a school com “We wit addrestGrd&meetingin Camiden.. ‘ 'attle,| hi *tOry | sume) il|orderwas »Says the Salisbury Post,fromthisinformationi»obtained. PAY FARE OF VETERANS.The aes,eiretanenere mare |in regular monthly session yesterday.Among other business rasenetes,x passed to pay the railrfareoftredellConfederateVeteransreunioninWashingtonnevt town primary last week © Monbo ~) Dur customers all wear ’th “smile that won’t come Thatisbecausea real grouch can’t existwhenone’scaris working toperfection.Thereisonly one way we knowof to be sure of cartrouble—thatisto putand keepyourcarunderourexpertcare. Think it over. Three Car Loads : ——_Of——-—y No.1 Cypress 4x 18,No.1 Cedar 4x 18.These are as good woodShinglesasmoneywillbuyandifyoucoverwiththese,some peopletheywiillastlongasyoushingles.We make no claim as .to their duration. Also sell the second and third gradeshingles. Plenty of doors and sash.Prices always right. coregetsVei‘ied niet eee One Weser,Best Grade... One Livingston One Horace Waters One F.Radie vies «875,00, 150.00. Leese 175.00, &Shingles a a 2 By taking advantage of these exceptional values you will save money. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. EVERYTHING MUSICAL. See us now. Hammocks,Couch Hammocks,Swings,Rockéts,IDSettees,Shades. In fact we have thegoods to make the hcomfortable.Hammocks,Swings or ?pFREEifboughtfromus. Williams Furniture *teas . "a ‘: ee °* off.” USED PIANOSAT MODERATEPRICES.] OeHPOHHPEREOOREOEERRee i i f h i F : Hsit 8 gl : fzs : a‘l e e 2 He INHOSPITABLE. Frederick C.Howe,United States!commissioner mmigration for|the portof New York,wasin Ashe-|ille last week for a camp| 'trick would have pro-vided a camp for the prisoners.Atlastee,it was intimated that thecamptbelocatedintheforestreservationinwesternNorthCaro-lina.Uncle Sam owns the forestandeanlocatethecamptherewithout“axin’”anybody's consent. Ee At the last meeting of the Char-lotte aldermen last week—the com-mission form of government goes oninCharlotteaftertoday—the alder- men presente]Mayor KirkpatrickwithabraceofColtsixshooters,withtheseremarks:“We believe,Mr.Mavor,that this gift is.appropriatebothbecauseofthecharacterofthetimesinwhichweliveandbecauseofthecharacterofthemantowhomthistokenispresented.”If the mayorhadreceivedthispresentetthebegin-ning of his adminisvration he might have been able to suppress some ofthenear-riots among the aldermen,of such frequent oceurrence duringhisadministration.Evidently the al-dermen were considerate of the time of making the prese:i.But the may-or has the “weepins”now and theMonroeJournalandotherpaperswhichhavemadeflippantremarksabouthishonorwilltakeduenotice. Mrs.Vawter,the lady in the case intheinfamousVirginiamess,statedonthewitnessstandthetshealways | ‘their greed will /speculators last F F s w e e H i f Pi e rH l t 22 3 3 Fe s =b nsthave the the|British for "t say.talk—passin for a member of the facul-the State University,when hisinwar.Thatwouldbeconsid- “Prevailing prices of apthracitecoalareunwarrantedandthesupplyfornextseasoniste,”says the Federal Trade Commission,afterinvestigation.The commission prom-ises to expose dealers who mislead theublicintothebeliefthattheexor-itant prices are justified.So.Nodoubtthepricesofmanynecessitiesarenowexorbit:.nt,and what the peo-le want is not simpty proof of theactandthreatenedexposure;theywantitstoppedandtheywanttherobbersputinjailorsopunishedthatbecurbed.UncleSamisbusyaboutmanythingsjust now,but checking the rapaciousscoundrelswhoaretakingadvantageofconditionstorobthepublicwouldseemtobehisfirstandmostimpor- tant duty.A bunch of coal men havebeenindicted,Push the trial to a conclusion. Coal Prices Unwarranted. Prevailing retail prices of anthra-cite coal are unwarranted and thesupplyfornextseasonisadequate,the Federal Trade Commissionstatesinapreliminaryreportbasedonapartiallycompletedinvestiga-tion ordered by Congress last win- ter.The commission warns consumers against buying larger quantities ofcoalthanusualthissummer,sayingtherearesymptomsnowofsuchabuyingpanicasthatwhichenabledwintertoforcePricesabovenormal.No good reas-on exists,says the report,why Maypricesshouldnotbesubjecttotheusualsummerdiscount,but “if the ii ; ES F zs di !| er FI a t e e e 3 ‘others for various reasons of In addition to sending ph; abroad for army serviceflag,six Red Cross ‘unitswill also be sent.There are of these Red Cross hospital urits in fully equipped by |private ption.Each of & has a staff of 24 medical menand & personnel of 196 nurses and assist- ants. Censorship Bill Modified. The espionage bill was passed the House Friday with a m censorship provision,after adminis- |tration leaders had lost an insistent fight for retention of the original section aimed at the publication of news of value to the enemy.The final vote was 260 to 105. Consideration of a similar measure was under way in the Senste there too the administration suffered a defeat.An export embargo amend- ment,about which the Senate had centered,was modified so as to substitute for the general authority proposed a provision to em-power the President to restrict ex-; ports in spegific eases when American goods werg reaching the enemy. In the use the entire adminis- tration censorship section was rejected 220 to 167,despite pleas of pre- sentative Webb,chairman of the ju- diciary committee,that President Wil- son had sent him word that the au- thority sought was “absolutely neces- sary.”Later a new section drawn by |Representative Gare of Ohio,was adopted,190 to 185.it would permit the President to prohibit publication of news regarding the national de- fense,but provides specifically for a jury trial for offenders and makes ‘conviction dependent upon proof that |matter published was of a character useful to an enemy,Speaker Clark, Mann,Representative Kahn of Cali- fornia and Representative Sherley of Kentucky,were among ose who voted to strike out the section.Dem- ocratic Leader Kitchin voted to re-' |tain it._ fight in the ¥Republican Leader| Is showing 2biglo!White | andColoredSkirtings and }Waistings,justthe thingsjj for this wear. WAISTINGS #In Voiles,Organdies,Crepes high coloredfabrics. 15c.to 50c.yard. SKIRTINGS InPoplins,Gaderdines,Lin- ens,St.NicholsCloth,and Fancy Sport Stripesand ‘and Fancy Weaves.Many. Big assortmentofHammocks and Porch Swings —_—at—— “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” ‘PHONE NO,400. "BeSoreYouAre Right and Go Ahead With Your Work, Mechanics and Professional Men! But you will not be right unless you HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT. Yuu will not save unless you put yourearningsintheBank.We have a place for you ON OUR BOOKS. Drop in and get a book and the start will be made.elcome one and all to this Bank. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “DON'T HESITATE:ACQUIRE AN ESTATE.” GEO,H.BROWN0.L.TURNER <_ < ma n ba n e wo ti k ch ba k e fe a Ee e , Ce e Om 2 er et e el e Oe |public is again so deceived as to in-The Record says that Sidney Thom-'dulge in a seramble for coal,the fa-'as,a colored man employed on the sec-|vorable situation may be nullified.”|tion foree of the Southern railway at)The commission is keeping in close Hickory,Saturday afternoon saved—._the anthracite situation the life of John Hahn,five-year-old|and promises to “ex any unscru-gon of Mr.Beas Hahn,bv grasping |pulous wholesaler,or retail-|hold of the child and 4erwhoseekstomisleadthepublicbackfromaneastboughtintoabeliefthateoxrbitantpricestrainthatcamesonearkillingboth|are justifiable,or that there is any that Thomas’arm was slightly bruis-|necessity to join in a frenzied bid-|oq by being struckby thetrain.|ding to ure immediate delivery John to watch a dump for far future needs.”|eart on and did not see the :A é |We have,too,the Waistscoachingfreight.He stepped onTroubleinCuba.|the track just -”the qugine bere |,, repulsed the gay young sport whomherhusbandkilledforbeingtoofreeinhishome,except when she was un-der the influence of liquor—the wife,the husband and the young man fre-quently drinking together.Sincestvongdrinkwesfirstcreatedmen have used it as excuse for their sins,and it has become a pretty good ex-e for the male,even in these daysofprohibition.“I wasn’t at myself;I was drinking,”is accepted as anexeuseformanygrievousoffences.It’s unusual for a womon to offer thatexcuse,but come to think of it,the Figures.At 20c.to 75c. yard. lytely fast. We recommend the Shew Knit wife has as much right,morally,to,Ly —or to commit adultery as | us > Charges that Cuban negro rebelsareburningandpillagingthehomes }and properties of Americans and oth- down on him.Sidney Thomas.whowasstandingnear,rushed to the lad’sassistanceandjerkedhimbackto HosieryforMenand Women, che colors are fast,and eachpairguaranteedto*.E and Skirtsreadytoput on sied eaudaneey weeres OPwillbereplacedwithanewpair. Women’s Silks,75centsapair. Men's “50 centsapair. Women’s Lisles 35c.3pairsfor$1.00. Men’s “—$5c.3 pairs for $1.00. PHONE 83.LL-WHITESHOE CO. safety.That colored man's nameshouldbepresentedtotheCarnegieHeroCommission,at Pittsburg,Pa. Survivors of the Vacuum. Webb of North Caro.¢”foreigners in certain districts of|lina got back at some of his ae Cuba are made by 24 American andwhenhewasdefendingthenewspaperBritishrefugeeswhoarrivedinNew|nse provision th the spy bill,York Sunday.They predicted thatremindedthenewsthattherewillbeamassacreofthewhitehadcontinuouslycaloneveryresidentsremaininguntesstheUnited Captain 8.8.Harris of the Ameri- member of Congress to “ctand by the States intervenes,and that can tank steamer Vacuum,which was| President,”and now he wanted the |t®¢Cuban government is powerless to!sunk by a German submarine,andperstotaketheirownadvice—|with the situation.Most of the|four survivors from that steamer, by the President”and agree Tetusees escaped with only the clothes |landed with him on the Scottish coast,to the censorship provision asked for ‘hey wore.The accusations were|suffered terrible hardships after leav-bythe President.Mr.Webb had the *U>stantiated by an appeal for aid!ing their vessel and are now in abatoftheargumentrightthere,but ned by 116 Americans remainins|hospital at Glasgow.Only three outheknowsofcoursethatage-old weak.|"the territory oceupiedby the rebels.|of 18 men in the captain's boat sur-ey human nature—we're mighty |vived,while in another boat in whichfor——so long os they cee?|Pittsburg Company Out.|there were nine men,two died of ex-ve sacrifice on our part.State Insurance Comm r :ti nt is reached we see matters |Young has cancelled theGoned oe |away in three bonts except four in theSc,Ceres Lan cad rest Commnay |S expectson so antes ty.j e 2 7 epropositionforawartaxofconcernesboneainthe‘hands |could not "al a cotton started some-of a receiver.the ways and rs to be|mm in Congress a few days one of the greatest frauds in the re-tax won't be put on.Cot-cent history of life insurance,”is &Southern product and Mr.—_promoterse_—can pre-|parently control of the f tal preetsereWs fo Raveet ota with laneSahanrorasoyEwe'reerying for insuranceinNorth .Butler A. Congresman in the Ready-to-Wear de- en — ns pe a m e s n a e e n e - e e n n s et n ce s a r ao s te n Se s partment. Letus showthePre-Shrunk Shirt. lot Ladie’s Gray Silk}} today.HAMILTON Raecereas you H.B.WOODWARD _Jeweler.|been several | Petterson isris visiting TE sclatives iin Bees ;wat,rac Today shewill|F honer at a party giv-| wle :ley of.Taylorsville|passed netSrakeoitte yesterday|on her way to Jamestown.Todaywillreturnbywithhereater,|Evelyn |Henley,who hes beenat:|Jamestown school.ts.Dennis Etheridge of Nor-ene the guest of her son,’ Miss Mattie Strouds pent a fewj_recently with friends in Hicko-| "iss Mary Sue Cochrane is spend-ing a few weeks with her aunt,Mrs,J.L.Morgan,in Marion.D.Bradsha | :Mrs.G.w ™hasbeenwithhermother,Mrs 8.Suerte.and her sister,Mr R.|O.Deitz,areturned to her homeCharlotinte.Mr.and Mrs.C.Watkins spenttheweek-end with Mr.Watkins’fa-ther,Mr.J.B.Watkins,in Hender- son,Mrs.S.J.Beaver is te.Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Glover havereturnedfromNorfolk,where theyvisitedtheirdaughter,Mrs.A.A.Fisher.Mr.and Mrs.P.B.Kennedy wenttoBlowingRocklastweektoviga.Kennedy's mother,Mrs,H.eedon.Mr.Kennedy will akinefewdays.Mrs.Kennedy willbe-with her mother for several iss Marion Yount is in SouthVa.,to spend several weeksMissJaneNorwood.iss Helper,who was the questofMra.W.F.Hall,left last week forNashville,Tenn.Mr.and Mrs.Grier Waugh havearrivedfromMiami,Fla.Miss Mamie Williams of God-.win,after a brief stay with MissFloiseCornelly,has gone to Ashe- iss Wilma Miller,who spent thewinterinGodwinwithMrs.C.W.Spell,has returned to Statesville to—her father,Mr.W.W.Mil-| Mr.Lee Stikeleather,who has a po-sition with the Old Dominion Steam-ship Company at Norfolk,Va.,is.__—s a few days with his parents,_é L.Stikeleather.Mrs.J.Wadsworth of Char-lotte will ae today to spend a weekwithelparents,Mr and Mrs.L. el, visiting in Notices of New Advertizements| Notice to creditors.—G.E.French,executor.;Donkey for sale.—Manager RolinHoodPlay.Baby carriawe for sale——A.A. White,119 Mills street.Hand vrip lost.Reward for re-turn to Hotel —H.F.Young.Roller mill proper:y at auction.—Lyerly Milling Co.,Cleveland.ish te 4 aw seed,for bugs Kimball.—_—to Coane ie 47,Jr.O.U. Goods for re clothes.—Ramsey-0.inexpensive pictureframers—R.Henry,_er.Shaw a ‘hosie 'on and A pil f People’iace~yore s Loan&Savings Bank.Destroy the bugs and worms.—eo &Mitholland.mer school June 12—July 27.—University of North Caroiina.Home eScomplete without music.Store.Big lot a K.MorrisonGrocery&ProduceCo.Choice _-_or ordinarykinds.—R.O.Storare Caen —free.— Statesville Motor Co.—and parasols.—Mills & »and porch=‘ord-BunchFurniture =~car loads shingles.—Lazen-by-rdware Co.to build with.—C.Wat-, Fixery.—T.N.Brown. slug mercial NationalF Mills.| Eller. Gane iP._—Mre. at J:i.Metiweetocloseonthe Tee oS =aCe poaee)SS Ow }a numberofher friends Friday after- ‘ters of the Confederacy of the eS Pee Lean.—Com-| Par at | Mrs.R.A.Campbell was hostessto noon.Bridge was played at several|tables.Mrs.Wm.Hiheee made thehighestscoreandreceivedabridge=The hostess wa assisted in serv-course and a dessertasaladcinebyMissLouMrsWm.Morrison and Mrs,E.M.Yount|Cheery wood fires made the wane|rooms i Ferns were used as dee- houser,a well-known citizen,has_|been taken to a Charlotte sanato- rium.;Miss Murl Shoaf entered the Horton of Mt.Una,{*--Ae for St.Louis with6-year-old child,Lilly,who=e he in-fantile paralysis.She will entersanatoriumfortreatment.The childbeenhelplessal]its life and itishopeditcangetsomerelieforapermanentcure.Mr.Milas Holts- Fi Stokes.-Whitehead Sanaterium at orations,being grouped tastefully)|about.the rooms. Miss Amy Heinzerling ofville,senior in piano at mead ||College,Raleigh,gave her oan |ing recital at MeredithAye af-“Her was well|chosen and —wr the|Raleigh News Coun “HertouchisGeicate,al her techniquebrilliant.Miss Henzerting’s render- ing of two of Chopin's numbers wasespeciallygood,but she won hergreatestsuctesswithJoseffy’s Czar-das,one of the last compositions ofthemaster.She is to be congratu-lated on the recital which she gave.” Mrs.W.M.Barringer,Mrs.L.W.MacKesson,Mrs.M.R.Adams,Mrs,F.A.Carpenter,Mrs.R.L.Poston and Miss Elizabeth Brawley attended the annval convention of the Daugfi thdistrictinHighPointSaturday.Mrs.Carpenter addressed the conventiononthesubject,“What Ovr Chapter isMostInterestedIn;”Mrs.Adamsspokeonthe“Inspiration Derived from District Meetings.”The guests were honored with a reception byMrs.J.B.Kirkman at her home in “~~Point.he Statesville chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy has been transferred from district No.5 to district No.2.This district in-cludes the towns of Hickory,Newton, Lenoir,Morganton and Mooresville. Birthday Celebration. Correspondence of The Landmare. Seturday,April 28th,the children, grandchildren and ai number offriendsgatheredthehomeof Mrs.Mary77thbirthday.Nine of the ten liv-ing children were present,viz:Mesdames John Summers,CharlieBrady,John Hunter,——Knox,Will Miller,J.W.Hager,Messrs.WillMoore,J.Clarence Moore and J.Brice Moore.Mrs.Mamie Sifford, who lives in Charlotte,could not bepresent.About 1 o'clock a bountiful dinner was spread in the shade of a lartreeintheyard,which was greatlyenjoyedbyallpresent.The after- noon was spent in a pleasant social at Pp,way,singing songs,and closed withdevotionalservicesconductedbythe it was a great privilege to be present on an aniversary like thisnadseethislargefamilysatheredinhonoroftheagedmother,who has done so much for so many.Onlyonedeethhasoecurredinthisfam- ily of eleven children.The mother is well preserved and has many things for which to be thankful.One of the vreatest things that she has to be thankful for is that she can assem- ble so many well-developed Chris-tian children.It is needless to saythatallthesechildren,grandchil-dren and a enjoyed the day,for the smile of joy was on the faceofall.The day passed only tooquicklyandweallleftwishingMrs.Moore “A happy returns.ev).Jd.B.PEARSON. For aime Corn Crop. Correspondence of The Landmark. |Harmony,R-3,Mav 4.—Farm workjisinfallprogressendtheseasonsareveryfavorable.Corn planting isalmostover,and it seems that thepeoplehaveplantedamottointheirminds,which runs like this:Live athomeandatthesameplace for another year.There is the big-| gest effort being made in this vicinityforabigcorncropthisfellthathas|been made in several years,if ever before.Most of the wheat looks very well,although the freeze did quite a little damage to some wheat.osof this vicinity have plentywhichwerenotsovery plentylastyear,and they are look-Commencement exercises of Cool nice,Some almost ready Spring High School will begin|for crenaploaiay.Thursday aoe 10th,at»ae 808,withexercisesnierme-7 re.ee ee =y.Crass ae oe wales Cae Thelot is un-|39 a programme recitations,dec- cleaning.|lamations and +;230.p.m,Graves a =commencement by Dr.W.8. } aided!finish work soon.lies ae about the lotwill ;atten *5 + } || |Tolbert’s mother,Mrs Moore to celebrate her! The tobacco | Salisbury last week to study for a |trained nurse. Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Tolbert were! |called to Charlotte Saturday on:ine-count of the serious <<of Mrs.|G.Sharpe.Mr.and Mrs.Tecan M.|and children have returned from iemonth’s visit -relatives in|Carolina.Mr.—Shoaf of Wash-ington,D.-”nt oval | here with his dante Mr.|on his way to Birmingham|Robt.Lowrance hashomeinArkansas.Hevisitedrelativesandfriendshereafteranab-| sence of over e years.Mr.James Donald,president,|and C.C.Word,secretary of the!chamber of commerce,state that!one of the features in connection|with the Mothers’club of the childconservationleague,to be organized this week,will be a definite storyhovrforallchildrenofthetown,and the story hour will be in charge of a committee appointed bypresident.Mr.and Mrs.Lon Coon —| of Taylorsville,and Mrs.F.rette of Statesville are the ae odMr.and Mrs.J,P.Cavin.Miss CoraMillercamehomelast—teamtby“on a,G.|augh,Misti,Fla.,oy she =been’‘visiting ®since Christmas.Mr.and Mrs.Waugh are visiting here for a weekormore.The gardens and truck patcheshaveallbeendoingwellandif warm weather sets in now it won't be long till we wil have plenty toeatoutofthem. Two Tickets atEnlistingFor the War. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,May 7 —The townelectionwillbeheldtomorrow.Theticketsareasfollows:Mayor,C.G.Viele,commissioners,Dr.Asa Thurs-ton,H.D.Lindsay and R.B.Moose;another ticket:Mayor,R.F.Cobb;commissioners,W.D.Deal,G.F. Ingram,J.C.Wike.Dr.Asa Thurston and Mr.and Mrs.*.J.D.Smith carried the latter's lit-tle daughter,Nancy Hill,to Dr.Long’s Sanatorium,Statesville, Thursday evening,for treatment.Mrs.Smith brought htr home Sat-urday night but her condition is not i ved.r.W.L.Matheson of Moores-ville spent Sunday here with hismother,Mrs.W.B.Matheson,who is ill.Mr.M.C.Gwattney,sen of Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Gwalmey,a st»-dent at Wake Forest College,camehomeSaturdaynighttostaywith his parents until he goes to FortOglethorpe,Ga.,to the trainingcampforofficers.4Messrs.Marshall Sollgagid C.R Little,who have been ekford, Ill.,for some time,have returned totheirhomesinthiscountytoworkontheirfather’s farms.Mr.Chas.P.Matheson attenceti the meetingoftheboardofdirectorsoftheStateHospitalatMorgantonlastweek.Mr..P.Feimster ofMooresvillevisitedhisfamilyhere‘last week.Miss Sue Kerley,whohasbeenwithhersister,Mre.W.T.Rowland,since se closed.leftSaturdayforherhomeinCharlotte.Mr.and Mrs.Ralph Sloan of States-ville spent Sunday here with Mrs.Sloan’s aunt,Mrs.Lelia Bogle.Mr.Roy Gwaltney,son of Mr.and Mrs.L.P.Gwaltney of ig Point,andMr.M.C.Campbell,son of Mrs.Sara Campbell of this place,dents of t‘who have enlisted <:o go to Fort Oglethorpe,are visiting ewe foiksuntiltimetogo.Mr.Campbell grad-uated this month, Cool Spring Commencement. Gorreepondence of The CLand@wrark. “|m.,@ programmebythehighschool te public ieeegeree the |and worms. Taylorsville—= Stu: e Universiyy,Chapel Hi'l,' But’,3Reeswax,26¢.per th. Green Hides,18¢.to 20e.rk’th, Hains,23c.to 27e.perSidesandShoulders,21e.to 24e.per tb.New Red Honey,16¢.per Ib.Seurwood Honey Comb,or per Ib,(ld Auto Hubber Casing,ner Ib.|Sweet Potatoes,$1.25 per eee, The follow prices were id esterday|Freeze j ollowing =¥+grain on the local market Wheat,$2.00 to 83.00 per Gaahet. THE FIRST NATIONALBANK,:j Bankheisnot worriworks ine ;cana”vee ORsZ And HEis theman who gets PROMOTED.The man with money is “looking”for the men whe,aoa SAVES:He knowsthatthemanwhocan take wg of his own money is theman to TRUST.7 money is the true test of reliability.It’s goodcommon .Geile 3 sense,too.“3 3 Be wise today.Open an account with the money you have in your POCKET. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. ae Corn,$1.90 per bushel.Oats,%e.per bushel.| Statesville Market.On the local market yesterday 20 cents|best cotton. per pound was paid for grade[ates firm.| Cotton Seed,@BeedCotton,8 I-Re.per Ib. |(ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 19cents |per line.No od.taken for less than 25cents.Cash must accompany order.) )Se ”FOR RENT—Restdenceon West Broad street.|MRS.ELLEN MORRISON,at J.H.Me-|Elwee's.May ®t | TOMATO PLANTS—Eartiane and Stone.Tencents«doven,OSCAR MILLS,‘PhoneAtMay8—1t*. SLU G SHOT at D.J.KIMBALL’S“for bugsD.J.KIMBALL.May 8.| |SPANISH PEANUTS at D.3.RIMBALL'S Hor seed.May { )NOTICE—Counelt No.47 Jr.O.U.A M.urees every member to be present Friday|nicht,aaron refreshments will be served. May&. i aeEee.|to manager aplay.May 3%. | SALE—Second-han |d condition.Price —™,AAeerenrre.119 Mills street.s—1t*. —Hand grip-shoes,ra-|ysers,etc.Reward of $2.50 for return to) j Hotel Iredell.H.F.YOUNG.May &. ANTED—To buy good sound clean Sesse|rrels.Will pay 25¢.per barre!delivered‘kory,N.C.Address SHUFORD MILLS,|Hiekory.N.C.May 4.-8t.| FOR SALE—One compiet-Threshing outfit,at a bermain.J.H.BYERS,Claremont,|N.C,Re2 May 4-20".| BANKS TO CLOSE. Banks will be cloned Thursday,10th.Those having business to transact will take notice.FIRST NATIONAL BANK,COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK,MERCHANTS &FARMC RS"BANK,PROPLE'S LOAN @ SAVINGS BANK. _ae #11, ROLLER MILL AT AUCTION "SATURDAY,JUNE 2.we will sell at aue- MOTHERS:Have you baby's most bonsai itu te «site fore you in a handsome frame?iy WIVES:Have you your best pictureinaneelegant fae -upon your husband’s dressér or have you his photo upon # own toilet table? To ask for.to preserve and to cherish one’s picture ts &«% mark of true affection. Come,see our artistic frames,We have charming Ones ° which are not expensive.a R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. tien our Roller Mill property at Cleveland.The plant has a capacity of 60 barrels perduy.Machinery and building practically |new,leeated on Southern railroad side traek,|Cleveland is w good grain section.Sale will|take place at Cleveland Saturday afternoon,Jape 2,at 1 o'clock.See or write LYERLY|MicLiNG CO.for further information May 8.|NOTICE TO CREDITORS,| Having qualified o»executor of the extate of | Yona T.Key,dee ased,¢hereby notify all yersens having cleims scoinet her estate to oresent same to me on or before the Sth of| May,191s.G.BE.FRENCH,R.BR.MeLauehiin,Atty Executor. May &,1917. The Car Red Cedar Shinglesgles Just unloaded is a splendid lot.FullstockofNails,Ridge Roll,Valley,Tin,green and Brown Shingle Sra,and Scaffold material.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-| Wallilcounty. CHOICE BEEF. I have just received a herd of fine cattle,raised especially for the city markets. This beef has always gone to Balti-more and Richmond for the high-dlass trade,and I had to pay a high-nse price to get it.YOU GET IT,HOUGH,AT THE PRICE OF OR-INARY BEEF!You'll find it better than Westernpostandaltogetherthemostde-licious you ever ate. Phone No.46 and your order will begromptlydelivered. R.O.HARBIN. WEWILLFURNISH |POLK GRAY DRUG C0.“On the You with distilled water and in-fyourstoragebatteryfreeof Seas If you want the best batteryservice stop in andsecus. ate Ec: .6 Kv; Ss Il QO EK I a La We have just installed the most complete machinery andforallkindsofShoerepairingtobefound R.BROWN,a man of long experience in this line of work,1 | charge and will gladly welcome his old customers as ones.Bring in your Shoes and they will be cheapest manner possible,consistent.with tosmanship,while you do your shopping,or eswi be able place to rest,with something to readaeLOCATION,RIGHT IN THE Fi STA t 190 B\ST BROAD STREET.....ogee cess ce esee ee bee eee seesBetweenlredellHardware"Co,and R.F.HENRY,JCaliinandinspectthisdepartment,T.N.BROWN.tia “The Man With TheHoe” Can do almost as much -win this war asthemanwiththeAsoldiercan’tfightunlesshe’s fi *it’s up to thoseckhome”to get busy sowing seed for soldiers,as well as themselves, We have all varieties of seed,but just onequality—the BEST.We'llbe glad to serve you at any time. a 16 s'ze. The Germans have hurled counter- attack after counter-attack against the French forces in their newly-ac- quired positions nertheast of Sois-sons,taken in their advance teward Laon and eastward along the Chem- in-des-Dames,but their efforts were useless.General Nivelle’s men clun¢ tenaciously to them throughout Sat- urday night and Sunday,and in- flicted heavy casualties on the Ger- mans.The greater portion of the 18-mile front has een consolidated and as a result of the two days’ firhting 6,100 Germans have been taken prisoner.Not content with Saturday's gains northeast of Sois- sons,the French Sunday enlarged their holdings by capturing in iso- Inted operations important German roints of support north of the Mou- lin de Laffaux and north of Braye- en-laonnois. To the east of Bullecourt,which lies widwavy between Arras andCambrai,where the British and Ger-mons Mkt week engaged in sanguin- ary encounters,with the advantage Iving with Field Maretat Haiy’s foregs,,the Germans Saturday night by a counter-attack endeavored to revain their lest ground.They were unsuecessfyl and a similar attemptSundayfailed,although the Ger- mans threw large effectives into the fray. The French offensive north of the Aisne hegan on April 16.and after davs of desperate fighting and an advance of from two to five miles against strong German resistance, the French reached the line of the Chemin-des-Dames and captured more than 23,000 prisoners.The Ger- man lesses in the first week of theFrenchoffensiveontheAisneand Chamnarne fronts were estimated at 220.000 killed,wounded and pris- oners.~ae 3 {yp(eee et Room For Others. AWhouch the full allotted quota of 40.040 men rrobably will be en- rolled in the officers’training camps when thev open today,there still is “plenty ®f room fer men of the right qualities,”the War Department states. In a statement saying that each of the 16 camps seems assured of its full allotment of 2.500 applicants for commissions,the department appegla,fer further recruits ameng men ot proven ability.and points out thet eamps,while designedprimarilytrainoffceersforthe ereat war army,would provide ex-estlent enportunities for civilinns to work their way inte che line of theregulararmy. “The difieulties.of administration in the selection of candidates are being adjusted,”said the statement “The avesiion of pay for the mentrainingisexnectedtobesettled:@@fitress,with provision for reg-ular pay for reserve officers and $100 a month candidates,All men foged fit for commissions at the end éf the three month.’course will be com i the o®cers’re serve corps even not immediatc!necde@®for the first increment of troopa?”' Federated Club Officers. Mrs.Clarence Johnson —of eigh was elected president of North Carolina Federation of men's clubs at the meeting inhamlestweekandRaleighwas lected as the next place of meetin In resolutions adopted the endorsed “the policy of mobilizing the services of the women of thecountryforpatrioticdutyinthe present war”as outlined bv the council of the national federation. State-wide stock and laws as an effective means of encouraging the sheep and cattle industries in this State also receives tue unanimous endorsement of the convention. Rov Scout Leaders Wanted. A cal!for 100,000 men to volun- teer as Boy Scout leaders was sped by the National Council of the Boy Seouts of America in session in New York.They are needed be- cause of the great Increase the members of the nization,the enrollments durine the last tw rnonths @cererating 1.000 a day The appeal is directed particularlytothose“patriotic men who wanttocotheirbutwhocannotbe recepted for active rvice at thefront.” otthe ‘’ for ‘f low is- in ory tite ?bit, Debate at Correspondence of The There will be a Loray High School y 10th Subject, Loray. Landmarn public debate at Thursday night i “Resolved,thatheconstitutionofNorthCarolinahouldbeamendedsoastoallow the women to vote under the same qualifications as men.”Speaker:the affirmative are Messrs.Clinton BStikeleather,Dwight Feimster and Relbh Harris;negative,Messrs. Brooks Morrison,Watt Summers and Harry Stevenso Debate will bewin Promptiy at &o'cl for K Tired of Advice. To the Maiter of The Landmark: A want to say that I for one am sick of so much advice fromsapsandthecivicleagues. know how to drive a cow are and run a corn row.not afraid of starving.Comeantlwetasquaremeal.We haveayWhat1would hee would be the civic learves..Milleaps come out and&@ few days on the farm. A FARM Boy. dition to the infantry divisions therewillbetwoseparatecavalrydivis-ions which probably will be situatedintheSouthwest,near the Mexicanhorder.Officers for the cavairvisionswillbetrainedatallof the 16 officers’training exmps.Each infantry division,will consist of nine full regiments of infantry,three regimerits of fieldoneregimentofcavalry,one regi- ment of engineers,one division hos-pital and four camp infirmaries.The iotal strength of t 16 will be 15,- 022 officers and 439,792 men.The two cavalry divisions combin-ed will have 1,214 offeers and 32,- 962 fighting men,inciuding mountedengineersandhorseartilleryunits and each will have also its divisionalhospitalandcampinfirmaries.The ropertion of coast artillery troopstobeprovidedoutofthe500,000 will be 666 officers and 20,000 men,|with requisite medical troops.Supplementiny these tactical unitswillbethe16regimentsofheavyfieldartillery,strength 768 officers and 21,104 men;eight aero squad-rons,er one new squadron to eachnewinfantrydivision;eight balloon companies,ten field hospitals,—ten ambulanee companies;field bak- cries;six telephone battalions,16packcompanies,six ammunition trains and six supply trains. In preparation for the enormous task of training this great army, the existing regular establishments and the National Guard is being! brought to full war strength.The regulars,when all five additional in- crements provided for in the nation- 11 defence act have been added,will total 11,233 officers and 293.000 men f all arms. Upen the President’s approval of the army bill,the first increment will he added to the regulars.As 300M possible thereafter,the re-maining increments will be created, xisting regiments being divided and expanded to form the new units. The result of the expansion will be to create 5,461 vacancies in the wrades of first and second lieuten- ants in the army.More than a thousand youths in civil life already have applied for examination for second lieutenant and 4,000 will selectd from the officers’training amps To provide general officers te command the 18 divisional trai: comps,that number of army oloncls may be examined.As there <ists already one vacancy in the vrade of brigadier general,1!)newgeneralofficersmaybeappointedin the near future and the army bill nrovides that the President may se lect these men from any source.The present general officers of wide ex erience probably will be selected.a far as possible,to command divisior al camps. The full strength of the Nai: Wiunrd units now existing will be 9, S!7 officers and 820,054 men.priving a total regular and National Guard ‘e to be whipped —in } re the new army is called of “S80 offeers and 622,954 n its must he createa,how out tactical orgaiczations,and probably the total of this first fore will exceed Taa,c00 troops. backed by in th vimento!recruit From this for rhe §corre af also,drawn oyot a he neg el we e a r Ve eVE “0 Retive L050 000)more Lastalions. will be formed 1)apondi to the or- ihe first new army early in September, some 209,000)officers commissioned officers who tute the framework on new army will be shaped. be,with the 10,000 officer elected from the trainin .the instructors of the army and on their efficiency rest the whole military fabric that is to «built up. In general the plan will be to pro- vide a regular army officer to com- mand each new regiment,with an sdequate number of regular or Na- tional Guard officers of experience »car on efficiently the Iminis- vrative dnt and to supervis In- netion During the interval —be tration and the ealline army.the regular Guard will at work preparing mobiliza- imp ind)owith their own training.To them also owl continue to fall the duty of protecting public ate property.The comman- |of each traininy district proba bly will direct this work under the orders of the commancer of the mil 'tary department in which his cam;is located, eeee tritain Asks For Troops. R formally joined the hope that expeditionary fores its place or the front ia Europe.Foreien Balfour told the Ceynecil Defence «hat the British verjoved to weleome an\merican foree in rar and that;would have anenermouspsychologicaleffectboththealliesandtheirenemiesThequestionofsendinganex'pe-ditionary force is understood to de-rend now almost entirely on whethertheallieswouldprefertodivertfromthetransportoffoodtheamountoftonnagenecessarytoenr-ry the soldiers across the Atlantic.See ee ee about nization “mit Hohe nd no will censt which the Th wi he first veor egis x of the National new ons the mi ¢ aoonrin tain has expressing America) would take Great France at oon western ec etary of Ni:tional early od spatch on The Ol4 Standard Grove's Tasteless achillTonieisJuab::al Tonle,because it di-| artillery,| Association basebajl team,4fatallywoundedaahotelatIndianapol argument over a sugar Jo.Cook of Gaffney,&.his guest his nephew,of Pacolet,8.C.DuringthelattertookFrenchleave .pair of his host’s pants in the.ets of which was about $30, The Supreme Court Of ectlebamahasrefusedtoimpeachs. J.Batson of Jefferson county onoargesgrowingoutoftheofb.D.Overton and others,court held that Batson was net guilty of the charges.A $15 increase in the pay of al!the enlisted men of the)navy deringthewarwasagreedupenbythe House naval committee,As at amendment to the naval bill,| equalizes the enlisted pay Of the : ny and the navy. Senator Hale of duced a resolution States Senate authorizing the trans Maine has.intro- in the United France to the Unite:States.The ator pointed o.:*the measure would aid im gol, the food problem of the allie: Star Daley,who by his own con fession,kitled Ray Gibson of Tuc- son,Arizona,and then assaulted Mrs.Gibson,was hanged by @ mo!)After his capture Daley told.howhehadcommittedthecrimeandaiv> confessed to other crimes.After | had compleic’his wtery he she the mop leaders how he wanted t Ose to tie i 1 -At Coleman,Texas,a verdfet ofguiltyofmurderwa.returned by the jury in t cas of thirry J.Spane charge!woth cho \itlt.g of Lieutenant M.CC.Butl unishment was fixed at five voars imprisonment.Spanet!iHed Butler and Mrs.Spanell while riding in a carriage with was insanely jealous bu: »ewide to suppert hay.the ma tne rourd Eng'and and Se- that hen ertrarie?™4 i Ok eeeseS Outbresk is Gra.¢' German) Amst Toon wer ed FOO 5 ne ee ie es 60 REWARD,$100 i 34 1 TOONS 2 end for list of tex CHENY @ CO,Druggista,75e. «to cure.§ Nidress F.JViSeldbyall agn FACE POWDER, The beauty secretof women who knowhow to take care of the com. plexion.Cannot be detected.Heals Sumburn,stops Tan.Soothing, cooling,refreshing.. Pink,White,Rose Red. 75.at ‘Draggistsorby mv!dtsSample(either color)for 2c.Stamp, Lyon Mig.Co.40 South Fifth $:.,Brooklyn,NiYe ChTEEWI i THE WAY TO HEALTH.* Health is the most important thing in life.It is too precio to be bandied about merchandise.It ed in bexes or crug store. BARIUM ROCKTERaidsNature to when drugs fail.It out of the system and re.ita! nerves.¥,M.Shannonhouse w wes suffering from shattcr and disordered stomach and ni the BARIUM ROCK WATER brourht a speedy «‘Phone W.A.EVANS «| Department L,Box ( Sprinws,N.C. ’vital as phials at t}cormer SPRING restor :acid N.C,Loray,%,GDenters. DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING,SNA,II RITROURSS@EQAfore) nn article of 'purchaa- WA- itaelf cs the ; nerveskidnewe |; SPRING write Dewi 74 t SPORT DRESSES. ile GaPace$895,$750,GEOR end etoUO. , porting of German prisoners from 4 (TOA I SUTTS. New Spring Suits a vely priced,$7.50 to $35.00. SPORT COATS. A beautiful line that has everything stop-ped for value.$4.95 to $12.50. Shopping with an eye te economyis a pleasure in the Store That Sells it for Less. 16 Big Department Stores. 16 Big Department Stores. ETDS 5 ROME " ASe aFepach:=>pareaueia soe nares ’Te ree ree me Today,Tomorrow and Thursday,we will ~ feature this line complete. Beautiful colors and shapes that cannot be duplicated,for Ladies’and Children.Meet your friends here and let us show you. Children’s Parasols,25¢.up.Ladies’“$1.00 up. Ladies’Umbrellas,75¢.up.Men’s “75¢,up.——lLet us show you—— =MILLS &POSTON. |wher LANDSALE. VIRTUE BY Court of cial | WwW.#8 ¥m of a deeree of the Iredell county,tendered in’the cocding entitled W.B.Craw: Horton et ab,the undersigned Hi sell mt public muetior rp cash mt the ex S.C,omJUNE4.191 ! following dese ibed land 1to-wit Beyvinning at aintheW.C.Sowers dewroes enst Bf thence south ¢degrees weat 66 thenee north &7 degrees enst 01 thence nerth 90 poles to stone; decrees west 90 poles to be-Sl meres more or jens. MeLAUGGHLIN, 1 Commissioner. Superiorpes FEED. We have just received: car of Michigar ear of Shipped bags,1 ear of Feed,2 carsofFeedOats,1 car of WhiteCorn,1 car of Wheat Bran.We will be glad to m:prices on any of the above. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. ari Is never complete without a Piano.Musie instills noble thoughts in the heart and mind of every one,and a Pi- a good,reliable, Piano —is the Lest investment anybody can make for the home. TheWeser Piano has been on the market for nearly 40 years,and enjoys the reputation for durability and rich tone quality.Only high-crade materials are used in the construction,yet its price is within reason, tlie,SDAY, m™the ship, corme uth ® Timothy Hay,Stuff,in 75-Tb. Suet you ano sweet-toned #'nitietei.OB NOTICE OF BALE. VIRTUE of authority contained in a ro deed exccuted by Jar.W.Brown andDb.Ko MeNeely and others on Ovtober vod duly rewietered in Mortgage Deed#°,in the office of the Registe: leodell eosunty,N.C.,the ander- OO ee nm ee THAT'S WHAT I WANT! ill « MONDAY,JUNf 4,1917,12 seloek,noon,sell the following de-criued property at public auetion to the high-ent bide for cas All the stee!,abutmentsforbridye,lumber and other material and ~i vhehts +tt vid Jaw,W.Brown fas tntheapproachtCatuwhariver,both in bvecdeil and Catawte counties,at the place the toll bridge formerly stood aeromCatawheriveratapointabout7milesefMooresville,N.C.The steel,material,heine the that formerly made up @ watd wl!Vart of the sane beingohthebeamstheriverontheIredellsideeedpartbeingintheriver.The «ale to beattihousedeortnSteteeviile,N.C. D.K.MeNEELY,ET AL...Mortgagees. al PT tabPryaeporeih If you are thinking of pur- chasing a Piano,or ever ex- pect to own one,it is cer- tainly to your personal and :ae business interest to see and :|hear this beautiful instra-4x18 No.1 Heart Pine Shingles mentBeingunloadedbyC.TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE!kins.Also a quantity ofCheapPineShinglesin.this’cnn aman fectsinmaterial and work- whe " of court May 1.1017. eeUMBRELLASandPARASOLS Home,Sweet Home |7 ‘4 Se ee Be rc ea r .|SHIRT WAISTS!SHIRT WAISTS! We have just received a big shipment of Crepe De Chine,Georgette Crepe and Voile Waists.Prices from 9%8c. to $5.75. Now is your time to get a new spring Coat,Co:t Suit or Silk Dress. We are offering our entire line at a big reduction. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. ALLGRADES FERTILIZERS Guaranteed prices delivered at States- ville Oil Mill or my Warehouse,take your choice.Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,and Union Guano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. CASH OR TIME. to/us into further humility.This %@‘time thet all partisan feeling and‘ass distinetion should be lost sightlofinourefforttostandshouldertochoulderandhearttoheartinacommoncause.|Miss May Loftin 1s visitingaunt,Mrs.C,Troutman,at Lum-i ber Bridge Robeson county.|“Aunt dane Clodfelter,the agedwidowofthelateDanielClodfelter,jis in feeble health.Mrs.D.I.Trout-man and re J.M.oa remain jvery much indisposed.It‘ing to the friendsoffir.W.A.==|er to now that he has recovered his,Lusual health after an illness of sev-‘val months. |Bethel‘ieee =ton attend:ursday was -ed,his tragic death oowagting morethanordinaryinterest.The grief oftheparents,brothers and sisters washeartrending,and all who.viewedthemutilatedbodyweredeeplyaf-fected.He was a young man who‘was held in high esreem sysoungandoldwhilehewasstill intheflesh,so that all deplore his un-timely death,and the genuine sym-pathy cf several communities O83outtothebereavedintheirbitter orrow.This is the sixth burial at Bethel within a month's time —an unusu- al occurrence at a country cnurch- vard,and a striking reminder that=all ages “Man goeth to his ome.” FOR NATIONAL SERVICE. ‘Work For Men Not Subiect to Draft,and Women,Too. Plans for a great national servicereserve,made up of men not sub-ject to draft into the army,and ofwomen.already approved by theWarDevartment.were submitted to long }the Council of National Defence a‘-.conference of the council with of State defence councils.Members of the reserve would be available for any service they couldperformforthegovernment.Thereservewouldheheadedbyaboardofninenationallyknownmen,whichjwould.operate through a national{committee of members from all theStates.Under the national commit-lcee there would be State and districtjcommittecs,and in Wasshington anermanentheadquarterscommitteejwouldsittocarryonadministrative |work.lInine has been tentatively accepted.‘it was stated,bv former‘Taft.Major General George W.| mer ry of War.|!The purposes of the organization formed by enlisted men,to aid in|reerviting.to work any pri-ivate employer engaged on govern-iment contracts,or on farms,and toaupplythearmyandnavy.Whennotinactiveservice,reserve mem-|ibers could aid in home defence.iThey would be given compensation|for the time spent in government, |service,| |One of the serious problems foc-|jing the government is to utilize theeffortsofthethousancs«| { and extrava-|‘hore failed her | State Governors and representatives Membership on the board of| President| {Goethals and Henry L.Stimson,for-) \as outlined to the Defence Council||would be to furnish any military or!civie service which could not be per-, on>Rownees say suc questions asnatypewriter” effects.Thepassedthe appar-ently failed on the educational qual- ification. TELEGRAPHERS WANTED.|An appeal to men and women| |to take upisuedbythe War rtment,whichannouncesthattheWesternUnionTelegraphCompanyhasagreedtoundertakethetrainin’of 2,500 tele- has beon a | a —= The Statements of Statesville Res-||idents Are Surely More Reliable’ |Than Those of Utter Strangers! 'Home testimony is real proof. Public statements of Statesville! people carry real weight.| What «friend or neighbor says’ compels respect.} The word of one whose home is,‘far away invites your doubts.| .Here’s a Statesville man’s state-| ‘ment. And it’s for Statesville people's |benefit. |uch evidence is convincing. |That's the kind o-proof that jbaeks Doan’s Kidney Pills. A.B.F.Gaither,316 Tradd &t., Statesville,says:“l have taken) Doan’s Kidney Pills off and on for sume time afd have found them to be just the thing to regulate! the action of my kidneys.At times my back feels a little week and 1! have poins across my loins.A few! doses of Doan's Kidney Pills makes me feel better in every way.” Price 50c.,at all dealers.Don’t: simply ask for a kidney remody—get| Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mr.Gaither had.Foster-Milburn) Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y, C.WATKINS for “Bverything to Build With.” Fall Steck—Lowest Prices.Doors,Windows,Ceil-tos ———Boxing,Le Lime,Cement, Planters’Wh.,Statesvillc. ||| ee ee a a a ge en or n a an e m o n e = Flowers ForAllOccasions!| We can always supply youwith the best to be had in Flowers for .A ‘STATESVILA,EVIDENCE.FORSTALLEPEOPLE! The automobile surprise for 1917 is the Max-well—-THE FAMILY CAR.This is theidenticalcar,in every detail,thatestablishedtheworld’s record of 22,022 miles WI TAMOTORSTOP. Itis thecar that recently made anofficialrunof46.5 miles on a single gallon ofTheMaxwellofferssensationalvalue.It’s price is $630 Statesville—the low-“at which a REAL car has ever beensold. You must examine it in detail,ride in it,driveit.Until you do this,vou cannot fully realizeallthattheMaxwelloffers.It takes the caritselftoshowyouthestyle,finish,mechanicalexcellence,and comfort-—giving features thatarebuiltintoit. ED.¢.WHITR MOTOR COMPANY. NEWTON,N.C.STATESVILLE,N.C. _|#|"FOR SALE![a{_‘is .a ee oe -95-aere farm in Cool Spring township,7-room dwelling,|barnandoutbuildinzs;50 acres in cultiva good orchard,in woodland,8 acres in bottom land,meadow. 78 acres,five miles of Statesville,6-room,2-storybarnandoutbuildings;40 acres in cultivation,good orchard,oe .acres in fine bottom land. 200 acres,eight miles of Statesville,75 inacresinmeadowIalancejm»woodland,te dwellings lagestockbarnandoutbuildings,and fine orchard,all 6-room cottage,good well and barn on Boulevard. 4-room cottage on Drake street,lot b7-room dwelling on Lackey street,aT ot and barn,lot75x242,Lot—-56x162-——corner Oak and west Sharpe street.For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER,"Phone 28. Insurance,Stock and Real Estate. One of theRest Ways to Prepare for War is to RaiseaBigCropof Food Stuff. It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineverywayThisBankhasalwaysmadeititsbusinesstofinancetheFarmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist in every way possible, Farm products of all kinds are bringing highprices,and the indications are that they will con-tinue high for several years at least,so it’s veryevidentthatthefarmerwhoproducesBIGcropswillbeontop. If we can serve you,come in stated above,we are ready,andineverywaypossible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” and see us,aswillingtoassist ee eer lisesi OS ee eae THE STATESVILLE __ REALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANYpresattaheSSeOurofficeisanopenone,and weinvite ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecometousethesamewhentheysodesire.As inpast,wewillstriveto the same IGH GRADE SERVH —e 200 Oe—for Ic Pay us the regular price for any item here advertised and we will : sell you another of the samekindfor ONE CENT. Opeko Breakfast Coffee l Pound of Ic7Coffeefor4surprisien ofMild ¢Coffee.The Acme of Perfection. Standard Price One 38Pound SaleTwoHeuats 39¢ 25c.Blackberry Cordial ....2 25ce.Carbolic Salve 15e,Cathartic Pills 2 for 16c. 25¢.Charcoal Tablets 2 for 26c. 50c.Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 2 for 5le. .Cleaning Fluid .. .Corn Solvent .Cream of Almonds ... .Foot Powder .Grippe Pills .Healing Salve 2 for 26c. .Kidney Pills 2 for 5lec. $1 Kidney Remedy .......2 for $1.01 25c.Little Liver Pills ......2 for 26c. 25ce.Mentholine Balm 2 for 26c. 25c.Rexall Tooth Paste ....2 for 26c. 10c.Soda Mint Tablets ....2 for llc. $1 Syrup Hypophosphites 92 for $1.01 25c.White Liniment .......2 for 26c. $1 Wine Cod Liver Extract 2 for $1.01 25c.Witch Hazel Shaving Lo- 2 for 26c. Thursday,Friday,Saturday,May 10-11-12 Purpose tisin n.The Company and something be- sides,in order inl larger distribution of its wae products,and you get the benefit. caltnes of Excellence Standard Price ThisSale HalfPound39,TwoPacketfor !TANGARA FABRIC STATIONERY.ST ATIONERY. A white fabrie-finish writ-|Se,Pen or Pencil Clingpaperwithanarrow|co Cork GriptintedborderonbothPe|40c Tangara FabricPapete-.ries BOUQUET JEANICE TALCUM Is one of extreme fineness and deli- cate fragrance.It brings to you the combined odors of the tuberose, the violet,the heliotrope,the gera- nium,the jasmine and other choice flowers,all of which are delightful-ly oo in Bouquet Jeanice Tal- Tee 2 Cans 5c Rubber Goods and Household Needs. $1.50 American Beauty Hot Water Bot-10e.Lozenges,Sulphur and Cream of Tar-tle 2 for $1.51 tar$1.39 Flo-Fast Fountain Syringe ....2 for $1.40 a 25c.Stork Nursers .............006-2 for 26c.Dhe. Stork Nipples =....5..5.5020.2 for 6c.15e. Ear and Uleer Syringe ..........2 for 26c.T5e. Flannel Water Bottle Covers ....2 for 26 ba Sunshine Rubber Gloves ........2 for 36e). Priscilla Bathing Caps ..2 for 36e. for 26c. per and envelopes.The envelopeanewcutandthepaperregularcorres- ccaunes size. comes in assorted colors.Standard ThisPriceSale Sox hoxes 41c. This .2 for Ge.ie.DozenSteel Pens ....2 doz.,lle. Toilet Goods. 50c.Violet Dulce Complexion Powder 50c.Bouquet Jeanice Talcum Powder50c.Violet Dulce Cold Cream 2 for 5lec.50c.Violet DulceVanishing Cream25c.Violet Shampoo Crys- tals -.Violet Dulce Taleum Pow- er o . 75ce.Harmony Toilet Water .2 for 76c.50e.Harmony Extract Per-fumes 25e.Beuti Face Powder .... 25c.Cold Cream 15c.Violet Talcum26e.Powder Puff 19c.Tar Shampoo Soap . 25c.Medicated Skin Soap . 10¢c.Violet Cream Toilet Soap 2 for ile.10e.Rexall Toilet Soap ....2 for llc. 25e.Violet Brut ToiletSoap .2 for 26c.50c.Harmony Shampoo ....2 for Sle. American Beauty WaterBottle Full 2-quart capacity, heavy gauge,all-rubber red water bottle.One that is guaranteed for one year,or your money back. StandardPrice pote $1.00 patties $l .2 for 26c. 2 for 26c. 2 for 26c. Symonds Inn Vanilla Symonds Inn Lemon Symonds Inn Beef Cubes Nasal Douche 2 for 16e. Hair Brush,11 rows Mixed Bristles22 for 76e. Hair Brush,11 rows White Bristles 2 for 76c. Rat and Roach Paste 25c.Red Cedar Compound 25c.Rexall Shaving Cream FENWAY =CHOCOLATES. Contains an assortment of 44 pieces,consisting of Nou- entines,Nut Pieeds,Cara- mels,Sutter Scotch and Creams.It's a high-class value in every particular. Stondard ThisPriceSaleTwoONE65c.Tous POUND sortment of Jelly Gum-Drops 5e. 25c. 25¢. 35e. 35e. Metropolitan Magazine. THE LIVEST MAGAZINE IN AMERICA! Metropolitan is vital,sincere —a_creation sane,forward-looking brains. BRET HARTE’S NOVELS! jret Harte as a writer needs no introduction. His stories of frontier life are real human inter- pretations. Standard Price The of (Four Volumes). Idlehour Sweets,a select assToastedMa‘fshmallows,Jordan Almonds,WrappedHoneyNougatandWrappedCaramels,in a handsome This Sale 1 1-4-Ib.box.One box,50e. 50c.Ib.Guth’s De Luxe Caramels 60c.lb.Peerage Chocolates be.Liggett’s Chewing Gum...............+-2 Two boxes,5le. Ibs.,5le. Ble. for Ge. for 6c. €2.00 arte,4 volumes 2.00 mec cpeliar 1 year,Bret I Both -$2.01 Be.__Ligwettts Mints Be aN cir eice Coc e o 2for THE FOURTEENTHANNIVERSARY STORE OF QUALITY#*_—MAY 10-11-12,1917. STATESVILLE DRUGUc'CoMPANY. THE REXALL A perfect dentifrice,anti- septic and deodorant. Cleans and whitens theteeth.Comes out flat on thebrush. StandardPrice One)tae 20C This ThisSaleSale ae meena te ~ TUS LANDMARKTUESDAY,---May8 1917 ~PICTUREFOR THE SCHOOL.— The local chapter of the ChildrenoftheConfederacy,through thecourtesyofMrs.Sig.Wallace,pre-sented the Davie avenue gradedschoolwithahandsomepicturerep- resenting the last meeting ofandJackson.Miss Elizabeth Braw- ley,leader of the Children’s Chap-ter,made the speech of presenta-tion and Master J.H.Hall express-ed the school’s appreciation of theft.Supt.D.Matt.Thompson a brief speech appropriate tooccasion. WILL GO TOMONROE. W.R.Wiggs,who has been the Crawford -Bunch under- establishment during the ee com!1years,will leave nentyforMonroe,where he wtakeworkasundertakerwiththe.T.P.Dillon undertaking estabiishment.the Cratord,—&workTa:companyWiggs’departure.Mr.move-family to Mon-roe at an early date. Mr. P,Mr.with THE DISTRICT MEETING _Of Juniors in Statesville Week. A meeting of the sixteenth North Carolina District of the Junior Or- der of the United American Me- chanics was held in Statesville Thursday =night This district is composed of Iredell,Alexander and Lineoln counties.All the counties except Lincoln were represented. The meeting heard the regular re-ports from the delegates,which in- dieated a fine and growing condition of the order in the d@istr:c:Owing to previous engagements, Past Councilor W.A.Cooper of Ral- eigh,Past Councilor Chas.F.Alex-ander of Charlotte and National Councilor C.B.Webb of Washing- ton were unable to take their places on the programme.Addresses weremadebyMr.Osborne Brown and others.The leading address wasmadebyRev.L.D.Thompson,pas-ter of Broad Street Methodistchurch.Mr.C.M.Adams was sec- retary of the meeting.Mr.Z.V. Lone was designated to draw up aresolutionpassedbythemectingpledgingenthusiasticsupporttothegovernment.resolution fol- Last we:Rn ny .oO UA.bornto championthe causeofSTemesPac?ant ben cont pumlutelystoodfor‘An UndilutedAmericanism’;and whereas ourgreat,country a Bee ae now,thatwe the rembe:2 this the sitecnihdn Petes Te telMale all those charged with the adminie-|tration of our public affairs,nledge to our government throughhimourmostenthusiastic,deter-mined and loyal support. “We respectfully —cail representatives of thestandwithdeathless devotion for the cavse of our country in thistragicandunavoidablecrisishasovertakenus,to the end thatearlyandcompletevictoriesmaybe perched upon our standard.“Be it further resolved,thatsecretaryofthismeetingwill for-ward a copy of these resojutions toallourRepresentativesin—_and that the same shall be priirtheloealpapers.” upon all people to Livery Building Remodeled, The livery stable building onBroadstreet,owned y Judgeand“ge F.A.Sherrill,and oebyMr.C.D.Moore,is being raeeled.The Iredell Feed ae aMr.Moore has been managingtheoppositesideofthestree'be moved into the stable bujTherearofthebuildin«will berangedforkeepingtietnorsesthefrontportionwillbeconvertedintoafeedstore.Mr.Moore @x-;—to have his establishment mov-and ready for business in the new.pall.by¢the lst of June. “COUNNTY MAP.Mr.H.R.Kinney of LexingtoninStatesville recentlyoa the .! Alumnae Luncheon. An Alumnae Luncheon,instead of _banquet originally planned,willservedatMitchellcollege a May 14th,principal speakers of will be theLaura er ofGreensboro,and Dr.JamesofWestbrookSanatorium,mond,who willredell Mon- at 130 p.m.The the occasion alumnae orator,Miss Hill Coite,secretary-treasur-the State Normal ColteseK.HallRich- toast, Educator, to theCounty’s First Dr.James Hall.”Miss toastmisiress,|pleasing and a er padentsand Carrie Hoffmann will act asandmanytoasts,nortooidstu- friends of the college,given.The alumnae have‘gent invitations to all the ministers which ‘time plans libra*ment and betterandthenFund”will be nee |“Pumpkins in May. The pumpkins is a fall crop and,we usually think of pamiine pies atThanksgiving—“when the frost is’on the pumpkin.”Kut you can have.pumpkin pies in May.The Land-.mark has received from a_thrifty,housewife,one who looks well to theways<her song the half of aumpkin,as nice an _S it was at Thanksgiving.This ladykeptpumpkinsthroughthewintersimplybyexercisingalittlecare. She put them in an unused room,—pe Oe would neither get too hotid,If the weather ~~Sex- tra cold the pumpkins werecoveredLotsoffoodproductsweletgotewastemaybepreservedbytandcare—things we willvetolearnthisyenr. CLUB GOVERNORS ORGANIZE. nor of the “Commercah ea,Bat SUMMER SC UniversityofN.CCHAPELHILL.N.C. June 12 to July 27 (Write for complete announce-ment). ABLE FACULTYCOMPLETECURRICULUM MODERATE RATES CREDIT COURSESDELIGHTFULENVIRONMENT |EXCURSION RATE TICKETS Adoo|now being detained at Ellis I application.Theidasfollows:June 28,18uly30,20 per cent.;Au- per cent.,and August 30, be dated June 15July1,the date previous-ted,and interest will beji-annually on June 15r15,classes ofbeissued,coupon andThelowestdenomina-bonds will be $100,denominations being $500,$1,- 000.Coupon »payable tobearer,will be issued in denomina-tions of $50,$100,$500 and $1,000.The present offering will be lim-ited to $2,000,000,000 and no allot-ments will be made in excess of thatamount.Subscriptions may be madeuptoJune15unlesstheSecretarychoosestoclosethebooksearlier.The bonds are already over-subscrib-ed and how the allotments are to be Conferees on the select draft bill reached an agreement yesterday and Measure was reported back tothetwohousesforconfirmationim-mediately.The so-called Roosevelt amend-ment,put in by the Senate,permit- ting the colonel to rafse four divis-ions for France,was eliminatedfromthebill,as was that authoriz- ing three regiments for border pa- The conferees made the rege limit 21 to 30 years in place of the 21 to27limitintheSenatebilland21to40intheHousemeasure. The Senate amendment prohibit- ing the the sale of liquor at armycampsandprotectingthemoralsofsoldierswasretained. Training ~~Camp AssemblyDelayed. Orders for the assembling of the men who had passed the entrance examination for admission te theofficers’training camp at Fort Ole- thorpe,were rescinded Tuesday andsofarnoexplanationhasbeengiv- en.The many young men who ex- pected to go to the camp this week are waiting for orders.More than 200,000 men ---five times as many as can be accommo- dated —applied for admission to the 16 offcers’training camps. About 60,000 have been certified asqualifiedforadmission,and from these 40,000 will t+selected and wlaced under intensive instructionTtispossiblethatthecrushforad- mission resulted in the delay. Fired at Submarire. An armed American Line steam- ship which reached New York Wed- nesday night from a European port,reported that ‘her gun crew fired six shots at a German submarine off thecoastofIrelandMay2.The under- sea boat immediately su>merged anditwasimpossibletodeterminewhetheranyoftheshotstookeffect. The periscope of the submarine was sighted about 6 o'clock that af-ternoon and the American vessel im-mediately swung around to affordthegunnersanoppor:unity for ac- curate aim.The undersea craft dis-appeared simultaneously with the firing of the first shot,it was said,and did not reappear.The Ameri-ean ship then put on full speed andedonhercourse. FORAKER DEAD. Joseph Benson Foraker,former United States Senator trom Ohio,|died at his home in Cincinnati yes-| terday.aged 70.He had heen in}poor health since his retirement| from the Senate in 1909.Mr.Fora ker was twice elected and likewis tice defeated for Governor of Ohio He served two terms in the Unite! States Senate.| WHOLESALE SLAUGHTFR. Frank Miller,a young farmerlivingnearElkton,Ky..killed hisfather,his mother.brother,and hiswife,a bride of three months,and|then ended his life by hanging.He} was supposed to have been driven to! the act by brooding over the war. PRESBYTERY. The First Presbvtery of the Asso-|ciate Reformed Church,in session)in Charlotte this week,will hold its,next meeting at Sharon,8.C.Rey,'B.G.Pressly,pastor of Sfyrna_and|H Grove churches,in South|Carolina,was elected moderator. BOND ISSUE FAILED. A road bond issue of $250,000wasdefeatedinCaldwellcountyTuesdayby87votes. Mr.and Mrs.FE.G.Gaither,whooeSeatHotelIredellsince,marriage last winter,havemovedtotheirhomeonnorthCen-ter street. oe = STATESVILLE,N.©.FRIDAY,MAY 11,1917. Interned German Prisoners toWesternNorthCarolina. More than 3,000 interned N.Y.,will be transferred to a deten-tion camp at Lake nearHendersonville,says the ingtoncorrespondentofthesboroNews.The first consignment of theGermanswillbestartedfromNewYorksometimethisweekandotherswillfollowasrapidlyascanbetakencareofbytherai.It isprobablethatmorecampswillbees-tablished in the wescern part of theState.The excellent climate in themountainsofNorthCawoncamp.Secretary of Labor WilsonsayshisassistantsvisitedNewEng-land,New York and North Carolina,and easily decided that the climateofNorthCarolinaisthebestinthecountryandthereforetheGermanswillbeplacedattheLake,wheretheywillbeaffordedexeellentop-portunities for work and recreation.The Secretary made it known that itistheintentionofthegovernmenttoputtheGermanprisonerstowork.They will be used to cultivatethe500ormoreacresoflandwhichthegovernmenthas_rented for theeampandotherswillbehiredoutforfarming,road building and lum-bering,Prevailing wage seales willbepaidthemenfortheworkthusperformed,from which the cost of their keep will be deducted and anybalancepaidtothemontheirdis- charge. To this camp will be assigned the1,800 officers and men from the Ger- man interned ships,who have beentemporarilyheldatEllisIsland,Boston,Philadelphia and New Or-leans.In addition there are approx- imately 1,200 individuals who areheingheldattheimmigration_sta- tions who must be cared for.These are alien enemies,alien neutrals andalienallieswhohavecometothiscountrythroughtheregularchan- nels of immigration,but are inad- misible under our laws. In establishing these interned per-sors in eamps a_policy of segrega-tion will be pursued.Alien enemies will be separated into one class; alien neutrals and alien allies into asecondclass,and aliens who have heen found on examination to be feeble-minded,into a third class.It will fall to the immigration burean to provide for the internment of all alien enemies whom it fs not deemed necessary to intern as military pris- oners.As a result alien enemies res- ident in this country,whom the De- partment of Justice deems it advis- thle to restrain,bur against whom immediate prosecutions are not brought,will go into the camps es- tablished by this department.To enre for these several classes of in- dividuals will probably make addi- ional camps necessary. Wednesday Congressman Webb requested Secretary Wilson to hold up the transfer ofthe Germans to Lake Kanuga,on a telegram from Geo.Stephens of Charlotte,one of the owners of the property.It is understood,however,that the Secre-tary has a contract and will ahead with the transfer. vox Young Men For the Army. Messrs.Jack and Frank Wallace, Tom and Alan Anderson are spending the time with their parents while waiting on the call to Fort Orlethorpe. Mr.Quiney S.Mills,native of Statesville,now in New York,will enter the officers’training camp at Plattsburgh.Mr.M.PD.Coiner,sonefMr.and Mrs.D.M.Coiner of Statesville,who is now in Atlanta, has made application to enter theFortOglethorpecampMr.H.G.Baity of HarmonyamongtheseniorsattheUniversi- ty who were graduated withoutpassingexaminations,and who will enter Fort Oglethorpe officer's train-ing camp.Mr.Baity is spending afewdayswithhisparentswhile waiting for orders te go to FortOglethorpe.Mr.Roy Gwaltney,|son of Rev.L.P.Gwaltney of Stony| Point,also a member of the senior class at’the University,will go to} Fort Oglethorpe.|Dr.Jay A.MeCtellan,son of Mra.| Mary McClellan of Statesville,who| is first assistant in theStateHospital,at Wilmington,Del.,|will arrive here tomorrow to spend| few days.Ina few weeks Dr.Me Clellan will sail with the Red Cross for the battlefields of Europe Bids Rejected—Will 1s Build |Buffalo Shoals Bridge.i At the joint meeting of the com- missioners of Catawba and Iredell counties,in Statesville Wednesday,all bids for construction of bridges across the Catawba between the two covn-|ties were rejected.Three bids were|submitted for the Island Ford bridge,|the lowest being over $57,000 and the|highest over $80,000.t was decided to rebuild the Buf-|falo Shoals bridge ac once by aid of|the State Highway Oormiission,which |will contribute $10,000 of the cost.!Conerete viers will be built and os! much of the steel of the formerbridgeasmayberéclaimedwillbe| ructure.Bids will be asked for a concretefoundationforalow-water bridge atislandFord. 1 «Delaware | CAUGHT FAKE Landed in Jail. C.W.Williams,alias C.P.Jehn-son,alias Miller,the man whe had been in Alexander county represent-ing himself as an agent i rrofTheLandmark,and who 80-licited and e¢ollected 8forTheLandmarkandytherpapers,was arrested vmorningandlodgedinIredellI,The arm of the law,byDeputySheriffSankeyGaither.ofnorthTredell,reached out andthefakirintowatHudsononHuntingcreek,just after hebegunoperationsinDaviecounty.When told whet the charge wasagainsthimhesuid:“Well,if I'vecollectedanymoneyandTheLand-mark gets the money and the peo-ple get the paper,it will be allright.” town byillerwasbrourhttoDeputySheriffGaitherandMessrs.D.H.Powell and Boone Turner.Sofarascouldbeascertained,he hadcollectednomoneyinIredell,buthadsolicitedbusiness.He s+ner,or a night’s lodging,at .W.:ro in mee Mills —P, or whie e@ agreed to yv cenisinasubscriptiontoThsLonduark. Some of the north Iredell peopleweresuspiciousofthemanandno-tifled The Landmark of his presenc €in the county early ‘Tu morn-ing.ping Ss he sa and that The ndmark had arewardof$50 for his arrest,withevidencetoconvict,Deputy SheriffGaithergotbusyandsoonhadhimunderarrest.As the man had col-lected money for The Landmark sub- scriptions from two or more personsinAlexander,he was taken to Tay-lorsvitle jail Wednesday by SheriffAdamsandapreliminaryhearingofthechargeagainsthimwilltakeplaceatTaylorsvilletoday. Williams,alias Miller,operated in\lexander county the latter part of\pril,where he offeredrressiveFarmer,The Latidmark andCountryGentlemanallfor$2 for a year’s subscription.He collectedsubscriptionsfromMr.E.E.Poole,Mr.J.L.Childers and probably oth-ers.He told these people his namewasC.W.Williams and that hehadbeenwithThe2years.At another intsamecountyheisalleged to have represented himself as an agent ind old employe of the Charlotte Observer,giving the name of (.P. Johnson.Whether he actually col-‘ected a subseription for the Observ- er is not known.The LandmarkfirstheardofWilliams,alias Miller,last Friday night.At that time hewassupposedtohavegoneinto Wilkes county and the sheriff ofWilkeswasnotified.He was next heard of,as stated,in north Ire- fell,going under the name of Miller.Hle made the mistake of getting too near Statesville.Ju.t before hiresthehadgoneintoDaviecounty,where it is understood he had co!-fected a 50c.subseription for The Landmark from L.L.Beck. This fellow is evidently an oldhandatthefakesubscriptiongame When arrested he had in his posses on copies of the Charlotte Obsern er,Progressive Farmer and UnionRepublican;a blank receipt book with stubs showing the names of many people from whom he hadprobablytakensubscriptions:anexpenseaccount;a memorandum containing quite an extensive mai! ing list,the only names in this sec- tion being residents of Alexander Davie and Iredell;a stamp dating outfit;a package of blank checks on various bank Winston -Salem and Favetteville among others,th: checks being wrapped in a separate vackage;a map,evidently take: from some publication,showing |! electric lines in the State;two pair<scissors,a pocketknife and about *1" cash.The man is apparent!»50 years oldy his moustache |x tinged with gray,and is a stranserinthissection.So far as known,none of the people with whom hy ime in contact ever seen himbefore.The fake subseription s0)i: iors are common.They frequent work the towns for magazine «:! riptions.This is,so far asknows,the first time The Landma has been used bv one of them :this paper determined to stop t vume,if possible,so far as it i:sroed.To this end it offered ard of $50 for his arrest an!« rloyed an attorney to prosecute h' The Landmark as no.traveliwentsanddoesnotclubwithoth pers.It is sold strictly for $2 peveer. Sheriff's Tax Sales. Sheriff Alexander gives notice tha by order of the county commissione tax delinquents will be advertin« June lst;and the folks can take i from The Landmark that the sher:fwillplaynofavoritesintheadvert'«ing.Every real estate owner whoretaxesareunpaidJuneIstwillbeadvertiged.has no right |diseriminate and he is going to treateverybodyalike,which is the only wo) i jused,The remainder will be of tem-!to do,and for which the sheriff ("az s serves commendation. DR.HALL,A WITNESS. .James K.of Richm« Vawa.DrAasiantant iat!« expert ki he had to go”!he war conseri APPEAL FOR VOLUNTEERS Major Urges Young Men te in Local Com.pany. orrespondence of The Landmark Young man,don’t be a Conscript. Did you ever notice the difference n feeling you have for the soldier who voluntarily went to the front intheCivilWarandtheonewhowasforcedtogo?man who wasforeedtogomayhavefinallydonehisfulldutyanddevelopedintoarealhere,but 4 down in rheartyouhavethisfeeling,“Well, You have a feeting fortheVolunteer.Back of every blood- march,tag a chantetenae eapeeeh,march,every tr r squeeze,was a patriotic heart an,thoughoverpowered,could never be con- juered.The heavy hand of a Con-script officer had never been laid onaisshoulder,but a hand more pow-erful and with a touch as light as awoman's,had reached and ayeduvonhisheartstringsamedleyof“Home,Sweet Home”and “Dixie.”Men of this calibre are iike the “OldGuard”of Napoleon—they die butneversurrender. Our country has again asked itsyoungmenthequestion,Will you be1VolunteeroraConscript?member,if you decide to be a Con-script,there will be no long monthsofwaitinguntiltheVolunteerhassmoothedtheroughplacesforyourtenderfeet.You will be placedrightinthefrontline,but you willothroughlifeunderthehandicap~he was a Conseript.Our country needs over 500,000mentofilltheranksoftheNational Guard.Your own home company,the “Iredell Blues,”needs over 75.Won't you help fill the ranks of acompanywhichhasbeeninexist-ence over 75 years and has answeredeverycallofourcountryduring that time—a comjuringtheCivilWar bore the namesofasbravesoldiersastheworldhasverknown.Won't you come andgowiththem?You will behomehoysandunderofficers of ex-perience who will take care of youandtreatyouright.Under our State laws,the Gov-ernor has the right to conscript menbetweentheagesof18andtofill;anks of the National Guard.e i made the statement that heintendsdoingthisifvolunteersare“ot available when the call is made by the President.You have only afewdaysinwhichtodecide,as this company will leave soon for the mo-bilization camp.Don’t be a Con- seript.R.L.FLANIGAN,Major First N.C.Infantry. Exhjbit of Colored School Children. The children of the colored grad- sd school had on exhibit yesterday aftérnoon and last night at the col- ored M.F.church on south Centerstreet,the work ov the differentgradesduringtheschoolyear.Thedisplaywascomposed=of handiwork of the pupils,work being shown from each grade from first to eighth.Especially worthy of mention was 2 quantity of wood-work,small tables,e«:nall chairs, little beds,chicken coop and otherthingsmadebythechildrenfrom ‘igar boxes.A quantity of neatly- made fancy work was shown.Theexhibitofferedbythedomesticsciencedepartmentoftheschool was good. The Cannery. The local Merchants’Associationispushingthecanne:y propositionforStatesville,but the first difficul-tv which must be overcome is a sup-sly of cans.If they can’t get cans— and the outlook ign't promising now~the cannery will be off for thisseason,but they haven't given uptryingandmayyetsueceed,Blanks were sent to 400 farmers who were requested to say what they would do in the way of grow- ing beans and tomatoes if a cannery was established in Statesville.Up tovesterdayjustoneofthe400ad- lressed had answerec.tis answer was favorable.A plentiful supply of ean and tomato seed is assured Two Aviators Killed. Vietor Carlstrom,one of the fore- most aviators in America,and Ca- rey B.Epec,an army aviator stu- dent,were killed at Newport News, Va.,Wednesday,when an aeroplanecrumpledinmidairandfell3,500 feet.Both bodies were badly mang-led and the machine was smashed.Young Epes,who restened from aNewportNewsbanklastweektoenterthearmyaviationcorps,wasmhisfirstflight.He and Carls- trom,who was regarded as the pre-mier instructor at the AtlanticCoastaeronauticalstation,ascend- about noon and rose rapidly to 8,500 feet,while hundreds ofpersonswatchedtheflightfromdif-ferent parts of the city. Death of Mrs.Holland. The body of Mrs,eo ery Hol-land,who died at her home nearCharlotteFoceday,brGeeBovewhere oe ot the wifee,wastthewatom2Gotland,who wasedatSnowCreek.Mrs.—is\daughters,Mrs,Em-es nel O and Mra,ElleofNene.Bothdau ny whose roster|f with|5 THE LIBRARY TAX VOTED. Municipal Officers Elected—Statesville to Have Public Library.In the town election Tuesday Mr.'..B.Bristol was elected mayor overMr.James Mott by a majority of877andamajorityvoteof210waseivenfortheCarnegielibrary.N,1D).Tomlin and T.N.McElwee wereelectedaldermeninfirstward,J.F.Cariton and G.E.French in secondward,W.A.Evans and H.O.Steeleinthirdward,J.G.Shelton and J,A.Brady in fourth ward.J.PF.Bowles and Wm.Morrison wereelectedmembersoftheGradedSchoolboard.Bristol received 406 votes,Mott29.For li 302 votes were cast,92 against.Vote by wards follows:First ward—Bristol 81,Mott 6,for mayor;Tomlin and McElwee 86achforBowles838andMorrison82forlboard;72 forlibraryand14Secondward— 208,18;Evans 196 and Steele 201 fordermen;Bowles 17:and Morrison175;134 for library and 61 —Fourth ward —Bristol 67,Mott 3;Shelton and Brady 71 each for alder.men;Bowles and Morrison 70 each54forlibraryand7against.The Democraticittee,of Messrs.C.S.Tomlin,A.E.Welborne,W.A.Moose and Jno.W.Guy,met andelectedMr.J.H.Hoffmann chair- man, The newly-elected city officersneettonighttotaketheoathofof-fice and organize. Takethe Steeleel For Ships. gramme to Sele the seeinmenacewillcall construc! The administration hasbillsforintroductioninandhopestogetthemunder sosromptlythatthefirstsingyperationsmaybeinmotionwithintwoweeks.Co-operation of laboralreadyhasbeenpledged.Among exceptions to the generalcancellationsofprivatecontractswithsteelmillswillbethoseof railroads.Steel milis,it is contem- plated,will be permitted to supply‘hem with the minimum amount ofsteelproductswithwhichtherail-roads can get along. An Interesting Report. executive , a f a e ff F eH a7 F i 2 si n g e a3 ii; Persistent rumors of German sub-|tomarinesintheSouthAtlanticweregivenadditionalecolorafewdwago,says a Washington dispatch,when it was disclosed that the gov- ernment is investiwating a rtthatfreightersoftheAmericanTrans-Atlantie Company,flying theAmericanflag,have carried sup- lies to sea for U-hboats. Officials would not go into detailsbutitwasassumed rempting the investigation proba-‘lv came from members of the crewofthesteamerManitowte,quovedindispatchesfromPortoRicoaschargingthattheManitowocandotherTrans-Atlantic Company ves- sels had trans-shipped to German cubmarines at sea quantities of food and fuel smuggled out of New York, Scientists and the U-Boat. Hope is brightening that Americaninventivegeniushasfoundtheroadthatmavleadtofreedomofthe seas from German submarines.Prom-inent naval officials and members of|visit his half- ..A little later - nephew,he aleyWon,the Confederate the report|7 celebration.——<—eenritatienimnnane cae ae Guan atCapt.Hen A.on.native of Ire- federateChattadellandConintownyesfor theexercises.,toofUnion trustee. beentoR, Seminary,of which he is ©menecement went to M last the naval consulting board were in|Jones,and will go on conference this week at the home ofSecretaryDanielsinWashington. “They believe they are on the right-oad,”Mr.Daniels said.“They be-lieve they are going to turn outsomethingthatisworthwhile.There will be more experiments.Further then that I do not care to say.”Thomas A.Edison.was not pres-ent,but it was stated that Mr.Edi- bers is devoted togatodayortomorn Capt is always aTredell.and people and hecomevisitorto DOCTOR WON .In Catawba 8tonthisweekThornburgbyhis fburg,vs.Dr,J.P. New-case.M.of con is at work on a different line of|lotte,was decided in favor ofinvestigation,the nature of which was not stated.: tT L AasTHE a,osepeopleyhaveplanmorefoodstuffsthanusualinour neighborhood,said Mr.R.R.Hill of Sharpesburg,in town this week.But the great trouble,continued Mr. Hill,is the scarcity of labor.So|many young men reared in the coun-|Allcolored|pils f S$try have left the farms andlaborisscarce.But the farmers‘wenerally appreciate the situationandaredoingwhattheycantopro-vide more foodstuffs. ENGINEER CLINE. | j| —..H,F.tong and ‘omy of Statesville expertwitnessesinthecasefortheSeloten,The Thornburga sued Dr.who is a Taylorsvilleamy,Be damaves,alleging thathadleft«stitch following an tion. ALUMNAE LUNCHEON.resident andf now VOLpresentattheWiis ,today,cient of covers p=rot aersJ.8,bi ‘ n :od —oe ee oe mr ee ol ‘ ~-i e l in every city is to k in his cap;and every r and every free delivery to be a bureau of informa- the terms of the issue.In McAdoo has un- Shortage in Winter Wheat. the face of a threatened world shortage,the American winter crop shows the lowest condi- recorded since 1888 and prom- a smaller yield than any other 1904.The crop,planted last on one of the largest acre- sewn to that grain,met several important produc- from severe winter con- nd now promises a harvest 116,000 bushels this year. the estimate .theXrgoon Department of Agriculture,on the condition of the crop May 1 as reported by the thousands of agents throughout the grain belt.A month ago a crop of 430,000,000 bushels was forecast.Production last year was 481,744,000 bushels and in 1915 it was 673,947,000 bushels.May 1 the area of winter wheat to be har- vested was about 27.653,000 acres, compared with 40,090,000 acres sown last autumn and 34,829,000 acres harvested last year. The condition of the crop on May 1 was 73.2 per cent.of a normal compared with 63.4 en April 1,82.4 May 1 last year and 88.6,the av- of the last ten years on May ay =e on erage 2 seeeeeeeleeenmmnmmmmmal German Ships Taken Over. The resolution authorizing the Presidegt to put into service ves- eels of oa in American poris, has been adopted by both houses of Congress.The measure gives legal sanction to the administration's plan at utilizing the 96 war-bound Ger- “man merchantmen as government vessels and putting them into the trans-Atlantic trade as part of the t commercial ficet relied on to k the U-boat blockade.Confi- dent that this would be done,work of repairing the damage done to ships by German crews was already un- der way and a few of the ships had been actually put into service. Two of the vessels taken over will bear the names of Germans who fought with the Continental army_in the American war for liberty.Sec- retary Daniels announces that the Kronzprinz Withe!m will he renamed the Baron von Steuben and the Prinz Eotel Friedrich the Baron De Kalb. ESTNT Vawter Acquitted. At Christiansburg.Va.,Chas.E. Vawter,former professor of physics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute,at Blacksburg,Va.,was declared not ilty of the murder of Stockton eth,Jr..sportsman and_society man,who was found fatally wound- ed in the upper hallway of the Vaw- ter home early on the morning ofMarch13last.Vawter killed Heth for alleged violation of the sanctityofhishome.It came out in the evi-dence that Mr.and Mrs.Vawter andHethdrankliquorandptayedcards together;that Vawter knew of the intimacy between his wife and Heth; that he wrote a letter to Heth aboutitandagreedtopassitup,at thesametimeaskingHethtopayaliq-uor bill for him,which Heth did.The ry took but one ballot.A mem- r said that either the unwrittenlaworself-defence would haveClearedVawter. Field Ambulances Wanted. North Carolina has been asked toraisesevenfieldambulancesand14 drivers for service with the allied ar-mies in France.Rev.Francis B.Boy-er,rector of All Souls’church,Bilt-more,who served two years as a driv-erofan ambulance in France,hasaskedtotakechargeoftheworkraisingtheunitfromthisState.According to the plans ambulanceswillbeaskedofTryon,Hickory,Char-lotte,Salisburv.New Serne and Wil-and two men will be asked tovolunteerfromeachoftheseplacestodrivethemachines.The unit will besentforimmediateserviceinFrance. The Submarine Toll. ty-four merchant vessels of 1,600 tons each were sunkthelastweek,it is announc-in London.Twenty-twooflessthan1,600 tons andfishingveeselsalsoweresunk.official statement eny::“British merchantmen over 1,600 hatonssunk,includingfivenotreport-viously,24;under 1,600 tons, The income tax increases,ap-spec plying to both personal and corpora- tion incomes,are desizned to produce $533,000,000,more than the present Most of the new revenue will come |; from the income,excess profits and inheritance taxes and additional tar- iff duties,but the levies of the bill would reach into many other sources. Letter mail rates will be increased from 2 to 8 cents an ounce and pos- tal cards from 1 to 2.cents while $19,000,000 would be added to charges against newnapers under 2 new sys- tem based upon the present parcel post zones.Internal revenue taxes upon liquer and tobacco would be materially increased and there would be taxes upon amusements and stamp taxes of wide scope. The war income tax section would double the present normal tax of 2 per cent on individual and 8 per cent on corporations.It would lower the exemption of individual incomes from $4,000 to $2,000 in the cases of married persons and from $3,000 to $1,000 for the unmarried.In ad- dition,beginning with incomes of $5,000,graduated super-taxes would be imposed in addition to the normal 4 per cent,bring up to 33 per cent on all incomes over half a million dollars a year.In addition to the inheritance tax now in force the bill imposes a tax equal to the following percentages of its value upon the transfer of each net estate.One-half of 1 per cenr of the amount not in excess of %50,000; 1 per cent between $50,000 and $150,- 000,and on up to 15 per cent for $15,000,000 and over.The exemn- tion is lowered from $50,000 to $25,- 000 and 2 new tax of 1 per cent levied on estates between $25,000 and 350,-000.The bill proposes to bring in $200,000.000 by doubling the present 8 per cent tax on excess pronts.Liquor Tax. On distilled spirits the present . of $1.10 per gallon is doubled to the rectifiers’tax,15 cents a gallon is added and fermented liquors are as- sessed $2.75 per barrel instead of $1.50.Tobacco tax is doubled except as to cigars,which sre graduated from 50 cents to $10 a thousand,ac- cording to retail value.Cigarettes made in or imported into the United States would be taxed an additional $1.25 per thousand if weighing less than three pounds per thousand,and$3.60 per thousand if more than three pounds. After Newspapers. Newspapers would be required to pay 5 per cent on all advertising collections.The second-class post- age section says. “After June 1,next,the zone sys- tem applicable to parcel post shallapplytosecond-class mail matter, with of postage 2 cents a pound or fraction,when for celiv- ery within first or second zones:4 cer within fourth or fifth,5 cents within sixth or seventh,6 cents for lelivery within the eighth zone.It is provided that postage on dailynewspapers,when deposited in a let- ter carrier office for delivery by its carriers,shall be the same as at present.Copies now entitled to free virculation in the mails within the county of publication shail retain that privilege and the Postmaster Genera! may require publishers to separate fer zones in mailing.Newspapers mailed to subscribera from an office vther than that of publication shal! pay the same rate as if mailed from its office.Religious,educational,ag-ricultural,labor or fraternal publica- tions,issued without profit,shall pay 1 1-2 cents per pound,irrespective of zones. rates New Taxes. New taxes proposed in the bill in- clude:Insurance life policies,8c. on each $100 or fraction,except in-lustrial or weekly plans,which aretaxed40percentofthefirstweekly premium,marine,iniand and fire,1 cent on each dollar or fraction of the premium charged;casualty,1 centforeachdollarofpremium.Rein-surance and purely co-operative or mutual insurance companies or as-sociations are exempted.EffectiveJune1,next.Pipe lines,oil,ete.,5 per cent on charges imposed.Elec-tric power for heat and light,5 per cent of amount paid for electric pow- er.Effective June 1.Telephone andtelegraph,5 per cent of amount paid for telephone service by subscribersexclusiveoftollorlongdistance calls;5 cents on each toll message by telephone or telegraph,for which 15e.or more is charged;only one payment to be required regardless ofdifferentlinesusedforsomemes- sage,dispatch or conversation. ‘he fo lowing taxes on manufact- urers or importers are imposed:Automobiles,5 per cent on manufact- urers’selling price;cosmetics andproprietarymedicines,5 per cent on manufacturers’selling price;musi-eal instruments,5 per cent on those costing over $10;jewelry,5 per cont of selling price;moving picture films,If cent per linear foot not expos-ed,sold by manufacturer or import- er;(ready for projection)sold or leased by manufacturer,producer orimporter,1 cent per|ee.pleasure boats,per cent of price sold.C|g@um or substitutes therefor,5 eal tax ‘is i for|ad-|and Windows a pidors are used,they should ly be kept clean,and the mennorighttoexpectorateontheandwallsofpublicbuildings. the help of our efficient sanitary po- Neeman,the women of thearedeterminedtomakethecleanesttownintheState.It seems to be the general opin- ion of the Civic League that the wo-men of the town should simplify all entertainments and render every service possible to the country in its present emergency. The League is anxious to continue the Rest Reom and will do so if itishelpfultothemerchantsandthecountrypeople.The fact that,dur- ing the month of Fe ruary,800 vis- iters came to the place,shows that the Rest Room is used.The Civie Leacue has made every effort to‘se- cure a better building,but it is im- pessible to find a room near the cen- ter of town,and on eccount of the strict laws concerning property with- »the fire limits,the owner is_notallowedtoimprovethepresentRest Room.The League would like to know the opinion of the public,es- pecially the country people,in re- vard to this matcr.The cost of the Rest Reom amounts to about $25 a month and is a drain upon the re-sources of the League,but the we- nen are willing to continue the work if it is a real help to the town.The nresident,Mrs.B.F.Long,would be glad to know the sentiment of the country friends in regard to the Rest Room. Ae NE 8 8 ETTSeSEELoantoBeigium. The United has arranged to make a loan of 275.000,000 to Bel- rium,which will be extended by the Belyien Relief C ion.Tt will e advanced at the rate of $12.500,- 000 a month,of —which will be availchle fer relief in Bel- $5.000,000 relief in ? ium and 35 porthern France. By making the loan,the United States will tnke the purden of |th velief of Belyium and France from the shoulders of Great Britain and Vrance,Administration of the r lief abroad will be left in the hands ’Spanish and Dutch arents and of the Belgians and French theme! eeeecremeeeeeeeow Billions of War Loans. War loans of the six chief Europe belligerents,according to the lat- figures evailable to the Federal Reserve Board,agtegate approxi- maiely $5%,113,000,000.Loans of the chief entente nations,Great Brit ain,France,Russia and Italy,are mMeced at about $36,200,000,000;those of Germany and Austria-Hungary, not including the sixth German loan reported to have yielded about 33,- 200 ,000,000-—-$18 800,000,000 Gratanstates ommi for eat religious or charitable purposes,are exempt.Clubs would be taxed 10) per cent of —or membership fees| ‘except initiation fees)the me mbers |individually to pay the tax.This is}fective June 1 and the club receiv-;the payments or fees is required| o collect the tax from the person so}admitted and make the returns. ~—SOED FARMER Made Strong and Well by Vinol| This letter proves there ia nothing| equal to Vinol to create etrength for | weak,run-down conditions,Vestal Centre,N.Y.—“I am a far- mer 74 years of age and got into al weak,run-down condition as a result} of the Grippe.Our druggist suggestedVinoltobuildmeupand[noticedanimprovementsoonaftertakingit, and it has restored my strength so I can now do a pool day's work.My wife has also taken Vinol for a rundownconditionwithsplendidresults.”—H.W.‘Lesrer. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. NORTH CAROLINA,L.G.Horn,adrr.,Mary E.Campbell e ele.,ve.Horatio Campbell,Burgess Campbell, Narcisans Compbel! NOTICE The above named =defendantaHorntioCampbell,Burgess Campbell and Nate ciseus Campbell,will hercny take notice thatwnactionentitledasabovehasbeencomemencedintheSuperiorCourtofIredellcoun> ty for the purpose of making them perties inanactionoftateadjudicatedinsaidcourtentitled“L.G.Hern,Admr.et als.,we.Willle Campbell .ct als.”said action having beenbroughtforthepurposeofpartitioningthe innds by sale deseribed tn the petition ffinthataction,to the end that ees,.Horatio Campbell,Burgess Campbe aNarciseusCampbell,beine made parties,«be bownd by the orders,decrees and judemmadeandenteredinthesaidactionentit“L.G.Horn,Admr.,et als va.Willie Cabell,et als.”And the enid defendants } IREDELL COUNTY. *#.a es Te es -$7,000,000)gtantly the soreness disappears heme{GOODROADS and || yamaha:“ Fisk Tircs Fo:Sale By CAROLINA Motor COMPANY Statesville ;ee eee nTweet:Laat >terrae tee }}a,“WONDERFUL STUFF!LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS |Apply a Few Drops,Then Lift |Corns or Calluses Off With Fingers—No Pain. !No humbug!Any corn,whether hard,so*t or between the toes,will}jloosen right up and lift out,without}a particle of pain or soreness, This drvg is called freezone and is a compourd of ether discovered by u Cincinnati man, |Ack at any drug store for a small thottle of freerone,which will cost ibut a trifle,but is sufficient to rid one’s feet of every corn er callus. |Put a few drops directly upen ony '¢nder,achirg corn or.e¢In- i andyrtlythecornorcalluswillloorenandcan>e lifted off with the fingers.This deve freezone doesn’t eat ov the corns er calluses,but shrivel: them without even irritating the sur-rounding olin.Just think!No pain at all;no core- noss or smarting when applying it or afterwards.If your drug@is.s don’t have freezone have him order it for you.:noma NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. 1 will be at my offiee in the court house all during the month of May to take the tax re-turns for the city of Statesville.The lawrequiresallpropertytobelistedbeforethe first day of June.so please your return as carly as possibleMayi,i917.W.J.LAZENBY,List-Taker: Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Qsteopathic Physician.oe me?>ate otm.2.30 to m.a apointment.Adasen Bidg.,113W.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324.Residence ‘phone 279—green. —nee asses ewmpremsmemaimne 6SEETOYOURBATTERY. Our storage battery departmentisinchargeofanexpertwithfac-tory experience.Let us put yourbatteryinshapeforsummerdriving. Good Tires are the pleasure of‘our ride.=us wemele the —that willeyouthispleasureVULCANIZING. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street.We sell Miller Tire and Tubes! L.ARNER,Statesville N.C. -——Dealer In— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees-wax,Also old Metal andRubber.Scrap Iron,RagsBooksandMagazines.Wepaythehighestmarket.. Independent Phone $06. call and make !| STATESVILLE MOTOR CO..|) BellPhone9302. further take notice that they are requiredpourattheofficeoftheClerkoftheofIredellcountyonthethdayofJw1917,and anewer or demur to the compla’ell the above named plaintiff,orpleinwillapplytothecourtforthedemandedinsaidcomplaint, 4.A.HARTNERSS,Clerk of Court of Iredell County,May 4,191q D.F.Mayberry,Atty,FOR 84 YEARS| The tar,bean Doge rer.De and *EWATKING,N,Conter 94, he } 2SESSSe PARIS GREEN Destroying Potato Bugs. HALL’S We sel!it --——— DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.29. THERE IS LOTS OF COMFORT ON THE PORCH IF YOU HAVE IT FIXED UP RIGHT—BOTH COMFORT AND HEALTH. We have about the nicest line of porch furniture you ever saw ond the prices all are attractive. Don’t delay fixing up the porch when it can be done as cheaply and effectively as is made pos- mene sible here. ablada tae i at tM :F z:ed last with his family tecourt|Winston -where y wiletheirRichandhier jf i These resol :Jett.Bra’wc-t2o,WOMB ALL GUM DOW Thereresolutions wore adopted:"Itt,Brawley,nema MadeStrong and WellBy Vinol |duty in raising all the food le;Smith,whe visited her grandpar- 10 |2d,that we strive to get to/ents Mr.and Mrs.0.O.Overcash¥)“afters hardopel ci trontile wt tend qo ay ioe gemsad Discs Tol Seen:our ,arm the last wee ercas$1.00Per Hour for me about,pains;United States and allies;8d,that ."Gertrude’High came along for7eold-A each lead the *few days’visit.Sr.anc Mrs.TForyouwhenyoucanletaskedmetotryVinel,1did,and cab &ipsae dietries‘*‘*G.Farr oad an of Saitobery visite::oes oe The following were appointed »“'r.Furr’s parents.here a few day:them pump the water and }and8am abte to do my which ood committee to furnish,seed for lant week.Miss Mattie Lipe is adonethreemonthsbelorethosebletobuy,wi under-home fromBenson.re &8 ,=anou *ue Sie Socenat :|taking Vinel.°—Mra,¥.i.Hosvoucu,senting that tho paal be paid in been teaching.Miss Arey —Lipe|Waynesboro,Pa,the fall:Messrs.Jacoh Moser,Tay-‘vho is teaching at Wilson,will geti‘|a ;+*y .ge_money.A M | Vinol creates am aidsdiyes-jorsville,R.F.D.;J.H.Burke.Tay-home about June Ist.ommet onan this.et cE:cakes pure ‘Blood and erotics liorsville,A.i."Watts and BF..Rev.F.A.Barnes,pastor of the |W.P.Hall.Druggist,Statesville.called in each sehool house Sat-changed his Sunday night's service - t =strength,Yourmorey baci if t*ines,Stony Point.A was Second Presbyterian church,harusputoneinforyou.to 7 o'clock.The Westminstejurdaynight,the 12th,and gen-NOTICR TO CREDITORS —tenn end ladies are.urged ta be 'caue will meet at 6.20.Mr.BarneW.E.MUNDAY.tena aS this"Present and consult about the best wants the people to note the earl:Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St.|to notity all persons claims against ‘hing to do.,hour and come on time..sold cxtate Go present Glam to me on orbe.Miss Mary Ford,daughterofMr.Thesteck of the 10c.and 25c.a Nanded in bar’of thelsrecovers All pemone and Mrs.James Ford,and Mr.Clyde store,which went out of businesoaoygesyCATeeSE,Uy Suits.A.in Martin,both o ,were ©+W.&.nagWeIrytoKeepwanoneAtty,Administrator.married Sunday,6th,at the residence ¢r for these stores.Nw reason wa *|:of the officiating minister,Rev.L.P,civen for the discontinuance of th Another big--.*waltney,at Ston ‘i store.}good ve gone wu iEveryzhinginstockto|Notice of the Election For Mesers.Chas.Wein a L.C.Ha-%°that you can’t get much for 10 styles,.Alexander Mo-°"¢_25c.quality i styleonggyRidgeWallGradedSchoolBonds.iterCo,from Messrs:Ly Warten and.Mr.and Mrs.Geo.J.Nuts ar .--A8e.to 3 “_ in in |.Notice is hereby given:tha ose.nounce the marriage of their daugh superior 48VallevTin,uttering |te Board of Aldermen heldln the oliegof the Sooeute at ds une a Me ter,Anna,to Mr.Cornelius Howar Ladies’Children’:and Spouting,Galvaniz-|teard ot"Aldermenof said ‘chy,actingunder|Moose left Monday for Detroit and {inter,Sunday afternoon,April 2°and 8 White Boots,ed I ill maxe |Susie"dot‘Citta’syarscrere Drobably other points,seeking a de-\Necregville,“where he.han live Pumps,alsoSlippersforMenandFONandWI]MAKE |Asembiy of Negth Carolina,an cle.sirable location..Mooresville,where he -has liveanythinginSheetMetal|Svtsdsy,"sura_ip.iti?:said’cleaion ‘Seing |,Messrs.T.H.and J.A.Miller,the (°"‘overs years.being a |partne Hose rf rt iy fttheformerouwant.qualified votcte af’the City of Sateovilis the thelatterbuperintend the ‘Tay.Hunter is highly esteemed7aueatlonofthe‘ewvance of”ty-Five Thou:|eacotton wiltwadLdseoak Mt.home town and wherever she iSTATESVILLETIN:CO.|tina“ct provided for tn “saldAct of the |O®,left Monday evening for Phils-known.Th ther how |5Hl in the Mooresville garage.Mrs Silk :oa tary and treasurer and in he See ey areMooresville;will make their hom M 'ral >,-3‘Phone 65,114 E.Broad Street.Notice Ae hereby given that the selling —_©ee que’ee =the present with Mr.and Mrs :a=|Rev.L.L.Moore will co to Gamter “80m Smite et int:TheStore of Excellent Values,———[==E |gchir®Ward:Polling place Moore Livery Presbyterian church,Iredell,today to the concrete none aaee ineoeDR.VANCE HASTY,=|tewis and’E Calvert.©assistthe pastor:Rev,W.E.West,in ville creamery LE ——=—=_—===DENTALSURGEON.|“Second Ward:Polling placo—Omice of pa ®Series of meetings.He will return Mp.Bugene Johnston entertainer ASSESSESESESUESESUESERSTIIIIIERooms5-7-9,Second Floor.o we Baw 1 Pagktrar,4 An-for the services here Sunday.The the Maids and Matrons’club WedFIRSTNATIONALBANKBUILDING,|f)-"..nine days protracted meeting at the jesdav from 4 to 6 p.m.Rook wa’Statesville,N.C.Tulrd Ward:Polling place—Court house.|Methodist church closed Monday night.»iaved at four tables and after sevTELEPHONEENGAGEMENTS,|Rexistrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges,John W.|Presiding Elder W.R.Ware of States-era)interesting rubbe rds wernies,Yi Hours6t06.[|Alison and ¢.i.Adame.|ville,who assisted the pastor,Rev.J.jn;dl 2SrrmironTS|"Fourth Ward:Polling ptaee-—Office of the I Ea P or :4+leid aside and tempting refreshFirstBuildingandLoanAes”‘Regis.J;Edwards,preached strong,impres-ments were served.Mrs.P.L.Withtrar,J.H.Hall;Judges,8 .B.Miller and Sive sermons and much good was ac-ers of Winston -Salem,who is th-“db eerie a:ide on the |COMpiished.guest of Miss Jette Brawlev,was a)i .,*_Mesdames Lelia Bogle and W.P.out-of-t :“9 |Sek Se a it en mp|—all qual voters ng n nesday evening to visit Mrs.Hrdrick’s ,:..:.S}Shot election ment seit for same.oa saidr.sister,Mrs.Ralph Sloan.Mrs.H.P.BODY NOT RECOVERED|.This is a time for every citizen to support PsSaturday.the Toth day of May,“and ‘Aue on see ane Sasahter,—_ies Further Information as to Fat:the Unites States Government,and odurday,y of Juue,1917.s ‘aris ei r,an¢ss ;.‘aul.aa ea,eer ofGetenaneen Grace Feimster will go to Mooresville :of Private Adkins,aredo so at considerable cost or ceDestroyspotatobugs,|!Meshes RemeGhe ie wetiie “Por @neced today to visit Mr.H,P.Feimster.Under date of the 7th Capt.Geo fice to mselves.,,cabbage worms and |Monds,”‘and all qualified voters opposed to Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Miller,Sr.,who >+sa of the Signal Corps,Unit-*8 8 |th Emenee of call tone one x..]_—visited at the home of their son,Mr.ki tates aoe writes Mr.R.L.Ad.We have joined the Federal Reserve Bank-all similar leaf eatin Graded School Bonds.”|T.H.Miller,a few days,left Monday ‘ins of Iredell county with refer :sinsectSlRareee,ee,te ne Ma me Bee Seer cae ee cantecavanier tieanetel eotheiey ania;Dd.e mn ida several ®0n,Private JamesL.ns,whic i ’insects._Apeit 20,1917.Clerk and ‘Prensurer.|sae le and an ealiing the trip fe was reported in The Landmark re pet hatewysy an _:watAfivepoundpackage——————eninseneen-aacweceaamevnoe-s-»gutomobile.—_—.Gilli h it t :t ew ksand|to “isaeSpareapt.Gillis,who writes fror eposi oiSIWLMeetingMothers’Club.Fort Wood,Bedloe's Island,N.Y.for 35 cents.|FINE |_The Mothers’Club met at Mitchell States that the body of Privtae Ad-You can give your support to this great .|Cellege Wednesday afternoon.The Kins has not been recovered,“al.B y P eePhone89.|president,Mrs.L.D,Thompson,pre-though the harbor police of New Gcvernment enmh|sided and the secretary,Mrs.W.BE.York city are constantly watching MEMBER |-&Milholland.LOT Webb,called the roil.About 55 for it.”He thinks it will be found FEDERAL RESERVE|and also obtain its pro-|membersyopentind with quotations on '"time.Continuing he says::|tection for your money}*Mother.”Mrs.G.L.Ballance read |yatesrnceyinhelnae continod —_|by becoming one of ouresCOUNTRYaGeen“ake ie ne a _——_o who =any deposito:ppb.“eres iene ‘nowledge of the case as been . SPEC I AT j A |rect nen,Cerne lee questioned under oath.About the x ps 4 4 4 |ed the subject,“A Woman's Civic Du-=additional verification of .the t OUMER IAL NATIONAL BANK. {ty.”Mrs.J.DeWitt Remscy at the |{7owning is the testimony of Capt i ’;%:GROCERY VALUES|HAMS.piano rendered a selection from Men-|jerseyCity.N.d.~who was.on.the||STATESVILLE,N.C ast&pcaceeyoy oda dpne_tetcat Tug Lancaster,near the place where||aijeotsofinteventteoeO08Thevoursonwasrunover.He says he |‘rretrerervrerersrenss 7:"elub will,par a aus tek heard ~voice of a in the =,ay]|ter and went toward the spot,call-Peaches,18 cents a can.Mi:r :Supply (0 Lite Rew =.—o i \'ng back to ==-—.lle McLain fe fo 7 Le |was received and a thorough seareLibby’s MinceMeat,17 bye son te ke pF aang er the water in that vicinity failed |;|to show any further sign of a man.”cents a pound.|conducted at intervals,possibly on The letter concludes by saving | ' .e °the lawns of the different churches.|that young Adkins’personal effectsPremesacke,Scents |Fitmey Station.wsscest Becton."Sh ris heli-es ,y rtfelt svmpathy ia.|Charlotte's first election,Tucsday,|your loss.”save Capt.Gillis,“and the commen 2 ,your oe says Capt.Gillis,“andtonthemissionformofc<overn-|every effort will be made to restore|nandling’the,city walhe,we ere am ment resulted as follows:Mayor,|the body to you.” 4 ;Sherrill &Reece.operating schedgle car between the Frank MeNinch;commissioner of pub-|g ’ve ane a 15 minutes at lo Works,A H.Wearn;commissioner Germans Hoodwink Russians. a popular price |of public safety,Horace Moore,pres-|Gen.Gurko,the Russian com-9 Se of 5 ——will be jent chief of police,These Ghote teat mander on the western front.has is-’_L_LLIIE-Ln |closed ofio”|take over the work of the city govern-|sued an order declaring that the;ment formerly worked at by 40 odd|fraternizing of the Russians withCcHIESTER‘PHONE £11.|Officials.the enemy troops must be stopped.o o s4n8 24 litneyTransferCompany |os Neate o-.A.Warlick was re-|He erteret that such fraternizing. .+|elected mayor,defeating W.A.Rhyne.|Which has become a common -REGISTERED ARCHITECT,ican od f ie Goldsboro municipal contcst was|tiee,enables the enemy to learn 2A VIT .|fought on the city manager plan and also,by causing a juil on the Rus-IS. Statesville,N.C.Phone 340Green.|) |the manager proposition won by %8/Sian front,leaves the Germans freeTUMBR.'votes to concentrate forces against theRefer.||...1"Greensboro two uf the three men British and French.ee a al |whohave heldoffice since the commis-|Gurko warns the troops »of govrnment was estab-that the fighting comes to a |Will locate in Statesville early defeated.Mayor Thos.1.in May..2 ay by E J.Staf- ——————-‘Phij 4,G.Putinees voted _te te F =ann i aa ~~;that divisions of Germans |In factwe havethe goods to makethe cool andDR.GOITE SH —1 ial eee bos sic oe comfortable Hammocks,Swings or ut up ' calle d tw dns.2} Nin the Germans“mn throw all their forces againat7who,lulled by prom- repel or [soewaFORSALE:|erat |ital ose weS..| ~~+ %f Ww al i ws ‘a ae th &aap Ne i:Heath Ph ONS eeeereeerrenee teseee 1ty f i t =f a 1 4 ssions.“one Senators tn a critmierSenan - mood spoke of the fact that the President had not called into consul- tetion on army questions Senator Chamberlain,chairman of the Sen- ate military committee,and had not anked Depresentutive Kahn.the ieee member of the House eommittee,who helped the admiris- tretion put through the war army biThe complaint that Mr.Wilson docan’t take members of Congress more into his confidence on war measures would seem —on the aiatement of these Senators -—to be a just cause for complaint,but he Landmark will wait to hear the other side before deciding that it is well founded.The failure to thank Mr.Kahn for rendering a fine serv- ies when members of the President's xwn perty “lay down”on him,is surprising.Thanks were due Kahn and the President is not accustomed to forget his manners.But the complaint that Senators were not in- vited to certain White House func- tions is small—is an exhibition of childishness unbecoming full grown men;and this exhibition rather spoils the whole complaint. ——— It is estimated that the war tax bill presented to Congress means a direct taxof $33 per capita on the American people.Wa cost bi {and we had just as well real- ine that we have to pay the bill.The ways and means committee of Con- gress estimate the war expenditures for the remainder of this and the whole of the next fiscal year at about $3,800,000,000,exclusive of the bond issue to finance the foreign loan. Secretary of War Baker says he has little hope of an early peace;the government is making prepara- tion for a three-year war at least, and in this the government is wise. It is better to prepare for three years than for six months.A mili- tary authority estimates that we can send 500,000 trained men to France by this time next year—it will take a vear to get that many ready to ;that we can send a_second ,000 by August,1918,and 2,000,- 000 by Mey,1919. The Landmark is willing to bear fts share of the public burdens;it has no disposition to start an insur- rection because the war revenue bill hits newspapers very hard;but it craves permission to say that with maper more than doubled in price— te say nothing of other increases,in- eluding the ever present h,¢.1—and war revenue bill doubling and trebling postage rates and propos- to take five cents of every $1 re- ived for advertising —well,afterat,if the man who comes in,picks %°copy of the paper and starts without saying so much as “by ~~leave,”expresses surprise asked to hand over a few pennies for the sheet and says he thought paners were printed for free distri- bution—if that man is killed we shall expect a verdict of justifiable homicide if not public commenda- tion. PENTAATEATID Rev.Chas.Kingsley,pastor ofProvidenceendMatthewsPresbyte- rian churches in Mecklenburg,is atriotridhtandhisnameshouldhenthelist.He told the membershiscongregations,who are mainly formers,that he would reduce his anlarv half for the period of the war..Kingsley thinks every citizenldmakesomesacrificeintheProsefAtstressandthatisthesacri-he proposes to make;and in ad-he will try to increase the foodsupplybyfarminguimselfandex-horting others to produce more food.Glory to Patriot Kingsley! ATEScataSANT Protesting against the Prpenedinereasedtaxoncigarettes,.N.Reynolds of North Carolina statedinWashingtonafewdaysago:“Theauthoritiesofthecountrynowthatcigarettesisthemost way tobacco can be.”Considering that the publictowardcigaretteshasbeenthereverseofthisstatement,it would be interesting to knowaboutthese“best authorities”the reasons they assign.ee pect5CaineoftheAsheville is that the to assemble his forces,meet Monda OuthissidetheRidge Se e s #3 “a t t 5 i eR it r i 4!iae e t ‘i fe l l S5 2 7 =iiiiif i ift zz te rt H Hy i aeFs: ef au l atinit s fi rz yer of Neal Walton,near Wilmington nied and finally penetrated trenches northeast of the village and|even on the outskires of the villageitself.Their tenure of the position|was short lived,for the Candians|soon afterward returned to the frav,|drove out the Germans and againheldfullsway.iReforminglaterandreinforcedby)two fresh divisions.the Germans aeain made a bid for victory alongtheentirefrontbeforethevillagendwood.The rieht wing of the de-fenders held steadfastly and inflicted heavy losses on the Germans. ft wine,notwithstanding its stub-Lorn resistance,was compelled to‘ve ground and to evacuate the vil-lage and wood,leaving them in thehandeoftheGermans.Berlin re-that two hundred prisoners andmachinegunsfellintothehangs °the Germans.A German attack on .the FrenchsouthofBerry-au-Bac.,was sanein- rity repulsed,the Germans leaving hind numerous dead on the bat-lefield and prisoners.These priso-ners with others taken in small raidsbroughtthecaptorsbytheFrenchinthelatestoffensivesinceApril16tobetween29,000 and 30,000 men. German Stories of the Success of the U-Boats. ~Presenting the naval budget totheGermanReichstag,Dr.Pfeleger,naval reporter of the budget com-mittee,declared,according to a re-nort from Berlin,that the submarinepootyforAprilwouldnetbelessthan1.100,000 tons,and added thattheReichstaglookedforwardtotheactivitybytheGermannavywithaconfidenthopeofaspeedyandvic- torious peace.Another speaker said:I assureyouthattheU-boats will persevere ; t until the end.We have the necessa-ry boats,a trained personnel,fuelandallaccessories.ousands uponthousandsofhandsareactivelyen-raged in producing new U-boats and new material for torpedoes andmines.Not only is the number ofU-beats continually increasing,buttheboatsarealwaysimprovingin quality;they are always better types and of greater efficiency.Officersandmenarecrowdingforwardforsubmarineservice.Three months’war experience is of more value than three years’peace experience.The U-boat crews are equal to alldemands.We expected an averagemonthlyU-boat booty of about 600,-000 tons;actually the result forthreemonthstotals2,800,000.”We may make some allowance forthesestatements.German authori- ties wish not only to depress theirenemiesbuttoencouragetheGer-man people.But we know enough oftheU-boats’work to realize thatthereistoomuchtruthinwhatissaidforourcomfort.° The * 3 State Building C has otonof High Point chairman.Aingwillbeheldonthe1euperintendentsofStatewillbeaskedtosubmitplansfornewbuildings.5 Alonza A.Hartley,a Wataugaeountymerchantwhostruckstickandkilledamanwho him a thief in his own store,WasrardonedthisweekbyGov.Bickett.Had served about four years of a 10-ry sentence.Health broken. In the Raleigh munici electionMayorJohnsonandPolJMarriswerere-elected.E.M.Uoneofthebestknownprinters in the State as well as one of the bestofmen,was elected commissioner ofwubliesafetybyabigmajority. Jov.Bickett has Mrs.Jane S.McKimmon,head oftheStatecanningclubwork,a YoberoftheStateCommissionfor Conservation of Food Supplies,andshewilltakeanactivehandintheshapingoftheworkofthiscommis-sion.A.F.Seawell of Sanford has beenappointedatrusteeoftheStateNormalCollegeofGreensborotosucceedT.B.Bailey,deceased;and,Junius D.Grimes of BeaufortTtT.¥is appointed to succeed Dr,eMullen of Hertford county,fe- signed.In Sampson county Will Tri 8negro,was suspected ofmeat.A search of his housetorevealthestolengoodsand therewasnootherevidence.Therthenegro’s house was shot wionlyonehurt.white men are in jail and theyshouldgotothechaingangiftheyareguilty.The State Prison Board has electedRev.N.C.Hughes resident chaplainfortheStateFarmatasalaryof$100permonth.Election of a successor toDr.Register as physician to the StateFarmconvictcampwaslefttoacommitteewithpowertoactincon- junction with the Governor.An in-crease of ten per cent was allowedinsalaryofemployes,guards,deputywardens,stewards and overscers. JIM Country Bacon is high.We want 10,000 poundsHams,Shoulders andSides.We want Hon-i too.Bring us yourige@sandChickensand get the cash. IREDELL PRODUCE CO It is published in the New Yorkpapersthat180,000 men,represent-ing nearly every State in the Union, have volunteered to go with Col. Roosevelt to the battlefront in France;that the Roosevelt Legion is “nowbigenoughinnumberstoformtwo full army corps and an extra divisionbywayofgoodmeasure,”and thatnotoneofthevolunteerswouldbeliableundertheselectivedraftorhasbeendrawnfromtheNationalGuard. The Landmark might have acceptedeverywordofthatasafacthadnotthestorygoneontosaythatNorthCarolinawouldfurnish“one regimentofinfantry,one battalion and twocompaniesofinfantry.”There we balk.Don’t believe North Carolinawoulddoanysuchthing. _The Salisbury Post corrects the impression that Stockton Heth,Jr.,killed by Prof.Vawter at Blacks- burg,Va.,was a student in the insti-tution in which Vawter taught.Hethwasabout35yeorsoldandlivedonafarmnearBlacksburg.At thetimeofthekillingTheLandmark,by careless reading,got the impres-sion that Heth was a student.It isapointinVawter’s favor that his,associate in his liquor-drinking andcardgameswasnotoneofhisstu- dents. Tt was announced a week ago thatGermanywasaboutreadytomakeapeacepition.Then came thenewsthatstatementwasdefer-red;since then it seems that there|has been a Py demand in Ger-many that peace termsbemadepublicandthe y.th Ayanize Ficor Finish For all interior varnish work— stairs,floors and furniture—Kyanize Mloor Fosish w you. Kes easy to op”with o durabic vly cleaned sur.face that bri s out the aaturalbeautyofthewood. Try Kyenize once. cries quickly The Kyantae Lineof Finishes Soldandguaranteedby Iredell Hardware Co. L y ee s Et E T F E iMr | commissioned| iz Fi e ty Ladies’Kayser Silk Hose, i with Patent Marvel-stripe, which preveats runs or Garter Tear. Colors,Blackand White and sizes8to10. OnSale Saturday,| {$1.00Pair Cash. 50c.Silk Hose,50c. One lot Ladies’Silk Hose, 4 }geod value,Black.White, I Gray,and Navy,at 50c. |pair. Ourregular $1.25 Hose.| MITH Form-a-Truck has upset allsreviovsstandardsofhaulingefhiviency.San you afford to wait before placingyourorder?Read the specifications. Specifications—Form-a-Truc!:Attachments CARRYING CAPACITY DRIVE—Chain Heavy Rol-—2,000 pounds—50°%over-ler Type,%-:nch diameterloadroller,54 inch wide,1M,inch pitch.Every link amasterlink. BRAKES—Emergency onrearwheels,expandingtypeindrunsoperatedbyhandlever.12-inch drum,2!5-in.shée,asbestosfaced,Ford Service brake. LOADING SPACE-—9 to 12 feet back of seat,depend- ing upon body. WHEELS=Heavy Artillery TURNING RADIUS—type,122-in.square spokes.21 feet.34 x 44g pneumatic ope SPEED—15 miles per hour, tional at extra charge.&WHEEL BASE—When at- TIRES—Firestone solidrub-tached to Ford chassis,125 ber,32 x 3!4 inches.inches.Pressed on or removable TREAD —56 inches,cen- type.Optional pneumatic ter of wheels,60-inch tread 34 x 414,extra cost.optional, GEAR RATIO ON WEIGHT—Smith Form-a- SPROCKETS~Standard Truck attachment,1,000 20 teeth on jackshait,42 Ibs.Attached to Ford tecth on rear.Other ratios chassis,2,0001bs,complete. optional.Frame Height loaded—24 in, FRAME—Length 168inches ~—-width 32 inches.4-inch channel steel. AXLE—2!'4 x 154 inches.Timken Roller Bearings. SPRINGS~-Twoside springssemi-elliptical 2 inches wide,42 inches long,10 leaves.One Bumper Crossspring2incheswide,9 leaves. 10,000 users in 451 lines of business have proved it the best for every line of work. Standard Cud Packing Company Armour &Compary U.S.Contractors Morris &Company Schlita Brewing Company indian Refining Company Butler Paper Fleichmann Yeast Company Montgomery Ward &Co. And you can install Smith Form-a-Truck -" any Ford,Maxwell,Chevrolet,Dodge Bros.,Bu..« or Overland chassis., fordemonstrationagenOeBicetae Ed,G.White Motor Company,Phone 515.Statesvi er aaeneellwillbereplaced with a new .pair. Women’s Silks, Men’s .50 cents a pair. Women’s Lisles 35¢.3pairsfor $1.00. Men's “ 35c.3 pairs for $1.00. PHONE 83. 75 centsapair. J)SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. GETAKODAK. sot Gaal oh tt «wotwenaneiteoilreporn 4 peek vet uea=oe ah Fie aa Ls; A t 000,Jaawh it,Correspondence >from ? York Institate,There was some!Spprovedreserve agents Interest =1 yr 1,froat thin mora but no damage in other reserve cities 418.93 34,768.48 Kimetir.ced Adve,"Will trocke nea ehildvenend Net amount due from aod Converti soiMrs.Gue Bowman and children from aver|bankers (other than inrearCatawba”viited relatives 1 oe care,Mies rate ofsatesCitanyny subsequentissue ‘ Be cvs ‘tine otBe.Be -Daal a 4%"reporting bmi _9.849.33 made at a higherrate before ree Sharpe is home from Stony Outside cheeks and |School,Mike Boost Lackey spent last week)cash items....4400.04 tion of the war.: }bh her sinter,rs,ary Bowles,near a eurrency,Shady “Grows,Mr.Rypy Murdock Ho!Michela,nnd conta...918.90 4742.74 Exempt from al!Federal,Stete or locai ,vloite Ay tesChavfoviepesterday.Mire,Counetia cae ERS tuxes,exceptestateand inheritance taxes,ington.several een r some time,Mra,Sue ar oe ines uae es .000,age in Srand feteren of Due :ied by Eugene oe and Mes,W.A.Sharve visited Mes..ee =in vault and net ,Maturity to be annoaneed later.io wating Mrs.|Mies Gu:A |Murdeck st Hiddenite this week.Mr.oun rom Federal ReserveOe|Mire.Plummer Lackey,trom near aun oe...46,601.46 Denominations not yet fixed.It is antici+ SATB.4.taCilick |musie room,where a large portraitof Presi-|Were at My.T.H.Lackey’s this week,;motion fund with UW.8.Treas ted the b will ra dent Wilson bung,draped with the national|ae ——are visiting urer and due fram T &Tretw aceese|ee e bonds |a.arpe’s folke near Lenoir.rer va56 .}Rovingben the cst ofMe fam ==|saan|eces as low as $50,and possibly Caldwell has returned to ber)Mrs.Jos.Wilson entertained Monday in |RKET ota)...719,002.87 |x &visit to her math-|honor of Mrs,HuseneDavia. Bridye was MA ‘REPORTS.LIABILITIES.ubscriptio:1s willbereceived June iccuiian ede hen ot en.—oe ee|StatesvilleProduce Market.|Quoieal “oct paid in sinseainss sno Aaa)15,1917. .,*water.|,The following prices were paid yesterday Survlu:fund .......ent veh : oY Company,|waa a met —ty a Se wi |for produce on the local consent |Undivided profits .......19,888.62 |Delivery of the bonds onor about July 1, al wo courses of refreshmenw re Turkeys,ite.per th.[hams current .nses 1917. }|Spring Chickens,25.to 0c.per Tb,nterest =an taxesReportedforTheLandmatrk,|aan ;:|"Wednesday evening:tik,the heawigal tome|Ham,1;ie per Te Oeics’iy aise”.BEBE oy il ’ot Meaend Mrs.RH,Lankford,at Harmony,|Rovetens,76.pes +[firemlariog motes outstanding -...r00.000.00/1 Your name will be entered withtheGovernmentast parsed |their ur C3 keebecame the Butt.fe.to 360,per tb,|Cortifienten of deposit due in less ia subscriber,thus assuring recognition of your suppe P Sal maake’us|crecniandwhite wae cerried out In every de-|Greet Hides,18+,to 200,per th “Cushions checks oustanding ---.. eaunrt Of its financial requirements,|tml :time.ams,o3e.»Bie.per .Inived aten MD necnccccces *5 |Sdacee ond te.Solon Little of 2,Send emma Ot,perine lems.|Biden and Shoulders,Sie.to 24e.per Uh |Tote!demand "deemain We wil!make no charge for our services. are in ro stay,cf snowhalle eombined with green.In_the New Red Honey,6c,per Ib.|Items 38,34,26,96,37, Boyd Mullen Huntersville apeit|center of the dining table stood a bow!of |Sourwood Honey Comb,26c.per Ib,_%¥.80,40 and 41...256,780.47 _- ——dayo this week with her parents,Mr.|snewhalls afd ribbon grass.On the table!Old Auto Rubber Casing,¢e.per Ih,|Certiticeten of denosit.............-225,614.36 E L,Fleming.,|wa:found candies,hearts and the letters;Sweet Potatoes,$1.26 per bushel.Other time deposits,Pin Money Sav- og |8.Starrette left this week to.rep.“RK.1.LL.”and “J.C.AL”made of —Sout le ings Cut Due =ts 1917 ....1,324.66 jimsiomary societies road hears The parlor decoratio e bowls *of ime denos' tw imaat the 7 Wat aoe w ball udWn ober —orvanged with |.The following prives were paid vesterday |Items 42,63 and 64...226,999.01 irs al yY aeconference in Asheville.many cagitles and a trellis of snowballs,green fox grain of the —market :me w.Nicholson attended a meeting of |wus piled high behind the altar and above the =Wheat,82.90 to 85.00 per bushel.WOE ica ec sues creas seeneses 719,092.87 the Btate“Undertaker Association in Bur-arch swung an immense wedding bell,which,Corn,$1.90 per bushel.|State of North Carolina,county of Iredell,on: 'this wee waa also made of hearts teaves,|Oats,960,per bushel.|1,John’W.Guy,cashier of the above|vi "=3 Hu."Tea of TPetroit,ww ia vin-The guests were met by Mrs.H,W.Bol-jnamed bank,do nly swear that the|, iting her parents,Mr.and Mra.R.EB.Arm-|lard atd conducied to the punch bowl,where oo —-—Sone a alle!io er fx true i ~s of my R A Cc ER ' punch wea served by Miss Clara Beaty.he n «local market yesterday |knowledse and belief.JOHN Guy,OOP .President. caaate were then peal to a room Where|per pound was pald for best grade cotton.|Cashier.|*?’= Notices of New Advertisements mony ively ond useft*presents were dia.ashe —,-ae |Subserthed and sworn to before me this| ‘:¥yed,consisting of eut glass,silverware,ottan Seed,ic.per ehet,fth day of May,1917.i -2c ee eeGporialleengetan.BM.P.Alexander,OTS tinen and.hand-painted pictures A|Seed Cotton,8 ite.per Ib.~J.HOFFMANN,|:i ccls wes sune by Mise Lois Tharpe,“]Love :rer ==—|Notary Public. ;San,>ten E pig oD ak.You Truly,’and to the strains of Mendels-|THE FINEST Porte Rico Molasses at D.3.)Correct ‘Attest: -Lumber wanted.L.K.Overeash.yhon's wedding march,played by Miss Ruth KIMBALL’S.May 11.ISIDORE WALLACE, nize floor finish.-Iredell Hardware Co.ye =ic ——and e hia -eps 7 a ——"tr 6.Mek WEE. s -und «arch <n came the groom d i(D—-Let o -2 ime ores!ine 5 COOPER,vehiin Poodle —=aaah,tien Tharpe,best man,Mr.Clarence 8.Alben.Lumber.LK.OVERCASH.|May 1--1t®|May 11,1917,Directors.| hose t came the lovely bride and bridesmaid in ~povtieemsnane enna Morrison co,tomorrow,“Ramsey Bowles The bride wore a beautiful corange of TO LOAN—$606 on first land mortgage,REPORT OF THE CONDITION Big lot new goods.—Johnston-Belk Co.out peas and maiden hair ferns.The Addrcaa E,care The Landmark.ae Quality drugs,dispensed with precision and maid,Mise Rese Hotmes,=sister of the May 11-1t*.1 onPolkGrayDrugCo.,enrried a lovely bouquet of white ear-nee gnasaasmsigiies Commercial National Bank at States- nt will stand the texts.-Statesvilie and avparagus ferns.Here the vows LOST—Hand ertp containing cut shoes,re.|ville,in the State of North Caro-Motor Co were taken with irmneas of ring ceremony,Fsbo ete.Reward of $2.50 for return to lina .ot the of i } ‘ftev.Mr,Well of Harmony cificiating i Hotel Iredell.H.FP.YOUNG.May 4 .Close Business,at People's loan and 1".tuffet Iuncheun way served under the di-|‘|May 1,1997. display Hoosier cabinets tomorrow rection of Mins Mary MeCanless of Morris.WANTED—To buy geod sound clean ham RESOURCES.Crawford-Bunch Furnitune Co.’\town,Tenn.,a guest ot tne Lankfords,and Barrels.Will pay 25¢.per barrel Loans and discounts (exeant.thoee McCormick binders,mowers and rakes the only guest of thelr native State of Ten-Hiekory,N.C.Address SHUFORD MILLS,shown on b and ¢)$408,330.53Lasenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Reseoe.Mins McCanles.wes a sisted by Hickory,N.C.May 4.--@t.Notes and bitte Sa verre | Kodak the “dime way"H.B.Woodward Misses Fern Tharpe,Edua Tomlin -and Stacy ——counted (nee \iern 64)28,500.00 379,830.23|POR SALE—Houre and let in ot Hay €Troutman,N./,...=to taxpayers.M.P.Al Se.and Mies.Boles left immediately after C.See S A.HOOVER,Mooresville,N.C.———secured,none;wnsecur--al New skirts and hats.Mills @ Poston.|aere Ser ive,where ieee Se ee)__Ae eS.|.&honds deposited to secure cir.™Ghute cad cults.J.M.McKee &Co.|r home In their departure t guests evintion (par velue)........100,000.00 how red them with rice and old shoes,LICENSE TAXES. >2 Mre.Holmes fs an accomplished young wo- Death of Young Lawrence |,man and is wed and admired by all who Securities other than U.8.bonds (rot imeluding stocks)owned wn- >pow her.She wil!be mised by a wide cirele .Schedule B license taxes are due during the}Pirdwod ......:10,000.00 Crouch-—Ptomaine Poison. frignde.Mr.“Metees is the son of Mr,and month of June.The State requires their §Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50CorreammaroreofThetanamnrMrs.ke ?,Holes.He is a young man of prompt collection and imposes a penalty of 20§ner cent.of subscription)......8,760.00 Stony Point,R-3,May &.-Mr.Lawrence L.sterling qualities and a tne business young per cent on all who fail to pay.Those liable ‘alue of banking house .28,500.00 Cc son of Mr.and Mra.J.F.Crouch,man.f the taxes will save the penalty and trouble ture and fixtures ............6,872.60 approved reserve agents in New York,Chicago,Get %.leak ........6,952.92Netamountduefromap- on the 6th.His father wea summoned eas ss ;=by paying promptly,MP.A ANDER, te son's bedside at Bridgewater by tele.PLANTING FOR MORE FOOD May 11 Sheriff. =and reaching there the same evening hefondthat‘his son'scondition was very csi;Cut Out the Baseball—Singing ROLLER MILL AT AUCTION! 7 t.fish.He became anconsclous Thures-at Union Grove.|Sa i wed reserve agents day evening and never rallied.The end came To the Fititor of The Landmark:SATURDAY,JUNE 2,we will sell at auc.!other reserve cities -5,440.38 12,393.30 at 1 oelock Sunday evening.Mr.Crouch’s Jenning-,May &‘The sudden change of the tion our Roller Mill preperty et Cleveland.Net amount due frora banks and femains were sent home on the noon train)wearher is felt very keenly,The people are The plant has a empacity of 60 barrels per bankers (other than included in Monday and inid to rest in the city of the «inly tenting food ereps in this section,ay Mechinery and building practically;12 or 20).-16,681.68 dead at Morvin chureh.Funeral services wer:hae ae pay ni good stands generally.The"located on Southern railroad side track.|ther checks on banks in the same conducted by Rev.J.M.McAlpine.Deeonsed Wryeoat proapect has improved somewhat,Cleveland ia @ geod grain seetion.Sale wil!city or town as reporting bank ..3,112.04 was 18 years,8 months and three days old In ©receat ball game between.the Jennings tike piece at Cleveland Saturday afternoen,Outside checks and other He age]———oe oo and Harmony teams,the Jennings beys nid it ree‘,ge pony =—s write LYERLY Pn:on pnd .Re 1,090.55 viate pat of relatives a riends rows them by about 11 to 3,er probably G CO.for further information.Fachenal currency,nick.KOT ‘; Lawrence war &bright young man of good mare.This .last advertisement we are May 8.!ou MOTHERS:Have you baby's$s most beautiful picture ier AFelsardcents127.05 =1,21 1,37 moral habits and generally loved by all whe Notes of other national banks ...fore you ina handsorne frame?ote io make for the-bail players for is cate::.1 » knew him.His pince can never be filled in co asies,‘tales pe it eal be e Wee CHOICE BEEF Federal reserve notes .ees 825.00 Wi that home.diction to the country if all the ball grounds 4 e Lawftl reserve im vault and net }W/IVES:Have y(OU your best picture jin anelegantframe 'ed to *were plowed up and planted to food crops ,;.amount due from Federal Reserve j i se git bn aaa ‘se dls .The Crops and 2 Quilting,jy oo loci homes "that have been played re-I have Just received a herd of fine,bank ne,(@ee:|Upon your husbar 3 dresaer or have you his photo upon your... CorPespondence of The toners «ntly some boy has been right seriously hurt.cattle,raised especially for the city Redemption fund with VU.8S.Trens-!own toilet table?29 Pi, on =Sa age bath poe hcg aan 7a ses imal ‘er dG nk i narkets,=Se :5,000 oo}}4»crops and it is feare rome ree eeasionally,|‘a ht ai Aes tgs |WOME tees wiaes Corina striae sevieyes x ¢-ry Vr Z entton taod wilBh in.the 'prewn.Wheat it ought to be somethiny less strenuous and This beef has always gone to Balti-os ==|.Toask for.to preserve and to cherish one’s pichey is a _ fae come out and is looking fine.There stil!|lew danger us.The boys whe apis a er —_——for the hich-|Total .++$609,778.42|mark of true affection.; selves properly on the farm from 12.to 5 a :‘io abe putin some kind af food crop for|hom #dey,thie summer,will wot need the Class price Fagg YOU GET IT,Canttad stoct sald tenes pee Come,see our artistic frames.We have charming Ones °>'”man or beast.Now that potatoes ere cheao-kind of exercise that the baseball gives,but THOUGH,AT E PRICE O R.Survive fund |on 25,000.00 hi A re ret e *F er,let's plant more potatoce,and then in something rather to the opposite..TH F OR-Undiv:profits |||.11,360.71 —Which are not Expensive.3 dune and July plant laic varietics.‘ay ro Bat hitenty ——=os -ar i tan oe oe 360.7 ; A surprise quilting was given at the home who have been in sehool at Boone,have ree Vou'l)find it tter ¢t estern .R F HENRY J eler :ef Mr.and Mrs,J.L.Heath last Tuesday in|turned home;ond Mr.stm Howard has re-10°ond altogether the.cases ‘e paid ~~5,336.75 6,023.96 =°9 ew'*a honor of their daughters,Clara E.and Bessie turned home from Tennessee,where he has ij ’.,ee 36.78 wiene .‘i J.Heath,The old and young came and all/een in school,in Ne ious you ever ate.i ;esperi =ac.oe ai :ne =oa |seetned {to enjoy the day.These quiltings|The pastor at Union Grove filled his reeuler “Phone No.46 and your order will be Cashiers check jing.1,595.67 ;;seem to be quite popular,as two others have appointment Sunday.Sunday school was or-promptly delivered.Tent *_——_Me ce obi 7 been held at the homes of Mr.A.F.York |ganized at Smith chapel Sunday afternoon. ;‘ton.We vill have a singin«t the Old Chris-“7 83,34,95,96,37, os ..=aufe so far.Ye ascribe is some-|tan Harmony Sunday afternoon at 2.30,at R.oO.HAR BIN.nt ,40 and 41_....280,009.99 of a horticulturist and lots of people Unien Grove,for the pleasure and benefit of -alah Cortifientes of denosit .............63,198.42 |& to ws for fruit.all.Let everybody come and bring their books.Yther time deposits .ar neeers .86,644.65 “We are having these singings to stimulate WE WILLFURNISH Totalof time deposits,;.= About People —Two Aged a eral interest in singing,to wake up thé Ttoma 42,43 and 44...148,710.97 +c ch choirs and make them go to work, Negroes wo put more tife,interest and activity in You with distilled water and in-ore ‘.869,773.42 é ©e a nider urch wership,awd make our church services spect your storage battery free of i#hilities for rediaen nts,ineludirg _4 :we of the Lenamark ...mere interesting,more elevating and more aoe If vou want —best .those with Federsi Reserve Bank 28,500.00 | Sateeville,R-2,May 9..-Mr.and Mrs.W.FO ingpicing.Our chucches evced to awake from id 7 State of North Carolina,County of Iredell,se él Privett of Baltimore are visitins home fo'k«.|thetr iukewarmness and cold indifferences and battery service stop in and see us.1,D.M.Austey,Cashier of the above-|J f i ir.Privett will return in a few days.Mrs.go to work,and there ts nothing that will STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.named bank,do solemnly swear that the 2 C..Moore of Asheville spent last week with help more than a good,live singing choir,tbove statement is true to the beet of myre her father,Mr.F.FP.Wooten Mr.Wesley |believe that our Su schools would ac.“nowledge and belief.D.M.AUSLEY t Privett,Jr.,has gone to Newport News,Va.|mplish more if the would devote more REPORT OF CONDI!I iN Caahier ]“to work in a shipyard.time to singing,and [bevfeve that our preach-™-ss =J Subseribed nnd awern to before me,this | Peter maven See os Cowan,an aod ers could preach better if they had better rn Mi ,—i th day of May.1917 ;rmanowife,went to live with choirs to fill them with eathusiasm.There is The Merchants an Farmers’Berk J.H.HOPFMANN,Wi icy ’> 4 gEgee gy tgle wage oo he os ay snot vain «mt th —soa at Statesville,in the State of North ‘orreet--Attest:Netnve Public |am for This year's harv est or a McCormick©neryraes he it in closer communion with Ged than a good ..pe W.D.TURNERfivedinthissectionbeforethewar,belonging spiritual sone.Carolina.at the Clase of Business,,Mow ‘or the ha;"spiritus _N.B.MILLS,|ower or HatothetateEsq.Cowan of the Snow Creck M wit eae May 1,1917.oo a Feat y Rake f y crop icommunity.Mr.ams’ortunes—RESOURCES.May 11,1917 Director.|§we can sell you at a reasonable price,.Card From Mr.Mott New Hope News.Leans and discounts Seer $300,048.73 -‘:-|y : :To the Miter of The Le canuh :Correspondence of The Landmark on rérs r.we cured,$..:unsecured wos:REPORT OF THE CONDITION |iy in fact at am h I price than;tanking house,rit m-| 7 I thank my friends a the wtpport given Now Hope,me &We are still blessed "Caras .=a.- gRa2.79 Penple's I 7 'Rank,ei uc ower with showers of ri .A lot of corn bas been He wh MONS ess 8 or 8 Tear avings n at)|2 ¢ GAS,s sien creche ohnSiebtetion end i weonae fea ne peowle are pushing the farm Der oot paticen!banks $6,830.56 —Statenville,in the State of North.these machines will be sold for in aworkheremenarenetavnilablethewo-[ye from 8 .%boom,het be ee LaF we end Sem men and children are doing the work ce Bank —s oo Carolina,at the Close of Business ne,long timeGeen’T wil act Bs cenlpnest tims,Let ur!Unt Alec.Davis,aged about Hie auite Cash Moms -12,618.12 May 1,1917." ail stand united in the closest love and sympa-wai «working in the fleld a few days am 3 ge ineludi iN bas.ne oe |@weVvontew8880Silvercoin,elud a “4,082.54 3 % eS ae eke ‘Stn his ighbor Rev.T.H.Williams was bitten by something tens coin cavamney 781.76 ——=SS S.3 —i ;3 Present conditions ia the steel world not cheathim.But aday cites whan he ey oe a cuter.d*.—to see the National ball notes and “ed ee ae ne a7pPedydoctorandgotsobado»could not return ther U.¬es .....2 99.10 Reaktae &louse.2968.90:%Kt ndica 1 bor,‘Thenaan oa iefaeh |for two days,-—when be did return he found ra aa oe eo on Rusa bey nse oo 18,998.ball 4 i tes much higher prices oa all{E tharket cart into @ chariot of the sun.W.|hut some one had entorec Ais ameke house amd)Tota)eee eee ee $341,740.14 Domand lonne sieve 9.09628KzJIMMOTT.|anor ae or bean 2s ind to 1)ABUL Ties.Due from National Banke 4180-41 an agricultural implements,This is eo Due from State mene and Bankers 12,610.44|eteereenttentnaaties Capital etock paid in Mere eet ees 26,00tPorMr.Daywalt,rots,nl ney conditionwefavorable and ber sorptue fend yoyo veo eee.ec ownve|COED i.4.n09.n2|good time for you to supply your - To the of The Landmark.|It seems now that there wil be plenty o¢Undivided pr ‘ts,leas current Geld Coin ...142.60| It was with genuine regret that I learned of fruit.Breads is ounsee.or at ania those geelienas ont pon —cececeee 1,709,58 SHlVeR cotn,inctuding all mtor coin seonee|needs. the dismissal of Mr.J.D.Daywalt from the |of ws who haven't wot it are at the merey of vidends unpald ...............16.00,ba,:006.08)& postal service.I was a von on his route|thote ho have it.Bills piryable .6,000.00 ational notes and other U.$|e =came in contget with daily for nearly|Mr.Jack Barker of Lineom county came up grew wean to0cheek#51,696.42 notes ......estereeees 4,566.00 years,He was proficient,bi courteous,||inet week apd left Sunday evening,taking pandas —De-Total $196,990.57 aceommodating,and bad a pleasant word for|with him Miss Carrie,daughter of Mr.and eave ‘coo 81,193.12 te tae g every one.In this trouble he hee the sympa-Mre.Burly Mayberry,without their consent wes PONHB ..45..+62,102.04 rn ‘. thy of all those whom he be has served so |Kind of a runaway.Cashier's checks —out-spite!stock paid im ..........$5,.nAn 00 so faithfully and so well,We can't Well,in my opinion,if only thore able to Phe we ang Sav 3,084.50 or I ass vas aca 8,000.00 of “Unele Davie”osane See S|rear children without having them work,as Dus i ovine Club 7,683.28 ided profita,less current ox- ;dD.Cc L.|Uncle om Dock (don't consider him worthy °L ka,Bank-pvamaeeandtunes paid ....._8.462.68| |ofof Billy if he has never married)suggests,the =“"*and Trust Compa-Nepenton subject to check .........70,108.96)|srme to dubia Gn Gaald te tates dee.WM occ ccceescaeses 4,612.20 900,021.56 no ioe of Deposit .......ome —-“*ese gee re i |$00REWA 100 bag EE eee $041,740.11 Cashier’s Cheeksoutstanding ......2,990.77 |.The of this awe,be State of Nerth Carolina—County of Iredell . thore lenst 8,1817.TE,thins peg inens oven ened tal deivon olliitt?ta de s *from~whichPictbegan in Europe, £ . -— ce e ee e eo ee r of submarine menace new forces raised at the nine great railway cen- of the country.Each regiment a be com by an engineer olonel of the regular army,aided an adjutant.Otner officials will railway engineers or railway offi- expedition will have a total strength of between 11,000 and 12,- 06 men,each regiment being com- posed of two battalions of three eompanies each.Every branch of rail- way workers necessary to the build- ing or operation of lines will be rep- Uresented in the ranks and the War Department expects =response to the call that will permit a careful selection to be exercised and insure a force already trained to the min- ute,an army of experts in railway operation.ecruiting has now be- gun at New York,Chicago,St.Lou- is,Boston,Pittsburg,Detroit.At- lanta,San Francisey and Philadel- phia,and it is expected that the rail- road brotherhoods will co-operate in the effort to recruit the railroad men desired.. The decision to send the engineers is understood to have grown out of conferences between government offi- cials and members of the French and British war missions.One of the greatest problems of the war has been that of maintaining acequate supply lines and the railroads are the vital element of the system that feeds men,shells and food toward the fighting front from channe! ports and from France.America is pre-eminent in the field of railway engineering and the best talent and the nation can provide -in that Tine will go into the new reg- ,imentsjieach of which will be able to punderta@ke all or any part of the work building or operating 42wholepailroadsystem. ——————MATTERS OF NEWS. “fhe Marine Corps has been re- cruited to 18,951 men.Its author- f¥ed strength is 17,400 but a bill is pending in Congress to increase the corps to 30,000. A bill prohibiting the manufac-ture,sale,transportation or expor-tation of beverage alcohol in war-time has been introcuced in the Sen- ate by Senator Kenyon. L.P.Parsons,a negro’who con- fessed to killing and mutilating thebodyAntoinetteRappal,a 15- year-old schoo!girl,in a suburb ofMempiis,Tenn.,was taken to the penitentiary at Nashville for safe- keeping News is no longer”given out by bureau chiefs in the State Depart-ment at Washington.It must comethroughSecretaryLansingorthroughthenewlycreatedbureauofintelligence.Al!of which means censorship on account of the war. A seale of zine prices fo?this gov- ernment during the war, 30 1-2 cents below prices ve obtained since the con- ;announcedbythezinccommitteeoftheadviso-ry committee of the Council of Na-tional Defence. Twelve American missionaries from ¢Turkey,with ten members ftheetewoftheinternedUnitedStatesguntoatScorpion,have ar- rived at Berne,Switzerland,afterthree:weeks’quarantine at the Aus-trian frontier.A party of =70 Americans left Constantinople,Tur- key,a few days ago and so far as known no obstacle is offered Ameri- cans leaving Turkey. A verdict of six ‘oO cents and costswasgivenbytheSupremeCourtof - the District of Columbia to Henry Lane Wilson.former ambassador to | Mexico,in his £500,000 libel suitagairftNormanHapgood,former editor of Harper's Weekly.Wilsonsuedonanarticledealingwiththe killing of President Madero,the suc- cession of Huerta and Mr.Wilson's alleged part in affairs in MexicoCityatthetime. (eer eee re oe Judgment in Two Cases. The State Supreme Court has af- firmed the judgment of the lower court in the case of Dr.J.W.Sum mers of Charlotte,under sentence ofthreeyearsintheStateprisonfor malpractice.Dr.Summers treated a young woman from Greensboro,whodiedinCharlotte. Judgment is also affirmed in the case of Chas.Walker,the Caldwell youngster who shot to death Flor- ence Sutphin,the young girl who re- fused his attentions.The courtholdstheevidencesnowsdeliberate and premeditated murder. CREESETS SOTERA cI INCOME TAX DEPUTIES. The United States Civil Service Commission announces an open com-petitive examination for income taxdeputycollectorinspectorandagentformenonly.Approximately 700 vacancies in the internal revenue service,for duty in the field at en- trance salaries ranging from $1,400 to $1,600 or over per annum,with Seeety travelling expenses whenabsentfromheadquertersinthedis-of official duties,are to be .Applications may be made toCivilServiceCommissionatWash- cee ee ee oneness K.Enloe,a young fireman onrailway,died shortlyTeceivinginjurieswhenhisen-derailed and overturned onbranch,near Junaluska, c ,says the they startedtotollthebell atachurchinAsheville,just as@funers!Rect wasauifellout of the tower eal leaving the ind had a naprey will be volunteers, ranging 3. Campbell,MCarpenter,AvenueCarson,R.L.Carter,J.Q.,Carter Bros.,Cashion,Mrs.Cline,R.F., Collie,Mra.E.Colvert,J.E.,. Conner,C.D,,one lot,Craig,8am HL,\Daniels,C.E.,one lot,Broad St.....Davidson,J.A.,one lot,Davie ave...Deaton,Fred G.,one lot,Sharpe St..Dellinger,B.L.,one lot,Kelly St.Dixen,James,estate,two lots,CenterSt.;Dulin,P.P.,one lot, berry Sts ;ices eee Echerd,J.M..one lot,8.Center St...Bidson,A.C.,one lot,Park PlaceEliason,W.A.,two lots,Sharpe St..Elliott,Mra.F.O.,one lot,Pourth Ervin,L.A..one lot,Ervin,O.R.,one lot,&Fesperman,Rev.J.H.,one lot,4th St.Foster,Mrs.Daisy T.,one lot,ArmfieldSt.. Fox,Fry,T. Gaither, Gibson,Cherry St eee Gunn,J.A.,one lot,Cemetery St.crsHarbin,John F.,two lots,Alexander and Race Sts erasHarbin,R.J..one lot,Alexander St.. Harris,A.W.,one lot,Beil St.one Hariness,Mra.Nora and R.,one lot, Caldwell St. Harwell,U.C., Walnut Sts et Hendren,J.E.,six lots,Fifth St.. Hines,E.K.,one lot,West End Ave...Jacks,M.L.,one lot,Fourth St.Jennings,J...one lot,Bell 8t., Jones,C.J.,one lot,Davie Ave. Johrwon,J.M.,one let,Race Stonelot,Bost St..... lota,Fifth St...one lot,Western Ave.,one lot,Eighth St..J.,one lot,Davie Ave... L.,one lot,Steckton St.J.L..one let,Fourth St. Lamprecht,Mys.J.U.,two ots,Traddst Sharpe and Mul- one lot,Caldwell St ....one lot,Front St..... L.W.,one let,Fifth St,... J.F.Batate,bal,one lot, A F.,&.. one lot,Meeting and Keller, Kennerly,Kistier,J. Lawrence E.N.,one fot,Bell St...Lavee ti by J.,one lot,Race St Lewis,Mre y.G.,twe lots,Center St. Lindley,W.W.,one lot,Fourth St.Lippard,J .Sr.,two lots,Seventh St. Lippard,A.B.,one let,Seventh St. Misses M.M.and 8.C.,one lot, W.,one lot,Caldwell St..one lot,Seventh St......W.,one lot,Tradd St..danie and Cora,one bot, c Ave,.ls,W.M..one lot,Caldwell St..W.P.,ene let,BoulevardP.,one lot,Front St.J.B,one fot,Bell St.yf.A.,one lot,Davie Ave .two lota,Broad St. one let.Front St *,one lot,Oak St*.,one lot,Highland Ave..F.,one lot,West End Ave.3 lots,Front and Green St..one lot,Front St. West .one lot,Boulevard .‘.one lot,Sharpe and Mul- berry Sts.‘‘5 aes Rary,J.C.,one lot,Fifth St.sie Reed,W.D.,one lot,Meeting St.. Rumple,Mrs.J.C.,bal.,one lot,Boule- ,one lot,3.Center St...R.,one lot,$.Center StJohn,one lot,Fifth St. ne,J.M.,one let,Development Co,Dr.F.L.,one lot,Center and Bet]Sta.es : Sharpe &Lewis,one lot,Broad StShaver,C.F.,one lot,Boulevard er,Mrs.E.O.,bal.,ene fot, vard iver,&.O.,Snook,J.M., buping.G.F Somers,M.V. DR. Shs Boule- ene lot,Fourt.Sttwolots,Caldwell 5t. one lot,Seventh Stestate,one lot,Front St. Sowers,John,one lot,Tradd StSowers,G.H.,one lot,Caldwell St.ywers,O.A,,onc lot,West End Ave...Sowers,R.L..two lots,Mills St.Stradley,J.Foss,Eirhth St,Siarnes,J.B Sherpe andBroadStSteele,Henry T.,one lot,West End Ave.Svann,Luther,col.one lot,Walker St. Stimpsen,W.J..one lot,Broad St. Svatm,Mrs.A.D.,one lot.ston Stfeylor,J.M.and wile,one fot,Broad St.epaugh,J.H..one Ict.wifth St... L.B,one let.Davie Ave. man,C.J.,one let,Bell St.ner,Marvin.one lot,Seventh St...n Mrs.Sam.,ore lot,Sharpe St.Mrs.Lula,one lot,Front St.asson,J.|ne Highland Ave fextmoreland,W ene lot,Oak vl Sharpe one lot two lots, lot, M me lot,Caldwell Stnelot,Broad St Ida,one let,Kelly St...Corporations. »Pad and Saddle Co., St &Fuel Co., one lot, 1 dee Colored. .one lot,Garfield St... .Harrison St.Tradd St Center St te,Hattie ana Alfred, field St ; one lot,Garfleld St,.Garfield St one one n,*,Harrison StCowan,M.L .Front St.Tmaltoen,Andy .Park Place,Davidson,Minnie,one lot,Chambers St.Veimster,Everett,tel,one lot,Cherry St. Feimster,Melvin,one lot,Chambers St, Fraley,Press,one lot,Garfield St. Fraley,Lee,one lot.Green St. Gray,dno.H.,one lot,Sharpe StGreene,Marvaret.one lot,Gartield StHampton,Jas.one lot,south of RR.Hollowell,J.8,one lot,Walker St.Holmes,Perey,one lot,Green St.Howard,Emma,one lot,Stockton St...Hunter,Hattie,one lot,‘fradd St Johnson,James,one lot,Tradd and Steekton Sts« Kerr,Henrietta,one lot,West End Ave.Kimbrough,Will,ont lot.Harrison St Martin,Lee,one lot,Garfleld &t cont B.L..,one lot,Garfield StMurdock,J)A.estate,1 lot,Shar St.Murphy.J.P.,one lot,Davie Ae ‘McKee,G.©.,one lot,Green St ‘MeLeliand,W.P.,one it,Garfield St.McNeely,Bill,one lot,Garfield St.Nichohon,Josephine,ome lot,Tradd St.Osborn,Mamie,one lot,Walker St,Pearson,Jennie,one lot,Garfield St...Sherrill,Ivey,one lot,Sharpe St.Sherrill,Jno.A..one lot,Walker St.Simonton,Delia,one lot,Garfield St..Thomas,Ed.,one lot,Garfield St..Thormas,Janet ertate,one lot,SharpeWatts,R.8.,three lots,uartield ae.White,Joseph,one lot,Tradd Bt,...Woods,Dave,one lot,Garfield andoceanods,»One lot,Walker St.....Woods &Carson,one lot,back 2 Com.Young,Mary Lae,lov,Walker St.-ColoredSirrontem,Gam,onelot,Garfield St...tev lapn,ane tot,Che St, a] one Jot,Sharpe am a n we e vo a e e - : SS I s eS s e —- os e ea e AM Sines of Framing.| Can furnish all the Lumber. 1 = ~ aR Be e f = to . SP s S5 a 2 5 >3 eh e r r s s e s : _ . Si z e SI s s e = S e e ay >io s Willys Six Touring Willys-Knights Four Touring Tour Compe..81650 lour Sedan 8igso Jour Limousine $1059 Bight Towring .fi.50 »Br309 4 eoaik o PPDThe $yy NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.In the Superior Court,May Term,1917.Imperial Furniture Manufacturing Company*.Keystone Glue Company.‘he above named defendant will take notieeanactionentitledasabovehasbeenneedintheSuperiorCourtofIredelly.North Carolina,to recover the eum09.55,for breach of contract on the partthedefendant,wherein {t oblignted itselftofurnishgluefortheplaintiffcompany,a@e-ting to its requirements for the year 1916,Phe said defendant will further take netieerequiredtoappearatthetermofthe Superior Court of said county to be held on ith Monday after the ist Monday tpMarch,1917,being the Zist day of May of sa.d year,at the court house of said county inStatesville,and answer or demur to com. plaint in said action,or the plaintiff will applytothecourtforthereliefdemandedin ind J.A.HARTNESS, Clerk Superior Court, Wf 8 the ipinint,April 27,1917. used in the construction ofahouse.—Both Rough and C.WATKINS, DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS 8 to 5. ‘PHONE 41. When you Bank your money with us, All prices J.0.6,T lela Subject t change withou!notice 4x18 No.1 Heart Pine Shing\Being unloaded by C.WAT-| .4 | Considerwhataguarantecitisto own acarbacked by a company,000 assets;with workmen that would agood sized city;with acres and acres of modern fac- tories,and more than 4,000 with $68,armypopulate dealers and branches. The «::cgnitude of The Willys-Over- ‘ompanyisdue to its man- cgement:due to the practical prodigious production as a means to higher quality and lower prices. land policy of utilizing The Willys-Overland guards ts obligation to the own- ersof its cars asseriouslyas a conservative ban!protects the The is predicatedwethe—for cars of ,comiort aoatadditionpng Bo 4utility. Thea family canintheiesof be- ther —oe ibeotherowmersenaOverlandCompanytodistribute and bring down costs. Such a car as the Overland Big Four would never have beenbleatsuchapriceas$895 it not been for over 300,000cimilarOverlandswhichhavealreadygoneintoservice. Come in and see the OverlandBigFourandthemostcompre-hensive line of motor cars everbuiltbyanyoneproducer. an Company W.R.Mills Motor Company, Phone 512. Light |NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR-|RANT OF ATTACHMENT. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELLIntheSuperiorCourt. Statesville Lumber CompanyCottonMills.The defendant above named will take noticethatasummonsintheaboveentitiedactionwasidsuedagainstsaiddefendantonthe28th dzy of March,i917,by the Clerk of the Su- nerior Court of Iredeli county for the sum ofFiveHundredandThirty-Seven Dollars,duebythedefendanttotheplaintiffforgesoldanddelivered,which summons is returnabletothenexttermoftheSuperiorCourtofTredellcounty,said court to be held on the11thMondayaftertheIstMondayinMareh, the same being the Jlet day of May,1917.The defendant will also take notice that awarrantofattachmentwasissuedonthe28thdayofMarch,1917,against the property ofsaiddefendant,which werrant is returnableatthetimeandplaceabovenamedforthereturnofthesummons,when and where thedefendantisrequiredtoappearandanewerordemurtothecomplaint,or the relief demandedwillbegranted.J.A.HARTNESS,Superior Court of Iredell Co.April 20,1917. va.Marlboro ClerkDormanThompson,Atty. kins.Also a quantity of car. The Just unloaded is a splendid lot.Full stock of Nails,Ridge Roll,ValleyTin,green and Brown ShingleStains.and Scaffold material.C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- dell county. OurmanyyearsofsuccessfulBankingleavesnoexperimentingforyoubutassuresyouofasafedepository.This Bank is one ofthePioneerBanksofthecountryand We Are In a Position ToHandle Your Basiness To The Best Advantage. We have a !arge number of patrons andmanyofthemhaveALWAYSdonetheirBankingbusinesswithus.TRY US. OPEN AN ACCOUNT. People’sLoanandSavings “THE OLD RELIABLE.” wi wDthety Statesville,N.C. or >>, Willys Overland Company,Toledo,Ohio g.)--=>= Manufactureré of Willys-Knight and Overland AutomobilesandCommercialCars. COUNTY.| | ; |}‘Cheap Pine Shingles in this} Oo 0O0 pCarRedCedarsd|HOPE YOURE WELL! BUT ~if you're not,don’t forget that we’re always ready to help you to get well. Our exclusive PRESCRIPTION DEPART- MENT is aiways at your service with drugs of the highest quality,dispensed with pre- cision and promptness. }\ ustinstalled the most complete machinery anduteofShoerepairingAbefoundenung it ,long “per ce m 8 work,4 a ‘willSetty eelseme his old customers as well asnow’ and they will be repaired in the ible,consistent with ~~eotaee ; Supemvimaaiests SHIRT WAISTS!SHIRT WAISTS! We have just received a big shipment of Crepe De Chine,Georgette Crepe and Voile Waists.Prices from 9%8c. to $5.75. Now is your time to get a new spring Coat,Co:t Suit or Silk Dress. We are offering our entire line at a big reducticn. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. 5RR A i At aie i THE LANSi cra»eg ‘P *%f. el e s t a c k 18 vantageof her. Creation of a national and -accelerate de.|by the Coun- store away during the a a 15 coal paodaSub-commit-|is “‘etthntity a ‘ce.ae the try will|i coun |leaving of the farms to fill other deal directly with producers and dis-| j¢allings.As long az this con tributors.iitheincousumptionwillcon-|The government's wooden ship|vinue and the consumption of can-building plan is definitelynedgoodsofailkindsislargelyonandtheshippingboardtheincrease;not entirely owing t0|in a few months to be turningout|war conditions,but very On great numbers of vessels to run the account of the ability to can-German w e.ned goods of a wholesome »'builders,without waiting|So,Brother Farmers,with all contracts,are proceeding on the as-chances of increased demand for surance of the board that the ships\these goods,We cannot go amiss by)will be taken over when completed. jtaking stock and aiding in the com-;four machine is trained from|duct of a plant of this kind;and uM-.tho weil of the House of Congress|less we farmers take hold and lend yoo ihe members,along with a|ourselves to this or any ~pea erent array of rifles,revolvers and| ject that depends on the ormed hibit tproducts,it can’t flourish.The more psec ar &3 $ hegdesente-|bfactoriesthemoredemandforourtiveTilsonTunnaitionk formerproducts.The legitimate govern-Notional Guard officer and memberingfactorofpricesisthenaioftheHousemilizarycommitlawofsupplyanddemand.urging that the United States shou_Now if we will arzva:.ze—and time use the British army rifle to equipisshortforpreparation—to COM-|its war army.tract to the canning company the The Governor of Mississippi hasproductofafieldoftomatoesat80issuedaroclamationurgingthemuehaton;the same with beans people of cn State to observe one and corn,butter beans,sweet mestiess and flourless day each week toes,ete.we can thereby lend en-during the war.He also urged thecouragementfortheimmediatecon-pianting of more food crops,conser-struction of this so very lyedenterprise.If 100 farmers waste in homes and here,and cortract to grow an acre in toma-patriotic demonstrations on the day|toes,they could easily do so,for registration of men under thesafelyexpecttoclear$50 an acre at conscription act.isuch prices as the ecunnery would ===and LOOK | *formal! ameter come | ra Likiaacrein beans and TA GuspayeeTONGUEWCROSS,ean be taken off .‘|lobe fend ae!a winter eats FEVERISH AND SICK.| thus ing the work of this rope,+loff before cotton is to pick “Yake No Chances!Move Poisons| ‘oeheols open,giving From Liver and Bowels at Once.|et | during the few slack months Mothers can restS%after givingbringinginwometatimezSyrupigs,”because|most needed.ink of the black-Wa few hours all the cloggedee berry crop that could be turned into Weste,sovr bile and fermenting food | cash;think of the fruit could they gently moves out of the bowels,and, jbe canned;think of the pickles putPhe have a well,playful child again. wp and how easy cucum grow.Children cimply will not iake theWhyhereisagoldenharvestfortimefromplaytoemptytheirbowels those who will take up the growing and they become tightly packed,liverofthesecommoditiesforagoodgetssluggishandstomachdisorder- cannery.ed,. Now !have been teld it would||When cross,feverish,restless,see work a hardship for the canning if tongve is coated.then give this de-| club girls.I don’t agree with this lictous “fruit ‘axative.”ildren love| claim.I believe it would help them it and ‘t cannot cause injury.No dif- ‘n many ways,giving some of them ference what ails your lit one-—if| permanent emoloyment as experts fell of cold,or a score throat,diar- both in growing and putting up the theea,stomach-acho,bad breath,re-|crop;would enable to find member,2gentle,“inside cleansingbreadermarketsfortheirsuperiorshouldalwaysbethefirsttroatmont products and te purchase eans in given.Full directions for babies, larger quantities and at lower rates,Children of all ages and grown-ups‘with good roads all over the county “re printed on eack bottle. and the vast number of automobiles .Beware of counter‘cit fig syrups. now in use by the farmers,trans-Ask your drurgist for a 50-cent bot. porting these products to the can-tle of “California nt ier of Figs, nety would be reduced to a fraction,then look exrcfully and see that it is compared to many places where made by the “California Fig Syrup fata a thebodyagainst Guaranteedpricesdelivered at States- villeOilMillor my Warehouse,take your choice.Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,andUnionGuano, ‘rat-Company.”We moke no smaller a are _a ee size,end back with contempt any .other fig syrup.The Bankers Lost.ceat == The United States Supreme Court Cc.WATKINS for |decided against ‘the New York bank-“Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.ers in the case against the North Doors,Windows,Ceil- ing,Moulding,La German Logg liner Kronvrinzessin Siaing,Boxing, Planters’Wh.,Statenville. |caer S ich on ee ye 240,amages for failureofthe ;vessel to deliver gold bullion worth Line,Cement,$11,000,000 shipped to England andFrancejustattheoutbreakofthe,war.The Cecelie,the Supreme Court decided.is not liable in damages totheshippersforturningbackto |kuuaee is sma oak oes |Fl 0 W @ r Singhervoyage.The decision deter i j| | |For All Occasions! a seone of other German vessels in American ports. Damages For Lodge Initiation. |By refusing to review the Alabamacourtproceedings,the CourtoftheUnitedStatesputintoeffectdecreesawarding$18,000 damagesagainsttheSupremelodgesoftheLoyalOrderofMooseforthedeathofDonaldA.Kenney during initiation ‘at the Birmingham,Ala.,I lodge.Kenney died after receiving an elec-trie shock from a “branding board.”|'That this feature was not a regular We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Grain,Hay;Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. CASH OR TIME. -vation of supplies,elimination of gg ~elsew Aroot that lasted 20 Without abacostinga penny Is worth talkingabout. under way |@with-| FS¢4 z g i5 |e|FOR SALE!Ja| 95-acre farm in Cool Spring township,7-room dwelling,barnandoutbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,good orchard,balanceinwoodland,8 acres in bottom land,mostly meadow. 78 acres,five miles of Statesville,6-room,2-story ebernandoutbuildings;40 acres in cultivativn,good7 neacresinfinebottemland. 200 acres,eight miles of Statesville,75 acres in ——acres in w,balance in woodland,‘tockbarnandoutbuildings,and fine orchard,kindsof fruit. 6-room cottage,good well and barn on Boulevard. 4-room cottage on Drake street,lot 60x280.wan”dwelling on Lackey street,good well and barn,lotx242.Lot-—-56x162—corner Oak and west Sharpe street.For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER, Insurance,Stock and Real Estate. One of the Best Ways to Prepare | for War is to Raisea Big Cropof Food Stuff. It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineverywaypossible,This Bank has always made it its business tofinancetheFarmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist in every way possible, inti Farm products of all kinds are bringing highprices,and the indications are that they will con-tinue high for several years at least,so it’s veryevidentthatthefarmerwhoproducesBIGcropswillbeontop. If we can serve you,come in and see us,98statedabove,we are ready,and willing to assist in every way possible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Vank For Your Savings.” ne |THE STATESVILLE |REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpoliaytveldens,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire,Asin thepast,we will strive to give the sameHIGHGRADESERVICEthell and .&.-|.or nlf Woman's woman burst intotr"the sheriff of IredellAthe!—.other day,and pouring out woes to that official,mee that he ible "s quick and terrhertormentors.Mary’s fiance had come to claim her as his bride.Upon his arrival her sister insisted upon remaining on the scene.The sister coquetted to such advantage that Mary was lefthighanddry,her betrothed leavingforCharlottewithhersister.The depth of Mary's grief was reachedwhensheexplainedhowthe“wuth- less nigger”had insisted that she stop the maintenance of her Christ-mas Savings club at the bank.He had promised her when he had tak en her to Charlotte she would have no need of a Christmas savings club, so Mary had’ruthlessly spent her savings and now she wes left withneitherhusbandnorsavings. As there is no law to prevent a man marrving the woman of his choice,provided ‘she is of not already attached,Mary had nm legal right te bring her runaway) finnee back.She insisted that there should be some law to punish a man who would leave his bride-to-be for another woman on his wedding dayandsemelawtopunishawoman who would be so mean as to steal her sister's intended.But there not.Front Street Baptist Meeting bringu age and vyweeEP,+ white and blue bunting of the Con->i Life school;|federacy,for the Memorial Day ex-ereises held in honorof the Confed- The Merchants’band,which rarnish- Sharpebalance to buybuilding;that |paid balance vanced to Mingerntedeadandthoseleftamongus.|™ap is set :tbe ad- ed splendid music curing the day,onened the programme with a selec- tion.’Rev.L.D.Thompson pronounced he invoeation.Then followed the be-stowal of crosses of honor by the Daughters of the Gonfederacy upen the following named veterans:W.F. Adams.W.H.Woodfin,H.C.Sum- Jacob Lentz,Henry T.John- R.P.Holmes.W.A.Goforth, Ellés,J.A.Fox and W.J.Ev- 'Miss Frences Browrey recited “Make One More Gun |For 1.L.B.Bristel tntreduced the speaker of the morning.Prof.J.M. presiden of Mitchell Col- mers, JR Moore, re. Mr.Moore spoke i everent strainof“this dav of memories.”He -that urged worship,sa’ nations are judged by that it behooves the South to ‘rve the memory of their heroes, han which no erander ever foudht The spenker declared thet the Civil War was not a war of conquest nor var of rebellion,buat a war in hich the South fought for her leals.Addressing the veterans,Mr hero pre- Me.”* men and | theiy heroes,* iforclubgirls,theoaidin30days;that bebeemployedonHarmonyF school farm at $16 per the salary of reased frm $36.85 to $45per th. Schools applied for new 2 or improvements as ff iricts Ne.2 Creek want new rooms Davidson,No.1 New .3 Concord,want new houses;d ople outh of Statesville want to form anew.district house near Gray's chapel, FORT DORBS SALE, The Fort Dobbs chapter of Daughters of the rive a fair at the court house tomer row.Numerous articles have been entributed by local wholesale merinntsandwillbeofferedforsale. such as towels,stockings,blankets, haking powder,salad dressing,amok ig tobaeceo,etc.The sale will be nboeut noon The proceeds will.to Hanidating the debt on the oldDobbs the Miss Henke 2 Uni —“No.52nien) Chambersburg and Na,Coddle 3 5 6 and build a Revolution wil!| Just Received By Express ==NEW SKIRTS.== Striped Taffetaof excellent lity,full in width.The follo the t Sports trend.Shirred effect at the adaooen‘onts.Canbe had in Satin at the same price,$5.00,Our Skirtsarecutonliberallines—the only thing skimped is the price. NEW WAISTS. Acollection that in variety,style,quality andanyshowingmadebyusthisseason.Prices 98c.,$1.48,a $2,98,$3.48,$5.00,¢6.50.ushas, NEW SILK SWEATERS $10.00 and $13.50. PATRIOTS,The ow (the Erlanger CottonMillsatLexington,manufacturer8.V.DD.underwear,have offeredturnovertheirmillstethegov-nt apd manufacture underwea:cost,without «That is an off: —Church News. Mothers’Day wil!t«the First Baptist church Sunday bytheSundayschoo!and at the regular preaching hour. Services at Trinity church Sunday morning atRev.W.R.Ware has’ from Tayiorsville,whereductedaiweek's meeting at theMethodistchurch.The successful meeting closed with 21 additions to '°! the membership of the church.Dr vidren oO hero Ware recently attended a meeting Moore described % of the board of trustees of Ruther r ve for y in which ford College.Mr.Ware is a mem.‘9 serve his country;the 4 litieia un ber of that board._ever Jooking :yPTe vav in ace Asai I Moore spoke of the present war and “Catching f Appa-READY MADE DRESSES. Stunning Gowns in Georgette Crepe,Crepe De Chine,Taffetas and Satin.If you need one,See them now. MILLINERY. Big line of Women’s Ready Trimmed Hats. Hats that fit and sell. CORSETS. Full line of Ferris Good Sense Waists and Corsets,all sizes for Women,Misses and Children.We carry also the celebrated W.B. Rust Proof Corsets,all sizes from 18 to 36.Price 98c.to $3.00, observed at a 5 rleam o nattax on vrour swy is,we ¢slackers.”The men of today are of nspired to do their part In the to resent wer rname 14 o'clock,The speaker paid a tribute to the ‘or the soldiers at returned Women of the Confederacy ho in penny profit. he con-hemes ’.roin orth while The Children of th :While in Shelhy having his will re admonished that,u -drawn,W.C.Wolfe,Confederat: nts they must \’th:‘}: :i :A ceran and %4)years old,droppe! ~:a ma .lead cannot Episeopa! Also,Lids for Kids, ve Closing :of Kerr's Branch el,which were to have taken wht,were postpon to them and th the St served f moar-“pe erg eee eee = New Skirts and New Hats! PreShrank Wash Skirts,guaranteed values,at $1.00,$1.50, €2.50,$3.00 and $4.00. aid Navy,Woo!Serges and Poplins,at $2.50,$3.90, experience ee AGC mt ne —_—cerns ane “a workers’class at Bethesda,7 p.m.Iredell were 16 additions to the church and mpa dispensed free smokes and Beaver lives at Maiden and ft i bere for exer .Pena Oe okie or epee ant |16 Big Department Stores. nicht—and the third Sunday night ‘tree.t V tamser;treasurer,M.A The Landmark been pera anon apneneenneeaeeennptaeiilialll publication calls for additi Preaching at Fifth Creek Sunday country Bhus i Rev.C.E.Beaver closed a meet-During the dav Polk Gray Dru i the ordinance of baptism will b nks to them.Mr.Ro A.Coopt pastor of a group of churches in Ca-Campbell Camp of Street church and wi™preaco there edias follows:Com 16 Big Depart t Sty12gepstmen&ores. of each month.A.=] space.The demand for adve nue:and the war,the at 11 a.m.:at Elmwood 3 p.m:“t)Moore,speak Bethesda &p.m.Sunday school of manner an miurtoy mpress-dinner Was ing of ten davs at Front Street mney |tree crimes we te ‘. Baptist church Tuesday night.Thers terans ane sexvilla Brvr 66 rustworth Merchandise Alw ”ys Trustworthy Merchandis ays administered Avenue er:The band,eaker payor,proprivter picture —| church Monday night.2Ist.Mr.tet ‘ample!of fer ed the Tr A .:f THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. tawha county.He formerly Ae a ederate Veterans held a meet churches in Iredell.He has acceptal crar t “hoe iren ann ny at the court house prior te the on the first Sunday-—m adjutant io =ee PLON!212.ae The Explanation.=PHONE 212%. Never in all iis ;come space has heen active,vhich ig fo tunate,seeing that increased cos propaganda and other thi the demand on the news ce great that much cutti: ming is necessarv.This to contributors the di ing some things scnt do not appear.Lack « sole Ped the most important matter.or su as comes to hand first Meantim if you are moved to wre something send it along.It will of if po-sible. Going Home From Princeton. Mr.B.W.Barnard spentdaysthisweekwithVoF.T.Meacham,on }Princeton |erAsheville.Mr.Barnar reason,r Black ( $3.58,and $5.96. Black Silk Poptin Skirts,at $5,00,$5.50 and $8 00. We also oer 2 beautiful lineof Ladies’White Hats,Ribbons Asheville.Air.“Barnard pke of emsf Ss and Trimmings,which are much i demand at this time---- manifestedut hic Universite.bah pee ow EAT <special prices on all Trimmed Hats,Don’t fail to see our :=:offerings.Yours truly,tain amount of his regular work onconditionthathetakeacourse military Mr.Brat nard has r admittance t the officers’training cn \i Oglethorpe.Ga.In ence he fa there he will devote h ro pressing the foodfarming. be taken care training off vf applied ft -” Embezziement Charge —Court Hl S t H »mbersiement Charke —(ou aj :ome,Sweet Home, costs by Justi Lavenh ‘1 if Ie \ sault on Herman ly: ored, cols (:os ,3 ville Oi wil ;ae j=te!|onichia in charges of om}i ‘:1 from the com ,{ prelimnary ',\anno a Caldwell and «$25 }!,; appearance . ha:been with het investment anybody ean time snd it 1 nade '',Amoresvens. |Prices Have Not Advanced |lthe Weser Piano Improvem:nis Have Been Made Me ooAnumberofperonsh plied from the bagTheLandmarkforfi Mr.R.A.Stowe of there is yet a pearly 40 vears,and enjoys The corn the r fer durability and +tone quality.Only hig materials are j used in the construction,yet nd its price is within reason. those able to for distributio supply themse! to correct a wrone Landmar!act Stowe and a!If you are thinking of pur- a Piano,or ever ex- pect to own one,it is cer- tainly to your personal and business interest to see and hear this beautiful instru- the terms rpromptly. ment. TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE! geke thai al)who went cans notify Come to our store to-morrow and see the Foosier Every WESER Piano is His addtess is Statesville,R-2.|While we have a big display.‘|guaranteed against all de- 901 Blue-3..,fects in material and work- ansBah Hennes,Crawford -Bunch Furniture Company,Reed to Haprinesscheerfalendgoed natured and meee Tikely to be happy You on “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”‘PHONE NO,400. 'i:{ complete without a Masie instills noble heart and y one,and a Pi- the reliable,rood, Piano is the the home. One of the most important tests of a car is a bad hill, That is why we elected to sell the Buick and Dodge cars,In these cars the power is all right there,beneath you,as much es you need for any reasonable climb. In spite of the ranidly materiuls,the steadfast in price ’ !y increasing costs of all rawHoosterivonearticlethathasremained Not a penny has it gone up,but on the other | many valuable improvements have been added. We can quote vou similarly low prices and good p:= on other lines of merchandise in our store. We have made it a point to offset the rapidly advancing prices by selecting mer- chandise from reputable manufacturers. ABOUT CANS. The canners are having much trouble in etting cane this year Mr.C.M.Summers of Statesville R- 2,who does an extensive canning business,has been making an effort to get cans and he thinks it possible te wet a car load if enough canners will go in on the proposition.He Don’t neglect to come here fora demonstration of the many other good points of the Buick or Dodge. ]|Leonard Piano Store.i,if not eepeesitte,howcopetantiytroubledwithinin's §=—"Dableta a be .Theseame i ot l f l , vi er as E t e Fj=e i3 alreday in stockmdiesorotherSipeuponotherma-for their main constituents. :opportunity to vote it;offered when the natetakesthebillamendment3the——of Fd whole but|.Opponents o'prohibitory provis-fident that they wil!be able to overturn the action.Esti-the debate were that000,000 in annual inter- be lost if theamendmentstands.,Elimination of the press censor-ship section ended a long and bitter|fight.The _—was 39 =*Anopportunitywillcomealsoforan-other vote on this section,and theadministrationisexpectedtemakeanefforttohavetheSenatereverseitself. The prohibition section was cut out when thebill passed yesterday. Congress Makes Way For Roosevelt. The way was cleared in CongressSaturdayforColonelRoosevelt,ifheisgivenauthorizationbythead-ministration,to raise a division ofvolunteersforserviceinFrance.:Reversing its previous action andoverridingtheconferencecommitteconthearmydraftbill,the Housevoted217to178toempowerthePresenttoextendauthorityforre-eruiting such a division.This sentthearmybillbacktoconference.TheSenatehadadoptedasimiliarauthor- ization during original consideration of the measure and its conferees areexpectedtoagreetoit.WhetherthenecessaryauthoritywillbecivenCol.Roosevelt by the administra- tion is problematical.The army gen-eral staff,whose advice PresidentWilgonhasfollowedcloselyinthe “eonduct of the war,is strongly op-posed to such a plan,deelarine vol- unteer units of that character have no place in the grent war army.Six North Carolina members—Pou,Kitchin,Steadman,Robinson, Hood and Godwin,voted against theauthorization;Doughton and Weav-er voted for it and Webb and Smal! didn’t vote. Russia Falls Away. political situation in Russia demandint}increasing attention and causing added concerr amongallthealliednations.Under the eontinued harassing course of theradicalelementsinPetrograd,the provisional government,which hasheldRussiatogethersincethe overthrow of the old regime,nowshowssignsofbreakingup. The is koff,the minister of war and =ma- rine,resigned.Goaded by interfer-ence with the army and navy to an extent which he declares threaten«“the defence,the liberty and eventheexistenceofRussia,”he felt itimpossibletosharelongerthere- sponsibility “for the grave sin-beingcommittedagainstthecountry.”Simultaneously there comes fromPetrogradadenialofareportthatthecouncilofworkmen's and so!diers’delegates favors an armistice The situation in Russia is regard- ed as absolutely hopeless so far as help to the allies is concerned,If Russia doesn’t help Germany direct-ly she will help her indirectly by of-|fering no opposition. StoppedTrading in Grain. All trade'in wheat except to closeupexistingcontractswasordered stopped for two days by directorsoftheChicagoboardoftrade yes- terday.were given as the maximum atwhichsettlementsmaybemade.AlltradingincornandoatsforMayde-livery was ordered discontinued.May wheat was eliminated last Sat- The directors also prohibited trad- ing in indemnities,known also as “bids and orders,”and years ago more commonly known as “pitsandcalls.” Calling the Troops. General Royster andreturning_a trip“vil Be think Statelatter he ‘being mastered into The | first gap was created when M.Guch-| Saturday's closing figures| STATESVILLE,N. ‘MEN.|HOW TO MANAGE TOWN i : F !3:i! :i &ts z 3 -o-z ii si : = =:E= Mouth Caroling 181100,‘Tennes,th Carolina 187,100,195,000,Texas 420,000,Virginia in two weeks after the Pres-has signed the selectivebill,registration of those forwillbeunderwaytthecountry.The WarDepartmenthaserectedavastandintricatewarmachineforqaclguenaandorganizingtheconscripts.eywillbeassembledattrainingcampsinSeptember.questions to be answered in-volve comparatively few subjects;the name in full,the age in years,the home address,the date of birth,the quality of citizenship,nativehorn,naturalized,or the condition ofdeclarationofintention;the placeofbirth,trade,occupation or office;employment,and by whom employ-ed;dependents,if any;married or single;race;former military serv- iee,and where it was rendered,and, lastly,claims of exemption from draft,with the specific grounds therefor. The conferees put into the bill anamendmentgivingthePresident power to organize and equip for each infantry and.cavalry brigade three machine gun companies,and for each division of these services, four machine gun companies in ad- lition to those comprised in each or- ganization of these units.He also was given authority to organize onearmoredmotorcarmachine=guncompanyforeachdivision. Exem . Exemptions from the selective iraft were left virtually as original- ly suggested by the general staff.Those absolutely exempt include of- ficers of the United Stater and any State or Territory;ministers,stu- dents of reeognized divinity or theo-logica!schools and members of “any well-recognized religious sect or or ganization at presen:organized,” whose existing creed forbids partic- ipation in war.The last class arenotexemptfrom non-combatant service,In addition,the President is authorized to exclude or discharge from draft the following: County —and municipal officers, customs house clerks,postal em- ployes,workmen in navy yards or nrsenals or armories;others in the Federal government’s employ whom the President may designate;pilots and mariners actually emploved —in sea service;“persons engaged in in- lustries,including agriculture,foundtobenecessarytothemaintenanceofthemilitaryestablishmentorthe effective operation of the militaryforcesorthemaintenanceofnation- al interest during the emergency,” those having persons dependent uponthemforsupport,and those foundtobephysicallyormorally defi- cient. The section relating to tribunals to hear pleas for exemptions pro- vides that there be civil and not mil- itary hearings.Tribunals are to be established in each county of —each Siate,or in cities,one for each 39,- 000 inhabitants.There are to be lthree persons-in each board appoint- do by the President.inere will be in appeal tribunal in each Federal |judicial district.The President|would be the final court of appeal.|Te Avoid Favoritism.|To dispese of any fear that coun- ty and city registration boards will lexorcise favoritism in enrolling sol-jdiers under the selective draft,Pro- jvost Marshal General Crowder jsved a statement declaringi ' || is such |practices would be virtually imposjsiblebecauseoftheexplicitterms in which the act is drawn.He warn- led registration officials that favorit- lism easily could be detected and |would be punished with heavy pen alties. “Every precaution,”said the stateiment,‘will be taken to make it certainthattheregistrationwillbeconductedwithexactjustice.“The law is specific and allows nollatitudetotheboards,either in the |matter of registration or fn the latermatterofexemptionfromservice.In fact,the law is self-executing|Every man within the age limits fix ef by the selective service act mustregister,and the penalty for eva- sion will fall net only on the man who fails to appear,but on any mem-ber of a registration board who may{he shown to he in collusion with thepersonwhoattemptstoescapehis duty.“Farther,the registration boards \will not act as rds ev Sston toeyoungmanereg-‘istered shall im to beinateolocal .and yoo Se within > exemption use statute.Inaaoeeeeiallyandie“far as the other reason for underaaejismotevaluableathomethan . MR.HARRY BURKE DEAD. “ro Le:Se The newly elected town officers-—L.B.Bristol,mayor;N.D.Tomlin,T.N-|jy McElwee,J.F.Carlton,G,'aW.A.Evans,H.0.Steele,J.G.Jton and J.A.'Brady,and aldermen—metFridaytheoathof;|fice,which was administered byretiringmayor,L.C.Caldwell,board will meet again nextnight,when the matter of theforceandothercityofficialstakenup.A motion was adopted that 0oybooksbeaudited.Messrs,Me ;Shelton and Bristol were acommitteetomakearrangementofficesforthemayorandforthedermentoholdmeetings.After being sworn in,Mayor Bris-tol set forth to the aldermen somehisideasofgovernmentand—ndations.en ~_that wou ot try to dictate tofthealdermenbutwould agestionsfromtimetotimeasoccurredtohim,endeavoringtoinharmonyforthebestinterestoftown.He would be alert and co-op-erate with all industrial organizationstoadvanceeverycauseforthegoodandupliftofthecitizens.He pledg-ed loyal support to local schools.Mayor Bristol recommended a cen-tral office,where the mayor and allothercityofficialswouldtransactcitybusiness;that the office of city treas-urer,clerk and water subeconsolidatedandthat onetentpersonbeclerktotheboard,¢ol-leet water and electric light bills,citytaxesandattendtothegeneralofficeworkofthemayor,his salary not toexceed$1,200;that the office be socentralthatcitizensmaycallandpalightbillsmonthlyandwaterbiquarterly.Other recommendations:That thecity’s plumber read all water metersandthesuperintendentoflightsreadalllightmeters;that there be twodistinctcitystreetforces-——one on permanent work and one onupkeep;that it is expedient to buy anautotruckforgeneralhaulingandworkonstreets;that an auto sprink-ler be bought and the streets of thecitybesprinkledfree;that adequatemeansbeprovidedforprosec sanitary work;co-operation with cibodiesforthebestinterestoftown;that policemen repore at mayor's of-fiee when coming on and going duty;that salaries of policemen be in- creased $5 per month;that the mayorbeempoweredtochengetheautomo-bile speed limit to 15 mils per hour in city,5 miles when coming out of alleys and 10 miles when turning cor-ners and crossing the square and the law be enforeed rigidly;that mufflersbeabsolutelyclosedineitylimits; that the clerk furnish monthly statementofcityfinances.to mayor and each alderman and that a copy tne supplied to each newspaper for pulli-| cation,The mayor will be at his office ev- ery morning at 10 o'clock to transactallcitybusinessandcityofficerswil! report to him at that hour.No coutobeheldexeeptatthishour,mino: offenses to be arranged at other times with chief of police and cases nothbailabletobeconfineduntilthathour.Mayer Bristol says “it is not ourpurposetooverdoorunderdowhatis |:expected of a sane and conservative set of men,but to perform and trans-act city affairs as individual affairs; in other words,to apply well-thought-out ideas for busine=s purposes.Weinviteaspiritofwell-wishing crit:- cism and ask all to work in the rightspirittomakeStatesvillethebestof towns,and those cf us servinm you wil! always extend to you a grateful cor diality and see that you are received|pleasantly at our headquarters.”Citizens are urged to economize and in every way possible render aid toourgovernment. Statesville Men in Service. Hospital Dr.A.G has organized a base for war service in France.It will be omposed of 84 physicians,trained vurses and young “tate and South Carolina,and wil!have a capacity of 250 beds.Dr.Brenizerwillbeattheheadoftheo:anization and among the doctor n his staffvare Dr.J.P.Matheso: if Charlotte,formerly of Taylor ie;Dr.Jas.W.Davis of Wades ‘oro,son of Rev.and Mrs.LeeDavisofHiddenite;Dr.J.W.MConnellofDavidson,Among the en- isted men are Mr.Osear M.Marvi: ind Mr.M.W.Gibson of Statesile.The latter,is a son of Mr.W%.Gibson and was until recently o ctudent at Davidson College. Graded Schoo!Finals. The commencement of the States ile publie schools beets next Sun- lay,with the annual sermon by Re.Dr.H.M.Parker,in the auditorium of the Bell street school,at 11 a.m Rev.W.A.Lambeth of Salisbury will deliver the address,cither onVondayevening,2ist,or Wednes- lay evening,deter*this to beminedlater.Tues exerlayne,22d,and sous service,the authority will lie with o oatd of higher The lawvrovidestheof——.,vent no ofa foranoroyfaeaeman such a oteefavoritiem orsafe.or evasion of }Hiness and it is supposed ‘\ter of Mr. Brenizer of Charlotte | hospital unit| men from this) Mrs.Hall inFlorida,andOthers.Mr.He Burke,who beenoaforcoveleweeks,died yMorningat9.86,at his home on theocksvillegontheeasternedger.of town, y in rood ness.He hadever,and fromnesswasfully satisfied that hecouldnotrecover. Lo ee was eetenetomesoat|o'clock by his >.Dr.C.E.Raynal.a by Dr.Chas.Ander--and Rev.L.Moore of araville,interment was in Oak-]Wood cemetery.Members of the barwerepallbearersandmembersofMrs.Burke’s Sunday school class were flowerMr.Burke wasa _son of Prof.ry Theodore Burke and Mrs. ntuckian.He was born in southxasJuly12,1866,er—-who was awellremem wile of this in that ity—was teaching in that State.fam-ily lived at Cool Spring,this county, en Mr.Burke,,»1875,married Miss Adelia Turner,daugh- r of the late Benjamindell.Surviving are his widow and0children—Mr,Flake T.Burke ofStatesville—Mrs.C. missionary in Japan.J.L.Cooper of Red Springs,andtwohalf-sisters,Mrs.Glenn HerrickofIthica,N.Y.,and Miss BerthaBurkeofLoray,also survive.For a short time after his mar-riage Mr.Burke lived in Taylors-ville.He moved from there to Tur-nersburg,this county,and later toStatesville.He taught school for atimeandthenlawunderthelateJudgeArmfieldandJudgeB.F.Leong.When he first began thepracticeoflawinStatesvillehewasassociatedforatimewiththelateMajorH.Bingham.Mr.Burke did not give his entire time to his pro- fession but was engaged to some ex-tent in farming and other businessattimes.He was a life-long mem-ber of the Presbyterian Church.Mr.J.L.Shepherd received a tel-egram yesterday advising him of thedeathofhissister-in-law,Mrs.W.Ee.Hall,at Pensacola,Fla.,Sundayevening.Mrs.Hall's Statesville rel-atives had not been advised of hershediedsuddenly.She visited in StatesvillelastDecemberandwen:from heretoFloridatospendthewinterwithherchildrenatPensacola.Burial will be at Covington,Tenn.,her home. Mrs.Hall was Miss Emma Ad- ams,.a native of Cool Spring town- ship,this county,and a daughter of the late J.E.Adams.She was a sis- ter of the late Mrs.J.L.Shepherd ind a cousin of Dr.M.R.Adams,|Mr.B.H.Adams and Miss Mary Ad- ‘ams of Statesville.She is srvived her hushand and five children, \our sons and a daughter. ||Miss Katherine Nicholson,daugh-|W.M.Nicholson,died |Saturday afternoon at the home of |her father on Kelly street.The/de-‘eased was about 30 years of age.|She is survived,in addition to her |father,by the following named sis- |ters—Miss Frencees Nicholson andMrs.Baxter Dellinger of States-ville,Mrs.Alda Ferrell of WarsawandMrs.J.L.Russell of Mt.Airy, Ga.Mrs.Ferrell,Mrs,Russell and|Miss Ethel Russell came to States-ville to attend the funeral.The fu-jneral service was conducted =at|Snow Creek church,in north fredeli,jvesterday morning.burial taking rlace at Snow Creek. Mrs.Bessie Chapman Ingram,|aged 85 years,died at her home fourimileseastofStatesvillelateThurs-\deay.Mrs.Ingram was the wife of|Mr.Thomas Ingram,who with sev- leral children survive.The body was itaken to Three Forks church,nearTaylorsville,Friday.for burial. toy Mrs.Wm.Setzer of Shiloh town<hip and Mrs.Roscoe Wilson of|Statesville returned to their homes|vesterday after attending the funeral-rvices Sunday of their sister-in-law, |Mra.Nathan Clodfelter,who died in Charlotte Saturday SCHOOL AT POPLAR BRANCH. The executive boards of the Moun.| ‘ain and Catawba Association (col- ored)met in epecial called meeting|Friday at St.John's Baptist church, |Statesville,and voted unanimously‘to build a normal and_industrial-chool at Poplar Branch,west of|own,Jesse Barnes,A.L.ParkerjandRev.L.W.Wertz were appoint-ed a committee to look after the un-\dertaking.Hearty co-operation of‘white and colored friends is solicit- MR.AND MRS.CULBRETH. |Mr.and Mrs.W.G.Culbreth andlittlesonofSusanville,Cal,are here on a visit to parents and areruestsofMr.Culbreth’s parents, |Mr.and Mrs.BE.W.Culbreth,on Kelly street,They have lived in Susanville about five years.Mr.Cul-vo is vice president and cashier f nm industrial Bank at Su |anville, NO COMMENCEMENT. —Graded Schools havetheseason.The usualexerciseswereomit-year as a matter of econo- |The |clone | teacher ofbytheolderpeo- Turner of|the C.TUESDAY,MAY 15,1917. Graduating Exercises at the ae ae oe This evening at 8 o'clock the -one of MitchellinHull,withtheannualaddressbyDr.Thomas W’.Lingle of Davidson College,who takestheplaceofDr.McConnell.This afternoon at 4 o'clock,ClassDayexercises alte Gn Cte cae aeclasstshownat3o'clock this afternoon intheartroom, rgaret J 4 his father addressofiveofthisState,his mother a|Carrie es t h t e e Es z “3 i[: i3resentativeofher’Mrs.Cowles,“The |WhiteandBlue,”atypical song of bygonedays.Other toasts were respondedtoasfollows:“Looking Backward,Mrs.C.K.;Dr.itch,Mies Mamie rs.H.Hill;Miss Margaretell,Mrs.Currie;“Unto and fourthReyer’ce sant.”Mrs.C,dent,Prof.J —the0BristolaoeonanassettoStatesville andpone¢oeumnaeloyaitytore,Mrs.Minnie Hamptonramostpeseentngthe“Lake of Dreams,”told of the alumnae’s plan forJas.K.Hall Loan Fund,a fundaidthegirlsinsecuringantion.The association ishavetheformergraduatorganizetoworktoratseandtosecuremoregirlsforabemareoeehthesingingof“Au LangFollowingtheluncheon altheassociationmetin—s Hall andelectedofficers:Mrs.W.A.Eliasonpresident,Mrs.C.E.Raynal vicepresident,Mrs.F.A.Carpenter sec-retary and aoe. The trustees of Mitchell Collegewereinsessionyesterday,present,Rev.L.L.Moore of ylorsville,Rev.8S.H.Hay of Mooresville,Dr.C.M.Richards of Davidson,Mr.R.Vv.Caldwell of Poplar Tent,Messrs.J.H.Hill and W.F.Hall and DnC.E.Raynal of Statesville.qTheboardestablishedthepro-fessorship of English,Bible,Philoso-phy and Ethics for the college.ThwillbeknownastneJ.B.ShearerprofessershipinhonorofDr.Shear-er,who has been a valued friend ofthecollege.The trustees will pro-vide for the salary of the professortooceupythis.chair.The board formally ordered thechangeinthenameofthecollegefromStatesvilleFemaleCollegeto Mitchell College.The presidentandseeretarywereorderedtomakethenecessarychangesinthechar- ter.The giving of the diplomas to the prospective graduates was or-cered.The board found the affairs ef the college in excellent condition.The Concert,Last evening at 8 o’clock was theannua!recital by the pupils of themusicdepartment.Following was the programme: Tiano Duet Morning Mood Louise Brady,Letitia Wiseman. ‘at Painted Butterfly,Joscelyn Noel (b>Two Byes of Grey Daisy MeGeoch Elizabeth Cunningham,Duet Danse Rustique.Ludwig SchytteLillianGeod,Raehel MeLeliand.Cradle Sone 5 Louise Brady. Gladys Sherril!Pierrot and Perrettin)Serenade(b)Duo AmoureuxMildredWallace.en Somers,Song Still,Still With Cc.BR.HawleyCarriasimer‘Arthur PemiMarieStephens.Andante ..,.Baptiste CalkinLauraMoore.Valee lente from Coppelia ....DeithesMarywaretBrawiey.Duet Serenade irs Pierne Mary Thomas,Margaret SloanSimpleAven Ruby Johneon. Gries Seong Iiano Violin Hauser Piano Serenade Gabriel-Marie Viano Duet Burmein Organ Viane Piano Violin Jensen Elfirdancehb)LanterWalteMargaret SloanO,Heart of Minef.Clough-Leighter ‘The Sunshine of Thine ByesJobnMetcalfThowArtBoLikeaPleweraG.W.Chodniche Lillian Good KjerulfOlsenthMelDuet.-Bintr’acte Gavotte from isnce couldbesavedtneae~c e cines J G.Taylor andville, Fort horpe,training in thecamp.So far,Messrs.JulianD.F.MJackThor,Anderen,Suck WptThetriningeampe,hae Se Gee tes not is not ewsveis|here but it is surmisedthasthereingsomanymorevolunteers=required some had to beorwillbecalledlater.Messrs.Phillip Bost andDavidson,son of Mrs.vidson,have volunteeredinthenavyas ‘stood the physical examinationCharlotte,passed and wereTheyexpectacalltoduty theterpartofnextmonth.James C.Stafford of Mooresvillehasenlistedinthenavy.am vera pt the Iredell ues,the m .are Frank F.King and James Rick:ard King. Don’t Do It. The Associated Charitiesurgethatnocontributionsbe eS Sea caseswhohavengivenproperbythisorganizationarebeggingtheirownaccount.As a rulewhosolicitforthemselvesarefulobjectsofcharity.If theydeservehelpithethroughtheAssociatedwhichismaintainedfor ised nursing atSanatorium,Sa Statesville~~~,Raleigh to I FROST KI Dvoltthsjuntow heavy to anett ie.oath ‘Bos“come out”in a Conf:,in Asheville,Mrs,La-| of Greensboro was. T.B. dead while plowing i had taken out a $1,000 life in- surance policy just a few hours be- fhe North Carolina Funeral —Di- rettors’Association,in session at —last week,chose Greens- .as the next place of meeting. G.L.Stansbury of Greonsboro was «elected president. »Jt is announced that both Secre- .tary of War Baker and Secretary of *the Navy Daniels will attend |the i University commencement,which ‘will be made a patriotic celebration. Mr.Baker will make the principal Dr.J.W.Summers of Charlotte, a whose conviction and sentence 0 ‘three months in the State prison.for jperforming «criminal operation, "was affirmed by the Superior Court, ee 90 days to present his case to *Governor for a pardon. At Morganton on the 10th a team }driven by Rant Woodward,colored, van away and crashed inte a buggy ‘by Rev.and Mrs.Hageman. Mrs.Hageman’s arm was broken and ghe was severely bruised,Mr.Hage- é!was bruised and cut about the head and neck and Woodward's leg ges broken. 'Theizens of Caldwell county hauled a «load of Irish potatoes to Granite Falls,Caldwell county,for which *they received $2.25 per bushel—$125 “for a load.But when they paid $2.- 210 for -and —things in pro- «portion,the price o potatoes was nothing of which to boast. %At Marshville,Union county,on the night of the Sth,fire dk strove! ‘the stores of the Marsh-Lee Co., ‘“Matrell Bros.and McBride &Hall- man,Loss estimated at $80,060, partially covered by insurance The fire started in the millinery depart- ment of the Marsh-Lee Co.and ite 'ofigin is unknown. Surry county commissioners de cided it wasn’t fair to pay the rsil- Democrat says two cit- road fare of Confederate veterans to was Washington while other veterans in the county unable to take the Wash-: of anyingtontrip,were more in need help.They solved the problem by en ‘each veteran $5,to be used n whatever way he chose. The accident on the MurphybranchoftheSouthernrailwaylast week,when twé engines were de- railed and Fireman Lloyd Enloe 'Billed,was the result of running in- to a bull.The heavy freight was pulled by two engines.A bull but- ted into the first engine and both « gines were derailed.Fireman Enloc was on the second engine. (eee ree:woes er vee May Open Other Camps. nota of 40,000 men desir-ed by the War Pepartment for theofficers’training camps throughout the country,was recruited within 20daysafterthecallwasissued,say Capt.Arthur F.Cochy,of the Mili-tary Training Camps Association.i r the completion of the firstcamps,which wil!begin their worktoday,Captain Cosby said it is ex- another series of camps willheld,probably in Aurust.“Men who were eligible but were not selected for the first camp will have an opportunity to make applica-tion for this new camp,”said CaptainCosby.“It is not necessary for menwhocontemplategoingtothesceond camp to send in their applications now,as due announcement will —b« given in the newspapers.We willurgetheWarDepartmenttoannounceasearlyaspossiblethedateofthe ing of the next camp,so as tolowampletimetoconductthepre-liminery recruiting and examination ao in a more satisfactory manner thantherecentemervencycampaign.” Purchasing Agent For Allies. An international agreement underwhichtherewillbeplacedinthehandsofasmallcommission,possi- bly of one man,the purchasing pow- er of virtually every dollar of the billions to be loaned the allies by the United States government andtheadditionalbillionswhichtheywillspendinthiscountryoutof r own income,is in process of iene atofthe proposed agreementhasbeenlefttoSecretaryMcAdoo,who has conferred with foreign en-voys.Great Britain,France and It- aly are understood to have signifiedtheirdesiretoentersuchanagree- ment,~~Re ag Entente govern-mens are likely to assume the sameattitude Training The full PTTLATE Americans in Germany. It in learned that 127 AmericansafeheldprisonersinGermany,probably crews from captured arra-en It is assumedthemenwerebroughttoGer-by raiders i iAtlantic. ~Statesville has been prospered be-| f er her former zt :oneever lived, Wh couldn with him A Sanaa learning something \worth knowing.Andhetoldit just Id.jike he didn’t know an I did.”Dear Uncle Jimimie, his strong,if untrained,Scotch telligence,could recognize the great truth that the highest art of teach- ing lies in simplicity.. 1 think it well to mention one thing that has not been mentioned in various things said of Dr.Mitchell of late years.He was a geological expert,as we say today,and his ar- dent desire was to discover for Car- olina the riches in iron that he be- lieved lay in her hills.Those were our darkest days,during Reconstruc- tion,and he hoped that he might bring to light treasures that would onee more enable his State to recov- standing in credit among the Commonwealths.For this reason,as soon as his college work was over,he took =knapsack and hammer and set forth upon his long labor of love.It was while up- on one of his rambles in search of what he so unselfishly longed to find _wealth for the North State—that his death occurred.Could it have have come to one more ready to meet it?I was told,by one who aided in carrying the body to a resting place,that,upon the dead face lay,not merely the majesty of leath,but an ineffable sweetness,a glow as of one who had seen of the travail of his soul and wakened sat- isfied.And I have believed always that his Master,in that last moment, gave Elisha the vision of St.Stephen and that he saw all good things he wished for his State coming down from heaven upon her.For her he gave his life as truly as any of those who died for her upon the bettle- field. When children’s voices cry to me, “Oh,do tell us a true story,”|ofter tell,with reverent tone and softened peech,the story of Elisha Mitch- eit.poble life and glorious death Eliza North Mitchell Grant. It is ever with deep emotion thet 1 speck of this,one of the finest }rz rs J have ever known.She »lofty in her nobility,so far emoved from all things low n tn,thae she could scarcely have patience with the ordinary lm its of poor human nature.If head a fault (and I never thought she had)it may have been that Stately of deportment,her face was somewhot stern in repose,perhaps from the long years of repressed grief for murdered husband and chil- dren gone to the Master's Garden; but hew sweet,how motherly,how lovely that face,when she smiled and said,“My child.”How tie touch of that hand upon a mischievous girl's head.How loving the tones tl warned or blessed tie motherless.Those who entrusted heir children to her guidance coul:l not fully appreciate what that guid- unee was to mean through long. hard years to thoze gir!s. A great student of character,as much as inte effort and diligence,as well as talent,in “her children.”A girl who happened to be rigidly honest,went to her once to say that she really could not feel that she deserved a: high a credit as had been given in 1 certain study.Mrs.Grant's face lit up with that dazzling smile.and she answered:“My dear,I have watched you at work and 'marked you for what you tried to do.”What wonder that girl would have died for her teacher?When I think 0) Mrs.Grant's love for her pupils,and of the women of my home.|have some faint glimpse of the Father's love for us.As to the monument erected onMt.Mitchell to her father’s memo- ry,she came to our home one eve-.ng shortly after her return fromthetripwhenshehaditputinplace, and told us a good deal about it.The monument cost $1,500,at a time when money would bring much more than now,and was erected bythesistersoutoftheproceedsofa teacher's hard toil. Mrs.Grant’s work and bilities affected a frame terribly strained by the fearful tragedy of her husband's death and the loss of her children.In the prime of life and height of usefulness,she wastakentotheheaven,where she wouldfainhavebeenandwhereherhearthadlongdwelt.Her deeds iive after her.Margaret Eliot Mitchell.|There are so many who knew and loved her,so many who know thatherlifeblessedthem,what can I say more?Yet maybe she meant |just a little more to the writer than to most others.She was a stay tomethrough“the darkness of deso-‘late days.”One thing I would men- \tion—her prayers.Never have Iheardtruereloquence,never a more \fervent outpouring of the heart toGod.In the schoolroom,in the mis- lsionary society,beside the bed of |the sick and dying,|have heard herivoicegoupinearnestcriestoHimwhomsheservedandwhoseshewas.I believe that one reason why weiirie white responsi- ‘|yond most towns is that the prayers ,of such saints ofMiteheHi,LouisetweLord asGraham,..Etta Hall,Helen Stinson‘ood,=Marianna’been #0 poured out for that . we know that the -ofmuch,what of the it ave she Uhider t of books.she was quick to |! *s ne e :;i u aE 5:$mH A niateauld ‘were #0iarge,oor|hock hele on.olf “hrmannerirso8»that|controlled and sootionk : x =2 5 80)weisaid,“Oh,don't you wish we,sould|be just like her”?Highesteverpaidtoateacher.Butweomebe=a.for who was there in the wor port 80 per- fect as “our Mrs.Coite’?In a ‘somewhat stirring life,we have notfoundanyoneyet;~e have ceased to!lexpect it,if we ever did,oined to the strength ofter,the rigid honesty and sense oflfairnessinheritedfremherances- try,Mrs.Cotte united as a teacher ‘a marvelous self-control and a clar- ity of judgment that were her mark-ed traits.She had,too,that power to enthuse her pupils with her own ideals that make the true teacher, and without which a teacher had hetter be hoeing corn.The subject matter of the lessons.ever well plan- red and theught out as they were,was the least that her pupils learn-ed from her.Today,many thingscomebackfreshasthoughspokenyesterday.Could |believe that therewereinthisworldanybeyoFgirlwhofee's for me as I for t h-er who taught me se many thingsworthknuwing,then I should say,Lord,jet now thy servant depart in eace.{1 weuld not have that dear teach- er go hence without saying tedayneofthethingsshewillnoteareforintheworldwheretheGreat Veacher waits for her.Josephine Coite Wakefield,Once upon a time a little girl used»play ir the crounds of Statesville female Collere,much larger then han pow.She was a fat,heartytlegirl,and the “big girls”werefoolishabouthe>.But usually —she vrefer 1 to play bry herself,is, ro doubt,was because none of could “keep up wth her.”io ‘ould?For my,me!“Little Jo.” could get into more mischief in halfhehanthreetolkscouldget -r ©three hours.The burn- »question of the college Was, What decveu thirk that child willconext’?But t went on with “Little Jo:with the rest of @@, ant whai she did was to grow inte suid woman,who was to hate f woman's then,he nobly borne burden of :to take up her s3 A mature in gracious wo- manhood and Christian graces; raining 5 swect young daughters ro bens their part in life as becomes their ancestry and breeding,oOIng ‘ood to nil about her,keeping the n Hfe by her devotion, sure place wr t of tn ime joys, HOO i. ‘ear mothe: ng an?keeping a hearts of her own people aot «you “Little Jo.”and make r days long in tae land and vive voi ihe desire of your headespairofachurch, a community that ha its flock four generatior Let us take vy our people,ant tor }Coilleve as never dark days com ny one war,surel.the Mosthallhelpherthroughthis.namenememnnemonamne aerinewin the Shall we hoo, {in «the courage ¢ wh the NOT ALL ONE WAY. According to a report reaching Washingjon.Germanys ee ef the Navy stated ip ea public ad» cress on the 10th that while the subs marine warfare had achevel far evreater results than was expected,@ number of submar had st as the result of in ved destruction ce certain heen | means of a] pro y the i!i The Quinine Thet Does Not Affoct The “ead Because of its tonic and laxative effect,LAXAS | TIVE BROMO QUININE isbetter than ordinaty Quinine and does not caure nervousness ner| neging in bead.Remember the fill name and | ook for the signature of Bh.W.GAuVis.2°. eee +eneoemee jGallStones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intemlvation,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit.|is and other fatal aiiments result |from Stomach Trouble.Thousands|ef Stomach Sufferers owe their com- slete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful Remedy.Unlike any other for Stom- ach Ailments.For sale by the|Statesville Drug Co.and druggists/everywhere.' Thebeautysecretof womenwho knowhowtotakecareofthecom-i Cannot beplexion.detected.as wlSunburn,stops Tan,_ing ing. Thenames of the AmericanCom--.raiscion(5 Eee Seep ©Svtentes sito t schemes for a4enaeaetaeed so to eatablish Cameraey in that county,is announced.lihuRoot,who has the powers ofspecialandthemembershi: cialist,a labor manufacturer,4a ,a banker,business man,amancelebratedforhisinternational|activities in human welfare and ranking army navy »rhe commission will be accompaniedbyalargesuiteandwilldepartfromtheUnitedStatesatanearlydatebyaroutewhichwillnotbepublishedinadvance.Chas.R.CraneofChicago,manufacturer and busi-ness man;Cyrus MeCormick,presi-ient International Harvester Com-pany;John R.Mott,secretary of the Y.M.C.A,international commit- tee;Charles Edward Russell,Social-ist and author,and others make upthedelegation. WHAT18_LAX-F0SLAX-FOS 1SANIMPROVED CASCARA A DieestTive Laxative Lax-Fos is not a Secretor PatentMedi-cine but is composed of the followingold-fashioned roots and herbs:CASCARA BARK In .ax-FostheCascara is improved bytheadditionofthesedigestiveingredi-ents making it better than ordinary Cas-CARA,and thus the combination acts not only as a stimulating laxative and cathar-tic but also as adigestiveand liver tonic.Syrup laxatives are weak,but Lax-Foscombinesstrengthwithpalatable,aro- matic taste and does notgripeor disturb the stomach.One .bottle will prove Lax-+Fos is invaluable for Constipation,Indigestion or Torpid Liver.Price 50c. NOTICE T0 TAXPAYERS. 1 will be a!allmyofficeinthecourt| during the month of May to take the teville.The listed before tl.call and mahe turns for the city of State requires all pr firet day of Jum,“oo pleas your return as carlMay1,2013.W Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.OMce hours 9 a.m.to 12,80 p.m.2.30 to G p,m.and by ap-Pointment.Anderson Ridg.,113 W.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324.tesidence ‘phone 279—green. perty t y ns ponnibleJ.LAZENBY,List-Take poscrmen sna eae:, SEE TO YOUR BATTERY. Our storage battery department is in charge of an expert with fac- tory experience.Let us put yourbatteryinshapeforsummerdriving. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. |GOOD ROADS and Good Tires are the pleasure of —ride.t us repair the Tires that willgiveyouthispleasure!VULCANIZING. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street.We sell Miller Tire and Tubes! _Lyon Mig.Con 4South FifthSt.,Brooklyn,N.Ye oTNes.1,&and3 Pine |Wash Red ©iedarSh|Dismal p Cedar Shingles “fie|Watkinses have been selling Shine —_———_ L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ----Dealer In—— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees-wax,Also old Metal andRubber.Scrap’Iron,~eBooksandMagazines.Wepaythehighestmarket prices. Independent Phone §06. Bell Phone 9g02. Ce stata A TT“DR.R.Z.LINNEY| Pectal SpecPrortive, ambassador,is chairman,comprisesaSo-| She Tells Her Friendsto Take Lydia E.Pinkham’s Remedies. of Lifeindoctorswho my husband ‘ Pinkham Vegetable Compound a veWash??W a ™mfeelmyself E.Sanative W: coming toLife,of ushere who think t Conn.—“WhenIwas 45 I had thehave.At it didn’tpains.I called and took myheaith.I also used Lydiahasdonemeagreatdealofgood.my house who suffers from female troubles or ChangetellthemtotakethePinkhamremedies. about 10 bottles of Vegetable Com and | Box 197,NorthHaven, Youare Invited to Writefor FreeAdvice. Noother medicine has beensosuccessfulin relieving woman’ssufferingashasLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Womenmay receivefreeand helpful adviceby writing the Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo.,Lynn,Mass.Such letters cre and answed bywomen onlyand heldinstrict confide if"for 34 rs,ont —near-landBUY pec TO BE \¢ARE Shingle,King of 3CCe It is only natural that your friends and acquaintances ure impressed by the :reneral atmosphereofyour home, Nothing else radiaies a cheerful atmosphere as does nice furniture properly arranged.. if you want your home furnishings to be correet the first thing to do is to choose a furniture dealer who knows correct styles and arrangement—he can be found here, CY Government. This is a time for every citizen to support the Unites States Government,and many are doing so at eonsiderable cost or sacri- fice to themselves. We have joined the Federal Reserve Bank- ing System established by the Governmenttogivegreaterfinancialstabilityandstrengthuihememberbanksandprotectiontotheir epositors, Supporting You can give your support to this great Government enterpriseandalsoobtainitspro-tection for your moneybybecomingoneofourdepositors. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE;N.C. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM e have just panties a.pen comet machinery and Shoerepairing to be found anywhere.e :ce in this line of work, his old customers a8 and hone of‘There are about 20worldofthem.”Mrs.Fucruncy lexuna, ——ee 4 E q =e De eR ea n aa i e oF j e = on be e zi z= e > 2 Fi r ! 7rHE aa a id t i l s z i = oe |Sanatorium,|Taylor and Me!Shannonhouse eon,(of other youngdisorderedTAA./nighedby’@fork.bibneys |Capi.3.W.Branch"Yen,Jon,aSoaksmoney.A My ATER brought 9 speedy cure.Mr.C.C.Ward,whohasbeen in-jromgtiPumpwillsavethis.Let .cirecter im the high cchecl Game|..66,Barium|Mr.and Mrs.P.G.Miller,her pa-us put one in for you.|.C.|—present term,«having rents.|Mr.Cook is with his parents 0W.E.MUNDAY.Sa been appointed a Your Plumber,114 8.BreadSt.|SUMMER SCHOO!one —Fred oa ie anak ton————se Prof.W.C.Ariail returned last Morday’PD Mchecls WarUniversityofN.Carolina|Columbia,whgre he Jchnatenaf the Naval recruitingsta:turday on +ac:tion,and J.P.r.,both ofWeTrytoKeepCHAPELHILL.N.C.—|S2""ocated“at Charlotsenvilien Va,charlotte,spent Sunday here,|Everything in stock to ||7 ——12 to July 27 Virginia.While ‘therehe will take anneDe ae©|'-||(Write for complete announce-superintendents’training ¢ourse.pion C.,at Chester,8.C.eg wants.Roo was accompanied to South Caro-near Fg om of Mire Vaile ment).in Rid Roll,|lina by ¢hildren,who:ABLE FACULTY y two children,stopped where she has visited,and has many,|Valley Ti uttering |COMPLETE CURRICULUM —4 Winsboro to visit their grand-friende here.:a aeandSpouting,Galvaniz-|||MODERATE RATES The annual sermon was preached in>||Lutheran church meets at chureh|ed Iron will maxe CREDIT COURSES |Thursday at 3.30 p.m.Every mem-|present.-anything in SheetMetal ||DELIGHTFUL ENVIRONMENT am Ve ber is urgedtobeEXCURSIONRATETICKETSot eeeyouwant.'gO the Recruits For Training CaTheSummerLawSchool mp— June 14—August 24 |a good sermon.The closes.“ay oleSTATESVILLETINCO.Regular Session Opens Friday,18th.Mr.0,B.Baton of °"teondenceofThe Landmark.|eSept.13 Winston-Salem will deliver the aj-|Barium,May 14.—Mr Edward Hol-|‘Phone 65,114 B.Broad Street.|:f d E.Coll Wes -|'i.Students who \dress.At 8 p.m.we will have the ton of A.and E.College,t Ral-|°To]for the tnt time skoeld cometins||aradcating exbrcles sh,Jett pee Saturday naming tor!=Just What You Are For———————al The cl exercises of the colored |Fort Oglethorpe Ga.,here heistobe’"aANCEHASTY, :a.their arrangements as early as |waded }_will be held Thursday |®mem of the officers’training ||]possible,4 Friday 17 camp.Mr.Holton is a son of MrsDENTALSURGEON.|oo y,17th and 18th,Thursday |ohn Holton one of te orphanage | inW.Jones,pany at Raleigh.r.T.H,Ross,—2 ot De colored a |manager of Barium Springs Company,| Rooms 6-7-9,SecondFloor.|night the ammeincludes recita-|me a tions and songsand an oddress by cur|teachers,and is a very romising|aees pars FEED |venerable Methodist preacher,Rev.|Your man,beingc his com-|197.8 to |e |ereciaL A ||terian,church,Friday night :mn.|We have just received:||sradvatig clas,wil five an enter:|ieft SaturteyforFert Oplethore.||oe*|!tainment.Principal H.Wilson has|He,too,The styles are good.All Waol1carofMichiganTimothyHay,||™ade a good record for his people|¢@™mp..’i ah,nd the i.:ic is invited!Mr.Sam Howie spent the week-end ager1carofShippedStuff,in 75-Ib,|)4”school.The.public is invited |—ik aduitens th Cheon Oe ,A Palm B h Coat Suits,i6bags,1 car of Sweet Feed,2 |to these services.: “Slug Sh ot”of Feed Oats,1 car of White t Sunday at the First Baptist church,Margarite Porter spent the week-end|vf |)and 18 enema Corn,1 car of Wheat Brar.We |at the Sunday school hour,Mothers’,With friends at Claremont.Miss Al-|will be glad to make you prices |Say ue ceasewed ond at the 1 Oo eee St Contes aadte \:on :;0"i .C..C,..Has “4 :anyof the above ledibenn.the.w +gress eryhis |Adams of Gastonia spent last Friday All Wool Cool cloth Coat Suits,Destroyspotato bugs,J.K.Morrison Grocery})resignation as secretary of the cham-|&>yesnagar a 16,18,36 38{»p,|Adah Perry is visitin;;ner sister,Mrs.|sizes and 5aev—and |||&Produce Company.{|eatin tr siecletiterHarry Alice Jones,near Mooresville,°Mrs.ii:similar lea eating ‘|Mrs.A.W.White and three chil-|4.W.McNeely of Mooresville is vis-,dren from Stony Point are visiting|iting her daughter,Mrs.J.H.Low-|All Wool Shepherd Checks,insects.—Mrs.White's sister,Mrs.Watt Good-|"ance.|4 hyman,Mr.Jno.Brown,a jeweler of!i \;A five pound package China Grove.spent‘Simdey here eo Foul —oa ||]\Plain or fancy,Silk Linings,r is and Graham Cornelius |ur eaton,amiliarly Hi Ht 4 ifor35cents..taken the examination for.the Pnewn 1s “Arter.”a respected negro |||||Sizes 16,18,36and 38.Values$9.00,navy in Charlotte and will }bout|&county,di suddenly early i i 4Phone89the2istforNewport,R.1.1 Frock Saturday morning at his home near hi |hii |$12.50,$15.00,$18.00 and $20.00,°Stafford has joined Co.C.,National|Leray.The man was 82 years old.i 1 |Guard,at Charlotte,and will so when |Apoplexy is supposed to have caus-,—_—|the call comes for troops.Mr.Rich-|&d his death.Moo 2Eagle&Milholland.For Sale By ;ard Culberson of Woodleaf,Rowan,|_Henry Keaton,son of Arthur,who |,:Your choice for$5.00,asiweeSn,Tie ae Sgr towne le Temnnrn erie Bidar«ton mills office for some time,has en-|2i@ht and suspected that his fatheraneAaGese|3 listed in the navy.He willpc 7.Ga was the victim of foul play.He of-arene ;Da Newport,where the men will be in |fered to defray expenses of an in-i]Cash to all.Act quickly,.training for six months befo:.iquest.Yesterday Coroner Moose and FINE ‘into actual service.Mr,Wm.Feans,|Dr.Ross McElwee wen.out for an 3ess*4 |for several years an employe in the /¢@mination.They failed to find any-|,|Goodman drug store,leaves today for|thing other than desth from natural,M I T I §&P O S T O N ~@ e@ ‘ Raleigh to enlist in the navy.Sever-|causes and an inquest wos abandoned.|I OT |al other boys are speaking of enlisting|Arthur had suffered with heart dis-'4 |this week.ease for some time and had beenEveryEggCandled|A new band has been organized.to|treated for it.|he known as the Mooresville Band..|It has 20 pieces anu ticing wili|Ceol Spring Commencement.|to see that it is all |.Y COUNTRY aas oo as t ppnomeo The Cool Spring wieh inet oom,are can secured.r.Pase 8.Boyd,|Meneement too!place riday.iright.ou sure Se ¢“Mooresville aaa as of aottonMills,will assist the young lamations was given in the!toget Fresh Eggs.|men in organizing,which daperes sae ~orning.Miss Velma Reece won!,j cess.The mill company wil!furnish|the medal in a reciters’contest.Dr.||the instruments.W.8.Bernard of Chapel Hill deviv-||At the last meeting of the town!°red an address in the afternoon on)|board Dr.Shelly Frontis,the retiring|the subject of “Service.”Dr.Ber-||mayor,made a feeli ddress,(ROrd |ured that this summer,|y “Mected CE.Hac.|fraught with great possibilities for!e |The new board Cc.E.Haw-¢Miller-McLainSupply Co.|thorne mayorpro tem,Attorney A L.|the nation,should be a summer of|Starr recorder and Esq,J.C.Mclean|Sefviee from each individual.Three=|viee recorder.The of the clerk|?ief plays were given in the eve.| Se —_—aes and treasurer was fix 30 +.Music was furnished by a}CH LESTER e °|month and the salary sine ae She band. .ies |Station |Peneld,superintendentof water ‘ond Pane DRLRBGISTEREDARCHITECT,|$1,800 per'y $1,500 to}Private Gurney A.Stamper won|$1,800 b ;Miss Cary Wilson has first prize and Corporal Marvin &.retarnedTn_addition to wayof \from a visit to Miss Mary Wilson in eg EEourhandlingthecitytraffic,we are now |cioperatingschedulecarbetweentheSheexpectstogetette vy,|Company Eon the 10th.The com-ieeeelsaneay©meinates Ot tothe of Miss Sallie vV.|2887 the ed ular price cents.Smith and ,le,office will be prominent a|waa,Ala,,June 6th.Miss Smith +Turner.Swings,Rockers,{«lieavy Brass7c and inStatesvifle,alas ia *na | en |of ithe In fact we have thegoodsto make the and‘Mrs,G.M.RSALE:;7 Barrow,nnd rn 'ooeatertuhle.Hammocks,Swings orshades,pat ap uaSekt:,Be et Aa AeA Al ani Ma A agi st na ia per eneeenee eee eeeene- mighty constitutevrofwhatisrightoneelsetheIcanimagineaffairsinGermanyDeoyouthinkthatyouare the most competent person in United States to head the first ex- neditionary force sent to warepet Candidly,do you think you have sufficient military experience to in any qualify you for this posi- tion?hy not leave the business to competent people who have been trained to it instead of injecting yourself into the situation without the desire of any of the authorities who must be responsible for the syecess or failure of the conduct of the war?.. “1 thought at first that your in- tentions were inspired by _patriot- ism.I am now constrained to be- lieve that your own schemes of po- litical and personal aggrandizement lie at the bottom of your agitation. “The early disasters of the-Civilhohadre- ceived military rank as the result of ossessing the political influence to vt them in commands for which they were not fitted.Let us hope thai in.this war this can be avoided.| Do your part to this end.Make a sacrifice of your personal ambitions on the altar of efficiency,and as an act of real patriotism.” “I see no reason why these Ger- man prisoners should be housed and fed at the expense of the American people,”said a “construction and transportation man”to the Char- lette Observer,and he wanted the Obeerver to put out the word,as his idea,that the interned German pris- oners should be put at farm work, construction work,etc.,to earn part of their keep.If some of the folks who are always ready to advise the government would read and keep posted.they would know more than they do.When it was announced) last week that the interned Ger-! man prisoners would be sent to Lake Kanuga.Secretary of Labor Wil- son made it clear that the men were to be put to work.That they would cultivate 500 acres in connection with the camp and be hired out for farming,road building,and lumber- ing.ete.;that after the cost of their keep was deducted,their net earn-|ings,if any,would be turned over to SATSITSES Bristol has submitted ameforabetterbusinessgementofthetown's affairs =he should have the support of t Mayor aldermen and the co-operation ofcitizensgenerallyinthatdirec-To make the programme a ftiecess will require much sacrifice oftimeandeffortonthepartofthe mayor.That he is determined to dohesays,and if he succeeds he willhavedoneasplendidserviceforthe| community.In the matter of law!ement,the mayor will begin|tn the automobiles.This will be his) most difficult job,but all law-abid-ing people should uphold his hands|and the automobile ewners should make it a point to observe the regu-lations.Only Providence has _pre-|vented a tragedy from the reckless speeting of automobiles in this com-munity. DSOEARE ESa EN Years ago a mob lynched a whitemaninDavideoncountyandastheymarchedthevictimtothepleceofexecutiontheygavevoicetothein- spiring melody.“Brother Ephraim’s got de coon an’gone on”!In Oklaho-ma a few days ago a mob seized aefiminalwhonotonlyconfessedtheerimewithwhichhewascharged) but told of others of which he was guilty.In return he asked that thenoosebeadjustedsothathisneck would be broken,preferring that tobeingstrangled.His reavest was notonlygrantedbuthisexecutionersre-json Pla ——in unison. ne like doing things properlywhentheyhavetobedone.— _ARERR ATER SASTSA times of peace would not be a cruel injustice upon the a of the Unit- States,or that |w ordinary times.They can be justified only by the necessities of wer.But every dollar we raise is absolutely necessary.My fear is that while the department tells us we need $3,800,- 000,000 for this and the next fiscal year,that it will be tive billion before the end of the next fiscal year.I am almost certain that it will.“Your children and mine have hadnothingtodowithbringingonthis;e people who will have to paythebondsareyetunborn.We shouldmanifestsome‘sacrificial spirit jn| pons the burden upon ourselves. e men whe have to pay those taxeswillneverstandwithin4,000 miles ofgunshot.If I were not willing tofight,I should be willing to tax my-self every dollar of my profits to main-|tain the boy who must fight,knowingthatthatboyissacrificingallprofitsthatmie¢ht come to him by skill.|“A million,and perhaps more,of thebestyoungmenofthiscountrywillsoontrorlaterfacetheenemy’s guns,and no man who has to pay a dollarofthesetaxeswhoremainsathomewhiletheboysareatthefront,shouldprotestandcomplainanddenouncethisbill.He is not to reason why;heoughttobewilling,as the young men of this country are willing,to sacri-fice all profit,all business,all careerandofferuptheirlives.It does notlieinthemouthofanyAmericanpa-triet to say I will refuse to pay my dollar,or sacrifice any part of myprofits.We should be able to say,take all my profits if neccessary tosustainmycountryinthewar.”Saying that the bill would raisemoreadditionaltaxesthanany“thathaseverbeenpresentedtoanylegis-lative body in the history of theworld,”and that more tax burdensmightfollow,Mr.Kitchin said fur-ther:“We then turned to the genera!con- sumption of the country and decidedthatwewouldtakemoneyfromthelvxuriesandwhatmightbecalledthe‘semi-luxuries’of the nation.Thesewillyieldusatotalof$418,000,000.”Mr.Kitchin pointed out that thisclassincludedalcoholicandsoft drinks,with $171,000,000;cigars andtobacco,$68,200,000;automobiles,mu-sical instruments,motion picture films,jewelry,sporting goods,pleasureboats,perfumes and chewing gums,$170,250,000.Referring to the tax of eighty millions on automobiles andaccessories,Mr.Kitchin said that’since the proposed levy was publishedautoshavebecomeanecessitythrough-out the land.“In my district,”he de-clared.“they have come to be an in- dispensible necessity according toargumentspresented.They are nec-essary for all business,for going tochurchandfortheworkofthefarm.We class them among the semi-lux-uries.Then we are going to gettwentymillionsoutofcoca-cola andotherlikedrinks.” Child on Running Board.The other day Dr.G.W.Norman,who lives in ‘omona,a suburb ofGreensboro,started into town in hisautomobile,curtain up on one side.On that side,on the running board,all “unbeknownst”to his pa,sat thedoetor’s 2-year-old son,Dick.On thewaytotownthedoctorpassed friends who saw the child and real-ized his danger.They called but thedoctordidn't hear.They turnedtheirmachineandchasedthedoctor,but they couldn't catch him andfinallylosttrace.Then they 'phon-ed Mrs.Norman and she called thedrugstore.The doctor answered andwhentoldwhatthetroublewas,hewentout,looked on the “off-side”ofhismachineandfoundthatkidcon-tentedly munching a biscuit he had carried from home.How that childstuckonthatrunningboard,withthemachinegoingatgoodspeedandturningcornersswiftly,the GoodGodwhotookcareofhimknows. ould vote for in| We take it for granted that th Rece re | be of the ——andFrench com-led a nee —+s.Missiones over the country the icelebrationsintheirhonorasup-=—oeposedtobenecessaryandworththe|and =ced =a os price;that they would not be put on ex ot x eS ro =simply for the “big of the thing.”It |¢now “The os =a is evidently intended not only to!News w "and po tha’all arouse enthusiasm but to bring our a aoe not a luxury Nace oumespeopleafullerappreciationofrealGov,Bickett and that the bal!"|eageee,be disbanded in North Caro-Joseph B.Foraker,who died in pre this year.©a few days ago,was a ope of ,a baseball ought toold-time “vloody shirt”states-the A.or in @ furrow,”saysycommonintheNorth<2;‘est,but A.a about extinct.°'was a and was much5tehe:mod a pg appears to be was noted for saying mean,to to France,oy"and unjust things about the j fie =.=:\is that composes the regiment of in-oSSoathern people.fantry,one battalion and -oe pee Tee Mt.Union,| German war harbor tion in the North Sea. |Emperor William of rane oe cording to a dispatch from ,recognizes nv state of the United States so far as {personal comfort is cow is shown by the fact that be has summoned his American den’ thur Newton Davis,of Piqua, =>headquarters to work on his t : The Congress of Haiti has refused| to declare war against Germany butaresolutionwasadprotestinginthenameofhumanityagainstthesubmarinewarfare.President was authorized to break off diplomat.| ie relations if Germany dee!to} make the reparation the loss of the lives of Haitiens and to give guarantees for the future. Gen.Joffre of the French war com-mission has been made an LL.D,by} Harvard University.At a demon- stration in honor of the French com-missioners in Boston last week agoldbasketcontainingcontributedbytheschoolchildren Massachusetts and citizens of England for the French war or-phans,was p ted to Gen.Joffre. Concentration and Training Camps in the South. Major GereraltookchargeofthetheSoutheastatCharleston,5.Sunday and immediately antheselectionofAtlanta,Ga.,asmainconcentrationcampfor States in his district,the opening an additional training school forfficersatFortMoultrie,on Sulli-) van’s Island,near Charleston,and} the establishment of probably twelve additional camps for the training of conscripted soldiers and young men|not of military age.Points where at least three of the additional training| camps are to be established are Co-|lumbia,8.C.,Macon,Ga.,and Mont-; gomery,Ala.General Wood will re-|main in Charleston until Thursday| to thoroughly organize his depart-| ment,when will leave for a tour| of the South to ———the people to| the real situation and look over the sites for training camps with a view|] of having work begin immediately.| “Men,munitions and food crops,| these are the three absolute essen-} tials,”he said,“and my mission is} to bring the South to the fullest co-} operation with the government that} these may be at their maximum.} The message to the business world } is that business will be bigger and} better than ever before.e mes-|] ‘sage to the young men is that their country needs them,right now,not |i when the battle may ve half lost.|} The message to the man behind the} ulow is that in him rests the strength / of the nation.” ee |Navy Filling Up.: The navy will reach its full max- imum war strength of 100,000 enlist-| ed men next Thursday,if the recruit-| ing ratio of the last 10 days is} maintained.An officialissuedFridayshowsthat the serv-ice now has a total of 95,028 men,the recruiting campaign inaugurat-} statement | ed April 3 having sae monn 31,341|nmen.Bills pending Congress au-| thorize the addition of 50,000 moremenoratotalstrength, hospital corps,aorganizedunitsof 195,000 men.re is still a shortage of ma-chinists,shipwrights,carpenters ship-fitters and men.in technical trades and who need nopreliminaryinstructionatatradeschool,the Secretary said. Wer Glory to the Govern- j TheKyaniae Lineof Finishag Seldandguaranteedbysaet,Tenultingin Iredell Hardware Co.jf 7 TE ‘ -% including }tices and un-| trained 1 naval |} 1 Anotherlot Skirts,in White i Fancy Cloth,special value} | You can be sureofyour Leonard Weed Skirts keeping their shape | when youbuy a And the price is no higher thanfor an ordinary skirt.’ Wehavetheminall sizes, even up to 36 inchwaist measure.And the prices are $3.00,$3.50, $5.00,$6.00. at $1.25 and $1.75, clad for the warm summer days and receive the ut- most of comfort until you are wearing one of our Panama,Sailor or Leghorn Hats. We have your size and the style that suits you best. So call early,while the selection is complete. Sailor,Straws,$1.00 to $3.00. Panamas,$5.00 and Leghorns,$3.00. WE CLOSE AT 6.O’CLOCK. PHONE 83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. ew ene |: ‘One season's spoilage of food in a cheap \refrigerator would pay the additional cost |several times of theAUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR itself also time and tiime again in ,while it keeps food always tasting best.Food flavors can’t mix be- the constant Automatic circulation wy honest-built walls keep out eep the food ovopectyexams. And don’t t the famous built-in Water ,the biggest of all refrigerator Besuretoseethe Automatic before you buy a Refrigerator. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”| ‘PHONE NO.400. $4.00, e —$—<—$__—_——+ BUT —if you’re not,don’t forget that we're always ready'to help you to get well. Our exclusive PRESCRIPTION DEPART- MENTisaiwaysatyour service with drugs of the highest quality,dispensed with pre- cision and promptness.¢ POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square” ee ol GET AKODAK. Jeweler.ren ne ei il i a ll oe ce n a aa ”|comemata .HO.| ,ees Po es |To our Customers:—: &svng announcement ae ;.}:tB.Bork,‘tear t Amount $2,000,000,000dated July 1,19174. ie Bu "teavill Sunday meen 9 >pe oe sie cu =ae ee oceanfeSe ;nterest sins: he this See Paul das endeavor-Gy ese ‘Mr.Moore took nt Convertstetekends lone:a to stimulate the-courage and in-/'"¢,funeral servies,rate of interest if any subsequent issuelevinethehopeofthe-Corinthians ae ae nil tie a made at a higher rate before thetermina- this evidence a found truth underlying the whole awit Burke and Miss iba tion of the war. .Statesvfile by tom ‘eMThe play wasintensely scheme of life,Every individual vil!Wo to Statemefile ya Exempt from all Federal,Stete or locaithoes:Sean tiene :has a philosophy of life in some/t¢sy to attend the i i (rector,“hohin ood form,consciously or unconscious _—_*—_—=_—.taxes,except estate i tancctaxes.45mardownfothetiniestfairyinTitania's and the view of |life determines the|j.7,-1.,ao 2 a Maturity tobe annoaneed laterGem|Sesto the work fine The medi-character and conduct.The philoso-ncheon.Rev.L.L.Moore will go D .;me °Rsterss|train,id the work fine.The meaig ohy of the super-State and super-/po Statesville today,te attend the enominations not yet fixed.It is antici- ,and the rustic background made Sher-;™8",preached in Germany for qejmecetine of the board vase ©pated the bonds will be available in:ars,sulted i )Btatesville Female College.;|wood Forest and the days of chivalry ™&ny Years,resulted in the preseptiF 'y:/'\" “Comphell,son of Mrs.pieces as low as #50,and z §= returned to herhavingbeenthe Gabriel.: and Mrs.LD.Suthetland |seom @reality.The yqung ladies and|war.The view which assures the)ce Cue tf .rs ‘7s Wo Chariatic after visititx children and the efftctoat directors {Only went "=_—felt oud ie Ze 9 an Een ee Ge Subseriptiozs will be received ‘until June of’."Ulla with we ake to be congratulated.They made|Perictmn SitTecjent.Every=da Reinier camp for officers.15,1917. |the quest of Mrs.J.B.Stoop during Mitchell a suceess of most unfavorable condi-|val lee a .Deli f tt 4 eaenensement.tions.The persons of the drama were:|)8'r8 up our fives.it view |sare Rand,to Mapziness,elivery of the bonds on or about July 1, ere left yesterday to visit)”Robin Hood,BR.Morrison;Little John,M.which recognizes the only real valtic|,Be amiable,cheerful good natured nid 191 at the ‘Se Greensboro.Maxwell:Friar Tuek,L.Hartness;Will of life is the unseen -which ledks|Pee se much more likely to be havpy.You st ath ’ ;reeith ee Soa,S =Searlet and Reynold Greenleaf,outhews avd)beyond the present into the bey iio —~~diffieult,if ot Saaeens *—+38 .‘ c follow ves of Robin Hood,I.Townsend and 8.Set your ideals there.Matorialiam |Sonctinatien."Poke ee etalae Tablets Your name will be entered with the Government as Uf Sharpe;Much,the Miller's son,0.Boyd;:;°a : Pave Culberson of Woodleat is the |Qierpei,Much OM at Prince Joka,K.Goad often unconseious—is the uncritia|and act rid of that and1walbe eaey,These bseri 3 iti of 6 ee ad ies ni King Hichard,M.On .:andel,R.Som-cal view which accepts what is,'petote act only move the bowels,but improve su scriber,thus assuring recognition of your support .o rote,formerly orn:Oberon,E.Anderson:Titania,Melle whicn considers the comforts,eon-|p itectte and strengthea the digestion.of its financial requirements.hl fe Stafford,an alumnae of Stater-)Wariick;Puck,E.Cunningham;The Sheriff oe :,ls the gucet of Miss of Nottingham,C.Shaspe:Pitewalter,M.Vveniences,pleasures and honors of|~KET I a We will make noc ri icespalsCollen,+the event of Mint of Nottingham,C Shape:Hiamalter,|M.veniences,Dieasur vot the cructfige |MARKET REPORTS.a charge for our serv Piantage!EB.Gray;Queen Eleanor,Vir-;£ea the se ili itt |Y faithfulleue™TT 4 =e ’,jon across the seas will come spirtt-|Statesville Produce Market.ours re -rinia “Steele:Marian Fitzwalter,Mildred 115)regeneration and it will come to],The following prices were paid yenterday yas#student of Statesville Femelle giyic.:Jenn ‘;tin:y.Marion Moore;Widow Senrlet,<a edt ele .. ae Mies Fanale Jordan,te withMre Roarna Fleming;Prioress of Kirklees,Evelyn us if we pase through the fre apd)[poder ce We peel marie:°e ‘eiale BR.MeLeclinnd,F..Poole;M haptism of blood.Don't wait for!)spring Chickens,26¢.to 200.per Ib.’ Soldiers .eLelinnd,..Peele;Merry ~weet "=j ma,17 'LF Lane and dnaghters,|“tN Cneend Mo lene.Mi.Maawell.LE.toat to be written hy the tragedy of|fem.ive,te ise,per &‘ Virginia,eft Bunday MCD |Soungend,M.laae.M MGkerve,1.war,but adopt that view of life be-|*poten.‘pe i Long will ettend the Goog MB FE “&tort:es :h d tisfvi }r.per dozen, Southern Railway Compuny |Good,M.Burkmon,E.Hamilton,O.Boyd:cause it Is the true and satisfying|to B0e,per Ib.* —¥#UT-|Retainers.M,Norman,D.Wilson,J.Moore:one.Material things have no per-.per ib,esy 4 . Green Hides,Ife.to 20e.per Ib,Jacksonville and they will visit ;Peasants and Rustic:-M.Alexander,—L.‘ssofFlovide.etary of the State Fiwing,Marraret Crowe,Bvelyn Sadler,H.manent valuc.The things we heve|fren Hides,Ife.wo 200.pe mal Lccnere,rel lance today fore|Bailey.8.Renick,A.Lowe,Aniee Alexander,had in this life will make no differ-)oi si anoulders,tle.to te,per Ib R.A.COOPER - will include Goldsboro,Kinat A.Jackson,Julio Graham,Rosanna Flomios,tence to us in the future,but the!”New Red Honey,160.per »|,i 2 ;.r probably other points.Mr.Lew .—Oe Oe ee ee character we made and the life we Sourwood Honey Comb,200.per1. in the interest cr the Assogiation.|PN)DArinnem cidweli:Musquers—L,Wise.lived in this world will make all the beest Poiana’Ue oe Was *Overeash,who spent a few days i “Music Rbimeel!,D.Wilson,Mary Thomas.difference.The things of this life RO |AttnDe Dae Rare7 (nave ne sovi-entisiying valve |ane Grain. re tt,ov jf :er,ME er .’.,?:‘ Mre.W.G.Lewis and Mrs.E.N.Lawrence,tt L.Brady,F.Poole,RB.MeLelland;there is that in us that cries out un-.The follewins pring were paid yesterdaya"on the loos 3 ened 9 ==©roe Fairies -Beth Stoop,Pay “cater,Sera Fos-satisfied.The ideals of the unseen Whe oh.25 ner tmehel .Lawrence and Mrs.Millis go to Onk oe pier.Serene ee beg have soul satisfaction and produce °Corn,$1.00 per bushel. .—they -ane the smraduc ret Anderson,"Ruth Walton,Mildred “Gill,he very hichest type of life and Guts,¥0c.per bushel, -vom We -_Rthel Verce,Seato Hart,Agnes Moore,Frances character.Lives that have c¢=dateestiny Gee Sheik ;Wailace Henrtet Walince,elle Math:ut ‘>}Ww r Mr.Wade Scromea,who tausht schoo!in 7")Pn tes ee ia and left their mark show =¥On the locat market yenterday 20 cents county last winter,i at the home of Tobin.Holland,Katherine Moore unseen has a power nowhere else rer pound was paid for best grade cotton. parents,Mr.and Mrs.M.J.Scromm.qo.Herbin.Louise Patte NY he found.It is not a life of mystery Market firm ror one to he lived apart,but lives Coiton Seed,75e.per bushel.towa.'n }M ;awh ary Jobnaon,Virginia t i ir.W,Plyler has returned from a busi-”Mu :directors Misses Covington apd Gi ive?naturally Seed Cotton,8 I-2e.per MW. trip North.director,Mias Grace Andermon ae —_— —J.F.Dayvault of Concord spent a f Seer M oy obi!a v and “What is your philosophy of life;Por RENT—A.Y.Alexander residence on Mr.Augustus ni s 2 S*business directors,es Grae \nider ar = days recently with Mrs.1.J.Kimball.She nt Culley.;vhat the ideals at which you @r@)Eas!Hrond screet.M.P.ALEXANDER was on her way home from Asheville,where is ne ked the voung minister May i8 i ,..rd ing’?asket 1e :> attended the meeting of the W:*Natices of New Advertisements be ;aie a -; ary Soviety of the Methodist Church.2 aeiae addres iv particula ly the senior por pent Sight-reem house nerth Center net Myrtle Caldwell and Laney MeCon-|Nitie:to eneeders ta a aie Wl inva of the college in conclusion,{stry Phone 179 green.L.C.LEWIS of Cornelius spent Sunday wilh Mrs Pig los reward.Mir AUT e vVhitte,ry %the M s =ro ny Heb i were arged to leok beyond ,Miny 15 i eS Stony Peint,N.¢~.i F .i Olicen Dew!hes returned to her home y y hats sport skirt Mire.Mary Sim round of worldly pleasure and show LOST—Small black femal Rewer fe after a visit to her aunt,Mrs.J.5S.Setzer,a Chea e wae cee pure fruit flavor and ask viously,“What is my life inferwation we to is me ary on Lackey street.j Statenvitte Mint Cola Co white for’?Follow the gleam.Don’t be’,f\NNIE WHITE,Stony Point,N.C. Mrs.A.T.Bufgin of Drexel spent reveral Complete jine hats for men, Sherrill-White ;.u :a ig a 18 ee .'.:satisfied with life as it is but as it yt °.* da:recently with her sister,Mra.F.T.Shoe Go..:.re :5 oes : “<<".the opportune time.People’s Loan &should be,as it is meant to be an kyaNrTEp—to buy good sound clean Suger Mise Marguerite Burke spent a few days in 4 Bank.|as it j God's grave found most |Barrels.Will 2he.barrel delivered|ot ter new a pe worn.Biates-is ‘OL grace at s ‘els,il pay 25e.per rre’liver: withe last week with her sister,Miss pl ree Ge.ur home wes eruly in the Christian life and char-|Pickory.N.-ne SHUFORD on h e in Tay-.:ie ; en Sh Ser wep to tere heme .«Whole ome food properly served.Cafe Car-agtcr.Only as He shall come into Hi kany,N hay *wind,“Aiex.Cooper,rroeprietor co ome ‘i .ser es teak €Biss thet are candied.-Shernilt,&Receo,hearts agd change our scale of ©temas 0 we From framing to sirngies inclusive.C values,will fnew ‘fdeal@ and new \NOTICE TO SPEEDERS.j mY Statesville with Mixes Bane Henderson,before.EF :’ie as . to her in Moun:Helly.Watkins so ’“views of life come %hea that wee \The law empowers me to make the following |~ Annie Rutledge has returned to Monat’Bkxmine the Dodgelirothers’car States-oy,|follow that “which is unseen {iced regulation in vegard 0 eutomebsion an wy,\ Holly after having beer the cucet of her sia-ville Moto,Co tH :nd eternal.The only true b 1 kindiy ask sil owners to help me in the tas)me SAS XN ter,Miss Christine Rutledge.Stax patat.~tredell Hasdwere Co ,hone ’‘Bee a a Te lil nal oS =en.RAM ;Mins Boomers of Wilkesboro is the Values in cont suits.Muti:@ Poston.wnd richness of life is that which ae it will not be my desire to deal harshly om WM Po "Le ::For dernbility and ceanomy,the Chevrolet mes fre Hi nhewt the matter.1 do ask for a strict ob--a |guest of Mr.and Mrs.L.c.Lewis..N.W.Fes rE rom im.:1 vervance of the fcllowing:15 miles amy-ew -=. :Mr,and Mrs.W.E.Webb and children %,{ti 'hat ae }The sermon .was heard with close where in city:10 miles crossing square apd =ee |gpent a few days recently with Mr.Webb's Builds hardware and building materi and istere Soap EET .s .x sey f pines pee ‘athe S.Webb,in We ,.Lexenbys-Mortgomery Hardware Co ion and interest by a crowd turning corners and 5 mil ww hen comiftg !ad -vai A 3 f r,Mr.A.8.om,nrren county.'tr Rs -y-B.mM we a lise oy antl oat of alleys Mufflers closed in city limita. Mra,A.¥.Alexander and children have uniter wash skirts amsey-Bow les It was a fine discourse ant iis is t Pe act cedig that the .ee ‘6 ‘ph iy :Fis ,nae .‘:nemant ++envy 4 speed la r 4 ye oy i eS to Raleigh to join str.Alexander,who "Win Co ommtor,where food fla.Wa heard with pleasure by the mony gust and will be enforced as a protection to It does no good to lose your temper when you smashkiwrset neneed busine J tat :nat friends 9 e .vou inister.Be ,li -:ie ; Spon =auaie in imess there for the vers do not mix.¢raw rd-Runch Furniture i f th —ng ™M @ I —S.L.B.BRISTOL,|some hing li ots ad of gettir g angry just ing ®> b >,1 s fero beginning the sermon Mr Senit gy is,1 A Mayor.|Ney &.Oleg ui bri the F Mrs.Rock Morrison of Miami,Florida,is ‘”i ‘,:|a id j Fou-House for rent.3.Y.Mlexander 1 i+gave ch wenuine ~~:et te iwe will fix i A Few i ”e he tee perenne.and Mee WW.Poe Your repair work,BR.F.Henry,kewoker.acre te be yoo,his hom:LICENSE TAXES article to us and we will fix it and fix it “right.”if it is Worth G.T.Gaines and Mrs.J.A.Reid have!House for rent.L.C.Lewle ene ag :eee eee °wos iti a ‘is ze.©.5.Gaings ond Mrs.2.A.Reid tens ,hurch.He has he said,a deep an .repairing.If itis not we will tell youso plainly and séll “you relatives.Appreciate Rest Room.abiding interest in the college be Schedule B license tates are due during the +h}:‘ Mise Elizabeth Orr is spending the week |.a a ere ‘ause of his father’s work the ™”a of _—=State requires —something new to take its piace.ity “»4 Correspoadence he Landma 2 +prom!ollection and imposes renalty uw —~S ee Pe tas i w "fe!me tifte that the p ind while he ‘(the speaker)—wa:ae Se ax a ke Fatt i gay baad Hiab?!oe ES rm.J.EF.?and itdre:e re-¢has wee plete ;eneto.a :5 he college |¢t ‘Vita tt hi ~;Say E rned cir home ae y aft q motera @f the Resi Room in Statesville were ChACTLY an alumnus of the cc L »the taxes will save the penalty and trouble rmrices are res ¢¢,a :, iE tated to their,domein Len a Cocnclinst dusa rere of thanks (ros tbe country wemes was very neariy that.He well,re:M7 paying promoils.M.F.ALEKAROSE,Cur prices are reasonable for our good repair work.ap who is sick.sos we fee!sure thei en has net vermhered the amusement at David May 11 Sheriff.ee Mies Mary MecCaniess,whe was domestic due to lack of appreciation,t mony’of /Calkes i :RN OS meee en ; *‘:nt ;ublient s ollere when he was a stace aelence tencher at Harmony Farm Life sehool are not aecurtotie)to w ting for publientt :ROL R L ; year a fer ya}nd others are neviteent here.caused by the announcement @ e e during the et year,spent a few da last end others ere newitiee there.cau \a °e 9 ‘ week with Mrs.Ro OM.Gray.before leavins We Bo fot ote how wy aw ithe 'that L.R.Seott had been =prepar :,:if Suh eS at aa siesta Pe ae "paper vat would for Davidson at Stetesvilie Female |S*TUBGAY.JUNE 2.we will ot os ree ea es Lom mean RS r.Carl Fraley of Harmony left Inst night drive inve be .°€:z PC eetic ot wa Gnott mo wl itt property a eveland.@ mK Ml Nn tee a st a Ai at ib for Spring Lake,N.J...were he will be en.back jot,go in some siore.do price College.In the p Ipit with Mr.Scot!phe plant has s capacity of 69 barrels per H uli i an bs a in work.and then have to sit or stand around in the were Dr.Raynal,the pastor,n’jiay,Machinery nnd building practically e ) >.Abram Wallace of New York is visit-tore,feciing thai we were in some ones Ray HR.Over ash,the Jatter 2 ©located on Southern raiiroad side track,|;.sf ‘ hie father,Mr.Julius Wallace.wey,of 5 amd oon the :ta till our men sative of Statesville and a “son”of :leveland is @ geod scrain section.Sale will i re.Louis Kaufmann of Danville,Va.is folk»tran acted their busevcss an re ready EOS ;take place at Cleveland Saturday afternoon,q giles ber parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.H.to stort home.Now we can drive right to ihe First)church,The choir was June 2,at 1 o'clock.See or write LYERLY : the deer of the Rest Room,go hk if it i»womnosed of the voice pupils of the MILLING CO.fer further information.ia in.May #. cold weather we can get warm t our shopping and cere bac! Weddings baeanedSocial Affairs.eur men folks will know college,assisted by some of the ros uw.ciiar choir members,and the musi i price possible wholesome food, Mr.Barkicy has been maanger of the Lyric Coresin ndence of The Landmark hough I had ah ady attained,but |properly prepared =and promptly 14.Rev.W.M.Haun.follow after.”The highest life is o!-|served,day or night,in clean, assisted in the mectineg wayg pessessed by a replization of ;congenial and comfortable sur- Mr.H.T.Campbell of Statesville and Miss (that closed jast ni ae Stirti M eps ;:oat oP peri i ata beatian a Lina Johnson were married Wednesday aiccr-Sante dincourse urday was on a trip te ©)attained ideals.In every true,roundings.A hearty wel ome, moan at &o'clock at the home of the bride's Paleriine whieh be made a year or so age,Eiga and noble life such a conscious-¢always,to you,your relatives .Mr.F.T.Jobinson,in Hickory.The Ir was very Inteteating.The crowd was un-ness has a place.The only failure }and friends,at Cafe Carolina! was quict becauseof the recent death ysuaily larte Sunday.Mr.Hunter is row -ontentment with failure,The mem ‘ ef the bridegroom's fother.Mr.and Mrs.now located in Arkansas,He and Mr.Han-|f the ¥.W.C.A.were uriced ALEX COOPER Pro rietor Sos are now in Statesville.Mr.Camp-ter are visiting their son,Mr.Bob Huntes,in ers s tne i...*ere urged ’p zs 1 cet at the Western Avenue drug Crarintte,who came up Satarda They ce-to take Paul's words as their motto |Phone 508 ' store.Before coming to Statesville,about jurnod with him,Sunday evenine and strive after high i Js.5s 'a ¥aixl strive alt an igeals. six months ago,he made his home in Hickory.—Communion meeting will embrace ihe third Preceding the sermon there was Sunday at New Salem,preliminary services Miss Martha Rinsmer,daughter of Mr.Jas.besinnivg next Thureday nteht.Rev.Dr.J pipe organ solo by M'ss Laura Moor . Rimmer of Bast Monbo,and Mr.Austin Le-ue Clark stil a eee:Ke.tL.L.and a violin duet by Misses Loui Doors,Windows,Mantels, Mrs.Barkley left immediately for States-Accidents.text.was Philippians,3:12:“Not a and are stopping with relatives here$4 Because we have been with you a long and © A recent issue of the Wasbington Post car-Of course the ‘presont room may net meri the was good,a solo by Miss Maric .rr ried the announcement of the marriage Wed-demands .=raps etd hut eee Sh kul’Stephens being a feazure.j 4 nesday of Misa Elsie Croshhaas,<Detroit.os ee Civile League w In Shearer Music Hall at the co}!j 2 e Mich.,and y x “yp ¢atesvitle,to ee .'.; N.c The ae a seen A COUNTRY WOMAN lege Sunday evening Mr.Seott ad-(On Court Street). by Rev.Dr.Jeffrice at his home in Washiny-(,eee pool +n iressed the Young Woman's Chris _Helps yen cut high cost of liv- |ton,in the presence of «few friends, M:Communion Meetings —TWO stan Association of the college.His ]ing by serving you at lowest i }z e theater in Statesville for the past two years Statesiile,R-6,May ter,a former past through thick and thin,nor because weinvestedeverydollarwehaveinthe nor because we pay taxes and helpschools,churches,donate a little to r,make good roads,because weewgoodsontimewhenyouarehard because we believe our goods,our priceswith i £g 3 i f of taws re —-aon ,..>p taturdsy ferwernMin the ‘fee of ex:a Oxacar Den!was brought home last woek Brady and Ruby Johngon.Columns,Step Plank,Porch Rail ..5 . mayor Caldwell,Justice ~".C.Moore per-from Billingsley hospital,wh he had a $100 REWARD,$100 nad Balusters,Door and Window service are right.When youtrade us, The readers of this paper will be pleas ‘rames,Locks,Butts,Sash Weights For The Landa.cee,menth so,wan Haternally injured and io Harn,Ua ee hee eee able te suce.in and Cord,and Nails. me es programme for the season of +can aacie beware we Giieeinens!con.Cc.WATKINS. =pom -—Wm.wT:=c Wedding |“Stony Point.oe :remuires —_frente a .,7 t topics were given in response to the “O°PS"a Brgye-vonalil seaadien ae >Cae oe S tien interselly and CHOICE BEEF. Stony Pent, 7.the ceremony.Mr.and Mrs,Brown pyoken lee eet.He is improving slowly make their home in Catawba county.Mr.Rees Morrison,who fell and broke hia usually you are helping yourself. We are strong on Builders’Hardware andBuildingMaterial.One price to all and that always the lowest consistent with good goods. call.The programme follows;12th,at th pshae nc {P.F.Somers,the faces of the Syetem,thereby destroying the |a ‘pe eee :++ne ee ae ination tee,Wale Gombe.san of foundation of the disease,givige the pation [have just received a herd of fine Novelette in F ae nes vase ee.:fdiemenn Mr G.DB.Combe of Stony Point,nnd Miss strength by building up the eonatitotion and cattle,raised especially for the city! pars.Galley.............|Sie Gant,daughter of Mr.and Ms.8.BK.asristing one in —>work The or nath -Gent of St Point,w d tri.prietors bave so Much Tae mn the curative ets. |eel eee +meer.They eve ‘al casee gad pooule?an rs of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they This beef has always gone to Balti- as *.cd ales ‘youn people and our best wishes are €x .tates ee ae re eon thet meee and Richmond for the high- Piano Solo seamen mercy:Lint tended “it fails te cure,Send for Het of textimonials lags trade 7 >ith n OO Gem ccs Lent ET J.tk Miltanpe,who has been confined —Address:F.J.OHENEY @ CO.Toledo.Jang a ane |operee Mainacht z icepatresceus Brahns t*e weeks with:crippled hip,remeins in a hie.Bold by all Druseieta,The rHouG gre .'°€“ie ae ee oe critics)condition.Mr.W.H.Wilson also _~ee eee OUGH,AT THE PRICE OF OR-y ‘Warum ee re _.....fehumann remains in a feeble condition.DINARY BEEF!::oy Hira.5.L-Calter.umann |serof wets hish “prices and eotd wemter”|PRE DEMONSTRATION You'll find it better than Western .s P,"4)er. Mrs.A.P.Steele.aes WP The coldest May ever known,tay octorena.y hee,end altogether the most de-et ETTe ery ie kaieimene Romanesque ge ...ehumann rane.eCSe leA iejious ever ate.’"i ,a “S ieeaicas Phone No.46 and your order will be jo500.;see ea . ge Gn ectemnen |MRS McLean —Sunday Schools.aie ae anne ae “Tne atten ee Gena ay wn,|ANN ETE "Ro tianoin.|7 JEWEL AMERICAN WA 5 In Open Face Nickel Case at $6.00,ee ie at South River M.||100 per cent,pure.“Good to she 16 size.R.H.RICKERT zg st - |ehurch and the Sunday school at Sidetight |last a "At Remeey +Bow -lee cream supper at wey Bidellent Saturday night,ivth,for theienefit Morrison Co.’s store Tuesday andoftheSandayschool.||Wednesday.Ladies of Civie | caheerenepeiintenepiemanPilesCoredin6to14Days oy ie # Li t e gz if = i F °F se %f T E E SH E 3™ 'fire of their artillery and rifles,{causing heavy casualties,but theypushedbacktheGermanlineandinadditionmadeprisoners. ‘Cut Out Baseball,Says the Governor. “The man who can play professionalwalloughttebeeitherinatrench~or in a fyrrow,”devlared Gov.T.W. {)of the State.In it the Governor ad-voeates the disbanding of all profes-¢.Sional leagues.He expressed his lovefora:game of baseball,but added:“It seems to me thet the simmer ofi1917isnotimeforprofessionalbase-j,bell.”Glery te the Governor!{Gov.Bickett declares that there iseveryevidencethatthefarmerisdo-ing his best in the emergency,and heurgedtheporeoftownsandcitiestouseidlehoursandidlemeninmak-ing food for themselves.He adyisesthecitiesandtownsoftheStateto|take steps to have vacani lots plowedandturnedoverfreeofrenttopeo-ple who will cultivate them,to pur-cans for canning clubs and fer-tilizer for gardens,distributing these+to the people free of cost.“Public funds could be well em-i ployed in this way,”Gov.Bickett said,‘and it would be better for the strectsofatowntobeunsweptfortwoweeksiriMaythanforourpantriestobebare,next:winter.” ADRES.a OF RIES 9 CETERA “OAS Col,Gregory to Command. Headquatters 1st Brigade C.S.Vets.Salisbury,May 5.Special Order No.2.“ng unable to attend the ap-proaching reunion at Washington,D.C,I have appointed Col.W.H.H.Gregory to command my brigadeonthatoccasion.All orders issued“by him will be respected.A.H.BOYDEN,«Brigadier Gen.1st Brigade C.S.V. SUREMENTS| Not to Kanuga. It seems to be settled that the Ger-“man interned prisoners wil]not be“taken to Lake Kanuga;that E.B.'Gresham,who leased the property tossthegovernment,did not heve the au-thority to make the transfer,ownersofthepropertyprotestizgagainstthelease ig.mpderstood thet the camp willusagisaa”the Davidcen river va)--uleyy in western North Carolina. isceeeetieneianheeeeieienineiineemamemnememmedienadtne ASHE«:EATED ROAD BOND. Ashe mty also defeated a bondissueof$250,000 for roads.A cor-respondent writing from Jefferson tothedailypaperssaysthebondissuegrewinfavorasthepeopleunder-stood it,but a month was too shortforaneducationalcampaign;andMr.T.C.Bowie,a prominent and popular citizen and former memberoftheLegislature,stumped thecountyagainstthebonds. LET,I NEW JITNEY LINE. Mr.W.W.Miller,local jitney msn,is branching out.Beginning Thurs-day he will operate passenger serv-ice daily between Statesville and El-kin,leaving here at 8 a.m.,returningat6p.m.He will reach Elkin in timetoconnectwiththemorningtrainsandleavethereafterarrivalofafter-noon trains,arriving here in time toconnectwitheveningtrains. OEREEEAAIO BIT BY SPIDER. Mr.€.L.Murdock,superintendentofthechaingang,now located inTurnersburgtownship,wes bitten byaspideryesterdayandsufferedcon-vulsions.The spider bit Mr.Mur- dock on the leg about &o'clock and be-fore he was up.The spider was kil'odendMr.Murdock was treated by 2» friend,used “old-time”remediesandalsébyaphysician. SE EN TIRESTATE TTD *HORACE DODGE GIVES YACHT.j Horace E.Dodge,one of the Dodge}Brothers,has given his 80-foot steamtNokomis.1 to the government,use for war purposes.The yacht,:h is valued at $250,000,has beenacceptedbythegovernmentandwil)®be brought to the Atlantic coastthroughtheGreatLakesandtheriver.& ,THE APPEAL.8 The United States Department ofAgriculturehasdistributedposterséwhichbearextractsfromthead-dress of President Wilson appealingétothenationtomakesureoflargeharvests,to the farmers of theSouthtoplantabundantfoodstuffs,i and to the housewives to practicekeconomy, TNT CALLING OLDER MEN. Voluntary recruiting,theofficeannounces,soon wil!be to 50 rs agetomenuof,marr This is the United tes single a :the pinch in >i Saree30 if the war con-two Britishex- i |WON'T Ficnt. f a H tt he government.”Mr.Lucas states that,while a tre-mendous amount of work is yet todone,the le of the State arebeginningtorealizethatrealnecessi-ty and not hysteria is behind themovementforgreateracreageand Bickett in an addrevs to the people |reduction of food and feedstuffs.iness men and live farmersoftheStateareworkingshouldertoshoulderinthecampaignandtheco-operation of theandconsiderablefactorin the campaign.Mr.W.E.Borden,a banker atGoldsboro,has issued a rather strik-ing letter to his customers and oth-er farmers in Wayne and adjoiningcountiesshowingthatcotton,evenat20centsapound,is relatively the cheapest farm product upon the market today and is iower in price,considering the prices of other com-modities,than it was at a normalpriceof12centsapound.The fol-lowing shows the contrast,which isevengreaternowthanitwaswhentheletterwasissuec: In an average yes:with 12c.cot-ton,a $60-bale can buy:89 bushelspotatoesat70c.;750 pounds lard at8c.;22 barrels flour at $4.50;375 Sounds bacon at 16¢.;100 bushelscornat60c.;30 pairs shoes at $2;720 yards cotton goods at 8 1-2c.This year,with 20¢.cotton,a $100-bale can only buy:44 bushels pota-toes at $2.25;pounds lard at20c.;8 barrels flour at %13;333poundsbaconat30c.;74 bushels cornat$1.50;20 pairs shoes at $5;666yardscottongoodsatYc. “Enlarge your food crops and in- tensify their cultivation,”urgesMr.Borden.“It will not only payvoubetterindollarsandcents,butinnootherwaycanyouservethe‘Stars and Stripes’and the whole ofhumanitysowell.” Many merchants in every sectionoftheStatehaverefusedtoadvancesuppliesandfertilizerstofarmerswhopersistedinplantingtolargeaoroportionofcottonortobacco,ascomparedwithfoodandfeedcrops.In many instances bankers have fol-lowed the same course,lending readyassistancetothefarmerwhoisriantingfoodandfeedcropsbutbe-ing chary of those who persist inplantingtheusualacreageormoreofeottonandtobacco.In almost ev-sry community in the State the banks are lending money in sma!and large amounts for the purchase of seed and fertilizer for food and feed crpg, DOG AND CAR. Replying to The Tandmark’s sug- gestion that it didn’t tell what be--ame of the dog that wrecked theFordcar,the Newton Enterprise makes answer:“It is apparent to anybody who knows anything about a 4dear thatthedoglef’right awav from there. Henry Ford did not raise his car tobeadog-catcher.” The Landmark has no expertknowledgeofthe4dbutweinfer‘rom the above that while the carwaswreckedandtheoccupantshurt,the dog is alive and in good health. SPAT EPO NATE, THE D.A.R.SALE. The sale conducted by the FortDobbschapteroftheDaughtersoftheAmericanRevolutionatthecourthouseSaturdaywasadecidedsuccess.The entire stock,chieflyhouseholdarticles,was sold withintwohoursafterthesaleopened.Be-tween $50 and 860 was realized,theentiresumbeingclearprofit.Theladiesofthechapterwereapprecia-tive of the kindness of the wholesalemerchantswhocontributedthearti-cles for the sale, NENeneyecoeie BOOK CLUB QUITS. Mr.W.A.Thomas,who was inWadesboro,his old home,a fewdaysago,found that a book club,aleadingsocialorganizationofthetownandonethatusuallygaveelaborate.entertainments,had shutdownfortheperiodofthewar.The members of thedevotetheirefforts to helping theecuntry. SS WILL TALK TODAY.It is announced that Dr.von Beth-mann -Holwegg.the German chan-cellor,will submit to the ReichstagtodayadeclarationcoveringGerma-ny’s war aims.This is an answertoacontinueddemandonthepartofaportionoftheGermanpeoplethatthegovernment's purpose be stated.| ZEPPELIN DESTROYED. British naval forces destroyed—L-22 on the North sea yes-t v morning,according to an offi-cial statement by the admiralty. usiness man |banker is going to prove a very! organization will | it l H H l ?&i |At San Antonio,Texas,FrederickT.Reidt,who recently was Seely|discharged from the iarmyafterservingasa30|years,has been sentenced by @ a{ty court martialtoservetwo ye jin the Federal peniten atFort|re ee —re-ar as disloyal to t country andTeeauuiestoPresidentWilson, The American steam Mongolia,|from which the country's shot ir:|the war with Germany was fired withsuchaccuracythataGermansubma-rine is believed to have beon sunk,arrived at an American port Sunda;from Europe,bringing a bytheofficersofanotherspparent en-counter with a U-boat.is timetheydidn't see a boa:but think a tor.pedo was fired at the Mongolia. An Oid Wil, A will drawn by Jarvee Malligen,March 20,187%,was reeently filed intheofficeofclerkofcourtinStates.|ville,The will spec.tied that to Mr.;Mulligan’s wife should go “all thatshebroughtmeinthematterofper-sonal property,also the use af mybrass-handled bureau while she lives.”He bequeathed to his friend,Alsa BMoore,aii his land and premises tohimandhisheirs,subject to the main-tenance of his wife.Mr.Mulligan.who lived in Concord township,died |!about 1885.His wife end his |friend,Alsa Moore,diced.The heirs | |of Alsa Moore filed the will,Mr.Mulligan'’s wife and ais friend,A.B.Moore,were named as executors,ThewillwassignedbyRobt.Kerr andJobnL.Kerr,both of whom are dead.| NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Having qualified as executor of the estate ofAnnaT.Key,deceased,«+hereby notify allpersonshavingclaimsagainatherestateto } | present aatiae to me on or before the of |May,1918.G.EF3.RK.B.MecLaughtin,Atty.Executor.May 8 1917. LAND SALE. BY VIRTUE of o deeree of the SuperiarCourtofIredellcounty,rendered in the spel!cial proceeding entitled W.B.Crawfurd va.W.F.Horton et ai.,the unde com-eer ,a sell at ~~-toviddcrforenshat¢court house|door in Statesville,N.C..on MONDAY,JUNE 4,1917,St 12 o'clock,m.,the following described landinBethanytownship,to-wit:Beginning at astone,Viekery's corner in the W.C.Sowersline,thence south §°rees eastpolestostone;thence south 2 degrees west :poles to stone;thence north 87 degrees cast Of|poles to stane;thence north 90 poles to stone;|thence south 87 degrees west 90 poles to “a ; iJ i winning,containing 61 acces more or leas.R.B.MeLAUGGHLIN,Commissioner.May 1,1917. NOTICE OF SALE. BY VIRTUE of authority contained in /mort#age deed executed by Jax,W.Brown \wife to D.K.MeNeely and others on',1916,and duly registered in MortwageKook44,page 206,in the officeofDeedsofIredellcounty,N.CsignedwillonMONDAY,JUNE 4,1917,|at 12 o'clock,noon,sell the following de»|)scribed property at public auction to the high-est bidder for cash:All the stecl,abutments }for bridge,all lumber and other material and!all rithts that the suid Jas.W.Brown has,intheapproachtotheCatawbariver,both inlecdellandCatawbacounties,at the place |]where the toll bridge formerly stood across }]the Catawba river at a point about 7 miles |]west of Mooresville,N.C.The steel,mateete.,being the steel that formerly made up|the said toll bridge.Part of the same bei |=| on the banks of the river on the Iredellandpartbeingintheriver.The sale toatthecourthousedoortnStatesville,N.ciD.K.MeNRELY,ET AL,#}May },1917.Mortzagees,YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST_.}NOW USE THE BEST . | ' FOR SALE BY‘Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C ! — DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C.HOURS 8 to 5. } {' i j‘PHONE 34,F CHANGE OF OFFICE! I have moved law oaeemeteeBeetrem the This is the fourth attempt at ~|inelinraidsbytheGermanswhicresultedindisasterthisyear. quicktodetect deterioration.Tap Aenasionnpoigia eon xa a Mit ATs arts Site ic Pe it willpay youto visit us and examine thisCar. consumptioniaunuiually lowThegasolineThetiremileageisunusually iCarorReadster,$835;Winter‘T.Car or Roadster,$1,000,nets Sedan =Coupe,$1,265.(All rr f.o.b.Detroit). STATESVILLE MOTOR CO., ’Phone 149.Statesville,N.C. Gordon's Silk Hosiery.|White,Siokund llCrs oe50c.up to $2.00.HandBags,98c.:Johnston-Belk Co. Just Received By Express=—=NEW SKIRTS.== Striped Taffeta of excellent quality,full in width.The style followsthentSportstrend.Shirred effect at the waist and ovguvkets.Can be had in Satin at the same price,$5.00.Our Skirtsarecutonliberallines—the only thing skimped is the price. NEW WAISTS. coy Showingmadebyoo ts ceaen,Mee Re$2.98,$3.48,$5.00,$6.50. NEW SILK SWEATERS$10.00 and $13.50. READY MADE DRESSES. Gowns in Co Crepe,Crepe De Chine,Taffetas andyouneedone,them now. MILLINERY. Big line of Women's Ready Trimmed Hats.Also,Lids for Kids,Hats that fit and sell. CORSETS. Full line of Ferris Good Sense Waists and Corsets,aon &Women,Missesand Children.We also the .B.Rust ProofCorsets,all sizesfrom 18to Price96c.to e THE STORE THAT SELLS FORLESS. 16 Big ne Stunnin Satin. .PHC eee Pg aon gag Se eee leee awry Dore prs ’ Hulls go farther.i tobetterassi:rilationof They mix well withhandic. other forFaetalosauthquentte Bucheye Hullstostock catile.Hehegetsmorefoodvaluepertonwithless has bought five tons and hasthem storedin seysthat theyoccupy less spacethan old style hulls. the best results andto dovelapthe encilage oder, twelec hours beforefeeding.li is oxsydownrightaadmorningforthenextfeeding.be done,wet down at thirtyminutes.hullsdry,use only Aalf 23 muchbybulk 2s ofoldBookctMixedFeedeFree the formuin foreverycombination of feedsusedin »we how muchto feed for malt ,for milk,forfat- tening,for work.|Buckcye Hulls and gives directions using them property.Send for your copy t6 the nearest mill. Den.TheBackeye Cotton Oil Co.pep.x Riirm::Grecawood Litic Rock =*rem iglecsrn °to Charlotte Jackson cowdipetinypeteadiptagtnagromyies i i epee tip ae BOY HATS. We havejust received a big line of Boys Hats in Black and White Milam.Also Cloth Hats in ‘Vhite and Colors.Price 50c. to $1.75. SPORT SHIRTS. See our new Sport Skirts in all the new materials.Prive $5.00 to $10.00 each. a Try a Madame Grace Corset.Have our Corsetiere fit you in a new Model.Price $1.00 to $7.59. Respectfuily, MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. z éii t et sf 2 3; F:E i }}iéi li th as little disturbance “Their loaf even then'privation loaf,and every ounce we)ean put in it,will diminish their pri-|vation.The ‘problem is capable of| ‘solution.If,however,theworld,allied and neutral,is to have ™the unrestricted run of our markets/lin competition with each other andincompetitionwiththe» jin this country,we may|see $5 wheat before the year is over.||“Large measures of food control|do not mean arbitrary interference {with the necessary economiceryoftrade.They mean thatbranchbecalledinbythegovern-ment and forge themselves into 4linkfromwhichtccontenrchaiwillprotectproducer,mate distributor and consumer.“For instance,[om assured thattheAmericanfarmerdidnotrealize,™°°°the 1916 wheat)$1.30 per bushel forharvest,yet the price of wheat inNewYorktodayis$3.25 per bushel,and flour is $14 per barrel.“T have resenting the majority of the branch elothed with the necessary powers ‘to foree the small minority ofskunksthatexictineverytrade, nutritiovs flour based on even $1.50wheatcouldbesoldin)New Yorkforagooddealunder$8 a barrel,and every trade would receive itslegitimateprofit.Without control|we may seo.$20 flour befere.the year jis out and a total dislocationwagesandconsequentdislocation ofindustryandliving. come the submarine and if we open other markets to our allies,we may under $6.In any event,with suf-ficient control,the present price offlourcanbereducedoy40percent.jand the producer treated in a liber-al manner.Without any form of control wearelikelyto’see an even worse sit-vation than the high prices prevail- |ing.'“Food control does not mean bread ecards to the American people. It means the broad conservation ofourfood,the better handling byeliminationofwasteand specula-tion.The government would askonlyonethingfromtheindividualconsumer,that he eat plenty,butwisely,and waste nothing.“Hoarding and’speculation is rife,‘yet there can be no particle of doubt Leave M 9:30 p.m.ArriveDallas11:45 a.m.next morning,Ft.Worth 1:25 p.m.to Taxas Anotherthroughtrain to Texas via CottonBeltRouteleavesMemphis9:35 a.m.Ssdamm BitarAcs" WINTER TOURIST FARES 1917, ALLGRADESFERTILIZERS Guaranteedpricesdelivered at States- villeOilMillor my Warehouse,take your choice,Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,andUnion Guano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour.' = CASH OR TIME. bs ' .—>J.E.SLOOP. \that we have today in North Ameri- ca a surplus of from 50,000,000 to 70,000,000 bushels of wheat beyondourordinaryconsumptionandbe-yond the needs of our allies beforetheifextharvestcomesin.Out ofnextharvest,with no economy onecorsumpioninNorthAmerica,even with thecangive our allies 400,000,000 bush-els of cereals of one kind or anoth- “But to protect our consumers andtolegitimatelyexpandourexports to our allies,the government musthevewidestandabsolutelyimmedi-ate powers.No European govern-ment,except Germany,was able to secure these powers until after some | great disaster was irrevocable,andwesitheredumblywaitingfordis- aster and then we shall scream and criticize the government for not hav-ing done something that they are powerless to do.”Food Speculators Denounced.Sensational charges that foodspeculatorsareatworkinWashing-ton to defeat the administration'sfoodcontrolbills,are made by As-Secretary of Agriculture Vrooman.He says:“Never in the history of the world have business men gan,by the business men of Ameri-ea.An overwhelming majority of them have been as readytheirbusiness to lene result would be that an equally, loss of winter wheat,we , ingSeine aeteeofthe a.woesurrounded by 8 mob which/wnae sorrow a e- jmanded war,making threats of vio-| economic machinery as need be,fur-|levee.Under the orders of the pre-| cent,|Mierbea™mob urging a declaration of war.He was)denounced by members who said he| whole Was attempting to coerce Parlia- |part y, mexpecttoit threatens the republic.Ee trefoced to WwWor|and gave a majority ofondsoutof»total vote of a little|‘over 1,000.TheTegiti-¥ troops finally dispersed the The premier addressed the House, ent,The press is opposed to the warurgingParliamenttoresistjlitarvsressureonthegroundthat WATAUGA VOTED BONDS.While Caldwell and Ashe countiesvoteroadbondissues,ateuga came nobly to the frent449«for Boone DemocratssopleasedwiththeresultthatitneglectedtostateinitsInstissue no hesitation in saying Man ithat if the able,patriotie men rep-| of the food trades were called in and’ msi ‘the size of the bond issue,but ourlectionisthatitis$250,000. GOOD NEWS- vy Statesville Readers Have leard It and Profited Thereby. “Good news travels fast,”and the y bad back suffercrs in States- ville are glad to learn where relief e nl aching back is lution |The House of Parliament W } }aNS “ |_[#[_FOR SALE!|«| i ig ' may be found.Many a lame,weak bad no more,;jhankstoDoan’s Kidney Pills.Our! -jtizens are telling the good news of| fh ehoir experience with this ,lly=:|remedy. “On the other hand,if we over-reading: tested Here is an example worth |Mrs.C.O.Keanerly,°48 Western| sce wheat at $1 a bushel and flour Aye,Statesville, ‘eaused me misery and a few doses of Doan’s Kidney Pills 1) was relieved. says:“My back I consider Doan’s a fine kidney medicine and don’t hesi- tate to recommend them.” Price 5c.at all dealers.Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-—-zet |Dean's Kidney Pills—the same Mrs. Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. that Kennerly had.Fosters *filbern C.WATKINS fer “Bverything to Build With.” Wesane tathe,‘tims,Cement, Tas Planters’Wh-,Statesville. after taking! it will be As I cannot and will not advertise one manundnotanother.To do so would be unfairanditismypurtposetotreatalltairlyaodalike.Let meurge you to come in and set-Respectfully, fi ae a ie PARIS GREEN -———Is the BEST for —— Destroying Potato Bugs, -——We sell it —— HALL'S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.2%, Lemans ecagremnengen vee aoe aa erorrarasiene senatorswe sam =saieanselpapualiial =e edeSal 2 eee ne neem 95-acre farm in Cool Spring township,T-room dwelling,and outbuildings;56 acres in cultivation,.in woodland,8 acres.in bottom land,mostly meadow. 78 acres,five miles of Statesville,6-room,2-story suas.:barn and outbuildings;40 aeres in cultivation,good orchard,aacresinfinebettomland.|*ond209acres,eight miles of Statesville,75 acres in cultivation,|acres in meadow,balance in woodland,two large eebarnandoutbuildings,and:fine orchard,all kinds of. 6-room cottage,good well and barn on Boulevard.4-room cottage on Drake street,lot 60x280.‘ee dwelling on Lackey street,good well and barn,lot». xi b - Lot—56x162—corner Oak and west Sharpe street.For further information call on or write ' ERNEST G.GAITHER.,,Estate. o '| eenneeee en Flowers| { |Van Lindley(o., oeafew For AllOccasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. en meen neo Insurance,Stock and Real "Phone 28.oofteDot Woe PeforWaristoRaiseaBigCropof Food Stuff. It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineverywaypossThisBankhasalwaysmadeititsbusinesstofinancetheFarmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist in every way possible, Farm products of all kinds are bringing highprices,and the indications are that eeswill con-tinue high for several years at least,so it’s veryevidentthatthefarmerwhoproducesBIG“cropswillbeontop. If we can serve you,come instatedabove,we are ready,andineverywaypossible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Of Statesville,N.C. omaniguea hte are mae ao and see us,aswillingtoassist “The Bank For Your Savings.” THE STATES v ILLE;‘iREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY the v =both NEWadOLD. A iates thfriendsandpolicyholders,bothOurofficeisanopenone,andwecustomersandthosewhowillbecometousethesamewhentheysodesire.past,we will strive to give the sameGHGRADESamay,won forconfidenceofover ee er a“WEINSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUTgeeShewe ‘Asin ot It’s got the “NIP”! CALLFOR IT at the Fountain,a —cae eeling a Sate below bera glans of thisitonice,drink it at meals—it whets the appetite;serve any-where,to anybody,CHEERWINE is always in place,and a oc with thethethingfortheplace.y : ONCE YOU TRY ITYOWLEALWAYSBUY IT, Statesville Mint Cola Bottling Co. W.L.GILBERT,Secretary &Treas. jasaesteatisthmanesteianseameeennnaan _suapnasinosinan: THE LANDMARK iS A SMOOTH FAKE AGENT Mr.Bowh ped him 75 cents,the Weuld Make Convicts Fight—|—_-————cosh and his night’s ledging to poy Food Crops in Cool Spring.TUESDAY,---May 15 1917.Fellow With Many Aliases Col.for the papers for a time.He was |:eetgeces lected Newspan r Subseri C.W.Wilson to Mr.Bowles.|When the ground was too wet to|Retaili =:.Spape :crip.Wilson,ete.seemed to have a blow a few days ago Mr.WilliamingCase—Court Items.tions —His Case Heard at paruicular fancy for Gwaltney town-Fraley of Cool Spring tock a fewJ.L.Lowe,who lives en Highland Taylorsville,hip folks,as all the witnesses at hours off,hurried into town to lookavenue,gave $400 bond Friday be-.the hearing were from that town.after some business,and called at 5foreJusticeW.C.Moore to appear hip.Mr.E.FE.Pooie identified the The Landmark office to offer a suv-{ ; The fake newspaper solicitor whoinIredellSuperiorCourtandan.operated in Alexander,Iredell,Da-defendant 2s the man who visited gestion about the war.Mr.Fraley a ere,swer a charge of retailing.vie And probably other counties as his home April 24 last and offered would send all membo:s of chain _—.’~%2 sein W . The case against Lowe was (.W.Williams,C.P.Johnson,The Landmark,the Country Gentle.gang@ and convicts gene rally to the Brilliant m e ac naar f.ont Pee}or brought out by —sone young men Miller,J.K.Wilson and Probably man and Progressive Farmer xl!for war as soldiers.He wouldn't =mix 2 )-b ‘ getting too much booze aboard and other names,and who claims,it is 2 4 your.Mr.Poole gave him *1.-them with honest folks,but would ‘Color .en |Crack Shoemaker,who disturbed the understood,that he i«C,H.Wilsen 95 in ‘cash and a night’s lodging for put them in a separate command,of-i he ia ’ss _i)west ae was in-of Alleghany county,was arraign-9 year's subscription to the combi-fleered by the guards and superin-fh . uced to tell where he vot the ed before Justice W.F.Patterson at nation »told Poole he had been tendents who now control them and °.”{* hwoze.lie caid he boueht it from Taylorsville Friday on a charge of vith The Lacan a years and who know how to manage them.Ev-,Economical ;oy Reliable Lowe,who lives on Highland ave-false pretence It was in evidence formerly was with the “Charlotte ery convict,Mr.F raley insists,re-Y enue.It is said a half gallon of that he.had collected sbscriptions (4 server 14 years;that he wax mak-gardless of age,color,o7 previous ‘ booze cost $5.Four others waited from a number of persons in Alex-ing a little trip through the cou:try condition,should be made to fight Covers i 1OP went ,Pr t t while Shoomaker went for the liquor.ander county for The Landmark,the a ret reation from office wor}and for the country.If a man isn't too De See TE?otects They didn't know where he got it,Charlotte Observer.the Wilkesboro was combining business and pleas-old to commit crime he ian’t too old More Surface A search of Lowe's house by the of-Patriot and other papers,represent-Gre Mr.J.B.Mayberry was made to fight,says Mr.Fraley,He thinksfleersrevealedfivefruitjarscon-ing himself as the agent of The the came offer.Mr.Mayberry was his plan may meet with objection,os _Lowe plead net cuil Landmark and the Observer and at »ubsertber to the Taylorsville but he is prepared to defend it.ty but offered no testimony for the one time claiming that he was the Scout ¢houg »would contin-Having disposed that proposition, defence.His wife told Justice Moore editor of the Patrioy.No ev idence 44 his ane oo th peor ia Mr.Fratey was asked about the .ONE GALLON MAKES TWO ” that the liquor in the house was for was offered for the defendant and he the agent (he was C.W.Williams at feodstuf?campairn in Cool Spring.sickness.was jheld in a justified bond of £100 that time)told Mayberry that 26 The folks are doing their best,heLeeShoemaker,white,was let for trial at the September term of 3;of the Scout were receivod at says.He has planted double his IRSUPER.:ANDER & aff with the costs Friday by Justice Alexander Superior Court.The Landmark office and if he would usual crop of Trish potatoes and en-“Ff Ss Lazenby on a charge of public curs-Somer of the victims of the fakir e him $2 for The Landmark and larzed his garden and trucx patches,Bactimone,.Md.USA. Ing and was required to give $50 ind others thought the bond ton he other papers he would throw in and ocher Cool Spring folks are do-bond to answer for car ‘ying a con-small.Mr.Ho P.Grier of States:»copy of the Bee ut.Mr.Mavhere ing Ukowise,The Cool Spring folkscealedweapon,ville,who represented the prosecu-,,fell for it and passed up the ¢v generally are doing their best toWillRussell,white,was fined $2.-tion on behalf of The Landmark.Mr.D.V.Campbell,an old)sub.p ine country..Paint and O}l are going higherrightsoon.If you 50 and taxed with the costs Satur-suggested a bond of $3800.Mr.Eo Fo oo.»Landmari DVN ©iliieaiRaepecreemaeeepe eadaybyMayorBristol,for being Klutz of Taylorsville.for the at i opie Mio ee expect to paint this summer,now is the time todrinkanddisorderly.fendant.insisted that his client’was the claims of the semi-weekly Char-buy.In Mayor Bristol's court yester-9 tubercular vietim although lntte Observer were.presented Mr.me SweetHome day Sam Homsy,white,and James there was no evidence of that fact Camnhell invested 6 cents for six ‘yfMoore,colored,were fined $2.50 each that it would be dangerous to his ranma’subscription for the Oiserv-re e ar ware ® for an affray Saturday night.:health and a great hardship on the cr ond »farm paper Mr.J.1.Chile Ts never complete without aToadHartline,White,was fined county to keep him in jail until the ders paid $1 for six months’«ibe i ake ;$2 and taxed with the costs for be-next term of court,in September:|.ition to The Landmark an!the Piano.Music instills noble SHCA GROATICROSORCOOH)COORD BCR Tethivielsteleleiw ss ain ta nate ing drunk and disorderly.that the county was in financialtraitsonaccountofflooddam ‘oa ———-3 thoughts in the heart and A;’lew ee teat Y ae (rood”amare,le gentleman,who e ange ..‘tChurchNews.ete;the country at war and men me with as much ense ae mind of every one,and a Pi-The question of _the con olidation should he at work an the farms we id change his coat,was it.ger a geod,reliable.fioftheNorthCarolinaandTennes-rather than in jail.This Parhieuler tohnaton when he called on Vr.C :.;see Lutheran Synods was before the fellow had worked the farmers rath.Mo Snow.Mr.Snow paid him 30 Sweet-torcd Plane —is the z Are not tied from carrying out your ex- North Carolina Synod,in session at ¢r than the farms,but Justice Pat nts for three months’subscription best investment anybedy ean 4 ;.> Albemarle,and was continued until terson thought $190 was enough and ‘9 the semi-weekly Charlotte Ob.,oo .7 pectations and desires when you have the next annual meeting.that_ended it.The defendant had ‘rver and some ‘other paper that Taake fur the home.;moneyev.LL.dD.Thompson went to 846.75 in cash when arrested and was to be threwn in for good moa.; Thomasville Sunday afternoon,there was fear that he would man-ure,7 ¢;IN THE BANK where he preached the bac age to give the hond and go out to The He hs ¥eser Piano t i Th venta urente fakir was smooth.#érmon for the ‘omasville graded avain prev on the public.It was de-learned the name of nearly «;.sehool.Mr.Thompson left yester.veloped at the hearing,however,man the neighborhood,had teary Your Bank Account depends on what day for Waynesville,where he will that he had collected $2 from J.W.ud whether he was a subseriber has teen on the eenebat for ,you save,assist Rev.W.B.West,pastor ef Mayberry,who lives in New Hone The Landmark or any other ja neatly 49 ye and enjoys 1"car PATS,f Joys First Methodist church of that towns}in,this county,near the nd ,heed hy mn ‘ISTP,ty,hee '*ond when he approached one he talk )asce,in a protraeted meeting this Alexander line,th:$2 being ai re ed with such familiarity that i:is the reputation for durability It is not a matterbaientnewalofaMayberry’s subserip-.o¢surprising that he passed for and rich tone quality.Only OF G "E ‘ere wi e no services Sunday tion to The Landmark.If bond is +onuine.He talked freely about igh-prade rateri , xt morning at Broad Street Methodist given in Alexander,Wileon,alias jig pater in‘The ‘Landmark.a and =ie re Pia atTomesoon_os at Williams,will —Sth to Iredell pig residence in Statesville,told op ‘ee eri oe eas cee,7 |Acquire thesaving habitwhile your in- lll ct gate reaching Sun-to answer in the Mayberry case.what sirect he lived,and altogether .eee ::; oo at the regular hour That Witson is an old offender wae hin line of talk was as calculated uw oe come is small and it will be casier as v.J.H.Brady leaves tonight shown when D.D.Milleans and M deceive as it was intended.He ig If you are thinking of pur-}your income increases to for tere._*ee the Lee Bowles,both residents of not young in sin,either,His ane ehasing a Piano,or ever ex-}ng of the Southern Presbyte.Gwaltney's township,Alexander pearance indicates’that he ;past ect to own o it is cer-J y Bank Account. ¥on Church,oo —in South county,anne him as a man who a This ae he to do or with cate .or aaa ol ucrease our ghiands urch,irmingham,visited eir homes in April,1914,"rations i }ey's ne :aehivatiia,m.Elder 8.A.and collected subscriptions for pe-mine kine pinnae aly i business interest to see and 'Nowis the o ne time to open an of Barium,Dr.C.M.Richards pers they never received.He told yj.possension showed he had covers!hear this beautiful instru-'Account wit us. ;and probably others Mr.Millsaps his name was Wilson od «4 wide territory and when all the ment.this seetion are expected to at.and that he was agent for the Char-returns are in —if they ever are _.9 .¢ the meetine.-mtte Observer.He collected $1 from the number of peopie ne worked!TEN-YEAR GUARANTER!People’s Loan and Ww Bank.-Millsaps Rn bv to ovnd bits wit he shown to he large:ard it s wenn -gre semi-weekly Observer nnd a9 was in evidence that ne had been op!very wR Piano '“'‘”Gea eae’:ay pe ‘oer the job for more than a year.Now!fuarantce]against all de.MONEY MAKES 1 WAY EASY. ‘‘©te Mr wiles,I r :Anyi }i {le with whom he spent the night of one onger than tia ¢he}fects in material and work GEO.H.April 26,1916,that he was the edit.manship for ten years,0.L.or of the Wilkesboro Patriot and ToCure@Cold in OneDeyen:Poon that he was giving the i the TebeLAXa wetowert of ‘creel ],HO ;mmesaaaaEtaejlaonardPianoStoany section ee aasagreedeetheconfereesearsthatallandenlistedmenoftheforces raised by conscription shallthesamepay,allowances andasthearmy,andtheseincreasesinthepayofregulars:‘hose receivingto$21 per month,en increase ofpermonth;receiving $24,inerease of $12;those receiving$36 or $40,an Increase of $8;those receiving $45 or more,anof$6.The Senate was expected to acceptconferencereportyesterdayoryyandthenitwillgotothePres-it.Senator Chamberlain,chair-‘Map of the Senate conferees,said hejyieldedonthearmypayincreaselyinadesiretohastenfinalenact-nt,the insistence of the House be-80 stubborn that continuation offightwouldgreatlypostponeingthenewarmy.Senatevotedasmallerincome.He said S Senate to reduce the maximum“conscription age of 30 years insisted“the conby the F —and agreed to by ferees.h the pay increaseand4Resaevstevolunteer ame iment may also encounter re-“newed objection and several hours ofdebateareexpected.Registration Plans.Plans for beginning revistration ofthosesubjecttodrafthavebeencom-:by the War Department,anddiatelyuponthesigningofthebillbythePresidentthedepartment'will outline the procedrre to be fol-lowed in bringing the Nationa!GuardtheFederalservice.Many de-tails regarding the Guard's mobiliza-;and its status remain to be com- od.Secretary the ;te regiments will not be ordered to livisional or army corps concentra- A camps —where a State di-'Vision exists,until all preparations are‘made at the camp site for‘ception. Guard regiments now in the Fed-'@ral service may be retained tempo-Yarily at their present jocal camps‘and other units also may be sent to Baker says their re- Btate or local camp for a time,but ‘eventually the force will be gathered“in big camps,where divisional or even army corps training can pro-.The commander of each of the|ix military departments already has n instructed to send officers t: |recommend five training camp sites.Out of the 36 thus recommended,1¢|r more will be selected by the de-|partment._Although the administration oppos@dtackinganyvolunteerprovisiontotheselectivedraftplan,it is reneral-“ly believed the President will sign the E mpeasure when it reaches the White ouse with the Roosevelt amendment|it.The bill merely authorizes.it|does not require,the recruiting of a 'volunteer ferce.for service in Franceotthereisnorequirementthat:sevelt or any particular person bePgiventhecommand,although it is/understood the amendment was put©on for Roosevelt's benefit. Dangerously Wounded. Thurman Stiles,18 1-2 vears old, was brought to Long's Sanatorivm | t evening from Spruce Pine, |Mitchell county,danperous ly wound-ed,He was operated on at once} -and rested very well last night. |Stiles was under arrest at Spruce Pine and broke aw:He was pur-sued by a deputy sheriff name notTearned—and after aPF¢hase was recapture.The;"he shot at the bev to seare him'Phe ball entered the back and perFforatedtheintestines.Recovery|doubtful. Want More Revenue. Democratic Weader Kitchin an PMounced in the House yesterday thattheTreasuryDepartmenthadnotifiedhimitwouldbenecessaryto 'Paise §2.245.000,000 instead of $1.-|800,000,000 by the war revenue bi!! “now under debate.He argued su|Port of a new proposal to raise the“income surtax increases on sums above $40,000,as now contained in the bill,by one-fourth,The hieher ‘rates won'd vield an additional -$100.000,000,it is estimated. CHAUTAUQUA, Downie,representing ‘Chautauqua of Swarthmore, ‘was here yeoterday ‘at the Commercial club met‘fome of the guarantors of Btatesville Chautauqua,arranging|="for attrections here June 25-|duly 1.Committees were appointed. AMERICAN VESSEL "SUNK. |The American steamship HilonianyeetorpedoedandsunkoffGenoa,lv,with a loss of four members ‘of the crew,according to a eable-Eni received by the owners, miversal Transportetion Company|New York.The Hilonian was not officer 18 Dr.the Pa., with “SETTLED?|_A dispatch from PetrogradtheBestioncabinetcrisishas|-—.of the cn hee il oftativesoftheCouncilo represent Soldiers’delogatexaoeek cays aoe. al MissesReba Morton of BeaufortAnnpoyofWashington(N.C.)guestsof Mrs,Chealey Watkins. effort would probably be made in’ considerable| and last night! the| the| swe a er STAFESVILLE,N.CuPRIDAY,MAY 18,191%. A dispatch fromtellsthestoryasfollows:The American navy’s actual entryintothewarzonehasalreadybeenproductiveofabrushbetweenade-stroyer and a German underwaterboat,aceording to an announcement by the British admiralty,but the re-sult of it has not been made public.The destroyer squadron arrived inQueenstownafteranuneventfulvoy-age across the Atlantic,but almostimmediatelyafteraformalexchangeofgreetingswiththeBritishnavalofficials,put to cea again for the hard {4 work that is before it.A crowd of several hundred persons,several of them carrying tiny Ameri-can flags,lined the «ater front andcheeredthedestroyersfromthemo-ment they first sighted the flotillauntilitreachedthedock.The crowdeheeredagainwhenafowmomentslatertheAmericanseniorofficercame ashore to greet the British senior offi- eer and Wesley Frost,the Americanconsul,who had come dowa to thedocktowelcometheflotilla.Every-thing was done in simple,business- like manner.There was an entire ab- sence of formality.The commander of the British flo- tila was waiting on board his ship and sent wireless reeiings to the American units as soon as they hove in sight,steaming in a long line into the harbor.“Can Start at Once.” After the exchenge of shore grect-ins and the British commander had congratulated the Amcrican bfficers on their safe voyage,he asked:“When will you be ready for busi- ness?”“We can start at once,”the Ameri- can commander replied promptly. This response,so cheracteristicallyAmerican,surprised the British com- mander,who said he had not expected the Americans woul be ready to be- grin work on this side so soon after their long voyage.When he had re- covered from his surpise he made a short tour of the destroyers and ad- mitted that the American tars looked prepared.“Yes,”replied the American cor- mander,“we made preparations on the Way over.That is why we areready.”The equipment on board the de- stroyers was found io be in excellent condition and remarkably well suited to the requirements o-this side of the ocean.After the jormalitics had ended and the needs of the men at- tended to,the American ships at once put out to sea,the men from captains to ordinary seamen looking in the pink of condition and apperrently enthusi astie for their task. One of the Americ:.n destroyers be- gan war duty even before reaching i this side of the Atlantic.This was when it picked up and escorted through the danger zone one of the largest Atlantic liners.This action so pleased the passengers on board that they sent a message of greeting and appreciation to the ander of the destroyer. Arriving in)Queenstown some the members of the crews of the etroyers were granted brief shore leave.They were fairly made cap- tives by the townspeupie,who insisted on taking them to their homes,where they supplied the things to eat and drink.They were the first American naval men seen it ;these parts for many years,and they| |were bombarded with questions cor cerning the happenings in Americ:jh people who have relatives there As they wandered through the stre« the Americans observed the StarsandStripesflyingfrommanybuild‘ings.They were told that these were hoisted to celebrate the entry of the |United States into the war and had i heen left there as an honor to the |American sailors whom they had been | conn expecting Daniels’Statement. announeement that Am troyers manned by picked have carried the flag into the ones of Europe and are now on- e ating against German thm:_ with British and French war oo) made by Secretary Dar es . news come from The number and names of ie ve were not disclosed.It wasclenr,however,that the fightin:|of the nation is to be exert its utmost to stamp out the U menace.The Secretary says:“| ed States Naval vessels have beer erating with the Allied Naval forces in European waters since May 4. nomber of destroyers sailed fron Americon ports in the latter part of April,and all arrived at theirdestina tion without accident or delay of anykind.They were ready for operations when they arrived and went into serv- ice immediately.The veasela are un der command of Rear admiral Sim: Ke can de crews ermal th ' ma nit- aDn- |Insurance Compuny Lost. In the case of Mrs|wife of the late Dr.N.G,Moore ofMooresville,against the General A:|cident,Life and Fire Insurance Co.of||Phitadetphia,the Supreme Court finds“no error.”Mra.|the company for $1,100,the amount |of the policy her husband carried‘evith the|company.Iredell SuperiorCourtinNovembergave¢verdict forinti?and defendant appentedSupremeCourtaffirmsthelower|eourt.company contested thelaiin.me that Dr.Moore’s phys-teal ©was t from tlwasclaimedattimepolieywastaken, snilors with soo! ie| ss.|aor60 GALLONSOF | of)© de-|‘ eo Ford Carand aMan. Sheriff Alexander,Jailer W sides,Constable GiSankeyGaitherandRuralDeputyCollectorR.P.London|Deputy Marshal Mithoitenddaymorningbroughtinmore60gallonsofwhiskey.The seizurewasat’Edgar Robertson'sstore,in Union Grove township.The officers had informationanautomobileloadofliquorwasroutefromWilkescountyandhiedthemselvestowrthintheborhoodofRobertson's store,tween 12 and 1 o'clockmorningtheautomobileatthestoreandreplenished itsvly.of gasoline.It was mannedJohnRoach,colored,|an uniden-'tified white man.As theyabouttogetthemachine=motitheofficersboreduwnandcaughtthenegro.“ThemanoutrantheofficersandTheofficersbroughtthecar,whiandnegrototown,placing the ne- en jail,sernes the whiskey overtotheUnitedStatesgovandthesheriffheldtheSunefortheState.The whiskey is infive-gallon kegs.Tne automobile isaFordtouringcarandinverygood condition.Reach pleads innocent of haany—in the liquor traffic.says his home is at Lexington:Ge he had been in Wilkes county,ing out a debt,and had asked the man in charge of the whiskey £¢to let him ride home with him.eclaimsthereweretwowhitemeninthecarbuttheofficerssawonlyone. Since the above was written,evi- dence has been developed that con- viets the negro of being more than a passenger.An automobile license number was found with the automo-bile and yesterday Sheriff AlexanderwiredtheSecretaryofStateforitsidentification.He answered “OdellLoweo°Lexington.”With this infor-mation Sheriff Alexander and Jailer Woodsides laid a trap for the negro, into which he tumbled beautifully. Mr.Woodsides went into the atkdorofthejailandannouncedatel-eeram for Odell Lowe,and with this the negro came running.He con-feased to that being his real namebutassertsthattherealownerofthemachineandthetraffickerinliq- ver is another. Mr.Watts Gevteusly Other Injuries. Mr.Will Henry,a lecc!painter. fell in a diteh while going homeTuesdaynightandsufferedabreak of his right forearm at the wrist.He was taken to Leng’s Sanatorium, where the injury was dressed. Mr.A.FE.Watts,son of Rev.J W.Watts of Taylorsy ile,was badlyinjuredatPatterson,Caldwell coun- iy,Wednesday morning,and was brought to Long’s Sanatorium Wed- nesday night for treatment.He wa helping unload machinery when heavy piece fell against him,fracturinghisspine,right ler in two places and also inflicting sealp wounds.It is not thought now that he was injured internally. Mr.nan empleved at Slane glass facto Hurt— f glass fell on him as he was wor!ne at the factory recently.One wrist was severely cut.He is re- covering from his injuries and has resumed his work.Little Martha Virgina Braw lev,the daughter of Mr .and Mrs Cherles Brawley,is suffering with in injured finger. a |mower about the yard,Mertha put yey my. || | Es| }tive Margic Moore.| a |I ss melei hand against the blade of th: mower.The middle finger on left hand was severed on the tip. he Going to France. Mr.Pau!Weaver Penland of Lo Angeles,Cal.,after a short visitwithhis~—Mrs.Jennie Clark: nd Mrs.P.Dunean,in Statesile,left vans rday for New York‘at,irday he will sail on the steamercagoforFranee,where he will| nter the American ambulance ser\ ‘ec.Mr.Penland is a son of Mr.1 .Penland of Los Angetes and was| nmong other students of the Univer-of Califronia to volunteer for| in’France.There are men in the which Mr.Penland sails.Theseingmen,for the most part col- »students,will see service withthesanitarydivisionoftheFrench wits rvice sung veying of injured soldiers from thefirstlinetrenchestothebasehospit-ls.Their service is voluntary andheirexpensesaredefrayedpartially | themselves and by general contr utions. Sout hern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention, enine at New Orleans Wedne« elected Dr.J.B.Gambrel!al Texas,president,to succeed yr.Lansing Burrows of Americ lGa.,who retired after 26 consec years of active service as a: o fthe Convention. The War Zone. reports from the war zone innomaterialchanges.The| of iisne, officer The cieate loore wrs suing|fighting still favors the Entente a!lies,who appear not only to be hold-ing their ground butgnining slowly. wasRaleighweekforthe,investigation of military what it was—5rewaparmcouldsoldiertnenwereatric -loc .EN.ISTING ‘FOR THE WAR. uits For Local ’—Others For Camp. Sergeants Owen W.Leonard andR.Stewart of Company FEa!military company;and Ser-ant Major Wm.Bh y of ie,of the ale-— ny,Who were recentlythe|training camp at Fort Skew,expect orders to leave for the camp gph or y.its Wm.Culbertson and F.Steele wereappointedalternatesforSergeants Leonard and Stewart,Other Statesville men who passedtheentranceexaminationforthecampandwhodidnotreceiveorderstoreportatthefirstcallsomedays»are yet without «dvices as toirsituation.The report comesfromWashingtonthatSenatorsandmembersofCongressarereceivingvigorousprotestsfromtheirconstit-wents because the rtment,itisalleged,has disrege certain.meerentions and sent men from all over the country to eaeres,while the camp was established withthespecificeenthatnooneexceptresidentsx.orth andSouthCarolinaandTennesseeandpossiblyoneotherSouthernState,|Reshouldbesenttothecamp.As a re-sult of this diserimination,it is as-=hundreds of boys from NortholinaandotherSouthernStates,»are entitled to have training atChattanoogacamp,were left athome.hin may account for the dif-ficulty;but it seems to be settled thatothercampswillbeestablishedanditisveryprobablethatallwhowereporeswillsoonbeputundertrain- ne the The following have enlisted withtheloca)military company—the Ire-del!Blues—since last report:John J.Heeney,Robt.F.Eagle,Lewis Speece,Earl Frazier,Uriah Pierce,WilliamT.Gatton.Chas.Lemley,Marvin W.Harwell,Robt.Lee Foster,Heriot C. Alexander.Capt.Wm.Westmore-land announces that a physical exam-ination will be given Monday nicht at8o'clock at the armory to all new men and all who desire to enlist withthelocalcompany. Gathering in the Inheritance Taxes. Mr.Alfred W.Brown,representingtheStatecorporationcommission. has been in Iredell several days and with the help of Mr.M.A.Feimster, county assessor,has been looking ver the tax books for inheritance inxes.Mr.Brown is visiting va-rious counties for this purpose. Messrs.Brown and Fermeter found in Iredell inheritance taxes due from ibout 55 estates,amounting in all to around £10,000.This tax goes entirely to the State.It ranges from 1 per cent.on ymounts up to $25,000 above exemp-tions,2.per cent.from $25,000 to at; Roy Shoemaker,a young white | ,was iniured when a heavy piece} Recently while «| little friend was pushing the lawn| het | 42)i%two units with)|"° Their work wil be the con-| 100.000,3 per cent from $100,000 »$250,000,4 per cent.from $250,- )to $500,000 and 5 per cent.in ex- ‘ss of $600,000.The exemptions ire $10,000 for a widow,$5,000 for each child under 21;$2.000 for each‘neal ancestor.husband or adepted childs grandchildren to hove exemp- on for the child the»-epresent.Noxemptiontobrothers,sisters er to ther collateral heirs,or to non-rela-ves.The tax rates are higher in ‘use of estates going to heirs not entitled to exemption or to non-rela- ‘ives,ranging from 3 to 9 per cent. The tax money gathered in this way om all the counties of the State vi amount to a conaiderable sum,ind the State needs the money. The amount of tax fixed in each se is turned ever to the clerk,who tifies the parties interested.If it not paid it is turned over to the {i veriff,who will collect it as other {'axes.__ |\Wandered From the Home. |Jack Morgan,an aged colored man {ho has been at the county home for| County some time,escaped from the home ro 10 o'clock Wednesdry night ;Supt.W.C.Perry of the county home Via searched carefully for the negro{)ut a8 yet no trace of him has been ind.Morgan,who was demented hed a notion that he needed the atten- tion of a physician almost constantly physician called to see him Wed day.It is believed that Morgar out for Statesville toat night.neying that he would conseltctor,Mr.Perry says he was strong snough to reach Statesville,but race of him has becn foundStstesvilleorelsewhere. Merchants’Association. The Merchants’Association will eet in regular monthly session‘°Commercial club this evening|x o'clock.A number of matters o nvortance are to come before theodyandalargeattendanceisdered.The eannery and Fourth of July e@ebration committees willaketheirreportsanddelegates will be elected to the annual cenven- ‘ion Of the State Association,to be{in Wilson June 19-20-21 . CHANGES Mr.Homer Ray of Marion is night ‘*k at Hotel Iredetl Mr.A. trookes has returned from the Fark Not y Marion to resume his du-|ties amday or at the tredell.Mrs.\amenStatesville to the Hotel,Ma-j riot to wy the Eaete,of whichMr.Gray is ra Mr. is inThe|coi= aé |© at nt¢ a END OF COLLEGE “TERM. Award of and OtherEventsatFinals—Dr. Lingle’s Address. The bigMusicHall was filledningtowitnesstheisofSlates:‘orth MitchellTheBritishUnionrenchTri-color wereinevidence.~~.——part a e's Missoe lamee Mnetee oe SsorgannumbersbyMissesLouiseemRubyaandMissProf.Bon-im 7 musical director on the piano;vocal solos by Miss Gillespie,teach-er of voice,numbers.Bonda appreciation.Bondam and the sileapiearealwaysvil.ae,pe Sad ctr etclass,in caps and —their class ae,HerbertAllison,=attraction on>ee ie=Woed =‘or the it progress in study,was awardedto Miss Helen Baileyofhary’oe wasJdA.-the J.P. Ehlish,wonaae MeeDealofStatesvi~ .amreofthebyR.R.Clark.the class by Mr.board of trustees,cme awardedfollows:Rachel Mctelland,B.cSCarrieMottSharpe,B.5;MaryLoretzCowles,B..and B.‘$.;Mar-varet Deal,B.A.and B.8.;FlorencePoole,B.L.;Fay Ov .Lillie Fleming,B.A.;Melissa War-lick,B.L.;Helen Bailey,B.A.MissLottieBarronofHarmonyacertificateindomesticsciencework.An oe rot of fF.Bg casion was t award of awiththeofB.A.,to Mrs.Sal-lie Floyd Watson of Newton.Mrs.Watson was in school in Statesvillecollegeyearsago,when the mothersofsomeofthegraduateswithwhomshesatTuesdaynightwerelittlegirls,She did not ‘complete thecoursethenbuthassincecomitandthetrusteesoftheco’awarded her the diploma.Afterdiplomaswereawardedtheateswereloadedwithflowers rifts.Mrs.Grant's Picture. A feature of the evening,preced-ing the address,was ErveahethtionofaportraitofMrs.ElizabethNorthGrant,president of thelegeforseveralyears"TS &death,January 6,1883.eturewasthegiftofMrs.Amelia MeGil.vary Orr and Mrs.Josephine CoitWakefieldofStatesville.The pre-sentation address was by Mrs.Fan-nie Jordan Bryan of Columbia,8.C.,a pupil of Mrs.Grant,and —thepertraitwasunveiledbylittleMiss Marjorie Wakefield,a granddaugh-ter of Mrs.Grant’s niece,Mrs.M. R.Adams,presenting Mrs.Bryanspokeoftheunusualinterestarous- ed among the alumnae on behalfof|i the college.She had received nu-merous letters from former pupils of the cdllege,all expressing an in-terest in their alma mater,whilemanyhadcomeinpersonforthecommencement,among these Mrs,Bryan.Mrs.Bryan gave a skeofMrs.-Grant’s life and paid hightributetoherChristiancharacter,nobility of nature,her ability as ateacherandhersincereinterestinherpupils.The address carried thepersonaltouchofonewhoadmiredndhonoredherformerteacher. Dr.Lingle. The speaker of the evening,Dr.Thos.W.Lingle of the faculty ofDavidsonCollege,was presented by President Moore.Dr.Lingle said hewouldomitthetwoelementsusually |expected in commencement address- es —good advice and literature. Geod advice can't be given away,anyhow;and not William Shakes-peare but another William who is Miss Gil-r in States- dominating a large part of the earth,bulks largest in the blie and |' auditorium of Shearer|time, guest off Monday cater aa ma who died inPainternowlives atnearAsheville, Under insttch|Department atisissuedforBrigadierrenceW,Young,of[=lina Nationalalvisitations to theSomealltheunitsconstituting te Thirdreinondand to accompan thebriradierauthodiene06-the companiesof their———commands.desire of the military authoritieslathatateaeoftiesoem.Sips canes so that come as far asthecauseofrecruiting theirtivecompaniestofullstrength.in the hope that these visitationsquicken‘the enlistment of men iswill cye just now.Dr.Lingle’s 8 was largely devoted to a discussion|of the war and of the people of| rled and studied those countries.Dr. d.! H.<=ony,Mr.Eccles Gray and Mr.|let have gone from Gray , rd has gone to)te fake8n esto with = Lingle has long favored compulsory |military training.He thinks the jrhysieal benefits,the educational, «conomical and industrial value of| isuch training,is very desirable.He|he s no fear of the compulsory train-ing developing the military spirit.IthasnotdonethatinFrance,Swit-»/verland or even in Holland,where he aw no more military spirit than is‘ound in our own country.The mil- litariam of Germany is due to the}spirit of the German government,ot to compulsory military service of itself.Dr.Lingle also argued for train-ing for the production of more food-|stuff.The Southern States import | I £700,000,000 worth of food products| from north of the Potomac and Ohio)rivers.We must get the gardenhabitandproducemorefoodstuff.|Even if we have the money to buywecanhavenoassurancethatwcangetfoodstufffromtheWestin |future.The extra supply oe will| in all probability be commandeered for the army.[ff it is not transpor-| ‘ation may not be available,OnlylastwinterschoolsinMorgantonandReanoke,Va.were shut down forlackofcoalandtherewasagener-al senreity of coal oeeause the rail-roads couldn't eS aeto=t.Preduce foodasmuchapatriot as tnePein inbrary|the ranka,When =34©il ot cloneNoneof us know,(Cetineed”on Pare Bight France and Gremany,he having trav-| e||#their the tour of the companies isanditisallinpreparation for theimpendingordermus’the bri|gade back into a it1expectedwillnotnowbelongdelayed.The visitors will come to States-ville at a date to be named and a ‘fit-|tins reception should be aceorded |them. |MR.BEAVER'Sceanee, onona!street.Jel will remove The Botaror Com|warawe and Mr.ver a|position as machi Car- ecated by Mr.ver will‘be used for the by,Mr.D.PF.oS BARAC i.-rome 11 mee ¢mornraca-Philatheaermine bore|Goldsbero and SSaSoe2totheSue oline Motor Cony |Two cars then wwe and Miss ny attended willa wi BTR oh ite PRP 9CaearteeaatiMitewe r e p r ifa a t e e s 72 : f i ‘ is i af H s |i ‘t yH ln FFi :Ei i t x f E i g6 = His money buys unusualrnMeBeaiFakectionic olicy to seedat decom busy "him until the moment was ripe.usersalike get valuefrom whole duty—-with a clear lem.neem tent,tad a ee -of .gp ohn en, editor :_there is still time left to provide |whi tinued ——Hy |.a :| he =Pa ita ever 0 amainat the coming day of want.Ww o|ene ‘ona would also|* ee beck,”art thinks he can still have six months of sunshine.|oot the views of the majority of|a 3 bundant ant lands.And ¥; see something of both sides.As for ==+_jan vas a pu Prowl LO members of the Reichstag. The chancellor then briefly re-' paper,its chief concern Is that these lands if they have a mind to!viewed the present military Bitua-| le,town and country i i i rious-Work.2 tion antl Germany’s relations to the Lea y fully realize the serious:“T'think the farmers are doing what’-tral in the course of whieh he f ~“Th °ox o9 the present situation.Thein uc Can,The duty rests upon the \armiy’praised the a:titude adopted if ,os Lf e price is right and fair Gpotions So and that our people in the towns and cities to by Spain. ee it will be immense;that ——and —7 Speaking about Russia the ehan- die on in making food for themselves.Le’celtor said:Cee tee ,4 Spermnnte ot lore ents.H takes =cities _——_.-~to “If Russia wants to a fur-=t Fish Tires For Sale By i :fi ave vacant lots plowed and turned’ihor bloodshed and renounce all vio-,rep ' no @ ent to prove,in that event,o »>cae ope who wilt |(hit Uisoame:i |- 5 .ibly be over free o rent to peonie lent plans of conquest for herself,;ae x .A “re a ged geen —=~cultivate them.The teams and la- j¢ac wishes to restore durable rela-,a Sage.ek A CAROLINA MotorCOMPANY 3 ‘sho a the war happily oa i be control of the cities mi¢ht jjons of peaceful life side by side -Bp ;:‘f : _ex e month there will well be taken fron their present with us,then surely it is a matter ie..Fe Y on .. “ge “ta pe!nybody can see Work during the month of May and of course that we,as we share this :a ee 4 ;Statesville ees aelieg ioeent for food at vsed in a ——for wish,will not disturb the permanent rr CHLOE RS Ee ots y |: ices pee »case immediate cultivation,e towns selationship in the future,and willhighprices.—mae be os =~_should also arrange for the purchase ne der its development impossi- es an ae change suddenly.by wholesale of ;—-hes ‘le by demand.which indeed do not Th s rec »s not Use of canning clubs and of ferti iZ-second with the freedom of nations ——as Rpetare the SererTbe pecsbiy vs and distribute these to the peo-ond would deposit in the Russian na-Has the Business Form. a‘bs his duty ‘to the country;|le at prime cost.Public funds —_tien the germ of enmity.(Thunder-|...-rotte Observer P eau i y+vell be employed in this way and it ous upplause),[doubt not that an)*"o,»Obser a and the town man who does not do would be better for the streets of a pa Cee ace aa.iatesville did not exactly vote in | his part by practicing proper econ-be swept for two weeks oy ooo ;;a commission ferm of government at omy,by added industry and by mak-oe to ==wept for —”-mutual understanding,could be at-4).recent municipal election,but | ing every.effort to co-operate with (",°7°=our pantries ¢tained,hich rs which ihe ideas enunciated by Mayor Bris- ‘ond help his rural brother who must *Mek on ules Against Want thought of ahd aon Prpap be st tol indicate that his mind is running bear the brunt of the food produc-:—Ss eee a a would leave behind no stim and no |)...the lines ef commission man- tion,is as great a “slacker”; possi-Re ees :dina veo,diseord.sue :ment -at least to the business ne :offender.And all t®the surrounding country and pro “Our.military position,”continued bly -is a —a yrs event cure from one to five acres 0!land .uo chancellor.“has never been so ‘__ ao tpow ‘this year actual want 2d plant it in corn,potatoes,DEAS ood since the beginning of the war.~or ie goonaite .some sections,and not and beans,and thu —sure PTO-‘The enemy in the Wert,despite his | 3 iT \na.either,Vision against want In his own fam-¢rrible loses,cannot treak through.:| all =it ~ee a ily.Do not expect your neighbor to Qur U-bor .are operating with in.Made Strong and Wellby Vinol | In t _—_“ade ask une freas do this,but do it yourself I earn-sasing cyecess,IT won't use @ny This letter proves there is nothing | te ce another,some people in lo-estly urge every maa in this State yords nbeut them:the deeds of |equal to Vinol to create streng:h for| :ig has an pg Pag to aaa with our U-boat men speak for them-weak,run-down oo :1 the mayor of the nearest town a8 gelyes.|think even the neutrals Vestal Centre,N.Y.—"T am a far:| The Landmark is going to make rent-free land —.fea who will recognize that.”mer 74 years of age and got into a| 3 .be will plant it in food anc eee crops 0.0arene esCRETE woek,run-down condition as a result |oo ::.. ian cnet et pied Rapier Discourage Idleness and Waste.Vreoman's Warning.‘i the Grippe.Our druggist suggested |It iS only natural that your friends andacquaintances of the things said by a writer in the’.All forms of idleness and waste of A warning that each section of the Vinol to build me up and T noticed|are impreszed by the general atmosphere of your home. ;a eahar aut by others.Com-time should be discouraged.I love oR WATE SEAL EBON Fes :an improvement soon after taking it,|Nothing else radiates a cheerful atmosphere as does eet Stewie that’when there is ®game of baseball,but ii seems to United States must feed itself or @®end it has retored my strength so T |'¢. la oud season and fruits and vege-™¢that the summer of 1917 is no without food was voiced in Baltimere|ean now Co a goodt day's work,My nice furniture properly arran |'|' calities have had a struggle to get ed. tables are plentiful,the producer can =ehte a Sunday by Carl S.Vrooman,Assist-|wife has rlvo taken Vinol for a run If you want your home fereidtings to be correct the professional ant Secretary of Agriculture.He said|down condition with.splendid resulta”| ‘get little or nothing for his preduct,should be disbanded.The man who is that with cotton at 22 cents a pound,,—H.W.“Lesres.first thing to do is to choose a furniture dealer w ‘and some of them seem to think that :She shall 8 .| js actually an excuse for not trying Seek tebe Pr neg ngage otro ——|are pial aes land)W,F.Hall,Drugg!.t,Statesville,N.C.|knows correct styles and arrangement —he can be .i .eas ”that has alresdy been planted to cot-|———__-_—_an . Mo produce morefoodstuflthis ire.«furrow.And the “fans”and “fun-ton and quttine in foodetfts.NOTICE 10 TAXPAYERS found here. that S s os an the mar-Dies”who hold down the bleachers “We must awaken,”said Mr..=; et in the average country town 5 ae a a and recreation v.ooman.‘The submarine is a much)1 will be at my of ve in the fourt heuve all soon overcropped with fruits and '"9 ;hi tov-ride be More potent weapon than we imagin-|during the monthof May to Carereo a as vegetables.There should be better ian Se acs A wh ed.The allies were locing the Wa es arvserty Ser tat teed hekare (iec eting arrangements and fault of self Sei ‘an be practiced by ev when we entered it.and will lose it!first day of June.ad a nid ;i .yg seil-C =?ies .ox He “VETY @ f me s carl soanible, ‘here lies with both country _a ery man in the State.If every man unless we expend every effort of men,|youtreturn no «NOY WAZENBY,List-Taker. folks.Statesville or men,for owns an automobile would cut money and economy.{t is now a war)_* ve ranning W ;e .~onservati res os.”x ;eaneees —eee ae 7 ae his gasoline bill halr in two much of conservation of resources.’ establishment to take -————Dr.Ss.Ww.Hoffmann. ,ituati mplained of,and re-would be saved to meei tne neces.A | ccived ae cneousagument from pro-aig ba!~~-her rou.Thereare thousandsof Osteopathic agg te i i ‘:y of gasoline would be de availa-;|houre 9 &&.:. ducers.But it is the situation as it tle fer the usea of war.1 am advis-children who are i oS ton uw Pp. sicimustconsider.This year there ,:;e iswe must consider.wan usual in the ed that Mr.Rockefeller could,in the but frail—-oa to aby oF, towns for vegetables,vecause the face of this economy on the part of town folks have more gardens than oo still manage to get underdeveloped —they,Residence'ig e ever before and will produce more .-.ses °:food—they ‘, vegetables than ever before,if there Pe —as abe mgood he play with Pou ond *, is a good season.en what?Don’t is :5 catchcolds where there is no market.;Bees eae :Our storage battery department }{ less waste of time and money.Grow the children sbrtggol need let's all play it is Ercharge of an expert with fac-|Government only the things—or mainly the ea tory experience.Let us put your |§e justifies.The past winter in States-and give ourselves no rest until we |STATESVILLE MOTOR CO..This is a time for every citizen to support bought at any price,and those sold spectre even now looms —large GOOD ROADS fice to themselves. county.If there had been the pro-T.W.BICKETT,and iB j i r y see s ide.|:..oa:This lesson would seem to be so [oewsrepair the Tires that will ||to givegreater financial stability and strength made it seems to be necessary to em-000 which the United States has nes rr :VULCANIZING.;j oe agreed to lend to meet British pur-nutritive qualities to their blood |;depositors, off several defendants if they would Great Britain up to $275,000,000 and in charge of the local recruiting of-Belgium for feeding the population tection for your money.SYSTEM that “the United Staecs army ix not divided between France and Italy.It —CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY,‘ARNER,Statesville,N.C. “In connection with some of the’NOTICE —The above named defen ..COMME server._t TIC!poe’a eae |ee Firre ae The complaint is just.The Land-recent loans made to the British a ee an ors vou eat te Hide a o a ea pod RCIAL NATIONAL in criminal actions on condition that!Stated that considerable portions of ty for the purnme af making them vaitics ii}Books and Magazines.We snid action having been! in that action,to the end that they,the wate |Independent Phone 506. The ti f }amount loaned to the Entente OV-|bell,ot als.”4 the anid defendants iINNEY ee oa —the Federal ernments up to $670,000,000,The Seelea &oes cent the :ona rant DR.R.Zz. banks are doing business.A derstanding of any sort further than ee den cael cae ae the $1,mark and are being the —as loan board estimates mission to be named by the A TIA are:MENT is al 3at servicewithmeri-|sateen min tened by ROLLER MILL AT AUCTION Doors,Windows,Mouldings.mage 0 pets a e Plant has»empeett ies,Se andButts,Sash Weights and,Cord, sel]Ccessities and should foree our fads SEE TO YOUR BATTERY. things—you can preserve,can or dry,“Seriously,men and brethren,let wikery in shape for oummer ville such things as dried beans and know that we and our loved ones are the Unites States Government,ad Waa were nearly all brought in from the against the sky-line.Let us work ducer would have found all the mar-ooo |We have joined the Federal Reserve Bank- obvious that stating it is presump-Britain has received a third instal-them oing.Children re hasize it.*.s aadeicaaeaesa Sia iaidilie”“Dial chases in this country during May.streamsandgives them flesh:|THE IREDELLVULCANIZING !ae a cee TT . join the army.This has brought a the total to all the allies,exclusive!Nothing harmful in SCOTT’S.lj cues See el ee MEMBER Gcvernment enterprise fice,who thanks the judge for try-|'"occupied areas,up to $475,000,000.“SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION..=. -beco ing one of our made up that kind of men.”—Salis-is understood that another loan to)G.Horn,admr.,Mary BE.Campbell mark noticed some of the Superior government,“says a_statement is-an naetion entitled as shove has been come WAX, they enlist.The army +:not sup-|the sums now being advanced are in ¢)action of late adjudicated in suid engee| refuge for criminats.tiow would Made by the British government for brought for the purpose ef partitioning the}prices.$$$ the army or send their sons there of contracts recently placed or NOW Horatio Campbell,Burwess Barks have been lost money was loaned to be spent as “peer nt the office of the Clerk of the Compt) ome ’’ filed by the above named plaintiff BUT if youre not,don t forget that we're at rate of $150,000 ney in this country under the Garr ot Gog of Meneeat :805 and 606 Commmneretas Bank 0 EPAE r tt aaa 000 a day.|supervision of a representative of May 4,117.D.F.Mayberry,Atty.Chariots,0.r exclusive PRESCRIF TION . farm ;of the highest quality,dispensed with pre- =.on Southern ratirodd side Casing and Door andWindow Stops.“2 good grain section SaleSLSSS|e wera mem mo |}POL -GRAY-DRUG-00, & W.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324.phone 279—green. grow perishable products .7 use-2nd fancies to furnish us food.As notthrive—they need store them and sell as the market us shake off our fatuous complacenc”driving peas and onions could hardly be ‘Secure from the wolf whose gaunt ::{:are doing so at considerable cost or sacri- outside.There were none in.the while it is summer.Winter cometh. ket he wanted at high prices.The Loans to the Allies,to start them growing and aan Good Tircs are the pleasure of }!ing System established by the Government 1s tion.But from numerous remarks ment of $25,000,000 of the $100,000,-Sco S and it carrics oma give you this pleasure!Zi to the member banks and protection to their A local court judge offered to let This brings the amount advanced to food,bone-food andstrength-food.|&SUPPLY COMPANY.\f You can give your support to this great note of protest from Edwin Wilson,of the $75,000,000 to be loaned to Carat &Barwnc Blsersscid ht vt|';FEDERAL RESERVE and also obtain its pro- ing to help his country,but insists The other $200,000,000 has been i :als.,ve Horatio Campbell,Burress pbell,|Dd I depositors. bury Correspondence Charlotte Ob-Italy is being considered.Narcissus Campbell.——-Dealer In——— Court judges discharging defendants sued by Secretary McAdoo,“it is meneed in the Superior Court of Iredell coume|Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags,|STATESVILLE,N.C, Sposed to be,and should not be,a effect for payments for purchases ee a ae ee pay the highest market these court officials like to go into Other allied governments on account |an&by sale described in the petition fled|nen .:ov.amphe and |.‘ }a being placed in the United States.”|Narciseus Campbell,bein a ties ehadt |sll Phon . on gy Sy —_Later the government loaned Rus-te bound th rier,teres and aocmin!an Te ¥ ;3 mi a entere e said action enti vont aintuettisia$100,000,000,bringing the total “-.@.a =be gl gee aoe nti .ee oane i e sight of in the war excitement,but needed,without stipulation er un-of Ivedell county on the 4th day of June,PIL "Foca,Pei "Washington dispatch says loans to Russia stands back of :vt @ will appl eourt a NO CONF ell farmers by the banks have passed will make ‘it.ak ak SONN,|canted tn sald cma tor ihe ela limited Stale deuen of alwaysready tohelp you to get w 7 the Treasury Department or a com-|=~ loans ring—_thus far —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—|SATURDAY,JUNE 2,we will sell atCarojina,|‘THE GUN OR THE HOE!—|tion oar Roller Mill property st Cievetaga|DOO?and Window Frames,Locks cision ournal.| CO.for further information For you whenyoucan letthempumpthewaterandsaveyouthetimetodevotetoyourwork.Save thisand.A Myers SILK WAISTS. .o hebeenwell,became Cha jot oonmeclan fi SSarlotteumfornt,:Mr.A.W.ParksofCharlotte wasereWednngmove|back here onatee weeks, ae ',tk sen who 1s%jher hus )a |mnt he aedthem N°..to,Winston,-Salem fnteritorenousemovecommissionofaOrme|there next week to ive,Rev.J.W.Jones preached at thenewMethodistchurchatTroutmanSunday.They say he preached oneofhisbestsermons, further for|0f which they were convicted|evidence so unreliable,is more;¢an reasonably be asked,”says theinconclusion.p wil]save this.Letusputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 B.Broadst. We Try to Keep Everyjhing in stock tomeetPmRoof-in n,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin, Againforoneday we will allour $1.25 Kayser Silk HoseinBlack only,special Mr.Kendall,who has a good faceandcertainlybearsnoindicationofaneacriminal,called at The Land-mark office yesterday and asked thatthisstatementbemade.He hasnothingtoconceal,he says.He is|to make a new start in lifethishedeservesallencour-|agement. |Change Delivery Methods. |President Bunch of the Mer-|chants’Association is trying to line;up the Statesville grocerymen to|agree to co-operate on the delivery|Proposition—-to reduce the nuofdeliveriesandotherwiseaffect re-|forms that will save the grocery-men much time, Misses Annie Mills and Mary|Johnston have to Raeford,Va.,fon a visit.Mr.Marsh Atwell ofLaramie,bed ony and Mrs.F.J.Pey-ton of Gree f »are visititheirsister,Mra.J.H.MeLelland.Mr.A.H.Harris of Poplar Tent,Cabarrus county,was hereWednesdaytomeethissister,from’Mitchell Coll Statesville,says|some of the farmers in his section|have replanted ther cotton,whileothersarejustnowplantingthe inick of first time,but if it comes up rightjawayitwillbeasearlyaslastyearandmakeacrop.Mr,Harris’sister,Miss Marget Harris,Miss Susie Re-ar,Va.,and Misst.Ulla were heretteri, and Spouting,Galvani $1.00 pair. ed Iron will maxeanythinginSheetMetalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO. ‘Phone 65,114 EB.Broad Street. And a lot $1.25 White Wash Skirts,special for DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Roome 6-1-9,Second Floor. Saturday,$1.00. :trouble and expense|Florence Pool ofjandwillgivecustomerbetter|Wednesday between trains,going|Service.|from Mitchell College.Miss|The Landmark has no special con-|Pool,who made a good record and[cern in the matter,but it takes the v:ndusted with the d of B.L.,|liberty to express the hope that the and the two young ladies with her,|8greement will be made.The pres-speak highly of Mitchell College.ent system of delivery is a wretch-|Miss Pool will probably teach andedimposition,unreasonably -the other girls expect to return tosive,and the grocerymen could P school in the fall.|themselves and their customers by|putting it on a different basis.Whiletheremightbeafewcomplaintsfor jecn making their home with theratimefromunpeopleson-in-law,Prof.B.L.Biggers,at|who never consider others,the fair-\¢ornelius,have come to Mooresvillemindedpublicwouldnotonlyagree,;to a new arran ent but would Mr.and Mrs.B.D.Graham,who.formerly lived here,but who have! and will make their home at the Com-| | Destroys potato bugs, cabbage worms and all similar leaf eating insects. A five pound package for 35 cents. Phone 89. Fresh Eggs Every Egg Candled to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eggs. Sherrill&Reece. “Slug Shot” ered meee Cc.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, FOR SALE:Sra iaal $1.25 Wash Silk Waist, special $.100. + We contion (heengh (olay and tomorrow our demon- stration. Maxwell House Coffee. The kind that’s “good to the last drop”. Come take a FREE drink ofthis deliciousCoffeewith { SOO Oe De ied theRevelation,ot day and from |dell’s oe and ‘applaud it,and all would see the ad-|Vantage in time. |Representatives of a majority of the |uptown grocery stores met yesterday;afternoon and agreed to institute a|schedule of deliveries on and after|May 25,as follows:Deliveries from8to11.30 a.m.;from 2.30 to 6 p.m.Saturdays deliveries are extended to7p.m.This enables the merchants|to combine orders and give betterservicetotheircustomers,as well a:,@ffect a saving for themselves.No|deliveries except in the hours named Harmony Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. |Harmony,May 17.--Mr.and MrsH.W.Bullard and Miss Claudie|Tharpe,delegates of the Baraca and Philathea classes of Harmony Bapti:t|Sunday school,left coday for Ashe-|ville to attend the Baraca and Phil-lathea State convention held therethisweek..Miss sepenens Pressley of Lincoln-|ton is spending a few days with Mrs.|W.C.Henry.’Mrs.Luey Har-iett of|South Carolina is visiting her mothe:|and brother,Rev.Ovid Pullen.Harmony is now connected withStatesvillebytwojitneylines.Th-Statesville Transfer Company alsomakesitruntoElkinreturningthe{same day. Miss Celeste Henkel met the Home|Demonstration club and the Canningclubgivlsyesterday.A large num-ber were present and a very interest-ing meeting was held.The cannin~club girls are all getting busy withtheirtomatopatches.Mr.Editor,we believe advertisingis@payingproposition.Calls arocomingdailyforourFasmLifeschoo!_boys and six of them have alreadyheenemployedbygoodfamiliesthelponthefarm. re will be an ice cream partyhereonthenightofMay26.|<otnnineionnncenenneaiguatiniggai }The Court Record. |Mayor Bristol yesterday fined B|F.Russell $2.50 and costs and taxe:|L.N.Seott with costs for an effray.Charles West of County Line was|arrested Wednesday on a capias and‘committed to jail.He will be triedjnextweekonaofdisposingofmortga:E.W.underbondtoappearherebeforeJusticeMoorethe28thandansweracharg:\of false pretense.Mayor Bristol Tuesday taxed &H.Pratt with the costs for being;drunk and disorderly, DR.HALL. Dr.James K.Hall of Richmond,Va.,who by invitation of the Alum.‘nae Association of Mitchell Colleve.‘eame to Statesville to of his {‘distinguished ancestor,.James|Ha reacher,and celdher banquetat the MondaStatesvilleto workanditis honors his nativeyogeBt4A yo" mercial hotel for a while.Prof.Big-gers,who has heen re-elected super-intendent of the Corneliusschoolsfornextyear,will leave Fri-day with his wife to spend their va-cation at Cumberland Gap,Tenn. Mrs.C.W.Umberger of Mt.UllachangedtrainshereWednesdayeve-hing,going to Taylorsville to see her daughter,Mrs.J.J.Edwards,who issick,Ex-Sheriff Deaton of States-,ville was here today. Next Sunday,20th,at 11 a.m.,Rev.Mr.Stirewailt of St.James Luth-eran church,preaches the baccalaure-ute sermon to the graduating classesoftheCollegiateInstituteandtheFemaleCollegeatMt.Pleasant,intheauditorium. Mr.and Mrs.Emory L.Wilson of|Charlotte announce the ensagementoftheirdaughter,Nora Bell,to Mr.William §.Cunningham,the weddingtotakeplaceinJune,at their sum-!mer home at Black Mountain,where|the groom is engaged in the hotel bus-iness,The bride-to-be is a grand-daughter of Mr.R.W.McKey ofMooresville. Mrs.R.H.Tomlinson has issuedinvitationsforthemarriageofherdaughter,Ella Mai Freeze,and Mr.Lloyd Preston Vance,Saturday morn-ing,May 26,at the residence,Mooreavenue,Mooresville.At home afterJuneIst,Bristol,Tenn.Dr.Cocke has rented Lawyer Tur- lingten’s house and will move his‘amily here and begin housekeepingaboutthemiddleofJune. Increase Regular Army. Orders to bring the regular army'o its full war streagth of 293,000menareannouncedbytheWarDe-partment.Organization of 44 newegimentsbeginwithfurtherefforts‘9 stimulate recruiting and bring inhe116,455 men needed to fill up theranks.Since April 1,67,442 menhavebeenacceptedandofficialsaremfidentthatthefullnumberwillhavebeenenrolledaswar-time vol-nteers before June 15.Expansionfthearmywillbeaccomplihed—byonvertingeachexistingbattalionntoafullregiment In_the Southeastern Department,the Bist,62d,58d,54en,55th and 56thinfantrywillberaisedatChicka-mauga Park,Ga.The 17th infantry,ow divided betweer Forts MePher-on and Oglethorpe,Ga.,will be onethethreetobeexpandedtoformhesenewrewiments.Guard.duty atheGeorgiawarprisoncampswill¢taken over by companies of warrisonbarracksguardsnowbeingformed.The 22d and 23d cavalryalsoWillberaisedatChickamauga.»N.Y.,will be the larg-.There the47th,48th,infantry regiments|ld artillery will beAtleastthreeinfantryreg-ments now on the border will be wngion,but have not the announce... rms the ba ,te onisin at Asheville for;.Same name, sent lv to §f - rang, graded| comf Hammocks,SwingsFREEifboaghtfromus. but not.‘ You will find the Michelin 12 t025%heavier than the average,theexactpercentagedependingonthesizeofthetiresusedinthetest, ne the NUMBER that is on it,andwewill it for you at once,if we do not have stock.Do this Nowwhileyou think it. Iredell Hardware Go.” ern,al ah hen Shades,48caancy.toThesearelatestNewYorkstylesestyoueversawforprice. A shipment of Silk Sport Skirts iaBlue,Gold,Tan,Black,Stripes andFlowered.. Don't forget our last year’s stock of Slip-pers still sell at old prices. Respectfully,iM.McKee &Company. The Store of Excellent Values. In factwehavethegoods to makethe cooland —or putup # Williams Furniture House Inci ’ ;ett lifeoftheRassiansurethecountry could govern itself without the whip.. “As affairs are going now it will to save the country. the time is near when we will have to tell you that we can no longergive you the amount of bread you expect or other supplies on }ape you have aprocessofthe to freedom is not going on .We have tasted freedom are slightly intoxicated,but what we need is sobriety and discip- lime.You could suffer and be silent for ten years and obey the orders of a hated government.You could even fire upon your own people when com- :——to do so.Can you now suf- no ”@ Unless ene is a quick infusion of am new spirit in the army,a new un- ing of freedom among the masses,and unless the energy which now is being used to bring about peace is transformed into energy working for the defence of the coun- try.it is generally felt that Russia will not be able to goonwith the war.the foreign minister and the minister of war have resign- ec.ag have other officials.The conflict between the tempora-‘~government and tne vouncil of Workmen’s and Soldiers’Deputiesisnearersolutionthanithasbeensincetherevolution,but the disor-ii almost anarchy,haspoogertiensthatit seems extreme!joubtful whether any concentration of power in the government or the belated reconcil-iation of the two forces which havebeenpullinginoppositedirections,ean recreate order out oY the presentchaoticconditionsforaconsiderabletimeatleast.The cpuncil’s appealtothearmyanditsntdecision to acecept part of the responsibility eee by the formation of a ition ministry testify to its wil-lingness to co-operate with the pro-visional government.They have de-clared against a separate peace,butthemovementamongthemasses,seldiers and workingmen who havemisunderstoodtheexhortationsof their representatives and have far outstri the most advanced ideas of their Socialistie leaders,hasgainedsuchimpetusthatitwillnoteasilyfollowthealteredcourseoftheties.The soldiers,it issaid,believe “that an advance atthefrontcarrieswitntttheideaof imperialism,and so refuse to budge from the trenches.They misunder-stand the whole idea of peace.Tothemthestruggleforpeaceandthe moment to bezin negotiations meanthesamething.It is possible togoncludepeaceonthefront.”Ger-many has transferred most of hertroopsfromtheRussianfront,where there is nothine for them to do acainst Russia,to the Westernfront,where the British and FrenchvebeenpressingHindenburgand ns Hindenburg is reinforced.The minister of war resigned,heseid,because his orders were con-stantly held up.The soldiers noetobeytheircommanders,theiroffreédombeingthattheyaretodoastheypiease.But whatcouldbeexpected?Millions of peo-ple who had never tasted freedomandthegreatmajorityunfitforself-government,suddenly free to do astheyplease.Could any thinkingmanexpectotherthanchaos,anar-chy?What Russia needed for a time wns a benevolent despot whowouldhaveallowedthepeoplebydegreessuchprivilegesastheywere capable of appreciating,and final-ye self-government when they weretedforit.Under existing condi-tions Russia will not be fit to gov-ern itself for years;and even if no separate peace is made with Germa-,Russia’s impotence will helpTaealmostasmuch;and Rus-sia’s failure brings to the UnitedStatesagreatburden. .The Senators are still mouthingandshowingtheirsoretoesbecauseSmhaven't received the considera-from the White House,sociallyandotherwise,to which they wereentitled.The administration is try-ine to push on the war,but someoftheovergrownbabiesinthecap-itol,contemptibly small,are consum-ing time with their petty griev- ances.We are in a war for democ-racy,for free government,but whenweconsidersomeofthethingsweWeveattimesinfreegovernmentinthiscountry,we are in danger oflosingourzeal. ARE aACAITRTTS Judge Frank Carter of the Supe-rior Court bench announces thatnotbeacandidateforre-elec-asa result of “the press ofobligations.”The SuperiorwillloseoneofandmostefficientmembersinretirementofJCarter,It isteberegrettedthatisunabletocontinueinthepublicservice. Recordisofthe jis in Washington, boy’s granddad,Rev.J.P. sont a photograph to Washington,to be ted throuch Senator Over- man.If the general undertakes respond in the expected on such occasions,he will get ridof some of the presents admiring Americans have bestowed upon him. But The Landmark is interested to) know the every-day name of that habv.Will they call him “Joff-ray,”| as Americans would pronounce it. or “Jorry,”as the French are said) to call it?Col.Fairbrother of the Greensboro Record will please in- vestigate and report. Of course,there is nothing special- ‘y sugeestive in the fact that Mor- wanton offers asylum to the 3.000 interned German sailors.—Asheville Citizen. Nothing at all except the Morgan- ton folks are itadie and patriot- ic.They are willing as a part of their bit to help the government take are of the country’s enemies in time of war.In other words,the Morganton folks are not slackers. The statement in a local item in the last issue of The Landmark— that there are 2,500 to 3.000 men in Wedel —acective aoedt | ages 0 to 30 years—may mis- leading.Not that many men will be| taken from Iredell.Tne number wil!| be apportioned and after the elimi-| nations are made,for one cause and| another,the number sent on the first call will be small.}| NAAT | A cartoon appearing in the daity| papers is out date.It shows the| picture of a soldier and the picture of a dollar,the soldier pointing at| the dollar and saying:“You draft| me,why do you use the volunteer| system on him”?If the revenue act| now pending gets on the statute books there will be a draft for the| dollar compared with which the draft for the man is a holiday. ALTEOS Old Confederates say that when conseription became effective in the| war of the 60s all sorts of diseases| developed that nobody had ever heard| of:that men supposed to be physi-| cally strong suddenly became crip-| ples and invalids.Lookout for an nidemic about now,the —selective| draft being near.But it is very dif- ficult to get by this draft without a valid excuse.| ETO Sunday Farm Work Legalized.. rules |Under supervision of thebothbranchesoftheGreatand Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts have| passed this bill:“The cultivation of land and the| taising,harvesting,preservationandtransportingofagriculturalproductsshallnotbeunlawfulon,the Lord’s Day,while the UnitedStatesisatwaroruntilthefirstlayofJanuaryfollowingthecesa-ion of such war.”| Anybody who knows how strong|is the tradition of the Puritan the-|ecracy,the “blue-law”spirit in the|Massachusetts Legislature and _inMassachusetts,in spite of itsgreatadmixtureofmoreliberalpop-|ulations,will be amazed at this con-|% cession,even to the war. Britton Must Go to It.\% declined to §grant a commutation to payment of |&fine in the case of G.Frazier Britton gofBurkecounty,who is under sen-¥ tence to serve two years on the Ca-- retailine.|g Governor Bickett has barrus county roads for to the government of Cuba return Ready-to-Wear Department. Our Entire Stock of Wool Coats and Coat Suits TremendouslyRe- ered holea duced.Stas:nlsetaenmaytodealwiththemasenemies,\—a ~~~altro+pee ae No Reservations. EVERY WOOL COATSUITIN OURSTORE AT GREATLY REDUCEDPRICE. Coat Suits that Sold up to CoatSuits that Sold upto 2.50,Sale Price$7 95.16.50,Saleprice$9.95. Coat Suits that Sold up to $20.00,Sale price $13.95. All higher priced Suits at greatly reduced prices. Wonderfullotof Coats at Surprising Reductions. Jack C.SINGLETON.We guarantee Vinol for ¢hvenie eoids andW.F.Hall.Druggist.Statesville | Coats that necessities of 4 720. Floor Finish Fo:all interior varnish work— stairs,floors tfKyanizeFloorFinishwill please 3 | you. ‘Don’t leave Sallie and the ees ——re —ee vain Cot!and gueranterd by _es,i ge : Iredell Hardware Co.|Tin,Nails and Brown ond‘Green Shingle Stains.|C.WATKINS. SEE OUR BIG LINE aR ce PALM BEACH SUITS. AlsoShirts in the latest f patterns,big line to from. a CedarDon’t fail toMothProof to save your Furs and winterClothing. Hats alldescriptions. Yours to serve. Former Lieutenant Governor Newland|%—_—for the commutation and J.F.|gSpainhouragainstmodificationofthe¥ sentence.The Governor finds that \§Britton is prominent and influential|¢in his county and ha»a record for en-couraging violations of the law,bothastowhiskeyandmorality. _TREAT PREACHER FOUND.Rev.Rex.B.Duckett,thecountypreacherwhorecently mys- teriously disappeared,writes theRaleighNewsandObserverthathe|that he had his,own reasons for leaving North Car-|olina and they were not financialreasons,either.But he doesn’t say’what the real reasons were;and it’sratherathatapreacherwouldleavehisfamilythatway,without|letting them know he was going and) where.} CONGRESSMAN ENTERS ARMY.| Representative Gardner of Massa-chusetts has resigned from Congresstoenterthearmy.Mr.Gardner has|been one of the most active figuresinthemovementformilitaryprepar-edness and was a member of the | Wake | The Following Telegram Should interest All ProspectiveBuyersofAutomobiles: “Port Myers,Fla.,April 27,1917. “C.W.Massie,Secretary and Treasurer of the D.P.Weeks Co.,Tampa,Fila.:i |now thoroughly sati as to durability and economy oftheCHEVROLETGar,which |drone here cutee te five "and thirt:-fourminutes,usin gosoline“ioe of Gul.woke.ik~one and four-tenths midroveasusual.i —our claim that sold up to $7.50 Sale price $395. Gordon Hosiery, Nothing better for wear.Back,White and all the desirable shades in Silk,Fibre and Cotton. Satisfaction with every purchase. WE SELL FOR LESS. 16 Big Department Stores. 16 Big Department Stores. —,PHONE 212.0" —=—«_—_—_—_—X—X—XX=———IF YOU'RE GOING TO WAR —-—Le We want you to read EVERY WORD of this ad ment is a FACT,to the best of our ki ' books.We want to show you that the advance prices we are terial used in the manufacture of our products are almost ‘are STILL GOING UP!. |On May Ist of last year we wane pouing 19 cents a gross for crowns.TO- |DAY we are paying 34 cents.e are using about 7,000 gross per year. |Our crowns this year will cost us over $1,000 more than last year. S|On May Ist of last year we were buyi r for 7 cents q|are now pay 3 E ‘ABOUT h|A YEAR! 2|The BOTTLE LOSS WITHOUT THE DEPOSIT SYSTEM cost this plant 5 |ap poet.WeTENTHOUSANDPOUNDSing91-2 cents.WE US last year. 8) This means about $250 more than our cost ximately a car load of bottles a year in years.In dollars about .TODAY a car of bottles costs about $1,800,AND VERY,VERY SCARCE AT ANY PRICE. |Extracts,colorings,etc.,have advanced by leaps and bounds.We have in- creased our employes’salaries about 20 per cent. THE COST OF PRODUCTION TODAY 18 ALMOST DOUBLE THAT OF ONE YEAR AGO!b ‘The proposed WAR TAX on a bottling plant is OUTRAGEOUS.It . es a tax of 8 cents per —_on all gas used,contains 50 tax of $4 each drum.e use about 150 drums a rr OUR WAR TAX WILL ABOUT $600 PER YEAR!THINK OF IT! The question is,“What are we going to do about it”? Read the issues of THE LANDMARK of May 22d and 25th and YOU WILL FIND OUT! Be a RED-BLOODED AMERICAN MERCHANT,and govern yourself ac- cordingly.ean oa ||PL JOHNSON :;¢ [WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF A REALSANI ae re ne See ae You cannot becompletely clad forthewarm summer days and receive the ut- most of comfort until you are wearing one of our Panama,Sailor or Leghorn Hats. Sailor,Straws,$1.00 to $3.00. Panamas,$5.00 and Leghorns,$3.00. WE CLOSE AT 6.O’°CLOCK. PHONE 838.SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. NR T OR E . Ce e Oe Fe a Pe ee e ot oo e & . 8 4 Se ee e pe ta f tt ri f t was hearts,tally enrds were ned.Mrs.R.A.Campbell,Mra.Al-Cooper,Misa Elizabeth Carlton and Min:Feild drew for (ne high-acore prize,fell to Mixes Feild.The prise was « tox of correspondence ends.Miss Baines an -of-honer was presented with a fan. Fortea plants,cut flowers and flags decorsied the rooms.A color scheme of red and green was carried out,A salad course and sandwiches were served.The sandwiches were heart-shaped. Reported For The Landmark. ’Mr.and Mrs.G.P.Brown entertained quite@fhumberoftheiryoungfriendsattheiryhomenearScott's Monday evenine.in boner of their guests,Misses LinaandLauraBradford,teachers in the 's High School.After the young people had assembled theboysandgirlswerepresvatedwithpieture:they were to match in order to findirpartners.After the pictures were a sheet of prepared questions was to each couple.The questions were toansweredbyagirl's name.They wereverysimplebutrequiredaerentden!of to get the correct answer.Then sev- eral other very interesting axmes were played‘ém owhich every one could take a part.Weallverysorrywhenthehourapproached ie taeten.but we returned to our homes delighted with a pletrant eve ning. Commencement at Scott's. The commencement of Scott's Mixh School takes place today,Hon.W.D.Turner =ofStatesvilledeliveringtheaddress.Followingfatheprogramme,exercises beginning at 16 tev.F.B..Pearce.;“The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”By Sebeo!GirlOration—‘‘Distress of Nations.”M.B.Peimater Duct--Gaily Trippine Watts Hoame: Misses Cornelia Rufty,Margaret Morrison.Oration-.“‘The Past,the Future of AmericanParmer.”A.Dwight FeimeterFieldDaisyWalts;Miss Marearet Morrison Declamation ‘Mission of America.”*.B.Privette.Song —“Beautiful Goiden Sometime.”School Boys.Musie by Band.Literary Address Hon,W.D.Turner. Prayer Rev.8.L.Cathey.2p.m.:Song—"“Wave Old Glory.”Intermediate Grades Hosmer Recitation ‘I'm Little But I'm Spunky.”Anderson Day.Recitation.-“‘What Can a Little Boy Do‘Ray Feimocer. Recitation “When the Minister's to Tex.”Jimmie Brown Trio —Pell-Meli Galop Lerman Miss Margaret Morrison,Buln Bailey,Mar garet Hedric! Recitation.-"‘I'm Glad I'm Not a Boy.” Jewle HarrixRecitation“I'm Glad I'm Not a Girl.”Henry Day. Monologue -"An Account of Old-Time Singing ‘Bhule."Mildred Hedrick. Recitation—-"“Old Maud.”Glenn Fox. Monologue ‘“Telephone Romance.” Eatelle Mitchell, Solo—-Romance Sans ParoleStreabbog op Mias Cornelia Rufty.Drill-—““Doll's First Lesson.”Twelve Little Girle.Play——“‘Trip to Storyland Forest.”Twenty-five Characters. by Band.Miss Cornelia Raftypm:by BandDrillHo 100 No,7 * “When Meets Fourteen Cheraciers Trio—Marche Militaire Streabbog op.100 No. i. MMilases Cornelia Rufty,Myrtle Morrison,Laura Bradford.|cowed by Band,y "Sham Doctor.”Six Characters.Bong —“Jolly Pickaninnies.”Six Bogs.Duet--May Pole Dance AshfordBulaBailey,Margaret Morrison.Drama—‘‘Dot,the Miner's Daughter.” GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG Their Movements. Mrs.BE.C,Barly,who spent several monthsinSeattle,Wash,arrived thie week and isatthehomeofMr.J.P.Little on Davie ave- Mrs.Chas,Gaither has returned to New-News,Va.,after a several weeks visit toformerhomehere.Mrs.Chas.Rimmer is visiting relatives inThomasville.Marcy Lockman of Kingsport,Tenn., willcole tonight to visit Miss Estelle Ga- .W.B.Thomas was in Greenville,8.C., on a business trip this ween,Alexander,who spent the winterFia.,is in Statesville to spendhercousins,Mra.P.8.BasleyHattieFlowe,before going to heratMontreat.Simons is at home from Phila- Rost of Durham is visiting Ber W.H.H.Cowles.Lee Hort,who wae the rucet of os left yesterday for her wongon and Mise Lillie Stebeenwithrelativerinforthe Silver Moon ‘nlenting their crops, largest part is faoleiissomecotton jemall hag of cotton seed and is ; se a m e n np n ip at i i a a a t y cn t st e cl i n i sa c i e e d a a a i t o n F i t x8 ei s = it z3ings.teachers ofcommunityhoast,not a few,inte its value.re are about uff.Yet there. The Willing Workers,the small!children of 12 to 3 years old,of| Concord Presbyterian church,|rav.have a plan which‘has wor!well for 8 to 10 years.They take a |plant| it for missionaries,as they say.|That is,they sell their cotton and,rive the proceeds to forei¢n missionOurpastor,Rev.8.L.Cath-.ey,g told of this plan,saw atoneeitcouldbecarriedoutonalargerscale.The session tienproposedthatthecongregation ¢i-vide itself into sections and plantanaéreineachsection,to set a time end all go to work together in it,Three such acres have been plantedthat'knew of.There may be oth-ers.|The proceeds will wo to repair the church,which is in sad need of repair,The congregation hasnaivedthemanseandbuilt somenewbuildingsontheparsonagelot ‘his year.Therefore this plan of eo-operation to get the money to re- air our church. Vy.Cleve Brawley,who has beenworkingforsometimeatDetroit, Mich.,is at home.Mr.Will Cook is isitine his mother,Mrs.Margaret oak. Mrs.Luev Laws,better known as Mrs,Lucy Jolly,died suddenly Wed-o'clock.nesday evenine about 6Deathcausedbyabursting blood exae),Mrs.Cynthia Stikeleather,who ‘nent the winter with her son-in-law, Mr Gus.Vickery,returned to her home here this week. Mr.Watts’Serious Injury— Taylorsville Persona!s. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. ile,May 17 —Mesers. Jesse and William Watts came by Taviorsville from Patterson,Cald- well+courity,to tell Mrs.A.E.Watts, who is visiting relatives here,of her husband's serious accident.Mr.Watts,who is superintendent of the cotton mill at Patterson,was assist- ing in inetalling new machinery and a lerre piece fell on him.He wascarriedhyautomobiletoDr.Long's Taylors Senatofiom,Statetvilie,last night. The actident ceeurred at 10 o’clock Werdnesdey merning.Mrs.Watts, his brothers,sisters,Misses Ola and Lona Bell Watts.Miss Delphia Ste- venson and Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Rob-inette,went!te Statesville Wednes- tay evening to be with him.His fa- ther,Rev.J.W.Waits of this place, who conducting a protracted neeting Wirsten -Salem,,was ated to Staiesville. Miss Suc Waits,who completed a course at the State Normal Gellege,Greensboro,returned Wed- nesday.Miss Gertrude Cooper,who has been in-school there,is expected home tonight.Miss Lucile Mathe- on,a student at Mitchel!Collece,Statesville came home Wednesdayforthesummervacation.Her friend,Miss Deisy Wilson,accompa- nied her home for a visit. Damage By Frost —Sunday School: Correspondence of The Landmars Statesville,R-3,May 15 —The frost has done considerable damage to the gardens and crops.Much of the corn is killed and a large amount of the beans.Cotton is not coming up very well.A’large amount of the seed have rotted in the ground. The Svaday school at Leonard's is vrogressing nicely.Mr.Isaac Rat- wre in hueiness ledge,whe was ovr faithful superin-tendent last summer,is again withus.Mr.Wade Rimmer is secretary and treasurer and Mr.James Rim-mer and Misses Mary Troutman, Mae Waugh and Jessie Mae Lippardareteachers.Everybody is cordial- ly invited to meet with us every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.Mr.and Mrs.8S.M.Troutman spent Sunda night and MondaywtihMr.routman’s brother,Mr. William Troutman,in Catawba.Mr.James Morrison,who spent a few days with his parents,Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Morrison,has returned toHighPoint.Miss Mary Troutman, who spent three weeks in Statesvillenursingasearletfeverpatient,hasreturnedhome,Miss Helle BurtonwillcloseherschoolatMr.Staf-ford’s this week and will return toherhomenear.Hilderbrand soon. Notices of New Advertisements Spectacles Retuvn to Landmark orWwW.W.Walton.Old falee teeth wanted...¥.Wolfe St,,Baltimore,Ma. Statesville and Elkin jitneylitneyTranaferCo.Two fine milch cows for saleCleveland,R-2 A geod pince for a ood car Moter Co, Terl,403 North schedule. W.L.Whtte, Statesville Binders and =binder repairs.4Lasenby- Montgomery Hardware CoKoolKiothaadPalm Beach suits Sloan Clothing Co.Summer dress fabrics,Mille @ Poston New Perfection off etowes make cooking a p ure.-Crawford-Buneh Purniture Co. e t your binder ready..-iredell Herdware oO,Explanntion to ewstomers Cola Bottling Co,Spring clewrance sale of suite and conte.Johneton.Belk Co.Diamond Statesville Coen- =trings...Jim Tharpe,tredell Pro- |©.Watkins etif king.White footwonr...J.M.MeKee &Co.sale oy.Paes Ew ate |Bowventy maps.-J.8.Leonard.oi. E A M E S n i ef which the ho and their families wet\children pi mt were eeMee \:attic,Mr,John Tolbert}leaving Elkin at 3:49 p.m.,making re-it a seaptiintipuaee di : |SCHEDULE.| members,‘Car Leaving Statesville..8:00 a.m.to use about ‘ar Leaving «8:35 a.m.sandhavebeen ’Leaviing -»8:55a.m.threecannerswi Car Leaving Houstonv .9:05 a.m. being two in Hamptonville 9:50 a.m. next Arrive at Elkin ........10:30 a,m. hose the ch ed Leaving eae aaa —p.m.ous Car Leaving Hamptonv 110 p.m.of Mrs,D.I.T ‘Car Leaving Houstonville 4:55 p.m. as “Aunt Belle,”Car Leaving Hapmony ..5:05 p.m.birthday by giving her a ar Leaving Turnersburg 5:26 p.m.y dinner y \Arrive at Statesville ....6:00 p.m. exception of Mr.W whose |Cor leaving Statesville in the morn- me is in Texas,all her Emma andanddaughter,Mrs.Ernest Hortonandherlittleson,Charles,the “great grandchild;Messrs.Dan.Herbert and their families. bedy took dinner,which was 'on we tables in the yard wasenjoyed.After dinner a few,were spent in social chat.When timecametogohomeeveryonethatAuntSellecouldhavemorebirthdayssowecouldetherattheoldhomeforSospleasureforourselvesandoth-ers.Miss Annie Albright,who hasbeenteachingatGladeValley,stop-|ped at Mr’Tom Morrow’s for adays’visit before going to her homeatWaynesville.Mrs.Geo.Temple-|ten of Mooresville is visiting a iy:sillie,little son of Mr.and Mrs.|J.C.Tenfoleton,is very sick at, their home at Amity.|Farmers are afraid that most oftheeottoninthisneighborhoodiskilledbyfrost.Some are talking|of planting.over and some will plant. corn and peas.|Mrs.Alee Templeton Ketchie ofChinaGroveandMrs.Chas.Steph-ens of Mooresville were visitors atAmitylastweek.| Mr.Murdock Home -—Person-! al Items. Correspondence of The Landmark.} Hiddenite,R-2,May 16 —Mr.T.!F.Murdock,who went to Baltimore; some time ago fer an opera 0?came home Tuesday.He stood theoperationnicelyandisverymuch| mprove.d Mr,T.H.Lackey not|been so well for a few drys. Mr.Jeff.Gwaltney has returnedfromCharlotte,where he had his eye treated.Messrs.and Howard Sharpe are home from} with hoth North Wilkesboro and El- Every-|No.28 going to Taylovsville.8:10 p.m. y saa :Beeson ea get er tNotice of the Election For few Mayor on Tuesday,April 1%,1917,that the Arp Murdock aa ing at 8:00 a.m.makes connection kin-Alleghany trains. connection with trains:No.12 going to Salisbury 6:45 p.m.io.16 going to Charlotte 6:50 p.m. No,35 going to Asheville 10:25 p.m. NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE. JITNEY TRANSFER CO. Statesville,N.C. Graded School Bonds. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting oftheBoardofAldermenheldintheofficeofthe Roard of Aldermen of said city,acting underthesuthorityefanactpassedbytheGeneralAssemblyofNorthCarolina,called an clee.tion to be held in the City of Statesville,onTuesday,June 19,1917;said election beingheldforthepurposeofsubmittingtothequalifiedvotersoftheCityofStatesvillethequestionoftheissuanceofTwenty-Five Thou-sand ($25,000.00)Dollars of Graded School) Bonds,os provided for in suid Act of theGeneralAssembly.|Notice is hereby given that the Hi places for said election and the officers of thesameareasfollows:First Ward:Polling place--Moore's LiveryBtable.Regietrar,T.N.Brown;Judges,H.E.Lewis and J,EB.Colvert.|Seeond Ward:Polling place-—Office of Ed.G.White Motor Co.Registrar,C.A.An- drews;Judges,W.L.Gilbert and W.W. Tharne }Third Ward:Polling place--Court house.|Rewistrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges,John W.Allixon and C.M.Adame,Polling ptace-—Office of theFourthWard:First Building end Loan Association.Regis- ~‘a i:Judges,S .B.Miller and «Sherrill,Notice is hereby given further that the Board of Aldermen has ordered a new regis-trati to be had for safd election and thatallqualifiedvotersdesiringtoveteinsaidelectionmustregisterforsame.By said res- olution the rewistration books will open onay.the 10th day of May,and close on.Che 9th day of Jane,1917.ablified voters im favor of the iesuanceadbondsshallvoteawrittenorprintedbenringthewerds“For Graded School an?all qualified voters opposed to of Is,Detroit,Mich Meoors.>Ashley (2°,sterachatuima goton 4 gotsWayneandFred.Sharpe of Char-eraded Schoo!Bonds.”lotie spent Sunday at Mr,Z.Bj}By order of the Board of Aldermen.Sharpe's.Miss May Miller of Chare>lotte has been visiting at Mr.H.N;Sharpe's.Misses Nora Allen and}Willie Mae —_are home from tiladenite High School.Mr.Isaac, McLain of Bryantsville spent Sunday at Mr.H.C.Pattersen’s.Mrs.JesseWaldenandchildrenofStatesville are visiting relatives around here. Mrs.Lee Harrington and children are spending the week with her folks in and around Taylorsville: Birthday Dinner —Personals. Correspond:nee of The Landmark, Olin,May 15 Mr.and Mrs.T M.Jurney and Mr.Harvey Jurney visited Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Wright Sunday at Stony Point.Mr.Wright who has been sick for some time,is improving.Sunday,13th,the friends and ,e!- atives wave a birthday dinner in hon-or of Mr.W.F.Walker and Mr.D. I’.Weisner at the home of Mr.Walk- er;LIS present and a delightful dii- ner was served.Among the dainties was a cake bearing the initials,W.KF.W.,49;D.F.W.,72.In the after- neon there was music by Miss Lela liuie and Miss Foda White.The daywasmuchenjoyed.Mrs.J.W.Crater and Mr.RoyvisitedrelativesnearWilliamsbure Sunday. Lieutenant Melchoir Eberts,Unit- ed States Arm Aviation Corps,was killed Tuesday by a_fall withhis@irplaneduringaflightatColumbus,N.M. Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket: Turkeys,20¢.per Tb.Spring Chickens,26c.to 99e.per Ib.Hena,ive.to 18e,per Ib,Roosters,Tc.perEees,27e.per 5But*+r,22¢.to SOc,per Ib.Beeswax,26¢.per tb.Green Hides,18.to 20e,per Tb. Hamm,2he.to Ye.per Th. Sides and Shoulders,22e.to B5e,per IbNewRedHoney,16¢,per Ib,Sourwood Honey Comb,2c.per tb.Olid Aute Rubber Casing,4¢.per Ib.Sweet Potatoes,#1.25 per Grain.The following prives were paid yesterday tor grain on the local market: Wheat.$3.00 per bushel. Corn,91.90 per bushel, Oats,0c.per Statesville Cotton Market.On the loeal market per pound wasMarketfirm.Cotton Seed,86c.per bushel.Seed Cotton,8 I-2e,per Ib,—— 20 centsGradecotton. a ana neneee WANTED—Old fatve teeth;don't matter ifbroken.I pay 81 to 820 per set.Send by parece!post and receive cheek by return mailF.TERL,103 North Woife &t.,BaltinoreMaMay184 LOST—Between Landmark office and College.epectectes,Return to LANDMARK or WW.WALTON.May 18 it A $s MAP for #1,as 2 souvenir,to every per: n whe has hought a plane or ormen fror wo.J.&LRONARD.May 18%tt FOR SALE—Two fine fresh milch enoPriceresonable,W.t,WHITH,Chev lend,Ret,three miles from Bimwood. May 1811". » Black. Pom RENT—A.¥.A onjmetyatreet.Sane, vey =a oA Cc.D.MOORE,April 20,1917.Clerk and Treasurer. MR.CAPITALIST The man spending your money for Flooring,Ceiling,Siding,Boxing, Casing and “Everything to Build! With”doesn’t get a “Rake-back” when he trades with C.WATKINS. LICENSE TAXES. Behedule B license taxes are due during the| month of June The State pequires their prompt cell o»»and imposes a penalty of 25 per ¢ent on all who fail to pay.Those Habletothetaxeswillsavethepenaltyandtroublebypayingpromptly.M.P.ALEXANDER, May 11.Sheriff. JiM THARPE Six beautifih.DiamondRinge.WILL SELL AT50PERCENTBELOWIMPORTERS’PRICES!See JIM THARPE. ams,Honey,Bacon,:Chix and Eggs wanted. IREDELL PRODUCE COJI M TH A R P E ad u V H L Wi t AE we . ee JiM THARPE ‘— _ 1' PLE is the strongest possible argu-ment in favor of your trying ' DURE SAINT FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery HardwareCo., Statesville,N.C CZARS DETHRONED: Kaisers Overthrown,but C. WATKINS is still Shingle King of Iredell County. oeCAFE CAROLINA! (On Court Street).Helps you cut high cost of liv- ing by serving you at lowest |price sible wholesome food,| properly prepared and promptly | served,day or night,in élean,!congenial anid comfortable sur-! roundings.A hearty welcome, always,to you,your relatives| and friends,ai Cafe Carolina!|as COOPER,Proprietor.| Phone 508.' Toour Customers:—||; TheSecretaryof omy following announcementaz.°Xs Amount $2,000,000,000 dated July 1,1917,” Seoutpaictieteaaae teuthie®n y.uintebendelnenetetarateofinterestifanysubsequent issue ismadeatahigherratebeforethetermina-tion of the war.Exempt from all F State or locaitaxes,except estate and taxes.Maturity tobe annoanced later.Denominations not yet fixed.It is antici =~~pated the bonds will be available iniecesaslowas#50,and possibly $20.as will be received until June Delivery of the bonds on or about July 1, Your name will be entered with the Government assubscriber,thus assuring recognition of yourofitsfinancialrequirements.We will make no charge for our services. Yours faithfully, e ®yTheFirstNationalBe Statesville,N.C. R.A.COOPER, z SS :ie4 +OD wore nt wat hievit \.‘2 2 ~>in i SR )—_ eas ‘eS @ 8ormceGy<a.sris-it toUs,ah HHSItdoesnogoodtoloseyourtemperwhenyousmash:something.Instead of geiting angry just bring the ‘broker!articleto us and we will fix it and fix it “right.”if it is worth,~repairing.If it is not we will tell you so plainly and sell yOu 4 something new to take its place.aiiCurpricesarereasonableforourgoodrepairwork.tei ieR.F.HENRY,Jeweler.— Summer ress Fabri We are showing a big variety of styles in Striped and Figured Voils for Summer Dresses. Floral designs are some of the desirable things for Sport Dresses.Found here at the folowing prices,10c.,15c.,18¢., 20c.,25¢.and 35¢.yard. Meet Your Friends Here, wefe MILLS &POSTON# i 7 A. +a -Fi #uad hehahs 7 JEW In OpenFaceNickelCase at $6.00,| 16 size. _R.H,RIQKERT &SONes | COCO liewed it was robbed ; The State Central Highway is no open from Salisbury to Morganton and automobiles can take the trip t ,crossing the mountain from ¢to Ridgecrest on a good Charlotte police are rounding up the loafers and giving them the op- tion of volunteering for work or be- ing conseripted for the chain gang. A good example for other munici- palities.While Davie county some years ago issued bonds for good roads,Je- rusalem township,in that county, wants more roads,or better ones, and that township has voted $25,000 for good roads.; The operatives of the Champion Fit¥e Company at Canton,Haywood county,subscribed $1,000 to buy an arabulance for Red Cross work in France and ten mea volunteered todriveit.Two of the ten will be se- lected for drivers.Henry Morganthau,former ambas- sador to Turkey,has accepted the in- vitation to deliver the conmencement address at the A.and E.College,Ral-eigh,May 28th,in place of former Ambassador Gerard,who will be un-altle to fill his engagement there. M.L.Mare,18 years of age,and member of the Lumber Bridge com-pany of the Second regiment,sta- tioned at Goldsboro,died at a local hospital Wednesday as a result of in- juries received several _days ago while bathing in the river,when his k en while diving. iss mie Cobb,daughter ofthelateEditorT.G.Cobb of thetonNews-Herald,and Dr.R.Brown were married inonthe14th.Dr.and.will live at Swepson- ce county,where Dr. ted for the practice ofn.Fi al court has ordered the r randin Lumber Compa-v Pp y and Judge W.B.Coun- é of Hiek and Judge R.W.Win- on of igh have been appoint-commissioners to make the salene26.probably st North Wilkes-ro.The bulk of the properiy is ated in Caldwell county. Virgil Eugene MeCracken,an em- ye of the Hardaway ConstructionommanyatBadin,fell a distance 85 feet.receiving injuries fromichhediedwhilebeinghurriedtohospitalinSalisbury.Remains mt to Fayette.Ala..for interment. as 24 years old and is survived by@wifeandbaby.TT TEAST “MATTERS OF NEWS. Amsterdam,which is headquar- gre for news about Germany—e of which may or may not be true—hears that Germany has about$25 submarines in operation andthattheBritishhavecaught80to100innetsalone.?Eighteen British merchant vesselsofmorethan1,600 tons were sunk@uringthepastweek.says the offi-cial summary of shipping losses.we merchant vessels of less than400tonsweresunk,together with three fishing vessels.1 An unsuccessful attempt was made at Newport News,Va..Wed-esday,to burn the pier to which is oored the German steamer Arca-dia,recently seized by the United tates rovernment.Fire originatedOnderthepierandisbelievedto ve been incendiary.Loss about 000.‘In a public statement thanking theAmericanpeopleforthereceptionaccordedtheminthecitiesvisited.the heads of the British and French war commissoins express regret=they were unable to visit New rleans,Richmond ana other South- ern cities,but a pressure of business compelled their return to Washing- ton.The Senate has passed the House Will increasing the enlisted strengththenavyto150,000 men,that of e marine corps to 30,000 men and granting increases in pay to the na- ’s enlisted personnel equal to ose provided for the army forces. e increase in pay ranges from $10monthdown.The bill enables mem-hers of Congress not over 50 years @ age to enlist in the navy. Four persbns were killed and _others wounded as the result robbing of the First National nk of Shannon Castle,a suburb Pittsburg,Pa.The police recov-ered the money—$10,000.One ofthe-bandits”was killed and twowounded.The bandits entered the bank,shot to death the cashier and istant cashier of tne bank,boundamdgaggedopatronofthebankandigattemptingtoescapewoundedtwopersons. i Mr.Spann Dead. Girrespondence of The Landmark. Harmony,May 16.-—The farmers ofsectionarebehindwiththeir work on account of the coolCottonisdoingnogood.The are rotten.church at Union Grove is beingeredthisweek.Mr.R.M.Spann died Monday eve- @ at 6.30 and was buried at W'n- op church,Rev.J.G.Weathermaningthefuneral. BY ORDER of the Board of Aldermen ofthecityefStatesvilleandpursuanttothelawofNorthCarolina,|will sell at public aue-tion,to the highestbidderfor eash,onMONDAY,JUNE 4,1917,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,beginning at 10 o'clock a.m.,the followingdeseribedtractsoflandandeitylotsforun-paid taxes for the year 1916,W.L._NEELY. May 4,1917.City Tax Collector.Absher,Geo.,one lot,Fourth Bt.....8 6.43 Albea,Walker,one lot,Tradd Bt,,....Alexander,Mrs.Bettie,one lot,High-land avenue Menace ::Baggerly,T.A.,.two lots Bighth St....Bass,J.F..one lot,Fourth St.C.,one lot,Cattwell St.N.A.,ene lot,Stockton St.....Brawley,R.V.,admr.J.3.Kerr,oneonelot,Bell St.,.Bullin W.L.,one lot,Eighth St,.....Camptell,Mra.M.J.,one lot,Race St,Carpenter,Dr.F.A..one lot,West End Avenue oe Caiene easCarson,R.L..one lot,Seventh St,....Carter,J.Q@,one lot,Seventh St.Carter Bros.,two lots,Armfield St.Cashion,Mra.E.A.,one lot,Fourth St.Cline,R.F.,one lot,Front St.Collie,Mra.E.L.,one let,Boulevard..Colvert,J.E.,one lot,Davie ave..Craig,Sam H.,one lot,Drake St.....Daniels,C.E.,one lot,Broad St.Davidson,J.A.,one lot,Davie ave Deaton,Fred G.,one lot,Sharpe St..Dellinger,B.L.,one lot,Kelly StDixen,James,estate,two lots,Center Dulin,P.P.,one lot,Sharpe and Mul- berry Sta..Echerd,J.M.,one lot,8.Center St...Bidson,A,C.,one lot,Park PlaceEliason,W.A.,two lots,Sharpe St....Elliott,Mrs.F.O.,one lot,Fourth St.Ervin,O.R,,one lot,Charlotte Rd.Fesperman,Rev.J.H.,one lot,4th St.Foster,Mrs.Daisy T.,one lot,Armfield R.:.aie tuner Haves ‘Fox,A P.,one lot,Caldwell St.Fry,T.E.,one lot,Front St..W.,one lot,Fifth St.. = a Fe e <2 ca m he s en e u n — - e s .one loty Cemetery St.Herbin,John F.,two lots,Alexander and Race Sta.;:Harbin,R.J.,one lot,Alexander 8St..Harvis,A.W.,one lot,Bell St.Hartness,Mrs.Nora and R.,one lot, Caldwell St ‘5.74Harwell,U.C.,one let,Meeting andWalnutSts Jacks,M.L., Jennings,JJones,C.J.,one lot,Davie Ave.Johnson,J.M.,one lot,Race St.Kistler,J.B.,one lot,Eiebth St..38.20Kurfees,J.L.,one lot,Stockton St.Kyles.J.L.,one lot,Fourth St.2.04Lawrence,Dr.E.N.,one fot,Bell St.30.26Lazenby,W.J.,one lot,Race St.14.92Lewis,Mra.W.G.,two lots,Center St.70.64Lindley,W.W..one lot,Feurth St Lippard,J.L.,Sr.,two lots,Seventh St 7.40Lippard,A.B.,one lot,Seventh St...7.30 Lyons,Misses M.M.and 8.C.,one lot,Fifth St : Mayhew,W.W..one lot,Caldwell]St Minish,J.J.,one lot,Seventh St. Miller,W.W.,one lot,Vradd St..Miller,Janie and Cora,one lot,WestEndAve.Rteman’s -FMills,W.P.,one lot,BoulevardMoore,C P.,one lot,Front St.. Moore,V.B.,one lot,Beli St..Moore,W.A.,one lot,Davie Ave.Mott,Dr.J.J.,two lots,Broad StMorrison,TH A.,one lot,Front St.Morrison,R.C.,one lot,Onk St.Morrison,J.C.,one lot,Hiwhiand Ave.Murdock,R.F.,one lot,West End Ave Orr,R.W.,3 lots,Front and Green St Phifer,E.,one lot,Front St.Plott,J.T.,one lot,Keiiy St.Pope P.8.,one lot,Meeting StPratt,J.8.,one lot,Boulevard Rankin,F.A.,one lot,Sharpe and Mu!- berry Sts.. *.,one lot.Fifth St.b ..one lot,Meeting StRumple,Mra.J.C.,bal.,one lot,Boule- vard ..ee ces 3.39Seago,John M.,one lot,3.Center St 5.48 Seago,D.R.,one lot,&.Center St 9.54Sells,John,one lot,Fifth St.11.88 one lot,Fourth St.:9.72 28.83 Searons,J.M.,one lot,Development Co.3.39 |Sherpe,Dr.F.L..one lot,Center andBellSts.;.63.35Shaver,C.F..one lot,Boulevard sdShook,J.M.,twe lots,Caldwell St.14.4%Shuping,G.F.,ome lot,Seventh St. Somers,M.V.estate.one lot,Front St.12.2 Sowers,John,one Jot,Tradd 8t.16.53 Sowers,G.H.,one lot,Caldwell St 12.00 Sowers,.one lot,West End Ave...Sowers .two lots,Mills StStradley,J oss,oe lot,Eighth St.4.76 Starnes,J.B.,two lots,Sharpe andBroedSt»z 21.88Spann,Luther,col,one lot,Walker St vy Swevim,Mra.A.D.,| Taylor,J.Mand wife, St.,Tevepaugh,J.H..one lot,Fifth StTomlinson,L.B.one lot,Davie Ave Troutman,C J.,one let,Bell St.Turner,Marvin,one lot,Seventh St.furner,Mra.Lula,one lot,Front St Wasson,J.C..one tot,Highland Ave.Woolen,D.W..one lot,Caldwetl StYoung,Mrs.Ida,one lot,Kelly St.Corporations,Compress Pad and Saddle Co.,Center St Iredetl lee St 10.85 one lot,Stoekton St 2.2 one let,Broad one lot, &Fue!Co.,one lot,Sharpe Colored, Nbernathy.FE.A.,one lot,Garfleld St Adams,Henry.one lot,Harrison StBailey,Walter,one lot,Tradd St Bailey,R.D..ene tot,Center St Hailey,Annie,Hattie ana Alfred,one lot,Garfield StBarnhart,Andy,one lot,Garfleld St. Bennett,G.W..one lot,Garfield St Burton,Ashly,one lot,Green St Kyers,Hogan,one lot,Chambers StChambers,F.F..one lor,Tradd StColvert,John,one lot,Harrizon StCowen,M.L.,one lot,Front 8tDimvidson,Minnie,one lot,Chambers St Feimster,Everett,bal.,one lot,Cherry St ; Fraley,Presa,one lot,Garfield St‘raley,Lee one lot,Green St.Gray,Jno.HL,one lot,Sharpe 8tGreene,Margaret,one lot,Garfleld St.Hampton,Jas.one lot.south of R .RHollowell,J.8.,one lot,Walker StHolmes,Perey,one lot.Green St.Howard,Emma,one lot,Stockton 8tHunter,Hattie,one lot,‘fradd St.Johnson,James,one lot,Tradd andStocktonSts Kerr,Henrietta,one lot.West End AveKimbrough,Will,ont lot,Harrison St Martin,Lee,one lot,Garfield St.Moore,B.L.,one lot.Gerfield StMurdock,J.A.extate,1 lot,Sharpe St.Murphy,J.P..one let,Davie AveMeKee,G.C.,one lot,Green St MeLetland,W.P.,one lot,Garfleld StMeNeely,Bill,one lot,Garfield St. Nicholson,Josephine,one lot,Tradd St.Oxborn,Mamie,one lot,Walker St...Pearson,Jennie,one lot,Garfield St...Sherrill,Jno.A.,one lot,Walker St...Simonton,Delia,one lot,Garfield St.Thomas,Ed.,one lot,Garfield St. Thomas,Janet cotate,one lot,Sharpe St,Watts,R.&.,three lots,usrfield a.3cWhite,Joseph,one lot,Tread 81,:Woods,Dave,one lot,Garfield andWalkerSts. Woods,Vina,one lot,Walker St.Woods @ Carson,one lot,back of GemYoungs,Mary Lee,one lor,Walker StColoredSimonton,Sam,one lot,Garfield Stlot,Chambers 12.25 | :,34.60 | Hines,E.K.,one lot,West End Ave.6.19 -»one lot,Bell St.,..5.43 | 14.61 | 12.88| 6.66 | 21 |16.98 | fe Hho...cc sair of navaleasternmarine corps,post, wo,Pretending to discuss thisWednesday,the Senate took upwholedaycriticisingthewranchofthegovernment. $100 REWARD,$100 The readers of this paper will be ieolearnthatthere{a at least one 1tikeasethatsciencehasbeensidetoeureindlitestages,and that fs catarch,Cntarr wing sreatly influenced by constitutional con- litions requires constitutional trentmentfall's Catarrh Cure is taken internetly audetsthroughtheBicodontheMucousSur.- ‘aces of the System,thereby destroying the‘oundation of the disease,giving the patienttrengthbybuildinguptheconstitutionmn!gsieting nature in deine ite werk,The prewictorshavesomuchfaithintheerativevawersofHall's Caturrh Cuore that they ffler One Hundred Dellare for any conse thet t faite to cure,Send f Hat of testimonial: Address:F.J.CHENTY &CO.,Toledo, vhie Reit be atl Drovemta.The PIANO TUNING-—E.8 VanALSTYNE ofRaliebury.Orders !ft with Mr.L.W.Mae- KESSON.at Statervitle Liug Company,will receive prompt attentoon Feb,20—\ltwOCCASIONALLY It is my pleasure to remind you that the Watkinses buy “Everything to Build With”in quantities.They buy where they can buy cheapest.You ’C.WATKINS,_ DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C HOURS 8 to 5. ‘CHANGE OF OFFICE!| I have moved my jaw office from the second floor of the Commercial Nativnal Bank Build- ‘PHONE 31. see!ng ta Room No.&second floor of the Peo ple’s Loan &Savings Pank H.P.GRIER,April 10 Attornep. ae ee ee re.2 DR.COLI F SHERRILL General Practioner in City and County’. All calls telephoned to Jas.R. Hill's residence or Long's Sanato- rium will have prompt attention.ee Pas FINE LOT COUNTRY HAMS. Miller-McLain Supply Co. BUILDING?C.WATKINS, OR s Mi s e W e e w l e c S s Now sell all your horses—exceptthose you need for workinthefield.If you usehorses forhauling,youare losinmoney—delaying farm work.One Smith F vou are(alhaultwiceasmuchastwoteams.Andathalf thecost.YetSmithForm-a-Truck costs no more than a teamand harness—$350. Save Like This Use it for hauling milk—grain—and farm products to town.Haulmanure,hay,fertilizer,feed,crops, lumber,coal—everything. in Z3 Less Time Make your trips to town in one. third the time of horses Save two to three hours time ot two drivers every day im the year.1200 hours—120 days—$241)pay. Costs Nothing While Idle _Your horses are devouring prof.its in feed whether they work or not.Sundays and holidays arefeastdaysforthem. _Smith Form-a-Truck costs noth-ing while idle.The minute the engine stops,!ts cost stops. 8c Per Ton-Mile _12 to 18 miles per gallon of gaso- line—12 to 15 miles per hour— Truck feature._and get any one of e tions of farmbody—backet rack—hay rack—hog iach gram flat rack—high flareboard—flat rack scoopboarddown. Then change from one to an-other in an instant—without tools. Now for TheseCarsht NNow attach Smith Form-a-TrucktoaneworusedFord,Maxwell,Dodve Bros.,Chevrolet,Buick or Overiand chassis ¢nd you get a fullyguaranteed,powerful,strong onetontruck. Don’t put up with costly horsesanylongergotaginatonce,foryoucanmatefarbiggerfarmprof-its with Sautn v c:..7a-Truck, Ed.G.White Motor Company, Phone 515. a .Oy > ee eee You can't afford to keep a good ear in an unfit place. We can provide safe,clean and convenient storageforalimitednamberofmachines. Right now, is the time to gee about it so you wil!be sure to get a place.. Or if you want acover for the car we will serve you best. lite gd East Broad Street.Statesville,N.C. If repair parts are needed for old McCormick or Champion Binders, look them over at once. numbers on the old parts. not necessary to tell us it's a piece over back of some other piece— just get the number and tell us, and we will do our best to get the repair parts for you before harvest. Afew new binders for lessmoney thantheycanbesold next season. Get the It's 4 1 BINDERS and REPAIRS.f We have just received a big line of BoysHatsinBlackandWhiteMijam.AlsoClothHatsinWhiteandColors.Price 50c.to ‘$1.75. SPORT SHIRTS. See our new Sport Skirts in all the newmaterials.Prive $5.00 to $10.00 each. ® Try a Madame Grace Corset.Have ourCorsetierefityouinanewModel.Price$1.00 to $7.50. Respectfully, MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store, PARI ---Is the BEST for —— Destroying Potato Bugs. -——We sell it———— HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20. ——— ieeeeae eaeenpueemes"Re cE 5:B aaaei ee Guaranteed prices delivered at States. villeOilMillor my Warehouse,take your choice.Agents,for Royster,Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,and Union Guano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. CASH OR TIME.—>J.B SLOOP.< a 7 € S.GREEN = e i i n :{'; f§an f 3 fFii i. Ls s3 i.; ef i‘p ; Bs=i:=85 $FE::.z xé<3“a >= if f : [ ee s 5 <a 3qB : in fi i g‘over.Heuringthefarmerwhat toworkit,reminds me of a picturewasprintedinapapershowingvyman,He is standing back -ing the farmer what to plantjhowtoplantit,and right beside is,shown a farmer.He has up a sign, |the war,We need help.Another thing to whichIwishtocallyour‘attention is:|Heip the poor man who cannot get~|enough to run himself and familyso ||they can work their crops.A man|tol¢my husband that he had a rent-|/er on his place that was not able to)run himself and the merchants re-|fused to sell him on time;that hejeouldn’t stand good for him and he used by Ger-)because he |submarines to decoy allied ships|couldn't wet enough to run himself!|Was going to let him go, and family;said he needed him to|work on his place but he would have;to let him go.Now when times are;80 hard the merchant is refusing todohispart.So many renters lostjalltheircropslastJulyinthefloodiandtheyneedhelp.Who is the onetohelp?Lots of the farmers can’t|help and the merchants won't,so|what is to be done?Of courseofthemaretoblamefornottryinglots| Authority forbarzoexportswhen he findsipublicsafetyandwelfare so re- quire”the Housemeasure); for ishment of espionage,defin-|ed ."meee Goan terms,includingwrongfuluseofinforma-tion;for the control merchant restrictions upon istuance of pass-th for their for-it;and forofthepowertoissuesearchwarrantsforinspection “oo to nected tine watinthequestionionfoodstuffconservation.the Senate, ana eee Fe acste:Cummins’action acceptproviding that,duringa¢.em.“ain,sugar ntar- coins liquors should prohibited.By this vote it struckoutthe Com-mins it,conservation .really a TrappedBy False Calls.| 8.O.8.callsandopenboatsload-|ed with men are being to their destruction,according toBritishshipmasters.So many shipshavebeen decoyed in this manner)that the British have orderedtainstepaynoheedtosuchcalls incertainzones.Captains say that tovaynoheedtocallsforhelnisthe!hardest of their many difficult tasks.| YES!LIFT A CORNOFFWITHOUT PAIN!| to save up something for a rainy‘cincinnati Authority Tells How'day,and some have had so muchsicknesstheycou'dn't save anything.|I am like the farmer’s wife who.wrote to The Landmark awhile back.Let the Civic League and Mr.Mill-|"aps preach to the society people forbeingsoextravagant.Let (hem)save some of the money they spendinentertainingand=giving costlywresents.Let them give that to helpfeedthesoldiers.I am willing to-domyparttohelpoursoldierboys,but I'm not willing to work hard toraisemorefeodstvff«so the townneoplewillgetthebenefitof|it.|When in the summer time we havelotsoffruit,why don’t they buy i: and give us mere than ten cents abushel?Why don't the citv folk buyitandcanitforwinter,like wecountrywomendo?No.it is sometroubleandtoohot!They mightturntheirwhitefacesandhands:they had rather eat it out of tincans.So let them,and let them paytogetit,too,Let some of these that‘ate preaching so big come to theifarmandpracticesomeoftheirPreaching. I know the town has some good, hard-working women.It also hassomethatdon’t think of a thing butthestyle—and what a style it is.It(shocks some of the men to see them.Come on,country friends.Let's stand(up for our rights!I for one will domypart.thet I am afarmer's wife!.MRS.A.Y.NEEL. Bravery of the Marines. First Lieutenant Ernest C.Wiil-|liams <>United eet”a MagneCorpssbeenpresen‘on-gressional Medal\of Honor for “ex-|traordinaryitheenemy at'coris,Dominican .|marines expect to be the first to |jfight in France,the incident bears)unusual interest.;_Lieutenant Williams,with 12 ma-—under hi was seriously injured.|They captured the without as-|detunee from ae ae “ to Dry Up a Corn or Cal- lus So It Lifts OW With Fingers! You corn-peetered men and womenneedsuffermolonger.Wear the shoesthatnearlykilledyoubefore,says|this Cincinnati authority,because afewcropsoffreezoneapplieddirect-,|ly on a tend::,aching corn or callus, stops soreness at onc:and svon thecornorhardenedcallusloosenssvitcanbeliftedout,root and all,with-out pain.A small bottle of freezone cost verylittleatanydrugstore,but will pos-itively take off every hard er soft eorn or callus.This should be tried, es it is inexpensive and is said nottoirritatethesurroundingskin.f your druggist hasn't any free- sone teil him to get 2 small bottle foryoufromhiswholesaledrughouse.It is fine stuff and acts like a charmeverytime.CG.WATKINS for,itd With.”_“Bverything toBuild i We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whateverpurposethey cae. 95-farm in Cool ing township,7-room ee,barnacrefarminSpringP,wal hard,4 and outbuildings;60 acres in cultivation,in woodland,8 acres in bottom land,mostly ;78 acres,five miles of Statesvilic,6-room,2-storypine.abarnandoutbuildings;40 acres in cultivation,good orchard,“a acresin cultivation,ten acres in fine bottom land. 200 acres,eight miles of Statesville,75acresinmeadow,balance in woodland,two large stockbarnandoutbuildings,and fine orchard,all kinds of fruit.6-room cottage,good well and barn on Boulevard.er “4-room —-on Drake street,lot G0x280.7-room dwelling on Lackey street,good well and barn,lot75x242,‘J.ot~-56x162—corner Oak and west Sharpe street.on or write —.For further information ¢éall ERNEST G.GAITHER,Insurance,Stock and Real Estate,"Phone 23. Se —_ shouldbewanted. Soto’ [se Gytor|Van Lindley Co) re eene the Best Ways toOneof for War is to Raisea Big Cropof Food Stuff. It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineverywaypossible,This Bank has always made it its business tofinancetheParmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist in every way possible. Farm products of all kinds are bringing highprices,and the indications are that they will con-tinue high for several years at least,so it’s veryevidentthatthefarmerwhoproducesBIGcropswillbeontop. If we can serve you,come in and see us,asstatedabove,we are ready,and willing to assistineverywaypossible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C.“The RankFor Your Savings.” cot ci THE STATESVILLE }REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal offriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW snd OLD.Our office is an open one,andweinvite all ourcustomersandthosewhowil war and BS war.Underthepresentwarlasttwotofiveyears. 1 to the contention so of- ten made that woman has a definite yeeand that he:place is therenowhereelee,Dr.Lingle said=same thing ‘might be said ofman.Woman was made in the im-age of God the same as.man and her is wherever the welfare of herself,her chikiren or her husband demand hee help.It is the mother’stolookafterthementaland moral welfare of her children an! to try te remove any improper sur- roundings,whether those surround- ings are the result of abuses per- mitted by government or some oth er cause.Dr.Lingle described =the women of Germany and lrance Among the middle and lower classes jin Germany the wife and mothe: the servant of the husband,the man being supreme everywhere in Ge: many.‘the women of Paris do not represent the true type of French women.Pr.Lingle has much ad-miration for the means and busi ability of the women he saw rural France.he rural breach thrifty,whoyant and ex ceedingly kind and =courteous to strangers,and the women Franceareabulwarktheirscount against Germany. American women do much physical labor a et Evrope.Dr.Lingle women would benefit more physical labor u the garden and take mor exercise.Our women are capable as any.In North Carolina there are ell serts of organizations for mate- rial,moral an a be ment.Four -fifths of these are en- gineered by women.Our are net solely to teach grammar,ar!- metic,ete.,but they are fort ideals and one:ideal is aotThereareidealsofindustry without the ideal there nocess;ideals of thoroughness, thoroughness is essential co ceas;and ideals of service.We ac¢ not to be ministered unte bur to mu ister;and above all hie ideals of character and a large part of char- acter is common sense.“Stand =by the President and the flax was br Lingle’s concluding remark.He wa heard with close interest and his a dress was very much appreciated. The evening exercises were openedwithprayerbyRev.Dr.G.W Painter and Rev.Dr.J.M.Clark pronounced the benediction. Class Exeretses The class day =exere) graduating class of the collec Place at the college Tuesday noon at 4 o'clock.The officers elass are;President,Margar vice president,Mildred Smith retary,Melissa Warlich tr Lillie Fleming.The students opened the exercise singing their colleye song.MiDealmadee2briefintroductory apeech,speaking of the retirementofStatesvileCollegewiththepre ent senior class,and the advance: ment next year Mitchell Colleg introducing a new era the col-lege.Miss Mary Loretz Cowles read a sketch of the life Dr.El sha Mitchell,in whose honor the coi lege will bear its new name:MisHelenBaileyread»paper,“The Oli Order Changeth {the New";3 Lillie Fleming gave the ecy,a clever sketch,endSharpereadthecl: students joined well sonc. Demestic The werk of the of the colle Tuesday afternoon Th rected by Mrs S.Fo MeLinr been conducted since Febru the werk of the vir! ing of dresses and lingerie ticles =were exhibited.©Nume neatly-marde dress a rene pieces of linge which art had been made tr ours per week allott mestic art.were ‘play was creditab! students. The exhohit orated with Miss Eliz: Marvaret fone an Meore conducted the Troom.M [.ot Svelyn Sadler is ness inpeople are af for not do as women Ou; ayo hid i dig im outdoor as ter schools @ of 20 ideas and ts suc- al Bu Deal hy of for of Art Exhibit. jomestic ar la Jar Hallie their bom Ruth Tedd t gC;M home rade ise Manning gon.1?later t mer wth | The latter } some time boarding hou Speede The €i an ih the speed of @apecially abou days, MayorulationsHeretofore,whe:alarm of fire Was wiven,private automobiles have been responding as fast or faste mn the fire truck Underofthings,only th @ volunteer firemen wil!|x the speed -privilere Read to Happiaces. amie,heerfal and good natured and eh mere lWhely to be heer YouChisBilicuit,Uo hot tmpoerible,hew fou are conttantly troubled with..Twhe Chmmberiains Tablets Of that and 1%will be eney,Thesedts,hut improvedigestion. the to enforce res ' Bristol an the new truNow “Unele a.P.the AK.° wets $2,500 and $1,000 is appropriat-ed for monuments for Mr.and Mrs.Campbell.and their children.‘The heirs contesting the will vira Gaither,a sister of Mr.Camp- bell,and the Safrets,nephews andniecesofMr.Campbell,all of Davie courty—get the remainder of the estate,each side paying its owncoats.The estate has been various¢ ly estimated $25,000 or more be- ing some of the estimates —butEsq.C.A.Guffey of Rowan,9 neigh- ber ef Mr .Camptell and an intimate riend,says the total will be about 10,000, Mr and was thrifty. nd put by his Campbell owned a good farm He was a mechanic savings,which he loaned on real estate security lle ometimes had in his house several! hundred dollars in cash—at one time as much as $1,500--which he kept ntil he could)make a satisfactory ‘oan.He hadn't m ah opinion of banks,although in his later days he eposited money banks until he ild loan it.Mr.Campbell died in 1914.Before eath he and his wife made a will,It provided briefly that ‘the death of both and all debt: »paid (and there wouldn't be indebtedness for “Uncle *as he was cu!paid as hehepaidthedoctorforeach at the time of his visit,in last illness),the executor should ve $200 for his treuble and the re- *should h«vested in monu- for the Mr.Camp ell and his wife their children, ii the children ry dead.“Uncle Dave”didn’t funcy leaving his man- anybody or anything.He want- whatever benefit there was for if,even after his ceath. Mrs.Campbe!!dian -husband and after heirs asked the court will,with the result Dave's”=last 1 be marked withnt,lawyers will pet a big share the proceeds of his toil ar i rel- the remainder.A snich, er part especta old He tried him and otne led, went ,of to t lor her to set a le tated survive death the And so resting plac: a $1.000 monu- m man tu BiG MAN Baby Grippe d Man's Heart. mor?! AND LITTLE theTiny Big her 'th ephew Out We him,and yoWW [Peasi Fu eral terday morn church,}Ke rj }at iH DOCTOR ONL 1 HW.Me)who was a week V illness,is out This ttnck of i}My TWICE, that a doctor he been ie,itohim,“More than 9 year “ny Mr Me Elweecalledtoseemeand whenfoundhewrefixingtogivemeara-foretida I «lipped ont of thedoortindwealtoGeorgia.” Mrs.El-* laid ’ “a doctor hack missions./No service at RacedistchurchSundaycountofthesermonschool.Rev.Woodleaf itl conduct service.‘Rev.Kpastor,is in constibis sisting in a protractedMr.C.Q.Lipperd,thdent,will preach at St.Sunday morning at 11 o’cloe Mt.Herman Sunday afternoon 10 o’elock.Rev.Charles Anderson fs in Mocksville conducting a revival meeting at the Baptist church.HewillbeinMockovilleantilnext| weeh No preac hing services at) the First Baptist church Sunday| morning or evening.Sunday school at the rerular hour The lisbanasjack of interest, MoTHtER! Ao n te n dn d te l a t na l de HE balance line for the Ford car is drawn,end the sum total of its per- aes fectionstz th that new Goodrich tire,thebigger and better Ford car tire--Goodrich’s ‘Three-Seventy-Five,” *ucte ieaes Virginia baseball league hasted.Not so much patriotismitissaid.|ed Of SUPER-SIZE and SUPER. You rg “CHILD Th |STmeme it mot only meets the CROSS,FEVERISH,FROM|INDIVIDUAL WE EDS of the Ford car, CONSTIPATTION!:|«but DOUBL'S its VIRTUES. is Coated,Breath |‘ Sour,Clean New as today,it is:already familiarly kn knowing as— (Goedrich’s “Throe-Seventy-Five” Thats iis s:size:Three andsevei five hund nche3inthe section.\xd it's an inch big too}cumilcrence. If Tongue Bad,Stomach Liver and Bowe! Give “California Sy: once——a teaspoonful today often | saves a sick child tomorrow. If your little is out-of-sorts,|half-sick t 2 eating and| acting mother!sec |if toniue is conte This is a sure en that its little ciomach,liver and|bowels re with waste.| When cross,ita feverish,stom.| ach sour,breath |or has stomach-| iche,diurrhoc:throat,full of| cold,ful of “Califer-and ina tow | ed poison,un-7,*os 1»bile gently |'5 heroic $ize,NOWCVECT, ‘ts without }to ht 3C- 1,playful t' nevertheless wh by theRT I ip of Figs”at| PE G OM O W one v itv. Tod,xesis cross rCr”Ypoo mn the < i3 designed hild ; Vothers harm! after giving | ise the) }and »dear- ull diree-:i Cs !age:;Meee ie arteseach‘cs dU plVvCS YOu. vf tsown ater dk Veen o+a hy oedeaeowe Gree +Nesyrups.||¢ eent bot-4 : ,T°}- e ™’7 zEF.Goodrich :,Onis ener ry Ae arre The GOODRICHfibreSOYforg3hoes me P .fher-comlort? |rr for the home. The Weser BLES.UTI this beautify perAea RONtan Ce DT TES --YEAR GUARANTEE!' WES!WTryIRFECTION COOK STOVE ainnnn =eens Makes “coking a PleasurefourHaleYourandseeee vy fyON ay)s |Leonard Piane Store.FOR RES!tr ~A Ee SAE AS REN RNS.ee amr trength when :energy to cook food tht to bea heat energy,not human e) Get a Ne estion—the Lon Stove.Ut (:mistress not the sl:“a stove. No.soot, flame that st Come in and exclusive feat that better than ever before. Crawford-Bunch F ‘“*The Store Are not thed frou pectation money IN THE BANK. Bank Ac carrying out vour ex- sand desires When vou have or Blue C himney n kitchen )fussing.Visible the cliff rent oil cook stove. ible reservoir,a new and New Perfection ot your ow Your!lore stantetycountdependsonwhat i save. no ¢0} :fut the reversItisnotamatter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the savicg habit while your come is small and it will b: your income increases to es thema in- as menaaabi That AlwaysPHONENO.400, iture Company.casier ;fag”Welcomes You. Increase Your Bank Account. Now is the opportune time to open anAccountwithus People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO.H.BROWN0.L.TURNER ——ee GET A KODAK. Without letting your pocket know it,Come in see how easy it is to get a Kodak,the Dime Bank Way.Get areal Kodak with spare Dimes. H.B.WOODWARD aa nen STATESVILLE,N.©.,TUESDAY,MAY 22,1917. TJAMBULANCE FOR FRANCE|WOUND CAUSED DEATH. |THE REGISTRARS NAMED.|REGISTER ON JUNE FIFTH. a TheMen of "the NationCalledYouthShotlyanOfficerDiedMenAppointedtoEnrollNames,esterda to Present Themselves¥ ining,be sent toestpracticabledate.is the answer of America to‘s plea that the Stars andbecarriedtothefightingwithoutdelay,to hearten thettlingtherewithconcretehatapowerfulallyhastotheirsupportagainstGer-aggression.ent rt .of =Rony atoftheselectivedraftwarbillbythePresident,and at themetimeitwasstatedthatunderofmilitaryexpertsonboththewater,tne PresidentnotemployvolunteersneravailMfofthe“fine vigor and enthu-”"of former President Roose-|for the expedition. ing is the text o!the terseementoftheWarDepart-as to General Pershing’s expe- »President has directed an ex-Mitionnry force of approximptely®division of regular ween,underrdofGeneralJohnJ.Pershing,‘proceed to France at as carly date}ble.General Pershing andBfwillprecedethetroopsabroad.it is requested that no detéils orlationswithregardtothemo-tion of this command,dates of e,or other items,be carriedthepress,other thrn tie official tins given out by the War De- nent relating thereto.”number of men in the expedi- y force has not been disclosed.ision at war strength totzlsthan25,000 men of all arms and“approximate”division of theDepartment's statement proba- will exceed that figuce. eral Pershing has been in Wash- some days.He was personally jmoned by Secretary Baker fromsoutherndepartment,which was r his command =uniil Fridayit’s order was issued.The manledtheexpeditionintoMexicoidhandledhisdifficulttaskwithjudgmentandskillestowinforthecompleteconfidenceofthe e:t and his advisors,has work-hard on plans for the expedition |France.»has been in daily con-with Secretary Boker,Major ral Bliss,acting chief of staffdepartmentofficialsco-operatingithepreparationoftheforceshewill against the Ge-mans;and also th Lieutenant General Briges,head Pthe military section of the Britishlgsionandaveteranofthebattle of France.Nothing that either h or British officers have been to furnish in the way of informe-has been lacking,and there i y indication that the regulareswhichwillcomposetheexpe fionary division are tet.g selectesthevreatestcare. E Guard Called. /Even before the war crmy bill wa ,the War Deportment announc-that the full strenpth of the Na- I Guard would be draited mtoUnitedStatesarmybeginning a}15 and concluding August 5. ders to bring the regiments to full strength immediately occompa- i the notification sent to all Gov- mors.A minimum of 329,000 fight- men will be broucht to the color r those orders,supplementing 293,000 regulars who will be un- arms June 15. th Carolina,South Carolina and Anessee Guards will be mobilised2h, is from these forces that the armies to join Generali Pershingthefrontwillbedrawn,to bk ved within a few months by re- ing waves from the selective armies,the first 500,000)of will be Wi 4 the Colonel Was Left Out.In his explanation of his reason not availing himself of the « d Roosevelt amendment to th bill,Mr.Wilson has broughisharplythepointsmadeagainst amendment by army ny officers who are warm admirers Colonel Roosevelt have unhesitet y condemned his propesal to raise Volunteer army corps of division onfegroundthatitwoulddraintheularserviceofmenvitallyneeded train the millions that must bepedintofightingtriminalltoo a time.‘The list of regviar officers Mr It desired to take with him s been the subjeet of much specula- and comment.Beceuse of thyjationinSpanishwardaysbe-Major General Lepnard Wood Mr.Roceevelt,it hac been rerard &s virtually certain that General food was the former President's se-Btion for supreme command of the .Under the plane of the War ment General Wood,by reason is great experience in mobilizaproblemsandhisunfailingener- hb has been assigned the hardestofanygeneralofficer.He will as commander of the south- department,the mobilization training of 12 divisions or more 900,000 men,amone whom 7 question will be those who will b«selected to follow General PerforcestoFrance. Marines to Go,Too.of America’s »navy andherepre- * 1i The Virginia,the| mobilized September| officers.|, }will sail for Europe Statesville Subscribes Funds —Julian Morrison win Be in At a joint meeting of the eongre- of the different churches,eld at Broad Street Methodist churchSundaynight,about $1,250 was sub-certhod towards a fund of $1,800 toprovideanambulancecquipmentforfieldserviceinFrance.Mr.JulianMorrisonofStatesvillehacvelun-teered his services to go to Franceanddrivethecar.Another States-ville boy,to be named later,will alsogo,as two drivers must accompanyeachambulance,Mr.Morrison,who was accepted forserviceintheofficers’tra’ning campatFortOglethorpebutwho,amongmanyothers,had to be climinatedforlackofroom,has been at worktryingtoorganizealocalambulanceequipment.Rev.Francis Boyer,nowrectorofAllSouls’vnurch,Biltmore,who for two years drove an ambu-lance on the battlefields in France,ispromotithemovementendfundsforambulanceshavebeencontributedinanumberofcommunitiesinthe State.The field service,for which Mr. Morrison is arranging,has te de with carrying the injured from the battlelinetothefictdhospitalsanddress- ing stations.The service is volun-teer,for which Mr.Merrison and oth-er drivers will receive no pay.Theyarerequiredtopayfortheiroutfit and their own transportation to France.Once there and in the serv- ice expenses of the service are paid by the French government.The equipment and expenses necessary to Innd them in France is $1,800.WhatwasnotraisedSundayn'ght will be raised by a soliciting coniraiitee. The contributions Sunday night were from $1 to $200,the latter a donation from the city eldermen for the town.The name of the town contributing the ambulrnce and the names of the drivers appcar cn each ambulance.Those who have subscribed to the fund are urged to call promptly at the Merchants &Farmers’Bank and pay their subscriptions.Other sub- scriptions were added yesterday and it is believed the emount will be raised promptly.Rev.Mr.Boyer will be here Friday night and speak at Broad Street Methodist church at 8 o'clock on thoproposedwork. The usual services were conducted at the church by Rev.D.A.Lewis and after the service the ambulance proposition was made. Two Nurses Killed. In an accident curing practice fir- ing at sea,Sunday,of a guard aboard an armed American merchantman hound fer Europe.two American Red Cross nurses were killed and athirdwounded.The two killed were Mrs.Edith Ayres cond =Miss He'en Burnett Wood of Chicago,and the vounded is Miss Emma Matzen of Chicago,members of hase hospital No.1,bound for duty in France The ship returned to New Yorkesterday,her flag at half-mast j}with the two bodies ard the wound ed nurse,who was taken in a tug to the New York navy yard hosp‘tal. Official announcement of —the jont has been withheld by navy ciala, Big Fire in Atlanta. Fire in the Atlanta,yesterday stroved about mated at two lars.One }60 injured. Mrv.John Betzing and five chil- iren were burned to death in their nome at Minersville,O. With American ready combatting the U-beat men- ace in European waters and =army rerulars coneentrating to carry the flag to the battle lines in Belgium and France,a regiment of marineshasbeendesignatedtcJorntheexpe iditionary foree and =reund out the nation’s representation in the field. The marines will be attached to ithe army division under General Pershing,which is under order to ed xbread as soon as Practica ye Although details cre net being made public.it is ealeulated that with the marine regiment the tota! |American force now designated fo tnnd service in Europe is close to 10,000.An army diviston at wa: trength comprises about 25,000 me-~ and upwards of 12,000 are expecte' to be in the nine volunteer regiments of engineers now being =reeruited. The forestry reciment and the ma- rine regiment each will number more than 1,000.The strength of the naval force in European waters hae not been revealed. Goneral Pershing and his ahead of the i troops,at there is much to be done lon the other side to pave the wayijforfinaltrainingoftheforceand fer the huge army the United States is prenarin:s to pour across the seas after it as rapidly as men canirainedandequipped.For obvious reasons no informruon as to thetimeoftheAmericancommander'sdepartureorhisdestinationwillbemadepublic.When General Pershing leaves,every detail of the organizationequipmentofhistroopswill haveheenworkedout.He will know ex-actly what preparations must bemadeandWhat_use is to be madeofhisdiv«Presumably he = havecn-o =of thePrforces, ace! of de- Loss esti afternoon, blocks. to three million dol- person killed and about destroyers al- staff outlying districts of | he|« y.oem Stiles,the youth who Ta ccnen he taeyeveningrtrea’having been shot while trying to es-an officer at Spruce Pine,Mitchell county,died at 2 o'cloekyesterdaymorning.The wound wasconsideredfatalfromthefirstandthedoctorshadnohopeofhisrecov-ery.The remains of the unfortun-ate bey were shipped to Spruce Pineyesyafternoon.Thurman Stiles lived in Averycounty,or at least the home of hismotherisatIngalls,in that county,The boy,it is said,was wayward reckless.He had wandered aboutthecountry,go:¢as far as New York city.He vns also suspected ofreeimplicatediaillicitdealinginvy.Thursday,10th,Stiles was ar-raigned at Spruce Pine,Mitchellcounty,charged with the larceny of25bushelsofcorn.He had a hear-ing before the mayor of Spruce PineandMr.J.C.MeBee,an attorney of Bakersville,appeared for the prose-ecution.Stiles was held in $500 bendfortrialinMitchellcountySuperior Court.at Spruce Pine,wac deputized totakeStilestojailatBakersville,Before or about the time they startedtoBakersville,Stiles broke awayfromtheofficerandran.Stewart geve chase,firing his pistol fivetimes.Officer and p:tsoner got out ofsightoftheothersandwhentheyre- turned the prisoner had been shot,The ball entered the side of his backandrangedupwardtothefrontofthe siomach,rforating the intestines. Only one bullet took effect.The only explanation the officer made of the shooting was that it wasnecessary. Realizing that Stiles’condition was critical,Mr.McBee,who had never seen him before and knew nothingabouthimexceptwhathaddeveloped at the hearing,thought it an act ofhumanitytodosomet!ing for him, and so he brought him to Long’s San- atorium fer treatment. At the hearing before the mayor Stiles said -he was 15 yeers old. When he was examined by Dr.R.A.Campbell at the Sanatorium he saidhewouldbe19nextOctober.He admitted tnat he had told the mayorhewasonly15beeausehethoughtthatwouldbeinhisfavor.Mr.MeBee returned to his home at |pegiatrars,the first named !‘precinct being designated as chief| county between theages,June Sth,1917. P.Stewart,the policeman} Bakersville Friday.He represented Mitchell county in the last Genera! Assembly. SUPERIOR COURT SITTING.| Judge Justice Presiding—The| Business Yesterday.| Iredell Superior Court convenedvesterdaymorningwithJudgeM.H.| Justice presiding,Solicitor Clement! prosecuting,R.L.of the grand jury and C.A.Brady officer in charge of grand jury.Miss|Irene LeQueux of Taylorsvilleactingcourtstenographer,appointment by Judge Justice. "he following cases were disposedfyesterday:| James White,Bob White,Charlie| is \llisen,Hal.Holmes,Fred.Holmes.|;Gene Weaver,Robt.Bailey,all col- red,gambling;all plead guilty and |ere fined $5 each and costs.jC.B.Haynie,assault with deadly|weapon;plead guilty;fined $20 and| sts. R.L.Tucker and Bryan Simmer-on,having too much liquor in their|possession;plead guilty:Tueker | ays costs and gives $250 bond to}ippear for two years and show good| ehaviour.There were two cases |gainst Simmerson in which he was|} harged with having liquor in his nossession for the purpose of sale. Through his attorneys he waived bill and plead guilty.In one case prayer for judgment is continued to!next term of court and he is requir-| d to give $500 bond and a r for | ‘wo years and show good behaviour.| in the other case he is sentenced to cight months on the Tredell chain ing from Wilkes through Iredell a |a a few nights aco with 60 gallons of |. in Davidson |,whiskey.His home isuety.His automobile is forfeited| »lredell county.| Louis Torrenee,assault with dead.| y wea;on;plead guilty;fined and costs.Judgment suspended ther case.j C.J.West,disposing of mortgage:property:judgment suspended on pay-| nent of mortgage and costs.| John Nantz,selling quail;judgment | uepended on payment of cost.|Chester Smith,assault with deadly | weapon;judgment suspended on pay vent of cost.Henry Conner and Willie York,lar ceny;plead guilty;Conner 8 months at County Home;York taxed with the.cost. Ophelia Poe,larceny;4 months at | County Home NO COTTON TAX.A proposed amendment to thevarrevenuebillbyRepresentativeMooreofPennsylvania,to tax raw tton $2.50 a bale,was tuled out onoforderintheHouseyes-after prolonged and heated in a point erday tebateSWEDISH VESSELS SUNK.News that the Swedish steamersVesterland,Aspen and Viken,ladenithinfromBhadbeenamitmarinesusednim.eonk by Germen much indi,Some lives were vat, --A mountain man sold last sea-fromson ®covered wagonas Poston foreman |‘. under 10! It was Simmerson who had start-;, $20|.~, mos, Under Draft Law —Explan-| ation and Warning. The County Boord of Registration in Iredell for the army draft composed of Clerk of the Court J.A. Hartness,Sherif?M.P.AlexanderDr.Ross MeElwee,county physi-have selected the followingineach registrar,for the various precinctsofthecounty,to register all men of All registrars and|@fe expected to serve without pay,as contemplated in the law:Barringer township--S.H.Hous-ton,J.Will Templeton;Bethany—T.L.Adams,J.R.Houpe;Chambers--—-W.8.Clendenin,H.8.Hair;le Creek No,‘~d,H.Cloanin-eo,P.Hudson;Coddle Creek No. Fr.Brawley,8.M.Goodman;Coneord—L.C.Stevenson,D.E.Douglass;‘Cool Spring-—-C.H.Knox,L.C.Holton;Davidson—O.0.Har-W.A.Mayhew;Mills—-4,E.Critz,J.A Maiden;Fallstown—H.Troutman,A.8.NewJ.P.Williams,B.E. -—-W.W.Holland,W.E.Current;pesburg—-W.B.MeLelland,A.R Bowles;Shiloh—R,L.Bradford,J.D,Elliott;Statesville No,1—iC.Moore,R.T.Weatherman;States-ville No.2—Dr.J.F.Carlton,R.V.Tharpe;Statesville No.3-—-M. Yount,&.G.White,D.L.Raymer,John M.Sharpe:Statesville No.4—L.B.Bristol.L C.Wagner;Turners-burg—J.B.Parks,J.L.Grose;UnionGrove—J.G.Morris,J.T.Jennings. To the Young Men of Iredell Coun-ty,White and Colored. Under the selective draft law justpassedbyCongresstheundersignedhavebeendesignatedbythePresi-dent of the United States and theGovernorofNorthCarolinamem-hers of the registration board forthiscovnty,to register all men be-!| tween the ages specified in the lawfortheselectivedraftforserviceinthearmyoftheUnitedStatesdur- ing the continuance of the war with Germany.The law provides that all .white and colored.who are 21 andnot31vearsoldonJune5th,1917,shal!present themselves at their re- spective voting places on that dayand,register.This is to notify allMenbetweenthese on smid day,or become liable to thevenaltyprescribedinthelaw,whichoneyear’s imprisonment and at the expiration of such imprisonment immediate legal registration for draft. The law provides that those ab- ent from home may write to the ierk of the court,who will furnish necessary blanks information. Ths absent man must write in time eeure the blanks and information »thet his registration papers will reach by mail the registrar of his home precinct on or before June 5,7.The time is short.Act now.The law o!so provstes that men »are sick mav he registered by reoxy bv having said proxy apply to he clerk of the court for blanksdinfermationandhavingsaid proxy present the preper papers to the registrar of their respective pre-nets on dune Sth,1917. We urge the parents or other rel-ves of absent men between thecesspecifiedinthelawtoimmedi- get in communication with and nscertain whether they '|claim citizenship in this county,intend to register in their present places of abode,so that they may se- ire blanks and =information from ere in time to reyister in accord-e with the law.We urge the narents or other rel-tives of men who are sick to imme- diately seeure the blanks and infor- mation so that these sick men may be legally registerd on June 5th, and atelythem Warning Against Dodging. While we regret ntry has been foreed by ithless enemy of all yovern- ent,the autocratic imperial gov- nment of Germany.to call for the vices of any of he.sons,we warn ch man in this country,white and colored,that failure to register will vflict dire punishment upon the de- ent and at the same time al t certainly cause him to be draft for service in the army.Let no ne come to the conclusion that he coneeal his true age .The gov eroment has many sources of infor vaion in this regard--the ’stration books,the tax returnacheounty,the school censuses each school district.the Federal nsus peturns,the former ments of the man himself,and th: r-onal knowledge of his neighbor requaintanees.Let every man unthe prescribed ayes anpear at,end the proper papers to.his vot- place on Tuesday,June 5.1917 inally,we eall the atiention of |rood citizens of the county to theionofthelawwhichmakesit heir duty to assict the registration fMicers In every way they can to se-the registration of every man he ¢ounty,white and colored, n the apres prescribed in the Respectfully,M.PP.ALEXANDER,Sherif.J.A.HARTNESS,Clerk. DR.ROSS McELWEE,Co.Physician. pk.TURNER SECRETARY. The ¢governors of Com fy - law,| Wetener,| ‘ison shall be deemed D.| A.! ages to appear) that our beloved! that| election | state-| thehaselectedDr.©.A.ta of the club to suec Me.Ww.L.Gilbert,who de- clined z the Duties to Be Assigned—The President's Proclama tion. |President Wilson signed the armybillFridayandimmediatelyissuedaproclamationputtingtheselectivedraftprovisionsofthebillintoop-;eration,as follows:Whereas,Congress has engctedandthePresidenthasonthe18thdayofMay,1917,approved a law Section 5.That all;between the ages of 21 and 30,both iinclusive,shall be subject to regis-jtration in accordance with ula- jtions to be prescribed iident,and upon by the|President or other age-o notice giv-len by him -his direction,stat-jing the time place of such regis- |tration.It shall be the duty of alljpersonsofthedesignatedages,ex-cept officers and enlisted men of thejrerulararmyandna;tional Guard and naval militia whilelintheserviceoftheUnitedStates,to present themselves for and sub-mit to registration under thejionsofthisaet;and every per-to have notice ofitherequirementsofthisactupon male persons ithe oublication of said proclamationjerothernoticeasaforesaidgivenbyithePresidentorbyhisdirection;jand any who shall wilfully|fail or refuse to present himself forlregistrationertosubmittheretoashereinprovided,shall be guilty of amisdemeanorandshalluponconvie-jéien in Distriet Court of the|United States having jurisdictionithereof,be punished by imprison-—=“ao ~~a year, tand s t pon yjtered,Provided,that in thecall’of‘the docket precedence shall be givenjinthecourtstryingthesame,to thetrialoferiminalproceedingsunder|this act;provided,further,that per-sons shall be subject to registration{as herein provided who shall have‘attained their 21st birthday and whojshallnothaveattainedtheir31stbirthdayoncrbeforethedaysetfor|registration.and all persons so reg-listered shall be and remain subjecttodraftintotheforcesherebyau-thorized,unless exempted or excusedtherefromasinthisactprovided:provided,further,that in case of\temporary absence from actual place j lof legal residence of any person lia-ible te registration as provided here- jin,such registration may be made |by mail under regulations to be pre-scribed by the President.Seetion 6.That the President is|hereby authorized to utilize the ser- lvice of any or all departments and |l'nited States and of the several|States,Territories and the District|of Columbia,and sub-divisions there-of.in the execution of this act,andjellofficersandagentsoftheUnited States and of the several States,Ter-ritories and sub-divisions thereof,and of the District of Columbia,and alli persons designated or appointed under regulations prescribed by the President,whether such appoint-ments are made by the PresidenthimselforbytheGovernororoth-cr officer of any State or Territory to perform any duty fn the execu- tion of this act,are hereby reauir-ed to perform such duty as the Pres-ident shall order or direct,and alluchofficersandagentsandpersonssodesignatedorappointedshallherebyhavefullauthorityforall acts done by them in the executionofthisactbythedirectionofPresident.Correspondence in the ex-ecution of this act may be carried in penalty envelopes bearing the frankoftheWarDepartment.Any _per-jron charged as herein provided withthedutyofcarryingintoeffectanyoftheprovisionsoftheactorthe regulations made or directions giventhereunder,who shall fail or neglectoperformsuchduty,and any per-on charged with such duty or hav- ‘ec and exercising any authority un- jder said act.rerulations or diree-ltiens,who shall knowingly make or |he a party to the making of any jfalse or ineorrect registration,phys- jical examination,exemption,enlist- iment,enrollment,er muster;andjanypersonwhoshallmakeorbea jrarty to the making of any false j:tatement or certificate as to the tness or liability of himself or any jother person for service under the i provisions of this act,or regulations made by the President thereunder, cy otherwise evades or aids another\'>evade the requirements of —this this aet or of said regulations,or |vho in any manner shall fail or neg- fully to perform any duty re- |-uired of him in the exeeution of this aet,shall,if not subjeet to mil- itary Inw,be guilty of a misdemean-vy and upen conviction in”the Dis-trict Court having jurisdietion thereof,be punished by imprison-ment for not more than one year,or if eublect to military law,shall betriedbycourt-martial and suffer such punishment a court-martial jmay direct Registration June 5.Now,therefore,I,Weodrew Wil- mn,President of the United States,do call upon the Governor each oftheseveralStatesandTerritories,the board of commissioners of theDistrictofColumbiaandallofficersandagenteoftheseveralStatesandTerritoriesandtheDistrietofCo-hanbia,and of the counties and mu-nicipolities therein,to cer-‘ain duties in the of thewill= }i leet as law,whichtedto and» j whieh contains the following pro- |"| &z ii zi3 iesa ee e ee ee e ee e en e e e e e e e e e e e andthe Na-\a jany or all officers or agents of the}Th ny.Aheldin Statesv —A teA.Leonard, spendin retoWinfieldLa.,forchildren,who will Statesville to s —Mr.W.L.Landmark that the Woodmen ofWorldhavefittedupMra.Sims’millinery store,the|Street,with desks,chairs,that it’s free for theuse of anyganization—the ladieswhowanttouseitforofthecountry. gro boy,waskilledinShilohafternoonby arlwhite,16-year-old son ofHallyburton.Four boys squirrel The Hallyburton limb but did nothisgundownitwascharged,the wholeintheFeimsterboy’singinstantdeath.one Moose held an but all the evidence wasthatitwaspurelyanaccident. Nurses Pass Examination. Misses Lola J.Boyd,EdithBaileyandLeilaE.Andersonaspengarto—'‘ Miss Edna nzerlingwhowastrainedin Salisbury,possed the examination fornurses,held in Raleigh last .and are now registe-ed nurses, Of the 97board98pe ls ErmaofRockyMountmadethe average—O5.5 per cent. ALUMNAE ASSOCIA’Alumnne Associa.TheellCollege will meet inrlorsafterneonat reserve corps while in active In the Territories of Alas- Hawaii and Porto Rico a day registration will be named in a ter lamation.| wr do charge those who through sickness shall be unable to present themselves for registration that they apply on or before the day of registration to the county cler where they may be,for instructions as to how they may be registered by :those who expect to be ab- on the day named from the | counties in which they have their ent homes may register by mail,but their mailed registration cards must reach the place in which they have their nermanent homes bs the day named herein.They should apply as soon as practicable to the county clerk of the cbunty wherein they may be for instructions as to how they may accomplish their reg- istration by mail.In case such per- sons,as through sickness or absence, may be unable to present themselves personally for registration shall be sojourning in cities of over 30,000 population,they shall apply to the city clerk of the city wherein they may be sojourning rather than to the clerk of the county.The clerks of counties and of cities of over 30,- 000 population in which numerous applications from the sick and from non-residents are expected,are au- thorized to establish such sub-agen- cies and te employ and deputize such clerical force as may *e necessary to accommodate those applications. All Must Serve. The power against which we are arrayed has sought to impose its will upon the world by force.To this end it has increased armament until! it has changed the face of war.In: the sense in which we have been wont to think of armies there are no armies in this struggle.There are entire nations armed.Thus,the men who remain to till the soil and the factories are no less a part of the army that is to go to France than the men beneath the battle- flags.It must be so with us.It is not an army that we must shape and train for war;it is a nation.To this end our people must draw close in one compact front against a com- mon foe.But this cannot be if each man pursue a private purpose.Al! must pursue one purpose.The na- tion needs all men;but it needseachman,not in the field that will most please him,but in the endeavor that will best serve the common good.Thus,though apleasestooperatea triple-hammer for the forging of reat guns,an‘ an expert machinist desires to march with the flag,the nation being served only when the sharp-shoctermarchesandthemachinistremain- at his levers.The whole nation must be a team in which each man shall play the part for which he i» best fitted.To this end,has provided that the nation be organized for war by selection sharp-shooter is shall end that each man shall be classified )'"".:for service in the place to which it shall best serve the general good to , call him.The significance of this cannot he overstated.It is a new thing in ourhistoryandalandmarkinourprog- ress.It is a new manner of ac ing and vitalizing our duty to gis ourselves with thoughtfal devotion to the common purpose of us all.It is in no sense a conscription of the unwilling;it is rather selection from a nation which has volunteered —in mass.It is no more a choosing ofthosewhoshallmarchwiththecol-ors than it is a selection of thosewhoshallserveanequallynecessaryanddevotedpurposeintheindus- tries that lie behind the battle line.The day here named is the timeuponwhichallshallpresentthem- selves for assignment to their tasks. It is for that reason destined to be remembered as one of the most con-spicuous moments in our history.Itisnothinglessthanthedayuponwhichthemankindofthecountry shall step forward in one solid rankindefenceoftheidealstowhichthis nation is consecrated.It is impor- tant to those ideals no less than totheprideofthisgenerationinman-ifesting its devotion to them,thattherebenogapsintheranks.It is essential that the day be ap- proached in thoughtful appreciationofitssignificanceandthatweac-cord to it the honor and (ne meaningthatitdeserves.Our industrial needtribesthatitbenotmadea nical holiday.but the stern sac- rifice that is before us urges that it|be carried in all our heerts as a great day of patriotic devotion andobligationwhenthedutyshalllie upon every man,whether he is him-to be registered or not,to see tothatthenameofeverymaleper-son of the designated ages is writ-ten on these lists of honor.In witness whereof I have hereun-my hand and caused the sealUnitedStatestobeaffixed.the city of Washington.of May,in the year of7,and of the i .|the United States of 141st. eaidert LANSING,| of State makes k ty casualties :ns.a The army of the|Prince continues ineff‘forts to crack the French lington to attend theradedschoolandtoissVennieTempleton,who is oneoftheteachersthere.After the visit to Burlington she will go to Greens-bero to attend the graduating exercis-|es of the State Normrl,where hercousin,Miss Irene Templeton.i graduate.The latter has been en- gaged to teach mathematics nexttermattheNormal.Mrs,J.H.McLelland,who was attheWhitehead-Stokes Sanatorium, Salisbury,for treatment,has returnedhomeimproved.Mrs.Martha Parker has gone to a Charlotte sanitoriumfortreatment.Mrs.J.P.Berry is atthesameplacefortreatment. William Evans,who enlisted in the navy at Raleigh,has returned homeandisawaitingfurtherorders.Mr. Jas.C.Stafford,a Univercity studentfromMooresville,has o!so enlisted in the navy. Miss Ea Cornelius,a nurse at the Presbyterian hospital,Charlotte,is at home for a short vacation.Mrs. Tom Coxe of Wadesboro was a recent guest of Mrs.Geo.C.Goodman. Mrs,Jason Smith was called to Ca- barrus county a few days ago on ace "é count of the illness of her niece,Mis Elna Overeash.Mr.8.F.Cornelius of Birmingham,Ala.,a brother of Messrs.Levi and George Cernelius,visited his mother,Mrs.E.E.Corne- i who is not well,ard is at the home of her daughter,Mrs.Ada Clark.The town commissioners h-ve wise- ly made an appropristion to the vol- unteer firemen to enable se- cure a fire track. Mr.Ben Stewart Houston,who was on a visit to his mother,Mrs.Belle Houston,returned to his work near Winnsboro,8.C.Mr.All Brown, arpenter and contractor,who has been with a construction force of the Southern railway at Ole Fort for |months,has been ai home few days.He has lately b ferred to the main line,nez boro.Mrs.Paul W.Treutr dauwhter,Martha Wilson, visitir Mr.and Mos,Li hew.Mrs.B.BD.Privette son are visiting Mrs.tte rests,Mr.and Mrs.C.E.Voils. Jo.Brown of Back Creek has beenherevisitingMr.‘and Mrs.<A.E Brown. Miss Cary Wilson has so!d a ‘ot o1 Academy street to Mrs.C.K.MeN y and one on Broad street to Mrs.J. L.Harris. Mr.W.I..Matheson hrs a position in the office of the Mooresville Cotter Mills. Re FA.Barres,pastor P Pr erian chore’ tus, them to Congress,, i 1th,ofter - "er “eel we wre 11th a Rehoboth church var OS vear old the Sh and lea hu wa 2 A 2.4 Sol v of ‘oar-old child of Mr and Mr Moy rot hold of a bottl of opium a few davtahlesnooneti!anc ar odyir Two ave jt.mectine ition kelned to At the of the on Mil stockholders a % enarterly dividend was declared The old boord of dirceters was re elected.tthe off wil]he 'G Goodman, [..Williamson.D. F.Bell,J.1 Brawley.Thi under Supt now making good, anniversary of the fir femnle henevolent society North Carolina and nerhaps in the Seuth- ern Presbyterian General Assembly, was celebrated at Poniar Tent Pre.- byterian church on the 12th.The so- ‘ety was organized hy the wife of Rev.John Robinson,D.D..who was at that time pastor of the church. Rev.R.W.Culbertson,present nrs- tor,read a sketch of the society. Mrs.Robinson is buried in the cem- etery at Poplar Tent and her grave was decorated with flowers.<A laree crowd was presentTheMcDowellMusicclub held its May mecting at the home of Miss Mary B.Flowers.The next meeting will be held with Mrs.John Rankin, June 14th. Mr.C.G.Falls.a Trinity Collece student and son of Rev.1.A.Falls, of Mooresville.is at Fort Oelethorpe. Mr.Moses White,son of Mr.M.W. White,ic also taking training there.Mr.G.B.Knott.whose home is inOstwalt,is a sailor on the U 'S.8. Vestal,was here last week visiting Mr.and Mrs.John A.Young.He isonthesameshipwithMr.Young'sson.Mr.and Mrs.John P.White andchild,who had been here for severalvears,left last week for Laramie, Dixie Cot ner ent Geo 1,oF Dr.A Ww mill re ‘ted later): W.CC.Jobnst Wo McNeely. Harrie and F nlendid little Dearman.i«The 100th }n |Wyoming,to make their home.|The 22 members of Company B,engineers,of Charlotte,who camhereThursdaynight,attracted akattention. ‘the Chemin des Dames.After a fire of great intensity by all ef guns,and not excepting tinting gas projectiles,the Germans Sunday endeavored to come outtheirtrenchesandattackinforce. With their usual dispray of rt marksmanship,however,t «men at most places held the Teutonstetheirtrenchesunderareciprocal artillery fire.Wherever the Germans were able to come into the open and dash toward the French trenchestheyweremetwithawitheringfireondsufferedheavylosses.at one place did they succeed,after thepaymentofaheavypriceinkilled and wourded,in penetrating theFrenchpositions.At this point,ad-vanced elements on a front of about 200 yards were captured. Again comes news from the Rus- Jan front that the Germans,prob- ably owing to the betterment of theinternalsituationinRussia,have nd Russian lines.Lastweektheyessayedanoffensivein the Volhynia sector,but met with ro marked success. sia,tnage¢ressive in the field eral months because of inter-ise is making reads. reder tne leadership of the new co slition +roment,to resume an energetic campaign against the Tev- tonie powers The new cabinet, holding the confidence of the radi- ~)sevncil ef workmen's and sol- diers’delegates,has declared against a separate peace and announces itsintentionoftakingthemostener- ratic mea rainst any counter- r wolnution a Declaring that the re -estab- lishment of a cereral peace withoutnanexationsandincemnitiesispos- ble only throu he overpowering ‘Germany,the cabinet asserts that©most importang werk is the re- fvine of —the y.General Bruisviloff.leader of the great cam- rien in Velhvnia and Galicia last nd the other commanders »returned to their headquarters vi Mir Wor Kere sky is to it the s immediately to vit troops.Already :hown signs ofandmine wv thertl important }hoattackCae Sti res a ister of tilefront R:ulthe r ported from several its. Wer Prohibition Pil. Prohithitionist nm and out of Con- ha comb t Lill)to bit the manufacture and sale of .curing the period of —the The bill was introduced by sentative Webh of North Car- i-considered the lender vrohibitie ists in the present Mr.Wehb hopes the bill s before the present Con-s adjourns and as all fact prohibstionists are solic ly he thirks it has : John Barleycorn’s however,is the how pays arly and the new revenue toll in- the just LMM} Mar not concerned out John will pause before thev -out $850,000,0590 of war titres, Good Fruit Crop. Horticulturist Hot!that s from all secvions the indieating the fruit « will the fullest veal There was consid of peach vield in.the t ,but the mountain ap fiie ond the piedmontCarolinayieldsofpeaches wil! for the shortage in the moun- tains.Tak the State over,there will be an abundance of fruit of all kinds. ned on a nue, £000 400 000 nimount »who are revenue in Stats his many loss Stat ec- .are tern up ing WHAT 1SLAX-FO UAL-F0S 1S AN IMPROVED CASCARA A DieestTive LaxativeCATHARTICANDLIVERTOWIC Lax-Fos is not a Secret or Patent Medi-ine but is composed of the followingfashionedrootsandherbs:CASCARA BARKBLUEFLAGROOT of| you for the goodhavehadquite a worry but it doesfullooks,My friendssay ‘look so young and well?’to the Lydia BE.Pinkham remedies."-Mrs.Ropt.Stopren.,Sage Avenue, Washington Park,Illinois. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn, Mass.,for helpful advice given free of charge.NOTICE 10 TAXPAYERS. |will be at my office in the court house allvythemonthofMoytotakethetaxre- r the city of Statesville.The lawLopropertytobelistedbeforetheofJane,eall and makeeotivens8 t deyyourretern ae car May 1,1917.W Dr.8.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.Office hours 9 a,m.to 12.30 p. m.2.50 to 5 p,m.and by 7.113 J.f,List-Taker, Pointment.Anderson Ride.,W.Broad St.Office "phone 324.Residence ‘phone 2?79—green. Se =eR 8Liem 6 Ummae =— SEE TO YOUR BATTERY. Our storare battery department is in charge of an expert with fac- tory experience.Let us put your battery in shape for summer driving. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER. The beauty secret ofwomenwhoknowhow ’totakecareofthecom- plexion,Cannot be detected...Heals Sun- burn,stops Tan.Soothing, coolin,,refreshing."A Pink,White,Rose Red.t s Sc.et Liraggists or by mail direct, Samole (el!her color)for 2c.Stamp. ,Byon Mix.Co.,40 South Fifth S.,Brooklyn,N.¥. ‘GOOD ROADS and |your Tires are the pleasure of our ride.us nae the Tires that willgiveyouthispleasure!VULCANIZING. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street.|:We sell Miller Tire and Tubes! -L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In—— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees- wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap lron,Rags,Books and Magazines.We pay the highest marketprices. Independent Phone §06. Bell Phone 9302. j Pull your Binder out of theshelter examine it carefullytoseewhat repairs needs.Don'twait until you are ready cutwheat.Bring theOLD PIECE or theNUMBERthatis on it,and we will it for you at once,if we donot have it in stock.Do thisNow whileyou think about it. it to gel get It is only natural that your friends and acquaintancesareimpressedbythegeneralatmosphereofyourthome.Nothing else radiates a cheerful atmosphere as doesnicefurnitureproperlyarranged.If you want your home furnishings to be correct thefirstthingtodoistochooseafurnituredealerwhoknowscorrectstylesandarrangement—he can befoundhere. « ke Ca eS : Supporting the - Government. This is a time for every citizen to supporttheUnitesStatesGovernment,and many are doing so et considerable cost or sacri-fice to themselves, We have joined the Federal Reserve Bank- ing System established by the Governmenttogivegreaterfinancia!stability and strengthtothememberbanksandprotectiontotheirdepositors, You can give your support to this great ““Gcovernment enterpriseandalsoobtainitspro-tection for your moneybybecomingoneofourdepositors. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Your Are not tied from carrying out your ex- pectations and desires when you havemoneyINTHEBANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave. It is not a matter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in-comeis small it will be casierasyourincomeincreasesto IncreaseYourBankAccount. Nowisthe timetoopenanAccountwPeople’s Loanand Savings Bank,“MONEY MAKES THE WAYEASY.” se 1.9 a of , ee e Ba e Ab e Bk ee me ag e . t AT i i ti g jbi g ; if )put one in for you. _W.E.MUNDAY.Your Plumber,114 B.Breed St. ene-~ We Try to Keep 'Everyjhing in stock toeetourwants.Roof-in in,Rid Roll,i.Vallev Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron will maxeanythinginSheetMetal|you want. -STATESVILLE TIN CO.‘Phone 65,114 B.Broad Street. ees sitagilinnnecnetlt etnies eae oe DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor, >einstnes «nenaems “SOMETHING NEW” JIFFY JELL. ‘The new dessert in sixflavors. Guaranteed toyourmoney back: Try it. lease or Phone 89. Eagle&Mibholland. Fresh Eggs Every Egg Candied to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eggs. Sherrill&Reece. C.H.LESTER, [Regular $1.50 and $2.00 SATURDAY Of this week. Two lots,Fancy Stripe and Plaid Silks for Sport Suits and Skirts. values,special all this week, $1.25 and $1 65. “Kayser”Silk Gloves,all sizes,all Black and White, and Black and White and Gray,with contrasting Em- broidary. TSec.,85c.and $1.00 pair. 2 amglng 8 wry # ny He,the body spendingRarretaeey.exwhichacall“a — made to give Men ex enceiking.”Then,ton,-ithe kakhi suits reminds the‘men of the country that warthatrecruitingistheorderof thejdayandthecompanyhopedtogain|Dry |Compan “Engi ifiyB,Engineers,o|fotte,numbers about 100 men.-ty-four members of the company aredoingguarddutyotrailroadbjandtunnelsinwesternNorthCaro-'+}jlina.The entire.company saw bor-;der duty in Mexico during the recenti. jout of the Feders service,only orders having been to reerui’ Vi}grades sight of}the nan Pee free.”-John,8.32.on;|Expressing pleasure at the oppor- Since their return from Mex-phathemenhavenotbeenmustered|tle child in the midet of them;and charge for admission but theassuredbytheschoolitwillbeworththeprice.,he to be used for the purchase oyeroundapparatusforthecaltrainingofjd -M.Parker’s commencementsermonatthegradedschoo)Sun-y morning,“And ye shall knowtruthandthetruthshallmake tunity to speak on this oceasioin, his text that as we older somethethingswehadcountedimnor-become insignifeant,whilesomeofthethingswethoughtun-important grow large.There is no-ing that grows on us as the childthemysteriousandtremendousBosibdilitiesofthechild.Jesus em-sized that when He placeda lit- the great,outstanding,pre-eminentvirtueoftheAmericanpeovleisthetowarstrength.The company M@¥limnortance we attach to children,be called into active service again “Buy the truth anc sell it not,”at any time.Their work is the eon-|for jit is the one thing we should cor-struction of bridges and roads.ner,vo before and make a traversable said Dr.Parker.The truth istheonegreatessentialandwithoutwavforthetroopsthatfollow.}it life becomes a blind man’s game,The men on thistravelilight.hising Each man equipment,groomingmentandfeedbag;and each carried |lieanovercoat,gun,pistol,canteen,ajlariatropewithwhichtotetherhishorse,his “shelter half”’-—that is,half of the tent in which he slept.He and his partner“shelter halves”together and the'result was a low tent about sevenfeetlong.Two men,tent.Each man has the care of hishorse.There is aThebannerwhich floats overEngineers’camp bears the image ofanengineeringcastle.the Companyletter“B,”and “N.C.” Road Building in Alexander. Good road building in Atexandercountyiswellunderway.Stretches“we get the truth?of fine road have been completed be-tween the Iredell line at Stony PointandTaylorsvilleandsoontherewi!!be a good road all the way fromStatesvilletoTaylorsville—whentheIredellendofthelineisputin better shape.There is divisionamongtheTaylorsvillefolksastohowtheroadshallenterthetown.but this will be settled soon.RoadsquadsarealsoatworkinotherportionsofAlexanderandbeforethe summer is ended the good roads will be much in evidence in that county. Mrs.Lockwood Dead. Mrs.Belva W.Lockwood,the firstwomanadmittedtopracticebefor:the United States Supreme Court,a ‘' pioneer in the suffrage movement andtheonlywomanwhowasevercan:i-date for President of the UnitedStates,died in Washineton a few days ago,aced 86.Mrs.LockwoodwasacandidateforPresidenti:1884 and her candids<y was a jokebutshelivedtoseea<voman electe’ to Congress. GOT $100 FOR ERROR. The case of W.H.Dingler vs'Western Union Telegraph Company,|set for trial in Catawba county Su/perior Court last week,was compro,mised,the defendant receiving $100iDingler’s brother wired from Mocks,ville that their father was dead andjtomeetthefuneralpartymextday in Mooresville.”The mesaage read“in Mockaville,”whereupon —th: \Plaintiff went to Mocksville an‘!missed the funeral. SHOEMAKER’S SLAYER AC-QUITTED. Foster Phifer was acquitted in Mecklenburg Superior Court atCharlotteSaturdayforthemurde)of Lon Shoemaker,the murder hayingbeencommittedthelatterparto|March,as a result of a fieht.ShoemakerwasanativeofNewHop townshin.this e rand was 45yearsold.Phifer got by with selfdefence.—_ CHAUTAUQUA COMMITTEES. Preliminary arrangements for thisseason's Chautauqua,to be held June 26th to July Ist have beenmade.The chairmen of the committeestoarrangefortheChau- ReGIsTERED ARCHITECT, N.C.Phone340 Green. aoe R SALE: tauqua are:Advertising,Mr.DormanThompson;grounds,Mr.D.F.Jenkins;hospitality,Mr.L.W.MacKesson;parade,Mr.J.M.Deaton:Junior Chautauqua work,Mra.Chasnderson.ACCIDENT._ Mr.H.8S.Stroud,while working at the Slane Cees Cotpuny Paige morning,was inju a fallingpieceofglass.the endens on hisrighthandweresevered.He wa‘taken to Billinesley hospital andseveralstitchesworenecessarytoclosethewound.The hurt is heal-|linge.pram :__. DEATH, |dames Vernon the 6-year-old son of Mr.Bum- iedReageteycs “Lane Teeeae’{turday at a to-|.The body of the little boywastakenhome“ore and —_— ,ut near - ret placed their|find the truth. sleep in e#@h}China and Russia failed occasion we?e\a groping along the way to final de-carried |struction.le bags which contained eat.|i The war began in sordidmaterialthingsbutithasdevelopedintothespiritualtruthwhichunder-s human rights anc human libertyandmillionsarereadytodoanddieforthattruth.We enjoy libertywhichourfatherswonthroughago-ny and blood in their endenvor tofRussianscan’t‘oy liberty because they can’tithetruth—don’t know tne en- findtruth..to get newlibertybeenuseoflackofknowledgeeompanycook.|of the truth.The older children grow,if they,teally grow,the more they find howlittletheyknow.True liberty de-pends on a knowledge of the truthandweonlyknowthetruthasa‘dim light which radiates our path.How shall we find it?How shallTherearethreeways. 1.Faith is the first key of knowl-edge of the truth.Christ bore wit-hess to the truth before Pilate.Heisthetruth,it is found in His wordandthesviritoftruthmustabide1ourhearts.That 's the acid test.if one is not essentially honest andtrueinlife’s action he can’t under-stand the truth.If the foundation‘f dishonesty is laid in your heart,vou have turned your back on truth.{f there is falseness and insincerity\our character we can't respond tohatwhichistrueandgreatandno-le.Hf we are honect and true ourartswillrespondtothecalloftruthandwe'll hear the clarion callfGed;and we must be honest in‘ord and deed. 2.Obedience.Until you obey theruthyouhavenottakenittoyour-al When you enter the deeps ofheinfinitewisdomandpowerofvodyouwillrealizethereisnoth ng 80 great,so mysterious,so pow-rful as God's truth 3.The crowning way to know theruthisbylove.As we love any-‘hing we understand it.We may do\thing mechanically and not love .If we love music we take to it tuitively.If we want to be set roe,we must have the love of truthourhearts.We ha:een thevesOfmenandwomentransform- i into a marvel of patience and bu- nility by a love of the truth whichroughtaknowledweofittotheir eurts.Read Carlyle’s Heroes andleroWorship.Liberty and the torehfwisdomjisnotfaundsomuchin he Hbraries and school rooms as in »lives of people about us,and we ve witness of the truth as it is cen in their lives.Truth trans- rms and transfigures life in the nshine of love and goodness and rviees and remember,there must ‘ways be humility with truth.If 1 get to tae place where younkyouknowsomethingyou'veivedattheplacewherethefirstngtoknowisyourlackofknowl e. rhe sermon was orief,but ord of it impressive.It was andidandtimelydiscourseand heard with close interest bv the ree congregation.The =singingvasledbyachoiroftheschoolchilren,@ecompanied by Miss Mareajordanatthepiano every The commencement marshals are by Henninger chief,James Alex-under viee chief;Louise Brady,Sa-ch White,Margaret Tomlin,Wi)-‘om Moore,Katherine Nooe,FredcrickSloan,Evelyn White,Robert \iexander,Myrtle McNabb,Euge-via Miller,trma Furches,ArmsteadGuy,Ruby Johnston,Hugh Mitchell. SERMON FOR SCOUTS. Rev.L.D.Thompson will preach aspecialsermontotheBoyScoutsatroadStreetMethodistchurch,Srn-dey evening,27th,at 8 p.m.TheHem.will attend the services in a ody, All members of the Junior Roy Scouts are asked to meet at the oldgradedsvhoolbuildingFridayafter-noon,26th,at 3 dea.ee ee eesGetiidofYourKheumation.Now ts the of your rheuma-them,‘*ke we ony :D.D,,of Wikmingten,N.C.,tor. I ea,Tenn.,was chosenberland»al Assembly,in ~terian Assembly_Fant,Okla, .Parker said before announcing Southern Presbyterian Gener-MdfonAngtectedeweSakWallyonam,Ala.,.3.M,‘i .|'s Wonderful i te vial Dr.J.Wilbu ae Fotesnes F cont kenalaevr.J,i Chapman {se Calea,N.Y,waa.havea =of from the System.Soothes a al-the Northern ‘lays in the Intestinalwilla..|Tract —the fgAssembly,in sessionat Dallas,Tex-|po yngey olny natalofChattanoo-|Pendicitis, Presbyterian .csessincoln,|Intoxicat:iaeb.me "\ete.In every locality —=The next menting of the Presby-|eratefel people who owe their comsitbei-Diete recovery to Mayr’s W.a Remedy.Theveande on hasceanecemeene©|them from the knife.mostRobbedMeieraneSealeMeesSetgreeneSoe”0Brother's Wife.,,drugs.FREE bookiet on“After selling his mother’s wood,Ailments.Address GGeo.H,saw for $85 John Bean took his!Mfg.Chemist,Chicago.Better 'brother's wife and mother-in-law,obtain a bottle ofMage's Ww ;Mrs.Borders,and left for parts un-|Remedy from the tesville ; as. Eider F.A.Seagle the Cum inown.”|Co,or any reliable dThat's what a citizen of Lenoir did |tefund your money if ffails vantheotherday,according ,to the Le-|simulameleHowe.Robbing his mother and |rother was bad,but pass it up tothethief's credit that while oe re-|Home,SweetHomelievedhisbrotherofhiswifehealso|took the mother-in-law."———————————O Is never complete without aTHEWAYTOHEALTH.jj Piano.Music instills noble ;ep themost important thin cee in the heart and ffnlife,Precious,too vita mind of every one,anda Pi-.to be bandied aboutas anarticle of ‘merchandise.It cannot be purchas-|°°—&good,relinble,“in boxes or phials at the corner sweet-toned Piano —is thedrugstore,‘:BARIUM ROCK SPRING Wa.|®t investment anybody ean —TER aids to restore itself||make for the home.when drugs It drives Uric acid| F.M.Shannonhousewassufferingfromshattered nervesanddisorderedstomachandpier |and the BARIUM ROCK SPR |WATER brow a eure.”=|}."Phone W.A.EVANS or write!Department L,Box 65,Barium|Springs,N.C.|IF YOU'RE GOING TO WARDon’t leave Sallie and the!;Children without a Roof.|i "saeShingles,Ridge Roll,Valley|}ject ts own‘Tin,Nails and Brown and||tainly to yourGreenShingleStains, out of the system andrevitalizesthe nerves. writes:“TI Floor Finish For all interior vemich work— stairs,floors and furnitare—Kysaize Floor finish will pleaseyou. It is eazy to apply —dries quicklywithacurable,eosily cleaned sui- face that brinee out the naturalbesutyofthewocd, Try Kysaize once. |will give you thethelowestcost.on otherDAVIS’? Whytake’¢Paints when you can buy . The Kyantae !ine of Pintehes Sold and ¢zcranteedby Iredell Hardware Co,|Mateovilie,&. _JITNEY LINES.|SCHZUDULE. ‘Car Leaving Statesville..8:00 a.m.'ai ri >Car Leaving Turnersburg .8:35 a.m.ay oy t ;Car Leavling Harmony ..8:55 a.m.Fy Car Leaving Houstonville .9:06 a.m.vate ;Car Leaving Hamptonville 9:50 a.m.a »Arrive at Elkin 10:30 a.m._7 8:30 p.m.re a T %a ae Car Leaving Hamptonville 4:10 m.Car Leaving Houstonville 4:55 Pp.m.Car Leaving Harmony ..6:06 p.m.For Sale By Car Leaving Turnersburg 6:25 Pp.m.C.D.MOORE,Statesville,N.C.:Arrive at Statesville +++»6:00 p.mBRADFORD&HEDRICK,Leray,N.C.Car leaving 8 y h >And All Good Dealers.&Statesville in the morn--ing at 8:00 a.m.makes epee peLANDSALE.with beth North Wilkesboro andBYVIRTUEofa©pete meme od —_.cn ee a saving Elkin at 3:30 p.m.,makingitwcuscaeecardconnectionwithtrains:WwW.F.Horton et the undersigned com-No.12 going to Salisbury 6:45 Pp.m.Mieheat badder 7 door in States, i pablic auction to the No.16 going to Charlotte 6:50 m.‘@t the court he ’sNC.on “©No,28 going to Taylovaville 8:10 p.m.MONDAY.JUNE 4,1917, at 12 o'elvoek,ia.the following deseribed land in Bethany towne to-wit;Beginning at astone,Vickey nev in the W.©.Sowersline,then south 8 dowrees enat 4 poles to at ;thence south 2 degrees wat 56polesto¢thence north 87 degrees east 91roles*o thence north 90 poles to stone;thence >Ss)desrrees weet 90 poles te he- winning,ining 51 aeves more or lew, k.B.MeLAUGGHLIN,RY May 1,if?Commissioner.mer DR,COTTE Stil RRILL General Practioner in City and County..the Allcalla telephonedto Jas.R.bidder onsh:A inHill’s residenceorLong’sSanato-rium willhaveprompt attention. DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. OverMrs.Sims’MillineryStore. "NO:no)HOURS 6 to 6. cree of the Superior»Temdered in the spe- Crawford va. No.35 going to Asheville 10:26 p.m.NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE.SJITNEY TRANSFER CO. Statesville,N.C. NOTICE OF SALE. V'RTUE of authority contained ta @tommedeedexecutedbyJas.W.and«to D.K.MeNewly and others on‘,1016,and duly rewistered inDeok44,page 206,in the office of theofDeedsofIredellcounty,N.©.thesignedwillon MONDAY,JUNE 4,1917, siwhynot to i f i i a s t F eiil is 5 if E =$3 o p a l u tual service in France, more than three months,an organi- gation that would have been worth believes that ganization of an army. When it was announced recently that 180,000 volunteers were ready to go with Roosevelt to France and that North Carolina would furnish a regiment,a battalion and two companies of infantry,The Land- mark frankly expressed its disbelief of the whole story.The New York World and other papers investigated and found that the colonel’s army largely existed on paper;that he didn’t actually have 5,000 enrolled. In New York State 6,656 were claimed and 106 were found actually enrolled;4.808 were ciaimed in the Southern States and probably 600 were enrolled.That's the way the colonel was enrolling an army. Col.Roosevelt is a patriotic and courageous man.He wants to go to the front and fight the country’s eremies.But his egotism is so ereat that he isn't content to accept service in the usual way.He wanted to play to the galleries by organiz- ing the Roosevelt Legion and keep- ing himself in the public eye.If he had played the game successfully he would have profited personally;if his command had met disaster,the administration would have been blamed.In the face of the warning of the army officials,President Wil- son did the right thing,but of course he will have the Roosevelt admirers yelping at his heels. “Wonder if Congressman Gard- ner of Massachusetts is any kin to Mayor Gardner of Shelby”?asks the Charlotte Observer,referring to the fact that the Massachusetts Gardner is so far the only member of Congress who has resigned to enter the army.The Massachusetts Gardner deserves the highest com- mendation for making his deeds fit his words;and his action shines by contrast with other members of Congress who,prior to the declara- tion cf war,almost daily nagged and harassed the President for not putting the country into the war. Bet with all that,and knowing too that it is no time to mention_poli- ties,The Landmark is moved to say that the Shelby Gardner has cause for action in the suggestion that he is akin to a man who is so mean,so narrow and so bitter in his politics as the Massachusetts Gardner. SAANSEERA TTC Troubles never come in single spies but in battalions,or words to that effect.The war and ail that pertains to it isn’t enough.Mr.Tom Bost has discovered and puts out the word through the Greensboro News,that ex-Senator Marion But- ler is endeavoring to start a cam- paign to elect ex-Congressman John M.Morehead to the United States Senate to succeed Senator Simmons; and if the Sampson fox puts that over he is willing to take Senator Overman’s job himself. TERRORCITECUOENIREAS “Josephus Daniels,Secretary of the Navy of the United States,born in Washington,D.C.,55 years ago,” ig an item appearing in “Today's Birthdays”in the so-called histori- eal column of some of the daily pa- pers.Which is evidence of the inac- curacy of this history.It is probably news to Mr.Daniels that he was horn in the nation’s capital.If call- ed to the witness stand he would doubtless say that he was bern in ington,Beaufort county,N.C., and not in Washington,D.C. (mane«on.eees ee me Asheville is very anxious for a military camp—-any sort of old camp @xeept a camp for interned German Prisoners.Uncle Sam wanted to put up the Germans in that locality and Asheville elevated her nose.Wheth- Fr e Zé Ei is ft | :f-¢ i 3% b i l i h [ "|Record,thecall of e now”? going to F:i f :F. p a i 1 i i t F: 3g | Ti i I Raleigh and Asheville heard the |ee t =[a aP E t E it ] F ot together once to the discharge of y Governor's call to cut out baseball|instructions have cause the game was a failure this |seasom—but Charlotte,Greensboro Durham and Winston -Salem,being \“dead in trespasses and sins”so far as baseball is concerned,have defied the Chief Executive and will play out the season,even if the German army lands in New York and the food crop is a failure. ome ~o ee oe wee ee Date For Draft to End. The administration’s initial war budget,increased to $3,342,300,000 bytheadditionof$750,000,000 for the merchant fleet construction pro- grmme,pacsed the Senate vithoutarollcall.It was sent to conferenceandisexpectedtobereacywithina week for President W_lson's signa- ture.As it passed the House the meas-ure carried roximately $2,800,000,-000.The ship programme appropri-ation was put in by the Senate at therequestofthesdministrationandisexpectedtoreceivetheapprovaloftheHouseconferees.The only otherimportantSenateamendmentis2stipulationthatprovision:of the wardraftarmybillshallremaininforceonlyuntilfourmonthsavterthewar.This was introduced by Ccnator SmithofGeorgiaandhadthesupportofSenatorswhounsuccessfullyfourhttheconscriptionplanandfoughtun- successfully to confine the new army’to ‘the duration of the war”‘nstead of “the existing ecmervency.” Rintelen Et.Als.Convicted. Capt.Franz Rintelen of the Ger-man navy,David Lamar and HenryB.Martin were found guilty in theFederalcourtinNewYork=on charges of having conspired in 1915 to disrupt the munitions traffic be-tween this country and the Entente Allies.The jury disagreed as to four other defendants.While no statement was made by the prose- cution,it is understood that FrankBuchanan,H.Robert Fowler,Her- man Schulteis and Jacob C.Taylor, upon whose guilt the jurors were unable to agree,will not be brought to trial again. The penalty for the offence charg-ed,which was violation of the Sher-, man anti-trust law,is a yea?in pris-on or $5,000 fine,or both.Lamar,through whom Rintelenoperatedinhiseffortstowrecktheallies’munitions trade,now is serv-ing a term in the Atlanta peniten- tiary for having impersonated.for-mer Congressman A.MitchellPalmer.:| ‘Subscribe For the Liberty Loan|Bonds. A press censorship is needed in|Washington.A few days after sub-|_seriptions were opened to the first)installment of the Liberty Loan of$2,000,000,000,it was stated thattheloanwasover-subscribed.It is,now stated that the campaign must|be pushed vigorously to get the nec-essary amount by June,or at least|the oversubscription hoped for,asthefullamountofthebondshave|not yet been subserfbeq.Campaigns in behalf of the sub-| scription are being inaugurated in!all parts of the country.The bonds carry 3 1-2 per cent.interest,arevayablein15to30years,at the op-tion of the government,are non-tax-able,are sold in amounts of $50 up|and can be paid in installments. Any bank can give subscribers alldesiredinformation.It is a patriot- ie duty for those who have the mon-|ey to subscribe for the bonds. RSaSER RATNTATEETER EEA ATONE The British in Richmond. Richmond,the capital of the Con.)federacy,and rich in traditions oftheoldEnglishcavalierdays,Sat- urday gave British Foreign Secre-tary Arthur Balfour and the Britishmission,in the name of the wholeSouth,a reception which for warmth|and spontaneity has not been sur-passed during the long stay of theBritishinAmerica.RepresentativesoftheBritisharmytooktheocca- sion to express through Lieutenant-General Bridges their tribute to themilitaryheroesoftheSouthbyplac-ing wreaths on the statues of Lee, Jackson and Stuart.General Bridges spoke feelingly of the lessons of character,leadership and endurancetaughtbythesemenandofhishope that those engaged in the presentstruggle,beth here enc abroad,would be worthy of their memories. TSLLINETTTRIE Check Artist at Work. At North Wilkesboro the other |Letter of Instructions, ifrom Washington and a me follows this ha set for registration by the is June 5,1917.” The telegram to the mayors as follows: “Appoint at once board as required by se! for cities of over 30,000 people notify me by wire of =. pointed to the end that Imay same and Washington to- night.” notify The following is a copy of the, Governor’s letter which was mailed,on the heels of the telegrams: “The sventtent hag we proclamation calling for the { tration of all male citizens between! the ages of 21 and 30 on the 5th day) of June,1917,between the hours of|a.m.and 9 p.m. “By virtue of the ower vested) in me by the act of C I hereby nominate and you as a member of the Board of Registration,which is charged with the administration of the said act of Congress in s@id, county.The County Board of Reg-| istration is hereby directed to con- vene at once,and—_| “1,Appoint one registrar in each, voting precinct in the county. it is estimated that more than 80 persons will be required to register in the precinct an additional regis- trar for each-80 persons to be . istered should be appointed. law contemplates tha.the registrarwhoservedattheStateandcounty general election ‘ast year shall be appointed.His experience is sup-, nosed to fit him for the peculiar du-ties of the office of registrar under he act of Congress.But the regis- trar must be a competent clerk,; whose handwriting 1s neat and leg ble. “29 The government encourages| the appointment of volunteer regis- trars who will make no charge for ‘heir serviees but will take pleasure n performirg the work as a patriot.|ie dutv in this crisic of the Pgpeaare. life.But the anvointmerts of regis- ars must not be delayed if volun- teer revistrars do not come forward. “3.All appointments of registrars must be made by the 24th day of May,but it is important not to de- lay the matter but to make the ap- pointments at the earliest hour pos-sible consistent with the exercise ot judgment. “4,Please notify at once all regis- trars of their appointment and fur-nish them with the printed instruc- tions as to their duties,which print- ed instructions have been sent di- rect to the sheriff of each county, from the War Department.|' “5.As soon as your county is com-| pletely organized notify me of the fact and send names of all registrars| to the end that I may telegraph the| vrovost general at Washington that) North Carolina is organized.| “6.County attorneys will advise! county boards and regtstrars on any mestions pertaining to the adminis-| tration of the law,but if there is any} doubt in your minds write or wire} me.} “7.Head all telerrams to me ‘War Department,Official Business, Charge to Federal Government.’Do| not use telegrams save where timeisimportant.}“8.T am satisfied our citizens can|be relied upon to co-operate with the, county boards and with the _regis- trars in every possible way.Let me urge that there be no raising of| technical objections,no spirit of| evasion or controversy,but let every|citizen,young and old,feel that his} country expects him to do his part) in bringing about a speedy and ef-|ficient organization under the law.”|ECT SLE TTS { t Congressmen Can’t Enlist.| Senate and House conferees have|agreed on disputed provisions of the/|navy personnel bill increasing the! navv’s enlisted saren@th from 87,000to150,000 men and the marine corps} from 17,000 to 30,000.I Pav increases agreed on for the;navy’s enlisted force equal those provided for the army in the wararmybillandwillgivemostofthehiuejacketsaraisefrom$17.60 to!$82.60 a month.The tncrease is 815)a month for those now receiving!from $17.60 to $21 per month;$12 for these receiving between $21 and $24;$8 for those receiving $24 to845,and $6 for those receiving morethan$45.The section is effective}from June 1 until six months afterthewar.j|The conferees struck out the Sen-|ate amendment to permit aacbaeelofCongresstoenlistasblue-jackets.day,a “tall,slim young man,who!The House conferees refused to ac- appeared to be 26 or 27 yearsold,cashine about 160 candle smoothshavenwithblackhair,”depositedchecks,signed E.A.McNeill Co.,in eac the two beanie cae”ameswentoutintownand the ‘ept the amendment,although Sena-|}tors Kenyon of lowa,and Ashurst ofArizona,tomether with several Houselmembers,had been planning to en-|list when Congress adjourned. SERENEA NEROGAN i Lieutenant Colonel Sharp.| Capt.Barnard Sharp of the Unit-}ed States army has iesionedbyGov.Bickett lieutenant-colonel First Infantry,North Caro«|tional to st fe e ge h t i sg a s * ar e i e x 3= B s f to assist in |in sceanunpenenvennenamenmioasedl#2 SESE /GENTS SUMMER WEAR.|of —organizations interested ; vresident of*the committee is formerForeignMinisterPokrovsky.}The membership of the new organ-ization t ves ofvirtuallyeverybranchoftradeandindustryandoftheministeriesoftrade,industry,finance,agriculture,|foreign affairs communications and|war,in addition to the AmericanconsulandcommercialattacheinPetrogradandamemberfromtheRusso-American chamber of com-_ merce.NS NE KILLED IN A WRECK. Ransom Holdselaw,son of Mr.and’Mrs.R.H.Holdselaw of Lenoir,afiremanontheAtlanticCoastLine,was fatally injured in a wreck be-tween Charleston,8.C.,and Savan-nah,Ga.,and died in a hospital inCharlestononthenightofthe16th.Mr.Holdsclaw was in Statesvillewhenhewasnotifiedofhisson's in-jury and left at once for Charleston, he,remains were taken to LenoirandburiedinCaldwellcountyFri- ay. We will all agree that Summer has ar- rived,and the hot weather will continue for several months. It is to your interest to keep as cool andcomfortableaspossible,and we call at-tention to the following,which will aidinobtainingthatcomfortablefeeling. Sailor Straws,Leghorns and Panamas Hats. Twopiece or Union Suits,in Dimity or Nainsook. Eclipse Soft Cuffs,Shirts,Soft Collars and Wash Ties. SN TTMR.CAPITALIST The man spending your money for Flooring,Ceiling,Siding,Boxing, Casing and “Everything to Build WE CLOSE AT 6.O°CLOCK. With”doesn’t get a “Rake-back” PHONE 83. Vi"det "eae "asteawe”|SHER RILL-WHITESHOE CO. —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—S—__ BUILDING?C.WATKINS.|WIDE-AWAKE r gg gaps ——eetaeates catia amen WoolCoat Suits,$10.00 and $12.50. Sale Price $7.95. Johnston-Belk Co. Spring Clearance Sale of Wool Coat Suits and Coats from our Ready-to-Wear Department. Our Entire Stock of Wool Coats and Coat Suits Tremendously Re- duced. CoatsUpto5.00 and $7.50. No Reservations. EVERY WOOLCOATSUIT IN OURSTORE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. Coat Suits that Sold up to $12.50,Sale Price $7.95. Coat Suits that Sold up to $16.50,Sale price $9.95. Coat Suits that Sold up to $20.00,Sale price $13.95. All higher priced Suits at greatly reduced prices. WonderfullotofCoats at Surprising Reductions. Coats that sold up to $7.50.Sale price $3.95. Gordon Hosiery, betterfor wear.Biack,White and all the decree shades in Silk,Fibre and Cotton. Satisfactionwitheverypurchase. WE SELLFORLESS. 6 ee ee E 4 “a i ae | le il l o .Pla,wheredoctorsattendedthemeetingofSouthernYsureeons.Clarence Stimpion hes returned fromtohersister,Mrs.John L.Fairly,inie.Mrs.Pairly " accompanied Mrs.home and will be in Statesville for| a student at the A.and).&.B.GU,dr.,KB fe at fer vaention.Mr.Eugene Culbreth of Reicigh spent Sun-“Br ond "Mee,WG Culbecdhaos.G.CulbretNittieson,of Sulinviile,Cal,whe haveguestsofMr.and Mra.EB.W.CulleftyesterdayforWinston-Salem toMr.and Mrs.Clint Wharton.Mrs.and Mra.Culbveth are sisters,Jennie Clarke is visitine in Morgan-Later she will go to Canton,where she—-a laundry.Mr.L.W.MacKessow and children spent with Mr.MacKesson’s father,Mr.F.MacKesson,in Morganton,Mra. visited her brother,Mr.Frankon,at Black Mount..1n,joining ber hus,and children in Morganton Sunday af- Mrs.Fannie Jordan Bryan,who was theMre.KR.W.Orr curing the Mitchel!finals,has returned w her heme inColumbia,8.C.Miss Bevlah Jenkina is in Greensboro fertheStateNormalcommencement.Mrs.D.!depkins went to Charlotte Saturday to visitherdaughter,Mra.W.W.Hanks,Mra.F.A.Carpenter andittle dauchter,Grace,leave Thursduy for “Washington to spend a month.From Washington they vo©ea to visit Dr.and Mrs.Jas.K.i.Mr.Gus.Lewis is at nome from Oak RidweInstitute,where he sruduated lust weet.te.J.B.Glover has returned from a visitfeAlbemarle.Mrs.John Holliday has returned to herhomeinSuffolk,Va.,after visiting Mrs.Bar-nett Adams. Mvs.T.S&S.Kirkpatrick of Fort Mil,8.C.,afrived lat night to visit ber daughter,MraEB.6.Gaither.Mics Cordelin Watts bas returned to her home here efter visiting Mrs.Bo Ho NeelyatMollySprings,Mise,and Mre.J.D.SormanatWaterValley,Misa.Mrs.G.G.Parkinson andreturnedtoDueWest,8.CMra,Parkinaon’s father,M:RamseyMr.and Mrs.J.returned Bunday nicht to their home in Salisbury aftervisitingMr.Alesender's perents,Mr andMra.J.S.Alexander,and sister,Mrs v.Deits. Miss Mer@aret Crow,who was p atocent at Miteheil College during the pest yenr,has gone to her hame at Safety Harbor,Fle Mr.and Mrs,R.L.Maiden ha returnedfromJackson,where they Maiki-en's mother.Mr.and Mrs.RB.doyner are vinitingtheirdaughters,Mrs.W.H.Young and Mrsdno,D.Clark,in Charlotte,Miss Laaenby is the guest of MissMaryShepherdinCharlotte.Mr.Hareld Yount will return to Raleigh children have efter a visit to is visited rm. today after a few days spent with his father,|Mr.H.A.Yount.Mr.J.C.Somers and family,who en here for several months,leave today v Jacksonvile,Fis..where they will ependthesummer. ITEMS OF SOCIAL NEWS. Wedding Invitations,Recep- tions,Club Meetings. The Night Bridge club met last weekDr.and Mrs.J.FL Carlton.AfterSaraerefreshmentswereserved. with Her relatives and friends gave Mra,M.LLentz,who lives near Trowiman,a surprise birthday dinner Sunday.‘There were ubout60presentandallhadagoodtime. The MacDowell Music club will hold an im ant business meeting Friday afternoon at.39 at the home of Miss \.ephany A! Members are requested to attend. The Why Not club was entertained Thurs- day evening by Mre.Clarence Weedon et thehomeofhermother,Mrs.Ro EB.ArmficlaBridgewasplayed.Mrs.Fo BE.Bradley as-sitted the hostess in serving a salad course The Entre Nous ciub met Friday afiesnenn with Mrs.P.A.Uryant.The club studied the last act of Shakespeare's Tuelfth Night This meeting was the last of the year,the Gab having decided to disband for the sum. mer.Mrs.Bryant served sandwiches,icedtea,ice cream and cake.Pink roees and old, fashioned pinks were used ehout the heuse. The Charlotte Observer ecarrics the follow- Mint street,of her of her im:“Mies Elizabeth Hieke of 915delightfullyentertainedanumberBaturdayafternooninhonorcousin,Miss Reesie Hicks of StatenvilleCards,music and dancing were the features of the afternoon,after which cream and cake Were served.” Invitations have been iseued to the mar-ad of Mies Mary Dunn Ross,daughter ofr.and Mrs.J.H.Row of Charlotte,to DymesMeloanRogersofAmeliaCourthouse,a,the marriage to take piace Thursday.dune ith,at the Tabernacle inlotte.Miss Ross is well known inenville,heving heen the guest of MrenL.Fairly,formerly Mins Arieene Gilmer Miss Nell Goode has returned to her homefeRockAit,8.C.Bhe woe the gucet ofMissMargaretBrawleyandwasthereeipi-ent of a nember of social courtesies while inStatesville.Miss Louise Sloan entertained the G.T.C.'s with Miss Goode as guest ofhomer.Rock was played and there were twocoursesofrefreshments.Mies Maury LoretsCowlesentertainedatbridweThursdayafter-foon in honor of Mins Goode,Mins Cowlesservedrefreshmentsintwocourses. Mise Finley was given a curprise party bythestudentsofthetenthgradeFridayeve-Bing st the home of Mra.L.B.Bristol,Theeveningwosplensantiyspent;a number ofwereplayed:jee ccoam,enhe and ean.were served.Miss Finley waa presentedithabouquetofredcarnations,the clase.The house was pretty with decora- carrying out the class colors,red and.There were red roves and the lehte were shaded with red.The class pennants were in evidence. Honor Roll Trinity School. roll for Trinity school fortImaJapmey,Lela Sloan Voedy and White,Viele and Dorothy Woatker,Madivon,Jewe!and Irene Sloan,Zelda heen ble to eure tn con- have | the | Sth | Jones always talks well and he‘made «good talk to the colored peo-ple,which was received with cheers|and amens.Rev.H.Wilson.taught this school,left Saturday forhishomeatConcord.He will notcomeback,as his duties as pastor ofthePresbyterianchurenaiScotiaSeminary,one of the largest coloredchurchesintheSynod,demands all his time.There is preaching andeyservicesattheLutheranFridayeveningat&p.m.and com munion services Sunday at I!a.m. his funeral and thethosenearbysteeemtheyborehim.He anotedfishermanandboatmanold-timey house hes long beenseeneofmanygatheringsof men|from town and country when “Jim-/mic”entertained at a “fish-fry.”His was a quict,unpretentious|character,scrupulously honest|obliging in all of his dealings,andjthiswasoneofthecharmswhich|gained him so many friends.He wns|passionately fond of music and was achurch|20ted fiddler,playim:with an aeeu-Cranberry,.|Pacy and sweetness that was inimita-Linney and children spending sever.||ble,and his fiddle was the solace and the This child was sick then and hapman,in Little River township,,where they have been since the‘death of the mother last.Friday. gradu-ally crew worse.The funeral and‘horial services were held at Three|Forks Baptist ehureh Sunday morn-;ime at 11 a'elock,Rev.W.J.Bum-garner officiating.Attorney and Mrs.F.A.LinneyandchildrenofBoonearrivedSat-!urday hy automobile to visit rela-tives.Mr.Linney leaving today for|Avery county,and Mrs,| )days with Mrs.Linney’s mother,Nellie,6-year-old daughter and |Co™panion of (what seemed to others)Mre.W.B.Matheson,who is slowlyoldestchildofMr.and Mrs.ErnestParker,died of home at Shepherd’s ureday andwasatAmityLutheranchurchFridayatlia.m.Funeralbythepastor;Rev.J.L.Morgan ofTroutman.The child was the g@rand-leughter of Mr.and Mrs.M .A.Christy,at Amity.Miss L.F.Schumaker of Meade,Kansas,is visiting her aunt,Mra.A.M.Adame.Miss Lonnie HambrightefBurlingtonishere,visiting friends and relatives.Mr.and Mrs,G.C.Winecoff went to Salisbury Satur- day evening. main several days with tev.L.A,Thomas,accompanied by Messrs,W.C.Moore,J.A.B,Good- man.Daisy and Ferest Moore,went to Amity Sunday at 3.30 p.m.to hear a sermon by the pastor,Rev.J. 1..Morgan of Troutman. iding Elder Ware held the y meeting in the Methodist here this evening at &Rev.R.G.Miller,D.D.,of Mecklenburg county,whe held a meeting at Codidle Creek ‘horch last weck for Rev.R.C.Da- vidson,preached an able sermon intheA.R.P.church here Sunday at ll os.m.service.Children’s Day will he held at Triplett.Method'st thurch,Mazepr:next Eaturday, 2¢th. Mrs.W.L.Poston of Mazeppa went to Charleston,8.C..Inst week to see her father,Mr.W.C.Hud-speth,who is very sick.He hashearttroubleandctherdiseasesandishardlyexpectedtolive.He is 77 vears olf-and hes been feeble for ome time. The remnins of Miss Blenche Boyd who died at Stuart's Draft,Va.,Fri- lay morning,were brought here Suturday evening and taken to the residence of Mr.i’.S.Boyd,onEasternHeiphis,where they were kept until Sunday morning.whentheywereconveyedtoBarium, where burial services were conduct-ed by Rev.W.T.Walker,superin- tendent of the Home,and the re- mains were laid to rest in the fam- ily burying ground there.Miss Boyd was ea sister of Mr.P.S.Bovd and ajavghterofRev.R.W.Bovd,formanyyearssuperintendentofBa-ium orphenage,and spent a num- Ler of years there,where she wasnatronandhighlyesteemedforno- Me,self-sacrificing work.She was'n life-long member of the Presbyte-rian Chureh and a fine Christie harecter.Mr.Boyd.and family{have the sympathy of the entire town in their bereavement.Among those who attended the funeral fromherewereMr.and Mrs.P.8S.Boyd,Messrs.J.P.Miils,C.P.MeNeely,Geo.©.Goodman,7.V.Turli: Wiss Julia Stirewalt,Mr.andW.L.Matheson,and others. Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Ham and chil dren and J.P.Mis,Jr.of Char lotte,spent Sunday afternoon at Mr J.P.Mills’here.Miss Hattie Hor ton spent Sunday with relatives at Amity. Mr.Williams With Reynolds Company. Greensboro News. 8S.Clay Williams,of the !aw firmofBrooks,Sapp &Williams.wi!! withdraw from that partnership Ju-ly 1 to be connected with the lea department of the R.J.Reynolds vrton, Mrs. Tobacco Company of Winston -Sa-* lem.The big tobacco manufacturer alreedy has one attorney for all o! his time,but the increasing work has necessitated the addition of an- other man in this department.The salary Mr.Williams i#to receive is not known,but the position to whichhegoesisoneofthemostdesirable legal connections in North Carolina.Mr.Wiliams is well equipped for his work.He is a native of Moores- ville and was graduated from David-won Collere and the law school of the University of Virginia.At col-lege he made a splendid scholasticrecordandatVirginiatookafead- ing part in all eollege activities.Li- tensed in 1968 to practice law,he came to Greensboro in the autumn |of that year and immediately bean 0 take the high place in the profes-sion,to which he is entitled by his netural abilities,tratning and close {application,Probably no youngmanoftheStatestandshirherinthelegalprofessionthanMr.Wil- Viame.company that has secur-ed his services has every reason tobecongratulated,while Greensborolosesoneofitsmostvainableciti-‘zens and a eharming family.(Mr.Williams is a son of Mr.andMrs.T.J.Williams of Mooresville.The Landmark PilesCured In 6 to 14 Days 'TMENT fallsto cure ac:tebtn,petites wage ee mate aror“; Mrs.Winecoff will re-| relatives.| Save >.iy rvs at7:inea aetree er ‘his lonely life.Much sympathy ismeningitisattheir|¢*Pressed by all the neighbors for Miss Aca Viele oftheagedmotherandauntinthehome|which Jimmie’s death has made so|desolate.Miss May Loftin has returned fromafewweeks’visit at Lumber Bridge.i Mrs.D.T.Beish and child are s .ing some time with Mrs,J.1.Trout-man,Ir.and Mrs.P.W.TroutmanofHickoryspentSundayatthehomeofMr,E.J.Troutman.Dr.Trout-;man returned home Monday and Mra,Treutman went to Mooresville for #|}few days’visit with relatives.All honor to Gov.Bickett for hisjtimelyandsensibleadvice!Mayhistribeincrease!His admonitionshouldnotbetothetownfolksalonebutisjustasapplicabletethecoun-try.Times are too serious to permitofmuchtimespentin-p easure-seek.ing.So much of th’traffe on ourhighways,especially op Sundays,isautomobilejoy-riders,ond the auto-mobile is no small factor in our Sab-bath desecration!There are somehousew.ves who weuld enjoy spendingtheSabbathasadayofrestandqui-ethess (especially o.the farm aftersixdaysofstrenuouslabor)withoutbeingcalledontoentertainfriends(7)whe reach them vin theautomobile, urges a better observance of ourLord’s Day if we mey expect Hisblessingsintemporalasweilasspir-tual chines.A Sabbrthless nationhasneverandwillneverpresper.Our Southiend is one of the last téyieldthiscustombetunlessweczmustercourageto“right-about-faceinthisaawellosanyotherevils,oor‘country will suffer the consequences.MRS.E.J.TROUTMAN. THE RECORD OF DEATHS. Miss Boyd,Mrs,and Others, Bianche Boyd died Fridaymorningatthehomeofherfatherg Rev.R.W.Boyd,at Stuart’s Draft,|Va.,after a long iNness.The | was brought to Barium,burial tak-ny place at the orphanage ceme-tery.Rev.W.T.Walker,suverintendentofBariumOrphans’Home,!ondveted the funeral service at the‘emetery at 10 o'clock Sunday morn-ing.Miss Boyd was well-known inStacesvilleandBarium.Her fathe~was superintendent of the Bariumorphanagefromitsfoundationforshout20years,going to Stuart'sDraft,Va,six years ago.Miss Boy:was lady manager at the Barium Home,was matron of one of the cot‘ages and assisted in editing the or- mhanage paper .She was consecrat- 1 to her work and was beloved b, the children she mothered.Shesurvivedbyherfather,dbne brother,Mr.Paseal Boyd of Mooresville,andthreesisters,Miss Celeste Boyd 0Stuart’s Draft,Mrs.Lois Gaw ofVirginiaandMrs.Sethelle LindsayofWinston-Salem.Miss Boyd westhout40yearsold. Mr Nannie Webb Honeycutt,ged 67,wife of the late John !Honeycutt,died early Sunday mor ng at her home near Oak Fore: Mrs.Honeycutt had been in :!! health for a number of years.AlaughterofthelateJohnL.Webi. is survived by one brother,[D Webb of Oak Forest.Burial tookvceatNewSalemchurchSunda afternoon at 5 o'clock after funera! ervices conducted by Rev.(€.Goode,Mrs.Honeycutt was a co:ecrated weman, Paul Jeremiah,the six-months-ol.4, m of Mr,and Mrs.A.J.Deal,die!sunday at the home of his parent near Cool Spring.The bedy =w taken to China Grove yesterday fourial. |Honeycnti | Miss ody is \ o Notices of New Advertisements Houses on Sharpe Watt street for rent.N.| Ga ,kitchen cabinet,bird dow »v f ale.Mrs,W.BR.Wiggs,315 +Broad ee Poplar lumber wanted.Diamond FurnitureCo. Goed mileh cow wanted...R,V.Braw).y»Chanmes effective after June 1.Statewvi!lsCoenColaCo.and Statesectie Mint Cole CSpecialsilksale.-Ranwey-Bowles-Mor:eor‘o Jiffyholland Unusually Rodgee enr Suitable jeweler Cerpet «sweepers.Willams Purniture CoAmericanfibrefurnitureCrawford-Borc!Furniture Co. Drinks with the frewh frait Maver Gray Drag Co.Poston,Special values.Mille @ for ewltivating.rdware Go, dell,the mew dossert--Bagle &Mii low tasoline eoneumption of Statesville Moter Co.anniversary gifts..-R.PF.Henry Polk ImplementsMontgomery HaGents’summer wear.Sherrill White Shoe‘ Ca.silat ‘The WeedThsThatcrdinary Laszenby- veeff Ura,the The writer varticeularly |' i¢from an attack of grippe.,‘the faculty of thehichschoolatWinston~Salem,isspendingthesummervacationwith |her parents,Mr.and w#rs.C.G,|Viele.Mr.H.P.Feimster of Moores.ville spent Sunday with his family| ere, Woman Commencement Orator.i or the first time since the estab.lishment of the State Normal Col-eve a woman will this year makethecommencementaddress—and thisthefirstinstanceofthekind‘rooally in the history of the State.Mrs.Walter McNab Miller of Wash-naton,D.C.,who is prominent inNationalAmericanWomanSuf-|Association,being vice presi- manager of the Conrres.au,will speak on a sub-| s not connected with equal"She will address the stu-|on the “Elimination of WasteNationalService.”Her addressgiventoday."\ _.Proper Food For Weak Stomachs,!The proper food for one man may be all|r unother.Every one should adept alietitedtohisageandoccupation,Thosewhehaveweakstomachsneedtobeeapeciallycarefulandshouldeatslowlyandmasticnte+fod thoroughly.It is also important.bowels regular,When»constipated or.when they feel|and stupid after enting,they should takeChamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the stom.|schoand move the bowets,They are casy totakeandpléenaantineffect MARKET REPORTS. Staterville Produce Market.|The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket:!Shoring Chickens,25¢.to 26¢e,per Ib,Hiens,lve.te Ife.per ib,Roosters,Te.per Ib. buws,27e.per doven. Butter,ize.to “he.perBeeswax,26c.per tb. Green Hides,18¢,te 2c,per tb. Hams,25c.to 2ke.per tb, Sides and Shoulders,2c.to 25e.per Ib,New Red Honey,16e.per Ib, Sourwood Honey Comb,20c.per Ib.OM Auto Rubber Casing,4¢per tb.Bweet Potatoes,$1.25 per bushel. improv | ib, Grain.The following prices wereforgrainonthelocalmarket:Whent,$2.75 to $3.25 per bushel.Corn,$1.85 per bushel Oats,900,per bushel. Statesville Cotten Market. On the local market yesterday 20 1-2 centperpoundwaspaidforbestgradecotton.Market firm, Cotton Seed,80.per bushel. Cotton,8 1-26.per Ib. paid yesterday FORRENT—Hounes on Sharpe street.N.P,WATT.May 22 WANTED—<icod milch cow,aot over 5 years olf,to rive not less than 4 gallons,RV.!BRAWLEY May 1% FOR BALE—Gas Range,Kitchen Cabinet,|Bird Dow and five punnice MRS.W.B®.|WIGGS,915 Kast Broad st May It. WANTED—ix4,6x4 and sx4 DIA.MOND FURNITURE CO.tt. WANTED—Old false tooth:brok.n.I pay #1 to $10 parcel post and receive ote F.TERL North Woife 8t.,Baltimore,| Md.May }%.-~4t*.eaeFOR RENT—A,Y.Alexander residence onBastBroadstreet.M.i.ALEXANDER. “May 15. WANTED—ToBarrels,Wil Hiekory,N.C. Hickory,N.¢ oe22 Poplar.May 22 {don't matter if|vr set.Send by ~»409 buy good sound clean Sugar1paybarreldelivered2he.pe May 4 _LICENSE TAXES. Schedule B license taxes are due during the|nonth of dune.The State requires theirPromptcollectionandimposesapenaltyof20ercentonallwhofailtopay.Those linbletothetaxeswilleavethepenaltyandtroublebypayingpromptly,M.P.ALEXANDBR,May 11.Sheriff, CZARS DETHRONED: Kaisers Overthrown,but C. WATKINS is still Shingle King of Iredell County. \CAFE CAROLINA! (On Court Street).|.Helps you cut high cost of liv-ing you at lowest|price pepe wholesome food, properly prepared and promptlyserved,day or night,in clean,|congenial and comfortable sur-|{roundings.A hearty welcome,|<oee to you,your relatives|and friends,at Cafe Carolina!|ALEX COOPER,Proprietor. st. ¥serving To our Customers:—sg . &followingamouncement‘arene Amount $2,000,000,000dated ‘Rate |g ioe a iInterestpayable1andJuly1.Convert intobandsbearing &‘higherofinanmadeatahigheralobeforethetermina- Stete or locai tion of the war..Exempt from ell Federaltaxes,except estate and inheritance taxes,Maturity to be annoanced later.Denominations not yet fixed.It is antici-pated the bonds will be available inpiecesaslowas850,and possibly $20,Sememytene will be received until June»ALY,er of the bonds on or about July 1, Your name will be entered with the Government as thsubscriber,thus assuring recognition of your supporofitsfinancialrequirements.atWewillmakenochargeforourservices,Yours faithfully, The First National Statesville,N.C. R.A.COOPER, Silverware is alwayssuitablefor yyAnniversaryWjand p omaBoy OC Senitment should not be stilled forever whenbellsarehushed;it should be revived and the bellsringagaineachmarriageanniversarytorenewthe promisesandhappymomentsoftheweddingday. madeto’ _The anniversary of her wedding and the birthdaysofherchildrenarethetimeswhenawoman's heart for arecognitionfromherhusbandofherdevotionandsacrifices._We have an abundant supply of anniversaryand weddinggifts,the quality of which is unquestioned.'e invite you to come and see them. Address SHUFORD MILLS,{7 > "4 We Sell The Implements!§ R.F.HENRY,Jeweler._ ‘by return mal,|¢ Weare not looking for trouble,there-fore are not advising farmers whattheyshouldplantortheirwivesaboutcanning,neither are we telling the town sisters how to manage their af-fairs.We are inclined to the idea ofeverymanorwomantohisorherjob, Our main business is selling imple _ments to prepare land for ——and -tools to cultivate with.Stoves,Ranges’and house buiiding material. Our facilities are capable of equipping an army sufficient to route Gener Green from Iredell County and sur-rounding sections.Weare trying to‘*do our bit” Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co, ra tet Wea "Mf yeti“omUhRERteaatihikeuduasi ealensieeaentdaibematl +eInOpenFaceNickelCaseat96,00,~ 16size. R.Hi RICKERT &80 stove,and ee,TE Eateows|i company n .«a bridge over the Pee Dee,12 miles from Plamiet,was killed by a train. ers of the State Nation- al +ge ——by the Department of t nee a ri Troops B of Andrews and C of Wilmington,recently organiz- ed.Monroe Enquirer says the 3-yetold son of Rev.and Mrs.M.A. Osborne of Union evunty got some of the contents of a “Daisy”fly-kill- er in his mouth and died in six Ein Green,piegro,arrested in An- son county for criminally assaulting 12-¥ear-old girl of his own race, r jailsisse days afterward and got away,is victim is said to beinpsetiouscomiition, rds,a Granville county n .under sentence of death forwifemurder,is to serve 30 years in thé State prison.Commutation masle on recommendation of judge,solicitor and many others. .W.Civils,employed in theshadpsoftheNorfolkSouthernrail-way at New Berne,got a_thumbedoffwhenasteamhammerfellonit.He asked for $10,000 damage and the jury gave him $m Hoyle of Rutherfordton is al-leged to have figasted that he wouldotoWashingtonandkillPresidentVilson.Probably an idle boast,butitwasseriousforHoylewhenagov- ernment secret service man clappedhiminjail.A new Methodist church,to cost,000,is being built at Lenoir.rs..Uriah Cloyd,aged 89,the old-est living member of the church andblimanyyears,laid the firstbrik.She was presen:when thefoundationoftheformerchurchstructurewaslaid75yearsago. In March a 9-yerr-old boy wasshotandkilledatElkMountainco‘- ton mill,in Buncombe county.The shot came from a distance and whofireditandwhetherbyaccidentor-was never learned.The boy and two youths who were «r-rested on suspicion have been dis-charged for lack of evidence. A&the State meeting of the BaracaandPhilatheasinAshevillelastweekE.L.Broughton of Raleigh was elect-ed president ef the Senior Baracas,ities Lola Long of Greensboro presi-dent of the Senior Philatheas,MissDixonRiddickofAshevillentoftheJuniorPhilatheasClydeTeshofThomasvillepresi-dent of the Junior Baracas.NextmegtingatRockyMount. SPSTNNBaptistSistersMustWait. members of the Southerntistchurchesaredeniedtheright,for another year at least,toserveasdelegatestotheannualcoventionofthedenomination.Dr.t.H.Coleman of Dallas,Texas,aroused the Convention at New Or-—to keep interest by suddenly ing for adoption a proposedmenttothebody’s constitu- tio®making women eligible to the convention.A motion to table the ampndmer.was lost by a vote of 328to248,but finally a motion prevail-ed refer the amendment to a com- mittee of five with instructions to re}on it at next year’s conven-tiog.e report for the foreign missionshowedthatSouthernBaptistshave458churchesinforeignfields, on¢-fourth of which are _self-sup-pong The 47,161 foreign mem-last year gave $132,371 for all Dutposes,about one-fourth thernBuptistsexpendedintheirforvignfields.next meeting of the Conven- ior will be held in Hot Springs, mbers Board Agriculture. ajor W.A.Graham,Commission- er .of Agriculture,Raleigh;Mr.A Cahnon of Henderson county,Mr. Wm.Bleadsoe of Allerhany,Mr.C C.Wright of Wilkes,Dr.H.Q.Al exaqnder of Meécklenburg and Mr.W.H.Woodward of Pamlico county, members of the State Board of Agri eulfure;and R.W.Collett and C.B. Williams of the agrvcultural staff atRa,Were"at the State Experiment.Earm yesterday and transactedrouginebusiness.The farm was in-and plans were made for the al meeting of the board to beinRaleighJuneIst. Deaths By Accident. .Britt,19 vears old,walking on Bhe road in)Wake county,runbyanautoandkilled.Margaret Brooks of Franklin county,19 years old,e a pimple over her eyebrowherfinger.Blood poison andinlessthanaweek.; 2 1-2-year-old son of J.C. rd,near Salisbury,fell whileyanddiedafewdayslater«°andnd periten Frank- itis.>lia Little,75 yearswasfounddeadinhergardenin Dead. Leo,O.8.B.,foroftheCatholic of the soldiers areTheselectivedraft iim,divided into 16 divisions.North and South Carolina and Ten-nessee will go in the sixth divisionTheNationalGuardtroops,soon to be called,will also be divided into 16divisionsandthemembersoftheGuardfromNorthandSouthCaro-lina and Tennessee wi'l be in theninthdivision.For purposes of dis- tinction the army selected under thedraftwillbecalledtheNationalarmy.The government will at once pro- ceed to provide 32 camps—canton-ments,after the French style,they are to be called—for training thenationalarmyandtheNationalGuard until they are called into active serv- ice.The Guard,which was trained ontheberderlastwinter,will doubtlessbesenttoFrancefirstafterPer- shing’s command goes.The canton- ments will be located at various con-venient points.North Carolina hopes to get two.Hamlet,Greens-bero,Asheville and other places of- fer sites.ta,Ga.;Ayre,Mass.;EE!Paso,Tex., and American Lake,Washington. Eaclr cantonment will have 22,000 men.Twelve will be in the newsoutheasterndepartment,commandedbyMajorGeneralLeonardWood,mak ing 264,000 troops assigned to thisdepartment.Six camps will be e: tablished in the central department six in the Southern,three in the western,four in the eastern and oncinthenortheasterndepartment. The building will be done by con- tract,under supervision of army offi- cers.Col.I.W.Littell,of the quar- termaster’s corps,hac been placed in general charyve of construction bySecretaryBakerandhasnearlycom- leted the organization of his forcesneffect,the project is to build 32 towns,complete with all necessaryequipmentandfacilities.It will re- quire 6,000,000 feet of lumber,whichwasadoptedbecausethepriceof canvas is sc high and the supply so short.If tents were used it would require two complete sets a year to keep the men under cover. There will be 2,000 buildings in each depgrtmeat.These will includequartersforofficersandmen,stableskitchens,mecs halls,bath houses and store rooms,in addition to numerous structures for special purposes.Whilc some of the barracks will be of two- story construction,the riijority willbelong,low one-story affairs,so ar- ranged as to suit the convenience of rogiments or larger units. Eeeh town will cover a little more than a square mile of ground,not including the big tracts of land neces-sary for drilling and military opera- tions during training.Modern plumb- ing and sanitary arranrements will be installed,and the War Departmentexpectsthecantenmentstobethemostup-to-date barracks of this typ: erected for am army. In addition to the cantonment-,the quartermaster’s department has laic plans for the ereciion of central}rroups of warehouses an’torarcbuildingswhichwillbesituatedcon- veniently as to transportation lincs and will be the supply depots for the camps.Quartermaster officers al- ready are at work inspecting sites for these depots,and a lerge number of reserve officers have been assiened to duty in the various military de- partments to carry on inspectionwerk, Scoaeenedlteseeemeemmmementtinanetnematnenmeeaeel FIVE KILLED.Five men were killed and 15 in-jured,several of them probably fa-tally,Sunday when a turbine engineexplodedattheBessemerplantoftheRepublicTron&Steel Co.atatYoungstown,0.Officers whonavestartedaninvestigationsaytheyareunableto”assign a reasonfortheaccident.A majority of themenkilledwereAmericansteelworkers.‘ EYCRETE CREE aE THE WAGES OF SIN,Jo.Wilson,a young whice ran,at-tempted to escape from tie Sampsoncountyconvictcampandvisshotbythegunrd,Arrested far :eduction under promise of mariage,Wilsonescapedprosecutionbymarryingthegirl,whom he promptly desertedHisyoungwifediedanawhenWilsonreturnedhome!e was urrestedfordesertingherandcentencedti:the the roads for ten months. REE.eeeowee BRITTAIN SAVED. Gov.Bieckett refused to commutetoafinethechaincangsentenceofFrazierBrittain,the influential law-breaker of Burke,but on the pleathatBrittainwantedtomakeacroptheGovernorpostponedtheexecutionofthechaingangsentencetil!October,which probably means thatitispostponedforgood,if Brittain welks straight in the meantime.Hbisunder$1,000 bond until that time. SEVEN MILLION KIBLED. Seven million men have been killed|in the war thus far sid the total cas-ualties exeeed 45,000,000.This is theestimatemadebyArthurHenderson.member of the British war council.He said the end of the war was notanimmediateprospectandthatitwouldnotcomeuntilGermany's planofmilitarydominationwasdefeated ee VOTED TO UNITE.The Northern Presbyterian Gen-eral Assembly,at Dallas,Texas,voted unanimously in favor of theamalgamationofthetwochurches,North and South.The resolutionwasorderedsenttotheSouthernAsscmbl¥. So far Atlanta and Augus-P. ‘for 250,000 horres ithe large mess halls, ;arm|excellent meals three times ajafterthetoilsofdrilis|exercises’the hungry rookies defarefulljustice. “The organization andtionofthecampisthat fom |war-strength infantry regiment.A!|fire de ganized rtment has been r te guard against con nerstionsinthewoodenbuildings,and’each company has its fire section andtiredrill.¢following schedule of|a day's work is appended,bei no more nor legs than an average ||work for the prospective officer | “T to 10 a.m.,drill without arma;.10 to 11 a.m.,squed drill with armsandmanualofarms;11 to 11.30 a,m.,signal drill;1.30 to 3.30 p.m.,study period,drill regulations;&80' to 4 p.m.,manual of arms;4 to 4.36.m.,setting up exercises,(calisthen-| 7.30 to 9.30 p.m.,leeture and}At 5.15 a.m.,the bugle les.)3 study texts. rings out reveille,sad at 10 p.m,,.) tops is sounded and all lights ge out,“Neither is the lirhtor side of life neglected in the effurt to cram in- formation.A spirit of friendlinessandgood=cemradeship prevailsthroughoutthecamvbevvccenallthe! officers and men,and meny a good laugh is indulged in at the many humerous occurrenccs.Such a one:was especially noted when an enter-prising cadet inguired of his in- structor whether ‘a compeny atiack- ing in battle lost all their men beforetheyretreated?’The days are ful!and little time is spared for any pur- pose.” As evidence get out ecrly,here’: in military style: “Reveille,first call,5.15 a.m.;march,5.25;assembly,5.30;mess! el for breakfast,6:sick call,6.30; first call for instruccion,6.55;assem-| tly.7;first sergeants’call,11.80;, mess call for dinner,12;first call for instruction,12.50 p.m.;first ser-! ;eants’call,4.30;sick call 5;mess!eall for supper,5.20;first assembly, 7.20;tatoo,930;taps,10°o'clock.On Sunday reveille,breekfast and sick calls will be one hovr later.” NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS Incidents Gathered From All| Parts of the Country. Honduras has severed diplumatic relations with Cormany,following the lead of Ccatemala. The Postoffice Department has barred “chain letters”from the mails.Good.Ought to have been cone long ago. It is announced from Paris that a vinber of Japanese gunboats have arrived at Marseilles to aid in thewaronGermansubmarinesandcon- y French merchantmen.If the ex- periment has satisfactory results,it w.ll be extended. Hon.Daniel W.Comstock,member ;Congress from Indiana,died in Washington Saturday,aged 77,He s a civil war veteran. Impressive ceremonies markedtheunveilingofthe$60,000 Confed-erate monument at Shiloh NationalVilitarypark,Tennessee,on the 17th.This monument is the onlymemorialevererectedtotheCon-federacy as a whole. Dr.C.Holtzelaw of Chattanooga,Tenn.,was elected to succeed Dr.A. R.Shands of Washington,D.C.,as vresident of the Association of Southern Railway Surgeons,at themeetingatJacksonville,Fla.NextmeetingatNewOrleans. All railroads have been called up-nm by the War Board of the Ameri-‘an Railway Association to re-ad- ist their service immediately so astomakeavailablethemaximum transportation energy for moving fuel,food,material and troops. The German’Reichstag has ad- journed for two months without ob- taining from the imperial chancelloranysatisfactionregardingthede-ails of the government's peace pro-rramme and without having madeanysubstantialprogresstowardthelesiredconstitutionalreforms. The government is in the market and mutes for army use.They will be »se!in addi- tion to the 40,000 moter trucks andautomobiles.Boards of officers have been ordered to start on June 1 atFrontRoyal,Va.;Kansas City,Mo.; tt Reno,Okla.,and Fort Keogh, Mont. SHAWNEE TOMATO CLUB. The Shawnee Tomato club willserverefreshmentsattheresidence f Mr.T.l.Ervin Fridcy night,May5.Young and old ave invited to come. ‘The name of the writer did notaccompanytheabove;it was anony |mous and its place is the waste ba|ket,but we're printing it to say that\the people interested would have{doubtless been disappointed and ag jerieved if it had not appeared.When|you write The Landmark and no notic« \is taken of your letter,just rememberjthatTheLandmarkisn’t intinganonymousletters.We get them ev-jery week,some of the rerrular call, :the writers are ashamed to let the|editor know who they rre,their con.\tributions are not w.nted.) mess sergeants and cooks serve” ,and 4 that the boys have to | { a Were they sodisposed,Dodge Brothers could notlower.the qualityofthis car. f :a2.Aan &Sage penae Senet public opinion theirname. They darenotfall below the highestimate that has beenformedofthemasmotorcarmanufacturers. It will pay you to visit usand examinethisCar. ™ire ahi consumption isrdmileageisunusually low Touring Car or Roadster,$835;Winter Touring Car or Roadster,$1,000; Sedan or Coupe,$1,265.(All prices f.o.b.Detroit). STATESVILLE MOTOR CO., ’Phone 149.Statesville,N.C. bes sceneEconomy Real values that can be appreciated on sight are what we are oifering.Special valuesin Wash Skirts,Shirt Waists to Petticoats,Corset Covers,Gowns and Chemise.Gauze Vests, Gauze Union Suits,Dress Voils,Organdies,Lawns,Flaxons, Gaberdiaes,Middy Twills,Ladies Hats,Auto Veils,Gloves and Hose.Parasols,Oxfords and Pumps,Percals,Ginghams and and Shirtings,all of unusyal value. =Oe 8 eeomen meee 6 oumnanianes maInBuying Is The Watchword. |Méller-McLain SupplyCo. eToeFEED. We have just received: '1 ear of Michigan Timothy Hay,Stuff,in 75-Ib.'1 earofShiSewill _—Feed,2 carscarof =SMILLS &POSTON.& EE OUR BIG LINE—_-OF— KOOLKLOTH ——AND— AlsoShirts in the latestpatterns,line to t from.~ a CedarDon’tfail to to save coe how eaay itisGetarealseeWay. GET A KODAK. your know =to Fsi ;: i t i Fy ag e i Hi HH Ee ?i i §2 si ININVIGORATINGdin.” tiesap the‘ae ei at hideaedsoe ie * ov 5; Ht : ation of volunteer divisions in .admiralty. tunitytousehis fine vigorand tue raid in thestrait Fresh shipment justin.nS se the forces ‘ofpgAT bERLBySeog!Ger raetem Staats hcamer|]POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the LakpayMr.8 talian destroyers,threementandthealliesthecomlioneatarmedguard ves-|@ofsendingtotheiraidoneOUT|sels,—adds,“becammosthedmen,a0 GoOUED |cistins”of ie keen we :.=w etim ”ident who rendered many ¢on-|“ftalian.airmen,aftera battle insetrentepunlicserviecsondprovedtheair,attacked the Austrian war-jhis gallantry in many striking ships outside Cattaro and confident-eae.Politically,too,it weuld no;enemy’s |The Board commissionershave KimbraughBros.,Indianola,Mise.,say:doubt have a very fine effect -|waleere wenah ti Sd ten taken |instructed of hegre ond =all —“Weareusing BuckeyeHulls andareverymuch pleased ‘make a profound impression.in tow off Cattaro in a sinking con-a me to advert persons wthem.We think they are superior to old style i cue Se cceasion ‘dition.One other of the enemy's fail or neglect to pay their tax on or before To Sates cael ents the ensilags oder,wetthe hell calculated to contribute to the one Soca he badly fa ned”,June the 1,1917.Uniess you pay your tex tieeleeheave nial So It is easy to de this by —oo <=—ee|-Gevtnens Se ee agreeably to the above order,. wetting down aight and forthe extfending.Hf at any time #§6jpractical,and of scientific definite-_On ene it will be m ioh.oes ae unpleasant dat ar our foesthe bullsdry 5 tae aed d kl ©ness and precision.4 shall act with Suppties For Russia,France|y Pr -d to Advertise ¥2B of Mi F Free |regard te *at every step and4,ev-|:and Italy ,roper:y for ook ‘xed ‘ecds ,ery verticular under expert and pro-.* Gives om:right fonnule for aweatindion of tent medain che a advice from Loti sides of 'All awe American trans-At-|Sa)popu and |“*or ay man South.how much to 4 fer m enance,milk,fat o water.antic tonnage for t me a ano .odo 80 wou unfair tesing,for work.Describes Buckeye Mulls and givesdirectionsfor |“That advice is that the men most will be used to transport supplies|and it is my r to treat all tair!and using them properly.Scnd for your copy to thenearest mill.needed are men of the ages contem-to Russia,France and Italy under|purpose yTheBuckeyeCottonOilvlatedinthedraftprovisionoftheanarrangementabouttobemadeby|alike.Let meurge you to come in and set-Dept.K Co.Bem.«‘prevent bill,not mer of the age and the American government with the tle at once Respectfully =Siresinehom [ee {get Rosh ti —ee ;the cone ————_-~assure’!,,which authorizes the formation of 't nited es that she can car-|E ER.herveneersunits,and that for the |:neu Rae in pa cen ee M.P,A XAND 7 :§if | ;_=a v1 eeanne oe came.a -preliminary training of the mento meet t needs of the n ar oN anes _— atiaianneel Sinaia Minnamnetinnss oe -to be —,————_K an and —,opere eee eee Se RS all of our experienced officers.Tr.vessel supplemen merican ton-Roosevelt told me,when I had th:a=ssupplying the othercoun:|;manure <an tee *oe weeks ‘ries.mrat TFOR Ss LE li =i: ngo that he would wish t have as-SS"pemmnnen eee A sociated with him some of the most STATESVILLE NEWS.a a of ~howewho oorinows pe °Cae meine ian %dwellingmy.He named many of those whom 65-aere farm in Coo’ng township,T-reom;:;:he desired to have designated for »Caso Has a Hint For Many |and outbuildings;50 aeres in cultivation,good orcha vegWehavejustreceivedabiglineofBoystheservice,and‘they were men “Landmark Readers.|in woodland,8 acres in bottem land,mostly,meadow.”2 }Tins :cennot possibly soar t ]i -storyi4in—and White Milam.Also |too —storee of ge at eur This Statesville woman has used|oe i g _-cbaion Gal.oe. j command for the much more prots-p,,,.';:3 }‘%ipatlaIIatljingardnece-sary duty of,training Does Kidney Pills JT “200 many ght saan 2 Statesville,75 acres in cultivation,tento‘$1.75,oO.rege —_“1 into ~~She has found them as represent-|acres in thane,bolenee it woodland,two large stock i -‘ee aoe he oi .oe A barn and outbuildings,and fine orchard,man kindsof fruit... SPORT SHIRTS |“The first troons sent to Fran?)ghe wishes her neighbors to know.6-room cottage,good well and barn on Boulevard. °will be taken from the present!|4-room cottage on Drake street,lot 60x280, s Ski .Frees of the ‘neue omy,and wit}She publicly recommends them.|-a dwelling on Lackey street,good well and barn,lot© 4 xe under t mr trained .oxSeeournewsportirtsinallthenew.aes oc command of trained x4 need to look furtherfor a test-OO materials.Prive$5.00 to $10.00 each,an re for the sue-ed kidney remedy.For further information call on or write .cessful conduct of our own part in :this great war rests upon me.[|The proof of merit is here and ERN SST Gd.GAITERS. Try a Madame Grace Corset.Have our Coneee renee eT ene ||cae be investigated,Insurance,Stock ard Real Estate.c e c wre we, i i j :nre fiehting for to be interested in Profit by the statement of Mrs.c.|———Corsetiere fit you in a new Model.Price a ts sa a os ‘Vs $1.00 to $7 th)involved eve tse taumetde fer me te A.Kyles,210 Bell street She says:|u coe,coy weeny me |One of the Best Way ‘toPrepare |.whatever except 2 it,most ef-8 Respectfu y fective,most immediate means of lame and sore..1 began taking military action.What these means Doan’s Kidney Pills and they made| are I know from the mouths of men :,for W to Raise of j who have seen war as it is now con-my back as well ==1 haven't ar iS a ducted,who have no illusions,and had any trouble since.‘o whom grim matter is a matter of =ee MRS.MAR \SIMS.‘business.T shall centre my attention;Price 50c,at all dealers.Don't sim-Food Stuff. o _——and let 7 ply ack for a kidney remedy—get,thi ‘rait. deenly ;2ineelsewaitshouldbedeen!y Dean's Kidney Pitlz—the same that o blame shouldI do otherwiseTheCashStore.rere the"angoment of “poly Mrs,Kyles had.Foster-Miurn Con Tt ig not up tothe FARMER entirely but is up to ee mane asentin Y_|semgna at erates pooosevelt’s .va saa as waysleatSato,Ops ieraey C.WATKINS fe |finanee the Farmer andstands ready now to as-PARIS GREEN igi tht all menwohadvoi|“BverythingtoBuild With”|}sist in every way possible,Ameri flag in Francehadbeen|.4!\abeolved from all further connection |BeneFloorng.”Stine.dosing,Farm products of all kinds are teeth ‘oe —Is the BEST for——==movement,aie|tat the -Mestaing,Lime,Cement,}|a the indications are that 1 con-ter the military service in some oth.||“Muse ptaneors?Whe,Stateevitte,|||tinue high for several years at oyso it’s very °er way if they are able to do so,and Sxummcme =—<(i evident that the farmer who produces BIG crops roying otato if not to serve the country in civil =o_—<1 will be on to o eau pret ano ——,p- a oosev in rmWesellistatement.“we loyally obey the de-|If we can serve you,come in and see us,as ———We 8 8 ciaton of the waa of OW é r S stated above,weare ready,and willing to assistHALL’S DRUG STORE,[fori 8 sctel poe over wey pelattiri’Mc cue,aseos tak oneeution,0 PRESCRIPTIONIST.ceakl bt cp meanis nae |Merchants and Farmers’Bank. ed,save as it serves the =generaiPhoneNo.29.vublie interest.We rejoice that a :!{Of Statesville,N.C.division composed of our fine regu-or “The Bank For ¥Savi lar soldiers and marines,under sogallantandefficientaleaderasGen-|ea eee —era!Pershing.is to be sent abroad.ee ie We have a right to a certain satis-THE STATESVILLEfactioninconnectiontherewith.”The statement then quoted a news-paper report that the decision to Wecnatarssory 1]REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANYséndGeneralPershingwas“a com- jates the v oa of its.and polieplealieva,EW and OLD. our wromise between the original plans | | |} of the general staff,which favored!:no early expedition.an@ tne request you with the best toofColonelRooseveltforauthority Guaranteed prices delivered at States-for an immediate expedition.”Colo-nel Roosevelt declared that ‘had his be had in Flowers for office is an open one,aa invite all ville Oil Mill or my Warehouse,take sonasd Gvuhiae OGGCore,wsliet ia e customers sad these whe wil hessene customers your choice.Agents,for Royster,|get ee ee eee Cae ieee teverpurpose they to use the same when theyso desire.As in the Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,and Union Guano,Be nend.that theaassmblyot the |should be wanted past,we will strive to give the same cdastive draft is to begin.”"*°HIGH GRADE may Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls,WE ane.that has won for this Flour."‘rors into which the President has | CASH OR TIME, —>J.E.SLOOP. ‘Van Lindley Co. |GREENSBORO,5 6.|Gry Ore Co,| sree oofsleed tope@ pial wet ais Si, The 4G Bottling Co.,Statesville,N.C.,F.L.Johnson.W.L.Gilbert.The Mint Cola Bottling Co.,Incorporated, In addition to paying a tremendous increase in price on everything we following War Tax on bottling companies will affect us ma- ’ purchase,the terially : 10 per cent,on Sugar. 10 per cent.on Oil of Lemon,Oil of Orange,ete. 10 per cent.on all Flavoring Syrups,sueh as Coea-Cola,Mint Cola,etc 10 pe n all Extracts or Flavors for flavoring Soda Water. Addit recent.0 ional tax of about $2.10 per gallon on Cologne Spirits,used in man- ufacture of Soda Water Flavors Eight cents per pound on Carbonic Acid Gas,ete.,ete. The following changes in our business will be ¢ffeetive June Isi:All of our id strictly for cash and the prices will be as follows ‘A-COLA and MINT COL COCA-COLA and MINT COLA of cost YOU and in order to protect products will be + On all bottled A,the price will be adi roods exeept COL TWO dozen. making i to the above slight ady anced 15e.per case of theWy:advanced 5c.per case,our product In addition inces, a DEPOSIT of We her >will charge each SIX DOZEN case. OWN NAME,as any o worthless tons.fer EACH ourselves against tremendou TWO DOZEN cax will aecent ne bottles bottle is absolutely DEDUCT 5c. 25c.on each back re bottle missing, from the deposit.tu hove paid the deposit 4 for each case containing 24 of OUR OWN empty bottles returned to our driver'or to our plant,we will give you a FULL CASE OF OUR PRODUCT for the NEW price as stated above,or REFUND IN CASH the 25c.depos- ii.The deposit will be required on all cases you have on hand June Ist, or at the time our trucks make the first trip te your store after that date. ALL eases will be counted at that time. The FAMILY TRADE will be handled EXCLUSIVELY through the deal- rs handling OUR PRODUCT.A uniform price of $1.00 for each two dozen ease will bea charged.ALL orders given us will be turned over to and delivered by the dealer whom the customer ndmes.. The prices on EVERYTHING we purchase have advanced skyward,AND STILL GOING UP!The bottle situation is serious.They can hardly be purchased AT ANY PRICE. The cost of preduction today is almost AGO. DOUBLE THAT OF A YEAR Our products are about the last to advance,and the advance is very small compared to everything else. ‘are honor bound to adhere strictly to this agreement and will live up 'it in the strictest sense of the word. w,Mr.Merchant,you can STILL handle our product at a splendid prof- vid we ask you to be reasonable and fair-minded regarding this action elf-protection.We sineerely hope you will give us your hearty co-op- on.We stand ready to serve you well at all times. THE LANDS [AR]x THE OFFICES CONSO! TUESDAY,-May 22,1917.Mr,©.D.Moere tas wy? Negro ton,who bile and and wns taken 60 gallons « cee ee Jo}<n CitsTHEYGAVETHE Davidson i White Man in Liquor Trow thle,a: The negro Odell Lowe «' neaday night.in Unio heship,wasJusticeW.CRavingtoomuch whi-) #ession. bord an arrange itB00,ju When thhimthe him for the taxticeLa bord,whi Was res Lows © Plicatod butder @ounty ¢ was offex tified be fourt her friven 4 Moor Business BONDS.trodive Neely Chief —Aldermiunic Ses ot IDLERS Mtsi Must Enlist or Gio ta Says Masor Bristol, d —Mr. Counts ! ths: f wv Mr.Moore 1 when 1 Wy the hond wi tiled.Th te hSia Federal remo had not ent -nhy req h wa ased, After he had hee it with informat Bryan Simm: gen countWimthenicht the warrar Simms d,and he 1 for } Simuunderahondof£1 @nd answer ;' Messrs. A corr Brads nN } Mark from |} cour State Serr Ment of and thaarenpremr.7.\ ered =th:aehoo! @ducatior@aysthe M ' be hi }Al rit Compared with G Cabfi @re anxious nh epunty agai: neral approba|there are idl vc} and Elizehbethiown. n Oulethorne ‘ruifte and Ol PROSPECT May Re Evtubiished ing Merch GET BUS t Werk, sbably ma establishawe: etion of ity Js _Oou mbersh Rutherfor’Standard FOR CANNERY RoE: Ranks First = ~COMEFOIWryOUXL Prope Chi aot with other ires not AMER] ls cold in Statesville by Rais edd. t Roth ‘“*The Store PHONE NO,409,Dr \W \VatCal American Fibre Furmture. THE ALL-YFAR-ROUND FURNITURE. and STY JLE. iutiful and Attractive Designs,and thevaried assortment of Upholstery Coveringsfurnishings,and attainable wit ‘AN FIBRE FURN'TURE Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. That Always Welcomes You.” A feature « Was a May P mMON ed hefiercmyonacharee of ce sbile epeed limit.They « with a lecture,the mayo at thet bein j "the law will be strictly ent vielaters wil)be no lone: nye Bristol Friday Hack,colored,to gon days for hou McElwee Shelasaladote ad ’ation —Steele,)Quinige.It stops the Riess Ven a off the Cok!eele,rench, t faite to eure Henith riton,Steele °Te Police Mayor Bretol. Tomlin,Evane, BradyFrench Hayes,s¢ Hayes of Hai New York city re patrol M Hi ewm)the rigid «YcAmMinationoffers Imission to te coust 7 id experts to tab ip his ies at an carly date.He will pre bly be stationed on the J ast.Myr.Hayes has been em: ed in Hackensack,N.J.,dur hemeet18months,He was at one timequelened|at Allison's book sto in Ned m ker,for Coll nrofes+ Rutherfe is 1 funior vilelit ther ‘te fe there ve beer or {It Was ided t ‘campaion toctatthwildingasa ones morial to k Pr.J.A caver,Ti ‘ill he of ek and will ent ¢000 JACK MORGAN FOUND. elored man who county home able Jack Moran,the «STAND! *a)red from the .oh uredny,vas located =in pm at the home of anotherjoredman.Mr.W.C.Perry,su-vintendent of he county home, 4 ee Gaon l .ANY)nf \‘i TTT)) e A’aes )vs .aay Lda ‘LA The wide range of ie harmonize perfertly have decorative foatt : lines of Furniture, SUOk We have just inetalled the most comple te machinery and equi — for all kinds of Shoe BROWN,a man of long experience in this line of work,will he oe “ge and will gladly weleome his old 100 BAST BROAD STRPRT...oni”Between Iredell Hardware Co,anduk 'P niiniey,JEWELER.department.‘ KFIXNERY! anywhere.MR.repairing to be found customers as Bring in your Shoes and they will be repaired in the bes cheapest manner possible,manship,while you do your shopping,lace to rest, CONVENIENT LOCATION,RIGHT IN THE F consistent with best material and with somethin’to read while you wait.<THE FRONT OF Call in end inepeet thisT.N.BROWN. ok Morgan back to-the home San-lag.Morgan,who ts slightly de-neented,Wantdered away from the he ey and spent the oleae va rea ihe Betas enant 7dbeenstayinghereuntila~G WATKINS,|"“ais,Berry. om NOTICE TO CREDITORS, nine }ge ae ey ot the pineal.af well as new or you will be given a comfort- MY OLD ..PHONE NO.443. ") under control 75 tilocks were de--hours cone p @ynamiteflames,which finally sue-buildings oc- .Sixtypersonsweretakentohos-ol it was reported none was jurt.started in the Skinner ri by a high wne,started _rapidl;eat its way north andrtward,After a tour of thedistrictMayorCandlerissuednitingthefirewasac-al.in origin.“1 am_positive,”.“that there is no chance ofbeenincendiary.It start-a small fire and was sweptintheteethofawindthatalmostwiththeforceofaMayorCandleralsedeclaredAtAtlantacouldtakecareofitslessandthatwhilethemanysofoutsidehelpwereappreci-that it would be unnecessary‘take advantage of them.‘In thiswasjoinedbyleadingmembersthemberofcommerce.‘All officials agreed that a great#of relief work would have todone.Many people were tempo-y cared for who were expected ‘ask aid.An emergency fund wasedanditwasannouncedthat “Meeting would be held yesterdayfurtherthereliefwork.One offirstsubscriptionsreportedtomayorwas$1,000 from Ernestd»a loeal capitalist.ire departments at Chattanooga,mcon,Augusta,Newnan,MariettaGriffin,Ga..were asked to sendMePherse:;was calledforallthementhatcouldve red;business houses were asked| Faend trucks to haul extra hose anv other suppries,and privateHtomobileswereofferedbythe ‘The 2,500 men in ite officers’re- Wve corps and most of ine men:- ef the Fifth Georgia National rd were sent in from Fort Me-| reon and entered into the work hasCarolinaNational Guardtoberecruitedtofuttwarsireneth.To meet this requivement the fol’s.w-re peneaane’necessary: rst Other organizations r organizationsthecoastartillery,cavalry,eers and sanitary troops.It is seenthatover5,000 volunteers are need-ed to bring the National Guard up tofullwarstrength.It is —-therefore,that any one mayhavetheselectivedraftbe-cause he did not like the theught ofbeingconseriptedisnowgivenachancetovolunteerformilitaryser-vice.,too,there are severaldistinctadvantagesinenlistingintheNationalGuard:1.While those who enlist in theNationalGuardwillbe.required toregistertheywillbeexempt draft. 2.He who enlists has the privilege of selecting the command and branchofservicehedesirestoenter.3.He will serve uncer officers heknowsandamonghisownfriends and aequaintances.4.A person volunteering for.serv-ice in the National Guard will be re-quired to enlist only for the dura-tion of the war. 5.A permanent roll of those whoenlistwillbepreservedandthenameswillbepublisheddailyinthenewspapers. 6.The man who volunteers for service in the National Guard has abetterchanceforpromotionthanhe who is taken into the army under the selective draft. Considering these advantages,to- gether with the appeal the country makes for men,I confidently expectthepatrioticyoungmanhoodofNorthCarolinatoquicklyfilluptheranksoftheNationalGuard.His- ‘ory does not show where a nation has ever made a worthier appeal‘han cur country makes to its sonstoday.This republic nas unsheath-ed its sword in defence of humanityandtoprovethatrepubiicshavearighttolive.America hes plantedtheemblemoflibertyanddemocra-v in the pathway of the tyrant andtheautecrat.And she now calls u on her sons to keep it there.e like to sing of the “Sweet Land of Liberty”and “The Home of the Brave and the Free.”But the timehascomewhenitisnotenoughto inge ontv.We must back the senti- merit vhich gave birth to the sentimenthallnotperish’from the earth. America has liftea ner arm en de- fence of Christian civilization and she now calls upon her sens to save| the All-ImportantoftheSelectiveDraft. the sheriffsof the State te- fi t 2 8 8 The War Depart-to the ec rerractoneachcountyafullofthequestionstobeaskedandanswers,The government not only asks ¢men to enumerate the relatives de-‘or support,ther theyclaimexemptionundertheiawanaifsoforwhat.The ;-overnmentdoesnotconten.,late taking in thefirstdraftmenwhoaresuppertofmother,sister,child un-der 12 or wife,but it wants the menwhoarequalifiedbythatsuppor for exemption to signify the Tactdefinitely.The questions andtionsfollow:“Questions will be asked fortoanswerintheorderinwhichappearonthispaper.These ques-tions are set out below with cetailedinformationtohelpyouanswerthem.Do not write on or mark,orotherwisemutilatethese instruc-tions.Do not remove them.Theyshouldbecarefullyreadsothatyou will have your answers reacy whenyougobeforethe,registrar.“All answers will be written ontheregistrationcardininkbythe registrar,who should »e carevul tospellallnamescorrectiyandto write legibly.“1,Name in full.Age in years.“This means all your names spell- ed out in full. ‘State your age today tn years only.Disregard additional monthsjordays.Be prepared to say 19,or 25,not i9 years,3 months,or the like.“2.Home address. “This means the place where youhaveyourpermanenthome,not the place where you.work.Be preparea to give the address in this way:232 Main street,Chicago,Cook county,|Hlineis;that is,give number and|name of street first,inen vown,then county and State. “3.Date of birth.“Write your birth (month,day andyear)on a piece of paper before go-ing to the registrar,and give thepapertohimthefiretthing.iixam-ple:August 5,‘“If you do not remember the year, start to answer as yor would if|somebody asked you your virthday, |as August 5.hen say on my|birthday this year I will be (or was) j---——years old.The cegistrar willjthenfillintheyearofirth..Man, #2 8 the explana- with action in order that that!people do not carry in mifig tne year!ican steamship they were bern.is muy |tained by the registrar by subtract- |birthday from 1917. the sole] od-itanejingtheageinyearsonthisyear's| QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS|¥ rnment By Trade ernment of thetry,eine the fixing8,is proposed by the FederalainareportSs gress charg producers abrokerswithoxnctineexorbiianyprests.blaming the present m inadequate transportation facili-| “The price of bituminous coal,is a necessity,should be fix-”said the report,“aceording to|same general which| been established in conduct|‘Public utilities.At a time like|resent exeessive profits should|permitted to be extortedfrom |public by producers and distrib-of any prime necessityof life.”line with the Trade Commis-statements concerning trans-wee dulie tine "aewnaisingoftheInter-State Commercemissionto’compel railroads to;sh a re sup-| of coal cars toeaedemands for inter- fe commerce originating atminesalongtheirlines,and to award tte SO sorely cars.In a vest case of Ili-coal producers against the Mili-nois Central,the court reversed aFederalCourtinjunctionenjoininganorderofthecommissionforin-Vestication of damages to shippersforfailureoftherailroadstosupplycars,Lack of transportation for coal,the Trade Commission says,probabiy will be remed by meas- The following ve|Bowles,L.C,.Caldwell rep@ration to shippers for failure to,v.A being taken by the inter-StatemerceCommissandbythe.Counci!of National Defence.The)commission report said that while;there had been an inerease in |coal production,an unprecedenteddemandduringthepastsixmonthsnotonlyabsorbedcoalasfastasitcouldbeshipped,but exhausted the1stocksinstorage.The country|now faces a serious situation,thecommissiondeclared,tn obtaining 4commoditybasistovirtuallyeveryformofmilitaryandindustrialac-tivity.It is recommended that min-ers be exemSpeculating brokers,as well as pro- dueers,are charged with responsibil-ity for the increase of prices. Nurses Killed By Boomerang. t ofcharge,striking the water and jboomeranging back nearty 200 feet after the firing of «naval gun initargetpractice,killed Mrs.EdithAyresandMissHelenBurnett;Wood,Red Cross nurses of Chicago, the|W- from the army draft.}Ande ;who lost their lives aboard the Amer-Mongolia,as men-!oned in the last issue of Tie Land-| Seeretary Daniels explained in | |-tatement that such an accident had, city yesterday and brought the fund|perior forment for service in France tocessof$2,000.Mr.Julian son,who has volunteeredFrancewiththeserveinthefield. only $1,800,this their work yesterday andagoodsumwillbe=al subscribed.1tributorsfollows:The followingStatesvilleLumberThefollowing :States-ville Grocery Co.,Gar wanace L.B.oa,Henkel-C Live Stock Co.,O.W.Silane Glass ws:,Rev.J.M. Clark,Miss —Davidson,J.C.Fowler,W.F.1,iredell TelephoneCo,Wm.M N.B.Mills,Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Kee,StatesvilleRealty&Investment Co.,C.H.Tur-.6.E.B.Watts,C. ist of con- $75 each: Co.followica-Cola Co.D.Turner,W. Nicholson.The following $15:R.E.Clapp,J.J.Moroney,Rev.H.M.Parker,Rev.J.H.Pressly,Rev.C.E.Raynal,Her- man Wallace.The anne $10:F.B.Bunch,P.A.Bryant,J.A.B ,J.G.Col-vert,Mrs.J.A.one .B,Foster,L.Gilbert,C.E.Keirer,Z.V.Dr.BE.N.Lawrence,W.M. ¥. Maggie Mont :rison,W.C.Moore,Senior providingan ambulanceequip-|oi roads,$20:Statesville Co-|work First Presbyterian church,Methodist bly dee church choir,C.E.Pennin ,De-|were tooWitteRamsey,B.F.Russell,States-|ovietly movillePrintingCo.,Sanitary Dairy,8.|1.Chipley,T.L.Steele,J.E.Tharpe,N.D.Tomlin,J.L.Sherrill,Miss NellSteele,L.O.White,Miller-MeLain |0” the hotel,the “4.Are you (1)a natural-born cit-ever oeeurred before and that ord-|Supply Co.,A,Wi Bunch,Dr.seoty,|is no ordina-!izen;(2)a naturalized citizen;(5)ance experts are puzzied.‘he guns!J.Knox,J.A.Hartness,Dr.T.D.re of the six-inch ealibre type,for!Webb,A.D.Watts,T.C.Barrier, foundBtilvy,as many of them were work-|‘hat civilization.This@tosavetheirownhomesorthe!"VY War.Itis a war of ideals.For an alien;(4)or have you declared \fellings of relatives.Vagaries “a>,a civilization that exalts love |)our nanan to beeume a citizen which the shell and —are load-Ss Gr Antes,5.\.Sam,&.L. wind caused great alarm in sec-|@nd service is pittec against a civil-|(specify which)?{ed separately into the The|Coble,Dr.J.W.Davis,Dr.Coi isis that afterwards proved sate.|ization that exalts power and self-|“(.)If you were born in the Unit-|powder is eontained in a brass ease|Sherrill,H.A.Yount,Miss Jessie DAYLIGHT SAVINGI Br blocks on all sides of the areal 'shness.A civilization —in which |ed States,including Ajasxa,and Ha |there held in place by a paste-|Setzer,M.P.Alexander,W.A.Ev-A eomm of the destruction household goods were|the strong must serve the weak is at|waii,you are a natura.-porn ciiizen,))ourd wad,distance pieces and a!ans,W.H.Morrison,F.W.Ramsey,'Senate has endorsed what d in every conceivable place.|War with a civilization in which the po matter what may have been the ||-rass mount-eup that fits closely.|W.E.Morrison,C.5,Tomlin,C.-(as the “Daylight Saving e were guarded in most cases by|Weak must serve the strong.It is.!citizenship or nationality of your pa-|When the gun is fired,this brass cup}Sloan,Front Street Ladies’Aid So-'has ordered ee?Sa a Idiers,who also were pressed into |i”?Short,a war to determine whether|rents.i,you were eorn in Porto!i<propelled some distance,some-j ciety,Geo.H.Brown,C.L.Poston,|providing that clocks be|kinds of work.The presence of;the ideals of Jesus or the ideals of|Rico,you are a citizen of the United ,!imes whole and sometimes in pieces!Ballance -Sullivan Co.,5S.W.Stim-|ahead one hour from the lastsoldiersdirectingtraffic,guard-|Thor shall dominate the world.We)States,unless you were born of alien |!:\also in front of the gun.On the]son,A.R.Sherrill,W.B.Gibson,J.|j “vil until thehouseholdgoodsnndkeeping|like to pray,“Thy Kingdom Come.”'parentage.If you were born abroad,!third shot the brass mount-cap|M.Sharpe..T'»from the dancer zone gave!Put the time has come when it ix not j vou are still a citizen of the United|struck the water peculiarly,boom-Miscellaneous:City of Statesville |5 empowered ost the appearance of martial|/@neugh to pray only.—.|States if your father was a citizen'eranged directly back to the ship,}$200,Miss Emtma Kerr §1,collection|five zones for changingtime with .As far as had Deeen reported Now,therefore,Thomas Wai-of the United States at the time yor ick the stanchion rear where the|at Broad Street church $17.45,Will|pard to railroad and commercial order was maintained every-ter _—oo of aged Car-|were born,unless you have expatri-no rses a i.—_—Its con ee ocger ee eraeee.|Sovente. re anc ere were no attempts at /V'N8,do hereby eall upon and urge|ated yourself.jpieces instantly killed\Mrs.Ayres|Vehicle Supp ©,$2.50,opera-|aS¥—mere we Bhogal ===:for mih-{“(2.)=are a oe eiti-|cod Miss Wood.\tives a Furniture (Co,Poy wed ae cee gr CALLED ‘ood at the Auditorium srmory |TV service to enlist in e organi-|ven if you have completed your nat-|.ee ee ra George Orren ,_a BE ey »t zens of Engle Mills provided for 5,00+people.both |Zations focated in the community '|vuralization;that is,if you have tak-Invention to Meet Submarine.R.F.Henry $2,Carlton Andrews $2,township are urged to attend a massesandnegroc<being cared for.|Which thev reside.And the people|en final papers.But you are not a)The Philadelphia Press publishes a|Polk Gray 81,T.J.Allison $2.50,W.,meeting at Houstonville next y trucks,express wagons and|of all communities in which the va-‘citizen if you have only declared;.(.-y of an invention,which it as-!D.MecLelland $2,J.A.Bryant $2,|day afternoon at 4 o'clock to discussPacksandprivat»autmobiles were |Tous companies are located are)vour intention to beeome a citizen).o:is is an answer to the German sub-|John L.White $1,Harold Woods $2,|the conseription registration ased into services te handle food-|Carnestly urged to take an active in-j (that is,if you have only taken out ine.It is suid to be a merchant!/Jd.C.Steele &Sons $60,children of to be held a wesk later.ffs.Few veovle called at head-|{crest in bringing up te organiza-|first papers);in the latter case you!<ul marine standardized ct about|eighth grade of Statesville Graded|trars for Eagle Mills are J.E.Critzrtersforfoodearlemthenight.|''0"to their full war strength jure only a declarant.;.500 or 8,000 tons dead weight,of|School $3.17,Miss Nannie Joyner $1.and J.A.Maiden.This is an impor- large quantities or it were sent|No citizen of the State should be “You are also a naturalized citizen |.¢h speed that it can even,when|Miss Mabel Poston $2,E.E.Stan-|tant matter and all the citizens aresoldiers,police and firemen who ltlae until this i done.Never yet sit,although foreign-born,your fath-|..\merged,easily elude any surface|ley $2,L.K.Lazenby $2.60,H C.expected to turn out next Tuesday.forked incessantly in the wide diy j ha t e nation ca ed and failed tover or surviving parent became fully ||irsuer,and is non-sinkable.Gaither $1..j *-that surrounded the pathway /Tecclve prompt answer from the |naturalized while you were under 21 The eraft,the invention of Simon The children of the eighth grade MRS.SLOOPE TO SPEAK.the fire.|neople North Carolina.Let us!years of age,and if you came to (te |Lake,a¢eording to the Press,is capa-|of the Statesville Graded Se cools!Mrs.E.HL Sloope and children of «of submerging within half a min-county,are ex- etn. na of At the Auditorium Armory pren dalle rieha that in every crisis in the ||ited States under 21..|yesterday made up and sent to May-Crossnore,Averylationsweremadetohousepeople|"!iblic’s life,from King’s Moun-}“(3.)You are a declarant if,al-and has been so standardized and|0?Bristol $3.17 for the fund.pected to arrive today to visit Mra.L. mplified that the Arst onc may be White.Mrs.Sloope is interested in1intothepresentmomentoushovr,!)hough a citizen or subgeer oF some —_—— ©people of this Commonwealth foreign country,you nave ceclare:||od out ta four months and others Stiles Boy Resembled Former |mission work in the mountains andsatwineonanSeakegesteeoa|hefore &paturaizaion court s"‘dhat at the "ace of thee o-|Statesville Man.|will speak to the ladiesonthie eueaMF.|devotion to duty werthyo«au era he takes s .il wt a week.It will burn heavy oil]When Thurman Stiles,who died at,ject,in junday room:rh \_the edge of ithe |diese of mi ia -.he i ge agp ea Foor Ae l;the construction is said to be such |Long’s Sanatorium early Monday |First Presbyterian church,tomorrow swept zone.ecore of Nero!re k ,7 t y t}arta ¢Lo adc simultane-|;f h ‘}1 i |afternoon at 4 o'clock.es were swept by the fames and|nd with a courage that has cha!-!copy of seach declaration is often cal!ie F —‘id 7 aa st ,|Porm rom the pisto —.thes |i csimyoftheformeroccupantswere|erred the admiration of mankind im |cd taking out first papers.You are avis ‘al aon =a seattere s veal flieted by an officer from whom Stiles TAKE CARE 0’DE HOUN’S. oes was carried out on the same|¢vety land where people love liberty };ot a declarant if your rst pap:oe Sanows ee oe Mral|was tryme to cena,wae bate od A woman went to the jail yester-destitute,many having no mon-|40d men are not afratd to die for taken out after Sepeomber 26.)°°)oe te and oo |moved from an a 12 is "‘hen |day morning to tell her>anything te 7 the|Hrincinle 1916,and is more sven yea:ay re to be built and op-|day evening,when VAS ng taken 5;anne for the |rth Carolina will not fait~-must |.+eehaaa ee hig Semorik SCeiray wre |oak Sanatorium,Wm.Russell,who|&She was going backSeisccsmabionouaesaicliphainsainotfail-in this hour.E know that)«(4.)You lant ubmarine Comprny.under|stood by,immediately recognized the |BIG CROWD —GOOD PLAY.‘or —~~the aged te do i not fall within ene =.:fers Gen a,she &|youth as a cao who a viths i e stor full share of the work that must be}jasses above mentioned,5 e we o wait tor rur-|wit im on the Catawba river bridme "" ee eee om done by the States of this Union,|Where were you born?information before deciding that|jast summer.Mr.Russell said there |re bog ie 4 the graded school auditorium|"ot only to preserve free govern “First name the town,then the)''problem has been solve:|was no doubt but that the boy was |of da houn’while I’a -packed last night to witness!"ent on this continent,but in order!state,then the country,as Colum iat @ neta Need re Red”Brown,and that Statesville|°lem houn’s while I's away. entertainment (programme on|‘hat the whole world may be “made |}...Ohio;Vienna,Austria;Paris,'°°*!COMpany eeds LY-|was,at one time at least,his home.|URGES THE CANNERY. page of The Landmark)by the safe for _democracy.Therefore,I)France;Sofia,Bulgaria.o Men.|He has two brothers,Turner and Lee Sta ediate and primary grades;|@opeal with confidence to the patri |“6.If not a citizen,v6 what coun \!l new reeruits and a number of Brown,who at present make their |sented rs the play was good and worth)°t!manhood of the State.And I ex-|iry are you a citizen or subjectt members of Company &met at|home in Statesville.These brothers|nner than the price.Fine work by|~igh response worty of ine sons!‘This need be answered only by the armory Monday night for drill}visited Stiles at the Sanatorium,but on young people and a fine tribute of the fathers who lait cown their/atiens and declarants.aber tice.About 45 men were pres-|did not positively identify him as|the work of the teachers.tives in order that we might be free.|/that a declarant is not yet a citizen «'Dr.R.A.Campbell gave phys-!their brother,althowgh he filled the E haem omg trea .FINE RAIN t f the United States.If an aiien «-examination to the recruits.it|ceseription.Lawyer McBee,who :THIS IS WORSE.The cry for ef i ae necuret ldeclerant,state the name of you |i >elieved that all of these men|accompanied the youth to the Sanato- _A compromise on the proposed|yi,uplendid duuaeme tack ”sala eer.as Franee,Japaa,China,|passed the exemination.‘The re-|rium,did not know Stiles but his in-Class mail tax so as to make)4 woom pain and eow venettion!*.«‘[eru:ts have been showing |up splen-formation was that he belonged inFangefromoneandahalfconte)wini grow “by leaps and bounds.”7.What is your didiy under the physieat exam:na-|Awery county,that his mother lived pound in the first parcels post)eouuah:crete :ceeupation or office?t at Ingalls,in that county,and his re- p to 8 cents in the eighth zone TONIGHT.L.Williams of New iiope,!mains were sent there for burial.In\upon by the House groan tt ond,Co Ww.i.1 appearance,however,thesandmeanscommittee.on rece as recru “This -not nek what you}did,nor what you have eone moat of|| oak.—ng a 2 es ie -to have been a double of sme of Salisbury.The hour i«.uaa .elleoy By wn. the time,ner what you nec est fittertodo.It aske what your jop which is the com-|~--Rev.B.F.Fincher of Mecklen-enrol .One hun-in town yesterday Mong the destitute cared for were|hundred or more the p building is on emall chiiiren the Friendlesas | | all parts ef the immense building |Home for are an alien if you do the Threc | “on new,State ee Even Mexico has protested to ,ister 1aagainstthesubmarine|or fattory). mobile ’St earns,cca the officials,tate cut its per of iltiteracy more than 25 1900 and 1910,and Seuth Atlantic,and east south central divisions,ude all thenumberofilliterates was illion less in 1910 than in Unclesignifin‘3 record.Three South Americans can nor write.Brazil's rate per cent.;Argentina’s,50; s,68;and Columbia's,80 per Rossario,a city as large as Paul,has but one national high with 450 students. The President Right. President Wilson wrote Mrs. Caminetti the reasons why could not pardon her son,F.Drew Caminetti,convicted at San Francis- co of violating the Mann white slave law.The President's letter to Mrs. Caminetti was as follows: “It tears my heart to have to say in n i t af i °F nt Sam's 7.7 per seem to us,it id i é p e e s g lowed the dictates of my heart or al- lowed myself to be -n=aenced by my genuine friendship for yourself and r husband,I would of course do i But in matters of this sort it seems to me my imperative duty to leave personal feelings and connec- tions out of the question entirely and Jook at the matter from the public og view with regard to the in- «©it would have upon other causes. “When I look at the case of your son from this point of view,it seems to me clearly my duty to withhold a pardon.. “My heart goes out to you in gen- vine sympathy,my dear Mrs.Cami- netti,and I cannot tell you what it costs me to write you this,but I am sure that you will understand that | am moved entirely by a sense of im- perative duty.” That is a proper conception of du- ty.Some of our modern executives would have wept and =granted the pardon for the poor mother's sake; Caminetti’s are prominent people. But the President has a higher and nobler conception of his duty. ian Save Seed For Home Folks. As the result of an inquiry made in the various counties es to the supply of field and garden seed available for this season's planting, Director B.W.Kilgore of the Agri- cgltural Extension Service,asks merchants,farmers,bankers and business men generally having a supply of cowpea,soybean and sor- ghum seed,to reserve them for cus- tomers and neighbors within the State. In a circular letter recently sent out he says:“The supplies of cow- peas,soybeans and sorghum are auite limited,and it is advisable in the extreme,in my judgment,thatallmerchantshavingtheseseedre-serve them for their customers or neighbors in the State.There will be no difficulty in disposing of them in this way and the necessity for in-creased food and food productionmakesitessentialthatourownfarmershavetheseseed.Then therewillnotbemorethanenoughtosup- ply our own needs.“The co-operation of merchants,farmers,bankers and business mengenerallyisnecesaryinthisconnec- lrence river and the i starting ti i l es " ee n e eii r fiEi z i:i s i ? iE i if i s g z zRZ e g t t t i u i Le f ¢i ie &33 “Seenable toneverithanyknownspecies.In my study of birdslearnedelevendifferentkinds,all of which spend atapartoftheyearinthiscoun-.However,these birds did notifillthedseriptionofany.one of\them.They resembled very muchthewhite-throated sparrow,song sparrow and the fox sparrow—in size and color;but it could‘heen neither of these,for none ofjthesebirdslaywhiteeggs,nor do ithey breed in this State.The songjsparrownestsfromVirginianorth-ward;the white-throated sparrowlintheregionnorthoftheSt.Law-Great Lakes;|while the fox sparrow raises itsyoungfromHudsonBayontowardthenorthernlimitoftrees.havenotseenabirdlikethesesincethattime,and I wonder where it couldjhavecomefrom.Some years after this a Bewiek wren built its nest in ovr granary.It was taller than the house wrenandmoreslenderthantheCarolina wren.It was dark brown—nearly black—in color,all day and kept up asongandchatterall the time ii worked.Its mate never seems tohavearrived,for it worked all alone; and one dreary afternoon it aban- doned its unfinished nest and disap-peared.I have seen Bewick wrensoutontheplains,but they are unu- ve wiT H f y =k sual on the eastern slope of the Con-| tinent.This was the only one I have ever seen in this country. Not lone ago I found the nest of a black and white warbler.I was coming down ‘a path on the easternendoftheRockyfacewhenabout 200 yards from the top of the moun- tain,I saw a peculiar-looking blackandwhite-streaked bird flit out fromunderalittleoverhangingcliff.On investigation I found deeply embed-| ded in’the moss,a nest with five white ergs richly speckled with red- dish brown.These birds breed in the northern half of the United States and are only found here at hich elevations. The slate-colored junco -the common snowbird that winters herebythethousand—affords an inter- esting subject of study.It has lonebeenknownthatsnowbirdsbuildtheirnestsintheBlueRidgeand the Smoky Mountains.Frank Lin-ney showed me a_snowbird neat some years ago on the top of Rich Mountain,north of Boone,N.C.;a fow davs later I found another on the very top of Elk Knob,on the Tennessee line -—-several thousand feet above the sea level.The nest on Rich Mountain was in an excavation in the cround;the one on Elk Knob was in a moss bed.IT was taught to think that the snowbirds winter here and then go into the mountains to raise their young.This,however, is not true.The snowbirds that nest in the Blue Ridge and the Smoky Mountains constitute a sub-species of the snowbird family,and are res- ident in the southern Appalachian Mountains;while those that winter here migrate to the far north to raise their young. Another thing I want to call at- tention to is the fact that there are no orioles in this part of the coun-try.Two species of crioles are notvneommonintheeasternhalfofthe United States—the Baltimore the orchard oriole.The Baltimore oriole,which with its black and or- ;ange plumage is one of the hand- somest of American birds,is found| at nesting time in the Southern and|Middle Atlantic States,and even toNewEnglandandCanada.ThelorchardorioleissomewhatsmallerthantheBaltimoreorioleandhas ;chestnut plumage,where the Balti-more has orange.I have seen hun- dreds of them along the Mississippiiriver,in the vicinity of Rock Island,tion.Those having these seed should ilbeinformedoftheabsolutenecessi-ty of reserving them for home useandoffurnishingthemtogrowersatfairprices.ill you not help”? ~God's War. Greensboro Record. The More you look at the bloodyscenesbeingenacted,the more you—about other nations going are irresistibly led to the conclusionthatthisisGod's war—and not un- der man’s control,It was Victor Hugo who refused to|covered as isolated and lonely spot,ve Wellington the credit for theofWaterloo.He claimed thatNapoleonwasdisturbingtheequilib-of the universe and that the low.|keys used to steal their nests there;|and if not disturbed by the foxes, _I will go a little way into descrip- jtion before writing more about ori-joles.The Bogle branch is a stream|which flows out from between the|Black Oak ridge and the northern jend of the Rockyface.On the northbankofBoglebranch,many yearsago,there was awhichstoodata int where thentoMeadowslands,the lands of the late|of war,the more you!James G.Allen and the lands of the||late William Baker all joined,andaboutahalfmilefromthefootof _the Rockyface.This thicket,which of ground as one will find in thewholecountry,was a favorite resort|for animals,small and large,andi'was a favorite nesting-place forofbirds,Geese and tur- they could usually set and hatchthelryoungwithoutbeimanorbeast.But have | worked diligently | continuous | and, dense thicket,| molested i ? td b e t il 3 gt a = a t |their reports tojknowofanythingipreventthesefires,tooksattentionwaspaidtothem.fact that much youngjingnopresentmarket|destroyed shows that supply of timber isthreatenedbythese |fires.If we wish not only to re- |main prosperous but to become more|so,some interest must be aroused inithissubjectandsomedefinitesteps taken to protect the young growth ‘which will form our future timber |supply(And it might be sdded that thesameconditionsthatprevailin |Alexander county prevail to a great- ier or less extent i other jcounties,Conditions lare cited by the State Forester to tring this serious matter home to us.| —The Landmark). OESTSERSRIOTS Why “Parsimonious”? A girl was paper contained this sentence:“Elizabeth was so dishonest that she stole her soldiers’food.”|The teacher was puzzled,and eall- ed the girl.‘ the the “Why,that's what it says in history.”:The book was rent for andpessagewasfound.It read: “Elizabeth was so parsimonious (thet she even pinched rations.” j to a cluster of vines.The nest was | now and seemed io have been fre- contly vacated.|had no idea what kind of bird had built the nest.It seems,however,that the vireos and } he orioles arg the only birds in this ountry that build)hanging nests. This was certainly not the nest of a vireo:hence it musi have been that!of an oriole.But strange it is the bird never came back the next year,or any other year;and till this day I have not seen a nest like it. Hiddenite,N.C.JO.LINNEY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administrator of the es- tate of John L.Shoemaker,deceased,this ts to notify all persons having claims aainst «aid estate to present them to me on er be» fore April 20,1918 or this notice it be pleaded in bar of their reeovery,All personstadebtedtosaidestatearerequiredtomake immediate settlement.P.A.FLETCHER, kK.T.Weatherman,Atty.Administrator. April 20,1917. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY,L.G.Hern,admr.,Mary EB.Campbell et)als...vs.Horatio Campbell,Burgess Campbell,|Narcissus Campbell.iNOTICE.-The above named defendants,Horatio Campbet!,Burgess Campbell and NarcissusCampbell,will here»y take notice that!an action entitled as above bas been come| nenced in the Superior Court of Iredell coune!ty for the purpose of making them parties in|an action of late adjudicated in said court)entitled “L.G.Horn,Admr.et als.,ve Willie | Campbell .et ala.”said aetion heving been)brourht for the purpose of partitioning the! lands by sale described tn the petition filed) in that action,to the end that they,the said Horatio Campbell,Burgess Campbell and}Narcissus Campbell,being made parties,shall!he bound by the orders,decrees and Juderments|made and entered in the said action entitled!“L.G.Horn,Admr.,et als vs.Willie Camp,|bell,et als.”And the esnid defendants will | |further take notice that they are required to) appear at the office of the Clerk of the Court of Tredell county on the 4th day of Jume |1917,and answer or demur to the complaintfiledbytheabovenamedplaintiff,orplaintiff?will apply to the court for the rel|demanded in said complaint.J.A.HARTNESS,Clerk of Court of Iredell County, May 4,1917.D.F.Mayberry,Atty. CZARS DETHRONED” Kaisers Overthrown,but C.‘WATKINS is still Shingle |King of IredellCounty. ——!CAROLINA!| (On Court Street).Helps you cut high cost of liv-ing by serving you at lowcstpriceiblewholesomefood,|}properly prepared and promptlyserved,day or night,in clean,congenial and comfortable sur-—-A hearty welcome,ways,you,your relatives|j and friends,at Cafe Carolina!|ALEX COOPER,Proprietor. required to write abriefsketchofQueenIetzaveth,Her | | “Where did you get that notign?” her soldiers’| <==.requires al!pre Te p e s on e e s r Sig.WallaceJ.M.DeatonW.C.PerryW.H .Morrow in A nder | Jas.M.RamseyCharlesE.RaynalndersonJ.H.PresslyW.E.WebbFelixJ.AxleyC.R,SloanC.M.SteeleDormanThompsonJ.G.SheltonJ.G.Lewisy.E,Natiress J.A.Brady Evelyn RandlettJ.F.CarltonJ.QO,Johnston,Eufola W.T.Nichorsenc.D.Moore J.F.BowlesD.L.Raymer Julius WallaceH.C.Wilson J,H.Brady Frank C,Culbreth W.N.White |tT.C.Barrier ©perererermaneenncy aren NOTICE 10 TAXPAYERS.| poo pera } 1 will be at my office in the court house all) during the month of May to take the tax re-/| turns for the city of Statesville.The law mperty to be listed before the so please call and sauke | ' first day of June,your return as earlyMay1,1917.W. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. oe 5 a.=»>Pp. m.2.30 to 5 p,m.y ap- intment.Anderson Bidg.,113 W.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324. Residence ‘phone as possible.J.LAZENBY,List-Taker.| SEE TO YOUR BATTERY. Our storage battery department is in charge of an ex with fac- tory experience.us put your battery in shape for summer driving. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO,. GOOD ROADS GoodTires arethepleasure of n < n a t ; HP T ES O NS M OM E E O ™ F na n gE po n e r 3 Pe Horace H.Stikeleather..A Mayberry L.O.White I.N.Paine CS A Estd Pull your Binder out of the shelter and examine it carefully to see what repairs it needs.Don't wait until you are ready to cut wheat.Bringthe OLD PIECE or get the NUMBER that is on it,and we will get - it for you at once,if we do not have it in stock.Do this Now while you think about it. ride.Tet’us repair the Tires that willgiveyouthis{VULCANIZING. THEIREDELLVULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 508. WE WILL FURNISH You with distilledwaterandin- |We sell,Miller Tire ‘and ‘Tubes! ——Dealer In— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees-wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,)Books and Magazines.Wepaythehighestmarketprices. Independent Phone $06. |Iredell Hardware Co. AWorldChampion Mechanical perfection of a onc- modelchassishasmade the Maxwell world endurance champion;a Maxwell—builtjustlikeyours—went ©2,022mileswithoutthemotor stop- ping. The cheapestcartorumever made;costs only$6 to $8 a month. —The one practicalcarfortownor countryuse. Touring Car $665 Roadster --650 Allprices f.o.b.Detroit. The Northern Presbyterian AssemblyatDallas,Texas,ord as disapproviSports”in civie liandnavyandaneoueureiens, condemn newspapersurgedmembersthechurchnot to'Socribe,read or advertise in themeAssemblyalsowentonrecor:as disapproving the use of lic|school buildings for the holding of|community forum meetings on Sun-day.| Pyrotechnic Patriotism. rlotte News. Pyrotechnic patriotism is neitheristdayofasingnorpotertial,and yet,with-triot everyhere.,it is about the most abundantmeasC.P.Johnson,|*t¥pe to be found nowadays.It dis-;plays itself in divers ways.It strings|American flags over the front porch|——_Pa —,,"ih.in | a 0 coat.is 3 |>=E.stands on the|corner and bursterously =|Ireland are t©/claims itself as the only pure SealndsoftheIrish-|undefiled brand of the original va-e British prime min-|triotism of the country.It preaches»David Lloyd George,announe-|economy,but refuses tv practice it.|to the House of Commons |It exhorts to enlistment an@ refuses|the government will call a COM-|to gee the recruiting officer.It ap-of Irishmen to frame &COM-|neals for subscriptions to the Liberty|stitution for Ireland,an@ 1?Irishmen |Loan but refuses to purcnase one.|are able to agree upon any ‘Tt believes that ten miilion men ee ra s ie As the Maxwell is good tor many eeasons,these prices make it “the car for every man.” e r e =F Ed,G.White MotorCompany, EastBroatStreet,Statesville,N.C.a:Everyjhing in stock tosarnate.Roof-‘ine Rollin,ttering Two lots,Fancy Stripeand i f 5 and Spouting,Galvaniz- F:a"Iron -will‘mabe-anything in Sheet Metal|you want.|STATESVILLE TIN CO.|"Phone 65,114 B.Broad Strest. so a a -|reneeeee= DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON.Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. ALFIRSTNA’page,Seem, erecia TO “SOMETHING NEW” JIFFY JELL.| The new dessert in six|flavors.| Guaranteed to pleaseor|your money back.i{ Try it.| Phone 89.| Eagle &Milholland.‘ resh Eggs Every Egg Candled to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eggs. Sherrill&Reece. aaaeienesnenaannan aeaesecinenesecensneneenrornensesenensresseas C.H.LESTER, R SALE: ‘3 || | aera ae eres PlaidSilks forSport Suits andSkirts. Regular $1.50 and $2.00 values,specialallthis week, $1.25 and $1 65. “Kayser”Silk Gloves,all sizes,all Black and White, and Black and White and Gray,with contrasting Em- broidary. 75c.,85c.and $1.00 pair. for the administration of their coun-|try,the government will toenactitintolegislationwithoutde-—lay.All sections,parties,creeds.and factions,with clergymen andlaymen,as well as politicians and!even revolutionists of the Sinn Fein|meaty will be invited to get to-r.If this final attempt succeeds,‘ec,political miracle will have been ge-complished.is no great op-|timism apparent respecting the suc-cess of the plan,for Ulster standswhereshehasalwaysstood.SirJohnLonsdale,whip of tae trish Un-lionists,predicted the same old dead-lock,declaring that Ulster wouldnotbedrivenintoahomerulePar-iliament and predicting that the Na-\tionalists will not consent to the ex-(clusion of six Ulster counties. SSE ETS{ Earnings to Wife.Declaring that Ike Mauney of Lin-leoln county,sentenced to six monthsjinjailforsellingliquor,is not a vic-\jious man but a worthless one,Gov.|Bickett has granted him a_pardonuponconditionthatattheendofeachweekheturnoverthree-fourthslofhisearningstohiswifeandinno|way interfere in the expenditure of‘the money.“Upon any violation of ithese conditions,”Gov.Bickett made it plain,“the defendant will be or-dered back in jail.” Suppose,being worthless,as the'Governor says,Isaac earns nothing|He can’t turn over what he hasn't. TPNTE LYNCHING IN TENNESSEE. Ell Persons,a negro who is __said\to have confessed that he killed andbeheadedAntoinetteRappala school girl,on the outskirts of Mem-vhis,Tenn.,several weeks ago,wastakenfromsheriff's deputies Mon-day night,who were returning himifromNashville,where he was taken\two weeks ago to avert mob vio-jlenee,and burned.en, |RISE UP!RISE UP,CRUSADERS! Never in all the searfet pastSinceGodfirstplacedthe suns,Not when the Goths drank deep of bloodAndwomenfearedtheHuns,Not when the hordes of AttilaMadetoysofflamean@shame,Came call so clearForthemtohearWho'd fight in Freedom's name. |Rise up!po up,crusaders,to meet the hosts o el|They prate of Art and Science,but they giveusshotandshell; They call on God,blaspheming,as they plunge i their hands in gore;|They've butchered millions,millions,and|they'd butcher millions more. What hold they dear who dare the race To meet the might they wield?The smile upon a baby's face?The maid who would not yield?The faith that men and nations keepWhensacvowsaremade?Why,then,should Europe's women weep* Why preach we our crusade? |Rise up,Rise up,ye stalwart,to|world from woe!‘The Hun is crowing boastful;we must give|him blow for blow.Where Goths and Vandals wake again fromsleepthat's ages long|There's madness in the|murder in,their \\They are not men as menare known tohemanheartsalone; Their music i«a woman's wail or dyinz hero's groan,They crave a world’s dominion,and they come,|a wantonTodrownthehopes that Godgives man inseasofhumanblood. Rise !Rive up,crusaders!|forth #clarion ery!The race chall not be siavestoHunsTheughyouandImustdie, fightand slay”What sre our Slart “tedtes for?ilsManineone? |Not we to whemthe call has come;not we. '|Nowarming,Godbe withus,forthelast,the be who fight our fight with us across ||Where are madmen that all peo- evar tn tedRéet times.| save a ' |A world at war?}A billion men who ;} should constitute an American armybutitshouldnothaveavartthere-|in.These are some of iis manifes-|tations.There are others.|EeWonPrizeForFunny Story.| Harris Conenhaver.a student at!the University,has been awarded a}‘prize of $150 by Puck,the aumorous|Publication,Copenhaver winningfeeondprizein_the contest,|funniest Thing That Has Havpen-ei.”The article was published inlastweek's issue of Puck under the|title,“Both Sides—Her Story andHisVersion.”The editor says of Mr.Copenha-|ver’s story in a foreword inai “it isnotonlyfunnyinsubjectmatter;and treatment,but involves a un:que|Lit ef psychology.”Copenhaver was|a student in journalism at the Uni-|versity.He is now in ie iraining|‘smp at Fort Oglethorpe.| SPILL GYASSERSDec ' Sunrise Prayermeeting June 5.' Rev.Dr.A.A.McGedechy,pastor of |the Second Presbyterian church of |Charlotte,announces a sunrise pray- cermeeting at his church on the morn-|ing of June 5——Selection Day.”The service will be in the nature of a con-secration of those who attend to the|duties of patriotic service.In speak-| ing of the day,Dr.McGeachy said:|“June 5 will be no ordinary day in the|history of the United States.It willtandasadayuniquelysolemnin)\meriean annals,and it is fitting that| the duties of the day should be en-!tered upon in a spirit of consecration|and serious apprehension of what it!stands for.” Prepare “For Greatest War.” That the country must let nothing| hinder its preparation for the “great-cat war in history”wes the message Major General Leonard Wood,com-riander of the southeastern depart-ment of the army,delivered to agatheringinAtlantaafewdaysagoCen,Wood said the war may lastveralyearsandthatAmericamust|strike hard and soon.The serious- ness of the war was also dwelt uponythedepartmentcommander,whotidAmericawillrealizethiswhen| wualty lists begin te come back|from France.“But st is a war forlomoeracy,”he declared. Make Work Compulsory. Every able-bodied male citizen ofWestVirginiabetweentheagesof16and60mustworkatleast36hours 2»week,under a law passed by both!houses of the Legislature. The measure includes persons hav- ing incomes and who have no speci-fied employment.It is to become op-erative in 30 days.The penalty for|violation is forced employment by|counties or municipalities.The bi 1wasurgedbyGovernorCornwellasa| war Measure,| NE SE }INCKENS’SISTER-IN-LAW DEAD.| Miss Georgiana Horarth;sister-in- law of Charles Dickens and devoted |guardian of bis children,is dead at!the age of 90 years.“The best and|truest friend ever sian had,”is the!deseription Dickens gave in his wil!of Miss Hogarth,who is so frequent-|y montioned in Dickens’correspond-|ene@ his return from America,when joined his household asnetbeneThe—and } wife separa Hogarth re +brought }| | ed and up the younger chil- dren,——Fire to have from ‘roped,Ww.‘oss,of ' startedstavcareiessly |tefeedinShelby,caused a *iat? “i Ui as FE E sa e Hy g 1 Wri for orcalland getcomplete catalog and8. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. +=EVERYTHING MUSICAL.a "i 105 East Broad Street.Phone 304.Statesville,N,C.. vee ofyour home.as does It;only natural that your friends andareimpressedbythegeneralatmo——s clse radiates a cheerfulurnitu:c properly arranged.If you want you '~me ee to be correct thefirstthingtodoisto...0.se a furniture dealer whosessseenentstylesandarrangement—he can be aT ed r a i L i t e s , i i f : e t b g e t a f e ? ¢ ; ie PE a7 ; 3 fF E i f *s oF ” gf 22 ar t h Fi t e i a l committee 15 too much money by taxation at one jump;but it is impossible to judge) of the merits of the measure bythe |oF protests of visiting delegations.Al-'as an honorable most every interest,especially the|where patriots serve their country.) interests on which a tax is|Someofour folks need to revise levied.isshoutingfrom the house-their estimates of the armyand what topsthatthe country will be de-it is for.ATTA sireyedit they haveto pay che tx./WHAT THE WASTE MEANS. not disturbed about themselves per-|fustration ofWhat It Means cconom Is )we sonally;it is the welfare of the to North Carolina.Pay pe |1 We will all agree that Summer has ar- country,and especially the poor|Expertsof the DepartmentofAg-/if they lendtheir savyngsto ,rived,aadthehotweatherwill continue folks—the widows and orphans—a.2 ens haveae “8 Se |em “Ta for several months. that disturb the large taxpayers.If ble meat fatis wasted b each of mn ¢ment’s needs..5 it wasn’t for the poortherich would|the 20,000,000 °.i Se ae ancenminane more a Motor.Co.It is to your interest to kecpascooland have no worries when it comes to |States each taxation in the future than in the|‘ews:°»W.as.and we call at- |tention to the »which will eidpayingtaxes;but the wealthy class waste of z f 3 i L ‘ a e s d l i t i |place --Court can ab how,to their own satis-|J ,on aleuge 6 .ide the government,Mt Adan in obtainingthatcomfortablefeeling. faction,that a heavy tax on them, will utterly ruin the poor folks;and|The .elon,3 too oftenthey get bythe tax-levy-|iJ.1.Sherri.° ing authorities with that sort of |his ||SailorStraws,Leghorns and Panamas Hats. talk.|‘..¥ We SEE fr qrantel ot meme |ate i Two piece or Union Suits,in Dimity or Nainsook. bersofCongress will do their best |the the false;that they wil!not be mov-|Carolina Food Conservation Com-gmaii Part of Poll Col.84 Eclipse Soft Caffs,Shirts,Soft Collars andotooerndynDeeweweeSahCr|cag Sinan eae Wash Ties.taxes at that —where they should olina’s part such a waste.There)‘| _|are approximately 600,000 families;“Two-thirds of the white od alias ri be laid bythe false ery of ruin.As'in the State.An ounceof meatsi |har of the State of North aintSe to separate thetrue complaintsfrom)Secretary Lucas of the North!Pay No Propert for the attitude of President Wilson,PHONE 83. it might be just as well to wait for|°*oo a Fi »Gnd!April 20,1917. oS one who pay a"property tax atall Bave MR.CAPITALIST:WE CLOSE AT 6.O’CLOCK. |of } the White House.i books,and SE.|‘jn 1915 paid only $1.20 apiece,or} THE DAY.|wheat.»less,to aiggert the State and its in-|Flooring, The Raleigh News and Observer “These figure simply show,”stat-stitutions.”|Casing and wants a big celebration —parades,ed Mr.Lucas,“what a very small Such was the statement of 8S.H.with”doesn’t ete.—in every town and city in the!.es a.Png ln pg oe Hobbs,Jr.,¢oe |county, *Ses a y “ont Se eee dev—|oF wnesh and bend dven sot begin te|Werck Covctine ond tp Por© June 5th.The News and Observer approximate what we destroy of Cost of Government,” should examine this paragraph:in those two products,to say rothing North Carolina club of the State : the President’s proclamation:of the waste in vegetables,milk,|University.Mr.then WoolCoat Suits,n pro-Coatssd|poultry products and other edibles.|sho that the totalTtisessentialthatthedaybe/North Carolina's part of the nation:mount of real oF personal property $10.00 and $12.50.No Approvals.Up to 5.00 and $7.50. approached in thoughtful apprecia-|g}waste of $700,000,000 in house-tax on the books is less than half of tion of its significance and that we/holds is approximately $20,000,000.|the tax revenues received by the Sale Price,95 .. accord to it the honor and the mean-|A very great part of this waste,is|State Treasurer,or $2,223,878,while $7 Sale Price $3.95.- junnecessary and preventable.(Of|1 ipts amounted toingthatitdeserves.Our industrial|(curse there will be nae un-|Seneneue,s sosates ‘—a. need prescribes that it be not made'der the most careful and economical|than is found in 27 States of the a technical holiday,but the ——-f we wound|Union,nine of which =<in the O n tebe hat |cut our waste in we would/South.Clear en the taxpayers °‘sacrifice that is before us urges that /t2),‘$16,090,000.These figuresare of ‘North Carclina are not burdened _-eo ft it be carried in all our hearts 8 ®|based on normal prices.At the pres-|with taxes for State support beyondgreatdayofpatrioticdevotionand/ent level of prices they would be just|those of the ty of the South-i obligation when the duty shall lie |100 per cent.higher,making the to-'ern Common ths,and have nosponever?"man whether hei hin-ware North Carla HOA00 Te trEekcand sare te es =Seyring Clearance Sale of Woolselftoberegisteredornot,to see to!"“Just gs our women are responsi-|The ot!aes a wave it that the name of every male per-|ble for most of our economies,they!the State,as brought out by Mr."|an in ite prevention.|re e j dC fcoteeedeworeeeaaayDSata”|©COat Suits and Coats from our That is to say,we are to approach|TERED aun =a ‘preaerty caps the day notlightly,with a whoop and|Not a Theorist —Practices cs,from R d WwW De Oe te ccey’wee atth|What ie Prentiss.|sokienforcpoctbe,pervesee,from eady-to-VW ear partment.fie “thoughtful appreciation of its sig-|Some of the folks who are always |conations ee akon oe ie ey ea![aah bli geRegktatet“AS mang eet doers wf OUL Entire Stock of Wool Coats “Our industrial need,”continues the that ens ek re Commission,|-onnection the study of the::.already put in prac-|that in 1915 theeeeeeantheBeateBO4S0Lpolls ible for d Coat Suits T dously Rmadeatechnicalholiday,but the)“I have no theories,”answered oe aed vied inpa an t uits remen us.e- stern sacrifice that is before us urges Lucas.“I am_practicing what I)jas¢tial election,while only that it be carried in all our hearts preach.I work eight horses on my 95,100 voters paid tne required aa‘farm and,as I was already practic-S¢'si.43.There is $522,000 due from}duasagreatdayofpatrioticdevo-|ing diversified farming,I ve put |this source and only $36,000 collect-"tion.”That is to say,it is not a day about 25 extra acres of Yand into 44 North Carolina is one of the 18 to be wasted in holiday effort.ng ee and have cut the cotton States in the Union that levies a No Reservations. ;acreage 20 per cent.In addition to)bedy who can help in the enroll-|,considera serenge of wheat,fee tan,but if yD a te ae ly Sa Tae,ca opens |Sns Nespasaeaeae|Be EVERY WOOLCOATSUITIN OURSTORE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. ly : service to help;but those who can't enough;.gallons of s ‘render service in this way should be of sweet and 1 potatoes,and for- at work on the job.It’s not a time age on every acre of stubble landforfussandfeathersandwind.|that does not go into soy beans or LEED )ec‘orn.In Concord a wealthy citizen paid,“I resent being called a theorist.” for a Red Cross ambulance for serv-oan a didn’t seek his present)woos ig noted for educationalleeinFrance;in Charlotte a wealthy food supply forthe Mate."Me took|work in the county schools,for which|citizen did likewise and in Durham the place at the urgent solicitation|Prof.eeee me 1 three wealthy citizens paid the |<oa at a sacrifice,-t t a Wonderfullot of Coats at Surprising Reductions. That is all right and the liberal giv-work was needed.+oa oo four sections.in four different see|!; ers are to be commended.But the|and who need Should re.|tionsof the county—which seems to] ambulancethatbearsthename of emberthatnoneof the in good idea for Coats thatsoldup to $7.50.Saleprice $3.95. Btatesville to the battlefront in|'*intended for them.,chile Brame,rien ty Statervilemet|aremare dn,cough :Gordon Hosiery, rr i anatt stter for wear.White andailthe.deeb shadesin sk Fibre and Cotton. Stores. 16 Departa F ji ie ? $e z ei7FHi l i t t e i l e p F i a H of .Hanks’par- with her sister,Morrison..L.Burnette of Jackson isetimewithherdaugh-ter,Mrs.R.L.Maiden.’ Fine Band—A Word About It. ie people who havetheMerchants’band realizethatthetownagainhasasplendidmusicalorganization.For more than a the city becausewellasthey,oraresunburnedfromworking in theydon’t think for a momeneatcomesfromthe;country and is worked and harvested|hy these sun-burned hands and com-|mon dressed people.(it is proper to say that if refer-ences to civie leagues is meant to in-clude the Civie League of Statesvilleithecriticiomisunwerranted.|efforts of the Statesville organizationjisdirectedtotownwork,to making ithe town a better place in which to |live,and it sustains,by its efforts,}the Rest Room which some of the|country women appreciate:So farasTheLandmarkcanrecallStates-i ville Civic League has not given awordofadvicetothecountryfolks,and this statement is in justice to it.|The town folks have their shortcom-‘ings—more than enough—just asotherfolkshavethem—and a fewknocksaregoodtoteachthemto The|surplus for these less fortunate.” A generation Statesville was noted look ot the other side,But the critiesfortheexcellencyofitsbands.For should use some discrimination.Thesomerapriortotheorganization|of tae’Gennes one,the town had no!hand and it is a pleasure to know)that we again have one of which we!are all ..It takes time and money to main-tain a band.The mvsicians have togivemuchtimetopracticeaswell|as the time given in playing for the|entertainment of the public.FormerbandsinStatesvilleceasedtoexist|heeause of lack of encouragement.|The public felt free to call on thd!hand on all occasions,but becausememberswerehomefolksthethefEdofpayfortheservicewasnev-*? ment The band:was consid-| great majority of the town folks workandworkhard.They have to.Theclassdescribedbythecorrespondentconstituteasmallminority,Theydeserveallthatisseidaboutthembutitisunfairtoleavetheimpres-sign.that they are a reprecentativeclass._4The Landmark.) Veterans and Washington Trip—A Complaint. To the Editor of The Landmark: In regard to paying the railroadfareoftheoldsoldierstothereun-on in Washington,Surry countycommissionershavedone«he righteredtoexistsolelyforthebenefitof;thing,according to my —judgment—public -——somewhat as manylookuponnewspapersandenterprises,as a free vehicletobeusedbythepublic.The pres-ent band was promoted by the Mer-,chants’Association,which is financ-ing it with the help of $15 permonthfromthetownforaperiodofsixmonths.Only by some pub-lie support can a band exist._Thisismentionedtoexpressappreciationofthebandandallwhoaidinit,and also to remind the public of itsdutyinthepremises. Play at Graded School Last Night. Following was the programme cftheentertainmentgivenbythein-termediate and primary grades in thegradedschoolauditoriumlasteve- n $ 1.Rose Dream In two scenes, (Primary Department Pell Street School.iracters.Little Rose seeesecsees.Mary Belle Deatontaeeees.Rohert ClappLittleRosebud..Fern MilleoftheFairies...duliet BristelGiant-“Forgot.”John Gray WE eecgesrscergces es Wenkey WiiitammeRoses,Fairies,Elves and Queens.Attendants.-Soldiers,Boys and Girls.One hundred and seventy-five children.Hi.The Runaway “Teddy”BearRescuedby65children:assisted by 40,fairies.A jolly tand of little follies(Primary Department Davie Avenue Schoo!)A_Sunflower Drill.a large collection of sunflowers grown at the Davie Avenue School.IV.Historical Pageant.Intermediate Department Bell Street1Sebool.iMasterofPageant._...Alexander Herris1.Tablenux—The Landing cf Pilgrims.tadians. ...York Stinson:Comer Karusos|Gelonial Garden Party —By a bendondgirlethatdothings.4 Daye of ‘61 -As you will see.|5.America United —As you will hear(Two youns Americana.)All told 600 Bonnie Lads and Lassies. Notices of New Advertisements| Attractions at the Lyric.Mrs.Vernon Castic at the Cres- vay each $5 and let them go or stay at home.So many are not able to go to Washington,even with their railroad fare paid,and they are theonesmostinneedofhelp.I am notopposedtopayingthefareofthosewhogotothereunion,but I wantalitreatedalike.dé.C.BROWN.(The point made by Mr.Brown iswelltaken.The law passed by theLegislature,however,simply au-thorizes county commissioners toytherailroadfareofveterans o desire to atterc the reunion.Whether the commissioners have the authority to make a gift to those unable to go,or who may not choosetogo,is questioned,although theSurrycommissionersappeartohave done that.Some whose expenses will be borné by the county may beabletopaytheirownway,whileotherswhomaynotbeabletobeartheexpenseoutsidetherailroadfare,or who may not for ether reas-ons be able to wo,but who,as MrBrownsays,are most in need,willgetnothing.Thus the law,whichwasintendedtohelntheveterans— and thev deserve al)they wil]getoutofi—will operate unfairly,butthisprobablydidnetoccurtothelaw-makers,who were prompted bygoodmotives. The Spring Feeling —Would Go Afishin’. We trust that we are public-spir-ited;we trust that we ore patriotic.We are as willing teu “do our bit”in|this war as anybody.And sometimes‘we are anxious to land on FrenchsoilanddoanythingthatmightfalltoourlottobeattheKaiser.We|wet as enthusiastic as anybody whenweseetheStarsandStripesafloat:we cheer as lustily and as sincerely|as anyhody when we hear the strainsoftheStarSpangledBanner.WestandupstraightandsalutetheAmericanflaganddeclarefromthedepthsofoursoulthatweloveourcentSaturday.|cpentay as much as any other soul.|that breathes.We are wide awake villeDragCe.weatly way |to all events of the day.We follow.|the proceedings of Congress mostBAG.Rh”ee jclosely,We are interested in the_|ie swathe Billy Sunday is cuttingaplane.—Andrews Mu jin the sin and crime of ‘yew York.Orname:...|We spend hours each day hocing theTheMorrieCo—_a se.garden to help in the foodstuff cam-7 ipaien.These are strenuous times3aiscomingJune-|and we are trying to live up to the:times.But it is s one1apionationstoourcustomers.-—|fternoon thCoa, Normal Girls at Home. doing of tne world and go 5 thighcostofliv- the blue skies are| 28 " a be ‘ Fe e 3 ) fa s 3 au l a % it+2 ¢ se e e e r e e g Te p s e i g e s l t e Ri t e Ft Eh healthy.Then with a little forthoughtandknowledgeofitcontinuestoserveusduring|winter months,i}.“Sinee you help in the production,||have entire control and care of the|eonsumption of foods,is it any won-jder that Unele Sam is appea to}vou for aspistance?Adopt forislogan,‘Gibson County Feeds -|self,’and then remember to have a Prosperity,Says Armour. Continuation of the prosperity nt | |the country in spite of the war,continuation without ex‘any temporary depression will fol-|low the adoption of a “business as|usual”programme,in the opinion of |(J.Ogden Armour,Chicago nest |packer and member of the IlinoisStateCouncilofDefence,and of the|advisory committee of the CouncilforNationalDefence.|“Modern war,”says Mr.Armour,|“requires the expenditure of huge |sums of money and means maximum|employment and high wages for allworkers.Other conditionsPengtothiswarmakeitcertainthis,nation will enjoy a period of busi-|ness and industrial activity,the likeofwhichhasneverbeforebeenseen.and which is assuredwarlastsseveralmonths or several years.”tSpeakingofthepossidiiitythat)over-cautiousness might result ;war economy suggestions,Mr.Ar-/mour said:“There is some reason ibelievethateconomyruleshemisappliedforawhile,but «3aresuchthatthepublicwilliaoon!see,if they have not already,Jthereisnooecasionwhateverfothemtobecomealarmed.” Save the Bottles-—Preserving. Housewives are urged to save bot.|tles,especially wide-necked ones,to be used for preserving.in a bulletinhytheUnitedStatesDepartmentof.)Agriculture.The department advises,that a serious shortage of regulajarsandpreservingcansisthrakt-ened.Fruits and jams,when sealedwithcorksorparaffin,can be kept/nerfeetly in bottles.Fruit juices may|also be packed in amall-necked bot-|tles.Specialists of the department|are urging canning elubs and house-wives not only to ean products,buttodryfruitsaswell.Nothing,they|advise,should be canned that can be|preserved otherwise.The bulletin!says:"Candy containers,or other glass|jars with screw tops or vlass stop-|vers,and in fact any receptacle of} tlass,crockery or porcelain,can besealedwiththecork,or paper and/|paraffin. “Large tin cannisters or tin cans!_with removable covers,provided the |body of the container is air and wa-ter tight,will be found useful in’‘eanning certain food products.Such|containers can be sterilized and their|‘covers hermetically sealed in place|with solder or wax.”| -MARKET REPORTS.__Statesville Produce Market.| { { The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket:Spring Chickens,25¢.to 30¢.per Ib,Hens,iTe.to 18e.per fb,Roosters,Te.per tbh,|Eves,27¢.per doxen,i|Butter,22¢.to 2h,per Ib.iBeeswax,2@e.per Ib.{Green Hides,Ife.to 20,per Ib.Hama,5c.to 2Re.r thSidesandShoulders,22,to 25e.per Ib.New Red Honey,lfc.per Mb,Sourwood Honey Comb,206.per th,Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c,per tb.Sweet Potatoes,$1.26 per bushel. Grain,The following prices were pald yesterday|for grain on the local market:|Wheat,$2.75 to 84.25 per bushel,Corn,81.86 per bushel,Oata,9%.per bashel, ; On the local market yesterday 20 1-2 cents|per pound was paid for Stade cotton.| "ie Oe busCotton,Oe.per Seed Cotton,8 1-2¢,ae } en en aeee ae a |FOR RENT—Houses on Sharpe strect.N.P./|WATT.May 22.|WANTED—ix4,6x4 ond Oa Poplar,DIA-|MOND FURNITURE CO.May 22-2.| WANTED—Old felee tecth:don't matter if}ad ao te $20 per set.Send 7 |reel post reevive vheck ret mail.|TER,408 North Welle.haihamMd.May 18 4t*. ‘POR RENT—A,¥.Alexander residence onatstreet,M.P.ALEXANDER. oe .ber,thus assuringofitsfinancialrequirements.We will make no charge for our services, Your name will be entered with the Government.as:esubscrirecognitionofyourport CXF Ot Senitment should not be stilled forever when wedding”bells are hushed;it should be revived and the bells »tOringagaineachmarriageanniversarytorenewthe ‘and happy momentsof the wedding day.ve eeTheanniversaryofherweddingandthebirthdaysofher-children are the times when a wornan’s pean eeefor‘ap=*recngemen from her husband of her devotion Sacrifices.«€have an abundant supply of anniversaryand wed>:sdinggins,the quality of which is unquestioned.sryeinviteyoutocomeandseethem.aw P-A-T-R-I-A R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. Weare not es for trouble,there-fore are not advising farmers whet...they should plant or their wives about:canning,neither are wetownsistershowtomanageWeareinclinedtoeverymanorwomantohis Our main business is sellingmentstopreparelandfortoolstocultivatewith.Stoves,and house building material. Our facilities are capable ofanarmysufficienttorouteGreenfromIredellCounty androundingsections.We are‘do our bit’’ EverySaturdayat the In OpenFaceNickelCaseat $6.00,,... 5 3iFr e e s ? FS e M t i t 33 z z ' (f e e ee ee e ee es 3 cle :|“4°*'loo f all future renerations.74;Lasenby ‘Sts.26 os MT said "Good!at last theGermans (2°a +Mncete-Geatete |.M.cree someone.oe satin etl|cuatro eee.Meath:Baty soe ee ge |RECOMMENDATION BY A WELL KNOWN MAN. that a trainload of prisoners |po o.y Bowles-M $6 ...i .Statesville,NC.May 18,1917 me stalled in a little German town.|supplies;1 Montgomery Mardware ©;“C.,f a ae eee ~2,70.=A P.,one lot,Caldwell 8t TO MITMAofthemsucceededinmaking,WS Wel cots.OF Fk hee.:Th is the wn their condition to the citizens ;W.M.Patterson exempted Gaither,L.W..tosenot only who had gathered around the train.from poli tax until revoked by commissioners-hear:vedel|Hardware Vo.pay $10 only on Gunn,J.A.,lot,Cemetery St "Some of the kind-hearted men and apd ride warveidaes.H “tun beta Aisne but inndthelienpistol .p ny Bg 7|gand Race Sts.”i Sheet Metal business,ct of mer->,.W.,one lot,Bell St.1 |eee oe y who Caswell Training gebnethas and Hortoses,Mire,“Move and B,one ist,me straight ‘orward *=.recom :p pee .occ osavennesnishedandwosenames(92:45,W.F.Hall $4.50 for drugs;States-Harwell)U.C.,one lot,Mecting andwereprintedthattheymightbevilieSentinel$4,Mooresville Enterprise $4.50,|Walnut Sts |.34.606.10 4 ®.‘“¥ae J.'e 4 :ime.The Landmark $11.70,all for tax notices;Hines,EB.K.,.::corm gefondonatoning ita chkite cs ed Fee EA TS FA HARRIS CO..:pital,Go’5 3.40 for serv-|Jennings,J...on »Be it.time “in ting arrows with j..°ed.ene Wot,Bavie Ave,sas .~~e a0 :mils in the heads through the bars —It was ordered that those living in pate |Sateoee.,J.M.,one lot,Race St..... .Our Motto:“Quick Work;Small Profit”Mills township and belonging to special school |Kistier,J.B.,one lot,Eiwhth St. BROOKS HARRIS,Supt.and Manager. district in Turnersburg be added to the tax |Kurfees,J.L..one lot,Stockton St. mps.:book |Kyles,J.L.,one lot,Fourth St.....“My attention was called to one Good Roads—J.L.Ballard $16.25,J.E.|Lawrence,Dr.E.N.,one jot,Beil St... SKYLIGHTS,NICES,SLATE,TILEANDTINROOFINGAN ;i ,where Boyd $125,T.N.Brown 86.40,J.F.Brown |.J.,one lot,Race St.....tion camp in Wittenberg 20,Hugh A.Bernard $26.50,Burgin Broth.|]W.W.one lot,Fourth St... GUTTERINWN- is the allied prisoners in the German ap a r e c e ~ ~-artin Luther nailed his articles on (7.'9::'ty.3.1.Bradley 610,Dr.C.L.Cruse Lippard,J.La,fir.two lots,Seventh St.church door.One incident there ¢;©F.‘Cavin $60,e L.Clarke $38.12,J.1.iy meet A.B.,one lot,Seventh St....,was typical,There was a_large Cloire 85,A.M.Deal $12.30,Deitz @ Patter-|Lyons,Minses M.M.and S.C.,one lot,ber of Russian prisoners confin-som $8.40,A.A.Cartner $3,C.R.Davis $30,Fifth St...ws se’ae ts Geo.C.Goodman $1.50,W.L.Gaither $20.80,Mayhew,W.W.,one lot,Caldwell St.in one with typhus fever.jp.Howard 868.36,W.H.Hartel!$127.70,Minish,J.J.,one lot,Seventh St.German Is said ~—W.H.a 42.67,C.©,Martnese gaas.04.wir,wv.¥..one lot,Yradd St.rent;to ve C.C.Hartness O4,A.F.Harr .r,danie and Cora,one lot,WestdBrittoneeekeubaeenL.W.Hicks 828,88,A.RB.Howard $1,J.C.)Bnd Ave...esopportun11Holmes$7.09,Holland Bros.$3.41,‘Iredell Mills,W.P.,one lot,Boulevardwiththeirallies,and so they all produce Co.$31.61,Iredell Hardware Co.$8.82,|Moore,C P.,one lot,Front St.ere driven into the quarters with Iredeli Feed Store $443.15,W.C.Johnston Moore,V.B.,one lot,Bell St.the R *They were by that act &Co.$2.30,C.EB,Jones #i47.60,C.Moore,W.A..one lot,Davie Ave.....if $148.11,Lasenby-Montgemery Hardware Co.Mott,Dr.J.J.,two lots,Broad St...$22.85,Manufacturers’Record $5,B.R.Mor.Morrison,IN A..one lot,Front St.been killed.rison $5.03,W.8.Murdock $11.25,Mills &Morrison,R.C.,one lot,Oak St.«;an ers Poston 83,W.C.neon o..53,G.F.Mor m,J.C.,one let,Highland Ave.I t rmanoffic '$3,W.C.Joly &Co.$90.53,G.F.Morrison,J High@fWhecampshadtrained$6 GC.Putnam 00,Pleteeet *Murdock,R.F..one lot.West End Ave A Se e s 53 6 5 3% A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL. FOR HOME,BC Estimates Furnished From Blue AND CHURCH.Prints Free gg gb n e s e s e e ? iven ‘to as certainly as.Ned 32 3 .ae ;5,2.Orr,R.W.,3 lots,Front and Green St.ir police dogs to bite all British pharr $18.75,E.E.Robertson $10.10,KL.|Phifer,E.'L.,one lot,Front SFjersinuniform.When the officers Raymer $10.95,E.E.Robertson $12.07,J |Plott,J.T..one let,Kerty St.‘Rimmer.$2.50,D.C.Reece $16.00,W.M.Pope P.8.,one lot,Meeting St........t among the oT a on —Neil &Co.$176.05,H.i.Morrison $44.40,Pratt,J.3,one lot,Boulevard...dogs along,an jogs Mooresville Furniture Co,84.40,Jim Steven-Rankin,F.A.one lot,Sharpe and Mul-vs bit a few prisoners.son $2.50,Fred Sills 78 cents,Statesville!berry Sts.voces _ My complaint was at first not Grocery Co.874.19,Statesville Oil Co.$87.39,Rary.J.C.,one lot.Fifth St.I that the practice J.C.Bteele &Sons $1.06,Troutman &Son Reed,W.D.,one lot,Meeting St.‘»od 1 ld high $2.45,Tradway &Holland $1.20,C.V.Trout-Rumple,Mrs.J.C.,bal.,one lot,Boule-being continued.told a man $30,C.A.Thomas 84.80,C.M.Wagner)vard ...........es toe)ODofficialthatIwasavery$12.L.W.White $8.90,J.F.Wiggins $4.50,Seazo,John M.,one lot,8.Center St..6 tz a -—=;es Sowers,O.A.,one lot,West End Ave... e e ’e Germany.We have ~o yaaa chet Sowers,R.L.,two lots,Mills St...Real values that can be appreciated on sight are what sion of it in this country.LC IT Sadler,;Foss,one let Righth st :we are fi i S °|V |in W }Si °{Shi t W.i ‘ §Items in a agg omg ps Swaim,Mrs.A.D.,one lot,Stockton St.1 2 ;Fa titantue ries 2a we,“et Bom toPetticoats,Corset Covers,Gowns and Chemise.Gauze Vests, days ame,Elder .;ickert.COUNTRY ———J.8,os +°Foe A aT Fungds"atat'aatae “=25]Gauze Union Suits,Dress Voils,Organdies,Lawns,Flaxons, ;had_conducted service at _the Turner,Mrs,Lula,one lot,Front St.21.7 -»pra haie on,B,Witeen HAMS wot 3 eee a Gaberdiaes,Middy Twills,Ladies Hats,Auto Veils,Gloves and e 23 5 & er e & az 2 8 ;D.F.Jenkins $10,Joe M.Watts $49.22,Seago,D.R.,one lot,S&S Center St.~_=.—|goite «gd Waugh &Brown 90 cents,M.A.Mullice Sells,Jobn,one lot,Fitts St........,_a of paler palin @ $21.31,C.D.Moore $15,C.L.Murdock Sessons,J.M.,one lot,Development Co, MH er iat dent pee,2 $127.90.‘i m eNews -=eins — 2 you cando about it if 1 shoot a parasite §,C.F.,one lot,Boulevard ~-— < s S » ws~ - AD A K A R C B H e H a ..two lots,Caldwell St..dogs.’The camp cammander was .van Seesing (0 Fone lat Secanth 6s. ved,Ik IN E Somers,M.V.estate,one lot,Front St.se things may show you a tit-Sowers,John,one lot,Tradd St.something of the spirit existing Sowers,G.H..one lot,Caldwell St... BR F S S se ~—oo Young,Mra.Ida,one lot,Kelly St...at.Corporations,.book Mr.Rickert .Compress Pad Sadd'beand‘a,captifeatein the Siamese eee ee Hose.Parasols,Oxfords and Pumps,Percals,GinghamsandFaer'Dr MeGiivary”the te oe and Shirtings,all of unusual valueoOVv..me vary.e@ ta-o °. of Mrs.R.W.Orr of Statesville Miller-McLain SupplyCo.Abernathy,E.A.,ne lot,Garfield St...5.7 Shirtings,odcsiinSi:)Adams,Henry,one lot,Harrison St...Pane 9.peatonary :aes yo osc Bailey,Walter,one lot,Tradd StStailetospensome’Bailey,R.D.,one lot,Center St.ea =Mi poo ———aero mre ee:Ate Hattle ang Alfred,oa ES I L Ss P O Ss Tt O N =e ot,Garflele .3.49 =Shane ae Me esmaee.ony—_p eine a ns ik Secon MIL &°5 i 07 ca .;"Bennett,G.W.,one lot,Garfield St...rk of the session.pasted the orig-Burton,Ashiy,one let,Geese Ot...certificate on the margin of the Byers,Hogan,one lot,Chambers St...and wrote in the record the e Chambers,F.F.,one lot,Tradd St...’vat ,Colvert,John,lot,Ha St...Givery as’furnished by Mrs.Mc-724 ae a oe ee —.2s 31.37]wou NE a video!:Se 27 ~~Vina,one lot,Walker St.....2.e e oe Hind Quarter of a Beef Frimster,vere,tal,oneTor,erry ©|Wests Carman one ia tapofCome k Furniture..(a.;‘E ¥»%,‘’™..Floor Finish Fraley,Press,one fot,Garfield St...2.Colored Delingazents.hi j re Enterprise.Gray,Jno.5 Simonton,Sam,one lot,Garfield St,..-S-Fer all Creche:Mareurel one tot Geeteldst,=!|Stevensss,Sohn,one lot,Chambers@.Will R.Fry was over in the Lin-‘or all interior vernish work—Erocne Martane,ene int,Gee St.27 .—’ de country last week,and while stairs,floors and furniture—Hollowell,es awe WA Wier :ae 9.21 THE ALL-YEAR-ROUNDFURNITURE.John Yoder killed a beef and a Kyanize Floor Finish will please Holmes,Perey,one lot,Green St.36 .: contracted explicitly and plain-you.hag a —a St...75 '.~——RanksFirst In ———and strictly for the left-hand fais cacy t —dries quickly Sihieee.dame eae a Wadd kaa Oo ;y rrr .=’"7 xrter,at 13 cents a pound.When with a airs cn eo ana...(ae :eee QU ALI I ‘;(OM F ORaz;and STY LE.received the beef,it was the face that brings out the natural Kerr,Henrietta,one lot,West End Ave.2.7!:paras Hana right-hand quarter,and calling John beauty of the wood ee ee eee :z .:°a .Lee,one lot,Garfield St...up,said he wouldn't have the quar-Ter Kyani Moore,B.L.,one lot,Garfield St..if any price;he wanted tae left-ty Syyanize once.Murdock,J.A.estate,1 lot,Sharre St. |Dave,one lot,Garfield and done.Finally John vrevailed on .Murphy,J.P..one lot,Davie Ave.2 NOK XK KMARAAAGmtotakethebeefat11cents,and 2 McKee,GC.one lot,Green St 7 75 RY IOSr.Fry wondered why the row.ia =}eae ber easlot,devaca'St os)will give you the BEST results at POOKY yhhy.”said the man,“a cow al-c oo Nicholson,Josephine,one lot,Tradd St.»the lowest cost.Why take chances |LUTEPeysliesdownonherrightside,and —Osborn,Mamie,one lot,Walker St....on sist paints when you can buy |he'r ,£5 Pearson,Jennie,;as ,”RO OV Vyrightsideofabeefistoughandsashs|Sherrill:hak ‘ms a ee >”aa Bt DAVIS"?VERANO 44.0044ingy,the left side tender.”Se Sctonten,Bolte,one bot,Garfield St.02 FOR SALE BY AAW AAAAANTS”ITT SR -ber is .ot,€c 2 "Raval V Hates Contract TheKyentas Lineof Finishes Eromen,Janet eatate onebt harpe st.i:(yamemby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,ULLNavalVesselsUnde.jatts,R.S.,¢ts,ld St.07icaiahsseaesdbySoldandguaranteedbyWhite,Joseph,ome lot,Trade St.Statesville,W.C.mY) Congress have been contracted forexcerSSes Iredell Hardware Co. auxiliary craft,says Secreta-|Daniels.Besides the war craft ME ER»prise for,the depart-(Wipes concen many additional ——AT—_——-oNmimarine’chases STATESVILLE AND ELKIN THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY hundred,and 24 sea-going tug SCHEDULE. EV ‘1 Y.DA \"IN THE YEA 1,000 tons displacement.to ve Fr of UQUALITYFOUNTAINDRINKS|cell"withother furansIflinesofFurniture both as towboeats and mine-Car Leaving Statesville...8: SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. .Recent awar-s inelude Car Leaving Turnersburg .submarines of the 800-ton Car Leavling Harmony ..Car Leaving Houstonville . —The Rexall Store.— eee 2S =~ So r e Ba s e ee Car Leaving HamptonvilleLeeLaws,a youn Loe <>.—=Eikin :She »-10:8 an i Car ving ElkinywhenapistolinthehandsCarLeavingHamptonvillehisunclewasaccidentallydis-Car Leaving HoustonvillebCarLeavingHi W.’Cannon of Concord and A.Car a.Draper of howow or wealthy cit-Arrive at #5 8 g 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pr e r v r y Pr ss l s ? Sa l a &e ° SE s ::We can provide "to keep @good carin an unfit place.fe eae,gadgwen,teres ,Rightnow,is thetime to see aboutit so youwillbesuretogetaplace. _Or if you want acover for the car we will serveyoubest, ae ee GET A KODAK. Without letting your pocket know it.Come inseehoweasyitistogetaKodak,the Dime BankWay.Get areal Kodak with spare Dimes. H.B.WOODWARD Jew cler. ue,‘Clattering down on to earnest.Hun bullets are aingfromoursideslikehail|‘a a glass ,While inside the}‘tanks’wholeriousguns,which break forth in ing ean live.|“And now we are on =&=aa &F :a =i gf «8ft sssee S2 3 a e3 €Ss §\rifie bump.A can ofipedfromitspigeon zli s BOY HATS. We have just received a big line of Boys Hats in Black and White Milam.Also Cloth Hats in White and Colors.Price 50c. to °$1.75. SPORT SHIRTS. See our new Sport Skirts in all the new materials.Price $5.00 to $10.00 each. Try a Madame Grace Corset.Have our Corsetiere fit you in a new Model.Price $1.00 to $7.59. Respectfully, MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. Fi\deck,with its stopperjandthedangerousspiritjoverthefloor.However,we|that trench,followed up thejingHunsforaminuteortwo,‘ed out the nearest dugout and went,|on our way to the next trench.|.“By this time the fumes from thejhundredsofroundswhichwehad,fired,with the heat from the }and waste petro!and oil,have t;}the air quite oppressive and uncom-|\fortable to breathe.Now we arenearingthenextenemytrench,and’jwe hear report of bursting bombs,|‘above the pattering of the stormof |jbullets,striking our armor.. My Fe Fy AS|oO un tren 8 j|to be composed of shell holes of all|isizes,just linked together,‘how severe our vious = H E |minutes before y'retreating.We leave them fminuteortwoinordertorama ma-o_o emplacement,which isstillthreateningourrapidly-advane-jing infantry.We just craw!over}the embankment,guns and all;it isnotnecessarytofireasingleshot.|“Now it is time for us to advancejtothenextandlastposition.We)‘have the good fortune to strike a:|road which has escaped serious dam-||age,and making all speed along this|oe make up to the Huns who have|escaped from the last trench.But)they have had enough of the all-de-'|vouring monster,and are ready to}throw down their arms and make}|their way to our infantry,glad to be!|prisoners.j|“The last trench proves to be the| —--Is the BEST for-—— Destroying Potato Bugs. ——--—We sell it —— HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.29, Guaranteedprices delivered at States- villeOilMillor my Warehouse,take your choice.Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,and Union Guano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. CASH OR TIME. —>J.FE.SLOOP.<— |worst,for just as we are crossing a)large hole our ‘bus stops.’Two org|three Huns,seeing our difficulty,|lerawl out of a hole like rabbits and;j are brave enough to on the!jdeck of the ‘tank’from behind.But)we hear them on the armor and they|were doomed not to ght the iron|cross,for we opened a small trap)|door and shoot then w:th a revol-|iver.Of course we aad seen them)before they reached the ‘tank,’but,2 was Or.a |little change t jus en,|we did not rouble deaut them.|“And now the old ‘bus’is going)}strong again.Only in time,for a/‘Titerge lyddite bomb burst against|the armored jacket of gun.The|flare comes in through the port hole,|blinding me for a minute or so,while|small splinters strike my face.But |my gun is still untouched,thanks|to the armor plate,and,somehow-||seems to work much better.And now}1 catch some Huns retreating along||a trench almost in line with a burst).The Germans are now scat-| |hunt.”{|(The “tank”in this country would||be known as a big tractor,armored,|fitted up with uns.figherng machinelintroducedbytheBritish.—The 'Landmark).:| RaiseHogs. |Agricultural and economic authori- ‘ties in the State are looking thisyear i fo f |fi te e Zt such aon ®complicatedmassof M€-|toc”ieaboutawithevidentfenceand devastating fire,under which noth-|: ra l i i; Fe i ta EF ti t br a a l T e Is never complete without a NUNNALLY'S CHOICE CANDY, Fresh shipment just in.POLK GRAY DRUGCO.“On the Square” ANT NOTICET0 TAXPAYERSTheBoardofCountyCommissionershave ‘}me to advertise all persons who fFilorneglecttopaytheirtaxonorbefore..June the1,'1917.Uniess you pay your taxagreeablytotheaboveorder,nt it will be my unpleasant duty to Advertise YourPropertyforSale,ud As I cannot and will not advertise one manandnotanother.To do so would be unfairanditismypurposetotreatalltairlyandalike.Let meurge youto comein and set-tle at once.Respectfully, I Soee) Piano.Music instills noble thoughts in the heart and mind of everyone,and a Pi- ano —a good,reliable, sweet-toned Piano —is the best investment anybody can make for the home. TheWeser Piano has been on the market for nearly 40 years,and enjoys the reputation for durability and rich tone quality.Only hirh-grade materials are used in the construction,yet its price is within reason. If you are thinking of .pur- chasing a Piano,or ever ex- pect to own one,it is cer- tainly to your personal and business interest to see and hear this beautiful instru- ment. TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE! Every WESER Piano is guaranteed against all de- manship for ten years. Some goa eeeeeeee Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whateverpurpose they should be wanted. M.P.ALEXANDER,-~- eee Le NN ee”are a ome —a ‘‘sf FOR SALE!|# 95-acre farm in Cool Spring township,7-roomandoutbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,in woodland,8 acres in bottom land,:wii 78 acres,five miles of Statesville,6-room,2-storyrtweSseneGee acres in fine bottom land.‘ 200 acres,eight miles of 76 acresacresinmeadow,balance inbarnandoutbuildings,and fine 6-reom cottage,good well and barn on Boulevard. ie-rarcorntr<cean cadence aaa fects in material and work-} } Leonard Piano Store.] 4-room cotta Drake street,lot60x280.:wi ducing 00 Lackey street,good well and barn,lot5x242.a 1.ot--56x162—corner Oak and west Sharpe street.For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHE Insurance,Stock and Real Estate. Best Ways to Prepare One of theforWaris to Raisea BigCropofFoodStuff It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineveryway—This Bank has always made it its business tofinancetheFarmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist inevery way possible. Farm products of all kinds are bri high .prices,and the indications are that they will con-tinuehigh for several years at least,so it’s veryevidentthatthefarmerwhoproducesBIGcropswillbeontop. If we can serve you,come in and see us,asstatedabove,weare ready,and willing to assistineverywaypossible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N,C.“4“The Bank For Your Savings.” THE STATESVILLE >7. REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY § af THE IREDELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, ir oa een on———TO OUR PATRONS We feel that we are due you an explanation as to what we are doing and asto how it affects you now and for the next 30 or 60 days. We are now,and have been for the past several weeks,engaged in the installiation of new equipment.This is being done with as little impairment of service as pos- sible.Unless you should want to use your telephone just at the time when the connection from the old to the new equipment is being made you will never know anything is wrong in the service but,of course,there are those who will need to use their telephone just at the time when the change inconnection is being made.To those it will be apparent that the service is not satisfactory.This will meah that your line is being cut into the new.You will be inconvienced for a few minutes only.While your telephone is out of commission,the fellow next door may be able to use his all right.They are both not cut in at the same time.Anyhow,at the worst,no patron will be inconvienced for more than a few minutes. With the above explanation,we ask our patrons to be patient with us while chang- ing from the old to the new.With the new,our services will be so decidedly better that you will not regret the little inconvenience of afew minutes that we may have caused you.a en Se e ee e SL EE ET OT —:-es THE LANDM ARK WEDNESDAY,--May 23,1917.0)"Maur anew QUESTIONSANDANSWERS (0°cum sent ELE ECST EIT SOEESTET EBL LNLT LES TTST STII EES STII TTT LITA Sos 2 :e 'ppay ;i :or he |an)1 to 2 ‘‘ed iit:!!‘ty wo HM Ni eee EER eee ee i ‘4 /partis me.. ment,name the office you hold.Hf .,Mees eee ee ems A vat a <2 ;ree ::ve ‘«3 ¢eo atK .'y ')proper:‘a: you are in one of the following «;h r i at vernmen 'y e ana vr 's :16 ;a t @ fices or employments,use one of the names herenfter menciioned:ut j t “Custom house clerk,employed in ing you,u one of :,Cie ent veya "io ta a $4 Pow oA r eitis 3 the transportation of the mai ri ‘!\wim to ;j wed to $i t 1 ah is 3 time for every citizen to support employed in an armory.ar wm or tive.lew t siliwen®7 at ach neid-B the Unites States Government,and many navy yard,mariner,actu on 1 yr 'mn ’fry \{ave ct vey ae PY ‘1a}a8 2 vate .‘=a a te oui Z are doing so at cons iderable cost or sacri St merehant within }tel State or nat 'trom 3 Ot i >;fice to themselves, tates,f ):Bee i ~employed Vhe .'\way ';t We have joined the Federal Reserve Bank- vloyed ?{eye ‘-:’,-rs .co :AS ing Svstem established by the.Government gga erm,COUpOMRL I OF Et en togivepreater financial stability and strength a!ae :deg cy .ne ss s ,FE EF TI)fo the member banks and protection to their Yourself vo etatc.If you are an «4 ,Bs e .depositors, rece i ‘eer of the State or Federal gov :;: Ment,say whether 1 Otig :t War bacoerin We heave just der the United States,the em tai putmegnesnareann ranches gounty or x municipality.fy ans ren f Hach \1 car of Mict rimothy Hay,;Government _enterprise to the estion as to wher i :?;;i ;ie 4 ce at “hit ,St .eth,Ri KR °’ 0 qu tie 4 ’t {i !1 en f 1 eds in i MEME CR |and also obtain its pro- “HT you are work!r 3 ‘n t ‘<eaicuabamaaititadaiinarssapatoes aereepee a em te a i u m s h t t n i t n a m @ GL a hb t m m a c k 6 28 2 me we s You can «ive your support to this great * employed,give-the wn,count ee ::cea Te can ed peek Dee met oe :‘!ngs.car :eed,2 ‘CE DERD ¢ahh): eg where you wo ‘¢machi {Peel |i car nt)We)FEO een mVE tection for your money wife.child under 12.cr a site |tr “oe wallbe ‘ania you price ~by becoming one of our brother un ler te.lenendent :rs ani ;a . upen you for t \ ma int eth tthe ee rippine i rd Deni |‘War diy !&Produ srampuiy |COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. ou alone “TATESVILLE,N.C. worms le@positors, you alone not let yeu vilitary with the wish of th war's misery to a minimum.¢th ;‘vu is my ple other har i °.‘,:2 W;t}?| have in mind >a ai te a Hd With”;|2 .ee .s t hid Huild Wi |EOS HORCATEONE ORIOEOO O 2 OFICAD CRNyou,ce ne): nest haw>Tt i me ‘mtitre ~ra) children :i ‘here th buy ch | ey leh fs which):‘wart (,dike Ms C.WATKI |Y QQ?°H<r ce :ed ane OSENRSctome sornent 4 —w 4 ;| OCCASION ALLY| 'remind wnt¢{} i aa c a la ti e il l i t e au l at l it n i it a il i i ti a .¢ Se eee.pectations and desires when you have wT imi OUP,. |Allealis telephoned to Jas.R )Hill’s residences or Long's Sanato- n}rium wili have prompt attentian. |DR.COM ESHERRILL |||; ,|Are not tied from carrying out your ex- f 'IN.THE BANK. ions =aniline |i Your Bank Account depends on what DR.JM.HOLLAND.i:you save. DENTIST.:It is not a matter or MILLS BUILDING,}7 |oe ee en tens’tess boss OF GOOD FORTUNE. followi word |t :’‘Via +0 ‘{Statesville,N ty.“iagtiliery.”‘reedical’“signa iene a L8f5 paunds,equivalent oo HOURS §to |PHONE a.|Acquire the saving habit while your in- eaten!“supply.Cmarine®“apy pa |a .comeis small and it will be casier as Bervice,not counting time spent in ee from t)ne (F YOU'RE GOING TO WAR your income increases to reserve.Finally ame the he "nei o the ' a a ee ee 1 found +h ‘ou Eee eee eee '»Den’t leave Sailie and the Increase Your.Bank Account. ed under the =LU nite 2tn ;si »hnildine 10]‘:end tg , me your service in one 0”the enacts fer the building of il kinn af the baw Abre i Children without a Reof.Now is the opportune time to open an ving terms:‘National naw if Ss ean ernis we did anite ele are *+82 >>:»,*ie a Shingles,Ridge Koll,Valley Account with us. and such a State),‘militia (of ao pene oe ashy ,; F Coe mei @ Baate)’‘vebunteore sit me,we afte aN Tin,Nails and Brown and *¢eee a.hod P arin te es ;ae a .ner -LL FoR er BEGINS.Gpeen Shingle Stains,Pi 3 Loan and Savings Bank. ni ..1.the the annals of the Pensio ,C.WATKINS, “92.Do you claim exemption from }at A me is ’hi aiready h on f ?ify punds ny See —7 |“: BMeanesyee nia.exemption ecco “Wanner,Guilt coonty sf'decthe nee We deelgpatten CHANGE OF OFFICE!“MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” 1 have maved my law office from the ercond GEO.H.BROWN President. 0.L.TURNEyesnoost:ei ,-5 valid we é;=ta da ,he present &trus wle will : empt.or the mo }‘¢ba.: mona tive cempie,posterity in America as “The War of game of the Cammercint Nathonat Bink Pullt-|RminwmSanfordte1917.”jon of the =Deparimer>'’oe to-w Gaim now if wou ly .it Hy aed ne ec?An ~}}j Savi ik|.ent max nnouncing the official designation,Ve 4 vingn Glen.ie Reme.persons and was coming home from Santerd,the bureau.said that it was docited “Aprib10.‘A ante ,i silliest cal . .aif.re .thei:hooting himeaelf june hefere reach.on for wee in the records.bocause wo Sa :. ,'4 €a ag his station.©cause nesigned.other diitable name could be found,HUNLDINGT “6WARRING. 0°Be ty No.6,secondfloorofthePow eat. vf fi :fi r e x | oa be that publicmeetyeoftheGovernorbereadand thly explained a by an officerof There :- 5 ue = F s¥| isi2 Fs il ?i F i :£5 $2 :tz iHi || a f t Z i , 5 F i t ii #3 a: £ cs a: §3 &e =Ef |z 25 to June5,while theywill have to:‘Salete selective draft:will notbe sent under that act P|a ee eee¢says, ee S Sie en he ome ri- sé ¢32 ::ifrF t allowed to stay in Conference committees of bothhousesofCongressarestillwrest-over the —-Thejionagecarriedacen- soup pe ,but the one by the Senate not,and this was one ofdifferenceswhichsentthemeas- to where it has beenformorethanaweekwith- Wilson has written a let-Wedd,chairman committee,urgingprovisionbe..He says:“)Nave every |confidence that the great majority|of pers of tne country|will observe a patriotic reticence |bout everything whose publication could be of injury,bu:in every coun- try there are some persons :n a po- sition to do mischief iu this field who cannot be relied upon and whose in- terests or desires will lead to actions on their part highly dangerous to |the nation,in the midst of a war.” Whether the President’s wishes will -be respected is doubtful.A caucus of the Republicans of the House decid- ed to oppose the censorship provis- S3 5 : F All Must Register. Emphasis is laid by Provost Mar- shal General Crowder on the fact that no men within the prescribed age limit,except those already in |the regular army ox navy,the Na- |tional Guard,in Federal service,or the reserve divisions of the naval service,are excused from registra- tion for military serv:ce.. “Even convicts and alien enemies are required to register,”says 4 statement issued.It is added,how- ever,that those liable should not confuse registration with actual drafting for service in the army. The statement points out also that the application of the draft and calling selected men to colors will furnish the opportunity for those who believe they should be exempted to submit their claims.The process of selection will be carried out,it adds,“by lot,by the fairest system that can be devised.” Final Return on Bridge Stock. The stockholders ofville-Buffalo Shoals ny’s affairs.. BODY FOUND.E Mr.and Mrs.R.L.Adkins of of a OS ae~whowasdrownednear New York more.It is through the initial efforts the States-Bridge Com-pany were just beginning to receivereturnsontheirinvestmentwhentheirbridgeacrosstheCatawbariverwaswashedawayinthefloodoflastJuly.Most of them kissed their investment goodbye right there and some sold their stock for 25centsper$100 share,while othersasmuchas$2,few peoplecar-to invest in a bridge that was intheriver.But through the efforts sc i >ee e A :5s J < el i t es c 8 F orvoungJulianK.Morrison that aStatesvdrivenbythenow Confederatehebestofmen,votun-for service.took ex- was overcrowded.Mr.Morrisonjookedaboutforanotherwaytoen- draft are actually/ter the service.He reac in the pa-pers what Mr.Boyer was doing andonceincommunicationwithhim,told him he was sure Statesvillewouldsubscribethefundforanam-bulance and that he would volun-teer to drive it.Mr.Boyer was de-lighted and told him to goahead..Morrison got busy and askthehelpoffriends,who enthusiasti--_joined in the effort,and the,now more than §2,000,waspromptlysubscribedLetnooneimaginetheseyousmenhavefoundeasyworkoftheambulancedriverisashazardousastheworkofthesoldierintheranks,or more so.They driveacrossshell-torn and =sheli-sweptfieldstorescuethewounded.Fre-quently the drivers are carried outwoundedordeadTherehasbeensome_misunder-standing about the cost of these am-bulances and ipmenst that shouldbeexplained.ie amount was firstunderstoodtobe$1,000,and at Char-lotte and other places that amounthasbeensubscribed.The $1,000paysonlyfortheambulanceandequipment.The passage moneyandpersonalequipmentfortwomenandtheirmaintenanceinFranceforsixmonths,amounts to $800 ormore.For a small amount addition-al they can be maintained for avear,the initial cost being greatest.Mr.Morrison asked for $1,800,that} being his understanding of the amount necessary.and it is under-stood that this will provide for andmaintainthecaranddriverssix.months.But it is also understoodnowthatabout$200 additional willprovideforthecarforayear.Hav-ing asked for $1,800 Mr.Morrisonrefusestoaskforan_additionalamountandsayshewilltakechances.But as our peopte gave themoneyandallofthemareinterest- ed,whatever amount is necessary for a year’s maintenance should beprovidedanddoubtlesswillbe.Be it understood also,that thesedriversgetnosalary—not evenspendingmoney.That they mustprovideforthemselvesiftheyhaveanv.Since they give their servicesandbravedangerwithoutreward,there should be no question aboutthemaintenance.The chassis of the car—a Ford—isshippedfromthiscountryandthe other equipment is provided in Par-is.This is all managed by theAmericanFieldAmbulanceAssoci-ation,through finances contributedbythepublie—just as the Red Crossismaintained—and by the efforts ofvolunteerdrivers.The drivers are |i rf|in the eighth.Two other uatedusuallyahightypeofmen,some o ord of which we will all be proud. :|the original draft.Surtaxes oncomesabove$40,000 were increasedveteran|about one-fourth above the commit- cluding print paper andandsilver,slated for a 10 perduty,were kept on the freeSlightreductionsinthesecond-classmailmatterrateweremade.A pro- ing except newspaper and periodical is eliminated. will center around the excessincomeandmanufacturers’taxestheamailrate.Business men generally ere protesting vigur-tongueouslyss—and hog apd every isher in country op-posing the drastically increased mail rate his party votes to support the meas- ey for my share of the burden.” them ministers,as in the case of Mr.Bover,who go in the work to helpsufferingandthecauseoftheallies.Soon there will be American soldierstoearryfromthebattlefields,andthismakesitdoublytmportantthatweshouldhaveAmericanambu-lances and American drivers theretohelp.God willing,the Statesville ambu-lance and its drivers will make a rec- MISREPRESENTATION ALLEGED J.E.Brooksher was arrested yes-terday and gave $200 bond to ap-pear later and a charge ofmisssherfor- y @ grocery store nearsoldouttoMr.R.4 5 latter alleges thattohimthatinsttheince tee schedule.Several articles,and F i l s 5 per cent tax on alladvertis- Attacks on the bil]in the Senate In a final effort to summon all of ure,Democratic Leader Kitchin de-clared that he had been"Siadukedavonoeedidnotirechangesinthe billintheSenate,as had been currentlyreported.Mr.Kitchin also appealedearnestlytoailmemberstosupplythePresidentwithmoneytocarryonthewar,now that the country is in it.“I would feel like a miserable cow-ard,”he said,“to impose a burden onmychildrenandmychildren’s chil-dren to pay for something for whichtheywerenotresponsible;and yet re-fuse to take out of my pockets mon- Mann in Opposition.Republican Leader Mann insistedthatthebillwouldraisetoolargeanamountofmoneybydirectandim-mediate taxes.“This bill ——killing the goose that lays the goldenegg,”he said.“Indeed,I am afraidwearekillingthatgoosetoday.” Mr.Mann placed every possible ob-struction in the way of the measurethenceforth,insisting on a rollcallonamotiontorecommit.It was defeated,246 to 161.A fight on behalf of automobilemanufacturerswontemporarilybyRepresentativeDoremusoMichigan,was finally lost.After amending inthecomenintesofthewholethepara-graph fixing a 5 per cent tax on auto-mobile manufacturers so that onlythoseearningaprofitof$5,000 and &per cent would be effected,the House,by a vote of 233 to 174,reversed it-self and the original paragraphgrantingnoexemptionswasrestored.The House voted down,345 to 60,amotiontostrikeouttheincreasesin the income tax surtax amendment which,it is estimated,will be pro-ductive of $66,000,000 additional revenue.Postal Rate.Ai unsuccessful effort was alsomadetoeliminatethecommitteesec-ond-class mail matter rate section,which would increase,on next March1,the present flat rate of one cent 2poundtoagraduatedscalerangingfromoneandone-half cents a poundinthefirstzonetosixcentsapound scales with further inereases in rateswouldgointoeffectJuly1andNo-vember 1,respectively.The vote sustaining the committee was 256 to150.Mr.Kitchin voluntarily struckfromthebillthe5percenttaxonadvertising.It had been lef:in the measure for use in ease of de- proposal,to aw an amendment totaxnewspaperadvertising. Canning Factory Assured. The Landmark is authorized §toannouncethattheproposedcannin« be possible to operate the first seasontoalimitedextentonly.Enough cans have been for to takecareofascoodcropanditisdesiredthatfarmersthisinmindandbeabletoasmuch N.0,#1 aeiiinBi ores be eeeIredellManLosesAn Arm inCanada. Mr.Walter D. a arta Dhaspe af Leonye mat naeP0!y,mmwithanaccidentafewdaysago |Uivinities.Hethatcosthimhisrightarmancvery is a wheat and stock).farmer,living near Vulcan,Alberta,!14;On the night of May 12 hewasgoingoutoftownwithaloadoilforhisengine,tocupiedbyhisnosed,he fell ‘while andnearly-his life.ideal Mr. |{t Fa z a5 i e 2 < Then Mr.‘low whose folks,when|kept him running little errands“didn’t let him enjoy his ill;at all,”according to the With their mother they reacSharpeintheearlymorning,to fihimrestingwellaftertheoperation.afternoon of theSharpewassitting doing nicely.be home in 10 days..Mr.Sharpe was making a specialefforttogetinabiecropofspringwheatandwashaulingoilatnightforhistractor.Only a few years ago Mr.Sharpe’ssonlostaneyeglancingandstrikingit. State Normal Graduates. Of the 84 young women who graa-vated at the State Normal|Geeaaabers,this week,only one Iredell—Leafy Brown,daughter of Mr.T.N.BrownofStatesville;who received the de-of bachelor of education.An-Irene Templeton,now a resident up in bed andItisthoughthewill try needed you as now.if youtooyoungtogotowar,you canfarm,you can save.The day hascomewhenthePrussianmilitarismmustbestopped.We must helpstopit:We do not have as our a other graduate,bachelor of science,of Mecklenburg,is of Iredell parent-She is a granddaughter of Mr.and Mrs.D.A.Morrison of States- Other graduates are:Bachelors of Rogers Daniel,Mary Flossie Harris, Frances K.Morris,Rachelor of arts: science:Gladys E.Emerson,Rowan. Mrs.Walter McNabb Washington deliveredHersubjectwasthe elimination her address is higmhy The Frenchmen Back Home. While we al!supposed they| were still wining and dining “séme- where in America,”the French war the members of mission were A dispatch from Paris ays they landed at Brest Tuesday en,The members of the mission sailed from New York Tuesday,May except to a fewcialsandmanyAmericanvers,So well was the secret hy the volunteer censorship by which American newspapers ating with the government that the ‘renchme were suppos- be still in Washington and up invitations to visit various sectionsingreatnumber. ‘5,unknown feat of the second-class mail matter |! were receivedThepartyslipped rought them over,convoyed by a irench warship. Maxim's Invention.mae See,°|tremeBow York,ed and ashipsimmune even whentheir factory for Statesville is assured.|Owing to the scarcity of cans,it wil!| inventor,an- t he has invenv- device os E g : g ¥ < 9 9 3 i3% nd are o do|have ajob.formakinggood,called“Work.”-.Do up and sit,—up if roe ©oeworyourwiil.ayoungmanoveralls,if he noer i s l P a E& 3 ba s e d ph y T strain.nity,to your State,to your nation,to your .Never nas your coun- j|fi the German government.something for us to do.Letwhatitis.The United Stafightingformoreland,butliberty.Make m ,mepeoplewereadvised,to bless your community,your nu-tion and the world.The gracuating Freclass,Mr.Lambeth said,is in debt.Young people,pay back the debt youowethiscommunityforyourschool|building,for your teachers and foryourtraining.Use your money forthebettermentoftheworld.Changethatmotto,“Live and Let Live,”“Live and Help Live.”Make thattheidealofF+oo life. ze hi 5 zeThenfollowed the presentation ofprizes.Miss Sarah Reece of the high school was awarced the medalforthebestpaperon“EducationalDevelopmentinfredellCounty,”given by the Fort Dobbs chapter oftheDaughtersoftheAmericanRev-olution.The medal was presented by Mayor L.B.Bristol.The judwereMrs.J.T.Montgomery,iss;Mabel Poston and Miss Laura La-zenby.The fifth grade,Miss Jo.Dunn,teacher,received the set ofbooksgivenbyMr.L.W.MacKes-son for the best all-round grade ex-hibit from the intermediate depart-ment.Rev.C.E.Raynai presented the books.Jo.Alexander receivedthewiftforthegrade.The judges)were the high school teachers.Mise Lois Morrison won the firstprizeofferedbyMrs.Vera B.Jonesforthebestessayon“How to Im-|prove the Sanitary Condition of theTown,”by a pupil of the intermedi-ate department.Miss Lois McCallwonthesecondprizeinthiscontest.The judges were Miss Lucy David-|sheJ.W.'on_Vera Jones aes oevis.ane pemitee a iF5 =ii l 4> ; Bs 35 % z is it s ie HY ! j: Ha , ff ‘g l e Fef t ; i 5ii b s f t i ¢ 3 g i t e &| iif , s ei fiXefby :igf i ifiz ,apparently under able lead- negro was being taken from Nashville,where he was held for safe-keeping,to Memphis for trial. Inhis lessionto the mobheim- plicated two other negroes.These were found,questioned and allowed to go. See Playing Cards Taxed 8 Cents. Wyttnsten Letter to Greensboro ews.Some of the best poker piayers in the House voted to reialn in tie revenue bill the tax of 8 cents a deck on playing cards and rejected ‘anttolowertnetax_to 4 cents.is ame ent was offered? by the Democratic er,Mr.Kitch-in,but his influence was insufficient to overcome an amusing arrumentbyConmanHowardofGeorgiaforthehighertax.“I am surprised to see a goodMethodistlikeourleaderofferan amendment to reduce a tax on play-ing cards,”said Howard.“I shail re-port it to the next Methodist Confer-ence.I want these decks to pay 8centsatleast,whether it comes outofthemanufacturerorthe‘cat.’”“You mean the ‘kitty,’”said Con-gressman Billy Mason of Illinois.“Miller of leicnceote told me it was called a cat,”retorted Howari.Howard said he understood therewasanewgamecalledrook,whichchurchpeoplearenowplaying,andwhichisjustaboutasbadaspoker.“Let the gamblers pay,whethertheyareplayingthesameacatcrwhethertheyarechurchpeopleplay-ing rook,”concluded Howard.TheKitchinamendmenttolowerthetaxwasdefeated84to59onarisingvote.The House debated whether xchautauqua—which employs suchstarsasWilliamJenningsBryan—is an educational institution,andfinallyvotedtoexemptchautauquasfromthe10percen<.tax which the war revenue bill levies upon tickeis to plays of amusement. # eee use News From the War Zone. Inclement weather is holding FieldMarshalHaig’s men to theirtrenchesalongtheArrasfront,andtheexpectedrecommencementoftheoffensivewiththeobjectofclearingouttheGermansfromthelittlesec-tor of the Hindenburg line they stiilholdwestofBullecourthednotyetstartedWednesday,says the reportfromthewarzone.The infantry alsoWednesdayalongthe French frontwheretheGermansbombardedheavilythenewpositionscapturedbytheFrench.The Rome War Of-fice reports the Italians have recapturedpositionstheAustrianshadwrestedfromthem.Germany's submarineapparentlyisstill was inactive campaignfallingfarshort expectations placed in it bytheGermanadmiralty.The reportoftheBritishadmiraltyontonnagesunklastweekshowsthat18mer-chantmen of more than 1,600 tons and nine of less tonnage were senttothebottom.The situation in Russia still bears&promising aspect.AstionthatRussiawillstand firmlywithheralliesandthatthemilitary situation is brightening is the star!on a tour to al!the military fronts of.Kerensky,the new Minister ofWar,who is on record as favorable to the prosecution of the war untilavictoryoverGermanyissecured. PASTATETSENSRussia’s Hopes and Promises.| Foreign Minister Tereschtenko ofRussia,in a cabled note to the Statetin assurance on behalf of the new min-istry that Russian democracy is in-,Spired with a spirit of solidaritywiththeUnitedStatesand,like is carrying on the war tosecurethefreedomofnationsand erties of the ministry ofairs,”says the commum-“I hasten to say now highlyussiandemocracyisin-with the sentiment of Full sol-with the great republic which,true to its traditions of liberty,hasespousedcauseof ice and right.States,emanci-|not seeking conquest|end in the presentiscarrieaontose-= peace,~all lat-thatwereso @ warmunanimous echonowmistressof a an indica-| Washington,gives|exist in the her Tom The PresidentsitionWith War. No nation that respected itself or have borne the overwheimingwrongsthatGermanyinflictedupontheUnitedStates.President Wilson declares in a letter re-stating taereasonsforthisnation's the war,written Representative Heflin of Alabama and made publicattheWhiteHouse.Mr.Heflin had written to thePresidentthatsomeofhisrecentut-terances on the war apparently hadeausedconfusionovertheissuewithGermany.In re-stating his posi-tion,the President again made itclearthattheUnitedStateshasnoquarrelwiththeGermanpeople,but with an autocracy “which acts upon purposes to which the German peo- ple have never consented.”The let- ter follows: “It is incomprehensible to me how any frank or honest person could doubt or question my position witregardtothewaranditsobjects.I have again and again stated the very long continued wronws which the im- perial German governmen*has per- petrated against the rights.thecommerceandthecitizensofthe United States.The list is ‘ong and overwhelming.No nation that apects itself or the rights of human- ity could have borne those wrongs anv longer. “Our objects in going into the wai have been stated with ecual clear- ness.The whole of the conception.which I take to be the conception of our fellow countrymen with reward to the outeome of the war and tho terms of its settlement.|set forthwiththeutmostexplicitnessinan nddress to the Senate of the United States on the 22d of Januury tas. Avain,my message to Congre on the 2d of April last,tose objectswerestatedinunmistakableterms. “LT can conceive no parpese in seek- yr ing to becloud this matter except the | vurpose of weakening the hands of the government and making the part which the United States is to play in this great struggle for human lib- erty inefficient and hesitatine part. our own objects clearly stated,and shall forget neither the reason nor the objects. “There is no hate in’our heartsfortheGermanpeop:e but there is a resolve,which earner ve shaken aven by misrepresentation,te over- come the pretensions of theticgovernmentwhichacts upon purposes to which the German peo- pie have never consented.” MCRE NEW COMMANDS. Additional Guard Troops Fer Various Branches of Service. an Organization of scores of new rez;| iments of National Guard artiliery, engineers,signal troops and cavalry will be undertaken soon to the formations necessaryfortheestablishmentofthe16divis-ions of the Guard provided for in the |War Department's plans.In addition to these troops,imme-diately after the existing State sol- diers have been drafted into the Fed- eral service,there must ve organized divisional headquarters detachments, supply,ammunition and medical trains,heavy field artillery and siz-nal battalions,an aero service,two cavalry divisions and many new coast artillery units and reserves Comparison of the organization tables for the 16 infantry divisions with the existing Guard establish- ment shows that in the infantry the arm of the service In which the Guard is strongest.30 regiments and six companies must be created to provide the 144 regiments or the dl- visional structure.‘The principalshortageisfieldartillery.Each ofthe16divisionsrequiresthreeful!regiments of six batteries each,or atotalof288batteries.There now Guard 108 batteries. The shortage in engineers is almost ;as great.There wilt ne needed 16 regiments,or a total of 96 compa-|nies,whereas there now are only 30companies.Each division also will }have an aero squadron or balloon jcompany,making 14 air service units.New York has one squadronlessonecompany. _The first effort of tne cepartment|is to bring up to full war strength jall existing units of the Guard. When that has been accomplishedjandtheforcehas tactical units necessary to complete the 16infantrydivisions,and the adjutantsgeneraloftheStateshavebeenin-|structed that they should prepare|for these new organizations withoutdelay.North Carolina will pe asked tofurnishonecavalrymachineguntroop,one artillery,joneradio com ny,signalcorps. NEW PRISON PHYSICIAN. Dr.H.1.Clarke of >tan tat,BSeotland Neck entry into! h| || We have entered the war for): auto-| supply| a anal 8 The second of the administration’s| revised to create an~the rights of humanity could longer!emergency agency to control .under| President's direction distribution|i essaries of life,|House |food bills, |the ‘andlhas beensale of the’neeintroduced in the consideration and regulate |House measures food measure provides: ' jture,storage,of necessaries to be affected ajlicinterest;maoke it unla | ;or deterioration of necessaries; DON’T BECLOUDTHEFACTSTHE PURE FOOD Restates His Po-To Regulate and Control Food Reference te,upplies. Declare the production,manutac-distribution and sale| ;;tocommitorpermitpreventablewaste to! | || } |Both houses of Congress have under|to control|supplies.‘The| jrestrict supply or distribution or toenhancepricestoexcessive |Authorize the President to estab-lish standards and grades of foods to festablish their znuthorize licensiag lor equitable distribution of foeds to +prevent meconom ical or inequitable distribution;er the President to direct sition of hearded stocks;|the President prevent hoarding. j monopolization ‘the exacting of loxcessive profits;authorize the tak-factories or plants for aperation, dent to preseribe “ jing over of 'government lanthorize the Presule land heards of trace or to |entirely their cperations if ipubliic interest it be found advisable; jauthorize the fixing of minimum|prices to the production; if importations threaten jof guaranteed minimum prices; jthorize purchase by ithe j government al the mum prices supple nited States prohibit au- } i Establishment by 1”mum prices to j ners or to prevenjpeculation;authorize the changingjefmilling}the mixing of jerains in makine flo iPresident to pre ¢lthe use of foodsiutfs in the manufac- jiaure of aleoholic liq: |The mensure is based|rs of ‘ongress an@ oughout State lines. eee eT eee the break+ gyraaes or nowe il theI¢ i -— |“Julep”Seller in Again. r,a merchant at the am,on the Catawba river,a few weeks ago rned in Catawita county he charwe of selsng manufa ed r called “julep,”in violst of the prohibition taw,was fi $'v0 and appealed.This week was before the court for a fence,had a jury trial,was con- vieted and sentenced to six months.In extenuation of his offence tne secs id time,he said that nobody told him not to sell the stuff,not even his atcorney.The fact that he was con-‘tod tne first time did not to have impressed him as being |bar to repeating the sale.He let avain and bond was fixed £100.His attorney this time ex-plained to him strictly that he was not to seil “julep”any more—until Superior court decided whether ornotitwasprohibited. %PEoeSee ;Millikan Resigns Clerkship. |J.M.Millikan clerk of the United States District Court for the West- ern District of North Carolina,has signed to engage in.private busi- Judve Boyd has appointed R. to succeed Millikan.been Boyd's private|secretary.|Millikan was appointed United States marshal in 1897 and resignedin1909tobecomeclerk.itie hadpreviouslyresignedthecierksnipofRandolphcountySuperiorCourttohecomemarshal. DON’T SCOLD,MOTHER!THE CROSS CHILD IS BIL-10US,FEVERISH! Look at Torgue!If Clean Little Stomach, Bowels' Don’t scold your fretful,peevish‘child,See if tongue is coated;this is a sure sign its little stomach,liv-er and bowels are clogged with sour waste,When listless,le,feverish,full !rhelet the|a,ture mn d he oO Cu ap- r ness,13 Blaylock |Blaylock has Liver, |of cold,breath bad,throat sore,does}|n't eat,sleep or act naturally,has Svrup ef Figs,”and in a few hoursallthefoulwaste,the sour bile andfermentingfoodpassesoutofthe|bowels and you have a well and pla’ful child in.Children love th‘harmless “fruit laxative,”and moth-,ors can rest easy after giving it,be-cause it never fails to make theirlittle“insides”clean and sweet.Keep it handy,Mother!A ittlegiventodaysavesasickchildtomorrow,but the genuine.Ayour‘ior a 50-cent bottle“Cal Syrup of Figs.”whF.has oe for babies,children lawnew or N for “%all ages grown-aps plainly Coated,| empow-_the |au ze for the condnet of exehangres producer to stimulateauthorizeimportduties|operation| quality and value;| of manufacturing manufacty-e | if necessary;, in the! Ameriean |prescribed mini-for allies of the| President of, food cor-, hoarding and, on the war, operaies | ountry irrespect ve|NOTI —thegreatest dollar-for-dollar value there is in tires.He has Fis):ity,Fisk Serviceand ual-iskMileageatafairprice.; Fil:Tires For Sale By WAatl’ ee ee eeoSGaNRE See LAS Motor ComMPANY Statesviliz St; nti te*4ACOR CE 10 TAXPAYERS. |1 will be at n.y ofitee in the court house ail\during the mor ‘turns for the.tequires all pr'@ |fiewt day of Juwas!your return as curly j{s'milar? |’appear)ai at' || | been drafted,the |etomach-ache,indigestion,diarrhoea,!the coalition!next step will be to create the new!give a teaspoonful of “California th of May to take the tax re- of Statesville.The law perty to be listed before thesopleaseeallandmake as possibleJ.LAZENBY,List-Taker. Me, May |,ivi Ww: Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.Office _,a.m.=Pp.m.2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ths4. pointment.Anderson Bldg.W.Broad St.Office ‘phone 32Residence‘phone 279—green. eS eresoo SEE TO YOUR BATTERY. Our storage battery departmentisinchargeofanexpertwithfac-tery experience.Let us put yourbatteryinshapeforsummerdriving. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. GOOD ROADS and Good Tires are the pleasure of~ride.Tires that willaus—theve8pleasureyo"VULCANIZING. THEIREDELLVULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street.|We sell MillerTire and Tubes! ee— Aeene eeom mE L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In—— Hides,Furs,Wooland Bees-wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,)Books and Magazines.WepaythehighestmarketS. Independent Phone 306. Bell Phone ggo2. i ncaa. You a Carpet Sweeper We boughtabig Buy That does the work with ease.lot of these little wonders.We have our namestenciledoneachonesowhenyouhappentoneedsomethingelseinourlineyouwillthinkofpriceyoupaidforthislittleusefularticle,anditinyourmindthatourstoreistheplacetoainsandsaveyourhardearneddollars.us up,our phone is No.175,andlet us sendyouoneoftheseSweepersatonce,as they are going very rapidly. Williams Furniture House Inc.“The Favorite Store.” ‘Anotherbiglot New styles—someareworn |asdresses,and good for gard-For you when you can let}‘them pump the water and })save youthe time todevotetoyourwork.Save thisandmoney.A Myers,will save this.Let]us put one in for you.| W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. eningandmorningwear. Made to look well and wear We Try to Keep _Everything in stock to ‘meet —wants.Roof-in in,Ridge Roll, Valley Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO. |.Pee we S56,114 EB.Broad Street. Fp iat a i aea na a DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-0,Seeond Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BULLDING,Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Novra 8 to 6SPRCIALATiTOCHILDREN'S PERTH. well. Pinks, Blues and Light Stripes, Sizes up to 44. ~ooh ene ons ate_“SOMETHING NEW”ee Be |sCOSIRFY =JELL.me worn. :The new desscrt in sixflavors.On sale today and as long Guaranteed to please’or Tome me oes Deck as they last--$1.00 each.Try it. Phone $9, Kaghk &Milholian’.| | Remember our $1.25 White Skirt Sale,special $1.00 each.Fresh E'ggs Every Ege Candled to see that it is all right. The Silk Sale continues to- You are sure to get Fresh Fegs.day and tomorrow. Sherrill &Reece.Two lots,$1.25 and $1.65 asenate+a couseer cent a RN ee ne Cc.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green. yard, Mle of betler |irae | | || | | |} | jurged to ie jtrip and a picnic. |napol ;mMorial Sg aainiis Louie Rodgers went to < ee enlist in the |4HenryMillsandGrahamCorrellreturnedfromCharlotteWwheretheyenlistedintheTheyareathomeawaiting M.A.Foil of Mt. from Newton.Mrs.Roy LentztwochildrenofSpencerareingafewweekswithMrs.Lentz’sparents,Mr.and Mrs.S.A.Hoover, tle.ont ft :Gilbert Ludwig andr.rs.Gitwochildrencame here last weekfromArkansasandwillmaketheir home with Mr.Ludwig's father,8S.F.Ludwig.Rev.Mr.Fry of Mocksville is byand Rev.W.E,Holcom>.Mr.Early Sherrill,aged 40diedathishomenearTe Ca-tawba county,early Tuesday morn-ing.He had been sick for some)time.He leaves a wife and tiree. small children—two vovs and girl.Was buried at RchurchWednesdayat11o'clock.Fu-neral by the pastor,Kev.W.L,Daw-son.r.Sherrill was a son of the late Newton Sherrill.Besiies his im- imediate family he leaves three sis-ters—Mrs.Callie Goocpon,Mrs.i Sherrill and Mrs.sen.Corne-|lius.|A eanning club was organizedhereMondayevening,headed wy|Miss Jennie Howard and Mrs,8.W.Stevenson.They have alreadyibought30grossofquartjarsandwillpreparetocanallthe——tomatoes and other foodstuffs.ismovementwasputenfootafew weeks ago by the chamber of com- meree and is now fully or ized. The colored people met onday night on the lawn at Mrs.Stevenson's and were organized to work underMissHowardandMrs.Stevenson.They were addressed by Editor Har- ry P.Deaton,Rev.8.H.Hay and Mr.J.UL.Donald,president of thechamberofcommerce.They weregardentothelimitandfreeseedsarebeingfurnishedthem by the chamber of commerce. So the town folks,both black and white,are working some,too,by theway.I am glad that even PresidentWilsonhonoredtheworkingclassby marrying a lady who worked in a jewelry store,and they say the highsocietyfolksatWashingion,who were not so used to recognizing peo- ple who work,had to comeandnowevenmorethanever doeshehonorthetillerofthesoi! A temporary organization of the Mooresville Creamery Breeders’As- oeciation was formed at the chamber of commerce a few days ago,with Mr.J.A,Stewart chairman and Mr. J.A.Steele secretary.Mr.John Arey was present,explained the ob ject of the meeting and emphasized the importance of securing the best ACTOSS > grade of pure bred stock.He wa- followed by Mr.McManus,extensi ‘agent of the Jersey Breeders’Asso- ciation of America,who caid ! tions were better for dairy and ot}er stock business in Nori Caroiina than any other section tn the Unit ed States—on.account of clim and many other advantages.H made a good speech.About 30 prom- nent farmers ard business men, mostly farmers who were preser said they would take stock in the a-- sociation and the chairman appoi! ed a committee to make a canvass © respective neighborhoods, cure stock and report at the next meeting,ld in the cham)cr of commerce rooms June 9th at 2 p their to be b m.The Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire Girts went out on the Catawba river this morning,to be gone for ve days and a night,on a camping They are havin great time, Mrs.FE.M.Feilds,who run: oarding house here,has closed { he summer and leaves today for Biack Mountain,where she wil! manaye a boarding house during the summer season.Mr.Litaker.|! Metropolitan insurance agent her hac charge of Mrs.Feiiis’reside the Denton heuse-—-for the mer and will occupy it.The rain Tuesday night came ' rood time and did a lot of goodconsiderabledamagewasdone by the wind—-such =ar uprooting =trees, blowing out windows and doors ---but nothing more serious reported so far.There was some hail but non to hurt.There war considerah) hail below and east of us.At Ka and on towards Concord rardensandtruckpatcheswereconsi: lerably damaged. There was a large crowd at Kan napolis at 3.30 p.m,Sunday at 1cornerstonelayingofKimballM«church.Phe services were conducted by Rev.C.A.Brown of China Grove,president of the NorthCarolinaLutheran,Synod,assistedbyG.H.©,Park,the pastor inJ.A.B.GOODMAN. |Brown of Elkin,Richard *|Taylorsville,Ney stopped over here on his i Mr.|son of Mr.I eonducting a protracted a.Southside Baptist Chueh aaebtedthea,Rev.A.W.W | n this ©carried it ‘and|Eli Kerley of ;8|Maud and Ellen Brown and Mr.Arch- ibald Brown,who live with their|mother;Messrs.and AbnerBrownof,Knoxville,Tenn.and 0,A.Brown of. They were allatthefuneralservices,wereheldatThreePorksBaptistchurch Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock,eon-ducted by Rev.Mezers.W.J.Bum- garner and G.J.Bamgarner.Mesers.William and Abner Brown returned Tuesday to their home in Elkin andMr.Richard Brown is visiting rela- tives here today.James Bumgarner,the 5-year-old duff of Spring-|field,IL.,who had been living with his |}grandmother,Mrs,Amon arner,in Littl River township since thedeathofhismothertwoyearsago,died at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium,States-vile,Saturday afternoon followinganoperationfortubercularglands.Mr.Bumgarner came home several days ago to take his son to the hos-pital.The funeral and burial serv-ices were conducted by Rev.E.V.|Bumgarner Sunday afternoon at theBumgarnerburyingground.Mr.Sherrill MeLain,a Confederateveteran,died Saturday at his home in|Gwaltney’s township at the age of 84years.Two sons and a daughter—Messrs.James MeLain of Wilkes coun-ty,William MeLain of WashingtonStateandMrs.Eva Looper of Gwalt-ney’s township,survive.The funeralwasconducbyRev.Mr.CrowderandRev.L.P.Gwaltney,Sunday and the interment was in the Hopewell cemetery,The following have been appointedregistrarsatthevotingprecinetsof the county for the seleetive draft en- rollment:Miller's,W.B.Dagen-hart;Sharpe’s,at Hiddenite,M.R Pritchard,and at Stony Point P.F.Somers;Gwaltney’s,A.B.MeCurdy; Sugar Loaf,R.R.Kerley;Little Riv- ey,J.C.Fortner;Ellendale,J.A. Cline;Wittenburg,E.W.Teague,Jr.; Taylorsville,A.C.Payne and M.L. Gwaltney. The town commissioners have ap-pointed Mr.L.L.Dagenhart of Mil-ier’s township chief of police to suc- cved Mr.J.D.Smith,resigned. Rev.J.J Edwards has returned»from Highland,Macon county,where Phe conducted a protracted meeting. Rev.H.M.Parker,D.D.,of States- ‘ville,arrived Wednesday to assistRev.L.L.Moore in a series of meet- ings at the Presbyterian church,be- ginning Wednesday and continuing over Sunday, Rev.L.L.Moore went to Stony Point Wednesday afternoon to the funeral of Mr.Holmes Wilson.Miss deasie Wilson,a niece of the deceased, went to Stony Point Tuesday morning to be with them, Barn Blown From Over Men end Horses—Storm Damuge. seomiener oof ‘Tine Uardtmare Statesville,R-1,May 22 -A through evening,but no right sterm passed section Tuesday erious damage was done.Eigh’ men and some horses were in a cow tarn at Mr.C.8.Bass’mill.While the hai!was falling at its werst the severe wind picked the barn up, off them and tore it to pidees,leaving the men and horses, Brush piles were vsed for head pro- tection,but yet some sore heads re- ‘ulted.Trees were blown down al! ‘bout.Some cardens were cut hard severe vy the hail,which fell fast,but lastedonlyashorttime.Cotton that was up was cut ry badly.Wheat was slightly maged.Rain fell thundantly ard washed lan!consid rably. ‘Ihe prospect for eotton around here is not so go but the farmers round are not us about cot om this year as they are about rais- ing something to ext iney.are busy about that oO ANxit oe No.1 Heart Pine Shingles, No.1 Sap Pir Shine Juniner nd Red Cedar Shingte Na,: Ridge Roll,Valley Tin.Scaffold Ma- terial and Brown and Shinel stain.€.WATKINS,Shingle hin of Iredell County can ; Michelins give so muchmileagethatthey'd beeconomical=.highfotisipeed.4 The extra thickness of the Michelin Tread—due to extra rubber and fabric means additional mileage. Especi isthis true sinceeveryaeofrubberand fabric is the toughest that Carolina Motor Co., Statesville,N.C, > Michelin Casings are just as good as Michelin Red Inner Tubes,which are often imitated in color but never in quality,— 4 long-weari RU-BER-O Many RU-BER-OID™xhavegivenmorethan20yofcontinuousserviceW u=costing one penny for al P,’ We sell the e Man”on every Boldt nga of evaty bind in everererenfedithRURER-OLG RoastingeadBOARS)Bhiagles. ‘vse Wecansupply RU-BER-OIDin@iggg!Gray,TileRedand CopperGreen.; ORCI BECHERHOIOHIO12POR:a -FORWARD MARCH: }tight up to the fountain and rout that thirst + $with'one of our COOL,REFRESHING and4INVIGORATINGdrinks.Pure,rich flavors,with all the healthful proper-ties of the natural fruits of which they’re made. RICH ICE CREAM, NUNNALLY’'S CHOICE CANDY, 'iresh shi;inent just in, y POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square” SOPRA 9 OILY OCOD OYOI arty 30)"til: aa at DR.COP!ESHERRILL General Practioner in City and Count,’ All calls telephoned to Jas.R Hall’s residence or Long's Sanatoriumwillhavepromptattention DR.J.M.HOLLAND.— DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over ‘Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.CHOURS&to 5. | ‘PHONE 41, CHANGE OF OFFICE! havemovedmy law office from the second =<National Bank Build.floorofthePeoLaan&Savings Bank. até being sold byboughtatand It .s only natural that your friends and acquaintancesareimp.“szed by the general atm of your home.Nothing «.°>radiates a cheerful atmosphere asnicefurniture;“~werly arranged,:If you want your tu.>furnishings to be correct thefirstthingtodoistochooseafurnituredealerwho.knows correct styles and arrangement—he can ry ‘nfiaa a e a iRA P ii l 4% ? tf if t t fi i ee ai l 3a |f $z Z if e4ae a8 t i ii:i Z g8 ~ 2 Sg z inefficient seaghten. bility are sent to the training campsandtriedout.If afteraperiod ofshowfitnesswillbesent knew how to control and direct em-nn to best results.fir'tely moreefficientarmy officer.There the re-enlts of incompetency would be farmoreserious.The reason the gov-,ernment ia ealling for men to taketrainingasofficersisobviousand those who offer to take the trainingdeserveasmuchcreditastrosewhoenlistasprivates.An officer getsmorepayandhasprivilegesnotac-corded privates,but to make up for!that he has a responsibility inai theprivatedoesn't have. The fact that appeals —urgentappeals—are being made for 5,000volunteerstorecruittheStateGuardunitstowarstrength;thatextraordinaryefforthastobemadetogettheserecruitsinthefaceofthedraftlawbecomingeffectiveinafewdaya.is the most effective an-swer possible to the members ofCongresswhocontendedthatanarmycouldberaisedonthevolun-teer plan.These facts were made plain at the time,but in svite of the evidence offered,a few Congressmeninsistedtotheendthatthevolunteermethodshouldhaveatrial,and gen-tlemen like Speaker Clark talkedabout“conscript”being synonymouswith“a The Observer says a mass meeting i 3° s2 f sf F i 5 8 57 8 2 8 8 3 >i It is in-,important to have an| il l t hh j ea 3 = Rr i 3 a s : | ea l ry:& izZi g : =g F fz ?Fit P G E FROM OVERTHE COUNTRY. ‘Itemsof Interest About VariousMatters.| in Washington. |After killing her husband and his/mother at their home in Baltimore, the police. Construction and operation of agreatfleetofbargestomoveadowntheMississippirivertotidewa-ter and thus relieve railway conges-tion is under consideration by thegovernment. At Chicago June 8 the UnitedStatesgovernmentwillopenbidsfor74,400 motor vehicles for the ar-my.Four thousand are for passen-ger service,the remainder trucksforthearmy. Assurances were given by Secre-tary Baker that the American presswillbeallowedasliberalrepresen-tation as practicable with the firstexpeditionaryforcetobesenttoFranceunderMajorGeneralPer- shing.One year in jail was the sentenceimposeduponCapt.Franz Rintelen of the German navy,David LamarandH.B.Martin,convicted in theFederalCourtinNewYorkofcon-spiracy to interfere with the ship-ment of munitions to the Ententeallies.With the view to providing against a probable shortage in farm labor,Secretary of Labor Wilson has is-sued orders for the admission to theUnitedStatesofaliensfromMexico otherwise barred by the literacy testorthecontractlaborclauseoftheimmigrationlaw. The Northern|Presbyterian Gen-eral Assembly,in session at Dallas, wyers;law-| of the women of Charlotte will be Texas,not only declared against theheldMondaynight,“when the mat-|iquor traffic but disapproved theuse |ter of preparing women to take the|of tobacco in any form.resolu-of the men who are called. SLT MEATLESS DAYS IN FRANCE, With the ge of the|of two meat ys a in|France,says a dispatch from :beef advanced to $1 a pound and fish|followed the upward tendency,caus-|ed by therush to lay in a totideoverthedays.Dealers not think the new regulation will reduceconsumption.| Gov.Bickett delivered the address |at Davenport College commence-|ment,Lenoir,Wednesday.—_———— old,|MRS.MELTOW’S LETTER | ToTired Worn-out Mothers Jackson,Miss.—“I shall feel repaidforwritingthisletterif[can help anytired,worn-out mother or housckeeper |to find health and strength as 1 have.|“I have a family of five,sew,cook|and do my housework and I beeame|very much run-down in health.A friend | asked me to try Vinol.I did so and now |I am well and strong and my old timeenergyhasbeenrestored.Vinol has nosuperiorasatonicforworn-out,run-|dowh,tired mothers or housek P|Mrs _J.N.Metron,Jackson, W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.Cc.| Thepaint that is CHEAP per gal-|lon is DEAR per JOB. | } gy may cost you a little more per gal-lon,but will cost LESS per job thananyotherpaintmade,as it will dofromone-fourth to one-third MOREWORK,do it BETTER and last longer. ‘FOR SALE BY vu are losing money—losing time—delaying farm work—-whenyoutakeyourhorsesoutofthefieldtodoyourhauling. Get a Smith Form-a-Truck-—let it carry the manure—your hay—your fertilizer.Use it for hauling crops—feed—lumber—coal—andeverythingonthefarm. __If you are a dairy farmer,sell all your horses.Use Smith Form-a-Truck.Save two thirds your time.Treble your profit. Twice theWork of 4Horses Amazing EconomiesCOSORDSPORE?TOESCS SS « Hundredsof farmere are provinginactual Less than8c pertonmile,6,000to 3,000 milesdaily——-that one Smith Form-a-Truck set of tires—12 to 18milesper of gaso-will twicethe work of twoteams.Andat line—12to15milesperhour full = half the cost.Yet S:nith Form-a-Truck costs and vepair expenses practically nothing.Smithyounomorethanagoodteamandharness—$350.showsForm-a-Truck —oles20,000 miles’ service with average loads of 2,pounds—at aSave#3 the Time AERTS eaes SNSRE The best speed a team can make on the road total of $8 for repairs. under full load is three to tour miles an hour, eFamous8-in-1 ConvertibleencemmEsrreerewanSmithForm-a-Truck can carry the same lead attheamazingrateof12to15milesanhour—FarmBody one-third the time of slow,costly horses.— Pull the lever!Instantly'Think what this tremendous saving means in you any one ofdrivers’wages!eight combinations of farm ci without asingletool—stock rack body—hay rack—-basketGoeshererack—hog rack —grain—flat rack—high flareoanAnywhereboard—-flat rack,a down,Eechosive Use Smith Form-a-Truck any place on your Smith Form-a-Truck feature. farm —over roughest roads—through worstfield—t h deepest sand —through mud,Now for 6 Cars he Ese Se ehetie:asand,snow.No hill is too steep for it, Smith Form-a-Truck attachment combined J e Ey iPi Py Costs Nothing While Idle Farm horses work only 1,000 hours a year —100 with a Ford,Maxwell,Dodge Bros.,Chevrolet, Buick or Overiand chassis makes a fully guaran- teed,powerful,strong one-ton truck.Double away to war,will be discussed.PlanswillbeformulatedwherebyCharlotte|women will be trained for the emer-|gency of filling the men’s places,|when the arises,which appar-ently will be in no distant future.”|That is a matter for consideration in|community.Soon the number)men whose places will be)as a result of thewarwill,to affect the conduct of busi-|Women can fill many of theandpreparationforinsoon.~||When the Chautauqua was in'tesville last summer our folksupforittocomeagain.If itbeenknownatthattimethat:country world be engaged in)r it is probable that this wouldhavebeendone.But we agreed,take the Chautauqua and it is nec-|ry to put it on.Notwithstandingerearesomanyscriousandim-t matters for our concern,diversion is neeessary and theautauquaaffordshigh-class en-rtainment—elevating and educa-as ene the age geothecommunitywillresBetheliberalsupportwhichit has»given the Chautauqua,anditdeserves.' Thos.J.Murphy,mayor of Greens-pr fe several years under the ission form of government andtlydefeatedforre-election,has mn elected city manager ofnt,at a salary of $2,400,and will,ike the .Mr.Murphy is selectedtheideathathiseetieneein'management fits him forwork.By and by mun:cipal gov-it will become a science andexpertswilloeselectedtothejobjustastrainedand sd Men are now selected totheaffairsofprivatebusi- i Was o id add bAhoneatthoratesWednesdayevening; atl tion provided that the board of edu-|cation of the Church refuse aid to,any student who used tobacco or in-|toxicants.| A new donation by John D.Rocke-feller of $25,000,000 to the endow-ment of the Rockefeller Foundation|is announced by Dr.George E.Vin-|cent,former!president|of the Uni-| t!nesota..dency’of the Seunietien.The’new'|IREDELL PRODUCE CO Fou con to Sisateneen alasoun’v ..scmae See,sete,Me —jon oO m mem 8 ee,|made by the |Sta ent Everybody Will Tell You |tethroughtheSpanish government.|| The de “Everything to Build With”)partment has received posi-!That |has been cheaper since WATKINS and friends,at Cafe Carolina! tive information that Americans areheldineeandhasaskedforte came here two years ago. C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. ALEX COOPER,Proprietor.: Phone 508. CAFE CAROLINA! "WE WILL FURNISH imperial government's attitude con- Court Street). You with distilled water and in- cerning their ure. New Members Cc Helps you cut high cost of liv-ing by Eevee ou at lowcst —your storage battery free ofrge.If you want the bestbatteryservicestopinandseeus. price ible wholesome food, STATESVILLE MOTOR Co. Everybody who has antshouldtalkwithJIMTHARPE.He hasaFeedthatwilldoubletheweightquick.Car }of Fiour,car ofSweetFeed,car of Hay.Low prices for cash. Commerce le | _The Senate has passed the bill toincreasethemembershipofthein-ter -State Commerce Commission|from 7 to 9.The House had pre-'viously passed the bill.It is believ-ed that President Wilson wifl nameE.L.Travis of Raleigh,chairman oftheNorthCarolinaCorporationCommission,a member of the com- mission.He has strong backing._An important amendment to theinter-State commerce law,growingoutoftheeffortsoftherailroadstoincreaserates,was added to the billattheinstanceofSenatorHokeSmithofGeorgia.The effect of itistomakeitmandatoryonthecom-| mission when a change of rate ts re-one by a railroad and whenthereiscomplaintfromashipper,'to suspend new rate,to investi-|gg whether the charge is reasona-| Big Potato Crop in Prospect. A 25 percent.increase in this year’s yield of early Irish potatoes is foreeast by the Agricuitural De-On the bas properly prepared and promptlyserved,day or night,in clean,congenial and comfortable sur-roundings hearty welcome,always,to you,your relatives ' Schedule Blicenseta-pe lee are due daring the promptcollection construction——the strongest known to engineer:ing.90%of load carried on Smith Porm a-Truck rear axle.Ford reac axle merely acts as a jack-shaft. Come in NOW.Let us show vou howSmithFormea-Trucl.on your farsa will save you big money, days of 10 hours each Yet theyeat t veteri-mary services and extra care for 945 days.Think of the tremendous money you are losing.265 days of idleness. Use your Smith Form-a-Truck as many hours a day as necessary-icr 545 days every year. When idle,it costs you not one penny.Andwhenitworks,it makes big profits for you. Ed.G.White Motor Company, Phone 515.East Broad Street.Statesville,N.C. i¢yULE SAW eaebaeSeTANTENae “Mi ADEIN AMERICA HOSIERY” STANDARD BRANDS CAN BE HAD AT MILLS &POSTON’S._“Phoenix”Silk HoseforWomen at 80c.and $1.10. “Linenwear’Silk and «hag nig Seka “on THEY LAST.sizes 81-2,9,91-2 and 10,at meaoe GET A KODAK.» eteaeetiee— i4 oe 1 ae Ss RE aaae porte Mixes BlanchepalandMra.William .Barber of Barber home in Tthespending«havenot forgotten a from 1 to 2 1-2 in White,Bisék,or Tan.i Koiner COME IN AND LET US SHOWYOU!Eee,oaSas nine|rill,who have been |W.Sherril,have gone toRespectfully,—ee anim |shen wilt seth tales eine >ning recently at the city park.A |Sherrill's Ford. supperwae served about the camp fire.|Capt.J.W.Copelandisspendingafew) Gan Cully and Miss Grace A i " ee m n eroned the perty.Misse,florence Mrs.W.A.Mildred Bedford were guests of the |daushter,Mra, The Store of Excellent Values.PP ewey ey ’eu Mount Airy.The affair was in the cer Ware is ahinate_——--|of &sewing party,About 20 guests Mrs.Josie Sremen3 aPeetheirdaintyembroidery«ere present,county,is the guest Mr.a WmigricherieMeytmSeaadctNeBomavierotMe Poverty in OLD AGE slowly butsurely approaches were lovely with hanging beskets and Vases Mins Irene Templeton,who has been vinit-every man Who spendsall he earns anddrifts a of flowers,There were pretty roves and peo |ng rélatives here sinee her recent graduat ed : ;}nies in profusion.|at the finte Normal college,went yesterday merciless DEBT.‘iat a mee oe to y te Charlotte..|Mr,and Ms..J.Sonith of,Lomein,Mrs.iC.Evans and childofTuleh are coy i j a issued invitations to tt t ents of Mrs.p .re.|j 8 lof incie”dauahter,‘Miss Sale Vernon Sat if.Hi Gregory,re.a,sas |While you have EARNING POWER open a benk *“3 to Mr enry Che ,dr,©3 |Mr.W.J,Fraley Salisbury visiting|=';eth.|account.Your bank book will be a guiding enna,to take peace oa anne June |her mother,Mra.Geo.ro am vs jat 9 o'clock,at vermont Avenue M d Me.M.C.Price yesterday teer rom life failure |ghure at Se .——»|for :four days in ee .will s'you away f a You — rs.reell wi at Mrs.S.B.Miller and children will go to) |mingham,Ala.,the home of the Ciiaeergem Elkin Saturday,Later they will go to Sparta |to OPEN aBank account;pilingup moneywill ae The bride-to-be has often ew where they will apend the suramer.easy.Try it.vie *people,ote ont tm.3 .Denton i éneenenapaieesyitimmanipennantien | <a ns =.=”—Personals,A big car of RED CEDAR SHINGLES from the Pacific |wit pruvaniy sttena the woudine ee |Put YOUR mony in OUR bank es ,by Orres| ie iat Coast just unloaded.The famous “Titchold”brand of &\iagriage ot Miss Bate Cochraneand Saemene,tk tee i:tom.©©Cather 3 £i fr tor t marie Saturday j " Shing'es,which means they are IE |ius cao curericg to friends of (Oh TABS|tine’euiting Prag.Mey.1,After aaticing|We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.wwipeople.Mies Coehre,ne had been ty ike invited to the dining reom,we isehoo!in Albemarle for mre past two years.ens aT a eames gear was aa which|:’'ES |After finishing this term of her s@hool,wan tive100PERCENT.HEART—NO SAP!B |iia’Cochrane,ittine enly her eogeat Mg Toy ‘nove quite worewaited a the wer!PPR FIRST NATIONAL:”me |tiv to the ret,marr to *100 per cent.CLEAR FULL-LENGTH SHINGLES!FF)sietin.“ine ceremony wan witnemedby @nly icra!musienl prosramme was vendefedby|:*few friends,lt was persor ¥Mr.E.W Se100PERCENT.TIGHT VERTICAL GRAINING!>Weiler tthe some of Min,Nom vatiee |Gabber,“Adeeemae ame course was serv:|Statesville,N.C.aa OE ee Kb ptaba ewetare nano |vinit to the bride's mother,Mrs.i by the hostess,assisted by Mra.Lacy a \rane in Statesvillo,Mr.and Mra.Senn have Gaither and Miss Mollie Albea.Then the oe These Shingles are made from the famous Pacifie Ce-[*lage te aw tote,Sew —wuents departed,declaring,Mrs.Gaither a |°.°i e Le;a .charming ste me,dar,“Arborvitae—Tree of Life.”From the most an-©|cased in the lumber business at New Hon’stro.M.E,Gaither te visiting relatives in |/Silverwarecienttimes,Red Cedar wood has been famocs for its r 1S,tae amie Sor heme bese ee WUNO ten ae Sumer ie Bae eae eee|>a “2s §Ce vi le,having meade her home here fo this community spent Saturday in Charlotte.|: markable durability and resistance to decay gunder the ——ie stan ihe ie"ee a isalwayssuitable // most severe conditions. omutmemin iting relatives in this community.Mra.A.F.| Correspondence of The Landmark,Caither,who has been right sick,is aprow |j i Maric n,Va.,May 22.-The Methodist r-ing slowly.tees for ft ag e n ie 3 : * e .nag’was the scene of a beautiful ne ~acoment ht B |. fF,If you are going to cover your house,took at these Moniay.Mey 2l.at 6.50 p,m,when Miss Commencement Barium.|.Anni r Mary Henritze become the bride of Mr.Lolah The clos cece at Gis sel 7 Shingles 2nd compare them with any other Shingle sold i Parks.The ecromony was cold in ge im-,The closing exercings eehool at the | f _—AIOE?¢|pressive manne by Rev.Mr.Naff.T'reshyterian Orphanage;Barium Springs,will| AND SEE THE DIFT ERENCE!The bride sb the charmeng ry conus bewin Sunday,May 27th,et 11 a.m.Rev. pe’Sed daughter of Mr and Mra.M.Heatite:“lurphy Willians of Greensboro will preach| ,'f Holstein Mills,and ha»a sabes ‘of Erlends the sermon at that time and again at night a o wish fer them every happiness,—The «t 8 o'clork, E.groom is the sen ef Dr.anu Mra.W.BP,rke rent iny,May 28th,at 8 p.m.,a concert| e of Olin,N.C.,and is @ successful fai and vill be given in the auditorium of the McNair :FF stock dente ’8 shoe!Building by the muste department. ,Immediately after the ceremony the happy On Tuesday evening,May 20th,at 8 p.m.,| t ‘$s couple,secompanied by some friends,of (he Clooe Exercises will be held.Rev.W.8.! ?fi ome a ware 0.Marion,motored to the home of the,bride,Wilson,D.D.,of Lincolnton,will makete) :*’where a number of friends were entertained es address. =\in their honor on Tuesday.>publie is cordially mvited, MS After spending some time with er et =— relatives here,Mr.and Mra.Parks will go to M REPORTS. ‘<their future home in North Carolina.\ Ea seoaacemestGule “acceomaaers at ite P Mark { Notices ofof New ——oe rothe,Geemias ortane ame paid yesterday| All kinds plants,bulbs and cut flowers or produce on market: SPECI AT A]B OF Park Place Creeh House.Spring Chickens,25¢.to 80e.perIb. K =4 and 434 Palm Beech and Cool Cloth suits for men.Hena,Iie.to Me,per Ib, W.L.Smith,Bloomfietd.Roosters,Te.per Ib. Appalachia:Training Ssechoo!.Bb.B.Ewe,27¢.per dozen. 9 $Douvherty,Supt.Butter,22¢.to J6e,per Ib. Ladies’handbag lost.—W.B.McLelland.Becawnx,26¢.per Ib.| Ir ish potatoes for late plauting..D.J.Kim-Green Hides,18.per Ib.| e ba!Hams,2f¢.to 28e¢.per Ib. Berven room house for rent..—B.F.Long.Sides and Shoulders,22c.to 26¢.per Ib. SS ne Statesville Inn now open.-Mra.W.F.Pal.New Red Honey,lc.per Ib. "OP mer Sourwood Honey Comb,20¢.per Ib. Bungalow on Sharpe street for rent."Old Auto Robber Casing,4e.per ib,|»340 black.Bweet Potatoes,$1.25 per bushel.jPhone iCityaxcollectorandsuperintendentof.Senitment should not be stiiled forever when $1.50,$2.00 and $2.50 water works ome waves.—bells are hushed;it should be revived and the bells made. Canning outfits for sale.-L.R.Houpe,ne eqgptaiy:——paid esterday ,nth l'phene 162.or grain on t jocal mar i ;er ;nr values :Flour,feed and hay.-Jim Tharpe,Iredell!Wheat,£2.66 to $5.00 per bushel.j TINS again each marriage wale sary to renew the e Produne Co.Gorn,$1.85 per bushel.and happy moments of the wedding day.8 Saving pays additional eost..Crawford-Oats,9c.per bushel. %y Bunch Furniture Co.The anniversary of her wedding and thebirthda:het, >Ts he closed out at Vatuable real estate for ‘investment.E.G.Qn the local marth 4 yesterday 20 3-4 cents childre A are the times wr yen a womar i’!S heart tia a a Gaither,asent.Statesville Cotten Market. .———oe hats.-Sherrill-White perpound was paid for best grade cotton ognition from her husband of her devotion and Shoe oo.“a?rm.c ee once.Red cedar shingle Lazenby-Montsomery Cotton Seed,Oc.per bushel..We |ave ana bundant supply of annive rsaryand wed-=Hardware ©+ie eek Seed Cotton,8 l-2e.per Ib.ding gifts,the quality of whichis unquestioned.ove e tite boots and slippers.a.MM.ecKee &@ aE eeenannnnapemaaneenee ea i rite of on?e .Choice Ne oo.Geet aeaisce:¥cose,Giesmem|We invite you to come and see them., ‘Made in America’hosiery.Mille &Por-iences.Mulberry St,near my residence.~how ee B.F.LONG May 26-9.|R Hi E N R Y ler e e ..Bungalow apron:Rameey-Bowles-Morrison |...—__Bree |-FE o Jewe ‘.oe S r :Co LOST—Lady's handbeg,“between Scott's andpeciepriceWiWhatthepeoplewant.-Johnston-Belk (my home.W.B.McLELLAND.anmeatet |Everything to build varh.--C.Wathi May 26-——1t.°j |i .¥tT:ister for Conesard township.7 |!2 ‘-STRINGLESS GREENPOD BEANS.D,J.)¥Death of Mrm.Honeyeutt—Hitt %"s"Food Cost Too Much to Let ItPersonals.GO TO W.L.SMITH,Bloomfield,for Men’s| +‘"-sane The and Boys’over?ths,sport shirts.work shirts,PHONE 83.Correnondence of The Landmark,Slut enn cho ai.“hit BeStatesvilic,R-4.May 22.-3 N.J.B .@ oreyet v ne had been {i for val month.CALL PARK PLACE GREEN HOUSE for | a]‘+"r en <¥?d Sunday morning at The d Astors,snap-dragen,Jarkepur and ten- W kK (Lé ISK A r 6.O ¢LOC ik.:urvived weeks -#tock,Number ef other bedding her Ponera plents ready in few days Also have fine afternoon =»’ege-plant;Brirmer,Ponderosa and Stoneen’.aay y relock at New &nareh,by her past temato plants and head leituce ready to -e ev.C ,Goode Mre.Honeyeutt bed serve.Tuberose bulbs,Kudeu vines,choice heen a sufferrer from cancer ‘for many mont!varicties of chrysanthemum and various whieh was the cause of her death,She was a petted plants,Snap-dragon,eernations and cena ERETONTES Christian woman and was loved by al!who roke blooms Phone your wants to 286 :—knew her Biaek.May 25 -It. PHOKOMOHO CHOI AO CRO DECOR Mivses Marietta Murdock and Mabel Cor-= nelius are visiting relatives in Moor ville NOW OPEN—Ststesvitie Inn now open to his week Mina =Bes hrs of ¢transient first-class boarders and reomersSpringistheguestofMissesLauranandae\.MRS.W.F.PALMER May 26. ma Honeyeutt Mr.and Mre.W.P.Shov-~~!maker and little daughter,Lois,of Winston.FOR RENT—Six-room bungalow on Sharpe Salem,spent Saturday eerht with Mr and street.Modern convenieners ‘Phone 340Mrs,J.KE.Webb.Mesers,W.J.Maeon and Black.May 25-~1t*. N.A.Beaver returned home last we ode after iAre—tied _—carving out eer ex-beating toveral days igthe wratern ot of CANNING OUTFITS —Cearanted |eats| pec nd the State on us iness.Mr.and Mr«.Dee Car-vives reasonable.For prices and further tat nS @ esires w en you ave Biter and ehildren of Teenersburs spent the information address L.R area States- mon ®week-end with Mr.and Mra.N.A.Peave ville,N.C.Telephone 162.May 25--10*. ey Mr.D.L.Webb is spending severn!days in aJ.LL.WATTS,tox lister for Concord town- B Winston-Salem with relatives and friends ’@ :Mise Thelma Profit,@ etudent of Mitehe'l ship,will be at Trinity school house Satur- college,Stwteeville,&visiting he day morning and at Midway school house :Mre.J.A.Fox,before returning to her home Saturday afternoon -May 26th. YourBank Account depends on what at Banner Elk "May 2s-It.‘. you save,S Birthday Celebration —Snake.SEED tr:wPOTATOES for late ST :~D.J.KIMBALL.ay 2 ' ms Correspondence of The Landmerk,setteenin cena mteaataItisnotamatterciateavitie,Ret,May 22.-Last Sunday the NEW LOT Palm Bench and Coot Cloth Suits Jaat received,to sell at a bargain.w.L.hildr friend f %s M.L OF GOOD FOR I UNE ?on ee "thete Ges teaoe of Mr SMITH,Bloomfeld.|_Bay 26.e Bi ients'’s 64th anniversary.Mra.Lente’s face |pestemnen-ae fairly beamed with joy and appreciation of*rOR RENT—Hovses onnSharpe #1street.N.P. ap "«surpre phe!i a er friends WATT.May 22.Acquire the saving habit while your in A Rreugtn silts one bewgt of thle biediy re.|a=ere ard comeis small and it will be casier as B membrance of her.Me.and Mrs,Pron!"GORD FURMITURE CO.Mey 22-2.| your income increases to A Sloan ond families of Stateovilie were presen!WANTED—o1d a One season’s spoilage of foodin a cheap rei :The day was spent in an appropriate mon 7Reek8.1 pay #1 to 610 por set.Send Oy|would pay the additional cost severai timesMHwer,The dincer wae reread plente faehiorlacreaseYourBankAccount.Wine chads ofthe weeping’wtilows”dove by |Boreal pestAnd receive beck by return,sa B the spring,and there war an abandence of |TeRE,40%North Wolfe St.| N is s u ti n food for everybody and then some.The May 18 -4t ' ow the ne me to open a crowd then beran to depert,wiehing for Mr °-—} y Lente other euch days of pleasure in the years poreAccountwithus.'BS oon n Training School. Mrs,D.1.Trowtman had quite «fe al animate | few days avo wher a eopperhead snake The pauer faculty wilt we supplemented by| People’s Loan and Savings Bank.SS"icea"confaed’QS"ser bed "ior "ase Samer teem pe melachinn TatahaebeenconfinedtoherbedforsevernlSNMMertermoftheAppalachianen) H.:President. "Cashier. months,and if it semen't for her «trong Sehool,whieh begins May 30 and nerves the shock might have proven serious.4x Weeks.Board will eost $2.60 per week | ae ——‘Doors, AUTOMATIC REF The cnake waen't(all grown and it is «|Fees62.00.Publicschon!teachersarecor |gnpstery how ih aut intethe feom.,|dially invited,Call onor adtvaseDOUGHERTY,o z €.Superintendent. would-buyer.Irto his the nations at war with Ger- many would place approximately $10,- 000 a year,a store of money exceed:the fablea fortunes of the ancient Ineas.and with no parallel in aeSo the programme prog- ressed ghat officials entrusted with Mation already have a definite Whom they will choose. decision has been reached as to whether one man or a small commission shall be chosen,in- dications are that it will be offe man, his selection to be announced shortly. Great Britain,France,Russia,Italy, Japan,Belgium-—virtualiy all the na- tions linked with Americs in the war have agreed to the essentials of the scheme and will sign an agreement making it effective as soon as the tre- mendous amount of detail involved can be adjusted.At present the pro- gramme hinges on the extent to which, the United States will participate in the pool arrangement. Plans are being formulated under which the needs of the American army and navy would be placed in the Looe of the commission.Here- tofore the navy has been supplied by its own buyers and the army simi- larly has been furnished everything it requires,from brass buttons to heavy artillery,through contracts placed by the War Department.The army and navy,experts estimate,will spend ap- proximately $3,500,000,000 during the first year of the war.The allies will spend approximately $6,000,000,- 000 a year—more,if American credit and American producers can make itpossibleforthemtospendmore.To do this,the War DepartmentandtheNavyDepartmentwouldhavetosurrenderintheory—but not infact—a part of their purchasing pre- rogatives.The theory advanced by offwiais favoring the chance is that greater efficiency and larger purchas- ing power of the moneys thus expend- ed would result in addition to elimina- tion of any element of competition. Grand Jury’s Report. The erent ey of tredell Supe- rior Court,Mr.R.I Poston fore- ‘week reportedman,this that it made the rounds usually made bythatbody.At the jail were found’ 9 prisoners —3 white men,5 coior- ed men and 1 colored viri.Ail were well fed and treaced kindiy.Ten men—-*colored and 2 white—and => mules were found at the chain gam with everything in good order.Th inmates at the County Heme num-ber 49-15 white women,5 white men,7 colored women and 11 colored men.tro of the latter being con- viets.Farm and builaings .n excel- lent condition and inmates well enred for.The varipys offices at thehou@®were Visited and wellkept.It wag recommended that thewerbingandwoolworkofthejail nd heating plant in the jail be ex- mined and repairs made eeded;and that pro.iien be madeocarry,off the suijy water that pinnae n@ jail:thet interior of ourt hol Be calsomined and heat- ng plant repairer It was furth recommen consider for jai!anihecountycommissionercentralheatingyc Pourt house nl t In same at at pportune time. DITION MITCHELL MESSENGEK court founa “at +he led that The Alumnae’Association f itehell College held a ssiom mt the college Wednesday a rnooy.,Matters incident to the as-‘iation’s part in the recent com- business. encement at the coilere were =ad- usted.The association proposes to soli 2 rimagazine,“The Mitchell esse "a continued edition Moore Néws,”which was issued by e st s of the college during e school.year.Only one edition of The 4 Mell «Messenger will be sued,ar the first of July,and it will have for its aim +o assist in he successful launching of MitchellLollegé.‘ of /s6ME CORN LE'T. the for Some of sent The Beandimars to folks vho needed seed and were unable to be is yet on hend.The Landmarkfillbepleasedtofurnishthoseen itled to the corn the term tated,if they will call at the offtre‘Johnie’Marsh of Kimbalton, am county,writes The Land rk that he read about this cornintheUnionRepublicanandasks wr ve sent him by return ail The Landmark will have to pny Mr.Marsh.It can't distrib e this_e by mail.V Adiv|LANCE FUND. In“adfition to those already pub shed,e following contributionseremadetotheambulancefund: Dr.LAV.Cloaninger $5,FB.W.Cul- th $1,Adams &Powell $10,W.P eLain $5,L.C.Wagner $5,Eighth ade Graded Schools 88.25.Thendtgtalraisedforthefundwas 156.72. seed corn istribution indet REFUSED. Gov,Bickett has declined to grantpatoJohnW.Gulledge,for- r t of the Savings Bank adesboro,greet with misap re e an under sen- bned bE 18 months’imprisonmentndTYME.ALEXANDER* .BR.©.Alexander of Charlotteiopimthegradedschoolaud- jeorium Troagoavile oe * ar 6 6leeGes and ftisthe **rs Mm. where ‘ thernAftera silence of 18ielYountwritesrelativesbacountythatheCanadianarmyand“ there andthanayearagohehisthenewsmentionedisthefirst relatives have had of him since. oeES Received By King and Queen. The King and Queen of England, their children,the Prince of Wales and Princess Mary,Wednesday re- ceived at Buckingham palace,Lon- don,and extended a weleome to the surgeons and nurses of America’s in- itial detachment from the army. which shortly will teke its place be- side the British allies at the fighting front in France.It was a simple but impressive ceremony,one which will stand as a landmark in American his-| tory as the first of its kind to occur. Formality there was—such as is de- manded by royalty—-but the presenta- tion was shorn of much of its rigid- ness by the attitude of the royal fam- ily.There existed no doubt among spectators that the hearts of the king and queen were in their greetings. Especially was this felt as the king stood before the medical corps and in a voice ringing with sincerity ex- pressed the pleasure which it afford- ed him and the queen to welcome the Americans.He voiced deep appreci- ation of America’s prompt responses o the needs of the allies. TO MITCHELL COLLEGE. (Poem read at Alumnae Luncheon by Mrs. $.F.Watson.)One said:“Our Alma Mater calls to youthedistanceand‘the years thou forgotten all,my child, The books,the games,the Apri!tear The walks with ‘David’in the lane (Oh,gtorious,golden @ays.) Our teache ever slow co blame Se quick,so giad to praise” The ful.never-changing love. Mothering the motherless : be carnest hepes,the patient prayers. The What ‘ Hast breeding t ferness* wid'st thou know,ino thos vast young and gry, thoughis they garnered uy” my child,today come home fo arms te gathers eres« at think e her me once mor treteh mine thee Like as »y motherHbsabout he .hear cur We ome,thy,ehlldremg come oer the hilis,gath’ring home answering ¢’ vas the river \woth cing,Vere \info every day Within thy rand old watl« deth o'en in death's dark hour The Word icarned in thy hal ©we now the ¢ rotten Ah,Sisters,pled uth To give such mem'rics ¢her wirls.in other e youn eluctant °ot yea Ww)f halle as the b j e ere wnhoml's dim shore ith »Our “ites v eel ¢ thee evermore Sewing Society Mects. respondence of The Landmark R-6,May The younw f t it .Noby iTos Statesville at at oclety ‘ 26,with Mi \ reed to be Best Remedy for Whooping Cough. “Last winter when my little bey had the whooping cough 1 ive)oftim)«=Chamberlain s Cough Remedy,"»fr 4.B.Roberts,Nast St.Louisa,Hl.lt kept his cough looseandrelievedhim«hose dreadful coaghingItistheonlycoughmedicineIkeep n the house beenuse To nave the most confi, fenee in it.”This remedy is also good for ide and crong spells LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS Tells How to Loosen a Tender Corn or Callus So It Lifts Out Without Pain. You reckless men and women whe are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful de&th from lockjaw or blood are now told by a Cincinnatiauthoritytouseadrugcalledfree- one,which the moment a few drops ice applied to any corn er callus the sreness is reliaved and callus,root and all,lifts with the finger. Freezone dries the moment it is applied,and simply shrivels the corn ry eallus without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding ticsue or A small bottle of freezone will cost very littl at any of the drug stores,but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callus.If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get it at any wholesale druge house for you. Polson soon the en- tire corn orfr kinSEE FINE LOT COUNTRY HAMS. Miller-MeLain SupplyCo. 4 <.7 te |Fei |7 ahgeofcopyCarly.No change¢ + .e ao ee ater ee eet F it of pureNorwegianCodLiver ; Oil Light Fours Towing Dsedvter . Coan-y Cle ns Big Pours Touring Roa ¢ure es ede “a is the exact combinationwithglycerineand start on IT MAY BE EXACTLY hypophosphites as contained in that hasmade Scott's famous for relieving rlreuma-i" tism when other treatments have utterly If you are a rheumatism sufferer,or feel its first | Scott’s Emulsion at once. Make a list of requirements suchasbeauty,comfort,convenience, horsepower and the iilce.Overland hes won the verdict of over 400,000 owners alter acomparisonofeuchitems.If this is not enough to convinceyou,then judge your Overlandbywhatyoucannotsee. Yuu cannot see the accuracy,rainute care,nor the patient nerfecting that are practiced in Willys-Overland manufactur- ine methods. But you may know that thesearedefiniteWillys-Over- soomplishments-—eleo itdneverhavebeenpossible to marhct those 400,000 ital in althoughVvcarnotvisibletodsepeena’e eye.But they e7é visible to the lay-man’s reason—they are seen in!continued consistent perform-ance—and they are shown con-vincingly in the price that givesyou&better car for less money. The Big Four—the car that madeOverland—exemplifies this ex-cess value,The experience ac-cumulated in the building ofover300,000 similar four- cylinder Overlands hes contrib-uted directly to the —_.ment and perfgcting of this model.est its superior mechanical ex-cellence and remarkable easyridingqualities—come in and oie for yourself its incomearablebeautyofdesign. Yenae 1S4‘land goraare@¢ oot flo?us ge eee res2OUCARROL&er ¢ijuality¢u the materials=ihe sclentittc reasons for designs,vor the proven uperiority ef every part and princaple.*.s W.R.Mills Motor Company, Phene 512.Statesville,N.C. cacanenpuciintecdh §the Government. This is a time for every citizen to support the Unites States Government,and manyaredoingsoatconsiderablecostorsaeri- fice to themselves, We have joined the Federal Reserve Bank- ing System established by the Government togiveyreater financial stability and strength to the meniuc banks and protection to their depositors. Supportin WHAT YOU NEED. 10.9% Scott &Bowne,Bloamfield,N.J. THOSE DESIRING GOOD INVESTMENT. It will pay you toinvestigate the Mrs.M.A.Tomlin if 7 lots,so central and nicely located in the colored folks j residential section of Stategv churches.Just compicted the ing of streets andaiieys.A nuhavegraspedtheopportunityof buying one or more of these lots,others desiring to do so will find it to their advantage to act at once. 10 per cent cash and baiance In The map of the shown upon request E.G.GAITHER,Agent. Office Mills Building. it )oe property and lots You can give your support to this great “———"Gcvernment enterprise and also obtain its pro- teation for your money ybecoming one of our depositors. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK.STATESYILLE,N.C. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ie,near schcol and opening up and grad- mber of colored folks Will sell for cash or monthiy payments. will be gladly s Phone 23,aekee Pes eeIMPORTANTNOTICETO TAXPAYERS THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY EVERY DAY EN THE YEAR.The Board of County Gommissioners have instructed me to advertisefailorneglecttopaytheir tax on or beforeoupayyourtaxJunethe1,1917.‘'nlessagreeablytotheabove will be my a perly forAs|cannot and will not advertise one manTodosowouldbeunfairandnotanother. all persons who QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y to Advertise Your J] anditis my purpose to treat all tsirly and alike.Let meurge you to come in and set- tle at once.Ad,P.,ALEXANDER, om ed\PLEAWAKE_PI Respectfully, ac e every dayouttheywi/@9 seagoned|Officers are injaredrilledin the|les of warfare several hours each:day.The remainder of the time is| prinei-|°ae a ‘devoted to drilling and studying.|*<tion.The course is more rigid than that >;offered by any aang in America |The men are furnished with everyrorvenienceandthebedsandwhiteasthoseina Ha Saxwe Costs Little to Run Thousands of Maxwell .their carson $6t0$8ameah. —becausetheMaxwellismechan-icallyright. Latte"tl automobile fsthemechan —inside,whereyou can’tsee it, And the Maxwellexcelsasmachine, —isworldendurance champion, -—the most efficientcarmade -~and the most inexpensive toei e F E l e & The rooms are attractive,ronment excellent.The foodanawholecomeandthementhatrelishthattheythought |operate. >re Zz <22 We have just received a big line of BoysHatsinBlackandWhiteMilam.AlsoClothHatsinWhiteandColors.Price 50c.to‘$1.7 SPORT SHIRTS. See our new Sport Skirts in all the newmaterials.Prive $5.00 to $10.00 each. Try a Madame Grace Corset.Have ourCorsetierefityouinanewModel.Price$1.00 to $7.50. Respectfully, MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store, ——Is the BEST for— Destroying Potato Bugs. -We sell it ——— HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20. villeOilMillor my Warehouse,takeyourchoice.Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,andUnionGuano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. CASH OR TIME. with boyhood days.Men thatdepletedfromalifeofcareand busi-iness are taking on new streneth and,FE Sate are red with the glowoith.|HallTheYoungMen's Christian Asso-|¥.&:Druggist.Statesville.ciation is erecting 9 building on the)fort grovnds and the officers be /¢d are allowed to sing and dance to |jtheir heart's content.||Another feature of Atlanta’s ac-tivity in the work of war prepara-/|tion is the great concentration camp)lof the Southeast,which is soon toestablishednearthecity.This will;bring 250.000 soldiers to Atlenta and/|will probably make Atlanta the.strongest fortified city in the United|‘States.At _camp the ~Tre-|The W °| ermits from Southeastern States|}:Pia iwillbetrained,and from here will!eser hojhesenttopointstobedesignatedby!}the War Department.}|The chief factor in bringing this|‘eamp to Atlanta was the Atlantajchamberofcommerce.which has|spent thousands of dollars in point- “eagle$rough this organiza-tion Capt.James W English,one of|the wealthiest men in the South,of-||fered 8.000 acres of land,five milesifromthecity,to the sovernment as|ia site for the camp.The definite lo-|{cation has not been decided upon to |idate.However,it is nractically as-'evred that the camp will come to At-Janta,because of Atlanta's railroa’!facilities ard the inaccessibility ofanpreachoftheenemybywater. |which is the heart of Atlanta Already the streets of Atlanta are|thron d with men in kahki uniforms |jand after this camp is established|ithe man dressed in civilian clothes|j will he the excention.|While discussing military things,||it would be ridiculous for me to close|}without mentioning the great patri-|,otie paraderade which was held in this|;;jcitv Saturday in honor of General|Leonard Piano Store.SSC ee ee|j Leonard Woad of the United States| Sweet-toned Piano —is the best investment anybody can make for the-home. has been on the market fornearly40years,and enjoysthereputationfordurabilityandrichtonequality.Onlyhigh-grade materials areusedintheconstruction,yetitspriceiswithinreason. If you are thinking of pur-chasing a Piano,or ever ex-pect to own one,it is cer-tainly to your personal andbusinessinteresttoseeandhearthisbeautifulinstru- ment. TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE! Every WESER Piano isguaranteedagainstallde-fects in material and work- manship for ten years. é8 “P E i SE S ET R I E F E ermy.The public buildings were draned in Old Glory and the air was |replete with the strains of martialmusic.Hf I live to be a thousand STAT veers old I do not expect to see such|a sight again.At least 75.000 neo-|nle particinated in the parade,which was headed by General Wood and amilitaryescort.Twenty-five brass!hands were sounding the strains of |“The Star Spangled Banner”asprocessionstoppedat |For All Occasions! Wecanalwayssupply you with the best to be hadin Flowersfor whatever purposethey shouldbewanted. All prices ¢.0.b.Detroit, Whether for town or countryusetheMaxwelllogicallyisyourcag. Ed.G.White Motor Company,East BroatStreet,Statesville,N.C. ae ae ‘ieee Re ee,OneoftheBestWays to Prepare |for Waris to Raisea BigCropofFood-Stuff. Itis not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineverywayThisBankhasalwaysmadeititsbusinesstofinancetheFarmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist in every way possible. Farm products of all kinds areprices,and the indicationsarethattinuehforseveralyearsatevidenwillbeontop. If we can serve you,come in and see asstatedabove,weare ready,and willing to assistineverywaypossible, Merchants and Farmers’Bank.OfStatesville,N.C.“The Rank For Your Savings.” In addition to paying a tremendous increase in price on everything we for each case containing 24 of OUR OWN empty bottles returned to our driverortoourplant,we will give youa FULL CASE OF OURPRODUCT for the NEW price as statedabove,orREFUND IN CASH the25c.depos-it.The deposit willbe required onallcasesyou have on hand June ist, or at the time our trucks makethefirsttrip to yourstoreafterthatdate.ALL cases will be countedatthat time.: The FAMILY TRADE will be handled EXCLUSIVELY through thedeal- ers handling OUR PRODUCT.A uniform price of $1.00 for each two dozen case will be charged.ALLorders given us willbe turned over to and delivered by the dealer whom the customer names. The prices on EVERYTHING we purchase have advanced skyward,AND STILL GOING UP!The bottle situation is serious.They can hardly be purchased AT ANY PRICE. The cost of production today is almost DOUBLE THAT OF A YEAR AGO.Our products are about the last to adv ,and the advance is very small compared to everything else. We are honor bound to adhere strictly to this agreement and will live up to it in the strictest sense of the word. Now,Mr.Merchant,you can STILL handle our product at a splendid prof- it,and we ask you to be reasonable and fair-minded regarding this action of self-protection.We sincerely hope you will give.us your hearty co-op- eration.We stand ready to serve you well at all times. The Gago Bottling Co.,Statesville,N.C,FL.The Mint Cola Bottling Co.,Incorporated,W. —ey THE LANDMARK HAS MADEA_DISCOVERY.The Teachers’Vacation. puaepeeetienireteretee meneenteenret ree School Board Had Meeting—The teachers in the city scenools»FRIDAY,--->May 26,—But It May Be a Servet are planning their summer vaca-. ,AMBETH’S ADDRESS. purchase,the following War Tax on bottling companies will affect us ma- terially: 10 per cent.on Sugar. 10 per cent.on Oil of Lemon,Oil of Orange,ete. 10 per cent.on all Flavoring Syrups,such as Coca-Cola,Mint Cola,ete. 10 per cent.on all Extracts or Flavors for flavoring Soda Water. Additional tax of about $2.10 per gallon on Cologne Spirits,used in man- ufacture of Soda Water Flavors. Eight cents per pound on Carbonic Acid Gas,ete.,ete. The following changes in our business will be effective June 1st:All of our products will be sold strictly for cash and the prices will be as follows: On all bottled goods except COCA-COLA and MINT COLA,the price will be advanced 15e.per ease of TWO dozen.COCA-COLA and MINT COLA will be advanced 5c.per case,making all of our product cost YOU the same.In addition to the above slight advances,and in order to protect ourselves against tremendous bottle loss,we will charge a DEPOSIT of 25c.on each TWO DOZEN case,and 75c.on each SIX DOZEN case.We will aceept no bottles back not bearing OUR OWN NAME,as any other bottle is absolutely worthless to us.For EACH bottle missing,we will DEDUCT 5c.from the deposit.After you have paid the deposit on case, J.&P.Coats’Crochet C.M.C.and 0.WN.J.. Cotton.The graded school board met last tions.Principal M.E.Yount wil! advertising,showing that the chil-dren of the schools are interested inthesubject.This is the sixth yearthattheprizehasbeenoffered.ThejudgeswereMr.W.E.Nattress,Mr..A.Brady and Dr.Waiiace iioff-mann.Ex-Mayor L.C.Cadlwell pre-sented the prize.The class prophecy was reac.MissSarahSteelereadt\e future of the girls in the class;Mr.Lessene Alli- gon gave a prophecy of the lives of the boys.Miss Bessie Andersonreadtheclasswill.Supt.Thompson next announcedthatsomethingwassnbouttotrans-pire,and he was not sure just whatitmightbe.Mr.Dorman Thompson, coming to the front,announced thatthealumnaeoftheschooldesiredto present ex-Mayor Caldweii,who was@memberofthefirstschoolboardofStatesvilleandhasalwaysbeen a friend of the school,with a canemadeinStatesvilleofSiatesviitewood.He thereupon presenied the cane.Mr.F.A.Sherrill,chairman oftheschoolboard,presenzed thediplomastothemembersofthe graduating class,as follows:Class roll—Lessene —_Richardson Allison,Bessie Mae Andersen,Eliza-beth Holman Austin,Adabelle Bar- ringer,John Franklin Bowles,Jr.,Archibald Foote Campbell,Ehza- beth Cook Carlton,Stuart Lee Cowles,Mary Kathryn Cutting, Robert Odus Deitz,Jr.,David Alex- ander Fleming,Viola Belle Foster, Frank Luttrele Grier,Henry AllenHeinzerling,Robert Bruce hing, Nie Ledbetter,Frank Barnard@acham,Katherine Alberta Miil-saps,William Tho-ias Nicholson, dr.,Katherine Craig Pressiy,ClydeAugustaScroggs,Edna Mary Sher-l,Dorothy Mabel Sioan,Flake An-m Sherrill,Mary Elizabethrns,Sara Frances Steele,EdnaceSowers,Claudia Mae Wil-ome.Frank Tennyson Neely Woed-wardLittle Miss Frank Wallace Web- ster was class mascot. 88 nization —President, ne Allison;vice president,therine Pressly;secretary,Henryzerling;treasurer,Jack Bowles;,Bessie Anderson;classBenSarahSteele,Lessene Al- mittee on arrangements —ry Heinzerling chairman,Ada tringer,Mary Cutting,Jack.Class motco—“Ich Kann’; colors-—Purple and gold.After the singing of the class,the benedictio.sas pronounc-Mr.Lambeth.»¢Landmark stated in Tues-ooissuethatithadaskedfortheofgraduatesandpublicationrefused.That was a fact andaoeitwasafter-rd the list was notnal:complete until 11 o'clock L ;~Kaufman returns to iedooon” =hegre Saturday and re-elected Supt.Thomp- son,Principal Yount and all the teach- ers of the white and colered schools The Landmark found this out by accident.It may be a secret;so keep it mum and don’t tell we told you. The nature of its business is such that the school boarc has no regular ., time of meeting,and it doesn’t mak: public when it does meet.The Land-mark has been foolish enough tothinktheproceedingsoftheschool board,members elected by the peo- ple,who spend public money and who have charge of a department of the public’s business in which there ismoregeneralconcernandinterest than any other,are of as much inter- est,as much concern to the public,as the proceedings of the board ot al dermen,the county commissioners orotherlikebodies;that the public has; a right to know these things.There- fore this paper has nat been please: that the board,for years,has held meetings and denied The Landmark| an opportunity to report its proteed-ings.It has complained many times, publicly and privately,but its com- plaints are ignored;fact is,they are treated with absolute indifference— not to say contempt. The Landmark is mentioning this once more to say to the people who may depend on this paper for info mation about the Statesville schools, that whatever information §it gets about school board proceedings,or about the schools,is usually discovered by accident and often secured through agonizing and prayer.The editor of this paper,who,as the public will bear witness,has been a friend and champion of the schools and the schoo) work through all the vears,has been treated with rank discourtesy morethanonceinthesematters,but as he had a poor way of helping him self he has had to go along,alway with the knowledge that when the school people wanted something they would call on The Landmark to give freely of its space,which it has doneandexpectstodo. The school people superintendent-~are mighty fine folks personally.So far as we know there is no complaint of their work.But in the matter of publicity about whattheydo,they pursue the policy of the public be d—~They will of course say they don't intend it that way,butitisnotamatterofintention,it is amatterofwhatisdone.The way to hell is paved with good intentions, but this isn’t saying any of the gen- tlemen are headed that way. BUILDING?~—C.WATKINS. the board and remain at his home in Statesville for| 1 few weeks at least.Miss Kate| Finley leaves in a day or two for: Marion,where she wil spenc a nonth.Miss Ellie Grier Salisbury before going to nerhomeinMatthews.Miss Thompson '!go to Black Mountain in a (ew lays.Miss Margret Willis has io her home in Lexington;Miss Fihel MeNairv to her nome : Green boro.Miss Clyde Fields willrotomorrowtoSparta.her home. Miss Mary Wortham has gone toFranklinton,Miss Jo.Dunn to Albe- marle,Miss Mattie McKinney to Reidsville.Misses Christine Rut- ‘edge.Bane Henderson and Sarah Rutledge are guests of Mrs.Wm. Barringer before going to their homes in Mount Holly.Miss Marea fordon will remain in Statesville a |week before going to her home in {Durham.Miss Jessie Massey hasronetoherhomeinDurham. siissNellArmfieldwillbeatherhome|here this summer.Miss Annie isruc Terry has gone to her home inReidsville;Miss Annie Glenn to her home in Gastonia.Mis»Cora Belle Sloan will go to Davidson to visit her incle,Dr.Theos.Lingle.Miss Mamie Eaton will visit Miss Lottie BarbereforegoingtoherhomeatGarland. Church Services. Special services at Broad StreetchurchforBoyScoutsSundayeve- ning.Rev.Paul Presslv of Louisville, Ca.,is assisting his brother,Rev.J.H.Pressly,in conducting services at the First Associate Reformed church. The services:will be concluded with eommunion services Sunday. Sers ices’Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at Trinity Episeonal church. Rev.Dr.Chas.Anderson of —the lirst Baptist church will speak at New Hope church Sunday arlernoonat4o'clock.Public invited. “Court Items. Mr.Tom Miller,a merchant ofShilohtownship,was yesterday fined$1 and taxed with the costs by Justice Warren on a charge of having hisstoreopenonSunday. Haywood Golden,colored,was be-fore Justice Moore Wednesday onachargeofeeprefer- red by Mr.E.Tharpe.He wave $50 bond al his appearance =at court. In Mayor Bristol's court Wednes-day Osear Reavis and Parks Crow-ell were taxed with the cost-——$2.50cach—for exceeding the automobilepeedlimit. 7 JEWEL AMERICAN WATCH In Open Face Nickel Case at $6.00, 16 s ‘ze. wok.H.RICKERT&SON... will visit Tafting Thread. 5e.,6 for 25e.<7?for 25c. Johnston-Belk Co. Visit our Ready-to-Wear Department. Wonderful Saving to be had on Coats, Coat Suits and Dresses. $10.00 and $12.50 Suits for $7.95. Higher priced with corresponding reductions. Tub Fabrics,Fast Colors. 32 inch Renfrow 15c. 32 inch Zeohyr 15c. 27 ——_Toile Du 7 an Aaseahons and Utility 17 inch Galai .‘ie, Summer Dress Fabrics. 36 inch Colored Voiles,18c. 27 inch Colored Voiles,12 1-2c. 40 inch White Voiles,25c. 36 inch Striped Skirting,18c. 36 inch Gaberdine Skirting,25c. 1 lot Cotton Crepe,Pink,Blue aad White,special 15c.36 inch Best Percales,15c. BUY NOW. PRICES ARE GOING TO BE HIGHER. Wehavewhat people want when theywanti—at fair prices. TheStoreThatSellsFor Cash andforLess. CeI n en e ee n aa ec e @2 2 us oe Zf t h U A T s i e F:i W e h k | e i a ii|f f ui : :s “i th ton,H.,,was also partly wrecked vy evening with a loss of 38 and 150 injured. y. ry and South Dyers- .—oe eadiy os 22 injured,two y fatal- ,The storm swept through the ent:part of Dyer county.Twen- +two buildings,including three urches,demolish and a r+of others were damaged at sbury.Near Blytheville,Ark., persons were reported killed ani hurt.Reports from Indiana show at ‘seven persons killed at Hebron, and other places and the list may reach 20.More than were injured in the Indiana ter- swept,by the storm. Her towns in I[linois lost a dead on Saturday,with two injured,while .in the southern ¢of Illinois windstorms Sun- killed a half dozen and injured a c The death list in Arkansas nd Tennesseeisputat21 and Ken- mucky estimates 20 or more deaths. i.DESTROYS CROPS. Storm Damage in a Section of Alexander County. of The Landmart. 'York Institute,May 28 —This 'of country was visited by of the worst hail and wind 3 ever seen in these parts, day afternoon about 5 o'clock.It ed in a streak about 2 mile wide, Carson’s chanel to Mr.W.C. Tinney’s,and pcssibly farther,exch ‘wav laying all vegetation in its th fiat.; Wheat and rve are completely ned;so are all gardens and the part of the fruit crop.Many trees are blown down.The e seems to have been worst the farms of W.L.Jolly.H.N. W.A.Sharpe,E.M.and E.L. neton,R.C.and C. J.T.Sharpe.Much timber down.A wagon house on Sharpe’s place was blown down id part of a tobacco barn roof was t 100 yards.Roofs were dam- feed and many window glass brok- 3 Mr.R.C.Allen reports 31 brok- "tio in their house. |Mr.C.K.Allen says he saw a ‘half wagon load of hail drifted in s pince and frozen solid at 10 ‘p’clock the next day.Trees as large ‘as a man’s body were broken off Fre hail stones ran@ed in size from pul eggs to marbles. was thought there were 5) |Js in one man’s yard at dark. 4 ty fruit trees were blown down the farm occupied by Mr.G.W. 4 .B.L.Deal,I.A. :and others lost their crops. F chickens killed but no stock. Superior Court Sitting. |Fredell Superior Court,for the trial of civil cases,began yesterday Judge Justice presiding.There were ‘a number of continuances and _the following cases were tried and dispos- ed of |§.M.Goodman vs.R.A.Williams, "an action to recover $189 which plain- tiff claimed due him.Jury found for nt. Henkel -Craig Live Stock Co.vs. Norfolk &Western Railroad Co.,an “action to recover $100 for Gamage io —in shipment.The jury gave bplaintil full mee —_for. yonner,,senenced rede Superior %.‘ourt to serve larceny,y of last week a following.He was a,near a.and .udge Just nged his to the chain gang and made it months. AMERICANS IN FRANCE. An statement in London counting the Americans in the Britich and Frenchthe1unitsor- L e = F ? :F i F i ¢i 1 i !:| t ié i f i i¢ifi ‘ :;“i l i pe ff i is i E a majority of and the startlingeveningaroused interest.A similar report was circalatedWashingtonandacategoricalthatanyAmericannavalhavebeensunkinthewarwas is-sued Secretary Daniels to coun-teract a “campaign of vicious ru-me that °being carried on so in- was the first official notice to be tak-en of a flood of reports of naval dis-asters that started almost as soonasitwasknownthatAmericande-strovers were in the war zone,“It is with deep regret,”said theSecretaryinaformalstatement,“that I note the daily stream of falsereportswithregardtothesinking of American ships.Brokerage wiresareaparticularsourceofthese baseless rumors that cannot but be the cause of neediess distress to ev- merican as well as to thethenation gf 5 § a ti e 2 2 in ery true Amothersand fathers ofwhohavesonsatsea.“The department has given re- peated assurance that its policy is to be one of absolute frankness wi respect to disaster.If it should be that ships have been sunk,full in-formation will be given out officially and quickly.“The reason for these false re-ports cannot be ascertained.The one hope is that the press will refuse to aid this campaign of vicious rumor that is being carried on so indus- triously }y persons unknown.” Although only in remote cases have the sensational rumors found their way into print,their distribu- tion hasSeon widespread and in some cases their influence has been mark- ed by wide fluctuations in grain,cot- ton and stock ,exchanges. Severe Punishment For Oppos- ing Registration. Criminal prosecution cwaits persons who attempt to prevent registration under the war army bill by propa- ganda or otherwise,Attorney Gen- eral Gregory says his attention had been called to the circulation of propa- ganda designed to discourage regis- tration,and that the governemt will deal vigorously with such cases. “Such action is a plain violation of the law,”said Mr.Gregory,“and the Department of Justice is prepared to prosecute promptly any person guilty of such conduct.The officers and agents of the department throughout the country have been instructed to watch coretully for infractions of this law.“In addition to the penal provisions contained in the act which make eva- sion a criminal offense,section six of the Federal penal code makes it a criminal offense punishable with not more than six (6)years imprisonment w.|for any two or more persons to con- spire together to ‘hinder,prevert or delay the execution uf any law of the United States.’”In Texas persons ure already beingprosecutedforconspiringtooppose the registration.At Abiline,Texas, Saturday,seven persons were indict- ed by Federal grand jury on charges of “unlawful assembly.” The indictments were returned,Fed- eral officials said,in connection with the investigation by government agentintoactivityoftheso-called FarmersahdLaborers’Protective Association, an anti-conscription organization several of the members of whichwerearrestedinSnyder,Tex.,last week. Boy Accidentally Killed. Earl Gilbert,10-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.John O,Gilbert of Newton,accidentally shot himself Friday with a 22-calibre rifle and died in a hospits) at Hickory Saturday afternoon.The ball entered the abdomen and perfo-rated the intestines,The rifle was anoldoneandoutoffix.The lad took ittoastoneandwiththemuzzlepoint- ing toward him proceeded to hammer the weapon,when it was discharged, with the result stated.The father of the boy,who is the Catawba county jailer,is a brother of Mr.Chas.L.Gilbert of Statesville and of Mr.Henry L.Gilbert of Shiloh township.Mr.and Mrs,C.L.Gilbert and son,Ross,and Mr,and Mrs.H L.Gilbert and two sons attended th«funeral,which took place at the home of the parents in Newton Sunday af- ternoon at 3 o'clock. LibertyLoanSermons. The Federal Reserve Bank atRichmondhassentonthefollowingnoticetot STATESVILLE,N.C., : y persons unknown.”It}has ;Rev. 'get ee,the de-Fran oakBey,ie a di to'be he c y e l e e FUp noon yesterday 16 non-resi-iddenTiedcatsabeseneeeie fesenttotheirhomesandcardshadihistyofbeenreceivedfrom25ormoreresi-"to call off themeetingdentswhoaretemporarilyabsentIphcameFridayevenii piboard=to inoate the aantefromhome.some callers are very anx-ade to meeti .Boyer's Address.Mr.Boyer hadFP hendelph lowing address for Mr.to the ious to:know just what will deliver as his messageooandTheLandmark is permitted thing to do with exemptions. tion as registration day a wit’s end getting old,needed his help on =ge Fe s é z B : a S them ene to exemption.One isjecttochronicheadachesanddoubtlesshavevaricusachesins.Neither the registrationrdnortheregistrarshaveito print it: who think they are entitled to ex-|lance?It is most rabemptionmuststateTeasonsonryhospitalintheworld.Whentheregistrationcardandthereas-war broke out,Paris was over-ons may be as full as space permits.|whelmed by an army ofTherearesomechangesinoccupa-|the French Red Cross Especially is the call to the farm no-ericans oa—A few days ago a at wr 4 the need,applied to the government man who en a.county official an opportunit wereconversationaboutthea,said he r Yo =<had concluded that his father,who- farm.Evidently he had decided that}thbetweenahoeandagunhewould grab a hoe,a Swallewed Live Fish WithProbablyFatalResults. This fish story —and it is a fishstoryunusual—is from the BooneDemocratandTheLandmarkgivesthatpaperfullresponsibilityforit:“A young fellow from Tennessee(name unknown to us)was fishingintheWataugaonedaylastweek,Just as he landed a 4-inch fish,a passer-by suggested that he mustthrowitback,as it was under size.The T reply was,‘Tl eat thisfishifIhavetoeatitraw’! from a modern point vworld.“As one now wanders through thewardswithitsthousandcleanwhite beds,its shining floors,its operatingrooms,filled with sterilized operat-ing instruments,its pathological andbacteriologicallaboratories,its den-tist rooms,where most marvelousmiraclesare; ew all the mepiaripedameremyth,cents was him to swallow it|iw ihe horrible carnage of Ta =alive.He accepted the coin,swal-|words of the Galliean Peasant are lowed the wriggling trout,bit a liz-|/heard,‘Brethren,love one another.’ zard in twain with which to re-bate “As we learn of how these Amer- his hook,and continued to fish,not/ican men and boys have col thinking what fearful results would|themselves all along the Frenchfollowhisrashact.He wastakenviolentlyill,and in spite of|/ness human beings covered with fine medical aid he grew worse,and|mud and the filth of the trenches, as a last resort his body was open-|some with their jaws shot away,ed by Drs.Hardin and Perry ——without legs or arms,pride the fish removed,but his condition)crows within us that we are of was considered most critical when)same race.The same pride has nev- last heard from.”er geewrs,an American we ee”ae a to fail,and it must be g news toNewsFromFortOglethorpe.|ou to know that by your generosity A private letter from one of the|many men,instead of dragging out Statesville boys at Fort Oglethorpe|*miserable existence,will be able to states that the Iredell delegation is|!ive a normal life and that their pos- getting along very well.All in good |terity will rise up and call you - shape except Messrs.John A.Scott}ed.and John G.Lewis,who had been in|“There are certain fundamental the hospital for a slight indisposi-|principles upon which we can all tion—nothing serious,ag namely,that government ex- The Raleigh News and Observer|‘sts for the governed,that all men of Sunday carried a picture of aj|have an equal right to life,liberty group of the young men in the and the pursuit of happiness.These training camp.The photo was tak-|principles have made us a great en while the boys were seated on|and rous nation and a mighty Ambulanee Rock,Lookout Moun-|veople.ese principles are tain,Tenn.,and in the group are|cnes for which our ancestors would Messrs.William H.H.Cowles andihave shed their last drop of blood.Minor Adams.As a nation we have stood for them Mr.Mac.Long Undergoes Operation|—~in China,in Cuba,in the Philli- Since the above was written The|pines,at The Hague.But in 1914 Landmark is advised that Mr.Mac.|ve find the whole worid against us: R.Long,who is at Fort Oglethorpe,|we find that the rights of people are was taken sick soon after reaching|nowhere respected unless defended camp and has been operated on for|}y the force of arms.We find sacred internal abscess.He is improving|treaties imperiled,destroyed,torn rapidly and hopes to resume train-|uP by the lust of conquest,and the ing as soon as his weakened condi-realization is borne upon us that tion permits.nies peace is an reson,and i loes exist apart from the con- Mr.Julian M son Off..‘rete questions of right and wrong.Mr.Julian Morrison left last night|/if we would have universal peace,for Tarboro to visit his sister,Miss)we must first have universal justice,ag Pha,oy o-_be yee ye the world will go on fighting as long to New York.Saturday sailjas there i rttes 7 o fi for France,where he will drive the|about,is anything wrong to fight Statesville ambulance under the ous You remember when the war of pices of the American Ambulance |'776 opened how the women of this corps.Mr.Searr Morrison,who ir |!untry were ready.You remember to accompany his uncle on the trip)how they met the crisis with the and will be one of the drivers of the |ume self -forgetfulness that match- ambulance,will join the latter in New |od the heroism of the men.They York in a few days,moulded the bullets,they filled the The best wishes of all Statesville |rowder horns,they had the same and meny earnest prayers go with|rpore,the same devotion,the same these young men,the first from this |>>ysieal and moral courage and it community to get to the battlefront.|*!ways and ever wil!be the women Their address will be eare American|“ho give courage and ultimate faith Ambulanee Field Service,21 Rue|>‘vietory to the men braving death, Raynouard,Paris.These women taught their sons andai‘heir daughters to love liberty and H.H.Yount Succeeds His Fa-|"-verence authority.They taught ther at Bloomfield Mill.them the ideas of self-discipline and At a called meet a Ge diree-self-mastery.They taught them to tors of the B Manufactur-sume r responsible share in the the fesiqnation upbuilding of this @emocracy of irs,But alas,many women today are fostering a cult of cowardice and asserting that they did not ‘raisethe'r boys to be soldiers,”forgetting ‘hat the first principle of democracy is that every man,by force of his citizenship,must give his services to without hope or offer of his son,Mr.Harold Yount,tosueceedhimassecretaryandtreas-vrer.Mr.H.A.Yount will continueasgeneralmanagerforthecompa- ny."ie.farold Yount,who abusinesswithMe TUESDAY,MAY 29,1917. Fe e were at their . living in Paris,seeing |‘ soon|front,handling with great tender-|The Landmar’ Burglars entered theofMr.Wood FlemtheoldDr.Woodcounty,near the IFridaynight,andOfficers fi the cash but did not return for the cow,Thefts,especially of meat and oth-|Merfoodstuff,are very commen now.It would be well to take some caretoprotectprovisions. Odell Lowe,the Davidson countynegrowhoranintothearmsofthelawwhiledrivinganautomobileloadefliquorthroughIredellrecently,and who gave $500 justified bond to answer in |Su or Court achargeoftranaponeliquor,and#300 bond to answer in the FederalCourtfortransportinguntaxedliq-vor,has ski his bond,accordingtoareportfromLexington.This re-port says Lowe bought a ticket for“wp North”and left on a fast train,taking his trunk with him.Bryan Simmerson,the Davidsoncountywhitemanwhowastheal- leged owner of the liquor transport-ed by Lowe,is serving a term ofeightmonthsontheIredellchaingangandinadditionmustgive$500bondtoshowgoodbehaviourfortwoyears.This time it was the ne-gro who got by and the white manisontheroads, LATEST RULING. Of especial interest right now istherulingthatmembersoftheNa-tional Guard do not have to Fa r § ; $i en , Zsiv F 4 i e of f ti to assemble atthenightofJune . MISS CULLY'S Miss Louise CullytovisitCincinnatiandtothe = ii . r Captain Mott has no in fact,indications to him he fact that the marines are th be thicker than ever in the t,if there's fighting to be done. “Orders have been placed,”he said, equip marines with steel helmets| suchas@ebeing usedon the firing lines in Europe.©thousand of the latest machine guns have just for their use.that shortly 2,500 marinesEuropeunderGeneralPer-more are in training for across the waters.” ASS TakingOurGold. Treasury officials engrossed in thefar-reaching mme of interna-which the country lately has haveturnedtheirchiefattentiontothe unexpected and somewhat discon- certing discovery that for the pastmonthJapanhasbeenwithdrawinggoldfromtheUnitedStatesatthe rate of $150,000,000 to $200,000,000 a vear..Gold exports to Japan within thepastthreeorfourweeks,it is stat-ed,have been,between $10,000,000and$15,000,000.Since January 1 theyhavetotaled$35,000,000.Within thenext30days,the government hasbeeninformed,they wil!approximate50percent.of the entire sum al-ready exported in 1917.The mystery,is more veonomicthanpolitical,it is said,and there isnowhereapparentanydispositionto question the motives of the govern-ment or citizens of Javan in with-drawing all the gold to which theyareentitled.At the same time,it isrealizedthatheavyexportsofgoldfromthiscountryarehighly-unde- sirableThere are a number of reasons whyJapanmighthaveadoptedher_pro- me of withdrawing gold fromiscountry.She is prospering un-r war conditions and,with thenitedStates,is a creditor nation.Russia is known to have gone intodebttohertotheextentormanymillions. Germans Will Be Interned at‘Hot Springs. The Department of Labor has rentedtheMountainParkhotelatHotSprings,N.C.,to house some of the‘interned German civilians now held invariouspartsofthecountry.There are about 2,000 of them,mostly sail-ors from German merchant ships.All who cannot be put in the Hot Springs hotel will be taken care of on government land in western NorthCarolina,as soon as quarters can bemadeready.It is understood thataninternmentcampwillbeestablishedinForest.Department of Labor is ofthebelief,”said a statement by Sec-retary \Wilson,“that any improve-ments which it may be necessary toprovideinordertocareforthesepeo-ple should go upon government landratherthanuponprivateproperty.The Hot Springs property is takenbecauseitisreadyforimmediateoccupancy,while a few months timewillberequiredtomakereadythedetentioncamponwhichlandsnow available for the purpose and admira-bly situated for an internment settle-ment.The hotel will within the next ten days house the first consignment.The location of the Germans at HotSpringswouldinsurehealthfulcondi-tions and an opportunity to take out-door exercise,which is of course dif-ficult at immigration stations.” REO AitORESTEED The Britishers Depart. The members of the British war mission left the United States Friday and crossed into Canada,after six weeks of conferences which have reached into every phase of American life and are expected vitally to affect the future of this country,if not oftheworld, Uncertainty has been removed and an efficient co-operation made pos- sible by an exact definition of the re- sources and needs of the and Great Britain.This coun- knows the allies’needs in detail the order of their importance, allies know America's resources the degree of their availability.There have been no formal agree- or binding treaties.Much thatbeententativelyagreeduponbeputintoeffectuntil And it is) |train 50,000United| imen of Young man,don’t hate to go in the army;don’t think that mines this time will be wasted.I will 45-|salient fact,the de‘sure you that every nran that joins) my company,or any other,and out on this campaign and gets back|1 never regret one, moment's time spent.Think of it in!this way.If the war amounts to any-|ing every man will have to go sooner|or later;and if it doesn't amount toanything,it will be the greatest)training and experience for you.An thing to consider:All companies will have a number of non- ‘commissioned officers to om.Men will not be appointed till the best ma-|terial can have a chance to show whoisdeserving.All these offices pay ex- tra money and |would like to get, my ¢ompany to full war strength be-fore any men are drafted,as I doIwillnothavetoleavethecity of Statesville with a conscript in my company.General Young,Col.Gardner,MajorRobertsonandperhapsotherofficerswillvisitStatesvilleJune9thintheinterestoftheNationalGuard.1hopeforthecityofStatesvilleandIredellcountythatCompanyE_wil! have 48 more good men,which will bring it to war strenwzth and te acredittoourcountry.Don't wait bu% enlist now and be sure to go with yourfriends.WM.WESTMORELAND.Capt.Com’d’g Co.E,Ist N.C.Inft’y Call For Recruits For the Reg- ular Army. The Landmark is publishing the following by request of the army re- cruiting officer at Hickory: “Men who enlist in United States regular army now will ieceive $0 per month to start,together with all clothing,rations,quarters and medi- cal attendance furnished free.NorthCarolinaisexpectedtofurnish4,412 volunteers for the regular army.<A great number of young North Caro- linians have already en‘ered the reg ular army from western North Car olina and many of them are makinggoodandbeingrapidlypromoted The army offers an excellent chance at this time for young men who are ambitious to study and become offi-cers if they so desire,and the for- mation of many new regiments makes many new chances for men to be- come non-commissioned officers in a, very short time if they will interest themselves.: “A regular army recruiting sta-| tion has been established at Hickoryandallexpensesarepaidformen <«:who are accepted at that point for service while they are waiting for examination.Men from this section are sent to Fort Thomas,Ky.,where they will be trained into reguler army men and in a short time be amemberofthe‘best paid,best fed. best clothed and best fighting army intheworld.”, “The posmaster can furnish all the necessary information and give full particulars to any young men of spirit in this community who desir to enlist in the regular army.” (OE CeeeeeCeeEEEoe Training For Army Surgeons. New army medical schools will heestablishedatFortRiiey,Kan.,Fort Benjamin Harrison,Ind.,Fort Ogle- thorpe,Ga.,and possibly LeonSprings,Texas,for training the thousands of doctors who will be needed when the war armies are mobolized.An official =statement says that 5,000 men are needed now, and that the services of 10,000 morewillberequiredbytheendofthe year.To decentralize the education- al work and train doctors for special branches of the profession,threenewdivisionsofthearmymedical corps have been created.They arethedivisionofsanitaryinspection, under Col.Frederick R.Reynolds,the division of hospitals and hospitalconstructionunderCol.James B. Glennan,and the division of medicalmilitaryinstruction,under Col.Ed-ward L.Munson,all three divisionsbeingunderthegeneralsupervisionofCol.Henry R.Birmingham.Each of the camps will accommo- date 600 doctors during the training course,and the three in Kansas,Georgia and Indiana will be readyJune1.The doctors must in turnenlistedmeninhospitalwork.The first 1,80¢doctors willcomefromtheMedicalReserveCorpsandtheNationalGuard.Anambulancecompanyandfieldhospit- al will be established at each campandlaterspecialschoolsforenlistedthehospitalcorpswillbeadded THE FIRE LOSSES. The fire losses of the country dur- ~4 the last year totalled $214,530,-as compared with $170,033,200forthepreear,an increase ofmorethan$44,000,000,according to areadattheopeningses-annual convention of theBoardofFireUnderwritersNewYorkcity.The loss per cincreased,as a result,from $1.*|\to $2.10, imost wasknowofthe andsuccessofTeutonicspiesandtem- phasize the necessity forsecrecyinconnectionwith.op- erations or shipping movements,The destroyers now aiding in thehuntforsubmarinesinEwa- ters under the dirertion of Aduaira|Sims,put into port at QueenstownMay16.How long they wereineross- ing the Atlantic or from what port they sailed never has been announeed,and until word of their arrival eamebyeableonlyafewpeopleintheUnitedStatesevenknewofthe:ernment’s decision to send wedge to Europe.The result will be to redouble the vigilance both of the censors and of every agency of the government en- ecged in rooting out the spy systemEveryGermanknowntohavebeen connected with the espionage workofhiscovernmentalreadyisunderarrestorundersurveillance.Other arrests may follow at any time,and now that ihe country is at war andtherevelationofitssecretemay mean death to the sailors and gol-diers,swift punishment undoubtedlywillbedealtovtteanyconvictedapyMennowincustodyoperatedwhen the United States wos a neutral.Spy- ing now is a very different thing,and is likely to lead t>the gallows instead f the comfortable detention quar- ters, Fremier Gives Us Credit, |-Goorge,announc- House of Com-ofoetive blows had dealt submarines in he last three weeks than during any corresponding period of the war,paid a tribute to the assistance rendered by the American navy, aes “We owe a verv considerable debt’gratitud>to the great American neople for the effective assistanee they have rendered and the crafttheyhavenlacedatourdisposal. Now ‘hat the American nation is inthewar,it is easier to make ar-| vangements for the protection of our mereantile marine than it was be- fore.” The Premier's marine warfore is satisfactory ip many months. gh the ‘ Immediate publicity waspartment2clearthatitspurpose Premier Lio ne in the British mons that moreheendrramnat statement on sub- altogether the heard in England “Tt is much more difficult.”he id,‘for me to give a public an-er on this than on any other topic. It is very difievli for me to gi formation without revealing thines vhich we had better keep to our- elves.Al!T ean say ts that we are making substantial progress:During the last three weeks or month wehavedealtmoreeffectivelywith submarines than during any corres-|ronding period of the war. is no doubt the effect will be made| manifest in a considerable reduction of our shipping losses. Food For Army Firsi. Preferential treatment of canned food contracts for the military forces of the Amertcan and allied governments.has been ordered by! the committee on conservation of; tinplate,which is directing distribu.tion of the eans to food packers.The country’s grecers,it is announced,) have been asked to suspend or can- cel contracts with manufacturers fornon-perishable products.That prob- ably means a_greater scarcity of, cans for vegetables and fruits.| e Mme There Brazil to Abandon Neutraiity. The committee on foreign rela- tions in the Brazilian Congress has) drafted a measure recommending| the cancellation of the decree ofApril25,1917,which declared the| neutrality of Brazil in the war be-|; tween Germany and the United States.President Braz,under the bill,would be authorized to take necessary steps for the carrying outofthislawandtopucintopractice the acts which result from the ces-ation of neutrality.earnWHAT i8LAX-F0S A Oieestive Laxative CATMARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fosis not a SecretorPatent Medi-cinebut is of the following-rootsandherbs: These 14 Coat Suitsare inMustard,in materialsSizes16to40, Navy,Black and Grey Coat Suits 331-3 per Cent OFF Regular prices from $25.00 to $47.50, For general wear—of the season’s best models.Divided in to 4 special lotsmentionedbelowtheyare—wonderful values. Twenty Four Silk Dresses Sport wear and afternoon wear in some Worth *17.50—ow $7.98. Two Dresses Worth =00— Two DressesWorth$29.75— Now$12.98. 11 Dresses $35.50—Nowow89.98.$17.98. end Novelty Stripes.first choice. ly one of cords and Poplins.$9.98 in delightful new modes. For Graduation Days - Count this store NUMBER ONE on your list as the June Graduates’best source of sumothersmayfindtheproperclothesandtherightsortofgift.Graduation Frocks ile,Net,ete.,Dainty Ribbons,Gloves,Hosiery,Fans and many other assortments providetherequirementsthatgraduationdayssuggest. DAVE OESTREICHER’S, These Dresses are of Taffeta,Georgette Combinations,C deChene andKAKI KOOL,Plain ColorsREMEMBER!There are only twenty In these two lots of WomensandMisses Coats are foundwonderfu!pricesand styles extraordinary. Regular $15 to $19.50 Coats,most- a kind—Velours, of these Dresses!So come early for Regular $25 to $32.50 Coats—Vel-$13.ours,Poplins,Gaberdines,WorkJerseys,etc.All in the new colors. d\ppar el,Accessories Whip- y.Here fond SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA. NOTICE 10 TAXPAYERS. 1 will be at myoffice in the court house allduringthemonthofMaytotakethetaxre-turns for the city of Statesville.The lawrequiresallpropertytobelistedbeforethefirstdayofJune,so please call and makeyourreturnasearlyaspossible,May 1,1917.W.J.LAZENBY,List-Taker. i Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.| Osteopathic Physician.-M4 a.m.=.=Pp.m.to 5 p,m.vy apointment.Anderson Bldg.,isW.Broad St.Oilice ‘phone 324.Residence ‘phone 279—greer. SEE TO YOUR BATTERY. Our storage battery departmentisinchargeofanexpertwithfac-experience.Let us put yourcollenyinshapeforsummerjdriving. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. GOOD ROADS 'Good ——=of r »tt esrepair the Tires thatwill wiveyou TULCANIZING. THEIREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street.We sell Miller Tire andTubes! Magnolia Balmwnnienioshowtotakecareofthecom-i Cannot be Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘‘The Favorite Store.” anaes Se anne ne ne tee eas Your Hands Are nottied fromcarryingoutyourex- pectations and desires when you have moneyIN THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave. It is not a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. ||“SOMETHING NEW” nee ORED |re Work,as is poor.Your lack ef ambi-‘tien and business and social dutiesboreyou,Nature is eryingforiron,the great system renovatorandbuilder.DON'T TAKE ALCOHOL!Often when 5 man gets in 2 ri r z e time this seems to buoy him up,but every onc knows that a reactionmustsetin,and aleohol is nowknowntobeadeadlyenemyofnerves,brain,stomach,kidneys and~—.Do not take —a medicine if it contains an excessive quantityofalcohol,no matter how good theotherelementsmaybe.Avoid aleo-hol and other habit-forming drugs,which only have a temporary effect.|AKE IRON!—Plent it ina‘highly.coneentrated and powerfuform,as put up by the FerrodineChemicalCorporation.It is not apatent:medicine,Contains no aleo-hol.It is just as nature intended itshouldbetaken.Take a half-tea- spoonful after meals and on retiring. /'Watch how quickly life begins tolookbettertoyou.When yov are well and enjoy life your family means more to you.Business gets better.You feel Eke running a foot-race like a kid once more.Gotothenearestdrugstoreandget50conteoronedellar’s worth of Acid iron Mineral.It goes to the seat of the trouble and heals instead of in-stomach,kidneys and_liver. A-k for Acid Iron Mineral today. STATESVILLE AND ELKIN JITNEY LINES. SCHEDULE. Car Leaving Statesville.. Car Leaving Turnersburg . Car Leavling Harmony .. Car Leaving Houstonville .Car Leaving HamptonvilleArriveatEjikinCarLéavingBlkin Car Leaving HamptorvilleCarLeavingHoustonville Car Leaving Harmony .. Car Leaving rnersburg 4 Arrive at Statesville ....6:00 p. Car leaving.Statesville in the morn-ing at 8:00 a.m.makes connection with beth North Wilkesbere and El- kin-ATlerhahy trains.Leaving Elkin at 3:30 p.m.,making connection with trains: .12 going to Salisbury 6:45 p.m. FIRST NATIONAL RANK BUILDING,|“VO 16 goin to Charlotte 6:50 p.m.Stateaville,N.C..28 going to Taylovsville 8:10 p.m. TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,No.35 going to Asheville 10:25 p.m.SPECIAL ATTENTION TOCHILDREN'S NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE. CET.!eee JITNEY TRANSFER CO. .Statesville,N.C. i ; Fe He For you when you can letthempumpthewaterandsaveyouthetimetodevote>-,work,7 thismemoney.yersPumpwillsavethis.Letusputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY.Your Plumber,114 B.Broad 8t. jures We Try to Keep Everyjhing in stock tomeetyourwants.Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,GutteringandSpouting,*Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetal you want.STATESVILLE TIN CO. ‘Phone §8,-11¢E.Broad Street.| ’+S 2 3 S — 2 Po o t x? aao BR R S S S BS Sr v p t e P sa SP pF g8 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 aa —_—-~~—A RNRS cameDR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second:Floor. JIFFY JEL. The new dessert in six flavors, Guaranteed to please oryourmoneyback. Try it. Wit CORMINGE Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox-ication,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit- is and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble.ThousandsofStomachSufferersowetheircom- plete recovery to Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy.Untike any other for Stom- ach Ailments.For sale by the Statesville Drug Co.and druggists everywhere. Phone 89. Eagle &Milhollan:. Home,Sweet Home| Is never complete without a Piano.Musie instills noble thoughts the mind of every one,and a Fi- in heart andFreshEggsreliable, -is the ano —a good, sweet-tonéd Piano best investment anybody can make for the home. The Weser Piano ha the market for nearly 40 years,and enjoys the réputation for durability and rich tone quality.Only hirh-grade materials are used in the construction,yet its price is within reason. Every Egg Candled to see that it is all right. to get Fresh Egers, You are sure Leen on Sherrill &Reece. C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green.—— SCRAP «Heavy Braes 7ie.=»Light Grass Se.per If you are thinking of pur- chasing a Piano,or ever ex- pect to own one,it is cer- tainly to your personal and businass interest to see and hear this beautiful instru- ment. TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE!Every WESER Piano is gua againstallde- foetsinMaterial and work- manship for ten years. \Leonatd Piano Store. Cc.Tseriously ill aloud where her sister |dist Church and have been in ‘chape he will turn to dvink and for, 1|commerce and a genuine Moo .lington seeretary and .Frontis.number of members .and the money paid in,The blanks A|relntives.Mr.M.L. FOR SALE: ve ond hand machinery fe and all kinds of boiler ae re ‘ ‘Red Washington Cedar |Theat are p 4 Cc. Sos |everi:aehool at the College : Shingles Crernebore,Mirg some'-Wednesda wh whoseithcolitis,but |visit Mrs.Lake s Ruth and Ozelltheirguestslast Mr.R.D.FairchildsMissesMazieBeverly ly improving.Mrs.J.J.EdwardsM,Terrell were here betweenFridayontheirway,to the bh.netheirparents,Mr.and Mra.€,Umberger,at Mt.Lila.Mrs,:wards’home is in Ta napolis andwas‘ae her,|{oite.ro.“ag” her us nston-emabwradaughter,smith.‘TALIANS IN LIMELIGHT. Parks”sree moved here last week from Char-|ne Pon ony _— lotte.They were former residentsbutsoldoutandmovedtoCharlotte!Smashing the Austrian lines on the a year ago.They have decided that Carso plateau and in the mountainous| Mooresville suits them best.|country north of Gerizia,the Etalians Prof.C.C.Ward,who taught amines made additional and important the graded schools for two years gains.General Cadorna’s troops also was universally loved by ev +;captured more than 1,200 prisoners _i at ae and eleven guns.day.Mr.Ward was also —s In an assault between Jamiano andandtreasurerofthechamberthecoast,the Italian troops crossedresville|the railroad between Duino and Mon-booster,and we regret to give him}falcont,northeast of San Giovanni, up.‘and carried @ strongly fortified hil!Rev.W.E.Holeomb,who was of)southeast of iedeaeta.less than tw«dained for the Baptist ministry Fri-|miles north of Duine,on the coast 7 i4.°Kiger =Al side A field battery of ten guns and 812 aptis'¢€»Ww |i 2 dttopreachSaturdayandSundayfor——were captured by the Ital m —To 23 -holding @ PfO-=Near Plava,Cadorna’s men carriedEPACTESwe‘by storm the heights at the head ofi—mastion gt the Sue:the Pallova valley,By this success, re tag =—~“aaa they connected their lines on MonteA.Falis,was begun Sunday Cuceo with those on Hill 363,bothwillcontinuethroughtheweek,with —-which were taken earty in the re- sone service at 7.80 and preaching)|.:.;at ®p.m.and 3.30 p.m.daily.cent fighting.In the region of Go- rs.Marsh Sherrill of Troatman \"!sis the ftalians are maintaining the —a visitor last week.Miss Mary #2"they scored last week on the Peck Hay of Liberty Hill,8 .C.,is captured heights taken as a prelimi. here on a visit to her brother,Rev."*"y to the present determined drive8.H.Hay.|for Triest in the coast sector.Heavy Several of the old soldiers from Austrian attacks in the Vodice area here will go to Washington June were repulsed and in the Plava sector tth to attend the reunion.the Austrians were pushed still fur- the first reunion to be held at the ther back.aw national capital.It will attract)On the front in France there has large crowds and stimulate the war been a recrudescence of infantry ac- spirit.tivity,but not on a large scale.The A temporary nuxiliary of the Red British made gains in local attacks Cross was organized here at a meet.and repulsed German attecks.On the ine of the ladies of the town last Aisne and Champagne frents,both week.Mrs.George C.Goodman the Germans and French have been was elected chairman,Mrs.Zeb.Tur-|active.Around Teton,in Champagne. Mre.Shelley the German Crown Prince made threeTherequired,atiacks and succeeded in penetratingweresecuredtheFrenchline.A counter-attack by General Petain’s troops,however,fereed the Germans to retire again»their own lines.North of the sne the Germans were repulsed in and Mrs.Terrell andmissionariesofthe Southern for 22 years.They left therehomethe2istofApril.Mr.and Mrs.Arthur W. treasurer. have keen filled out and sent in.The rgenization will soon be complete and a eanvass made for a large en-, roliment..an attack.Berlin reports that six October 10th and 1th is the gtencks by the French were made in Mooresville Street Fair.At %vain.° meeting of the directors last week it was decided to put forth every ef- fort to make this the banner fair for Mooresville and south Iredell.The farmers’union has agreed to help by putting up hoothe for the variou Tocal Yinions.And when it comes to fine eattle,good live stock of various hinds and a variety of crops,wé hove the goods and will show them Mr.Abner Walter,well known to SS SSS Food Bill Appropriations. Reduction by more than $3,000,- 000 in appropriations carried by the :dministration food survey and astimulation bills have been agreed to by the House and consideration virtually was completed in commit- tee of the whole.Final passage of the measure,carryine a total of .14,770,500,was’expected vesterday. 1 ee?sb ‘—geil of The Senate debated 4 similar bill his.aon Sit eg Mr George C.-Good-|@rourhout the day without making Ae ee taveen the far in Cater.TMNT progress,snd the Sie « ras county,where he makes his home "“4°08*there stil)is in doubt.pee ier ant All reductions in the House meas- nerhe Tompleton &Williams Com-we were surge sted ny the agricul- pany’s warehouse on Centre avenue Acaremienenc accepted =o were: :ye s re g a arters :i =e *‘ihas.een seeured ag Meadousttr>gp combatting diseases of livestockiveBi“Shes dents Rawerd ani and enlarging production,reducedgariosbyteardant+m $2.010,000 to $885,000;forMra.§.Stevenson.:sey ind::pia eed distribution and eradication ofMts.8S.Cl Williams ; wi a a wean Bk ci ngeets and plant diseases,from §6,- eral days here‘last ‘week with rel:90,000 to $6,119,000,and for In- roe "Peeir child,which was s0 ,ceasing food production and elimi- ".me 4 ae ae a wil 50 1!Satine waste from $4,506,000 to $4.- e .9.W.jens pre vehed at th 48,300,On Monday,the commit:Rev.dd.et e SACNHE é bm AND roes sor +*the “Sercad ‘Presbyterian chorch Sunday ‘2 Vim recommersdthettheceedat3p.m.Rev.L.U.Weston,pastor ae Oe ees ta €9.592.000 and of the First Baptist church,preach-|,ic vad Ne :ga “"#$2 ed ut the Methodist church at the ee ae section rom $2, .cee ant .1,to $796,200aaePersonsemplovod in carrvinse ut even rT &8 £—°e wor provi 1 fer in the oi) Mr.R.O.Alexander of Charlotts.oS lis a te military service who is a good talker.spoke ett!d ;ee Bd he ..;der an amendment offered hy Rep- graded school auditorium Sunday :sentative MeKer sia illinois,eal {p.m.to a good crowd of people whe lopted assembled to hear him.He was intr . duced by Rey.J.W.Jones and spo}:MATTERS OF NEWS. wer an hour.He first preached old-time religion,coupled with fer At Manteo,©.,three mer vent prayer and restitution;and women were killed when an secret the high living,materialism <jle was struck by a train evtraveganee,ete.He thinks it ing.Two other persons we a mistake to send troops —the injured and one may die.waters to be sacrificed in helping |a es mele g i end the war,when,he contends,The aye dal gar a --: will finelly be ended in America,of a ae he ~ote lk \nae Com atertheLordhassuffietentlypunish.DaneQf the Nov on ere es buPn-“i us ond humbled us so that we w i ish an aehient a crowe!loss«‘voridliness f urn to 4 ——a atopourworldlineandturiLof$126,000, The Itatian war this country,is going fo fer and two automo- a cross natsely roperty mission.now W hrough the pro and French visited Wash- and did the Him.We will finally conquer tr end,says Mr.Aaa oe be th cnuse ef all nations being freed from : tyranny and oppression.Whether “famme of the British :<2 e ‘an Missions,The Italirvouagreewithhimornot,he ca :,s certainly give you something “ton's tomb Suni oe the hink about.usual honors,a he o reath being Mr.J.L.Brown of High Point has aid on the tomb.; moved here to live and has for the |The proposition o/the Northern present the Culbertson home o Preshyterian Church for union with Bestern Heights.hé Southern Presbyterian Church Prof.P.K.L.Deaton,who taught wae referred by the Southern As- in the high school at High Point the sembly to a committee,which will last term and who came to his home onfer with n similar committee ap- in Amity last Wednesday,was °pointed by the Northern Church. Mooresville visitor Sunday.Mrs.RP Enlictments in the naval reserve J.Caldwell of New Jersey,wh forces since the war began have was here visiting Mra.M.J.Grier-brought the personnel of all branches gon,has gene ty to visit ap to about 25,000,almost half the Broom of Rich-«ise of the regular navy a year ago. mond spent a et of last week with Tide includes the fleet reserve,the bis father,Mr.T.M.Groom.He i*naval,naval auxiliary,volunteer,| express agent between re an’coast defense and dying corps re-! Richmond.Mixes Nancy en hae heen vialting felatives in Grecne-duty, An -to Brown and Mar aghast Renee for Wheonine on 4.1 gave fiewvitesMra,mM.“ht hew the‘’ y for Mecwil al A World Champion Mechanicalperfection of a one- made;costs only$6 to $8 a month. —The one practicalcarfortewnor countryuse. Touring Car $665 Roadste 650 All prices f.o.b..Detroit. As the Maxwell is good fer many seasons,these prices make it “the ear for every man.” Ed.G.White Motor Company, East Broat Street,Statesville,N.C. ee Ary eiTHOSEDESIRINGGOODINV 2 fn a +p it will pay you to investigate the Mrs.M.A.T ov lots,so central and nicely located in thecolored folks residential section of Statesville,near school.end .. churches.Just completed the opening up and =i ing of streets and alleys,A mumber colored i _have grasped the opportunity of buying one or rmmore of these lots,others desiring to do so will find ltrte,» their advantage to act at once.Will sell for cash or 10 per cent cash and balance in monthly payments.© The map of the property and lots will be gladly shown upon request.i E.G.GAITHER,Agent. Office Mills Building. Rh AT LL Pa g ah ’POLK GRAY DRUG CO. | Right up to the fountain and rout that thirst with one of our COOL,REFRESHING and INVIGORATING drinks.‘ Pure,rich flavors,with all the healthful proper- ties of the natural fruits of which they’re made, RICH ICE CREAM, NUNNALLY’S CHOICE CANDY,| Fresh shipment just in.“On the Square”. COC cerves,and women enlisted for apecial 1 a It |:only natural that your friends and acquaintances « are imp.”s2ed by the general atmosphereof your home.. Nothing «'*°radiates a cheer{ul atmosphere as a payening ~ewnerly =.wails ere you want your ..o°°furn correct first thing todois to chuvsea furniture dealér knows correct styles and arrangement—he can— x & bs i g “a l goon.¥f F3 U p e i t a th 28 sf “Ofcourse there is goingtobea|bombs.Many persons 1 lives on a narrow stair-like éieertainamountofcomplainingatwaybetweentwobuildings |ithe proposed curtailment of train|pomb burst ,the |service over the Southern,”remarks|killing them.#Al!the victims in the Charlotte Observer.Naturally |ome ot =my»|these will be,bet there should not |“mee &radiusof200 sant be be.None of us want train service was the small propert; interferes with compared with the yr oe It our convenience.That's the selfish| UPON|viewpoint.But we should make up)jontey|.:drop where la crowds shop- ran =by peonlejourmindsthatduringthewarwe're |pers,augmen —to which this going to do without »good many to the potato sale,werega It is impor-things .we've been having,and we |the residential sections thetheseideale¢fashionable homes were ni this ten oan may devoutly thank God if we suffer put only one or two victims |surgeons will be held'J.W.Ernest,amerchant‘noir,died Friday after two‘suffering from a virulent attack |hiecoume were Lo devotion to them,that nothing worse than a curtailment of found in the ruins.The raiders no igapsintheranks.|passenger train service.We take it made a bee-line over the town,inti ||bombi the residential sectionconscriptionoftheforgrantedtheSouthernwilltakethenSahintheshoppingdistrict as unwilling,”but “rather a selection |of no more trains than are necessa-|ew out to sen from the nation that has voluntedr-|py to meet the emergency;(fact |the casualty list for this town ed in mass.”Bear that in mind.It|the railroads often have to run trains ®lone was tonight placed at 60 dead is enrollment for service—an answer|that are not really necessary be-|2%,150 in =.ae to the call of duty.There is nodis-|cause the public,through the cor-work into the night op h grace attached unless one tries tO!poration commission,can compel|debris in the residenti f dodge—and God help the man who thomtodothat)and while wemay Where several persons are m does that!The shame and stain of|pe somewhat discommoded,compor-|aaneses ever’—_we thanthi his act will plague unborn genera-/oq with present service,we should|from places further inland, >.Sd ts bear the inconveniencecheerfully,as|theyhadbombed freely.~ Landmark prin mn its is-\9 part of our contribution to the|"fe property damageofInst.Tuesday and Wednesday|Ceneral good.San ae” the facts pertaining to the reg-|ee TS |ain ca pe ion on June Sth.There,God pity the mothers—the poor Dispute About Ship Buildingtobeemphasized:mothers who are suffering anguish |—Steel or Wood. citizen who has reached|of soul now.Says the Monroe En-|7p,ships that the American and has notreachedthe quirer:jernment will belld to beet the Gam or before June 5,must;‘To the mothers of men war means man submarine and carry supplies to more than it does to any otherclass.our European allies will be construct- As now hover over|ed of steel instead of weod,and theshuddersat!men who control the ovtput of irontowar.and steel in this country have givengivetheir!their pledge to Major General Goe-and many a/thals to furnish the necessary mate-li with breaking heart bid rials.Gen.Goethals,who was select- : s e n [ i i of the naval |i information is desired by those hor son, registration,they should|goodbye at of the clerk of the |®pride in her|less taskto build a thousand 3,000-ton re registration day,or in-down inog!ae willwoodenshige in 16months,for nck ofobtaialandhea >pen of vee a slacker.manufacturers to ety the steel, go to wat—|which deny caneed t Ok.give their;Replying to the statement of Gen.°s,chairman Denman of theGunguenswasinvitedtotheThoseofuswhohavenotsonsto|shipping board,said that with the i ::go to the front cannot understand to|most successful steel buii cam-House functions given in honor of |i.9.9 wrench to the parents Paign possible,there still will be needmembersoftheBritishandFrench4ustlertheirboys.May|£0"®thousand wooden ships.Refer- war missions.The President evi-|ring directly to General Goethals’ithe Good God sustain anc comfort)speech at a dinner in New York Fri- whenthe Ponsa of a in the hour of sou!trial.day night,Mr.Denman said:jem o ,aie “We believe that the committees ofmissiondinedattheWhiteHouse|In his order disbanding his paper|Congress,and not a public dinner with a number of Senators and Represen-|army,Col.Roosevelt modestly sug-|the head of the steel trust,are the tatives were present.|seats that he was instrumental in|Peepor genre gy So ar sy of trars on that day.Those away/bringing about the President's de-|"‘The shipping board has but peng 4rom home can register by mail and|cision to send Gen.Pershing with a the sick must register through oth-|body of troops to France at anearly|at the present time.That is,to use @#s.It can’t be said too often that|‘ate;in other words,that his apita-|its crap a and naga to those within the ages named must|tion was responsible for it,and that|Comma)<a.fe paten,oor paregister.There are r:0 exceptions.|he has rendered the country valua-|interested group of capitalists,canAlargenumberareexemptfrom!¢service by his offer to go to the |draw any one of us into a contro-Giivice <<minioters and ethers on front,even though he is not permit-|versy with General Goethals,nor do aeévunt of their profession or the|“4 to go.The colonel’s modestywas |we =Se eet positions held;and a large number |°’®F his shining virtue.When Ger-|or a aan a ae Wi be exempted for various reas.)™*"Y is defeated,as she will be,Me |are built,there still would be need@aa—because of their physical or and My Policies will be responsible|for 1,000 wooden ships to make goodGiienkwentitienoevenseeetheare(fF the victory.If the war should the deficit in our merchant tonnage, oh sosenredanaes4 result disastrously for the United though the German rate of destruc._—s ch 88 states —which is unthinkable —/‘i0"is reduced to half that establish- «form work,ete.—inat is as the colonel will of course say that he .meol =-—oot:now whether 1,000 wooden ships caroon.ava ae G omy was because he was not allowed to be built in 18 months.”aaa ;z go to the front.,—=."because they have wives or EE EEeteE Anarchy in Russia.or parents dependent on The National Guard offers a goo!4 dispatch from Petrograd says theemforsupport.But remember opportunity to the young man called|agragrian disorders,wholesale con- a it neither yourself nor your to the colors.Those who expect to fiscation of property,incendiarism|friends can settle this matter of ex-|volunteer,or who may await the re-8nd other dangerous symptoms of an-n.han sult iy archy whick followed the overthrow:Bee:must give your name =fai ——draft,should Of the old authority in many impor-you claim exemption for any Consider the advantages offered by tant industrial centers and agricultur it will be stated on your en-the home company.Those sent un-al districts of central and southerntcard.Later you will be ad-.der the draft will be assignee wer-oe arg becoming more serious, nbytheproperauthoritieseverthegovernmentdecidesthey*°cording to dispatches from various "the reasons assigned hold Should go.By enlisting in the local one a Seoabtiere camaioeawebothertheregistrationCompany,one goes with home folks,by taking prompt action,have suc-about the exemption now;it under home officers,and the chances ceeded in anticipating revolts and in6muselessWasteoftime.Don't en-|for promotion are excellent.Enlist.|"**training a ——popula-.i toward jiser imna con -Wetain for a moment the idea that!™ent in the Guard offers many ad-tion and all kinds oflawfoseness.IncanescaperegistrationthroughV@"tages. pose in its activities in Washington |; the colors,|ed to take charge of the ship-building|the same time >ne.said he found it a hope-| Everybedy Will Tell You That pedi to Build With”) has cheaper since WATKINS came here two years ago. C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. |BUTTER.| The butter-producing season is | !about on,and we will be in posi-'tien to handle some large quan-1}i tities.The price is high,too;|‘about 100 per cent.higher than |it has been in other vears.We :will give SPOT CASH for any | —:and in any shape.||ing us what you can.1 |4 K.Morrison Grocery | |&Produce Company.| Let your pocketbook consider this argument.Which is more economical?60 gal.Ordinary Paint at $1.50.$90)48 gal.Fair Paint at $1.75 84|40 gal.High Grade Paint at $2.80|OR 30 GALLONS | *15 cost even twice its price,will out-wear them all.FOR SALBBY |Statenville,A.C. WILL FURNISH “if youlike Oranges,you'lllikeOrangeJooJ” C000 COLA BOTTLING Co. eaiiaeniciea aaa Pictorial Review? Patterns Mean DistinctioninAttireforYou. Theyembody the newest,advancedesigns created, Ask for theJULYFASHIONSHEETFRREatthePat-tern Counter. It Costs No More To Dress in Style The Seerct is to Know How PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS save you from one-half to one yard of material on cach dress. faiet 7 71 Blouse 7295bYre7eeeMieTeerBustF91a Price of each pattern 20 cents By all means take a glance at the new FASHION BOOK for SUMMER It cnets only ten cents when purchased with a Pictorial Review Pattern. JULY PATTERNS Now Ready for You Call at the Pattern Counter and ask for the|JULY FASHION SHEET The Store That Pays the Postage cn Mail eee eee PORTANT NOTIC 10 T!FAthi iemected en's citarcin oh pereemn whefomkessaboveit7a»Advertise Your uotenther."To do 20 oad bone $e gene (yew ht eens pivdinswd )|,«eeite bieesaoea ai e : : ai lid l Ti a has extended over a period of morethanayear,is still confined to her room and herante not ap- pear to improve,E.R. M fe |he a F 4PPLTUTRALWLOLAYEObes; ee ee er neehome.‘APPRECIATION OF REST ROOM.an the Mrs.8.L.Cushing,at the home ofMA.Sherrill,her mother,Mrs.F.A.en- ~|\tertained Saturday in honor of .|years ago.shown tthe country people on many nt T.G.Faweette of Mt.Airy.conducted from the Methodist church |*ioxs.On county commencement day members of the Entre Nous club by Rev.Messrs.Cathey and Moore|°",‘r hemes ane Gree Sanat,‘caten returned|made up the guests.The afternoon the Presbyterian church and Rev.|extended them;and the majorty of & ee He. The FEDERALRESERVE systemof banksof whieh": our bankisa Member Bankis thebestbankingsys--itemeverthoughtout.A bank whichproves itself worthyofbecominga member can take its securities —s !gz 3;=F si , ;eh =< = fi s t Z o== visit-;:was spent in sewing.A salad course|Mr.Albright,the Methodist ,try people have not forgotten it.:2 ay parents,Mr.and and ices.were served in the dinine|The interment was in the |Langue neods praiae:tnstead of ines.for,the to the Central Reserve Bank whenever it wantsto |ar Mra,ees vetmrned (2°™.,,The table was pretty withi tery.Tose’ie a boomto the eoancey,women.When GET MONEY ; i.ee pa lace =.—was acen-|Mr.a Wilson Lindsay Mr.=we to townaiis niceSo peve ae,pies |_ae spendi erpiece consisting a mahogany)Fred ilson,where they cam imeteadof wal m Theretore oie —,basket filled with pink Killarney)Military cehesk,achatha,sta oe ot oY En eeame oa |when youputyour money in our bank =* rones.The place cards were attrac-|Thursday night for the summer vaen-|thank the ladies of Civie for YOU can get it when you WANT it.me tive.tion.Hugh won a medal for the best “4 ‘to easthoion nee La =ake the ne val tvilled man and Fred won a medal|tow wi |Mics Adabelle Barringer enter-|{|town and country poeple eheuld Put YOUR in OURbank.eng tained Saturday in honor of Misses for the best oration.Miss Mary|sé not spendioework andMoat eric —aeFeimster,student at Salem won one OeisNOW)May Baxter and Sadie Lee Holding,|w;tse &6 >|From one who eoprocsssesie work of the esis ander nston-Salem,is home for the |Civie League,COUNTRY RESIDENT.|We pay &per cent interest on time deposits.) |' ts of Miss Bride Alexa .|:h 4|Reid :mer.Mr.John W.Moore of the fac-ge was played at several tables.RESOLUTION | W.Culbreth.Phe table pri isted of French|Ulty of the high schools,Winston-Sa-|:an cient ta Oe cy A.Amaker we,opeue from peckitefilled with snapdragone and —_eT ue the home of his wntimey"‘nth fwil FE."Rogers 22 I HE FIRST NATIONAL to Charleston,3.C.swainagna,Tea,sandwiches and can-|e yi SM Te aot o has been |wh was ecckdentally billed in irs,W.P.Duncan has gone to|dies were served.Each guest re-May 1,1917,but it Morganton to visit friends.e of |Missionary to Brazil thepast 22 years,w.: Miss Glenn Mason spent several —po ine ee visited her sister,Mrs,J.J'Edwards,ohage east Mr.Sw o Zs ae % days recently at her acme in Thom-—a few days and Mrs.Edwards accom.|™onths cid.He leaves a dev father and asville.Mins Louise Culley ehaperoned |panied her to the home of their pa-|"ater:‘hee,betters S00)Tissathelr ions. Mrs.W.A.Hamlet and little|club of young gitls from the First|rents,Mr.and Mrs.C.W.Umberger,He professed Paith in Christ and became a i ,®j of ‘ist A 26, inBatisbury.returned from a visit |Presbyterian church at @ camp sup-Thursday morning for a visit.aa 3 a :ane suas s, ;per at the Park last evening.Supper;Mr.Mack Stikeleather,a student at |tii his death. Geo.Hawn has returned to|was eaten about a eamp fire.the A.and E.College,Raleigh,ar-|Whereas,God in His all-wise purpose has Mooresville after spending a week ,...104 for The Landmark.rived home Friday and has gone to ‘ken from us our brother,therefore,be it with her mother,Mrs.Annie Bailey.);Dr.H,L.Smith's farm,in Sugar Loaf "3.5 enter Chee te | Miss May McLelland was the guest A Sustnese meeting of the Mc-|township,to be with his mother,Mrs.wes me Sane oe aeavester,a ue 2) Dowell club was held Friday at the|Emma Stikeleather.Miss Ruby Deal,habits.faithful to every duty and well spoken ||ef friends here while on her way °°.: Raleigh to her .ome in Moores.|"etidence of Mise Rose Stephany.who has been teaching in the graded °,*2". =Miss MecLelland is a teache:=.a.Le oe nz veor|schools,Raleigh,came home Saturday |i.c1 hs church,the punday School onZ =in Peace Institute,Raleigh.|were Fe chested —re Craig vice|%,spend the summer with hap:pe-|vrerrmesine co!Site on | 3 :oY ,.‘>Mr.Dr ren th en?n Tellows .=ey Sue Cochrane has re-/president,Mrs.A.J.Salley seereta-a a a =aeDeal.*|3 We most deeply feel the ‘loss and tender |turned to her home after visiting in!»-treasurer,Mrs.J.L,Culley cor-|9°;OYeTy ©sheville spent Sum-cur sympathy to the bereaved family and responting secretary.The pro-day here.Mr.Roscoe Watts,who hag)friends,and pray that tre Lord may guide—.rs.C.S.Kirkpatrick has returned|.-.:mme committee for the comin been in Richmond,Va.for some *"!disse them. .:.”r Rh “a .;4.That @#af there resolutions be sent to her home in Fort Mill,8.C.,after |vear includes Mrs.E.G.Gaither,time,arrived Saturday to visit his’,,,family,one sent the Biblieal Reeorder forerandparents,Mr.and Mrs.M.Lz.’publication and that they be recorded in the visiting her daughter,Mrs.E.G.|Mrs.DeWitt Ramsey and Mrs.J.L..! Gaither._|Culley.The club voted to co-oper-Watts.jminutes of our Sontag pieal. Mr.Henry Klingender,who has!ate with the Civic League in the Asa Stevenson Thurston,the 22-c.t CLARE. been the guest of Mr.G.E.French,|oming formal Park opening,when|™onths-old son of Dr.and Mrs,Asa,KATIE.OSTWALT, has returned to his home in Salt Lake |jt is hoped to inaugurate community oer vee del Sere Committee, .singing,enlisting the assistance of |-ing at SO eK fl a rs.Dorman Thompson has gone the Statesville band and local week's illness with colitis.The fa-'MARKET REPORTS. th Winston-Salem to visit Miss Etta singers,including school children.neral Service will be conducted frome.ae en |i the residence this afternoon at 2.304 Statesville Produce Market.¢ ner.The members feel gratified over)“ge :The following prices were paid yesterday ,de =Dd.W.—little ae.the va of the club for the _—oat —ree ihe tor.produce on te toons oe ‘+ef a on ter have gone to their home in Lenoir|year.The programme was unusually)"erme =o nm come:}ring Chickens,25¢.to3%.per ®291 el after visiting Mrs.Turner's parents |interesting and was faithfully fol-|‘FY:...ee Sm Appropriate Presents.a ae one eS Sd ond Wel eee Two Deaths at Troutman.|Bex.2%,per denen for Nba rs.oy’sippa an ittle |.Special Covrespondence of The Landmark.ter,Sfe.to She.per ¢i. Ps es ttle |Wedding at Mooresville.'enpor e Beeswax,26c.per Ib.B ose ter Miriam are in Charlotte this!Special Correspondence of The Landmark wen ae =-z a.<:Green Hien,vee.m »rides and Graduates.”z Miss Mary Willie Quinn of Ruth-|Mooresville,May G—Iivs.Bia |OO Oe ae he oldest Sides and Shoulders,22e.to 26e.per Ib,‘ie ie nede erfordton is the:guest of her broth-|Mae Freeze and Mr@ Loyd Preston —ee rr fw Sod ones,0s.ee ..m The tirnes in a young womans life when she cherishes sia oe,eS ee here ae hae ne es ae Seturday morn-|Mayor J.B.Waugh.Interment takes!OW Avto Ruther Casing.4 por most theremembrances”’she receives are when she gragUal@siui) e from gh,where she s,ing at &oc ,9.W.danes,©)place today at Bethel cemetery,with Sweet Potatoes,$1.25 per bushel.id when she weds.T s he ti hen been teaching.|elose friend of the bride’s family |¢uneral services by his pastor,Rev.Greie.and wien she weds.hese are the times when friendships voit Mrs.R.A.Campbell has gone to!offciating.The wedding,witnessed |yr Correll.The deceased is sur.The following prices Ss wuat pened are “tested.”oteiei If you remember your sweet-girl-graduate friend at hi aa:MWashington,(N.€.)to spend two,by a number of friends and relatives |cived few two for brain on the loxal market: weeks with her mother,Mrs,A.Kug-!wes a very simple and quiet affair.|bey Weuch,oa.a 2 =Whent,£2.75 No 48.00 par bushel. | r.|At the appointed hour Miss Nora|;::mee Corn,$1.45 per bushel,|cece j :a ase WC.Commebedd ent tate Raton tana Ot te bide,played |“Heine wetness a ttle pe a Onts,0c.per bushel.|time she will ‘think kindly of you always.The bride ow con,Billie,will arrive today from Mendelssohn's Wedding march,Mis:|Waugh married Miss Nancy Clo!-Statesville Cotton Market,eternally chevish as a friend the one who sends her a wedding...im Cordelia,Ga.,to spend the summer Josie Williams and Mr.Gilreath CG |tolnar of Pian To this anion On the loca!market yesterday 21 1-4 cents |gift wea a with Mr.and Mrs.C,W.Stimpson.Adams entered and took position be-|were ern four children nea a per paund wes paid for best grade —)Th “quality is there”in ot if Mr.Carmichael will join his family neath an arch in the parlor.They |whom died in infancy Mr.Wauch Catton Seed,80.per bushel.@ quailty Is there in our gi t goods.ia here me .:were followed by the bride and groom,|saw four years’serviceinthe Con-Seed Cotton,@ t-te.per lb,sad Mrs,W.R.Wiggs and children re-|who stood before “Father”Jones and |federnte army.He was wounded Grose oe.SaLee |R.F,HENRY Jeweler.“i a turned Sunday with Mr.Wires to took the vows of the Methodist|onee at Appomattox Court House.In Cee op Tee oe don't mattee |9 : Monroe,where they will make their |Church,which made them man and/early life he connected himself with ste and partial plates in proportion,*Send —¥aeeanaumel ei ee : he.wife.During the ceremony Miss|the Baptist church and has sinc: >¥parcel post und receive check ty return EA a ne A 7 :oa!::_F.TERL,408N.Wolfe Street,Balti- Notices of New Advertisement«|Tomlinson played very softly ‘—_—a pillar in the ehurch to which ——Rin.408 BN.Wolke ~—._ Sa 8 oo |Strains”from “Perfect Song.”he belonged.For severel years he:-:: »gy ll —phone 227,Mrs.Vance is the oldest daughter of!hed been so frail that he seldom AUTO FOR HIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY will a >for sale.—d.B.Roach.|Mrs,R.TH.Tomlinson and was reared |left home and singe the beginning:Jee tee ene oe ea:=x”; Auto easing found.—Mrs.M.y.tin Mooresville,where she has num-|of this year the old gentleman bn ——.]20. Leween,R-3 hers of friends and will be missed.|gan making vrenarations for the FOR SALE—Practically new steet tire Bab-|7 : ”=She has been engared ns nurse.Mr |long journey he felt that he was eock bueey.J.B.ROACH May 29---1t*. ‘i E i nll >,Steven-,::¥mn igntees 1.C,Steven-|Vance is a native of Tennessee andjabout to take.At Christmas he POUND—Auto casing.Owner can get same ;:Watch indow display.—_Mrs.Mary holds a position with the railway,said he hoped to reach his next by paying for ad.MRS.M.L.LAWSON, Sims window dispiay.——rs.“Ary |company at Bristol,Tenn.birthday,but that he a not expect Statesville,R-3.May 29—1t*. ‘|The bride wore »pretty and be-|to be here much beyond this time.FOR SALE—G seh hous wo W Refrigerators to close i mn suit of navy blue silk poplin|The birthday came some three S Watts.ace a Sk ee Hardware Co.with old :-.con a | .‘gold trimmings,hat and months aro.Mr.Waugh was 1 -:‘ one _presents.—R.F.Hen |gloves to match,and carried a hou ioe wt 7 -affectioned old 8S ee 7 rooms,oll conven:|A big car of RED CEDAR SHINGLES from the Pacific ¥ \e :.:ane ‘::»wf mn @ tlemen.shosce ways wer AVS mm.lherry St.,.5 :bad ag exainine the Dodge motor car—|“Ss -nagthatamyrtom gr yel-|ot sionenntnens eal”‘ehane shih ee ee Coast just unloaded.The famous “Titehold”brand of, itesville Motor Co.low in ith yellow chiff were paths of peace NOW OPEN—Statesville Inn now open to Saal phe La ,j Pictorial Review patterns—Ramscy-|10%,Satin,drapedteee necoming.|.Saturday afternoon Mrs.Mary Ming"W.‘Fo PALMER May20||anion,Vom ee Se ’ a bat She carried a pretty bouquet of cream|Bradmon died at the home of her a ee et mae as . Helpyour coudtry by buying Liberty SheAFT ©eny oon wns dressed|brother,Mr.J.N Robins,after 1 "QB RENT—Meueon Sharpe sires NP.100 PER CENT.HEART—NO SAP! Leas Commercial National|jn yellow silk brocaded with drapery |lone illness.She was aged 63 and is _WATE ie :N Te es h An.cream net.survived vd several getere an]POR RENT—A.Y.Alexander residence on|100 per cent.CLEAR FULL-LENGTH SHINGLES! ,”the artistic piano.—An-:...|brothers.In early life she was mar-Rast Brond strect.M.P.ALEXANDER.a ’ee drews Music Store.=.4 —os ss,nee.|ried to a Mr.Bradmon,who prece'-__May 15.:100 PER CENT.TIGHT VERTICALGRAINING! ed her to the grave 15 years.She WANTED—To buy good sound clean Sugar Is i Will pay 25c.per barrel delivered |©’Shi »ae o meee pureed Crs.Ge ee These Shingles are made from the famous Pacifie Ce- ,N.C..Mies |Address SHUFORD MILLS,|°pe 7 : "Wheto wonted—J.K.Morrisen pp coy om Boe Bye oR aprell Miss|‘ian woman.While blessed with no Wier.NC May 4.|dar,“Arborvitae—Tree of Life.”From the most an-® Grocery &Produce Co.Will Howard of Mazeppa,Mr.and|children of her own,she had moth-Doors,Windows,Mantels,cient times,Red Cedar wood has been famous for its re-— Cow for salo.—W.N.White,‘phone Mrs,Will Moore of Amity,Mics Jonie |ered ee =er Case,Base,Mouldings,Door and|qq markable durability and resistance to decay under the” Final sale coat suits,coats and silk ::. drosses.—-Dave Ocstreicher,Salis-eee OT eeatgens spice |was a member of Perth church and 296 black.|Williams of Kin Tonn.,and Mr.. COOL FOR CROPS—PERSONALS |Mack Vance of Bristol,Mr.and Mrs.|"04 old people.WD.T.(Eee Frome,Bee Oe,Sh)a eet covers conditions. Correspondence of The Landmark.|Vance left on the 9 o'clock train for|/MAN PULLED THE PLOW.by .C.WATKINS.if you are going to cover your 'kat ¢ Statesville,R-5,May 28 —The their future home,Preston street,,gome of the men folks herenbouts |—-:‘: tinued cold weather has been!Bristol.|ewha NOTICE TO CREDITORS.|@ Shingles and compare them with any other Shingle sel@ equine the growing .A aan The bride has many friends here z oan te fatten on Having qualified on administrator of the}g AND SHRTHE DIFFERENCE!¥ Senne Muramere have planted their who wish her well,She ix a erand-stuffs becomes too strenuous.in this \Suy gh ‘ston povins aims nena”te | -over.|daughter of the late Rev.T.L.Trip-|section.Friday a good citizen of tae to present enane te me on or before the ,E.E.Harmon is at homefrom |lett,one of the p:oneer Methodist|Fallstown township was in and re-!*day of May.191%,of this notice.will be he has been a stu-preachers of south Iredell.|ported having seen a man pulling a Cepeed te ber of rome.venenn,| plow while his wife bore down on|Lewis &Lewin,Attys. Adminirtrator,Collex®|DAUGHTERS CONFEDERACY.|Pi°".cndien.Too much of this'is apt,May 20,ir!:vil return.The local chapter of the United|t the hashands to join the at ene Vi Ca foom Statesville,Daughters of the Confederacy will |my’s‘bird-gang.—*"Appalachian Training School.“h ontgomery y J > iii , Lawrence at 4.30.ren of Confed-|the Daugh r faculty will be supplemented byteachersfromotherschoolsinconductthe ca”term of the Appaischian TwhiehinsMay30continuesweeks.Roard will cost $2.60 perweek.$2.9.Public are a f =Fi c k t E strone against counse!thought it best to have trial to Richmond county. where.was tried and sentenced. "gen of influence urged the ion but many others,some oy others in »humble .oD interference in nt Tue cont.The bank as the Penny Bank, wagesarners and farmers agrees that there been no criminal in- of Gulledge,but he ie m repeatedly invested quad Yank for his own bene- fit in ao tion of the law,and, being @ lawyer,must nave known he was violating the law;that he had a right to back his judgment in in- vestments for the benefit of the bank but no right to invest in schemes that could in no way benefit the bank depositors whese earnings he was entrusted with. The Governor thinks the road sen- tence is not necessary for the refor- mation of Gulledge,but he does take the view that the execution of the sentence is riecessary for the protec- tion of the public;that the portion of the public in Angon injured by wrongful ects files vigorous protest in which he is of the opinion they are entirely justified.“lx is essential to the protection of the men and wo- men who deposit their savings in banks for the bank officials to under- stand that any misapplication of these funds will result in felons’ strines.A fine would be inade- quate.” FORD AGENCY A TRUST? The Attorney General is Mak- ing an Investigation. Attorney General J.8S.Manningbeganlastweekhearingevidence preliminary to determining whether er not he will proceed against the Ford Motor Comnany of Charlotte. which controls the Ford sales andserviceinthisState.on the charre of violating the North Carolina anti- trust laws of 1913,in that it is en-forcing a policy of forcing all Ford dealers to handle exclusively Ferd machines hhd to procvre their nart- and accessories from the Ford Motor Company. A number@f dealers from differ-ent sections @f the State were exam- ined and se was levi onen for the Ford Métor Company to offer ev- idence in support of their poliev and in @nswer to the evidence of thecoinam@Thehearingwillbe resumed JoWe 11 and a speedy dis- position of the case by the Attorney eral is promised,rinee oll FordcycontractsintheStateare bject_to renewal,August 11 and ts'avantifbe issue «ettied as to ether the @xactions of the com- ny are legal in this Slate. The cofMMolainants are represented y W.S.OB.Robinson and Osborne,ke and Miles.©.T.Canster ren sents the Ferd Moto: le stated that the genere!counre! b the Ford company witil taxe on Rand in perfecting the'r ¢for th xt heariny.. Witnesses from Charlotte,Wins- tin -Salem.Salisbury and ShelbytestifiedthatallFordagentswere a allowed to hendle anv other busi ase ss and that,all parts and es for Ford machines must be pur ased from the Ford company.A harlotte witness said he carried garts for the repair «f Ford machine.=could not use them because of e policy of the company. { ‘Spanish ACCESSOH- Steamer Sunk. 1A dispatch from Lenidon the sinking of a Spanish a a serious loss of life. report« steamer An offi- a!statement says: “The Spanish mail Eizaguirre’s boat.containing #econd officer,a apprentice embers of the crew and two Fenvrers has reached her The capninandtheremainderofthecrew o passengers have not heen ac unted for.The cause of the sink ing of the steamer is not Sh@rriedabout40p:erew of 60.”t Another Spanish ha,was Bunk. loss of life,ms Se ewe me ee »Dr.Waite Executed. Dr.Arthur Warren Waite,dentist, ne .axecuted yin Prison, .Tharedby night,for the mur-r of his father-in-law,John FE.ck,of Grand Rapids,Mich.TheisonchaplainsaidthatWaitecon- seed that’he had poisoned h althy father-in-law in the expe jon that his wife would obtain awehare:of the wealthy Mr k’s estate.He seemed to look hie approaching doom as a rful adventure.Not once dur the last day did he lose his com- ure.He aintained the sameilingindifferencethathasmarkedstafofalmostayearintheStns s TAX TO OWNER.eeee struck out the 5 wn.urers’tax on au-sbileg,in the war revenue billwillsubstitutealicensetaxon Be owners ofmotor vehicles.In oth-|Words,they propose to make oldnes.he owns a =machine—-pay cost.«gi le her 1S teamer,© pas- oF Known ngers at steamer,the No report as to Sing Sing Company.. editordiedinAshevilleafewdaysCitizen,neo.‘The next of Geldabore Nurses’A will beKinston.Miss endersonHofWinston-Salem was elected presi dent.Mr.Clint.N.newspa man,long in active service in Salis- bury,who retired to the farm a few years ago,died Thursday night, aged 50.Fire at Oakboro (wherever that is)Saturday morning destroyed near a block of buildings and sever- al persons had narrow escapes.Or- igin unknown, Geo W.Watts of Durham has of- fered to give $50,000 to Flora McDon- ald College,Red Springs,on condi- tien that friends of the institution raise $100,000. Burke Maske,the negro who kill- ed Policeman Williams at Wingate, Union county,March 17,was elec- trocuted in the State prison in Ral- eigh Friday morning. Fifteen cars of a freight train were derailed near Newell's,Meck- lenburg county,on the main line of the Southern,Sunday evening,and the track was biocked for some time. Nobody hurt. A railroad line,an extension of the Virginia-Carolina railroad,is being surveyed from Elkland to Boone. The survey follows New river and when preliminary surveys are con- cluded the best route will be selectod At Wake Forest College com- mencement last week Gov.Bickett was made a doctor of laws and Rev. Chas.E.Maddry,former pastor of the First Baptist church of States- ville,now of Austin,Texas,was made a doctor of divinity. Col,John C.Tipton,an old North Carolina newspaper man,formerly of Lincolnton,who has for several years been engaged in newspaper work in Texas,has returned to North Caro- lina and is now with the Greensboro NewsThe widow of Geo.Spittle,the Charlotte fireman who was killel by the collision of the fire truck with » street car,in Charlotte some time ago,has sued the city,the street railway company and the Public Utilities Company fer $40,000, Stewart and Jones,contractors, engaged.fer months in filling up the sorge cut by the July flood aroun. the western end of the Southern Power Company's Lookout dar, the Catawba river,have ahout com- pleted the work.The Hardawoy company,building the concrete dam, will not Snish for some time The Biltmore herbarium on the Vanderbilt estate near Asheville hos donated to the National Muse- um by Mrs.George W.Vanderbilt. The herbarium contains ahout 25.000 specimens.Until the flood of Inst summer it contained aboyt 100,000 necimons hut three-fourths of them were lost at that time. co his wife had him haled t for beating her,Bill McKin- ney,a negro of Pitt county,went ome and attacked the woman with a hoe He chopned from her lower limbs chunks of flesh until they were ‘most bare of flesh from the |ore to the ankles.He then broke the woman's legs and beat her about th head,The wom mey ¢Th utal husband eseaped . ee eeeeee ee WILL CUT THE ‘MOUNT. Senate Will Reduce the War Tax Levy. Revision of the war revenue tax ill which has passed the House of Congress,is ander way in the Sen- ite:fingnee committee Reduction of the vi x Tes hill ahout e-third,or to about $1,250,000,000€, ‘ni le favored by most of the smmitteemer It is deemed cer vn.at least,that the aggre;tar rden will increased,and that the committee wil not consider adding the extra estimates of S454,WG B00,y submitted by the Treasury Department Short term bends to take care of the millions | which the total levy for this vea probably will be reduced apparently renerally favored Chairman Simmons—stat he com he 4) i ei } been teen) ourt os ta evv Oo the ite not be recently that to the Hoss tre avremeneré i owing chang:the Measut a To strike out the ad active income tax on mn 116;to strike out fer inercased inder the zone a low direct tax,prebably er cent..on all advertising,includ- ing that in)newspapers and mavra ines and of bil!boseds.posters and street cars;and to substitute for the House exeess profits tax on profitsover&per cent.of invested capital nn excess profits tax based ' average profits for a period of ars not more than five Elimination of the retroactive ta 1916)incon Senator Simmor timated.alone would result in re- duction of the House bill's tax levy $108 800,000 Newspapers and magazines have vigorously fought the proposed zone system increase of postage,declaring they would beruinoustemanypublications.The loss of revenue by elimination of the section will be partly if not wholly recowped,the committee be-lieves,by the proposed 2 per cent. tax on all advertising. |RENNere COL.HOLT DEAD. Col.W.KB.Holt,Sr..millionairecottonmanufacturerandbusiness man of Lexington and Charlotte,died Saturday at hie heme in Lexington, 77.He suffered a stroke of prialysie two weeks ago.W wn and five dauehters survive. ‘pi 2 grounat22th litional retro omes earned all prov mail rate substitute about two one econe.clay vstein,and mete on CANS FOR THE Miss Henkel has secured a ner load of cans throught the ment of Agriculture.These cans be here in a few daysofthecanningclubsmaysecure Now is the time to get rid of yourtum.You will find Eresagreathelp.The relief whsloneworthmanytimesitecosta:eeeeeeraneeremanmnemeanceetans oh ;' For Sale By Cc.D,MOORE,teavitle.N.C.' BRADFORD &HEDRICK,Loray,N Cc And All Good Dealers. DON’T BE A WAR BABY! The Watkinses buy “Building Mate- rial”in quantities.I can ship my entire stock at a good profit,BUT THE IREDELL COUNTY PAVEEVATTHE OLD.WATKINS.} DR.COLPESHERRILL| General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Hill’s residence or Long's Sanate- ARE GOING TOFOOTOFLUM3BERPRICES!iit Jaa, rium will have prompt attention elenmememn DR.J.M.HOLLAND. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs Millinery Store, Statesville,N.C. HOURS 8 to 6."THONE 31. Sums es CHANGE OF OFFICE! 1 have moved my law office from the secondflocsoftheCommercialNationalBankBuibi- ing to Room No.&,secend fluor of the Peo-| pies Loan &Savir es Bank H.P.GRIER,April 34 Aluornes - DENTIST.| |¢ | | | it | silted ti aM ke feaia ‘Naturally,this knowledge of what is % *.9 ee He knows thatthethinghe is selling iswordandtheirgoodname.ting He knowsthathe is not merelyactingascustodianforDodge “veogtelen.ad er breeds a deepsense of .— It will pay you to visitus and examinethisCar. The gasoline consumption is unusually lowThetiremileageisunusuallyhigh. Touring Car or Roadster,$835;Winter Touring Car or Roadster,$1,000;Sedan or Coupe,$1,265.(All prices f.o.b.Detroit). STATESVILLE‘Phone 140, MOTOR CO., Statesvil'e,N.C. TT See them. Se RE REFRIGERATORS! REFRIGERATORS! We have a few that we are closing out at cost.They are splendid Refrigerators and the only reason we oiler them at cost is we have quit handling them. Iredell Hardware Co. P.8.We have three grades of Shiagles. and Make Money for Yourself.: ro 6 ;Unele Sem Must have the money QUICKLY to build HELP Y thodsands of food and munition -carrying ships,to raise,equip and maintain an army of 1,000,000 men;to give us a smashing biz navy—in short,to enable our covniry to carry on its share of the great war for the FREEDOM OF THE WORLD! YOU ean do YOUR part by lending the Government some of vour savings.Invest now in one or more of the Liberty Loan Bonds.You will be helping yourself while you help your country.The bonds pay 3 1-2 per cent.interest and ARE AS GOOD AS GOLD!There is an easy payment plin,For exemple,if you want to buy one of the $50 bends,you can make your payments at this Bank,as follows: 2 per cent.when you buy the bond18percent.on June 28,191720percentonuly30,191730percent.on August 15,1917 30 per cent.on August -’0,1917 The bonds will be dated June 15,1917,and will run for 30 vears,when the Government will repay the principal. Twice a year the owner will receive interest at the rate of 3 1-2 per cent.a year. Come in and let vs help you to help yourself,your country and humanity! Department. saga etTho © meea ec MRS.MAR " “ Watch Our Window Display. Hats Your Choice,$1.98. We have just reccived a big line of Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine Waists.Price,$3.25 to $5.75. Don’t fail to visit our Ready-to-Wear satsyer ou ad iw * COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C. ena toni metas inet owe MEET At THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITYEVERYDAYINTHEYEAR. QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y ty Y SIMS. i om fa?bern fete to bie nt a=|be 200x100 and two stories. SPECIAL SALE OF Men’s Sailor Straw Hats. $1.50,$2.00 and $2.50 values.To be closedout at once. Choice 98c. Special sale price willbeCASH. PHONE 83. WE CLOSE AT 6.O’CLOCK. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. e EF ithe lareest manufacturing plants ——Is the BEST for —— Destroying Potato Bugs. —-—We sell it ——— HALL’S DRUG STORE, PRESCRIPTIONIST. Phone No.20. ae .-a 7 Guaranteedpricesdelivered at States- villeOilMillor my Warehouse,take your choice.Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,andUnionGuano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. CASH OR TIME. =|iinse; A y 85 7 5 7 ra t R3 2 QP3 ones,too.Jennings camp,work,there is being erected one of men of America wil the South.This is the newmill of Sunday in honor oftheChathamManufacturingCompa-ren:ny.Last July when the flood came Messrs.Z.V.their present mill was flooded to the erman ofupperstory,and so they decided to memorial addresses atthehill;and thery ,fet out on A ee eee decided to do this they went to work|LAME EVERY MORNING! A Rad Back is Generally Worse in|The main building is ‘ ,;3 to build one the size of the onenowoccupy.400-80 feet.three stories at one end the —Statesville People, and five at the other.An additional)Are Finding Relief.{ building for engine and boiler,dye|A back that aches all day and, room.storage room,room...iscomfort is usual-![ater baie teckte main belting,SH |t:terse tn dhs cates gon fit.feel as if youhadn't sleptat all.| ted with all modern com and You can’t get rid of kidney back-! -nd oe ——epreeee.|otes,until you reach the cause—the| j P addition to tiis mey kidneys.Doan’s Kidney Pills are es-|‘shout 40 houses for vneiroperatives |: on a tract of land o--aed for this pecially prepared tor weakened er, new enterprise,consisting of about ‘disordered kidneys —have been) |200 acres.gratefully recommended by thou-' A force of hands will begin this sands, iweek building a new cement street¥:Testimony ef Statesvite people’in the main part of town,costing pros ©it of Doan’s.i \about $20,000.On main street the l\anpanrance will he changed decided-Mrs.D.D.Littlejohn,146 E.Sharpe iv for the better.Our sidewalks)street,Statesville,says:“My beck| have always been too wide for OUT|pained me so severely that T could _atreet and they will he cut |three feet on each side and cement|hardly get out of bed in the morning.| leurbs will be pvt in,in place of the]Sharp twinges darted theough my kid-| stone curbs now in use.Other street!neys and nearly took my breath improvement:will be made on oth-|away.My kidneys dida’t act asthey |building when completed will beveniences lag aay The great need -=uf eee te ‘ad ioe er a vacant house and more peopla|down.I finally began taking |would come here if they could get)Doan's Kidney Pills and they re-| ay to live in,lieved the misery in my back and),j second garage:for the town has just been completed and it is a made my kidneys regular in action.| nice one.Riverside Auto Com-|Six boxes of this medicine made me! ~_—moved in.~we con- sider many cars re are in %|‘thie section and the passing here,|Price 50c.,at all deniers.Don’t | another one is much needed.for the|*imply ask for a kidney romedy—get| one here and one in Jonesville can’t!Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that! jtake care of the work and do |promptly.|A very sad occurrence was the ex-| |perience of Mr.and Mrs.P.G.Wac- feel like a different person. it)Mrs.Littlejohn had.Foster-Milbura Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.¥.{ | .1%‘oner,who live south of Elkin on the ‘| jsand-clay road,about six miles,on|Sta’¥N.4 the 13th.The day before their old-|L.ARNER,tes ille,C | est son died after a very brief ill-!-——Dealer In --~- ness.aged about 13,and was buried| at Swaim’s church Sunday follow-| and when they returned from)funeral they found their home| Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees: wax,Also old Metal andjtheRubber.Scrap Iron,Rags,and everything it contained in ash-||;| les,Nothing in it was saved.For-|'Books and Magazines.We }} tunately none of outbuildings|'marketpaythehighest 'were burned and the store was saved.|;~|It is thought the fire started around|| ia fue in the beitehon.rele wee a);Independent Phone 506. \~country home a s loss,|oz02. \with their bereavement,certainly|‘Bell Phone 9502 \does fall heavily.They have the)pane - sympathy of the peopre.|| We are glad to see the jitney line): established between here and States- ‘ er rnn te r e eA |his new plant in oneration and he is) |ville.We have long felt that this||would pay and we yet believe that|, as soon as it is advertised that itwilltakeabigcartoaccommodate| ithe travel.\jRev.W.F.Staley.former pastor|!here and now of North Winston Bap-.|tist church.is holding a very suc-|| cessful revival here in the Baptist|:°!‘For All Occasions! well fixed for the business.He is |! |church.|J.C.Holmes,an Iredell boy.has| |making box shooks and already has! orders for more than he can make.||We predict that he will do well.He: is getting a lot of lumber and seems || to ave ent tie tee'business|,We can always supplytiAigsowe|wh the od ponte of you with the best to be had in Flowersfor One of the Best Ways to Prepare - It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up to every iThisfinancetheFarmerandstandsready now to as- sist in every way possible. Farm products of all kinds are bringing highprices,and the indications are that theywilt con-tinueevident that the farmer who produces BIG erops will be on top. If we can serve you,come instatedabove,we are ready,andineverywaypossible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY§ for War is to RaiseaBigCropof Food Stuff. one to assist in everyway possible.Bank has always made it its business to high for several years at least,so it’s very and see us,aswillingtoassist Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” THE STATESVILLE tes the liberalatesceetersboth NEWthdOLD.andweinvite all our to usethe same when theysodesire.we will strive to give thesame HIGH GRADE SERVthathaswonforthisCompanythe Asin ence more down in the valley,the rolling tide trom trench to|,a full stream.want mothers who will teschtheirboysthatdeathisnotthe)irsues|no neutrality,and that|the highest possible efficiency.worst ,that in moral canis to be a rebirth and reju-of the American Soul,it be done by the American.I don't mean the siliy othepoliticianorthefoolishthemanwhostillbelieves American can lick five for-.but £mean just this:thatcent.of the young men of our ,at 21 years of age,are notphysicallyfitformilitaryservice;Imeanthatthewomeuoftodayarenottrainingtheirchildreninthetraditionsoftheirancestorsandthespiritofsacrifice.“After this war we will have anewbirthoffreedomorare-incar-nation of autocracy.We want no money indemnity,we want no terri- ,but we have gone into this war to insure a world peace and a worlddemocracy.The days of our neu-trality are over.Soon our boys will be crossing the water,and join withalliesintheirfightforhumar-.In two weeks I shall be with the American Ambulance.who sreearingformankind,not only for our own,but for those descendantsofLaFayetteandRochambeau,to we owe our existence as an in- a nation. world is going to realize that this beloved country of ours,beloved in spite of all her fauits,isnottooproudtofight,though sheeenotwar.If we must we will.will be worth while,for it is theeauseofGodandforthefreedomoftheworld.We must keep clear thevision,we must strip away all that ents us from seeing the nobility,greatness,the importance of our u t Hy i cause.“Great ideals cannot be displacedbymereexpediency.Let me say it:Great ideals cannot be dis-eed by mere expediency.That istheidealforwhicwewilistrive, that is the idea)that wil!win.we must we will.We will takethecrownofthornsandpushitdeepoverourforehead,until the bloodstreamsdownourface.We will of-fer our lives upon the altar,a reek-ing altar,true to our ideals,andwillpayourdutytotheGodof teousness.” Fatal Disease in Newton Family Cases of illness that mystified 1o-eal physicians appeared in the familyofMarlowe,who live in a New- ton suburb.Two children died in aweek,a third died a week later andotherchildrenareill.The State _,of Health was asked for help,Dr.Crouch,an expert,was sent and anautopsyperformedontheIastchild that died.Dr.Crouch told the New-ton Enterprise that the baccillus dis-by the autopsy is cither the“teriga”or the “ameoba.”only themicroscopewillrevealwhich;thateitherisdeadiy,that the malady ishighlycontagious,ang that the familyshouldbestrictlyquarantined.Theonlyknowntreatmentfortheattacksofthegermisaserumwhichhasbeenordered.Dr.Crouch investigated various conditions in the vicinity of the home.but did not say if in his opinion anyoneofthemwasthesourceofthedisease,which is filth-borne.The authorities have covered up five deadanimalsthrownnoreatdistancefromthehome,and have repaired asewerthathasbeenbrokenformonths. The A.and E.Commencement. The commenceent of the CollegeofAgricultureandEngineering,Raleigh,is in progress this week.The senior class numbers 77 and about 30 of these are already in the training camp at Fort Oglethorpe are 35 graduates in agricul-ture,15 in civil enyineering,10 in al engineeriny:.9 in mechani-eal engineering and 13 in the textile ry. Ewing Stephenson Millsaps,son ¢Mr.and Mrs.E.S.Millsaps of }< Ville,is the only Iredell grad- wate.He is in the agricultural claes.Zeb.Boyce Bradford of Hun-tersville and Michac!Alfred SteughofCorneliusaregraduatesof Richmon@ preachedbaccalaureatesermonSunday. »Henry Morgenthau,iate am- dor to Turkey,delivers the lit-erary address today at 11 o'clock. Red Cross Meeting Saturday. The organization of a Red Cros: auxiliary in Statesville,which wastakenupseveralweeksago,has been on account of the reorgani- @ation of the national order.The Committee of ladies having the organi- gation in charge hope to have the authority for the organizationmadayortwo,and a meeting is call.for Saturday afternoon at the court All of the 78 ladics who have the 1}rdient The Scoutskeeptheir bodiespared;avoid as far as possible pre-ventive diseases and be prepared for hould }ha ingli faeshouldbeapeyminglingolayandwork.The things a boy plays atleadtohisbusinesscareer.very|bey should have a task which he isgladandwillingtodo.Be preparedinmind,think beautiful thoughts;the world needs thinkers.Be pre-pared in heart and soul,to God.The importance of formingcorrecthabitswasstressed,as theboywhoformsbadhabitscannotmukegood. Rev.L.D.Thompson has return-ed from Waynesville.where he as-sisted in a protracted meetingGreatinterestwasmanifestand%number of members added to thechurch.Dr.J.W.Tyler,superintendent ofMountainMissionWork.has been the guest of his brother-in-law,Rev. W.T .Walker,at Barium.Dr.Tyler conducted prayer services at the Or- phanage ursday evening. Rev.A.R.Beck will preach at St.Martin's next Sunday afternoonat3o'clock.Sunday school at 2.30.Rey.Paul Pressly of Louisville, Ga..who assisted his brother,Rev. J.H.Pressly,in a meeting at the First Associate Reformed church, which closed Sunday evening,is apreacherofunusualpower.Hissermonswerehighlypleasingtothosewhoheardhim. Mr.Milas Hicks Dead —Fua- neral of Young Adkins. Mr.Milas E.Hicks died Sundayeveningat7o'clock at his home nearBryantsville’He had been in fail-ing health for two years and his ill- ress had been more serious duringthepasttwomonths.Old age andgeneraldebilitywasthecauseofdeath.Mr.Hicks was 75 gears old.Sur-viving him are his wife,Mrs.Robe-ra N.Hicks;a daughter,Mrs.JohnW.Poe of Winston-Salem,and threesons—Mr.E.M.Hicks of States-ville,Mr.A.W.Hicks,editor of theSpencerNewsatSpencer,and Mr.P.H.Hicks of St.Louis,a sister,Mrs.8.L.Wilson of Bryantsville.Apumberofgrandchildrensurvive,Funeral services will be conductedfromSnowCreekchurchthismorn-ing by Rev.J.C.Mock and inter-ment in Snow Creek cemetery.The deceased was a life-long member ofSnowCreekchurch. Mr.Hicks spent the greater partofhislifeinIredell.When quitevounghevolunteeredforserviceintheConfederatearmyand=was amemberofCompanyA,33d regi-ment of the North Carolina troops.| The bedy of James Lester Adkine,who was drowned in New York Bayspelweeksayo,arrived in StatesvilleSundaynightandwastakentoNewSalemchurchwherefuneralserviceswereconductedyesterdayafternoonat2.30 o'clock.Burial tookplaceattheNewSalemburialvround.The dead youth was a conofMr.and Mrs.R.L.Adkins Miss Rexie Brown,daughterof Mr.Mahlon Brown,died Saturday after-noon at her father’s home in westStatesville.She was 35 years of ageBurialatOakwoodSunday. rervices conducted by Horne at the home.Rev.J.G. The Censorship. Efforts of the administration enactment by Congress ofnewspapercensorshiplegislation, has assumed a new and,in the heliefofsomeofficials,a more complicatedform,when Senate and Houseconfereesavreedonanewcensorhipsectfortheespionagebil)is re-drafted,the conferees’tion provides for prohibition by Con-ress of the wilful publieationmilitaryinformationusefulto theenemy,without authority for thePresidentonlytoprescribewhatinformationofthespecificclassesmayexcepted.Trial juries would hetodetwhetherpul of such information were ind whether the informatio: vas of benefit to the tosecure an sec of rmin ene Loans to Allies. officials the turned financial re- alhes for June, rmulating a programme feiynedtostandforseveralmonthsonsarethatapproximately$40,000,000 will be adeunced the al-!June,bringiry the total up Treasury have heir ntion to wirements of the and are engaged it more or less atte elastic lies in to more than $1,600,000,000, Exactly thirty dava have elapsedincethisgovernmentmadeitsfirstloantotheallies.During this pe-iod the amount placed at the dis-osal of the five allied nations haseachedatotalof$745,000,000 andhesbeenatarateofnearly$25,000.-000 a day.Great Britain alone hasreceived$400,000,000,their willingness to join are | to bring their cues to the moet.| the names of as many newasible.Statesvillehaveaandactiveaux- the meeting Saturday mem-of the something of the work. ‘To Cure aColdinOneDay# committee |to visit Charlotte chapter eas Mr.Henly at Home. |.Mr.J.C.Henly is spending a fewjdaysathomeonaccountofthejji-inesa of bis little daughter,who wasjonerated"on for anpendicitis atLong’s Sanatorium Saturday.Mr.Henly has his business head-—aaeeee ¢od eee Bladen|county.8 about the cro in|Binden he eave they have mere corn|cane ever before and it is growing|fine, VATKING, were admonished to. thy —pre-) Funeral | if i et“4 iai ilt‘ do so again they were let go.4P.AD,Cline was taxed with the cost~$2.50-—for exceeding the automo.bile speed limit,The cost is to be!paid to his mother ond a reecipt ‘her for same is to be returned to 1mayor.Lee Sells paid the cost for exceed.ine the speed limit.'L.Arner was allowed to.go on a!charge of exceeding the autom ispeedlimit,he claiming that yjtheughthewasoutoftown.W.E.Torrence gave $15 bond teappearthismorningandanswerfor‘xeeeding the sveed limit and reeks IN TR) dy cure.”NS or lessly driving an automobile.Tope Price’s machine,damaging beth ma- appear and anawer a charge of ex. ssued for him. Eagle Mills township went to Chars wife a few years younger,and “THE WAY TOHEALTH. to be bandied about as an article of drug store,SPRING WA.| when drugs fail.It drives Uric acid) ¥.M,Shannonhouse writes:“) and the BARIUM ROCK SPRI 6 Department L,Box 55, No.1 Sap Pine Shingles,Juniper terial and Brown and Green Shingle rence’s machine collided §&might on Western avenue with W chines.R.V.Allison,who was cited to ceeding the automobile speed limit,did not appear and a warrant was FIRST RIDE AIN,}Mr.and Mrs,Grose ef lotte a few days ago to visit their».Mr.Grose is 71 years wv ii istripwasthefirsttimeeitherofthemeverrodeonatratn. Health is the most important thiinlife,It is too precious,too vi merchandise.It cannot be purchas-.ed in boxes or phials at the corner | BARIUM ROCKTERaidsNature to restore itself! out of the system and revitalizes the’nerves, was suffering from shattered nerves|and disordered stomach and pianos WATER brought a s’Phone W.A.EV write|;BariumSprings,N.C. No.1 Heart Pine Shingles, and Red Cedar Shingles,Naiis,Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Scaffold Ma- Stain.C.WATKINS,Shingle King ofIredellCounty.FINE LOT COUNTRY HAMS, Miller McLain Supplyo. Wonderful Savingtobe hadonCoatSuitsandDresses.| $10.00 and $12.50 Suits for $7.95.Higherpricedwithcorrespondingreductions, Summer Dress Fabrics. 36 inch Colored Voiles,18c.27 inch Colored Voiles,12 1-2c.40 inch White Voiles,25c. 36 inch Striped Skirting,18c.36 inch Gaberdine Skirting,25c.1 lot Cotton Crepe,Pink,BlueandWhite,special 15c. BUY Tub Fabrics,Fast Colors. G 1c.32 inch Zevhyr“—Toile Dunord G 18¢c. 27 inch Amoskeag and UtilityGinghams,121-2c. 27 Galatea,18c.36 inch Best Percales,15c. NOW. PRICES ARE GOING TO BE HIGHER. We have a good line of Domestic Fabrics,Brown and Bleached10x4Sheeting,Bleached Domestic,Feather Ticking,PillowTubing,Ready Made Sheets,Napkins,Silence Cloth,Curtain Material,Pillow Cases,Table Damask, Etc. We have what people want when they want it—at fair prices. The Store That Sells For Cash and for Less. ——aa PHONE 212." A en he eee eee,_— “Linenwear”Silk and Lisle“Arundel”Cotton and Lisleat15c.,25c ,35¢.and 50¢. 50c.per pair. SSMILLS & |“MADEIN AMERICA STANDARD BRANDS CAN BE HAD ATMILLS&POSTON’S..“Phoenix”Silk Hose for Women at 80c.and $1.10.Hosiery for Women,at 25c.,35c.,50c,aadHosieryforMen,Women and Children, SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST.“Peerless”Ladies White Silk Hose,sizes 81-2,9,91-2 and 10,at 60c. This stocking came in from last season’s purchase,and the price ismadeonthatbasisforpresentstockonly.Yours truly, POSTON.= ARTISTIC There are not a constant inspiration t. the English singer. buy a Packard. 105East Broad Strect. many names ARTISTIC PIANOs,and it is in this limitedgroupthe“Packard”holds ge high place. In purity and richness of tone,in perfectionofmechanicaladjustment,the PACKARDPianostandstodayoneofthemostdis-tinctive among distinciive Pianos.Such an in-strument is a refining influence in the home— “The eyes are the windows of the soul;thePianothesoleofthehouse,”quotes Reeves, You get everything that ig best when you Phone304.Statesville,N,C. PIANOS! indicating )every performer. Ask for Catalog and prices, ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. ste;EVERYTHING MUSICAL.eer"fo Way. SEE OUR BIG LINEoeOFae KOOL KLOTH/\——AND—— ‘\\S PALM BEACH SUITS. =Shirts in a *—atterns, tocause from. Don’t fail to get a CedarMothProoftosaveyourFursandwinterClothing. Hats all descriptions. Yours to serve. sf o—~ Ww ~ GET A KODAK. Getareal.bay omens |i agesKodak te DineBank en oa injured.In — in cam at .‘and“Carbon.Hillepanensfatalities,and in Tennessee,Hip-and Carrofi counties re- property damage in Alabamaestimatedatabout$1,000,000.estimate of the moneta-loss in the other States is avail- .tewn of Clinton,where 2%_persons were killed and 75 injured, |¥eported the greatest loss of life inKentucky.Sixteen were killed ontheplantationofHickman,and 13 persons lost theirlivesinthevicinityofBondurant.Of the known dead in Alabama,the storm struck widely sep-towns,the area extendingHuntsvilletoTuecaloosa,theitylosttheirlivesinsmallminingsettlementsaboutBirming-ham.Bradford,one of the mining camps.reported 26 deaths.In Mississivni county,Arkansas, across the Mississippi river from| the Tennessee and Kentucky coun-ties swept by the storm,10 were killed.Dyer county suffered the largestlossoflifeinTennessee.Near Dy-ersburg,seven were killed and 40 in-jured.Other Tennessee towns re- —s casualties were Cates Lake,zevant,Ore Springs,Linden and Bakertown.Effort to restore wire communica- tion so far has been oniy partiallysuecessful,and it still will be somehoursbeforethefullextentofthe disaster is known. Suit Against Minister —Cases in Iredell Court. The following cases,not hereto-fore mentioned,have been disposedofinIredellSuperiorCourt:P.R.Hancock vs.Candis Hancock,action for diverce;mistrial..J.C.Brookshire ve.R.V.Braw-ley,action to recover for work;of $8-in favor of plaintiff.Floyd Rash vs.Ina Rash,actionfordivorce;divorce granted.Frank B.Alexander ve.M.L.Ri- denhour,action for slander,false imprisonment,ete.;compromised. Rev.M ».Ridenhour of StanlycountyrecentlyhadAlexanderar- rested for stealing timber from his place.Alexander was acquitted of the charge and in turn brought suit against Mr.Ridenhour.There were several here from Salisbury to at- tend the trial. au Sharon, Extra freight train No.4511,east-bound,which passed Statesville about 12 o'clock yesterday,was badly wreck- ed at Third creek bridge,just west of Cleveland.The top of the bridge. including the rails and ties.were torn off and 18 loaded cars piled up in the creek.The cars were loaded with cement,hay,etc.Details were hard to get bevause the telegraph wires were torn down.The train consisted of about cars and was in charge of Conductor Dunlap.As far as known,no one was hurt.Nos.21 and 22.afternoon trains,were detoured via Moores- ville.ove _; $20 FOR RED CROSS FUND. The eleventh grade of the States ville vublic schools the graduat- ing class at last week's commence- ment —contributed $20 as the ini- 25 -tial fund for the organization of the} Red Cross auxiliary in Statesville Mrs.H.P.Grier,Mrs.Chas.An- derson and Mrs.C.E.Ravynal were in Charlotte yesterday gathering in-formation from the Charlotte chap- SydDodds,near|994 of June,to the following duties ofapandcommandsofthe\law:(1)That the registration —A to the Gov.Bickett has issued the fol- enappeal to thecitizens of the :NorthCarolinians,of June draws n austoputourhouseinorderand bereadyforitscoming.All inallclimeshavetheiron universal justice and abiding peace.The day is destined to loomlarge inhistory,and will be forever linkedwithaworld-wide accevtance of theriehtsofmanfirstdeclaredatPhil-adelphia and made secure at York- town.Happily in North Carolina thereisnolon@erdivisionordebate.WithafaiththatcastsoutfearwegoforthtoregisterasternchallengetothebloodredprestigeofabandofhereditaryautocratswhohavemadeuntothemselvesanduntotheirneopleanIronImageandcalledit Od,But the registration in a singledayofallthemenintheStatebe-tween the ages of 21 and 31 calls fornersistentandsystematicwork.therefore urge:1.That all miriisters of the gos- pel.of every race and creed,call at-tention at:every service conductedbvthembetweenrowandtheFifth hookswill be openat 7 a.m.onTuesday.the 5th day of June,and close at 9 p.m.(2)That it is important toregisterearlyinthedayinor-der to avoid congestion in theclosinghours.(3)That the -law applies towhiteandblackalike.Mtersandteachersofthecoloredracearerequestedtoempha-size the fact that all coloredmenbetweentheprescribedagesarerequired.to register inpreciselythesamemannerasthewhites.(4)That no physical disabil-H excuse a man for fail-If he is be-years of agein his physical condition may be.The question ef exempting himfrom.service on account ofphysicalunfitnesswillbedeter:mined at a later dav.It in nowayaffectsthetionim-pesed upon him to register.(5)That if a party wilfullyfailstoregisterhewillforth-with be arrested.Our peoplemustbegiventounderstandthattheyhavenodiscretionin this matter.If their names do not appear on the registration cards when they are canvassed.a warrant will be sworn outagainstthematonce.I sin-cerelvy trust that pot a man in North Carolina will be arrest-ed for failing to do his duty.(6)That of the men who reg-ister on the Fifth Day of Juneprobablynotmorethanoneoutoftyelvewillbedrawnforserviceonthefirstcali.But ifamanshowsanvdispositiontoaveidorevadehisresnonsibili-tv,he will in all probability hethefirstmanwhowillhesentto the training camps.In everyconceivableaspectitwilipaythecitizentocheerfullycom-nly with the law.ll.T urge every newspaper in the |State to eall attention to the six matters shove mentioned in everyissueofthepaperfromnowuntil reristration day.TH.TY ure all traveling men,ru- ral mail carriers,pbvsicians who nractice in the countrv,all mer-‘hants and bankers and =employers of men,and all landlords to call the attention of their customers.em-ployes and tenants to the require- monts of the law.1V.I urme every man who knows about registration day to deem it ter which is being Instructed bv aRedCrossnurse,and these ladies will have anite a lot of information for the Red Cross meeting which is day afternoon at 4 o'clock. BOME FROM KOREA. Miss Fthel Kestler,Presbyterian missionary in Korea,who is cominc home on a visit,landed in America vesterday and is expecied ta reach Statesville Saturday.Miss Kestler was at home on a_visit seven vearsago.She is a dauehter of Mrs.A. PD.Kestler of the vicinity of States- ville and has been a missionary in Korea about ten years. TAX ON SUGAR AND TEA. Another fundamental change =in the war tax bill has “been agreedwronunanimouslybytheSenate finance committee,which decided to strike out the whole section levyine $200.000,000 increased tariff tax.As a eubstitute the committee proposes direct excise or consumption tax on sugar and tea, DIED LAST NIGHT. Pat.Abernathy,youne son of Mr.,Abernath }Oe y.who ae — street,gdied ;taiabtcbeut‘midnight.Funeral to- The h became il]Monday buthisdidnotbecomecritical Pi heen}evening. to be held at the court house Satur-| ah ee his patriotic @uty to see to it that everv man in his precinct is inform jed of the requirements of the law jond let each precinct in une State ike pleasure and nvride in seeing to 1 that no man in that precinct shel! he arrested for failure to do his duty.V.I suggest that on Sunday sfter- noon,June 3d,er on the night of Tove 4th,there be held in every townandcityintheStateapatrioticral lv.Let there be music and flarsandagreatoutpouringofthepeop): and then let some one briefly and—state the requirements of the ave.I do not ask that June Fifth bemadeaholiday.That question mav be safely left to the judgment ofeachcommunityandtothosein charge of the industries of the State.If a field needs cultivating.if machinery needs to be kept run-nine in order to meet the exigenciesofthetimes,work ought not to besuspendedinordertomakeaholi-day.But I earnestly trust thatthrouchouttheStatethedaymaybemadeoneofconsecrationandpray-er.I do urge thatevery man 0cansvaretimewillturnoutonreg-istration day and assist inpossible=securing 1}house;J.P.Williams a 31 years:Barri r township-—Shinn’s;8.H.Houston and 5 wrTempleton.Bethany—Bethany school house;T.L.Adams and J.R.Houpe.Chambersburg —-Elmwood schoolhouse;W.S.Clendenin and H.8..a.Spek i i—Cook &_’s sta ;J.H.CloaningerJ.P.Hudson.Coddle Creek No.2—Carolina.F Brawley and 8, ‘3;L,C.Stevenson and H.E.Douglass.Cool Spring—P.R.Houpe’s oldhomeplace;C.H.Knox and L.C.Holton. Davidson—-Brawley's school house;O.0.Harwell and W.A.Ma ’Eagle Milis—Houstonvil schoo!house;J.E.Critz and J.A.Maiden.Fallstown—Troutman;J.H.Trout-man and A.8.Alley.New Hope—Taylor opie schoolB.é.Weis- ner.Olin—Olin voting precinct;W.W. Holland and W.E.Current.Sharpesburg—Bryant’s store;W.B.MecLeliand and A,R.Bowles.Shiloh—-Brady’s Cross Roads;R.L.Bradford and J.D.Elliott, > Statesville No.1—Moore’s liverystable;C.D.Moore and R.T.Weath-erman.Statesville No.2-—Miller brickhouse;Dr.J.F.Carlton and R.Tharpe.Statesville No.3-—Court house;H. A.Yount,E.G.White,Dewey L.Ray-mer and Jno.M.Sharpe.Statesville No.4—4First Building &Lean office;L.B.Bristol and L.C. Wagner.Turnersburg—Mt.Bethel schoolhouse;J.B.Parks and J.L.Grose.Union Grove—Union Grove schoolhouse;J.G.Morris and J.T.Jen-nings. FREIGHT RATE INCREASE. The Commercial club and the Mer-chants’Association held a jointmeetingMondaynighttodiscusstheproposedincreaseinfreightrates.The meeting decided that noactionshouldbetakenuntiltheof-ficers of the club,officers of theMerchants’Association,and Mr.W.L..Gilbert,who is a director of theJustFreightAsseciation,shouldcommunicatewithofficersofthe Just Freight Rate Association.It is stated that should the in-crease in tariff be permitted practi-cally every commodity will have anincreaseinfreightrates,in someingtancesashighas200percent.A traffic expert was quoted in a re- cent issue of the High Point Enter- prise:“The present charges for transportinga30,000-Ib.car of buildingmaterialfromHighPointtoWins- ton-Salem is now $19.50.The pro- posed charge would be $58.50,an in-crease of 200 per cent.“The car load rate on furniture from High Point to Tarboro is 35c. The vroposed rate is 89c.“The rate on lumber from Ashe- ville to High Point is 7 1-2c.The railroads propose a rate of 14c.“The rate on hosiery from High Point to Asheville is 26c.The rail- roads propose a rate of 89c. “The jobbers of the State will be seriously affected,as every bag ofpotatoes(food for the rich),and al!other foods and food vreducts§aresubstantiallyadvanced.”The local jobbers and =manufac- turers are going to protest to the cor-poration commission against the with drawal of the North Carolina excep-tion sheet to Southern ‘classificationandpresentcommodityrates.Theyalsowillrequestthehearingofth:shippers to be postponed in order torivetheshipperstimetogetdatao: the matter. Mrs.Ware Hurt in An Auto Wreck Near Rocky Mount. Mrs.W.R.Ware of Statesvill:who is visiting her daughter.Mr Kriechbaum,at Littleton,Halifa» -ounty,was injured in an automo- hile accident Sunday.Her shoulder was fractured and she is in a hosp'talatRockyMount.Mr.and Mrs.Kriechbaum =andtaby.Mrs.Ware,Mrs.John GayendFledyGlennmotoredfromLitletontoRockyMountSundayofternoon,savs a dispatch from Lit‘leton to the Greensboro News.Ontheirreturntrip,a few miles out ofRockyMount,they were about tomeetanothercaronanarrow britge,and in trying to avoid a co! lision with this car went down 1steepembankment.Mrs.Ware'sshoulderwasfracturedandMrs.Gayalsohurt.Both in a Rocky Mount hospital.other orcpantsofthecarescapedwithonly ofewbruises, ¥.|the same community in Caldwell. Local ~Considering How.wen Affect Them.pe AT BALL GAME Albert Kirby By JohnCoffeyinCounty. A dispatch from Lenoir to the daily pers that while a ball game mead teams was in progress SieteSaturdayonthelatter's a milenorthofLenior,John ey shot andinstantlykilledAlbertKirby,who waslayingonthevisitingteam.Accord-ng to the story the two menhad agrudgeoflongstandingand_thetragedywastheculminationofthe grudge.to this,it is said,they had quarreledandthreatshadbeenpassed,Fearing trouble at the game thesheriffhadbeennotifiedandheandhisdeputystartedto—oe It isbelievedthatCoffeywastoldthesher-iff was coming to arrest him.AboutthetimethesheriffandhisdeputyreachedtheballndCoffeywentoutaboutthird,where Kirby was playing for the visitors and shothimtwiceinquicksuccession,ac-cording to witnesses,One ball passedthroughhisbodybetweenthelowerribs.The other hit him near thesameplaceandlodgedjustinsidetheskinontheoppositesideofthebody.Kirby sank to the ground and died in a few minutes,When Sheriff Triplett attempted toarrestCoffeythelatterdrewhisweapononhimandthedeputy,R.A.Deal,shot Coffey in the hand.Coffeydroppedhisgunandran.He wasfiredon,shot in the hip and then ar- rested and jailed.Coffey is a single man abot 25yearsoldandKirbywasaboyt23yearsoldandisqurvivedbyawifeandonechild.are natives of THE CITIZENS APPLAUD. General Approval of The Land-mark’s Criticism of theSchoolBoard’s Policy. The remarks concerning the policyoftheschoolboardand.incidentallyschoolmatters,in Friday’s issue of this paper,ved more applause than anything that has a red inTheLandmarkforyears.is isn’tmentionedasaboast,nor with apurposetonag,but as a simple fact,indicating the publie feeling.per,received more applause thanythingthathasappearodinTheLandmarkforyears.This isn’t men-as a boast,nor with a#06 nag,but as a simple fact,ing the public feeling.A man handling public businessshouldtakesometroubletotellthefolkswhattheyaredoing,how the business is being managed,ratherthandenythenewspapersanoppor-tunity to print the facts,seid one ofStatesville’s prominent business menandoneofthelargestpropertyown-ers and taxpayers.Several citizens took the pains to call at the office toexpressapprovalofthecriticism,while the number who stopped Land-mark folks on the street to expressappreciationandaskformoreofthesamekind,are literally too numerous to mention.If these people repre-sent public sentiment—and The Land-mark is constrained to beieve thattheydo—then the school board's pol-iey as to publicity is generally disap-proved.Much more could be said onthissubjectandifanybodywantstotalkaboutitthecolumnsofthispaperareopentothem—to membersoftheschoolboardandcitizensalike While it is difficult to differenti-ate,The~Landmark feels that it issimplejusticetosaythatatleastonememberoftheschoolboarddoesnot approve the policy of the board;anditwasthroughhisvoluntaryexpres-sions of dissent that The Landmarkaccidentallylearnedofthemeetingof the board. From Somewhere in France. “The prevailing color of our new spring suits is kakhi,”writes a sol-dier in the trenches in France.“Wefellowswillbegladwhenwegetbackhomewherewecanseethebright-colored dresses of the ladies »rain.”The letters that come from thefrontcomefromthatindefinite“Ar-my Postoffice,France.”And when they are written you are sure that “Somewhere in France”the soldierthatwrotethemishavingarespite from the trenches. “While we're in the trenches we don't know what is happening in the world.When we're out we get newspapers a day late.The terrible thing about the trenches is the rats —huge,fierce rats that make life miserable for the soldiers.My new bungalow is 6 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet;rather a modern bungalow.” Killed By Falling Tree. Everette Carrigan,12-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.Sam Carrigan,of theMillbridgesectionofRowancounty killed Monday afternoon.He was fight fire in the woods and a burn tree was blown on him.He was en to a sanatorium in Salis- —he died a few hours later. ng are his parents,three sisters and a brother.Interment was afternoon at %o'clock at church.Mr.8.B.Miller of le,a cousin of deceased,at-the funeral. ANSWERING THE CALL. Mr.on Morrison leaves tonightforNewYorkcity,where hewilljoin Julian Morrison and they will ey =France..Coit L.Sherrill leaves this af-forFort Oglethorpetoenter ESDAY,MAY 30,1917. On several occasions prior|peop Fadleat-|recente the 5 labor without eSgladtoworka|morecorn at $2 or wheat at $3.Letthetownspeopleraisetheirown-etables and the country people si crops for which there is a world-widemarket.Would an farmer,moving to town,refrain from mak-ing garden ly to ide a mar-ket for country truck ly.As for the faces :calloused hands,those who jeer atsucharenottobetakenseriously,astheyaresomewhatdeficientmental-ly.i as to what the townsfolk are doing:How many country peo-ple contributed to the ambulancefund?How many country peoplearehelpingtoorganizeaRedCross |Society?How many are taxing,themselves for civierestrooms,ete.?How many gotowntobuythingstheydonotjusttoencouragethe ?True,there may be an over-produc-tion of merchants,insurance agents,|ete.,but then we sometimes over-ef cotton.As to whether we are masters ofourprofessionneedadvice ¥are wo!ble cumberers of the earth,the type described ilettersrefto some ofbutthey are of the townthewriters the ill-who inelude all town folkscriticism,are ofcountry.The Landmark —for his letter.We all ve shortcomings and in theitheB.ourre- ministered in the proper neither all the virtue nor sil the evil is found in any one class. CHIEF KERR IS RETAINED. Also PolicemenFulp and Alli- son —OthersComeUpLat- er—The A mosting,the board of alder- men was Monday night and the following business transacted:Mr.Tom Kerr was chief of police at a salary of $70 month; Messrs.Chas.Fulp and W.H.Allisonmembersoftheforce,at $65 and $60respectively.election of other policemen was deferred until a later meeting.Mr.R.8.Poston was re-elected keeper of the cemetery at his present salary. It was ordered that steps be taken to clean the park and heve it proper-ly policed.It was left to the mayor to regu- late the fire department. The committee having in charge the garbage truck was continued,being authorized to purchase at their dis- cretion.It was decided te contribute $15permonthforthenextsixmonthsto-wards the up-keep of the Mercants’ band.The town for the past six months.Dr.M.R.Adams was re-elected city physician,salary to be fixed later. Planning a Vacation. Mr.Horace Yount,who has sur-rendered his as secretary andtreasureroftheBloomfieldManufac-turing Company,has it in mind to take it easy for a time.“I'm planning to travel,”said Mr.Yount to a friend;“and I may get asfarawayfromhomeasConover.”Mr.Yount has earned a vacationanddeservesone.He has always beenanindustriousbusinessmanandal-ways steady on the job.But for onewhohasstabyhisbusinessaslongasMr.Yount,the difficulty is to turn loose.He may want the vaca- tion,but often the attempt to take itisafailure,because the habits ofyouveassertthemselves.Mr,Yountnowsthat,hence his remark abouttravelingasfarasConover. PLOWING UP COTTON. Mr.M.Landmark purchase of an auto svrinkler and i s been doing this|. a= g ® LE tion theof artillery horses 4 A DELICIOUS HOME DRINK PUT U P SPECIALLY In MINT-COLA,you get the delicately piquant flavor of moist,green sprigs of mint,freshly picked from their fragrant,dewy bed.MINT-COLA Afew bottles of MINT-Cola in the house most satisfactorily meets social emergencies. ready to serve from ref rigerator to glass. YOUR GROCER Always Wil FOR HOUSEHOLD USE You'll never fail to visiting friendsservingthemMINTA.flavor that appeals to every taste. L SEND TT IN WITH YOUR OTHER HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES,TODAY! STATESVILLE MINT-COLA BOTTLING CO. ——THE LANDMARK WEDNESDAY,---May 30,1917. a———==[=[{=[K[T[T—S=S=S=SHotelInspectionLaw. ‘An act to protect the health of thetravelingpublicofNorthCarolinabyvidingsanitaryinspectionandonlofhotelsandrestaurantswaspmsbythelastGeneralAs-sembly.The law requires that allhotelsandrestaurantsaccommo-dating the public must not only beconstructedwithreferencetohealthandsanitation,but they must bemaintainedinsuchcondition.To pro-tect life from fire by providing easi-ly accessible fire escapes is one of the—provisions of the law.t all doors,windows and open-ings shall be screened against fliesandmosquitoesfromApril1toDe-cember 1,and that other means offightingflies,as traps,fly paper,etc,be used,is another requirement ofthelaw.As a matter of fact,a hotelcannotentertainguestsiftherearefilthyconditionsmaintainedinorabouttheplace.A man’s health isnowworthprotectingandintolerable=on the sly are no it!.|law further provides an offi-cial representative «+agent of théStateBoardofHealthtoenteranyhotelorrestaurantintheStateatanyreasonablehourtomakeinspec-|tion,and this to be done at least once|a year,or oftener,if there is aichangeofproprietorscrifitother-|wise becomes necessary. PATSRTANY Reasons For Appropriations.| Art Young in Metropolitan.| Much of the time of congressional | sessions are nm appropria-tion bills,Congressmen on are |er and fix it up between them.“Youvoteforacanalinmydistrict;I'l!~~for a fish hatchery i ”|that |still time to plant—in fact ‘A BARREL OF POTATOE Grown in a Barrel From a Sin- gle Potato. There has been much talk,in’this season of stimulating food produc tion,about growine Irish potatoes in a barrel.The thought much of the proposition,but confesses it knows nothing about it.Some Statesville people have been interested and some of them are try- ing it out.The “Junior Observer,” who writes interestingly in the Charlotte Observer,gives these de- tails of the plan: “IT was at Chester,S.C.,and in conversation with A.A.Lioyd,sec-retary of the chamber of commerce,1 learned there are two methods of rowing =Irish potatoes by thismeans,Each requires a good, strong barrel,with rich earth,plenty of fertilizer and lots of water.Mr.Lleyd’s plan is to bore two-inch holes in the barrel to allow the sur- plus water to escape,and also to fur- nish needed air for the tubers to‘make.’Then place a layer of earth in the bottom of the barrel,about afootdeep,and in this one single po- tato,uncut,is planted. “As the vine or plant from this potato grows,the scheme is to con- tinue adding earth,and giving the whole plenty of water,applying the fertilizer with each succeeding addi-tion of earth.“Finally,says Mr.Lloyd,the plan will reach the top of the barre!,af- ter which no further §attention is necessary aside from applying water.When the vines die,which theywilldowhenthepotatoeshavecom- pleted making,the barrel is allowedtostandfortwoweeks,after which it is knocked to pieces,and from onetotwoandahalfbushelsofpotatoesarefoundenclosed.“This sounds pretty good,andLloydsaysit,worked last year and hundred’of barrels are beingusedinsummer.” For a Big Corn Crop. Progressive Farme+ Corn is now retailing at $2 a bush-el and the shortage of wheat makes itrobablethatcornwillbehighnextfall.The South is well fitted bysoilandclimaticconditionstopro-duce large crops of corn,and thisistheyearofallyearsformakingthebiggestcropinourhistory.First,let us plant the biggest acre-we have ever planted.There is this way in Chester this fu r l i: ul i a . Landmark hasn't W.i.GILBERT,MANAGER,| MEET HER THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y —Tie Rexall Store— Quality Preseriptionists. ves We have a few thatweareclosing out at cost.Theyare splendid Refrigerators and the only reason weoiler them at cost is we have quit handling them. Iredell Hardware Co. is only natural that your friends and acquaintancesareimpressedbythegeneralatmosphereofyourhome.Nothing else radiates a cheerful atmosphere asnicefurnitureproperly>If you want your home f to be correct thefirstthingtodoistochooseafurnituredealerwhoknowscorrectstylesandarrangement—he can befoundhere. .M.HOLLAND. ENTIST.MILLS BUVLDING. P.8.We have threegrades of Shiagles. See them. Watch Our Window Display., Hats Your Choice,$1.98. Wehave justreceived a big lineof GeorgetteCrepeandCrepedeChine Waists.Price,$8.25to @5.75. Don’t failto visitour Ready-to-Wear = te to Builin W.L.,one lot,Bighth St......vote a written Carpenter,Dr.F.A.,one tot,West BndMI,cn ersvccscevgasonterembecess 36.23Carson,BR.L.,one lot,Seventh St.....8.48Carter,J.Q@.,one lot,Seventh Bt.....4,74CarterBros,two lote,Armfield St...20.17 April 20,1917.Cashion,Mya.E.A.,one loi,Fourth St.5.61 _Cem t eee Cling °F,one lot,Front St.....--16.84 Collie,Mra.B.L.,one lot,Boulevard..9.46 'Craig,Sam Hi..one lot,Drake Bt,....8.4810-Daniels,C.E.,one lot,Broad Bt...27.18|Davidson,J.A.,one lot,Davie ave...66.45Deaton,Fred G.,one lot,Sharpe St..12.21 PerHour Dellinger,B.L.,one lot,Kelly St.....16.40|Dixon,James,estate,two lots,Center ose For;you when you can letthempumpthewaterandsaveyouthetimetodevotetoyourwork.Save thistimeandmoney.A Myers berry Sta....Eeherd,J.M.,one lot,8,Center St.....Bidatn,A.C.,one lot,Park Place ....Fliason,W.A.,two lots,Sharpe St.....3 Elliott,Mrs,F.O.,one lot,Fourth St,2Ervin,0.R.,ove lot,Charlotte Rd.4. Feaperman,Rev.J.H.,one lot,4th St,5.vo r,Mre.Daisy T.,one let,Armfield : St. :=p Phowe 65,114 B,Broad Street, :*PE OCee 1Pumpwillsavethis,Let}rox.4 one tot.Caldwell Si '-.-.28 é ‘ry,T.E.,one lot,Front St.........30,us put one in for you.Gaither,L,W.,one lot,Pith St...)9.17 Cherry St 5 PEEL be wREEESEESS 7.Ww Gunn,J.A.,one lot,Cemetery St.......13.67 °E.MUNDAY.Harbin,John F.,two lots,AlexanderCeeeeeres 27.81YourPlumber,114 E.Broad St.}turin,RJ.one lot,Alexander St..20.82Uarris,A.W.,one lot,Bell St.......12.25 -Hartuess,Mrs.Nora and R.,one lot,Caldwell Bt...Sart wcaaa ees as 5.74Harwell,U.C.,one lot,Meeting andWeeaishekinwcceweseesss 54.66WeItoKeeHines,FE.K.,one lot,West End Ave...6.10 dacks,M.L.,one lot,Fourth St.....9.72dennings,J..,one lot,Bell Bt,......5.43 *:.Jones,C.J.,one lot,Davie Ave..28.88Everythinginstocktodebnr,J.°M.,one toh fine Bt...148 -Sisticr,J.B.,one lot,Fighth St.5.20meetyourwants.Roof-Kurfees,J.L.,ane lot,Stockton St.12.85 ?;;Kyles,J.L.,one lot,Fourth St,....2.04mmin,Rid Roll,Lawrence,Dr.E.N.,one ot,Bell St...30.26;Lazenby,W.4.,one lot,Race St....14.92VallevTin,uttering Lindley,W.W.,one lot,Foprth St...11.62;r }Lippard,4.L.,Sr.two Jota,Seventh St.=7.40 andSpoutin 5)Galv aniz-Linpard,A.B.,one lot,Seventh St.....7.30edIronandwillmakeLyons,Misses M.M.and S.C.,one lot,; +°4 Ser Siha saaa wee als 17Mayhew,W.W.,one lot,Caldwell St.14.58 ot m Sheet Metal Minish,J.J.,one lot,Seventh St.....2.71 Miller,W.W.,one lot,Tradd St.....15.61 you an -Miller,Janie and Cora,one lot,WestEndAveicvavieressyacascess SeSTATESVILLETINCOMills,W.P.,one lot,Boulevard»...10.22.Moore,C P.,one lot,Front 8t.......17.88Moore,V.B.,one let,Bell St .18.07 pe RR 8 PR. Morrison,Th A.one lot.Front St...32.99seeeemeMorsison,BR.C..ane lot,Oak St,....11.69 ,Morrizen,J.C.,one tot,Highland Ave.6.64DR.VANCE HASTY,i,West End Ave 70.86 DENTAL SURGEON.‘ront and Green St.20.17 Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor,lot,Front St.....4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,ln,Rery &.atesStatesville,N.©.fe PSO ere)aeTELEPHONEENGAGEMENTS,Dopitieepdden NE orth"Phone_197.Boers *to 6 .¥..Sharpe and Mul-eeSPECIALATTENTIONTOCHILDREN'S |bor)*)ie a et’om i ,&C.ome t;Fi Bt z ,1.71iBETH.,.ne lot,Meeting St 6.78 -3.C.,bal.one ket,Boule- “aasanesicorass Sea ae Nate till an eatininn santero 3.99 s M..lot,¥.Cente,St 4.43oy¥Bi y”1)i one lot,8.Center St 0.50i.|n,one h Fifth St 11.88 4 M.,one lot,Development Co 3.39 }8 F.L.,one let,Center andJIFFYJEU.mn ag}Shave C.F.,ome let,Boulevord 43+e Siwex.J.M..°tw lots,Caldwell Bt.1449|Stwping,G.F..one Toi,Seventh St 6.66.:§estate,oF t,Front St.12.21Thenewdessertinsix|©*:me ie rng ohflavors.|Bowes 1a.ne |Suradiley,J.I iSGuaranteedtopleaseor|tence,a WS a your money back.}Spaon,Luther,col,one Walker 8 4.07 °}Swohn,M A.D.,one |St ton §12.88 aes faylor,J.Mand wife,one Jot,BroadTryIC.|.se 10.82 Tevepaugh,J.H.,ome bor,?TO Tomlinaon,L.B..ene bot,Di Ave 3.23 Ph ag Trowtman,C.J.,ome lot,Bell St..26.99 .Turtter,Marvin,one let,Seventh St...6.10onesv,Turner,Mra.Lula,one lot,Front Bt.21.71 :..“eOn,2 C,ome lot,Hiehland Ave 21.48 twolet ».W..one lot,Caldwell St 14.05Eagle&Milho'land.J Youns,Mre,Ida,one dot,Kelly St.15 }Cerperations.'Compress Pad and Saddle Co.,one let, =Cemt.>St,;80.17 Cannes Trertef!lee &Fuel Co..one lot,SharpecameAeh.tena a St ee _..123.98 {Colored, herrnathg,B.A.,one lot,Garfield St...6,71 dame nry,one lot,Harrieon St be) Bailey,Walter,one let,Tradd St ‘TOFSsBaiky,BR.OD.ame jet,Center St 16.22 Bailey.Annie,Hattie ana Alfred,one lot,Garfield St,t.38 Barnhart,Andy,one lot,Garfield St 5.43 Bennett,G.W.,one lot,48 Burton,Avhly,one bat,¢“7*Byers,Hogan,one lot,Che <iEveryEggCandledChambers,F.F.,one lo,’1 Colvert,John,one let,Harrison St 6.78 ‘‘.Cowen,M.L..one lot,Frent St 8.75 to see that it 18 all Davidson,Minate,one jot,Chambers St 2 i.Poimeter,Everett,bal.one bot,Cherry’enue at Ci ce cs eeright.You are sure Fraley,Pre "one lot.Garfield St 2.04 Gray,dno.H..one lot,Sharve &t 12.847.i ae i.r (Greene,Margaret,one lot,Garfield St.2:41 to get Fy esh Eggs.Hampton,das,one let,south of RR.4.74 Heliowell,J.8.,one lot,Walker St ‘9.29Holmes,Perey,one lot,Green St ‘4.36HWrd,Emma,one lot,Stockton St...4.75 ite¥,Hattie,one lot,Tradd St 1.30 Jolson,Jomes,ene lot,Tradd and er encletta,one let,Weat End Ave. Tri “Reece.Kumbreugh,Will,ont lot,Harrison St... —Lee,one lot,Garfield St.....joore,B.L..ome lot,Garfield St. Murdock,J.A.estate,1 lot,Share St.Murphy,P.,one let,Davie Ave MeXee,G.C.,one lot,Green St MeLeliand,W.P.,one lot,Garfield St. MeNeely,Bill,one bot,Garfield St. Nicholson,Josephine,one lot,Tradd St._Osborn,Mamie,one lot,Walker St. Pearson,Jennie,one lot,Garfeld St Sherrill,Jno.A.,one lot,Walker St...Simonton,Delia,one lot,Garfield St...Thotian,Bd.,one let,Garfield St.|Thomar,Janet estate,one lot,fharpe St.|Watts,BR.&..three lote,emrfield St... |---- C.1.LESTER,. REGISTERED ARCHITECT, White,Joseph,one lot,Treda St,.Woods,Dave,one int,Garfield and WOU TO tones vennns SipeveeveWoods,Vina,one lot,Walker St.|Weeds&Carson,one lot,backofCom.27 Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green. Young,Mary Lee,lor,‘Walker St.. ©WANTED!=see a os |ae ee FOR SALE:|natrangac|room mamStlsEUR4 WAT-are Se ee :aa Aad4iSt ita :".pila the newly -appointedtoregulatethe s explained that all Red WashingtonCedarShinglesthe vorn~. “Old aa =aS conanning.The plan is to turh out 150 aviation *week afte h (purse,theatykept 3E the coalition cabinet ministers of finance,trade and in-dustry and labor,but sinee there i:a wide diverrence of views betweentheministeroffinanceandthesocialisticministeroflabor,it seemsprobablethatthiscommissionwil!be confronted with the same 1-ties that attended previous orts at reconciliation.An investigation of the faeteryconditionsinPetrogradleadstothe alarming,that unless inevitable the but compelledAninaldefencewillwithinafewmonths. tien shows vories in Petrograd and a authenticated reports from general disorzanization. tire profits of the facteries under the best conditions of ee.The workmen,through r ¢com-mittees,are in virtual command ofthefactoriesandal!business has tobesubmittedtothemforapproval.Wages in a majority of the factories have already been increased from 106to150percent.but there has yetbeennooffsetbyanadvance prices of the outputInoneoftheworks in Pet d the workmen reeently demand immediate payment of 13,000,000 ru- bles —normally $6,500,— cover an increase ofhourforeachworkman sinee ginning of the war. cf the.organization communicated tary arrest as protectionthreatsoftheworkmen,which, usual,aecompanied the demand,An eight-hour day has vecome ef-fective in all factories.According.tiheestimate.of a leading mturer,the output of these ractor has suffered an average decrease {9 ner cent,since the revolution.He|‘ ncerns imminent shortage of raw mecerials and with) these «were confronted with anp bankruptcy.: .rartment the heAmericaMustBeartheBrunt.)[2r'"a”oe ae e the :F neeSpeakinginWashingtonbef Red Cross meeting called to la campaign for $100,000,000, Cereral John J.Pershing,who the first Americandeclaredwith ;ommand nt -to,France, Nier’s directr burdens to come.” Gen,Pershing was so wildly ch that former President Taft, presiding,was compelled to for order with his cane which | using as a gavel. “Franee is under a terrible « General Pershing warned the “and in just so much as iti drained is she weakened power to fight,and it is the | States who must meet all of thx ficiencies caused throurh this “The duty of meeting these defi cies in France is in the hand United States.We of this must help rehabilitate that c: We must help her orphans,»: ows and we must put Rer in a p te produce and to become porting. “Yet,Iam sad to say that th ing smene our American peop! lax.They do not reafize the ce} the terriblenese of this war. “America’s entering the wo deciding factor,and on the States is going to rest the brun: burden.” 1"Ll No Vacancies to Be Filled-~badly beaten.| Must Wait For Second Camp. The War that ng eamps,resulting from the drawal of candidates for cor sions or for any other rearo:,not*be filled. A considerable number atthe13campshavedropped out Department,anno cause they proved unsuited to nm tary life,and there has been a rofapplicantstofillthegaps.Th:partment holds,however,that first two weeks of the applicants up for the secondofcamps,to be started wherfirstverieshascompletedit: it is regarded as too great a han’! cap on the whole force,as wellindividuals,to have men ente:and atvempt to cateh ap.A training camp for negro of «crs! has beenepenedatFortDesla.,and @ for admics:othatcamp,Ste ene fuemien Aviatorsin Trainin:Another lot of 180 student aviators into treinforthearmyhave¢at the training co’ aiding wen 3 which ceived M the full 600 ar: s. beuntil 4 at@re- only possibility they saw ofthedifficultywastobringthe war toaclose,norcomission diteulties }.tween .ning of TNS werewhe Has &2 p it at new government s00nfindsameansofadjustingthepres- ent difficulties,mosttrialenterprisesworking forofthe indus-nation-to close that virtually the samediffcultiesprevailinallthebigfar- Mos. cow,Donets and Ural distriets indi- catemany of the factories,the demandsbytheworkmenforincreasedwag-es are actually greater than the en- 15 kopees an The directorsimmediatelywiththegovernmentandaskedtobeplacedundervolun- Major| ss fhat “upon Ame is to rest the brunt of the terril vacancies in the officers’tr: imis- eacr training @ course are essential and will ho'd the hurses were killed,h: building each succeed- the and wa he sep.tives,which dny of us can do,too,in our small way - encocara allt nurses and jooking Formers ers.first ap-He hospitable.oe public efter the begin-pearance in or even a to discuss worl’ problems,ake a weddingfedisregardedtheobservancesofthecreedsofthetimebutneverthoseofhospitality,He entertained sim ly;the people sat on the grass and were fed bread and fish,He was good to ehildren.In thetimeofChrist,children were keptinthebackground.“Suffer littlechildrentocomeuntome”“Unlessyoubecomeasalittlechild,”etcManyofHisquotationsaresimilarNeverwasalittlechildcuffedontheear,never a little one bade to eat it-self into indigestion.It was simplic-ity and love everywhere.He was chivalrous to women.EverHisdiscipleswerehorrifiedtofin:tiim talking with the woman at th well.With Him and His,Mary,Marthaandotherwomensharedequall; with the men in the work,the re-wards,the pleasures and the cour- tesies of life.He was openly the friend of theunhappyandhelples.and frankly theenemyofthosefilledwithsordidam-bition and greed.No thought ofself-interest was His when He foundenemiesofsocietyineitherhighor low places.He believed in co-operation,alwaysendingoutHisdisciplesintwosand not alone.He led peéple to reason where pos-sible,leading from the known to the unknown.His concern was the abolition of ‘arrow creeds,the betterment of livingconditions,the development of ideals,the coming together for al!that is good, Colored Men Deceived. With dreams of wealth unrealiz- ed and faith in promoters destroyed, homesick American neproes have setitioned the acting governor of Gold Coast Colony in Africa te sendthembacktoTexas,which they left 'y 1914.under the sway of the argu-monts of “Chief Sam,”who picturedvowofonce.The neproce “torned ver to “Sam”varying sums of mon- with the understandinc that he wld Iund them on the cold coast they would roceive titles ta whore the'r vp land, The British ambnossoder in Weesh-ny:on has notified the State Bie- indieations are” misled he immicran and finally deserted n lesving mony in destitutionVhocherromen‘al asain ’will t iven to the nerroer so mov retorn to the eatton fleld Te ;unknown LLLLOSEEOOIE sites Selected. ri Wood,commanding e it of the Seuthenst. has desirnated the “cllowing points nthe Southenst a coneontration amns for |atiercive draft army: Atlant:camy two divis- ens:Mac vo enm two divi ons;Augusta,one camn,one divis- ep:Arniston.Ala ene camp,or livision:Columbin,one camn,on‘vision;Cre .one eamp,one -division;Spartanburg,one camp,one division Camps for three divisions are yet to be designated ;§.¢..will most probably be alleited ore divic- ion of the final ‘hree 2 rR EE ereeee tACE RIOTS IN LABOR CIRCLES A mob ¢mated 9 00 persons, lotermined,as the shouted,to rid the city of negroes imported to work in factories ai munition plants, swept throuch the sireets of FastSt.Louis.Wo,Monda ight and varly thi morn attacking anddbeatingnett“‘ver found. Several negroes have been iniured o severely they probally will die Two negroes wove shot and nine mhanie of militia were put on evardeeeeeeaae eeHOUSEBURNEDNewtenEnterprise:The home of Will Smith.ao farmer in Bandy's township,was destroyed Snnday af- h started,it isternoonbyfirewhicracottaflueinsupposed,from a t: f the kitchen.His Joss is arcund $700, with $400 insurance,$3800 of which wae on the building ood £100 on the contents. Investigation by the Senate navalfairscommitteeofthenccidenton the armed merchent shin Mongolia, Red Cros heen ordered by the United States Senate eeee CALL THE OFFICE.Landmark appreciatesefnewsitemsofanyeratanyandailtimes. know something that in the paper,call 14;ar of m thatbeinvestigated,call 14givethetip,If the tip isconfidence,secrets are sacra)new t Office.Callpromptlydon't walt,ff 4anewercall261or22Yourthoughtfulnesswill Americaninwhichtwo L i i =a GE T ; Se e r re s n e ee e ea e e e s r t a s e e s Fi The HOOSIER Kitchen Cabinetsavesmiles of shyandgivesyouhoursoffreedomforother} AHOOSIER will helpyouthroughwithyour kiteworkinhalfthetimeitnowtakesyou, 9th,Join the HOOSIER CLUB Saturday,June 9b,\ffay i § only $1.00 now,choose any Cabinet and paylance$1.00 a week. Womenwho have joined the Hoosier Kitchen { H -:inet Clubs makeno to concealcarwustaretochoosethisC asm.Seven out of some thempreferencetoallothers. Belowis a listofthe i 'the Hoosier Clubs and are now are enjoyingextratimesavedbytheHOOSIER. Mrs.C.L.Gilhert,Statesville,N.C.Mrs,W.R.Little,©! Mrs.A.8.Carson,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.B.L.Sronee,Mrs.C.'T.Hicks,Statesvilie,N.C.Mrs.Gales White,StMrs.J.L.Stevenson,Loray,N.C.Mrs.J.Mage.Mrs.Ellis Walde,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.O,T.GiMrs.C.E.Jones,Statesville,.R-5.Mrs.W.BL CTMrs.-J.G.Christopher,Statesville.Mrs.EB.8.Johnson,StMrs.H.B.Woodward,Statesville,Mra.Arthur Sloan,StMrs.J.FE.Melauehlin,Statesville.Mra,7.V.Murphe Miss Bona Carter,Statesville,N.C,Mra.C.L.Posten,Mrs.J.D.Reavis.Statesville,N.C,Mrs.8S.O.Lazenby,Mrs.J.L.Hunter,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.A.B. Mrs.D.B.Kennedy,Statesville,N.C.'Mrs.D.F.Jenkins,Mrs.T.N.Brown,Statesville,N.C.|Mrs.Frank Bryant,§ Mrs.C.P.Moore,Marion,N.©,Mrs.Glenn HollandMrs.H.C.Mohler,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.J.B.HeinzertMrs.J.H.Troutman,Statesville.Mrs.D.J.Kimi Mrs.J.H.Wheeler,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.Geo.Ayers,Mrs.J.W.Kaneer.Statesville,N.C.,Mrs.Alice Morris,Sta Mrs.R.L.Wasen,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.§.K.Carson,&sville Mrs.L.O.Little,Statesville,N.C.|Mrs.E.E.Stanley,StatesvilMrs.B.C.Griffith,Marshville,N.C.Mrs.W..E.Webb,&Mrs.C.L.Phitbrick,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.W."E.Boyd,8 Mrs.Ben.Freese,High Point,N.C.|Mrs.A.J.Beaver,it Mrs.1).O.Cowan,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.J.W.Sherrill,8 Mrs.E.B.Watts,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.W.A.Bollinger, Mrs.A.Y.Alexander.Statesville.Mrs.N.A.Beaver,5 Mrs.W.F.Hair,Stateaville,N.C.Mr:W.Blaylock,State: Mrs.C.A.Kyles,Stetesville,N.C.Mrs.R.F.Dagenhart,State Mrs.J.R.Alexander,Statesville.Mrs.R.L.Maiden.St _N.C, tesville. Mre.T.O.Morrison,Statesville,N.C.,Mrs.C.O.Troutman, Mra.A.B.Campbell,Statesville.Mrs.L.O.White,a ae c, Mrs.W.E.King,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.J.A.Brady,Statesville,N.C. Mrs.8.W.Fiaddon,Concord,N.C.Mrs.W.S.Johnser.Cc. Mrs.A.W.Harris,Statesville.N.C.|Mrs.G.M,Aur Mra.Oscar Mills,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.J.L.Ciamberlai Miss Exteile Carlton,Statesville,N.C.)Mrs.J.A.Vaughn,Statewvie,3Mra.W.B.Brown,Lynchburg,Va.Mrs.|.S.RBibins,Sta N.C Mire,J.M.Carson,Statesville,N.C.Mra.C.E.Mills,Stat “% Miss Lizzic Christopher,Statesville.Mes.A.M.Brawley,Ty ,N.C. Mrs.H.G.Hallvburton,Statesville.Mrs.B.8.Sherrill,Lo N.S Mrs.C.D.Stevenson,Statesville Mrs.J.C.Durham,saliMary,Cc. Mrs.J.8.MeRorie,Statesville.N.C.Mrs.N.W,Steele,Tar N.C. Mrs.T.1.Bailey,Statesville,'C.Mrs.J.J.Meroney.Statesville,N.C. Mrs.Wm.Cooper,Statesville,N.C.Mrs.J.B.Fraley,Statesville,B.C. Mrs.R.€.Bunch,Statesvi N.C.Mrs.Geo.Somers,Ost N.C, Mrs.Jas.Mitholland,Sts .esville Miss Muriel Burgess,“ Mrs.C.R.Sloan,State ville,N.C.|Mra.F.E.Bradley,Statesville,N.C. Mrs.C.E.Sloan,Statesville,N.C.Mes.M.P.Moore,Sal »N.C. Mrs.Geo.H.Myors,|:tatesville,N.C,Mrs.C.L.Cruse,Sta »MC. Mrs.J.F.Anderso”.Statesville,N.C.Mrs.T.8.Coffey,Statesville;N.C, Mrs.Sig Wallace tatesville,N.C.Mrs.Alex.Cooper,Statesville,Ni C. Mrs.E.N.Law::ace,Statesville.Mrs.A.L.Hturot,Winston.N,€.Mre.C.BE.Pernington,Statesville. Mrs.C.B.Wobb,Statesville,N,C. Mrs.J.C.Moore,Statesville,N,,C. Mrs.Aisa T iurston,Taylorav’le,N.C, Mrs.T.J."/®bber,Statesville;RFD, Mra.J.F.Hendley,Statesville,XN.C (rawford-Banch Furnitare Company. “The Store That Alwars Welcomes You.”‘PHONE NO.400,—— Mrs.C.E.Rick o,Srateeville,N.C.Mrs.8S.A.Fo-ter,Statesville,N.C. Mre.A.©.Payne,Taylorsville,N.C.Mrs.R.L.Matheson,Taylors‘le,N.C. Mrs.G.T,|nerem,Taylorsville,N.C.Mrs.J.A.*mith,Catawba,N.CMrs.E Hedrick,Laray,N.C. GOOD ROADS ||L.ARNER,and |——Dealer wax,Mise eal Good are the pleasure of | ro ee|give you {i mESUPPLY :raw @ a ae . i i ‘ae ! t d P e e r A rf i i i “ l l E :ai e iE 3Zi i l # 3 i L s ( i # 2 8 sf Ei iis iii 2 :z of &s f3 F fiintothehea’pon ourourexistence as a nation, future of the 'whole world. n this mighty contest all the forces f civilization of every country on many gnore who can read do not read oath are involved,and we fight the newspapers.That ignorance of against the power of Evil which finds the law is no excuse is a maxim as S —in a ee _—By chine,t outcome not alone of 0 Hh on en,ont ses ante years of special preparation,but of a ighevense w:century or more of preliminary work this case.was the producer of the last half In this connection there is an ob-year of specific war-machine-creating ligation on the citizen who knows.activities. :;:It would be a vain delusion to im- th fe hin duty to his country.to bie agine that our enemies cannot con- community and to his neighbors to tinue the contest.They are relative- call personally on those who may ly stronger today to meet the situa- not be informed,tell them their du-tion than they were a =ago = ty and warn them of the danger of =the en scone oe = neglect—tell them plainly what will overran Belgium and Northern France No false modesty should and captured the iron and steel inter- with this service.Persons *0 ae caeeraoe :the — iable ;+when they ir forces west- .ol —“aa ens nga ward and became the dominant power ’¥y &in great mineral and oil gegions,with and~disgrace on themselves,but an efficiency in the production and the their conduct is a reflection on the/|using of foodstuffs matching that of community in which they live;is ajtheir fighting machine,they have ‘;|gone on until they have probably reflection on their home county and)jade defeat,except by the United E et i B f i L would not believe though Unfortunately S F E F excuse in State..No matter how humble the States,an impossibility. citizen nor what his color,no matter|netand E enggere and Italy = te 3 4 gium have n pouring out their ee Tene eur com |life blood in the most heroic contest y owe to ourselves,to our Com-|Known in the world’s history.Their munity,our county and our State,to!fight has been our salvation.Their labor with him personally if we have navies have been the shield which has reason to think he does not undep-ee el aes soeeS Oe ae +j .is - stand or for some other reason has 44 in safety,and but for their navies any purpose to try to avoid compli-the vandals who have wrecked and ance with the law.When we have ruined and outraged so much of performed that duty our hands will jwartagrd ee a oo :|their feet on American soil.r sal- :=.See clear._vation is in fighting them on Europe's we that Ephraim is joined to|pattie ground.If we would not be his idols we can only leave him overcome or have for years on our alone.All good citizens want their own shores such ruthless,frightful home communities and counties to horrors as have marked the work of ha ant ender 00 Germany and its unholy Turkish ally ve a clean record under this draft)jn Europe,Germany must be defeated act.To insure this record they must in France and that heroic country render the service indicated.If they|and prostrate Belgium must be saved do not,they will share in the blame.It is well that President Wilson has for the disgrace of those who fail but —Pesan =es — who might not have failed had they as ours,ham as any adminis- been warned by their neighbors—by tration must by the smallness of those whom they know personally|™any petty politicians who are in |office,and is preparing to send abroad and in whom they had confidence._the first contingent of an AmericanaNT|army.:co spot in the selective American soldiers will go to holdwistohavelocalexemption|aloft the torch that lights the world boards.Everybody knows that it will to human liberty.be practically impossible to set up a They will ee in a holier cause thanru.|that of the saders of old.board of local men that will not be “They will battle for the world’s civ-amenable to local influence inthe)jlization. matter of exemption —and discrim-|avi Beek fight against the power of ination and favoritism are bound -fae tak aba te Gead to result.Of course i 2 whie .oe aa 1a oo will be “Their struggle is not simply to save»but the action of human liberty and democracy to man-the local board will be a determin-|kind,but it is to save all thatingfactor.The exemption boards |™akes life nedurable and existence in each county should be composed worth while.Their fight will be to save thisofstrangers—men sent from some country and protect the women—Dissatisfaction is sure!and the children here and save themtoultotherwise.from the awful,the unspeakableeedhorrorsoftheconqueredportionsof The Landmark will come to draft)Belgium and France,and from theEnrollmentDaywithaclearcon-|depravity which has made the streamsidles.-hax soeiad Oh cal of Armenia run red with the blood of printed all available Christians,whose lives have beenmatterwithreferencetotheregis-Christians and beeause Mohamme-tration and has explained it the best danism is an eternal fight against the it yapows how.Readers of this pa-gospel of Christ. peP'®an't fail to be fully informed: or if any fail,it will not be the fatal of The Landmark: Exemptions From War Service in Bible Days. cnatineieiaetitinees Searching for some reasons for ex- Italians Busy—Russia Awake.emptions from conscription,Deacon i tees a z Ashcraft:of _the Monroe Enquirerai.m the J ustro -Italian found this laid down in the laws of r,a a southeastern Moses:segter where the Italians are mak-“And the officers shall speak o-pirited efforts to break through the people saving,What a i ‘io .—line toward Triest,lit-that hath built a new house and hath e ting of consequence is taking not dedicated it?let him go and re-5 on the battle fronts.Artillery turn to his house,lest he die in the—between the French battle,and another dedicate it.. t .oe in the Champagne “And what man is he that hath a.rance,while along the)planted a vineyard,and hath not yete'y the British,the opera-eaten of it?let him also go and re--ee carried out mainly by turn unto his house,lest he die inaptins——In the eastern the battle,and another man eat of it.”~ussian artillery fire “And what man is there that hath the Austrians is increasing betrothed a wife,and hath not tak- en oe wneny presaging the en her?let him go and return untooftheRussiansfromhishouse,lest he die in the battlereyandtheapproachofandanothermantakeher.on a great seale.——ayy Rigen shall speak fur- aay Si ther unto the people and they shallChekFlasherWorksHotelsay,What man is there that 4 fear- ‘and faint-hearted?Let him go fellow who calls himself 1 c.94 return unto his nouse,lest hisrohasbeenflashingbogusPrethren’s heart faint as weft as his in gouthernsection ofthe State|"8men‘seem to be thechief vic.|_“When a man hath taken a newArthurCorpening,for.|wife,Be shall not go wut to war,but ille,prietor Ilbe free at home one‘: atPipockinghasm,|8nd shall cheer up his wife whlch he .” Staies govern.$40,Manager Leigh ;fee alahof the |"And.the United for $61.|ment has gone and violated the Mo- :claims to the word has been on new wife a t it may not forever continue | ‘; ut A: of labor. lions of men and at the same feeding the home folks is going to ts this country to its utmost. we should make every.effort to crease the food cropsandcutout |war has been the greatest total abstinence which has ever oc- ‘eurred.Soldiers do not fight on whiskey and tobaceo,but on good solid nutritious food. The doctrine of avtocratic foree is to be destroyed or the world will not be safe for our country nor any oth- er government of the people by the people.We are enlisted in the eru- ‘sade,and every one must do his best, \either in working or fighting,and the |fighters cannot do their best unless the workers do theirs. ne RE REDoN<CRIES Cotton Manufacturers to Meet. The Cotton Manufacturers’Asso- ciation of North Carolina will convene for the summer meeting at Asheville |Friday morning,June 8th.Head- |quarters at the Grove Park Inn and the meeting will extend over Friday and Saturday. The principal address will be made bv Lieut.Gov.Max Gardner at 10 o'clock Friday morning.Friday af- ternoon the North Carolina Associa- tion will meet in joint session with the South Carolina Association,at which time Miss Grace Abbott of the Children’s Bureau,United States De- partment of Labor,will address the assembly.Miss Abbott is the official of the Department of Labor who will have complete charge of the en- forcement of the provisions of the Keating-Owen bill,which goes into effect September Ist.Another speak- er will be Mr.Harrington Emerson, president of the Emerson Company, Efficiency Engineers of New York. TS ES PES THE KID HAS GONE TO THE COLORS. The Kid has gone to the ColorsAndwedon't know what to say:The Kid we have loved anc cuddled |Stepped out for the Flag today. We thought him a child,a baby. With never a care at ti,t his country ealled him man-size,And the Kid has heard the call. *He paused to watch the reeruiting,Where,fired by th fife and drum, He bow-d his head to Uid GloryAndthoughtitwhispered:“Come!" The Kid,not being a slacker,Steed forth with patrict-joyToaddhisnametotherosterAndGod,we're proud of the boy! The Kid has gone to the Colors:It seems but a little whileSincehedrilledaschoolbeyarmyInatrulymartialstyle. But now he's #man,a soldier,And we lend him listening ear,For his heart is a heart ali loyal,Unsecourged by the curse of fear. His dad,when he told him,shuddered,His mother.-God bless ner!—cried; Yet,blest with a mother-nature,She wept with a mother-pride.But he whose old shoulders straightenedWasGrandad.for memory ranToyearswhenhe,too,a youngster,Was changed by the Flag to a man! |Anonymous. GONE TO THE WAR. Out from our homes and hearthstones,Nobile of heart and hand,Each to the call responding,“God and our own proud land!’Brothers,and friends,and husbands, Follow the guiding star!|Gone from our homes,God help us, Gone,gone to the war! Lips that are white with ansuish,Murmurs nor falt'ring knowSaying#calm “God speed you!’Bidding them bravely “go!”Some where the danger's thickest,Some where it sounds afarAllwithourpray're and blessings. Gone,gone to the war! O,if the Lord of battlesWerenot.our strength and stey.Mothers,and wives,and sisters,Where should we turn today”Rut knowing His pow'r éxtendethWhere'er His children are. Trusting,we pray “God keep them,Gone,gone to the war! «Note I do not know the author of the verses above They were printed anonymous- ly in a book of War Songs in the year 1862.) CHARLES FEF.LYMAN *~<oeun @ ._LJ ~*»~ NEWS FOR THE LANDMARK.Is accepted with thanks anytimeuptothehourofclosingtheforms—6.30 a.m.Tuesday and Friday. Friends and patrons who have matter for publicationwillobligeus,however,bycallingasearlyaspossible. All the work on the paperean’t be done in one day—Monday and Thursday.Don’t wait until these days to call ifyoucancomeearlier.Patronsareaccommodatedtothelim-it,but changes for ads.are not 12.o'clock ee e e2 8 2 *# @* Se e s e e n s v e n e n e c o a o n e v e e n n # 2 2@ e n e e n 8 0 e 0 0 2 0 8 5 ee e e c e c e e s e c e n e e r t e e c e s e t e e e e e e n e e e e e e e s e e ee r ® herShe's flag of ourFrankbeers willPclSunday morningstruckatreeunderpassing. Is never complete without a']Piano,Music instills noble thoughts in the heart and mind of every one,and a Pi- ano —a good,reliable, sweet-toned Piano —is the best investment anybody can make for the home has been on the market for nearly 40 years,and enjoys the reputation for durability and rich tone quality.Only high-grade materials are used in the construction,yet its price is within reason. If you are thinking of pur- chasing a Piano,or ever ex-. pect to own one,it is cer-. tainly to your personal and business interest to see and hear this beautiful instru- |ment. |TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE! Every WESER Piano_is guaranteed against all de- fects in material manship for ten years. Leonard Piano Store. and work- } ! Everybody Will Tell You That “Everything to Build With” has been cheaper since WATKINS came here two years ago. C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. ES 'BUTTER. |‘The butter-producing season is'about on,and we will be in posi- tion to handle some large quan- j tities.The price is high,too; 'about 100 per cent.higher than |it has been in other years.We will give SPOT CASH for any uantity,and =in any shape. ing us what you can. |J.K.Morrison Grocery | |&Produce Company. The Weser Piano r |i| Dl eas's up oo ; are sped;i Let your pocketbook consider this | argument,.Which is more economical? 60 gal.Ordinary Paint at $1.50.$90 48 gal.Fair Paint at $1.75.....84 10 gal.High Grede Paint at $2.80OR30GALLONS AT 15DAVIS’would be cost even twice its price, will out-wear them all. WhatWillBeat The Submarines? Your Money and_YourBrains. A Handful of MenCan't Beat Ger- many,neitherCan a handful of Investors Finance the War. France has over ten million known inves- tors. The United States about three hundred thousand. Manifestly,the small army of present in- vestment buyers is hopelessly inadequate to take the great “Liberty Loan.” A great new army of buyers must be mobil- ized at once! JOIN THE RANKS. This is a matter of supreme importance. You may not be able to join the fighting ranks,but you can help the fight by joining the ranks of subscribers to this “LIBERTY LOAN,”which will supply the :noney that the fighting ranks need for food,materials of war and ships. JOIN THE RANKS. WE CANNOTSEEOURALLIESFAIL FOR LACK OF SUPPLIES,OR SEE FRANCE ANDBELGIUMSTARVE! JOIN THE RANKS. The bonds will be for amounts of $50 up— in reach of every American,and will be ready about July |. The rate of interest will be 3 |-2 per cent. They will be freeof all tax,and theprice will be par.; HELP BEAT THE +shenptg —_ — as io e 6 =| 6 : gay So oh"‘inston-Salem in November.C.Watkins was elected delegate ' service in any nec-war.that receipts amount-to $65 had been realized from thefairheldrecently.The:has disbanded for the sum-mer,this mecting being the last until“mext fall.Miss Brady served sand-||wiches and tea. Mrs.D.J.Craig entertained a num-of ladies sterday morning.g occupied the time of the la-A salad course was served._dies. ¢G PASSING THRONG Personal Mention of People and:Their Movements. _Mrs.Eugene Davis will leave to-E ~for Columbia,8.C.Later she a go to her future home in Lynch-’burg,Va.,to join Mr.Davis,who has;re for several weeks.Leila Lowder of Norwood isEseofheraunt,Mrs.W.F2.Misses Anne Watts and SadieSummersofStonyPointareex-|peeted this week to visit Mrs.Bowie.|Mrs.F.B.Bunch spent yesterday|in Salisbury.|.Mrs.Thad.Summers left yester-©@ay for Charlotte,where she will visit |for two weeks.Mrs.C.Q.Mayhew and little dauch|ter have returned to their home in ;Mooresville after having been the ts of Mrs.Mayhey’s dauchter,F.L.Ward. |Mrs.Jas.W.Ward is in Wilkesboro yigiting her daughter,Mrs.Waverly:rison..Miss Helen Bristol passed through Statesville yesterday on her way from|Greensboro to her home at Andrews.|Miss Anniebelle Walton has been the guest of Mrs.E.B.Dewey i: Goldsboro for the past ten days. Mrs.Ballie Williams Icft yesterdayforherhomeinLilesvilleaftervisitMrs.W.H.Allison.Miss Adele ison accompanied Mrs.Williams : Catawba =Registrar Didn't:Want to Serve. The Catawba county war regiatra-tion board.says the Newion Enter-|prize,had quite a time trying to con-vince J.A.Wright,appointed registrar_at Cook's voting precinct in Bandy’s >township,that he must serve as reg- istrar.The board went to Foard’s pre- cinct to meet the Cook and FoardappointeesandMr.Wright failed to w up.Going to his house,the; got into an argument,first with himandthenwithhiswife,who denounced |the draft,the wer and the whole shoot- ing match.She thought it too hor-ri for words to think of sending ©her boys to France to be butchered, gaid she.Finally the county officials flatly said Mr.Wright could serve orbutifhedidn’t,1t would be “himaUncleSamYorit.”Then he signed up and agreed to serve.Stat:of health was given as one reason,and another,he opposed the draft. Notices of New Advertisements Hoosier cabinet sale June 9th.-Crewford-Bunch Furniture Co.Buckwheat flour,fresh vegetatles.—J.R.Poston.Notice to taxpryers.—J.B.Paris,tax-lister.Public service autoPublicServiceAutoCo.Will accept Liberty bonds on ac-count.—-Statesville Grocery Co.,‘K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co., schedule.- Ballance -Sullivan Co.,The Wai-:;Bros.Co.4 int-Cola,the delicious home-@rink.—-Statesville Mint-Cola Bot-c os Co.:nd-of-the-week sale.—Johnston-'Belk Co.Ravens Feed This Officer. One of the Mt.Airy jicemen isenjoyingadistinctionwhichfallsto the Tot of few men,and no ether po- licemen at all.A few nights ago a wild duck,large and fat,flew afoul a wire and tumbled helplessly in the street right before the ease. About the time theofficer licking the duck from his chops, fi * TN eore cant. This is helping the officer to reduce theh.c.1.in a substantial manner should be appreciated,Ment is coming to him.apersons were killed and in a series of terrific ex- firewhich occurred indistrictofOsaka, A hereby proclaim the week J.visit. the American|Red Cross is the official neatageneyforvoluntaryeffortiniofthearmedforcesofthenationand|for the administration of relief,“Now,therefore,by virtue of my| - ‘authority as President of the United|President of the American|I,Woodrow Wilson,do}ending|June 24,1917,as Red Cross Week,|during which the people of the UnitedStateswillbecalledupontogivegenerouslyandinaspiritofpatriotic|sacrifice for the support and main- StatesRedC tenance of this work of national need.gnerity,and therefore we have la (Signed)“WOODROW WILSON.”| The greatest campaign the Red Cross ever has waged,designed toraise$100,000,000 to care for Ameri-can soldiers who fight democracy'sbattleonEuropeanfieldsandtolenahelpinghandtothousandsinthe districts already devastated by the was launched in Washington last week at a meeting of represen- tatives of the largest cities of the country.More than one hundredmen-and women were yresent from 40 cities,and the meeting was en- thusinstic to a degree that indicated a strong belief in the willingness of Americans to contribute to the eavse ofs mercy. Henry P.Davison,chairman of the Red Cross War Council,said it is certain $100,000,000 will be re- quired “even to approach compli- ance with the most pressing needs. If each individue!American contrib- utes his ‘hit’there can be no fail- ure.”he continued.“America will, we feel sure,again demonstrate her ability to handle a big task in a big way.That we may be able to per- form this great task,we shall ap- war, peal to the generosity and for the hearty co-operation of the whole American people.”‘ Mr.Davison did not go into de- ivils of the plan for raising the mon- ey,but an intensive campaign will be undertaken under the leadership vf some of the most prominent anc active men and women in each com- unity.. Too Cool For Cotton —-Mrs. Richie Very Ii. Correspondence of The Landmark. Harmony,R-1,May 28--Farmers are very much discouraged over the poor stands of cotton and many are planting the ground m corn and peas. The cool weather has almost destroy- ed early planted cotton on some land. The cutlook fer cotton is anything but encouraging.Wheat is looking very well and I hope will turn out well. This has been the coldest May the writer ever remembers. Mrs.Vida Hussey Richie is at the home of her father,Noah Hussey near River Hill,critically ill.She married about 18 months ago end ives near Concord.She ¢ame homeonavisitandwestakenill.She iscraduallygettingworse.Her hus- band is et her bedside. Seme real estate transfers have heen near here.The Henkel Live Stock Co.has sold the StuartfarmtoMr.Jesse Richardson of Yad- kin county and the same company has bought the Mrs,Cora Booe farm,near Clarksbury.Mrs.Sallie Heath feasted on this season's potatoes last week.They were about the size of a hen ere. Mrs.Ray Moore spent the week- end with her parents,Mr.and Mrs. J.L.Heath,near Clarksbury.Mr Moore spent Sunday visiting his mother and Mrs.Moore’s parents Miss Maude Gaither,who has been teaching at Louisburg,is at home for vacation.Miss Mona,who has been teaching at Kannapolis,is home on aMissJuliaElamofGastonia is spending.a few days visiting her home folks near Clarksbury. Who Should Go First. Speaking of the selective draft,aTexaspapersaysthatwhentheVederalofficialswetbusyconscript- jing soldiers for service they ought made jto take first of all—All producers and handlers of lux-uries.All cotton farmers who are not raising enough food for their fami-lies and farm animals,with surplus-es to spare for their country and ourmenatthefront.All wage-earners who neglect gar-dening around their homesAllownersofunplanted vacant a town All owners of idle farms.All useless middie ven.All conspirators who peat down prices to producers of food andbullthepricestheconsumersmust pay.and—All speculators in food !miners,forests,food and)clothing —nds, and Manasseh proved the sincerity }one of his sins,and Godersandforgavehigsins him to his Kingdom, repentance by a changed life and thegreatreformationhewroughtinhis.Application.a nation we are afflicted.WearebecominginvolvedinWar,threatened with a shortage of foodformanondbeast,high cost of liv-ing,strikes,storms,are having to guard our railroad and hi 4bridges,our government buimanufacturingplants;we haveicides,suicides and looking outspiesandinternalenemies.Like Ma-nasseh,have we sinned against God?1 fear we have!I believe we havefailedtolove,trust and obey GodandtowalkhumblybeforeHimas,we should have done,We have been|with great temporal pros- rge-ly forgotten our dependence on God —have too far fergotten that every|good and every perfect gift is from,above and cometh down from the |Father of Light;that it is in Godthatwelive,and move,and have our)being,and that the eyes of all ‘on Ged end He giveth them theirmeatintheseason;and He openech|His hand and supplieth the wantsof |every living thing.We have not)been as thankful for,nor as appreci-|ative of,the blessings of God as weshouldhavebeen,and many timeswehevefailedtomakearightuseofGod’s blessings.Many haveturnedtheirbacksonthehouseofGodondapparentlyaresaying,wecarenothingfortheSundayschool, the pravermeeting,nor the pi | ine af the gospel.If we forsake God,He will by and by forsake us.Whatsoever we sow we shall alsoresp.Manv are robbing Ged of His holy day.He gives us six out of seven,but many of us deliberatelyrobhimoftheseventh.Instead of goine to the house of the Lord on theLord’s Dey to praise and give thanks to His great and holy name,many rig up their avtos arc go sight-see- inter,attend to business matters andheaveagoodtimegenerally.Bet ome says,|um shut in allweekandmustrelaxandhavefresh 1ir on Sunday.|appreciate that with all my heart.but why not takeofeursixdaysforrelaxation and diversion,and net rob God of His seventh?Read Jeremiah,17th chapter1fear another of our sins is self- ‘iehness.Many of us are far more ‘bera!and lavish toward ourselve han we are toward God.We soend ipon ourselves until we have little left for God and His cause.We sre Yet’not seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,as we should Then,I fear,many of —us,as preackers,cre too much occupied in our pulpits with secular and social enbjects.Paul,our great model preacher.said,“God forbid that ihovldglorysaveinthecrossofour Lord Jesus Christ,and I determine! ta know nothing among you save Christ and Him crucified.”The world needs Christ cracified preach- ed today as never before.We nec! to go back to fundamentals and preach depravity.repentance to- ward God and faith in Jesus Christ, heartfelt religion and holy —living We need to ery mightily to God for the presence and nower of the Holy Spirit in the world.We need to «> back to daily Bible reading and jaily to our CGosets and pray to our Father,who seeth in secret,that He mav reward us openly,He says.if we will return unto Him,He wil!Like Manaaseh.letheforeGodreturnuntous.is humble ourselves -anfess and repent of our sins and Ho will again bless us.The NineitearenentedondGodturnedfrom His fierce anger and spared and for-cave the people.When Israel sin-ned erievously,God gave them over to their enemies to chasten them, and when they humbled themselves and heartily repented of their sins and eried mightily unto God.He deliveredthem;and so He will deliveras.pessimist.IITamnotatherearemanygoodpeople in belies the world,but I am trying to see the situation as it is.“For when thyjudgmentsereintheearth.the =in-habitants of the world will learn righteousness.”—Isa.,26:9.In timesofprosperitythetendencyistofor-set God,but afflictions and calami-ties tend to bring us back to God“The.Lord reigneth,”is our com- fort;that He will overrule all to Hisglory,to the advancement of Hi: kingdom and to our temporal andspiritualgood.1.W.THOMAS.Lenoir,N.C.,May 25,1917. Onion Cornerers Indicted.Eighty-eight corpofations and individualshavebeenindictedbytheFed-eral grand jury in Boston for con-spiring to monopolize inter-State com-merce in onions.The indictments.whieh were returned as a result of a »Case, *IN CALLING THE LANDMARK Save time and trouble byayour—2 a = ess of course personaandprivate—to whoever an- swers,Keep that in mind and obligeTheLandmarkandsavetime --eat * CMDC FRAY RESER ‘Sit foal °* ** e * *o) *e o * 8 *a ia *trouble for yourself this *ae©fice..The FEDERAL RESERVE systemofbanksofwhich | egy this,office whoever suiy +ourbank isa MemberBank is the best banking sys-+ >amendtonay Somes =2 ||tem over Caught on.A tam which proves itself50 ‘1 *to.it isa waste of time and *worthy of becominga member can take its secufities ~” :for individanls.Non tation -|tothe Central Reserve Bank wheneverit wants toand .,..., prohibits any one =yesmenteonyebusi>=GET MONEY.Be :ing A ae business that :Theretore when you put your money in our benk .;,)4 e+ee ee #eh «|)«©=©6 YOU canget it when you WANT it.ja oi ee |1 Oe Oe MARKET REPORTS.Put YOUR money in OUR bank.aah 7 |ort for ‘roduce om the a We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits." —to 30e.per Ib.i x Pieler loon,j 7 iesSate‘THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK} a ir,Ze.}-F :mak |Statesville,N.C.reHams,26,to 28e,per Ib.|Sides and Shoulders,22c.to 26¢.per Ib.|e :SUNTAN NNER GEE “8 New Honey,16¢.per Ib.a 7 * Sourwood Honey Comb,20c.per ib.eeOldAutoRubberCasing,4c.m >Ie ‘ Sweet Potatoes,$1.25 per bushel.| Grain.The following prices were paid yesterda: for grain on the Focal market:|Wheat,£2.75 to $8.00 per bushel.| Corn,$1.85 per bushel.|Outs,90c.per On the local market yesterday 21 1-4 centsperpoundwaspeldforbestgradecotton.rket firm.|Cotton Seed,@0e,per bushel.Seed Cotton,8 1-20,per tb. TRY A PACKAGEofour Self-Buck-|wheat Flour,it's fine.J.R.PO N, en er May 959. AUTO FOR HIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY will|tuke you anywhere.Prices right.DoyPhone227,nicht Phone 72 Red.May 20.| FOR RENT—Residence,7 reoms,all conven-Yences.Mulberry St.near my residence.|_B.F.LONG,May 26---0t NOW OPEN—Statesville Inn now open toansientfirst-class beerders and roomers.|W.F.PALMER.May 26. ;} RS. FOR RENT—Houses on Sharpe street.N.P.' WATT.May 22.|>P t :oe oe? POR RENT—A.Y.Alexander residence on |A »wr East Broad street.M.Pr ALEXANDER,|ppropriate resents Be Mary 15.|for a GWiot.aodNOTICETOTAXPAYERS.Brides and Graduates.ae In takinx returns for Turnersbure town:|..eras it.BGR aot mp cicimtion on gumenal somal.The times in a young woman's life when she Gherehes Le oa ee:most the rernembrances :he receives are whenshegraduates ¥‘ib Muy 30,1917 4.B.Parks,Listaker.and when she weds.These are the times when Siendships 30,1017.i 6 ATo are “tested.”j:..‘‘wi 1q ot A Public Service Automobile.if you remember your sweet-girl-graduate friend at Gis 2.04 Wali operated toon iaterilgted Bite,time she will think kincly of you always:Tine Gide wiiasiuswseternallycherishasafriendtheonewhosendsherawedding°"?) Leave Bikin at &a.m.gift PE Arrive Statesville at 11 am,>-és we *,iea|The “quality is there”in our gift goods.*eh 7 Arrive at Elkin et 7 p.m "' Will make connection et Statesville with R.FCharlotte,Taylorsville and East and West-!bound trains. Cal rt 3 HENRY,Jeweler.pret tan MRDAR SHINGLES, A big car of RED CEDAR SHINGLES from the Pacific Coast just unloaded.The famous “Titehold”brand of Shing!es,which means they are me Tickets on sale store, «Bro. The Public Service Auto Co. in Elkin at Elkin Drag and at Statesville,M.P.Alexander " i Doors,Windows,Mantels,| Base,Mouldings,Deer and’Window Frames,Sash Cord =and! Weights,Locks and Butts are sold by C.WATKINS. ita Fresh Vegetables ———Of all kinds -—— Received Almost Every Day. —Also— Fruits,Oranges,Bananas, Lemons,etc. We solecit a share ofyourGrocerytrade.All orders filled anddeliveredpromptly ; with car service.5 We handle our goodsataverycloseprofitinordertogivethevolumeofbusiness. Very truly, J.R.POSTON. GROCER, 100 PER CENT.HEART—NO SAP! 100 per cent.CLEAR FULL-LENGTH SHINGLES!| 100 PER CENT.TIGHT VERTICAL GRAINING?‘ These Shingles are made from the famous PacifieCe. dar,“Arborvitae—Tree of Life.”From the most,an-— cient times,Red Cedar wood has been famous for its fe markable durability and resistance to decay under the most severe conditions. If you are going to cover your house,took at these|Shingles and compare them with any other Shingle sol@ AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE!; Lazenby-Montcomery Hardware Co, In OpenFace NickelCaseat$600, 16 size. R.H,RICK sy 4 (nt © ae They Will Be Accepted At ParBy Us In PayniDebtsOrInExchangeForGoods.»: (Signed)|: STATESVILLE GROCERY CO. J.K.MORRISON GROCERY &PRODUCE CO. BALLANCE-SULLIVAN CO. THE WALLACE BROS CO. It should be remembered that every subscription,however small,is helpful to the Govern- ment and an Honor to the subscriber—Secretary McAdoo. Are EXEMPT from Federal,State and Munic Taxation. Rear 31-2 per cent interest per annum—payabie semi-annually. ©Are issued in denominations as SMALL as $50. ''Are EXCHANGEABLE for bonds paying higher rates of interest in 8 event of their issuance during the period of the war. Are ihe best possible COLLATERAL for BORROWED MONEY. The SUCCESS’of THE LIBERTY BOND ISSUE means that $2,000,000,000—two thousand million dollars—will be spent in THISCOUNTRY. The Result will be to Stimulate Production in All Lines and to Insure Sound,Wholesome Business Conditions. The Success of the Liberty Bond Issue wil Lighten the burden of Direct Taxation at this time when Living Expenses are Abnormally High.| The present Has Its Rights As Well As ‘The Future. BUY LIBERTY BONDS. SAE.2a SA TRL):ee Exemption Regulations.Necroes For Troinine Camp.a aenie <=i Reevlations as to gevernment c~-COSY t North Carolina Na- .*>.«Qi?:ze WEDNESDAY,---May 30,1917.emptions under the selective draft "Gerd quacters in Raleich, Orava NEG Ct ee sexe by Pre |teeeted by uke War Ds :Marshal General Crowder with :th :‘Wy property € A fire which threatened to wipe number of prominent lawyer:\ant ¢y pha menta —Ub,a whole erty block broke out in tAeank the phar s are not vet m zi the second story of the Walker cafe tlete.it is probable that tl jin Burlington early Monday morn-Weel s}rn IH be followed :a i ar ty 1,\ae j v {** ing,but was subd red with minli if hose »aT o “d 1 loss iM army of 500,000)and rt ‘ade te June va the 'Matthew Hicks.a negre youth,is De nem e heen drown and ¢Y 1 the train a ol .‘eewjpat rat '1 eT ?I leit q ts topme a,in jail at Fayeticville to answer for :See ee Sy :ea?4 eo nec ‘‘t xv th i 'nths ne |i i j 18.This camp a the death of Will Leach,a respecta.CUMHer Appell ble negro wndertaker.The charge is (Mpboers:,trey wis his m ‘i the «rtcrpart ithatHicks:fired a pisto]“at rar ual drawn rept :eu ay rpe BE ea ee »for exemption will b :dou (3 "raining pf the dom,which !u Im que ear (:Re ;r Leach nd,it ou oof the exémpied another 'f rt w theeach.‘ ‘uTrawe {'t 4 mney *'-: Brown Lee Setzer,12-year-old son ":wiles.ae i @ :};'t‘he Ans ‘Os ‘-ve f port.” of D.Lee Setzer,lumberman and cere real Se os .)i ae : contractor of Newton,died early Sunday morning from the effects o VaninjurysustainedFridaywhen a Poares ef res .wi x x .=:Every dealer in Dodge Ryothers cars knows that the cus- a of aawtig oe oe:of a —eee feel iad Cal ee a "STATESVILLE AND ELKIN tomers who come to him,come with th >highest possible in the plant o e Setzer Lumber )midges at ‘a i ;-: Company and struck him across the one,con \year ae JITNEY LINES.expec tations,resal Gor.Bike haecommistione!TRnf agetir registeron dune OS ese Leaving Btatenvile.00 a,He knows that the thing hei:lling is Dodge Brothers’ Blecticns to ”succeed themselies ayy ond egctrars wal be instroe?(00 eactinge Harmony c *0 i Lamon “chairman;k 2 Ce wel en ee te a al He knows that he is not merel.;dealing in motor cars,but Democrats:J.W.Davis,Henderson:|—a re at Elkin ........10 acting as custodian for Dodge Brothers’reputation. ville,and Clarence Call,Neovih Insurrectionists Ino Virginia.|i :leaving Hampton ilkesh qi ea ’vt :tien .7Wilkesboro,Republic \\nn \n MeCo r Leaving Houstonville 4 "He Naturally,this knowledge of what is expected by the buy- er breeds a deep sense of responsibility.‘wh).:h "hay nrreatod:Sat e t Car Leaving HarmonyChangedTheirMinds.St Cee we Wald at a Pa laacie Here The clerk of the ent ef H Va.onoa ha nol Z \rrive at Statens A ae county and a re trar apporrnte Kort it "9 t \i ‘ur leaving Statesvitle i Yadkin didn't want to =(Paveke :orities alles '‘at 8:00 a.m.makes ¢ draft act.but the }i :'ee vith sith both North Wilke mind t \ru the "w)kin-ANeghany trains The rh he |em {‘Leaving Elkin at 3 }he war Wahiicee!aboul t fe !{t ir !a}|t connection \ forbears had i tert with ee j 0 2 going to Ss bury @:°45 7 5 jeu il th R 'the \th ’hat sat NO ak o Charlotte 6.74 :Tonrine ar or Roadster,8°35;Winer Touring Car or Roadster,$1,000; a War.the War Ik A hee ae he ee :23 going to Tayioesville &‘:Sedan or Coupe,$1,726 \li prices f.o.b.Detroit). Q and in the Span e *‘to Met j a No,35 going to Ashevi about all other wars that they -ou absolute obedience NO SUNDAY SCHEDCLE en ee a a eel ee JITNEY TRANSFER (0 wee sete ae ess :dah of the Statesville,N.©.ifTheYacdh:a he hae Virwinis ot Be iid : Se eae ee ee ee CHANGE OF OFFICE!|'i t t }\r heig ane ’breve t ‘'i high t é }7 {al Me ‘‘I have moved my law office fr seTnt A rm ive rey Te ’'ve x ‘¥|s 4 !.af th Corme cm Nati \ It will pay you to visit us and examine this Car. n is aoumuatly low rmually high ond ide é ment that att the intat f tl t and ef ‘“«to Room No.8,second flo«f ©Pesi\\i J Savings Banktrustthat©gre t ne thev c<tin {c WH)one ple's Lenn &i BH.P.GRIER ed por t!in ‘Nave ir April 10 At ney ' @ settled the :’‘~—S eoncerned-—and t ;JOROODOOD100900GIO.* | | IO OC | Mother Hearts wv renched For FORWARD MARCH { These day f registration for a my enrollfent are full of human in tere nttoriesTherearetate ne @ Right up to the fountain and rout that thirst 5| sturdy goung men mn this counter)with one of our COOL,REFRESHING and |y See Geet,vines vhomnesives liable te §=INVIGORATING drinks.a soldier of the United{corn,if France;and to many lov Pure,rich flavors,with all the healthful proper-i i —_-ae ties of the natural fruits of which they’re made.STATESVILLE MOTOR:Co., The other day a mother approach.ed one of the men in charge of on:RICH ICE CREAM,*Phone 140.Statesvil'e,N.Cc. x of the registratio,offices.Why ,Must my son register”she axked;NUNNALLY’'S CHOICE CANDY,“T'm eure he is my sole support.”Itwasexplainedtoherthatmostlike Fresh shi j j ) ly the man would be onetage-h hipment just ™{ nyt yi oh t So BOUMEIGRAY DRUG )CO,“On the Square”§- ‘of war.) sai 7 j try districts.Desiens for a poster to be display-'ed in the windows of banks andshops |phave been a tion of 1,000,copies will be start-'Goddoce ot LibertyTaming for aoeroddess©.orwar<|with finger aoe ‘the 8°=fwillbe“You buy a Liberty Loan | ‘lest |perish.”| appearance of |Other posters will bear the picture: |bugs by shaking it on the of Uncle Sam with the inscription| ‘through a thin cloth in the morning,;“You buy a Liberty Loan bond;I'l!do! jwhile the plant is .noist with dew.:the rest.”There will also be a repro- ‘This may remain on the plants for!duction of the Liberty Loan button, some time,though it is more than)beneath which will be written this} =f :f likely it will be removed by wind or message:“Only buyers of bonds may |SIRING GOOD INVESTMENT.9 ita es.chtt anise "Stone piesa |Ep @ @ plication needed,if further injury is,Moving re theaters have offer-| te |being done by the buys.}ed to aid t rnment in the bord For larger plantings and for more’selling campa’and the words,|; It will pay youtoinvestigate the Mrs.M.A.Torniin ‘effective results the ase of a poison!“Buy a Liberty Loan bond,”will be) lots,so central and nicely located in the colored folks >ge :edis afee |Saad beter —ad o pes. enate water |i —a,-ce te oytile,aoa —and at the rate of one pound of the poison |for a scenario for which many of the| churches.Just comp opening up a ao to 20 gallons of water.It should be moving picture stars have offered to | ing of streets and alleys,A number of colored applied on a drying dey by the use of accept roles.Civie,social,fracernal have grasped the opportunity of buying one or more ‘a spray pump or sprinkler or may be and patriotic organizations have vol- of these lots,others desiring to do so will find it to |gppted by Makingon ordinary broom unteered to aid in publicity and bond. their advantage toast at once.Will sell for cash or ne et te ae plant.selling a,sientiiiinien 10 per cent gash and baiance in monthly payments.the solution moreevenlyandeconom-|Condition of Cotton Crop.The map o?th2 property and lo:s will be gladly ieally.The spraying nas the advan-©,4»average.date of May 21 shown upon request.tage over the dusting or sprinkling .jecin}renorts from about 2,000 -~—~~—and te las0 syecial correspondents of the Newseusedforadoublepurposebyadd-|Yori:Journal of Commerce indicateAITHERAentingtheBordeauxsoiutiontoaeeductioniveof3.4 E.G.G ’s .~solution,thus preventing bli ne begs tae ak ar aon te a ;thi 9%ccorcing to experiments car condition of 7 cent.compared Office Mills Building.Phone 23.on throughout the State,apraaian —in,/.net.eonpeees with the doubie solution has produe-.per cent.in 1915,of 78.2 per cent.in ro ——_—--—————mennnet-et ains of from 90 bushels per aera!1914,of 80.5 per cent.in 1913,and—in the eastern counties te 75 bushels 79.5 per cent.for the 10-year aver- p in the western counties.Besides the are.Texas and Oklahoma chow up| SPECIAL SA LE OF ne in yield —oe quality best in condition,sens 77 and 79.5 .of the potatoes hes mn improved.per cent.,respectively. |The effectiveness of the work depends,North Carolina's condition is _re- ,e ‘largely on thoroughness and prompt-;ported at 74:35 per cent,Ht was 791 ?'nesa.The first application should be.ip 1916.$6.2 in 1915,74.4 in 1914) S al r ,raw e made at the first appearance of the ani 78 in 1913. EE rape a eantinieeatatid bugs or by the time the plants are The conspicuous reductions in ,from four to six inches high,and re-acreage occurred in Georgia,Alaba- peated about two weeks apart as the ma and Mississippi,while impor- vines grow,if best results are to be tant States showing inereased acre- $1 50 $2.00 and $2 50 obtained.The use of this solution is ace were Louisiana,Texas and Ok- UV,°'also recommended for the proteetion lahoma.Unusually prolonged —_ of any garden vegetables that areoaccompanied by dry weather,caused| -values.troubled by chewing inseets or bac-[niversal replanting,and much of terial diseases.this acreage was turned into corn, .>Ris:aig Aanngp ae is —by and other crops. r slacking four pounds of quick lime in'“~~Spaasreta CRENDITORa— Te he closed out at 25 gallons of water and dissolving NOTICE TO CREDITORS. three pounds of blue vitrio!in a like Having qualified as executor of the estate of once.amount,then mixing the two togeth-Anna T..Key,deceased,¢hereby notify all *-i persons having claims agninet her estate toer.The lime water snould be sirained present came to me on or before the Pth of°before mixing.The blue vitriol will!May,1918..G.E.FRENCH,Choice O8c.dissolve best in warm water and ™,B.Mclaughlin,Atty.nooner,should be suspended near the surface,——~-seer sro =or it would soon cease to dissolve.NOTICE OF SALE. i ie ill :iW'For thepoisoned solution the arsenaic ,°i }al sale TUR of autho “A in 2SpecipriceofleadtBYVIRTUTfauthoritycontainedinaY,be dissolved in this solu-mortgage deed executed by Jes.W.Brown andCASHtionafterithasbeeaweilmixed.wife to D.K.McNeely and others on October5+};Mo ,be .Owing to the present food shoriage felt,and tly,remitored i”of the RewisterandthealmostcertaintyofaloweroffeedsofIredellcounty,N.C.,the under-supply,we need to make the best simned will Se .dead 4.ait a ‘yields possible on every acre culti-MONDAY,JUNE 4,1917, PHON E 83.vated.The present i at 12 o'clock,noon,rell the following de-planting wil!covtieats ;‘;property at public auetion to the high-help out in the near future and others ost bidder for ensh:All the steel,abutments yt.‘x i.’*9q%Vg should be planted later e win-for bridge,all lumber and ether material and W Ko C LA Sic A r 6.O C LOC K.ter er.Potatoes ——aa al!rights thatthe.maid dan.W.Erown has = i planted here until about the middle er cages cee "the alece SHERRILL-WHl ESHOE CO of July.Their valuc as a food and where the toll bridge formerly —“milesI.e ttle wehedn iaide aro the Catnwbw river at a point about 7 milesth=with which large yicids aré wastof Mocresvilic,N.C.The steel,material,preduced is not fully appreciated it)ee...being the steel that formerly made up America.Our country and England the apid toll bridge.Part of the en cereisebutthreebushelsperinhabi-°the banks of the river on the Iredell s\ j :end part bei in the river.The sale to betantwhileScotland,Austra-Hungaiy it aeat beuse.Ger in Statesville N.©.and France produce about ten bushel:D,K.MeNEELY.ET AL.,per inhabitant and Ireland and Ger-_May 1,1917.a many 25.In the latter country they LAND SALE. are dried in large quantities,in which :*tee WasaformtheyarecheaplytransportedonerespMRigaccdteteeones] °and easily kept for ruture use.This cial proceedine entitled W.B.Crawferd va, ;Is the BEST for ——‘i war may estadlish such use of them W.F.Horton et,al.~ae te ie ,here.For home use they are easily highest bidder for caxh at the court house ‘®kept in the fresh condition,either in door in Statesville,N.C.,on;(DAY,JUNE 4,1917, Destroying Potato Bugs.cellars or out-door pits,For winter at 12 dite 0.te following described land if use they should not be dug until after in Bethany township,to-wit:Beginning at a *"stone,Vickery’s corner in the W.C.Sowersthefirstfrosttopreventdryingout.TOS"genee south 8 —dexrees ensi 4 ———We sell it ———i If the rainfall is light after the po-poles to stone:thence south 2 derrees west 56 tatoes mature the eariy planting may Poles to stone:thence north &7 degrees east 91leftih2ae+aad poles to stone:thence north 6 poles to stone;be left in the grounc unt rost and thenge south 87 degrees west 90 poles to be- H ALL’S D R U G STORE,if kept for winter use.GE.DULL.—sinning,a ixUOGMLIN, County Arent.May 1,1917.Commissioner. PRESCRIPTIONIST.|Two Kindsof Cucumbers.—————_---—--— Phone No.20.Fvidently writine from persone!|Dr,§.W.Hoffmann. A experience,Col.Fairbrother passes out this warning:“If you get hold of a fresh cu-cumber,one ripe enough,not too green,a crisp cv- ‘eumber right out of the garden,and) \if you salt it and pepper it and put it in vinegar—well,according to‘some folks’way of thinking,nothing|better ever was put on the table.But|ld of one that has done Guaranteedpricesdelivered at States- villeOilMillor my Warehouse,take your choice.Agents,for Royster, Swifts,V.C.C.Co.,and Union Guano, Grain,Hay,Feed Stuff,Meal,Hulls, Flour. an < CASH OR TIME. reeeeeeenenee The bonds will be dated June 15,1917,and80years,when the Government will oeTwiceayeartheownerwillreceiveinat the of 3 1-2 per cent.a year. Come in and let us yeu toyourself,your aa ets! COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C. That does the work with case.We bought a bilotoftheselittlewonders.We hav “ stenciled on each one so when Williams Furniture House Inc.“The Favorite Store.” One of the Best Ways oe for War is to Raisea neal Food Stuff. It is not up to the FARMER entirely but is up toeveryonetoassistineverywayble.This Bank has always made it its business tofinancetheFarmerandstandsreadynowtoas-sist in every way possible.° Farm products of all kinds are wean highprices,and the indications are that they con- tinue high for several years at least,so it’s veryevidentthatthefarmerwhoproducesBIGcropswillbeontop.. If we can serve you,come in and see us,asstatedabove,we are ready,and willing to assistineverywaypossible. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” eae ae eee =ee THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY | Appreciates the very liberalfriendsandpolicyholders,bothOurofficeisanopenone,andcustomersandthosewhowill becumetousethesamewhentheysodesire,past,we will strive to give the sameHIGHGRADESERVICEseiraieae READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. 18 to 20 Wool Coat Suits,for $13.95;$35 Suits for $23.- 95;others reduced in proportion.- WONDERFUL BARGAINS!—In_Ladies’Waists,$5 Georgette Crepe and Crepe De Chine,special $3.95;$3.50 Crepe De Chine for $2.98 :“ss Wash Silk,for $1.98. Organdy and Voile,special,\~~BIG VALUES! Georgette Crepe,Crepe De Chine and Taffeta Silk Dress- es. SPORT DRESSES!—Voile and Gabardine,$5.95,$7.50 and $8.95.EXTRA SPECIAL! $5 Striped Silk Skirts $5.98 SHOES!SHOES!Si’OES!SHOES! $1.25 Wash Sport Skirts 98e.Dorothy Dodd,Godman and al!the honest-made goods White Wash Skirts Oe,for women-—Boots,Shees,Pumps,Mary Jane,ete.JackMILLINERYDEPARTMENT.and Jill for Misses and children. Special Panama Untrimmed Hats,9%8c.,98,$2.50.White Canvas Boots for women,special,$1.98. TRIMMED HATS,SPECIAL,AS White Canvas Slippers,ial,98¢.,$1.60,$1.98,$2.48 BIBERMAN MAKE HOUSE AND PORCH !up.Ralston’s Shoes and ords for men! Less than the material cost!Special,98c.,$1.48,$1.98,RIGHT GOODS!$2.48.It is important to have s right,but it is more im- MISSES’AND CHILDREN’S DRESSES,GINGHAMS portant to HAVE THE DDS RIGHT! AND og yg y parce "eee 98c.,$1.48 and $1.98.a OF KIDS—Silk Gloves,black and white,GORDON HOSIERY!Children 2 to 14 years,Misses 15 to 18 years.special,“6 .50c.,9Be.Is right in quality and right in prices.It is a standard- BEAUTIFUL DRESS FABRICS!CLOTHING DEPARTMENT!ized line,giving the ultimate in quality at prices rang-50c.Silk and Cotton Crepe,special,89¢.;75c.Silk Poplin,Filled with New and Up-to-Date New Suits,New Trous-ing from low to high,to suit any purse,to please anyspecial,59¢.;38-inch Silk Crepe De Chine,all shades,ers,New Shirts,New Underwear,New Ties,New Ho-taste.Silk,48c.,98e.,12 1-2c.,$1.50,$2.Boot Heel andspecial,98c.and $1.25.;40-inch Georgette Crepe,special,siery,ete.all the wanted shades. $1.69;36-inch Navy and Midnight Biue,special,$1.39.We have Variety,Quality,Value.Variety so liberal as to Lisle Hose,black and white,price SKIRTING MATERIAL!insure finding what you wart;Quality—so dependable Silk Lisle,black and white,price White Skirting,ALL THE RAGE!—special ......25.as to make you satisfied with what you buy,and VAL-Cotton,black and white,price Striped Skirting,special 2he.UE—so substantial as to justify what you spend!For Men,Women and Children! The Store That Sells For Cash and For LESS. 16 Big Department Stores.16 Big Department Stores.a PHONE 212.: AOA We QALY eR TT a THE LANDMARKWE HAVE THE AUTOCRATS!No,1 Heart Pine Shingles, SE eeeaeons vecme me %~_,vy >‘“1WEDNESDAY,---May 30,1917.The School Board and Schoo!No.1 Sap Pine Shingles,Juniper ————-_}ind =Red Cedar Shingles,Nata,’THE SOLDIERS’MORALS.+0 150 tor at tetanamers,Hise Bell,Valley Tin,Scalfold ta terial and Brown and Green Shincleorien_|While the Statesville school board sEnvironmentofArmyCamps_...,od ee eee ;-.see o treat with silent contempt C.WATKINS,Shingle King of <res ’7 ‘’’_Mut Be Free From!Liquor <5 f2 "st"Soran cn'eaange Shows Kim STANDARD BRANDS CAN BE HAD AT and Prostitutes._has to say about its secret sessions,r S POSTON SReportsreechingtheWarDepart-'t continues to use the public meee i MILL ° ,}5a }a still calls for more.The States-‘v ‘3 a Washington dispatch,orale Pment,say .8 }public is not disposed to stand 1 I “Kindicatethattheactprohibitingthefvwluchmoreofthiesontofthine,,“Phoenix”Silk Hose for Women at 80c.and $1.10. es heal cca ed Cees poet es ett es i Z “Linenwear’Silk and Lisle Hosiery for Women,at 25c ,35c.,50c,and 60c. fore OnHeeee farnctane,Btthesrecest om ue “Arundel”Cotton and Lisle Hosiery for Men,Women and Children, to serve liquor to guests of army were naked to deliver "waa hee al 15¢.,25¢,35¢and 50c.ee ree er ees eeeee COUNTRY |SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST. the officer,and would make the man-commented and explained at length agement liable to a fine of not more what the prize stood for,and that,“Peerless”Ladies WhiteSilk Hose,sizes 81-2,9,9 1-2 and 10,atthan$1,000 or not more than one too,when every one in the audience ° year’s imprionment,or both,which had a programme.Why go to the |.Hie.per pair.the act provides as penalty for viola.¢xPense of printing a programme?HAMS .:°’i itions.The law forbids not only sale For at least 20 years it has been ex-°This stocking came in from last season’s purchase,and the price is but_even possession of liquor at any plained every year what is thekindofmilitarycampsorclubs,A Meaning of an absence and a tardy.made on that basis for present stock only.Yours truly, as ing similar restrictions to If the Statesville yublic did not |;=the nary i pending.,Miller McLain Suppiyo.|]=2M ILLS &POSTON.= the navy is pending know the meaning cf the two words ; It should give much satisfaction to deg eethefamiliesandfriendsofyoungmen“oe NCS 1.qattens.0 Gy;|going to the war to know that the |:(ene Are sma ee government is making strenuous ef.‘8D SA ese ao SUT oh pee aefortstokeepthearmycampscleaneaaerBtateaville:~a and free from immoral influences ae ae high c a o tivine a hesSecretaryofWarBakerhasappealedeeclReccsEDRTeiin to Governors of States for co-opera-mer sai Neola woe nes Aa a SEE OUR BIG LINE tion in this matter,and he makes it FO"©UDBOrE cy ee enn ‘go F clear that unless the State and Iccal teh a ei ‘arotevance)over (Gute:,’-—-O —— officers assist the authorities of the joun s,chee whether they are te army in removing ‘improper —influ-eendnatan of ie Normal Bell other 6 KOO},KLOTH ences from the camp surroundings.ke Copools.The parents GtataavillswillremovethecampsfromtheStateoeenwinferoleaefrho \. where these conditions prevail and)’.))tenho t ::th.i ronaiiions Preval’and je school teachers have been,if,the ,°9s °—_—AND -——t aga _the xathherbe >hool beard does not.The mothers There are not many names indicating _camps established under of the children know what they studFederalauthority,bus to the mor or and how well they are taught.while ARTISTIC PIAN(5,and it is in this limited f G7 ¥“I PALM BEACH SUITS.;less temporary mobilization points of (he pverage father knows nothing Ay 4 the National Guard units.\¥=7 N /] It relates,Dut ny bo con ere ere ’>»Pp,vie.“’?ior >oe hse tures coauite gust ‘at it.It may be considered her group the ‘Packard holds &high place. which soldiers will constantly be pass-have two o ore co tent women .*4 ::Also Shirts in the latest a.—asking for this co-operation,one ”cheat reat et a eel In purity and richnessof tone,in perfection i fancypatterns big lineSecretarysays:board,::or.:‘’ “Our responsibility in this matter maxuavilic hes good public of mechanical adjustment,the PACKARD in a7 to select from. is not open t ~stion,Wr cann chools,but some affective change .“/‘sSiPogtraeatisastants;|Piano atands today ne of the most die If iV Pees foect Ban to ueewi»hee drafted to service,to even a yood thing wears out.*‘:.:.“+:%i.fiGipesreundedbyaviciousanddemonsATAXPAYER.tinctive among distinctive Pianos.Such an in-¥ei Furs and wane@lizingenvironment,nor can we leave =(The Landmark is with Taxpayer .ss :_m i “oes undone which will ee en the pronation to put an as strument sa refining influence in the home A Clothing.tom unhealthy influences and the school board.A coupte of com-cones t;(Wh crude forms of temptation ven pet a women on that whos!aed a constant Inspiration toeveryperformer.Q Hatsalldescriptions. “The greater proportion of this would be worth a half-dozen men). force probably will be made up of young men who have not yet becomo More Auto Cases in Court.“The eyes are the windows of the soul;the é =accustomed to contact with either the W.B.Torrence was before Mayor Piano the sole of the house,”quotesReeves, saloon or the prostitute,and who will Bristol yesterday morning to answer ..‘ be at that plastic end generous pe-for recklessly driving an automobile the English singer, ae _life when questionable modes Me was fined $10 and the cost.Half of indulgence easily serve as outlets the fine was remitted in order that it sett £‘”for a a vitality be paid to Mrs.Torrence,who is in You get everything that is best when you“Not ve we an inescapable bad health,Mrs.Torrence to furnish in this matter to the the court a receipt for the $5 her buy a Packard. ,but it would be a fine thing to communities from _———is 7 a her.Torrence was GET A KODAK.men are selected,but,also required to give $50 bortl to ap-int of our dut A in Superior Court,and Ask for Catalogand pr ices.ited =one a a.chorge of Mmaticiocn driving of auto:—_,we are as a mili-a njury to personal proper-our Come’,to do oats in our ty.Torrence lives at Mooresville.ft N W I oO E.Without y Bank'.o~the health and don-is charged thatlast Bundaynight.on)A DRE S MUSIC S R see howeasy i is to aveveofthemenintheWesternavenue,he drove his car into with spareamdeterminedthatMr.Will Price's car,wrecking tana,|=6.6“42===——t EverytrawnG MUusIcAL,=ett}-Way.Getareal Kodak ”ise fl ~~ new jing cam well <hurting Mrs.Price.’Peaboaove1 Wrentnd KV.Aliognwope |108 Rast Broad Street,Phone 304.Statesville,N.C.1]43,B,WOODWARD —Jeweler. B..i x,