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The Landmark, March 1917
i. i Washington Feb.28th.The Associated Press is able torevealthatGermany,in planning un- restricted submarine warfare and eounting its consequences,proposed an alliance with Mexico and Japan to make war on the United States ifthiscountryshouldnotremainneutral.Japan,through Mexicanmediation,was to beurgedtoaban-don her allies and join in the attackontheUnitedStates.Mexico,for her.Was to receive general finan-cial from Germany,recon-quer Texas,New Mexico and Arizo-na—lost provinces—and share in thevictoriouspeacetermsGermanycon-templates.Details were left to Ger-man Minister von Eckhardt in Mexi-co City,who,by instructions signednForeignMinisterZim-at Berlin,January 19,1917,was directed to propose the alliancewithMexicotoGeneralCarranzaandsuggestthatMexicosecktobringJapanintotheplot.These instrue-tions were transmitied to von Eck-hardt through Count von Bernstorff, former German ambassador here,now on his way home to Germanyunderasafeconductobtainedfromhisenemiesbythecountryagainstwhichhewasplottingwar.Germany pictures to Mexico,bybroadintimation,England and the‘Entente allies defeated;Germanyandheralliestriumphantandinworlddominationbytheinstrument of unrestricted submarine warfareAcopyofZimmerman's instructions to von Eckhardt,sent throurh vonBernstorff,is in possession of the United States government.It is a follows:Berlin,January 19.1917. On the Ist of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted.In spite of this,it is our intention to endeavor to keep neu- tral the United States of America.If this attempt is not successful we propose an alllance upon the fol- lowing basis with Mexico:That we ~shall make war together and togeth- er make peace.We shall vive gener al financial support,and it is under- stood that Mexico is to reconguer the lost territory in New Mexico,Texas and Arizona.The details are left to you for settlement. You are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as itiscertainthattherewillbeanout-break of war with the United States and suggest that the President of Mexico,on his own initiative,should communicate with Japan,sug@estine adherence at once to this plan;at the same time,offer to mediate be- tween Germany and Japan. Please call to the attention of the President of Mexico that the em- ployment of ruthless submarine war fare now promises to compel “Fne- land to make peace in a few months. (Signed)ZIMMERMAN. This document bas been in the hands of the government since Pres- ident Wilson broke off dinlomatic re- lations with Germany:it has been kept secret up to this time,while the President has been asking Congress for full authority to deal with Gor- many,and while Cone has heen hesitating.It was in the President's hands while Chancellor ven Beth- mann -Hollweg was declaring that the United States had placed an_in- terpretation on the submarine declar- ation “never intended by Germany, and that Germany had promoted and honored friendly relations with —the United States as “an heirloom from Frederick the Great.”. Of itself,if there were no other,it is considered a sufficient answer —to the German Chancellor's plaint that the United States “brusquely”broke of relations without giving “authen- tie”reasons for its wcrton.— We document supplies the missing link to many separate chains of cir- cumstances,which until now have seemed to lead to no definite point, it sheds new light upon the fre- quently reported,but indefinable movements of the Mexican govern- ment to couple its situation with the friction between the United States and Japan.It adds another chapter to the celebrated report Jules Cambon,French ambasador in Berlin before the war,of Germany's world- wide plans for stirring strife on es ery continent where they might aid her in the strueele for world domina- tion which she dreamed was close at hand.It adds a climax to the oper- ations of Count von Bernstorff and the German embassv in this country. which have been colored with pass- frauds,charges of dynamite plots and intrigue,the full extent of which never has beew published.— It gives new credence to persist- ent.reports of submarine bases on Mexican territory in the Gulf of Mexico;it takes cownizance of a fact long recognized by -rmy chiefs,thet if Japan ever undertook to invade the “United States,it probably would be through Mexico,over the border and into the Mississippi valley to solit the country in two.It recslle thot Count von Bernstorff,when handed his passports,was very reluct@nt to return to Germany but expressed a preference for asylum in Cuba,It gives a new explanrtion to the re- ted arrests on the border of men charged by America:military au- with being German intelli- gence asents. Last oT all,it seems to show a con- nection.with General Carranza’s re- proposal to neutrals thet ex-of food and munitions to thealliesbecutoff,and an in-he might stop the sup- ,8o vital to the British na- H OTHERS. United States IfTerms of which is exported From the Tam- Such a proposal as Germany _in-structed her minister to make to Mex-ico borders on an act of war,if,ac-tually,it is not one.No doubt exists here now that thepersistentreportsduringthelasttwoyearsoftheoperationsofGer-man agents not alone in Mexico.but West Indies,are based on faet.There is now no doubt whateverthattheproposedalliancewithMex-ico was known to high Mexiean offi-cials who are distinguished for theiranti-Americanism.Among areRafaelZubaran,Carranze’s ministertoGermany,and Luis Cabrera,Car-ranza's minister of finance.It is apparent that the proposalhadtakendefiniteformwhenZuba-ran returned to Mexico City from Berlin recently.His return was cov-ered by the fact that Carranza hadcalledinmanyofhisdiplomatsfor“conferences.”Some tiu:me beforethat,Cabrera,while still at AtlanticCityintheconferencesoftheAmer- ican -Mexican joint commission,had suggested in a gua way to amemberoftheAmericansectionthatheregrettedthatthecommissionhadnetsucceededfullyinsettlingthedificultiesbetweenMexicoandthe United States,for,he said,he hadhopeditmightcontinueitsworkand make peace for the werld.When pressed for some details ofhowthecommissioncouldrestore world peace,Cabrera suggested that the American republies controlled the destiny of the war by controlling a large part of its supplies. Mexico,he intimated,might do herpartbycuttingoffexportsofoil. The American commissioners dismiss- ed his ideas as visionary. Almost coincident with Zubaran's return from Germany,Cabrera re- ned to Mexieo City,open in his expressions of anti -Americanism.Zubaran,.before being sent abroad, had represented General Carranza here while the Niagara mediation conferences were proceeding,and was no less avowedly anti -AemricanthanCabrera. Meanwhile,Baton von Schoen,Sec- retary of the German embassy,was offered to the levation in Mexico City.No explanation could be —ob- tained of the reason for this trans- fer,and such investigation as waspossiblefailedtodevelopwhyasec- retary from the United States should be sent to the German legation in Mexico.Baron von Schoen's associa- tion with the moves,if any at all, does not appear.The only outward indication that he might have been connected with them is found in the fact that he recently had been de- tached from the German embassy in Tokio and was well acquainted with the Japapese minister in Mexico City. Carranza's peace proposal was openly pronounced as an evidence of German influence in Mexico by effi- cials here,who declared it was in- tended only to embarrass the United States.Then apparently,some influencesshowedtheireffectonthe course of Mexican,government and on February ,Cabrera,the mi ter of finance,issuea a statement de- scribing the “amazerient”of the Mexican government that the Ameri- ean newspapers should have inter- preted General Carnnza’s proposal! to cut off exports of munitions as a suggestion that he might cut off shipments of British oil.They were, Cabrera declared,“entirely ground- less,”and that feature of the situa- tion ended, There was an intimation that Ger- many’s astounding proposal that Ja- pan turn traitor to her allies had been answered by Tokio. Count von Bernstorfl’s connection with the plet,further than serving as the channel of communication,is intensified by the fact that the Ger- man embassy here was not merels the medium of delivering a message in this instance,but was really a sort of headquarters for all the German missions in Central and South Amer ica The German nava®atache,Captain Poy-Ed,and the military attache Captain von Papen,whose recall)was forced by the State Department be onse of their military activities irthiscountry,also were accredited t Mexico,and between the outbreak of the war and their departure from this country made at least one visit there For months many naval oMcers here have believed that mysterious German raiders of the South Atlantic }must have found a base somewhere on the Mexican coast,and that such a base could not be maintained with out the knowledge and consent Mexican officials Last November,the British chargeetMexicoCitypresentedtetheCar ranza Foreien Offce a notication that if it was discovered that Mecxicar neutrality thus had been violated,jthe allies would.take “drastic meas ures”to prevent a continuance. ™m a note,almost insolent in tone. Foreign Minister Aguilla replied to the charde that,in effect,it@was the business of the allies to keep Ger-man submarines out of Western waters,and that if they’were not kept nis- of out,Mexico would adopt whatevercoursethecircumstancesmightcommend, To German influences also have been attributed in some quarters the|viwerous steps taken by the de fac-to finance minister to force loans‘from the Banco Nacionale and the'Bank of Londen and Mexico,ownedbyFrenchandBritishcapital.The|(Continued on Page Six). all through Central America and the f* STATESVILLE,N.©.FRIDAY MARCH 2,1917. So aSf.|ELECTION IN And a Majorit Regis-tered Vote Be NecessarytoExtendTownBoundaries. Lacopia,Sunday night,by a Con An election will be held in States-evbmarine is Sudhaped oficially ville September 4th next,in which the Washington to constitute “a cleat-[quxlified voters—those duly registeredeutviolationofAmericanrights.”[--will pass on the extension of the Conclusive official information at}town boundaries as heretofore speci-State Department shows that fied.Beth the voters in the presentAmericanwomenlosttheirlivesjitownlimitsandthoseintheterritorythatiffourotherAmericansamong]jp jx proposed to annex will vote on thethepassengersandthe14Meipropositionandthemajorityofth the crew were saved,it was only Tegistered votes will be necessary t:good fortune;that the vessel purry the extension.A new registra unk without warning,in direct on will be vired.If a majorityanceofalltheprinciplesforftheregisteradvotersvote“For Ex the United States has stood.Rension,”then the new territory be.Consul Frost’s renorts from aap ‘i afsurvivorslandedatQueenstowndterianOkGeeeemeea. THE “OVERT ACT”AT BER. Sinking of the Laconia theStrawWithGermany. The sinking of the Cunard mene anew —laggy @1ine that April has only 30 days—un- struck by *a Mabey se eafiless the Legislature is guing to add awarningat10.50 Sunday nicht,Li day to that month—the 31st may be manos of Tecteet,warn Se 6 @ joker.It is so written in theb ill,was traveling on her vovage a_iNewYorkcotivenoash,The engi pout it is probably an ae e ofwerestoppedastheshiplistedtoTheuboveisthesubstanceof thentarboard,wireless calls were flash-|%¥"boundary bill agreed on betwpenedbroadeastandsixlargeBenatorTurner,Representative Grierweresentup.Thirteen boats withp@nrd the representatives of the States- passengers and crew got away and Ville municipality,which bill will get scattered over two or three miles to}throuxh the Legislature this week,ifpreventcollisionsinahighsearoll-[it has not already passed.Senator inw in 12-foot swells.urner insisted that either a majority About 20 minutes after the firgt}Of the registered vote or three-fifths torpedo,the reports add,and whilepmejority of the vote east,should be some of the boats were still nearby.ftequired,and the majority of the a second torpede was driven inte Pegistered vote was accepted.This is vessel,which sank three-quarters mot a handicap for those who favor an hour after the original attack.Thefextension and is not unreasonable.Mrsmallboatswithsurvivorspitched}Turner contended that as the bulk ofaboutduringthelonghoursofthe}the voters inside would favor exten-nieht until rescue came.sion that the outsiders—a minority— During this time two American wo-[who might not want to be voted ir men-—Mrs.Marv FE.Hoy and Missfshould have a little better showing.Elizabeth Hoy of Chicago—died off The board of aldermen is requiredexposureandwereburiedatsea.ANT to meet in special session June 4th Americen negro—Thos.Coffee—2 to call the election and to appoint reg-member of the crew,is reported }istrars and judges.The registrationmissing.books will open July 9th and remair No further facts are needed by this government.it is stated off-cially,and no insuiry of any sort is necessary toestablish‘he facts of the case. Consul Frost's report further states that “the submarine was not seen from the Laconia,but after the see- ond torpedo had been fired and the honts launehed,a submarine appear- i on the «irface.came aloneside the boat containing the second officer and asked for the cavtain.The submarine‘ommander told the people in the seeond officer's boat that a BritishadmiraltypatrolhadcaughttheLa- conia’s wireless and was coming to the scene.The submarine made no of- for of nid and submerged immediate- ly after.”The patrol arrived and be ean picking ap the boats about 4 Yelock Monday morntn. Thirteen boats were launched from the Lreonia.The Hovs (Mrs.Marv FE.Hoy and Misa Elizabeth Hoy «Chicago)were in’No.&,which wa swamped,its Hfe-belted passenverbeingpickedupbyotherboats,but thev suffered severely from exposur in the cold water.Another re} says most of the deaths occurred open until sundown September Ist. Lutheran Pastor Will Be In- stalled Sunday—Church News. Rev.A.R.Beck,who recently ac-cepted the call to the pastorate of St. John's Lutheran church,will be in- stalled as pastor next Sunday morning at il o'clock.Rev.E.J.Sox of Hick-ory will preach the sermon and con- duct the installation service. The Rev.Mr,ck stands high inthecouncilsofchurch,being pres- ident of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod,besides having serv- ed on several important boards and eymamittees of the Conference andSynod. There will be services at the usual hour in the evening with the LutherLeagueonehourbeforeservice.The public is invited to attend all the meetings. Sunday school at Bethesda Sundaymorningat10o’elock and preaching at 11 o'clock.. Services|Sunday morning at 1}o'clock at Trinity Episcopal church.a Statesville cireuit quarterly confer- one of the lifeboots a owen ence will be held at Bethlehem to- separated from enn ot as _morrow and Sunday and Dr.Ware Hae ee iraat eieht died of expos.|Vill be at Race Street church Sundaysonsinthiaboat,erm ie f expos night.‘ ire and were buried sv c=—-ae Austin Y.Hoy,husband and fa-|Revenue Collections For Last ther of the American women who per Month. ished,resides in London as the rop During February Collector WattsresentativeofanAmericanfirm.Mrs f this district collected $1,810,397.12andMissHeycametotheUnited).onal revenue taxes,as follews:States some time ago to look after!nopacco eee cee ve.$1,779,887.38familyandbusinessmatters.Hoy,|‘apital stock.........."1 B17.88issaid,repeatedly cabled them not to Emergency Le 10°624.98returnuntilthepresentcrisiswasincethefeas$227.26over,but they decided to take the |)i0u6r jicense200,"119.82risk.lig ne hdl aad = The Laconia was armed with tw —o ene rn t-7-inch guns,but ns the submarine |rine,and penalties .12.42enmeupinthedarktherewasno *hance to use the guns.The vesse! was loaded with wheat,cotton,pro visions and shell casings,the latter ammunition.Being armed and carry ing contraband it was liable to at tack,but the attack without warn in: and sinking the vessel without,firs aiding the passengers to get off saf« This is the larizest monthly collee-tion ever made in the district,being an inerease over last month of $151,- 52.58,and of $755,051.57 over Febru- ry,1916,or 71 1-2 per cent. Robbers Visit Stores —One Failure. ly,constitutes the offence The store of Mr.Martin Miller, The first passenger to land when]n the west end of town,was entered the survivors reached Queenstow!|Monday night,about 40 pounds of meat being taken.The robber enterithestorebyprizingoffthestaple f the Qoor.No cluc to the identity of the thief has been found vas an American woman,Mrs.F.FHarris,who was accorded this honorbythecaptain's order because of he heroism in supervising the departure of the women and children from th:An attempt was made to enter the sinking ship.She was the last na andy and fruit store of Mr.A.Ka enger to leave the Laconia,standins s Tuesday night Tho glass of y the side of the captain and going |a window in the rear of the store the rounds with him,earefully check as’broken.the screen removed,but ng off the women and children pa:on bars prevented entrance.The vengers to see that they were all in|ricks below the vindow sill were their places and provided with cloth emoved in an attempt to.effect an ing,blankets and tarpaulins.Aft trance.No clue to the marauder Mrs.Harris came other ——on lentity.hildren,all clinging still to their lift ;‘os memes belts,and then the men passengers.Basketball Games.The Asheville High School basket Mr.Kirk Presiding Elder.dl team =passed through Statesville Rev.J.F.Kirk,former pastor 6 Wednesday on its way home after ving defeated the Mooresville HigtBroadStreetchurch,Statesville,wh:tvhool team Tuesday right at MooreswastransferredtoReidsvillelast1% ‘omber,has been appointed presiding |\Ne,with a score of 2®to 1 The elder of the Shelby district.High Sehool basketball teams o The recent death of Rev.Dr.J.H stern North Caroli la are playing Weaver.presiding elcer of the Green wv the cham pir nship of the westert bero district.is responsible for th:|!art of the Stat chanes.Bi hop Kilwo has traneferre ;The baskethall team of 1 .oi Rev.J.HW.Barnhardt,presiding ekic:|{#8 Schoo!defeated e team from if the Shelby district,to Greensbor taterville college !noir Tue to aueceed Dr.Weaver:Mr.Kirk i lay night with a score of 14 to transferred from Reidaville to Shelby.|,-.'oe to seceed Mr,Barnhardt and Rev |-hildren of (Confederacy to W.E.Abernethy,pastor of Dilwort!Meet. church,Charlotte,succeeds Mr.Kir!The Children of the Confederacy at Reidsville, —The R.L.Bailey farm on whichMr.W.A.Bristol had an option haheensoldtoMr.Walker MeLain of Statesville.The farm,consisting ©!)hildren of the Confederacy has_re-309 acres,is situated in the Snow|.on been reorganized with Miss Creek section of the county.‘ieee Brawley as lender,OfficersMrs.D.J.Kimball is visiting in|sre follows:President,Margaret will meet at the Commercial club vome this afternoon «t 4 o'clock.All hildven that are members and allthatdesiretojoinareurgedtobepresént.The local chapter of the Winston-,Bra’}«vice president,ElisabetMissMargaretClickofElkinis|Carlton:secretary,Sarah White;the guest of Miss Lucile Kimball.(reasurer,Mildred Gill. AN IMPORTANT MEETING In Mooresville—Deaths andPersonalItems. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,March 1 -—Mre.Lem Edwards,aged about 50 years,died Menday merning at her home nearMazeppa.th resulted from can-cer.Mrs.Edwards is survived by herhusbandandsixchildren,her pa-rents and one brother.The funeral‘services were conducted from Trip-lett Methodist church Tuesdaingbythepastor,Rev.J.T.morn- tledge."The deceased was an earnest Chris-tian wife and ‘mother,and the family have the sympathy of aii wno knowthemintheirbereavement.The loss of the Templeton -Wil- liams Co.gin,which was burned ear- ly Monday morning,is estimated at$4,000,with no insugance.The ma-chinery is almost a complete loss.They Hall not yet decided as to re- building,one member of the firm,Mr.8.A.Lowrance,being at his win-ter home in Florida for the present.The gin house was built 35 yearsago.Mr.T.J.Williams,the head ofthefirm,was in Statesville on busi-ness Thursday.At a well-attended meeting of thecitizensofthetown,held in the chamber of commerce rooms Tues- day evening,several items of muchinteresttothetownwereconsidered.The first thing was a proposition from a knitting mill firm to locatehere.A committee was appointed toconferwiththefirmandsecurethemillforMooresvilleifpossible.Mr.G.C.Goodman,president ofFirstNationalBank,stated that themillcouldgetfinancialaidifworthy.The matter of permanent street im-provement was taken up and will befurtherdecidedatameetingtobeheldsoon.The moving of the freightdepotwasalsodiscussed.The com-mittee appointed to confer with theSouthernRailwayCo.relative to mov-ing the freight depot and building anewpassengerstationreported§infullthroughthechairman,Mr.J.L.Donald.The business men of thetownaresomewhatdividedastotheloeationofthefreightdepot.TheSouthernhasagreedtotheproposi-tion ef the commitee,provided a suitable lot fer the freight depot bedonatedbythetown.Mr.James W. Steele addressed the meeting on thestreetfairtobeheldherenextfall.Lastly,it was decided to hold a reg-ular monthly meeting of the cham-ber of commerce at which time thedueswillbecollected,having beenpaidquarterbyheretofore.e Asheville basketball team W.FE.NattresswereinAtlanta week the «a \ dining ine ventoroomwasalacartepublicisvitedtocalland‘inspect. —LatestNewMexico,Ta eu noprovementintheJohnP.Flanigan.. —Viola Johnson and Mattie John-negroes played the lecal team in the Athletie|torehallhereTuesday Mooresville ladsmedinascoreof 19 to 27.The vis-iting team played a straight,cleangemeanditwasinterestingthrough- out.Mr.Geo.W.Hawn came home from Durham last ween,suffering‘rom an attack of la grippe.He ismuchimprovedatpresent.Mrs.Oli-ver Litten of Cornelius was a visit-or here Wednesday.Mr.Wood Sloan of Oklahoma,whotogetherwithhiswifelefthereto return home last week after spendingeveralweeksherewithrelatives,died suddenly last Saturday just af-ter reaching home.Deceased was 70vearsofawe.He is survived by hisfifthwifeandseveralchildren.Mrs.Sloan is a sister of Mrs.Jno.Gouger and Mrs.Black of this city and Dr. George Gouger of Cabarrus county. Mr.Sloan was a native of upper Ca-herrus,and has relatives there and also at Mt.Mourne.It will be re-ealled that Mr.and Mrs.SloanbroughtthebodyofMrs.Sloan's daughter,Miss Meta Belle Douglas,to Center church,near here,for hurial.about three weeks ago.Sincethattimetheyhadvisitedrelatives in this vicinity until last week. Mr.H.P.Deaton,editor of the Mooresville Enterprise,has purchas- ed the Parks building on Broad street evening,the and will move his printing office there.. Mr.F.R.Sharne end?family are moving hack to their home here on enst Mrin street from Vanee county, where Mr.Sharpe has been engaved n read building for the past year, Mrs.Sharne and children arrived the first of the week,while Mr. Sharpe is making the trip through the country in his machine.Pastor Hay and the delegation from the First Presbyterian church, who attended the missionary conven- tien Lexington,Ky.,last week, will congregation their im- pressions of the convention in a num- her of short talks at the Sunday eve- vier at give the yi?ser Mre.R.J.Swaim and little daugh ter,Helen,went to Charlotte Thurs- lay to join Mr.Swaim,who has heen there for some time working for the Virginia Insurance Co.Mr.and Mra.€.P.Mott of Coddle Creek vent several davs here this week. isitine Mrs.Mott’s parents,Mr.and Mr lim Raymer on Eastern Heieht Messrs.Robt.and BillyMillandWm.Westmoreland of Sintesville,were visitors here Tues- lay.Mea.Julius Benfield of Shep- herd'’s spent several days here recent- ly with her sister,Mra.Neeic Eller. Mieses Ida Henderson,Fangie Wal- »and Maude Patterson returned Tuesday from the Northern markets, where they purchased milinery forlocalfirms.Mrs,B.D.Graham and dauehter,Mrs.Bovee Biggers,of Cornelius,spent Weumesday here. Mias Iula Grey,lady principal at Statesville College,left StatesvilleTuesdaynightinresponsetoatele-ram stating that her brother was il)in Hendersonville.Miss Mabel Postonistheseventhgrade,whichteachirfyh|wasformerlyinchargeofMissGrey being nicely trim-4 y will bevisitorsfromallpartsoftheState. Alenanter'and’Resell femeh telexaneightoopenagaragewillsecondestablishmentofthatStatesvillecitizensinthe—"*McElwee aeratesalargegarageisalsointerestedintheness. Mr.E.L.Keeslerwilladdressa builders of Sta’house here Saturday!nder the auspices oMevehante””Association =ebuildingandloan_assecrations oftown.He will offertheremedyoftheinStatesville. —-The quarterly meeting of the ex-ecutive oumatiaane of the 's city Home,Winston -Salem,met FriinWinston-Salem.business was transacted.nal says “the institution isoftheWesternNorthE.Conference.Supt.Waltersonhasmadeafine’recordssoumedSienoes oome.His reports areityingtotheCaof easeare Demonsiration When HouseVotestoArmShips. Partisanship was thrown aside and the House yesterday passed the bill authorizing the President to arm |merchant ships.The announcement jof this by the Speaker brought forth a demonstration.London was start- led when she heard ofplotandsaysitisnotNelivved tawethatJapancanbeinducedtojoinintheproposedalliance,Full official confirmation of Ger- many's yoy 4 to a MexcioJapanwithhertowarUnitedStateswasgiveninWw :atom yesterday <<A effect was to grea’in nostony Se President in wants.retary Lansing does helieve Japan he any 2Germany's proposal or would be a party to it,ese embassv stated that notationwouldbepatchfromMexicoCitysatheredeclinedtodiscussexcepttesaytheyfortswerevainonl’has Vege sk theoafoliin while Mise Covington is acting as la-dy principal. to! supplies in bulk.a boiler inspec-the direction of Labor Commissioner,| assed the House,was "He Senate committee to number to six,Some of| Senators seemed to think a lot of needless were being created,and the bill was killed.The Senate pass- ed a bill to authorize the Governor and Council of State to provide addi- tional clerical help for the State Treasury.. A bill was passed —= voters of ee City,Swain county, to vote on the question of extending | municipal suffrage to women,but it defeated the bill of Senator Jones of Buncombe to give women the vote in, tial elections.The vote was close—20 to 24.Senator Turner of | Iredell yoted for the bill. The House killed the bill to ish the fish —)the question being always a with the eastern members.The ma- chinery act was passed.It varies lit- tle from the 1915 measure.The cor- poration commission is given author- ity to readjust assessments in the flood-swept districts.i The educational bill,providing for uniform examination and ‘ifiea tion,with a regular board of —insti- tute conductors,was reported favora- bly.There are three women _and three men in the board of.institute conductors.They would be paid from the $13,000 raised for institute work,plus the $12,necessary for salaries and expenses taken from the equalization board. The bill to prohibit the sale of cig- arettes and Coca-cola wis killed in committee.It never had the ghost of a show.The bill to limit the liebility of banks when checks are refused pay- ment through error,was also killed even though it had favorable commit- tee report.The Senate passed—38 to the bill to increase the rates allowed newspapers for legal advertising Senator Burgwyn,one of the oppo- nents of the measure,denounced it as “graft.”A bill was introduced to prohibit the marriage of double first ins. Abill passed the Senate to allow the women of Lincoln county to vote in pachool elections.It has yet to pass the House.Another bill passed prohibits advertising signs similar to railroad crossing signs being placed on the highway and provides for the remov- al of those which are now standing. The Senate passed the House bill re! ative to the examinatton of applicant to practice law.This provides that the examinetion shall be held by thre members of the Supreme Court tw« weeks prior to the beginning of th: spring and fall terms of the court anc gives each judge $109 compensatiorforconductingtheseexaminaticn< aggregating $600 for the two examinations,This compensation comefromthelibraryfundandisallowecbecausethejudgesdotheworkoutof term time, ELATSATT Special Interests to Blame For Food Crisis. Washington Dispatch,Feb.28th. Responsibility for the nation's food crisis was laid at the door of the special interests in control of the railroads,by Senator Underwood ofAlabama,on the floor of the Senatetoday.The Senator bitterly arraign-ed the “special interests,”declaringtheyweresobusyshippingfood-stuffs to Europe that they had over-looked the need of feeding the coun- try’s own hungry people.“The time will come,”Senator Un-derwood said,“when the great con- suming public will no longer consent to having the bread taken from itsmouthandthefoodfromitschil-dren by laws enacted for the benefit of were interests wnich have al-ready been convictee under the anti-trust law.”He asserted that unlesssomethingisquicklyconetorelievethefoodsituationthecryofthena-tion’s hung y will resound through the capitol,demanding the “lifting oftheyokeofthegreatinterestsfromtheirnecks.”The President's proposal for a na-tion -wide probe of the food situa- tion,with a view to uncovering anti trust law regulations,was given animpetusbytheHousewhichtodayvoted247to158toincludeinthesundryseeksgoreprintionbill,an_itemfor$400,demanded by the Presi-dent to enable the Federal Tradecommissiontoconducttheinvestiga- ahol- fis Urge Action on Shipping Bills. President Wilson has urged uponstheimperativenecessityofactionatthissessiononbillspendinginbothhousestoincresethepowereoftheFederalshippingboardtomeetextraordinaryconditionsintimeofwarorothernationalemergency.In a memorandum prepared byChairmanDenmanoftheshippingboard,the President emphasized th«of Ghacting the proposedauthorizingthetakingoverof under construction in Americarweforforeigners. *|law, at betwen |when the President spoke of the fun- the structures of family,State and any man w ive subject |m certifica-| 4l from Democrats and who have been urging a forward course;silence and jeations of re- served thought from those opposed. But at the conclusion of the address, damental rights on which are based liberty,and said:““I cannot imagine ith American =les athesitatingtodefendtheseeersresoundedthroughhisheart, things,”the chthechamber.Following is the address in full: “|have again asked the privilege addressing you because we are moving through critical times,dur-| ing which it seems to me to be my duty to keep in close touch with the| houses of Congress,so that neither counsel nor action shall run at cross | purposes between us.! “On the 3d of February I officially| informed you of the sudden and un-| of expected action of the imperial Ger-| man government in declaring its in- tention to disregard the promises it had made to this government in April last.and undertake immediate sub- arine operations against all com- merce,whether of belligerents or of neutrals,that should seek to ap- proach Great Britain and Ireland,the Atlantic coasté of Europe or the har- ‘ors of the eastern Mediterranean, and to conduct those operations with- nut regard to the established restric- tions of international practice,with- out regard to any consideration of humanity even which mrght interfere with their object.That policy was forthwith put into effect.It has now been in active execution for nmeary four weeks. “Its practical results are not fully lisclosed.The commerce fof other neutral nations is suffering severely, but not,perhaps,verg much more s« verely than it was already suffering before the ist of February,when the new policy of the imperial srovern- ment was put into operation.We have tasked the co-operation of the other neutral governments to prevent these iepredations,but [fear none of them has thought it wise to join us in any common course of acticn. “Our own commerce has s suffering,rather in)apprehensior than iu fact,rather because so many f our ships are timidly keeping to their home ports than because Amer- ean ships have been suns “Two American have been sunk,the Housaconic and the Lyman M.Law The case of the Housatonic, which was carrying foodstuffs cun- signed to a London firm,was esse tally like the case of the Frye,in which,it will be recalled,the Gor man government admitted its liabil:- ty for damages,and the lives of the crew,as in the cause of the vere safeguarded with rensonable care. ‘The case of the Law,which was carrying lemon box staves to Paler- mo,disclosed a ruthlessness of meth- od which deserves grave condemna- n,but was accompanied by no cit imstances which might have heen expected at any time in connec- tion with the use the submarine galnst merchantmen as the German overnment has used it. “In sum,therefore,the situation in which we find ourselves with regard to the actual conduct of the Germansubmarinewarfareagainstcommerc: and its effects upon our own ships and substantially the same that it was when I addressed you on thebdofFebruary.except for the tying 1p of our shipping in our own ports of the unwiliingness of our ship-owners to risk their vessels at sea withowt insurance or adequate protection,and the very serious con- gestion of our commerce which has resulted,a congestion which is crow- ing rapidly more and more serious ery day This in itself might pres- ently accomplish,in effect.what the ew German submarine were meant to accomplish,so far as we wire concerned,We can only sav,there fore,thet the overt act which I have entured to hope the German com nanders would in fact avoid,ha ecurred. “But while this is happily true,it must.be admitted that there have been certain additional indications and expressions of purpose on the part of the German press and the German authorities which @ave increased rather than lessened the impression that,if cur ships and our people are spared,it will be because of fortunate lrcumstances or because the com- manders of the German submarines which they may happen to encounter exercise an unexpected discretion and restraint rather than because of the instructions under which those com- nanders are acting.“It would be foolish to deny thatthesituationisfraughtwith—the gravest possibilities and dangers.No thoughtful man can fail to see that!the necessity for definite action may come at any time.If we are in fact, and not in word merely,to defend ourelementaryrightsasaneutralna- tion,it would be most imprudent to be unprepared. Asks For Authority. “T cannot in such circumstances beunmindfulofthefactthattheexpi-ration of the term of the presentCongressisimmediatelyathand,by constitutional limitation;and that it would,in all likelihood,require anunusuallengthoftimetoassembleandorganizetheCongresswhichis|to succeed it.|feel that 1 ought in|view of that fact,to obtain fromope |full and immediate assurance of the|authority which I may need at any|moment to exercise.|“No doubt,I already sess thatauthoritywithoutspecialwarrantofbythereaa \butI prefer,inthe stances,not toact|plication.1 wish to cuffered, not ol a ople because orders ‘ my the au- ‘lare suffering at the fof anxious 6 Frye,an ‘ights by ditheunw ny,there may be no toarmednoeeienns,1knowhowtomaintainYorGaneisabundantAPrece dent.“It is devoutly to be hoped that itwillnotbenecessarytoputjforceanywhereintoaction,eAmericanpeopledonotdesireit,andourdesireisnot’differenttheirs.I am sure that “224derstandthespiritinhI ameacting,the purpose I near-t my heart and would wish to ex-hibit in everything o . “l am anxious that the people ofthenationsatwaralsoshouldun- ferstand and not mistrust us.T hope ‘hat I nee’give no further fsandassurancesthanIhaveiyriventhroughoutnearlythreeyearspatiencethatTamthe friend of peace and mean to preserveitforAmericasoloweawJamable. Net Proposing War, “T am not now proposing er con- templating war or any steps that /need lead to it.|merely request thai you will accord me by your ewn vote and definite bestowal the means andvuthoritytosafeguardtherightsof 1 great people who are at peace andwhoaredesirousofexereisingnonebuttherightsofpeace,to follow the ursuit of peace in quietness =and‘ood will—riehts recognized time out of mind by all the civized nations of the werld. “No course of my choosing or oftheirswillleadtowar.War can ‘ome ouly by che wilful aets and a; ressions of others. “You will understand why Tea ike no defin'te proposals or fore- ts of action now and must ask fur upperti authority in thegeneralterms.The fermi: h aetion may |ccome necessary tobe n |believe that th: le will be willirg to trust meithrestraint,with prudence,ancnthetruespiritofamityandgoo: ith that they have themselves dis- layed t these trying ™" “ae nost vh on neo? yn to et throughout and it is in that belief th. agtrest that you wil!authorize n voply our merchant ships wit! e orms should that beeom:und with the means and emplov any oth lities methods =that re necessary and adequate t.hips,and our neople ‘n lev timate aad peaceful r the a T reox also that :will erant me at the same time, with the powers |ask,a iffi-| credit me to provide| meas of otection where including:iImsuranee nre 'risks | poke:our commeree legit'mate ‘errands of our .but you will not main thoursht— beneaih these them diz:and not of materia!inter- that we are thinking.It fundamental human all the right t life nm thinking mot o7 !the \mericans to sro and come husiness by way the Ico of something much meh more fundamental than am thinking of those 1 ¢hts without which e is lization.My theme i principles of comp which oo mankind to throw about human lives -combatants,the lives men | who are peacctully at work keeping| the industrial procosse the world! ich and vital,the lives of women and children and of those who -upplvtheleborwhichministerstheir stenance.We are sp of no Itish material rights but of rights yich our heartS support and whose ndation that)righteous pussion Yr justice upon which all ‘tate,tree alike of fam mankind must rr upon steneeultimatebase ind our liberty.=1 ‘gine man with American pri ‘es at tus heart hesitating to defi these hts.” re Ssary 0 ne them t ow se est ols e to enahie ie >lacking. seqiyte ,the ple on the lpi ¢t that . srhethourht vyhras }t\ y a?Cy. those andha:rotectionupht f of to eak As erett ! re of he cenne r ny Se +re >oe ee Legislators in Poker Gaine, The police raided a poke the room of the Yarbor« Raleigh,occupied by Rep P.Davis of Dare News and Observer.Four men in the | room with Davis gave fictitious |names.Mr,Davis admitied that they were Senators and Represcitativer who had been invited to the room for a sociable game.“i hate to”bear the brunt of this thing,but I will,rather}than give the names of my friends,” he said.All gave bonds for a hear- ing in police court.Too bad that lawmakers violate the | laws while engaged in)constructiny statutes to regulate others. OHIO WOMAN'S WISH For Tired,Weak,Nervous Women Bellefontaine,Ohio.—“T wich tired,weak,nervous woman could haveVinol,for I never spent any money inmylifethatdidmesomuchgood@ |that I spent for Vinol.I was—worn out a andmademestrong,vigorous after everything else had failed to help me,and I can now do housework with.a Mire,ee.ye guarantee all weak,run-down,.nervous,debilitated con W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,‘FORD AT AUCTION.— rection of the “county commTHURSDAY,MARCH «6,atStatesville,sell athighestbidderforcauh,«Ford A MPAFeb16,1907,— ime it h hotel entative Fj ays thecounty, are 1 | a New Discovery!Dodson’s Liver Tone Acts LikeCalomelBut Doesn'tGripe,| ’Salivate orMake You Sick—Don’tLose aDay's Work—HarmlessLiver | Medicine forMen,Women,Children—ReadGuarantee! Ugh!Calomel makes you sick.Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's wCalomelismereuryorquidketlver which causes Calomel,when it comes in o contact with sour bile crashes into it,breaking iecrosis of the bones. it up.This is wher you feei tha and cramping. knocked out,”if your liver is tor constipated,or you have headache,« tongue,if breath is bad or stomach spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Live Here's my guarantee—Go to « nd get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver ‘Tone. vake a spoonful and if it doesn't If you are sluggish and It's horrible!|right up and make you feel fine and vigorous Iwantyoutogo‘back to the store and get your money.,Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone is destroying the ale of calomel because it is real liver medicine;catirely vegetable,therefore it can not salivate er make you sick.; 1 gucrantee that one spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish fiver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consiipate | waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable,1 guaramee*that a bottle of Nodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months.Give it to your children, It is harmless;duesn’t gripe and they like its pleas: ant taste ork, t awlul nausea “all pid and b nvels lizzines sour,just tty a r Tone t : any arly? Teens«Leu Mute straighten you ownee STADLERMS|Pe OEE BeeACRES DB “ye SSS.SSL Deg Stayed By Dog. The Lumberton Robesonian tells it}that two citizens of Red Springs—| James Collins and James Townsend —owned bird dogs that were to-! gether constantly.On the llth of| February the dogs disappeared and! were not seen again until the 2ist,) when they were found a mile frem Red Springs.One dog had been| caught in seme vines,couldn't getlooseandhaddiedfromexposure and hunger.The other,so weak itcouldhardlywalk,had stayed by its!mpanion and was there when thetwowerefound.It is believed itwouldhavediedtherehaditnet been found. There are many recorded instancesofdogsstayingbyhumanfriends even‘unto death,but the instances ofextremedevotionto.each other are not so common.iMother's Troubles Mother’s work and es apek Gkoesiesitsmarkindimmedeyesandexpressions—she ages her time.Any mother who is wearyandlanguidshouldstarttakingSCOITSEMULSION, asastrengtheningfoodand tonic to add richness to herandbuilduphernervesbefore it |is too late.Siart SCOTT'Stoday—its fame is world-wide. Ne Alcohol. Scott &Bowne,Bloomfield,N.J. L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ~Dealer In —- al ics Wool at 4 !\talJ2ivielalcrapIron, {Magazine os Ges Ro-H re) WAX, Rubbe Rook pay aidOo!a KAS We 4)6 é ' 4 the icpile ]} KiaghpetNe}Sot ‘ per Bell Phone azoye. Colds RelievedWithout Dosing If you have tried Internal”medicines without snocess,we want you to try the “External”treatment —Vick’s ‘Vap-O.Rub”Salve,Apply hot wet towels overthethroatendchesttoopentheporeg,thenrabVick's in well and cover with @ warm flannel cloth.Tho body warmth roleaseshealingvaporsthatareinhaledwitheach breath,o_in addition,Vick's is absorbed MANTELS,COLUMNS. NEWELS,MOULDINGS. LOCKS,NAILS. ON HAND AND READY FOR D LIVERY!;C.WATKINS. SERVICE And the complete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. Wecan]give you service, W.E.MUNDAY. YourPlumber,114 EB.BreadSt. limery Arriving |: =DAILY.== Call and see all the new Shapes and Sport Hats. We are always glad to show you through our line. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. To insure Against the Long Hot Days That Are Coming. Is to buy one of our Oil Stoves.Economical, Saver ot time and the cook always in a good humor.‘ THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY A jates the v liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.Asinthepast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEComthewilland Sethbe olea bs ha callattohave ourforanyinformation,telephoneNo.54carvaninnested.“Wedo NOTARYPULICworkalso.jJ.F.CARLTON,- thereerSaaracrosshis’ eyeR-ie rest on ;‘ace over his —Pove glanceaeaffair.In‘the .beyond a‘stream ine ine ming‘and on the water,then long,pleasantspacesstreteawaytoafar-dis-F tant «ky line.mas the man atseal Draughton allthe1 oeSerre!good than any it at (ais and far distances, the desk gazed at his igre he ex- plained te me why he“When my eyes are feed nell -y brain wearied with the work of aoalong,het day and elose application to little deiaiis of business,I'l lo picture of wide,restful spaces Somehow |catch OK p aanvy alongspell of sick.®olimpoe of the real bigness ofgessthingsundwhilemyeyesarerelic.edonicasbrasincewecommenced veer,end hen KD ef,”s been Oo regu.late weak stomachs,aid digestion,>lieve joni,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similatsymptoms.° It has been in constant use for morethan70andhasbenefitedmore by the sight of long vistas,my sou!:9 refreshed by the open stretches.AndIrestmyselfforabrieftimea world where the skyline is mile» ind where there are po nervou or clicking typewrit away tenegraphers eps,” LOOK AT A CHILD’S thaa a 'a people,N ,SS Your ist sells and recommends TONGTUE WHEN (es ee”t,Price ouly 25c.Geta FEVERISH AND SICK .N.C.£2 .:ap .Take Ne Chances!Move Poisons'1FYOUR HOUSE NEEDSJ trom Liver and Bowels at Once. A Roof,don’t forget that March ,Mothers can rest ensy after giving winds will blow off the loose Shingles -.7 so 7 ~begga Micon si and the April rains will pour in.\;ite.acer bile ahd teomeetinn £un Plenty of all grades Shingles on ger ily roves out of the bowels,and hand =you have a wr playful ehild agrain. .WATKINS’Lumber Yard,Childres ;ly will noe take the (en me ee DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms §-7-9,Second Floor, FIRST NATIONAL —BUILDING,i aT e c i then fo as A Statcavil N,!ag laxative.”ley TELEPHONE.ENG AG EMENTS,{and (t eann ‘pn ie injSarr,No dif. "Phone 197.Hours 8 to &ene ie )Te,.ttl +»SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDRE®’S||hat mie oer ee onereETS.Part ld,or a sore throat,diar- ‘mach-neho,bad breath,re-gentle,“inside eleansing”LAND FOR SALE.sate the hist too ‘Ho direeti or ob es By a power of attoQey Tam empowered t ren Wo aves 1 grow?oll,privately,two tract land belensiny 5 at (iletetheestateoftheleteW.HoH.Summers of ':ees . iredell coun ’R tract af Bun counterfeit fig syrup 7 1-2 acre an the B.C.Ct *Ack :r for a Fbl-cent bo ie acs adjwnin sp cesen of a Pea Cali rnia &yv ip of F e the Chinley.Ford band a :;and ay ef that,‘ of timber,«4 nit i v fa pm as 1 !Svrup plendid oj rtupity f {j (Ww.’iY er farther informetion en ’write ¢Mt |’“f ROE ADAM Attorney,Stat ;‘p iy Feb.6 rap _PYANQG TUNING—E.8S.VanAL&STYNE of “WOOD'S SEED”Ks :ON :oe 'i ."_‘YSOR|va ride ie :.{:We have a fullline of T.}Certificate of Di:‘solution. W.Weod &Sons warden }:rE of NORTH CAROLINA,DEPART- seed in packages andj yay Outs WHOM THESE PRESENTE Wood’s bulk seed such as}.Ti Sey cectina ’.’4 ‘thes tEarlyPeas,Early Beane,ti atuckbolds Beet seed,Seed Corn,|i 'ae COMPANY Onion Sets,ete.th Come in and see what}.\,J um Wweoe have,’r ih Eagle &Mi th")‘lanetatete| Phone 89,f { Mi ‘Ang ’shy :.Flooring and Ceiling Sold by ©.WATKINS are ‘ properly Kiln (ried and Lea nD. won't open andiet in cold.+° 7 oo a ~es 73 E NS«&'$9 ‘7%4 jMADEIS‘|i | STATESV!LEY |a sLE iWe want t boy.1900 Anything in 5 J}Hens and ans qa ts of |Metal.Hother Country Preduce| TATDCUITY OC TIN CF ;vou have to ofler.ISTATESVILLETINCt}-yf Tin Rov ),Our prices enRid1)iJ.4K.Morrison Grocery | Valles Vin.{Produce Company.(° Gutt wm4 oe | Phone 65,114 1.Uroad Street.D?..CONTE SHERRILL, a |t ee ==~General Practioner i ; rf ard Count}TIRE BANDS :~;All call t lephe ned . Tapes,Coment Patches,ete,|Hall's residence or I are all very wel 1]iy,but rium will have prompt they are all em icy mets |eeeen eee ures only The onty real and,pert oi Mthe ee M HIGHIS C HE APERJeanna}vi Soli While your Cy se,es cece smit tho *-eis have your Tires put va7 ; THE IREDELL VUL"‘ANI ING ut §sare.or Skeleton(LKINS’Cec&SUPPLY COMPANY.=|VAKINS Ced Phone 201 Corrt Street.§};;od { We Sell Miller 7 V , CA ERNE RRS IN SeRI=arena .STER Dir.S.W.Hoffmann. (.i.L.k at teopethic Physician 4 fi irs 9 a.m.to 12.30 p. merICrTEeht vers eensGISTEREDARCHITECT,m.2.50 to m.and by apRea.crintent,Aadwoon ide.Ue | .,f°?¢j W.Broad St.Office "phone 524.Statesville,N.C."Phone 340 =|tenidence ‘phone ?79—green. eee EE SCRAP BRASS Heavy Brase 7s per pound,1.Bresa fe.pe pound ..i FOR SALE:. New ard secon’fied mochinery | for sale and kinds of heifer,room supplies i . H.TURNER COUGHS,COLDS,ETC. veta slur ed,When cro Cc.H.NER. Phone No.74,Bel!i Pits ‘time from play to empty thelr bowelandtheyboeometichtlypacked,liver ish and stomach disorder orish,restless,see Price 25e,ae and $1, [x THE PRISONREI ,1917.‘Governor Turner The’bill ofSenator whichfromPreseribesthemethed.treat.ment of prjonersatStatessodsecondthirdreading.rermarizedthebillas.t all convieted crime in any of courts of State whose sent shall be for more than two years,shall be sent to the State prison.The erection at the aeofsuitablebuildingsfortheoftheprisoners.lt this conmect:onhestatedthatthehouses: arm ing Deathofmeh Aer Ypvviel CorrespondenceofThe Landmark.| Taylorevel,1.—Mr.Thom-! as Adams2.20 o'clock —svat Whi Plains at the .years,§are >aaaanda—.J.T.Adama,|R.B.in the samescalerongfatherlivedin;R.LAdamsofSeattle,.»and Mrs!Victoria Adams,ah _,her home with her father,Rev.L.P.Gwalt-ney eonducted the funeral from theresidenceTuesdayafternoonandtheintermentwasinthetowncemetery Deceased was an uncle of Sheriff R | A.Adams,Deputy Colleetor R.P.Allison of totally inadequate and the erewdinc Sameute.Sheriff Adams and Mr| a the prisoners did not give_~©J.A,Miller,dr.went to Cox's Knot Rclont ammount of air,thus becom ryeaieg ainadae aid teaad tibion a place for breed'ng disemm@e :'in a dense laurel thicket 18 watons ofimmorality,There were NO QUAT'CT Loe and several parts of a distil! for keeping senarate the laters!outit,‘The large still bad been rneagreeserimines®*¢cohee for moved and no ene could be found. =pu wn Piva vseu "Mise Irene 1 eux went to Stat individual cells and these were to ville Tessdaw —be wink tiered inder the supervision of the be f health.The cost of,ru ( Ge buildings,between *$60,000 | 70,000,to be paid ous ofthe prs:fund which was adequate for | purpose are to be dividedTheconvicts three grades:firs,second and thr! The first class,to be known @ henor elass,are to be in a uniform heut stripes and may be Wo | theut guards;the second las rupbed in another uniform wii! it stripes and to be worked wii: vuards;the third clasa to \ {ripes a 1 to be worked =unis wards and chained when necessar \thority is given to change th: viets from one grade to anot): According to an amendment offer 1 by the committee,the convict the first elasa are to receive 20 ¢ -their Inher.those of nd cl ags 15 cents a day,the t! Inss 10 cents a da Provisior i ule so that those who fail to rules may lose the fund tt fc serve the their erectit Provision is alse nthatthefundmaccoumulate he family of a eon The hardened er'minats are to | ket yoeate from the youthfu mirals and the incorrigible arearit; Ho for recreation are provided and the hours of work are limite: 11 hours a day ag far as practien! nrohibits the hiring of convict ‘retions but gives permi ‘op convicts to be worked on the r: r nt :county authoriti: lad for the service of cac} Pr on is mate for the indeesentence,Iedeing disereti he opr )authorities t t ey freedom at the end e minimum sentence The h 2 are given authority t dish miles and regulations for t! parc'le of priconers : Wednesday night the Heuse passed8to84.the Person -MeRacken croy ier Will.The House tabled the Ser ate Lill-to alow women of Lir yt o vote it school eleet.ons fhe uifern teachers’certiffestior hil passed the Ho lhe Ferate Wei y nieht con- firmed the following Bppeintmenté by Gavernor:jrectore ——H.B Varner Davia \.EF.Smita.CB 4 1 7 BUC ns =der }:B.F.SSheltor mmbe Trustees of A.&M ‘si i R.H.Hicks,N I)R.No Vi woods R tich mo Then;{jo yron,Ga i un eu {ROR.Ray.red 'f tute Feb !'idyeWala:Hi il M4 te Richard R \,ren;:.Grat ‘;Marcel Sehool for Deaf R.¢Her erela Vir L |de |e dont ‘teoultiar si > 'Marc}t |W ard, hk \he M Robeser Internal Umprovermn Ss vee,Wak ye 10; (,Bu ‘Caswell Ty ’&(lew- .Vine:ALB.dastic re; «}i!n }nix vi hn 4 (1 Bo runt |,Dorhams (€.4 u years,March Two th Carolina men suicide in Richmond ly Roberta L.R Wil wide ‘{n ‘ tt tty.e far 'natMt;y 4 ; n ‘}ami rn ‘{d r Ww yk Sana 'Vi..nday nicht y ‘she of ,are ))i {rer ‘eu les th pa at !m,one ent i at re ’ Mooryel eniny?nd t rat t.m efore the “~%0 he"that there was a vet altl th tl iw Une n § ;as s Hey pr or Vest thortly after su on. iv eve zg.When foune ley ‘?rom a pets uv ric ht temrie,while he iio? or on Iti e that M R ll obtained to} vh she +nily made «v her me in Wilmingten bot ind{Kelley mn to ha dis. hare Psig,9 hh ¢anator u Mrs.was Misa V a Live ¢feith,and taleigh ogee«sceweeeencemen CATARRHAI BRAPNESS CANNOT BE CURED Yoon)ny tiens,as they enr ¥the ved povtic of the ear Ther onetecoreentutdeafness,1 hy tion remed Cata hue vee sused by eond ,rina a Hele 'Vhen *tut nevineen. i lors he@ re tesber “wired vill +Many Ire 'he med 1 .;(e the 1 me ’to ‘* ‘i ¢Herdred 1D i any avvrhbet Peefnest th be }d by Malis OCatarrh Cure.Cire free. |Wirfaker ete,95iFr.4 CHPNEV @ co...&,& e “The Fail of 2 Nation.”1 ©.Dye of Statesville is sperdh fow days here,Mr.J.M.dJones.and family,whe have been living in Mr.J.1.Sloope’,house in the western)part of tow: ince their home was burned some iths ago,moved Tuesday to thei w residence on their rm vm three miles west of town C4 Rowers and family moved Wednesday to the house Mr,Jores vacated.Mr li.1).Lindsay and family mov d Wed Patt house onesdayintotheCapt Highland.Mra.8.T.Crowson and children re ined Tuesdays from 2 stay in Rel ich with Representative @rewson. ee Three Americans on Laconia. New York Dispatch,Feb.28th William Eva,who was lost when he steamship Laconia was torpedoed Mf the Trish coast Sunday night,was n Ameriean citizen,according to an mnouneement.by Cunard Line offi- als tonight He wes 74 vears old ind lived in California.He served in the Ciyil WarUntiltoday it had heen supposed that Mrs.Mary F.Hov and her lauvhter,Miss Elizabeth Hoy,of Chicage,were the only Amerteen engers among the Laconia’s vic- tema. Eva.it developed,had sailed on the mergency passport,issued by the Gritish conanul here.and it has bean sumed that he was a British sub- ct.A cable messaye from the Liv- erpool office ef the Cunnrd Line,in- uiring as to whether he came from Canada,was reeeived here,and effi- als then learned for the first time|]he had come'her+vrom Big Pine, ! Offieials of the Conard Line snid y had learned that Eva was born a Englard,br hei he was hrourht o this count by parents when he was fou “ars oll,and that hts athe came a pataralized citizen core the bey becaraé of ape. Old Mine Goes to Fork Lexington to New Pile. Special Greensboro } eears©O overation,fe f jnaci "mine At e DI S AS R S NI SP S L ad IO I IP I N E D I AD mi nine n Pemand hh Washi:Bel imm much,leviting uy ’t A on by the county,howeve io SIS tt iy One CemeteryeeBUILDING ly Get ready to paint your house before the heavy Spring demand id oil,m order aaa can >KNOW OT, IREDELL HARDWARE co. “ONE GALLON MAKES TWO” SHBERG,ito,JofouANDER &6h _—ORE.Mo,u aeusualriseinprice.We have aStagPaintisthebestpaint itnaswehaveshowno to avoid the supply you promptly.Come in and let us “show you,” “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” NEW ‘SPRING RUGS} ——NOW READY.——Sadia gla silage In our big assortment you can find just the size,eolor,”quality and price rugs you want.4 i Crawferd-Bunch Farniture Company. Come in early and get first choice, ‘PHONE NO,400, SIDERagSo:SHORE CSP ; i elegani case design. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. ;.ELVERYTHING BIUSICAL,J>=meetfe 105 East Pioad Street. EEL ANN TE NT caea ageasgagit:rrisertst terteassate:s3xr:cSEEESESSt:sssseei setsseeaenreees.ct [a ee r , -e e r e r e yr ce s —— 7.C.WATKINS, Five pouads given away every Saturday night.You can get a box very easily. _POLK GRAY DRUG CO. cK‘90K PE ORY>RATHI IOMem POO eR OE ES ABATE TOs OCHO CHO CEE. WERE STILL GIVING AWAY NUNNALLY’S CANDY Let us tell you how. “(in the Square” OOOO Oa oe Mas Sup,sriority of Pianos.} Comme:cal National Bank «sVV ‘ Our Pianos are superior in quality,moder- ate in price and eenp can't be improved on for c, 5100,000.0 31,500.09 “embers of Federal Reserve System. oO! Car ial StockPaidiin “irnlus and Profits STATESV iL LR,N. hey busine as solicited and ion extended to de- vith prudent bank- Your ievery po samen ing meti Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer, OFFICERS TURNER, romniat, ),M,AUSLEY, i,B,HUGHEY,- acco yao lz ‘« E I A . = f a f F a ? Ifi ,i 7| Ft e geia|f i i 3 it iei iiiifi tf :i ea e z a::j i z oH:s nh a i 3=zi cE E s ? re e 2 et e bt h be g e t s ‘t l l ti = =s 8 ii now elect their rds.|transportation systems met yeselection'day in Washington to complete plans;movi bodies ofnot-~— election duri the four rs|y the govern-controiled the Legislature 66 ment heads in case oF war. 97,Many Democratic counties}Measurable improvement in the!demanded the privilege of electi:2!transportation conditions of —thetheboardsandtopreventtheelectioncountry,with *t to car short-blicans in Republican coun-;age and congestion,are reportedplanmentionedwasadopt-|from every section,according to an-Some Democrats thought Repub-|nouncement made by the car service licans should have this privilege but!commission of the American Railway the majority of-the Democrats werc Association.;against it;and so the election of The condition of the United Statesschoolboardswillcontinueqpolitica’Treasury at its close Wednesday issue,which is to be rerretted.Sen#showed a net balance of $66,505,399 ator Turner of Iredell offered a bill to in general fund.The deficit this fis- name a commission of five,threc cal year is $162,962,315,against aDemocratsandtwoRepublicans,to deficit of $52,856,882 last year,ex-select schoo)boards for all the coun.‘clusive of Panama Canal and public ties,with a view to securing the bes!debt transactions. men,regardless of politics.This bill The Governor of Utah has signedshouldhavepassed.It was the fair-the resolution passed by the Legisla-est and best offered.ture to submit to the Utah electorateain1918thequestionofState-wide“Requiring public officials to give prohibition by constitutional amend-rersonal bond is an antiquated sys-ment,Statutory prohibition, effec- tem and entails trouble and embar-tive August 1,1917,has already beenrasamentonthepartofeverybodyprovidedforbytheLegislature.concerned,All State and county off-4 portrait of William Jenningscials’bonds should be bought and Bryan has been hung in the diplomat-naid for.Let the fellow take the risk jc “reception room of the State De-that gets paid for it.”Thus comments partment in Washington,with the the Hickory Times-Mercury,With portraits of other former SecretarieswhichstatementTheLandmarkisofState.It is three-quarter lengthGulywareedThispaperjalhopedutrepresentaMr.Brinn as holding would offer a bill compelling publie tae even.gel _ officials to bond in bonding compa-pe ‘ern oe ss anies,The personal bond imposes an _D.A.Harris,chief of the Catawba unwarranted burden on the friends of Indians,is being held at Rock Hill,the officiel,and very often on a very 3.C.,without bail for the murder few—tfgr if the showdown comes it is Of his wife Tuesday at the Indian‘usually found that some of the Nation near Rock Hill.The shotnamesattachedtoabondareworth.that killed the mother also killed an less in the matter of nancial urborn babe.Harris is supposed to sponsibility.Of course it will be Rave been under the influence of dope r i i e es a an e . rh ee e ae fi i iii| portaskedthatitgoover until Friday. EDae veeNotPleasedWiththe House, After due consideration of thelowingfromtheAshevilleCitizgn Landmark has almost reached the con-clusion that the Citizen does not ad-mire the majority of the membershipoftheHouseofourGeneralAssem- bly:“It pleased the House of Represen-tatives of North Carolina,anonetoofamousforitswisdom,to re. ject,almost with enthusiastic scorn three different measures which wouldgivewomentherighttovoteinthisState.But what else could you ex-pect?That wooden -headed intelli.gence which has characterized,andstillcharacterizes,the lower house aiRaleighcouldnotcatchthetrendofthetimes;the thought of woman suf. frage to this type of Representativewasasterrifyingasisthepossibility,of the Australian ballot.The adventofwomeninmunicipal,State or na-!tional elections gave too much prom-|; ise of purifying the ballot for the leg.|islative bootlickers,who cringe at ev.|ery crack of the boss’s whip,and whe |would rather grovel in the cesspool of|dirty polities than come out into theopensunlightafpoliticalfreedom.” EESeeeeee Dr.Edgar E.Folk,editor of the Baptist and Reflector,the organ of the Tennessee Baptists.died at Nash-!ville Tuesday of blood poison. ewe +Vee soe6 ee owe |-=MILLS &POSTON.: Stone} tA ‘newinthe wanted Silk Hose to match every pair._ Truly yours, —— sigBess & a Ww 6 Gen oy vote,47 to SCHOOL TEACHER WardsOff NervousBreakDownAlburtis,Pa.—"Iam @ teacher in thepublicschoola,and Ifous,run-downBleepandhad’ all the Viol. time,I did«tite improved and I coulddemeandnowI~Rosa M. We beef and Manganesephosphatesypepeanalcnonlforrun-down W.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville. {JIM THARPE Market but we are unsettled, always on very top,and if you bring us your Calves you will Chix,Veal and Hides tep prices Eges, »Hams get and SPOT CASH! v of Tsleum Powder KEE &CO.—Ad. 4d U V H L WI E TO TRY A BOXCARYLOPSIS-OF -JAPANforiseX-for tie.J.M.Me _\JIM THARPE {oe me VANTED!I~YOU our |IREDELL PRODUCE CO protecte that the cost of the bond ©?some kind,.would impose a hardshin on the offi-Young Edwin Gould,who was acci- eer.In #ome cuses—ai few-—thet dentally killed in Georgia a few days might be true.but it would be better age,was of a millionaire family but Public he didn't know enough not to eatch :to pay @r bonds ) treasury than to accept personal se-loaded hammer gun by the barrel and he stock as a club—and it is said LINEN COLLARS COSTMORE THAN SHOES euritv.Tealsystém is antiquated,as use i@ the hebit of carrying hi §1 tAthe‘Times -Mercury says,end should he was be abandoned for the public good.gun cocked,too.Any small boy in the Gor Ulcame :rural regions would have known bet-ov.Bicke as granted a pardon tor. }a!adi ‘aunty.y *,’-SoeeetoC.H.Ball of Madisc:county,who In New York State's fight to provehadservedmorethanhalfofathativa.Watts.Groen”one of ch tence of fovr venrs for the killing o Ste eee Se alee eee :Lee ee 1 ee *world’s richest women,was a residentRobt.Lissenbee.Among the reasons ™!1.:::Cas ac aon kk .of that State so that it can collect aassignedforthepardenarethatLis&ee :hor £17.$OUI aes $6,000,000 transfer tax on her £170,-senbee,a man of bad character,ruin-000,000 estate,it was brought out i:ed Ball's 15-year-old daughter:Ball x os —.it ve on a is deformed and unable to do much Ue Sur chert babe :Ve nee eemanuallabor,and since he was im-Feats her oe _ermont,?via prisoned his wife has died,leaving Jersey and Massachusetts are the five small children,who have no one others. to take care of them.The strongest Because of the spread of pneumo-possible arraignment of the courts nia.measles and mumps among thearefoundinthereasonscurGovern-soldiers in the E]Paso.Texas,districtWheassignforgrantingpardons.a quarantine has been placed upen al!t sort of justice was it,for in-camps by order of General Bell.Onlystance,that sent Ball to prison for soldiers on military business will befouryearsforkillingabadman,permitted to come into El Paso.Allwhohidsogrievouslywrongedhim?can move freely about the camps.If the facts stated were known to the The per centage of sickness is notcourtBallshouldhavereceivedthehigh,the medical officers state.minimum sentence,if he was punish-Mistaken signals,trouble with theedstall.It is not uncommon for air brakes and a heavy fog,are givenetatowritetheGovernorthatascontributingfactorsinthewreck;——mistakes in imposing sen-|on the Pennsylvania railroad at Mt. sen- A linen collar costg 15 cents.ousoiloneeachday.It @ests 3 cent#tofauncer,and 15 times to the laundry it is worn out;which makes 4 centseachdayforlinencollars—25 centsperweek—S81.20 per amonth—#$14.60peryear—-which is more than theaverageperson’s shoe expenditure. Py adding 40 cents te $14.60 youeanbuyFIVEpairsof$3 shoes atourstore,or you cz:buy FOUR pairef$5.50 shoes and have 60 cents left. You can huy TWO pair $4 shoes,ONEpairof$3.50 shoes and ONE pair of$3 shoes and have !0 cents left.For10centsmoreyoucanbuyTHREEpairelegant$5 shoes,and if you wish a }ittle luxury add 40 cents totheamountandbuyTWOpairofour beautiful $7.50 shoes.We are headquarters for GOODSHOESforMen,Women,Boys,GirlsandChildren.We have the largeststoreofshoeseverassembledinthecounty,carrying onl nationallyknowntrademarkedofknownquality.Buy your shoes here and you will enjoy shoe satisfaction andfootcomfort.BUY NOW! SHOES FOR WOMEN at $3.003.50 4.00 5.00 6.007.50 &a gn 0 88 SI N I S E ss SS S S S S E S . it is not uncommon for Union,Pa.,early Tuesday,where 20Govérnorstofindthattheprisonerpersonswerekilledpeaheavyshouldnothavebeenconvictedatall.|fast freight train crashed into the All which is not calculated to give rear-end of an express train.All the one ®onfidence in the courts.|dead were occupants of a sleeper andelmereveiaieaimeeacemeeel‘of the 20 nine were members of one!family. Will Hoffstetter,a farmer,after ing shot through the back by ErvinTompkins,just outside the circuitcourtroomatthecountycourthouse‘at Nashville,Tenn.,turned on his as- Numerous editors are now tellinetheMolksthateverybody—and hissis'and bis cousins and his aunts ,--sHould plant’a potato patch this C.season.This Important article offoodisverysearceandhigh-priced—<the rtd ee editors are sureeverybodywillbehappyifonly 1 :thefpotato patch is Samal hditor a small pocket knife.Hoffstetter irCaigeoftheAshevilleCitizende-i”@ serious condition.Tompkinevotahalfcolumntothesubjectfiredthreeshots.One went throurhandconcludeswiththisexhortation:Hoffstetter’s body.James Hoffstetter“Bhink it over,My.Family Man,®brother of Will Hofstetter,went tcand?if you have a little patch of bis brother’s resene and was slightlygroundattherearovyourhouse,dig Cut on the wrist by his brother's knifeitupariplantpotatoes;in such a In a running fight between a possecoufseofactionliesindependenceand.and two bardits.who had robbed theweeBankofCollinston,La,20°)milesQbodadvice?certainly,certain-|north of Monroe,La.,a.noon Wed-2 :many of these pir oe edit-'nesday,H.W.Vaughn,mayor of Col-smnho nre urging others to seek linston,wae shot and killed.One offalVationinpotatopatcheswillbe)the bandits was shot snd slightlyfou4weoaieethet__Springtime wounded during the ficht,and wascontinapendingriteisureonthecapturedandrushedtotheMore-manks o a rtream at the end of a)house Parish jail at Bastrop.A sackpole,at baseball games or dis-containing $2,000,which the robbersxthestateofthenationhythehadtakenfromthebark,Was recov-rot Heat while the “patch ered.The other bandit escaped.Sof with cece ema ks AL Memphis,Tenn,Monday,ThothemadamconvertsitintoapotatoFHooker,&young farmer,shot andpatgh..s killed J.C.Ward?a boyhood compan-7 ion,at the door of the sheriff's office,ry time the Lezisiature meets While the latter was on his way toDItoloosenthedrvorcelawsarethecourtroomtopleadtoanindict-ted and sometimes passed,The Ment in connection with the_killingtLegislaterepassedabillmak.|Hooker's brother,Louis.The lat-act of nehulte TV on the part of ter wee shot and killed s me monthsshandcausefordivorce.That)#€%bis body being found in the riv-to the wife under existing 2 Ward and Chas.H.Baxter, and the new act simply pute ons —sagged sellonequalfootingmthator””—ene aItiseminentlyjestbutitis,°°"7.that it will tend to increase A unanimous report saying thatExistingfuwalseallowec|"One save two Washington hewspa-for ten years to constitute Bet men,J.Fred.Essary and W.W.for divorce if the couple hav:Price,were responsible for whateverlatterprovisionwas“teak there was on President Wil-Gnd now a divorce may be ob the t peace note,wan presented totenyears’separation |."+fouse by Chairman Henry,of theaseéa.Later 0 bit rules coramittee.All persons con-to make five years’sop.P°°'%d with the government,includ-far divereenaathe hen Te Secretary Mc er and Secreta SS RE ee eee ateeiaal & -there aod sailant and stabbed him to death with # SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. Your Own udgment. Nine times out of ten it pays to back yourownjudgment,especially in financial affairs.It’s your money you spend,and if you fail,you will have learned a lesson,and willprofitbytheexperience, When you permit other people toinvest yourmoneyforyou,you usually pay dearly fortheirservices.Our bank does not investyourfundsforvou,We merely safeguardyourmoneyuntilyouarereadytoinvestityourself.Then it you want our advice,wewillgiveitcheerfullyandtothebestofourability,but our first care is to safeguard ourdepositors’funds and to offer all otheraccommodationsofmodernbanking.Canwebeofanyservicetoyou?Come in anytimeandputustothatTost. People’s Loan and GEO.H.BROWN -_President.0.L.TURNER |SEE ME | WHEN YOU NEED Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also to fix your Clock or Watch. wre eBstyles. eanmese N you leave the adjustment,equipment;and responsibility for the car to us youareprovidingyourselfwithinsuranceagainstaccident. We will keep your car in shape to run right and under perfect control. You can scarcely afford to assume that worryandresponsibilitywhenwedoitatsuchsmallcosttoyou, Sa Rae Ramsey -Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. that all the smartest women are wearing.In oyster white Shantung or sport 1H trimmed with striped in gold-coler or ereral’ grec*and white it 1s the jauntiest thine imaginable, the big,distended ™ckcts. This is but one of the m smurt des te be fo »swore iny ind tupe Patterns FOR APRIL The Spring ordy ter nt purch ! PICTORIALRINVTV ! cost Here is the New Chemise Blouse Pictoriat Review ‘'ashion Book VETER The Very Sriri:of Spring is embodied in thir charming afternoon frock of beige Georg ate Crepe witha =)smart color contrast ~V-,in the girdle of ©stripedsports cilkin (1 >” Pictorial Review Le 1 Patterns \en For APR! The Fasbion Bock costs ten cents whon pur. chaved with a psi torn. “ho Loose traigiat Lines >typtoynew. hiwe ft may s reaetiurd werdiog om anil>wd trimmedrowe ghine-darker \Neowei.resent roan ean afferd to he witho «tet least one.of thio ty pe h 4 vats etherSionlonture ' Pictorin!Reviow PattornsFORAPRIL. Socket THR wate 7188 38 conte cach Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. TheStoreThatPays thePostage on M Orders,|. SE R R E Ee Julia Cannonleft yester for Rel.after «visit with Mr.andMrs,L.i. Beatrice Cunningham teft last ntva,soing later to Washing. Burleson of Crossnore,verySpentseveraldaysherewithfriends,homeyesterday morning.Migs Bur-is @ trained nurse,recentiyfiLong's Sanatorium. :Ingram has returned from avisittoinMonroe,Magicipepper,Va.,Washington,D.C.,and re,Md.,where she wil!apend several Mes.J.F.Bowles loft Wednesday for Ashe-ville,where she will visit Mrs.J.A.Campbell.Mrs.D.D.Trivitt of Winston-Salem is theMuertofherbrother,Mr.J.B.Tharpe.>Frank Powell o:Asheville and Mrs.8.Garrinon of Statesville ave visiting Mrs.HB.Powell in Rock Hill,8.€.Mrs.A.8.McKee of Winston -Salem is the@testofhervister,Miss Jonnie Morrison,Myra.Geo.Stevens and her gucei,Mrs.Frenk_Wineskie of High Point,went to CharlotteWednesday,é Mr.C.A.Mahaffy and family of Hiddenite passed throush Statesville thie week on theirwaytoWiibur,Wash,where they will maketheirhome, Mr.Eugene Morrison left Wednesday forKnoxville,Tenn. —_—-— Woman's Demonstration.Club at Harmony. Correspondence of The Landmark. Harmony,Feb.26 The Woman's Dem-onsiration club met Friday,February 21,intheDomesticSelienceroomatHarmonyHighManythingsofinterestweretalkedoveranddemonstrated;one of the mainfeatureswesbutter-meking.This was done bytakingapowndofbutterand«pint of sweetmitkandmakingtwopounds-|PFourteenmemberswerepresent,am ©Mato wup and wafers,corn csb ayrup,cheere,het chocolate and coffee were served by MissesAldaOstwaltandPear!Powel),aasisted bylittleMissesLuceyTharpeandRuthEllis.NextmeetingonThureday,March }.A new addition is being built to the Harne-ay High School building for a kitehen andpackroom,Everybody ts iaviied to viait:ovachoo!and see what we sre doing.Some newfurnitureisbeingaddedtothearriculturalToomalso.We are giad to have Misa Claudia Tharpeloneefthefaculty)beck with us this week.She has been out on account of exposure tomensies,Misa Nannie Powell,who has beenteachinginMissTharpe's place,returned toElmwoodSaturday,where she will begin teach-ing.Mins Pearl Powell,who has been assist.ing Mr.Glen Grose at the Hebron school,hadtoquitonaccountoftheaveragenotbeingsufficient.She has gone to Bufola,wherehaschargeoftheThomasschoo!Mr.and Mrs.J.Elias Tharpe delightfullyentertainedMr.and Mrs.Lankford,Mr.andMrs.Ballard,Misses Cor#Beil,Claudiarpe,Vioia Campbell,Mary MeCanleas,’Myrtle Yorke and M>.Marshall Glasseock,at @ most tasteful dinner Sunday,February 26. Mr.J.P.Patterson Given Sur-prise Birthday Party. Corresponaence of The i.andmars There was a peculiarly happy time at thehomeofMr.J.f.Patterson just west oftownSaturdayevening,February 24th,itbeiggtherecurrenceofhispassinganothermilestoneonthejourneyoflife,Mr.Patterson was never so thoroughly sur-prised,for so wisely had hin friends planned,and so cautiousiy did they carry them out,that he had no suspicion of their intention until about 7.50 o'clock when he returnedhomefromthedepot,where Mr.P.M.Clinehadostentatioustyaskedhimtoac-oOMmpanyhim.During his absence 6)of hin friendsandneighborshadgatheredathishomeawait. ing his return.Shortly after his arrival thesecretofthesurprisewasrevealedwhenwewereusheredintothediningroom.where webeheld«table beautifully,as well as beun-tifully,laden with delicious viends which so appeals to the physical manAfterspendingsometime most pleasantlyhere,we retired to the partor and.sittingroomwhereconversationandmusicwereen-doyed until a late hour,but feelinw that it waswoodtohavebeenthereandhopingthatthehonoreewouldhavemanymoresuchfelicitoussurprises. Barium Springs Personals. Correapondence of The LandmarkBarium,March t.The heavy rains we arehavinghavegottenourroadsalmostimpassa-ble between bere and Statesville.Mr.ChasMurdockisputtingtopsoilonandwehopetheywillseonbebetter. Mies Janie Gray spent last week-end withhersister,Mra W.i Cowan.Miss MagvieAdamsspent2fewdayswithherpeopleRearStenyPoirt.Miss J.Kate Friend re-turned to her work at the Orphanage after aweek's visit to Greensboro,Mr.T.M.Lum-ons spent the week-end with his people atDerita.He is teacher at the orphanage,Mr.T.H.Ress is in Charlotte on business.Mrs.A.M.Kesler is visiting her daughter,M:J.M.Avey.Mrs.J.C.Moore returned toherhomeatStonyPoint,after a week's visittoherfather,Mr.R.R.Leonard,Mra.W.B.Parks is visiting relatives in Charlotte.MrSethLippardwenttoWashington,D.C.to attend the inauguration.Sn ences.Disease Abates—Personals. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-2,Feb.26 Measles,small-x and searlet fever have about died out and“m_sure no one is sorry.Mr.and Mrs.R.PF.Bast spent the week-endinStatesvillevisitingtheirsonanddaughter,|Mr.Will Bost and Mrs.J.O.Bost.Mias JaniceGrayspentSaturdayandSundaywithhersia-ter,Mre.WHI Cowan,et Barium.Mr.J.W.Nash been visiting in Washington,BD."C.,with hie daughter,Mre.Geo.Absher.MicsBertBradfordspentSundayathomewithherandmother,Mr.and Mera.William Little Mester Stephen Nash.con of Mr.ardMrs.George W.Nash,who has been right sick,is improving. Death of Worthy Colored Man. Correspondence of The Lanomers. Harmony,Feb.26 Nathan Patterson,eol- Mille township,died February89yearsold, Montwomery left westestnn | Mrs.A.L.Coble.read A poem"|written on the back of a ConfederateCampbell.A‘bill wee read by Miss >a of current topics was fol-|lowed by Mrs.Dorman Thompson’sjsong,“When Spring Comes to theIsland,”and Chopin’s etude,playedjbyMrs,E.G.Gaither.Launch wasservedinthediningroom,where al!the guests were seated at one table.The le decorations consisted of a{French basket of pink hyacinths,as-paragus ferns and smilex, The Saturday Afternoon Study Clut |met last week with Mra.C.E.Raynal.ChaMissChristineRuwedgewasinchargeoftheprogramme,which dealtwith“American Poets of the Soil.”Asaladcoursewasfollowedbynutsand,atv fed dates.The meeting was alto- get!.or delightful. Mr.N.P.Watt celebrated his 74thbirthdayTuesdaybyhavingwithhimfordinnerMr.and Mra.S.P.Eagle.Mr.and Mrs.Jas.L.Milholland and Prof.and Mrs.J.H.Hill.{ The local chapter of the U.D.C's}will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3.8¢ at the Commercial Club rooms. Notices of New Advertisements Notico to taxpryers.—J.H.Mil-;ler.deputy sheriff. Experienced dressmaker and =de-signer.~Miss Tillian Bunch.Boy wanted.—Harris-Goodwin Co.Surry and bugey with herress for sale or exchange.—J.W.!.awren-e Avction anle personal property.— J.W.Wilkinson.ommissioner’s sale city .Monroe Adams,commi Shoes for men ane women.—Sher-r-White Shoe Co, Your money saferuarded.—-Peo- nie’*Loan and Savings Bank. Yorr er in verfect order,—States- Vie Motor Co.' Red Cros and XNriprendorf -Ditt- man footwear.-Mills &Poston. Snoring fashion hook.-~Ramsey-Morrison Co.Nunnally’s.eandv Polk Gray Drug Co.,New arrivals daily.—J.M.McKee &Co. New spring Boneh Furniture Co Millinery arriving.—-Mrs.Sims.Top prices and spot cash.—IredellProduceCo.Mass meeting tomorrow night. New sprine suits.coats and dress- es-*Dave Ocestreichor. The best roofing —!larris-Goodwin Co,< |Auction sale farm tools and stock. ;--N.A.Morrison. |Farm for sale.W.T.Wither-|spoon Cherryville,N.es, Morriage of Mr.Beaver and Miss Carter. r nor dtenmre of Th.tanctmart Miss Boos Leirh Carter.daughter f Mr.an!“re.W.W.Carter,and Mr.Colvin Haveoet Boaver,son of Mrs.U.8S.Edwerds,were quicity married at Kershaw,S.C.,Tuesday evening at 8.80. Mics Carter held a position with the Diamond Furniture Co.,from which she resiened just hefore roing to Senth Carolina to visit relatives.Mr.and Mrs.Beaver arrived at herfather’s home Tuesday where thoy were weleomed hy friends and relatiyes f property.rn¢ Cc sjoner Rawie given away.— rugs.—-Crawford- Mary Some time afterthebrideandgroomarrivedthe guests were led to the dining room. The color scheme in the dining room was white and in the center of the table was the bride’s cake.Sandwich s and coffee were served,whichcredelichtful, Miss Carter was one of the mostpopularyounggirlsofthecommu-nitv..She had many friends and was loved by all.Mr.Beaver is also a popular youne man and verymuchadipiredbyallwhoknowhim. We are glad to know that Vr.and Mrs.Beaver are haony aml we wish them a long and bright life.Mr.and Mrs,Reaver left vesierday for their home in Fort Valley,Ga..where Mr Beaver has a position with the Mi- ami Fruit Co. Western Avenue Church—Pre- paring For Revival. vrrcependence of The Landmark Rev.G.H.Church was able to fil!his appointments at Weetern AvenueBaptistchurchSundayandSunday night.He delivered two strong mes-sarres to large congregations.We are giad te nete that MreChurchisverymuchimprovedatthistime, There is much enthusiasm amongthemembersandcongregationofWesternAvenuechurch.Work {=to;begin on a new church at once.Theoldbuildingisnotlargeenoughto accommadate the people. The members of the Baraca class,feeling the need of a revival,havetakentheresponsibilityupentheirshouldersandarepreparingforgreetthingsthefirstSundayinApril,Rev.J.C.Owens of Ashe-ville will assist.The men are not|waiting till the preacher comes towork,but are already doing a|deal of personal .Fifty-|#iX Wore present at theclasslactSun-|day morningand awe | 7”*You.A,for 81.08. ; BEGINNING with TUESDAY,FEBRUARY evenirg,| e 7 far.2hie,PreCOMMISSIONER'S BALE OF CITY "6S ..{Z NY »Fy & }BY VIRTUE of authority-dudement of theTiperveAauns,easreeistratoerof"B.Aiao,deemed’sn‘ie utorls E.Adams,:MaryhiePostonandPoston, Bie’H.Adams and wife —vs,ov M.Adams,John T,GerstrodeLilienAdamsandMinsAdams,i the undersigned commiasioner will expose toadvaneetheworkthatisfiblirsaletotheatSonymostneeded|MONDAY,APRIL 2,1917,Miss Mary Charlton,our most POO|the follow "feient industrial county su i ~tn oe tee =+withiscreatiniteaninterestaMONE5-room hovre,now rented to Will Moore.the colore:elieds nd hopes to make .2 Lot 2 in block 2,om Seventh street,withroodeel.the 6-room house,now rented to Floyd Sisk,S fe s ng countycom~%Lot 12 in block2,with a small storemencement,which comes off April hous.13,at the above-named school.biti,:2t14 im block 2 om Seventh street,A vew day has dawned in the edu-'Sith 5-roem bouse,now rented to E.0.Six.cational an industrial work in Ine.b.Lot 3 in block 28,om Seventh atreet,4dellcounty,of which we are proud!room house.now rented to Grover Munday.and hope to see greater results.lo Late 1 and 2 in dlock 28,Seventh street,reom .home place.:.0.J.ALLEN.|.These joke tee nw ved according to map of Rank Foolishness.j the Statesville Development Company as re-corded in deed book 16,page 441 of the ree.You occasionally see it stated that colds do ords of tredell county.not result from cold weather,That is rank Terms of sale;One-half cash,remainder infooliehness.Were it true colts would be as twelve months,deferred payments to bear 6prevalentinmidsummeraainmidwinter,per cent interest from date of confirmation ofThemicrobethatcausescoldsflourishesinsa!.MONROE ADAMS,damp,ecld weather.To wet rid of a cold take Commiasioner.1 ain's Cough Remedy.it ts effect ,--~iy senumanied ha’gone Novice or SERVICE OF sUM.MONS.od it fay many years as ccension ree:afired,and know its real value,Obtainable 5 NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.Superior Court,Before the Clerk. everywhere, Mrs.5.A.Freese,exeeutrix of EB.L.Freexe, Every time you read in the papers about a burg-lary you'll notice the burglars Got something.That'stheirBUSINESS.They first find out where themoneyishidden---THAT’S their business.And theywillKILL.you If they must to get your money. A Bank's business is to have thick wells andstronglockstoPROTECTyourmoney.And whenyouneedit,you can GET it just the same. Put YOUR money in OUR bank.deceased,vs,Cora Freeze and her husband,jC.8.Freeze,Laura Shoemaker and PF.A.We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.-_eeSates a>|Breese bin ae Beulah Frasier,Jokn LsM: c,March 2,1927, ? for rate onthe.teat"mabe ont stem soe ome LAE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,Turkeys,15-18¢.per tb, W.H.MeKinnie and W.H.MeKinnie,| Statesville,N.C. Chickens,12 1-2-1%e.per Ib,;|will take notice that an action entitled as aboveBuss.24c.per dozen.|hes been commenced in the Superior Court ofButter,20-25¢.per Ib.i Evecol county before the esterk,for the pur-owe the pee ~of selling a house and lot,owned by E.Green Hides (unsaited)18e.per Ib.i Freeze ut the time of his death,to makeGreenHides(salted)19¢.per Ib.Merets with which to pay the debts of snidGreensaltedHams,18-1%e.per Ib.testator and the charges of settling said es.Sides and Shoylders,16-14.per Ib.|tateNewRedHondy,Se.to Ie.per tb,Seurwoed Honey Comb,i8¢.to 20¢,per Ib,Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c.per Yb,Sweet Potatoes,$1.00 per bushel. Reosters,6e.per tb. {The oald defendants will further take no-|tice that they are required to appear at theofficeoftheClerkoftheSuperiorCourtof||Trciell counts,in Statesville,N.C,on Swtur-net,HS eck,and —Grain.t t petition in this cause,they -o desive;otherwise the plaintiff will ap-|ene Sine aan pete vemnereey ai for und the Court will grant the relicfa-local mar N Gsked for in the petition.Wheat (new)$1.90 per bushel.J.A.HARTNESS.ore.$t 25 per bushel,Clerk Superior Court.itt,€5-70c.per bushel.i.Lon?&Seott,Attorneys for petitioner,Statesville Cotton Market.|::reteset tr Sai arew"ei””DRATNAGE TAX SALE. per pound vas paid for best gradeMarketunseted, Cotton Seed,6c.per bushel.\Seed Cotton,6 1-2e.per Ib,1,M.P.Alexander,Sheriff of Iredell eoun-_ty,Gill offer for sale at the eourt house door~——e7ERTMENTSinthie.olasew in Stews.ille,North Carolina,at 19 0’eloek,pent ~~eo less om =.on March the Sth,1917,the followingritedlandsintheThirdCreekDrainagecents.Cash mast secompany order.)District for the assessments due on said landsSSSSEERSSStasthepauseoft0r8‘‘rOUNG N <:t *of 1916 and 1916.For full de-Mor prametion Addreat Cecate EME SBN lands see drainage records,cfLANDMARK.’Mar.£16"Third k Drainage Disirict,and map filed,LAQ ARK.Mar.=.wl —of te Superior Omet by the U.‘TION SAL®4 .rhinave Engineers.eed for same—es Mg Home:ee ae fon will be given to purchaser as provided by the three miles north of town.drainage act of 1908 and amendments thereto:RISON,~_Names.Amount.| FOR SALE~—Surrey and barnes and Bab.cock Buggy and harness or will exchangeforcattleJ.W.LAWRENCE.:Mareh 2,—-1t*. WANTED—A boy to work in tin shop.Onewithsomeexperiencepreferred,Call orwritetheHARRIS-GOODWIN CO...116CourtSt.,Statesville,N.C.Mar,2.1t. “YOU HAVETRIED THE REST—|NOW USE THE BEST! MISS LILLIAN BUNCH,an experienceddressmakeranddesigner,has reoms over Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Mar.2-2t°. FOR SALE—-#6 1-4 acres land 6 miles fromStetervilleonsand-elay road and Southern Railroad,at Carter's siding.W.T WITH.ERSPOON,Cherryville,N.C.Ma-~.2 71 If you will phone or write us what.sou would like andabouthowinusnyouwishtopay,we will send it te you “anapproval”.by PARCEL POST.. The PRICE will bs just the same asif you came in. Ifit does not_suit,you can send it back;and wewill“take it back.”This may save you @ trip. We are always glad to accommodate a customer.at anytimeinanywaywecanR.F.HENRY,Jeweler. FOR RENT—Seven-room two-story house onsouthCenterstreet,water and lights.C.ft. MORRISON,Feb.27--2t° 27,1927,there will &representative ofthenurseryetourgroundsthreemilesens'of Statesvite on the Mocksville road Tues- day and Friday of each week until April 15:btotakeandAfordersfornursery«to. A Viberal discount from our regular priceswil)be made to those calling at nurseryWehaveasurplusinsomevarietiesoffruitweavesellingverycheap,W.H.CRAW FORD &CO.Feb,27 -it.ee te FOR SALF BY azenby-Montgsmery Hardware Co., Stateaville,N.C Fruit of the Loom Bleached Domestic, it 1-2e. Johnston-Belk Co. WE ARE SHOWING Smartest and newest styles available in Misses’and Chil.dren’s Ready-to-Wears for Spring and Summer.EVERYGARMENTISCORRECTINSTYLE,MATERIALS IN.CLUDE ALL THE NEWEST,such as MADRAS,GING-HAMS and PERCALES!Sizes from three years to 14years.Prices 48c.,98c.,$1.48 and $1.98.LESS THAN Sterling Silverware! We havea large lot of Sterling Silver in several pat-terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks.Oyster Forks,Cold Meat Forks,Ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks:TeaSpoons,Table Spoons,Dessert Spoons,ice Tea SpoonsJellySpoons,Olive Spoons,Soup Spoons and aimostdilthespoonsandforksyouwant.Like every thingelsetheyarehighbutourpriceisasiowasanyoneaccordingtoquality.We handle the Gorham goods. R.H.RICKERT &SON THE MATERIAL WOULD COST! NEW WAISTS,NEW SKIRTS,NEW SPORT COATS.LADLASSIE CLOTH. Elegant Materials for Children’s Wear.Fast colors,18¢,or yard.—-GALATEA. All colors,checks and stripes,15e.per yard. GINGHAMS! Beautiful line for Spring and Summer, 82-inch at =steele eesFullLine27-inch at of 27-inch at Gasoline 27-inch at ; Oil and Apron Check at ..:Grease.WHITE GOODs.Voiles,Lawns,Dotted Swiss,Dimities and everythingforLadies’Waists at very attractive prices, JUST RECEIVEDMOTTOAshipmentofJOHNB.STETSON HATS in all the new'Seber an now |the marketandwillbe:ers are now in ;1917 M ODELS the next few days something NEW AND NOBBYIN aa PHONE512 PHONE512 W.R.MILUS MOTOR (0. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AND REPAIR SHOP.. OUR GOOD SERVICE ES” Vulcanizing Innertubes at Small Cost. eeveeereerneeee eee oe eeersseenese Complete Line of Casings. Chains andTubes. OVERLAND AND HUPP CARS|]“Die'sroRe THAT SELLS PORavo.NOW ON DISPLAY.J}16BigRetaitStores,. eee 12 +e 1R , if Yo = = * = ee r ee &- ane aemeELSc CteBite Ba RSESspeakersoftheNATIONALDINGANDLOANsseston,sodoa wire talks,. Thisis a BIG MOVE for (in it,Whether youlive in three-room and nlileGr aecwelleetSS andexer 8 Co vein a rough. yes of the ~been inai#to rH E LAN 1 »M A RIx NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM! [aTUEDAY.Februs ry 27 FRIDAY,--EETHEPROPOSEDAL al WNC E. a Me vita ineatitutions were closed by1 +}Nes aoe The editer of the Pavie has heen keeping tab on the oh fal':: of Mec}ite,and concludes they arenota“church-going”people,As evi idence of the charge he cites atten:! anee on prayermeeting services |past week!at Presbyterian ‘ehur.habout1aticthodistandM4theRaytiagrandtotalof There are at ienst 400 enrolled items of Interest Gathered From Over the State. The late A.Jones Yorke of Concord left an estate valued at $356,000 di- ied hy will te his wife and =twi “tin tab Cate of is Sb' =€. Jam Ji-year-old son of Mrs.Sa ivan ¢£at ritte n '7 ee ie “.:.Keon inet a Pee eae ime2 oo ee SALISBURY,N.€. :apite 1 acesgabicrige ;J heel of his shoe pt oe ring the|se a Reports of Gorm .UG Ai Aci ‘STOM ACH,—:°i a cory toe onge tag Roe mem.|Reg,e Beautioeaiteacktebellaanstday.Cookbad been mar-|GAS OR INDIGESTION| Be ,ae te he ror i on 4?ied onty about thre months Fason |-‘° Le bined “AL was reca |The Moment Pape’s Diape; night.ton,that last Nove In:mon last Sunday Dr.J.M |sin”Reaches the Stomach the Mexican -America!be Panrarhs .ne yd .All Distre-s Goes, ee Ae a }ne i on a if a aN x “7 .“Sal rat}Do some f =a vga two c¢rie A H men ese ati ]tae age rk bad ys ern 'ig lor at ve co City (a.Inthe Presbyterian church at ath|ue hap ae ll i tay —_—_—_—_———— grout nveiry canva.made a trip,Wl !We iy evening,MOREY SER ow a =to the United States on™it~|Martha Lara Aaughter of Mr |Dyspept ix down:Pape'’s PD We wish to extend a special invitation to the ladies of Statesville ibed CS eed te :leo 4 .a ,to M |wane helt ilize the exe¢esseeene|Tp be Rimless wae marned to Mr eiie in the stomach so your.f to visit our store and ihere view the most complete line of Suits, bihelala a6 an jodication that Germa-l gy,on fii you oo nm Coats and Dresses between Richmond and Atlanta.We feel ny ight have had proache t ee Ss macy Saliabt al ‘;wines ety quien,.46 99 oF etn nae tine was,made by]Browe Skee Company inSalisbury |cortinty he No differenceI safe in saying this as we know,such ajdectives as “SMART, Sale Cabrera,in an ackiress a6 Phila-|0"OEY Oe iy shatter |nets oe,ee 2 STYLISH”and “NEW”seem impotent when we attempt to delnhia on November 10 |o ar’er-Taseally get eee convey impressions of our Ready-to wear this spring;We're all “The foes of the t ted t |PHOUKE Uies,|sek you most ’ Gy Css f |Dr.CG.O'Kellee,president ¢eit nulate your won|but tempted to wait ard listen for seme more forceful word —such Mexico.”raid Mr.Cabres :If et Re oe ee eS ee as we believe yourown enthusiasm will compel you to offer ry 4’ake advantage of at r ‘iresentmentMexicomayfar|cepted ;the Na-)Most ve you re!once you have the opportunity of viewing and passing judgment the United State Me) theless.understand haIaconfitbetweer 1 ny oth r nation ca,her attitude n t ! tinental solidarity.” Depar tment of Justtheirinvestipation late Ame rican neutralit on font armed exped more than ones h appeared to be trails of the G eeret services A fe das "co Y ha nected af t an Gern rrested N brought under the entrabity utes Departm fdeclaredhehtemnted t military fornia f \ can sale.and has ca ety of Americar the apparent ention of ofthoseeffort: Last J WH.SchywhoclaimedtobeaforGer pemy offer ‘\Nogales af pores? char " tris tg f }1 Mevican authe The full extent of the evidenGermonyrlottintnont United States gathered American secre! come keown ently course f the fut tweer the tw ' that much «eof th of the Gen who wee heen pormitt Mei pr er inflaming the tense gitpation withvistote:ny ‘ posure of the ev idene the OvVerrner he «timate Moly 4 aye t xe al T)ene t ry " We ‘ the t ”m ' these 'who1Ain Weou he mills ‘need on mind.” ——_-———oe The Late L.C.MeKev —Fo er of Hurtersville. ¥rit new of rs ‘{ »me )I;'nn He it ‘ }:' ‘«'}’{ ve he 1 ten miifoorHurMek ett pre t‘ fin J \I ¥) him.M ¢ tersvitle’‘ ’wa ma (’ oe | {Hitine } ire \McK broth Mr.Laka Vick '4 the Sheph 7 in th countyeeae Tr 'f more than 900 railroa cor hurriedh gned dat and farwa rite { man at Wachingt 'wee hie infftence to on ties with German:Thefreelysigned,many wet their namer on the ; Southern at S month t for 'e f June }posit i State t \i Nort}ny neutra .y,so 1 ‘ol aenting x}''usery vory quic! J phannge at xen You f us soon 1 ‘reel BS :.‘Pape’s Aen in eont made at the head mp he on th the ;-just Vv: New Be ‘i ]Nie I 1 —e iv 1,ne ae .rE :.MTONS \ i?8 + } €,WATKINS.| er oo on our Ready-to-Wear. THE SUITS |£5 Beauiilul pew medels for women who desire to be well- Y dressed.We have on display many handsome Spring c ;modelsin Gaberdine,Poriet-Twills,Velours,Wool Jerseys, Serges and Poplin.Ia such few colors as Aluminum, ;1 ree aa GE wae |Mustard,Gold,Chartreuse,Apple Green,Navy,Rose,Bisque, ia \power 3 Copen,Brick,Beet,Dutch Blue and Silver,at prices ranginlier\ae Pp ’t Imr !Vili ‘9 »Phas abate th Reaivier sg ee from m ne at /.a .‘‘“ |'|é :or of hy =50 |:ee $15.00 to $50.00 mee on a }r '}\:r (1 }the i th in re me Frank 4 ie al ;}Red ne =oy ;;3 |THE COATS 4 |"':!|i4 a i : |'’|(): /AA) ||.}( 5 HA splendid collection of correct Spring Coals suitable for A ' my we bebo ues loe ""\E motor,sport and street wear,Bright colors and nos el collar js »ret reysnn Pane.If and pocket effects are ieatured af prices ‘oom ||\ ra ny I ‘1 \\|\ |cet a7)Uy ae ‘rit 1 di m oh awe on ry C4 7 3 ":a $6.48 to $37.50 ey:i | | 'bi,wa | vai vl THE DRESSES ::°Os ind "}| een [peemdipnipiesironunanncieancs set “Re .Inclede many beautifu!new effects,in Taffeta,Crepe de fied {Buy And I MOY Chine and Taffeta combinations with Georgette Crepe, |manne An Beaded,embroidered and clever belt,sash and pocket trim-.fat a Wesi r Phone th mings.An ‘ontional display of newest cuthoritatives ‘B ASA!‘|; Spring sivles.Prices |oe ¢VO >jn |BeautifulNewBlouses |Scores of Dainty New Blouses of Geo:gette and Crepe de Chine in many =* beautiful colors and combinations. tt »:$3.50 to $12.50. DAVE OES TREICHER.| SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA.NOTICE TO CREDIETOKS Stae Te >» ES } commen =cee tatesvin allenliesaaas eee ti A ee RNa tant eo Kk a ae 7 ;Prices ran frur NOTICE To CREDITORS,NOTH E OF ADMINIS CRATH N,NOTICE TO CREDITORS, ’saa ib che neat t th ie hy alitied attr oc Having qualified os adminieteater of the oe },}cll eed ite a ea ~iP.t ute,dh e of tate of F we Joyner,decomed,Inte of Tredell OWN ALON Strowd,de this.fs to cil cxpty,Novth Carolina,thin is to fh tits wuts,Morth Caroline,thle bk to notify aff havi «s arninet sald j .ba cine atv the ext oman ee iow claims againat the eatéile a4 att decemmed to exhibit them to the =a ; aned at Calahan,N ¢Reute No.1, wert}iM be hedore Che tth day of Pobrumey,1607,-tn j All percon®noting will he pleaded In har of tuetr petevery,‘ make All persons indebted to the estateimmedin’make t te Wk Oe or hefare of 4wihhedey AU pertena t them fo Mer on 1 +thie neticefirrerorery ‘TH).eat deve to enntidt (hom t+the et pred ademini or en 'the | des of donwuary,1915,or OF LETC.H.LESTER =|Mod | "Draw your plans and got ai:ial ieeethatthegoodkindoflumberhe specifies —.W ATKINS. will be sequired to Ghond in b&ot the reence bteited to the enll estate ¢A.EB eTROUN,immediate payroent 6 Adminietratrix.dint atoater ry-.a Comba,i |hb stra f i »n), conned Fiano Staa a ie yes Ruren Jornes,Atty Th 2eT7, flee |BuMLNGT 0.0.WAFRING--nUILDINGr C.WATRINS, 1 eatarte settlement 1 phen D.¢OM Re PROALLEYCOOFNEW YORK-INC.BUFPALO,.v. a em =ep me ow OU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT THE MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANK amen OO ccc STATESVILLE,N.€. Boys who want to join the Pig Club will please write us,of come in-to see us. We will be glad to xplain anything about the plan that you don't fully’ undersiand. The Club will start about April Ist, but would like to have the names of boys who wish to join,as early as possible.. ‘Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesviile,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” EAE TESS HM uaeTOOLATE. ly Relieves P+tata! Can,Be Be pended Upon! ;>5 ad e *ry 4 USGSSSS EBRR SLE LTSSSS BETTS CANDY---Ice Cooled Assorted to suit everybody’s alate. SBIez: aie 998 ae Norris’,Liggetts and Fuerst &Kraemar, Chocolates aad Bon-Bons,Fruits and Nuts. Assorted Nuts,Assorted Chocolates. In Halves,One,Two and Three Pounds. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y | Hall’s Headache Powder WILL STOP THE PAIN IN 10 MINUTES—16 CENTS, HALL’S DRUG STORE,Phone No.20. HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,©. STEAM.HOTOe ee HEATING.~ ambing Systems. course,-ly believe the United States hasadozencasusbelliwithGermarysinceandincludingthesinkingoftheLusitania.Any individual who woud!submit to the insults,wrongs _andhumiliationsheapeduponhimofthe character inflicted by Germany up-on this nation would lose his ownself-respect and the respect ofneighbors.A nation is simply an af-eaeien g,apt =4 and «and must just as q to preserveitsself-respect and honor as an indi-vidual.The question of ex ¥—-whether we are prepared for war—should not and cannot enter intothematterwhenthenation’s honorisinvolved.The Revolutionary Warwouldneverhavebeenfoughtandthiscountry’s independence gained ifourforefathershadwaitedtoget prenared.The government shovld trust —thepeople,keep our honor untarnished,and if it should take our all,thereatAmerieanpeople,North,South.East and West,will flock —tothecolorswhenthecallcomes,Wehadratherbewhipvedtoafrazzlethanstandinertandsilentunderin- sulte ard wrongs. “!had hoped the ‘worm had turn- ed’at last when diplomatic relationswithGermanyweresevered,but itseamsanotherperiodofinactionandineriionhascommenced,with our ships tied up in American h rs,afraid trovel the high seas be-eauce our government will net givethemprotection,after we had soi emnly warned Germany we would notspbiniltocuchbarbarousinfraetionsofiaterrationallaw.Why doesn’t h ernment back up its declara-ev-mantionsanddee ery ounce of power in gun pewer and the nation”? Good Davy For Prohibditionists in Congress. Washington Dispateh,Feb.28th. Prehibition won a donble victory in Congress tonicht when the Honse nasecd,by a vete of 273 to 187,the Senate Lill to wake the national esptaldry,avd Senate and House ¢p- fereex oo th.postal appropriation bil! unexpectedly anneanced an agree-ment under which the Reed “bone ary”amendment is virtuctly assured of 'enactmerHoveef rgreeing on the postal eupoly measure hal beeu abandoned by the co:ferees who last night sub- stituted a resolution to continue ex-istine pos‘al appropriations for an- oih.year.Tonight,however,they fot together on a renort which =in- duces the Reed amendment.prohibit- ing:shipment of liquor into probibi- tion States,and which they expect to rresent in hoth houses tomerrow FridayThe leaders thought tonight there was no doubt of its acceptince in Sen- ate and House.They are taking it jor granted,toa,that President Wii- on will approve both thai and =th District of Columbia prohibition bil. The District bill,which would be- come effec live Noverrher 1,,Wa brought to a vote after a stubborn cp position had delayed for several hou: the final roll call,which the leaders knew would mean passege.All dayandantilIstein’the evening theystoodbytheirguns,exhausting e ery parliamentary expedient to ward off action and watching for an oppor tunity to put the measure into a m™ sition that would mean its failure with the expiration of the session Sunday. 'mere.greene:dows woe Few Cases Indictable. Attorngy General Greyory has ad- vised Senator Borah that no evidence had been found up to this time,ex- cent in two or three cases,to war- rant the Federal government to seck indictments in its investigation of the rising cost of living.The sale of foodstuffs by retailers to consumers in various cities,th: Attorney General stated,general'v falls outside the jurisdiction of tho Federal government,and increase:brought about by “a selfish impuls« of traders to take advantage of —th« extraordinary condition of the times |are not punishable under any Federn!| law.no matter how lacking in nomic justification,nor how tionate.”Associations existing in almost e\ery branch of trade,the AttornesGeneralcontinued,while performing some very useful functions,“also inmanyinstancesmaketheirinfluencefeltinmaintainingpricesinsuchsubtleandintangiblewaythatitisimpossibletoconvetthemofviolatingthelaw.” e leniency of Federalimposingsentencesupon those convietedofviolatingtheanti-trust law, in some instances,were cited,MrGregorydeclaringthat“a number of Federal judges always have been andarestillapparentlyreluctanttoen-force the Sherman act.” SORE RENNNT®SEPTRRON HeOe Crow For Mr.Daniels. Friends of Secretary Paniels arwondering,says a Washington <i»patch,what sort of an omen it i eco- extor |when a crow flies in thé window o/his office and perches himself in——nook near the se.Earaymorning«crow flew int: the office and remaine for some time.‘Let us hope this is not an omen ofeviliwith eo or’ ,sorenes:i: '| ‘Flowers |For All Occasions! judges in’ tmatter of bow 3. oili provided that could be donebyavoteofthecitizensofthetown ,and citizens of ‘the territory it wasproposedtobringin.‘his met vio-lent objection on the ground thgt thetowns,having the greater number ofvoters,could vote in new territoryrerardiess,and this,it was held,was very unfair to the outsiders whowichtnetwantteeomein.Some provision,however,Was necessary to ©? allow the towns to w—to extendthebounds-~and in effort to solvetheproblemtheLegislatureappealedtotheSupremeCourt.The court'sopinionmeansthattownboundaryextensionfightswillcontinuetobestagedinRaleighduringthesittingoftheLegislature—to the great joy of the railroads and Raleigh hotels,who carry and provide for the visit-ing delegations —and wili not be fought out at home,as had been an-tiegetes,he Legislature wi'l continue,as in ihe past,to extend or refuse to extendboundaries,or it can leave the questionto 9 plebiscite, The Yarrowdale Prisoners. A report from Berlin says the re-lease of the American prisonersbroughttoGermanyontheYarrow-dale,although ordered some timeago,cannot be carried out for thepresent,as an infectious disease hasteendiscoveredattheplaceoftheirresidence.The Americans,it issaid,are gate and well,but are de-tained by the necessities of quaran- Lime,The delay in the release of thesemeniscausingmuchirritationintheUnitedStates.When the Yarrow- dale,a prize ship,took the American eamen into Germany two months ago,the German government §an-ngunced that they were being heldbecausetheyhadtakenpayonarm- ed Entente merchantmen encountered by the German raider.In response totheprotestsoftheUnitedStates. however,there has been no attempttodefendsuchaproceedingunderinternationallaw,and American offi-feel that by consenting to setthemfreeGermanyhasrecognizedthatshehasnorighttodetain th ¢them,CESSATTCONaaos te Take Chamberlain's Tablets. uu fee eating. onatt When When ye dull and stupid ifterWhew€ted or bilivus. Wren y a wich hea lache When yo sour stomach, y hn after euifny. you have indigestion. ®or despondent, When you Rave no relist for your When your liver i»torpid. __dbiains t te every here, LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WiTH FINGERS Tells How to Loosen a Tender Corn or Callus So ft Lifts Out Without Pain. You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and have at lerst cnee a week invited an awful decth from leckjaw or .blood Polson are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug celled free- zone,which the moment 2 few drops are epplicd to any corn or callus therelievedandsoontheen- tire corn o>eallus,reot end al!,lif off wiih the finger. ~Preegore dries the moment it isapplied,and simply shrivels the corn or callus without)inflaming o7 even irritating,the surrounding tissue or skin.<A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drugstores,but will positively rid one’s feet of every hard or soft:corn orhardenedcallus.If your druggisthasn’t any freecone he can get it at any wholesale drug house for you.onee Wher Whe 3 When nerver Ww y ’ We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. 'VanLindley Co,LindleyCo,Pa Guy le e pe e r ee me « eR Ss tite iN RUSH ssn se cmcige|SPRING WORK Don't neglect thegoasing end spray- ing of the fruit trees.his is abso- lutely necessary to insure healthy treesandperfectfruit. For pruning Shears and Saws,Spray Punm.ps and the Lime and Sulphur forspraying,YOU WAN'T TO SEE US. One gallon of Lime and Sulphur to 7to8gallonsofwaterisabouttheformulayouwanttouseforthefirst spraying. Sprayed fruit makes the best cider. ‘The signs of the times indicate thatyouwillhavetodrinkciderfromthis on,or confine yourself entirely to thewaterwagon./a ¥ Co 4'e 2 en co Lazenby-Montzomery Hardware EA Ra New Arrivals. Svery dey brings us roods for ladies. You are asked to give us a few minutes of your time to show you the items of interest.It will be a pleasure to us as well as profitable to you.So make it a point to come to our store.You will atways be welcome. Our line of White Goods,Matras,Pereales,Ginghams and -goods of this class for early Spring sewing is complete, new arrivals in the season's newesti4 ¢é SHIRT WAISTS AND SKIRTS! The best the market affords and the styles are new and prices right. Let usBeautitullineofCrepesforWaists,all colors. YES!WE HAVE THEM!AN OPPORTU- show you. SHOES? NITY TO SHOW THEM 1S ALL WE ASK!.: Very truly, J.M.McKee &Company. aig Consider this before you buy.The bestrangetobuyistheonethatgivesthelongestandmostsatisfactoryservice,at thelowestcost.The easiest*way to be positivethatyouaremakinganabsolutelysoundinvestmentistobuyaFavoritetheguaran- teed kind,you are then taking no chance.For almost 70 years the Favorite has beenrecognizedastheworld’s best. It will pay you to see our line before youmakeyourpurchase. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘The Favorite Store.” —only one night Memphis to Texas. No missing connections—entiretrainrunsthrough,Memphis to ‘Texas. Leave Memphis 9:30 p.m.Arrive Dallas 11:45 a.m.next morning, Ft.Worth 1:25 p.m.to Texas Another through trainto Texas via CotionBeltRouteleavesMemphis9:35a.m. WINTER TOURIST FARES @aily until April %,1917.to manyacesinTexas,Loulsiens andewMexico.Btopovers.BeturaManisMay51,191. Bo REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Those desiring to sell farms,timbered lands,suburban,city property,cotton mill and bankstocksarereyuestedtocallorwriteus.We are constantly in touch with the market buy-ing and selling.Insurance that insures,inlead-ing Fire,Accident and Health Employers Lia-bility,Automobile Com.Life policies that are equaled by few (if any)and surpassed by none,Full information furnished upon request. ERNESTG.GAITHER,"phones Our Sheet Metal Doors and Win- dows reduce insurance and pro- tect property! Guttering,Down-Spouting,.ete., saves Weatherboarding andkeepYardfromwashing! Ornamental Cornices add beau- ty and finish to modern _build- ings! What Material Makes the Best Roofing Says Bill to me it’s a dirty shame,I’ve bought two roofs and I’m still in the rain;WhatI want to know,and|gotta have proof, Is what in tarnation will make the best roof Says I to Bill,keep your shirt on Boy.| (Cause I’m gonta tell you about a great sin,Te nee tere en TE A sepseedreasonuseit,well you’It’s because all cheap roofing is well advertised.Ask any fire chief in the land today,To a hundred per cent in reply they will say;There is slate,there is tile,there is felt and slag;Not one have qualities of which one can brag.For safety,durability and service to begin, The one roof obtainable is old style tin.Tin has only two equals they are copper and lead But,price those to a customer and watch him fall—Nuff sed. Hoods for Ranges.Save Ceil- ings from Siiioke and KeepKitchencoolandpleasantand sanitary in Summer Time! 0 ee aa aa a ee s a a a Metal Ventilators keep building cool,pleasant and =saniiary inSummerTime! For information about roofing writeTheRoofingClubofAmerica505ArchSt.,Philadelphia,Pa.Or The Harris-Goodwin Co.,16 Court St.,Statesville,N.C. We have proven to our friends that we do know something about Hot Air HeatingandVentilatingandunlessourrelationswiththecompanywenowrepresentbecome more pleasant we are going to see,if we can’t get another furnace that will be just as good,only cheaper.One we positively know is a good furnace. Tin Roofing. We use none but The Best OldStyleTin. Sold by W.F.Potts Son &Co.,ofPhiladelphia. In business 84 years.Ask any Hot Air Furnaces That give service. Fuel Savers. Inexpensive,simplicity.Results are what count. architect.Flserem!luserince Hhahier!Metal Entrinces and Awnings |SKYLIGHTS built of Metal in |Pay for themselves in a few i esate Stores mah notte Perpeete En 1 any style to suit the Building:years, INGRAM GOODWIN Our Motto:BROOKS HARRIS {een “QUICK WORK,SMALL PROFIT.”|sone =ipesSkylights~for ecomsees|THE HARRIS-GOODWIN COMPANY,|sscrsniFurniture 7 Factory,etc. Fe A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL.Molasses Boilers. oa Hand MadeRoofing.All kinds of Copper WareGutteringageileaidBuildingorOrnamentalSheetMetalWork.RameeadiatorsaD‘:°own All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.Lamps,Spouting.Repaired. ec Estimates Furnished from Blue Prints Free.ae<a Day Phone 495, STATESVILLE,N.C. NightPhone 47Green.| soon eeeenti neal he ;—————Sone VOL.XLIIL.|STATESVILLE,N.C..TUESDAY MARCH 6,1917. §’ene :ae ee ree ss Y DE y :—_—— Vester-|Twelve Senators feated the Fou FI May—M Morrison,who under- ,Defeat t Statesvitle’s Fourth r Mi|The Gr r.otine day—th Twice.Will of Congress and Denied our |.Greatest Institution onj|Library Election in May ; g —Oficers of the New Com-Earth,Says the Chanlotte ae of perme in po went an ome ration at Lori's Sanato- ——.Va took the oath of the President Authority to}pany nl the the sao timea 12.46|Asm Movehant Ships.oy ia —.~—Talk Ht and Arouse En-|sion.rium Friday,is improving. ’ ockholders o °tert my 4 i ‘Aclivered his i pu *and |Twelve Senators,led by Senator|Mills oo th Sterling sm.At the meeti:oe oe :is inaugural address be-|La¥ollette i Mills,Incorporated,met Saturday},The ovildinge and :Sis Rigg iegugante|of the aldermen|roads,the tredell lex fore a t crowd whic fi e and encouraged by Sena-j and organize:.ra ak HA and Joan association Friday sight,with all the members|eal ae ae — grea which packed the tor Stone,Democratic chai f reanized.W.T.Kincaid,8.BES t test thing on earth;the of the board present,Mesers.A sor Se =—— aat the east front of the capitol.|the foreign relations ean ae Adams,J.G.Powell,F.E.Bradtey,—astitution for helping peo-Shelion and MeElwee aa si soma meeting tonight. :——President Marshal!had been |Slibuster denounced by President J.L..Sloan,R.A.Cooper and W.B.}inv cis ulding a community ever|members of nn beavd to determine —The county commissioners and Eaperetes in the Senate chamber|Wilson’s spokesmen ax the most fep-Brown were elected livectors and onto I's an outrage that taxes|Whether the city should condemn five the county board of education 8few minutes befory,|rehensibie in the history of any fen they elected Mr.Adams presi _,ur on the associations.Ev-|‘cet of property en Court street,to in regular monthly session |ith.now eonseration (0 vn Siaad auiten.doled the:wit at ote dent,M r.Cooper viee president ral pa y onght te carry shares im al’used as on addition to the otros and transacted only routine business, ys mae —oe overwistening cas Bee Mr Sloan seeretary and treasurer.aie :"ie foan The thing to do is Permis ion waa vranted the C«a The landholders and’commission- dec!|on the international erisis,'“?to the last minuce Sunday,and cil Brown,who was with the States-lde n ra om vantages te thore whe lect ee oo eee ared there could be no turning denied to the President a law auther-ville Flour Mills Company’but who dee ne ow:to stress the value of |ciectmic sign uncer the supervision of trict met in Statesville Friday after- ;la 3 the tragical events of the)"ine him to arm American merchant has heen with the Piedmont Mills,bsten:);co Mngt rete Oe ee GU ecpieg a —” -i"month ee eS chin te tuaet Gio ecrmin eotenacin’he re,Va.,since leaving here,aed oS ee —=It Paty ordered that the elgetion fo the meeting. -Upon nericans.a new res sibili-|Menace.vil}be manager.Mr.Bradley /Creales Bn 8 mosphere that causes}|publie Uibrary should be submitte .-Congressma Doughto as citizens of the world.The Pre "|Unyielding throughout the 26 has also heen with the cy we oP th no to realige the great w rth}to the volers of the tn os Ge sh anes tha ~¢cconimeeesJohn declared anew that America ‘hours ef eontinuous ¢ession to ap-Mills since |ng the Statesville o Th vuilding and loan.[ricipsl election May 8th ‘The remin B Rabinett f ee must wo for renee,stability of —~~defiance ef the Pres-—_Mills Company,will be inbof t :co.——ideas]'8T"81 d judges for the municipal lorsville hen B crmner el 4.". E peoples,na jona ualit i ident would be humiliating charve of the selling end of the oe .©NGUTESS CO Mr.E.L.Keesler}lection have been appointed a fo iw ;i :~——of right,that ‘his sack‘esae country,eau «am ness and wil!Gave i.the —of ‘tte,building and loan aie |lows:Ward Not.rN ooo 2 Gwenaey’?ae aie a ae a Ae st described ca thee ua te ek ae mill.Both M 3radiey and Mr.tho and president of the State |/#trar.°.FE.Colvert and W 7.Kir 2 ~The condition of Mrs.L,T. |ations shall not support any govern-|to the nation since the War Be-Brown will remain with the Pied-og tion,at the court house Satur-|‘4 |judges:Ward No.2)Carlton a Selngeen at Turnersburg ie c ations shall not support any kovern=ty gintion since tee War fe ee el cai deen ists es yovieht.While his talk was in drews registrar,W.W.Tharpe ean Mr.Clarence Stimpson of Statesville, the governed.jrroup of supporters refused a inca they will tuke hold of hale new a,‘sel with much boosting of W:.[..Gilbert judwes;Ward wee Ww Mrs.David MeKinne and Mrs.f rank n ene a solemn warning to the jority of their colleagues an opportu-wor!.=wa ,entirely too much,|J.Lazenby registrar,J.W.Allison and MeKinne of Louisburg ave Wi tri ion against any faction or in.|Dity to vote on the armed neutrality Repreventatives of machinery com-|he ee h hearers thought--what CM.Adams judwes:Ward No.4.J Capt.T.A,Mott,who had re- Pass i.ent =pifaction ot in bit to vate onthe armed neutrality panies were ee G Gia =la out the building and loan|Henry Hall registrar,8S.B Miller cently been doing recruiting service ana the spirit of the American |fourth Congress at 12 o'clock Sunday.‘ids for the machinery for the mill a ne 2 and needs to be empha-and J...Sherrill judges.It was fur-at Richmond,Va.,has been Am ~the President called for an)l'o fix responsibility eefore the coun-4s soon ax the contract is let for the ie Cty tulesville,It's a pity that ther ordered that the city clerk give from duty and he and |his family erica “united in feeling,in pur-|Y.iG Senators,30.Republicans and machinery the contract for the cen-;weather was so disagreeable that|notice of the election by publishing have returned to their pose,and in its vision of duty,of|26 Democrats,signed a manifesto struction of the building will be let ’Se ee en cant a ig Swit" opportunity and of service.|proclaiming to the world that thes The new company has necured a Bete to crouse great enthusi-Assessments were made for side-—Will Quinn,21 years old, te |a oo sia ceil Rs ae Bae ;in if these who heard walks constructed on Stockton,Kelly,ployed in the construction work President Wilson took the oath of|This dec}ration,embodied in the caid furniture factory and the States-:jam a it thereby,will re-|Bost,Mulberry,Sharpe and Meeting the Catawba river bridge,= office for his second term «at noon record of the Senate,geferred to the ville Lumber Company,facing 355 ie Dorr an Th pie ee fils stance 9 0feat Sunday in his room at the capitol.|had that the House Phursday night feet on the Kincaid railroad siding tone.whiet Poeour calla’Sy ‘on 07 him ‘on the head, apitol.|had passed a similar bill by.on which they will ere a five-st roy the \ea mM a Se ie —-‘=—oe oabeaee aants’Assuciation,not for The decree team of Suez Temple,Always something to cheer if we look for it.Notwiths wars, —a desk piled with executive!of 408to 13 ny a vote it . ee laid before him in the clos-Senate id oe and also recited that the eeslicdinih ee and a wareroom.,The}the ienefit of either association,but “KK.Cc oP ours of Congress,and surround:|hate eee tit cro unlimited de-oc,eae =i he equipped with a 60.-[asge business —proposition ;ae D.O.K.K.,Charlotte,will hold e *»y Members ‘of his official family,ae a sma |minority oppertau-|)-Bhs ae vator and machinery|busine for both padperiaref ¥Re ceremonial in Statesville Thursday bad weather and other e esident reaffirmed with uplift-ks ,irottle the will of the ma-cana Ne of producing +0)to 500 bar-Feelp the comm:ee oe ‘pip tare to afterneon and night,which promises and imaginary,they say there is a 'ty reals ares .i a i t ne e ” ed hands ancllcgeeavel features lhial.oie (n 7,<o flowy ind by-products ner day.Pwell.attorney iea Fics (.on to be one of the best and largest ev-prospect for a fruit erop. oo to uphold the constitution in.f Ne ;a the manifesto is ¢te egin on the huilding at}and !A naociatior on :"t ing}er held in the State.A special train hope tet all give thanks. .ed oov's ".+}ee !'a nm since its »‘*:" ti atever crisis may confrent the na The ¢:|edhe “omoters hone to befdation %“ATS agro baeke of th a oo Charlotte will arrive here about ._-Miss Mildred Hobbs,who =in the momentous four years be-|Ser ma majority o :Stat rdad:"iginess in sbeut sixpvaniices the assoe Be aa 1c ad-|3 o'clock Thursday afternoon,bring-|had charge of the ’ ‘:1 ws favores .‘'me Ti :ne ¢ATION €2en »,ither —ae After he had repeuted the,Spy.4 eae the suave montt Sloan will give up}States,ee wot &:-:to}ing the Dokeys from that section and house for several f aken firs ,t e bill authorizing mident to r ee and-devots Wi v 1omes have been}one f Salis ae a ;: ——aken first by Washingten «a of the |eid Beas ’'3 oe re eal id ote his at-|built vaatien shell gakccialon!Was -from ishery and Spencer will}up the management March th Bibs and a quarter avo,he kissed ae States to arm Ameri he new enterprise,org i without the heip of h vas wh,g them from the eastern section Hobbs goes to Spartanburg.8. e »>|ae i rehant vesse!‘ce it 'is the :ete }:.Nye wi ix as h »fr ae v a !. “The |at the paxsave reading’ij having eerie eee in Ne 4 ap four ee for |soc or of the Mutual Associ ose from the west will come on the|Where |she will have charge of pr t ret is our refuge;an ever!a vote of iat a ee :ey corepletion|tion wil hak Ween —evening trains.The Gastonia}boarding house esent help in time of trouble.”|te of 408 to 1.mut }Statesville will he]Ma :i ears ee Pythian drum corps,which i 7 : Chief Justice White rapa }‘Under the rules of the Sen “i:,turn ont about 1.300 4}i:—e homes who cout rt taking part in th :=When Dr.J.J.Mott ~i nite administered |laying debate ate al >"!i arrelsferw ico hi:owned them 4 art in the inaugural ceremo-|from supper to his in Hotel he oath and was the first to extend ving debate.it anpeur io he im Phe Statesville Flour Mills]wei re Bie les Washington,will be here and|dell Sunda i his congratulations.Wringing th [oe oe ce OTe vote previous to A capacity of between 600 —and ve}:a ene tnke an important part in the cere-ha walotwuua’he discovered President's hand,—the Chief tac Merch 4,1%when this ses-the City Flour Mills 70 and the]ss ei ng anc monial.A number of candidates —a stick of wood looked fervently int his face i a a .n of Congress expires We desire l"tar Milling Company 0 barrels.ae 7 .<from Statesville and dike ol ..fire and set fire to the b ment,and said brokerty:Veer stusa tei ee “{on the record All f which ineans that th ew lL build 2 ee ee.rieross the Hot Sande.ok pee easily extinguished h Mr.President.|am very,very vavac ‘a he Te thar the Senate |):radds anesher bie indus-pfor Charlotte.The cautery ae The parade will start from the ar-gece damage was a small hole in the appy.Members of the cabinet|p;the legislation,and would |&%,&:tesville bu t helps toltions have d foment -ovia-|mory at about 4.30 o’clock Thursday r. "MARS |f 3 .re ”ake 5 ;'.:GONE FE Lie Ww!and|afterr then crowded up with expressions of 'aa i ’a_votc vould be obtained.mike the town a sort of at Win bak)te ca amerationce own and |afternoon.All Dokeys and eandi-The local United regard Mr.Wilson reeeived =ther |+t Se ee elite C7 c0 eee Pel tea :flour ul nufacturing---feerstuntiy uppermost Mh shad Os dnt are asked to register with the Travelers Saturday night with a smile,and then turned back (|Perro:sme (ese Senator,innenpoli,of Norh Carolina at|theyre said camsived money pa Si arrival at Hotel Iredell,|Seer a8 follows:J F. rose,Republican.of Pennevivania,least ee ee aasitas _ey from all where dinner will be served promptly son,past councilor;W.P. eve ::lfor the hill had eas : peanle,and]at 6 o'clock.Ceremonial in armory ntor councilor:J.M,Ramsey, Wo ed by Mrs.Wilson ;:nd fomed hk -1 a opr he nity been of-live Salv tat t 7 eat inwectment and the|fallove c :councilor;J,Mac.Connelly,conduc- bal lias Ra ormack,who manared bord with the a :went on ree-sui ouly ist.tec)minky on onlin far soe :fe ee will reign throughout the a Adams,page;J.FP.Lentz, Bei as dent's campaign for re-elec-|1 ':8 memiers of in tho:t a roll eall end with proc Rare ant :‘¥rojnignt sentinel, /tion,Mr.Wilson had gx 'I House against grantine t ni |tical ss tha @ ne _ne avenue was songht by .a —--°, _/tion,Mr.Wilson had gone to the eps Wilko:a &ut t i nifticatly no delatce,the Senate Fr hich the masses could accumilat Blind Tiger Kills Officer Mr.Long Gaithet of oo two hours before to clear up)we a m the authormty int crisix |tdopted the conference report on th eee,7 A ape ali !:ee is cers,who is a student at theUniversity odds and ends of the executive busi-He pilyl ;,yoxtal anpropriacion bill,which n,|the onl Pei =uw ,At Tar boro Saturday Policeman Pennsylvania,Phi ,was op- Reas passed!on to him by the expir-|Can aes te Poe Ut Minnesotan;s the Reed “bone drv”amen dn encanto!rt Ransom Gwaltney and P.R.Rigsir erated on for appendicitis a pod yen rens:Secretary Tumulty Sa K.wa;Gronna,North Da prohibiting the shipment of |1k nl hore ee i Th.me killed and Mayor J.BP.Keech weeks ago and has , and cabinet member gathered in the W a -a _Towa;LaFollette,|cating Hquors for personal us |oe :es :c probably f:talle wounded by W.didn’t advise his parents,Mr. ee ae the President worked,As California .aa Nebraska;Works,|Stotes which forbid its sale and m Peoruakty of of t Ve }a Nelso :Mrs,H.C.Gaither,eo”the °kb the ::aliforni Yemocrnt eae Pata .::t RAS COMM The officer “:j it tne oath Mr Wilson stood |hana J Peddie ae Kirby,|aiac ure.;ee on as FL ay The officers,sccompanied =by the until he was well on the road to re- ae SLD caine mburningy be-|New York:1 ORO:O'Gorman,thoueh the appropriations enr.|!olerad or Stat leg station.Building mayor,Were.Se irching Nelson's house covery.. ial a he recet t death of her sis-|man Miss:ne »,Mi ourt; Varda ‘in the bill are for the fiscal +1 Imai ave attained suc inne Ler liquor,he being aceused of oper-An examination for first 08 p 7 Vitson was sworn in at 12.-arg:Fi a a -eginvht on July.the “hone.de .os ns ey ating a blina tiger.They,found be-|or clerical positions was oon chk a wominuies after Con |to the armed neutrality|_spposition ment wo Ad become effect suildine that city.but they owe!ween the mattresses of a hed a quan-|pestoffice Saturday under the civil oe urned w tha stern inflec-4 ¢ollowin 1 he -ty e were the Q ys tele upon the atiachin:;part of >-Meena eens jtity of v hiskey ond immediately Nel-service.There were ten lis voice,he epe ted thes :ri ,sepresentatives who the resident's sionattrer,.whas ::ce -.s n oper d fire,with h 0 ee dee ,ce = psi ae it was read by the Chief ae Sie eee the House bill Thurs.iosieds ts prohibition avar ler ane Mr wee pees shooting all three ng ae “ae ag ree cceoe pa om ice:j(iay nigat:ior shipments in inter-S +'a::\Keortor does:|sould offer rest }:ey)ee brd,Cate coun it Ae anion:avenr on |Repubiiest ienediea.Calter |it .i"int oo think mich «:Seo uldan ee :_a soins Another offieer,|be held here Saturday.Mr.©s ;'tly swen willie.«nediet,Califor ree ‘feed amen nt bara]meree th ::;attracted by ms a tod NW row :‘. faithfully execute the office of ok ,‘Wisconsin:Cooper,W from the mails ne ceiaieaet nt ar =°er ation {60 |ee ye .apt arrested Nel-|Brown,who was dent of the United S&:eat consin,wis.Minnesota:Helgesen,|er publ Berge a .;=.\vem thinks |=7 .m9 the feeling |has resigned and moved away. :State vl bak :.:;a ‘ining ?|‘©,1 ton ™an arains i is very strong to the best of my abot:{earvam.&~i sen Lindberch,Minnese vertirements |hen such ::rtmente and a ay e ;’EOne we)—J.W.Cannon of Concord, ae Wisconsin,Stafford,Wis re to be sent into States which pre]!tieable "he hin ee |Military Inspection Nata ine been under treatment at the )nt mn |°Sanatorium far several weeks,- Vie te annual inspection of the local]recovered and will go home fe \ his desk to complete his interrupted!announced that |ld tariethavmwould have voted |Ron Yrs 23 T y mi iE ,t '3 f ‘wer the country ‘:ol e |ry Bill Through—FVer a es ae The asso-Jat &o'clock,“where mirth and good a As the r lt of the big rise 1 voof th ' had made ?’nett t +c .}alf ir y .‘}h Act ha e (at af t wri ite t }nh vY rf cating eat 6 per cent 1 }.{Shorr r half intere ;.b res n th e protect and defend the «a :ane of the United States.”hontcensing Wilken, THiners 9.Demo ¢law the publieation or \ding an \ dames DD,Maher,vle of the Su-|oe I cker,Missouri;Shaclicford |ti of advertisements 2 4 pit rie Ae)‘:.ae her |milit alae Court,Rola eo ihe Abie used ue nor?Sh rwuod,Ohkio.i.Ro "Oh icee Guacd the powafiice |a -an |ss n titary copeny took place yester-Rr.A.M.Vannoy,who was at by Mr.Wilkan when he wa igure)London,New York:-1.py tion EMD and then s:!Pett ann einnia ,s ah nat eeu mbers cf the Irede!l Blues |Sanatorium for ten days, ated ux Governor of New Jerses ly the seven Senator i record n.put throurh Congres et een ee nen nn ane or it help +Vicinity of Statesville and|from a stroke of paralysis,was sut- as President before,and the Presi:|).e,Gallinser and G )which postpo |the building «Ah tse ther military companies |ficiently improved to be taken to his dent bent low and kissed it hears an bor ,tit ;effortiyet Pothe liquor apy ee cine i.ae 2 oe residing in Stafesville,|home in Wilkes county Friday. .l .abe ere ,ee :es ayy arti v ‘t !reported fer inspection,The —entir :wi * .:chery Se iv i)duly 1 nest |eunlix ;een ,ame |Sncirs \Statesville visitor in another "be ‘-4 ‘i a : »i A ’perties ,we CO ws »; Floods in the Catawba.‘:ee N .:ut and people of it iad menne|forme of a.hide a »uni-|town recently,remarked on the num- 'ad Smiths e nt True.Saves Mr.He 1a)shad !aces.(Cam :.~~n in-|ber of the electric signs,how attract- Catawho river Sunday the bridi«Gonatiie 'i ;bs J,A.Hartness,who we es nti!the epe't Ip being|Capt.Chas.A.Allen «[Wa hiv in|ive they made the streets and express Mt.Holly,utilized i:nity byt ;re ea.fea,ae Washington a few days ro et 1—-the ad 'in-jan Ht.Ths S ringefic t a a ed regret thet Beatesvite GEEShave 1 yaaa see S cas ro, Hi I.’at {“te or a ,: Got aul Wacihorn lines And the Sonera u ’1 The ndmuark that (here is no foun |:iepars ot aril y Fa ca ie werk we |the |more of these signs.The Johnston- board Air Line ration t her ceith|Hours before th ny for the statement by ome-buiicer "y tien i the wi poe on.Belk Co.put on an electric last 4 :ni oer ‘‘|}ore the al ——7 i .Fs bee vhole of =wok ¢.~ the toll bridge,a fe hundreil $e,ht throughout the a a $yrrespondenit "Ve war!eu y vedi ¢erday af neor re veek and the Coca-Cola Bottl ne Co. distant,were washed away ‘thn flint Mee ma.IFO ee that he ; eid vitae one.By and by more will ieee.:ae ay:.ee ee r co \hang f Lan?)Bark appraiser or ,,;.be added,it is hoped. den a hi se ith ea as ee th ene J ee heath eaieetne f al he :t ie :The Boy Scouts Orwanized.!' .t »South re sR the eenter o a ee :t ro he we ‘.' ,:i pletely out:of busi i ~{'=:e a he «on 1 ,I ::!The report wre that Col |:ec eet v Wd at Broad New Lutheran Pastor—Chareh eee t t ¢it the .‘i «of th .‘eta ‘.ee "PR :}'Pa } ception of th:etch between ution broug Sa sel ores Watte might return to his ob |:(a bee march Sanday afternoon to News. ville and Waynesville.a de i.\:anes :fe mM ‘7 Hh ,Senator Simmons office ;oY Pe j the oreani ation of the oy |Rev A R.Beck -ras installed as mvch trouble on the ti i }“)7 a chan :me ;.oy 4 and tha Mr.Harine 2 ee "Y Kd ae ee ;Res !pa tor of St.Jon's Lutheran church these plac Heavy mountan i wh he i larkad aman ale :Ne succeed Rim as Hector;;-:He ite S.Alexander,Sunday morning,the insta’ rivera and creeks rising ideal ::.aa a ’ny tt Mr.Hartness might be apps |';,:shout 40 hoys at-|cervices heing conducted by Rev.EB. ord stagres,hridas bie i ms ahian infiet the lec 100 i yyy)'wo the Federal 1.2 :‘a le th t and CXPrersKe ed Sox of Hickory.Follewin . wed_away.ee |Senn W erin ye Aa |tad a “tn f if \es rre members of .|pressive sermon Mr.Sox Shite No serious trouble is :‘lef the it e eee ay “hati a Ue Maas wee ‘ar ’aa papers .harge to the pastor and to thecon- oe Salis!=:=A vn oS be hin Skating on One Foot.{a ;Peet rol and »troop of leregation.Mr.Beck will preach his eee nd Asheville.|:5%:—A An observant citizen :ie its |Statesville ix assured,The;frat sermor Ss ‘, ee Es ;a izen.notiny ¢t .:on at St.John’s Sunday Price of Paper Fixed.The ehosinse mom et hidren who skis d ee ne ae A and in this sermon will out- The Vederal Trade Comm )Oe :and imipres :ee skate on one foot,u 'Y |——tt nay ee an “ow ed de ixsion has!;pian }:other te push,:chun ain :‘po Beck has moved with his family accented :raul ’the en 're att ying to ||siness Preperty S . ae by news mrint |15 ches ee moof parents shoo!pe ealled Die eon!Kusiness Property Sold.|‘rom Dallas.He will make his home ries “+1 ivacturers that it fix al for ou ;‘berrowe ’=.BM Fircken be o ,e rice for their nroduct 2 j al r unanimo consent for a vo eee pete ; 1 0 :2 ‘ $2.50 a hundred -Aas }Spike named |the bill.LeFollette objected 1 make child lopsided and may |borrower j 'In the absence of he pastor,Rev. ble cha eau.i es u .aS a Preasona-|Nebro ea Genatar prefacin :eRise ¢the r serious defects Rieti:aa €:g ones por we occupied by T.N.Brown's DY.Thompson,who fs in Lineolnto paper fe le ale EES nee hot ie rom Leah alae Re is i:ee ne ie using the other to push |ake e ys mRee minted on ‘hop and the Tredell Hard-this ore a M.T.Hinshaw,pres- r in les hen cur load lots an ;:,throws the heiv of a frrov :WOeRKTY Cem ante ympanv:in the Meore livery dent ©utherford Col fo eet .M addresa to ‘on rowing enlict ment t !ei oe livery |_:»will The i Acad ky ;:‘‘or the authority abo 'n such pe ee 1 that,Wf the prac “ti on :vey »property and in the vacant let a =at Broad Street Trade Comm 4S :Hemrly paid:,Wed the fhe will gt |::ha ining,the old marble |Church Sunday morning Rev.W.R. Os ission is an ae ui Ne tie de ‘i Judge A.L.Coble Ware will conduct the eve service appro imately )per cent.over the that 19 niort ate An 1 depl V1 by Lc}emer eeseteentees e-em mem apn |WENK ¢wher half interest.ir 8 1 alazo the prayer -ning nto vr n 1°on »f |’,, :mae or nes- Into price for news print paper,and|:i <<.}he Senate of the ]other steps to meet the Germar |coe y :proper yh edny evening a was arrived at by the comm smi aa lea :have it in their power [mat ven oe ement-—-has dore Y (oo |‘ issior 4}ee me mace,in the absence '.a we ete i a comprom e be iwe preser t —‘°a tne *%it ’a>oor &Ver rit ¢-Cc ee ’al nee of a and hr mranit '''<1 mor th —4 }um es tection of deacons,which was and the abmost }ed tecm,Gareaw ¢v one of the moet t re |i :Onyvree lean,aseer ‘:¢+}ee ee been held at the First Pres- manufact na (vrs tive We ure a i akc 11 :\a session of Congress,of $a },§|&more on the sam hyterian chureh Sunday was postpon anufacturers we about to fix e :rd :!y "enays orndived ¢4 "F a.‘ve 5 cealer prearhed with zeal wd until t Sund .. price fixed ix te \c-nttt eel of angie’‘lized country.”Ser ES ere ed to cloth 1e excent by oe |eeercl a poses eatery Stine noe til next Sunday.A small con- months.%|tor 1 .ollette was very woth |‘ne ile .:‘cs useles note of mun ‘whe ke aa oe :#&Me hose _wath a we nt Ke a result of peau 1e War pre vented from speal e t he Senate wor the people .:erstond would ¢ar e weather an ‘or this reason the ee ,?ak y ree ahi '}f nel to other ile come |.. oer D wis,A Negro |man,wae,Ne "i in the interchange of short ie -:which pert near thet it oe es o (yea .a =le |_nee vad in @ stream a few milen out|tem tes he called Seneter ©:nority to keep an }ae i t t seem extray ev r W Ww :4 {Senator Smith «sadon ive ha ,:wilding and p t.all that es ;‘.R.Ware,presiding ¢- from Concord uray.The stream){icoreie w&Fins amd was answered 1 ming majority fram acting.The)ald the a passyor!‘ook |arnot,all that he says about hatld-|der of the Siweeeee Sui was badly swollen .and the woman nd he :a i .yposes,therefore,nat rywhere Ther oY ht ahaa '‘ts eae elt al es-|meeting his appointments of his sec- was washed out of the vehicle and|.When the Senate finally adjourned |w pecial session ef the yr fn general propesiti 'a acts;and the onelond round of quarterly doowned,Mevernl other:i the tevelete wld be hed :Je et which he called to meet vesterrias ciasieun ni —:).i thot helped Semte ville |as follows: erme vehicle were saved.peech wedelivored,”ertube h or a >me the ri :«“to wor)the ment ,ewan a home and =dl a oe that i :yet in ite infancy |Hiddenite,March 10-12: ceed to deliver th le enue action and save the country from t.The buil es 1s heenuse its acvantages are |Street,Statesvi =e mémbere of the crew of the!eliver throughout the coun:|disaster Fl :=ks ;my !.n istrot fully agprecinted ie the beth |Stony Point ei ~~i, const guard cutter Yamacra rere |“A little grou f ¢¥4 Dinhway to elevated citi.)in ud loan association Mr real Ts C drowned Sx y night to matenaping In cen tnawed Statement.ve the Peackdan in ae oe o t =nick Recgier pale eel ter is rigt.Wheat we need ‘mere April,7 on }a statement i«4 §pe :wo "ement,.which e eo go hile .:=boy 0 nasi a enon tanker Louis-|nicht President meee ot a rm oe no offnion but the Ness te en re 4 a pil oy Seth Te =the advanta Creek,April ge. i ’..::awn.have rendere oy ’:od Te ©building and lon ’»Bulls on Little Gall|country that he may be without pow-[ment of the er the great govern-|through @ building and loan associa-jere better #.=a they |May 5-0; :Inited States helpless}con in South Carolina and much of day we will +gr aie te Osi eee’see a wig difference in t ..May #,..4 8 ’a . ‘ity eT arm ™ant hips and tak end contemptible that $1 000 wae anv ed on a anlary of t ville9'aOceanCcMadte:erch @ e 9 States y 20.night. LANDM s;and these tookteat”wake Neh©an o o ~whe had championed the prohibition bills and was also the champion of the judicial retirement The bill provided that in all United| States circuit and district courts,| where the judge has reached the age 70 rs and has served on the | bench 10 years,which makes him el- igible to retirement,yet where the occupant refuses to retire,the Presi- t might appoint an additional a.reel bs found said judges were mentally or physically ‘incapac- itated.The new appointee was to take precedence over the older judge in all court proceedings.. In some cases United States judges, mentally and physically incapacitat- ed,have failed to retire and their in- efficiency has obstructed the work of the courts.The professed purpose of the bill was to remedy this situa- tion.But the Republfeans claimed that the real purpose was to force the retirement of some Republican judees and put Democrats on the bench.ee Guessing About Cotton Prices. That the world needs a crop of 15, 000,000 bales of cotton this coming season,that the South will not be abl to raise such a_crop,that a cottor shortage wi!l result and prices will dear,are the opinions expressed) Lewis Brooks,a prominent member of the New York Cotton Exchange He figures that the farmers robably increase their cotton acreage n spite of all appeals to the contrary but that the scarcity of fertilizers,th prevalence of the boll wevil and the scarcity of farm labor will cut dow: the crop,notwithstanding this acre age increase.The !ogical and inevita- ble result will be a continuance of the high price of cotton,with a continu ance of prosperity in the South,pri vided Southern farmers will raise the bulk of their food supplies at home and make their cotten a surplus mo ey crop.In this connection itedoutthetthebol!weevil,tr eastward,has swept across Georg almost to the South Carolina line and will probably invade that State this season. The farmers wil!doubtless incres the cotton acreage all rig but whether prices will prevail with a t crop is a gamble.Heretofore a bis crop has meant low prices and yo can only judge the future by the past een erne weereeenne eewectneeS Stock in the Land Banks. Subscription on behalf of the gov ernment to $8,879,905 of the $9,000 000 capital stock of the new Federa!Land Banks is announced by Secretary McAdoo.The small!public subscrip- tions to the stock—&120,095 for ali twelve banks—the Secretary said wa neither a surprise nor a disappoint- ment.“No special!effort was made to getpublicsubscriptions,”he explained“the taking of the full amount of stock being assured by the govern- ment underwriting.The fact that the banks were unlikely to pay any divi dends on this stock during the firs year and that it will ultimately be re tired at par naturally made it tractive to investors “As far as.the interest of —th banks is concerned,it is to their ad vantage that the stock should be hel!by jhe government,as individual stockholders are entitled to partici pate in dividends,while the governmentisexcludedbythetermsofthe act from the receipt of dividends on it stock.” China May Join Allies. Negotiations looking to China's en- trance into the war oavainst the CentralpowersareinprogressatPe- king and in all the Entente capitel-. it is reported,and their de pends only upon the harmonizing of the rewar’s to be given China with the amou:demanded of her It is regarded as certain that Ch na wil!sever relations with Germa ny,and a declaration of war proba bly will foliow if the Entente will @arantee satisfactory relaxation oftherestrictionsimposedupontheEasternempirebytheworldpower after the Boxer troubles Later—The Chine cabinet ed a resolution to join the States in breaking relations with Germany but the President refused to approve the action,saying the er tire matter rested with him.The pre mier resiene?and the resignation o the entire cabine expected, wil! success ito of co-operatt idopt- United a ener ee a eeae Suffrege Pickets Quit. The “mild militant”woman suffragecampaignofpicketingtheWhiteHousewih“silent:sentinels”came to its climax Sunday when a single file of about 500 women marchedroundan!round the White House @rounds in a of their leader: warded gate trying ours to get an President Wilson or one of his secre- taries.They saw na one except a police sergeant,who said the man- sion Was closed for the day.After the rain had drenched the women and curious inauguration vistors,the 'eaders sent in their cards and a resolution advocating a Feder. al suff;¢amendment to the const; .n the marched awaygepicketshavebeenon duty about the White House groundstwomonthsormore. 1 Stree SSE CRMWisnoverYooNoodGeneral Tonic Grove's Tastelessvaluableasa steady while six a locked and vainly for two interview with rain, tood at .' “$4;"irnhg“.bs,erie Liver,1 ” |House te the|ter an ineffectun:"EB sentative Grier that to limit State offieers to two) successive terms and county officers| to three terms (an r Governor!Bickett provosition)went te the table because a duplicate measure had beentabledintheHouse.The Senate) also passed a bill to prohibit liquor| advertising in the State and accent-ed the House amendments to the!Australian ballot bill,confining the|anerations of the law to Buncombe,}Henderson and Madison counties | Other bills passed:To-facilitate road |bond issues by counties and townshins| lander certain conditions;to authorize| fredel!commissioners to borrow not|exceeding £40,000 te build bridiros;| to anproprinte $156,000 fer new) buildings for the State Schoo!for the} Blind,to he erected on the new site! near the city of Raleigh:to chanme the name of the A.and M.Celle re to! the North Carolina State Colle:re of | Agriculture and Engineering. In the House a joint reeohution was offered hye Mr.Coegins fer an inves-| tigation by special legislative econ mission to eamblioe ham bers of the Assembly Speaker Murths ruled that this resqlution was oi of order,2 the Tle ton crand jury.Mr.Coe 1 that he hte '}riovh 4 it j the scope r the Lerislst ’invostient-that CoHtdbe a ;»Snenker is re rue was of th law gov re}fiinsuchmatter ‘omminsions tituteding coprt In certHheradiin:fis:tt lronped 7" rote! Bills passed: iculture and home urn!schools:to prob nas without notice: ‘4 H m ore whe tme ¢e Brumm tt, |mensere in »House adconted of Renrs ative Wint 1 the rate the nes king.Bond Issve. The Senate bond bill,to mprovements st 3 aterm of six vears 1ivetohear4percent.inie he jsxned in veorly instailme: 2500.00:the |ane 1928 passed the S34provideferpern to becin to ma-faretit to be naid off at the ef $100,000 annually \nr ropriattons vital,Raleigh ton,£200,000:new Os Sch FEO ONO: rate State Hospelude: WrHU s‘aining Shoot,850,000 *North Carotira, ’&yateri ™ sa Training reg Normol, SAO 000: S-70.000°Str Staite Normal ROGmA Seeol, S 4A negro Aie iP a to .’t+ public school how nes 2 permanent ! State Terrere rho THO:for nerotect ' 1000 institutioi y uppe t them Tr the Srete Sehool for nt Roleteh maw sell tts or 'lor pnd build op the site the + ne nt ow:pr a the ps hool buildin »buildings for the echool Nove Ascarhey } amendmer ther annronriation S77 900 for the scehool for he tll wae fo pa as presented.ons fer the inst be offered senarntety May Whip Sometimes. The Senate passed the moore form hill of Senator Torner.me tioned in the last issue of The Land mark,with tne whict permits corporal nunishment in cer tnin case A priconer may not he whipped until 24 hours he elapsed from the ¢of the comm on of the off »for which he is to he whipped,and the pur hment must he inflicted in the th prison chapia n and the f in,WW !how muchhowillsay Mr to senle +h atl aliowed Anpre minded iv.finally hills ite for tions left ont nt an amer re of " nresene Grier introduced a hill in the provide for analysis spection of beverages to make prohi hition act more effective.The Howes killed bills to allow the voters of Bryson City,Swain county,to pA on the question of granting munici nal suffrage to women.and to provide for migitary training in all the State achools, The committee substitete to the Peeram -Brenizer municipal charter bill,amended to provide for prefer- ential primaries for cities and towneuponforformofcitygovernment they desire te adopt,was passed af- and |attempt by Re 4andotherstocea!s®that a majority of the reei ‘yote would be required instead “aGea.|majority of the vote ense, oe. | |wide .nnien that we low during the summ GS ot a ta s e E> e s : > .system is not compulsory but optional, TSTTS TEACH THE FOLKS TO SING ance of Vocal Music—Its Teaching Urged. |Gorrespondence of The Lanrdmavts, It seems that 1917 is to be the veer for boost'ng business of various kinds in Iredell county,and every awake fellow is to push his line in the “good old sum- mer time,”which will soon be here Day by day we read in the papers the plans being put forth for the bet- terment of this,that and the other club.leacue,society.ete.,But there is little said about training the youth for one thing that gives jov to the home,life to the Surday school an! food to the Church.I have referen:¢ to vece)musicFortyto50 vears ago a 10 to 2 days’term of vor 'music was taueht in nearly every community annually The aged and the youth attended those schools and were able,by glan ing over the notation a few times,to sing the note How is now?TN >assertion tht net one of 720 undep the age of 206 ye or countrr. can take the 1 book of their own chyreh and leat sine a new piece correct],i tHlame for the neglect the riv and practice of the mu t cede!int’ chureh,:t 1,ete. The teache hould launch a eam-id Tend to the orga ition ¢ne!:€comm ané should erlist who are ali >children and rm commy ty s have a tal' oval mi 1 words. own } of i¢the hoo ary the k\the ‘unt along th and some he ‘sachar? plane that m vival of \rl-ounty Sundav sc! 1 nd wil f each ‘vistoTherervoid” man ca homan volee,tho nstrievents,.owearecem- he spirit.an?’vo to worl sratian t>‘wene 1.8.LEONARD wee SeEeee Found Wife at Home. R avs ‘thatfourdaNecie “dat orter at last of M were marr he Dant Crate Mal hk mate tr orsMahe" Denburyr is3 arn a'vertized for »wife er reeentiy.He lies to thgeport:: YT the Repo ret ait throughreeaived l meni,nyenwentas far as Washir 2 2 counle of tim see jad hom he had correspondence,ut af- r considering meny propositions he x home yirl a:!mar- lady who was one of neighbors. many thi >city ”} tevided to take ed oa vour h ne wt Kilpatrick of Chai! y ac undid ite f-91 k R.MeNioch ts an avov ¢a }id there are others : “CASCARETS”BEST IFHFADACHY,BILIOUS, SICK,CONSTIP SLED! ‘or Liver and Bowels,Bad Bad Celds,Sour ito de- tion {can- ll be Maver lines to | hear Best t Breath, Stomach! Gct a 10-cent bex Sick headache,bilieusre cue,head and nose clo; vold—alwars trr:delayed,fermenting t els or sour,gassy stor Poi enous matter ¢l testines,instead of beim f the system,is roa »blond.When th the delicate brain stion and that kenirg heedache. Cusearets immediately c' mae.remove the food amd foul ga take rey con 'sors m the howel L Caserrcet traichten you vark while you from your drvgpist met eloar,stomech sweet,br complexion rosy and your | Is reguler for months.bowel rated withorpid i the ace oth the out into ach- +(uses rings, nse the sted cess t all and ver ere 1:th liver ’cor tinated wi n tow rely Chey box tonigt out bv Mor show p a if ight, and Wood's Special Grass on?Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent liayandPasturageYicids. Put up in proportions as ex pert- ence has shown best suited fur the different soils and purposes for which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by ourcustomers. Wood's Seed Catalog for 1917 gives full information,to- wether with letters from muse uiving their experience.m;es —free on request.rite forit and prices of any Seeds _i. T.W.WOOD &SONS,SEEDSMEN,-Richmond,Va. Livers| and! with| r head = ¥ & ! i Z“s ee e a e si f f i l as t re ? g ifi ie FE S g E f | ; ifFe 2 : $&g :iRoanokeriverbetweenHamilton,struck a log last weekandsankin30~of water.All theerewweres@exceptnegrocook.She drowned =tnsaveherclothing.} Fulton,N.Y.—‘Why will womenpayouttheirmoneyfortreatmentandreceivenobenefit,when so many havevedthatLydia|Pinkham’s Vege-|table Compound)will make themwell?For over aearIsufferedsoromfemaleweak-ness I could hardlyistandandwasjafraidtogoonthestreetalone.Doe-:3 tors said medicineswereusclessandonlyanoperationwouldhelpme,but Lydia E,Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has proved itotherwise,1 am now perfectly weil and cen do any kind of work.’’—Mrs. Neue Pueces,eare of R.A.Rider,R.F.D.No.5,Fulton,N.Y.We wish every woman who suffersfromfemaletroubles,nervousness,backache or the blues could see the let-ters written by women made well by Ly-dia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.If you have bad symptoms and do notunderstandthecause,write to the Lydia FE.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn,Macs,,for helpful advice given free,USTANG For Sprains,Lameness,Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At OnceForManandBeast 25c.50c.$i.At Ail Dealers, WHICH IS CHEAPER To put en your outhouses,Solid Sheathing and the cheapest grades of composition roofing at a eost of about $2.25 per square,or Skeleton Sheathing and ©.WAKINS’CederShinglesatacostofabout41.80 por square,the Shingles bei g good for TH ta YO years"FORD AT AUCTION. By dirwill tion oof the count THE RSOAY.MARCH sin)Statesville ell at the highest bide or fe ntoreast M.P. VMAs oners, at the court auction to '{Auvomobile. ALEXANDER, Sheriff. house eb.16 ~;“ay ‘aS st ve a&es.or myPOULMEO-Me tS ENDS CATARRH,ASTHMA, Bronchitic,Croup,Coughs and Colds,or money bre.Sold and guciunteed by | Statesville Drue Company.LARNER,Statesvile N.C. |Dealer In—— |bane in}and H x’old ‘Meo ' i' th aia=. Fe geo Sq, WHEN zou leave the adjustment,equipment; and responsibilityfor thecar to us you are providing yourself with insurance ageinst accident. We will keep your car in shape to run right and under perfect control. You can scarcely afford to assume that worry and responsibility when wedo it at such small cost to you, sve an AO edn oeaPeose(omeaador.k Millinery Arriving |“==DAILY.= Call and see all the new Shapes and Sport Hats. We are always glad to show you through our line. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store.ee cnet eeeeennengiany-<cerSie OEE 6De =P TNE A SN SC!DOLLSTOLATea we To Insure Against the Long Hot Days That Are Coming. Is to buy one of cur Oil Stoves.Economical, Saver of time and the cook always in a good humor. Lee OdaLE HOUSE CI | coNba i DOORS, MANTELS, WINDOWS. COLUMNS. NEWELS,MOULDINGS. LOCKS,NAILS. ON HAND AND READY FOR DE- LIVERY!C.WATKINS, SERVICE And the complete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. Wecan give you service, W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114@.Grondse:4 nonaTTtDt Cie cnncetaneeaeeanneeieeC.W. THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythewill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhpatrons, “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT.a OO te ot to have =a orany information,or telephone 0.ourareasinneededWedoNOTARYPULICworkalso,Cordially yours, J.F.CARLTON,e | Ect!atoms :colic, .= use for more. sells and recommendsPriceonly25c.Geta; uC 18 IFYOUR HOUSE NEEDS| A Roof,don't forget that March winds will blow offthe loose Shingles and theApril rains will pour in. Plenty of all grades Shingles on’ hand atC.WATKINS’Lumber Yard. =a DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Roome 5-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGsrbeint.ATTENTION Houre 8 to 5.TO CHILDREN'S ihe says, |year,ply very nearly ed 'wilting to let it go if the old man get: ut there will be next service was i laska,he was stationed with the 7tThefoodproblemintheSeeretary’s Federa sick-through ice fixing by the {|try at Eagle City,within 50 miles of commenced or State Samia,by “intelJi-the Klondyke.In 19!bo returned ° gent planning and constructive ac-‘o San Francisco and the following purely tion,in conjunction with the opera-|year was stationed at Man re ition of normal forces.”e spent five years.From he a |wa was sent with Company B of the 9th A Lest Seythe—$2 Reward.infantry to Peking,and=from there back to Manila.heAcoupleofweéksagoanne- gro laid an ancient scythe in eor- ner hard by the postoffice door,while returned from Manila he was sent to Alaska the second time and was ap- he went up the street,When he re-pointed regimental aster turned the scythe was gone.To a —ee 8there until te bystander the old man related his then Se tes tecuten oo i a twoubles.He said the scythe belong-var er ed to his great grandfather and he until last week,when he suddenly de. treasured it as an heirloom,not on ee an Ron aceount of its value.The young man)joining ameng —°eee Rey who heard the story was moved to friends.He is the eldest son of| pity by the old negro’s distress and he agreed to help pay a reward for the recovery of that seh .oever took it can get $2 and no questions asked if he will return it.He ought tobe punished,but all concerned are ris of Mooresville,and cf Mr.TomMorrowandMrs.Ed.Owens of Ami-tv.Within the next few days Mr.Morrow will go to Chattanooga tovisitrelatives,after eich he thinkstheOldNorth.State will be goodenoughferhim. Mrs.lotte Sanatorium Friday for opera-tions for ecancer and appendicitisShewasaccompaniedbyherhus-band,Rev.L.A.Facts,who will re-main for severrl davs.MisstrudeFallsofChinaGrovealso went his treasure,which will make himmage?.;,he Landmark is contributing thisfreeadvertisementtohelp. Drives Out Malaria,Builds Up System Old Standard general ning tonic, ores TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out Melaria,cnriches the blood,andbuildsup the sys- tem.Aaruc tonic.Poradultes udchildren.50c. DR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R. Hill's or Long’s Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. “WOOD'S SEED” We have a full line of T. W.Wood &Sons garden seed in packages and Wood’s bulk seed such as Early Peas,Early Beans, Beet Seed,Seed Corn, Onion Sets,etc. Come in and see what we have. Phone 89. ee Sold by C.WATKINS are properly Kiln Dried and won't open and let in cold. MADE IN° STATESVILLE Anything in Sheet Metal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, i Gutter Spout. "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. TIRE BANDS, Tapes,Cement Patches,etc., eSall very ~~in their way,but are all eme ures only.The only real and ent iring is done by uleanizing @amaged parts. While Car is not in use, haveyour Pires put in shape.THE&Y COMPANY. Street. ney meas- 201 CourtWeSellMillerTires. to Charlotte to be with her mother. |.Charley Vanzent,a ter died Friday at her home in Char-lotte.The body was brought hereFridaynirhtandwastekenforbu-rial to Rehobeth ehurch Saturdaymorning.The deceased is survivedbyherhusbandandfivechildren.Mrs.W.D.Gilmore returned lestweekfromMt.Gilead,Where she vis- ‘ted her mother.En route homeMrs.Gilmer stopped in Charlotte to enend a few days wi her=sister,Miss Edna DuBerry.who is a pa- tient at the Presbyterian hospital.The music lovers of the town met last week and organized the MeDow- ell Music club with the following named officers:President,Miss 1.il-lian MeConnell;viee president,Mre.A.E.Bell;secretary.Mrs.Eugene Johnston.The club has allied itself old weather aches.followexre.Soothe and te- Mrs.G.A.Morrow and a brotherof |Mr.Geo.Morrow and Mrs.J.L.Har-, L.A.Falls ee-sred the Char-| Ger-| .Berge Robeson of this city,, Cee RR eer ee ee eeeereeenene errr errr rerees) or more must go to the State prisoninsteadofcountychaingangs.years was.the limit fixed in the orig inal bill and it was contended this Total ...........:.sceeeeeeeeeeswouldbreakupchaingangs.Convict aannee. labor was voted to construct a high-way from Asheville to Murphy and ‘ns 0"mortenge .............-the Caswell Training School sven |ansomshares .....-.-.+--+:$75,000 for permanent improve.|'n*telments due and unpaidments.interest due and unpaid .........The bill for the certification of the Cash in offles .......60.6.000 tok first grade teachers by a State!furniture and fixtures |........656.46 |Borrowed board of examiners,three men and|Interest on advance payments 198,17threewomen,to be named by the |Accounts receivable ............928.var sen eeeeweereeeees allt Governor,was passed without)‘ amendment.The Senate passed a!Total .............ccccccecesees bill for a bond issue of $25,000 for|an industrial home for fallen women.A bill to em county commis-sionera to an election on anycountymatter,on petition of one-|third of the voters,was killed.Sen-felsries --ator Bu ,ted it,said pent .....it was the initiative and referendum|Auditingsoutied.bs eae ganees the ——and printing‘or a constitutional amendment for)curance department fess ithe initiative and referencum,but it |Gael —was killed in the Hoase.|Undivided profitTheautolicensetaxbill,a meas- Interest paid 58.41+12,681.18/ $21,868.76;Total os that eit cuaite the BinteHigh Total ......-eteeeseeeeeeneesof2106876Totadeescreeesses way Commission to supervise |OF PROFITS TO DECEMBER 30,1916. maintenance of the highways of the/Ser Age Issue Total GainperStatesoastogetthebenefitsofthe|3"=eat ee ee s14.190.00 aanFederalaidappropriation,passed|49 309 Feb.1,1911 $41 942.10.45theHouse,as did the “Blue Book”|4 =Axe.i"1044 is oo on ill that provides for a roster ofthe *)$31 Aus.1.3918 128 7908.00 4 _——of the officers =—in,63 205 Feb.1,1918 164 ‘392.50 4.61 the State departments and t pur-|54 179 Aug.1,1913 260 11,690.25 3.51poseandamountoftheStatea-|58 162 Feb 1,1014 193 334.00 2.54orlettone,eneting pensions.They nt eS .eae 2previouslypassedtheSenate.Bill 53 =;Ct whintoregulateautomobilesalsopassed.59 oe re t ie re Saa8.00 ‘$e This See mechines shall be|®22 Aug.1,1916 328 1,804.00 05 provided with two tags and glaring|anheadlightsareprohibited.Provision |Zea 3iseismthatthecountyshallnot)SUPPLEMENTARYchargemorethanhaiftheamount|2,"ttowt ofmesceteeee eee?Bis of tax collected by the State.The bill)Have you:any loans on coupnd movtanae f so,what also providing for medical in-|How often are series issued?a year:Fi bruaryspectionofschoolchildren.|arti your series within «given time?If so,how long?Ne About six and See |Are all the profite of the Association apportioned at beginning series?House Quit With the Usual,Are the dues per share payable weekly or monthly?‘Weetiy.;oo ilarity.Under what do you apportion the profits to various > A hoax played on members of = rress Sunday overshadowed the sing-|~o-‘ing,cheering und speech-making that|Par value of each share?.........mark the end of every session.It|Numberofshares in forceatbegin-centered about interest in Miss Jean-|wouher of shares subscribed duct cole lieve them with Sloan's Lini-ment,easy to apply.it quicklypenetrateswithoutrubbing.Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments.does not stain the skin. For rheumaiic pains,neuralgia, out,lumbago,sprains,strains,uises and stiff sore muscles,haveSloan's Liniment handy. At ali druggists,25c.S0c.and $1.00, Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox- jeation,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit- is and other fatal ailments result ‘from Stomach Trouble.Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their com- plete recovery to Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy.Unlike any other for Stom- ach Ailments.For sale by the Statesville Drug Co.and druggists everywhere. THE WAY TO HEALTH. |fealth is the most important thin in life.It is too precious,too vita to be bandied about as an article of }merchandise.It cannot be purchas- ed in boxes or phials at the corner orm store.. ARIUM ROCK SPRING WA- |TER aids Nature to restore itself !|when drugs fail.It drives Uric acid }out of the system and revitalizes the |nerves.. |F.M.Shannonhouse writes:“I |was suffering from shattered nerves and disordered stomach and_kidne ‘and the BARIUM ROCK SPRING C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green. WANTED!serioarcs "FOR SALE: secon’handerat machinery andall kindsofboiler suppliesOt ae» WATER brought a speedy cure.” ’Phone W.A.EVANS or_write Department L,Box 55,Barium Springs,N.C. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.80 p. m.2.30 to 6 p,m.and by 7 Pe.Anderson Bidg.,113 .Broad St.Office ‘phone 324. Residence ‘phone 279—green.| with the National Federation of Vu-|sie clubs in America and will be rep-|resented by Miss MeConnel!at the meeting of the national association to| be held in Charlotte this week.The meetine at the Second Pres-| in the triangular debates was held| in the school auditorium.The judges|were members of the senior class at‘ght| with were |for the Davidson College.Tom MecKrandMissAnnieLardnerMoore, Samuel Stevenson °alternate, chosen for the affirmative; negative,David Lowrance sani Miss Ruth Brown,with Miss Madve Deat- on alternate.The question is wheth- er the United States should own the railroads.Mooresville will test with Tavlorsville and Stony Point. Mex.W.L.Matheson arrived last|Wednesday from Raleigh.where she! hac been for the past two morithswithherhusband,Representative| Matheson.The Mooresville Free Library hasheenpresentedbytheStratford«lub with several volumes of Shokes-| peare’s plavs.This gift has been, needed and is much appreciated Mr.W.LL.Jamison left last week| for Seffner,Fla.,where he will be| the guest of Mr.8.A.Lowrance Mr.! Jamison has not been feeling well for somd time and is off to recuncrate.|Mr.and Mrs.Thos.Youngblood +nenttheweek-end with relatives at Hiwh cnr Point.Mra.G.G.Freeze and chil-dren,Hugh and Vada,went to Statesville Friday to visit Mrs.Freeze’s sister,Mrs.J.A.King.Mr.| Fred.Gray Deaton had as his cuest)for several days last week his cous- in,Mr.Parks MWeKoy,of Marshall Texas.Miss Marion Yount ofStatesvillevisitedMissesMarr:retandElizabethRankinlastweek.|Mrs.Fred.Wilson died «at herhomehereSaturdaynightaftera brief illness.Mrs.Wilson was 2 vears of age and is survived hy her husband and three small children.The funeral was conducted at the home Sunday afternoon by Rev.LA.Falls,assisted by Rev.W.A. Wileox.The body was taken to Buf- falo Shoais for interment.|Miss Edmonia Martin.Preshyte-rian missionary in Brazil,wi!)lee-ture to the ladies at the Firs:l’rea- byterian church Wednesday after- noon at 3.30,and to the genera!pub- lic in the evening at 7.30. Miss Mary Johnston was hostesstotheAuctionBridgeclubWe-tnes-day afternoon at her home on Main street.The Ladies’Miasionary Soci- ety of the A.R.P.church hel!«very‘nterestthg meeting Thursday after-noon with Mrs.A.E.Beli.Mr..B.R.Holder.who has tecn apatientatJohnsHopkinsHospital,Beltimore,for some time,is improved and expects to return home «oon,|Mr.C.EB.Corveligs returned Sx‘ur-day night from the International|Health Resert at Chicago,where‘was treated for high blood pressure.His man friends wil be glad to"Ses albeenerandto cure, ouexch box.Se. tym be one OP=. nette Rankin of Montana.woman ever elected to theStatesCongress,who will take pected to be in Washinbyterianchurch.which is being con-;but did not arrive,andductedbyDr.C.M.Richards of Da-|W.Edmonds,wife ef Representativevideon,will continue throughout this|Edmonds of Pennsylvania, jand daughters of members, Mrs.J.Charles Linthicum,wife ef||Rep:sentative Linthicum of Mary-| QT iv cecceaigh chnase her’United|Number sharesher|,,@rawn duringtheyear’........vs |Number shares in force at end ofShewasex-WORT on cicckercerrrccctgernvesonSunday|Number shareholders,white?rs.George shareholders,colored seat in the next House. ‘Annual received CarolinaOF week.Dr.Richards is an able!the thunderous ovation that awaited preacher and despite the inclemency|her.of the weather the eervices have}So well did Mrs.Edmonds play her‘been well attended.|roie that hundreds of persons whoTheMutualApreliminarycontestforthepur-|shook hands with her in the im-|,nose of selecting devaters from the!promptu reception,following an-|Mooresville Hieh School to take vart/nouncement from the floor ofpresenceofMissRankin,went awayunawareofherrealidentity..RECEIPTS. There was much singing of patriot-|cash on hand Dee.91,per last re-ic,religious and sentimental songs in|port the hour and a half before the Hous |instalments received during the adjourned,some of it led by wives} Dues, year Interest received during the year... Entrance fees received during theMrs.David H.Kincheloe,wife ofRepresentativeKincheloeofKentucky Penh |.oe core ose eens 279.60|Salarieswhistled“Dixie”wii help from the|Loans on shares paid .............406.00 Rent. crowd.“How Dry I Am,”sung with)Loans on mortgages paid ..........8,965.7|particular feeling by “wets.”who!soncy borrowed...00.000...2,100.00|Taeweresooverwhelminglydefeatedin| Conrcress,followed.| land,rose in the gallery and unfurled| a huge silken flog,one end of which! was gathered up by Mrs.Champ!Total 108}March 6,1917.Insurance C tr Of Statesville,N.C.,For the Year Ending Withdrawn 65.96 |Loansonmortgages . Loanaon shares eee Borrowed6,824.71 Taxes and tAdvertising and vas=a wane 189.06 oe i is;Profits,$17,101.96 ... money repaid EXPENSES. eee ere reree eens eee Clark,wife of the Speaker.A storm| of applause followed.ASSETS. In the farewell speeches preceding)Loans on mortgages ...._.3 82,176.47)Due shareholders: final adjournment,Democratic Leader|Loans on shares .ree .1,208.00,Instalmenta oo...eeeee$79,208.28KitchinandothersdeclaredtheHoucc|[netalments duc andunpaid...,GEG)Borrowed mommy «60 .........sees had done its work this session and|Cash in office ;:697,98 Profits unapport’.cu ............. blamed the Senate for any embarrags-|Cath in bonks ;e cesennie 19.28 Due on rent'..........‘“ ment which the government may suf-peers he aa ac Sal ~through itty not ao —Office supplies .ee!100,00 annon presided while the ouse ~ommend passed a resolution of thanks to _Tet@l oo ++G 89,482.83)Total ....2.0...sees ces e senses 899,482.98 Speaker Clark. DR. PROFIT AND L088 ACCOUNT. CR. @ieeaned portion of the ear wate way to cure catarrhal deafness,and that is by .&constitutional remedy,Catarrhal Deafness Are the dues per share payable weekly ormonthly ? fs causedbyan inflained conditionoftheme-|,Under what plan do you apportionthe cous lining of the Eustachian Tube.When department. this tube te inflamed:you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing,and “‘o>sTOCK, tirety ,Deafness is the result.ntheinflammationwon00reducedondonoe Amount of authorized shares?........ restored to ite normal condition,hesring will p,a, be destroyed forever.Many cases of fness _—*sens are caused by catarrh,=e >an No.of shares in force at beginning of condition of the mucous ew en.-°tarrh Cure acts throush the Woodomthe aie aad MEE a cous surfaces @f the aystem.No.ef sharessubscribed duringthe year?8849)("We"will-rive One Hundred Dollarsfor any "rr cane of Catarrhal Deafness No.of shares canceled and withdrawn ay by during the geerTii ccs i 's Catarrh Care.| ’SGuetta’00.theta o Mo,of shares tn force at ondof year?.. Js Weekly.Amount?to various That a. H.Stein,white,a junk dealer of propts on withdrawals 3 ~TRezWilmington,was fined $500,and Si-Haiscsa soley ealpana an Balance profits last report ........S 3,657.06 mon Galloway,colored,$250,for re-Selaries Dey epee Gua ale Gaw.o0|beret eee ee eee +6,706.88” ceiving ornaments stolen from Airlie,Wee eee eee e seen ees 150.00 |Bntrance fees ............ccesees e 270.60thecountryestateatWrightsville|Advertising and printing...Ss Sound of Pembroke Jones of New)Ineurance department fees 5.00 York.Nick Lofton,colored,who did Other expenses ........00..6-..s08 100.62 the stealing,was bound to court.Net profite apportioned ......_1,606.08 Stein and a ee =Total EE eeornamentshadbeenjunkedandship-oe ped a Philadelphia coneern,which re-g..hn wnt mee ar cgerre 95pa turned them at request of Wilmington no.Whe.M ith Year Per Per Share Shar: officers.1 23 1 11 =286—:19,601.00 68.60 =9.67 —-——{2 2448 i 12 162 9,424.00 aed 7.92 i know that he is much improved..;eH Uy be bo Sones ae ‘3 |Mr.H.D.Gibson ce Gibson visited 5 oe sO 6,120.00 42.50 =3.78 his cousin,Mr.W.&.Flowers,last 6 144 4 14220 7,920.00 86.00 B.A week.Miss Hattie Goodman had as i !!)2 wr ae Be 2 her guest for several days last week ,pr 10 16 176 2,904.00 16.60 ‘87 her friend,Mrs.Rice of Woodleaf.10 4 16 880 9,400.00 10.00 21 The delegates from the Lexington !!1o 16 =84 1,280.50 26 08 missionary convention made very,10.388.590 $96.75 8818 interesting talks at the First Presby-otals 2,960 589.5 14 terian church Sunday night,wk _nent ~® J.A.B.GOOD)N.‘ow per cent.of valu are loans sea?x per cont,J.A.B GOODMAN Winat the i —-7 hae easetee,two-thirds "NESS CAN}ave you any loanson =mortunme |«0,what amount?No.CATARKRAL per CANNOT BE How often are coven lenges agg .,e oe Meations ey eannet h the Do you mature your hin «a given thme?#0,long?No,By tesa!applications,a they cenit cal one Are ofl the gretaofthe apportionedat the beginning of eachseries?Anne series’ van Hi ease is that the foreign ‘t understand;they will: Eé President;and this idea may do us great harm.It may precipitate a war which might possibly be averted. All this trouble is due to the anti- quated rules of the Senate.It is ab- surd that any legislative body should attempt to do business under rules that permit two or three men to block all legislation.The President well says that it is useless to call Congress into extra session if this condition is allowed to continue.Yet when a change in Senate rules is suggested there is violent protest. Democrats az well as Repubjicanz oppose a change.Some Scuthern Democrats oppose a change because under these rules legislation hostile to the South was defeated a genera- tion ago.It is hoped that some of them.will see in the recent events the unwisdom of continuing rules which have caused the 80 much harm. As for LaFollette et.al.they should be made infamous—and The Landmark hopes they will be. THE LAST STRAW. A good many people in this coun- _try who did not want Germany to succeed have had a friendly feeling and sometimes real sympathy for thet country.They were not pro- German nor strong pro-ally;they discounted much charged against Germany and have not considered the allies models in all respects; while not exeusing Germany's sub- marine warfare the folks mentioned renlized that all betligerents were trampling on the rights of neutrals. The disclosure of Germany's at- tempted intrigue with Mexico and Japan will doubtless drive all the class mentioned into ee ranks of the strongest pro-allies.That Germany, while professing friendship and pro- fessing 2 desire to obtain peace through us,should at the same time be so base and treacherous as to at- tmept to set two friendly countries at war with us,is a shock that will cause thousands—millions perhaps— to dismiss ail feeling of kindness for Germany.Under the circumstances a friendly feeling for Germany is too much like treachery to one’s home country. (SECR CORRES |Se we enmEEDeS President Wilson made bold to tel- —the president of the Tennes- see Mate expressing the earnest hope that the Senate would pass a woman suffrage bill,alrendy passed by the House.The President his request on the ground that “our party is so distinctly pledged to its passage that it seems tv me the moral obligation is complete.”The question that intebests The Land- mark is why did not the President telegraph the North Carolina Legis- lature—especially the House thereof —when that body was ruthlessly slaying woman suffrage bills,to which “our party is distinetly pledged”as to make the moral obli- gation complete?Considering what the President has for North Carolina folks,his advocacy of wo- man suffrage before our Legislature might have been worth while,especi- ally when he put it on the ground of a party pledge. eee eeeane teeen Preacher Coggins,the member of the Legislature from Washington county,was wasting time when he asked for the appointment of a spe- cial committce to investigate the re- port that members of the Legiala- ture were engaged in what a former Statesville man called a “little game of draw,”when the police raided a room in the Yarborough House in Ralei¢h.The solpns were too busy to bother with a liitle matter like that so near the end of the se:sion— especially when it might embarrass somebody;and besides Speaker Mur- phy said it was a job for the grandjury.. SREreeamecaearene We'll have to hand it to Mr.Yo- der of Catawba,who warned us in adyance that something would hap- S pen in the way of weather,March 3 ©to’8,when the moon would be full ie:the Zodiac sign in the crawtich. a rk suggested that a law _be passed to preven.the combination :Was given;and so the heavens were country based so done country is not backing the j; F an h :i 7 z 52?F ni e rt h.are constrained to praise this bill be-cause it is a triumph of condensationoftermsandalogicalcharterofhu-manity which defies opposition and gives a guarantee of a hope thatcannotbedenied.By far the biggest work of the General Assembly,Sena- tor Turner's bill is sufficient to justi-fy a session that for the most parthascontenteditselfwithcrawlingtoprejudiceandcompromisingwithcourage. And the Greensboro Record sayg: Asa pioneer in the advocacy of such reforms as provided for in the Turner bill,the editor of this paper cannot say anything too good of the Statesville man who is attempting to remove at least one bi¢blot from the fair name of a great State which has tivo long been held down by the ty ef politician characterized by the Times as “erawling to prejudice and compromising with courage.”Remearking that the Turner bill ‘meets in.many important respects the wishes of the thoughtful people of Nerth Carolina)who have given attention to the principles and prob- fems of an enlightened penalogy,and whose indignation has been aroused by the disclosures of prison condi- tions and practices in this State,”the Greensboro News says: If this measure is put upon the statute books without further impair- ment,the present Assembly willmeritandwillreceiveagreatrespect and an enduring praise.As _forSenatorTurner,his name attached to this piece of legislation will be asingularlyhighandfinehonorfora gentleman who has already won and gracefully wears numerous honors. It will be one of those splendid mon- uments that men buiid for them- selves out of service to humanity. Other papers make similar re- marks and the praise is just.The Iredell Senator’s reputation as a safe,conservative and level-headed man was already established.That reputation has been increased by his latest achievement and he from the Legislature with more pop- ular commendation,probably,than any other member.It required a wise and courageous men to draw a bill that would remove the reproach disclosed by the investigation of the| State prison farms,and at the same time to keep within the bounds ~of common sense.> The bill was changed in some m'- nor particulars from the original draft,the most important change be- ing that which permits corporal pun- ishment under certain The original bill prohibited that form of punishment.The change is much criticised,but The Landmark has its doubts whether whipping can yet be entirely eliminated in the government of convicts.If it is per- mitted it should be restricted.as was done in the amendment The reckless and rather indiscriminate heretofore in vogue and yet in vogue on county chain gangs,is barbarous. Representative Beasley of Union county was largely responsible for the prison investigation which result- ed in this reform.He was a_co- worker with Senator Turner in the investigation and the effort to change conditions and is entitled to a share of the praise.° Po AAOS Anent the appointment of a State ‘commissioner to enforce the prohibi- tion laws,which failed in the Leyis- lature,The Landmark has sugested that a general law enforcement com- missioner might be a good thing.On this point the Greensboro News re-marks: If a commisssioner ean enforce thelaws,by all means let have alynchingcommissioner.Your blindtigerattackstheprohibitionlaw,which is bad;but not one-tenth asbadaslynching,which attacks alllaw. Why not begin at the beginning and have a commissioner to the law which prohibits homicide? Possibly if that was adequately en-forced the lynching fever would in a measure abate.And if missioner is to be put on,why notmakeithisdutytolookaftertheenforcementofalllaws?If that istoobigajobforoneman,why nottwoorthreecommissioners? LERRENOO conditions. us If the weather in Washington yea-terday was as fine as the weather inStatesville,maybe the sunshine is ar omen that the gloom under which theadministrationclosedSundaywillbedispersedundertheregimewhichhas hegun, well, Le ae ‘grossed an gmendment |jail for the murder of her comes ° method #4 enforce ¥ the com-| a i aezEwre-election or had voluntarily retinpassedintothewalksofprivatelife The Missouri Legislature /to submit a constitutionalrovidingState-wide ovember,1918.The prohibition,if edopted,effect January 1,1920, Mrs.Mary Kreiser,aged 34,is in’ aprominentchurchorganistofCity,Mo.,and a noted musician,says her husband openly boasted ofosaffairswithotherwomen”up. til she was provoked beyond endur-ance,; 'The National Canners’AssociationwillpayHarvardUniversity$20,000 a year for three years fortioneffoodpoisoning,with reference to canned goods.TheWasacceptedwiththeundersta:that the investigation would be cen-dueted and its results published withfullaeademicfreedom. The “common sense”of the of New York city,who ‘establishedanautomaticboycottonpotateesand onions,”has resulted in abnormal de- creases in the prices of those staplesascomparedwithpricesFebruary=says the commissioner of weights ameasures.He estimates that the de-crease in price has saved the people of the city $5,000,000.j thatAdispatchfromRomesayswithcoalsellingat$60 a ton,Italian government gradually taking’!over all existing supplies and prohib-iting its use by hotels and boa houses,and with gas and electricitycostlyorthesupplyreduced,Italianhouseholdsandbusinessofficeshavehadtoreverttotheancientmethodofburningfinelypowderedwoodcharcoaldustinearthenjars.j S.Dabney Crenshaw,Jr.,son of S|Dabney Crenshaw,secretary of the!Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company} at Richmond,is under $10,000 bend! to answer the charge of burning the chemical laboratory of the UniversityofVirginia,at Charlottesville,Janu-| ary 26.Crenshaw was a student at the University.It is charged that he stole £2,000 worth of platinumfromthelaboratoryandthenstartedafiretocoverupthetheft.| Representative Michael F.Conry of New York city,a Democratic mem-' ber of Congress for four terms andjre-elected for a fifth,died at a hos-pital in Washington Friday of kid-ney trouble.THe was 67 years old.The death of ore of the Democratic members-elect may have an impor- tant effect upon the potitical com- nlexion of the House in the Sixty-titth Congress.The Democrats and Republicans elected 215 members ch and there are five independents ipon whom depends which party shall organize the next House. When to Take Chamberiain's Tablets. When you fee!call and stupid efter eating When constipated or biltous, When you have a sich heodache. WhenWhen yoWhenyc When When ve C33 When your liver is torpid Obtainable everywhere. your mea -onee.” hasvoted House en-=| =3MILLS &POSTON.& eeeQe —Aeeeeii—a The entire district of Hakone,mountains,50 miles from Ja-pan,was visited Thursday by 48moreorlessearthquake shocks.ion the people of the distriet but po lives”were lost.The center of the shocks’was in a district of well known hotsprings,which are visited by thous- ands of foreign tourists.ILISTEN!| The fact that our Weser Phono-| grinh ad.has been running so long without change does not mean that we are no longer selling the celebrat-' WESER PIANOS and PLAYER-PIANOS. !t simply means that the ad.writ- er has been out of town,and his mind has been “wrapped up”in matters legislative. NOW LISTEN AGAIN! testimonial She writes Here's a voluntary from a recent customer. thus: “Mr.Leonard,|AM DELIGHTED WITH MY PIANO!I don’t see how I cit without it as long as I did.Ev- erybody who sees it likes it fine.Miss says she wants one Please write to her atVikemine. WE HAVEN'T JUST WRITTEN HER,BUT WE ARE GOING TO SEE HER,AND LET HER JOIN THE RANKS OF “WESER BOOST. ERS!”LEONARDPIANO STORE. Don’t buy a Suit or (stock.Our buyers In our Ready-to-Wewillfindthenewesstyles. J.M.McKee ——— Wh ins All other things being READY-TO-WEARS. after having spent two weeks in Balti-more,Philadeiphia and New York. We invite you especially to look throughourSuit,Coat and Waist department. ‘oat till you see ourhavejustreturned ar department youtshadesandlatest Yours to please. &Company. the Battle? equal,it's the manbehindthegunthatwingthefight.Andit’s true in other affairs besides In banking or in business,success is due to attles. the men behind the counter.We take prideinthestatementthateveryemployeofourbankiscourteoustotheic,andwillrendereveryreasonablepallpossible.Wetakepride in the fact jthat thedirectorsandshareholders,the men beh’this ban k are among the men ofthiscommunity,men who can beupon,men who make this bank what it istoday,a strong,reliable,secure financialinstitution. Come here for satisfa ¢account,We can hope that it augur “People can get along in Charlotte ao well under the bone dry law,” cheerfully chirps the Charlotte News,Evidently Charlotte must have a se-|jeret sourceofsupply. ‘ ction!Try us for a |H.B.WOODWARD The Store With the QuickParcel PostService.SPRING FOOTWEAR! The girl in her teens,or the woman in herfindcomfortanddelight in our fine shoes.For growing girl or missthereisanapgeopriate style to be hadin store.ey are especially de-signed for young feet—peeeey and smart but neverhurtful.The follow nature’s lines with beautifulcurves. There is no reason why a shoe for an elderly lady should be an ugly shoe.In our line of shoes youwillfindthewaytomake comfort and beauty go hand in hand.We havea largevariety ofshoesforwomenofevery age. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. TheStoreThat Paysthe Postageon Mail Orders. Easter Comes April 8th. Have you measured for that Easter Suit?If not let us take your measure for a Globe Needle Modeled Suit. We can deliver you one of these Globe Needle Modeled Suits in ten days after taking your measure.Fit, —and Workmanship guaran- Suits,$18.50 to $42.50. Callin and let us measure you for that Easter Suit today. PHONE 83. Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also tofix your Clock orWatch. és «renaihs=‘~an e days ago.Today,accom-by Mrs.Jacobs and baby,he|urn to New York.Mrs.Jacobswithherfather,Mr.Julive|Wallace,for several weeks.|Dr.G.A.Lazenby left Snturday!night to »Mrs.Lagu who has}+been visiting relatives h Poini|:Mr.W.T.Nicholson has returned|from a brief stay in Raleigh.|Statesville Saturday and’naanSenses‘or Washington were MissRac Houstonville.Messrs.A.J.BrookeandJohnGray,Jr.,left Saturday)night for Washington,where they wil)several days at the home of Mrs.Mr.A.G.Steele arrived SaturdayfromChrisney,Ind.,to spend sometimewithhiser,Mr.T.L.Steele.Mr.Steele has lived in theWestforanumberofyears.Mrs.8.8S.Tomlin and little son, Samuel Stokes,Jr.,of Macon,Ga., are guests of Mr.and Mrs.©.8.Tomlin while Mr.Tomlin is in Chica- Mr.Irvin Tomlin of spent Sunday with home folks. Was accompanied by his friend,Foote of Washington.Mr.W.H.McElwee spent Sundaywithhisfami!y,returning to Raleigh yesterday.Mrs.J.S.MeRorie Icft SaturdayforHickorytovisitherson,Mr.Wm. McRorie.Mr.and Mrs.Parks McKay spent afewdayswithMr.and Mrs.J.MDeaton,leaving Saturday for theirhomeinMarshall,Texas.Mr.and Mrs.McKay were called to Huntersville re-cently by the death of Mr.McKay'sfather,Mr.L.©.MeKay.Mr.R.F.Henry left Saturday forWashingtentovisithisson,Mr.0.WHenry,and attend the inausruration.Miss Ruth Gill attended the junior speaking at Davidson colleye last weel.Miss Myrtle Houston has returnedtoherhomeinDavidsonafteravisit to Miss Margaret Brady.Mrs.J.Kaufman has returned toDanville,:,after a stay P bine her ughter,Mrs.Herbert Hoffmann.—and Mrs.J.A.Scott,who have been visiting in Statesville with their daughters,Mrs.Z.V.Long and Mrs.C.E.Raynal,have returned to theirhomeinBrookntal,Va. Miss Rosa Warner,who has been living in Portland,Ore.,for severa ears,is visiting her sister,Mrs.Sol. CharlotteHeMr. mon..Mrs.Lilian Shelton Haywood of Laramie,Wyor'nz,is the guest cf Mrs.K.L.Miller and other relatives here.Mrs.Haywood’s husband,Mr. O.C.Haywood,will arrive from Laramie today to join his wife. Mr.Wm.L.Allison of Chicago ar- rived Sunday to spend a short tinre *with his parents,Mr.and Mrs.T.J. Allison. Mr.and Mrs.C.Watkins returne’ Thuraday night from North Wilke: boro,where Wednesday evening #° attended the marringe of Miss Mar- tha Lura Finley and Mr.Charles Mac- Denald Coffey. Mr.Dewey L.Raymer will leave today for a business trip to Green ville,8.C. Mr.and Mrs.H.O.Steele left last night for New York,where they will spend several days. Notices of New “Advertisements Gaither boarding house for rent.— A N.D.Tomlin. Maite cows for sale.-—G.H.Hayes, Olin.; Cabinet makers wanted.—Curolina Wood Products Co.,Asheville,N.C. Tenant wanted.—'Phone 915 R.or write C.A.Dulin,Statesville. Weser pianos and player pianos.— Leonard Piano Store.Keep your accounts straight,pay by eheck.—First National Bank. New a for Easter.—-R.F. Henry,jeweler. Spring footwear.—Ramsey-Bowles- Morrison Co.Hall’s Glycerine Lotionskin.—Hall’s drug store. Courteous treatment to all.—Peo- for the ple’s Loan and Savings Bank. Sport coats and coat suits.--Mills &ton.Dime savings banks.—Merchants &Farmers’Bank.High cost of tliving.—Lezenby- Montgomery Hardware Co. New ready-to-wears.—J.M.Mc- Kee &Co.a That Easter suit.—Sherrill-WhiteShoeCo.Lloyd Princess go-carts.—-Craw-| ford -Bunch Furniture Co. New Victor records.—Andrews’ Music‘Store. Ford cars for immediate delivery. ina Motor Co. Attractive ready-to-wears for nine,is reported by the Orangeburg jew school house in the Plyler dic.WANTED—Cabinet Makers for Furniture spring.—Johnston -Betk Co.|News,which says:(triet at a cost of about $1,800.Th Pavey CAROLINA WOOD PRODUCTS Turnersburg roller mill wants your |“The apacious old home was trans-site for the new building has bee:©O.,“Avhovitle,NC Mar.4 tt. |formed a gare :of —.a:oe on =A =ee S WANTED—Good tenant for two-horse farm ee ions,jonquils,NWlies »ragrant farm,near e atesville -Amit ith ©yout,atoeh hone (15 Ror writ The Asheville Times learns that eneUseesome pocoing ant en ae ‘FR AO DULIN,Steresvith Mar.6 it. Rev.W.T.Carlisle Briggs,a native tands of green emilex.The ceremony recently eloped!took place in the front narlor,whiehofMadisoncounty, |MacKesson,to Mr.Norman Chaffee.\It was a quiet wedding and took place ‘see Mr.Franc.Carlton. \Mill,S.C.,were net the groom'sA.Frid evening.Hearts :Pou argh was plaved ine the evening.Miss paren wae 8 alive eeAnnieBlairBristolwonthehighTwoDeathsinAlexander—Tay- seore prize,a box of candy.lee cream ville and cake were served rine the lors News.Special Correspondence of The Landmark.wening.Miss Mary Meil Connor,,Miss fris McDougald and Miss Kath.Taylorsville,March 5—-Mr,W.Av-eon Stimson assisted in the enter-cry Priee died of tuberculosis at histaining.home in Ellendale township cmeenerafternoonat2o'clock,in the 5Mr.and Mrs.L.W.MacKesson year of his age.He had been in ilwereinMorgantonSaturdayafter-|health for two years.Surviving are|poon toattend the marriage of Myr.his widow,five sons and three daugh-|MacKesson’s sister,Miss Florence ters,all of this county except a son)who lives in the West.The funeral|and burial services were at St.Luke’s|Lutheran church Sunday afternoon| at 2 o'clock.1MissMaryMunday,an elderly lady,died Friday afternoor at 2 o’elock at|me in Ellendale township.The|f i and burial services were at,Antioch Baptist church Sunday morn-|ing ‘at 10 o'clock.Mr.H.P.Feimster and son,Mr.Mack Feimster,who are in Moores-|ville,spent Sunday at their home here.Mrs.James Watts,her mother and daughter,Mrs.Calvin Herman,Misses Blanche and Beatrice Watts,left Saturday.evening for WashingtonCity,Baltimore and other points.MrandMrs.John B.Robinette left Sun- day evening for Washington to attend ‘the inauguration.Mrs.Rapih SloanofStatesvillecameupFridaytobewithhersister,Mrs.W.P.Hedrickwhoisill.Mr.and Mrs,T.J.Fortner| have returned from Florence,8.C, where they spent the winter with their on,Mr.W,J.Fortner. Despite the inclement weather and the bad roads,there was a good at- tendanee at the Alexander teachers’| at the home of the bride’s parents,|Mr.and Mrs.Chas.F.MacKesson.Mrs.MacKesson returned home Sat-urday nicht and Mr.MacKesson wentomtoBlackMountajnyesterdayto’ | Miss Ida May Miller,daughter of)Mr T.A.Miller of Shiloh township,|and Mr.Carl Henry Jones of FortmarriedSaturday,leaving immediately for a trip South.Mr.Jones is employed by the Harda- way Seirection Company,nearCaLicensehasbeenissuedforthemarriageofClaytonLylesandAdaHillofMooresville.Geo.Brad- ley.Campbell and Georgia Sharpe,g Sherrill Hayes and.Fannie fecze. Misses Cora Belle Sloan and Ma- mie Eaton,at the home of Mrs.E G White,entertained Saturday cvening in hovor of their guests,Miss Bessie Wrieht of Salisbury.Five members of the graduating class of 1915 cf the St:te Normal College at Greensboro were present,the guest of honor being a member of that class.The living reom was decorated with red and white,the class colors;closs pennants e used as decorations.Refresh | || The topics discussed by of the teachers were,“How afternoon, a number ed Chiropractor —Other News. act which we've5)been committed, ‘ niveting at the court house Saturday;busy Statesville, seems inevitable.e of peace may perhapsno accreditedtotheal-|though no doubt our hasdonethebesthecould.in spiteofalldiseretionwegebeing_irre-sistibly drawn into vortex of thisworldcataclysm.'A demon of and discontenthasseizedthewholeworldandis|i was served.The ,;”Pa 'causing “this distress of nations. adee}‘CobarThey will ree tor elethamsin|O°"country seome little prepared to on het the a oon,which was pleasantly Norfolk,Va.enter war,with the y and high to Cc J loft pent.Refreshments were Mr.and Mrs.N.Harrison of States-cost of food already confronting us i ene rabere BC.hostess.ville,parents of the groom,weregea-|{<situation ie enenen,Be daunt the ase -pe wont ent to witness the ceremony,Mrs.hearts of the most optimistic.Ger. with Mr.Roland Lyerly was host at @ Hinrrison wore black satin with silver |™*",'s 9 “foe worthy of our stec!a Misses at the homeon and Mrs.J.trimmings.The gift of and those who are eager for the con- flict had better beware.England has boasted that she was “mistress of the seas,”yet the whole world has looked on in amazement at Germany's daring audacity and success in submarine warfare.Bad weather,sickness and rumor:of war furnish about all the newsfromthissection,Even the merry-making among the young folks has about closed,The grim reaper—death—is stillcollectingtollfromsemeofourhomesThesubseribersonNo.6 telephonelinesincerelyregretthedeathofMiss Jennie Allison at the central office in Troutman.There are few operatorswhoanswercallswiththekindnessandcourtesyMissAllisonhasalways shown to the people.The 16-months-old child of Mr.andMrs.Alvah Darr is dangerously il!with meningitis.It was taken toStatesvillelastMondaynightinthvainhopethatsomethingcouldbedoneforit,but the disease is beyond medical skill. Delayed Farm Work—Advice. jorrespondence of The Landmark Houstonville,March %—Continued wet weather.Some roads are in »desperate condition;have stopped al! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK; Soe neue The onty safe place for your money is in the BANK. You always know where it is and you can get it when you want it. In our bank you cqn open a household account *" and pay your bills with a check.This will give you “a standing”with the merchants---and your checks are legal receipts.It also helps you to keep your accounts straight. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Statesville,N.C. auto-travel.All farm work—-plowingfornextcrop—is suspended.The weather will clear up some day andtherewillbearushonthefarm1farmeroughttobelieveinpre- parecness—the kind of preparednessthathasbeentestedratherthargucssedat—seed corn that seeds,al!form machinery carefully looked ove: ind the badly worn or broken part: placed before the beginning of theseason.Man labor and horse labor are too expensive and time toc | precious to take chances which might "very ter these things.When the teams are we ;:.nforee .n .”asily be av od.°rast ments carrying out the color scheme eo enfores the attendance law and ;iffere nee —_—a Ps sereofredandwhitewereserved.How to vet parents vo buy hooks for CMirrenve|hbitri tore ynlaaehl,Malte: the children.”,pushes his work and the farmer whx« The Story Tellers’elu cet Thurs-Mftor five suecessive cloudy,rainy Hee his =push him.Ri;ht pre dav evening with Misses I:ithel Me-days the sun is shi pe »i before the busy season comes,is tnxtn1Migsevtheaysthesh:orning . .Nrirv,Margaret Willis and Clyde!t nee ning this Lenihan to put into effect this farm pre Pletds as hostesses,at the home of Teath of Miss Alison—Licens-parcdness programme.|Do it.Don't X S B Miller.The meeting con-hsay that you haven't time to look af- red and accepted an amended con- stitution.After the business nreet-ienee Var Leatmers ing Bible stories w told,Miss Troutmen ~~B.-Mies Jornie Mattie MeKinonev relating the story Nison cied at her heme here Fri- af Joseph,Miss Malbec!Poston relat.)dev morning,She experienced a lone ine the stary of Sanson.Mies Ethel ind on }iHlnes The fo MeNairv a'woame of the «aptinis Services were ¢ndactad from Porth of story telling.A came follewed church be the Rev.R.C.Das and vrape fruit wa:«ervet,the club of Mooresville and interment =too members relating jokes,Guests of Dlace Seturdav at}o'clock.Fan the elub were Mrs.8.B.Millor and “cver ]vears Miss Allison had chare« Mise Myrtle Houston of Davidson.of the lor!telephone excharirc here ‘and in this canacity she wes one of The Children ef the Confederacy (he most faithfrl and aceomr mat at tho Commercial ebsh rooms A#cic's the loeal company has ever Friday afternoon Mis Wirateth hat She did much to strencthen ant Frawley is leader.The meetine do-onify the serviee here.Ter donth cided to eortriute to the fund for ren .;void whiew wil!he iM " the ereetion of a morument in honor ‘o fill.‘The deceased is survived b of Jefferson Davis ot Bairvicw,Kv hyo brothers. i.e early heme of Davis.The cho ty Milas Holsthevser remains dren are anx'ous fo aeeure the d:vite sie!The healh of the com of the birthdavs of the Confederate “nity has again gotten about nor veterans in tredell county.This ine mal. formation should he furnished Miss Mr.end Mrs.C.L.Clarke have Deawley or Miss Mildrod Gill,Fol-vere to Washington for the inare- lowing the business’meetin;Mise uration,They were accomnanicd | Elizabeth Carlton rend a historical their nephew,Mr.Clyde Trinle! story.Miss Brawles was hostess to In the recent action of the Leg the Children at a drug store later,,ature in licensing chiropractors where refreshments were served.this State,it may be rews to some ae :a .that there is a duly licensed chiro- Vrs.W A.Sample and Mrs.Albert nre tor in this township,end has Rerron were hostesses at a recention at the home of Mrs.Samnie Thursday afternoen in honer of Mrs.HH.A Millis of Hieh Point and Misses W'l- He and Mary Mel.aughlin of Char- lotte.Receiving the carls at the door were Master Albert Sample and Master Billy Porter Ramsey The reegiving line was composed of Mrs. Sample,Mrs.Berron,Mrs.Millis and heen for several years.This is Mis Ida Cavin.who resides near the v!!- Inge.S|Davenport,Towa,and course in this cult.Sinee then she has practiced her profession here The course she took included lect re and a snecifie work,besides attend ine the clinies,Mr.L.B.Patterson is erecting took a year’s the Misses McLaughlin,Mre.R.A.modern hunecalow on his propertsCampbell,Mrs.F.G.Gaither.Mrs.here,Mr.Lloyd Cottine of States M.EF.Ramsey,Jr.Mrs.J.H.Press-ville has the contract for the ere ly,Mrs.C.BE.Roynal and Mrs.J.A. Scott,Reeeiving in the living reom wore Mrs.H.P.Grier.Mrs.T.D Miller,Mre.J.A.Smith,Mrs.J.6 Shelton and Mrs.A.J.Salley.Punch was setved by Misses Rebecen Miller n of this building. Schools Close on Account of Sickness and Bad Weather. cores ondence of The Lendmark ‘Corinne Morrison.The guests Statesville,R-1,Mareh 3 —MroraieR.H.Plvler was’taken to the BilweremetinthediningroombyMrs. F.O.Meritare,Mra.F.N.Lawrence, Mrs.Rove Mills and Miss Maud Nich- olson.Here refreshments were serv- led,The house was prettily decorated, carrying out a color scheme of pink and green throughout.Pink —_s flowers were used.The dining robm was pretty with flowers;the center- lingsley hospital for treatment.Hi:condition is very serious.Mr.Wi! Arthurs,who has been ill with preu-monia,is recovering slowly.He was taken sick at Mr.W.8.Perry’s and in the midst of his illness was removedtothehomeofhisfather,MrJohnArthurs.Jetve,the littledaughterofMr.and Mrs,L.8.Clod- everal years aro she went te ‘or {busy in the field and when the plan-| er should be kept going every hour,of the day,the loss of time meanse|foss of money—often loss of temper | Members Boards of Education. Members of county boards of edu.| cation appointed by the Leyislature for this section of the State: Alexander,Van W.Teague for six years;Alleghany,N.A.Huggins for six years M.Osborne for fouears,W.E.Cox for twe years;Ashe Dr.J.C.Gambrill for six years;Ca 1 ,1 W be here.affords occasion 3 barrus.W.F.Smith for oe years :dee de :peg bes ge ig Caldweil,WL.dMinish for six years:19 ;sae weethsart or friend with a beauljful Catawha,Robert Bredy for six yeurs;t.‘a "a ;to send presents to those “ Lincoln,Bilton S.Rudisiil for si 2 ici OU asl tmas. years;Met)Set :.—=-At f more in order than at this time. y BS;howan,J.a.Me é >§f wy ti ef i ‘veare,J.W.Pooler for {our years:4 putting off the old and putting Watauga,Newton Howell for sir at ;; years;Wilkes,W.R.Absher for sir We s many exquisite Easter Gifts which we shall be oe J.Phillips for six pleased to show you.We invite you to see them. yer .. Ben Lassiter won in the postoffice R F HENRY J l ‘ wimary st Oxford and has been rec-°.9 ewe er. mmended for the job.Be eee gles ogpee vccrasipuicicapietiaitaiaitaliti a ee:|By eH a NOTIN le SS GR ie maMARKETREPORTSeeee ——4 The following prices were paid yesterday vrodaee oe)the ince’avarket Turkeys,15-18:.per tbChickens,13¢.to lic.per th, Roosters,6°per tt i Bows,22¢.per donen 2c.per Ib.Butter,20 “**hye Green Flides (unsalted)18.per Ib.Green Hides (salted:ive.per Th Green Salted Ham to 2te.per Ib.Sides and Shoulders,it-lse.per Tb. New Red Boney,Sc.to lie.peo ibBcurwoedHorneyComb,1#e.to 20¢,per Tb.Old Anto Rubber Coxing,4.per Id. Sweet Potatoes,31.90 per bushel. Grate.The following prices were paidrrainonthett(new)$1.90 per bushel. Corn,$1.26 per bushet.Oats,65-700.per bushel. Statearitle Cotton MarketOnthelocalmarketyerterday17 1-2)cents per pound was paid for best grade cotton Market unsettled. Cotton Seed,65e.per Seed Cotton,6 1-2¢ buahelperth (ADVERTISEMENTS in thie column 10 eemteperiine,No ud.taken for leas than 25conte.Cash moet accompany order.)eoeeBRINGUSYOURWHEAT.We wiil give in piece for the dining table was a felter,has been ill for some time.exéMange for a bushel of good uncleaned mound of pink sweet peas and be-All hone for fair weather,as ¢ick-wheat 38%pounds flour and 14 pounds bran gonias.ness seems to be resulting on every ino sereenine TURNERSBURG ROLLER hand.It seems almost impossible to MILLS.Mar.¢it The wedding of Miss Henriette|keep the schools going,as sickness POR RENT —Gaither Boarding House,corne: and bad weather have made the a: erage so low.The Plyler school has disbanded for the term.At the Ar- thurs school the average was runnin’ low but has increased to 20-odd now It has been planned te build Kohn,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Hen ry Kohn and Dr.Harry Herrivon of Norfolk,Va.,which took place at the home of the bride’s parents,at anrgeburg,8.C..Inst Wednesday eve more promising than it did jusi afte: with married Miss Minnie Hold-|was beautiful in ite simplicity of whit the freeme, er,es of Colerain,Ber-|carnetions,white Nlies and grean «mi feah Gesthebaen. tie b Times is further in-|lax and ferns,Above the bridal part Tou cerestonally see it etated that colle «| reverend’s wife had|was hung a bell of white tulle and net result ee cold weather,That is ra been dead only seven weeks.|white flowers,brilliantly lichted.ee ete abou etna “The bride wes given away by her!‘the microbe 3 cia |father,Mr.Henry Kohn.Just ore-|damp, ae ees Sete fe peel dace-|COdine them were four Httle children diwostion ts red or if you!———a Kohn,Elizabeth ke o dase of Kohn,Henrv KahnweilerandSo! =who forme?!an nisl | road,Wheat in this section is looking Tradd and Seuth Center streets,ahewt 15th to 20th of March Apply to N.D.TOM- LIN at brede!!Hardware Co Mar.6 %t FOR SALE—Sis mith cows and heifer to be fresh within ten days.G.Ho HAYES,Olin Mar.6 it LOBT—Obieng jet pin set with pearl.Re- The High Cost of Living) Is what verybody has to face,and how to reduce it is the question.One way is to plant and cultivate a Good Garden. To deo this,good garden tools are nécessary.We have the tools—Gar- den Wheelbarrows,Garden Hoes,Gar- den Plows,Garden Mattocks,Garden Lines,Garden Rekes. ‘We are talking to men.If your wife is not strong enough to cultivate the garden (and she is not),work it your- self.It’s your job It will not be a hardship on you to buy the tools,And just how much work you can dofrom daylight until breakfast is not known and will not be until you try it. Whether the Germans take us over or we continue to be free Americans,the High Cost of Living will come up to —until more people ‘‘Tickle the oscm”of Mother Earth.To do this =must have good tools.We sell them.‘ Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware i — (pone ree “ iPheLae werd for return.MRS,J.C.IRVIN, March 6 it. MISS LILLIAN BUNCH,an experienced Gretemaker and designer,has roome ever Ramecy-Rowles-Morrison Co.Mar.2--2t". BEGINNING with TURSDAY,PRBRUARYtativeoffi,1917,there will be a oe xgroundsthreemmTues- HUNT BROTHE GREENSBORO,N,STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPORHEATING,_fee»«<n 4 ; i way wok i Following ix a list of the teachessofIredellcountyandtheirschools,according to townships and districts:Barringer Township. Pine Valley school,District No.1, J.R.Harris and Miss Pearl Erwin; Shinaville,District No.2,Miss Lula Hendren;Simpson,District No.3, Miss Ceci!Paris;Arthur,District No.4,Mias Janie Giireath:;Kerr's Branch,District No Edgar Wag- ner and Miss Kate Cathey. Bethany Township. Bethany school,District No.1,Miss Lillian Dunlap;Moore,District No.2, Miss Emma Rickert;Fairview.Dis- trict No.8,Miss Ina Morrison;Duf-fey,District No.4,J.L.Holmes Chambersburg Township. Elpikora school,District No.1, Rev.A.B.Goode and Mrs.A.B. Goode;Vance,District No.2,Miss a:erta Moore;Wayside,District Nc ,Miss Carrie Elliott and Miss Cath- erine Lawrence;Elmwood,District No.4,Miss Nannie Powell and Miss Lottie Fleming;Amity,District No. 5,Miss Lillian Bagwell and Mrs.E. F,Owens;Plyler,District No.6, Miss Mattie Tolbert Coddle Creek Township. Shevherd’s school,District No.2, Miss Marie Barklev and Miss Gussie Haithcox;Oak Ridge,District No.3 Miss Linda Knox and Miss Beaty; Linwood,District No.4.Miss Mary McNeely and Miss Bell McNeely; Coddle Creek,District No.4 1-2,Miss Annie Wallace;Hickory Hill,Dis- trict No.5,Miss Virginia Harris.Concord Township.Trinity school,District No.1.WeslevPrivetteandMissBoosieWeber:Morrison,District No.2.J.P.Watts and Miss Mattie Morrison;Loray,District No.3,Miss Robena Sum- mers,Miss Belle Cochrane and Miss Neva MeLelland:Scott's,DistrictNo.4,J.F.Mitchell and Miss Laura Bradford;Midway,District No.5, Jno.Rufty and Miss Blanch Guy. Cool Spring Township. Cool Spring Academy,District No. 1,J.L.Teague,Miss Katie Steele and Mrs.W.L.Moore;Fifth Creek,District No.2,Miss oan Radford;Chestnut Grove,District No.3,C.SJohnson;Beaver,District No.4.MissLeliaStevensonandMissMartha Carter.Davidson Township. Mt.Mourne school,District No.1, G.R.Hawkes and Miss CarrieThompson;Oak Grove,District No.2,Miss Eva Bell;Long’s,DistrictNo.8,Miss Lois Stiles and Miss Stella Brown:Mayhew,District No.4,Miss Joe Johnson and Miss Marie*Gabriel;Brawley,District No.5.MissMerlShoafandMissAnnieLouBark- ley:Doolie.District No.6,Mrs.F. R.Mayes:Neill.District No.7,MissBertaMeKoy;Kennedy.District No. 8,T.A.Kennedy and Miss Katie Ost- walt:Alexander District No.&1-2, Miss Pauline snith and Miss Carrie McDougald.Eagle Mills Township. Rocky Springs school,District No.1, Miss Mae Swicegood;Joyner,Dis-trict No,2,R.L.Anthony and MissJennieSteelman;Steelman,District No.3.J.R.Jovner;Eagle Mills,Dis-triet No.4,J.E.Critz:Holly Springs, District No.5.Flake R.Baity;Hous- tonville,District No.6,Mrs.WillGaither.Fallstown Township. Leonard school.District No.1,Miss Janie Atwell:Clark,District No.2.Miss Ruth Sauriders and MissBlancheKvies;Ostwalt,District No 3.Mrs.Ada MeNeely;Troutman High School.District No.4.V.V. Aderholdt.Miss Nellie Rowe,MissBessieAllison,Miss Sarah Adams, Miss Marearet Beckham:Belleville,District No.5.Misa Carrie Camp- bell;Fern Hill,District No.6.Geo Kennedy:Norwood,District No.7,Julius Waugh and Miss MariemmaHenley.New Hope Township. Myers school,District No.1,Law- rence Williams and Miss Eva Mitch-ell;Tavior Springs,District No.2,iss Era Younger and Miss Vertie illiams;Barker,District No.8, Miss Altia Younger:Mt.Beulah,Dis-trict No.4,J.W.MeCurdy;Prospect, District No.5.Shirley Madison andMissBeulahWilliams Olin Township. Olin scheol,District No.1,MissGertrudeMock;Hebron,District No. 2,Glenn Grose and Miss Pearl Pow- “Ms Athens,District No.3,Miss Lu ey King and Miss Mary Lawrence;Eupeptic Springs,District No.5.Mar- vin White.Miss Maude Howard endMrs.Hendren;Cedar Hill,District No.6,Miss Nellie Feimster Sharpssburg Township.Rickert school,District No.1. Sue Linney;Rocky BranchNo.2,R.E.1 and Mi ret Perry:Mountain View, No.3,T.H.William ad MiGoodin;Sunnyside,Distries Miss Fva Madixon:Central, No.5,Miss Maggie Howard Carrie Johnson Shiloh Township.Gilbert school,DistrictM.Lippard and MissDiatrietNo.2.8S.H.Victoria Alexander and Miss Matie Gray;Sharon,District No 8,Miss La Nelle Gudyer and Miss Viola Dil- lon;Dagenhardt.Distric; gd.A.und J.R.Stewn District No 4,Miss shall and Mis»Pslight. and Mis trict No.6 Bethlehem,Gray,Mixs Rosa GuyMiller;Pressly, Walter Morris Miss .District s Maryga- District «Daily No.{, District and Miss No.1.H Little;Elgin Stevenson,Miss rt;AberneGeorvia var!Weber; District No i.Mr i.d Ada inter;Thomas, Miss Lucile District No.7,Miss Janie and Miss €District No -mand Miss Vera Sum- thy Mar Dis- mers. Statesville Township. Open View school,District No,2,Miss Maude Nicholson and Miss AliceBilbee;Eureka,District NoJuliaLentz;Kestler, .4,Miss Pear!Davidson,District No.5,M.8.Hedrick,ene Sides,Miss |triet No.3,J.W rescued, No.3 1-2, Ful-@ Reid & Campbell;g 8, District 2 Oak g Estelle ; ae Tee Die te rae i Rell; zg ¢.Wooten;No.MissveDistrictNo.4,J.W.Mable —— faa :cres et ps Sethe! Gen Genes,District No.5,Downum.Township.District No.1,Union Grove,!P.Van Hoy andMissWinnieJennings;Zion,Dis-.Crater and Mrs,Windsor;Liberty,District No.4,J.)G.Reid;Williamsburg,District No.5,J.C.Troutman and Miss ElnaChappell;Trinity,District No.6,Miss Rachel Jurney;Campbeil,Dis- trict No.7,A.J.Crater. MATTERS OFNEWS. Emma Hooper,a negress,chargedwithshootinganofficerwhoattempt- ed to arrest her,was lynched by a mob near Hammond,La. Three women and a man were kill-ed when a closed automobile plungedinto26feetofwaterinBaltimore harbor,Baltimore,Md.Two menandawoman,also passengers,were tel,resulting in greatandhumiliationtothem, JesseCavannugh,wifechildren,of a therlof12years,areospitalinGoldsboro in acondition,the result ofowFridaynightby authernsen, 'hore,The peopleBy the n‘and were walking along the inthedarkwhenitbackedintothem.Two may be fatally in,In Robeson county vanderSouth.erland,a negro,assaulted C,Clark,for whom heknife,resenting a rebukeThatnight‘the negro went to Clark'shome,called him out and shot apainfullywoundinghim,Clark shotbackandwoundedthenegro,whofinallymadegoodhisescape,after|The cost of the “measures neces- sary to maintain Sweden’s netftrali- ty”last year was about $20,000,000, accérding to the official figures,and it is expected that the amount may be increased this year. Thousands of tons of cotton con-signed to Liverpool was destroyed by tire in the hold of a British steamshipatBaltimoreF:riday night.Inelud- ed in the cargo was a large supply ofmerchandiseforthealhes. Shipping destroyed since the war, began,exclusive of war vessels,rep-resents 10 per cent.of the world’smerchantmarineasitexistedonAu- gust 1,1914,according to figures published by the New York Journalof?Commerce. A gan giving his name as ClarenceAngelandwhohasbeenposingusa deaf mute,was arrested at Hamlet and sent to the roads for 18 months They say he is deaf and dumb when begging but at other times very talk- ative.In his suit case he had three geod pistols and other articles. RE em eR WHAT 18 A Digestive LaxaTive GATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fosis not a Secret or Patent Medi-cine but is composed of the followingold-fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARKBLUEFLAGROOTRHUBARBROOTBLACKROOTMAYAPPLEROOTSENNALEAVESANDPEPSINInLax-Fos the Cascara is improved bytheadditionofthesedigestiveingredi-ents making it better than ordinary Cas-caRA,and thus the combination acts notonlyasastimulatinglaxativeandcathar-tic but also as a digestive and liver tonic.Syrup laxatives are weak,but Lax-Foscombinesstrengthwithpalatable®aro- matic taste and does not gripeorthestomach.One bottle will Lax-Fos is invaluable for Const .Indigestion or Torpid Liver.Price $0c. Walter Campbell,colored,who was in jail in default of bend on e charge of larceny,gave bond Saturday ard was released. NEES,RR me a pe ee ‘the Quinine Thet Does Not Affect The HeadBecauseofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,LAXA-TIVE BROMO QULNINE isbetter than ordivaryhabaprnnyanddoesnotcausenervousnessnornginhead.Remember =esasome andforthesignatureofF.VE. Lloyd —Go-Carts. Roller bearing Ro, Comfortable. Attractive. Substantial. This represents one of our large types of Go-Cartsfinishedinblack,nickel plated trimmings.A beauty for only $12.50. Sold in Statesville by Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.‘PHONE NO.400.‘*The Store That Always Welcomes You.” - The New Victor Records For March can be heard—~—at—— ANDREW'S Ask us to play them for you ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. «(==EVERYTHING MUSICAL. 105 East Broad Street. “OPUS ~-oEE Where Titere S Smoke There’s Fire AND.it’s one of the hardest things in life to help-lessly watch everything go up in smoke from the aethatinafewminutesreducestoashestheresultsofearsofindustryandeconomy.UT--with one of our rock ribbedinsurance policies_ll agp you rd e the funds for a fresh start,you're on your fect again in no time.WHYRISKRUINwhen80smallanannualpaymentectlyprotectsyou? le itean be done for! «oma “fo t us show you how litt!We insure your Life,Your Health,your property.oe se &TRUST (an, LAX-FOS We wishto to visitCoats “Ssconveybutasweonceyou onour sto- nef chased by blovchounds and of-| THE to wait and listen for someoeedhaanporvealtyofviewingandWear. IEW"soem,impotent will©wrt—eines THE SUITS ?Beautitulnew models forwomenwhodesire to be well- dressed.We have on display many handsome Spring models in Gaberdine,Poriet-Twills,Velours,Wool Jerseys, SergesandPoplin.In suchnew colors as Aluminum, Mustard,Gold,Chartreuse,AppleGreen,Navy,Rose,Bisque, Copen,Brick,Beet,Dutch Blue andSilver,at pricesranging from $15.00 to $50.00 COATS A splendid collectionof correct Spring Coats suitable for motor,sport and street wear. |$6.48 Bright colorsand novel collar {and pocket effects are featured at priced from to $37.50 THE DRESSES Include many beautiful new effects,in Taffeta,Crepe de Chine and Taffeta combinations with Georgette Crepe, Beaded,embroidered and clever belt,sash and pocket trim- mings.An exceptional display of newest authoritatives Springstvles. $9.98 to $75.00 Prices Beautiful New Blouses Scores of Dainty New Blouses of Georgette and Crepe de Chine in many beautiful colors and combinations. $3.50 to $12.50. DAVE OESTREICHER. SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA. |Jitney Station WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY Is NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY10: WERE STILL GIVING AWAYNUNNALLY’S CANDY Five pounds given away every Saturday night.You can get a box very easily.Letustell you how. POLKGRAY DRUG CO.“On ‘the Square” CANDY---Ice Cooled Assorted to suit everybody's palate. Norris’,Liggetts and Fuerst &Kraemar, Chocolates aad Bon-Bons,Fruits and Nuts. 1 Assorted Nuts,Assorted Chocolates. In Halves,One,Two'and Three Pounds. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y ‘We have s¢ av>using these little banks. fill them with dimes they bring them,we open them,and deposit the contents in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. If you would just save a Dime A Day,you would be surprised how fast it would count up —it isnot only what you save and deposit that counts,but it is the 4 per cent compound interest that we add to it every three months, that helps to make it grow. If you ave not alveady one of our Savings De- positors we would be glad to have you come in and start Vulcanizing Innertubes at Small Cost. Complete Line of to have one o AUTOMO Are You SavingPart of The Money You Are Making? If not why not start now;Would’t you likefourlittkeDIMESAVINGS BANKS?The are about the size of a large watch,and will hold $5.00 in dimes. syeral hundred customers who un account anytime. AND REPAIR SHOP. OUR GOOD SERVICE Casings.MOTTO 1917 MODELS When they You are alwavs welcome at this bank,matters not how small your devosits may be. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Benk For Your Savings.” PHONE W.R,MILLS MOTOR LO."3 BILE SUPPLIES Full Line of Gasoline Oil and Grease. Chains and Tubes. OVERLAND AND HUPP CARS NOW ON DISPLAY. A tema nn ecm ema =emmmanttgi at, aneTHELANDMA UESDAY,_-_-__March ©,3987: VE D.&>ota eras harnley,nts of MR.ROBERTH.COOK DE Passingof of YadkinGoodMan. day night about 9.15 the .|10 %inka:spirit year-old granddanghter of Pin! this world and returned to the God)The negro escaped. 1 month and 10 days.He was st:: ih wvieh bne:tmonia on the Sth and 27 years old,was found dead on the 24th.e seemed to recoverfromtheattackofpneumoniabut —done assigned +the a of thin loft him in euch &weakenet qon-(°o7th.Wits in pital at the time dition,owing to his extreme age,that with a new-born babe.| I ually grew weaker until the,The North Carolina Student Volun- end came,He was a Confederate sol-teer Union will meet in Greensboro dier,having served the entiretime in friday,Saturday and Sunday.The the war between the Statos.*ae om ae ==oe differ- married October 16,1860,to ie ent colleges 2 ¢,who are A.Wirdsor.dauchter of the late »lanning to go as missionaries or do Rennett and Sarah Holman Winder|ssion work.. His wife died a little more than six 'I.A.Shirley,dean of music of Sa.| veara avo.To this union were born |'em Academy,Winston -Salem,wil"| eight children,four sons and.four |rive a loving cup for the best musica devebters,all of whom are living ex-composition by a North Carolina com | capt one son.ae.wee =18 were a yon,rans Coa vears apo.children living are |.(ote.cup w awarded at Moesers.G.U.,Millard and J.Re Coch the next meeting of the North Caroli. and Mesdames J.M.Bell.I.A.ng na Music Teachers’Association. WJ,Johnson and F.W.Denny.The Mr.J,A.Russell,who was born ir children ell lived near and did everv-Asheville April 1,1818,and who ha: thine thet loving hands could do to,been li in Texas the past 50 years aid their father.He was ready to ©was ma last month for the second| when hia Master called.He remarke’time.His first wife,a native of Hay |+ to his oldest danghter during his M-wood county,this ‘State.whom h 9 nose that while in good health hehad |married in 1849,died in 1912,wher ss ~..=”He Mr.Russell was 99 years old.He wa:|& ee ee _—103 years old before he took any med- Fee eettee Dale ont ger ne et eewmwholove“: Psa ould ae naecr see te reel aa ed man now,at the apy ot 104.; leventest delieht wes to qnote Seritt-|The temporary toll f@ridve erected |ten from memory and to talk of Wir over the Catawba riveiost Slonn’s fer a)Gavieur.He wee a mon of unusval|'Y:between Mecklenb'and Gaston limtolleet,newer forgetting anything counties,was damaged 4 dynamite lhe rend.“Tinele Bob,”as he was explosion.Attempts to destroy the ‘ealled.will he rrently missed in the bridge by dynamite ts attributed tc loomminity.for he was a good neigh-lhor,ever willire to lerd a hand tetheneers4distressed.But moremesartyhehemisnedatthe default of $800 bond.|we 'erneciolly is heme,where he has I'ved formore In Rockingham Superior Court! lthan £0 cenrs.Tt wae abvavs such a last week John D.Carter was award- lmlenaure to hic children and grant-ed $1,500 damages in a suit for slan- &c :Charlotte,and openedan officeofhis galy om "Chan Atwatpetanemeet.has.or,a is charged Hamptonville,R-2,Feb.1.with attempted4S Oe cennelt en a on these .Cook took its flight from|Henderson,an Orange county farmer worsepossibly who gave it.His age was 84 ‘|Vernon Crosby,a eotton mill work-oa 2 oy the outskirts of Bessemer City.Over-of mucousin jealousy on the part of operators of|Get ready to paint your house before the heavy Spring demand for nearby ferry.Bloodhounds put on the)and oil,in order to avoid the usual rise in »ries.We have a trail and the negro ferryman in jail iz}and can supply you promptly.Stag Peint is the best paint ofvike Blot ciesShar Sontil it Pal SwiftPES. Reliable Protects Property ‘ONE GALLON MAKES TWO” SHBER,Pegg:nNUER &rere oa ase RAGBavfimore. pe OSE en }paint know of.Come in and let ws “show you,”as we have shown oc a | l-rontest delight to see them come.suit was on in Rockingham court in| |Now ho is gone ‘and we have the which Carter sat as a juror.King! “weet peenrance that if we are faith.afterwards wrote a letter in which,| lful ard Neve a righteous Ife we can it is allewed,he charged some of the)¥ mect him again in thet elertous jurcrs in the case with being unduly|§ I world.«chere there is no sickness.influenced in rendeving a ver liet i: tinnin or sorrow.‘arter brought suit for $10,000 | Tho yrers’sorvicss were conduct.orainst King.7 bad at Mt.Parle chovch by Rev.RI |Py 1 Da ‘ad he hod.was laid te res THE TEST THAT TELLS!if ‘in ihe ecmetery at that place.| \The Chirepractoce=—Six ta the “a the —Time—Many || ,."State.Statesville People Have _— he the CAiter.of The tanadmnek:This Test.\f |May 1 call,vour attention to the Years ago this Statesville woman | loommen!on chironracters in @ Pecan.toll in 2.public statement,the bene-|§ _s oe Hevea .YP tos fit derived from Doan’s Kidney Pills.|§ Poor |we ceaiiaien of tun Lie @atement is now confirmed—|4 ‘Chiroprnctic Fountain Herd.”which t+testimony complete.Instances|| |locntat st Davervort,Towa 3 like this are numerous,They Kanes | % eith atudied seversi mor as -t prove the merit of Doan's Kidney) natliution,then went to acother ety pin,te “nish and is ia every way prevar-*; Can avy Statesville reader de-' mand more convincing proof?—It’sladtopracticetheprofessicn.These |facts ro to zhow thet the <iatement Statesville testimony--it may be in- imode shont chiropractors f2king 8 vestignted. |eaypespondenecs course and ttine @ .A gee ars a ce Mic Nie 209 Sevent i Aiploma for £26 is rather uncalled fort Mrs..BR.Nicks,202 Seventh here in North Carolina.strevt.Statesville,says:“I suffered in the P.8.C.felass 1919)there feom backache.}was restioss at right @ wore six medieal doctors -one had’aig in cho morningI felt all tired eut.H |children to visit him and it was his der against D.F.King.In 1914 a|7 IREDELL HARDWARE CO. Commercial National Bank OF STATERVILUR,N.0. oe an ec ents easiest inne ae Tae —_—-ee rnaNei .rytpital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surglus and Profits —-31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. ant Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.. OFFICERS:ie W.PD.TURNER,.---President. K,MORRISON,*+ha VicePresident. D.M.AUSLEY,--Cashier.© @.KE.HUGHKY,-Assistant Cashier. eatresrrsrtsts) }taken one vear’s post oradvat:work T wae nie OE a ‘ n Evrope;cone ostesmnth,two ra-as also nervous pnd Aad «ters trrenaths,two masseurs.two nt.hendrches.Dean's hiinev Pill i two ministers,one ‘n ty preparing stopped ihe pains in my back os:a § or foreion mission work,one fawver oo.om kj on normal.”(Statel#l one Y.M.C_A le tnrer.one co ese aA Y sth de oe (State- |wpofeseor,a number of trained nurses,ment given Mareh 1,1912.) leehool teachers and other professions.On March 6.1915,Mes.Nicks add-J |“At lea st two-t hirds of these were 9g;“i haven't had to take Doan’s lthere hecause either ther os seme...)Tin fore Res ‘loved ane were beneft-oa bv chirencae-See pa Cu Reve:Ne Miao - itic adjustments ar 1 mort of iicm Price 0c,at ali dealers,Don't were srxvious to help others.(Ts 2 simply ast for a kidney remedy reerettahic fact that fhe severest wet Pioce's Nidney Pills—-tha scm riticisms come from those who |}.aa :.. very little about the theory.whch that Mrs.Nicks has twice publicly “ems ta }ferm of into!e reeommended Foster-Milhurr Co |What we do not understand v a-:Pror-.,Buffalo,N.Y. LB |aliy condemn. oem eo eee re |Some Washed on Sunday— Some Did Not. |Taking note of The Landmark’.re- |port of the hearing before the lev sla \ l tive committee on the bill to prohibit) |golf-piaying on Sunday,the Greens-|| boro News submits the following ar) la difference of opinion,among good |people,in the matter of Sabbath ob-|| servance:i :e ! It is recalled that in one North Car-|For All (Occasions! jolina community it was not a custom ito “go in the creek”or “go in wash.| in?”on Sunday,and if any one had taken a swim on that day he would have been regarded as rankly irrelig- lious;it would have amounted to ¢'scandal In another community,15€|,miles distant,the deacona and the cl-||We can always supply ders and the small boys and the scof- for used to gather at the river of ?|you with the best to / Sunday afternoon,after attending| oo —there We-never any ques y tion of right or wrong.One of these <.. communities was mainly Methodist be had in Flowers for other begry perhaps we Le tter avoid the very appearance OF, |the evil of imprudence,and not say}whatever purpose they which was which;as a matter of fact,they were both communities of srood average North Carolina people,of the should be wanted. LISTEN! i,a FN Consider this before you buy.The best range to buy is the one that gives the longest and most.satisfactory service,at the lowest enst.‘The easiest way to be positive that you are making an absolutely sound investment is to buy a Favorite the guaran- teed kind,vou are then taking no chance. For almost 70 years the Favorite has been recognized as the world’s best. It will pay you to see our line before you make your purchase. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘‘The Favorite Store.” salt of the earth. |Hope in the Blackberry.| Monroe Enquirer.||.Turnip greens dead,collards allfloppedoverandlookliketheywere reeremceemeneameao cement mann wn eee We have a large lot terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks, Soeens t Forks,ice Cream Forks, ,Table Spoons,Dessert 'ou want Sterling Silverware! of Sterling Silver in_several pat-Forks,Olive Forks;Tea,ice Tea Spoonsandaimost scalded,the onions have not got life ° enough since the sold snap to smite V Lindle an olfactory nerve—not a thing left an yinthegardens—and it looks like GREENSBORO,&%@.there is “tuff”living ahead.But there Polk Gray Drug Co.,! hore is life in the old land yet.The briare Ageeie are not.killed and by the middle of June prince and peasant,rich man and pe ,will be happy.for the cold did not kill the biackberry- growing briars,nor did it “squelch”} the old cow's.milk.He who has 4) piece of blackberry pie and a less)Ge 7 _ of cold sweet milk has about all there Cc.A INS for the way of real joy of ents,any-:to Build With.”Prices. a everbring Of} the ea,subject eos of REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Those desiring to sell farms,timbered | suburban,city preperty,cotton mill and stocks are requested to call or write us. We are constantly in touch with the market buy- ing and selling.Insurance that insures,inia ihg Fire,Accident and Health Employers Lia- bility,Automobile Companies. Life policies that are equaled by few (if any) and surpassed by none, Full information furnished upon request. aer pa THEY ADMIT IT is ‘TRUE.NEWSIN D ;Germany Admits the IntrigueandTriestoJustifyli. German Foreign Secretary aim. merman,askedaboutthereportthat. in the stile lobbyforthemailto be get Mexico te declare war aguinst theSpimonttnephasesofUnitedStatesandtosecureJapan's aed vf people aid against the United States,answer-business man ed:ly in,unlocked his bes “You understand that it is impos-methodically th sible for me to discuss the facts ofofletters,his face If “n this ‘Tevealed plot’just at this moupnowandthenasheread@mentandunderthesecircumstancesionwhichmeantthatthere|therefore may be allowed to limit@cReckinside.A young gir!my answer to what is said in thtropeintethelobby.her face aglow Erictish reports,which certainly areyfulanticipation;there was not inspired by sympathy for Ger-b one letter in her box,but it was The English report expresstyenough,judging from her happy states that Germany eapected andsmileasshetoreopentheenvelopesishedtoremainontermaoffriendItwaspitifultoseetheeagerhopeasAinitedStekee.th nishipwiththeUnitedStates,but thatdiefromafaceassomeonelnoke:ae wenared ni a of deferthroughhismailandsawtheletternethEniiStatesdeclaredSaimissingthatmeantmoretohimeaeeeeeae..tn oo =hauthefallofnations.The whole bun oe Ca a a idieoflettersworthlessbecause¢2 wt -Sa atheabsenceofonebeloved super-;ee.ie J a@cription.Then a trim stenographer POU ee Counlockedheremployhex,uF vere ‘slim envelope which she .tained a check for x cool thousandwasthrustintoher score of others.recklessly into three.One was blue,« and one was whit pretty vouny womar She left in a few n ter,and she had tenTwolittlegirlsjovt words on a card which ar “Daddy will ome tome Aman stood by a Ow ireadingaletter,an grey and haggard a oManees,trace and)gained,happiness, whole round of lifetothebitterfindsthepostofficebox The Record of ae Mrs.Mary Wm,Stew: Eafola F Was 84 vi by her husta a Stsates Amiay, la,Mr Stewart art of that .® Sunday at Nev funera!services Davis. Phice at Perth The daughter Sherri!!.who d:) eral days ayo,w Mrs instead of Mrs.FR in The Landma Oveido,the e eht-ven: of Mr.and Mrs.J.i |} day morning at th rents in south Statesei!] brief illnes Fy conducted Seoen thafternoonat220 at Oakwo od.The al brothers and NeWs WAS it Sund ft ‘ on that day of “ir years old.He and Mrs.Bert.Cook His mother dies!here nt ago and his sister, ner,died here a ove will he buried at row.Mr.W the deceased, Book of Nature oem: “Blue Bird Be of | Joy”is the ti poems publishes!! er of Boston,Minas two brothers,Willisn and Rev.Dr.Hid) are descendant HY,a member of 1 vention thai met j in A775.Mr.Hh itorial work in =th Fears and w: Our Fotherle of the Par has been ,Presbyte more than 50 ’Preecher of this « State.His hom “Blac Bird Jov"are echoe fields, ssure In Cas ¢such a’ mea pocket¢ All wer: her } Stewprt rt, ida}nizh ars ¢ : acatesA.Fans.¢tle h af m + apnea!ir best of hon appen!to the } love nature Democratic The DemefStatesie their polling DAY AFTER Primaric: board,tolarse,ar membe: to he vet be key ™.,AFjudeesWarl X Meck iw Aver ws! No.4 1 r I)Ch Flood Dameg:'f) Five Ss ther Ne Alabama.( @nd Virginia disastro . heavy raRation« dameare Sundaybanksin « Georgia and e: considerable p bundreds home)far no | ed, WILL RE TRIED FOROFPLYMOUTHROCK The ladiew of the Ci Len @t Work on the Mock 7 LARCES y ROOSTER teny of a Pivmouta Rock f prominent citivens wl ' oo.to the trial and a Y f 4funispromiod.The pr ~Mw Sens ve will pe wd Lenawee and ol Hewes, a .,that nm not ar the 1 Mthewed i Skpecied not io ung it to Japan. yo keep them ":_RUTLDING? e boro,who 1 eleetion next ve >town eComntrs tranemit- ae nome,ofFrom Over A contract has been letofthelate0.Monry foronsereenofsomeofthetheaGermanplothadbeenrevealedto»... 4 valuable horse, blind staggers,ran am at -knecking down fenees and It had to be killed. The police seized 50heerattheFuagrie’elub in A ! and arrested thevelub'’s Kat stake C.Craig,for retailing.And he eve of the bone dry bill,toe!« Henry Bullard,colored,murdered. hia wife at l’urvia,Robeson {and then made his escape.He fp i posed to have shot his wife he wanted to move and she not wo with himMajorChas.M.Stedman ofGreens.|has just begun his fourth term as a Representative in Congress! from the fi district,announces that he will not be candidate for re-4 tith trme health offieer for ity commis.sted $1,000,the and other For Rows “lone a whol county the rs have appropri f t S700 Cour tow?wil!in le of Herring Bros burned Saturdayof harr ,automo. ntityv of feed,Es. ivtially insured found Wall in’as morningilanditwas!©wire while t the barn wusH. Johnston er extract, |about esponsible scrapes ‘idents,” Selma, an and t from en Fork th attrib. nd it ral -Lazenby-Montaomery Hardware (o., C.WATKINS | rease the 4 9 © ad iae ee _Be,Be,Ie. Johnston-Belk Co.Springtime daintness is reflected theughest tetheentirestorewithnewandSmartnessisembroidedineverylinevertuourReady-to Wears NEW SUITS In all the new shades,Apple GGold,Mustard,Maize,re$0.95,$12.50.816.50,$18.5¢ $:27.50,$37,50 NEW SPORT COA 2 . them vatua-3 dissplaved., \ee,and workmanship.Prices “15,1), UN EW SKIRTS,All sizes and extra sizes, ce Prices 98e.to $5.95. NEW SPRING WA2ks,Georgy ‘tte Crepe,Crepe de nd Organdy.Prices 48¢to &: NEW EVENING tifut, and: T )Monkion less thar woula Whit r* £Tice nings M;aize, Ki), ‘ral trim ees fai>ng e!’ $1LPs ~~}Ix,wey ve) Lr cd =!}°aes,Py»+ SOMETILING Wea 16Big Retail Stores Oo S a eR Sraae Sea TS The ibest Spring line we have everUp-to-date in style,ma- Black and DRESSES: ‘OR SPORToe NWthestoreThatSellsfor Less. soe NEW GREGARIANCREPE,Blue,Gold,Pinkand White,with—beautiful floral designs,width 36inches.Price special,48c. WHITE GOODSOndisplay,beautiful line of Waist-ings and Skirtings,woven noveltyVoiles,Crossbar Voiles,plain,stripedandchecks,Organdys,Golf Skirting,Gaberdine and Corduroys. YOUR EASTERSHOESAreready,a good variety ofDorothyDoddShoesandOxfords. CLOTHING DEPARTMENThasmade,and sustained its remark-able success;because of its ability tobrinxthecustomerbackintothestoreinclothing,and because of itsabilitytoconvincethecustomerofthedependabilityofthestoreinwhichitwaspurchased. New Spring Suits.New Hats (J.B.Stetson).—New Pants,New Sport Shirts.New Ties,Collars,ete. ARRIVING DAIL x. There is aReason, Sell for Cash. 16 Big Retail Stores.1 yreen, Prices ))50,F Get $4.95 IST, C hine a OU, Nias }Ma- cost. ande is "e Qs ¢’ MIONE THE UNIVERSAL CAR 320,817 iea it 320,817—-renr \ugu fall ¢and winter the distribution [MMEDIAT rmiit anv nus an confine CDWERS FOR + his fice deliv ¢ ianfisine Rt delis |have | AT TH Verv Ww) YING \Ory nd aon’ CARO!INA "WE NEVER RAG YOR ESV ILLE, CP.CEAA eee eet a enareN «te +.ral} agent io r dig August 1, ears nian- to re- to revatl bu ES KinCce rum! by ows delivered ent 1916,and delivered ra]yey af t Ist agents demand for Ford cars makes it necessary for of cars only to these AGENTS WHO HAVE E DELIVERY TO RETA CUSTOMERS, k enrs anticipatie f jaterstockmnnmoO that they protect ecuring Ford cars.If, .We advise you to place to intending bi yrs appointment in I wd 1: may 9 pure he 408 no compl at {iS TIME MA nhion ¥Y CAUSE YOU DISAPPOINT. eur authorized Ford WHEN SPRING FORD MOTOR COMPANY. MOTOR COMPANY. CLOSE” STATESVILLE. edinte delis vithDISAPPOINTEDim T BE NEWTON. RO meta HP PEO. FOR SALK BY Siat:caville,A.C. a LET ©.H.LESTER: Draw your plans and getthegoodkindofiumberhewefrom OG.WATKINS. * “THE MOST EXQUISITE PREPARATIONKNOWNFORTHESKIN,IS HALLS GLYCERINE LOTION —CURES CHAPPED HANDS,IRRITATED SKIN —AND——- EXCELLENT FOR USE AFTER SHAVING,25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT HALL’S DRUG STORE,PhoneNo.20.:- terms thetorvy theirIniCongress,-hody from enactingteupholdthehandsoftheinthepresentinternation-sis,”was passed by the Idaho )houses of the Arkansas Leg-unanimously adopted resolu-et ing the course of Presi-Wilson in the present interna-crisis and reaffirming confi-in him.The Senate unani-adopted a_resolution com- Senator Robinson for hisinfavorofthearmedneu-resolution in the Unitedte.Kirby,one of theSenators,was one of the jons endorsing President’s’programme of armed neu-iy were adopted at Pensacola,‘ata public mass meeting,at speakers scathingly attackedatorswhowerechargedwiththearmedneutralitybilljnitedStatesSenate.olution offered in the Nebras-ate referring to Senator Nor-bpposition to the armed neutral- mi,says that “in his oppositon,bill Senator Norris did notthesentimentofNebraska,norttthepatrioticjudgementofits ns.”Both houses of the Legis-fe adopted a joint resolution con-to President Wilson“profound »of confider-«and good willbestwishesforxsuccessfulad- R.Wilcox, a ican national committee,statement on the Senate filibus-defeated the armed neutrali-said:“Every Senator should}stood by the President in this crisis.It must have been adisappointmenttothepatriot-le of this country that 12 itters should filibuster on a meas- ’important te the honor of the se chairman of plutions condemning as “littlefoftreasonable”the action oftorswhopreventedthearm- lity measure from coming vote were passed at a massheldinNewYorkcityunder pices of the American Rights’President Wilson was urgedisehisconstitutionalauthor-the arming of American passing througn the barredinsolentlyestablishedbytheandecree.”addition,from throughout thewyresolutions,telegrams —and poured in upon these Senators, ting them for tack of patriot- ‘and promising Punishment at the Here and there were mes- from pro-German or uliga-pac- organizations,commending their d,but for the most part the unications were signed or en with plain American names were bitter in condemnationHesofmanyofthememorialsand onal telegrams were sent to the te House with expressions of mee in the President.Some of told of certain members of thatmpofSenatorshyerngbeenhang- effigy by their constituents. ordine to these renorts a mob pise,Idaho,burned effigies of rs Cummins,LaFollette and won.Students of the University Miinois hanwed in,effiry Jafol-The Wisconsin Senator was ve addressed ai meeting in ine W.Va.,yesterday,but a mecting of citizens held last in protest forced the promoters {speaking engagement to can- it.Reports from Missouri —indi- ea storm of protest against Sen »William J.Stone.cheirman of |Senate foreign relations commitwhotookpartinthetightinstthearmedneutralitybill “MR.HOLTSHOUSER DEAD. iy.Milas Holtshouser died yester- afternoon at 6 o'clock at his at Troutman,aged 75 years and months.He is survived by his ,three sons and a daughter—Mr. -¥.Holtshouser and Mrs.Cora le of Troutman,Messrs.W.J. ouser of Mocksville and ElmauserofHickory.Two broth- ‘also survive.neral this afternoon at 2 o'clock }interment at St.Michael's grave- a DRT ON WHEAT AND CORN, on farms March |was about 16,000 bushels,compared with 559,000 bushels last year,the ment of Agriculture an- t held on forms March 1 was 101,265,000 bushels.Last year8.000 bushels remained on March 1. ATOR CUMMINS MAD. tor Cummins,Republican,one 12 Senators who failed to sign manifesto favoring pass- of the armed neutrality bill,de- in the Senate yesterday thatmanintheSenateoroutofit, igh or low ,who said he red to defeat that bill “deliber- falsifies.” Y¥.Hamrick,a prominent citi- Cleveland county and a wellRepublicanpolitician,died ‘hundred poe — landed }onbutoftherevolutiontheeriweCelt,ipoie hfs filibuster|pre Statesville relatives were advisedWednesdaymorningofthedeathofMr.John P.Flanigan,which ocecur-red at 5 o'clock that morning atRedlands,New Mexi¢o.Mr.Flaniwasavictimoftuberculosisanddeathhadbeenexpecteddaily forweeks.His brother,Mr.JamesFlanigan,and daughter,MissMargaretFlanigan,who left States-ville February 14th for his bedside,were with him.The remains,accompanied by Mr.and Miss Flanigan,were expected toleaveRedlandsyesterdayandthefu-neral party is expected to reachStatesvillesuet.Qwed 6 ad sufferec romMr.Flanigantuberculosisfor several years.InMarch,1914,he went to New Mexicointhehopeofbeingbenefited,mak-ing his home with Mr.Carl Turner, formerly of Statesville.His healthimprovedforatimebutduringtheChristmasholidayshesufferedase- vere attack of grippe and his condi-tion soon beeame critical. Mr.Flanigan was born and rearedcinStatesville.He was a son of the late J.Pinkney Flanigan,long aprominenthardwaremerchantof Statesville,who died near 21 years ago.In October,1901,Mr.FlaniganwasmarriedtoMissKittieCaldwell,laughter of Mr.L.C.Caldwell,whodiedinJune,1904.He is survived bv his daughter,Miss Margaret Flanigan;by two brothers,Major R.L.Flanigan and Mr.James P.Flan- igan,and a stepsister,Mrs.R.R. Clark,all of Statesville. Mr.Flanigan was in business in Statesville until his health failed. He had many friends in his hometownwhosincerelymournhisdeath. Mr.William Pinkus,a native of Statesville,died Saturday night at hissummerhome,Atlantic HighlandsN.J Mr.Pinkus was the oldest son of the late I..Pinkus of Statesville,was born in this town in 1872 and lived herc up to about 20 years ago,when he lo cated in New York.where he and his brother,Mr.Fred Pinkus,engaged in the manufacture of cigarettes unde: the name of Pinkus Bros.Mr.Pinkus is survived by his wife who was Miss Daisy Werner of New York,and two daughters;by his moth- er,two sisters and two brothers Mrs.Sol.L.Clarke of Baltimore,Mrs Sol.Clarke of Columbia,8S.C..Mr Fred Pinkus of New York and Mr Jake Pinkus of San Francisco,Cal. All were with him when the endcame. Mr.Pinkus had a wart:place in his heart for his old home and was al- ways interested in Statesville.The news of his death was a surprise here few knew he was ill,and many friends who have know him from hildhood will learn of his passingwithregret. Mrs.Lucy Jurney Stimpson,wid- ow of the late L.T.Stimpson,died Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock atherhomeatTurnersburg,awedabout65years.For the past three vars she had been in declining health and her condition became crit- ical several days besore her death.Mrs.Stimpson was a dauchter of the late P.CC.Jurney of Olin)and was married to Mr.Stimpson about 1)years ar more ago.As Miss Lucy Jurney,Mrs.Stimpson was a well-known school teacher and for several vears held a government position Washington.Surviving her are three brother 8.R..W.R.and Dr.PLC.Jurney and two sisters Mro.Fo RB.Rieh ef Colerado and Mrs.Sallie Rivera of Boone. Funeral services will be held this morning at 11 o'clock at Snow Creekchurch,conducted by Rev.J.C Mock and Rev.James Willson, the interment will ery there. Mrs.Matilda Shuford Duckworth. wife of Mr.John W.Duckworth ofMountMourne,died Tuesday morning it Long's Sanatorium,after a long ness.Mr Duckworth had been under treatment at the Sanatoriom ioring the past two weeks.She wa: My years of age and is survived her husband and two children, ford and Marv:her mother, Margaret Shuford,«so lives Loray,and the following named brothers and sisters:Mr.Joseph Shuford of the Loray community.Mr.Calvin Shuford of Missouri,Mr Wesley Shuford of Kensas.Mrs.F G.White of Statesviiie,‘irs.Os- borne Rankin of Barber,Mrs.D.A Sloop of Mooresville,Mrs.MaryFreexe,Mrs.Margaret Cook and MrsEd.Hedrick of the Loray communityBurialtookplaceWednesdayatCen-ter church,near Mt.Mourne. Mrs.Eliza Neel,aged 79,died Monday at her home in Steele Creek Mecklenburg county.Two sons andtwostepdaughterssurvive.MreNeelwasadaughterofthelateWilliamClarkofSteeleCreekandacousinofR.R.Clark of States-ville.She was a devoted member ofSteeleCreekPresbyterianchurch. DEATH OF MR,SHERRILL. Mr.Jo.Sherrill of Statesville died last night.He is survived by his wife and one son,Mr.Grier Sherrill.—_=SENATE ADOPTS CLOTURE. 'The United States Senate yester- day for lim debate when two-thirds of the members agree to that. in and be in the ceme- hy Fhu- Mrs near the resolution providing THE LEGISLATURE OUT. Adjourned Wednesday—SneakCreatesaRipple—Ap-propriation Pill and OtherMeasuresoftheLastDays. The.Legislature finally adjourned at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.Among its last acts was the pass- age of a bill providing for a specialcommissiontocompile,collate andrevisethepublicstatutesofNorthCarolina.The commission is’com-vosed'of Representatives Dalton, Stubbs and Grier and Senators Linnp.jand Warren. Sixteen of the acts passed by theAssemblyareinlinewiththeree- ommendations in the inaugural ad- trees of Gov.Bickett. No lewvislation of consequence was passed Wednesda,the session beingheldfortheratificxtionofbills.The most exciting incident of thecloseoftheLegislaturewasthedis- covery.Monday evening,that a“sneak”bill had been put through repealing the State-wide primarylaw.A bill was intreduced by Sena-tor Hail of Stokes to include his county in the State-wide primary. When the bill was discovered,after it had passed,it was labeled a bill to amend the law but the reading show- ed that it had repealed the law.Sen- ator Hall,who is a Republican,had eone home when the discovery was mode,but he was generally acquitted of any knowledge of the fraud.It is helieved that somehody got hold of the bill and doctored it after the Sen- ator introduced it.A bill was intre- iveed and vromptly passed repealing the “sneak”measure and including Stokes in the primary law;and then.to make assurance doubly sure, another bill was passed re-enactingtheprimarylaw. Meantime a committee was =ap- nointed to investigate and discover,if possible,the perpetrator of the fraud. There was the usual presentationofgiftstopresidingofficersandoth- ers.Tuesday night Lieut.Gov. Gordner vot a handsome silver serv- ieo and Speaker Murvhy got a simi-lar present.The Speaker was 80 overcome with emotion by the kind expressions of the members that he couldn't respond and many of his as- sociates were moved to tears.There were other presents for clerks,etc. Tho Legisinture voted the usual honuses to employes.All the clerks,including clerks to committees,were riven $60 extra,and the pages,door- keepers and others were also given aliberalextraallowanceoutof,the publie treasury. The Senate bill to increase the sal- ary of the corporation commissioner from $3,500 to $5,000,was killed.The House passed the Senate bills ap- propriating $75,000 for permanent improvement at the Caswell Train- ine School and $25.000 for an indus-trial home for fallen women.The latter bill was at first defeated but was reconsidered,Fills passed:To ente State educational commission to investigate and report to the next \ssembly;to provide wor the use ofthepropertyorlaberofhusbands vod fathers who abandon wives and thildren.Rills passed:To regulate salaries of secretaries and clerks in the Gov- ‘s offiee and increase the salorv of the nrivate seeretarvy to $2,500; t in State Board of Edueation the tiles of land sold for taxes;to au- thorize county and municipal refor- matories for delinquent women:to vrease the limit of compulsory <choo!l attendance from 12 to 14 Years. A bill passed appropriating 825.- 00 for building purpeses and $7,500 innually for two years for the erec-tion ef an orthopedic hospital school for treatment of crippled children to be located two miles east of Castonia,The appronriation is con- tngent upon the people of the State ising a similar amount for building sorposes,It is believed the amountvillbeeasilyraised.Gastonia hav- ‘alrendy promised $10,000,it i tid. eRe is Appropriation Bill Passed. The sveneral appropriation raseed both houses as follows:220,604 for agricultural exiension vork for 1917,$49,731 for 1018; 2207.500 for Raleigh Hospital fer ineane;:287.500 for Morganton Hes- tol;$120,000 for 1917,$125,000 for 1°18 for Hespital at Goldshoro:$68.,- oO fer 1917,$70.500 fer 918 for Deaf and Dumb Schoo!at Morganton: $45,000 anrmally for Caswell Train- ne School;$23,000 for 1917,$22,400 for 1918 for Stonewall Jackson Training School;$30,000 for 1917 840.000 for 1918 fer State Sanato- rium for Tuberculesis:£165,000 an- rually for the Universitv of NorthCarolina;$60,000 annually for East Corolin eachers’Training School: $20,000 Binnually Trainin®School: for Appalachian $11,200 annually for Cullatwhee Normal;$72,500 annu- ullv for the Blind Sehoc!at Releich:$122,500 annually for A.&M,Col- lewe;$126.000 annually for State Normal:£20.000 for Oxford orphan-uve,white;$8,000 for maintenanceond$5,000 to pay off =indebtedness Oxford Orphanage,colored;$42,400 annually for Seldiers’Home;$200 ennually for Confederate Museum at Richmond,Va.;$250 annually forConfederatecemeteryatRaleigh; #200 to pay off indebtedness on Guil- ford Battlerrotind;$15,000 annually for nerro A.&M.College;%20,000 annually for negro State NormalSchoolswith$5,000 for improve-ments;$12,500 annually for StateLaboratoryofHygiene;$10.000 an rually for fi jes commission:$97,-.00 annually for State Board =of Health. Representative Grier of Iredell at-(Contnued on Eight). bil! Special Corteepondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,March 8 —The resi-dence of Mr.George Hefner,nearAl‘s Cotton Mill,was burned—aot ———except a on a w things,y night about 12 o'clock.The are ithen,presumably from a fective chimney.The loss is estimat-ed at $1,000.Mr.and Mrs,Hefner are past 80 years of age and are al-most helple:«.They are in the homeofanearbyneichboruntilasmallhouseontheirfarmennberepairedandfittedforoccupancy.A woman of about 35 years arriv-ed here on the noon train Tuesday, went to the office of the clerk of theSuperiorCourtandaskedClerkA. M.Matheson to qualify her to a pa- for her signature.She gave hernameTe.Inez Yraston of Elm- wood.e paper stated in effectthatherhusbandhadlesta_footfrom1poisonandlaterthere-maining foot was crushed.She wassolicitingmoneyforanartificialfootandpretiisedthatallmoneygivenherbeusedforthatpurpose.Clerk Matheson had several men in his office waiting for him to attendtotheirbusiness,but he hurriedly read the paper,administered theoath,then read the paper aloud to the gentlemen and told them if theyfeltdisposedtocontributetheycoulddoso,They did not respond and theclerkkind!y told the woman that hewasnotfinanciallyabletohelpher,but would not collect the 50 cents feeduehimforhisservices.The womanthenaskedtousesomeoftheclerk’smucilageandpastedthepaperinanieely-bound book she was carrying.No one knows how successful shewaswithhersoliciting,but she left on the 5.30 train.Mr.Matheson felt that there was someihing crookedaboutthisfootaffairandafterthe business of the day was over he be- wan investigating and found that no one at Elmwood had a neighbor with- eut feet or of that name.‘he nextmorninghetelephonedClerkHart-‘ness of Statesville and learned thathehadhadthesameexperienceTues-day morning.Rev.L.L.Moore will assist SundayintheinstallationservicesofRev.8.1.Cathey as pastor of Clio Presbyte-rian cheers.Mr.Moore will alsopreachatConcordPresbyterian church Sunday evening.Mr.J.C.Gentle of Rowan was called here Tuesday night by the ill- nevs of his daughter,Mrs.E.D.Feim- r,who,together with their seven children,-has had measles and yester- .bronchial pneumonia developed. The children are cetting along very nicely No business of interest was trans- acted hy the county commissioners at their meeting. Representatives Dr.S.T.Crowsor and Chas.P.Matheson have returned home from Raleigh. Work was bewun Wednesday morn- the Lenoir road,west of Tay- loraville,and werk has begun on theroadnearStonyPoint.The road machinery has arrived,the muleshavebeenpurchasedandthework vill provress as weather permits. Presidential Postmasters Must Pass Examination. Postmastem General Burleson an- nounces that after April 1 the ap- pointments of all postmasters of the first,second and third class will besubjecttocompetitiveexaminations. Nominations will be sent to the Sen-ate as in the past,but in making se- lections the President will be guided bt the results of examinations and will send in the names at the head of the lists.Whether the Civil Service Commis- fer which fourth-class post are now named,will conduct minations has not been deter- sion,ut master the « mined The President’s forthcoming order will provide for a form of modifiedwilceclassificationunderwhich i va ies,whether caus /res- inate removal or death,will be filled competitive examinaThosealreadyintheservicewill con- tinne witheut examination until the xprration of four-year terms beyir ning with their last apportionment. ind ow then,it is understood,haveundergothecompetitivetest. There was a plan to put all jentin!postmasters under the civbutthiswasabandoned.The mply means that postmasiers f this class will be named in the sual way with his important thange the =suecessful candidate must ps a satisfactory examination nd tl will embarrass some of them.Congressmen complain of the nnovation but complaint scems to e unavailing, ion presi mk rhove Bus\(ness Coming. ‘men of Knoxville, in a special train of vars,will make a trip through west- rn North Carolina next month.Theyarescheduled=to visit StatesvilleApril13th,Gov.Rye of Tennessee is expectedtoaccompanytheparty,which willinclude100ofKnoxville’s prominent busines:men manufacturers,merchants,echers,lawyers,doc- tors,et There will also be a brass bend of 3%om and a moving pic-ture ma will make pictures ofallthetownsvisited.trip ispromotedbyandwillbeundertheauspicesthe———chamberofcommeree,and the purpose is to:vet acquainted, Knoxville Men Bu travel Tenn., nine per that was typewritten and ready NEWS OF MOORESVILLE. Death of Mrs.Hager —Wed-ding —Mock Trial —Mis-sionary Lectures. Speelal Correspondence of The Landmark. Mvoresville,March 8—Mrs.Hager aged 70 years,died Tuesday at thehomeofhersonneartheDixieMill,death resulting from injuries receivedfromaseverefailiastweek.The Davidson township,for burial Wednes-day.She is survived by her son andseveralotherrelatives.Mr.Sam Overcash and Miss BlancheArthurs,beth of Mooresville,weremarriedWednesdayafternoonat home of the bride’s tather,Rev.8.H.Hay of the First Presbyterian churchofficiating.The bride is a daughter of Mr.John Arthurs and is a prettyandattractiveyounglady.The groomisanemployeoftheMooresvillega- rage. The mock court trial to determine“who stole the rooster”was enjoyedbyacapacityhouseattheauditorium Tuesday evening.The trial was di-rected by Col.A.V.Newton of Wor-cester,Mass.,who appeared on behalf of the defendant,Mr.J.L.Donald, accused of deliberately stealing:onehighlyprizedPlymouthRockroosterinheritedbytheplaintiff,Mr.Harryi’.Deaton,from his forefathers,whocameoverintheMayflower.The dif-ferent characters played their parts well and the witty testimony offeredinthecasekepttheaudienceina gale of laughter.Ludicrous situationsundlocalhitswerenumerous.The gross receipts of the evening amountedto$79,a per cent of which will beusedforthebenefitoftheMooresvilleFreeLibrary.Miss Edmonia Martin,Presbyterian missionary to Pernambuco,Brazil,lectured to the ladies at the FirstPresbyterianchurchWednesdayafter-noon and to the public in the evening.Both lectures were |wellMissMartinisaninteresting and in- spiring talker.Mooresville people will be interestedtolearnthatAzaleLong,the little daughtér of Rey.and Mrs.L.E.LongofWktnston-Salem,is improving after a critical illness of several weeks.Mr.Long was formerly pastor of theLutheranchurchhere.Mr.I.N.Rich,manager of the Dixietheatre,contemplates moving to Wins-ton-Salem,providing his business herecanbesatisfactorilydisposedof.ThetownwillregrettoloseMr.Rich.His genial personality has made theDixiepopularwiththepublic.Mr.Gray Steele of GlenwoodSprings,Cal.,who left here 26 yearsavo,is back to visit relatives andfriends.He is aecompanied by hiswifesndlittleson,Master Billy GrayMr.Steele says that lots of fruit is grown in his part of the country,butthatthemaincropsarepotatoes,hay and live steck. The many friends of Mrs.L.AFallswillbegladtoknewthatherconditionisfavorableafteranopera-tion for cancer at the Charlotte sana-torium last Saturday.The operation was more cfitical than had been an- ticipated.ir Falls ts still in Char-lotte and w¥ll probably Sunday. Mr.N.B.Mills of Statesville washereonbusinessTuesday.Mr.E.R.Nelder has returned from Johns Hop-Lins hospital,Baltimore,and is with relatives at Spencer. Mrs.Will McKnight is seriously il) of pneumonia. remain until eeMunicipalPrimaryTomorrow. The municipal primary to nomi- nate candidates for mayor,aldermen and two school commissioners wil!be held tomorrow,the polls opening at ’o'clagk in the afternoon and clos ing at 6. Mr.L.B.Bristol will be nominated for mayor without opposition and a majority of the old board of alder- men will also be renominated.Al- ‘orman D.M.Ausley of the fourthward,who has served on the board shout ten years,declines to be a can- lidate for renomination and Mr.J. \.Brady,a former member of the urd is mentioned as his suecessor Mr.William Morrisen is mentioned neeessor of Rev.W.A.Lutz mn the school board. So far little interest has roanifested in’the primary, niests have developed. President Has Authority. understood that Attorney Gregory has advised the ident that he has all needed au-to pretect American lives i property at sea The Attorney Coneral is said to have held that.the ithority conferred by the constitu could not be changed or dimin- hed by limitations imposed in stat- tes passed at any time,and that tatutes attempting to limit that au-rity.were unconstitutional.The ‘oien was net made public. The President may proceed without ‘iting for congressional action but is believed an extra session will be illed in May at latest. the heen as no Tr {,er 8 eral thority Legislators Return Home. Senator Turner and Revresenta ves Grier and Matheson;Mr.John lewis,clerk to the committee on »nstitutional amendments,of whieh Grier was chairman,and Mr “aul Leonard came home from Ral- eiah Wednesday.the legislative ses-sion ending on that dayMr.Leonard,who was with theLewislaturefromnearthebeginningtotheend,-was a member of thethirdhouse.As secretary of the“tate Merchants’Association he wasmthetolookaftertioninwhichthatbodywasested. Mr body was taken to Williamson chapel,| the|the president,Mrs,Rowe, attended.|: A deaf mute has been selling collar buttons on the streets this week.—Col.A.D.Watts gndaysthisweekatrecoveringfroma#attack ofnesswhichheTuesday ight.eee The local Merchants’|will give the schooleuetatHotelFredell=willhe a ban- Troutman,will meet at Saturdaafternoon,March 10th,at 2.30 o’clock. —Mr.and Mrs.J.M.McKee havereturnedfromNorthernmarkets.Miss MeCulloch and Miss Nine,whowerewithMrs.MeKee’sdepartmentlastyear,have arrivedforthecomingseason, —Mr.C.E,Mills returned fromNorthernmarketsW.Miss Kate Smith ofhavechargeofthementofthemillinery Mills &Poston's store -—License has been issued for themarriageofthefollowingcouples:Reuben W.Johnsen asad GracecaaeseerC.Troutman and arie jiggmon;Robt.Samuelcush’and Dorie Blanche Arthurs;A)-fred Queen and Lovie Yount. —~Mr.H.C.Worthen,he Western Union . will of land,private secretary to Mr.|en,and Mr.C.H.Carrollentsixthdistrictoffice,spent Wednesday in Statesv —Rex, Statesville’shorse,the one that wasthehookandladder }nageBy 7 toynonhisvilleamCowles"wil uctionvlay,“The Rise and Fall of thefederacy,”which will bethemountainsnear —A report of North Caroliniansinserviceintheregular“Private First Class John in the 8d Company,:game.United StatesetailedonantinthePost inge atStreng,Mass.,the station company.”-—Mr.H.H.Henly of Dayton,O.,and Miss Maud HenlyhavepwaParkstreetfromMr.C,C.and Mr.J.E.house will be occupiedofthepurchasers,Mr.Henly,who will move toatanearlydatefromthesectioninnorthlredell. The corner room oneastcornerofthesecond of thecourthouse,formerly aplaceforoldpapersandin whichstartedlastsummer,has beenhauledandconvertedintoaneat re-tirement room for women who attendcourt.The floor is eement and issupposedtobefireproofandwater-proof.There is a_toilet and :place will be a great convenience. Boy Scouts Organized. The local troop of Boy Scouts haselectedofficersasfollows:James An-derson first patrol leader,Jo.Parker second patrol leader,Wallace third patrol leader,Jherttroopsecretary.Mr. Alexander is scout master. The enthusiasm of the boystownintheorganizationoftroopcontinues.<A numberanpliedformembership.The workoftheBoySeoutshasnomilitaryas-pects whatever.There are no guns1othermilitaryappurtenancesintheequipment.ThereforeneedhavenofearthattheirbecomingconnectedwithahodywhentheyjointheBoy New Bottling Plant. The Mint Cola Syrup Company ofSalisburyhasopenedan-ment for the beng pro-ducts in Statesville.bui oc- ipied is on Meeting street,inoftheWilliamsfurniturestore..1.A.Weisner,who recently came toStatesvillefromOlin,is manager ofthebottlingplant.The »is compounded in Salisbury,the |establishment being used for the bot-‘ling and distribution of the articleLastsummertheSalisburyconcern perated a bottling plant here for a few monthe.__ Church News. St.Michael’s LutheraneeegnBy i day at a.m.:“Neutrality Impossible”Paste ta at 7 pmaaJe While walking frommileeastoftheYadkin near Scouts. river i“a |Pr Waleerof soncounty,senger trainand of Statesville,North Carolina,— Us. .Alfredinadispatch om Amster- ing te objections raised ist member to the Mexi-Dr.Zimmermann said:e were looking out for all of us,in the event of there being the prospect of war with America.It was a natural and justified precaution.I am not sorry that through its publi- eation in ‘America,it also became known to Japan.; “For the dispatch of these instruc- tions,a secure way was chosen which at present is at Germany's disposal. How Amerivans came into pos- session of the text which went to America in special secret code we do not know.That these instructions should have fallen inte American hands is a misfortune,but that does not alter the fact that the step was necessary for our patriotic interests “Least of all are they »»America justified in being excited about our action.It would be erroneous to suppose that the step made a partic- ularly deep imvression abroad.It is regarded as what it is—justifiable defensive action in the event of war.” Extra Session Necessary. An extra session of Congress not later than June is generally conced- ed among Washington officials.Al- though President Wilson has not giv- en any definite indication that he has finally abandoned hope that an extra session might be avoided,there is an almost unanimous sentiment among Senators,Representatives and offi- cials of the executive departments that one must be called. They declare that even if the In- ternational situation does not demand it,Congress must come back to com- plete its legislative programme and fill up gaps in the government's finan- cial scheme caused by failure of some of the more important appro- priation measures.Should the Senate limit debate and the President’s legal advisers decide he has no authority to arm.ships without congressional authorization.the armed neutrality bill undoubtedly would take first place among the measures to be pressed by the ad- ministration at an extra session.It might be urged,even if it were held unnecessary from a legal standpoint in order to line up Conyress behind the President and wipe out the ad- verse impression which Mr.Wilson believes has resulted alreatv. cially in Germany,from the Senate's failure to act in the ses<ion just clos- ed.But if the international situation does not call for an extra session the supply bill will probably make it nec- essary. Modified Cloture Rules For the Senate. Modification of the Senate rule urged by President Wilson to prevent future filibusters like the one thatkilledthearmedneutralitybillvirtu- ally have been agreed upon by a con- ference committee of ten Senators, five Democrats and five Republicans. named by the party caucuses.The change proposed would put the pow- er in the hands of two-thirds of theSenatorspresentatanyiimetoshut off debate and prevent dilatory tac tics.The committee met again yesterdayandwasexpectedtoreachan agreement on a resolution embody- ing this proposition,which wés ap-proved by the rules committee sever-al months ago,but which never came up at the last session. Leaders.championing the expect the resolution to receive necessary caucus endorsement =and to be presented to the Senate as soon as possible for consideration and action.A majority of the Senate has long favored the resorution consid- ered favorably by the conference committee and its approval by both parties in caucus undoubtedly would pave the way for its ultimate adop- tion.It must be adopted,however. under present Senate rules and itsopponentscandebateitindefinitelyiftheychoose. Board Charities and Public Welfare —Women Recognized. Gov.Bickett has appointed CharlesW.Horne of Clayton,J.A.McAuley of Mt.Gilead,Mrs.I.F.Hill of Dur- ham,Carey J.Hunter of Raleigh, Mrs.Walter Woodwara of Wilson, A.W.McAllister of Greensboro and W.A.Blair of Winston -SalemmembersoftheStatestoardofChar- ities and Public Welfare,the enlarg- ed organization created by the LegislaturetotaketheplaceoftheState Board of Charities. _The Governor has been liberal inhisrecognitionofladiesonState boards.Two are on the board above mentioned and one each on theboardoftheSchoolfortheDeafatMorganton,the Schoo)for the BlindatRaleighandtheCaswellTrainingSchoolForFeebleMindedatKins- ton.On the board of the schoo!fortheDeafMrs.I.P.Jeter of Morgan- -— ;to succeed her usband,Rel:.deter,whoshadexpired.~— eR One Traitor Gets His. Paul L.Scharfenberg of St.Paul,Minn.,a private in L,Company,FirstMinnesotaInfantry,was,sentencedtofiveyears’imprisonment at FortLeavenworth,Kan.,February 5 by acourtmartialatSanAntonio,Texas,for furnishing military informationtoy. A letter addressed to relatives inyassertingthat10,000,000inthiscountrywerereadyrise”inst the government inwarny,by British —authoritiesovertooffi aut by acan espe- chane> the wean at government's plan forJapaninwerineventofGermanyandwasdefendedinanad- the Reichstag (Germa-Gaerne?by the ' MEASURES THAT FAILED,| Important Legislation That | Congress Failed to Enact, Among the administration _bills which failed in Congress were the measures to supplement the Adamsonlaw;the bill to enlarge the Inter-State Commerce Commission,the Webb bill to legalize joint foreign seeking agencies,and conservationlegislation,including the general| dam bills and waterpower bills.Bills! which did net form part of the orig-| inal programme but were pressed| unsuccessfully by cabinet officers. and administration leaders late in the session,included amendments to the shipping act to give thePresidentpowertocommandeer,ships;a drastic espionage bill which passed the Senate,but never was} taken up in the House,and amend-|ments to the Federal Reserve act to} inerease bank gold holdings and de-! crease member bank reserves.Con-| ress provided for payment of $25,-} 000,000 for the Danish West Indies.| The Senate failed to ratify,despite|an urgent request by the President.| the treaty to pay Colombia $15,060,-| 000 for the seperation of PanamaImportantenactmentsnotspecifi} cally included in the programme were the bil abolishine saloons | the District of Columbia and rider on the postofece appropri bill,making it &crime to transt liquer in er-State commerce i prohibition State Althouch the stopped the passare ation thelis carrying ir SAT1 O00 000,Congre sa other supply measures,with of nearly SOO GOO OO 4 i}measures that the ateri | a Senat 1 i of the appro all lopted S1 te ar See!OMT Oeil: judici 757.000 HOO: })istrural,Sv6_000 ONG: ‘umbia,. wo:diplomatic 000,and urgent Amonyr theresidentsi £123.000,000+Indian and cedefi m alls ed provided or the widew of Major ck Funston, eeeTeTwe Change in School Principal Disease Abates. nteree of The Landmork R-7.March tetas that measte Frede are gia ‘ smallpox have community AO go people iffered sore were only a few cases nmong the colored peorle been keeping our vod Dr Nicholson |,winter, alwavs feel will soon he when under his care ‘Phe school River Hill will avnin| have to change teacsers our pri cipal,Mr.H.H Wooten,has heen called home to take cl reo farm,his father having had for appendicitis.We Mr.Wooten up,a man and | about die 1 ont;;number . prms but of th but at the] an oner | thor re he is a} mn atoins | achoo!Mr.J.M.I principal,also di | food work and we hope the n xt| teacher we get will do a well as|these.Miss Mahel Stevenson,our| faithful assistant,is a fine voune lady and is doing good work.She is how ready to take up work with the|third principal. Mrs.EF.I.Smith is visiting daughter,Mrs.Burette Houpe. Farmers are anxious for some pretty weather.| Situation With Austria. Austria's reply to the American re-| quest for a clearer definition of her! attitude in the submarine situation| stated officially in Washington to! leave the door open for further nego-|tiations,delaying,temporarily at. least,the break which has been re-! garded as inevitable since the sever-|ance of relations between the United| States and Germany,' Although in substance long communication upholds and defends| the unrestricted warfare waged byGermany,it is couched in mostfriendlytermsandpointsoutthat!Austrian submarines are operating |solely in the Adriatic and Mediter-ranean seas and therefore an en-—croachment on American interestshardlyistobefeared io give ine ye cood work it Sharpe,our fi our ! drat the her|‘ 7 1%ysbf¥ I ight Tours ToxrhesRoadsterComsiry © . Pig ours ToningKoadsterConpe. oeden , 1 8=bang +TowCouwe 'coasine $ erg :~e> a”SS ~— Mi-Pertisan)Orranization House Sucvested. For of the in- with ind com-patronage issed byleaders‘the five Bi-partisan o! eming House of Con hamp Clark as Speak mittee memberships anidequallydivided,is being di Democratic and Republic: as a possibility in the e. independent members hold up pub- lic business in the next se n by at- tempting to dictate how the Meuse shall be organized. The independents thus ¢declined to ‘ther of the big parties and held several secret caucuses.If they ote as aiunit,as it)now appears hey may,they can delay business in the House just as long as party At best neither Democrats nor Re-|publicans will have more than 215avtymembers,and 218 are requiredtoelect@Speaker,except by specialayreement.In case of a deadlock,'many Democrats and Republicans be-lieve it would be their patriotie du-|},in the face of an international|crisis,to break down party lines re-rardless of political fortunes.| seeming tic have withhave |lines are maintained. Says Vinol Creates Strength Rosary Hill Home,Hawthorne,N.¥.—“l have used V There will be a reply to this note !and unless an overt act precipitates arupture,the United States probablywillnotbeinclinedtoforcetheiseueforthepresent.Germany is creditedwithwer‘to force Austria to breakwiththeUnitedStates,a «Aus-does not eh to ‘850 ame.|")am blj S ~"Foresight and Courage Automobile valuca as at present tabtiehed «roc!'tablished are largely due to u foresivht and courage of Mr.John N.Willys,the president of this jostitution. saivereal use of the cautomie)ile at wd ihe couragetoproducequalitycarsinlarger quantities then %!had ever beiore been produced. S inere iit “ion made :ible eavir which steadily receced costs and repeatedly cstablishy v Valucs. 'PON POTNES wor he f )Laas Come oduced 400 cary. Light yeare ago,wit! t:Ce "tic More tha {S00), «"pany pr,ry288 Your, Sus “h of over U0,0f -t produceOOMODGcalers’over 4 The W.R.Mills Motor Company, "Fhone 512.Statesville,N.C. (pom meaneeee aeonsWwerTheWills Manufacturers of WiandLight Commercial Cars a1 ht has required an enormous invest-ment in plant and cauipraent to yrenare foi this cauormous produc- tion,Theo prime requisite in the catemobile indusury is edill iovesight and cours .o*. lir.Willys foresees a demand this vear in excess of the possible inply. Ta addition to enormous investment in plant and equipment Mr.Willys had the courage to contract long avo for enormous quantitics of rawmaterials—355,000,000 worth ready #2 hend fer this year'srecordproduction. See all this reflecud in the values wehavetoehowyouinchemost comprehensive tine of cars ever built by any one producer. Note especiaily the remai kable values represented in the Big bour at $3850 and the Light Six at $085. aal- Veht 8OQ5 s-Overland Company,Toledo,Ohio va-Rright and Overlsad Automoliles HYOME|(AWDMNEY-O-K02 } ENDS CATARRH,ASTHMA,|Bronchitis,Croup,Coughs and Colds,of |money back.Soid and guaranteedby| Statesville Drug Company. {; L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. -~~—Dealer In—— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees- wax,bAlso old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags Books and Magazines.€ pay the highest maprices. Independent Phone Bell Phone 9302. msc:ania tale SERVICE And the complete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. Wecan give you service, W.E.MUNDAY. ae ge e t ne e r s en e ne THE MOST EXQUISITE PREPARATIONKNOWNFORTHESKIN,IS HALL’S GLYCERINE LOTION ———-CURES |CHAPPED HANDS,IRRITATED SKIN A EXCELLENT FOR USE AFTER SHAVING,25 CENTSABOTTLEATHALL’S DRUG STORE,Phone No.20. al sree onoiKadrads sincewecommenced stomachs,aid digestion,re-indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,,sick stomach,and similassymptoms..mit tee,"ai"boned or.2 ited morefan-a milion.peofie. Your ist sells and recommends -t.Price only 25c.Geta v-N.C,123 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. of theHavingqualifiedasadministratrix ‘estate of N.E.Stroud,decensed,this is tonotifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaid eétate to present them to me on or beforeFebrutry16,1918,or this notice will beleadedinbaroftheirrecovery.All personsindebtedtosaidestatewillberequiredto make immediate settlement.A.E.STROUD,R.T.Weatherman,Atty.Administratrix. Feb.16,ivit. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the es-tate of M.H.Shoemaker,deceased,this is tonotifyallcreditorshavingclaimsagainstsuidestatetopresentthemtomeonorbeforeFebruary16,191%,or this notice ‘will be plead-ed in bar of their recovery.All persona in-debied to said estate will be required te makeimmediatesettlement.R.L.BHOEMAKER,R.'T.Weatherman,Atty.Administrator. Feb.16,1917.* THE LAND) i he Hewodlet_Nrnck cw ar the |years agohaveattempted toStatesfromtheseas—‘vther nations toY for we should (ve well prepares to ree ,norwouldyouhavehadoccasiontosneaioutofWashingtonupondiscovery*oftheGerghanplot.“Whil@ you can never undo the mis.chief.you have planned,yet if-you act auickly,you may be able to persuadethosenowambitious@becomeBene-diet Arnolds of Congress to end the shameful scene now hein,enacted.” etre Justice W.R.Sloan yesterday tax-od Fred.Claywell 85 and the costsforanassqultonW.W.Wilsen. MOTHER!YOUR CHILD IsCROSS,FEVERISH,FROMCONSTIPATION! Tongue is Coated,BreathBad,Stomach Sour,Clean) Liver and Bowels! Give “California Syrup of Figs”at ence--a_teaspoonful today often anves a sick child tomorrow. If your little one is out-of-sorts, half-sick,isn’t resting,eating andactingnaturally—look,mother!see if tongue is corted.This is a ‘sure'gn that its little stemach,liver and bowels are clogged with waste.When cross,irritable,feverish,stom- ach sour,breath bad or has stomach- ache,diarrhoea,sore throat,full of ld.a teaspoonful of “Califor- nia Syrup of Figs,”and ina fewhoursalltheconstipatedpoison,un- digested food and sour bile gentiv moves out of its little bowels withoutvriping,and you have a well,playful If cold.sive DR.VANCE HASTY,=|°°!"fain.-DENTAL SURGEON._Mothers can:rest casy after giving ensan 5-24,Geer Plane.this harmless “fruit laxative,”be- FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,|(°'°°‘t Dever fails to cleanse th: Statesville,N.C.little one liver end bowels and eo ENGAGEMENTS,weeten the stomach and they dear- eo 07 ou “>8.Jur ve tte -art ¢;Pi eg,SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’S rave Ht i.Icasant taste.Full direc-TEETH.tions for babies,children 0°all ages vod for grown-ups printed on each ."2 ~B n of ecannterfeit fic svrupsDR/COITESHERRILL,}1020)eget te a so cent bet. .;-tle of “California Svrup of Figs;”General Practioner in chee i @ made iy the (Ca City and County.fornia Fig Syrup Company.” All calls telephoned to Jas.Ro]praxo tUNING—B.S&S.VanALSTYNE ofHill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-Sulisbury.Orders foft with Mr.L.W.Mac- fium will have prompt attention.KESSON,3 tatesville Drux Company,willEwanpees-eeive prom .sitentinn.Feb ae:Itw. °«Long Leaf Kiin DrieditneyStation"esspentoletinth:HH r wil Wr HAVE bictgen tie °>Peecometnr zn wm tne c ar.ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON-De a .COMMISSIONS 2's SALE OF CITYBELKSTORESFOROCROF-OLrER FICE AND WAITING ROOM,oe WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN ‘i - AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT 4 rht 'd4dowsand IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN-Vie f +M Ma TION GIVEN TO CAI.LS 1 PAGANYWHEREINTHECITY10.a ae ti BETWFEN DEPOT AND SQUARE :cng »CENTS . ‘PHONE 111 *Y re vJitneyTransferCompany.te ima ee ee iy o MADE IN Se STATESVILLE(eo:tenKsub|mpeg deny La We Bee ...™arn 'Anything in Sheet }th c ' Metal.|corde ,ine Re “7 mn ore Gack 'indetSTATESVILLETINCO.}Soe ee Tin Roofing,Venun pee Aon >];:—- Ride Ri I [ALE OF VALUABLE LANDS.Valley Tin Gutter Spout.;eee oy ‘} j "Phone 55.114 BE.Broad Street.|i i psennmet lee EP A apt oe :;the bidder oe eee *oe i ¢nt the irt bh t }TIRE BANDS nivavueel 4 Febru: Tapes,Cement Patches,ete .ahs = are all very wel!in the UME f “Vetheyareall)emergency ,ve :ures orly.The only real and Hines en Unermanentrepairingisconebylincnenat ; ulcanizing the @amerred part {lot x,on Patte While your Car iis net in ou :te =cast ' have your Tires put in shape,|ales =S Vauee.THE IREDELL VULCANIZING =|reo sate TI &SUPPLY COMPANY.,Acta ean ved near Phone 201 Court Street.||’b Ve ere ee late Hen:We Sell Miller Tir i 'Falis,hin.wid ean\BLACK WELDER, —_—Par c r 4 Comm poner, 1 14}t'Se TL Pp a -C.H.LESTER,areneDr.8.W.Hoffmann. REGISTERTD ARCHITECT,Osteopathic Physician. Office hours 9 a.™..p. :m.2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ap-Statesville,N.C."Phone 340 Green.||feintment,Arderson Bidg.,113 W.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324.-aaa’|tesidence ‘phone 279-—creen. OO ERT Se i SCRAP BRASS-Heavy Prass 7)c. per pound,Liyht Prass Se.perpound”»6 °FOR SALE:| Now and second hand mac!inery |for sale and ali kinds of hotler } toom supplies ; Cc.H.TURNER. No.74,Bell Na.7 «©COUGHS,OOWDS,ETC. WA »SOe.and $1,wT ve okt Sas $15,W.B,Clark $2.50,J.L.C pee |AY,>=Mgech 9,1917.Count Campbell §Deitz &Patterson $21.25,T.0.$16,J.D.Pord $22.10,N.g£5.90, tredell TelephoneIredellHardwarebshey <4 yJones$109.49,W.C.Hen 70,”H.Harteell $92.06,P.B.K$10,Lazenby -Montgomery ware Co.$1.45,Litton &Cl 5h cents,Mooresvile Furnitrue$5.96,C.C.Manness $14,C.LL,dock $85.27,C.A,Mullice $8, !.Morrison $15,W.M..Neel22,G.C.Putnam $15.76,8. Templeton $4.50,D.BE.Turner &417.15,S.L.Stafferd $34.37.J. Steele &Sons $38.06,Stater “Ny Grae ry Co.849.20,Sherrill -Whi erg R.B.Yorka6,C sor $232.65,D.R.Millsaps $20, for work,material and supplies.| County Home and Paupers —C.L.Clark $4.22,Home Electric Co.$23.25,Statesville Grocery Co,$89.-)v8,Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co.$1,Sloan Clothing Co.$1.50,J.B. Waueh $15,Wallace Bros.Co,$22,J.) E.Sloop 65 cents,Iredell Produce) Co.$18.54,Star Milling Co.$22.96,Smith &Brown $7.55,Dr.M.R.Ad-ams $4,Crawford -Bunch Furniture}Co.$4,W.E.Munday $3.Presbyte-| rian Orphans’Home $11.76,RexteRedman$3.J.PD.Hoover $6,States-)i.i,away from home ville Drug Co.$5.10,Margaret _Nich-2 &way Fe a 5 ols $2,Troutman Drug Co.$6.69,all Jesse Copley was instantly killed for supplies;W.C.Perry,superin-|Thos.Garrard and Rainey Carver,the tendent,$60,Lettie Dry,nurse,$20,latier a negro,seriously hurt when a laborer,$25,all’forD.Lb. salaryCourt House and County Offieers— Warren, J.A.Hartness,postage,$4;L : Anderson,janitor,$45 for salary;)work on it escaped injury. M.P.Alexander.postage.$3.80;Bew-|(Gov.Bickett has commuted to 15 ley Dorst Coal Co.$157.20,Gunn Dis-|years in the State prison the death infecting &Oi Corporation ia man while on sentry duty. lof the Methodist Si @ied in Conco Li will bring suit againstofDavidsonandGaston LPmud.” Tpopular and ought to bring Mr.Be Shoe)1 1.Shoaf of Sgeneer is askingCo.$17.23,Stimpson &Stcete $16.48)!GooreoW.Huanni of the same$47.00,B.V.Privett $8kel tows’for the”allowes oo \.Tomlin $10.50,R.W.Wind-|yj all,trian! fa chi leftcharve of whipping his wife and run- A.|when it collapsed and nine others at $25.28,|; Imperial Brush Co $9.25,Statesville) Printing Co.$15.15.Sanitary Prod- ucts Corporation $26.50 Walker,Ev-ans &Cogswell Co $74.50,Harris- Goodwin Ce;$1.74 Edwards & Broughton Printing Co.$50.45,City FKlectrie Co.$50.64,Southern Express Co.87 conts.Iredell Teleohone Co.1.10,Fred.B.Phifer $1.52,R.P._Al- lison $7.25,St.tesville Show Case Co.$11,Brady Printing Co.$42,Tre- dell Mardware Co.38 cents,D.: Morrison $1.50,W.D.Harris $6.W. J.Lazenby $151.87,all fer supplies, materials and work.Jail and Prisone 0.L.Wood- fas $6.60 and Sankey Gaither $3.50 for conveying prisoners:Statesville Droge Co.$4.90 for supplies.Tt was ordered that the jailer be Weoved 45 cents per day for eachnrisgneruntilfoodstuffsgetcheaper vhen the the pry is to be at old rate3hcentsperdayperprisoner, Miseellaneous G.©.Dull,coun- $50; ty demonstration agent.salary, G.M.Yeung #15;1.T.Morrison $2,4.Cys Jones $4,all for services in nneetion with eeetion:s J 1 Holmes,£41.09,rebate on real ¢ tates W.R.Sloan,8713.90 to balarc« t re itor’s reports U.-G.} 1,county atterney,$25;}Brown £19:80,J.T.Smith $85.10 a WC.Johnston $26 for service a ynte commis sionel aoeThefollowingorders were That the Civie Lengue be wid > and the Associated Ch: “at le 310 per raorth;th ' 1 ny for flooring =of Dar!ok at SL2F pe that tl lunteer tigen S vil and Nootesvillevelf-om pall kK:thar elect held Disirict No Cham )hip.and in District No rd hip.Satr ; oO!>al echoct t t matter of settlement with Me.Jd.A W.Barbley for stock that id to troyed on court of n° Cases,Was postponed until n ink. Sick People,Schools,Etc. reeepondence of The Landmark Troutman,R-2.March 7 Grou hi viher will be ever h ’«if uN a poe we will have me "pret woather Wy}t look | he r an.In some p! was ba damaeed by the cold r quite a lot of sick _¢\!i A.Arthur {Hong this writing.Al A viurhters,Ethel ‘NW ne Virs Suet a Whed ta her het vism.The girls both ha,Kthel has been set <Miss Harriet hursdeteherbedwithrheun .!Kugren Blackweld is sick owhh dao grippe.Mr.Lut Seaves,who h heen quite si he past while recuperating.M Jim Over h is seriovsly sick }been ¢fired for the nast m- ith rheus m.Mr.Will Arthu slowly omrproving from an att of nnewumenia, M Moe Rimmer.who lives 1Oetwalt,and Miss Curlee Howard Elmwood were the guests of M Ada and &!Howard the past w The school at Simpson is progre ’iy under the tutilage of M ecil Paris.The schoo!at Shins also reported to be doins w vork Miss Lula Hendren is teacter Open Garages in Other Towns Mr.W.HM.Alexander and hi ! Mr.W.Reas Alexander,will lea: this week for Gastonia,where th will open a gnarawe.Messrs.Alexa: der will handle the Chevrolet aumobileandhopetohavetheir« lishment ready for business with two weeks, Mr.A.Y.Alexander and Mr.Il:old \t leave this week for Ral eivth,where they onen .garasMr.Alexander will ve his famil Raleich later Kan FPeolichness. ona lly it attited that eetwhtfitweather.That | we oe i colts would be nt inh ome ee ii tbe i mt colde fowrte bw tarry Heb ow onthe 1 t rit of a emCharabert‘bh Remedy.Ht be effectoncorneredlepewi .tetht’4 abet te kbileeeedFE»..:Sse mere:|aleBDL NNN QIN te 8 Tiree ¢? {ings Here and There in.the |*4)The court martialat BLP Tex-|B.nequitted Private |#the company from } orth Carotina regiment,sh: ,a ministerurch,LetaBuriedatHigh Point.pastor, raly ais, Catawba county commissionersthecountiesforpayment costs and transportation charges prisoners sent to the chain gangs of those counties.H.K.Bethune of Lumberton is inhingtontosecureapatentona vice to “pull automobiles out of th«If the thing works it will b Rev.W.L I thune a bunch of money. Five thousand dollars is the amount of of on for the *a®,ife’s alleged alienation affections.The case i Superior Court at Lexington. Joseph Zemar,Hungarian,charged with Pittthemurderofhiswifein if Ary,is in jail at Greenville. sted at the time me murder wasiscovered,Zemar escaped after be- ing handcuffed and was at large for several days.Dr.A.K.Price,a physician Hi vy,is to answer in court todayirgeofnon-support of his fam- Ross Miller,an electric lineman Hickory,is also to answer a of ily three-story brick wall on which they RexborowereatworkcollapsedatthewallTheyweretearingdown entence of Wesley Clark of Edge-eomle county,who lost his appeal be- fore the Supreme Court but rained the whole court's recommendation for mercy.The old man was charg-ed with arson and the court found no error but thought he was entitled to cl mency,The bady of the late M.H.Collins, who had been missing since Februa- vho disappeared from hix home in Charlette,was found in the Ca- tuwba river Wednesday,about three miles down the river from where his elothes were found a few cays after he disappeared.Mr.Collins was de dent.en account of the death of >wife when he left his home “he Review.says that ten years »Mayor Watt of —Re idaville had b fore him a young Englishman ar- ne The man pennites and said he had been ;Tobbed.The mevor had compassion on him and Jonned him $3.50 to pay his The other dav the mayor reeeived from the Englishman a check for $5,in payment of the loan raigned fer drunket 8 nine. end interest.He took his time but he mikde good. Mic.I.N.Alexander of Gastonia Sed Tuesday afternoon from seit-inVietedburrMrs.atexander had heen in bad health for some time and this produced melancholia and,at rration of mind.She wames,:taken to the State Hoshavebeen tal at Merganton Tueasrias About | o'clock entered the Lathreom of { her home,aturated her clothing ith kere e ¢1 set fire to } othing.|is resulting that prod: t de ath he he -iF ver.Cric * com he:niidt !wht in srt rs,who extineaished the flamer it too let 2 Py MATTERS OF NEWS. Bx-Pt lose M ader ent ie Got +}thon, capt yey ¢‘and red ( 7 th at oe ‘heen y the gover attle lasting vw Cuban iach pro; aed ‘xas He opted by;8solution ved imes ‘AYER he Gove ©result wn Wedn i!|ey e Massacres ¢ ired by the ling class t ipire ! owedBrv } i 7 1e|toSBARE teeArn With t} Fritz Kol es expre i friuat”‘ >ald Germ: P tur °alliyundin ko iat they hi: Ip in nition f: The cia:fT?! ga five per¢imports | ups or shit United 8t reaties,wre by the nited =Strat oimes tho int clan Iding the An ne,Was Inop te with ec:temeeeeeetereenna aeee CATARRIAL DrAPNEes®CANNOT CURED t! wn “n irs } ve € ort e 4 We Suprem re nF loreal applientio weed perti ‘vy ©core cata conatitutiona fused by an if m Tinietot el“ye wt te hAtroved f+ et use ditlen af h Our faces yetwillgiveOneBandred Deliare fr of Gaterrhal Dawfrness that cannot tb at be Wall's Cotarph Gugq.Girewinrs freer wee,TheF.J,CHRNEY@€0.,Tetedo,O any We tt sa l a lackoffreshair,mental stranor anydisturbstheirfurtionsStibborncoushetearand a Oana for hard coughs,unyielding .&@isloweredfromacause.ist qshouldbetakenorwhenstrenutritivevaluecreatesresistiveforcetowardoffness.‘The rich cod liver oil improves theofthebloodtorelievethecoldandtheglycerinesoothingandhealingtothelungtissues. Refuse Alcoholic Substitutes Which Exclude the Oil, TMR.MERCHANT! YOU KNOW that COCA COLA is the BEST BOTTLED DRINK IN THE WORLD.It is BACKED UP BY TWO MILLION DOLLARS’WORTH OF ADVERTISING A YEAR.It’s SOLD before you get it in YOUR STORE. You simply wait until the purchaser CALLS FOR IT— collect your nickel—AND THERE YOU ARE!j GET THIS FACT:When vou buy Coea Cola,you have ~ for sale,a product known the eountry over.The demand is already created for it.tf YOU don’t PUSH it,your COMPETITOR will.BOTTLED drinks pay you a BET- TER margin of profit than ANYTHING you sell, PUSH THE END OF YOUR BUSINESS THAT PAYS YOU BEST! SELL a product that people WANT and CALL,FOR— HERKE’S WHERE WE SHINE!—THAT'’S OUR PRODUCT! We have both ’phones—USE THEM! Mr.Bottled Drink Drinker. When you buy a pair of shoes,you LOOK for a label. that MEANS QUALITY.DON’T treat YOUR FEET better than YOUR STOMACH.LOOK for the name on the crown of the bottle you purchase.If you appreciate QUALITY,bottled under SANITARY conditions,LOOKFOROURNAME!Better stiil—COME AND SEE HOW IT IS BOT- ASH and DEPOSIT system. falling Co, IN The Bottlers with the C Statesville _4K.L.JOPNSON. teeeeer eis |Standard Sewin ee ae oer. 6 Ma For the Family Sewing. Ball Bearing Rotary |Insured ‘Vibrating Rasy Shuttle.Running. LIFETINE GUARANTEE,EASY TERMS. it will pey vou to see the Standard before you buy. ——-Sold in Statesville,by ——— 'Crawford-Buach Furniture Company. i PHONE NO,400 ‘he Store That Always Welcomes You.” 2 TEOeRE ORE EET oe, Jes To Insure Against the Long Hot Days That Are Coming, ~r Oil Steves.Economical, Saver ot time and the cook always in a good humor. is to buy one vc. s"leiain.Mises eacliaiel the institution wereblemembers,constant in at-and wise counselors.Mr. Davis has beer a member of the board at Morganton since the State Hospital was opened,more than 380 years ago.Being a resident of the town in which the Hospital was lo- cated he was in more direct contact with the institution and had given more of his time to it than the oth- er members.The service he render- ed faithfully and whole-heartedly.He probably never missed a meeting.He was profound!y interested in the success of the Hospital and he gave freely and cheerfully (the members of the board ne pay) vice to the institut 1 genera tion,which monéy have bought,at a it mate- rial reward or the hope of such ward.His reward is duty well done in the great service rendered the in- mates of the Hospital —to the help- less who must hove he!p and through them to the people of the State:and the high =steem ir which he is held by all his associates on the board,and indeed by all with ‘whem he came in contact. The same can be said of Capt. Sawyer,who lacked but a few years of serving on the board as leng as Mr.Davis.Poth these gentlemen were faithful Confederate soldiers and they continued faithful in public service and private station.Th r tire with the consciousness cf well done.re EE Gov.Bickett not only made rec- ommendations to the General As- sembly as to certain legislation,but he used his influence to have the rec- ommendations enacted into law.His sueces3 ig shown by the fact that about a score of measures passed by the Assembly are in line with sug- gestions in his inaugural address. This is a new departure,but a whole- some one.for North Carolina Govern- ors.Having no veto power and lit- tle patronage of consequence,our Chief Executives have usualiy been content to recommend and’let it go at thet.Not so with Bickett.He ex- erted himself to have something done and the result is much progressive legislation that might have failed but for his influence.Some of _the legislators may not have been pleas- ed with the Governor’s action,seeing that it was a departure,but The Landmark believes the people of the State will approve.In any event Gov. Bickett is using his ition to help his people and he is be congratu- lated on his purpose. ceived a fer- or forld sacrifice,W ith co not and care The Greensboro Record points out that LaFollette et als.,who held up the Senate and refused to allow the armed ngutrality bill to become law, are not so much to blame as the Sen- ate rules whicn permit such condi- tions to exist.The point is well tak- en.Without excusing in the leasttheSenatorswhorefusedtoallowtheSenatetovoteonameasureofsuchimportanceatthiscriticaltime,TheLandmarkholdswiththe’Record that the real blame lies with the Senatemajoritywhichpermitssuchcondi- tions to exist.LaFollette and his as- sociates deserve all the denunciation they are receiving.They have put the country to shame before the world and placed it in peril.But ev-ery Senator who refuses to vote to change the rules which permit such conditions must take his shere of the Mame.Jt is no exeuse to say that thé eonduct of the Senators now un- der censure ix abuse of the rules.The privilere has been abused before and the ahuve will continue until the ruleavéchanzed. Senate Democrats voted unanimous- ly and the Republicans 30 to 2 to sup- port a rule hy which debate can be limited in that bod vote of two- thirds of the men That is a eonservative re at d should be adopted Republicans een h of the rule bv deb under the pre likely he adapted }Under the Ppules of the Hiouce the maierity can limit debate and not infrecque } the minority is svnpr d without afairopportunitytobeheard.UtheproposedSenateruseitwillthefavorableweftwo-thirds o the Senators pr:t to limit dehate That is ce rtain!s and at the same time Benate to do busi 7oremeeemeeeeeee Discussing,the House of the Legislature,the appointment of a iasion to study the State tax problem Gov.Rufe Dourhton of Al-y lost patience with the stand-os of Representative Frank Ray of ron,says Mr.W.T.Bost in his Greetehoro News correspondence “He is the worst standpatter in the7,”Mr.Deughton said,impa-referring to Mr.Ray,the |at-ing a commission.“Why,if iy thought as he does we as well stop trying to make.Does the gentleman thinkaresatisfiedwiththeirDoeshethinkitisAnd vbya “s rere n of cl The Progressive jd off the sCange It indeentrole,but in the end it wil dey eaiire The hold-up of the paper manvfac-turers was bluffed off by threats,butthreatsdon’t work with all the un-lawful combinations.fhe easy moneytheymakethatwaylookssogood that mgny of them fight to the lastditchtoretaintheirgraft.Some- times they can,like the blind tigers, afford to pay court expenses and fines and have a pile left. ee wess et ee ee A public meeting wat held in Fayetteville yesterday to aseure President Wilson of support in this critieal period in the nation’s history. So far ths is the only meeting of the kind reported in the State.Wilming- ton citizens wanted the Legislature to pass resolutions assuring the Pres- lent of suppert and Ceseuncing the Sonators who held up the armed neu- rality bill,but no action was taken. The North Carolina newspapers have wen outspoken,but our citizens are conservative and don't become excited casily,although there is no question f their feeling in this case.Citizens in public meetings and Leyislatures in many States have assured the President of support,and denounced the Senators who prevented action by Congress.The number of Senators neluded in the denunciation is va- riously stated at 13,12 and 11.Two included in the list -—Vardaman_ofMississippiandO'Gorman of NewYork—and perhaps others,explainthattheyedidnotopposeavotebutwouldhavevotedagainstthebill. Their explanation,however,cametoolatetohelpthem. SO ATOLL ONES URENNS+It falls out that Mr.C.R.Brady of 27°" Conover,appointed by the Legisla- ture a member of the school board of Catawba county,is a Republican,but he is.a good man and such an enthu- siastic school man that his appoint- ment was urged by Democrats. Where a man can be found who issomuchinterestedinpubliceduca- tion that with him politics do not fig- ure in that fleld,his service should be secured,when he is otherwisequalified,no matter what his poli-' ties.Politics should have no placeinschoolmanagement.All of which convinces The Landmark that thebillofSenatorTurnerofIredell,toappointanon-partisan State com-mission to name members of schoo!boards,with a view to securing the services of the best men regardless of politics,was a wise measure andshouldhavepassed. EEG ALETLTTETLEToDr.MeGeachy of Charifte isduethecreditforthepassageby the Legislature of the act to provideanindustrialhomeforfallenwomen.With courage and zeal undaunted in the face of many obstacles,the Char- lotte preacher fought persistentiy toopenadoorofhonetothemusihopelessclassofhumanity.Others—- the organized women of the State and other friends of the measure—came to his aid,but it was the Scotch preacher whose energy and persist- ence firally won the day.The Levis-lature was hospitable,but there weresomanycallsandsolittlewith which to provide for all the State's needs:and many found objection toprovidingforthisclassatall.Dr. MeGeachy finally overcame all oppo- sition and won success after defeat seemed inevitable.>| ALESTCALANTTTOAST In defence of the Senators who held up the armed neutrality bill,the Greensboro News sayr: “The supporters of the administra- tion in the House took just the same ;View of the bill that was taken by the group of willful Senators who talked the bill to death.Had the bill been amended in the Senate as it wasntheHouse,there probably would have been no filibuster.” t is that the administration e Senate ofcred,a short >hour of adjournment, House bill notwithstanding that Folletie objected to a vote 1 ve notice that he would kee p 1 ot He didn’t offer to per- t a vote if the bill was amended. h Nationalists in the H ithe Pritish Parliament have thrown a monkey wrench into thmachi? to substit Senaie bill,but ffer Land for the ¢ +.’bee x. mi The Ir of Commons o ripae ery resolutior immediate applfentic tatute to Ireland by offering a ri i ne far the of the home ruie The government stated that any pert of Ireland that wished home rule could have it,but that no coercion would be employed to compel Ulster to accept—4and Ulster wil¥not accent. The Nationalists withdrew in a bodyfromtheHouseanaPremierLloyd Georre is facing his first embarrae: ment since he took office. SooeEYmeeORNS Even if it doean't begin until July 1,forever isa long time,as may have heen observed before.—Greens-boro News, Some folks are always making un- pleasant suggestions.Why not let all concerned be happy while they may,even if the time is short;and alsomakegooduseofthetimewithoutuselessi yet The sus that the bli-conn codWomens wen vision of the spoils aHouseofCongresswillcarriedout,but it fixed at 34 men. In a unanimous opinion the preme Court of the United eveed restoration to her F ers of the liner Appam_andbroughtintoHamptonRowthanayearagobyaprize from the German raider Moewe, and cargo,valued at between three and four million dollars,must be de- livered within 30 days,as the court's order is final.The —held that prizes coming into American ports unaccompanied by capter warships have the righ:to remain only enough to make themselves seawor- thy.The Russian government seeks to obtain judgments totaling $1,368,000fromtheTennesseeCopperCompany ind the Nationa!Surcty Company in i suit filed in’the Peieral court in New York,for alleged breach of a contract to sapply *1.5609,000 worth of explosives.The Tennessee Cop- per Company agreed to deliver to the Russian government.the’complaint ates,before November 1,1916,4,-800,000 pounds of the explosive at 95 cents a pound.The government paid the sum of $1,440,000 in advance and the Tennessee company gave bond ‘tocarryoutthecontract. aown-cargo,more MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of «contained in amorteanedeed,ted by ROA.Gallther andwife,FL E.Gailther,to Wo oT Morton,amd bphimtransferredforva!to the undersigned, Twili aed)at 4 tie muctian te der fer cnah,at the.court avill 'APRIL 9,1917,the following deseribed oship,lredell coun- the ‘ands of H. the powe ect the highest bid- house deer in State ‘C..« MONDAY 7 at the hour of noon tands in Chambersburg toy wit inded on the north byneonMurdock;oF t by the landeSmiih;on the seuch by the lands ofer.and on the west by the lands *Sinith,said tract being the land on\.Galliher containing 16 *,more or less W.MORTON,Mortgeagee,MURDOCK,Assignee. Mar.%1917. new hive scotT R.B.MeLaughlin, ¥ra ‘EsNOTICE, TO ALL LAND OWNERS IN SNOW CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT: Atty You will take notice that the Board of Commissioners of Snow Creek Drainage Dis-triet on January °1,1917,published and poste ed notices of its purpese to ixaue bonds in thesumof$40,034 for the payment of the total cost of the proposed improvements,which eostthebeardfoundtobe840,034.Since thepostingandpublichingofsaidnoticetheboardhasfoundthatitmadeanerrorinfindingcostofimprovementstobe$40,084 as afore-said,and that ita correct finding should have been $36,909,You will therefore take notice that it is thepurposeoftheCommissionersofSnowCreek Drainage District to issue bends for the pay-ment of the total cost of the improvements intheamountof$2¢.000.These bonds are to draw six per cent interest,payable semi-wnnu- ally,and are paysble in ten equal ingtalments«one each year beeinning ene first day of Jan-vary,1920,Any landowner im the districtnotwantingtopayinterestonthebondsmury,on or before the 2%d day of April,1917,paytotheCountyTreasurerthefullamount,for which his land is linble,which is For Class A &36.51 per For Class B 820.86 perForClassC$22.59 per acre.For Class D 814.93 per acre.‘For Ciass FE 87.17 per nereS@#id amounts have been ascertained fromtheclassificationsheetandthecertificateof the board showing the total cost of imprment.The land on which the assessments arsopaidshallbereleasedfromlabilityto nssessed for said improvements,but such land shall continue liable for any future assessment for maintenance er for any incveased ase ment authorized under the law. Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. nerve aere. ES,Chairman.A.R.BOWH.R.COWLES,Secretary. March 9,191%. ee—m ’oeZkZk. -yeetoh t .*.*_ *,© by a|\| ;‘{wed| Pa ‘\\ HL \Vem:i rN \Sc\\, a LevelAen tere nes - Charming new to sell as we buy;to dising.This,in brief of beautiful Styles. Re iy ¢oe ns ,=ne i Se , ||\ \ al 8 is we B EOcreel at prices suprisingly moderate T’S a fundamental principal of this business any advantage that comes to us because of some fortunate circumstance in merchan- the exceptional Blouse values to be found here at all times—for our arrangement with the makersenable us to buythem for less— and consequently we sell them for less. Springmodelsarenow arrivingin a profusion Four decidedly pretty,Waists on sale tomorrow.They.arestill priced at Just $1.00—andareconceded every- ‘ing sold at‘treble price.Red Cedar§ From the State of Washington,|f thickness and length.Every Shingle is Rift! Sawn to prevent warping.Not a knot within ten inches of the, butt.EVERY SHINGLE IS) HEART!uve Zine Nails,as it is claimed| the Shingle will last longer than the ordinary wire nail.Just re- ,ecived a ear of these Shingles; AND THE PRICE IS ABOUT ‘A DOLLAR A THOUSANDLESSTHANNO.1 CYPRESS. Uniform in ‘OR NO.1 PINE SHINGLES! -C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Iredell Co. |LISTEN! The fact that our Weser graph ad.has been running Phono- so long without change does not mean that we are no longer selling the celebrat- WESERPIANOSandPLAYER-PIANOS. It simply means that the ad.writ- er has been out of town,and his mind has been “wrapped up”in matters legislative. NOW LISTEN AGAIN! testimonial | She writes ed Here’s a voluntary from a recent customer. thus:‘ “Mr.Leonard,|AM DELIGHTED WITH MY PIANO!I don’t see how I did without it as long as I did.Ev- erybody who sees it likes it fine.Miss says she wants one like mine.Please write to her at once. WE HAVEN'T JUST WRITTEN HER,BUT WE ARE GOING TO SEE HER,AND LET HER JOIN -THE RANKS OF “wrsett Boost. ERS!” LEONARD PIANO STORE. a s‘Sm my,. /NEWYIRTHMOR waists 4 Srping Blouses pass on to ourpatrons explainsthereasonfor new Wirthmor wheretobethe finestWaist that one dollar *P.S.Just unloaded car Pine Shingles! mormas ~———wnasenecsraresssrseannas a See eeteseeneesaneemens sents The Western people!— T h l e r y4 wor)es,)JU Of the very latest patterns in Bed Room Suits.The most complete and largest spring lines we have ever shown,at prices within reach of all.Remember we are always glad to show you whether you buy or not. WE are headquarters for the odorless Refrigerators. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘‘The Favorite Store.” a Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.~ The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. SPRING TIME IS COMING And you'll be interested to know that we have prepared for its approach —WITH FASHION’S NEWEST AND BEST IN THE MANY DEPARTMENTS! BEGIN NOW !—Come and see what we are showing. Our SUITS,DRESSES and COATS look good and you want tosee themwhile the SILKS!SILKS! IT LOOKSLIKE ABIGSILK SEASON! Many styles call for the Sport Silks for the Coat,Dresses,Skirts:and Sport Dresses. Our Striped Taffetas @nd Satins at $1.50 and $2 are wonderful.Send for samples. MORE THAN EVER TO SHOWyou! KIDAND SILK GLOVESin black,white, tan and gray.Allsizes.SOME BEAU- TIFULLY EMBROIDERED ONES! Pe a we ee subject—L.L.White Pollowing|the Meaneine of current events,freshments were served. |The G.T.C.’s met Saturday after-,is at wane |oon —pine Am|Belle Barringer.ng officers wereMrs.8S.W.Haddonom:=a beeen ~inesday evening to |Gide Resell;Vieniviesproms,issfewdaysCite|Vv ja Steele;secretary,Miss Mar-Mesars.Bayard and mes,Brawley;treasurer,Miss AdawhohavebeenwithrelativesinOlinBelleBarringer.Followine the busi-township for some /ness meeting the guests were shownintothedinineroom,where a lunch-eon was served in|The room was decorated with yellowthroughout.The centerpiece for thediningtablewasabasketfilledwith vellow jonquils;the vlace cards werehand-painted with jonquijs;the mintswerecontainedintinyyellowbas- ots:the lirhts were shaded with,coe The effect was beautiful. local military company,left Tues-\day morning for Hickory,where theyassistedinthe—-of Hick-|ceeory’s yy:|Reported for The Lanamark.Mrs.Robt ewe4off Elkin is .with;The Round Dozen Embroidery Cir-Mrs.Annie Lewis.cle met Wednesday afternoon withMissLenaRivesspentWednesdayMrs.Ross McKlwee at her beautiful.new home on West Fnd avenue.TheThetwosmallsonsofMr.A.B.vresence of several guests addedJohnstonleftWednesday,accompanied olessure and interest to the meeting. Mr.A.B.Lineberger,for Char-As the needles plied busily and inter-where they will visit relatives esting conversation held full sway,for a few days.the door hell rang and the hostessMrs.D.M.Furches left Wednesday was rreeted by a basket of mysterious- = 7.&stay in Rockingham.lookin nackarres,ell daintily wrap-w.B.Council and daughter,ed and be-ribbened,and on each a Elisabeth arrived from Hickory rhyme.«icnifvine the giver.The bas-ednesday to visit Mrs.Couneil’s ket disclosed a kitchen shower frombrother,Mr.T.8.Coffey.he Circle.and as a muffin rine,ere-Mrs.T.—_White lefi Tuesday heeterr and tin enp came inte view, icforatripwhich will include Balti-b+verses were read amid mueh more and New York.'aahter The rhemes were from the Statesville people =roing te Char--'>pen of Mire.Chas A.Torrner lotte Tuesday to see “A World of Dei ior muettes.fruit salad and sure”presented at Ba Academy iched “frezhme and Music were Mrs.©.¥.Boshamer ha afternoon camm to a cleMrs.M.R.Adams,Misses Corrinne .;.: Morrison,Hassie Millerr,Rebecea Meetine Demonstration Ch Miller,Marion Yount,Mabel Guy.—Mews of Amity Community. Bertha Cooper,Mrs.W.H.Tomlin a en io and Miss Charley Tomlin.Miss Mar-4...1.)Mi eae he H garet Click of EVkin,who has been a D ee:Beas es :ae ca =in town,was in Charlotte Tues--soit ins “ae a | irs.Wm.Wallace was in Char.)nin”at the es .ae gr esiee ceillotteTuesdayattendingameetingofGoregetFiteentomune2 representatives of the music elubs of (™Ver We storm ane —oTState.The meeting planned a Aftera1 )hour of socin in k and clob eration.ef the music.clubs.Mes,vriress we were invited to the Ince revresented the MacDowell ticchen,whero evervthine was in Music om of Statesville.wetness for ety wenn)lessens ©Capt R.J.Mills of Asheville visit.¢°king.Mrs.J.C.Templeton ma needhome“folks in Statesville this:the ment loaf and served it with week.crackers,which was a treat.Here's a fugeestion:In the mest loaf she Notices of New Advertisements vsed salmon instead of beefsteak and New and up-to-date lines.—John-tha loaf was delicious and more eas- ston-Beik Cempany.ily made.Mrs.C.R.Goodman_pre- Coat suits and skirts just reccived cored the baked toma-nes,—-Mrs. —Mrs.Mary Sims.rronounced splendid,and then Big spring drive is on.—Mutual Bo Badeor Ge po¢man told us how she L.Association.meade pickles.After tasting hers we iysone anxious to know how she madetectionagainstarmiesofgermsfar im—Polk Gray Drug Co.Charming blouses at old prices.— Mills &Poston.\ Cars of elezant lines and distinctive them,end she was enough to tell us.Next meeting Saturday,10th,at 2 o'clock,at Mrs.Tom Morrow's. arance.-Statesville Motor Co.Miss Mattie Tolbert.who on ac- nancial preparedness.—People’s court of sickness among the pupils, Loan and Savings Bank oeto close her school at As ;ye :oe!s at home for fewves10cents.—Coley’s Barber)%¢house,was f ::Sha .davsa nd then went to River Hill to aie :ke Ince of the principal.whoshionsnewestandbest.-Ram-take the pk::i ee :ann occ Co.had resiened.We wish Miss Tolbert a .ceenn }Jae"seentrgar Sewing Machine.—-Craw-|*@ccers_in her new place — ford-Bunch Furniture Co.Mr New spring dress goods and slippers "Mr Eli Beaver is building a ar Amity. Will,onee on his farm ne C.M.Morrow and son. —J.M.McKee &Co are visiting relatives and friends atShawknithosieryformenundwoQavieyMyMorrow.having arrived1MUthite<.mitv.Mr.Morrow heaving arrivemen.—Sherrill-White Shoe Co._frame the Weak Coea Cola bottled under sanitary Mr.J.P.Horton is corfined to his conditions.—Statesville Coca Colao poom with rheumatism.Master Complete line lates:designs in fur-jig,Mack Morrow is at home sick to- niture.—Williams Furniture House.day.This is the first day he hasStockoffirstclassimplementsforheenabsentfromsceoc)this term your inspection—Irede'|Hardware Co)and has pever been tardy C.Watkins will tell you why.Messrs.(.L.Beaver and Tom Potatoes.—J.R.Poston’s Grocery.Morrow spent today in Statesville in ‘Hiehest price for your produce.—the interest of Amity school Iredell Produce Co.Triumph and Save Trouble flour.— Eagle &Milholland.—-School io Close.Sale Snow Creek Drainage bonds .af The Lartmark—A.R.Bowles,chairman .Harmony,R-2,March 6Mortgagesaleofland.—R.A’Coop-,awhile something comes our way er,mortgage.that gently reminds us that spring Auction sale of real estate.—W.P jz approaching.A few days back the Wedding and Birthday Dinner nngence Once in Morton,mortgagee.birds,frogs and farmers were all inMilkcowforsale,nice home for high glee.We heard the birds and rent,—Jno.H.Knox,Stetesville,R-7 frogs telling us in their simple wavMuleforsrle—R.L.Adkins that spring was coming.We could hear the farmer whistling and sing- ing ag he turned the soi!preparing for his ext crop a:nd now ond then ve would get a whiff off burning sedge.It made us all feel glad that we were living,after all. Statesville,R-5.Fountain pen lost.—Return to TheLandmark.Notice to taxpayers.-—M.P.Alexan-der,sheriff. Lippard prolific seed corn for sale —J.W.Altigon.Mr.and Mrs.Reuben Clary of Gibbs shingle machine for sale.—¥adkinvilic are visiting in this sec- Foy Rufty,§Stony Point.‘Phone 15Q.tion.Mr.C.W.Sharpe nas about pleted his new residence. Sunday,4th,friends and_relativesentheredatthehomeofMr.George Washington Mullis,carried soot things like we always have on suchrecasions,and set Mr.Mullis a birth.cay dinner.When dinner was spreadandallhadeatheredarourdtheta-ble,Mr.E.W.Campbell made ashorttalkthatcouldn't have beenbettersaid.Mr.Mullis wae 88 yearsold.While he’s wetting feeble he iseeinhighspirits.He is never |beard to grumble at comi- Death ofMiss McLain—CropsandFarmWork, Correspondence of Viger Lavdronrn Hiddenite,R-1,March 5 h seoms that the ground hog weatherisstillholdingoutandtheroadsareworsethantheyhavebeenthiswin-ter.We hope that spring will openbythemiddleofMarch.Farmers are getting behind with their work.Thecaeislookingbetterthanwasex-fterthe hard freeze;oats isoeoloondead.I hope they will come of 1.G. lexander sundaywas the marriage|and .ineieGrellfate was re-, three courses | any kind of Por H.von Eckhardt,es oe eealifri 'the)ein minister,had sent orders to himielteendeavortoand.sjPoscihly Japan,£a war with theUnitedStates,the orders.were neva. or sell aea er were notbactedon,won |y vor A y.had eethat em|sone ;5 outif>an 0.been shown the SektGrierwhichDr.Zimmermann S|Fst Deitz;ed sending the nete to him. When you see eheortul and happy old!ety you ne ban.a shebao good dixes-.ff your fe impaired or yeuetrelishyourtakeadow:ofChambertain’s Tablets.strengthen theStomach,improve the and cause agentlemovementoftheObtainableev- ery where, fer oma ire:WeMe -NOTICETOTAXPAYERS. 1 will be in Mooresville SATURDAY,MacchS4th,for the purpese of Rate or taxesMM.P.ALEX a.* Sloan;ConfederateMrs.D.S$.Thomas,Mrs.J ‘omery and Miss Lou Campbell;com-mittee on North Carolina roomPoston, March 9, Richmond,Mrs.R.L.Mrs.MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. E.Heinzerling and Mrs,R.P.Alli-;-,k and Confederate BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in ason;sick @ Morivage deed,execu 4d.M.Seago anderans,Mrs.D.F.a Mrs.a+\wife,to the unde i will sell at publie —,os ‘-rz e Iton;Red Suction to ~a a ~~=.at the ross W rs.oover.teurt house daor waville,,on —a t h =NDAY,AWEteues Geb 4atheournoon,lowing house andBusinessCountySchoolBowedfaviutiedinthecltyofBtapesvillc,bounced and t ibed na follows,to-wit?In regular monthly session Mon-,Rexint ing at a stake,Bost's corner on theday,the county board of leant sido of Center street:thence with Boxt's made the following orders:Hine nearly cast about 200 feet to a stake, Approved petitions ror elections in oe:sree Seae cae agen District Ne.L,Concord township,and Northward with ihe Sourtern Railway5°feet District No.5,Chambersburg,©to corner of |.B.Lawrence's lot;"thenehhislot200feettoastake,hispei.Westward withveteonspecialschooltax;reconsid er a teek th aaaeredectionofformermeetinganddeeeeeeeiicin, .cided not to buy R.L.Reid traet of 7 non :COOPER,Gosrdian,ete., land;that a telephone be bought and Fk i “h coe in,Ai.Mortgnsee. installed at the Harmony Farm i ie School,provided the school pay rent:that paint be furnished é SEFD ATORS! some out!uildings at Harmony _— Life School and the purchase of lum-ber and erection of cow stalls at this)(ct your Seed Potatoes before schoo!was authorized;that old build-the prices advance. img in District No.6,Chambersburg,FATING POTATOES Rc be gold and proceeds applied to new proK!building;that J.C.Smith,Johnsen or ...Murdock,Bud’Winecoff and Lio lighest priees paid for all kinds | Murdock be transferred from Dist produce. No.4,Borringer,’to District No.6,Tuct reesived.car Cotton Seed Chambersburz;that Athens school and Flulls. be allowed holf amount necessary toputnewroofonbuildingsthatplans Pasty:ute Ch ERY, Inid out by Prof.Pillsbury be follow-(ad |uy improvements in grounds at hore 124 W Vc imnony Farm Life School and ,Ph ne hes ,me H.Tankfe was authorized to have !and socellar improved;that =,.oeStatesvillegradedschoolsbeappor-;4)}°‘"p (abG Save «"00 for t wild ing fund.;‘;ht 2;icouhle FlourCourtItems. Will Kimball was gaxed with the}\ssure best baking re- 'e¢oxts by the mayor Tuesday for solig-i a ny ahs nad iting passengers at the station,ea in Suit a)are ma e accordance with privileges allowed |lv the tatesville haclimer '4 ..°.ae Hub Redman was given 30 days on i lout Mill Co,from the streets yiment was ——the choicest wheat andduringgoodbehaviouragainstNettleHacAa: MeConley,Mary Lee Dalton and Julia milled.unde r idealDaltonweredischargedWednesday»;',,conditions,Try them the mayor on charres of cursing,et and be convines ad All colored.._ For “Agi q sale by Wilholland. Phone 89. When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets. When you fee!dull and stapid efter enting. When constipated er bilious,When you have a sick headache.{When you have a sour stomach,When you belch after eating. When you have inctigestien. When nervous or despondent.When you have no retth for your mealsWhenyourliverteterpid.Obtainable everywhere, 100 GALLONS MOLASSES AT 35C.per gallon.—J.M.MeKEE &CO.— SomePeople Say: “C,WATKINS,how is it that! Ad.a 'SS you get your Flooring and Ceil-|MARKET REPORTS ing from the Western part of StatesvillePredeceMarke Siete and \derse a jo-‘be following prices were a.pesterany the State and ur re ell the loncoodveeonthelocatmarketcalmanufacturers”?Turkeys,25-28¢.per Ub.“Well,there are eight WAT- KINSES running lumber yards similar to mine in North Caroli- na and Virginia.We buy inquantities,DIRECT FROM THELONG-LEAF FORESTS!Fur- the freight on finish- Cl ickens ae.per Ib, Hoosiers Ge oer ibEwen,22¢.per dozen.Butier,20-25c.per Ib.Peeswax,26c.per Ib.Green Hides ‘ansalted)18¢.per Ib.(ireen Kides (anlted)19¢.per tb.Green Salted Hama,20c.to 2le.per Ib. Sid 9 and Shoulders,16-1fe.per Ib,New Red Honey,S¢.to ie.per ib Sourweod Honey Comb,ie.to 20 ‘per 1b.thermore,Od Auto Re Casing,de.por th."pet . Sweet Potatoes,61,08 coe Scameed:.:d j looring -fr mi the J ONG-LEAF FORESTS is less per 100 Phe foliowin on ak pate veotorm,(Cet than it costs to haul 100 “oa saa lei feet of rough Jumber from four Corn,$1.26 per bushel,miles out to Statesville. Cus,O10.buaiel.In view of the foregoing,Mr. Atareavitle Cotter Market Re@der,if you think my prices On the local market yesterday 17 1-2 cent ire noi lowe st.PLEASE ASK) per pound was paid for best grade cotton OTHERS! C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.Cotton Seed,65c.per bushel,Seed Cotton,6 1-2c.per Ib, ADVVENTISEMENTS Pots coin 10vent:ver line,@ ad on lene than 2 nsconte.Cash must ercompany order.)JIM THARPE j ' SSFORSALE—Cood milk cow,also alee home |' for rent in Cool Spring.near good scho 6 ix ,,‘ and chureh.JNO.H.KNOX,Statesville a ~:ee ned Peer en 'R-i.°Mar.9.11°F|ams,©1 ‘.hour.|oedershadgoneup?JIM |taFORSALE—Good 7-year-old mule,weighs 1)THARPE will vive you a }— i pounds L.«ree 3 big price Chickens are wa eee ‘i ~higher,too.Bring all = LOST——Waterman Idea)Fountain Pen.PPivece Sf your prod to us.WE ,&retarn to THE LANDMARK.Mano i.1 WANT iT BAD!\a‘*— FOR SALE—Lippard Protifie Seed Gorn,care She IREDELL PRODUCE CO |fully selected and “nubbed,”8 per bushe!saracJ.W.ALLISON,Statesville,NC.iMarch92t.|renmeremmnnmernamenm|j eeneeaneiglagamadeciet >FOR SA!E—Gibbs Shingle Machine with he't-_JiM THAI E it Vo ing attachment.Power feed.Practien!!s aneyFOYRUPFTY,Stony Point,Phone1h.mr.9 1t¢ FOR SALE—meereree Jersey Ball,26 month old At high erate Jersey milkJOHNBD.FOARD,R-5,Statesville,NMarch9-16 BRING us Your WHEAT..We will give “inxchamweforabushelofgooduncleanedwheat98poundsflourand14poundsbranineoorconings.)TU RNERS sed _~BR Mi FOR SALE—86 1-4 acres land 5 miles fromStatesvilleonsandclayrendandSouthern |,Reiivond,at Carter's siding.W.T.WITHERSPOON,Cheeryvilte,N.C.Mar.2--st* ywest cost.Why take chances on os paints when you can buy DA- Vis’. ae food le very acarce.‘trouble that eyrnesbthi He is v7,Renting House,corner FOR SALE BYJaneMcLain.who had been }—i iia is way.He Feest ondGeeth,Conterstraste,shout,15:); time,died at her hom Another incident ‘that occurred LIN atF Go.6-—at.|-aenby ape tena .—ae =-Statesville,N. a anenerereapvannnemeeances——forVA‘ to BuildWith.” m>|VonEckhardtDidn'tGetNote.| 3 nytwillgiveyoutheBESTresultsatthe| Pires pe * 9 ’ rf The only safe place for your money is in the BANK. You always know where it is and you can get it when you warit it. In our bank youcan apen a household account and pay your bills with a check.This will give you ‘ standing”with the merchants---and your checks are legai receipts.it also helps you to keep your accounts straight. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.. 4 $ioye THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C. Easier,Wto““remeinbor"your wife,sweetheart or friend with a beautifedgift.It will be a fitting time to send presents to those whotoughtofyoulastChristmas. At no >arc presel ts more in orderthan at this time. sig ration putting off the old and putting ithe new We have many exqui:ite Easter Gifts which we shall be pleased io show yc We invite you to see them. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. é‘ % * sa t a , Sw i l l i al e te e Ba n a A ss ernraa peribd High Cost.of Livi Is what very y has to face,and how to reduce it is the question.One way is to plant and cultivate a Good Garden. To do this,good garden tools are necessary.We have the tools—Gar- den Wheelbarrows,Garden Hoes,Gar- den Picws,Garden Mattocks,Garden Lines,Garden Rakes, We are talking to men.If your wife is not strong enough to cultivate the garden (and she is not),work it your- self.it’s your job It will not be ahardshiponyoutobuythetools,Andjusthowmuchworkyoucandofrom daylight until breakfast is not known and will not be until you try it, W hether the Germans take us over or we continue to be free Americans,the High Cost of Living will come up to plague until more people ‘*Tickle the “ od i tabmy Ck TheHigh Co bosom”of Mother Earth.To do this you must have good tools.We sell thein, ef"i sg ose HUNT DROTHERA GREENSBORO,N,C. inich wiil soon be here,affords you an occasion ih i hr cl e ai e a As long as the run-down condition our land has been known and as often as live stock raising has been given as a remedy,it would look like ‘our people should understand —and take hold of this means for building up the soil.I am inclined to believe that some still do not see wherein thie tyve of farming would offer re lief,while others do not sve it many other advantages or de notiu derstand how to secare them Some socftons are known to have grass and live tovk in abe =_—e and to be able to raise their cro at a lower cost for labor;to have eal r per capita income and to have th own home supply of meats;vet thoseeeAs: i ATNyil | an apaineie ay)1A wifi}Sta ty We iis itl i yet Hssnes Me !riittityigNai!sect «ire oft havin:et ofwored|rat ,f course nom a..“Viditres Fertior Ath groewit than some ntasr the anbind if chancethem out to grow )vay.No grass wil PPTL which aati r:.WT ML)WS;NUL i nu TPsia grow ithout a chance, chence to get food,water light.With the grasses we cnt cow TiN ; stock but some king EI t i at|}Tt require less pasture than eth :TT);‘!e heg comes under this la *% fact too many think base ture and seme even dry jot and sunshi sentials for an) few grass ¢ preduce hogs al anmual ined ymme land required to keep a brood sow and an avernge litter of seven p When will | Simteeeieia TK You Cut Your amoun handle!nte 250 or 300 pounds in weiz :A ]-Cl ase =:me ne :a For 1 it »small plot of an Hees months’time and be ready to butct ,e ;:;mi nih ™2. er.These would supply the amil s th ant OS(s er ,7 ail ;j a ;wale (24 han with goed fresh meat at a low wale wo rey a :re :’a oan and give them some |i .necess2 MNS '':oo teat 4 {rat other Many a farmer could k or even four In litters and ‘a a goodly numb fust before the holiday s irse il?nevesaita feeding or finishing of ,-entrates,tru soy beans,cowpeas an: toes as pasture crops season,and slep from the surplus milk and seme tankage, amount of corn and mill feed required is comparatively small.This ope lot feeding is less expensive,keeps the dogs in better hea'th and less fi .. moved y from the pew ali Me ,;“;;;is 'a bani 0 The selling of the fished Wor i R ’:::;;i .’the economy »than heen 3 Ten!ohlem est x ‘ie)': the past has been a diffic:BF RS :é y 0 “2mda Gi (he ichlaus pows a pha nis with with many.At present ther!are a ‘“>':4 .oe few more prodvced than the local :elie hich Sintth Pura Druck can be used. t butchers cap hanile to a __only pulls the load. the price is not as high :ees 3 aide.rt Cah T An oversupply has tee scr CAC et ciL{orses iV:3c ue ritat pi :ruck carries it on the local market that WS Ot 5 XCERSIVC |AG Fess uae )!ure load rests on the sturd the large central marke h nee asi ;.~Ss we -Tru re be y *eondition the local buyer :wel]¢'t ea .r upkeep ibn.Lid rear axe. the packer will bid tower hye :Poe dee a .oc local market this condition te a .oe yr aay il Zo CPor ae THE 30,0 relieved by being prepared to ship ty ;it ;"ea,Vt Wil Hs £O on a rn’.; some central market.Int |a)}‘ce all day Don't pr.tefual expense in }markets the supply is f alee:your har for another day. :Sinith Forni-a-demand and likely to re this te)ot Ys >a !us FOTO NCE.ruth)itto vive G way for at least ue :i ne ‘hens genet Frock now.be ore of the 39,000 sure year.Jom the 10,000 present sat stied users, {C VOT <fr oy te r mas until the Ave 4ke n re >a ‘-4 >:f «ys +(ali md .Se ee eG 194 Ex 2:ense Stups of veiting delivery thr wore +ir we hy eo hs ;tae &D we a ‘cay Fe ripea-Uru k costs nothing to Sci.SS ae |pe ee in when it is not working.Stop If you have anv cd:wht,ask fora demone fee Batt REA CCR ene iy ":bs *tor ane the expense stops until stration.Trt wit be t reve lation to vou price by selling «With th ‘cu startit up again Phere is no non-to see the actual mency saving Smith act tau ‘r wf !>}a usadvantaresuctionexpense.And the actual cost Forme-a-i ruck wiil make for you. when your :als pose of and the getting whele lot at once \ amount of work andi ers can also handle than can the loca! winter demard int kets Ed.G.White Motor Company. East Broad Street.’*Phone 515, .oa sore,19 RenaeOA HMBEOMAAIOONIOALRID FO R E I O tieht ,t he ‘et .j A '-nm oe on Steers Peer heer the summer Nee so Os OTP tte.“am BA he:Te ,ODDOOEIC OO NOOO 9 mee OT A rel '2 —x eiehatee:~Armed ‘Neutrality least,oe of sin ''a |e strongest possible pro- ‘tion against the arr 1 of germs that float through the air and daily threa your life. When torpedoed ‘ithout warning by these de- troyers of your health,civeus the 8.0.5.and we'll come promptly to your sid)with drugs that afford relief swiftly and surely —drugs that never fail hit the mark of HIG Hs ‘T QUALITY. We're always within easy call ‘‘On the Square. POLK GRAY DRUG CO. ed we ean offer you (| oe re tee |.|ir 4 HAS BEEN DEFEATED. to mal ONE of the greatest delights of owning.a,car is the elegance of lines and distinctive appearance of your outfit. would for the int ’wie i their bh t :‘:‘eh j At pr ‘DOT AOSIONVAOHONNII: Mone tt it ’'{‘ahd es ing oper \4 :boeit CLO Lana tee eam ae a a a |WHEN YOU NEED willing to pape)thONI SHIKT WAISTS ;::{Ick!&acighbo Om Mm whette PR O T HO O Oe OR O oe No matter what style of the Buick or Dodge you select you have a car that is Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks.correct in every line and detail. Also to fix your Clock or Watch. H.B.WOODWA RD |BRTee eth NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Paving qualified on adminietrator of the avv,tate of BE.W.Joyner,decemsed,late of Iredell eoenty,North Carolinn,this &to notify all‘,s having climes ageinet the eotate ov eatd decensed to exhibit them t)the wuder--ae seeped at Caloban,N.C.,Route No.1,on oFWoiglTnfact,Everything »before the 15th dey eof Pelrwary,191%,or Ghis gions of the county”, to hear from tho rest | diaevss the plan (Al in planning your tions, We are here for the purpose of helping you select the car you want so you are welcome to any information we can give you. (ER cGRIPE rong By Vinel .The Gripp left oO 4 a ''’Y town eondition rm - .President State housework and OR,epent veaterdns ac “trying differont Freming,trove She tithing, Ceiling,Floorsithe'cy m‘=em wm re wi ‘‘Gees :sae a Es a Siding,Shingles,=ave 1 aa an ret rpretite im ;.s}ave ''1:medicis ~~.v week Boxing;42 kinds Moulin’i .-®‘Mites Katelle Flen of :''a man shold take core,Windows,Lock !s '4 if recuperating afier «ta.OR HY wratien at the Giheon Sonat ive wil)be whoeded im bar af thelr eeeovery. Mi persone lodebted to the estate wil pleate,;ey:sh n Nae i a ai With”—_and ready for pay z N 1 t My noth a pyerys rn the cost af =your make tmedinte sett "aerag H.DREN sna 1 bd be ndenemgre Niute hiRire You \evimence built.i ae +4 &Wo i a 1 t >omruggist,Stateavite.|"WATKINS,N.Center Street.|eSxa: Mrs,Findiey Mad Jewcler. sha rpema i, I maaraieofDadeon's Liver °“will keep ee Tone.your entire family feeling fine for "s my guarantee —-Co to any montis,Give it to your children. and get 2 50.cent bovtle tt is harmless;dette gripe‘s Liver Tone.Take a ‘like its pleasantpel aa aneaLcy ¥ ele a Assorted ¢o suit everybody’s palate. aes Ee. —_—eesae a ro be Norris’,Ligcetis and i'uerst &Kraemar Chocolates and Bon-Peas,Fruits and Nuts. Assoried Nuts,Assor:ed Chocolates. In Halves,Que,Two and Three Pounds. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y Severanceseerrentess7eeeceeeRzEetSe872".<2SDDT setaasTegts 28"reneoe ee =eeea reneeeahaaNA NSST Are You Saving Part of The Money You Are iMaking? Ir not why not st:a now;Would’you hhe to have one of our little’DIME SAVINGS BANKS? watch,and willh They1are about the sive of a large 101d $5.00 in dimes . .We have several hundred customers who ave using thos>little banks,When theyfilltherawithdimestheybringthem,veopenthem,anc deposit the contents in thecAVINGSDEPARTMENT.If you would just save a Dime A Day,you Womld be surprissed how fast itwould count u:—j}t is not only what you save and depositthatcounts,but it is the 4 per cent compoundinterestthatweaddtoiteverythreemonths,that helps(o make it grow.If you are not already one of our Savings De- ositors we would be gladto have you comeinandstartanaccountaanytime.You are always welcome at this bank, not hoW smal!your deposits may be. ~Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bunk Fer Your Savings.” matters andthey b ®lar variety and influencesownNarnbo ory are your own,-your own your owntantreformsinourmotiveinaffairs.spring up errors and abuses of our industrial ° assist should beMe geasedand native amongst us. wcheentyand Upon this as ailatformofpurposeandofaction,pose of our political action.»sought,very thoughtfully,to set or hon ae i te we|house im order,correct the grossest uld stand together.We are being life,liberate and icken the Pood into new unity amidst thecessesofcarcasitnadkeeoefivesthatnewblazethroughouttheenergy,and lft our on te 8 world.In their ardent heat we shall, roader view of the people’s —-tial interests,It is a record ofsingulardisButIshallnotattempttoreview it.It speaks for itself and will be of in-creasing influence as the years go by.This is not the time for retrospect.it is time,rather,to speak ourthoughtsandpurposesconcerningthepresentandtheimmediatefu- ture.“Although we have centered ¢oun-«el and action with such unusual »a centration and success uponwreatvroblemsofdomesticetele- Hn? stand forth in the be»new dienity of nat spirit. the high pu God's providenee,let us hope,be purwed ef faction and division,puri-fied of the errant humors of portyindefprivateinterests,and =shall to come with ional pride andLeteachmanseetoitthat ‘odication is in his own heartofthenationinhis»reiad,ruler of his own ‘wil!and “T ‘stand here and have taken the h and solemn oath to which youheavebeenaudiencebeenusethepeo-vle of the United States have chosen ine for this august gp i©of pow-tion to which we addressed esouryearsago,other matters have °"and have by their gracious judg- nore and more forced themselves “Cot amed me their leader in af- wpon our attention,matters lying |i —now bag --task outside our own life as a nation and 2s.ree »A h a -th ver which we had no control,bur ™bom oo i dl eagera?I which,despite our wish to keep free :=oh mr n the _om them,have.draw,us mon@ and *"the prudence to do my duty in ire irresistibly into their own eur-.°°tHe spirit of this great people. infuenee.| been impossible to avoid.They have affected she wheie world.They have shaken men everywhere with e pascion and an ap- ‘ent and “It has pon an icterest that transcend ’ life of the ! nor am their servant and can succeedonlyastheysustainandsruide their counsel.| be thing I shall count upon, me their confidence and the without which neither counsel act'on will avail,is the unitv of eat oa :; :yan oe the werld and in the thought of al!“i the immedinie issuesof the Wor yp.Who fox .liberty and justice anditsel’.,As seme of the injuries done the right_cxglied.”=4 : :heve become intolerable,we hive le, stil!been clear that we wished roth-:How toa Prevert Croup.; e for elves that we were nat WwW.2 i =attacks of‘*carareouytode»mand for all mankini— -et EM tee Wena en fair dealings,justice,the freedom to;:Alko watch fur the fret xymptem hive cad be at ease against organized marsenessa,and «ive Chamberlain's Cough rong Remedy se seon nas the child becomes hearse Seelam *at +.|Obiainable¢4‘Tt is in this spirit and with this’2!oe overt eee thought that we have srrow 1 move Cpp THIS AND PIN ar mote ware,More @nd more cere:ANT WIFE’:DRImas ER tain that the part we wished to play ON s LSS wa:the part of those who ines to -. icate and fortify veace.We have Cincinnati Man Telle How te to taintoarmourselves claim to a ceobliwed rood our m of right and of freedom of Laren Ore: oo a a gieel ever cer Commercial National Bank OF st ATES VILLE,N.C."Capital Stock Paidin -—$100,000.00SurplusandProfits-31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business Solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with oe bank- _ingmethods, ”Fourpercent.paid ontime andSavings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D,TURNER,K. min te iction.We stand firm in armed ).ov-a wi h Fingers.i trality since it seems that in no oth-Ouch se 'Th kind cr woy can we demonstrate what ig |Four |wil be her rd leas here in we insist upon and =canno "0.pri !ee 7 aEt —th i We mey never be drawn on,by cir-MI fhe simple advice of Unie umstanees,not by our own purpose *IM innadi .uthority,who claims that w desire.to a more active assertion 4 few drovs of (rug called freczone of our rights as we see them q When:“d to a tender,aching corn nore itamediate associatior h or be:oy do cuius stons sorencss a the great strurgie itself.But rothing a Cem Us the corn cr callawillalterourthoughtorourpurpose.e@rics up 1 fts right off without They are too clear to be obreured.pain,.’ay es o They are too deeply rooted the He he aa ee ine ples of our natiopal hite to ce es ory er ‘ent ;ee,‘a ca A aitered,We desire neither conquest 7 i bot eke :ae enoradvantage.We wish nothing that oa ye ir ees bags will can ite had only at the cost of an-very Sees any ee .hard a = vither people We have always pro-eee eerie £yy’:NSE _or == fessed unse!lfi sh purpose a:id wv Ve ae a 7 cates *bei 3 will as aS)cmaoientheopportunityt+prove that ou Jens cee “aie AePitanxfeasecomethisannouncementsincetheon“8 mt ave ailing a eel do pauguracion of the high heels,If here re .NES Stil )ORES %‘a teenen home,to clar ify eur own peliles rr ;se :a toe 1 Rea nae I sone nd give rew vitality toe the indus-tel eR AD OMIT o ee vottle for trial proeess of cur own life,and we #7 0U-‘aca shall do them as time and opportuni- ty serve:but we realize thet the | greatest things that remain (o bhe done must be done with the shole i vor'd for stage,and in co-operation | with the wice and universal fer of 4 mankind,and we are making ur | spirits ready for those things.‘They | will follow in the immediate wal of the war itself and will set coviiiva-| tion up again.We are provincisls no lonzel The tragieal evenis of the,!. 30 months of vital turmoil through |For All Occasions! which we have just passed,have {“e made us citizens of the world.There can be no turning back.“Our own for- tunes as ai nation are involved,whether we would have it or not. “And yet we are not the =lessAmericanonthataccount.We shallbethemoreAmerieanifwebutre-main true to the principles in whichwehavebeenbred.They are noi the principles of a rovinee er of a singlecontinent.fe have known anidBboastedallalongthattheywerethe principles of,a liberated mankind. These,therefore,are the things weshallstandfor,whether in wer or in peace:“That all nations are equally in-terested in the peace of the worldandinthepoliticalstabilityoffreepeoples,and equally responsible fortheirmaintenance;“That the principle ofpeaceistheactualequalityofna-tions in all matters of right or priv- e;ittpeacecannotsecurelyof—__upon an armed balance @ 4 Shrivel Up Corns er Cil luses So They Lift Off ‘We Have Just Received a Shipment amen Of- Coat Suits and Skirts. We also have a big ins of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Shirt Waists—all [: the new Colors. 4 Millinery arriving daily.We will be pleased to show you through our tine,a a ‘- MRS.MARY SIMS. rrehcosion they never knew before.a aaah .'has beer hard te préserve caim ‘Merica—an America united in feel- oh ike ha M ot in purpese,and in its vision of ry .ounsel while the thoug?own :;as toreeisrh<a roe .<ont _duty,of opportunity,and of serv-Che Cash Store. de ol ‘nay dusace.We zre a com-We are to bewrre of all men ‘;posite and cosmopolitan people.We Who would turn the tasks und the Laeureofthetioodofailthenationsthat"ccessities of the nation to their arc at war.The currents ef our °""private profit or use them sor.4chinswellaetheeerrents“of ihe }'Ming up of private poveer;be meresor ts trade ron quick at all seasons,“2"e that no faction or disloys! 'an forth,between us and them.‘™break the harmony or =ag:‘Asthm The er mewits ably ret its mark from };;oS te —=edadihfotalikeuponourminds,our")nai rmved in all i —1,Neearias-tt .=a ee ial nc ag Te bY u .mhke in the conception of our duty the lungs.In addition,ns canal ; to it or independent of uc,wd in the high resolve to perform Wick’s “Vep-O-Rub”Salve Relieves by {ieeeagit the skin,relieving the tightness ; wae ot of tha question,“it,in the face of all men,let ws ded-Inhalation and Absorption.“ot eatte 'iymcamaecateelvestothewreattasktoick’s tanbe ay :he ail th 1 ¥Ourse ves ee a.blige ingly sont ot which we must now set our han!-Sai :nok ae Ganeconse10uPiceaweemy:*“or myself I beg your tolerance,your No need to teke interne!medicines or/cloth—ore littl put Oe ipso obs 7 a.eunt ener ee,and your united “gid.habit forming drugs for these troubles.jmeit'a littleinaspoom andRaeerrsa.eply The shadows that now lie dark up.When Vick’s*Vap.0-Rub”Salveisapplic:por arising,Also tor Aethene,entomcther.We have been ;"eka,norr path will seen be dispelled and to the heat of the body,svothing,medi-|Fover,rub Vick’swellover thewrougedupoatheseas,bug we have |shall wake wth thn leet aft eated vaporsarereleased that aro sohael enn to te tho nervous tension, %ei oT Geean ae the ebout us if we be Lut true to our-all night lou the air y 50e,or 61.00.urn;have retainec ME cis ake ,;oo <<ritiest sesote .+4 ver—to ourselve:_as we haveconsciousnessinsomesortapart,M-io04 io be known in the counsels A) New Goods Arriving Daily. See our new Suits and Coats.All the lavest shades,and prices to suit everybody. Our %c,Shirt Waists are unexcelled in style ov quality.Sitk and Crepe de Chine, $1.98 to $3.°R,afl shades, Let us show you our new Spring Dress Goods.We have the new Persian | We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. —_—OO |Van Lindley.Co, Pa Gn Dre and all the colors.Tub silk 25c,to 98e, at ee e -yard,colors Bleck,Gray,Blue,Green,Lavender und Geld Stripes.See our new Slippers,Will tuke p'easure in having you look through our stock.Respectfully, J.M.McKee &Company, set meenaanata . Sterling Silverware!||| We havea large lot of Sterling Silver in several pat- terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks,Oyster Forks, |Cold Meat Forks,Ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks;Tea ||Spoons,Table Spoons,Desser!Spoons,Jee Tea Spoons|Scup Spoons and aimostcllthespoonsandforksyouwant.Like every thing else they are nigh but our price is as low as any one |according to quality.We handle the Gorham goods. 'R.A.RICKERT &SON. { ||' ' ' | ‘ ! Jeliv Spoons,OliveSpoons THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY§ Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our officeis an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbeeomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythewill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhufdredpatrons, “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY J |HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT|~~We willbeglad to have you eall at our officeforanyinformation,or No.54 if ourserviceinneeded.Wedo NOTARYPULICworkalso. 1 J.F.CARLTON,- oe i”are sealed FHE LEGISLATURE ot Gapeed to amend by imereasing the| Br 4 or eine the (bill also MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN i ®LANDMARK |P.©.K.K’8 COMETOTOWN Mrs,Wilson rode si7,|Parade Yesterday Afternoon T. the MorgantonHospitalto$262,400,the nt asked for by themaintenance,but this effort failRepresentativePearsonof ,»member of the appropriations riation for committee,whe had fought manfully|for thealargerappropriation. emtonHospital,said Mise that increased by $15,000 amount originally agreed on. An appropriation of $2,000 was}given the Confederate Women's Home,at Fayetteville for maintenance and| general pension bill75,000 was passed. The ouster bill of Representative Grier had been so amended that its|moved indefinite postpone-| t,which meant its death.The,bill authorizing railroads to giveistersfreetransportationwasied.Bill passed to require county is of education to have accountsSuditedandstatementpublishedne |nually.Bill to consolidate indict- s,aimed to reduce solicitors’and preclude witnesses proving| nee in several cases on the,passed the Houre by a} .The county commission-|ers of Caldwell were authorized to! y a county manager. te passed a joint resolu-}tion iding for a commission com-|of the Governor and chairman |the State Tax Commission andothermemberstobenamedby}the Governor,to investigate and rec-|@Ommend to the next General Assem-| as to tax reforms.The commis-! can submit any |@mendment on the subject it deems)The bill passed the House.|passed:Limit liability o in payment of checks throughamendlawastocommitmentjentstoStatehospitals;to}blockading a felony;to make |te children legitimate when} parents marry;punish-desecra-|of United States flag;to pro-|the receipt and possession ofinMecklenburgcounty. House passed the $5,008,000bondbill,already passed by the Sen-ate—87 totsix voted for the measure.:bill for a constitutions!amend- for the initiative and referen-|failed in the House—28 to 65.)‘Senate bill appropriating $150,-!for new buildings of the StatefortheBlindpassed.The! te defeated a bill from to assign 50 convicts fortructionoftheAsheville-Mur-.seenic highway. CONSOLIDATED BOARDs.| One Board ofDirectors”Three State Hospitals. The Legislature abolished theisofdirectorsofthethreeState!itals —the State Hospital at nton,the State Hospital at wh and the State Hospital at boro for the colored race and bankserror;of |For | | ided for one board of nine direc-|dis;for the three institutions.Gev.! ett has made the following ap-| nents for the consolidated .the appointees being contirm-|ed by the State Senste:| Fog term of two years beginning 11,1917,A.E.Tate,High Point, mton district;C.A.Woodard, m,Raleigh district;W.H.| illiams,Washington,State-at-| or term of four years beginning 1,1917:©.P.Matheson,Tay- Wille,Morganton district;B.B 8.Four Oaks,Raleigh district; .B.McKinne,Louisburg,State-at-e, For term of six years beginning Apri!1.1997:RRO Clark,States 4 Morganton district;Joseph G. own,Raleigh,Raleigh district:J.»Thompson,Goldsboro,State-ate,It provided under the Mioarcet that the three the Morgarton dq trict w iPoMposetheexecutivecommitteeforMorgantonHyapital,the threemtheRaleighdistrictthecomitteefortheRaleighinstitutionardthethreefromtheState-at -largecommitteefortheGoldsboroHos- »that inst itutic new members taking patientstheentireState.These threeSeparategroupswillbeindirectcon-trol of the management of the differ.@nt institutions.the yeneral whole. makes the superin-Gents of the three State HospitalsmnthesuperintendentsofthebolfortheDeafatMorganton,Schoo!for the Blind at RaleightheCaswellTrainingSchoolatmaipurchasingboardfortheinstitutions.They will co-operatebuyingsuppliesandwillcombine bs When a saving can be eftherebythreemembersoftheconsolidboardfromthissectionofthe~~Matheson,Tate and Clark y will have direct supervision ofMntonHospital—-were mem-of the old board of that insti-members of the Mor-Hospital board who are re->consolidation are Mr.I.Moryanton,the president ;Capt.J.P.Sawyer ofA.A.Shuford of Hick.Alspaugh of Winston.Clarkson of Char-of Gastonia. CHEAP. board directors | had |‘compelled to yield to a compro-|ero,Salisbury and the {ed carrying|15 t|Knights hia? j iwking the degree of the D.©.K.K. {}ant floor manager; 14.Of the Republicans|» |;were a number of |their ar-/ and Ceremonial Last Night,, Statesville was afloat with bunt-ings and emblems of the D.O.K.K.’syesterdaywhenthetownwashost jto about 250 members of the order,‘coming from different points in the State.A special train arriving|from Charlotte at 3 o'clock yesterdayafternoonbrought100Chariotteans‘and a number of members from Da-vidgon and Mooresville.At 3.80 theGastoniaPythianDrumCorpsand iD.O.K.K.’s from Raleigh,Greens- Spencer,arriv- Other towns represented wereFortMill,8.C.,Matthews,Hickory, Lenoir,Elkin and Wilkesbero. The D.O.K.K.—Dramatic Order of the Knights of the Khorrassan—/ the secial branch of the order of of Pythias.The Pythian comes in for a share of such social| festvities of the order as the cere-!|monial which was held in Statesville| yesterday,{ The parade,which left the armory about 5 o'clock yesterday’afternoon,|was a brilliant spectacle.The Gas-|tonia Pythian Drum Corps headed the procession.Twenty-nine membersmakeupthecorps,which was on itswayhomefromWashington,wheretheadedtheNorthCarolinadelega-tion in the inaugural parade.Following the drum corps in the parade were the officials in their spectacular costumes.hey wereNat.C.White,Royal Vizier;W..M.Smith,Grand Emir;Edvar W.! Pharr,Mahedi;R.J.Cochrane,!Sheik;J.Arthur Eagle,treasurer;J.O.Gardner,secretary;J.H.Me-Murray,Satrap;C.A.Cochran,Sa-'hib;L.L.Caudle,Mokana;J.Lau-|rence Jones,Saruk;W G.Ervin,Mas-!ter of Ceremonies;J.Mack Wooed- ‘ides,Master of Properties;J.D.} Woodsides,electrician;C.C.Hook,|floor manager;J.A.Houston,assist-! A.J.William and|W.T.Rowland,reculators. the “fresh meat,”those te be initi-| ated into the mystetes of the D: K.K.The red clad elf with his huge|axe brought up the rear of the pro-!session.|Following the parade a banquet was held at Hotel Iredell.Last nighthegrandceremonialtookplaceat!the armory.On this cecasion a!nber “crossed the hot sands—thedegreeoftheorder. Statesville people the degree candidateswere:L.J.Freel,R |Harbin,J.M.Joyner,Jno.M.Bar-,ringer,L.B.Bristol,A.E.Armour,|Jo,Harrison,R.M.Rickert,J.B.Glover,Jr..J.B.Rodgers,B F.Ward,Weston Wallace Taylor,Herman!and Henry Nicholson.There candidates from |lsewhere.j THE PRESIDENT GUARDED.|: Troops Lined the Avenue In- auguration Day.i Not since the first inauguration of | Abraham Lincoln,56 years ago,haveheresuchprecautionsasweretakenMondaytoguardthelifeofanncomingPresident,says a specialispatchtotheNewYorkTimes. Secret service men,troops of regular army,detectives men formed a hollow square President Wilson as he rodefromthecapitolbuilding.of buildings —overtoc re Dla avenue were guarded by plainclothesmen.The roof of the capitolWassimilarlyundersurveillance.The men'of the Sixty-ninth andTwelfthregiments,New York Na-onal Guard,dined Pennsylvania av-enue from the capitol to the WhiteHouse.Their guns were loaded.TheStatemilitiamen,hacks to therowdsthatlinedthesidewalks,tookplacesat10)-o’cloek,an hourforethePresidentlefttheWhiteHousefortheridedownPennsylva-Mia avenue to the Senate chamberTheGuardsmenstoodabout20pacesapartTheystoodatattention rendy for actior :hike the Presi- ent passed any port.Along the line march and sup-ting New Woon regiments inthetaskofproteetirgwthePresidentfromhodilyharmweredetectivesandnumerouspolicemenand.specialfReersPhePresidentliterallyrodetothecapitelandhackavainthrough armed men,° were threateningthere beer the and police- about | to saa The roofs r Peansylva- ''' } if the a lane The clou orenoon hut vhen the the sunshine President k the oath andmadehisinnuguralthepen.which followed the inaugurationofVicePresidentMarshallintheSenatechamberAftertheVicePresidenthadtakentheoathhedeliveredabriefaddressandthen.fol-lowing the custom,the assemblageadjournedtotheopen,.where Mr.Wilson took the oath and made hisaddress,which is published on an-ther pawe of The Landmark today.The procession marched back totheWhiteHouseinthefaeeofa|cold wind.At times,whole organi-zations had to halt while a particu-larly severe gust spent its force,ma-sicians had to empty the sand fromtheirinstrumentsinthemidstofnisyingandcolor-hbearers by thehundredhadtofurltheircolors.Butthecrowdwasmoreorderlythanusual,and the paraders took it all inwoodpart.The pared®was aaid toheshorterthanusualbatitsPassingeecupiedthewholeoftheafternoon.‘or hours they filed past.sailors,soldiers,guardsmen,cadets,veter-ans.Govern and their staffs,thousands of civilians in civie andpolittemt!hereancthere,a tinejdredsofbrass ¢+4us too address jn ‘South,just as for years past ,ton in five minutes ; ;p i jvour home—shouldFollowingthefilesofDokiescamehandyincaseofa sick,sour,upset Ov}t Lit.the|Srence,Earle White,Geo.Fields,P.| of ssomen,andtun..>bands. , ibesicetne Pron.|i : rode inthe car.|ident to and fromSenatorOvermanriagewiththem. Statesville —Flour Mill Town,|| Charlotte Observer. Statesville seems to be bidding forpremiershipinthemanufactureof!flour.It is fast becoming the oe Anewand up-to datelineinWomen’s Neck-j SanitaryCrinkleBedwear.Special,25¢.,48c,and 98¢. soeeihatieieeenineneieniE i ee Special Spreads, Full size,$1.25, mill town of North Carolina,Sterling Mills,with a capacity of/|500 barrels a day,being the f)addition and the fourth flour millfor |the town.The Statesville flour millearenotmidgetsintheirway,either,he it known,and it will not be longuntilwearehearingStxtesvillespok-en of as the Minneapolix of the“=Point has been referred to asGrandRapidsoftheSouth.io nick bh,=eeINFIVEMINUTES!NO JN.DIGESTION,GAS OR SOUR,|ACID STOMACH!| |Johnston-F§ THE ONLY BIG CASH STOREIN STATESVILLE. ik Co. sin”Reaches the StomachAllDistressGoes. “Really does”put upset stemachsinorder—“really does”overcome inedigestion,dyspepsia,gas,heartburnandsournessduetoacidfermertta-| The Moment “Pape's romach Misses’Suits, makes Pape’s Diapepsin the larg-«t-selling stomach antacid and rege!lator in the world.If what you eat!ferments and turns sour,you belch.as and eructate undigested food orvater;head is dizzy and aches;breath foul;tongue coated;your in-sides filed with indigestible waste,remember the moment “Pape’s Dia~pepsin”comes in contact with thestomachallsuchdistressvanishes,’It's truly astonishings—almost mar-|velous,and the joy is its harmless-PeLs materials and shades. Silks,Charmeuse, de Chine, It’s worth its weight in gold tomenandwomenwhocan't get theirtomachsregulated.It belongs in}always be kept tomach during the day or night.It'shequickest,sueost antacid for thestomachintheworld,here. NOTICE! C New Goods Arriving Daily. Beautiful display of Women’s andCoats,Dresses,Skirtsthat—just =_and Waists,in this season’smany new Dress Fabrics. Weare showing allthelatestnoveltiesin e Meteor,Crepe de Chine,Silk Poplins,FloralCFloralTaffetas,Peau De Soie. §«Gi f In the face of a shortage of goodGinghamsweareshowinandBESTselectedlinegthelargesteverofieredWehaveallthestaplesinnewSpringStylesat121-2c.and L5c. Clothing Department. We are ready to take care of you in this department.Elegant showing of Men’s and Boys’Spring Clothing— Suits,Pants,Shirts,,Underwear, Hats,Caps,Hosiery,Neckwear,ete. SHOES. Fine showing New Spring Shoes and Oxfords,Some lines we are selling for less than factory prices, Chiff on, New McCall Patterns fcr April.Call and get Fashion Sheet. TO ALCL LANDOWNERS IN SNOW CREEK)DRAINAGE DISTRICTYouwilltakenoticethat it is the purpose{the Prete »Coremissioners ef Snow CreekDralnaseDistriettesebondsforthepay-tuent of the total cost of the improvements in‘amount of $46,034.These bonds are te!®per cent mtercst,paynble semi-annual. are payable in tes equal instalenehyear,beginning the Ist day ofJanuary,120.¢Ary le ner in the dis.|ict,not wanting to pay interest on the bonda,|ray on or before the 12th day of Maren,1917.1ytotheCountyTreasurcrthefailamount,|which his Innd ts which r Class A lane 1.45 per acre, rc Class BI 16 Tr acte For Class C land is 824.8 x Class D Jand }if Class E land is gx.79 Said amounts having been classificatio v d,s provement ascertained from nd the certifieate of otal cost of the im. m which the assess-Nents are ,hall be released fromntoObeaasessedforsaidimprovements,t «u if continue lable for anyitureaxeformaintenanceorforanyitauthorizedunderthelaw.K.BOWLES,Chairman.H.R.COWLES,Secretary.Feb,2,191 When out shopping drop in and let us show you through.No trouble to show goods.Get our prices,then you will be convinced. We Sell for Less. 16 Big Department Stores. am.PHONE 212. 16 Big Department Stores. SHAVES 10¢. LAV0=—_—__ COLEY’S BARBER SHOP. Shaw Knit Hosiery! We have fust received our §ringshipmentofthefamousShawKnitHosieryforMenandWomen.The famous we pee 1%pis isanexceptionapodimeofHosiforMenandWomen,fast a,each and every pair guaranteed togivesatisfactorywear. Men’s Lisles in all leading shades,35c,3 pairs tor $1.00.Men’s Silks,in all leading shades,a extraan for 50c,a pair.omen’s Lisle,in all leading shades,35c 5 pairfor $100Women’s Silks,in all leading shades,75c,and $1.00 apair.See our window display of Shaw Konit andArrowHeadBeslery.,PHONESHERRILL-WHIT ew SHOE CO. | ST HOON OR)REPAee Preparedness is a topic of national im-portance,no matter which side of thequestionyoumaytake.Is the nationroperlyprepared?It isa grave question.But that is a question for the nation toanswer.There is one question nearerhome,the matter of financial preparednessoftheindividualagainsttherainyday.ofadversitythatmaycome,Are you financial-ly prepared to meet that sicxness whichmaycometoyouoryourfamily?Are youreparedforthetimewhentheremaybeaeofemployment,or loss by fire,flood,ormismanagement?Are you pre fortheoldagethat’s sure to come?These areserious,vital questions to every one of us.-If you are not prepared,resolve to open asavingsaccountatourbanktoday,andthusmakethefirststeptowardyourownpreparedness..reg’,een sat SoriBeet.0.L.TURNER ' For March can be hearda ANDREW'S Ask us toplaythem for you ANDREWS MUSIC STORE.<toeet Evervruinc Musical.ti *)Ras f Stre ea ellaeM erieae aeeemetbemes pe ae‘.4 STATESVILLE,N.©.,TUESDAY,MARCH 13,1917.NO.71. . THIN TORNADOTRACK WILL SHOOT ON SIGHT?|/ARM MERCHANT VESSELS.}WANT STREETS PAVED./CITY OFFICIALS NAMED.|6RIEF ITEMS LOCALNSW “and Injured at|Speculation as to Instrugtion|The President Takes Action—|Mooresville People Petition—|Mr.Bristol Mayor and Only|—fr*,Geo.1.Brownhas beense Ind —Iredell Peo-|to Armed Merchantmen,Congress Called in Extra]Child Abandoned —Moores-|Two Changes i.Atdormenie riously ill for some “ina 1 1 ple When American merchant vessels Session,ville News,Board.—There was not &Saturday for the ex ee a reports from Newens-sail from our shores under the poli-]President Wilson Friday ordered|Spetie!(ore condones of The Landmark,*|The res‘widbor the Democratic mu-}postmaster at Sheryill’s Ford,report dead and several mins-cy of “armed neutrality”they will the arming of American merchant Moores.‘lle,Mareh 12 —An on-|ticipal primary Saturday:.-A freight train stalled .Several hundred injured.One|have the full!backing ef the sdmin-ships against Germany's submarine arent.“Altice in’Wonderland,”will Mayor—L.B.Bristol..Statesville and Bufola homes were demolished and}istration—exnressed in the form of wartare and at the same time isp]de»:|at the auditorium next} Aldermen—-First ward,T.N.Me-|nonin delayi: 2,000 damased of}sued a proclamation calling an extra]Fridey ood Saturday evenings,by a]Elwee,N.D.Tomlin;second ward,|y -‘£passenger naval guns and gunmers'and war]<cesion of Congress to meet April 16.)east er 200 school ehildren.Aji]J.F.Carlton,G.E.French;_third No.96 8 an Elki Twenty-one’persona are known to|titk incyrance.It is made clear,|The erier was made from the Pres-the “wonders of |Fairyland wil)be|ward,W.A.Evans,H.0.Steeles}~—ted ae 2 we been killed,several are miss-{82)°@ Washington dispatch,that ident’s sick bed,prod the Jananese Danes,fourth ward,J.G,Shelton,J.A.|¥a9 opers on ::’Tie President’s decision was an-[gerard fairy prol “tnd 1 "|Brady Sanatoriem —forontheoneeeest's we i prologue,“Injan Lane rady.ing,more than 100 gersons were in-=,ego gsa ay of om United nounced late Friday afternoon,fol-fand Bellet of the Nations wiii i Members school board —William|condition is favorable. lag te ee fae =wil =——for artion should a the action of the Senate aperic!foaturés,Gorgeous cosiume Morrison,John F.Bowses,.~The dining room of the States- clas on ut °00)Germany attack an American apmed ursday in revising its rules tofand civ and light effects will _Members executive —committee—|ville Inn will be closed after tomor- ~2 _,a tornado§which ship in vielation of the warning of wer mit prompt action on _important add tothe splendor ef the produc-First ward,Cc.5.Tpmlin,seeond|row and the trons of the Inn will ota ea e,Le wbout 3 the American government =and the nubenionion ‘a tion.—s A E.Welborne;third ward,|be served at 1 Iredell. ...oe :al opinions |v Secretary Stat »Wolter Pes Mixs Sel-r,A.Moose;y School girls’: Confusion and diserder followed The State Department's view of |Lansing and 4 ormey General Geen 7 'oh ee ea Sas Gey.lie rental eae aes in the en of the storm,Those who|defensive armament is that the mere]ory,that he |the power to arm}meorniny ot the First Baptist charch Mr.Bristol will sugeeed Mr.L.High School girls’team Podey streets,women and],ine's periscope near an American grees,by the nast Rev.2.UV.Weston]changes in the present board of al-being 19 and 12.Fy about ery and death ran wild-|appearance’of «a German subma-merchantmen without action by Con]iymmedi,rely,afer the usual service,|Caldwell as mayer.The .night in a game at Lenoir,the score ren crying and wringing their Details of the government's armed]Both vouny veop!thi ty.|dermer n th 4 i,whfern88yolnepopleoreofthiscity.|4e¢en is in the seeond ward,where Th—The Civie League —=this sand men shouting and cursing.armed vessel would entitle the ship neutrality plans for defending the}The bile wore a suit of blue cloth Mr.G.FE.French will succeed =Mr. men finally settled down and]to take all mexsures of protection}merchant marine were withheld tof with accessories to match.Jacoh Matheson,whe declined to be afternoon at 4 a> [poxan the work oi rescue,digging |on the presumption that the U-boat’s|2veid endangering Americans and Mr.Rott.Stafford arrived Satur-|4 candidate;and in the fourth ward,——rooms,ine ree in the a of their xomes for miss-purpose was hostile..This is based|ther ships by permitting the infor-[day evening from —Lafayette,Ind.,where Mr.J.A.Brady will sueceed rootinate 5is "steed * ,members of their families.For]on Ce rmany's announcement that Mation to reacn Germany.The only wher t has been for the past (wo Mr.D.M.Ausley,who declined to A |Several hours Newcastle was cut off}her submarines will attack without |Statement at the White House and}months taking special courses in]stand for |renomination.The mem-ia ‘ontract was let to |outside communication.Aii}warning any belligerent or neutral he Navy Department was that the}dairy work.He will resume his po-]bers of the school board are new|Nordyke &Harmon, |was sent to the stricken town.merchantmen encountered within the]President had deteemined to fully }sition with the Mooresville creem-]™en.They sueceed Rev.W.A.Lutz,Ind.,for the machinery for Fk:e sume day some people were barred zone.—ct American rights._bery.who has removed to Charitotte,and ling Mills,Ine.The contract for the ied and a man was a fa-Whether this position will be em-rught with the grave possibili-Dr.©M.Richnrds closed 2 most]Mr.C.8.Tomlin,who declined to be building has not been let. oe eared is a _—_<n ich hit |»edied .jastructions +o gemmand-y war 7 a ae —successful meeting at the Second|a candidate.»—Congressman R.> Rie c nd.;and one child was|ers of American armed ships,and]as taken by resident ison only]Preshyterian church Sunday evening Notwithstanding there was no op-State Superin killed and others injured in a storm|whether arms and ammunition will}@tter he was convinced that Germa-}]Much terest has heen manifested|position to the candidates named and|struction d.¥.8 that wrecked a half dozen heuses in he furnished vessels carrying contra-|"y ectually was pr weeding with a@fand the attendance hae ween goor|the primary was devoid of excite-|invitations to here the is de park,a residential district of bend,has not been stated.campaign of yithlessness,and had throushout the meeting.ment,52.votes were cast in the|ty Commencement April5th, incinnati.President Wilson attitude has|made efforts to —plot with Mexieo A petition is being circulated|first ward,36 in the second,89 in the —A resident of Bloomfield |PREDELL Te E IN NEWCAS.|been that no steps of a belligerent}and Japan against the territorial in-}amerr the property owners on Main]third and 56 in’the fourth.In a The Land q haructer suld aes hity of the United States a 1 :fan it a a cael os 30 mark that that TLE.aracier should be taken,and that]ceatity of the nited States,and Broad streets asking for paved|few instances voters did nor vote for]j,‘Six new :3 ‘if a ctate of war comes it must |Long hefore the orfer was given]strec:half the eost t 1 by}all the eandidates,but the =fi se - Relatives in Iredell were relieved a State ar comes it mu et Ong veld .‘as str:alf the cost to be paid by]4 e candidates,but the figures)private parties are being -.\oy,through Germany's commission of|from the White House all necessary}the property owners on each vide of named represent practically the |and several others are to be yesterday to learn of the safety offaets in clear violation of interna-|preperations fur the arming of mer-]the 1,the town to put in the|vote east for all and there were no :;—License has been for the Mr.and Mrs.James Messick and]al law.Despite the State Depart-|shanimen had been completed at the}voerners and storm sewers.This pe |opposition votes.. P children,who live in Newcastle.The}ment’s ruling some officials are Navy Department.Secretary Dan-|tition has met with the approval of|Im the second ward Mr.Jake marriage of Chal, storm did net damaye the home of known to fee!that in line with this]cls,however,issued an appeal tofy larce maierity and will douitles Matheson received 34 votes for “pre-ont ert Freeze;Carson o pia golicy the United States should not]the press of the netion to refrain]be presented to the town board with |cinet committeeman,”which seems |°!*te and Ida Bell Ball; the Messicks.Mrs.Messick is alsanction a —shont-on-sight —pro-|from discussing these preparations.|unanim:vs sanction.to have been the result of a misun-plescock and Elma — |sister of Mevsrs.R.V..JE 1d W.J eramme,which might be construed The Call for Congress.Has)ng ahout two weeks ago}derstanding,as there is no such office Everett Combs and PW.Tharpe of Statesville.She and her]ts aeere ssion.‘Formal announcement of the gov-f[a little {-year-old colored virl was and Mr.Matheson was not a candi-Smith. |family have been making their home Since the policy of the govern-}ernment's policy was given in the|olaeed sbourd a Charlotte train here.|date.Mr.Welborne was elected a —Dr.‘J.M.Holland,who recently PF in Newcastle during the past ye:ment im the past ha been not tof following announcement issued from]As the train pulled out a negro man]Member of the executive committee|secured a to Other Iredell people reside in and]insure ves ‘ls carrying arms:and »White Ho e:.:rughe:||up and asked the conductor]from that ward,The members of|has rented offices‘a = Sear Newcastle.It is not knowh|2murtion to the helliverents.It ha “Whereas,publie interests require}Cant Tom Rowland.to “see the lit-the executive committee in the four|N.B.Mills’office and Powhether any of the others were vic-been considered probable chat thts it the Congresa of the Uniteal tle girl e to Charlotte.”Thero was]wards elect the chairman and Mr.his profession there.. tims attitude would be .maintained.The]States should be convened in’extra »meet the littl eirl at|d.H.Heffmapn will succeed himself has bought the dental = lists of contraband’articies recogniz-|session at 12 o'clock,noon,on the vani she was left in.the if he will ha¥Ve the job.Chas.A.Turner,who has given up Necro Boy Accidentally Shoat.[od by the United States differ wide-]|6th cay of April,131%,to receive room.Returning to the de-The municipal election will be his practice. ;A coroner’s jury Suriay after-ly from those drawn up by the va veh commumention as may be jot an absence of six hours.|held the first Tuesday after the —Dr.F.A.Ge ce peniered a verdict a Forest |tu belligerents since the outbreak mate by the executive:-Capt.Rowland found the child still]first Monday in May.build,praia within aaa sp rest)of the war,and therefore it is be-“Now,therefore,t,Woodrow Wil-T there and renorted the case to thel »ie months,a residence Roseboro,colored,the 9-)ear-old son}ij that only actual munitions of |son,President of the United States]rolice \colored woman took the Prominent Citizen”~Faces Se-ry in connection”therewith, 'of Enos Roseboro,who lives near]+will be placed on the restricted|of Ameri a,do hereby mg and]girl in her keeping and so far di!-_Charge—Trial Next Week|bargained for Wore .:“i =:list for the purpese of determining]declare that an extraore in occas-mt seare a falle »t ~~a . |Oak For st,came to his death Sun-}''"_P pene oo dee =)jooriag ee ad a fen’—onal .week from this evening,at the eo lot,cat d Be Dday afternoon as,the resuit of a rips wre t ies ain th =chve ms aula a ae rhea 'wh oe cate house,Mr.James.W.Wilson ne eee |gun shot wound inflicted by Jim Ste Formal notice that American om at a holes itor in the efty of ae ay ee :.aw nO was Cv|will be teied for the theft of a roost-|“-~t ren weBiiwen,also colored.the’shooting |chire treversing the German subena,|Sc 7c"At theCatt oe oe eee er ne eed eS Pine fo get rel offer trem Mr,ET a te ae aoe i ine being accidental.The Rovseboro ne |y,;Meee kn bestee at “mrmed}|5c oie ee tO atldek |.oon ARE ;nersonnel of the court will be:Hon.Spector,who ‘ecial cat a Apr ,117,at 12 o'clock,noon,\n child of Mr.and Mre 7m : fro was visiting at the home of the]guard for the protection ofthe voosel]whieh all versons who shall at t})Has Hal eave ©Thursday W.D.Turner,judge;Dr.J.F.—o is “now tevenson negro near Oak Forestfasd the live 5 hy persons Dee te eee ae ars ae ee on =Thursday |Coriton,clerk of court;J.M.Deat-|We m . \ie :::‘ET SORS ONT time by itled to act as meme neomning °interme \;the .Sa e Sunday afternoon,the parenta of ard’Was sent the State De e reof _hereby rcauneien ‘t pe ator oe 2 4 .on,sheriff;A.J.Salley,Herbert Wands,=““lens © the children being swe)Whiie thepoartment yestertPry to mbasrice |soto notice.”:::Mir I.Scan ae Y fr +t Hoffmann,E.O Heritaze,D.M.|Washington.Mrs,W and children were plavit “th a guntand teeatior Washington of alll ~fhe President's Authorit 7 ale’s Van cee h:see a _Etheridge and Dr.T.E.Anderson,dren,who spent the winter in the Rose oro nes les Mt,OCIAR foreten governments.In deciding that he ha Sowell)le ft Aer er oe eae te witnesses;D.M.Ausley,C.E.Ray-)inatom,vi am & instantly killed.17 shot entering em imerchantmen,th Peet ee (em other NC nye ee hacclen:voy nal,W.A.Thomas,Chas.Anderson,about April Ist. F gbout the mouth,ranged dowoward Hept:rsophs Suspended.Veal sok fanitkat anvold xt :nee Re ae mi Iming tm L.Poston,H.O.Steele,W.H.H.|—Mr.J.C.Foard of Statesville, 7 :es ’oe oe vk th osition that an ol atuce @ sPecin)co yn embalming ae and indicated that We ¢was i The Order of Heptasopha is es-|passed in 1819,cited in the Sens!4,‘a Cavin ¥|Gregory,J.H.Hoffmann, N.D.|who spent the winter at the ra s of some other person than 1,ie hig ;ae _o a :pales <7 Cavin willl Tombin,L.B.Bristol,J.G.Powell}for his health,is me at the dead child pped from doings bu 1 oth febate as prohibiting such a her,M FE.8.Star Robt.M Rickert,juror Me:thome.ils health .‘ene Yike race ae a 1 eS 4 i eee ae .oe ..aa ROD vi,cenert,ore.3&:€ .}}ite under an order us 'Stat mf congressional action,has ‘a seat j Sheriff M.P.Alevander with Cor-]~ng ‘,i ie -nC a Se te ct sriata et vt ,tor Se Dorman Thompson will prosecute}Mr.Poard recently ll as sid foe ay eee]rhe ines pmmissiarcs Jan Rojo tion to i,mt situa mele eturned a .fa =_™one os A 44 }Young,who ha ‘anecued tie ense |Pfs atisfic tha he nation sta |i m to resume Mi iW Ison and ol.A.V.Newton an ex-soldier of the -Amer- seene,and an inquest was held witht oe a).peers ,Ce :b t of Worcester,Mass.,is the defend-|ican war he wa th ‘av -it ef the organization,and noe repre t t him oat accepts the ove t ited sehoole,after nt’rr to the N tie 1 Soldiers’ »above result.;‘rt \1;7 t ¢h ‘:ws attornes sion to the Nationa ent.0 the order omay ic imine vote of the Hou 1 ver ‘‘. ;i é pe ee.:,eo :The defendant will plead not il-a Brother of Statesville lady in}’\OF COmect =embers}ormed neuirality bill ar d the knows sncicties of St.tey to a charge ine will ea pA 2 i is now pend- H:nds of Cc wh:mn Re iy se :fe order,GWever,cA Y td t}nN ¢a iaree Majoruiv o8 Cate re hurch are prenar mali pus »eeution to injure his ing. ‘their dues to the home offiee in Bal rate s nroof the attitude «A Migsionary pal “Christ in saa ela i .e wnimeeisiitiiiaspaaiimaisiti : :ros x .,‘stan r in t ,‘aeovcenenin The Atlanta Constitution recently [-imor |onpress.Catiegs Ac ies orn el oon Sees ce we eee ee The|'Two Funerals Jetene~ite earried the story of e Perie:ces The affairs of the Heptasoph in|Althouch the bill which failed —of f month hev sg also prepar -ene :;_r |t :i t ’ft will be or '»inve:Death Record. of Mr.f YT.Genty a Ativent held his State pre in the hands of J.t ag bh the Senate prov ided for a A sMecial ervice ¢be rendered Pr :at t};ge rg egg ig cggee a prixe r he tt}ny }::“hoahire try «»PRaleiev Yepare oy ho |’mi r ETON GOO.G00 %at Snetes Gus rior io the a we j e oO c-> F BS prisoncr y tl ‘‘han }Ch j r..Ral h ;|of 10 0 f to pay ine]f er Sunda hibit at the store of the Statecvilie The’funeral of Mr.John P._ the reeent re ie tir G try is a a "ippointe re iver On Aal-lecpe?f armed neutral ty,the Irs.L.A.Falla (¢*mproving rap Were Camoant igen who died in Redlands, '¢1 ‘¢‘y mt weg t }a ‘i 2 oO . brother -rs |ws man off:f Teal qin na ny has suMicient =money at the Chacictte sanatorium ane The oo ‘echedeiad to feradak exico,last Wednesday,took Jun Statesville and ts fe and danuen ve Me ser int wa h-hands of fayailable for its immediate purposes ae eit eae cre uone theliwa heu ten ts es eens yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock,at “ ter have \wl M Sentman oi he State Department of 1 ance |vary will be asked to provide ck,0 hours un y oop the residence of Mr.L.C.= Statesville o onfecunrd the North Carolina!ers when the extra session ct wuMber of Moore my hianal -a =if ——_—coe .The service was conducted 7 oe . ;:;‘ae if e c Lee .ceeds Mr.Gentry,while mal a hin pes :These judemei ire fo ra Uniler a bil passed durint nied the PD.0.KK cremonta!|pe Pye pride Ag “The *.Mesars.J.H.Pressly and C.E.er ness trip Cubs,\travel rg bv dues and interest thereon paid in byt one |three Cavs of the last)Con-|at Statesville hurstay nich!and |pug i ome al ite Rae aaweall nal and the interment was he trai’my Santiago tH ''tisth members,ander tne rul reas the fun at the disposal of th doa splendid celebra .hy ee a i :aay wood. i,train was stopped by tie resets ba tt th i tien ef the orde edern}“on a ie in ur aa BH aes :,fance.Everywhere this mock trial The remains of Mr.nm ain ype ,l ‘(t i uy wa i ry t Insure Rey,y yeor ‘t}(Vibew Seaati pav aah ant ‘ge 2 s A and Mr.Gentry was precipitated int reasit rates awmounted to 2}American chips wa nereased —t¢accented a cull |ch at}res oren conducted ft has been at-|reached Statesville Sunda ::|'at}tended by large crowds and has giv-7 of : the midst of the revolutro It wa reach of contract.}7,000,000 ly Grove Bant church,neatlon great’aut fertn..at 7 o'clock,accompanied by os veri da of embrrria:<)\ledge ot the Hepiasophs hac]Armed neutrality is expected te}veoty,and will held servic there RECA BRETOt ttt:——a Emons y . incidents “1:vncomfortable rave}t '~istence in Statesville }remove ‘he practic Hiockade .of second Sunday }yo month In ane is brother rT.as.*’,Sunday crease in Wages as Well as in 12 he reached Santiago again.veral years and the lo organiza |Ameriean ports and place the irsue Ir.Frank Ham jeft last week for ::a i eH as ID]an,who were with him when he Santia’s ne cemained yoou '»ha yy te »member Mhed at ever to war squarely upon Ger-]!wood,Jr whi heat ve Cost of Living.died.Mrs.L.C.Caldwell met them days before securing a beat |Ww viesville member of the ord |n ‘An attack upen an armed in farming “Mt Ham did not The cost of living has gone up;at Chattanooga,Tenn. York.ave {determined what course}American vessel will precipitate a ore his plans to ans one until there is no shadow of a doubt to that;The funeral —Mr. ;:woe \wh irste,but th ection |tighs he ship gets sieht of the irchased his tich but the wages of the salaried man|Sherrill,who died ursday :Home Burned in aol Spring 6 fees han een uspendcded,looubmerine md oan nnwarned attack re chamber f ym merce will nlse experienced a rise,It is a were,conducted from the A.R.P. The hou own and oecaupied \7 ;or +h |\!rded by the United an imrortant me ,Theaday |bit startling to note tne rapidity of|church yesterday morning at 11 My.Jay Moose of Cool Spring tow Deacoas EF ected =e =*ot war,ting and a full aterdanc re.|this rise.Discussing the matter the o'clock,burial tation lace at Oak- hin was destroved bv fir i News.|Cermans pa Austrian®both have ted.ether morning in’tne railway tel-|weed cemetery.herrill,who nol =‘a eae :i inst Prosbytertar h Sor |iaved arr:raerchanitmen ow:J.A.Sher and in.Grier Pegraph office,the asertion wa made|was 55 vears ‘of Peni ‘and a native of et Kk Saturday mornit The to ‘ed eight vc iditional deaco vsrels The<e declarations were Shere W we nt Friday |by a railway conductor,running on af Alex:inder county,is survived his of the house,which was a new two f Wi.Gilhe iy 1.6)|based largely,however,upon —the ‘here with Mre Sherrill’.broth.|oasserger train,that his brakeman|wite and one son,Mr.Grier story frome building,wee partially}:HL.Kincaid,W.MH.Morrison [charge that British merchant ships ir B.A 'an Mr.and|at the present time drew more pay]rill;a sister,Mrs.Lonnie Sherri! ..vy insurance.The fire is sup-]y.jp Poston,BR.M.Rickert,Joi \ad their armament Oren wary and Sherri!}fost th )my th »month then did the whole —_—7 rs we 2 . med to have originated froma a che ca 14 mains he &whether Ge 4 ,hail teMmniatec|ecrew 20 vears ago.A man in the Le :err o alas,exas. na .4 ‘and is }Sh ritt {nal t ‘en whe ood t t pia 5 ® fective flue.The famriy had .risen fhe Wont a ting commmittes offered |Many will s lass and treat Amer w here,but tly burl ailroad service who 30 years ago|The funeral services were ard a fire had been mace in the 7 ered tir eT tar rear aft with ¢efersive arm W residence ond ce to sea 'rew ft monthly check of $30 now]until yesterday awaiting the kitehen sto when shortly the roof Peas “.ee at rhe whele of Ge )press cor he farm for the prese:!makes &70 per month.Not only inj ef Mr.Sherrill from Texas.Mr. P over the kitchen wa i overed ta vhich Lo ‘etn These sss {}}t a ’'i r h th he Sherrill suffered a stroke of ag7.K je as «dise re Oe i tts lente ad the +ane inoflicial utterances sit -;:the atiread service as vere been ” be ablaze.Before the re enuld Fi be atlowir :(.Ml _jams ‘Ml.Bar the question was raised)in thi \mbassador Guthrie Dead.in inerease in <alaries.The salaried}is about a year ago and a éxti ingruish ed,the house wns ¢*-:-a io :‘a vy ountry has indicated the convict «1 sae Calves,Kinesis am which iv the average man,finds!had been.in declining hea pletely destroyed ins household ef :1 A.Bede!pM in ny rmed vessel should be a j ery is grocery bill totaling mueh larger|Lively Trial fects were removed from ¢!lower 4 uk Gis i c D.boven 1 £0"lered host and sunk in th sadior to Jap :'bia han in former vears,but his services avety al at Hickory. _.The furniture on the upper ats ra ans a M es }anme Way as ligmerent war ves lfenty of —apopt ty atlare also commending mor money,At Hickory Saturday Dr.K.A. loor was destroye |and 1,sytee reconr ee?|re eer »offi >han in forme 2 Mice,3 "or V ae ie LR Ga,W.W.Turner,W.e!rt sea b en :official ¢o !nie years,howeve ak Pr e.8 well known Hickory physi Sunday \erdict Nat Legal J tton,J.R.Hill,J.Eo Sloop,FE.BY era =Guthrie Fitt ’lawver re complaint 18,owever,at cian,was sentenced to six —<—— '*.—‘nd the «i eka anor or (ver mar ere poliey —tow ninent in nationa Democratic the increase in salary doesn't keep)on the Mecklenburg county roads Holding that a verdiet could not]WA'ES ane Bie ei he 1 mais -\merican vessels sviling throush ti en for wnriy.years.*FE pace with the cost of living.It de |non-suppert in a trial that furnished be legally waered on Sunis Judge|Surmiay e ven One ne 15 deacor s.vu ne sinee it proclamation Fe doe "¢ee a nee :a ne |bend n how that cost is figured.a fieht between A.A.Whitener,= Harsh of the Shelby county (Tenn.))|fis MOOTED CNET neu oce ;¢uary |has not been quite clear,«nied hy Pre wide Ww mW he standard of living is greatly it f the prosecuting att Criminal Court at Memphia fused |hes has been changed irom «ie to the fact that less than a d .tes ied jus ane on 4d and almost everybody lives!the defendant,and resulted in atre to allow the jury which tried Jesse]!ow tock.en such voyages ha been mace a heen at h col Pie |expensively.has more com-j|of 850 for contempt of court for ‘“?.enntieneenanamineweste eS wei .‘'°t gington,a former Criminal Court ane @ possifle that ai:vessels tha e excent for a short as and =luxuries than was the!Price udge,cecused of accepting a bribe,Carnival Fer the Government.ped succeeded in a ling the Unite 4 ‘st :ny 1 kd He ows |oustem 20 years ago.This aceounts While the trial was in it »report case findings and ordered One RBarkoot,“owner of a large marines entirely aaa i.ii .ae A :my |fo the failure of the salary to keep,is alleged that Attorney the jury held until tve opening of}traveling cireus show,with 20 flat °‘pace |four times referred to Dr, |court yesterday.cars of standard make,and =more Danced to Death.—Cigarette—Cotton Afire.|“lowdown Gog Dr.Price then Edgington was impeached and re-|than 30 Wagons and =much tentins "uly of Carl Cheek,a you Court Items.;;zee asked if the attorney meant "e moved from office after a peviall announces his decision to give ‘the!.,,tod alte :,:Three bales of cotton belonging to|fer to him as an “atemees oat :o :e man wh died after a fal Will Harbin and J.¢Hamilton]4 :;|or hearing by the Tennessee Legista-|entire equipment to the govornment)>Seclaet wels ah.nt ne fray 1 ftp.[the Long stand Cotton Mill were!That was what the ture last year.if the Uwited States shoul go to,)rom a Abad sheged urveneyh nay wnslthe petbieatctiah,aed Pdameged by fire Friday while Mr.J.)Mr.Whitener said, ‘a |war with Germany,”according to a |Greensboro Saturday evening, w w taxed them with the cos!”,te poutatiranets |struck at the _Willinm Green.a negro,and his diepatch from Spartanburg,8.C.|U*'riec to State Road,near Elkin,|Roland Chatibers,eceored,was|H.Eidson was hauling the cotton |in turn h i the six children,from six months to li Mr rkoot is a carnival “man ‘for burial ..tried yesterday by Justice Lazenby|from Eufela to Long Island.The|him an nal years of age,were killed with an What’government done to him According to eve-witnesses Cheek |and committed to jail in default of}cotton caught fire from a ciparette flow from a a while asleep at their home near]...Ke should want to give it ear.|2hd another man were standing on |)0 bond for.larceny of corn from T.|dropped among the bales,it is al-|Price appealed :::lowed hville,Ark.,and aceorting to a},val?top of a ear of the freight train,|!..Tomlin.wed.The accident happened nearitence for non Statement by the sheriff,Arie —_—-—-—;|dancing and flourishing their arms.Ophelia Poo,colored,was com-|the Stifford school house and the|bond;and when ;es wife and mother of the dead|Mr,Andrew Crowell of Charlotte}Cheek kept dancing and jumping us|mitte®fo jail yesterday afternoon |ehiliren from the |assisted,gut netach ; ;A —that she|spent the week-end with Mr.Parks)and down end presently from|:y Justice Sloan in default of S100}extinguishing the before the|temptPrice aise tC Gommnitied Crowell,the top of the rapidly moving train.|vond on a charge of lareeny cotton was entirely consumed,|vontonee in *’% ' Wilkes ty road commis-| an"cut ©build a rond downMtn creek to the Iredell wilesyet‘exgct location not Ww.C.aioe,the,Server . tiger operator wo police- men and seriously wounded the may-’ or,willbe puton trial at a term of| court beginning in Tarboro April 16. Luther Townsend,a young man, was killed while employed at a saw mill in Robeson county.The deft from the engine wheel and engine revolved so rapidly that the wheel was jerked off and killed, Townsend. .Culbertson,charged with wee Bill Mooney,submitted a plea of assault with deadly weapon,in Caldwell Superior Court last.week, paid the costs and paid Mooney's widow $300.The evidence disclosed| a case of self-defence. James Morrison,who lived near Jonesville,Yadkin county,was stricken with paralysis last Tuesday, while at Elkin.He was found help-/ leas in his wagon and died Wednes-| day night.Mr.Morrison was about 65 years old and unmarried. Hon.Thomas Riley Marshall,Vice President of the United States,wil! gpeak in Winston -Salem on the evening of the 16th.He will be the guest of the Winston -Salem Rota- ry club and Salem College and will| speak in Memoria!hal!at the col- t.Airy News:The severe weath- er in the month of February killedpeachcropinthissection,is thenionofmany.It seems to be averywellestablishedfactthatthe trees grown from a seed will stand more severe weather than the tad-ded nursery fruit.It is an admitted fact that the nursery fruit abouthereiskilled. Mrs.Adeline Mendenhall is en-titled to recover $5,000 for the death,ef her husband,Grady L.Menden-hall,who was killed at Clinton,,Sam county,when a wooden‘old around a steel water towerhewashelpingtoerectcollapsed.ThesuitwastriedintheFederalcourtatGreensboroandtheCourtofAppealsatRichmondhasaffirmedtheverdict’ef the lower court. LATEAITITE Candidates.|Mr.W.Thomas Bost,who unearthscandidatesonoccasion—-and some- times some who are not candidatesliststhefollowingascandidatesde- veloped during the sitting of the Legislature:“Doughton and Gardner for Gov- ernor;Stubbs of Martin for Lieuten- ant Governor;Brummitt of GranvilleforSpeaker;Speaker Murphy for Congress in the eighth;Grant of NewHanoverforCongresstntesixth;Senator Cranmer for the judgeship, which sixth district men sav StacywillabdicateforCongress;Oates oftheSenate,for Governor in the Lord’s good time;Senator McCoi: for Congress in the fourth;Senator Gregg,Republican,for Congress intheseventh,and rumor says Gallatin Roberts for Congress in the tenth, and Charles A.Jonas,Republican,in the ninth.“No longer docs anybody doubt that Gardner and Doughten will runforGovernor.If there is any doubt as to the Allechany member's run- ning it is raised by the rumor thatCongressmanBobDourhton,brotheroftheRepresentat've from that county,is also thinking the samethoughts.It has come as straicht as anybody could bring it that Bob Doughton wants to be Governor.As for his brother,Rufe,it)is moresomebodyelse's desire that he run.” oe Ewerm wosTeeee British Army Near Jerusalem. Jerusalem,the ancient,capital ofPalestine,may soon be in the hands of the British,as well as Bagdad,, acording to dispatches from the war zone.These reports say the ad-vance guards of the English troops advancing through Palestine fromEgyptarewithin40milesofthecity.One dispatch had them at El Chalil,which is in the mountains of southern Pejestine and about’15milesfromJerusalem. The aliied troops are now invad- ing Asia Minor from threesides,one British force advancing into Pales-tine from Egypt,another operatingintheTigrisvalley,while the Rus- sians are fighting on the Persian front.It is believed that if the BritishsucceedintakingJerusatemtheAmericanrefugeesthere,numberingoverathousand,wifl choose to re- main instead of attempting to proceedtoBeiruttosecuretransportationtotheUnitedStates,as theyhadplanned.The British capture of the city would aiso open a newwouteoutofTurkeyfortheAmeri-cans who wish to return to theUnitedStatesinanyevent. _CRESAEI Mr.Yount’s Potato Crop. Hie’Record.Mr.T.L.Yount,who up to nineyearsoneclerkedinHickory,has 900 of sweet potatoes to go North this at $1.25 a bushel.He lostallofhiscorn,but heapotatoeswhereofofthefarmersfailed.y flood Mr.YountfromHickoryandHeandhistookuptheirhoesandmesdown.ftwas hard hasylum ;is caused by an inflamed conditionEustachian eb 44 wt favor of a larger opportu the child.”|2,The act submitting a constitu-| tional amendment exempting from taxation notes and mortgages given| in good faith fdr the purghase priceThepurposeofthisact is to bring the money in reach of |every homesteader.3.The crop lien act destgnea togivethesmallfarmerachanceto“break out of jail.”4.The act providing for the teach-,ing of the basic principles of woodfarmingineveryruralpublieschool The machinery of this act is welladaptedtoserveitspurpose. 5.The act to incorporatestallationofrunningwater,electriclightsandtelephonesincountry homes and communities by furnish-|ing expert advice and assistance free of cost.6.The act to make the school house the social center,and to pro- vide for wholesome entertainment in ‘country school houses that will be both instructive and relaxing.7.The act providing for the med-ieal inspection of all children who at- tend the public schoo!s in order thatphysicaldefectsmaybediscoveredandcorrectedifpossibleintheirin- cipiency. 8.The act providing for the incor- poration of rural communities to the end that thickly-sett!ed communiticinthecountrymaytakesuchstepsfortheirownbettermentastheymavdeemwiseandproper. 9.The act forbidding the sale or advertisement for sale of medicines purporting to cure incurable diseas-es,and forbidding the sale of anymechanicaldeviceforthetreatmentofdiseasewhentheStateBoardo!Health may declare such device io Dewithoutcurativevalue.10.The act providing for the im- provement of highways by expendit ure of the automobile (tax for this purpose under the direction of the State Highway Commission. 11.The act that permits and reg- ulates absentee voting.12.The appointment of a State tax commission to investigate and re- ort a comprehensive eystem of tax ation to the next General Assembly 13.The act consolidating the man-agement of the three hospitals fo the insane and establishing a pur chasing agency for certain State in- stitutions. 14.The act dimiting the time for which a convict may be sent to a chain gang to five years.The recom mendation of the Geverner was for iwo years,but owing vo the :nade- quacy of quarters at the State nr on the time was made years for the present. 15.The act struction of ters for the farm. 16.The Turner bill is in harmony with the of the Governor, augural address: “Tam convineed that the only jus- tifleation for the punishment of crime is the protection of the publ Cc the reformation of the crimina! thing that savors of vindictiveness is indefensible in the administraton of the Jaw.When the State sends a ctizen to prison he ought to be made to feel that his punishment —i 1 just measure imposed for the pur of preventing himself and oth ‘re from committing further crime and that pending his imprisonment he State to afford him every become a goo) the in- five authorizing the con modern sanitary auar- convicts on the State entire recommen dat ic who said in his i: Ang Any ese desire pporlunity citizen.” The recommendation of the Gov- ernor that the State prison at Ral- eigh be converted mto an insane Was not acted upon on ac- count of the pressure of ether mat ters,but the sugyestion met with faver and the belief is.that the next session of the General Assembly will order this to he done. The administration support to many other important measures,notably the engagement f the work of the Geologica!Survey and the act authorizing bonds to meet the imperative needs of the Stete’s charitable and educational —institu- tions,sending a special message to the General Assembly fn advocacy of the act last named.But the acts numbered above are those which were emphasized by the Governor in his inaugural address. Big Price For An Courtesy. For an act of courtesy to an el- derly woman,Miss Rose Schamp- anier,a department store clerk atPaterson,N.J..has been notified that she will receive $38,000 on her25thbirthday,three years hence. Menwhile,she will we pald interesteveryyearonherbirthday.It isstipulatedonlythatsheshallnot marry until she is 25.Miss Schampanier was at RevereBeach,near Boston,last summerwhenshesawMrs.Catherine WardofGrandRapids,Mich.,fall in thesand.The young woman picked uptheolderandanacquaintanceship oe -.Ward died recentlyandherwillcontainedthebequesttothePatersongirl.ii to gave hearty Act of CATARRHAL DEAFNESS CANNOT BECUREDRylocal5applications,ae they cannot reach theportionoftheear. Catarrhal Deafnessofthemo.Tube.Whenhave cous lining of thethietubeisinflamedsoundor you tirely «5 WOMAN NOW IN iver to 18.means its death.In the Nebraska Senate ationdirectedatUnitedStatesState, ———to Henatn Galea, Colarade Sena OYavoteof17te16.a resolution cen- suring the United States Senator:responsible for the killing of the armed ship bill.Some ar- gued that the resolution was prompt- ed by mob spirit. A resolution censuring United States Senators Cummins and Ken-yon of lowa for their opposition tothePresident's armed ship measure.was expunjed from thé reeord of thelowaHouseofRepresentatiAconcurrentresolutionne the action of United States tor John D.Works in taking part in the filibuster against the armed =shipbillandfavoringachangeintherulesoftheUnitedStatesSenate, was offered in the upper house of che California Legislature.The res- olution approves the arming of mer--hant ships and urges support of the President.Action not reported, ‘The Missouri Lexislature,howev- refused to stand by SenatorStone.<A resolution expressing con-fidence that Stone acted only from patriotic motives in opposing tharmednewtralitybillbutdeelarinythattheveopleofMissourisuppo: the President,was defeated by »vote of 46 te S2.in the Missou: House of Repre entatives., The Senate of Delaware unani moustv adonted ea concurrent resol tion reeording ics “deen indignation at those members of the Senate of the United Ststes who failed to sup port the armed ship bill.” eeeeeeeeee Plans —Mr.Bryan's Ideas. ‘vocating appeint-eh commission tosettiethequestionsat Gur gevernment =an! atopted at a mass« York city Fridayaaspicesofthe Federation.Ar Peace A resolution ment of a “3 wdeavor to iesue betweenGermany”wasmeetingsnNew light uncer the Emergency Peactherresolution called upon Pres.-lent Wilson to “summon all the creat powers to discuss plana for |r praewar? punt a 1 and continuously relations vetween nations.” A fr *‘ead from Wil- which he said he the srovernment ts carrying muni- sage Was on Br tions, eeeeoe ee ae Inventor cf Zepnelin Dead, rd Zeppelin of Ger- TANIA dod.He became famous at the age of 70 ns the builder of thevorll’s first practical dirigible bal- loon.On tie Toth birthday he navi- gated his 20th airship to cclel rate the occasion.But before he had achieved fame he had devoted a half century of his life,exhausted his per- somal fortene of $750,000 and sacri- “daa imiliant carcer as a German wlary leader,in conquering:the air. 3 loon Count 4 fir PERFECTHEALTH What Came From Reading a Pinkham Adver- tisement. :..-“7 thank you forheLydiaE,Pinkham remedies as have made oh>and healthy.Somee time ago !felt se run down,had painsinmybackandside,|was very irregular, tired,nervous,had such bad dreams, did not feel like eat. th Le ing and had short re breath.I read your wg t we i we jadvertisementaaithenewspapers decided¢otry abottle of LydiaE.Pinksham’s V bie Compound It workedfromthejirstbottle,soItookasecond end a third,also a bottle of Lydia EBPinkham’s Blood Purifier,and now lamjustaswellasanyotherwoman.I ad- vise woman,singie orwhoiseverytroubledwithanyofthe afore =ailments,to try your wonderful 1amsuretheywill help hertoget tid of her troublesasthey did me.”— Mrs.Evsiz J.VAN per Sanve,36 No,York St,Paterson,N.J. Write the LydiaE.Pinkham Medicing |Co.,(confidential)Lynn,Mass,if - C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices,Shingles,Doors,Windo Cell- Fi Siding,Box||Moutding,‘Lathe,‘Lime;Cement Nest Planters’Wh’, aeGOWANS HIGHESTquality of material and wor!:-is steadfast in Goodrichtiresfromthelargesttothesmallesi. One setoftires cannot be inferior to the’one Goodrich standard—the BEST fabric tiremade. ‘When in the course of,human erroraGoodrich ire is sent forth below the Goodrich standard,beitlittleorbig,Gooirich Fai:“~~ Treatment extends its nands to the buyer and says,“Fring back that tire to Goodrich.” Goodrich knows no SIZE in its judgrnent of the ser- vice of its tires.Whereines Roane | All are Coodrich tires andmustcnakegood. The B.F.Goodrich Company Akren,Chio -foe Tice oe aiaha Reg te eT CE re wr SVRET Te:I Ca w,fi wae 4s 2 hd -awe 7?AFAv wPauscorn aw FS z z2\tie +h O27.agra!)#9 athe,(LOVEE TONS es tt -.iAwae me, i:afhre sale‘sq f¥¥"i,stutbecron!,Eom inetch-5 ywour enecs -s fectly aad wutwears anyhersoleyoucveraAckyous’dealer.week /TC ?lanufoctered by:~ers~The BR.F.GoedrichCompany /‘kron,Ohio Pronches ant Dealere Evoryuhers Wood's Special » Grasson?Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent HayandPasturageYields. Put up in proportions as experi- ence has shown best snited for the different soiis and purposes for which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our customers. Wood’s Seed Catalog for 1917 gives full information,to- gether with letters from customers giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it and prices ot any Farm Seeds required. T.W.WOOD&SONS, SEEDSMEN,-Richmond,Va. Sow Wood's Evergreen Lawn Grass foc beautiful green lawns. |Write for special Lawn circular, ! LAND FOR SALE. By u power of attorney I am empowered tosell,privately,two tracts of lend belonging;to the esinte of the late W.H.H.Summers of|Iredell county The John Riggs tract of 1 77 R.C.Chambers place of109acres,Bethany71-2 acres and the adjoining each other in township,six miles of Statesville,N.C.,neartheChipleyFordsand-elay road.A good lotoftimber,good farm land,well watered and a |splendid opportunity for farm ‘seekyrs.ForfurtherinformationenllonorwriteC,MON-|ROE ADAMS,Attorney,Statesville,N.C.Feb.6. L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In-——- Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees- wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags,Books and Magazines.Wepaythehighestmarketprites. Independent Phone 506. Bell Phone 9302. SERVICE And the complete siuck of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. Wecan give you service, W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114B.BreadSt. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. AGENTS FOR THE GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY ———MAKERS OF-—~ The Famous Needle Modeled Clothes. Let us measure you for that EASTER SUIT, FIT,WORKMANSHIP and QUALITY guaranteed.Suits $18.50 to $42.50. PHONE 8&3. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. —eeneeeaTHEMOSTEXQUISITEPREPARATIONKNOWNFORTHESKIN,IS HALL’S GLYCERINE LOTION —--Gules CHAPPED HANDS,IRRITATED SKIN Ane EXCELLENT FOR USE AFTER SHAVING,25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT HALL’S DRUG STORE,Phone No.20. Sateen a aeERENT Sa Sn TS Armed Neutrality HAS BEEN DEFEATED. BUT—we can offer thetectionthefinxte cset Om NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Having qualified as administratrix of theestateofN.E.Stroud,deceased,this isnotifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidestatetopresentthemtomeonorFebruary16,1918 or this notice will bepleadedinbaroftheirrecovery.All personsindebtedtosuidestatewillberequiredtomakeimmediatesettlement.A.E.STROUD,T.Weatherman,Atty.Administratrix. Feb,16,1917. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified a»administrator of the es-tate of M.H.Shoemaker,decensed,this isnotifyallcreditorshavingclaimsagainstestatetopresentthemtomeon,or beforeFebruary16,1918,or this notice will be plead-ed in bar of their recovery.All persons in debted to said estate will be required to makeq ish,loosen and die;R.L.SHOEMAKER,Administrator,immediate settlement.R.T.Weatherman,Atty.antete cai DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL DONS Sumsere,Statesville,N.C. TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS.orbuikr 197,Hours &to 6.AL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’STEETH. DR.COITE SHERRILL, General Practioner inCityandCounty. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-rium will have prompt attention. Station WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS.. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE 5 CENTS, ‘PHONE £11..Jitney Transfer Company. Triumph and Save Trouble Flour Assure best baking re-sults.They are madebythe_Statesville Flour Mill Co,fromthechoicestwheatand milled under idealconditions.Try themandbeconvinced. For sale by Eagle& Milholland. Phone 89. Framing,Storm Sheathing, Siding,Shingles,Ceiling,Flooring, Casing,Boxing;42 kinds Mouldings, Doors,Windows,Loetks Weights.In fact,’“Everything to Build With”on hand and ready for delivery.Learn the cost of yourhousebeforeyoucommencebuild-ing. C.WATKINS.N.Genter Street. Cc.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C."Phone340 Green.| ore route home by MthattheymaybetheFederalservice by GIRLS!HAVE WAVY,THICK,GLOSSY HAIR,FREE FROM DANDRUFF! Save Your Hair!Double ItsBeautyinaFewMoments—Try This! ,If you care for heavy hair,thattenswithbeautyandisradianthlife;has an incomparable soft-\nees and is fluffy and lustrous,try|Danderine.|dust one application doubles thebeautyofyourhair,besides it imme-diately dissolves every rticle of ff;you cannot ave nice,cheavy,healthy hair if you have dan-This destructive seurf robs‘the hair of its lustre,its strengthtsverylife,and if not overcomeitproduces feverishness and itch-ling of the sealp;the hair roots fam-,then the hair falls out fast.|Tf your hair has been neglectedandigthin,faded,dry,scraggy or tuo oily,get a 25-cent bottle of!Knowlton's Danderine at any drug|store or toilet counter;apply a little as directed and ten minutes after youwillsaythiswasthebestinvestment you ever made.We sincerely believe,regardless of everything else advertised,that ifyoudesiresoft,lustrous,beautifulairandlotsofit--no dandruff—noitchingsealpandnomorefallinghair—you must use Knowlton’s Dan-dadine If eventually—why not now? Become independen:by taking upagricultureinMinnesota,North Da- kota,Montana,idahv,Washington orOregon.Millions of acres of land intheseStatesalongtheNorthernPa-eific Ry.awaiting settlement.UnusualparoperasHealthful—climate, abundant crops,good markets,ex-content “transportation facilities, schools,churches,ete.A young coun-try for ambitious people.Send for free descriptive literature and infor- mation regarding the particular sec- tion that interests you.We will bevladtoassistyoufnlocatingyour new home in a community where you can feel at home and can enjoy pros-perity.Write to J.C.Eaton,General Agent,Northern Pacific Ry.,40 East 4th St.,Cineinnati,O. For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Siops Pain At Once ~ For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers.LINIMENT Long Leaf Kiin Dried Ceiling sold by C.WATKINS won't open to let in the cold wind,nor will his Flooring open to tel the damp- ness come through from the cellar. The paint that is CHEAP per jo!is DEAR per JOB.DAViS tiles, may cost you a little more per gal- and Sash {lon,but will cost LESS per job than any other paint made,as it will do from one-fourth to one-third MORE WORK,do it BETTER and_last longer. FOR SALF BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Roteavitle,A.C. Dr.8S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Cin Dom ?a.+S,p-m.2.30 to 5 p,m.y fame Anderson Bidg..iis.Broad Office ‘phone WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass74.per pound,Light Brass 5e.per R SALE: second hand machineryallkindsofboiler MUSTANG d.. Photo by Stimpson. |The above is such a splendid like- ness of the original that local people do notneed to be told whoitis,but something of the history of his long and useful life will be of interest toreadersofLandmark.Prof.James Henry Hill,son ofThomasM.Hill and Metissa CamillaHill,the eldest of eight ildren—five boys and three girls—was bornFebruary4,1832,at the old HillhomesteadinSharpesburgtownship,where settled in 1765 his greatgrandfather,Robert Hill.He learnedtoplowwhenhewasnineyearsoldandkeptitup,when necessary,untilhewas17yearsold.His &began when he was about four years old.At the age of 17 he atDr.Bob Campbell's and.attendedSnowCreekacademy,taught by Mr.Hilary Hudson,and with him nthestudyofGreek.Later he enroll-ed at Ebenezer academy under HR.Hall,where he was prepared for college.He entered the sophomore class at Davidson College.In hisjunioryearhewasselectedbythe Kumenian Society to make re-sponse to the society valedictorian. In August,1854,he graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts and with first honor,being valedictorianofbothhisclassandhissociety.During his sewior year Prof.HillteokmathematicsunderGen.D.H.Hiil,who told a friend that the vale-dictory speech,subject “The Ameri-can Citizen,”was the best that hehadeverheardmadebyacollegestu-dent.After graduation he taughttwoyearsatCedarRunacademy,Alexander county,and a year and a half in the United Baptist Instituteat‘Taylorsville.In 1858 Concord Fe- male College,Statesville,had justbeenestablishedandProf.Hill waselectedteacherofGreek,Latin andmathematicsintheinstitution.When the Civil War came on Prof.Hill volunteered but was not accept-ed on account of physical conditionresultingfromattackofpleuritis.Hetaughtinthecoliegeuntil1854,whenhemovedtohisfarminaa township.He was elected to State Senate and then to the /J'cuseofRepresentatives.It was while hewasamemberoftheHousethatGevernorHoldenwasimpeached.In 1869 he returned to Statesville and opened a male academy, first in a house on what is now west Front street and later in the old acad- emy on the lot just below wi Mr. Anderson now lives.Then he I for awhile in Simovton Fe- Char- thus a College,Statesville,and Instatute,Charlotte.While used he was invited to m ual address at Dn Te) which \institution conferred oi the deyhe of master .& Is77 he retirebeganhiswork in academy.He continued to t the academy until 1888,wh appointed by Judge Mont; rk of the court,which he ix years and then became the Greensboro Ilusurance Compa: Later he took up school work azain but grave it up severa)years avo When the public graded school were established Mr.Hill was chosen a member of the board,a position he stil!helds—for the 26th year.He is a trustee of Davidson College Statesville Female College and has been connected with the work of the county board of education for 31 years,March 17,1872,he was or-dained and installed =elder ihe First Presbytenan chureh and hasservedsinceinthiscapacity.He served for a numbe.of years zeperintendentoftheSunday being appointed April 25,1874.)He also taught a Bible class until jis health necessitated his giving up the work.At the celebration of the ¢ tennial of Bethany church he was oneoftheoratorsandhissubjectwas,“The Work of Hugh R.Hall,the Teacher.”The following extract from aspeechmadeinthe70aatCedarKun academy by Prof.Hill indicate his progressive idea for a better edi tion of a practical noeure: ‘The great need in North Carolina is a system of schools affording {ul!-er opportunities in length of time and breadth of study,in which notonlytheordinarybranchesofan English course may be taught,butwheresomeoftheelementaryprin- ciples in agriculture,horticultureandotherbrafichesofindustrymaybelearned.A suitable book might be prepared for this purpose,laying the foundation for further studyracticeintheindustrialschools,or or immediate entrance upon the practical duties of these callings At any rate,boys ought to be taught somewhere that plowing up =and down the hill with a blunt,shaliow- set plow is not the perfection of ag- riculture, “Afid the girls ought to be taumht somewhere that ‘it is a disgrace for any young lady noi to know how to sew’—that to be abl to cook a lover's heart without knewing how to cook his dinner is not the very higuics omplishment in the culi-nary art;and that a little less pa- rarie in the parior and a little more practical acquaintance with —princi- ‘les of domestic economy and house-keeping would in the end =secure greater happiness and prosperity im the family.Theory and practigotogether.free re him vut He and Sinaesville Mal cle ap oO }!scl ‘ tiger 44a teaching} »,,Shadowy t ,,Bagdad rose to -liphs for hundreds oung,JackHubertNantz, Honor roll Eureka|fourth month:Lottie Mae Hoover,Ralph Waugh. |Honor roll of.Beaver schoo!for|fourth month:Nora,Jason and Jo.Fox,Dudley and Harold Knox,Rob-.|ert Moore,George Summers. |Honor roll of Fairview school for|fourth ee coaame,ond gnetrown,Vera Harmon,Janie,Marga-ret and William Morrison,Etta andWalterRedman,Mabel,Alex.,WillisandGlennSummers.Honor roll for Elgin school for’fourth month,first and secondgrades:Hal.Deal,Wildred Pope,Paul Pope,Jack Stevenson,NeilHouston,Wilma Johnson,Hattie|Houston,Mildred Stevenson;third,fourth and =e Escar Deal, Hal.Jenkins,Johnson,Ray! Morrison,Allen Pope,Coleman Sum-|mers,Jay Sipe,Eula Deal,Mary|Winters,Elsie Pope,Eula Mae Pope |Pearl Goodin,Ina Stevenson,Mary|Fay Stevenson,Hazel Stevenson,|Emma Sipe;fifth,seventh andeighthgrades:Eugene Gray,Car!|Pope,Ernest Pope,John Stevenson,|Carl Stevenson,innie al,Eva)Johnson,Rachel Jenkins,Lillian|Massey,Mary Ellen Summers.| Deaths in Taylorsville and Vi-|cinity—Basketball. Special Correspondence of The Landmark.| Taylorsville,March 12-—-Mr.George |Porch arrived here Thursday ‘on the|noon train from Drake's Creek,Va.|en route to King’s Creck,Caldwell|county.He was suffering with ty-|phoid fever and said he did not realize |when he got on the train.| Ernest D.Feimster,Jr.the 15-/months-old son of Mr.and Mrs.E.D |Feimster,passed away Saturday night |about 9 o'clock.Death was due te!pneumonia following an attack ofmeasles.On account of the illness of the mother,who has bronchial pneu- monia following measles,end the three sisters and three brothers who havejustrecoveredfrommeasies,a brieffuneralservicewasconductedatthe| grave.In the absence of the pastor Rev.L.L.Moore,who had gone to!Clie to assist in the installation ofRev.8.L.Cathey,Rev.L.P.Gwalt-!ney conducted the service.Mrs.Feim-|ster’s sister,Mrs.Etta Enniss of Ro-|wan,was here for the funeral.| Mrs.May Stafford Maya,wife of Mr.H.L.Mays,died of tuberculosis|Seater morning at 8 o’clock at their!home in Ellendale township.She was|(26 years old,was the daughter of MrlandMrs.J.W.Stafferd and is surviv-jed by her husband,three small daugh-| |ters and a son,her parents,two broth.| }ers and four sisters.The funeral and| burial services will be held at St.|Luke’s Lutheran church this morning|at 11 «clock,conducted by Rev.J.E | Barb of Hickory. The girls basketball team of the|Stony Point high school played th team of the Taylersville hirh schoo! 4 Saturday afternoon on the leeal court The score of this interesting,we! played same was 7 to 9 in favor of Stony Point.Taylorsville will go teStonyPointnextSaturday. British Capture Bagdad. Bagdad,the chief Turkish city ir oi Mesopotamia and formerly the capi- .tal of the empire of the Caliphs,har y.,been captured by the British forces. Bagdad’s cxpture marks the climay to one of the most dramatic and pic-turesque phases of the world war|The known history of Bardad reaches || hack for mere than 4,000 years to the imes of King Nebuchadner-_2ar of Babylon,a quay built by the Scriptural monarch still existing sub-merged in the Tigris.Within its pre cinets also Lhere still stand the tomb; f the Jewish prophets Joshua,Ezra 4 SHOE POLIS 10%-OLACK-WHITE-TAN-[O¢2) »FRDalleyCofNewVorkine, | Lh sh ?A ? i}.}e \* ——oreer i Big assortment just received —$2.50 and $3.00,Swings at $3.00,$4,00 and $5.00. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘PHONE NO.400, “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” and Ezekiel,and the well of Daniel. Long after the Babylonian dynasty had ceased te te more than a memorysplendorastheartis lie,literary,scientific and religiouscapitaloftheworld.The heart of the great Islamic empire of the Ca of years,it was known throughout the world as “the glorious city”aad was the scene of many fantastic exploits of Haroun-Al.Rashid,th®potentate whose magnifi cence is immortalized in the Arabiar Nights. Immigrants. Despite submar.ne other risks,vecarly many immi- grants came to the United States during the last six months as in the entire year of 1916,when 298,826 en- tered,the Federal bureau of immi-gration reports.Of the 24,745 im- migrants who came in January withtheintentionofremaining,3,397wereEnglishorScotch,the largest dangers and as portion,and 1,020 were fromsermany.,151 English and 121 French were ex-eluded.(Rabbi Silverman says “Thou shalt |not murder,”instead of “Thou shalt not kill”is the right transiation fromtheScripturalHebrew.Most of ourStatecourtshadalreadyfoundthat oubt—or at least few of them convictofmurderinthefirstdegree;andthepeoplewhohavenoscruples about taking human life all the time insist that they do not commit mur- der—they simply kill--so they do not,in their view,violate the sixth com- mandment.eeeeeswees Sige of Good Digestion.When you see a cheerful and happy oldiyyoumayknowthatshehasgooddiges-»If gour digestion ie impaired or if youtokeadoweofstrengthentherelishtrmenls,.j in's Tablets.Theyimprovethedigestionitofthebowels. Three hundred Mexicans, COLEY’S BARBER SHOP Will coniinue at 10 cents a shave.Nothing cut short.Not going upin 30 days.Come and see. Hot and cold baths. W.E.COLEY. - .Sterling Silverware! We have a large lo:of S:erling Silver in several pat-terns,Knives and Forks,Saled Forks,Oyster Forks,Cold Meat Forks,Ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks;TeaSpoons,Table Spoons,Dessert Spoons,ice TeaJellySpoons,Olive Spoons,Soup Spoons andallthespoonsandforksyouwont.Like every thing.else they ore high butour priceis as low as one according to quality.We handle the Gorham d . R.H.RICKERT &SON,|i Gir ,as possible American now,and the must con- vessels are being armed .While the President gives no-| In a fow days they tice that he wili be guided in a! on the sea q@ith orders to measure by the merits of the case—| German that is to say,he will be disposed|man who makes the American merchant ships and Ger-best showing on the ,examination, man submarines will not occur is too other things being equal,it is hard- much to hone for,Such an adven-ly to be supposed that he will ap- ture may not result in actual war,point Republicans when he can avoitl but the strong probabilities are that it—and certainly he will:not select -?t will have just that result.negro potmasters fer the South.I Finding that he had the authori-he did,a Democratic Senate ty,without the egnsent of Congress hardly confirm the nominations. to order the arming of merchant The idea of the examination,as ships,the President issued the order The Landmark sees it,is to make Friday and at the same time called sure that the applicant for the ap- Congress in extra session April 16.pointment has some ‘quolifieations The arming of the merchant ships other than party service and the is necessary unless our commerce is favor of his Congressman —and to be driven from the seas,and the that is by no means a bad idea.We President has the vacking of the want Democrats to have the offices country in what he has dene.‘Arm-under a Demoeratic administration, ed neutrality”simpty means prep-but the public is infinitely more con- aration to resist attac}who cerned in the efficient administration has reason to believe he.is in serious of the postal service than in seeing who with any particular individual yet a job. to use the weapons We haven't very mich sympathy, either,with the nojse Congressmen are making about the change.Con- sidering the trouble the average Congressman has naming post- masters,and that he usually makes he ten enemies to each friend where ambush is a contest,it would seem to by an armed highwayman,would be be a favor rather than a hardship to foolish not to be prepared for de-be relieved of the responsibility. fence and keep a sharp lookout.That ee ;the pos the U:States MR.DAVIS’REPORT. :Rev.R.L.Davis, of the State Anti -Saloon League. to has issued a statement giving the Murphy was history of the prohibition legislation members which the Legislature failed to en- au Not one of the measurcs cham pioned by the Anti-Saloon Leavue xot through.The bill to make block- 1y,which was not pre ented by the Anti -Saloon Lea all but which the League people sup- ported,was the only State law pavs- ecting the liquor traffic. to the report of Mr.2 suse lead +) One danger and arms himself, the purpose in case of attack purpose of prec np ating is ina state of armed neutral! one traveling the ee hway,where has a right to where his Ness him,knows likely to be atta from only the ws }jeshostilities. .Aandnot for ty;and he DUAIL- m be, who d iscalls ke there . superintendent ‘¢tedWonofied tO tas. LLLLETID newspapers are disposed\ia ‘ The Inugh to eed He use and },vroKke down a OCH r “oO wh of Iver that he reapond, ates the gave him the kind 1 ti.the serv- ive vid things couldn't t were + Saseoe alor and many of ading a felor roved 9%ears x with rue Men ne My orSneaker.he shor er or St occasions,shed effort,invite rid phy is not that Charlotte N: of serrows or a and th o tears aff Accorai “our cause suffered be. influence were active activity of the and emphati says,“ icwle,but Ye dny.ta rema yuainted with tt or 3s of not ise \ red fact emot tk &present .while nts Wa amuse-good many mem that eady to give us their *and to the :that their support,but fur- ther than this they were not willing to go";while “very few,if any, members .of Assembly i came him on this occasion not,ti The Landmark,en: ment;and neither | the strong,unemotional m House,who were niong with the lauchter.White as Clem Wright have felt lke The Landmert: They showed Which it is man breast. PeCeee The work ct General Assem receiving general commenda- It was a progressive body.It 't please everybody of course; no Legislature ever wil!do that. Eut it enacted much wholesome ictation thet will be of the State.The issue of 006 of bonds,of which so many ne Ine bers,ne s* hnth r rte, extent Mover ars Speaker,a cnuse for all of 1 may,the Genera! of Gi ‘dern fools”afterwar said,”stood ready to champion our cause.c Mr. er Murphy for the failure of of the measurés,while Senator xwyn of Northampton and also blamed.Mr.Davis,howev- sees hope for the cause in the massage of the “bone dry”bill by ‘ongress.“ en ++ee “As far as the United States is concerned we have spoken our last word and the decision is in Presi- $3,000,-dent Wilson’s hands,”is the remark of attributed to Dr.Alfred Zimmer- the legislators were afraid,has been!mann,the secretary of German for-much commended and little eriticis-|eign affairs—the same who plotteded.Saying that the Legislature has |to set Mexico.and Japan against us“won from all parties and appar-while his government was profess- ently from nearly all individuals the |ing friendsh p for the United States. distinction —‘the most progressive As a metter fact the UnitedLegislatureintheStatehistory,””Ste poke the last word to GerMyr.W.T.Bost,the Ral some time and PresidepondentoftheGreensboroNews,res on's decision bas been made.marks that “it Leyis-eeJatureinadecadewouldpromptnesswithwhichhaUnitedStSenateadopte!a modified form of cloture,nee les which will permit the majorit: white guarantecing the minority ample opportunity to be heard,was a surprise.The f the few Senators wno neld up the in its closi not without bene: ming down to facts and figures la blante on Speak-excuses Davis lays the depth feeliny find in the hu- a rood to many Bur- others ire Dyer, ‘the hI tion. leg- for the benefit of i eigh corres-)many nt UV ple ayo was the fi that hi not The the ’to a rail SYEevedonealmost i,almost anything anything ‘Old f SS LEERee eee German anvt ne o the nigger adopt he. to do business ympathiz rs are now horrors of w and weed that wa the cons picturing they of th Landmark is view——and it any ird it believed This is that ma) volved in the war.But it is find that so ma: who have ieo are pf the prospect of ny. CLG CE Aett The hearings in progress in thecontestedcongressionalelectioncase coming,and we adviseofBrittvs.Weaver,in the tenth dis-their lemonade trict,disclosed that a day or two af-Fairbrother in his Greensboro Rec-ter the election a mysterious “fat ord.A good many of them,colonel,Tman”from Asheville to are not worrying about the lemoniinanautomobileade.They are figuring how manymadeinquiriesabout—the quarts of the real a le they caninHaywoodcounty,the infer-Bele that he was a Democrat obtain before the Great Drought setsanee3inJulylst,emissary looking for additions to Ue Weaver vote.There is much in The Irish have seized apon an op-Asheville papers about the mys-|portune time--for dremselves—to“fat man.”They might ex-!«art something in behalf of homeEditorCaineoftheAsheville|rule in Ireland,but the time is veryHeisshortandstout,eee for the British govern- ment. ir action er the town ma e people don't The h that (r business of Conrress ne hours was al re- its. In agreement wit would to the act hope atwoidWar ¢SeeeeeeDenEEenwee The Charlotte lull time t.It’s an off-day n't something exciting ikdermen,the school board or of the other numerous municipal oards in Charlotte;and as an event unusual they have scheduled for the month of April a walf dozen cle tions,more or less. LLAeeees “Get busy—-the Fourth of NA“point of wha to abide municipal, when =there among the some he honor folks can't a and dIe ng }ai paper's earnest ire in affairs at we etme in.leas worid ed to d papers with Mex- hed or cay eof a jitt! thehers e mystif Y people ar houted for war now so distur account war with Germa July all to buy Col. is now,”sings would | Britain. volved and that issue can be settled —will be settled—later in the usual way.The German submarines kill}P¢ our people,which is a trifle more |serious,seeing that no amends af- |terward made can restore life, our folks off ships of belligerents,” say the pro-Germans.Even granting pmence ea expert rsweshouldgothatfar—whieh is net/man carrying whieeey tote ships are not,vitory for his own use i>on{late this most radical law everyee rtment of=coneeded—American free from danger from the subma- rine.Some of them have been sunk ,Justice,however,will and Germany's explanation that it is|prosecute those who ship a a “regrettable mistake”does not,YH receive shipments of —the lives lost.|Kev.Neill Pressly a en of f Germany was seising our ships Paralvsis. and taking them into port,as Great e Britain is,the cases would be. parallel,But Germany,which ad-:¢ mitted the unlawfutness of her sub-;| marine activity and for a time dig- continued it,has renewed that eam-| pairn with greater activity and recklessness.Ships sunk without ed by Congress.The | Mooresville Enterprise. A letter from Seffner,Fla.,to andhere,states that Rev.Neillsly,a missionary of the A.R.I.Church,who had made his homeutTampieo,Mexico,for many years,,and who was recently stricken withparalysis,has arrived at the home <his brother,Mr.B,W.Pressly, regard to the safety of American Sefer.He can amble about wit ‘theMeek,assistance of a staff and can artice-| j late fairly well. The difference between our griev-a orem eae Britain and our USE “C ASC ARETS”FOR grievance against Germany is thes LIVER AND BOWELS difference between larceny,or high-WHEN CONSTIPATED!| way robbery —if you choose to the Britiah case that :trong:—7 When Biiious,Headachy,Sick. homicide.To Leep the peace one!For Sour Stomach,BadightpermithiagonBreath,Bad Colds.10 be seized,| with a view of testing the matter in ve a sr tesen a laht to ebmePEpneeeakeaCascarettonig’©cleansenehlater;but if he is fired on and 1+Liver,Stomach and Bewelg,andrealizesthathislifetanger,he you will surely feel great by morn-must either defend hinvelf or run You men and women who have America refuscs to run away lache,coated tongue,a bad cold;thls eis ro buious,nervous,upset,bothered pitta eae uso with a sick,gassy,@iserdered stom-The part perkeeameirs are a have backache and feel alloelee:rn out.Are you keeping yourreadysayinghisher)name towels clean with Casearets —or was ude-—the who Bag-merely forcing a passageway everyeaHad.few paers wan salts,cathartic pills or tor o1 ts IMoh (ascarets immediately cleanse and Debs Won t Figlt.regulate the stem:ch,?remove the_Speaking in New York last week sour,undigested and fermenting foodEugeneV.Del-s,veteran Socialist and foul gases;take the excess bilesader,urged the ‘hers of .the ¢he liver and earry eff the con-country to nation-wide -tiy poison strike if the 3 oes War. ;Times’ ance against Great n Inigt. hencaway nim Ww (not raiTt general ee es 1a lare a ited Stat aste maticr and wels, a Cascaret tonight will hten you out by morning.A nt box from your drugrist ‘owhebe nember, U hat Debs,i} old-time fire, orthisr a ‘ng with all Vehae Are Ready.for you now. The assortment is larger and moreattractivethanusual.We haveMarquisettes,Scrints andVeiles.Someplain,some Hemstitched and otherswithJacquardborders.Cream,White and Ecru,and the prices arelic.,18¢.,20c.,and 35¢,yard. ‘Scotch Madras,Cream,Ecra and White,some with woven floral designs incolors—25c.,,35c.,SOc,and 65c,yard.Cretonnes,Silkalines,Satteens,Sure-fast Madras and Woven Tapestries inawiderangeofcolorsanddesigns— 15¢,to $2.50.yard. You'll soon be doing spring cleaning and you'll want some ofthese beautiful Draperies. Ifyou can’t come to see them we will Send you samples it you'll say theword, Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. i‘lo rather be backed te wall ant shot as “go to wre for is Wrocght up his 2,0( ef frenzy to the toile should th: ne ans healthy bowel action;a clear and cheerfulness for menths. forget the children. WANTED 500 bales Wheat Straw.Can only use nice cleanstock.And all the Rab-bit,"Possum,Musk-RatandMinkHidesyoucanbringus.Will pay cash. ed |We wd bon't erat Urals i {to by his picture of harm f tin United States country go to war “Twill never talist nmen a stute go to war for a cant gi “!he shouted.Ayafewmomentlatesedeelare! that the government Washingt«: was capitalistic “I'd rather a fer the fate at thousand times suf- Liebknecht in G:many,”he said.“I'd rather be li: up againsc a wall and shot dowr a traitor to Wall Street than figh traitor to myself.”J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company.Ten Million Killed. than 10,000,000 men dre corded as hilled,wounded,captured or miss'ng in the European war,in the firet complete tabulation of vasecialandauthenticated—semi-officis reports of the various bellige ci 7 More ”“- i received here. Among the military proper 4.41!from the State of Washington.200 are reported dead;HOBSON :;.wounded and.2,564,500 captured and Uniform in thickness and missing.Among civetians,especiawi h.Every Shingle is Rift. on the Russian and Balkan front ,lenst g it tod and in Armenia,another 400,000 are »Sawn to prevent warping.Not figured as either dead or wound’q knot within ten inches of the!through the war.»Seen se a The entente’s losses are given a butt.EVERY SHINGLE IS 6,818,400 as against $.384.809 ’oe the Central empires.One reas ,HEART!_The Western peopleforthagreatdiserepancybetwee!,use Zine Nails,as it is claimed the two ix believed to be the relativ«. unpreparedness of the entente,the.the Shingle will last longer thandisastrousretreatsinFranceatthetheordinarywirenail. beginning of the war,in Ru ».as :saa ®from the Mesurian lakes and the eogebang tg ies a iin odCarpathians,and in Rumania.AND THE PRICE IS ABOUT Ee ee nee To 7 When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets.A DOLLAR A THOL SAND .hen you feel dull and stupid efter eatiny LESS THAN NO.1 CYPRESS | When constipated or billous,When you have a sick headache.OR NO.1 PINE SHINGLES! C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Iredell Co. When you have a sour stomach.When you belch after eactne.When you have indigestion. When nervous or despondent, When you have no retin fo When your liver is terpid, Obt alnable everywhere. TY"The Best Investment.| Joinia the movement to make Statesville a Bigger and Better Town by investinintheBuildingandLoanAssociationsoStatesville,Mr.Keesler has shown you that it is agoodinvestmentforyourselfandatth:same time helps your neighbor and thecityasawhole.The First Building and Loan AssociationopeneditslastseriesFebruary3,1917.You can still get stock in this series.Thebestinvestmentyoucanmakeistosecuresomeofthisstock.. There was =off y #20,000 = in eesMaturedst$10 |The First Buildin .LoanAAsaition, debtednessand $9,500 paid ik Just re- ‘Guiana muiadadaeee oameeaie. Farmers,Attention Please You areready to prepare your ground for seeding for the growing of another crop,you have thought of the harvestanditsproceeds.How about YOUR BANK ACCOUNT? Consider the DOORS OF OPPORTUN. ITY that will open to you,and the aids that WILL BE YOURS through an in- creased Bank Account. TRY US FOR YOUR CHE KING BUSINESS and receive fair and courteous treatmentandpersonalattention. People’s Loan)and Savings Bank. “CHECK US AS YOUR BANK” GEO.H.BROWN President.0.L.TURNER Cashier. Are You OneOf The 99. The following table shovs the number of bankdepositorsoutofeveryonethousandpopulat- ion in the countries as listed below: 846.:faced 302317.France 554,SwitzerlandJapan 270.Damark 2Norway-Sweeden 409.Italy 220.Holland 2 US 9 Are We the SPENDTHRIFTSof the Country? This Bank offers every inducement to help,andePeopletosave:If you are not already one of our customers,we avite you to come in and open an accountanytime Merchants and Farmers’Bank,— Of Statesville,N.C.“The Bank For Your Savings.” Turkeys,16-18e.per tb.Chickens,16¢,per Tb.Roosters,Te.per Th. |this man bai bravely withey|and how in each instance he defeat-ed the @rim messenger.|Baws,de,per dosem,|ee at wee te me EE ae ee.-|wound was on |Geen i.t)Yesterday Dr.and Mrs.Harrison lefi jicid as one of the dead.With a.mite|Gres Wate (ameYecter"he.een-for Norfolk,Va.,their home._nie ball in his leg and a portion of |Hams,Zc.to 2c.per tb. |Biv.0.A.Ingram spent Sunday hie toneme torn away by another |Sides and Shoulders,16-18¢.per Ib. Greensboro.:ae managed to write on a piece pete fe Pt gs SyA guests a hint of the inte Mr.R.B.Lewis and little daughter oper,which he gave to an attendant,!Old Auto Rubber Gasing,de.per tb.” t f “-.#fair,Th F-\Jean,and Miss Maude Greenwood of jhat he was not dead and didn’t i-Sweet Potatoes,$1.00 par bushel.eo AO agericsorsi ree)Bikin wre guests of Mr.and Mrs.Hen-tend dving.He asked for water and!onofrefreshmentswereserved.By ;|Grateaay_Lewis.medical attention,which was IsteP)m.tonowing price were Gueteetne waite Vent boncien dp seemeal Mrs.J.M.Suther and little son will!civen him.After a long siegepAad “rain om the’loom mathe ment,“Frances and Boyd,April|®°t¢Salisbury today to visit relatives |hospital with wounds,either of Wheat (new)$9.00 per ’ 11th.”°Attorney R.T.Weusnerman will at-appeared sufficient to prove fatal,he |Gute tee band :: Later hearts was played at sever-|tnd court at Wilkesboro this week.(recovereda degree of health t erealtables.Misa Fleming,the daugh-,,./"s-R.H.McNeill of Wi mjenabled him te return home.From)M nds |ed.The)Neel en Gomieaer,18 cents,:City is with her mother,rs..the wounds he never recovered.Pm the local mur y cents oS “=.ad w [aoe H.Brown,who is il,|‘minnie ball in his leg left a wound |per pound was pald for Best grade cotton. :t Market unsettled, of friends who will be interested in| All of the rich men you see so comfortable ¢‘ wy.and Mrs.H.F.Long spent that pained him datly through 8 P@*)Cotton Seed,Ge.per bashel.f ee ee ~—Rare ol “aoe —=f the announcement of her coming|5aturdav in Charlotte.od of more than 50 years.He W@8)Seed Cotton,Te,per Ib.nthe bank to art into any o| mertiage.Mr.Mullen is a druggist Mrs.B.F.Long has returned broken in health ry a i ane.Unni oe Eee business.So they started a bank account. :ae from a visit to her daughter,Mrs.,rom the nature of his affliction he‘;column10 cents _of Huntersville,18'ah,Yemd.tn Gelddanme lwas never able to take up a man’s,2,84 Be SS Sie&=*You know therest.That bank ‘account grew into Mr.George Graham Gitlespie,son —Mr.and Mra.Nathon O’Berry and burden,but he showed to the world |rooms:sat a FORTUNE. of Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Gillespie of!Mr.and Mrs.Tom O’Berry of Golds-about the bravest front possible for FOR SALE—Niee lot Pigs and Statesville,and Miss Evelyn Fran-|boro will be guests of Dr.and Mrs.a human being to manifest.For Shoats,Also few bred Sows.F.It can be just the same with you.ces Eykyn were married Wednesday Ross eaten this week,Mr.and)ebout =years >——as ae T.BURKE.March 13—1t*.about ic.at ramie.Wyo..where tney sve,’Mrs.Nathan O'Herry are parents of master here and in at cap -—.:ee .havin been @ revideut Mrs.McElwee and Mr.Tem O’Ber-|made as :oo'an officer as the town winree-ton bee =ae of Laramie for about eight years.ry is Mrs.MeFlwee’s brother.ever had.About 17 years ago Mr.)Wout rent and work part thme.Address X. In mentioning the wedding,the Lar-Mr.and Mes.FE.C.Barkley,who |ouser’s health gave complet.core The Landmark,Mar.13 -1t*. amie Republican says “Mr.and Mrs.have been visiting in this vicinity,i aml for two years i ee ok sale ;%i Gillespie.left on the train for Den-left Friday afternoon for their home was Jaily despaired of.After ail the erler ae ‘t ‘<a ae eo ver,where they will spend their in Menefield,Wi They were s¢-)ohys.cians in the county had done all Theres’no luck Put YOUR money in OUR bank. me BALA We pay 4 per cent tnterest on tire deposits. an,hohe he GAMHER.Mar.15.~1t*.eed honeymoon,afterward returning to companied by Mr.T.W.Millsaps ‘n their combined power to help him,NO USYOURWHEAT.We ae aa this ae to reside.There are oeores and Mr.L,R.Millsaps of Alexander he ernduclly improved,but so slowly vee we aoat at cat veld 3 >of friends here and in this State runty and Mr.W.G.Barkley of »nd imperceptivly that oe ome heat 38 pounds flour and 14 pounds bran ' who will hasten their congratuln-“Coc!Srriag townshtp,this county,ence covered a period ©en years.(oo scrcenings.)TURNERSBURG ROLLER tions,and when they return to Lar-all ef whom will make their home ron few years _—he ~~ae oe oo Statesville,N.Cc. amie will make their home the cen-in Washineton State.walk xbort ane enjoy himset,:: ter of a lively circle of werm,Mrs.J.W.Fawcette and little thouch not with a degree of health Sale of Refused Freight.friends.”daughter.Elizabeth,retutned Friday which the ordinary man expects.For ,,SATURDAY,APRIL 14,1917,at 12 m. cuthern Railway Company wiil sell fer and cherges at publie auction at theueof¢t €t Imnerial Cotten O1 N.C,FEN (10)TONS loltshouser i.ar ee BA -;to their home in Asheville,after a tite last month he has failed rapidly. The Entre Nous club met with 4 to Mrs.Won.S-orrisen Two weeks peo it was not expeeted Mrs.F.FP.Steele Friday afternoon.Mis Nell Carscaddon left Friday’thet he could survive over the night The club completed its study of toe to tie,Rutherford county,where leily e then death has beenHamlet;there were readings by 4 will take a poston as steong-hoyrly expected.Mr. -_of =es The Th.vher with the Waldensian nur-x 76 years old, w next make a study of Ae e - Twelfth Night.Friday afternoon :Ruth Cochran ef Huntersville Holts houser’s aeMrx.C.A.Turner was a special issed through Stotesville Friday on Dlace at the Methodist church Friday fruest of the club Refreshments jor way to Grecrsburo tog att t vat 2 o'clock,conducted hy rtain spectal proceeding therein were served.missionary confer ‘.bar.Parker of Statesville and ;t,entitled Mre.8.A.Freese,Executrix ce R ,Cr *of Bre nr ra,tne int was in St.Michael's KL.Freese,va.Cora Freeze,Laura Shoe- Mrs.Wm.Morrison ortertained at Minn ;ye ea,oe :t als.,the undersigned commissioner a bridge party Thursday afternoon in (¢y-!a,}an ;3 vear-ol n of Mr.and Mrs.Al- henor of her guest,Mrs.J.W.Faw-|.eg eee Tier ded ae cette of Ashevilie.Mrs.L.Ash won :wet :: the high-score prize.Mere.Fawcett was presented with a guest of honor prize.Both prizes consisted of box- es of correspondence cards.Two ao.i, courses of refreshments were served.*Mi vsLatonia Turner The Elcricemoh Club met afternoon with Mrs.C.EB.Penning- ton.Mrs.R.A.Cooper had charge of the programme.Later there was music by a Victrola.A ment course was followed by mints and salted Arent. SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT.|funeral took ooTHTLEoftheauthority conferred by a f the Superior Court of bredell eounty, SATURDAY,APRIL 14,1917,yuiimen Sunday »sale to the highest bidder at publictheeourtboultedoorofTredellfollowingdexerthedletoflandinwiship,tewether with the build ie peyineitis,after two months’ih IIness Ger ie .Swe’om }‘oatt Fat:eeMrs.Co!s dauhier «s B.C.Fat’Eger and Boved a a;i !nnettsviile,8.€,Back-—Foed Value of Eggs.ig,hence wth seid roed 67 1-2 fect to a ot >;«Rhyne’s corner;thence 3heiReemectsnichTneledet|the,Ballon of Phe am smar edt ATS car's a toe,eae‘riday Seturiny from n trio wich includes :ve ;Aa,258 1-2 ya stone,PhFriday‘'Die ;vr Idoata.ch ine e <1 the large cities North have iir.:thence north 45 dewrveé enct 65 feet to a ae ‘"~Brow weet a Mr.T.y,.oveott ergs beeause the price is *-we:w Wiweren's line;thenee with,wnhing pnd Mr V.:;aid Witheeeon's fas ;Batiey Lave nc abi .es a Washing.°°high.This bas caused the priee kerson's line to the beginning,thePATEta‘ror ashing-t k t a stone on the east side of theoad,J.W.Wilkersen’s corner; Examine Our JewelrynmebeingthehomeplaceofthelateEd.L. j iL oth of eggs to drftp to 20c,per dozen.Freez.v o e n.where they visited their sons,’-.,- *Browning und*Fred.Bailey.ic unfair te the farmer and t Tocmalof sale:One-half ensh upon econfir- .mont soduces Pr The on m of su balanee with six per cent in-we 1 1 whe produces ergs.Why 1ot;METOR OF sale cent in}:.Mire K >Cjampit and Vitle ™.?,:tere eured by deed trust on the pre | nata.Miss Margaret Ponsington a6-ts we (.1 ;,C ee wert 1 ere oveott fathacks ?Any kind of me:im tin nthe Sais wines pablo ied :na:|sisted her mother in entertaininy.tgs 8 -the f eral of Mr elling at 20 to 8c.per Ih.One;then of the Court.The richt te reacrved to .SS F Pee ie "KM!~~.Mt oe “¢lampitt’s dozen eves weigh 1 1-2 pounds and:Fedect all bids.Mrs.8.A.Foeeze will join inaryopnentOotheJ“lanigvan,Mrs.$nts os °:Sas tg econves ‘INO.A.SCOTTThemerdepartmneeAeahips)the food value of eges ia worth tw ee ay JNO.A SCOTT.| graded «chool gave an entertainment ‘rether-in-'a |ae uc ce eat,es Ses a -,: at the Bell street schvol Friday af-WORN Wa elling at 20c.per pound =theternoon.in ¢Legislature,ename in from rane Ot £ve: Saturday right and spent Yee ot ’__oll conen ewes would be 6 y Notices of New Advertisements oo uo)ct his oll home in Shiloh 't Seems that it would be better for W Ev ‘ ; vhoowas a clerk .rf.2000¢Ox CO oA sed to have those who know when:he man who inees ews toHouseandlotforsale.--John A.‘ownshiy He went to his home in ¢man producevicinityofHtegofthemandbuy less mest The way everything in the | 4 TVafevers of Asheville ]'ne is soaring,amy one ean | Scott,commissioner.the nteraville yeover- Sale of personal property.—A.E.cay. Stroud,administratrix t afevers \ Young maried mun wents work.Va 1 3 lesville Sunday vr X care The Landmark.Ps +for nerly telegraph opera-i Over typewriler for sale.—E.G,ter for the Southern railway here.: Gaither. erythin mect your g in stock to hats Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Guttering and Spouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxe aanythinginSheetMetalREFY1 Taare you want.R.FE,H ENRY,Jeweler. STATESVILLE TIN CO.——--‘sous hime.ay Ba Tey ‘Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street.i haoHad You Noticed ) ~ ASOEVELTu.sce that 1 1-2 pounds of er To be |bt alate Y Yi iO ihe ch ANS ‘the “style”of youriryjustasyouchangethestyleofyourdress. We can reset your old precious stones and make of them ne nad.The farmer should his exgs,even if he can get 3c.per8:poe a .-C ce eee ;toefaviorsvilieSocialandPerson.iozen for them.Of course he hi .to have some meat,but he should buy“ss meat and eat more eges.The }Notice to creditors.—C.S$.Wylsor *Te =Formal opening Thureday.—David ai Ttems, Oestreicher,Salisbury Epriclal Corresnondynce of The Land an iy man also should do the same.| Help Statesville grow.-——Mutual tayiorsville,March 12 —Mrs am disgusted with this boycottingBuilding&t.oan Association.C.Pacne delightfully entertained the 4 urmera’products.They should Field and sarden seed.—Sherrill &Embrojiery club and al number oF not what their products are worth. Reece.other =guests 1 nur day Ttertnon Mr.Farmer,don't se!l your erg Wheat straw and hides wanted.—J.from 8 to 5 o'clock,After a ploss-4).per dowen if you ean help j K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co.ant time spent in’conversation the oi you can.I believe that e: Will repair tir 1¢.-—Iredell Vuleaniz-"°8t’Seve !ay a —ro up and stay up till other food pr emrererenanme i Co.Arers rayne,basvel a prece jucts come dewn,if irish potato meter ome “ior your tin and sheet metal needs.white cloth and a needle of red.ape worth $8.50 per bushel exes ar |vaville Ti rd thread to each guest and teld them worth 40e,per dozen .tf ’——ietearite Tin (mS PSYAMES E.THARPE,fee an’Garden Seed.| } || ' Ss aera Latest designs in jewelry.—-R.F.to outline ar at imal or fowl on th Henry jeweler -“,cloth.At the expirution of 20 min- loa i i :i ites the pieces,having been cont.©ott Gar;«dey n-2}No advance in price.-4‘arolina Mc we dl Ss ee oe a ee Moores?itle Secial and Persons ter Company.ee a j |er niritn ,wr display Und the guests voteEquipmentforsprayingtrees.--La hem.A gost drawn iy Mre.C,G.8 ee gr ' n items.iyvwoaaft ‘anietyveet“ae We have a full vanetyoeringlets):Viele won the elub rive and a little Mooresville,March 1”our checking account solieite:hicken by Mrs.Chas.Echerd of)Mrs.J.A.B.Goodman,Mr.: won the guests’prize.Charlic S.ovens and wir.G.A.Mor chi dainty handkerchief pent Sunday with relatives at An r 78 Marre People’s Loan &Trust C of Woods’and Ferry’seonie’s Loan &Trust Co.‘ville.Maple porch reckers.—Crawford-ype wipeBunchFurnitureCo,Delicious refreghmones were served)My.J.Pinkney Mills of Ch:Spring time draperies ready.by the hoste assiste!by Misses Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co,Irene Le Queux and Lula MathesonRedCrossfootwearinallstyles.and ber mother,Mrs.W.B.Mathe Mills &Poston.zon,assisted her in entertainingJointhemovementtomakeStatesMissJatieRiverswenttoHick - ville a bigger and better town.—First ory Saterday morning to visit Mrs.ing Pirst Presbyterian church 1 Building &Loan Association.1 e Murphy.Mrs.(R Zickler Friday evening with Mrs C.EK.( Table of depositors.—Merchants &has returned from an extended vis ‘lias at her bome ;M in atFarmers’Bank to relatives in South Caro!and is Ce eS eet a we:::eee sel :eted for th:Auction sale of hay.—B.A.Cowan 9 spendin ea)a Ne Reers werafewdayswithDr.Zic!jf :—a bee bius Sad a:’1 ane irs.ornelus Wat retedd «agent Southern Railway Co.ler in town before retarning to their!©:: home in Sugar Loaf townshin.Mrs.&te _the mi sionary convention Mr.Jenkins’Visit to Virginia.7.W.Presson of Charlotte is visit-wwe a pig a =A soci 1} Mr.D.F.Jenkins is at home af.int her autt,Mire.ROB —which‘the oman cca ae 1 te ter a stay of more than three weeks Jose Wiison has i viurned sven os The m mbers ¢f the Ran Sou ee in the vicinity of Chase City,Va.,we weeks stay in ,a arlot ®*and the a ce yo Sonahae aes where he chased fo:es with indiffer-vill take up the worl cf milliner at ts §rday : sonvard Gold peeds Our window display of Spraygardenandfieldseeds Pumps,Spray Nozzles,Pruning Lime and Sul- phurin stock.Now is the time to planting. Plenty of seed potatoes pent Sunday here at his home for spring Ernest Mills arrived last week Virginia to spend some time with | ..|family. The Wharey Memorial Socict Knives and Saws? It is not neces- |' ' |‘spray fruit trees. |sary to wait for the farm demon-Sherri}!&Reece. i| | { |and corn. i ‘strator tocome All that is neces- sary is a good pump,lime and sul-Some People Say: phur,a man and a boy,or if notaentsuccess.The weather was badandroadsinfearfulcondition,Whiletherehasbeencomplaintofthecon-dition of Iredell road«the past win- ter,our roads at their worst are ajoycomparedwiththereadsMr.Jenkins found in Virginia.Wild tur-keys are plentiful in that region butasMr.Jenkins was hunting foxesandnotturkeyshedidn’t disturb theturkeys.Besides,it was the closeseasonforturkeysinVirginia.Mr.Jenkins ont many lredellpeopleinthethase«City sectionandhewaspleasedtofindallof them making good.They're shead of the natives in the matter of prog- Carson eBros,’today,_y Miss Lillian Wiluams.The W: Four Teachers at Seott’s High °School. To the MWdil of Ti Laneémnrk: Seott’s,March 10 —In the issueofTheLandmarkofthe6thyoufailedto-ive a complete list of the teachers of Scott’s High School.On- ly the names of Prof.Mitchell andMissLauraBradfordweremention-ed.The other teachers are MisvesLinaDealandLizzieHunter.We think it is due our school to keepthesefoctsstraightbeforethepeo-ple of the county.(Not the fault ofTheLandmark.The list was pub-lished as furnished)Prof.Mitchell and his corps ofteachershavegivenusefficientserv-ice during the past three wears andweregretverymuchtoceivehimmtotheserviceofthecounty. Browning have returned from Wash-ineton,where attended the in-‘eu@uration of hedas Ww Thev n nt trip. et } nesdaytined atD).Temptheafte \fiernoon club was « last meeting by Mr.W leton.Rook was the gam: rnoon and at the conclu of the game a sidlad_s and ice cre course Was served Miss Nina Binck was hostess to th Maids and Matrons citvb Wednesda: afternoon. Mr.ah d Mrs.Jason Smith entertair ed a few friends Friday evening a‘ their home on W.Center Avenue H.H.Franklin +member of t} ce foree at Oraneebure,8.« s shot by a negro,Mackey Palmer,whom he attempted to arrest,an:died a few hours later.The nerrowaswantedforrobbery. Rank Foolishness.\emcnnee ae it stated that colds 4resultfromweather,ThatMr.F.V.Bailey and F.Tom poems mg Were it true colds damp, “C,WATKINS,how is it that vou get your Flooring and Ceil- ing from the Eastern part of the State and undersell cal manufacturers”? “Well,there are eight WAT- KINSES running lumber yards imiler to mine in North Caroli- na and Virginia.We buy in quantities,DIRECT FROM THE LONG-LEAF FORESTS!Fur-thermore,the freight on finish- ed Flecring from the LONG- LEAF FORESTS is less per 100 feet than it costs to haul 100feetofroughlumberfromfourmilesouttoStatesville.”oot of me Soreness ,if you think mASE ASKi ate not lowest,PLE the lo-,3 boy,twomen-one man with gray matter under his hat.With this equipment you can spray the trees. Lazenb mery Hardware Co. ie |Sy HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C.STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,eo and Private Water Systems.,ae 7 ;serve no ,purpose,and might yeopardize hu- man life.”,*Mr.Daniels has determined not to reveal any of the department's Jansforcarryingoutthepolicyon 4 President Wilson.He previously has stated,however,that the navy is prepared with guns,ammunition, i gun crews and other necesary *equipment or personnel to carry ou»the instructions. :Navy Yard commandants will su- perintend the actual installation of .guns on merchant craft.The rifles, *ammunition,mounts,range-finders ‘and other accessories are already stored at the yards.They rangefromheavy6-inch rifles to 3-inchweaponsandsmallerguns.The number of guns to go on each ship,'the personnel selected from the ac- tive list of the navy or from the re- ‘serve to handle the guns,the time of sailing,or the names of ships thathavebeenarmed,will not be disclos- ed. \Mexico and Germany Connect By Wireless. Information has reached the gov-ernment from a semi-official source,says a Washington dispatch,that through a werful wireless tele- graph plant in Mexico City direct communication between the Mexican capital and Germany has been esiab- lished.Officials realize that if confirmedthisnewsisofgreatimportance, and an investigation has been or-dered.Through connection by Mex- jee City with ‘the land telegraphs|leading into the United States,Ger- many would be able to secure com- plete exemption from the censor- ship now imposed on its communi- tations by the American governmentatthewirelessstaironsatSayvilleandTuckerton,and by the BritishandFrenchgovernmentsincontroloftheAtlanticcables.Far -reaching pxesibilities thuswouldbeopenedfortheviolationofAmericanneutrality,or even formenacingthenationalsafetyinthecritical.situation existing.Sea raid-ers and submarines might be direct-ed and full information concerningthedepartureofshipsfromAmeri-can ports furnished. Election in Mexico. Elections were held Sunday through-out the republic of Mexico for Presi-dent,Senators and Deputies.TheelectionofCarranza,who as first chief |of the constitutionalist revolution hasdominatedMexicosincetheoverthrowoftheHuertagovernment,was con- It was the first national election since that which lodged Francisco Ma-dero in the presidency for his shortlivedtermofoffice.This fact causedmuchenthusiasmamongthepeopleTherewereseveraldisturbancesre- ported in some places due directly t«the electora}campaign.but the dis- orders were bloodless affrays.Car rapz@ took an active part in the campaign. Death of Sulloway —Again a Tie Vote.. Representative Cyrus Adams Sul- loway.who had represented the firstNewHampshiredistrictin Con- gress for 22 years,died in Wash- ington Sunday of pneumonia.aged 78.The congressional career of Mr.Sulloway,a Republican,was featur-ed by his interest in pension legis-lation.He was one of the most pic- turésque members of the house andpridedhimselfonbeingthetallest member. A few days ago the death of aNewYorkDemocraticRepresenta- tive reduced the Democratic vote inCongressto214.The death of Sullo- way reduceg the Republican vote to214. Confession Shows Miscarriage of Justice. Jo,Beard,former chief of the Mississippi White Cappers,a night- riding organization,has confessed at Columbus,Miss.,the murder of two members of his clan 35 years ago.Will Purvis is serving a life sentence for the crime.Beard,con verted by the Holy Rollers,died af-ter confessing. Purvis was given the death pen- alty.When the trap was «sprung the rope broke.Then Purvis’sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.Beard’s confession said Purvis was innocent and is said te have impli- cated two other men stil!alive. Iaeieesniaieaieinmmmmmmmemetmemamnenate Mr.Cone’s Will. The estate of the late Caesar ConeofGreensboroisestimatedat$1.,-500,000.Among the charities thatwillbenefitbythewillofMrCone are the proposed Moses H.Cone Me- Torial Hospital of Greensboro,which is to receive $10,000;United *Hebrew Charities of Baltimore,$1,- 000;Hebrew Orphan Asylum of At- »$1,000;Jackson Training 1 of Concord,$1,000;the Ma- sonic and Eastern Star Home ofGreensboro,$500,and the Oxford Orphan Asylum,$1v0.Other insti- tutions are to receive smailer sums.The remainder of the estate goes tohiswifeandthreesons. ene The T-year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Sydney Johnson,who live near Pilot Mountain,Surry county,fatally burned while her motherwasfRace>Geeane Ged a 0 Se VE A CAR OATS,Aroll.ar of Hay and acar of : a giveshase and Rest, ,Vidsen their Ra newly t that thewn?a.of $1 for the work of the,here.te Board of Charities and Pubic|ons.Welfare died on the House calendar|do|and that erganization will be unable|There fs money intoproceedforlackoffunds,|o-advantage e Geo,Spittle,one of the Charlotte®pastu thaafiremenwhowashurtwhentheavefurthernorth.Cows # fire truck collided with a street car|make their own livsomeweeksago,died Saturday.He)Pound.Old cotton iswas40yearsoldandhasdeentnthe!takes guano to make it.service of the city for 20 years.|Soot ae is ~~eMrs.Martha N.Caudle of Union|tough horse to stand @countywenttoCharlottetovisit|one ‘eran here.Thehersickdaughter,Mrs,J.M.House |908SreP nett,|comin retired Friday night in her usual;o of cotton end cevahealthandwasfounddeadinbed)feed the mule.The next morning.Husband and eight where from $10 to $26parceaenmarensurvive.|boards himself.The land rentTheShelbyStaraversthatAm-!$3 to $6 per acre.=|brose Mull of Cleveland county kills;Gardens were jooking fine till 2 | scrub calves,grinds them up,flesh eold snap came and killed ev eandbones,and feeds the product to Cabbage was starting to head.his chickens,and that the hens so}people have made another start.Su-|fed are laying eggs in abundance.gar peas are up;can't hear of anyThehidesofthecalvesarenotin-'|cabbage plants;most people are try- cluded in the chicken feed.They are)jng to grow some. too valuable.|The health of this community is H.T.Shoaf will wet $2,000 for the;good—only»one doctor in 6 milesallevedlossofhiswife's affections,|square.I think he makes a trip oriecordingtotheverdictoftheDa-!two a week.He makes his living county jury in the —suit!farminy. brought against Georve W.Hunni-Very little horse-trading.They eatt for $5,000 for said alleged alien-|keep a mule till he wears out,sellation,All parties live in Spencer,him to a negro and go to a sales sta-but Shoaf is a natrve of Davidson ble and buy a young one.IT hhven't county and brought suit there.seen anybody dragging plugs over E.W.Mincher,Lenoir county con-this country trying to cheat people viet guard,under sentence of 12)like they are accustomed to do in nsonths on roads for whinning a con-lredell and adjoining counties in viet,gets a commutation of sen-!North Carolina,tence at the hands of Governor Bick-The land here iset,to the pavment of a $25 tine and|in large tracts-farmed mostly by‘osts in the case.The Governor says|negroes with an overseer.It's the investigation convinces him that |hardest place to rent land I ever saw.there was a “frame-up”against ost dP tae _a $30 to $100 perMincher.acre—depends on location. The anmal convention of 0 The information 1 give about theNorthCarolinaMedicalSocietywil!Price of land and other things ismestattheBatteryParkhotel.what I have learned in my neighbor- Asheville,April 17-19.The examin-se I ee .about otheringboardofthesociety,io pass on!Places IN South &uroting.|;applicants for license,will meet in Tht Landmark is a welcome visit-leigh June 19.Heretofore there |°F in our home.We know more abouteenstheneighborhoodthunpeoplewhohasbeenonemeetingforboth,but,+!.:the division is to enable members of'live there and don't take the paper. the examining board to attend the’My Bryan Favored Cloture.ae ae ee They have sknocked Mr.BryanThathekilledhiswifeintheex-potty hard on account of his pacifistecutionofasuicidepactbetweenviewsbutletitbesaidtohisered- themselves is the statement made by i;that he was not in sympathy withJo.Zemas,the Hungarian now in che filibustering Senators who the Pitt count jail to answer to the up the armed neutrality bill.In anchargeofkillinghiswife.He say® intorview March 5th,the day afterthesuicidepactwastheresultoftheadjouprnmentof|Congress,Mr.their straitened financial condition:Bevin said:that after killing his wife he tried Or).failure of Co :ry himself,missed and then:4.the bill empowering the PresidentontRennerve.to arm American ships proves the TT ,need of cloture in the Senate.The MATTERS OF NEWS.present rules are an absurdity;they Two young women were killed,an-are worse than en absurdity;they other badly injured,and a young mar are the last bulwark of plutocracy. ;.They have been retained becausebruised,when a Seaboard passenger : train struck an automobile at a cross-they give the minority the power to ing near Norway,S.C.delay,if not actually to prevent,ler- slation.They have meen used to The Presbyterian board of foreign limit and restrict reforms;progress- missions is bequeathed the entire ive legislation requires —affirmative‘ estate of Miss Alma Reice,who died action and the Senate rules give the recently at Homestead,Fla.The es-advantage to the opposition. tate is valued at abaut $150,000.“The recent conftest has focu«<ed Arrangements are in progress foi)oublic attention upon the need for a)caring for 150,000 vtsitors to Wasn-change and the struggle will beingtonduringtheweekofJune4.Worth its cost,if it results in the when the United Confederate Veter-adoption of rules which will permit ans hold their first reunion north of the majority to take responsibilitythePotomacriver.‘or legislation.” Four thousand women and chil- dren marched threugh the streets of Boston Saturday in a protest against the high prices of foodstuffs.They carried banners but there were nobandsornoise.It was a slien:pro- test. Official information to the effect that the Norwegian steamer Storstad,a Melgian relief ship,which had one American citizen on board,had been sunk by a subma- rine.Twenty-seven members of the crew,including the American,were saved.Other members of the crew perished. Fight officers and men of the Ger man line freighter Liebenfels,which began sinking in Charleston harbor on the night of January 31, found guilty of sinking the vessel in a navigable stream,by a jury in the United States District Court at Florence,8S.C..and were sentenced to the Atlanta prison)for a year each, Th 4 owned and farmed Simmons and Overman. North Carolina Senators get their ial honors in’the reorganiz of the Scnate.Senator Overman,in addition to being chairman of |the important committee on rules,-will be on appropriations,the judiciary,forest reservation and the protection of game,and industrial exposition.| Simmons,in additien to being chairman of the committee on finance.will be on commerce,en grossed bills,to examine the scver- ul branches of the rivil serviec,ex- penditures in the Department of Ag- rieulture, inter-oceanie canals and the transportation and sale of meatproductsHeisalsoontheecr- ng committee of the Senate.erTES Hedgep«th of Proctor Robeson county,aecidentally Killed himself while hunting home. ition tn London is Senator were fact that Count Tarnowski appointed ambassador from Austria-Hungary,is arranging to tak a new embassy building in Washing ton,is taken to indicate that his yvov ernment not expect diplomatic relations to be severed in the near fu- ture.Count Tarnowski has not presented his credentials to the ident. Mrs.Alice Wheeldon,her daughter Mrs.Winifred Mason,and the latter’ husband,Alfred George Mason,were found guilty in London of conspiraey to murder,by poison,Premier [loyd- George and Arthur Henderson,mem ber of the war council.Miss Harriett Ann Wheeldon,another daughter of Mrs.Wheeldon,who aiso was trieaonthesamecharge,was acquitted. Mrs.Wheeldon was senienced to ten years in prison,Mason to seven years and his wife to five years. SLANeasee does vet res /L ment has earned its placein |the medicine chest as a relieffrompainsandaches, Quickly penetrates without rub-Stone Sing and soothes the soreness. Cleaner and more effective thanmussyplastersofointments,it does Germans Laud Them. Senators La Follette and are lauded by the official German Ome a as “representativesofthebestspiritinAmerica,”ac-:cording to danasebes.As a whet,not stain the skin.«the German press regards the filibus-.For rheumatism,neuralgia,gout,tering Senators’stand as proper in .aSoon s“stemming Wilsdn's unreasonable pane,$1ambition”and i voicing the sober!sentiment of the American {who “do net propose to join t nmanityofwar.” money lum- ini-L-00. |from the Sy: ‘lays inflammation in the \jh]\Negistative. I’reso bap Sloan's ra NOW LISTEN AGAIN! MUSIC. On ThursdayMarchthe to 10 p.m. ring Opening Will you---Miss Statesville and yourtreatthisasamostcordialinvitation t»witnessthispresentationofcharming Coatsuits,Coats,Dresses,Blouses,Woolens,Laces,Gloves,Corsets,Hosiery,Neckwear,and etc. In which every forward step of “fashion”is soauthenticallyexpressed!WELCOMEDAVE.OESTREICHER.'* Se de r ver Re “Next” from 8Hold eo ” f ‘i ik Silks, OUVENIRS. SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA. eoSIPS EeSs=2 ms -)ae;& STOMACH AGONIESDUETOPOISON. One Dose of Remedy Swee Pain.Away —Hundreds of T nds Restored.| Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is un- like any other.It sweeps the Bile and Poisonous Catarrhal Accretions tum.Soothes and al Intestinal Tract the cause of serious and fa-tal ailments,such as Gall Stones,Ap- pendicitis,Acute Indigestion,CancerandUleersoftheStomachandIntes- tines,Yellow Jaundice,Constipation, Gastritis,Auto -Intoxication,ete, ete.In every Jocolity there are grateful people who owe their com- plete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful Remedy.Thousands say it has savedthemfromtheknife.The most thor--ough system -cleanser known.Con-tains no)alcohol or habit-forming drugs.FREE booklet Stomach Ailments.Address Geo.H.Mayr,Mfe.Chermist,Chiengo.Better vet, obtain a bottle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy from the Statesville Drug Co.or any reliable druggist.who will refund your money if it fails LISTEN! The fact graph ad.has been without chance Weeer running chat our Mhono- o long thatdoesnotmean we are no longer selling the ce!chrat- WESER PIANOS and PLAYER- PIANOS.' It simply means that the ad.writ-| er has been out of town,and his mind. has been “wrapped up”in matters: J.F.CARLTON, THE STATESVILLE.REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HlGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwilland _confidence of over seventeen hundred patrons.~ “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our office for any information,or telephone No,54 if our service in needed. We do NOTARY PULIC work also.,Cordially yours,Manager. Here’s a voluntury testimonial from a recent customer.She writes |thus: |“Mr.Leonard,|AM DELIGHTED ‘WITH MY PIANO!I don’t see how I did without it as long as I did.Bv- erybody who sees it likes it fine.Miss |=says she wants one like mine.Please write to her at)“ WE HAVEN'T JUST WRITTEN HER,BUT WE ARE GOING TOSEEWER,AND LET HER JOIN‘THE RANKS OF “WESER BOOST-Rs!” ving qualified ax wr of the e-tan «a Cyathea V.Win Grek Get Some,iredell county,el!againsttheestateofnotifiedtoaEEele ONE of the greatest delights of owning a car is the elegance of lines and distinctive appearance of your outfit.t No matter what style of the Buick or Dodge you select you have a car that is correct in every line and detail. We are here for,the purpose of helping you select the car you want so you are welcome to any information we can give you. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tate of claims peaniddecedant,are hereby contdthemtotheundersignedsiened ite betta to auld extateareasked A " make MEBs.«|: deere Lookfor it on thesole. SEE ME WHEN YOU NEED Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also to fix your Clock or Watch. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler. CANDY---Ice Cooled Assorted to suit everybody’s palate. Norris’,Liggetts and Fuerst &Kraemar, Chocolates and Bon-Bons,Fruits and Nuts. Assorted Nuts,Assorted Chocolates. In Halves,One,Two and Tiftee Pounds. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y in the hide,for that would lower the Foal DISTINCTIVE Of the very latest patterns in Bed Room Suits.The most complete and largest spring lines we have ever shown,at prices within reach of all.Remember we are always glad to show you whether you buy or not. WE are headquarters for the odorless Refrigerators, Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘The Favorite Store.” ae |Commercial National Bank _OF STATESVILLE,N.C. —Capital Stock Paidin -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent hank- ing methods. Fourpercent.paid on timeand Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three OFFICERS: W.D,TURNER,-«=_=.President, B.J)As ys .°-oe D.a Uke ”°ey »~Ansistant Cashier. —T+4 2 de sé 3 delivers a telling bloe#at the properpointoftheskullandtheanimal|drops.The animal is then hoisted|by mechinery and bled.’The dressed|eareasses descend by ms >thecok!storage department,w theyareheldtillshippedorusedinthemanufactureofvariousproducts.“The hide is carefully removedandtheyseetoitthatnoholeiscut selling price considernory. “The horns of the cattle are cer-tainly worth saving.The packer pays no more for a Texas steerlongsadgracefulhornsthanhe doesforthedehornedspecies.Yet eachsteerwithhornsenables.him to swell his stores of by-protucis.There aretwovaluablepartstoeachhorn.inner part is somewhat soft and con-tains the blood vessels.It is sent to the glue factory,while the outerhurdshellissoldtothebutton-mak- F cr.To some people it might seem asthoughthehoofscouldfindnosale.The white ones cre carefully saved snd exported in car load lots to Eu-rope.The parts of the hoof that cannét }o sold are cooked in iarge tanks and a wood grade of neats foot oil secured,and sold for a goodprice. “In a small town there may be no demand for brains;but in_every city ho restauiants demand ‘them,The loa]buteher having no call for brains often throws them away.In de large packings houses the brains sre carefully preserved and kept in cold storage till used, ‘The reader may ne:relish tongue, but when well prepared it is a high- priced delicacy.Tne tongue from cattle and calves is of better flaver than that from swir-,and coramands a better price “The heart and langs form what is salled the “pluck.”The loeal butch- er has no demand for mese articies, 70 the dogs of the neighberhood feast on them.In the packing house they are used to good advantage. “Who has not eaten calf’liverfriedwithbacon?Cali’s s:ver is be-coming a much-used article of food a¢ restaurants.Beef liver is some- times substituted but can readily be detected.ff the large packer cai.-not sell all the beef livers,he is not worried one bit,for he works them up into liver sausag~. “Sweetbreads form:an appetiving dish that,we venture to @ny,«as not heen eaten by more than 5 per cent. of the people.After having once tasted the dish,however,you will call for it again.Sweetbreads are found in voung cattle attached to the eso- phagus,near the first rib.Taey are nbout 3 inches long and of white, glandular substance.Twenty years io there was no demand for sweet- breads and they were thrown away;today they set]at about 30 cents a pound,“The fat of the cattle not used for oleo oil finds its way inte a largetankwhereitismadeintotallow.Live steam is turned into such a tankoffatandafterfourhoursthetal-low is withdrawn,while the residue is sent to the fertilizer Gepai:ment.“Thg largest packing houses man-ufactdl their own soap.Every varie-ty of soap is made—from liquid soap to the best brands of toilet soap “You might think it woes pay to extract the marrow om the bones of the animal.This is ex- tracted by the use of compressed air. A tapering piece of pipe is insertedinoneendandinatwinklingthe marrow is blown eut.The marrow is used in the oleo department. “Cattle,like humans,are often troubled with gall stones,which of-ten become very large.Zven_this item of waste is now turned into coin.The gall stones are sent to the company's chemist,where the) are pulverized.China buys the whole output and uses them in the preparation of certain medicines.“The shinbone is carefully presery-ed,for it ‘brings a fair price as material for knife handles.packing house par- lance,are immature calves,Work-men remove the soft hide,which 15valuableforfinegradesofgloves. “The offal tanks receive every scrap of waste that cannot be use: for some valuable by-product.Afterthismassiswellcooked,it is driedandgroundintopowderforthefer- tilizer department.“By the aid of machinery the bris- tles of the hog are removed,trans ferred to the drying room,and sold by the ton.“Pickled pee feet has become staple article of commerce.pigs’feet are now being *‘Slunks,”in a everuse|while the uses|tainers for various How to Prevent Croup.When tte of |first Viee President to be inaugurat-) with ™man to hold the office a second time. ne!ess small glass jars,and can preserv-|ed iy.butcher can scarcely,rtion of the casings,as con-snu- fe owhdeet to,astacts fi Woodrow Wilson is the tenth Pres-ident to be elected for a.second term. AndWhat it Meansto You.You CanSeeBefore You Buy,ip en -Have you ever considered the gdvantage of | practically at your door,a stock of first-classmentsthatcanbeinspectedthoroughlybefore a pur- chase is made?It is a human trait to want to see before we buy.Wher we weré kids we swapped knives “sight unseen,”but the novelty of this manner of ng businesslosesitsattractivenesswhenWeconsiderthatimple-ments cost real money and are not an every-day pur- chase.One of our jobs in conducting our business in thiscommunityistosetupthemachineswesellandseethattheyareproperlyadjustedbeforetheygointoyourfield. After they are set up they can be examined by you—-you know just what you are getting because you see the im- plements with your own eyes. i The other nine were Washington,Jefferson,Madison,Monroe,Jackson,!Lincoln,Grant,Cleveland and Mc-Kinley.Thomas Riley Marshall is the| ed a second time since the present)system of party conventions came)into use.Actually he is the fourth John Adams was twice elected Vice,President to serve with George)Washington;Danielservedthroughtheterms with Pres-ident Monree.John C,Calhoun wastwieeelectedVicePresidentonalticketwithJohnQuinceyAdams,and! served until his resignation near the|end of his seeond term in 1832. FEEDoaeeess +EE To Cure a Cold in OneDay Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine.It stops the Cough and Headache and worke off ‘the Cold. Druvgista refund money if it fatis to cure. E.W.GROVE'S signatere ou eaca box.Se.| SUSPECTYOUR KIDNEYS! Too Many Statesville Peonle Neglect Early Symptoms of Kidney Trouble. ¥f your back is lame—if you feel lull,tired and all-worn-out-— If you have hard headaches,back- iches and dizzy spelts— lv the kidney secretions are disor- dere d.— Suspect your kidneys and “take 2 stitch in time.” ;Use Doan’s Kidney Pills,tho time- |tried,heme-endorsed kidney remedy. |It may save you from some serious |«idney trouble, |Make use of ence. Mrs.C.A.Kyles,210 Bell St., Statesville,says:“Some years aro, my buck was very lame and core. I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills jand they made my back as strong as ever.IT havon’t had any =trouble from my kidneys sinee.” Mra.Kyles’experi- Price 0c,at all dealers.Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy the same Foster-Milburn N. taret that Ce., Doan’s Kidney Pills Mrs.Kyles had. Props.,Buffalo, HYOME|MEMOE) ENDS CATARRH,ASTHMA,||Bronchitis,Croup,Coughs andColds,or|memey beck.Soldandguaranteedby Statesville Drug Company. ‘Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. mearene D.Tompkins When the goods leave our store our interest does not end there—but we'll tell you something about that 7" later.We'd like mighty well-to show you what we have in stock and give you a description of what we can get for you promptly if we haven't it here.Drop in the next time you are in town.We are al-ways glad to see our good friends—and to get better ac-quainted with those we don’t know so well, Iredell Hardware Co. P.3.Just unloaded car Pine Shingles!:3 ee nee en —— — — e a ana meray emetons oecrmoroeiad :S35 a We Have Just Received 2 Shipment ea Coat Suits and Skirts.°| We also have a big iine of Georgette 4 and Crepe de Chine Shirt Waists—all q the new Colors. We will be pleased to show you through our line, Millinery arriving daily. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. ene Is to buy one of our Oil Stoves.Economical, Saver of time and the cook always in a good humor. The New Victor Records.! For March can be heard- ——3at—_— .ANDREW'S Van Lindley |°Ask as to play them foryou.3 i mbapsan qrutlgo de wie on ty eeSee= |ANDREWS MUSIC STG 1a ’{eb heat Desad Servet 4 he k WAITING”waasracndeyou notonly helpyourownfortunes,but fant tate Statesville and ite citizens.Our series opens April7th,but come in right now and put your name down. MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,_W.ee _Webb,ey. ee ———aaeenone THY LANDMARK SENATE RULES CHANGED,NEWS OF CURRENTEVENTS | Sear »ivt7.|Debate Can Be Limited By Incidents Gathered From All A Let of is---March 13 } TUESDAY,Z =Two-Thirds Vote.Parts of the Country,}A new and up-to date Wayne Farmer SeesVibe After more than 100 years under An ex-iudge of the Superie®Ceneei New Middys,line in Women’s Neck-j Sanitary Crinkle Bed wes wea,ial a ae }:|acti ipl aa ote =meres a aar ae “ieee .4 .4aynecountyjephysicalenduranceofSena.“ETSVHC fOF Gustin i .25e.48¢Comes the report from Golishoro}yor ay }rey neot the cons .med iN F among ae ;Special,wear.Special,,,Spreads, via a dispatch to the i ’|the &74 i 4 The prope ed alion-wide probe ef %Re : News,that five large aeroplanes}.a é od prices whch President Witsen 48c.,98c.All Sizes.and ”Full size,$1.25.were seew ©).mile north t {76 }PNES pPATV Poul directed the Federal Trad Commis.: Goldsboro Friday afterno«vou j is of two-thirds of to make ll not be undertake|Roberts,a prominent farme Si 'ye Mit discu n and!cn because of t ‘allure of Come' ny Creek townshiy the county of;te say when e tah )#vess to apprepriate the $400,000) Wayne M Roherts related that].nye mea ‘“1 to eor »investigation,|for more than an hour and his}Never while the an ment i boi resoliut ‘ithorising Gite: sen watened th Vachines as Ul ne !‘itil 'Villiam:pay a Pews }:flew over hi rm circled 0 |r@ er,yore '1a +he fir American gunner n n =Neuse river severa m len As]Wilsan calle i veld rosy -|whe destroys a German submarine ®suddenty as they peared they dis-]de wy tral ai ran attempt te sink anappeared,flying in a northerly dispre till,pre whi Americon ship,or any ship earryingrection,Mr.Roberts further depos-|se!t wt ;mencan pa ers,”was intredue-Fa Seater|THE ONLY BIG CASH STORE IN STATESVILLE.aeaaes "the 'we r emnr Mel Act eee ':.fo":ittitude on the German aa”me ee re ow wale |ame s ,may not be It was either the German spying]‘rofte:;my ely an a the Sonatar aeoutthelandagainstthetimsen}Althouge }emo and R ‘hat,3 ine ri rpose totheywillrunsubmarinesintoMore!had anpr 'hange |‘a that ho retained Ul ;1 :head ¢ity and land an army at MB]irr ¢and os a |}a fou mm a —aily DepaBenCityadlandamaratCamp0ot|"ine af Stig New Guods Arriving Daily.Clothing Department.oar dentery of amore and th.[Ths he!Sour oF TTY they of "ihe Enns Natal |Beautiful display of Women’s.and ae |vet in flower,locating a place for a|°j Bank of Cota ia SCs te under §=Misses’Suits,Coats,Dresses,Skirts We are ready to take care of you ineetham)-nM n :’for |vet °per ‘|feng tion.the \r his ar.and Waists,m this Sé ason’s many hey this department.Elegant showingyPoirrigatetieee.My '“gy |the eom-materials ¢shades ;;region.rnd it ees ok Sse materials and shades.of Men’s and Boys’Spring Clothing—But if Father Evans of »one-:: time ilte (nro le were t ‘f ret E r¢ria mated at °.s °dock Wie aque ureoaine tee mano cigs dane a Dress Fabrics..Suits,Pants,Shirts,Underwear, ber“How much dil he have one?|taman on ae vf laborers,We are showing all the latest novelties in Hlats,Caps,Hosiery,Neckwear,ete.be,“How much did he have on"{7 ‘‘”aoe .:: Col,Fairbrother of t ireen F !{a ere Silks,:harms USA,(repe Meteor,Record is hereby dir bad i d Gan a +eae .,1 lives.‘hi Qik p line ‘joraltoputhistrustybloodhoundsonttaF‘of ;Euro.(‘repe de Chine,Silk LOplins.I OraaereEeGeoe|Grebede.Chines |Floral"Chittn SHOES. Johnson and his mul as uo reser .t '|aft :cae ay .»Soje as ‘.A :—|!:||-MERU ESeM HE SUL,Fine showing New Sprine Shoes andTurkeyWouldWithdrawthe!’lt rie marine Spring Ginchams.Oxfords.Some lines we ave sellingSpecialPriviicg«|gross f a shortage of rood for less than factory prices. * Turkey again has attempted with-Toei ;‘iw a In the face of 9geeeeeeimG|'the Ginvhams we are showing the largestmanoaaae020:|i >},ite .121 wT |vad »d 1s :ae a ‘red ancient “capitulatio nder ow |:ht ane ust serected fine ever onerec .;ey }|try ttr y »,mea 3 ‘ee a La My re here.We have all the staples in new New MeCall Patterns for April.Call;-territo and :‘:‘:‘ie ’‘tc.cyemptfrommanypeeuliaritsjpendingasSoriageStylesatl21-2e.and Loe.and get Fashion Sheet. Moslem law ; 4 nor taghs :zi |* Pak ne advar tage of the 8s it a .{LS SN EE EEEE AECE,te em —moe eee partment’s plan to tray wethravey fron Germans thet |When out shopping drop in and let us show youi¢ Man governmentoneee eee ei |||through.No trouble to show goods.Getomtti:tn judges under AmerProperty.“The titeSites renee)Ns ||a our prices,then you will be convinced.ee :|The nerotiations.whieh |0 Pertoee aan tla oa ,1 |We Sell for Less.hres | who werr Turkish tertBerll aii he Amn ||16 bie Henartment Stores.16 Bis Department Stores. wh CONE 21a” ane i a a Red CrossPuildinePlannedrtPS Oster, va eine Sic » Weross!}:Come in,choose your siyle mn Mo Red} :now,All new andfavored Rac 'Shoe} stvles in the Re i Cros:iy ff |‘umps and Oxffords are here, Among them is the style you want—your suvile.Do your footwear buying early.Don’t wait untilpresentstockissold—prices mirht be higher. If you have never worn a Red Cross buy it now.Itwesthefootwiththesnug- ness of a glove.All sizes, all widths.Price $150 and $5.00. :Mills &Poston. the m |‘;*¢ror the ee NO eS ae partmer :(ipa:‘.,The 4 ‘i a 'a,"|.a “TEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCEgirlerRUE44Rss4udave.enle 4 .°}73 :boys’|DIaesTivi Gone 4 Those desiring t&sell farms,timbered lands, ~_ATHARTIC RMB LIVE pr oe wie ae suburban,city property,cotton mill and bankjoritLarToe'.stocks are requested to call or write us.+the eee en en We are const:wntly in touch with the m:irket buy-Hotel |bh Soldtic CASCARA Tif HDELL VULCAMZING =||ing and selling.Tnswrance'that insures,in lead- rh galls BLUE FIAG -7"PPLY CO APANY.1 ingFire,Accident and He:alth iEmploye rs Lia- arn shh aR t shone an Serect.|)bility,Automobile Companies. “a :BiLACt :}We er re and Tubes!3 .»,Be ac .MAY APPI :_Life policies that are equaled by few (if any)and surpassed by none.gtairs.7 'GENNA LEAVY le of PerennalF.flenry w:AND PEPSIN Sale of Personal Property.Ful!information foretahed upon request. Gente qg me athe Caecal ‘,,4 A door ¢‘ot c ‘,'vimiaintea c he @- j on of these dig "f oud,decomwed,will set -at e'r ‘nibtly on to the hiwhest bidder for dash|Ln ’.the hetel.1 :making it better 'Foom ure ths |1 aon Taetae come Ue Inte vevdcrice of NB.Stemi,deemed maven.AND REAL ESTATE.Building oa 7 .os ot sotiteatel ax Att ve ‘BAN MARCH eh,1 all theMeulddocreditwka.'when te «wtte t Wariety and th |at the rt eativ ‘ote nm oo mm Serv h :combines streagth with :are,Marne ;pe Bavi iw s oa : |wt Wi !"¥¢t 85 ;ti eons and,does not ’am eld ne }kitehon furetture “hy tathtnn e's “at ond “nebhed,”#7 fer butetetera,edit Ue System ao.a ay ML”Bh to 66 FOR!the.etemecl,Gee Serthc will ’Siedler.Tews tae camino wage]oe aids ee S te A Mental girengthe ting tomic need “Sn Bix,price fot)tay.Pog ieinvalnable for Cc pation i”twoasby at 1 o'clock ”llenemaVeinte,dtivesom GOW Hides.HENS APE SF it LIne Indies ion Porsid Live :She.rp,tra in stratria.“i salinities ehetdon vb.steed tr wae thee HIGHER’Dring them to we F t or er PTIOS BGs FT.Weniherrann,Atts.C IR taalBWAtoni.Vor aiaiteret cuddron,Se |DELL PRODUCK COMPANY.—ad 80 HDING?G.WATKE 5.PUALDING?Cc.WA 'Ria wf .2.iiii-ee Tw conference of employes and ;i of the roads failed yesterday and the which involves 400,000 men will tie up the transportation of the country,is scheduled begin tomorrow eventng. 'Bome action on the part of the ;nt to prevent the strike is d but what he will do—what can do--does not yet appear. |The fact became known early in he week that the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen had arranged forbstrike,beginning tomorrow night, their demands were granted the conference yesterday. A strike was averted the latter of last summer,it will be re- j,only by the active interces- of Presklent Wilson,throughoseinfluenceCongresspassedthepurlaw,deman by the rail-d em .This law,known asAdamsonlaw,was tested in thertsandthecaseisnowpendingtheUnitedStatesSuprmeCourt.A decision was expucted last Mon-day and it is probable that one willdownnextMonday.President Wilson last winter urg-Congress to pass legislation sup-entary to the Adamson act.He‘Mesired a provision that would pro-hibit a strike until certain conditionsbeencompliedwith-—intended to‘give ample time for adjustment or‘araignment to prevent the strike—but Congress took no action.|‘The strike is called by the fourilroadbrotherhoods,embracingfreightengineers,firemen,con-ors and trainmen on the NeworkCentralrailroad,the BaliimoreOhiorailroad,the Erie railroad, »Atlantic Coast Line,the Sea-iwd Air Line,the wouisville &ashville railroad and the Southern et v.;;programme is to call the strikejnsections,beginning Saturdaynight.Unless there fig an;ent by Monday,iva,theFreighttrainmenonalltheroadsnotcalledoutSaturdaywillbeputonstrikeintheeasternandsoutheast-ern territories with the exception of ihe New Haven.If this fails to|force the railroads to give in,on Tuesday,March 20,all the freight,trainmen on the Western roads will |be called out.This failing of suc-¢ess on Wednesday,March 21,all 3 passerger train workers in all'parts of the country will be called |on strike.:Brotherhood Statement.Wednesday W.G.Lee,presidenttheBrotherhoodofRailroad rainmen,gave out the following |statement::“Charges that we are acting ’bad faith in”bringing up ths tion again at this time without waiting for the decision of the Su- |preme Court on Adamson act, |are baseless.We were not parties to the agreement entered into between the attorneys for the raijroads and the representatives of the Attorney |General's office io do nothing until 'the decision is handed down.“Our position is the same as_if there were no Adamson law and no decision pending.Whether the de- cision is for or against the law,our demands will be unaltered.If the law is upheld,it would give us what we ask.If it is thrown out,we still will stand pat,and take no less than the Adamson law would have given us.“We four brotherhood chiefs, through these recent meetings with our men,now feel that we have the united backing of our men.We want to get this question of the 8-hour day settled and settled qnickly.The reason for our seeming haste at this time in forcing it to an issue is the country may be in war within afewweeksormonths,and we believethisoughttobesettledbeforethat comes.”Railroads’Side.Chairman Elisha Lee of the con-ference committee of the railroads, made the following statement:“We are sincerely desirous that the wages and working conditions of our employes should ~e on the high- est plane consistent with the efficient operation of the railroads.When thenationalwagedemandsforthefourtrainbrotherhoodsweremadelast year,we felt that they were beyond reason,entailing,av they did.an an- nual increase of $100,000,000,or t 85 per cent.in the wages of fhe 0.00 most higaiy paid ,work- in the country. “But we were ready and anxious to submit this wage controversy for settlement to some tmpartial public tribunal.In the hope that our em- ployes would join with us in seeking the judgment of such a board of in- auiry,we earnestly ured that thewholecasebereferredto: “One -—The Inter -State Com- merce Commission,the government body regulating the transportation 7 in the public interest,or: ~A board of arbitration un- the Newlands a-itration act of1918,a law enacted at the joint re-of the employes and the -car- in aves the the nt. that | “Too was owned by the'American WhiteStarLinewasrecentlytransfer-red from registry.According to advices from Ply-mouth,England,the German subma-rine opened fire upon the Alfromadistanceof4.000 yards,fir-ing about 20 shells.These were notsufficienttosinkthesteamer,so shewasboardedbythemenfromthesubmerineswhoplacedfourbombsandtheAlgonquinwasthenblownup.The erew was given plenty oftimetoleavethevessel.“It was just after daylight whenwewereai,”said the captainoftheAlgonquin,as auoted by thePressAssociation.“There was nowarning.The submarine startedfireataranwveofthreemiles.Whenabout25shelishadbeenfiredattheAlwonquin,of which four hit her for-ward,the crew decided to take totheboats,and pullers away from thesinkingvessel.“Then the submarine aandwithonlyherperiscope showinesailedaroundthesteamerseveral times.Finding that the crew hadabandonedtheship,the submarinecametothesurface.Some ofGermansbeardedtheAlgonquin andplacedbombsaft.These were ex nleded and within >quarter of an hour the steamer disappeared.“IT appealed to the submarine com-mander for a tow towards land,iff view of the reughness of the weath- er,but the German gruffly replied: ‘No!I am too busv.’The crew puil-ed away in their beats,none beinginjuredbyshellfire,but all sufferedfromexposure.At!personal effects and the ship’s papers were lost.” No official comment was made in Washington on the stnkin itis vessel,but the unofflei.*view ts that nothing in the ineident changes the situation between the United States and Germany. Chased Governor Out of Office. Gov.Erhest Lister of the State ofWashingtonwasthreafenedwithdeathbyanunidentifiedmanwhoboltedintotheGovernor's office attheStatecapitolatOlympiawithadrawnrevolver.The Governor es- eaped through a side door and ran into the auditor's office. For more than ar.sour the fanat- ie,who refused to give his name,terrorized the capitol.He was final- ly persuaded to give up his pistol and come out of the reom where he had barricaded himself.The man entered through the office of the Governor's secretary,Irvin Seighaus.He drew his revolver from a bag and brushed past Seig- haus,entering the Governor's roomandflourishedthevevotveratGov- ernor Lister,who was sitting at hisdesk.Governor Lister dodged and fled .The fanatic locked the door of the office.A general alarm was sentPolicearguedforanhourbe- fore the man would surrender.Asidefromaskingthepolicenottoshoot him,he would not talk. out, The.Caucuses Called. A series of conferences omong Dem- ocratic leaders of the House of Con resulted in a call for a caucus April 12,four days befor« ing of the special session,to line up Heomocratic members for the speaker ship fight.The Republicans will cau cus April 14,and the five independentwhowillholdthebalanceofpower between the two big parties will con fer at about the same time. gress workers might have been justified m leaving the service.But under thecircumstancesthethreatofanation- wide strike was indefensible.We left every coor open fer a fair determi- nation of the merits of the cortro-versy,and every door is still open. “The Adamson railroad wage law, hastily enected last summer to avert the threatened strike,is now before the hiehest court for a determina- tion ax to its eonstitutionality andmeaning.The railroads entered in- to an agreement ,with the govern-ment to keep the payroll records ofthese200,000 employes from canvuary 1 in such manner as to assure prompt payment to the employes of whatev- er amount may be dve_under the construction plaeed upon the act bythecourt.The brotherhoods,on their part,publicly stated that theywouldtakenoradicalaction.pendingthedecisionofthecourt. “Congress has made no provision, as so earnestly urged by the Presi- dent,for insurance against the in-terruption of railroad traffic bystrike,and the country is apparentlyinthesamepositioncowthatitwas n the crisis of last August. ‘The serious international situa-tion causes every gous citizen to put thouzht of persona!right or desiresecondtohisdutysohiscountry Surely this is no time for industrialwarfare.The repored shortage offoodandthegenerallycongeste:!traffie of the country bring forceful-ly to our minds what would spreeintheeventofastoppagetherailroadsofthecountry.“With this situation before us,wefeelconfidentthatthepatriotismandloyaltyofourmenwillnotcoun-tenance any rash movement which :“a:~~A board of inquiry tobePreside c ta"Booat a peaceful settle-|may seriously a me govern-——by the broth-and impression ~ refed meet a on Erhuss that this countryto*,or if\is by industrial strife the open. To Take Care of the Traffic ontheSouthernBetweenSalis- bury and Morristown. For months work Ras been inwregressonbridwesandtreatlesontheSouthernrailwaybetweenSalis-|bury and Asheville.It is announe-od thet every frame trestle on228milesoftheSouthernrailway—line between Morristown,fenn.,and Salisbury will be replacedbypermanentstructuresofsteelandconcretewhentheworkofstrengtheningthisline,which hast»progress for several months,is completed.To facilitate the wovement of thetrafficoverthisline,the SouthernplanstoputinserviceSantaFetypefreightlocomotives,muchheavierthanthepowernowinuse,and it therefore became necessary toreplaceorstrengthenalargenum-ber of structures.The extent of thisworkwillbeunderstoodfromthefactthatiténeludes:Erection of 18newsteelbridgestotaketheplaceoflighterstructures;eneasing fivestoneandbrickarcyesinreinf concrete;elimination of 119 trestlesbyconstructionofsixunderpassesforhighwaysand14concretecul-verts and the filling of the remain- ing tresties,large concrete and castironpipesbeingplacedtotakecare of drainage..Over this line is handled a largevolumeofcoalmovingfromVirginiaandTennesseeminesandaheavy miscellaneous traffic in both diree-tions,That part of it between Mor-ristown and Asheville has the heav-iest traffic of any line of the South-ern railway system,including therecentlyinauguratedmovementofSoutherncoalforexportthroughthe port of Charleston. New Building —Real Estate-Deals. Mr.C.H.Turner has_purchased from Mrs.H.C.Cowles the propertyknownasthePriceplace,on Frontstreet,next the home of Mr.Geo.RAnderson.Mr.Turner will removethehouseonthepropertyandbuilc a modern eight room dwelling.Mr.Felix J.Axley has sold his house,furnished,on Mulberry streettoMr.W.A.Bristol.Mr.and Mrs. Bristol,who have been living with Mrs.P.F.Laugenour,will move inApril1.Mr.Axley and family willliveandbeardwithMr.Bristol for the present.Mr.J.B.Watkins,Jr.,and family who have been living here for a few months,will leave next week for Wil- son,Where Mr.Watkins will engag« in the lumber business.When Mr Watkins first came here he was beook- keeper for the Carolina Motor CoSincethenhehasbeen with his brother,Mr.C.Watkins,in| his business The excavation for the building| associated |! " J.H.MecLELLAND DEAD in Statesville —Mrs.rchman Dies in Mississip- ol—Funerals.Mr.James H.MelLelland diedTuesdaymorningat11o'clock at hisiiNewton,He had been crit,;it for several a.ha fu- nera)took place at the PresbyterianchurehofNewtonWedymorn-ing at 1!o'clock,conducted by the—_tev.Mr.Sykes,and the re-*were brough:to Statesville for interment in Oakwood cemetery,ing here at 1.20 p.m.In the fu-neral party from Newton and hereforthefuneralwereMrs.MeLel- land,the widow;Mra.W.R.MeLel-land of Statesville,sister-in-law of »MeLelland;Mra,Fred.White ofrlotte,Mr.W.M,Stevenson ofBennettsvile,S.C.;Miss Mary Me-Lefland of Peace Institute,Raleigh;,W.D.MeLeliand and Mr.J.HHandofMooresville,all nieces nephews of the deceased;Rev..Sykes,elders and deacons of theNewtonPresbyteria::church,whowerepail-bearers,and others.AnumberofStatesvillefriendsmetthepartyatthestationandaccom- d the remains to Oakwood.Mr.MeLeliand was 65 years old. He was a native of tredell county,a son of the late Dr.John A.MecLel-land,and was bern and reared inConeordchurchneighborhood(nowLoray).He was the last member ofhisfather’s family.the others beingtheInteDr.J.BR.MeLelland of Mooresville,the late Rev.W.R.Me-Lelland of Statesville and the lateMrs.S.W.Stevenson of Mooresville,the first wife of Dr.Sam.W.Steven- gon,deceased.When a yong man Mr.McLellandcametoStatesvilleandwasforsev-eral years a salesman in mercantileestablishmentshere.About 34 years ago he merried his cousin,Miss Mary Berrier of Newton,who survives him.A vear or two after their mar- riage they moved to Newton and have since lived there.Mr.McLel- land was for some years register of deeds of Catawha county,was tow: clerk and treasurer,a magistrate and was also engaged in business cn- terprises.He was a eenitieman of pleasing address,was popular andhadmanyfriends.He was a mem-ber of the Presbyterian Church and an elder in the Newton church.Relatives here were advised Tues- day wiorning of the death,the sight before,of Mrs.Jane Octavia Simon- ten Parchman,wife cf the late J.0 Yarehman,at her home in Okolona Miss. Mrs,Porchman was about 76 sears old and was a caurate:cf the late Win.Simoston,vio lived at the Allen piace near town.She firs:maniied a Rudisifl of Lineolnt oa and is scurveved y a gon from union --Mr.WmRudisillofBirmingham,Ala.She s marrice to Mr.Parenman thirty his odd years ago and surviving from this of Mrs.S.A.Foster’s restaurant on |union are two sons—-Messrs.Edgar Court street has been begun.The/aod Clarence Parchman.Two sisters building,which will be a two-story)-Mrs.Ellen Morrison of Statesville structure,will be 25x55 feet.Mr.W J.Lazenby is contractor and the} building will probably be ready formcupaneywithintwomonths.Mrs.| ter will open a restaurant as/| oon as the building is finished. The W.R.Mills Motor Companysbuildinganadditiontoitsoffice. Mr.S.E.Pittman of Chambers- burg township is selling out and heandhisfamilywillmovetoRich- mond,Va.,next month to live.Mr.E.G.Gaither has bought from Mr.Dewey L.Raymer the latter'shouseandlotennorthCenterstreet. Mr.Gaither will live there when thepresentoccupant,Mr.E.B.Quinn, vacates.Eo a Mysterious Shooting. Stockton Heth.Jr.,son of Captain Stockton Heth,of White Thorne,Vawasshotthreetimesthroughthebody at an early hour Tuesday morning at the home of Charles E.Vawter,pro fessor of mathematics in the Virginia Polytechnic Institute,Blacksbury, Va.,and lies at the point of death i: a Roanoke hospital.Prof.Vawter voluntarily =gave bond of $1,000 to a:swer the charg: of shooting Heth,but neither ProfVawter,his wife or otber occupants ofthehousewouldmakeanyexplanation| of the shooting. It is said that Heth was 2frequent | | guest in the Vawter home;that doc-tors summoned after the shootingfoundhimlyingintheupperhallway clad only in his night clothes.As i usual in the reports of trowedies,it isstatedthatallpertiesare“prominent”| in Virginia society,and it is added!that “Mrs.Vawter is one of the most|beautiful women in the State.”Later—Heth died yerterday.| Members Tariff Commissiom President Wilson has selectedfollowingmentocomprisethe tariff) commission:|Prof.Frank W.Tauasig of | vard University,chairman;former | Representative David J.Lewis ry Cumberland,Md.,Democrat;former|Representative of | Kentfield,Cal.,Danie!| William Kent independent; sistant Postmaster General,Demo-| erat;E.P.Costigan of Denver,Col.,| innd Mrs,W the |a ! C.Roper of MeColl,8.C.,First As-!: Ii.Crawford of Bethanytownship——also survive.Mrs.Morri- is new visiting in Okoelona.A number of other relatives live hereImentwasatOkolona it is learned that the late Wm. Porkus died from the effects of anrationwhichheunderwenta rt time ago.He had been sickbloodtransfusionMr.Pinkus rallied‘gome time and resorted to t not for long. Mr.H.©.Morrison Dead.Ir.H.O.Morrison,who was un- r treatment at Dr.Long's Sanato-rium,died yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock.He was a native ofihecounty,3&vears old,and is sur-vived by his wife—a dauchter of Mr. tchn Wise of Statesville—and a son. His father,Mr.4.8 Morrison of Davidson township,also survives, reral at residence on Caldwelltreetthisafternoonato'clock andtermentinOakwoodcemetery. Telephone Equipment Means Retier Service. The Tredell Telephone Company is New ‘las the week of pra At First Sunday—News.Ch Rev.J.W.Williams,Race Street church,willattheCountyHomeSunday after-noon at 3 o’elock.Mr.EB.O.ShaverwillaccompanyMr.Williams and will conduct a song service.Rev.L.D.pson has returnedfromLineolntonwhereheassistedDr.Z.Paris in a revival meeting.The meeting was successful,ten ad-ditions being made to the membershipofthechurch,Sunday school at Bethesda Sunday morning at 10 o’clock,preaching at 11o'clock.Sunday school at ElmwoedSundayafternoonat2o'clock,preach- ing at 3 o'clock,The Woman’s Home and ForeignMissionarysocietyofSt.John’s bu- tneran church is observing this weekrandself-denialservicesbeinginhedifferenthomeseachafternoon,These meet-ings will close with q public serviceSundayeveningat7.30 o’clock at thechurch.Public cordially invited.Mr.Price of China,a student volun-teer at Davidson College,will speak atFrontStreetPresbyterianchurchSun-day morning at 11 o'clock. “Spoiled Children”will be the sub-ject of the sermon at Front StreetPresbyterianchurchSundayeveningat7.30 o'clock,hy the pastor,Dr.HM.Parker.Sunday Messrs.Brand and Cum- for foreign fields,will speak on mis-sions at Tabor at 11 a.m.and Bethany at 3 p.m.Dr.L.B.Warren of the Home Mis- sion Board,Atlanta,Ga.,will preachattheFirstBaptis:church Sundaymorningandevening.Monday after-noon at 4 o’clock Dr.Warren will ad- dress the Woman's Missionary Society. be present at this meeting. Reid Livery Co.in .the HandsofReceivers. Charlotte Observer. A petition placing the Reid LiveryCompanyinthehandsoftworeceiv- ers was signed Tuesday morning byJudgeE.B.Cline.Julian H.Litéle appointed co-reeeivers.The liabilitieswereplacedat$10,000.Assets weregivenasbetween$8,000 and $10,000,They consist of live stock,vehicles,harness,accounts and notes.The principal stockholders are R.R.Reid and PD.F.Reid.It is be-lieved that the firm will be able topayitscreditorsfullvalueupontheir debts,through careful administration.The Reid Livery Company,locatedonWestFourthstreet,is probably the largest concern of the kind in the cityThedissolutionofthecorporationaceordingtothestatementofoneoftheofficersTuesday,was induced by a recent notice from W,8.Orr,executor the building would be ired forotherpurposesafterMa25.Aninabilitytosecureasuitablelocationelsewhereresultedinqdecisiontore- tire from business instanter. (The Messrs.Reid are Iredell peo-ple,formerly of Olin. went to Charlotte from Statesville afewyearsagotoengageinthebusi- ness with his son,who had alréadyestablishedit.The Tredell friends of porary.—The Landmark.) Was at Portales —Iredell Peo- ple in New Mexico. |DR.WARREN WILL PREACH aservice ming of Davidsen College,volunteers |! The ladies of the town are invited to}; and George H.Brockenbrough were} of the estate of the late Z.Smith,that| Mr.R.R.Reid| the Messrs.Reid regret to hear of!cant lots which their trouble and hope it is only tem-| State prison,the positionMr.Wm,Ledbetter of Statesville was an app —Mr,Chas.Murdockhastaken tswee,ofntgang.‘taker the penttion enented bir .W. —Sheriff Alexander ayautomobilesarecuneiea’¢withouthehasinstructed —Mr.D.J.Hill,district foremanofthePostalnetwithofficesatid,Va., eat fratbeheldA14.Le oo o-it may oe”neces > Seite Peel oe am oF -ty,is verypge and herandsister,og Mrs.ant,are with ur ofCe cantsae —Mr.R.O.Deitz and .W.Cutting of Statesville and Dr.F.Gaither of Harmony attendedWoodmenof or State meeting of theWorldinNewBerne this week,next annual meeting of the head campwillbeinSalisbury. --Statesville people whotheyareallowtheladiesoftheCivietocultivate,the proceeds go to the building of thetyBuilding,are requested tors.T.E.Anderson, s é i Mr.Jno.P.Flanigan,who died ten days ago in New Mexico,wasPortales,New Mexico,instead of Redlands,at the time of his death. Mr.Flanigan had -lived at very bad,about a month =or weeks before his death.He then taken to Portales for merical treatment. Mr.Carl Turner,Statesville,owns a lands.and Mr. formerly oranchatRed office for 1 time.Mr.and Mrs.Tur-ner are now living in Portales. Mr.M.C.Delinger,formerly- ner and of Mr.Baxter Delinger,of tallinge a =semi-automatic switeh- hoard,the Jatest thins in semi-auto matie gervice.It wil:tai probabl two months to complete the work of tallation.the company iry-ng to Yon the work so as to nel se- lv impair the servic \nder the present system,a tel- phone subscriber co)Miss Central id Mies Central cnl's tack.“Num-er’?When advised as to the num- her wanted she makes the connec loes notIfthepartywanted ver goon enough the party esl. has to bang away to vet Miss Central and tell h:party “didn iswer,”and Mis,Central tries sing Under the new system ul her will call Mies («nowtralas 1 che will ive the connectionwanted,Right.here wer duty cea The telephone of the party evins to ring automatically,ringsforasevond;stops for a few <« onds,Starts arain,stops aga md on,until the pa-wanted arvrsorthepartycallinghangsup ould the eubecriber tire of trying to ¢@t a party and desire to get an-ober,all he has to do ix to hang up Propressive;WwW.8.Culbertson of|1 \«automatically breaks ihe eun- Emporia,Kan.,Republican.|:tien tnd Mies Central anawers Dr.Garey Grayson,the Presj-|“""gives the new connection dent's physician,has been confirm-|Contracts For River Bridges.ed as medical director and rear ad Ur.W.&.Fallis,State Highwa mitral in the navy,notwithstanding|.....ineer,has wotified Mr.J.EB.tee | much opposition. the issue .an enay prey to any for-bodyof|ign, chairman of the board of county_The county commissioners met)comm .that contracts will beinacalledsessionTuesdayanddis-|ict at Monday,Apri!9,forcussedomyto2=in the|the re of the Island —_ roads county.|and Shoals bridges over tNothingdefinitewasdone.Catawba river,between Iredell andReportsofseriousdisturbances,|Cnt counties,and the Horsefordterevolution,come from Cavawba and Call- Statesville,is living at Redlands with his son-in-law,Mr.Cox.Mr. Chester Delinger,son of Mr.M.C. is now a Presbyterian minis- Mexico. a bey, ter and a resident of New ty Orders to Gun Crews. Final instructions to the gunners who will work the guns on armedAmericanmerehantshinsdefyingthe German submarine zone were framed |Mat Lansing and Secretary of the Navy Daniels.The instructions will be trapsmitted directly to the gun |crews by the Seeretary of the Navy |They provide in deta’for compliance i with the attitude,of the United States in the .whole lotig international con-ltroversy in the use of submarinesagainstmerchantcraft.The mer-chant ships gunners will fire at sight on any submarine approaching in @ threatening manner,but will respect and search”for cont nd if any ef-fort ia made to exercise that right.Further than this statement the or-ders will be kept absolutely secret. An Glection has been called tovoteonthequestionofspecialtaxSokeaad at! Red-|lands,49 miles from Portales and off|will meet the Lenoir high school the railread,until his health became six |was| etter | ;|V.Henkel,F.B.Bunch,W.P.Flanigan,who lived|with him,was,in charge of the Rost-| Delinger,who lived in Statesville as|/ine State he right of the sub ine to “visitroti ° —The East End metthe West End‘in a game of basketballnightatthearmory.The Eastwonwithascoreof62to22, ville’s high school basketball ik ‘on Statesville’s floor tonight. —The annual meeting of theimercialclubwillbeheldFriday ‘April 6,at which time five of the board of governors elected,the terms of G.E. fi i &z iandJ.M.Deaton having expired. —The Barkoot carnival comes toMr.|Statesville Monday for a week's \ Turner's mother,Mrs.Laura Turner,|The attraction will be located on formerly of Statesville,'is with them,|of|furniture factory.Statesville and father of Mrs.Tur-|trietie citizen who purposes to neartheBarkootistheoldcireusgrounds, nish his equipment to the—-tents,wagons and cars—in case war. —Mr.R.L.Poston,president ofMerchants’Association,and Mr.J.Paul Leonare,State sociation ——wane 5 ton is on —,"s aonisoRetocationae lon “State|‘Legislation”is}to Mr.Leonard.Mr."at-y cate j)al a conference between Secretary of|tended the annual ——2°|Greensboro Merchants’in Greensboro last night, Dental Work at the Orphanage When Dr.T.M.Jordan was in Ire- dell recently,¢in medical in-spection of the Shiltren in the schoolsinthecounty,henamrae,ineptthe %3= tele cmaperotinatly,"430netapprox”it is thought,in addition,for the few —ty =fis-year duri ich t ‘ormereeetaxlawwasineffectthe’ returns will approximate $25,000,000miscellaneousitemsaffectedby|on ie the ordinary sources of|in-revenue —whiskey,beer,to- and oleomargarine —-it is es- timated that the tax this year = ).’e | total in the history of the rtment.The Supreme Court's) recent decision sustaining the Webb-| yon law will cause a diminution, is otek ons tewhiskeyandbeer,althoug usey his tax col is considerably Diplomat Will Sail on the First. Armed Merchantman. The State De;nt,according te | the news from Washington,is feeling its way cautiously in the matter of arming ships.It was stated that nev-' er before in the —a a tionatpeace taken steps similar to ane now under way by the United States.There are no precedents tc guide the ment,and every move will be made with extreme caution in order to keep the international lege! ‘yecord straight.It is explained that the orders to arm merchant ships are based upon the State Department’: contention that these vessels,ever carrying contraband,are enti tled to all the protection of interna- tional law.The guns will be put aboard in order to protect the ships and the lives of the crews.Under in- ternational law these ships cannot be destroyed at sea without making am- ple provision for the safety of the lives | on board,and the guns aboard are to prevent any disregard of this irement.first armed ship that leaves foi the war zone will 7 an _—diplomat,Hugh Gibson,secretary otheAmericanembassyinLondon Secretary Gibson was given permis- sion by the State Department to sai!on the first vessel to depart under protection.It is stated that the arrange- ment was not made at the request oftheStateDepartmentbutitwasrecognizedthattherewouldbegreatad- vantage in having a trained diplomat- ic observer aboard the vessel should Organized Labor's Attitude Case of War. Organized labor in America,throughitsrepresentativesinconferencein Washington,offered its services tothecountryineveryfieldofactivi- ty if despite all endeavors and hopes the United States should be drawnintowar.The action was taken by unanimou: vote of more than 150 delegates fromnationalandinternationaltradeun-unions affiliated with the AmericanFederationofLabor,and five brother-hoods.In all about three milliorAmericanworkerswererepresentedintheconferencecalledtodetermineandannouncetheparttobeclaimedoeinnationalpreparednessplans. in A statement formally adopted andissuedafterthemeetingsetforthinadditiontotheofferofservicesincaseofwar,various demands whichwereheldtobefundamentalsinsafe-guarding the rights of workers in war-time as wel]as in peace.Militarismisprotestedagainst;it is held thatindustrialserviceshouldbedeemedequallyasmeritoriousasmilitaryservice;that service should conform tctradeunionstandardsandthatorgan-ized labor should have representation on all agencies determining and ad-ministering policies of national de-fense and controlling publicity. Government Can’t Find a Place to Hang 2 Man. Edward Mayberry ,an Indian of Spokane,Wash.,convicted by a Fed-eral court of murder,probably willescapethegallowsbecauseuptothepresentthegovenrmenthasbeenun-able to find a place where it can hangtheman,according to a Washingtondispatch. ashington State laws forbid capi-tal punishment.The Spokane mili- tary reservation will not permit a civillawexecution,the Treasury Depart-ment has refused the request for per-mission to hang Mayberry on the roofoftheSpokaneFederalbuildingandnootherFederalterritoryisavailableDespairingoffindinganexecutionground,the government has grantedaoerespitetoMayberry,post-is sentence from March 20 topril19.Meantime his friends,in-cluding Senator Poindexter of Wash-ington are improving the respiteorcommuntationof ing move-the country,Meet the increasedof(*Agicaire hs Depart-of wre =ohas =bee: hundreds of iocageky;ntlytheyhave “‘pale.The free reeds) 2b 2 F a ” nt 3 fu l <s e F muni-|jwere “mora!|Aubrey Eaton,vaster of i“You can’t be a eunuct. “We supportwhateverhe a.Declaring that Americans todayslackers,”Dr.ChartheMadi-son Avenue Baptist church,told alargecrowdofmenathisBibleclassthatthered-blooded men of the!country,“divided by different na-tienalities,bedeviled by wild-eyed women and beset by ‘poor pussy’pa-cifists,”could be excused if they in-dulged in profanity.He even declar-|ed that there had been a time when}he indulged in profanity himself and had the reputation of being “a fair-ly artistic cusser.”Dr.Eaton said) milligna of American men amongthelaitywerereadyforsuchanex- vlosion of profanitv,for which they |could be excused,because of “jelly-|fish”and “moral slackers.”|“You can't follow Jesus Christ un-less you are a good citizen”!he said You can’t}be a neutral.I had rather be a!man in the wrong and stand up to it,than be a north-by-south jellyfish.|This nation has gotten to be a na-tion of moral slackers.”\These remarks provoked a_storm!of applause.| eration.North Carolina carries withlesiorthatnomancouldfailciate,even having his name . ed in connection ‘cstee amsincerelygratefultomywhe have so kindly mentioned my name in this way.”Taking note of the furthermentofMr.Bost that theman’s brother,Hon.Rufe A,toh,is a probable candidate fornor,and Mr.Bost’s query, Rob run against Rufe ”CongressmanDeughtonmakesthisanswer; “The man who believes or intimatesthatIwoulddeanysuchthingunde: state.“ any circumstances does not know me |neither does he know the relation that |exists between my brother and ™y-' self.There are some things”much to me than the holdingofanypublicoffice.I not onlywouldnotrunagainstmybroth er if he desires torace,but T will go further and that1wouldnotrunforanyofficeattha‘time,if he should run for Gevernor even if I otherwise desired to do so.Many feel and hold.and not without Cearer “It would be a vood thing for the|ood reason,I think,that two mem country if one-half of us got shot,”!bers of the same family should not hxsaidthespeaker.“Slackers want meet the enemy at the sweet words.I would not want live as a coward,” Ridiculing the criticism that Americanism only went into Mexico 2: in any way“to make money”and =should nothavetheprotectionoftheirflag.Dr Eaton said,““Did you ever know Americans to go anywhere for the sake of anything else”? Salisbury Post. A large American flag hesplacedbehindthepurpitatthe T ernacle,where the congregation of First Methodist church is worship-ning.Thus this church is falling in line with a number of churches tha have recently placed the flag behind the pulpit. At the morning service Mr.Lambeth,the pastor.in annowne beer b- Sunday ing the hymn,“My Country,‘Tis of:ing.Thee,”made reference to th ag.| and in his sermon,whicn was on the} subject of “Justice,”he referred ¢ the flag aad to the werld wars; the part Amerisa is abou it. nd4war to play No Apology For Celombi:. The foreign reiations comm ttee of the Senate has agreed on a modi-' fication of te treaty with Colom- bia,which is intended to make repar- ation to that country for its sriev- ance on aecount of our taking territory for the Panama Zone.The modification is objections of Senators, the Republicans,to treaty. As amended.the expression of re- vret that anything should have oc- curred to mar the friendly relations the two countries would be made in the treaty by both the Unit- ed States and Colombia instead of by the United States only,as in the original draft,and the amount to he naid Colombia for the separation of Panama is restored to $25,000,000 Last year the Senate committee cutthesumto$15,000,000.In additior the committee recommends an ac- companying resolution proposed by Senator Knox,which would declare that the United States must not be inderstood to be apologizing,and that there is nothing to apologize for. the Canal to meet particulariy _the former hetween Mr.Gerard’s Report. Former Ambassador Gerard,freshfromBerlin,reported to the State Department Wednesday that when he left there was every evidence (hat Germany fully intended carrying out her ruthless submarine campaign, regardless of the prospect of war with the United States,and that talk of peace had been abandoned.Mr.Gerard reported that German officials apparently considered —the effects and consequence of subma- rine ruthlessness before proclaiming it,and so far as he courd learn,were confident of its success.When he left Berlin,however,the campaignwasonlyinitssecondweekandthe Germans were still predicting the de- struction of a million tons of —ship-ping a month,the amount admittedhyTeutonicexpertstobeessential for an effective starvation blockade|of England.Since then the averagelestructionhasheenbelowhalf that.Food conditions in GermanywhenMr.Gerard’s party left were reported as serious,but not necessa- rily critical. China Severs Relations. American Minister Reinsch at Pe- king has reported to the State De- rtment that China has severed dip-omatic relations with Germany andthattheGermanministerhadbeenhandedhispassports.China has also takenofallGermanmewhant ships in Shanghai,about six in number,placed their crews on shore underard,and placed armed guards on vessels.‘(hina’s action is ex-expected to have far-reaching effectonFarEasternhistory,asooom.and thepowers.aterial help in warmunitionsandothersupplies,and-are expected from SignofGood possession gates with time.Therefore tc |a eandidate for Governor,I sha! \jknowthat I am sessed v only not be a than mynot name has been qui tioned in this connecti number of seaplanes Pacifie coast are being prepared immediate m handling training. Meeting in interest of College of Greensboro has | letter economics Carolina,inviting them to attend houschold organization of interested in this important cure ideas between those ested in willmoulding public opinion in favor of! to |candidates for high offices at the samxshouldmybretherbxthenominationof do nothing that eve or indirectly could be use ainet hip ijivre his eandidac remotely “T will add forther.thet all mayretconsumederob uncontrollable desir rv Governor,that IT weuld no: candicave against m. lL have scme friends otherotheragainstwhomIwou! especially man whos« frequently me: th an run f rother,but' mun,one ee ee we eee eee \eronvutie Statfons on Atlantic and Culf ¢ my ’board is study- and Gulf coasts pre eciablishment of tions whieh,beiriviblesandsic each for aeria! probally will “serve as 110-foot coatthenavywill} hundred in a few} ousts, ht aeronauticideshus roebyrtt it two seaple nes ‘nutrol work, mises for the Lew Loets of which e than a Sixteen dirigisles and a sufficient: already have and officers and service are being se- sent the station at Flu.,for trainin:A rigible for the station f&for delivery.The ©cht 1 be distributed ciong to cover strategic arcas “ermined by the board.Kach te officers and 4)men. station site alrea iefi- ed is that at Coco Sole,} ‘in’,Canal Zone,for which in appropristion of $1,000,000 to ea-! lish a joint aviation and subma- ine base was asked of the last Con-ss,The project is expected to go; broveh at the coming specin!ceg-! on.Funds for the other stations! |j he asked at that time,but nt has emergency ap-| sufficient to bevin the! ;at once.The dirigibles are to stributed within four months, present,no stations for the The mlans require the train-nv wthin the next four months ef “i officers and 350 men at Pensacola dirigibles.Crew for| eaplanes are already onder | contracted for the sir 1 to be nen for to }ia IX ihe ~—ee House- hold Econoraics. The State Normal &Industrial!a red ay prin-| sehold to.the and superintendent teachers of the schools of ‘ipals in aeconomicsconventionto make the, VICKS owsSALVE ‘Red Cedar Shingles! butt. Save_Three Hours out of Every‘FourYour-Horses Work:by Using ‘Track$35_B.O.B.Chicago Every minute wasted on the road by slow,inefficient hatiling and delivery costs yourealmoney.Horses take from three tofourtimesaslongtocoverthegroundasitwilltakeyouwhenyouinstailSmithForm-a-Trucks in your service.. Three to four miles an hour is the best horses can dowithatonload.Smith Form-a-Track replaces the slow,time wasting walk of horses with a speedof from ten to fourteen miles an hour under every condition of work. And &costs no more to buy a Smith Ferm -a-Truck than it does to buy a good pair of horses equal to the work of hauling a ton load.If your hauling or delivery requires all-day service every working day of che year, you must have at least two teams for every wagon. The sturdy,efficient,untiring Smith Form-a-Tiruck nevertakestimeoutforrest,never has to lay off the job.ieworkssteadilydayinanddayout,elways maintaining its high speed,always moving its !cad quickly,easily, and at lower cost than any other form of service you can buy. Recordsof service obtained from over10,000 Smith Form-a-Truckusersshowatonmilecostoflessthan8cents.And the firstSmithForm-a-Truck ever sold has been in service four years,covered 20,000 iniles and cost only $3 for repairs Get a Smith Form-a-Truck,attach it to any Ford,Dodge Bros,Overland,Buick.Chevrole:or Maxwell chascis and end your excessive heuling and delivery costs Pat your hauling problems up to us Ik doesn’t cost you a centtolearnjusthowmuchmoneywecanputbackintoyou:pocket ,tha:you are now putting iao nerses. ED.G.WHITE MOTOR CO., PHONE 515, bee —aee eeee—P 4 ee RL ey een StColdsRelievedWithoutDosing If you havo tried “Internal”medicines without success,we Want you to tre the“External”treatmen vick’s ‘*Vap.O.Rub”Salve.Apply hot wet towels over the throat and chest to open the poras,then rub Vick’s in well and cover with o warm flannel cloth.The hody warmth releases healing vajors that are inhaled with each breath,and,in addition,Viek’s is absorbedthroughthepores,25c,Gc,or $1.00, From the State of Washington. Uniform in thickness and length.Every Shingle is Rift Sawn to prevent warping.Not a knot within ten inches of the EVERY SHINGLE 1S HEART!The Western people use Zine Nails,as it is claimed the ordinary wire nail. | “North;the Shingle will last longer than + Just re-. re held April 13,1917,purpose of ceived a car of these Shingles:|the convention is to effect a compact such peopie a are Leaders in the movement hoy: an organization which rreatly facilitate the exchanye already household economics, further serve the purpose to 8@-|will | nter- andof more thorough courses in this study} in the various schools in the State.| } t To MothersofDelicateChildres. Palmyra,Pa—"My little girl had @chronicandwassothinyoucould count her riba,and she had no appetite.|Nothing we gave her seemed to help her,until one day Mra.Neibert asked meto |try Vinol,and now sheis hungry all the |time,she is stowter |color. We IL, AND THE PRICE IS ABOUT! LESS THAN NO.1 CYPRESS of OR NO.1 PINE SHINGLES!C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Iredell Co. ARNER,Statesville,N.C. --—Dealer In— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees- wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags,Books and Magazines.e pay the highest market prices. Independent Phone 506. Bell Phone 9g02. cnee.|A DOLLAR A THOUSAND! | STATESVILLE,N.C.EAST BROAD STREET. MR.MERCHA NT the BEST LOTTLED It is BACKED UP BY TWO MILLION DOLLARS’WORTH OF ADVERTISING A YOU KNOW that COCA COLA is DRINK IN THE WORLD. YEAR.It’s SOLD before you get it in YOUR STORE. You simply wait until the purchaser CALLS FOR IT— collect your nickel—_AND THERE +OU ARE!| GET THIS FACT:When you buy Coca Cola,you Rave for sale,a product known the country over.The demand is already created for it.If YOU don’t PUSH it.your COMPETITOR will.BOTTLED drinks pay you a BET- TER margin of profit than ANYTHING you sell.. PUSH THE END OF YOUR BUSINESS THAT PAYS YOU BEST! SELL a product that people WANT and CALL FOR— HERE’S WHERE WE SHINE!—THAT’S OUR PRODUCT! We have both ‘phones—USE THEM! Mr.Bottled Drink Drinker. When you buy a pair of shoes,you LOOK for a label that MEANS QUALITY.DON'T treat YOUR FEET better than YOUR STOMACH.LOOK for the name on the crown of the bottie you purchase.If you appreciate QUALITY,bottled under SANITARY conditions,LOOK FOR OUR NAME! Better stil—COME IN AND SEE HOW IT IS BOT- TLED! The Bottlers with the CASH and DEPOSIT system. STATESVILLE #.LJOHNSON Vv WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OFA R BUT—we can offer you the strongest eeeyourtorpedoedstroyersofyourhealth,ahefoneSawith iin at iGhiest QUA “On theSquare.” POLK GRAY DRUG CCalways Fad te S|IncidentsGo‘hered From AnartetoMe,fith|PartsoftheCountry. |China has formaily severed diplo-pmatic relations ene.| |“Well,how's the war news te)‘|Mien ©.oer *”%tenny soverner »OFa,?asked a,the .in New York city Wednesday. i [‘want it to come off.Like tne New,Versleringe Baeoe "a resolu-feliow out in eneentes.He a2 Reeves election i the om ~_ing epno?Edge to.|women folks he ing 22 aaa ~2 —|a aliney i day,at 12ph A hen A :we :che jon will be heldThirtype\atruck 12 he jumped in 3 to di A siecial |elest eeawedinPegularat-He cut his eye over at the April 12 in the fifteenth ¢yeeneletotes,who were carding and apie al district of Say Uae “‘nd of Of nine,and they were not taking on a)*’¢cessor te Michael Conry,Demo-Purch Uf Jersey regiment.jit iver the affair.He jynped from|‘""'.who died a few weeks ago.policemen were supplied with |j,.bed in rage and drove them out}The Missouri Legislature has onees By emmuanition.of thehouse.”passed a bill submitting a prohibi-ef tion constitutional amendment to theeed ;Prof.Hill,This same fallow,”contipmed thei voters in’the 1918 election.Under rewhthe Witter of The Landmark:izen,°“te ok a notion cace that,Be)the pr omente amendment,State-~vide Pe the picture and write-would rig him up some wines andfy)rrohivition would become effec Ye Prot d.H.Hii,let me 48)over the Cetawha river.T:1 anum-|=vember 1,1099, have always associated Prof.’|la he rande himee!f «ine vom the miners are knewn to have “with the righteous man por-cached them to his |"by be tinted.their bodies having been GPOAALY Co.oF aw vdRR ef tenga in Psalm 1,As a boy this hivhest poiat in the barn left |reco red,and five others are miss QUF EAL,mi.~.has impressed me and it ie of psych-xqiled forth in the direction of p nd ns a pesult of twe.exnlosi has P oMrese ig significance.8.river.Unfortunately for the aviator)which wrecked the interior of 2 ee --=the river did not come as close to No.|of the Henderson Coal Cor an,Se icetion DON'T seCOLD,“MOTHER!he barn as was convenient,r-ar Cannonsburg,Pa. ,sick ‘stomach,“ond cima «6 THE CROSS CHILD IS BIL wire the fellow would not have been)\7.act report from New Castle, € i’‘pear ’1id up for long.”Pudlane.of 9 dead,three perOUS,FEVERISH!|p for sp 1.showed 1 «p It has been in constant use for more ee wes The Asheville Times retntes the |*0??mincing,and “ena Soca laa:he Asheville Times relnte ly Injured,with undred more thaa ears,w..§has benefited more Look at Torzue!If Coated,following incidents and then asks).fering eet ae iste”=eoGleanLittleSiemach,Liver,questions:cult of the ternado which visitedistselisandrecommendsHowelx'‘In the postoffice,one day,a litte |")t city Suede afternoon. Di »Price only 25c.Geta neident attracted attention,eegece.;N.C iy Don't scold your fretful,peevish wreie paper baskets are plineed in mi oeen ape nd ra —eds ;A =child.See if tongue is coated;this toh!but what is their purpose?|nerican placed in jeopardy | NOTICE TO CREDITORS.is a sure sien its little stamach,liv-Three men,all sensible-appearing,,°°!"witnout .card teeiahine i ans Qualified as administratrix of the er and bowels ave clogged with sour fellows opened mail in the lobby wey rine i.—cous te ea The notify sn persteele sees couees coat waste.;%ther duy and tearing off wer rn a cg “Wot.Core of Nash-eftate to present them to me on or before When listless,pale,feverish,full jropned them on the floor—instead ©“Gee boat's sureeon }Norwegianerenry16,19 18,er this notice will be of cold,breath bad,threat sore,does-walking to a waste paper basket.Lit-ie :ae vaded in bur of their reeovery.All person no"eat aleve p or act naturally has ‘tering the lobby On Patton avenue,>PLN reigatermiebtedtidestatillipene°:or?::we Pt of 1d line.wi "ern ,.aa eee cette |be required to omach-ache,indigestion,diarrhoea,,)>same day,one man was seen to d line,with general cnr i A.BE.STROUD,;give a tensspoonful of “California ‘car a lot of peger in is —one co from as -_re siverpen;T.Weatherman,Atty.Administratrix.Syrup of F!and in a few hours drop the handful on the sidewalk—|2s scriously damaged by an expios-A.‘A Wh Ki Pus.16,391%.‘giener all the foul waste,the sour bile and littering up the street.Was it,ion wh ch killed rn _~c No S nyone oO nows f ‘E RE rrmenting focd passes o yf the thouchtlessness—-or what"?ibmarine was sighted and it is Le-NOTICE TO CREDITORS.fermenting focd pu:out ¢he tt hilesny li 1 the explosion was due to ainistratoro.bowels and you have a well and play-We have the same kind of fellows))cv«,:oe .Z eet A Mecano eee ay be ful child again.Children love this here and some folks dub them ™ine and he will direct you to this shop for all cRotifyallcreditorshavingclaimsagainstsaidharmless“fruit laxative,”and moth-reriuscs.They ¢o not only the =Lieut.Jackson Christian,grand-of auto supplies and repairsestatetopresentthemtomeonor—ers can rest casy after giving it,be-things the Time says but lots of son of Stonewall sackson,and offi-oom P *February 16,i918,or this notice will be ::la wor of ake Secuer’.“All acai ine CAus¢it never fails to,make their other little things,such as expector-n the reenaer army,has been or-debted to said estate will be required to make little “insides”eleun and sw et.ating in puble piaces,wear paths ‘!to Fort Collis ’Cot to be This is because our line is complete,Sippodinte cottlement.y..4 L.Aken.ca it handy.vactiaet “A little over the court house lawn and many mil.tary Ppprofessor in the State .ol-.:and "i ‘‘Feb 16 190 of Biven today saves a sick child to.)Other thoughtless little things,eom-,exe ce leaving West Point our prices right and our competence=.=morrow,but get the genuine.Ask “ilered by yome to be marks of gen-1)ne Christion :—or w the 7 unexcelled.DR.VANCE HASTY,vou ar ie ist ayes fo cent bottle of ius,ae .in he Philippines and on the DENTAL SURGEON,o Metctinnc fe labios cbiliern7,The Landmark recently meted Wie!1;i,stated ‘“ini nar .:.:1aSdré€ectiar ry babies r dren o e ‘Neay "'Is state that he Bri ish-Amer-Ou £»Reoms 5-7-9,Second Floor.has rer .:babies,ehildr ;of fact that Mr.T.B.Moore,formerly 4 ;,.,Pe ncee Company has just re r work is a Serious business with us ifoOaulages«!for grown-ups plainly ae ae ae i :::FT MATa,Ce fon the bottle.Remember there are citizen of Statecville,now of Beone,the largest crler of cist 1 you come here once you will gd nowhere else,TELEPHONE ENGAG EMENTS,counterfeit old here,so surely loob wd had the mis fortune to fa rom on reeord from France and '#? "Phone 197 Houre 8 to 6 and gee that yours is rr »«the @ ladder,while repairing a barn,and ther foreign powe The order for supplies or re:oairs.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILUREN'S (a ure i is mae by the!"ered ‘a broken ankle.Surprise for 7.9109,000 00 ‘geen oe TRETH.i A Pee ee a eae =y ‘xpressed that Mr.Moore would cording to one aces wal ee deande:¥=Seas =e >so far behind as to have a barn +}.699.999 miles of tre =er .tead of a varawt Mr.Moore sets DR.COI!TE SHERRILL,PIANO TUNING—-E..LS rNE simaelf atraicht yu the following !et-3 »Edgineton,formSaXisboury.Oree wit ;‘ac for ca le friend:,z1fYe.M ‘Oo a State Ville rien:riminel court of ShKESSON,at Storte A Was nenquntied of General Practioner in We BREA RE 1 potic he Lar dma ‘kk is wae iS oy::;ts knew what I am doing witCityandCounty.COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF CITY ba ie fered oe ee, All calls telephoned to Jos.R mOPERTY nat old cow th:as sone dry on me Hill's residerce or Long's Sanato-‘and which is now chewing hay worth rium will haavo prompt attention,BY VIRTUE of in minined in a i)peor hundred.T have been try-permeverre me _tatesBe us a“the esta)Keenan,He ing rive her protection arainst‘4 :»elements with the hope that shevightfeelgratefulenoughtopro- ing acecntednhhothe hat would be it} condemningM Adsws decsgeed:Atl Hig ‘resoluti« m:=theme x._Ameros.jow,Mrs,Mery duce a little milk,but fram —oup of {itedanetae4Swenindicationsthink"this is fé@eign tos who filibuster :ss Gere hin he th pp about H -ei :ut —Se alWEHAVESECUREDTHEarolIe4vhoeoninnearlyrechricn‘t ct ;.anne “my opinion tha a :eae BETWEEN JOHNSTON.[oh =°'al eco an with no more sunse then to ive!Telations committe || RELK STORES FOR OUR OF-ue kage ag Na ee he Senate of the Texas ierislatuee f:e ‘‘er bua)ay,ougnt »Nave ‘.ICE AND WAITING ROOM,os x an Bighth street,with |oth ankles broken.‘The.wind:¥hovsand salo Will c-ontinue at 10 centsWHEREYOUCANSTEPIN|2%boi?in block venith vith clown pectiof the recf off and ee eae —*‘ AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT ca ‘':tre Baa aie er sey 1 ‘ies meast a sha V e.aw othing cut ,err:spy repre ar j 1 14 ".v7 i 2 en en 7 ee}'mee ins =i.ng ..7etheneOe‘oh os fs itmere Hy thon!ot tra he comp seers short.Not going upin NSPE EN (ALLS.uf h le mployv 2 .r C)!t.t : ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 166.e edt :‘:.ede r which ‘agente ai or 3 {)days.Come and see, BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE «\..Bik a,Bev SE NEE ntact;ee ;oe §CENTS,wn sac frienis cant heh ris |denen marices {tot and cold baths ‘PHONE £1JitneyTransferGat eogtcr ake:Vhs soune.rianhas,le er detnchnvenisaes ng im W.E.COLEY. OATS ORRE MOUTON OTe e get together 1 the ea fix tiene (re We SARELTNE TE OE NRRLRR S j {RVIC EK i]™ee pb ’;a be ere Ce .=‘oe pickin;eeee ee| \df AB d _t 5 a wat —_1 governme NEW READY-10-WEARS Dresses has the 4 And the complete stock 'aan ‘1 {ust 7 t 'isht Pe "ried set 1 =| of Plumbing,Heating and]huxe phish ae Hy Keodelooking and h a water materials we carry,|BARIUM ROCK PRING W er d Well,gow to ' ,at tre ?'t at men ust might ‘whi | ;}:t :er Uri .ve es,I know he when |:' We can give vou ser Le,t tem ane bev itahces Une t re"ran oki pol the United j:nerves :e id ro with Bla varehins at Shanroanthouse es oi t stand the Vhs Puck | W.E.MUNDAY.Pie ene on Eve er ae Uelepalea | i Your Plumber,314 E.Broad St.)WAY om xcoel a yew are,eae nave offswy\\\te saed ee ment incoreromeoepeaererenaiere,eas ie rs J pas eee -veces with th Te ‘>«..aa?‘..Tee rth the 1MORTGAGESALEOFLAND.;rics Une ce Cem .ue ae ae _'of 1 ublic who are :BY VIRTUE of the pow LE OF VALUABLE LANDS.ee terrae ine ane volved,‘wane deed.oni :':‘ing Por ne cou ’nited St »FE int r,ta V ‘’t of 4 ont Superto ’iy engagement is of Me: transfer ree mr value te 1 ''ie ’on 1 ir ©BPE before it HYUN a'4 A te .”ment.it7iatoemirrs,‘:.%t nt ore they have seriou ee EES Se pans for their weddins The pians for after the weddiny Vly known by the public th { who does not know.1B t i t { Copperhecd tvyles in Millinery are sold Februs vows até good spoken theiceof3thof)thia same other j; ys j how much the “Old ».Respectfully , deserve ¥ne ©weet |1 Beginning 1imithettree'was wn line,net er ther—gave her and wha I Gallther np mK,contoty g 138 of gi 5 uM thene a Ise he is to do for them.And t perhead to a :ore er |a ate i}Wan”is uniie ss +}+,iWwW.P.MORTK Mivtaneis :‘be i ae a \‘_usually as frich The vA i ; SCOTT MURDOK .Axstrnes a on :4 fe .atterson ‘eam,uccording to titis same |War a i /j %.fel.auweblin,Atty wr,O Ltd t of ley cone 1-2 poles “A i he really has anyth ng applied A ,.~4 iy d e the informai;On about pathizers man hase been furn =]the !”¥en?CoH LESTER,205 02culihe Roamincttmitn St “thie “same ether public Tori)dag"Now Cor perio pc |The Cash Store. eoupl have tune .wat ract ar —And so on and on,REGISTERED ARCHITECT,mA and will be wold febject to th aannymeeeofDevieFalls,hls widow.4 Treaty Amendmic.hy RL ACE ve ;-Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green.ry 0.Grder,“At os reannS Oak reones Ser ©t ret 2 h f nited ates ‘ f rmending the Pro !’‘.rican treaty of 1788,so ‘oa e .SE Laka as uh Galen sean fated es s —only one night Memphisto‘Texas, WAN I ED!“4 nit~!States from arrest ot ter.Waya travels ‘wattle 4 7 No misqing connections—~entite train /9 rey during any period of snak nd hence t ;runs through,Memphis to Texas, :——*and re f 'Germ p the woodeman he }.SCRAPao :ee :;n Ametivan 1 the right te wa an teeth the eat ell Leave Menphis 9:30 p.m.Arrtive per pound,lag vt ass OC,per "oniduect hot ports,hh ile more tha t ’‘t ;i lan 114 mm.ras morning,' pound ,prot uv that Arvhaserador latter sounds his ‘wath j orth } FOR SATE:‘.are before ay departure from |ing qlarm before he stri};{,»y |a"i;refused »consider,coppe yond attacks «4 :,New and second hand machinery S ee ee ah pen for and the other .a taforsaleandallkinds=boiler ,‘ar.D.Claas of Reidsville tu quite as deadly,a hidden a a =@ e vf afvia"eplisrtor it “ane Oe died ::ble f —m fooroomsuppliespolsoning,as SO years ob t he a heman copperhead thus WINTER TOVRIST FARSS.av.SG),TURNE R.';/tea vet mn family,j fe.@ roe of 9 siete “oie ae yaniting 0.)ea oyaewatePagofBel) \ Rurke its road ntrover-Reter¢:\ir tie olan Ps*+Revolutionary tines,Essbitfm s ae begin 4 or a white Republi- and as i the of a college graduate who took wil service examination and wise.itry in case of war—buttheyAboutthetimeMr.Mann was| urging fair play in New York a New 76,while a negro in the same Hampshire Republican Congressman their grievances,there will Fe e unable to make the people No matter what one mayfs class made 98—which was not very ‘ied.Under the New Hampshire|sympathy,in our opinion,with the creditable to the college graduate. The Landmark is stil!of the opin-in time to get a Republican to Wash-demands in the face of the nation’s about 25° ion,however,that all this alarm about the appointment of negroes and Republicans as postmasters un- der the new regulation is unwar- ranted by the facts and it depends on time to vindicate its position.In fact it believes the alarm comes from those who want te discredit the new arrangement because it does net suit their purpose,the Observer being excepted from this classifica- tion. The new order,as reported by the Associated Press,says the appoint- law a special election can't be held ington to vete at the opening ofCongressApril16;and if the New York vacancy is filled by a Demo- crat the Democrats will have the ad- vantage.But Mr.Mann has nothing on Speaker Clark in the matter of courtesy.Speaker Clark is urging the Democrats in the New Hamp- shire Legislature to co-operate with the Republicans to pass a law so that the congressional vacancy can be filled by April 16,notwithstand- ing a Republican is likely to fill the vacancy. men who undertake to enforce their peril. What the President will do had not been indicated in advance of yesterday's conference,but the rail- road men are making a poor to the President and the country for the help given them last year jin their efforts to secure the 8-hour day;and their threatened strike, while a Supreme Court decision is pending that may give them what they want,is inexcusable.The Presi- dent would be justified in using all the power at his command to dd The millennium ¢s not yetmentsofallpostmasversofthefirst, second and third class “will be sub- ject to competitive examinations. Nominations will be sent to the Senate as in the past,but in making selections the President will be guid- ed by the result of the examinations and will send in the names at the head of the lists.”Naturally the President isn't going to “put out the word”that he will select the second,third or fourth man on the A PIONEER. list,but does anybody believe that,Forty years ago and more Prof.J. he will arbitrarily select the highest H.Hill of Statesville,always con- in every case.regardless —no mat-servative but always a forward-look- ter if the highest is a Republican or ing man and always in the forefront * a negro?To make that charge of any movement that was for hu- wogld discredit the President’s com-man betterment ‘and uplift and thetonsenseandpoliticaljudgment,general good,was telling them that and we are sure the Observer would the North Carolina schools ought to do neither.If he were to do that,teach agriculture,horticulture and does anybody believe a Democratic the other branches of industry as Senate would confirm the appoin-well as the English course;that tees?@ Democratic Senate minority “boys ought to be taught that plow- has in the past defeated the confir-ing up and down the hill with a mation of objectionable postmaster blunt,shallow-set plow was not the appointees made by Republican Pres-perfection of agriculture”;that the ‘dents.°girls ought to be taught domestic Moreover,get the idea clear that economy—ought to be taught that the new arrangement is not a law “it is a disgrace not to know how to but a presidential order and the cock and sew.” President will of course have some All his life a teacher,Prof.Hill latitude in interpreting his own or-saw the need,40 years ago and der.The Associated Press report of |more,of the things we have begun the order says the examination will|to stress within the past few yearsbe“a form ef modified civil service —and our work in that direction is| classification,”and it is clear to The yet in its infancy.Prof.Hill was Landmark that its intent and pur-ahead of his time—most forward- pose is not to throw open these ap-looking men gre—but he has lived topointmentstoanybodywhomayS¢e begun the work he emphasized stand highest on the list,but te 80 long ago.Mr.Hill doesn’t boast make sure that presidentia!post-‘that he was a leader in this matter, masters,as well as fourth-class 98 he has been in many others.He is postmasters,will have some qualifi-|too modest for that.The Landmarkcationforthepositionotherthanqfounditoutandpetnteditwithout record of party service or congres-his knowledge,and it is pleased to tional favor. |eall public attention to the work of The fourth-class postofiices,by the'@ Pioneer while he is yet among us. Way,have been under the civil serv-MR.DOUGHTON’S POSITIONiceforsometime—not under a mod-‘Hed form but under the regular civ-|Congressman Doughton is always il service.How many negroes have “open and above-board,”as the say- been appointed to these offices in the ing goes.He has been offered sup- South?How many white RepulJi.port if he will enter the race for eans where a Democrat wanted th,Governor three years hence.He job?feels it a compliment,which it is,to Calm your feers e-out this new be considered in that éonnection,and arrangement.The Landmark be.if the way should be clear when the Hieves it will make for hetter-time comes he may be a candidate Meni of the service with none of the for Governor.But the Congressman disastrous political effects forecast will not be a eandidate against his ed.brother,Hon.R.A.Doughton;neith- Without saying much about it,aoe -CS ee - the io League is roing right Governor.The Congressman does era .ve Statesville a Commu-not think the members of one fam- nity Building—a most desirable ac-jly should monopolize the offices; Muisition;and while the job is a big and as evidence that he is not ob- one the lacies are to be commended sessed of the office-holding idea he for the undertaking.They deserve says there is at least one other man atid should have the whole-hearted beside his brother for whom he aaa the of the community in this would step aside in the gubernato-]the other splendid work they rial race.are doing and erdeavoring to do.,Spoken like a man.It is that The “Thrift Gardens”meet the very characteristic of Congressman Bob Med that Mr.Millsaps is asking that makes much for his popularitythemtoundertake;and the sanitary and his strength.And it may be | Work and other things the Civic said in passing that numerous of his @adies are doing and striving constituents,who want him to stay| fo do to make Statesville a more in Congress as long as he is willing beautiful town and a better town,o serve,would be delighted to see! @re not only deserving of commenda-'|him Governor.He would be a strong||candidate and he would make a rec-| ord as Governor. hand.If Speaker Clark gets the most votes when the touse is organ-| ized he will not step aside and tell Mr.Mann to take the chair;and neither will Mr.Mann do that if :he sire for fair play,which is too often lacking in partisan politics. SATSTES the |indeed. at svert the disaster that threatens, DOSESEARLIEST9«= In the old days when the “cham- peen”pugilists retired from the prize ‘ring—and ‘“champeens”are not “champeens”long in that pro- has one on the gentleman from Mis-fession—it was their custom to open have been souri.But it is good—it is refresh-a saloon and if good fortune attend-,eae,Reet ing—to see this evidence of a de-,ed them and they were successful in weak oe —litated conditions. ward polities,they prospered.Mr. Robt.Fitzsimmons,erstwhile cham-| pion in the fistic arena,is to enter the ministry.Possibly Robert has been impressed with tne success— financial and otherwise—of Rev.) Willi Sunday,ex-baseball player; possibly —possibly,mind you—' the advance of the prohibition wave) may heve weighed ia his decision to) depart from custom and eschew the saloon;and possibly,too,he may. have had a real cal!and is going to the work for the love of lost souls, It is not for us to judge.‘ ASTEPST That story that comes from Wash- ington city,that an Indian convicted in the Federal court in the State of Washington and sentenced to death is about to escape the death penalty because Uncle Sam is unable to find a spot in the whole State where he ean pull off the execution—why the tale sounds fishy.The State of Washington prohibits harging,but since when did Uncle Sam_become subservient to State laws?and the idea that there isn't a spot in whole State where your uncle hang a rope to swing off that red- skin—why if Uncle Sam haw no more authority than that he is poor Bosh! Yadkin Road Bonds Sold. The Yadkin county commissioners met in special session Saturday to receive bids for the sale of $140,- 000 5 per cent.road bonds authoriz- ed by an act of the recent Legista- ture.There were 10 buyers on the ground and several bids had heen filed by mail.The bids ranged all the way from $1,400 below par to$4,777 premium.The bid of Spitzer,Roark &Company of Toledo.0..wasaccented,This was $144,777 and the purchaser to furnish blank bonds, etc. Under an act of the Gegieature two vears ago Yadkin commissioners issued bonds and be-fl some good roads in the county.The folks were so pleased that they wanted moreroadsandtomakesuretheywould ret the road bonds they elected aDemocrattotheLegislaturefrom that strong Republican county.be- cause the Democrat favored the proposition and the Republican ca:didate didn’t ring clear.The bond neiwaspassedandtheYadkin folk« are losing no time in getting theroadworkunderway. SSAAAS TET Feathered Pumps For Milady. As a faithful chronicler of events great ard small,it becomes The Landmark's duty and privilege to inform the readers of this FiresideCompanionthatifmiladyistobe}in the fashion this spring and sum-mer,she must wear featheredpumps.This latest style in foot-wear,we are informed,is made of)natural feathers with the bill of thebirdprojectingfromthefront.Sam-ples of the feathered pumps in a va- the can riety of styles and colors were dis-|:played in I is at the open-|ing of the convention of the)Indiana Retail Shoe Dealers’Asso- own rown\emall and ch and thechild,climbedTheolderportionofthe er rushed back,——os and bree it safety.young yitesideofthestreamfightforlife,but was unable to assistance. How Vin Beall vous,weak, have .Vinol, and —— thing1hadcided to=eot8aand |for all run-down, Ww.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesvilld JIM TH When have Eggs,Chickens,Hides,Tallow,Beeswax to sell,think ofJIMTHARPE!Mule .1 $6. ARE HIGH!Car of Flour.Hay.Low prices.IREDELL PRODUCE CO Ji A NOTICE. ——PRICES 50C,—— Tickets on sale at StatesvilleDrag Store.Courtcalledat8:15. Thehot weatherwillbewithusbefore you know it.Betterlet us putin one of ourOil Stovesnow and you will neverrealize whenhotweather comes so tar as the kitchen is concerned. They arecheap,durable and economi- cal in operation. Iredell Hardware Co. LL LAND OWNERS IN SNOW CREEK)=———=TOADRAINAGE DISTRICT:You will take notice that the Board ofCommissionersofSnovCreekDrainageDis-trict on January 31,1917.published and post-ed notices of its purpose to issue bonds in thesumof$40,034 for the payment of the totalcostoftheproposedimprovements,which costtheboardfoundtobe$40,034.Since the|gy and publishing of said notice the boardfoundtitmadeanerrorinfindicostofimprovementstobe840.034 as afore-seid,and that its correct finding should havebeen$86,000.You will therefore take notice that it is theurposeoftheCommicsionersofSnowCreekGaleDistricttoissuebondsferthepay-ment of the total cost of the improvements intheamountof$236,000.These bonds are todrawsixpercentinterest,payable semi-annu-ally,and are payable in ten equal instalments,one each year beginning the first day of Jan-wary,1920.Any landowner in the districtnotwantingtopayinterestonthebondsmay,on or before the 284 day of April,1917,paytotheCountyTreasurerthefullamount,forwhichhislandisliable,which isForClasesA837.31 per acre.For Class B #2085 per acre.For Class C $22.39 per sere.For Class D $14.93 per acre (For Class E $7.47 per acre.Said amounts have been ascertained from the classifiention sheet and the certificate oftheboardshowingthetotalcostofimprove-ment.The land on which the assceements are vo paid shall be releared from liability to beforsaidimprovements,but such land shall continue liable for any future assessment |for maintenance or for any increased assens- ment authorized under the law.Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids jA.R.BOWLES,Chairman.| H.R.COWLES,Seerefary. March 9,1917.ee |LISTEN!| The fact that our Weser Phono- graph ad.has been running so long | without chance does not mean that we are no longer selling the celebrat-| WESER |PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS.| It simply means that the ad.writ-| er has been out of town,and his mind has been “wrapped up”in matters legislative. NOW LISTEN AGAIN! Here’s a voluntary testimonial! from a recent customer.Shewrites ye #8 9 . 37 Bg : | TheStore With theQuick Parcel Post Service. We Would Call Your Special AttentiontoOurOOATS§SUITS The variety of stylesthebeautyofcoloran the workmanship arewellnighallyoucould wish. ne men too,ue haveceBoots,mps,Gloves (Kid and Sitk)”Waists and Blouses tomatchtoperfection. Silkk Dresses we'reshowingalsoinmany attractive Is. Many novelties in —nd Silk owasDressGoodscounter. Andinfact every de- who moved.»After leavi of from here in Savannah.dewMrs.B.F.Long was hostess Wed-|villeaftera visit with Mrs.S.A.Fos-|joy diONtlmPiggBonnaeShjovdie out ofthe little boy's Hill,guest of Mrs.Mac.Long.five tables.nning the |Henkes wi ~th Uare=|and is now.in the |Spent the winter. of Lewis-of Mrs.C. yesterday be s j openly ta see a fat|Sages in one corner of;why face was full ofjaman,horribly deformed,|love by.Admiringly heticketagentashedeftly{ee ya them e le P aMrs.|:Ta'n puffed rindow.When and Visited relatives.and Williams are athomefromSeffner,Fia.,where they |Mrs.Irvin Chester and daughter|have returned to their home in e- ter,|Mrs,R.L.Poston left Tuesday for|Charlotte,where she will visit friendsandrelatives.|.Mrs.Robt.Hill,who has been vis-iting her mother-in-law,Mrs.Belle|Fille,left Wednesday to join herwereserved.The home husband,Dr.Hill,in El Paso,Texas.”‘was pretty with potted flowers. A or send them to the meeting. Miss Elvy McElwee entertained at|bridge Tuesday afternoon in honor ofRobt.Hill,guest of Mrs.Belle,»and Mrs.Mac.Long.There wer:two tables of cards and the hostossservedtwocoursesofrefreshments. The t McDowell Music club meets thisafternoonwithMrs,Dorman Thomp-son and Mrs.A.J.Salley as hostesses ,at the home of Mrs.Thompson. The Statesville Cotillion club gave its regular March dance at the armorylastnight,the mvsie furnised byCharlottemusicians. Notices of New Advertisement« Pony buggy and harness for sale.—R.L.Wasson.To rent house wethcareTheLandmark.—on time.-—J.W. big lot.—H., Ayers & Desirable tracts farm tands.—Zeb.|:;g.Twenty acres land at bargain.—W.L.Smith.If,want te build,let’s talk it,ov utual B.&L,Association.Barkoot’s spring carnival March19-24.: Attractive new things for spring.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Easter sale coats and suits.—Mills&Poston.Complete competent tor Co.New reaiy-to-wears.—Mrs. andMo-line,right prices service.—Statesville Marys.Protects against e¢:!loss.—-Peo-ple’s Loan and Savings. s for early planting.—Eagle&Mitholland.Call for taxes.—M.P.Alexander,sheriffJim Tharpe wants your produce.Save hours of work with a SmithForm-a-truck.—Ed.G.White Motor‘0.Oil stoves for the hot days.—Ire-dell Hardware Co.Startling developments at trial.—Tickets on sale at Statesville Drug Comfortable and attractive porchfurniture.—Crawford -Bunch Fur-niture Co.;Good furniture no:necessarily ex-pensive.—.Statesville Housefurnish-ing Co.‘Doroth Dood shoes,daintv de- signs a perfect workmanship. Johnston-Belk Co.Condition of local banks March 5. _*Old Colored Woman Dead. “Aunt”Mary Williams,coloredaged94years,died Wednesday af- ternoon at 4 o'clock on the farm of Mr.John McLain,a few miles east of town.“Aunt”Mary was quite an interest-ing character and hor life is knowntomanyofthewhitecitizens.was born in Duvie county but had livedinIredellformanyyears.She wasblindforthepast35yearsandlivedaloneonanacre-tract of land a fewmileseastoftown..Although blird she raised truck on her little placeres,working and taking care of herself.Three or four weeks ayo“Aunt”Mary’s clothing cavght -freandshewassavedfromburningtodeathbysomeonepassing.After thisshewasmovedtoahouseonMr.Mc-Lain’s place,where she died.Despite all her afflictions,“Aunt”Mary was cheerful.She said the LordputherhereforsomepurposeandthatshewouldstayaslongasshecouldtoseewhatthepurposewasSomeofthewhitepeopleoftowrwerekindandthoughtfulofherandgaveherthingsfromtimetotime. Auto For Three Hams. The other day a Statesville man, temporarily with the ideathathehadmoneytoburn,boughtatandthe -|week, She| »Mrs.B.A.Troutman of Mooresville—and Mrs.Ella Troutman of Columbus |impor ageing of Fort}Ohio,are guests of Mr.and Mrs.R.H.!i D A.R.,will be held Troutman.March 20th,at 4) their 1917 dues are urgedto/takes Miss Mary Lee Austin has e,Rutherford county,&position as stenographer.Rev.James C.Grier was in town forashorttimeTuesday.Mr.Grier isnowlocatedatTirzah,8.C.,and is pastor of a croup of churches in thatvicinity.He was apen ling a few cays at Mooresville and among his former _parishioners in Thyatiry ond Kack Creek communities,in Rowan. te Mrs.Karel Bondam has returned) N.J.,where she‘from Montelaire, spent a month. Death of 2 Little Child—S-choo! Henor Roll. Statees ie/R$,March 14 wwerks of intense suffering |Albert,the 16-months-o!!Mr.and Mrs.Alvah Darr :Sun- ‘ay nfwht and was buried at St.Martin’s Monday evening.The burialservicewasconductedbyRev.Messrs.Haltiwanger and Morgen.Inst os the sun sank heneath the western horizon,“Earth «hog to arches,drat to body of little William Albert was lowered into its last resting placeinthequietcountrychurchyard.Theneveapta,of this child have requested!the writer to express their gratitude,and appreciation for the help and;svmpathy that was afforded them by their friends and neighbors..Every community has a Dorear who goes in and out of strickenhouseholds,ministerine to the sick. and while this neighborhoed has many good women,perhaps Mrs.M.J.Clodfelter deserves special men-tion for her faithful service te thesickandafflicted.Mr.Sam.NesbitjleftMondayforMaicom,lowa. The Ostwalt school is nearing thecloseofaverysuccessfulterm, taught by Mrs.Ada MeNeely.Thoseenherhonorrollforlastmonthare: ;Mary and Fred.Freeze,Anna andGaitherMenser,Golda,Ethel,Lena jand Esear Troutman,John,Guy andFred.Loftin,Ola and Nellie Trowt- A finer William 1 of ,,el dust,”the | man. x number of women and girls areexpectedtomeetatthehomeof Mrs.U.A.Ostwalt,next Friday af- ternoon,to organize 2 Home Demon- stration cooking class. to Make Garden—Personal Items. of The Landmark 14 —Mrs. home lastfewweeks Denny,in Anxious ‘ |“‘erresrondence |Troutman,R-1,MarchS.A.Wagner returned after spending a with her daughter,Mrs.Concord.Miss Brevard Neill is vis- iting relatives in Statesville.Miss Kate Cathey spent Saturday with her parents in Mooresville.Mr.andMrs.R.L.McLean and little son,Robert Louis,spent Sabbath withMrs.Meloan’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.A.M.Johnson.Mrs.D.F.Simpson left Saturday night for Shelby to be at the bedside of her grandmother.for Mrs.Babington,of pneumonia.. visiting her daughter,Mrs.Young, in Mooresville. We were glad to see the fine springweatherlastweek’and only hope to {have more of it.People sre plantingcardensandtruckparchesandifwe who is seriously ill Mrs.E Beaver is i have a good season we can at least|have plenty of vegetantes. Small grain is badly frozen and |the cabbage plants were also badlyfrozen.A lot of sickness in our neighbor- hood but no serious cases.So far we {have excened the measles but havesome“chickenpox.”Mr.Mead Compton has moved his family from Mooresyille to Ostwalt. Movements of People. _orreapendence of The landmars|!Statesville,R-3,March 13 It‘geems that ground eog weather isstillholdingoutandtheroadsareinaverybadcondition,Farmers arebeingdelayedinbreskinglandonaccountofsomuchrain.Garden-|making is here and th—to g out and trv it again.Tr.and Mrs.R.F.Bost have re-turned from a visit to their son-in- Sunday.Mr.J.A.yy eRaineinauguratofPresidentWilson.Mr,Absher al-80 his Messrs.Geo.Absher,while therealotof~~4 cs _ ere she| to earth,| folks are| chon,4),rs ‘been i &~~’tao =“i fellow was seized with a behindper,his contentedjvetion,his hue eyes wide withcitement.Then a train srolled|the yards and the man folded|newspaper.It was a pitiful thine to seePa |when his father broke the news toItotellkiafathergeedhyeaadamas|to te s father ve @*o back up town with the chauffeur,who was waiting for him.Big tearswelledintotheblueeyesandthejbabylipstrembledasthelittleboyunderstood.He had been laboringonderaterriblemistake;and now hemustgrobackhometohismotherlikeababyinsteadofseeingmoreof‘hig hichly entertaining world.A fewminuteslaterthelittlefellowa"seonsolate heap in a corner his|“ather’s ear,being whirled away. A Pound Pariy. te #The Landmard Statesville,R-4,March 12 —Mr.and Mrs,J.FE.Webb deliehtfully en-terteined about 23 of their friends“a pound party Saturday night,fd.The'guests were met and wel-med at the door by Mr.and Mrs.Webb,while “iss Marietta Murdock troduced in the parser. fate in the evening the guests vere asked to draw for partners at rrer 4 asing lots of fun,ashegirlscut 1.with their hats cot «drow the hats.each u on the rieht qirl'srond,Follow'n@ this all were invit- ed into the dining room,which waslebeautifulfortheoceasion,and1“real pound-party”supper was enad’‘ 8 Cause le of ollow A contest was guessing the num- ‘er of she'led peanuts in a bottle.‘ir.Jev Nantz was the winner.Hiswas3COandtheactualnum-her was 301.Music was furnished throughout the evening by MissGeorgiePhiferofPeachland,who iheguestofMissMenis. School Ertes.cinment Mourne Items. S85 Vit .*{%anditeares Mt.Morrne,March 18 the Mt.Moun was verycan looking girl.cake “Axing Her Father”was the playThereweresongsandaeakeofsoapfortheugliestman.The receipts were about $12.Mrs.Jo.Gudger,who lives nem Mt.Mourne,is net expected to liv: She has been ill for some time.MrWiison,an aged citizen,is also quit<ill.Mr.Bill Caldwell etuck a knife in his leg and it is giving him a great deal of trouble. Wheat is looking better now than itwis. e attended.soldThey aeMissWinniewon A Season of-Song. eopondence of The Lanomars Only about three months until thecountysinging.Spring is coming,the birds aresinging.Let us cheer up and getreadyforthecountysinging. E.O.SHAVER. Catawba sweet potato growers are shipping potatoes to Northernmarkets.at the rate of a car loadadayandrealizingabout$800 pe:ear. MARKET REPORTS. Mratesvilie Produce Market.foliowing prices were paid yesterdasonthelocalmarket.Turkeys,15-18e,per Ib.Chickens,I6¢.per tb.Roosters,Te.per th. Hires,Ife.to 20¢.per doren.Butter,22¢to 25e.per th. Beeswax,25c.per th.Green Hides (unsalted)18e.per Ib.Green Hides (salted)1c.per tb.Hams,t0c.to 22.fer th, Sides and Shoulders,16-18c.per Ib.New Red Honey,8c.to iZe.per ib,Sourwond Comb,18e.to 200,per Ib.Old Aute Rubber Casing,4c.per tb.Sweet »$1.00 per bushel. Grate 'he follow prices patd youte oavainonloon!mnrket-Wheat (new)82.00 ner bushel.Corn,$1.30 per bushel, Oats,Se.per bushel. The “teteavilie Cotten Warhe: On =,local market giterday 18 1-|per pound was paid for best gradeMarketunsettled,Cotton Seed,TSe.per bushel.Seed Cotton,jc.per th. 4 cents cents Codh myst accompens orderSETEeres FARMERS wanting to Ray Supeiies on timeeoeJ.W.AYERS &SON,south Center StTermsreasonable,©.16-20". ‘. tandineo|berwein to|Statesville, |WANTED—Towithblelet.Mareh 16-9 rea Wa Ses,few toot SomeF.."BORNE.Mar Yo.“i Joes ena,woo a i into,Sh Ex-Sheriff Berry ofBurke wasbyaruna-! ty and a cake wus voted the best | Monee of Vie soon forbrother,Mr,Tressie Waldén|with her sister, Perry of TaPerry's parents,Mr.Harrington,last week.Mr.Mrs.Marvin Bowles of Iredell ey’s.Miss NoraHiddeniteand-Mr.rom StonyMessrs.‘lL.ALackeywere im at Mr.H.Harmony sin last week.arpe’s one thrown from hiswayhorse,Sunday night,and severelyhurt., spentheweek-end with Mr.V.H.Lack-is homef t | |All of therich menyousee so cornfortable oe |Taxes have been due|,since December 1st.|The county needs themoneyandthecom-missioners say I mustcollectit.So,Mr.|Taxpayer,you willsavetroubletoyour-self and tome if youwillcallpromptlyand settle. MP APEX ANDER.SHERIFF. +eee ane tw {|j } +oe r h ef4ASN ¥ Red Blixs and Irish Cobbler Potate es, Balk see Beans,Fens, Sets,Eurly ( ¥ucn Onion ‘orn,BeetsCantaloupe,ete. as Come in or phone your }orders, |Phone 89, #44 —A play at } school Saturday night ; 27Stes? ‘i.ite We lry to Keep Everything in stock tomeetyourwants,Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. Call for Taxes when they Were younger that they|HAVEMONEYin the bank te startinto any kind of | business.So they started a bank account. You know therest.That bank account grew intoaFORTUNE.‘‘at It can be just the same with you.Theres’noluck|.about it. Put YOUR rnoney in OUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C. NT Examine . Our Jewelry ‘y> We are always pleased to have those who know when ° the “quallty is there”come in and examine our jewelry;for odthismeansthatwewillDQBUSINESSwiththemandtheirfriends.mish _To be up to date you should change the “style”of yourjewelryjustasyouchangethestyleofyourdress. We can reset your old precious stones and make of themadesignrightinfashion. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. ti “eer » Field and Garden Seed. We have a full variety of Woods’and Ferry’s garden and field seeds _for spring planting. Plenty of seed potatoes and corn. Sherrill&Reece. Had You Noticed] Our window display of Spray Pumps,Spray Nozzles,Pruning Lime and Sul- phur in stock.Now is the time to Knives and Saws? spray fruittrees.It is not neces- sary to wait for the farm demon- All that is neces- strator to come “C,WATKINS,how is it that, eotton.|you get your Flooring and Ceil- part of the lo- ‘ing from the Eastern the State and undersell \¢al manufacturers”? Some People Say:sary is a good pump,lime and sul- i phur,a man and a boy,or if not a boy,two men—one man with gray matter under his hat.With this equipment you can spray the trees. | “Weil,there are eight WAT- KINSES running !umber yards |similar to mine in North Caroli- ina and Virginia.We the freightheton finish-—_—LONG-FORESTS is less per 100.than it costs to haul joel SEE Lazenby-MontgomeryHardware Co, ad ME WHEN YOU NEEDJ Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Alsoto fix yourClockor Watch. nooo att OR ey ie nisilogay 4 od)# ystske rad‘H.B.WOODWARD |;; —itieaceiatli aef wih ig .write ; foes has ¢|te .Fees a=acheedld far March 30,‘creat the Biate’s nate!|ape ith withat entertainment.|’&esa ee \|“ea .Meas “aretaken |.—e Securities other than 8.Af os ‘la Farmington ated Davie “eS Sr eat Rem 3 dnotinclu pte ae:ae:cenaiiene inne i edunty,Kermitt,38-year-old son of|noar the seacoast,the inhabitants »ohnson,shad iank rag tianaedtivedebeSparks,was kick-ae to intermittent fevers,which g5 by the muyor Twesdaycor beni cs Pi=or 60 Ti rnadoesedinthestomachandinstantlykill-|ofen prove fagal,2 >ee oa le —own tek =Tyee (if “‘wpen-oO “ed by a colt,}ous symptoms preva ese fe ouis Torrence ga ond “ct a The Central hotel,long Charlotte's poor lees dangerous to the natives Wednesday and was.released {|tocetnens,aa due from ai Devastate 10,000 Homes in Light States leading hostelry,was diseontinued who are temperate.They bring on jail,He is under bond for |”approvedreserve ements recently and is now being dismant-other disorders,which greatly im-.=SR ~|in New York,Chicago,Suchisthe t led It was for a generation a pop-/pair the natural.vigor of the mind,NONO INDIG ESTION,GAS,|ean ee 26,221.31 ular stopping place.debil itate e CoTtne countena a.STOMACH MISERY 1 eoved Rengrve mex damage done by tornadoes.i "4 -snoir nate in deat e countenances o 1 other rewey jes .20,680.21 52 yi >}Labor troubles are on at Lenoir nate |during these 6 «ReAS-rive MINUTES!Net amonst Gee fom |baat and Youdon’t know when thei}heeause of the organization of a In-the inhabitants,es ;'wna.have ge Hy a pe yellowish |bamtern (other than ineluded in ‘ber union.Managers of the jndus-ona,have general EE gonads of “Pape's Dinnepsin”Fer fame,0°.7a0A.g8|tornado may strike your promptly.Buy a Hartfordvianteadischareedemployesmet,occa ::t checks on banks in the samea’-i the -ilious es .>ve ry Acid Stomach,Heartburn,°ity ar pa as reporting bank ..1,621.04!property,butyoudo know TornadoPolicy today.Itisrae.::of a m ane reshness ©.2 (s side cheeke and other |‘”ee MaodhowsofeeerathernStates.it Dyapepein nalde 6 vee TMG |the“Old Flartford”protects thenearestthingtocomfort in Ch sh gee has heen observed that more of th Time it!In five mimutes mp cial curreney,0ote ist.73 gaat ||@Fainst all loss.For overa when a Tornado Strikes.)ther af Y »wh ints,of the mon especially,die sour,acid stomach feoks fine,©Notes af other nations!banks .....1,260.00thewnter.by ple itixies —indigestion,hearer”nn Peal.rel reserve note oo:wees _HARTFORD HAIL INSURANCE POLICY. .than furing of gas,or eructations baat by bitfous complaints.food,no «vizziness,Lloating,foul!ee due from Federal ee 2,199.08 ,. are brought on by breath or |dache.tR a motion fumed wiith U..1F —T|Y pe hand =7 hs Ave &hailstorm,buthailstorms eqme by mprudent rapes Di:pepsin is noted for its,orr and due from U,8..to others and they may come to you.Be on need ir veeteninge Up et stomachs.'::»000,side,It costs so little and adds 80 much to our fluxes are [t is the rest,quickest and goat \02,907.lt chil iren.ae mock antacid in ‘he ries.|nina Policy of een.Las us exp!ain the HartfordSeman,Se es ee ee ee #190.00e-eu ||Policyand about the Hartford Fire Insurance Compan »North Carolina.Millions of men nnd wamen jee [divided protien...1,080.4 PEOPLE'S LOAN AND SAVINGS “BAN,os curvy in the t vheir favecite foods without fear tercet,and taxes are common.The —-thev know Hape’s Dianepasin will a eer tees:be ea :‘1 :latin otes outstanding 100,606.00|SS ee eepartsoftheStatearegavethemfiomsuchmisery.Doe .i 5 :sunt due to banks andheairther®is serene a Please,for vour sake,get a large ah ae other “than ineluged tn:th hab Cer of fape’s Diapensiy or 30)+9,888.17 “Vv 7wchichCHIHOL|Pear ans ie store and put your §)Weods unpaid ie Au o0 ot UK!nl :ary :ce v7 |deposits subject to check.219,477.56 am}flat stomach ri:t kee p on being ere ty odin .—:488 a of a ..ears past }fe is »short-—-you are dem :miserable deposits, URE eee wh eee hecome yor here i yoo minke your stay r ,54,85,86,87.88,fe,}ee saeneuene: of oun)‘what vou like and 219,965.76 = { ;;‘ca of deposit .59,348.43r:ad of aeid fer-time dicicu aa ceee ee $80,408.7 committee }ita n h tomach,of time deposits, Pape's Mapepoin belongs in your te and 4 149,842.10ome,anvwat houtd one of —the ily eat something which don’t .My rediscounte,ineluding»with them,or in case of an at-th Pederal Reserve bamk,47,500.00 of indigestion,vspepe ia,gas-f North ©wrolina,County ef Tredeli,= itis er stem deranzement at ‘nusiey,Cashier of Whe,aboveaeeeainicht,it 7 i bank,deo ‘solemnly Swear that the fayvtime or duri t jnienat,&18 taiemcont is trae te the beet of my handy to give the vest,surest iolve and belief.D.M.AUSLEY, .A,vids adkKin,relief known.Cashier Deep,5i);Neuse,:ye Smuithtield,50;“Sobseribed and eworn to before me,this ‘ae 40:Roanoke,30:Dan,dl).REPORT OF CONDITION eeevar,40;Roanoke,30;Da !ye JH.HOFFMANN, In Heng $602,307.90 i ;in T Attest tary PublicBoozePlentifulintheYadkinTheMerchantsardFormers’Bank te ee Country ut Statesville,in the State of North W.D.TURNER, !7 Carolina,at the Closc af Business,a B.MORKISON,a Mareh Sth,1914 .:Directors oe a,KEPORT OF THE CONDITION ,of the .‘ People’s Laan and Savings Bank,at 3 é :4/7 Statesville,in the State of North ,.f 3c ¥N Vv 4 arohna,at the Close of Busine.«tech oth,1917,“38 8}iKESOURCTSBt.: aireof which.were for 8 ong me i from a aaah tate by vite oY |ms |rh Be N] (aaa eee ee aie Pr,accord a er ma.':198.3 F ;if A vey Eugene H are:<a Gh i,:ie fad )‘'$25,836.Beats ener ee ya G prominent young mon of aviulsor a :t sar e ‘1 }ten \\‘¥ i .died Tuesday Ae ,hs kod wuard o ‘;a fudling we 2 S help ¢his brothe:!ne y cat by :,\tite ther }: s ran vefore,a eit spperd,i .ae :.a tlur ‘‘t yet 2Saturdaybefore,w bel oo bitch.4 son at a Hu ‘Of Coats and Coat&Suits that are.attractive in price,saw broke and x jannthor hey nan at a a).ae ;:° young man in the head,ting fa-yy)id aore al i ee oe:LIAMLUPLES vit ned wit!t\le and workmans hip.All the ew ae ris as .Peopics of pear Forbush,who hau :Hoe Sra ea caR Radar coiors,Coatst £5.00 to 815,00,Suits,$10.00 to $25.00.re fine of SO0 imposed Y eek th .f .y for th oth ;divide .baw A.Price of Hickory foi Ippinyg ratood nt }'tof me ene Let us shox yé , with Attorney Mike White n the '}1h tke ;,:ales eGlen ie ::2 . Hickory corder’yurt,When t ‘:.no 'ae i «’&()§S rO Nlawyerhedarguedieurttlro}7 .,1 :/h Dr Price was a “lo :ee,hiceton rerentls nt Dy cee m ewe ~%*areer oceanrma was remitted;and A eee he ching moe niger aneeaea Price may sue the lawyer r GaM-4.clare of 22500 ac ven ave for aasnu 'n ee ae eee eee eee ere Private W B.co an Ser-REPORT Of THE CONDITION geant Herry Ingram +di:of the ed Staves arm)sy office in First:National Bank,at Statesville Gastonia Saturday HOUL in the State ef North Carolia.at zrowd of would-be solders gathered the Close af Business March Stharoundtoobstruct‘dewa 1917. The chief «pe nt e RESOURCES,‘ or By charge of ¢Y t ihe s 1 't }walk.He first le clearing that heti 7art{ea ati ees ee |PORE Tl RUGS §SW;NGS AND RO!KER’.vears,died Maret i home ee pene CaaSape ert ee vere her dauchte:{LE A OECEN ot taerdbiids aie - near Mill Cres ‘Wort ::a . i itrde we kx nee he ‘eek J ,[hat make your hom omforti wb le :at tracti : stroke of para t up te th: time beast rf ,it ta it :Z Be Ge (ie »bag Ws the distinct ‘‘4malepersontoGointhe."Method ch ay en PORCH ~we PORCHEpiscopalChu So ere coe ee is LL A eTST in point in the price of Furni-Se ie frame due nt |RUGS,(Pw SWINGS,ey ies ae fon only, ROCKERS,*":+COUCHES, w SHADES.-‘HATIMUCKS. m ’ |Our big stock to sefous from will enable vou to | buy PORCH tURS 7,URE that best suits toct and requirements. Crawford Bunch furniture Company.r ql da Vat run me :.VvsW ‘y aS “Arti ing Daily. ‘The Store That Aiways Welcomes You ee ee <TR wonmenaennE Ow ee en oe mupe ene mec ent em oe =*Our '\Coits and Coats,All the Thk MOST \TIAN |aicst shades,:{ICES suit ev ry bod .{THE MOST F*“SITE PREPARATION ae no aan oe _Hed tLNOWNwnTHESKIINisCurYor,siirt Vaists aie unexce e : sb R ai,LO style or quality,Silk and Crepe de Chine, “n .T :"‘:|al |¥90)Or ’$1.93 to $3.98,all shades. ee NST &,H ALL s Gl 'CERINE LO rian Let us show you our new Spring pees ened sete oetae ee Oe iat cume—Goods.We have the new Persian _wayto ctw caturshaldenies,nnd that is by |pty,‘ecm and all the colors.Tub Silk 25¢ aan a ho Bees thn en ian 4 8 CHAPPED fl ANDS,IRRITATED SKIN vard,colors Black,Gray,Blue,yon aoiat gan have 5rombtinn |ores,at oe ee Lavender and Gold Siripes.See our eaten!Ie he serait 0 oe \ND——-new Slippers,Will take pleasure in having~~fevered wnaioreaeate iin at els eer mol BRCBLLENT FOR USS APTER SHAVING,=|yon WR Ceough coeSfinsvousturfoces.“Hall —i |25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT |Respectfally, &through =bleed om iheBasisnan,+S)BALL'S DRUG STORE,Cure,Cirewlem a me ‘&a*’Wirect ‘ 400,tm,0 \RUILDING?CW $s. a |will keep yourtoanyentirefamilyfineformonths.|a50cent bottle of Give it to your ¢«.It is harmTaspoon-less;doesn't gripe and they like its| if it doesn’t straight-.plentans taste.:ieee Sterling Silverware! Wehavea large lot of Sterling Silver in several pat-terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks,Oyster Forks,Cold Meat Forks,Ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks:TeaSpoons,Table Spoons,Dessert Spoons,ice Tea SpoonsJellySpoons,Olive Spoons,Soup Spoons and almost all the spoons and forks you want.Like every thing else they are high but our priceis cas low as any oneaccordingtoquality.We handle the Gorham goods. R.H.RICKERT &SON. CANDY---Ice Cooled |t Assorted to suit everybody’s palate. Norris’,Liggetts and Fuerst &Kraemar, Chocolaies and Bon-Bons,Fruits and Nuts. Assoried Nuts,Assorted Chocolates. ‘In Halves,One,Two and Three Pounds. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y TheOftheverylatestpatternsinBedRoomSuits. most complete and largest spring lines we have ever shown,at prices within reach of all.Remember we are always glad to show you whether you buy or not. WE are headquarters for the odorless Refrigerators. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘‘The Favorite Store.” Commercial National Bank _OF STATESVILLE,N.©. Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00SurplusandProfits31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent hank- ing methods, Four percent.paidon time andSavingsDepositsremainingondepositthree -|000,000 worth b can have fresh 5 volunteer to coach yo this oi: ‘ordinary expenditures ° | { | 060 children in schoo!in oy yetry,and that about 3,000,ofthesechildrenareintowns_eit-ies.He has ated that thechildreninthecitiesandtewn could be interested in back lot gar-that something likeofvogetables couldbeproducedinthiscountryinasin-gle season.Dr.Claxton says the chil-dren not only would be serving thenationina_patriotic and economicway,but feng would be learfing some valuable lessons in plant growing,in sanitation and health-givingexercise,and in wholesome employ- ment. There are in Statesville many hun- dreds of aeres of land lying idle.aswellassomethinglike1,000 childrenwhohavelittleornothingtodoforseveralmonthsduringtheerowingseasonoftheyear.The business men of the tewn cannot give muchoftheirtimetogardéning;the col-ored labor is either employed or tootriflingtobebotheredwith.Why notmakeanefforttoturnthelaborofthechiidrentogoodaccount?Theeostoflivingcontinuestosoarhigherandhigher,and there is lit-tle prospect of any material change. The Great War is likely to run rough snother season,and in allprokab'lity the United States will heeome involved.Ht not -only be-comes us as a nation of farmers todoailwecanto‘produce all the food and feedsivf we car.but it is ourpatriotiedutyandourprivilegétocoealltheenerevywecanevenin the towns and cities to relieve thepressureinthedemandforfood.Children like to work when they dening b are wetting pay for it.If the parents will par tables the children for the veve-they row,the housewives veretables on their every day in the year,and th hildren will make eneugh money to vtart a bank—almost.What is to lor starting the children to vegetables this season? ‘ould we not expect a few ladies to the children in work’[t would be goed forthemandgoodforthechildren.For vv part,|would be glad to meet vith the Civie League and any vol- leses hi rrowing {X unteer ladies who would agree + at iy»this work.Our county agent,Mr.G.©.Dull.would he gladoassistinthiswork,and Miss Ce ieste Henke!would lend her serviecijtetheechidren,or to the adults whe would undertake the coaching wert::would be best to organize thBchildreningroupsorclassesfo.this work, If the Civie Leagrue,or other Ir- dies,are interested in this mati-r,i weuld ve gled to have them wriie me,and if they ee#re to co so,|shal he elied te meet them and dise iss| thia matter.J feel that this is not: orly a duty we owe our children,but »patriotic duty we owe the country in this time of sore trea: E.8.MILLS.AFS.District Ac is 0eee Ree)EDoo Southern Helps the ¢arvlina and Northwestern. At a meeting of the boar.’ er 3 1 ports that Larkin Coffeyand wifeandRobt.Hayesandwife,of the must woe tales ae oheeerteox|ona cues eameeonswerchangesofandthatdothtueosallfourweretocourt,Larkin SPPe8t you of 8.&.&Coffey sent to jail for foilure procuring a bottle of 8.-to give in the sum of $500.)Tih Gast wanin,<hhwen Se Sates,Se|Guasie Ba is to be tried on!ggveredover fifty years ago,willwash Building,Adanta,Gathessine_charge ‘April 7th.;ee —-a : !Pi oe .itself,trials for nll ‘ae=ceeeres==|Are You One Of The 99.the 3 is ev of a serious :state a affnivs in Wilkes county:re Ou he“tt is learned from Mayor Spain- hower that he issued warrants for these parties May 6th,1916,turnedthemovertecountyauthorities.bu:failed to get them served until Fri-day,wher he went to the solicitorandtoldhimofaletterreceivedfromapartyintheFairpiainscom-| munity stating they could not hold)religious service or Sunday =schoolattheirchurehwithoutbeing dis- turbed.The solieiter ordered new)warrants with instructions that un-less they were served in 36 hours’there would be a flew set of officers!to serve papers in Wilkes county,and in less than 24 hours the par-|ties were brought to justice.” There have been reports thai lo-eal officers in Wilkes were very lax) in enforcing the ,prehibition laws,| and the above statement is evidencethatthereportswerenotwithout foundation.It is a serious situation end is the strongest sort of evidenceoftheneedoftheousierlawintro-‘uced in the Legislature and cham-!rioned by Representative Grier of|iredell,but which failed td pags.{ |fredell Man at Monvoe. oe Journal. Mr.M.Waller has sold his stock cruceries to Mr.John English, has now assumed charge.Mr.and Mrs.Waller,who are thorongh- ly familiar with the grocery trade|in Monroe,will remain with Mr.!clish for the present.Mr.Waller)ame from Iredell county to Mon-!row,and opened his grocery store| :onT ‘ who about 23 years ago.BSincee that time he has played an important part in, beth commercial and social activ!of the town,No better or more|honest man lives than “Mose Wall-|er,”and everybody knows it.Mr.) and Mrs.Waller will not move toCharlotte,at least for the present,| as has been reported.Their son, Dr.Durwood Wallar,is located in,Charlotte and they may at soine fu-|ture date decide to go there and live) with hiv.| WONDERFUL STUFF: LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS Apply a Few Drops,Then Lift Corns or Calluses Off With Fingers—No Pain. No,Any corn,whether harl,seft or between the toes,will leosen right up and lift out,without a particle of pain or soreness. This drug is catled freezone and is a compound of ether discovered by aCinevinetiman, Ack at any drug store for a sraa!l humbug"! ibotile of freezone,which will cos)but 2 irifle,but is sufficient to rid one’s feet of every corn or eallur.Pat a ‘ew drops directly upon any tender,aching corn or callus.I- stantly the soreness disappears end short'y the corn or callus will loosen rectors of the Carolina @ Nort.@md can he lifted off with the finge western Railwav Company,at Ches-!,is drugs hereon doesn cat ooter,8.C.,Tuesday,H.Wo Miter{the corr:or calluses,but shrivelwaselectedvicepresident.Mr.Mile fem without even ir iating the su:ler is vice president o!Fy CON ne in ":Railway Company.Just think!No PAIN G.Aly No fovc-It has boon reported several times UESS ©Smarking waen applyins it arrecentlythettheSovthernid|Afborworas.M{your GrUgEIs.s con" take over the Carolina and North have freczone have him order it for western,tho rord from Chester,S.)?O4 ee a€,,to Edgemont,Caldwell county Mr.Miller denies that such is thecase.He says that the Carolina and Norihwestern,being unable tain funds to take care of the extra madesarvbyreasonofthedamage done by the floods in July,1916,anp !to the Sovthern Railway Company to come to its aid.By reason of the fact that the Southern Railway (Co. is now so large a creditor,it was suggested that one of its officers should be connected with the Caro- lina and Northwestern for the pur pose of giving aid and advice in the neces aie rehabilitation and operation of the roperty.This was agreed to end, Mr.Miller says he was made vice president of the company for that reason;that the Southern is not a stockholder of the Caratina and Northwestern and his election doesnotmeantheSouthernistakingovertheproperty.It might be added,however,thatthesituationmeans-—-probab'y —that the Southern will control theCarolinaandNorthwesternascom- pletely as if it owned it. Big Jump in Food Prices. +Retail food ices in the UnitedStatesadvan19percent.in theyearendingJanuary15,as shown inStatisticspreparedbytheFederalBureauofLaborStatistics.The in-crease was greater than for the)three years previous coMbined.Thefouryears’gain was 30 per cert.Every food staple except coffee andteaadvancedduringtheyear.On-ions and toes led with increasesofmorethan50percent.Some oftheadvanceswere:Sirloin,7 per cent.;round steak,'8 per cent.;pork chops,10 per cent.;bacon,8 per cent.;ham,4 per cent.;,lard,22 per cent.;hens,16 per cent.;|cent.;butter,18 per) ;ey cent.;milk,11 ip cent.;3 cent.;flour,||38 per cent.;corn meal,23 per cent.;)|potatoes,57 per cent.;onions,58|per cent.;sugar,86 porcont.|Van LindleyCo, HYOMEPMN?BB -O-KEE)ENDS CATARR,ASTHILA achitis,Croup,Coughs anc Col %,oF ‘money back.Sold and giarsiced by Statesville Drug Company. Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they )should be wanted. Pa GyreCa The following table sho 7s the number of bankdepositorsoutofeveryonethousandpopulat-ioa in the countries as listed below: 846 Germany 317.554.England 302. 27).Denmark 442.JapanNorway-Sweeden 409.lialy 220,US 99.Holland 225. Are We the SPENDTHRIFTS of the Country? This Bank offers every inducement to help,andencouragePeopletosave.If you are not already one of our customers,we invite you to come in and open an account any time. Fraiace Switzerland Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C.. “The Bank For Your Savings.” ee ne enema SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO.| AGENTS FOR THE GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY — ——-MAKERS OF-—- The Famous Needle Modeled Clothes. Let us measure you for that EASTER SUIT, FIT,WORKMANSHIP and QUALITY guaranteed. Suits $18.50 to $42.50. PHONE 838. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO, CHOCO OHO IO1 ee OCR CHG14 OO OH CHOROROND 1S CHCBOHORS The Best Investment.§ Join in the movement to make Statesville a Bigger and Better Towa by investingintheBuildingandLoanAssociationsof Statesville, Mr.Keesler has shown you that it is a good investment for yourself and at th:same tim:helps your neighbor and the city as a whole, The First Building and Loan Association opened its last series February 3,1917. You can still get stock in this series.The best investment you can make is to secure sone of this stock. There was paid off Saturday $20,000 in Matured stock,$19,500 in cancelled in- Sa h a t an e ! OD PP A SA R LSI L I , PL E S PR E RI S SS e ) 3 debiedness and $9,500 paid in cash. 4 The First Building &Loan Association.:H.V.FURCHES,Secretary.: ascot lecretstien ane anita —-OOOO COORDS OOOO OIC THE STATESVILLE JREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY | Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfrrendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD,Our office is an open one,and we invite all our customers and those who will become customerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathasforthisCompanythewill andconfoverseventeenpatrons, We will be to have atforanyreileeation,orSdlepheneNo.St if our MUTUAL eeCe :sctugiuea ©tos ta ueces Gaeiee and give yous erage.tatmakes for rapidadvancement,on its STATESVILLE’SSTRONGEST HOPE of Let'sget togetherright off and tall ill thon we'll bo oonily fortheBIGOPENING,APAIL 7th.BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,W.E.Webb,Sec'y. TH”|LANDMAR K AY,---March 16,»tani.r. MARRY IN PHILADELPHIA. ie Man to Take a—Moves —Taylors- ville News. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,March 15.—The fol lowing invitations have been received here:Mr.and Mrs.Victor Joseph Mulford request the honor of your ce at the marriage of then eubaer.Derothy,to the Rev.Edgar Eugene White,Saturday evening,th 9tet of March,at 6.30 o'clock,Second Baptist church.Germantown,Philadelphia.Reception immediately af the ceremony at the home of Mr.anc Mrs.Spencer K.Muilford,Wyncote Pa.”Mr.White is a son of Rev. J.A.White of Tayvlo and tor of the Tenth Avenue Baptistehurch,Philadelphia.He spe hisboyhooddayshereandhasrelative and a host of friends in town and county who will be interested in his approaching marriave and will wishhimandhisbridemuchhappiness. Dr.A.M.Edwards accompanied Mr and Mrs.Edw.Davidson,of Little River township,to Dr.Long’s Sana- torium,Statesville,Tuesday morniny where Mrs.Davidson underwent ar operation for appendicitis.Her con-dition is favorable for a quick recov- ery. There will be an old-time spelling match at the court house Friday eve- ning at 7.30 o'clock for the benefit oftheschool.The will spel! against the gertiemen.Small -ad- mission charge. Mr.and Mrs C.Jenkins moved terday to Sheriff R.A.Adams’ use,near the school building.Mrs.O.W.Mackie and children have mov-ed here from Charlotte and are occu-pying Mr.J.P.Echerd’s house,for-wre Mr t i MFandars,sravilleisPas- s RGIS 7ov.€ J the Col.Flowers house..Bobbitt and family arrived Wednesday from Wilkes county andwillmaketheirhomehere.Mr.Bob-bitt has bought Mr.and Mrs.&.L.Hedrick’s property in the eastern partoftownandwilloccupythatresidence.| Mrs.H.D.Lindsay will go to Char- lotte today to have her throat oper ated on.Lawyer J.H.Burke at- tending court at Wilkesboro this week Deputy Collector bk.L.Hedrick jspendingafewweeksherewithhis family.Mr.Hedrick has been unwellforawhileandhascomehometore-{¢ c r c be}18 cuperate.lby Rev. Installed—Dredg-©Mr.Cathey ing —Road Work. Corresvonaence of TheStatesville,R-2,March 11 —Rev.SL.Cathey was installed pastor of Clio ehurch Sunday,Marca Il.by a com mission composed TWalkerofBarium.a Moore of Taylorsville :Rk.H Rickert of Stat Mr,Walker preached tion ser- mon,Dr.Moore« to the pastor and Mr ed the charge to thMissesAdamsandCompton,of the faculty of } were at Clio Sunday visitors were Mr Bailey and Mr.WPoint. Mr.Lewis Steve: visiting his daughter, Miss Annie King,wnoschoolinStatesville, and Sunday with her parenis, Mrs.H.S.King Mrs.H.L.Morrison,whoaslightstrokeofpavalymonthsago,is able to be up ay The work of dredging Littleereekisprogressing] dredge is now at work oMr.T.A.Summers Ford road.Snow section of the South also be dredyved this sumim: It is hoped that work started by the county comminrepairingtheroads.¢ tiens of cur ronds are shape,owing to the fashadedbytim! Report of Visiting Nursc. Reported for The Tar The February Jones,the visiting tal of 145 visits made month—140 to white andoredpatientSevent these were ng \ white and five colored pat also mack weivhing visitsafdgaveinstructionto20moghers 15 white.five red:alco refer.| fed three banies to physicians.There| Was a total of 3°paiients—28 white and five colored Only one death (white)during the month.Bedding Was supplied when needed and pub- Hic health literature was distributed, Mrs.Jones spent four nights withpatients;attended one operation and @ave four treatment.A cleaning-up campaign hasstartedintheStatesvillemi!! tion and there has been a decidedimprovementandmoreinterest manifested*in south Statesville than time before.Mrs.Jones wants =are large enough to swat atojointheanti-fly league.Marcinilaretheimportantmonthstheflies,thereby savingfromsicknessand Lancome re Rev. Dr. 4 WwW ] t I the lelive feline javium Arnt .M.Acar vMirs 1 sper IRC ay 1 R Hill attending fay i t Satur Mr.and cuffered Sirs n :. the | near the creel and a Yadkin rive ilt will soon he sioners ertain se¢ bad artthatees‘ro ‘ imar?M: a to report nurse,wive during the of to eight.»’ts gir to (ents.| ecole been Sie Proven Cron. ite subject to attack fme=fhe ents a light‘coeninn 9 ‘ beowmes hearse Special Correspor chamber of commerce,hela a well-at- The manent he ard, cerning A Several!minor matters were discuss-|\ b James Steele. Mr.J, ing, ter the busine luncheon Tuesday and This club is the oldest and the havng been an for Mooresville here Mo State, able Sunday “d for the elders and deacons’conferr- will be held here P che large will be morning. TurnerMr. 4 and Mrs. We ofv Spring: charve a ve to col-!' vary DEACONS|A COMMUNITY BUILDING,: =Will Have Conference at |Civie League Purchases Prop- Mooresville —Chamber of erty For That Purpose Commerce in Session—Child Clean-up Campaign —ThriftDead.Gardens,Etc. Reported for The Landmark The regular meeting of the Civie Learue was held Tucsday afternoon, and the members have teken hold of the work with renewed interest.Por some time the |cayue has contem- jolated ownine Community Build. ing,and a commiite:has heen invea. tivatiny desiral!property for thie nurpvose.The men have finallyidedtopurchasethehouseand ot on north Center street.newt te he present Rest Room,from Mrs,R, Nooe.The League feels that this Mr.J.L.Donald,president,a big waderks ing,bot alse reg). absent on gecount of illness.Af-|'2°%What a Comm ety,Building ‘8 meeting a delicious|a .wn.pd hopes thet Sayserved-by several |Public ch won t In ev.:erv po le wey Rest 1m met |Will bem as suitable HL.<improves »made and the Civic League has ht dreams of a hondsome Communits Building on this of in the future the town The chaifman of the health andintheState,|S#2itation commit reported thatorganization|4"8¢tive Clean-Up campaign wouldbeginApril1.One thousand eirey. lars will be_distributed.urging theitizenstoMakeStatesvilleacleanjandhealthytownthummer.Nowthetimetoridoftheflies, committee .ted the rail- Mr.M.A.Christy of Amity pass-tation and found the waiting,:nel in an imsanitary condition.It‘d through here the first of the week |Be,his way to the eastern part of the |“8%re orted that stationary wash where he is doing a consider-|\'0S "eon to be pli iced in”the|and the unsightly and ipsanitarylumberbusiness.where th ld vereAttheFirstPresbyterianearch|PRETE DENG (O07 LUE)WERE CNR:tied will be abolished. and nornin alans were propos 're .?f |For the sake of isee_hip,which;heauty of the town,and 10th,|VAN IOUS to utili a ust prior to the rvectin g of the|Ry turning these eae resbytery,which will be held in|<irdens,”many cities in the nit Second Presbyierian church,Aj)‘ates have been able to getdelegation|expected i|the nuisance of weests, entertained by the First}Tecuce the high cost of Ii:Rev.H.F.Williams,ficld|('tizen who has a vacant lot ecretary of the Southern Presbyte-|ing that it shoulMt he Church,will conduct the servi-|at not! es at the First church next Sunday Se eee BigValues Alwa;stheBiggestNeedNoBigTalk.Values. Exceptional Values,$10.00,$12.50,$15.00,ae.50,$18.ot et822.50,$252500. Novelties in Spring Dresses,lead them all in style,in quality,in beauty,in value.- COATS. Prices range $4.95 to $15.00.Coats for generalwear.Coats for dress wear.Coats for sport wear.Coats for all functions. NEW WAISTS. In Georgette Crepe,Crepe de Chine,Silk and Organdy.Colors,Flesh,White,Rose,Gold and Striped.Price 98e,to $5.00. HAVE YOU BOUGHT THAT EASTER DRESS? SILKS!SILKS! We have had unusual!sales in this line,why? We have the Silks,and at the right prices. Silks for Evening Dresses.Silks for Afternoon Dresses,Silks for Sport Skirts.Silks for Waists. Buy a Silk Dress from us and save money. Georgette Crepe,Crepe de Chine and Chiffon. We are showing a most beautifui line in all the new shades.Investigate and get prices. FOR EASTER. This season’s patterns are positively irresistible— they must be seen to be appreciated. oeaniathaaticeae ae ae ELDERS AND Always the Newest Styles. Johnsto t lence of The Landmark. Mooresville,March 15 The meeting Tuesday evening. report of the committee on per- street improvement was! and a second propostion gon- the probable location of a| mill here was cohsidered.| ended tti ng !and ene ouraging talks were made Dr.Cooke,Dr.Chester and Mr! The vice president,a P.Mills,presided at the meet-be-|.* ! y nrerwas ladies. Stratford Book afternoon with and spent the time profitably in)study of Milton’s “Paradise )oo Theoun; The veq astseanclub Mrs.3S. pleasantly| and discus- Lost.” Tay on in tes oldest active third 25 years. Mt.Ulla”High second Tuesday evening, “wr in a score of esville’s favor. school basketball the vame 29 to playedir team | rr "is This "ad room tin 31 oe ft1 Why not let us fit a pair of Do- rothy’s to your feet. We know just how pleased you will be with both appearance and comfort. lac the the health .Tl eneveneeonChristianstLeague April the’ -rid of and help teing.Any is alis i and used for Mra.T.&, These places can be used nting veweta’and flowers Elma!®!1d made much more attractive thanjacropofhighwewhichis@ menace to the héalth of the town. rt hoirman park andommitteereportedthe it the par}Shrubs ind the plac >is harch :wit} this purpos anan| pio ies lic |spen and Mrs Sleeka Neill here. Emmet, Mr:Boyd and Mrs.Tuesday in Charlotte. E.R.Holder and Miss are Visit retatis s. t he ¢the si, j pote Vert Mr.i |. died |have been ae "dj being ned up generally.. he and mea mmittee is ‘The Mock Court Trial,” he given next Tuesday for fF the Civic League. \rt committee reportedMissRode,special rep f the Southern railway and grad! and,if TeaUclhes Miss Sratesy bree year-old son of M.Holtshouser, dnesday evening of measle t nia.The funeral was from the residence Thursday|*! Mr.Frve of Mocksvilie v play isted by Rev.W.A.Wilco outhside Baptist church Ruth,the young dauvhter vd Mrs Geo.Hawn,is seri )and pneumonia. Ties Le N.Hall of |the Co New Berne committee py Woodmen there Hall will stop ove to VN t his dau ois and Beatri,.:‘ Ww a s ¢ lucted ; as-|* the}|nee of 1 r ss ee evasly.i You cannot help noticing the exquisite material, the dainty’de i,zns and the perfect workmanship.V8m les Cc rs if mo a th the ome Mr WATCH THiS SPACE CLOSELY—IT WILL PAY YOU. newest things out and SELL THEM FOR LE&S.= vores ana co-operate We give you the —elif PLONE ~K G BARKOOTS WORLD’S GREATEST SHOWSSPRINGCARNIVAL WEEK OF MARCH,19-24. 1S SHOWS 15 3 RIDES 4 2 FREE ACTS 2 2 CONCERT BANDS 2. FIREWORKS DISPLAYED EVERY EVENING. GROUNDS AT KINCAID LOT. “Dont Have Caiar}== as One efficient way to remo.»nasal catarrhis to treat its caus which in most cases is physicalweakness.The system needs—oil and easily digestedaggfood,anded shouldtebeaspoonfulSCOIT'SEMULSIO after each meal to enrichyourbloodandhelphealthesensi-tive membranes with its pure2oil-food properties. The results of this Scott’sEmalsiontreatmentwill surprise post have usedirritatingsnuffsandvapors.~,Getthe Genuine SCOTT'S MORTGAGE SALEOF LAND. KE of the powers contaed,executed by J.M ands signed,[will he hichest bidder for ise door in Statesville,N MONDAY,APRIL 8,191 f nom,the fotlowit Tee Guarantee label on in the city of St nibed1anfollows,to-witigatoastake,Bost’)corner the FE PART f Center street:thence with t about 2600 feet to in the edee of the Company's right of way va insures the quality of the paint.Thepaintinsuresyourpropertyagainstdeeny.Don't you need insurance ofthiskind? ather of Siat i! Themas You the Southerr Huntersvillethehae a of rNt od abafor me eaeeeaeaVIRT! REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Those desiring to sell farms,timbered lands, suburban,city property,cotton mill and bank stocks are requested to call or write us.We are constantly in touch with the market buy- ing oot =nsurance that insures,in ident and Health Employers Lia- reekfee mobile Companies.liepoliciesthat are eaet by few (if any) Full yometiedternsfurnished upon request. ERNEST G.GAITHER,Statesville,N.C.MBhone 23.nino mn carat Talent. preset Alfred‘ Rebin Kings.”Th fifty speaki nerry peasants soldiers and torically costum- the college pub- vhich this information is Home will tage ood Plays By t vill ep the campt ma the St May voves dt oil t oan ie :iy e Thre+ or corner Southern therHoodandntirthe{with the Soutnerny Railwayfis teward with his lot 200 thence seuthward with the bewinatn«A,COOPER,Guardian,et vughlin,Atty.Mortwagee1947. y,MO foety hes ies,rete rtiers will | «says Maore lication from obtained The children of the Schoo!will a home talentrive Alice in Wonderland: When to Take Chamberiain’s Tablets, When you feel dull and stepid efter ealing.When constipated of billows,When you have o sick headache. When you have «sour «tomach,Wher you belch after eating.When vou have indigestien, When nervous or despondent, ue yeu heave no relwh for your meals.hen poor fiver t terpid,SeesintaeSeger BUILDING? €farrveparts, mercen ut street feet tonitreet Rr c 1 t,B.Me! March 9 \GOOD ROADS, Good Tires are“he pleasure—ride, Let us repair the Tires that will| give you this pleasure!VULCANIZING. Statesvisr Pub- the near future | |ae _VULCANIZING _._Court Btreet,We sell Miller Tire and Tubes! reproduction of ;iy aS A FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,Statenville,W.© hic n of C.WATKINS. amt al It is:admitted in Washington that |®state of war exists with Germany._Active preparations are being made |for actual hostilities and the Presi- 7 er is expected to issue a proclama- 4 With the announcement of the wanton destruction of three unarm- ed American merchant ships:by Ger-man submarines,it is unofficiallystatedinWashingtonthatastateofwarexistsbetweentheUnitedStatesandGermany.Technically theUnitedStatesremainsinapositionofarmedneutrality.The news comes from London ofsinkingofthreeAmericanmer-steamers by German subma-tines—the city of Memphis,Vigi-lancia and Illinois.Fourteen ,menfromtheVigilanciaandsomefromthe=<Memphis reported miss-ing.landed saf erew of the Illinois was “The Vigilancia was torpedoedwithoutwarning.The submarinedidnotappear.The captain,firstandsecondmates,first,second andthirdengineersand23menoftheerewwerelandedattheScillyIs!-ands.The fourth engineer and 13“men are missing. ::nia tension was relieved Suturday after Mr.Jas.Dry,a young white man,|T.Weatherman,the association’s at-.e American steamship City of|Suturday r .das y,a young i ‘»thecanaleftCardiff,Wales,Frij-|neon when it was announced that it/2 native,of Iredell,was arrested late[terncey.and possibly others will enone —.H.McNeill ofany7yasvedirsTuesdayrht,ri ke rie ‘ke t a .eedayinballastforNewYork,and!YS postponed for 4%hours.Tuesday night by Sherif!M.oi mm rief tatke,it ts hoped that)tin,Beoem wae @ kind-hearted wo-was sunk Saturday.When the vessel)‘ter the failure of the railroad}Alexander and Deputy O.L.Wood-]the event will prove one of much man and was high!ethesmed onootisthestarsandstripes,"agers and the employes to agree|sides,near Ostwalt,at the home of|pleacur:and mutnay benefit to the ad anl aol wt by these whopaintedonbothsides.The submarine|“t the conference Thursday,through|his uncle,Mr.Jud Perry,on the}tes and the business men.aioe prurioend |lil Fl .5 §|2 el y ,2 Bos »y Ry .>me..2Wasencounteredabout5o'clock Sat-|the efforts of President Wilson,Sec-charve of dese rting the me nited ae te nt A.=—.ily on :=aosurdayevening.The submarine fired|retary Lane and Secretary Wilson of —army.ao who *MW pe S a a rs ee ee :Mrs.Louise Armour Gudger,wife:fs ole ni m 915 yas §ie ty ae f mncheon mom 2 :a warning shot for the steamer to|the cabinet and Daniel Willard of the at Save Pt on _—.a ~for .‘k .Pace ,ae a _lof the late Joseph Whitner Gudgerslowdownandsubsequentlysignaled;Baltimore and Obio railroad.rep ti ai Kl Paso,Texas,at the time}fe ee ey ye por!Wa"died at her home in this county,near|:Tvs of his «rtion The young manfaccepte|with thanks by the associa-.for her to stop and for the crew to’ng the national mediation board,|wn.tabon S edas neat to Fort Cas bes :oe ;~|Mt.Mourne,Friday afternoon,Mrs,abandon the ship.The German com-/|took up the work of mediation.Sam wail where he will en islal Gn the The committee appointed at the Gudger was in her 90th year,havingmanderorderedtheeaptainofthe|Gompers,president of the Medera-|ohereo of des n.The youth is iF e mantinw (or eere erate with,been born February 12,1828.She issteamertoleavehisshipwithin15nofLabor,wv he f }rages acy ©;ee ee :Be ie «in|Survived by five children:Mr.T,F3‘Tew entere eS bor,was the fuurth member}a son of Mr Lettie Dry and it is [th nlding and lean associations in|™!*’a :minutes.The entire crew entered!}i }:::'Gudger of Paul’s Valley,Okla.,Mr;»submarine «then!Cf the mediation board,but he «ai he enlisted in the army without]co:tiny a campaien in the inter-ger §y.*five boats and the submarine ©then :caus :pe hy |A.W.:Gudger of M He,Mr.W:BO ee j join the conference until Saturday af-|mother's wiedge or consent.It}esr of these nssociations and thereby]A.W.‘Gudger Of Mooresville,Mr,W.fired a torpedo whieh syruck ine ver oe ‘oo :srohably.of a bev met Pe-tbon!home-buildine in States-|Munford and James C.Gudger,whoselonthestarboardside,tearing a|te rnoon,ec,probably,a boy ":yaibe “die.|lived with their ther at the oldholethroughwhichtheniNewsofthepostponementofthe}8iizing the seriousn.:.s of what hefville,made its report and was dis-|lve ee ae «ibe eed oth aa :el -!.ve tril tid ''‘ae.k :r was doing charced th thanks It was stated]Gudger homestead,«ad Mrs.SusanBYPrsettiedownrikeadnetnfnrithe'as ng.:i é .poured.jo eremer i os peg .o ;:sD Te vee ee Deputy Sheriff O.L.Woodsides ac-}J.A.Brady,chairman of the|Gudger McLean of Mount Ulla.Allavicklyandfounderedwithinafew.on:il after the b for the strike te :;7 ,,:st ey .a3qinutes.Dering the wight the boats |e gh [companied Dry to Fort Caswell,go-[eomn'ttes,that the agitation on the|of the children except Mr.T.F.Gudg-nutes.ring x ee|Lecame effective and employes of the}j,0 on to Washir gton,D.C.wherefont of the association,and the]er were with their mether at herheeameseparatedandat4o'clock)Ralttimore and Ohio at Pa cershurg 1)'oa ;j »|death.There are 27 livi randSundaymorningthreeboatcrews!we.\INGA.ch th a Poltie.je will take into custody Frank]mss meeting with the address bv|death.ere are 2 iving ¢> wre.icked up by a patrol Veseet|ne Be eee Long,colored,who skipped his bond}Me.F.1 ler of Charlotte,had|children and 26°great grandchildrenottenindS«lag “somained (on Ce and other roads at Conn ite here while under a eharge of larce-|phen its good effects at}Qne brother,Mr.Spencer Armour of 88 men,mostly Americans.All the |}re Pa.and _Baltimore wer ny of automobile tires.ss a Long]ty offices of the building and loan|Memphis,es —a eetreegoesnimeOhioatNewarkwentout.eMlis returned to Statesville he will at vedriations.2 number of shares hav-j.tion to relatives a large number ofeefoeaeover‘tie emploved on th Nicke!Plate road at]so face the charge of abandonment.i?been taken as a direct result friends mourn the loss of this esti-Memphis pe oe,woh Fach walued|©ort bes oi ~and a gy ow rum Sheet hie Me W.H.Mornson and B.L.|mable woman.Mrs.Gudger was a'oe :ther of railroad men at St.Louis als Asbestos |.©rene:amed «ss members of;life long @nd consistent member oft$600,000,which was delivered at)0,;:.;i .:a :ae ne oe ":;.Fr oe 2.Scale the vesce)|Went out until they received word that!The charter has been received herc{the bend committee to serve with}Mt.Zion Methodist church at Corneli-;eh ue ‘es ‘Rcilts lie ith s sti ke order had heen postponed |for a corporation whieh will operate |Secretary J.Paul Leonard it further-|us ;uary 29,by a German aaa etc og vert memes e the brother-What may prove to be the only ing the nrere ae of the Statesville;Funeral services were conducted! whose captain demanded to see the;Aa ee nee ela.Vv.in the hestos mine in the State.Men Merehant Rand ,|from Center church at Mount Mourne papers she carried.-A mate went)..”ted States court at Philadelohia,of the company are G.B.Haly The ques of muniishing oack-|hy Rev.A.M.Hoyle of Mt.Zion andTansse)wn inform,|@rsinst officers of the four railroad],ig ee "een:re slips bearing “Trade-nt-Home”]Rey,Mr.West of Center church,and=~ne :tats’ee hbretherhoods in Pennsylvania.to pre.ae W.Sima and a8 Reeve 'nreachments,—fe reneral use by!the |caeen oe was in Center church-ed tl -ina =~=1e S =es vent putting into effect the strike or-JOF the vicinity of Stony:Point.Te)ember t}Association,was |yardpending4.oh dgrtalg aa Aces (der.It i nid that the great ma authorized capital is $50,000.rh left te the executive committee ;:ann nt to rk ut at a ee ioritv of the railroad men in the]Mine is situated on the farm of 4 -ae a }Miss Winnie Hampton,daughter friendly.eelitions ake wicket oa South Atlantic States opposed strike.|Halyburton,1 1-2 miles from Stony|“Betrayed Friendship and|of Col,and Mrs.John A.Hampton of3ations§gz Point.Lost His Life Hamptonville,Yadkin eounty,diedashewaftheWimiewin‘com.Troops to Be Held _Inquiry!knyineers have viewed the mincra!A “betraval of friendship”caused |&t 27 early hour Saturday morning, prised 45 men of whom 2!were!About Mobilization.and assert that there is a large quan-|prof.Charles F.Vawter to shoot and ai i ig etry =Bright'sAmericans,including Capt.F.A.Renorts form Raleivh and Colim-|tity of asbestos on Mr.Halyburt mortally wound Stockton Heth,Jr.pL gigi ar pe I a &yearsMiddleton.Two of the 21 were nat-]bia,8.C..say orders have been re-|farm,Machinery will arrive today |yrominent.society man,in the |hall:eee aa ‘ia th "needwralizedandonehadfirstpapers.;ved poi to muster out the troon<}ty be installed for the mining of th way of the Vawter heme on the Vir-brothers and sisters:Mr ”wrank ATherewerealgofivePortoRicans;recently sent home from the horde mineral.It is believed the work of|cinia Polytech:institute campus.iH vs Rock Mc .Me _ and one Filipino in the fire room|OF Now en route home.The Third]”are ees :ithin |Blacksbur Va.early Tuesday|p2meten ¢ocky Mount,My,iceforceThevease]‘anile !from New North Carolina reyriment is now actual mining will begin bd aie mornin,“ace ”lis lo ‘a statement Hampton of Greensboro and Mr.York February 28 for the Azores |€n route to Raleigh to be mustered|Month.The company will employ c:cuamk ne Vasless and Caloes act niga ania oa -Beene,gad Havre.after being detained for|out ae a nee is ex.]perts to assist in the work.R.L.Jordan.couns:|for Professer a ae cic of ‘icunves.three days after clearing and leav-|ecied to leave El Paso this week pon '.:Vawter.Prof.Vawter is under $10,-]5."ineingherdock,by a strike among her War Department officials in Wash-]New Man at Hall’s Drug Store.000 bead to anawer for the killing teats aren plac m1 ot einecrew.The ship was plainly marked|ington denied knowledge of this «Vir.D.A.Warren of Snow Hill.}of Heth,who dicd in a hospital at|2t |!clock at Flat Roek chureh,as an American vessel,with flags|der Sunday night,but it:was stat-[wd.ic now with Hall's drug store |fomnoke Thursdav.renege ey icepaintedonherportandstarboard;ed that instructions would he ent]The Democrstic Messencer.publich Neither Prof.Vawter nor his wife v a \y alt of C:ith :|hail [trom Gen.Perchine.comm -tly 8 Wil.pi M Ww :i |'Mrs.John M.Arndt Claremontyroonameanail-r :renting,mancer Of led at Snow Hill,gives Mr arren have made any.statement t is said |¢,eC ,.ao ane “,or »3|the Southern Department this eesant introduction State }fs .2 1 ay meri ey Catewse ss motheringportofNewYorkonbothsides|‘part .this plersant introduction to State 1e shooting of Heth occurred after!o¢Mrs,J.F.Lentz of Statesville,in letters five feet high.Cargo of Charlatt ,shia Se 9 es iy ile neople:;‘rof.Vawter had returned home)died Thursday and was buried at St.vessel unknown..\Oe ene y oy.Wn Ral.Mr.Daniel A.Warren,who has early Tuesday morvng.tieth.al dames church,Catawba county,Fri-The Hlinois was an oil tank ship |¢'Ne cD r 9 cs in a heen prescription clerk in the drug est at the house shot three|day.Mrs.Arhdt was 77 years oldandcarriedacrewof35men.Home!eich,asking if a switable place could}etors of POD.Cottingham & Co.]:mes.and is survived by her husband andportNewYork.The vessel,in bal-~~-rag bl Soule a?—for several years,left Monday mom In his last hears H was told bv}six children,two of the children bylast.was bound from London to Port ie .wes es "‘oe ge ing to accept n no ti mm m?aw iy i brother,Lieut.Heth of the |nit-l a former marriage.Arthur.Texas.he pl :-1k sarah —e See tte ”—Ne,N.€Mr.He \—=tii :it r .ildn ada Barney,the two-year-old son of Mryesonoun2FIE'-}ren is on efficient draggist,and hej ond was asked who shot him.“Prof.|,:..International lawvers and consti ieee t vill be mobilized at once Sim aa popular with the patron ‘|iwter,”rae the answer.“Why did -.pelt bg —-rg raytutionalexpertsinWashingtonthink/Tor inquiries have been sent to oth-}Cottingham’s dru store Beside he shoot you"?was asted.“He has-|rents.Burial took place yesterday atthePresidentfullywarrantedinine)er ce ee ry |ine well versed in pharmacy,M |+get a thing to stand on.”was the Connelly’s chapel ..eret ‘attack ”Sploines n anot 7 jn ,YC |U'n we,:;-4 1 affable in ‘veive ca if :Aving ye owe ¢oe . =hipni aa a V -1 |_k thi ae fe oke pree i as 7 oo ola gi ri --ot ge i th Fig ig 1 ‘:oie hi .The menth-oid infant ‘of Pesritenericanshippingasanactofwar.)[vids '%Sym NTy ner,honest and upright in cha nad that was 1 rev fot From fim.)Shoemaker was found dead in its bedandannouncethatthisevuntrycon-rv re rar »be in read ertorprising,progressive Members of Heth’.family issued Sunday morning rn the western edgesidersthatanactualstateofwar]!ome on becomes neces-|omiitious,and we commend him statement denvini that there was!o¢town,death resulting from naturalexistsbyrersenofGermany's}se"the yood people ef the town betrayal of friendship”and as ovens::|:ee :*plate HUBES ‘took place yesterdayflagrantaszaultonAmerican.ship-Later !nnnounced =from h he hae cost his Jot |opting that there nething on]Ceus Jurial ’) ring.Such action would be subject Wach {a the \'Aas 0 Killed.T Ini d johich a plea of “onwritten law st Grasay Knob.wa ‘on 8.wifl he mustered out as planned.and ne ited,wo injured.P »lee hened Peace Mikki:agsert ..==~2 a ped ‘ot oe sinking |‘hat delays in certain districts result a .ine |may be based.The her ae eS Jurors-For District Court.spite the unwarranted sinking |*:‘€.&Ward,age 38,owner a mt Prof.Vawt \ot absent ;:of the big passenger liners like the|from local conditions and do not re-l a scacer of the Hickory plant of t!om his home on the night of the]The following jurors have beenCaliforniaandtheLaconia,the jeop }lect SIE CRON RS Si tne Bt tuue Ol Coln Bottling Co.was |ooting but thet he eccupied —the crewe a the bar one a oe :weardizingofAmericansonnearlyajtherovernment.tantly killed,ard Miases Pear!F:om with Mrs Vawte States District ourt in Statesvilleseoreofothervessels,and the sink-|Ad ’1 ner and Beatrice Stomeor me \and Salishurv.The Statesville termihamsonLiawUpheld.zier ane i Sigmon,two you ee ”iow ee ae ‘gaa ,ing of three other American siipg,|ikeeean Micon catty Ata ja x,who were wearing with Si |Miss Gray Hos Returned.bi xin ee and Salisbury atheHousatonic.the Lyman M.Law,|old caseddutisnal wed calc cel Wark jured,whea their cx!Mina Lula Grey,lady principal at]Week later,28:;}!constitutional ard vs é A}ler se Jerry WwandtheAlyonquin,since the unte-|en dn ‘a vad struck hy westhogne train N atesville Collewe,hz returned Mlexander =county Jerry .:5 n |resnects ves lay by ‘ih Price,H.C.Payne.M M.Blankstrictedwarfarebegan,~some ofi-!:examin Caueh¢»tle itee dae Yt,iva mil we uf Hickory,S$ron Hendersonville,where ehedec ee ert one7aes::|ne Court of the United States.y ’ah Isaac W.Linney,Carr Sigmoncis,Inspired 6)'=a }ial :right ,ay afternoon.he youn women |pent several weeks with her broth-]2"ne ‘,,}pired by the President'san Ts,ney de dati riers atrearctgertietl '1 a nent severa h }}oe LAC inne a Sigmo1reluciancetobelievethat:a ees ;t seriously ,|,cee itl iwroved con-|:Flark,Moose;Avery Billynounce:‘eA 7 >ak:a 'suely hurt.whe as ill The improved con :’;;}h he standard of a day's werk om :,D we Gragg,R.M.Vance,R.L.WisemanGermanywouldcarrythrougherraven-men in operation of trains Mr.Ward had stopped his «ion of her brot}permits Mi 1 ME Lue wi 1M :Ph n:Cald-threat.clung desperately zo ine “ope |and lewalizes the :war:increa se and tar ne around backed up:11)Oey to Perume f hut nt the \!C Ww.Pre ne "‘J Pp.Re hoon.that same slight er ere et el into tentative effect o he «ng.when it was struck |Hege Rufus Lenoir,Jr.Pink Anderson,Ztiona’law might still be shown.Ger fi passage.The court’s deelsian v in,From his positien in th Mias Mabel Rive who has heen},fr oa ie RM ameanseawarfaremayfairlybestat-e :.cr nes :.©ho received he fall impact of |stedent ;ken te ‘lle liewe.basi olloway:Burke 4 3 eCon-be 1 nen,|fre to four,with Justices Day,Pi A pa actent 2 navehev,A LL.Lefevers:Catawba—-ed,however,to have surpassed +.,|ney,Vandevanter and MeReyno!he gin nd death was instanta ‘nN compelled to give up her stud-I Bumga er,J.Smith Camp-the most pessimistic forecasts.That|ie eas "neck heing broken.All «|and go to her hom 1 MaecFa a if ch u i hae rune p-Germany actually means to rend eve)ry immediat ;clear of the wreek and rd,$.€.,for a re nel,et ivior,Perry F.Hefner;,ny imme te,temporaty wry :y :_mre 09 lavidson MM.H.Stone,Edw.Swice-ery vessel to the —ea jincrenses won hv the railroad em r demolished.Ward came to H y {New vd.P.A.Livengood;Davie-—F.Htoventurewithinherforbiddenzones}|.affect 400,000 trainmen,oF mmer from Macon,Ga fr,Deaton Goes to Newton.|Minson,Goshen MeCulloh:fredell,tox net mu |divin .Y .::}0 joshen Me rh:le now -aerente 7 a Seer.Neutral are estimated to total between £40 ye '.Mr.Fred Hyams Dex left VM.L.Dowdy C.G,Caldwell,J.Tpassenger,Belgian relief,appear te 1.00 and &58,000,000 Officer and Negro May Die ‘day for Newton,where he will take]fey nines,T.1 Davideon ‘WwW.Fbeallinthecamecategory:All the stress and turmoil ine Mr.FRewnt Williams,&special pc his work as monas f the Newton |Cash,H g,Hair,q,M.Howard,as,New Residents.lent te the threatened strike could fF er at Winwate,Union cour jeraneh of the Carolina Motor Co.W.Brown,G.L.Reaver;Mitchell——.4,rave been avoided by waiting a miles from Monroe,was =!tr,Deaton was formerly connected]M.B.MeKinney.C.H.Warrick;Mr.Geo.L.Albert and family will)weck for this decisiow.twice Saturday—onee in the sbdo-|«ith the Carolina Motor Company's]Rowan—-H.W.Presnell,J.P.Crow-make their home in Statesville,com-hk -eae men and once in the head—by a n fiees here.Mr.J |.Allison,for-Jell,Perey D.Mallett,Johnson Set-ing here from New Westminister,Elk in Piegah Forest.gro,Bunk Maske,wham he wn erly a mechanic with the Caroline |tlemyre,T.H.Bernhardt,John Hi.Columbia,Canada.Mr.Al-|Twenty elk,the forerunners 0°the|cempting to.arrest The negro wa |Meter Gompany in Stotesville,har|Prick,J,C.Sherrill,Mel.Ritchie,G.bert is in town.iw wife and two!immense herds that are to graze in|wanted for assaulting hia.wife.The one to Mooresville.where he will he|C.Riute:Stanly—Wm.C,Shether-.:;’fone Canada for Statesville Fri-the Pisgah National Forest in the!officer is in a (harlotte hospital in «|mapawer of the Moter company’s re v,Frite L.Fink,John D.Eaoa.pan}leynMr.Albert is consulting|natural course of events,arrived ih]critical condition.pair hop at the offices there f).Albert Shoe,Joseph W.Miller,engineer for the Southefn|Asheville last week and were unload-|A posse went to arrest the negro!mina —--Lewis Hetty ©.§&.Braxtonnand7s——Sanalaress to Gay a eatMn fired Ras fx &dozen ;The Lenoir _ag poset:Thompeon,Jo.R.Klutz.&interests in thie vi-l home in orest.¥-|times,«member posse was a team defeat the local ‘a eeainity.his fomily |fiveelk mountainsof]hitbutthey returned fire andj schoolteam with a scoreof16to 2 eee aetakia}western but so -|8 ame on the local]to hie home with for three“al jad way to die.He is tn jail.|hoor evening.weeks,|on ,.He is b theeect¥—Get the The conference committee of rail-road early morn-ing aut!ed ==6President ilson’s to make whatever arranye-ments were necessary with the rail-road brotherhoods to call off thethreatenedstrike.The fermal letterinwhichthisauthorizationwasmade,signed by Elisha Lee,chair-man of the menagers’committee,as follows:“In the national crisis erapentbyeventsofwhichweheardaf-ternoon,the national conference com-mitiee of railroads joins with you intheconvictionthatneitherathomenorabroadshouldtherebefearornagethattheefficientoperationoftherailroadsofthiscountrywillbehamperedorimpaired, “Therefore you are authorized toassurethenationtherewillbeno strike,and as a basis for such as- surance we hereby authorize the com-mittee of the Council of National De-fense to grant to the employes whowreabouttostrikewhateveradjust-ment your committee deems necessarytoguaranteetheuninterruptedandefficientoperationoftheratireadsaxanindispensablearmofnationalde-fense.” |The news came yesterday morning|that the railroad sir.xe was off.The NEGRO BRAKEMAN HURT. Seriously Injured in Collision ofFreightTrainWithCarnivalCarsatStatesvilleStation. Freight train No.88,running fromthemainlineontheA.,T.ad 0.trackintheStatesvilleyardsyesmorningjustbefore10o'clock,ed with 12 cars of the Barkoot Care nival,which,with the yard engine at-tached,were standing on the A,,T.and ©,track,about 100 yards from thestation.Ivey Sherrill,the coloredbrakemanontheyardengine,receiv-ed injuries which may prove serious.Sherrill was removed to Long’s San- itorium for treatment.His body wascrushed,internal injuries being feared,The east-bound freight train was taking the A,,7.and O.track to leave the main line clear for passengertrainNo,11,which was due in a few minutes.The yard engine was at-tached to the carnival ccrs prepara-tory to placing them on a side trackandwasatastandstillwhenthefreightcrashedintothecars.Theearnivalcarswerejammedtogether a number of the carnival wagons were damaged and several members of thetroupesufferedfromshock. The Charlotte and Taylorsvilletrainsweredelayedanhourbythe wreck. Arrested For Desertion —Pris- oner (o Be Brought Back. LUNCHEON POR TEACHERS| Merehants’Association Hosts——R.and L.Revival and Oth- er Matters, Arvangements for the luncheon to! be viven the teachers of the county| @t their last regular monthly meect-| ing of the school year next Saturday, Pwere completed by the Merchants’ Association at its meeting at the Commercial club Friday night.The |furicheon will be served at Hotel Ire-| del!at 1.30 o'clock,and it is hopedtheteveryteacherinthecounty,in-chiding the city school teachers,willpresent.Those who will attendShouldnotifytheofficeofthecountySuperintendentofschoolsinad- Vance,so that the committee inehareeoftheaffairmayknowjusthowmanyshouldbeprovidedfor.|esesrs.J.A.Brady,W E.Munday ani B.L.Sronee,committee incharge.reported to the Associationthetthecontractfertheluncheonhad}een made with the hotel man- agement and the money to finance it Secured through publie subscriptionsSolicitedbythecommittee,a num-ber of persons not members of the asecciation having contributed. committee of the associationwii!receive and weleome the teach- ers as they enter the banauet hall, ani Mr.R.L.Poston has been se-lected os master of ceremonies,or toustmauster,for the oecasion.Mr.R. ae MRS.GEO.H.BROWN DEAD Mrs.Gadger Dies in South Ire- deli—Other Deaths, Mrs.Olivia Smith Brown,wife ofMr.Gee.H.Brown,died at her’homeonMulberrystreetSaturdayafter- noon,after a ldng iliness.MrsBrown's husband and daughters werewithherwhendeathcame.The funer- al service was conducted from thehomeSundayafternoonat3o'clock by Rev.Dr.Charlies Anderson,as-sisted by Rev.G.H.Church.Inter-ment in Oakwood cemetery,Mrs.Brown was born July 16,1844thedaughterofRev.Sam P.SmithandMrs.Amelia Martin Smith,fourmilesfromWilkesboro.In this vicin- ity she was reared,her father beingpastorofFishingreekBaptistchurch.In early girthood she con-nected herself with her father’s churchandthroughoutherlifewasacon-sistent member of the Baptist denom-ination.In 1867 Miss Smith marriedMr.Geo.H,Brown of Wilkesboro.in November of this year,had MrsBrownlived,she and her husbandwouldhavecelebratedtheirgoldenwedding.Mr.ard Mrs.Brown madetheirhomeinWilkesboroforeightavnineyearsaftertheirmarriage,coming at the end of that time toStatesville,where they have.sinee lived,The following named children born tothisunionsurvive:Mrs.L.C.Wag-ner and Mrs.W.E.Nattress of States-ville,Mrs.Osborne Brown of Long R.W.Neill farm a.ship,the tract containing acres,vietge Seeovionat4cleleckwithtive,L. Fert Hill school,Fallstowntownship,will close for theLae |Friday.Publie exercises day ;evening.‘—-Mr.H.C,Cook,who hadlaidonahaweeks‘withwasbackonhisduties (ascourthousejanitor.—Sunday was the firstMarchdayofthemonth.FrosticeSundaynightprobablyindanger. ee aes notyesterday,’ivieeeuntiltonighton accountthewreck beenpa- & --Miss Ruth Hawn,whoseriouslysickatthehomeofrents,Mr.and Mrs.George Hawn atMooresville,is ~-Here beginneth spring »On ore ee Se—gentle ‘spring—and please con-ue.Prospects are forattendanceatthesotTrial atcourthousethiswhenJimWilsonwillbeforthecenyofarooster. ~-Mr.and Mrs.Walter C.have gone totheywillmake theirTharpeaas street carconductorinGreensbore. -~The government is .for helpers and mechanics ayyardsandordnance‘No educational qualifications is re-quired;only physical fitness.- —Mr.ye ‘7otte,agent for Northcorporationcommissionin *~ter of inheritance tax,was in ville in that capacity last week. A.Stevenson,onnorth Center street,caught fire Sunday eveningbutnodamageresulted,The .firemen re-but their serviceswerenotnv, —Mayor CaldwellTuesday,April 5,as .All residents areThechywillteoniahecitywi wagonsoffalltrashcollectedonthishe Mr. gy owned and drivenbesosMillerwasonwestFrontstreetnoon.Mr.Miller’s horse sted,overturningthebuggy.The vehicledamagedbutMr,Millerwithminorbruises. ed to the public soon.Gray,proprietor of HoteltheStatesvilleInn,willchargeoftheEagleafter 15th. The Reid Livery CompanyCharlotte,recently placed inhandsofreceivers,will be continuedtemporarilybythereceivers.Itstatedthatthevisibleassetsaretheneighborhoodof$8,000 and thelibilitiesaround$10,000, -—-Mr.and Mrs.T.L.Dysard areoecupyingthehouseonCenterknownastheGaitherhouse,will continue it as a boarding house,Miss Mildred Hobbs,who conducted the Gaither house, cone to Spartanburg,8.C. --Mr.W.A.Stevenson has purchas-ed from Mr.W.B.Crowson the lat- north Center street.Mr.Stevenson moved from theBinghamhouseonnorthCenterstreetintohisnewpropertyandMr.Crowson is occupying the vas cated by Mr.Stevenson. Mr.and Mrs.Ralph Gill havelocatedinElPaso,Texas,where Mir,Gill has a position with ancompany.He had been in camp atIPasoasamemberoftheLincoln.ton cavalry company.‘The companhasbeenorderedhomeandMr,Gi decided to remain in Texas. Alice in Wonderland. The children of the StatesvillePublicschoolsaregoingtogivea ss ter’s home on home talent r tion of “Alice in Wonderland,Some pretty little10-year-old girl has been selected toplaythepartof“Alice,”the girlwhowanderedWonderlandinLewisCarroll's tfulThenthereare250otherallinprettycostumes,the narts being Alice,King of book.sendinonder-land,Queen Hearts,Queen of Pairies,Mad HatHare,Dormow CobleUncle Sam,7 “In ue jun”Prinee and Pr 'to say nothing of fairies,sailor boys,Motheroite.4Atgradedschoolbuild~~afternoon and evening.Beene ;children 2.30 p.m;evening enter ‘tainment at &, Catting Affray. Will Crumm vot the andygroes,employes asaeCompany,whichisatie a Rider,Boy in incess, juns,” ho Thereupo:f p the other side to the News recites testimony given at the hearing,which was not denied,which most cruel and barbarous of his wife by Dr.Price: and jndecent conduct not printed.Mr.Whitener savs addressing the court he said if he (the attorney)had been of some of the things testi- gainst Price that “@here was man in the house that would not call me a dog.”Price theh ask- Whitener if he meant to call him a “dirty dog.”Whiterer answered in his opiniow any man who would do the things sworn to by Price’s wife was “a dirty dog”—and the dance was on. If the doctor is guilty of the thines charged against him—and the sworn testimony was not denied-— he not only deserved all the lawyer said about him —but worse and then some.; Later-—Mr.S,H.Farabee,editor of the Hickory Record,who sent the first account to.the newspapers,savs the first story was correct;that the general opinion was that no case of non-su —the only thing chare- ed against him—was made out against Dr.Price;and that practi- cally everybody in *fe court room ,the lawyer to cal!Price a “low-down dog.” ine Senate Adjourns. The special Senate”session which began March 5 atjourned sine die Friday,after Democratic leaders had secured confirmation of most of the 1,400 nominations which failed at the last session,and had despair- ed of attaining ratification of the $25.000,000 Colombian treaty. The treaty was unexpectedly with- drawn on motion of Chairman Stone of the foreign relations committee. Its provisions for ps tent of in- demnity to Colombia for the parti- tion of Panama and its expression of regret for the ill-feeling arising out of that incident,had encounter- ed stubborn Republican opposition which convineed the Democrats there was no chance of ratification It is expected a substitute pact will he submitted during the extra ses-sion of Congress,becinning April 16 The session was the first of its kind in many vears which was not called unon to confism a cabinet nomination.President Wilson decid- ed that all of the members of his of- ficial family could be retained with- out the formality of renomination. The outstanding achievement of the session was the Senate's quick response to President Wilson's plea for a change in rules to limit debate and prevent,in the @:ture,such fill busters as that which killed the armed neutrality bil! ETE oooe SERNrete ee Precautionary Instructions. In preparation for any demand upon the army that may row of the German cris's.the militia bu- reau of the War Department has sent precautionary wistrugtions t all State adiutants generar outlining the plan to be followed in the event of the calling out of the Nationa! Guard for Federal service.The iritention has heen to tal this step quietly and without public-ity,but reports from various points indicating that it was being con- strued as meening that mobilizatior was imminent caused department of-ficials to announce the instruction: with the explanation thai they con-stituted purely a routine measure ofpreparedness,necessary in order prevent,if a call should come,suen confusion as attended the assemblingofGuardsmenforborderservice.In this connection it is pointed ovt that the rovernment is going to considerable expense to demoralizeregimentsreturningfromthebor- der and which would be held in theFederalserviceifanydemandfor their service were expected immedi- ately.It was reiterated that the policy of the administration in the present status of the crisis was to make no move that could be con- strued as a warlike step. vutout to EE SaATT The Answer to Carranza. The United States hes sent teGeneralCarranzaaformalnotifica- tion that it cannot participate.in his proposed Pan -American concert toeutoffmunitionandfoodshipmentstotheEuropeanbelligerentswitha view to forcing pesce.The reply iunderstoodtopointoutthatsuch a move would have no justification ininternationallaw.It will not public dntil it has been deliv-It is asserted that althoughnoterefusesflatlvtoco-operateGeneralCarranza’s plan,it is tone and avoids anystatementswhichmightgiveoffence de facto government.this it is inferred that the communi-does not reflect the suspicionmninfluencesbehindthe to the communication oftheMexicangov-has issued “an absolute dec- Duma—the national legislature |i itixens’commit-— tee,with the avowed object of push-| ing the war to a successful conclus-| ion against the Central powers, revolution being a direct protest ‘against pro-German influences in the Russian government.The strug- ‘gle between the Duma and the re- |actionary party in ‘Russia has been known to be proceeding with great bitterness for a long time and re- |peated changes in the ministerial ranks showed that matters were far from settled |The revolution war as successful as it was sudden.It has given com- plete control of the wovernment of Russia to the Duma,backed by the army,and what is termed the “push the war party”is now in power.’ Evidently carefully planned,the rev- lelution broke out simultaneously in Petrograd and Moscow.The sarri- sons,which obeyed the instructions of the revolutionaries,immediately took possession of these cities after |eomparatively little fightine and an equally small amount of destruction of property.In Petrograd one bridge was blown up and a number of houses belonging to suspected pro- German reactionaries were burned. Remarkable Uprising. For several days,Petrograd was the scene of one of the most remark- able uprisings in history.Begin- ning with minor food riots and la- bor strikes,the cry for food reached the hearts of the susdiers,and one by one the regiments rebelled,until finally those troops that had for a time stood loyal to the government took up their arms and merche!into the ranks of the revolutionists. The president of the Duma,Mich- ael V.Rodzianko.was the leading figure among the deputies who unanimously decided to oppose the imperial order for a dissolution of the house.They continued their sessions and M.Rodztanxo informed the Emperor.then at ihe front,that the hour had struck when the wil! of the people must prevail.Even the imperial council realized the gravity of the situation and added its appeal to that of the Duma that the Emperor should take steps to give the people a policy and govern- ment in’accordance with their de- sires,and in order that there should jbe no interference with carrving on the war to a victorious ending.The Emperor hastened back from the front.only to find that the revolu- tion had been successful and that a new yovernment was in controlCasualtiesNotLarge. Although considerable —fightin took place,it is not believed that the casualties are large.The early period of the uprising bore the cher acter rather of a mock revolution. Cossacks charging down the treet did so in a half-hearted fashion. plainly without malice er intent to harm the crowds.The troops ex- changed vood-natured raillery with the working men and women,and as they rode were cheerca by the pop- ulace.Long lines of soldiers sta- tioned dramati Wtitudes aecress Nevsky t,with their «un pointed narv foe,aprcai rt in a tableau fir re'tlades blank cartridges seemed only to add another realistic to a treme dous theatric production. Until Sunday night this pageant continued witl serious interrup- tion.Then in a flash the whole lost its thentrie quagitv:it became a genuine revolution.The regiments had received an order from the commandant to fire upon persons a-- sembled in the =street.This enused mmediate dissensiun among the troops,who did not understand why they should he compelled to take violent measures against fellow cit izens,whose chief offence was that they were hungry and were asking the government to supply bread. Several regiments deserced and =avitchedbattlebeganbetweenthe ireops who stood with the govern- ment and those who.refusing to obey orders,had mutinied. A long night battle occurred —be- tween the mutinous regiments and the police at the end of St.Cather- ine canal,immediately in front of the historic church built over the spot where Alexander II was killed by a bomb.The police finally fled to ,roof tops all over the city and wereseennomoreinthestreetsduring the entire term of the fighting. Still,on Monday morning the gov- ernment troops appeared to control all the principal squares of the city. Then came a period when it was im- possible to distinguimm one side from the other.There was no definite linebetweenthefactions.The turning point appeared to come about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.For two hours the opposing regiments pass-ively confronted each other along|the wide Liteiny prospect in almostcompletesilence.From time to time emissaries from the revolution- in Prospe at en ma;ed to he Machine taking Br) Ww guns ng t OF theptit eene ary side rode to the opposing ranks|the and exhorted them to join the side of the people.For a while the re-sult seemed to hang in the balance. The troops appeared irresolute,| awaiting the commands of their of-)ficers,who themselves were in doubt!as to what they should do.Desulto-/ ry firing continued along the side.streets between groups of govern-|ment troops and revolutionists,buttheregimentsuponwhosedecisiergyeac’macriflesinreadiness.Suddenly,a few votfeys avere ex-|there was another period) hasGerman influence in perial family.Banriabyhisbrotherearl the!cause of his morgana’r Grand Duke MichaeltimeinexileinEngland, ed to Russian late in A and was reported to have mand in the army.Since been no reports of his and activities.Born WN 1878,he is 10 years the Emperor.His ed wholly military,and he meny honorary commands in my. return-1914 Reve utewr22,than has held the ar- EE CRD Transportation of Veterans to Washington Reunion. To the Veterans of North Carolina: Having been selected by the Rev ben Camphbe!!Camp o¢%Confederat we Veterans of Statesville to try,wiih the co-operation of the other camp of ‘the State,to petition the Tee latuve,recentiy in session,te mate an appropriation sufficient to defia: the expen:’vetorans unable pay transperiation to the reunion at Washingtun,|herewith beg toportthat,under advisement of some of the leading veterans of the St: to try to secure in some other way the desired amount.By a bill intro duced and pa-sed in the Legistat an inerease of pensions was made; that this having been dene was more benefieial and Insting.1 did,howev- er,throuwh assistance and by re- ouest,get r bill passed authorizing the comr rs of Iredell county to defray 4 expense.Fhis cou was adopted by many other countics. As this was neglect sd everloc kod by some,'os advise that | make your to vovr comm:- sioners and sure it will be granted,In my efforts to secure this small donation 1 must thank our Repre- sentatives in the Legislature and so the much-loved (by all veterans) Mrs.{.W.Baison of Charlotte,who 1 feo!Was insirumenial ip ting th rill for counties.To al-e,behalf of veTeran lt Rave been tn correapon|- ence wit express their wish thankipre the newspapers of t} State who so willingly,as they al wave have done.published ourquesttrustthisyardwillexplain ail from whom |have received letters o ‘y as to what course tay se roT only appeal iat ul- sur, oth the throuch r 'i ing t Huersueyay1@. Very Wt Respectfully,H.GREGORY, Statesville,N.C. State papers please copy. et ene +©meee British ond French Advance. Whil tention Ras been at- tracted by home Br 1 and 'sthtroopshy our at affairs,‘uw‘Lve mad: the Corman liner i: rren Vance ofr 4oo :London says: continuing their rapid heels of the retiring ipted the omportant Chauly a front of a ha entered the Ge to a depth of ter 1 addition the British re than 60 villaves. znnouncemer dispatch f: British troops advai on the Le OK ‘ n t laces taker n gains report « ad- ations recap- Roye- ortant .north- have miles }entained i rom British I ch army } veces,Taking up the on south of Chaulnes,the |h ed their old positions on (! OF road,includéng +h town of Novon.In thi f bas stony the netrated more =th through the German post the town of Ham.eeoeoeNS ae heada larter mak ivPd tur ar~m™m |h 1 east nr can tell stormy weather daysIoffbythetwingesinmyshoul-a ders ond knees.But here’s anandaetebesoondrivesoutthepains PM iment is rubbing ‘t ell,it daefight ‘te eteae.mydy ng plasters and —.bruises en ine.— Sloan:itd toward| wos withdyQuick.”discharged from this vessel on February 27 of thisyearatrbadoes.He had letters and addresses fromLondon,other points in England andSydney,Australia.He seems tohavebeenallovertheworld,despitehis28years, Doctor Found the Cow Mad. The Lenoir News says that Dr.Charlie Perry had anrieneerecently.He had been sum-moned to‘examine a cow that dis- pleyec queer moods.He was of thepinionthatshewassufferingfrom ivy poisehing,but started in to make .thorough examination.The cowmadeforhimandthecociorjustdéwetsafelyupatree,when the cowbeeantoassaultthetree.It20feettothenearestlimband the loctor was beginning to wonder howlongkecouldholdovtwhenthecowleftandthedoctorsliddown.With-out fidrther examination he =pro-nouneed her “mad”and he was in the same fix.The cow was shot. 10-CENT “CASCARETS”BESTLAXATIVEFORLIVERANDBOWELS! Don’t Stay Constipated.Head-achy,Biliows,With Breath Bad or Stomach Sour! No odds how bad your liver,stom- ach or bowels;how much your head oches,how miserable and uncomfort-“ble you are from a cold, tion.indigestion,biliousness =and sluegich bowels—you always get re- lief with Cascarets.Don’t let your stomach,liver andj}howels make you miserable.TakeCasearetstonight;put an end to the headache,biliousness,dizziness,ner- yousness,siek,sour,gassy stemach,bad cold,offensive brenth and ell oth- er distress:cleanse your inside or-gans of ail the bile,gases and con-|atipated matter which is producing|§ |the misery.. A 10-cent box means health,hap- |piness cnd a clear head for months. |Al drurmgists sell Casearets.Don't \foreet the children—their little in- isidea need a gentie cleansing.toc., ad-| rrance.| | |" 'Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines,Au.o-Intox-wation,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit- is and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble.Thousands lof Stomach Sufferers owe their com-|plete recovery to Mayr’s Wonderful, Remedy.Unlike any other for Stom- ach Ailments.For sale by the Statesville Drug Co.and =drucgists everywhere, |Callfor Taxes Taxes have been dvesinceDecemberIst.The county needs themoneyandthecom-missioners say I must collect it.So,Mr.Taxpayer,you willsavetroubletoyour-self and tome if youwillcallpromptlyandsettle.M.P.ALEXANDER,SHERIFF. unique expe-| later. constipa-|8 || }i | | } | was- ES E i s eb “E A L ii$ E i t 'CANDY-~Ice Cooled| Assorted to suit everybody’s palate. se Norris’,Liggetts and Fuerst &Kraemar, Chocolates and Bon-Bons,Fruits and Nuts. Assorted Nuts,Assorted Chocolates. In Halves,One,Two and Three Pounds. STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Comp’y besossrs: e SE AEE The Railroad Men Think this is a good time to strike. We do not thiuk so.But WE KNOW now is a good time for you to “strike”a beeline for our store when in need of anything in our line.Our warehouse is full of everything you need to farm with.Our Builders’ Hardware line is complete and we can supply your needs for garden |L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In--— il Hides,Furs,Wooland Bees- wax,Also old Metal andRubber.Scrap Iron,nee.Books and Magazines.We pay the highest market prices. tools,The service of this store is at your command.- |Iredell Hardware Co Independent Phone 506. BOW He also leaves twoanteae¢SoneS.sister,Mra.Henry Byers of;chase =aa —his meet ys at Poston’s Mitt,ner ity,“E HAVE A MASS OF [icy jute.Utne funeral’pervices 'L.Meare,aosin|’many years.e funera pices :rds,Frid .BEAUTIFUL HAIR,SOFT,were conducted Friday fram the See ox sok a ¢- GLOSSY,WAVY!Methotist church -*~*"the de-town cemetery.ceased was a member.by,Tea wes Out-of-town relatives here for theyas25-Cent Bottle Destroys Dan-Rev.L.A.Fails,and the was were Mr.Feimster's uncle,|druff and Doubles Beauty of laid to rest in the city cemetery.B.Gibson of Statesville;hisplLeonard's beautiful operetta,brother,Mr.H.P.Feimoter oficolicnausea,Your Hair!“Alice in Wonderland.”wast pre-Mooresville and Lawyer W.C.Feim-”D :.sick stomach,and similas,,Within ten minutes after an ap i avabee te detieet a =star of Teena brother-in--law,Mr.No climate affects itfor cation of Danderine you cannot auditorium ay 68 Satur la mers of Stony Point;Mr.been in»oneutent use for more «single trace of dandruff orfalling evenings.Little Miss Sarah Tur-wW.J.Lewis of Winston,an uncle of thepackage protecis it.seesa benefited moremae =ur scalp will not ne but ages.as the ae etn ct Mrs.Feimater,gna a brother end what will please you most will be "erself.was supportec St Of sister rs.mster from Row-,.recommends after a few weeks’“a when you see 200 school children.The beautiful an,.WRIGZLEY’S goes to allpeot25.Geta new hair,fine and downy at first—costumes and picturesque seente ef Rev.Mr.Pearson of Stony Point,N.C 42g Yes—but relly new r—growing fects made a gorgeous backgrovnd pastor of New Stirling,Amity and parts of the world—ia.all over the scalp,for the story and every number clic-Elk Shoals A.R.P.churches,filledToricTOCREDITORS.A little Dandevtge immediately ited enthnsiastic applause,The pro-the pulpit at the A,R.P.church all seasons,toallclasses.Having qualified as administratrix of the doubles the hoaaty <our hair.No ceeds realized from the enterta’n-here Sunday afternoon.of MN.E.Sirovd,decensed,this is to difference how dull,,brittle and ment will be used for purehasinx Miss Cauble ef Salisbury has ar-notify all persons having claims against said geragev,just ouiene a cloth with sons books for the school and for the rived and taken up her work as mil-Fresh,clean,wholesomePetree,Beete hiewilte Danderine and earefully draw it benefit of the literary societies.linery at the Bee Hive.in bar of their recovery,AN persgns through your hair,taking one small Dr.Frank Siler spoke at the Mr.H.T.Kelly hes returned :indebted to said entate “wilt,Be vequleed "to strand at a time.The effect is amaz-Methodist church Sunday morniny from a brief visit to his mother,Mrs.and.delicious always.make immediate on E.STROUD,ing—your hair witl be light,fluffy and evening in behslf of the Greens-y_,Kelly,Salisbury,and a busi-a.’:ae _ahd wavy,and have an appearance boro Collewe for Women.This co!-ness trip to High Point.Mr.W.J.°.eS Atty.Administratrix of abundance;an inmaasubhe lus-leme is a to —oo Davis oF Connelly Springs spent It aids appetite and di-smear esis tre,softness ard luxuriance.or new dormitories and $109.000 to Frida here.Miss Mabel CooperNOTICETOCREDITORS.Get a 25-cent bettle of Knowlton’s be used as a scholarship fund for went (5 Barium =Friday coming,gestion,quenches thirst,TE I &_™o Danderine from any drug store or <itls who are not able to pay the ex-where she was the guest of her ‘notify ail ereditors having claims against seid $0tlet counter,and prove that,your nenseé of a college education.Dr.cousin,Miss Katie Siay Compton,estate to present them to me on or before heir is as pretty and soft as any—Siler was heard with interest here.until Saturday night,February 16,1918,or this notice will be plead-that it has been neglected or injured At the evening service he made asinarottheerecovers:All varcone ne jy”careless treatment—that’s all—strony plea for voentional teeininr Mr,Abernethy Home—Otherimmediatesettioment,RL.SHORMARER,YOU surelycan haye besautiful hair The Metholist church here will sick People—Cool Spring NotesRWeatherman,Atty.Administrator.2nd lots of it if you will just try a ‘oubtless do its share towards rais-remporndence of The tasters7.,.ine the dextred funds .:___Feb,16,1917 little Danderine.cig =ines,Gcbk anctn.Cool Spring,March 17 —The!:—~:;:farmers are not getting much work.arv of foreie tea eR.iDR,VANCE HASTY,Tom,Dick.and Harry ire "Churen”socks at the Firs)dames 00,much,ruin.About "the;bet ceaasl al Sates time the land ge ry enough toRooms5-7-9,Seeond Floor Can sell you Doors,Windows and Preshvterian church Sunday seorn-plow it rains and re-rains.I sw:“ing,afternoon and evening.His in-.FIRST a~~")yeep Door and Window Frames;but it tore-tine lecture on Japan and Bra-"8¢we ought to play “Pollyanna’s”pRELEPUONE ENGAGEMENTS.||takes Snow Lumber Company to get 7il in the evening was illustrate’fund,Gamer gthough.and be thank:Phon i *rj nti piew yiSPECIALATTENTIONTOCHILDREN'S |out the kind you'll alwavs be glad ldo ponding «Mise gyn F engl and coal or meat and bread,as ouryoubought.First of all,the price is wf studies of the wise socie.City friends have to.I think thatallright.**°Last of all,THBY-ice of the Preshuterian dhuveh.this year every farmer should give WERE BULLT FOR SATISFACTO-A woll equipped read force nnder “Pecial attention to something toDR.COITE SHERRILL,RY SERVICE!The Watkinses have the dirertion of Road Foreman Hart-wr;.Mack Abernathy is at home:;sold Snow er Co.’sell arrived last week and are bus:;General Practioner in =Scat regi -products for ving the ronel piers of road ———where he had toCityandCounty.34 years.Let me bid from your jerween Mooresville and the Meck-—ol —weeks,Pigs =hisAllcallstelephonedtoJus.R.p UC Brints.lenbure Wine at Devidgon.This im-DoS bus we nee pind to any boml.,,4 scsuldanelind tie Ni aid heal we ;poison but we are glad to say he isHill's residence or Long’s Sanato-|_©-WATKINS,Statesville,N art naa na ait seat on getting along very nicely.rium will—-prompt attention.ntmost imnessable.The pond -fore:MY:Olle Lanenby is still at®Dr.So «ill vemein in thie vicinity a8 «Carpenter's hospital,weere he hasnerraanentfeatureoftheforcebee?for near two weeks.He had theworkingsouthofOxtwalt.measles and it settled in his head.itney Station,See de oma ,trad tore ghForSprains,Lameness,rected ta be here some “me during|Lut is better now.His son,Mr.P|.fe es ae 5 Paul Lazenby,who ten been inhamil:e weok to investieate the progmect “raidHAVESECUREDTHESore“>Cuts,Rheumatisin for a knitting mill “ea Hs °an i,school at Chapel in,now at oe RETWEEN JOHNSTON-Penetratcs and Heals.itions have been received by the home on account pf his father’s ilPajchamh<r of commerce for the e _hess, BELK STORES FOR OUR OF.-Ste ps Pain At Once ae :co fn stal The fire at Cool Spring was Mr. FICE AND WAITING ROOM, ishrent of nit yr mil!|For Man and Beast ise Tenia Howard is vile to pe.JAY Moore's instead of Moose,asTTAtAllDealers,nme her duties as teacher in.the The Landmark had it.—WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN ‘orneting schools,fter heine eon-,Miss “lizabeth Frye of Cool Deliveries of cars are very slow and un- ‘AN :2}‘ted ta her home for several dawe pring left a few davs aro for Mor-i aaANDWAITIFJITNEY1SNOTAuldneeeountoferysipelas.Rev.L.U.°°!:oe re she 2 iN be s basgiral certain this Spring on accountof the :sHT.SPECIAL EN-Vaston subatitutre a AGtee a rs.Wm.Fraley ha een rijyl i ahi Aesaiede lncpgeiec allt ’a]anes ~if How sick for several weeks and is no situation.ah “5 aur'nae her iTnes::TION GIVEN TO CALLS.ee pa We ten Gules aarrwneyoeroranosqvane“CERDS)SBEDS!?!Wakeman TE ae tear fe HI The only way for you te get your Berd)5 CENTS,{The TDC will boll 9 meer a cathy onterad a roe Gd When you want it 18 to place your applica.‘PHONE £11.Fo ConcaTheohhet we the tered hog some time ago which tion with us in advance.Jitney Transfer Company.:-liss ¢isk eeatine ists a ane Onn amc Was ed with hog cholera andRedBlissandTri:n meeting is to make pln AV)tied shortly after®its arrival Asa SERVICE Cobbier Potatoes.ih _—exercises and entertain:(|re ult he lost every hor he he ;oe Orders placed with us now will receive And the complete stock ’the veterans on Memorial){:\er er ao wate sank }‘2 ?Pe ’;:Agee ee.weld tl us it rompt attention.dy ‘phone,wens,- of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. .uik seed suc!::a ar:o7 onJUIKSeersucnasCapt.L Harvey :revurned x.;.on a area ;Beatin Be how to prevent the spread of the tter comeBeans,Peas,Onion |from a naterium at Rattic Creek yet,to’|disease. ‘‘?‘Sets,Early Corn,3eets,wes treated for —nervousnes Mires Negro Shot By Pursuers. Mich.,where for several weeks he ’::Roth Hawn enntinues seriously i?:|Cantaloupe,ete.-j Rowk Haw continues wera:iM af,A sentehing.party diacovered the Carolina Motor Companyioora,CONANT OF dea uly of Moses Best in Naput-|‘”Come in or phone your beable 2 a es Tina Swamp,Wayne county,his death ‘We Never CloseNnOFpite|Jomes Perry e sono t.and apparently resulting from a woundorders.|Mre James Perry,is also dos “a te-:a a a aA ie pes i}STATESVILLE.MOORESVILLE.NEWTON. lv ne little hope i ent:rtained ane of tivo ne ¢who attempted>or his recovery,o hold up John Howell,a Wayne Phone89.i Mrs.P.J.Chester arrive!Satur.any fence and _“nth farm .ae ay ine —vere tet ’hin hand,when ¢y wer on their way ipcds <coaemecateen os an ee eae .ar po her husband r ‘heeter, ‘Vithin hry marketing ceth sia are .:"oesyi,Yithoilar he nes?week Dr and Mrs Chester po iei Me naga ti me mee”‘'or .Se aemove"to tacir resirts ©1 the ecuffic it only slightly wound- qaqqesmesW.E.MUNDAY.ae ee nee west Moore avenie,recently puts ed.Pa [Ne moana bes _Beautifull|UnexcelledTHEWAYTOHEALTH...’from Me,BA.Trin.|My awcmp and {red on teem,de A AA R A ne a We can give you service. me me Smith,one he 1 ws,WAS CAD-‘rove spent the week-end hero with,gaped and }nid thet his aasociate ver parents,Rev.and Mr Ty A.)Best,had ounded when theFall,Mr.and Mrs.Gea.C.Wine.;.to he bandied about as an article of v nd Mr ee poise fired :rappesedoffwereinlicshsSeainddtte.:WANTED |recente Stunde 'Se Sparta,GU wore in itty Bins 07 ee 29 av enn!hi gan,”PPodiDOXEt»‘¢Tee pet ge ‘i mt bales Smith sand it was Best whe .r=>bones or phials at the corner Plummer.who is il at oh home |shot H.z i oe ze ,lo ciled in construction ard tone quality.They are manufacter ‘Store c V ’WV i.iat4WWINTC’thers Rov.and Mrs,R.A Iman|2y or :ars }(atch ed by one of the oldest and largeat pi facturi firme |000 BARIUM ROCK SPRING WA-ee.;farm ha:t ‘ied Smith xs !argest piano manu uring in 1,>bushels of Peas,Clays,TER aids Nature to restore itself 4;|Saal Githert he :'-the nesaiiant and he was removed @ America,which has von a most enviable reputation throughout Whipps ormixed Will pay when drugs fail.It drives Uric acid oy le a cet ne Tere POTtien the State prison in Raleirh to ao aa, i >|out ef the system and revitalizes the -.Pelatives |prevent lynching cash We also want an nerves.weal Se WESER PI ANOS ure sold in Statesville by the same family offcyFe.M.Shannonhouse writes:“I “get Up lal —i :A Lepwue of Liberals.;LFONARDS which took the agency for this territory NEARLYuantilyofcorn,Oats,an was suffering from shatiered nerves b Pat sir i ‘the me ,:wr A permanent plattorm er “work-fWO-SCORF YEARS AGO!Our reputation of the past,eat.and disorde ae Ste mach =poms anole _la ng jac e .Yan ing plars for the future of the par-ad _.>‘Sheen Boal one we are here to stay.Set ourour on a :ae eure.”re punty,7 at a religoo ~.ey P eigs'_aie mitte a .ao Wel:‘Phone W."VANS rite ice being held at Mr.Danie!Wand.|2°one f reeress)Peer ea5.K.Morrison Grocery |,‘PhoneW.A.EVANS,or,writeion none Vannoy_postoffice, ursing rit |Gani «ccdone2’tee swearing amom:ihe convrega-|®.salt bids ;pittyropSsLN.C..rill meet t ne ”head arte&Produce Company.oe”S een ewee tion.He was ordered cnt of the biped ie :eee 1 Building 129 Vest Broad Street..co -naiRpn =<pagetee tpetesihaatttim xqumaenee a as house,but returned in aif.min-:rs :a,Sale of Refused Freight.Me",vcr tr anh,Sn!cen|gly meat 1 ANNOUNCED,eMfiringinamongthecontion,t Eines Teaeas SeONBATURDAY,APRIL 14,1917,at 12 m.,A nes ro ae rere he Progressive national committee, Cc,Ll.L EST ER,the Southera Railway Company will sell for He fired six shots.one of w ;pefi @ys that overtures have been made tefreightandchargesxtpublicauctionattheteredthelegofMr.J.R.Vannoy,ereanive Renuhblics ,,i_—warehouse of the Imperial Cotton Oil Co.in just above the knee,It isn very iregressiv aa a,‘9REGISTEREDARCHITECT,|Stetewilie,N.C.TEN (10)TONS HAY.tad wound and is giving Mr.Verh |Secialists anc ee|TERMS CASH B.A.COWAN,:sh ow the t he ;@ther parties to discuss plans with ,.Mar,13-4t &,ney Mure Pan.No arres *'the Progressives for the formation of VV a.’beeri made,”the corresponden!adda.‘"Statesville,N.C.Phene 340Green.It is high time that something was |*'easue of liberals. ST Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St.|; Health is the most important thing |, —=-=—-in life,It is too precious,too vital “R PIANOS are very beautiful in appearance,and are un- ie : Bo t h y a <i sy LEO’RD PIANO STORE,Statesville,N.C. Bt si k a Si ls a ‘.RO re te eee enemadonetoridanycommunityofCh@PcapapemalDEAPNESSCANNOT BRacterslikethat.CURED Will :ts.“-¢—SE By loen!apr lications,aa they cannet reach the i ca;eae 1 10WwANTED!s N Rev.D.A.Goodman Dood.diseases partion the eae Phere tonly ome nue at cenr“©eure eatarrhal deafness,and that iseenRev.D.A.Goodman of nelly >phagtiesl ani remedy,"Catabrhal eatuens a shave.Nothing ‘cut |a Springs died Thora:day night at i caused by an inflamed cond tien of the muSCRAPBRASSHeavyBrass7}c.<4 h of :cous lining of the Euxtachian Tube,Wheneaes6.ome ¢his daughter,Mrs.G thie tube is inflamed you have a runvbling 8 ort.ot u inaeLightper:wees ’,of i anne +—|'x Agohe-spand or im voroet hearir nd when it t en pj,;ville,aged f0 uncra in *tirely closed,Deafness w the result,Unbann@|“eg hey the ledgrmtonern rehoced td’ths tbe 30 da Come andFORSALE:[Cie efsrnoon "i Guedinan”«coe gon hymen,ys.and see,‘oon.q mar a con dent royed =fermen.Many eases of deafnessandsecondhandmachineryductorontheSouthernvallway,Qilise aasend kp satarch,vitg te on,teleaee Hot and coldbathsgaleandallkindsofboiler|#son of the dead man.|donation of the mucous surfaces,Halls Gn.° cnel a terrh Cure sete through the bleed on the anuroomsupplies.7 DrivesOut Matarta,Buttds Up System ~etrfaees of the <>4 teen 8 .will give One Hundred orC,H.TURNER.|ailDealers.«|TRRONBandedonealmeengunerine Yom,eat frig"aloes,het cnet Be W.E.COLBY, HS TASTELESSCHINTONIC.6:69OUR onpod ty Hall's Catarvh Cure.Clrewlars free,Seth Thane He $4,BeRHe ¥,sy IN aalemina causa Pre+c #00.Tot,i ‘4 i~voll *itea as offence is now der North Carolina fore,as the Record says,it was a misdemeanor,punishable by fine or and in case the of- a lenient judge,he was usually let off with a fine and a promise of good behavior.Under the new law the of- fence is not only a felony but the minimum punishment is 12 months’ imprisonment,which means chain gang service or a stay in jail,unless help comes from the Governor.Fur- thermore conviction of a felony de- prives one of citizenewtp-——of the right to vote.It more serious than a conviction for a simple mis- demeanor. a ES er eee ee me “One can get an individual dish of enbbage these deys for 15 cents,” the Hickory Record informs us. Whether that is a barcain depends on the size of the dish.Yerrs ago when taverns in Statesville dispens- ed liquid refreshment to the thirsty. a citizen who sometimes patronized them made application for life surance.Among the questions ask- ed was whether the applicant in- dulged in the ardent and if so to what extent.“Oh,I take ahout a couple of glasses’a e#ay,”answered the applicant carelessly.It was stated and when the papers were sent In the ‘fnsurance people wrote back to say they would like to have the size of the glass from which the applicant took the eye-opener.If Bro.Farabce will tell us the size of the dish of cab- bage he gets for 15 cents we will knew whether the h.c.|.has affect ed the Hickory cabbage market. in- 80 some idea of ope It is related that bloodhound:were recently called into action to chase chicken thieves at Spencer,and the hounds “iracked the thief some dis- tance but lost the seent in a negro neighborhood,”says the chronicler who sends this informa- tion to the public prints.The infer- ence is that there was such a confu- sion of when the “negro neighborhood”was reached that the noble bloodhounds were unable to distinguish the partienlar scent they had followed from the disturbed chicken coop.It ¢s submitted to Col.Fairbrother of the Greensboro Record that in a case of this sort it should be permissible to call on Dr. Johnson to fetch his mules to the relief of the bloodhounds. ATE oea SeNEETITRE It is observed that the “little 2- year-old”daughter of Mr.Blank has been in a hospital.It is gratifying to know that 2-year-old children con- tinue to be little.So many newspa- per writers take pams to explain that children ranging in age from a month to ten years are “little.”that The Landmark has wondered at times if any attained ful!physical stature at that are.They used to tell us on all ogcasions that one’s future was “before”him;but after due consideration they seem to have concluded that one’s future couldn't well be to the rear of him.ond so they have largely dropped that sur- plusage.Maybe the explanation that 2-year-old children are little will be dropped by and by. RENEEOemearpore The railroad strike has been called off.This is written in advance of the report of the agreement.and it isn't pleasant to think that the rail- road employes may have forced their demands in the face of peril and pending a Supreme Court decision.This is a discusgion of the justice of their cause.The Landmark has sympathized with the demand for an &-hour day,but the epirit that take ure of con- ditions to enforce a denand.regard- less of all other consideratic ns and in ap;the courts, is a dangerous and one that May return to We hope, however,that an amicable and final settlement and one that isjusttoall. me The Russian revolution found the children of the royal family ill with measles,The Grand Duke Alexis, 12 years old,the heir to the throne,was Mand his death has since d ‘hut the story je denied.lines for the —_emperor was not at be turned out of the pal- While the children were sick. the royal family fled for safe- Weteteted that they were‘or unkindly, veracious sents nee acvants rent disregard o spirit plague there i .: the nation’s * ‘sia,TheempressisofGermande-| ‘geent and many of the government) |officials were,it is alleged,under| German influence.It is asserted! that the change in government will| not affect the prosecution of the war! in support of the Entente allies,but | on the contrary,as a result of free-— ing the government from the pro-| German influence,the war will be| more vigorously prosecuted.It would| seem,however,that even if this is| correct,the readjustment of the) government may temporarily ham-| per the prosecution of the war. While the Grand Duke Michael,| brother of the Czar,has been ap-) pointed regent,he announced that he will accept the place only by a vote of the people.Think of a Rus- sian prince stopping to consult the wishes of the people!That is evi- dence that the people are in com- plete charge in Russia. The amazing change so quickly effected in Russia is evidence of the wonderful growth of democracy.In Russia,where the people had less oiece in government than anywhere m earth,they have assumed cortrol almost in a night;«nd the trodden and oppressed,who had no rights that were respected,are now the rulers.It will take time to per- the new government and there will possibly be some ment and dissatisfaction for a time, but out of the turmoil,let us hope, will come a real governmense of tne people. There are not lacking that the spirit which overthrew des- sotism in Russia is very much in Germany and we may not be prised if revolution is staged Germany, LL down- fectect disappoint- err at .InNdtealions ive sur- gta ni Being asked by a New York poner on the internn- tional situation,Bickett in effect thet this country should «i: whatever is necessary to he!p defeat Germany;that the prevalence of the German ideals of rovernment in the world would be a ronism.The Greensboro News,com- mending the candor of the Govern- is kind enough to explain that “if anachronism has given some of our if not markedly typical American citizens,pause,even a medium grade dictionary would pro- vide the key.”The News might for an expression Gov.said or, good, ‘have saved some of its readers trou- ble by printing the meaning of the word,But it isn’t so much “anach- ronism”that will give some of them pause as another word,used by the News—not by the Governor -in that same editorial.The stumped reader may not find that word in a “medi- um grade dictionary”and he may la- hor under ‘the impress-on that the News is using words that nave no place in a family newspaper. LANSE:A ETETESION RES § Three unarmed American mer- chant vessels destroygd by German ubmarines within a few This seems to be all the evidence necessary,if further evidence were needed,that Germany does rot pro- nose to give any more consideration to American merchant ships than to We are today really in a state of war with Germany;only an act of ean days. ‘he ships of belligerents. Congress In the face of what has happened,the for- mal declaration will not lelayed. formally declare war. long he =enoee Universal Training, Gerard. Addressing a publie meeting York,Jom W.Gerard, sesador to Germany,said: “When I came back to this coun- try it was a positive shock to me tofindthatinthetwoyearsinwhichtheworldhasbeenonfirewehave done nothing to prepare for even a reasonable =me of national de-fence. “There is only one thing,”Mr.Ge- rard continued,“and that is univer- sa!military training,That nation that stand site us todav has probably not less than 12,000,000 men under arms.I have seen the Germans take prisoner in one after-noon more men than there are in the United States army.” Savs New late am ND News Censorship Effective. A war-time censorship on military and naval news is now effective throughout the United States.Fol- lowing a conference between Secreta- ry of the Navy Daniels and represent atives of the press associations plans were made for the censorship of all information relating to ship or troop movements,to be recognized hy thepressassociationsandnewspapersof the country,despite the absence of a Federal censorship law.The thew censorthip will release informationastothearrivalofshipsatAmeri-,can porta,which has closely|guarded for the past two weeks, *vacant lot in in * monstrous anach-: in sow.’are about to swellfightandmustbe fed.©From theweevilismarchineonlina.Full cribs andavethesureandsafedefencethecomingofthispest,In @Statethedestructionofthebollweevilhasbeenfollowedaparalysisofthefarmers’Being forewarned of the steadyvaneeofthisenemyandtheconsequenceofitsattack,it eclossal stupidity to fail te meet ©with the only weapons that haveprovedeffective,towit,broad acres of grains and grasses.“Three.The amenved crop lien law was framed to give to ¢smallfarmeradecentchancetofromaereditsystemthatlevies j on the right to live and laber | heaviest,tribute imposed upon a,helpless people since Augustus Cae- sar issued his decree that all theworldshouldbetaxed.Rut the farm- ery who fails to increase his food and feed crops will deny to himselffamilytheblessingsofthelaw,merchant will properly refuse to) make unlimited advances under thenewlaw.Long profits will no long-|er tempt him to trke lone ¢| He will wisely and justly insist that:the farmer must produce his own! meat and meal,and when he *has,done this he will tind oo difficulty in}obtaiging other necessary supplies,|“All these things make a substan- tial inerease in our food and feed) crops essential to our self-preserva- tion, “Wow,there fore,:. Rickett,Governor ofna,do hereby,designate and set apart Thursday;th Sth day of April,1917,as planting day,and on hat day I earnesily urge:“One.All mayors of incorporated towns te cell the people tovether and viae and put into execution practi- 1ys and means of having everyandadjacenttothe town planted to grein or grass,peas Thomas Walter North Caroli- €al wW farmers’organizations |io «meet and counsel members to heavily inerease and feed ciops this year. their their food Three.All landlords to insist thet ’food and for sustenanee i their live stock, and bankers wnt th threar ed ns Four,All merchantstocounseltheircustomers who are enceged in farming to increase the reage planted to food and feed creps such)an extent that will be ‘necessary for them to nur- chase any ies next year “The times are tronblous.Wo m ‘an say what an hour may bring forth,but if we shall act with =pru- dence and diligence the ‘meal w1!!waste not,nor will the oil fail.’” Sympathy and Female Rela- tives May Save Defaulter. At Besufort last week Thoma Thomas,*former county treasurer and bank cashfr,was sentenced t two years in the penitentiary withjudgmentsuspendeduntilMay15. In the meantime the case will be carried before the Governor.The scene in the court reom was vathet-ic,as men as well as women wept,say the press dispatches. The day before Thomas exzered a plea of nolo contendere.Counsel made impassioned pleas for the de-fendant.Judge Stacy,“in the mostsolemnandimpressivemannerandwithavoicechargedwithemotion, had berun his remarks preparatory to sentencing the defendant whenhewasstoppedbytheshrieks,sons and tears of the sister,wife and other relatives of Mr.Thomas,and for several minutes commotion reigned in the court room.”Courtvasthenadjournedunti!next day, when sentence was passed. Thomas told the story of falcation and claimed that he did not use a evtiar money.The shortage is about 000,Prominent citizens testified toThomas’previous good character “The trouble began,”savs the press reports,“when Thomas’fath e long a prominent business man at Beaufort and formee evunty hegan overdraweag his”ount tenants,shall ample}MUNESAl p! food aA the de- ‘of theIyo r lreas- ace Suffrngists Coming South. Helieving that the time now ripe for a political alliance betweentheSouthandtheWest,the Nation- it Woman’s party will launch a suf- frage campaigen in the Seuth Aprit 1.North Carolina is included in the ‘y Expert |23d and 24th---Gives His Services ry The Scholl footcometheirfoot foot comfort. Free, many=-over- ewill be here for two daysonly and we—urge you,if you have foot ailments of ksocver,to come in at once and let the cxpert aroma geeeet.Absolutely no charge whatever for the Scholl foot ex-pert’s servicestohimortous,nor need you be customerexpertwillbehereonlyuntilSATURDAY. this store closes on that date the expert’s visit in this city will be at anend,After that date it will be impossible for you to seeonee,before Saturday if possible,and come e When and you will beunder noobligationeitherYesGilashte-ashel t tap satinaregularofthisstore.The him.So come in atin,the day to be sure of his bestandmostthoroughatteation.TELL HIM YOUR FOOT TROUBLES.If you have corns—callouses--bunions—sudden cramps in the toes or just backofthem—weak ankles--weak or fallen arches—pains in the heels—pains in theanklesorlimbs—tired,aching feet —any foot troubles at a!!,come see the Schollfootexpertandlethimshowyouhowtogetquickreliefandlastingcomfort. ea 3 THE S.,M.&H.SHOE COMPANY. Ee ITPAYSTOPAYTHEPRICEOFTHE ae oe Look AUTOMATIC_REFRIGERATOR Beyond The Cost Price When youBuyaRefrigerator. A Refriyerator has more than one price. the begining of xpense. The price you pay is only The ice cost is the big cost that will equal or excee)the first cost every year, if you buy a cheap ice eating Re- frigerator,|Food Costs Too Aiuch To Let It Spoil In a Pour Refrigerator. ’Phone or write for prices on the size AUTOMATIC you need. Crawford-Bunch Furn iture Co. “The Store That Always Welcomes You”’ fscmemaiiades Has al!the good qualities of au-! temobile construction,.| 4, Mode!No.490 Touring Car.Price $550 f.o.b.factory. -”GARAGE G) 4 = “ You insure your house against fire, | '' ‘ | itinerary and the suffragists plan to why not insure it against decay with, the homes of the members ofneress. The expedition will be led by Miss Maud Younger of California andwillbecomposedexclusivelyofwo- men voters.Thirteen States which have not vet been fullv organized by the National Woman's party and which are the strongholds of theDemocraticpartywillbevisitedby the suffragists in their “Dixie drive.” The invasion of the Seuth will be a friendiy one,it is stated,the idea behind it being solely to give the veting women of the West an oppor-| tunity to carry a message of reatpoliticalimportancetoboththemeq|and the women of the South.| visitC FOR SALE BY cee reeTOMORROWmeSeeRedCedarwiththebarnWatoobusy8,Nexttarehouse, yourbe- N. Dag,3911.Mr.|with all-and 3 GARFORD HOMELITE. See this complete Flectrie Light Plant for the Farm and Suburban Home. $176 F.0.Bb.STATESVILLE, Onexhibition at the Bowling Alley,Broad Street,Statesville. The Sumter Telephone Supply Co,Atlanta,Ga. ‘Lazetby-Montgomery Hardware (Co., a MRS.J.M.McKEE Wishes to anacvace her AnnualSpring and Summer Exhibit of Pzttern Hats,gNewCreationsthatwillinsureexclusive- ness and individuality to the trade at very moderate prices..Wednesday and Thursday,March 2ist, and 22d. Your esteemed patronage solicited. fixed f 3FirstWard-~At eyeySecondWard--At theMaterCo.Third Ward—At the Court Mouse of Iredell CountyFourth Werd--At the offige of the FirstBulidingandLaanRecistrarsendJadgeselectionwere|appointed aa follows: Elpikoraeryunder iteandMrs.Chas,P.Goode,i of the district should bethattheyhavesuchableend{teachencedteachersto:a Fipikora|Society will give a debateou Firs Regist!;|night,Mareh 28.“Resolved,that iedre,3 Coke ina w.'t,ineald” -ge Vo.ae ny re,ale scien a W cad Wolter Giller.Bu ml nh,‘ie aMrs.J.M aia ee.T.Third Ward .J.Lanenby; W.C,Howard,|B.D.Walters 4.,;.mderes,8.Miller .hswellknowninStMegvilleasafor°"%gi ei “st “The ‘registration beoks for sald el Bo leh mer player on Statesvillo’s basebal|aa aad _Hen-cnn on Saturday,April 21,1017,and will A \Jo”adel.108 ry close at @ o'clock p.m,on Saturday,April 25, |Ste.tenes 7 es Aan ent of Girls will read essays as 1917.The polls will be open from §o'elowk :¥way |)Affirmative --Misses Olvia |#mo.untdl seneoem »May 8,1917.Yotte,where he ix a student at Hor |9s Towee Clendenin:i ereiner’s Military Academy,Misses Jette Shumaker 12 cian oo etaan awake Tit,the ener::oon of aidermea,en re .ty on |Mr.Fred Alexanderof Washington |Walters:journal by MissesSAan tion of the entablichment of a free public nr,c “a nm eg sy ag od Fag Rachel Bobbitt.hrary in the City of ares,the levy ,|parents,Mr.and Mre.J.R.Alexender |“Gay's chapel Sund sh eee Cc ta ofS 5h cee ah elk be number rich songs..re iny's chapel Sunday sec ool ivaluction amd tem w om each poll,will be =>Sed related an!Miss Frances Fleming ig in Hun-was discontinued for three months,|+n itted to the auatined peters te call eter. »tersville for a few days.Later she wili begin next Sunday.[ton AB vetere in favor of the extablixhmenit =Min at eae bo vonfach|will go to visit friends in Charlotte.:of waid Hbrery shell coat @ written or printed aan .0 es alee a ee,To CureaColdin One Day pietyBeMaagttFmeer es wa —Y|Raiph,who have been the quests of Take LAXATIV:HROMO Quinine,It litrary ehell cant «written or printed ballot shamrock souvent .Mrs.BE,M.Yount,have returned to Cows!h aut Be oecad rts.cas bearing the words aApeian iaeravy. Depart ter The Landmark.:|Sie Benge in Hickory.E,W GROVES Signa’ure om euch box.se.chr of seasoute Boone oe DOO!.” The MacDowell club held an inter-'Mra,Sarauel Johnson and Miss- esting meeting Frida ero ieee Se Mar.20,i,e . afternoon|Marsaret Green have gone to Me|=MARKET REPORTS.Soe oF DS BY FUR with Mre Dorman pson and |Pile,Ala.They were vesiting rela-| A.5.Salley at Mrs.Thomp-|‘Ves in Statesville and vicinity.| homme The following pro-|Mr,Jesse Southern,who bas been by American composers |Yisiting in Wilkes eounty,passed :through Statesville Saturday on_his :MucDowen|Way to his home in Great Falls,: .Woodmen|Montana.j |Mrs.H.J.Knight of Granite Fal's was in Statesville Sa lay on her wav te Mooresville,where she seeps laa Borge!will visit. c,W.Coombs Miss Lena Rives visited relatives in x that by virtue of aMoticefegiven MEMBER FEDERAISYSTEMOFBANaAAaORSRRR URED aah When you do your banking with us do it with.a Member Bank of the FEDERAL RESERVE system ofbanks.Our bank had to show it was a STRONG bank...reasurer,before it could become a member. $s Qceseeville Produce Market _—TOGETHERf ourodcoeortheprotectionofdepositors. The following prices were paid peeter@e?)ory CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY PTurkeys,18e.to 20,per Ib.lon fo Our bank can take its securities toour Central Chickens,I6e.per tb.The defendant above named will take notice ‘ -Bui,tie.per doncn.atoe or”ue Come of lean money is in our bank YOU canget it when YOU wants. Butter,2¢to 5c.pur th <at Gee .eels of oa ra sl laa to &;nei Green Hides (ansalted)te,per Ib,tween the shane’. Green Hides (salted)19¢.per tb.‘aid -ee Se.ke achestone Sides and Shoulders,16-18¢.per Ib,the Sensetee ©.»be Ge New Red Heney,82,to He.per:M.so ice Loch egy Mg sow 2 We pay 4 per cent intereston time deposits.a The Witches Donee ......----.- Mrs.R.B.MeLavebtin. Mrs.Bugene Davis, NOTICE OF SERVICEBY PUBLL |TICE OF CS SY FURL We are one of a vast army offbenks which STAND for produce on the toeal market in the Sunerlor Court. nme,Reserve Bank at any tims o money.When Reveters,Te.per tb.that an ection entitled ae above hae been y ‘a one get y —— Bevswax,3h.per dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing be-Put YOUR money in OUR bank. Hams,l8e.to 2%.per Ib.she is required to appear at the nex!term of Charlotte,rcturnine home yesterday ,.MaeDowell -c y .Sourweod Honey Comb,Me.to 20e,por Wf gsc.same being the 2lst day of May,1917, the court house in Statesville,in said coun-I HE FIR S I NA I IONAL BANK, ty,and enewer or demer to the complaint in_|.Miss Sallie Thomas spent Sunday |)O14 Auto Rubber Casing,de.per ib a -.++-.Nevin’In Greensboro.Sweet Potatoes,$1.00 per ssid setion =+a ie apply to the!Court for t re demanded in said com-tes1i‘Sta ville,N.Cc. | a er OT8 A een City,Tenn.to enter ie Geldlers’|4.assume onmen onl ; In the Moon of Falling Leaves ......Cadman Home at that place.|rein “on the tnea!mare ° ‘Por Fun ....PT a ei Cadman Mr.W.MacKendree Robbins re-|Wheat (news £2.10 per bushel. ae Pe ae turned Sunday night to his home in)Go"$1.30 per bushel. Reported tor The Landmark Charlotte after 2 visit to his grand-nin,‘The.per bushel The Eclectic Book club was de-mother,Mrs.W.M.Robbins. lichtfully entertained by Mrs.Jas.Mrs.J.Sherman Ramsey and chil- Wilson Thursday afternoon.Mem-dren,Helen Colt anl >.Sherman,Jr., bers nded to roll call with quo-of f.ony Sstand.are in Charlotte visit- tations from North Carolina poets.ing Mrs,Ramsey's mother Mrs.R.O. Mrs.McLaughlin read a selection Colt. from Henry J.Stockard.Sketches Miss Margaret Turner has returned| from the “White Doe”and the ori-from Elmaion,‘Texas,where she pin of the story were read by Mrs.spent some time with Mr.and Mrs. B.F.Long.“The Hills of Carolina,”A J,Payvanlt. Mrs.Beach}Mt.John C.Foard has gone to John-|oor plaint.;HARTNESS, Clerk of the Superior Covert.Dormen Thompeon,Attorney for Plaintiff.| Mareh 20,19;7. SOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI-Sratesvilte Carter ter F roe E BY PUBLI On the local market esterday 18 1-4 cents _' ver pound war paid for best grade cotton :.Market enesaed ”NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY. ‘otton Seed,The.»the Superior Court. ponies “.cr it above named will take noticeee‘an ar ——e :sa an wethon ventith d a above has been.a ae owe .:ed in the Sugerlor Court of Tredell ty,the purpese of said action being to*must nev .mae Cah son women ie.is,bot of mmtrizny xian We ig "oe =athi®and the defendant,7AUCTIONSALR—Fousehold and bitehen nal eeedlagege agengh :.‘“Moon-.Oho mee ve »wn,|furniture srdey,March 24th,at 3 reecairea ¢weer at the nex by Miss E.A Lehman,and *Mrs.J Turner Mereh:ad of Dan-| creock ms of mile,cash,MISS BESSIB|ye sup.i ee |odes!Se rise in the Pines,”by J..Boner viile,Va.,is the ruest of her niece ALLISON,Troutman,N.C.Mar.20—2t*‘3 .3 a.ti PUES.oO i .!N,Tr n ON *.ey t jondny after the first were read by Mrs.A.L.Coble.irs)A,1.Coble and Judue Cob M ee totes ee ie ae at ee “Hatteras,”by Jos.W.Holden,was Mr.C.B.Webb is at ho am |?J.KIMBALL for EARLY CORN.Mar.24,heme in Bint le,in anid eatt- read by Mrs.C.V.Henkel.Mrs.¥M.Washington.WANTED—A messenger boy with a wheeb|re complaint pe Wallace read a paper on the “Poets yy.George W.Stevens,who is WES FRN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.ea oS of North Cerrolina.”“The Old North ,alain crests at Mur 0.-1t |HARTNESS, State”was sung by the club mem-MeDowell county,spent FOR SALE—Good yoke of steers,F.T.“erk of the Buperior Court, bers,standing,at the close ef the magia _;BURKE March $0--30%..,|Dirman Thonspgen.Attorney for Platatiff. °--ae ~}elaren .",Gli programme.Kelly of POR RENT—Seven-room house on Front ntred| Lunch was served at small tables.Mooresville were in State ville Sun-|sith all medern conveniences.MES.D.Mithll NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notices of New Advertisements {°”he guests of Mr.and Mrs.F FURCHES.March’30.5 :d ‘ae ving qualified as administratrix of the :Na Wards WE HAVE A LOT OF PE REE ,n A.Hapner,deneesed,late of Fancy dress trimmings,laces,ready-ome of E a weit =:ely ' tate of or defi county,North Carciina,this ls to no- to-wears-—Ramscy-Bowles-Morriven Polks Ceing West ana Labor is 6 i ‘‘es ‘eysons calling,the re ood wt Statesville on or befere the 20thCo.@ ead oe ‘:’scarce,ther ,»are 1 culls or lef ; Good young herses just arrived.—.Pac Borat clit “piece eh Merch,\¥18,or this netloe will be ,oe n bar of their recovery.All persons woking after Dwsartville, Suodaiy et his homMr.and Mrs.W.8&. be ;7?sii persons having claime saainet the ea-#t Road,wer ar ¢4 i“t deceosed to exhibit them to the Fred H.Conger.er purposes,Thi Y 3 d Millinery opening tomorrow and Thursday.—(Mrs.Mary Sims. Geed garden tools.—-Lazenby- Montgomery Hardware Co. Confidential and satisfactory atten- tion.—Pvbpie’s Loan &Savings Bank Applications in advance.—Carolina Motor Co. Beautiful and unexcelled pianos. Leonard Piano Store. Coats and coat suits —J.M.McKee &Co. Everything for buu ling—C.Wat kins.Your eyes tested.—-R.F. jeweler.: Garford Homelite —The Sumter Telephone Supply Co.,Atlanta,Ga. Complete tools and builders’hard- ware.—iredell Mardware Co. Foot expert coming.—S.,M.&H Shoe Co. Spring cpeving Wednesdny and Thursday.—-Mills &Voston. Automatic refrigerators.—Craw- ford-Bunch Furniture Co. Yoke oxen for ‘ate.——F.T.Burke Seven-rcom heuse for rent.—Mrs. D.M.Furches.iPeachtreesat Crawford &Co. Notice to creditors.—Mrre.Mary 4 Walker. Notice of clecttlon—C.D. eity clerk. Notice of action for divoree.—J.A Hartness,clerk. Early corn—i0.J.Kimball. Mesgenger boy with wheel.—West ern Wnion Telegraph Co.Mrs.MeKee’s millinery Wednesday and Thursday. Pre-Easter display woman's ovte’ a 1.--Dave Ovstretcher,Salisbury uction sale at Troutman Saturday —Miss Bessie Allison. The Infare. “It is 58 rs ago today since my infare,”incidentally’remarked Mr. J.Alanson White,in The Landmark office Saturday,and some of the Henry, bargain.—-W.H opening —folks in the office began to, nquire what an “infare”was.Forty ears ago a wedding reception or ousewarming at the home of the —was known by no other name. hurch weddings were practically unknown in the country-side,The ceremony was either at the home of| the bridg or at the home of the —and ,the wedding supper or r was at the home of the bride. The next day went to the home of the groom, where the festivities were comple\- ed,and this gathering at the groom’s home was the “infare.” -Statesville,R-4,March 19 —-There =>a box r at the Simons house,on Mocksville road, ..nieht for the benefitLadieswillpleasethemenlotsofgeer Moore | the wedding party| Statesville,R-2.March 17 --—Mr. P.PD.Sherrill left teday for Indi: wherg he expects-to werk.THe -piod his farm for the vear. vey Hager ond Aaron Hager wife have gone te Dayton,Ohio, make their home.The Messrs.Ka- *will work in an automobile fac- ter’Purley Redman,sen of 1 W.Redman,left a few days ago for the West.Mi and Mrs foore and child have dianapotia,Ind.th is that Messrs.Claud Weston,_Law- renee Morrison and Walter Gibson will leave shortly for Detroit,Mich. Se eral ec sored per ple hev ,also rone io the North and West the past winter, alsa reported The work of building the dredre | boat on Mr.A.R.Bowles’farm,on Snow creek,has been deiaved for Inck of hands to clear the ground of timber,etc.Some of the saw mills have susvended.operations on ac- count of the searcity of labor. Poor crops the past year,with the rreatiy inereased cost of producing a crop,together with poor market- io facilities fer many prosucts.has caused many of our people to turn their attention to other lines of work and to vo to other places to live.Tt seams that the Commercial club and! citizens of the county senerally would have to turn their aitention te keep- ine the people here,as well as in- lucing others to come. Mr.Mehaffee Dead. OT Pee pone toe wt Pre Learns York Institute --Mr.Sidney Me- haffee died at his honte in Alexan- der county March 15.He would have been 68 years old March 18. |He had been in feeble health for |some years but his death was rather }eudden.He walked out on the porch, fell and died in a few moments, Mr.Mehaffee is survived by four sons —Messrs.Clarence of Wash- liagton,Everett of South Carolina, Charly of Vashti and Royd,who liv- ed with his father;and two daugh- ‘ters,Mrs.Bob Wiles of Wilkes coun- tv and Miss Blanche,who lived at home.His wife,who was a sister af the late W.R.Smith of States- ville,died three or four years ago. |The buvial was at Rocky Springs. School Honor Koil. wendence af The lLandmware Honor roll of Bethlehem school, Third month:Mary Etta Benfield, Jay Benfeld,Glenn Elliott,Maude 'Gant,Rebert Gant,Albert,Gant, |'Taft Gant and Evamae Dishman; jfourth month:Oma Rost,Celesta|Rost,Mary Etta Benficid,Jay Ben- |field,Glenn Elliott,Zula Filiott,Ev- lameae Dishman,Pernice Green,Ruth Mareen,Floyd Morrow,Jay Morrow, Voda Morrew,Altie Morrow,MayMorrow,Owen Nash,Arleene Nash, Evanelle Nash,James Nash,RufusNash,Mozelle Roseman,Annie Rose-man and Lorene Sherrill Mr.)FOR SALE—2¢ae (ne und for oi»parties ealling there Li i any fay.ft rntecsteatbeceaineverofferedin poacH.CRAWFORD &@ CO. reh 1 ERS wanting te Buy Benplies on tiPentatJ,W.AYERS &SON,«::'casonable.Mar.! wile,N.C.Mar.16Rey)” moved to In-BREVEG Us YOUR WHEAT.We witl give In exchanwe for a bushel of good uncieaneent$8 pounds flowr end 14 pounda bran 4screenings.)TURNERSBURG ROLLER MILLA.Mar.6 Good:Young Horses. Two Carloads of Horses just arrived.They are of the Joha H.Thompson stock of Vir- ‘ginia Horses,all young and good assortment. Will be glad to show them to you. FRED.H.CONGER. FOR SALb—Ths tes land in Filoomfic!d st a sin to quick buyer,W.L,SMI ‘S.MARY H.WALKER,ef Cliften A.Hanmer,de- cerned Mirch 20,1917.- e desirable tracts farm landsfensStatesville,75 to 100 acres each,ZEBV.LONG Mar,16. hace 8 “PLANT A FENCE enarden.Oak Post,Ce-Fenee Rail,Rough and 1 Old Field inch Boards.Also iis,Hinges and Screws.® C.WATKINS."Phone No.43. er Millinery Opening WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY,MARCH 21 22rd, We will have on dis- play the right Hat fer every customer and for every occasion.Come in and let as show you- just what you have been waiting for. anatl enid estate will please make im-, ig Kibet doe The ey :delicate organs.When they need glasses ora change of giasszs your envure nervous system may &6 alfectea ‘ACHES?‘If so probably your eyes need. attention.Come in,we will test your eyes FREE OF CHARGE and ifyoudonotneedglassesora“change of glasses”we tell you so.If you do,we shall fit you out.scientificallyfora reasonable price.‘. 4 Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,; R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. While the Uncles,Aunts,Cousins,Farm Demonstrators and other interested par- ties are advising everybody,children and grown-ups,to cultivate a garden—Good Talk!and we say “go to it.”But you ‘an’t go much without good garden tools. Our store is in better position than ever to supply the necessary tools to make gar- den and field work a success,We sell nothing but high claes farm and garden implements and make this broad state- ment—if you will buf your farm tools from us and cuitivate the land like you know,your bank accoant will be larger than itis now.A stiff bank account is what.everybody wants.Use our goods and yours will grow. NT cialsieek eaigstm ee |SEE ME WHEN OU-NEED“pa Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also to fix your Clock or Watch, H.B.WOODWARD |MRS.MARY SIMS.|| ae ee ke OM ee ie The StyleCenter:of This Section.|PRE-EASTERDISPLAY Woman's Outer.Apparel Every Woman will want to look her best on” Easter Sunday—the great dress up day. Therefore we say (othe ladies of Statesville to visit our store at once (for we are sure you will be well repaid)as the stocks are now large and we are sure to please you.Every : garment represents the efforts of master tailors of this country and are faithful re- productions of Paristan Styles.We feel safe ia saying you will find here at Oestreicher's the best selection of Outer gziments betwee Atlanta and Richmond al pric ‘eS iar lessn than these merchants ask. Will you not come and pay buying e!sew! uS 2 VISil helure ~EY)4 %ODULt,poy .in ta Every Qeeaasto h, $1 UG,dhe 00,$25 GU and Up. Charmin Street,Afternoon,and Evening 0D esses,$15.00,$17.50, $22 50),$2:5.06 and Up. Stylish New Sport and Uiility Coats,; SHAS SIR $12.MY S45 dand Up. «garments. srowns and % fa cahi.DAVE Ol ~a Say Welcome. STR.KICHER1CAROLINA. on Purchases »PyF-.ae P.tlenagd KareRoundLALDBui OR |Ce Rgenn Meet ON aNsaeOTLA 0)r ison CompahyVe k Parcel Post Service. eC LALLAALLELECLE male amse +}OW CS-) The Sto:e Wit h the gee ot eeoe tee es Quick “have ready for vour:election bglot Pi t VaiLaces,mecium and wide |insertions,aw!«dees in match sets.%me of the lots worth as much as 20c yard. These are excellent valaes at the se pede,10e,to Ve,yard Our stock Vals,round Thr and top laces than —and moderately, Dakss TRING bas more beautiful dav —old and Silver vis and motifs —Gould vor OH th,72 inch Silk nel ra Ve —ficorgette Crepes and Tas- in the wanted colorings. Don’t forget our Ready-to-Wear depariin en ‘where we are show- ing |beautiful Suits,Coats,]ig 1OLS af Dresses and Blouses. seis A te Ramsey-30%ies-Vorrison Company. The Store That Peys ihe Postage on Mail Orders. er ee oe WinLe To‘sieDY eT le can tng, Sam wil y them,why in the woyld dy Roosevelt buy hin among, some furrin’ Greensboro Record, Now that Uncle rmedH\etethe hacred roywantto0, stand merchantraan and set Cee panting for gore, core at that,for a long is a chance for him to a and go, he climbed San Juan Hill, the Ge io ae single-handed and -. te the buying an atted merjgetting‘inte =thisisreportedthathuntingerloislandamongUecai Strunve that a man ofdoean’t —waderstand that Opp t none Hat once.tr sa.he ny ha thought that Op- unity ¥knocking at Chicayo -him ¢ve nwo;that it knock-Chicaga last summer mply the doo?gatilin:It calls,him the v way ta do ji 1 saying he wo power—and he dex r the barred zo ee a Cnptured, bite LedfBe rmans aud put an sloody war. Instead ot hantma: the iret,iHwonshore vibal m hia per eption 0wW menvaes Je Cuadsem via i vin a Potote ment The plant:notate 1.South ma,Virgir ul inmerease ¢ States 1! d,compire the town ting ther and all tal the ac 4a chy several th ns The Enormous War Pier Tay,irman + direCclOrs nad t -th »Fee it‘ ning sted au- iate-of the ;\ada.iio of ‘4,600 pound weet potatoes,| and of 3,57)‘ This serves s fact to emphasize on that _ne alWays of dut uw ut 4u)’i try ut that i!p subing syet does wet around until an outery raised, EEEeatemeed enore| plenty ADVERTISERS changeo will ple copy eariy.vo chaomniad.guaranteed after i2 o'clock eat ieiv © aA Wan ." it disit. Ve Lion24-26. Rev,W.pester of a First Baptist chureh:Marion,hasVemorialchurch;Greenville. R.O.Everett of cen elected president ofVairAsseciationtosucceed Leonard fufta,resigned. Forty-one bales of cotton ng to a of vore and careless emo! Standing on a box ear at Enfield, Halifax was thrown to hifting engine struc! elevent!.|the North Carolina Library AwillbeheldinSalisbury April | M.Moore,for three years! accepteda call to Durham hes the State helong- Chatham county farmer last week.Cigarette ver held responsibleburned Capt.W.BR.Neal the track when the the car,was county, run ever and killedMissesAmanda Catawha copnty, ime d the tren of the a‘nd Rertie Ww right sisters,died the day of measies and pre mumTo nia father “ee two othersamefamilywere en lan usly iM.rhe 4d,M-Kinnon Phe Wednesday and Thur ve jerder io nip in the tion of a Inh onions.|The Ethel Chair Company ¥t 1 nese filiated plani« the:i only ¢ a »was lee ol (Bs: ' served netice 1 em-S hy all who ion | ey ”- ished paynrent Knuksgiving service wr congregation of —the Firsttchurchof,North Wilkesboro-§ on its chu Sunday a merning praiseheld ‘age burned publicly of Rebeson counts MeDonald of Chars~arimended by & ‘man r Noa for app h Carolin lank in ated at this ¢ tv of ¢v8 .R le tary 1 ge,Red Sp rings? ce t mittee ? }of the ’ aca < »Zitelmat end him back hy t to China.He »China to tearn at between China been sev ble to landmtryalsoha t is impo LLATTT Laber Trovbles in Lenoir. y of Inst Lenott ure plants dis tota 157 employe the orga " ,emong tern shut down d of all men af- union and ether Th day.Binec rtain departments ‘of the have n operat,The ac-precipit:ated by the pres-n Lenoir ef a national on invor ahd the owners ofthe Yr unior and paiwiththe followed ui int ee ot .ae ¥ 59e,to $i.00,sil and Crepe de Chine Vhancinondibte We, See our White Canvas Shoes,$1.48 to “ey All kinds Silk Hose.J.M,McKee&Company. >OTCCRCOO,HOO12 acon cso eee eg ete re anna AI er:eer i Me rchanis!Business Men! yunt?Well should be BANK. teine COX wD exeOUlA Ae1?yo |this bankWhatthin! Good!The i YOUR Wekcep your | it promptly and satisfactory, your interest OU \TERES care of them.We are prepare i,,YOU ee LIN &uA aa’ r ce ’:1WeexpetVOUPDUSand9Vix ANY TU you here. anc 1 wit nN d toWeconsider S and take i coz!Vive you on ing for wings Bank. You Right” Dar oy ‘‘‘People’s Lean and: “The Bank That Always Treats OWN President. RNEI Cashier. EPCOS OL OR OS SO, WIL10 Sh KnOWS ail classes ee:reAny¢ALS and he wall direct yor of auto supplies and ic, »#07 This is because Our prices vig: unuexcetled our iia is coluplete, aud our compcienceal Liness with us and if go nowhere elseOurwer! you coi for supplies iwith furniture as costiy as you may ades that have all of the and are still most reason- We can sup» desire but we sp ze cherm of the mc abie in price After y ture you are paying fo know where tla.po benefit by our ex perience. € PRinsive oint in the price gf furni- your own satisfaction only.We and when you come tous you re e “ame”ttytare es lithe:ws Forsale by all good dealers. We havec lorge lot of Sterling Siiver in several pat-terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks,Oyster Forks,{Cold Meat Forks,ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks;Tea 'Spoons,Table Spoons,Dessert Spoons,ice Tea Spoons |Jelly Spoons,Olive Speons,Soup Spoons and clmmost all the speons and forks you went.Like every thingelsetheygrehighbutourpriceisaslowasanyone according to quality.We handle the Gorham goods. || Sterling Silverware!| | R.H.RICKERT &SON.| ma ae mere | eee en eemeee THE MOST EXQUISITE PREPARATION—KNOWN FOR THE SKIN,IS HALL’S GLYCERINE LOTION =as ||CHAPPED HANDS,IRRITATED SKIN AND EXCELLENT FOR USE AFTER SHAVING,25 CENTS A BOTTLE ATHALL’S DRUG STORE,| Phone No.20. _e- ee IR RR ORECERT a a ee oe a DISTINCTIVE Se .--— 2 cen Of the very latest patterns in Bed Room Suits.The most complete and largest spring lines we have ever shown,at prices within reach of all.Remember we are always glad to show you whether you buy or not. WE are headquarters for the odorless Refrigerators. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘‘The Favorite Store.” —_—_— Commercial National ‘OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00SurplusandProfits-31,500.00 ;Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidontimeand Savings Deposits remaining on deposit threemonthsorlonger.amen 4 ‘OFFICERS:~ B prison sentence; have never witnessedsuchcan’t im-vate establishments,lagine the horribie tem.Buildings The builders are besiexed with of-| |burning,women and children -fers of work,are get-| ing,looking for ting as high as 50per cent.profit on) wives,mothers looki:for these jobs with more work in sight)e Leman than they ean do.have seemed like a miracle to see howsomeescapedwhileotherswere crushed to death.“Tl hope this will be a warning toNewCastle.It may cause some toobservetheSabbath.Some havealreadysaidnomoreshowsforthemonSunday.Hundreds of mothershadgonetotheshowsandtheirhus-bands and children at home;_hun-dreds of children were in the shows,mothers and fathers at home.It wasthemostpatheticsiehtweTarHeelshaveeverwitnessed.If ev one had been watching thecouldhaveescapeddeath by get- ting out of the path of the ternado,as it was not ever 200 vards wide, bet of course they might have been killed by flying debris. cloud’they “ Pilneipany ¥Ksiavysoasno’istrainthelimitofofpri-| their facilities at theeovernment,making itforthePresidenttooloyingauthority«commandecer| ranging from $5.960.000 to 85.996,-|000 and stipulated time of delivery) from 30 to 32 months.Under the)emergency clause of the naval an-vrovriation —bill,struction willbehurriedtotheit,the govern-|ment footing the bill for additional)cost.The battle cruisers,the fixed)limit of eost of which is $19,000,000)ner ship,exclusive of speeding up!expense,will be at Newport News|ond in New York.Four of thescout |cruisers will be.burt on the Pacific!cast and the other two in Philadel-, DMia,Of the authorized building pro-cramme,there remains to be con-treeted for three dreadnaughts,238) submarines,15 desvroyers and sev-| “Are YouOne Of The ny The following tablesho va the namber ofbeakepositorsoutofeonethousandpopujoainthecountriesonHatedValet France 846 Switzerland 554.Japan 270.Norway-Sweeden 409.Italy 220, Holland 225.U.S.99. Are We the SPENDTARIFTS of theCountry? This Bank offers every inducement to help,and encourage People to save, If you are not already one of our customers, we invite you to come in and open an account any time. 317.302, Denmark 442. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” “Fifteen hondred people were left °ral auxiliary vessels.Bide will be! without a shelter for the nicht.Not opened early in April on these|————0ae sxincinnetteenessediuisineianadiuasiliaaaa 1 -rail house ‘vas left in the path cre ft,and at the same time orders if the storm.It was well it was on Will be placed for more than 100/{.il aH awe pa Se adult torts”the iene |GAER RILL-WHITE SHOE COnewascestravedanditlooksdilcecosttothegovernmentoftheships-’” rp one could heve been saved in a will exceed by merr millions ‘at buildings.About 500 children ‘he ficures given for hull snd ma-<2 acy Peta —c.8D might have been killed hinery.It will cost $465,692 per AC a ke sw 2 :’iq OR “tT wash I were a good writer.[I hip te arm and equip the scouts could tell an interesting story;but in my own way T have done the best1could.We who escaped the tor-nad»are thenkful ‘to our Heavenly Macher,who ducth all things well.“A TAR HEEL.” L clipping from so riew Castle pa-rer,enclosed in the letter,says wreekege of houses were strewn about until “it was impossible to tell,where the houses stood.“The prop- erty damage will probably exceed amilliondollarsinthecitv.Besides this the Indiarn Rolling Mills,on the hill weet of the citv,were flatiened»the earth and big steel cors full eo”steel were tossed akovt i e airlikesioreboxes.The first of theworstdamarewasinMaplewood,the fashionable residence portion ofthecity,the houses of which were on the top of a high hill and wereanieckvictimsofthewind.The oe-cunants were not injured,however.”The death list stands at 19.Morethan100wereinjured. ES caewems. Miscegenation and Bigamy. Married three times,twice towhitewomenandoncetoaneress, and charged with miscegenation ondbigamy,Cherles Crews,claiming he aid not know whether he was white or black,was arrested at Hich Point and is in jail to answer charges of miscegenation and bigamy. W.L.Teague of Lenoir,who had employed Crews up to two yearsago,”saw him at High Point and when he learned that Crews had mar-ried a white woman there he told thestorythatledtothearrest.In Le-noir Crews had a negro wife andchildandassociatedwithnegroes.InHighPointhepassedforawhite|man,rried a white woman,a wid-‘ow,and they have one child.CrewshadjoinedtheorderofRedMenatHighPointandwasaboutreadyto|join a white church when the dis-closure came.It is said that he had a white wife befors «e married the negro woman ot Lenoir and all three ,wives are living. Fined and Banished. Jack Reed of Buncombewasundersentenceofeight months’, imprisonment for retailing.Gov.|Croig commuted the prison sentence! to a fine of $1,000 on condition that;Reel woult stay out of —Buncombe county for two years.Reed could-n’t raise the $1.000,-:seems,and so, on the request of Gov.Craig,Gov.| Biekett has reduced the fine to $560,the condition that Reed absent him-self from Buneombe county for two years,standing.|Reed has prominent connection inBifticombeandthathelpedhim.But it would seem thet a man badenoughtobebanishedfortwo years wouldn't have been hurt by aandmoreoverthebanishmentisaninjustice,either toReedortothefolkswithwhomhe,elects to live when he leaves Bun-| combe.If he is too par to stay in Buncombe there is no assurancethatachangeofresidencewil!im- 4B prove him. Potatoes and Onions For Tickets The proprietor of a moving pic-ture theater in Monroe advertised inlocalpapersthattheadmission|to his theater would be two onionsortwoIrishpotatoesforadultsor,|one —or one onion,large size,|for children.The increase in attends)part of children expeci-eae Oyble = ng re-man has securnighcostofliv county| and $5,337,810 additional for each battle eruiser. eS -— Under an act ofNewHanovercounty has a “publiclefender”and W.F.Jones has beenelectedtothatoffice.It will be hisintytodefendpersonschargedwithcrimewhoareunabletoemployat- torneys and his feea will be paid by tho county. A STATESVILLE MAN GIVES. EVIDENCE! Ils Testimony Will Interest Ev-. ery Statesville Reader. |The value of local evidence is in:is- putable.It is the kind of evidence we accept as true because we know we can prove it for ourselves.There jhas beea plenty of such evidence in jthe Statesville papers lately and| this straightforward testimony has ‘established a confidence in the minds| of Statesville people that will rfot be| easily shaken. J.E.Fry,foreman in furniture shop.220 E.Bell St.,Statesville,says:| “TY had lumbago and often such sharp pains caught me across the sroall of my back when I stooped,that |could ‘hardly straighten.Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommerded,I got a supply from the Statesville Drug Co.and begen taking them.| |was soon relieved.When I notice that |my kid=-ys are not acting just right, I take a few doses of Doan’s Kidney |Pills and they put me in good shape.” |Price 50¢.at all dealers.Don’t simply ask for a kidney remely Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that ‘Mr.Fry had.Foster-Milburn Co., |Props.,Buffalo.N.Y. — the Legislature | ret,| THE GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY ———MAKERS OF-—- The Famous Needle Modeled Clothes. Let us measure you for that EASTER SUIT, FIT,WORKMANSHIP and QUALITY guaranteed.: Suits $18.50 to $42 50. |PHONE 83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOEco. The Join in the movement to make StatesvilleaBiggerandBetterTownbyinintheBuildingandLoanAssociations Statesville.Mr.Keesler has shown you that it is agoodinvestmeitforyourselfandatth:same time helps your neighbor and the city asa whole..The First Building and Loan AssociationopeneditslastseriesFebruary3,1917.You can stili get stock in this series.Thebestinvestmentyoucanmakeisto =nas)Van Lindley secure some of this stock.There was paid off Saturday 20,000 in Matured stock,$19,500 in cancelled in-debtedness and $9,500 paid in cash. The First Building &Loan Association.H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. THON RAIIIHRITOOOO OOH FORA OR ORS THE STATESVILLE|REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY: Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD,Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecusttousethesamewhentheysodesire,As inpast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythewill and con of over seventeen“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”andPAY ALL.HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOU Wewill be glad to have gl oft ficefiinf54ifforanyinformation,otelephone No.4HWedoNOTARYPULICworkalso.—Cordiallyyours,© J.F,NBs . Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whateverpurpose they should be wanted. sot | -A aa Sata!bs il Ln THE LANDMTUESDAY,ereMareh The Boy Scouts —Mr.Hyams and Dr.Davis to Lecture. Troop No.1 of the Boy Scouts has settled down to the routine of Scout life.Mr.C.8S.Alexander is Scout master;Mr.Secarr Morriso Owen Leonard are assistant masters.Thirty-two boys age from 12 to 18 year for membership Before mitted as reguiar Scouts ¢ must stand three tests:Thi gree—the Tenderfoot degree, passed allows the boy to foot;the second degree,months later.which if passed,«« the boy loa higher stand:hood;later there is a tboymustpasatheTenderf: fore he can secure his unifor: aim of the Boy Scout some good deed « The Boy Beout but accept proffered aid troop has rented quarters ont! fourth floor of the Morrison building. These quarters will be iltted \ furniture made ty members of th troop. Mr.Chas.Hyams: Seout quarters every Tuesday even beginning today,from 3.50 on the subjects of betany and m alegy.This afternoonwilltalkonthesubject Senses of Plants.’*Eve ning,beginning this weel:,frop to 7.30 Dr.5 Pie W.Davis will in the Scout quarterof“First Aid Treatments.” these lectures are to the Scouts,x: interested are ii lectures. h 20,ne be A Is to ac mt wn day solicitdonot will lect on th vy others whe witit In the Churches. Dr.L.B.Warren of +!I sion Board of Atlanta,Ga.. visitor in Statesville Suni: Monday on his vatheBaptistWomen's jon at Greensboro.i» be one of the speakers ing in Greensboro.Sunda: Py.Warren addre od the tion of the First Baptist chi subject of Home M: evening he spoke at the sa on the subiect of “The Ch Past,the Present aod the Yesterday afternoon at foWarrenspoketotheWoma sionary Union ef the Firsi church,speaking of the honw work as n basis for fui eis Ladies going from vac | church to the W conference in ¢’ Mrs.Geo.Au.ti { Dr.Williams.edur of the foreign missie Southern Presi yt.) an illustrated | sion work at the church last eveningThenewly-eleeted « cons of the will be Sundry + Rev. Pressly Memorial ternoon at 3.56 church has heen \ ignat ”Re Bod Roads in North The public roads between ville and Harmony has eally impassalle , the year, Harmony endoftheinaceess vo oof with wawvons,ha ve re Salem to pr ae y have gone to Ww, mony comm that nortt Treatel merly mal county during the condition «¢ best chant well county, made to the meeti Missionars v “eC ion ¢S del} Stat it th Mrcounts Decen plow three In } Eaqu be a ter whol of theywhat“up The Doctor ta the “I want your epiendidture,”said 1) Representativ« er day.M: “]notice,” who likes to ec: “that you m: adjournment.”The lawyer w'! the doctor som:‘ ¢al man is shead ju Mr.W.H Wilkesboro spe: tertay hereCowlessays WilkeTredelligitegood road)wo—up with this county Hot Affect The "eadfanativeeffect,1.4%)és betier than ordin.ryemeseROTantre. H.Carwie Sunday wiih ativ hesa IMARKW THE Russia ‘arm are constitutional Cea iy Pheeth.ee Heret ot WANT TOBUILD,but ec I MCE NE enw haerealizeyou've borrowed it. It’s this method Of cooperation that makes for rapidadvancement,and ad STATESVILLE'S STRONGEST | future greatness. Let's get togetherright off end talkitover,then we'llbeready for thé BIGOPENING,APRIL7th. MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,W.E.Webb,Sec, RUSSIAN UPRISING. Preparing For a Gov- erameni of the People. the rev 1 on ane The Landmark,far-r romised theuxsembly ta dr 'result of,wus Try ition ther page achins re-| people.A based on f all tien ex ersal suffr ;bolition ¢ |i mal restrie-{'™ politient?|'™! luded |“ to the ds n Ru Hh.G+}reedon speech ¢ SHINGLE YOUR PitesCuredin6to14 Days Your drogeiet will refund moner PazOINTMENTfallstocuresuvcceeofPebingPiied,Bt g or PratrudingPiles in’olgdaysTheGretapoticationgives)and Mest,We,| a,Sunday, |ed. ittee of | tah man that rep Theri MATTERS OF NEWS._ ranging in age from years,snd one man were owned in a mill pend near Pavo, when a boat overturn- nt Vive girls, to AlwaystheNewest.Big Values Styles.Need NoBig Talk. Johnston-Belk Co. New Arrivals of Spring Suits From Which to make your Selections, Exceptional Values,$10.00,$12 50,$15.00,$16.50,$18.50,422.50,$25 00. Novelties ia Spring Dresses,lead them all in style,in quality,in beauty,in value.i COATS. Prices range $4.95 to $15.00.Co1sin1945,the322.016s wear.Coats for dress wear.( 1.650,wear.Coats for ali functions. ote NEW WalISTSNebraska, )-of wil-iactment | In Georgette Crepe,Crepe de Chine, Organdy.Colors,Flesh,White,Rose, and “triped.Prive 98e,to +5.'"). RAVE YOU BOUGHT THAT EASTE®DRESS? SILKS!SIL KS! »at the ra special have had unusual have the Stiks, imond, tion of his {to the vot- .: his pur.Lvcning Gov.ne eH} mitted Lee °ss ndoa and come. ine p- is son of Texas has beencharwespweferredandalevisiativeeom-The House adopted @ rego-1 holding the narges wre @n-f impeachment. reports the destruetionrehantshipsinthementhofthesebeingen- ,ships ar ‘veutrals The Brit-estimate of the ines of ships byomacerear«much less{te m Berlin, r Refining Co,1.756.379 lat $90,000,000 1 1-2 cents The net in- n three and a Gov.Fergu onergt |F veetizated hy r atout ats for general sats for sport Silk and Gold Why not let us fit a pair of Do- rothy’s to your feet. ny Paraled wn Oneration, |orme iperintend- 'hanage at ng a 10- rison forofthenopera-nncerousopera- wr sal s aid SSCS, sporti ™ohh 1 Wwe know just how pleased you will be with both appearance nd comfort. rs -for us and Chine itifia 2 Silk asess.fi e Crepe,C a most beat ife and FOR EASTER. re positively irresistible— ‘apnreciated. Om enant¢’,roc r C]ead We are showing ew shades, Tnvestia: ee ee AE E eR This «eas °F pattern Sa they .be seen to! Ubsitenoticingtheexc and the perfect wor!nanship. THIS SPACE CLOSELY—IT WILL PAY YOU. newest things out and SELL THEM FOR LE&S. _—etfe CLONE 21.eX DE ESO WATCH xy the Se ee Veer. oN he AE ES TT SOE RE You Aree Cor dially invited to Attend Uy an NG HEPRO VEI |—OUR SPRI IPENING WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MARCH 21 and 22,1917 dy.ay CATHARTIC.AME LIVER GCASGAHS | BLUE FLAG ; RHUE SRE RC BLACK ROO” MAY fF SEN. AND F i t PLE &otLEAVESEPBIN Millinery and Ladies’Ready-te Weare. head trisamer. lngram,assistanis, POSTON. ARNT Se Ne JSTATEAND “to sell farms,timbered'preperty,cotton mill and citacme stockks are requleste i to eall or write us, Calvanise We are constantly in touch with the market buy-oo ny and selling.insurance that insures,in le ad- in r Fire,Accident ar -Health Employers Lia- bility,Automobile CompaniesLifepoliciesthatar-equaled hy few (if any)and surpassed by none. fiss Kate Smith of Beltin-ore, Misses He en Pattersonand Grace yeas & = lands, lank Rear T adel rit an,atjf ivurlY?Cheyfhore ’ |Pie}ld and Garde: W ase Pool)esvenaveaii% of Woods’ard |STATESVILLE TIN CO.garden and fi.’decom x06 hk eouat Full information furnished upon request. for spring planti:—-==--—J ERNEST G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C. Pientyof seed potat D.“WwW.ica,INSURANCE,AND REAL ESTATE. and corn.Gace Physician."Phone 23.Miils Building. Office hours 9 a.m.to 1240 p. m.2.26 to a m.and by “rs |oeintment.reon Bidg.,‘oa.| jpomINGr CW COULDN'T STRIKE LAnywets ne tes &mon ae ee ya ‘or good Ce > outhdiers‘andCetnteerecron: Sherrill &Reece. oa 5 /ArreR THEBLOCKADERS NEWS OF MOORESVILLE.GRIEF ITEMS LA Germans no Many Marriages in Alexander SadDeathofaHoy —A Pel-—A new knitting millEVictim—St Cot-vi ae 5 eeeInjuriesOFGoodRepute.|ae gg in gtNewDepot at Hiddenite lagra Victim oring 5 eS a ot te “i i “e~oanae of vc a :<. Southern crew :The retreat of the Germans and,avlorsy ~—Depu y,Special Correspondence of The Landmark.Allien West,colored,ville,injuredLgye a when pray Magee |Collector ne.‘Kilison ofof Statesville,!Mooresville,March 22 —pamen to court yesterdaybyJustice tute 18;the pawault by the vivitiel iS Deputy Collector L.Hedrick and,cats of the Barkoot carnival and the|reported by an Associated Sheriff R.A.Adams of this place ~ot nt ieon =¢of fey?eea ae eee eevardengineontheA.T.&O.tornPran atee ee |one and destroyed a copper distil-|night of a complication of d onday ing °.tracks,died Tuesday afternoon about/ters in France.The t ling outfit and 20 of low|developing with measles.‘J —The operetta,“Alice inslinaweate|Wheat th ge |i,Aaa Ree nas nes etter le ae MOon eesuahemilefeaakTeatieGatieUeleteatedconsthensaesideoftheeymountains,}only son and a bright,promising ward gene building survived by a wife and three chil-|the Germans,they nee near Kilby's utfit was in|lad,popular at schoo!and among rv -©.five . dren.He was a worthy negro,well|same conditions of z Mr,*wey ume Gap.a small house and there were some|associates.The funeral serviceswere| cookin utensiis,food and several}conducted esday morni 12 o'clock noon on the 2dday of April,liked and bore an excellent reputa-|devastation as in a melee.of overallsPn but the oceu->ong Methodist ath,io ede an nts oe lots1917,to recei co jeation by |“:ronne,Only a few villages Rave |punts were not present.Messrs.L.A.Falls and J.W.Jones.re re_":ven denra wucstions of|,Pteight train No.88 was in charge|escnped,the Germans ‘i.oo “|Wednesday aftergoon they de-|The children of his rade at school)'""SDavieavenue anda=grave questions of)4¢Conductor Oliver Parham =and|stances having been fe |stroved another outfit about three]attended the services in a belie ont —Yesterday 162 og of“Now,therefore,1,Woodrow Wil-|Eneineer Lester Sherrill of Ashe-|leave before ‘heir plans to lay waste)miles beyond Liledoun,and this|their childish grief for the loss of united ville.It appears that the engineer.|could be carricd out os . son,President of the United States of|heading the freight on the A.,T.&|“The use of cavalry by the Brit-=Work cos Gee ay en ae See ae et ontel‘Ammeries,do hereby proclaim and de-|Q track to leave the main line clear|ish and French seems to have taken |W M ~g pathetic.The little body was laid toclarethatanextraordinaryoccasion|for passenger train No.11,saw the|the Germans by surprise,|new depot at Hiddenite.It is on the rest in the city cemetery beneath a requires che Congress of the United]carnival train but thought the yard|some of their calculations.Im ene site of the building burned last Sep-|mound of beautiful flowers. Seas convene entra semen at {<A tei hau ae tne,‘ak ha noth fe omer,tue8frome,ulin)need ef deolbth oo athecapitolinthe~of Washington!dewn the track.When he under-|out,was abandoned,together Feherd of Stateaville is foreman of|¢¥-oe he a ox oF caonthe2ddayofApril,1917,at 12)stood that a long train of cars was|much ammunition,and in other)i).job .a ympathy o'clock,noon,of which all rsons|standing on the track ahead of him,|vlaces newly opened boxes of h C =who shall at that time be entitled tolhe was unable to bring his long,|explosives were found,with h cae —.jou Pong ganic Beaver arsee oned act as members thereof are hereby}heavy train to a standstill before he|the Germans had planned to destroy Salisbury,some time ago,returned soln ra oh home on oe <required to take notice.”erashed into the cars.the villages before leaving.here Wednesday.Wis sister,Miss Heights."The d dis surviees—Sherrill was standing between}“That the wholesale destruction Mary Woods Reynolds went to 084 >tee Sear tool a“Members of Congress in Wash-|two of the carnival ears ready to un-|was systematized in a manner ehar-|cajijury Monday to 4c with him ~atone The funeral servicesington,”press dispatches say,re-|couple them when the crash oceur-|cteristie of German thoroughness and accompany him home.wo 6 ah feedsceivedthecallforan“extra session|red.He was crushed by the impact.|was shown by captured orders."|awyer L.F.Kluttz has returned wee eee duh te April 2.with patriotic expressions|Sherrill had been in the service of|These directed the blowing up of all!+..m 4 business trip te Witmingten.a 6a Wiles y pas- and confident predictions that the close|the Southern railway company for|houses,wells and cellars except)j..Rosa Moretz and Mr.John tor,A child of Mr.9 a’al,organization fight in the House would|seven years,workin as switehman those occupied by rear guard out-|(6 Jr.Wiss Bessie Moretz and oa ft e ths old,aa a ors notbe permitted to delay action on the|for five years and serving as brake-|nosts,the rear guard being held re-!\).°Glenn Smith,all of Wittenbure a ve aut on oS gore questions to be submitted by|man for two years.sponsible ~net a “—townahie,weln searriad Sunday af-=aes Woden. the President.”x uninhabitable before falling ternoon at &,;7 cemeteTheSenateorganizedandadopted|Three Escaped Prisoners Kill-|41)farming implements were burned|(¢71)0"SS mean,bempe ean ——=a its anti-filibuster rule during the re-}ed——Two Under Death Sentence |or destroyed.Wherever a building ‘li in Ellendale i ..:John Cline,in township.|e¢best cotton cent extra session.House leaders say|David D.Overton was shot anii|Vas spared,it was first rendered |‘r),.brides are daughters of Mr.T.oa po gpd Bed at the Lo-their contest will be settled prompt-|tilled in a briar thicket Tuesday,!thy.The orders also directed the |5 Moretz.;:thei:1 ,samasdions of political results,sc{night,near Birmingham,Ala.,by a]@s5e¢embling of filth in the neighbor.Wea tebe Mitchell and Mr.Jas.geal yg Ot gy Moon 4 ~=t both branches may get down to]sheriff's posse less than 12 hours af-|hood of,all wells fox the purpose ofl rier were married Sunday at the 'i .f i fbusinesswithinafewdaysafterthey|ter he,with six other men,had es-|(‘ominating the water.home of the bride in Sharpe's town-ws eeassemble,caped from the Jefferson (Ala).|“The destruction of fruit trees)nin Mr.J.P.Gwaltney performing|Mr,Gilbert Ludwig of Benton,A joint session to hear the ad-|county jail,where he was under sen-|POW apparently covers the entire}ii ceremony.—ae .,oF :e ce y.Ark..is here —two weeks’visit toi!.f evacuated”territory,even :otdressof,the President mey be held|tence of death for the murder of belt of evs *The town election wiil be held r.S F.Ludwig.He is without waiting for the House or-Probate Judge W.T.Lawler of those clinging to the walls having his father,Mr.S ae Tuesday,May 8th.Mr.R.F.Cobb}accompanied by his little daughter,ganization and probably would serve |Huntsville,Ala.—=i et a ss has been appointed registrar and och”ia.Latvia is on a pes totohastenactionin«me House.In|Tony Malino,also under a death ae ater we 4 _i co Messrs.J.N.Smith and J.M.Math-|dispose of his farming interests inspiteoftheirdeterminationtobring|sentence,was killed with Overton,|Matied to “g'wes —COP|eson judges.Arkansas and may come here to liveaboutaquickconclusion,neither|and J.L.Lathem,who had been held}Was on -ead and a cigar was in!rhe United States Civil Service with his father =look after hisDemocratsnorRepublicansintendtc|on 9 charge of forgerv,was fatally]Ss mou Commission will hold an examination]pusiness.as the latter’s health:::,i Pane sii lara:“Prisoners recently taken appear 3 stedsurrenderwithoutafight.Majority wounded,dying later.Four fugitives oo “i od here April 14 to fill the position of|not good.as es ae et eseaped.One vf these is under sen-|entirely bewildered when told of the].:nilSecaracetaam mi Safie Semm Sm |etct'g Het htt,Sell,Oeoe naar eae 30,at tt 7 —‘Calls for Republican |Ten deputies under Sheriff Batson|They said they thought ii'’a great cecuieten het ‘may qgecur hater on a sorter aoe t aes dl Hed indesend ‘conferences |surrounded the escaped men and|icke when they first heard of the!ural routes from otaer postoffices log olla 3 cxpnaied ;on —SS pct soon joined by students from|German retirement;they at in this county.The examination will]-‘ens Nona and Jett.,Brawley !it i ihe ‘lered,will ¢Owenton college.Many shots were|it was solely for the purpose of get-|),open only to male citizens who]have returned from an extended vis-Jemocrats,it is declared,will cau-||hanged hetween the posse and the|ting the British deeper and live in the territory of a postoffice in|jt to Washington,Greensbero andcuseniek’despite “unpleasant~'rugitives,Overton,who was armed|into the mud of the Somme.Bui)un.county and who mect the other|acher points.Mrs.C.0.Lentznesswhicharoseovertheprohibitionwitharifle,opening the engagement.when it came to abandoning posit!requirements of form No.1977.Ap-|Winston-Mal paseed here T = com in the dying days of the last |tye was found dead with a rifle”in that had been fortified with months plication should be forwarded to her way to Brid ter to vist 7.eke oe his hand.The men eseaped by one|and years of —=we Washington at earliest practicable fer A a who is a Southern rail-Sy "S)of them locking two jail officials inj depression in the ranks,Most of thel 4...a ably is So aa a cell.Ne turned theothers out and}German guns that formerly boomed —-:have “tan oma teeeSS.a oh ae they armed themselves and fled,get-on el4 to have been!To Organize Pythian Sisters.er wich tre cua,aa ee ting away in an automobile which|entirely swallowed up.Mrs.Lilly Samuels of Oakland,|Mrs.Wagner,at Troytman.Mrs, ee ee -oe the they commandeered..For Strategic Reasons.”California,Supreme Chief of the!Damia Morton and Miss Johnston of conditions the rul he che arrested last Sep-|The Berlin report natura'ly say8|Pythian Sisters of the United States!Troutman were Mooresville visitorssoasrig:ne ao hee pri ve cha rity |¢tember,at Smithville,Tenn.,after al/-the German evacuation of Ba-end Canada,ond Bes.C.C.Myers of i fucedas. .thee ms oe Sule The hesYj tong,search,and charged with the|paume,Roye,Noyon and Peronne is}Asheville.State organizer of the j rd inofthemembershiptoelect.This has!murder of Lawler at Huntaville,|tut a part of a great sirategic un-Pythian Sisters in North Carolina Messrs.Poston and Leona »rani j 9 |2 .“§°zpegagoF:Soke Ala.,last _'In oo Pine dertaking which promises to revolu-|apd South Carolina,were in States-Charlotte._was convicted of murder and’sen-|tionize warfare on the entire west-]vie yesterday.The two ladies are Speaking before the merchants’What is Expected.|tenced to death.Aa appeal to ine}ern front and constitute one of theWhenthePresidentaddressesCon-|Supreme Court was pending when xress he is expected to show how ©'he escaped.state of war actually has existed for some time because of the unlawful ag- —interested in a proposed Temple of|acsociation in Chareotte Monday most decisive moves of the wuar.|Pythian Sisters for mtatesville.night,Mr.R.L,Poston of States-Just a month |ago,”continues the The Pythian Sisters is an auxil-|vile,president of the State Mer- Offer of Mediation?ee tut iary to the —-re.a chants’Association,ee a rression ;‘ines.Con-|Offers of mediation,to prevent |™P'ctor on the Ancre,but}lady who is the mother,sister,wife|very interesting address on State as- Sea ©ceca ee Me van war between the Vn Ag bond ay eee i aga ~or daughter of a Pythian is eligible}sociation work,”says the Observer. &state of war existing,vote a large|Siates and Germany,are expected)|.—"Th =tage 1 fea to membership.The Statesville la-|“Tie gave an outline of the splendid sum,probably $500,000,000,for na-|®mongz the next developments.Ad-a aaaad silken chaueier oo.rid dies are interested in =proposed|progress made by organizations in tional defense and clothe the Presi-|ministration officials hear that a Eu-caak Saaseie battle ae ote organization here and jarge =the State since last Au at dent with authority to use the arn red |ropean neutral is contemplating such Foca this cactkia af tua fear cat o ber of ladies are aight ¥member-|there were only 14 assoc forces of the United States,as it em-|®Plan,and they frankly regarded it effective work of destewstion carreed eS tthe ee ‘andafterpoweredPresidentMeKinleytodeal!#8 another effort,backed by Germa-7 se .afternoon in the interest of the or-|much hard work there are today 26 Visine destroved wean axetedaybya ;ke cu '0 s3|0ul before the occupied land wag ganization of a local Temple.Noth-|with roximately 1,600 members.” ee oe |and Se Se aan given back to the French and theling definite was dowe.Mrs.Myers iGe."Westen ane discussed the Buch action would not be a dectara-It is declared authoritatively in British,so that it will avail them}plans to be in Statesville Thursday,wn being done by the associationstionofwarexceptin’a_technical Washington that no proposals of (nothing as captured soil,when she will meet with the ladies throughout the State.Mr.J.Paul Stat that shisense,and whether the United States ycdiation or for discussion will be|“With the fronts as long as they]interested in the matrer.Leonard,secretary of the State As-es on ip. and Germany actualy xo to war in the considered unless Germany __first |#?e in this war,and with the epor-a sociation,told the Charlotte associa-|_—-Miss Ruth Brown, fullest acceptance c/the word will aiandons the campaign of —ruthless-/mous amount of enemy territory held Blanks For Land Loans.tion of the legislative work in behalf}Mr.Q.R.Brown,wasdependonwhattheimperialgovern-|jogs.by our troops,”saida higher German!yap w.1.Gilbert,secretary of}of the association.Tuesday at Long'smentdoesbeforeCongressisassem.|a militray authority,“there is no par-~avilie National F I ——ee appendicitis.Mr.Ers2,ill “Pe ere reine od ee cies ohtackas the Statesville Nationa!Farm Loan He Day in Statesvillebledorafteritacts,Dispatches from Still Cry eace™!cular miltary significance attachee)association,has received application art y in Statesville.abroad declaring that the German|Speakers at a 3-day session of the to any especial section of the enemy blanks for loans.The Federal Land Arrangements have been made government expected a state of war Emergency Peace Federation,which|terttory Therefore we can “ive UP}Pogn Bank at Columbia,S.C.—thel for »“Heart Day”in:Statesville to-within the next 45 tours,placed at!opened in New York Wednesday,de-|4 Portion of the western front,se-lhank for this distriet—is about or-|morrow for the benefit of the Caro-ominous aspect on the situation.clared there was ‘ample time to feet;cure our troops that freedom of ganized and ready for business.Mr.]}ing Children's Bureau to aid the j Much to change the President's,the pulse of the country”on the movement needed,and end tr ch Morris McDonald of Charlotte (a crippled and physically defective present intentionsor the course of the |question of war in the interval in-|W@tfare.That is what this reallv)begther of Mrs.R.M.Gray of|children of the State.Mrs.Marygovernmentinthecrisismaydeveloy|tervening before the extra session of |#mMounts to We are now gettin]Statesville)and Mr.A .McKinnon|Boam,a field secretary of the bu-before April 2.The first American)Congress begins on April2.‘The “fal-the enemy out of their trenches."|o¢Robeson county have been recom-j}reau of Asheville,is here organizingarmedshipswillbythattimehavelacyoftushingintowar"should be |Furthermore it is added that move-|nonded for appointment as apprais-|4 local child’s welfare committee andreachedthewarzone.The ruthless impressed upon congressional lead-|ment has at one blow destroved oll}ons for North Carolina,and —willl arranging for “Heart Day”tomor- destruction of one of them undoubted-|ors,they believed.the plans of the allies for a ''€)doubtless be appointee.row. ly would be an act of war.|President Wilson,it was asserted,|SOPIne offensive,for ga ere All of which means that the ma-The Polk Gray drug store will be On the other hand,sining of a sub.|should be urged to renew at ths;tions had been under way "|chinery through which loans may be]headquarters tomorrow for the sale ~Mills &a Mrs.MandMrs.J.M.MeKee had Lerue numbers ofreot ines the openinnesday.The dtepleydisplay of ~~is atetractivethisseason.colors — will be worn te &great extent. It was reported among the color.—ed people of Statesville that “: marine b-one of the armed mer-time his peace proposals to the war.|months.;obtained from the Land Loan Bank]of hearts and prizes will be awarded|Wallace,fornierly ofphe ore apypieanprobablywouldbemeta:ring powers,_\Deserted Wife and Eloped =,—”ok a _.airle we a ——negro oF one,aesanactofwarbyGermany.Even th:ton r im.law applicants for loans wi ,will also be sold on the s under sentence of death in arming of Americar.aioe suk the Meeting Beginsa“con nN bape aninag orate hy with Secretary Gilbert and these!ho fund will go to the cause of the/ton.The Landmark learns that it is avowed purpose of defending them ,,enue—(hurch !ee |Report ae from Jefferson i.iat should be filled out and ready for the!}ureau.a case of mistaken identity:that theaceiaakaadweybedeceCommunionserviceatFifthCreek}Barner C.Seagraves,cashier of the]starting of the machine ry.Robbery in Morganton.Earney Wallace who is in trouble in :“|Sunday at 1a.in.Preparatory s.r\-)First National Bank of West Jef-a Washington is from Chicago and is=wat thean av .calls ices Saturday at 3.30 p.m.and 7.50)tercon,Ashe county,deserted h 8 Bradley’8 Death Reported.Burglars operating in Morganton net the furmer Statesville atl of wsthing would rennin Ta fae as.>etn ite Bulancnal ¢|wife and three small children,last]It is reported here that Will Brad-oo aon pratccad de peng doweas that name.aaa Ww pennies 6 as ot ae Services at Trinity Episcopal ch:ch)we ‘k,and tan away with his wife's}ley,the negro who was taken to o to »—of §aa eee existing from a certain specified date Sunday at 11 a.m.sister,Miss Clella Woodie.The «f-|Selishury for treatment for wounds}The stolen a pe ra,y *ably last Sunday,whe ‘The meeting which was scheduled]fair was so well planned,it is re-|inflicted by Will Cramm,also colored of jewelry,cutlery and a hundred or}G probably last Sunday,when three!)hegin at Western Avenue Baptist |ported,that the couple got well died from the wounds so dollars in gold coin ranging from|a meeting with Dr..iAmericanshipsweresunkwithloss|ohorch the first Sunday in April has |away before the elopement came to]Ag told in Tuesday's “andmark,|two and one-half to 10-dollar coins.|other surgeons,the purpose a of life.on :-been moved forward a week and begifte |light.Seagraves,it is said,wrote]Bradley and Crumm,employes of Bloodhounds were brought from|is to organize the Papen oly - _President Wilson and his advisers ginday.Rev.J.C.Owen of Ashe-|back to the bank offeials and asked the Hardaway Company,engaged in Asheville but at last account the rob-|the State for national ser ne in the cabinet and in Congress have!vijte will conduct the meeting.The|them to check up his books,which}constructing the dam of the South-|bers had not been caught.event of war,both in field ‘ no intention that a shall be declar publie cordially invited.|they will of course do without being}epn Power Company on the Cataw-Statesville officers notified to look|pital.Dr.J.W.Lone is be oy a —By the hes ee jurged.At the time the report was}ba river,iad a fight Monday and]|out for the robbers were advised that of the sub-committee fortileactsofGe'man submarines they Three white prisoners escaped |went out it was not known whethct]Grummm cut Bradley with a knife.|“two strange men selling a newspa-of the medical section of the helieve the imperial government ir from the criminal insane depart-!there was a shortage.Crutim is in Iredell jail.It is unr-|per were in the store the day before al Council for Defence “= actually making war on the United ment of the State prison in Rateish |Seagraves was formerly gochict|derstood that the fight tock place]the robbery occurred.”The local off-|Long is a member ofStatesarithatitshallberecognizedyesterday.jof the Bank of Landis,Rowan con-|following a dispute over 50 cents.Jeers for a time thought they had a/mittee. =aS =—pg it d¥en beduite an actual.pa |ty.Com ny Chartered.clue but it proved to be without foun- con ie armet orcer 6 ie vig even become an actua arvict-j}3 Sentinel country and al!the national resources pant in hostilities on the Europear !Officer Williams Dead.pa dation. ;7 are to be put in a state of readiness continent without becoming a politica)Policeman Edgar Williams of Win-nae eraperate -mune!‘cao Improvements at the Station. Then whether the nation shall enter ally of any of the Entente power#|rate,Union county,who was shot In\¢Fwill publish the Sentinel.‘The author-|Repairs are being planned for the the war in its full sense will depend |simply casting its weight of men Saturday afternoon by Bunk Maske.tal stock is $25,000 with $4,-]freight office of the Southern railway upon how much further Germany car.|money and moral influence into the |negro,whom he was attemptinu te ta, pa The maperpeator’arejat Statesville.According te plansriesheractsofaggression.|battle against a common enemy.place under arrest,died in a Char-A.Hartness D.Watts,the express office,which adjoins theIneverysensewar,if it actually!Ports of the United States probably)lotte sanatorium Wednesday,where he Phnene.F.B.“paren L.freight office,will be moved up towncomes,will be a defensive war,free would be opened to warships of the}had been under treatihelt since the 5.Mh.Denton,F.L.adnate The space now occupied by the from ambitions of spoils or territory Entente navies;credits from the vast|shooting.The officeris survived by a]A,Cooper,Jno,A.Scott,Jr.Wl press office will be utilized as an adintheUnitedStates,the Pres.|stocks of gold,food,munitions ant!widow and three children.Crowson,M.P.Alexander and|dition to the office.publicly declared,a=want other —might be extended tc m the negre stockholderswill meet}rior of the,_will be=oo and shell seek only all the Entente ers.The Ameri-om and war organize.modeledtherightsof—a ea eee a "dnngerouly *last ac os oe Sates edneintorecover.-ra RiverhastnajailatTthetleoftheolinMotor Co.the United States jelearing sulimarines from the seas. © he was ,eaved in and him beneath its ruins.He was Knoxville,Tenn. Charles Hager of Catawba county drowned in the Catawba river at ‘ount Holly Monday when a row- he was in capsized.Hager could which The barn of Thornton Lingle,near Crescent,Rowan county,was burned Monday,two fine horses,a quantity of machinery,vebietes and other valuables.r.Lingle was not «at home and Mrs.Lingle saved the cows and in doing so was burned but not seriously. The North Carolina Knitters’As- sociation was organized in Charlotte this week at a meeting attended by approximately 100 knitting mill rep- resentatives.C.McD.Carr of Dur- ham was elected president and Har- ty Dalton of Charlotee secretary and treasurer. Col.W.J.Bryan has shipped a ear load of furniture and his “favor- ite carriage horse”(what about an auto?)to Asheville.Is is said he will begin building a home in Ashe- ville this summer and it is suppoced he plans to stay there while the work is in progress. At a meeting of negroes in Ashe- ville a fund was subscribed sufficient to care for fifty Belgian babies for three months,on the bas:s of $1 for each baby per month.Asheville white e had made large subscriptions for the purpose and the negroes were encouraged to do likewise. Monroe Johnson,the cotton mill who killed «ari Preddy,a ill boss at Greensboro,es- capes with life imprisonment.He was to have been electrocuted today Seven of the twelve jurors asked for commutation and six signed a state-- ment saying they convicted of first emcot m degree muder under a misapprehen-| An interrupted funeral procession when a corpse was thrown from a wagon and the driver,Pressly Mitch- ell,colored,seriously injured,was the principal element figuting in a guit against the Rateigh Pepsi-Cola Company and W.J.Richardson,in Wake Suverior Court.Mitchell asked for $2,000 damages but the serit him adrift without a copper. Private Bailey Cooper of the Sec-| end North Carolina regiment from Wilson,who was hgld by the civ! authorities of Texas to answer to the charge of murder for killing a citizen while on sentry duty,was discharged,the grand jury failing to find a true bill.Cooper had been acquitted by court martial.The cit- izen gave no heed to the sentinel’s command to halt and was shot. Mrs.Vanderbilt,widow of George W.Va ilt,has sold to the South- ern railway 112 acres of land lying along the ks of the Swannanoa river,between Asheville and Bilt- more stations,which it is believed will be used to cnlargze the Asheville railroad yards:The Southern has pure other lands adjoining the above and it is said the road will ex- pend near $1,000,000 in improvements in Asheville. C.A.Lackey of Davie county,while at work in the R.J.Reynolds tobacco factory at Winston-Salem, sold some cigarettes that had been given him by the company. been indicted in the United States Court for selling them without rey- enue stamps attached.He gave $250 for appearance at court at Greens- boro.Lackey alleges that he did not know ii was arainst the law todowhathehaddone. Two women visited variousgantonstoresthisweekand got away temporarily with quite an as- sortment of merchandise,which theycollectedwhilepretendingtoexam-ine goods for purchase.They were arrested at the railroad station,thegoodsrecoveredandtnewomenjail- ed.They claimed fo be from Wins-ton-Salem but it is said they have been living at Bridgewater,to which place they had bought tickets when arrested. The Robesonian says that Clar- Smith met,for the first time,ise Jessie Brown at her home town,Chadbourn,Tuesday night of lastweek.They.with the girl’s mother, went immediately,via automobile,toWhitevilleandweremarriedat2o'clock,a.m.,six hours after theyhadfirstmet.The couple arrivedinLambertonFridaymorning.Sat-urday morning the couple agreed mutually they had enough of mar-Tied life,and the bride returned hometoher‘mother.In discussing thematterthegroomsaidhewasglad to gg R..i.betmy the was nterviewed,she wouldprobablysay“me too”! R.M.Phillips,who lives in theSwampsectionofRobeson tells the Robesonian of howaundertook jury| He has " Mor-| |ber,furnishbefavailable.|While the energiesof the navyheconcentratedforthepresent on efforts to get inte commissioneraftdesignedparticularlytode-stroy submarines and ard thewarshipbuildinggenerallyiwillbespeededupundertherecent ing to the swell of the oceanwerethrownintothewater.boats of the cantain and thenickedup10ofthemenbutthe oth-er 15 were drowned.Capt.Middleton said that his ves-submarine during the attack,but agreement with privarve builders,and ‘with the funds now mae available. Navy officials estimate that within| four months,a fleet of 2,000 patrols and chasers will be ready for action.| it is planned to assemble the volun-| teers within a few days to begin ac-| tual training,pending orders-from| the President for complete mobiliza tion ef the navy.In this connection| officials say it is planned to establish| a submarine-proof patrol off the! American const,insuring safe pass- age to and from American perts for all ships. Informal negotiations will be start-| ed for a working agreement with the British and French patrol squadrons ‘now endeavoring to protect ships| passing through the @erman su'yma-| irine zone.It is planned to make American waters safe against sub-| marines for all ships,with the un-! derstanding that American ships will receive full protection in the zones from patrols of the allies.‘The plan would necessitate the inter change of information as to the, routing of merchant craft to and fro across the Atlantic. Recent navy contracts were with the understanding that the &- hour law would be suspended —be- eause of the shortage of skilled ia bor.Builders have agreed to struction of the five battle-cruisers and six seout cruisers recently as- signed to them at the greatest noss!- ble speed,employing at least TO per ent.of all their men on this workThedepartmentwillmeetextrapay -oli and other expenses due to the speeding up pay time and a haif for jall work in excess of eight hours |Under this agreement it is hoped to complete the battle-cruisers in three vears and scout-cruisers in less than \two.Secretary Daniels said there Was no.present need of exercising the authority to commandeecr —ship- huilding or other plants to hasten na- ivy building. The enlisted personnet of the na- let cen vy is being recruited rapidly at pres-| ent,a total of 60.600 men being re-| norted.Congress has authorized a to- tal streneth of 74,900 and given the President authority te increase that to 87,00€in emergency.That power will not be exercised,however,until! a strength of 70,000 has been reach- ed. Mr.Roosevelt Would Send An Expedition to Europe. Theodore Roosevelt,Elihu Root and Charles BE.Hughes were speuk-| ers a meeting of the Union League club in)New York Tuesday night.Mr.Roosevelt charged Ger- many with murder and asserted that the United States was hiding,at present in safety,behind an Eng- lish fleet.“War is going on now,”he said. ‘Germany is making war upon us and we are not striking in self-de- fence.Armed neutrality under jthese circumstances [s war.It.ifeeblewar,but it is war.Germany toes not make feeble war and ither understands nor respects opponenis. “For the last two and a half years we have veen the American pacifist|'meeting around.To try to curry fa-| vor with the German militarists,the| American pacifist,the professional! paficist,has been the tool and the ubordinate ally of the proe-German in this country, “We want to prepare at once a reat army;I should hope of a cou- ple of million men so that if the war lasts for a year we will be able to be the decisive and controlling element in it.But do not wait for that great army.We can send an expeditiona-| at i she it ry force abroad now to fight in the 4. trenches or fight in the Balkan pen-| insula,wherever it is desired. ‘an get that expeditionary foree,if we choose to,within four or five! months into the trenches and it will mean everything for the morale of France,of Belgium,of the allies! generally,to have an American force under the American flag,training in France and moving forward into the,trenches to take its place beside the!other armies,which are fighting our! battles at this moment.“Use our fleet in any way possi-ble,but prepare our armed strength| so that no one shall be able to say)that if we do go to war we will make!it only a ‘dollar war.’” AALCORAAETN School Honor Rell. orvespondence of The Landmark. Honor roll for Loray Hi ‘hoolforfourthmonth:bene TenJanieStikeleather,Mary Osborne,Clayton Sharpe,Antha wards,NaStikeleather,Alice Wogdsides,Eu-Edwards,Mary m CHedrick,Mabel Shell.Paul naoreot Glenn Browni mtsPrankBoveaiat,Emma rds,William MeLel- }tances Wei that one of the eneineers thinks he,saw a periscope.The captain saw. two oily streaks on the water about 1,000 yards from the steamer,whichhetooktobethetracksoftorpedoes.The Vigilancia was flying theAmericanflagandhernameanda flag were painted on either =side. Speaking of his experience in thebeat,Capt.Middleton said: “After rescuing as many of the ‘rew as possible in the boats, had bisevits and water.At night I fired distress siwnols.Severalyytheglareofthelights,|saw a ‘ubmarine following us 50 yards from the boats,between 10 o’elock Friday night and 2.50 o'clock Satur- jay morning.but it made no attempt to help us.We suffered great hard-hips in the boat.One man of the angine veom staff is paralyzed as a result of export re.” Consul General Skinner of —Lon- ion.sending further reports of the sinkiny of the Vigilancia apd the; loss of 15 men.says:“Vigilancia of Wilmingtoi Dei from New York Havre,with eeneral cargo of melter structural iren,asbestos.dried fruit and straw,sunk without warning on March 16.about 145 miles frem negrest land,by torpedofromsubmarineofunknownnation- lity.Crew of 18 men attempreé tobandenshipintwolifeboats.Ocean well,oF were washed out of Of chese 10 were saved and drewned.Crew adrift in”life- mts from Friday morning 10 Yelock until Suncav afternoon 4 velock.Submarine of unknown na- ionalitw followed lifeboats at_dis- of?AO rds from 10 Friday ight to 20 to 4 Saturday morning. Submarine and lifeboats did not speak.”The missing men from the Amer- can steamship City of diemphis were ill safely landed.| neta ect FeAoSANTEEA or nieny ant Troops Would Have Guarded the Railroad Lines. Notwithstanding denials from Washington,the fact is now made public that an order had been issued to stop the mustering out of Nation- al Guard regiments which,had just arrived at home stations or were en route home from the border.The nurpose of the order was kept secret beenuse it wa:a preparatory meas- ire against the proposed strike.of railroad employes.The purpose} was to hold the troops in readiness| for any duty in that connection,es- necially in guarding mai!and food trains. Made Strong By Our Vinol Fort Fdward,N.¥.—“T wae in a run- down,nervous and weak condition,so [ could not do the housework for my littlefamilyofthree.I had taken cod liver | oil emulstona and other remedics withe | out benefit.A friend told me about|Vinol.I tried it and it svon built up my strength and made me a well woman so | 1 now do all of my housework.”—Mra, E.mer Girppen.We guarantee Vinol to restorestrengthandbuilduprun-down,weak and debilitated conditions. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. MORTGAGE SALE RY VIRTVE oftxawedeed,executed by J to the undersigned,1 wilttotiehivheatbidderfor cn1uythousedoorinStatesville,N.¢ MONDAY.APRIL “to the howr of noon,the following he ituated in the city of Statesville,bo und described as follows,to-wit: Beevinning at a etake,Bost's corner on the}t side of Center street;thence with Bost's| line neariy eust about 200 feet to a take,| Best's corner in the edge of the Southern Railway Company's right of 9 wry theneenorthwardwiththeSoutnernRailway50feet) to corner of LB.Lawrence's |theneewestwardwithhialot200feettostake.hilecorneratstreet;thence southward with said) street 50 feet to the bewinning | OF LAND. the pewers containM dina Seago and cll at publte! h.at the}wife action %1ad5 } «and inded | a R.A,COOPER,Guerdian Bo MeLaughlin,Atty Mareh 9 1917. ie; R Mortaavee,, Plentyoffreshair application ofoverthethdefense‘Thesatoes “de pilogn.crc teE Ae C@MMISSIONER’s SALE OF CITY enMonroe|ministrater of J.|Mra.Annie|BdgerWalter M.Adams,John T.Adams,Miss Ger- trude Lillian Adams and Miss Ethel Adams, the undersigned commissioner will expose to publie sale to the highest bidder,at the coug house door in Btatesville,on |the following described 5-room house,now rented to 6-reom house,now rented to how: 4. with 5-room house, man. ‘room house,now rented to Grover Munday. 8-room house, ,thecorded in deed book 15,pase ords of Iredell county twelve months,deferred payments to bear 6 per cent interest from date of confirmation ofle; ———-——- *Se.ge oe ey é a :_7 7 FAIR TREATMENT small,with the same fairness to _.Either the tire,whatever its.size, makes good the Goodrich pledge, or Gor drich wanis it back to square its shortcomings Goodrich workmanship turns forth tires,little and big,with the same watchful pride and honor. All are the best fabric tires that can be made. They are equally obligated to fulfill the hig:lara of | wte fOLeo—mGaa <e of service Goodrich sets fo.° tires.. You take no chanee with ANYTHING ©G The B.F.Goodrich Company AKRON,if tak Voor Deates fox Them :KTANTEXTANisafibresolo— NOT rubber.It is water- CODER!Sri Scle even ff WOE TS EE ET eae cS ~7 OTscl“, ..Tt;-—- cr}aeeT“2,{»~Ve:.sce icLate31aIGTACS MienfacturedbyTheB.F.GoodrichCompany Akron,Ohio Preacher proof,stub-proof,flexible, matches your shocs per- fectly and outwears any leather sole you ever wore.Ask your deeier, ‘PROPERTY. Y VIRTUE of authority contained in a ment of the Superior Court of lredell, in the special proceeding entitled C.Adams,in his own right,and as ad-M.Adams,deceased;andVietorisE.Adams,widow,Mrs.MaryPostonandhusband,H.A.Poston.H.Adams and wife,Maud Adams,vs. Sterling Silverware! We have a large lot of Sterling Silver in several pat- terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks,Oyster Forks, Cold Meat Forks,ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks;Tea Spoons,Table Spoons,Dessert Spoons,ice Tea Spoons Jelly Speons,Olive Spoons,Soup Spoons and almost all the spoons and forks you want.Like every thing else they are high but our price is as low as any one according to quality.We handle the Gorham goods. R.H.RICKERT &SON. ;The Railroad Men Think this is a good time to strike. We do not thiuk so.But WE KNOW now is a good time fur you to “strike”a beeline for our store when in need of anything in our line.Our warehouse is full of everything you need to farm with.Our Builders’ Hardware line is complete and we can supply your needs for garden tools.The service of this store is at your command. MONDAY.APRIL &1917,city preperty:1.Lot 6 in block 2,on Bight atreet/with 2.Lot 2 in block 2,on Seyfnth street,with %Let 12 in bloek 2,w “Lot 14 in block 2, new rf6.Lot 3 in block 28f/on Seventh treet,4- Lots 1 and 2 in block 23,Seventh street,| home place. These lots are numbered according to mapof| Statesville Development Company as re- 441 of the | ceae — 6, Terms of sale:One-half eash,remainder tn} Cc.MONROE ADAMS,Commissioner. 2.March | Callfor Taxes Taxes have been duesinceDecemberIst.The county needs themoneyandthecom-missioners say I mustcollectit.So,Mr.Taxpayer,you willsavetroubletoyour-self and tome if youwillcallpromptlyand settle.M.P.ALEXANDER,SHERIFF. L.ARNER,Statesville,N L. -——Dealer In--— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees- wax,Aliso old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags, Books and Magazines.Wé pay the highest market prices. Independeht Phone §06. Bell Phone 9502. ' ||!Iredell Hardware Co}| ; a HALL’S GLYCERINE LOTION GOOD ROADS|——CURES—“— j |CHAPPEDHANDS,IRRITATED SKIN GoodTiresare the pleasure “1Sera,“|SHOUTFo arr peanyouHA "Satan||HALL’S G STORE, 4 '' ' 4 $1.00Per Hour =.| For you when youcanlet|oan 2saveyoutoyourwork.Save thistimeandmoney.A MyersPumpwillsavethis.us put one in for you. W.E.MUNDAY. YourPlumber, Let | 114E.BroadSt. 4 HAMS,HENS,HIDES,HONEY,HOG AND|HOMINY ARE HIGH!,uM THARPE PAYSHIGHESTPRICES!EGGS WANTED! IREDELL PRODUCE CO JIM THARPE vd Everyjhing ‘in stock tomeetyourwants.Roof-in in,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will makeanythinginSheetMetal you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone55,114 E.BroadStreet. — DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.©.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,Hours &to 6."Phone 19%.jouSPECIALATTENTIONTOCHILDREN’STEETH. DR.COITESHERRILL, City and County. All calls télephoned to Jas.R. Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. Jitney Station e WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR COR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10¢. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE 5 CENTS. ‘PHONE 511..|Jitney Transfer Company.a C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green. Lesa SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass 7}per pound,Light Brass Se.perpourtORSALE: secondhandmachineryaoeornhindeofbalerroomsuppliestettreBo:4 Bal He timeto devote " }sets things strai; We Try to Keep) ville,N.C.R } General Practioner in | |“SEEDS! if sick,mony oneyoujustatehasfermentededsourheaddizzyandaches;belchvesandacidsandeructateugestedfood;breath foulcoated—just take a littleanensintoneutralize and in five —orbecameofthei E E Millions of men ane women todayknowthatitigneedlesstohavedys-sensi A little Diavepsin occasion-wily keens the stomach sweetenedandtheyeattheirfavorite,foods without fear.If your stomach doesn’t take careofyourliberallimitwithoutrebel-ilion;if your food is a damage in-|stead of a help,remember the quick-est,surest,most harmless relief isPape's Diapepsin,which costs onlyfiftycentsforalargecaseatdrug stores.It’s trulystopsfermentationand acidity andt.so gently andeasilythatitisreallyg. PIANO TU 8.VanALSTYNE ofSalisbury.Orders laft with Mr.L.W.Mac-Drug Company,willjon.Feb,20- MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in amortgagedeed,executed R.A.Galliher andwife,F.BE.Galliher,to W.P.Morton,and byhimtransferredforvaluetotheun.I will sell at public auction to the highest bid-der for cash,at the court house door inStatesville,N.C.,on :MONDAY,APRIL,®,1917,at the hour of noon,the following describedlandsinChambersburetownship,Iredell eoun- ty,to-wit:Bounded on the north by the lands of H.Johnson Murdock:on the east by the landsofJohnC.Smith;on the south by the landsofM.L.Parker,and on the weet by the landsofJohnC.Smith,said tract being the land onwhichR.A.Galliher now lives,containing 15acres,more or less.W.BP,MORTON,Mortgagee, R.B.McLaughlin,Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administrator of the es-tate of Cynthia V.Wilson,deceased,late of Iredell county,afl persens holding claimsagainsttheestateofaniddecedant,are herebynotifiedtopresentthemtotheundersignedonorbeforeMarch13,1918,or this notice willebpleadedinbarofanyrecoverythereon.All persons indebted to said estate are asked to make immediate settlementCc.8.WILSON,Atniatetentee Comite ¢.Wilson,States- March 138,1917.Kins©ere ‘Atrn_tare tt|ALL KINDS Of Windows and Window Glass,and made to care for 20,000 veteransof | the battle.it is said,in addition ta,all sizes Wood and Glazed Doofs,Sash Weights,Cord,Sash Fasten-ers,Door Locks,Butts and Hinges. C.WATKINS. THE POPULARITY OFAVESiDOcn inereases all the time.More of it us-ed last year than ever before.Try ityourself—you'll know why. FOR SALF BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,N.C. Alte ee atei SEEDS!9 Red Bliss and Irish Cobbler Potatoes. Bulk seed such as Beans,Peas,OnionSets,Early Corn,Beets,Cantaloupe,etc. Come in or phone your orders. Phone 89. |intoturn- wonderful—it | SEs |The Sendeate oe |portat!pany ice of |Suspension of its boat service be |tween Baltimore,Boston and Prov- lof coal at this port are given as the| |Peason.The company is one of the |opest coastwise passenger and, freight lines.| American mining men who were |oreparing to return ¢o Mexi- co to resume operation of mining been warned ~ 0 ‘new revolt is expected to start within the sext two weeks, led by men said to be friendly to |General Obregon.| Two companies of the Maryland’ ational Guard have been aCd gual Pennsylvania jalti- ‘more &Ohio railroad s over| the Susquehanna river at vre de \Graee,id.All the north and south traffic of these two rai passes over these bridges.r was made by the Governor of Maryland. According to the report from Brit- t| ish sources the ;ies of| ‘the Germans re the month ‘of February in ki dead,due to) wounds or sickness,men made pris-|toners and missing,amount to 60,471, making the total German casualties| since the beginning of the war,ex- ‘elusive of those in navy or the| colonies,4,148,163.| Dr.E.J.Murch of Bangor,Maine,against the was shot and killed a:Jac |Pla.and the police are holding Geo.| -'Thompson,a negro,who is alleged to} have declared he fired on Murch| when he found the latter in his! home.According to the police,Murch rushed from home fatally wounded and was driv- en in an automobile to a local board- ing house,where he died later. |.The War Department has ordered Lieut.Col.Willard D.Newbill to proceed to Vicksburg,Miss.,to ar- range for the national memorial cel-|jubilee of the}\ebration and peace/Blue and Gray on Vicksburg battle- field next October.Plans are being many visitors.Congress appropri- ‘ted $160,000 for the celebration. Six miners,employes of the Clinchfield Coal Corporation at Dump Creek,Va.,have been arrest- ed for conspiracy to defraud their company.The tipple master and the check clerk were bound over and |warrants issued for more than 60, loether miners on the same charge.| The men are chareud with defraud-||jing the company by collecting for | more coal than was mined.After the ‘first arrests many of the miners fled.|eee : Bread Tires and Road Upkeep.| Southern Good Roads.| A few years ago about 100 miles|of roads were improved in Spottsyl- |vania county,Va.,which is far from) i being a wealthy county.This re-) ‘sulted in much heavier joads,partic- ularly loads of lumber,on narrow-| ‘tired wagohs,and these grea ‘weights on a few inches of tire be- gan to injure the roads considerably. 'So the county supervisors passed ‘an ordinance limiting loads to 4,000 |nounds on wide-ti vehicles and 2,-| |400 pounds on with narrow) ‘tires.Many teamsters hauled morethantheordinancepermits,and it |Was necessary to indict a number of)jthem before they .realized Raspes = supervisors proposed to have|law Most of the teamsters jhave now themseives with |3-ineh tires for two-horse vehiclesjand4to6-inch tires for four-horse| lvehicles,This saves the road.The) iteamsters have found that they do/| jnot suffer,for on account of the hauling due to a gouge road,theytenhitchonebehindanother|and haul both four horses,thus|doubling the work done by the teamand_driver. ded wagons,especially lumberhavebeentheworstene-Iredell good roads.Theleountycommissionershavetheau-||thority to regulate both,ifj¢hoose to exercise it.The Land- }|Mr.M.M.Woods of Philad |petional secretary of the Jr.0aiM. i |(The narrow tires and the heavi- ,Was the guestof Mr.C.B.‘ebbyesterday, visit store oftheBM.H.Shoe >|or tomorrow and coaeee ?6G.WA’ The scarcity and high price wept. Thompson's| |‘eas lamented that the shortage was! $il i i iHi i a them quiet the Canaille.” Nicholas rejected the suggestion,exclaiming angrily:“1 shall neverbecomeatraitortomycountry.”Nicholas broke down andAfteronlyIknewmywifeandchildrenweresafeI Michael govern the country.liked’by the people.abdieation and then go back toarmy,say goodbye to the soldiersandlet.do as they like.I shallnotstandintheway.”This last colloquy occurred on thestationplatform.Nicholas,who wasdressedinasoldier's coat,with aco!shoulder straps and asheepskinhattiltedhack,frequentlymoppedhisbrow.He gazed aboutinanabstractedmany--+.The emperor is now in his gardensonthecoastofCrimea,and it is)hoped his wife and children are safewithhim.He is not of greatofmindandwasutterlyunable to,comprehend the outcroppings which|foretold the downfall of the throne.)His friends and his family tried re-'neatedly to impress him with the se-|riousness of the situation,but he)ould not understand that there was)Aanger.The pro-German influence,|the empress.German woman,the court.Wearied he growindangertothedynastyandthene-cessity of his —himself|influerc:of the em-)‘\ovress,the emperor replied:“What-has Alexandra to do with polities?I!refuse to believe that she is unpopu- lar among the people.”| ANOSCOND 'ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS.| Happenings Here and There in| |the State. Person county has voted $300,000|of bonds for road improvement.| Oscar Roberts,negro cook for a ‘ridge camp vang.at Mt.Holly,shotandkilledWalterThomas,his col-;ored helper.Roberts is in Gaston) ‘ounty jail.} Elizabeth City is to have a munici-|21 band,promoted by the chamber|‘of commerce.Nothtng on States-|“ile.We've got a band fostered by|he Merchants’Association. Robert.5-vear-old son of Mrs.R.T. |Waskey ef Rocky Mount,was fatally, i burned when his clothing caught from a bonfire started in the yard whereheandotherchildrenwereplaying. Coal shortage at Morganton forced;the graded school to suspend for a}day and various and sundry small| boys and possibly srirls,too,doubt- so short. Tishia Turner,negress,is held without bail in Winston -Salem,charged with fatally shooting herhusband,Alonzo Turner,Mondaynight.She claims the shooting was accidental. H.L.Storie of Faickory,23 yearsold,wife and two small children,wassobadlycrushedwhileatworkontheMt.Mitchell logging railroad that heisexpectedtodie.Re is in an Ashe- ville hospital. Within the past year unknown par-ties for the third time have visited| the Moravian graveyard at Winston-. Salem and damaged the property,by tearing down tombstones and Wes ring them out. Gov.Bickett went (to 8.C.,Wednesday to attend the exer-cises in the inauguration of Dr.E. Hartsville,| W.Sikes,his former schoolmate,as president of Coker College.From,Hartsville Gov.Bickett went toCharlestontovisithisson. Nathaniel Hil!,colored,died in the City Hospital,Winston-Salem,fromtheeffectsofbeingshotMondayafter-noon by Fred T.Holt,white,aged 15) years.It is stated that Hill attempt-|ed a “serious crime”against the boy and the latté®shot him.Holt is un-| der 3500 bond. Mrs.Martha Massey,aged 67rs,was burned to death nearhchurch,Johnson county,Monday afternoon.She was wateingothersburnapatchofbroomsedgeintheorchardwhenhercloth-ing caught fire.She died beforeipcouldreachher.' The commissioners of MecklenburgandGastoncountieshavereachedan &¢ BS i] . Fi s t e l c e ss a moment he said:“If g should go to Livadia gauietlytofinishmylifeand= 1 will sign my ¢the a responsible,“dominated ||POLK GRAYas4veoWI |Mail Orders Hevt Our Prompt and adjoining counties for 1,000 gallons offromOctober15thtoApril15th.Now ts the prepare tosell milk nextfall.Wecan muchpricesforsweetmilkthanyoucangetyourproductsanyotherway.We desire to contract.for 2,000 cases of fresh¢wy og.t0he Crees See ee Se aeIst.Highest market Will be paid.Wesolicitthebusinessnearby,country merchantsom=my-Spot cash will be paid for all shipments day —received,‘ WE WANT MORE BUTTER FAT!Highest mar-—ket prices paid.We have unlimited outlets.We ate'inpositiontomakequickreturnsforshipmentsof'to any of ourplants.' Dropus acard and we will be glad to haveour rape~8resentativecallandseeyou. o- % Carolina ) HICKORY,N.C. a ee eS When you beginto sneeze—Get shaky in knees,Are cross and hard to please,Can’t stand the slightest breeze, LOOK OUT!rt That cold is aboutto catch ou,butoutby 0993 & eto.“On on eas RT ee in ee ae Attention.OESTREICHE The Style Center of This Section.PRE-EASTER DISPLA’ Einsayingyouwill the best selection .ofAtlantaandRichmond atthanthesemerchantsask.Will you not comeand pay us avisitbuyingelsewherc? Smart Tailored Suits for Sport,Dress,for,in fact,Every Oce$12.50,$15.00,$19.50,$25.00 andCharming‘Street,Afternoon,Evening Dresses,$15.00,$17. ‘ick howSpat and Utilityuty $6.48,$9.98,$12.50,$15.00 and Up, Thereisevery c>~color in theseTans,andGra auncof beetaeawholenewfamilyofBlues. Again We Say Welcc me.DAVE OFSTREICH rt.- t for rebuildi across)tawba river at Mie..‘s ferry and Rozelle’s ferrythatwereaway bythelastJuly.Contracts for thebridgeswillbeletApril20th. FUN!FUN!FUN!SRE rue |funny elves in Wonderland.—ad. RTH C. RefundedonRoundTripRailroadF ma$20.00and Over. fe H t ae o F 2 5 ° t o d i f : Beherailroadownersshoul to stop running trains if ion’t go to suit them.Neither ¥should be allowed to interrupt :: i of inter-State commerce there was ample time to allow nees to be passed on by the roper tribunals,That is fair to both sides;i what is more i rtant, it is fair to the public.The #ppreme Court holds that the public more concern in these matters either rty to the controversy;and if oasces does not speedily enact leg- islation to safeguard that right,as the President has urged,that body will fail in its duty to the public. That the railroad employes and organizations will object| any legislation restricting the rigght to strike,or making arbitration com- puisory,is certain,but that objection should not weigh.A law was passed for the benefit of the railroad em- :the railroads will ask and will an increase in rates. The public will have vo foot the bill and certainly the public has a right to demand some legislation for its protection. a f E Z z4 E Some of the boys seemed to have jumped to the conclusion that Con- gressman Bob Doughton will not be «2 candidate for Congress next year. He didn’t say that.That he did say was that he wouldn’t run for Gov- ernor if his brother,Rufe,is a can- didate for that office;and that if Rufe is a candidate for Governor Bob will not be a candidate for Con- eress,as he doesn't believe in one family monopolizing the offices.But it io by no means settled that Hon. ®,A.Doughton (which is Rufe),will be a candidate for Governor;and if he is not a candidate the way is opén for Hon.R.L.Doughton (which is Bob)to run for Congress again;and it is The Landmark's opinion Ly the majority of Congressman Do ton’s constituents will insist on his staying on the job,even if he wants to quit. The Chariette Observer remarks that all we can do in the way of war with Germany is to ‘dispatch “a part of the navy to the blockaded zone for the purpose of opening the trade channel and keeping it epen”; that it would be as impossible for the Germans to break through and get at America as it would be for the United States to break through and get at the Germans.”The allies would doubtless gladly open the way if we wanted to send troops to the trenches in Europe,but that seems improbable now and we hope it will go continue.Col.Roosevelt,howev- er,thinks it is the very thing;that we ought to be getting ready right now to send troops abroad.Nobody is holding Col.Roosevelt.If he is so hanged anxious to fight why does- n't he go_to it? “We see be the papers,”as Mr. Deoley would remark;or “it has boen called to our attention,”as Col. Wade Harris would say,that we have a “North Carolina State Co!- lege.”After due reflection it was recalled that the name of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts,best known as the A.and M.,was changed by legisla- tive act to the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engin- eering.Name too long for daily use and somebody has abbreviated it the North Carolina Staite College. Too much yet;and as North Caroli- na is the State it seems ‘ike a repe- tion.Call it The State Coifege and let it go at that. Seneaeaon The Merchants’Association,which is always doing something for States- ville,gives a luncheon to the teachers of the county and town at Hotel Ire- dell tomorrow.That is a thoughtfulandappropriatecourtesyonthepart ef this organization,one that will romote good feeling.Soon we wil! ave the county commencement and itisplannedtomakeprovisionforthe comfort of the visitors—especially the Aeachers and children—in town thatday.Ail of which is as it should be. ES 8OT The legislative edition of the News and Observer,which gives a art may be that indicated—a very small part so far as actual warfare is concerned;or it my be found nec- essary to go to the help of the al- lies with our naval strength,or send men to the trenches of the Eu- ropean battlefields.The latter hard- iy seems probable now,but once in there is no telling what may be done. Once the country is aroused the war fever may carry us on,farther than may be necessary. On the other hand here is the hope:That we may have little to do and that conditions may soon end the war.There is evidence that Germa- ny’s situation is critical and the end may be nearer than we expect;or it may not be.ANTTSNT A POOR VICTORY. The railroad brotherhoods won their demand for the eight-hour day. but the circumstances under whic they won are not to their credit.On the contrary,the railroad managers, who yielded rather than imperil the nation at this critical period,have won the ceuntry’s favor by their patrictism.Evidently the brother- hoods feared an adverse decision by the Supreme Court and they deter- mined,by the hold-up,to get what they wanted in advance.Postponing the strike from Saturday evening until Monday evening simply meant that they waited for the decision and if they did not get what they wanted the strike would be on.If they had not started their strike ag- itation there would have been no ne- cessity for it and they would be in sinner in this business; now that this baby is i in of its own,and it has to be i for before anything else You can go home and fix this thi up to the satisfaction of this , uncle,And then I may be r to week and sore, talk further about a pardon.”suggested And that blow about killed father ®ng I read —at least his bape of a pardon,to wy it,Soon I Many folks who think the Governor ment.I kept on taking it has started out o trifle free with the am a well oardons will forgive him much for ‘gone aw my lungs,I do not his stand in this case.ie/~Frangk HELoMan,atid Fesring attempts to pollute the’We guarantee Vinol for chi city’s water supply by German sym-coughs,colds and bronchitis and for all pathizers,Wilmington’s reservoir ig qeak,run-down conditions, patrolled by an armed guard,W.F.Hail,Druggist,Statesville. pough,was AUCTIONSALE | Thursday,March 29,I will sell at Auction at my home at 10a.m.,all myf:rm tools —three Riding Cultivators, Mowing Machine,Hay Rake,Binder;also two Wagons,two Buggies,Surrey and Harness,Corn Shelier,Feed Cutter, two third interest in Road Machine,2 lot of Corn,Pess,Hay and Straw,a Mule,two pure-bred Berkshire Sows and 20 Pigs. V.C.ELLIS. much better position today.Even a threatened strike after an adverse decision of the court would have had more sympathy.The spirit display- ed was unfortunate. It has been suggested that the railroad managers yielded because they had a_tip that the Supreme Court.would decide adversely.There is no evidence to sustain the sugges- tion,but in any event they have come out of the controversy in much better shape than twe brotherhocds; and it is not improbable that the latter have lost as much as_they have gained,not only in public favor hut in a court decision which,while gives them what they want now, may give them what they don't want later on.AERA.SUE”OT Far be it from us to say a wordthatmightbeconstruedaswinking it dishonesty,but somehow we can't help but think that the coal minerschargedwithdefraudingtheTen- nessee mine owners by collecting pay for more coal than was mined,wereinfluencedbytheexample.of thehigher-ups.The price of coal these six months past has meant big prof- its for somebody and we're constrain- ed to believe the mine owners gottheirshare.The miners may have! felt like they were not getting theirs,and so feeling decided to do as oth-ers were doing—reach out and take! more.anALLA “The man behind the plow is, needed just as much as the man be- hind the gun,”chirps Col.Britton intheNewsandObserver.From whichremarkitisopinedthatthecolonel|might seek af assignment as a plow hand if the pressure for gun fodder Lecomes acute. ae NN TERRAIN Sa a mR A EEL No Safe Passage For AmericanShips. Turkey again notified the State Department that neither GermanynorAustria-Hungary had indicated a willingness to give assurances of | the safe passage of the AmericancruiserDesMoinesandtheAmeri- can naval collier Caesar from Alex- andria,Egypt,to Beirut to deliver relief supplies to the destitute Syr- ians and to bring out one thousand or more American refugees.The plight of the amertcans stranded at Beirut is causing in- creasing coneern in Washington,forofficialsfeeltheyvirtuallyhave ex- hausted every diplomatic resourcetoreachthem.Turkey some time agoconsentedtogivesuchaguarantee summary of the enactments of the!for herself but Germany and Austria recent Legislature,is a valuable ation.It will be some time the laws are published inform.Meantime —information as to certain acts is desirable andnecessary.The News and ObservertheinformationIntabloidformandhasrenderedadistinctpublicservice. (ower ee ee wee Ordinarily,considering that the jeans and Democrats are aboutydividedinCongress.a dead- in the organization of the Housebethenaturalexpectation Under the conditions existing,howev- er,it is not too much to expect that be subservient tomayandthattheremaybeno rr >ae.Mayor Kirk- of has issued atothecolorsall to bear arm:;and all citi-the colors apparently have been procrasticatingwhiletheirdifficultieswith—theUnitedStatesweresotvingthem- selves. Will Cut Profits to Help. _Our eaptains of industry are show- ing evidences of patriotism,even when it affects their pockets.The princi-pal American copper producers have agreed to furnish the government copper needed for the army and navy during the coming year at 16 and a fraction cents a pound,about one-halfofthecurrentmarketprice.Forty- five million pounds is the amount tc be delivered.This ig the first bie concession inresponsetotheappealstothepa-triotism of the country’s industries since the navy’s agreements with theshipbuildersandsteclmakersforprofit-cutting.The action of the -| per producers is awnounced by theCouncilofNationalDefense.| ea You cannot afford to experiment when it comes to buying acar, And you don’t need to;we have done that for you and as we value our re- putation and business you can depend on the results of our experience. We stand behind every car we sell and are right here to make good on every transaction. UFO ASASSSTI A SUGGESTION. Make it a point this Spring to . satisfy that desire to be perfectly corseted in a model that will fit,wear,and give the stylish new lines. We still have the right Hat for every customer,also a big line of ready-to-Wears. re | |Birmi »Ala.,will spend $1,-of the qonaen lytues i :|fer y ssue af — POPULAR PRICES.MATINEE. Before purchasing 4 Re- frigerator this season we believe it will be tc your advantageto visit our storeand inspect our line of Odorless and Tacoma Refrigerators. We now have in stock a complete line Galvanized and Enameled line of Ice Boxes,Water coolers and Ice Cream Freezers. Let us explain the good merits of ours to you before you buy. ‘ Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘“The Favorite Store.” >on a . SS =— < — —< § a el l ea e : am e ea e ae Saturday Will Be Teachers lay And as we have planned this event for your special benefit,we are look- ing for all of you to come. Many new Suits,Coats,Dresses,and Waists,added to our already full stock. Tomorrow--remember for Saturday only---is Teachers’Day. Company. nen ee e Ne hiMrs.Bae0 wer is :.Mr.and re."gpd Peon |anerae ee illeresident,intowrr_baat = =| a with Mr.ao Mn J.Hoover|a sible position jm the Wd. |M Company of Chrriotte.He .W.P.Johnston,who has bdtn will remembered Tenn.,for some months,‘been with the _bmpire Store Co returnedto ry-this week.He few years ago.’ ae AyAg Be Cc.Swale wee!a Landinari recently |reported came home »|ma e of Mr ar joan,son ©Sow Cage cae,we rs.W.R.Sloan of States-gton of Mr.and |og Sess ath ae a ~—ville.The following account of the session of Con convenes,April marriage is from the Mobile (Ala.) 2d,and Mrs.Webb will joinApri Register of the Lith: later.“4 wedding of beautiful simplicity Mr.and Mrs.0.C.traywood and in Laurel,Miss,marked the mar- little boy,who have been visiting riage of Miss Gladys Williams,the sduaives tein Statesville and vicinity,_daughter of Mr.Grin Wiliams. have returned to their home in Lar-r.Karl Sloan of Mobile,Ala,The —Wyoming pein ot were prettily celebrated at ge Morehead has re-high noon on Monday et the bride's tusned to her home in Danville,af-home on Fifth street.Only the rela- ter a visit to Mrs.A.L.Coble.tives and most intimate friends guth Mrs.Wm.Morrison,Miss ses Co-ered to witness the ceremony. rinne Morrison,Rebecea and Hassie “The bride was lovely in her going Miller,Mrs.R.A.Cooper,Mrs.FE.away suit of blue serge,which was L.Fleming and Miss Carrie Mae (ajlored with trimmings of white but Watts were Charlotte visitors.this tons and rows of white stitching.Her ..hat was of blue straw in two tones Mr.Earl Moser is spending a few ang corresponded beautifully with hei op o om Tenn.suit.She carried a pretty arm bou T.Weatherman and littic Quet formed of bride’s “roses an? sons,*and James,have return-Pyesias,Soon after the ceremony ed from a short visit in Salisbury.Mr.Sloan anc his hele left for thei home in Mobile and sater wil!includntofiseme8°oyeNoticesNewAdvertntthecoastcitiesintheirbriaal trip Land for rent,cow and pigs fer The many friends of the bride hop: sale—J.A.W.Barkley,‘phones.visite home may be frequent 915X.They are delighted that she has mad Surrey and pigs for sale-—C.,care sgcn a splendid marriage,the rroon belay such an excellent young man itaKarcornasale-—H.B.Cashion,eycry way,says the 'eurel (Miss. Elmwood,f Leader.Up until recently he made Madame trace the perfect corset.nis home in Laurel A Letter posi —Mrs.Mary Sims.tien with the G.M.&N.railroad of Don't experiment when buying a which he is the draftsman,took hinear.—Statesville Motor Co.to Mobile a teachers’day.—“it~and Mrs.Sloan wore the re Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison out rg 8 ees petG.cipients of a beautiful collection o—Mutual policy;—®.G.Gaith-gifts.” several reonths ago, Next series opens April7.—Mu-Mr.Baxter W.Scott of Wilkes- tual Building and Loan Association.).4 and Miss Sadie Day of westAliceinWonderland,tonight.—caresville,were married Tuesday Public Schoo!Auditorium._‘afkernoon at 2 o'clock at the rear Milk and eggs wanted.—Caroli-Qonce of Rev.J.H.Pressly,the ofi-na Creamery Co.,Hickory,N.C..line Winner A - Extraordinary ‘showings.Mills vs . &Poston.The Fort Dobbs Chanter cf the New ond.—lines.—John-Daughters of the American Revely-ston-Belk (tion,meeting with Bre.L.Harrill Fresh chipped beef,ete.—Sher-T pes ‘Gacmen.made plans for rill &Reece.the Pregressive Game Party which Myers pump saves time and mon-wil}co held eat the armory in the ey.—W.E.Munday.latter part of April,on Chapter Full stock dressed and rough lum-Pay.There will be 25 to 36 tables, ber at lowest prices.-—C,Watkins tickets being sold by ene member of Produce wanted.—Jim Tharpe,the chapter for each table.The aim Iredell Produce Co.of the chapter is to make money to Odorless refrigerators.—Wil-pay for the tract of land near States- liams Furniture House,Inc.ville,on which is the site of the old wes its and coats.—J.M.Me-Fort Debbs.The local chapter pur- Kee &chased the land some time ago and Delicious and refreshing.—-Coca-the State organization plans to re- construct the old fort.The local D.Cola Bottling Co. Danger,head for the square.—A,R.'s are also planning an “adver- Polk Gray Drug Co._tising fair”to be held some time in Auction sale farming tools.—V.Viay. C.Ellis..a Following the business meeting, Salesmen wanted.—W.L.Gi!-Mrs.Marvill served grape juice and '.cake. Farm hand wanted.—-R.V.Wil- son.The G.G.G.club met Wednesday .~afternoon with Miss Sophia He n- Don't Come to Town Often.—ringer.Rook and bridge were phay. Inion Grove ed at three tables.Mrs.W.H “ane wo ae”atatenvilie Wed-Hoffmann,winning the high score nesday for the first time in 30 years.prize,was presented a bar pin,Two When a young lady Miss Lowe vis.courses of refreshments were served. ited Statesville 30 years ago.She Potted hyaeinths decorated the came back this week to find mary home. pa SS catoe bem ree The West Fnd Sewing Circle met residences and poneties 7:a Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.© amare —i ot he o \.EF.Mills.After the sewing hour the since her last visit rs.-_hostess served ice cream and cake, .her sister,accompani =caited nuts aad stalled dates. nt ”Robinson had not been Statesville in 15 years.A legal The Bachelor Belles field a called matter which reavired attention meeting with Miss Rebecca Miller the ladies to town.They are :hisinprosperouscircumstances.have an automobile at theiriandtheycouldhavevisite: the county seat oftener had they so ired.“Atincugh the Wednesday week.The meezingtothetransactionofbusiness. The —Bridge club met Tues-day me ning with Mrs.M.R.Adams.A del hour was spent at cards. visitthefirstinmany years,the le-|Died of Blood Poison—News of Stony Point. ‘orrespondence of The Lanomartk Stony Point,March 21.—Mr. diesre td not tarry ‘long,transacting| ir business end returning shortly to their homes in the northern part|AA of the county.|Somers af “=hia saw mill to the Here's Place Ladi «r D.Ervin,a short dis- °i Fer )|tdnce below Scott's,where there is a Orders to -wetnen oe fis a amount of timber to cut. work intime off wer Te 7 the e cotton mill suspended opera- naval reserve ae “|tions Saturday,pending repairs on th« to commandants of nave A Mr.Mitcheil of Statesville *|tions, such 7 io beof |I learn that Mr.J.C.Hedrick ehoredy Sr used to strengthen "ld a =“Sot in his store to ¢ already been|Party from bury. olet —Mrs.Nettie Turner,aved about 66 ‘heat slip,to be the largest on - was devoted re doing the repair work and in efewdaysthemillwiilresumeopera- years,died at her home in Miller's Sweet Potatoes,$1.eaten prices The toll-hee wie on doceWhewiforfearofspies,(=$0 ee *Oats,joc,pet Atlantic Coast ———seg On the Nalcae a om 19 centsWe.activities here,but tot,fe cee eae ‘whet ofcials of the etation wilh mat;>pe sage Bhpelle.say at this time.Another :was wre¢ked yesterday,thethelastthreeweeks,but no one se on oete Gen or (ue No ad.token for tome than 36 vemte.Cash muet accompany order.) riousty hurt.It leoks patriotic ©Fi ww gee ae F si)farm.ve the hich school hoys in oniform, +..:T=tees 2 ae ge AW.be ing dvifled by an army officer @¥-)GAN RY,“Phone ISX.=Mar,23-1.afte::;ery afternoon,|SALESMEN WANTED—One wan for eachMoresnicidesherethenIeverIredell,Alexander,Catawba,Ri ‘Ienew.Some jump overboard,others 10.Good propositionfogvant man.W) shoot themselves,while some take)|.OILBERT,Statesville, poison.It is »common occurrence,ates - to find a skeleton or dead body iM poJomesriver.A few days ago they «i fished up an automobile.Itbeenlostoffasteamersince1913. LON,Elmwood,Rel.Mar.28--1t* }Por 3y e-em,secondhand “surrey and pigs.TheIwas@lodwhenIsawin|March 28 sass Landmark that perhaps Statesville ~emanate sn would in the near fucure have a,“A \TED—Te hire farm and white prefer-RV.WILSON,tie,RGpubliclibrary.They save a library)March 23 =Cepnaevitie,BS. here and you would be surprised ta!eeiiaauineniniiendedintsimmmennenme see how many boys and girls send at (Iebonastl SALE —Hoaseheld om Vahe their spare time there,to say mothe:oe “nme of sate cash.MISS BRSSIE ing of the older people.I-tm_glad LLISON,Trowtman,N.C.Mar,20--2t*. that Civic Learve has decided to ~-:OR RE on -room house ront streethaveaCommunityBuilding,J am *nev oderp comvemionecs,MAB.B.M.got of Bag rything that —Be |PU RCHES.March 20. tatesville’s.reputation as the bee WE mAave 4 LOT OF PEACHTREESatthetownintheState.I have to set "OS!"e a°Stet t lis ont of things right here sometimes when Ty gcc om,called a “Tar Heel from Caroli-|)very I do not mind being called @)them.These are wot culls or left-overs,buta}we yTeHeel,but North Carolina is my [ine Bret-clase treme,canoe,ag el a State.pelea iy to parties calling there for MRS.CHAS.R.GAITHER.‘Call ny day.Fichteen varieties hargain ever offered sviile,ra the Post Road,we are sellingcheaptopersonscallingtherefor HAVE YOU HEAPD THE “HAT-CRAWFORD &Co. 20ter’s”sone?It's a scream.—ad.ne ne mene en eee =BRING US you R WHEAT.We will give in OBITUARY.€‘or bushel of good uncleaned ‘pounds flour and 14 pounds bran Thursday eveniag,Mareh 15th,Mr.H.0.t cela}TURNERSSU RG ROLLER Morrixon died,leaving a etfe,one son,father,MILI.S.Mar.6--7t. brothers and sivtegs and a host of friends to FOR SALE—Thrt'«Rs t—Three destrable tracts farm lands id ‘“Ss Rha re ras ”=i ~ne Statesville,76 to 100 acres each.ZEB. tended the ‘uneral service.B .Maio V.LONG,______Mar,16. won was loved by all who kenew him.He was WANTEDTo rent a five to seyen-room house a faithful and true huebend ard vc rood father with bie lot,Write BL,care The Landmark. He suffered for five we cks with the disense Mr rch 16 ‘St. ¢wee carried to of removingwhiehencusedin icknes evidenee of niecedt to the Suv- vo was sorry he Thanks to @ God t uttermost.We pra da ing on his family confection ana frie nda,espocially 1 the goung wife and1WwWILLISMS C.W ATKINS’| :phone Numbers Are: DAY 43 MGHT 256. a a a en ee ee ent LD OE NTBOaYge iN Ok SA SES Re satisfied to drank SOMETHING trom ne bottle represented to be “JUST AS GOOD”a Laws. bottled under SANI- _c the syrup reaches US. EVERY bettle is -TiektLE and SWEET,which ‘GUAR:SN TEES vou by long odds the most and Ri kF«wESHING drink in the Wecan show YOU it is TARY conc litions 4 |UNCLE SAM says ii conforms to the Pure Food { Drink it from the bottle.DON'T go back on 4 DELICIOUSWORLD. your raising. a Sschet:1a ey cam conte | SAL E—eQ00-bushels ear com.H.B. in peach trees.| BOTTLINGC2eeeaeAreasacre os v STATESVILLE|GOL F.L _‘SON!SP... We inv ITF YOUR INSPECTIO: eee eeeeeee ea LOTS LGR ERXORMEIVE THAN 4 AxXPROTEY We can supply you with furniture as costly as you may desire but we specialize on crades that hove all of the charm of the more expensive and are still most reason- able in price. After you pass a’cericin point in the price of furnt- ture you are paying for your own satisfaction only.We know where that point is and when you come to us you benefit by our experience. i ‘OF A REAL SANITARY PLANT: CeieAt GUO \. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SYSTEM OF BANKS© a When you de your bankinogwiwith us you do it with """a Member Bank of the FEDERA 'E system of banks.Our bank had to show :wasaS bank before it could become a member.apne We are one of a vast army offbanks which STANDTOGETHERfortheprotectionofourdepositors. 2 Ourpews can take its —toour Central | eserve Bank at any tims-and get money.When your imoneyisinourbankYOUcangetitwhenYOUwent it.iti Put YOUR money in OUR bank.e We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Statesville,N.C. ii3 Your Come in let us test them for Glasses. When they need glassesnervoussystemmaybeTheeyesareorachangeofgiass2affected./Do you have HEADACHES?If so probably your eyes need attention.=tes t youreves FREE OF CHARGE and ifComein,weyoudonotneed§s or a ‘changeof glasses”we shall tell delicate organs. your entire you so.If you <0,“we shall fit you out scientifically fora reasonable price. R.F.bimadkad Jeweler. nena ihe halaaeSWeHave the Tools!Tools! ‘ While the Uncles,Aunts,Cousins,Farm Demonstrators and other interested par- ties are advising everybody,children and grown-ups,to cultivate a garden—Good 4 Talk!and we say ‘go to it.”But you | can’t go much without good garden tools. Our store is in better position than ever 4 to supply the necessary tools to make gar-— den and field work a success.We sell nothing but high class farm and garden implements and make this broad state- ment—if you will buy your farm tools from us and cuitivate the land like you F know,your bank account will be largerthanitisnow.A stiff bdnk accountis i what everybody wants.Use our goods 4 and yours will grow.‘a Lazenby Montgomery Hardware Co. f een SEE ME WHEN YOU ‘NEED Watches,Jewelry,Silverware orKodaks. Also to fix your Clock or Watch. H.B.WOODWARD we n “° MUTUAL rHE LANDMARK| FRIDAY,---March 23,1917.! o-oo ee MORE ABOUT PIG CLUBS. The Plan and Its Advantages— Co-operation Necessary.| Corresponaence of The Landmars. In a recent article an attempt was made to explain fully the plan and object of the Pig club werk,but it seems that some stil!do not under-| stand it or want to work in new con ditions to their own notion.The plans as given were defined after consider-| able study,with a view to making the work effective with the greatest number possible.| To restate,the object of the work s to train the boy in caring for the pig,to produce good results at least cost,to show him the pleasures and’ advantages of life.on the farm and at the same time to help introduce| better stock into the community.Be- wides these he should gain some| knowledge along the business side | of farming.The responsibility of the transactions will teach him val- ies as reckoned in dollars and cents, while the keeping of the records will educate him in cost »wecounting in the agricultural pursuits.These latter points ate such as every boy needs| instilled into him,especially if he is} voing to be a farmer.Few young men know the value of a dollar and| practically no farmer xnows the cost| of the crep or live stock he raises.| No attempt is being made io urge) any special breed above anomer, more than to unite a community in producing a uniform type and quali- ty.This cannot be sone Sy tniro-| ducing several breeds.Further,as these boys are being urged to keep good stock and produce others of its kind,they cannot do so without the co-operation of others of their com- munity.Even if they could —there would be difficulty in disposing of {|North Wilkesboro ah eee Sennow te B AES NT RN Ae NT NOT TRUE AS TO SHERIFF. Sheriff Woodruff of Didn't Refuse to Serve War- rants —Solicitor Did Not Threaten. In answer to a statement in the Hustler,which Landmark,that North Wilkes-was printed in The Justice Spainhower of boro issued warrants May 6,1916,for Larkin Coffey and wife,Robert Hayes and wife and Gu sie Beuguss, for retailing;that the warrants were turned over to the “county authori- ities”but were not served until a few days ago,after the soliciter had threatened to prosecute the officers, Sheriff Woodruff of Wilkes says thar ‘if ¢Hustler refers to.the beriff,or sheriff's deputies,the statement a fabrication of the whole cloth The only emblance of }the oat :” the surplus stock ther produced te :-t}Oe ay cuene advantage.If but one bey in a com-eM NOEL»;ig arrant ke ae ;some speciul breed !a kin ‘-—ar "Gues ae unlike that produced bv the others ee ee uec ni ,en A where he is going tc sell his product Nads of a ¢msta ey *©served 1 at other than its present market ene property an :2 0 de value as a food product?And again,enda :eugene’loc ited.T nis 16 if he starts with anything =d i a oe ee ge i rec »e k y ¢»hom ounty,)c i Magley oer age ..ok P t g nate pers placed a =har ds ‘ithou price?Which will)ering him the!'-",°5 |a Pk en.infor mation greatest return,a common anal)he sheriif’s office that these ec ting Sh that produces fir :tiok were vielating the Jaw,the kit d sth the e ame pri rowas¢dled in,nediatels the costing (rice ch:nnd f the solicitor ant w ir ducing th anic i ‘ro offapring :vere Rec Opals 1 ,Th 5 at the same vic their parent?eeih and hts »y usasted in As it costs just as much to keep and)""*’g the arred#ts at night Tha eare for the cheaper individual,you “¥:demat 1 or threat was ever will see he bas lost four times the)mate on the ‘county authorities)by cost of the better animal by not se- curing it. As stated before,the obje: work is educations!and at the same time to-build up the auality of the product of these communities so pa- rents will do well to encourage their of the boys in it.Where is there a pare) but would resent i:f told that they had driven their boys to the towns Yet what else can be the effect failing to cncovrage them by mat ing farm life more gicasant andl profitable?There is no place that should be quite so :active to th young people as the rm if they are trained toward it instead of from it G.E.DULL,Co,Agent eee.SerEETEReNSswTETTse Delayed Farm Reads and the Dredginy. Correspondence of The Landttare Charles,March 21 Blow been at ao standstiii for on account ol On! number of farmers did win ing The Jennines road has bee that it was almost im #1 to Statesvil é im Hoy the county ers Ww hae this road repaired ut an eariv date We also hope editor of the Landmerrk will ver tl and ther he w airn to immpros Mrs.Laura Joraey is visiting her daughter,Mrs.Fred.Casey,cord,Mrs.Sarsh Van Hoy nings visiting at the home of —he hter.Mrs.deh:Shary ' week.Miss Annie Cowan of Atlin tas spending some time et the home {f her brother,Mr.D.C.Cowar The dredge boat cru making ood progress on Little Ree reek They are now on the farm of Mr.W, M.Lundy.A numbs °the crow visited home people in Catawha Sai- urday and Sunday. ee eee eeee Mergenthaler Company Loses. Dismissal by New York Fe | courts of |pe patent infrin ment suits brought by the Mer thaler Company arainst the Inter- type Corporation and —InternationalTypesettingMachineCompanyof New York was in effect upheld by the United States Supreme Court.— That the linotvpe multiple maga zine slug and mold patents of the Intertype and Interational Typeset- ting Compani:infringe Merdonot genthaler patents s held hy the lower courts,which decision now be comes effective This case is of interest to new papers.Up to the time the IntercypepeoplebewanbusinestheMerventhalercompanyhadnointhemanufactureofmachines, eee ee Rank FPooltchnens.You occasionally see it stated that colds donet*from cold weather,That rankfoolin®Were it true colds would be as—in midsummer as.in mbdwinte filerobe that causes colds flourishes indamp,cold weather.To get rid of a cold twheChamterioin'’s Cowgh Remedy.It ie effectusiand.is highly recommended ty people whehaveweeditformanyyoarsasoecnston(x qeired,and know its real value.GObtuinabic competition typesetting ‘TRYRN | eye Work,Bad! perform slightest the the solicitor,for failure to|their duties,has not the foundation in fact,”concludes heriff.Solicitor Hayes wrrites the North Wilkesbore Hustler that tt it he did not ive to threaten the Wilkes offcers with prosecution to srt them to make arresis at Fairplain Hav vw heard the part es were sctling lator.says the sol..de notified the officers and the warrants for the rrests were sworn out the same day and served two days later. The Hustler reaffirms its state ment.however,that or the 6th *May Ja T hour issued ,three of these partie !)rs were turned over ey an officer to serve oa of them were never s+9 OrewernerearnAce “\tee Rowan Koy Conmiis Suicide. (rian pw.tt-vear-old soMTos.doh Westey Shupir“nexday aftert ! is hor ear Ma R ras m wi 'b mi When oa *(mad 4 t nd dead tr ard'ally Y.| itl ' a !o th e end ne r toa !he in en rigen tel 1 i ‘\ry h tk ’lering the{i re W th hootiny +have been ‘\8 y Post,from hich b ‘tained,ay the ind ions are th it was deli! ite sulci No reason can be as gned f the act The “Kill-Joys.” Walter Surrey. There are multitude of people o engage in reform crusades with he sincere desire to lessen evil,but he standard thus raised there im-n ediately rallies a host of Kill-Joys with no other purpose than toimposetheirgloomywillsupontheirnet¢hbors.They should be judged incontemmtoftheCourgofMirthandWarrantedforhightreasontotheDominionofHappiness. TS LTT DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED *as they cannot reach the en There is only one end that is by rebal Deafness !tien ef the mu- »Tube.Whenhavearunbling and when it is en-rely close the result.Unlesstveinflammationcanbereducedandthistuberestoredtoitenormalcondition,hearing willbedestroyedforever.Muny eases of dentnessenwsedbywhichisaninflamed=gy ole J surfaces.Hall's Ca-'are nets rowgh thesagsurfacesoftheetn —wo anvewillgiveOneHandredDolseaseofCatarrha!Deafness on aoe1byHall's Catarrh ©,wired by Uiatt's ure.Civeulars free, CATARRHAL Ry erepel for ie t bee ’ Deafnens ix catarrh,of the mreceus »the }F.4,CHENEY &CO.Toleda,&| ~~oe,BUILDING?~~C.WATKINS. sf ~~eg ark, Wilkes | tq “Worse Things Than ¥: More than 4,000 peeple in mond Wednesday night he: mer President William HH,Ts clare that “there sre WworTs«i than war,and one of thoee the jishonorable vielding to inva f ur viet ‘use you ar 'y fight tor ow rights and mes them. ir.Taft was speastng tn terest:¢{Lower to fore.5 ‘The fir ta |:States,wi ar ah tu prepare,W Peac 1 Unue ty’of proceede@ on the theory im t ihat the Lord louks after .m and the United s But if is time to waken ]i ha are (9° wa mvt nitlitaristi inf we now,Vv thot with the Hritish navy arm,of th lies we are .We ought not to la tteringr u ’»our souls.” \7 t 'my th ,Matic su Creenstory last night.a enya.ae nm .Cenviet Kiel itv Explosion. \fort sdav =afters rl ries Meer aeerea convi ed a i Dyson,whit finder in jure wae" in exp oo ’quart reck ou t eceeau tier 1)wn “a *Gu in\r n ‘¥euney mi a he rock YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHGO!7 PAIN! Cincinn:tt Sutherity Tcils Hew to Drv ip a Corn or Cale lus So lt Lifts OW With Fingers! Vou corn-pestcred me i women ed suffer no longer.Wear the shoes t nearly killed you before,says nneti author ause a pe of freezer i direct- a tendes,aching ry calius, toy yeness at one on the 1 >hardened cal ns 80 vib be ted out,ro ul,with- it pain. A small bottle of {st Verylittleatanydru;will pos-tively take off eve or®soft corn or callus.Th e tried, it is inexpens!aid notrritatethesurrourkin. If your drugsyist h.t any frec- none tell him to gre n vottle for vou from his whole a gr } It is fine stuff and ax a charmeverytime. fps ee we te a ms . sai ¢Kip: “.e e 7 y or shares *show you 7th.ae ae:é F — i 7 ee aR : .*os cs ;#a 4 ‘EY Z Sh ;4 oa *x ie if :i , ¥a .5 SimiForinaTna Truck> “ 4 fies ':.MOUR 2 COMPANY #Let these Men Be Your Judges =i °More than 10,060 users of Smith Form-a-Truck ; in over 450 lincs ot business are settii4,mew economy stand-]‘ards—new records of delivery and hauling service.Let these men point out the way to you. 4 Many Smith Form-a-Truck users have boughe i §large numbers.‘These operators of flect equipment include |many of the largest corporations.Look over the names:*~ Standard Oil Company U.S.Mail ContractorsArmour&Company Schlitz Brewing Company Morris &Company Butler Paper comererIndianRefiningCompanyMon‘gomery Ward &Co. Fleishmann Yeast Company oe |And every user of Smith Form-a-Truck who has started in aa)mall way has added to his initial equipment to take care of increased |business and thelarge delivery crea opened by this fast,economical service. These users have tried Smith Form-a-Truck out for you— have proved its remarkable strenyt!:--have demonstrated its sensation- ally low cost for operation,What i hes done for them it can do for you Many users have reduced their investincnt in equipment | | $ { |fully 759—hby replacing slow-moving,tine-wasting equipment with |fast,money earning hauling power.They have reduced cost (or labor,speeded up the work on | NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS.the loading piatform—made one hour do the werk that previously cook tour.; oe wera Put your hauling problems up to us —let us demonstrate what we mean 24th,for the purpose uf yo taette when we sav economy.And select your own pos er p.ant for the Sth Form a Track you buy— March 9 zi Sherif f’you can use any Ford,Maaweil,Dodge Lros.,Buick,Chevrolet or Overland car.Come in today. 7 If Your House i>Leaking ”TID MM ‘I It ian’t my fault,i e plent i ED.G.WHi I ale MOTOR CO., WERE BOUGHT AT THE.OLD STATESVILLE,N.C.PRICES!Also Nails,te-viy-Painted PHONE 515.EAST BROAD STREET. Valley Tin.Ridge Ro nd ShingleStains.C.WATKIN Shingle : King of fredell County.are an Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.rs pone —_<a . Osteopathic Phy-cicia ~“4°.aeOfficehours9a.m.t.1290p 4 flooring,Ceiling and Siding |m.2.30 to &p,m.and by ap.fetoid hy ©.WATKINS is alreadyitment.derson DB ee ene anGingatticweBBisin”ame yar wean |CANDY---Ice Cooled i Residence ‘phone 279—1 een.load up,PAY BEFORE YOU GOee<x --|AND DRIVE SLOW!N.Center St.OEERG CS Assorted to suit everybody’s palate. |af P M |Poli I=OeTheCompletePennMutualPolicy.§SO WILL TAKE CARE OF |..484 4 4 4 iu s 5 °on :you live,sour family if you die.You,your fam-I Norris ’Liggetts and Fuerst &Kraemar,Ny and itself,if you live but are totally and permanent-: lv eanae d and cannot werk,as all premiums whieh you Chocolates and Bon-Bons,Fruits andNuts. comtracted to ire thereafter waived and the polieyismaintainedinf.:1|foree,just as though they had “ems AssortedNuts,Assorted Chocolates. _and the Company will pay you a Monthly Income as long as you live,and then pay your family the full -@!:amount of the policy when you die.lnHalves,One,Two and Three Pounds. PREPAREDNESS RETIREMENT! ee Ameo’ESS A LIFE INCOME!AREDN Ess DISABILITY!|STORE QUALITY.PREPAREDNESS FOR FAMILY PROTECTION!e oF *°E.G.GAITHER,Local Representative.1 Statesville Drug Comp’y 4 i 1 'an i .t *w c os .vendre:neereenemarmnet?sett,oe oe veneeene 'a f *} the same outsARDSforterritoryNEARLY0-SCORE YEARS AGO!of the past,tandfutureisstakedonthem.And we are here to stay.ee ourrevisedlistofWESERBOOSTERS. LEONARD PIANO STORE,Statesville,N.C. Morrison Building.129 West Broad Street.. Come In and See ThoseNEWSUITSANDCOATS Which have just arrived.All thenew shades.low enough to enable one with limited B mated at from werd to an all-dayjsehoolcloses,Wedatelaterand,in the meantime,letincreasesusallheplanningtobepresentwithtwainenen¢about26 per)«i!-filledacosttotherailroads.Mrs$40,000,000 to $50,-_s, .-~ he .Lavraofenae visiting’Goodman,;We were giad to have visit ourjclubSaturday.Mrs.John McNeelyen|favearook partyto a few friends|at night.a e |the —gress Miss Lillian Bagwell spent Satur-|)compulsorily te a disputeaf day a =~its at teiftbusi-|Tay.rs.=eae <et |Mooresville is visiting her son,Mr.)|“Whatever would be the right ofJ.C.Templeton,at Amity.Mr.M.A.;an employe engaged in private buai-|“hristy arrived this from a}Mess to demand such wages as he de-ee trip in the eastern part ofres,¢yment e ate,iankpogeaad4_—¥An election haw been called to vote)jnetion to agree with others to leave!/©"the question of special tax for) |on the same condition,”said the Amity ’re own.|opinion,“such rights are }Ship.The election will be held at‘subject to limitation when |Amity April 14th,ment is aere in a :cemannees eechargedwithapublicinterestand)Farmers’Union Entertair—_|to which the power to regulate com-|Personals.|merece by Congress applies,and the!tunee ot teresultingrighttofixincaseofdig-|“""“*Pendence Sanemeen,agreement and dispute a standard of |Barium,March 18 —Mr.T.F.‘wages as we have seen necessarily)Uippard,Mrs.Etta Porter andobtained.”|daughter,Miss Marguerite,and Mrs.|In delivering the ovinion,the Chief J.A.Lippard went to Conover Sat-||Justice departed at this pomnt from!vrday to attend the funeral of theirhiswrittentexttoomphasizethe"uncle,Rev.D.A.Goodman.—hosition of men operating trains in.Marguerite Porter,~~is teaching, ©time of nations)emergencyby;at China Grove,has rned to heromparingthemtosoldiersfacing*chool after spending a short time:an_enemy.|with home folks here.Miss Mariem-)Joining in with the Clef Justice|™me-Henley.who is teaching at the 'n sustaining the law were Justices!Troutman Graveya School,spentMeKernaandHolmes,his immediate Pipe =with Mr.and Mrs.W.seniors in peint of .erviee.and Jue-)D.Lippard..;j“cos Brandeis and Clarke,junior Mr.M.L.Liteker,who has beon mombers.Dissentine for various right sick for some time,is able to gaged iwithaPublic interest, The following table shovs thenumber of bank Cc out of evi onethousand populat-oesthesiuatuinaes lene below: 's ,France 846 317.Switzerland 554.land 392.Japan 270.Denmark442,Norway-Sweeden 499.rt 220.Holland 225.Uz.99,Are We the SPENDTHRIFTS of the Country? This Bank offers every inducement to help,andencouragePeopletosave.If you are not already one of our customers,we invite you to come in and open an accountanytime. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesvilie,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” means to buy.If you need a Shirt Waistwehavetheveryoneyouwilibuy.If it’saMiddyBlouse,pair Silk Hose,Middy Tie,any shade,or most anything in Ladies’Ready-to-Wears we have it. Big shipment Ladies’White Boots just re-ceived,high,medium,or low heel. Come in and Ict us show you. reccsons were Justiccs Day,Van De- vanter,Pitney and McReynolds.: The majority usheld the publierighttohaveinter-State commerce interrupted as a basie principle ,wramornt to interests of the rail- ‘ands or their operatives—both de- laced ta be in public serviec and vhject to the nawer of Congress to take any ac- Lion necessary to maintain freedomandouninterrantionof inter-Siate‘commerce,Either as a law fixinewaresorhoursoflaber,the court, decided Conmress had authority to enact the Adamson statute. i also declared that the Adamson act is neither unworkable,canfisen- ory.experimental nor in excess of‘oneresssional railroad =reculatorv wthority,in effect was comn!- ary oopbitvation,a power “which it B (Coneress)undoubtedly possesses,” ant “inevitably resulted from its R vherity to vrotect inter-State com- e g Tercein dealing with a situation like that before it.”Concurring in the main principlesenunciatedhythemajority,JusticeMcKernaexpressedtheopinionthatthelawisanhourofserviceandroi2ware-fixing etatute.He also sur-H wested increase of railroad revencevrobablywouldbeprovidedifinercasesresulted. Dissenting Opinions. ,The dissenting opinions,Justice Day and McReynolds delivering indi-H vidual views and Justices Pitney endVanDevanterjoininginonean- nouncement,variously asserted thi!the Adamson act is void because it 's beyond constitutional powers of Congress,because it takes rai/ronds’H property without due process of lawBorbecauseitisnotanhoursoflaborystatutenoralegitimateregulation 3 of commerce,Justices Pitney and Van DevanterdeniedthatCongresshaspowerto fix wages of common carriers’em-ploves.Justice Day did not admit or deny such power,dissenting be-m cause,he said,the law illegally takes §railroad revenues and gives them to B the trainmen by “arbitrary,illegalfcongressionalfiat.” Increases Dates Back. The ware increase sustained dat:back to January 1,when the Adam-son act was made effective.Railroadshavebeenkeepingaeceountoftrain-P men's wages due for prompt pay-ment upen che decision.The tempo-rary wage inereases are effective un-ier the law until the Goethals’com- mission reports.while the futurewagesealesunderpermanent&-houradaystandardwillawaiteitherpri-vate or congressional action afterthereport. That the railroads will ask eitherCongressortheinter-State com-merce commission to authorize rate increases to meet the increased wacecostsentailedhasbeenplainlyindi-eated through all stages of the con- troversy. Tere Emperor's Pieture FromWall. Patriotic students in Central High School,Washington,D.C.,tore dewnfromthewallsofaclassroomapietureofEmperorWilliamofGer-many and hung in its a photo-eraph of President W ,decorst-ed with +ee _emperor's eness disappen;eaweofficersof&school cadet corps an opportunity to present toMissMariecesteacherofGer- a resolu protesting againstthepresenceof“a murderer's pic of Respectfully J.M.McKee &Company. RR er arren none nee ray mee ne ee te ene nt ee Oh EIS"ORNS IO .Merchants!Business What think ye of a Bank’Accofint?WellandGood!Then this Bank should be YOUR BANK. We keep your business confidential,attend toitpromptlyandsatisfactorily.We consideryourinterestOURINTERESTSandtakecareofthem.We are prepared to give youacheckaccount ANY TIME YOU CALL. We expect your business and are looking foryouhere. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “The Bank That Always Treats You Right” GEO,H.BROWN0.L.TURNER hut President.Cashier. — Commercial National Bank _STATESVILLE,N.©.Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Sarplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode- Four per cent.paidontimeandSavings threeowondeposit OFFICERS:Lime ae if supreme,unrestricted »stomac!-ach>or be out again.|The Barium Springs Loca!of theFarmers’Union entertained their families at an oyster supper at the.hospitable home of Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Lippard Saturday afternoon and evening,March 17.A large crowdwaspresentandadelicioussupper)served,oysters being the first course.After that many goed thiucs that only farmers’wives know how to prepare were enjoyed. MCTHER!GIVE CHILD“SYRUP OF FIGS”IFTONGUEISCOATED!| ff Cross,Feverish,Sick.Ditious, (lean Littl Liver ond BRow- els! Children leve this “fruit Inxative,” and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach,liver and bowels so riccly. A child simply will not ston playingtoemptythebowels,and the result is they become tightly clowged with waste,liver gets eluggish,stomach sours,hen vour little one becomes cress,hall-sick,feverish,doesn’t eat,sleep or vet naturally,breath is bad, system fu'l of cold,has sore throat, diarrhoea.Listen, See if tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonful of “Califer- nia Syrup of Figs,”and in ai few hours all the constipated waste,sour bile and undigested food peeses outofthesystem,end you heve a well, playful chi}d again. Miilicns of mothers rive “Califor- nia Syrup of Figs”because it is per- feetly harmless;children love it,and it never fails to act on the stomach,liver and bowels.Ask your dreegist for a )-centbottleof“California Syrup of Figs,”which has full directions for babies,children of all sees and for grown-, ups pleinly printed on the bottle.Be- ware of counterfeits sold here.Getthegenuine,made by “California FigpetaCompany.”Refuse any oikerkindwithcontempt. Flowers Mother! For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for ,} whatever purpose they should be wanted. oe tore een Van Lindley(Co., |SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. AGENYS FOR THE GLOBE TALLORING COMPANY ---~M AKERS OF-—- The Famous Needle Modeled Clothes, Let us measure you for that EASTER SUIT, FIT,WORKMANSHIP and QUALITY guaranteed. Suits $18.50 to $42.50. PHONE 83, SHER RILL-WHITESHOE Co. ROHNEROOOOeA5> 1TheBestInvestment. Join in the movement to make StatesvilleaBiggerandBetterTownbyinintheBuildingandLoanAssociationsStatesville.Mr.Keesler has shown you that it is agoodinvestmentforyourselfandatthsametimehelpsyourneighborandthecityasawhole. The First Building and Loan AssociationopeneditslastseriesFebruary3,1917.You can still get stock in thisseries.Thebestinvestmentyoucanmakeistosecuresomeofthisstock.There was paid off Saturday 820,000 inMaturedstock,$10,500 in cancelled in-debtedness and $9,506 paid in cash.The First Building &Loan Association.H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. OORT THE STATESVILLE a REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY | Appreciates the very liberal of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysedesire,As in thepast,we will strive to give the same "a rOH G RADS ee OeathaswonforthisComconeofoversoventonnManiaPAYA“WEINSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY/HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUTWewillbegiadtohavecallat our offiforanyinformation,or No,54serviceinWedoNOTARYPULICworkalso,J.F.CARLTON,- diet of the jury in the trial athouseWinternight,renderedForemanL.B.Bristol.hearing of the case attracted a largeerowdandallwentawaypleasedwiththeverdictandtheconductofthecase.The court was conducted by Hon.W.D.Turner,judge;Dr.J.F.Carl- ton,clerk;J.M.Deaton,sheriff; Dorman.Thompson,prosecuting at- torney;A.V.Newton of Worcester,Mass.,defendant's attorney;W.H.Hoffmann and A.J.Salley,witnesses for plaintiff;Dr.T.FE.Anderson,ex- nert,and E.O.Heritage and D.M. Etheridge,witnesses for defence. The jury was composed of Wm.H. Taft,Chas.E.Hughes,T.Roosevelt, Henry Ford,Peary,Cook,Claude Kitchin,Champ Clark.Jno.D.Recke- feller,Woodrow Wilvon,Jno.L.Sul- livan and T.W.Bickett,the samebeingD.M.Ausiey,Rev.C.E.Ray- nal,Dr.Chas.Anderson,W.A.Thomas,R.L.Pos n,H.O.Steele,W.W.Walton,J Hoffmann,N. D.Tomlin,L.B.cur Robt.M,Rickert and J.G.Powell.The proceeding was designed as a mock trial but thos,familiar with court proceedings,as court proceeds, could recognize its kinship to the real thing.It was under the auspices of the Civie League,who realized $60.09.Mr.Newton,who engineered the entertainment,received a gimi-lar amount for his shareThereweremanylocal hits and the testimony was very entertaining A live rooster was in evidence as the alleged stolen fow!l. MISSIONARIES AT HOME. Rev.and Mrs.Chas.A.Leonard Have Reached America. Rev.and Mrs.Charles A.Leonard,Baptist missionaries to China,sta- tioned at Liachowfu,Shantung pro. ince,arrived in America ral days ago,with their three children,Charles,Jr., a year’s vacation.The voyaye was made on the steamship China,th same vessel which took Mr.and Mrs.Leonard to China six and a half years ago.The landing was San Francisco,from v hence Mr and Mrs.Leonard ao?children wenttoCampWilson,fora | visit to Mr.Leonard's bro _Sergt. Ralph B.Leonard of the Texas mi-litia,and then on to Dallas for a vis- it to Mr.and Mrs.W B.Leonard Mrz.Leonard,whose an health ha tened the return to America,has en- tered the Baptist Sanatorium atDallasforanoperationandtreat- ment.Mr.Leorard and children cn from Dallas to Winfield,La..wher: they will be with relatives of Mrs Leonard until the legter is able join them.They will then g¢te Shreveport,La..to visit Mrs.Leon- ard’s home people.It is _the‘ir pur. pose to remain in Louisiana until af- ter the Southern Baptist Cow entior at New Orleans in May,and then come to Statesville Mr.Leon- ard’s home people. All of oC and Mrs.Leonard's chil- dren were bern in China and Ameri ca is like a new werld to them \ letter to Statesville relatives st that it was a }jov to he them when they saw their first on tion picture show in Dallas.The !dren naturally speak both Chine and English.En route t Amer Mr.Leonard and fam'h frienda in Japan. Child Welfare Workers Statesville. H.P.Dow: ganizer,and Mr field secretaric servation Learur Statesville for the ing interest in chi!local circles have m Greensboro High Point Gol ,) Raleigh and Salishiurs ton is being orga “Through the : Conservation Tle« mark informe the means of betté their chvit re vhysi They cuidance } men whe are welfare movement persons as Judie the Juvenile Court Perey V.Pent Kate Pornard Chariti ofMullinsofthe § Seminary at | Markham.the pe friend,a o he Work to Make New Much hard work ren railroad Ww urer wie hood leaders 1 ment puttir day as from Ju fitiing the time schedules of the country has hy a committe. and a i n manarers \bontiractsmustbhas!The what manner men seve ‘Texan to visit rea Mrs ne committee the hack from the firs: be computer It the empleo. $12,000,000 pay. Colored Child Burned to Death. Juanita,ir-old negro ¢ dauchter of Le r Jones,who ! at Poplar Branch,a neyro ecttloment on the western edee of town, ss a four ye r} burned S —ind i ea ae sorning.t wm heheved tha child was playing with -ome way her clothing be nited and she was terribly busned lw fore the fire could be extinguished Burial took place Wednesday. Me |aie 1;WONDERLAND. mate am Marilyn and Rachel,for | every prade im sehool, ,Me.TT.MM,.Everett Phifer oftwosixters,Mra.Neil Sharve of Statesville and Mrs. J.P.Hughey of North Wilkesboro,Funeral at,the residence on eastFrontstreetWednesdayafternoonat,1 o'clock,conducted by Rev.J.Pressly,‘and interment st Oakwood.Mrs.Phifer was a .cember of theAssociateReformedPresbyterian church. Mrs.Myra White Matheson,wid- ow of Angus Matheson,died lateWednesdayafternoonatherhome n Shiloh township.Mrs.whowas 84 years old,had been in fecble health for some time.She is urvived by three children—Mra,Jenas Reetor,who lives near States-ville,Mrs i Stevenson of Shi- loh and Mra,J.A.Pope,who made ber home with her mother.The fol-lowing named brothers and sisters urvive:Mr.Wm.White of Chester, and Mr.Gus.White of Paris,Mrs.J.J.Mardin of Chester, A Geo,McKoy and Mrs.J. A.Elliott of Shiloh.Mr.E.G. White,Mr Gales White,and)Mr. Joh:1 White of Statesville are neph- of the Burial took at New ing church =yes- afternoon,after funeral serv- ducted by Rev.J.B.Pearson, Mathe;on was a duughter of Mr.Gvorge White.She was ared and spent her hfe township.Her husband at the be ning of the &.C., Texas;3,€.,Mrs. deceased ines Ster| erdayees Mrs, the late orn and re in Shiloh ost his life vil War ct Submarine Proof Patrol, A Washington spatch vo the New York Time epe?vern ment officials as saying 3 planned to establish a submarine-proof trol off the Ai “ath €v safe pas ports for all of the Germar Newport hat the u erate across Segre s isWi last summer m derwater craft the Atlant to provi!an har pine \merican waters¥for 4 ferstandine . arines reee,ve ft from patrol ot Yd¢ at y the 1916 Cotton Crop Gla cetton crop 11442.va win eensus | That eau compat 5 and >year atem the esident. hie Pi to the Felony Ie trapped to 0 bust "ea Re value hel to 5h. When te —Chamberlain's Tablets. W ive ie full ane tupld after eatingWhen«.Hew “’i her ete che When ave nH ¥fomach V ‘', W heWhw ‘ wr nee e ve“yObtalnwble age ur mena, ee Kiln Dried ‘pt D.4S. anon *-Re meh raming up to 10x- x20.reo ae xing,Casing and12kindsofMoulding.FULL ‘5hock ee ALL TIMES AND AT Law T PRicRS!C.WATKINE, tne te eeae ow all cidingsandudrebeavion reed,every precaution insure safety from anypartoftherebels. DON'T FORGET THE©.CAT —c2. Work Fora ‘page Te"MURRMatheson,| po make as theDAY.Heed the call =Statesvile the cleanest asbeatcity.H pride in hay your premises clean and at does net compe!you to get rid of the ru!-bish areund your place,then itFORTHESAKEOFOURHEALTH!Clean surcesnaanee elim- inate or reduce doctors’ You get the trash canine in a pile and the town will get it away without further treaole OF expense to you.Wagons will be started on the rounds the day following “Clea - up”Day d will haul away =the trash.All premises will be monet ter the |Bos nae Day and-d upen by the Rawillbegiven to e not duly complied with proclamation and ««t order. ttention ty r’s eis me Fh Chipped Beef | +mee BOILED HAM ‘—AND BREAKFAST BACON. Peanut Butter made fresh every day. Sherrill &Reece. THE Withroknakint herwarirobe.Wherecan oesstyles?Wherewil)herhavethewidestee NewSilk Dresses. We have received an- other installment of Silk Dresses.They’re new,clever and rapid selling.Here's an ex- ample of our values— $10.00,$11.50,$12.50, $15.00,$16.50,$18.50 up to $25.00, Have You That EasterFrock? We have a beautiful line of Silks,Plain, Striped and Fancy Taf- fetas,Messalines,and Pongee at exceptionable values. Dainty Dorct! fl he Besides the Dorothy Dodd,we carry H.C.} Godman,Hoge &Mont- gomery and Jack &Jill. All well known for their honesty in manu- facturing Shoes milRoemeraneee anc of the fire’ NR Ee TS EE eery A EEROEE REN OFRENEmee NEARS omeEre sereaeciecemmaanmnmetiar*i nee ee em ects +Gndns SAleaawapeanesinsinniliastatll— THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. —aan PION E 21 by a nity. erein “ytrixShoe-| oner | publiciredell ad in|build.| of the | ners]t to afth66 to al with | the| rd.L nfir- t in-erty,| “mswdte dof) Tiin-|post.in thetotal | h enet @ the beare odingafore.| |bave 'a tle ‘Creek | ia t pay mete ts int re 1 anne.oe nis,dan.| ietebet mry,| 7 bye "we ’.’payeCourmetre:’,for t 'ue | ¢} Chase D 814 »‘ .Chase Et frPe| Srid amounts | the clarsifeation sheet pret’.| ote are) the board ehewir he t ss nowt| ment re tend of teh ment oe patd alwil be lenved f asceveed for anid tmeprevemen! shall continue Hable fur any f for maintenance or for ar ty ment autheorived wrder the ia Commintioners reserve the t to peject)why or all bide.rR hs ROP LRA.Chern Bo.*,117 Extraordinary Showing in all lines.Dry Goods,Shoes, Millinery,Dress Goods,Silks,Linens,Hosiery,Underwear,etc. Ladies’Suits,Skirts,Shirt Waists and kindred lines.All of which are priced from 20 per cent to 50 per cent underprevailing market Prices.We welcome you to our store--where the greatest line of Vash Goods are shownin the city. Somples furnished on request, Yours very truly, MILLS &POSTON ‘ es RR 17 PAYS TO PAY THE PRICE OF THE Look Beyond The Cost Price When you Buy a Refrigerator. A Refrigerator has more than one price.The price youpay is only the begining of expense.The ice cost is the big cost that will equal or exceed the first cost every year, if youbuy acheap ice eating Re- frigerator, Food Costs Too Much To Let It Spoil In a Poor Refrigerator. ’Phone or write for prices on the size AUTOMATIC you need. Crawford-Bunch ~AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Furniture Co. “The StoreThat Always WelcomesYou” ir.John C,Turner died lastnlahtat10.15 at his home on Davieavenue,Funeral at the First Bap-tist church this afternoon at 430.Mr.Turner had been an invalidforsomeyearsbutwasabletobeaboutmostofthetime.yof}his.condition became critical and he emergency naval con-struction ey ordered,thisMeansthatthesidenthasexer-full limit of his legal pow--in-chief to pre-the navy for war.or the army,the President di-rected that two new military depart-ments be created in the AtlanticCnet’ean Oe Northeastern,com-prising New England States,andtheSoutheastern,comprising theStatesintheoldSouth.Mai.Gen.Leonard Wood is transferred fromcommandoftheDepartmentoftheEasttothenewSoumernDepart-ment,with headquarters at Charles-ton.Gen.Bell commands the East-ern Department.The order meansthatthetaskoforganizingwhatev-er army Congress may authorize will be divided among six departmentalcommandersinsteadoffour,in the interest of speed and efficiency inmobilization.The third step was to assume as anationaldutythetaskofprotectingicanindustriesfromdomestic disorders in the event of hostilities.For this purpose,11 full infantry regiments,two separate battalionsandoneseparatecompanyofNation-al Guards were called back into the Federal service to act as national po-lice in imnortant districts.Supple- menting these troops,a regiment ofPennsylvaniaGuardandtwocompa- nies of Georgia infantry en Mutehomefromtheborderformusterout were ordered retained in the Feder- al service.The War Department statement:“Many States have deemed it ad- visable to call out the “NationalGuardforpolicepurposesof—pro- tection.As the necessity for such steps arises from issues which are more national than local,it has been deemed advisable by the President to call inte Federal service for the above-mentioned purposes the fol- lowing organizations of the Nation-al Guard.”‘The list includes tworegimentsfromMassachusetts,twofromPennsvivania,one from Marvy-land,battalion from District of Co-lumbia,a regiment from Vircinia, company from Vermont,2 regiment from Connectievt.two from New York.two from New Jersey and a battalion from Delawar- No Explanation. as ¢pareF issued thi The President's orders were made known in terse official stateynents ix-| sued by the War and Navy Depart-| ments.No explanation accompanied them except the statement that -re | organization of the military depart-| ments,effective May 1,was design-| ed to facilityte decentralization of command.Following is the executive order bringing the ravy strength:“Ry virtue of the authority +i in the President by the act ef Con gress approved August 20.1916.en titled ‘an act making appropriation for naval service for the fiscal ending June 80,1917,and for v'rposes,’it is hereby directed the authorized enlisted strength the navy increased —to men.” (Signed)WOODROW The navy must evroll ly approximately 20,000 reach the required wreneth tarv Danielswithpersonal telegram rer editors oll over the cov try ur’ ing them to aid the department in! every way in their power to up to war] ted { vear, other| thatof| be 87.000 WILSON.” immediate.| men toSecre to newspmre obtain System.| the sys is to be! pro-| found the recent} enrolling| Cangress Must Deviss Conrress must determine tem under which an army raised.The President's vides more elastic machinery, necessary 9s a result of border mobilization,forandtrainingagreatarmy,whether raised as volunteers,by conscription,or through a universal service , bill |The object of the creation of —the new departments of the Northeast and Seutherst ia to listribute amonr three central commanders the work of mobilization in the States most thickly populated and from whichthegreatestnumberofsoldiersmust come.The present Eastern Depart-| ment directed the mobilization of approximately 80 per cent 15°000 Cuardemen sent to the bor-! der,With 416,000 men,the mari mum authorized strengra of the Na-! tional Guard,called out in additiontowhatevervolunteersmightbe summoned,the task would be too great for a cinrle departmental or-| ganization because of the vastness of the supply problems involved | President Wilson has authority to. direct that the rerular armv be brought up te ful!war strength at onee,and also to cal!out the remain- der of the National Guerd and thenavalmilitia.In designating State| troops to be called out,it is appar-! ent that the War .Department hes carefully surveyed thesfiekl of pri- vate «which might be aos-| sailed in event of domestic disturh-|ances.e number of troops fromeachStatesummonedtodutybears! a direct relation to themunitionplantsorother industriesinthatStatewhichmayweedmili-|Congress will beincreasebe- order rotection. the 87,000wer.strength limitomofthePresidentin| |day. |having supplemented the onier |.! {such action. l\were given in the company’s report Fon the the men.1 of the,; ;Seturday was unconscious from Sunday nightuntilhisdeath.Me is survived byfourchildren—Miss Mary TurnerandMr.Orin L.Turner of States-ville.Miss Eulalia Turner of Thom-asville and Rev.J.Clyde Turner ofGreensboro,The two last namedarrivedSunday.One brother,Mr.7%.&.Turner,also furvives.Mr.Turner was 79 years old,was+Confederate veteran,served sever-al terms as county treasurer and‘ity alderman and was for a time inbusinessinStatesville. High School DebatesNight, Friday “Resolved,that the Federal rov- ernment should own and operatetherailroads.”is the question to be diseussed Friday night,30th,by rep-resentatives of 331 high schools in 92 counties of the Stare. Friday night,beginning at 8 o'clock,in the south Statesville grad- ed school building,Dwight Ware and Gertrude Adams will appear for the affirmative side of the pronosition with Luther T.Hartsell,Jr.,andJos.Caldwell of the Concord highschool.The same evening in Salis- bury,Stewart Cowles and James Alexander of the Statesville high school will endeavor to show,in de- hate with a team from the Salisbury hich school.that government owner-shin of railroads is all to the bad.These debates usually enlist much ipterest in Statesville and a large nudience will doubtless hear the dis- Friday evening also teams from the county high schools Seott’s,Harmony and Treutman- will debate as per schedule recently published Mooresville end Cool Syrine high schools debate with outside schools, The teams that are successful in the triangular and dual debates Fri- iny will contest for the Aycock cup in Chapel Hill during hieh school week,Apri!19 and 20.The final contest will come in Memorial HallonthenightofApril20. Treated For Gunshot Wound. Lee Wood,awed 16,son of Mr.W.T.Wood of Hamptonville,Yadkin county,was brought to Long’s San- atorium vesterday for treatment forunshotwounds.Saturday he and a younger brother were squirrel hunting and had climbed a_tree. Coming down,the younger came first and picked up the wun,which hed been left at the foot of the tree. Just as Lee reached the ground and started to let wo the tree the gun was accidentally discharged in hisbrother’s hand and the ioad entered Lee's left elbow.Gangrene set in and the arm was amputated yester- ’A pint of blood was taken from the father and transfused tn he hoy. St.Louis Arrived Safely. The American liner St.ermed American ship to Atlantic,has arrived safely at destination,Secretary Daniels nouneed yesterday. Information the steamer came to 4 partment from the 9 offices of Ameriean Line in’New York., cmpany wished to make known the fact to relieve the anxiety of those relatives or friends on —the approvedSeeretaryisaNodetailsofthetrip eussion Louis,fir cross the her an- ofDs the as to the arrival the Navy The St.Louis left American Wth with 31)passen “4 members of the crew Mr.W.T.Kincaid Stricken. Mr.W.TT.Kincaid sufferd astrokeofparalysisThursdaynight port { about midnight and has since been|jf we would.apriticallyil.His condition parently slightly improved day and this morning his conditior more encouraging. About three months ago Mrenidsufferedaslighttroke while he recovered in ayfew days and is sinee been going ahout,he was r from well and the cendition ofhentthhadbeenasourecofwi to his friends was yeetoay Kin and heie t RSINEKS Homicide in Charlotte. ton Shoemaker,45 years old jerd and Foster Phifer,25 yenr.« in jail to answer for the killin esult of a fight in’Charlotte night. According to the information gwainé !the Observer,Shoemake was drink and eotlided with Phifer on tt trect Out of this the row started whieh ended fatelly. { the Additional special agenta hav em asked for the roundhouse at the Southern railway shops in They fear German agent may the Southern railway powerAtFremont,Wayne county.A!fred Kirby and Bill)Darden,Lethcolored,quarreled about a womenDatdendead,Kirby in jail calling out National Guard troops toguardimportantbridges,munitionfactories,ete.places the cost ofthisserviceonthegovernmentin- Speneer dam .&e ehipyards,|stead of on the States,communities!cols and murdering our poeple on or individuals.In some cases Gov- ernors of had already calledouttroopsforthisservice.TheGovernorofVirginiaSundaycalled eu to t Stateinaalgecodersmunitionandshipbuildingplants. The | ane ’ VIEW OF THE GREAT WAR.|THE TEACHERS SATURDAY Our Position Reviewed’and|Plans For County Commence-|Our Case Against Germany|ment —Resolutions Adopted --Why We Are No —-The Luncheon. Neutral Our a Iredell County Tenchore’Asse. ’ation held its or the—-We Gelng School year im Statesville Baturday.|bout Rey.J.L.Teague of Cool Spring,|Correspondence of The Landmark.vice president,¢relig-|And what are we going to dolious exercises at the opening. about it?I don’t mean the Presi-}An cxamination on “Community|dent.I don’t megn the United]Civics,’a book studied by the teaehers|States.I mean what are we goingjof the county,was given to all who’ to do about it?teach the primary and intermediate|The only thing before the world}grades.Particular instructions in:today is this war.Some probly regard to the assembling and march-|!like the poor,we have always ing of the children of the county}us and can worry along over sehools on Commencement Day,Apri)| as best we may.But this war iS}5th,were given by Supt.R.M Gray |different.It is ->big that it fills the}The townships will form with their| earth.It either s.uts out over aay marshals in the following order:else or includes everything else.Barringer township,Will Tein- is the only question before the leton;Coddle Creek,R.D.Harris; world.Davidson,Walter Kelley;Fallstown All night long we can only W.Lb.Troutman;Statesville,F.Bforthemorningpapers.And then Sample.These townships will formalldaylongwewaitfortheevenin@]4,.outh Center street,between thepapers.There is nothing else tO}...and the pestoffice,heading near| wait for.We have to go through @/4).siuare,and will be the first di-|lot of little necessary motions like :’eo :Vision to move in the parade.working,and eating,and sleeping,.::Sebatthese|ines ave mete Chambersburg township,R.W.Pou; unreal.We walk through them fool Spring,C.H.Knox;Eagle Millslike»man ina dream.The veal{tllis Hayes;Olin,Lee Robinson;|thing is this war.Surnersburg,Dr.Wi G.Nicholson ; No Longer Neutral.Union Greve,I.R.Howard.These|We no longer worry about townships will form on east Broad| brought it on,We do not street,between the square and the | where the true responsibility rests Virst Baptist church,heading near, for keeping it up.There is no ques-the square,and will be the second di-| tion about the guilt for the method]\'s!"to move,falling in behind the| of its conduct.These things were allj fst division... settled long ago.There is no chance Bethany township,E.R.McAuley; for a doubt.We were neutral Concord,W.H.Hunier;New Hope|first.The human probability Lawrence Williams;Sharpesburg,R | no nation wes blameless,the BE Levan;Shiloh,C.A.Brady.These | enable dovbts about official procla-townships will form on north Center| mations and censored news,the ra-|Street,between the square and the cial prejudice or racial leaning that Irede!!telephone office,heading near pulled us both ways,made us eager-|the square,and will be the third di- ly neutral at first.But we are not]Vision to move,falling in behind the neutral now.“Being neutral about}second division.-,had eges”’—~as F.S.Martin says—]The children will)march four“is a pretence,and best abandoned.”|abreast’by schools,according to the!So who brought it on,and who]number of the district in each town.| keeps it up,and who fought it this|ship,lvistrict No.1 coming first. way,is an account cast up and we!The various contests at county com- know what we know,mencement will be held at 2 o'clock in! The reduction to scraps of paper/the afternoon at the following places:| of treaties that represented the seg Glee club,R.H.Lankford presiding | or of hations,the murder and ayvas-tin the college auditorium;declamation } toDeo whodoubt || tation of Belgium,the sinking of the!J.F.Mitchel!presiding,at the court| Lusitania with its death toll of wo-)house;recitation,J.L.Teague presid-| men and children,the deportation of}ing,at old Graded School;story tell-|civilians from conquered territory in|ing,class A,grades 4 to 7,Miss JanicBelgiumandFrance,Zeppelin raids}(jay presiding,at Sunday schoolonopencitieswherenomilitarypur-jroom of Broad Street Methodistposewastobegained,the abandon-|opurch;story telling,class B,grades ment of Poland and Belgium to star-|1 ¢2,’Miss Carrie Thompson presid- vation but for English and Ameri-|ing at Sunday school room of Firstcanfood,and the violation of our)Presbyterian church;spelling contestfriendshipinplottingoveroursoil|Clans A.grades 4 to 7,V.V.Adder-| United States with)holdt presiding,at recitation room of |to involve the the!old Graded School;spelling contest|Mexico and Japan—these are things that settled the question oT)Class B.grades 1 to 3,Miss Mary| 4"Lawrence presiding,at recitation |neutrality.You understand th ,room of old Graded School.these are not the accusations of cmies or the distorted repertts of 3)The Association passed the follow-hostile censorship.They are the of:ing resolutions: eS oe “First,Resolved that this body ex-| nat habeve gay oF then ot frst We|Dress its appreciation to President J \ would not have believed beforehand M.Moore for his courvesy allowing.|even on the werd of the government |"the use of the college auditorium that perpetrated them.Gne of —the!Te the eeeceee _*the Iredell County!rewards of the liar is thet he is not eachers’Association during the aa helieved even when he tells the trut!|78h ;land we would have given him th Second,Resolved chat we as a body| lhenefit of the doubt and set the mat f teachers «SOE ees Nr ee a ‘ter down to an unfortunate halit the Merchants Association of States.||ibut the deeds were there to prove|ville for the interest which they have the claims.These impossible thines always shown in the teachers and their |lid happen.Germany supplied boih|Werk and for the special courtesies of the claims and the acts.Germar |this day.. saw to it that we had believe “Third,Resolved that this-body ex- ‘them.‘press by a risine vote its hearty ap There are also other acts that res Dreciation to Supt.R.M.Gray for hie! 1ot only upon the fact that they hep./untiring efforts in behalf of —the pened but also upon the word of me:teachers and schools of Tredell county | |that tell the truth.The Brice report during the past four years,and at the jon the famous official German stro same time pledge cur earnest support! liies in Belgium and the Payelle re-)to Supt.J.F.Mitchell when he shall) |port the official atrovitic«‘ome to this work | i*rance are documents that the wor “Fourth,Resolved that this Associ-| cepts These facts of terroricm (ation express with a rising vote it:| jus practiced by the Germans are ;appreciation for the very efficient| |uithentic as those that Germans serviees of Miss Celeste Henkel as} ‘Knowledges.The reports are xuy |<eeretary and Principal Ro H.Lank-| orted by a great mass of eviden ord as president of association i We cannot reject this evidence eves)during the past year.” And by these fact The motion was passed that a com-|vie neutrality is condemned to «mittee be appointed to appear before rlasting shame.he board of county commissioners| (our Concern.nd the board of education te But all this was on the other «ide ragee in the salaries of the teachers of ’the sea and we had nothing to 6°the counts Another .ith it?Not so,my friend.Thing ecommended retiring like that cannot happen in the werld)Gray for appointment as o met vitheut invelving afl nations We'the State had much to de with it.In the sic! f man and God we had much i: h it Ten hundred thousand \ nenia o horribly slain by Ger: his's ally silences Cain's answer « lips Were we not then rother'’s keeper in’that matter” ‘And if thou sayest:Behold, » knew it net Deth not H ths!jweigheth the hearts consider it?A He that keeveth thy soul,doth =|! trot know it?And shall not He er te every man according to I! verb “? Bit in the face of ail this »would have remained nevtro r as offcial act ix concerned.—¢hearts burned within us,but Ami 1 seemed «o separated by the d sheltering seas.We weuld h ft it to Franceand England to 1;h the offenders.But Germa: vould not have it Germany ' jbeen at war with us almost fram t/\firet.The death of our peopl «ij ships at sea from the Lusitania downrunsuptoover200now.We stood|vy and watehed the Lusitania sin *toast tojbecauseitwasanEnglishvease!l.S|“On. now they are sinking our own ve —&play willWaysideschool atFridayevening.foe will be charged,the receipts ro-ing to the school.&ie.Lutz,former pastor ofnchurch,States- 1 | to on this urge a metion adopted | Supt.R.M;her of board of The Luncheon . The luncheon tendered the teachers f the county and city at Hote) edell by the loral Merchants’Axso lation was ai cdelichtful feature of he day.One hundred and sixty-twe enchers were pres¢Mr.ROL ‘oston,president of the State Mey hants’Associatie.,was toast masvy.Mr.R.T.We man made the iddresa of weleome,Th were alke as follows:Mr.8 H.Lankfor: mw»the aubiject.“Tredell County Teach rs’Association;Mr V.NV Adee ioldt,“Mursie:”Mi Met anless ‘Home Economice;”Mi wh,“Librarie ‘M Car ott,“Ceaunty ¢ examine schools hrief Eni ommencement:”Prof j.A.AM:Lillian Bagwell! Home Pemonstration Work:Mr.J .Mitchell,“High School;"Mr.R.MGray,“Co-operation;Miss Luey King,“Sehool Improvements,”Mins Linda Knox,“Play Grounds.”The luneheon ended with a few Temarks: a0. the Merchants’Axsocia- be given by the the school houseAamalladmissionthem.And here at home the warcoingon,Tt takes three colomne of| type with two lines|to recon?Germany's de |dition ,quested to meet at the church tomor- i row afternoon at 4 o'clock. |the {on the passing preacher. teame,.” ‘Stole Hosiery Gertrude! by Miss Celeste Henkel,who proposed| —_——DEATHOF MRS.A.L.HOBBS Burial at Davidson Yesterday—Mrs.Ivey and Mr.Henry.M Mrs.Laura Triplett Hobbs,wife of Mr.Avery L.Hobbs,died Sunday af- ternoon at her home at Davidson after a long illness.Last year she was for a time under treatment inStatesvilleanditwasknownthenthat her case was hopeless., Mrs.Hobbs was 55 years old and is survived by her husband,an adopted daughter,a sister and brother—-MrsR.H.Tomlinson of Mooresville andRev.Thomas Triplett of OklahomaShewasadaughterofthelateRevTt.L.Triplett,a well known Metho-dist minister,and for several rspriortohermarriagetoMr.HobbswasaresidentofMooresville.Heronlychild,a son,was drowned whileastudentatDavidsonCollegesomeyearsago.The funeral and interment were atDavidsonyesterday,the service beingconductedbyRev.Marvin Hoyle,as-sisted by Dr.C.M.Richards.At-tending the funeral were Mr.'‘and Mrs C.B.Webb (the latter a sister of Mr. Hobbs),Mrs.J.C.Dye,Miss LillianHoustonandMr.H.P.Grier ofStatesville,and Mr.E.L.Long of Elmwood. Mrs.Geo,M.Foard went to Char-lotte last night to attend the funeralofhersister-in-law,Mrs.J.B.Ivey,who died quite suddenly yesterdaymorning.Mrs.Ivey had been in bad health for several years but her con-snot considered serious andherdeathwas_a shock to her familyFuneralservwillbeconductedthismornét11o'clock.Mrs.IveywasMissNantofClevelandcounty.Her husband and four children,threedaughtersandason,survive. Through the kindness of Mr.H.A.Holder The Landmark learns of thedeathofMr.Elam T.Henry,a formerresidentofIredell,which occurred at Blackstock,8.C.,Friday,284.MrHenryhadbeeninfeeblehealthfor aitwoorthreemonthsbutwasabletcbeabout.Friday he was seated in achairtalkingtoafriendwhenhefel)to the floor and died.Mr,Henry spentmuchofhislifeinIredellandRowancounties.He moved to South Carolina about 25 years ago. Church News. Preaching at Leonard’s school houseThursdaynightbyDr.Ware.Rev.J.C.Owen of Asheville,who‘is assisting the pastor,Rev.G.Church,in the protracted meeting atWesternAvenueBaptistchurch,wa: for 11 years engaged in mission workinChina.He is the evangelist of theHomeMissionBoardoftheSoutherrBaptistoe=is a foreefu' speaker.Large crowds were in at-‘tendance upon the services Sunday and cided what business heyesterday.Services will be held at 3|—-Rev.W.J.Wyatt,an agedp.m.and 7.30 p.m.throughout this |well knownweek.livesat Bell's;TheFiret Baptist chereh lastSun Petunia ee oidayelecteddeaconsas:£<EB ie °:acone as follows:4 ©|Fulp of StatesvillecontteHeinzerling,W.A.Thomas,H.C.Wil-con.8.B Losses.L.K.Lazenby and ne —to visit,r.W.C.E.Keiger. the Asssociationattneafternoonat4o'clock. All were re-electionswiththeexceptionofMr.Keiger,who was elected to succeed J.B. Armfield,deceased.The five elders and seven of the eight deacons recentfy elected by theFirstPresbyteriancongregation,wereordainedandinstalledSunday,that serviee taking the place of the regular morning service. All the chilkiren of the primary de-partment of the Sunday school of the bert will beanywho y. —Mr.J.Paul Leonard,oftheStateMerchants’Association,will attend a banquet at Concord oceans ry lose of uelsociationatcloseofa‘campaign waged by that associationMr.Leonard will be one of the speak- ers of the evening. Former Barium OrphaninWar The grai- uating exercises of the primary de-partment will be held at the churchnextSundayafternoon. Preacher and Carnival Man.ogy > A local postor,returning from ®;Our readers will be surprised to isit to a parishioner,found his way,ormer Bariumhomeleadingthroughthegrounds|“arn,thet Sen is now in od where the carnival stretched its)copvice of the Britishtentslastweek.A.gamester with| carnival bunch was looking |snd engaged &sae ©andaboutforvictimswhenhiseyefellrope.From a letter received from Sy <u"Reeee conmneladsomethrilling¢@gotthe’.German submarine.If the shipuponwhichourboyshouldbewvertakenbyasuyvmarinehewill|still have a chance—he —~=as much ease as a duck,naepyhoursspentswimminginlereekmayservehimweilinthe Oh,blenk”(that wasn't the word =hispie Be = nut it will answer here).said he of|edestre the pluck andcourage he carnival,“take time plays in engaging in a service on calls for the bravest of the brave. Damages For Scorching Suit— Court Cases. Lon Colvert and H,G.Tomlin, |colored,doing a pressing club yess under the firm «ame of&Tomlin,were before JusticeSaturdayinacaseinMoore,white,a member cammival,waa asking 818fromthem.They vressed aMooreanditwasscorched,&which Moore askedcommaseasewasfinally +4Colvert&Tomlin paying Moore and $1.20 cost. “Here you"!said the gamester acoupleoftimesbeforehe preacher's attention.“You speaking to me,sir,”said,the narsen,who is always polite.“Yes!|want to show you a little said the carnival man.“|haven't time,”said the preach- er,as he kept moving. it the preacher didn’t——not forgame.He only stepned a little faster,fleeing from the devil,so to pen} From Kaiitting Mill. An unknown robber stole a Guan- iity of hosiery,about six dozen bex-' ce of hose,from the packine room of the Bradford Knitting Mill some time Thursday night The burelar) broke a @loss from a windew of the wmtking room and,reaching throughthebreak,took the hosiery.It was evident that the robber did not make a complete omy =the a taking only goods that y within arms’,teneth of the broken window.Off-Lester Plowe and Jake ers ate working on the case jeolored,and Horacejwillbetriedbefore Justice First Installment of Pigs.today for an assault. The firat shipment of the pigs for Four Drowned the Pig Club boys of the has |ie Catawba.arrived,These pigs are of .|_Pour persons wereedstock,for the most part,Catawheriver,belowDuroc.‘The Merchants and Farmers’day when a row boatBonkprocuresthepegsand of a mae cS “people fine to the boys at cost,—i to t “hariot tothe |Ww.boy's note,if he doesnot pay me wy a Their ae a Charlotte in town neg een ©“Pe ‘,con.:ta-,n rese _——je el tg fiat repre vie gow wae is town ep :a 'Lee of oeé ; ss of wreckaye and|that outside assist-|to meet the situa-was made to the|of soulsville,whonumberevpolicemento.In addition,every avail-from the Indiana State,at Jeffersonville and|Jeffersonville police foree|to the stricken district.of citizens trom surround-|hastened to New Albany| offered such aid as they could. t a hurriedly called mass meet-| 2 at the city hall a large fund was) subscribed by citizens,and commit- tees were appointed to direct the work of relief.The work of convey-| ing the injured to St.Edwards Hos-| vital,the only public institution of the sort in the city,was hampered by fallen wires and uprooted trees,which blocked many of the streets.The hospital soon was filled,however,and it became necessary to place later arrivals in corridors.{ TS Fayetteville “Younth =Invents| Combination Oiling Convenience Pemberton,8-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.H.M.Pemberten of| Fayetteville,has invented a combi-|nation of an oil can and.electric) finshlight that will be a wonderfulsimplificationoftheworkofoiling locomotives and «i!other machinery, according to experienced engineers. The youngster worked out his inven- tion while he was confined to his room with the measles.He got hisinspirationfromseeinganAtlanticCoastLineengineerclimbinginand out of his engine with an oil can in ene hand and a torch in the other. “Why couldn't he use a flashlight’? thought the 8-year-old inventor.Heworkedovertheideafromthattime unti!he finally showed his father aworkingmodelofanoilcanequip-ped with an electric flashlight whichalwaysplaysonthepointof—the spout,and can be man:pulated withonehand.The young inventor is a grandson of the late Capt.Joseph B.Under- wood of Fayetteville,the inventor of the cignrette-making machine,which has had a tremendous effect on the tobacco industry of this country,and who also made the first slot machine that the world ever saw.The slotmachine,patent was sold to GeneralJ.S.Carr.Captain Underwood also invented a cotten planter and a number of other Inbor-saving devi- ces.His grandson spends much ofhistimeinexperimentingwithpos- sible inventions. Munitions Industry Britoin. There sre today in Great Britain.says Sydney Brooks,in an article intheMarchissueofNationa!Service magazine,more than 4,500 firmsthatbeforethewarknewnothingof munitions and never dreamed of ing them,and that are now do- ing nothing else.About 100 colos- sal government plants have beenbuilt.e-third of these factories are national shell factories for theproductionoflightandmediumshell,organized and managed by lo-cal boards of directors.Of the re-mainder,12 are national projectilefactoriesmanufacturingheavyshell. 16 are national filling factories and|stations for loading gun and trench mortar ammunition and grenades,2arespecialfusefactories,and othersareengagedintheproductionof cartridges,cases,small arms ammu-nition,gauges and tools.I havecalledthemcolossal.The 12 heavy!shell factories cover an area of more|than £00 acres;the 16 filling facto-ries and stations,with more than 2,-000 buildings,cover 2,400 acres;the22explosivesfactoriescovermore600acres,one giant amongthemcoveringbyitseifmorethan6,000 acres;and in addition 40 ware-houses have been built for fillingshells,etc.,with a storage area ofmorethantwomillionsquarefeet. SAARAcemeReena Call For Civilians as Army rs, The de of second lieutenant inthers’Reserve Corps of thepemyhasbeenthrownopenbySec-!~@@ary Baker to men without anymiliexperiencewhatever,pro-virled v are physically and men-tally adapted to military life.Anurgentpleahasbeensentouttomenbetween21and32yearsalloverthe country to send in applications for commissions with assurances thatthearmywillsu-~'v after enroll- ment the military training necessary to fit them for duty.Under the National Defence actthecorpsshouldbeabletofurnishofficersforaforceof1,000,000 volun- teers in war time and also serve aso@&Reserve from which additional offi-for the regular army could beatneed.Less man 1,000 men commis- the fact th operation‘Toolewalon. means in a,to TF Hi it y in Great |mere Americans and destructiqn of ships,the issue must be met with steps much more far-reach than attempts to protect i merchant craft..Once a state of war is declared to exist,a ures are expected to ,: As outlined after the cabinet meeting,the preparations of the government are not to be for a short war or a war marked by half-way measures.plete programme has been prepared so that everything will be carried out in a systematic | manner.The exact measure of American participation in the war is not ex- to be revealed until after the President addresses Congress and until public sentiment crystallizes.So far as ia known,no political alli- ance with the Entente allies is con- templated,although military as well as naval co-operation is possible,and the government will be unsparing in beth money and supplies for the al-| lies.Whether an army will be sent /abroad is left to the future.But this possibility is being taken into con- sideration,and the government pro- poses to be ready for it as soon as practicable. Detailed plans requfring congres- sional action are expected to be eomplete when Congress meets April 2.ret to that time,the Democrat- i¢and Republican leaders will con- fer with the President and members of his cabinet. The measures decided upon are military,naval,industrial and finan- cial.They are understood to be most comprehensive. The army pians have been fully drawn.Their first object will be to fully protect the United State ayainst any contingeney. The naval programme contem- plates the building of vessels of all classes as rapidkt as possible,and the manning of them as fast as the are completed. The industria!plans being co-ord: nated by the Council of National De fence include the mobilization of skilled and unskilled labor for the manufacture of munitions in as large jantities as possible,and also for the continuance of all necessary in- dustries. Just how much money will be ask- ed of Congress has not been reven!- ed.A movement is well under way for furnishing the Entente allies with an enormous loan,either in the rm of credits or money.It also is understood that the supply of muni- tions for the allies will be augment- ed,rather than diminished. Conferences on the legislative pro- vramme will begin at the capitol eurly this week.Secretary McAdoo, Representative Kitchin and Repre- entative Hull are expected to talk over the fiscal situation before to- morrow,the tent&tive date set for a meeting of the Democratic member> of the ways and means committee, the revenue raising bedy of the House.Various measures for provid- ing udditional revenues are being considered,including the possibility of resort to additional taxes on whis- key,and other specific articles. Suggestions placed before President included the possibility floating a loan of $5,000,000,000 for the Entente nations.The banks of the country,it was pointed out,are in a position of strength today nev- er before approximated in their his-tory.The latest report of the comp- troller of the currency shows the re- sources of the Federal Reserve sys- tem to be greater than those of all the chief belligerents combined. Nearly all the huge accretions ofmoneythathavepouredintothe country during the two and one-half years of war could be made available for use in war,whether expended bythisgovernmentorbyothergovern- ments engaged in fighting a common enemy.Thus while an American army of sufficient size to conduct aggressive warfare has not yet been raised andwouldhavetobetrainedandequip- ped,American dollars,it was point- ed out,need no training and areabundant, John Ruffin Henderson,Sr., Wilkes,Dead. Mr.John Ruffin Henderson,Sr., one of Wilkes county's most widely known citizens,died at his home in Wilkesboro Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock,following a month’s illness,which culminated in pneumonia.Hehadbeeninpoorhealthfortwo years or more and during tne lastyearhisdeciinehadbeenveryrapid. r.Henderson was in his 73d year, having been born in Davidson coun- ty on June 6,1844,At the early ageof17years,while a student at Trin- ity College,he enlisted in the Con- federate army and served about three years,being forced to retirefromactivedutybyaseveregun- shot wound in the leg,which render-ed him a cripple for the remainderofhislife.He has held a number ofeaofhonorandtrust,a.the office of deputy -lector of internal revenue,postmas-ter at Wilkesboro,United Statesfra,and member of the le was twice married.A wifeandeightchildrensurvive.’ Se the of of .A . hi i i le ellie i a expected take The proposed increasesrangebetween10and cent.In their application . opereting income,“due to creases in wages,in cost of coal. other material,supplies equip- “Substantial increases in‘rates are imperatively|their (railroads)financial the application reads.emer- }wency requires that these should be made in the most expedi- by /tieus manner and with the least pos-||Petrogradsibledelay.”The tentative plan of the rail- read’so far as disclosed is to re-|quest aproval of a flat increasefreightratesonallcommodities ex- *hree items proposed specified =in- creases of certain sum per ton would be named.Passenger fares would not be af- fected.The railroads’application merely seeks to expedite proceedings when the proposed increases shall have been filed with the commission,Un- der the usual procedure,the would file tariffs proposing inerea:es,which probably would be sus-pended from four to six months orlongerduringtheperiodofinvesti- gation as to the reasonableness oftheproposedrateswhatthe railrosds characterize as an emer- reiey,they seck to eliminate the de- lav as far as rossible,and request that thé rules !<pendéd in order that the proposcad increases may Ur- eome effective withou,suspensionandifpossibleunonlessthanthere- quired 30 davs’notice. An avereve inerease of 12°per oont.throughout the country,returnstotheIncer-Ste'>Commerce Com- mission show,wool bring the rail roads an additive 1 $825,000,000 |an- unity en the basis of business done lact vear.Total receipts of the rai! ovis for 18ta from”freivht —traffic sled $2,759,000,000 sof the the re- inperensed rapidy duriny months of the year andpresentvear.This,it larwely to th latter part of purchased theic supplies on come- the recent up- had reached In ‘43°.a Exper ratlroads,turns show. ne explained,was due t that unt116the raitro fuel coal and otheractsmadefore ward swing In its groste: Notwithstanding the fact that the roads of the country are expertenc- ing a grester volume of business than a year avo,which then marked the high record,net meome from op- to returns to the appreciably while prices moment ter according nm,has fallen it Was a year rre much hicher othe:statistics are ex; submitted to the com- ipport of the railroads’ The commissio: pected to poss promptly toplicution for a suspension « rules.after which proposed i: rates will be filed,it is said hout ‘of time.The proposal |bly mede the subject of investi- ration at hearings at which all par- ties of interest,including shippers, verehants and civic and commercial organizations will be un Op-|portunity to state their view CSAAS a NT Demonstration in New York. Led by more than 40 patriotic and civie organizations and college clubs, a crowd that filled Madiso Square! Garden in New York Thursdev night enthusiastically pledged itself to‘he support of President Wilsen and urged that there be no more delay}m the part of the United States in| entering the European war against}Germany.|Among the sneakers were Flihu Root,who presided;Dr.John Griersibben,president of Princeton Uni- versity;Charles 8.Fairchild,who, wos Secretary of the Treasury under President Cleveland and Mayor Mitchel.When Mr.Root,opening the: meeting,declared the time had come) for the country to act,irrespective of parties or partisanship.the great) crowd arose,cheering and waving small American flags.| KEEP LIVER ACTIVE ANDBOWELSCLEANWITH“CASCARETS!”| erations, commisslowwh agoago, exnenses to beAissionin! Neation,eX-the thereased will te given Best When Bilious,Sick,Head-|= achy,Constipated,or For) Bad Breath or Sour Stomach.| Be cheerful!Clean up inside to-| night and feel fine.Take Coscarets|to liven your liver and clean the bows|els and stop headaches,a bad cold,)biliousness,offensive breath,coa‘tongue,sallowness,sour stomach and) gases.Tonight take Cascarcts andenjoythenicest,gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced,Wake up feeling grand—Everybody’sdoingit.Casearets best laxative jchildrenalso,| iMUSTAN —_ ||FerSerine , PenetratesandHeals. PainAt OnceForandBeast2c.50c.$1,AtAllDeslers, ;. ment and to increased cost of eapi- t | .”|ment in cept coal,coke and ore.Upon these! Toads, i : et i it s se e wide war, Full Recognition For Russia. Formal and full recognition by theUnitedStatesofthenew-cnmeek TheofRussiais |United States is the first nation bo}ize new calledin recognRussia.Ambassador Francisofficialsursdayandmade tonthenewernment formal an PAINS SHARPANDSTABBING Woman Thought SheWouldDie.Curedby LydiaE. 5 z i iL ce v i l e f i relief and sixcuredme.All who hakindshouldtry LydiaE.trovb!e of anPinkham'’s Vegetable Compound,Mrs.ErtaDede,Saeaarers,Wis.Physicians ly did theirbattledwiththiscasesteadilyanddonomore,but oftenthe most sciéntitreatmentissurpassedbythemedicipropertiesofgoodoldfashionedfootsandherbscontainedinLydiaBE.Pinkham’'s Vegetable ComIfanycomplicationexists it 3 towritetheLydiaBE.PinkhamMedicineCo.,Lynn,Mass.,forspecial free advies. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siaing,Boxing, Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. PRMD NIGH OME ENDS CATARRH,ASTHMA,Bronchitis,Coup,Coughs and Colds,of money back.Scld and guaranieed by Statesville Drug Company. Callfor Taxes Taxes have been duesinceDecemberIst.The county needs themoneyandthecom-missioners say I mustcollectit.So,Mr.Taxpayer,you will save-trouble to your- self and tome if youwillcallpromptlyandsettle. M.P.ALEXANDER,|SHERIFF. L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In-— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees- wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags, Books and Magazines.We pay the highest market prices. Independent Phone 506. Bell Phone 9302. a aGOOD ROADs| \ooet time ort staan ofride. youeae re t ef i ’ . ei f t e t i c s Te ee RR ee ee reUre oeAUCTIONSALE Thursday,March 29,I will sell atAuctionatmyhomeat10a.m.,all myf:rm tools—three Riding ‘Cultivators,Mowing Machine,Hay Rake,Binder; also two Wagons,two Bu;.SurreyandHarness,Corn Sheller,Feed Cutter,two third interest in Road Machine,alotofCorn,Peas,Hay and Straw,a Mule,two pure-bred Berkshire Sowsand20Pigs. V.C.ELLIS. When you begin to sneeze—Get shaky in your knees, Are cross and hard to please,Can’t stand the slightest breeze, LOOK OUT! That cold is about to catch you,”but you can beat itoutbyheadingfor“The Square”’—we’ll be rightthere,and give you ready relief with our drugs of 7PURESTQUALITY. POLK GRAY DRUGCO.“On the Square” CAOUDOSY YOME| A SUGGESTION. Make it a point this Spring to . satisfy that desire to be ’perfectly corseted in a model that will fit,wear,and give the stylish new lines. We still have the right Hat for every customer,also a big line of ready-to-Wears. MRS.MARY SIMS. Are You OneOfThe99. The following table shows the number of bank depositors out of every one thousand populat- ion in the countries as listed below: France For you when you yhthempumpthewaterthetimetodevote money.A MyersPumpwillsavethis.Letusputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY.114 B.Broad St.—————NTED Your Plumber, cash.We also want any geet o'cora,Cote,et J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. We Try to Keep Everyjhing in stock to ment Fmt.Roof-i inVallevTiandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron ananythingin Sheet Metalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 65,114 E.Broad Street. will maxe Se ~ DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Sta’Ne,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS "Phone 197.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'STERTH. DR.COITE SHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R. HAll’s residence or Long’s Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. Jitney Statior WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS.ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10¢.BETW EPOT E.—An®COSAES A tub of fat Mackerel. JitneyTransfer Company. C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green. toe egies orm arson.WANTED! -7eae FOR SALE:"ia ahe eebahet }:tractors ac-vale Gee eeFirstbe34,371,these in North Car-| olina.|in| —<hair to lon,cause r ww .and beautiful.o :You can surely have pretty,lustrous khair,and lors of it,.2b-eent bottle he abdomen by a piece of timber. Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug |While he eae wait “hi the’cnpensS cop sentenced to death |paren r vletcounterandtryita514diedinashorttime.:two negroesand Fire at Pilot |lifedirected.rns|M Frida imprisonment.confessed to participa iWorkForaCleanCity!piety scemovedsheccs of te Bianteyetbetds ‘published b;Ww.Beetles.whe Hereafter q the outfit’Washington Lee SaneVa.,must show J. The mayor has proclaimed TUES-owned the building. 'DAY,APRIL 3,as “CLEAN-UP”|was owned by ©.N.Swanson.‘DAY.Heed the call and make;Mrs.Wesley M Jones,was re- |Statesvile the cleanest as well as the elected president of the session|best city.If pride in havi your|lina Woman's jpremises clean and att ve does Union,which was in ; |notcompel you to get rid of the rub-|Greensboro last week.Miss Bertha |ming |bish around your place,then DO IT Carroll is secretary and treasurer.vert \FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR!James Miller,white,was shot in,'etics for two years. |HEALTH!Clean surroundings elim-|Goldsbo week Charge of two professors and inate or reduce doctors’bills.te 8 ME.coal Taree |structors and is conducted in the an “o trash ootee in a!who claims »ore insulted her’cently-built $100,000 gymnasium. pile and the town will get it awayHe he for board.Mille bgt yen gaolayePPoundedbut’it.is SUNK WITHOUT WARNING |;- j ; $ : & sr e is Hs :=E F:if de & z ii fi ?:2 Fs |||| | | Qwithoutfurthertruadleorexpensewasitis hotoyou.Wagons will be started on|¢t he will recover.Senatheroundsthedayfollowing“Clean-_rifle clubs have been formed German Submarine Attacks |up —and will haul away the yy students and citizens of Davidson.|Without Warning and Sinks!These rifle clubs Steamer Healdton.|wat premises will be inspected af-shooting are a beaad promticn in | ter the “Clean-up”Day and ness enjoined on citizens e Da-|e hee Teal te Boalt | We want you to have confiderce inwetellyouintheseadents.Pretenses fool but few.Falseand quantity of clothes count for little on an:unhealthy body.enue When we tell you that ours is a reliablebank,that thesafety of People’s Loan and Savings Ba “TheBank That Always Treats YouRight”? GEO.H.-Le TURNER Cohen*° hat tee ad etae their|condition passed upon by the health,;|\Cincurs.”Kttention’will be given to YidgoncontingentexpectUncle Sem \ard Oil Co.,New York,en route from| ‘all who have not duly complied with Ea |Philadelphia via to Rotter-| ithe mayor's proclamation and set It is reported from Washington dam,commanded by Capt.Charles |their house in order.that Lawrence MacRae of Winston-|Christopher,American citizen,car-.ee tryeed ahiegoi-having 41 and crew a o sash :tee of the United States Senate,the’including number of Americans,was ON SATURDAY,APRIL 14,1917,at 12 m,jod now held by Jos.F.Tayloe of orpedoed and sunk without warn tho Scachern Railway Company will sell for Washington (N.C).Mr.Tayloe,it)by a German submarine at 8.1 freight and charges at public auction at the is said,will get another job.io’clock on the evening of the 21st,25 verciogs Oe CottonOilCony.Byron Strayhorn,clerk in the miles from T ing,Holland. TERMS CASH B.A.COWAN,i freight office at High Point,finished’Captain and 18 men brought safe- Mar.13--4t w.his work the other n-gnt and sat !y to Ijmuiden.One died of re |,down to enjoy his wpe.A in life-boat.Twenty reported drown- |THE WAY TO HEALTH.|from the match set fire to the green|ed by —- celluloid eyesliade he was wearing)The seven mericans who perish- and he was severely burned about /cd in the sinking of the AmericanHealthisthemostimportantthin in life.It is too precious,too vita to be bandied about as an article of ,merchandise.It cannot be purchas-led in boxes or phials at the corner drug store.BARIUM ROCK SPRING WA, \'TER aids Nature to restore itself|when drugs fail,It drives Urie acid lout of the system and revitalizes the nerves.F.M.Shannonhouse writes:“T was suffering from shattered nerves and disordered stomach and kidoors ‘and the BARIUM ROCK SPRING the head before it could be removed.|steamer Healdton were:W.Chand- Wonder if this fellow had laughed ler,second mate,Brooklyn;Hudgins, when he read that a young girl had third mate,Norfolk,Va.;Walter been burned when he:cefluloid-comb|Johnson,third engineer,Hoboken;E. caught fire?|Leveaux,oiler,Hoboken;Ggsege Miss Lou M.Riley,a former sales-|Healey,,rrirl employed by the Ellis-Stone Co.|cisco;R.W.Smith,able seaman,st Greensory,wan _gren a rerit!Chcngy anu Sinner,able aeorinChainamSugp,man,Pitteourgs.Court,in a civil action against her|,Capt.Christopher,of the Heald-former employers for injuries she |ton,reached Rotterdam with all theclaimedshesustainedbyreasonof|survivors,who were feeling well,not-charges of larceny.At a former withstanding the hardships they hadtrialshewasawarded$1,000 and|undergone.To the Associated Press Judge Bond set the _verdict aside,|Capt.Christopher said:WATER brought a speedy cure.”“If we had not shown our lights, ‘Phone W.A.EVANS or_write jjidge Cox,who presided at the last ms mae Department _L,Box 55,iUM jrial,allowed ae sasaies 'aa |we might have escaped.At 8.15 $1 OO I O $2.00.4 |Springs,N.C The Lenele Mews says that Gov o'clock Wednesday evening,with a “es , ‘INDS Bickett will be petitioned for a r-moderate bedene and choppy sea,I PHON E 83.’ ALL IK 4 ‘don for Hamp Kendall,sentenced a!was,in ~=—=aes r ‘ oT ys :|terrific one on.‘ |Of Windows and Window Glass,and 30 yore?John Vickus,sentene-|vert out and I rushed on deck in my |SHERRILL-WHI TESHOEco.a ‘all sizes Wood and Gu.azed Doors,ed to 26 years,for the murder of vive gi —a ©:¥j .- |Sash Weights,Cord,Sash Fasten-Lawrence Nelson.The two men were plage te a ‘a he 04 =a ~_ |era,Door Locks,Butts and Hinges.convicted at the February term of through amidships at the spot where .ee ee ——or ,ne Caldwell court in 1907.The murder the ship's name was illuminated fe ——they riche ——°°brightly,wrecking the engine room.curred on or about September 25,!40 light clearly served as a tar- 1906,and the body of the mutdered 712:ret.1 NEW ARRIVALS.merece font ere ee tte ne site tents were made i The Third regiment of the North and equipped for lowering.I ‘Carolina National Guard,comingborder,reached Raleizh on C.WATKINS. e rushedbacktothecabin,in the dark,andwasjustabletograbacoatandfromthesextanwhenasecondexplosionoc-||A fresh lot of Kellogg’s the 22d and encamped at the fair ay ‘ Toasted Bran and Krum-=rounds.There was a parade on SE ee ake een.| ,;Saturday and a review Sunday by |deed aft,setting the tanks ablaze. bles.Gen.Slocum of the United Siates|The burning oil ran in all directions, necessitating a quick get away. found that my boat number,appar- ently having been out from the tow line prematurely,had capsized near ‘army and Adjutant General Royster.iThe men will be mustered out tomor-irow.The Second regiment is expect-: |A shipment of Davis {ed to reach Goldsboro from the bor- Brothers’Graham Flour.|der tomorrow and will stay in camp |‘he ship and —of its occupants ustered n again. wa 8,bag,_—Flour {sere untilmustered out.|“Meanveite ‘~.oe = :||settling down fast by the stern. ™dacanes “===—cee ‘or two poor fellows in the bunkers Phone 89.‘the commissioners of any county in|were Killed in oe ‘on neneaed| |the State,upoo of one-third!]just had time to jump into boat \of the voters,are required to call anlelectionandf@majorityof Me,3.|“The submarine came up once and |votes cast shall be in favor of looked at the sinking ship.No 8 jtax,then the provisions of the could be seen on the sw ine, |shall be in full force and effect over which immediately dived under wa- |the ——S said county and the ter again.In 20 minutes it was all| |ieet prov in the act shall be |over.Then came 12 hours in open Te ccumstetpaten ave ootherigns |e CY SP nk Eagle&Milholland. We have just receivedourfirstofSpringEclipseShirtsand “takerea)pleasure in showing this very attrac-tive assortment of Shirts.The patterns are attractive onaccountoftherichnessofcolors.—soft cuffs Shirts,with or without |rs Fitand Fabric -andBulttopleasetheheenedtchop - Tne Hom Grace SHAT 4TheHighGradeShirtThat's Worth its Co@ Tuat's Wortn its Cost .ae snowstorms, to ide a new regictration if rntil we were picked up by the trawl-||80 .The ballots are to be er Java.There was one Spaniard in- jout device.The petition for my boat whose clothes were burnedelectionmusttheamount|He died of exposure.ilofdogtaxtobe.which tax “According to caleulations,wemustnotexceedthesumoffivedol-worewell in the so-called safe; jeach nor be less than one dollar for channel when,the Healdton was tor-| |spi ‘ee RRRERENCE,eT fBuildsUpSystm=pliesCuredIn 6 t014 Days | We can supply you with furniture as desire but wespecializeongrades that have ali of charrn of the more expensive and are still most reason-© able in price.E After you pass a certain point in the price of furni> ture you are paying for your own satisfaction only. know where that point is and when you come to us) benefit by our experience. see Ene Keene OEREES eee ee eer eter tere eeeeaes eeeters1917. Rap ote to reaton outhandsandhearts,”re- marks the Greensboro News with referencetothe oncoming strugzie and in defence of its attitude relat. ing thereto.That is a comforting re- flection and one that ws can conscientiously indulge.Fact is,mighty few people—in this part of the country—wantec war or want it now.But as they see it the coun- try has become involved,through no fault of its own,and being at the it where it is war or backdown, few of them favor backing down. There is cf course some difference of opinion whether if this,that or the other thing had been done,we woul: have reached the point—where we seem to have arrived—where there is no honoratle way of escape from the impending conflict,The day for discussion of these matters has passed.We have arrived and the duty is now to give a srood account of ourselves;and it may be said in passing that the severest critics of the President are not those who charge him with bringing on a wat —few have the herdihood to m ke that charge—but those who charge him with cowardice because he did- n't engage in the conflict long ago. But talkime about being free from ; “blood guilt,”The Landmark is una- bie to distinguish at this hour be- tween “blood guilt”in a war with Mexico and “blood guilt”in a war with Germany. are ready to charge the President vith bringing on the war with Ger- many and to lay at his door full re- that may Some of those who sponsibility for all the evilsp3 ensuc,were a litile spell ba fierce- ly assailing him for not invading , Mexico. eeeeee The indications are that the war slouds will not prevent some squab- bling among members of Congress when that body mects in extra ses- cion next Mondsy.The attitude of the so-eriled “wet”members and of eome of the Northern Democrats i giving congern to the while the Republicans are troubled over their progressive wing.Any of these elements might casily wreck the organization plans of the major- ity of either side.Feeling among Democrats over committee assign- ments was bitter at the close of the last Congress.The “wets,”of whom there are about 20,angered over the manner in which prohibition begis- iation was pushed through in the dy- ing days of the session,declare that there must be a reassignment of committee chairmen at the next ses- sion.Some Nowts rn Democrats complain that all the important com- mittee chairmansh'ps are held Southerners.All of which means that the almost even division of the parties in the House invites “hold- ups”and other troubles for both parties. eeoeee about for measures to reduce the hich cost of living,the Salisbury chamber of commerce has trrned its attention to “curtailment of the credit system and lessening the abuse of the delivery system,” among other things,and in this the Salisbury chamber of commerce—is undertaking something practical and worth while.The folks who pey their bills have to help support an army of deadheats,Tf the num- ber of these could be reduced to the minimum and the cos:of delivery eut to a proper and sensible basis, both of which could be done through the co-operation of the merchants and the public,there would be,or should be,afi appreciable reduction in the cost of the necessities of life. The Landmark commends the idea to the Statesville Merenants’Associ- ation and the Commercial club. These organizations can accomplish a@ great work in’that direction if they wil!. ERNE cenaSecA If Col.Roosevelt js so anxious to lead a division against Von Hinden- burg’s line in’France,he should go abead and organize his command and tender its services te the gov- ernment.Conditions might warrant its acceptance.Instead Col.Roose- velt is hunting devil fish,but maybe| he thinks =in the search for dev:|‘dren tee a if he does he will |hounds nor mules can track the aero-| kick in the slats of the submarine, Meanwhile the other living ex-Pres- trying to render a good manyof rai Democrats,* Seka"ana nan and havehefereThParisasserts that the Germans areinundatingtheOiseregionandthat)the city of La Fere,thought to have-been one of the strong points in the! Otrmen line,is under water.South of the Oise the French con-'tinue to cross the Ailette river and) pe e north of Soissons,Paris says,con-:,siderable progress has been made to-!‘werd Margival.Stubbern resistancebytheGermansissaidtohavemark- ed the French successes northeast ofthecanalbetweentheSommeand the Oise,in which much ground was. rained,From Beavraine,shout two ‘miles south of Arras,to Etreillers,five miles west of St.Quentin,London reports encounters between British and German forres. At Vracourt and at two points in’- the center of the line,German coun-ter-attacks are said to have heen reoulsed aad the British positions maintained.Southeast of Arras,in b neighborhood «of Ecoust and Croisiiles,the British made further The latest official statement from Berlin says the Frene®were repuls- ed in the attacks along the Somme- zat canal,between the Somme ind the Oise and that 230 prisonersveretakenbytheGermans Except for ‘Frenca activity near fonastir,in Serbia,and Russian ad-vances in Persia,there have been noimportantoperatiowevntheother hattle fronts.Southwest of Kermanshah,Persia,the Russians have progressed to within 45 miles of the Mesopotamianweer,according to Petrograd,ThisvuldbringtheRussianstowithin‘0 miles of the British ferce that;s been advancing up the Diala er from Bagdad.In a 16-hourbattlenearKerindPetrogradalsoreports,the Turks were forced to re-tire te Kerind.The Russians have at-tacked the Turks along the riverShirwan,a tributary of the Diala. It is reported unofftetally that Ger-many has notified Norway of thetensionoftheblockadedzonetoArcticocean.This extends the ne in Which rfeutral vessels go at own risk to inelude the watersessibletotheportsofnorthern FSA.ACTS: Doctors to Organize Ready For Call, Groonshoro News,24th. North Carolina doctors are to be organized in every county and madereadyformobilizationforwardutyoncall,and the organization is totakeplaceatence.Last nighta band of leaders in the professionwerehereinthehomeofDr.J.W. Long,chairman of the State com- =<“ce of the medical reserve corpstheCouncilforNationalDefence.tes.too,was Dr.Frank F.Simpson,secretary of the Committee of Amer-ican Physicians,which is headed byDr.William Mayo.He outlined to theStatecommitteetheobjectsoftheorganizationtobeperfected.Those objects are three-fold:}To secure men for the medical ser-viee in the regular army of the Unit-|ed States.Such applicants must be.not more than 32 years of age and F must meet the regulation require-ments of physical,moral and mental|cafitnessformilitaryduties.To secure men for the medigal re-|serve corps,which is.to be consti-|tuted for service in time of extraor-|dinary need,such as war.This corps)would not be connected with the Ssmyexceptwhen,see called,but|adwouldalwaysavailabletothe)surgeon-general ~the government|and the War Department.|To make an exact inventory of the!hospital resources of the State.The committee remained together| intil well after midnignt.One of thechiefmatterspttendedtowasthe aportionment of the counties of theStateamongmembersofthepro-fession for organization.The doc-tors agreed to go to the counties as-signed to them,show their creden-tials from the chairman of the State committee,and organize a countybranchofthemedicalpreparedness|organization.This organization |would then encour recruiting for, the medical corps of the regular ar-=and for the reserve corps,as) .well,|2Mr.J.FP.Abernethy of Hickory| opened a letter,says the Record,and | was amazed to find $18 in real mon-| ey,in payment of a bill contracted | in 1906.The debtor did not disclose| his name,but the fact that he vol- untarily paid a@ bill of 11 years’ 'standing is evidence that pure and) undefiled honesty has not — fromtheearth. asserts that neither |planesthat were seen recently in the vicinity of Goldsboro,but that pig- the stuff.Col,Fairbrother notice that Dr.Johnson has i|{ | |j RENEEennTERETE Dr.Johnson of Charity and Chil-| element into the! Contracts for 24 new &stroyers are announcedbDepartment.All willhebasisofcostplusterperit,The ih t it to quickly anaJaerifles fore in Germany’s Request Refused.| The United States has ne=re-fused Germany’s request.toizeandextetheold heedsAmericantreatiesof1799-1828.TheaDepartmenthasrepliedthPaulRitter,Swiss minister acneageofGermaninterests,refis-ing to accept the protocol recentlysenttothisgovernment. wee Don't Rub It On Bruises or Sore Muscles" loan’Liniment quickly pene-trates and soothes withoutCleanerthanmussyplastersorointments,does not |Stain the skin. Have a bottle handy for emergency,matic aches and pains,neuralgia,lum- »gout,strains,eprains end lame back,~sto Sloan's Liniment.Atall druggists,25c.S0<.anda The reply states that the United |States,considering the treaties inforceintheiroriginalrorm,ts un-‘willing to accept Germany's interpre-tation which expanded the exemp-tion from seizure of “merchants andheireffects”in case of war into aeneralexemptionincludingenemyshipsinportattheoutbreakofthewar. Colonel Hunts Devil Fish. In an address at Jacksonville,Fia.,y,Col.Roosevelt ‘saidhewouldhaveadivisionofAmeri-can soldiers in the trenches of Francewithinfourorfivemonthsifgivenpermissionbythegovernment.Thestatementwasmadejustafter—thebandhadplayed“Dixie”and Colo-/nel Roosevelt had remarked:“T would like to hear that tuneagainst|Von Hindenburg’s line in rance.”He said the United States should‘the war to Germany and plea:jed for universal military training.|Then Col.ee Sleft for FortMyertohuntdevilfish ECS BEAUTIFUL CURTAIN GOODS,e designs.—J.M.McKEE &CO.DAY a3 8s made exelusively of high-priced, ure materials,and for this reasoneoversmoresurfacewithgreater ensity—a better finish and =last longer than other paints.TRY IT! FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville.N.C. C.WATKINS’ Telephone Numbers Are: NIGHT 256. eeeaeteeeeee everything ready to begin work when the rain quits falling?Why not get these things now and you wi'lbeready to begin work when the groundis in condition to plow. Wewill,have fair weather one of these days.The rain quit in Old ManNoah’s'time and it will quit now. Our service is at your command. Co. = ee e = Iredell Hardwarea ne Food Cooked The “IDEAL”wiil Fry,Boil perfectly. Way is Better. the Fireless Bey Steam,Stew,Bake and The “IDEAL”has a water-seal top,and steamcondensor,both are essential to perfect Fireless oonen.The “IDEAL”thermometer tells you how hot to heat the radiators and insures satisfactory results.The ate Fireless Cook Stoves are sold in Crawford:Bunch Furniture Company. ‘PHONE NO,400,“TheStore That Always Welcomes You.” Easter is Almost Here! Are you ready with your “Togs”for the dav?: Just a few suggestions if you're not. Newest of the new in Suits, Dresses, oo mi e n pi n e , ie ae d Mrs,Sete EEa va ws Ezsree om ee aren ZBM."Pred GreonofteYoufreight. suute,and ser,|veomnaed. oe tests were:ae ee erasees aeare:ee class ‘,ing la @ hand outside their..patriotism.Dr.Gaw,paetor of the First Bap-tis:has recommended with money ~at Reavis,Wayside R the ministers hold 1 patriotic b tti tlsis Rome ue,|,Loony ?services and that he Keke ove!e€an in Mr,C.M.nding a few is comes amery puipits and hung the churchanddaysinRaleigh.returnhome Wayside;story-telling contest,Bel |walls.what he could , of wat Mr.W.W.Leinster taat home from school;story:aaling.—chenne Cetenhin,Treaty.wees yan sda as ets,Mie eae ta eae sas «IN the Bank. and received a deck of cards hap been spending a few days with his jae —"Bh oe and _—ee ere -.“—s was presented with «©parents,Mr,and Mrs,Jno,j Ce ae v silkhose.A salad ’liem Cloyd,Wayside school;nama canal bd the 600,600tuladcoursewith!Misses McBride Alexander and ‘followed by a dese contest,running high jump,“Claude pevmeent,are under consideration bywarfollowjesertcourseBlancheLaugenowr,students at theandnots.The color scheme Normal college spent the S on Pierce and ErvinChester,Elmwood|the State Dapertenent,in the hope A |‘was carried ovt in the refredhments at their homes here.|cage:gates tenet PbS aan a ot ee ua., q onReg Tomlin and Mrs.M.E \Miss ae.Miller spent Sun-Mommie Reavis,Wayside.ation.The old treaty,withdrawn ou earn P y,Jr.,assistee Miss Walker iv Mec an Miss Mary Shoaf in|Names of pepe on the honor roll)at the special Senate session,merely hited .i ;‘hc aa lon A.G.Steele and rit.|of Elmwood se for third and)provided payment of i ity by :" :ern oe .8.A.G.<e ‘. The Entre Nous club met Friday tle son of Glenwood §g,|fone months are:the United States and e mutual ex Many men spend their m as fast as t , with Miss Stephany.Teki Pe ea 6 ie aa prings,Col Third month-—Sixth and seventh)pression of regret for ill-feelingPahealaaeSearEeGeetaRealee|Sow re one son's cum.©team aeOe —cory of me play yout ‘by|Btecle and other relatives instates:pis Thompson,|Clrvde Pieree,|How to Prevent Croup.show for a whole year’s work.If these men would Miss wy cElwee.rs.Z Long ville ;,|When the child ie aubject to attacks of say to hem .some Ban See Lat ec’thp sokting af tee|Mrs,Pronk L.Powe,fevmserty of]|Gites Tela pit ona”cnsgall|Star ur"yoseed maeeed aiteen y0 eee cas won anata aes ae Mine Carrie Hoffmann told of the Greensboro,is visiting her sisters,J.):Be an overs nt ae ce every time,”and stick to their t tosave,they |wrades-—Robert Pou,Chester Som-inal Also wateh fur the firet sympton a +So plan ~~ore,1.wp and Mrs.DB.wher |om,Ear!Thompson,Mae Geo dns|and sive Chagheriain's Cough would soon havea “NEST EGG”that will increaseand ret act was read.The|‘er.ate ’go t G@l-|Ieene Smi TREtke cae -somaellwaeaneweredwithquotation:Phin to join her husband,who re —Smith,one Galliher.[exinatleeveryebene,—_grow.and it will be the interest they take in making it from “Twelfth Night.”There were cently accepted a position with a.dig ——-~Ole =ore -grow,that will do it att.sere Were!“S rer,enr if u .,. refreshments.Miss stephany’s home -er pega mt thatcity |ean,w“ite a VirgieWinesel 4 MARKET REPORTS. was lovely with jonquils.Guests of,©Ong an ns ™®)Mary Smith,Erma Lee Womble,BtatesvilieProduce Marked. =elub for the stugpone were Mrs.have a —soaldon anche Fifth ibn a Geraldine Womble;|7Toe “oiowing ae oe =porto rdar Start a Bank Account today. 7 ‘arn ff has bee B a:%5 "Fe e mn the J mae and ere Ie,h.—the «'vil term of Guilford Superior |,ixth and seventh “erades—Allison |7 ee.to 200.per Bb.Put YOUR in OURissLeahStepdiyweAuT'vhompson,Charlie Fleming,Paul)¢).lée.to.17a.per Ib.Mi money bank., ‘Court.Mrs.Long joined her hus-|jiines,Ervin Chester,Clyde Atwell,|k sgt The Merrymakers’meeting with !and in Greensboro to hear the ad-ov and Ninner Cashion.|FE per doxen We pay“p per cent interest on timedeposits. Miss Bertha Cooper las t week had a 7 of former President W.H.rE ghth and ninth grades —Floyd |Bee ¢to a th.cm eo ace pater ce,lind ho weeg "Som EES ese THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN ;rinne Morrison won pig high score <a M.i —png ony :?¥:Green Fi ten indeed.Al nating j Oe waewe “eI ee ise,a ville last gaee doy ‘he "home of |Neath By Accident —Mr.|-a ie pt to 29c,per tb. :tees Cowkee es sbeutnd eee Mrs.Ham’s dauvhter,Mrs.E.M Le nt:rs Birthéay Celebration.'<i.=te the Peay ir ay Statesville,N.Cc.a e vesew's .‘'Honey om,S.»ae,ey ib. Sof Gee cle with Miss Margaret Braw.;Hicks.Mrs.Ham and Mise Ham|speci rdence of The Landmark,(Robber Coma,42.per ib —- |ley secretary and eases,A iad .on their way to Dandridge,|ie,March 26 —Powell res,81.00 por bushel. .as serve enn.;..ie 1l-months-old 5 of . quupee wes sorved.Mrs.Waverly Morrison of Wilkes-:hewitt Marshall of ne —_—<a)veatuedans| e Elericemoh club held its Inst bore arrived ,y eek to visit he:»towaship,died of pneu-ss caus nate ." ing with Mrs.R.M.Gray.Fol.Mother,Mrs.J._W ard,afternoon about 1.30,7 bushel.' lowing the ramme Mrs.Crs =Bae buried at Carson ,,eS eaaaak :. +.'S Work of Reys and Girls at Har 1 Saturday morning at 11 =:served refreshments.oe ::y £8 mony Farm Life School,loek,Lo ctrtenville Cotten Market. 4 The “Heart Day”Collection trea ine Landmeare fr.John Huch Teague met —_v onto ne ee .The following beys and sirls of a fpil he cotton mil!at R od-M oe aa “ny =itsPurpore.1 i Harmony Farm Life Sc!hool have Thursday —and o ree;«cod,The.per banhet,| ear may’wes observed ir made the contribation entioned,_™a mmpanied by relatives,‘b.7 Ite.per Ib Statesville Saturday for the bonefi!ning aes sh pole oo h:we pron were brought here Friday nicht aad |T0003 ee ot of the Carolina Children's Bureau,tc.ised them at an carly date:ined at Macedonia Baptist church ADVAN SME STB ip cnn colgtn be cents >3 ,ia od.taken for less thes.%2 ==crippled and physicatly dete dear Haves.two sauirrels and rdav et 1 o'clock.Rev.J.W.!‘ans Cash must accompany order.): tive children:of the State.Amourty a hind boy;Culver Smith,two squi ,conteeted the funeral.De-ae =:woe pre +megae 1 eullected by different young luiies of ean pe4 Lillian Be srahazat ee on of the late Henry Fr ¥—Weekly's 'moreved protifie seed si |the ttown amounted to 2113.65,an ad)one squirrel;Fred.and Homer Par urd waa reared near Bar-|eee ee Tporehred okeckord vo | ditiona!contribution of 85 raising the ne sauirrel;Leon Thomas,or mountain,He was ay years}JF fERRILL,Treutman,N.C.: |sum to 8.Princes,offered the bird box:Leon Thomas asd Barrett e and pti by =third ’--2t*,é 4 roung ladies selling the largest num =Lankferd,one bird box;Fred.Paris,ive eons and three daughters.|a5.papry whe has Vo eet t ’r of hearts were awarded n1s follow y¥e bbe!bos;Jame Mellon,one 1 Willian Watts.who has been)7 :bs 8 Rare ves 1 38 tore)a3.B. .First prize,a ring ffered by R.F bird box;Dewey Harrelson,one rus-)'f te ¢ind M,College,Raleigh!an it!please return them at once.nd" ! Henry,went to Miss Lois Munday’‘«¢pent;Alda Ostwalt and Olbic ikine the text le course,arrived!)25 Davie avenue.__Maer.27.“‘ second prize,a pair of silk hove offer.Little,one rustic seat;Rayford Some Saturday nd will spend &fOWi wanrep—te rent 5 to q-reom eettage in anna | ed by Ramsey-Bow!les-Morrison Co.Therpe und Wright Lankford.one <¥%hihi ee ore RO i ae otcee re tion with lot and barn,J.&Fesrse. went to Miss Sarah White;third prize bird bex;Edgar Hayes.and Roscoe take up wor in the cotton)”KAN.March 27.4 a box of candy offered by Mr.Josept Camphell,one rustic zeat;Cay Jones "owned byhis father,sev.J.We oe SALF—Spiendia “young hevee yo Hamoy,went to Miss Ada Belle Bar.anc Mariie MeLain,ore rustic seat;its ol we be ferms cash.J.E.FRSPERMAN.| ringer.The young ladies pacticipat.Rayford Thorpe,oi Ay trap 7 jen K«ay =ch 27 »con the or 0 A prize will be awarded to the resvile on business.Mrs.sarah R SATE a)in |ing in the seat egg and the amoufft col be Ss ‘irl Sank Mle <i Ai ;‘amphell spent Phursday in Char-“OR SATE—Good young mute,7 years old,| lected by each follows:;ae woig pounds,Cash or on time. Mary Sharpe,$12.97;Loit Murday seat to he finished*hy or before May “tt ,:H.-F.a round RL ADAINS,Ra Mar.27-—1t*. ce ae +:alan the one making the hee ».Mack Feimster,v eturned a‘eon,Gen or:sete rd tee S i :“cane aa ree ty :M a ie to a visit ns their “OR RENT—s-room house on Sharpe =| White,$16.25;Ruby Henninger [TE DO to te comiy .ee \a Sry Moder cniences."Phone 340 black. 66:Moore,$8.19;Mrs.Boam fe?exhibit at county commenee-"ome here .Mave!ite a aes Ward.ce agrage ment.Rev.and Mra.DL.t.Moore,fes-ome cas on a {z “ Barringer,$15.72;Aileen Terry,#2.20:Tucedey morning at chapel,while Ae 2 M.meets.U.L,Alsranch some |ve eaeThe a”—Do the children always get to school on time?Are you Mary omes,$2.55;Mergaret Sloan the studeats were in the midst ef a :Ms heson and Miss Rosa Stew-mai.|ever late for a train or an enggagement? $4.95;cash 10¢.;Altic Corsening 298"practice,a storm of applaus will go to Stony Point th ---a 1 eee $2.60.;4 AMC Vorpening i igke iorth among them and spread!”ne té attend the celebration of POR RENT-—Seven-roomn owse ‘on Front —Yes,often. at the entire :€WC ASIC ir acah entz’s Mt i }with al eT ven cea |’,‘ a rosa eo secretary ot a beep a ee W.!oy ae .i.et ——itr °few eee an ie pei cee oats =ely Clock sos —in o e bureau of Asheville,was in ey ase ‘iin t+.‘thie 5 :Bp c ,.nd oc ’cep & .ees 7 em School girls--Alda Ost and Ollie Tat-this week.WE HAVE A LOT OF PEACH TREES at the Statesville supervising the werk.The Goo currving a beautiful rustic sow:home of &.M.Crawford,&mites east of |We have the new styles in clocks and watches which money collected Saturday goes too WES LNE SUA oduct of Dr.Parker Apreciated 26 Sy hewn “to be "alia ia be are rot only up-to-date but ct tirne-keepe' fund used in assisting crippled and their own hand-craft.heaaay was a ,Bari o ‘theme “These pectye gray en oe Se iB RE OR SN —‘at physically deficient children of the jojiduy f°the students in the ninth,”_—fine first-elus trees,We must mave to get|Buy your boy a hew watch. State to secure medical treatment |,p Se ka ait ‘‘nm Fatherless Ones.the rround wer purposes.This price The child necdi t ‘‘enth and eleventh grades,owiny to :..ates “Cuis rics calling there for} oe .ee ar oa iv their teacher's being engaged .the “H .Parker is about Hee ca Call muy aay,Weehteon varieties,|R.F.HENRY 9 Jeweler. mabe P nearest pS pArts Herc rowrebin exnuminations,and these best informed Man we can possib!)Greatest barwain ever offered in peach trees. the aid of the physician ‘is given free two irks ‘enployed themsetves in "ame.In our humble opinion,h eer WE Ce |;een the actual hospital expenses being practice at making rusti¢seats,and ‘ows his Bible as no other man H euntelaiaiey _|mene LO EE Ti ¢' paid from the fund.Mrs.Poam war had vrought this procuct on”the %8s ecarched out hidden treasure.(:nING US YOUR WHEAT.We will give in|om .™FpleasedwithStatesville’s response to «(ace for exhibition purpofes.It i nd is able te unfold new meaninx cxehange for 2 bushel of good unelenned|/I age f hibit pure ,eal ..saeco gaat ee the call forr aid,_1 beautiful specimen of crude rustic 2 old oes He a a ail la teen °TURNERSBU fe'houten |~” Noti of N Ad i seat,cozily built,and,while not ev.)over e world anc as cole MILLS.Mar.6—-1%t ices ew vert sements ressly “built for two,”was occupied wealth of knowledge gained ty ¢te meme=-—-——-———-% Cottage wanted.—J.E.Fesper-throughout the morning's —exercise nerience.It matters not what his FOR —dentratie trocte —rod 4 man.y these girls,who are just!y proud ubjeet,you are bound to listen.Not vb one.je,1b to 100 acres war.ee ar Young horse for sale.—J.E.Fes-of their first effort at seat building.ae is .an —when bi ——|: rman.reme is religion,But he is an export a 4 re books belonging to library Measles at Barium —Per sonal ia ra study of nat ave.He holds our Flooring 4 Ceil:ng ond Siding | of J.B.Armfield.Mention.oe n spell-bound in hig mature sold by C.WATKINS is already a one we all delight to honor,— Commissioners’sale of city prop- crrespondence of,The tanamar!udy classes when he tells them J oogactured.Bring your wagon B erty.—C.Monroe Adams,commis-—Rarium March 26 Fiesty of =out,bees,flowers,eats and NAN tee ORE YOU GO ight we should,ut let’s notf ’’favium,March 26 -city of ioe that Chey never dreamedof}ad up,PAY BEFORE YOU GO ‘Th M Behi d th Pi ”f sioner.measles here.A number of cases “<a.fir.Parke :ce +:i 7 SLOW!N.Cent 5 e Man ehind the Piow or Younr mule for sale.—R.L.Ad-)at the hanare ¢.Dr.Parker is also well in-‘ND DRIVE SLOW!N.Center St. ‘:.oO eee ;;ar,formed as to the war situation,an!ae .eo isis of equaliimportance and more -kins,R-5.Siswas Walkie Packat,Rate Mee ne een acl thal THE : A -=beg proceedings.—J Gorgan and Allie,May Arey spent tie beneath the surface a ae worl aa for if thereiis not bread for the gun 3 ‘Gruen Une weapons.—B.F.Hen ea ie ee ci nflict.He always finds interested ue man he can’t defend the country q :’Ce ;::‘ae snarl ns eae ah beg atencrs when he speaks.To sit ur C a ity ieao much q *his positio gs truce t he or-ee ro ee ° B Spring showing Eclipse shirts.-phanage and returned to his home at .)))ae oe ©ea H L i qfShgeellWhiteShoeCo.peo.PATE ate John Morrison are Hing to vouch for amything rays ‘a The man who follows an Oliver Plow 4 ans.—:m s.John Morrisoer nes ee ae .jple’s Loan and Savings Bank.visiting Ga dae A ee et ca a Sates 4 is always ahead on the bread proposi-4 Economy in motor cars—W.R.Gricr,Miss Maggie E.Graham of ~~me an he eon qeslities OF BS)tion.If you are not behind one you .Mills Motor Co.Red Springs came Friday to be _ma-WHAT is omobile construction.i :Why pay rent?—Mutual Building yon at Lee cottage.Miss Mona ¢need to get there.We have the "and oan en rain quite —it jot East Mondo |spent Inst j Plows and the prices are right. ;:—ursday a the orphanage wi ' Iredell Hardware Co Mias May Com r.jas pton.r Best style Weser.—Leonard Piano ~~iss Linnie Parks,who has been Yours truly, s J P 8,‘ returned toteachingnearCharlotte,account ofherhomeSaturdayon ,measles in her school. Your signed order guarantees de-wey of your Ford.-—Carolina Mo- torCo S : .=man —.=ey.—Lazen-Successful Play at Bell Street ~Montgomer ardware Co,‘ded a Brean fo Davin Br’Gcham The can eae “Alice \in Wonderland,”was given by theIdeal,the perfect fireless cooker. ~—~Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.Bellschoolsat pe—8,children of the city atreet school at twoaeRccaaayMeFSnyshri ray Salt iss Thelma Harbin,as ice,Dp ay- =i meota—Thn W.B.ed the atellar role,characterizing theMillspoE.E Sherrill,Troutman, for sale a variety of things. adventuring littl girl admirably. Among the features of the entertein- ment were the sailor lads and Ins- offers Cottageforrent.‘Phone 340 Black.°°."the baby dolls,the play ball Death Result of a Fail.girls and other drills and songs.Miss Leonard and Miss McDonald direct- LAX-FOS 13 AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Die@estive LaxativeCATHARTICANDLIVERTONIC Lax-Fos is not aa Secret or Patent Medi Model No.490 Touring Car.Price | cine but is composed of the following <559 ¢,6.b.factoryold-fashioned rots and herbe:=o CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT .to +5 a tT wv!ie vee tee _We WAY APPLEROOT ge a -GaN |SENN ar -AND PEPSIN aerate <a -home Tn Lax-Fos the Cascarais improve’by Nos iowys oy’the addition of these dasaiee ingre? a heT Re Ray ayes t re‘i production.‘.ents ——"it oan ee ey Cas-. he school’s sh f t ceipts CARA,and thusthe combination acts wot 7h of injuriessustained by falling fram wns one:eaveof meonlya8 imalatinglanativcandestvar |OR.R.Z,LINNEY county mill atCe aderitpurchasing ‘of playground apparatus tic but also es adigestiveandlivertonic Rectal Specialist "Flwoke for the se The wum will not be Syrup laxatives are weak,but Lax-l’os LES Perere,Pete neon.a rib and the)adequate for the purchase q the en-,combines #aro-Feurtas,We. brokentib the liver.|tire outfit which is Gootead.Any con-matictaste and does te eS ae ee PRETTY|(tibution,to the fund willbe accept-the stomach.One Will prove |Rectumve¥most P |ole Lag Wap fo taeaiaahte fer6 jon,805 end 606 Commercial Bank verdict of several NEW SHIPMENT weoae ,surrs =oe ee woGv.generaM.Meziend Soniencd.¥-Me |BUILDING?_C,WATKINS. «Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co.| P.S.We have the celebrated Holts-claw single Plow Stocks. Plenty of Shingles and House Build-ing Material. a?eR os SEE ME WHEN YOU ‘NEED |{ Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks, Alsotofix your ClockorWatch. H.B.WOODWARD oo—— From your point of view this announcement is most important. For herein we set forth the achievement toward which this companyhas aimed for the last eight years. ueectocenant a'sweve is the —_letion of ourgigantic organiza to a point where we can makeand market a complete line of automo- biles underonehead. This means tremendous economies—much great- er than ever before. This means the elimination of all waste,all lostmotionandmuchgreaterfactoryefficiency. This means «7.cven higher grade of cars at much more attractive prices. Allofwhich meansa substantial saving for ycu on the next car youbuy. For nowand forthefirsttime in thehistoryof theautomobile businesswe as one single organiza-tion offer the public a full and completeline of automobiles. This concentration—thisgreaterefficiency—this moreeffectivemeansof together is goingtosetanewstandardoflowpricedhigh-gradeautomobilevalues. For weope-teonthebasisof— —one executive organization —one factory management —one purchasing unit —one sales expense —one 1p of dealers to and sellalld,Willys and Witty Realght models. Buying powcr is concentrated.Costsare dis- tributed over ell these cars.The savings are As aresult we arc producing carsofquality—and marketing them.at prices. Every car is buiit to a rigid standard of per- formencs,Corafort and appearance. The new models cre listed in this announcement. “hey include Overland models from thecomfortable$665 Light Four to the Light Six Sedan at $1585. They include also the big,handsome Willys-Kaightsfrom the Fourat $1285,to the superefficientBightat$1950. These new models establish price records,value records andperformancerecordswhichwebelievewillprovetothepublicathevast economies of vast productionare keynote andnanufacturingsecretofthegreatestvalueforthe least emnousit of money. low The W.R..Mills Motor Company,Statesville,N.C.,Phone 512. Overland Light Four Models Roadster,104-tn.whee'hese Touring,106-in,whee’base ...1...Sport Moeel—Country Club—(Illustrate<’) OverlandBigFourModels Roadster,112«in.wheelbase ...-3 +5Neaieg.,112+ta,wheelbase—(Iliustrated).Seo (SeealsoClosed Cars) The Wiillys-Overland Company,Toledo,Ohio “MadetnU.S.A. ; PE LANDMARKaeee.i =One TUESDAY,--March 27 symptom of 2i,1917. the oncoming war arrest of numerous Ger In man citizens throughout the coun- ry for damaging property,especial- ‘iy public property.Johnnes Schmidt, German miner,was arrested at Is the Would Will the “Eagles”and Break Up Nest. it of the recent discovery “! Mag!club in’Asheville mked up with.spirits, passed at the Congress in wreck machinery in the mine wheveJudgehewasemployed,was gonvicted andAshevillepolicecourt.sentenced to jail.It is charged that following disposition of the Schmidt placed a spike in a mine mo tor and had been taking picturesetaker,Craig,would be around the place.)and placed under a bend Mueh property has °»show good behaviour,to or destroyed in this country either TheromhandlingliquorandbyemissariesoftheGermangov-irinking ——twelve months.ernment or foolish German.citi- t hagies’Home Company and who thought to help the Fa-Sold to‘lodge would be fined $100.therland by wrecking somethingvouldconfiscateallofthehere.Out of the fright about indi-,inture,including every lock-vidual Germans damaging propertyetandeclubroomfixtures,i this country has come many falseallmfurniture,including the’alarms and needless fear.‘pool tables,balls,cues and other ae-laces a stranwer of Teutonic cast ocessoric\ll partitions in the buf-countenance is likely to find himselffetwouldbetornoutandtheclub-in jail as a suspect if he doesn’t walk,rooms locked.The lodge rooms mighty straight;and the man with|would be locked and the key turned the name that sounds like his for-over to the court to be held duringperiodsbetweenlodgenights.In additiontoallthisthecourtremarkedthatnoclubfeatureswouldbeper-mitted in the building for ten yeareJudgeGlennremarkedthathewouldordersuchjudgmentfortherurposeofwipingoutallliquordrinkingandthetemptationfertrafficintheledgebuilding.Manyofthemembersagreedthatsuchac-tion vo wipe the Eagles’cluboutofexistenceandwouldwo:{hardship on the }.““|v See Peditoen,i ou ocensionally see it stated that colds do:‘Pot result from coldweather,‘The Quinine ThatDoes MetAffect The Weng "ose.wy FRWereittIds-mrs sean see og rue ¢o would be as >QUININEiedoesnotcause for od is hiehly recommended by pe who midsummer as in wm idwinter. theaecoataeWw ae"sae ‘have used it for mang years 2 oe ne re. “The miersbe that esuses Nde ishesstamp,cold wenther,Towetvid deantobe ’ eeMLVING?C WATKINS,quired,and know its real value.Obtaingble |every where,‘AHO |rt ne: Eighty Established in been damaged ;lirstf by the 'y is likely to excite suspicion where|March 10 to aheisn't known. health insurance at ed premiums,was not the agent of the saidhiscompany,says a statement sentitfromMonroe.The discovery wasmadeafterQuinnlefttown. —eee .son, collars.Here “homberlain's Cough Remedy.It is effectuat,© ns a aes eon Teutons Must Walk Light.Tablet For Entrance to Pisgah. Forest. accordance Ashevile last tablet is to be erected at the entrance to Pisgah National Maybeury,W.Va.,for attempting to early date,with the following word- Pisgah National ForesihousandThreeHundredAndNinety-Eiges cre Vanderbiit,as Pisgah Forest ExtensiveAmericaofScientific Forestry By rate Citizen United ment 1914 that it may be in perpetuity. a Priv In many Marriage License For a Bargain.Yadkinville Ripple.!toRegisterofDeedsNormanhasa!pendicitis andpairofreturnedmarriagelicenses|ailments result from it. hears might have come from Germa-|he will sell cheap. the country and a lady from dewn, the country,but H.R.Quinn,who sold accident and!man from up the country wentMonroeasthe|his lady from down the country,bagentoftheMassachusettsBonding|lady said “nix”and the jig was up.mation.ind Insurance Company,and collect-|Having no appeal from her decis-gentleman brought the,vapers back and called for his three |Gy. he went his way with wn-|ingmemoriesof To Cure aCold in One Day $1.48 to $8.98.- ee aeSTOMACHAilments | olution Forestry June,a Forest,at an 1894 »y George W. Fyample_in States Govern- conserved There is no vilment causinwoeandmiserythanStomach Trou-,‘bie.Often Gall Stones,Cancer andSaleat1|-ers of tne and Intestines,Cons.tation,Aeute Indigestion,Au-}te-intosication,Yellow Jaundice,Ap-serious and sold of Stomaza Sufterers owe their com |)iplet.recovery to Mayr’s W.:emedy.it i»unlike any other rems”gentle-ely.It sweeus poisonous bileandafter|quiron!.cocnee from the eee. 'Soothes allays Inflam-=ie -&,}their lives,and prevented eur." ical tions.‘atch itssameContainsno and da :hee,|_~obtain a bottleof‘ful Remedy fromtheQuinine.1 tage the Ciuc “seatmoney me tals works off theffitnileto Tey were gentleman from wW wien rhe he met the “her” March 23-2. ww.S Siamature on cach bem SALESMEN ‘.ADIES’WHITE CANVASBoorse,|ce sia aeaJ.M.MecKER &‘ra : ' Four Cylinder Touring,121 in.wheelbase .Bight Cylinder,125-in.wi se (IMustrated)vender ee.ees Ca Cars e Overland Allpricest.c.b.Telede LEONARD PIANO STORE,Statesville,N.C. Morrison Building.129 West Broad Street.. eaeet we —$—$——— ia ek ae ,ae Pal ‘_WILL TAKE CARE OF You,if you live,your family if you die.You,your fam- ily and itself,if you live but are totally and permanent- ly disabled and cannot wark,as all premiums which you contracted to pay are thereafter waived and the policy is maintained in full force,just as though they been +paid,and the Company will pay you a Monthly Income as long as you live,and then pay your family the fall of the policy when 5 ro oes The Worlds StandardRubber wear Forsale by all gooddealers. estment Join in the movement to make Statesville a Bigger and Better Town by investing in the Building and Loan Associations of Statesville.. Mr.Keesler has shown you that it is a good investmeut for yourself aud at th same time heips your neighbor and the city as a whole. The First Building and Loan Association opened its fast series february 3,1917. You can still get stock in this series.The best investment you can make is to secure some of this stock, There was paid off Saturday ¢20,000 in Matured stock,$19,500 in cancelled in- debtedness and $9,560 paid in cash. The First Building &Loan Association. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary.| ORI OCH ONCES THC RCECRORC IIICR |q ) tLe OaTHESTATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of its friends and.policyhoiders,both NEW and OLD. Our office is an open one,and we invite all our customers and those who will become customers to use the saine when they so desire.,As in the past,we wi'l strive to give the same HIG GRADE SERVICE that has won for this Company the good will and confidence of over seventeen hundred patrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our cffice for any information,or leanans No,54 if our service in needed. We do NOTARY PULI®work also. Jj.F.CARLTON, a Cordially yours, Manager. Sterling Silverware! We havaalarge lot cf Sterling Silver in severo!pat- terns,Knives and Forks,Saiad Forks,Oyster Forks, Cold Meat Forks.Ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks;Tea Spoons,Tabie Spoons,Dessert Spoons,ice Tea Spoons Jelly Spoons,Olive Spoons,Soup Spoons and aimost all the spoons 4nd forks you want.Like every thing else they are high but our priceis as low as any one according to quality.We handle the Gorham goods. R.H.RICKERT &SON. Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.©. Capital Stock Paidin -$100,000.00SurplusandProfits31,500.00 MembersofFederal ReserveSystem. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de-positorsconsistent with prudent bank- ing methods.. Fourpercent.paidon time andSavingsDepositsremainingondepositthreemonthsorlonger. OFFICERS: i aviation corps. ee eee ee SON.Saag ‘a a ;|?‘J y. +iitiaainiinseaka loud laughtervponMr.Taft ceased spea'glowered at them as they stood be-low him.He reeemmenced,only to group in|South preach an eloyuent ins‘support of the contention that Christ |was so much con:about ‘the|}soul of men that He had no :whatever about earthly matterstherefore,that His church andaeSealsomakesoexclusivelyamatterofthe »interrupted imeasutterlytoignor-che things of -a er —earth,”said Dr.Poe.oe ;oe rere over“When Christ came to define vow|She incident lightly,and,ating 8ligion,”he continued was [Oneer at one youngeter,Be becamepo.ane aueea Cate pvery red in the face and chided the i Mag odin i A!}jlad for his impertinence.“You will po Sues +Ghd Mind ant oom.F Grver make a man if you do!|was doing this and also loving one’B ¢ha:.”said the ex-President.Afterneighborasone’s self.On these twO 1).\’Mr Taft had no trouble.—commandments He said—on Fy cau Bor d was the first man totwoandnotoneitheronesinglyoreotthaefibestenobangallthelawandthepro:ey j a 7 i Gen 4 gsItisnotanewormodernVOMTinutesleter Peaeseelis A = therefore,a ——_COM=in State polities *rmed a remandmentwehavefromHim,“Deca a i|iti s a »=/around the Republican and took himerwhoioeth,Cod tovethhi"naib oc 'ryugmailing.Not w-Repudiies and mutilated religion which aed rats noseption here was of aatorChristechnand,GPs very iteent negare ‘than th lst first commandment,or exalts th +p —7 gehen ggp ware |ret He did oot rice aeereSs [him dere ws be on Wein be is a new,enfeebled and un-C piatlgn (catce ihe,eo yoo iehiows oan like |rears =oe ~71°ito the band wagon”?Alden Smith|ore men the ard,igh task Of |of Chicago,who was with Taft,be- trying to illustrate His principles im fens incensed and shook his fist andtheirrelationswitstheirfellows|the imprecations he uttered were an \of —"his ideals in hu-jdrowned by the shouts of the people.gcity ad government.gy |The candidates tain stopped ony c ne re "r a ’n<er 4 ;clan ett oeee ee eked tet?a ee ie ee made right,but the righteousness of CATARRHAL DEAFNESS CANNOT BE! the heort must thon show itself on),|CURED aie work fer others and for God's King-|)lees!eee oS ae be oe oe om.God pity a church that is t0O)way to cure eutarrhal.deafness,and that is by much concerned about questions Zit eonstivutional remedy.Gaserrhel |Deaton bartiem or the communion forthe |!causcd by an inflamed cond'tion of the mu- saved to run out the blind tigers |{/"lining of Be qonesen Te.ann ond blockade stills that are keeping sount o:imperfeet hearing,and when it ts en-| men from beine seved in the come 'ircly closed,Deafness ts the seul.ae Murity soil the inflammation can redu and this tuaergErnaeeEORgglPOWt7e:be deatroy orever.ny cases of deafness some Church institutions but is not!sre caused by eatarrh,which is an_inflamed| ecneermed that a hundred 0 nd condition of the mucous rurfnaees,Hall's Ca- hildeen ,n ra Ste te pa i ——ltareh Care acts through the blood on the mv- Tee 1¢State are ZTOWINE UP|cons surfaces of the system.ursed hy preventable poverty,ig We will give One Hundred Dollars for any| norence er are having their minds !rare cf Cotarrhal Deafness that cannot te | oliuted and their ideals debased by cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.Circulars free. che low tyne of pieture shows that [AU Pitan TOC NEY &ON.,Toladn.0 make eve’a grown man feei that he —bas heen run through a sewer when.sees them!God pity a church ther chants ‘Come unto me all yethatlaberandareheavyladen’and Fomflicr Feat s not concerned if the poor and heavy laden are the perpetual vie- of unjust legislation,and intimesofvevertyanddistressarethevictimsofBible-ecursed =usuryloansnndtimeprices,perhaps ten the leval rate of interest.The Christinon has political duties,too—-dutv of seeing that governmentsmakeforrighteousness,that they ' make virtue easy and vice diticult,|Doan’,ond that they promote a fair distri-|kidneys. bution of wealth,We must teach that it is just as wrong to rob onemillionmenofadollareachasitis‘o reb one man of a million.” a.oem6.CCSTERE. iti ~KNOWITWELL! ures Well Known Citizens! A familiar burden in many homes. The wurden of a “bad back.” A lame,a weak or an aching back. Often tells you of kidney ills. Kidney Pills are for weak tims res ' Here is Statesville testimony: Mrs.L.A.Lineberger,204 Beil |Street,Statesville,says:“Iwas in misery from a dull ache across my kidneys and pain between my shoul der blades.I couldn't rést at night deecrations for bravery in battie and the kidney secretions were irreg- pinned on his breast,the body of ular in passage.My health was all James Atkins of Washington,Amer-run down.Reading so much about ican aviator for France,was buricd Doan'’s Kidney Pills,|decided to try in Riverside cemetery,Asheville,last ig ant got a supply fiweek.The young man.27 yoare of MOM anc got ®supply trom ve.was on?of the first Americans &Son's Drug Store.After to fly for France and had made a them a few days,my back conspicuons tecord for bravery ter and one box cured me.veninst the Germans.Trained in the |;: aviation service in this country,h-°eys have been normal ever sinee. went to France at the beginning Price,5€c.,all dealers.Don't the war,enlisted in the American |;et ~Videad -tetowhichthe!ate simply asi for a kidney remedy—get Kiffin Rockwell,North Carolinian,Kidney Pills ‘ater helonged.Mr.Atkins fough!*::<a oo ‘yred Mrs.Lineberger.n the battle of the Marne,deing cx-«red avs Lineber 1 cellent work,and a short time later burn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. was brought down by a German op-.Sees saa ;; nent,sustaining serious injuries and a number of broken bones.As oon as he was able to leave the hos- vital.after being decorated for brav- rv in battle,Atkins nt to the front again and a little later waagainbroughtdown.His cltest wasritshedbythis.fall and he was in-valided home.The young man wabrouvhttoAshevilleretentlyand id remained in a local sanatorium, rractically unknown,until his death He was discovered by Dr.FrancisD.Boyer,an Episeopal clergyman, who was formerly a driver in the American Ambulance Corps,and the minister was with him when he died. Paying Children to Work—Mr. Tharpe.| American Aviator Buried in Asheville—Served in Frane>. Dressed in service uniform,¥ith felt My kid- in ato Doan's the thatfame Foster-Mil- Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for To the Editor of The Landmark: A part of Mr.E.8.Millsaps’arti-ele in regard to gardens for children is all o.k.and a part of it is all wrong.“Children like to work when they are getting pay for it.”Has itcometopassthatcityparentshavetohiretheirownchitoworkaarden?(They do—The Landmark).t a rs that the revised versionwouread,“Parents,obey your whatever purpose they should be wanted. of the country to Hundreds of Statesville | = ehee2221 8 You cannot afford to experiment when it comes to buying acar. And you don't need to;we have done that for vou and as we value our re- putation and business you can depend on the results of our experience. We stand behind every car we scil and are right here. to make good on every transaction, ‘mf ‘ POOGE HiROS oiavaiCeaNi taepyoie 2 F to tors! ee he=~in a Ot ea —a Before purchasing a Re- frigerator this season ‘we believe it will be to your advantage to visit our store and inspect our line of Odorless and Tacoma Refrigerators. We now have in slock a complete line Galvanized and Enameled line of Ice Boxes,Water coolesr and Ice Cream Freezers. Let us explain the good merits of ours to you before you buy. Williams Furniture House Inc. “The Favorite Store.” PEE OR OO SORSI ne ESLSGSETT SLT 5 RETROTT SST BREST 5 UTTNRT RSTRNT TTT ER Ae CAN DY---Ice Cooled Orted to suit everybody’s palate.caa410 ve —MA Norris’,Liggetis and Fuerst &Kraemar, Chocolates aod Bon-Bons,Fruits and Nuts. Assorted Nuts,Assorted Chocolates. ln Halves.Ove,Two and Three Pounds. STORE :Statesville OF QUALITY. 27 tae eneeener aanemae THE MOST EXQUISITE PREPARATIONKNOWNFORTHESKIN,IS HALL’S GLYCERINE LOTION -—_—CURES——. CHAPPED HANDS,IRRITATEDosAHALL’S DRUGPhoneNo.20. ae ee ce aT a aN ieelFe iail Te SeIFTpoetaeeeet by taking be your own dadd § Ournext series opens April7th.Comein and let us shareour pr MUTUAL BUILDING AND TUE L ANDMARK "8.¢E.CORNELIUS DEAD Mrs.W.A.McKnight,wii .=: Former Resident Dead in Ar-better also.:A Full of Crochet _It TUESDAY,==March #,_1912,kansas —Farmers Establish Mr.PD.0.ary who :!;eet 0.2 C.M.C., VIEW OF THE GREAT WAR.Garage —News of Moores:(™6 9!00"ft iedvilleandVicinity.Troutman &Sons he——————————— Vv om y wn Vio- tives fr Bernstorff dow hioa Special Correapondence of The Landmark.business and was for lated _——'s agr _—t ac-Mooresville,March 26—Mr.C.E.several years ago, s to plot ou struc Bea :,corded diplomats to plot our dest Cornelius died at his home here today (mariette,| tion on our own soil.We have a tru Mrs.J.C.Oakly of a ’;i Pe ‘ ly remarkable record for submission iter a long illness.He was 49 year?a.who was here on &»Ry bs ;ide to insult and injury if anybedy wants old and is survived by his wife,two father,Mr.RR.W.ne nee a ] to boast of it.If ever a nation had children,mother,.sister and four called to her home a ;4 ff.+4 +8 cause to go to war America is that brothers.Funeral at First Presby-@ceount of the threatened ™-&X ’=@ ;cnation,In all histery there is no .strike. like instance of forbearance.terian church tomorrow Tee?)at There are still a namee®alte ;wait By « Patience at an "End.‘m,and interment in Mooresvile of measles with us,afd som hee And we can endure it no longer ae “:ed gor ng cough.—‘ial ..;e _w¥awakens to the needof ‘ven ou rreat an atier ren)r.CREE vustor as GUN Mr:Cc.S.Kirkpatrick "“ie .. Even our great and patien’ian t@ Winnsboro,S.C.where the has ae cs and Reba Where canshe securetheprettiest ime dent has come to that conc!the Wate:ren,Charles ane ce,;r x The rest of us—!ess great and a-7 :e .nes “ve Greensboro,are .spend -:F themost?Where can she tuent-—were heart d@ soul for war °°"!ee Ue cee ae favs wi Mr.and Mrs.h bi long ago.fthe death Mr,Kirkpatrick fy em - 0 years week,"ee rWehavenoill:. manf's intention:Arkan The Ladies’Missionary4 know what they think of the Monroe "8°:aren th.|a ‘nf and’St.Mark's Lutheran doctrine,from)Bismarck reared a esvidle,wh@e he serving this week asa Bernhardi.They have been at great et until t end to hagsas about cr.The programme Will he ¢ pains to explain their contempt wit years ago,wher maigied Miss 'ed next Sendtyay evening Wi that and many other hobbies of ours Georgia Layman and t vita by tress by Rev.C.L.ROWRy About 15 years befere the beginning [Ns Wie a ysn chidt are ssionaty from Japan. of this war the Germ:tear 1 y brothers ar ter ‘folio ws Mre.W.L.Matheson al von Goetzen,a trier f the Mr.Jol attet of Sviney,Ark.;to the Idle re Kaiser,said to the American Admir-R.1.Patterson of Mooresville,W.8S Thursday alterpoon at d al Dewey,“In about 15°)years my Patt of Stony Mesdames.Eastern Heights.Re country will evin a ereat wa F.Sraith,I on and Joh rved in two courses atf Some months atter we have done yuyer,all of Mooress He had,ion of the afternoon. our business in Europe we shall]tak:n in dechning health for about a Fridov evening New York and ps robably Washington year.Arial entertained the m and keep them for a time.We de”The farme f upn R in.last |Moor ile High Se not intend to take any territory from we met and orga |tock con “am,together with er you,but only to put your country in pany,called th vat Mi aoda Garage |ladies.Reok was. its preper place with refferer ce to Co.Mr.Wf (tary andj “ables.mique hand Germany.We shall extract one or venoral manager.They e putting |cards being provided for1 two billions of dollars from NeW.op a it ny on Mr.J.Stewart's|A.salad course with York and other towns.”>|olace and will cz Ll kids of auto-|served. 2a ‘rance Fig Our mobile supp aay etl 4 |ne “Enriand and Piddomng Fight Our m ppli i yot in ma)First Permit te Fish— al shinery bor epar Vork ,ar f _ And why have we heen so M-tot :emocres mm th ‘fan an Mr.Earleeeinhaceneutrality?It -th iW will be a t -Asheville Citizen. cause nglar an ra ave on to the auto on ‘a few ,ications for been fighting «our battles r.Lingle »'th t ‘the og a N savs that if Germany ‘to a “oe .oy kde ;Maeits in Pisgah aeree thle war we weull have (¢Adopt The ely of the Livery stables |daily coming inte cone a nd Oy anise aes NE COMBER ERAS he Lutheran |Supervisor — ies t ¢a im ].:;.me us dies PS ere ae DUNG B|ev ery applican asks ae ;s Hi i (pUEe EER eR Germany for years at oy parsenaye on their vacant loc adjoin-|days whieh -: Hibben said the ether day,“And Z ri Eis sh teaching at |~a 1 was !:'‘Measca) why are we so brave now?Let us pine Valley school,at Mazeppa,was |Godbey,now of Greenenal a Dainty and becoming footwear is one frank.There is only one reason 4...6,/nea a jpohors that ,:wee a exceptio .hy we are so bra ¢We a ghee Ke home om the Catawhalnin _*|ee =ey o e i nable of the first cssentialsfor the summer girl. vecause We know the great Engiis y on ne De oes a 1 eo a a ¢ fleet stands betwee 1 us and attack nee .y he pala ;a ee The 'should neewashe ,»Wa :.‘.t1’at “on yesterday,March)bey,singe #i :Dorothys arc diways in docd taste.Edis at the present time.: And |wor id with all my heart :2 est |was in the |MoveRnens aaaiy y the Doro h ot re . that those genilemen th:it have been ©C batt °Pete TRUUER GS ey the |and ea ie diy —H i They fit perecty,ane this means comfort i Paddy tchie and s many others,|:‘we carry .-&.;as well as,sty!e.ots pg 2 8 E 8 r e t s 5 es | ane SS S ;5 B 2 5 S 7 88 3 5 2 5 3 9 | so strong for taking it out on Ene-Re rears,vern land’s hide because a few American :a e Seach Peet ie ;;i tubs have been held up in English ner by Shericans cavairy,and many The meena eee a aa Hoge &Mont- .a y.hers eve hilled rae °ounded,”st abound 4 sé *>2 .|: ports to await prize court proceed-1 |and w ie Te!led trek,Senne ‘Eee °and Jack &Jill.Let us show you this model.i go interns rto hear these old soldiers|ings could be as keen on a point of ©I":ae ;ony honor and stop hiding behind Eng-‘€'0! Getatts of interest with |vcted for the|pas ne ;:well known for s land’s fleet.If our honor demands ‘lear a recoileetion,after s |cad ;.cS :: Tears on BN ¢-‘years.atone eir honesty in manu |ies so much on such a point.common~enew ,~omnel ux to support r.4.W.Parks of ¢lot —c ,bean ;decency sh«ld ce ‘nid us to Buy ad ae and bougl h shedte ¢nd |Gna ,yb actu:ing Shoes an f followers as “—baniourownpoliceatsea‘*SaarIt’I das.d McNeely. that matter rest,pventieme .:ni , land is sport enoug to ment i bi here soon to make his!™.Sr oancdicawanaaniamonmeuse se =a ar cmap the <¢t and we had bert m the ran ©,;>D. her before demu:at cea ’Lake Jamison,who has sac .=': . Bech,|voit to Mr S.A,Lowrance,in}COMMER a THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. England has caused some annoy-rr returned last week aoles ": | by capturing a nal ear tur Yr his reat.|ays he has tam .phd M:3 »TL ¢&®aes--"" American por!Sina for waned tis 'poure and feels like a new |a2 ..alll y i ee ]LION >»j 2.;> Ris rmany*ractic ma The carly vegetables in Plorida|division of #;re ‘7 ’Re §na ryo shy it ps V 4 x4 uring the cold spell ultural *in .Hon .:an --—anne “—o a . senger “tiners ‘England not only saved tha \arts vecything in the!West ‘Ral hy |:t ‘;od th res ¢y a!t 4 en «te,4 v the young or-}conting ::it ‘4 takes care te aN hee yn and |ity ao ihe ground and Carolina |L ‘eo 3 ;iz: shin as well erm was al ;‘1 e old tre o that they]-ociat ‘o 3 0s the bottom or leases the iroivit j ore Feo Som ia ’? i Mer Ar i wom t I (ire \\Rr aery r and Noah Dp.‘andl :: F > op boas ’mm ‘e :eutman,\who were j England blockade 1 as lege:dava 4 ;committee |we ‘te thows our own country his re ‘n,which wos is adly frozen|''’ to,white Germany's t rave?H ry i ;rots ";0 owing up and w ,}Y *:::s :7 ;/i of al)the tues of God ant wa;had p and Wil GUE ale tock hae Extraordinary Showing in all lines Dry Goods,Shoes,he Our Duty.ms :Moore visited her le F rest g¢. Mrs.J.Alanson White|ering @t me to be held within Millinery,Dress Goods,Silks,Linens,Hosiery,Underwear,etc.Soi last week.She at ae a )ve.eh eal .;;;; in foots oe o le Ladies’Suits,Skirts,Shirt Waists and kindred lines.Allof which bout mach,but that herd.SaENAN “a +93 . ha his garden patches qe eee ong —eee lecture are priced from 20 per cent to 50 per cent under prevailing market Suntre aioh sual and can get ——very —hh wae ;'.'q e re we onet )abou Vhite's “infare”that wast ’..ice To welcc f t e re rs i :’ S ueeah fie a tion The Landmark,whieh]"»ie in see |prices,We welcome you to our store where the greatest hne th living in-end they press for stern de he was alway a ee ry and was most success/0'in of Wash Goods are shown in the city.: ::foremost citizens of the Bethesda wee ee @ that these ‘;:|pl North Carolina Aviator Missing +near Amity,where he wash Jos soos Pe pee tut ae!Samples furnished on request,: i op ,(andmarried and pulsed ne oe nin’of ny father-in-law ie a 7kte tes ererent poi Yours very truly,> ::'nt :§offe iulwhenthetimecameforhigateadentaennskt:“oe ek ne |ie jaur iter and your seribe to be mar ye Snes ;a ty |e :a ried and Dr,Geo.B,Wetmore,——.°bride's pastor,‘coulda came,Great Britain Widens ‘one’°M J L I S &P O S T O N.:cred the,cvemang.Om ee Against Submarine.|“||o et —Britain ed wide:h ettermnitwhichMeCon-Aug 77,Fea, him from oa hich vel,J vy Ww ir .4 :the ‘!:sr te ec a eas es —6 ae ea CC TE .© a “the heat and ,a COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF CITY,|Y¥ PROPERTY |.DP <AED.| S w away,rest cure sanal mm hom :submarin«}rh SERVICE BY PUGLI- regaining os tear 4 When he was invited to see ‘or al te “a j “TON . last loked bo«saw both German lady who heard »there,|°*tet 't iY {f mutt niale nt :sz. +\:RY ther ..:ee ene Hery,BY VIRTUR of muthority ined in So machines abo eConnell attacking and it wae Bie,Hie "Pe emer:n elaine ‘.'Iudgment of the Superic ‘of Tredell,}:B wh ;A i ,;een a4 in ee special 1 ie entitled C.te him.This v our days ago and no-80m,a thir ha n }rd of MeConnell’s i ’-—on ~~ihe new order,-rh,:-“ke netier Monroe Adama,in his own right,and as ad-. f ,’:es ‘April i -::as iniat rate f J.M.Adams,deewased;and ol ate.i i ,me on euye pri 7 t er-'uror t nheve ontitied netion a tore Fi.Adama,widow,Biv.Mary ase i a :of Judge 8.P.lies ek 4 coat ees |ar .i camprise al!f ers ¥aes mat irfendani on tt Tr et Ampic Posten and husband,HM.A.Peston,ROILED HAM .* McCon !of Carthave,Moore coun-Mr.Pr i ai he territorial wa ‘Hole :Y shat :ek Pdear Ho Adame and wife,Maud Adams,ve J ‘.. ‘1 “8 Den k,ine!-,redel!county,North waottor M,Adama,John T.Adama,Mis Ger-} ty ‘.mark,ciudad an "omons is returnable to the ;:: ;.‘:f shaped area esi cn img ‘huper t in ee Aims ——AND ;ol Da tillime ¢»?1 |a ,‘'—iin toons :the underelened commissioner will expose to canna on i y's Killing at Packing Plant,week,:ile ,t miles from tt of i vetweir at ee Hublic vale to the highest bidder,at the court : howse door in Stitesville,onTheMoultrie(Ga).Packing Plant f i 20kR Of ont ward and we und ‘ one day the past wéek kil hI and :ire van ¢eastwori a ;sScangtcepeanaass MONDAY,APRIT.30,1917, iMod 1,020 >7 ‘:;a é *the following deeeribed city property t |‘J hogs,the largest number in ,9 clos southwesterly «mi nt No.6 in block 11.on Bighth xtree i o-‘a ):ar |four House iS Leaking vith cao ado now romned ta Ws ina ’;‘Ennouncement of ¢!t since the plant was built&»and Lot 11 in bleek11,on Seventh street,with largest number of animals ever w-'ft ian’t my fault,for |have plenty ,_,, e]in one day in a Southern 4 |gene of anti -subm:ity of ‘Shingles to sell chen Par:a,aw ca it.ote aan stare Peanut Butter made The —Do ay 0 of ‘v i wi a ne ed to An vor WERE ROUHHT AT BE OLD howe. *=a rs de ave)with relatives |Ure =foreign off ote PRICES!Ale 2 Nails,Ready-M psinted EE,ip tenho evant stvget,|fresh every day. |price ednesday.‘vin,Ridge Bell and Shingle Zur ,.- omeover 319.908,the price}p —C.WATKINS Shingle &Lot 3 In block 22,on Seventh street,«| 6on Th conts oar 7 de 'MIDDY.TIES (ND 5 f Iredett C ,unday.bp.ever bald for suai MMIII Uncen dS sci:0 Cg,Rane of Motel Coty.Sei e'thet Simao,|Sherrill &Reece. 4 Biren ot ———————yompanyasfe!1h,pawe 441 of eeonealoe|NOTICEeeal&eee)See eeeeeneeEE.Lear|ae «xD \T .*WATKINS,BUILDING?Cc.WATKINS M.P.et —— - e2 2 4 9° R ee e 6 SU C OS ie Concern is theAction of:Congress.from Wash- If Germany contemplatessertofpeacemove,or has con- ,abandoning submarine ruth-y other nation hasesi¢ned to alter the internationat status,the gov-is without informationthesubject._Except for information concern-German plots against Americanrests,the public in ayknowsasmuchasthe govern-ent about everything directly afingthepresentcrisis.Concern- step in mind countries,the eovernmentinformationwhichuptothoughtwise to The administration is said toieflyconcernedatpresentwith theofactiontobetakenbyCon--@ress recognizing that Germany“making war upen the United States.with preparednessethersugerestions‘lean or gift of money to one or more adopted,whether an army should be gent abroad and whether increased‘Supplies of munition should be for-|warded,are cenerally regarded.stions which would only confuseFissueifpressedtodecisionnow.| |bected to review the history ofhegotiationswithCermanyleading -™to the present situation and toSerestwhathebetieves preponderanceisthatCongress /adopt a resolution declaring that |state of war exists.” Will Cut Amateur Wireless. ;Commerce Redfie!d “bas made public an order forbiddingFthefurther @mateurs desiring to erect and op-|erate wireless stations in the United :During the past few yearsithasbecomeavracticeformany-weople interested in radio-telegraphvtoerectsmal!wireless apparatus onoftheirhomesandtocatchandwirelessmessages.It has beenredthatthesebeusedbyGermanstofur- -ovinion still Secretary of stations may 1 country in the event of a declaration -of war against Germany;also that ——— ARRESTED AS A SUSPECT. R.H.Bondam,Who VisitedStatesvilleinJanuary. The following dispatch from Gulf- port,Miss.,is of local interest: “Charles Richard Constantin Herck- enrath Bondam,arrested at LongBeach,Miss.,early Wednesday as asuspiciouscharacter,was .held byStateauthoritiesherependinginvesti-gation by the Federal ‘authoritiesofficersmakingthearrestsus-pected Bondam of being officially con-nected with the German government“The man’s trunk and suit case borelabelscontaininghisnameand‘Hol-land-American Line,Rotterdam,firsteabinpassenger,New Amsterdam room 112,berth B,New York City.’Another label indicated he had beer at Statesville,N.C.,recently.Bon-dam,according to the authorities,ad-mitted he sailed from Rotterdam,butprotestedhewasasympathizeroftheEntenteallies.”This is Richard H.Bondam of Hol-land,who visited Statesville in Janu-ary and was the uest of his kinsmanMr.Karel Bondam.His arrest is evi dently a result of the suspicion at this time attaching to all foreigners who travel abcut the country.There were no indications during his visit to Statesville that Mr.Bon.dam was other than he professed to be.He had been going about the country lecturing on socie!and liter-ary subjects and on the night of Janu- ary 29 lectured in the First Presbyte- rian church of Statesville.His sub ject was.“The Sultan Who Will Kill Poverty.” Statesville friends of Mr.Bondam vesterday wired the Mississippi au- thorities in his behalf. Deputy Insurance Commission-er Praises Statesville Mr.F.M.Jordan,deputy insur- ance commissioner of Raleirh,ves torday finished a complete inspec‘ion | of the fire-waste conditions in the| fire limit distriet of Statesvillefoundconditionsexceptionallygood. |Mr Chief of Fire Department and PoliceKerrandhisagsistantshadbeenun- usvally thorough in their duty in! having premises kept clean. The fire-waste condition of States- ville is 200 per gent.better now than a year ago,stated Mr.Jordan.A few minor defects,but none serious, were found.Out of 76 buildings in- spected the condition of .56 were! good,Only two places were found dangerous and steps were beeun im- mediately to remedy these.The bac} lets were found in excellent condi- .|tion.|government stations |The Navy Department'ing plans to take control of all wireleesapparatusintheUnitedStates and to prohibit using them without *the consent )the government.|Democrats Will Organize It appears to he settled thatDemocratswill when Congress meets nextRepublicanLeaderMannoffered retire from the race for the speak-||ership in favor of Speaker Clarkabi-partisan or non-ization is agreed upo osition has been rejected hy the Dem-|oerats and some of the Republicans|| ut the prop-| While something may happen betweennowandMonday,the present),indications are pendents,and possibly some Repub- Hicans,will vote with the Democrats to elect Champ Clark Speaker Mr.Bryan's Appeal. ssed an appeal to the Senate and| Mr.Jordan said he found the sit- uation in Statesville quite different from most towns.Here the busines: men co-operate henrtily with afficer in having fire-waste conditions astheyshouldbe,while in many places they retard rather than help. Mr.Jordan went to Newton Wed- nesday Was An Iredell Man. Lon Shoemaker,who was killed in Charlotte Saturday night bv Foster Phifer,as recorded in Tuesday's Landmark,was a native of Jredeh He was born and reared in New Hope township and has lived in othjerpartsofthecounty,notably in the Fast Monbo and Mooresville —sec- tions.He was a brother cf Tom Shoemaker,The Landmark is inform- 1,and doubtless had other relatives in the county. Phifer was released on £2,500 bond.He will be tried at the next lterm of Meeklenburs court.It is al- |leged that Shoemaker was drunk at |the time of his fatal fight with Phi- fer and that he was the aggressor. The Country’s Flag. The Stars and Stripes will be much in evidence on County CommencementDay.The Merchants and Farmers’urging |Bank will furnish every child a flay te made to secure|carry in the procession—a commend ruthless;able idea and especially appropriat« submarine campaign through the ap-|just now.A general decorating with plication of the so-called Bryan peace|flags on that day,and having syme it RepresentativesthatanattemptbethesuspensionofGermany's plan,which calls for an investigationofalldisputesbyinternational resort to war asked that Congress also consult thewishesofthepeoplethrourcharefer-| it concludes that nothing evidence on other days during this ‘critical —period,would aleo tx ‘commendable,The oftener one seer his country's flag and considers what lit stands for,the better the citizer It is an especially useful lessen for nation’s the children and one that may er Emperors Confer. concerning the reason for the icourave patriotism. Got Iredell Man’s Money. Inmes Pope of Gatawha vcounty. according to information frem New- of the Austrian emperor to Emperor |yon,is in Catawba county jail in de-William ‘of Germany.Daily Mail says it learns frém Vien-fa,by way of Switzerland,that eonference between the emperors is)whether themanpolicytowardtheUnited States shall be modified so as to avoid war, present submarine which are certain to jfault of $200 bond to answer alehor@eofforgery. The allewation is that he received in the mail a misdirected letter in tended for James A Pope of Rout 6,Statesville,containing a chee! for £40.80 from the Hardaway Cor tracting Company,which is building Pro-|the Lookout dam.It is further al-States,|e.that he took this to the bankshallbemaintainedlatCatawba,where he had the cash we of ier to endorse it for him,and =the:Thirteen members of the cre the Kiel and Nicaria Man merchantmen that have in port at Wilmington since shortly, after the outbreak of the Puropean| war,have applied for naturalization| A memorial service will be held in the Moore county court house,y,in honor of J.R.the American Kale,81 years old he mado his mark,claiming he wa junable to write. The Southern’s Bie Engines. Fifteen freight locomotives of the Santa Fe type have been purchasedAbYtheSouthernReilwayandapartofthemarenowinoperationontheDanvilledivision.The engines are of immense size,five driving wheelsjoneachsideandthebelionthedietsideoftheboilerinsteadofontop :TheyatherhomeintheCataw-| of Catawba county and;sae buried at Concord church,in county. Telephone Company the fire-boxatdesadtendytoee:‘Ger!over have an automatic coaling sys-tem.There are firemen on the en-gines but they do ner have te shov-el coal,as the engine automaticallycarriesthecoalfremthetendertomeansofthetheisevenlythefire. STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,MARCH 30,1917. WOULD CHANGE NAME. Alumnae Will Ask That States- COVER TWO DAYS County Com-Winners THE HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE The Event at the Graded Programme ForSchoolBuildingTonightMencement—Township Contests. The commencement of the IredellcountyschoolswillbeheldinStates- ville Thursday andThursday morning at il o'clock the parade ofchildrenwilltakeplace,as outlined in the last issue of Land Tonight at 8 o'clock will open the debate to be held between represen- tntives from Concord High School and Statesvilleeventtakesplace in the auditoriumgradedschool.Rev.J.H.Pressly wit preside,Henry Heinzerling willSupt.A.8S.Webb of Con- cord and Miss Clyde Fields of States-ville will be timekeepers.W.T.Nicholson,Mr.Mr.Alva R.Sherrill,Mr.sell and Mr.J.T.Montgomery.The question for debate is:solved,that the Federal government should own androads.”First spenker for the affirma-tive,Gertrude Adams of the States- ville school;first negative,Luther T.Hartsell,Js., Concord;second for the affirmati Ware of Statesville;secoforthenegative,Joseph Caddell of rejoinders willgiveninthesameorder,each debat-er having 20 minutes at his dispos-al,not more than 15 minutes in Plans For the Institution. The Alumnae Association and afewotherfriendsofetatesvilleCol-lege held an enthusiastic meeting inthecollegeparlorsTuesdayafter- elected as follows:President,Mrs.M,resident,Mrs.J.H,Hill;secretary, the year were .Ad :vi Statesville college.R ae,veee cises will take place on the collegecampus,being conducted from the Judges,Mr. Mr.Maore,the president,outlinedsomeplanswhichhehadinmindforthecollegeforthecomingyearandtheassociationwasve’ pressed withappointedM will be addressesmanDoughtonandby ent of Public InstructionBecinningat2o’elock the va- rious contests —declamation,recita- tion,:story-telling,ete.place.Friday will be observed as Field,the entire day being devoted toThebasketball presidentrs.W.A.Eliason chair-man of a publicity committee and a committee wasforetheexecutive committee of Con-aideasoftheassociation anddentofthecollegeforitsenlarge-ent and better equipment.One of the most importantjectsconsideredatthismeeting was that of asking thechangethenameof the cCollege“Mitchell Memorial College,”inorofDr.Elisha Mitchell,one ofcountry’s pioneer edue:his daughters,Mrs.E.N.Grant and —will take speaker for games will bethecourtsat the new gradAnumberofthecontestswill prob- be staged at the ball park.e exhibit of thechildrenofthevarious schools,oneofthemostimportant commencement,both Thursday and Friday in the ar- against Dewey At-= vell and Ira Bueck of Salisbury for Abe held countyConcordmeetinConcordwithMiss Margaret VirginiaThomasSmithofing‘the affirmative against Mr.Mar- hall Lake and Mr.Roy Casper workof the At Salisbury tonight James Alex-ander and Stewart Cowles of States- ville will uphold the negative of the question ‘The spelling contest,class B,withMissMaryLawreneepresiding,willcommencementda whom were,for several y'tively connected withThealumnaevotedunanimously tonameifthePresbyterywouldallowittobedone.Plans for an rooms of the A.R.P.chure' recitation room of graded school building,as first woneord defend- elaborate commence-ment were discussee and a commit-|fteewillbelaterappointedtotakechargeofthisphaseofthework.Miss Gillespie,Miss Covington, which were very m Among the special attractions onbothdaysofthecommencementwillbeaminiaturemodernruralschoolStateBureauof Along with this wil!be given moving pictures ofruralschoolrecreation. Government Borrows Money. The 12 Reserve Banks have over- subscribed on 24 hours’notice a 90- jay loan to the government of $50,- 000,000,at the rate of 2 per cent.a The monev was borrowed on 1o0-day Treasury certificates of s to help tide over the gov- exhibited by the aecompanied by department,in charge of Mrs.Pfreshmentsofsmallcakesandtea, HOLY WEEK AT ST.JOHN’S Western Avenue Meeting— Church News. Holy Week will ges.Judges for the various school con- 2nd)ctream of income and internal reve- »taxes will flow inte the Treas- And $50,000,000, |nounced,may be|<ame manner before the close of the Webb ard Mrs,B.F.Long. Jordan says that he found that|.Dorman Thompson be observed bypecia!l services in St.John’s Luther-an ehureh April Thewillbea“Character Study”of of the principal actors of our Lord’s pas-|edSunday,April Ist,7.30 p,m., Th ioute ‘aeposties;V,1 thedApril8d,7.30 p.m.,Judas;Wednes-= day,April 4th,7.30 p.m.,ThemanGovernor;Thursday,April 5th, April 6th,7.30 p.m,The Execution- ers;Sunday,Avril 8th,6 a.m.,Viv- t (He lives).A song and recitation vier by the Sunday school; day,April 8th,11 a.m.,The Angels. confession and abse- Recitation —ley,Nelle Armfield and Prof.M.H. Temporary financing o7 rnment in thislneeessarybythe depleted condition f the balance in the general fundoftheTreasury,reduced to approxi- h,C.Privette,C. M.Adams and D.F Mayberry. EB.Raynal,R.E. Clapp and L. further reduction of $25 urday when the government will is-that amountavmentoftheDanishWestIndies. The issue of certificates of indelbt- longer than one ineerese at a rate net exceeding 3 per eent.has been vutherized by Congress up to S500 000,000,and this issue is the fi to be made under this authorization Cooking Exhibits —Mrs. |Miss-.Estelle Carlton and Mrs.D 8. Story-Telling,Class A - and to bear Lazenby and Mrs A.D,Cooper. Sewing Exhibits days ago,J.B.Parks,Hill communit lle theParkshashassuffered —Mr.C.L.Cass was interdayreturningtohisfromavisitto sons,.Cass and J,at Erwin,Tenn.to Elk Homn,Ky.,and waswiththemountainscenery,the like ofwhichhehadneverseen. —Mra.C.C.North Carolina Panama _canal bends to re >Welborne,W.|will do thee good.A.R.BECK, amount paid out of ordinary receiptfortheconstructionofthecanal. a Robbery —Some at ElmwoodTownshipContests.rian ehurch Sunday afternoon.township contests>county last Fri-’.were as follows:Race Sireet church,will go to Ca-afternoon to assist Eurly Wednesday morning a =man conducting a who failed to give his name,but who nsserted that he was employed by a Upright and Linvroed school; Carrigan,Oak Ridge school; telling,class A, wood:elass B,Wilson Brantley,Lin- wood:recitation,Deazie Powers,Oak being conducted Western Avenue Baptist church thisC.Owens of Ashe- ville has been very successful,muchinterestbeingshownintheservices. The meeting possibilities for a aiorganteation tort yesteryers-day afternoon for her home in Ashe- --Mrs.Henry Fonde,spedial repre-setitative of the general superintend- He was searching forsuitcase,he said,and remarked that he trusted he would have better luc! with his suit case than he had hadwithhismoney. iioned he told the sory tnai te was persons just beyond the overhead bridge west of he station,early the night week by Rev.J. Recitation,Mabel At- “lChartie Pierce,Brawley school;high jump,elass A,Luke Mayhew,May- B.Jessie Gudger, number of additions have been made hew sehool;class ‘©the church by letter and by bap- Oak Grove school;100-yard dash for ris,Vayta Pierce,Brawley school; ‘00-yard dash for boys,Walter Kel- adquarters in Knoxville,Tenn.,wasinStatesvillethisweek.Mrs.Fondewasmakingplansforbeautifyingthelocalstationgrounds,Plans ineludeplantingahedgeandvariousshrubs --The Western UnionCompanyhasissuedan ing ubout 90 per cent.of itstorsonthe8-hour day basis.order includes the Statesandplantgangemployeswhoseworkadmitsofdefiniteofdutyarealsoplacedon the 8- —A meeting ‘of the ninth districtMedicalSocietymetinmeetingwereDr.L.V.Cloaninger,Dr R.A.Campbell,Dr.AdamsJ.E.MeLaugh Dr.A.BE Bell of.D.MeLelland ofontheprogrammeto -Mr.Thos.J.Conger Landmark toWilliamJenningsPledgewillbe o'clock Mr.Owen will speak to children from 7 to 14 years of age. There will be regular day morning at 11 afternoon at - sum of $60 to $75 being taken from services Sun- him;that he had lain in an uncon-vious condition for some time,spend- ng the night outdoors. When questioned he ot informed the proceeded onnetgivinghis destination.The keen nerception that vitn the detective profession ‘is fellow in poor stead if his tale <<hool;Mt.Mourne glee club will en- r the glee club contest.Declamation,speaking on the subject,“Brains and local officers will be held Sunday evening. y-telling,Roland Sims; tt's Glee Club. .Lillian White.pelling,class nd Ines Barkley,Open View school, Feimster school; elasa A,Key Barkley,Fay bel Stikeleathe:Pearl Norris, Lipnard,theologicalLutheranSeminary, ,will preach at St. Martin’s church Sunday at 11 a.m. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday,the Saviour’s trium- pha)entry into Jerusalem.The mul- titude cried “Hosanna”! valm branches in the way.later they shouted,“Crucify him Will Furnish Potatoes. ’Watkins tells Thecomein contact with a number of folks who say they are unable to buy seeds for ‘planting. Watkins has decided to help out hose who can’t help themselves.He ;arranged for 40 pecks of pota-©,at 80 cents per peck.These hevillfurnishthepeoplewhocan’t buyorthemselves,if they will call on)the young men potatoes last.|ready 150 have that)“we the is supposed to Husband and Wife En Route to}he!Stevenson, County Home. In the office of register of deeds at |rgie Godfrev imster school;alternatelyMills,Open View school;Mary Boges and Glenn Norris,Feim a scene out of the ordinary. north Iredell ome to town the day before and wer: to the County .>.Cass had taken then the repister’s office so they coul The woman said she was *!10th and her and will be 8&1 in Jaly ovided with «a package of smoking her.Feimsier school April . to rr’s Branch;jump.Arthur mencement day.Fe bowls of the pip-that they had been dipped inj‘!mpton,KerrMeEwen Templeton, Valley;spelling,¢! on,Pine Valley :unders |promise,Godthosewhogetpotatoespromiseto’helping us,never to use intoxicating pay Mr.Watkins for the peck when|jjquors as a hey die their potatoes.Watkins isn’t in the vustness|He is simply of-| fering to help those who need help.|The _Sentinel CompanyOrganized a The stockholders of the Statesville)wou Sentinel Co.,Inc.met Tuesday and ton, Their pipes wert produced a match them a live con! Dr.Steeleto Enter theNavaley:Houstonville; \m.Gaither,make anything.hem to “note smoke,I rad,”and thes oth began to puff away contented! np,dehu McLain,Central school; ning broad jump,Lee Sloan,Cen «!eehool;substitute,Bryan Levan, Change in Revenue Office. ‘.Hammond ef Agheboro, who eame te Statesville January tst|o work for three months in the in-ternal revenve office,will leavehometomorroworSunday,his termhavingexpired.Mr. an applicant for the iM and Annie son ztchosen Cones.ay ed Mr.Hartness president,Mr.and Mr,Crowsonsecretaryandtreasurer.. von will edit and The companyraond“ah weekly to a semi-weekly paper. Union Grove‘over.18)Harvey Walker,19)°Tom Dowell;running high jumpover18),Teddy Dowell,(unger 15), Dowell,(under 15). who gave up place in the fevenue Office to serveasehiefclerkofduringthesessionof rover 18),Wm. snwetheStateSenateLegisle- 3 .runningonPageEight) new1 Church,®of 16 South- have contributed. to be of Georgia marble cost $400,000. over continued ill- .Roscoe Parker,district inspector ter the West- nion Company.com- hk a eat in Richmond himselfby.fe formerly lived at rlotte.Survived by son and ; The trial of 108 coal corporations and 66 individuals located 4 West Virginia and the western part of irginia,indicted for alleged viola- of the Sherman law for arbitra- rily increasing the price of coal,has| been set for May 7 in the Federal | court in New York. The body of Sergt.J.R.McCon- nell,the American aviator and North Carolinian who was killed last week in an ent with two German alry.ines,was found by French cav- With the body was the wreck- age of McConnell’s machine.It was found in the devastated zene of the German retreat. After a statement had been admit- ted in evidence that 250 shells for fire bombs had been manufactured in 12 days on board a German mer- chant steamship tied up at Hoboken,| N.J.,the government ctosed its case against Capt.Charles von Kleist and five other Germans,on trial in the Federal court in New York,for con- spiracy to destroy vessels carrying munitions from American ports to the Entente allies.© Comptroller Williams finds that the assets of the national banks of the country on March 5 aggregated more than $16,000,000,000,exceeding by more than $5,000,000 the combin- ed resources of the Bank of Engiand, the Bank of France,the Bank of It- aly,the Bank of Spain,the Bank of Norway,the Bank of Sweden,the Swiss National Bank,the Natiogal Bank of Denmark.the Bank of Ja- pan and the Reichsbank of Germany. eTa arnes CuemECENS UF Dr.Davis Dead in China. News has been bury of the death of Dr.John Wright Davis,D.D.,since 1873 a missionary of the Southern Preshy- terian Church in China.He had a prominent part in the missionary ac- tivities of the empire and the repub- lie,was active in the organization of =Union Theological Seminary of ina,and for awhile was a profess- or in that institution.At the time of his death he was actively connect- ed with the Blake Memorial Hospit- a!of Soochow. Dr.Davis was 68 vears old and a native of Salisbury.He was a broth- er of O.D.Davis of Salisbury and of Rev.W.H.Davis of Pisgah For- est.Two children survive —Miss Alice Davis,a teacher in Soochow, and John Kerr Davis,American con- sul at Autung.Manchuria. In his visits home,years ago,Dr. Davis frequently visited Statesville and is well remembered by some of the older residents. Dr.J.C.Blair Dead. Dr.J.C Blair,aged near 8&4 years,died a few days ago at hishomenearLenoir.He was a countryphysicianandformanyyearswas well known in that capacity in Cald- well and adjoining sections.He help-ed organize the First North Caroli-!na cavalry at the outbreak of theWarBetweentheStatesandwasthecaptainofTroopC.He was cap-tured by the Federals and was oneof600ConfederateofficersorderedshotatCharleston,S.C.,but the or-|der was rescinded and the men weresenttoaNewYorkprison,wheretheyremaineduntilthecloseofthe‘war.When a young man Dr.Blair,while running a horse in a race with his brother,was thrown to the ground and received an injury which Made him a cripple for life,losingit.use of one leg.He veaves a fam-~—Wwife,four sons and a daughter. SLATT Agricultural |Preparedness isUrged. Secretary Houston has appealed to the farmers of America Pay inagriculturalpreparednessmeasuressothatthecountrymaynotbehan-dicapped by food shortage in its ef-forts to meet the international cri-sis.Elimination of waste,conserva-tion of surplus and attainment ofmaximumcropreturnsareovtlinedg son ofasimperativestepsforstrengthen-ing agricultural aca,=“Both for economic and patrioticYeasons,”the Secretary of Agricul-ture said in a formal statement,“the,American farmer should strive thisPeforthehigheststandardofef- in the production and con-of food.” received in Salis-.‘ ship by the Legisla ago:that he read r , mark and he was .pinning his to what the paper said (and he was right as subsequent events show). Mr.Rhyne insisted that a warrant he issued for Mr.Holland and prom- ised to produce the law against the day of trial.The case was heard before Justice| Moore of New Hope township and the trial was at Weisner's store. Ex-Senator Z.V.Long appeared for Mr.Holland and made a motion to dismiss the warrant on the ground that there is no statute prohibiting fowls running at large in Olin town- ship.Mr.Rhyne was unable to cite the chapter and verse in the law books but he contended that such a law had been passed,for The Land- mark said so.As the court couldn't accept Mr.Rhyne's recollection of what The Landmark said as conelnus- ive evidence,Mr.Rhyne lost and had to pay the cost,which amounte!to about $19.50. As The somewhat at stake in this matter has pleasure in saying that Mr. Rhyne is rieht.The law was passed by the Legislature of 1911 and The Landmark so stated when it)wrs nassed.It is charter 590 of —the laws of 1911 and here is the shane in which it appeared in the Jaw books published a couple of months or so after the Legislature adjourn- ad: “An Act to Prevent the Devresa- tion of Domestic Fowl:in States ville Township.ivedell “The General Assembly « Carolina do enact: “Section 1.That it shall ho ful for any person ir 5 township,Olive townshin county.and in Piereo’s *"i!!te ship,Cumberland county,North olina,to)nermit any turke ,ducks or other é to run oat farge after h duly notified to keep said fox! “Section °Thet person rermitting his fowls to run fter hein:ifie »keen th guilty of a mis?! iction shall he fir or imprisc eding five davs “Section 3..That this a enforeed from and afte tion, “Ratified this,the 6th « March,1911." It will be reads “Olive tv."There is no~the enunty.Mr thie law,but as it conld nroverly sav.as he d Olin wasn't mentioned +the books.and it was the busire the other side to show to the « trary.The error in the fav to eareless copving or 1 when the law printed passed,ns The Landmark said passed for Olin townshi: ntv.Mr.N.1D.Tom! home ix in Olin.was a member o House at the time and an a tion of citizens of Olin he bh for Stat \include Olir,as the Landmark's reputation it it County: f Nerth chickcnsfowls anvan) shall he and unen censer.<eeeding $5, that t! W ; natieed tewnshin.Tred“iveLong kre read “Olive”heA.th chicken law sville tes mmeniled toKnew Mr The Landmar! the passage of the not ists or proof-readers, Olin was changed te law was recorded in the statute Whether the courts would hold that the error j fr¢the law isa auestior If the faet coulda bes shown as they exist The landmark believes that the la-would he held valid.Rut a test in the court:would mean the expenditure of time and monev.Meantime Mr.Rhyve is out 31950 plus some worry,and is «till aubject to the depredations of neigh- hors’fowls It would seem that he has cause for damages arainst who- ever is responsible for the error that eaused him to lose his suit.AnywaytheStateofNorthCarotinnisn’t giving its citizens a ‘square when it enacts a law Tor their protec- tion and then throws them down through an error in printing it. Where the Law Holds Good. Citizens of Statesville townshipwilltakenoticethatthereisnode fect in the law as it anplies to Statesville township;and the citizen of this township.which includes the town of Statesville.who allows his fowls to run at large,after being notified,is liable to the pains and venalties prescribed.This is an in- terésting fact just now—at the sea- garden-making and when rardens are more important than ev er before. Noted American Sculptor Dead. Moses Ezekiel,noted American nuthe are vindiented alawandthey : there and his {responsible’for error:of cop throuch wham Olive when the al to den! sculptor,died Tuesday in Rome of ;born in Rich--in 1844,studied art at theHepneumonia. mond,Va.,was that the advroadswould 15 per |showing that increases tween 18 and 21.2 ent or ne Ag lread istingoperationayexaeoffivelines.Southernvrobablywilldeterminethe perageofincreasedesiredat@enceinWashingtontoday. |spokesmen for the railroads |known that they are preparing lern railway,speaking for the South- hes ,Many ~offiecr e wer( -©any In addition to the be- fore the Inter-State Com- mission concerning inter,rates,it betogobeforeeveryStaterailroadand lie utilities commiss%on in the a.to ask for authority to increase their freight tariffs on intra-State = President Harrison of the “ ern lines,declared the roads of hissectionwereprosperousandwould-ontinue to make money,even under‘resent conditions,but that withoutanadvanceinretesthey“eould notgrow.”The prime need of Southernraiiroads,he said,is capital,and thiscannotbeobtainedwithearningea- pacity curtailed as under present vonditions.Mr.Harrison said —the Southern railway had =spent $62.-000,000 in betterments in ree years.Many protests against an in- crease have been lodged with In-ter-State Commerce Commission. rere eewlEe Observations of Correspondent Frejerick Pa'med,war co d-rep-ent,who wes the enly accredit press i ee oe ee ee ee ee s aSo n ot roseniative of the American yn the western front for more thantwoyears,delivered a confidentialtatkatthe.\vmy War Coll in Washington to the general staff and officers deta:lee there. Palmer detailed to the armymathingswhichhehas been at liberty to publish,prin- cipally of a military value to thetStates. Mr not U natedSome of the things the corresponid-,told the army officers were per-te become public and amon: was his declaration that —the d Scates shouk!not attempt.toytroopstoFranee.until it aive?aun army of proper pro- por ;Ten thousand men,hesaid,would do t.ttle more than hold 4 mile of trench On the subject of censorship in th event the United States entered thMr.Palmer counseled the ap- of a chief civilian censor, with army and navy officers for as- <tanis,and the publication of all ocsible details in connection with army.inesmuch as an army must be recruited from the peoole, 4 Id the officers the people must omtment ———= e recognized as _Profit Column OU can almost positively count on @75%cash saving in your delivery and~hauling costs if you instal!Smith Form-a-Truck equipment. _For one Smith Form-a-Truck willeasilydotheworkoffromthreetofourteams—costs no more than one good teamtobuy—and eliminate all unnecessary labor andequipmentcharges. It will cost you nothing to maintainwhenitisnotactuallyworkingforyou—andwhenitisworkingitwillgiveyouthelow-est ton-mile hauling cost in the world. 10,000 users have proved these big serv-ice facts in over 450 lines of business.‘Thedemandthisyearmakes30,000 the mini-mum number the factory can build. And the big new development —theuniversalattachmentfittingoverany; Maxwell,Buick,Dodge Bros.,ChevroletorOverlandchassisletsyouselectyourownprovedpowerplant. ED.G.WHITE MOTOR COMPANY, ‘Phone 515,E Broad St.,Statesville,N.C. part of it and yiv- niormation which would not of military vrlue to an cnemy. oe eee ee ee ee Death Alabama Sterm Leaves in its Wake. tr counties in central Alaa ovept ly a storm.early Tues yr and 11 lives gre known mT lost,while property heavy.In-section.of iw county,where the heaviest ag”was done,people are desti- and much sufferrng is reporced. storm swept portions en ww,Pike,Hale and Chilton coun- Five of the dead are white. Every dwelling house in Petrey, “)miles from Luverne,was d hs ished and many blown away.The <hool house,Masonic Loige and were wrecked and depothurchvlacedacrosstherailroadtrackscanara. DRS J. joes Taxes have been due since December Ist.The county needs the money and the com-missioners say I must collect it.So,Mr.Taxpayer,you willsavetroubletoyour-self and tome if youwillcallpromptlyandsettle.M.P.ALEXANDER,SHERIFF. EMU 1 SiON |IL.ARNER,en C. wi tence tbtoa|ikea tetkaes tubber.ap Iron,Rags,cough or cheat cold wien |7 3 divesthesystem the force (GOOD ROADS to help resist disease.and Use SCOTT'S Refuse Substitutes Scott &fowne,Bloomfield,N.j.1o68 &SUPPLY COMPANY. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND,|*Phone 20 Good Tires are the pleasure of our ride.{et us repair the Tires that will give you this pleasure!VULCANIZING. Royal Academy of Art of Berlin and 1 CourtStreet.We sellMiller Tire andTubes! WILLYS-OVERLAND MOTOR CARS.TRUE ECONOMY. Choose that car which will best sgrve your needs within your means.This constitutes true economy in the purchase of an automobile.Thereisintegrity of value in every one ol the cats in the WILLYS-OVERLAND line. The most comprehensive line of cars ever built by any one producer.Let us help you choose the car that for you individually will best exemplify true economy. Come in and seehow much car $665 will buy in the OVERLAND TOURING. W.R.Mills Motor Co. Remember the advance on this car effective April Ist,is $30. a 4 e f $ F The Seeretary’s appeal is part ofthecampaignundertakenbytheDe-rtment of Agriculture to mobilize Mr.Maxwell An Applicant. Mr.A.J.Maxwell,clerCarolinai cumate for secre- tariff boardthisweekinchancesforthe BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in @)mortgage deed,executed by J.M.Seago ia _—awife,to the undersigned,1 will seil at public,=o —oauctiontothehighestbidderforeash,at the |court house door in Statesville,MLC,on \ MONDAY,APRIL 9%,1917, at the hour of neon,the following house lot,situnted in the elty of Btatewville,me oe~—a ae follows,to-wit:|inning at a stake,Bost's corner of enet side of Center street;Ghenes with alinenearly~about 200 feet to a «tahHost's corner the edge of the SoutherhTablets.|Railway Company's rieht of war;thattereating.|northward with Soutnern Railway 60|to corner of I.B.Lawrence's lot;# first won distinction when he was awarded the prize of Rome at Berlin in 1873.He was decorated by theEmperorofGermanywiththeCrossofMeritandArt.Among his works in this country are “Religious Liber-ty.”Fairmount Park,iladelphia,and “Virginia Mourn-ng Her TIN:BEif F i Lexington,V “Next Planters’Wh,Ste |weaterard with his lot 200 feet to a stakecornerat«treet;thence southward with Cstreet60feetiothebeginnine °Kh.A,COOPRR L a .Guardian,ete.R.BR.McLoughlin,Atty.~~March 9 1917 Sarenene=alateyourmealies,pa |e——-;len :rT |.Wt Steteeville Drug7spromptattention,Feb, are S| Telephone Numbers Are:|}re laa alist i‘£8 ."“S|DAY 43°~NIGHT 256,|2 esi -a .wre oh ia i Payee ON Re re "FEE RTO BO °F eA ST AOR i s eee #,raiaKs;rs ‘ey & ey i.‘ ‘*P oer : “poll.on all;Mooresville,Applied in Salve FormOver :;over :than|services and Chest RelievesbyInhalation died aad Absorption.conducted . ib e F i i ag | aF e d | it i l ai % ¥ FEifi i :iS eh.The chancel and Times and the Associatedheapedwithbeautifulan‘elab-Press,is now in’the pub-orate,floral offering».jlicity department In-Mr.Cornelius was <9 yoara °f age)suranceSee oung.Heandissurvivedbyhiswife,who was will write on,fire pre-'|Miss Etta Brantley,the onay Galeves |sin"andr.rs.\of Mr.and David Jim Martin a als has admit-thisvicinity,and two c'.|ted takinga and some15,and Bleeker,11,jeash from the Manufac-|8 these he is survrved by his moth.turing Co.first the [ae fe 0 Mrs.Ada Clarkofcharge and tried to up astrike;amongthe Thi ns ads ..N.Cornel f |Was auit of|ham,Ala.andGeo.Gyand BECor.|$000 bond,About all the property |nelius of Mooresville.He was reared|Rig oy.Tann Genes «| ca a c E E s ¥“<=£3 3 eather in the business 6¢SOMOHM|Censs””wif ember Gee heen Os:|oawillproduceandin|merchandising.Some years laterhe|such quantities that it 5 be usedsoldoutandwentontherdadasa):traveling salesman,in which businese Haheeieer -__inf pulp has|Mr.fo grea a Rex at ra been considered worthless. irrita’tissue or timeof his »planned tc.M f 2 eae For you when youcanlet |shkin.gt engg ms wil]start on his spring trip tfextMonday.wane ut tennea has nm od eerie WILL BE a pump the water and|cost very little at any of the drug oder a —bonnes Sue and i:will give all its employes at Con-‘save you timetodevote|*t°re*,but will positively rid one’s accumu a considerable estate.ord and Kannapolis heeig!weeks’‘'{|fcc gw har orsoft grm Benes Mande ame hae,86 huerenetree tm acme |©COUNTY “OMMENCEMENT DAYtoyourwork.Save this}hardened callus.If your st owned several hundred acres of landoffset high cost of living and.to r hasn’t any freezonehecanget it at in the county andcarrieda in-help them timeand money.A Myers any wholesale drug house for you.(surance,No other citizen of town |help th if the caiten lagen fe.aePumpwillsavethis.Let}NOTICE was more popular with the general]the company will have garden pateh-In our opinion the BIGGEST day Statesville hasusputoneinforyou.NOTICE.Znaliy dthms Twiwill Se"Reay vr grins,Suny secs er Ga TO ALL LAND OWNERS IN SNOW CREEK)Always free and out-spoken,yet with-|county,a ie a t ’;4 entire year.‘ W.E.MUNDAY.pee py ge the Board of @l kindly and ever ready to offer a al son of Mitchell ee ‘‘ld i ’Your Plumber,114 B.BroadSt.|CommissionersofSnowCreek Dis-friendly hand,he looked everon the an4 killed John Murray.Both farm-_Wewant —n theparade to carry a|trict on January 8.wnt,sens n'a,sunny side and few were thesituation®»,,Killing said to be tne result of United States lag.Wehavebeen the —_——_—‘ot tie oat for thepayment of the tos!from Which he could not extract @ 4 ‘feud between the families.A of furnish -T PE cist of the proposedImprovements,wich east hearty Inugh,Someyears ago he small son of Murray was the only|ae urnishing one fee for the —fostineand pubilhingofsaidnoticethe rt eeecommer |*recunes.Beousand Me younger and take great pleasurein doing so..ql |hae made error nding :i.ager a Will Give Boot.cost of improvements to be $40,034 a2 afore-until his death.A good husband and held as an accomplice.|Wecertai“ly hopetheweather will be favora- JIM THARPE wants to |ty)Wis Bcoen ©es Satine shoud howe father,s loyal friend and ap cstecm:|Pres.Johnston,one of the thres ble,and that all the children will and ’ swap Feed,Grain,Flour a You will therefore take notice that it Is the @dPy sage -...saiienet by conviets who eseaped from the ’ren come, |and Hams for cash.Then gerne &So Conmtnannsof Face Cok 0 ine ¥Criminal Insane Department of the that we will have the and best County swap cash for Eggs,2 ——‘ofthe total on of the improvements tn rh an rho nded the f |State Prison by means of a piece of Commencement that we ve ever had.Chickens and —more the amount of 896,000,These bonds are to|Among those who atte M un,Wire and a erow-bar,was caught at Hams.MULE,HORSE *&es ot eh etemen.coqubte,comd-emme =on ——were +“J Pelion,8Cc.ane veternedto quar-os no allt tenesflag dean hie as.;eo Messrs.W.ters at e Prison.Another Remember |ery child ~ ee”a wr,itek Ant eadvoosrip.tee aearin,,cormelive and J,Ml.Deaten ofStates convict had previously been appre-that takes part in the .to he bonds may,,.Elam ‘lar-::IREDELL PRODUCE CO ‘om or tefore‘the £30 day of"Apri“Wott,a gnee’Cornelius of ‘routman and Mrs csthe aulp steno,pr come and we will see to that you get the flag,4 “TMTHARPE |which his land is liable,wom te |Ble.Lecneed Fiskda,whe was with|Mr.Shelly Coble was found dead ,:a =|Fe eo gee &the army on the border at Bt Paso and \iic","Segern"thandeiph coomy.|Merchants and Farmers’Bank.|—For Clase C $22.39 per acre :ol Anhautiie ville to §»in ph county.|:ESSER HERE Se casement cototaah Sot Senda Me,Coe roderid ere Of Statesville,N.C.|Bet,eee utte Kav’teen ascertained trom Mra.,E.M.Fields,and has accepted ‘amed back home fundayevening.a e ry to COP|sre ciassidcationsheetand the certificateofg position with the WhiteDrug Co |“:“The Bank For Your Savings.as ~the board showing the totab cost of improve-2,PRAumWIR ioe elds served int horse went home Sunday night | ::ment.The land on which the assessments are 2 FS eee .land the body of Mr.Coble was found|eessem=’See a Everyzhing in atock to |»galt Gah te cteenes foam ereek lendrly goer pipelndioeel 1 and is sub-|Sones,morning.is had |been aver Set $<=e Soeo |poy ,at any dragged to th.Wife and five ' meet ourwants.Roof-shall continue liable for any future assessment ° ; Ri e Roll for maintenance or for any increased ansess-The branch store of the Kelly|children. ,in in,d ment authorized under the law.Clothing Company at Kannapolis was;Rumors in Wilmington to the ef-' V |Ti uttering Cummuastonere reserve the right to reject broken into Monday night for the sec-|feet that German agents were seek-jev.iin,,jee A.R BOWLES,Chairman.ond time and about $300 worth of jing to influence the negro population and Spoutin >Galvaniz-|H.R.COWLES,Secretary.clothing stolen.No elue to the guilty to at least :remain inactive in the) j ;Mareh 9,1917.____parties as yet.{event of actual hostilities betwen the’ ed Iron an will maxe 7...°!Editor H,P.Deaton of the Moores-!two countries called forth a strong|anything in Sheet Metal Work For a Clean City }ville Enterprise has had his building 8enial on the part of the negroes.In ou want painted and overhauled.Mr.Deaton public meeting they declared that the y .renee ed TUES in company with two other citizens of black man has always been willing |, TESVILLE TIN CO The APR has proceinn 5 Up”the town,is beginning to see visions.to shed his blood for the Stars and STA °pay a tooo a reall 7 aa Mr.J.L.Donald,the president of Stripes and pointed to the Carrizal Seen GB,200%Brand Greet,||Sccseriie the clenpent a0 well on the She chamber of commerce,and Mr.(|(Titulo)ineiiont no sme ok ie ;:;C.Ward,-r of many times the negro has cheerful-1best—eo ar oe —_—oo a ‘Ty latd down hislife in support of the We have just received a nice line of cae remises ¢racti :::oa ’:;\DR.VANCE HASTY,—|to compel you to got rid of the ra (aesvine pave heenchanged em Dresses.Both Crepe de Chine and 4 DENTAL SURGEON..ve orgend ro oo oe with seeing such visions as a new To Mobilize Labor.|Taffetas.Also a big lot of Coats 4 Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor HEALTH!Clean surroundings elim-/288enger station with real flowers Mobilization of labor for govern.|= RST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,|;x sare’bill blooming around it,new streets and ment service in ghe event of.war withFiinateorreducedoctors’bills.,D e and Suits. Statesville,N,Cc,You get the trash together in a 10,000 inhabitants.The saying that Germany was planned at a conference | —_ies eT pile and the town will get it.away “a prophet is eta gee honor eo of officials and labor leaders won|I HILDREN'S >t in his own country’does not hold g ’Labor Wil i ash.|7eemithoutfarther,toleOEeeerer true ix Moscone Rcerrygcate ara eae We alwayscarry a good lineofShirtdayfollowing*Clean-“I went on a long visit recently,”agreed for making readily avail- T OITE SHERRILL we —on 7 eS ae the —o a yee,yaad of the town able neue aden ares |Waists.See us before buying. DR.C »1,trash.“and everywhere ound The Land-eration of government shipyards and| |All premises.will be inspected af-mark.When I was in Washingtor arsenals and of plants working on i General Practioner in ter the “Clean-up”Day and_their and went to the Congressional Library government contracts." City and County.condition passed upon by the health that Landmark was the first paper!Officials profiting by the experi-‘ All calls telephoned to Jas.R officers.ttention will be given to found,and you ought to have seen m:calls te .R.;all who have not duly complied with read it!” Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-the mayor’s proclamation and set The ‘ittle negro child who was sent enees of England,are determined tha‘the country,in the event of war,shal!not be embarrassed by labor troubles rium will have prompt attention.their house in order.to goog _ag —weeks and imability to obtain skilled and un- —#e r 1h be!ago and abandoned,was located !:s‘|skilled workers.Through the Ameri-M R }M R Y S I M Se°A LL k 1 N Ds —by its mother and brought ee vuberation of Later,repremnted »e dl .e i y Glass,and a ;:y its president,Samuel Gompers,the tion ot oe oT ak Booka:nye R.Pag =and Miss Lo government expects to get its supply :Sash Weights,Cord,Sash Fasten-rene Brown of Mt.Pleasant were vis ‘of trained workmen.The United The Cash Store. 5 itors here Wednesday.They were ac.g ic Employme riWEHAVESECUREDTHEers,Door Locks,Butts and Hinges.companied home by Mrs.RA.Gow suates Public Employment Service-ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON-©,WATHIN.mon ond childvon,whe bed visited’Gre dere,miki’men and theation|ts i &¢"Civil Service Commission will supply BELK STORES FOR GUR OF-—relatives here and at Troutman fo:clerical help.The Postoffice Depart- we the past ten days. \:a Me Daten ,ment will advertise the country’sFICEANDWAITINGROOM,NEW ARRIVALS Janae wey,Templeton 2"nada,The Council of National De-WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN ®lice on the border and who are nov Geemeee [eemtaianer committe MrANDWAITIFJITNEYISNOT—-Charlotte,were given operate ,»,,|nine hours’leave of absence Wednes-.IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN-|/A fresh lot of Kellogg’s day to visit their families here.Special Guard For President.TION GIVEN TO CALLS.Toasted Bran and Krum-iss Gay Kennette was hostess t(Precautionary measures of theANYWHEREINTHECITY10.|pjog,oot one a oy weiore |caelaborate kind will be taken to BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE several tables and delicious yf .nrotect President Wilson from any $5 CENTS.A tub of fat Mackerel.caus wale -oak retre home a ——poe ‘PHONE 511.A shipment of Davis The stores of the town held thei!9 Washington special to the Greens-}.,usual spring openings today.Th bere News.JitneyTransferCompany.Brothers’Graham Flour.|iitlinery departments paraded the "The eqpito!building will be closedGetabagoftheFlour|!newest in hats and were visited by during the morning to every one ex- while it is fresh.large crowds.The town had on its cept Senators,members,their clerks Cc.H.LESTER,} REGISTERED ARCHITECT, SS Rees eh os Pec dentheim-}ission.wi not :‘.PI 89.tosh beslnens af ing about!he given outuntil shortly before the |W«can supply you with furnitureas costlyas you may Easter costumes and discussing stylet Presider:arrives for fear there desire Sut we specialize on grades thet have all of theandcolors.Concern h be nsfer-:‘Ragle &Milholland.fae Os Genie tates net Bdee ecationsoT dmission |charm co.the more expensive andarestill most reason* Statesville,N.C.Phone340Green.|enough to speak for themselves.who does not belong inside.able in price.TT CATARRNALDEAPNESA CANNOT BE The oldest and most trasted . yoann ee eee guards will be placed at all the en-After you pac certain point in the price of furnt-trances’of the building and special[By loca!applications.as thersonnetreschthe |ooeeSentatives of the newspaper |tureyou are paying for your own satisfaction only.We WANTED!2oaeltina ede what at roe wee NOs he pee ee!eee en eee SCRAP —Heyt The.we tne ot ie pe eon ono Wren @ bona fide newspaper man is admit-benefit enperionce.per-pound.Licht per Sa far ooeae ik,Ts ee ok OORT weeniekaaleeclmed,Deafness te the result,Uniess about the President will be greatly| FOR SALE:lpuegeedl to I ancm eeesexw———'inftamed Signof i=PREELSES Te“Beeeee: aeraL1G) Mar.30,1917. CHANGE OF NAME. The suggestion of the alumnae of Statesville College that the name of the institution be changed to Mitch- ell Memorial College,in honor of Dr.Elisha Mitchell,seems to The Landmarkagood idea.A number of the educational institutions of the State have changed names in recent ears,the idea being to get a name) that stands for something.Outside of the word Statesville,which identi- fies the location,the name of the local institution is noe of value.Im fact,The Landmark hopes that what- ever is done the word “female”will) be dro Dr.Miicheil’s daugh- ters,Mrs.Grant and Miss Mitchell, were long identified with the college and did a splendid work there;and an educationa!institution,training young women for life work,would be a fitting memorial to Dr.Mitch- ell,educator,scientist and explorer— a greater memoria!than a monument of stone or marble and one that would keep alive his memory in the hearts of future generations.The change of name would not affect the town,The college would still be heré and a change of name might mean enlarged work and greater work for the institution,which would make it a greater asset for States- ville. Plans of the alumnae for the col- lege do not stop with the proposed change of name,which of itself might not mean so much.There are other plans which it is hoped may be carried out,which will mean en- largement of the curriculum and en- larged opportunities for the college. TEE EOAT That is a fine boost—one worth while and one of which to boast-— that Deputy Fire Insurance Commis-sioner ye gives Statesville.Thefirewasteconditionsherehavenot enlv greatly improved,but they arefirstclasswithafewexceptions.This is a compliment to the officialswhohavelookedaftertheenforce- ment of the law and a compliment to Statesville people,who have,as Mr.Jordan says,shown a spirit of co- operation.The Landmark has saidagainandagainineffect,that the citizen who knowingly,wilfully,-_ligertly and wantonly allows condi-tions that invite a fire is not a goodcitizen.He is morally a criminal an should be put in jail if damage re-sults from his negligence;and the citizen who refuses to promptlyremedydangerousconditionscalledtohisattentionneedstobehandled —and at once.Statesville has madeafinerecordandwewanttokeepitup.No relaxing now but furtherwatchfulnessandbetterconditionsstillagainstthetimeofanotherin-enection.It's for our own safety. |REAR ecmeonceTACeIDNESENNSEeROTEL The pacifists mean well and we sympathize with all they say abouttheevilsofwar.But the efforts oftheEmergencyPeaceFederation,to secure the creation of a German-American Joint Commission to dis-euss our international differences,seem out of place now.We haveialkedtoGermanyalmosteversince the beginning of the war,bore pa- tiently for months things we hadtimeandagainassuredtheTeuton we could net countenance,and itdoesseemthatthetimefortalkhas ended.If Germany would ask for aconferencewithsomeshowofawurposetoeliminatetecauseofourgrievances,we should and wouldembracetheopportunrtty.But to ask us,under the circumstances,to makeapleaforaconference,consideringallthetimeandopportunitygiven for that very thing,is asking a lit- tle too much;and The Landmark says this reluctantly and while stillharboringthehope--a hope without foundation,it admits—that actualhostilitiesmayyetbeaverted. (EE Geter em eeee By proclamation of the mayor nextweekis“Clean-Up Week”in States- ville,beginning Tuesday,April 3d. e city teams will hau!off the trash collected by the citizens and then thesanitaryinspectorswilllookoverthegroundtoseethatallhavebeendil-iwent and to jog the indifferent.More important sstiil,the CivicLeagueladieswillco-operate andusetheirinfluenceandexampletogetthetowncleanedandtokeepit clean.The ladies sre more powerfulthanofficialsandlawswhentheychoosetoexertthemselves,and alto-gether it would seem that as a mat-ter of safety it is up to Mr.AverageCitizentogetbusynextweekanddosomecleaning.The day is pass-ed for argument about this matter.y knows that cleanliness isnecessaryforhealth,that it is desir-ae,for appearance sake.The in- 1 who permits his premises tobeanoffencetothelandscapehurtsnotonlyhisownhouseholdbutthewholneighborhood.One unattrac-spot mars the entire surround- RENTER Thursday,April Sth,being CountyCommencementDayinIredell,thiscountywillbeunabletoformallyob-serve the ~~”“Planting Day,” itionIredell 80 andto the withstanding thishasbeenatime I‘acking in national patriotism, Southerners were not ready to an-swer ptly the country’s call. That been proven soitdoesnotadmitofargument.But the customs,the habits of ourpeople,change slowly.To cern,perhaps,in these periloustimes—to put the flag inoftenerandshowmoremarked rev-erence for it.and to do other things to bring to life our dormant feeling. It may not be necessary to issue reclamations,hold public meetingsandpassresolution,sump up anddownandwhoopandyellsimplytomakeanoise.We are all ready toservewhencalledonofcourse,butpossiblyitwouldbebetterifweweretoshowmoresignsofthat willingness—-in a conservative wayandwithoutanexhibitionof_fire- works. The war is on—in Asheville andRaleigh..The Asheville Times andCitizenareinawarofwordsovertheoldissue—which paper has the|largest cireulation—and there is talkofvits,$500 forfeits,etc.The|Raleigh Times is distressed on ac-count of the fact that when theThirdregimentparadedinthecap-ital city weniey there was not acheerandhardlyahatraisedwhenthecolorspassed.The Times be-lieves the Raleigh folks are patrioticbutitthinksee|have a poor wayofshowingit.ereupon the NewsdObserverremarkedineffectthat“still waters yuan deep”;thatonecanbepatrioticwithoutbeinga“bawling jingo”and that jumpingupanddownandyellinglikeaComancheIndianwashardlythe‘hing to do on the Sabbath day, even when a regiment of troopsmarchedby.Then the Times saidsomemore,and so on. A war of words has been in progressinthenewspapersaboutthenameoftheinstitutionknownfromitsfound-ation as the A.and M.College—Agri-cultural and Mechanical College.TheLegislaturechangedthenametotheNorthCarolinaCollegeofAgricul-ture and Engineering end the alumnipromptlybegancalliagtheinstitutiontheNorthCarolinaStateCollege,ortheStateCollege.Dr.Clarence Poe of the Progressive Farmer and otherscontendthatthisisaplanofcity alumni,who are ashamed to be known as graduates of an agricultural col-lege,to cut out the word agriculture. The city fellows come beck and knockDr.Poe.President Alexander of theFarmers’Union,Dr.Poe and others of that organization were to meet Gov. Craig and President Riddick of the college in Raleigh yesterday to try and agree on the name of the college. President Bunch of the Mer-chants’Association advises TheLandmarkthathehadinmindtheuggestionthatthemerchantscon- sider the delivery system,with a view to curtailing it and putting itonabusinessbasis.The subject istobediscussedatthenextmeetingoftheassociation,the third FridaynightinApril.The Landmark hopes that not only will members of the as- sociation co-operate in this most de-sirable endeavor,but that the Com- mercial Club,the Civic League and kindred organizations will heartily second their efforts.It is for our mutual benefit.It will materiallyreducethecostofbusinessandshouldmeanamaterialsavingtotheconsumer.Let everybody help to cut out the waste. _W.B.Hagerdon of Charlotte pub- lishes a card in the Observer to ex- plain that he is not a German,as has been reported,but a foyal American citizen.He is too old to go into the field,he says,but is willing to serve in a submarine or on an aeroplane ifUncleSamwantshisservice. Pacifists to Demonstrate. Officers of the Emergency Peace Federation are in Washington from New York to arrange for a publie demonstration at the convening of Congress Monday,in protest against war with Germany.ey propose tohavepeaceadvocatesfromvariouscitiesmarchoverPennsylvaniaav-enue to the capitol and there seekinterviewswithRepresentativesandSenatorstourgethecreationofa German -American joint commis-sion to discuss the international dif-ferences and a conference of neutralnationstoconsidermeansofendingthewar. Distinguished Citizen Dead.Col.Charles Chailles -Long,known throughout the world as sol-dier,diplomat and author,died Mon-day night,a 76 years,at Virgin-ian Beach,a.He was born aiPrincessAnne,Md.,of irench -rents,and served with distithroughouttheCivilWarandtheFrench-Kayeseventies.jan armies United States as consul n that N relieve| ourselves of the appearance of indif-|ference we ought to show more con-| evidence| }eral service just ‘State camps for home,be t Tells How To duringthe at ‘; ie e e Hf He Hu t t re e ? af E | Selling at $1.00 each? They are Excellent Values Better for the money than usual. We have Crepe de was issued included theCarolinaandFirstfantry.which thus eecaFederaldutyuntilanother formalcallisissued.|Because of a misunderstanding of'the oer of troops affected by thefirstorder,the War Department alsedirectedthatallorganizationswhichhavebeenmusteredoutoftheFed-eral service,but have not left the!broughtbackunderarms.Both the War and Navymentsareenrollingphysicians icivillifeinordertoexpeditere-|—>» nother announcement made }Board has:that the Federal ReserveorderedarmyvouchersaFederalReservebanksas npaper.The action wes ta to meet the emergency presented by thefailureofthelastCongresstopassthearmyappropriationbillandthedeficiencybillstocoverbordermo-bilization expenses.Probably _thetotalamountofbusinesstheWarDepartmentmustdooncreditwillpassthe$50,000,000 mark before ap- propriations become available.i oem Interned Germans Would MakeNoPledges. The crew of the German auxil ieruiserKronprinzWilhelm,411 of-;ficers and men,arrived at Fort Me-;Pherson,Ga.,Tuesday,declined to: give any pledges whatsoever,salut-/ed the United States flag as theposs] band played “The Star SpangBanner”at “retreat,”and wereplacedinastockade.Those broughtfromPhiladelphia,where they had been interned,include only the offi-cers and crew of the Withelm,the remainder of the 750 enx::ors being e taken to Fort Oglethorpe,Ga.,near Chattanooga. too—and many When the train bearing the sail- new ors arrived at the post,Capt Thier-feldt and eight German officers were met by Capt.H S.Wagner,Seven-teenth infantry,and informed that Some at $3.50 up to $6.50. they were to he immediately taken Many new before Col.Charles R.Noyes,incommand.After a curt introductionofhimself,the captain presented this week in each of the other officers and then was told by Col.Noyes that “I havesentforyouthatImightxnowyouandthatyou’might know me.”HehadproceedednofurtherwhenCapt.Thierfeldt interrupted to say: inline and experience that could be)given them in the E n armies We wantto The child of Mr.and Mrs.B.J.!Bryan,Jr.,of Wilmington,21)|months old,fell into a basin of boil-ling water and was fatally burned,||dying in a few hours “My men are milfary men,just the same as you,and we will give no pledges.” “We have arranged to take care ofvu_as well as possible,”Col.Noyescontinued,“but feature conditions will depend largely upon yourself.Ishallweleomeyouradvice,but you are in custody.Ee Gen.Miles Talks. Lieut.Gen.Nelson A.Miles of theUnitedStatesarmy,retired,speak- ing in New York at the National De- fence Convention held under the au- spices of the National Guard Associ-ation of the United States,assertedthatifthiscountry“throws itself energetically”into the war,in the event of a declaration,he believed itwouldbepossibletoendthecon-flict in twelve months,“if not in six.”Gen.Miles said he hoped,if the United States were drawn into the war,“we will not act on the defen-sive”but will pursue an “effective, strong,offensive campaign.That is the quickest and the surest way forbringingaboutpeace,which we alldesire,”he declared.General Miles said there were atleastonemillionAmericans,not in-cluding those in the regular army,he National Guard and_variousschoolsandcollegesnow,who hadhadmilitarytraining.In addition,headded,there are nearly three mil-lion men in America who have had,;“all the drill and training and dis- |MSS,WM =i the new gar- ments.i I i ae: teh be eaei ‘WL 4 ¥A he of ,‘§ine iliH H pope tt | That we will buy your Cream and pay you THE HIGH- EST MARKET not from r to April,but TWELVE MONTHS IN THE YEAR!We not only want your Eggs from March 20th to May 1st,but we al- 30 want them every month in the year. We are contemplating the bringing of several car loads of registered Cows here in the next 60 days for distribu- tion in this and adjoining country.Ii interested,writeorcome.0d 3e us. We have the largest (Co-operative Creamery in the South,and the only Creamery in Hickory,N.C.,and ‘we are in no way connected with any other Creamery.We extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our plant wheninHickory,AND LET US DEMONSTRA TO YOUoieaereeANDABILITYFORSERVINGTHE Catawba Co-Operative Creamery Co. Show You : i hs ar-er.-peeBaecytes ”—7 fyi ieee Ge © ace If you let the fly get started in your house —but frost will stop him.Put in sereen doorswindowsnow.Our stock is complete,including the necessary hardware to full equip your house. Full supply of fly swatters also. Iredell H BANKING! Originated with the Jews of LombardyseveralthousandyearsagoandtodaytheBankisanIndispensibleInstitutionIncommercial—_It is functionary cashing checks vallon and calling exchenge.collections, /wot ti bee @ Pere eer?a!tO i i f Atateoviile Cotton MarketOnthelocaloa pound oe paid Ca cone rket firm, CottoMins“Addie tm ene Point vicinit (ADVERTS 1 as re ill |wheat.per line,No than =|Mr.R.E.Troytman is conte,Cash must Saavonte -)7 ée* ? i y : *\the largest and most a»jof any in this section. FOR SALE—Black locust fence posts.J.F. Mar.30-11". oe ie |Mrs.J.M.Ostwalt is eae oe The chief |yous i Statesville,=~a.a BGGS—For seus CRE 7,ante |\J,P.Leaugenoer.r.M.H.Litten;,f 5.Me 1G,Ehn- Se a =.Yay 2%Hickory is at home on a.visit.mene me = —oo ¥)“Mr.Cullen Ostwalt and Miss An-)avction SALE—At in Cham- there was music,vocat and insttl-)rabelie Sherrill will be ma At |;bersburg township APRIL | |mental.Talks were made *\the bride's home in Shiloh township)‘‘<!!st public,auetion “my household Lessie Weisner of Richmond,|isters present.The clergy Was TeP-|thi,evening at 6 o'clock.The infare and kitchen furniture,stock and farming in visiting her resen by Rev.W.A,Lutz,m7 will be at the home of ‘the groom’s tools.8.BE.PITTMAN,Mar.0-10".| tyothes,Mr.J.A.‘Today theran.minister of Charlotte,for)rants Mr Mra.U.A.Ost-|WANTED—Chestnat Oak delivered at e.'F to visit her moth-res Rev.L.P.|walt's nesew,Me Oatwait “te an|Staterville or Stem $12 per cord. or.Mes.W.5 isner.|Gwa »nations —2 industrious young man and [aaa | e "the guest of Mra MC.cap diaieser {”yaplorevil byte;friends in this vieinity extend wi »ve o!rs..Dan min o ¥e,ri ;|WANTED—reliable white families to: Woot iat ;Rey,Me.nee,Methodist minister,we to him and his young |work an farm,for wages.bamBe,By .irs.Chas.Sherrill and%ny Point.pa |pateh free.Callorwrite J.W.SON,| Miss of Newton,who were Ten years ago Mr.Lent»with teie|fast Sundog Br.ped ire,Cones Bratesvile,N.C.March 902. rruests Mr.and Mrs.Fred.Slane,children and friends about »cel-|Seem o vielt aud ‘when san ©PHONE 241 for Dressed Poultry,Presh Fish,| |anak an tee 3S his.80th birthday.Monday|ooeck “two of the wagon wheels ran|’Oretore ond al Bae Fresh and Cured 5 Bi at the close of the pleasant day he|“Zeck (wo Of The Metin children|_3_)ALERAN Be On Mar.OT Miss Stella Smith,who is living in invited the assembled company |to ete th ee ane The ..: "yes y in States-celebrs 8 virthday :Pho og t RE room.to Hickory,spent yesterday in 8 elebrate his 100th birthd with eh e ;hethin :an oy FOR RENT—Purniohed Accessto bath.| with friends.him,10 years henes.i?a o “aa .a ies Phone 339 Black,March 30. cenereantaipenernensncaainits A Birthday Celebtatien.=eae invebesiay 16 |For SALE—Weekly’s Improved prolific seed Social Items.At the home of Mr.Jno.L Aber-|°'%)mm +vem.|"corn:purebved barred rock ems;seed M 1 Mrs.M.L.Lentz and Mr.|1 nathy in Cool Spring township,e,one mee &,a |sweet potatoss;|purebred Shepherd pups.|.E.SHERRILL,Troutman,N.C. The members of the Bachelor club were entertained Wednes- afternoon by Miss Ruth Gill. ge was plaved.The high score .a deck of cards,went to Mrs. .N.Lawrence.Miss Sherrill and Miss Frances Fleming, two clib members who will be brides next month,were each pre- sented with a box of Melba toilet nowder.A salad course was follow- ed by an ice course. Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock Miss Annie Bell Sherrill,daughter of Mr.Clinton Sherrill,was married to Mr.Cullen Ostwait at the home ¢the bride’s father near Brady's Roads.Rev.J.H.Pressly of Statesville officiated.Following the marriage a reception was held.Mr. Ostwalt is a son of Mr.U.A.Ost- walt,a contractor of Statesvi!le. Miss Marion Yount will entertain this afternoon in honor of Miss Frances Fleming and Miss Elizabeth Sherrill,two prospective brides of :local chapter of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock’ at the Commercial club rooms. Mrs.Bass in Hospital —Meet- ing Postponed. Correspondence of The Tandmnre Statesville,R-1,March 27 —Mrs. C.&.Bass is at Billingsley hospital. where she will undergo two serious operations,one of which has already been performed.Mrs.Bass has been in iN health for some time. Sacrament of the Lord’s supper was to be administered at Shiloh church Sunday last but was postpon- ed because a case of scarlet fever had broken out in the community, thereby causing the congregation to be small. A wedding is expected in our neighboring community al an early date.Mr.F.B.Winecoff has gone to Mooresville,where he will find em- ployment in the factory. Farmers of this neighborhood ere anxiously awaiting to see plow weather.Already it is looking very serious to the farmer,but of course this is a serious time,anyway. Close of Eureka School. Cervespondence of The Landmart Troutman,R-1,March 27 —The Eureka (Duck Creek)school will close Wednesday,April 4,with exer- cises day and night.At 10.30 a.m. there will be a short exercise by the children and the Junior Order Lodge No.499 Statesville will present a Bible and flag.In the afternoon there will be a bail game.At night a temperance play,“The Turn of the Tide,”will be given by the schoo! d there will also be other features interest The public is cordially invited to attend ail these exercises and are al- so asked to bring well-filled baskets for the dinner table. Clean-Up and Keep Clean. The Civie e is actively co- wi sanitary depart- of the town to keep their prem- clean.April 3d has been’nam- ed by Ma as ‘Clean-Up Day”in city,but it is proposed to Pat the clean-up season until the last vestige of rubbish is removed.The committee appointed by ve ———for on is ma an eampaign y detrlets of ¢ pleises for the coming Company. ting withofthecity in urging the peo-|... Wednesday,was a birthday celebra-| tien that probably has no parallel. Mr.Abernathy and five of his chil- dren celebrated birthdays Mr. Abernethy his 5ist;Mrs.Mary Montgomerv her 28th;Kate and | Mack Abernathy,twins,their 21st; Jo.Abernathy bis 12th,and Philip Abernathy his 9th. Notices of New Advertisements Meats and full line staple grocer- ies.--M.P.Alexander &Co. White families to work on farm.— J.W.Allison,Statesville. Chestnut oak bark wanted.—M.F. Patterson,Hiddenite. for setting —Miss Fleming’Elmwood,N.C. Auction sale household and kitch-| on furniture and farming tools.—S. E.Pitman.Ready-to-wears Tohnston-Belk Co. Jim Tharpe will give boot.—Iredell Produce Co. Prompt livery service.Wm. Westmoreland,"Phone 3.| Sead that grow,--Statesville Drug Estelle.Eges for Easter.— U.&.flars for commencement day. Merchants &Farmers’Bank. New conts and dresses.—Mrs.Ma- Sims. Screens for windows and doors Iredell!Hardware Cc. ry Every style in Victrolas—An- drews Music Store. Latest styles in silk dresses.— Mills &Poston. Highest prices for cream and eges.—-Catawba Co-teperative Cream- erv Co.,Hickory. Ranking,indispensable inetitution. —People’s Loan &Savings Bank. An aryeal to reason,Statesville Motor Co.Toy wagon given gomery Hardware Co. Maple porch rockers.—Craw ford- Monch Furniture Co. New lot sport skirts.—J.M.Me- Kee &Co. A home they can call their own, Mytaal Building &Loan Agzocia- tion.. Special lot shirt waists,suits and coats.—Ramsey -Bowles-Morrison Co. Dorman Thompson,commissioner, will sell land Monday,May 7fh. Bids wanted for construction earnge.—Carolina Motor Co. J.¥.Lentz has locust fence posts for sale. Prof.Allen to Speak at Stony Point —The Debates Tonight. co ot Vie Lazenby-Mont. of ‘Jerr ecapo t ereetriar Stony Point,March ?7 Mr.A. 7.Allen,superintendent Salisbury city schools and president ef the North Carolina Teachers’Assembly. will give our annual commencem mt address May 5,at 2 p.m.Mr.Allen is a very popular school man esthroughouttheState,and we are pecially fortunate in being able to secure him for this oceasion.We feel sure that many people of Alexander |and Iredell counties will take advan- ‘tage of this opportunity of hearing him.Mr.Allen is a native of Alex- i ander county and is one of the most (distinguished of her number of good n.Friday evening,March 20th,at 8 p.m.,the Stony Point High School will debate the Taylorsville High Schoo!in the school auditorium at Stony Point.The query for debate is,“Resolved,that the Federal!ov- ernment should own and operate the railways.”Wilson W.Moore anc |Nellie E.Hines will defend the af- lfirmative for Stony Point.On the same date and at the same hour Ed. |Poole and Elizabeth Gwaltney for |Stony Point will defend the nega- |tive of the same query at Mooresville. |These ise to be very interesting |debates.The public is most cordial- ly invited to attend either. WM.LEE ANDERSON,Prin. Death of Mrs.Warren. /correspondence of The Landmark 29 otis j ‘ment of the and Mrs.F.M.Troutman a’ he birthday celebration of Mr.| Lentz’s father,Mr.Jacob Lentz,at) Stony Point,Monday.| THE CONTEST IN BETHANY| ‘The Schools and Winners—En- Lrresnon@ence oof Fhe tantimare Statesville.R-2,March 27 —Not-! withstanding the drizzling rain of last Friday,the 28d,quite a number! of interested patrons met at Duffy) co see the township contest to be held at that school.Each school was, represented and each —partic pated »some contest except Fairview,the toacher of that school ng absent. Duffy and Bethany only contes' in story-telling and arithmetic.Beth-| ‘ny won in story-telling,the wigner Leine James Dunlap,although#the| ‘Pied Piper of Hamlin,”—by Miss| May Blackwelder,showed careful reparation.Duffy won in athletics, the winner being Harry Kimball. In the spelling contest,in which hree echoels joined,Duffy won in che advanced class,winning all three contestants,viz.Annie Laws,Ger- rude Watts and Irma Holmes.In cond class Duffy stood two to accessful contestants being little Miss Rash of Moore and Glady Shuford and Audrey Holmes of Duf- tertainment at Duffy.| “Besides the contests there were a few recitations by the little folks, which were very much enjoyed,and a spelling bee in which old and sung alike participated;and not get of the features was the good dinner which gave cheer to the, ireariness of the day.We might dd just here that to those who might desire a revival of spelling i ir achools we would especially rec mmend Mr.J.L.Holmes as a very vecessful teacher of that particular branch of study. On next Friday evening,the 30th, ihere will be an entertainment given +Duffy school.Our slogan for the incoming year shall be enlarged fa- ilities end two teachers for Duffy chool. Miss Maggie Watts,who has been visiting her sister,Mre.W.E.Os- ‘orne,near Huntersville,has return- ed home.Our community has been scourge! 1y measles but with no serious re- ulis,for which we have cause to rive thanks. Olin Schools Contest —Mr. McKesson to Speak at Athens. fewer deuce "t tee ane Statesville,R-5,March 26 —The continued bad weather has hindered che farm work a great deal. Quite a number of the studen's rom Athens,attended the townsh p ontest at Olin Friday.Raymon: Weisner of Eupeptic eetmae will represent Olin township at county ‘ommencement in high jump,clas« A;David Coffey,Athens school,high jump,class B;Paul Current,Eupep- iic Springs school,100 yard dash; David Coffey,Athens school,5!yard dash;Burlie Shaver,Athens school,broad jump,class A;David Coffey,Athens school,broad jump. class B;Mery Holland,Olin schoo!, recitation contest;Raymond Weis ner,Eupeptie Springs school,decla- sation contest;Elsie Coffey,Athens hool,story-telling contest;Mary Holland of Olin)sehool,George Gaither of Athens —school,Paul Padgett of Hebron school,spelling contest;glee club,Athens school. The school at Athens will close April 7th with exercises.Mr.Chas F.MeKesson of Morganton wil! make the address. Mr.and Mrs.Neil Scott and chil- dren have gone to Anderson,Ind,to —make their home. Arthurs’School Closing. ‘orresyondence of The Land@mars The Arthurs will closé Apri!4th with exercises the entertaintronsandfriends.Four ptpils have been present «‘ery day the first four months—VaneandGenevaDearman,Neva and Edith anee for the firs’e@ were muctby nd M |batisfactory surety bond covering performance March 27 —2t*. FOR RENT—Seven-room house on Frontstveet|with ail modera_conveniences.MRS.D.M.;FURCHES.rch 20.| WE HAVE A LOT OF PRACH TREES ot the } -very cheap them.Greatest bargainW.H.CRAWPORD &CO.|Mareh 20-—40*,{ roR SALE—Three ‘desirable.tracts;farmlandsneurStatesville,76 to 100 acres each.ZEB.|V.LONG.Mar.16.| aiesville,N.C.,untii Monday,April 9th,| lock a.mM.| Proposals must be aceompanied by 8300 cer |tified check as a guarantee that if awardedoniraetthesuceessfylbidderwilexecute oS |“UILDING PROPOSALS OPENED) Mids for the construction of «one-story| Boi besement garage (70K150 feet)will be,recoved by the Carolina Moter Company,| ¥ 3 f contract.«|Plans and specifications prepared by,C.C.| kk,Architect,Charlotte,! een at office of Carolina Statesville,N.C. “SALE OF REAL ESTATE._ Under and by virtue of a decree of Superior Court of Iredell county,in a special proceed.|(og enitied Dorman Thompson,as Executor of|ine will of M.E.Nicholson,and others ex| parte,the undersigned commissioner will sell}@t public auction to the highest bidder at 12v'clock,m.,on | N.C.ean beMotor | MONDAY,MAY 7,1917, the followin deseribed lots of real estate,|iying and being in the city of Statesville,vis;|Lot No.|.Beginning on the north side of| tell street in the city ef Statesville,Wood-ard’s evroe:,and running inence with Weod-| wards lime worth 23 degrees west about 300 jeet to a stake opposite an onk tree;thencerth67dexrecseast,passing through said’ tree and paraiicl with Bell street to a stake|ia Deaion’s line;thence with Deaton’s linesowth23degreescastabvut300feettoBeil|treet;thence with Beli siveet to the begin- ping eorner.Lat No.2.Beginning on Sharpe street,Deaton's corner;thence south 23 degrees enstwithDeaton’s line about 210 feet to a stake,|pposite an oak tree,corner of the first above ceseribed jot:thence suuta 67 degrees west |srailel with Bell «treet,to a stake in Wood-|vard’s fine;thence with Woodward's line}orth 28 degrees west about 210 feet to Sharpe| street;thence with Sharpe street to the |‘aning corner | The above described lota of land constitute the J.W.Nicholson home place in the eity of Statesville and on the fisi lot is located the esidenve of the late J.W.Nicholson.Terms {sale:One-third cash upen confirmation of| ale,one-third in four months and one-third|| 1 eight months with interest ca deferred pay- vents from date of sale until paid,with the rivilege to the purcharer to pay all eash,| DORM*N THOMPSON, March 30,181 Commissioner, POR PROWPT LIVERY|SERVICE. I have just bought theliverybusinessofS.J.Holland and movedmybusinesstohisstand.Iam ready toservethepublicas|bave never before.Ihaveagoodlineofautomobilesandwillserveyoueitherdayornight.Call No.3andseeifyourcallisnotansweredprompt-ly.Very respectfully,WM.WESTMORELAND.| ~Your House is Leaking It isn’t my fault,for I haveofShingles THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,__ with money began nae ‘ what he cou in the Bank.°¢ Who éets the moneyyouearn? ‘Many men spend their money as fast as theymakeitandattheendofeachyearhavenothingto show for a whole year's work.{if thesemenwould say to themselves:|will put some money in the Bank every time,”and stick to their resolution tosave,they would soon have a “NEST EGG”that will increase and» grow.and It will be the interest they take in makingit °-" hems ae grow,that will do it..bs 3 Start a Bank Account today.¥7 ;Put YOUR money in OUR bank.4 We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Statesville,N.C.Set | reli aha Do the children always get to school on time?Are you,ever late for a train or an engagement? Yes;often. Just throw away that “old family clock”and come InandbuyanewonewhichwillkeepCORRECTTIME.We have the new styles in clocks and watches Which ~ are not only up-to-date but are “correct time-keepers.”5 fe Buy your boy a hew watch.wid R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. Shown in our window will be given to the child who 7 makes the greatest number of words from the ten letters contained in “BERRY WAGON.”The words be short or long,but the letters must ail be found in “BER-. RY WAGON.”You will thus see the letters you have q to work with are:A-B-E-G-N-O-R-W-Y.You may use ia the same letter more than once,if necessary in mond ‘ up your words,but MUST NOT USE ANYEXCEPTTHOSENAMEDABOVE! nas e Here are some words for instance: bag wren gay agony boy baron war green banana brag beggar wager You will find lots of fun in hunting in the dictionary for words,and the boy or girl under fifteen years of age who brings into the store the largest correct «st of .words, will get the toy wagon. Write all words plainly and on one side of the7:indicate the total number of words on the sheet. ALL PAPERS MUST BE IN BY APRIL 6TH! f to _sell aSieteBOUGHTAT ECaneyrikhaend.aStains.C.ATKINS, King of I redell County. yeshnee In theJast issue of The Landmark| Mr.E.8.Millsaps,urging that) Statesville children be interested in rdening —-in cultivating vacant }ie —-made reference to the re- it of United States Commission- 'f Education Claxton on this sub- “~jeet.Mr.Claxton’s statement is worthy of careful study,Remark- fyroen the high cost of and the scar- city of foodstuffs,Commissioner g Ciixton says: “There is a peeve remedy at b least,but not wholly in investiga- #tions or legislation.This remedy is so simple and close at hand that,as is so frequently the case,it is over- looked.In the schools of the cities, &towns,suburban cwmmunities and dmanufacturing and mining villages t of the United States,there are ap- proximately 6,000,000 boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 16.Most of them are idle more than half of the year.They are in schoo!less than 1,000 hours in the year,and .allowing 10 hours a day for sleep, are out of school more than 4,000 waking hours,mor-than an aver- age of 9 hours a day,not counting Sumdays.National and State laws make it impossible for most of them =any profitable work in mill, or shop,and many “of them are forming habits of.ic:eness and fall- ing into vice.Even during the vaca- tion months only about 10 per cent.. have any profitabte employment; only about 5 per cent.of them go away from their homes except for a few days.Still,they must live and be fed and clothed. “For four millions of these there is access to back yards,side yards, front yards and vacant lots,which might be cultivated as smal!gardens for the growth of vegetables and small fruits.Many live where space céuld be easily had for chickens. ducks or pigeons.And there are not less than 6,000,000 older boys and girls and adult men and women for an hour or two of work each day in a garden would be the best vaferm of recreation and rest from the 'routine of their daily labor in office or shop or mill of mine,and who might easily find the time for it “With some intelligent direction, these schoo!children and older boys and girls and men and women might easily produce on the available land an average of $75 each in vegeta- bles and fruits for their own tables or for sale in their immediate neigh- ood;fresh ‘and crisp through all the growing months and wholesome- ly canned and preserved for use in winter.This would add $750,000,000 |to the best form of food supply of 'the country without cost of trans- 4 portation or storage and without i Drofits of middlemen.The estimate ia very conservative,ns has been j shown hv many experiments. “In addition to the economic vrof- its,there would be icr ine children health and =strength,removal from ”temptation to vice,and education of &the best fyne:and for older persons, ©pett ang recreation in the open air and the joy of watching things grow.}“This micht all be attained at »comparatively little cost by putting into the public schools for every hundred children between the ages of 9 and 16,one teacher skilled in gardening and paid for all the vear. One such teacher could easily direct *the work of 100 children.and of the 150 older versons belonging to the .families of these children or living in their community.Thus 40,000 teachers of this kind would be suffi- |eient for the entire country.These ._teachers,mieht easily be had for an ‘2 average ‘additional ‘salary of $5.000. or a total of $20,000,000.There would »some cost for seeds and some for tilizers and tools.but after the first year the cost of these last two items would be comparatively little. The proceeds would represent prof- its to a greater extent than in any other kind of production.The mira- cle of it is in bringing together idle land on the one hand and idle ch'l- dren and tired people on the other Alone,neither is productive,but all would be benefited wy the combina- tien even if the vegetables and fruits produced har uo value:the land by the cultivation,the children hy the heelth-giving,educational la-bor,and the older people by the hours outdoors and the contact with the soil.” “Nohody but an idiot.”remarks the Greensboro News,commenting on the above.“expects school gar dening to solve the problem of ex- istence for anv considerable number of the population;but neither ean anv one but one who wilfully refus es to see dchy that the use of va- cant property for gardens has an important economic.as well as edu cational,and)moral and physical prophylactic,value.” All true.The sean ix so impor-tant that it can't be too highly em- phasized.The employment of teach- ers,suggested by Prof.Claxton,is not practicable at this season.But this can be met largely locally byparentseithergivinetheinstruc- tien,or securing it from some one who is capable of giving it.TherearemanygoodgardensinStates-ville and many more folks who have a working knowlec---of the job,who could be interested in helninethechildren.Then.too,Mr.Dull Mr.Millsaps,the farm demon- |atration agents,will be glad to giveinstruction.— i The main proposition is to i the children wubeseened.That ‘e =1 the job for the parents.Encouragethemandhelpthem.Guaranteethemaliberalshareoftheproceedsandseethattheyarenotdisanpoint-ed if they Jabor faithfully.The ad-vantage in ing the children to industry and thrift—more than all the and i@ added to th‘-foodstuffs.for famtlyorthemarket,will be pardon Ma .Diggsaeinettl,convictedtn Manofviolatingthewhiteslave law.They|Cami-must serve prison sentences. netti is a son of United States Com- missioner of Immigration Caminetti.Baltimore Conference of the)ee Church,at theannualsessioninBal- timore,adopted a resolution ex - ing its appreciation of the d ult problems confronting President Wil- son and pledging him its entire sup- port.Young women are being enlisted ‘in the naval reserve,to be called to the service when needed.They will be assigned to clerical duties to re- lieve men for active service with the fleet,and will verve as stenog- raphers,typists,etc.Ten were en- listed in Norfolk,Va.,Wednesday. The Governor of Alabanta has is- sued peremptory orders to the Attor- ney General to file impeachmen®prv- ceedings against Sheriff Batson of Jefferson county,Ala..from whose jail D.D.Overton and six other prisoners,three under sentence of death,recently escaped.Overton and| two others were killed by posses who attempted to arrest them. The British transport Tyndareus, with a battalion of the Middlesex regiment aboard,struck a mine on February 9 off Cape Agulpas,the southernmost point of Africa.The men were paraded on deck and after roll-call began to sing,while they waited for the ship to sink.The Tyn- dareus,however,was saved and the troops were transferred to twe Tes- cuing steamers.. Gov Cornwell of @irginia has is- sued a statement to all the people of that State urging that any indif- ference in the present war crisis be supplanted by real American spirit. The Governor in his statement calis upon _patriotic organizations,com- mercial bodies and civic societies to adopt resolutions pledging support to “the President and those who surround and aid him.” Rear Admiral James Oliver,chief of naval intelligence,has been nam- ed by Secretary Daniels as Govern- or of the Danish West Indies,which ere to be taken over Saturday by the United States.The ceremonies of transfer will take place at St.Thom-| as and in Washington on the same day.Secretary McAdoo will deliver he government's warrant for $25.- 000,000 in payment io te Danish minister. British Advance Continues— Germans Resist French. Further gains by the British over the Germans northwest of St.Quentin and by the Germans over the French in the Champagne region of the France are recorded in the latest British and French official commuri- cations. British cavalry have captured the villages of Villers-Faucon and Saul- court,lying a few miles north of Roisel,and are virtually astride the St.Quentin-Cambrai road,says the British war office,which adds that additional terrain has been taken from the Germans south and west of Croisilles,despite the strong resist ance of the Germans.The German war office,however,takes issue with the latter statement,ascsertine that the lighting near Croisilles was in favor of the Germans.In Champagne the Germans,after 1 violent bombardment.attacked’the positions held by General Neville’: troops and succeede!in penetrating elements of the French first lin trenches.Sanguinary losses were in flicted on the Germans,however,dur ing unsuccessful efforts they made tocapturethevillageofMaisonsde Champagne,says the Paris war office This means that the Germans are now actively resisting the French advance With the onering of spring the fight- ing on all frents is more active,with varying fortunes,but seemingly ma- terially in favor of the allies. |ean npc AE REDOU EEEMysteryinReidsville. Reidsville people are mystified,ac-cording to dispatches sent the news-papers,by finding the figures 94” chalked on the door facings of their residences.The mysterious figures i some instances are made with chalk,others marked with indeliblepencil.It is said that nearly two- thirds of the residences have been so marked.Whether it is the work f some jokester or of German spies marking off a “barred zone”in Reidsville,is puzzling the inhabi- tants.Maybe they'll ask the govern ment to send troops—or send for bloodhounds. .if the way isn't oe to cultivateasnotofhisown. There are,too,as Prof.Claxtonsays,many grown folks who have spare time that could be _profitablyspentingardens—profitably physi- cally and financially,but there isn'tmuchhopefromthese.There ismorehopeinthechildren. 8.B.WOODY,MANAGER LIFEInsuranceDepartmentoftheStates-ville Loan &Trust Co.,has paid toBessieMayMorrison$1,000,theae-_*——carried with theompanybyherhu:aS Bec xn usband,the late Fi ;i E z i f b f u=f z a t ju t fi i F i EE . i i i z = FF i ie 8VictrotsVill,$40 a selec and ¢ co it vab>: |ACY omer ed rer * THE Has all the good qualities of au- tomobile construction.aS Soha Mode!No.4%Touring Car.Price $550 f.0.b.facicry. a?*Oy rnd bd owvoiMtl BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST! rOR SALE BY Lazenby-Mentgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,N.C. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI- TION. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.In the Superior CourtJamesArmstrongva.Emma Armstronw The defendant above named will take notiee that an aetion entitled «xs above ha been commenced in the Superior Court of Tredell ounty,the purpose of nid action being to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing bee tween the plaintiff and the defendant,and the said defendant will further take notice that he ia required to appear at the next term of the Supertor Court of lvedetl county to Me held on the Lith Monday after the first Monday in March,same being the 2tet day ef May,1917atthecourthouseinStateavilie,in said «ine ty,and anawer or demur to the compiain!in waiel aetion or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com. plaint.J.A.MARTNESS Clerk of the Superior CourtDormanThompson,Attorney for PlaintiffMarch20,1917. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI-TION. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTYIntheSuperiorCourt.Lon Spann we.Max.Spann.The defendant above named will take noticethatanactionentitledasabovehasbeen,commenced in the Bupertor Court of tredellcounty,the =of said action being tedissolvethedsofmatrimonyexistinghetweentheplaintiffandthedefendant,and thewolddefendantwillfurthertakenoticethatsheiereqiiredtoappearatthenexttermoftheSupeCourtofIredellcountytobeheldonthelithMondayafterthefiretMondayinMarch,same being the Ziet day of May,1017atthecourthouseinStaterville,in said county,and answer or demur to the plaint inifwillslytothe LAHClerkoftheSuperior CourtDormanThompson,Attor fi "Mareh 20,1017.= the cujoyments that Remember the Victer artists are every phace of music.And when you | We have every| And the “moneyen Have you ever thought of ail the pleasu Gompanionship for the wife who is alone all day, man in the evenng,cntertainmeat and instruction w treat for friends who drop in to dance—or just to listen. make a Victrola the most prizedalwaystheworld’s greatest artists inhaveaVictrolaitalwaysplaysyour at(ios, ee ,18easy res a Victrolabringstorecreationnee)? here there are children,aTheyareafewofionofthe It is 2 matter of pride with us to have a complete line of V ictrolas in our store.Whatever style or size you choose an enduring enjoyment goes with it. Drop in and let us show you our stock of Victrolas.Listen to your favorite music— ake home a copy of that wonderful book,the Victor Record catalog.: ‘3 for terms-—vou couldn’t ask easter today. terms than ours.Come in and see us— ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. EVERYTHING MUSICAL, 105 East Broad Street, a nn 1 »yy !NOTH:E OF ELECTIONa e ' Netice ia hereby given that the regular mu- nicipal ecction in the City ef Statesville willbeheldopTuesday,the sth day of May,1917,and at said election there is to be elected aMayorfortheCityofStatesville,two alder- men from each ef the four wards of the CityandtwomembersoftheGradedSehoolCom- |mittee.|By resolution of the Board of Aldermen,i passed at the regular meeting held on March 2, 1917,the polling places for suid election werefixedasfollows:|First Ward--At Moore's Livery Stable.|Second Ward At the Garage of Ed.White |Mater Co,Third Ward—At the Court House cf lredeii County.\ Fourth Ward -At the office of the FiratButidingandLoanAssociation.Registrars and Judges of said election were ted as follows:|Word Registrar,T.N.Brown;Judges,3.BE.Colvert and W.T.Kineaid.Ward Registrar,Carlton Andrews;i &W.W.Tharpe and Walter Gilbert.fed Word Rewistrar,W.J.Lasenby;judges,Jno.W.Allison and C.M. Fourth Ward Revistrar,J.Henry judges,8 B.Miller and Jesse Sherrill. Thé registration books for said election will open on Saturday,April 21,1917,and will |close at 9 o'clock p.m.on Saturday,April 28, 1917.The polls will be open from 8 o'clock @.m.until sundown on Tuesday,May &,1917. Notice is given further that by virtue of resolution passed at said meeting of theboardofaldermen,heid on March 2,1917,the ques- tion of the establishment of a free public library in the City of Statesville by the levy of a tax of 3 1-3 centa on the $100 of property valuation and ten cents on each poll,will be submitted to the qualified voters in said elec. tion.All voters in favor of the establishment of said library shall cast a written or printed ballot hearing the words “For Library,”and all voters opposing the establishment of said library shall cast a written or printed ballot bearing the words “Against Library.”} By order of the Board of Aldermen of the! |City of Statesvilie .Cc.D.MOORE, |Mar.20,1917.Clerk and Treasurer.|| SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT.| BY VIRTUE of the authority conferred by a deeree of the Superior Court of Iredell county, ;made in a certain special proceeding therein| pending,entitled Mra.S.A,Freeze,Executrix E.L.Freese,vs.Cora Freeze,Laura Shoe- maker,et als,the undersigned commissioner SATURDAY,APRIL 14 1917, expose to sale to the highest bidder at publicauctionatthecourthousedoorofIredell county,the following deseribed lot of land inStatesvilletownship,together with the build- ings thereon:{ Beginning at a stone on the east side of theLewisFerryroad,J.W.Wilkerson’s corner;and runs thence wth said road 67 1-2 feet to aatone,W.|.Rhyne’s corner;thence south 66 dewrece east 268 1-2 feet to a stone,Phifer's line;therce north 45 degrees east 65 feet to a stone in J.W.Wilkerson's line;thence with said Wilkerson’s line to the beginning,thecamebeingthehomeplaceofthelateEd.L. Freese.Terms of sale:One-half eash upon confir- mation of sale;balance with six per cent in- terest,secured by deed trust on the property, in 12 months.Sale made eubject to confirma- tion of the Court.The —reserved to reject all bide.Mra.8.A.will i conveyance.Ino.A.BO °Mar,13,1917.Coramissioner. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a’ mortwawe deed,executed by R.A.Galliher and wife,F.E.Galliher,to W.P.Morton,and by him transferred for value to the under# wille,N.C., at the hour of noon,the followips described lands in Chambersburg township,Iredell coun- ty,towwit:Boundedon the north by the landsof H.mson Murdock;on the enst by theJohnC.Smith;on he cone ‘NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS.|os Statesville,N.C. Made of Maple,finished natural,double laced seat and back,price $3.00.~ Same Kocker with double laced seat and slat back, price $250. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘PHONE NO.400. ‘‘The Store That Always Welcomes You.” Wi ota BROS will on |Sid = LEONARD PIANO STORE,Statesville,N.C. Morrison Building.129 West Broad Street.. MORTGAGE SALEOFLAND._| I will sell at public auction to the highest bid-|=for cash,at the court house door mi onMONDAY,APRIL 9,1917,' vou ready When you begin to sneeze—Get shaky in your knees,Are cross and hard to please,Can’t stand the slightest breeze, LOOK OUT! That cold is about to cateh you,but you can beat it outbyheading bePORBSTQUAaeaaa re The Best Investment. Join in the movement tomakeStatesville a and Better Town by invesintheBuildingandLoanAssociations o Statesviile. Mr.Keesler has shown you that it is « good investment for yourself and at th same time heips your neighbor and thecityasawhole.The First Building and Loan Association opened its last series February 3,1917. You can still get stock in this series..The best investment you can make is to secure some of this stock.‘There was paid off Saturday 4%20,000 in Matured stock,$10,500 in cancelled in- debtedness and $9,560 paid in cash. The First Building &Loan Association. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. DORI LIS GOOOOODCROHNS SHES THE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY STATESVILLE Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD. Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomers to use the same when theyse desire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGU GRADE SERVICEthathuswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if our service in needed. We do NOTARY PULI)work also.Cordially yours, ,7 men believe that.Men as qualified as tariff Fares human beings vote for mrenaanige |out that the armers| ithat they expect te profit by.could not raise nm competi-| 2 North Carolina the of virtue,|tion with was| z ng to man-made laws,is $60.©hich tariff an to keep out| 5 A guilty man can be fined not more |the Danish brand are grown| ?than $10 and the court can require in New York and Wisconsin).Cab-| him to pay the woman or ten-year-|bage are now high enough to! 5 old child 850.A feeble bond is ask-tempt the Mee bure farmers| 2 ed to remunerate the county (county,without any tariff.Union county; ‘mind you),for any expense the un-farmers have long been buying Dan-! LfiBR ty. Y and the child-mother ana ner babe ¢dauchter’s gold;the devil takes care®of her virtue.2 do with reseue work and my obser-— B are carried to the gutter by men oldenoughfortheirfathers.©farmers.>the court records will show the same,But of the lowly cabbage—how it! truth.lis exalted!Those of us who have) le in getting a fashionable}month’s wages,but even now cab-jbage has followed ham and eggs,|a Ten cents a for cabbage andadollaraforIrishtoes!|Now is the time for the Mecklen-) vicious pretence that a child of|years and ene day old has a jadvise Cq@l.Wade Harris to notify | to decide for herself as to the ;them to get busy.Some years ago‘dianship of her virtue.Not one of some of the colonel’s young men who burg farmers to make their pile.We ish cabbage to make their ent,but|og —ms brand wiil -eeorthem.rge importations from |Mecklenburg would be welcome and|we feel sure that Union will placenotariffonthemtokeepthemout.We want cabbage.You can't evenbuyafrost-proof plant now forwhatyoucouldoncebuyafullgrownhead,and it looks as if thereweremillionsinitforMecklenburg |fortumate babe may be to the coun-This bond is se:dom given;mayamounttonothingwhenitisgiven;| are cast out in the wilderness to die.Man-made laws protect our, I have had much to) been that young girls|vation has always had a tooth for the modestvegetablemaynowfeelcomforted.Tt is no longer poor man's grub.It is the rich man’s delicacy! SNDLINTYSLOT |Weuld Prohibit Tobacco,Too. We wonder how many of this “no-torious 57”are fathers or bofgtris?We wonder if there couldbefound57mothersfromthedark-est alleys of the Old North Statewhowouldcastsuchavote?It is time for every woman ths flag ef our State capitol te ery ,Some one ed to the use of to-|F out with indienation,and raise our haeco,or who has something against|coices in righteous protest against the tobacco growers and manufac-| such outrage.“Be not deceived;“ers,slippeda “joker”into the ar-| Go!is not mocked.”There is a ™Y appropriation bill during the |Lime of reaping.closing hours of the last session of | “Fifty-seven men in our State Congress,preventing the sale of to- Legislature voting for the unré-bacco at any military or naval sta- stricted destruction of our girls.ton,cantonment,camp,fort,post,officers’or enlisted men’s club,navyyard,or aboard ship,which is’being|used at the time for the purpose of| training."was|slipped in alone witt iiquor in that) section of the bill prohibiting the sale| of liquor at such places.It is ex-) pected that tobacco will be eliminat-| ei,some of the prohibitionists notbeingwillingtogothatfar. My God,heave merey”! The Landmark must dissent from ome of the language used by Mrs.3il's.The intimation that all the menwhovotedagainstthebillwereactu- ated by selfish desires is as unwar-ranted as it is baseless.While The Landmark can’t agree with themandiene~follow ae censeain®. it believes the great majority,if not eeall,were entirely honest,th ,MOTHER!DON’T TAKE mistaken.It knows some of the,CHANCES IF CHILD'S| men who opposed the measure and|TONGUE 1S COATED! it knows them as honest a..d high- If Cross,Feverish,Sick,Bil-‘oned SS — shed their ble if n be in de-‘ious,Clean Little Liver and Bowels!fence of female virtue.Nothing is to A laxative today saves a sick child, be made by impugning motives in tomorrow.Children simply will not the absence of proof, not take the time from play to empty| The Landmark,however,sympa-thizes with the feelings of the la- their bowels,which become clogged| up with waste,liver gets sluggish,|J »rotection of female virtue are,2s eeceees serenermmeinsaninatnwaa+ccmtanataien.weyee etiatsmena:ai:ana enegeaaee t Before purchasing a Re- frigerator this season we believe it will be tc your advantage to visit our store and inspect our line of Odorless and Tacoma Refrigerators. We now have in stock a complete line Galvanized and Enameled line of Ice Boxes,Water coolesr and Ice Cream Freezers. Let us explain the good G merits of ours to youg before you buy. Williams Furniture House Inc. “The Favorite Store.” DON'T Re satisfied to drink SOMETHING trom the bottle represented to be “JUST AS GOOD”as ‘ yan SAM says ic conforms to the Pure Foodws. We can show YOU it is bottled under § TARY conditions after the s reaches EVERY bottle is STERILE SWEET, GUARANTEES you by og odds the most HING drink in theDELIC(OUS and REFRES WORLD,; Drink it from the bottie.’DON’T go back on. your raising. # dies in this matter,especially the mothers of girls.The laws for the stomach sour.{ Look at the tongue,Mother!If|Mrs.Sills says,not only inadequatebutbne-sided.They are man-madeJ.F.CARLTON,Manager.and favor the men.A girl in this Stete under 18 may not legally mar-.rv except by consent of her parents. She is supposed not to know her own mind well enough,under theveof18,to make the choice of 4 - coated,or your child is listless,cross, feverish,breath bad,restless,doesn’t eat heartily,full of cold,or has sere| throat or any other childyen's _ail- ment,sive a teaspoonful of “Califor- nia Syrup of Figs,”then don't worry, because it is verfectly harmless,and STATESVILE F.L.JOHNSON The Complete Penn Mutual Policy. ree r _WILL TAKE CARE OF You,if you live,your family if you die.You,your fam- ily and itscl’,if you live but are totally and permanent- ly disabled and cannot work,as all premiums which you contracied to pay are thereafter waived and the policy is maintained in fvuli force,just as though they had been paid,and the Company will pay you a Monthly Income as long as you live,and then pay your family the full amount of the policy when you die. PREPAREDNESS FOR RETIREMENT! PREPAREDNESS FOR A LIFE INCOME! PREPAREDNESS FOR DISABILITY! PREPAREDNESS FOR FAMILY PROTECTION! E.G.GAITHER,Local Representative. husband.But this same law whichdooanotallowhertocontractmar in a few hours al!this constipation .I 1%she 1 poison,sour bile and fermenting vWEINVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF A REAL SANITARY OCD| v riowe under 18 permits her,after she has passed the age of 14-—when 1 mere child—to consent to that which damns her for all time.The Lancmarte is utterly unable to conm- prehend that process of rearonine. Some of the legislators who posed raising the age limit to 16 seemed to think that young bo might be seduced by wicked =iris under 16 and blackmailed.It is pos- waste will gently move out of the bowels,and you have a well,playful child again.A_thorough “inside cleansing”is ofttimes ail that is nee- essery.It should be the first treat- ment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cont bot- tle of “California Syrup of Figs,” which has full directions for babies,| children of all ages and for grown- sible of course that there might be ,:he }:\‘©ups plainiy printed on the —bottle. a few cases of blackmail by girls.;=ae heSaawhemaaYanaSOLanesBEBirdNolawcanbepassedthatmayno!Company.”Sia be abused.But it is impossible to ‘onceive how any one cari believe there would be enough such cases to make the law unwise.On the other! hand it would seem that any measure thet would cause these innocent! youths whose ruin might be plotted by wicked girls of 15,to have a care, SESLITI ITS! Commercial OF STATESVILLE,N.©. $100,000.00 31,500.00 Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNE o°h ww.*a onmison -«©=VieD.M.AUSLEY,-., a,B,HUGHEY,7 National Bank Flowers For All Occasions! would be desirable for the youths An elderly member of the Legis- lature,when the bill was up,oppos- ad it and told his fellow legislators, in a voice choked with tears,that he had a little girl to whom he had been both father and mother—her mother being dead;but that he did- n't want any law te protect her;he could do that himself.Maybe he could,but not,all fathers,even with their best efforts,huve been able to do that;and it did not seem to oc- cur ot Cie ae ae Me those so moved hy his recita they wept wi him and voted with him,that many We can always supply littl ris have neither father nor | ee to protest ,and that you with the best to | —parents in —,v4 | are a e ar-H | ruments ‘weed against the bill,and be had in Flowers for | when they are considered one is not ‘so mach surprised at the indignation whatever purposethey i cis|should be wanted.| nn +meee Van Lindley First Spring Shipment a C0 ; ECLIPSE SHIRTS. We have just réceived our first shipmentofSpringEclipseShirtsandwilltake real pleasure in showing this very attrac- tive assortment of Shirts. The patterns are unusually attractive on account of the richness of colors, Eclipse soft cuffs Shirts,with or without ‘collars. Fit and Fabric—SwingandSnap, Built to pleasethe keenestchap- THe Hion Grace SHIRT The High Grade Shirt That's Worth its Co@ Tuar’s Worth IrsCost$1.00 TO $2.00,PHONE 83. RILL-WHITESHOE CoO. SH ER i eatatinall THE MOST EXQUISITEKNOWNFORTHE SKIN,IS HALLS GLYCERINE LOTION —_—-CURES——— CHAPPED HANDS,IRRITATED SKIN family by giving them comfort,happiness and safaty of aesrenttend.your part with forever,a economy and six years’is fahe happy ition.onfegl your ownhome,don't forget,that as an lavestaneet,cur stock 1s secate 20 U.S.Bonds eile as ofitable.Just $73.00 buys a paid up share, r next seriés opens April 7th.but you can come in today and start the ball rolling.MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION,W.E.Webb,Sec'y._ eet SS en ee eeeaes zat LANDMARK 7 +March 30,1917. aitThiP OF TH 2ST.LOUIS First AmericanArmed Vesse!Made Trip in Safety —Ever) Precaution Taken.e A report was prevalent fhrough- out the country Monday that the American liner St.Louis had reached port with smokestacks shot off and bearing other evidence of encounterwithasubmarine,which submarinetheSt.Louis had sunk.The report was not correct.Following is the story of.the vovage of the St.Louis, sent from London: The St.Louis,the first passencer vessel carrying the American flay to cross the Atlantic since Germany'sdeclarationofunrestricte@lsubma- rine destruction,and the first armed American liner to enter a European port since the war began,arrived Monday morning.She carried only 33 passengers,but her holds were filled to capacity with non-contraband freight. The St.Louis came through with out interruption.No submarines were sighted,nor were there at any time any indication that German un dersea boats were after the biliner.But signs of war were t lacking and the last threa days aboard were anxious ones for passengersandcrewalike.On FridayandagainonSaturdayaftertheSt. Louis entered the forbidden zone, driftwood was passed apparently parts of destroyed lifeboats—-and a great field of o/]was encountered For three days and nights the eaptain did not leave the bridwe andneverinher22)years of —existence has the American ship been driven so furiously as the Sc.Louis from the time she passe!into the zone until she was picked up by a pilot The journey was virtually withou incident until the war zone wa reached.Unusual precautio:were taken as)soon as the liner passed the Ambrose light asd as she neared the danger point even the life rafts and =collapsible boats were madereadyforimmedinceuse.Reflectors were strung up,fere and aft and earbide lights were tied along the rails for use in event the St.Loui became the vic''m of a torpedo or »infire, From the mom*nt the St.Lou entered the danger tone uniil shereachedcomparativelysafewaters, the word in the engine room was to“give her all She can stand”!For 48 hours the big vessel tore along attopspeed.Meanwhile the ‘ gers siept little,remaining in the reading reom with life boats ready Long before daybreak Sunday,with the land still far below the horizon, most of the passenyers were on deck watching just as 2 \ieusiy as men on the bridge yr tile submarines.TT! of the haze shot Bri selz.Instructions wereSt.Louis responded ar on her journey,while thhuntetsboreawayonth vigil. For two days after left port there was ; accompanied with snow squalls,hut steadily to caution was taken hight out,deck light “and cabin port ho no glimmer of ligh outs swept the with their wlasse were taken in | in donning |i! =,at the iceberg zone wa night,wh making he ” hundre 4 miles of1; Geneeserene German Mot he A dispat seys ai po the Milwa aro,a of a Gernallowh brought |his mo tion |ry said well,a was dea but the Was to ihe “Your mat fine.The © The story young mar ‘ Vy at Milwauk: @ard as eviderbeingenrolied Returalized and wa jected The Pulpit sed Wor. Monroe Journei When the pulpit speaks for Of ageression of an Waitor to the cn ‘ |ile JOHN CHAPMAN TURNER.EVENTS COVER TTWO DAYS ( roea .mt ™'git ‘amrereus calomel now Yoor drlerwellswtyenthettleaftwilltallyouthatheaaleof,:ie Mis’i ‘onfederate Veteran and Pub-cap (over 19),Harvey Mills,(un-New Easter Dresses .ABeaute Tine "Ss lic Service ---Sketch ef His der 18),Graham Madison,From $10 to $25,New EasterWaists,Shiloh Deeclamation,Fred.Career..Green,Bethichem;recitation,Magy and Crepe de i i allThefuneralofMr.Joh over Austin,vic.spoting grades tt Ht Tn ‘Taffetas,Crepede Chine,Silk and Georgette Crepe,|Newest ‘Shades,Char- S nlace fr .1 vat 3,Alma Waugh of Elgin,VingindaSeScieier $1.98 to $050,|meme,Mestad,Gol,ie Gert ant”Rscar’Gilberts ie Ceorgette Crepe,ete. !,’Elein;story- We Ga itt,Bethlehem;Scthichem;running high (>R d fi EKcca!CFet Ready for aster. imp,Sam.ngtandingroadjump,Sam.The desire to be well-dressed on Easter is growi qwemagettoehyerd‘ih each year,and this year this Dress-Up occasion is ZanSchool—~Bede!observed the country over.It is intended to,and «scmtton;recitation,'}to the attention of all Women and Men the advantage —$ea,cr;story-telling,necessity of being wel!dressed in these modern times._ Club,elass A,!oer)READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENTcookshighschool Spring HighShhhgelrota"Is full of Beautifal Spring Clothes and being added to°3 *y Roba every day, xR Mob,Moore,Cool Sian New Silk Dresses,ieee it,Moers,ea New Spring Coats,oe ne meat New Skirts,vo caktmmtoe New Waists, |New Neckwear,al New Hosiery, a dis-}-=]CLOTHING DEPARTMENT +}van otveoma-; triallnd|Was never so well stocked with Men’s and Bovs’Suits,*he|Coats,Shirts ,Underwear,Collars,Ties,Hosiery,Shoes,ete. \We are able and willing to clothe the most fastidious fromheadtofootwithup-to-date workmanship,style,and thelastwordforLess. Johnston-Belk Co. SELL FOR CASH AND SELL FOR LESS. Threat. the 10 Big DD.eartment Stores.16 Big Department Stores. 5 ’mee@CG@fh Pion)2 E~O~r Coe Tw.soir ume pc cen seca teabubienon ncaaryaetie s aaeenerea ==eS SS ——— NEW SSILK DRESSES ——AT—— MILLS &POSTON’S isure in announcing that we have just received and placed beautiful tine of Ladies’Silk Dresses in the following colors and Colors,Navy,Green,Pearl Gray,Rose,Mustard and Gold.917.50,$20.00,$22.50 and $25.00,»Prosses ace the latest in color and style,and ere priced specially low k selling. att Co |ie us a look on Silk Dresses,Coat Suits,and Ladies’and 's Headwear Something new arriving daily.Yours truly, ILLS &POSTON.eg e e e s e r se 2 e r s c e ce s 5 52 3 £9 2 2 3 2 5 2 2 2 8 3 5 Z 5 S 2 2 3 5 54 9 5 2 2 28 5 5 2 9 9 5 9 9 3 2 99 5 3 ee:Remon ee em rerear ne -eeeee ee SCOR EE TN a Lots ‘LER (WP -|Fri sh Chipped Beef :PLANT GARDEN SEEDCLEANLIVERANDROWELSGENT! Don’t Lose aDay’s Work!If Your Liveris Slucgich BOILED HAM THAT GROW JenBQey,y 1 43 "'*’BOWES GConstiprted Take “Dodsen's Liver Tone. NR ISl TITS AND BREAKFAST BACON.1]_BURPEE’S GROW. Peanut Butter made fresh every day.This is the year for every one to make |a garden.Start right by planting seed Sherrill &Reece.|TRUE TO NAME. ae sey 2 nee Drug Comp’yn¢Dodgon's Liver Tone inetead wader my per;|omtl is almost stopped entirely tere, ai n e h e s se i e e r r R t w s O4 U A N s BE T