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The Landmark, June 1917
STATESVILLE,N.©.FRIDAY,JUNE 1,1917. The Final Awards in Cases in}!Superior Court. i tenetak tans tote ceceaeveOoeiSoaeCourt:county vs.Ida Cavin et al;line between ainoate make nine maps of land in Mack,a Syrian,of_Moores-ville,filed with the court a declara-tion of intention to become a citizenoftheUnitedStates.Prudence C.Ladwig vs.C.E.Lud.wig.Judgment in favor of plainwhole|for $522.50 with interest from May21,1917,and defendant taxed with costs vs.A.T.Holton. box.nn : ¥_abhed to Seath by Lula ong thePo gare.Fe fordaySalisburywasadance,;attended 7See of thei.About 5 o'clockStatesvillewomenhadsome|©and,it is alleged,the McCul-woman struck Allison wo-with a bottle,reupon theheroverthenwomanShediedwithin ft.This agitation has made itself feltsomewhatinmanysections,butthustlyislittleconnee-1 the outbreaks. we a J.A.patente 'f,Sat nt in favor of plaint ‘ormastsandinterestfromMarch1, N.M.Smith,Pearl May Salmons,Annie Jane Williams and Earl RoyWilliamsvs.A.J.,R.P.and JaneCraterandKateGoodinandhus-mand,L.K.Goodin.J.T.Jennings,§S.S.Templeton and J.A.—were appointed commissioners to di-vide the Sanford Crater home place,Union Grove township,and allot thewesternpartofsaidlandtoplain-tiffs.W.F.Shedden &Co.vs.J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co,Plaintiff takes voluntary non-suitandpayscosts.R.A.Elam vs.Harris -GoodwinCo.Defendagts pay costs.Hazel -Atlas Glass Co,vs.J.K.Morrison Grocery .and Produce Co.Plaintiff takes voluntary non-suitandpayscosts.First National Bank of Statesvillevs.Brown -Knox Mercantile Co.Judgment for plaintiff for $1,010.36,with interest from March 20,1917.In another case the bank was givenjudgmentagainsttheBrown-KnoxCompanyfor$4,000,with interestfromDecember1,1915;and in a third ease the bank was given ment against the same company for$10,000,with interest from - ber 1,1915.Southern Railway Co.vs.H.R. Cowles.Judgment for plaintiff for$87.40 and interest from December 4,1915.Jno.H.Thompson vs.R.W.andM.F.Orr Judgment.for plaintifffor$895.06 from April 11,1917. J See ye x si00udgmentfor‘or \First National Bank of States-ville vs,Dr.J.J.Mott.Judgment forplaintifffor$6,€00,with interest from April 12,1917.Will Simonton vs.Delia Simonton.Plaintiff takes voluntary non-suit and pays costs.Lorene Cotton Seed Oil Mills,Incvs.Town of Mooresville.Action dis-missed and each side pays its cost.G.L.MeKnight was given a ver-dict for $1,770 against James W.Brown,et al.Dock Absher plead guilty to thelarcenyofamulefromMr.AustinKylesandwassentencedtothree ‘propagandists in this country,hav- BV =..._ing a central headquarters.; then The Landmark's informant]To bring out the full registra- 7 os what happened next,he tion,Attorney General Gregory has did not know,“fer dey all|invited the entire nation to consti- i gittin’out "bout dat time|tute itself a committee of the whole went wid 'em.”and every man of military ave a Allison is the wife of Char-|committee of one to report slackers. "Allison and bears a splendid rep-|“Every man subject to registra- among the white people of|tion is not onlv expected by the De- ville.Annie McCullough had|rartment of Justice to comply with Teputation of being a stirrer-up the law,”reads an official statement, uble.Her name is written on|“but also to constitute himself a local court records and it seems|committee of one in his community ;=been especially handy at|to see that each of his acquain- @ up dances.tances who should register does so, the killing the Allison wo-|or is promptly reported for prosecu- disai red and the officers|tion under the criminal provisions eside 0 locate her Wednes-|of the law.Attorney General Greg- e night.Yesterddy her husband|ory invites all young men of the i local officers that he would|country to co-operate in the enforce- ender her to them in time for}ment of =law as.a part of their i at Salis-|patriotic duty. ey ne “Determined to crush in incipien- Statesville negroes were|°yY every movement designed to j up in the Rowan jail Wednes-|thwart interference with registra- e night,some being held as wit-|tion as provided for in the law,the in the homicide ease and oth-|department is having its officers for fighting.It is known that|/throughout the country —arrest Cornelius was among those;promptly all agitators against com- up.He is charged with using pliance with the law. snife on a negro woman.“The department is not dependent Mail Carriers Meet.entirely upon its agencies to discov- e Iredell-AJexander Rural Car- er disloyal activity.State and mu- Association met in the Federal nicipal police are co-operating andmembersofnationalpatrioticand ling in tatesville Wednesdayning,about 20 members being commercial organizations whichwereenlistedafterthedeclaration went.Officers were elected as fol-:President,M.L.Webber of| of a state of war to guard against ville;vice president,J.S.Keev- all acts inimical to the general wel- fare,are engaged in bringing to the Stony Point;secretary and treas-er,Forest L.Ward of Statesville. attention of United States attorneysandmarshalsallreaat- >“ted tempts to discourage registration. j eee an Se S “These several agencies will be on +Forest Ward and E.R wil.|duty June 5,honercomoing the coun- a Statesville;J.I *"Moore,|TY,t0 see that every man subject to ayger ot ehee:‘I Miller|'¢gistration complies with the lawseiliesSF.Johnson,Jennings,|2%4 that every official delegated toiowelhoomidiokeodilecarryoutitsprovisionsperformshis annual meeting place of the}-Alexander Association. duty properly.” nee .APPLY TO THE COURTS.e Association passed a resolution ceneesniticiatengsupporttothedepartmentin|A Few Opponents of the Draft present crise,Act Try Legal Remedies. Case Before the Clerk.The fools are always in evidence case of J.L.Campbell versus and it was not to be expected that rd Mullis was heard before|this class would miss the opportuni-of the Court J.A.Hartness|ty to make an exhibition of them- rdey afternoon,It involved selves on account of the setilement of the line between 1 Fox. :s registra- tion under the draft law.."ns as rears he roads.‘ampbell and Mullis properties!In Kunsas City,Mo.,an injune-/Years on the aeeCrevereaanete.Eu-|tion to restrain the operation of the},..—to a sacahihemeTrivettofWilkesbororepre-|!aw was applied for and was to have aad se oak y Y eka a .the defendant,Mr.H.(C.|been argued yesterday.The injunc-Vaca f th an om "h tte of Statesville the plaintiff.|tion petition is directed against |"o/h el tn oes in S ae te: Feompromise judgment was signed iGovernor Gardner,Mayor Edwards,ie +the clerk,establishing the divis-|the election commissioners and thelinebetweenthepropertyofthe|county sheriff.The application setsrants.forth that the registration law is un-;-ee constitutional,causing “invePuntary|Buys Salisbury Cannery.servitude,”and also is in conflictMr.Chas.M.Summers oi the vi-|with the Missouri constitution =infityofStatesvilleandMr.Martin!that it makes State officials act in|Moore of Salisbury,have bought |Federal positions.}Salisbury cannine factory and|Two thousand persons,including operate it this season,beginning|militiamen,pacifists,police and cit-t the last of July.The Salis-/|izens,were participants in a riot atfactoryhasacapacityof60,000 |Akron,O.,Tuesday night,as thedaily.Mr.Summers will have|outcome of an attempt of anti-con- nal charge of the factory when|scription speakers to address =a ins business.He is an expe-|crowd in the streets. d canner and a good business The outbreak occurred when =a and the Rowan folks wil)find |citizen’s ery of “Hurrah for Wiil- ball right.json”!was answered by ‘Kaiser|has received orders from the War De- STORMS CONTINUE.Wilson”from one of the pacifists.|partment to affix to each person who:Members of troop D,M and B,sta-|0:4.:;Bleven persons were killed and|iioned at a recruiting office nearby,|'°2'sters next Tuesday a badge to in-inj 4 leate that he has registered.Mesd40injuredfromtornadcesin!posented the rema »Hot re-|“Ue,Saat Re Ree regumeres.|mapnes astern Missouri and southern aha Several rable “one ok :E.‘Raynal,Chas.Anderson and H.tois Wednesday afternoon.One/or less seriously hurt.Police were|P.Grier were asked to take the mat-by lightning is reported from!called and several arrests were|‘t¢?Of preparing badges in hand. pa,Ill.,bringing the storm death |made.|They have allotted the work to the la-for the day to 12.|erdinand Claudius of Oaktana,|“ies of the town,each lady asked be-town of Mineral Point,Mo..|Cal,who recently attempted to pre-|!"*assigned to make 56 kahki bands.four persons lost their lives,|vent by legal proceedings the regis-|!hey will make 3,000 and have themwipedout.Losses of life also jtrpcion of citizens under the selec.|ready tomorrow to turn over to thereportedatDichistadt,Mo..|tive draft law,has applied to the|'°gistration beard.Palmer,Mo.,and three negroes ginte Supreme Court for a writ of,The absent natives of Iredell,whofishedatHodgesPark,Alexander|prohibition to restrain Mayor John|*re eligible for registration Tuesday, y,Hlinois.{Davie and other Oakland city offi-;«°c rapidly sending in their registra-PLOTTED IN OHIO.cials from forcing him to register.|tion cards and with hardly a single gigantic propaganda plot,with The result of those proceedings|¢xception none offer any reason for F"veadenarters in Columbus,|™my ret some of the disturbers in|exemption. nixed to induce young men jail.That is about the relief they spent .‘ Siary age all over the vues should have.—a ne Club.a in from registe a number of ladies o n haveohon“Puseday,in anaear Change in Paola Mill Officers.|.-yanized the Statesville gebyStateandgovernmentse-|A called meeting of the directors|club.Miss Mary Bettie Feild is pres-service agents,according to an-/of the Paola Cotton Mills was held|ident,Mrs.Mary Locke Si usi-:nent made yesterday by Gov.|Tuesday.Mr.N.B.Mills resigned|ness manager.These ladies will canassecretaryandtreasurerandhis/|fruits and vegetables for the marketson,Mr.Lonnie N.Mills,waselect-|and will also can fruits and vegeta-ed to succeed him,Mr.N.B.Mills)bies—such as beans,okra,tomatoes,was elected president and vice pres-|«tc.for any who may want products‘ident and will continue as general|/canned.A per cont of the thoneyDr.J..Long of Greensboro.)manager and bayer for the eompa-|made in this way will be contributedintheMedicalOfficers’Re-|ny Mr.Lonnie Mills has been do-|to patriotic causes.Mrs,Simons’corps,oe niesaa ae the work of secretary and treas-|home on Davie avenue will be aiischairmanofthe5ogm.|rer since the first of the year.headquarters for the canning club.for national defence,has!Messrs,H.L.Kinenid and L.N.|These ladies theiroocommitteetomeetMillswereeatesntcue-se are —Tee eS ’at Greensboro on June|ceed W.T.Kincaid,deceased,andat8o'clock.Mr,A.P.:han’Givnceed en aanaing dich Will have “*of his stock in company.X GOES HOME.Mr.A.E.who Was seriously cottoncountyandwho and Tucker of vidson county were ar-rested for having too much whiskeyintheirpossessionandtheofficerstookchargeofthemachineinwhichitwasbeingconveyed.Michael be- ran an action to get possession ofthecar,alleging that he had amortgageonsame.The jury foundthathehadknowledgeof‘the pur-cose for which the car was used andthathismortgagehadexpired.Court adjourned Wednesday af- ternoon for the term.|?adges For Those Who Enroll. The local army registration board | i -registration agitators arearrestedalloverthecountry. COMMITTEE CALLED. LL OFF.Carolina.They tried tobuttheballhadto#0!FREayEr SariLaake Mr.Gilbert Morrison,son of Mr.H.L.oofMrs enMorr wr a the army S corpsBiorrison,hap visited here. € sincethen,has =oe fe A. Association to be19-20-21,Work en the conven-programme is nearing comple-andit isex to be ready for tion within afew days,bers on the programme al- assuredthelines of jal patri-by Governor and anstratedlectureonfireaccidentpreventionbyStateInsuranceCom-missioner Young.Quite a number ofbusinesssubjectsaretobediscussedleadingmembersoftheassocia-including the following:“HowtoEducateandSeeureBestResultsgem,the Sales Force,”by Mesars.L.B.rkham of and DavidOvensofCharlotte;“to SecureBetterLegislation,”by Mr.J.FranksofWinston-Salem;“TheWaytoHandleCreditsandvals,”Mr.Jo.Baribaldi oftte;“The Delivery Problem,”.H.E.Cartland of Greensboro;“Methods of Improving Store”Mr.A.B.Carroll of Wilson.Wilson association promisesroyalentertainmentfortheconven--<feature of which will be anold-fashioned “Wilson county barbe-eve.”Delegates from the 1 as-sociation throughout the State willattendtheconventionand_specialearsfordelegateswillberunfromthewesternsectionof.the State. THE RECORD OF DEATHS. Young Abernathy’s Death DuetoFtomainePosoning—Ot er Deaths. ‘The funeral serviees of Henry Gra- dy Abernathy,who died Tuesday night,wereStreetMethodist-church yesterdaymorningbyRev.J.W.Williams.In-terment at Oakwood cemetery.Pall-bearers were Earl Cockrell,TalmadgeAdams,Marshal!Feimster,Ray Ka-neer,James Ward and Earl Kunkle,close friends of the deceased.Henry Abernathy,who wes knownfamiliarlytohiscompanionsas“Pat,”was il]for only about 24 hours.attendant physician pronouncedpto-maine poisoning the cause of deaththedefinitecauseofthepois- oning was not certain,the symptomsindicatedptomainepoisoning.The deceased was nearing his six- |Chureh|brothers,Harry,Jeter and Robert,all|° vember Bryan Simmerson and R.L.| teenth birthday at the time of hisjdeath.He is survived by his parents,three sisters—Mrs.T.C.Moose o' i lives near Statesville and Mrs.JohnofStatesville—and three of whom live with their parents. Mrs.Cordon was the widow of thejlateRev.J.H.Cordon,who about |1885-'6 was for two or three years;pastor of the First Methodist churchofStatesville.Older residents re-smember both Mr.and Mrs.Cordon.|Mr.Cordon was an able and eloquent|preacher and at the time of his death,not many years after he jeft States.iville,he was pastor of the leading Methodist church in Raleigh.Hisdeathwascausedbyanailpenetrating |his foot,resulting in blood poison.Mrs.Martha Fowle Cordon,66 yearsold,died Monday night at the home/of her daughter,Mrs.Percy Grimes,jin Salisbury.Her remains were taken‘to Washington (N.C.),her nativehome,for burial. Boy’s Fatal Injury. The Salisbury Post gives addition-ul details of the death of Everett Carrigan,young son of Mr.and ‘Mrs.Sam.Carrigan of the Mill Bridge section of Rowan,who wafatallyinjuredMondaybya_tree alling onLondmark of Wednesday.Fire broke out in the woods onMr.Carrigan’s place Monday after-noon and the boy was helping fighttheflames.He attempted to pushoveratreethathadpartlyburnedthebaseandwhenthetreefellthelittlefellowwascaughtbe-neath it,His back was badly mash-|and he was otherwise injured.HewastakentoaSalisburyhospitalLaltreatmentbutdiedinafew wurs, Mr.Steele’s Invention. The following is from the Scien- tific American:‘Die or Former—C.M._Steele,Statesville,N.CC.This invention provides a die or former especiallyadaptedforusewithbrickmachinestoformthetemperedclayintoabarrectangularincrosssection,fromwhichtheindividualbricksarecut,wherein means is provided in con-nection with the die or former forlubricatingthebarasitemerges from former to evercome theexcessfrietioninthecornersofthedieandgerossthenarrowedgetovrovide@Moreperfectandamorehomogeneousbar.”; Four Killed in Missouri. A tornado twisted intoPoint.Me,a village of aboutinhabitants,W.afternoon,billed injured 30,demol with the excep-tion of then movedet¥,TwolocalPointthe him,as was stated in The} Mineral | include an address|St Salisbury schools ited Mr.T.Allen,the ret superintend-ent,a purseof gold as a tokenof James 8.Draughon was foundooiaan——on his pee in Coneord Tuesday .po-plexy,the doctors YPwite daugh-ter and son survive.Mr.R.B.Harris,a prominent cit-township,RowanizenofCle.county,died Wednesday morning at2o'clock,Cancer of the stomach.Wife and children survive. agents at Duke aroad.Fire in the Buffalo millConcord,sp to tenasix,unknown,saysstatementthat itderstreetwould conducted from Race}pen Dermot,agedabout80,ee alswok teal yr.A.W Soe“Lae dae ofan.Prat Ws ARaleigh,wasgreeofdoctorersisanative of Davidson vicinity{|and a graduate of the college.*|Charlotte,Mrs.J.C.McNeely who The railroad trestlemancreek,four milesville,was about half originated from —_Passengers transferredbridgewasrepaired.The Durham company oftionalGuardhasrecruitedtostrength—-150—and_isfirstcompanyinthe State totherecord.Col.8S.W.Minor off$25 in eash to the first company intheThirdregimentrecruitingtowarstrengthandtheDurhamcompanywontheprize. Dr.Carpenter at Albemarle. Dr.F.A.Carpenter,who was call-ed to Albemarle this week to exam-ine the children of employes of theWiscassettMillsandtheFfirdManufacturingny,waseeeompaniedbyMissTurner,nurse. Dr.Carpenter was called to treat,the eyes,ears,noses and throats of|the children.A report from Albe-|jmarle says the sehool —-of|the Efird company was tu into|a hospital for the purpose.Whereerationswerenecessaryajrentsofthechildrenwereable topay,a nominal fee was { |the mill companies.These compa-|{nies employ two nurses —Miss|Copeland and Miss Dye,the latter||formerly of Statesville,who givetheirtimetothecareofthesickandsanitaryworkamongthemillem-ployes.ae Revenue Collections Grow.| During May Collector Watts of thisdistrietcollected$2,443,107.51,scaldnalrevenuetaxes,as follows: Tobacco Income taxes Fines,ete.EmergencyLiquorlicenseCapitalstockNarcoticOleomargarine license..3|This is an increase over last month| nd the pa-|= 1,sources for the pos Mr.JMeadows jin is oochargedjotherwisetheexpenseisborneby|for the county,exhibited onemadebw of $260,579.43 and of $1,114,456.08 ;|jover May,1916,or 84 per cent,beingjthelargestmonthlycollectionever|made in the district. To Damage Automobiles |Reward.A few days ago there was discover-|ed in the —_—three miles oores an arrangementtopunctureautomobiletires.Shopnailshadbeendriven Themill son ProduceitionofL.B.son's hiscompanyinyafternoon.wholewheatanddistribibutedamongthegrindscorn ‘ i ea B i ' s ; H i i i i :: i modification of re Te * methods and the stimulation co.;4 s lathe ho tantatptninbepalin tep ae!2a isvs duction,ete eS Convicts Buy Bonds, ations Prisoners in the|i- ‘Itentiary have bought ea. Justice Brown dissents,of Liberty Loan bonds savings that the 1915-Legislature evidently|ftom their small wage #; merely intended to provide the One man serving a long term |spent copies for the aan bienstial |$250 of the $278 to his eredit,A of the i period.The majority held that had|former West Virginia train robber and raised to a war foot-the 1917 appropriation committee |Put all but a few dollars of his sav- as has been ordered,should to-intended to not continue this appro-|'ngs into.bonds.eek tes $20,000.In addition the 1%Na-Priation,there would Rave been a)|sg to re oubt,possibly Guard division plan on which TePealing clause.|Seve hope «8 pardon. the War D t t is working,Ee NR Se |—"=es sara wound requireerevly ss naw more Cheney Got Off Light.AN AGEDWOMAN to necessary tional fegi-In Sw or Court this week G.R. ments.—i.on Point,who =om.|Tells How Vinol Made HerStrong a ,riving an automobile while;In i -second year Mrs Not All Married Men.intoxicated and causing the death of |et Soe Ruasellvil Pa.,mon An official announcement from Mrs.Maria Weatherman,was allowed|“I was in a run-down,f anaiion the War Department sets at rest the to plead guilty to the technical charge and had lost flesh.A neighbor asked that every married man of assault with a deadly weapon and me to try Vinol,and after two would be excluded from the first war went free upon payment of costs,bottles my strength returned;am ql The announcement means Cheny came into court and stated that gaining in flesh,it has built wp my men whose wives or children hehadpaid out between $300 and $400 health and I am feeling fine ie a have means of support will be liable in hospital bills for the injured and Woman of my ayo,so 1 get around anJ te eeiery service.It is as follows:burial expenses of the deceased.do my housework.”f More stylish in th ox t ia their act establishing the selective;The death of Mrs.Weatherman,The reason Vinol was so successful eir tra size—more resilien =a _the —"a killed in an automobile wreck,the re-iy Mra.Wieker rae hy ease Was be-cxtra rubber-—they g.veyourFord car asmarterGressand or discharge from the draft sult of reckless driving,is recalled.)Ce oe conraces the vory element : those in.a statue with respect to per-She was from Iredell and her remains Rn greater comfortin smoother riding that thrice cancel their cone dubendent upon them for sup-were brought to this county for WF.Hall.Drugaist,Statesville.slightly higher ich renders their exclusion burial.=——--'hig:ferst cost.wh =ea } Siacaa eithet cimoct half the’May Cut OW the Beer.|WE WILL FURNISH Pashioned with tho five-Qoodrich Safety Tread 1 £ gE i men available for draft,under the :ei aeueel ,,rith distilled wate:ae ; act of Congress,a.e married and If the administration exercises the ical patelyrevct Rat ceed ay only,these are De Luxe for your Ford.Thos .;prohibition powers proposed in the bord ’ any ewesning exclusion of married food control bill pending in Congress,|charge.If you,want the Regt E rosilicnco doubles the life cf your car and tripics bie.Only ‘a wheee dependents the ban will fall upon beer,into battery service stop in and see us.the jo of Te Cy wshttr pen them for sap.the,Production of which foes abont |STATESVILLE MOTOR OB,y of your motoring, 3 :52,500 000 bushels of bariey ever -Eportshouldclaimexemptionandof°”2)aoe onion re Sete Btn .awe Tes foeTue course all married men between the Y°3".3 DON’T BE A W AR BABY!Cost Listieliore What is moro,they OUTLAS:Cahn em po ages of 21 and 30,inclusive,must The American people ¢t eat 4 4 i .f t 7 are Sean tf Oe s, register,whether or not they pro-barley,but their allies in Franc ea ae ‘Balding :sccoameer ane ordinary (e Om 44 te.claim exemption.”eat every bit they can get.and for PB"Ne de lding Mate f t ‘De Lame Bacd hy —Paihia AN each bushe!of barley exported for rial”qua -i can ship.my we Ench 6foodthatmuchwheatcanbekeptfor«re stock at a geod profit,BUT 7 CG 4 ‘|Cc.ne > a East ~—_—-home consumption.THE IREDELL COUNTY roa Vieos TheB.we ree r »one a 7 ree ARE GOLNG TO uiAVE EVBRYprayain,tndythee,witc)|SaME OLD Sromy.ocr of Le Mist AY nMOUD ae Akron,Ohio :re -Rush Strong,on trial at Knoxville,PRICES:’Cc.WATKINS.°oe ee Gendne "cake East St.Tena...for the murder of S.B.Lut ccm Louis,oe.Dae aes trell,Jr,a young ociety man,on 7 ”ATBieraceriotsbeanMondaynightchenightofJuly's,tsi,vetinel |DR.J.M.HOLLAND. unions met with members of the agit a ia 2 .,tiled Dutra’we |DENTIST. city council to protest against fur-Pe inne and.Made to Rira ;. 7 by his wife,liquor and dope being a OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mr Sims’Millinery Stere. a ee a ther importation of negroes from mart of the incident Stronr al ‘| the South to work in the stockyards 9 ime hat he he t in if “de fo :le,N.CSTcaoaimeth:shot sel fence |Sitesvile,N. and packing plants,and were given oj the combination will doubtless |hy ”a b 'HOURS 8 to 6.31.ts ee |||MAIL ORDERS HAVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. un two white men in the city.|_ At that time large mobs were ,SALISBURY,6 6 ee RY, i iotinz which re-ve C @ 5 tdonxr a =SEE OURBIGLINE {|NC.Oestreicher’s NC. were badly beaten and hundreds ofMevie ,=n THE STYLE CENTER OF THIS SECTION. een Stee ees ameTe ;:a :. sults,the militia being in control.{MN KOOL KLOTH Our Final Winding-Up SaleCoat Suits,Coats,Silk Dresses. y De acne Gees >——AND~—_-This is really a wonderful opportunity to secure High Grade Garments ee eee eee Aatteinben.|EA \\Y ’for little money.Every Woman and Miss needs a new Suit or two ae.Ee ewier appeal tor medic 2 a LE NEY PALM BEACH SUITS.for immediate or early’fall wear.There is every reason why one recruits for the new army.He say:)SRA Be should oyhe sig now.We are certain we sti!l have the very Suit general inc ations poin 0 :e Tac “AF h-“A A fs -ou are 00 ing or that the majority of the medical pro-Ney ae a,«Also Shirts in the latest y . feasion of the country do not realize i OW I ier (fancy patterns,big line 8)ve .:a Whiz RQ to select from.||14 Spring Coat Suits “It ig the inescapable duty of every &if’A ’:5 . member of the profession ‘aed the 6 ,-Don’t fail to geta Cedar Worth from $25.00 to $39.75 age of 55 years to volunteer his serv-9 Pi:,Moth Proof Bag to saveeeeeeeeetnnehae;|THIRTEEN THIRTEEN quod apiborsd.He suggested that "lovbieg =e R)Jp’NINETY EIGHT $13.98 NINETY EIGHT medical men should report at once to the committee of thetr State organi-|@ 'eisai i é’z \7 :* Tice Eo tmtnccd,wen tashaek \Hats ali descriptions.h These 14 Coat Suits are in colors ;|PANY |‘Sa %Copen,Rose,Green,Gold, active in stimulating recruits for the g f Yours to serve.x +SN.fy Mustard,in materials of Wool Jersey,Gaberdine,Serge. medical reserve corps,recently,re-‘ ceived his commission as a major in &Sizes 16 to 40. the corps,5 \:ef 2 : adie 5 AE |\»ey a “i Russia’s Internal Troubles.2 i ’‘Navy,Black andGrey FiveSilk In addition to the unsettled politi-9 WAR ANTES i 4)%: cal situation in Russia,the latest 3...:i :{,® phase of which is the reiteration by "7 .q |] the te <oe ee =_2),: men’s s 0 policy of no .AL! indemnities or territorial aggran-|g ‘Ti 33 1-3 per Cent OFF 50 per cent OFF dizement,Russia faces a serious eco-.=|f 211"LV)Regular prices from Regular pricesfrom nomic situation.The food ministerhasinformedtheCongressofOff —=¢.i yi $25.00 to 847.50,$22.50 to $45.00, cers’Delegates that the wheat ship-ments are still far from normal,that panna anSeeiionsofpape men Ve.|short ‘of therequirement of themi 9 |Twenty Four Silk Dresses eensnaae on alaeee =|pea |For.general wear—Sport wear and afternoon wear in some phe.}of season’s best models.Divided in to 4 special lots Into Mexico to Avoid Draft.-mentioned below they are—wonderful values. Federal «officialsat.Laredo,Texas,'Ww America’ht ,Two Dresses 11 Dresses ns,with little baggage,but ee eeMneascee.is only natural that your friends and acquaintances Worth #17.50—a Worth $29.75—orth from $82.50 Mexico daily.are impressed by the general atmosphere of your home.Now Now 186 Nothing else radiates a cheerful atmosphere as does $7.08.$12.98.$17.98. nice furniture properly prrenese These Dresses are ions,If you want your home furnishings to be correct the and Novelty Stripes.are onlytwenty-four of thesefirstthingtodoimniturerWwingoeeeeeeSeweeoeInthesetwolotsofWomensandMissesCoatsarefoundwoaderfulprices and styles extraordinary.found here.st 1]$9.98 Breet.tai Masee”i:ren Pepinfoundhere,a ria $1398 Soeoe cams tin omySME >dune ~—;as une aSicayoegeesateaseaaieco DAVE ORSTREICHER'S,.SALISBURY,“AROLIN| °tee 27vt ‘you when you can letm-pump the water and>you the time todevoteyourwork.Save_thistimeandmoney.A Myers‘Pump will save this.Letputoneinforyou. 'W.E.MUNDAY. _Your Plumber,114 EB.Broad St. We Try to Keep Everything in stock to|meet your wants.Roof- ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO. “Phone 85,114 B.Broad Street. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. |FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,;Statesville,N,C,TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,“Phone 19'.Howra §te 6CIALereTOCHILDREN’S |4 PEETI #F“SOMETHING NEW? JIFFY =JELL. he new flavors. Guaranteed to please or your money back. Try it. Phone 89.‘Eagle &Milholland. resh Eggs: Every Egg Candled to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eggs. Sherrill&Reece. Cc.H.LESTER, Recisterep ARCHITECT, |N.C.Phone340Green. dessert in six =|ARTISTIC PIANOS,and it is in this limited ia | i!GET A KODAK gay ia “ee re.Vida ~ ih 5s = UF 3 ; i z storms that are sweepingourharvestWillafur 4iful.The crimson cloverthiscommunityhasbeast-other years,is almost a failurerewillbeverylittlseed Mrs.J.M,Ostwalt was conveyed to|the State Hospital at Morganton yes-|terday in Mr.H.M.Hartline’s ma-ichine,accompanied by her husbandendMr.and Mrs.U.A.' |This is one of the saddest misfortunes'that has ever befallen this community.|Mrs.Ostwait’s friends have noticedforsometimethetshewasdementedbutshedidnotbecomeun-With Fingers.|manageable until last week,She wasOuch!!:?:?!1 This kind of oneof our best women and had been rough talk wil’be heard less here in president of the Ostwalt BettermenttownifpeopletroubledwithcornsSocietyforseveralyears.We arewillfollowthesimpleadviceofthisdeeplygrievedoverthesadfateofCincinnatiauthority,who claims that’our leader and hope that she will soonafewdropsofadrugcalledfreezgonereturn,restored to health in mind and when gyptied to a tender,aching corn)'y.or hardened callus stops soreness at}Dr.Painter and Mr.Haze!Crockeronce,end soon the corn cr calluscf Cherokee,S.C.,came up Sunday te | crics up and ‘lifts right off without!see their aunt and sister-in-law,Mrs. pain,::J.M.Ostwalt.They returned homeHe¥eys freezone dries immedi-|yesterday.Mrs.D.T.Beish and childatelyandneverinflamesorevenir-ete yesterday for West Virginia,af- ritates e surrounding skin.A}ter spending some time with Mrs.J.Ismallbottleo%freezone will cost;Troutman.Mrs.Cullen Ostwalt ofverylittleatanydrugstore,but will)gratesville is visiting Mrs.U.A.Ost-positively remove every hard or soft)win =Mr.and Mrs.Bilis Shere andcornorcallusfromone’s feet.Mil-|.y;Peta 2 children of Rural Hall are visitingtionsofAmericanwomenwillwel-|rire Shore's parents,Mr.and Mrs.come this announcement since the Jj.W.Clark inauguration of the high heels.If wal eeyourdrugeistJoesn’t have freezone Notices of New Advertisements Buick and Dodge cars.—States- i: g fe v i l e s a3 5 t t = pointallthings well and say,Thy will done.CLIPTHISANDPIN ON WIFE’S DRESSER Cincinnati Man Tells How toShrivelUpCornsorCal-luses So They Lift Off *coming onfromnowtoeat.,’tatoes weigh1-2 Ibs.,and gardenporesville,Esq,Vie.Brown to rary,notwithstanding.ev.L.A.Falls went to Charlotte nesday afternoon to theralofDr.J.T.Hiatt,who diedinAshevilleTuesday,where he hadfoneforhis,health.ite had been inEehaeome>.saniss)Marget Chapel HireonavisittoMissAudreynett.Miss Kennett returneddayfromaweek's eS Le-rand Edgemont,where en-ed with a party of friends on a ping trip.Misses Beatrice andisHallarehomefromFloraMac-ld College,at Red Springs,andMissMargueriteBrawleyfromtheStateNormal.ith the otherschoolgirlsalreadymentionedathome,the town begins to look nat-ural.Mieses Mary Johnston andAnnieMillshavereturnedfrom1 visit to Raeford.Miss Ella Corne-ljvs has returned to her work asnurseatthePresbyterianhospitalinCharlotte,after spending her va- cation ai home.Mrs.F-J.-Peytonandson,Tom,of Greeley,Cal.,arevisitingMrs.J.H.MeLelland,wheretheywillspendafewweeks.Peyton is a sister of Mrs.«McLel-land.Mr.and Mrs.E.and daughter,Mary,day from Texas.daughter spent fourfriendsandrelatives in Texas rs.Brawley andweeksvisiting and accompany them home.Mr.Rufus F.Brawley,who moved|§here from Coddle1inJanuary,health and does not improve.hardly able to be out now.Mr.and Mrs.g@anton,who were married on the Creek neighbor- He is tell him.to order a small bottle for ville Motor Co. Cool dresses for hot days.—J.M.McKee &Co.Beautiful Drug Co. Corn forKimball.Big sale on Panamas.—Mrs.Mary Sime.|Light bills to be paid at office be-jtween the 10th and 20th of each{month —City Electric Light and Power Co.op pPccial silk dress sale—Mills & Poston.|Chautauqua tickets on sale June|11th,!From Churchill's famous ook,i*The Crisis,”at The Crescent,JuneSth..Sixteen silk dresses at half price. -—-Rameey-Bowles-Murrison Co.i Cabinet sale opens Saturday, June $th.—Crawford-Bunch =FurnjvureCo. Pupils wanted.—C.G.Prosperi Will sell Ford car at auction.M. .Alexander. Settlement requested—R.°P.Alli- son. Dr.Sherrill’s aecounts cen’s Drug Store.Horse for sale.—T.C.Sherrill. Position wanted bv High Schoo! Graduate —’Phone 44 Red. Car No.1 Timothy hay.—JinTharpe,fredell Produee Co.Four ears Fords within next ter days.—Carolina Motor Co. dishes.—Folk Gray second planting.—D.J. as actrengtheningfoodand_tonic to add richness to her‘andbuild up hernervesbeforeitistoglate,Start SCOTT'S tudey~—itsfameisworld-wide. No Alcohol. Scott &liowne,Bloomficid,W.}.16-4 P at Stim- Doors,Windows,Mantels, Case.Base,Mouldings,Door and Window Frames,Sash Cord ==and |Weights,Locks and Butts are sold .by °C.WATKINS. ARTISTIC PIANOS! There Mr.James Ward will take ition as salesman with the Clothing Company togway. fg po- Sloan are not many names_indicating | group the ‘‘Packard”holds 2 high place. in purity and richness of tone,in perfection of mechanical adjustment,the PACKARD Piano stands today one of the most dis- tinctive among distinctive Pianos.Such an in- strument is a refining influence in the home— a constant inspiration to every performer. “The eyes are the windows of the soul;the Piano the sole of the house,”quotes Reeves, the English singer. You get everything that is best when you buy a Packard. Ask for Catalog and prices. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. {ieee EVERYTHING MUSICAL.emt} 105 East Broad Street.Phone 304.Statesville,N.C. —=o Ui e Without know it,Come i see aesoeee the DimeBankWay...Get h yeal Kodak with spare Dimes. 284,and have been on a wedding;trip to Newton and Shelby,camejhereMondaytovisitMr.Bost’s sis-|ter,Mrs.Sam.P.Orders,and left|fer Newton Wednesday morning, where they will make their home. 'Mrs.John Rankin entertained theBridesclubTuesdayafternconadditiontotheregularmembers,Miss Jett.Brawley,Mrs.Bruce Tem-jpleten and Mrs.Jim Brawley |Greensboro.were mruests. ;Mrs.J.Edgar MecNeety and child are here from Salisbury for a week’:visit to home folks at Esq.M.W.White's.Mrs.J.M.Pepe of ter.Mra J.H.MecLelland,has re-turned home.Mrs.Pope is pleasant Iv remembered here and at Amity where she taught school,as Mis “Minnie Atwell She Mas)many friends in Tvedell,Dr.and Mrs.Evust!Sloop Crossnore are ona vist ioStoop’s parents,Mr.and airs.W. ‘loop.Mrs.Sloop,who ion work and rons a mission schoo at Cressnore,addressed the ladie et the First Presbyterian church Wadnesday afternoon at 4 o'clock on her work and school. of or A Patterson -Holstend Wedding at Mooresville. pectal Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,May At 5.50 p1.today,at the home of her pa- ents,Mr.and Mrs.W.C.Patterson, Miss Neill Pressly Patterson be me the bride ci Mr.Herberttiolstead.The ceremony room was decorated n white roses and ivy,softly light- |bv candles.The livi reom and -eception hall were decorated =in pink proses and clematis nie Orr of Charlotte, Og ¢ gowned in white net trimmed in cream lace and § before the :ink georgette hat,sang remony “Perfect Day”ane You Truly.”Mrs.Gownedinpurplecharmen jing music.Little er,daughter of Mr.arMiller,entered ng ona silver tray Siressedinwhiteembroidered tiste and pink ribbonsMissMaudePatterson,sister bride,was maid of honor. 3;Very handsome in blac tin and black picture hat.She en tered with the bride.The bride wastutifullygownedinher ‘vy suit of embroidered th g@eeessories.They met room and the best man,Mr.Rorers,in the center of the he c@Pemony was very impressive- y solemnized by Rev.R.€con,pastor of the Mooresville A.R.Pr.church.The bride is the youngest daugh- ter of Mr.and Mrs.Patterson.She is an aetive member of the A.R.P.hutch and is an attractive and ac-complished young woman.She will be missed by a.wide circle of friends, Mr.Holstead is superintendent ofTrodeausanatoriumSaranaLake,BN.¥,Mr.and Mrs.Holstea| left immediately for a Northern trip,After June the Sth they will he at e et Trudeau,N.Y. (-townh quests at the wed-ding Were Mr.J.P.Rogers,Mr.Galea Patterson,Miss Mary HelenPatterson,Mr.and Mrs.J.8.White,Statesville;Mrs.R.M.Knox,sisterofthebride,and davghters,Eva and Louise,of Newton;iss Bonnie Orr,ir?.&.Brawley and Mir.& Ola Belle Mil d Mre.EF.H first,carryinghe of taupe, Jack at Mr.Brawley went out last week to d has been in feeble|§ R.L.Bost of Mor-)§ In}? of |; Dur-|;hem.who spent a week with her sis-! does mis-, Allen ¢ Miss Bon-§ lack pieture hat,rendered the wed-5 Da-. She § *k duchess § going-4% the | room."i ‘David- eo."5 a o P|‘wee :nf Mo»>a mB ss Ce05>oeESRPIRAIRE 2p:«te ARI IP ‘a akra“_rs a +-s ‘»$; :he th 4 * Carolina Motor Co., Statesville,N.C. (HELP YOUR COUNTRY| and Make Money for Yourself. Uncle Sam must have the money QUICKLY to build thousands of food and munition -carrying ships,to raise,equip and maintain an army of 1,000,000 men;to give us a smashing big navy—in short,to enable ourcountrytocarryonitsshareofthegreatwarfortheFREEDOMOFTHEWORLD! YOU can do YOUR part by lending the Governmentsomeofyoursavings.Invest now in one or more ofth Liberty Loan Bonds,You will be helping y ;while you help your country.The bonds pay 3 1-2 percent.interest and ARE AS GOOD AS GOLD!There is _an easy payment plan,For example,if you want to buy one of the $50 bonds,you can make your payments at © this Bank,as follows:: 2 per cent,when you buy the bond ........$18 per cent.on June 28,1917 .....20 per cent.on July 30,1917 {30 percent.on August 15,1917 ............Mh30percent.on August 30,1917 ............M®$50.00 The bonds will be dated June 15,1917,and will run for 30 years,when the Government will repay the principal.Twiee a year the owner will receive interest at the rate of 3 1-2 per cent.a year.‘ Come in and let us help you to help yourself,your country and humanity! COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C, ee & a sinniiinSODscetit THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR, QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY, the g Statesville Drug Comp’y —The lexall Store.— Quality Preseriptionists. THE STATESVILLE ;REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY. Arpreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfrendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.(ur office is an open ane,and we invite all our customers and those who will become customerstous.the same when they so desire,As in thepast,we ‘vill strive to give the same HiIGh “RADE SERVICEthathaswonfortin.~ompany the will andconfidenceofoverseventeenpatrons, “WEINSURE ANYTHINGINSURABLE”andPAY ALL § Ww sina om call Ietoatour F:for anyinformation,oF telephoneNo,5 teat = Wedo NOTARY PULIC work also.ally yours, JF. —done | ee ef i s a& ieg t h e t 3 zi g 32 $3 = i si e t e 5gi z <§ =cotothedoc- be made, o time to argue about it--|work is accomplished thatebeenandcouldhave accomplished years before if! set about the task and| itted to do the job.| hope that some such serv- be rendered in the case of ice.It may seem impossi- -but the ia f e l [ A i t j Fe e conditions now favor change and it may be done. _ ¢Line upon,line,precept “upon pre- cept—that’s the only way to get the The facts about oe |gum and pianos and|instruments. $E il i Si ei t : iplsloyalbutthelawand may bepunished.. Think on this mater,ifdisposedtodenouncethewar or | draft act;and a werd of warning or exhortation to those dis talk that way will be tithegoodcitizen’s duty. _ thetion on the war tax bill,“that there should be no direct taxation on jew- elry,motion picture films,ngself-played mu-.”“No direct taxa- tion,”take notice,which means that those things not exempt from indirect taxation.All of them come in the luxury class and the country wouldn't be hurt if some of them arajwil tetimeitcannot bemale next y theaae } eration the exemption of all married, men;it was not stated that it was| finally determined that all married) men would be exempt;and it has| since been —_that there is Rd purpose to make exemptions solely | on that ground.But the report| mentioned creates that imprespion and will tend to confusion and trouble.TLA POTD The country is at war and potetrationforthedraftisathand.De-spite these facts the volunteers are so few that the regular army and i the National Guard,calling for, weeks for volunteers,lack thou-| {sands of men necessary to fill the) ranks.It was only a few weeks ago) |hat a number of gentlement stoodinCongressandbitterlyassailed ,the draft law,contending that a vol-j weeamy could be raised.In theofhashappenedandwhat was so on when this argu-ment was made,the members|af Congress >wus so unwise!t !doubtless glad to strike.that incident from the record. |“A good many folks who don’tKnowhimareundertheimpression oe the editor of Charity and Chil-is a preacher and “Rev.”is fre-ouently put in front of his name.In*this coun’issue of the paper thefollowingappeared:“An accomplished woman,whosenamewewillnotcall,remarked toustheotherdaythatitwasasourceofwondertoherthatany_reader of the columns of Charity*and Children should ever imagine itseditorisapreacher.”It is evident that some of the sis-ters are “onto”Dr,Johnson. RTS WSEASPETIA 3 EPOPTI OD || Mr.Henry Morganthau,former am-bassador to Turkey,made an enviablerecordascommencementoratorattheAgriculturalandag|College.|He spoke just 23 minutes.But therewasaflyintheointment.|Bost avers that Mr.Wilton McLain)11 1-2 minutes introducingPossiblythat’s whcuthisshort,Mr.Bost | jeraft suitable onl land weight carryin: Mr.Tom |f i f Fa directly and indirectly F i t y E i n ? : i a f t in y i\' ON THE WAY Four Carloads of Fords. We are advised that four car-loads of Fords will arrive inStatesvillewithinthenextten days. No change in price on these |ears,“CAROLINA MOTOR CO. 1 lot and Tubing,yNapkins,Silence We offer one car No.1 Timothy Hay at $1.25 per ewt.Have no room is why price is so low! - se e ep e e mo n i e s io s so IREDELL PRODUCE CO months,the first ship over for active in coast patrol90daysofthe date of the contract and reafter one or more will be delivered every week, The 16 ships will be added to the coast patrol service as rapidly as they are .are being tonkned at the naval aviation station at Pensacola,Fla.wi the first navy dirigible, duty ,D.8-1,an older typefortrainingpur-operation. greater s capacity,are ective element poses,is in dailynewairships,wi expected to be an of the coast defenses,particularly in the detection of submarines,in which service the British Blimps have repeatedly proved their value. The Navy Department expects that the entire 16 will be in service by the middle of August,and that they will be distributed to operate inpairsalongtheAtlanticcoast,working from special bases ashore &operations |gandsupplementingtheofsubmarinechasers,reserve de- stroyers and other naval craft now @ on guard duty. SS Italians and Russians Active. The battlefront from Goriza south-ward toward the head of the Gulf ofTriestremainstheonlytheaterwhere @forthemomenthardfightingisin progress.Even here,the intensitywhichcharacterizedthe last week is lacking.On the front in France,where Field 4MarshalHaig’s forces ave facing theGermans,the operations by neithersidehaverisenaboveminorattacksforseveraldays,consisting mainly ofmaneuversbysmallraidingpartiesandartilleryduelsofamoderatede-gree of strength.Wednesday passedwithoutinfantryengagementsbe-j tween the French and Germans,al-took|though their respective gunspartinspiritedartilleryduels.The Russians and Austrians in theeasterntheaterarefightinginmorelivelyfashionthanhasbeenthecaselytrueinEastGalacia,where vent days-the Russians began an offensive. 3 ii |F se e s Fi :i 4s i e e e i:e t h |‘ sF; ge t “ i t ni[ f i‘ | | H i s f h e g i i d 4 :zt i work within less than |J- operations |4 | No More collectors—ANBlectricbePaidattheContra In accordance with Ordinance passed by Board of Aldermen,all Electric Light Bills will be paya’commencing with May bills, at the office of City Treasurer,125 Broad Street,(Old Bowling Alley room).These bills become due the 10th of each month, and this Department will grea IN AT CITY OFFICE AND S THAT DATE!Extreme limit for of bill is JUNE 20.On the 10th of each month the bill Power Company becomes due by City,and patrons will understand the importance of «Electric Light Bills being paid as early in the month as sible.is Department asks for the tion of all Electric Light users in this matter.We are very ecipons of the bills being paid at the City Office,so no collector will call in future.We know you will be glad to assist us,and feel it will prove in the end a convenience to our patrons and a considerable money-sav- ing to the city. JIM THARPE RE AS Billsto ' | | | | Made Sheets, .$10.00 and $1250Suits for $7.95. Higher priced with corresponding reductions. Summer Dress Fabrics. 36 inch Colored Voiles,18c. 27 inch ColoredVoiles,12 1-2c. @inch White Voiles,25c. 36inch Striped Skirting,18c. 36 inch Gaberdine Skirting,25c.. Cotton Crepe,Pink,Blue White,special 15c. BUY NOW. PRICES ARE GOING TO BE HIGHER. TubFabrics,Fast 32 inchRenfrow32inchr 15c. wnand BleachedTickPillow aWe,Teas Dameck, Cloth,Curtain Material,Etc. 1 ];i} City Electric Light and PowerDepartment. [BEAUTIFUL DISHES 1 PRACTICALLY GIVEN AWAY. Even if its high cost restricts your table fare,the low cost of these artistically designed table sets will enable you to serve in thehigheststylewithoutpullingyourpocket Let us show you the dishes and tell you howtogetasetatonefourththeiractualvalue. ‘|POLKGRAY DRUG CO.“Onthe Square” Cee ne nn nen ne een Prepare for the Hot Days By making your light,cool Dresses. We have just what you need—either solid colors, Stripes,Checks or Flowers—Lawns,Batiste,Voiles,or the finer fabrics. PRICE—7 1-2c.,10c.,12 1-2e.,15e.,19c.,25c.,up to $l a yard. We have also the finest lot of Skirting you ever saw—all styles! DON’T FORGETTOLOOK AT OURREADY-MADE WAISTS AND SKIRTS! Yoursto please, J. te.M.' ‘ We have what people want when.they want it—at fairprices. The Store That SellsForCashand for Less. ——tihPHONE 212.0" Wehave abigline of Panamas we are a and Friday and Saturday. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. Your Hands Are nottiedfromcarryingoutyourex- pectations and desires when you havemoneyINTHEBANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It is not a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. Acquire the habit whileyourin-comeis small endit will De casler os Opposite theirforthisyear’s CHAUTAUQUA. Milis,Nannie W..Mand,W.A, daughter,Devane of Greens-Master William CookoneyesterdaytomF Burglarshaveawayof finding out the 'uswhichmoneyishidden.That's theburgiars’usiness."The man who hides his moneyfin the house or»elsewhereisalwaysingreat dangerof losing both fils’?MONEY and his LIFE.fatHideyourmoneyinourbank,behind our thick..waiis and strong locks and where men of knownfinancialRESPONSIBILITYkeepitSAFEformm.Le Make Our Bank Yaur Bank. We pay 4 ber centinterest on time deposits. |Correspondence of The Landmark._qrenntene ot Tete ||THE FIRST NATIONALi]|nie Brawley delightfully entertained twenty | holeon,W.T.ooe,Mamie 8....Parks,Mias Mareie .Patterson,Nellie W.Patterson,L.B. Pennington,C.E.Perry,W.C... Poston,J.R... Pone,W.L...Pressly,J.H. Privette,H..C.Remsey,Jr.,M.E.Ramsey,SadieRamsey,VirginiaRandiettEvelynRankin,E. L 118 122I11122111’1,| em me e 1 Steele,¢3-2 Stecle,stfic: ElizabethHall’s Drug StoreHarwell,MaHill,Prof.J Sronce,B.L. Swann,Miss DucieThomas,D.S Thompson,Thompson,D.Troutman,R. Turner,O.DsWalton,Annie’Bell Wallace,HermanWallace,Julius Ward,Forest L.Watts,FE.B. Webb,W.EWhite,L.0.White,W.N. White,Jno.S.White,Ed.G. Williams,M.CWilson,H.C. Wilson,J.W. Wilkinson,E.R. Woodward,H.B. Ot o ~ Po n i s i = ts — te es t s ~ eS ES me et ee it HS oe OT OS te -3—1-2) Me cee.oes SaeuBeeccenecn. OO S et me ee t et visit her son,Mr.E.0.Anderson,|Mr.and Mrs.R.d,Echerd passedithroughStatesvillepoeta[their way from a visit to relatives.in Taylorsville to their home inAsheville. Miss Juanita Weedon,sisterMrs.P.D.Kennedy of Statesville,|visited in the home of Mr.R.E1}Armfield on her way to her home in:1|Blowing Rock from Palmyra,Hali-1—.2-2|fax county,where she been8|teaching.|Mrs.R.N.Penland and Mrs.Rey1|Plott spent yesterday in Charlotte.1;_Mr.Mack Gibson is at home from22-2)Davidson College,where he was a9)student the past session.2 Messrs.Fred.Morrison,Lewis Pos-1|ton,Woodford White, Wwyalter Ajl+|1jams ond Dick Mitchell are @#8%home from the University, Hill.Other Statesville boys b BS eS SO et et ee ga)” |The parlor wae artivtieally doometed +|Cooke, of their young friends Saturday evening,26th,|from 2 til 6 at »birthdayparty given in hon-|or of their little invalid sister, old Saturday.The guests were met at the dodr by MiasMamieBrawleyandshownintotheparlor,|where many beaatiful gifts were displayed.| roses and sweet william,Numerous games|were played which were greatly enjoyed by|the omall children.Minses Mary and Willie|Mue and Kate Rimumer,assisted in|entertaining.{At 4 o'clock the guests were invited into|the dining room,which was beautifully deco-|rated with roses,where delicious refreshments| were served,efter which all departe with|pleasant memories of the evening.May “Little|Ethel,”as she is called,have many more brightandhappybirthdays.{The Sunday school st Wesley’s chapel is;progressing nicely and we hepe to hive abetterSundayschoolin«ne future than has |ever been known ot that place.Missionary|exercises by the school every fourth Sunday.|Kveryvody urged to come and bring some one.Mesos Dainy and Sallie Horton spent Satur-|day night and Sunday with Miss Mary Cooke.|Cha Miss Lillian Arthurs was the guest of Misses|Mae and Kate Rimmer Suturday and Sunday.|are students there will arrive Waters |te ef Chin,Gis of Teinin|.Miss Beile Feild is in Birmingham,1-2)Ala.,spending a month with her sis-!1\ter,Mrs.J.D.Cochrane,who will-2—~1-2|probably accompany Miss Feild homie,‘-2—2-22\to her home in Asheville after a:2 it to Miss Julia Austin. from North Wilkesboro,where :-s''visited in the home of Mr.A.|Sherman, Mrs.John Cooper,Mrs.J.C.Ir-1/vin,Mrs.Mary Locke Simons1MissSarahFowlerwillattend the|ls.|Confederate reunion in Washington,|2;Miss Mattie Puckett of Barium)2|Springs passed through Statesville|2—1-2 this week on her way to Jackson,|.3—2-2)Tenn.}3|Mrs.L.White has gone to Deket,1/|to visit her son,Mr.William White.|2)Cecit Harrison is in Norfolk to)|spend a month with Dr.and Mrs.Harry Harrison.'|Mr.A.R.Sherman of North|Wilkesboro is visiting Mr.L..C.!-21-2)Lewis. Mr.H.L.Steele,foreman of Charlotte Observer's composinroom,spent Wednesday with hisfamilyinStatesville. r.D.A.Warren is spending a |few days in Washington.|Mr.Frenk Hall is at home from|Davidson College. Mr.Dick White arrived Wednesday||nigkt from Akron,.Ohio,where hehadbeenatworkforsometime. Social Items. Mrs.Merritt Henry Jones of Dur- 1}ham has issved invitations for the 1-2|marriage of her daughter,Elizabeth 2 |Rencher,to Mr.Carlton Austin An-+|drews of Statesville.The ceremony 2}will take place at the home of Mrs.Jones,222 Morris street,Durham,at,“et o'clock on Saturday morning,June 1 |Andrews music store in re to n o t s the}o~ _ iS PO — £5 CO D O N DO R NS T O L tatesville. Wehave a few that we areclosing out at cost.Theyare splendid Refrigerators andtheonly reason weoller themat cost is we have quit handling them. |Mr.Paul Hunter and Miss Caro-|tine Reynolds were married in Con-cord Sunday.They came to States- |ville immediately to be the guests ofMr.Hunter's parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Hunter.The bride formerlymadeherhomeinHighPoint.Mr.Hunter recently was clerk in theYadkinHotelinSatisbury.He has senger on the Southern,between |Asheville and Spartanburg.He andthiswifewillmaketheirhomein—, |Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Bristol enter-j tained at a dinner party Tuesday af |ternoon.re were six guests and|several courses were served.The i dining table was pretty with Chollacemats.A bowl of La France|roses was the centerpiece. ‘Corn and Peas For Cotton—Personals. |Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,May 31 —Farm-busy,as they have IredellHardware Co.|P.3,We havethree grades of ShiaglesSeethem.: and}Me of Market firm. 16.Mr.Andrews is manager of the!PERSONS INDEBTED to the Alliaon Book| FOR RENT—a.Y.East Luces Cowniy,ss.jFrankJ.Cheney makes oath that he fs sen-|or partner of the firm of F.J.Cheney &Co.,|‘doing business in the City of Toledo,County|and State aforesaid,and that sald firm will!Miss Blanche Weish has retw yay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS}for each and every cane of4not_he cured by the ofMissLaureBinghamhasreturnedGee.,. Catarrh that can Notary Publie.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally |acts through the Blood on the Mucous|the System.Send for testimo-| F.§CHENEY&CO.,Toledo,O.|Sold by al!drogwivta,75e,|Hall's Family Pille for eonatination free Market.|paid yesterday |market:ing Chickens,26¢.to 30¢,tb.ma,iée.per th,ra,Te.per th, Eges,tc.per dozen.Butter,22¢,to 25¢.per Ib.Reeswax,26¢.per tb.Green Hides,i8e.per tb.Hams,25¢.to 2%¢.per Ib.Sides and Shoulders,22¢.to 26e.per tb.Red Honey,16e.per Ib.Sovurwood Honey Comb,20¢.per ib.“Old Auto Rubber Casing,4¢.o>DeSweetPotatoes,$1.25 per bushel. Grain,}The following prices were paid yesterdayforgrainonthelocalmarket:Wheat,$2.59 to $2.75 per bushel.Corn,$1.86 per bushel,Outs,90c.per bushel.{ Statesville Cotton Market.|On the local market yesterday 21 conta | pound was paid for best grade ved { Catton Seed,8%.ner bushel,Seed Cotten,&1-2e.per Ib.See ———- WANTED—Ponition hy High SchoolOfficeworkpreferred.‘Vhone 44 i.{June 1.-1t*} POR SALE—A geod sorrel horse,nine yearsSHERRILL,|ofd.iJune1-j | Sbherrill's Ford,Perfeetiy pwentt vt.€mM.C. please call and settle at once,R.P.|ALLISON,June 1-1". WANTED—Pupiis to conch during the sum-—mer.High School aod Collere Preparatory.|Cc.G.PROSPERI dune 1-8,| AUTO FOR HIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY will|take you anywhere.Prices right,DayPhone227,night Phone 72 Red.May 29,| ror RENT—Residence,7 rooms,all conven-|fences.Mulberry St.,near my residence.B.F.LONG,May 25--8t, accepted a position as express mes-|Now OPEN—Sisterville Inn now open totransientfirst-class boarders and roomers.|MRS.W.F.PALMER.May 25. RENT—Mouseson Sharpestreet.N.P.ATT.=May 22.: OR |Alexander on iresidenceBroadstreet.M.P.ALEXANDER.May 15. “Auction Sale of Ford Car, Ry virtue of a judement of the SuperiorCourt1willsefiatpubtieauctionforcagh }et the court housethe254dayofJune,at 12 o'clock,Touring Car in good condition. door in Statesville,N.C.,|one Ford| M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff,done 1,1917, *”NOTICE! Have left my accounts at Stim-son's Those indebt-ed to me can see a statement of account or make settlement GoiteL.Sherrill,M.D. Ethel,who!= .ib itis:Appropriate Presents". ne ey de pn Reor‘Brides and Graduates:is ten The times in a young womans life when she 4 sigmostthe"remembrarices"’she receives are when she¢ates.and when she weds.These are-the times when friendships...are “tested.”‘an_If youremember your sweet-girlgraduate friend at this ~time she will think kindly of you always.The bride will,,..,eternally cherish as a friend the one wha sends her a weddinggift.TeThe“quality is there”in our gift goods.Hngd art R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. ie e20,ha e i %iy af 4 e a. Distance fades as if by magic _7 |before the right sort of car. If you ride in a Buick or Dodge you will marvelattheeasewithwhichthetripismade, When you are looking for easy B:riding qualities and a car thatwillmakethedistancecomeinandletusdemonstratetheBuickorDodge. Ms, a Jewish a convention of Jews is called to in Baltimore on June 24,accord- a statement issued from the uarters of the Zionist organiza-f America in New York. make impossible any repetition of recent unp nted accident on American steamer Mongolia, in @hich two Red Cross nurses were ki the brass type of powder cups in American Nava!guns for a of years is to be abandoned for “—_"fiber substitutes. peace programme of the A us- and German delegates .the ist conference toe be held atStoekholm,as formulated in a group conffrence,provides for no annexa-tion,no indemnities and restriction of chanical means which may be empeoyed in maritime and air warfare. aking at Arlington cemetery on I ation Day,President Wilson snid the natural touch of sorrow is ur with reassurance becauseknoWinghowthemenofAmericahave res éd to the call of liberty,there is -ct assurance that the new re- 8 “will come again in equal aol with equal majesty.” William Lorimer,expelled fromtheUnitedStatesSenatewhenaSenatorfromHlinois,on the groundthaghiselectionwasprocuredby ption and fraud,and later inleaccountoffailureoftawhhwhichhewasconnected,is Bow running a sew mil!in Louis- jiamm and a few days ago broke his arm®while operating the mill. Members of the Italian war mission. no®@ in this country,following the ex-le of the British and French mis-sich.will tour the country;but unlikeBritishandFrench,the ItalianswifincludetheSouthintheitinerary.'y will be in Atlanta on the 5than@willgofromtheretoBirming .New Orleans and Memphis,and ;to Western and Northern cities. thy of the entire inthebereavement.Dr.ier-in-law and sister,and Mrs.C.P.McNeely of Mooresville,spentMondayhere,{Miss Sue Hedrick,who was a mil-liner in Claxton,Ga.,this season,turned home Tuesday night.Mra.C.Deal of Davidson,who visited rel-atives here,has returned home andhermother,Mra.R.FE.Barnes,ae-vompanied her.Mrs.Sarah Feim-ster and granddaughter,Miss EmmaFeimster,are visiting Mrs.Feim-,ster’s sister,Mrs.J.W.Vickery,near Statesville.Mr.and Mrs.Ray‘Echerd and baby son,Ray Jones ofAsheville,who have been visiting Mr.Echerd’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.P.Reherd,returned to their hometoday.Rev.W.B.McIlwaine,mis-sionary to Japan,is a guest at the home of Rev.L.L.Moore.Mr..J. A.Matheson ef Greensboro spentMondayherewithhismother,Mrs. Ww B Matheson. Mr.R.H.Cobb was called toHickoryTuesdaybythedeathofhis vephew,Mr.A.I.Ames,who was killed by coming in contaet with a ive wire in Kinston Monday.Mrs. Ames’grandfather,Mayer R.F Cobb,could not go to HickoryMr.Hugh W.Lindsay has gone to Greensboro to accept a position as traveling salesman.Mr.A.. —of Durham is here on Sumer The loss of the American schooner M.E.Eldridge,of Dennis,Mass.,ihe death of her captain,George Delbat, and one member of her crew,who per ished from exposure,became known when eight survivors of the Eldrid;« were brought to Havana,Cuba,by a British schooner.When three days out from Tampa,Fla.,the Eldrid.g was sunk by a hurricane GIRLS!LEMON JUICE. IS SKIN WHITENER! How to Make a Creamy Beauty Lo-tion For a Few Cents. The juice of two fresh lemons trained into a bottle containing three ounees of orchard white makesrjAdmitet-John Henry Upsher,2 whole quarter pint of the most reUnitedStatesnavy,retired,died in|Markable lemon skin bonutifier al phington Wednesday nicht,aged ®bhovt the cost one must pay or 8 94"He was 4 native of Virginie,a small =jar of the ordinar:col vefpran of the Mexican and Civil “Teams.Care should be tab omandwastheoldestlivinggradu.“{'@in the lemon juice through -spe=the Naval Academy at Annap-|oth rs oo —s ap air olla eroli,Was at the seige of Vera Cruz lotion will keop fresh =in Mesiean war and with the Per-ty fexpedition ‘that opened Japan to eree, Vv * sts cones een Troops Take Control Mex-ican Border Town. dispatch from Presidio,Texas,sa@ Francisco Villa held a borde: opposite an American town,Weinesday night,and United States 8 ave patrolling the border,ile Villa cavalrymen are operat-on,the southern bank of the Rio ¥5 o’clock Wednesday morning.t 200 Vila followersda:mto the little border town of »Ojima opposite Presidio,shout-ing “Viva Viila,”and shooting right and left,as they rode.Only a hand-ful of Mexican government forces oecupied the town,Gen.G.Figueroa,Gen.Garcia ag Colone!Riojas hav- ing gone ovt”Sunday night to en- news he ae comniand _which wa Mula pa 35 miles on the ‘horder.' Pitty of the government force of 75 men in Ojinaga succeeded in es- eaping across the river to Presidio. Women and children followed behind their men,carrying babies and bun-dies.“OF the 25 government soldiers remaining,16 were kille®during thefighting,six were taken _prisonerandtheewerewounded.The battle lasted two hours,afterwhich»the 8 and homes of theOjimagaresidentswerelooted ther Vil was with his troops has not been confirmed. _RENEEcAReétestionFortheTroops. American troops would take rest and fecregtion centers along withthemtoFranceunderplansworked out by the training camp activitie: committee appointed by SecretaryBaker.The committee already reecived many offers of aid tors and other entertain Ragitfond Fosdick,chairmar committee,has studied theandCanadiancampsbothat home and in France,and is convinced thai soldiers need amusements when they are withdrawn for rest periods fron trench duty.Major General Be!lcommandingtheeastdepartment, has urged the amittee to lay vreat ~—“ie nd an effort willbee@towet$Hiliers choruses ;in ali.the camps. is Submarine Plan. pamrern,who sells news- gtreets of Statesville has from we tt British in tape world,has foundasolutionthesubmarineproblem Wiley-says Wire riddance of the an submarines is to bore a hole wh the earth in the bottom of‘Atlantic ocean,empty the ocean ater and leave the submarinesanddryontheoceanbed.The side of the world to be flooded t offer a protest to this proced-but “ay isn’t concerned about Fee, Building in Wilkes. Wilkesboro Hustler. good roads commission has aforceontheroadtoIredellnowonHuntingcreek,about of the other squadYadkincountyandmiles.Another forcebeginontheoeFails oatdt takes a keen interest i Every woman k:ows that is used to bleach ard re- blemishes as freckles monthy. lemon juice move such allowners and tan,and is the ideal ‘kin softener,whitener and beauti- try ii!Get three ounces of cherd white at any drug store and vo lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this weetiy -fragrant lemen lotion and massage it daily into the face,neck arms and hands. The Guarantee label on insures the quality of the paint.The lint insures your property against jecay.Don't you newt insurance of this kind? FOR SALF BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Stuteeville,N.C STATESVILLE AND ELKINJITNEYLINES. SCHEDULE. Car Leaving Statesville..8:00 a.m, Car Leaving Turnersburg .8:35 a.m. Car Leavling Harmony 8:55 a.m. Car Leaving Houstonville .9:05 a.m.Car Leaving Hamptonville 9:50 a.m. Arrive at Bikin ....05..10:30 a.m. Cor Leaving Elkin ......3:30 p.m. Car Leaving Hamptonville 4:10 p.m. Car Leaving Hoeustonville bo 55 p.m. Car Leaving Harmony 1200 Pp.m. Car Leaving Turnersburg :25 p.m. i 3 Stattesville :6:00 p.m. vifle in the morn- ng no.m.makes eonnection th “he th North Wilkesboro and El- Alleghany trains,Leaving Elkin at 3:30 p.m.,making connection with trains: No.12 going to Salisbury 6:45 p. No,16 going to Charlotte 6:50 p. No.28 going to Tayloysville 8:10 p.No.35 going to Asheville 10:25 p. NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE. JITNEY TRANSFER CO. Statesville,X.Cc CHANGE OF “OFFFICE! 1 have moved my lew office from the secondfloeeoftheCommercialNationalBankBuild-ing to Room No.&,second floor of the Peo-ple's Loan &Savings Bank. H.P.GRIER,April 10,Attorney. GOOD ROADS Good mo are he pleasure of Est us io Tae that willsiverein:IZING.THE IREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY.‘We callMillerTire‘ond ‘Tubes! ;el atten Cote lat 33 3 3 eee ‘ SALE SILK DRESSES Just sixteen Silk Dresses in this lot and they go on Sale for Saturday Monday. $15.00 Dresses,$7.50. $20.00 Dresses,$10.00. $25.00 Dresses,$12.50. None sent on approval and none charged at sale prices. Saturday and MORRISON(0.| AVIATAW 2 TOV Peeusiiee £%4iyafin 4weae ae Pes as we *ft2ah ps i i 4int “ mith Form-a-Truckwillreplace4Hlorses..4 Horses|&Cost You $541 ayearto &Seth Form-a-Track costs |RYWHERE farmers arereplacing slow, f Sq 4 coetly horses vith Smith Form-a-Trucks,ou areadopiirngMmidernmachineryonyourfarm,Why not %,adept modern !.auling methods? Does Weor'“of 4 H IS38 Smith Form-a-Truck costs noth- ———sens .a ing while idle.The minute the f+ga One Sith Forme-Trn x does cngine stops yourcoststops.AndfFoa@ feice tho work o)J hovses Anu at when working,it earns four times a telf the cost.Yet oun’.torm-c-as muchashorses. ey “Sruck cost ae STUY tOreethan a a good team en]parmess—cnly $550 8cperTonTonMile 42 Smith Fora Truck on the f2 rm willya@«do any werk forses can co—will go 6000 to 8,000milesper set of tires—12hewnyplacehoruscualgu.to 18 miles per gation of gasoline—12 to;-15 miles per hour under full load—repair°4 Save This expense practically nothing. Se,Government figure:say it comt SAE Now Madefor 6 Carsaveortoicedak2tourNOTeeseeaet ag \INV—INECICa 28 —extra so-Smith Form+a-Truck attachment é@eddal.cost exiva.San ih Forr:combined with a Ford,Maxwell,BuickTruckcostsyouony51.0 a year.Dede Brothers,Chevrolet or Overland i CG sanont Feru also show four Chassis makes apowertul,economical,o ea #theornof S0aci Geta tully cuarenteed one-ton truck. ow Sm.ech Formea-7 rack and save 20 acres. as Gil A of Vour Haves 8-in-?Convertible Farm Body ey lis:otcaes for plowing seeding Puli lever and get any one of eight alByandwaeesice|oy Aclay faraworl ombinationsof farm bodies—stockrack §&,Re @ Yours ith body —ho rack—basket rack—hog rack 94ennpctwillCATTvourtuzGature--stain,ilat rack—mgh flare board—g5iesauaiaatriaguaiehileaathingselse.eek Hat ras scoop board down.Change @22hay—ieruilizet and everythings Jrom one type to omg seer in an instant.4 Ang without a single tool.@ Costs ee While Iolo Sng SHON a single toolaeOREST?ae cree Come in—letus showyou more reasons ge: Horses devourprofits infeed whether why you should have Smith Form-a-they work or not.Truck on your farm, Ed.G.White Motor Company, Phone 515,East Broad Street.Statesville,N.C. Cee a metvaedes9a”PQ aw Everybody Will Tell to ue rhat “Everythin Build W<="|ED CEDAR SHINGLES,ame here fat years ao ~~TICENSE TAXES. _C,WATKINS,States: _Sctetiale B licens: B10AeCNREEC r to ainee tuxes are due during the ~onth of dune.The State requires theiromptcollectionandimposesapenaltyof20 r cent on all who foil to pay.Those liahle»the taxes will save the pennity and trouble A big car of RED CED AR SHINGLESfrom the PacifieyiepromptlyM.P.ALEXANDER,e ..of -—Coast just unloaded.The famous “Titehold brandete Shingles,which means they areCc.WAT KINS for Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Win Cefl-Flooring,shone BoxingashLaths,Lime, “Next Planters’Wh-,Statesville, L,ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In— —Furs,Wooland Bees-Also old Metal and|Sind Heese We b=Neesmarket Independent Phone 306. 100 PER CENT.HEART—NO SAP! 100 per cent.CLEAR FULL-LENGTH SHINGLES! 100 PER CENT.TIGHT VERTICAL GRAINING! These Shingles are made from the famous Paeific Ce- dar,“Arborvitae—Tree of Life.”From the most an- cient times,Red Cedar wood has been famoas for its re- markable durability and resistance to decay under the most severe conditions. If you are goingto cover your Shinglesand comparethemwith any ANDSEETHE DIFFERENCE! a house,took at these other Shingle sold me ettGe.,hasbeen feadingworkoxenOverayear.ie |thatfourof got80 soldthemtothebu i f. ut Ht i»bina:iot of feeds used,meinteaanee,for nal,for fattening,for work.and gives chrections f@ usiag them properly.Send your in.Ts Eucheye Cotton Oli Co.ven.keetBee ——a .ee —- THOSEDESIRING GOOD INVESTMENT. it will pay you toinvestigate the Mrs.M.A.Tomlin lots,so central and nicely located in the colored folksresidentialsectionofStatesville,near school and churches.Just completed thesooning up and grad-ing of streets and alleys,A numberof colored folks have grasped the opportunity of buying one or moreoftheselots,others desiring to do so will find it to their advantag2 to act at once.Will sell for cash or10percentcashandbalanceInmonthiypayments.The map of the property and lots will be gladly shown upon request. E.G.GAITHER,Agent. Office Mills Building. eesa SPECIAL SALE OF Men’s Sailor Straw Hats.@ ee a $1.50,$2.00 and $2.50 values. Te be closedoutat once. Choice 98c. Special sale price will be CASH. PHONE 83. WE CLOSE AT 6.O’CLOCK. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. if r we r s t s e i”it zt ar s $ | tended the commencement.iMr.Dovle Horne,a student of Da-'vidson was a visitor here;Miss Grace lick of Charlotte were here to seetheirbrother.Mr.graduate.Mr.Vince Sherrill ofStatesvillewasavisitorMonday and Tuesday.Mrs.Lula Piner of Wallace cameMissesMrs.I.visited One of the Best Ways to Prepare for War is to RaiseaBig Crop of Food Stuff. It is not =the FARMER entirely but is up toonetoassistinevaevery_—eryway andEdith,orphanage..J,K.Ross and mother,Mrs.iJ.B.Ress of Charlotte.are -ing awhile at Barium Lodge.:|Mary Sherne visited MissiFrancesParksduringcommence-'ment.Miss Janie Gilland of|Mooresville was a visitor at the or- iphanage this week.|Miss Kate May Compton,musicteacherattheorphanage.was calledtoherhomeatProsperHillonac-leount of the serious fliness of her |father. ThoseWhoRisk TheirLives. |ing several thousand ofleounty“neighbors”at|¥.,appealed to the wealthy athem"not ‘0 emoley labor to,beautifyitheirestateswhilethecountryis| i wer.to a huee American flag nearby,heurgedthosepresent“to come to the‘front in an eager desire to serveiwiththeirbodies,with every qualityoftheirsoulsandspiritandmind;with their service,labor and milita-ity skill,and not stand upon words,but in deeds,for the one flag that|floats over us,that flag which holdsinitsfoldsthefuturegloryofman-|kind.”Colonel Roosevelt declared if therewasanymaninthecountrywhowasnotpreparedtodoeverythingjinhisnower“now when the nationcalls,”he had better ;o away.“Donotthinkintermsofself-sacrifice.but in terms of service,”he said.“Idonotpityamanwhohasachancetoriskhislifeforhiscountry;I en-vy him.“There must be.absolute and un-divided loyalty to our flag.The events of the past two years haveshownthatnomancanbeanymoreloyaltotwoflagsthantotwowives.'Any man who is not a good husbandisnotagoodcitizen.man mustbeloyaltehiswifeandtohiscoun-try.Now that Germany stands asjthemostefficientmilitaryautocracy|that the world has ever seen,no};man is a good American who doesnotstandagainstGermanyandfor|this country with all his heart.” Japan Should Be Called In. Alejandro Alvarez of Chile,secre-tary general of the American Insti-tute of International Law,addressing|the conference on foreign relations of|the United States at Long Beach,N.iJ.,declared that “the safety of theAmericanStatethatJapan|should enter the war with all re-)sources.“Japan.”he said,“has already tages and is exercising certain su-|xomer on the Asiatic continent.American State should not belefttoexhaustherselftothepointoffallingunderthemenaceofanother's |The Latin-AmericanSouthAmericaandthe United States,|Mr.Alvarez “should unite'inbringingabout action on Ja- |pan’s Rush to GetMarried. asa with sateenGe ase,a ra-‘tio of ceremonies performed citobservedAyHew’York T h: i ra &?: ié 2 ii FyFiii ; |i { |\MOTHER!GSam.Warlick.|«gyRUPOF FIGS”IF Marythe AOA TTDRoosevelt’s Appeal —Envies ours Lifting his hut and pointine; fair to be largest corn:crop inthe of theState.There’ has been a noticeable decrease in cot-ton in the counties.CorntakesitsThegrowingcropqpecerstobeinfinecondition,alsofieldsareinanexeellentstateof |= CHILD "4 |TONGUE IS COATED!|‘If Cross,Feverish,Sick,Bilious,| |Clean Little Liver and ane her |els! |Children love this “fruit laxative,”'and nothing else cleanses the tender.stomach,liver and bowels so niccly.|A child y will not stop playing |to empty the .and theresult is |y become tightly clogged with,waste,liver gets oo".stomachsours,then your I one becomescross,half-sick,feverish,doesn’t eat,eleep or act naturally,breath is bad,system full of cold,has sore throat,)stomach-ach2 or diarrhoea.Listen,Mother!See if tongue is coatedthengiveajecapees1of“Califor-nia Syrup of Figs,”and in a fewtheconstipatedwaste,sour ||bile and undigested food passes out’!of the system,and you have a well,|playful child again.iillionsofmothersgive“Califor:|.nia Syrup of Figs”because it is per-fectly harmless;children love it,anditneverfailstoa:t on the stomach,liver and bowels.:Ask your drvggist for a 50-centbottleof“Califorria Syrup of Figs,”which has full directions for babies,children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle.Be-ware of counterfeits sold here.Getthegenuine,made by “California FigSyrupCompany.”Refuse any otherkindwithcontempt.| FINE LOT COUNTRY HAMS. Wier McLainSupplyo. |No,1 Heart Pine Shingles, No,1 Sap Pine Shingles,Juniper |Red Cedar Shingles,Naiis,|Roll,Valley Tin,Scaffold Ma-|and Brown and Green Shingle | |G,WATKINS,Shingle King of|County. \|Dr.8.W.Hoffmann.| 279—greer.| countries of| Williams Furniture House Inc,‘The Favorite Store.”_—-‘ f° HALL’s DRUG siti deeds,for wemento w Se re-|North Carolina r .M.C.Da-four and provide drivers .B.A.Gree-C.Dearman,|Nichol-d.}.'*We did not even-They offered.” Even “bulance and #two ambuladrivers,”writes Mra,Thomas Sett formerly of Wilmi =3 Statesville.Statesville did not.wait te be drafted.She volunteered,‘and will have an ambulance in France./as evidence of her generous patriot- .|ville volunteered. ism. Yes,keep it in mind that States- When the list of *.towns asked for ambulances was made L,Jones,W.A.T.N.Walker,J.C..W.Eller,J.M.Clark,L. .C.Lentz,BR.S.Templeton, Le Ev.R.B.Cook,D.Z.Gray,.a ‘orth,A.Guy,A.D.Trout-.W.Forcum,A.L.Barringer, .A.Roney,J.H.Walters,Leonard,N.P.Watt,W.A. ,D.S.Chandler, The veterans who expect to attend the reunion may secure their ticketsfromlocalticketagentanytimeaftertomorrowmorning,June 2d. The train leaves for Washington Sunday evening,June 3d.The veter- ans are wu to secure these tick-ets at the earliest possible moment.W.H.H.Gregory has received from Washington urging the veterans to be prompt in securing their tickets.Gen.Gregory has received a com-munication from Gen.Julian 8S.CarrofDurhaminforminghimthatheexpectshiscomradesin Rev.Dr.J.M.Clark leaves tomor-row for Old Fort to hold a Week's meeting in the Presbyterian churchthereNopreachingSundayatBethanyorTaborchurchesonaccountoftheofthepastor,Rev.Ovid Archdeacon Hardin will preach andistertheholycommunioninEpiscopalchurchSundaymorningat11o’clock.The public iscordiallyinvitedtoattendthisserv- An adjourned meeting of ConcordoneeewillbeheldintheFirstwrerianchurchofStatesville next y.5th,at ll a.m.Can-didates for the ministry will be ex-for license.ple sapere 7 —yerlyenjoyepreachingofDr.Chas.Anderson of Statesville,who assisted in a meeting at Mocks-ville.There were a number of con-8.Mr.Horace Stikeleather made ansonthesubject,“What UseShouldMakeofOurStandardofExcellence,”at a conference of theYoungPeople’s Christian Unions ofAssociateReformedChiirch,meet-in Charlotte last night.Mr.is vice president of theianUnionsoftheState. Mr.Colvert’s Funeral. Out-of-tewn people who were inStatesvilleMay25thforthefuneralofMr.Raymond T.Colvert were Mrs.Lester Aldridge and niece,Miss Vir-es Aldrige,of Asheville:Mrs.E.Williamson of Danville,Va.,aunt¢™.Colvert;Mr.Jim Bell,Mr.and.Clifton Colvert and baby,ofLinwood;Dr.and Mrs.B.C.TalleyofBennettsville,S.C.(Mr.CliftonColvertandMrs.Talley are brotherandsisterofthedeceased);Mr.andMrs.T.M.Stikeleather of Turners- young man who answered the summons in life’s prime was de- voted to his mother and his deathbroughtthatanguishwhichonlytheheartcanknowinthelossofadevotedson;a grief which thesinceresympathyoffriendscantem-per but which only time can heal. In the Mayor's Court. Horace Hefner,white,was before Justice Sloan yesterday charged with being off his premises with a conceal.ed weapon.He gave $50 bond for nee in court.Charley Dancy,white,of Moores-ville,was here yesterday en route to the chain gang for the larceny of a bees.He was sent up fromMooresvillecourt.In the mayor's court yesterdayKarlSherrillwastaxedwiththeeestsforoxceedingthespeedlimit.Lester Flowe was taxed with the costs for beatine a horse and he isingitoutwithMr.Cc.Dre.Costs were imposed on Will Me-Lelland,colored,for exceeding speedInnit. Miss Love Will Go to Georgia. The following from the Salisbury Post is of interest in Statesville.fev.WY le a =of the late .W.¥.Love and a sister of Mrs.Cc.Caldwell: “The many friends of Miss Willie_who has been teaching in thepublicschoolduringthepres-term,will be interested to JearnshehasacceptedapositionasoftheEnglishdepartmentinhighschoolatNewnan,Ga.,foritterm.Miss Love has as herforafewdaysatthehemeof Chas.Reisner on South Fultonhersister,Miss Lois Love of MRS.CORNELIUS HURT. M.EB.Cornelius dislocated|y afternoon.Phys.+t her and she is resting| out,Statesville wasn't in it,But.|Statesville didn't take effence.States-ville volunteered to do the work and fill the gaps caused by slackers,Bear in mind,too,that the money fortheambulanceandequipment—-over $2,000-—was not subscribed by one ortwowealthyindividuals,as was the case in many of the towns,but thatthepeoplegaveit,$75 being the larg-est single subscription.And the mon- ey was subscribed promptly,practi- eally all of it within 24 hours afterthepropositionwasfirstpresentedto our people. It may be “little Statesville”in population,but in deeds the little townputssomeofthebigcitiestoshameTheLandmark. Americans in Germany. A list of all known American pris- oners of war in Germany,made pub- lic by the State Department,con- tains the names of 74 men,ail of whom were taken from merchantshipscapturedbyGermanwarves-sels.The 74 are nearly all from Virginia.North Carolina has oneEverettEarnhardtofCharlotte— and a few are from South Carolina. On a warm summer day nothing“hits the spot”like ORANGE JOOJ Its delicious flavor is apprecia-ted young andold—and i:issashbeth, Se et all drink standsLessbythecase“Iyou like 10 tik Coca-Cola Botting Co., Statesville,N.C. TWO CROPS OF CORN.| Plant corn after your wheat and oats and make two crops of corn | this year.I have the seed ; corn fer you.Can be planted as | late as July Ist and make a heavy | crop and mature.Both white and yellow.Come in and let me show } you the corn. D.J.KIMBALL P.8S.Also have late Potatoes on hand all the time. Home,Sweet Home Is never complete without a Piano.Music instills noble thoughts the heart and mind of every one,and a Pi- good,reliable, sweet-toned Piano —is the in ano —_a best investment anybody can make for the home. The Weser Piano has been gn the market for nearly 40 years,and enjoys the reputation for durability and rich tone quality.Only high-grade materials are used in the construction,yet its price is within reason. If you are thinking of pur- chasing a Piano,or ever ex- pect to own one,it is cer- tainly to your personal and business interest to see and hear this beautiful instra- ment. TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE! i ' } Every WESER Piano is guaranteed against all de- fects in material and work- manship for ten years. ee le ‘|Calomel Salivates!It MakesYou :t'andYouLose aDay's Work—Dodson’s CRISIS A powerful but photodrama of the conflict | between the North and the South,visualized from Winston Churchill’s famous book,“THE CRISIS.” A magnificent spectacle that partisans of either side can see without bitterness and with a thankfulness that the causes of the real differences no longer exist. (‘rescent Theatre Friday,June 'Sth. Prices 15 and 25 cents. .druggist. Liver Tone ActsBetter |CalomelandIsHarmlessfor Men,Women,Children—Read Guarantee! Every druggist here,yes!your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling. off in the sale of calomel.‘They all give the same reason.Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone is taking its place.“Calomel is dangerous and people know it while Dodson’s Liver Tone is safe and gives better re- suits,”said a prominent local druggist.Dodson’s Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every A large family-sized bottle costs only 50 cents and if you find it doesn’t take the place of dangerous,salivating calomel you have only to asie for your money back. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting,pure- ly vegetable remedy,harmless to both children and adults.Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine,no sick headache,biliousness,ague, sour stomachorcloggedbowels.Dodson’s LiverTonedoesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all next*~<like calomel. ake a dose of calomel tonight and tomorrowyouwillfeelsick,weak and nauseated.Don't lose”a day's work!Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine.You'll know it next morning because you willwakeupwithyourheadclear,your liver active,bowels clean,breath sweet and stomach regulated.You will feel cheerful and full of vigor and ready for a hard day’s work.You can eat anything afterwards without riskofsalivatingyourselforyourchildren. Get a hottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone and try itonmyguarantee.You'll never again put aofnasty,dangerous calomel into your stomach, CLUB _..j{HOOSIER KITCHEN CA SALE |Opens Saturday,June 9th. READ THIS |AMAZING OFFER! A WEEK Buys The FINEST CABINET ON EARTH. For $1.00 this ceiebrated Cabinet is delivered to your kitchen. you are using it pay the balance $1.00 a week. WhileNointerest—no fees.And with it you get the broadest guarantee ever made on a Cabinet—YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT DELIGHTED. Don’t wait until the Club opens,but enrole your hame today.This sale isunderthestrictsupervisionoftheHoosierCo. CLUB OPENS JUNE 9TH. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. “The Store That Always Welcomes You” eae Ss foronly three days. CASH TO ALL. SATURDAY,MONDAY HALF PRICE.SPECIAL.HALF PRICE,° All Silk Dresses will be Soldat Half Price. $20.00 Blue Taffeta Silk,Crepe de Chine Sleeves,$10.00,>$25.00 Green Crepe de Chine White Collar and Cuffs,12.50.$17.50 Rose or Gold Taffeta Barrel Pockets,$8.75. #22.50 Tafteta in Navy Blue,Fancy Stitching and buttons,$11.25. The Dresses quotedhere areall new andwil)besoldat the price :iaANDTUESDAY Gray and Gold,Trimmed with NO APPROVALS. POST af otSS HE zt if i ss 1 i i S E E '7 fl i i[: | Brick were blown from |Nine new members have been added CompanyE,Iredell Blues,since ;t.y are Milton Wiges. rly of Statesville,now of Mon- ;Ashley S.LeGette and C.T n,Taylorsville;P.y L.Craig,Wm.8,M rd,Jas.W.Robb,.Fe "ude B.ra ee Jas.J.Nich- on,all of I H coeety.= ‘ings the company to men a officers.Poa Westmoreland is sure that by tonight his compa- will have been raised to its full eth.Capt.Westmoreland has ved orders from the adjutant- ,.who received them from the ment,to accept men who neither read nor write,if they otherwise qualified..Doris and Mr.DempsMr.Frankhave med the First i- Band of the North Carolina In- ry,with headquarters at A'she- .These young men will be called service with the State militia. rmen and ir of the boardTheregularmeetiidFridaynightaldermenwashe transacted principally routine Alderman lton intro- an ordinance that would stop sale of gasoline,oils,ete.,and au- b repairing on Sunday in wsville.The matter will come up for action by the board. NO ADJUSTMENT. Capt.Jordan Thomas of the B Adjusting Bureau,and 'Col.Ashely,representing a Greens- :company,were here yesterday ping over the matter of adjustment ‘of the fire loss sustrined by Mr.R. P.Allison.No adjustment had been i on the men left yester- evening. MEXICANS LOOT BOAT. The American fishing schooner :waswenndet the crew of a can gunboat the coast of ’antepec,Mexico,on ‘the hich1onMay$1,and looted of cloth-=ing gear and medicine chest,to information brought to ,Texas. TRIP CANCELLED. The trip of the Italian war mis- through the South and Middie which was to have begun yes-Cidine and Big. Pal i5i $ r e t Hi er i c Hh to pay expenses in the transport serv-ice.Moreover by request of theFrenchgovernment,the period of en-listment in the ambulance service hasbeenchangedfromsixmonthstothedurationofthewar,so that once en-listed with the French governmentthey.might not be able to transfertheirservicestotheUnitedStateswhenAmericanforcesaresentto transportMorrisonsays:“Il am very anxiousindeedtogoonandbeofserviceIcan,in any way,but at sametimeIdon’t want to take the respon-sibility of going in this capacity,Theunderstandingcontributorshad,andwhichwasthecaseuptothelastfewdays,was that the car would go for-ward with us and we would be inchargeofitallthetime.There is achance,in case I make good in thetransportservice,that I may be keptthere,because they say it is a detri-+|ment to the service to take a man offonethingandputhimonotherworkifheismakinggood.The trans- port will be under the same head as the ambulance service and it will bejustasmuchAmericanastheambu-lance service.Of course the contrib-utors are due every consideration intheworldandIwouldnotthinkofgoingonuntilIhaveheardfromyouIamsure,though,that when they find they have given something to help France and in that way lighten our own country’s part,they will begladtolettheircontributionsstandastheyare.Let them feel,however,that the money will be used for nootherpurposethanthatofequippinyanambulance.only uncertainthingisastojusthowsoonthecarwillgoout.If they could only hearthepleasofthemeninchargehereIamsuretheywouldgladlygivethisandmore.The other cars ivNorthCarolinawillgounderthesameconditionsandIdon’t want Statesvilletowithdrawhere.”The question whether or not they will consent to any change in plans will be put up to the individual con-tributors.eer Mr.JulianMorrisonwiredthatitwasexpectedthatourgovernmentwilltakeovertheambulanceservice,which maymakethewayclear.The contributors consulted at thetimethisinformationarrived,and therelativesandfriendsoftheyounrmen,were willing for them to goaheadinthetransportservice,pro-vided all contributors agree to theplansmentioned,but only with thepositiveassurancethattheywillbereleasedforservicewiththeAmeri-can forces as soon as the latter ar-rive in France.They are willing forthemtohelpFranceuntilAmericaneedsthemandtheexperiencegained before the arrival of the American troops will be of service to the lat-ter.But if this asurance cannot beriventheywillnotgoonforthepresentinanyevent.Another ves-sel sails Saturday,the 9th,and ifarrangementsaremadeforthemtogoontheymaygoatthattime. noe Commissioners.county commissioners andcountybeardofeducationoain regular monthly session yesterday,a principally routineness.The commissioners named the fol-the i ta:5 So u r s ? Fo R e r s 32U&e: feiij t t tifH s 3 e g * H rr f i r Z i i i i i. =rE d=2 ge s fi r Fe # 5 8 5 & cause no special canvassAsidefromthe Savings Bank,banks by individuals amountproximate]$10,000 to $12Manycitizenshaveex awillingnesstosubscribebuthavenotmadeapplication.To helponthecampaignMayorBristol hasissuedthefollowingproclamation“To the Patriotic Citizenship ofStatesvilleandIredellCounty”:“The President is callingand,on the 5th of J 10,000,000reported and registered for thisgreatworldwar.“It would be a disaster and a ca-lamity for.these splendid men tostandreadyfortheircountry’s call,and then for the ‘government not tobereadywiththenecessaryequip-ment for our soldiery. purchaseof thetytoconsidertheLibertyBonds,which are being of-|ifered,and as as good as gold itself.“We must help our governmentandthosethatwilldoourfighting.a Jae 2 a good invest-ment a ng your government.Come to the court house,everyred-blooded citizen of Iredell coun-ty,on Saturday next,9th,at 2 o'clockintheafternoon,and show your pa-triotic American manhood.“L.B.BRISTOL,Mayor.”The bonds are,as Mayor Bristolsays,as good astrioticcitizen,ean spare the money,should invest.He is helpinghimselfwhileheishelpinghisgov-ernment.Bonds are offered in de-nominations of $50 to $1,000,bear-ine 3 1-2 per cent.interest and pay-able in 15 to 30 years,at the optionofthegovernment.If bonds arelaterissuedatahigherrateofin-terest these bonds may be exchang-ed for them.They are as good asgoldforsecurityforloansorcanbeconvertedintocashatanytime.They are sold on the partial pay-ment plan.For instance,if you buya$50 bond you pay $1 when the ap-nlication is made,$9 on June 28,$10Tuly30,$15 August 15 and $15 Au-veust 30.In other words,you havetwoandahalfmonthstopaythe$50 if you want time.The bonds are non-taxable andnocommissionischargedontheele.Any bank will take your ap- vlication._ Red Cross Auxiliary. The ladies who have formed anauxiliaryRedCrossSociety=in Statesville held a meeting at thecourthouseSaturdayafternoon.Mrs.H.P.Grier was chairman,with Mrs.Chas.Anderson secretary.Offi-cers were elected as odious Porno:nent chairman,Mrs.H.P._Grier;secretary,Miss Mabel Poston;treasurer,Mrs.FE.G.Gilmer.The Auxiliary has 60 paid members, with about 40 others as prospectivemembers.President Wilson havingnamedtheweekendingJune24as a week of campaigning for members for theauxiliary plans to wage a strenuouscampaignformembersduringthatweek.As to the other plans of the ‘oeal organization,the ladies willundertakewhateverworkthatmayhesentthem.They wili establish aworkroomatsomeconvementpiaceandmeetingthereperformtheirshareoftheworkofthesociety.Much interest is manifested in theweranizationandmembershipshouldbelarge.The Red Crossdoesatworkincaringforthesickandwoundedinthewaran:these local organizations help sustaintheparentsociety. MEMORIAL SERVICE. At the Firstdayafternoon @rialservicewas ei thansplendidmenwillhave}%#Y Red Cross Society,the local |‘ Caldwell and 4 ‘were in Salisbury yesterday for thng.lisbury Post gives the fol-«details of the tragedy inury:ialling took place in Mowery’s|Li e frominanexitfrom whothotherbile,made a qdancehallandwasspirited outof|this town in what is presumedtobe the/*same machine before officers arrived.The killing was eviden'a knife,the blade of h went infleshbetweentheleftbreastandulder,severing a large artery,from which the deceased bled inter-+ nally.Parties who know the two women=had entertained a grudge ateachotherforalongtime,andtheysayitwasonaccountofthedisturb.ances causedby thedead woman thatthecoloreddancehallinStatesville donewith|4 & t f b u t t E z nii if B a EE fr :i ia i t :i = oe 4Pe e o f F i B gs * f F was closed.These same two women]; are said to have had arowin apic-ture show some time ago.woman was single while her slayer is Sallie Eccles,a sister of Lula Alli-sa,and others present were arrestedthetragedy,andnquestthecoroner’s juryorderedthatSallieEcclesbeheldwithoutbondforfurtherdevelop-ments.At the hearing beforecoroneronewitnessifiedthat Sal-lie Eeeles,sister of Lula Ajlison,madethreatsthatshewasgoingtokillAnnieMcCulloch,and two witnessestestifiedthatthedeadwomantoldthemwhileshewasbeingleddownstairsatthedancehallthatSalliestabbedher.However,other witness--les were firm in their statement thatLulaistheonewhodidthecutting. FEW OFFER OPPOSITION _—To Enrollment and the Few Are in For Trouble. Cases of ition to the draftregistrationedevelopedatanumberofpointsinthecountryandanumberofarrestshavebeenmade,but the oppusition is reallysmallcomparedtothewhole.A report of its “committee onAmericanliberties”which pled support to all “conscientious objec-tors”to the conscription law and atelegramfromformerUnitedStatesSenatorJohnD.Works of Califor-nia,in which he said “we dishonor-ed ourselves by declaring war with- out te or reasonable cause,”were features of the session in NewYorklastweek,of the so-called firstAmericanconferenceondemocra- cy and terms of peace.”Thirteen men were arrested inCineinnati,O.,for distributing anti-conseription literature and a few ar- rests were made at other points. Attorney General Gregory issuedronoticeSaturday,in which he sald?“It has come to the attention of this department that certain disloy-al eitizens who are themselves be- vond conscription are suggesting to the young men of the country thattisbettertosufferimprisonment under the terms of the conseriptionactthantoregisterwiththelikeli-hood of being enlisted and compell-ed to serve at the front.Attentioncalledtothefactthatundersec-tion &of this act parties convicted charge of evading registra-tion @fe not only punished for the crime committed,but are thereupon luly ered with all the liability-r mil tary service resulting there- rom, MASSEY-LOCK WOOD. At a meeting of the primary teachers of the Sunday school of the Pirst jan chureh at the home of :4d.A.Rais,postieee oft .wes anno thatMisedonotdaytehoolteacherseMassey,one of the Sun- yeats a teacher in yi and for severaltheStatesville “|Telephone Co.in Statesville,be married July . Baptist churchandworkbegun on the erectionofanewchurchbuilding,corner of West-ern —the ae = excava'singtheworkwillbepushed the edifice is completed unti i AnE . The con plans to erect abuildinghickwillCootobessi2,-street,000,Half this has been ‘su ;$500 comes in each year from theregularcontributionsofthechurch.The other funds will be raised.building will be of brick 68x90 feet,with a aooee for seating 1,000ple.There will be 15 Sunday 1roomsandtheequipmentwillbemodern.The pai ,which ad-joins the site of the bui has beenmoved16feetfarthertromthechurch,giving more room for the new build-ing.Services of the church for thepresentarebeingconductedfromtheoldWestEndMethodistchurch.Rev.G.H.Church is pastor of theWesternAvenuechurch. Can’t Agree on Deliveries. The attempt of the Merchants’Association to secure a reformationofthedeliveryserviceinStatesvillebeginningwitheretailgrocers,may fai]because some of the gro-cers refused to sign the agreement.The plan,which was to have beenmadeeffectivetomorrow,was as fol- lows:Forenoon deliveries,8 to 11.30;afternoon deliveries 2.80 to 6,exceptonSaturdays,when deliveries will be made up to 7 o'clock.This agreement was signed by Sherrill &Reece,Miller -McLainSuCo.F.B.Phifer,J.R.Pos-ton,R.F.Canter &Son,M.P.Alex- ander &Co.Otterintothea and it maynotbemadeeffectiveforthatreas-| on. Tax Advertising Postponed. On statement of Sheriff Alexanderthatpeoplearepayingtaxesbetternowanduponhisrequest,the countycommissionersydecidedtofortax-y will ber 1,unless inthe oan.tem ,»Un _ f rier*thata great haureasonavewetSalita,cepewenan Sivanthe of-fectsof the Roodlastyear,and for other reasons. ined to en-} |CHAPLAIN.of ginning season,Husband Charged With Threat- Frank A.Sherrill,who makeshomeneartheCatawbariverinvuedgeofthe,wasbeforeJusticeW.youter-day afternoonon rge of cru-elty to his wif rs.rill,The|couse in the cage.re-|leasedon a of forpearanceatthenextter\tior Court.Hebondforsix MR,Mr.FrankStatesville ; ia i fi t e t i a pa n at thendthez M-\or to owners of automobiles or mo- tive Clark of Florida,were| w Evasion at $1 a Head..Grable was arrested Fri-t at Nashville,Tenn,,on theaidingothersintheeva-selective service law,aindefaultof$20,000bleischargedwithprom- unity to young men with-age who anneees ~ajigiousper,sing histhetunathatitwouldwithareligioussect are to war inyform.In order to make good his,Federal authorities said,dated back the time of tieirstohispublicationsoineverycasetheywouldap-to have been started before the act became law.Subscriberschargedadollarapieceandtheinthehandsofgovernmentof-show that there were many 1u= s: Se H A P E R E ie b g a t E f Offices at Chattanooga.To bring the freight claiyn depart-ment of the Southern railway morecloselyintouchwiththeshippingpublictotheendthatquickeractionmaybehadintheadjustmentoffretghtclaims,a central freight claimofficehasbeenestablishedatChatta-nooga,Tenn.,with a branch office atCharlotteandotherpoints.The “Cause and Prevention Depart-ment”of the Southern has been trans-ferred from Washington to Chatta-nooga.This department has in chargethediscoveryandpreventionofcauseswhichleadtolossanddamagetofreightandwillco-operate with andaidthefreightclaimdepartmentintheponeadjustmentoflossanddamageclaims. [eee Insure Soldiers and Sailors.Plans fer issuing $4,000 free gov-ernment insurance on the life of ev-ery American soldier and sailor dur- ing the war in licu of pension ar-rangements,will be taken up thisweekbytheCouncilofationalDefence.A_report prepared byAssistantSecretarySweet,of theCommerceDepartment,ready to besubmitted,urges that the insurancebeprovidedthroughiegislationbe-fore American troops are sent toFrance.'The ;lans as prepared provide foraflatinsuranceof$4,000 on the lifeofeveryofficerandprivateinthe military and naval service,to be paidtohisbeneficiarieswithoutpremiums Fire Threatened Hospital. Fire which started from an un- known cause in a junkyard on Pop-lar street,Charlotte,Friday night,says the Observer,caused damageintheblockamountingtoaround$25,000 and for a time threatenedtodestroythePresbyterianHospit-al.This institution caught fire sev-eral times.All the patients were re-moved to the Southern Manufactur-ers’Club and to the residencesacrossTradestreetfromthehospit-al.Damage to the hospital is about$2,500.The Universal Film Co.waspanheaviestloser—$15,000 to $20,- No Fortifications For Morehead Senator Simmons and Representa-tive Hood have been advised by Secre-tary Baker in response to ir re-quest in behalf of the civic organiza-tions of Morehead City and Beaufort,asking for fortifications for the inlettoMoreheadandBeaufortharbors,that the matter has been carefully in-vestigated by the commanding gen-eral of the heastern Departmentandithasbeenfoundinadvisableto|undertake the erection of permanentseacoastfortificationsinthevicinityofBeaufortandMoreheadCity. —Se ee e.a o-Still Alive, Cade facturi oO of Shelby has eamended ite.daseauthorizetheincreaveofthecapitalaowen$50,000 to $1,500,000. 2 ~ a ae ! if chase not over $500,'€500 and not over $1,000,$10; $1,000 and not over,$2,000; jover $2,000 and not over |$20:$8,000 or over,$25. |“Provided that the snecial taxes |herein imposed shall not apply to) over|$15;|$3,000, eS manufacturers and dealers as to un- leold automobiles and motorcycles |held for sale,or to owners of auto- mobiles or motorcycles held for sale, toreycles used exclusively for busi- ness;“rovided further,that evidence of payment of the tax shall be by re- ceipt or stamp to be attached to au- tomobile or motorcycle;under such rules and rerulations as may be pre- scribed by the Commissioner of In- ternal Revenue with the spprova!of the Secretarv of the Treasury:and nd vrovided further,that the special tax naid within a fiseal year shall not be imposed again within that fiseal| vear if ownership changes.” A modification io be drafted later will provide a reduction of 10 per cent.in the license taxes for each vear’s use of automobiles up to five vears,or a maximum allowance of 50 per cent. An amendment to the law would repeal the provision of the Underwood act of 1913 provid- ing for collection of income taxes at their sovree,and require those re- ceiving the texable incomes to make e direct payment of taxes to th Treacury.As a substitute for the; nresent requirement of collection at the source the committee adopted a new rcrinciple of “information at the source”-——requiring corporation® and others ,punder heavy nenalties to report to Treasury Department the names \of persons and amounts of income svbject to taxation,This plan,the committee believes,will prevent much evasion,incrense in- come tax revenues considerably and rromote honesty of the law's oper” tion and enforcement.Reports will be reavired on all incomes in excess of $800 annually. On the theory of exemptions frem taxation of articles used by the noor the committee in changin’cigar taxes,decided to exempt from any tax increase cigars made to sell for lees than four cents each.Increases in taxes on cigars agreed upon were as follows: Upon cigars made to sel!from to 7 cents each,$1 a thousand; those selling between 7 and 12 1-2 cents,83 per thousand;between 12- 1-2 and 20 cents $5 per thousand and over 20 cents $7 per thousand.The House rates generally were about the same but based upon different standards, Can Get it For Medicine. Congressman Webb of North Car- olina,chairman of the judiciarycommitteeoftheHouseofCongress, reiterates the statement made some time ago,that under the Federallawprohibitingtheshipmentofliq- vor into prohibition States the cit- izen who says he wants it for medi-cine can still get the amount allow-ed by State law.Mr.Webb=said there is nothing in the Federal law to prohibit a man from ordering whiskey for medicine provided hedoesnotordermorethantheStatelawallows.“The new law,”he said in explaining how it worked,“willallownowhiskeytobeshippedtoNorthCarolinaafterthefirstday of July,except for mechanical,me-dicinal or sacramental purposes.If a man wants to order whiskey for medicine,there is nothing in the Federal !aw to prohibit,provided hedoesnotordermorethanisallowedbytheNorthCarolinalaw.There isnothingintheFederalstatuteto prevent him ordering as far as the State law allows for medicinal pur-poses.This applies also to beer.”The North Carolina State law al- lows two quarts a month and all that is necessary to get the twoquartsisfortheapplicanttonotifythedealerthatitisformedicalpur- es,which is easy.Don't have toaveadoctor's prescription.That'swhatMr.Webb says and he’s a law-yer,chairman of the law committeeoftheHouseofCongressandought to know, Restriction For Alien Enemies. Beginning June ist all alien ene-mies residing within a half mile ofafort,camp,aircraft station,gov-ernment or naval vessel,navy yard,factory or workshop for the manu-facture of munitions,became liable income tar companythat is | uumeaiaatare of tee Cake tonemachine i. |placed under canvas. .ply of @ Se some of the troops under tents.ost of the tents used probably will be placed at Southern camps. In making the announcement Sec-retary Baker said also that forees inexeessofthosewhichcouldbeearedforinthe16cantonmentswouldbe This was taker as referring to National Guard divis- jions,although the militia bureau has received no instructions in this regard.There is no indication of an inten-tion to alter the plan for formation ofsixteendivisionsoftheGuard,Theqaestionsoffillingtheseuptowar strength probably will not be settleduntilselectionofmenformilitaryserviceinthedraftarmybegins.Under the law,either the regularsorGuardcanbefilledupwithmenfromtheselectedlistsifthatisdesired, sera nee omen cnamytecCDORSCOTTONCONDITION BAP. Weather Too Cool —Cendition Way Down. Cold weather in April and May hurt cotton crop severely throughouttheentireSouth.The condition of the crop May 25 was 69.5 per cent ofanormal,compared with 77.6 lastyear,80 in 1915,74.3 in 1914 and 79.1 the May ten ycar average.The aecre- age planted to cotton will not be an- nounced until July.Revised estimaies announced JuneIstofthearecaplantedandineulti- vation at the end of June last yearplacetheacreagext26,052,000,the nrea picked last year at 34,985,000 .and the yield per acre at 156.6 ourads An efficial statement by the Depart- ment of /culiure says: atures for many days inearlyMayweresolowthatfrest formed even in the southern part of 1 cotton belt.Much cotton was led outright and the stand was imaged everywhere. ‘There has been much replanting in every State and the cotton everywhere has a stunted appearance and has grown but litle.In addition to cold acre weather,drought in some sectionshas | kept the seed from germinating.The:crop will averace probably three weeks inte in age and probably more in size and appearance. “Many sections report lice. is some complaint of weevils but they have not shown up yet to ony great extent,probably owing to the late-|ness of.the crop.Generally cultiva- tion is fully up te :ermal and there is little grass in the fields.There is a considerable shortage in the labor sup- ply,but farmers are well up with theirworkinmostplacesowingtothe generally dry weather prevailing dur- ing most of the month.The laborshortageappliestotheStatescastof |4 the Mississippi river;those west of) the river probably have sufficient labortomakethecrop.” The estimate for North Carolina is 63 per cent of a normal. Briscoe Davis,aged 22 and color.) ed,riding a mule inwessiruckbyandmulekilled. a ee -eons eee _Nash county, lightning and man There i t l t n e t r d f i a&| id e e iFz Ranotyetbeenlet,”thals,“but in the regular coursebusinessshouldbeexpectedtoawardedwithinthenext60days.Contraets for about 60 wooden shipsandhalfasmanysteelvesselsal-ready have been awarded.General|Goethals ex s within 18 months te|turn out at least three million tons ofsteelvesselsandasmanywoodenshipsasthecountrycanbu‘id. Otto Wood of Wilkes county,whoameintonoticelastyearasabold,ring and suceessful kidnapper ofvutomobiles,who fled into Tennes-ee and landed in prison there,ap-penred in Wilkes a few days ago,driving a stolen machine.He is nowinWilkesjail. TAKE THE RIGHTKIND OFIRON! Old and Young Need More iren—|Foud Eaten Nowadays Hes Less and Less Iren! NATURF PROVIDES ACID IRON,MINERAL FOR SICK.| Fvom the Great Lakes to the Gulf f{Mexico,is tren,put there thatmanmightstiffenthebackboneof) ships,build lithe skyscrapers and lo-| omotives.This is the iron of the!builder and of cannon and shrapnelwhichkillsmenandruinsteethand!stomach.|Then off to one side,nature depos-|its iron for another purpose and it)ia ealled “Acid Iron Mineral.”Un-;like commercial iron,it has been pro-',teeted through thousands of years from elcments.water and air.by aeasingofmarble-like rock and clay.) Acid [ron Mineral was set aside bytheCreatorformedicinalpurposes,in one great deposit,not far fromtheworld’s «reatest commercial iron jore beds.It is the only déposit‘known to exist in the whole uni-verse. Acid Iron Mineral possesses won- derful properties.Three forms of! ‘ren,calcium,potassivm,magne-' sium and sulphuric acid blended and proportioned exactly right for thetreatmentofstomach,kidney,blad-der and blood complaints.So per-fect is this natural compound noichemisthascomeforwardtoclaimthelargesumofferedtochemists |able to make Acid Iron Mineral.| Some of Nature’s secrets are beyondsolving,and Acid Iron Mineral is! ne.|Where chemists employed alcohol,syrups,etc.,nature needed none to!make Acid Iron Mineral.Pure as)the rippling brook,A-I-M is nature's||elixir.|No man or woman in need of a) impure blood,rheumatie complaints.nervousness or loss of vitality should jlon@wer be weak|A-I-M,tested 30 years,brings back,|eolor and sparkle to cheek and eye.||}It helps stumach,kidneys and blad-i der back to normal.Get a bottle atyourdruggist's.50c.and $1. TWO CROPS OF CORN. Plant corn after your wheat andoatsandmaketwocropsofcernthisyear.I have the seedcornforyou.Can be planted aslateasJulyistandmakeaheavycropandmature.Both white andyellow.Come in and let me showyouthecorn. D.J.KIMBALL P.S.Also have late Potatoes onhandallthetime. The Watkinses buy “Building Mate- rial”in quantities.I can ship oc!a i tonie or troubled with impoverished,!j and half efficient.|§ Buy You a Carpet Sweepe Thatdoes theworkwith ease.Webought a bilotoftheselittlewonders.We havestenciledoneachonesowhensomethingelseinourlineyoupriceyoupaidforthislittleusefularticle,it in yourmindthatour storeis the placebargainsandsaveyourhardearneddollars.Call us up,ourphoneis No.175,andlet us sendyouoneoftheseatonce,as they aregoingveryrapidly. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘*The Favorite Store.” MEET HER cocci A conor cieTHEFOUNTAINOF QUALITY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y —The Rexall Store.— ae a da l ne - tt oo Lo e he e i | ~$1.00PerHour Forjyou when you can let‘them pump the water andveyouthetimetodevoteyourwork.Save thiseandmoney.A Myers Continues until the lot is closed. Rin P mp will save this. ve any present thatuponit.At 12 o'clock @ofarran.cmentn was was arran the ared coupleledthewaytothetable,follewadsistersandbrothers,childrenildren.Arriving at thele,Rev.re.West nuit pu o e occasion a pro-a to re-marry the couple bygoingoverthemarriageceremony,changing the future to the past andputtingtheclosingquestiontoeachin—_form,we “You do notregretlivinguptothepromisesmade50yearsago,do you”?andbothansweredintheaffirmative,“Idonot”!Then Bro.West made a very ap-propriate talk for the occasion,lowed by the song,“SilverAmongtheGold,”sang by Mrs.Dal-las Windsor.The Eagle string band)added the finishing touch and made)it very interesting and pleasant tor.Then the 1583 people present as-sembled around the table,the bless-ing of God was earnestly asked torestuponallpresentandthefunof relieving the table of its burden van.The children and grandchildrenshowedmuchrespecttotheaged couple by waiting on them and see-ing that they got the best that was; on the table.|One dead and three injured was the | and areensboro,W.L.tesville and Mrs.J.os:Three ene LinebergerandEugeneLineberger of Lincolnton;and two stepdaughters,.Cornelius and Mrs.Lettie Cathey of vidson,also survive,Mr.and Mrs |es and children of Lenoir at-|tended the funeral.Mrs.Cornelius was Miss Lineberge:of Gaston county.She had made herhomeinStatesvillefor25years.Her |hushcand died many years ago.| |Capt.W.A.Kerr,aged 82 years.|died yesterday at 11 o'clock at Cod-dle Creek and will be buried this| you;morning at 10.80 o'clock at Coddle|Creek church,funeral services by}Rev.R.C.Davidson.Capt.Kerr was|a well known school teacher and for |many yoars lived near Pert churen| in the vicinity of Troutman,later| moving to Coddle Creek,He is sur-| vived by five sons and two daugh-|ters.William Sloan,the 20-months-ol:|gon of Mr.and Mrs.D.K,Kemmerly |died et the home of his parents or |the Boulevard Saturday night,after a short illness with colitis.Funera' services were conducted from th home yesterday afternoon «at 4| o'clock by Rev.C.BE.Raynal,Buria'| at Oakwood,MATTERSOF News. 1, For years PAW -PAW was only vegetable Pepsin known,— everywhere it was welcomed for digestion and stomach trouble” has a record of 20 years of ¢stab-Ushed dependability.y Then the chemists discovered thy IRON and NUX produeed rich, blood and steadied the nerves.After many trials TRON and NUX wertcombinedwithPAW-PAW,the te-sult being a tonie of wonderful bod§q building qualities,plus a nerve steadier and a muscle developer.»In other words,TRONIZED PAW- PAW is a combinationofthreewell; known ingredients of real merit,and instead of gettingthe threeyouget the same results—if not better-—in one dose of IRONIZED PAW-PAW. Don't be grouchy,run-down ruin your disposition by poor JRONIZED PAW-PAW is a con- structive stimulant and can be taker by young and old.Call and get a free test and be convinced.ws! This reliable tonic,IRONIZED PAW-PAW,can be had at all drug stores.Formula on every bottle, Mail orders filled promptly.*On sale and recommended by the Polk Gray Drug ©o.,Center street) where you can meet the “Iron Man,”who will give you all information and adviceyoumayneed.Youendsdviceyoumaesaet.laa put one in for you.ara |):Mr.Holcomb is 72 veats old.Hejresult of an automobile accident) ‘IRON MAN”RECEIVING ORDERS. 7 rreat Ne tlemedy s sold every, alam .beats tn con ainty «wnearhy is $1.INTERSTATE DRUG CO,, W YORK.uneces ntiNnC.,NS good health,You will neveryourdeeisiontomeetMan.”INTER -STATE DRUGINC.,NEW YORK.—Adv. W.E.MUNDAY.Only a few left.See them Your Plumber,114 E.BroadSt. ‘We Try to Keep >Everyzhing in stock tomeetyourwants.Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-. ‘ed [ron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetal |you want. |STATESVILLE TIN CO. }"Phone55,114 K.BroadStreet. today. Our Suits aie ene =AeteA i eR «ay wt DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.©. TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hours 8 to 6. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'S:TEETH, and Coats Are reduced too. oieeeeeeememeentenieminenelll |“SOMETHING NEW" JIFFY JELL. }The new dessert in six flavors. Sl ie all l Our Wooltex Wash SkirtsGuaranteedtopleaseor your money back. Try it.The kind that will not 89,Phone Eagle &Milholland. me Fresh Eggs shrink,are worth your special attention. |They were shrunken in the Every Egg Candled making. to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eggs. The styles are right and the price reasonable. Sherrill &Reece. $3.00 to $6.50. eee ee ene om aioe:si ao Cc.H.LESTER, Reaistere,ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green. Tother White Skirts,al :dja thin LAUD ae |served in the Civil War,72d regi-|near Saxepahaw,Alamance county iment N.C.Troops,is a son of the!Sunday afternoon,John Sparrow of |late Col.Thomas Holeom).His wife,Chepe!Hill was killed. jis a daughter of Mrs.Anshorn of Indictments against individ- |Winthrop,N.C.She is 69 years)unis and firms charging attempts to lold.They are the parents of 18 chil-|¢reate monopolies of egzs in th A 1 oh |dren,eight of whom are still living,Chicago market have been returne lsix boys and two girls,all present,)in the Federal court in Chicaso. viz.:A.J.Holeomb of Harmony,D.)The government has advanced an- iM.of County Line,T.A.,A.FP.andi other —$160,000,000 to Franee,| 'J.G.of Houstonville,C,W.of Win-|mal ne the total of ‘loans to tac} laton-Salem:two sisters,Mrs.T.F.)P-ench republic $200,000.000 and | |Mullice and Mrs.L.W.Heath of!the total loans to the allies $815,-| }Houstonville.There are 25 grand-.gc 000, hildren and one great grandchild.Section Master lamilton |They are good neighbors,WhO)¢rew cf five men were fired on in \tnke a great interest in building UP)Rajeivh Saturday night,two ballets |their community.They used some of)ct riking Hamilton.It is alleged that| ltheir money as well as their infle-4 yco>s did the shooting,but he wae lence for good churches,schools and)yo)found‘roads.By their help we have ay;»hedies wave lwood sand-clay read through ovr gop)gq mine at ‘ommunity.Law i ¥wish we had more such neigh-|g.)°hors as Mr.and Mrs.Helcomb.Mr.|,. i Holcomb is a member of the Metho fist church and Mrs.Holeomb is|Bapiist.ONE PRESENT Patrietic Party at Taylorsville. 'Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Taylorsville,June 4—Mrs.H.T Kelly charmingly entertained —the iBook club,Embroidery club and a number of other friends at a patriot lie party,from 3.80 to 5.80 Thursday fafternoon,at her heautiful new revi The guests were met at th: door by Master William Henry K-llv and Litth Miss Mary Elizabeth Kel- ly,who wave each guest a booklet with a table number on it and a pencil : tuched.A lively provressive gve ing contest was envared in at ten tn bles and the questions were on “O Country.”Misses Elizabeth Lindsay. Rosa Watts and Gertrude Coope: sang several patriotic songs and Mi.»Sue Watts played the accompanime: Misses Rosa Watts and Flizrcbet Lindsay played a duet,a beautiful ar- angement of Dixie,after which | hostess gave each guest a squar white cloth and red thread and eske:\them to evtline President Wilso } No missing connections—entiretrainrunsth oo tenn.Leow Mem is 10:10 p.m.rive Walhes pext noon,Ft.Worth p.m,Avother throughtainande| recovered | lil,where |heen Heirrin, -were entombed by an explosion irday night.Two injured miners “ire rescued and are in a critical fe ition Charres that Reigwit:,former German consn] Chieags,and 13 others, incleding 1 nine Hindus,implicated in conspira cieg to violate the neutrality ef the | Inited States in the fomenting of| lution in India,have been indictcisGees)ARELP YOUR COUNTR Ruth Law will start from Cleve {|and Make Money for Yourself°7 sad today on 2 fen days’Aying tour | on behalf of the Liberty Loan,in the|ae J 5 few aay Chicage to |Uncle Sam must have the money QUICKLY to build i New York last year.She will drop|3 thousands of food and munition -carrying ships,to ner bombs over the cities of the |raise,equip and maintain an army of 1,000,000 men;to =ro ricgpetolongeem pion give us a smashing big navy—in short,to enable our oesaAes uring every “an 2?>|an’:: men to subseribe to the war fund,|%country to carry on its share of the great war for the § Mr.Geo.F.Cochran,one of the|FREEDOM OF THE WORLD! haek ke ae the State.has #YOU can do YOUR part by lending the Government f the Newton Enterprise and accent:|some of your savings.Invest now in one oF more of the — d the position of «ity editor of th Liberty Loen Bonds.You will be helping yourself The Landmerk ir |while you help your country.The bonds pay 3 1-2 per cont.interest and ARE AS GOOD AS GOLD!There is an easy payment plan,For example,if you want to buy one of the $50 bonds,you can make your payments.at this Bank,as follows: 2 per cent.when you buy the bond La aea eeejag 7 00 Baren Kurt von iW dence, eirhbor county. Two Germ iimarines made a} oneerted attack on the America face.Theee were numbered end voted steamship Kreonland on her last | and Miss Ada Veile’s number vage from New York.firing four |4 ‘the most votes,Mrs.d.A.Miller’orpedoes.two of 1 ch hit’the line the second and Mrs.Hicks’the third laneing blows,but did not esnioge | iThe hostess presented dainty han!i:iw to a report broug \kerchiefs to them.Misses Laura and New York.Gunners i Sve Hedrick assisted Mra.Kells eturned the fire,but serving refreshments.nown no damage v ee Call For Negro Officers. Major Hunt of the Unite]States rmy,who is pre this State the enlistment of colored men for raining in the camp for negro officers t Des Moines,Ie.has d rnated itigens in a number of the towns of ‘the State to whom ¢tereste’ ray apply.Applicants from this ection may ca)!on Prof.J H.John on,Salisbury;Col.C.S.1.A Tavion r Te.MeCrory,president of Piddl University,Charlotte. Wilmineton Star iad of Mr.Cochran's promotion,if | ean be called that,but mighty rv he i cing away from ou "| 18 per cent.on June 28,1917 20 per cent.on July 30,1917 30 per cent.on August 15,1917 30 per cent,on August 30,1917 ........-6: on | on done Imprisened For a Second. At Selma.Ala.,J.E.Black,a pleeman,was sentenced to a second impvisorment in the county jail fe the killine of Alex,Posey,a nev lwhile trying to arrest him,Cir Judge Miller ordersd the sheriff take the policeman to jail,lock h up and turn hin out.This was ck And it was a faree.The wolicé man deserved more punishmen none ff it wa necesgary to comply with the law,the ! lin that case is “a ass”;and the !n The bonds will be dated June 15,1917,ar.will run for 20 vears,when the Government will repay the principal. Twice a vear the owner will receive interest ai the rate of 3 1-2 per cent.a year. Come in and let us help you to help yourself,your country and humanity! COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C. that to Texas Bows. imakers who allow a law like thatistandareassesextraerdinar lonston Post. We suppose it will resident to know natrodugeal!the foodoptthesaltmackerel,id mushrooms,andaywiththeproce:!s of 0 000 surplus foo that »sell SHOFS FoR THE SOLDTPR Centracta for 3,450,000 pai hoes for the army and nav)ve eon awarden throuwh the Natio Defence Council Delivery is to ompleted within cight month |Sunday Selling in Bloomfield. i Te the Editor of The Lenameark: Last Sunday and all other Sur lnys,up here in Bloomfield,it | all-day nuisanee 9 drinking whisk: land cold drinks.Now what I wo ito know is,can't this be stopped” \lew)to me like it would be better thie selling wae stopred on Suni jand those engaged in it would go leburch:woald take their money huv something that would do t! imere (ood,I hope this Sunday selling w THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of its friends and policyholders,both NEW and OLD. ‘ir office is an open one,and we invite all our customers and these who will become customers to use the same when they so desire,As in the Ht i the average price per pair © 1.05.The contracts,«© ompetitive bids,were « mong 27 firma.eerPRITISHLOSsINAPRIL, An.indication of the heavy firht- ng during the month of Apri!is wiven in an officin!statement of ews-“ilies during this period.showing that 192,283 Britien soldiers wore rit wounded or made prisoner Vy 1 im the ageremate are 5,902 past,wo will strive to givethesame == HiGil GRADE SERVICE that has won for ti..Company the will and confidence of over seventeen h “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”andPAY HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUTWewillbegladtohaveyoucallatour office for any information,or telephone No,54 if our’| service in needed.‘f Cord of Thanks.'‘i. .Abernathy wieh bt We doNOTARY PULIC work.re for thety of J.F.CARL i stopped.:B Bloomfield,June 4. |Stole Bees For Luck. |The Enterprise,says that Char'e|W.Derev,the white man who weisentfromtherecorder’s courtMooresvilletothecainpang‘two months for stealing a hive}hees from his neighbor,Hatien I|Rape,did not the theft butstatedthathe“heen told that tohavetuckwithbeesyoushouldhavetosecurethemfromtheownerwith-lout his knowledge.” for of i F * 5 Af s k Fu Li e s ge s s i b i v e e i , T a n t i , ai if i i a7 : Hi‘t ; ;|<5 #2 | ;i: i i a n H i| p i t t s “t e k 3+ . i effective.If it fails,| savings Shrewd business—that's what was. In the Rocky Mount section it is said shat a number of young men who had made oath that they were 21 to secure shipments of whiskey suddenly discovered,when they| viewed the selective draft law,that they were not 21.They either lied to get the liquor or are lying now, and in either event prosecutions for Spanishingun nishdoneaeStates.The Prince of Senate which the allies mate victory. Frederick W. ifornia coast by of the selective ; éi FBaji if y pi l i . ic e f ; Hi t e governmentharmwasmeant and|without avail and heandGerma-|thousandssalutethe! message breathed confidence | 5 : Etiki flre i ! o3 4 (i FH ; ihi “|i :i i3sfQ Span-destruc- go on blow-just as wastheUnited Udine,head of theItalianwarmission,on the floor of.last week,delivered 1itmessagetotheAmericanpeopleinthenameofKingVictorEmmanuel,welcoming the entrance of the Unit-ed States into themoraljustification of the cause forwarasthefinal are fighti The Fay of San Francis-co was taken from the Pacific MaillinerSanJuan,50 miles off the Cal-Federal authoritiesinconnectionwiththeenforcement|draft.United Statesperjuryanddisgraceawaitthem,as|officials said Fay was on his way to the law officers have taken notice.It has been reported that ina few cases young men who voted in the election last fell have discovered that they are too young tc go to jwar.Trouble in store for some-‘béedy.What a tangled web we sate when first we practice to de- ive, ,é EE COS §Gieensboro citizens also want to *kfitow about their schools.The Rec- ‘ord says e/itorially: The a citizen wants to know_e wean te Boing on in‘interest than formerly.©**feetoseethatittsancaper.é »Matter and he wants to knowwhoistomanagetheschools,whether or not favorites are beicurd:whether or not politics ams Mexieo to avoi lived in German Gaddy,colored, pose of debauch Southern PoweredatGastonia camein contact ¥figure,and a whole jot of things. ACERT A correspondent of a State pa-per,writing from Fort Oglethorpe,|says in the course of a half hour’sinvestigationinthecamphefounddawyers,newspaper men,teachers,college professors,etc.For sometreason,says the correspondent,the“fourth estate”—the newspapers—have contributed more in Proportionoethan.any other craft.newspaper men are not slack- ci t i st :i u ii:4 fr i it } ;i Hl i ge 1ii| i army service.FaywastakenaboardaUnitedStatescoastguardcutter.He formerly y. TELAT \ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. ‘the war theaters Saturday.mrepeeinge Seeoot There in According to the report from Ber-| .geing °=the arm of W.|wife,mentioned above,was as fol-|,.in n county,Frankwasovercomeby|poisonous gas and died.||‘Two Durham youths,charged with |British and French spring offensive doping a 14-year-old girl for the pur-|ing her,were sent-tenced to a vear ontheroads. Capt.R.E.Cochrane,a inentcitizen.f Charlotte,is dead.He wasjborninCabarruscountyin1836andhadlivedinCharlottesince1858.Chas.Brown,an ‘employe of the granted our incomCompany,was kill-Saturday when hewithalivewire. Of the 400recruits asked from By request of the Woman’s Ret-|Glory for His help and thanjtermentAssociation,the Ministerial such magnificenaand—Lenoir |‘om . rooms,carniva'tent|,sho —ote atekws.Dudle of of Rowan county,19yearsold,some yeatheStatechampionshipin the 3’corn club contest,has gone to Colo-|rado to work on a ranch. Terrell,Catawba county,is pla@communityfairfornextfall,of live andproducts,planned ‘ancy Lah aide .A.of Durham,generaofthelistsiCottonMil |: : e n g : H ‘submarines,German crown prince againstassures|been n ulti-||Carso.‘gains on Friday by taking Austrian, te z i Ef 2<Ft it t :7 i i f f e itie fa tA ai 2. All the French gains have beenRepeatedGermanattacksby positions havehas exoflivesinfruitless ef-forts to regain the lost ground.More than 1,000 officers are in-cluded in the total of 52,000 prison-ers captured.Enormous quantitiesofmaterialweretakenGermans,including 446 heavy aifieldguns,1,000 machine guns andmanytrenchguns.Emperor William also has con-gratulated Emperor Charles on the)failure of the Italian attacks alongtheIsonzofromPlavatobutGeneralCadorna’s troops havegainedtheVodigeridgeandhavemadeimportantadvancesonthe!e Italians added to their captured positions on a front of one and aquartermilestoadepthof400/yards,south of Castagnavizza on |one of the main roads to Triest.An|advance of 400 yards along a mileandaquarterfrontbyItaliantroopsontheroadtoTriest,announcement||by the Germans that they had cap-{tured a French position 1,000 yards|jin length northeast of Soissons and|ja British air raid upon German bas-|jes along the German coast,consti-||tuted the chief news developments in| lin,Emperor William’s letter to his| |lows:|__“According to a report from Field||Marshal von Hindenburg,the great |has come to a certain conclusion.Prepared since autumn and an-|nounced since winter,the attack oftheBritishandFrencharmies,sup-ported by powerful masses of artil-lery and technical resources of all|kinds,has failed after seven weeksofhardstruggle.God’s aid has:—eeere su-perhuman force accomp thesei.<—ayBeaad successful-mightiest ever seen inthehistoryofthewar.All our he- t in arms!” on a shiftingit,was crushed todeathbetweenaboxcarandapileof We for $1.48 each. We use the Hoff-Man Sanitary!machine and turn out work neatly;and promptly.C called for)ond delivered.ring 2nd ssnortng,|or ing,altering a i.(orn bay CLEANING.A. SPECIALTY!Give us a trial and wewillmakeyourSilksandPalm 145 Center St. =!Ncolon Presing Onb,|$1.48 Serreere have abig line of Panamas we areofferingFridayandSaturday,June Ist,and Now is your opportunitytogetagoodlook.Hatfor little money.Don’t forget Friday and Saturday. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store.$1.48. NET ae C.M.C.and0.N.J. TaftingThread:- 10c.,3for 25c. Johnston-Belk Co. Visit our Ready-to-Wear Department. Wonderful Saving to be had on Coats, Coat Suits and Dresses. $10.00 and $12.50 Suits for $7.95. Summer Dress Fabrics. 36 inch Colored Voiles,18c. 27 inch Colored Voiles,12 1-2c. 40inch White Voiles,25c. 32inchinch”14c.27 Ut | ¥ i e Ep ciin $= sf , TubFabrics,Fast Colors. 15c.15c. o Ginghate,ate.=Galatea,18c.36 inch Best Percales,15c. NOW. Wehavewhat people want when they want it—at fair prices tee esol aa ca I n her parents,Mr.and Mrs.P:Vv. Miss Celeste Henke)is in Raleighattendingatwo-weeks’schoolof can- oHir pi b s i g c a z e ss |f .W.P.Goodman,near Ami-Mr.Menius’parents,Mr,andrs,J.A.Menius,in .Mr,Thelen has a pastorate at Crest-rit,Mr.Geo,W.Fortner of Marshal!spent Sunday in Statesville with hisMr.C,F.Fortner,going later to‘ashington where he will attend theConfederatereunion. Miks Cartie Hoover let yesterday»another|for Enochville,where she will visitwillbemaidofMrs.C.DP,Overcash.Willie Deaton’Miss Mildred Carrigan returned|yesterday to Charlotte,after spend-|ing several weeks with Miss Cather- Fy e t s . , aH H ‘{spent last Thursday at Enochwherehehasbeenstashed‘principal»|of the High School for next|; which will Mamie Montgomery is inandotherEastern,;iGartoteme|Washington for a few days. in Hendersonville,at which children of Abilene,Texas,are vis-|1 >bridegroom .engaged in iting Mr.Walker's mother,Mrs.R.}B.Joyner.tMrs.W.M.Lazent and little tereof the i...oi daughter,Emily,of”Jacksonville,| college Friday afternoon,Mrs.Hi.Flo.,pre guests of Mr.and Mrs.W |ow presiding.After a brief Miss Julia Lentz visited friends|session ing was at Barium Springs last week.in charge of the Children of the Con-Mra.W.G.Culbreth and|who came for a joint meet-|Mr.and Mrs.ewer.,Who ‘spent a few weeks hereingwiththechapter.There was a with relatives,left Sunday for theirinofhomeatSusanville,Cal.|Mrs.C.C.Philltps and little girlee:de —wong =Morganton,re they“Ravie.”Will spend the summerserinea.”Mrs.E.C.Deaton,who has»Our Pride,”Miss Elizabeth turned to her home inCarlton;reading,“The Jefferson Da-|*ftet visiting Mrs.vis Centennial,”Miss Frances Braw-was —home by Miss Wil | .ma iter,Ehseat,Dicks by the aairen.|Mire Mary Bell of Asheville was ments were served. Mr.and Mra.J.A.Stevenson and .sMr.J.A.Pope and daughter,Miss lem was in Statesville last week on|Ruth Pope,were at Woodleaf Satur-her.way to Gid Fort,where she will|day to attend the birthday celebra-“Pend the summer.tion of Mrs.H.L.Pope.Miss Bertha Cline isesthecommencementexercises at the|Reported for The Lanamark.formal school at Asheville.Miss,The Elcricemch club was enter-ssie Brown of tained Friday afternoon by Mrs.E.:member of the ,raduatingG.Gilmer.Mrs.J.L.Cowan was there this year.leader of the programme.This was .Mrs.Carrie Neill has gone to|last meeting fer the summer.Hickory to spend sereral weeks with}rs.Gilmer,assisted by her daugh-|her son.Mr.Buren Neill.|ter,Mrs.Clarence Stimpson,served Miss Kate Cathey of Mooresville isatemptingsaladcourse.The rooms %ttending the commencement exer-were fragrant and pretty with bright|cises at the Normal schoo!at Ashe-| colored blosoms.—=—Miss —_‘vy owas! ae 2 ‘formerly a student of the schoolNoticesofNewAdvertisementsviesCarlottaCorneljusandMiss| Bedding plants.—Park Place Hattie Sloan will arrive at their Green House.homes here this week from Eliza-!Dr.R.W.Woodward at H.B.beth College,Salem,Va.,where Weodward’s jewelry store.‘they have been in school during theTomateplants.—J.P.Collins &rast year. 3.Mrs.T.G.Faneette and children,Agency for books and magazines.who spent several days with their a Printing Co.parents,My.and Mrs.N.B.Mills,|dewelr last week.|Mrs.L.H.White of Winston-Sa- class | y for gifts.R.F.Henry,returned Fridny to their home at Mt.:Airy.Mr.Faucette came over Thars-|batteries.—Iredell |day and accompanied them home.| it Miss |at Long's| a.seal dry lardware Co..Bargains in real estate.—J. sanatorium,Grain cradles.—Lazenby -Mont-|homes ot Huntersville and Wilkes-Hardware Co.|horo.respectively.-eummer inducement.—Sher-|Miss Marea Jordan has gone to0.‘her bome in Durham.She was «e-Hoosier club open Saturday,June companied by Miss Nell Armfield,9th.-Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.who will be her guest for severalan2motorcars.—States-|wooks v tor .|Miss Evelyn Sadler of Dixie andSilkdresssalecontinues.—Fium-|Miss Marguerite Alexander of #3 Pllzabeth Harris andcheMeNeill,norseshavegone to Paul |Bt re-|Mooresville ;mienGrierWaugh,| the guest of Miss Nora Neill Foard| t attending | Statesville is a} their| jlem.Mrs.Shoaf and child are here! lumber campsthere,where a number need er,‘Mr.A.P.Brantley of Mt.Ulla term. Miss Vennie Templeton,who_|taught at Burlington,is at home for);the vacation,accompanied by Miss}\); who was there M &)return to their hometoday.taut Sieh om THE FIRST NATIONALreunion&t homea few days Cora Freeze, visit. There will be a familtheresidenceofMrs.8.1.F -man,on her 67th birthday,june Bth,in the Hart aulghheghead,family connection,friends and rela-|1 i.chutives,will gather for a homecoming.A number of the oldwhosenameshavealmentionedinTheLa looking M i her his house overhauled. ion F4 Mr.N.Sankey‘Gaither is having| There are Sunday schools in here but there arestillafewwhodonotattend.ooen |°very one come out to Sunday schoo!,have!#the church of his choice.}gone to Washington ahd amongoth-State of Ohio,City of Toledo,ers who exnectedtogotodaywereMissesWinonaHethcox,MaryNeele,Audrey and “Messrs.Vic.Brown,P.G.Edmiston,Wyatt Neele and probably others.rs.C,T,Carr of Asheville came| Mr.and Mrs.John M.Walker and|down lust week to sicit hee mothee Mrs.8S.C.Rankin.Mrs.Ben SpencerofNewark,N.J., aunt,Mrs.B.B.Boyd,onHeights.Mrs.J.H.FrazierWinston-Salem wos here last ni ‘|visiting relatives and friends.\James ‘L.Donald and daughter Lucas County,sa, Frank J.Cheney makesKennett,|a,miner of the Arm is visiting her orenehen,this 6th Elizabeth,went to Rock Hill,8.C.,/goalastweek.iroyZiGrayanoldandhighly ALP GALLON PRESERVES AT,esteemed citizen,was entertaiabigdinneronhis82dbirthday byMr.and Mrs.Brown_Miss,CarypaniedhomemateCollege by her toom-mate,|Helen Bristol of Cherokeecounty,who spent several days here.Mr.J.F.Lowrance of Morven hasbeenhereonavisittohisparents,|Mr.and Mrs.D.W.Lowrance.Mr.P.8S.Boyd was in Raleigh iast week|to attend the meeting of the —<-tees of the A.and College.Mrs,Emma Ray and children of Den-/mark,8.C.,have been visiting atthehomeofMr.W.R.Hartness,theSouthernrailwayagenthere.Miss Adele haeffer of Barber}and Mr,Frank Thompson,from near| | A.E.|Tr utman w |Aa RENN eefromGreénsharoWe|M REPORTS. ae &FRALEY’S for 25¢.— r, a bRedper200.Auto Rubber Casing,4c.pm >Sweet Potatoes,$1.25 perbushel. Grain.The following prices were paid yesterday|Salisbury,were married Saturdaytor grain on the local market:night at the home of the bride’s pa-|rents,Mr.and Mrs.F.R.L.Schaef-/|fer,at Barber.Rev.M.L.Riden-| hour of Gold Hill,brother4n-law ofthebride,officiated,assisted by Rev.|V._R.Stickley of Barver’s.{The gradvating exercises of theprimarydepartmentoftheFirst! Wheat,$2.50 to $2.75 per bushel. Corn,$1.90 per bushel.90e.per bushel. On the local market yesterday 21 3-4 cents“was paid for best grade cotton.rm.pou‘ketCotton Seed,860.per bushel.SeedCotton,6 1-2e.per ib.Presbyterian Sanday school,at 3.90 === Sunday afterroon were tended,when a very interesting pro-' gramme was rendered.Mr.Ben.W.Harris has boucht !the dniry business of Mr.C.W.De- vis,who has done a considerst!:business in his line for two years,|Mr.Harris is a well known farmer! well at-,LOBT—BlackCollie Pup.Has 9andlems,and is very shy.return to C.WATKINS. WILL NOT sell to any one on credit after;the Sth of June,117,but wilt sell for tems,|Will deliver anywhere in town,See me andwetpricesbeforebuying.You can savemoneybybuyingfrommeforcash,W.L,|SMITH.Bioomficid.dune 5—1t*. and cattie man and expects to push MORE REDDING PIANTS—tinnies,Mari-the dairy business.Mr.Jay Shoaf,formerly of this! nince,mail agent on the main line from Greensboro to Atlanta for over!two years,and whose home is Greensboro,was transferred to the Winston -Charlotte division last| ofds,petunias,vinine ond bush cofews, thety miller and many others PARKPLACEGREENHOUSE.‘Phone 286 Black,dune 5 1.|Jasin ence i eeinDR,&.W.WOODWARD is at H.Bs.storeSaturdaysforfittingglassesLensesre-placed.dune 6 3. week and will move to Winston - visiting relatives.Mrs.J.A.Keerns and children of Salisbury were here last week visitingMrs.Keerns’brothers,Messrs.WANTED—Povl to >anuenJohnV.and Pau)M.Barger,and| have gone to Mt.Ulla to visit rela-|tives there.Mr.C.W.Hambright,|who spent a week with his sister,‘-Morrison Co.|Huntersvilie,students at Mitchell**pressing,altering and coloring.—-|cotlege during the part year,passed|mre,A.BH.Adoiia,Wamp Bem hereNicholsonPressingClub.(through Statesville Friday on theirOldIrishre...K.Morvi-|way te.Binck,Mountain,‘represent eeeery Oe.}ollere Young Joman'senepeeforallkindshidesand|Christian Association at the Bluejunk.—J.Arner,=Ridge Conference.Collie "a t~—0,Watkins.|Mrs.R.M.Knox and children,for-Notice customers——W.Li mer residents,passed throughSmith,Bloomfield,Statesville a few days ago on theirChurchService—Personals.|way toCorrespondenceofTheLandmark.M Holden,who have beenMissMcBrideAlexander,have re-turned to their homes at New Berne Alexgnder panied MissBaaccompan88xterhome‘and will be herweekortwo, .Juneandworkof In one aa that the x | |Lutheran parsonage is ready for oc- Newton from a visit to ise abe Baxter and Miss Sadie| ests of t |number of converts,who wil!late Mies guest for a ionly a few days.Burial at Pleasant’———......____._._._.._.___._.. »from Japan, | any intheelubbeclubareurgedtobe present,| to Burlington to visit relatives.Rev.and Mrs.L.A.Thomas aremakingtheirhomewithMr.andVrs.Geo.C.Winecoff,on EasternHeights,for a few weexs,until the | Sa-|TOMATO PLANTS for sale.J.P.COLLING| &SONS,Statesville,R- FOR SALE—Agoodsorrel horse,nine dune 5 2t*. ie yoursold.Perfectly gentle.T.C.SHERRILL,|Sherrili's Ford,N.C.June 1-66 the sum-mer,High Sehoot and Coliexe Preparatory.|Cc,G.PROSPER.June 1-3. FOR RENT—HousesonSharpe street.N.P.May 22. RENT—A.Y.Alexander residence onBroadstreet.M.P.ALEXANDER.May 15. GIN OUTFIT FOR SALE. Tl am preparing to eniarce my ginning plant WATT, eupancy and Mrs Thomas is able t0/|and have decided to put in all new machinerymove.She has been in feeble health |!for over a month.The protracted meeting at theMethodistchurehclosedSundaynight.There were some fine ser-mons,the church was revived and a be received into the church. seme at a bargain.will sell my present outfit or ang part ofMN.B.MILLS.dune62. Auction Sale of Ford Car. fy virtwe of a judgment of the Superior|Court will sell at public avetion for cashthecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C.,otRufes,the 18&months-old child of|the 284 day of June,at 12 o'clock,one FordMr.and Mrs.R.BR.Wartsell,onBroadstreet.died Thursday.Sick Hill Friday «,=pewe of Rev.L,=. Dr.W.B.Mellwaine,missionaryveryinterest-| First Presbyte- Tonic Funeral at}Weston of nian churek Sunrntea oe mn ona a Car in good condition.M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff,dune 1,1915,—NOTICE!Have left my accounts at Stim-son's Drug Store.Those indebt- ed to mecan see a statementof settlementtheiraccountormakethere.Coite L.Sherrill,M.D. told by C.WATKINS ieb- oS jRKintihe#——~. When you need FINANCIAL GUIDANCE|We have time to “Listen.”Maybe we can help Our bank isa member of the National RESERVE SYSTEM of Banks. We can turn our securities into CASH Your money is safe in our bank:you can GETwhenyouWANTit.Dime Comeseeuseven if you are not yet banking with’,*us.We shall make you feel ATHOME.-'+am Make Our Bank Yaur Bank, We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.= yt aw qd teens a Orie Statesville,N.C. <r Oe~e ‘w?ghSa hiss is what to give. ft has L-O-V-E in it ue Were a woman's house to burn and she could save but...two things,they would be her children and her renpresents.Take affection out of life and there's little 7Thenletthemanwhenheweds,and every“rotitthereafter,makea beautifulgift to his Bride.Let her arememberherwithlittletreasuresshewillenjoythru6utfer5e«lifetime.| When wedding gifts come from us thequality isthere,”-“at ahie+4 nee race sidestevelof4 cad Blbgtveputosyihal R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.’ ra '@Z WS OT Distance fades as if by magic before the right sort of caf.“a ap If you ride in a Buick or Dodge you will marvel.at the ease with which the trip is made,ow betWhenyouarelookingforeasy riding qualities and a car that will make the distance come in and let us demonstrate the Buick or Dodge. 7 a” while ven ‘bywasgoing.Ander- store and was driv- ing across to the Court stree$entrance,when the deliverywagoncraintotherearwheels of hig buggy.The wagon driver putonbrakeswhenhesawhewouldcol- lide with the buggy,the wagon skid-ded the wet street,turned cleararoundandtherearwheelwassmashed.Meantime the shock of thecollisionhadthrownDr.Andersonoutonhisbackbetweenthebuwheels,and his horse,dis-turbed by the commotion,was back- ing on him and about ready to steponhimwhenMr.Bruce Leinster gottohim.and pulled him out of dan- wer.‘Phe doctor was thrown in such a position that he couldn't help him- self and it was a close call for him.When the doctor pulled himself toge he assured the sympathir-ing Wyatanders that he wasn't hurt, but he intimated that he hoped thedriverpfthebuzzwagonwas.Ifthedriverhadbeeninneedofmedi-eal ae nee then,the doctor might have *inistered to him,but he would have been in «o hurry to re-lieve his pain. The Mayor’s Court. Thé Yollowing eases have been dis-posed of in the mayor's court sinceThufsday:Bertha Summers,forgery and ob-taining goods under false pretense: reeornized to appear in court later.@ohn Morgan,Arthur Williams ancllTise,all golored,exceeding auto-mabile s imit;taxed with costs. Geo.Ayers,soliciting passenvers atthestation,cursing and resisting of-fleer;continued until tomorrow morn sout son Dru enry Craig and J.Hoke,white,e before the mayor Friday for anay.They were fined $20 each and ed with the costs,the costs te bepaldand,fine held over them duringgoodjour.‘Ches.M.Mills was taxed with the fs 2 for exceeding automobile speed t. ee 2BpstorCalled—Church News. ere will be no service at thetBaptistchurchnextSundav.Chas.Anderson,the paster,will Rabsent on that day conducting ing at Paith,Rowan county. v.Tw.W..R.Ware conducted rterly conference meeting at St2?n’s church,East Monbe,Sundayhtandhadabigattendance. ew Salem,New Perth and Press- }Memeriai Assovinte ReformedBchyterienchurchesSundayextend-2:eall to Rev,R.E.Hughey of neasee.Rev.J.H.Pressly moder- i ghe call at New Perth church.Mr.Hughey is expected t:ept the cal!and come to Iredell totakeuphisnewworkaboutJune17 concord bytery will be in ses-sien.at the First Presbyterian church i Call For the Marine, Capt.T.A.Mott,of the Unitedates,B would be glad to have "from Statesville andelhisnativehome.Capt.Mott. i ting duty,with head-:Reiner oa sends Thexnchofiiteraturewhich—#o show io those inter-| wer a combination of the Marines is it>sea and y wactive service.Charte|hearest recruiting office. PAY BILLS AT OFFICE.FAN electric light and power billsatenowpayableatcityheadquarters125westBroadstreet.HeretoforeHectorshavecarriedthesebillsto nsumers,but this unneccessary exIveisnowcutoutandelectricbillsustbepaidattheoffice,just as wa-|r bills,taxes,etc,are paid proper and right. 88 to keep a manwnferamonth to ould be paid direct.Bills are duc thy 10th of the month and if notidthe20thsomethingwil!problyhappen. That It is not busi chasing about collect what T NOT SICK. »wrott writes The Land- MR.terprom Fort Oglethorpe that the ports that he had been indisnosed‘the hospital,is an error.Heoe:has Mever missed a roll call, er,ate more or sleptsounder”im-his life.Mr.Scott save so.far-as he knows none of the States. ville boys—-they are not all in the©company—have been sick except T MN delegation genersily will betoknowthattheyareallfit. MISSIONARIES HOME. iss Ethel Kestler,who has beengedinmissionworkinChungu,ea,during the past seven years,ved in Statesville yesterday.Miss Kestler went to Ba- friends of Mr.Scott and of the a) “whereshe will be with berMra.A.D.Kestler,and her,Mrs.J.A.Arey.Miss Kestlorme'7.Miss Lillian ne.fap as tesville,MisewithANedonherwaytoher )Cured in 6to14 Days adcoe) Miss Kestler } /House.Hoarding or storage of food,fuelothernecessariesoflifeinorder|(or|to limit the supply or offeetismadeafelonyunderthe Senatehoardingamendment,but farmerswhoheldtheirownproductsareex-cepted.The section relating to fu- tures provides that if during ~war the President shall find that dealing: in futures in or abou:any grain ex-change,unduly or unreasoncbly raiseorenhancethepriceofwheatorothe: food cererla,to the injury of the peo-ple of the United States,ne may at once request the traders in such ex- change to discontinue for a time spec- ified by him all dealings in futuresIftherequesticnotheededthePresi- dent is authorized to order the grain exchanges closed and violators incu: a fine of $500,imprisonment for 2 year,or both. The Senate curtaited the inquisi torial power given the Secretary of Agriculture in the investigation of food resources.The Secretsry is giv- eu general authority to investigate the food situation and it is made the “duty of any person when requested by the Secretary to answer al!questionsnecessarytocarryintoeffect the provisions of this section.”The section authorizing the gov- ernment to sell seeds to the farmer also was amended so as to provide that sales be made fur cash only.The power to compe!persons having seeds at their disposal to furnish them t+ the government was greatly curtail- ed,and the apprepriation carried for the work was reduced from $5,778,- 000 to $2,300,000,The House appro- priation for eradication of livestock diseases was elimineted and an ap- propriation of $880,000 was added to stimulate live stock production. ATTNENOAT German Influence in Venezuela Washington has received reports jeerned reliable that Germany is at- tempting to get control of the Island of Margarita,off the coast of Vene- zuela,for use as a submarine base. The State Department forwarded thc information received to Venezuela for the consideration of the Venezuelanofficials. Officials do not believe that the government of Venezuela would be 2 party to any such alienation.Vene- zucla is one of the South American governments that have joined in pro- testing acvainst submarine warfare as ondcected by Germany.It has been known by the American government for weeks that German influence: have been actively at work in Vene- zuela and that indirect if not direct means have been used by the Kaiser's agents to secure popular and official! sympathy. The Venezuelan minister in Wash- ington says the story is false and he Cenounces as nonsense tal of Ger- man influence in Venezuela. More Cyclone Damage. Beginning Friday of yynadoes devastated sertic the Vest and South,the storms contin ne in various seeiions for a week, ‘ausing many deaths and muchiropertydamage. Twenty-one known more than 100 injured an’unestimatel roperty damage resulted from a se- ries of tornadoes that swept several! towns and sections of southeaster Kansas,north central Oklnhoma and outhern Missouri late Friday and Friday night.With 400 houses re- sorted destroyed at Coalgate,Okla., t town of 3,000 inhabitants,and ssibly 200 at Coffeyville,Kan.,it var feare!that the death total at hase two pl would be hieh |,Death are also reported at Moore,Kans...Drak»and Seminole, Okla.,and other points. Killed in Oklahoma. John W.Forester son of the late J.S.Forester of |North Wilkesboro.was killed in Ok- lahoma en the nivht of May 26.He was conducting a moving —picture how at Healton,Okla..was shot by ‘urglars who entered his house for the purpose of robbery,and died in few minutes, The remains of Mr.Forester were brought to North Wilkesboro and ‘ried there Friday afternoon. Mr.Forester located in the West several years avo and married thereHeissurvived|v his mother and tister,three half brothers and two olf sisters. Mrs.Chas.D.Moore and son. er,and Miss Jully Armfield Statesville attended the funeral ee aee ne Air Losses. london papers state that 718 air-j planes were shot down on the west- ern front in May,of which 442 wer German and 271 British and French British headquarters admitted the loss of 86 machines but as the French do not announce any war lowses,it is impossible to verify the inference that they lost 185.It is|worthy of note that the estimate of|)271 is compiled from German offi-|cial reports.The total air losses for \pril were extimated at 709. ieeneneemeneetateestieenmetiemmedtinmnmmdttieeeasa REVOLT IN CHINA. Eleven provinees of China,inclad- ine the Province Chi Lik,in whichPekingissituated,now no longerrecognizetheauthorityofthePe-ine government.Three provinces present government.:is serious and =the|President,Li Yuan Hung,is virtual.ly powerlens, las week, n deaths, or>years old Ror of |} oo months and 44 years are betweenzensbetween the Some of the presenttrainingcampswillbea’the seeond series,and‘or the second training courseslocatedinthesouthernpartofcountry,where the weather will thegoodthrouchthefall.ThesitesareFortMyer,Va.:Port MPherson,Ga.:Fert Oglethorpe,;Fert Benjamin Harrisen,Ind.;Fort!‘ewan H.Roots,Ark.;Fort LeonSwrines,Texas:Fort Riley,Kana;The Presidio,San Francisco.f ‘ants.from this vart of the will go to Fort Oglethorpe.as now. Men certified as acceptable for thefirstseriesofcamps,now in op;eration,must renew their appliea-| ‘ons if they were not directed to ealtendthefirstseriesofcamps,Ap-'| plications noust be made |June 15 and July 5.The application |!must be accompanied with the! names of three responsible citizens|,who know the applicant.”i} ree esTMERCUERURRAPNRLORNTORIRENY=%aime erA i wemran,you wilt |rid without coup.of the mind Americans bee |register | BE SURE TO REGISTER! “Whether you be man « never do anything in theage.UT in the next te hener.”’ All)brave tween 2)and 3!»&Mitel tune Sth,1017 Red white and '' gremtant culty and courageous «ou t ed men,’ *would be ster,ma utocrathe And all the r Washington We come,ten wy Willing to dance ieeet To bes He sid the Bt y bea ths arry i ‘ oud,felted?I tJun;hers os JIMer weemerome ta meee eee GERMANY GETS COTTON, hes been supnlied withcottonthrough—Italian! cOordir to a renpert by an ttee of the Na-|ation of Cotton Manu-| The repert advocates control of shinments of from this wh ff MOTT. How Germory Amerienn tracers,a ’stigatinss comm onal Assoc foeturers. vovernment eotton andcountry,adding that il tep have been talen three yenr ago it would have mater ‘de ed the length of the war. rewe STOLE PARSON'S ATO, >avto of Rev.7.Clyde Turner OTO We ta!i while Mr ’loigpty a few days necre boy,whd was >machine was net dam- Pourner,who is an Trede!! woof the First Baptisi eensboro. or ee re 1 requirements of the al- the European neutrals ar 971,000,000 bushels,a toto r than the United State in a statement by Tle yover,the food contr its products Demecrat says the livht frost in Watauga ing of May 30. Drives Out Mataria,Bullds Up System The Old Standard general strengthering tonic, GROVE 'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out Malaria,entiches the blood and builds upthe sy» tem.A true tonic.For adnits and children.‘ QTOMACH AilmentsTheNation’s CurseJ ee ‘ Mayr'eWonderful!Remed; Quickly Restores There is no silment causing more roe and misery than Stomach Tr .Often Gall Stones,Cancer and ‘ers of tne Stomach and Intestin: i sation,Acute Indigestion,Au o-intostention,Yellow Jaundice,Ap vendicitis and other serious and fatal ailments result from it.Thousand of Stomaca Sufterers owe their com plete recovery to Mayr’s Wonderf Remedy.it ts unlike any other remedv.Ht eweers the poisonous bile ; catarrhsl aceretions from the svetcemSeothesandallaysChronicInflanmation.Many declare it has saytheirlives,and prevented serious sw gical operations.Try one dose dey.fateh its marvelous resultsContaingnoalcohol—no habit-f ing drugs.Book on Stomach Ail-ments FREE.Address Geo.R.Mayr, Mfg.Chemist,Chicago.Beiter yet—ovtain a bottle of Mayr’s Wonder-ful Remedy from the Statesville DrugCo.or any reliable druggist,who willrefundyourmoneyifitfails. NS or ! ( ( t } “m™ |The Brady Printing Co. Thereisalways apublicwaiting somewheve for more of That situation has existed now for more'than two years. People ask questions now aboutthemechanicaleoplerarelyqofthecar. Performance,materials and construction are taken forgranted. it will pay you tovisit us andexaminethisCar. The ‘line consumption fs Ny lowTheheheroneisCammenga: Touring Car or Roadster,$835;Winter Touring Car or Readster,$1,000; Sedan or Coupe,$1,265.(All prices f.0.b.Detroit). STATESVILLE MOTOR CO., *Phone 14€. THE WAY TO HEALTH. Health is the most important thine in life.It is too precious,too vital ta be bandied about as an articlemerchandise.[t cannot be pureiincdinboxesorphialsatthecorner drug store.BARIUM ROCKTERaidsNature to restore when drugs fail.It drives Uric acidoutofthesystemandrevitalizesthenerves, SPRING itself F.M.Shannonhouse writes:was suffering from chattered ind disordered stomach and ond the BARIUM ROCK SPRINGWATERbroughtaspeedycure” "Phone W.A.EVANS or write Department 1,Box 65,BariumSprings,N.C. ne kidneys Has taken over from R.P.Allison the agency for various Magazines and Book Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zines of all kinds.Will order any book wantcd. WA.' All Magazines on coun- ter soon as out. LD-—— IRISH POTATOES. We have just received shipment of old Irish potatoes for late planting.If you necd any,call on your merchant,ane if ve hasn't got them,REFER HIM TO THIS AD.! -—-+ a bix J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. ne ao as ~~co are ca due4 ra Ss me Sel Statesville,N.C. SS Se Ea i-GRAIN CRA Manufactured by Mr.D.T.Pritchard of Hiddenhite,N.C.,and they are If you don't want to go to the war,cut Wheat.That will be Uncle Sam may de- In any good ones. a great stand off. cide you are needed at home. case,save the Wheat. Where tic binder won’t go take the old way of harvesting and save the Wheat.A small quantity of Binding Twine left.Get yours at once. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. oe i Fh2 9 alll ore a K. Without letting your pocket know it.Come inseehoweasyitistoget.a Kodak,the Dime BankWay.Getarcal Kodak with spare Dimes, H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler. Ce aT == EEte ti es 7 ereremm.2ee ON THE WAY |GO OADSFourCarloadsofFords.|en We are advised that four ear.loads of Fords will arrive inStatesvillewithinthenexttendays. No change in price on thése | ears. CAROLINA MOTOR CO.| Statesville,N.C. oa maa 2 ied,Mer20Ke‘y y ,fe >OPEN—ttatenrt fl ~at te eee ra gh ee ee e ee ee ee e iii iitciiininteinaiiiiiaiin lida ila asieectinerinad ga aialBh.Your Arenat tied fromcarryingoutyourex-pectationsand desires when you havemoney‘IN THE BANK. YourBank Account depends on whayousave., It is not a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. Aepsiee Goeeing HORSOR your in- comejs small and it will be casier asyourincreasesto Increase Your Bank Account. Nowisthe ttune time to open anAccountwithus. People’s Ioan and Savings Bank “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.”3 GEO.H.BROWN :President. 0.L.TURNER re Cashier. Pada - ;_ne THOSE DESIRINGGOODINVESTMENT. it will pay you toinvestigate the Mrs.M.A.Tomlin4ots,so central and nicely iocated in the colored folksresidentialsectionofStatesville,near school andchurches.Just completed the opening up and grad-ing of streets and alleys,A numberof colored folks have grasped the opportunity of buying ore or moreoftheselots,others desiring to do so will find it totheiradvantagetoactatonce.Will sell for cash or10percentcashandbalanceinmonthlypayments.The map of the property and lots will be giadlyshownuponrequest. E.G.GAITHER,Agent. Office Milis Building.Phone 28, |AMid-Summer Inducement. Fancy Vest or Pair of Trousers FREE. For the Month of June we are offeringeachandeverycustomerorderingaSuitorOvercoat,from the Spring and SummerlineofTheGlobeTailoringCo.,of Cinein-nati,a Fancy Vest of a Pair of Trousers,FREE, Every garment Needle Molded to yourmeasure,thus making your satisfactionsure. Step in and let us take your measure today. Act now—While the assortment is com-plete. WE CLOSE AT 6.O’CLOCK. PHONE 83.7 SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. RaOneof the Best Ways to PrepareforWaristoRaiseaBigCropofFoodStuf. It is not up to the (Anan entirely but is up ton ‘omplaint.It is merely the conerete‘xpression of a new idea for democ-vacy.”The policy toward the x1says,remains w i‘orts are in better condition than ev‘t and there is no purpose to take)‘provocative unpatriotic action.If,he Germans come they will get a)varm reception.”=“Kronstadt will be declared mor-|Ny boycotted,outlawed and cut off!‘rom the rest of the empire unless it|mediately withdraws its defiance| o the isional gov PaystheMinisterotJusticeatPe-vograd.All the ministers ofbehockalietscarestoktheaaa |6 sts,agroe that govern-rent Must not tolerate declarations|*independence by separate dis-| ricts.-}Barer,Rosen,former Russian am-|assador to the United Statesand)‘ormer member of the council of thempire,suggests as a means of exit|or Russia from her present chaoticonditions,a di conferenceviththeEntente’allies to determine|possible basie for peace with the‘entral Powers.The original aimsfthewar-—-the compieté ruin of the‘nemy—have become hopeless,heleelares,and the war promises totevelopintotheslowprocessofworeorlesegeneralexhaustionofothsides.Rosen holds.therefore.hat Germany can’t be defeated and And thus the division and disor-ranization in Russia goes on. American Commission Arrives|in Russia.|Safe arrival at &Russian port ofheAniericanCommissiontoRussia,|neaded by Elihu Root,ambassador|‘xtraordinary,is announced in a dis-'match to the Navy ment.{The commission le Washington|thout May 5,charged with greetings©the new democratic government ofRussia,and authorized to pledge un-|‘tinted aid from the United States not|mly in the prosecution of the war |vainst the common enemy,but in thecehabititationofthedemoralized)‘ountry.It was preceded by a spevia)nission of railroad experts,whose ar-*ival already had been announced.After a final conference between!>resident Wilson and Mr.Root,thesommissionerstraveledoverlandtohePacificcoastandthereboardeda‘ast naval vessel for the voyage toheOrient.Under the voluntary cen-orship nearly all American news-|—_—refrained from publishing any-|hing about their departure or the!roints through which they passed|long the way.While no German.submarines are known to be operating|in the Pacific,it was deemed wise to!wint no details of the trip until the|70)were safely la »|he arrival of the mission at Petro-| trad is awaited anxiously because it|s confidently believey that the as-surances it brings from the American|yovernment and people and the coun-|sel $ae —will do much to-|ward s ing and strengtheniny thehandoftheProvisionalgovernment.| Aviation Fields Being Made| Contracts have been awarded to anAmericanfirmfortheconstructionofatwo-squadron aviation field infrance,where American army fliersf 1¢would secure thebest terms esible.i Lf a ir d y in t He fi =i it h e it z = subjects of taxation,abeenproposed.eressmanfavoredthe paper that Mr, -standpoint,which M©revenue .w r.Doughton was to submit to the Sen-ate finance committee.|Here's »but we won't be-| lieve it until we see it.Wouldn't it!:be a joke,on the Legislatures cheap |skates in Staterunawayfroma dog tax from pure ||dema:.if Congress should put ataxotenmakeitesteand |rather in a big bunch of revenue?|—_—_—_—_———=A WOMAN'S BACK.ad The Advice of This Statesville Wo-|man is-of Certain Valuc.|Many a woman's back has many| aches and pains. Oft-times ‘tis the kidneys’fault That’s why Doan’s are so effective.: Many Statesville women secs this. Read what one has to sayabout | Kidney Pitts back and shoulders. languid all the time.My head achedandIhaddizzyspellswhenIcould|% searcely keep from falling.Dean's}< so!Z highly that I began taking them.|@ relief and)3 the second did me a world of good.|4 Kidney Pills were recommended The first box brought.me =|F ml 6 0 Ms O.L.Leagan,215 Boulevard! street,Statesville,says:“I suffered|§ @ great deal from pains across my I eouldn’t do 2 my housework and I felt tired and we SN ee A & te weer eeeete PtaePrd ie %TE litaMtl PG | ORANGE JOOJ A Cooling,Healthful DrinkFortheWholeFamily Lingeringfragrance of andleave aayeteaasedeedSs 2.ee Be oe Remember,it’sall fruit—no substitute. Se at alldrink standsLessbythecase “Ityou tiheOranges,you'lllike OrangeJoos” COUO COLA BOTTLING CO.STATESVILLE,N.C.i |“Its Cloudy--[ane WOO i ThatstheFruit” Ee ee PALM BEACH SUITS. AlsoShirtsinthe toselect from._ba Don’t fail to get a Cedar”Moth Proof your FursClothing. Hatsall descriptions. Yours to serve. My back got stronger and my kid-|2. heys became normal.”| Price 50c,at all dealers.Don't | simply ask for a kidney remedy—get| Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that) Mra.Leagan had.Foster -Milburn’! Co.,Props.,Buffalo.N.Y. FINE LOT It is only natural tat your friends andareimpreszedbytheganeralatm>spher2of your tanceshome.Nothing e!se radiates a cheerful atmosshere as doesnicefurnitureproperlyarrang+d.If you want your home furnishings to b2 correct‘‘dealer whefirstthingtodoistochooseafurnitureknowscorrectstylesandarrangement—he can befoundhere. ——IstheBEST for— Wesellit——® cau lag a3 7 ae s>s : #5 y = # _§ +4 “5 ES2 3“"e e d tz,w.W.A.Rainey,J.H.Walters,att,W.A.Winecoff,D.&.r,J.P.Collins,A.G.Cash, .Dearman,W.B.Eigson,C.W. ,John Hagerman,E.¥. ws,G.ya .-_ne,-HK.Cope,A.A.Gabriel,Noah Keteh-ie,ww.Turner,W.M.Mills,R.F. Cline,T.M.Snow,W.A.Rhyne.J. C.Joyner,W.W.Walton,D.R.How- ard,T.M.Marshall,J.T.Watt,J.A.Howard,J.C.Steele, Jo,Euell and Bob Pinkston,the last two being colored veterans.Miss Charlye Tomtin,sponsor;Mrs.R.Rankin,matron,and Miss Eliz »maid of honor,left ... >+ a 8 po s i 5 fl = Hl Others who took advantage of thespecialratestovisitWashingtonwereMrs.J.C.Steele,Mesers.HenryLewis,W.E.Munday,S.J.Holland,C.R.Stimpson,N.F.Steele,N.D.Tomlin,Dr P.C.Jurney,Dr.F.B. Gaither,Mr.and Mrs.Ralph Sloan,Mrs.M.L.Simons,Mrs.J.C.Irvin,toMr.and Mrs.L.W.MacKesson andMrs.B.B.Webb.The latter willvisitMrs.G.D.Ellsworth.The veterans had a made up here and for their 1 elusively.In Statesville churc Sunday special prayer was madetheirsafetyonthetrip. Fraudulent Newspaper Solicit- or Gets By. Wilson,alias Johr ton,Williams,Miller,ete.,the scamp who wentaboutthecountrytakingsubscrip- tions for newspapers which he didn't mt,and who was landed inTaylorsvillejailaftersometroubleconsiderableexpenseonthepartofTheLandmark,was released yes-terday.When he found himself in jail Wil-son put up the plea that he was atubercularvictim.Dr.Thurston,county physician for Alexander, confirms this diagnosis,and gives itashisopinionthatthemanwon'tlive30daysifkeptinjail.That be- i so,there was nothing to do but release the fellow on his own recog-nizance.Confinement was fatal to him but he will doubtless revive when he strikes the open and renewhiscampaignofdeceptionandfraud.He n»vct only robs the folksbuthesleepsintheirhomesandsubjectstheinnocentvictimsandtheirwivesandchildrentothedan-ger of infection.The Landmark had no disposition to try to keep the fellow in jail inthefaceofthestatementmadebythecountyphysician,which it doesnotquestion,but it does think thatthepublicshouldinsomewaybe protected against him,both as a cheat and ai source of infection.However,this paper has done its duty and it washes its hands of thewholebusiness. The County Singing. specie for A large crowd attended the county | singing at the court house Saturday. programme opened at 10.50o'clock with old-time singing,afte:which Mr.Z.V.Long made a shor eddreses.A recess was Aiken fordinnerandat1.20 in the afternoon the singers and audience reassembledforthetest-singing. In the tesi-singing there were only two classes,A number from other classes were present but unorganizedanddidnottakepart.The two tak-ing part were Mr.E.O.Shaver,FifthStreetMethodistchurch,and Mr.T. L.Fox,Mt.Hebron church.Each class sang eight pieces.Sheriff Alexanderoffered$5 es a prize,which was equally divided between the twoclasses.There was singing volunteer and by the Hollar Bros.’quartett:and Miss Cordia Mason alto.AfthecontestMr.Shaver treated elass to refreshments. Next singing the tirst Saturday October at Mt.Hebron church,nea Turnersbure. COMES BACK HOME. Mr.Laxton L.Crowson,who hasbeenlivinginWarrenton,Ga.,wher:he had a position with a cotton oi!mill,has moved his family to States- ville,their old home,and will on the 16th take a position as superintend- ent with the Statesville Cotton Oil Company.Mr.Crowson is an experiencedcottonoilmanandisfriendsaregiadtohavesimbackinhisoldhome.He was with J.€ Steele &Sons for some years before he took up the oi!mill work. OFFER TO SERVE.Dr.Wallace Hoffmann,osteopath has offered his services free to either drafted or volunteer citizens who have been rejected for military servics because of physical deficiencies.This on condition that deficiency is cor rectable by proper treatment andasfurtherthatapplicantwill himself for enlistment after re etiving professional services.Oste-throughout the country areasimilaroffcr by hi ENT FOR Two.Superior Court,inriaaScrovesandrther,—_Ire- secured judgments against Order of ; it was for theandthewas$1,112.76,the defendant.~—oC.LR.Y38.~—ad. oe ’ .- .'t :the Pt FT aia ts to ts 7 - AT "operation by »,Bronce were authoris “‘loeation,and Mr.R.T. C.Brown,W., r pany and the -ers’Bank,as soon as they are ready chool bonds.T N. i = zsMessrs.Eugene Munday,:Leonard,J.M.Ramsey and B.L.to proceedtobuytheoutfitandarrangeforaWeawasauthorizedtopreparetheincor- poration papers.s The plan is to secure a_locationwithsomeofthesteamplantsintown,where steam from a boiler al-ready in use can be secured and the necessity of buying a beiler avoid-ed for the present.The cost of a building under such circumstances will be amall.Mr.Ramsey has of-fered a loeation with the StatesvilleShowCaseCompany,on east Broadstreet.wore The committee to secure ontfit and location was also instructed to prepare and have printed for distri- bution a pamphlet showing the va- rieties of vegetables that can be used,where seed can be obtained,ete,It is necessary to have the same variety of tomatoes,beans,ete.,as different varieties vary intheamountofceokingrequiredand can't be mixed in canning.A num- ber of farmers have already agreed plant vegetables for delivery tothecompanyandthepamphletto e printed,which may be obtained from the Statesville Printing Com- Merchants and Farm- for delivery,will give the necessaryinformation.It is hoped that all fn- terested will apply for the informa- tion promptly,so that crops can be started to mature vegetables for de- livery the latter part of July. The promoters of the cannery are moved by the desire to aid in con- serving the food supply anc to pro- vide a home market ‘or vegetables that will prove profitable to the farmers.The work will be tried out on.a small seale this season but it is hoped,by co-operative effort,to make it so mutually suceessful thatitwillbeoperatedonalargerscale next year. Mr.A.W.Bunch was chairman and Mr.B.L.Sronce secretary of the meeting Friday evening. GRADEDSCHOOL BONDS. Last Week For Registration— How the Money is to Be Speni. “T have been voting for school honds without question,”said a citizenwhotookthetroubletocallatTheLandmarkofficetoapplaudremarksinthispaperabouttheschoolboard,“but I want some information about the $25,000 of bonds which the peopleareaskedtovoteonthe19thofJune The colored people should have a schoo!house,their house having been burned,but [know they're not going to spend $25,000 on a school house for the colored folks.I would like to know how the preceeds of the bonds are to be spent.”The Landmark is advised by the school board—which is always ready io talk when the public is asked for something—that it is estimated that at least $15,000 of the bond issue will e required to put in a new heating plant,repair plumbing,ete.,at the old graded school building;that $2,500io$5,000 will be required to complete the Davie avenue school building;and the remainder,together with the in- surance money £3,300 —.collected when the colored school building was burned,will be used to erect a newbuildingforthecoloredschools.The estimates for expenditures on the two white schoo!buildings may vary from these figures,but that is approxi- mately the plan for the expenditure of the money. The Landmark takes the liberty of cailing attention to the fact that a new registration is required for thisbondelectiononthe19th.Every vot- r must register especially for this eleetion,if he wants to vote,and this is the last week of registration,th books closing Saturday,9th Bettevetyournameonthehooksthieweek f you want to have a say about these :Brown is regis- rar in the first ward.C,A.Andrews second,W.J.Lazenby in thethirdandJ.Henry Hall in the fourth Iredell Crop Conditions, Mr.W.L.Gilbert,county crop re- porter,has made the following re-port to the national Department ofAgricultureforthemonthofMay: Wheat Condition per cent.; acreagve compared with a year ago,S54:compared with usual acreage,5,Oats—condition 58 per eent.;acreage compared with a vear aro,%)per cent.;compared with usualacreage84percent.Condition ofve,80;apples 93;hay,75;acreageofelovercomparedwithacreageutayearagro,90;compared withusualacreagecut,90;condition of clover,75.Acreage of alfalfa com-nared with a year ago 110;compar-ed with usual acreaye,110;condi-tion,95.Condition of pasture,68- 1-8;eondition of peas,60:cabbage 87 1-2;onions,90;field beans,90; peaches,85;pearr.60:blackberriesandraspberries,96. MISSIONARY SOCIFTY MEETS. The Ladies’Missionary Society oftheFirstAssociateRe-ormed es-byterian church met yesterday af-ternoon with Mrs,H wis.“Missions in India”the pro-eramme,with Mrs.DeWitt Ramsey n the i t THE CRISIS A powerful but impartial |photodrama of the conflict between the North and the South,visualized from Winston Churchill’s famous book,“THE CRISIS.” A magnificent spectacle that partisans of either side can see without bitterness and with a thankfulness that the causes of the real differences no longer exist. (‘rescent Theatre \Friday,June leader.The meeting discussed the!war,the ladies expressing much in-in terest in the special prayer servicetobeheldtodayreweresen soldiers.\tenee prayers for th»TRADE AT Surrany ;|LEY'S and save aeeyt—oh — |SATURDAY, PayOnly $1.00 Now Choose Any Cabinet. Pay the Balance $1.00 a Week---5c.a Meal. With terms like these no woman has an excuse for being withoutaHOOSIER Cabinet. You owe it to yourself, your husband,your family. To save yourself miles of extra steps--Hours of ex- tra time. Enroll Your Name Today. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. “The Store That Always Welcomes You” MONDAY AND TUESDAY HALF PRICE.SPECIAL.HALF PRICE. All Silk Dresseswill be Sold at HalfPrice. $20.60 Biue Taffeta Silk,Crepe de Chine Sleeves,$10.00.$25.00 Green Crepe de Chine White Collar and Cuffs,$12.50.$17.50 Rose or Gold Taffeta Barrel Pockets,$8 75.*22.50 Tafteta in Navy Blue,Gray and Gold,Trimmed withFancyStitchingandbuttons,$11.25. The Dresses quoted here are all new and wil)be sold at the price for only three days. CASH TO ALL.NO SPPROVALS.MILLS &POSTON.=& « Real Estate Bargains! To make quick sale I am offering thefollowingpropertyatattractiveprices: Five-room House and large Lot on N. Center Street.Vacant Lot on N.Center Street. Vacant Lot on Stockton Street. This property is well located in growingsectionsofthetownandwillprove good investments.Let me show it to you this week. J,PAUL LEONARD,ADMINISTRATOR. —ee a,ssaee L. ARNER,Statesville,N.C. ——Dealer In —— Hides,Furs,Wool and Beeswax.Also all kinds scrap Metal and kRub- ber.I am paying good prices for all kinds of scrap Iron and mixed Rags. I pay cash on delivery. Independent Phone 506. Bell Phone 9302. enna You insure your house againstfire.Why not insure it against de- cay = NoMorecollectors—AllElectric Light Bills tobePaidattheCentralOffice. In accordance with Ordinance passed by Board of AElectricLightBillswillbepayable,of City Treasurer,125 Broad (bills become due the 10th .C.,FRIDAY,JUNE 8,2917. A NEW HOSIERY MILL HARD ON THE VETBRANS.|NEXTTHINGTO FOLLOW.|dmemnieapeFor—The Stock Many Went to the Wash.|The Selectionand theExemp-Has Been ribed.|textes Couldn't Be!tion —Gen.Crowder’s State-housetlsmnill—the fei Cated For.amt.inlfcee,a ‘A number of the veteransfom)eeSmee ne |organization redell andAlexander,whowentto ,med —Rocky15canbeWashingtonfor‘thereunion,return-|"as @t the wilt an.jbureau for the selective day night atieedhomeWednesdaymorning.The madethe f house,Mess:city was crowded a :Trtrationwhoforunyreasonporman,E ‘Owette f.*nd,tionswere not to be had,and many “egistration oebsSensWikaanSlateeenineweltnetakenP-|J,A.Knox,W.L.Gilbert veteranshadnoplace to ent or |ofthe first |by ...os on peorens hoiding "|Statesville parties;J.;sleep._execution of oTMies .Onder also states!Giwhiteand 9 coloredon ie ee pg 6,4 aca finished nee 7,and.that willbe open only for!total disability:1370whites and 949(it.274 W.H.Miles one to The "-<a —the next of wee ‘hoy Wave,aapend-["nn are interested.\eoane le toon pel’deadBelen eeer thelr sagronation poy=in will call ;66 white and one colored be-puttin ieee 7 i lie on the floor and ever propriateNeorder.cause of occupation.There are 610)Gaither Lumber Company,with the now,and I can’t sit andthe garnering in of»PA NDER,Sheriff,|white and 226 coloredwho claim n0|location of the plant’bat r up allp I didn’t get a rink of registrations Willconsume s orteeaeate”Cc.exemption at all.this building will’be ’le while I there”(any-|ten days.the meantime,the :on a on By special effort The Landmark!the stockholderstodec thing stronger not"maptioned),con:chinery of the Tegiatration isbeing This means that those who have aaeioien Torey and itis grob-|an ——..ae texte ils caemea off them.”:ie omen,of law,|failedto register may yet do soif|ably thefirst ,ierymills a .:|paper in the State to)»onerally have been very prosperous The Washington correspondent of This work is proceeding °wine ihe otree on the Rrra seng smeli i cdgwre ungae ts of SSN a ae eee “pats lagtevj~ry »Says:upgovernment's patience,It is not too|names are apparent,but this is not to teve they wi :oR available inch of space in.elastic.‘Three men in Iredell whol the fault of The Landmark.The|Pcr..,\"(the purpese @&Ris BO which a cot.mill can be placed is |is all donefailedtoshowuponregistrationday|names have been put down as re-meters of the now ee SS i comanateaned by the committee ing the ofhavesinceregistered.Two of these|corded on the cards.The list by vot-pacmines te sent See giving —.,}be |arrangements to housethe veterans.beissuedandthe machin-|jottewerecolored.Oneofthe colored men|ing precincts follows:a Sane oe More than 150 veterans,worn byery will then be ready to proceed towassickandtheotherdidn't know Seabenstitoes cmmmuee.eueliemenh,‘were teveahitne which willresult -<Mr.Wink Gat an eel ie dar tnt White —Rumer Fravilin Armfield,Ray Sereer ae oe Gear ?aun oe :i Mr.pass-rhe:raw 5 "ler,Je .ed,so they said.¥mond Vance Allisan,Clarence Barl Beam,Al-|Ccmpiclh Pevia Campbell,eee ass 2 _——“7%."oabeterethatsixmeninone|#7"?Gray Bradiey,Alex,Clinton Beaver,|(iuywoll,Qsear Matthew Frea.|*h it mg urches,|registered met thei do,3 ntownshiphaventobewithintheage|CirdeD.Bailey,SumerituBevant,Henry |(ut Claywell,Ransom i a eee —pon yy <<ool oSoe service.When|men of thelimit,failed to record their names,|Ross Bunch,Jubal Ranson Earley,David Mi-cot taalionion’habia Wiley |‘>toe this list of order is it is|ment.They should k tha’ob »|ron Etheridge,John Wellington Fowler,James |jim Thomas Christopher,John Cole.a N.P.y nowthatthey are going >Pools C rks ‘The hotelswereearly crowdedb thatthe W:—Mr.N.P.to get into trouble right now.At-|fiellund ‘Theva Kenen I.RalghRedrick,|mae.Leon Augustus Cline,the veterai nd their ounttlenten,me be able to oahe ®.~|Holland,a8 }ek,|¢tro it v ns @ *tempting to get away,if they have|Jemes M.Holland,Ernest Percy Heinzerling,ion "ae “BeWitte ‘>5 |ven yesterday morning accommo-/|for men and as soon e this datasuchintention,will not avail them.|Oeo7.6 ¢Tinta Jollee Nee ee Wii,|Bethemen Campbell ig ‘Thom:dations at the hotels were at a pre-|available the quotas toNomanskulkinginapparentlytem-|jiam Lawrence Little,Joseph Paul Leonard,|WittenoneCall Bet7 Aare m |mium,camp at New Jersey|the first call will be atsignedto theporarysafetywilllongescapethe|Martin Lewis Love,James Clyde Little,Ralpo|Reed Comba,David Bplventer avenue and B strect was filled to!severalprocessesofthelaw;and it is upon!&Mil.en.at eee Wolvon|Milton Carson,Leslie R.Cashion,-joverflowing almost before it was;“The of decentralization,the~indignation £~~ant wemen Knox Morrivom,John Knox Patterson.Jack-cn”aa’Gas”ean complohed.;*ae ane whichan so success-sons or er n ve se i ch,Jr.,tamney,»Ernest Dimmette,committee,rough r-the issue with courage and qutihy Hemjammin Noa Rew"dmes nae Robin .foonall fovea Joseph Austin ‘men,dele Dolph,today made .:as alee ao throughout.recorded their names that the govern-!Sivinon,cenham Roth Shever,Otho.Koorone [ye Fe oe oe oe (to the people of Washington to aid;various States,knowing the numbermentchieflydependstobringslack-|Sizmon,Karl Sherrill,Elmer Alexander Sher-|Durham,Fred,Heame Deaton,:.jthem in caring for the hundreds of of men which they must call and theersintotheopen.The slackers need|till.Locke V.Simons,Horace H.Stike'enther,|wel Day,Coleman Anderson Deal,F.Da-}men who have no place to go.Thelorder in which each man |not think their neighbors,will not re-|ene”Simons:Thomas”Chalmers ence,|Nama"hatin,Nat Willey Boat,tenis (Cuestion Of feeding thevisitors leis to be examined,can thenassign teportthem.ey will do just that|Deck &Tomlin,William B.Turner,William|proely Bdenrd a e i.2180 causing anxiety.n various local boards {for the reasons stated.Somebody |Herbert Tomlin,Rothy Udell Warren,¢hon:|nee Comm hao “Yatves Lee Ellin,Bene |meal tickets have been given out by!the number of men neces-|knows if they areliable for registra-—.ee,Ward,howe]0,ee oe eee Eller,=the committee,but the supply was |rary to complete the forthe’tion and somebody wii!tell.Wiltiama out Roe fee See ——ae.Pace:of *locality under the of each--Colored —Car!Allison.Erhest Allison,Os-|Prasier,Che r ".|veterans fave had noRecruitsForLocalCompany—|<",‘Jamey Alle,Tom Allison,‘John Wie eld ardGouden,Loo Coraainnn Sania was said.Many of them aon tieTRccee time limits cannot be al...Prateber,ie Rar ‘al-l rrisa ii iOfficersWillNotCome.ter Bailey,HenryLee Borders William Hrad.ee an aes Te ar ton and were unable tojat roFall -a it wi Pay ®y,eo ..rk,Co \-’oodin r ~The following have joined the Ire-woth Winer We Bem,Ja Sedon,bseModo.Sill,Bescon’tekerAreh.Rete Some of the North Carolina news-of the machine out thenowcaeeanLqutmest.re-Berrus Rotator,Lester Reimeter.Jurmes DeWiste Green.Lewis aes +oe paper men charge the ae United States to have eacpaday:Bryant Teague,Mon-|Gamble.iray,Sam Hall,Robert C rris,Clarence ughes,Jowesh/with lack of capacity to handle taken Itaneously throug’i,louston,He a dre =3 LeroeJ.Bridges,James Howard Smith,|He!)Harvey a Se a oe ar scene,Gee See 5|sitaation,but it is also statedLowranceT.Queen,Jo.W.Barkley,|cc Holmes.James Johmaon,Alfred,Jones,|lage Bille Menard LecrmerHessen Woe,|the crowd was so much larger cannotBairdBarkley,Coite Josey,Aaron |i King,Forney King,Buck Long,Gdward 8.Wolier,LawrenseA.Hartline,Veece |expected that the eommittesJJulianC.Harbin,Grady F Lynch,Roy MeLelland,MeNeely,Cham-.Smith i ti :Eo eenns..McKee,Enoch .Charlie Mo "angers.aCall,Stamey Cranfill,Leroy Harris,—Jehe Moreen.Satey Wieam,Ralph Pian.Avere soamed aswel,Geen Alencnder ity t the Washington ‘reun-|dates |See tS:apt Dinas Maen cain,|scheBetegen.Gooren,Putten,Gees,iio:|ae fee,Oy mere,Weter Satine Mie len,to which Be vot i*y ~~.»Clinton Mayhew,Wesley Dan Stes.“Will Btavencon,Hares (om,Taree Surnes,rankiin Ja -ied forward with s'hi:Gibbs,Wm.M.Bagley,Adly Davis,|tee ‘tomlin.Revere Tuck,Lester”Weave,|tt Johnson.Albert Franklin Johnson,Oseer|should have turned out so ;asPearlSloop,Pink con Jesse Wil.|Charlie Witon,Linsy Lang,Will Young,Char.eeeeeae eles eee --neerbrand,8.O,Whitener,John E£.|Allison.James I.Kyles,Ralph Kirkman,Ney Swink}THE DAY IN THE COUNTY.affairs,todarris,Everrette Garris,R.D.Dison.|white eee Avere,|ee Tee some Azasotio Sie n Practical to avoid theaFyri=ae a .within poses Batson Austin,Htiehard tee Avastin,ner.ohn |Mareeitos Ketch,Dosti Franke .7atesville vette,me -—_ca‘aefrom °onyYoffullstrenganditisex-|°TS Smee Nene,mt e An-/lin Kestler,Leona moth Lackey,Owen e—3 change from civsdrews,D.T.Beish,The *Paul Bost,Rob-y “eyt M.—ig oe at the regular |ort Bradshaw,deh Areh,Sorkion.Hugh cond Tetaaes Tents Sekt.taren pe Iredell folks responded nobly on Ww this =meeting Monday night.Capt.West-|Alexand »Barkley,DeWitt Clare,George Gar-|bert,Pred.0.LeFevers,drover Lambert,Al-registration day.There are reports the Greensboro News adds tomorelandhashadinstructionsnotee:“iooa's ae on bas lison Lee Lockwood,Raymond Everette Lim lor a few slackers but they are so few|*tatement of Gen.Crowder:edas ,deCor oiner,Josep ow widwell,Ar.J ande ;*r /Oa ce,with the full num-|sig Leroy Cline,Wendell Durr Canter,Charles ee —2 Sek that the number is insignificant.Basis for ex ——-bever.He will take as many as he can)Lee Cruse,Edward Davis Canter,Berge Cal-|Lazenby,David Carl Lockman,Rufus Pressly}When the people read the list of}—ownsget.ton Dawenhart,Pinkney Alexander Eagle,Cov-|Love,Alfred Ross Lazenby,Turner Grissom those registered as it in The |have approvedGen.Young and Col.Gard tho |{rt Polson Fortner,Azer Goodin,Lawrence|Lapixh,J F.Love,Linsey Franklin Ladd,Rides.age .ere in,Be eee carener,WAO|Eccles Gray,John Bell Glover,Walter Busene|George William Lingle,wcarvin Luther Lackey,|Lendmark today.some resident in iomwereexpectedinStatesvilletomor-|Gaither,Lee Martin Gaither,Joseph Hamoy.|MeCauley,Odell Lindsay,William Clinton}each precinct will know who,if any,|™;row to boost recruiting-in the local |Herry Josiah Hartline,Charlies Bloomfield Lapieh,John H.Lentz,Jom Garlin Lackey,|has failed cials.Tt is pointed out,,company,will not come,their pres.|Hoover Milliard Hartley,Solomon Thomas|Roy Glen MeKoy.Henry Franklin Moore,Jobn The d ssed quietly in Tredell that a careful reading ofonesbeingconnidered’a caeesaae |Hubbard,James Henry Johnson,Vance Willis!R Morgan,John Moose,@obert Glenn Muse,I Bt:ale sn q 't y do losi .|Crowder’s statement warrants the in-dee thas :sary —bp Latta Kinw,am Knight,Horace E.Morrison,Lawrence Franklin Mor-n Statesville,except or CORTE |Ceeanee that class exemptions are€purpose,PPsant Poe Pe a ih a.Puige rison,George LaPayette Milleaps,Lonnie Nedl of the banks,business went on as)ot looked for;that is.thatfarmers,To Instruct Fi |Falla Gashron Winynn,Willer Sows Bilin Sr.cay hen MoneGece Moninn|tums |Usual.The registration places were}hinists de “class not *‘.:_ruc voretas jJames Hunert Miller.Earny Edward Mills,Saagheres,William peg Sleeve.Robert tae crowded in the forenoon,but the |feally exem in the aesMr.W.C.Lyon,publicity man of ,Clarence Walker MeLain,Claude Alexander|Moose,Odum Sloan Munday,David Neil Mor.|]@T@at bulk were registered by 12)¢ice law itself will not bethefirepreventiondepartmentoftheMiilenge,Charles,C rawford |Mills,|Franeis vison,Durman David Moose,John Cress Mur-lo'elock,At each place little girls Oe i ‘“4 But thatStateInsuranceDepartment,was in|Oliver Revere Overcash,James 1.Preauiy,Ie,thas tox Meohtess Cooke Mantes,|Stood by to pin khaki bands on the!=in all needfalStatesvillethisweek.While here|William Webster Shaw,Clifton Ralph Sloan.|Roy Lee Morrbon.Bealamin Myers,Allen {arms of all who enrolled and most of |Mail be A ithMr.Lyon arranged with Mayor Bris.|¥'!@m Rex Smith,William Irvin Stecie,Hol-|LaFayette Mills,Sr.,William James Morean,}them accepted the decoration as aj|“'SmeESI,.:»)|¥Columbus Tharpe,William Mack Stikelenth-j James Buster Minish,Watter Cleveland Niche de h rection from the PresidenttoltosendMr.Sherwood Brockwell,|cr,James Ephriam Smith,Lee Rusacll Smith,|one Then David Nicholson,Henry Cla bade of honor.Secretary of War as to what occu-of the fire prevention department,to |Heniamin Alston Stimson,Paul Delanson|Nicks,Cullen Herman Ostwalt,Hinton Base|,2he colored people were especial-|”ti i needful and within what.Statesville to instruct the local fire.|Stim*on.Weston 1.Tay:or,Rohy MeKeilary |ter Overeash,John D.Patterson,J.Osear}}¥prompt in registering.It was a!Métions @ ¥aiaby:r Tucker,Samuel Cowan Wailer,William Mil-|Alt ”.,erate j aI |limits workers in them are tobe con-men in fire fighting.Mr.Brockwell jer Walker,James Clyde Walker,Earl G er’Ramee Gaete,Guvensca Fonton.Joma i master of pride with many of Ghem,|idered by ion boardsisanexperiencedfirefighterandwasdonWhite,Cleero Whiteheart,Jeb eld |feabert Pomes Everette ttiimore Perkn«.John}an opportunity to take part in a|Ge 7 gem -i f as n ,Cheer hitehenrt,Jebn “ber ence,Joseph R.Poston,(€arter L...‘emptable.for years chief of a fire department.|Visco",t..oe.eo a ke Phinehart,Robert Montwomery Rickert Cute ——caaaies big aan py om sediiinst,i e We (in oa wanrie cla,Fuiroan ison,|dy Eugene Revise,Samuel Alden Robbins,Flo:as suggestive of voting,a privilege 1.Boa'Proba SunkaNoutyeaswillbeofvaluet{Revetee Alitosn,betdore Allinon,men A =Daniel Rash,Marshall Btwin Rares Jt.i few have enjoyed in recent years,t t aneeae By Mayor Bristol also purposes to take Byers,Ashly Aaron Barton,Hillard Brandon,S Pctoees,Nhcden Ease en con and they hastened to get their;;Me Best Alf ailey,Roy ByupwiththealdermenthequestionofCeeSe:eebebeGillBennett,Jess Brawley.John Brice,Geo.|Connelly Rayle,J.William Stinson,William <i band Inesday issued the ~~furnishing free water to people who D.Bennett,Charles C,Brown,Emery Braw-|le.Slevenees,Ferswus G.Gigvoncen ‘John a preed [apr wilh “ten ee i vgoe|t of Seats is ‘install automatic sprinklers in their '*¥Raleigh Car »,Lonnie Chambers,Hert)Wesley Shoemaker,Gaston Turner Sumers,i vents ‘engagementresidencesorplacesofbusinessforbertCarspin,Thomas Cowan,Harvey Lee|fred.Jones Smith,Baxter William Seott,asked for them.In some cases col-vised by te phof -steamerfirepreventionegiesenerisataeaColbert,Sam :poten nial Frank Alexander Starrett,Floyd l«tuvettelared men who were past the age of-|between an &——the8,rett Colvert,John Chambers,David Chambers,|Stafford,Wesley E.Smith,ser Smith,|fered ister i rine|John Conner,Ed.Chambers,Nathan Cham-dame Marries Steele,stenry bree Ee fe to register.They said they |and a subma ‘guns ofVIOLATEDREGISTRATIONLAWhers,John Quiney Davidson,Sandy Dalton,Co- re,Hultie |ici Webeter Rash,Charles Ross Rimmer.James Walter Sherri names enrolled.They were especi-|The State Department at Washing- i,Lee Andrew Sain.Harry]“7anted to serve thetr country.All|steamer were manned by an Ameri- Marshall McKenzie of Salisbury,on John Davidson,Haxel Daw-!Tracey Stinson,William Mose Galley.Ernest honor to them.In other cases boys |can naval crew.The su rine waeDeputyCollectorR.P.Allison,Con.a Aw ne Dalton,Claudie Marrice Davis,sear Siemon,Joseph Bsear Summers,Goorge who seemed quite youthful and who)first seen at about 7,000 yards.She:ra McKinley Puvidson,John Alsee Emmons,Ev-!Fieyd Shoemaker,Noah Moward Somers.Rich-ight have ssed fi de i orwaStableC,i.Gilbert and Ex-Sheriff,crett:Feimeter,James L..feimeter Herman |ard Jasper Shoemaker,J Mason Sather,might have passer mabe essen oe ag 80 |had 8 six-inch gun fi rd and aJ.M.Deaton left last night about “brie.William Lindsay Gibson,Elmer Gil-|Crier Harry Sherrill,Ray T.Troutman,Clay far as appearance went,enrolled and |other aft.She flew no flag.midnight for Eagle Milla townshin |(2 Henry Giobe,Ivy Globe Leebraske Ge-|Vempleton.Remwel,Conctand Treutma:Rra-|Marehed out with the khaki on their)“Upon sight of the submarine,the:a .re viel,J mabriel,dng ugh Gries me idy L.Téevepnaugh,Horace L.Mpeon,Ceorte res.8 mer ican flagbgseveralmenofthattown-Hires,Clifton Houp,Charles Brady Hoover,|Rdward Tharpe,Walter Carlton "ri y.Per “ee tal registration in teatee-|OF ed Ge AneshipwhoresistedregistrationTues."eo'.Holmes,Silas Marrs,Albert Hall,Jim.Austin Travis,Traey Slmer ‘Troutman,eo toe :wen aoe gan ‘jand waited for about ten minutes.day.Their opposition -to the regis mie Lee James,Shedrick Burett Keaton,Will |Thomas Jefferson Troutman,Frank Troutman,ville township was 826 70 white,As the submarine approached thetrationwasreportedtoDistrictAt-aster tine Onn aon fai at salt|Voukar ware De.‘—A a i ae oteeed and three siiens.First|steamer fired.The submarine re-é taxter »litem Trerman yne ra Pratey ard,arth,Geerre es oF HF vhite :6 oe “ts :;torney Hammer Tuesday and the bevch,Frank Lineberwes,Luthe:Moy-|Wilkinson,Gernte Sauk,Bivee We!a ward 127 To Fone |sponded.The steamer k a speed|al grand Jory et Gresecbne,cigicts Gina Cart Mammen”Wiline”Frew’Mor:|Were StetWresGNG Whee on,”SMe aaedgadZsllena;third wardaba|Chat,would permit the outmarine,to;al grand jury at Greensboro,where)"yx mm,Willinm Franklin Mur-|Were,Sherri!Frantlin wm,Ovenr Nol 2 ;.|come withi nye,true bille were found aot ae tock,Willie MeLelinnd,Walter Moesten,Will |Williams,Thomas MeKinley Whitlow FE.nest 301 white,50 colored and one alien:|§_=ii ws y a h 7 in StatesagainsemMorrison,John Neil,Seevetlic Frank Patter-|Warren,Walter Withers William Wilkon Wy.Ff ‘i 2 |ght ting a?an Row a half.yesterday and warrants issued for *.Fred.Pearson,Ransom P.Paxton,Men-|ait,Richard J.West,Charles Henderson Wools fl0UPth ward 151--1¥9 white and 22)mh.submarine came to a distance of|them.ry Pharr.Malco Pitts,Dave Qu Matt./en.Raymond W.Woodward,James Stokes colored.ebout 2,300 yards.By that time the)ee eee tansem Redding,Robert Loe Reeves,John}Ward.John Wilson Wallace,Ernest Be 0 ion hone had fired 35 shotsand theHANDHURTEddieReeves,Morris Russell,Willien Steven-|Waugh,James Rose White,Ghaaley Watkins Last Day For Registrat .su rine fi 3 |Mr.Rot =*von.Roy Sherrill,Samuel Lance Saunders,|Pruce Austin Waugh,Marvin Edward Yount €;|steamer 25.The last shot of theMr.Robert Rodgers of Troutman Fiske Summers,Jessie Stockton,John Steven.|Hurd Horace Yount,"|Tomorrow,9th,is the Inst day for |steamer apparently struck the’eub-|was brought to Long's Sanatorium wr.Maywood Sparks,Henry Stevenson,Toy|Colored Amoa ¥.Brown,Sanford Bailey,|Tegistration for the school bond ri which ised clea f theWednesdaywithabadly-lacerated Sharpe,Georre Steele,James Lonnie Sherrill,|Henry Bennett,Arthur Brown,Wallace Aucus-election.—>a ©hand.He was at work with a planermachinewhenhisrighthandwascaughtinit.The knife scooped outallthefleshandbonesoftheright velder Torrence,John Tempieton,Thomas ‘Tay-tor,Chartes Thomas,Thomas Roberson,Hub- bard Redmon,Millard Weaver,Allen West,Ar- thur Daniel Weed,John Williams, damen Joseph Torrence,Aleck Templeton,De-!tue Bailey,Robert Lee Bailey,Robert Mailep,ony Dag Andrew Campbell,Hugh|CharlesCarson,DawivinPedeeter, Areh.|Tom Glaspie,George Harper,William Odell istration,and no,Water and stood stern end up for a!Tt is a new reg Sew eneenie,Matter how often one may have vot-el in an election in Statesville,hecan’t vote in the election on the 19th Dobson,Henry Dean,WelkRussellFeimeter,Julians Gray, ‘Weaver,Eapy White,He ney Woods |Marrie,James Oncur Munter,A Hall,Alem :|the bmari k.The t -hand,leaving only the little finger.tateovitle—Ward.3.hae Hoube,Lester Archur{Umless he puts his nurc on the book|su ne was sunk.steamThehandwasamputatedexcepttheentsteeRr.Anderson Doek Abaher.jaan,‘lao Seen,ll lig ran by_tomorrow night |er suffered no damage.”ittle .levle Abevnathy,Wm.Frarklin An-|Clarence M im,eleen. Seue :|.- tittle Gngyr .thony,I,Cobeniben.Rotem,hg Carl Richard deodeen —*pn ”aan oo etertion me _ne Bag Bee Rig Check For Land,PARTIAL REPORT.Mevander,Allen Pred.Aiexander.Minor BR.)Poy May Morrison,Henry Mayhew,Muorshall pass on t question of issuing . é -I .|Adame,Jr..Letcher Byron Anderson,Thom-!Melelland,John fenry WNicholken,Charite $25.000 in bonds for school buildings Clerk Gill of the Federal court re-Sixty *Sixty-nine counties in North Car-oe Harlee Anderson,Claude Deberry Austin,|Floyd Nesbit,Edward Nesbit,Anderson Pat-[18 Stgtesville—the money to be spent!ceived a few days ago a forcolinashowatotalenues-ae u gree,Teoma Betud Pm area Pomp a.Monroe Pickens.Jevh ton the two white school buildings and |$19,211.72,from .Pers dis-day of 140,804,of whom 98,088 afe Aid,‘Biter Marvison “Adu,flim’Lorene]franee,Jame page frutsrt Sam |sor We erection of a school building /tursing clerk of the Unitedwhites;46,718 are colored,and 408 Ajigood,Jeasic Ronald Austin,Calvin Monroe |Wood,James White ne,Clate the colored people.i riment of A re.'ave aliens,The ration is cer-Adium,W.om Prank *,Robert)eneo Albert Turner,Wl Tyson,Reed James ,if you want to vote in!check is to for 1,746.52 jtaintoexceed200,000,according to lee,Thomas,the bond election on the 19th.tlandin Me!|county,was,CHAUTATRaleighestimates.Thirty-one coun-taken over the for|©ties are yetto report. RUN OVsadtalentote.Wom a . |TRACHER IN SUMMER sCHOOL. hh teacher of tomeetat | fa ‘e i t 3e a i i . = r H F t a. Ef t FS E E E T S g é 3 ie :r i e ¢ 3 Z 35 5 5 a i; f tiz|t t:i 3 ir e t i[?i . ‘H Ff y 3 i ii é;2 thurst followed the in the chair factory, ater.The prison) was assaulted and convicts when an at-| to extinguish the of the fire hose, convicts the assailants were | The threatening atti-|viets caused the war-|State troops.TheareinFederalserv- had to be obtained|narters in Chica-| the soldiers arriv- set in several plac- ine the entire prison.Scheol For Ship Officers. A campaign to recrait and train 10,000om officer the ships of the new American merchant marine 's announced by the Federal Shipping Board and the Department of Com- merce.Henry Howard of Boston has been appointed director,with in the Boston customs house. first nautical training school government direction has been near Boston.Fourteen simi- schools will be established along Atlantic coast and later the training system may be extended to the Pacific coast and Great Lakes. jcants mav be of any age,but must be in good physica!condition. #3f:fire 7HH i 5 r e n t s h e e 2 7 5 3 2 " I i< a5izEsij | i | it ? jous nautical experience is’de- and men wil!be paid “rens-):. onable compensation”during train-_ ,Which probably will last two monthe Graduates must be exam-| and licensed by the Commerce| Department.steamboat inspection "eet skippers receive es and mates $250,with additional war bonuses. —j German Air Raid Unsuccessful A dispatch from London says 16) German airplanes came over the| North sea Tuesday evening and drop-| ped many bombs on the smal!towns and villages in Essex and Kent.Only 14 of them returned to their home base,two being brought down by British guns.So far as late oer —| two persons were i and 29 in-| in the bombarded districts.| raiders met with a lively recep- tion,extra precautions having been taken by the British authorities af- ter the recent very serious raid on the southeast coast of England,in which 250 persons sere killed or \e Germans were at-| tacked by British aviators before| had an opportunity to carry outraidingintentionstoanygreat extent and the British anti-aircraft|guns were very effective. Country Will Be Prosperous Addressing a meeting in New,York in behalf of the Liberty Loar,|Secretary of the Treasury McAdoodeclaredthatthetenbilliondollars to be spent during the coming yearbytheUnitedStatesandthealliedgovernmentsfortheproductsofAmericanfarms,mines and facto-' :will bring ~the —the prosperity in its history.|“Some people profess app n-sion about the future of business,” said Mr.McAdoo.“Why,gentlemen, prosperity in the next twelve,‘Gonthe will be greater than it ever)has been in our history.You cannot erent it if you try.The only thingttcouldstopprosperitywouldbetherefusalofthepeopletosupportthereasonablemeasuresoftaxation are needed and to buy theisofthegovernment.” ASATATTSundayWorkatPostoffices. The postal laws and regulations with regard to the Sunday work at!have been-amended as|we: “Postmasters at first and second clerks and carriers to be on duty onSundaysthanare.requisite to collectandpreparemailfordispatchandtomakesuchdistributionofincomingmailasismy|to meet the re-a aw as to specialverymailandtoperformsuchdis- as may be necessary to pre- vent congestion or accumulation ofmailthatwouldpreventpromptde-liveries on Monday.Renters of lockboxesmaybepermittedtoobtainonmaila»may be distrib-boxes during the pro-of necessary distribution.” ~|eruitsto 1) {IT envyher,that she is so > Fi pa i n t f ; ze !i af l #3 z tjit gi s f t i tH fiH :& o f f i ii a=é 7se 3i ri f ee s ter able to make herself useful, through public offices,than the coun- wy,woman can possibly do.Surely your correspondents can- not read their papers very carefully or they would see accounts of work done by women which go to show that the tewn woman is not only keenly alive to her duty to Uncle Sam,but is actually doing it.In all their long round of daily toil how many of these critics give an hour to doing something for some one outside the family?Are they doing anything different from what they have always done—i.e.,grow and ean as much fruit and as many ver- etables as possible.This year they may have it in mind to put up more because prices are high and if they do not get it from the farm they wil! not be able to buy,but I doubt if these particular critics are doing it from any sense of duty to Uncle Sam.Now our town sisters are do- ing more than this.They are try- ing,in spite of cats and chickens,to grow a few vegetables in their lit- tle city garden and then in their spare time they are learning other ways of serving their country.What woman for instance can read of the splendid work these tewn women are doing for the American Red Cross and not wish a thousand times that she were able to yun in for an! hour,once twice during theweek,and help them.This pleasure denied the country woman to a great extent,but she is doing as great a duty to her country by help- ing in her community and in less public ways.Let ur be sports an! give credit where it fis due. True,some people in town are en- tertaining as much as ever,but are or |we in the country our town sisters’Let us first do our duty so to keepers? perfectly that we can call themaccountwithoutbeingdishonest.Women of the world are making present day history as much as themen,and American women have once more shown that they are a- ready to do their part now as their mothers and grandmothers did in the great Revolution and Civil War.Let it not be said that the splendid effect was marred because of petty feeling among a few.I know,could I get the opinion of all broad-minded country women, they would agree with me and votethoselettersasnarrow-minded an! not representative of the averagefarmwoman.When any of us know so much that we cannot learn anvmore,it is time for us to shuffle off{this mortal coil and tne world is net going to be any great loser.Fellow farm women,let us get to- gether,and if we cannot help we can at least encourage the efforts of our |town sisters,and it may be,in somewayweknownotof,we shall help our country’s cause.Let us not benarrow-minded but rather,let us re-(member that narrow-mindedness and the desire of one man that all na- tions should see from his viewpoint, has been the cause of the existing state of Chaos.We may never know the good or harm we do in theworld,but at this time especially let us do all the good we can.Let our boys who are going from among us go with the knowledire that the women they leave behind are at one with them in their greatfight,and that thev “will keep thehomefiresburningtilltheboyscomeback.”ADA M.BYFORD. Elmwood,June 1. Alleged Conspirators Arrested. Evidence that two complete high- powered wireless installations,as- sembled in New York from various sources,were shipped piecemeal to Mexico,supposedly for use of a German spy system in this country, was unearthed in connection withthearrestinNewYorkofthreemen on eharges of conspiring to send mail containing military ‘informa-tion,surreptitiously,from the Unit-ed States to Germany through mem-|bers of Norwegian ship crews. _The prisoners are Harry F.Peris-si and Irving Bonaparte,both saidtobeAmericanborn,employed by aGermanelectricalcompanyhere,and Axel E.Melcher,said to be anaturalizedcitizenfromSweden. Recruiting Chinese. Phillip Kee,a Chinese interpreterattheBntisIslandeatanationsta-tion and eee of a Chinese res- tavrant,has recruited 690 AmericanbornChineseforserviceintheUnited States army,according to G,MurrayHulbert,Representative in Congress,who has introduced a bill which wouldpermitthegovernmenttoaccepttheunit.Kee ms to increase his re- ingtheir services to the War Depart-| vi to be enlisted in it.The a soldier and a sailor,too,The ad- vantages he has in the variety of ex- perience and training are unexeell-ed.He is drilled as an infantheistrainedasanavalgunner,tecomes a good field artilleryman| and he learns to manipulate the ma-| chine gun.He is in the landing par-ty from war ships and is the firat tovoonexpeditionaryduty.Surely the young man who wants to serve his country in the hour of need can- not find a better place to render ef-fective service than in the United States Marine Corps among the sol- diers that go to sea to defend the rights of Americans and maintain‘he honor of the Flag throughout the werld.therefore urge the young men of North Carolina to present them- selves at the various recruiting sta- tions in the State,ready to volun- teer for this service en the morningyfJune11th.I sincerely hope that the young manhood of the State willvespondsoquicklytothiscallthatNorthCarolinawillbeabletore- nort her full quota raised in a sin- ele day.T.W.BICKETT,Governor, Capt.T.A.Mott,who is in charge f the reeruiting serviee ir North aroling,requests all papers in the Stere io aopy the Governor's procla- mation.eee ee =OeSere Wilkes Boy in For Desertion Carl Kirby,a 16-year-old boy of Wiikes county,is in jail at Fort Myer, Va.on »charge of desertion.The‘oy ran away from home last fall and enlisted in the army.He was station- ed at Fort Terry,N.Y.Over twomonthsagohetooksilentleaveand10daysagogavehimselfupatFortFrontReval,Virginia.From there he was sent to Fort Myer.Congressman Robinson is lookingoutfortheboy's interest,Wilkes be- ing in his district ee ee | LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAU-TIFY THE SKIN! Make This Beauty Lotion CheaplyForYourFace,Neck,Arms and Hands!At the cost of a small jar of or- dinary cold cream ene can prepareafullquarterpintofthemostwon-derful lemon skin softener and com- plexion beautifier,by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bot- tle containing three ounces of orch-ard white.Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine clothsonolemonpulpgetsin,then thislotionwillkeepfreshforEverywomanknowsthatlemon juiced is used to bleach and removesuchblemishesasfreckles,sallow-ness and tan and is the ideal skin softener,whitener and beautifier. Just try it!Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store andtwolemonsfromthegrocerand make up a quarter pint of thissweetlyfragrantlemonlotionand {} ‘ } | | ‘ combnationsoffarmbodiesshairack—hay rack—rack—grain-—flat rack—high flaredown. hogboard—Then ctoanotherinaninstant Seasten without a Twice theWerk of 3 Teame Don'tteke horses out of the field don't de-lay farm .Use Smith Form-a-Truck.Haultwiceasmuchastwoteams.And at one-half theYetitcostsnomorethanatezmandharness—$35).Use the Smith Form-a-Truck for hauling,milk —- grain—crops—feed—-menure—-lumber—coal~-andeverythingelseonthefarm. Save7%Time When you haul crops or milk to town withhorsesmustleaveearly,You git back late.Your day is wasied,Smith Form.a-Truck wiil make the same trip intwo-thirds less time.Save this time tor proft- able work on the farm. Save 20 Acres and$300 Government statistics show that in a single year fourhorsesrequiretheteedof20acresand—>te teed andstable,Bedding,vererinary,medicine,ein,Curecostextra.The Smith Form-a-Truck costs only $i4v ayear—and savesthes20acres. WonderfulEcononties Tess then @ per ton mile,exclusive of driver's wa6,000to6,000 miles pec agt of tires -1 to 14 miles per gahonotgasoline12teBYnerhour,And repe'. practic —-Forma Truckcostsyou ausolutelynot one penny Made for 2 Cam a-Truck attac’and anew or usedF.Bros.,Che .Buickor Overland, oe a fully guaranteed.powerful,strong,I-ton truck.very you ced on a Smith Form-a-Truck oayourfarmyouaremoney.Ed.G.White Motor Company Phone 515.Statesvilie,N.C. expen months.| massage it daily into the face,neck,'arms and hands.It is marveloussmoothenrough,red hands. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Havine qualified as executor of the extate of Anna T.Key,decensed,.¢hereby notif to allpersonsheavingcleimsagainstherestateto present same to me on or before the sth ofMay,1918.G,BE.FRENCH,R.B.MeLaughtin,Atty.Executor. Mere Vary Notice of the Election ForGradedSchoolBonds. Notice ts hereby given that at a meeting oftheBoardofAldermenheldintheofficeoftheMayoronTuesday,April 18,1917,that theBoardofAldermenofsaidcity,acting undertheaythorityefanactpewsedbytheGeneralAssemblyofNorthCarolina,called an elec.tion to held in the City of Statesville,onTuesday,June 19,1917;sald election beingheldforthepurposeofsubmittingtothequalifiedvotersoftheCityofStatesvillethequestionoftheissuanceofTwenty-Five Thousand(225,000.00)Dollars of Graded Schogl)provided for in said Act of the)Bonds,asGenerelAssembly.Notice is hereby given that the pollingplacesforsaidelectionandtheofficersofthesameareasfoltFiretWard:Stable.Registrar,T,N.Brown;Judges,H.Lewis and J.BE.Colwert Secon:G.White Motor Co.trar,C.A,drews;Judges,W.L.Gilbert and W.W.bak oe"rd Ward:Polling place—Court house.Registrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges,John W.5 ee‘ourt ‘ard:piace Office of tiFirstBulldingandLoanAxsociation.nontrar,J.Hall;Judges,8 .B.Miller and4.U,Sherrill. Notice is hereby givenfurther that theBoardofAldermenhasorderedannewregitrationtobehadforsafdelectionandliftedvotersdesiringtovotein us!reehovkewillopenSaturday,the 19th day of May,and close 3|Saterday,the Oth day of June,1917, in number before offer.|° lows Polling place —Moore's wg S Weed:Volling plae—Oier of msiRewishee| We use the Hoff-Man Sanitary machine and turn out work neatly ‘and promptly.Clothes called for‘and delivered.Prices reasonableiressing,altering and ve‘FRENCH DRY -CLEANING|SPECIALTY!Give us a trial and wewillmakeyourSilksandPalm|Beaches like new.Nicholson Pressing Club.‘Phone 486.145 Center St. |WE WILL FURNISH'T You with distitied water and in. |ur storage battery—T If you want the bestbatteryservicestopinandseeus. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.° DON'T BE A WARBABY! |The Watkinses buy “Building Mate-|tial”in quantities.1 can ship my«! BIG REDUCTION —_—_IN —-— M-I-L-L-I-N-E-R-Y. We are offering all Colored Hat Shapes at half price. Also a big lot of Trimmed Hats at agreat sacrifice. See our line beforebuying. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. PRACTICALLY GIVEN AWAY. costrestricts tablefare,your in the pocket sa t e s ee ame ee corr a me are ™ to first bottle,sokpitkece.-.1 gained,and:and |oweitallto Wt |needatonic. others.” lam:now and have3children ica.{hadtohavea doctor for “"°vine and resortto Cardui - whatit has done for me,so astohelp oe If youarenervousor weak,have head-"OME DEMONSTRATION AND TOMATO oeSenne,2 aay OOeer,4 sidinsdpinlinard ; {In use over40 years,much refreshedgoodralterday evening.taking Carduitoday.at MAYto be Goad.bul onal isvetheverymedicineyouneed. eepeermpepennseen ne omen <n ee For;when you can lethandpenpthewaterandsaveeohetimetodevotetoyourwork.time and money.Pump will save this.us put one in for you. W.E.MUNDAY.Your Plumber,114 B.Bread St. |We Try to Keep Everything in stock to meet ar aunts.Roof-ing Tin a.°Roll,Vallev Tin,utteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron will maxeanythinginSheetMetal you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 65,114 EB.BroadStreet. a ne na e DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Seeond Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK_BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE"Phone 197.8 to6.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'STEETH. “SOMETHING NEW”IFFY JEL. The new dessert in six flavors. Guaranteed to please oryourmoneyback. Try it. Phone 89. Eagle&Milholland. Fresh Eggs Every Egg Candled to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eggs. Sherrill&Reece. C.H.LESTER, or lorsville.“=4aylorev»une 4.-—WtSok ae et aoe thin on the‘ground;oaty Some farmersNC-130 Pan's their cotten geound in corn andpensbecauseofthepoorstandoféottenandmm,the rain yesterday evening will help hurry it up.|.Mr.James Stewart,who has been in verybadheeithforalongtime,doesn’t improve.Rev.J.W.Bumgarner filled his regularappointmentatConcordSunday.Communion—at that place the first Sunday inaly. |Mr.Ralph Brom,who enlisted in the armysometimeagoandissnowinthemilitarylewmpatDouglass,Arizona,has written to hisjerandmother,Mre.Laura Drum,that he ismoetwellandabletobeoutafterbeinginthe‘hospital five weeks with @ wounded =eye,|caused by being accidentally hit by a football.The Sunday schools at Concord and PikShoalcreprogressingnicely,good attendanceatbothplaces.In lust week's Landmark the piece by Rev.1,W.Thomas certainly was good and if his‘advice was taken and practiced by the people, “T'times surely would be different.|Mr.Leon Dagenhardt returned to Taylors-ville this morning to his work a policeman,j after visiting at home over Sunday.Mr.Ed.Lowrance,who has been ut work in High|Point for some time,has returned home. Wedding and Singing. |Correspondence of The Landmark.|York Institute Mies Tressie Walden and|Mr.Marvin Childers were married at the homeefthebride's mother,Mrs.T.G.Walden,‘Sunday June 3d.Rev.J.J.Edwards per-formed the ceremony.There was a Christian Harmony singing atMr.George Marsh's sunday afternoonMesxrs.Sloan and Goodin did the singiny,which was much enjoyed. Mr.nod Mrs.Baxter Miller and son,Mr.Howard Miller of Monroe,were up Sunday atMr.R.D.Lackey's.They made the trip in|a machine,reaching here aout 9 o'¢lock.|Several of the old soldiers went to thereunioninWashington. Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark.|Mt.Ulla,June 4.Mrs.E,C.Owens ofBarberisvisitinghersen,Mr.E.F.Owens,-jof Amity.Mr.Clyde Goodman of Birming-|ham,Ala.,arrived here yesterday to spend|ten days with his mother,Mrs.Alice Goodman.|Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Morrow and little»|daughter,Dorothy,aire here visiting Mr,*|row's relatives in and around |They came from vir home at|'Tenn.,in their te@ring exr.They found goodroadsalltheway.Mrs.Lock Horton and‘ehildren of Cooleemee are visiting relativesatAmity. There waa quite a littl wind sterm in }this section Sunday No vreat damage. CLIPTHISANDPIN_ON WIFE'S DRESSERPrineCincinnatiManTellsHowtoShrivelUpCornsorCal- luses So They Lift Off With Fingers. Ouch!!?%!!This kind ofroughtalkwi!'be heard less here in ,;town if people troubled with corns|will follow the simple advice of this|Cineinnati authority,who claims that a few drons cf a crug called freezoneWhenappiiedtoatender,aching cornorhardenedcullusstopssorenessatonee,end soon the corn cr calluc(dries up and ‘ifts right off withoutpain.He seys freezone dries immedi-ately and nevcr inflames or even ir- ritates the surrounding skin.A small bottle 0!freezone will cost i very little at any drue store.but will positively remove every hard or softcornorcallusfromone’s feet.Mil-lions of American women will wel-come this announcement since the jinauguration of the high hecls.If‘your druggist Joesn't have freezone|tell him to order a small bottle foryou. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Having qualified a®administrator of theestateefLucyL.Laws,deeeased.I bereby |notify all persons having claims against her estate to present same to me on or before the |29th day of May,191%,or this notice will be|plearled in bar of recoveryL.C.STEVENSON,Administrator, Lewis &@ Lewis,Attys.May <9,1917, L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C -———Dealer In —— Hides,Furs,Wool and Beeswax.Also all kinds scrap Metal and Rub- ber.Iam paying good prices for all kinds of serap Iron and mixed Rags. ee REGISTERED ARCHITRCT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green. SCRAP —Heavy Brass7}<.perpound,BrassSe.peromFORSALE:ramimres aa —Gaew$' at ee rer ‘ey I pay cash on delivery. Independent Phone 506. Beli Phone 9302. ———CHANGEOFOFFICE! havemoved law officefromthesecondonoftheSepetnectalNationalBankSsSsoe Wheat promises | lish news Was promi-town.hav- feveral busi- H®sery- yp as lieu-tenant of Company eh JorthCarolinaregiment,cog eeeineorvanizedatHl’s Springsduly22d,1861.He served Tre-dell county for some as county‘commissioner.In of life he was a|—.who was |well,many yearsFuneralserveicesTvesdayafternoon|bvterian church,of true man.»dane Cres- eondncted ter Pres- Mr.Tem- |pleton was a life-long member and,an elder for many years,Rev.W.K.West.assisted by Rey.8.H.Hay‘of the First Presb church of|Mooresville.Among large num-‘ber of friends and $prevent \at these services there were none whosorrowedmoresipthananoldnegro,Monroe Ti »Who be-longed to Mr.T.father andhadbeenhisfaithfulntinhis boyhood days.His @&at the deathofhis“Young Ma was pathetic. Mr.J.L.Donald has been il)forseveraldaysathishomeonW.Cen-ter avenue,Mr.Donald is a livefactorintheaffairsofthetownandhismanyfriendswishforhimaspeedyrecovery.The funeral services of Capt.Wil-liam Alexander Kerr,who died Mon-|day at his home near Coddle Creek,‘were conducted Tuesday morning from Coddle Creek church by the pas-tor,Rev.R.C.Davidson,assisted byRev.W.M.Hunter,D,D.,of Kan-ngpaiie,a close friend of the deceas- @ Mr.Kerr was twice married,his first wife being Miss ie Jamison,who died in 1865.In 9 he wasmarriedtoMissAnnisRebeccaLaw-son.Of this union were fivesonsandfourdaughters,of whomsevensurvive,two daughters havingdied.Three sons are ministers oftheA.R.P.Chureh—Revs.Messrs.G.L.ef King’s Mountain,Wm.C.of Wrens.Ga..and Robert T.ofBradley,S.C.Two other sons,Messrs.8.P.and John,remain athome.The daughters are Mrs.W.A.Hetheox of Coddle Creek and Mrs.Ralph Hunter of Lexington,Va.Two sisters also survive——-Mrs.R.A.Willis of Chariotte and Mrs.LeeWaughofStatesville.|.Gapt.Kerr was a.|teacher‘for mahy years,t «ie firstschoolwhen19yearsof=.HetaughtinIredell,Rowan and Cabar-rus counties.principally at Bell's XRoads,Mt.Mourne,Prospect andCoddleCreek.Dr.John Pressly wasinstrumentalinsecuringforhimaschoolaCoddleCreek,which was taught im the old session house.Thisledtothebuildingoftheacademy in 1868,which has given place.to thepresentbuildingHislastschool was taught in 1890,making a 36 years’term of such service.This was uninterrupted save for some years spent in school as a pupil and alsofortheCivilWar.In the war Mr.Kerr served as a member of theFourthNorthCarolinaVolunteers, and during a part of his serviee was captain of his company—-Co.C. After closing his career as a teach-er he gave himself over to providingmeansfortheeducationofhischil-dren.In this he succeeded ably.He was an elder in Coddle Creek andNewPerthchurches.He was a livefactorintheChurchofbisfaithandloveditsinetitutions.The world is better beeause of the lives of such men and his passing is «a matter ofsineereregrettoallwhoknewhim,Mr.€,F.Melehor i«critically ilathishomeonwestStatesvilleave- nue,and his recovery 1 not expect- ed.Mr.Melehor has secon in failinehealthforsometimeandhiseondi-tion has grown rapidly worse within the past few days. Fire which originated from a de- fective stove flue destroye!the home of Mr.Jo.Benson,on Benson avenue,Monday nicht.Members of the fam- ily attempted to extinguish the fire before the alarm was ‘riven.and when the firemen arrived the flames were practically beyond conirc!.A part of the furniture was seve and thelossispartiallycoveredbyinsuranee. Tuesday.5th,passed off here with-out undue excitement.But whiletherewaslittlenoisycelebrationtherewasplentyofpatriotisnmanifested,and the town is proud of the calm, willing courage with which its youngmenanswe'the cali to the colors.Two hundred and sixty-three wereregisteredatprecinctNo.|and 181atprecinctNo.2,making a total of444.The behavior of the nevroes was j worthy of note.Not one showedanyhesitancy,but all seemed readyandeagertobeenrolled.So far ashasbeenascertainedtherewerenosleckers, Mr.and Mrs.F.R.Mu!!of Mor.ganton spent Sunday here with theirniece,Mrs.Sam.P.Orders.Mrs.|M.8,Aament spent Wedne in Charlotte with her daughter,Ts.R.J.Swaim, |Lord Northeliffe,the noied Eng-paper man,is coming to'the United States to take the place of Arthur J.Ralfoor,who must re-|turn home,to act in conce.:with themissionsoftheEntentealliesandtheAmericanandCanadiangovern-|ments.BH.P.GRIER,SeeoRApri10.Attorney.Sour Stomach. |Thei@ form of indicestion,TttEverybodyWillTellYouews,cating inmieagAg*to Build With”)Sn coal ossbeencheapersinceWATKINStimeheretwoyearsago..~€.WAT ‘Paville;N.C. "4p Wel .9TH 1 eS ent but f for .willsupper,you : any whatever.yon we ly i Janie 7 colored,was founddeadinrlotte,a bullet wound inherhead.The only “witness ofthewasLawrenceCrosbycolored.said the woman shot |opinion and the man is in limbo. of Morris Smith,negro,for alleged|injuries receivedwhen he was struckibyanautomobile,M.Abellovitz wasjolacedinjailfor20daysbyJudge|Bond,under execution against his|person.ae |Chief of Police Page and Deputy’|Sheriff Rhodes went to the home of |a negro at Mt,Olive,Wayne county,when Moses Troublefield,a brother-in-law of the man they were after,opened fire on them and shot Officer Page in the jaw.They returned thefireandkilledthenegro.He had a‘bad reputation for resisting officers.in his home was found a Winchester‘rifle,200 pounds of ammunition andseveralrevolvers. EEE eee+.ewesome Trinity College Commencement At Trinity College commencement|this week Hamilton Holt,editor oftheImtofNewYorkcity,delivered the annual address.The|ecraduating class was large,a num-—of young women being in the ist.|John Franklin CrowellYork,former president of the col-|lege;Bruce Ryburn Payne of theclassof1896,president of George|Peabody College for Teachers;and.William Howell Pegram,of the classof1873,and for 44 years a memberofthefacultyofTrinityCollege.were given the honorary degrees ofdoctoroflaws.Bishop John C.Kilgo,presidentemeritusofthecollegeandattherecentmeetingoftheboardoftrus-tees elected chairman of that body to fill the vacancy caused by thedeathofJamesH.Southgate,an- of New nounced the election of Joseph G.\== Brown of Raleigh as vice-president|of the board to succeed Dr.T.F. Marr,resigned. Destroyed Big Distillery in, Avery County, Deputy MarshalStatesvilleandOfficersPipkinofMorgantonthis week de-stroyed a big distillery in county. The siill was of the finest copper, factory made,with a capacity of 100eallons. house and has evidently been turningoutmoreliquorthananytendistil- leries in the mountains.In strikingcontrasttotheaverageplant,this,distillery was operated in the old wayendallliquorwasdistilledtwiceandtherewasnoevidencethatanychem-icals were used.Sixty-four bushels|of mash,750 gallons of beer and 300 |rrallons of first run was found and, |Jestroyed,so it was evident that it {was turning out an enormous amountofliquer. Shippers Don’t Object. Raleigh News and Observer. The hearing before the Cornora-tion Commission,arranged for Wed- vweelay morning to give the shippers § of the State opportunity to express themselves on the propwesed increaseof15percent.in Intra-State freightrates,beeame almost a love feast when one representative of shipping interests after another arose to say n effect that he had nothing to say. The sense of the shippers repre- ented appeared to be that they are very willing to see intra-State ratesvoupinconformitywithinter-State rates if the Inter-State CommerceCommissionseesfittoraisethelat-§ er under the railroads’petition. ©OeSRN teEe It Was the Silver Shell. The American steamer Silver Shell has had a hattle with a submarine in the Mediterranean After an ex- change of 60 shots the submarinedisappearedunderthewater.Details of the fivht were made public vester-, lay by the French minister of ma- |rine.} William J.Clark of New York,a warrant officer from the battleship Arkansas,commanded the armedeuardaboardtheSilverShell.This jis the steamer on which report is |made by the State Department,men- tioned elsewhere in this paper.Lau-! rence B.Ray of Yancey county,N. C.,was one of the men aboard the vessel.ad ARMY SUPPLIES SENT TOFRANCE, The naval collier Jupiter has ar- rived in Franee,Secretary Daniels announces,with 10,500 tons of wheat and supplies for American troops to be sent to France. Seee REUNION OVER.. The Confederate reunion in Wash-ington ended yesterday with a big Avery j Milholland of andBogerind| It was housed in a good log 3 Roadster --650 oe AllPrices F.0,8.Detroit a.vee Se -to The Maxwellbeyondquestionisthe | “world’s greatest motor car value”*” today.sai en 2 Fe ae nitEd.G.White Motor aStatesville,N.Company,ait ao d YOUR UncleSam must have the moneythousandsoffoodandmunition-raise,equip and maintainanarmyofgiveusasmashingbignavy—inshort,tocountry;to carry on its share of the great warFREEDOMOFTHEWORLD!wih YOU can do YOUR part by lending the “G T 7 Yoursa some of your savings.Invest now inone orLibertyLoanBonds.You will be helping:while you help your country,bonds |alcent.interest and AREAS GOOD AS GOLDYaneasypaymentplan.For example,if you wantoneofthe$50 bonds,you canmake yourthisBank,as follows:7 duly 30,1917 .............. August 15,1917 ............98August30,1917 ............ The bonds will be dated June 15,1917,awn80years,when the Government will repay the priTwiceayeartheownerwillreceiveinterestatof31-2 per cent.a year.,Comein and letushelpyouto “ayourec!!,yourcountry andhumanity!|COMMERCIAL NATIONAL STATESVILLE,N.C. a aa n i nn in e 85 5 8 “oe |parade,thousands in line.The parade #fwasreviewedbyPresidentWilsonandVicePresidentMarshall. =oe ee For the third time|weeks an offering of $200,000,000 in |Treasury certificates of indebted-|ness convertible on liberty loan bondsandbaringalowerinterestrate any =.i ’oo t'.f within six f Red Seal Dry Ba We -vere surprised the other day when a man said he didn’t know we sold Dry Batteries.We told him if he knewHOWMANYwesoldHEwouldbe.)surprised.We have the old reliable“Red Seal”.Best for all dry battery’—work. Do you !:nowa little sereen wire paint... will make that o!1 door or window last.. anotherseasonor two besides makingitlookbetter?Anybody can apply it...on the wire with asmallbrush.es re |and because of di | It is here that trouble actually engaged in in other business r i r e B L they nenden’the public should not hesitate state the facts.It will not be hard tn distinguish those really entitled to exemption from those who ask for it and are not entitled to it.The dif- ficulty will be in standing out against the pressure for those not entitled to it. AAA TT!j The draft registration throughout the State Tuesday,so far as report- od,seems to have been quite full. The number estimated for the State was ahout 194,000.In some places the estimate was exceeded and it is helieved the total will reach 200,000. The day seemstohave passed with-|19 out any outbreaks anywhere on part of objectors.There were a few| slackers here and there,but very! few on the whole.Unless these re-| portpromptly in thedays of grace allowed by the government.the pros- ecution will be prompt and vigorous and by next week some of them will generally throughout the ;of the agitation in opposition to regis- tration was prior to registration day.Arrests of those who failed to comply with the law will begin soon, but so far as now appears the num- ber will be small,compared with the LSS Now that the registration is past we should turn our attention to help- ing the government sell the Liberty bonds men going to war must be clothed and fed and _supplied with fighting materials.That’s what) the proceeds of the bonds are for. You can buy a bond at any bank or ‘ee,in denominations of $50 to $100,000,and pay for them on the installment plan.The money invest-| ed in the bonds goes to help take eare of the soldiers but it is not a gift.It is the safest investment intheworld,the interest is paid twice, a vear and the bond is the same as cash.Uncle Sam’s promise to pay is good anvwhere.If you can spare $50 or more it is your patriotic duty, to buy a Liberty bond.If you have- n't the money to invest you can help,by talking up the sale.| TASTS The plan for the government toinsuresoldiers—to pay.the heirs|of each a certain sum in case ofdeathordisabilityinlieuofpen-sions,is a fine scheme,but TheLandmarkdoesn’t believe it will gothrough.The pension plan offers somuchopportunityforgraftthatthoseinterestedwillnotbedisposed, to turn it loose. MATTERS OF NEWS. At least three persons were killed,several injured,and great property|windstorm Capt.Haughland and crew of 20men.of the Norwegian steamshipCrosholn,have arrived at Galveston,Texas,and revort the sinking of theironoe15bya—subma-,crew wa batiotherboat.wi seiliiil Marshal Joffre has been designatedbytheministerofwartocontinuehiswork,begun in Washingvon ef as.| sisting to organize American partici-'pationinthewar.HewillbetherepresentativeoftheFrenchgovern- ment in co-operating with the Ameri-|commander,Major General Per- to!Brown,William Fred.Baker,H oe ge:ina Nemaahorga on Calvin Wagner.Venee .doh fam Jones,Bogle |..Kdeor MeMehan Wagner, Thornwell Knox,James Miller,|ard Wasbington Westmoreland,Cowan Walter Martin,Tom MeLelland,Clorence B.Wagner.Robert Hammer Weatmoretand,1 McCall,Benjamin Bynum Neill,William Os-|Wainwright Westmoreland,Hugh Alfone W borne,.Summers,John Stewart,Bovis |eee.Gaine Beem ee _ i,an er a .oS |Frontman.Melven tawrense =—|Oseer Spoars,Glen Cleveland Shinn,VernonWhiteiPaneAlospndee,ia Cline Sherrill.Lon Gip Sloop,Calvin TildenBrattonxander,_——iw hie ‘|Shinn,Melvia Boseoe Sherrill.Willam Siee>,Earle Allen,Philander Algernon _——-,Liovd Baines Rimmer,Troy Delvert Rimmer, Anderson,Robert Baxter y,Kar’saunie Haywood Rhomer,Leroy Sloan Over wither,Aver Vernon maarner,|,Joe Prank Overcash,Jamex Samuel Over.Brown,eoseph Owen Brady,!cash.Joon Edgar Overcash,Fred Cakdwell George Matheson Mrooks,Jail Pratt Brawley,|Overeash,Enry Mack Overeash,Wille Thomas Preston Durant Bumgarner,Mack ©|Oliphant.Pred Jasper Murdock,James Reuben Broom,Murray Lee Brome.Willies Harris |Myers,Georee Charlee Madison,|Pred Grayver,Lowe|Moore,John Carl Murdock,John Kew 5 ‘*Rallard,James .|re wove Borrow.2.B.Murdock.L. iackwelder,Albert |Murdock,Joe Alexander MeCollister,Fred Oren Reav-|MeLean,Walter Andrew wien,Pred SamuelLipe,John Alexander Line,Wittem Kennerty,|Thomas L,Hobbs y Plake Howard,ThomasEdgar|Ciydo Maar.a Severe menor.— Rall,Ha |y loover ‘omny vey adh mm, rrison Brooks,ade Compton,John Patterson Cline,ErbestRankinClosinger,Jeseue Walter Casten,BGP|‘Troy Christy.Wille Thames Cook. ert Edgar Cranford,Nathan Deniel ©in |Sheridan Compton,Wm..Meh Prova Elliott a ee "Conuins Otho H +sa ee ee:*Plackwelder,err »Conger Compton FE.On Mackw ’ Andrew Clodfelter,John Charistten,Elbert)jas,L.Biackwekler,Nathan DeWitt Binek- Rankin Cloninger,James Henry Cloninger,|weiter,Walter Cari Beaver,Othos Jackson John Edward Coon,Roland Pharr Craver,dr.,|Bass,Roseo Clarcace Brawley.James Everett John Reece Coffet,Alber:|Rrawiey,Fugene Wesly Mackweller,Loti, Cook,William Lee Christie,Walter Augusta)Troy Brawley,Gurvey Floyd Arthurs,Ivy| Childers,Sloan Cornelius Clarke,Patt Cook,Arthurs. Hubert Fletcher Davis,Stomey Allen Duck-|Colored-—Jobn Young,Morehad Westmore- Grower Brown, worth,Horace Elmer Dishman,Osborne land.Howard Thomas Westmoreland.Alexen- Deal,4 Witt Har-|der Clinton Winehester,Arthur Torenee,Silos rison Dennis,George klin Davis,Robert|Smith,Doctor Isath Koseboro.Ivey Houston,| Clarke Deaton,Jo.Douglass,William Lester Garfield Gray,Perey Linnie Pails.John Cald |c.|well,Manvel Charnbers,Robert Carson,BR,Davis,JessieJamesErvin,Guy Meliorander|Brevard,Claud Allisan.Alonso Allison.| Earnhardt,Earl Payne Edmiston,St.Clair|.i 7 |White --William P.Blackwelder,ErnestHenryErvin,Robert Perey Ellis,George Sam-|Bell,J.A.Brotherton,J.Randall Baity,Mar-vans,James Fortner,William|H Campbell |Leroy shall Bell,Fletcher Bass,Laos,Prose,Bart Conee Coens Pep,Avery|Walter,Combe,Frye,Otis F.Fry,Si | William Griffith,Oscar LamontGureeit,Wilt!Ia Grewory,William J.Gryder,Will me = Ivey Gilliland,George Calon Goodman,Wes-Charlie J.Holland,Udell Harris,Henry G ley Gibbs,Noah Griffin,Cornelius Howard|:Houpe,J.Dexter Holland,Hunter,‘Thomas Franklin Hambright,Will|om Eee Fe, Daniel Hall,John Lottiwick Harwell,Frank|.J.Ed.Johnson,H.Clay Kine,Jo. Edward Hager,Clyde Frank Holtshouser,Ae |King Lambert,James Lambert,Flake Lunday, thur Johnson Helms,Alhert Hayes,Roy Frank |G.Mack Laws,4.Macon Lyons,Rarl MeAu- ‘ley.R.Frank Milholland,W.Archie MeLel-Russell Harris,George Dovis Hudgpeth,J ;Inn,t Me +Mun Richard Munsen,Ar.| |thur labury,C..tel »rr BureneNicholson,Charley Nicholson,Wm.P.Red-,Archie Wilson Honeycutt,Carson SteedHarris,Lester Samuel Harwell,Willie Girth-mon,Rochie Souther,Fletcher Thompsor,HuleeryHarwell,Eugene Debs Huger,Jo.Ikwel |Hill Wooten,Lester M.Waugh,Charles L. Luther Guy Johnston,James Lee Godfrey,|Weston.Ni Orin Weston.eet Groham Johnston,Willis Neal Jobn-,Colored --Ofte Brown,Dock Davidson,Ba- eton,John Houston Jones,Robert Luther |fene Gibson,Will Howard,Joiner Keaton, Joyner,Cyrus Conrad Johnston,Mason Wiley|°°Lawrence,John T.Morrison,D.Isidore Johnston,Victor Allison Johnston,J,Roy|peveres,James Summers,William Summers,Kennerly,James Pinkney Kenneriy,Robert |Mare n M.Sammers,Ned Summers,Charley | Frank Keaton,Ernest Lee Kale,Glenn Wil.{rith,Joseph Stevenson,Clay Stimpson, Hams Kistler,Henry Knox,Williams Navy|Watts.Lowell,Nelson James Levan,Palmer Dhue|Chambersburg..Lipe,Roy Stuart Lipe,Elvis Clayton Lyler,|.nite Graham Parks Ayers,Gales Murry AdAndrewWashingtonLitton,Lester Leroy Le-|see cone Apes Arey,A.H.Adkins,Jot Shir van,Henry Calvin Lee,Roas Abraham Lipe.|tavern t.Ford EF.Beaver,Josevh Willem|.a Reaver,John Devid Beaver,Moses ArthurSideMack,Fletcher Loyd Mayes,Floyd Trip-i Mills,8 Tho Mo.On:Beaver,William Felix Base,Millard (Ctinton| ett ,Stamey mnpeon rrew,ear Carter,Ira Randies Childers,Ralph N.Cor Lee Moore,Caleb Monroe Miller,Leroy Miller,|nejius,Arthur Car}Cloer,Junions Anderson |Lackey Myers,William Henry Mann,Henry (Christy.Lioyd Robinsan Combs FEnoeh LivingErnestMcLean,John Davidson Menn,Roy ston Cloer,Chartie Pressly Cashion,Jaties|Kilpatrick MeNeely,William Hall Miller,Espy|Whitfield Cornelius,Riehard Harmon CrovehCaldwellMali,:caldw Malcolm,Clinton Moore Mayhew,|Chas.Lester Cloer,Lioyd Lafayette Deaton Sosven Lente ae Ben —es aves Ruates Deaton,Frank Long Lage “idee jamewell Newton,m|Karly,Amos Freeland,Harvey Lee Preeland | Thomas Gaither Albertus Overcash,|Lewis FE.Preeiand,James Columbus Greaee Cloe Everett John MeKinzie Nantz,|Adopih Gibson.Joseph Ernest Horton.Fimer John Caleb Overcash,rt Samuel Eugene Honeveutt,David Alison Horn,Seott|cash,Arthur Vance Overeash,Edward Broke |Alexander Hair.Ernest Finke Pair.John David Nelson,William Fletcher Nelson,Clarence [alr Flay!Allon Malt,2.Harve Harkey.| Preston Nanta,John Gaston Pruitt,William|yo)cont OF ee,fete‘James Kyles,Lioyd Loueine Kennerty,John |Pree Pe ee ettn’Fock’Geeree |MENGE Lewis,Lonale Aubrey Lefer,"wile »Thomas °|Walter Lentz,Arthur Edgar Lentz,Riehare |alg ome ee oe —Bar!|MeLaugtiin aoe ‘Themes Hite Murdock.| Robi ..Foster *|Lawrence Nee ¥lioeaeioontmea|end Ernest Renn MeNeely.Tce Coren \..rawfo .oose,Albert Miller,William Myers,Fmag|amg |Peacock,Arthur aa Wil-Seren Mayes,Jon Adam Nantz."es Gor. nn,Grover Robinson,cash,George Ulysses Overeash,Pm Clyde mer,niel |Plyler,John Clayton Pacigett,Earl Woodfin Robertson,William Marvin Rhineha:|Plyler,Alva Cowan Plyler,Guss Ritehie,Roy ley Clarence Ritchie,Wade Roberts ,,Oren Shoemaker,Robert Lee Smith,Parks Lottie Monroe Rogers,Will Swan,Charles|Rockwell Shell,Burette Summers,Ernest Flake Daniel Sapp,Boston Williams Franklin Shoe-|Shoemaker,Franklin Sharp,Lonnie Turnermaker,Luther Alexander Thomas,Henry Stire-|Sherrill,Atias Gilbert Turner,Emmet Kngene walt,James Saul Swaim,Wade Mitchel Shu |Tueker,Robert Angers Vanedford,Lewis Craw.| John Basar Smith,Marvin Osenr Syke,James |(OT!Wilhelm.Joseph Fadger Wer.(yaude Liddy Svan,Lonnic Fletcher Shoemaker.Wil-|~=oe [aetaun tale.©eae aeii)_4 ."i.é P :ac.giummers,Henry Hugh Stine.|der,Odell Alexander,David Barber,Wisi Mock,-oa 8 .—Shoemak-|Oscar Barber,Max Chambers,Gus Caldwell, ¢Clifton cea er James Sloop,Ern-)Arthur Chambers.Ivy Chambers,Flake Campes:Shoemaker,Ollie Cletus Sloop,San-|hell,Burt Chambers,Lonnie Davidson,Wilt2Swaim,Lester Shoemaker,Ottis |Frvin,William Goodman,David Lee Glaxpy,Stonestreet,Edgar Savannah Sloop,|John Grey,Luvear —.dames FranklinJaySmith,Andrew _—_Starnes,sae |et eri rane .2 Sees,Cott Lit wan Small,Hen Samuel Tor-|tie,ard Leury,urdock,Raeford Hre rnce,WillHtward Torrence,lames Carl Tor-|vard MeDowell,Witt tgomery,Alonzo Me.| rence,Andrew Jackson Terrell,Norman Les-|Dowell,Charlie Mott,ter ecive,Vester | ter Tucker,Ralph Teague,Carl Gwyn Vanpelt,|MeDowell,Harmon Monroe Patterson,Richard Will Ward,David Franklin Wilson,John Lee|Pierce,John Patterson,Oliver Rankin,WinWileox,Jas.Lester Wells,Gip Wilkinson,|Ramser,Burton Rankin,Mott Roseboro,Robert Henry ‘Franklin Wright.Arch.Leslie Wilson,Lee Steele,John Stevenson,John AugustusLonnieWilliams,Floyd Augustus Watts,Will “t¢¥enson.John Stevenson,Rober Lee Stinonjton,Leroy Turner,Jo Samuel ‘Tucker,|rie.a8 san.Whitiey,day bg mew Herrington Ture,‘not "Woot Pinkney Westmoreland.John ie,d at steleland,Pred,Lae Witeon,Feed,Witten,dames|Pore Wool Mares Wa | Ee week Clarence Williamamesmn,U grant Ye be |".—mt Young,Jenne!Tite KartHarve Abernathy Clore nee Poot:‘1 vernathy.George Russell,pert Paul AberENLaJohnWesleyAllison,Clemens |pathy,Wiltie Downum Brown,Charlie ClydeclimaxAdams,James Allison,Sam.Adams,keWiltsteeAduaLania.Eo Bustle,James Morrixon Bustle,W°iter Mott)naanwelme may aa b evi Pranels,Eepy iinstie,Fred Miller Baker,Fred Bell Hatley,|Oa!Caldwell‘<;vers,Lester Byers.|Samuel Pressly Cook,William Davirson ¢‘ook,=ue ts .ae Douglass,William Fron-Horace Clyde Combe,Romos Franklin Cam=jray,Chase Gray,George William hell,Latta Claude Combs,Elem Monroe Dishjray,James Gaither,Carr Houston,Paul Jo-|;man.Espy Diehmon,Harvey Lee Dishman.hartsephusHooper,John Williams Liney Knox.MeLetiand Frvin.Romie Morke Pete drrmes Frank Kennerly,Jay Koox,John Lawrence,Abner Guy,Roy Clifton Gibson,Walter Clar-Turner Ardell Neel,rison David Phifer,Jo.|coee Gibson,dames Ciyae Oth ert,Henry SpurPhifer,William Reed,Abe Simelton,Ed.Wi.#00 Grose,Hulet Flake Grove,Willie Clay|Grose,Aaron Thomas Wager,Jason Renih| CHE Coat th 9.|Pere Toke tdeer Masri,Wiliam’Pintest |-fon Gilbert Abenender a ,dohn Edgar Harrie,liam Pinkney|*arris,Amos Pressly Houston,Larry Nesbit |Gilreath Gilderoy hag gE Henry Boyce Hunter,James Prenktin |field,.Otnten,Hager,Charley Hampton||Lonnie HMunsucker,Cleveland Sheriey||Alfred -Witiam »William Leonidas|durney,i Johnson,Fleming Kerr,||Robert Burette Levan,Roby Francis Locke|Mach Doby oo.es 4,Moose,James|vaitey Walter 7h Morrison,Thomasarvis,Walter ©Mhelland,Aumustys"Trot on.Lew GreMubroe,Lester Borrow odWiliamMackPatter¥HaywoodRufusBerr, ii t fiY it i ? fi Or I H E L E F Eiif z ze it t pi s t e s ‘a l l : s =f i : “IRON RECEIVING ORDERS. This t New ts sold = where aos y 16 fro at $1.D ee NC.,NEW YORK.w Universallypopular —Justthedrink you shouldalwayshaveinyouricebox.Hiresisgenuinebecause it is actually madefromrealroots,barks,herbs and Lesrtes.It is just as healthy as it is delicicus.Ordera cratesent to your home.exclusively by —aaitPhone 82.gen. Coca-Cola Bottling Co.,Statesville,N.€ Bottled C.M.C.and 0.N.J.TaltingThread.10c,,3 for 25e. Sylvia, All colorsand White, 5c.« Johnston-Belk Co. 5e.,6 for 25¢. Visit our Ready-to-Wear Department. Wonderful Saving to be had on Coats, Coat Suits and Dresses. $10.00 and $12.50 Suits for $7.95. Summer Dress Fabrics.Tub Fabrics,Fast Colors. 36 inch Colored Voiles,18c. 27 inch Colored Voiles,12 1-2c. 40 inch White Voiles,25c. 36inch Striped Skirting,18c. 36 inch Gaberdine Skirting,25c. Pink,Blue 27 inch Amoskeag and Utility or teakGee.18c. 36 inch BestPercales,15c. NOW. PRICES ARE GOING TO BE HIGHER. SSS= We havewhat people wastwhen they want it—at fairprices TheStore That Sells For Cash and for Less. ‘ Re w r e ea e ye ee ps : a 9 28 5 s7 3on s o¢ p e l i | ui iHi t : t FR b h e E g li n t n ff fF i F iE .|Wood Carson,James Reiet, ;Eagle Milis,Mitchell#é Wl : Fi ;Fe r fi j r e v e M hi ie r e : ii |i Ep L R E T G T E ? is‘’i r t i i F F f l rl ie:‘i =:§f5rifi l F fs t rs i a Scott,James Calvin Tidlyne. Shiloh,White.Mace Alexeoder,Rert HW.Alerander,tobn Aram Absher.Andrew Cobinfis aeldeLeoAustin.Eepy F.Benfield.Otte TeReam.Hinton Rurette Rost,Lige Monree Bow-men.Carl Willem Brown.Flowerd Le Peyette.Ferly Lee Kenfeld Lawson TaylorRenfiel!,Jobn Anderson Benfelt,Fred LackeyBenfield.Andrew Jeeckeon Beheler.James Allenradford.Jexse Monroe Caseaddon,LeroyCrawfordJoseyPoutCarter,Muniee KewitCaudell.Janes Miack Crawtor’.John WesleyCrawford.Charles Clarence Deal Rory Har-mon Twilinger.Robert Lee Dellinger,GteonidasTealRobertLeeDowdy,OscarThomasDeol,Pav Allxon Dest.Roy FrDen!Thomas | Henry Fillott.Gartend Rudophes es eAue-|Glenn Reyer Fry,Rolend Frekine Fre.|Davidson Fry,James Russelt Gant.Charles|Haxter Geot.Charles Wilheim Golie.James|M,Goble.Wiliam Eli Gant,Blake George Gent.Cherles Howard Gant.James Horney,FlakeHolland,Joseoh Lee Hoover,Mezekian Housiton,Charles H.Harris.Deke Monroe Marteell,‘wear Herel!Hoke,Lemuel Cowen Hoover, Wiliam F.Hoover,Wiliam Lestér Houston,"|Samuel Hyatt Jeevson Charles Syivanus dohn- arks Ti ,Stokely Tally,Luther Coxie Wallace.Calored Henry Hal aPosCarson,|Clay Carson,William Dumas,Clifton Dobbins, ®month ago,sinee whieh timehe haswithhisfatheratRufola. The Rhodes-Steele bridal party and a fewtertainedatthehomeof p:mted it to Missh-seore =winner.of sweet peas.Thecakewasafeatureofo~...densie setzer received thefelltoMiresAnnieLazenby.tew and enke were served,house was pretty for the occasion.Theparlorwastedwithaprofusionpinkramblerroves;the gift room showedcolorschemeofredwithredremblerrosestheroomandthelightswereshadedwithThediningroomwnsespeciallyprettyyellowshadedlights,fram which yellowenextendedtotheceiling.There were-candles on the dining table,which bore as®centerpiece the wedding cake. The G.T.C..s met Wednesday afternoonMiseMargaretBrawley.Hearts was play-Mins Mary Loretz Cowles winning theseoreprize,a box of stationéry.A daladPa. ‘The Rachelor Belles held »pleasant meet-wd with Miss Louise Sherriii Wednesday af-Bridge was played.After the same|@ salad course and sweets were served. Miss Genevieve Edmindson of Radfsrd,Sharpe for a week.The Misses SharpeSharpeforaweek.The Misas Sharpei!entertain Saturday afternoon in honortheirguest. IMPSE PASSING THRONG Their |.Mra.J.D.Cox and mother,Mr.Hagan,|have returned from a_visit to relatives and:at Rock Hil,8.C.,and Charlotte.|Miss Julia Elam has returned to GastoniaFsavisittorelativesinIredell.Mies ElamieanurseintheGastonhospital.|Mr.H.C.Renewar,a student of the Univer-j ,spent a few days at his home in north,and left this week for Akron,Qhio,he haa a position with the Goodrich r Company.Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Foster and children and.and Mrs.A.L.Lowrance have gone to:Swain county.Mr.Poster and Mr.Ee mee are in business there,Their fami-é will id the summer with them.MinsLelia Corpening and her nephew,Mas-A.G.Corpening,Jr.,are here from Rock.to spend a month with Mra.D.MandMissAltieCorpening. W.L.Dunlap of Bethany has gone toE.Va.,to visit her daughter,Mrs.;en..Mise Alexander,who has been visitingtheofDr.P.8.Easley,left yesterdayMontreat,where she will spend the sum- \Sherrill left yesterday for #busi-.FA.to Louisville,Ky..T.Nicholson has been spending the imson arrived Tuesday fromshewasateacherinthecitythepastyear.Minnie Morrison of the faculty ofCollewe,Winston-Salem,who has beenRev.and Mrs.EK.D.Brown in Mt.community since Salem commencement,now in Statesville with Misses Mattie and ces Wallis of Lenett,Ala.,hasofhercousin,Mr.EB.EB.Stan-week .Stanley and family ac-Miss Wallis to is,where awhile before going Flanigan tas returned from»Where she visited Mra.W.C. Mrs. ;BE.G.Gilmer has gone to Washington‘to join Mr.Gilmer,who %undergoing medi-enl treatment there.|.Mra.BR.C.Covington left this week to join%in Leurinburg.Miss Coving-her marriage was Mise Anna Belle |States ille.District Deputy of theid,has gone to Avery rt of.Ww. Alien Gillespie.Fallstown. White Earl White Allison,Byron Bi:rn,Elree Bumgarner,Mason Edgar Brown;nmAtwoodBrown,Fred.Halton Brown,WorthFranklinBass,Zelly Bagger Brown,HerbertParkerClampet,Coaway Vernon Collins,Rob-ert Bentley Compton,Lee Perry Caldwell, Thomas Cullen Clodfelter,Blaine Compton,Henry Baxter Collins,Joseph Caldwell Clark,John Devon Collins,Albert Cavin,William Al-va Darr,Swain Seott Davis,Robert VanceFreeze,Allen Bingham Freese,John ineyAdamsFreese,James Perry Gray,Fred Waxh-er Goodson,Ralph Hoyle Haynes,Samuel Gaither Hudspeth,Robert Lester Hudepeth,Gaither Hilterbran,Wiiite Raluh Hudspeth, Virgil Bluner Haynes,BRenry Mills Hartline,Rockwell Ingram,Jason Reid Jones,MarshallElieworthJohnsen,leeiazh Rock Johnston,Arthur FP.Kennedy,Andrew P.Kate,Luther Lippard,Ciyde Littl Lippard,Stokes Loftin,Clayton Worth Loftin,Alva Clinton Littie, de Leeke Lippard,Charley Exker Lewis,He!mn Lippard,Otis Leopold Lippard,EarlSuttlongreLippard,Thomas P.Loftin,Brath-er Little,James G.Morrison,Jessie Malcom,Henry David Murdock,Carl Samuel Maness,Zeb.Vance Malcom,,Stamey Mills,WilliamFrancisMonetir,Henry Dalton MeLain,Geo.Walter McLain,John Laurie MeLain.Sam. Nishit,Feidon Columbus Nisbit,Robert Thom-as Nesbit,Lonnie Melmoth Nesbit,Perry Ma-eon Ostwalt,Tate Conward Ostwalt,RobertRoyOrren,Bmit Hoyle Ostwalt,William But-\ler Orren,Everette Ostwalt,Jessie D.Ostwwit,‘Cray Bynum Ostwalt,Collier Melzie:Qstwalt,>|Carl Deal Oxtwalt,Gaither B.Ostwalt,DockSmithPate,Herbert Herman Pope,John Ma-rion Parker,James Daniel Rimmer,Fred.Au-gustus Rimmer,Charley A.Robinett,Henry,A.Rimmer,Geo.Pinkney Rodgers,JosephMartinRimmer,John Franklin Rimmer,Mor-wee Lester Rumple,Everette Owens Stewart,Robert Tate Setzer,Orion Brevard Setzer,Ray Alexander Shoemaker,Jessie Oliver Sims, Ralph Stewart,Ney Clifford Sherrill,Jay B.Snow,Thomas Qaborne Sherrill,George Stew-ert,re ens Everette Sherrill,Jo. Deugins &er,John Floyd Stinson,Ju- us Minor Troutman,Coit Ray Troutman,Frantis Bdear Troutman,Harrison NicaveeTroutman,Francis Everette Troutman,Russet!L.Wineate,Donnie Bishop Waugh,lxaacLynnWagner,John Staymey Wilson,JohnLesterWilliamson,Julius Harvey Waueh,Dan-fel Lemve!Whrren,Flake Morrison WagnerColored-Burette Alexander.Jay Byers,Caldwell Carlton,M.James Clark,SherrillDalton,Roy Davidson,Rector Davidson,JamesLuekey,Frank Long,O.B.Littl,Louis Luck-ey,Pate Little,Jo,Lewis,Frank MeLain,La-Fayette Reid,Payette Ramsey,James Van-derberg,Pink Young. New Hope. Far!Harvey Abernathy,(lar nee Pool tieerge Rosell Adams.Robert PaulAbernathy.Willie Dewnnm Hrown (Cherie “ivde bustle.Jemes Morrieon Bustle.WalierMottHustle.Fred Miller Reker,Pred Bb.Mellev,Sanne!Pressty Cook,W ‘0 , ee Clyde Combe White Aly rnath Me TetFenyDishmenHarveyLeeWr)Osear Fates,Karl MeLeliond Frvin.Rowe Burke Pulp,James Morris Giving,Jarmes AbneGuy,Rey Cion Gibson,Water Clurenee Git son,James Clyde Gilbert,Henry SourgeonGrose,Huett Plave Grose,Willie Clay Grose,Jason Repth Harris,Terret!Anderson HarristamesWalterHager.John F.Harris,WillianPinkeyHarris,Amos Pressly Houeton.LarryNeshitHall,Henry Borce Hunter,James FPrenkinHemiren,Clinton Hager,Charlie HareptonHenry.Lonule Huneneker,Willie Gray Johnston,Cleveland Cherley Alfred dotiy.WillieJohnsenWilliamLeonidasourney,WIN Jotun «on.Rebert Fleming Kerr.Rebert Purette Levan,Roby Francis Lackey.Mack Doby Lew l« (erar J cose,James Dalley Moose,Walle Orel]Morrison,Thomas Jarvis Miller,Walter Carl Milheal Augnstus Jimeon Mitlk,JolinMeekMensc4.Clint Morrixon.Water DPDMorrisonwitGtadyMorrison,Davis MonreTeeterHeMorrison,Harice MorrisonWiliamMaePattersonRoscoe—CilftenQuerry,Roy Haywood Rimmer,John FlamRufty.Hemmer Rnifus Base,James Plonie Sher irl,Joseph Harvey Stevenson,Samuel MarriStevenson,umes Me fertand Stevenson FrnostBlakeStevenson,Robert Rockwell Steveneon Lemuel Russell Stikeleather,Ralvh cleowere,Cherkeagtotert Sides,Elmer Pov leather vere Posty Sharpe,Brow tuspenn.Anderson le y Mh Henry (reJohnLeonare ry.»Butten Wood ‘,JanOwenWoordsides,Thomas Smith White,ClaudHenryWeston,Paul Ciiiferd Wh!MarvinErnestWhite,Harry Wade Watt,Lester LioydWeber,Lester Theophilus Younger. Colored dames Gregory. White.William Clyde Austin,Oar)BeghyAustin,Chartie Beekman,Robert Walter Brotherton,Fred Brown,Charles Sparigoon ftrown,Don Hite Bess,Adam easiey BrownReDewltBarnett,Wilken «1 ‘urrentHerClydeCampbell,David Camptell Cow Pred fee Peter,Kiliott,Jay Kates,Muril AverypewltParkeFt,Clandle ArthurvidKartePrasier,Burnie Reid Peimjster.Fieteher,William Piody Pelmeter,|Henty Prankiin Fry,Kdward TweberFeimeter.Lon Avwtin Peimeter,Riyal tee Gatton,Speneer Gains tioodin,Hagene foilend,Artifer eemon,John Kiverson Harris,Hetard Mor Jame .Arch an,James Willem Daniels,dobn PinkKihelge i®4 rmon,Ros toeJonaVarrisx,PmmetJurney,ClarenceMairJorden,WillemorertiadworthawweLente. »son,Ulrieh Mart Kele.William Marshall Kates.;Haywood Kates.John ivey Kates,Sidney|Ernest Killian Rov Peter littl,Kepy Rugene Little.Willian Clevelend Leekey,Henry Ger.fand Morrow,Ernest Murdock,Walter Murdoek,Oltia Morrison Chertie Martin Muione,A..|mond Miller,Cart Eugene Moose,Willem HarvevMorrow,Wiliam Presten Morrison,JamestrieeMoore.Thomas Edward Miller,.WalterMelone,James Vardie Mise.GeorgeMiller,(Charlie Anderson Morrison,tieorge Neal MeKay.Cheries Boyd Morrow,Hoyt MMeParland Morrison,Pressly LesterMeCoy,Grover Allivon Massey.James Svlyes-ter Miller,Foy Anderson Morrison Roy RecsMorrison,Robert Emory Mithotiand,Ralph RB.MeScely,Claude Fugene Moose Fdesea Moore. Richard Clyde Merrow,George Frenkiin Massey,David Arthur Miller.Samuel MeMurray Morrow,Harry Royde Moore, fiurten Met ruley Morrow, Morrow,Writers Newton Reseoe Miller tjreen Nash,% tole Walten(rawford CloreneeWilliam Morrison,Wetton Walker Newman,LonnieParksPayne,Harry C.Plott.‘rnest R.Pore,WarveyLewreneeRaymer,Ulysoe R Coleman RaymerohnRobertid,Proeet Loe Stewart,Ernest Martin Sipe,Ciyde Welter Sharpe.James AmosSharce,Loy Artinr Shook,Prevten Stewart,Walter (1)Sherrill.Witlam Heury Sipes,JamesWaiterSive,Henry Johansen Setver.Jobe.ElmoreSteele,Dorman Stewart Stoitheon,Ray-mond &.Sherrill.Chester Davidson Shnerne,‘Troy Garland Shoemaker,David Littl Stewart,Frovat Ray Stewart.David Bdward Stewart,;jae Delton Stewart,Leeter Hinke Shee.t.Thé@teas Stewart,James Roseoe Stew artrGleonShook,Grover Cleveland ShookPrestonDolphos*Sipe,Oron Pressly Stemmers.Marion Hurton Stewert,Roy Bratton Whirwonent,Joka Thomas Wright,Charles AllisonWargh,James Phififp Waugh.Batier Wither spoon,Rebert Lee Waugh,Joseph WilkinsonFranklinBuretteWilson.Colored Baxter Alexander,Lee Clark,S'la»Davidson,Herbert Sourgeon Frost,Ran ‘iriffin,Charles Parker,William Parker,Charles Namseur,Fred Allen Tatum,Bruce Vand TtHenryWellman,Benjamin Prenkiin WeAustinWellman,Christopher Wellman,ton Welman. Turnersburg.White Limmie Key Albea,Clarence Sam-uel Albea,Mink Albea,Triey Vanhoy Ander-son,Charlie Andrew Bell,Utis Cowles Bagar-ly,Robert Booe Bailey,Harley Wilson Mul-lard,Andrew Reginald Bageurly,John Wi!-ijiam Campbell,Perey Lee Cartner,RobertGeetoiCampbell,Lain Current,Oscar PierecCampbell,Claud Summers Campbell,CharlieLeeCarter,Raleigh Dean Campbell,CariChambers,James Columbus Campbell,Otho Al-ben Dearman,Richard Munsie Danner,DavidNathanElmore,John William Elam,Cordia Budaley Earp,Franeis Marion Fletcher,EdgarDoyleGaither,Parke Gurney Gregory,TobiasGalliher,Ray Eugene Gaither,Alexander Mil-ton Gaither,William Henry Gatten,AlonzaOmanGriffith,Moffatt Pressly Guy,John Alex-emer Gallther,John Arthur Irvin Gaither.Charles Nero Wesley Gregory,Maurice God-bey,James Coleman Galliher,Sherrill WadeHarris,Nathaniel Preston Holmes,Sarmuc!dames N.Holmes,James Walter Hayes,Rich-ard Minor Hix,Todd Alvin Holmes,HenryFranklin|Heath,Burtt Denny Baynes,EzreClydeHayes,William Durant Hussey,Charlie Cuther Harpe,Arthur Lee Jacks,Reed Day-vavit Koon,Arthur Kinder,Julian Surgeant n Ware Fiter,Rohert Clarence Fillott,1JosephSemuelEiioti,Joba Lovd Eider.John |. doin Robert Malone,| Palmer Alexandet |Charles | have sympath wth us in our great™,thelow of our little son,to know ¥e feel morethan we cap say-—andalwaysrememberendappreciate the MR.AND MRS.D,K.KENNERLY. FOR SALE—Jersey milch cow,with freshcalf.B.BH.ADAMS.dune #—1t*. FOUND—Purse r sum of “money.can get same by describing properttoTHELANDDRK.done 6 it, WANTED—Pine BLOOMFIELDMANUFACTURING,dune &.—_——~ DR.R.W.WOODWARDIsat Hl.Be.storeSaturdaysforfittingglasses.Lenses re-placed June 5-3. TOMATO PLANTS for sale.J.P.COLLINS|&4 SONS,Statesville,R-3.June 6-20". |FOR SALE--A good sorrel horse,nine yearsold.Perfectly gentle,TT.C.SHERRILL,{Sherrill's Ford,N.C.dune 1—¢t. |WANTED.to sum-|mer.Mish =|¢,G.PROSP it ~—street.M.P.ALEXAN! OPEN—Statesville Inn now open toitfirst-class boarders andMW.F.PALMER,May 25. GIN OUTFIT FOR SALE.ab RSet o Sherense1willsellmypresentoutfitoranfrtosameatabargain.N.3.MILLS.June 5 -—2t. AuctionSale of Ford Car. By virtue of a judgment of the SuperiorCourt1willsellatpublicauctionforcashstthecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C.,the 28d dey of June,at 12 o'clock,one FordTouringCaringoodcondition, M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff.Jume 1,1917.Pte and Drcticen I want to be your Plumber andEleetrician.Your orders will have prompt attention.I DO IT GOOD. C.&.RITCHIE,North Center Street. Moore,Thomas Lewis Messick,Barly Clause |Messick,Thomas Arthur Millis,Wood Hayes Powell,Ralph Weaver Parks,Hugh Parks.Wiley Bugene Peacock,Williem Paschal Rob-erts,Preston Clinton Robbins,Reseoe HortonStuart,James Eli Stine,Samuel Hilton Stee!-man,Robert William Stroud,William WrightStroud,Nelson Saunders Stuart,Nallie Cleve-land Sherrill,Jethro Shoemaker,Archie Rich- ard Stroud,Eddie Lewis Stroud,Gradey WileyStine,William Smith Thomas,Parks Tomlin,Samuel Tomlin,William Edward Taylor.Clyde Jackson Thomas,Chester Carl Ward,|Thomas Wyatt,Erastus Lee Williams,ArthurRichardWest.Total 82. Colored—Preess Bailey,Zolla Coffer Camp-bell,Horace Campbell,Queen Campbell,Har-vey Campbell,Lieutenant Campbell,|Menry Dalton,William Daugherty,Dalton,Willlam Hubbard Eeeles,Cleveland Gaither,Manlius Gaithen Colombus Gaither,Luther Gaither,Samuel Glaapey,Columbu«Gaither,Leve Glaspey,Arthur Gaither,WiiliamHolmes,Clate Holmes,Hunt Hawkins Offie James,Rodney Alexander Jobneon,PloydMurdoch,Harvey Resebro,Waiter Sharp«John Turner,Ferby Turner.Raymond Tur-ner,William Wilson,Oscar Wilson,Total 31.Union Grove.White Posey Wileon Dridges,Mertin Lutherfomel,Colginbos Lee Brown,Reuben Brown Wiltam Frenkiin Barker.Andrew Ane tHenneté,John Clinton Mankenehip.Lee Angrs jhe Noges,Jasper Meir Carteight,Floyd Kiiki+ }One Amo Merten Crater,Jar Artin ‘nupbel,Wilttam Andrew Cash,ve Frank|tn Cah,Dempsey Young Campbell,Dewy i}fowan Douglass,Doulgase Ciipten powel|toxeph Pranviin Dobson,James “iam ¥!|more,Lewls Pratey,Je,,Carl Pratey,Lee Good in,Thomas Carter Goforth Gus Green GoorinParksMonroe©.Dorman Gantt,TerieLeeGregory,Hwebard Henderson,Jewe PronkinHenderson,Claude Howard,Wiley Henslervon,Henry Clark Pepler,Clate Cohunbu;Henderson,Thornne Mack Henderson,Charice|Reece Henderson,David Harvey Jurney,JFieydJotosen,Rewhen Washington JohneonLoankeOwynnJohneon,Cheties Pret|James Wilkins Lowe,Everet Lambert,JamesHarveyMullis,Dan 7,Luther,MullisClydeMessick,Lonnie Money,Sherrill MadisonWittyMollx,Pete Mitehell,Vanee MitetettterryMitchell.Clyde Claude Madison,PosteMorrisonPowers,Lester Alevander Pharr,WesleyClevelantPherr,John Marty Power:Robert Pulton Fash,Palace PH Reed,CharieyArthurReavis,Hershall Harrison Rash,MWinfieldReavis,Rama }Davie Snow,ShertvinChester‘ Nice LotCOUNTRYHAMS| Goingat28c.Cash ee,Soe 9th,y.IREDELL PRODUCE CO. THE POPULARITY OF * iner@mses all the time.More of it "3 year than ever before.yourself—you'll know why. FOR SALE BY Hardware (o., NOTICE!Have left accounts at Stim-son's Drug Store.Those indebt-ed to me can see a statementoftheiraccountormakesettlement “'Flooring,Ceiling,Boxine, iby C.WATKINSis eetHe shen wu THE FIRST NATIONALBANK;: nennmenm { | | |} } ry AME =: RAiehete ©,°-of .@ ‘‘ ,en aa ”When you need FINANCIAL GUIDANCE come in."4.We have time to “Listen.”Maybe we can help you.via Our bank isa member of the National FEDERAL ~~‘*- RESERVE SYSTEM of Banks.ue We can turn our securities into CASH xl ig Your money is safe in our bank;you can GET it when you WANT it. Comeseeuseven if you are not yet bankingus.We shal!make you feel AT HOME.- Make Our Bank Your Bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits, me ob a a we Statesville,N.C.x feta a an aie, aes is what to ¢ive. It has LOVE in ie : Were a woman's house to burn and she could savetwothings,they would be her children and herpresents.Take affection out of life and there’s little left. Then let the man when he weds,and every“anniversary”thereafter,make a beautiful gift to his bride.Let her friends———her with little treasures she will enjoy thruout herifetime. When wedding gifts come from us the“quality is there. ebrod h aeoeat"¢ R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. SHOULD Congressman Dough Sueceed in having Mr.earry his partiWatattfl,we,the ‘*"is de 0andtheSchoolBoard topublicitytoitsmeetings,it wouldlikewewere‘coming some.” Had you thought about it?These aresmallmattersincomparisontocultivat-ing a crop and it’s not possible to culti-vate a crop without good tools.We callyourattention,right now,to our attrac-tive stock of Field Hoes,some with longhandles.These extra long-handle hoesareforaspecialclassofcitizensandwefigurethereareenoughinstocktosupplytheneeds.Get yours at once and “do your bit.”These rare June days are fine for hoeing. 7 JEWEL AMERICAN WATCH - Sa i a ee ~— oo : — a ae ee e ee * |i on 7 ft i bi E r a t g e Pm = Da:and the county.:-six registered in =the entire registra- “.A.F.Sharpe of Stony Point are attending the com- moment at the University in Camp Chase,near Columbus,Ga. Howard “The President spoke as follows: '“I suppose that as you mix with Miss Tressie Waiden,daughter of one another you chiefly find these to Mrs.Cornelius Walden,and r.he davs of memory,when vour Marvin Childers,son of Mr.J.A-!thoughts go back and recall those Childers,both of Gwaltney town-days of struggle in which your ship,were married Sunday after-hearts were strained,in which the noon at the home of the bride’s whole nation seemed to grapple,and mother,Rev.J.J.Edwards officiat-|dare say that you are thrilled as jvou remember the heroic things “Deacon Dubbs,”by local)that were then done.You are glad given at the school)¢,remember that hervte things were evening,tne 8th,for)done on both sides,and that men in the benefit of the Baptist church.those days fought in something like The pastor,Rev.J.J.Edwards,in-'¢he old spirit of chivalrie gallantry. vites everybody to attend the annu-|There are many memories of —the al Sunday school rally for Alexan-)Civil War that thrill along the blood der circuit,to be held at Liberty and make one proud to have been church Saturday,the 9th..sprung of a race that could produce Mrs.Nan Matney Lowe,wife of |ench bravery and constancy;and yet Mr.Benjamin Lowe,died Sunday af-|the world does not live on memo- ternoon at 5.30 o'clock,after an ill-|ries ; ness of several monins,at their “The world is constantly making home in Sugar Loaf township.Sur-|its toilsome way forward into new viving her are her husband,a daugh-|and different wavs,and 1 believe that ter and six sons,She was about 63)one of the things that coniributes years of age.The funeral bu-|satisfaction to reunion like this rial services were conducted by Rev.|and a welcome like this is also a day W.J.Bumgarner,assisted by Rev.|of oblivion.There are some things E.V.Bumgarner and Rev.L.that we have thankfully buried.and Moore at Mt.Olive Baptist church!among them are great passions of Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock,|divisions which once threazenec to —e |rend this nation in twain.The pas- The Tornadoes Continue i sion of admiration we -are ‘ornadoes ._|for the heroic figures of these ol whe toes Posotey ole tSae.davs,but -of ee tructi istri the passion of difference of princt- Missouri ere ee es.ple,is gone—-gone out of our minds. nesday ni ght showed 15 were killed |vone out of our hearts,and one of in Missouri and nine in Kansas.The the thines that.will thrill this coun- number of injured has reached ap-try as it reads of this reunion Is proximately 150 and estimates of the |that it will read of a | ;'the part of all of us to the greatpropertmageplaceitanywhere|0" from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000.The nation which we ypepw —. :“These sre days of oblivion as we gree _=bm apgesenty com as days of memory,for we are for- n peene coun i on ond there as it wetting the things that once held us raged from the southwestern to the —_only oat,but they orthea :_'are days of rejoicing,because we .yr ogee,ee .now at least see why this great na- e3 /ao ‘west,four are dead,tion was kept united,for we are be- ‘as ot Richmond and one at Whit-orn to see ————1 “As Teame along the streets ? cube In Kansas the deaths totalled |few minutes ago,gyrate on full ‘ac the thought that this is Registra- Ls Pg ey —ee -tion Day.Will you not suppore me paso y T =or in the day,'"feeling that there is some signif- aad ae aay te eh y Ray ieance in this coincidence,that thisin»mi day when I come to welcome you to See —__—eee the national capital,is a day when of that county,wiped Sut half the men young as vou were in those old town of Dean Lake,if Carroll coun-days,when you gathered together ty,:and then a down again, mencemen' e}Hill.Their son,Mr. Sharpe,is one of the graduates. A play,talent,will bebuildingFriday o fight,are now registering fheir valet :.*hit,Names as evidence of this great nations =__—-coral idea,that in a democracy the duty ="*tbs the hills of south-to serve and the pr-vilege to serve ed eae:™a and twisted falls upon all alike?There is some- +omnes hi age as Prathers-hiner very fine.my fellow-citizens, Ville.Hall a and through Centra.i”the spirit of the volunteer.but ii ‘afte "ayieh it disappeared and|‘eeper than |the volunteer spirit is >ae ie more until it struck ‘he spirit of obligation.There is ineabers “Kene.,next morning.not a man of us who must not hold ENCEESATS,“imself ready to be summoned to .Crops Doing Well the duty of supporting the great Food crops made good government under which we live.No progress really thouchtful and patriotic man generally during the last week.Re-js jealous of that oblivation.No man ports in the National Weather and)who really understands the privilege Crop Bulletin say winter wheat show-'-nd the dignity of being an Ameri- ed excellent growth throughout the can citizen quarrels for a moment principal wheat growing area,spring)with the idea that the Congress of wheat continued to make favorable the United States has the right to and corn,in spite of rather call upon whom it will to serve the erable conditions in the chief nation.These solemn lines of voung ing States,is in good shape to men going today all over the Union fine growth under more favor-+)the places of registration ought conditions._‘eo be a signal to the world,to those Barly potatoes are in good condi-who dare flout the dignity and hon- tion in the South,and planting of or and rights of the United States, )continues in most of @ that all her manhood will flock to States.Rain is badly need-that standard under which we all de- ed truck crops in the east gulf tight to serve.and that he who chal- States,and in other sections they are ‘anges the rimhts and_principles of reported doing well,though growth the United States challenves the is slow in certain sections.—united strength and devotion of a Greatly increased acreage in beans nation. is reported.Improvement in the con-)“There are not many things that dition of cotton over most of the!one desires about war,my fellow- belt is reported.citizens,but you have come through eee war,you know how you have been Vessels Sunk |chastened bv it,and there comes a The weekly report of the British|time when it is good for a nation to admiraity concerning British ship-|know that it must sacrifice if need ping losses by mines or submarines ;be everything that it has to vindi- says that 15 vessels of 1,600 tons and |“ate the princivles which it profess- over and three vessels under 1,600 es.“**At the day of our tons and five fishing vessels were|<reatest division there was one com- sunk last week.mon passion amongst us, the @erous drug tonight and tomorrow — B eta Vvit eTigh!Calomel makes yon Vs)spoon!f the dan-998horrible!Take a dose of the dan a you may lose a day's werk, Calomel is mercury ¢ape stiverwhichcausesnecrosisOftheLone.;entirelyCalomel,when it comes contact it canrot salivate or makewithsourbile,crashes Iii it,breaking it up.This ig When youfeelthetawfulnausea|camp: ing.If you are and “allknockedout,”if Piis torpidandbowelsconstipatedoryouhaveheadache,dizzinesa,coated tongue, if breath is bad er stomac!just try a specnful of harmless son's Liver Tone tonight.—..Here's my guarantee —Go to any drug store and get a GO-cent o1i!> uf Dedson's Liver Tone,Take a guarantce that ore spoonful ofDedson's Liver Tone will put yoursluggishlivertoworkandclean your bowels of that cour bile and your system and makirg you ‘feelmiserable,I guarantee that a bot- tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone wit!keepyourentirefamilyfeelirgfineformonths.Give it to your children.li is harmless;doesn’t gripe and vhey likw its pleasant taste. seur, Ded- = Be Spent In The United States. All the Government uses,and its loan to our Allies,will be spent in this country, mostly for American workmen,and materials that,they produce. That Means Prosperity for the Whole Nation. If you remember the following facts: Prosperity Needs Lively Dollars—Don’t Bury Them. Hoarded Dollars Stop Someone’s Wages. Normal Buying By Everybody Prevents Hardship For Anybody. Save All The Food You Can,But Buy Other Things So That Other People Can Buy Food. Money Makes Money, It Up. What You Buy Makes Someone's Living. So Buy What You Want And Save Others k'rom Want, Unless You Tie And Keep Business Going [or This Country's Sake. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. $10/000,000,000 | constipated waste which is clogging| i and that |%This report,compared with that |‘v"s the passion for,human freedom.¢ of the previous week,shows a de-|!’ cremte of three in vessels of 1,600 working out in His own tons and over sunk,but an increase|method which we should best ‘o in the category of less than human freedom -by tons.The previous week's re-announeed the sinking of 18lsof1,600 tons and over,and ofesseloflessthan1,600 tons.*new report shows an increase in the number of fishing ves-sels sunk—five as against two thepreviousweek. Daring Rescue at Sea. destructible unit 4n His handstheaccomplishmentofthese things.”SLES MR.CRATER'S CHANGE.Mr.Geo.B.Crater.who has beenwiththeGreensboroRecordforsome time,is to go with the advertising great er,it is stated.Mr.Crater for ma- A dispatch from ‘Toulon,France,ny years held a position in the busi-says one of two hydro-airplanes|ness office of the Observer.He is amaneuveringsixmilesatseaWed-|native of Iredell and lived in States-nesday caught fire and plunged into ville whey 2 boy.the water with Ensign de Bischop .and Quartermaster Baudoin.The sec-7 a.war ft teed,ond en flew to the res-'Frank J.Ghaney abe ath he tecue.rom this machine Seaman lor partner of the firm of F.J.CheneyTorreanodivedasthehyden-alr-|OT ee ntercnelh olden aplanesweptby60feetabovethe.CNDREDwreckataspeedofprovabiyamilemdon‘ond Sob eetaandrescuedtheensign,one bythe ase oflegswasbroken.The quar-; termaster was lost. Ee CAN GET 2%POUNDs oFGranulatedrfor$2.-atid os department of the Charlotte Observ-, We did not then know that God was ¥%way this @ serve &making this!z |nation a great united.indivisible,in-§ for § )\PALM BEACH SUITS Ne yw Bes hind im iSessaSe oe || REALTY &INVESTMENT CC Appreciates the very liberal patronageofitsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office isan open one,and we invite all ourcustomer¢and those who will become customerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY HONESTLOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT I J We will be glad to have you call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if ourserviceinneeded. We do NOTARY PULIC work also.Cordially yours,J.F.CARLTON,-Manager, $y making your light,cool Dresses.+- We have just what you need—cither solid colors, Stripes,Cheeks or Flowers—Lawn«,Batiste,Voiles,ot the finer fabrics. PRICE—7 1-2c.,10¢.,12 1-2e.,L5c.,19¢.,25¢.,up to $1 a yard, Ve have also the finest lot of Skirting you ever saw—all. styles! DON’T FORGET TO LOOK AT OUR READY-MADE WAISTS AND SKIRTS! Yours to please, J.M.McKee &Compan The Store of Excellent Values. —- Real Estate Bargai ! To make quick sale I am offering thefollowingpropertyatattractiveprices: Five-room House and large Lot on N. Center Street.Vacant Lot on N,Center Street. Vacant Lot on Stockton Street. This property is well Jocated in growing sections of the town and will progoodinvestments.Let me show it to you this week. 1.PAUL LEONARD,ADMINISTRATOR. lial oR RRS eee clay it will pay you to investigate the Mrs.M.A.Tomlin lots,so central and nicely located in the colored residential section of churches.Just completed theingofstreets=alieys,A —ber have grasped the opportunityof buyingoftheselots,others desiringto do sowill find it toact atbases ol - =" 8s e e % a e s AMid-Summer Inducement Fancy Vest or Pair of Trousers FREE. money IN THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It is not a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. thesa habit while your in-aeSe it will be casier as your income increasesto IncreaseYourBankAccount. Nowisthe time to open anAccountwithus. People’s Loan and Savings Bank.“MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.”GEO.H.BROWN :0.L.TURNER - so |but a women can feel the |who come under\eoldly printed heading.|If women had a final voice in the;matter there would be no war.‘this I am sure.It is not that we areinetnatrietic,for we are;we wilj@ladlydoourbittowarddefending|our country’s honor.But no one fear that comes when a son,a or,or husband,is called to the,firingline.All know,but none but a wo-man can think of the fact that everybulletleavesawoundinsomewo-man’s heart—oven though it mavhavebeenfiredsometi miles away.|War is a man’s work,they say.Rut it is a woman's burden.For her)it takes the sunshine out of the)onringtime and the song out of the.‘ird notes.For her it makes every,flower loom blood-like against the ground,{ And yet,friends,since war is here--since it is here unavoidably—-we|ust prepare to bear our cross.We_|must do our bit bravely for the boysiwhomustanswertheircountry’s'~all.We must do more than pray\for them.We must do our very bestto.make them ovhysically and men-\ially strong.We must cultivate thehabitofeconomyandindustry.thathesedearhoysmayhavesufficient‘nourishment for body and mind.Iamsurethateverypracticaland For the Month of June we are offeringeachandeverycustomerorderingaSuitorOvercoat,from the Spring and SummerlineofTheGlobeTailoringCo.,of Cincin-nati,a Fancy Vest or a Pair of Trousers,FREE. Every garment Needle Molded to yourmeasure,thus making your satisfactionsure, Step in and let us take your measure today. Act now While the assortment is com-plete. WE CLOSEAT 6.O'CLOCK. PHONE 83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. =!oval American woman will devoteherthoughtandenergytothesehings,which will be serving our-ountry.And if we work in the spir-‘t of earnest willingness,viving ourhestservice,however small it mavheincomparisonwithallthathastohedone,we shall then,and only‘then,have performed ovr duty and|‘one ovr part toward conducting theightforpeaceandfreedom.It seems to me that this is not aimeforstrifeamongourselves.Forinstance,the knocking,the throwinevfstonesbetweenthecountry peo-nie and city peopl:.We must all|work together;we must put ovr jemall vanities to one side—our prej-‘wlices,our small whims.We =must be big enough to meet the huge sit- nation. |It is a time when the women of\merica should feel very close in-leed to each other,for our hearts“re being pierced bv the same dart.We should be very close together, i held by the common bond of sympa-thy,and above all understanding.ond that is why I wanted to give ‘his messaze:If we must give of the reacute of our hearts,let us cive eraciously.and,if possible,smilinc-‘vy.And let our prayer always bethattheAngelofPeacemaysoon wread its wings over the entireearth,—WHO HAS BROTHERS TO SSE Set Barn Afire. In a report to the State InsuranceDepartmentDenutyCommissionerF.M.Jordan tells of a confession|made by David B.Berry of Morgan- ton,formerly employed at the plant T One ofthe Best Ways to Prepare for Waris to RaiseaBigCropof Food Stuff. ‘of the Burke Tanning Company atMorganton,in which Berry admitsjthathesetfiretoabarnwhichbe-longed to the tanning company and=destroyed on the night of May In the confession made and sworntobeforeanotary,Berry states thathefiredsomehayinthebarnwithnointentionofdestroyingtheprop-erty,but in order that he might givethealarm.and after extinguishingthefiretellhowhehadseenamanrunawayfromthefire.It was his ina-|$1 forior child again.Acleansing”is ofttimes ali that is nec-' 2n 8 7 3 te h #8 25 8 resentatives in the next Legislaturearealivetotheimportanceofthis question.fbeeennetpmentpecaniTwoBiltionFeetofLumber.| Two billion feet of lumber will be!required within the next year for)war purposes,according to an esti-mate by the lumber commission oftheCouncilofNationalDefenceSixteenarmycantonmentswilltake|about 500,060,000 feet,the woodenshipbuildingprogramme400,000,000|feet,navy training camps 200,000...000 feet and aviation school canton-'ments 120,000,000 feet. MOTHER!DON’T FAKE _CHANCES IF CHILD'S|TONGUE IS COATED!| a:1IfCross,Feverish,Sick,Bil-|ious,Clean Little Liver and)Bowels! A laxative today saves a sick child,tomorrow.Children simply will notnottakethetimefromplaytoemptytheirbowels,which become cloggedupwithwaste,liver gets sluggish,|stomach sour.|Look at the tongue,Mother!If,coated,or your child is listless,cross,|feverish,breath bad,restless,doesn’teatheartily,full of cold,or has scorethroatoranyotherchildren’s ail- ment,give a teaspoonful of “Califor-nia Syrup of Figs,”then don’t worry,because it is perfectly harmless,aninafewhoursallthisconstipationpoison,sour bile and fermentingwastewillgentlymoveoutofthebowels,and you have a well,playfulthorough“inside| essary.It should be the first treat- ment given in any sierness.Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.Ask r druggist for a 50-cont bot-lle of “California Syrup of Figs,”which has full directions for babies,children of all ages and for grown- ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that it ismadebythe“California Fig SyrupCompany.” FINE LOT COUNTRY HAMS. Méller-McLain SupplyCo. |cotter etsEee No.1 Heart Pine Shingles, No,1 Sap Pine Shingles,JuniperandRedCedarShingles,Naits,|Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Scaffold Ma-terial and Brown and Green ShingleStain.C,WATKINS,Shingle King of|Iredell County. Dr.SS.W.Hoffmano eRelete”cate nent alts auntangelesnaietetaameeesti ee SHOEDRESSIN( ee Se anee eeMEETHER sosmiceis gicncauaniaTHEFOUNTAINOF QUALITY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR,QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y —The Rexall Store —_ hulls.Thecommunityrealizetheadvantagesan!economyoffeeding It is only natural that your friends and acquaintancesareimpres:ed by the general atmosphereof your home.Nothing else radiates a ch2erfui atmosphere as doesnicefurnitureproperlyarranged.If you want your home furnishings to be correct thefirstthingtvdoistochooseafurnituredealerwhoknowscorrectstylesandarrangement—he can befoundhere. /y . Foster,Mrs.White of Yad-Mrs.Eaton and Others. Mr.Henry Clay Foster,aged 72 ‘years,died at his home on Fifth street Tuesday night after three weeks’illness.Mr.Foster is sur- vived by two sons and two daughters—-Mr.Charles Foster of Statesville,Mr.Colard Foster of Harmony,Mrs. W.F.Williams of Statesville,Mra. W.H.Ruprs of Rowan.His wifehasbeendeadforseveralyears. Funeral services were conducted from the home yesterday morriing by Rev.C.M.White,Burial at Oak- wood,Mrs.G.T.White,wife of ex-Sheriff White of Yadkin county,died Wednes- day afternoon at her home at Yad Burton Charles,yeane ;man of Pavidson county,whe was,dodging a $8500 bend to appearcourt,was afraid to doefee UneleSam's registration.When he appearedtoregisterhewaearrestedant!hia bond inereased to $1,000, lo Salishury a peero weman waserrestedforcursinethegoevern-' ment,John Roebusch.«a forcigner em- nlovwed at the J.1.Case tin companyrlantatRacine,Wis.,war forced toviestheAmericanfagby100ofhisfellowemployes,Tnesday,after heisallegedtohavedeclaredthathe would not register ant wmild notfightfortheUnitedStates,The man was made te craw!on his knees o the flare,which ned been spread pen the floor,and after kisring it. compelled to salute,The police in- The 121StatesvilleLadies Who havejoined the Hoosier Clubare soon through with theirkitchenworkand enjoy ville.Mrs.White was 49 years ol and is survived by her hushard,four 4.fyited te register daughters and four sons Mr ;A;Rutte,Montana,a paradeCrouchofYadkinvMrsrteveralhundredmenandwomen, Reece of Hamptonvitle,Miss }dof forecien extraction, and Mary White,who 7 agai registratian, Mr.©F.White ho t tnrted ¢t,which was soon quell Elkin Shoe Company,Mevrs:%Y,ad withavt serie lamare. William and N.PD.White at home.An aged nothe. frey of Hhmptonville.a sister,Mr tne Arizona.declined te Sisk.who live the State,and a 0 Johnson of Fikin,also survive ranch of the hobar Mrs,“Jess”1 May 2tet ‘ nat her home in New Several children + war a danght ir reservation: Holman,9 sister «.to pegris- Holman of Cor Sprena.this ‘t under the ective draft net and and was the last survivor of the Hol Fe ote aes re ‘ormed him he wonld be arrested if hours of rest and recreation. Why slave in your kitchen! Join the Hoosier Club SAT- URDAY,Pay only $1.00, Choose any Cabinet and while you are enjoying it pay the | balance $1.00 a week--5c.2 af eslonists, Glen register of a re Melokans.n bars.and had Seme their minds andsover Russian ttled e rrember THE CRISIS A powerful but impartial Faton warfare man family She wa av wnt af ©Lex ‘ty itive Mrs.Geo.M.f | and of Mrs county Mrs Monday nicht : sen,Mr.R.W lotte,aged 8&1ay arrested and anoth- f Y ?!}”my er revistering ¢”of ,The Jari lentty thought “hee t |proba voting meal. Club Opens Saturday.But You Can Enroll Your Name Today and Your Cabinet will be Delivered Saturday. photodrama of the conflict Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. between the North and the James Hu vl and se if iy following his custom of sive.Interment intersv ile ving In the early Ths \and Mrs.S favaio Yds ‘an jh saman located Mt ,int werent j lero!oMMeer county and for ve was treaced in t ne at that place of Mt linn of Ari to reel at er resident rem} nity remember Mrs.S: was Miss Carr hurr,S.C rors’Pro Bryson of Spurtar ‘eoriaican <ca,who woods, University Commencement—See Two of fredell’s Graduates. Two Tredell me rete ! the graduati Universit cor Daniel Fugen end Herman CieMilletownship decree of bachel will rema t summer school ‘ short time Other also received the devr of art ny Leroy Park twaltne che Jr,and Howard DP.Sharpe of Stor fy ned the police Pent ‘offe arlan ot :,4 —.;acseteearenNEWSOFTHECHURCHES.Meeting “The Store That Always Welcomes You” June Clearance Sale Coat Suits,Dresses and Coa Style and Value Reign Here. a Ot dk we Ore 4 oe he All this Season Dresses at half price.Coats and Coat Suits it Ralcinh ¢alk Gr oof the Prosivterial the reduced 25 to 50 per cent.Small lot Silk Sweaters at big reduct- .:ee |that partisans of either side ion in Green,Rose,White and Purple. visualized =from|South, Winston Churchill’s famous imbered Wl rr n me mil Natice of Meeting of Preshyter hook,“THE CRISIS.” ire,Seven o Young women. Addr« Raker and SeDanielsfont the latte: The two « Derham a Wednesday conferred on &t ' Copt.&.A.Ashe of F The Little Pig. A magnificent —spectacle Keystone Rompers,size 2 to 7,good wash material,value up'to $1.90.While they last,choice for 50c. You will find this an excellont opportunity to save money on vour every day needs. Cut price Clearance Sale CASH TO ALL.=<=MILLS &POSTON. ‘Ge ahs ‘la v. can see without bitterness and with a thanklulnessRneur.anid alkidded 5 walk.Somewhere ed his freedom | by the strafleeingi and strrtabout-fPyochivisr sufficient! chase,In ae Ive \ut differences no longer exist.)ON THE WAY | elo wa |ake Four Carloads of Fords ———ieet| =eee.ms= ;that the causes of the real ment,squoenlinge ¢Ths pie wae t !al,et hp visedthet four car Small as he wus it:sou!ny ;;5 ]ef 4 w i bil}to hoy hin fy rr :‘St;within th ce of >t .chan b ae / rescen (KOLINA MOTOR CO. tatesville,N.C County Board The county | |Lom ae, |S UPPELIES oe GOOD ROADS of carry whatever you want in auto supplics and save you money on each sale, W E Good vour rideere‘repair the Tires that will ive you this pleasure!jVULCANIZAING, THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. We sell Miller Tire and Tubes! Tires are the pleasure Y isn’t necessary for us to enumerate the articles included,Justdrop in here when you want anything con- necied with the car, Wwe want your business and will © prove,by our service,that we deserve it. Mavor’s Court. Wedneaday.fm her th a th i C.WATKINS for ee “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—lowest Prices. Shingies,Doors Windows,Ceil ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, Moulding,Lathe,Lime,Cement, ete.}Next Pienters’Wh...Staterrtie Red Washington Cedar Shingles That are being sold by C.WAT- /KINS were beught at the “Old Prices”and are being dieposed of at the raesonab!le profit he ~always ‘made on Shingles.~~LICENSE TAXES.|GET-A ‘KODAK. ichtue PMoonetwigaredue decimate|Without letting your pocket know it,Come inFooieelttewat,Ties fae |see how easy it is to get a Kodak,the Dime BankWay.Get areal Kodak with spare Dimes.per ceot on all whofail to pay, H.B.WOODWARD—-- ) alocn a at .LA¢UUs ame Prices 15 andandnu Ae 2 EROE }up ‘»laid in tour would be arma”}were know? They musty flour this rmer,|thes whked up at hich When the panic wae over the price fell end you can hardly vel fou at any pri aay the p lLmen.Most ef the folks are supplied cietemmttentten:|4TT WH.PAY YOR “To vesiT|.Y a.CU CC eead, ad Cas voar’upniyv ob. rivhtCatle oom tw Pingenrt‘I th " ve Of my eh’Miren were tekken<b otehth chelwn.mrarbee 1 weed ©hevebei's tic aed Bortlewe Remedyynot it Gavefnrmedinterelief take chenes 25 cents.Wrices to the taxes willanwe the ' 5 ow PA.TSR &4 i ‘,4‘ee ies des.Malia aiaes;;es ". ‘5 J J A Naa lll “ment. tiona ee The theEagleMillstownshiptheconductoftheJonesesDistrictAttorneyHammer,whothtindictmentsagainstJamesJonesintheFedewarrantMarshal okesinGreensboro.turned over to DeputKenzieofSalisbury.arrivedStatesvilleThursdaynightandeputizedDeputyCollectorR.P.iMison,Constable C.L.Gilbert andriff2%Deaton to go with after t two y wereedandbroughthereFridayningandcommittedtojail.Sat-y they arranged $500 bond each©eppear here yesterday before W.l.Lazenby,United States commis-i ,and were released.Yester-they appeared but the hearingyascontinued,until Saturday,23dusethewitnessesagainstthem re not here._Lewis and Elias Jones came to Saturday and were duly regis-ered underthe draft act. _dames and Stokes Jones,the de- ants,deny that they are guiltythechargesagainstthem.TheyWillcontendthattheonlyadviceentheJonesboyswasthattheyoldermen)were not sufficient-informed on the reg:stration toMivisethemandthattheyweald| we to depend on their own judg-ment.The yovernment will con that the defendants,by their 1,were respon.ible for Lew-and Elias not vanjetering,dames Wilkins,also of Eagleiiistownship,was arrestedfornotring.He was taken to Greens-o Friday but was released,it ap-ring from his metner’s Bible ree-that he was too old.Some ofneighborswereoftheopinion t he was of registration age andcetheindictment.His motherpughtherrecordstotownandsat- Gafied the registration board that he s not due to register. Camp Sites Located. Little Rock,Ark.,Louisville,Ky., ttle Creek,Mich.,and San Anto-,Texas,have beon approvedWarDepartmen:as cantonment s for the rew army.The approv- ef Petersburg,Va.,as a canton- men, pen ent site has been revoked.Adcitional enmps for Nationalsdmobilizationwillbelocated| Fort Worth,Waco and Housten,Texas;Fort Sil,Okla.;Deming,N.' M.,and Linda Vista,California.| .The announcement brings the list|eantonment sites determined up-|‘on up to 10,it having been previous-|announced —that cantonments would be located at §Ayer,Mass.,| ightstown,N.J.,Atlanta,Amer.|Lake,Washington,Columbia,C.,and Chillicoths,O.Contracts| buildings have.been let at Ayer,’Mass.,Wrightstown,N.J.,Colum-ia,S.C.,and Atlanta,Ga.| Prisoners to Hot ‘s. Eighteen interned German sailors|pe up the Western road on No.|16 Friday morning,en route to Hot|4 ny Madison county,where|they will be located in the Mountain |Park hotel,leased by the govern-|:Others will follow and it is}d that 680 will be located at Hot| prings.The remainder of the 3,000 theGovernmentintendstosendtothis|:of the country will be located|camp in the Davidson river |bordering on the Pisgah Na-forest. Have Sailed For France. Messrs.Julian and Secarr Morri-|of Statesville have sailed for|nee and are now on the Atlantic.|‘Their vessel is the Estagim.On their!‘arrival in France they will take! ma‘alley, ‘training for the transportation serv-|viee a t French army—<driving|trucks with supplies for the ar.|‘my.Later they will be transferred|‘te the American forces,soon to landinFrance,and it is heped when thevilleambulanceissentoverwillbeputintheed7it,which was the original|of their trip._ CAN STEAMER SUNK American sailing vessel Magsonhasbeensunkbyasubmarine.Vessel was sent’after the crew had left her.’!was off FrenchThecrewwassaved. IT'S OVER!days of allowed theareover,War Depart-arrestofmanwhoeeetreaeene he | ie co STATESVILLE,N captors lowered him and offered himachanceforhislife.Piersol insistednotonlyonhisowninnocence,butdudesthatthefourmenonewomanunderarrestwereunjustlyaccused, Lioyd Keet,the 14-months-old,sonofawealthybankerofSpringfield,was abducted from the home of hisparentsonthenightorMay30,whiletheyweredentineadance.Satur-day the dead body of the baby wasfoundinawellonanfarm,eight miles from Springfield.Physi-cians were of the opinion that thechildhadbeendeadforfourdays.The bedy was partly decomposed andwaswrappedin=woman's under-skirt and in the pink blanket whichwasonhisbedthenighthedisap- peared. It is supposed the baby wes kid- napped for ransom.The father was given but one epportunity to ransomhisson.Then the elements and pos-sibly hig friends combined to defeattherescue.Shortly after the kid-napping,Mr.Keet received an anony-mous letter,directing him to proceedbyautomobilealonethroughacertain country district the coming night.When he observed a lighted lanternbytheroadside,the letter directed,he was to drive on for a mile,returnandexchange$6,000 for the child.But that night a tornado descendeduponthecountry,roads were all butimpassableandrainfellintorrents.Nevertheless the anxious father start-ed his journey,followed by friends in automobiles,and though he droveuntildawnhedidnotreceivethesig- nal, The search was continued from dey to day.Seven suspects were arrested and after the discovery of the deadbodysixsuspects,one of them awoman,were started to the State rison to avoid a lynching by indig- nant citizens. Registration About Nine Mil- lion—Short of Estimate. The reports of last Tuesday's reg-istration from 27 States,the District of Columbia and the national parks,show a total of 4,808,594,compared with a census estimate of eligiblesof5,561,429.It is believed the totalregictrationinthecountrywillbearoundninemillion.The census es- timate of eligibles was in excess of ten million but many of the eligibles included in the census reports hadenlistedinthearmyandnavyand ,were not liable to registration Of the total registered,3,621,965arewhite,692,734 colored,279,636 aliens and 45,179 alien enemies.Pos-sible exemptions indicated are 2,- 624,483. The Interior Department reportsthetotalregistrationofthenation-al parks at 85,divided as follows:White 78,colored 1,alien 4,alienenemies2.Indicated possible ex- emptions claimed,25.eports complete except for few precincts ve been receivedfrommanyStates,but they will notbeanneunceduntilfinalfiguresarein.The States included in the total are Alabama,Arkansas,California, Connecticut,Delaware Georgia,Maine,Maryland,Mississippi,NewYork,North Carolina,O n,RhodeIsland,South Carolina,‘ennessee,Vermont,Washington,Wisconsin,West Virginia,North Dakota,Ne-braska,Oklahoma,lowa,Texas,Col-orado,Kansas and Virginia.Governor Stuart of irginia sentinhisrevertafterholdingitupforadayuntilcorrectionwasannounc-ed in the census estimate of cligi-bles in his State.At pographical error added 22,500 to Virginia's eli-gibles and the Governor complainedthatitwasunfair. Scouts Work For Liberty Bonds. Twenty million calls will be paid dogs taalysming yesterday by 238,000boyswho,not old cntaehte be calledtothecolorsundertheconscriptionact,will solicit the purchase of bondsoftheLibertyLoanof1917.These »Working underthediof11,000 men,are mem-bers of the Boy Scouts of A to during the four | rea areevee .|Mr.DanielsSaysThey Are Cir-culatedForaPurpose.of the Navy DanielsheSowingsacs ships were sui,two of the number beingIvaniaandtheTexas,In eliorationofthisfalsehoodthereisrumorthatthehospitalsat ¢coast naval yards are fillwithecrippiedsailorsandmarines,#that the various hospitals ofYorkcityareequallycrowded withndedmen.“By way of circumstantiality it isbeingrumoredwidelythata-|on one of the n passed throughbattleareaaftertheengagementaeteseawasthickwithfloating. “All of these outrageous falsitiesareaccompaniedbytheoxplonaaaethattheWashingtonauthoritiesareinaconsniracywiththepresstothetruthfromthepeople.Nohastakenplace.TheAmericanfleethasnotbeeninac-No ship has been lost.Therearenowoundedsailorsormarinesinanyhospital.“The declared policy of the NavyDepartmentisoneofabsoluteopen-ness.If disaster comes no effortbemadetominimizeit.TheoftheUnitedStates trust in this pledge,and to aid instampingoutthiscampaignofrumorthatissoplainlytheproductofdis-loyalty.” Gen.Young and Col.GardneratCourtHouseTonight Gen.Lawrence W.Young of Ral-eigh and Col.J.T.Gardner of Shel-by,of the North Carolina NationalGuard,will arrive here this morn-ing to visit the local military eom-pany —Company E.willspeakatthecourthousethiseve-ning at 8.30 o'clock.It hadbeendecidedthattheseoffi-cers would not get to Statesville,asthelocalcompanywassonearfullstrength.Later it was found theyhadtimetocomeandhencetheirvisit,The visit is for the ofarousinginterestinmilitarymat-ters and the public should show itsinterestbyattendingthemeetingthisevening._Mayor Bristol has issued the follow-ing: Our State and national governmentsarecallingallpatrioticcitizenstorallytothesuofalllocalmil-itary organizations,in the differenttownsinwhichtheyarelocated.The captain of the Iredell Blucs hascalledameetingofhisorganizationanddesiresallcitizenstocometothecourthousetonight,12th.,and mvetBrig.Gen.Lawrence W.Young andCol.J .T.Gardner,and as mayor ofyourcityIearnestlyrequestallwhofeelaninterestinthissplendidmove-ment—and I take it that this will in-clude the whole of our city—will at-tend this meeting.L.B.BRISTOL. Mayor. Get 100 Cents on the Dollar. Hon.W.D.Turner,who settleduptheaffairsofthedefunctbankatCleveland,Rowan county,has paidthestockholderstheirfinaldividendof321-2 per cent.Three dividends were paid—20 per cent.,50 er cent.and 32 1-2,making a total of 102 1-2 per cent.This is an unusual record.Thestockholderswilllosealittleinter-est.said Mr.Turner,but they wil! probably not grumble about that.Ifthevdotheyarehardtosatisfy.Thefactthattheygotmorethan100centsonthedollarfortheirclaimsistheoutstandingfactandtheeauseforcongratulation.It is rarethatabusinessthatfailspays100centsonthedollarandMr.Turner'smanagementofthisbank’s affairs isevidenceofhisfinebusinesscapaci-tv.He has evidently broken the record in paying 102 1-2 per cent. Mr.Warren Returns —Thir-ty -Eight New Pharmacists. Mr.D.A.Warren,druggist Hall's drug store,returnedfromatriptoWashingtonandBal-timore.Mr.Warren on the returnjtripstoppedinRaleigh,where hejrassedthe|State Board of Pharmacy.Mr.War-jren had passed similar examinations in three other States.ing re-contly to this State,he is now a reg-isteted pharmacist in North Caroli-na. Of the 81 applicants before theStateBoardofPharmacy,38 passedTennegroesapplied,one of them aj;woman,and only one of -the teninassed,R.S.Hairston of Winston-|Salem.Among the whonymoec:.oie oe Pe. C.L.Murphy,C.EB.‘or-ganten and J.H.baneol NorthWilkesboro.sali M’NEER WOUNDED IN FRANCE A dispatch from Ont., at iE are asked tolshe urday’—Pushingiveois— courthouse ,F.B. hants &Farmer'sipL.Turner,eashier of the Peo-8 Loan and Savings Bank,werepointedacentraltoap-pint other committees in the town@ndcountytosolicitsubscriptions0theLibertyLoanof1917.Themecting was a or as -as attendance sone,there ing on r yw ee to order and Hon.Wem.Ww.Turner on chairman a ;.r.*thea ofbriefre-M.E.Yount wasofBoy .W.LL.ilbertrnerstatedthe ob,_"s and em theofalldoingtheirbitplyingfundsforOtherswar. marks.Prof.with a numberentstatedSioets.whose servives were offeredtoaeliteratureanddotheir in t campa Tor bonds,y began y =and will dis-tribute subscription blanks and oth-er literature in every home in town.The central committee,appointedonmotionofMr.J.A.Hartness,.willdevisevariousmeansforaidinginthesaleofbondsduringthisweek,or until Thursday night,when the ashington. Veteran Visits County. a native of Iredel!,who left this coun-ty in 1867 and went to Tennessee,later locating in Arkansas,came fromWashingtonreuniontoStates-ville on a visit. Mr.Hardin served in the Confeder- ate army as a member of companyB.Second North Carolina cavalry,along with a number of Iredell men.The only survivors of the companynowlivinginIredellareMessrs.M.Nicholson of Statesville and Cal.Sharpe of the county.Mr.HardinwasbornandrearedinwhatwasformerlyknownatKeaton’s Crossscommunity,later known as coe Cross Roads,eeurgtownship.rela totheKeatonsandothersinthatsection,See F aabeeaeatyearsarebAfterthewarhewasforatimeover-oe on what was known “>— place,in Sharpesburg township,nownedbythelateDr.J.F.Long.Mr.Hardin spoke highly of Dr.Long. association with him was pleasant.Mr.Hardin married in TennesseeandhasafamilyinArkansas. Not All Dissatisfied Not all the Confederates whowenttotheWashingtonreunionweredissatisfiedwiththeaccommo-dations.Mr.W.A.Rhyne of States-ville ealled at The Landmark officeand,speaking for himself and oth-ers,said they were well pleasedwiththetripandhadnocomplainttomake.The crowd was so muchlargerthanexpectedthatthecom-mittee on arrangements was swamp-ed,but Mr.Rhyne thinks they didremarkablywell.He ate only onemealatthecampandhethoughtthefoodtherewassoodenoughforinybody.There were plenty ofroominghouses,Mr.Rhyne said,ind he and others who looked out forthemselvesfaredverywell. It is said that some of the old fel- lows complained because they could- n't get breakfast at 4a.m.OneStatesvilleveteransaysthecauseof atowt all the trouble was too liber- al patronage of the barrooms. examination before the |‘: Two Killed By a Train. Two white boys,Russell Seagle of(onever and Hoskey Lane of High-land,a suburb of Hickory,are deadandMillardMooneyofNewtonis hadly eut on the face as the result ofanaccidentatHickorySaturdayaf ternoon,when a Carolina and North-western shifting engine backed somefreightcarsovertheboyswhiletheysleptontherailroadtrack.DewePritchardofHighland,a_fourtmemberoftheparty,was not hurt.Seagle’s head was bedly crushed and Lane’s body was almost severedatthewaist.He survived a littlemorethananhour.Seagle’s deathvasalmostinstantaneous.Lane was truck by a train two years ago andhisfootseveredandanotherbroth- ‘tr lost a leg by being hit by a train.The lads had no excuse for sleep- ing on the tracks,according to MoonTheyweresimplywhilingaway the time,apparently oblivious of thelangerthatthreatened. Killed By Lightning. Special Correapopdence of The Landmark Troutman,June 11.—Russell Lucky,a colored man aged 21,was struck bylightningandkilledattherailwaystationSaturdayeveninget7o'clock‘te was standing near the door of the colored waiting room when an isolat-ed bolt of lightning darted down,slip-ping under his khaki armiet and outhieheel,Hie expired in two minutes.(A note from The Landmark's Bariumot,gave the man’snamewasliSmithandthathewas@sonofEmmaLuckyofBarium.) LITTLE *s LEG BROKEN. ond Mea Jo at his lications have to be forwarded tojr rai Mr.Adlai Hardin of Marianna,Ark., -}to His recollection of the man and his] .©,TUESDAY,JUNE 12,1917.10.9 —Fineraing Saturdayandthe erops sr%attestee-~Mr.George M.Foard of A VolcanoErupisin Salvador,CentralAmerica. in SanSalvador,capital ofCentralandtowns,San Sa60 there.town of Santa Teela,severalwestofSanSalvador,sufferedthelosspropertydamage,buttherewas5SimultaneouslywithquakeshocktheSan ashes through craters.ty list inbedueto ter as i tlife gardens.In the towns of Armenia and,near San Salvador,persons were killed and 100 wereinjured. First Training in Statesville. Mr.Ernest Graves of North Caro- lina,formerly of Chapel Hill,issnemberofthestaff~_=8 3 England en routeithe‘battlefront in Peanee. n faethe man in that yofitinStatesville,@inteen¢ .Theheldonthe19th.was as follows:Lsward60,|roa uaehetweena.aofabout395,or less than is regvotewillcountagainst the bond is-sue.It is assumed that the friends ofthepropositiontookthetroubleto—and that the bones will be voted, Enrolled Since Last Tuesday. The following have registered since rdtheregularregistrationday—Tues-Berry Kingday,5th:bo GeorgeWhite~Wm.Charles Goodman,|]Frankiin Shoemaiver,Fallstown;Dick Norman,Lewis F./Sharpe,Paris VaughnJones,Elias Spurgeon Jones,Eagle ber Dexter ConredMills;John Wilson Knight,Lonnie P.{"itm GrahamMyers,Glenn Speaks,Union Grove;|Robert PrestonJamesJ.Nicholson,Bethany.Hams,ExColored—Ed.King,George Davis,|2%.-'WanueSmithPowell,Richard Holdbrooks,|witeox le H l sri is iP Tevid ‘oh. Grover my eon,WheyWalterAdams,Jo.Williams,Coite|Willinns.Bit,Wilcox Wileox,%Reva Parks Lee Grant,Irving Williams,Oscar,|“ter Theapholus ~CovetGlenn,Ernest Smith,Statesville;Lon-los "OF me SapnieBurk,Mooresville;Lonnie Morris,aeTossieDaitonMiller,Mooresville;Roy Holmes,Olin;Lin Sherrill,Eu-Roefola. Nine Hil in One Family and TwoDied.finaneNinechildren,ages from three to|lodge,will ber20years,were ill at one time of co-|meeting.This is litis in the home of Mr.Chas.Stew-|¢i,art,who lives in Alexander county,near the Iredell line bordering onShilohtownship.Saturday two ofthechildrendied.One other is crit- cally ill but it is believed the others will recover.Dr.E.M.Yount of Statesville,who was called to attend the caseaftertwoofthechildrenhaddiedsentMissMaudSloan,a nurse ofStatesville,to help take care of thesick.The case is unusual and very distressing. Banner Knitting Mill. The new hosiery mill to be estab-lished in Statesville will be known astheBannerKnittingmill.The au- thorized capital will $100,000,with$20,000 paid in.A charter for the villecompanyhasfor.tao senchitidere ge HE ¢ iffi [k e ¢ .8 % Ones men will beseries“eight raining camps totoscvenber 20.the first se- ps,but the War Depart- reduced the number forinthehopeof older and more experienc: ed men.Application blanks may be obtained after June ry departments,or from examining to be appointed in various States,and applications must be sent to these examining officers before July 15.Applicanis are cautioned not to write for blanks before June 15.Emphasizing the department’s wish to obtain men above 31 yearsspecialability, ys: “Since the special object of these camps is to train a body of men fit- ted'to fill the more responsible posi- tions of command in the new armies, every effort will be made to select men of exceptional character and proven ability in their various occu- pations.”The number allotted North Caro- lina in the new camps is 379 and ap- plications will be sent to Raleigh. EE Work of the Destroyer Fleet. A dispatch from abroad says the American destroyers have completed their first month of active service in the great war.They have been fa- vored with excellent weather,which is a big factor in anti-submarine warfare.Most of the time they have had sunny skies and smooth seas, with just enough squall and storm to ir seamanship to test. The American boats are assigned to work hand in hand with the Bri:- ish squadrons,being virtually assim- jlated into the British and naval ma- chinery.A destroyer is usually out for four or five days,and_then re- turns to port for two or three days while coaling and loading supplies. Thus every American sailor gets at Jeast half a _shore leave practi- cally every week.The ‘Aanevionns take their turn with the British boats in all routine work of patrol and_convoy. work,although largely routine,is in- teresting and the Americans have never yet found time hanging heavy on their hands.There has been no actual battle as yet between =an American destroyer and the enemy, although several reports show that U-boats have been sighted and have been compelled to beat a hasty re- treat to the depths of the sea. Discouraging the Emigration of Negroes. In the effort to discourage the em- igration of negroes from the South, which is reported to have assumed such proportions that it is difficult insomelocalitiestosecuresufficientnegrolaborforfarmworkandotherlocalneeds,the management of theSouthernrailwaysystemhasadopt-ed the policy of taking no action toaccommodatethistravelinthefu-ture.Orders have been issued todiscontinue,effective at once,the as-sembling,holding and using of extraeeandbaggagecarsforla-movements a otherwise todiscouragethenegroexodusfromtheSouthineverylegitimateman-ner.Representatives of the develop-ment and traffic departments havereceivedinstructionstodevotetheirenergiestothepromotionofacam-to induce the negro to remaininSouth,and backers and busi-ness men are being urged to endeav-z to find emploorallsurplusmunities, Red Cross CommissionGoes The American Red Cross Commis-sion,which is to make preparationsforthecomingofAmericantroopstotheEuropeanbattlefieldsandtocontributeaAmeric's relief to thedestituteofFrance,is on its wayacrosstheAtlantic.It will work on similar lines to thecommissionforthereliefofBel-e=.and will have representatives every district in France and oth-er where need is immi-—the American troops itprovidecentersofrecreationandamusementandassemblemedicalforemergencies.ItforthewartoonthereliefU}nitedStates labor in their com- 15 from com-| manding generals of the six milita-| ent of some kind) f this part-|new |:the United | ¢beclonded du tat a |r past.istaken and mislead-|and the issues at for Load n to go againsttheirdesperatede-| |sire to eseape the inevitable ultimate |defeat,those who are in authorit: jin Germany are using every possible | instrumentality,are making up even lef the influence of groups and par- |\ties among their own subjects to) |whom they have never been just or) ‘fair or even tolerant,to promote a) P nda on both sides of the sea, which will preserve for them their| |influence at home and their power labroad,to the undoing of the very ‘men they are using.Ne Selfish Aggrandizement. “The position of America in this) war is so clearly avowed that no man can be excused for mistaking it.| She seeks no material profit or ag-| i\grandizement of any kind.She is} fighting for no advantage or selfish| object of her own,but for the libera- ition of peoples everywhere from the| aggressions of autocratic force.The ruling classes in Germany have be- gun of late to profess a like liberali- ty and justice of purpose,but only to preserve the power they have set up in Germany and the selfish ad- vantages which they have wrongly gained for themselves and their pri- vate projects of power all the way from Berlin to Bagdad and beyond.| Government after government ‘has by their influence without open con- quest of its territory been linked to- gether in a net of intrigue,directed agairst nothing less than the peace and liberty of the world.The meshes of that intrigue must be broken,bui cannot be broken unless wrongs al- ready done are undone;and ade- quate measures must be -taken to prevent it from ever again being re- woven or repaired.“Of course,the imperial govern- ment and those whom it is using for their own undoing are seeking to ob- tain pledges that the war will end in the restoration of the status quo ante.It was the status quo ante outofwhichthisiniquitouswarissued forth,the power of the imperial gov- ernment within the empire and its widespread domination and influence outside of that empire.That status must be altered in such fashion as to prevent any such hideous thing from ever happening.| “We are fighting for the liberty, the self-government and the undic- tated development of all peoples,and every feature of the settlement that concludes this war must be conceiv- ed and executed for that purpose. Wrongs must first be righted and then adequate safeguards must ! created to prevent their being com-| mitted again.We ought not to con- sider remedies merely because they have a pleasing and sonorous sound.|Practical questions ean be _settled only by practical means.Phrases will not accomplish the result.Effec- tive readjustments will,and what-ever readjustments are necessary ;must be made.Course of Action Plain.’ |“But they must follow a principle and that principle is plain.No neo- ple must be foreed under sovereign- tv under which they de not wish tolive.No territory must change hands except for the purpose of se-| curing those who inhabit it a fair chance of life and liberty.No indem- nities must be insisted on except{those that constitute payment for manifest wrongs done.No readjust-ments of power must be made ex- cept such as will tend to secure the future peace of the world and thefuturewelfareandhappinessofits|peoples.|“And then the free peoples of the world must draw together in some common covenant,some genuine and |practical co-operation,that will ineffectcombinetheirforcetosecure jneace and justice in the dealings of| inations with one another.The broth-‘erhood of mankind must no longeribeafairbutemptyphrase;it mustibegivenastructureofforceandre-—.The nations must realizetheircommonlifeandeffectawork-able partnership to secure that life ie and self-pleasing power. “For these things we can afford topouroutbloodandireasure.Forthesearethethingswehavealwaysprofessedtodesire,and unless wepouroutbloodandtreasurenowandsucceed,we may never be able to unite or show conquering forceininthegreatcauseofhumanliberty.The day has come to con-quer or submit.If the forces of au-|toeracy can divide us,they will over-come us;if we stand ,Vieto-certain and the liberty whichwi‘ordameesecure.We can ord and it caused who will perf theworkforthefirstfighting ber 57 ers,and are accompaniedbyabout50privatesandalargeciv- illan elerical force,.At their hotel thecersmetmanyBritish Cana dian officers.Everywhere,the port of arrival to London,the . jean and British officerseachotherwithprofessional est,each sizing up the . was no atmosphere of an exeursion jaunt about the trip of the Ameri- can contingent.It was and werk of the hardest kind,themafterthey‘boardedcivilianclothesafter the vessel leftthehomepieratanAmericanport. General Pershing said that he andhisfellowofficerswereanxioustoget inte harness at their base in Franceasquicklyaspossible.At the point of disembarkation, General Pershing's party was wel- comed by Rear ——Stileman, Lieut.Gen.Sir William =Piteairn Campbell te the ~—”or om, arpool.After the ban ‘ the American national anaesrendered“God Save the King,”all present standing at the salytethroughout.The voyage was a quiet one,Dur- ing the trip there was a concert at which General Pershitg made an ad- dress.There was great enthusiasm m board when three American de- up to act as escorts. ewe eneramen etroyers came —<- Submarine Commanders Post- ed—-Americans Killed The British steamer Southland,from Liverpool for Philadelphia,in ‘ballast,was torpedoed without warn-ing on dJpne 4.Six Americansaboard,of Whom one,Edward RigneyofNewYorkcity.is missing.ThegunerewontheSouthlandfiredtenshotsatthesubmarineafterthefirsttorpedowasfired.A second torpedo was fired by the submarineanexplosioninthemagazinewhichkilledeightmen. The boats,containing 40 men,arestillmissing.The rest of the crew of 159 has been landed.As showing the excellent informa-tion which the submarines receive, the U-boat commender,when in- cormed of the name of the ship,showed surprise and said.“ The submarine flew no flag.Two Americans wereheBritishsteamerManchester Mil- ler,loaded with cotton,was torpe- doed June 5.The AmericansFiremenAshleyandDaniels.The her members of the erew,includ-ing several Americans,were landed. TAX ON BANK CHECKS. A new tax of two cents on all bank checks and drafts over $5,expected to raise $1,500,000 in revenue,has been added to the war tax bill by the Senate finance committee.The com- mittee also struck out all House tax- es on dues of social,athletic contestsandgames. CLIMBED STAIRSONHERHANDS TeoIll to Walk Upright.Operatica Advised.Saved by Lydia E. Pinkham’'s Vegetable Compound. This woman now raises chickens anddoesmanuallabor.Read her story: Richmond,Ind.—‘‘For two years Iwassosickandweakwithtroublesfrommyagethat oing uphadtogoslowlywithhandsonthethensitdown top to rest.doctor said hetIshould ra y FriendsIwouldnotlivetomoveintoalCurnewhouse.My daughter asked metotryLydiaE.Pinkham’s VegetableCompoundasshehadtakenitwithgoodresults.I did so,my weakness dis-appeared,I gainedinintoournewhome, 2 4 H er a ft cy against the aggressions of autocrat-£ not sayPinkhar\'siftheselishthem a r B,Box190,Richmond,ind. DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mra.Gime’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. BOURS6&6. the steamer in| killed when) were | 20 minutes,seeting withfeetnorthof degrees 30pipeinthe Hartness woods andofthecornerofods;thence}0 minutes west 1,47eastbankoftheold tanyardfectnorthofOrr's;thence enst 1,820 feet to aditch60feetnorthofvilleAirLinereiirond;thenroadnerth88degstakeoneastsouth67der to a stake on Son ee PF if feet croming the stake 100 feet from a negrosouth39degreesenst6,400 feet to a stakeendasmallpostoak60feetsouthofthe,Western North Caroling railroad end 1,227 feetcastofthe27milepostoftheWesternNorth|Carolina railroad:thence north 68 degrees 10minuteseastparallelwithsaidrailrond1,784)feet to @ stake near the present yard limit:thence south seven eegrees 10 minutescastpossi23feetsouthoftheSoutPowerCompany's switeh board 3,967 feet to atakeinthepathonthebankoftheroad)124 feet enst of a large persimmon tree at theksoftheroad;thence north 78 degrees 45minuteseastcrossingtheBoulevardandtheCharlotteroad2,040 feet to the northwestcorneroftheSouther,Power Company'stowerstanding30feetenstoftheCharlotte rotd;thenee north 19 @egrees 80 minutes weet 1,700 feet to a peetmmmon tree on tiskofaditch§0 feet from the center oftheCharlotteroad;thenee north 85 degrees|l)minutes east 1.462 feet to a stake 42 feeteastoftheA.T.&O.Railroad,passing|throveh whistle post seuth of the second crossing below station of A.,T.@ O.Rail-read;thenee nerth 10 degrees 40 minutes eastpacallelwiththeA.,T.@ O.Railroad 1,523)feet to a stake 20 feet north of Mills street;thence 78 degrees 26 minutes enst 2,154 frettoastokeintheedgeofafield140feetnorthoftheread;thence north five degrees 15minuteseast824feettoastake44feetnorth|of the Western North carolina Railroad;| thence north 13 degrees 30 minutes west 2,250 feet to a stake in an old road 150 feet south.f the Salixbury branch:rence north 31 de-,‘bw i aivouareaweekaheadofyourtime’!|#ree*five minutes west 728 feet to a man hole at the northwest corner of the bridgejovertheSulisburybrane;thenee north 60degrees15minuteseast2.019 feet to an ugk tree at or near the present southeast cornet?ofthecityofStxtesville;thenee about north1,600 feet to n take on the north side of Rroad sireet at the western end cf the fil;i thence about cast with the north side of Broad|etreet to a stake.on the west side of the new{read that connects the Mocksville road andiBroadstreet;thence north 19 degrees 33 min-utes west 1,01!feet with tae west side of saidmewroadtothebeginning.'.That at eaid election all the qualifiedvotersresidingwithintheboundariessetoutjinparagraphoneofthisresolution,who shall register for said election,shali be entitled tovote.The polling places for said electionandtheofficersofsameshallbeasfollows:|Werd 1.Polling piace C.D.Moore's Stw-ble;Registrar,T.N.Brown;Judes of elec- on,H.E.Lewis and J.&,Colvert. |Ward 2.Polling pince--Office of Ed.White| |Moter Co.;Rewistrar,W.J.Matheson;JudgeslofElection,W.L.Gilbert and W.W.Tharpe.|Ward 3.Polling place-Court House:Reg.|jistrar,W.J.Lazenby;Judges of Election,i John W.Allison and C,M.Adams.|Ward 4.Polling place-Office of First|Building &Loan Association;Registrar,J.|H.Hall:Judges of Election,8.B.Miller and4.L.Sherrill.Third,That enid Reefstrars shall open|their books on the ninth day of July,1917,andlaballkeepsameopenuntilsundown-on Satur-|'day,the first day of September,1917,for the‘purpose of registering al!voters residing with-|in the boundarica set out tn paragraph one ofiresolution,who may desire to vote in thesaidclection,and who possess the qualifica-|tions of voters in the general State elections.|Suid Registrars shall be at the polling placeslinsaidcityoneachSaturdayduringthepe-|plod,in which the registration books are re-quired to be kept open from nine a.m.untilsundown.|Pourth.At said election all voters in favoroftheextensionofthecorporatelimitsofthe|eity of Statesville,shall cast a written or)|printed ballet bearing the words,“For Ex-|tension,”and all voters opposing said ex-|tension shall cast a written or printed bal-|lot bearing the words,“.«minst Extension.”||Said judges ond registrars at the close of|enl@ election shall count the ballots,and make|fa written return over their hands of the| |result of said cletion in their respective wardsjtotheCityClerkandTreasureronorbefore|12 o'clock,m..on Thursday,the sixth day of||September,1917.At 12 «clock on said sixth|day of September,1917,tne Board of Alder.)|men shall canvass and declare the result of|anid election as provided for in said act oftheGeneralAssemblyofNorthCarolina.Fifth.Thet as provided for in enid act of|the General Assembly,voters living withinithepresentcorporatelimitsofthecitofStatesvilleshallvoteattheregularing|places in their respective wards,and all vot-‘ers living outside the present corporate limitethecityofStatesville,but within the!boundaries set out in ‘pa one of this 2 gi af +e eeecesee 3 epicure jouedeurte Seatall drink stands Less by the case $0 you UheOvanges,you'll ikeOrange Jo0J” COLA BOTTLINGSTATESVILLE,N.C. “it's Cloudy-<That's the Fruit” REDUCTION a aa M-I-L-L-I-N-E-R-Y. We are offering all Colored Hat Shapesathalfprice. Alsoa big lot of Trimmed Hats at a great sacrifice. See our line before buying. BIG MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. SEE OUR BIG LINE acinar KOOL KLOTH—AND —-- PALM BEACH SUITS. Also Shirts in the latestbig zk tf a b o e s :H f;ii 2 Z;EF [i [i i: F £foF2 z sa e i 2i-zi ze= Forjyou when you can letmpumpthewaterandsaveyouthetimetodevotetoyourwork.Save thisandmoney.A MyersPumpwillsavethis.“LetUsputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY.Your Plumber,114 B.Broad St. az=+ iaz Waist: Fancy Striped and Plaid Voiles for Waists. One lot plain White 40iach } Voile extra value,20c.yard.| Other grades at 25c.,30c., 35e.and 50c. New White and |We Try to Keep 4 Everyjhing in stock tomeetyourwants.Roof-ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz- ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. Colored Skirtings 25¢.,35¢e.and 50c. co DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor,FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Houra &to &.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ¢HULDREN'STEETH. New $1.00 Shirt Waists. “SOMETHING NEW” JIFFY SELL. The new dessert in sixflavors, Guaranteed to please oryourmoneyback. Try it. Phone 89, Eagle &Milholland. iFresh Eggs Every Egg Candled to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eggs, Sherrill &Reece. White and Sport Patterns, ! splendid values,$1.00.| $1.00 White Wash Skirts Well made,good styles. Other grades at $1.50 and $2.00,and the Pre-shrunk Skirts, $3.00 to $6.00, Send for samples Summer Voiles and Skirtings. Wooltex from Miss Bunch will close her Dress Making Rooms June C.H.LESTER, Recisterry ARcHrrect, Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green. WANTED! SCRA s Brass 744ueleesdoleOe‘FOR SALE: second mach'nery 20th,aad will make special rates on all her work from now until the 20th. MORRISON CO. -i handehBets of tofer ae ee afia | i Special values,25¢.yard,| side jor partner of the frm of F.2 Cheney ond State aforeenid,and that anidonythetomofONERuNOREDforeachandeverycowofOnce ae cannotbecuvedby4treofmieEachtamiaCURRCG;.|Swern to hefore me_pherence,joe, |AN who sew her hosts pase by,/AN who the parting ery,;we bade them do or die,‘Take the loan!As ye wished their triumph then,ye bape to meet apnin,And te meet thel®wane ae mes,Take the wan! could press the great appeal-our ranks of serried steel,Put your shoulders to the wheel,Take the loan!That cur prayers in truth may riveWhichwepresswithstreamiaxeyesOntheLordofearthandskies,Take the lean!EWARD EVERETT HALE.(Written in May,1861,at the outbrenk oftheCivilWar.) _Col.Armfield’s Law Office.Yadkinyille Ripple.|The little office which was at onetimeoccupiedbyCol.Frank Arm-fleld,who was later a judge ofriorCourt,is nowaftermanyyearsoffieeandlodgeroom.The little office,which was situat-ed on the corner of the Hamlin let,Was about 10 by 12 feet,was builtlongbeforetheWarBetweentheStates,and was used by Judge Arm-field for aArmfieldleft Yadkinville his officewasusedbyAttorneyReeceforatimeandwaslaterlivedinbyLumSprinkle.It was one of the oldestbuildingsinthetownandthefriendsofthelatejudgeregrettoseeitgo.(This refers to the late Hon.R.F.Armfield of Statesville,who lived inYadkinvillewhenhewasayounglawyerHemovedfromYadkinvilletoWilkesboroandfromWilkestlerotoStatesville-The Landmark). Demand a Deg Law. To the ldttor of The Landmark:In this time of conservation of thefoodsupplyandeliminationofwaste,I have wondered that no one hasmentionedthedog.Let’s climinatetheuselessdogandraisesheep.During the mecting of ovr lastLegislatureIwroteoneofourRep-resentatives asking that he suppert adogtaxlaw.He answered that thepeopledidnotwantadogtaxandthatuntilitwesdemandeditwouldnotbeenforced:saying also that wenadtoomanylnwsnu.treat werefeadsofarasenforcementis.eon- erned.Now I believe that amonyourintellirentcitizensadogtaxiswanted.Different farmers have soeexpressedthemselvestomebecause,without protection from dogs,none ofushavebeenabletoraisesheep.Every farm could support a smallflock,many could support large one.Let's demand a dog law. service as of- Fine Seasons—Sick People orrenpondence of The Lanomars Houstonville,R-1,June 11arehaving’good seasons ansunshinehetweenshowers.\tion i&growing and doing fine.Replantedcotionisayeedstandandnewthejobisthinningowt.Wheat,vhere there is straw,will be gooItisripeningnicelywithwell-fiiledheads.Considerable.tebacco is je'planteds Ht is a fine seasos!tostastand.It seems everybodynakingaereatefforttemakesomethingtoeat.More veretablebeingraisedthaneverand ev:body is planting late leans,eahhaete, The general health.or the commnitygood.Mrs.Luts Maiden,wihasbeenconfinedtoherroomaloyeer,is very weak and her condtionisgrewineworse.MSharre,who has her n‘ome time,is very low ar ailing Session of Congress Protractod tesigned to another hot weaih:session,Congress plans this wee!ispose finally of importantmeasureslonependingandto |mnsiderution of new legislation promisingatleostamothorsixwi more of work Bef«the week ends it is ho;send the delaved war budgetespionavebillstoPresidentWileInthemeantime,the Senute fir:mmittee will continue revisi:rdtaxbill,expecting to havevadyfererate!Senatyfnextweek.On the 12idediscussionoftheriverand }bor bill will be resumed and thriculturecommittecwillcomplet:draft of the food contre]bil, to Junior Officers —Buy LibertsBends,Statesville Couneil ofOrder,No.47,elected officers F;evening.as follows:Councilor.Fo:est L.Ward;vice councilor,W.VSherrill;assistant secretary,NWJohnson;condueter,ZT.BB.Troutman;warden,N.W.Garrison: ntinel,J.A.Gibson; out«entinel,W.©.Troutman;chap!is Overcash;trustee formonths,S.P.Kagle;representatitotheStateCouneti,N.gW.Joh:W.T.Nicholson,8,P.Eacle.The trustees were instructed ibuytwo$100 Liberty Bonds for thouncil the Jur FILIPINOS OFFER.force of 26,000 PFilipine tree,wherever they may be needed,w;offered to President Wiisen by MawelQuezon,former Philippine de):gate in Congress and now presidelofthePhilippineSenate.sintetinaititeeaioe _ Stute of Ohia,City of Telede,;-.|RAMSEY-BOWLES-mar|deine business in the City of Taledo, Loene County,Prank }.Cheney that he eenriteACefirm unity wil! ANK J.Sed satimerIberthisOthof'.ee oe oe+Real)NotaryCatarrhCureteHe waa. being torn away law office.After mee aded: {im ats, E the LARS 1708 with the provisions of WS OF CURRENT EVENTS Gathered From All|Parts of theCountry.Asheville haveAshevilleandWest¥Yoted to consolidate.\j Mr.and Mrs.4.Worth Eilie’t havesr&lot for the Carnegie —yekory,John Bryson,18-year-old negro,Went to sleep on the railroad trackatSylva,The ph ©same.William Warsham,about @0 years',was found dead in bed at hishomeatDavidson,at an early hourundaymorning,Wife and eichtchildrensurvive,{n Pender county Superior Court|David M.Hale was convieted of soc-/ond degree murder for killing his ‘brother,John T.Hale,a few weekswassentencedto15yearsintheStateprison.Mrs,Hale,wife|of the murdered man,is under in-|dictment for:complicity in the crime.|.Following an argument at Hickory;Will Deal,white,Saturday night,}used his gun on Gus Bell,a yegro,inflicting a flesh wound in the headjwhichcamenearbeingfatal,Thebulletenteredthenegro’s head un-|der the eye and came out st the ear.|He will recover,Deal was releasedjonbond In the Federal court at GreensborostweekGeo.P.Winfree,convictedofusingthemailstodefraud,wasjfined$100 and sentenced to a day injJail.Winfree advertised high-bredjdogsforsaleanditisallegedthatjimailordersforthehigh-breds at)very high prices,were filled withdog:of low degree. Charged with distributine a cireu-“A Rich Man's War and aMan's Fight”aed disloyal state-Lawrenee Pearson,vice j president of the Central Trades and'L:bor Council of Roanoke,Va.,and 2leadingSocialist,Was arrested byofficorsoftheDepartmentofJustice.Fle is :barber and had been activ:in anti-war propaganda. John A.Johnson of Wilkes coun-y.sentenced to the Jackson Train-ing School,Concord,for two years,has been paroled by Gov.BickettandwillbeundertheJuvenilePro-tective Association,which has a pro-‘pation officer in Wilkes county.Theywillbelocatedinagoodhomehisconductand be watched by the jaro.and Poo: for training andtreatmentwill probation officer. FINALS IN HATTERS’CASE Collecting Damages From Un-ions For Boycott. \decree ordering the sales of thfumesof144workmeninDanbury,ethel and Narwalk,Conn.,to.satisthejudgmentintheDanburyhat‘case,has been signed by Jude 1s of the Umted States Dis-trict Court.The sales will beein Ju}.13 and continae until August 9,The plaintiffs are Dr.W.EF.Loewe:&Co.who brought suit against agionboycottoftheproductoftheirpatfactoryandobtainedjudgementor$252,130 damages.Nearly $60,000 ‘as already been paid on aecount ut.the accumulation of interest ac-counts is such that ahout $250,000 isstilldue.There are 130 pieces ofropertyinDanburyandBethelandtenjinNorwalk.Their sale is ex. vected to yield something like $200,. G06,Teaving a deficiency judgmert. This deeree marks the closing hapter in a remarkable case whichhaditsinceptionit1903,when the hatters’union entered into written agreement with cach of defondan's whereby agreed hat “it would pay of the ex- penses of such defendants and save ath individun!from all Hahilitw.” Later the American Federation of Labor took over the defence ledged “such wncial support a nay he }the pendingomtention.””From that time on the“ederation wa charze until a dement avai:defendants vas efrmed in ¢United States ourt in 1914 med fur responsil Lat the Feder sition took up rdrant contribu ion which i«ald to vielded thout £150,000 Loewee &Co.announced if aim Was paid over to the uefendants would discontinue ceedingsndpivethedefendrelense,he unions are anid t declined >do thie and the pn!thertookstepstoobtainsatiofhejudgments.It is said that thenionshavedeclaredthattheywillndemnifythedefendantsoftertheiromesarefost, OeOPtremee Patriotism and Cle: North Carolina Chris Ambalances ar: lefields of Fran: ers wounded ji: 4.Draper and ¥ harlotte,and Mr.. encord,have each contwthreeambulance ‘riotism.A poor old ma ay all the me tid it on a 859 TF, will sacrifices and sav nee,That,too, ist Ms it wax patriot hain of cotton mill quarter million « ith the class id ‘00d folks whreletsofthen ce Verena. Oeeeeeee Crisis in Chinn. Everts are movingetisisinthepolitica ‘hina,Says a diapatch from Peen,Chang Heun,ormer im covernor of Anhwei province, |Chousands of whose troo;have ached Peking,detivered an ultima ™demandine the dissolution of‘arliament within 4&8 hours.The As ciated Prese is informed offic 4 hat President Li Yuan Hung “bO newede to this demand aruchactionmaybetekeninaccord the con-itution.Members of arliament‘Te Urging the Presiden:not to dia. nve the Legiaiature,thus forcing, Chang Hewn to act in violation of‘he constitution,z “7, Ther i September. it all ena neceagsary ir her lity. as. have faction took nidiy ituation refu leas Se aRefreshinglyPrettyNewSammertiWaistsWirthmoratJust$1.00. Isn'tit gratifying to knowtha!you canstillittemadeandchadmeeesame,there’s no loweringqualitythattheWirthmorhas establishedcostofmaterialandlaborhavingbeen offset by—resulting from largely increased of Wirthmor Waists are sold in just oneineverycityandtheyaresoldhereonMILLS&POSTON. good store Don’t Fail to Visit Our When out shopping,because we are glad to see you,.,,whether you buy or not,But if you do buy,we GUAR:ANTEE YOU TO GET ONE HUNDRED CENWORTHOFTHEBESTMERCHANDISETHATMON:EY CAN BUY for one dollar you with us.SoGIVEUSATRIALYOURNEXTTRIP! We are showing a beautiful line Ladies’Shirt Waistsandthestylesarenewandpricelow.SEE THEM?Licies’Skirts in faney Silks;White Gaberdine and Suit-ings that will look good to you. MIDDIE BLOUSES ALL SIZES of the newest alyles |and prices in reach of all! Children Wash Dresses for all sizes from 35c.to $1.98)SEE THEM FOR YOURSELF!J.M.McKee &Company. The Store of Excellent Values. Fa the 4 and Make Money for Yourself. Uncle Sam must have the money QUICKLY to build ithousandsoffoodandmunition-carrying ships,to ~raise,equip and maintain an army of 1,000,000 men;tosiveusasmashingbignavy—in short,to enable our‘country to carry on its share ef the great war for theFREEDOMOFTHEWORLD! YOU can do YOUR part by lending the Government “*some of your savings.Invest now in one or more of the ,.Liberty Loan Bonds.You will be helping yourself.while you help your country.The bonds pay 3 1-2 percent.interest and ARE AS GOOD AS GOLD!There ismneasypaymentplan.For example,if you want to buyoneofthe$50 bonds,you can make your payments atthisBank,as follows: 2 per cent.when you buy the bond ..18 per cent.on June 28,1917 .206 per cent.on July 30,1917 The bonds will be dated June 15,1917,ara will run for305»when the Government will repay the principal,Twice a year the owner will receive interest at the ratef31-2 per cent.@ year. Come in and let us help you to helpyourself,your country and humanity! COMMERCIAL ‘NATIONAL BANK.STATESVILLE,N.C. cranes trseat THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreviates.the very liberal patronage of’itsfrendsandpolieyholders,both NEW and OLD,(ur office is an open one,and we invite all ourtomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstouc:the same when they so desire.As in thepast,w°will strive to give the sameHiGailGRADEoil nasthathaswonforu...:Company the good wconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons,“WE-INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”andPAY.ALL »HONESTLOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT..Wewillbegiadto have you call at our office .for any information,or No.54 if our |service in needed.4WedoNOTARYPULIC fete f r i e : rf af = 3 ker as the fellow who tri dodgearmy service.Menare called to fight for the country,fo thepreservationof our homes and | our liberties.It is our parttofur-| po enaprdngedle!we fail we) ;fallas short as the soldier whohisbackinthefaceoftheen-| Be it uwfiderstood,also,that this money must be raised.The govern-|nt isn’t asking for a gift.It is! a good and safe investment. if the bondsarenot sold the | be raised by taxation| will neavy.Let no} with the idea pe bearinghispart expense.Hewill havetodo y or another.Remem-not support this warand | a o e HE ge f i and it is,but it will soon! a dreadful reality if we fail no man deceive,ii ‘IaiF i the amount)little is a|$50 bond |oo irs whiehot keep These bonds can be paid for on the | installment plan.Local bankers tell| how this may be done in advertise- ments in The Landmark today.They will help those who want to buy, bends.The way is open for all who| can spare the money.Those who. can help and who fail to help in this| hour of need are slackers and those who by word or action discourage| the support of the government in) this matter are morally traitors to) their country.This language may) seem strong,but it is time we are realizing what the country is up) against and what our duty is.If we don’t realize it now we will realize it| Iter on in a way that we will re- member. The uneikkerk has no disposition to prejudge the case of the citizens wf Eagle Mills who are in trouble on account of the draft law,but accord- ing to their own statement they are gefity of a moral wrong and failed in their duty.If they did not,as they ,advise the young men not to register,but told them they did not, know enough vige them and they would have to use their own judgment,they may net be technically guilty of violatingth®law,but they signally failed in their duty to the members of their| faibily and in their duty as citizens. it didn’t know it was their) ness to find out and to see to it) the young men complied with| law.In telling them to use their|own judgment they virtually told these whom it was their duty to ad- vise aright,to do as they pleased,atiut it.*,|legal notice of the town boun- other things on hand, :whewill take the pains to |that port is reliable and can be de- ‘corporation.General Goet |that contractors will about the law to ad-|Pp consulting engineer. ‘arm it t te sa k FF ei F 34 [ii i3 : ih v e c e e |tit i 2 H i H i tFH i l t | aei si i é i H Ur suppressed,simply | createasensation and to scorea) beat”on the conservative papers whoseloyaltytothegovernment is as strongas any lawcould make it. Therealso may be publishers who are at heart traitors to their coun- try,whowant to helpGermany. On the whole,then,The Land- mark,while very much of a stickler for the libertyof thepress,doubts thewisdomof the umissionof any ip provision.It may workoutallrightandwehopeitwill,but|@*Prod it leaves a way open for mischief.—_————The Landmarkopposeslynchlaw, it opposes all forms of lawless- ness.But if theyfind the wretches whokidnappedandkilledthatbaby at Springfield,Mo.,this paper will notask for the law to takeits course. The Council of Soldiers and Work-|UPmenatPetrogradhasmadepublicthefactthattheGerman-er-in-chief on the eastern front sentmessageinvitingtheRus-sian armies to a separate armisticeandproposingthattheyentersecretogeewiththeGerma’leaders.council denounces the eThe demand of the revolutionaries or trial and cond itofNicholasSs"the formeremperorand,in the meantime,historestraintinprison,first was made only by aofirresponsibleextremists,daily.where situation at Kronstadt,the Council of Workmen's and Sol-|diers’Delegates is still defying the)provisional government,remaims|tense.Apparently as its first stepincarryingoutitsthreattotake!resolute action,the government hasrecalledvariousIsfromKron-stadt.A heartening sign in the cri-sis there is the fact that the fleet in nded on to aid the government,it is said,More Trouble About Ships.| Charges by F.A.Eustis,assistantmanagerofgovernment's emer-=fleet corporation,and F.Hunt-ngton Clark,his assistant,that Ma-r General Goethals is deliberately|locking the wooden ship ee | programme resulted in the dismissapfbothasvolunteeremployesofthels,gen-eral manager of the corporation,in a | memorandum to Chairman Denman,|of the shipping board,announced thathewasdischargingtheengineerswhoconceivedthewoodenshipbuildingplanbecausetheirusefulnesswasatanend.Both Eustis and Clark reiteratetheircharges.The engineers declare vessels under the form of contractbyGen.Goethals. Close into iSn not construct | |‘chairman of the board of é g j i t E i n i a¢ri ie &7ithepreviousy relief is seen in thethisyearinthefwillbearecord oats and barley.A_largealsoundoubtedlywillbeWintera|fallononeoftrgestacreageswinterone-third fié 3errecordedbutsevere almost two points low theyearaverage,indicating aofonly283,000,000growing Indithird in size in the country’s history,and for a crop of rye exceeding therecordby4,000,000 bushels.aeDEEREnannneaananneetd Confederate Reunion—ToOklahomaNextYear. The Confederate veterans re-elect-ed Gen.George P.Harrison of Op-ee Pee.a.a8 Lueforthe1918reunion,after marchingPennsylvaniaavenuetothestrainsof“Dixie”and passing in re-view before President Wilson andVicePresident(Marshall 4Escortedby,Union soldiers,andjowedbyUnitedStatesationalGuardsmen,cadetstheVirginiaMilitaryInstitute andtheWashingtonhighschool,thehostsoftheSouthparadedintri-umph through the streets of the cap-ital to the accompanying cheers ofthethousandsofspectatorswhooc-eupied all places of vantage alongthelineofmarch.Despite the greatcrowd,accidents were few.Gen.Julian S.Carr of North Car-|olina was chosen lieutenant general|commnanen the deparwment of theArmyoforthernVirginiaover|Gen.J.Thompson Brown of Virgin-'ia.The veterans pled their sup-,port to President ilson and thecountryina_resolution introducedbySamuelW.Williams,former At-'torney General of Virginia,on the|“unsullied honor and word of trueConfederatesoldiers.”Secretary oftheNavyDanielsentertainedGen-eral Harrison and the corps and di-vision commander at dinner aboardthepresidentialyachtMayflower.Grr.ee epee _ and Representative arles M.Sted-man were speakers Thursday night|at a meeting of the North CarolinaSocietyofWashington.“The Kaiser would have trembledonhisthronecouldhehaveseenthe,great reunion parade today,”saidGov.Bickett.Senator Overman saidregistrationreportsshowedtherewerenoslackersinNorthCarolina. Bishop Kilgo and the Trinity) Students. The diplomas of the graduating | class of Trinity College,78 full-|fledged seniors,do not bear the offi-|cial stamp of Bishop John C.Kilgo,|chairman of the board of trustees,|and they were given over his pro-|test.e blank provided for the | trustees|Despite the dismissal of Eustis as |was supplied by the signacure of Jo-———of yes em cy corporation,the_aueee board will retain him as a assistant general Applies to Army and Navy. Prohibition provisions of the newlawapplytothenavyandmarcorpsaswellastothear- my.An opinion by Attorney Gener-al Gregory holds that the statutecoversallthemilitaryforcesoftheUnitedStates,whether on land orsea,and not the army exclusively.Secretary _—asxed iy Attor-ney Genera pass wu e ques-tions,and has edagoegheedtotheofficerscommanding all naval sale en oS eae a |or WG posts except for sacle wpregulations,and makesseliintoxicants |tions seph G.Brown of Raleigh,vice pres-ident of the board of trustees.The story of the estranged rela-between the bishop of theSouthernMethodistChurchandthe}Trinity class of 1917 dates back to November,1914,when some mem-}bers of the class hoisted their class|numeral on the flag pole in place of |the Stars and Stripes.The act was denounced by the bishop in chapelashavingbeenperpetratedby“traitors,buffaloes,cowards andscoundrels.”He stated at the timethatunlesstheguiltypurtywasap-vrehended,that he would sever him-|self from Trinity,erase his name/|from the college records and spend|the remainder of his days in apolo-. pur-|class ge t t ta r t s Li ab t 33 h 2 8 % e ! ed i t The Valeatine Girl. Wednesday The Eagle’s Wings. A Thundering Drama with} AThundering Message from the Virile Pen of Rufus Steele. An Extraordinary Special Would be a good Slogan to be adopted by the peopleofIredellCounty. OurGovernmentisofferingTWO BILLION dollarsworthof these Bonds,and is de- |pending on RED BLOODEDAMERICANStobuythem. Theyaresafe—andbear31-2 per cent interest, audare non-taxable.‘Theyarebeingoffered in denominations of $50.00,$100.00,$500.00,$1,000 andup. If you havenot thefundson hand to pay cash tor one of thesebonds,you may get them on thefollowingterms. @ 2 per cent with application. 18 percent on June 28th,1917. 20 per cent on July 30th,1917. 30 per cent on Aug.15th,1917. 30 per centon Aug.30th,1917. We have still another plan to offer. Tothose who cannot buy one of these bonds on the above terms may do so on the weekly payment plan.—a You may buy a $50.00 bond,and pay $1.00 down,and then $1.00 a week until paid for.We agree to deliver the bond to you at par when the amount reaches $50.00. Orif you wish to buya $100.00 bond you may do so by paying $2.00 and then $2.00 per week.until paid for. To make it still more attractive we will agree to allow you 4 per cent interest on this money while it is accumulating. BE PATRIOTIC —and— BUY A LIBERTYBOND.| Wewillbeglad to take your application and deliverthebonds to you without chargesforourservices. Fs f ii rd 3” i” ; s i l ! ~i Fe ¢ iP e f io f i za7< i . i 33 e 3 >3 sf ef Hl i i ;:ptiT rtii a A F E if i i i: t e b e t a 3E f g t e t t é i i|f r you most deeply. StatesvilleOnthelocalmarket yesterday 22 2-4 conpoundwaspaidforgradecotton.rket firm.ifeedCoteon,8ide,per ihe FOR SALE—Registeredold,at a bargain; aloo"tne’rewieteredBerkshirepigs8weeksold,J.P.GRAY, You may not read Locke and Gar-lyle,and yet you read;but2|You do not know Handel andven,you close your ears to music,Inordertosingoneneednotbeabletowarbleanyoftheariasfromtheop-y,it is not neceésary |»to be familiar with the sonatas andconcertos.The gods would have youplayandsingforthegoodofyourownsoul,and if not to play and sing, Seminary at Richmond in May.He=man of marked abil ae friends.Manylovelymiftswerereceived,attesting the pop-ularity of this young couple.Among themwereachestofsilver,the gift of the familyofthegre@m,and nymere ofglessandhandpaintedchina.” Miss Rac Gill entertained the members of ridge wie played,Mise cila White making Barium Springs,N.C.dune 12--2t,| ‘ALL REDDING PLANTS left someAsters,20c.dozen.PA LACEGREENHOUSE,‘Phone 285 dune 12-~—1t. POR SALE.—Three fresh milch cows,E.L.LONG,Elmwood.dune 12-21. ®SALE—Ford Ti Car,19}7 model,|==STATESVILLE AU PPLY ,| dune 12.10%., WANTED—Pine cord weed.BLOOMFIELDMANUFACTURING,dune 8. _|the highest sore,salad course and ten DR.R.W.WOODWARD is atMusicforthemassofmankindcan .L wD >.AlbertEB.Lawrence,who hasbeen a¥student at Vanderbilt University,Seeduringthepastyear,is with hix broth-|E.N.Lawrence,.o spend the summer.and Mrs.C.V.Benkel left Friday af-for an extended visit in Kentucky,and Michigan.Mrs.E.G.Gaither went to Fert Mill,8.C.,to spend the week with her parents,.Kirkpatrick58..Floyd Lippard and daughter,Miriam,|returned from Charlotte,where theyseveraldays.Littie Miss Elizabeth|with themWillieSmithofMooresville is visit-'.Lanenby, his son,Me.C.L.Rhinechardt, <F fashington city.gE._has gone to New York on Carson,who lias been the guestCrater,has returned to herville,Tengf eo in i . : in Asheville.tas gone to Charlotte.her daughter,Mrs.V.G.Tem-away.ry Yount has arrived from Morvan-the summer «*her home here.Hassie Miller left this week for White.C.,where she will attend «housejivenbyMissFlorencePatrick.Cowles Bristol ts in Asheville this re l 3*t :,é Mrs.E.E.Arey and Miss Allie May AreyBariampassedthroughStatesvillethiskontheirwaytoMontreat,where theyspendthesummer.Mise Helen Long ofwoodwiilbewiththemfor#week.and Mrs.Pau!J.Rhodes,after theirtriptoBasterncities,are visiting Mr« *parents,Mr.and Mra.1Stedle.Mr.and Mrs.Rhodes will leave thismorningforHendersonville,where they will ||ke their home. The Chautauqua Programme. It is less than two weeks until“Seven Joyous Days”—the {,Chautauqua —begins.he —pro-mme will consist of selectionslightandgrandoperas,lec- tures,illustrated lectures,concertoutsgeeeen,pers.readings, ete.‘ollowing is the programme: 25.Bauscsese ;June >2.30 Series Lecture by the Supcrintendent.Concert McKinnie Operatic Co.Evening.Concert.MecKinnie Operatic Co.lilustrated Lecture Peter MaeQueen,F.R.G.8 “The Great European War.” 26.A nen.Concert.Alexander Von Skibinsky,Vi- oliniat.Lecture Dr.Carolyn E.Geisel,“JustYou.”To be followed by a conference hour.Evening.Concert Skibinaky.Entertainment -Paul Fleming,Magician,ge his company, Series Lecture the Superintendent.Concert -Garland-Beahoft-Jordan Co. Concert GartendHino Jordan Co.pe Dixon,“Uncle Sam }.Afternoon.Series Lecture the Superintendent.Concert.-The Momestead Quartet. 7.30 Drama.‘The Old tend”by Den.=Thompson,the great American play. Series Lecture by the rintendentConcert—The Symphonic Orchestral Club|and Madame Justine Shannon,eumtvaitn.|s MisecllaneousEvening.Concert -The Symphonie Orchestral ClubwndMadameShannon.Lecture Hon.Perey Alden,M.P.“The Foture of Europe.”30.AfternaenJuniorChautauquaPlay.“Good PairyThrift,”“The Village of Ding DongBell,”presented by the members of theh“Chimes of Normandy”Co.A great af.!ternoon for the ren.Bring them = with you.Evening.ar $125,Chimes .of Normandy,”bell $10.54,A.lines $19.50,J.M.Opera-""Thepresentedby a full cast,chorus andorchestra. ©Titer :Sa glassesneverbeabusiness,but mankind can a oo June +s. ina Mary Cris’einen Thursday in| HB.Bs.’store.Lenses make it a business of leisure.If your|own mind has become calloused to the served with a salad course,Other out-of-|symphony of sound,perha Mies Eima Carson of|Bridge was played.Tea|honor of her suest, town guests present were Mrs. FOR SALE—A sorrel horse,ninereNyFgT.C.SHERNILL.Sherrill’s Ford,N.C.June 1 —6t. De-'a child whose ear is still open,whogrowupricherintheinterests|of life by one.jence will you let it reacsibilitiesofmaturitypoorer by.Happiness and contentment areNooneinter-|»|est can bring then:about,nor can any |; Misses Carrie and Sarah Sharpe entertained|tWo:a diversity~is essential. Saturday afternoon in hener of their guest,Edmindsen of Radford, Hearts was played at nine tables.Miss Cor- Vane of Greensboro and Mrs.FOR RENT—Houses on Sharpe street.N.of Huntersville.MayWATT. the respon-FOR RENT—A.Y.Eust Broad street.M.F May 15. :is Miss Addie Phifer enter:ained a number ofherfriendsThursdayeveningatherhomeat| Cool Spring.Several guests from Statesville|Music was 1 feature of the!Miss Phifer’s home was pretty with|clusive to undervalue,an abundance of cut flowers, to make your child a AArformer,unless youyouallowtheRhinehardtofClyde,Haywood|Miss Genevieve musician or achoose,but wil ~~ MRS.W.F.PALMER.May 26. UTO FOR HIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY will|take you anywhere,Prices right.Day|Phone 227,might Phone 72 Red.May 29. Alexander residence on»,ALEXANDER.| delin Watts won the high score prize,a boxofcorrespondencecards.guest of honor was presenred a box of crepe de chine .handkerchiefs.withes and tea were served, roses decorated vases,filled with the pretty flowers were scut-tered about the rooma., Renorted for The Landmark.Mooresviiie.-.Mex Anuie'the Maids and Matrons Thursday afternoon.Rook was played and Miss Reba Brawley sangseveralselections,|were served.Other guests wereW.D.Gitmore,Wherey Freeze,C.hew,Misses Inez and Mary BelleMargueriteBrawley,Beatrice and Lois Hall|and Audrey Kennette. BILLS PASSED BY COUNTY Claims Allowed By ee Mixs Edmindson as|that you will have him taught toten(and this in a whispublicschools.A ¥VOICE. ‘NEWS OF TAYLORSVILLE. New Picture Show —Personal Doroty Perkinsthehouse:jardinicres the court house doorthe22ddayofJune,at 12 o'clock,one)Touring Car in good condition.M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff.}dune 1,1917. ".Auten of Mooresville is spend-. Special Correspondence of The Landmark.rloraville,June 11.—Mr.Enedhismovingpicture| pying Mr.J.C.Wike’s brick building,|adjoining the Alexander Motor Co. The building has a seating capacity after which refreshments Mr.John W.Moore and grandson,Commis-|Master Wallace Moore,who spent the, wa;|Auction Sale of Ford Car. vtwe of a judgmentoftheSuperior|auctionfor }i will sell at pubtie WE WILL FURNISH You with distilled water -“s in- our storage batteryeyIfyouwantthe bestbatteryservicestopinandseeus. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO, cashinStatesville,N.C.,|Ford | ree of |winter at the homes of Mr.Moore's|*gioners —School Tax Elec- |daughters,Mesdames A.M.Sample! .ee ‘and PD.T.MeCarty,at Fort Pierce,At their regular meting last week the fol-|Ma.and who have been visiting at {the home of Mr.Moore's son-in-law,..Perry,|Mr.T.J.Smith,in Charlotte,for ¢superintendent,$60;Mrs.Lettie Dry,nurse.few weeks,are here for the summer.|Mr.John Watson Moore of the facul-ity of Winston-Salem high$23.89,Crawford-Bunch|who has been visiting at the home of >passed by the county com- County Home and Paupers Electrician. Warren,farmer,$25.all fer sal-ary;Smith &Brown $47.80,Harness,Vehicle&Supply Co.$15.05,Eagle &Mithollard £2.25, Furniture Co.828,Waugh &Brown $11.55,his uncle,Rev. ePlumberandElectrician I want to be your Plumber andYourorderswillhave prompt attention.I DO IT GOOD. C.E.RITCHIE,North Center Street. |Statesville Flour L.L.Moore,will leave tomorrow for the University,Chapel!10.96,City Flour Milling Co.)Hill,to attend the summer school.Hisbrother,Mr.Lardner Moore of Sher-man,Texas,a student at Austin Col- night to visitr.and Mrs.H.T. Presbyterian Or- Lazenby-Montgomery $25.73 all for supplies;mma Tuck 83,tem-| Litten and Clodfeiter.$3.26;Crawford:Banch,coffins,85,House and County OfficersCaldwell$25,Dr.Rows McElwee $50,:Cook,janitor,$45 -all for salary;State Arso- arrived Fridahisrelativeshere.Kelly and children and Misses Laura! ciation of County Commissioners,dues for lre-|and Sue Hedrick went te Mocksville , dell,$10;Miss Lrene LeQueux,stenographer, :Brady Printing Company 86.75,Herdware Co.$17.39,City Electric by automobileSundaywith Mrs. NOTICE! Have left my accounts at Stim- son’s Drug Store. |ed to me can see a statement of their account or make settlement there. Coite L.Sherrill,M.D. It may be impertinencetoaskthis — question,but thereare many people Me who should behelping ourcountry— andtheyare not doing so. ‘Jt maybeapathy,or thoughtlessness—-~ Rightnow when itneeds help. The way toshowyourpatriotism isto Buy Liberty Bonds.Youcan buy onefor Yt oo : $50.00$100.00,$500.00or$1,000.Theyare the best investment in the whole world and pay interest at 31-2 percentper annum. You can buy a Rond on Easy Pay: ments—askus aboutthis. Act quick —come in to day. In every “honey”moon there is not only a man but av” woman.While they are most fond of each other they yet have warm places in their happy hearts for those who remem- bered them with beautiful gifts when they were wed. Therefore,rermernber the bride on her wedding day.”* For weddings,anniversaries,birthdays and al{events Of.sa: occasions,we have appropriate gifts~and when a present *i#: comes from us the “quality is there.”oS R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. Those indebt- Woodruff.MisswoveEnncegueas$23.34,Statesville Sentinel |Mrs, 13,macy-Bowles.Morrison Co.$12.50,D.T.mes »Morrison 83.60,Statesville Printing Co.$7.65,Stevenson,Mesers.Ja and Blake.BP.Allison $1.25,Alvah Bushne!l Co&Comewell Co.$15.87,Alexander $8.46--all for supplice:W zenby $4.95,J.W.Ward $1.60,C.|$1.60,coet in case State va,Tom MeLelland; 4.W.Auten 84,A.L.Starr £8,coat State va, Wy Uhney;Geo.Ayers,conveying grand Jail and Prisoners '|Stevenson of Loray,M.P.|with their cousins,-jand Kate Stevenson.Bagwell of Loray spent Sunday with| her aunt,Mrs.J.T.Elder.Matheson of Charlotte s|with his mother,Mrs.Lawyer W.M.Smith of Char-|.|lotte spent Sunday with his brother spent Sunday Miss Lillian .Woodsides,jailer,| Licht and Power Department $8.59,Turner,material and work,$14.50;Turner!and,wood,$1.50;J.BR.Johnson,capturingandconveyingprisoner,$7;/|conveying Mra.Eliza Johnson to Misses Jennie and Addie Smith. Corn Instead of Cotton—Boy'sBroken—Personal Summers |Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-2,June 9.—Most of |the farmers in the neighborhood whoWm.A.Moose,coroner,%5.;planted cotton are now plowing it up.W.Woodsides,J.8.Moore,.F.Wilson,J.F.Wright,jurors,$2 ench for inquest over Sam Feimeter.:.Ordered that an election be held July 1oth|has been visiting friends in the cominDavideontownshipforpurporeofvoting|munityonspecialsehoo!6 -° Registrar,F.R.Mayes;judges,J.D.Collins .Aboher $94.50,R.F.B.P.Beaver 50 cents,Mra.BE W.M.Money,W.were exempted from poll tax.estate wie chagwed with 43 acres of land sold.mers,$4.06;Mooresville Enter- G.Stout and Jas.Summers| and planting corn. .Privette of Baltimore She went to StonyFriday,8th,to make a briefamongherhomefolks,after which rawley she will return to BaltimoreBosFriendsofMr.and .Jd.£.)80n will be glad to hear that their an a t p p e r m n e n s e e e n e n a s n t i i i t i t i i n s ni e . nl a am Mrs.Will John- orne-/a severe case of |Mrs.Frank Brown, :‘arm.The injur.|Produce dressed and he getting along who has been inhealthforthepastfewnionths. ining his health.>ys Priverte is at homeonvacaromChattenooga,R.Sills whereshehagbeentakinghospitaltraining.Fr)Hee.C.2,Seat &batten eee nwiarSeSeeseeSeeteoeSeenadwellinghouse‘near Statesville,on the Wilkesboro at 12 o'elock,m.,ot the court houreStatesville, e:.waistsand skirted.M.MeKee@| Gintw Ge Gnome.R.F.Henry,jew- summertime Withmor waists.Mills , é berinin'sTablets are Plooring,Ceiling,Boxing,| ‘Sold by C.WATKINS is 3 ‘Kila Dried and well man-ufactured. The Brady Printing Co. Has taken over from R.P.Allison the agency for various Magazines and Book Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zines of all kinds.Will _order any book wanted. All Magazines on coun- ter soon as out. NOTICEOFSALE. UNDER wnd by virtue of an order of the| Superior Court of Iredell county,made in the special proceeding entitled J.R.Johneon,executor of Tobitha Trivett,ve.Jonathan Triv. ett,the undersizned commissioner will,on doorin |‘1 { MONDAY,JULY 16,1917, WN.C.,offér for enle &theforCASH,that certain tract ofron,Union Grove township,Carolina,adjoining theMullixandothers,and =home ue et com eames one;andsurewhenyouagoodone,A weak,dienay stepladder has no place in the home.om The ladders we sell are built for use.ATrussrodundereachstep,the steps fit’+intoaslot in the ladder frame,the lad-™ der is made of entity.gone weed eee sub- ae ;—e sd t ousekeeper can go Onwit!co nee safety as the one with lessavoirdupois.Don’t endanger your lifelimbsbyusingasorrystepladder.ome to our store and you can find the best of everything in our lineyWedonotsellcheaporinferiorgoods, é .9 eth terrain from them Saturdayonseveralsectors.Aerial ac-between the German and Brit-i fliers continued Saturday and battles in the air werefit.Nine enemy machines were;ted for by the British,who w activities on the other fronts not of unusual importance.As®résult of the recent bombardmentofIpevenandprobablyinfearthatanoperationofasimilarchar-‘aetdr might be carried out against the port,the Germans have removed allthe,large ships from the harborwhithpresentsadesertedappearance.addition to losing more than",prisoners in the British drive a the subsequent fighting since sday morning,the Germans lostrgenumberofguns,machineand,trench mortars.and w |dispatches reifistate themselves in the MessinessaljentfromwhichtheBritishdrovetheminThursday's memorable attack,but failed in each instance.TheBri@chtroops,in one stretch of twomilgssouthofLens,penetrated half amif§into the German positions,cap- tufthg prisoners and machine guns ang.inflicting heavy losses.These mdiies seem to presage a speedy at-tempt to clean up the situationardentheLenscoaldistrict,to which Germans have been clinging forsevdralweekspastunderimminentlikelihoodofbeingforcedout. i}Five to Federal Prison.In the Federal court in Greens-bot last week Judge Boyd sentenc-ed five white men to the Federal rison in Atlanta,says the News.orman Tuttle was inven a year andadey,William E.Hendrix and Adol-phis Cheek were scntenced to 1°months each,Avery C.Miller was given a year anda day and _thesate.len of service was orderedfarRrlow.Tuttle was con-Victed of postoffce robbery —inensboro.Hendrix and Cheek,eth fram Burlington,were convict-2 using the mails in the further-»of a conspiracy to defraud.The me they were alleged to haverkedwasthesaleofinsuranceithefoofdeathclaims. e gove nt presented evidence to show thet the pair collected alto-wether $1,100 in the fraudulent op- tions..Mjller was a postal clerktheNikandSouthern=rail-Way and robbed the mails.FarlowtabbedthepostofficeatSpencer. RENNES ERTIESSLATTEDe~Promotions in the Army. President Wilson,in nominating ree new major generals and 18igadiergenerals,disregarded=teniority and went down inte list for leaders of the greater army.Two hundred officers of thevyalsowereadvanced,including pt.Hueh Rodman,who becomes The brigadier generals nominated to be Major wyenerals were JohnhMorrison,William JL.SibertadCharlesG.Mortoii. lonels.promoted to brigadiers waswinF.Glenn,who was appointed,Point from North Carolina in 4873.ETT Wee Is a Tar Heel. James A.Goodwin,chief gunner'sate,United States navy,who fired The Ggat shot in the war with Ger-n cording to the best informa-fon ple from the British and Ini governments,is ahavingbeenbornat }National e the Charlotte Observer n fired the shot from ‘that apparently hit thejf«German =submarinetohavesunkthesub- it nobody does know posi-pork.Whether the submarine wasunk, ANOTHER FOOD BILL. The,second administration foodontro!bill granting broad powersjothePresidenthasbeenagreedto y the House agricultural commit re and will be reported immediate- The bill provider a guaranteed rinimum price to producers of non- rishable products under regula- ions to be fixed by the President, ut does not fix a maximum price. Die—Fire in Mine Friday night in copper mine at Butte, ich several hundredwereatwork.A majority of the mine escaped and 28fio e1 scued Sunday afternoon,oneyierheingbroughttothe u .About two score are knowndeadandmorethan100areun-accounted for. Seae cenwee ee me me ee Registering at a precinct in Reids- uesday,a sad-faced young im answered no when asked if he exemption.He said his only t in the world,his mother,five minutes before he left home Chautauqua guarantors last nicht at the Merchants &ers’Bank to diecuss plans to campaign for sale of tick- _eeemoae .and Mrs.Thomas Allison of a spent Scturday and ,with Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Alli. ns ‘Dfid—hans in Wilkes coun-white and 1/9 FOUR GASOLINE,A 30 os is al ante)com- Eee Both offi-| P show |that the Germans made efforts of the|oR pickmdeterminedsortonFridayto|ont Among the} for the time.held 54,834,191|June 1,487) cent,or nearly five times greater’N r ago,accordingtoa De-| pertmentofAgriculture report.1 .Fields of Brockton,five-months-old BiriesianAssociationConventionauctionsale.at Worcester,Maes.The seller wasOliverCabana,Jr.,of Buffalo,N.Y. Denging rumors that nearly 2,000youngAmericansfledtoMexicoCitytoevademilitaryregistration,Amer-iean Ambassador Fletcher said there|were not more than 20 Americans ofmilitaryageintheMexi#an capital. Dr.Henry Van Dyke,former American minister to The Nether-lands,says that conditions in France beth in respect to men =and food are not so dias reported. ‘France has not been bled white.”said Dr.Van Dyke,“but she needs our help.” When John L.Litz,prominent Re- publican politician and wealthy coal operator,charged with treasonable utterances,was taken before a Unit- ed States commissioner at Coeburn, Va.,for a hearing,his case was nostponed and was tater dismissed for lack of evidence. The Federal Trade has issued an order requiring theCompanyofChieagoto cease placing licensing restrictions on its mimeographs requiring pur chasers to use only certain supplies manufactured by the Dick Corpany or one of its subsidiaries. The Ceptra!l powers Germany ond her Allies now hold nearly three million prisoners of war,ac cording to official figures published in German newspapers.Germany has 1.600.711,Austria -Hungary 1,092,055,Bulgaria 67,582 and Turkey 23.- 003.a total of 2.814.251,of whom 27,620 are officers. A bill)with drastic provisions against desecration of the American flag or its use for advertising has been intredueed in the Senate bv Senator Pomerene of Ohio,who said Federal prosecutions in some caseshadfoundexistingsawsnotbroad enough.Penalties of a $1,000 fine and a year’s imprisonment would be providedAdiswatch from Roanoke,Va. says desultory guermdila warfare has developed in that section from har- hered resentment against Federal enforcomernt of the draft.Mountain men have fired from ambuch at Na- tional Guerd patrols and Depart ment of Justice agents sent into th ction following discrosures of a widespread plot to resist)conscrip- tie Commission The House of Congress last week rejected the conference report on th $3.281,294,641 war budget bill be-cause of a $8,000,000 aprropriation inserted by the Senate for the pur- ‘hase of the old Jamestown exposi- tion site and buildings and the con- -truction of a naval vase and train- x station there.An effort to gouge he government in the’price was charged.The repori was returned o conference. A loan of $3,000,000 to Serbia and an additional loan of —$75.600,000 bring the total of loans io aines up tra 8928,.000,000,The Serbian loan, the first made to that government, payable in three equal monthly ir etaltments.It will be uti. ly in impreving railwav Tee tuting military communications of the Serbian army.Some of iti may »for relief of the dictre lation of Serbia The Vehat Ae,TH s eo) mission bas vir conference Italian wee completed ts th American offie'als and will leave this week for »#farewell tom of the South and Middle West.A! though no formal ’meemnent of i l f th forc 1 th Tor weneresult t wamale.i Jerato vomplete agers ion betweer ‘aly,and industrial aid Jintes COTTON Cotten Seed ~Crushers Do Their Bit. A committee repre ter-State Cottonseed sociation,in Washingtor aga,offered to the government entire facilitic of the organiza for the period of the war.They a enlled on Herbert ©.Hoever and en vhasized the possibilities of the cot ton vield as a food crop,and dev lar ed the government had under-esti mated its value i the food growing campaign, Mr.Hoover wo ton crop wa hest food sources nary acreage in ton staple would ly 1,450,000,000 seed oil, 200,000 tons of ment in including unsatinted from Opera nt financia the United government SEED FCR FOOD. Would enting the I Crushers’Asx n few dave the tuld that the cot of the nation’ and that oan ordi- addition to the cot vield)approximate- pounds of cotton of meal,|. hulls and 1,200,000 bales of linters,the latter invalun ble for ammunition.Besides the great value of the meal for animal food,it was stated that recent ev: periments had shown 20 per cent.of cotton seed flour mixed with 80 per cent.of wheat or corn would make a palatable and highly nutritious bread,thus greatly reducing the ckmandonthecornandwheatsupply. In the 11 cotton States,the mittee told Mr.Hoover,a saving100,000.000 bushels of eorn could be made by mixing two pounds of cot- ton seed meal in the food of each horse or mule.This would replace four pounds of the 14 pounds of corn fed each animal daily.The they said,was lees than half the cost of corn. The crop of 1915,it was said,pro- duced 167,000,000 gallons of vegeta- ble fats and butters,of which 987,- 74,000 pounds was converted =into edible oils,cooking fets and butters. If one-third the oil now going intoconnandcheapindustrialproducts could be diverted into food products it would add 8406.000,000 to 500,000,000 pounds of the nation's sup-ply of fata, one com of tn 6 to 14 Days meal,- of last M28,000 less than ear;tons of hay—7,000 less tfr;me nan of4lessthanlast375,000 bushels of venches 519,000morethanlastyear, This year on June 1 the price of wheat was $2.85 comeners with $1.- 28 on the same date last i : $1.94 and 64 cents:oats 95 and cents;potatoes $2.66 and $1;$19.80 and $17.70;cotton 201 12.2 cents;eggs 27 and 17 cents per dozen,nee —————IRON GIVES YOU THAT GRANDOLDHAPPYFEELING! Be Sure You Take the Rightefbron-Acid tron Mineral!—1 ture’s Remedy the Best! DON'T TAKE ALCOHOL,INJURES KIDNEYS! of545last1,1 —It my clothes theseheartyappetitebreakfasttable. *T climb into mornings with a speeding;me to theYourlittleoldnerves.all smoothed|out by ACID IRON MINERAL, seem to shout their happiness at the ceturn of the old vitality and reserve energy.It is common sense,too.When you recall the solid,substan.; tial meals eaten a few years ago and! ‘compare them day after day —with|what we now eat,it is no wonder a} “ollow begins te get pale around the| gills and sort of loses interest in | things!“A cold drink will now and then en hour or so,but MEDICAL IRON FE ries give you the feeling.In Acid Tron Mineral,you get the most iron per doliar.In fact! a dollar bottic lasts frem twe to ten times as lonc as oiher and weaker iron remedies,whicl ecften)as net, contain alcohol,which every one! knows has only a temporary effect) AND ALWAYS A.DANGEROUS) REACTION WHEN TAKEN IN EXCESSIVE QUANTITIES!i SIVE YOUR BLOOD 4 REAL) CLEANSING! Start taking a teaspoon! Iron Mineral)quatural iron)after each meal for a werk er ten citys. Get out in the air and draw in aj few great,bis mouthfuls of ozone,! set the alarm for carl){see how ound the sleey rets,and how Fe-} freshed and fall of via vou feel on]etting up.Everybody needs irent| Here it Non-alcoholic,non-injus| rious,helpft d beneficial to blood, kicker stomach urd bladdet It is | leath te germs,tric acid and other} ileod poisons.Bevin by ‘phoning | or calling at the neetest druggist’s| this very day.A large bo of Acid} Minera!will be sent anywhere tu cost of St. MagnoliaBalm HID FACE POWDER, The beauty secret of women who knowhow totake care of the com- plexion.Cannot bedetedicd.Heals Sun- L a \J q burn,stops Tan.Soothing, “aw i,co«pe oo.; ©fia ink,Ui bite,1 Re1rr73.et Trcappiets ot hey nati drech, Sample (either color)for 2c.Stamp. Leon Mis Co.40SouthFifthSe.,Brooklyn,N.¥. ee IPSCCELLme—se i THE WAY TO HEALTH. Hevlth is the most important thin f It ix too precious,too vitalbandedaboutasanarticleof It cannot be purchas phials at the corner WA.itself of “COKE”or dope | put you baek fer}to take geod old} BI.QUANTA. “siay-there”| ‘of Acid} » n’ is tl a peewylifeamie nerchy nuise “doin boxes rug store, BARIUM ROCK SPRING TER aids Nature to restore hen drugs fail.It drives Uric ac! ut of the system and revitalizes the erves,.M.Shannonhouse writes:“I was suffering from shattered nerve and disordered stomach and kidneys ind the BARIUM ROCK SPRINGWATERbroughtaspeedy.cure. "Phone W.A.EVANS write Department L,Box 55,Barium Springs,N.C. STATESVILLE AND ELKINJITNEYLINES. SCHEDULE. iv Leaving Statesville... ir Leaving Turnersburg 28:35; Leav ling Harmeny ..8:55 a or Leaving Houstonville 2 9:05 r Leaving Hamptonville 0:50 Elkin ving Elkin ‘ eaving Hamptonv ill saving Heustonville 4:55 4 *Leaving Harmony ..6:05 p ir Leaving Turnersburg 5:25 4 Arrive at Statesville ....6:00 p Car leaving Statesville in the mor ing at 8:00 a.m.makes connor with both North Wilkestoro kin-AHleghany trains Leaving Elkin at 3:50 p.m., connection with trains No.12 geing to Salisbury 6:45-p.1 No.16 going te Charlotte 6:50 p.n No.28 goingtoTaylovsville 8:10 p.m No.35 rroing to Asheville 10:25 p.n NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE. JITNEY TRANSFER CO. Statesville,N.C.Everybody Will Tell You That “Everything to Build With” hes been cheaper since WATKINS came here two years ago. C.WATEINS,Statesville,N.C. Cc, “Bverything to Build With.”rest Prices,Ceil- or R04 ana i mi! ae me,|¥ ”J i| | {|| best time in the year to safe-guardcasingsforthecomingseason.Youcan't afford to chance ruining perfectly good casings with worn-out tubes.Forestall incon- venience.See to it that your tube equip- ment is right and ready to meet all the con- ditions of summer driving.Replace all your old tubes now—before Fisk Week goes by. New Fisk Tubes NOW will give youbetierliresatisfactionandlowerupkeep costs for th:balance of the season.This is the time to buy. Howlonghasitbeen since you ex- amined your tubes?Look them cver carefully and replace any which you are not sure will stand the strain. Fisk Tires For Sale By ‘CAROLINA Motor ComPANY Siatesville C.M.C.and 0.N.J. Tafting Thread. 10c.,3 for 25e. J.&P.Coats’Ciethct Cotton.All colors and White, 5c.,6 for 2he.5vc. }ohnston-Belk Co.| Visit our Ready-to-Wear Department. “Wonderful Saving to be had on Coats, Coat Suits and Dresses. $10.00 and $12.50 Suits for $7.95. Higher priced with corresponding reductions. Tub Fabrics,Fast Colors. 32 inch Renfrow Ginghams,15c. 22 inch Zephyr Ginghams,15c. 27inch Toile Dunord Ginghams, 4c.27 inch Amoskeag and Utitity Gioghams,121-2c. 27 inch Galatea,18c. Summer Dress Fabrics. 36 inch Colored Voiles,18c. 27 inch Colored Voiles,12 1-2c. 40 inch White Voiles,25c. 36 inch Striped Skirting,18c. 36 inch Gaberdine Skirting,25c. 1 lot Cotton Crepe,Pink,Piue and White,special 15c.36 inch Best Percales,15c. BUY NOW. PRICES ARE GOING TO BE HIGHER. We have a good line of Domestic Fabrics,Brown and Bleached 10 x 4 Sheeting,Bleached Domestic,Feather Ticking,Pillow Tubing,Ready Made Sheets,Pillow Cases,Table Damask, Napkins,Silence Cloth,Curtain Material,Etc. We have what people want when they want ii—at fair prices. The Store That Sells For Cash and for Less. —it PLONE 212, -——OLD ——— IRISH =POTATOES. We haveshipmentforiate it will pay you toinvestigate the Mrs.M.A.lots,$0 central and nicely located in thecolored folksresidentialsectionofStatesville,near school andchurches.Just completed the up andingofstreets=alleys,A wee colored svetheopportunityofbuyingoneormoreoftheseigts,others desiring to do so willfindittheirtagetoactatonce.Will sellfor cash10percentcashandbalanceinmonthlyThemapofthepropertyandlotsbegladly received a bigofoldIrishpotatoesplanting.If you need any,call on your merchant,andhasn't got them,REFER ™M TO THIS AD.! J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. just shown upon request.LICENSE TAXES.uk G Are not tied from carry t »pectations and desires a imoneyINTHEBANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It is not a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in-come is small and it will be casier asyourincomeincreasesto Increase Your Bank Account. Now is the opportune time to open anAccountwithus. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.”GEO,H.BROWN -President.U.L.TURNER .Cashier, ooo of'nearly totheBritishstarted-early a nSimeorningandatnightfa every-|where advanced their line,Pi villares and numerous pointsvantage.Among the latter Is| |for miles and which for two and &|Fihalf years has been a troubled sa-,|lient.b |The villages of Messines and Wyts-Hichaete fell into the hands of the)5 |British aang |fieven pres:on eastward fromb|Wytsehaete and occupied the villageofCosttaverneandtrencheseastofthevillageonafrontofmorethanyfivemiles,|'|Probably never in history was ant|attack launched with greaterjaration,For days the W\gatient had been the objective of theBritishgune,which hurled tonsofsteelvponit.When the time fortheattackcame,the British loosedMines,containing 1,000,000 pounds:of high explosives,in front of theFGermanpositions,the detenationsbbeingheard130milesawayinEng-land.With consternation reypamengtheGermansandw aBcurtainoffire,English,Irish,New|Zealand ond Australian infantry-E men,with “ianks”to aid them, tarte!across the open.The Ger-mais offered enly slight resistance commands the surrounding and cverywhere were beaten off. |Real Estate Bargains! To make quick sale I am offering thefollowingpropertyatattractiveprices: Five-room House and large Lot on N.Center Street.Vacant Lot on N.Center Street.Vacent Let cn Stockton Street, This property is well jocated in growingsectionsofthetownandwillprovegoodinvestments.Let me show it toyouthisweek. 1.PAUL LEONARD,ADMINISTRATOR. Even late in the afternoon,whentheyhadsomewhatregainedtheircomposureandattersucedaeounter-vutack near the southern end of theine,it was broken up by the Brit-sh artillery fire. The German Prisoners,In its account of the prisoners tak- en by the British,the AssociatedPressreportsays:The men who had seen most oftheirmilitaryserviceontheRus-sian front were the most demoraliz-el of ail,“We had heard much of the conditions on the westernfront,”said cne of the captured Ger- “But we always thought there wasmuchexaggerationaboutthem.Wehadnorealizationwhatwarwas.“When we came from Russia afewweeksago,we were told weweregoingagainsttheBritish,butthatweneednotworry,as the Eng+lish were not in a position to accom4 A Mid-Sunmer Inducement Fancy Vest oc Pair of Trousers FREE. For the Month of June we are offeringeachandeverycustomerorderingaSuitorOvercoat,from the Spring and SummerlineofTheGlobeTailoringCo.,of Cincin-nati,a Fancy Vest or a Pair of Trousers,FREE, Every garment Needle Molded to yourmeasure,thus making your satisfactionsure, Step in and let us take your measure today. Act now While the assortment is com-plete. WE CLOSE AT 6.O'CLOCK. PHONE 83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. wena plish anything serious against us,in’view of their offensive at Arras.Theartilloryfigeweexperiencedwhenwe first came to the Messines ridge wasmoreterriblethananythingwehadseerorheardontheeasternfront. “Then,a week ago,the Britishtartedtheirintensivebombard-ment.It was horrible to endure,Few of us ever thought we wouldvetoutalive.There was a distinctsenseofreliefwhentheminewasyploded,We knew then that anattackwasunderwayandthatwesooshouldbedeadorinapositiontosurrender.Most of us can frank-y sny that we preferred the latter.“This experience of ours shouldendthewar.We have no possiblehancetowin,Two days ago my di-vision was made up of three splen-did German regiments.We sawthesemenshrivelupinahurricaneffrewithwhichwecouldnot.pos-ibly compete.Now my division ex-is bo More,”This offeer had no complaints tomekeagainsttheGermanhighercommandandnoapparentdesiretowinfavorfromhisBritishcaptors.ile was so shaken by the ordeal hehatundergonethatheseemedtofindatleastmomentaryreliefincv-pressing,in exeellent English,thethoughiswhichwereuppermostinhismind.The experrenae of his di-viejon apparently is evidence thatGermanyisnotfindingasolution,here of her military difficulties —inthetransferringofheroldeasternunitstothewesternfrout.The battle of the Messines ridgewilleverstandoutasawonderful!triumph for the British artillery.:The deepest significance in the strik- We were surprised the other day when a man said he didn’t know we sold Dry Batteries.We told him if he knew HOW MANY we sold HE would be surprised.We have the old reliable a.Best for all dry battery Doyouknowa little sereen wire paint will make that old dooror window last anotherseasonor two besides making it lookbetter?Anybody can apply it on the wirewith asmallbrush. Batteries, ing vietory lies in the fact that theGermunsseemedtoknowtheattackwascomingandhadendeavoredin!every possible way to defend them-,selves against it.But as fast as.they brought up new batteries,theBritishgunswereuponthem.Brit-!ish airplanes always were over the German lines,watching every moveanddemonstratingveryplainlywith|whom rests supremacy in the air on)this front. been warned within the last few.days that the English might attempt;an offensive,and that the main at-|tack might come in the Messines sec-tor,with the hope of nipping off the}Wytshaaete sector—all which,it!oe be stated,has been accomplish- Pardons, »<:~——has pardoned Jessiet.Lee lecklenburghadserved23monthsof oyisentenceforlarceny,had been a|jeone for some time ay was — to go to Raleigh present %case to the Governor, |Meanines -Wytschaete ridge,which |la the attack and they “ man officers to the Associated Press.° ider blades. All the prisoners say they had Stai Institute fiFourthUnitedStatesinfantry en-|camped at Gettysburg,led the pa-'4 aecompa-|nied by Governor Brumbaugh of|Pennsylvania and Assistant Secreta-|ry of War ingraham ¢ _Gov.Stuart presented the memo-rial and it was formaliy accepted onbehalfofthegovernmentbyAssist-ant Seeretary of War Ingraham.TheinvocationwaspronouncedbyRev.James Power Smith,who served as}captain and aide on staff of“Stonewall”Jackson.A wreath,the gifi of the State of |Massachusetts,was placed at thefootofthemonument.Many Unionveteranswitnessedthyexercisesand|handclasps ex-|changed between :men who met on!the battlefield half a century ago.|Survivers of General Pickett's oeionwereespecialobjectsofinterestandtheywerekeptbusyrelating|scenes of their effort to breakthroughtheUnionline.|The monument is of Mt.Airy (N.C+)granite and at the base are sev-|en figures rememnoating all the|branches of the Confederate service,|two boys,one a bugler and the oth-|er a cavalry color-bearer carrying|the flag of Virginia;farmers,me-|chanics and business men stand|shoulder to shoulder with artillery-men,infantrymen atid cavalrymen,| THE PRAISE CONTINUES!| Everywhere We Heer Geod Re-|parts of Dean's Kidney|Pills. Statesville is no exception.EverysectionoftheU.S.resounds with |raise of Doan’s Kidney Pills.Thir-|ty thousand persons are giving tes-!timony in their home newspapers.The sincerity of these witnesses,the|fact thet they live so near,is the |beet proof of the merit of Doan’s,Here’sa a Statesville case.| Mrs.L.A.Lineberger,364 Bellstreet,Statesville,says:“I was in misery from a dull ache across mykidneysandpainbetweenmyshoul- I couldn't rest at night.My kidneys acted irregularly andmyhealthwasallrundown.Reading so much about Dosn’sKidneyPills,1 decided to trythemandsotasupplyfromStimson |&Son's Drvg Store.After taking| them a few days,my back felt bet-!ter and one box cured me.My kid-neys have been normal ever since.” itherewereMany § Fi n gr r i MEET HE stiitanices MDcle THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITYEVERYDAYINTHEYEAR, QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY,| Statesville Drug.Comp’y —The Rexall Store.—Quality Prescriptionists. ea eeeee aii Price 56c.,at ali dealers.Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills —the samethatcuredMrs.Lineberger.Foster-| Milburr Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y.{| Oe Oe ee oteioncioaige emt en ee | FINKE LOT COUNTRY HAMS. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. No.1 Heart Pive Shingles,| No.1 Sup Pine Shingles,JuniperRedCedarShingles,Nails,Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Scaffoll Ma-terial and Brown and Green Shingle and acquaintancesareimpressedbythegeneralatmonghaneetpearhome. It is only natural that your friends Nothing else radiates a cheerful atmosphere as doesnicefurnitureproperlyarranged,{f you want your home furnishings to be correct thefirstthingtodoistochooseafurnituredealerwhoknowscorrectstylesandarrangement—he can befoundhere, in,|C.WATKINS,Shingle King of|Iredell County.ilieaithenamapaien Eneon Dr.S.W.Hoffmann ~—Is the BEST for—— Destroying Potato Bugs. -———We sell it——— HALL’S DRUG STORE, aud of »and Mes,Foycoy.MooresvilleNews, oorOther Deaths.Mooresville,June 11 -—Mr.Jas. Thomas Poy White,Jr.,the little @saham of Barber,who was on a Mr.and Mrs.T.Foy White.riding cultivator,was thrown off late shortly after noon at the °ke‘“neck was brek-parents on Davie avenue Wednesday and his =ee a short illness with colitis.The °"ang ——oa te Reahear| was a Ww:,four sons nm ©« and iS.~S.and was about 56 years old.He was .White was away on «business parted at St.Luke's chureh at Bear at the ti this leath.var Thursday at 12 o'clock. was uneupected,and “td mor Herat services by the pastor,Rev. 4 ule *::\.Thomas,assisted by Rev.V.i home until Saturday morning.2.45.of Barber,an old friend of funeral services meee —_ct aoe #2 3 5 "E e }teceaaed,from the home by Rev.t We had fine rains Saturday eve- and Rev.L.D Th.mp g amd night.Gardens,truck y afternoonat 5 o'clock.Th nes i all crops look so much burial was in Oakwood cemetery aaa es ecerhcnies ‘Z;.€aiready a everybody is reMrs.W.B.Meredith,Mr.and Mrs <Some farmers planted their C.8 MeMurray and Mrs,T.©.Flow ver,some replanted with ers of Rock Fill,S.C.,were in State»oe while some wnaited ville to attend the funeral.‘:me up,whilé there are Mrs.Kiter Wawkins Feimster.ie ee tee ty as .wife of Mr.R.L.Feimster,died =at 7 ad ~: her home at Scott's Friday.She wes 9 yro perce W ae en aaer tod about 40 years of age amd is survs car Series ah amid ed by her husband and seven ch .Sin ace U0 Wennanols dren;by her mother,Mrs Hawkins ere ke)cast on GomallelofChaseCity,Va..a sister,Mrs.Rie Oe oo males hettcs time now The ley Dagenhardt of Shiloh township.yy cae Vine sh eeandtwobrothers,Mr.Alonzo Haw-(F Ka Shea sinokinsofChaseCity,Va,and Mr.FE ee ee reerettHawkinsofWashingtonStateeoopocae:Daal batFuneralserviceswereconducted92)5)0 ’ee ne aefromConcordchurchSaturdaySeek’14;ag ESmorningbyRev.S.iL.Cathey.Bu aks eS rial in the church cemetery.ye re Mace MCN went to Cher- Mrs.Margaret Murdock Hobson,(°°ast Week troate or ea wife of Mr.Ed.M.Hebsen,died .:;7 Sunday at her home in Salisbury .Wo oD.Gilm i M I Mrs.Hobson was well known t Pete.-re t many Statesville people,who will tri t _m 4 XD { regret to hear of her death.She was %)I encir Tuc epresent the married to Mr.Hobson less than a VS Benter 'oe vear ago.Funeral services were '‘\)"*- held in Salisbury yesterday after-liss Bernice Long,©:np noon at 5 o'clock und some States-'oan Femusic Casa Bnd A nocrvillefriendsattended.Mrs.Hobsor her children to th was the dauchter of the iate Dr.F.*picnic,had a very p:casunt trip J.Murdock,a prominent Episcopal Ther had a pier AP PEE minister of Salisbury.The town board of comm oe:a2 meeting last week,instructed Mr.George F.Dwire died in Win-the mayor to have the recorder and ston-Salem Thursday after an ex-chief of police enforce the “speed tended illness.Mr.Dwire,who was limit"for all autos hereafter,and a son of the late Mr.Henry Dwire,Maver McNeely has instructed —the was born in Statesville and made povce to go after the avio driver this place his home until he was oni enforce the laws,regardless of about 13 vears of age,when he mov-(ho 'nflue)or standing of the vie ed to Winston-Salem.This was lators.Chief of Police W.A.Brow: about 30 years ago.Mr.Dwire is Wes re-eiect ad peliceman id tax survived by his wife and one ugh-Neeter.The board also authoriz ter,a sister,Miss Mamie Dwire.and ¢i the purchase of the Teavar brick a brother,Mr.Henry R.Dwire of ©i'ding,Broad meet.for ¥.7R0, Winston-Salem.He was well known for the town,to be used as a meeting to many Statesville people.lace for the various d rimeni ne town, Mrs.W.F.Merrill received a te!-Mes J.Shoaf and child,who have egram Sunday from her brother,been here visiting Mr.Shout’s —pa- Mr.John Bost of Greenville.Pa.cents,left Thursiay for their new advising her of the death of his pome at Winston-Salem.Prof. wife.It is assumed that Mrs.Bost:4ria‘l,superintendent of the graded died suddenly,as relatives bere did chools,left with his wife and child not know of her ‘liness.Mr.Bost.list week for ¢harlotte sville,Va.te _formerly of Statesviite,ts well rare in the teachers’agent We known here.,se take kMeei f instruetion }immer school there.Mr.Abner T.Hend died ye terday The first siore builtmorningathishomeinSharpesburgyijoresvitie,located on Main street, township,following a stroke of Pa-which was in 1879,owned by Mr.valysis which he —suffered Sunday.Van Patterson,now of Durham,wasBurialwilltakeplaceatMt.Piseah porn down this week.It was unsafechurchthismorning.Mr.Head is gy4 condemned by the town auuhor- survived by his wife and several jie, children.He was about 45 years of A large number of new books for age and had been engaged in the the publie library have come in saw mill business in the county.rhemirraali mache of he Maosed van ;:ville Building and Loan AssociationDoesn’t Think Mach 8 a oa ke Ancestors.ratifying report mney nS Thursday night weit-b%8 do pas-©vy A.W.Col The board « senger train 35 was loaded with vet irectors a 1 offerors re re-elect erans,their kin end friends,return.4 This association ha been oa ing home from the Washington ore.reat factor in the uphuildini:oi union.Mest of th old fe dow a were Mooresville and ha ione much for bedly worn by the trip and they the progress of the town,Without it drooped half-asleep in the seats of many who now owe homes would the day coaches.But some of them -til!be a renter,and p bly nes were lively and talkative,the spirit own 2 home seing willing when the flesh was “Dr.G.P.W.¢ke,who has rent- weak.One of the latter,who walk 1 the Trotineten res'd moon Cen ed as “peart”as he talked,got up to ire avenue,will be joinet tl iG get off the train at Newton His seat his wife and dauphver,Miss Mi mate,a young man,told him good el bye and expressed the nope that h Miss Vera Froese,daughter f would live to attend many more re-‘its.Marv Freeze ot Moores ible unions.nd Mr.i.G.Wea New York “TI thought vou wv going to say ‘ere mal fin Atlanta May 27d you hoped we'd ake par:in another Llef oat oo r the groom’ serap,said the veteran “You ’New Yor!the ‘hrice younwer men must do the a«rapping ],nore ene Rer Man now.”he continued,“and TI hope 's ait wpe to?’ you'll go over yonder and elean the Te i \.Fall Mothodist pas Germans out.I don't want even *preached at the First’Baptist seed left.No matter abcut our an-church >t ight,where a meet cestors,”the veteran rattled on,evi-ing is in prog this week Ser dently heving in mind the folks who ices cvs vat Band 7.30 p.m are pro-German because of —Germar Dr.John Young Templeton ieft descent.“All our ancestor were Wodneaday nicht f |hon ' horse thieves,mine as well as Portsmouth,\ncvom@anied 4 yourn ”I Kate Ten Mr.and Mrs. With this parting shot the old Ulmer of Le:ton were compn man stepped lively down the aisle med home hy M Minnie Temy and got off the train tor Messer Fuvere Corneli i .S !Neele.hor last week Crom The Baby and the Popcorn.Gh Vnivers Saher A pretty little baby,in a fresh (1?ul Mr Ie S.Boyd ‘ white dross—the cleanest,dnintiest went of tne Toore vill sight to be found anywhere in town 'Ns,is ona re1ne trip Nortt —had been taken out for a walk by ramnanied by h daurhter,M his nursemaid and was relieving 1 Sera Bovd.; hot and tired busines aireet as,Mr John W.Moore of I Pi rc® élean and cool,he made his way ‘la,father of the late Dro N.¢ down the street through the hot af Vioore epped ot ,here on few da ternoon.He was delighted when his '°isit Dr.Moe r mily.He wa fursemaid gave him a bag of pon.cn route to Taylorsville,wl he corn.And a little later he was to a summer home i ws from be seen sitting on the edge of the June to October.Hi he i street,blisefully piling h popeot n th war h yours 1 yt on the dirty curb and depositing it months,is 75 past and did therefrom into his rosy mouth.Spot-ike making the trip to Civchiiet lessly clean,he made you forget M Julia Stirewa 1 Mrs.R there was such a thing asx perms,a 1 Caldwell «pent Thursday in Da ou looked at his red cheeky.And as Vidson,Mi Stirewalt and Mr e joyfully counted the grains of Ma n Turner were Char'otte visi popcorn on the filthy curb,germs °°Friday were the farthest things from his iNress ha:|ted,orababymind.he went en avi ro Rock Hil, S.C,Friday a ry ed hy hi Kalian Women Po Their Bil.wife and ‘ittle davchter,Eline!Mt iM !pee ¢Sivera!thousand women are dis-y in U 7.i ‘M on f fo ging trenches for the Italian soldiers =Oe as :eereokwithViokrothetheAustrianfront,according yy..es\Ghernate O'ltatia,an Italian ee .Godt ey on <s Je _j Bocwe r,Which adds that altoreth-|,re k a wee k on a visit -M,JertheItalianwardepartmentem-,‘Steel 12)See GC is an a72.224 women,Many of whom |..._.ny uw aos visit a as ea are in munition factorics.Tn the ie -+a rfl Rk M volar Mi ae em a oa Brawley has jrone on a visit to Ben-een lmere ere om neitsville,8.Cclerks,while 9,900 women are Mr.Robert Johnston,Jr non of along the railroad lines as yy H.ON.Johnetor,ix now thekeepers.:om of the Standard O11 CompanyinMooresvilleandvicinityandisASOLINEAT26c.operating the oil wagon,the buel- Tens pe ving been turned over to himGULFGAB.dD MeNee!ly,who has hadjitarover20yearsontwantedto, ’Children’s Day at Rread Steet oo ‘7%4 Pome: \.D.Peeatman of Prowtanam apent sat Thareday here,See James W.Brown's. of Evansville,Indiana,One last week fo apend Dis waention couple weeks with his pares,ond Mra.C.V.Veils 4 MEETING LUTHER LEAGUE: and at Bethany The District Luther Leagee of Ge] Lutheran Church will coowene eth the St.James Luther Leagwe tn Clr ord,June 15-16.The feo wen eet erates have been appemtet Ww @b> tend from the St.Juhn’s Letherwa‘nureh,Btatesvie:Rev A WS The Ladies who joined the Hoosier Club Mr.A.J.Hoover,Mrs.Wo A.Shagm,.. a pg Melbagg Bg vs Berth Saturday are no WW enjoying hours of tilbert and Mr.D.t.Raymer.Tike °ening service ofthe”conventie rest,recreation and pleasure.will be oe Re a Mr Beal :. “f Statesvillewil oct Me $1.00 Puts a Hoosier in your kitchen iRton eaumty,,formerly.2conaiag today,$1.00 a week—S5c.a meal quick! ?the Proutman h >ach at,besherLecgue"Hac Done ‘or the hap pays the balance. heran Church in)America,”at one chitaren'sDaywa servedat If the men did the cooking there would 2?wae matedunrthe muspge be a Hoosier in your kitchen.: oC!You Owe It To Yourself To Jom The Rey.Chas.Anderson,past of the inst Baptést church of Statesville,@ conducting a mectinge at Faith hurch,near Rockwel',Rowan cowte-oosier l a There were no rvie it the e hureh here Sunday.‘bie pastor will ,:"to conduet services next San , ‘ic gran eet!Cyrawford-Bunch Furniture Co. meeting.Ho reports a vood meeting; oe ae “The Store That Always Welcomes You”rch,abeut 75 reeconseerations and 12.70 contriluted to Presbyterial Home Missions.aE \t Bethany church next Sunday —||Sy fotnuct vi igo wh have |COMING tO Statesville hithce ate nseT Associated Specialists cordially —invited The childrenjaitmectPoday«cltor prnetiee-|will be at Iredell Hotelal Saturday night.Warning For tors,|for one day only NH tae Miss teom-town |Saturday,June 23,1917, t he Mort n mill pendtheemieetgenssays from9 a.m.to 4 p.m. re a Mail matter an ® led h re een piven if asked,but .ituraily Mr.Weston is disposed¢OF 1 hee »ny Oa Sonia rar er their sery ices remiscs without permission.He hashelenesofikeoe,GAs Wa he WE carry whatever you want in autoPauikedtegarettsGnOaheekomerfreeofcharge.supplies and save you money on ted on ‘applicati pie and if the of --“once ix repeated he will take aetiot The Associated Dectors,Offices each sale, v have it:stupped.and =Laboratories,Ph tu lelphia,P icensi by the t 4 *tons 2 r .The Canning Plant.ae a ee a de L!isn't necassary for us to enumerate\meeting of the stockholders «|treatment of ivcases of Mord the articles included,Just drop in Statesville Canning Company |liv ,tomach ty 9 y ,;pid ots eet cne es |Be ee to here when you want anything con- .:Roles:‘%,Tves,Meare,|y vit .the innery.Mr.W.ft ney,or bladder;i vetting,nected with the car Tunday he :wr 3from Baltim:rheumatism,sciatica,worn ire he purchased the entire t leg uleers,appendices,all-.:2 mert for the cannery,Thia equy stones,guitrs,piles.without WwW want your business and will ee ee ee ee prove,by our service,that westalledimmediatelyuponitsaris:services free to cviferer mn th ire,Ans farmers who do not +their first Visit.deserve it. time to raise a crop by planting th No matter what your ¢i ed,m2 ecure plants:from diff may be,‘call and e these Sr nt ¢of the Merchaits’Asso cialists and have a friendly talk fz P N~ie > on with them.Huntreds of |peopl WUICA ¢Doo FE 4 IR,i a |have found health and happiness “ela Court Cases.in using their treatments,so ma Hows Nicholson and &might you.You ure takin no Vint )were each taxed with the chances Their opinion and serv-9 costs by the mayor for exe rr |ices are free tomobile speed timit.J.f..Mil REMEMBER THE DATE AND ,ro ysJlendwasdischargedonasimilar|PLACE:y ;‘:a ota a care against Herbert Dar d,brought back |Wsiolies Va on o eaWarie nf reval L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C.eee ee een eee aea nama Bristol withheldmorfurtherinvestigation -—Dealer In--|GET A KODAK.\CHAN E.Hides,Furs,Wool and Ghat Gn Coueae ee.Beeswax.Also all kinds Without letting your pocket know it,Come in Peep wit te tae i scrap Metal and Rub-see ow easy it is to get a Kodak,the Dime Bank ree eat ber.[am paying good Way.Geta real Kodak with spare Dimes.| The Ed.White M prices for all kinds of |;loca!agency for U scrap Iron and mixed |!H.BB.WOOOWARD Jeweler. ==Rags.cacusinaeupeieeimmieunaesins “ Ua ome See sd ICE All the Scrap |joo.cspesemnen ann Fai eine ema hi es,ron must be brought to e y >soy De ceo the Junk shop Letore 1]Drink Hires Root Beer In Bottles. ‘a ~—weighing. <==———--J paycash on delivery.Universally popular—Just the drink you should “WHAT Isis Independent Phore 506.always have in your ice box, Bell Phone 9302,.Hires is genuine because it is actually made _———ses PEATE from real roots,barks,herbs and_berries. It is just as healthy as it is delicicus, aa:Bottled LAX-FOS1S ANIMPROVEDCASCARA rein a “Slsent to your home. A Digestive Laxative exclusively by te eektagRee oe ie |Statesville MINT COLA Bottling Company. ore See aaa.Phone 82.gameCASCARABARKboeeeee=—- BLUE FLAG ROOT Por Sale fy GOOD ROADSRHUBARBROOTC,D.MOORE,Statesville,N.C.at Good Tires are the pleasure of BLACK BRADFORD &HEDRICK,Loray,N.C.ROOT And All Good Dealers. aon Leaves CHANGE OF OFFICE!— ) havemoved my law office fromthe second)ride. In Lax-FostheCascara mproved h ;of ‘lommeretheadditionofthesedesseenfooneeo anl Ga ea ®1 |Let us Pepa the Tires that will q eeeerstaney Cae.vle's &Suvings Bank. Cnt,aodthsthecombinationacts not april 10.2°om.\Is made one Ewe a er --|pure maateeiohse =for =reason THE —ae aspo see rt r more surface with greater laxatives arewenk,butree nie ene density hetter ="ey ~& aro-:.e |t inte.|=combinesstrength Wit rarer or lating ott c ~e n r prints et ond ‘tebent A ogg ediinpove ft Hardware Co,Lazenby-Montgomerybiposit.be as Statesville,W.©’|BUILDING? The -acca condnedrmanconsofabout15machines,and the down-town section of London was the eastend ofthe city,wherebuild-were destroyedandothersbad-Iyedamaged and scores of personsvietimtotheex8. jured.British airplanes ascended imme-diately the signal was given that hos-tile machines were coming,butGermansremainedagreatheightandflewswiftly,-dnd evidently theBritishfightershaddifficultyinthepursuit,for the loss of only one Ger-man machine was reco .Othersarereportedtohavebeenbroughtdown,but there is no official confir-mation of this.The anti-aircraft ns of London seemingly were una-Fie to hit the machines.A great many small businesshousesandthehomesofthepoorinthecrowdeddistrictssufieredgreatdamage.Terrible scenea were wt-nessed during the air-raid at a rail- way station,where two bombs weredropped.Luckily they missed thebusyportionofthestation,butstruckatrainatthefarendoftheplatform,fairly full of passengerswaitingtostart.The two foremostcarriagesweredestroyed.One bombhitthetrainsquarelyandonecar-riage caught fire.Several pasengerswerekilledandothersbadlyinjured and unable te escape,were fnciner-ated.It is believed that 24 personswerekilledorinjuredinthistrain.Another coach stanaing on an ad-joining line was in the service of atravelingmedicalboard.This alsoburstintoflamesandsoonbecameacharredmass.Some of the bodies were so burned as to make identifica-tion difficult.A majority of ime casualties oc-curred among a rw gathering forthenoondaymeal.The bomb fell up-on the roof of the eating house,shat-tering it and causing the wreckage to take fire.The legs of one man inthisgroupwereshatteredbelowtheknees,another's arm was blown offashewasraisingacupofcoffeetohislips.The clothing of some ofthewoundedwastorninshredsand the faces of nearly all were purple--hued from the effects of the explos- ives.For nearly an hour after the explosion at this place the ambu- lances were busy carrying away the wounded while great crowds gather- ed.One bomb which failed to explode dropped in a churchyard,digging a hole three feet deep.Another drop- ped upon a banking house.Four elerks in the place were injured, windows for 300 yards around were shattered.As soon as the raiders appeared, coming from the southeast coast, warning was given the schools withtheresultthatinmanyofthesub-urbs the children were dismissed intimetoreachtheirhomesbeforethe raiders were in the vicinity of Lon-don..While the damage was wide-spread,it is probable tmat the mone-tary loss will not be heavy,formanyofthebuildingswreckedwerethoseofsmallbusinessmen.No mil- itary damage was done,as there was no military objective in the sectionvisited.The bombs cut a wide cir- cular path through the eastern partofthecityandwhilecmeraidwas short-lived »large number of ex-plosives were dropped in rapid suc-eession.The course the raiders tookeaneasilybetracedbythedamagedbuildings,which in many cases areclosetogether.In some places awholeblockofbuildingsislackingeverywindowandmuchotherdam-age was done.One school in thisdistricthadaluckyyscape.There areathousandpupilsinthatschooland15minutesafterthelittleonesre-turned to the building from recessabombfellwherehundredsofthemhadbeengathered. Sloan Clothing Co.Changes. Mr.Jas.L.Sloan.owner,vester-day cold the Sloan,Clothing Compa.ny to Mr.G,L.Crowell of LouisburgandMr.Clarence %.Stimpson ofStatesville.Mr.Crowell has a fam-ily and will move here between nowandSeptember1.In Louisburg heisassociatedwithCrowell&Canler,who conduct a department store.Mr.floan will devote his time to theSterlingMills,Ine. CANTONMENTS SELECTED.The War Department announces 7 approval of the following four na- d tional army cantonment sites,com- ;leting the 16 sites to be selected: Rockford.i;Yappank,South Ha-ven,Long Island;Annapolis Junc-tion,Md.,and Petersburg,Va. MINISTERS TO MEET.A full attendance of the members of the Ministerial Association is de- sired at the regular monthly meet.ee Seer.10.30 a m.,o's study. theirchiefobjective.Many bombs fell in|; semficials.Standing or clinging to van-tage points everywhere aboutmaritimestation=on the landingsoldiers, on leave toward England,or return-ing to the trenches.As the cone.nlank was let down on the qua)Star Spangled Banner”was chengnsintothestirring“Marseillaise”andReneBesnard,under-secretary ofwar,and General Dumas,command-er of the northern district of France,went aboard to extend official greet-ings.Only a few words were ex-changed.General Dumas said:“We know you have come to seethewarrightthrough,and we wel-come you in the name of civilizationandhumanity.”There was perfect silence whenGeneralPershingdescended_thegangwaytothepier.Then therecameagiganticroarfromsoldiersmthepier,which extended gradual- ly along the harbor until it reachedthestreetsofthetown,where itwastakenupbythepublic. While the train,which was to takeGenera!Pershing to Paris,was be-ing made up,the American com-mander with his staff and accom- panied 7 French officials,drove inautomobilesthroughtheprincipalstreetsofBoulogne.On the trip General Pershing was accorded an ovation by the townspeople and ap-peared deeply touched by the recep- tion.Gen.Pershing and staff reachedParisWednesday. Selective Draft For Doctors. Recognizing the imperative needofmoremedicalmenforthearmyandinviewofthefactthatdoctorsareholdingbackandnotvolunteer-ing as they should,the North Caro-lina State Committee on National Defence,medical section,in session in Greensboro this week,passed aresolutionrecommendingthatthe plan of selective draft in order to secure adequate medical service for ‘the army be adopted in Congress.This step was taken for two reas-ons:first,because it would give anadequatemedicalservicetothear- my.and,second,it would relieve in- lividual physicians of the responsi-bility of a deeision.Dr.H.F.LongofStatesville,who is a member of the committee,attended the meet- ing.The action of the committee not influenced altogether from the fact that North Carolina's list of medical volunteers is far below her quota,but from the fact that the whole country is falling far short ofwhatisexpectedofandneededin the way of medical care for the sol- diers.Out of the 100,000 doctors in the United States,only about 2,100haveacceptedservice,The number in North Carolina to apply is about 300 out of about 1,700 or 1,80€doc-tors,but not all the 300 applicants have accepted service. interned Germans —Guards Are Wanted. Interned German prisoners who will be located at Hot Springs,have beenpassinguptheWesternroadthisweek.Fifty-eight were on train No. 15 Tuesday morning.Examinations for gusrds at the German naval internment camp at Hot Springs will be held Saturday, duly 14,at Asheville,Hendersonville and Waynesville.The examinations|will be condueted under the United1StatesCivilServicecommission.There are 20 vacancies to be filledandtheincumbentswillbepaidasalaryof$840 a year.It will be necessary for applicantstoprocureandfileapplicationsfor the examination in time to have them approved before the date set.Appli- was cations will not be avcepted from erh- ;ployes of the government or of firmsercorporationsengaredincarryingoacontractsforthegovernmentor=allies,unless accompanied by the |’|written consent of the head of the of-fiee,firm or corporation under whichtheapplicantisemployed. New Registration —Two in Doubt |The following have registered un-der army conscription act since|last report:Harrison her Tem-|pleton,Jonah Dacons,jall white have ‘as to|these two f they werebejustifiedpes Bonconferenceontherev-measure.“While I have little faith in =accuracy of such reports,”said Mr.Kitchin,“if they are true itthateverytimetieSenate ecommitteefindsintheHousenuebillataxthattouchesdi-joey a epecial ane theanindignation twouldseemthateae:adopt an amendment which %a special interest,they have a cele-bration.ean conceive of no iyofmendeliberatelyframingsuchabilltoraisewarrevenue,as thenewspapersreportthefinancecom- mittee proposes,except possiblyMorgan,Gary,Schwab,du Pont,Curtis,and a few of the representa-tives of big interests.“If it is true that the Senate pro-poses to strike out all after the en-acting clause,it will be the first timeinthehistoryofthegovernmentthatsuchathinghasbeen-ed by the Senate.TheexpresslygivestotheHouse ex-clusive jurisdiction to originate rev-enue blanks.If the spirit of thatprovisionisviolatedbytheSenateinthemannerreportsindicate,andthebillisre-written,whatever in-fluences I have will be used to pre-vent holding a conference withSenate,or if we go intotoreportadisagreement at once.“I will say further that if thchangesintherevenuebillmadebytheSenatecommitteehavebeencor-rectly reported in the andareenactedintolaw,it would not be24hoursbeforethewouldberaisedinthiscount'this ‘isarichman’s war and a poor man’sfightandapoorman’s pay.’“If such a sentiment based uponsuchabillasthepressreportstheSenatecommitteehasagreeduponshouldprevailamongthepeopleofthiscountry,it wous¢do more éo!weaken the arms of our country inthiswarthanthewholeopposingforeeoftheGermanarmy.~Mr.Kitchin’s resentment overSenatechangesintherevenuebillisunderstoodtobesharedbyothermembersofthewaysandmeanscommittee,House is jealous ofitsrevenue-raising privileges,andreportsofSenatechangesinthebillaresccomprehensivethatthewaysandmeanscommitteemem-bers are preparing for a long and hard fight between the two houses. More National Guard Units. In addition to the motor truck company authorized as a NationalGuardunitandbeingorganizedin Raleigh now,it is announced at the Adjutant General's office that au-thorization had beeuw received fromtheWarDepartmen:for the organ-ization of four more units.They areoneregimentfieldartillery,machineuntroopcavalry,radio company and engineer train.Headquartershavebeenassignedallthenewor-ganizations except the EngineersandtheRadiocomyany.These,onaccountofthespecializedmenwho will be required for them,are notyetspecificallylocated.The disposition of the new organi-zation was made so as to distributeasequitablyaspossibletheburdenfenlistmentsuponallpartsoftheState.The Field Artillery,with 200mentoeachbattery,wifl be station-|by batteries in New Berne,Wash-ington,Rocky Mount,Durham,Win- je ston-Salem,and one battery wil!‘edividedbetweenWadesborosndMonroe.The supply train or truck compa- nv has already been assigned to Ral- cich.The machine gun troop of cav-elry will have headquarters ='n Charlotte. Red Cross Meeting at Court House Monday Night. The American National Red Cross Society has sent to the mayors of all of the towns in the United States.asking for a maas meeting in be held in’support of the move-ment to raise one hundred millionsofdollars,necessary to carry on theworkoftheRedCrossduringthe ar.In behalf of the local Red Cro sSocietyMayorBriste!has called a mecting at the court house Mondaynieht,18th,at 8.15;and the mayoralsourgeseverycitizenofthecoun-ty to take an interest in this workantmakea_contribution throughMrs.H.P.Grier,chairman.The meeting Monday night shouldheattendedbyeverycitizenofthe community. Fire Loss Adjusted .o on of Mr.R.7 eewasfix—at 2,119.06andhewasthesalvage.Mr.Allison $3,417.94.On=ee a Allison and = justers together a ewdaysago,the matter was left to a .Ashley, compa- FRIDAY,JUNE 15, hee eens FRIEND OF FRIENDLESS. Have No Friendsor Influ-ence. After a survey of the State prisoninmatesGov.“Bickett 5 11,This survey was byCraig’s experience prison-ers at Christmas.The prison bourdsentoutof$10 each to 650familiesofbutwhentheagitationexcitementclearedawaynearly200lettersandchecksnerreturnedbecause y to receive them.ed to Gov.Biekett thatershadnothemestedinthat great man would longbeendeanshadtopresenttheir}n batch of men lately giventheirlibertyisPrinceJernigan,saidtobe90gewld.When Princeheardthathewoulabepardonedheaskedthatthepardonmadeef-fective next year.He hadabigwatermelonpatchand couldnotbearthetofleavingit.He asked Gov.Bickett to rescind thepardonbutlaterchangedhismindandgladlyacceptedthefreedomwhichcomestohimnearthecloseofalonglife.But Gav.Bickett does not pardontheseprisonersmerelybecausetheyarefriendiessorwithoutinfluenceofanycharacter.Among them are thebest-behaved men in the penitentiaryandthehealthofseveralhasfailedutterly.The batch of 11 will hard-lv be all,though the Governor doesnotknowwhata_further investiga-tion will show.In granting the par- dons the Governor says:“Seon after I came into office IwasconvincedthatthereweremenandwomenintheStateprisonwhooughtnottobethere.That theirrelativesandfrienas,if they hadany,had completely forgotten themandbeingwithoutmoneyandwith-out influence,they were kept in pris-on simply beeause no human beinghadanyinterestintheirrelease.As a result of this conviction,someweeksagoIdirectedtheprisonau-thorities to make a complete survey of the prison,showing the facts inregardtoeachandeveryprisoner,to-wit:the crime for which he wascommitted;the term of his sentence;the time he has served;his behaviourwhileaprisoner;hie age,and his ohysieal condition.A partial reporthasbeenmadeanduponthatreport|am granting pardons,orconditional,to the prisoners named.1 am absolutely convinced that thefurtherconfinementofthesemenisnotrequiredfortheirowngoodnorfortheprotectionoftnepublic.”In the list of fortunates wereTsuacCruseofCabarrusandWillGlennofMecklenburg. Right After the Slackers. Gov.Bickett Monday issued in-structions to sheriffs of all countiestomakediligentefforttolocateany persons who failed to register onthe5thandreportthemtothenear-est United Statds commissioner.The penalty for fatture to isterisayear’s imprisonment en-forced registration.The Governor's action was in re-sponse to the following from Gen.Crowder,provost marshal:“Quotas are to be assigned to theseveralStatesinproportiontothepopulationasdeterminedbythebu-reau of the census and not in pro-portion to the registration.The re-sult is that every person who hasfailedtoregisterisseriouslyin-‘reasing the burden of those whohaveregistered.“It is requested that every effort he now made to detect and arrestpersonssubjecttoregistrationwho have not registered and to bringeachpromptlytotheattentionofthenearestrepresentativeoftheDe-partment of Justice.Care should betakenthatthelistsprescribedin varagraph 39 (men registered)areromptlypostedandallregistrants hould be asked to assist in bring-ne non-registrants to the attentionofthepolice.“In case of doubt as to the age ofversonswhohavenotregistered,the an ‘wabluated records of political organ-‘gations and other local records should be consulted and data may besbtainedfromthebureauofthe~“onsus.” $100,000in Liberty Bonds. Statesville’s bit in subscription to Liberty bonds amounted to about $122,000.The banks subseri!ed as follows:First National $55,000, Commercial Nations’$39,000,Peo- ele’s Loan &Savings $5,000,Mer-chants &Farmers’$1,000.Individ-iala subscribed as follows:ThroughFirstNationalBank,$12,900;through Commercial National Bank, $8,550;through Peopie's Loan @&Savings Bank $4,850;through Mer- chants &Farmers’Bank,$5,000. NEW MILL BUILDING. The foundation of the main build-‘ne of the Sterling Mills,Ine.(Statesville’s new flour mill),isnearcomplete.Much material is onthegroundandbrick-laying wil! probably begin next week.The ma-thinery will be shipped in Augustandthecompanyhopes,barring un-foreseen difficulties,to get the mill in operation in November. TWO TO COLORED HOSPITAL. Johnnie Best and s-Lee,= 1917. And the Usual Narrow the Buff,was not prepared give assurancethatthewasingtogivethe$10,000 speions ‘or theconstbridge;norcouldhegiveestimateofthecostofthework.The comimis-sioners him they would notxointotheworkonsuchuncertain-ties and the matter ended until thetobeheldherethe25th.Iredell’s representatives at the cape from serious inzury.They madethetripinMr.Smith's automobile,a heavy touring car.WhenwereontheirwayhomeandfourmilesontheCatawbasidetheriver,they passed over abridgeandhadstarteduptheJustinfrontwasawa;whichstoppedsuddenly.Mr.Smith un-dertook to step his car and itcmapel@'kes leghes apsstopitecagairailingofthebridge,vreaxiandonewheelhadgonebridge.The car hung in thistionfornearlyanhouruntilitbetakenout.In jumping outCaldwellskinnedhisknee.Thechinewasnothurt. CELEBRATE THE FOURTH. Fa e ‘ Ag e s pi l e s . arrangements for the Fourthlycelebrationhopestooceasionarealpatriotic -tion.0. of the occasion,has tomakeapatrioticaddressinwiththespiritofthe‘-,ae Ww commofMessrs.A.W.R.Poston and J.Paul .includes a band concert by the -chants’Band,a demonstration by thefiredepartmentandabigpatrioticparadeinwhichthelocalmilitarycompany,the men who have regis-tered for army service under the se-lective draft act,the Boyfraternalorganizations,ete.wiparticipate.idea is to eliminateexpensivefloatsandhaveaiy“foot”parade.The o en-tire wy will be asked to partici-pate.A few comedy “stunts”willbeworkedintotheprogrammetofurnishinnocentanmasement.The local Junior Orders will prob-ably co-operate with the Merchants’Association in the celebration,theStatesvilleJuniorshaviconsider-ed a county pienie for Juw on theFourth.Committees from the localcouncilsoftheJuniorOrderwillmeetwiththeMerchants’Associa-tion tonight to work out plans. Complaints Unjust. The complaints made against the |‘committee of arrangements at theWashingtonreunionwereveryun-just,says Mr.W.M.Nicholson,vet-eran.he committee wrote letterstoeveryStatetogetinformationoftheprobablenumberofvisitors.Thereportsestimated3,200 and prepara-tion was made for 3,500.The actualattendancewas12,000 to 15,000,andthisshowswhatthecommitteewasupagainst,through no fault of itsown.But the committee worked he-roically —worked all night —says Mr.Nicholson,to make preparationforthegreatave)and they didn’tstopworkuntilallwereprovided for.In the face of these facts Mr.Nicholson thinks the criticism of thecommitteeandtheWashington~ ple is very unjust,which it is.It isonlyfairtosay,however,that mostofthecriticismprintedinTheLand-mark was from the Washington cor- respondents of North Carolina pa-pers.Fe rhe Merchants’Meeting. The Merchants’Association willmeetinregularmonthlysessionat the Commercial club this evening at%.15 o'clock,The report of theStatesvilleassociationtotheStateassociationcenventionatWilsonnextweekwillbereadandpassedon,and other matters of importancewillbeconsidered,A_full attend-ance is desired.The Wilson associ- ation is urging that Statesville send representatives to the convention in addition to the regularly elected delegates,and it is that oth-ers will decide to go.The States- ville delegation will leave for WilsonMondayafternoon,boarding a spe-cial convention Pullman from Char-lotte at Salisbury.Messrs.R.L.Posten and J.Paul Leonard,presi-dent and oa oftheStateassociation,will *o to Wil-son a day ahead of the delegates. ,.!*demonstra ut.Vv.Gardnerofthelhe,Che Wc te be te bury.cose cahaak’'te 2 ied “Weineray me wife’s absence,unlessbeenaffected.Anyhow,anxious to locate her andciateanyaidgivenhim Settled With Widow.h A tative of sell ContractingStatesvillethisweektlamentwiththeAnderson,alias Willwhowaskilledtwoweeksfallingtimberwhileconstructionworkofa=an Anderson,Ss ome was in Statesville,employ of the ¥Russellny.His wife,Lizzie A "qualified as adminis:ratrix and 4companysettledwithherbypayinga$105. Bridge Fell In. The bridge on theroadovertheFive-Mile branch lng vin the food,et pemeaeeingviat5graduallysuceumbedtotheStatesvtravel.A illetruckbarelygotacross when‘enroadwentin.minutes|the heavy engine wou The bridge will S rebuilt justcanboGone, JAPAN WANT TO BORROW? J will send aUnitedStates.‘The i i 3 s Giplematie pected tofirstpart ofJuly,ae sits — ,t vo 3Isz s y ey &{4 i t i jury at Dr *.‘e of those indicted u.ceady are in jail. minous coal was due primarily to a of transportation facilities, issued a statement saying that dur- ing April the 85 principal railroads jels designed to deprive any member navy of his pay during inca- due to injuries received, to the use of drugs or alco- liquor,or other misconduct, been introduced in the House of Congress.An existing law covers where sickness or disease re- sults from these causes. Two missing boats from the Brit- ish steamer Southland,torpedoed and sunk on June 4,have been fouid and the 40 men who were in them landed.Edward Rigney of New York,who had been reported missing,is among them.The South- land’s captain repor.s cnet one American was killed in the sink- ing of the steamer but he did not know this man’s name.Five other Americans on the Southland were A Spy or a Traitor. Investigation by the Senate naval committee of accidents on armed hantmen =was interrupted to await the outcome of a search by t agents for the writer of ficws mailed from Detroit,Mich., to Senator Frelinghuysen,revealing naval ordngnce secrets.Secretary Daniels,placing the letters before the committee,declared that either a spy or a traitor/had been at work, use the information disclosed could have been obtained nowhere except from the confidential files of the navy’s ordnance bureau.He in- sisted that the writer should be found and required to explain. Senator Frelinghuysen told the eomtmnittee that he had no desire to shield anv one,and had sought un- successfully to discover tne identity of his correspondent.He gave out a statement defending the letter writer,saying his object was the welfare of the country and to pre- vent further accidenis,and declar- ing that Mr.Daniels’use of the words “spy or traite-’was remark- able.He made public his tetier to Secretary Daniels,transmitting the letters,explaining that while he did not know his correspondent,he felt in all fairness the Secretary should be informed of the charges made and that the documents men- tioned should be produced. ETAT President Modifies Sentence. Sentence of dismissal from the service passed on Lieut.Wiley W. Boring,Third Infantry Tennessce National Guard,by a court martial, for having induced a marine corps private who was scorer at national rifle matches at Jacksonville,Fla., to falsify Boring’s record.hay been commuted by President Wilson to a forfeiture of $25 a month in pay for six months and confinement to his company camp for the same period. In the order commuting the sen- tence the President states that his acticn was taken bevause of Boring’: “frank and voluntary acknowledg- ment of his offence,apparently made only for the purpose of rectification of the wrong he had done othercompetitorsandoftheexemplary reputation he had formerly borne.” German Citizen Drowned. The body of Christian W.Muller,born in Germany and a_wholesalegrocerofCharleston,8.C.,was tak-en from a lake near the Highlandhospital,Asheville,Tuesday.Attach-ed to the dead man's wrist was astoneweighing25pounds.He slip-away from the hospital thenightbefore,crossed the Frencheeanddrownedhimselfin Muller,who was afflicted withmelancholia,left a note in his cloth-ing,which he left on the bank,ask-that a Charlesten undertaker beItissaidthatthemanoverthewar. arder to have ready sale at ‘money crop at jing a shortage of ghote |land.oy be been | |the eure cans at the outset was the cause for delay in organizing the company,but cans are now in sight ly arrange for the planting of 4 good acreage in tomatoes.It is es- sential to the success of the cannery that the proper varieties of toma- toes be grown.Bear in mind that inour nlant your tomatoes must be of the Royal Red,Red Rock or Stone va- rieties.Seed may be secured at wholesale cost from Mr.N. Brown,at his place of _Dustness on east Broad street.Mr.Brown is al- so arranging to supply plants later in the season,but it is prererable that you buy your seed and have your own plant bed.If seed are sown at once there is plenty of time to grow a profitable crop.Our cans have been bought for late deliveryanditisthelatecropoftomatoes that will be desired.The government having request- ed,on account of the shortage in cans,that beans be dried instead of canned,it is not our purpose to urge the growing of larze quantities of heans for the cannery this season. However,we expect eo be in posi- tion to dry beans and fruit:this year in an evaporator,and may also do some canning of beans and other vegetables and fruit.[ff beans are planted for the cannery,they should be of Stringless Greenpod,Refures or Kentucky Wonder varieties,and should be planted for harvesting in August. As to prices:We will pay for to- matoes of the varieties desired,notlessthan35to45centsperbushel, or 55 to 60 cents per hundred pounds.And it has been demon- strated in adjoining counties that to-|: matoes may be grown very profita- bly at fieures considerably less than these.From one and a half to two and a half cents per pound will be paid for beans.And it has also been demonstrated that beans are a rood these prices.Then too.beans are beneficial to your soi!. If you give us your co-oneration st: in making this cannery a success,it will mean the bringing of the world’s market to your very door.While we shall start in a smal!way this vear, it is our purpose to grow,and we will eventially be in position to han- die all kinds of fruits and vegeta-suitable for canning.There isnoindustrythatmeansmoretothebles development and enrichment of Ire-- del!county.Things to Remember! To cet the best prices for your nreduce vou must plant the varie- ties selected by the company as the most desirable. It is better to sell tomatoes by the weight for reasons that are obvious. Remember that if you help us make the cannery a success,the market in Statesville will not be glutted any mere.because the can- nery will be able to work up surolus,The cannery will not interfere with the local club werk—was not organized for that purpose—but sim- nly to afford better marketing condi- tions for both the raw material and the canned product. Beans improve your land as much or more than peas. Adjoining counties sav the farm- ers are making $100 to $150 per acre raising tomatoes. You ean obtain bulletins on toma- to and bean growing by writing the fovernment or seeing the county demonstrator.Average vield per acre:Corn,40 ta 80 bushels;beans,150 to 250 bushels;beets,140 to 250 bushels; sweet potatoes.200 to 400 bushels; neas,170 to 500 bushels; 200 to 500 bushels. Cut the Meat and Flour Ration A resolution urging the American people to eat less meat afd more corn,rice and barley products as sub-stitutes was adopted by the House of Delegates of the American Med- ical Association,in convention —in New York city.The memorial will be sent to President Wilson,Her- hert C.Hoover and to Congress. The resolution was introduced byDr.Seale Harris of Birmingham, Ala.,who said the country was fac-meat and wheatproducts.Dr.Harris declared —con- sumption of wheat products could be reduced 50 per cent.by using meal, hominy and other corn products,andthattheaveragelifeofthenation’sadultscouldbeextendedperhaps10 tomatoes, |years if each person ate only a smallportionofmeatonceaday. Se American Prisoners in Germany Germany has notified the UnitedStatesthatsheregardsthe74Amer-ican merchart sailors brought in bytheraiderMoeweasprisonersofwar,and that they will be treatedassuch.To insure them of aide-quate care in the prison camp,ourhasarrangedtosupplymenwithadditionalfoodandothernececsitiesthroughSwitzer-| the America only,i quantities.The Uncedanenormoustradebalance in vor and largely indrestoftheworldfor raw .can force release of the itdoesneedbyexercisingitsnewpow-er of exports.Fair con over shipping will result.In applying the new law,the gov-|ernment’s purpose,aside fromventingsuppliesfromreaching the H enemy,will be to conserve all American resources,first to make America effective in the war;see- ond,to make the allies effective,and third,to befriend neutrals friend} to the alliance.The power to -just shipping routes and sources ofsupplyisexpectedtoeffectatre- mendous saving in tonnage by re- ducing long hauls.America’s ineor- poration into the allied economie strength gives the alliance the prac- vieal trade domination of the wholeworldoutsidetheGermanempire.‘he neutrals are nractically helpless |without allied shipping and coal. Se eeHk mmm 6 teenie+ORR RE |Method of Attacking the Submarines. Passergers arriving at an Amer-|‘can port from England report thataformertrans-Atlantic liner of eon-siderable size,which was converted infty a mother ship for airplanes and ok part in the North Sea fight,is now being used by che British ad- nuralty in its new campaign =toercometheGermansubmarine | menace, This vessel cars:cw a number of|airplanes and cruises around the|Hritish coast,waiting two pick upnewseftheunderseacraft.Men are vosted at the lofty inastheads on the ykout with powertal glasses,and “reetly a submarine is sighted)anaviatorgoesupdropsbombsonitstrack.In addi-|he captacn of the seaplane ship kept posted on the submarine ae-iivities by wireless from the naval|rtations at vari points and alse receives §.O.S.calls sent out by the amships which are being attacks |' son tA ‘dy (rr ke PS ES Salisbury Aviater Killed. J.Hayes Collett,a Salisbury boy who was with a povernment aviation evad at Fort Sem Lousion,Texas, wes killed in an accident a few days {,OHe was a son Mr.N.W.Collett Salisbury,was 22 years old and his second year at of ‘3 ju it clesing the University of Virginia when enlisted in the aviation corps.New ricentl,was that he had passed oll his examinations and had been as- signed to an officers’reserve squad.ee ee eeeee ee ee One efficient way to remov:nasalcatarrhistotreatitscaie |whichin mostcasesis physicalweakness.The system needsmoreoileasilydigested a alodge 7°uld | SCOIT'S to enrich yourthesen:i-tive with its pure properties. of this Scoti’s treatment wii!araad who have usedenufisandvapors.Get the Genuine SCCTi’S~an wo ne nee taenema tte cach meal to | DR.J.M.HOLLAND.| DENTIST.' OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS 8 te 6. '‘ "PHONE 21. in a seaplane and)_ ~~ rORANGE JOOJ A new drink’and a better onel Oranges julepped with cane sugar and jcod distilled watcemakeacoolingrefreshingnew drink delight for the Summer. —=i -ittle poople and hig people,|'indeors and sbreed,mernings [AE | neon ans night,} Se at all drink stand j Lees by the case*+1f you lke Oranges,you'lllikeOrangeJoos*| Coca-Cola Bottling Co, Statesville,N.C “Tsac’,[G2 That:theFruit”~~ But theRoad Test is the GoodrichitsTires.en Pee Oe Six fleets of GoodrichTest Carsinsix sectionsof our ,areTESTtoGoodrich tiresfor you. Millionsofmiles—the averageof the combinedficetsis300,000 miles a week—thus settle the durability andresilienceoftheGoodrichprincipleofthe MOLD,unbroken cure,Goodrich has always main- tained was BEST for fabric tires. Buy thisTESTED certainty of tire,backedbyGoodrichFairTeen,tn Geomen BlackSafetyTreads.boo ofthousandsoftireusersfromtheBeritaBetsenestatadatheTESTED America onthe TESTof TIME.. differentdailyputtingROADtobringouttheBESTin TheDixie Fleet;—-The Pacifie Fleet;~-The Meuntain Fleet;—-The brairic Fleets;—The Lane Ficei;—The Atlantic Fiset,‘ ALLbolaber GoodrichTiresagainstovery hind cf roadand every hind ofclimatichandicap. IT obey THE B.F.GOODRICH CO. Akron,Ohio Goodrichalan mokes the famous Silvertown Cords,the tire which won the1916RacingC Also the Best Tubes—Brown and Gray BIG REDUCTION oe M-I-L-L-I-N-E-R-Y. We are offering all Colored Hat Shapes at half price. Also a big lot of Trimmed Hats at a great sacrifice. See our line before buying. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. ’ber. Metal and Rub-I am paying goodpricesforallkindsofscrapIronandmixed Rags.NOTIC!—All the ScrapIronmustbebroughttotheJunkShopbeforeweighing. scrap L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C.}, Dealer In — Hides,Furs,Wool and Beeswax.Also all kinds I pay cash on delivery. I ngentent Phore ;'Bell Phone 9302. The Brady Printing (o | Has taken over from | R.P.Allison the |; agency for various || Magazines and Book |) Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zinesofall kinds.Will order any book wanted. All Magazinesoncoun- ter soonas out.: re =Me a me ogee theLa that will FOU ULCANIZING, THEIREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Mt tea erMostUseful Household Articles STEP LADDER. A home is not complete without one;andbesurewhenyoubuytogetagoodone.A weak,flimsy step ladder has no placeinthehome. Ba 2 8 6 43] if 2 oai Ne relief by takingWhynotyou?All drugzirtsNO1a! $1.00 Per Hour For;you when you can letthempumpthewaterandsaveyouthetimetodevotetoyourwork.Save thistimeandmoney.A MyersPumpwillsavethis.Letusputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY.Your Plumber,114 B.Broad St. |‘[10-Year-OldChildMakes egeereeereeeeeren eeeeeremerrregeernsnt->WONDERFUL STUFF!LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS No humbug!Any corn,whetherhard,soft or between the toes,willloosenrightupandliftout,without a particle of pain or soreness.is drug is ealled freezone and isacompoundofetherdiscoveredbyaCincinnatiman. Ask at any drug store for a emallbettleoffreezone,which will cost but a trifle,but is sufficient to ridone’s feet of every corn or callus.Put a few drops direetly upon anytender,aching corn or callus.In- ‘tantly the soreness diseppears andshortlythecornorcalluswillloosen and can be lifted off with the fingersThisdrugfreezonedoesn’i ent outthecornsorcalluses,but shrivels {|them without even irritating the sur- We Try to Keep Everything in stock to meet your wants.Roof- ing Tin,Ridge Roll, Vallev Tin,Guttering and Spouting,Galvaniz- ed Iron and will maxeanythinginSheetMetal you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO. ‘Phone 55,114 E.BroadStreet. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 5-7-0,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE ENC AGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hourac®to & SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'S TENTH, | “SOMETHING NEW" JIFFY JELL. new dessert in six flavors, The Guaranteed to please or your money back. Try it. Phone 89, Eagle &Milholland. Fresh Eggs Candled to see that it is all right.You are sure to get Fresh Eges. Every Ege Sherrill&Reece. ' }|| i! | | ——-—<- C.HW.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green. | L WANTED! SCRAP HeavyBrass The.per Light Brass Sc.per vou FOR SALE: hand mach!ra all kinds of ! j} | | ! | | |* \| ' jar Leaving Turnersburg }!kin-Alegwhany iNo.3 |rounding:ckin. |Just think!No pain at all;ro sore-|ness or smarting when applying it or |afterwards.If your druggists don’t have freezone have him order it for |you. |Coming to Statesville, |Associated Specialists | will be at Iredell Hotel| for one day only | Saturday,June 23,1917,| from 9 a.m.to 4 p.m. | ||Olfer their services free of charge. AssociatedLaboratori: licensed =by Carolina,ar reatmet of disen iver,lungs,ste inte kin,rerves,heart,loon,4 ney,bladder; umatism,ut! appendici Doctors,Offices Philadelphia,|the State of .in thehlood, Riise t |@e, d- l-wettiner, tapeworm, rall- tc.,without Ter their s on thi le; se rhe ,Kore,pp ; and they s free to their first visit. No matter what may be,call and cialists,and hav m.Hucdr found health a: ing their tre you You ar Their opinior fyiree rs, lar operatoan, CTV ie ir trouble | »these Spe friendly talk of per pl . {happiness your with th is have in Us mivht chances, ‘ces are .takin and ser no| REMEMBER THE PUACE! DATE STATESVILLE AND ELKIN °:. JITNEY LINES.SCHEDULE, a.mm. a.m. a.m. Car Leaving State ar Beaving Turnersbury . ar Leavling Harmeny .. ar Leaving Houstonville .0:05 a.m. ar Leaving Hamptonville 9:50 a. Arrive at biki 0 a. ‘ar Leaving Ei ‘ar Leaving Hamptonville 4:10 p. er Leaving Houstonville 4:55 p. ar Leaving Harmony ..5:05 p. h:26 p .6:00 p. in the morn- makes connection and El- \ Breed at Statesville leaving Statesvitle ry at 8:00 a.m. ih beth North Wilkesboro trains, Elkin at 3:30 p.m.making connection with trains: No,12 going to Salisbury 6:45 p.m No.16 going to Charlotte 6.50 p.m. No.23 going to Tayloysville &:10 p.m. »going to Asheville 10:25 p.m. Arrive ar ’ caving |NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE. JITNEY TRANSFER CO. Statesville,N.C. WHAT'S THE US! on to 1 paint, PF and di old-time, thai scolor,when Will yoon a thorouglily modern,scientifie,ma-hine-made PURE PAINT that willout-cover and out-last lead and oi!paint and cost you less money?FOR SALEBY =Lasenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,8.© When exhausted a-bottlewillrenewyoury »bers of John Finles y old-fory, you can S ieutianan biteake tard.eecol rae >epee 4 oer : "anywhere —othersPeoplewhochew aretobaccochewersare,ers—should mendcourthouseisaofthistoonsarepoe.’spit at rather thanisclesandallabout these spittoons in the court house,onoceasion,there is aPowne“izhtly and more offensive "are expected of Mocksville Record:The wheat'creap in Davie county will amonthebestinyears.Eive:whoworkswillstandachareeofpetting bisevite at leaet once a day and pos-sibly twice. .G.McSwain,a Confederate vet-ernn of Boiling Srrings,Cl veland county,hed his will drawn with theprovisothatifany«f his heirs usewhiskeyortobuecotheywillnotshareintheestate.|Im the Federal court in Greens-boro this week the jury oo?averdictinfavoroftheOldNiekWil-liams Company,defendant in a suit in which the government was tryine to collect $15,000. Watson Davis of Clear Crecktownship,Mecklenburg county,died in a doctor's office in Charlotte while undergoing X-ra examin.- tion.Kidney trouble.as 560 yearsoldandleavestwochildren.Imprisoned over six weeks at FortMyer.Va.,on a charge of desertion, Carl Kilby,16 years old,of Miller'sCreek,Wilkes county,was releasethroughtheeffortsofCongressmanRobinsen,who sent him home. Dr.J.W.Summers of CharlotteundersentenceofthreeyearsintheStateprisenformalpracti¢e,bh been granted a second reprieve of 30 days vo that he can make applica tion to the Governor for on. The Monree Journal says that ao‘ouple of geod gitizens of MarshvilleC.M.Griffth and Ellis Bailey cood friends--engared in a friendly wrestling match.Both bones of Mr. Bailey's ankie were broken and he will be laid up for a spell, Edgar B.Ramsey,59 years oldofthelateDr.Jas.G,Ramsey of Rowan county,died a few daysvzoathishomeinSeattle,Wash.He is survived by two brotherTamesH.Rameey of Salisbury an? Claude C.Ramsey of Seattle, Mrs.Deisy Springs Pegram,wife of Miles P.Pegram of Charlottc, died suddenly Tuesday morning.She had been in poor hearth fer seme veers,Was 51 years old and is survivedbyherhusband,her mother,everal sisters and a brother. Mrs.N.Tim Deaton of Concord, opareutty in her usual health, complied of -headache after sup er i lay down across the bed.An hour or two later it was found that she was dead.Was about 35 year ld and is survived by her husban! and five children. The Shuford gold mine property »Catawba county,consicting®of 1° of land,the mineral interest machinery,was sold at auc Newton Monday.J.\.Cham- Pennsylvania,rem the heirs of the T.P.Cham ate,was the suceessful bidderthpriceof£16,000, Frank B ment.National Guard,one of night duty vardis 'oad brilee at Haw River.wasvekhyatrainMondaynightand instantly killed.[It is supposed that »fell acleen while on duty.Re- mains taken Kinston ter. on an tractsudth i at es- at Brown,n priva'of fourthe»On f reve! toa patient at the forg ¢am- j}i<home rrus 1 ishil- ital vuvell rus Wawell,a ]nt by hanging >had been in the mont he M formerly jailer Allen,4-vear-old Mr.and Mra Bar \ Montgomery counts in the shaftine of the !Mill wound —ateand hart und killed before th i could be stopped.The rl own:the mill with h who is secretary and tre: he company During a storm on the ("I i et fire to barn or t} \in Will horses.Th y Annie a ery nine and killed twe Tongredl to M binley Charles Mitch fire was ed befor arn Wa aul Crave: rendered unconscious by th nin ut soon recovered on and the vas ht- Keeping Rabbits and Bird.Ou! of the Garden. on News-Herald T.Avery advances ¢' ralbbits are proh support it eaves that them out of his)var of old bottles and uring his when this remedy w hv ‘Squire A.¢ A says iH work Mr.| sry that and to ping the tse rayhods en him nd Mr W were salsifs a) very charmMany gardeners were hot erentivy this spring by Englixh row \number lost all th planting of garden peas through | Jdepredations of these little pe keep them away one garder effectively small strins cloth tied to sticks eruck the rows.Another bourht :of the little inexpensive mouse and baiting them with crumbs, hundreds of the birds, 2 ES More Than 100 Missin. The result of the reednt fir mines at Putte,Mont.,are thu macive!:Redies brought to surface.identified,96;unidentified,40;eued alive since Sunday noon,unaccounted for and missingndingunidentifieddead),128. 8 EEpipYou“THE MIKA-do”last your?Chimes of Nor- ie 'for inum 78; res- 3; (ine a ting “ Com-‘ Second North Carolina Reg-‘ So fine af 810,000 fo >tribute ant! .draft law Jute *\better,Buy OUR, ‘ and nostrils than a pect hogs to be intelligent beings. The ladies of the sanitary commit-!tee of the Civic League have been try-|ing to do something about this abhor-|rent practice,but so far they havefailedtomakeanimpressionand,they have appealed to The Landmarktosayaword.All of us know this)abominable practice should be stopped,|but it is continued,like a good manyotherevils,because it has been acustom;to spit where we please and|when we please being one idea of| personal liberty.But we have had toabandonsemeofthoseideas,becausetheyareimproperandbecausethey are harmful to ourselves and others who have the same rights;and the|promiscuous spitting will have to go.| It will take time,but a way will be|found,and these who disregard all) admonition and continue the practice | will find themselves uncomfortable, not to say embarrassed. The practice is not only unsight- ly,an offence to the eye and thelandscape,but it is a breeder of dis- ease,is bad manners and utterly in-cexeusable.The citizen who hasroperrespectforhishomewouldhowanyvisitorthedoorwho,walked into his house and acted astoomanyofthepeopledoinapub- lie building.It should be remem. bered that the public building be-longs to all the people;those who object te these reprehensible prac-(ices represent a majority of the rwhers of the property and they have rights that should be respect- '.If respect for the rights of oth- ers are not considered,then the iaws of health should be enforced. The Federal buildings are not abus- i this way,because Uncle Samloesn't allow it,and it is a shame that our ceunty buildings are soabusedbyapracticethatcannotbe defended.The judges of the court and the county and =municipal au- thorities have a duty to perform in his matter,and ther failure to ston practice reflects on them as well on our citizenship generally. —eeRrENETEem Pui Indian’s Money in Honds. Juckson Barneit reputed to be the iIthiest Indian in the United tes,subscribed $640,000 to Liber- euch his guardian, (Hornett of Henrietta,Secretary Lane's ruting that barnett,who is a ward of the gov- ernment,might do thir opened the way to many Indian subscriptions. Barnett,full -bleeded son of a Creck ehieftain,derived his wealth rom off lands near Tulsa,Okla., hich he at first incignantly reject declietng the tract fit for vetes und jack rabbets aad ino no suiied to an Indian who mere anted to fish and hunt as he 'The dt y of oil and the farnet’s Iamd made the In Ww had his,893 1 last.but he .handle hb finnnecial afta and a guardian was appoini ed for him.Barnet has never ac- than $125 a month of little interest Last vear estimate!at in bonds th J, ilp S only Cove Mas cented more }chow his fertmetax yj boat a tn the ine, we pan ¢ ae Goa n Te ne Contribution —to Wars. Reidsville Revies Atiorne y de M ed hi to Nerth (arol theState's SAY that “ransack- how many men, rnished in the Revolut)onurs ivil Wars and the figure sting,In a pop- ulation of ush.o00 the colony contrib- uted 25,000)to Washington's and it of 992,000 1 men to the Oring line or 4 ards in the War Betwee:OF this number 238 04 \turned.The irures for tt probabl too high i Nace the i ber ¢i ,at oo,” The Lory ean tor the State 127,- eee War Budeet Bill. The —&8.000,000.604 vA budwet Mnaiiv 4 (,Wi he }whieh will p It s the ¢t nN ¢! one time hy wmoeun mature propr: ted a hod Its ‘total ex of the Cis He bude ‘or army Aside from that mportant t propriation American onstruct under the di ! Tre -nl Goethals. CO AR6 EE RT Going to Fail Ne In New York 1 i Le mer,self-conf i h senieneed to ty Atlanta penitentiary and «ered to pay a vy to dis terature, for yw, Kra was He also receive ear in jail failing to regist The ime das tenee of 11 ma net re en- day for e len tiwe Federalristenin Chath in Br vn,; on Herman P.Levine,school teacher and college graduate. a cc cems eR Would Send Hubby Among the thousands of reaching the provost general's offee in Washington from wives,mothersondawe@theartsaskingexemptionfortheirmen,officials were amusedatseveraloftheleirersreeeivedOnewomansaidherhusbanddid net want to co to war,but had nogoodreasonfornotgoing,and “tip-ped”the War Department that itwouldbojust.aawell to make a dol Ua letters iv” Plaxwi Logically Your Becauseitislowinprice. Because it is handsome,comfort- ableandeasy to ride in. Becauseit iseconomical—thousands of Maxwell owners run their cars for $6 to $3 a month. Becauseitis a highly perfectedma- chine—inmanyrespectsthebestmade today. TouringCar$665 Roadster --650 All Prices F.O.B.Detroit t Come to our salesrooms and let us demonstratetheMaxwell’s superi- ority. . Ed.G.White Motor Company,” East Broat Street,Statesville,N.C:"ie + ristorinns ¢ | HELP YOUR and Make Money for Yourself, Uncle Sam must have the money QUICKLY to build, thousands of food and munition -carrying ships,to raise,equip and maintain an army of 1,000,000men;to:vive us a smashing big navy—in short,to enable duecountrytoearryonitsshareofthegreatwarforthe FREEDOM OF THE WORLD!:YOU can do YOUR part by lending the Covernailtit.some of your savings,Invest now in one or more ofLibertyLoanBonds.You will be helping yourself-while you help your country,The bonds pay 3 1-2 per’ cent.interest and ARE AS GOOD AS GOLD!is. an easy payment plan,For'example,if you want to buy»one of the $50 bonds,you can make your payments atthisBank,as follows:a8 2 per cent.when you buythe bond ........$1.00:18per cent.on June 28,1917 ...9.00 -20 per cent.on July 30,1917 ..0”30 per cent.on August 15,1917 ............15.00 >..30 per cent.on August 30,1917 ............15.00 ' The bonds will be dated June 15,1917,and wilh ram fot30years,when the Government will repay the principal,Twice a year the owyer will receive interest at the rate, of 5 1-2 per cent.a year. Come in and let us help you to helpyourself,your country and humanity! COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK: STATESVILLE,N.C. 4 he. tot ’ eenneneneenteoaeen+areedSealDryBatteries. We .vere surprised the other day when a :nan said he didn’t know we old Dry Latteries.We told him if he knew iiOW MANY we sold HE would be We have the old reliable Best for all dry battery PSaeiaeoeees surprised, ‘‘Red Seal”.v.ork Do you ...-va little screen wire paint will make that vu...door or window last another season or two besides making it look better?Anybody can apply it on the wire with asmall brush. |Iredell Hardware Co, aside from the bond proposition. latter should be considered its merits and we fee)sure it will be.If a new heating pliant a y plumbing are needed for the main building—which we accept as a fact —Statesville can't afford to let the children suffer fram cold or en- danger their health by defective plumbing because there is objectionteschoolboardmethods.If the newschoolbuildingisincompleteandthesnaceisneededforthechildren,thethingtodoistoprovidethe—-The building for the colored chil-dren is an admitted necessity.Theyhavenone.There has been someobjectiontotheerectionofanex-persive building,but with the pres-|ent cost of building materials andtakingfutureneedsintoconsidera- tion,$10,000 does not seem an un- rensonable sum.The colored peopleshouldhaveagoo,substantialbrildingwithalldepartmentsneces- sary to conduct a good school.They are in the minority,but Statesvilleneoplearetoobigandtoobroad,toheunjusttothem;too big to allowprejudicetocauseustobeungener- evs to these helpless people.™the light of the facts so far as it knows them,The Landmark is fortheschoolbendsyadhopestheywillye»Noted.Even if we shoulddisagreewithsomeoftheexpendit-ures,the hond issue must stand orfalltogether,and it should be re-membered that a majority of theregisteredvoteisrequired.Those who fail to vote will count againstthebonds.LETESMR.KITCHIN’S PROTEST. The Hon.Claude Kitchin says he doesn’t believe the reports that the Senate is framing a revenue bill to favor The Interests,but he lets theSenatorskn@wwhathethinksaboutitandhowitlookstothoseontheoutside.They will accuse Mr.Kitch-in of being moved by jealousy of theHouseprerogativesandofngtostartsomethingbecauseofhisanti-administration attitude in so manyinstances,but The Landmark has afeelingthatanoticeofthissortwaswelltimed.We're accusing theSenateofnothing,bu:that body hasbeensincetheincipiencyof | | | fe| 3i ce i sv t . : cy la t r l e q tg E. ut aF E du e piece of real estate in every town-| ship,which would show the discrim- ination,and make it public,the: would be a stir.Opinions as to the value of property differ of course,| but the approximate value can ve estimated so that the discrimination| will appear.If anybody will make, a list for Statesville for instance,orforanyipinthecounty, Landmark will gladty publich it.————— The Greensboro Record wants to decorate The Landmark with iron cross—two if one isn’t enough —for pointing the way,through Congressman Webb,for obtaining the needful after July ist.“The av- erage man,”says the Record,“can feel his own pulse.He can look at his own tongue and he can take his own fever.He knows better than any doctor in the world if he ‘feels porely,and naturally a sick man hasn't time to monkey long if the train is going in a few minutes.” aA AAAANTE Samuel Gompers,president of the national Federation of ‘Labor,wants labor men on all exemption boards. Certainly.The farmers should de- mand representation,too;and the doctors,the lawyers,the preachers, the ba ig men,the insurance men,the druggists,the merchants, the traveling men and all other classes and conditions imnmginable. It would make a sizable board to give thom all representation,but if we are going into the class business let's have it right. eel Prohibition Bill Up. The Senate committee on agricul-ture has ordered a favorable —on a far-reaching prohibition bill.One section of the bill prohibitstheuseof“non -perishable foodproducts”in the manufacture of in-toxicating liquors and gives thePresidentauthoritytoprohibittheuseof“perishable food products”ifthenecessityarises.The other bill,authorizes President to comman-besiegedthisrevenue bill by representatives deer all distilled spirits in bond forofeveryspecialinterest.Failing to!governmentgetanythingfromtheHouse,theyboas!that the Senate wouldwritethebillandreccordingto allreportstheSenateisdoingjustthat.The Landmark is by no means enam-ored of the House bill and if theSenatecanwriteabetterandafair-er measure,well and good.The con-cern of themassesottne Americanpeople,who have no lobbyists to rep-resent them,is that the tax burdenswhichmustbemetbearjustlyandfairlyonallclassesandconditions;that those best able to pay be made to bear their proportionate part.Usually taxes are so laid,throughtheinfluenceofspecialinterests,that those least able to pay bear theheaviestburdens. The war burdens must be met andtheyshouldbemetcheerfully.It isnotatimeforbickering.But for jus-tice all places are a temple and al?seasons are summer—and it is al- ways a time to demand a square dealandinsistuponit. SAREE TRENDSAR The streets of Jerusalem werekept“@lean,we are told,when everymansweptbeforehisowndoor.TheStatesvilleCivicLeaguewouldhavethe‘Streets of Statesville kept cleaninsameway—by every house-he r sweeping the walk in front ofdwellings.Appeal is made to thevn_to do this,The Civie Leagueprobab'y thinks it useless to appealto«me men.In this connection Something Awful should be done tothefolkswhothrowwastepapersimilertrashonthe | | || Senator eae.chairman of theTe-|committee on agriculture,said that|the measure acted upon will betreatedasaseparatebill,but other|members of the committee will of-fer it as an amendment to the foodcontrolbillortherevenuebill,whichever comes up for considera-tion first.If the bill is passedby,{Congress it will reduce the revenue streets.|oftenide that with a trash can,at r ey:The male species are =y guilty of this offence and ifBristolwillestablish ,»a mode of punishment pro-in the old days,and confine ev-ery Man or boy guilty of this offenceinstocksforanhourortwointhesun,the town would be REEL General Leonard Wood oftheUnitedStatesarmy,in com-of the department of the south-will visit Charlotte next week.has been working hard totheseenofoneofthear- the | provided for in the war revenue billmorethan$100,000,000. Suffering at San Salvador. News reaches Washington that atleast20,000 persons are living in|the streets and parks of San Salva-dor,made destitute and without foodandshelterbytheearthquakeandvoleaniceruption.The situation ismadeworsebythyfactthattherainyseasonhasjustsetin.Vege-tation has been scorched and burn-ed by voleanic fumes.Railway linesleadingintothecapitalhavebeen badly damaged and temporary cart roads are being built to bring food into the stricken centers. American Minister Long reports urgent need for corrugated iron forroofingpurposes,clothing and med-icines.Both President MelendezandthepresidentoftheSalvadoreanRedCrosshaveexpressedgratifica- tion for America’s interest and aid.| LEEDSSLOTTEDTTS ExportBillPassed. The administration bill to promote export trade by legalizing joint for-/|eign selling agencies of American ex-|porters,passed the House of Con-|=©to 29.It now goestothe nate.A similar measure passed the HouseinthelastCongressbutfailedofactionintheSenate.It is designedteremovethedoubtsinthemindsofAmericanexportersastothecon-struction that ld be placed upon |existing anti-trust laws as applied to|——engaged in export trade.All the other great commercial na-tions permit similar organizations.Sponsors of the bill say its enactmentwouldenableAmericanexporterstofortifythemselvesforafterthewar competition.eee WOULD TAKE OVER COAL If youareliableforany of the i cial License Taxes listed below,| License Taxes not listed,for i mis-|riod beginning June 1,1917,ing May 31,1918,you ny and argument the them duringthemonthofJ has 16 days in which to consider the ure to pay same before J case.that you will have toRearAdmiralRobertE.:urself20percent.Save yotoldasub-committee of the expense and further trouble bytlingthismonth.The law does notallowmetowaitlonger.Following;if|are subjects liable for License Taxes:| Amusement ent Architects,Attor- neys.Automobiles for hire,dea|Billiard and Pool tables Houses Eg 23 3 : :2 Fe s s il l 1,000 atheywoumarinemenace than anything elsethatcouldbedone. Dr.H.W.Blair,former president |otic...Cixare of the Alabama Medical Association|¢;,jn teiai!Coffins,Dentists, and former mayor of Sheffield,Ala.,|Soda Fountains,Pleetrical Engineers,Embalm. shot his wife in the arm as.she/¢rs 2nd Undertakers,denrers in Horses and 5 :|Mules,Hotels,Utineran,Merchants,Jacks,emerged from a moving picture gic:Machines,Moving Picture Shows,Ocu-theater and then:::———lists,Opticians,Optometrists,Currartaite.|yepyshootingimselfthrouthe|fon practicing any _professed ne head.The couple had been separat-|fr f°°:wwenh Pecans.SSedforsometimeandasuitfordi-oe”satis LP.ALEXANDER,voree brought by Mrs.Blair was!June 15.Sheriff. pending.| :THE Pvecheen ty ee IDRINK roupe,Alexander VonSkibinsky,vi-|H-I-R-E-S In Bottles 5c. SPECIAL SALE with Madam Justine Shannon,solo-ist,and the Garland -Eekhoff -Jor-dan Co.will furnish the music forthepatronsofChautauqua.—ad.' About one hundred Waists taken from our regular stock for this two days sale. $2.50 Jap Silk,Crepe de Chine and Net Waists,Special $1.85. 43.50 and £4.00 Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists,special $2.65. $6.00 Georgette Crepe Waists, special $4.50 Aad a lot higher priced Waists sold regularly up to $10.00,to go on sale at special prices for these two days. resorts for six months or leas in the ag Cash only and no approvals at sale Prices. _Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postageon MailOrders. charging less than 810per week,Operating alo | || Manufacturers’Almonte for the |} “MILWAUKEE” We have solda number of these outfits in this section and can refer you to satisfied purchasers. See the Master Electric Filling Station,at the Statesville Motor Company. We are in a position to give you inside prices,and can save you money. Statesville Oil Company. SPECIAL Bath and Huck Towel Sale. 18x 32 Bath 18 x 38 Bath 20 x 42 Bath 22 x 44 Bath 20x 40 Bath dozen. dozen, at #1.75 at $2.25 at $3.00 °dozen. at 35c.each. extra heavy,at371-2c.each. Towel,extra heavy,50c.each. 18 x 36 White Cotton Huck,at $1.50 dozen. 18 %42 Red Border Cotton Huck,at$1.75 dozen. 19 x 39 White Huck,at $1.75 dozen. Towel, Towel, Towel, Towel, Towel, 22 x 44 Bath at We still have a few broken lots of all LinenTowels,which we are closing out at old prices,25c,to 50c.each. Yours truly, MILLS &POSTON. Thecomforts and conveniences of owning a carare80manyandsoobviousthatwedon’t have to enumerate them here: The Main Thing Is The Proper Selection of the Car. and you In thatparticular wecanhelp ma.Ourexperience cars is aonewewillsteerlearofconsultwhen_— i ‘ Htetthe mEOF.>Mel eae ee e nn n et re e ne ee >through Statesville this week on |@ren of Mra.6. —Chattanoora, >and Mrs.BE.F.Owens of Amity and Mr. Mr 'and a few relatives were present. days w te!Miss Willie Nich-to be her guest for,riage Maud Nicholson andtheStateUniversity at ow i.Summer Mr.J.W. Mi Paes Fain,who was a studentllewe, V jn,was ite rounion in Washington,is vinit-Catherine Bréwn in Lynchburg,Va.,home.Swaim of Lexington is theLeonard.McLemore and little daughter,Howet!,of Mount Vernon,Ga.,are in States-te —several weeks with Mra.MeLe-,,Mee.EM. for several weeks.'we returned from ties Winifred WoodyokinAshevillevis- and daughter,MisswetodayforNorfolk,Va.,4 some time with Mr.fae Patterson.‘bile away oe will vivit:and Mrs.Graham Pattersonin Danville.|Mrs.F.L.DeVane of Greensboro,afterherbrother,Mr.R.A.Cooper,has.to visit in Hickory and Brevard beforetoberhome.Master Willinm Cook,whohas on with Mrs,DeVane,will accom-;her to his home m Drevard.lies Sudie Burns of ilickory visited Miss:Pulp this week.She was on her wayattendthesummerschoolattheNormal-eollewe in Greensboro.Miss Elizabeth Morrison of Charlotte visitedhergrandmother,Mrs.Elien Morrison,this .Paul Smith of Wilmington,Del..hasinStatesvilletoapendafewweeksA.M.Smith. B,Mott of Atlanta spent a shortthisweekwithrelatives.A.Turner has returned from Hot4wherehespentafewweeks.|.Mrs.C.E.Marsch has returned to her/home in Baltimore after having spent several|Months =her daughter,Mrs,R.O.Harbin.Mrs.J.EB.Frye and little girl have gone tojytovinitMrs.Frye’s mother,Mrs.Mae.|.Mr.Lewia has gone to Salisbury to|take a pension as clerk in the Empire hotel.M.Hill has sone to Winston-Salemherdaughter,Mrs.W.W.Wooten.©len Mattic Lipe of Mooresville passed .©hereA. her way to |Cullowee,Jackson county,to attend the sum-/mer schoo!there.Mrs.Julian Ress and little son and Min»oo Goodman have returned from Moores. Mrs.das..Willson of Winston-Salem is visit-|ing her daughter,Mrs.C.M.Steele. Birthday Celebration —RestReomAppreciated. |Correspondence of The Landmark. |Troutman,R-2,June 1%.The rains that |came Saturday and Sunday started everything|te growing nicely.The farmers are besin- ning te cut their wheat and it &pretty mood;At the home of Mr.Ths.Morrow,the @hil-M.Merrow gave ber a birth- |@ay dinner on ber 79d bneiday.The children;mt Were Mrs.Albrieht cf Waynesville,4 ir.and Mrs.J.BE.Morrow and little dawgh-|ter,Dorothy,and Mrs.Sallie Krider,all of.Tenn.;Mr.awd Mrs,J.L.Har-ris and Mr.G.A.Morrow of Moore svitle ‘Peim |Morrow,«ho has been home for several week»Ernest Tatum,son-in-law,and ebildrenAllthe kiren were present bur one daughter,Mrs.:Gibbs cf Wyoming.A bewntiful dinnerwasservedinwhichallparticipatedanden-We hope Mra.Movrow will live to en-many more such birthdays,The next dayir,and Mrs.J.A,Morrow left in their tour-ear for their home in Chattanooga,Mrrowhasmanyfriendsinhisoldneighbor- j and they were all glad to see bim once--more.:Mr,Horace C.Goodman has returned to his|home in Birmingham,Ala,siter a short visit|to his mother,Mrs.J.T.GoodmanQuite@numberofourboysregivtered on|the Sth and they all ovem wiiling to go to thewarifcalledupon,I with to thank the indies of the CivicLeaaueofBtatesvillefortheRestRoom,|whieh hae afforded so much pleasure and com-fort to me when in town.There may be a few_who do not appreciate it,wut we will always|find @ few non-appreciatives everywhere we .We hone the farmers wives will readMes.Byford’s letter in The Landmark of Inetweekcarefullyandsceifsheian't about right in her doctrine.MATTIE TOLBERT. |Notices of New Advertisements Sale of real estate.D.F.Mayberry,com-er.‘Wil palht autes,wagons,carriages,ete.|dno.Hagamen. g a ae license tax.M.P.Alexan- der,cher 3 L.C.Sante typewriter for sete. summer comfort.Sherrill-White Shoe| Towel sale.Mille &Poston, Box 323, and ee.¢properly te cekBWestwese| rasors.Hall's Dros CaritonandMixs week.of Statesville will attend the mar of Wrens,Ga,has ar-Cooper will act os best man.After daushter White ning,=heat 6Then at theMethodistEpiscopa {who attended the Miss Evclyn Fraser of Hartsville,8married*Hartaville yesterday.walt,whois medical director for the Jefferson| Sta Mayhew were marriedhouse“by Justice W.B.MeLelland.Mr.|bert lives in Sharpesbura township,while his=er formerly made her hom in Rock Hill,| ie after lane Fal pride of theandasksthem to keep the pavemert in front ofeachhousekeeper wourd see that thewalkinfrontofherhouseisswepteverymorning,the town would‘gent a much better appearance. *|the the residences.he srdered when needed. men th heenLeagué.sure that there is a necess:ty for a Restbeen appointed to buy new furnish- me tractive League wishes to assure the countryfriendsthattheRestRoomwillb« continued,and every effort made fortheircomfortwhentheyvisitStates- ville of the Store.tanks,pumps and appli- aa?be _Merchants &prey and Mrs,Andrews will comeMr,wi After two weeks w |church at oe $FaconofMr,and ue ez and Fifth Creek Dr.Neal 8.Stirewalt|of Svat and»C.,were| F ndard Life Insurance Company,in Greens-boro,spent his boyhood in Statesville. Lambert and MiseWednesdayatthe court,Mr,Burmese PD. Mise Virginia Steeleminhoverofher guest,of Livingston,Texas. “entertained MondiyMixesDoug-‘The members {the G.T.C's.made up the guests.Rookwasplayed.Miss Pauline Smith won the high| score prise.received a favermeniawereserved. SWEEP BEFOREYOUR DOOK The Way to ”Keep the Town: Miss Fain,as guest of honor,Two courses of refresh-| Clean —Cleaner and Better bao —Rest Room and the Reported for The Landmark. At the regular monthly mectingoftheCivieLeague,Tuesday after- noon,the ean!colored graded school and spoke ofthecreditableindustrialexhibit commencement.‘found to be in sympathy with theofworkoftheCivieLeague,and in thefallthiscommitteeexpectstospeak chairman of health andtationreportedavisittothe atteacherswere to the pupils on the subjects ofhealthandsanitationandindustrialtraining.The League appeals to the civiccitizensofStatesville Iftheirhomesclean. re-he ~vomen expressed great pleasure that city is soon to have an auto-,truck for removing garbage.With this convenie nee the trash can hetakenawaydailyfromthebusinessvartofthetewnandmonthlyfromThetruckcanalso The letters from the country wo- roughout the country have encouraging to the The members now feelvery Room,and a committee has i for the place and make it as at-possible.The Civicak The chaitman of the park and plavevrounds committee reported thatastonewellhadbeendonatedtheparkbyMr. will prove a convenience to parties wishing to picnic on This committee hopes to engage theservicesoftheband,and have a pa-triotie celebration at the park on the toe A.P.Steele.This the srrounds. ith of July.The subject of food conservationwasdiscussedatthismeeting,and an article by the Secretary of Agri-“aulture was read by Mrs.William Wallace.A number of the members League agreed to sien thefollowingpledgesentoutbythe Emergency Service Committee of theGeneralFederationofwanes Clubs:‘In.view of the pressing military necedsity of considering the food supplyof the nation.fT hereby pledgemvselftodomybitasfollows:‘Twilluseonlythoseamountsoffood required for adequate nourishment.1 will endeavor to control the wasteinallkindsofmaterialsinthehouseholdandtolivesimply.I will begin now.’”Great interest is being manifestedbywomenallovertheStateinfoodconservationandtheCivieLeagueof|Statesville stands ready to do its j Bart. Organ “RecitalLast Night. A musical event of unusual interestandpleasurewastheorganrecitalin“Shearer hall last evening by MissLouiseconcertorganist,as-sisted by H.O.Steele and!M.C.Wood.Following was the pro- .c ae GuiimantBrahms reds |Retheade |Tuesday from Long’s Presbyterian where he|This‘for hundergone in order that he mightbeabletopassthephysicalexaminationnecessar ‘The three missionary societies lines “RETURNED jan te wml @ I am now prepared to paintyourcana.“wagons,carriages,ete.,on shortBestofmaterialandworkmanshipaeHAGAMAN,Statesville, |the First Presbyteriannowfederatedinonelarge body,the!'following officers having been elected:President,Mrs.W.W.Rankin;firet||vice president,Mrs.J.R.MeLelland;|_|second vice president,Mrs.Z.V Tur-lington;secretary,Miss Maude Lentz.|This federation will not be in any wayconcernedwiththeorganiz”of the different societies,but will han-FoR saLe—Registered Jersey Bull,7 months| die affairs of general interest to all. 'Brawley,ill,are thought to be somew Hill,mer spending the Charlotte.bury spent two days here this wee! with his wife visiting Mrs. and Mrs, will spend the summer. .“oni ue = ieusavveneveal | ‘ertoreportatthetraincampin’for.,Charleston and ingAseriesofmeeti ‘a FirstBaptisti.Swaim of-|lem.Mr.C.L.a..."0andwilldirectmeeting.Much | i ig being manifested and the)SeedMissRobertsonisveedeushterofie.services are well attended.Tala Hill Robertsonof |Brady is(of Statesville,He is wasterwtBluwoodthechurchesinthecounty. Mr.Eugene Hawthorne returned,:Roneterneet underwent an operationngmanhesalreadysuffered “STcountry.The operationwee for him to enlist. erureh are tion plans_ Messrs.Charlie Melchor and R.F.|who have been desperatel Mr.Prawley’s mother,E.Brawley,who hasroved. Wwanc yher95th birthday,is in her usual good|health and is standing the summer very well. th« Mrs.Brawley is probablyoldestpersoninMooresville.(Mr.Geo.C.Goodman,a member ¢'the credentials committee,and Mr.W.;R.Johnston,representative from ZebVancelodgeNo.60,Knights of Pyth-ias,left Tuesday for Rocky Mounttoattendtheannualmeetingofthegrandlodge.Mr.Goodman will stop =in Kinston to visit his friend,Mr.|Mewbern.jMr.S.A.Hoover,one of our oldsoldierswhobecameillwhileattend-|ing the reunion at Washington,is| im ed.rs.J.R.Hastings and two chit-4 dren,Jake,Jr.,and Rebecca,of Spar-tanbure,8.C.,are visiting Mrs.Hast-' ings’parents, Hawthorne.0.P.Hawthorne of Due West,8. Mr.and Mrs.C.EF.Mr.Hawthorne’s father, ,has returned home after spendinglttimehere.Miss Jennie Howard has returnedfromRaleigh,where she took a spe- ‘cial course in canning.together with Mrs.§will have cherge of the canning busi-ness here this summer. Miss Howard, W.Stevenson. Mr.Clyde Ritehie of Mt.Pleasantisspendingseveraldayswithfriends in the tewn, ter of the First Nationa!Bank, Tuesday inMissMargaret Brawley and MessrsNeelStewartandCyrusMeNeelyhav returned from High Point,where theyatiendedtheStateconventionofthe Christian Mr.C.P.McNeely,cash spent businesCharlotteon Endeavor. trown left Wednesday Miss Laorent for ChapelwhereshewillattendtheSum-School.Mrs.P.J.Chester isweekwithrelativesin Mr.Roy Lentz of Salis- who a: Mr. and children, Lentz’s parents, S$.A.Hoover.Miss Lula Shimpock,who kas beeninif!health for the past year,leftInstweekforAsheville,where she Mrs.“Crip” Allison and little daughter,Fannic Neel,are with relatives at Statesville. having gone vp last week for a visit when the little girl became very i!! and has since been under the care Dr.Cloaninger. Mr.Thompson at Waynesville Writing to the North CarolinaChristianAdvocate,Greengbor». from Waynesville,W.BP.Wes:say “Our protracted meeting began on May 15th and closed on the 27thRev.Loy D.Thompson of Statesvillecameonthe1thandpreached! twice daily through 2 Wednesday, the 23d.Brether Thompson endear-ed himself unto the hearts of ourpeoplebyhispleasingpersonalityondhisdeeplyspiritual~preaching He preaches the unadulterated gos- pel of Christ. “It is never possible to tabulatetheresultsofameeting.Often- times the intangible and unseen re sults outweigh the tangible and theseen,Our membership,at least itsvackbone,has been greatly revived. After all,this the prime considera-tion in ong nae.The visible re- sulis of t services are express!in 24 accessions on profess offaithandfivebyletter.This make»a total of 41 received into the church,this year.” of New ted Honey, Bourwood Heney‘ute Rutaer Castine,Irish Potatoes (new),68. estas *~~ On the local re ee cae.Ee.oo grade cotton. Is $2,000 ,000,000?ARIFLEBULLET fromanarmyrifle travelsatthespeedof _ ONE-HALF MILE PER SECOND. Suppose you fired at a man TWO BILLION MILES AWAY! He would have 127 years in which to dodge thebullet! THIS IS THE POINT! Neither the Banks,nor the rich people of the country can provide the money and credit NEEDED BY THE GOVERNMENT IN THIS WAR! IT WILL TAKE THE CURRENT INCOME OF THE nine ae PEOPLE IN LARGE PART!. This is a huge job! Let the one hundred million population get to work on it —each one his ae Car,ar,1917 modelPantaVIL.ie auro LOST.—Hetween Statesville and Oak ForestGoodYearAutoTire.Reward for return hel THE LANDMARK, L.C.SMITH Typewriterforsale.Good _ en Box 32%,city. ey.~Owner,can have Rome bY _deser ibing and paying for this ad."The Chevrolet Man.” old,at «bargain;also 7Berkshirepigs8weeksold. Rarium Springs,N.C. t es SALE—Three freah milch cows,EL |WANTED—Pine cord wood.BLOOMFIELDMANUFACTURING. FOR SALE~A goodsorre!horse,ninePerfectlygentle,T.C.SHERRILL.|Sherrill's Ford,N.C.a 1—€@t. FOR RENT—A.Alesander residence onBroadstreet.M.P.ALEXANDER. It can be doneno other way! BUY A BOND—QUICK! The Banks will help you.¢THE FIRST NATIONALBANK,| __Statesville,N.Cc. Now abiibcdimapdin Inntransientfirst-class boarders aie POR HIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY ill Phone 227,night Phone 72 Red.iForLatePlanting. a complete stock of theddiowingfor=e planting: Trish Pota- Garden Beans,Soup Beans,largeas.All this planted in July.COME TO SEE ME! ‘D.J.KIMBALL. toes,Yellow aa White.N Beans, ‘Maclean Sale of Ford Car. Ry virtue of a jurae aaeat of the SuperiorelletpubticauetionforcushdoorinStatesville,N,C., oe 24d day of "jee:at 12 eelock,one Ford Touring Car in good eondition, M.ALEXANDER,Sheriff. “WE WILLFURNISH You with distilled water and in-your storage battery free of stop in and see us. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO. CHOICE BEEF. |have just received a herd of fine-attle,raised especially for the city battery service In every “honey”moon there is not only a man but a’ While they are most fond of each other they yet have warm places in their happy hearts for those who remem- bered thern with beautiful gifts when they were wed. Therefore,remember the bride on her wedding day.: For weddings,anniversaries,birthdays and al{events or occasions,we have appropriate gifts-and when a present cornes from usthe “qualityis there.” R.F.ee ve ni This beef has always sone to Balti- vore and Richmond for ‘aes eee and i had to pay a high- price to get it.YOU GET If,.AT THE PRICE OF OR DINARY BEEF!You'll find it beef,and ener the most ae us you ever ate. ‘Phone No.46 and your order will be vromptly delivered:R.O.HARBIN. CHEERWINE Cheers and refreshes.Never any bad effects. andat fountains 5c. Plumber and Electrician, your Plumber ak |Your orders will have promptattention.1 pO IT GOOD.j CG.E.RITCHIE, North Center Street. SEE OUR BIG LINEsinicic KOOL KLOTH ——AND-— In bottles I wanttobe SO O O OH O HO O D Also Shirts in the fancy patterns,from. Moth Proof Clothing. Hatsall descriptions. Yoursto serve, y were crea the United States « be under government super- The recommendation is the outcome of months or investigation ‘by the commission which undertook the inquiry in response to a general ended ean avert now a ver serious rise in prices,it ts declared, ‘the prospect being that 10,000 instead of ‘ last year,with half the increase rep- iresenting additional manufactryer's| Road Luw Goes Over. The Clark road law,passed by the Yast Legislature,under order issued by the Supreme Court in the case of State Treasurer,will go the order of the court, issued beforeterm,is to make it ‘the law to become effective, should it get Supreme Court approv- al,before June,1918 »The case came to the court on an ‘Agreed statement of facts under the sings to extend the credit of tate to counties and townships by means of $400,000 worth of road bonds.The case was entitled:John- ston County vs. Treaster,and in it the county was applying for loans for road work in Judge Devin,pass- ing on the question,upheid the law mand ordered the Treasurer to advance impossible for two townships. question up to the Supreme Court. The law authorizes the State to is- sue bonds for road bonds issued by counties and townships,the bonds of the latter to be he} Vessels Sunk. The South Atlantic liner Sequans,with 550 pessengers onedoedandsunk with a loss The Sequana was sunt Among the passen-of the Sene-in the Atlantic. gers was a detachment The Leyland liner Anglian,whichleftBostonMay30forLi torpedoed and gunk by a German sub- received by agents in Boston. stated that her crew had been saved. Another American vessel,the armedoi]stexmer Petrolite,hasvictimtoaGermansubmarine.Twen-ty men from the vessel landed.Two of the steamer’s abe ging,consular advices rcach- 80 men in the Petrolite’s crew.inelud-ing ten Americans,when she left New York April 30 for Ltalian ports. (comme Army Camps. Senator Overman is advised by theWarDepartmentthatthreecanton- menta will be established in Gener- al Weod’s division and there wil!benineNationallishedimthe Senator hopes that either one of the .ts or one of the National ps will ie established in camps estab- WH have about 20,000 men.@niy difference between buildings wiilbeverectedforthecantonmentsand cafi¥as tents will be erected for the practically no difference as the benefits flowing there .to.the States and community Increased Submarine Activity. The weekly shipping report issuedbytheBritishadmiraltyWednesday states that 22 British merchantmenofmorethan Ten merchantmen of Jess than that six fishing vessels, :is week's figures siderable increase in submarine ac The last statement the 38 now announcedamgregateisthelargestofany foaMonthpast. Man on Transport. Mr.Bryan Turner,son ofPhysitianJ.M.Turner,isofthev@rewof arrived at a Frenchthinthelastfewdaysload- (Dr.Turner is an Iredell man and this news of his son is of interest to his many friends and kin in Iredell.—The Landmurk). Fatal Fire in Brooklyn. Two men are dead,two fatally in- pitals serious- ga ayn a fire in Brook-N.Y.,which destroyed an 11-story building used as a refinerAmericanSugarRefiningtheBrooklynwaterfront.Was started by the explos-a condenser, Card of Thanks. t thavk our many bind friendsoneondallforthelrKindnee”we during the lines:and.May the biew- the Albanian fron- tier,of the strategic town of Jani- na,and by other Entente forces of Elassona,in northeastern Greece, ‘jtuated at the foot of Mount Olym- pus,and near the Gulf of Saloniki. The demands of the powers respect- ine the abdication of King Constan- tine also specifically eliminated Crown Prince George as his success- w,the Crown Prince being included in official life who were considered strongly pro-German, It is presumed that Prince Alex- lander will take up his kingly duties with full acceptaggn of the ideas which the protectifg powers desire to be put into effect in the govern- ment of Greece during the present war.He is 24 years of age and has heen free from anti-Entente procliv- ities The ern Greece,near reign of Constantine was brief.He succeeded his father,who was assassinated,March 18.19138, Brief as was his reign,Constantine enjoyed,prior to the beginning of the war in 1914,a period of remark- able popularity and had —increased the territory of the Greek monarchy by over 50 per cent.His attitude of opposition toward the Entente pow- ers when their troops occupied part Greek territory in the Macedo- nian campaign against the Teutonic iies,however,brouvht him into conflict with the siatesmen of Greeee and resulted in the establish- nent of a provisional government headed by Eliphtherios Venizelos, whom the king had driven from the post of premier. Throughout a long series of nego- tigations and conflict with the En- tente commanders,Constantine was fren accused of being pro-German in sympathies,largely,it was charg- ed,zs a result of the inflyence ofQueenSophia,sister of the German emperor,whom he married in T&889. Constantine declared throughout that he desired only to maintain neu trality,and that he was actuated, not hy pre-German sympathies,butbyconsiderationsofthewelfareof the Greeks. ATY Heartening Russian Incident. Forces in the Russian army at the ‘rent loyal to the provisional gov- ernment have had their first test of strength with disloyal pacifists and have won a_notable victory.The commander on the Roumanian front ordered the disbandment of certain ‘cgiments considered usctess for fignting purposes.Three regimentsfanotherdivisionorderedtotake up a new position refused and re- ceived an order to disband.The sol- liers openly mutinied.The men of one of the regiment:arrested the vf ‘commander and seven officers,tore their badges from their uniform ind beat two officers,leav nv one ‘naible on the ground,©regenen- il committee resolved that the reg- ment should not move.Thereupon 1 loval committee o>sotdiers of the whole army,after deliberating with the army staff,pronounced for stern measures avainst the mutineers, A resolute general,in command of 1 sufficient)force.took position iainst the mutineers and when they refused to surrender the rinj-lead- ‘rs the guns were ordered into ac ‘ion.Then the rebels weakened and surrendered the men demanded. This incident should have a fine effect nnd if there are sufficient loy al me io overcome the disormaniz- here is yet hope for Russia Geo.W.Watts’Wealth. The ownership of over $3,000,006 worth of real and personal property gives to George W Watts the dis- iinction of Lemp Durham's wealth iest citizen and the second largest ndividual taxpayer i North Caro linn.Ro J.Reynolds of Winston-Sa- fem alone claims priority fer hi hulk contributions to the State tax list The taxable wealth of Mr Watt real and personal property has hown a phenomenal jump from that of 116.The increase,ac- erding to the tax sheets,for a 12 month period has been in excess of me million and a half dollars.Stocks in foreign corporations are his prin- ipal assets and he is a director of the Seaboard Air Line railway.He ontributes in actual taxes toward ‘he upkeep of the county and State omething like $80,000.ane around$40,000 to the city of Durham. Slackers in the State. The News and Observer learns that Person county has reported the largest number of violators of the registration law,25 in that county, the reports state,between the ayes of 21 and 31 having failed to regis- the selective draft June 5. Franklin if next in line with less than half the nutwher,12 having been reported to the officials from there.Eight failed to register in Warren,according to ine reports, and a goodly rumber in Pitt.Care- Tul investigations will be made by the Department of Justice. a ee er for ALL WHO HAVE SEEN OURprogrammepronounceitthebest yet.Get your tickets.Everythinghasadvancedexcepttheseasontick- This is still twoetforChautauqua. Nars.—~ad. WHAT 18 BUROPE’S FUTURE?Hon.Perey Britich Parliament,will ane this QuestionlofCeavtzoden:—ad,”~a Alden,a member of thesory mous over-valuation onproducttheMexican t proposes practically probitive taationuponexportsfrom teastcoastoilfields,uponwhich allied fleets have depended fuel.Gorman agents are charged withscheme.|responsibility for Census Basis the Stahdard.Among the States reporting regi tration under the draft aet,Ohio stands first in the prepertion of rex istration to the census estimate. with 119.per cent.,[Hinois has 104.7; Wireonsin 104.6,North Carolin.108.per cent.,lowa 101.8 per cent and Connecticut 100.9 cent Washington in the lowest tate with, 50.0 per cent.Notwithstanding the protest of Washington State offiefals ins! the census:bureau estimate 21 634 cligibies in the State,as ¢on. pared with an actyal registration o'108.615,Provost Marshal Genera. Crowder sent werd to Governor L ter that the State's quota of troo: must be furnished on the census bu veau basiOO AA OED ED The Chinese Trouble. The presidential mandate dissoi:inge the Chinese Parliament has bee: signed by Chiacne Chro Chung,iting mromicr,he having accept the post whiea Dr.Wu Tiag Fan: former ambas ind to the UniteRtntes,me ve.Tt is believed tha: the dissolution of Parliament wi! bring about civil war,es the leade: in the southern previnces have teleeravhedPresidentLiYuanHy thet they no Jonver reeognize b'snutherity,despite the fact that th President bas issued a long mandat gto ty his action i dissolution decree. rtlan pt issuing the eonenemas ee ee American Sunk U-Beat. Destruction of on German subm: rine hy an Amer teamship wa eport-a tv the merchantman en he: 'Woeelnesday t an America: hat Hier offcer refused to dis- ‘the eprounter except te ‘sav het of gece maneuvering th steamer managed ts rem and.sink the U-boat shortly ofter two of tied interwater boats had attacked th] netchantman,one frem ciier shi Mhe steamer lost {from.he ropellersqueenrenee TRAVIS PROBABLY IT.|| Chair:BooLS ire ot the North Cerolina rp!commis- on ha been ronely recommer d- ed for a ple.e on th.late Late Comm ree Fomnrisston and it be- Veved he wll »appointed The moembershin of the Mnicr-State com- mis sic hn been inereased two and OP lent Wilson will :the ee me ne enema er Nenr Eight Million Reported. Up to Wednesday night 50 States ned the District ef Columbia hud re- ported their war registrat re- ros,ghowine an enrollmert of 7,- Ti6 ak.or more than @2 per cont. f the ecnsus estimate of 4,415,852 |>WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Fall Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, ete.Nest Planters’Wh.,Statesvilie, See Se eee NewFisk Tubes NOWbettertiresatisfactionandcostsforthebalanceofthe season.Thisésthetimetobuy. Fisk Twes For Sale By CAROLINA Motor COMPANY Statesville ThisisFisk Tube Hot Weather A How long has it been since you ex- amined your tubes?Look them over carefully and replace any which you are not sure will stand the strain. Everybody Will Tell You Build With"| “Everything to ‘as been cheaper since here two years ago.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. ;‘iti | theselonghotSum- Sailor straws,Leghorns andPanamasHats. Soft Cuff Shirts,1.50,$2.00,$2.50 D.Underwear,Union or two piece Suits,at $1.00. Knit Hosiery,Lisles,25 and 35 cents a pair. Soft Collars and Wash Ties, PHONE 83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. LIBERTY BONDS! and promptly -CLEANING SPECIALTY!Give vs a trial and we Beaches like new. Nicholson Pressing Club. 145 Center St. |forgot to.Ore Phone486, THERE ‘of HIRES,let me phone No. ‘Doors,Windows,Mantels, Butts are sold from real root exclusively hy Drink Hires "oot Beer In Bottles. Universally popular ~Just the drink you should always have in your ice box.Hires is genuine because it is actually made mM herbs and_berries.It is just as healthy as it is delicicus.Order a crate sent to your home, Partics who to secure a LIBERTY BOND and haven't the ak funds on hand,may arrange to get Darks, one through this bank on the easy payment plan. Statesville MINT COLA Bottling Company. enema Phone 82.symm _een pene ae glad to have or ormation,orcerviasbnnected. THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicvholders,both NEW and OLD. Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.past,we will strive to give the same ;HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT. call at our officeoneNo,54 if our Merchauts and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” |hegre gerne Under “GENERAL DEBILITY.”His troops neverwinafight—all the fight is sa f theirIfyoucan’t keeplinebecauseyou're feelibsgoedmtndhingweerourURESTMOST E ae ee be back in the ranksofthefit,readyto.your bit. ‘}POLKGRAY,DRUG,CO,“On.the Square” As in the mSfall -ofoflite,WeVEMade. belowEothebatt drugs,the Your Hands Are not tied from carrying out your ex-pectations and desires when you haveyINTHEBANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, "%is not a matter @F GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in- come is small ond it will be casier as ao” i ' Increase Your Bank Account. Now is the opportune time to open an ;your income increases to Account with us. President. Cashier. =i a Biand feed possible.jcollaneous collection of seeds A with normal seeding and equall People’s Loan and Savings Bank.} “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.”3 Gto.H.BROWN : O.L.TURNER - MOO DOROCANOGEHONONONOOADATON nore” : “FREE”AT Halls Drug Store,to every man one Simple SaniterySharpe Safety Razor. The deal Army Razor. The Feornonical Home Razor. The 106 per cent Efficency Razor. The Strictly Guaranteed Kazurc. Come and get yours.HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No.29, ,begets aaeaiaa TYANDM.tT. ee ee an La ee —— pL Ga 4 &? i ee ke,”but ahead anddirt,onions,cockle,eo #|With our country at war and ai being called upon to help sujellies,it is up to the American Yelertcproduceeverypouhdof foodWithsuchom = nmpossible to secure a good|ine val-i l rosrible to secure a o highest food value.If the foodneisnotthereitisfollyto ne maximum market price. he produeer,when his turn comes to ry,will ebjeet seriously to paying r something that Las,in many+,hoimful properties instead oflesiredlifesustainingones.The) mily way such products find a mar-through the trnorance of the irchazer or at a price to offset the amountcase the cost ya if yvve and immature orsa}think we should secure a unrest and non ~-@ _at stand of wheat,oats or clover as)church.Your vis- had been planned to grow on ited several Su sehools and at jpartieular piece of land.e!!of them the was ter me if there ever was a time weshouldbedoingourgverehandtoKgGod,A now. ut many people are spendingSabbathay“wool times”God's word,singing,making melodyuntotheLord. the carnestnessPencemaydisperse the dark clourls| of war thet heart anglish. eeoe it former years.It seems rm- cas-|'¥and Miss Lora Stroud visited inthe|the Clarksbury community lest Sun- jhis bed with sickness.We hope he sufficiently |™*v be out in a few days. Aiton:sii,nie din wiih diliiies deeb /D MU to Washington to at-Dr.Gaither will Calomel 'rs of Sa py i and Bowel C youCalomel is quichsil-ver und it salivates;calome!injurce|that ityourliver.lf youare biliovs;feel lazy,sing.and all hneersed out,els are constipated or and ambition. i aNaagE A I IBM r better thanmakeyousickfyour)thand=your!ahendachesorstomechissour,jus!thet each spoonfulwill i}leve ls ne The drought broken take a spoonful of harmless Dod-|tiver,clean your ismoro nearlyre than ond 6 keane Gan z son's Liver Tone instead of using|you such rain came in the of time)*ickening,salivating calomel.Dod-get your money for save the gardens potato|son's Liver ‘Tone is real liverroedi-|y take Dodson’ a Vv p cine.You'll know it next morning it is pleasant -hi nr is being made to take because you will wake up tesling |sre or ~- comes.It of the wheat crop |fine,your liver will be working,your am seil crop in a will begin this week.erops|headache and dizziness gone,your be sold as desired have improved some but are two to)stomach wil!be sweet and bewelsingtimecomeste§three weeks late.reguiar.You will feel like work. nai Mr.W.W.Forcum and Dr.F.B./ing.You'll be cheerful;full of vig-cf dangerous itle on my Columbus to our the in having so-calledinsteadofreading Let us pray with allthattheAngelof are causing so much Mr.Simeon Gowan of Davie coun- ay.Mr.Wesley Cartner is confined to! EESce }Many Million Enemies.|waste.and in the latter ; vo omokire the artiele fit for use ia|The number of German,Austro-| leg eleducced from the price paid|Hunysrian,Bulgarian and Turkish| far it.subjects in the United States is| ‘Nev that the harvest season is}Placed at 4,662,000,including about| ia the time to think of the mor-|964,000 males over 21,in a census| w ard to save the goad clean pro-|burenu report.The Germans are es-| jaciive seed that will be necessary|‘mated at 2,349,000,the Austro-; fr the planting of the next erop.|Huncirians at 1,876,000,the Turks Not only should each farmer save »len to have some extra,as Fe- nting is sometimes‘an ge cogs | id becides there are those who | t know how te save good seed or! 1)oct have it to save,The letter narticularly trae this year,as the -)freezes ef the pact winter de- lds were cntirely killed.The wheat rop of thi lat least a 25 per cent.loss while 1 the past fal!)were almost entire- destre;ed.Fhe eat crop was the heaviest los- -of the gencral farm.crops and ev- ‘y acre grown,even though a thin in Filth Eats Filth Kill the Cause Germ-carrying flics bring disease direct to your home from the privy and outhouse, laden fect on your food,bathe in the baby’s milk and leave many forma of sickness—then come the doctor’s bills—-and you know what that means, They wipe their germ- Plies carry on their feet filth and the germs of typhoid fever,malar'a, consumption—perhaps infantile paralysis and other dread diseases. upthese places, RedDevil[ye, Destroys The Fly Eggs SPRINKLE RED DEVIL LYFE FREELY once or twice a week inyourprivyorouthouse.You can't use too much,It will clean remove the foul odorand stopfly-eggsfrom hatching. QEDOCViL.LYT te also simply wendertulfermaking8222,eonditleninghegeand should be aaved for ‘hile not enring to make this as an “mate of the acreagg2 remaming 1 this erop.I would hardly fee!safe Luying the entire oat crop cf the minty om the kasis of a full viele id prying for over 100 acres with- further investigation.This rieans that we will have to secure a rent deal of seed from ouiside the vanty if the usual crop ts to be »this fall and thes may be hard- +possible as the varieties we use have suffered in othcr parts much as vey have here. Many ficlds of oats ere reported ha “turned to cheat.”This is »of poor farming —failure the seed reckaned before Cheat may be readily re- voved from wheat or oats by the use xf almost any fanning mill,as the eds so are)mech Lighter in weight ian those of either of the grains mall grain should be sown with-having been recleaned,as io fanning mil will not only re- ~ove most weed seeds but the 1,broken,sprouted or smut- y grains as well.Fanning also aids»getting a uniform stand as the rrains thus treated will be more uni-‘orm in size as we!l as in purity and germinating power.Another crop is being introduced into the county,and as it is provingtsmoodqualitiesalltheseedpossi- tle of it should be saved to extend ts acreage.This is Abruzzi rye.Alnmuit 40 acres were seeded the past fall and the greater part of it has toed the winter and is showing up ine this spring.The demand forcedwillhegreatthisfallandthepricewillbehigh.It will pay you toweallyouhaveferseedandbe- sides paying you will be an accom- modation to your neighbor,Not onlyavetheseedbutkeepitpureby aking eare in the harvesting and‘throwhing of it.Have the separatorciennedoutbeforethreshingitby ;ttand, wing a 0: it tirst “ureshing some oats or wheat justbeforeandthenrunningthesepara- ANTEE YOU |Don’t Fail to Visit Our St When out shopping,because whether you buy or not,TO GET ONE HUNDRED CENTS’WORTH OF THE BEST MERCHANDISE THAT MON-EY CAN BUY for one dollarGIVEUSATRIALYOURNE We are showing a beautiful line Ladies’Shirt Waistsandthestylesarenewandpricelow.Ladies’Skirts in fancy Silks,White Gaberdine and Suit-ings that will look good to you.MIDDIE BLOUSES ALL SIZES of the newest stylesandpricesinreachofall! Children Wash Dresses for all sizes from 35c.to $1.98.SEE THEM FOR YOURSELF! |J.M.McKee &Company. jh “The Storeof ExcellentValues. we are glad to see you,But if you do buy,we GUAR- ~~with us.So T TRIP! SEE THEM! ore tor empty fer a few minutes tohakecutalltheseedspossibleof other varieties.Join the “worth while”squad bybeingmorecarefulinallyourfarmworkandreaprewardofyourthoughtfuldiligenceinahappier‘end more useful life and a larger (alothfulness)never won a great re-ward for any one,Happy is that happy does.G,E.DULL,County Agent. AICSOY EPOTILS SF * Not a Case of Libel. The Louisiana Supreme Court hasreversedthejudgmentofthelowercourt,which convicted Hu A.,O’Donnell,formerly editor thedefunctNewOrleans New Orleans cityvtorialaskingif at 128,600 and the Bulgarians at 11,-| nouch for himsclf but he should al-|060.A CHILD'S TONGUE SHOWS |IF LIVER OR BOWELS ARE ACTIVE?| Hf Cross,Feverish,Sick,Bilicus,| he stands generally and many) county probably suffer-)ing rats.clover,alfalfa ard grass (seed-yey, seed,| ‘hank aceount.“That's good enouch”| ‘a charge of criminally libeling M:ay:|-Bienes ont of the | Give Fruit Laxative at Once. Every mother realizes,efter giv-her children “California Syrup)f Figs,”thet this is their ideal lax-|}t because they love its pleasant|>caste ond it theroughly elcanses the|tender little stemach,liver and bew-| io without griping.|When cross,irritable,feverish,or|breath is bad,etomach sour,leck at! the tongue,mother!If ecnted,give|a teaspoonful of thic harmless “fruitlaxative,”and in a few hours all thefoul,constipated waste,sour bile and undigested food passes out of the § bowels,and you ve a well,playfulchildsgain.When its little sysvemisfullofcold,throat sore,has stom-ach-ache,diarrhoea,indigestion,col-| ie—remember,a good “inside cleans-| ing”should alweys be the first treat-| ment given.Millions of mothers kevp “Califor-| nia Syrup of Figs”handy;they knowateaspoonfultodaysavesacickchildtomorrow.Ask Ps drugywistfora50-cent bottle of “CaliforniaSyrupofFigs,”which has directions (a 3; Your druggist or dealer sells you;Ack your druggist to{ much tofeed for maintenance,for milk,fur fattening,for =Hulisom gives directions for using them properly.nearest « bugusta twelve coor beforefeeding.Iis easywettingdownnightmorniazfeeding.thiscannetbe done,wet down at losst thirty ufeedthehullsdry,useonlyAalf us muchbybulk as of old hk of Mixed Feods Free Gives the right formule for every combinationoffeedsneed in The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Birtwiaghem sonemeaiAccsaian MEET HER Dagt.&Chcrictte Greenwood f2ckzcn Little RuckMacon Memphis Selma THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY for babies,children of all ages andgrown-ups printed on the bottle.Be-|*ware ef counterfeits sold here,so don't be fooled.Get me genuine,|made by “California Fig Syrup Co.” -.-o FINE LOT COUNTRY HAMS. |Meller-McLain SupplyCo. ee e No.1 Heart Pine Shingles, No.1 Sap Pine Shingles,JuniperandRedCedarShingles,Nails,|Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Scaffold Ma-|=and Brown and Green Shingle 5 in.C.WATKINS,Shingle King of1County. It is only natural that your friends and acquaintancesareimpres:ed by the general atmosphere of your home,Nothing else radiates a cheerful atmosphere as doesnicefurnitureproperlyarranged.If you want your home furnishings to be correct the first thing to do is to choose a furniture dealer whoknowscorrectstylesandarrangement—he can be found here. have THOSEDESIRING GOOD I It will pay you to investigate the Mrs.M.A.T lots,so central and n residential section of Statesville,churches.Just completed the openingofstreetsandalleys, of these lots,others locatedin the opportunity _ desiring totoactatonce.Will sell Apode sotnge pe ne EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y or ae GeneraltheoomCerelionraeCol.J.T.Gardner andciesalyseadTry,Do ©.Napeal af the beinment,@ yna ve 8 garrets clear caste.Statesville,The court house was services andoi Ee ae found the dilaans gen-filled.The Iredell Blues,cormand-ice if of wood ¢ erally ready to co-operate and he ed by Capt.Westmoreland and cally qualified. feels that with their co-operation Lieut.Mills,attended in a body.Fifty-one regiments te be or- fire risks can be reduced to a mini-Mayor Bristol presided and intro-ganized at once at 18 gta- osinspee$ions will be dueed the speakers,In calling the tions,which will create y - innlyaB& mum. made to see that the law is complied meeting to order Mayor Bristol stat-cies for non-comm oe ed that it had been called to arouse and in the lower ed Mr.Neely,who was for 8 1-2 interest in our country’s welfare prades.The co-operation the years superintendent of water oe and especially in behalf of the local press and loyal patriotic ‘ and tax collector,in the recent con-company.Major Howell of Waynes-tions are earnestly solidation of offices by the aldermen ville was the first speaker.He saidsisting in bringing the was made chief of the fire depart-it was a pleasure to visit Statesville the strength desired by ment and given supervision of the because of his association with army dent.This county will be water plant.His business is to see comrades here ~~Major Flanigan,credit for any men who that the fire department attains the Major Deitz,Lieut.Turner,Capt.for service in the Regular Riey. hest possible efficiency as a fire-Wastmoreland;and high tribute America needs men now and valua fighting force;that the water plant was paid the late Gen.J.F.Arm-ble time fer weinng 8 oeprepa is kept in youd shape so that water field—there was “no grander soldier tion is being lost will be abundant and pressure ample ov gentleman,”said Major Howell--my will have the task ow.ete. ;in case of fire,and that fire risks are and the late Adjutant General Roy (he army that will be called "the ‘reduced to a minimum.It is a2 most L.Leinster.Company E (the Tredell colors from those who have ster ;important and responsible position Blues)is the equal if not the supe-ed and good,intelligent om oe re is active and en-rior ef any company in the battal-asabitious can serve their count:and Mr.Neely,who i erpetic,has an ambition to secure ton,eaid Major Howell.This was by volunteering and rreparing them Putthe meatin right after lunch —Gg heat,then close the damperand‘nc New Perfection : the best possible results.In this he followed by a discussion of the war,selves for instructors,There wii! should have the co-operation of all its causes and our duty,and young be plenty of chances for premotio:oven does the rest. good citizens.men were uryved to volunteer and fill in the Regulars.The pay is now $3 ; Another telephone has been add-up the local company.»month to start.It’s the stove that cooks while the cook's the reversible glass reservoir.Ask your ed at the fire department 524.Col.Gardner spoke pleasantly of =The nearest recruiting station for away.Saves time and money too.dealerto show it to you. Calle for policemen of other calls his association with Statesville men the army is st Hickory and appli than fire alarms should use —this :the Guard,their oe a sg ore The pwill be nccepted at et No fire to build and tend,no ashes to ALADDIN SECURITY OIL P number.Policemen may also be ish -American war and on the bor-The postmaster at Statesvi will mitted at 141.Number 11 is the eall der.He thanked the Iredell people be glad to furnish any informatio:——Takes half the —-oad .superior kerosene,should be used for :for fre alarms and it is requested for their interest in the local com-that is desired by those who will e:your kitchen and keeps it coo best results.Always clean and E s be callec ly ir ‘tase of pany and he was pleased to find on {ist.. _=am eeee Sy eee oming here that the ranks of the a ee cote ene ER A new feature of the New Perfection—burning. company were about full Else-Gambling on Cotten Prices. Young Men For War.pat Aen ay eat Volumeaer: ae a a soldiers I would ”pe Oo Sie the local cae Charlotte Observer.STANDARD OIL COMPANY a ke beys from 17 to 22,"said Mr.nies,but the ranks of the Statesville A few days ago a Savannah eco!(New Jersey) James G.Knox of Somerville,Tenn,company were practically full when ton broker offered to bet a New Washington,D.C.MORE Charlotte,N.C. Confederate veteran,who was a call-chey arrived.In emphasizing the York dealer $10,000 that July cotton Norfolk Va.mr Charleston,W.Va. er at The Landmark office this week.advantage of enlisting in the home would reach 25 cents within =three Richmond,Va..Charleston,S.C, Mr.Knox went into the Confeder-company,being under home officers vecks.It is a failing of the average ate army when a youth,with Com-who will have a personal interest in New York cotton man that he thinks pany I,Seventh North Carolina reg-che men,and associated with men he knows all there is to know about iment,organized at Creswell’s from home,Col.Gardner emphasiz-cotion,so the man to whom this be: Springs,in south Iredell,July,1861.cd the fact that the State National was offered “took it up.”Cotton was He was soon.afterward assigned the (gard will go through the war as yesterday on the rise of 24 ecent-. duty of drilling recruits for his own North Carolina troops and their and the New York man is no dou! and other companies of the regi-service will be connected with the coming to the conclusion that he ha ment.This taught him,says Mr.name of North Carolina.State pride vet something to learn about eotton Knox,that the older men,as a rule,then,as well as loc al one should Hut he is not at the end of his exp: no matter how willing they were.mean f ill ranks for ut »local compa-rience,because,immediately aftecouldnotdotheworkalongwiththe.Men who are taken out in the having taken the bet offered by the boys.traft will be axsig ned to commands Savannah broker,he was offered a: Mr.Knox is a native of Mt.that will have no local cofinection.other proposition to this effect:A Mourne community,tiuis county.He More men died of disease than from bet of $10,000 that January cotton lecated in Tennessee soon after the [uliets,in the Spanish -American would be bringing 30 cents a pound War of the Sixties and has lived war,said Col.Gardner,as he spoke within six months.The New York- there since.He had been to the re-of the wonderful improvement in cor also accepted that gamble,and heunioninWashingtonandstoppedin-anitary methods since then.st about as certain to drop his Statesville for a week with his Gen.Young was glad to visit cond ten thousand dollars as is brother and sister.Mr.W.P.Knox Statesville and see the boys with se the first.As a matter of Hoosier Club Sale Closes and Mrs.P.R.Patterson.He leaves whom he was associated on the ber-cac.,nobody et this time is able totodayforhishomeinTennessee.ler,We are waking up to the fact o.v at what point cotton is going to ROW 3 ",that we are at war,he continued,(op.The only certain thing abou:j Front Street Meeting —News presenting briefly the cause that +prospect ts high prices nol only °i of the Churches.vacht on the war,after the pa-‘o:what remains of the old crop yet Preaching at St.Martin's Sunday pee of President Wilson and the on hand,but for the crep which the morning at 11 o'clock;Sunday school intry refused longer to endure the rmirs mre now plowing. at 10 o'clock.vrongs perpetrated by Germany,(July coiton contracts sold for By Preaching at County Home Sun-Gen.Young talked interestingly of fi,in New York Tue EN READ THIS dav afternoon at 3 o'clock.the experience of the North Caroli-dy =e ue eenssday).* Rev.A.R.Beck,Mr.and Mrs.M.na troops in border service and man-,EMON JUICE IS F.P.Troutman,Miss Bertha Cline,ifested pardonable —pride in the PRECKLE REMOVER!.AREXALEAERm:Is your wife getting aMr.A.J.Hoover and Mr.Huyo splendid record made by our State Kimball will attend the conference roops.Complimenting Col.Gard-Gilat Make This Cheap.BesutyoftheLutherLengueoftheLuther-ner,hé@ sai!the First regiment did-Lotion te Clear and Whiten Your square deal from you? an Church,which convenes in Con-o't lose a single maw from disease skin!..cre . cont totes.vhile it was on the border -an unU-—Gcocese the juice ef two lemons Is she toiling with an Rev.Dr.J.Mo Clark will begin a ral EXperierietee ind that Wis €:ao 1 al ores _th ae |‘Mec old fashioned out of-dat e meeting at Front Street Presbyte-idence of Col.Gardner's interest in reba vd oa ies he eee OT “4 -. rian church next Sunday.Services and his care for his men.Young:park ne .‘ae -.ak ane kitchen equipment? every night next week at S vo m tribute to the fine work of the vol-°1,a i ri S tak n pare a :ae Communion services at Bethesda cnteer in all wars und urged youns -oe an Be Sorat wn veneer t aeere .'. Sunday morning ot 1 o'clock.Pre-y te join the local company en beantitier,at very,very mall You would not do it. paratery services tomorrow at 8 p.Dr.Raynal was the last speaker Se Green ha h = m.und whet we owe v..country wa Our 7 'katie Oyo ane . "=anc of Char oa he te oft his ar i owe \riiye ore or totet count wi Get H ,il .a C*pes e :aaa ‘:,B "wus ;*¢.pls three ounces of orchard er a oosier charge of the Young Women’s depart.the country our government ey ice Fee a ees ae ne ment of the Woman's Missionray Un-erything we have o value.Our ek ss -=‘_MM As his ion in North Carolina,is expected to tives and our liberties are safeyuard-0)M ;a ~~then p10.the TODAY. address the young women of the town ed,our property made secure bu a .i -ere ra as y faint ae at the First Baptist church Sunday 0!government,he ‘es ld take a ©aie 'evi oe sam a ,. 2 4 o’cloc who has the power and he would ‘(SBP Peer ale Pescetea caus aeenom i ——-:a Pp who spe a Stop ‘io 1 flect ‘:te the -kin beeomes.Yo!tt ta PAY ONLY $1.60 Now,==an.St and reflect:ue Traffic Regulations For Band meinent on our debt to the country (OE _| Concert.and cur duty to it.He closed With j=Ch Ci bi t d known as “Band Concert Night.”it |:WN leon as the country repre o heing the purpose to have a concert “SMative.bps .|P B |1 00 at the rear of the court house every The mecvtir a a neat ee)—i ke (a ,‘<a ay a ance ;a Friday night.The second concert is pacer by Dr Ravnal.The musi =:—::1]3 tonight.Be cal Gn nte deat The an.ia ‘ut 20e,per op W k To avoid danger to children ant }tie elu :-a ihe ad a re p dep briday and Saturd i ee —5e.a Meal. others who attend these CONCETIS Ty Staur Sng ec 1 BR ;er,”Dix -fo Don't mis thi chance ;2fromautomobilescertaintrafficre-jee and +America.”“The Stat }eh quirements will be enforced.People gyangled Banner”beew the =.TE >ae et acominginautomobilesfromCenter“gant eel -eos IREDELL PRODUCE CO street will be reouired to goons fa:en a ;a ane :.ch i '‘a j west on Court street as possible and a oe u oe .me he 4 -{e nark on the right.Those coming joe crowd “the :aan a ny ae Yaw or e unc urnl ure e from Meeting street as far cast i may)sie Ss “che NEHAGE’| possible and park on the right at a “i :ee in :.:;hie ne JIM 7 HARI KE _.1 angle of 45 degrees.Automobiles,2S OF bbe seuki.an "aa .;‘or .: once in Court alley,will not be al ;se 've t NOTICE TU CREDITONS 1 he Store That AlwaysWelcomes You’ lowed to leave until after the con a ae :I ul it \t ayualitied '— cert.Policemen wil?e on duty to +os abe vet {Snes te camuaieninian .smn 'n ha ing i te = enforce these regulatior Court Items.JBoowas a geod meetin and she ‘elll be.plead tn |ine :OLD —— Robert Coleman,colored,emplove |at oe es os ae MME ar wate A .IRIS“pret a SH POTATOES .a of the Hardaway Constructing Com nea at work on the Catawba,was -”a fuller appreciation of its mear é ver .".RED!4 ;ie rete ice s e 0 Shilo oO ny ‘Hes ,poss »:!; ae waht Su a Deel M i,rr Bristol eor 1 to friends Having qualified a te of We have just received a hie We have two re poset d Schuiz Pianos and $35 cash.Justice Warren re -ae .Y i Dee MUTE ect -a »bs "tute =shipment of old lrish potatoes which we will sell at bargain prices.You quired $100 bond but the negro walk.".Seat ele doc meee ar bef 'th af }for late planting.If you need ret the benefit of what was paid on them ed away before the officer could get nae :1 that ne wa a.B.FRENCH any,call on your merchant,and f the | him..asp i a ye ae ee ayald have :ante if he hasn't got them,REFER yy the or‘iginal purcnascrs,Both are in O.L.Woodsides was taxed with Hf ae mayor hy dn't told :..HIM TO THIS AD.!“ood condition. the cost by the mayor for reckless!fe did the hone cleverly and SALE OF LAND ::See these Schulz instruments and our linekeaveterdriving;utom.>tie Court :‘;mae ters ;' street the nisl of the band concert Cae Youngs,Coi,Gardner,siajor ee bs Cie ”he J.K.Morrison Grocery of beautiful WESER PIANOS andnder send them.16 poles te a atom,J OP Williams corny!Chol Bue4, The te a very aa dangeroun dis.Davonangayiy oA ok Sn a oe —.,r ofanykindof a Watch.canimenteverynelgtborhoodcomeone=FRANK DIXON WILL BE WITH att ta tame icon chown Sana Avr 10 a need.In stock,Haman, das.Hunter,colored,was before Howell and Major R.L.Flanigan of wertor Cemrt of |SA en 'én >: the mayor viwieedss ond eau the aren .oy to :Hiekory for a )preeee w there ;nding oot e &Produce Company.P LAYER-PIANOS,which have a loca! —ee ,patriotic rally there last night.ene ae eee ‘im —Sciacca reputation,before!eyou buy.If it is not rane Gabriel.colored,charg COMING SOON.MONDAY,Waa 1 ae convenient for you to visit our store,let us charged.The }7 .Farm Loan Board has eerie.et public awetion t *.come to see you ere Aa e promises tepresentative Dourhton °alr f can,the fo ‘\i . WHEAT YIELD.that appraivers ia ans ,th t of Lvinw ened t Hoge|Me,3,©.Fowler,whe is farming dintrict re nen Tint pe,teat 80 his inmahlaoftee format Bisle ont meal LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.¢ on the Turnersburg road,reports on applications fer lea under the Ru "i are eres pei Mint Cola .- his wheat crop prospects.He is ex-ral Credits act await reports by ap nS pple to a white awh,?'henme peeting to gs 1,500 bushels He praisers .7 n ih Geerere com -a .=_POR .oa @ posk te the neve.One grain)Mr.[oughton told the heard that s00 pubs tes same,Buaeeu Bhunerchers amet 'Ab AbbirEet.ll!”,'=Soaay ©part,fo the core.One avain Mr.Dourhton told the heard that 96 mois (os com Pag aoe Sem Sd CHANGE OF OFFICE!ING Ww XN grains to head,or a total of 882 ers for some time and was =aaah a cheat ut ont,3 With Hemet 5 |sue tan an s ,ERSOL DOLLAR ATCH. i ne thence nor a)y dey wet @?wevten }havemoveeeSSonersforsometimenndwasassuredienemythdepvewont6wietyees,omit ae Warprice #1.35.Seean Hyon ore in need from it before mediei hy.ora ieee taagenen."ten vas Chautauqua this year.Many people|'24 poles to »poviny «mmm,tf.i _2.as.Waltham,Eiginfehave©bottle of Chamberiain'’sCatie Contend that his lecture was worth Core’:tenor nuth is ins 4 WashingtonCedarShingles ,in the house so we to the price of a season ticket.—ad poles to tie heginning,cmtating rs ‘=nenfumedet,more or lew ns “come.|H WOODW A RD Jeweler i a ee soe ~~sen : fer hk Mw Charlestnd.va 4 Bryeart.”@ e June We Ate te tesSeerashMeNIe"namelycad gave peon,Will be givesPater)Chautauqua.—ad. the men being conspicuous by--=nm it came tommacriptionstTresporsewasgen-rou total subscribed was60.50.The largest single contri-on was $100 by J.C.Steele @;While there were numerousrintionshyindividualsof$2)\$10 and $5.Mayor Bristol pre-and called the fizures.ks were made by Rev.(.EF.I,Messrs.H.P.Grier,R.R.»Dorman Thompson and Wm.lace..Chas,Anderson,whendon,said he had written hisandrespondedwithacheek.central committee of seven,C.E.ynal,Wm.Wallace,Dormanompson,L.B.Bristol,F.A.il.R.R.Clark and Mrs.H.P.er,was named to plan a canvassthetownandeounty.»com-™meets this morning at 9@clockforthispurpose,_,Mrs.H.P.Grier appealed to theTadiestojointhelocalRedCross‘Bociety and help in the work ofapekingbandagesandotherthingsPthesoldiers.The membership"dues ure $1 9 year.F ¢meeting was opened withPrayerbyRev.L.D.Thompson andfloeswithprayerbyRev.J.H.Ee ty.The band played for the4ng.A fine start was made consideringsizeofthecrowd.The purpose is‘to put on a whirlwind campaign andTaiseasquicklyaspossiblethe“Amount of the $100,000,000 assignedeencounty—about $6,000,Res-%ts of the county are especiallytolendahand.a specific purpose to which the|$100,000,000 will be devoted by theiCrossis(1)to render such serv-to our soldiers ‘and sailors atneandabroadascomeswithinprovinceoftheRedCross,whichhelpistocareforthesickandWounded;(2)after that such helpiocanberenderedtotheallieswill'iven.“We have,”says Henry P.Davi-“fon,chairman of the war couneil ofheRedCross,“set!$100,000,000 astheminimumofourneed.It is ev-t that we could use many timesBhatamount.In due course we shallkeareporttoCongresssothatpublicmayknowthetotal“Amounts expended and how very“Amall a per centage was found nec-/®@ssary for expenses,|.“We firmly believe that the ef-‘forts of our Red Cross can be a vi-tal and possibly a deciding ageucynhelpingtowinthewar.To us ofwarcouncilthatisahumanita-)Pian service in the highest sense.-and to render it effectively will be“Our paramount service.”NEARLY A BILLION OVER. Liberty Bonds Oversubscribed|Smallest Served First.With three Federal reserve dis-trict totals complete and the work-of tabulating returns in’the other“Mine nearing its end,indications‘were Sunday night that Liberty:an subscriptions would total inthefinalcountapproximately$2,-860,000,000,Treasury officials are desirous ofReceivingoffcialreturnsattheear-_liest possible practicable moment.inorderthatthemammothtaskofmak--ing allotments soon may be com-“Menced.To place these figures 2:ithe'r disnosal reserve banks forces worked Sunday.in some instancesinthehopethatallreturnswouldrheinthedepartment's hands notlaterthanlastnightTofre‘litate the allotments banks Pare making their returns,at the re-PQvest of Treasury officials,in denom- Pinational grovps,forwarding the to-Is of small denominations first.Bubscribers to the small denomina-/tions,it is)expected,will numberorethan50nercent.of the total.qt is noscible that all subseribers upto$10,000 will receive their allot-Ments in full.thus restricting the)Pro-rating of allotments to subscrip-tions in excess of that sum in bring-ing the total down te $2,000,000,000accordancewithSecretaryMe-Adoo’s announcement.which is thattherresentissuewillbelimitedto©$2,000,000,000, Checked For Writing Checks.|Sheriff Alexander and JailerWoodsidesyesterdaymorningmetthetrainfromTaylorsvilleandar-[fested H.F.Godsey for writing;ks on the Bank of Alexander atfaviorevillewhenhehadnofundsinthebank.Godsey says his homeisinVieginte.|or a twomonthshehadbeenworkingasaSaterintheMountainScoutoffice‘in Taylorsville.Saturday afternoon_yesterday morning he gave Tay-j ville parties checks on the Bank‘of Alexander and investigation dis-he had no funds there andnothad.Yesterday morning he bought atoCharlottebutonadvice Sheriff Adams of AlexanderyhewasplacedunderarrestandremainedinjailafewuntilSheriffAdamscamefortakhimbacktoTaylorsvillehea be Sit Minder the intieence of whis- ;oetee of ne. - D STATESVILLE,N.©.,TUESDAY,JUNE 19,1917. A Northpete wth talked toanrecentlygotsomerocePheythewarthatareofinterest.The Landmark doesn't knowthenameandtionofthearmyofficer,and wouldn't tell if it did,buthehadbeenabroadsincethewarbe-gan and had first knowledge of cendi-tions. This army officer figures on fiveyearsastheminimumfortheofthewar,although it may be >le Germany was prepared at thebeginningofthewar,that country,in this officer's opinion,is better pre-pared today by the actual experienceatthebeginning.Germany andAustria-Hungary have,it is estimat-ed,7,00,000 men under arms and it isfurtherestimatedthat860,000 cometothecolorsyearly,and ey 16-ear-oldboyintheempire able toararmsisatrainedsThat’s what the allies are upagainst,with France much exhauat-ed by the tremendous burden she hasborneandRussiaimpotent.TheUnitedStatesmustbearthebruntinmenandmoneyandinsteadofa$2,000,000,000 war loan we mayfloat$20,000,000,000 in loans beforethewarisover.That is the way _an army officerlooksatit.It may an extremeviewandhemaybemistaken.But itmustberememberedthatamilitarymanandastudentofthewarisinbetterpositiontojudgethantheav-erage layman,nnd it would be betterforustoexpectandprepareforativeyearsofwarthantocountononeandfindattheendofthatwewerenonearertheendthanwhenwestarted.Persons familicr with condi-tiops in Germany have always con-tended that a food shortage in thatcountryistheonlyhopeofanearlyendofthewar.Whether that foodshortageistocomesoonwedon'tknow.Another thing to remember isthatGermanyhassofarfourhtoffherownsoil.Pushing the Germanlinesbackisslowwork,and when thelinesreachGermansoil,as they willbyandby,the conflict will be morodesperatethanever.Unless there isafoodshortage,or the German forcesaremorenearlyexhaustedthannowappears,the conflict,efter Germanterritoryisreached,will be protract-ed and terrible.When the soldierfightsonthedefensive,fights for hishomeandfireside,he firhts “to thelastditch.” Beaten For Alleged Cruelty toStepson. A special from Monroe to thedailypaperssaysthatJohnMedlin,«a white farmer living four milesfromMonroe,on the Coneord road,was taken from his home at.11o'clock one night last week andsoundlywhippedbyagatheringofmen.It is alleged Medlin so severe-ly whipped a stepson a week agothathediedFridaymorning,June8,and the whipping was the out- come, An investigation was made by thesheriffatthetimeofthewhippingoftheboyanditwasdecidedtheru-more were false,but neighbors weresopositiveofthebrutaltreatmentofthechildthattheyhavedemand-ed an investigation ‘and the attackonMedlinwasculminationofindig-nation.It is alleged that Medlinstruckthe12-year-old child with asingletreefromaplowandkickedhiminthestomach,It is now pro-posed to have the body exhumed andaninvestigationmadebythecoro-ner and the county physicianThevisitorshandledMedtin pret-y rough.He says fe was attackedvosixmenardthathe>ecognizedwoofthem.$Potato Crop a Gold Mine teEasternCarolina. The eastern North Carolina trackers,especially the potato growers,have more money than ever before,aid a resident of the eastern setioninStatesville.Potatoes haveheensellingfor$8 to $9 the barrelandpotatocropsworth$20,000 to$50,000 and more,were common —soommon,in fact,continued the east-rner,that a man with a $10,000‘rop considered it teo small to talkabout.As an instance of the wealthbroughttoeasternNorthCarolinaypotatocrepsthisyear,the gen-tleman auoted related ‘the following:Last January a New Berne businessmanwhoforesawwealthintherotatocropthisS€ason,proposed tofurnishfertilizertofarmersforahalfinterestinthecrop.Borrowingeverydollarhecouldraise,he inthiswayacquiredahalfinterestin35,000 acres of potatoes from Flori-fa to Norfolk.A few days nyro hefiguredhisreturnsat$1,200,000. Convicts Taken Of RailroadWorkandSenttoFarm.Mr.J.O,Gaither,who has chargeoftheconvictsatworkontheStates-ville Air Line railroad,received no-tice Saturday from the Governor toturntheconvictsovertotheStatePrisonFarmandMr.Gaither willleavefromElkinwiththeconvictsto-The officiais of the roadivethatsuchactionwould CHANGES AT oGLETN Some Sent to OtheroftheServiceand ¢Quit After a month's preliminary worktheapplicantsforwararmy7smissionsundertrainingatthe1-ficers’camps h thetryweretohavebeen4d iSaturdayamongthevartousesoftheserviceandreorganizedtoinfantrycompanies,catroopsandartillerybateriesforcializedtraining.“Untit nowdatesforcommissioninallbranch-es have trained as infantrymen.we this order men assigned tothefieldartilleryweretogotoSanAntonio,Texas,for training,andthoseassignedtothecoastatoFortressMonroe,Va.,and thegineerstoBelvoir,Va,From thecampatFortOxlethorpe500weretogotoSanAntonio,150 to Belvoir,and 100 to Fortress Monroe, Steele of StatesvilleH.H.Cowles oftotheconst Va.,Va.Messrs.JohnandWilliamWilkesborohave goneartilleryserviceat Fortress Mon-roe,essrs.John Scott and MinorAdamsofStatesvibewereassignedtothefieldartilleryatSanAntonio,but it is learned that the order toproceedtoSanAntoniowasrescind-ed after the Fort Oxzethorpe delega-tion had boarded the train to leavecamp.It is supposed they will eon-tinue training at Fort Oglethorpe.A large number of North Carolin-ians have been discharged from thecampasunfit,physically or other-wise,for the service,ond many haveresigned,but the names of none oftheIredellboysappearinthelist. The Jewell Knitting Mill,The stockholders of the <—wwhichwillerectahosierymillinStatesvilleatanearlydatemetandorganizedFridaynight.Directorswereelectedasfollows:E.B.Watts,F.B.Bunch,J.L.Sherrill,RT.Weatherman,F.B.Holland,DormanThompsonandClarenceStimpson,flicers were elected:President andtreasurer,F.B.Bunch;vice presi-dent,E.B.Watts;secretary,J.L.Sherrill.The charter for the corporationhasbeenreceived.The name firstselectedforthenewmillwastheBannerKnittingMill,but as thereisanothercorporationintheStatebearingthatnameachangewasnec-essary and Jewel Knitting Mill waschosen.Machinery for the mill hasbeenboughtandisexpectedtoar-rive about July 15th .Mr.R.L.Poplin,former]withBradfordKnittingMill,will takethepositionofsuperintendentinthenewmill.The location has notbeendefinitelydecidedbutthebuild-ing formerly occupied by the Gaith-er Lumber Company is under con-sideration.|Boy Scout Bond Sales.|Statesville Boy Scouts have’reason to be proud of their work in 7: selling Liberty Bonds and theirfriendsareproudofthem.Their to-tal sales were $3,650.In Greensboro,which boasts a population severaltimeslargerthanStatesville,salestytheBoySeoutsamountedtoonly£3,200,All of the Scout sales in States-ville exeept $200 were made by twomembers—Jimmy Anderson and|Gordon Wallace.Jimmy sold $2,200andGordon$1,250.These are hust-ling boys,promising business menofthefuture.In fact their achieve ments in’salesmanship in the bondcampaignwouldmakesomeofthe|best business men take notice if |they were to go up against them |Fine record fer the Statesville |Scouts and especially for Jimmy|tnderson and Gordon Wallace.| Patriotic Pythians.| The Knights of Yythias of States.|Ville gave renewed evidenee of.thei:public spirit,patriotism and fraterni-ty by voting to invest $200 in LibertyBonds,and passed resolution de-claring that all members of this lodgewhoservethecountryetthefrontwillbekeptingoodandregula:standing and no dues collected fromthemwhileinthisservice.In addi-tion to members at Fort Oglethorp:other members have been in thhe serviceforsometime. At the meeting of the grand lodge:|of Pythians at Rocky Mount Mr.J |.Hoffmann was re-elected chairma:of the finance committee of the |rand lodge,It was the first time hhadmissedameetingandthedele.|rates said it didn't seem like a grand!lodge meeting withoyt Mr.Hoff Mann, | The band concerts are becominymorepovular.Notwithstanding |th«night was cool,the attendance Fri.|iny evening,at the second concert,|was about double that at the firstThegrowinginterestisnotsur.|prising.Statesville has a aplendid |band and the concerts are high|vrade,“Few cities of 50,000,”said|an old bandsman,not a member ofthepresentorranization show se good a band;and Dr.Tur |ner,the leader,is not only a finemusicianbutaverythoroughandpainstakingone.”The Merchants’Band is a States.ville asset and it ix making ood.Free concerts at Court Place everyFridayevening. LYRIC TO HELP RED Cross.Along with other shointhe‘basen the Lyrie willveonenwtheRedGroen:er ofthe The Band Concerts,: | | “ean |fon tanec aes /FINE SPIRIT IN THE CAMP. renuous and Serious Life—The Training at Fort Ogie-thorpe. the Editer of The Landmark:Reverve Officers’Training Camp, ort Oglethorpe,Ga.,Company No.»June 15 —By now I suppose thatweofthepeopleintheUnitedteswhoareinterestedintrain-ine camps know how they are con-ducted.“The Fires Ten Reamane”contribution by George Pattulle inlastSaturdayEveningPost,gives a very complete outline of onethere16comes.The camp at Le-Springs is similar to the one atortOglethorpe,and Oglethorpe iseal)the rest.rs were put inbr16trainingcampsandIpresumeallweremadeonthesameplan.At the present time,however,af-fairs at Oglethorpe are in a mass of@onfusedchange.Hitherto 15 com-Brnies of infantry have been train-ing in our camps.In a few hoursNearlyone-third of these men willleavethosewhohaveelectedthein-fantry as their especial study.ThreeCompaniesof190meneachgotoSanAntonioteformthatgreatarmofservicesoimportantinthepres-ent wer—field artillery.This con-tingent includes nearly half of theboyswholéftStatesvillefiveweeksago.The coast artillery take a com-pany of 100 men to Fortress Mon-roe;and company I of our regiment,®group of men hardened in the serv-jee,vows to Belvoir,Va.,to form acorpsofengineers.cavalrymenformintwocompanieshere.un-derstand that their training is to beasdismountedtroopers;this willdisappointmanyoftheapplicants,who hoped to exchange hikes for across-country gallop.Last night was a general celebra-tion night for the men who wereleaving.The spirit was wonderful.Speeches were frequently interrupt-ed by continued cheering.There isanimpulsivefeelinginthisgroupofmenherethatcannotbe—it is only partially shown in the tensesilencewhenagreatofficerspeaks,or in the outburst of applause andsongthatendssomeofourregimen-tal conferences.Colonel Slocum,thecommandingofficer,often warns usthatthementobetrainedlaterwillnothavethissamespirit,as he saidlastnight:“You will have a greatmanyunderyouwhoarenotvolun-teers.To get them in shape,youtuaetknowthemandhandlethem_Probably the most highlyadmiredofficerincampisourseniorinstructor,Major McCleave.Themajormakesmanybrillianttalks,but none has been accorded so manycheersashisclosingtalktothemenwholeaveandhisbeliefthat“if wemeetdisaster,we will meet it stand-‘ng up with our booes on”:and thisjalso,“The South has furnished manyfthefinestsoldiersintheworldandwelooktoyoutoupholdthecreditoftheSouthandtheSoutherngsol-lier.”You can imagine how this,mingled with the strains of Dixie,could hur)an audience from threeSouthernStatesintoawonderfulnthusiasm,Naturally,we who stay in the in-fantry are losing quite »number offriendsinthecompaniesthatleave,out we are gaining many more inthemencomingintotaketheirplacesframorganizationsthathaveheenbrokenup.As we all anticipat-ed,this is the greatest place in theworldtoformfriendships;life in aSoutherncollegedoesnotcomparewiththelifehere.We are all hereforthesamepurpose,and,unlessnhysiealtroublesprevent,the mentaywiththework.Col.Slocumtysthathehasnotsentamanhomevwbeinga“quitter.It is a strenuous and a serious life,nd the training camps should turnitafinegroupofofficersandmen.notice each day that military af-‘airs become more vital to us here,nd the men here now in therkin’earnest.One man withhomTwastalkingafewweekscoadmittedthathecamehereforonoutingandreallydidnotwantanficer’s commission However,his‘me was on yesterday's ro!!for the‘mp at San =Antonio He hashangedhismind,and,as a!l Eng--hmen love to say,he wants to dosbit.It’s @ spirit that is contag-is and it has helped to make theartofthesoldiersstrong.Hf Jctnothingelseou,of the camp,|retain this,re respect andvimirationforthemeninactiveser-ice in khaki—the men who reprentAmericaonthebattlefield.ALAN R.ANDERSON, “Wheat Good. Wheat harvest began in thisonlastweekandthegeneral testinonyisthatwheatwillbemuch‘etter than expected.The coolveatherhasbeenfavorableandwheathascomeoutwonderfully.” \y observers,Where the freeze ofstwinterdidn't kill the wheat sothatreisnostand,the crop wil!°unusually good,While the cool weather has beenvoodforwheatitishardorthecotThelatterissmall,in semesesbarelyoutoftheground,and'Y wHpromising.corn,too,iedingwarmweatherandnowthatheJunecoo]spel)seems to be over we Way expect seasonable weatherforgrowth, LEG BROKEN.lewis Holler,son of Mr.L.T.Holler,suffered a break of his rightegiymorning.He started toCharlotteonamotorcycleandonturningacurvesouthoftownthe-=fan into a “thie aeisim.-Ross rendered medicalaid, are sec LOSE TO THE SUBMARINE. American Gunners Meet FirstDefeat American naval gunners have mettheirfirstdefeatinopenfightwithaGermansubmarine.Officia!dis-patches Friday announced the de-struction of the tank steamship Mo-reni,abandoned ablaze June 12 byhererewandarmedguardafteradesperaterunningtinthewarzone,which cost the lives of four ofthecrew.The State Department at Washingtonmadethefollowingannounce-ment;“The Department of State is in-|!formed of the sinking of the Amer-ican tank steamer Moreni about 6o'clock on the morning of June 12,after #two-hour running fight withaGermansubmarine.“An oiler,EdwardofBrooklyn,wasloweringalifeboat.A wirelesserator,G.Curran,Jr.,of New York,died of heart failure in the lifeboat,and one seaman,E.Moustner,wasinjuredbygunfireanddiedinalife-boat.Fireman A.Geeisen also diedofwounds.These last two weretreatedbythesurgeonofthesub- marine.“The vessel was first fired uponfromanestimateddistanceof8,000yardsat4o'clock.steamer,which was armed and carried a guncrew,returned the shots and at-tempted to escape.There was alightbreezeandsmoothsea.The Cunningham submarine was hardly visible.After}T150shotsinreplytosome200shotsfiredbythecamapine,crewabandonedthevessel,which was allablaze,taki to thefierysea.German submarinecaptaincongratulatedtheAmericancaptainuponthesplendidfighthehadmade.“Half an hour after the vessel wassunk,the crew was picked up by apassingsteamer.Forty-three of theoriginalcrewof47werelanded.Sixofthesewerexhurtandplac-ed in a hospital.ll the gunnersweresaved.”The action of the submarine com-mander in treating his vanquishedopponentswithsuchunexpectedcourtesywasthesubjectefmuchcomment.Germany has proclaimedherintentiontotreatBritisharmedmerchantcrewsaspirates.i Food Conservation Day.While waiting for Congress tothefoodcontrolbillsPresident Wil- drowned while|\ ville Sunday,where he willtheCarolinaWoodProducts —Mr.Osear Marvin went to lotte yesterday to taketionforserviceinthe ~Mr.Hill Knight,antheStatesvillefurnitureslightlyinjuredSaturdaarmfellaganstasand factory, spear pawigo Dae OSurunewonthevonulofathunderstorm,but be-cause you haven't up tocaptain's office and settled, son has ordered Herbert Hoover,who|home from Wiwillbefooddirector,to proceed im-mediately with the organization ofthenewfoodadministrationinsofarasitcontemplatesfoodconservationandeliminationofwastethroughtheco-opration of volunteer forces.|“While it would in many ways bedesirabletoawaitcompletelegisla-tion establishing the food administra-tion,”the President said,“it a rstomethatsofarasvolunteereffortscanbeassembled,we should wait nolonger.”Plans for enlisting everyhousewifeinthecountryasavolun-teer member of the food administra-tion have been announced by Mr.Hoover,who plans to teach the wo-men through various women's organi-zations.Every woman will be taughttosavefoodinthekitchenandhowtonurchaseforherfamily.Mr.Hoover has mailed letters toeveryministerinthecountryaskingthemtopreachontheConservationofFoodonSunday,July 1,which is tobeknownasFoodConservationDay. German Bread. Mrs.W.B.Lackey hasturnedfromNewportNews,Va.,where she visited her sons,Mr,Clay-ton Lackey and Mr.Lavassa Lack-ev.Mrs.Lackey brought back fromNewportNewsseveralofthebia-cuits that had been removed frominternedGermanships.These bis-cuits,which were hard and unpal-table to look at,had been placed inlifeboatstobeusedincasethemenwereforcedtoresorttothefifehoats.When the United States took‘ossession of the interned vessels,the bread was left piled on thewharfforinterestedspectatorstotake.In snite of the uninviting ap-pearance of the bread,it is doubt-less nourishing. About Nine and a Half Million. RegiPtrations totaling 8,986,790undertheselectivedraftlawhadbeenreportedfrom45StatesandtheDistrictofColumbia.The threeStatesmissingareMassachusetts,Kentucky and Wyoming,whose ag-wrewate is expected to bring the to-tal close to 9,500,000, SELL AT BUYER'S PRICE.Secretary Daniels has ordered thealandoilproducerstosupplycoalandoilinsuchquantitiesasthena-vy shall need,at prices to be fixedlythePresident,hased on the re-port from the Federal Trade Com-nission's investigation,and ratesuggested. just re- CHANGES. Mr.Hal Hayes,who formerly held®position with the Carolina MotorCompanyatMooresville,has a posi-tion in the offices of the company inStatesville,Mr.Fred Feilds,who waswiththeMooresvillebranchofthemotercompany,is now with —theStatesvilleoffice. ours BICGGEST GAIN. port ai ee April 1hdJune10alargergaininontiutaneatefortheNationalGuardthananyotherSouthernState.Thegainwas1,making theState's total June 4,678 md men,On theaApril ny tives from 40 States willmeeting. ~—Mr.C.L.Wyckoff of .lis was in town Saturday for_to seve aalwaysgladtosee .coffwaswiththeStarillelevenyearsandosKannapolisthreeyears.ed to Concord Sunday. ~—Mr.John Grier,who graduatedattheBariumOrphans’Home in1914andwhovolunteeredforserviceseveralmonths Ones,lle are inurn- yond ney sinogra:Trance on tiepherandbookkeeperfor acorpsgoingtothebattlefront. Check Steel Trust Gougers. Suggestions that the steelmillswillholdoutforaof$96atonforsteelthatgoesinthefieetofmerchantvesselstobebythegovernmentdrewfromChair-man Denman of the shipping beardthestatementthatapricethathighwillnotbepaid.“IT shall sign no contracts at thatfigure,”said Mr.Denman.“Thepriceisabsurdwhenthenavyisget-ting steel at $30 a ton Jess.”Although Major General Goethals,general manager of theboard's emergency fleet ,has entire charge of the shiprogramme,Mr.Denman,as Sdentofthecorporation,signs all con-tracts.He declined to sign contractsfor10shipstobebuiltbyaNewYorkconcernbeeauseofthehighpriceallowedforsteel.GeneralGoethalslatersentthecontractsbackwiththépricereducedto$56 a ton.Want 600,000,000 For Aircraft The administration will submit toCongress,probably during the pres-ent week,estimates offorthegreatestairfleet in thehistoryofmodernwarfare.The aviation pro-gramme calls for an expenditure of$600,000,000 and the President is un-derstood to have given his ato»bill prepared by officials thewarandnavydepartmentsandthecouncilofnationaldefense.Secretary Baker issued a statementarethat“the War Department isbe!the aircraft plans with everyouneeofoortgyandaiiatitscommand.The aircraftprogrammeseemsbyallmeansthemosteffect-ive way in which to exertforceatonceintellingfashion,”tinued the secretary.FAILEDTOREGISTER, 7 issued @ warrant for—of yinghimwithfailure toderaeataacte's 5. Mitholfand and my,bond is a ale of Mr.J.‘Prank T.W.Andrews ofelected 5 | ,a son of the defend- to make a grade at the school session and afte:s for advance an examination before high school teachers an‘ rd seems to have held Mr. for o —_ it is al that he waylaid Al- and ane him with a knife or razor,and but for the timely as- sistance of those nearby it is stat- ed that allen would have been kil!- ed.Efird is proprietor of a marble yard at Monroe,has been mayor and and heretofore has borne a i He alleges that he attacked Allen because the latter talked improperly to his wife,but s is not credited,says a dispatch to the daily papers. Mr.Allen,who has been at Mon- roe two years,is very popular.He | has a wife and two children.His home is in Anson county. nel Don’t Mention Name of Vessel. —Voluntary Censorship. Military information of value to enemies is being divulged by 1 per cent.of the American newspapers, which are not regarding the vol- unteer censorship being respected by the other 99 per cent.,according to a statement of the committee on public information. A request to newspapers not to pub- lish the names of armed merchant vessels which encounter submarines was issued by the committee.“A me concern of the voluntary cen- sorship imposed upon itself by the press,”said a committee statement. “has been the suppression of the identity of armed merchant vessels that may engage in defence encoun- ;ters with submarines.The cap tains of the vessels not being EB a part of the recognized naval or ganization of the United States are outside the protection of laws of war as the German empire interprets them.In event of their e capture,death would be their fate The judicial murder of Captain Fryatt makes clear the Geirman attitude to FH zi E rE if iaf e f st r 4 these men. “The peril of the destruction of the vessels themselves in subsequent voy- ages also is intensified by establish-ing the identity as the destroyer of a avbmerine.The added danger to thekedguncrewsoffineyoungAmer- cans is equally apparent.” SUREDRanFeFloodDamageinBristol. The twin towns of Bristol,Tenn.- Va.,and vicinity suffered a proper- ty loss of $100,000 or more last weekbyflood.As a result of a “cloudburst”a:few miles away Indian creek over- flowed its banks,inundating theprincipalbiginessdistricts.ManygeolivingalongthebanksofIn- creek,ordinarily a smallstream,had to flee for safety,leav-ing their household effects a totalloss.The water ran down Statestreetlikeariver,flooding depart- ment stores,business houses and causing all traffic to cease.Although warned by long distancetelephonethata20-foot bank of wa- ter was rushing down on the city,sufficient time was not given to pre-pare and as a_result hundreds ofclerksweretakenfromdepartment stores in automobiles and other con-veyances. NSNARDSALATEST Income Taxes. Secretary McAdoo states that onthebasisoftelegraphicreportstotheTreasuryDepartment,the totalreceiptsfromincometaxforthe eurrent fisca!year up to June 15,in-clusive,were $330,555,628.10.These figures,which are subject to revis- F ion upon the analysis of complete :returns,include $170,037.089.89 from corporations and $160,528 588 21 from individuals.The income taxactofSeptember8,1916,required that all income taxes should be paid on or before June 15 instead of June 30.as in past years.North Carolina reports fol- lows:Fourth district:Corporations, $512,909.70;individuals,$190,206.40; total,$708,116.10;fifth district:Cor- porations,$687,652.70; individuads,$361,828.24;total,$1,049,481.03 Raleigh Citizens in Trouble. Special investigation by a Feder al Court grand jury in Raleigh hasthrownthenetoversomeofthe“higher-ups”alleved to have aided and abetted the illegar whiskey traf- fic in the capital city.Among thoseservedwithwarrantswereEd.Bail-, ey,P.B.Batchelor,Oris Branch,dune Daniels,Jim Fowler,JohnKambiss,Will McGee and SherwoodUpehureh.Upchurch is a prominentcitizenandwasformerlyalderman. charges are conspiracy and re-tailing.All were :creased on bondsof$1,000. 4 Increase in National Guard. a An increase of 316 officers and18,976 enlisted men in the National Guard not in the Federal service,is shown in the latest reports to themilitia—_of the War Depart- $1 the strength oftheNationalGenetwas4,462 officersand108,631 men,while on June20@totalof4,778 officers and 122,- rted with the ew York and as GOTmen had beenre ‘they sont now?For some new pur-|point apparentlyhaveustified ‘and never been carried before,or for |the German people.If -\seme old, never be-/|Why are! pose,for ‘which this great flag has familiar,heroic purpose) for which it has seen men die on ev-| ery battlefield upon which Ameri-| cans have borne arms since the Rev-| olution?.These are the questions) which must be answered. “The war was begun by the mili- tary masters of Germany,who prov- ed also to be the masters of Austria- Hungary.These men have never re- carded nations as peoples,men,wo- men and children of like blood and frame as themselves,for whom gov- ernments existed and in whom gov- ernments had their life.They have regarded them merely as serviceable organizations which they could by force or intrigue bend or corrupt to their own purpose.They have re- garded the smaller States in partic- ular,and the peoples who could be overwhelmed by force,as their nat ural tools and instruments of dom- ination.Their purpose has long been avowed, “The demands made by Austria upon Servia were a mere single step in a plan which compassed Europe and Asia,from Berlin to Bagdad. They hoped those demands might not arouse Europe,but they meant to press them whether they did or not. for they thought themselves ready for the final issue of arms “Their plan was to throw a broad belt of German military power and political control across the center of Europe and beyond the Mediterran- ean into the heart of Asia;and Aus-tria -Hungary was to be as much their tool and pawn as Servia and Bulgaria or Turkey or the ponderous States of the East.Austria -Hun gavy,indeed,was to become part of the central German empire,absorb- ed and dominated by the same forces and influences that had originally ce- mented the German States them- selves.The dream had its heart at Berlin.It could have had a heart nowhere else.It contemplated bind- ing together racial and political units which could be kept together only by force—czezhs,macyars,croats serbs,Rumanians,Turks.Armenians the proud States of Bohemia ani! Huagary,the stout little Commo wealths of the Balkans,the indomit able Turks,the subtle wneoples of the East.These people:did not wish to be united.They ardently desired te direet their own affairs,would be sutisfied only by undisputed inde pendence.And the®have actuals carried the greater part f that amazing plin into execution Look Hambure spreadhowthingsstand.From to the Persian gulf the net :Ferced Into War. “It is plain enough how we wer: forced into the war.The extraordi nary insults and aggressions of imperial German government left us no self-respecting choice but to take up arms in defence of our rights as a free people and of our honor as a sovereign government.The milita- ry masters of Gemnany denied us the right to be neutral.They filled ur unsuspecting communities with vicious spies and conspirators —and sought to corrupt the opinion of ourpeopleintheirownbehalf.When they found that they could not do that.their agents diligently spread sedition amongst us and sought to jraw our own citizens from their al legiance--and some of those agents were men connected with the official embassv of the German vovernment itself—here in our own capital.They sought by violence to destroy our industries and arrest our commerce They tried to incite Mexico to tak: up arms against us and to draw Ja- pan into a hostile alliance with her and that,not by indirect but direct suggestion from the fereign office in Berlin They impudently denied the use of the high seas and repeat- edly executed their threat that theywouldsendtotheirdeathanyofour people who ventured to approach the coasts of Europe.What great na 1 such circumstances would not Ws tion have taken up arms?Much as we had desired peace,it was denied us, and not of our own choice.This flaywouldhasinderWhichweserve heen dishonored had we withheld our hand “But that only part of the sto ry We know now as clearly as we knew before we were ourselves er gaged that we are not the enemies of the ware notoou selves in the ter power tretched its jrawn blood world is at world i German people and that thes enemies.They are them grip of the same sinis that has now at last ugly talons out and fiom us.The whole war hecause the whole the grip of that power and is trying out the great battle which shall determine whether ittebebhrourhtunderitemastery fling itself free German Peace Talk. “Is it not easy to understand the eagerness for peace that has mani- fested from Berlin”ever since the snare was set and sprung?Peace, peace,peace has been the talk of her foreign office for now a year and more;not peace upon her own initi- ative,but upon the initiative of the nations over which she knows her- self to hold advantage.A little of the talk has been public,but most of it has been private.Through all sorts of channels it has come to me, and in all sorts of guises,but never with the terms disclosed which the German government would be willingtoaccept.That government has oth- er valuable pawns in its hands be- sides those I have mentioned.It still holds a valuable part of France, though with slowly relaxing grasp,and practically the whole of Bel-gium.Its armies press close uponRussiaandoverrunPolandattheir will,It cannet further;it dare notwoback,It wishes to close its bar-gain before it is too late and it haslittlelefttoofferforthepoundof~_®=demand |military masters underwhomGermany|p bleeding see very)clearly to t point fate has)them.If tney fall back orarebackaninch,theirbothabroadandathomewill,Piewes.like a house of cards, or ‘in all the great countries of the « the immensehandswhich they their people wil!thrust them a government accoun’people themselves will beGermanyasithasbeeninintheUnitedStates,in France ern time except Germany.taxed inlf! succeed they are safe andithe the | and the world are undone;| fail Germany is saved and Lumberton Robesonian, will be ot pene thin Go The National Bank of Lumberton merica will fall within menace. We and the rest of the world will |"*reeeived for distribution over the remain armed,as they will remain,)county seven Duroe -Jersey pigs from and must make ready for the next|(he Lawrence farm in I 1 county step in their aggression;if These pigs have been purchased by|hoys about the county,bank tak-fail,the world may unite for and Germany may be of the union. “Do you not now understand the) new intrigue,the intrigue for peace, and why the masters of Germany do not hesitate to use any ageney that promises to effect their purpose,the ing their notes,payable in the fall,thebankenteringuponthisenterprise|for the purpose of stimulating theraisingofpure-bred hogs in Robeson. 5cree Fen <same Cemno-ns ATE REO ERE Has a Good Opinion of Chambertain’s Tablets.| cecei i »nations?Chamberlain's Tablets are a wonder,1 ecelt .the 7 -to decei¥never sold anything that beat them,”writes|particular =aim e all |bh.Tresay,Richmond,Ky.When troubledthosewhothroughouttheworld«ith indigestion or constipation give them a | stand for the rights of peoples and trial. the self-government of nationa;for = they see what immense strength the :B ] py ; forces of justice and of liberalisgn are wathering out of this war,Theyareemployingliberalsintheiren- terprise They are using men,in 4 The secretof Cermany and without,as their spokesmen whom they have hitherto women who knowhow despised and oppressed,using.them ,to takecare of the com- ‘or their own destruetion—Secial-plexion,Cannot be arte so many and so obvious that we Goat lavetoenumeratethemhere: The Main Thing Is The Proper Selection of the Car. In that particular we can help you materialhonestly.Our experience with cars is a ~ieeoneandwewillsteeryouclearoftroubleconsultwithus.:“7 detected,Heals Sun-burn,stopa Tan.Soothing.ists,the leaders of labor,the think- ers they have hitherto sought to si-Let them succeed andlence.ence é .)cooling,refreshin these men,row ther toolg,will be 7 !Pink,White,‘asgroundtopowderbeneath—the {FP 25e.ai Draggiatsorby maildivect, weivht of the great military empire they will have set up;the revolu-tionists in Russia will be cut off from all succor or co-operation in western Europe and a counter-revo- lution fostered and supported;Ger-many herself will lose her chanee of freedom;and all Europe”will arm for the next,the final struggle. The Sinister Intrigue. “The sinis intrivue is being no ess actively icted in this coun- Scmole (either color)for 2c.Stamp. Lyon Mfg.Co..40 SouthFifthSt.,Brooklyn,N.¥. B.Ci a try than in)Russia and in”everycountryin)Europe te which the agents and dupes of the imperial German governmert can get access. hat government has many spokes- men here,in)places high and low. They have learned discretion.Theykeepwithinthelaw.It is opinion they utter now,ot sedition.They proclaim the liberal purposes of their masters;declare this a foreignwarWhichcantouchAmericawithnodangertoeitherherlandsorher nstitutions;England at the cen-ter of the stage and talk of her am- bition to assert economic domina- tion throughout the world;appeal to ur ancient tradition of isolation imthepoliticsofthenations;and seek) to undermine the government with set ce n You Cannot Imabine I The Goodness of ORANGE JOOJ false professions of loyalty to its You Must Taste It! principles.:,“But they will make no headwa)We really believe you arerniss- \!:inga raredelight when you der ;yourself the pleasure of thiswonderfulfruitdrink.themselves always It only friends and partisans of the German gov ernment whom we have already identified who utter these things dis guised disloyalties.The facts ar: patent to all the world,and nowhere are they more plainly seen than in the United States,where we are ac customed to deal with the facts ana not with sophistries,and the great fact that stands out above all the rest is that this is a people's war,awarforfreedomandjusticeand self-government amongst all the na- tions of the world,a war to make 1! The false betray in every accent.is As a cooling and invi-oratingrefreshment,it is pleasing - many,many people.e Won't you try it? Se at ali drink stands Less by tho case “14 you like —)ou'U2 like Coca-Coia Bortling Co. Statesville,N.© the world safe for the peoples who liveuponitandhavemadeittheirow: the German people themselves . cluded;and that with us rests the choice to break through all these hy potheses and atent cheats ‘and Gye / masks of brute leeve and help set Its Cloudy--y the world free,or else stand aside .Thats the 7andJetitbedominatedalongageFruit” through by sheer might of arms an‘!the arbitrary choices of self-consti-} tuted masters,by the nation which can minaintain the biggest’armies and the most irresistible armaments a power to which the world Pas afford-he ed no parallel and in’the of &. which political freedom mus her,% and perish.a rare‘or us there is)but one choice,’S&Hannan We have made it.Woe be t the man or group of mea that stand in our way in this day ot resolution when every principle y hold dearest is to be smaicated and made secure for the salvation of the L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. Dealer In —- Hides,Furs,Wool and to high nations,We are rea®y io plead at ray ; the bar of history,and our fla:hall Beeswax.Alsoall kinds wear a new luster.Once m we scrap Metal and Rub- shall make good with our liv«and t j fortunes the great faith io wich ae ber.I am paying ood were born,and a new)glory shall prices for all kin 8 ofhineinthefaceofourpepole.’scrap Iron and mixed ———.Rags. |DR.J.M.HOLLAND.NOTICE —All the Scrap DENTIST.Iron mustbebrought totheJunkShopbeforea.detycashondelivery.|Inde;ndent Phone 56.|li Phone 9302. Xn aaTheBradyPrinting(‘o.“GOOD ROADS andHastakenoverfromi R.P.Allison §the | i| OFFICE MILLS BUILDING Qver Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS 8 to 6.‘PHONE 31 Sat Tee oe Ge ame of mpair the Tiresthat will VULCAN agency for various Magazines and Book Publicationsand wants | your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zinesof all kinds.Wii! order any book wanted. All Magazinesoncoun-|4 bothroughand worked mate- tersoonas out.if you intend building any- es merge OiLand GASOLINE STORAGE SYSTEM. Pumps,Tanks:and Appliances. Money is lost—gone,when you keep your expensive liquids the ordinary way.Money is made-- Saved.when you keep your ex- pensive liquids the right way. Outfits for private garages,public garages,road filling stations,and for all kinds of liquids.Gasoline, Kerosene,Lubricating Oil,Lin- seed Oil,etc. Manufacturers’Agents for the “MILWAUKEE” We have sold a number of these outfits in this seciion and can refer you to satisfied purchasers. See the Master Electric Filling Siation,at the Statesville Motor Company. We arein a position to give you inside prices,and can save you money. Statesville Oil.Company. Cl le:ES aa Aaa Wn 4 One of the Most Useful Household Articles |STEP LADDER. a A home is not complete without one;and .be sure when you wy |to get a good one.A weak,flimsy step ladder has no place in the home. The ladders we sell are built for use.ATrussrodundereachstep,the steps fitintoaslotintheladderfreme,the lad- der is made of extra wood and_sub-—two hundred “~pou sekeeper can go onwithamuch=_—one withisavoirdupois.in’anger your lifeandlimbsbyusingasorrystepladder.Cometoour store and you can always find thebest of everything in our line. We do not'sell cheap or inferior goods. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. y =" Fernel Conned Geode. Red Raspberries. Peeled Apricots. Cling Peaches. Sliced Pineapple. Graded Pineapple. White Cherries. This is the best line of Canned Goods put up. Mller-McLain SupplyCo. The Two Legged Dog Who my four-legged Dog seems reluctant to give her back,so Iam RAISING REWARD OFFERFROM82to$5!C.WATKINS. 10-Year-Old Child Makes $1.00 Per Hour For you when you can let }them pump the water andsaveyouthetimetodevote !to vour work.Save this |time and money.A Myers| Pump will save this.Let us put one in for you. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Phimber =114 E.Broad St.| stole -~ 'We Try to Keep| Everything in stock to 5meetyourwants,Roof-| ing Tin,Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,Guttering and Spouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron and will makeanythinginShectMetal | you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 55,114 FE.Broad Street. ! | ft re DR.VANCE RASTY,| DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-0,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Statesville,N.CTELEPHONE"PRonme 107 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TEETH. — ENGAGEMENTS,Hours *to 6.CHILDREN'S |! C.1H.LESTER, REGISTERED AkCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green.|) iesemmerme WANTED! SCRAP BRASS-Heavy Brags74e. per pound,Ligh,Brass 5c.per pou d oo asFORS.A LE: New «nd second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell ‘Phone No.74,Bell No.°. “Auction Sale of Ford Car. Ry virtue of a judgement of the Superior Court 1 will sell at pebtic suction for cash| at the court house door in Statesville,N,C., the 28d day of June,at 12 o'clock,one Pord Touri Car tm good condition uae M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff. MINT COLA 5c. exhausted a_bottle Continues all this week. $6.00 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists, $4.50. $3.50 and $4.00 Creorgette and Crepe de Chine, $2.65. $2.50 Wash Silk aad Lace Waists, $1 85. and a lot Noveity Blouses in Sport Patterns and Lace Combinations Waists, at sale prices. None charged or sent on approval at sale prices. RAMSEY-BOWLES- MORRISON CO. |enk ~pliRUESDAY,---June19,101 rd ’—an Partsof the Country. At Pair Forest,near Spartaninss,|8.C.,an I-year-old hoy was in¢room of an oil mill when a stack)of cakes fell on him and him. 000 and the total for all the allies up.te $948,000,000. An uprising threatens fn|The situation is most serious in thejdistrictofCatalonia.with a -|tion of near 2.000.000,of which Bar-,celona is the capital Warren Utterback.a young fail- jway mail clerk,was arrested at jLynchbure,Va..for desecraiit ‘United States flav H terod on ‘the flare in response to a darc made by another youth. |Ina fight with a submarine in the’ |Mediterranesn on June 11 the Ja- panese destroyer Sakaki was torpe-doed and 57 of her crew killed and 14 wounded.The damaged destroy- ler was towed to port. The engagement of Miss Marion||Cleveland,youngest daughter of the ‘late President Cleveland,is an-nouneed.She is to marry William Stanley Dell,an editorial writer on the New York Evening Sun.i After three days in Paris as the |which extraor-iguest of France,in ‘dinary honors him,Major‘taken up the ;for his dutic were bestowed uponGeweralPershinghasworkofpreparation on the front. ,Mayor Corter.of Bluefield,W. Va.,shot by Bessie Young,died ofhisinjuries.Miss Young said the mayor was heating her mother,Mrs. Mildred Young,when she shot him. Both wemen were held for trial. Henry Conley,a neyro,Was lynech- ad by a mob of 1,000 men and women near Holdenville,Okla.,after, said,he had been identified by Mrs., Jesse L.Burford,wife of a farmer,as the man who had assaulted her. Belgium's official mission to United States has arrived in this coun- try.It is headed by Baren Mon- cheur,former minister to the United States,and now chief of the political bureau of the Belgian forcign office at Havre Two killed and jured by a German air raid on Eng lish coast tewns Saturday night.A German Zeppelin was set on fire by anti-aircraft vuns,fell and was con- sumed,all the members of its erew being killed. Brig.Gen.W.A.White of the British army has come to the Unit- ed States to take charge of the re- ndees wire 16 in- cruiting of British subjects in thiscountry.It is said that there are 50.000 men of military age in America who owe allegiance to KingCGoorge Gen.Chang Hsun now is a in China,President Li Yuan Hufte' being Jittle more than a)figurehond ays.n diypateh from Peking.Th naurgents ire calling a conventior Tien T for the purpose of form:provisional government headed by the dictater,who | nected to aet as President and pr Te? With the arrest)Saturday of 5 swnarchist=and the seizure «of i tities of anti-conscriptior ‘Federal authorities heleve nev he meade material prog he forts to stamp out ar PVT grea wa n New York ompliance with the t Emma Gollmoa Ate ’r Berkman,notvoriou .Were amony those arre Leading packers heve enters 8 ment with the !athe:‘! cor iittee of the Council of N Defonse to furtosh che prove ith cuficient hides for the leather equipment during th Phe present market price will ‘ands purchase rate Th mittes predicts that hecause roxpect of an incre ayrrccment will save the gov villhons of dollars, wee ee ee cee Infermeiion \bout Pear! Growing. The “\"interest in produc ,in North Carolinn aitaa demants on the the Awricultural Experiment >1infortafermatinreen matter hase 3 Dep re \tus st Grow it rth a mHher i mie valuable facts * product is fertilization etiva runing 1 pra er of pon he !points out the main faet: a to coessful peach prod found ty the large comme) r }ss !y the St ite. The trulletin may be obtained eauest by any citizen of the St and the t a 'rewar i t ’ enact i mav be had or ation to the DTvision of Hert ture Department of Agricu Raleirh Battle With Submay}ne. An American steamer arrivir an Atlantic port reports an enya ment with a German submarin: Brest,France,May 18 The t fired two torpedoes at the stea: ome at the bow and one at the st: but ither found its mark.Th: al gonners on the steamer fire’! the lersea craft,but do not th they registered ai hit.After shots from the steamer the subm ble disappeared Off the coast of Ireland the Ame: ican steamer picked up three men bers of the crew of a Norwegialumbershipwhichwastorpedoandsunkfivemilesaheadof American ship.The survivors wlandedatQueenstown, Mis:Margaret.Houston Linn arMr.McKinley Pritehard,both ©Asheville,were married in Aghevil!:Sunday evening,Mr.Pritchard | a con of Judge Pritchard. (Nn eeeener Cured in 6 to 14 Dayswill)fetid PATOteoowveRest,Sve.;few eS i. the— (TEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There in the State.|The Federal building at Witkes-| hore nearing com peetion and thebetofficewillbemowedintoitJuly The Hardware Association of theCarolinasandtheNorthCarolinaBankers’Association are in sessionatWrightsvilleBeachthisweek. Juke Ingle,about 80 years old,An additional government lean of)w.-ruck and killed by an automo-$25,000,000 to Great Britain tale Asheville Sunday.Hall Mer-the total British loan up to $50 -rill was the driver of the machine, Will Conner,colored,was shot to death in Concord and the police are looking for Baxter Parts,aiso col- ored,who is charged with the crime, Mrs.Kimball Johnsen was killedbylivhtningatherhomeatWalnut Cove,Stokes eounty.She was sit- porch and was killed in-ing on thestantls Chas.Brite,a young man of Bay-.Pamlica county,oygned a can f salmon,ate part of the contents and finished the remainder next day.Dead of ptomaine poisoning F.C.Richardson sued John H Thos.L.Love,megro druggist Raleigh,for $60,000 damages for boro ing dope to his wife.A jury inWakeeourtawardedthe—plaintiff&1.000, R.S.Taylor of Warsaw,deaf mute and editor of the Duplin Rec-weit under indictment for enticing i }°-vear-old girl to a house of it!- repute,He alleges conspiracy ¢ him, (opt.W.C,Coughenour,aged 80, ominent citizen of Salisbury diel Saturday.He was captain of Company K,Fourth North Carolina troops,in the Confederate army.He ‘never married, il Hardison of Mocksville, old,died of tuberculosis at ick Mountain a few days ago and vas buried at Moeksville.He wa the son of the late Rev.Geo,Hurdi ,a Methodist minister. Will Jones and E.C.Hepler have (arrested in Gufiord county for :re to register.Jones registerec ifter his arrest and was reteased on own recognizance.Hepier is un *1,000 bond to appear for trial. Thes.I.Linn,one of the founders Piedmont wagon works at and a prominent and useful of that town,died a few days i!\ we He was 72 years old,a native .Pn county and a Confederat’ peas before the Y.M.C.A. Asheville Sunday afternoon,Hon J.Bryan announced that he ex ted to make Asheville hi um er home as Jonge as he lives.Work the home he is to build there will oon, {Mary Price Hobson of Mocks and Mr.Robt.R.Crawford of rston-Salem were murried on the Laut ut the heme of the bride's sis r,at Amherst,Va.The bride is a vuvhter of Mr.W.HE Hobson of Davie county. Col.and Mrs.James N.Brown of Coneord celebrated on the 14th the Sth annrivervsarv ef their marriage Co!Brown near £0 and Mr Brow):has passed her Bist vear.Col Bro.erved =oin the Mexi¢an war vad War Between the State Sevent 1 ome from one townshin in EB nhe county plead guilty Uberne e Superior Court of |cen oheity mianufactaring liquor, Tudire Shiw ded eirht of them or ‘vd det the other nineth1ispende ‘ t he opening of th t furm ol i puta oO to rm 'n §(ype arre!\meoy ’' fling t 't}stton far Ivan NM ure The Reo Sessile Assembly at Wrights,lie 2 ;n event.to Sapticis of the State.June 27 to Ju 'Vn ’’mem er f th pe Ne on I!'howe i ¢A rou ps Pile !ire }it} Rev.PP 1 {;editer of BRiblieal Reeur Raleteh,has igen]t :eliter-in-chief ov the Sorithye Sunday hool board.Naot i ah to tuke up August {.:ro.te ‘{ot The Recorder } Dean Them:' Mrs,Adam Tho yt 4 inty,Wi ca t ned nutomot va few das yjurieg,the s1onndthebody on ‘4 vears of i ! Lowell,Ga Bob Beam,!chargviththem' Mitchell cour elds of Vis herities didn't \ D,Wiseman.x4 \her Y of Mu | and,marie am back a var?offered H.C.MeCon: the employs pany,has bhroug uperior Cou for $25,000 dn os Hleges that wh ut @ ‘erths on at nnd §t.Lou etriking him h m uncor £t tain seriolesTheNorth (s Moot PreExhibitors‘Cuan Wrightsville Boa edsolutiontosetasidethewv re ‘ipts of one day each ng the entire dura t}, to be donated to the national Red roes Society for it war or vork,Thir will meen a donati: eeeipts from =aroroximatcly 10 heatres in the Stare one day in ach month.ee SMITHEY &FRALEY WILL Sel! you fat back meat at 17 cer } pound;1 gallon preserves at 4 : pounds Arbuckle coffee for #1;good‘4 wheat bran 7°50 per 190 pound 10 "b genta a bottlrahavemoresonpe m.—ad,i We ;hy”\ Iron in the Healthy,Vigorous Nux-lIron-Paw-Paw Remedy Known As = lronizedPaw-Paw is the » SAFFST AND MOST RELIABLE TONIC._ For years Paw-Paw was the only vegetable Pepsin known,and every- where it was welcoraed for indigea- tien and stomach trouble and has a record of 20 years of established de- pendahility. Then the chemists discovered that IRON and NUX preduced rich,red blood and steadied the nerves.After many trials RON and NUX were combined with PAW-PAW,the re- sult being a tonie of wonderful bedy- huilding qualities,plus a nerve- teadier and a muscle-developer.In ther words,FRONIZED PAW-PAW a combination of three well-known ngredients of real merit,and instead f getting the three you get the nme results—-if not better--in one dose of IRONIZED PAW-PAW.‘Anybody yy doubt as to the mer- ts of Tronized Paw-Paw call on me,” ays Mr.John Deal,of 17 Ironized Paw-Paw Remedy wil!¢ pel gloom,to make happy homes and cines that have been compounded, lay should be conclusive proof. ':street,Baltimore.He said fonth “After suffering from stomachnervetroublesformanyyears and having been treated in various ways I was unable to find relief until f was Advised to try a bottle of - ized Paw-Paw,which |am gp tosaygavemereliefalmostafterthe firat dose.My stomach was in rabadconditionthatIvomited:tically everything.My spirits Rnak. lv became depressed—at times I wasirritable,nervous and weak and fet absolutely miserable.“Thanks to lronized Paw -Paw, which I am indeed glad to recom- mend,my stomach digests my faed perfectly.1 feel so good that I hardly realize the change.In the rnorning |feel fresh as a daisy and hard work has no terrors for me, em going to continue the Tronized Paw-Paw treatment;it is exactly Taylor what I needed.” lo more to brighten the world;to dis-strong iron bodies,than all the medi- The evidence we are publishing every There is no guesswork about these statements,they come from yout iehbors,from people you can go % hound te believe. and see and from people that you are We most earnestly ask every sufferer from coughs,colds,indigestion, tomach troubles,sleeplessness,genei 35 a bottle of tronized Paw-Paw. ‘al nervousness or impure blood to get Now is the time to begin taking a tonie—the advent ef Spring--toneap your system and prevent your vital badly affeeted. A aystem that is overworked or Aleohol lifts,BUT LETS YOU FALL!¢ Your druggist probably keeps it,but if he doesn't,it is sold infant.hods you.t Statesville by Polk Gray Drug Co. positors. Member Federal PATRIOTISM x BU Every good citizen at this time should Federal Reserve Banking System which t our Government has created with its J billion dollars of resources to stand back of its member banks and all their de- You can costribute directly to the . strength of this system,and at the same * time secure its protection by depositing , your money with us,since part of every dollar you deposit with us goes directly into the new system,where it is always ready for vou when wanted. This is a suggestion for prompt action. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. STATESVILLE,N.C. f Send for Booklet,‘How Does it Benefit Me?” organs from becoming disordered or requires a harmless stimu-lronized Paw-Paw lifts andrun-dewn do his share toward strengthening the Reserve System. ‘ |e |4RedSealDryBatteries, |; |We were surprised the other day when a man said he didn’t know we sold Dry Patteries. HOW MANY we |:;°)rpriscd,We oh fied Seal’.Best )AVE| Ho vou know a ditt will mane that eld another sei on t re with a Iredell eeermemeSezsonableGoods. ——Sich as Mason Jars. Extra Jar Caps. Jar Rubbeis Jelly Glasses Preserving Powders. Sealing Wax. Phone 89, We told him if he knew ave the old or two besides making it look bettor?Anybody can apply it Hardware tagle &Mitholland.}] sold HE would be reliable dr,battery le screen wire paint door or window last mall brush. Co. Green Mountain and Rural New York for late planting. Stringless Green Pod Beans,Red Valentine and Refugee. er Ye 1 ct Sang di | SEED POTATOES!| x »++June 19,1917. FT OUR HOPE. of the aircraft o been the greatest won- f war.At first air ma- aos for scouting only. air’,such as was perpe- London last week,were re- impossible,even after the begun.A greater service aircraft is to locate,photo- and chart the enemy's lines so as to be prepared for The statement of Admiral which The Landmark is ,gives further light Admiral Peary and -who believe that the air ma- are our best hope of speedily the war,may be over-enthu- ,but that the aviation branch of the service is to be most impor- tant in the future is evident. Official announcement that the ent’s aircraft programme been greatly enlarged,that def- f inite s have been made which will givé America and her allies a permanent supremacy of the air,and that the country mus:prepare to hundreds of millions of dollars the construction of machines and is made by iforthetraining of men, Howard E.Coffin,chairman of the Aircraft Production Board of the Council of National Defence.To train a thousand aviators a month for overseas service is the minimum mark set.“We may as well real- ize,”says Mr.Coffin,“that the dom- ination of the air will in all proba- hility prove the deciding factor in che t,war,on sea perhaps as well as on land.Military authori- ties of all the allied nations are agreed that unless the allies can se- cure a preponderance of aircraft with which to overwhelm the German lines,the war probably will drag on for years,with a constantly increas- ine toll of lives.”We can’t hope to fighting men to Europe to end the war the coming year,says Mr.Cof- fin,but by heavy expenditure for aircraft he thinks we can overwhelm the Germans in the air and render them practically impotent by cutting off means of observstion behind the fines of the allied armies.Further— “A vast superiority in aircraft means the complete blinding of the enemy.If his machines are kept out of the air he has no facilities for sighting his long-range guns;he has no means of getting charts and photographs of the opposing lines or of preparing and meeting attacks properly,and his own communica- tien lines are constantly subject to damaging rains and even to com- plete destruction. “In the present struggle between Germany and the allies the fight for supremacy in the air ir practically even,It is a nip-and-tuck race in both manufacturing and fighting. Germany has the surremacy in man- ufacturing:organizations,the allies in aggregate resources.There is reason to believe that neither alone ean secure 2 definite and permanent svvremacy.‘This is Amgrica’s one chance for turning the ftale within a vear.She cannot equip and send over enough troops and military sup- plics to determine the war in that time,although al!she can send will he necessary;it is in the air that the United States has its greatest chance to outmanoeuver Germany. “To do it we must be prepared to spend hundreds of millions of dol- lars.We should not hesitate to sac- rifice any number of millions for the sake of the more precious lives which the expenditure of this money may save.We need not speak for the much greater amount of nationalwhichanimmediateexpendi- ure of generous proportions made yw may —_—Great Britain’s lat- st apprep ation for aireraft alone as $600,000,000.Her appropria- ion for the present year will prob- bly approximate a billion.France ;spent an equal amount on her ir programme.Ti.e United States send enough nnot afford to be niggardly.Our sources are unbounded.We now ve the programme which will ke it possible to get an adequate turn from those resources.” SEPA TN EI Representatives of the Russian pro-isional government talk fine to themericancommission.Their loyaltythe_—is unquestioned.The Youncil of Soldiers and Workingmen’s legates,which scems to be much of power in the new regime in Russia,bas rejected an overcure for separate ( teace with Germany.Thet is en- uraging.But can these control andthegreatmass,the millionsandmillionsofRussianpeoplewholavebeenpracticallyslaves?TheMillionswhohelievethatfreedom ust mean an end of war?It is pos- le,for years to come,to get con- rted action,a <table government.byRussianmass?Hardly.Only can co that.We can call age from the vast deep,ut willeycomewhenwedocall? The Landmark is of opinion that proposition advanced by the med- 1 tion of the North Carolina frittec on National Defencemé‘the selective draft should be ap- ued to doctors to sccure a sufficient ical force for he army-—-isandjust.While many doctorsvevolunteerednotnearsomanyveofferedasareneeded;and as isaysthecasewhenthedepend- is on volunteers,many who have arid will not,while sone of volunteers can ij)be spared.The e draft the fairest and method.All within certain ageareenrolledandthenthose suited for the service under all .are taken. ——~and who could best bewefortheservice,have not vol- hy belle was a feature of theofLiberty‘Loan cam-that the bonds wereathecircumstancesistheloyaltyandenthu-peo}were notfuneralnotes. cs ». x MEN ouri unlessiron a i t i ] ii I ge e |Q aaffection,” wasemptionboards bewhowillknow the courage to z3 === lished by the Newton News:| “Loca oqneen a will be composed of three citizens recom- mended by the Governor and ap- pointed by the President.One of these will be the physician now on registration board.It is not deem- ed wise to have any other coun ficial on exemption board. wire the name and address of two intelligent,patriotie men who are in real sympathy with the government in the prosecution or this war,who will do their duty without fear and without favor.There must be no polities in these ap}.omtments,but we must have men who cannot be influenced by any consideration save that of loyalty to the nation.”| Report comes from Washington that there is trouble sbout the ex- emption boards.In some States,it is claimed,politicians are trying to work the game and play favorites for their benefit.“War Department of- ficials,”says one report from Wash- ington,“propose to carefully inspect the list of names sent here for ap- pointment and probably will submit them to Senators and Representa- tives for their suggestions.” As if that would help. and Representatives will be as likely to play politics as State officials.All of which is proof of The Landmark's assertion made some time ago—that the weakest place in the selective draft is the local exemption boards. ATS HELP THE RED CROSS. This is Red Cross week in the United States and the purpose is to secure $100,000,000 for the work of this organization.Subscriptions in any amount will be received and ev- ery citizen should feel it not only a duty but a privilege to contribute to the work at this noble organization, Senators which is one of mercy.The Red Cross is a world-wide organization and its work covers every land. Wherever there is suffering to be re-lieved the Red Cross is found at work.In every disaster,in everycalamity,the Cross is first andforemostintheworkofrelief. At this time the special work of the organizetion is giving help to the wounded,the sick and the suffer- ing in the war zones.While con- tributing to the relief of suffering and distress everywhere and among all peoples is the duty and a privi- lege of every humane individual,the work of the Red Cross now especi- ally appeals to us because our own people are going to war.In contrib- uting to its work we will be helpingourownm—in some cases our own kindred and friends and neighbors. There are many calls for help now in this war period and there will be many more.But no call is more urgent or more appealing than that of the Red Cross and it is a call we cannot afford to neglect.It is in- cumbent upon every individual to help according to his means,no mat- ter how small the gift.While all who are able should give something, the call is especially urgent to those of us who are not sending sons or brothers to the front.Those of us who stay at home should at least doourbesttohelptakecareofthose who go and the Red Cross opens theway. Give something to this cause and give it today. NTTAIANEE UNWISE CRITICISM. The Landmark confesses to some surprise that officers of the Nation- al Guard,in their efforts to secure volunteers for their commands,have felt called on to persistently —and it seems to this paper unjustly criticise the selective draft =act. Some of the remarks and the speakers at a recent meeting in Statesville were an example are not only in questionable taste,but they might have a_tendency to en- courage resistance of the draft act There may be little danger of that since the time for regulationpassed,but criticism of the act will create dissatisfaction now and canbutbeharmful,for the erities dis- tinctly create the impression that one who awaits the operation of the is draft act will be branded for all time.This is very unjust.The Guard officers are of course anxious to get volunteers,but they have enough sound argument with- out resorting to the extreme utter- ances which,while they are not so intended,can but have a harmful ef- fect.Men who vofunteer in com- mands in their home State go to the war with home folks,under homeofficersandwillserveunderthe name of the State.The Landmark thinks this is much more desirable in every way than in taking chances among strangers.But those who await the operation of the draft act have that right.They are obeying a law urged by the cummander-in- chief of the army and enacted by Congress,a law whose wisdom andjusticecannotfairlybequestioned. The private citizen may criticise the law but The Landmark is of the opinion that the National Guard of ficers who do that publicly,and es- pecially the extremes to which some of them go,are engaging in a very questionable practice, Iceeeeieeneesieeeinsemninememnemeementnnel Help the Red Cross.No matterwhatyouhavedoneorexpecttodo to help your country in this hour ofneed,the Red Cross muat not be neglected.You may not have beenabletobuyaLibertybond,but you ean give a small contribution to theRedCross,All over the Statemeetingsarebeingheldinthisin-terest and liberal contributionsmade,Statesville and lredell coun-madety—thie call is to the county as wellastothetowi>eannet afford to slackers in this noble work,f j wait De it now, 7 ona ©fake oath of ne tosmall.”These words,expressing the +the aneswamericaand sion,»Elihu Reot, voiced in Petrograd,Russia,Satur- day night by M.Teresechtenko,Rus- sian minister of foreign re- i}j| i te t neeoissionisoff sire of the W from this ants,captains, tenant were enough men over can quality,menwithmili shown ev taryex!,or sponding for the council |will be accepted. to Mr.t’s address of #8 as here en be secured and good wilh on the part rom R.W.G ,division American government.|Military Training Camps s B The American ambassador,David Greensboro,N.C.,as soon as IG SALE ON ALL R.Francis,presented the Root by the government.Full instructions|.: sion to the ministers in las to medical examination,mental : Palace,explaining that the mem-examination,ete.,will be furnished| bers of the mission had come to Rus-upon request.| sia to discover how America can,Applications will have to be made|e best co-operate with its ally in for-| warding the fight against the com- mon enemy.The presentation very formal,only a few Russian of- ficials and the members of ican embassy attending. sky,the youthful minister of war, just back from the front,wore khaki blouse of a common soldier. The ministers listened with —- attention to Mr.Root’s address, Tereschtenko rose from a sick bed to attend the presentation and =f@-|(eopine whiskey on hand for sale sponded without notes,ex great joy in welcoming the sion from America.He said Russia’s revolution was based on the ‘wonderful words uttered by Ameri- ca in 1776.He read part of the Dee-| laration of Independence ex-| claimed:“Russia holds with the United and equal”!M.Tereschtenko said Russia faces two problems—the secessity of ere- ating a strong democratic foree with-| in its boundaries and the fighting of| an external foe.Then he declared| for war and expressed unbounded confidence in the power of Russia to meet the situation. “America sends another message to Russia that we are going to fight and have already begun to fight for your freedom equally with our own,and we ask you to fight for our freedom equally with yours,”said Elihu Root,head of the American mission to Russia,in addressing the courcil of ministers.Mr.Root in his address laid stress on American dis- interestedness in the war except 80 ' far as conserving democracy was! concerned.In Russia,he declared, America sees “no party,no class,whole,one democra-Russia as aaspiringbutgreat mighty striving,cy.” Reject Peace Offer. A dispatch from Petrograd says a stirring proclamation —placing the Council of —Workmen and Soldiers’ Delegates on record as irrevocably opposed to a separate peace,has been adopted by the council. The proclamation was _prompte! by German efforts to lure Russia in- to separate peace and exhorts Rus sia to “rally around the banner revolution and increase ine energs of the military power for the de- fence of freedom.”The proclamation cites the receipt of a wireless televram from_Prince Leopold (Prince Leopold of Bavaria is the commander of the German ar- m the Russian front),assert- ing that the government of the Cen tral powers are ready to conclude peace with Russia and asking Rus sia to send delegates to confererwiththem.The reply of the council is a declaration of its attitude anl Minister of War Kaerensky hascausedittobesenttoalltroopsonlandandsea,and it has been widely circulated throughout the country.“Prince Leopold says he offers a peace which need not necessitate a break with the allies.He says thatbecnuseheknowsanofferofsepar- ate peace with Germany will be re-jected by our troops,”reads the proclamation, The German government,which has been endeavoring by means of semi-official communications,state- ments by the imperial chancellor, Dr.von Bethmann -Hollweg,con- cerning peace overtures;telegrams by Field Marshal von Hindenburg to the Council of Workmen's and Sol- diers’Deputies;Socialist negotia-| tors of the Scheidemann type,and in other ways,to corae to a separatearrangementforpeaceoranarmis- tice with Russia,is considering anewmove,namely,an offer of an ar- mistice for the period of the elections to the Russian constitutional con-vention.The Associated Press hasthisinformationfromareliable source,Although quiet still prevaiis on the Russian front of the war zone, there seemingly is an indication that hostilities soon will begin againthere.The Russian Duma at a se- cret session passed a resolution call- ing for an immediate offensive and declaring that a separate peace withGermanywouldbetreasontowardRussia's allies. The corporation commission will|meet on the 24th to hear the peti- tion of the Southern Railroad Com- pany for the annulment of a num- ber of its local passenger trains thatareclaimedtobeoiatalossandinorderthattherailroadcom-pany may use the equipment for) moving troops and food supplies,un-|der the direction of the War Depart-!ment.The Landmark has not per- sonal knowledge of all the cases in which removal is asked for by the Southern,but it is candidly of theopinionthat,generally speaking,the request of the failroad should be eranted,It is doubtful if the rail-re should,as a matter of justice, be required to operate trains thatdonotpayatanytime.But howev- er that may be under normal condi-|tions,the irement should not benow.val of trains may) cause some inconvenience,but the!\publie should cheerfully bepr the in! of yal is c a between June In BuncombeweekSolicitorJ.sensation in theCaseofSkyland and rdering ome.names,when he tooke the person Franklin fered to with the said Mrs. bribe Case ‘she left an envelope containing $5 ‘and the second time she left one $50 bill enclosee.with a Mrs. plained that Bassett,sh Christian duty to interfere in Case's believing guilty,and thatmoneywithMr. the interviews, should be paid trovble.She de any thought of Case, Shaw required her to explain to a jury at another term of court. SSODED cottonAmerican established a ree cottoningmoreraw month than in in the history o consumption bales of lint and ers lint cotton was LR ALAANRT Nearly 5.000 inder susp endecy ed “full pardon’ on in a 1th and July 15th and| j and it is hoped that men wholeeptedwillbenotifiedb; 110th in order to be abletheAmer-|the'r affairs befor leaving August Keren-|27th. TriedtoBribe Solicitor? and declared thatBassettofSkyland had of-connection Bassett ltwice asking about Case’s trial,and {ve :t :f a States that all men are created free |a =ee.gt the outene amounted to The previous record month wasIMarch,1916,when 613,747 bales of Federa!courts have been grant- proclamation carrying out he recently announced policy of ex- iending clemency in such cases. are ac-August |arrange | | We are offering all our Colored Hats Shapes for 98c.each. Now is your opportunity to get a nice stylish Hat cheap. Superior Court last |.Swain sprung atrialofCharles0,|,on the charge of in fietitiousstandinMrs. liquor |Be sure to visit our Ready-to-Wear Department.We have some bargains to offer. him inThe solicitorcalledonhim.trial. The first time who is wealthy,ex-e had felt it her MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store.the young man _notshehadlefttheSwainasafeeforthinkingthatheforhistimeniedthatshehadbribery,but Judgegivebondto JUNE CLEARANCE SALE M-I-L-L-1-N-E-R-Y Our entire stock of Ladies’,Misses'and Children’s Untrimmed Shapes will be manvfacturersordduringMay,us-during thatanypreviousmonthftheindustry.The 615,171 85,539 bales of lint- manufactured, persons at liberty 1 sentences imposed ’by President Wil- MOTHERHOODWOMAN'S JOY Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the to correct sterilitabilitycasesofmany Bloff, 1rl anddo all ownhouseunomanytaetbenen,once childless, ore ioe children because of the that LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable makes women normal, Statesville Drug Co. and otherreliable druggists. eectDRINK H-I-R-E-S well established as evidenced by the following letter and hundredswehavepublishedin womentoknowwhatabi at nigh the purpose of ai sold at ONE HALF PRICE for CASH. Also a beautiful line ot DRESS HATS, SPORT HATS and EVERY DAY HATS,for the entire family —will be included in this sale at greatly reduced in the prices. women,This fact is Yoers truly, bens oobame.es ¢Heme otis Eine |MILLS &POSTON. 08 ™es a $2.00,$3.00,$3.50,$4.00. Swings at $3.00,$4.50,$6.00. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” en cca Se ae all INGERSOL DOLLAR W.35.See me if you areofaWIcan In stock,Eigin,¥ H.B.WOODWARD Pee New , se SAACt AMR “dh |Qvereash,are ucstsof Mr.Lk.K.Overensh. Mre.Geo,R.Anderson entertained Fridayeeelamerofive.Howell McLemoreofVernon,Ga.,guest of Mra.E.M.Sent-ag The ane oe ete on,Mra.Thompson reerey Anderson@mveseveralpianoselections.The hostessservedcreamandcane.Sweet peas andMasturtivinsdecoratedthehouseattractively, Col.A.D.Watt»is host at 2 house party etRockthisweekinhonorofMinsesMargaretandRuthWattsofTuscaloosa,Ala,Mies Ola of Stutewville.Otherwille»attending are Miss Charlyelin,Mr.Irvin Tomlin and Mr.Mauricehavani. The Camp Fire Girls leave this morning|for a two-days’camping trip at a spot nearSharpe's mill.About ten wirls will go.MissElvaHartnessandMissWilliePostonwillbeperones,There wili be delicious mealscookedoverthecampfireandhikesthroueh the woods. Miss Juliet Bristol was hestess to the mem-bers of the Merrymakers’club and a numberofothersFridaymorning.Hearts was played.Miss Bentrice Cunningham won the elub prize‘erepe de chine handkerchiefs.The visitors’ izeulvo handkerchiefs,went to Miss Francesrice.After the games two courses of re-freshments were served.The affair was inthenatureof#poreh party,the eard tablesbeinggroupedaboutontheporch.DaisiesendnasturtiumsmadethecoolpovehlovelyMissFrancesMedearisofWinston-Salem,Suest of Mias Morothy Gill,and Miss Gene vieve Edmindson of Radford,Va.,wuest ofCarrieandSaraSharpe,were out-of- town guests present. Crops Promising—Visitors toWashington—Death. To the Editor of The Landmark. dennings,June is This section is by a most excellent growing sensonThegrowingcropsarelookingfineexeepteotten.|believe shout every farmer has planted all the food crops that he ean say@raceoverthissummer. Several of the old soldiers of this sectionattendedthereunioninWashington,amongthemT.Mo Waiker,Hampton Rupard,WOECurrentandJas.Mitehell.Rev.T.B.Red-mond and Mr.J.T.Jennin tlso went te the capital city,took in tne reunion,visitedWashington's home,Mt.Vernon,and went ontoBaltimore,te the Johns Hopkins henjritalwhereMr.Redmond took treatment,He hasbeensufferingfromaninternalwrowthfe some time and he decided to be examinedwithaviewofanoperationifitwasthoughtprudent.The doctors proaeunced his trouble an ingrowing tumor and a wram from him Friday stated tha:his condition was wood buttheremovalofthetumorwasimpossible.M)Jennings,rot being able to assiet Mr wd-mond any further,made some purchases AndreturnedhomeSunday. Mr.T.C.Sharpe's f-yenr-old boy died Fri- day morning of some kind of brein trouble. The interment was at Union Grove Sat ardayat11o'clock a.m.Rev.Mr.West conductedthefuneralservice.Mrs.Monroe Ts mpletontuberculogin. Rev.Mr.Woat filled his appoint. ment at Smith chapel Sunday eftecnoen wndpreachedatUnionGroveSundaynight Notices of New Advert isements Get the Chautauqua SevenDaysColoredhatsale.Mrs.Mary Sims.Have your eyes examined.RO F.Jeweler. +Potatoes for late planing,Sherrill &Recee.Seasonable goods.Eagec &Milholland.Ferndell canned foods.Miller-MeLainSupplyCo.Reward rained.C,Watkins Shirt waist sale continues Morrison Co. dune ch arance being is ve low with regular eperit doyou Henry, Everything to build with Ramsey -Rowleds ale of millinery.Mills & at srectal sabe J.M.MeKee and hammoec Creaford BunchFurnitureCo Oxe-eve dainyBroa.Co Od faloe teeth wontedWolfeSt...Rattemors Gold cof link letRettdrexcarpet furnishing Oo Cont host Notice to lieht patron &Power DeptPatriotiomandtienalBankDirectedtedismicanum.Henry HonityPalmBeachsuitsBmith. wanted.Wallaceflowers Terl,403 N Stiheleather ville House Horace lost.States Return te tWetel Tredell City Bleetrie Light busine Commercial Na Royal Ar.Seeretaryent,OW LF evelver fer taand to chase Harmony lHtems. Cerrenpondence of Ine LancmareHarmony,June 18 Miss Leis Tharye returned heme,after spending somewithrelativesatElkin Sunday school picnic at Harmony the sec.ond Saturday in August.All the ncighboring Sunday schools are going to be invited and we hope to have a first cinws plenic All the members of Macedonia Sunday school are uraed te be at the church next Sunday af. ternoon at 2 for the Purpose of organizingclasses. The Harmony Literary elub will meet with Miss Mary Kennedy Wednesday night.All members are requesied io be present,as newofficerswillbeelected, Mixes Hatcher of Greenssero preached attheApostolicHolinesseburchSundaymorningandnight. Parks Trivette has gone te Durham to at.tend the meeting of the State Board of Dentalexaminers About ©young people were entertained at an ice cream supper at the home of MiasClnudinTharpeSaturdaynightandallhada@eihtfultime.Misa Soarpe intended it to be a inwn party but on account of the coal Hight the time was spent indoors Mrs.Laurann Stack Tenvia hea ggne toGreensboroNormaltoattendtheSummer School for teachers. Death of a Child—Goes toArkansas,Correspondence ot The Landmark Statesville,R-!,June 18 A child of Mr end Mra.@ LL.Freese died Priday and theintermentwasatShilohSaturday.A child (Revere:of Mr.and Mra M.RB.jer tyvery fH)andhae ceen for some time.Phos‘ate Ritchie,who for over two yearsherhomewithherunele,Mr.M.A,,teterned Thurecay to her home inaHerintention&to come back a turkey owned by Mr.W.D,Plyler himbrokentherecord,as «he has laidinthan70days,without onetoset. ha tiene |Mra,BmmaisvisitingMiss ,ing her Vand fr some en ey and Mise Margaret her's pa- ‘©much depends on Borden of Goldsbora,avietinChester,8,C.,ls the guest Mrs,wee.i ee ot »Ky,te the wuest ve,MaryLockeMy.W.M.Overeashandsister,Miss Evelyn Mr.hasbeen in schoolatwillspendthesummerH.BR.Over- Tillie Stevenson at Loray.Mine Celeste Henkel has returned fromleigh,where she attended an fi|the canning >|Misses Isabelle Massey and Mamie Jack|Massey of Fort Mill,guestsMrs.G,Gaither.Messrs.Moss Salley and Polk Gray will at-tend the State meeting of Pharmaceu-tieal Association in Asheville today.Mra.Frank Lents has sone wo BridgewatertobetheguestofMre.G.B.Colter.Mrs.W.E.Munday and children arespendingaweekwithMrs.J.T.Plott inGreensbore. Mr.and Mrs,Robt.Duftant spent Sundaywae4.EK.Tharpe,on their way fromAsletothelrhomeinCharlotte.Mra. |DuRant before her recent marriage was MissMellieStoughofCornelius. Mrs.dob Carson hat gone to Winsten-Salem to spend awhile with her husband,who recently accepted work there. Mrs.Julia F.Prather of Mount Airy,afteravieittoherdaughter,Mrs,T.D.Webb,hasgonetoBristol,Tenn.Mrs.Blake Moore and Ittle daughter spentSundsyinGreensboro, Mr.N.W.Garrison has gone to Charlottetospemlafewweeks, Mins Hattie Stoan is in Wrightsville,where che will spend ten days.iss Mary Gwynn of Lenksville was inStatesvilleInetweekonherwayhomeafter visiting Mixes Mabel Cooper in Taylorsville.Mr R McNeill of Washneton is vis-teter,Mrs.W.BE.Nattress,Mrs.J.KE.Therpe attewded the marriage ofMissMellieStouxhandMr,Robt.Dultant ofCharlotteatMountZionchurch,Cornelius, Thursday evening.Mayer Wm.Res Ht. of Morganton visited hisbrother,Mr.8.J.Roxs,last week,Mr.RossonhtewayhomeartterattendingtheConfederatereunioninWashington. wax Mies Charlye Frye hes arrived from Wins.+where ashe vistted her sister,Mrs.Turner Little Miss Frances Frye Tur-moyenied Miss Frye and will visit herther,Mrs.T.E.Frye,for several Zora Williams of Washington cityvisitedMixsMabelPostonthieweek.MixxWittinrwhowasformerlyemployedintherevenueservicehere,is well known in States.vi the tun-Salet John " Mins and Mrs.D.J.Craig and children have fone to Green Park (Blowing Rock)to spend the summer Mr.and Mra.&J.Weiiman are spendingtendaysin.Asheville,Brevard and otherwe1points.Conrtressman W.F.Stevenson of Cheriew,8.C.,passed through Statesville last week on his way to Montreat. Mrs.©.8.MeMurray and baby.who havebeenvisitingMrs.MeMurray's sister,Mrs.JM.Connelly,have returned to their home inReckHil,&© Miss Corr Belle Sloan was the guest ofMrs.FE.G.White Inst week,Miss Slonn wasenherwayfromDavidsentoMonreat,whereshewillspendthesummer Mr L.Bteele and children, heen Mrs.Steele's parents, Mr W.o1..Harbin,have to M and from there will go thet: ChariotMis,Annie Lewis will go to Marion todayfospendamonth Mr.A.S.Carson of the fliee is nding two weeks ih Boarta Mary Lia Ssheville who haveMr.and res ville heme in Visiting wone to evenue collector's at his formerhome tadent at her tle Grtbeon,vho was a mi the Normal last year.ihomehere Mr.F.B.Runch feft last nisht for Wrichts- Keach to attend the meeting of NorthCarolingBankers’Association,in session thi Week Miss DPvisy Hendley of last evenig@ feo Merchants’Ass aiid the 'W ine Mra.AL J they will wo Mra.SSMr Vie itt left State The Landmark Wilson to report the riation §¢.The Landmark papers Tomlin and chi Durham in Aewarth,Ga rtoMaern,Ga.to visit Mr.and Vemlin ad Mew JP.Knox of Waynesville are Mesdames W.T.and Ho L.Kineaid duily hen are ‘and =Crops—Deaths.Jorrespondence of The Landmart Harmony,R22,June 16°Farm work itresvingwellGrowincropsareleokingverywellforthislatein.the which f think probably ix due te cool wonthe We are having warm: er and of we give our crops the cultivation.probably the hand of Prowillblessuswithabewatifulreturnfor tas bese Horvesting ts about on,the straw i Mpenine nieely andis filled woud.‘Mereptmthisvicinityisbetterthanthethoughtitwouldbe Norain and windstorm visited this vieinityVhursedayafternoenandthelandwoswahedhaSemetimberwasblowndown lneca hail fol)but met enough y moch damage §Sue Renewar isrsbatl€ been There cinity Farm pre- net LPARON so much wenth-. rivit now proper tdence our whet powpets pretty to de and MAnthony rtwht nnd My tek but are improviny several deaths tn thy mently ameome the childre four Buriat in and near herethreeafthembittheesitdrenDS,dogmer lext bis horee the othe The animal got his les broke and hadshehilled. :Heavy Rain Sterm—Mule Died.oreespendence of The Landwarn Harmony,Ret,Jane 15 A very.iv and windstorm struek thes communitduyathewutdommewrentdelandbywashingandeoveringtu: corn In fact it was a waterepecloudwaesoneartheearthit:w.as nistht almoet.The rain fell inandaseverewindmocompanioditlandsarewashedworsethanmanyheavycainethehtfelllartvenrMrWesleyCartnerwenstoStatsThursdayandonreturninghon“r.Tomlin’s store one of hie mules t ehThe;vot him as far as bo.York »and phenedforadostortLdoctorwotthereabeutahalfhourbeferethemutediedThebefallsheavilyonMr,Cartner and |hopeeverybodywhocanwillhelphim. Change of Location —The Rest Room.Correspondence of The Landmark.Statesville,R-2,June 14 —Mr.and Mrs.Walter Miller of Timmons-ville,8.C.,are visiting in the Cliocommunitythisweek.Miss RachelMcLetlandhasgonetoChapelHil!to attend the University Summer School,Misses Mary and Aspasia Clark ofSnowCreekhaveboughttheMiltonMorrisonplace,near Bethanychurch,and will move there this fall,A oe of the —of thissectionhaveexpressedtheirappreci-ation of the Rest Room,and they de-sire to thank the Civie League forkeepingthisconvenienceopen. ichrosesbaby«Grae right has heen \ Therweret oO cloek t‘ on tea Thie ts «2 mild formof indigestion.It i»aeunlly brought an by enting too rapitiy ortoomuch,or of foxd not sulted neh,MacFariand of Rutherfordton| And theYieldis |CorrespondenceofTheLandmark. R-3,June 16 — ving,thi ae in thi il have justarmersin*sect‘finished picking crimson clover seed.While the harvest was less than usu-jal the majority of farmers have ;Managed to get seed enough for an-year’s crop.either Tat wheatteas vgampeningfruhefoodsituationforthepresentatleast.|The Ostwalt Literary Society wasandhasrevivedwithnewlifean-est.This society meets at thewaltschoolhouseeveryThursdaynightandaffordswholesomeofmentforthefarmboysandgirls,Inadditiontothedebatesaprogrammeconsistingofsongs,recitations andreadingshasheenarrangedforthegirlsandsmallchildren.The team of mules that hasdedbackandforthbetweenMonboandBarium,hauling forTurnerMillsCo.,has beenwithalargemotor-truck and Myr.Ray Shoemaker has been promotedfromdrivertomotorm-n.Mr.Stokes Loftin left this weekferWilmington,Del.,where he ex-pects a position on a railroad. Friends of Mr.R.A.Eller may beinterestedtoknowthatheisontheshipCassin,anchored now atQueenstown,Ireland Mr.Eller isoneofourhomeboyswhoenlistedinthenavy16yearsagp.Ae “in thedavsofold,when warriors bold”left homes and women for the bat-tlefront,the same sprit of chivalryseomstoexistinthemenoftoday, judging by their response to thecountry’s call and the number of June weddines..Times of peril andwarcallforthallthatisgallantandnobleincharacter,and romance and sentiment also play an important part,for “The bravest are the ten-derest,and the loving are the dar-ing.” MRS.E.J.TROUTMAN. THE RECORD OF DEATHS. Mrs.Tharpe,Mr.Heath and Others. “Aunt Mittie”Tharpe,wife of Mr. Z.R.Tharpe,died Friday afternoonat2o'clock at her home in Union Grove township,aged 79 vears.She had been sick for some time but was up and about the house.when thesuddensummonscame.Her husband survives.Funeral services were conducted by Rev.J.N.Binkley and Rev.J.G.Wentherman =and inter-ment was at Holly Springs church Saturday afternoon. Mr.David P.Heath of Tate Mills township died Thursday night at the County Home,where he had been an inmate for many years.He wasabout83yearsoldandissurvived bv one sister,Mre.Wm.Wooten ofHarmony,Interment was Friday af- ternoon at Holly feprings church,Mr.Heath taught school in early life.He was for years a contributor to The Landmark and =wrote sional letters from the County Home up to the time of his death. Mr.R.C.Kiser of Cabarrus coun- tv,68 years old,a patient at Lonj'sSanatorium,died Friday night andwasburiedatBoger’s chapel,in Cobarrus,Sunday.Six sons and three dauechters survive.Mrs.C.P.Walters of Concord,vears old,died suddenly about Saturday at Long's Sanatoriutn. She underwent an operation for ap-Pendicitis Monday,11th,and her condition was very favorable until! a short time before her death.whenshesufferedanattackofheartfail-ure.The remains were taken toConcord.for interment.Husband,two sisters and a brother survive. Mr.T.C.Daniels of Davie county died at Lone’s Sanatorium Sunda: morning.He was 67 years old and leaves a family.Burial took placevesterdayatLibertychurch,near Mocksville. REV.M.V.MARABLE DEAD red M andWorthyColoredMinisterUniversallyPopularWith Whites. Rev.M.V.Marable,colored,died carly Sunday morning in a hospita! in Charlotte,where ge had been tal on Friday for treatment.His remainswerebroughthere—yester lay morning to his home and will tv interred in the colored eemetery thi afterncen at 2 a'clock. Marable was 70 years old,is survivedhyhiswife,two brothers andasister.He came eo Statesville [0 vears ago from New Berne and ha: since lived here.During the 80 year he lived here he was pastor fo three years of the A.M.FE.Zc church and the remainder of the timehewaspresidingelderoftheWi Salem,Salisbury,Charlott: Statesville districts.For the ’year he was presiding elder «/ the Statesville distriet.He had beensickforseveralweeks. The funeral services this afternoonwill-be conducted by the bi<h ops of his church and will be inchargeoflecalfraternalorganiza- tions to which he betonged.“Elder Marable,”as he was usallycalledbythecoloredpeoplewashelinthehighestesteemb:the white people of Statesville.11wasquietandunassuming,dignifi:but without affectation.The town has lost a good citizen and the color-ed people especially a vatueble murimhisdeath. State of Obie,City of Toledo,Lucene County,oaFrank4.Cheney makel oath that he te «onlorpartnerofthefirmofF.J.Cheney @ Co.doing business in the City of Toledo,CountsandStateaforesaid,and that said fem wil!pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARSforeachandeveryenseofCatarththetcannotbecuredbytheuseofMALL'S CATARKHCURE.FRANK J.CHENEY.Sworn to beforeme and sabecribedin mypresence,this 6th day of December,A.11Me,A,W.GLRASON. ‘re-organized a few weeks oecca- noon fon and WHEAT HARVEST ON. ,grouptitled“Autumn Miss Siddall:(1tumnFa much credit by composer,offew, here asStatesville© College,and ly for musical compositied—she lived in Statesville’s Musica atmosphere.Much was added to the evening'senjoymentbythecngtesofMes-dames H.O.Steele and M.C.Wood,who ably assisted Miss Siddall withtwovocalnumbers.Mrs.R.B.Mec-Laughlin was accompanist. BIDS FOR BUILDING BRIDGE. The commissioners of Iredell andCatawbacountieswillmeetinjoint|session in Statesville next Monday,25th,to open bids for building abridgeovertheCatawbariver,near| the Southern Power Company's dam.|and to be known as the Island Ford|bridge.Plans and specifications are |on file in the offiees of the register ofdeedsinNewtonandStatesville. THE CHILD 18 DEAD. lois,baby daughter of Mr.and Mrs.JimOverensh,who live im tne vieinity of Elm-wood,died at 4.15 Sunday morning of acom.|plication of whooping eough and pneumonia.|Hurial at New Salem ehureh Sunday afternoonat5oclock,Loix was an unusually bright|and attractive child and the bereaved parentshavemuchsympathyinthissoreaffliction.|\precious one from ua is wone, «we loved instilled; A place is vaeant in our nofifeThatnevereanbefilled. COM. Te Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine.It stops the |Cough and Headache and works off the ColiProggistsrefundmoneyifitfoilstocure,L.W.GROVE'S signature on each bux,25¢. ‘MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket: Spring Chickena,I#e.te 20¢,per Ib. Hens,tic.per tb.Roosters,Te.per Ub, Eves,28e per dozen. Butter,22¢.to 2he.per Ib. Hees wo 28c.per tb.Green Hides,I8e.per tb. Hama,25¢.to 28c.per Ib.Sides and Shouldera,22¢.to 28e.per Ib.New Red Honey,12 1-2.to Ibe.per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,20c.per ib,‘hd Auté Rubber Casing,de.por fb Lish Potatoes (new),$3.00 per bushel.Grain,The following prices were paid yesterdayforgrainonthelocalmarket:{Wheat)82.30 to 82.50 per bushel.| Corn,$1.85 per bushel. Vata,6c.per bushelStatesvilleCotton Market.On the local market yesterday 25 centsperpoundwaspaidforbestgradecottonMarketfirm,Cotton Seed,8c.per bushel,Seed Cotton,8 1-Ye.per Ib, WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH,don't matteritbroken,1 pay 82 to 815 per full set,sin-wie and partial plates in prepertion.Sendbyparcelpostandreceivecheckbyreturn|mail I rERL,403 N.Wolfe Street,Balti-|move,Md.>dune 19 -4t*. LOST—Gold cuff link with initial 8.ReturntoHORACESTIKELEATHER.June 19 LOST—Relt of Drex Carpet,between Elm-wood and Stateaville Return to theSTATESVILLEHOUSEPURNISHINGCO } dum +i LOST—Retween Loray and Statesville,ladies’brown Return to HOTEL IREDELL.dune It cout WANTED-—Ovxe-Eye Daisy Flowers,must bedryandbrightWALLACEBROS.co.June !%It. A PEW MORE PALM REACH suits to closeoulatbargairWwL.SMITH,Bloom-field,dune 19 1t*. L.©.SMITH Typewriter for sale.Goed con- dition,Address city,June 15 ut HAVING RETURNED fromWashington.I am now prepared to paint your autes,wagons,carriages,ete,,on short notice,Best of material and workmanship color, tex G23, the reunion at THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN Many fortunes are LOST and many lives WRECKED every year by UNSAFE,unwise investments.No mon should risk LOSING the savings ofa lifetime without consulting his banker.The best place to invest is right here at home where you can WATCH your investment and when investing here even “look before you leap.” We shall cheerfully and free of charge,giveyau our opinion on any investment you figure on making. Maybe we can sav«you a LOSS. etl Make Our Bank Yaur Bonk. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. ud Tee,‘Statesville,N.C. - It will COST you NOTHING to come in and have usexamineyoureyesandseewhetherornotyou.need glassesorachangeofglasses.: By getting glasses IN TIME you will SAVE your eyes.Youwillalsoavoidheadachesandnervoustroubles. Many young people and even boys and girls need glasses.Bring them to us and we will tell you if they do. NO CHARGE for examination;and only a reasonable chargeforglasses. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. euaranteed.JNO.HAGAMAN,Statesville, N.€Steele &Sons.' | WANTED-—Pine cord wood.BLOOMFIELD MANUFACTU RING.dune & FOR SALE Sherritt’ A good sorrel horse,nine yearsrentT.C.SHERRILL,June 1 @t. FOR RENT—A.yY.Bast Broad street.Muy 15. NOW OPEN—Statesviile transient firat-ela heey MRS.W.PF.PALMER AUTO FOR HIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY witt| you:anywhere Price right Thay fi.picht Phone ted May 29. Alexander residence on M |’.ALEXANDER. Inn new open to arders and roomers May 25.| WAT sizes for he sells,Al-Butts,Sash Sash Cord| Window | at ( the And windows =madKINS’limber vard aretheDoorsandWindows 0 Door Locks and Weights and Fasteninirs and Pulleys,fdoor and SCHULZ PIANOS. We have two repossessed Schulz Pianoswhichwewillsellatbargainprices.Youyetthebenefitofwhatwaspaidonthembytheoriginalpurchasers.Both are ingoodcondition..See these Schulz instruments and our lineofbeautifulWESERPIANOSandPLAYER-PIANOS,which have a localreputation,before:you buy.If it is notconvenientforyoutovisitourstore,let Us come to see you.’ LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.C. Steps. C.WATKINS WE WILL FURNISH You with distilled water and in-spect your storage battery free ofcharge.If you want the best }| battery service stop in and see us. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.|CHEERWINE_ ? 2 §@ | Cheers and refreshes.Never | any bad effects.In bottles| and at fountains 5c. o Plumber and Electrician | I want to be your Plumber and |, Electrician.Your orders will have prompt attention.1 DO IT GOOD. C.©.RITCHIE,North Center Street. eeeytsoaa meesaevar".NOTICE! Have left my accounts at Stim-son's Drug ve.Those indebt-ed to me can see a statement oftheiraccountormakesettlement L;‘Shodtill,M.D PO O OC O O O O O s <I SEE OUR BIG LINE_—Or—— KOOL KLOTH —AND— et \Also Shirts in the latestfancypatterns,big linetoselectfrom. a Cedar——_fail to Moth Proof to savewinteryourFursClothing. Hats all descriptions. Yours to serve, SLOANC ar r re le were in StatesvtoseeMr,Ludwig's nies,|rlie Walters,who died at Lone’s of The Landmark. 10 -—<An_evenJuneinerenaseinthefoodandfeed De.She had undergone an op- Sanatorium sosanday J C.,wo be aton2,at theDr..Stirewalt isLifeInsurance at = .N.C,,Batorone Fa «3 ||And FOR THIS WEEK'S SELLING. in North Carolina is going to morning.with headquarters ' from the planting grain eration for appendicitis,was improv-where they in second crops n from the ing and seemed to be getting well,Sswee in thenewStripes ional acreage in the spring when on Saturday morning she be-rectors of the tiie _—-necaameersnntnccteaneam Waists,‘ =is the opinion of the State came suddenly ill,said she was going ers’Bank a 8 percent.d sredtaL_ELECTION.|oy :that ood Conservation Commission,to die and only lived a short while,declared,to be paid alree A inter =" which has begun a vigorous cam-death resulting from heart failure.rectors and officers ‘On paign *,ingvente wee ares Htr home was near Concord,where worth of Liberty ee t e Question of Ex-,*Lawn,to go at7 1-2c. acreage of these stubbie lands her body was taken Saturday night.cers directors and ee‘,iat ie “A he ity Limits.||a i?a =of the small grain land could be She leaves a husband and two sisters First National Bank havealso “edi .c lot Ladies vali,ue,to goat12 1a : cu ee :a —crop,the ia ‘Mrs.John Blackwelder and Mrs,chased a number of the te —om 7.2 or oe le to go at 25e. would be tremendous-——in terms 0 Clint Caldwell—and a_brother,Mr.|bonds,est that on Monday,June +.at @ O%hepair,wh The B corn,something like 20,000,000 bush-Geo.Fisher,all of,Concor Aes The ¢.in th ine bold in ofiiee of the Mazer t i fast tShire waist.in !.¢ieo.Fisher,all of,Cone ord,She was «growing crops in this section er j of nidermen pomed the following reso town for 98c, jose in ————.1,250,000 pbout 50 years old.The funeral and had begun to leek better,but this utic:ling for on ae.»e = ons.e whole situation is inter-interment were at Trinity Lutheran cool shap is against them.the «(Statesville on TUESDAY.the 4 £: —and 7 summed we hurch,near Enochville,Sunday at 11,_Rev.R.C.Davidson was at Cod-ee tie sgginy ae Li «0 Go agin Many other items that will interest you, t vd :nl “th ce as eo.m.Mrs.Walters was a faithful dle Creek church Wednesday after.(Ti.iord of Aldermen of the City of a 7 tee a the Cs member of that church pnd the funer-oon at 4 o'clock,where he conduet-Stet de hereby ree ek tw ee J M M K. vatic ‘e jasions in e (ea ee ee .::=1 oat tet pursuant to an act par Cc ee 4 ties of the State.In this letter Sec-al service,cor duct d by Rev.Geo.H oF a fune ra of ¢Clarence,the 2-Gen \scumbly of North Carolina,and e e n retary John Paul Luca ay :Cox,PD.BD.at Concord,waa attend:Tobe a a aa si eo R.aa 1 the Sth day of Mareh,191%,an e ary -1 ul UCAS SAYS:ed by a large congregation Johnston,who died Tuesday.elect hereby eatled to be held in the The Houseof Ex cellent oa didlo igo boeabdegots Mrs.Vi datghent wd w of Johr The friends here of Mrs.P.M.alts hoville on Tuesday,the ith day of Values. us in the immediate future our gy Dae .yi et he.,“he A aieee Bept Ho,at whieh elgetion there shall greatest opportur ity for increasing °.pherd,an aged lady and one of the Brow i.-.:harlott mans learned |4.sd to the qualified voters residing [do residents,is seriously ill.hat ane is recover!rom an oper-|wit!boundaries hereinafter set out, our acreage of food and feed crops :,’.i =ition,a week ago,for appendiciti [the f extending the corporate bimite N :Vr WwW.W Fvans from Good 18) North Carolina has thihs year ap-oo.|;:‘and hopes te soon be out.Statesville,so as to make said proximately 1,000,000 acres in may drug force,was called to Ral at Mt.M :Pride 1h hr,.bnits Inetude and eireumseribe all nas Se ¢es cigh Friday to be sent to a training,:ourne riday,15t Mil-the ‘y situated within the following wheat,oats and other small grain.1,H Paes :red,the 4-year-old daturhter of Mr,|bou . All of this land will be available for |.ne ]y ‘P ee Be \time aro.ond Mr.B.S.Templeton,gave al K «at a stake 82 feet north of the a second food or feed crop,In years os aisley,member of th:arty to a imiber f little fri nd ag Mocksville rand at a point were past,according to the best informa-2 Davidson College,and yrs”Te mple ton ow as as fated Ke ee ee 0 ae a mehr aiicars’:ve Mrs,'teto te ass “V |the wl:thence south 84 degrees, tion i am able to obtain,something ||Fort :sie :a camp virs.Ballard in serving cream and [50 eat 1,828 feet to a stake inter: like 75 per cent.of this land has ree [oP OO Os ethorpe,is at Davidson aye They report a tine time ait Tradd street in the bottom,15 We suggest the * mained in stubble until the follow--hy ras oe pete 'ue Mrs.¢“1 Voils attended the Ns nate t cs a ‘ :é -3 :ame to Davidse rom Greensboro,;;’‘Hiiuten weet ¢.190 fen to oe ring apparel hich a fall or spring.|In some counties oy)make vinited home folk .ie will marriage of her sister.Miss Berniee ,pi,;Hartness woods and 100 feet west wea Ww oa little stubble is allowed to remain;s oo :‘Carpenter,to Mr.M.C.F udyee las f rene:of anid woods;thence 49 degrees muc i i in others almost all of it is left idle.|)fe ld is oe:thick‘ge .Tuesday night)at ine Methodist st G8 hen 8 Bee ee a im The »ee eae é x the field artillery,to whic h place he ae spon SA er |old tanyard road about 300 ame per centage w sald give us ha cen aasiovet SAG ile and church at Chester,8 C.Wiisses <0 thence south 24 deyrees feelmuch more caleiinin this year about 750,000 acres of ull-ees 1.Henry M Ah Blanche Murdoc and =Mary doh t to w xtithe on the bank of able land,most of i*in fine shape to Graham Cornelius,who were last oon frie of.hi ee -te fe an none i han packet iat ike Pia tea:duri theselong hot Sum- be put into another crop lyir id week called to the Charleston navy Te ac eek ;:Ee abe bay i wd:thence with said rail- ne ,lying idle *nttendance,as wer r :eS in a time of |stress-—:o et vamtewrite home that they are en-ttendance,TNS a)U.Voils,raw x dexreen,went 1,837 feet to Ss of opportunity :and Ina time ving the beginning of navy life Messrs.Thad.Voils and Civde Kelby st benk of Onbiand avenue:thence —° A s A heh Ue SS ees X Mrs.C.U.Voi snd Mre.A.&us er 1)minutes west 2.580)feet aa & f \lo then thes vil e ‘‘. . eet season for emall THES font know when they ill Me Homey ater of the trite,were!Ste Vat chic'ot tee root ries *Sailor:straws,Leghorns and grains is here.Land that can be Cae Oe reer james of honer the yee put in shape at once can very easily R Re a l ‘-eaton,ete }irst oe ake bre aA si ee nt shies —sie anamas ats. grow and mature a crop of cern,BEDTIME cHercn,Wen to Mune Sa :>en gs SOHO te rs ere ‘eh;thence : which will mature Sara in the om Bt nday to preach for Rev.Mr BISHO!KiLGO RESIGNS.“ou cast 400.feet to's ntake E i Soft Cuff Shirts State when planted by :f Swaim.who is holding a protracted ‘can .pm “a feet south of the ; s “y June 15th.Ae ’Makes ;Thr tev Abegite ‘:ES arnce are mee ikes Geed His Threat to Sev-feet $$2 $2 In #ome sections it will mature when poh at »”_Werte n’church,UU"c :°Vit :.,eae imtle post North l,1.50,00,50 plarited even later.Soy beans and a z John 7 Jones preached at the er ennection ¥ith Tiinity ¢hence north 6S degrees 1 and$300 sweet potatoes can be planted any ™°'hodist church |Sunday morning ore mi Hel with cal vallrosd:Uo?e _ time during this inveth Cowpeas,°F Rev.1.A.Falls,who is at Siler pishop J C.K:for si ee ip e amgp inane re soy beans and sorghum for forage City sesisting in a protracted moet i oe aehae est Woot south et the St.-;eident 2 Ves has res.wouth the Southern and Irish potatoes can be planted up '"*i a i a a See cena $ to July 15 or 20th.In Ay moan Mrs.G.M.Morrow of Mooresville (7 SF We a ca ae ats a shi.mothe bank ef the road B.V.D.Underwear,Union or twopiece Suits,at l.00. ions ke eet yee ince daughter:Mra.Mi FAL |co)ee Cusine that roard ©:cig Gi Mion keen ths sections buckwheat in an excellent 2”her daughter,Ti a ee aren ee ‘einino sat 1 Shaw Knit Hosiery,Lisles,25 and 35 cents a air. eateh crop and should be planted it of Waynesville,who were the 4\..,sitt {i ~ra plot gare dO Sil 50eeneraly.guest of Mrand Mew J.1,Harris.«committer of Trinity Cuilere,©ee ilk’s 50 cents.Soft Collars and Wash Ties, ,al tavaniiant)neane:Mee Amity Saturday to Mr.°ee oF a coulrover LTOW=|ex Seat ha i Comuan %ith all of these ex:ellent crop Morr s :M am .ole ®te out of the alleged desecration of t t t a t available for late planting,we have “CTTO’*at Albright’s ij ;; a wonderful opportunity \efore us.aughters,Misses Annie and the Am flag by members _of ne oe P?I ION E 83. In many counties we are handicap beth,who were at Mr.Harris’a few nM ee mae OE aI le :::‘ i because of the lack of labor and Rave zone to Charlotte to en.Ue)oom ee bls a ;ee T C mited by the capacity erioue live c in Y ®C.A.work Mrs.G Bit mat year the class t rok the yO !.t 'ra SI IERRE 'LL-WHI ESHOE O. stock,but we must overcome these M.Morrow was not fied Sunday fe OUR elses .a Eine HEY FOES1 the “f tt @bstacles to as ‘great an extent as MOT"that Mr.June Caten of eet ag ee coe.Sica ee ee possible.In many instances land Concord,who married Ser niece,had |T :ee it.Bichon Kil-rem on wale ee Eos can be put into acceptable shape by dropped dead Saturday evering and a ;eae ne the fee fl C Mie rites =..*—— cross or double-discing instead of Yd be buried .at Concord Sunday ece cham!he denounced the met”he af “9 § breaking,thus permitting of ani at 3 p.m ade aa ae rth ae id Comi i —of labor both of man and a oe o it i.Bett i bat the =r rait wzaf ’¢7 :‘Ing to Statesville peast.rAmrnion meeting #fethesda a"':oe f Western *on t ‘ lear ¢,t {+~ All sorta of seed are high,but to §rch,near Amity,where Rev.J i se uy ,hes 4 1 wr f ae ¥.cals offset this the produets are sure to Hf.Brady of Statesville preached hi eae Ar Dal :hashes f Pas tat yids F Cc me ssociated Specialists be high also.And tien i the farm.°""Ho sxermon to a large congre nore ae S Se fives ct :Ae Wie S er will be judicious in the use of ratio:Ho preached an able ser-|Us UU aU 'Se uc the t ;f Bt ote eS ill b t Iredell Hotel wed he can stretch them out a little MO"OC"giving.or rather paying.1":“none oo ery a a!on wi ea ‘ co.than he has been accustom-sae er a if we paid evens 1}ON teil tear hea Si :<e to doing.Sweet potatoes can be tenth t ve Lord we were Going ne Tea ee tf~resente yy af §¢f d Planted from cuttings from early thing to hoast of He is oan able me '\adopt feet or one ay on vines.Soy beans should not be YOUNE Minister and has done lasting |tthe ‘he ee Cea ‘ anted except in rows,one bushel ood to the churches he has ved vt embers of Ul ee vai Si {d J ne 23 1917 peing sufficient to pla::three acres He also annonneed his comme.mar .a *.=ay,.? b lalerny may be more economically ''°""I -:a ‘a Walker Robert \re.‘ Planted in rows,either by them ynchbure,a.,on the 27th.At prom se f 9 to 4 gelyes,or if planted for forage,mix-|en m.Sunday at Amity Rev.J mir ty.confes "4 ee rom e a.m.‘p.m. ed with sean.Hais a bushel i we wn,the pastor,preached ar OF se cropped for e1 alge aye Bitte ie ms eriniccar el xermonee Aha Usahiect y the pl m of 1914 paragra .. fe for an acre,and planted in row al ‘:e one oe “a The %Ofer their Services hus and cultivated once or twice Lo ¢presiler t a \aoe .the of Se will yield approximately as muct n Ye }n :€er the ar Nard 'ue |P f f h uw they were broad ‘asty |iy plant 't 'J a le |ned to vote f owt ={ree 0 ¢arge. ing soy heank:cowpeas an 1 eoechum ta th rv ‘ne as he lady mem Yard ?Ww hor i r ©,alter - as sugested the seed por aere will oe x :ee ican,ae fen 'ee ee ee T!i Doctors cost little if any more than we have .t Pre«}olutions adost Blecti ‘‘vl V SPECIALTY!Give trial tw The Associated Dox os oe been paying in vears past.4 of ,ma fae i dent.a bisa ;hid iH !We Womake sy s and Baim poe!Faboraturies,oe Now,gentlemen,here is our op u o ne :Le th Cent }’hi a na inelieg eek ow oN .Beaches lik :,licer el ty the hg a portunity and our duty.You have ;Ir Pos B lone lacwhter,VI ’at)the n ry War 1 on e 't Ni on ‘rf rol na nre experts vy ? the seeponsiffity in your county for Wnt Tetirne!Tas’week from ee Nel ukom ae Me olson Pr essing Cah ee ae increasing the acreave and produc-vi ih oom home by Ni ss re:used to wit it ;1 ‘.ver lungs,stomach,re tion of food and feed crops to the 0!Dac.wh \siting in New SN na th Peat ws Phird.1 1 owe Phone 486,Lio Center St.ms eee ene very @r@atest extent possible.Thy ve Miss DP h ma fra un diploma:‘ir berks «i th a t du r oe ney,adder,bea wetting, time is NOW!A i.ae f is here,where che taugh®in the gra of t Loard.M }IW kee :;’r +rheumatiam,scintica,|aipewor, now it will be TOO LATE!1 school several te trow:of Raleivh,signed th ee egal et sito T I foreet to ore Plee ulecrs,appendicitis,|gale cunititiigmmennvamammenare Mr.Vi Fdminst on,of the Cent ‘{the class gradu lout y the bounder vn tr +3 }pol .Koitre,pile *,ete.without Char With Rurning Hot P|ary Vite who ha ee!vd up h re ailor Wos re tier heomrny te der tnat eri te ny ttien,and they offer their ged g Oth rhenmatiom f ot 1 election,anid who 4 ervices free to sufferers on.this i %ra menth,n eecer eee oe eeee ’:..eo es Asheville Citizen.'die to vo about ’,are on <eee aS HIRiss.let me i eo No,their first visit. Nat.Young,charge!with bua ‘Dro and \j C \Brow uy ronddi ‘:proprie oa;1 r 2 No mutter what your trouble the Avery hotel.at Elk Park.A }{y Mest \Naat need for an effecti :I i in ‘="4 e,ent)and see these Spe county,is im the Boncombe connis ‘i Hlenede in 4 wie rrantine apainst the ea tot on Narn?.;ie ceatists and have a friendly talk fail.having been brought from Fo ’;trip at noe n r nt ”"Mexice .“oo |/S71 ae I Al ND ELKIN with them.Hundreds of people Oglethorpe.Ge ‘:ee ¢the —Sob.approy aaa 'j have fond heaith and happine eee noe .t :Lf Animerges eonrnual agricultural laf }ee a j “S.ee pat . Young and his ELE Bl.Vorrns 0 1 oF !«?ae ea :ua !Using ther treatments,us a ee ‘’feeol 4 ’1 sted t 'iwht vot You are taking ‘ ail a Nowland,Avery Mi.U3 \Mica Cir :::we ae \eee ae mish vou ow are taking no and escaped me time avo #rt ‘:hy Secretary of \c ’:See SCHEDULE.chanes Their opinion and serv- traced and it)wa found Ashes itt h retort St er fenrit !Car Leaving Stat 8:00 a.m.ices are free. “ent to Canton,O.,and ern.trets te Fees pend Whooping Cough.Aa nt Car Leaving:Turner ry 8:35 a.m.REMEMBER THE DATE AND the army He was loca!vow thane.“Miase MI dicense t 'aati :'CC e La wo the SRG a.m PLACE! rt Oplethorpe He w he ={Mi Ove sad Nt ;*woe Te t Car Le r Houst |05 a.m Re 5 Pet ,2 dotie by i :ree :as Smee ns +cURL TTT ONSTTS he Octuber term of court at Jones of Charlotte ean \‘;sei at the y remaaire rn f Car Leavingg Ham)ior 9:50 a.m.oe é coma \}'e ils My two dauuht }eine ‘:;‘a Arrive ot Elkin 10:30 a.m. une ev.i ‘’I Mev J enve them Chi ntaee :y {Car Leaving Elk a sp hotel,and four of her |chiel a te ee cn oh i,tee Boned of Siiss Ae vine Hamptons ile 4280 p mn.OLD— charged with conan i :baa ne 18 i ‘I a =id elects heal i a (Car Leaving Hausta lie ee ‘. bo game a aes Ps Rey at MirEh CCM eae ‘wp.Mm.wh “h ae and vo will aiso he tried iM Pers it veal ‘THE WAY TO HE Al .H.Fifth T}indeed for ir ©ce Ink a vues p.m.RIS Mrs.Haney and Champ a Wash the chambe or re u »Gen 'tece livin iy Car Leaving Turner rye 525 p.m.ws ae a under bond of 8750 each;ess |and pit ;Health ia the most importan!ee e Nenite ct ihe cl Arrive at Statosvill 6:00 p,mM., Ans@ Young is at liberty,and Fd.i ly vewetal i ‘r life.It too precious,too aoe i th ie Bee .ir leaving State.wrle in the morn.|We have just received &bie i"jail at Newland The hotel w I slutuaw ee i e bandied about as an ar ;"i lace as ais :meats Meni at 8:00 om make eennection hipment f old Trish potatoes surn@d about three vears (ken «)merchandise.It cannot be the city Sint owithin the with hoth North Wilke ‘o and EI-or late lanting.If you need Ci 3 inning is |din boxes or phials at the «mae lee anh ome aft kin-Alleghany trast ie cal!on your merchant,and irewses and Excursions Cut sense ug store.fay AN desing Fines ig o¢aaving Bilin at 329 p.m.making he hasn't got them,REFER Out.vived 5.000 BARIUM ROCK SPRING (W.\__itvond stre Conter street and the |.,comecnich trains:nM TO THES AD! The cireus and tha mm ip vepetal le lk R aids Nature to restore t anak OF Went:eal ately ‘a a Salisbury 6:46 p.m. ¢k »mmmer excur ;Ss when dre fail.It dri <t te im the 4 ‘ides?for voter jo.16 going t Charlotte 6:5 ..” Bion “fre some of th ;a ictie work REN ey at rm f 'e fire !es cae rriotte G:i0)po me »oc going to ae with oy .1 'Little Ruth vat of the system and revital ‘a AM out t iy ®h f No.23 going to Taylovsville 8:10 :m J.K.Morrison Gr oy hot according t .‘;st j Bh r , Se me MY ver of Me.and nerves.tad street und the vont forming the exten:No.85 going to Asheville 10:28 p.m.&Produce Company. Obeerver from Washingt a ff Shepherd’F.M,Shannonhouse =wi ae en ee :orien ateee NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE —— “Tt is the rn ilr !}’rm ut was suffering from =shatter 3 bier ,t aloe .aed a 'pa silronr me ee ‘F ‘re r ote in ©polling aoe ovix ‘or vo omnes eae eee ae eee fot being permitted to for oh a ard at Mr ind disordered stomach and ¥in the pecans JITNEY TRANSFER CO. the country |at wart ]c }‘con nd the BARIUM Ré CK PRIN ter All «m ;living weet of Con s ’ fo circus of any |ind pit Vr at ting well WATER brought a apeedy cur oT i.oa on ves ae tateertie,M.©.Cheer wine i y kind iv ‘nite iE e ‘ihe ,ea?‘‘Th of the Tayi rew shall register -.>ane Btates this season,unless it revert My lam Ho lay and little daush oe ee .Ne ‘:ind wote in the place provided for EVERYBODY WANTS »pr tive con:nx 3 te achel ft t weel %pepe me eS:eos)fee ee e.pee ve Fb litio and trave :R :Je la k fe Mor springs,_¢iad)AND curtoicde te living north of the Mi t Cola yuntry y wager The rail reat to spend the mmer months e's :yloreville read ond weet of Center street,in 5 ae 5 —-~to cancel 7 .H.LL.Steele and children of NOTICE OF SALF oS...aon ©i the polling place “(wn te ;iehaaae :7 te ar 1 dete ;bi rewided for voters in the urth ware ente Gat a ae Be ih es,ant :ee «"a 'v oie Mrs.Steele’:UNDER and by virtue of am Sixth,That th.cleetton provided for hy pene ows oe fot 5 mt,ey have been re inte r ‘F |BR Houston Mre rier Court of Tredell eur he thin resolution shall be held under the rules . quiredto eut out the excursions.No Barnes and daughter.Miss Florence ecial proceeding entitled JR nd rerulations pr ibed by the general law Cc.WA for uratons of any kind will be run of Davidsen,spent last week with ecrter of Tobitha Trivett Vevvent f the Btate of North Carolina for the hold-‘” summer Mis weverna ;R uv ae WIth |ott,the undersigned commission g of municips!elections except as sald rules 'to BuildWith. =,r rf woverne m:ha g and Mrs.F.A.Barnes.Mrs MONDAY.JULY pe 'reguintions arc changed by the provie- hf *engines and rollin:Avery R.Brawley of Shepherd’at 12 e@'elock,m..at the we tient cae Of anid act of the General Assembly.— t for the hauling of freights.pent week-end with her mother,|sc"Me N.C,omer fs reine Ne)Green.That the City Clerk get Seats, it ie by order o!the government Mre«>.:.dder for CASH,that tertain tr:rrer shall publish in the Statesville Sentinel y he go me i 1..W.Sherrill Barber:eae and che oe oe eae .e at Barber,Miss!iying and being in Union Grove tovwnshg snd The Landmark.rewepapers published in oe the inoet Cursion |rnetia ¢athey went to Burlington tredell county,North Carotina,a )the elty of Statesville,@or four successive en relegat:or the present,last week to visit her sister,Miss Eva lands of Willem Multia ant othe |weghte following the passage of vhis venetian least.they,Mien Sara Lingle of David:|"Watdeies ms ee C8 Sete of Or Se ane em eentine ene eee visited -”‘¥'Us vie |Regianing at a red ok on Tutte ’eaviition,the time of holding «ame,the SMITHE\&FRALEY HAVE A itee r.and fra.Geo.C.|thenes coath 87 dewrees enot 21 pot veting pinees in the verlous wards,the names load ’Céeca Cola |’i Cogante last week.Dr.and Mra.T |ake:thence south 45 gotes to a of fhe Realetrars oppoinsed by the Board of HN]a barrels to Wo Lingle came up and with William Mullin’line:thence weet wirt ae Sorter with all egential parts of gallon barrels only Coodman paid a visit to the dack —*i*ne ~eee Seats a,ie Toned ,BACAUGR WE WF THE “.¥ gallon kegs only 7)Tr:Get them early before a pong,Sener wt Seco’ doa Mrs.Nellieostedbos¥et a years."W.D.“—tty. i.eionins containing G2 1 are 4.BR.JOHNSON,KRaccrterr,fune 12,1917, “Sone.2.190k, ? Every pound goesaulfarther od of ra Fe eee POUNDof|sands —Will Later ©|canes of enue mek aieap teier a es Cie my As styleounceoa;.4 aa se |“|Commercial Necessity.;Money put into it while for this im Sf ee a og.eer e .hulls con-|Washington Dispatch to New York mediate military emergency is still ame oy |,maa rage,“|tains aboutTimes.ot waeted,For when the military ree :RS ig tee hw,pound of|The government has completed emergency ceaces,our military weap-Wee eee a Ob roughage andjtentativeplanstosend1,000 avia-'on of the air service can be trans-art hee SS ).,'about '4 poundatorsamonthtoFrance,and the formed into a commercial imple-he ae pry f ti t Afterfirstbigoverseasforceof@irment”‘>oO uae eH,bel o _eejmenwillbereadytoembarksom:A:imiral Peary traced the develop-Se,©being eaten,>time in September.“These men Wil!ment of the aeroplanes since the be-:the old stylenewsreceivedpreliminaryamesinningofthewar,whem it was us-hulls swell to twice the weight,or 134 pounds.A| if S“f *VuYiWy s pug in technical schools and on @ ned exclusively for seouting.“Later ,d offieldsbeforetheyleavetheUnitedo»it was armed to enable each air-pound ofhe TRagt MAnK.}@tates.The majority of those Who plane to repel other airplanes.”Are not tied from carrying out your ex-|will go with the first contingent are went on.“Now they a seeunting a vaspectationsanddesireswhenyouhavenowhardatworkontherudimentsjicaviergunsandcarryingheavier&‘of flying.On arriving in)France ous of explosives.There is a type y seine cedemoneytheyhaveashortperiodofintensive0°machin>being built for th'x co S SOTTONSEEDINTHEBANKtrainingunderFrench insteuetors crnment that.will earry 4.600 ton e-4 i.°und will then start for the -battle of dead weight,exclusive of its own \chmfront.veivh Jt will carry a driver,two LUNTLESSYourBankAccountdependsonwhatAmericanmanufacturershavevonOneraters,two guns and ammu-ten dou r a hae ¢a theyousave|mromised to supoly all of the teain-ritio;also doubles cfte:ng eaten bu a3 they are 100 per°ing winnee aon he tip ry “Up te new the development in air cent roughage,tne criginal pound becomes 2 pounds—:and its ‘allies,and thus make Ppos-rk has been that of the individual not 1'5 pounds.:It is not a matter $iLle for the French and English to in che individual machine.That was ¢re 'wnt ::devote all of gheir energies to turn-th:development that found expres-Therefore,a poun!of Buckcye Hulls goes a third againOFGOODFORiUNE.‘ng out the fast and powerful battle ©on in Immelmann and Captain Guy-as far as a poun!of old style hulls.In other words,...::atanes which will be needed te end nemar,each of whom has downed you only have to fecd ‘{pound of Buckeye Hulls toAcquirethesavinghabitwhileyourif-the question of the supremacy of the from 30 to 40 or mere antagonists.|five the same food v tue as a full pound of.old style:i d it ill a «onl ,‘iv.It in not unlikely that some of That is the skill of the individual hullcomeissmafangitwi©caster as ithe great factories which in the past and of the single machine.—m 7yourincomeincreasestoJhavebeenusedforthemanufacture“The time is coming when the unit Ulucr s.dvantagesofaangawillbeturnedintoof‘his aerial work,instead of bein«Buckeye Hulls cost mh!:Ne trash or dust.pe jtirplane plants.‘‘uadron of 12 machines.as it is ton than ole)sty:'*hosts Sacked-—casy to handle,Increase Your Bark Aceount.“If this country takes hold of er now,is going te be a division mode Buckeye Hulls «):!.tur ae They mis weil with other forage..‘nreparedncss,concentrating on it the un of brigades,each of which will be similation of otic:fo>x'.They talc less space in the barn,Now is the oppo!tune time to open an ‘neigy and unhampered work that formed of 500 to 1,000 airplanes.Mr.Bon Faulk,Detha:.leAccountwithus.Admirai von Tirpitz did in develon-“It is prenerally accepted now rs ae J peed Rad °¢‘ne the German submarine,we will among leaders on the other side that —Buckeye Nels to old siyle hulls because cowsos‘ P ’|0 e ‘soon beat the submurine,and Pom sot only are naval and military land pong eieivede re ae i ©nile oo mae%4 d C y B;k eavineed bring about a speedy,un-onerations impossible tedav without nent nities op oe sawn ener useople’s afi an b av if S an »oe decision ‘n this war,”said the air service,but that the devel-|fue secks of th .;=tear Admira shert EB.at 2 opment will be such that in the com-|qT resutis rad to develop the“.n ”ar moral Rede eary at ment w e asecureths best resutis -nd to develop the ensilage edor,wet the hulleMONEYMAKESTHEWAYEASY.hearing before a Senate ee oaratively near future,the ~serv-thevouaphly twelve hours befc feeding.It is easy to do this byaneéteeonaeronauticsonabillteere-i>will be more important than the 'wetting them down night an?morn’at the aust feeding.If at any timeGEO.H.BROWN =President.te «a Department of Aeronautics,ermy and the navy combined.That tals cannot be donc,wot dovn at leart thiety ealwstes.If yeu i toO.L.TURNER *Cashier."ih a member of the cabinet at its ctatoment hes oe made offivially feed thehulls dry,use only aif ss mac!by bulk as of old style-rer!m the floor of Parliament and other j ah of Ae oadROCHONDNORALemo— Acmiral Poury urged the speedy levislative bodies abroad by —such :a of MixedFeeds Free=inte -|tevelopment of the air serviee for mon as Mr.Balfour,Lord ‘Charles Gives the right oe for every combination of feeds usedin themua.Ne wee ——Se as 2 const petrol and fer Aght-Beresford Mr.Chuarchil).Lord Mon-South.aes ae “coe fee TAMER ERAN,for milk,for fat-{}ne sulmarines.He said that With-tivuc and Lord Northcliffe.”tening,for work.,De scr-bes Buckeye Hulls and givesdirectionsfor6éFk499‘six months the country would be emremmes WewereOeee ree using them properly.Send for your cupy to the nearest mill..ble to”maintain oa invulnerable =The Kaiser is Very Mad.Pet.k The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co.pest.xmanirrlanepatrolthatwouldgiveprooe;eo .Br cig >a———AT wane tection of 500 miles out to sea,He A cclecram from Berlin seys Em Atlanta Rirmiachom Greenwood tle Rock emotem‘ton |miles \.ain Siti ai Gditexieh ths Augusta Cararlotie SackecnHallsD.ug Store,to every man one wee oe ee eenateIycisivefactorinthiswar,if Ameri-following message to one of theoy::.‘a speeded un the building of thou-¢;..4 diplomatic representativesSanitaryandsofmachines. -abroad for tranamission to formerShareInsneakingofthe‘Utility of the Kine Constantine::.pe ceapline as a factor in fighting the Tp have heard with wrath of theSafetyRazor.ibmarine.Admiral Peary said thet infamou:outraze committed hy ourFranceandEnglandwerebeginningcommenenemiesuponyouardenorTJheIdealArmyRazor.to restize its poteney i :ior.*Ae *PS y::vour dynasty.To agsure you thatTheFconemicalHomeRazor.}‘In my opinion the seaplane is t>r derivation cen be only tempo- >_..‘ay the quickest and the cherpe rv.The railed fist of GermansThe100percentEfficencyRazor.vtidote to the submarine menac ih tether nit teow AlmightyTheStrictlyGuaranteedRazur.iscimine i¢is elong eur céamt.”be (:43,will restore you to your throneComeandgetyours,—“I believe thet if we had to os whieh no man by right ean robavathousandhydro-airplanes and yu The armies of Germary.andHAIISsDRU(‘STORE iviaiors alongeour coast it would ip-(;-m:ny's allies wit!wreak ven-9 rease the efficiency.of =our coast scance on those who have dared sorretection200or300percent.,and ;lently to lay their criminal hands:),'nsolently to lay their criminal handsPhoneNo.20.1 think that 5,000 of them would heb on con |Wy hone to waltcnsc you in——----—_-a on ene ene —:meme?Non foo many.,.|Germany ai the earliest opportuni QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS=!'The things we need to conciderin ty.”:vr equipment are iseeting the sub The King of Greece jis the hreth-td 0 Nils AO eee mrrive menace,the aeroprot ection re mw of Emperor Willam;Fe ee Ir cozsts and our eoastwive cities,(4 t aldicatic "~~.;oeaiaeA¥:i *ton ’4 CEVES %*EN rE a ’rer ¥,@,F —w |is *r irniane convoys for our trens-ocea the fomlly ard teo suecestive ti iD ‘sf wR \Kl )i li K 1 A LI 1 Y W AY .:i P £ye 4 ‘aa or.‘ips.and the airplane patro!of our jou witty oruay imity,3yTia=;:;.frontiers.The Mexiean fronticr Of cxmeececmeme eee.—o—-meet a 0G ee ris about four times as tone as Recon CF THE P °:9|RT me eet |Statesville Drug Comp’ywe.”ye SsGR4s ae YR PS ra ee ner n a a Ns Sieoee Evid nee Can ae Hed |eSsSV e ru Oo Only one night Memphis to Tex wily immediately send over to the ¢iy Statesville:T R |iNomissingconnecions—entiretrain runathe ugh,Mempkic ®.5 re deelared by the cx t ve Took well to their record.‘hat nr he exal Store.—to Texas,Leave Memphis 1010 p.m.Astive i allas 12:37 fe ;evnmert a thousand airpla they have core many s in year ‘Bext Hoon,Pt.Worth 2:00 p.m.Another theough train ‘:oult ’o more than anythin,,—-Quality Pres op the submarine menace’?asked cone y is the be .of criptionists.nator Sheppard,chairman%%c i Y Sar)re 4f.,?MINIM ¢Taesea eek os ae vit A vf Sees Wetthervaseeseees 3 rs 6 “T assuredly do.”yoplied Acmira hs any reader suffering from uri-os “.ee :Peary,He referred to a disnai +4Que.Memphis9:28 a.m.Fritoy aur famors¢ining careervice,a ary.f everre a i nary 1 fro kidneyLOWFARESTOTEXAS*“OT E*TViC®',from Paris on May &saying thet 1 K on amey Me,ON TeB.H.Suton,D.2.A.,109 Wess vthSt.,Chattanooga,Tena.ako vatro)heats had hat enepioe:ear comfortiog words in.the ——(E>OlLICHTEUL—SEM PLACE5a eagie {ai 8 PA with submarines since February 1,pan Cae ate 20]'ae ACE Ta34tewnlewhile18bydreaerontaneshod—-=My \~‘we,a a ~Mrs.L.B.Nieks,$02 Seventh here y raged in similar encounters hat<nows what tho hydreaeroplanes are oy..illecisaves Bz ie ‘oing.”the admiral went on.“The 9°’aa.wae a soe :7 ey from backaci as restless at nietidroaesopinneisstilliniteinfan-from backache,was rest at night~”tee ee a A ' I HE S I AT ESVILLE -yet it takes on more submerin 8 and in the morning felt all tired ont.han the patrols.In the month of ’N RST Way the French hyvdroaeroplane:bad Twas also nervou-and had dizzy REALTY &{!V y 'de é the patrols 32.headache Doan'’s Kk l top ond st *7 *4 “Today,with a sufleient number ped the pains in my back and madeAppreciaiesiheveryliberalpatronageofitsofseaplanesandaviators,we could my Kidneys normal.”.nchaicqonm NEW ays ver completely and =minutely a ®:on -friends and policyholders,both NEW and OLD.ys |6 VeakS LiTee.*..:zone off cur coast from 140 to 200 EE YEAR LATEOurofficeIsaNOpenone,and we invite all our miles in width By next summer Nicks added:“I haven’i had to takethawri’here is no anestio re could '-°.}customers and those who will become customers Leer a the WOO Is Gae iRean's Kidney:Bille for several Et is only natural tnat your friends and acquaintancestousetheaoewhenthey=desire.As in the “it -ean pret _aero ran ’:years.”arc Impreszed by tre general atmosphere of your home.past,we will strive to give the same -.soubianad 1actacl Gracinat cee,0c)Price Sév;,at,all dealer,Tow)Nothing else radiates a chaceful atmosphere as doesHIGiIGRADESERVICErayneactivevoungmen.it will «|simply ask for a kidwcy remecy--|Nice furniture properly arranged.aie us fo perfec e seapline,!that has won for this Company the good will and which we discovered and invente:!ta,86 Dean's Kidney Pills-the same If you want your home furnis tings to be correct theconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons.n —that =put us in the loud)that Mrs.Nicks has twice publicly first thing to dois to choose a furniture dealer whohevond7otheati'the ,22 PAY ros}:la e ¢a rear iT —.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL fiwirii"""""8""commended,Foster-Miurn co,|knows correct styles and arrangement—he ean be“Do you believe it will be possi!le,Props Boffalo,N.Y found he re.HONESTLOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT.7.A ati pi of the ar-—yee°plane and the seanlane.ake it 2Wewillbegladtohaveyoucall_at our office practicnlly npoxcible fora ‘Tre vn(90M Red Cedar Shingles,for any information,or telephone No.54 if our foe ta land a brigade on our shore Bought at the old prices still onustedSenatorBrady.service in needed.“Absolutely.”repited the admirat,(hand.Aléo Nails,Ridge Roll,Val- We do NOTARY PULIC work also Cordially yours “But it means thousands of thom ley Tin,Scaffolding,Brown andjinstendofdozensorhundreds,and it Green Shingle Stain.J.F °CARLTON,e Manager.cue.of mento drive;©.WATKINS.—'Phone No.48. Senator Sheppard wanted to know if there would be enough aviators available to operate the machine: '“DT understand that in the War De-rartment and in the Aero Club of ::DON’T EN val Commcsien the spptictio THOSE DESIRING GOOD INVtro}aoe Ee eaten:tox}phone 324.‘i edayarefrom20,0 30,000,"re-..lied the admiral.“I have no doult|;Under “GENERAL DEBILITY.’His troops ney er ——_he Syreeess >—ied,Seco It will pay you toinvestigate the Mrs.M.A.Tomlinwina“=ool fom “i ~—at sf a ia sank i oe lots,so central and nicely located in the colored folksyoucantKeepstep—have aii out o Senator Kirby asked Admiral!residential section of Statesville,near school and9yifirplane|ba department churches.t iplet *ell pure feeling below par,let us put you pee Ee eee Be nirphne EB —_b=.eee aa Just completed the opening up and gradingoodmarchingorderforthebattleoflife©8 exe fight ,Tadenan tah ao geht peur ingof streets and alleys,A mumber of colored folks=m boon eet Your syetem stra .wa)ik ee ae ong ‘eal battery ge eee have grasped the opportunity of buying one or more suffered Mrs. >Ge Gant,will .of these lots,others desiring to do so will find it totheMOSTEbeof“eyo.kita,military et thelr advantage to act at once.Will sell for cash ormercial,”sa iral =Peary.cent cash and balance in monthi ments.the mercial phrse,the carry-your bit.N.Ag shown upon request.:: POLK GRAY DRUG (0.“On the feet |E.G.GAITHER,Agent,.9sereneDOROOTCTTFeaaagelRensaOfficeMillsBuilding.p . LASALLEBL LLL LLL LLLLLL LLL A wn|THE When Chautauqua first came to Statesville it washeraldedas“The Seven Joyous Days.”Those who have ° been its patrons here now say it means “Seven Profitable Days.”More than any other institution,it has been thediversionessentialtobreakthemonotonousgrind.INSONGANDSTORY,OUR HEA AND MINDSHAVEBEENFED!a To be able to attend twelve attractions of the classrepresentedbytheprogrammeofferednextweekisaprivilegeenjoyedonlybythewealthywhoareabletogotothelargercitiesandatgreatcost.We have.the oppor-tunity to see and hear the same here at a cost of less than|7 cents an attraction. A booklet has been left with you this week in which is outlined the programme for next week.Look this over carefully and get an idea of the scope of subjects to he offered.YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISSIT!IT ea MANY TIMES WHAT IT WILL COST GET YOUR TICKET NO Tickets for the Chautauqua are on sale now at the Merchants &Farmers’Bank.If you haven't bought your ticket,DO SO NOW!THOSE WHO HAVE SUB- SCRIBED OUGHT TO CALL AT ONCE AND GET THEIRS!Aseason ticket costs only $2 AND ADMITS TO ALL ATTRACTIONS! There is the Junior Chautauqua for children be tween 6 and 14 years.A season ticket for this costs only $1 and admits to all attractions of the regular Chautau- qua and also to the Junior Chautauqua. _5 a rn ”7 ,*.*DINE ©wey ;%,want ;ae oo .,THE LANDMARK UAS MADE FINE SHOWING (it in Stateilie’conducted ey (HE PRESIDENTS REPORT STOLE BRASS AND IN JAIL.|GIVES ADVICE ON BLOOD ——ae yssOociation,Proved o be one Oo 2 somreemrneeenee a —=_[=[—————===ew ,.|ee:{ ,FUESDAY,.--June 19,1917,Resume of the Work of the (le test events of the kind |ever To the State Merchant's Asso-Colored Citizen in Trouble—':”7 ——Ss Merchant¢Association—((!!in the Secth.The exhibits of —ciation-—A Yeur of Progress,Court Cases.Ween Soumeat Econ te q A NEW PASTOR IN TOWN.Fourth of Julv Parade.)focal mint fretrure r were display The report of President RR.L.|:,.ee Inj K Says E ee duly Ps .ba ding,in a most [oston of Statesville to the State),Justice ie :—ores |Writer Below.E :>.a At the meeting of the Merchants’:tiractive manner,and visitors were \forchants’a es tried Junius Turner,colored,for an M ]ki j i i °y 3 ssee—rehants’Association,in se »FA Many people taking iron in one : Mr mone Edge —_Avsociation Friday usghio che pr a ‘roma distance.It was ;Wilson this week,ee 7 a assault with deadly weapon on Fran-form or another,seeking richer,bet-?p ve urea -—crainme (ar due POunh af fale cal ad tree ‘bg the manufa wiation has mad mwa he cis Thomas,also colored.In default ter bleed,strength and vitality,_ Mrs.C.E.Mason of Charlotte ad-ye a,eae Ga ror tows at d for the a s this vear.Fourteen local asso-#100 bond Turner went,to jail.make a serious mistake,according to ; :dressed the young wemen of the First Be ae Cia a ake eis !ho the exhibit.w ions have been orranized and In the mayor's court Friday Pur-4 well-known writer on the subject.: HM Baptist church at 4 o'clock Sunday af.Gublished,Was ¢€dorsed However,tr Merchants’A ught into the State association,‘¥Houpe wen discharged on a “If people realize that the kidneys r i ternoon at the chu.c-Mrs.Masor t was decided to have the par ude n He ia vie merchant di »others orwanized failed to ev on charge of exceeding the automobile are intrusted with the duty offilter-y Fe spoke of the work of the Young Wo.the morning instead of the —after.I he Wines:thereby -ahos |one withdrew.Many of the lo.*Peed limit.._.ing the blood of impurities,uric acid ES men's Auxiliary Missionary Society,noon,The parade will be composed US ie ea a associations have paid secreta-Robt.Troutman and Grady Wil-and other poisons,they would cer-d a and declared that the mission work Of —the ANG ALY Den ’With a view te doing its ‘bit ;and are doing fine work.“Our liams,white boys,hain tae see a tainly not take alcoholic ‘patent’© f being curried on was the greatest Youns mo Who registered under the |é Sol uction.BHa CcOnaer he before the Lewinlature for leg.boat before the mayor yesterday for modicines as recklessly as they do.he be work in progress in the world,These raft act,wearing their kahki band;tre pesoctation pramoten tion in the interest of commer.2°O0'87._Freutman appeared but Ajeoho!is very bad for the kidneys,Fe 4 Young Womer's Auxiliaries,she ex.[rte __OTUNIZAL OF und B ’(Company.which w |progress was the finest example Williams did not.Tne hearing will not to mention stomach,nerves and i +plained,are divisions for training for Scouts he ussociation will |it ’‘Hd al eanning factor co-operation T have ever seen in oe eee ,:if Ww ,liver.Any doctor will tell you that.. -the mission work The methods f A cure everal yous patr er To encourage wn North Carolina Merchants’As-7°ome one stripped from ;VV.Go to the nearest druggist and get E ' s the successful management of an (hc caps to he M those in p yonid in meetin a ation,”says President Poston.Carter's boiler at Diamond Hill,fifty-cent or dollar bottle of natur-Yr Pe auxiliary were given.with espeeial TR)These ESCO 'y dopand for more hou f Vhile we did not succeed in accom-things:saleable to.the |Pate men.5)jron,known as Acid Iron Mineral.“ Ee stress on the value of home mission (2@ Paragers hs a ee)_the nssociation Lshingg What we went in”for,we Suspicion fell on “San oe =This is pure,highly concentrated,r i work A result of Mrs.Mason’me fase The Jur o!Order,|veel }th the to wl tur mot rought influence to bear on legisla-ored.Constable Gilbert arrestec and goes twiee to ten times as far.i 4 beresting talk wax the fevitel cation “OU Mechanics,will ee-aperat tions in a campaign f eee srertTl hol Tene Rani thelniin nile Brown yesterday ang started to One-half teaspoonful in a glass of ” 4 ‘of the local Young Women's Auxili,&OC 80 Ite members the S209 iN oF lore A Bond resis »years hence,and |feel sure that bodied with him.On rr,Re enter water is a dose.Take after meals i. ary.The young ladies will hold a 27*Cxpecte Po be present anh Cant were also induced to }!4+the next General Assembly we street Brown jumped from the car.ang on going to bed.: ye ’o hold act Lats aenile ‘for rental purposes,To «:i Mr.Gilbert swung to his coat,>MEDY e@ Mecting at an early date for the y ee Le i get some relief.NOT PATENT REMEDY.: Seic fg Wennite “Grean ee The cannine commie eeportel sit of (riendiine ote Fpeaident |Boston highly mare Brown fell under the car and the car N 7 Cidekis way a aluccety —ipa Tredell |Gunning Com pin rebanis and the ediesti nds the work of Mr.J.Paul Leon-serge 1 did him,injuring .foot.ecu =Rua ge down in the } Bact Bake RoHarhec haciarrved oo “weunized stock subscs county,and to shew (et Btatesville.who is closing his ut this didn’t stop Brown.e ran xe id Ir inerel is not a : in Stat vil fr ast oF “T 1,Oe att onaritr appbet for.The com :of the services of rat year as secretary of the State out of his coat and got away.He earth.Acid Tron It "help instead of . ti sie ale an 8 Sere oI i oe ng itter &thanked for its effort «charge oF our *aN soviatic "i Recommendations ,are a"captured later age placed in patent —to’toa kidneys * th “Pr ly M mot ul x nant Re.me Pees dren:the asser o ie as to the work of local ‘associ jail.He will be given &Rearing to-cdi a ‘a moval druggists,; ‘¢rressiy Memorial Assoviate Ne-"h '\,('MAGS ::eee ,vadder and nerves.sts,: .;pees 2 Che requ of tt vend R ''he nd 0 a as peice day.|i ny :Pre peer .rch,Mr Pe eeeaie rae toe aa eas nuat |raat ae om i i ane,and n conchidsien President When the officers placed Brown in of course,have it. :ene)nducted the regular ae te j é {:i :ao :,;sa!.a .‘ai ;abd Ss : %preaching services Sunday.He will Vherate wath sige aicginereee aa ea “The Merchants’Association is an oi 7 a ke ging the ICE BEEF iSbeinstalledatalaterserMr.4,wugwe-t that t}a a eee "sanization tor mutual protection dreary act.He had no registration °4 i fur et A \ee I ee ded Cros iwoandt tap all whe ;‘July.The ‘Delivery I ianapi i y Hs =nie ch =e card and no such name appeared on T have just received a herd of fine . :=ae ch ai inp (he scatheiy cn sa the ca eee oka ge ie der ~!.titlec 7 ue of the list of registered.When he saw cattle,raised especially for the city : i Sie Se oc rica)Presid .OW.Bunch !’y inaugurate ase one wan aa he.tle he was in for trouble for not regis-markets..Pe i “oe :en Mmistertal ¢oc \-ha 'core);us nea to e ‘;me n es :ii 7 ne tering the negro tok!the officers his This beef has always gone to Balti-t ‘ag .=yesterday mr :ne in Ree ake vo |:Nagai A se cepani Wan Geran tt walities ae Haan sonal :real name is George Douglass Ben-more and Richmond for the high-t si :a les 1).Bi Loy }ory wt Navinwonla 69 ees 7 em,-ve?wve ;t a ;bi fe it nett and that his registration ecard class trade,and I had to pay a high-a Street M nth hur Ont ene 4 aay tie ay yl ;Wav onernte t only “0 :e way =miration,was at home.The officers found class price to get it.You GET IT.‘ a President:Rey.0.olaim to the tt ree Tie 4 i ccer nahh ies it yr!pee ne ne welts when we Fe-such a name on the list.The negro THOUGH,AT THE PRICE OF OR * a t tert,Ke oation Ne long '.of a well-regulated cee lar rying ae use Berd came a a few weeks ago from pen eek eg -West f I “eeretary,\pee ranting olitGe Cayo i Oy ;me »Turther some Heinen Mississipi.iY it r than estern : @erson:treasurer,Dro.Bo Rayo ag ."2 a ee mbition of their own,We are liv-eee _—--,=ie oe altogether the most delic-t Pwo new 1 he rae Se ;ae ae mubliched {o Keep men v in an intensely selfish awe.Men An explosion in a munitions facto-|ioe ywe an a Rev.Re E.Hugt Sih Ne q “Smee may on astociation matter have gone)moncey-mad.Some can Try in London a few days ago killed \*Phone No.46 end your order will be ? Clar 'ee i we :q «nothing beyond the almighty four persons and injured 30.tly delivered ; Goud congregation A atu turemiate sormces Wu it 10M Flight ef Homing Pigeons.aller:_oe —————|promptly .‘ the meeting cond )I.M rr .7 :,oh ;ae {Vv.E lackey,Souths ‘Gentlemen,the Merchants’Asso-WHAT is R.O.HARBIN.v Cla i Front Mtriet Drecbeyleiian cron with vl .ery urent eleased 2.000)tion is a great community build-ne —eoemremraremeecenneni ett 4 deirch and Or Clan preach gr oe ae :ee Saturday morning and just now there is a great op-JUNE 20th LAST DAY.8 @ttracting attent A ;'ND ee ei rhe pigeons were s¢t rtunity be fore it Its one ; terest.Services every ft ;th \-ne 1.ville by the Paterco ed is a bigger and more loya e ag :7 week at 4 o'clor a eur h evonine at)aie :.De apeeaat Association and the Silk ¢nembership made up of men who A few electric light bills still re 8 o'cloct ee _fs }‘1 a .L i:fe “Cone »Association of —Pat ‘iM at all times prove worthy expo-main unsettled,and we urgently re- ——-Bo (eee eee 1.the Brooklyn Concourse Acco nents of the great principies of co-tar-ros.ANIMPROVEDCASCARA vest that light patrons who have The Colored Fotks and Bross.eon arian of Brooklyn,N.Y.and the opepation upon which ——organ-ASieneee 1 Tive a yet paid their bills call at city Mr.D.F.Jenkins,who ’'.ot ‘.tetropolitan Concourse Association ed.<A certain class business ; hod :cs Sil Satur na =i Beis er emir eetien ,id x s ark,No J.The members «“en are watching us.As one who |CATHARTICAND LIVERTome office and settle by June 20th,a pert observer at that,remarked g ar }His maid .reel ese arsociations place wager ‘has realized the cood of the mighty is not Gecret Patent Medi is final limit.When lights are terday that he bad noticed somethin Fe we peed of the pixcons on the re crip @f co-operation,let me insist MaeS00)SSCS Ma iotowing (O%by City there will be — that had upset all previous theorie ia i pel oes i trip hat you go home with a fuller de-old but ‘andherbs of $1.50 for making new connec- He had heard that a negro was ar ‘Sar =hie ;On being released the pigeon.termination that —co-operation shall a seete ;:d which charge we ate com- rested for stealing bras Negroe ’ay oat to nm reat height,sensed th ver be practiced in your local asae-tion an Me.Jenkins contends,are never moon rection of home and made a d ation,and that your loyalty to the |pelled to enforce. backward.Usually they are never Agitat eee Set eer Cr t flicht for their respects State,Association shall always be 'This Department desires to thank so happy ax when they are display 1 Bad E r Cam fe -‘od i te Sunday they were arriving :true,the public for their hearty response ing their talents.Thus Mr.Jenkir mMoce eat eine exur |farm "t ey home The number release CHANGE IN AUC UST.to request settle light bills at city ant understand why one of the cole ers.poultromen and local dealers in Saturday w Se th of the lari me es Mr,G.L.Crowell of Louisburg andshowssteal“ras.He thourht 41 Ate ee ai ae ae released by Mr.Lackey.Mr.Clarence Stimpson of Sretearite,|elites. y had plenty of tha tien:to the city with reference —te :aon es recent purchasers of the Sloan Cloth-a Light Power CONE “NORF.ing Company,will take possession of City Electric &moten e speed laws and the park‘Whenever RmeeQ Toate {cars heve -oenrers a Huh ——=—):—the =a i in mae. =rried out.The Merchants’Band ef had been delivery boy for the Polk Me,»Sloan will likely remain w Standard oa Sa Ztute ile.which i now recoeniz-Gray Drug Co,for 8 years;C.V.the few owners.7 eqnally >;go ed as one of the best in the State.Simmens,another delivery boy for a } because TE on wes promoted,and is being financed the same store,and Rich Houpe,de-PURE WHEAT URAN $2.50 PER ¢g . f —hy the nesnciation,with some aid livery boy for Bagle &Milholland,169 pounds;fat back meat 17 conts wt LAm-Fos tn No,1 Heart,No.2 Heart and ’i from the city.The band plays for left Sunday night for Pittsburg,pnd 10 cents extracts 5 —d ‘Pine Blood and)wublie ocensions anc i now zi Pa.,where,it tpcuppene:l.they ex-cent -galion fruit 90 )free concert one evening each pect to work.y failed to let one-fourth fruit q ?_‘nor Pine Wood. weet \‘Made-in-Stateeville Ex-|their employers know they were go-—8 ve f .“A ,WATKINS |teibvit,’a big show of goods manufac-|ing..|aad,Cc. amt will be ‘gation.ly both coursesibepursuedinsomeinstances.addition a canvass will be madeBwtown.ae‘0 nt the muster peo-A of the county,‘have been made4meetings,to beatthepointsnamed,th ed Crores cause will be present-either by local ministers or a.or by speakers trom town.ents for the county are as y Ho township —TaylorahouseGroveUnionGroveU se.Eagle Mills —Houstonville schoolhouseCentralachool:Sharpesburghouse.:Cool Spring —Cool Spring acade-™%,7jloh—Elgin and Abernethyschoolhouses.Chambersburg —Elmwood school! Olin —Olin school house.Turnersburg -—-Harmony High Concord —Scott's High School.Bethany —Bethany school house.|Barringer —Shinn’s school house.|Fallstown Troutman High The central committee appointed|for this work has sent to a number,of citizens in each of these townships |the following letter:|Dear Sir:The President of the‘United States,afier consultation'ith the representatives of the RedCrossAssociation,has called for a’ ;ribution from America of $100,-| 000,000 for relief werk during the’'war.Iredell’s part is $6,000.We are‘sure that it will be a privilege to alleeaestocontributetothis ;dd. __In order that the citizens of yourtownshipmayhavetheopportunity-of “doing their bit”in this great.huse,a mass meetingforthetown-i has been called for Sunday af-|“ternoor at 3 o’clock at woe—«=.You are earnestly askedco-operate in this work.Be pres-! yourself and see that your bors came.here will be some one present to ‘take charye of the meeting toPresentthecause.Do not fail to /ecome.Yours very truly,MRS.H.P.GRIER,Ch'm'n.|'Committee:L.B.Bristol,R.R.Clark,F.A.Sherrill,C.E.Raynal,to.Wallace,Dorman Thompson.{| F meetings were called for Sun-|day afternoon at 3 for the convenience| of the greatest number of people.Itishopedthateffortswillbemadefor -m large attendance at every place.No!all to be made for contributions is “More urgent or more deserving.The:Cross organization knows neither|face nor creed.Its work is to relieve “suffering.All over the United Statesthisweek,in every nook and corner of the country,subscriptions are be-ing taken for Red Cross work in the|war—-to help take care of the wound-| ed,the sick andthe suffering.The“amount asked for is $100,000,000. redell county is asked to raise $6,000.; very citizen of the county should count it a privilege to contribute to, this work.}The President of the United StatesistheofficialheadoftheRedCross. Its work ix done largely by volunteer|‘doctors and nurses and others who|Want to render service to humenity.|expense account is small...Tho,‘Recounts of the organization are audit-|@d by the Secretary of the Treasury|/and report of the expenditure is made to Congress.Every dollar given tothiscausewillbeproperlyexpended and expended to relieve the suffering|of those who go to the battlefront,in,some instances members of your own|family,or your friends and neigh-|bors.| Iredell county should make a_fine‘Fesponse to this call next Sunday.__A meeting in behalf of the RedCrosswillbeheldatMooresvilleto- Hight and the cause will be presented ‘in Coddie Creek and Davidson town-ships by Mooresville people.|:-—~=|CHILD VICTIMS.|Sixteen children,only two of,'wWhom were over five years of are,!‘the victims of the last German airjdonLondon,were given a public Tuncra!Wednesday efternoon =andtheirbodieswerelaidinacommon ve in an East End cometery, which monument will be { B a ADVENTISTS WILL HELP.|Although prevented by conscien-|seruples from enlisting as,batants in the war,the SeventhyAdventists,in a statement is-, tePaspingtan,axpeees wing.|ington,«xpress ing-to do their part in the field am-'>and hospital services. TAX ALL EXCESS PROFITS.ExtensionInthewar erent te indivi;engaged in t or business as! as x {to the interest of the country. jec partner-|kn: Sam.Wall,fi ho-S eaeeel,Sumnety © of on a charge of attemptingbank.Tom Hester and €, twocomplices.At 12.30 o'clock Tuesdayteredthebank,approachedOfficedoorandasked > the =gutaeed onciy oa bowgaquickly@asearchfortheassailant.He wasfoundinbedatthehomeofCharlesBrownandhisclotheswerefoundintheloft.It is presumed that the object of>wee was robbery but he secur-ed:ing from the bank.The newsoftheassaultreachedStatesvillepromptlyTuesdayandcreatedcon-siderable excitement.Cashier Mor-ris was back at work Wednesday. Would Confiscate the Booze on The prohibitionists in Congress notonlyproposetostopthelegalizedmanufactureandsaleofliquerduringthewar,but they would prevent the stock on hand being used as a bever- age.Congressman Webb of North Caro- lina says he will introduce an amend- ment to the Lever food bill giving thePresidentauthoritytocommandeerallwhiskeyinthiscountry,should hedeemitadvisable,and redistill the spirits into aleohol to be used in themanufactureofmunitions,by hospit-als and for scientific purposes. The food bill already gives the Pres- ident authority to stop the manufac- ture of all liqueérs and beers duringthewarperiodshouldhedeemit= r.Webb says there are millions of gal-lons of a stored in the United States it can serve no pu ex-cept to destroy the anneal of thecountryandbycontinueddrunkenness. e thinks Congress will adopt his amendment,and he has good reason to believe if it will drunkenness willbedecreasedtoaminimumandthe efficiency of the men of the country will be increased to a maximum. Mr.Tomlin Rea Direc- tor of North Carolina Railroad. Gov.Bickett has eer sixofthedirectorsoftheNorthCaro-lina railroad,Mr.C..S.Tomiin of Statesville being one,and named twonewmen.Word H.Wood of Char-lotte is retained as president.BruceWhiteofWakeForestsucceedsJ. P.Cook of Concord as secretary and treasurer.The new directors are C.M.Van- ‘storv of Greensboro and T.L.GwynnofCanton.The reappointments are: J.M.Allen of Louisburg,’John P.Yount of Newton,John Quincey Gil- key of Marion,W.‘t.Brown of Win- ston-Salem,©.S.Tomlin of States- ville,Word H.Wood of CharlotteCol.P.M.Pearsafl of New Berneisreappointedattorney,RobertHairstonofReidsvilleismade State’s proxy,J.G.Steed of MountGileadisnamedStateexpert.The appointments are muchsought,as all the directors get pass- es.The president gets a salary of $1,000 a year and tne secretary andtreasurer$2,000 and passes. Voting ‘By Mail —Provision For Absentee Voters. The last Legislature enacted 1 law providing for voting by =mail. The law requires that a registrationbookforabsenteevotersbekeptby the county board of elections.Vot- ers who expect to be absent at anyelectionmayregisterwiththecoun-ty board of elections and their nameswillbeforwardedtotheregistrars of their voting precincts as absent-veters who will vote by mail.Thechairmanofthecountyboardof elections is required to mail to theseabsenteevote?s samples of ballots to be voted in any primary or elec- tion and the voter sends his ballot to the registrar of his home pre- cinet,where it is cast and countedthesameasifhewerepresent,pro-vided he is duly qualified. Mr.Z%.V.Long,chairman of theIredellboardofelections,has a registration book for absentee vot-ers and those who contemplate —be- ing absent may register with him atanytimeandthusbereadytocast\their votes by mail. CAMP SITES,The following six divisional campsitesfortheNationalGuardintheSoutheasternselectedbyMajorGeneralWood,have beentheWar 4 Ga. remain trn “NOTARNER. L.Arner,oe it Salem,Wed- —Convicts Air Line Railroad Company aretoconcludethatahoodooawaits them,the | at their annual meétings. When they met a year ago the State‘hadjust taken away the convictsen-'in grading the road.ny away for six months,January Ist.When the|viets were taken away a year ago thepeonyhadjustclosedacontractforequippingtheportionoftheroadgraded—about 18 miles.The con-tract was based on the gradiningcontinuedbytheconvicts.removal knocked out the contract,andnothingwasdon:on the road for sixmonths.The work of grading this yearinprogressinYadkincounty,23 miles from Statesville and asixmilesfromYadkinville.Twenty-two miles of grading is completethreemilesunderway.Three Ykintownshipsvotedsubscriptions$90,000,none of this money to beuntilfivemilesoftheroadhadgradedinYadkin.Soon have been complete and money tocontinuetheworkwouldhaveLeassecuredfromYadkin,but the actionoftheStateintakingawaythecon-victs a few days ago,without noticetothecompany,and withoutstatementastowhethertheybereturned,suspends all work onroadforthepresent.Just why theStateproceedsthatway—ham and delaying the development of anenterpriseinwhichithassomuch interest,is a mystery. At the stockholders’meeting inStatesvilleWednesdayMr.Wm.Wallace was president and Mr.D.M.Ausley secretary.About ail thethe,stock was represented.Mr.8,Carter Williams of Yadkinville wastheonlynon-resident of the county present.The report of the secretary andtreasurershowedthatindividualsub-scriptions of stock—$2,975—and Ire- dell township subscriptions paid inamountto$130,475.These include$50,000 from Statesville township, $12,500 from toon,$35,000 fromTurnersburg,$20,from EagleMillsand$10,000 from Union Grove.The convict labor the State amounts tosubscriptions to the stock are $90.000fromthreeYadkintownshipsand$35,000 from Dobson township in Surry.These are to be paid as thereadisgradedinthesecounties.There is an outstanding indebtedness of near $10,000,only about.$1,600 ofwhichis.urgent.directors were authorized to make such terms astheycouldinsettlementoftheclaimsbythesaleoffirstmortgagebondsontheroad.The old board of directors were reelectedasfollows:Iredell county-|W.D.Turner,N.B.Mills,Wm.Wal-jlece,J.J.Mott,J.H.McElwee,1M.Ausley,Statesvilie;T.L.Adams.Bethany township;Dr.P.C.Jurney me P.B.Kennedy,EagleMills;J.T.J |S.Carter Williams,D.M.Reece,W'T.Fletcher,F.W.Haynes,Yadkin!county;R.C.Freeman,Surry.W'D.Turner was re-elected president |and Db.M.Ausley secretary and treas- urer, |Deaths. Mr.L.K.Overeash and Miss Luo-la Overcash left Tuesday morningforCythiana,Ky.,to attend the funeralofMr.Overcash’s brother-injlaw,Mr.J.B.Roberts,who died athishometherethenightbefore.'Mr.Roberts was about 60 years old and married Miss Mary Bettie Over- cash of Statesville,who survivesim,with one child.Three chil-dren of a former marriage also sur vive, News of Mr.Roberts’death waxreceivedhereTuesdaymorningbut none of the details were given.Mr.W.B.Taylor of Cooleemee die: ‘yesterday morning at 4 o'clock at Long's Sanatorium,where he was o;;crated on for appendicitis the day be fore.Hts appendix had ruptured,jan abscess formed and death resulted—peritonitis.He was 42 year on, leemee yesterday for interment.Infant daughter of Mr.and MrsF.Hedrick died Wednesday afternoonattheirhomeinsouth |Statesville and was interred yeste: ‘dav afternoon in Oakwood cemetery The little son of Mr.and =MrsThomasOliverdiedWednesdaymorningattheirhomeinBloom |field.The child was sx or sevenyearsoldandhadbeensickforsom: itime. Morrison Boys in France. Julian and Searr Morri con,who sailed from New York onthe%h for France,arrived safelyAtelegramtoMr.Eugene Morrisorvesterday,7rom the American AmbulanceAssociation,New York. Mesars. stated that the Espagne had arrived |safely at Bordeaux,Espagne ‘was the French liner on which theMorrisonboysandotherAmericanvolunteersforworkinthetransport‘service of the French army,mae the trip across.|The news of the safeitheStatesvilleboysbringsliefhome.hadTen a ane JACK AN ty home t re- | $120,200,The unpaid! .|ASSAULTEDTHE CASHIER'AIR LINE STOCKHOLDERS,|MERCHANTS AT WILSON. Annual Meeting in Statesville Has Again Removed. TNot only is the J Association extending every hospital-riity to the large number of visiting }Tuesday morning by President R.L. this fimilesofgradinginYadkinwould| y | | ennings,Union Grove;| ||cleeted president of |chants’Association in the closing ses- | 1 The remnins were taken to Coo-| recently.Oe |bee i secretary,J.EB.Davis STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,JUNE 22,1917.NO.102. a Fine Meeting and Lav- ish Entertainment. Bpecis!Correspondence of The Landmark. Wilson,June 20.--A majority of merchants’associations of the State are represented at the annual vting of the State Association.ilson Merchants’ merchants,but the town as a whole is exerting every effort to make the stayinWilsonapleasantoneforthevisi- torsThe convention was called to order Poston of Statesville.There were ad-dresses of weleome by Mr.J.F.Bur-,president of the First National nk of Wilson on behalf of the city;Mr.Calvin Woodard on behalf ofchamberofcommerceofin;Mr.Frank Hassell on behalf of the“a!Rotary club,and by Mr.E.R. Oettinger,president of the local Mer-chants’Association.Mr.J.Frank Morris of Winston-Salem respondedtotheseaddresses.The visitors wereestsofhonorattheopeningoftheWiiconChautauquaTuesdayafter- Hoon. At the afternoon session the report of President Poston was and anumberofcommitteesappointedbythepresident.Mr.A.W.Bunch ofStatesvillewasappointedamemberofthenominatingcommittee;Mr.J.L.Sherrill of Statesville a member ofthecredentialscommittee.Gov.Bickett addressed the associa-tion and a large number of othersTuesdayeveningunderthehugeChautauquatent.The Governor spoke in patriotic vein,taking the occasiontogiveimpetustotheCrosscampaignwhichwaslaunchedinWil-son yesterday.The Governor de-nounced the imperial government ofGermanyandurgedtheparticipationoftheUnitedStatesinthiswarastheonlymeansofsecuringaworld peace. Secretary J.Paul Leonard of Statesville gave his interesting reportattheWednesdaymorningsession.The association as a body extended°toMr.Leonard its thanks for his faith-ful services as secretary during thepastyear.The secretaries of the lo-cal associations made their reports.r.A.W.Bunch,president of.theleassociation,=an in-ing ve on the doings of the live Statesville body.After a numberofspeechesonvarioussubjectswhichthemerchantsmustdealwithintheir stores from day to day,the conven-tion adjourned about noon and the en-tfre y was taken for an automobilerideaboutthecity.A barbecue din-ner at the Farmers’picnic groundswas@featureoftheafternoon's enter-tainment. The afternoon session was consum-ed with various addresses by membersftheassociation.Mr.A.B.Justice of Charlotte made an interesting talk on “Constructive Legislation.” Merris of Winston-Salem President. Special Telegram to The Landmark Wilson,June 21—J.Frank Mor-ms of Winston -Salem was today the State Mer- sion of the convention.B.F.Reartawaselectedvicepresident,J.Paul} leonard of Statesville was re-elected of Coneord treasurer,A.B.Justice of Charlottewasreappointedattorney.R.L.Pos- ton .Statesville refused re-electioniidency. A committee was appointed to con-fer with committees from other trade organizations of the State to be held at some point later selected.The clos-ed convention was pronounced the best the history of the association Sudden Death of Mr.Clanton) —Godsey Got Out. Special Correspondence of The Landmark Taylorsville,June 21!Mr.J. linley Clanton of Sugar Loaf town- hip dropped dead in his field,Mon-|ay morning about &o'clock,as heasonhiswaytowork.He hadveeninihealthforsomemonths. lie Was about 65 years of age and isirvivedbyhiswidowandthreens.The funeral services werenduetedfromMt.Olive Baptist ureh Tuesday morning by Rev.L.!'Gwaltney,assisted by Rev.lesers,W.J.and G.Z.Bumvarner.ivr.Clanton was a member of the‘iasonie lodwe here and a number of he Masons attended the servicesvdhadchargeoftheburial. H.F.Godsey,who was arrested in ‘atesville Monday morning and ‘rought back to Taylorsville and laced in jail on the charge of issu-¢checks on the Bank of AlexanerWhenhehadnomoneyinthe tank,Was given a hearing beforeMayorR.F.Cobb Tuesday eveninglieWasdischargeduponpaymentof oats and the amount of the checks.Mr.M.C.Campbell,who has been at Fort Oglethorpe training camp,failed to pass the medical examina-m and has come home.He expect« )undergo an operssion and hopesthentobefitforthework. Tatks For the Red Cross. Col.Theodore Roosevelt,in an ad-dress at Oyster Bay in behalf of the atrival of Ked Crows,denounced the sentiment land more thanStatesshouldfromthecountry,”he by in United States against“teTeun war.“Any an the u } demanded that Amer-|their the ,crew being landed.ThejanunidentifiedBritishfreighter car-| ithe CHAUTAUQUA NEXT WEEK Opens Monday Afternoon—TheSaleofTickets. The Chautauqua begins nextweek—opening at 2.30 Monday af-ternoon on the Jenkins lot adjoiningthePeople’s Loan and Savings Bank.The sale of tickets is on.Seasontickets,which admit to all the at-tractions of the week,can be had for$2.A season ticket for children be-tween 6 and 14 years is $1.It ad-mits to all the attractions of theregularChautauquatheJuniorChautauquaasweil.Tickets on saleatMerchantsandFarmers’Bank.The Chautauqua attractions are not only:interesting but profitable-educational and eleysting —-asthosewhohaveattendedpreviousChautauquasknow.The programmethisyearisequaltoorbetterthanpastyears,Under the season tick-et for$2 plan the holder gets tohearthebesttalentforahout17centsforeachattraction.The priceisaboutascheapastheordinarytentshows,but there is no compar-ison in the worth.Taying the ad-mission for each att:separ-ately is much more expenstve.We some entertainment,some diversion,in this year of warandstress.Statesville people sign-ed a guarantee for the Chautauquaayearago,it will be herenext weekandthepatronageshouldbeaslib-eral as in the past.Any deficiencyintheiofseasonticketsfallsonthelocalguarantors.The first event of Monday is a lec-ture by the superintendent and aconcertbytheMcKinnieOperatieCompany.Another concert by thesamecompanyMondayeveningandanillustratedlectureonEuro-pean war.The latter will be of es-pecial interest.Tuesday afternoon a noted violin-ist will play and Dr.Carolyn E.Geisel will lecture.another concert by the violinist andanentertainmentbyPaulFleming,magician.The magicians with theChautauquaarealwaysgood.Al-most any day’s attractions of thewholeweekareeasilyworththepriceofaseasonticket.“The OldHomestead,”the play to be given In the evening|f SCHOOL BONDS DEFEATED 5 ne iiiz :5 ?:i $i | L i zzFy I in i Ai3 i z i ¢ | a i ri s k 38 ei i i e me we buildingat ell BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS —Mr.Pp.J.Conger hasbougtstheH..Miller property on.Bellstreet-——three cottages. —Mr.H.P.Grier,Jr.,Charlotte,where he on Thursday evening,the 28th,is a|peenereatplayandhashadagreatranforyears,because it appeals to al- most every one. Says We Are Boasters. German newspapers think,or pro-fess to believe,that we sre a nationofboasters.One of them with anametoolongto—and that no-body could call if it was printed,re-cently made this statement:“It is very hard for us at this mo-ment to form a judgment relative toAmerica’s position in this war,andthisfortworeasons:First,all thereportscometousthroughadoublecontrol.They are thoroughly siftedbybothAmericanandEwnof-ficials before they reach us.sec-ond reason is that the Americansloveaboveallelseasensationalre-port.Through a pure love of boast-ing they lean toward the adding ‘of afewcipherstothefiguresregardiarmament,enrolling of troops,athebuildingofships;and when canheaddedtothisanopportunitytobluffandintimidatetheenemytheexaggerationknowsnobounds.“We must,therefore,look to ‘ndi- rect means of judging,such as the |reading between the lines in re-ports designed to form the publicmindas,for example,those publish-ed in England.It is a striking factthatthesereportshavehadoflateouiteananxioustonewhichsounds.strange alongside of the bragging telegrams relative to American warpreparations.” U-Baat and Merchantmen Mix. In a battle between a_crippled stranded British steamship and a coast in May,both craft were de-! stroyed,according to members of the crew of the American steamship Hilonian,who has arrived in Amer-ica.The Hilonian itself was sunkofftheItaliancoastMay16,same day rving coal aleo was torpedoed,the captain managed to run his ship into shallow water.Two days later,Americans asserted,the subma- rine returned to the attack andlaunchedatorpedowhichhitthe steamer amidships and almost blew her apart.As the submarine came to the surface to observe the effects of the shot,two deck guns on thesternofthefreighterwereturnedher.A.six-inch explosive shellhittheU-boat and she was seen toturnovertwiceandsplitsquarely in twe before going down.During the fight,which took place less than a mile from shore,coast batteriesalsoturnedafireontheU-boat. A BIG WHEAT CROP. The farmers,said one of theirnumbertoTheLandmark,are reap-ing the biggest wheat crop they have ever had,but they are not talking about it.Even on poor the on \vield of wheat is astonishing.Not-withstanding the winter freeze kill-ed so much of the wheat,what waslefthasdeveloped biewest crop ever. NATIONAL COUNCIL JUNIORS. The national council of the JuniorOrder,in session at Asheville,elect-i _H.Noyes of New Hamp-sn Seahof‘couneil be in into about the | Next Week Recruiting W pacton ontguatigtn’StjamationJune23-30 as recruitingregulararmyandcalls uponriedmenwithoutdependentsrollforwarserviceinorder “I hereby designate the peJune23toJune30,next,asweekfortheregulararmy andIeaeunmarriedmenbetweenjof19and40years,who have nopendentsyiRapedareae in pursuits v y necessary -ecution of the war,to presentcen.selves for enlistment during the week|herein designated,to the number of|70,000.|(Signed)“WOODROW WILSON.” ‘German submarine off the Italian!Applicants For Medical License The applicants for medical license,|undergoing examination before theStateboardofexaminersinRaleigh ‘this week,number 102.Of this num-|ber 78 are asking for full license and/24 are second year men taking the;examinations on installment and re-|moving the primary studies as theygoalong.Fourteen of the men are negro males and one negro woman isacandidate.Two white women are registered,Twenty-one applicants were grant-ed license by reciprocity—that is tosay,they were licensed in other Statesandgetbyinthiswithouttheexami-nation required of beginners. The Burke Light Again. That mysterious light in Burke county—-“the light that never was enInndorsea™—which has |attracted much attention and excited much curi- osity,may be investigated by a gov- ernment scientist.Senator OvermarhasaskedDirectorManningofthebureauofminestosendamantoBurketoinvestigatethemystery. Some years ago a government ex-pert was sent to Burke to investigatethelightandreportednothingtoit,but the Burke folks claimed that hedidn't even get on the ground, telephonemessage to The Land-kcarly Tuesday morningthatresidentsofmstwoshock Freeeroaring “Washingtonpurposetomain Since t inning of the war Li.April,56,248 men have enlisted in the United States navy.The topal strength of the na- vy on the 19th was 120,923. The 288,000 Boy Scouts of Amer- jena,who solicited on behalf of the Liberty Loan,turned in subscrip- tions totaling $15,480,350 pledyred by about 125,000 individuals. Dr.Livius Lankford,one of the Nor-most prominent physicians in folk,Va.,dropped dead in an armo- ry at Norfolk while drilling te aewascompanyofhomeguards. 64 years old. Petersburg,Va..which was select- ed as the site of a cantonment and vhen the order revoked,has won the contest with the government The contract for the erection of the can- tonment at Petersburg has been let. Submarine inroads on trans-At- lantic shipping probably will draw Japanese vessels into the trans-At- lantic trade.The American govern- ment already is negotiating with Japan for removal of tonnage from the Pacific to the Atlantic. After surviving long service in the trenches in Belgium with the Canadian overseas forces,Paul Spit- aels was killed at Duluth,Minn.,by falling from a farm wagon.His neck was broken.Spitaels had been invalided home from Belgium. A verdict of $225,000 was award- ed to Miss Honora May O'Brien by New York jury,in ner $1,000,000 reach of promise su:i against John Ber Manning,an 84-year-old millionaire.The woman's charac ter,attacked by Manning,was vin- dicated. A statement that every available cold storage place in New York city is full to capacity and charving that retailers are maintaining hizh prices in spite of affluence of food,has been issued by Joseph Hartigan, commissioner of weights and meas- ures for the city Fletcher Griffin,a negro preacher at Spartanburg,S.C.,has been ar- rested for failing to register under he draft act;and it is charged thatadvisedthenegroesnottoregis- ter,saying that th:wie people wanted to send the negiocs France while they stayed at home Twelve French aviators,all com- >missioned officers of the French fly-| ing corps,and the majority wearing one or more decorations for distin guished service,have arrived in this @ountry to serve as instructors in American flying corps now trainingfordutyinFrance.All of the men are direct from the front. A report comes from Copenhagen, to nmark,that all grain crops inGermanyhavebeengreatlydam- aged—-almost destroyed,the re- port says by drought,which has not been broken since May;that the heat is unusual and this,combined with the drought,has had a very disastrous effect on crops. Women employed by the Navy De partment are to receive the same Pay as men holding similar posi- tions.Secretary Daniels,who with several other department heads an- pounced recently that)during the war women would be given prefer- ence in filling clerical jobs,alse states that they will receive thegamepayasmen Two armed men,their faces hiddenbyhandkerchiefs,entered theAdamsExpresscarofaChicago,Burlington and Quincy passenger train in the railroad yards in Chica-go,bound Ward R.Smiley,the mes- senger,and A.R.Andrews,his sistant,and escaped =with between $25,000 and $30,000,according to the story told by Smiley. The Seaboard Air Line railway hasinauguratedagaselectrictrainser-vice between Savannah and Jackson-ville that eliminates the steam loco-motive.The car is propelled by gas-oline and electricity and it is capa ble of carrying several light weight passenger cars at a rate of 65 miles an hour.It is the first equipment of the kind in the South Two thousand machinists at plant ef the Genera!Electric Com- pany at Schenectady,N.Y..struck as a protest ayainst the employment of a negro.Robert Dixon,a negro student at Union College,was givenvacationworkinthemachineshopThemachiniststookthepositionthatthiswasaninitialsteptowardspacingnegrolaborintheshops, mut this was denied by company of- ficials A pamphlet entitled “How the War Came to America,”and intend ed as an answer to the question, “Why Did the United States Go to War,”is to be puslished <oon bvthegovernment's committee on pub- lic information.It will be bound in uR- the the national colors and will contain among other thines three notable war addresses of President Wilson. It will be the forerunner of a series of “Red,White and Biiuc to We put out as the war pi American Volunteers in France wo hundred ani eventy volun- teers left the beau suarters of the riean field service in Paris for front during \ast week,making r 1,500 men actually serv-in the Americar ambulance or nm transport service with the armies or in training camps the army wore.Three hun-Americans are in the newly-or- rt branchfieldservicehas700 cars cith- or under construction andmorehavebeenor- Rooks,” Wresses Chamberiain's Tebtere“ti,as Killed and died 6f wounds the needs of allies and America. Despite the reduced consumption of the allies,they will require a lavy er amount of cereals next year than ever before.The allies are more iso- lated in food sources They are de- nendent upon North America for the ' vast majority of their food imports. We should be able to supply - cent.of what they require. other 40 per cent.must be made up by further denial on their part and saving en ours.Without an adeé quate food supply no European pop- ulation will continue to fight and we chall find ourselves alone against Germany.The Russian revolution was a food riot and even yet that al- ly is temporarily paralyzed.Respon- sibility rests on our government for failure of democracy through a shortage of food. Turning to domestic conditions, Mr.Hoover said this country has! been experiencing “unprecee ented | prices and rampant speculation,” citing how middlemen and all other persons in the distribution processes have been purchasing increased sup- plies to avert individual shortage. “The average prices to the consum- ers in countries where food adminis- tration is now in effect are lower than those now prevailing in the United States.”he said.“In Eng- land the price of tread is even 25 per cent.below the price we pay.” Disclaiming entirely that the bill sets up a food dictatorship,Mr. Hoover toki Senators its purposes were entirely to organize the re- sources of the country and the peo- ple themselves into a food adminis- tration,to limit middlemen's com- missions and prevent extortion. “With righteous manufacturers’and distributors’prices,”he said,“the price of flour should not have been over $9 a barrel.Yet it averages $14.In the Jast five months $250,- 000,000 has been extracted from the American consumer in excess of nor- mal profits of manufacturers and. distributors.” Not a single national trade asso- ciation,Mr.Hoover told the Sena- tors,opposed to food contre} bill He denied that the ball estab lishes a food dictatorship.He char- acterized the purposes of food ad- ministration to mobilize the peepic in erder to carry out the advice giv- en them by the goverament oficials and to decentralize the functions of the administration in order to certf- tralize the functions of the food ad- ministration in the various States A commission to take charye of production and distribution of flour, sugar and possibly a few other prin ‘ipal commodities,Mr.Hoover said, being contemplated. Revenue Commissioner a Ter- ror to Tax Dodgers. By reason of the fact that the government has the most alert Com missioner of Internal Revenue that the country has ever had,Uncle Sam is a little over $10,000,000 better off today than he would have been but for the efforts of Commissioner Os- born,says the Washington corres- pondent of the Greensboro News The commissioner has unearthed frauds against the government amounting to ever $10,000,000 with- in the last three weeks Munition manufacturers who gre supposed to pay a tax of 12 1-2 per cent,on munitions as provided in the war revenue bill,are the offenders this time.It was estimated that the government would receive from this tax =$26,000,000,0 or thereabouts. When the returns began to come in from ammunition manufacturers the amount fell shert something —like $15,000,000.Col.Osborn and his ex- perts had made conservative figures and they protested to the manufac turers that something was wrong The manufacturers contended —that everything was all right but the commissioner was not satisfied.He ,called in his most trusted secretaries and set them to work.This Was about a month ago.Up to date the commissioner has received checks amounting to over $10,000,000 —in hack taxes and the end is not yet. It will be remembered that Col Osborn uncovered over $20,000,000 in frauds which the Republican ad- ministrations had overlooked.Most of this was from oleomargarine man- ufacturers The last payment was made a few days ago when the com- missioner received a check for $998,- 000 from the estate of one man,who died with heart trouble soon after his frauds were discovered. _Seem ENA NATL SE Ship Owners Insure Crews. which all offi- American merchant ships plying between ports of —the United States and the war zone must be insured by ship owners for from 31,500 to $5,000 against death, ne Regulations under cers and men of maiming or capture,have been is- sued by Secretary MeAdoo.They be come effective as to vessels leav ing the Uriced those sa States Jyne 6 and as to r from foreign ports Ju- ly 10 The Secrewry announced the ap-pointment of John J.Crowley,a life and acemient insurance expert ef Hartford,Conn.,to have charge of a new seamen’s insurance division of the war risk insurance bureau SO TES German Casualties. The German casualties as re-ported in the German official casual-ty lists in the month of May,follow:Killed and died of wounds or sick-ness,22,000;prisoners and missing,26,562;wounded,62,394.Total,110,-' one. These casualties,addedpreviouslyreported,give the follow-ing totals since the beginning of the 3,sick Ky.troubled fees,|he Prisoners oF them o ie.S57410:wounded | *Total,4,366,700,,cael to those | a place in any military activity on @ seale.For this reason the man in this war is of greater tance and in greaterhehaseverbeenbefore, ices are as indispensable to health and morale of the dien camp,as to the men at the front,of those in base hospitave.that the serv-thein It is the young doctorsarmyneedsmost,the young who have graduated within five or ten years but who have vet firmly anchored themselvesfamilyties.These are = needed for the Officers’ Corps.At the present time |. ical Reserve Corps has a larger ° portion of older physicians younger.Both the regular medical corps of the navy and army are de- ficient in|membership from 200 to 500.Men who graduate this year or who have had one year hospitai training and are younger than 32 years can enter the medicalofthearmy.Never before has | medical department of the army or, navy offered such advantages for beth patriotic services and rapid promotion. As a means of securing the num- ber of doctors needed for the army at this time,the North Carolina State cammittee on National De-fence,medical section,—_reeently adopted a resolution recommending that Congress adopt the —selective svstem for the doctors as it did for The committee gave twothemenreasonsfortheiractionwhichwere, first.it would give an adequate medical service for taking care of the soldiers and,seconc,itrelieveindividualphysicians of tyeembarrassingpositionof deeiding whether they think they can serve better in this country or in Franee. |eaeREAR SERAEDe N ERS ETEES French Liner Got By. || i The French line steamship Roeh- pmbeav,carrying 530)passengers,a@majorityofwhomwereAmericans, was attacked by a German subma- rine on her last outward voyage from the United States,it Was learned on the vessel's arrival at an American port this week,A tor } i ..do struck near the propellors. hip was able to make port without! lischarging her passengers and ute derwent repairs in dry dock before starting on her return voyage.Of ficers said the attack was made without warning. The Americans were on their way to France to engage in war relief work.They included Yale,Prince- ton and Marietta hospital and =am- bulance contingents,together with doctors and nurses from Chicago, Beston and New York,and Miss Anne Morgan,sister of J.P.Mor gan,who was returning to her relief work in France after)a visit in America.The Rochambeau had left an American port on May 26. |RNRSATASETAENT Oil Steamer Sunk. The oil tank steamship John 1). Achbold of the Standard O1l Com- pany has been sunk by a submarine. The Archbold was sent to the bot- tom last Saturday in European wa ters,two days out from:France en route to America. Te ship wasner’s crew from an America: ship was on board.The members of the gun crew were sav- ed.Three of the vessels crew killed in the attack and two frowned.ee KIRBY POPE JUDGE. Mr.Kirby Pope, former!y Charlotte,for some years a resident of Oklahoma,has been appointed judge in that State.While he is a Republican —in politics and wasprominentinRepublican_polities while he lived in Charlotte,Mr.PopewasappointedjudgebyaDemocrat-ic Governer.Mr.Pope is a brother-in-law of Mr.D.M.Ausley of Statesville. armed =and a yun- Wat of ever receive the proper balance ot ‘food to sufficiently nourish both body andbrainduringthegrowingperiodwhen nature's demands are greater than in mature life.This is shown in so many pale faces,lean bodies,frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For alk such children we savy with unmistakable earnestness:They need Scott's Emulsion,and need it now.Itpossessesinconcentratedformthevery food elements to enrich their blood.ft changes weakness to strength;it makesthemsturdyandstrong.No alcohol. Scott&Bowne,Bloomfield,N,J.@ The Brady Printing Co. Has taken over from R.P.Allison theagencyforvarious Magazines and Book Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zinesofall kinds.Will orderany book wanted. All Magazinesoncoun- ' twelve , were oo|were | ' } | | | te e ee ea e ~<2 things youceshan the Now Pasteaton steady blueflame stays or high—rightwhere you leftit. Askyour dealerto showyouthenew revers-ible glass reservoir,an exclusive NewPerfectionfeature. ALADDINSECURITYOILAlwayscleanandBe surethatyouaresuppliedwiththissuperior Perfection.kerosene. STANDARD OIL COMPANY(New Jersey) Washington,D.C.Chast,NF. Va.Charleston,W.Va.Chacleston,S.C.|Richmond,Ve T i t e i BALTIMOREMD.- STORAGE SYSTEM. Pumps,Tanks and Appliances. Money is lost -gone,when you keep your expensive liquids the ordinary way.Money is made— Saved,when you keep your ex- pensive liquids the right way. Outfits for private garages,public garages,road filling stations,and for all kinds of liquids.Gasoline, Kerosene,Lubricating Oil,Lin- seed Oil,etc. Se at alldrink standsLessbythecasevou'il like Orange Joo} Coca-Cola Bottling Co.# Statesville Ns : Manufacturers’Agents for the“MILWAUKEE” is ca . OLLA We have sold a number of these DR.idles 5 —outfits in this section and can refer you to satisfied purchasers. See the Master Electric Filling at the Statesville Motor OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS8to 6."PHONE 81.Scation, Sen Company.. RINE,Statesville,N.C.|We are in a position to give youinsideprices,and can save youmoney. tesville Oil Company. eed ——Dealer In—Hides,Furs,Wool andBeeswax.Also all kinds———and Rub-jj.Tam payi goodpricesforakrsofscrapIronandmixed NOTICE —All the ScrappeoeReunore ji a,oe dll |.on vi .>tPhone 586. en ellen GOOD ROADS}and aCeJ.M.McKEE &CO. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK’S SELLING. Beautiful line Wash Silks in the new Stripes and plaincolorsforSkirtsandShirtWatpricesthatwill Stevet yoo.-— PaseyVal,Lawn,te ge ot 7 Be,pad.AroeSeesoles,te at 12 1 yard.thepei whi ikHew,He."6 8 Many other itemsthatwill interestyou. ter soonas out, it This is the best line ofCannedGoodsputup. PupRy.viFanwaisineARD OFFER. to 35!:C.WATKINS.wa ‘10-Year-OldChildMakes_$1.00Per Hoar or you when you can letveyouthetimetodevote |your work.Save thisandmoney.A Myersmpwillsavethis.Letputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY. ‘Your Plumber,114 E.BreadSt. ‘ We Try to Keep Everything in stock to meet your wants.Roof-in in,Ridge Roll,Vallev Tin,iutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed Iron-and will makeanythinginSheetMetalyouwant. STATESVILLE TIN CO.‘Phone 68,114 E.Broad Street. DR.VANCE HASTY, "DENTAL SURGEON. Roome 5-7-9,Second , FIRST NATIONAL eae BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.Seen ENGAGEMENTS, C.H.LESTER, ReGISTERED -ARCHITECT, ‘Batesville,N.C."Phone 340 Green. sale easing eh WANTED!Sete: |FOR SALE: Sy orThey itus dance.ve had life and death,rors human and inhuman,revtheminguisessoterrible:thatwillneverbequitenemHmnAlbareanderiedundconfinementincellars.Giaeeenrelativespstweyearsago,continued to live within ayardsofthefronttothethudcrashofex of heaven is “gquiet.”ition of peasant menwhohavebeenlivingshadowoftheinvadertheselongmonthsandyearsbadenough,but theofthehalf-starved,woundedmentallyderangedlittlechildren mi s ;; ij i th ex-a dis.|@ |gruntledpaleo of ae.is im-|Proving and will recover. snap-his spine and is expected to die.In Guilferd Superior Court a feworagoawhitemanwhohadmadedefamatoryremarksavoutawomanit;as convicted of slander and sen-teneed to the reads for #ix months.Good! Mrs.Sarah Hoyle was struck by&@n automobile in Charlotte Wednes-day and received ies fromWhichshediedthataightClintonSith,the driver of ¢@ car,wasfjarrested.Judge Chas.M.Cooke,who resign-ed fram the Superior Court benchlastyearonaccountofilihealth,has been under treatment in Richmondandhasreturnedhomemuchimproved. Ray Nailey,a young white man,was eae at nines WednesdaychargedwithanaffraywhichresultedinthedeathofJohnMob-ey,an aged negro.Both men werebeenfarworse.All the mn |iwerecollectedandshepherdedemployes of the Cabarrus-cottontoithefirstEntentetroopsinnewly-occupied areast Evthatcanbedonetocureand careforthemisbeingcone,coofthemostungstont SheaatetasksoftheFrenchcommittegronreconstruction. Railroads Abandon (‘ompetitiveActivities, Railroads of the South are te aban-don competitive activities and oper-ate their lines during the war aspartoftheonenationaltrans-Con-tinental apotine under the directionoftheRailroads’War Board for thebenefitofthegovernment.tomakethisplaneffectivewerecom-pleted at a conference of the execu-tive officers of the different South- In ——to make available e Maximum transportation energy }moving fuel,food,materials andtroopsnecessaryforthesuccessful|=of oe wer,4 |ines adopted the policy of reducing |passenger service,either doen—or oe gg peutilizinepmen'mencoalthusconusforthemore im-portant service of the government.This policy,it was announced,will)be observed with every possible ef-|fort to safeguard the convenience!of the public.Plans were outlined to ask the co-{operation of shippers in loading carsjtofullcapacityandreleasingthem|a8 promptly as possible in order tojinereasethecarsupply. |.Debating the Food Bills. |.Beth houses of Congress are debat-ing the food control measures.The House expects to vote on the bill be-$2.65.fore it tomorrow.It will probably | be two or three weeks before themeasuresarefinallypassed.Menn-time the food speculators continue toivobthepeople.Some of the oppo-nents of the bills.are very much|afraid they give the President toomuchpower.They are not disturbed |by the power of the food speeulators ,te rob prodacer and consumer alike Department of Agriculture officials‘and members of the Federal tradecommissionhavehelda|refiminar),conference to discuss a int feed priceinvestigationtheyareundertakingatthedirectionofPresidentWilsonThemeatindustrywillbetakenupfirst. The inquiry is apart from the veneralfoodsurveyprovidedforinthefirstLeverbillpendinginCongress |which contemplates the continuovregisteroftheamountsoffoodstuffsonhandinthecountryandtheamountavailableforexports.Reports of wideunrestthroughoutthecountryduet:|high prices are reaching the commissiondaily.Food prices,it is said.must be brought down or there mustbeageneralreadjustmentofwagscales. _Se CEEREETTES The German TeachingClarencePoeinProgressiveFormer. Let us consider,for example,theteachingsofonetypicalGerman|Philosopher of recent years,Treitschke.Like many others of his class.he preaches that war is necessar,for the elimination of weak peoples;|and that the government need respectnopromises,no moralitie«when they stand in the way of |it'progress.Let us quote his exact|words: “The State has no power to limititsownpower;hence no treaty when ‘it becomes inconvenient can be|binding;hence the very notion of ar|bitration is absurd;war is|part of the Divine order.”|In matters of difficulties with othlergovernments,he declares,“itjabsurdtoblusteraboutmorality,>:jexpect the State to confront them|with a catechism in her hand.”|Nurtured on such teachings,ix iteecoethatGermany,—to ive through Belgium to attacunpreparedFrance,calmly ignoredthe<—she had —=nlypromnevertogiumlydistarssedthe“innrteeSelectenepeeof paper decla that néceasityizsufficientexcusefofheraction’ SDSEEN -demand fordraftanimals. mill. The North Carolina Bankers’Axsso-ciation,in session at Wrightsville,voted unanimously to give $2,000 forthepurchaseandmaintenanceofanambulanceinFraneeforaperiodofoneyear.The ambulance will be giv-|en through the Red Cross Societyof |the State.|Differences over the location of the|improved road between Yadkinville|and Boonville has held up road work|in Yadkin county until the dispute isairedincourt.Judge Long grantedthetemporaryinjunctionandthe|hearing is before Judge Cline at Hick-ory July 2.jMissLilaSnowShore,daughter ofex-Sheriff and Mrs.Isaac Shore,and|Dr.James Talmaége Dobbins were|married at the home of the bride in!Yadkinville Wednesday.Dr.Dobbins |is instructor of chemistry in the Agri-|cultural and Engineering lege at}Raleigh and he and his bride will be|at home in Raleigh after September 1.|eaten {Late Potato Crop the Best.Prof.Massey in Progressive Farm-|er.While the early crop of trish po-tatoes is a grown in the SouthforNorthernshipping,and in some |favorable seasons is a very profita-ble crop,there is too little attention|paid to the productron of the crop |for winter use in the South.The!eupply in winter comes very gener-!a rom the North and the prices|pela are such that a good home cropshouldbeaveryprofitableone.In|fact,for the genera)farmer,the |Production of the ate crops willwenerallybemoreprofitablethan|the early crop.There is always ahomedemandallovertheSuuthforwinterpotatoes.|m there is another reason for,the growing of the late crop.Our |rowers have been -epending too|mach on the North for seed potatoes |for planting the eM@ly crap,and therrevalenceofdiseasesinpotatoesintheNorthhasmadetheplantingloftheNorthernstoekanuncertain|matter,Ht has been abundantly!vroved that the late crop of the ear-|ly varieties xvrown in the South|,make far better seed for the spring|planting than the potatoes from the |North.The Northern seed potatoes,dug earlier in the fall and fully ma-ture,very yenerally sproa:in thecollarsandhavethesproutsrubbed!off.‘Then when they grow it is withtheclustersofsidebudsandtheycomeupwithanumberof—shoots.|The late crop potatoes from theSouthdenotsproutinwinterandinspringgrowwiththestrongtermi-|nal bud;and a potato plant from onestoutstalkwillalwaysmakeabet-ter ¢rop than the bunch of shoots fram weakened tuber.; Doctor Charged With Murder. A warrant for the arrest of Dr.Wm.J.Condon,a captain in theUnitedStatesarmymedica)crops atChattanooga,Tenn.,was issued atBrunswick,N.-J.,in connection with‘he murder of John V.Piper,whose ody was found with a bullet helethroughhisbreastneaSpottswood,N.J.,last Saturday.Condon,whe is58yearsold,has been a practiciny»hysician at Brunswick for severalyears.He left there last week un-der orders to go in training at FortOFPiathorpe. iper,who was working through Rutgers college at Brunswick by do-og odd jobs,including that of at-tending to the furnace of Dr.Con-jon,disappeared on the night ofFebruary17.Saturday his body wasfoundbytheroadsidebetweenSpottswoedand=Enylishtown.Ap- | ert sow it had been tossed from an‘utemebile or wagon into the bush-e eireumstantial evidence in- Pi t t i ti r ai i Tt ~ 88 % mi t ii i e fi e i ee e a H] CAROLINA show this graphicallywehaveruledoffoneunitintheaccompanying iNustration. “Count the number of squares onthe raised part of the tread, They total over 54 whole squares or mwre than three fourths of the entire surface Chat is ruleti off. The large,flat wearing sur-face of the Michelin Universal means increased mileage, Once you try Mich- elins you will use no other.They give the utmost tire economy, Statesville,N.C. anatase i iat a Meet aeaTt ae >, ¢5 aad > It will yay you to come to us for anythinginthelineofautosuppliesorrepairwork, We want your big jobs and little jobs and’wewillmakethebigoneslooksmallwhencom-puting the cost to you. There isn’t an automobile need we can*tsupply.Make this quarters, shop your auto head- ial ee a ? It should not requireterestdeskbuyers. sRee <a ;yits t great pretensions to,in-- Men who do desk work know hot air from facts.So we simply ask you to look over our goodsandletusquoteyouprices, That’s abouf all that is necessary. dieaten that Piper was killed DtCondgn's house. Ly ENNce Horses and Mules Exported. In the 34 months since the beginningofthewar—August,1914theUnitedStateshasexported toEurope90,000 horses and 330,000—The ses were valued at$194,000,000 and the mules at $66,-600,000,The fact that this is “not a cav-alry war”and that automobiles,mo-tareyeles,flying machines and ob-servation balloons are performingmuchoftheserviceformerlyre- quired by the horse in war time,does not seem to have checked theAmericansaddleandWhiletheexporta-tion of horses has in re.the >ofmulesincreased.of thesentabihave 5 a a wee WE WRITE Life Insura with waver of premium,life annuity with manyotherbenefitsuw.aled.Automobile,Fire a:,not safe to be without .. ‘‘shility policies at such a small cost it ia Plate Glass has about doubieu in price the last year,insurancethesamerateuntilJulyJet.Tornado Insurance is so cheap you cannot feel secure without itAccident‘and Health policies page all sickness and accidentsonedayonaslongasyouaresabledEmployers’Jability and Steam Boiler that all Employers andSteamBoilerUsersshouldhaveFireInsuranceinthelargesthomeandNortherncompanies,at ‘>lowest rates possible. WE BUY AND SELL:Stocks,City,Suburban,Farm and Timbered o LL hs Land, Pettis ne 1 omnes ;aai 4 ~’ RA Take ‘Iredell county —not Statesville dollars—end Mooresville alone but the coun-|'6..°Sv TEES |ty}Are to subscribe $6,000 we .ereee eee for the fund being HoorerMijiscsstesssecescesses00]@@for the Cross.That may/hes put |seeneeeeeerree seeees seem 8 big sum,but it is in reality arr 1917.small campared with the population omit ee and wealth of the county,and if | kk a 'each individual will do whet he can|educate are nes omewhar the money can beeasily raisedwith ti average sheriff.If out #sacrificeon the partof any-¥le ended ocrotthetthe ie of eh ne |each,eallawasmm©he a ©,|more an aeSOio Laces cos Be Seonabasisthe$6,000 Wy,"et"being considered «ood |the county is s rot 1 ving pi forfraicheet coed a2 TS Se |,he gave concern to the are of to financetaxes,nobodywantsto pay./dell At the presentprice partof it Some he and some he three dozen on contributed saving—the n't.It is that in some counties each fendlly more than raise the of special taxes was the -willpracticallyignored,and itisproba-|It is no hardshipifail of Oe Woe ble that very few counties havedo something.out theybeen collected thelaw re-small children and many others ,attention is giv-|physically disabled,not every ind taxes through "the can give 17 cents nor every of the State a ies.family the valueof three dozen look after thein-|buthow many can dothatwho = which have beenal-|do nothing because,‘Bey ‘sink & local officers;and)they are to give!Many peo-us4amendedthe|ple will give $5,$10,#10,SS omei an early 1 license taxes.The few will give more;many more will | i iredtocollect,give $1,cents or 26 cents.An to ay these taxes the month of thesehelpto tape care of Gene wee ‘and suf foe ~~:‘a ae itunar |herieail on one eel they can |000,presen|for decision per cent.::iy "atndenTa rete,octogenarianofae et easy aa got See7:.resentatives,on :of ait its horrors, tax nd doesn't impose and alot of people who think in fullincth,eae he Ae met Eeceh te erm,oant nana ea:and volefay te seaswillhavetroublesofhisown.Hence cents without a ie ogg F 9 cake will be os a.pon to make, =-:a on 8,Gn ts Sew cot be conlly from Washington,attended the ex-Reartache and sorrow at willeasy~-,. “eee me this —.e a without hardship on any-the hon behalf of the ken on _us as And it right.ques cepted noth could ‘taxes are just or unjust is a call of mercy,in behalf ;of your country to see is not for the sheriff to decideand ot humanity,for the relief ofsuffer.or pee Sor SS,Seu te peacecomes ae 2 ae ;rated by does not enter into the proposition.‘Ok:plea,is past hope;and they who|Washington's Beene Reis ont tenes©are levi y the Le ;h (o i ond Oe official who fails to obey the wi not believe in =rsRo winter of 1777-78 >=most »all,nations.os %sae ae are : law he takes an oath to enforce is|value and the serv Bp mous sabe”—a oS eens os =,a grati secures pleterecognit Grad anette fe‘compoupas,the rosefrom thedead Washington,praised”free |govers-|x tribute of aamiration and affection superior Laboratory fecili- .:tt ‘ongress :offence.Mersover,oe tax-dodger|THE PLACE FOR OSBORN.ingits whole duty toward bringing aie the greatPeakae Teoding =Waeeetion,Dasinsee Music,Art,Expression, woneet allies‘who payswhet is de-|Now that Mr.E.L.Travis seams the :t te la speedy and trt-Belgium was carried on.We now re-and manded of him;and every honest|slated for a place on the inter-State enema soles a e that a |s0 eminent-—.ae omomneee within reach of all the people. man whobearshis shareof the pub-commerce commission,ape Not Aroused,Says Gen.Wood.|'¥ey .——°catalogue F lic burdens hasa personal interest as to hissuccessorison.Land-;a foe hand R.L.FRITZ,D. :=Ther 7 acnbonttha y ~=to induce ber Oebeen com-aesJ.wae we wasconvent you.ee c ’tenent.that condones Ss oteieees of internal revenue,to|the of an address in Atlan-|“From being one v?the foremost :dodging.Too many who throw up his job in Washington and|ta by General Wood,com-|industrial nations of the world, would resent being p in the come home andtake it;or that the/mander the southeasterndepart-|ranking fourth ong exporting| F class of dishonest and undesirable colonel could feel that his State|ment United States army.The na-countries,Belgium for the time be-| citizens,do not hesitate to employ|needed him and would make the sac-|tion he said,has not yet awakened|ing has been ruthless!out.| the most questionable means,even rifice and take the place if it was to the fact that “we are a|Her factories are c’:cold |Under “GENERAL DEBILITY.”His troops never wilful and dong perjury,at ot In his gupineeteation of the|powerful foe and the —we 7 —sfor “!ruin of the coun-|win 8 t—all is out of ad taxes.e as mi office commiasioner n ze that sacrifices mus'made ,nvader even removed |figh the fight their ret oP nag the burglar who jovamee Col.Osborn has unco |coder to win the war the quicker the|the machinery from our factories.if youcan’tkeep tofallout of blows a safe.They are keeping back hundreds of tax and turned|war will end.”and shipped it to Germany as part.1 "é fi step let t what rightfully belongs to the pub-into the Treasury,millions and mil:||Witha soldier's bluntness,Gener.of a far-sighted and cynical,pro-_becauseyou eee aeFg ie and tne ence is a8|lion dollars.a man id Americawou gramme econom \.good order thebattle ont as taking what does not be-|wason the job in North Carolina the end,but not until a «cerrithe And,worst of all,part of ‘s|enh eoen eat ng or e.e long to one,and it entails an addi-'the State Trseoury would not be price has been paid in blood.”There|unoffending laboring class has OnestMos eo oe onspute tional burden on the honest.Keep empty so often,slackers would js a general feeling throughout thejtorn from their families and sent to drugs,the P MOST E VE . an eye on the man who d tax-|be compelled to bear their part of}country,he said,that young men/|toil in Germany under a system es and tries to justify himself on the the burden and ma some of them were not raised to be soldiers,but that would have offended the moral You'll soon be back in the ranksofthefit,ready to ground that the tax is too heavy or |put in stripes,as they deserve to be,/“all boys are raised to be soldiers ee tS ages.do bit.Se Ae lence is “aleh:Seubre Geakes_ont "tM HE ©and ene wl alvayevewar ang Baan or ence’and courage tas J TOME bors and friends and all the people,—‘as there is bitter international busi-|never wavered.On the day of deliv.%et eon a seal Taint ts Songun ‘ce tons of nace’cere)POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square” a ca-sae p Poymapers *|ee 8 omenspgen ae |Coal Conspiraators on Trial eeae tae ge our ae eee '.“Ge * neoples,purified in the fire of suf.———ne |the result is usually taken to mean The ernment’s case against i.pu Seeeeneennn eae Seer “My idea Te oa wt creter|S eS ome Saadeet individuals and 108 conspirators i i.ae , in the world,is the man whocan gehool bonds ‘y was not an |ce cainane conde ond “fix “Srivesin cvem stronger bends thet,shall,Ged BIG SALE ON ALL ,prices in ible time somethi much a vote of lack of confidence a8|semj-bituminous coal regions in Vir- ee ahine a fool font tan expression of Ganqgeeres &"ore |and West Virginia on trial in That is the remark of BruceCrav-tle hint that while le are|United States court in New i long-suffering or is a limit to|york.The defendants are beingen,who is something of an_icono-aoe ———.|r .feclast,but The Landmark holdsthat|no ides that the vote meant disap.(prosecuted under the Sherman anti it is the best definition of an orator)° it has ever seen.The Isaac R.Celand,addressing thea'berpes ary in behalf of |the government, were makeaspeech in the shortestpos-| of an orator is one who :‘it would be shown t pricesspected,andit maysave a lot of fixed and ng agg oto.RoBy It is tae 1086,”-~~.hgliberallytromthebeetwriters!and|thatthe bonds were voted down.for ton "in conjunction with sale ”But many of eg tyP®falls on innocent peopre.prieee ed oben SS +8 knows (election was an opportunity for the commissions and established agree--_man who knows'voters and they took it.If |ments calling for uniform contracts.»who can leave off;board had taken the public in-—————the LiquortheTrouble.the vain repetitions,who can say!to j;fidence,bond ld|something,or at least say what he pal aghave been voted.| has in ;to pigol _an =A |a of policeisarealorator;a egest |erman is work at Natchi two ne-id)the whale busipese to fo hove 6|to teethtte ee George Pikes and Ernestveriod,to know when to put on the State Commerce Commission,says me,are dead,L.E. brakes.:;|a report from Washington.Mr.Tra-|Hudson,of educa-The time that is wasted in talk’vis is a man of great ability and pe-|tion,a negro woman and two negrotilatoneoytonothing,g put it?|culiart fitted for the on the —wounded aseusefulpurpose,would revolu-|’|res &possetocaptureizeeconomic.conditions.It is |"eet-Otate commission,as his work|Coo.Pikes,who started :Ka |ina corpora’the Americancustom,that er |iie&Gi aes aetna,*\eommission shows,endin working|his farm near one must “tndke a speech.”»for him Senator Overman is not only| ahy sort of public gathering is con-trying to give the coun the serv-,i f a goodmanbutheis standinsideredincompletewithouttalkby=body ond vsually thet ie 1 by a friend who stoog by him.It chief ori enly form of entertain-Sue oe eh A.t being so,the speaker jarge factors in landing Overman in\the Senate.is put on to interest and enter- tain ought to give some thought to RED The gentlemen who think they can|get it after July ist under the plea what-he is going to say—should of poor health,may find make some ration and try to,say ee that will —andefitertain.But a very large num-|:lap of tho vequler epenhors give 1-—The food bills _now be tle advance thought to their re-power to=ee a on and of foodanunehithea.drinks during the war period,a pow-concern of their thinking auditors is almost certai .Seesthattheyshouldhaveanend.et sna m D eee >of of them —a worth to say a they think,or hand manu-==think,7 -put ——ee oe a : ing over get away with it;jandtheyusuallydoustthat.mm |atone RTT.WAISTEyknowsthatGen.:liam Tecumseh Sherman lightly re-during the conflict ofthatwaristhesameas “gift o’wery gallopin’”—oneSesEeecpu,tee 0 ventecommandoflanguage,can nd trouble on Pikes,according to the office .while under the influence of |i aedrovehiswifeandmother‘tromtheirhomeandlatershothismother |brother’s home on fire,burning it totheground. Three Vessels Sunk. steamers Dutch materials into alcoholic2= iH i i t r a =i : i 3- [i a zz ga l s f f: fiAz iiy!‘ is f i; is e ce willing,never be broken.” |Jmerease in Submarine Toll. |Twenty-seven British vessels of 'more than 1,600 tons each and five of| |vessels of less size,a total of 32,were | |sunk by submarines for the week end- ing Wednesday,according to the of-|ficial report.This is largest |number for one week for the past six||weeks.|Not since the week ending April 28||has a greater number of ships been||deatro:During that week 51 ves-|over and 13 ander 1,600 tons||—were sunk.The heaviest totals|sinee oePromenranyysa campaign | was n February was reg-b+y in the week ending April 21,|when 40 steamers of more than 1,600|tons were sunk and 15vesselsofthe|tonnage were sent to the bot-|tom. COLORED HATS. We are offering all our Colored Hats Shapesfor98c.each. Now is your opportunity to get @ nice stylish Hat cheap. Be sure to visit our Ready-to-Wear Department.Wehave somebargains tooffer. ws *. ior partner —_ |MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. a neestate saiddeceasedtotheundersignedonor1918,orthisnotice vert and babyitingMr.and Mrs. .Carlton AndStatesvilleand arera.J.F.Carlton for it t $ ( 37 5 2 4 3 =g s f of thiswitesickathisoe eaeimprovesvery—_,small cireulati:g library _hasopenedattheTroutmanny’s store.Mr.W.T.Ais.The hooks arefromtheStatelibraryandgedevery30to60days.avidity with which the youngincommunityseizedon theseshowshowverymuchareated.Some of thegirlsareconsumingaiedbookaday.Numbers “tble, ;a neatlyewasalwayswellcaneAsa‘was zealous,faithful and “aeWhenheappliedforhislicensehecomealocal,there‘was no hesitancy on the|those who Knew him in ting it.||As a preacher he was dius Stain,|‘practical and foreeful.As presidingbpiderhewasconsiderate,kind and rue.Among the prominent colored peo-'pena =the funeral _,sd'Geo.W.Clinten,Bishop A.J.War-{ner,Presidin:Elders S.D.Wat-kins,H.L.;B.Bennett,Rock Hill,8,C.;grey,W part of| Many,many,good,honest men have worked herd |and piled upa little fortune,and then all at once LOST:|» all they had by just ONE foolish investment.avet? The following appeared recently in the newspapers..., about a very prominent man who died:-‘ **©Despite his marvelows financial career in alyandavreundChicago,which caused him at onetimetoberatedasamillionaire,he died aBANKRUPT.Most of bis creat fortune melt- ed in disastrous speculations,*** Make Our Bank Yaur Bank.iw194! We pay 4percent interestontime deposits... ni nt odd ‘have already been read by a half|den,J.H.Johnson,‘ -|dozen different people and the libra-|and Patterson,Livingstone College, ‘ry has not been open a week.No Salisbury;State Grand Master of charge is made where the booksare |Masons R.B.MeRary,Lexington.|not kept over two weeks.For -|These and the pastor,Rev.D.E. ‘ing the books over the free time a)Thompson,took part in the exercis-' |charge of a penny a day is .|es.which goes to defray the charges of;-art mitree transporting the books by freight to,DESTROYED THE BANNERS. and from Raleigh.It seems that A crowd of a men destroyed|farmers’clubs and other rural of-/banners held in front of the WhiteizationscanprocurefromHousebywomensuffragistsbearingtate’s circulatin weney 8.‘an inseription which in part read: of books by standard au on \“President Wilson and Envoy RoottopicssuitedtotheirseveraljaredeceivingRussia,They say-weTheonlyexpenseisthepa‘are a democracy.Help us win a — parcel post charges,is about world war so racy may sur-ae MK,|J 24 cents each way.When a set vive.”The banners were intended .ye i 4)/Z 'books have gone the rounds of the for the scrutiny of the Russian mis-P_4 clubs they can be excha for oth-'sion which was received by the Pres-| will superintend both se ,one on =ee oa >ident. the Rowan side of Main street and!in.jack of access to a well-filled ~—e on the —e side.They brary.This thing of each -ve 20 teachers in both schools juying all the books he would like and expéet an attendance of at least 1,"study is an expensive preaies, ayemed os on a the _Prof.J.W.Hendren Hiddenite|ouch 1 eave.them Chamberlain's Cough .™ver of nal has been elected principal of the high |Remedy and it worked like «charm.” 2 ean Rock Tuesday,where they |schools and we are glad leading school here for the ensuing wi the summer.|cotton’mill.men are i in eon sere gg =ayears, Notices ofNewAbvestinsmnents education for the mill children.will again handle the same depart- Mr.J.R. MeNvely,1s 8)ment new teachers lected’¢.7%*Class at Mitchell College —Miss grandson of the late Mrs.Marget L.wore Miss Lucy B.King of for produce on the local Minnie Morrison.McNeely of Amity,is raising funds cunty,Miss Pricie Gibson of aSilverforklost.—Reward for re-to erect tombstones at Mrs.MeNee-6,and Miss Blanche Kyles of thie Reosiers,te.turn to The Landmark.ily’s grave:at Bethesda Presbyterian |)...All are teachers of splendid Fresh Holstein milch cow for sale.Church.rs.MeNeely was a highly c ute.The services of another —J.A.Absher,R-3.esteemed lady.who died probably 20 caaier will doubtless he required! Ford’touring car for sale.—States-Years ago.Her relatives are nearly ville Auto Supply Co.all dead or moved away and it is de- Notice to ednens.—<dhee.L.A.‘\—Head,administratria.. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ‘ neF e l yutT of Miss Marie |days er,Dr Sra _we D.Kennedy has grone to |attwoweeks|— H f .Taylor.TheyvillecandooTay ~~ spend vy .Carpenter. Mrs,K.C.Denny.r L.Smith,who was Setzer,who visited|superintendent of the Kannapolis .returned Wed-|graded school last term,spent home at Hickory.day here visiti his brother .Werren went to Ashe-/sister,Mr.and Mrs. y to attend the meet-|Harry Melchor.He left Monday for State Pharmaceutical As-|Knoxville,Tenn.,where he will takejasixmonths’course of training for Robinson of Charlotte|school cng egeorets.He Miss Florence Miller.|electedTurnerofCharlottediStatesvillevisitorthisweex.|came up with Mr.Turner,whoDr.Long's Sanatorium for t.F.J.Axley and Miss LoisAxleyleftMondaynightforLos—Cal.,where they will —a few months with rs.Axley’sbrother,Mr.R.L.Phillips.Mra.W.G.Hall and children went|waking up to the necessit P, j 3z 5= F d i i li , | s g > x:3 superin-|5 F &irs. a He Whooping Cough. In this disease it is important that thecoughbekeptlooseandexpectorationensy,which ean be done by giving Chamberlain'sCoughRemedy,Mra.P.H.Martin,Peru,ind.,writes,“My two daughters had whooping tern.)with more are expected this year.|Semrwood;_|Qld Auto Rubber Casine,4c.p>Ib ae pe Si ae |Irish Potatoes (new),$3.00 per bushel. ready canning operations’have be-| where waslaid ‘to rest.She was‘at good woman and spent herlifeinlaboringforothers.She was It will COST you NOTHING tocome in and have usexamineyoureyesandseewhetherornotyouneed ‘i enrollment of 198 and at least 20, 4 Honey Comb,20c.pertheyoungergenerationcansee French.or a change of glasses. this vear.Last year there was an) sired to have her grave marked,so automobile bargain.—G. Cash sale trimmed hats.—Mills & PostonNew ginning plant—James E Battery trouble righted.—States-ville Motor Co.Advan 3 within reach of all.—Lenoir Col ,Hickory,N.C.Desks4—Statebville HousenishingCo.Carpenter’s tools,building mate-rial and agricultural implements.—Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Lawn mowers,pine shingles.Iredell Hardware Company.Insurance,stocks,real estate.—E.G.Gaither.Auto supplies and repair work.— |Statesville jotor Co.Notice to creditors.—Delia Burke, administratrix.-Beverages of absolute purity.—Statesville Mint Cot Sottling Co.Used furniture for sale.—748 Kel- 7 —.il ted.—M w.Rupilswanted.—Mrs.W.R.McLelland.. Weddings—Social Events. In the Methodist church at Elm City,Wilson =Dr.H.Q.Alexa Fur- r of MecklenburgoftheNorthCaro-armers’Uuion,was married toissEthelBrinkley.daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Robert Brinkley of ElmDr.and Mrs.Alexander willspendtheirhoneinAsheville,faynesville and Junaluska. B.Thompson,daughterot.C.Wag- Tuesday evening,| the widow of the late Jesse McNee- ly,well known to all the older peo- le.¢-Rev.€.'S.Kirkpatrick,for four|vears pastor of the Methodist churchhere,with his wife and children, spent Monday night and Tuesday ihere,stopping with Mr.and Mrs.Zeb.Deaton.They were ow theirwaytothemountainsinHaywoodcountytospendthreeweeks’vaca- tion granted by Spring Garden Street Methodist church,Greens- boro,where Mr.Kirkpatrick is serv- ing his first year.y were trav- eling in their machine.They like Greensboro and the people very well jand say it is a —supplied with churches and schools,observes _the Sabbath as well as any city of its i tor the greaterheSabbath.{|Mr.Geo.Hawn spent Sunday withhisfamilyafterbeingabsentthree weeks in West Virginia on business. Misses Beulah and Nell Brady of Greensboro are ex here this —to visit Mrs.B.V.Lentz.Mr. |ahere visiting Mr.and Mrs.B.V. Lentz.Mr.H.L.Steele of the Ob- server Company,in Charlotte,spent Sunday at Mr.and Mrs,J.B.Hous-ton's with his family..L.Donald came e from Rock Hill,8.C.,Monday.Mr.Donald,who‘been sick,is better and at work. ‘Mrs.F.J.Peyton and son,Thomas, who have been here visiting Mrs. |Pe’‘a rs.J.H.McLel- (aanna Hatt a few days for || |their atsGreeley,Col.,and will| |be coca by Mrs.|Peyton'snMissz|niece, Mrs.J.F.Lentz spent Sunday| Mr.and Mrs.' gun ina amber of homes.Thesmallfamilycanningoutfitsarebe- ing shipped in everv day.Fruit jarsandtincansareratherhighinpricethisyearanditseemstomethatasplendidopportunityisofferedthe domestic science experts to wage acampaignofeducatingthepeopletoarealizationofthecomparativefoodvaluesofthedifferentedibles which can be canned.They're laying too much stress on tomatoes and not enough on the many other things. Wheat Good—Deaths. Correspondence of The Landmark Stony Point,R-2,June 20 —Farmworkisprogressingrightwell.Har-vest is on and wheat is better than was expected.Cotton is smal!forthetimeofyear.Our community was greatlyshockedlastweekwhentheyoe FoRofthesuddendeathofMr.Head,which was caused by a strokeofparalysis.He is survived by awifeandsevenchildren.The funer-'al and burial services were conduct-|led by Rev.E.M.Crowder at Pisgahchurch.Messrs.ute and BobHead,brothers of the deceased,from:Charlotte,attended the funeral.Mr.Ed.Williams’infant was bur-ied at Pisgah graveyard this morn-ing.Much sympathy is expressedforthefamily.°Mrs.Adline Canada is visiting herniece,Mrs.W.M.Jarvis,at High Point.There is an epidemic of whoopingcoughinouroegeoyIwishtothankthejesofthe—.League for continuing the Restoom. .home Wednesday morning in orderHetobeathometoseehisson,whowasreadytoleaveforthearmy.|Rev.Mr.Robertson,who has been of Morven, was in States-)eetativen’ondfot.He re- country.moved into thetheLutheran president oflectu |conducting i I singing,preachedWednesdaynight.Rev.Swaim did|some preaching here and the‘church has been tly revived andedifiedbyhis-time preaching ofitheWord..|Mrs.J.A.White has not been wel!for some time and expects to go tojasanatoriumfortreaumentunlesssheimprovessoon.Mrs.W.L.Math-1 who has been sick for ten days, |Miss Vernie Goodman,who spentaweekvisitingherbrother,Mr.W.|B.Goodman,at Amity,returned|Tuesday.°|anil John Mayhew died at No.2 |mill Monday night,aboutSheleaahusband Peterlecture —_" 1.50 per bushel.Corn,$1.9)per bushelQats,0c.per bushel.Statesville Cotton Market.On the local market yesterday 25aeeoe Cotton Seed,SOc,perbushel.SeedCotton,8 1-2c.perIb. WA imited number of music pupilsforthesummer.MRS.W.R.MeLELLAND.|dune 22 2. FOR SALE—Housechold furniture—round din-ing table,6 chairs,china cabinet,all quar-tered onk.Large Favorite stove,Boss stoveundwoodheaters.Several odd pieces furni- ture.Apply 748 Kelly St dune 22 it’. FOR SALE—Ford Touring Car,1917 model.STATESVILLE AUTO SUPPLY CO.'June 22 it’. LOST—Bilver Fork engraved M.Reward for|teturn to THE LANDMARK officeJune22—1t.| SALE—Fresh Holstein milch cow.J.A.ABSHER,Statesville,R-*dune 22—1t*, PARENTS whe desire to have their children coached and prepared for promotion,seeMISSMINNIEMORRISON,259 Broadstreet,who will have @ class at MitchellCollegeduringthesummer.June 22.| WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH,don’t matterifbroken,I pay $2 to $16 per full set,sin- wle and partial plates in proportion.Sendbypostandreceivecheckbyreturn mail,F.TERI.403 N.Wolfe Street,Balti-|more,Md.dune 19 4%. LOST—Geld cuff link with initial 8.Return to HORACE STIKELEATHER.dune 19%, FOR A.Y¥.Alexander residence on|Rant ined eet.M.P.ALEXANDER. NOW OPEN—Statesville Inn now open tw §and roomers.t first-class boarders wns 'W.F.PALMER. ~ADMINISTRATRIX’s NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the &estate of Harry Burke,decensed,late of Ire.&with the will Xannexed,this ix to notify all persons having 2suiddeceasedto2 exbibit them to the undersigned at Statesville,@ or to James A.Hartness,clerk of the @Superioroftredellcounty,on or be-@ fore the day of June,1918,or this notice All g indebted to said estate will please Qid dell county,North Carolina, claims against the estate of N. ourt will be plead in har of their recovery personsmakeimmediate settlement DELIA.BURKEAdministratrixCC.T.A.of Harry Burke dune 22,1917 Retiery Inspection Free. Baimstockafullline of Battery ac-cessories. t Co.‘prone 512._GE.FRENCH.June 22—1t.go:201 Wie 10)buy , \ ’Bring them to us and we will tell you if they do. _By getting glasses IN TIME you will SAVE your eyes.Youwillalsoavoidheadachesandnervoustroubles. |¥V9Manyyoungpeopleandevenboysandgirlsneed ‘ NO CHAROE for examination;and onlya reasonable Charge”. Or glasses.i ‘itoR.F.HENRY,Jeweler...°°: va LEONARDPIANOSTORE,ST SCHULZ PIANOS.| We have two repossessed Schulz Pianoswhichwewillsellatbargainprices.YouSe-benefit '—-was"a themyoriginalpurchasers.are .j<conden.=metheseSchulzinstrumentsandourlingofbeautifulWESERPIANOSPLAYER-PIANOS,which have a oemreputation,before;you buy.If it isconvenientforyoutovisitourstore,let ‘Wg =»come to see you.N.C $$$$$— May 2%.(‘2 SEE OUR BIG LINEenae KOOL KLOTH —_AND— AlsoShirtsin the latest ©fancy patterns,big line ¥to selectfrom.._ Don'tfail to a Geder .MothProofBexto save ~your Furs winterClothing.‘ Hats all descriptions.© Yours to serve. opite >foul \F pe CT “oy se Pe |ae i ae oo bsweijfenshen4 i Eine "i charge of ‘bnistration’: quitted by order of the court.- ‘Pxivtiig plants now enga inmanylacturingautomobiles:were e W;r Ties products may ‘vm to turn out candardadl parts forherdplanes under plans of the air- craft production board for develop:| ment ofa great air fleet. The War Department's request for pide'for 35,000 army motor trucks brought responses from 87 concerns and the bidders are ready to contract for Wally times the government's re-REASONS FOR HELPING.| quirements.How many -—The Red Cross Given By Secre- ed hus not been determined.«©esti i , mate of %5,000 made in asking for tary of War Baker,i“There are three reasons why the people who stay at home should ac-tively suppert the work of the RedCross,”said Hon.Newton D.Baker, Secretary of War,on his reeent vis-it to North Carolina.The first —of these reasons,as explained by Mr. Baker,was that as hundreds of thousands of the young men of —the country will soon leave their homestotakeuptheirabodeinthe“White bids was based on maximum transport needs of an army of two million men The prices range from $1,051 for one ton trucks to $4,600 foe five-toned Our Alien Enemies. New York Tignes.of “enemy ‘wliens”that of persons bern Germany and the three countries controlied by Germa-there sre in the United States, is ny @ take up their shode I i according to computations just made stlaga at *_y oT ae a by the director a tes census bureau,‘e i he oo a aed I +6!terest a e fe mac »Calapproximately4,662,000,or about ne 2 c ‘2 per cent.of our tetal popula-£!ve them in the period of traimine tien.As a very considerable num.£0!the work that their country ex- ber lof theee not “alien enemies,”Pects of them.And there will be the in the prope®sense of that term,sick and wounded to minister to with and as the Wimber of American-sympathy and consecrated service bern descendants of Teutonic inti-Hospitals will need medical supplies yvants who are now really hostile and even the services of trained in to us would hardly counterbalance a.=ee iy »“enemy aliens”who are he second reaso enoby : a ae Baker for supporting the work ofnothostileatall,it is not surprising that the Kaiser's expectations of ef- fective influence to be exerted herebythepeoplewhomhecountedayGermanshavebeendisappointed. And before the war we were told in threatening tones that there were the Red Cross was that other coun- tries have taught us the necessity of caring adequately and systemat- ically for the dependent soldiers and families of soldiers,whieh problem has been found most easily and effi- in the United State»anywhere from ciently handled through =the Red 20,000,000 to 40,000,000 residents Cross.The third reason assigned by thewhoconstitutedan“empire withinanempire,”and would see to it that the other American residents were kept in order!As a matter of fact,Germany's real allies in this coun-try are the pacifists. LS ET The Union Whitecapping. The Monroe Journal says that John Medlin,the Union county man speaker was that the Red Cross as an agency of relief and philanthrop-ie service has international recogni- tion,has the President of the Unit- ed States as its president,is char-tered by Congress and has its ae- counts audited by the United StatesTreasuryDepartment.It is the on- ly guaranteed source of rendering e :{in time of war or disaster thaty.pe Was }rec an :fee a cane “a aa ws dis recognized by the governmentbe$:P-Whatever is done or given.throughonbythreemen,not six,as report- ed,who beat him =with their fists, badly bruising him.He did not ree- ognize his assailants.Reports had been circulated the Red Cross is sure of serving the needy in the most efficient way “While cities and larger towns that have been actively interested in theMeinii-aoed Ne”fevearoht step.OTE,Ofte Red aae hae amteeer aad small towns have not yet realized his death.The charges were inves-the importance of this service tis ted at the time by the sheriff That every town and organized posted :should form a Red Crosscommunity Auxiliary,organize aid and meet and comfort bags and other hospital supplies,always by the direction- given,is,in the opinion of the Sec- retary,the best expression of —the town's or community’s appreciation for the boys fighting for liberty the froat. ALLIEDIO Waste is Sinful,Vulgar and Common. and no evidence whatever found to sustain them.Neighbors who dress- ed the dead bey’s bedy said there were no bruises and they did not be lieve the report of foul play.Both Medlin and his wife denied the re-ports of ill-treawment.The visit of the whiteeappers was the result of the alleged ill-treatment. Land For National Forest. The National Forest reservation commission has approved the —pur- classes in first make bandaves ut chase of 51,916 acres of land in the Monroe Journal. White mountains and Southern Ap-The distinguished woman whe palachians for inclusion in the na-made the literary address at the tional forests of those regions.The closing of the State Norma,CollegetwolargestandmostimportantatGreensboromaynethavegovoff —whose oe was —much poetry and classien!—refer- ized are one of 11,000 acres on the ences to literature,but she certainlyWhitepWatbna!forest in Smyth told the voung ladies some sensible nr a and another of 10.and useful things.The most.strik- )acres on the Savannah national jing gne was the <tarement thatrestontheTallulahriver,in Geor-wastefulness is not oniy s:nfui but a.The purchase of 40 different vulgar and common,Those of th acts comprising approximately 7,-present generation who imbibed)the O acres on the Alabama national contiment of the preceding ywenerarestinAlabamawasordered,and tjon.which was vecessarily clothed i“purchase of tracts of varying in an atmosphere of frugality,have size in Yancey and McDowell coun-jever quite got over the idea thenee.this oa?also approved romulgated that waste was sinful Sut somehow the iden ef sin held 3 Wi Telephony.net much check for the present ger ‘Experiments with wireless tele mr have Proved its practical val-waste and extravaganee might go on ®to such On extent that it will be if it)were merely sinful.Sinful-weed by the navy iw its war opera-ness might vo hang along with oth thons along.wi wireless telegra-er more rivorons Goetrines of |the y.state issued by the past.But if waste vulgar and public infofm&Bon committee =says common.that something else.Of at engineers and scientists work-course it is vulyar and common,and My with officials of the navy in de-has always been,but nenedy has loping the stg telephone have been saying so If the necessities Made *importhht progress,”but does of war ‘should teach that they net wo into details The national will not be in vain @search council,and the naval con-And the lady speaker told sulting howrd ve devoted much at-thing else,close akin to the tention te subject,working on telepheme mmunication with air eration.Expense and display and nt Is us some other That is that she had noticed that the expenditures for dress were always |aay new wireless methods and oon a rising scale,a bull market,se haratus for detecting the presence to speak.Now,if a oman had said of submarines.this,we men folks might have been .ibaa oe :afes ‘peat it j f ‘ONE UNWORTHY PARDONED,20!forepe iC But it was not Logan Meadows,a white farmer |,pent es w al :seh onot.'5 *4 i ig }apparen rl mrMangumtownship,=Durham before a body of women.So.tocounty,who 27 years ago was con- |which veiis from our eyes the mys- (or works m the i most boundless wealth,and the SOME NOBLER THINGS .| That Come Out of the Hell ofWar—Selfishness ConsumeedintheZealThatMakes Martyrs. Manufacturers’Record. With al!of its voiceless horrors,with all of its unspeakable serréWwa, with all of the agony on the battle- Se ae a I aSacall u Vela.i Written for The Landmark. fame in eontern Carolina dweltAniodientribewhefeltThewanderiustChattyqua!Teas ‘hus in their soft tongue they spelt } 'The name of Chatty qua. tan summer's day this Chatty tribe aiked northward far away beside jVAlovelylakeandwiththeirkinamendidabide ,bull many «moon. When the Pale Face Brothers came and Chat. ty qua.field and in the homes of those whaj Poved to theManey,Bunting Ground will go to.the front,there is still Their spirits ats er vownd;"ively lake these Chatty-talking qua!..‘hat nobles|{a |left much (in war)tha en Sint Irae Vane Brothers ebthinn be the labemankindandliftsthenationoutofsordidthinkingintoahigherplane of heavenly thinking,where menforgetthemselvesinstrivingtohelpothers,and where the petty selfish- ness of little things {s burned up inthefieryzealoutofwhichmartyrs ure made,It is true,as the poet has sung,that “God moves in a Myste- rious way His wonders to perform,” We cannot pull aside the certain teries of the future,but amid allthesemightysorrows,amfd the world’s anguish,we can feel that men are being made to see things in a new light.The wold is coming terealizethatdutyandselt-saerifice are nobler than personal comfort and ease.He who Lattles on the firinglineorhewhofollowstheplow factory or in”the mine with his life centered on doing his part,for the good of others rath- er than for his own profit,may haveanewvisionoflifeandanewreal-ization of the responsibility whiekrestsuponhimasanindividualand au»a part of this great nation called by Ged to save the world from bar- barism, We may well,therefore,think on this brighter side sometimes and het sermit.our thoughts to dwell too deeply or constantly upon the dan- vers which our men shall face,nor should we for a moment at any time dwell upon the question of cost inmoneyThemoneytobeexpended counts for naught;it is worthless ex- cept for the cause for wrich it is to be used in this great struggle.Andwemaywellpourforththebillions of the nation withou.ever a mur mur of any”individual about taxa- tion,however heuvy a may rest up- on an individual,if that taxation be at all in)keeping with justice an! eauity ws te the taxation upen oth ers.Our material wealth may per chance have bocn given (ous for th very hour Some years ayo a young man whose life had been trivial,who had seemed not to have realized his responsibility, who sought only the pleasures of the world,stood by the vide of one who vas read from the Sacred Book “To this end was bovorn and for this came |into the world.”A few hours later a great fire broke out in acrowdedtheate*®.The young ma: e life had been given to pleasure tarned with superb heraism to the wing of the lives of those who had caught in the fire-trap. Ayain und ayain he rushed inte the burning vilding and brought forth those whe ere overcome.As his work was finished his life was fast ebbing uy under the strain and the injuric that had come upon him,and as he ay dying he turned to the one whos: he had heard but a few hovr cfore and faintly said to him,“Per it was for this end was |born and for this cause came [into the world.” So perhaps in the working:out of the plans of the Almighty for the world’s civilization based on human liherty—on liberty of life,liberty of men to serve God aecording to the dic tates of their own conscience;liberty in the largest sense for the better ment of the world;liberty of opports nity;liberty to secure the best that the world can afford,free and open to the poor as well as to the rich,our mighty material resources and our al miter mixing of all the nations of the carth in our complex civilization,may haves cause hoon being voce Whit dite cher souls these Chaty apirits take, a while their ehatting grows inte a talk,Adows the same old trail they walkreometoCarolina, Ricit sovously we weleome you Bac:me awain,O Chatty qua! With the new eeeent to your name Yo f fame We weteame you, Chartevqua ! Minnie H. Bliasen Ye Saw Mill Moved —*MeetingDates, Sorrespondence of The Landmark. Soy Point,R-2,June 18 —Cropearelookingverywell.Farmers arebusycuttingwheat.Messrs E.Swann and Ro Redmon have moved their saw mill to Mr.S.©.Johnson's and will goinafewweekstoMr.John White's, in Rowan. Miss Annie Brown,who underwent an operation for appendicitis,is get-tiny along nieely and will soon beabletobeout..Me E.8.Merrison has beenpaintingMr.P.W.Eagle's house.Tho health of this community is very good except whooping cough. People can live for awhile.We have plenty of beans,cabbage and pota- tors The protracted meeting will em-brace the fifth Sunday in July atPisvahandthefourthSundayin Auwust at Pleasant Grove. Sunday’s Meeting Closed. tilly Sunday,evanrelist,who be-gan a meeting in New York April8.closed his meeting last Sunday. ¢total number of “trail hitters,”Sunday calls those who professed‘sion,Was 98,264.free-MM offering during the more than‘w6 months of services amounted to utéut $125,000,and will be divided vetween the American Red Crossind)various agencies employed —in enevolent army and navy werk. The expenses of the meeting weremetotherwiseanditissupposedSundayadmirerswavetheevangel-ist @ liberal check,but all the volun- tary ¢ontributions were disposed of a stated. “DISAPPEARED LIKEMAGIC,”SHE SAYS Mes.Sarah Perry EnjoysDoingHouseworkNow-adays —Was Crippled Up With Pains. Is All thatAnIdeal States lronized Paw-lawftIsCiaimedtoBe—Health Giver. “To see me hustling abeut the house,sweeping,dusting or washing out clothes,one would hardly realize that only recently |was crippled upwithrheumatism=and indigestion,” said)Mrs.Surah Perry,residing at13Taylorstreet,Baltimore,Md. “Before |bewan taking lronizedPaw-Paw my joints would often<well up aimoct to twice their orig- inal size,”she continued.“Pains|}would shoot through my body,keep- ing me in avony most of the time. |was searcely able to walk. “My stomach,too,gave me much trouble.|was afraid to eat any,substantial food beeause of the dis-tressing =xfter-effects.My =food seemed to turn to gas,causing me tohelehandfeelblwated. heen brought together in accordance with the designs of the Crestor The world is now in a gis ‘ flarration;millions are being vept |!»ruin by its fiery flames,and as we are called to enter the building d save from death the natio|which the fire of destruction;ae ove iM tayiing,perchance it may come to us is |individuals and to us as a nation thatitwasforthishourthatwewereborn jand that for this cause came we into |existence, ‘President Thanks Mother. President Wilson has directed 4 |letter of appreciation to Mrs.Leu:|Meyer of Wheeling,W.Va.,who in ja letter to the President imformed |him that she had already given twosonstothearmyandwasreadyto Patriotic gut and sentenced to the peniten-reer:fel I TaaryforkillingthejaileratRox,:vo,Was put on aia)this week,The Submarine Toll. a with breaking in a store The German submarine tol!of eadows was pardoned June 16th British merchant —shipping sinceftes®Waving served 24 years in the February 17,as shown in official|tate prison for manslaughter,British fiyures compiled in’Washeengton,is 322 vessels of more than :MORE MELONS.1,000 tons each and 135 of less.@ Watermelon and cantaloupe acre.1,600.British steam fishing vessels i:in the =principal producing sunk in that period numbered 78 ates show an increase over last Records for sailing fishing vessels =The watermelon acreage is es-are incomplete,but a three weeks’ated)by the Department of Agri-total was 78 @ulture at 98,100 acres,an increase Submarines in the period givenattacked299ships unsuecessfullye12percent.,and the cantaloupe at 46,5007 an increase of 17 per and the weekly per centage of —un-nt.successful attacks has ranged from|es iDuring the last week givhltoaT% Mr.D.L.Stevenson,who |;»who lives en the seven days—~it was 58the‘Mocksville road,near town,eee—a an at Long’s Sanato-CARD OF THANKS.»for nbsceaced appen We e thts methed of expressing ov any._pested well last night ‘the many friends whe wise and1"arene :‘ring the illness af our dearLEmeribletheeditoroftheStateeville‘teeont LootCadloution ae Lendone fe -rnbnee to the undertaker}:ati oe me PN Be raordinary shill and courtesy.te,+ladies for their optendidofhetseltedtoyour4).the mayer of the efty foe -on otyinpathy"to the chief of police,Mr.Kerr.foreetHfyouwillcatslowly,masttheroushly,at =we;©the Masente ordert \give her third if necessary‘President wrote:‘ |“Your feeling about your sons is ‘the feeling which I should think ev-ery mother in whom the true spirit jof motherhood and of Americaniamjdwellswouldhave,and I would like to believe that it is true that thecountryisfullofmothersoftheameheroicandself-sacrificing sort. ms belief in the splendid of this sortsageasyouind ative)» Secc The w It quickene my pulse and strengthens yoo ‘capacityofthiscountrytomeeteverycrisisreceivesuchames.ve been gracious andme,and |shall “T read so much about tronized|Paw-Paw and what it was doing for o many local people who had suf- fered the way |did that [finally bought a bottle.Well,to my sur- prise,those horrible rheumatic painsdigappearedlikemagic.I feel like‘ns new woman,and can eat anything{now without fear of suffering after- jward.My bowels ace in fine condi-tion,too.Ironized Paw-Paw is all it is represented to be.”|verywhere you go some one canibefoundwhohasbeenbenefitedbyiteuseorknowsofafriendwhohas lfoynd the desired relief;all arelpraisingofitandeachexpresses«arprise that cures of the most stub-bern cases of indigestion,nervous-ness and sleeplessness could bebrenghtaboutsospeedily.You haveonly to get a bottle,takeitgeeordingtodirectionsandyouinee.use ue gn eae Lf y Quant a counteeisthetime~in takingaTonie—the advent of Spring—toneupthesystemandpreventrvi-tal organs from becoming disorder-ed or badly affected A system that is overworked or Atel Whe.it etyou8 up and holds uiant.A you!YourReotRao!© vit |321 men. 8,GIRLS!WH INWithLEMON JUICE! The Ford's The Ford A meg When theorganized:June”16,business with a factoryDuringitsfirstcompanyturnedout1,the companymenandhas aoverhalfami cars.20 branch factories in the Un States,besides and agen:ous ‘te Canada,nd,amSouthAmericaand ——- Make a Beauty Lotion For a FewCentatoRemoveTan,Freckles,Sallowness! Your grocer has the lemons andanyoawoesor—counter =supply you t ouncescomandwhiteforafewSqueezethejuiceoftwofresh lem-ons into a bottle,then po eterNag Ay Fmakesaq very:best lemon skin whitener and com-;plexion beautifier Known.M { this fragrant,creamy t into the face,a arms |and just.see tan,-lowness,redness as Gee dis-|pear and how smooth,soft andcleartheskinbecomes.Yes!‘It isharmless,and the beautiful resultswillsurpriseyou.| PAINT EXPERTS AGREE THAT te the American Standard of Excet- ence, FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,4,C. FRAMES FOR DOORS And windéws made at (WAT.) KINS’lumber yard are the sizes fortheDoersandWindowshesells.Al | o Door Locks and Butts,Sash Weights and Fastenings,Sash,CordandPulleys,Door and ndow Stops.My,C.WATKINS.Bes ppGaragesShouldBeBui With wood sides and w Shin- les reofs.Why?Because in win- ter the radiotor will not be so apt to! freeze at night,and in summer| evaporation of Gasoline will not be so great ax ina un-heated metal ae .WATKINS. —-_~ We use the Hoff-Man Sanitary machine and turn out work neatly and promptly.Clothes called for and delivered.Prices reasonable for sing,altering and coloring.FRENCH DRY -CLEANINGSPECIALTY!Give us a trial and we will make your Siths and PalmBeacheslikenew. Phone 486.145 Center St.STATESVILLE AND ELKINJITNEYLINES. SCHEDULE. Mason Jars. Extra Jar Caps. Jar Rubbers. Jelly Glasses, Preserving Powders, Sealing Wax, Green Mountain and Rural New York for late planting. Suringless Green Pod Beans,Red Valentine and Refugee. Sherrill&Reece. The Associated Doetors,OffieesandLaboratories,Philadelphia, *Pa.,licensed by the State of Saturday,Jane 23,1917 from9 a.m.to 4p.m. Offer their services free ofcharge. North Carolina,are experts in thetreatmentofdiseasesofblood, liver,lungs,stomach,intestines, hin,nerves,heart,spleen,kid ney,or bladder;bed-wetting, rheumatism,sciatica,tapeworm,leg ulcers,appendicitis,—gall- stones,geoitre,piles,ete.,without operation,and they offer —their services free to sufferers on this their firat visit.No matter what your trouble may be,call and see these Spe-cialists and have a friendly talkwiththem.Hundreds of people have found health and happiness in using their treatments,80 might you.Yow are taking ho chances.Their opinion and serv- ives are free. REMEMBER THE DATE ANDPLACE!“ -—-OLD-——— IRISH POTATOES. *have jont aealeePRshipmentofokriforlateplanting.If you needany,call on your merchant,andifhehasn't them,REFERiMTOTHISAD.! Car Leaving Statesville..8:00 a.m.Car Leaving Turnersburg .8:35 a.m.Car Leaviing Harmony ..8:55 a.m.Car Leaving ville .9:05 a.m.Car Leav ptonville 9:50 a,m.Arrive at im ........20:90 om,Car Leaving Elkin ......\pom.Car <=ville Pp.m.Car ville’’4:56 p.m.Car Lew y ..5:06 p.m.Car rg 6:25 p,m.Aeternaing8:00 a.makesilkesboro and kin-A t ”Tw TANT Crater tess q be q “*. tt rh ,a Calomelvoybelle|hich SS aes ne t'up Thinte when You fel net cnty'ln the youane and “all knocked sluggishliver ;E:et iE:i Hi 28 i Arenot tied frompectationsanddesires w you havemoneyINTHEBANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It isnot a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. Acquirethesavinghabitwhile your in- come is small it willbecasieras .|»|ing,but the farm W0-'the State have ordered more than,south Iredell,after doing AY two and a half million cans tohousework,milking COWS,filled with vegetables and |chickens and other ;with some counties yet to be “heard|numerous to mention,are ‘from.The purchase of these cans |in the field,trying to raise more },,need count rd ; doing our duty,why should }.nks and other agencies in various ’: any of us envy the town people their)pounties.|a |good works?Most of them have!uring the conference of the home a }more spare time to do Red demonstration agents new and bet-|;Crossoneof|to).hods .lour latest writers the good women ool —_—2 evaporat.| z i 7 * Ea T i t T tc your income increases to lof the town are not hurt by cussed and it was demonstrated| Increase Your Bank Account.‘letters.They know we were not that,by using proper methods,prac-| r ‘throwing at them,if some didn’t ticaily all vegetables and fruits! Nowis the une time to open an Account with us. taake any exception.I am sorry if!‘omy of .ok 4 i ,=be consnesee in this way,ver:® the Civic League has been ens etables which cannot be dried by the| People S Vings Bank. to us.Can she get |method.i | |women to vote that other are ae eeSoe =ae‘narrow-minded?I think not.I don’t fruits and vegetabies waicn have|think,with all of our talk,any Of }een dried heretofore nave a vastly| “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.”ee am ene tee Be ey ce The Maxwell is the greatest car for GEO.H.BROWN -President.The country people do not have ods.A new bulletin has just been family use,las good a chance to be well educated jccued which describes is new 0.L.TURNER *Cashier.es others.Our teachers are not COM-method of eva and whichpelledtoteachanyhigherthanthecanbesecuredfromthehomedem-—because it is handsome and com- P seventh grade,and how many bright onstration agents or from Mrs.Jane fortable mee ee girls and beys.get to the seventh §McKimmon head of Home Demon-,<a a wat paneae Soy coe stration Work,Raleigh,N.C.5 little only$6to $8 “FREE”ce é of them are —e—E—E |—costs to run;to a o stop when they get to the seventh The British transport Camerorian,rrade.Yes,they couldfo collage witha smell wember of troops a month,thousands of Maxwell owners AT i if they had the money.The teachers board,was and sunk by an Br in town teach up to the eleventh enemy ——in the eastern report, Halls Store,to every man one grade.The parent,clans of people Mediterranean on June 2.Sixty-three .of s m im in town can #re ren persons,including the in of the —and a highly effi-:‘ they are throvgh the eleventh grade.¢‘Baten gag :developed, Sanitary They ‘oe higher taxes than we do.roe orca ——cient machine which will give good Sharpe i Their schools are nine whilei for many years. .the best of the country schools are AL],CHILDREN LOVE “SYR-|serviceSafetyRazor.only six months.We have specialTheIdealArmyRazor¥BD cchool tax Put still we are not get-UP OF FIGS”FORLIVER‘ The E 7 iB ting much good out of that.Looks ANDBOWELS!|. e Economical Home Razor.like some of the brond-minded coun-.—eae |Car cen try people would do something to Give It When Feverish,Cross,' 'po $y $heln remedy such things.Who makes JBilious,For Bad Breath or, The Strictly Guaranteed Razor.Bisuch laws?I think I could answer SourStomach!| ome and get yours.J that question.L Roadster 650HfIdonotbelongtotheRedCrossLookatthetongue,Mother!If *@ ©s |«coated,it is a sure that rHALL’S DRUG STORE,|am roing to try be helpthe sonite little one’s Sea ae toe AllPrices F.0.B.Detroit ¥'e Phone No.20.oo >ne with the town,lations e -_.:om thorough,cleans-| 't in the great work.e can.ee :|——ep'ty stayne’at homeand eine’,When peciescst lon,rae cca ete |;we co not care to go 5 =|‘ tthe fekl thereang other things we,Breads fed;has eeomach-eche,‘sore otuednttatantetinaants |an to prov or unfortun-;a . ,“a ones.If we are working for throat,diarrhoea,full or cord,give a curselves because things are going rene of “California Syrup q fi # to be high,we are doing good,be-.”and in a few hours all the eause that will help reduce prices.constipated waste,undigestedLetmesayinconclusion,it is to and sour bile gently moves out|‘g ‘be hoped the broad-minded country Of its little bowels without gripin,|aloegettapetherandokifandyouhavea_well,siesta child|Ed.G.White Motor Company,A they cannot help us.If we are so :4 unfortunate as to be narrow-mind-You needn’t coax sick children to)Broat reet Statesv ,Ge ‘_ ar not only cettietos but help us take this harmless “fruit laxative 3!East St ,ille,N C S 4 overcome our faults.they love its delicious taste and it al- ,NEEL.|Ways makes them feel splendid.MRS.A.Y.NEE!Rok nr ume it a ee HE chief reason for the superiority of our [Demonstration Clubs at Amity bottle of “California Syrup ot Figs.”: :a i *whic!s directions for babies,chil-$ beverages is the fact that they are made |a ee a —dren ie ell ages and for grown-ups 3 deuyre "2 °c mt..,se aemen-nly ,,.war o ee ae eee of absolutely pare ms rredicnt:.Ja using our stration and tomato clubs of Amity Sonia eat eat To ae products,therefore,yo.know that they arc safe as well as refreshtiny.Every bottle is delightiully and tin cans;also fireless cooker with contempt. carbonated.and iceless refrigerator will be =———-.os a shown.The public :s cordially in-SALE OF LAND.|—AT |will meet at the school house next get the genuine,ask to sce that Tuesday,26th.at 10 o’cloek,to dem-.made by “California Fig Syru onstrate canning both in glass jars Company.”efuse any other kit We can give ;ou most any flavor desired,in-,°,:vited to come prepared to spend the “Vor CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.UcludingHires.We are the exclusive bottlers iday.Whether vou are a member or)“Under and by virtue of the order of the not,come and bring lunch and help Superior Court of Iredell county,in the spe.THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS ofthis verypopular beverage,justly famous for to make the day a success by learn-tin!ing therein pending entitled,“J.P, ing what Miss Henkel,the home on e ee aw wil aedemonstrationagent,has to demon-MONDAY,JULY 16,1915, strate to us.This itl be doubly in-at 12 o'clock,at the court house door of Tre-its extreme purity.It is made direct from the ices of roots,barks,herbs and berries.eae ae teresting because”we |will not only.Sa!SAR!au iin,SoehOrderacaseforhomeuse.hear about things being done but|fier tend:Ling and being in New Mope will do the real work right there.township of the aforesaid State and Eed.ieSTATESVILLEMINTCOLABOTTLINGCO.Persona having things they wish to and beginning a pin iHices wel.;.‘.*corner;ence south L2 degrees wew PHONE 82 ”ean will please bring them and have|128 poles to @ white oak,Fox «corner:thence them eanned.i south 25 degrees enst 14 poles to a stone, Mrs.M.F.Albright,who has been)Fox's corner;thence south 66 1-2 decrees east isiti ri ,204 poles to a gum,Fox aad Shoemaker's cor-:3 ry re .',yr , oe or a.—-ner;thence south 13 1-2 degrees enst 40 poles sERV KE])I I I kK QL A LIT Y W AY e ten days,return o me 8 et «chestnut oak,J.P.Williams’corner;Waynesville Monday,taking with)thence north 69 1-2 desrees west 62 poles to a her her mother,Mrs.G.M.Morrow,ge *Pr.brhamgar ee nc Fe ’ to spend a few months in the moun-|+ee ee St t ll D :C tains.Little Miss Dorcas Goodman |Bene SS Rees ee a esvl e rug omp y is spending a few days with her!poles to a stone:thence north 85 derrees east Gooc 124 poles to a i tump,L.J,Williams’ grandmother,Mrs.J.T.Ge Iman.|corner ;thencevneeeh "ye hac west 100 AN Every goodcitizen at this time shoulddohissharetowardthe —The Rexall Store.— Statesville,R-3,J 20 —Th :. |buze of the reaper aw heard ‘|Some Red Cedar Shingles,POOTOTAETTITT OTPTE? all directions,as it is busy taking)Bought at the old prices still on D ”a |poles to the beginning,containing 141 acres,Wheat Harvest —Sick Folks.;more or less.D.+.MAYBERRY, dune 15—-4tw.Commissioner. :J j ,="welcome fucst tothe farmer ae veil hand.Also,Nail,RidesRoll,Vol ~—--s -THE STATESVILLEjastothetownspeople.Wheat is very|and jgood in thegrainbutitis thin on|Green Shingle Stain.|SPEER Gh Cet ne m a_REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANYwell,but is im meed of rari,Cotton|pape oe |Sapesstates the very liberal of its and policyholders,both NEW and OLD. Ouroffice is an openone,and we invite all our is ver ?.|"Thereisa lot of sickness abgut «|!Dir,S.W.Hoffmann. jthis time.Many EE are alfect-Physiciaoecaeor9&m.to 12.80p|complai t.Mr.Hen Lip-Se otetaepeed in Ok wg aia ty vie.customers and those who will becomecustomers ‘David Clodfelter was operated on Feireet oso to usethesame when theysodesire.As in the for appendicitis last Saturday and is i ,0 report |—past,‘Sie Stee Bresshge,whe nee Ameh Longleaf Pine Shingles HIGH GRADE SERVICE beeninschoolat Due West,8.;th |and is at r.hooneTanieicis is more decay-resistant than ii i be ¢ e iiii f ! g i:F | 4 ;‘Mage MR ee ~|ae ¥vim why’ee ap ON’Cote be oun,Vir WMH clk ee I i amgee a tor The Landmark.:es Ad aeora,bev ”Scan .= set totea ee wo boye * |Holmes ofhewouldsugesttothealdermenfondantandRoland Arthurs of near that water be furnished free for fire Qo walt was plaintiff,The case was i } tien to business houses that °°.oo he let .to his Dur boys ave bownd te cron the sea Goal instal!automatic sprinklers.‘smisted wae Canygee -™a Mrs.J.H.Pressly And they ll need the tenderentcare :'foil f plaintiff?s a minor and cou reives an interesting z cnor nae On this point the following from bring an aetien.oe a Bl ne tens cree .‘ the publicity department of the “Wile the ease was not developed,Pent erence rive your name apoE a State Insurance Department is of a :j Oglethorpe.The occasion rabt dollar pute #1 j ;it is understood that a few years 480 iho departure of several For >year:for twenty-live you shareinterest:North Carol Mr.Holmes let Arthurs have a bird oo,assigned to other A lifetime's slory-—gou Know the Red Crome Muny cities in Nort ;Carona,ioe to keep through one season,tee omer ah of 7 beanies Story j which own the water —stem without cost to either party,and re-tail = eeeonal enh tunel How they ov,we Pe treeline | ~j ave de oT of oe ©e nd bring the yours mine Se donee write for gy installa iurn same t6 Mr.Holmes.The dog “We part in Chickamauga to ou nnd wive them semtlewt,care, and women of old Iredell!our partla«i.thousand dollars for a start.He sure and send it im by Sunday Por it must go by MondayTothefromt. tion of automatic sprinkler systems =bos —ir’Hotes |@ Berlin.The engineers go in business houses and stores.This "pacers ~oe eit with a writ pick the way;the artillery is un example that others will do ueen e Archers boy sued|Dlaze the be ey the awellt»follow.If every store in the yy pioimes for the keep of the dog lows to hold the way. } “.ry .’i by 3 God yrant we havei€ready cy busiae section of a city was equip.+the rate of $1 per month.As a io an yoy odnated |For our boys,8 brave and steady,| ped with a sprinkler system it would co uiter claim Mr.Holmes claimed Oaring “oars,8)Go tw feht for the rightbeamichtyhardmatterforacon-“'\,or being without the use of the shout by a a mass of khaki-elad “),.°\).trenches over sea!oo oe -reat t we -av .—'e vay ”fi |inn n 7 .fla rrati to get headway in that doy and further damage on the nen,says the newspaper report Min jason, city tung Se ee om rose.’Regretful parting of successful |WLD —anemeian aa “As for the -city furnishing the |und that she had cay TB students was softened by a buoyant |ee OTGece teebred.aioe 3 - free wate ipply,it is atm econom!Mr.H.P.Grier represented Mr.znticipation of a coming ure |;.in :filed with y United tesealthingforthemunicipality.The .Gree >from America for the fie of |leateruscdbvAAmikcmeaticspeinkHolmesandMr.A.LL.Starr of mighty eonftict,where skill and lat.Court Clerk J.Gill declaration of >Mooresville ‘epresented Mr.Ar-:pg is intention becomean nlersystemwouldbeinnearlyalleereavillTepesre:nt valgp and —efficiency would |be te nee yu a born May 1,1882-}3 Ze hurs.li ity to assert them-citizen.e was y i,, cases considerably less than the Emma Alexander,colored.and sot riven oe :‘‘at (lee Hill,Shropshire,England,am:ad »fire departme BDAal tehiiaty ,ui ives,”is another statement.ae. in fighting a one i epained 2 Lynn Alexander,rged 10 or 11 e Majer McCleave,wham.training|md srrived in »_Miese.,Ac-sn fighting a fire after it had gained voors,are in juil mn default of $100 |idents idolize as the idegh|gust '6.1012.His declaration washendway.The saving to store fix amp student:fh |filed Wednesday. tures and steck from damage by fire ond each for ther appearance 10 Vivesiecan soldier,having hitnself ertoanswt5;:.and water where a sprinkler system tiewer Seen a recruit and won his gold oak)\..+h Wilkesboro is working for Iredell Superior Court t :Ree a ene ee TerR nae Mere ete nee er eeMene eet re oe ae eeeOehvesoftny.he ay stole .*:.....= has been in use would pay the mer-CT#PF f is ay rm pte oe leaves after a brilliant record in the,the location of a silk mill to employ a =— chant or other property-owner —for m the home of Mr BR.1.Sloan #200 Ctigted ranks and lower commmis-/o),,.:100 women and ren the installation of the sprinkler ays.("C284:a scold watch and Indy s silver Joned erades,delivered the first ad-| tem.purse,When they got ofter the boy Gress,He told the men that they;YES!LIFT A tems in a fire”district generally “Were hidden in the woods efficiency.They were material for| would soon bring about a considera.€t tock charge of the money and spent a victorious campaign,he said,‘but |Cincinnati Authority Tells How ble reduction in the insurance rates,all but about $8.Later the boy stole if we meet disaster,we will meet it)D U C CalItwillbeadayofadvancementinfromhismotherpartoftheremain.standing up with our boots on.’i to ry Pp a Corn or Cal- North Carolina)when municipalities dev and went to the country to spend “It was one of the happiest as-|lus So It Lifts Of With ean reach a satisfactorv ordinance &few days.H >was arrested Wed-signments in his military career)Fingers!requiring the installation of auto-nesday might and brought back tc!when he was sent to the South,the)...corn-pyetered men and women|matic sprinklers within the fire dis.town for trial The court considers senior instructor told the —you!need suffer no longer.Wear the shoes r “The installation of sprinkler sve-De told his mother where the articles should achieve success by honor andfigsratallstion.of sprinkler w article:should achieve success OFF WITHOUT PAIN! What improves the appearance of a ne %ay Ne!\balanced !0 2 on >>aus ni 1 t iEeeEmmamentallyunbalancedaidnotmen.“The South has|furnishes thar nearly killed you before,says place from the street more than anEnglish&d the D sponsible for her actions.many of the finest soldiers in wane this Cincinnati authority,because a Hglish Sparrow an e Dogs Tuesday Mayor Brisso:taxed John world and we look to you to uphold)fey drops of freezone applied direct-i Destroy Foodstuffs.Ro Me sri with the cost he ex-the adit the South and the jy 6»2 tende:,aching corn or callus,one little thing?A nice,well kept y e ides »further co:ecling the autamobile speed)himit.Southern soldier stops soreness at once and soon the Pdi le ager Pee rece ke cunt Roy MeLelland,colored,charged “The training camp rlee elub|gon or hardened callus loosens so it lawn,of course.The best way to is made,and ia well-taken,that “UP Uriving @ buggy too fast ous of sang ‘Are You From Dixie’@ can be lifted out,root and all,with- English sparrows |are ~consumi!e alley,and Clayton Perry,white,Eleventh cavalry band played @m-|gat pain.have yourlawn this way is to get too much and cats and dogs are de urged with exceeding the automo-other section of its concert of part-A small bottle of freezone cost very stroying too much.One suburban speed limit,were discharged.ing airs,The mandotin cub played jittle at any drug store,but will pos-one of our Mowers and exercise it farmer estimates that his wheat Bue Poca Hie Campell color’anil wan sncored:f j itively take co =anstimatesaVBeinseforethemayoryesterdsfor“Col.Sloe he commanding of-ry oor callus,is should be trie.has be amec —t 'e the may ’Ly Col.Slocum,th co!roca j 1 :icrophasheendamagedtotheextentVO".yefore the may’hee ae a Garin epoca Crewpanalve umn @ sek wee about once a week,and you will be of 100)bushels by the aforesaid *::Mee ranean yere eeeunctncs Ave laring that the occasion was ‘full of ¢irritate the surrounding skin. rely Babs oleae eux hae been THE BOY SCOUTS AT WORK gany regrets’to him.‘The last)If your druggist hasn't any free- depredated by the Pemetccw il Added o 43 pina .f month has taught me much about.zone cell him to get a small bottle foreethielsthedammaesdonetopar.the Red)Cross —List)of jaw America feels in the war,’he!you from his wholesale drug house. Contributors.enid.‘You have gene at the game,Jt is tine stuff and acts like a charm,dens by these pesky,good-for-noth M Ahh ing sparrows.The writer is a friend The Boy Scouts,whe did fire work like you are determined to win.You|every time. to the feathered tribe as a whole,for the Liberty bonds,are at work this have shown vourselves to be gentle-— bat had he all the English sparrows week for the Red Cre They have men,and it has been with gratifiea-j in the United States under a plank,a tert on the court house lawn for ‘fn that 1 heard in Chattanooga} with a weight of unlimited weight headquarters,DVersens who will co meetings and clubs how they speak:f vou as gentlemen.Goodhyg and surprised to see the difference.Let us show YOU to THEM. Iredell Hardware Co. suspended above,he could cut the tribute need not wart fer canvasser ; string and crush them all without so to call.Contributions may be piven t —luck .id the @ much as batting an eye.They are the Boy Seouts or sent to either Mes ‘There were o0-odd men in the as-——_— outlaws of the worst sort and de-Ho Pp.Grier,presidenc of the local or @MmPty ~_—,Bee —P.S.We have three grades of Pine serve to die.vanization,or Mrs.KR.G..Gilmer,Rares of regre at they had beeWhatwouldbetheharm,arvhow.treasurer liminated from further efforts to Shingles and we can sell them cheap. in suspendirg all laws for a seaso Blow leotcut the canter ialify for leadership.Students dis- and waging relentless warfare on qora at the meecnu held ‘harged by the surgeons and elimi _ Mr.Sparrow?)Rid of him and gar send Oru .,‘ation board spent their last nurht dacee could be carricd or with The Meine cerbed:S100.1 the camp.‘Of ali the _men who i?P 9 r :2 More satis‘action.©Stecle &Sons have come before my desk fer final n §es0 Then there is the worthless,suck Subscribed $255 Mr.ant M 7.action on their discharges from this egg dog.who feeds *-0m his owners EO Bowles,Lo B Bristol.C.Wat —camp,not one has shown himself a ea f s mm or neighbor's hen nest The dog Mr (:Watkins She riff and Mrs.quitter,and it is with bitter regret |, knows no better but his owner does \pop Alexander,Mrs.Fo A.Sher.[oat we told them to go,’Col.Slo und should be held responsible for jj Wm.Wallace,Mra.Wm.Wale Um seid tt his speech the damage the dog aor ihe SaMe ace,Geo.H Rrown,JIuOM Elwes af rom surplus funds in the mes as to prowling cats and chickens,ap ee ae :eee an ‘ation.derived from eco H if |BF.Long,Mrs.BE.Bo Watts,use of profits from the cam)a —>es We suggest the follow cows,ete--anythine that pres Cot Pout Herm:oa)nomicsf;aston erman Wallace,Mrs.,..°one’s neighbors.2 :yy P :xchanve,a farewell feast was ¢RS ee A tn the 2A em wearing apparel,which 2k ’:»Sloan and daughte zcn)orkers el Lally +:,meHome—Mission Committee jini ‘Street,Methodist church,lates for commissions.The me aid much in making youfeelmuchmorecomfortable during these long hot Sum- mer days. “=Sailor straws,Leghorns and Meets—Church News.Sin-xeribed 1D.-G iL French,wiles were spre ad with roast tur ° ey with oyster dressing,cranber rice mashed potatoes,crear lery.grapefruit salad,cal ream,iced soft drink cigarettes.” In the War Zone. Routine business was transacted Mrs.Derman Thompson,TOON.Mh Miwee,W.A.Sample Subscribed S10.Mr Joa.Fowle Mrs.J.¢ at a meeting at the First Prestyte- rian church yesterday of the home mission committee of Concord Pres bytery.Superintendent J.M.Clarkwasauthorizedtoarrangeforsery J,H.Pressly,Boy S 1)Thompson,Mr i ‘es ve hel ee he .Dr.Chas.Anderson,M :Ricetobeheldduringthesummeral.ae ‘:ivnneh whine trontain keance Panamas Hats. at .Brawley's school house,—four é ri lar RoW ratich if Field Mershal Haat ~miles west of Mooresville,nd in-,sul ritvest ¥’Jame Re ',ues ee «ee :.he ,“.j * Sehtieate ihe ‘ad:ae te ;hs nior Boy Si outs Di f.DD Matt have recaptured oot position CAS .E Eclipse Soft Cuff Shirts, lishinga church there.Dr.Byron Thempyon,F.C.Fowler,dr AL.ny the Geemans east of Arras.wh ie Clarke of Salish ny saan i Piel Salley,FoR.Stanley,EH.Ro Barch,Germans in the ¢hampas ue fi $1,00,$1.50,$2.00,$2.50 to see that Franklin church,Rowan >a oy ’;Bary en.ed ig fos theid an Fi hh [!and$3.00. county,have serviees until the fall 7 W.M.Barringer,M Mattie <ah iM meeting of Presbytery Thomas,M Mir ‘Morrison,Pr hitich vain west a le {).. Those here for the meeting were us h Mi dt ;Carlt J Mi mp a le Preux,whe POG NICS e .*Rev.Dr.M.Richards,Davideon;Willer,Mises Ruth and Ray Gill Germans under cover of a viol at ben B.V.D.Underwear,Union or two piece Suits,at $1.00.R Subseribed x2 0M Halle M ment dreve back the BritishHeMEhautetar2Ryayaleeneegseeetamtte Shaw Knit Hosiery,isles,25 and 35 cents %pair, ee arene eR ih |ieeey Nailer.Solu kyon acd Moulin ae faitas Silk’s 50 cents.Soft Collars and Wash Ties, ten ind Z \Turlington, River;Messrs,Isaac)Avery,Mer)Chek,Lou Howie,Perey Anders Vette river and Moulin de af 1)tales $10,Sige Wallace S10,Ga Deiat front of about two-tt mat moa stre Thy Ware,5 ding elder,1 eoand followed a violent be E COLariameannoureethatthedatePwoPagNumbersForAutos.ntot the French tne SHERRILL-WHITESHO ° fey he meeting of Statesvil 1"rt seca Chit ;Near Lens the Canadian .in oa tr i)t «he ‘has ae "oF ep “varomen ‘enon pesition held by the tr ° July VT to Tol dest Vise “e Pe ie “vhich was barring the way t Trimmed | i Cu ‘t |':Se Da 'vail city,reuted out the defend . loth t eur and fdrentofallPregrreer'iftl h vetured the trenct nndpremEwmaaaldathsamywees,!hem eh INGERSOL DOLLAR WATCIL | run ee Su les HT)hin ‘a a.“:|4 »regain the Halts |War price *1.35.See me if you are in needLeatenoffofanykindofaWatch.I can supply thatatoopom t ‘nume uppl ’\paige ots .: ;Summer School at Collece.eee from We the Agate ee i need.In stock,Hamilton,South Bend, ‘ee tach yd eperated in thie State ms?ee Tena are aba evel Waltham,Eigin,New York Standard, newts —|n eee Fer Reliance. wre an in !et es |HL B.WOODWARD Jeweler. hin!'eck _aes ee —_— :or :’,ee ES EL Admiral Sims’Promotion, Fenn e etanees,eka Ladies,_|Pay License Taxes ThisMot"CHOICE BEEF.ted to be 1 {nt nm Mts .Saeiie ates j ..;fick me.wel eu)ees to If you are liable for any of the Spe-|have just received a herd of _finethefiterm.which ,’1 -.eee ‘..m .. :the m bo tme ee aan Teg ee sah 1 a take eial License Taxes listed below,or for exttle,raised especially for the city ture progr fothe 4 It ere eee tom ae f a :tri h “aie License Taxes not listed,for the pe-)markets.'|Pets (Rican aval forces in Trish w 'riod beginning June 1,1917,and end-|This beef has always gone to Ralti- ing May 31,1918,you must settle more and Richmond for the high-/wericed th t)}'«:°:‘cleet if President \Ndmiral Soms will act in ti Mfewdays.\\while the British nacial co ISSES Miss Mos !wy be be Ree Unarlott rat ony .a Pe re \them during the month of June.Fail- elass trade,and 1 had to pay a high-Pic |"iorit.W harpe,Bariingte inder-in-chief is absent om hi ure to pay same before July 1 means’class ice to get it.you GET fT, 'he post for a period,the —official |;y ¢pr *OR Re Mat Hf 'i ,Pouneement in London of Hie an that you will have to pay an added OUGH,AT THE PRICE or etal vear:|eto teaene a ae an pee ee pointment explains The hone '5 '|20 per cent.Save yourself this extra DINARY BEEF!ee ee tne,As ti sucietary andreas:imiral’s.flag.has been hoisted —¢and ‘expense and further trouble by set-|You'll find it better than Western'Vous Charlotle-oxecu als f 8 be ed ou The nd altogether mos . Graduate Nurses at the State ~4 1 cat ‘harlotte he allied senior officer in these wa —==tpaewe”Selanelnat|ts’sotoa ate.the Hospital.1 Wo Lathe,Wilmington,Wo E Webb,SP ‘are subjects liable for License Taxes:"Phone No.46 and your order will be Twelv mine !J Markman,Klizabeth BELGIUM MUST BE RESTORED.|Amusement enterprises,Architects,Attor-|promptly delivered.ae ted gpapentad from the te euree F Stronach,Wier In greeting Belgium's war missior Children.|$iitaed "cee Pest fulton,“Weerding ‘Been|R.O.HARBIN.€rraduatec 0 Py y ’Yi ’. |‘.rom th dent Wilson expressed)Ameri |Saree,te Cee Sie Ser week.eoeceeins &: School For Nurses the ros ;.Preore.o —orn I ro {Damage in Watauga.oa's “solemn detemmination that on y are:"Ah wre rel !i the inevitable day of victory Bel-:.ng frost fell on the west side gium shall be restored to the place me LL.Sharpe,Mies Elia ..:iu ;e place nol Iredell count Mi f the Ridge Sunday morning and che has so richly woh among theSetecr+ot :@ iss the Wataura bean «rop is practical-self-res rting =and respected nay+2 a -UTigg ly cut to nothing.The potato crop tiens of the earth.” nay?for cix month or lees in the yewr;Chire- {:Mise Eola Suddreth also 5a’also greatly damaged,but it is The Belgian war mission,haviiWwMissresthegeneralbeliefthatthiscropwillexpressedtoAmericanofficialsBel.|&POSTON.ii on en "rome out and make about an aver-wium’s gratitude for what this coun- i gg gi eld after all try has done for her stricken people,s a.si Rather!-(Another report says many la regards its work in America asSiansineVouor:Stra,ak a "eS Tes sess sesretn te;ris oyed;tha as well as frost|seck men,mo for ships,nor.\Was plentiful).ipive advice.7 ‘ore a “7 hea".. everyState in the forthefirstofthetroupetthe arsao. ce”peas “in Wyoming tions for the ex,show atotalregistrationof|-proven will beshort2,or 95.9 per cent.of the .Officials have notbureau’s estimates,allowance|the gion to be followed,but the ma-heing made for missing _territory.The apparent shortage,about 413,-000,is considerably less than thenumberofmen21to30yearsofage,inclusive,who are estimated bytheWarDepartmenttohavebeeninthevariousbranchesofthemili-tary and naval services of the chinery for the exemption beards,both local and review,cam be put in-to operation on July 1,it is stated,Brigadier General Crowder,whoworkedouttheplansforbethregis-tration and selection,foresees nomorecomplicationswiththeselec-tion and exemption machinery thanUnitedStatesonJune5,and for|was experienced wtih —registration.that reason exempt from the re-|Secretary Baker and his advisersirementofregistration.This num-proenely have ven assurance her is 600,000.On the face of thesefigures,therefore,it appears thatthenumberofmenbetweentheagesof21and31intheUnitedStatesis slightiv in excess of the number és-timated by the census bureau onMay12—10,079,000, ‘Of the 9,650,382 registrants re- ported,7,347,794 are white citizens; 953,299 are colored citizens;1,299,865areunnaturalizedforeignersfromcountriesotherthanGermany;111,-823 are unnaturalized German,in-eluding “declarants,”that is,per- sons having declared their intention to become citizens but not havingreceivedtheirfinalnaturalizationpapers;and 6,001 are Indians.TheregistrarswereinstructedbytheWarDepartmenttoinclude’with white citizens all ,eclarants fromcountrieswithwhiehtheUnitedStateswasnotatwar,but a com- parison of the registration fimrures with the reports of the vensus bu- resu and the bureaus of immigra- tion and naturalization indicatesthatmostofthédeclarentsregister-ed as aliens. “There is nothing in the returns to indicate that these has been anygeneralattemptat-vasion of regis- tration by any important element ofthevepulation.In -*vew States the registration was far below the esti- mates,but this shortage was offset by registration in excess of the ex-pectation in other Stetes.Only a few States have enumerated their inhab- itants since the cenuus of 1910,sothatthecensusbureauhadfewre- liable data as te the abnormalshiftingsofpopulationwhichhavetakenplacebetweencertainpartsofthecountryinrecentyears,and particularly since the outbreak of the war gave so great an impetus to the manufacture of munitions ond other commodities needed by thehellirerents.The manu‘acturing in- dustries thus affected are located mainly in the Ner.neastern States, and as a result the population of these States hos in-reased with ab . normal rapiaity at the expense of|yeainst the povernment in connec- other parts of the country.Further-|‘ion with the draft registration —in decreases |Iredell, that the selection system will be sofairthattherewouldbenogroundforfearsthatanymanwillbefavor-ed by reason of poiitical or otherrelations.In order that neighbor-hood knowledge of a man’s workandhisdependentsmightaidinthetaskofsendingtothefrontmenwhocanbesparedathome,the countryundoubtedlywillbehighlysub-divid-ed and the exemption districts be small,Regulations for drafting the new nattional army,now awaiting Presi-dent Wilson's approval,contained pro- visions for every step in the great un-dertaking except the actual draft it- self.No official announcement has beenmadeandofficialco:mrmation is be-ing withheld,but it is accepted ar true that the Federal government will do the drafting in Washington sethattherewillbenoopportunityfor political preferment or local favorit- ism. As it stands now every registered man now bears a number.The numbers will be forwarded to Wash- ington and the bearers will be se- lected by number.That can be es- tablished only by comparing the num-ber with a printed list ‘in the man’s home distriet.As the numbers are drawn they will be telegraphed to the home district where the regis- tered men will learn that they haveheendrafted.If a man is exempted, the man bearing the number which is drawn next in order will take his place and so on.In this way al!available for serv- ice out of the 10,000,000 will be readyforthecountry’s call and of this will be assembled 625,000.‘The oth-ers will be called as needed. Plenty of time will be riven for the men to arrange their personal affairs before being sent to cantonment camps about September 1. No Bills Filed in Iredell. Se far no bills heve been filed more,the inereases and There was ©vast amount have been very largely in the very |of work done but it ‘vas practically class covered by the —registration ill by volunteers,who made no ‘harge for the service. In many counties of the State the ame consitions prevail.The reg’s-trars were entitled to $4 per day.In Buncombe county only ene registrar men but 9 have been discharged as)asked for his $4,but patriotic citi- disqualified,leaving the company’s |zens contributed the araount rather strength 142.The war strength is/(han have the geverrment pay dt, 150 and Capt.Westmoreland is anx-|and the criticism was so stroryr that ious to secure more than that number.jiho registrar withdrew the claim. to make sure that his company will This is an unusual but encourag- have full strength.ing condition.Usually the man who Adjutant Royster has wired Capt |works for the government wants nay Westmoreland that enlistment in the}and more pay than he could get for National Guard up to and ineluding|simiiar work in private employ. the 20th of this month—next Satur-]While the conditions described —ob- day —will ve deducted from the;tained in many counties,in others State’s quota under the draft act.|ihe charge for copying revistration The adjutant general urges Capt.)cards was unreasonable,says A.L. Westmoreland to make every effort)letcher of Raleigh,the disbursing to secure recruits and to gei citizens officer,The excessive charges will interested,net be allawed, Statesville and Treaeil people should . take an interest in this Soaee It is |Killed By Lightning. not only a matter of local pride to see News was:received here yesterday the company at full strength,but that Mr.’ there are many advantages to the re-|lin township,was killed by light- cruits in the home companies,where|'''s Sunday at Ammons,Va,where that im men between the ages of 21 and 3. Recruits Wanted For Blues. The Iredell Blues had enlisted 151 |iwi ;—”1 *“ttheyserveunderhomemenandunderjhehadbeenlivingsincethefirstof the name of North Carolina.the year.His remains will be interredinNewHopetownship,—thir Members Exemption Board.|ounty.Mr.Shaver is survived by his pa- Mr.and Mrs.John Shaver ofHopetownship,his wife andbrothersand—sisters. received yesterday The Landmark was advised —yes- terday that Dr.W.G.Nicholson of|SOUts. Harmony had been rotified by Gov.|NewBickettthathehadbeenappointed|children and a member of the exemption board!The messageforIredell-the board that will pass,“8°details.on the claims of those who ask for|ae ;: exemption under the draft act.|Run Over By Automobile. Dr.Ross McElwee,county physi-|.The littl son of Mr.and Mrs.G. cian,has also been appointed a mem-|E.Hughey was ran dewn by an autoberoftheboard.Who the third!mobile driven by Mr,Cicero Lackey. member of the board will be could not |Saturday afternoon,as the little boy he learned yesterday.Who was!#*crossing the Wilkesboro road,consulted about the appointments |i"front of his home in north States in Ivedell or who made the|Ville.The child received bruises but was not seriously hurt.As he was we |crossing the road some one called himmuanetBeeLeesseandhestopped,the automobile knockGOTSUBMARINE._.ling him down and passing completelyOfficersofaBritis:steamer which)over him.His escape from seriousarrivedinanAtlanticportyester-|injury was miraculous.day reported having svnk an attack-iaiilienincnsingGermansubmarine.The mer-»EMBARGO COUNCIL.chantman sert a shell into the Ger-|py executive order yesterday the export embar-man’s magazine,ceusine an explos-|president erested an 'Ni go council to administer the export recommendations to the Governor, ion and splicting the submersible rae.vas British steamer was not|@mbarge provisions «”the espion- "a - vn *...{ The submarine was five miles dis-|82 act.By the administration =-ape : when the |unr were through this councitantendrunningawayah“te a nn ake oun enet was Gree.\soue for the ee prosecution LYNCHINGS.of the war,and also to prevent sup- At Galveston,Texas,yesterday |Plies reaching Germany throuth neutrals,morning,a negro charged with at-ae =TO CURTAIN,MAIL SERVICE .Son white woman was taken David Shaver,formerly of} ———— O.,TUESDAY,JUNE 26,1917. The cases of the United States vs.James Jones and Stokes Jones forconspiringtopreventEliasLouisJonesfromregi:(the draft act,and Hobart E.Meforfailuretoregisterunder ne,eame before United StatessionerLazenbySaturday for ‘ing.The Jo-eses waived examina- tion and gave $300 Lond each to ap-pear in Federal court in October.After hearing the case againstHoupeCogvmissionerLazenbydiaymissedit.The only evidence intfo-duced by the court to show that he wes 21 years old war the factheregisteredanivotedintheelectionof1916.His mother,-mother and others testifiedwasnot21yearsold.iiis mothertestifiedthatshehedtoldhimhewas21yearsoldlastfallandthatheregisteredandvotedonhersayseo.Same time after the election it Wasnointedouttoherbynermother,Mrs.Harmon,that he was not 21. Reference to the Bible record bore this out.Hobart E.‘Houpe is a son of MrFrankW.A.Houpe of Bethany andnotofJ.Fravk Houne,as previous- ly stated in The Lardmark.Elias and Louis Jones,the two Ea- vle Mills fellows,it is allered,JamesandStokesJonesinfluencednottoregister,but who registered later,have given $100 bond each to appearattheOctobertermofFederalcourtandanswerYertheindictment.District Attorney W.C.Hammer was here <o represent the govern- ment in the case against James and Stokes Jones and Mr.Z.V.Long - resented the defendarts Messrs.D.L.Raymer and R.T.Weatherman represented Houpe.It was charged by some that Dep-uty Sheriff Rural Johnson of Un-ion Grove township was of age torezisteranddidnotregister.TovindicatehimselfJohnsonappeared yesterday before the reg{strationboardandproducedrecordsandwitnessesthatestablishedbeyond‘oubt that he is more than 31 years old.THE CHAUTAUQUAIS ON. First Attractions Yesterday— Those to Follow. Chautauqua opened yesterday af- ternoon under a big tent erected onthelotnextthePeople’s Loan and Savings Bank,on Center —strect.Mr.Hunt Cook,superintendent oftheChautauqua,made a brief ad- dress on the subjeet,“The Art of Living.”There are two ways ofliving--from without in’and from within out.We can increase the in- tensity of living by developing the five senses. Speaking of the work of |theChautauqua,Mr.Cook said,“Ourmottois,to do the greatest yood to the e@reatest number.”The Chau-tauqua programme presented this vear,he said,was the best pro-zramme he had known in his thir- teen years as Chautauqua superin-tendent.There are no apologies forthepresentattionoftheprogramme in these war times,said Mr.CookForhasnotPresidentWilsonsaid there was nothing more important than wholesome recreation.The Me-Kinnie Operatic Company presented an enjovable programme following Mr.Cook's talk. Last evening the first number was by the McKinne Operatic Company,which was vcry good for those who understand music.The event of the evening was the illustrated lec ure, “The Great European War,”hv Pe-cer MacQueen.It was fine.Noth- ine during the Chautavqua will be Letter, Noted violinist this afternoon andevening.Dr.Carolyn E.Geisel,scheduled for this afternoon,will not be here on aceount of —illness.Instend Mr.Hunt Cook will talk bout the Boy Scouts and theScoutswilldosomestunts,Paul Floming,magician,this 9 evening. Lecture by superintendent and con-cert by Garland -Eekhoff -JordanCo.tomorrow afternoon,Concert by the same company tomorrow ¢\«-ning and Frank Dixon,who will talk“Uncle Sem,M.D.,”the sume evening.Lecture superintendent and concert by Te HomesteadQuartetThursdayafternoon,and ‘The Old Homestead,”“the groutAmericanplay,Thursday evenin: Tried to Put Out His Eves. dack Mitehell,a white ma of shout 52 years,whose heme is in the Jennings community,Was placed in jail last week. Mitchell beeame insane =several weeks ago.The sight of bis civht eye has been destroyed,and,accor! ing to reports,he put Paris green and lime in his eye.Breeding over the war is believed to have cau odMr.Mitchell to lose hie mihd liehesawifeandtwosmallchildre: Mitchell was later taken from 9! to Billingley hospital for treatm:|He was improved by the treatmentandDr.McElwee decided yesterdaytosendhimhome.The man was greatly worried by the probatilit:of having to go to the war and when assured he would probably be «.empted he seemed to be relicvde PLAYED SAFE.Officers were advised yesterdayafternoonthatanautoloadofbooze was coming in ftom the back coun wwerefailed,+ from by a amall party of men;Pat between Statesville anditry.They found the auto and some“1 near,i ow its.Taylorav :—eS ie booze,but when it was rt oned.was a ening monteyOfficersnearCleveland,Fila.,Ticcntione postal service on the within Fg ‘aw.was toe oonatedCe.ar-\daslogtite"st from =<to}foron a =women claimed;§on a a urns |a re thus minions of the«ite e othe ‘morning.in “ he|th: THE RED Good sFrom the SundayintheCounty. The results of the Cross meet- i in the county y were vereratifying,all things considered.The notice was short ond for this rea-son the attendance was not as ~~as it would have been otherwise.In|seme places there was disappointment,too,on account of speakers expected ‘failing to attend,but on the whole{the attendance and the contributions,and especially the interest manifest-jed.were wy tifying.The people in the rura Ret-icts ve the Cross work at heart and are ready tovoswerthecountry’s call in any workthatisneeded,whee given the oppor-tunity.Reports of the meetings so (far received are given below:Kev.C.E,Raynal,who presentedcauseoftheRedCrossatBeth- any school house Sunday afternoon,received $35,contributed by the fol- lowing: W.B.Crawford $10,Dr.E.A.Hall$1,Mrs.T.L,Adams $1,E.R.Me-Auley $2,C.M,Summers $5,J.W.Vickery $1,Mrs,G.A.Watts $1,Mrs.Geo.Merrison $2,Mrs.W.L.Dunlapanddaughter$5,Miss Julia Dunlap$1,Miss Mabel Summers $1,T.L.Adams $3,T.L.Sherrill $1,J.L. Holmes $1. By invitation Messrs.H.P.GrierandR.R.Clark presented the causeatSouthRiverchurch,also in Beth-any township,Sunday night,and thesubscriptionsamounredtoabout$18.This is a total of more than $50 forBethanytownship.But the Bethanyfolkswon't stop at that.Both attheschoolhouseandchurchmeet- ings committees were ngmed to can-vass the township and Rive others a chance to contribute. At Cool Spring academy there was a good meeting and brief addressesweremadebyRev.Messrs.TeagueandCampbellofthecommunityandR.R.Clark of Statesville.The con- tributions amounted to $28 and as itwasbyhatcollectionthelistofcon-tributers was not furnished.ThegoodpeopleofCoolSpring,as wellastheotherplacesvisited,were much in sympathy with the RedCrossandregrettedthattheshortnoticepreventedalargercrowdbe-ing present.An opportunity will be given others to contribute. At Seott's high school,in Concord township,Mr.H.P.Grier addressedagoodmeetinginbehalfoftheRedCrossandMr.Harlee Morrison ofthecommunityalsospokeinthesame behalf.The contribution aggregated$32.01.The people were much in- terested and had anticipated the meet- ing by arranging a programme.A canvass of the township will be madetoreachthosewhowerenotpres- ent.Mr.R.L.Morrison offered hiscarforthepurposeandMr.HarleeMorrisonandotherswillmakethe Canvass. At Harmony High School the meet- ing was addressed by Hon,Wy,D.Turner and |r.T.E.Andersen of Statesville.The audience was small on account of service at the same hour at Clarksbury church,in the same township,but $35 in cash was contributed and the people asked the rivilege of making a canvass.Mrs. ».G.Gilmer of Statesville talked to the ladies in behalf of »Red Cross auxiliary and an auxiliary will be organized at Harmony soon At Union Grove schoo!house, Union Grove township,there was awoodmeeting,addrussed by Messrs.R.V.Tharpe and J.A.Hurtness of Statesville,and much interest was manifested.The cash contribution amounted to $26 and a committee was appointed to make a canvass, At Abernethy school house,in meeting anl steps were canvass the neighborhood taken to meeting contributed #5 The New Hope meeting was attendedbySheriffAiexanderandMr,D.F.)Mayberry o°and Mr.Mayberry ancWilliamsspoke.The Rev.Tilden contribution pointed to make a further canvass At the meeting at Olin $52 contributed, 5 was where regular services were held Sunday afternoon,a collection was taken for the Ked Cross which amounted to $4.95.Meeting at Loray.A meeting in the interest of theRedCrosswillbeheldatLoraySaturdayafternoon,the 30th. Local subseriptions to the RedCrovefund:N.B,Mills $25. Prof.Geo.W.Hahn,teacher,au-_of history of Catawba aecitizenofie’.died =.rf pdWasinhis77thYear. CROSS MEETINGS| THE BRIDGES TOO HIGH. —The publiciscordially invitedtoattendanicecreamsupperatUnionGroveSaturdaynight, ~Hot ard dry.The heat is need-ed for the crops ie feytruck¢are beginningforainmostlocalities.bieteawith the”Chaviolle.hoaptagdwiteaunit,which is ready for service in A joint meeting of the commission-ers of Catawba and Iredell countieswasheldatthecourthouseyesterdayforthepurposeofreceivingbidsfor the construction of a bridge acrosstheCatawbariveratIslandFord.Bids were submitted for a high-water All the bids were rejected and J. F.Hpliar and Osborne "ears of Ca-tawba county and W.C.Johnston andJ.T.Smith of Iredell county wereappointedacommitteetoconferwithownersofthethreeferricsacrossthe river,where bridges cre contemplatedandseeiftheferriescanbepurchased and at what price and at what cost may be obtained by magis- trates of the county. The Ed.White Motor ©,with offices in Statesville and has established a branch officeSalisbury.Mr.Ed.White is in chargeoftheSalisburyofficeforthepresent. —f.adies of Salem A.R.P.Churchthepresentownerswouldcontinueto}will serve refreshments Saturdayoperatethemasacontiuausservice|night,30th,on the lawn at the in the event the counties buy them.!of Mr.R.W.Neill,nearThiscommitteewillreportnextMon-|Public is omtry invited,day..a for benefit of church.This action is taken in view of the —Little Blanche Afactthatthecountieshaverotbeen|daughter of Sheriff and Mrs.M.P.able to secure a bid for bridge con-|alexander,ran a in ene ofstructionthattheyfeeltheycanstand.|her large toes.It was necessaryThosentforchemeetingwere|her to go to Gibson’s Sanatorium toM.ussrs.3.E.uae C.8S.Tomlin,J.}pave the needle removed.T.Smith and J.A.Brown of Iredell;|ony FrankJ.F.Hollar,J.8.Wilfong and Os-|printer’with the ae.borne Brown of Catawba.Mr.Hollar Company,has at Uemptedheseemedtoberelieved.States navy reeraiting’sation in Naming Exemption Boards.|Charlotte,He is weringacallintoservices.The War Department has askedGov.Bickett to recommend two Fed-eral district exemption beards foragvinginaw:workofpassingonclaimsofexemp-tion that were recorded in the selec-|tive draft registrations June 45,These boards will,it is wubeboardsofreviewofdecisionlocalboardsintheterritorycom-prising the Federal judicial districtsofeasternandwesternNorthCaro- lina.The Governor has already made|"eis8e eeeemai Kanthe Wieaaecountyexempt8.>ton,rlotte and Winston -Salemwillhaveboardsoftheirown,being|works,hascitiesof30,000 or more.Then rcountieshaveseparateboards.Rob-eson county is the only one in theStatepurelyruralthathastwoex-emption boards,the countyover70,000 population.The law re-'that he wants toquiresaboardforevery30,000.)ha,wonderedtoTheGreensboreandGuilfordhavemanypeoplethereure inboards,one at Greensboro,another|vio ure beyond 90 years :at High Point and tne other for the}in all who are beyond ageremainderofthecounty.please stand up and be counted? Train Load German Prisoners.|—Maj.R.L. Five hundred and fifty-six Ger-mans,prisoners of war,through Statesville about 9 o'clockFridaymorningontherrwaytothe:ing recruits thedetentioncampatHotSprings,in ure lanigan ‘western North Carolina.Pirhe pris-Guard.“Major Planivar 2 his bat-oners were aboard a special train of cation,10 cars.The men,some ofyoung,boyésh-looking fellows,oth-ers older,were a clean-tooking set.They had intelligent faces and goodphysiques.y -were plainlypleasedwiththeirtripandcuriousastothenewquarterswhichthey ~-Mr,James Carrigan ofliussuffereda9suddenattack Tinaenmnight‘sevilley.‘became ouadonlyGk and fell togroundinan will permanently oecupy until the He was removed to jcloseofthewar.One man,ad-|Pital,at which he is idressingabystanderinexcellentfined.His eo’is improved, English,inquired as te the natureofthecountryinwhichtheyweretobedetained.The prisoners were composed of naval officers,marinesandwirelesstelegraphoperators, Mr.J.M.MeKee returnedmorningfromBaltimore,wherehadbeenwithMrs.McKee,derwent an operation in Dr.§ Shiloh township,the attendance was small,but $13.08 wa contributed.|Mr.Dewey Raymer attended the At Elgin| school house,in Shiloh,Mr.Sharpe spoke for the Red Cross and $20 was collected.There was much in- terest and a canva will be made A meeting at Central echoolhouse,Sharpesbury township,con tributed $58.A speaker was ex-| pected but none arrived and during the wait some left With a speak er there on time to acouse more in terest,the contribution would have| lean much lerever,say the Sharpesburgpeople,and others not present will probably contrinut: At Troutmen there was also dis- appointment,a spealer heing ex pected who did =not ar but the Statesville| was $89.15 and cummittees were ap-| At Elmwood Presiyterian chureh,| interned at the outbreak of the war.‘hospital two weeks agoFarmers’Warehouse Robbed.|Mrs.McKee's condition is very grat Thursday night the Farmers’Un-|ifying,her friends will be pleased lion warehouse in west Statesville know.She is recovering was entered and a small sum of;from the operation and will ;money stolen.The robber broke a|be able to leave the tal this window pane and tried to effect an|week.She will not,however,return entrance;evidently failing there,he|to Statesville for some time. broke a pane in a window near the|MISS JOYNER GOES To BANK.door,then with a long stick reached|,:through the window and lifted the!Miss Nannie Joyner,who has beenlbarwhichfastenedthedoor,thus;with The Landmark for about 17 i gaining entrance to te building.The months ax stenographer and assist- lcash drawer was opened and a few ant in the business office,—to |nennies removed.A poeketbook be-|the First National Bank,beginning longing to a Mr.Deaf had been left tomorrow.Miss Joyner’s service injinthedrawer.The robber took $6 The Landmark office is much appre-the ciated and the paper gives her up Se t : ifrom the pocketbook and left i : purse.A drawer in’the office was|with regret.No action will be tak- lopened and a few pennies taken en for some days as to filling herplaceintheoffice. REMOVED AUTO LIGHTS. wOfficers are working on the case }As yet the guilty party has not been! |apprehended |one wakenen paneb ..e ‘tent eome a ‘ GOES WEST ON A VISIT,the electric light bul f theMr.John ©.Lentz of the vicinity,front lights ef an av be- of Statesville leaves today for Kan-Jonging to Mr.:.Alexander cas He expects to visit in the West!Thursday night.The automobileintiltheendoftheyear.His itin-)was left standing in front of Mr.rary will include a visit to his sons,'Alexander's home on Front —streetMr.W.W.Lentz,in Coffeen,Il.Mr.'and the lights were removed someScottLentzinWagscaff,Kans.,and time during the night. |Mr.Jerry Lentz in Missouri.Mr.!JUNIOR SCOUTS.|Lentz will also visit two sisters in‘8,|The Junior Boy Scouts met in|Kenes MR.WALSH AD.D lar session Friday afternoon.“Tes. Rev.Walter M.Walsh,formerly 1.1).Thompson,|ray entedRedCrossappealtothelittleboys, pastor of Front Street Presbyterian |ang they pledged to contribute $5 to—and of ae LgMalet |the cause.a a rium,now oy ¢sneer ’The boys also rilled in prepara- |Texas,has received the degree of D.‘ean for the Fourth of July celebration,'})from the college at Austin,Texas. Mr.Walsh has many friends in)COLORED MAN DEAD. |Statesville who are pleased to learn)Wiliam Howard,colored,died ‘of the honor he has received |Thursday at Billingsley hoxpital af- |DREDGING _?illness with pneumonia,How-DREDGING.paces le|Mr.M.P .Moore,who has the con-|ard wasemployed by — tract to dredge Snow creek and the|oie Liver tae te i hie |South Yadkin river,has shipped to!;a We a ithe county for this work the dredge |taken th tor bedy lwhich has been used in Grant's creek,Rowan county. RMONY MEETING.The Bryan Simmerson The y folks want every-which was forfeited to the body in that community to remem-beeause it was ber the meeting at liquor for sale, ng Harmony,an eve-ora."the boys.‘Alexander county steel bridge as follows:$62,900 and ge le _Barringer will go as $43,920.water concrete bridge,.a dA few volumes of the acts of theeanlow-water conerete br ite Lentnats tore bane it t the office of the clerk of court. pent .Thereupon from Japan that the much incensed be cause the United States had ad- the note to China without Japan,which was a fail- ure to “recognize Japan's prepon- derating influence in the Far East.” The feeling in Japan,the Washing-| ton government said,was due to the! publication of a garbled version of the American note and the feeling was later climinated,the govern- ment said,when the correct version was published. Taking note of this small tem- ,the Greensboro News inquires: “Why should the prospect of the res toration of order in China prove dis- tasteful to Japan”?The answer would seem to be that Japan practi- cally dominates China,or a large part of that country:it expects to continue that domination and natur- ally resents any other country tak- ing any action whatever with refer- ence to China without consulting Japan.The outward and visible ev- idence indicates that condition if Japan should finally completely deminate China and should succeed in making of the millions and mil- liens of Chinese the valiant fighters the Japanese are,what the combina- tion might do to the rest of the world can only be imagined.Since the World War has demonstrated that hope of universal peace is yet a dream;that the nations of the world are as war-like as at any time in the world’s history and that)moiern methods of warfare are a- and brutal as any since the dawn o time,any hope that a league of na- tions can be formed strong enough to enforce world peace,is something to be grasped at and fought for if need be.The possibility,by no means remote,that America may some day have to contend with Ja- pan,would of itself justify this country’s entering the present war-- solely to protect itself and strength- en itself against future aggressions. That is of course not the reason that prompted our entrance into the bloody struggle,but we will be fully justified,fully recompensed,for our part in it,if in the end we can help to form a league strong enough to insure our peace and safety in the future. —E SHOULD BE STOPPED. The patience of the public has at last been exhausted with the women suffragists who for months have stood about the White House grounds with banners.The limit was reached when they displayed a ban- savage f ner,the day the Russian delegation , was to call at the White House, charging in effect that the United States was not sincere in its pro- fessed interest in a democracy for Russia.The purpose of these wo- men,as evidenced in the banner de- viee,was to persuade Russia not to fight with the United States against Germany.It was moral,if not le- gal,treason,and the folks who de- stroyed the banner did the right thing. The purpose of this picketing of the White House grounds is simply to annoy the President of the Unit- ed States because he has not tried to force Congress to submit an amendment to the constitution granting suffrage to women.That would be bad enough at any time;it is unbearable when the country is at war. It is the extreme woman suffrage element that is engaged in this busi ness—the element that ix attempt ing to gain its ends by bulldoziny.It does not represent the great major- ity of either the women or the men who believe the ballot should be given to women,but who are trying to obtain that end by legitimate means.The picketing of the White House grounds and all similar at- tempts by this “element,which brings discredit on a worthy cause and one that will eventually succeed, should be ctopped,even if some ofthoseengagedinithavetobeland- ed in jail. A Col.George Bailey of the Houston(Texas)Post,who spent part of hisdaysatOlin,in Iredell county,retains to this good day some of the things he learned in the Olin country in childhood.Hear to pollyat teal,and help her than to star as abelle of thestorevariety,and thehesnipswhondtheci then kill. ihe sa'the fruits of the Rascten revolution lw secured,“The Russian peo thorough!understand and are fully convinced, solutely necessary to root out the autoeracy principles which underlie and are represented by German mil-\itarism,which threatens the peace,‘the freedom and the happiness of the world.”All classes in Russia,the ambas- sador said,concentrated on the enormous task of rerentrantion made necessary by the sweeping away of the evils of the old regime, and already noticeable results are apparent,especially in the army_un- der the energetic eadprahip of Min-ister Kerensky.Expresses Gratitude of Reunions. “In behalf of the Russian provis- ional government and in behalf of all the people of new Russia,”said Mr.Bakhmetieff,“1 have been first of all sent here to express their gratitude to the government of the United States for the prompt recog- nition of the new political order in Russia.This noble action of the world’s greatest democracy has af- forded us strong moral!support —has created among our people¢ genera!feeling of profound cree ciation.“Close and active relationship be- tween the two nations,based upon complete and =sincere understand- ings,encountered inevitable obsta- eles during the old regime,because of its very nature.The situation 1s now radically changed with —fre Russia starting a new era in her na- tional life.The United States,with its enormous natural resources and its wonderful genius for oryaniza- tion,can now greatly aid in’the work of reconstruction which is tak- ing place in Russia “Another object of our mission ts to establish the most effective means by which the American —and Russian democracies can work hand in hand in the common cask of suc- cessfully carrying on the war.The friendly assistance which the United States has already rendered has heen of the highest value Mobilizing Its Resources. “The provisional government —is actually mobilizing all its resources and is making great efforts to o ganize the country ind the urmy for the purpose of conducting the war We hope to establish a very close and active co-operation with the U nitesd States.i |hope the result of our work in America will bring about a clear understanding on the part of your public of what has happened u Russia,and also of the present situ tion and the end for which our peo ple are most earnestly striving There have been many and varipus narratives of what has been an&is taking place in’Russia,but there seems to be Jack of exact and true comprehension. “The achievements of the revolu- tion are to be formally set forth in fundamental laws enacte}by a cor stitution:!assembly,which is to be convoked as soon as possible.In the meanwhile the provisional govern- ment is confrented with the task of bringing into life the democretic principles which were premulrated during the revelutio:Itois actively *eraged in reconstructing the life of the entire country alon’Cemocratilines,introducing freeticar,equality and self-government Received Burdenseme Heritage. “Nev.Russia received from the old government a burdensome herit ave of economic and technical disor- ganization which affected all brench es of the life of the State,a disor- ganization which weighs yet heavily on the whole country. “In this energetic work of recor struction,essential for Russia's activeparticipationithewar,the provisional government is steadily yaining in strength and setivity “The participation in the new gov ernment by new members who are active and prominent leaders in the council of workmen aad soldiers has secured full support from the demo cratic masses,The esteem in which such leaders as Mr.Kerensky and others are held among the workin classes and soldiers is contributing to the strength and stability of —the new government“Excepting a small group of |es remists,the Social Democrats,parties embracing the vast majoriy of the people are represented by strong leacte u the new govetn ment,thereby ecu for it au thor kurml mvinved that unt ty of 4 eros essential and casting antale i 4nd special interesta,all political elements have joined itional =prowramme which the yovernient is stris ng to fulfil! ES TS North Carolinian in Command. Asheville Citizen Emmet (.)Gudger,a former Asheville boy and a son of ex-Con- gresaman and Mrs.J.M.Gudger,iscommandingthesecondflotillaof torpedo-boat destroyers that sailed for European waters from New York on June 1.The fleet,which is com-posed of 13 destroyers,is now in Irish waters,under the command of Admiral Sims Mr.Gudger has been in the navy for 15 years.Recently he served as paymaster on the President’s yacht,the Meyflower,but not long ago was promoted to the rains of lieutenantcommander,on the recommendation of Paymaster General McGowan,and given a place in the iine. _SANTEE OUR STATE'S SHOWING. »ie .subscriptions toeLintsashyvondsaggregated ee SS Re anna Cate, oeeT ee on 8 wont,t t ee hem,”ritesF.B.Treay,Richmond °ee al stay and social troublediecunindigestionorcanteenoietivethem«a ¥,— said Mr.Bakhmetieff,“that it is ab-= |ty.nine per cent. or those of 3,060,00y * for sums varying from +00 000,while 21 suof $5,000,000 The New York Federal reservedistrictledthelistwithtionstotaling$1,186,788,400,or more than three times the amountscribedinthenextdiistriet—Chica-go—-$357,195,950.Ristenend district,which includes North Cscribed$109,787,100.TheandDallasdistrictswereat of the list---the and the latter $48,948,590,In apportioning the bonds the small subscribers will befirst.Subscriptions up te andcluding$10,000 will receive the 'amount ;from $10,000 to —— 6@ per cent.of the amount scribed;$100,000 to $250,000,aepercent.;$200,000 to $2,500,000,30cent.;up to arid including000,24 per cent.,ete “One of the chief purposes of the campaign,”says Secretary Me- Adoo,“was to distribute the Liberty bo nds widely throughout the eoun- try and place them as far as ble in the hands of the people.This wasimportantbecausethestrengthofgovernmentfinance,like the strength of government policies,rests uponthesupportofthepeople.The - number of subscribers,especiall large number of small cee 's most gratifying and indieate that the interest of the people was arous-vredasneverissueof bonds. “The widespread distribution ofthebondsandtheywreatamountof the cver-subecription constitute an eloquent and conclusive reply to the enemics of the country wao Caued that the he:Americ:was no:;Wit before in’an ‘ French Ggnerals Estimate ofGermanForces, Gon.de ia Cimx of France pub- lishes in the Temps,a Paris newspa- per,the result tf his study, edly from sources,of he present number of German re-tes that the grand troops of all kinds authoritative June 1 feached 13,-‘” this total was de- of 3,630,000,2,200,- through wounds ident in fereign ns estimates that * ly 5,500,000 are a ine,rear line and roops,leaving a movableofreservesofabout755,000, vhich 220,060 i depots,[025,06 nN interior cde. pots and 180,000 in process of —for- Mati This number will be in- cased in November by 450,000 of inss of 191%.These troops will ».however,iwatlable beforthatforanyrvice,any more than inese in formation On this basis General de la Cro yures that Germany has reserves with which to cover her Vs>€ntil November,or 115,000)a month plus 8o.000 monthly of those wine recover from.their wounds, wraped total of 200,000 a month.The |points out that German | April and Mav have been nthiy,nmeaking a « ance which he says ha a shortening of tae Germa?!nd fewer attacks.whe absence f reserves has caused,he says,an vvieus shift from the old tactic German general stafi American Deetors at Work. Quietly and with very little cer o as to escape all official at rtion,American doctors,nur enlisted men have with fortnight taken over six of itish preat fleld hespitals the English staffs for duty front American been rendering valuable ; the clearing =strtio battle of Messine Vhis hes been the vid UVisted States has given the British army and it is)gready eppreciuited, ivs an Assoc iated Pre dispatch ‘om British he adquarters.in Fh ad HED quickest the “THOSE AWFULCRAMPS Sugguctinnsthatmay save MuchSuffering M llele,Pa.—‘‘For twelve years1sufferedwith—.cramps.J {‘wou ave to sta‘idea ie bed severs!dase eve month.I all kinds ofremediesandwas treated by doctors, butmy trouble con-until one dayreadaboutLydiaPaxhen’a Vege-table Compound andwhatithaddonefor.|othe:I tried it }es ont,peat ofvien we |Co.(com‘hema,gon,ten ony oe former $57,878,560. suppos-= attached to next session,trated circular and entrance writeE.B.OWEN,Registrar. A.1 M.WINNING PRAISE ALLOVERSTAATE! Appetite Increased,Sieoty-ppe oneed,Fine tron System"Tonle. Withit,and with a huge campaiynintroducingitthroughoutthecoun-try,Acid Tron Mineral is rapidly taking the preparations containing little iron aid altogether toe much alcohol. People should note on the labelthevuantityofaleoholinmedicines they buy.The government protects you \leohol is now ta wherenevulferingwithkidney,stom-uch,bladder,liver or nerve trouble.\cil lvon Mineral is a non-alco- naturel iren compound,con- ine large quantity of iren informstogetherwithcalcium, um,maynesium,potassium and wiiec acid,all of whieh havecatmedicinalvalueinthetreat-of stomach,blood,kidney,or and rheumatic complaints. sory of this great mineraldiscoveryreadslikearo- It opened to the world a newiofvettingirontotheblood ire it was found had already d the medicinal jron,chem- e sought for years to per- vorh,strain,nervous tension eadaches,indigestion and the|that come from our rapid| f living,makes it necessary to take jren and if you be- un-down,bleod seems to| impure and full of uric} if your appetite is falling||meals don’t taste as good as |.take Acid Iron Mineral. natural iron compound, as Acid Tren)Mineral and}meentrated,is an economi-| spring teme and eystem invigor-|nior \half teaspoonful in a glass| of wate ‘ter meals is a dose.Wholefami results AN drs have it and endorse it in prefer «jo 1ren preparations ‘ontaining altocether too much aleo-| hol.50ce.and Sl.Get a bottle to-| |day. The BradyPrinting Co. Has taken over from R.P.Allison the agency for various Magazines and Book Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zines of ali kinds,Will order any book wanted. All Magazines on coun- ter soon as out. a ee en ee eeeeeeee DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. HOURS§&to 5. ‘PHONE 31. L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. --—Dealer In— Hides,Furs,Wool and Beeswax.Also all kindsscrapMetalandRub-ber.Iam paying good 30 years’reputation vchind place of alcoholic,iron: take it with net | |MEET HER sateenJONcece THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y —The Rexall Store.— Quality Preseriptionists. OlLand GASOLINE STORAGE SYSTEM. Pumps,Tanks and Appliances. Money is lost—gone,when you keep your expensive liquids the ordinary way.Money is made— Saved,when you keep your ex- pensive liquids the right way. Outfits for private garages,public garages,road filling stations,and for all kinds of liquids.Gasoline, Kerosene,Lubricating Oil,Lin- seed Oil,etc. Manufacturers’Agents for the “MILWAUKEE” We have sold a number of theseoutfitsinthissectionandcan refer you to satisfied purchasers. See the Master Electric Filling Station,at the Statesville Motor Company. We are in a position to give you inside prices,and can save you money. Statesville Oil Company. prices for all kinds ofscrapIronandmixed NOoriICE All the ScrapIronmustbebroughttotheJunkShopbeforeweighing.I pay cash on delive J.M.McKEE &CO. SPECIALS |FOR THIS WEEK’S SELLING. I ent Phone GOOD ROADS| Good Thee are the leer of tet we hoTieteat wi “GarryMn|eraPene tn TI TA)c.1 Beautiful line Wash ks in the new Stripes andpacolorsfcrSkirtsandShirtWaists,at prises that willyou, One lot omy Lawn,to go at 7 1-2c.""gt he12a:fo bo atdeecereYebe,se.value,toI]lot Ladies BlackSilk Hose1|thepat,whilethey let Tio“Bese are Manyother items that will interestyou. lJ.a.emoe &Cameeny: —— — — — — — — ee lO sa » — ss co ao os Se eo Se -— aee -_ —PROM OVER THE COUNTRY. tems of Witerest About Virtus!Matters.¥ &z |ek a } i g u t2 i shape.|1"'Featmot say too much forBlack | for it is the finest laxative| one use.”Black-Draughthasfor| used|NC-136| Ferndell Canned Goods. Red Raspberries.| Peeled Apricots.1 Cling Peaches.| Sliced Pineapple. Graded Pineapple. White Cherries. This is the best line of Canned Goods put up. Miller-McLain Supply(o.| ~The Two Legged Dog — Who stole my four-legged Dog seoms reluctant to vive her back,so Tam RAISING REWARD OFFERFROM$2 to $5!C.WATKINS. 10-Year-Old Child Makes$1.00 Per Hour For you when you ean let them pee the water andsaveyouthetimetodevotetoyourwork.Save this |time and money.A Myers |Pump will save this.Let|us put one in for you. W.E.MUNDAY.| 114 EB.Broad St., er e Your Plumber t We Try to Keep ! Everything in stock to ! meet your wants.Roof-| ing Tin,Ridge Roil,| Valley Tin,GutteringandSpouting,Galvaniz-ed [ron and will maxe anything in Sheet Metal you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO.| "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street.| Flooring,Ceiling,Siding, Base and Case are right when bought from C.WATKINS. C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green. AkCHITECT, WANTED!| SCRAP BRASS-—Heavy Brass Tic.|per pound,Ligh.Brass 5c.per id FOR SALE: New 2nd second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies. Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. — Battery Trouble Righted. If you have —trouble, bring us your Car.fe'll locatethetrouble.All work done by fanexpert!} STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.. NOTICE! left my accounts at Stim-Drug ase.Those indebt me can see a statement ofaccountormakesettlement WARNER'S Rust-Proof CORSETS. They have every quality that spells service—they are light,durable and com- fartable. The first feature that a woman appreciates in a corset is shape,but the shaping must be comforta- ble. This you can rely upon through a Warner’s Rust- Proof.And the fact that a corset is impervious to moisture isa feature not to overlook. Every Warner Corset is guaranteed not to rust, break or tear.- $1.00 to $2.59. We Spring and Summer have a Gossard Front Lace at from $2.00 to $8.50 and “Lady Ruth”Front Lace Garments at $1.00,$1.50 and $2 00, All these weli and favor- ably known Corsets are guaranteed to give satis- faction. theherein”SteeSea-|fore WDurham. .Edward Long,of theist=chw at Northilkesboro,has resigned to accep!eall to South Carolina.A.Ma Bishop ©.L.,Harris of thejE.Zion Church died Sunday \mt his home in Salisbury,aged 73Hehadbeenbishopfor25years. |Newton Eaterprise:;Mr.Prank J ‘Bost has sold to the Maiden cotto: milis 12 bales of cotion,some of it two years old,ai 25 cents a pe i G.A.Matton of High Po'e waelectedpresidentofheStatepoe maccutical Association at ie Ashetyillemeeting.Next meeting inRaleigh. Automobile license taxes are du:‘duly ist.It is estimated that.th:|State has 50,000 automobiles snd thatjthetaxescollectedthisyearwill jamount to $275,000. Alleghany county registered onl)465 under the draft act.Of this number396claimexemption,leaving onl)'69 in the county reacy for service only a little more than one out of|seven, Apparently in good health,Mr.W.E.Coffin dropped dead while seated on the porch of his home inGreensboro.Was an employe of the{Southern railway,68 years old and is survived by five children, Harvey Dowdy of Cedartown,Gaenroutehomeafterbeinghonorab! discharged from the navy,was a isaulted and robbed by a negro aMonroe.He was seriously hurt but may recover.The necvo was a rested, The North Carolina Bankers’A sociation,at Wrightsville Beach laweek,elected W.B.Drake of Ra! eigh president,Jas.A.Gray,dr,of Winston -Salem first viee president. W.A.Hunt of Henderson was re- cleeted treasuver. The Hardware Association.of the Carolinas,in session at Wrightsvillebeachlastweek,selected Ashe ville as the next place of meeting M.J.O'Neill Henderson wa clected president W.Dixo: of Charlotte treasu:ce With a vopulation of only 1,560,and having already furnished th: army and navy 76 men,ene male outofevery20ofitspopulation,An drews,Cherokee county,claims to have set a record in recruiting th: st of and T. secretary and Fifty American aviators have ar-|[7 rived at Nieo,Prasee,te undergo in-|truetion in seaplane navigation,| Secretary Daniels has creas to increasepriceofthenavy rationcentsto40centsaday‘on account f the increased cost of food. President Wilsof will »in the!First Presbyterian chu in Staun-ton,Va.,a memorial to his father,the Inte Rev.Joseph R.Wilson,who was pastor ef the church there when the President was bern in 1856. Francis B.Sayre,son-in-law of President Wilson,has been appoint oto serve as Young Men's Chris- tian Association secretary with the‘merican troops in France,and witli ail shortly with about 25 other men vho have been chosen for this worl \n appropriation of =$10,000,000 for a Federal bureau of famm ris)rance,to insure growing crop f non -perishable products against loss or damage by vhe elements,i> proposed in a bill introduced in Cor ress by Representative King of Il- While attempting to cross the rai!road tracks near Wttehall,Md...an automobile containing six persor »men,three women and «3-year old child,was struck by a trair Four of the six were killed outrigh! ind their hodies mutilated.The oth r two died. There will be no serious delay i: truction of the 16 cantonment ‘or the national army,says Secreta- y Baker.All of the establishment ly will be ready about Sey mber 1,the tentative date co red for summoning to the color t 625,000 men. toy probat th The Red Cross will send ar \merican commission te Russia ¢ sork along and behind the battl: front,in the same way a_simila ommission is to operate in brane d Belgium.In that way,ambu ances and other relief for the Ru is army will be supplied. Hen Harper,a negro charged with cing the driver of an automobil: hich ran dewn and k‘lled Gllie May Goodrum,a 12-year-old girl.wa i by a mob at the scene of the virl'’s death,near Courtney,Te Seven other negroes are being hel officers in’connection with —the rl’s death,¢ Members of the Knights of Co enbus,a Cathelic organization, have completed arrangement to i half million dollars to estab h Catholic social centers in Amer military and training camp nd cantonments.The fund will be “ed by a voluntary assessment members of the order throuvh the country. or has not yet been equaled in th Ny thousand |Boy Se ree at United States k on the eastern -hore of VirgrinPercyNorris,11 years old,riding ;liveging 4,000,000 bn of pe hievele in’Asheville,was struek by “that probably would have ret an anto-delivery wagon and receive:the cround on neces of th injurics from which he died a day later .carcity of nero labor As ou result The coroner's jury found that Pete f the labo shortuwe the negroes Melver,the negro driver of the de-'gmanded 25 cents a barrel for livery wagon,was driving in a reel *'the potatoe The S t Jess manner.Melver was committed nt from Richmond end other citie for trial.jere deirg the work fer 15 cent Miss Catherine Victoria Younee}!arrelofSelma,Va.and Mr.E.EF.With-Forty-two Av-etrinn prisoners bet er spoon of the Lexington Dispatehiiin the county jail at Leadville.Col were omearriod Friday at.the ef ion charwes of evadit the eheetin the bride’relatives at Silma,Va.draft law,wore removed to another new stock Mr Withe noon had ot the port bv a squad of National Gua astalecapablenewspaperonandfrniterthreatsbadbeenmise The Landmark extends him conprat-by ther countryme:tre to ' dione on his goed fortune thon S crowd Austrian friend nd relatives of oth |t | May Delav Guard Mobilization.bowed the men to the tution,‘Draftine of the National Guard TE mete:war sans gad makinintotheFederalarmiesforwarcerAeeeee view may be delayed until yoet OL om ,7 :‘os Washineton Pehla becuse Too Late For Ship,Saved Crew t has been found that un he To see iat hant ship torpedoe resent plan for draftin the ‘trove ‘ Cuard in three increments,J bd,he ’ihe ¢ Julv 2h and August 6,the +ve .‘ported 1 ank of its officer would te tlre ‘'‘ ished on oan unfair basis.‘Uoe nae t!rs of th nal defence act provide th:Na ls }hoowates nal Guard officers shall take \‘we of the date of dratt utaat we The additional time sainet i “t cooing the draft until A f wh my vld be valuable to the denartmcnt The ‘‘ yo making ready the divisional WD xd sh ws tes and would permit the m Thom an biing ef additional equipme ‘ine at “ithetroops.vile va Ti The War Department ha t thet ry d nomber of requests Ih "per «'} Corsets farnaftirg “of forees from nme th r ‘ members of Congress tatir vRen albno \’ ithe troops were ready and ca or OY @ terrif prec he call,while from other acle of a preaaldyagriculturalregione-veloping the th ests for delay have come ne light.. lows of the number of mer ed Quick!\ during the harvest period h:lestroye rout tor ’ rente lshor shortage.he ood chiy ry Ke Mooresville Will Sing.ee banceage aun Saat Instead of parades,band Pacific Fleet Wm Brazitian toon the Glorious Fourth,i Waters, ie wall have a “Community Addn W itige Say the Enterpri moander At carly twilighe on the ¢the Unit f the Fourth of July the eitiz ers meet e Mass and join inoa 4 th } horu f voices singing old-t The a trrolie song It may be p in \i ecure me one to rake f lomman peech.Whatever is decided oy t ei:thatixhopedthateveryhedy,«/.!dotaken « young,men and women,will !e patrol of that vid help make the evert on th raider Cap while.The publie dees not kno “omiral and fh H some of our people enn si itl seniority when the whole community ever any oth the real music will equal or till be engas that ef any chautauqua.”While navy off eeeeeee close the id Now An Irish Commission els in Admi T.P.O'Conner.member of |y-TC 8 assumed ment,one of the leaders of th h “ruisers of the [x ‘ nationalist party,accompanied !y K ne Ameri YardHazleton,member of the |erful fore ro whatofCommonsfromNorthGalwavyWeMayfindnee seeretary of the lrieh party «1 eseaeinNewYorkSundayonaRovishMOREWHEATINKANS\s steamship.The object of th it,A total productio du.( according to Mr.©’Conner,is to place bushels of winte wheat in us before the men of his race a the this year,2.000.000 but merc friends of lretand of all races $than the May esxtim: country,the realities and the iscues 'B the dune crop repo i of the Irish situation.After »few he Kansas beard of ay redaysinNewYork,they expect to co Friday,J to Washington..Wheopine Coveh.eerie Tn thie dixense it is important thet th Tne Quinine Tat Gene ct AiteatThe Gebd commth be kept loeee and «avn easy aft LAXA whieh can be done by ei Charber tain thanordinary Cough .Mre PP.H.Martin,Pera, net ©os noe End.,writes,“My two daughters had whoontngfaatecueneendqourh,|gave them Chamberisin’s Cough‘the signature =GROVE it Remedy and it worked like a charm.” —_'‘ angen if WHE AVIATAW Tan i .qaerrn ce NR a ta a Valuable time fighting flies.Get ‘a move on yourself and come to MW our store and get Sereen Doors a and Screen Wire and fence tix flies outof your home.You can .then,if you wantto,do like the a man who said he “loved to get up in the morsing and sit down and be tuke a long rest.”fe * <1 te®%Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. snagAik; ' US !|‘ };free It will yay you to come to us for anything —* in the line of auto supplies or repair work,' >...jWewantyourbicjobsandlittlejobsahdwe will make the big ones look small whensce@m-.+ puting the cost to you.= ' tn There isn’t an antomobile need we can't.«6 supply.Make this shop your auto head-OO 4 Wquarters, AE PAIRS- Lea ie dak he a 'Qn.Me.‘i” .gin oFtshouldnetreereatproiensionstoime terest de buyers ’ Mey d t air from.facts, te!look ¢er our eoods Varig and Phat bn It that is necossary. a]*House FurmisPeaaes.Baa|“eViOR LESS MONEY. ee,mal A dl i ire * without it, ace dente ani" , nhiver |’:hey Lp Abed Vi BUY AN E.G.GAITHI Office Mills Building. I SEL “R,Agent.... Phone 2%, a4 ut “This WORTH WHILE TO SPUDY TRE ADS.“ee :th 'vt vi vo .Ui ow "I ee ea e we lat the endof the summerby million men selected for the new ‘tional army from the millions regis- |tered for war duty June 5. |‘The regular army totaled a j}more than 100,000 men three /ago;it is nearing the 2 tion |today and war officials,backed wie hon-of the man is going to under-|press of the country,are SS ae degree a traitor to take success where the other fellow|ery effort to bring it up to cause.that let each man failed.;iduring the present week, himself;and judge himself And The Landmark is going to add|The Nationa!Guard,150,000 y what he ,but by what he that the aforesaid scientist would do when war came,.numbers holds back and left.” Ef t FE 88 i thatOf 38uF well to take special pains to guard Cotimates available. Some searching needs to be done,win)be far more dangerous than the guarding,against German —plotters| that all of us may make sure we are pod county folks.The Burke and doing the job in a thorou doing our duty as patriots and citi:pois will treat him all right unless zens;and especially that our att!10 intimates that the light doesn’t tude may not be a stumbling block exist or that it is as locomotive to others.The realization of what headlight or something like that;but it means for the country to be at in)rattlesnakes,which are said to war and the stupendous task before pe very abundant in that locality,do us,breaks on us slowly.When we not distinguish between friend and comprehend it fully,there will be no foe,: doubt of the willingness of the aver-More than a year ago Mr.Harry age ‘American to do his best and to Martin organized an exploring par- render whatever service his country ty at Lenoir to investigate the may demand.Burke light.While its definite ori- In the meantime,while it)is our gin was not determined,our duty—-qur work—to go about Our jection is that some conclusions were regular business and do the best We reached as to the source.In any re- can in that line,we should always port that the government agent may keep an eye single to the country’s make,Mr.Martin and his party welfare.Are we doing what we can should have due credit for work to produce re food,helping te done.It would be too bad if a so- a ee agate!supply and elimi-called scientist should take advan- nate waste?Wid we give our aid tage of information dug up by local and influence to help in the observ-explorers and cop the credit. anco of the draft act,in the sale of —_—_—_—_—_—_—_— Liberty bond or for the Red Cross BOND ISSUES. contribution®All of us have oppor-The Charlotte Observer's pet tunities in ec of these lines and Sion is voting against the regisira- we can na fe wavs to serve if tien books.That is what defeated we lock for sm.Are we consider-the Statesville says ing ithe countgy’s welfare in this hour the Observer,which continues that centered in our-it is “ferninst this sort of an elec- working only tion,”which “seems to havi and our Specially devised to hold down the have been:able} |i} damage the plotter: to inflict. The marine corps.whose slegan of “first to fight,”bas been heard by the} government,which aitached a sea-|soned regiment of sca seldiers to Ma-|jor General Pershing»expeditionary foree to France,has been raised from 17,000 to nearly 50.000 men.The regular bluejasket force of the navy,the men behind the big guns and who already are trying their met- al against the enemy off the trish) coast under Vice Admiral Sims,oruponarmedfreighters,has been rais- ed from less than 60,000 to 120,000,|The boys of the country have throng-ed to the navy in such numbers that recruiting stations could not be, built fast enough eo accommodatethem.An entire new force of railway en-!gineers for duty in France to handle railway problems behind the fighting lines,also has been created.Reeryit- ing figures are not availeble,but it is known that some of the regiments are at full streneth and ready to go. Probably 12,000 men have joined these regiments. Forty thousand picked men are un- der strenuous training at ihe officers’ training camps,insur:od junior officers for the nationn|army.Otherthousandsaredoingtrc'r share at the medical corps and Rinecr corps selves,thinkiag an!training camps,and still others are for our persotal welfare Oe ee ta nraaa re ae private interests?“Let a man exam-schools.”An amendment to th fae cea).al cace te age ine himself.”constitution will be a clear road for the endless stream of Without meaning to be disloyal,the constitution that the cargo carricrs which are taking thou- many people are moral traitors to issue of any evidence of debt must sands ef tons of American war sup- their country as stumbling blocks to be aporoved by a majority of the i ae :"aad eats S rene,Bel- others.They exptess indifference qualified voters —qualified voters ae cust tc. about the war or incugze in carping ing held to mean voters duly rey!s The immediate need, administra- criticism that shes no good tered The provision was intended won officials believe,is to bring the and mach harm prevent parties con-regular army up to its full strength | icism is helpful and any of us have mets g debts for the people to pay fhe ps,the hg aa the privilege (and the reht ex-Without the consent of a Majority o!first Americans to face the German press our opinions as to the govern.the people.In the efforts to amend best They will be the bone and ment’s conduct of the war.But when the constitution in szecent years,it are Labeiis Pervhing’s army. we do that we should be sure that we Was proposed to change this to a th,paasit belt eae we know what we are talking about.It majority of the votes cast,and this for the regulars.Secretary Baker is easy to find excuse,by objecting |8 fair enough in this day of news-has sought the aid of all newspapers to something that does not please papers and other means of dissemi-to the end that 70,000 men shall he us,for refusal to help the country in hating information,but the amend-enrolled hefore June 30. this struggle.But we are not de-ment failed.Tom Watson Leads Revolt. ceiving anybody,not even ourselves,In recent years —the A press dispatch reperta that re when we offer flimsy pretext for our Court has held that governing bod-olutions declaring —the selective failure.This is an hour of national ies —-aldermen,county commission-draft law “highly undemocratic,—re peril and every citizen worthy the ers,ete.—may issue bonds for cer-portnemest ath iba .ara name will answer his country's call tain necessary purposes,such as a tag Wace Gp ike ee cant ee in whatever service he can render.Water supply,street work,etc.,stitution”were adopted at Thomson, The war is en and it is too late to Without submitting the proposition Ga.,Saturday,at a mass meeting of argue whether we shoutd have gone t @ vote at all.This helped prov Ce at oe there ae ul to,war or whether our soldiers "CSS materially,but with a reckless Coestipten,The lit aes should go abroad.Our troops are foeverning body a town was Thomas BE.Watsen of Thomson going abroad to fight and all talk could be swamped in and the Watson said the —seeetive draft now about the war being unnecessa-People never know it.act Wax “unconstitutional,and sf- ryiand any contention that we should Se fered to plead the case of SO bue T7 .a The reports coming from son held on charge of resisting not fight until the country is invad.,!th traft He said orly solunteers ed,is worse,than useress--it is help-“6 ==eee should be cent to Franee ond “that ing the enemy.Make no mistake eee ee ee this coun.boy«should not be taken to a for. “try,are hopeful.There has been all (2!son,when transyere:sionaboutthat.Any man who holds alone ample ie vai 'ayains!us wes on.the en,Where it batk any ervice,mall,.a oe aoe a to believe in the <hould be fourcht out.* thét would in any make more oe The resolutions also deelived that coftain the victory of the cause t the PEONISO al But "the method of finance oe the A;;se (0 ould the was a flagrart violation of the cor wich we have committed our lives,”<control” our fortunes and our honor,ts te that thet degree a traitor to that cause,”i says Dr.Graham Keep that in . mid.Its truthfulness cannot be questioned stitutional provision committing ee eemm sort the nation to a vast war debt caleu- have Jated to build up a permanent mil .AN INJUSTICE.ing ar Taking note of The Lar who tary establishment esich violateeverysentimentandprinciple0! remark that the practice in hampering railroad constructio free institutions.” ASTS in.western North Carolina,by the frequent removal o WANT A NEW COUNTY. Insisting that the township mystery,the says: not receive its share of benefit Buncombe county,althourh it nto the coffers of the county mors money than any other township « to consider and cept Asheville,citizens oof Bla Mountain township are preparing to And the treatment the State has 'UN Wise te foster anyacgprdedthésemountainrailroadsterielatdfromthat the past three or four years is also yet, a “mystery.”That seems al!that , to be said of it,but behind this mys “ii,lurks @emonstration of a syste ic reco!- aver- school bonds, of stress,oF @re We been coast necessary,as requires accompli Constructive emt-to interested delay, Supreme county or debt Russia given by the howeve 'wood representatives ofway.government provisional Was it not the radical element would government more probable >ear of the ignorant had practicelly Masses been slaves,and who,becominm free,objected to oa There urance that the beminning co have a of contro!”encourag people are ferent:better under “ty °?a :ot the State tanding.gut tussin country and with al elements enormous populatior convicts,is a Satisfy.the ta k is one of rears, of months.Therefore,while condi Russian are er neo Chariotic Observer tions ow couragring, hope of ma L$ Pom Watson,the Georgia disturb- er of the little late in starting his revolt ayainst the selec draft act,but not pence,18 a United States government,Mis.1 ra T.Israel,teacher in the San Francisco schools for 17 years,re signed.Miss Israel told the board of ask the next General Assembly to Mjustice to the sections of the cut off parts of Buncombe.Me low: and perhaps Rutherford and form t mState contetned that is the chame of Ne@th Carolina.Time after time,tive new county,with Black Mountain a country just the county seat. the Legislature has cranted squade much of "vonviets to wor these rai!‘ |ER CNRAe mec too late to do 'one education she could not teach «hil ro&ds,and time after time,just;Me harm.because the seems have considerable FLAG MEANT NOTHING TO HER —following.The tren to honor the flag,which she Following her admission tha he nad made remarks disloyal to the a wax well under way.the con.Pandmark hopes the governmen'said meant nothing to her vis have heen withe ’for will not dal n suppressing Wat-,=Sa Sa oeMr.O.J.Peterson,heen who elevensamemysteriousreason.The conduct son ofsthe State in the matter of con- viel management might properly be brary as trifling with the hestrialinterest>North Caroli.(©!deliverances he exercises much pening.as ii has resulted,in influence.He should be in back f ae "1 n f ci“o a development before he +a lot of people into, charge of the Clintonshouldhavebeenofaccomesjhastaken |Democrat.Mr.Peterson is a live The man inbalanced for s evidently rs,but through his appeals to prejudice and his red years ago edited a Lumberton-——the who has «ince been living in South Caro- hewspaper at Argus--and lina and Gecrgia,has returned to his ‘native county Sampson andrestrained Soars age.1 owas the Oeintentionoftheseveral Ththattheconvictsbe ie gentiemen who have been|writer.He generally had something to Work these vaiiroads to com-Worried about getting a quart ship-!|stirring whet he edited the Argus are ascent —=ped through after July Ist,need)and The Landmark assumes that his a 4 w ec »—_an,square ’t cin no longer.The indications !|hand hasn't lost its cunning andRTeeearethatbythetimeCon|'}gress te |a s wets that he will add to the gayety of jany quarts to ship,~[|State ' 260,000 today,according -the ot| .of that number| Let each man_search himself.himself against rattlesnakes,which |nearly 75,000 actually are under arms,| yand |soldierly way,as shown by the trivial! lis a ,first |over-subseribed.’who will be the |gearcely be blamed for making such nary citoa~~usandtheUnitedre.all their financial,interests are at stake, exercising auponthose who areagressiveact ; li is not the military,the police or!the various guards who arechieflyvega.the main- tenance ©order suppressofoutbreaksofndiarism,bomb-throwing and other cts of violence,by the more rabid Germans,but the| supprecsion of these is due to the Germans of the better =class interestsJournal.|It is well to bear this statement in mid and remember that every pro-German,whether naturalized or not,ve to this country,and wouldbeready“at this time,”if it were a propitious time,to rise in revelt, against the United States.The de- tention camp or the penitentiary istheonlyproperplaceforallsuch,however rich or however poor theymaybe.Our country will be com-pe'led te learn this at a heavy cost if :t does not appreciate the situa- tion now.And we say this advised-‘y,though it weula inelude |manywhomwehaveknownandhighlyes-teemed for years.In this hour,however,no ties of friendship should for one moment hold the country back from taking every step needed. to strengthen our ferees and save the men who are risking their lives struggle for une nation’s life.Every man and woman who is notvo.ressively for the United States nov will,if 2ot interned or imprison-ad.ic a factor in helping the Kais- er his cold-blooded murdering —of Am-orican soldiers and sailors. Street in thre Newspaper Helping the Enemy. I a statement issued last week Secretary of the Treasury MeAdoo charced the New York Tribune had made ‘mistcading”statements —re- eawiing the Liberty Loan —before it hed closed.Thesubscriptionstostucmeread:“j pote that many of the newspa- pers express surprise that the Ger- ma press claims that the $2,000,- Partisan 000.000 Liberty Loan was a.failure, in spite of the fact that it greatly The Germans can charges wher the New York Trib- ne published statements shortly be-fore subscriptions closed that theloanwashaving‘hard sledding,’and hat it was a failure et that time in ‘he sense that too much of its bur- den fell on the bans. “Furthermore,Richerd H.Waldo, tusiners menager of the New York fribune,on Tuesday nicht,dune 12, ‘less than three days before the close f subscripsions,ina speech at De- treit befere the World’:Salesman- hip Congress,charge?!thet the Lib- erty bond distribution policy has! heen a failure and that the United States had failed to suppert the ad- ministration. ‘T care jothing about the vicious and partisan attitute of othe New York Trivvne or its busine man ager,but T am concerned about the effect of their false and mistecding tatements.Such an extraordinecry course by 2 leading New York new paper and it:representative,caleu lated to injure the loan,is incompre hensibtle.The only effect of suvh ttatement=,if that be of satisfaction ‘o their authors,is the comfort they wave feiven te the enemies of Amer- ica.” A corre:pandent of the Cha lotte Observer a lew day.ayo complained bat thar naner dion't give the facts 1s he wanted them and he had been compelled oo ibscribe for the New York Tribune.a strong “incepend- ent”newsnaper.The foreroing are ome of the facts he has obtained ‘rom the viciously partisan Tribune. ciel “I Can”Has New Meaning. Monroe Enquirer. “T can"!The commencement or- ators used to dwell upon the phrase. They tried to get “ambish”into the hearts of the boys and girls by play- ing up the “I can”and showing how difficulties could be surmounted,and so forth and so forth.“T ean”has a different.meaning now—a_=meaning that is not vague and in the ab- stract.The youth is taught that that not only should “I can”be ap- plied to life and character,but it should also be applied to fruits and vegetables.We are geting to be more utilitarian (guess that’s the word to use)here in this good coun- try,and that's a quod thing,too. Our “eans”are not altogether in commencement speeches and compo- sitions,but they are on the pantry shelves and ure filled with things good to eat next winter when the eround is frozen and vegetation —is killed.Instead of trying to inspire the youth with “I cun”written on a serolt of perfumed and ribben-bound |aper,the teacher of today puts on ‘a gingham apron,rolls up her sleeves and shows hee students thatshecan,they can and anybody who |will try can can and should can a lit-jtle of everything that grows in gar-den or orchaSconseeieenEnEEREEEEIEEEREEaa a through legislating there won't _be newapaperdom in Clinton and in the- Double laced rattan seat and back. Comfortable.PRICE .° Made of Hard Rock Maple,Finish Natural.Large and $3.25. have to live here and whose financial|Crawford-Buncharehere.”—Wall :elcomes“The Store That Always W‘PHONE NO.400, —nee Hot Weather Ammunition.| Sailor Straws,Leghorns and Panama Hats. Eclipse Soft Culfs Shirts,$1.00 to $3.00. B.V.D.Underwear UnionorTwopieceSuits,$1.00. Shaw Knit Hosiery,Lisle’s, 25¢c.and 35c.a pair. Shaw Knit Silk Hosiery,50c.a pair. Soft Collars and Wash Ties. One Lot Sailor Straw Hais,$1.50,$2.00.and $2.50 ‘values,CHOICE Cash,98c. PHONE 838. SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. Did you know that you canvisiteitheroftheHerba-riums right in this city andseetheHerbs,Berries andBarigsthatHIRES’is made from? They are Birch Bark,Sas- safras,Wintergreen,Gin-ger,Pipsissewa,Corn Silk, Spikenard Root,AmericanandHonduras Sarsaparil- la,Juniper Berries,Hops and Vanilla Beans Every one of them are Health-giving,vholesome —and delicious,and when scientifically treated,blended ant mixed,make a drink that is fit for a Queen.Order a crate from your grocer,24 bottles only one dol- lar,or ‘phoneSTATESVILLE MINT COLA BOTTLING CO. Let the Children Have ORANGE JOOJ The Pure Orange Fruit Drink With its cooling,healthful,spirit-giving quatities,it may be enjoyed b the Babies,the Little Folk and the Young People,without cny‘possibility of harm- ful effects. Your ice chest should never be a few bottles of thisvigoratingdrinkto serveaftertheirplaytime. It’s Cloudy—That’s the Fruit 5c at all drink stands Lessbythecase “"1t you like Oranges,you'lllike OrangeJoos” CoCO COLABOTTLINGCO.STATESVILLE,N.C. in- Thewasdecorated®,nasturtiums and Ragged Rob-;Hearts was played atmaltables.Mrs.Andrews wasdiwithapairofsilkhose.Albert Cooper cut for the high-prize,winning 2 basket ofEpeas,"The “shower”came as a completeatoMrs.Andrews.It was%ted in a most unique and at-q ve manner.Two “hickanin-'nies,”dressed in snowy white to rep- Tesent two cooks,entered the room:a large white cevered ham-k..sket filled with the gifts. were numbers of pretty andUsefularticlesthatmaybeusedinthekitchen.;refreshments were of a salad@ourseandteapunch. 4a |Mrs.George Eagle entertained|about fifteen little pple at the|hame of Mr.W.S,Eagle in NorthEtesvilicFridayafternoon.little girl brourht her dol)anddollwedding”was celebrated.ttle Miss Dorcas Turner brought|the handsome little bride and bride- 'groom.There were an officiating~Minister and the usual bridal at-,.Following the “wedding” mts were werved.Cross society was formed attime.Members are Willard7.Virginia Sharpe,Pauline:.Lilian White,Woodrow White,|Garnet Bowles,Helen Bowles,Rub:|Bowles,Ruth Rockwell.Mabel Sherwill,Annie Sherrill,Rebecca Hart-|hess,Lois Hartness,Lois Scroggs.A meeting of the socicty will be held/Bext week with Lois and RebeccaHartness. . Es |Mrs.B.M.Garrison entertained the Priscilla club and «number ofotherfriendsFridayafternoon.The:rnoon was a pleasant one,spentytheladiesintalkandsewing. ,lee cream,cake and mints wereserved.Mrs.Garrison's home wastywithflowersandgreeneryernsandflowerswereusedinthe:ng room and the dining reom was|decorated with sweet peas and nas- turtiums.Mrs.J.K.Williams ofSalisburywasanouc-of-town guest. Miss Florence Mitch!celebratedhereighthbirthdaywithapartyat the home of her parents,Mr.and MrsR.P.Mitchell,Saturday.About 30 Vittl =people —sowere present.There were games.During the afternoon refreshments were served. The Junior Miriams haveedfromacampingtripto BariumSprings.The youny peonte penttwodayscampingontheBartumor phanage premises.Rov.W.T.Watk er,superintendent of the Home.ex tended every courtesy to the guest return Taylorsville Personals. Special Cy of ‘The biamedove Taylor sville,Fane 25 Mi Grin dys and Edith Avery,who were west of Miss Mabel Cooper,heave rotuin ed to their homes in Morgantor M: and Mrs.J.©.Connefiy and childre: and Mrs.L.b.Moore went to Cher lotte by automobile Thursday mor: ing,returning Friday evening.Mrs 4d.B.Rebinette and mother,MiChapman,have returned from a visit to relatives in Hickory and Catawha county.Mrs.£.S.sloope and ehil dren of Charlotte are visitine Mre Sloope's sister,Mrs.Carl Watts,nen town.Messrs.L.©.Ste son oan son,James,of Loray,spent BridayherewithrelativesMissElizaGastonMoore,who has been at the home of her aunt.Mrs. Howart!A.Banks.and going to schoolinPhiladelphia,returned home Satur- day.Mrs.M.EF.Kelly of Salistury is visiting her son,Mr.H.T.Kelly Mrs.Charlotte Kerley of Charlotte spent Sunday at the home of hedaughter,Mrs.W.T.Rowland.MrandMrs.J.Clyde Walker of States-ville spent Sunday with Mr.Walker‘s sister,Mra.A.M Brawley.MrMilionWaikerofStatesville’is the guest of his sister,Mrs.Brawley.Miss Margie Allen has accepted apositionwiththeScoutPublishingCo. Natices of New Advertisoments Threshing and baling outfit ready.~—d.C.Roseman,R-3. F Fresh milch cow for sale—A.W.Bunch.|,To rent farm fay another year.Marsh Howard,Troutman.Wholesale dealer and jobber inItryandcountry produece.—E.aury Posey,Wash:ngton.Five balls twine Jost on Wilkes-boro road.—R.V.Wilson,R-5.Cérsets that are cuaranteed toplease.-—Ramsey-Bowl}:-MorrisanCo.Time too valuable to fight flies.Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Hard rock maple rockers for the.—Crawford -Bunch Furniture rresponhenes ‘ or . weather ammurition.—Sher-ite Shoe Co.ra wanted.-—J.K.Mor-ey By and Produce Co.you can rely on.—R.F. bl dress materials.—Mills&for the new heating for Federa!buiTC Frank rne who wiltbe a.a left’willrfordays.Mrs.H.BD.L ylersthroughvilleyester-on her way to visit in Winsten-| rs.Frank Harbin and little girlPhiladelphiaarevisitingrelatives| Mr.Perry Gayyavho has been em-|Philadet ia,has arrived to!spend several w at his home here.Mrs,J.M.Brown of Hamlet,whowastheguestofhersister,Mrs.J.H.Wyckoff,went to Charlotte yes-terday,where she will spend a few|days before returning home, r.Floyd Lippard of Charlottespenttheweek-end in Statesville withhisfamily.Miss Leila B.Woodward of Char-lotte is the guest of Mrs.T.8.La-zenby.jMissKittieMeMullenofWinona,|Miss.,a missionary from China,will!arrive today to spend a few days with'Mrs.E.G.Gaither. Mrs.Isadore Stepheny of Seaford,!Del.,will arrive today to visit MissesRoseandLeahStephany.Mrs.Ernest Simons and little sen willcomsfromSeafordMrs.Sol.Simons.Rev.and Mrs.Chas.A.Leonard and children are expected in States-ville tomorrow to visit Mr.Leonard’srelatives.The Leonurd family camefromChina,where Mr.Leonard hasbeenengagédinmissionworkforseveralyears,some time ago and havesincethenbeenvisitingMrs.Leon-,ard’s relatives in Winfield andShreveport,La.Yesterday they stop-ped in Chattanooga to visit Mr.Leon-ard’s brother,Owen Leonard,who isintrainingcampatFortOglethorpe.Miss Ethe!MeNairy of Greens-boro,teacher in the Statesvillevradedschools,will attend ColumbiaUniversityinNewYorkcityduringthesummermonths. Mere.8. E.MeLinn,teacher atMitchellcollegelastyear,has arriv-ed in Statesville after several weeksspentatBannerElk.Next weekMrs.McLinn will go to BowlingGreen,Kentucky.Later she will gotoNewYorkcitytospendseveralweeks.Miss Queen Bradley and MissRuthBrownofMooresvillearevis-iting Mrs.J.M.Deuton. Mr.J.H.Knox,formerly of CoolSpringcommunity,now of Winstoen-Salem,was in town Saturday. Miss Isabel Massey,who was aguestofMr.and Mrs.E.G.Gaither,has returned to her home atFortMil,8.C. Miss Lillian Allen of Wake ForestistheguestofMrs.J.B.Glover,Jr.Little Miss Mary MacKesson re-turned Friday frem Moergantor,where she visited her grandparents, Mr.and Mrs.C.F.MacKesson. Miss Celeste Henkel has returned from Chapel Hill,waere she attend-ed a rural life conference. Mrs.Vera Jones was in Salisburvjastweekexplainingthedetailsofherworkasvisitingnurse.Salisburyisplanningtoemployeisiting nurse Mis ©EeneyandMan ' a Finley,Corinne Fin tret Gwynn of Wilke hore pre ts of Mi Christine Henke! Mr.and Mrs.J.oM Walker and chillron hawe returned to their hom: Nioleno,Texas.offer visiting Mp mm the fr,Mr R B Joyne . veek \imn balward pent with relatives Master JJ arrived | Mis Mrs lays ley, M. Hoan { 4Vv fe her" thre My Cornelius and Elsie @veral days recent!y mn Catawba {.Sledtr of Salisbury week to visit hisrearetHeuek, Clyde Wattker thy with Mrs Taylorsville. Sarch Barrett.who itive her nant,Mrs.Rray,hes turned te her home thers ve “ laucnter, aunt,M: few Braw pent oa Perey 1M ” ha M. it \ wi 1 'p Mis Watker Josephine, and little of Boriom Spring have to Lynchburg,Va,to visit relatives.TomorrowtheywillattendthemarriageofMrWalker's niece,Miss Robertson,toRev.J.Harper Brady of Statesvil'eatLynchburg. Mrs.FE.R-Fotlette has returned to Mooresville after visiting her ier,Mrs.PLS.Pon Master Carlisle faune se Shompson,konofRev.and Mrs.L.D.Thompson, has returned from Hickory,where he visited his grandfather,Mr.W. C.Thompson. Miss Charlye Frye is at)homefromMaxton,where she spent some ime Miss Naomi Bailey has returned from Winston-Salem,where hepentseveralweeks, Mrs.Maud Knolle and MrsNevilleofHoustonHeights, are spending a week with Mrs Sloon Mrs.R.L Smith of Hiddenite vis-ited Mrs.Hunter Moore last week.She was on her way to Penn’s Grove,N.J..where she goes to join hethurband. Mrs.J.H.Auten of Lone Creek,Mecklenburg county,is visiting hermother,Mra.J.F.Woddsides and her brother,Mr.0.L.Weodsides. ‘Miss Bertha Burke of Loray left yesterday to visit Mrs.May Fau Frank Texas,J.FE tt ~cette,near Greensboro. ,Mr.C.J.Jones of the local officeoftheWesternUnionTelegraph Company is spending his vacation inTennessee, Capt.and Mrs.Wm.WestmorelandMr.and Mrs.C.H.Turner,Mr.and Mrs.Jas.Harbin of Statccville,Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Wagoner and Mr.andMrs.R.8.Corpening of Newton,|Spent Sunday at Blowing Rock.|DrivesOutMateria,Builds UpSystem|oO tonic,|gaovareTantokane cue ,drivesouthatteupthesys-tem.Atruetonite.Foradultsendchildren.Se.| today to visit!4 Try cmd little !Jones and C equipment could be diverted toWarservicethimmediate cor-rection of faults in the store deliv-ery system of the country.With thistisitsslogan,the board embarked on &nation-wide campaign for the ad-justment of the system,“Our plans,”A.W.Shae,chair- man of the board,said,“will meanPardhiptenebedy.Merchants haveofthesuperintendentsand\long realized the frightful waste ofpalsofFarmLifeSchools.ipur delivery system.We have ree-Lankford of Statesville and his sis-/O™Mmended to retail stores that de-ter,Mrs.J.©,Holmes of —Bikin,liveries be cut to one a day over eachspentSaturdaynightandroute,and that special deliveries be}ame their mother,Mrs.R.H.«leliminated.Many leading business wn and about $50 werefortheirbenefit.Miss AldaOstwalt spent the week-|end with friends here.Mesors.H.W.'Bullard and R.H.Lawkford havegonetoRaleightoattenda men have heartily favored the plan. nTheHarmonyLiteraryclub|large stores a plar is already inwithMissMaryKennedyfastOperationthreughwhichadiscount nesday night.The roll call wae an-|i8 civen to buyers who carry their swered with quotations from “Roe,packa:es home. mance of Childhood.”Quite an im-)Retailers are anxious to find teresting programine was ceria Me‘hois of abating the returnedout,after which delicious ref -|Rools leakage,We want the womenmentswereserved.Several visit-!to realize the enormous loss causedarswerepresent,among the num-jby ainiless shopping and need-ber Messrs.James and John Butler,|le».deliveries,One of the leadingKirkCousartandMissEdmonia|New York department stores spendsButlerofCharlotteandGraham|$880,000 a year for outside deliveryYorkofHarmony.The next meet-|alone.ing will be with Rev.Ovid Pullen’‘Secretary Redfield has estimated and the programme will emb ‘that the factors of distribution rep- the war.Its cause and needs will|resented by the word cartage arebediscussed.;More costly than the total railway There will be a canning demon-!freight rates of the country involve.stration by the H.0.ciub next Fri-|Take a typieal example:Four glassay.The tin can w:tl be used andi tumblers at 4 cents exch were pack-various things will be canned,Ev-!ed in excefsior and delivered in aerybodyiscordiallyinvited.If you |basket worth 50 cents.The criverareinterestedapicnicdinnerwillbe|had to make a second trip to ®et thespread.ibasket.Thus the cost of packingMissEstherReidofStatesvillejanddeliveringcostthestorefarspenttheweek-end with Miss Sta-'more than the value of the goods,cey Hayes.Mrs.Effie Neibel and)which could have been carried homeMrs.B.D.Knowle of Howeton,Tex-by the customer.as,and Mr.and Mr-.J.E.Sloop and,“In large city department storeslittlesonofStatesvillespentSatur-the delivery expense average:about day at Mr.A.F.Downum’s.4 per cent _of the sales.One de <2.5.)ik cms |partment store in England releasedMr.Murdock’s Birthday Cele-3.000 men for war service throughbration—Visitors,jeliminating unnecessary expenses of Correspondence of The Landmark.|this sort. York Institute,June 28 “Deliveries by —retail grocery Tviends and relatives of Mr.T F stores,which averare a_cost -so.e thout 3 per cent.sales,shoulMurdockofHiddenitegavehimaM’Out@ per cent of net aal akonaes‘nae ’‘jbe redaced to one a day.This cansurprisebirthdaydinversune20th,be done by the patriotic carryingthatbeinghiv75thbirthday.About |"of small pvtchases.”‘5 to bo were present and every-as P Sete)body seemed to enjoy the dey.K was State Increase in Food Acreage a complete surpriseto Mr.Mard ek.Mr ae i:=NF.Mendock,Mr.Raleigh News and Observer. Increase of food and feed cropGlennMurdock,Mrs.Sallie Barrier 1 ;D and grnndson,Master Carl Brown,8¢Teage in North Carolina willofSalisbury,and Mrs.Harald Early @mount to a million and a_halfandlittledaughter,Miriam,of Win-|acres,according to estimates of Mr. ston -Salem,were among thesd.M.Johnson,of the office of Farm guests.Mr.Murdock’s two children,Manegentent of the North Carolina nine of the ten grardchi'dren and Agricultural Extension Service. ene great grandchild,were present.These figures are based upon a Mr.end Mrs.T.H.Lackey are survey which the North CarolinaExtensionServiceandUnitedStatesr.visiting in Statesville.Mezers.L.M.!rDepartmentofAgriculture has un-der way designed to show the chang-Beavis ard D.A.Laekey went teStatesvilletoday.Mre.W.M.P :ex in acreare of all important crops;the number of the different kinds of 'er-daughter of live stock;and the amount of labor Toylors-are coercing some days with Perry's parents,Mr.and Mrs., t Harrington.Mrc.N.F.Mur-)dock ard Mr.Glen>Murdock ef.Salisbury have been «t Mr.W.A. Sharpe's.Mrs.Murdock is)spen| me seme tite with Mics MollieMarsh.Mrs.Corretin Walden «pent this weck with her daughter,Mrs. Ncpus Leach,near tyantyville Rev,J.Edwards,Mrs.Fdvcasd und littl daurnter visited at Mr.R C.Atles's und)Miss March tn wk. Mr iousks Chourht He Mrs. bh.M.es this year as compared with last.The results of the survey so far as it has gone shows that the farmers have made gratifying response to the anpeal of the State and nation tofrowmorefoodandfeedcrops.Itlooksliketheincreaseinthesecrops for the State will amount to clos: 1 a Million and a half acres,andwithfairlyvoodseasonsandculti- vation from now on North Carolinaisassuredoffoodandfeedcrops which she may well be proud of and for which the nation at large will be vrateful.Wheat and Vegetable Crops.—— MARKET REPORTS.The farmers are harvesting —ttIn‘ow heat crop they have ever bad Statesville Produce Market,aid a farmér to The Landmark Sui The following prices were paid yesterdayurday,confirming a similar statems for produce on the local marketmodebyanotherfarmerafewdaylhlmeiago.The wheat was thin on the la:Roosters,7c.per Ib in places,the farmer continued,but Begs,25.per doneetheweildevelopedheadsmadeyoforthat. Another farmer made slight dissentfromtheopinionsexpressed.Th:wheat crop is good,he aways,but hedoesn't think it is the best ever.TT!same farmer said,however,that th: ty more garden truck this year ti has ever known,and he is gett in years.[le made a trip throoycountryrecentlyintoWilkesaeverywheregardentruckwasabu‘ant and premising.Some of thfolksobjectedtotheurgingabo:food crops,he said,but they heethewarningnevertheless.Theremuchperishablestuff,of course,)utheycansavebycanning,prese:ing and drying much that has heret:fore been allowed to @e to Waste,a:many of them will do that this yeaMoreveretableswillbesavedtheverbefore, Sunday School Picnic. Brond Street Methodist Sunda school will pienic Thursday,July | the State Farm.The follow:committees,which will have charsofthepicnic,will meet tomor ight in the Sunday school reomBrondStreetchurch,immediat ifter prayvermeeting Transportation R.Holland and F.L.Johnson; freshments A.J.Salley,J.1.Sherrill,G.L.Ballance,Mrs.T.MCrowellandMissLucyRice;amu»ments Rev.L.D.Thompson,HonW.D.Turner,Misses Nelle Arm field,Willie Nicholson,Grace Andeson,Mesdame@s R.V.Brawley,Vers D.Moore. LOCAL NOTICE! The advertisement of the North Carolina State College of Agricul!ture and Engineering appears in t))- issue of The Landmark.That gres!institution offers =comprehens:\:courses in agriculture, chemistfycivil,mechanical and electricalgineering,and textile industry.A:no time in the history of our countr: has the value of training in technica! lines been so clearly underatood ati appreciated.Young men who desirtofitthemselvesforpersonalsuccessandforefficientservieétotheircoun-try,will do well to in te thecoursesofferedattheState's technicalcatlewe~ad ‘ ofKeenerShurpe,vho has bee sick for came dar to be seme better tod Gréen Hides,Hama,25e,toSidesardShoulders im ts New Rea Honey i iSourwoodHoneyComb,20.per Old Auto Rubber Casiny,t¢.pe-Trish Potatoes tnews,&rt Grain. The following prices we paid yesterdayorgrainofthelocalmarket Wheat,3 per fart ber tb ib, ih ‘ashe, re nit the i n,Bias y ‘.i Oats,00c.per bushel Statexville Cotton On the local mark:te ner pound was paid for besMarketfirm.*Cotton Seed,®0c.per bushel,Seed Cotton,8 I-Jc.per tb. Market,t cent grade catton. MY THRESHING and baling outfitJ,C.ROBEMAN.R June FOR SALE—Fresh young eu4 A.W.BUNCH now ready. i)it milk cow Price WANTED—Te rent two-horee farm fer an. other year MARSH HOW VRE)Pooutman Jute 26 It LOST—PFive balls Deering taine on Witkes- bore road n \WHLSON Statenvilly Rd Jute ie E.MAURY POBEY.WholBobberinPoultryheeandCountryPioodes thing te sell or phone me,85 Lowissy Warhington.D ¢! Company Me ' dune 26 le Dealer and t ! ‘ut Stoek any erred mtBenRusvell,s nanieenee DEFARTMENT M4Washington,DPROPOSALS m July * TREASURY\rehitect’s Office 1%,1917.SEALEDopenedinthisoffice or a new heating em.repairs te ing ete,United States Court House anMeeatStatesville,No.in accordance + the drawings and specifications whieh may be had at thin office f the Custodian,tater.filetineretionoftheSupervisine\.WETMORE.Acting SupersJune26 at be bse Seee nee —-=-—_—-_WANTED-—-Limited number of music pupilsMES.Wo Ko McLELLAND, Now OPEN—Statesville Inn now open totransientfirst-class boarders and roomers.MRE.W.FF.PALMER,May 26. POR BIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY wiltAUTO take you anywhere.Priees right.TayPhone227,night Phone 72 Red.May 29. FullStock of Lumber. In both rough and worked mate- rial.If you intend building any- thing,from a Garage to a Canton- ment Camp,see C.WATKINS. being used in agricurcural enterpris-| Liberty is freedom.Freedom is the most precious possession ofany man.INDEPENDENCE Is what our fathers fought and died for. You don’t have to die for freedom.You can put money in our Bank and grow a FORTUNE that will free you from the dread of debt and poverty. NOW is the time to start—Right NOW. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,. Statesville,N.C.' that you want.toJEWELRY, :owolry you buy4syorewhichbyits, vorthy of trust. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. Sooner or Later You are Going to Buy aPLAYER-PIANO, If you want the hest,and surely you do you will have to get a WESER PLAYER. Operates Easiest.Piays Sweetest. Lasts Longest. Come in for a Demonstration. LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.€. SEE OUR BIG LINE a;wee KOOL KLOTH Also Shirts in the latestfancypatterns,big linetoselectfrom. Don’t fail to get a Cedar Moth Proof Bag to saveyourFursandwinterClothing. Hats all descriptions, Yours to serve, E nts of infantry and field artillery. 25,000 additional recruits are desir- ed at the earliest practicable date to 1 vacancies in order that the war repogth of 300,000 men may be aintained.Facilities are facing these 70,000 men under proper training.Any delay in ob- taining this number will necessarily cause the loss of invaluable time. ‘It is the earnest desire of the War partment that 70,000 single men hetween the ages of 18 and 40,who tmave no devendents and who are not engaged in professions,businesses, er trades vitally necessary to the Prosecution of the war,be enlisted in the Regular Army before the 30th of June,1917.NEWTON D.BAKER, Secretary of War. The nearest army recruiting sta- tion is at Hicko 4 and applicants can be accepted at t at place. ASRSTEATS Call For Aviators. The government wants aviators, and needs them badly,the committee on public information announces in a summary of what already has been Aecomplished in preparation for the reat air service programme now he- ”map out. Eight hundred men are now enroll- ¢@ in preliminary instruction schools,and the ifflux continues et the rateof200aweek.After August 25,the :fovernment expects to graduate 20 k students weekly into the advanced flying fields.It is expected that 1,408 men will be actually flying hy September 8. To maintain the present schools or:many others to be established,thousands of men will be needed.The committee called attention to un- founded rumors that the air servicealreadyisovercrowded. “Instead of the acro camps becom- ing swamped,as rumor had it,”saidthestatement,“much less needful branches of patriotic effort were had-ly overdone by young men with a desire to get in and do something fortheircountry.Men between the de- sirable ages of 19 and 25 began vol-unteering in droves for the ‘mesquite fleet’under the idea that if they couldn't wet the Germans from the air they could get a shot at a submarine lying in wait off Sandy Hook or out side Boston harbor.And,as a result the courtry is still calling for flying recruits.” Beat His Wife to Death. Albert Bordeaux,a tenant farmer of Cypress township,Bladen county,is in jail at Elizabethtown chargedwithbeatinehiswifetodeath,ac-cording to reports sent to the daily a weeas had appealed to their in readiness for landlord to save her from her hus- band’s cruel treatment.The land- lord promised to have the man ar rested for cruelty.It is thought that Bordeaux overheard the conv: sation and later deliberately tried to;beat his wife to death.When neigh bors went to the house later they found the woman in a semi-conscious;condition.She died the next day after making it known,it is alleged,;that her injuries were due to her husband's cruelty.Bordeaux refus- ed to attend his wife’s funeral,and although he protested:his{when arrested by Sheriff Clark,|was found asleep in bed with a volver in his hand.The arrest was made while the funeral was being conducted. An autopsy was performed and the coroner's jury found that the woman came to her death as the re sult of blows inflicted by her husband.The victim was an old wo man and had been paralyzed. Iiialrieetiadilemeiininaiadidemmemeimmmeneeamial More Will Be Neede‘. innocence he re- ‘ 1 Persons asked to contribute to the Red Cross fund need have no fear 'that more money will be subscribed than is needed.The demands made on the American Ree Cross,says 'Mr.Eliet Wadsworth,acting chair- man,indicate that the $100,000,0000}may ‘not last longer than six months. “The needs for relief work —in nearly all the allied countries —is looming so big,”said Mr.Wads- worth,“that our $100,000,000 —can ecsily be spent)within six months, |even though the Red Cross practice ““"@onomy and give aid only te the Most worthy causes.” “Por this reason,the American ®Red Cross officials are hoping ear- L nestly that the fund will be largelyFgover-subse bed in the final hours 5 «:Draft the Doctors. ‘Application of a selective draft to;provide physicians and surreons for the war armies is urged upon thedefeheecouncil's general medicalboardbyofficersofthemedicalsec- tion of the New York national de-+fence committee.e,‘Major Karl Connell,heading theNewYorkers,submitted data toprovethatoutof140,000 doctors intheUnitedStateslessthanone-halfareavaiordesirableformili-tary serv He said the volunteersystemfailedtoprotectlocalmedipenethatthepolicyof»!- urging ‘doctors to volun ..teer iminately would revult »Waste anc failureCarolinadoctorsdrafttwoweeksago.urged re iDilin 2 é ssi se H E s E t to a wildly ap- of the Senate ofa“With all ”said the am- bassador,“may I:state that Russia —y idea of a separate peace, t Russia is aiming at is the es- tablishment of a firm and lasting -eace between democratic nations. The triumph of German autecracy would render auch 2 peace impossi- ble.Russia wil!not fail to be a wor- thy partner in the league of honor.”| No previous incident of the war has stirred the Senate and House to such enthusiasm.Senators and Rep- resentatives who restrained their ap plause at the appearance of Marshal Joffree and Foreign secretary Bal- four,threw away all reserve and cheered the Russian euvoy to the echo Speaking in English,the ambassa- dor recounted first Russia’s wrongs under autocracy and then the story of her political regeneration The democracy and its policy of continu- ing the war relentlessly,he declared. has won the support of the Russian people and is opposed only by smal) groups of extremists. This encouraging report comes from Moscow.Saturday the Ameri- can commission,for the first.time since its arrival in Russia,made the formal acquaintance of the represen: tatives of the workmen and soldiers Conferences were heid with the Mos- cow leaders of all the political and industrial factions,commonly grouped under the term prolevariat.Within a few hours of the arrival of the com mission,Mr.Root had delivered two stirring addresses,the first to the as- sociated committees of Moscow and the second to the municipal duma. In both meetings Mr.Root was warmly received and is repeated dec- larations that America had faith it Russia's ability and determination te wage to the end the war for democ- racy against German militarism brought an immediate response from all factions represented,to the effect that Russia would not lay down her arms while German autocracy or any other obstacle imperiled ‘the —con- tinued existence and safety the newly won freedom of the Russiar people. Perhaps the most dramatic —ane significant episode of the day occurrc: when a common soldier,who is pres ident of the Moscow soldiers’deputies in the municipal duma,rose in responsetoMr.Root's appeal to Russia indo in ringing tones said they would their duty. All thourhts that Russia may con clude a separate peace must be set uside,declared Albert Thomas,Freneh minister of munitions,on his return to Paris last night from an extended trip to Russia.An offensive by the Russian army is both a material andmoralpossibility,in his belief,but h declined to speculate as to when such of do a movement mieht be expected.The military problems are in the woy of olution and Russia‘s financial and economic difficulties are |improvin: every day,M.Thomas declared The ‘whole tone of th eh cal inet member's talk was optimistic although he did not minimize the difficulties with which Russia as still confronted,“Too return.’he |said, “with a feeling of optimism which J helieve to be coundive based.There exists in Russia ai difficult:situatior from an industrial and financial view point Our friends recomrnize these great diffieultic:But the two hig questions which cocupied ou were those of governmental order and or vanization and the military problem Both these problems seem on the wa to solutio:ve differences between vl ment ond provirie ray repre ntatir of the soldiers and worl men have disappeared.The yvovert ment is dat;“ining in industry and the hour is coming when it will be te utilize that authority advantageously “There were,it is useless to de extremely grave moments at times for the army becouse of the antiquated and very beutal diseipline that had been enforced;and a lack of und tanding of the new movernent on the part of »certatn number of offver Today,however,the masses comps hend the necessity of a disciplined army and a firm military orvanizetio for the preservation.of the natic liberty and to assure-Ms permanens No Barbecue For the Governor —Save the Price. Bickett's suggestion ham friends who had invited him to barbecue with them that they save the pig and put the price of the food into the Red Cross will be an exeeu tive policy,says Mr.Tom Bost,writing to the Greensboro News The fraternalists who ssked —the Governor to come over and eat with them accepted in fine spirit the sug gestion.Gov.Bickett was =merely practicing what Mrs.Bickett has been preaching and practicing cor sistently.The pig,he said to his hosts,wil!be a fine hog before this time next year.300 pounds and more Gon to Dur of pork would be sacrificed in the face of a world need for food. Gov.Bickett then announced that he would adopt this policy in all the invitations received by him.Where barbecue is held up as the special at- traction,Gov,Bickett will ask his friends to forewo the meat and put into the Red Cross fund for the treatment of the maimed and =sick- ened soldiers the equivalent of the barbecue.Hundreds of fine pigs are every week =slaughtered inNorthCarolinatocrowdstomachs which daily send up prayers against such torture, To Cure a Cold in One Day TakeLAXA BROMD ne.theperananenate,me Sy Gee om cach foo *e 4 of theRussian war) tionche President.steamship companiesmerelyareasonableratezationforthepublicuse of ir —~.Should this n be , ed it would dispose of the railroad’selaimofa15percent.inerease —in freight rates.In substance,the Federal TradeCommissionfindsthatcontrolofthenation’s supply of coal cars and a unified direction of their transferfrompointtopoint,is the key to the control of the cost of fuel to theip dustries and to the homes of thecountry.Anthracite prices could be reduced,the commixsion says,Were t not that the shortage of ears in the bituminous fields has b tabouttheuseofanthraciteforin dustrial purposes.This,in turn,has lemoralized the entire coal market Government agencies,the ecommis-| sion argues,could make certain th:delivery of cars in edequate num te bers to the mines.Bituminous mine«“readywouldproduceatfulcapaeity.In dustries now arming the nation fevarwouldbeabletogetcheapfue!Anthracite supplies would be resery i‘ “tl for domestic uses.The whole in , Secretar man @ 7== ecretary of the State Food Conser-vation Commission,With a view of releasing for themiesandtheneedycivilianpopu-ation of ovr allies at least a partvfthewheatconsumedintheState,secretary Lueas has ssed anearnestappealtothea“0 voller and grist mills in thestate.Members of the Food Con-ervation Commission believe —thatthemillers,the merchants and theveopleofNorthCarolinaarewilling ,put into effeet the suggestion forubstitationofgrahamflourand products to seme extent for flour.In fae.many are al-following this policy. |RRNA ATTASAT Cotter’Becomes Aristecrat. York World. vcuty-five cent cotton queted on narkets indicates strange possi-justrial fabric would be reorganized '»s »,.ashing w illsi »stake on east bank of Oakland avenue;and stimulated as a result.pa jes in the sumptuary develop.ush e down the hillside on to the tae om eget bee of ee ee .::.;‘nit of mankind.Silk imported piers of the Havana Coal Company.. ‘nple of the European government ..So :r **to a stake on the east side of the ; in the present war is cited for suct n the East brought Europe the!Several boats were sunk and a nUM-east of the pines owned by.T.D. action as is proposed by the com ''°t altermative to wool,and afford-ber of small sailing vessels at an-thence south one degree 59 minutes west 0 laser :well-to-do persons,like Queen chor close inshore under the fortress ‘ert —!paytarevey Semen to 1 eeCESCE i liaabeth,the epportunity to dress)wall were damaged.Heavy stones ccueh oe deavccs cust:GO feet to ‘a \“Build Ships —Steet and Wood.a manner different frora that of were hurled across the bay to the and a «mall post oak 50 feet south of Th ,-»Chae he lower ordcoys,Even down to our ae abth coy t airman times che black silk dress whose Denman,of the »ate ue voard,and vuterial was of such aristocratic Major General Gocthals,manager 01 @ity that it would “stand alone” the board's emergency fleet corpor::thout anybody inside of it te holdtion,for authority to exercise powerr ip,marked the condition of gentle- granted by Congress in providing a jan Such a garment one onlymerchantfleet,has been settled by rchused once in a lifetime after President Wilson givicg General Goe sultaticn with all one's female thals the authority,with directior Yotives and friends:and such a that he build all the ships possible,o nment one wore only on the va- both steel ard wood iy State occasion rin the high General Goethals will be authorized f life.There was never eny to commandecr immcuaately all ship of wearing it out or of its get- ping now building,speed up its een riz unstylish.But with the intro- struction and spend che $500,000,000 (icuon of artificial silks and the ippropriated by Congress for ship choapening of their quality,—socialbutlding.Chaigman Denman will re-totus was less easily established to tain powers necessary for operating che outward view,since everybody ind chartering:ships and as president cow could indulge in the luxury of of the fleet comperations will continue k dress,Will cotton,rising by to pass finally on contracts fer con-and bounds,tuke the place of iction,proverbial “silks and.vatins’? The government,it is said,hopes tt)Wo'l an apron or a pair of overalls irrive at some arrangement as to stee!ually be the badge cf aristoc prices Which will make it unnecessary ay 2 Tt would seem so now —unles to commandcer.The dispute ever German substitute made —ofpricestobepaidforsteclteakanewd-pulp opens up a new supply turn when Chairman Denmcn asked fier the war,; the Federal Trade Commission to tm. vestigate the eo .s of steel manufac.|25,000 Airmen Equal to 1,000,- ture with a iew te iving at a fas 000 Soldiers. price and Sen.Coethiis requent YA billion dollars,$460,000,000)more the st el commitice of the counei!of |than previously had been sugyrested, national defense to take the matter arobably would be required to carryvMr.Denm in ha balked at PEY-\gut the proposal of putting 100,000 ne more than S56 a ton for stee!and tirplanes and from 10,000 to 20,000 refused to sin contracts Mads 'Y aviators into the wir,Allen Ro HawGeneralGoethalscallingforsteclatliey,president of the Aero Club of Bere ,America.told oa ib-committee of he :the military affairs committee of theChildrenKilledByAuto.Wane Gt Canis,Mi Hawley The f-year-old daughter of Me.and ‘strongly indorsed the proposal,say “A Lewis Ruramage of West Badin,!ing it had bee i that 25,000 avi Stanly ceanty,was run down by an)ters could do more toward termi- tntomobila from Winston-Salem;|ating the war than 1,090,000 addi ariven by Eli Wilson of Co ccord,tional soldier He also endorsed Surday afternoon and died bef he he Sheppard Halbert bill,under ould receive medical aid.The acci-consideration,to establish a)separ nt.ot is claimed,was unavoidable ite department of aeronautics A child was killed and fo other “Our allies are dompy everything: ople were injured Sunday sfte:noon they can to turn eut avintomrs and when a touring car,driven by L &,/vreraft ar large number he said hieeman of Hendersonvill:nd |Great Britain,accordine to author- turtle j ist beyond Flat R "\-tative reports,Us IE oduc Te 41M)iv of Hendersonville airplanes per month and France aseewaneeceeeea;many,but thes are used as fast oa .'hes hey are manufactured.”Epworth League Conference,What wieht remain of the 100,000 The Epworth League Conference!girplanes when peace restored of the Western North Carolina Con-!sould be utilized for commercial pur ‘nee of the M.KB.Church,Seath,|poses,he said.A French gover ion in Asheville veky>ment con nission now malin roxe Charlotte as the next meeting}plans fe uch use place There was quite a contest!ee neem ame+ er peti ceili ae Moryvarton and!No Camp For Asheville. nsiones .y OW.Sawant of Ache le owas Majer General Woed,in command ected president,James KE.A vht of the theastern.department,ha «Greensboro vice president.Mra)@@vined the Asheville folks that oa K.B.Browning of Greenshore veces}camp for training soldiers will not etary and Miss Grace Bradley og |0@ established in)Avaen He.Pompei inten)treasurer jature too low in winter for a tent camp,bs Wood saidMoneytoRestorePalestineThesenernlstated,however,thatiae‘the had recommended to the War :\total of 34 sade sat rietved)Department the establishment of aSuida)night in Badtimer the|camp for onvalescenta in or neat annual convention ul tne on}Asheville aud also a hospital campfAmericanZionistsind Le aot ral,Thank and Warn Russians.inmy te go to Palestine ca arethewayforitsoccupatane A despa from Petrograd say ists.Justice Lou D.Br:of Alons the Russian northern front the United States Super (arty south Smorvon,German air- pledved $10,000,while M soph planes have dropped leaflets which Fels of Philadelphia,—pleds ,.Tead:awe -“Thanks for the Jong rest during ———which uterrization enabled us toTWOKILLEDBYLIGHTNING.transfer of troops te the western Mr.and Mrs.BD.Lacy Shepherd front to hold up the attack of —the were killed by lightning on the Jist.English and French.Now enough They were in a field on the farm,|are transferred We are going to in Green township,Guilford county,;fgat_and will fire on fraternizers picking beans when they were ine;==—a stantly “heir yochile eeetoll hag ’den Nene ce rt e a Taking Cathartits Every house a short time before.They took Day for Weeks Don’t shelter under a tree and after the ‘machaiGwoeceoeCureSto Trouble found them dead there They de ne minete the peolsenous Bile eeee et Aecretio from the System,so decinres atateofOhi,hy ot Tete edieCniagn Momazh,Brera.Often Frank J.Cheney makes oath that he is sem pM teaaare sae a ee oe ior partner of the firm of F.J A heney &Cae!ailments are the consequences,Mayr's WondoingbusinessintheCityofToledo,Countg|Gertul Remed the Wun ene te and State aforesaid,and that said firm wil |er ot Th ge ean a Noe ong tenaythesumofONEHUNDREDDOLLARB]pes restored.millions,One dose will proveforeachandeverycaseOfCatarrhthatcmt!that it will help yor Mayr's Wonderful not be cured by the wee of HALIS CATARRE!Remedy ix for anle by Statexvifle Draw Co, CURE.FRANK J.CHENEY,Sworn to before me and subscribed inpresence,this 6th day of December,A NOTICE TO CREDITORS. iene,A.W.GLEASON,Havine qontified as admintetratrix of Jaa.‘Bently .Notary Publie.|©.Clark deconee’d,wotice te hereby given toHall's Catarrh Cure ie taken internally afl partion holding claims ngninet said estateandactsthroughtheBloodontheMucous!fo pretent tlie same to the undersigned on oF made by John Paul Lucas,executive|Greensboro, | oximately |time. | | Surfaces of the Send for teatime.|before the 15th day of June,1018,or thie noe:tials,free,iii be plend in bar of recovers,MRR,|‘okt PF.J CHENEY @ ©0.,Toledo,0.SETZER.adminietratrix of Jm.C.money if it file to cure.Sold by all —7Se.»Rast Monbo,N.C.iooBall's Family for constipation..D,Turner,Atty.June 16,1917". .' who will the stpapersandforwardthesameto)Washington.While physicians,den-|©tists and veterinarians under th mission,it is the young,active,sea-! the government needs most at this |te Mysterious Havana. No cause.has been assigned for the explosion at Fort Cabanas,op-. posite Havana,Cuba,Sunday night,which sheok every building in thecityandsentthepeopleseurrying into the streets,many of them withvisionsofapossibleairplaneraid or bombardment by a German raid- foet oft ..;euatcr.Investigation is being made by feet the government.est property damage huge rocks sent Considerable;villewasdonebythe city,one landing upon the State de-partment building.contnomaCare What BetterPurchase ‘:For One Dollar ThanGoodHealth?min ae @ election weby ealageof56yearsareeligibleforcom-city of Statesville onSeptember, |30 minutes,west 4,828 feet toseetingwithTraddstreetin dewrees 10 minutes west 9,180 feet to an pipe ditch 60 feet north of the center of the St rond north 88 degrees,weet 1,837 Western North Carolina:railroad and 1,227 Power Company's switeh board 3,967 feet to & at forks of the be heldTuesday,the 4th day1917,at whieh election there&soned men of mature judgment that |04 {uMniitedtothethequestionofexthecityofStVirniteporateExplosionAt\oundaries a4 odavtakethenerthofthebranch;thenee in the Hartness woods and 100 feethecornerofsuidwoods;thence 4930minuteswest1.473 feet to a stake onbunkoftheoldtanyardroadaboutnerthofOrr's;thence south 241.820 feet to a stake on the bank ».Air Line railroad;thenee with saidfeet to bi SA O Se of the 77 mile pest of the Westerninaeailroad:thenee north 68 degrees 18utescastparatielwithsaidrailroad1,7toustakenearthepresentyardthencesouthsevenq@egrees10mipassingfeetsouthofthe 7 in the path on the bank of the foot east of a large persimmon tree atroad;thenee north 78 degreesviescastcroesingtheBoulevardend Sea Charlotte road 2,040 feet to the nor corner oof the Souther.Pewer Cony 3 WE F L FORC 1 tower standing 50 feet east of the ©rowd;thenes north 19)@egrees 30)my a m.>went 1,500 feet te a peeimmon tree o@Nux-iroa-Vaw-Pow,the New Rem-fank of a ditch 50 feet from the exatee edy Rooia as trenized =Paw-the Charlotte romt;thence north 86 Paw.10 minutes east 1.462 feet to a stake Read Vex.Moeore’s Testimony.a <I ce Dy caoMre.8.I Moore,Viving at (412 creasing below station of A,T.&@. rants “treet,Portsmouth,Va.,road;thenee north 10 degrees 40 minutes emat:ocr from Nervous *paraticl with the ‘A.‘T.&O.Railroad 1,02 -a red aa 1 Nervous In feet to a xtah )feet north of Mills stgeetsy? irene Av See plessness SO much theese 78 depres )minutes enst 2,154 feetetfohadalmostgivenuphopeinoteastakeintheedgeofafield140feet, 'effienes f medicine.TE had short th of the read:thenee north five degrees3% ee a :i p :minutes east 824 fect te a stake 44 feet nayansalreathcattimes,almost fp tho Waetern Nocth @uroting Ratleemothering,constantly affected thence north 14 deprees 30 minutes weet 2 with hendaches,loss of appetite and feet toa stake in am old rond 160 feet saith trength.~had heard xo much ‘if the Salisbury branch;tence north at de- t |ousel Paw -pas I wanted cre five ominuty we 'feet to a man t rontzed “Pay h wante hele st the northwest corner of the bridge to try its merit beurht a bottle the Salishury brane;thence north 684 tt ‘Team \t Pharmacy ana eo Utes east 019 feet to an ag @ ifver use oe bettie.t ,en “the oosent southeast cornet WE hs ronr’®HST Lees ns ay RECA the city of Statesville:@hence about nejiovmyheadache,we.consness and cream feet to a stake on the north olde af? indivestion absolutely disappeared.|I street at the western end of the ' eo nbout east with the nerth side of B ‘a My tite i a a‘iv appetite is wood,mn gaining reet toon xtuke on the went xide of the newtweightandcaneatos.anythine a)that connects the Mocksville read agg without iH effects.)Contdently ree.road otroet;thence north Ly degrees 33.mnie amend Trenized Paw-Paw to any meat eis fees >the west side of said?po }‘‘x te ’ter thee Boe ar tremetia 3 sufferer,as it will do what i is rec {That mt seid election atl the qualifiedgommendedtodeItworthterexidinaswithintheboundariesseteam times is price I woultn’t be with raph ene of (iis cesalution,whe shalild a ee tir ft it cloetion,shalt be entitled t@sutoattlenow:f ;Phe ny plunge for said themNowisthetometobegintakingare{ne aball be as follows: Tome tone up vour system and oor Wace r woplice C.D.Moore's Steg ent your tal vans from becom v ay Ue by Nieeu:aerines of cleorg 7 .-,-E t owe ame -aivert,7gedisardercdorbadlyaffected,Wart 2.Polling pace Office of Rd.WhigYourdvproballykeepsit,Wooer Co.Rewistrar,Wo Matheson>Judget but af he doesn't,it is ldoin States os tian,WOOL Gilbert and WW.Tharnes 2 ville by Polk Gray Drug Co,Mare ro =urt Houne ;Rew..y‘:We Election,—fTronizedPaw-Paw,price St.For hn WAY .mula on every bottle:Mail order Ward 4.Polling place Office of Fiewt | eromptly —attencde te Inter-State Building &Loan Assoeintion:Kesistenr,4. Drug Co.,Ine,York.-ad iH ae He liedaes cof:Bleetin.SB Meee ont —ean ks Thave That said Rewistra shall open 4NOTICEOFSALE’on the ninth day of duly,1917,and]: he eo me open until sundown on Sater 7 el UNDER and iy ,‘n {{$s «t day of September,1915,for the ;E ferior Caurt Drevcte '‘‘ree of netictering al voters residing with a rectal —prreacred cou !the bownidarie et out fn paravraph one of 7 tor of Vobrtha Trivet cxolution,who may desire to vete in the 4 Zettheunderovenedeg:‘'‘id election,and who pormsexs the qualifiem MONDAY i)on f ite in the generat State elections,. at o clock,the «i is fee s shall he at the polling places ts ile,Nt Mer fi ete i!city on each Saturday during the peeg a ihisforCASH,that)cerca tea i 'ch the registration books are ree a . ‘mf being in Union «'te be kept open from nine a.m.untifbierunty.Nerth ¢ond n ;' ’of Willem M i ethers,and Vowrtt At cnid cleetion fl voters in favor dons fol!thes raf the corporate limits of the sinning ation red n Putte nd »af ’s shal!cast ao written oFtheneesouthdewreesentpetdesformteatballetbearingthewords,“For Bix. take the nee ere a stake in’ten an oters oppecing said)exe |William)Mull with Mu ter shall cnat written or printed hak @*ine 18 pe!'n «nid:Mullis’jot bearing the words,“gainat Extension,”tines thence ne \Multix’line Said judsea nnd registrars at the close @4 'polew too th !ontainin t-4 tid «fection shall count the ballots,and make seres More KR JOHNSON,ten return over their hands of tha @‘'pod Eeeut It of enid eletion in thetr respective wardW.OD.Turns nm 194 t he City Chek and Treasurer on or before . a ————‘"n't day,the sivth day af 4 =ptambe At Le @clock on said aint 7 ‘ y of Septenibe !tne Board of Alder EhalleareclaretheresultofJ-id election on 1 for in ssid act of | the General ‘of North Careiina,Fifth.That ided for in anid aet of the General Assernmb oters living within th }ent corporate limite of the ety’af 3 4 tutenvaille hell te at the regular polling @ : tinces im their reepeetive wards,and all wete @ Eilisirgouteidethepresentcorporatelingite| ef the city of Statesville,but within the feasnedber ris ‘it in paragraph one of thle 7 '!t the following phrces:ny All outside voters living north ofHrdandeastofCenterstreetandtheraentWillesbornroad,shall remister andotetnthepollingplaceprovidedforvoters in the first ward |'\iteide voter living south of ©treet and the rend forming the extensidstreet,and eat of Center street A.T.&O.Railroad shall and vote in the polling place provided for vot+4 ~in the second ward , a All outside voters living wert a Com | We use the Hoff-Man Sanitary te"street and the AT.&O.otrent shine and turn out work neatly 2s"0"Ge Taylorsville rewd,shall machi ’MAtlY and vote in the polling place provided for 7andpromptly.Clothes called =for voters in the third wara q and delivered.Prices reasonable e ‘"Al oxteide vetors living sere ¢the | ;api B ‘ayloreville road and west of Center street,7 i «—eering and coloring.shall resister and vote in the polling place — R ENC )ee (LEANING A provided for voters in the fourth ward.SPECIALTY!Give us a trial and we —Sixth.That the election.pro for bywillmakeyourSilksandPalm‘his reselution shall be held under theandregulationsprescribedbytheBeacheslikenew.of the State of North Carolina for 2 ®ine of municipal elections exeept asingendregulationsarechabyionsofanidgetwem . x gt Seventh.That t ClerkPhone486.145 Center St.urer oheh uae ro the Gheteeetil the wee reer the 1isced Po repair ¢ongget and ‘The Landmark,newspapers tier, city of Statesville,vorkefollowingtheanoticeofthe se lution,the time ofvotingplacesinthevarious waoftheRegistrarsby theAldermentogetherwithallewential partssolutionttyorderofthencNao June 12,1997.Clerk nnd C.WA’ wl bree add:sa Aehaieiedaatines 1 upegene’* tL ic.i er Sot shana mt worthless lies |etairae'o be our Hands| Arenot tied fromcarryingoutyourex-—_—desires when you have ie THE BANK. Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It is not a matterOFGOODFORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in- come is smal]and it will be casier as your income increases to Increase Your Bank Account. Now is the opportune time to open anAccountwithus. |People’s Loan and Savings.Bank.| “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO,H.BROWN -President. O.L.TURNER .Cashier. =||;| | “FREE”DO ccc Halls Drug Store,to every man oneSimple Sanitary Sharpe Safety Razor.The Ideal Army Razor. The Fconomical Home Razor. The 108 per cent Efficency Razor.The Strictly Guaranteed Razor. Come and get yours. HALL’S DRUG STORE,PhoneNo.20. ena “LAWN MOWERS.” What improves the appearance of a place from the street more than any one little thing?A nice,well kept lawn,of course,The best way to have your lawn this way is to get one of our Mowers and exercise it about once a week,and you will be surprised to see the difference.Let us show YOU to THEM. Iredell Hardware Co. P.S.We have three grades of Pine Shingles and we can sell them cheap. PATRIOTISM *BUSINESS Every good citizen at this time should do his share toward strengthening the~——-Reserve Banking System which Government has created with its billion dollars of resources to stand back of its member banks and all their de-positors. You can contribute directly to thestrengthofthissystem,“a ome same sections worse . :eit-foalet-|on there-) by request.Dr.Somers) asI know there is no bet-|»,ue Yee im which to li ue =United Petes,no better place inCatesStatesthanNorthCarolina,|better place in North CarolinaWilkescounty,and no oid Wil\jority of her citizenship.|am©county superintendenischoolsandhisuntiringefforts to —our young men and women.{amproudof a great many menand(other things in old Witkes,but I am|sorely disgusted wity one reputationjshehas.For instance,being in dis-‘tant counties in the State,meeting|strangers,and forming their ac-.aintance,“Where are you from”?Withee “the land o Dr.York andcornliquor”;or,on being out of theState,“Where at,you from”?|North Carolina.“What county”?|Wilkes,Up where they make the |‘moonshine’ue If this was as humiliating to ev- ery man in Wilkes county as it is tome,old Wilkes would shed the dam-nable reputation “before the watergothot.”|am Poe that Dr.Yorkwas9citizenWiikes.Of such a brilliant insottect any countyshovidbeproud,but I am sorry hisgoodnamewas”ever linked with eorn liquor,to designate the reputa- tien of our county.Dr.York tried to cure everybody and corn liquertriestokilleverybody.It has killed100meninmycircleof sequain- tunce (apd |am not so old,either)and jeft 160 widows and 500 orphan ,children to prow up without an edu- eton and without proper moral Bil training.I knew a young man—aschoomuteofmine—who could have succeeded Gov.Bickett if it had not been for the one thay.Another whosouldhavesucceededPresidentWil- sen had it not been for the same thing.But these are only two of the100.Intemperance cuts down youth ‘in its vigor,manhood in its strength, old age in its weakness.Ht breaks the father’s heart,bereaves the dot-ing mother,extinguishes natural af-fection,blights parental hopes, erings down mourning age in ser- row to the vrave.Alcohol preducesweakness,not strength.More than40yearsago,when the Russians‘went to war,a .erporal passedalongthelineandsmelledthebreathofeverycoldicr.HW there was in his breath a taint of intoxicatingliguer,the man was sent back to the barracks.Why?Because it wasknownhecouldnotendurefatigue Still every one who drinks tries to manufacture a plausible excuse for so doing.Some drink to enable themtowithstandhardshipstoo cold,too hot,too wet or too dry. Some drink “because [T was in trou- tle.”They don’t know that grief banished by wine will come again,and come with a deeper shade and on the soul will ieave a stain thatsorrowhadnevermade.i saw boy in knee pants pass my place oi day last summer about noon.That night he came along back so intox: cated that he vomited on my porch I do not know who he was—had nev er seen him before,but he was some poor mother’s son.I feel about a guilty as the fiend who sold him the stuff to get drunk on,because T did not take his back track and prose cute the one who let him have the liquor to the full extent of the lawButtherearetoomanyofuswho peddle pills,or try to preach,or ) a mill or own a jackass,and afraid of the unpopular side of the rum question.I,Ae one,am will ing and anxious to ro oon recordeyvainstthecauseofnine-tenths of all erimes committed in the Jand.Ii makes wives widows,children o1phans,fathers fiends and paupers and beggars.It fills)our jaiis,crowds our penitentiaries and =fur nishes vietims for the electrie chair Nt hates Jove,scons virtue» anders innocence.It burns up men,consumes Women,curses (; and despises heaven.It brings shame,not honor;misery,not safeiy;despair,not hope nor happine So far as I remember,1 heart!) agree with every word the Jennin: writer said in his letter of some time ago.Bro.Newt said a manhadaright(legal)to sell his corn, etc.But a man has no moral rivh' ell corn whea he knows it is co ‘ig to be manufactured into themeansthatmurdersthesoul,the {ther of all crime,the mother of al! abominations,God's worst enem) and the devil's best friend.A omarofrealworthfearsnottoutterhisrealsentiments.Therefore,ge:tlemen,if you have anything toayit.We yet have free =sper and the press is not muzzled. SRD OTN SIT Suit For Camp Ground. Newton Enterprise. MeCorkle @ Mose are bringing asuitinLincelnSuperiorCourtcompelthetrusteesofRockSpr campground to make a decd to the grounds to Mr.Albert Sherril!Sherrill’s Ford. About a year ago Mr.Sherpurchasedthecelebratedcampmect ing grounds,36 acres of lJand and the arbor and all the tents,from acommitteeappointedbytheconferencetomakethesale.The trade‘in good faith by M: Sherrill and the committee,but thetrusteesrefusetomakethedeed. last week said he ieneleanonalcrewaboard ,to the lifeboats,but the captain,who ae GnOwW 4.464 On captain of anwhicharrivedinan shell tire a German submarine ondune4whentheshioutfromLiverpool.While the captainWouldmakenofurtnerstatementtheWirelessoperatoronboardgavethefollowingaccountofthe“We discharged our cargo at Liver-poo!and left for our homewardageonJune1,We were running atRightswithoutlights,The guns were cleared for action,W saw one sub-Marine June 4.One British ship sent |&signal of distress we picked up.you store a tonof old style cottonseed hullsShereportedshewasfightingasub-you give spaceto ‘almost 500 pounds of lint and Marine.Hulf an hour later they re all the extra bulk that the lint causes.ported by wireless the submarine had‘submerged,”Dick “lt heard 8.O.8.from another Brit iishvessel.She reported she was be- ing attacked by a submarine.Aftc:of ~"Minutes of hard fighting the sub-marine submerged and the steamerwireleesedshewasundamaged. Bink were on a zivzag course and making full speed when one of the 1 INTLEkunnerssightedatorpedoheaded.-Siraight for us.He shouted to the you give space to 2000 pounds of real roughage,freebridge:‘Here she comes.Torpedo |from lint,compact,concentrated,solid.port side.’i Buckeye Hulls save half your storage space or enableroughage.“The chief officer,who was on thebridge,shouted to the quartermaster,you to carry twice as much ‘hard starboard.’We swung off.Th.Other Advantagestorpedostruckusontheportsidei2tyglancingblowamidship,right nec:Tcelore seer the en cine Freem.We were ordere:Priced much less perton.Sacked —eazy to handle. ther,AY oH othe:had remained aboard,found the tov-vey penne ques Sarthe:an a oe +pede hac failed to expiede and or-Mr.John Wicker,Forest,Miss.,says:dered all hands baek on ship.thathis first experience in feeding Buckeye “>a=Wi en the commander of the sut unsatisfactory as he fed them improperly.Marine saw our erew climbing up on soaks the hulls over night,then feeds themon"hasdeckhestartedforusagain.—satisfactory results.Mr.Wicker states thatthese“The gun erewa setembled to th hulls ave more economical than =style hulls @ndxucs.When about 600 yards off our |—that =almost twice asfar as theoldstylestarboardquarterashel!from our for-hullsat @ considerably less cost to in with.ward gun hit the submarine and she To seeure the best results and to cevclop the ensilage odor,wet theBubmervwed.Again she appeared ane =twelve hours before feeding.Nt isbelies to do thiseuraftergunhitherandblewawaybemeteeeeeeeHtatwie.Ae:periscope.Anuther shot from cannot w wn at minutes,our fe ant wun fell right on top of feed the Le ey see Leedaior.‘There was a shower of blac!Bookof Mixed Feeds Freechefollawedby@greatcommotiorGivestherightformulaforeverycombinationoffeeds used in thethlesofwaterandlirhitbluSouth.Tells how much to feed for maintenance,for milk,for fat-ising from the stern of th tetting,for work.Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for‘boat,on fi using them properly.Send for your copy to the nearest mill,jur erow,whie WER ined out °keuirsk tho stasbeard yall watchine pem.&The Buckeye Cotton Oil Ca.va.kthehuttle,gave a hearty.American Atlanta Birmingham ood Little RockcheerwhenthesubmarinedisappearAcauetaCharmane_—ee Sina«a4 eneSceeR Ap:eae ane ew angen eee elma:Perverted Reasening.DORI Ey.IOOO”-OODOROOO “ION.1 OUOEQOAOAIEOCOOOUrionRepublican. A Boston preacher counsele his 4 9congregationtobuynoLibertybe—lnulnationalprohibitionj It is ani :nat he declare 7 sk t]le to lend money to the jovern-4 Under “Gi N®RAL DEBILITY.”His troops never |.37. mey ee )so much ae is being pent for rum.This is perverted reu- coring.The government is net spend- its money for rum,the zovern- nent is Net going te spend th:pro- ls of the Liberty loan for rum. We cannot make our support of the wer contingent upon the adoption of any of our fads,matter how wara.The cules at miele KS el! refuse to do Red Cross work innti she .ots the vote as the prohibiti ist to buy a bond until the dein rum is throttled Hes wdvocausesattraceeee4 POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square”might declare that he w il resist con-n- seription if his theories aradopted. win a fight—all the fight is s apped out of theirsystem.If you can’t keep step—have to fall out oflinebecauseyou're feeling below par,let us putingoodmarchingorderforthebattleoflife,Wecansoonsetyoursystemstraightwithoursuperiordrugs,the PUREST MOST EFFECTIVE Made. ¥ou'll soon he baci in the ranks of the fit,ready todoyourbit. BLOCK ADED!"; O Should ‘Knew Mew 'o eastTe BIG SALE ON ALL Tf your back aches because che kidneys are blockaded Yor should help the kidneys with I their work.eDoan’s Kidney Pits are especial- ly for weak kidneys Recommended by ‘housands— home testimony proves their merit. H.8.Stroyd,229 Boulevard St.,=.Stateaville,says:“Some years ago We are offering all our Colored I was in pretty bad shape with .kidney and bladder troutl.My Hats Shapes for 98c.each, back was so weak and stiff the:I \.’ couldn't straighten after stcapiug Now is your opportunity to get a Mornings I could hardly pet out of bed.My kidne ys were sluggish and the kidney secretions scanty and un-..natural.To never experienced such Be sure to visit our Ready-to-Wear misery in my life as when the kidneysecretionswerepassingDoctorsdid-Department.We have some bargains n’t seem to be able to help me and I kept getting worse.|was advised to to offer. try Dean's Kidney Pills.1 did and was permanently cured o kidney trouble.” Price -50c at all dealer Don'tstaglyackforakidneyremedy.set MRS MARY SIMS Dean's Kidney Pills—-the s that \wearic cured Mr.Stroud.—Foster-Milburn P .. Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y The Cash Store. Some Red Cedar Shingles,.IE |LSaCTT Bought at the old prices still or hand.30 Nails,Ridge Roll,Val ley te.‘ane Occ ae THE STATESVILLE Green Shingle Stain.mar 7Swati”mm ss |REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.Appreciates the very liberal patronage of its Osteopathic Physician.friends and policy ‘holders,both NEW and OLD.oe be eee =ote Our officeis an open one,and we invite all ourAndereide,{fa13 customers and those who will become customersSt.Office*to use the seme when they so desire.As in thetecldence‘phone 279—greer.past,we will strive to give the same4-Inch Longleaf Pine Shingle®HIGH GRADE SERVICEInNo.1 Heart,No.2 Heart and g:that has won for this Company the good will andNo.1 Sap Grades.Long-leaf Pine confidence of over seventeen hundred patrons. “atmo than any |“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL©.WATKINS.HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. _Z.LINNEY|We will be giad to have you call at our officeRecialSpecialistforanyame,or telephone No.54 if ourserviceinPILES|Prosi We do NOTARYPULICworkalso.w¢gee ma|}J-F.CARLTON, wif nice stylish Hat cheap. a 1917. =“DEATHS. Hh Prof purposes and and Nephew of " $152,500.00 for it om Mr.MecPeier ville News,eter teank ja inietration,was pasied and Others.Special Correspondence »2h.The Red —of Congress M Tissue, eine,Ee *esvanellin Sc foe night after far.-,ile at 30¢36 inch Soie .maville public schools,Mo “iat,whens mass meeting ght afterfar “reachh 36 inch Check and Stripe Voile @ Be.36 aid ad ws Greensboro eae Ps triday 9 quaded schoel audi-to it.365 to 3 —Repre 36 i al Voile at 36 “Ww Ik Plai , was 8 brother,Mr:vas held in :‘pose of arousing The vote was ani ‘“s Vv §e the death wy home there “4 ium for the ~sie y The meeting entatives Mc i Slayden th 36 :Carni Voile at 25e,ago ‘in|Bri took place niet ot ane wD.HE.Rol sentatives McLom ant,New |36“Costume V ileat Be.te Saturday morning.j agtooth of the was addressed by ra.First Pres-oar.Missouri,and on .in th Sm fe t ChiffonVoi e Phe,Hollybell Stri Voile rhe «::.:)mestor o Rril-eC ,ia i licans,Vv e .s ”’ine ’ Sunday at the 5 it Randolph county ston,D.D.,'ot Charlotte.'.York,Re publice “Voile ac .Gaberd ee a younger broth hyter .:—nS above all,ae negative,hibition provision adopte:|40 o y é Voile at =Dainty Fi Mull, . r.OTT pan son,He ix sur lant,forced Sra a atic worke The prohibitio oodstufl ‘ . ' .I a or ¢ene ebay rothers ‘ent ery oe i ae und on probit the saeen cael woul:=“6 Arcadia Voilat 0c.25 inch nibell wn, red hy two sisters ¢PMroand |ss heard with in ‘on i by ap-¥cholic OVERS ‘©s) . ° an Bn Hoe and Saata Torthe octasttn for alethate bev saltVowor nes |33g ee Nowa Cah oe ,ad Plaid Skietings, my.-gon 0 4 wi Teo sic fo ;,rive .g rs Mrs —ee pital Ny aphatien flag io the choirs of ‘the ver for Th cna cetae _into th: j did line of *‘Ostine Stripe a time ty,shed at 3 in purges vas renceros ”}audience join n hand They ‘2 en Summer county, from j ,hes,the auch er on ha es -evening in can ho § ese Point Sunday aan hile accident vane a se aie min the <neeasure ‘uring Bio a when th:Wealso s a Don't tail to see th a 1 an a omob a }with er aa ’Star Spanw-rittee of the » . eae M Thompson,whe .rn America’and "Th lec Cooke mites me up in the een Eren at 5@c,per y 5 vent a WAS @ Rephew "oe :Mo eee M es -1 Camp uD ae prohibition a 7,offerings. o 4 Matt.Thompeon,wis Sty tes ge a ee emaral that they.be ‘to the ‘Sanat. I P O S [., Mir ;tolph ca ”t ¥¢£00)r woe ‘= ai emain in Rar =e ee wh he mecting S2et Phe tell a ly will be substitute |— S & — funeral,which \ Miia ony ee a Where it:probi A ,,imilar measure a!— :'—— a ola) fan.wIMOUSTVY voter his pOT |Tern tis Leade:— are — _“ }Mech’ i “a a for the sum dy :che ‘ee epg confe: Ss —Bete :en WATC I I. Los at hie bowie i Mari pir iene oe eee ner capita,A BEM 10 by I prohibitis NEWSPROMBATTLEPRONF ‘GERSOL DOLLAR in need ‘of Mr.and HM ;im He ‘ipenint ae s F h res \ pealiiiaias:\EWS FRO.ae the ]N (z 48 a 1 285 See me if youare n h t pity et ce ' the baa i , ae oY es INS In oh 1;i h heed ele Vt ntrol powers @f -No Material Changes in Warpore °f :Wateh I can supply a WW ‘ ‘edgy ee ’. .#," . a oe a eae he card divhlel tt eeu pl ee ate the hall in War Zones.n the f of any kind o sr Hamilton,South “Be : ‘‘i . by Hobe tie ‘on the ‘ males wetors in ‘ :c . et arial my lee a chiiemen:Weitically mention lanket puto:ide from or Dares Re need.In stock,~w York Standard, f Stitoaviile ver team ‘me ‘control wor between Soissops OM taruil Waltham Kigin,cw 0 nile Mr Mel el Ph No,2,ff ;%ampagne near Montariil ’ Foe awl ad ;wiley:3 tay Yee nal pre n Champagne ‘4 tak > renter!Ce oa Meds ce 1 \J.P.M ':i ;tae ad little lighting of moms hy 2 ‘ae Reliance, Jewcler, ho}“Men i 'ho Camy Doe.Pun \peneun ':servin:i The Fresch,conti ‘th WOODWA with ;‘ «\’: ‘+those ae ,Hace, a ;the ae 4 kor the pust :vl i N btu ({1 h No 'ede ;oe re placed :ciechine tactics —al the H.B. i aoe ree heen ign ha ie .rch is oi “od ok,O&Ue ind the Presi nats,now 7 i 2 e lair SO a cae Sea siestaclatmuaan ipvived 4 ae Me}?};(aon horne eh {NESS 5 i make the ar part of the t Pritery “hi aa teary a eer /and V ,4 iN o mak !<¥Y farra in ———— ars } o ONG ee lr foams w 'eration of th theaxt of the Moi y ‘k . , t ":dt pie VW 5 ’h ‘4 cam ..a ;of \iuNailon,whi <ora 'THE WAYTo wennash Seasonabl e t f wea?a _—rince, —o ters, Moos ; ned te ex *German crown |i..rtant thing Mroned Me _\r root !n !liquors wr a we ‘picked)men,i a :Health is the Sie too vital, s--- Miss ktta Sn bee ae ft y ‘tt.Wt was submit in attacks in whieh a from ‘in fife.It is -2 as an article of Such a with him feast \l " 2 oe \a i :a ‘at Barkley ot mn remely heavy ootendleh and in-to be —it tannet be purchas-| gy ae “h ch REISS I A \\m a "i}J ‘Mr :‘Ih nN rat,and looleee fire of #rench peg dn revion of Sonne ioe phials at the Commer Mason Jars. the funeral,‘clock,were Poe of het ee tN }1 fea!or fege \."Po tite cast,‘tillery ‘ed in boxes ‘ 'mont 4 oolele <1 'i hon he J rere 1 ® >3:ronne,the art ¥)aaa re, "9 A. aps afternoon a 5 iss Maric ote hy ea ’!'Curiny the wer eoand Carenne,ee Iruy:sto ‘SPRING W/extra Jar Caps. L.Pope and gei ae oe SI hg eae re at pieohaot.evonee aa”Ge hin BARIL Me ae itself Extra Ja | tied Me Bet Wi a a Ta ape cto ees [TE ie et ot ‘iej|Jar Rubbers, M:.J.H.Yor! re ;Poser ' eticinal ‘hy the ie ~hiciiracy |Whe an yxtem and revitalizes t pe |Gl , 1 ie x r a a fiat ‘|;. ‘'fj peel the aceurs wy out of the sys }.lasses, ee “Mt Wan \oscar Be .ROW "‘me pean thorizing us :.heepiny the men pi a |nerves Shannonhouse writes:“I Jelly :dee illne ieeived by S ‘ voile .re was ne rol i siauiet fust in their trene "|r.ie ine from shattered nerves,Preserving Powde bey a ,Ba,in}!he p!;:ned .ie 7 tered cat ue ere =nd stomach andBh vad ,:W:x -at Cansark hy rch oa oe is hol ie ion vote bia Pho German war off Chamyawne,|at the BARIUM ROC :a Sealing ax. a nior Or ler partierpati nnel,i t eee alle Hira ed 7 ae se of Mont Carnillet.in pelled un-WATER brought a roa?r write wut VilEN. ;h Mo :‘:(rr .North Carelina,it wa h have been compel oe til |ca W.A.EVANS or : "h 89 we gen Maiden,ave -Maid ee.at }:me a Chairman Lever of the meee concentration a "’na D sor el L,Box 655,Barium Phone 89, Beek aa tn |ve :be fe)Re cv Dea oe and wa ee ate round they ee widow .Rel ip Voat her he me :ee a *?wit re aitural }.‘|It SAYS 2 '|a 1 the Ge rMans mn two|Springs,N.C. &Milholland. sa ogge it township.Ent Hees aa “will :;es Pp vad nt uuthorized,—if pbaecs last ai Pourtas . Eagle é pa ete G ;olly Spring SUR .;As v 'e “The res 'ary to econ ta aos ms of Sir ougtas —~ Aba fat by Rev.J.ON.Bich Y ,See =his opinic res,ta require a On ucuimac Gus Viermans 7 eee Mre M iden See i :0 6 con munity ‘-‘|7 control of aleohol ae i Belyium have consiste qi ee two brothers and tw i“1 ae Mee to turn over to the |:Weetusty pucting dewn 1 children,two ral this a '.n r :resulistillation Se ee ey d answering i A ters,—SS -omary ’oo it ;Py .{ie ohol or mpted or ay raid a ef here is| !SE issionary to Talk —Officers ea gs The con [may deem sk ater we activity on| Missiona :"has :propact ! requirements derahle art _various | Baraca Chass. ved :he manufae part oof the Germuas hi hand | : eof all missionary care!ee ether’ vrnil ees reoin Belyium,and «Preneh | Green Mountain and Me mae e pee hoare re to beeen : chee “far as ade firhtine het 1 net] :Y rk for .»Preshyt a re room-al f the fav ‘,ae ee a br Steer Sas a eal to meet at.the A |ch en ‘ey i a H :dt ut “\i dis-1G rma WUE | 'Rural New . (eee fresbyterian chy re Hy nt as a ee ‘“4 ing wryMan s house,suMpiion of } the First ,,Y ao M at ae | Y :aitutils ie —eS a chooia iil an Fuad late planting, larnings §nary to China,' ,. in fon ines 'Meusive in Soe , j | MeMulk n,ae iona \‘inal : ya i :a ee nike ‘jis ora s trian-Italian thesat:[se | are found wanting oF |=Green Pod Yiver an addr:Mia:th Mr oye em ae )’ay fleoho '"in t eaa the ha |Other Paints ¢St fheBesweet with ess ty eh iy in xtended te all (ue font tue Phe delis a cut :hover ores onthe es +IVity appar.|whe welrhed in the por PURE Suing Led V slontine tation bs Ga With a sup panes he pe:onside:as |i the Nauky pase 'per . :aie ore,tig which was ee ms &;moe |ie the ;1 cat _iy se \‘pine _. Beans,Rec . we meet rant Stree i uN ,rd camp)noth ait nares : "AENT. : eee ti !oe ae oe es ape Theo |FOR SALE oo Co and Refugee, byterian ¢eS y ;There Es t n ~ne 'oe ive t : ‘are oy ve “Wendie nist {e .Sip tas Aj me "one i ;.';; valley on .\ ttuck but Lazenby-Montgome r y Har three additions oS ih,moc is 5 x ‘ 'ae a ee eee |Statesville.N.C. ? Shee en a ae tal ceca eas ot Sherrill &Reece. F eritien } :! drove | } ° namo |AN ea Ty Ma a olia Ba died ong hich.ant bars a ;in hu ee FACEPO tar of the ee)fie oe ae te LIQUID Lccauay oucver af ND Ee OTR “ |in hell _tha \ The .1 Rcelee SECOND HA q ration. i a:PRES al Tite vomenwho a mat!MI ¢ United St in Galicia, :ue baie .f the com- a S * Vr.JM ‘ ; :‘' a nduct |yy totake care o am,B u r a p vil!Lomor ¢mn Tr My *4 ' }ive yi Soldiers Bud :‘ut }slexion,Cannot .6 t »buy a clays:anvet Sun fey he wall ;am 7 i ae ey oe We want t LAP baer nue 4 '', ! Ny k ay " ried |f_-yi hare ps Tan,po quantity of BUR i conmbict no n tof Dil ne Ay oes ‘Sin Goop Cone ne Mets ‘ he ‘tot "at th a ~{Pink,White,‘Rose-Red.BAGS in ,let !Sunda 1 t ) oo oe |A f 3°Pc.ot iimaggst |DITION,Don t . effin ! I :1 tt M -h:ay s le (either color)for 2c.te them go to cad ind ae N ' ‘ com) “‘.|amp a oklyn,N.Y. ey a ! |a Sexy 40 SuushFilth St,Booby a aaialwnt a ee i ' h ie iestivit |yen Mb.Coxe 40 Suurh Filth chee ton ms a han f :( \ trys) { tis °t rem ». treasure A it > , rht bef la bring %\¢eo}\' ‘h )t :r.|_AND F]KIN ;n Grocery bo im het, a insist ’ESVILLE whe ‘I J.K.Morriso EK Beherd '’N4 i, KK ee o after i STAT :* °::ny.¥ Prone ” 4 ih cen nd were docked vp!JITNEY LINES.|&Produce Compa " te tind ton Mount ;i t-| -ee ae led : ee :SDULE. -se Ok RS will |i. ‘ra een:SCHEDUI ae FRAMES FOR DOO will iva:‘semet va Stateevilien:B00 at,ei ade at CC.WAT~4 Court fiem., bis Hike ong no LORE ia -ne Turnersburg .8:30 a.uae And windows arte the sizes a 4 ; ao 'Car Le;eee »8:55 a.m.eta b>ya i re “4 .a i a ur Cay Reavline Ha se tile 05 a.m.Ft .ee Windows he ——4 vault I eaefae fol 3 :Car Leavene Hourte citie 9:50 a.m.the be wv Locks and apres Cord se rtoa " Mood Reeulation im;,mA he?Car Leaving Hampton 10:30 al om.::c.and Fastenings,1 "Window n f vt ‘toe PSEQTED oe nace ee y vw ‘ q lareeny of shred en di |Arsive eile an eae a Pulleys,—Door an ,(“\ Car Leaving Elk {410 p.m,ane i he es : ees .ovitar of ¢=Lenving oe 4:55 ppm.Stops, Cc.WATKINS._ oe h ’a nate er Car Leaving Hou pea 5:05 p.m, Wenn 7 a the «‘ “ft ie h fat Wag i.Car Leaving seme ie 5:25 p.m.|— BEEF. ay i | a fh \into ©Car Leaving Tur ‘He :6:00 p.m,CHOICE his s . ye \ie i lor wa:fined |Arrive at State ae ia lta morn-:~nived a heed of fine.j Rid if fe mm \hy .Car lea ee ,mo imakes connection [have ju ‘glee laity for the city &,th "| yee):How Ine .th N mn Witkeshoro and El-erttle,raised ¢Balti .Crim |: ‘fea ,Spiracy (with both a a .Markets ays gone to re oe oe :_“i ee 'ne {0 pom.making oe Se cane ae the high: failed to ft re "SS een|Logving Eki vith trains:mor ene .to pay a *4 from Cat Seen as =is {'es te Sali bury 6:45 p.m.class trade ‘oe ig You ifon 4 nd toa "Ww .No.12 going iit Waplothe @ 48 P.M.lass price T THE P ICE ¢ Ww Hy \\ HAT No.16 groin ‘able ol 8:10 p.m.THOUGH.\T THE PR taxcd @ ih (he I" o.28 going oe heville 10:25 p.m.DINARY og than Oeste axed ' Jo.35 yroing te ely eh fj ' on tinian ‘ i =No me NDAY SCHEDULE.heel and clecguaber ton"woiet ,?rth Care “ c . fie et ver ate,he oa "“K ; 1 ' JITNEY TRANSFERCO.Ph ee i oe and your order will r WA Ts e :9 baht oad Sere . a hocked hy th ;';2 ':-FOS 1S AN IMPROVED CASCARA Statesville,N.C.——_;promptly delivered N of hen death nt iy ;. =LAXATIVE |, R.O.HARBIN. of Norfolk.Va Ih san |ors and wil ie 's A Digestive ~Garages Should Be Built !-0. ped ch ad while «See Ihe wa a CATHARTIC AMD LIVER TONIC Medi-a ;a ides and woed Shin- ssl }compa f Mr Mhomas :i M ‘"os js not a Secret or Patent Me ig)With hedge?hy? Beeause in’win- ' 93 lowi: Why :distant 1 ::\,r ’J Lax-t rag »composed of the follow .{*roofn,jot vill not be s o apt to Plumber and 7 a mative 6 tt ‘ k : a d roote and hese: ter the rad :ight,and in summer T want to be y aiken will have Franklin.M1 me h '_hope ned seu y old.eaebane BARK freeze a of Gasoline wil fa >Electrician.—1 pOITGOOD. el ” a t ’f |eva porntic iti-heated mets pt attention. Mant ely ’ka her ( he jp :LAGROOT |aioe 06D a tt promr ay aan | .«eee reat RITCHIE veuth ant hel of Ch Hater ’ . . Dr.Paras .'\ul itave ;By oer masa one ala joven.C.WATKINS. ce Center Street, family in \it aT mil BLA T |: aspects a fir ‘ Stow MAY APPLEROO *t ‘ On ROL! h he ion Free.| ON HONGO I fo.estaliicd NNA LEAVES I Batt Inspect j ; ud SE i ery i ! 4 oe vie LG move to the . hiy e —— F Mr.W w '.Large. uecess of 1}nd AND PEPSIN isimproved We are “Eom ane vet ville,membe t Stock at Larg : ror I rovrt~y +ive iw |to recharge Bat “ye Battery ac-| the State L my i a 7 he 'y ‘aae of hun a Le ine ae addition of bored cotinees tase |in stock a full line of ner tell of n |:nt tf lo not vhich the allies con king it better not 'ries, { a rol =ae age or better,’:ak ,ily on som veriled,” ae Sapa,and t ==slecubvanasaien |“STATRAVILLE MOTOR CO.| ¢grade «:-82 pet Oe 7h lamae laleeeieenetineeenhall stimu ng ie, ' hich ix equivale nt to th ie vard or warder r Hin true Soeur aoee estion tt ares ~So . —— wee <>;wwatier wh 5 tre "7 als +lo te i?a mild form mae ae or tie bot FALSE 7 ain. cent,In ail ;"he sage folks who negti wally ‘bron ap tp saan ;die laxatives are weak,Fie Tee $2 to M6 per tise.pena| 4 f whom arc ee Twe tem and the fol ‘au eas food net woes:asthe i >lates in Prepertion.i honor,21 o 6 fre }+}tock ton much,©ou will ent slowly,mast or te and partial py .. sophomores ar of the frechmar all to walk into a big,Wm >hel eeeneneie Pl gee adh pe eee eee will prove by pret pot ond sors eth Sea ete elt ive in i h of troubs iadipaset aeccetarere wil mere Tos isinvaluabefor me a peasy etnea ae,8.Shor:a ¢Ro doy pone 't.the offieera “uy,Is —thety swotel ieee .When »have me -F o TorpidLiver, 7 oa -}th ‘alored help at the tae ead h tahoe one of Chntuberigin's Tablets .WIth the eth ‘ROO |weedvesiRYevidet,Mie puta careless about ,aid \‘me the horses in.week.—ad.: STATESVILLE,N.C,,FRIDAY,JUNE 29,1917. troopsinFrance;thewarWednesday.While the been published thatsailed,it was generallynewsoftheirarrivalhad”expected for several days.:the name of the port at'Which they landed nor the numberByehasbeenmadepublic.InEnothingbeyondthenewsoftheSafearrivalofthetroopswasan-Mounced by the government in Wash- E 1.5 dispatches from France,|Presumably sent forward with the.val of General Pershing’sq»show that Major General fiEoneofthenewmajorgeneralsofarmy,has been given com-Mand of the first force sent abroad,_under General Pershing as com.~mander-in-chief of the expedition.|_One thing stands out sharply,|Says the ssociated Press report,:om gee the fact that the size of the|task that has been accomplished is_Rot fully revealed as yet.This isthatAmericanenterprisehasseta_hew record for the transpertation of :Considering the distance to be|tovered and the fact that all propar-|tions had to be made after the or-:came from the White House thenightofMay18,it is practically|certain that never before has a mil-itary expedition of this size been as-*sembled,conveyed and landed with-Out mishap in so short a time by any/Ration.The only rival in magnitude:the movement of British troops to|South Africa in the Boer war,andthetwasmadeoverseasthatwere_unhampered by submarines,mines or other obstacles. Prompt Work. _.When the order came to prepare |immediately an expeditionary force|to go to France,virtually all of the_Men now actoss the geas were on the|Mexican border.G-onerai PershinghimselfwasathisheadquartersinnAntonio.There were no army|transports available in the Atlantic.|The vessels that carried the troopsWerescatteredontheirusualroutes.|Army reserve stores were still de-ted from the border mobilization.giments were below war strength.That was the condition when Pres- Wilson decided that the plea/of the French high commission|Should be answered and a force of|Pegulars sent at once to France.At|his word the War Department begantomove.General Pershing wassummonedquietlytoWashington.There were a thousand activitiesafootinthedepartmentatthetime.All the business of pesparing for the Tegistration of 10,000,000 men,ofrovidingquartersand—instructorsernearly50,000 prospective —offi-|ers,for finding arms and equipment|for millions of troops yet to be or-wanized,of expanding the regular/army to full war strength,of —pre-|paring and recruiting the NationalGuardforwar,was at nand.;General Pershing dropped quietly|into the department and set up the first headquarters of the American _expeditionary forces in a little office,hardly large enough to hold himself'and his personal staff.There with_the aid of the general staff,of Sec- 'Yetary Baker and of the chiefs of the War Department bureaus,the planswereworkedout. Announcement of the sending of the force under Generar Vrershing_Was made May 18.There came a day ©when General Pershing was no long|@r in the department.Officers of the _general staff were suddenly missing rom their desks.No word of|Was reperted by the press.Then |word came from England that Per- shing and his officers were there. Other matters relating to the ex-pedition were carried out without awordofpublicity.The regiments that were to go with General Per-|shing were all selected before he|left and moving toward the seacoast from the herder.Other regiments also were moving north,east and west to the points where they were to be expanded,and the movementsofthetroopswhoweretobefirstInFrancewereobscuredinallthis /hurrying of troop trains over the |land.Great shipments of an to assemble at the embarka- tion ports,Liners suddenly were 'taken off their regular runs with no|@anouncement.A great armada was|made ready,supplied,equipped astransports,loaded with men andgunsandsenttosea,and all withVirtuallynomentionfromthepress. The navy bears its full share in the achievement.From the time the|troop ships left their docks,respon- |sibility for the tives of their thou- #ands of men rested upon the offi- |@ers and crews of the fighting shipsthatmovedbesidethemorswept free the sea lanes before them.ietheypushedontowardthedanger_tone where German submarines layinwait,every precaution tha train-|ed minds of the navy could devisewastaken./|While his troops were embarking|or steaming toward their destina-General Pershing and his staff:oe heen busy in France Freverhugecamp tails war supplies the way for the new army.-#ites have been selected,the deofthefinaltrainingbeforethemovetoPa.front have this| JOKER IN SCHOOL LAW. Privilege of Elect CountySuperintendentsTheaFrom Six Counties, Statesville people have discoveredthatchapter74oftheactsoftheGeneralAssemblyof1917,whichprovidesthemethodfornamingcountyboardsofeducationintheState,contains a joker which elimi-nates the election of county superin-tendents by the popular vote in ahalfdozencountiesoftheState,Ire-dell being one. The Legisiature wrestled long andearnestlywiththepropositionsforselectingcountyboardsefeduca-tion.For some years Iredell,Meck-lenburg and fopr other counties haveelectedtheseboardsand superin-tenderts,Many other countieswantedtodolikewiseandtherewasastrongsentimenttoelectallofthembythepeople.But politicsplayeditspartandthispropositioncouldnotbeputover.Finally,aftermanyplanshadbeenprandiropped,it was agreed that hereaf-ter in 94 counties of the State,whose boards have been named by the Legislature,the beards electingthesuperintendent,candidates formembersofcountyboardsofeduca-tion should be named in the partyprimaries,the candidates so namedtobeappointedbytheLegislature.It was intended that the half dozencountieswhichhavebeenelecting their boards and superintendents should continue to do so,but in thissamechapter74,which provides the machinery for naming vounty boards in 94 counties,this »ppears:“Sec.5.That all laws and clauses of laws providing for tne ejection of eoaunty superintendents of —public instruction by the popular vote ofthepeopleofanycounty,are hereby repealed;and all county superin-tendents of public instruction shall hereafter be eleeted by the county hoards of education,as preseribed section 4,035 of the Revisal of 1905." There now!Who did do that? Iredell,Meckienburg and the oth- r four counties which have had the special privilewe theugni iney were retaining it,but)semebody put one over on them.The county superintendent and heard of education elected in Ire- jel!last fail take office on the firstMondayinJaly.Their srecessors will be elected in November,.1918 that is the successors of the countyboard,but if section 5 of chapter 74holdsthecountysuperintendentcan't be elected by the people in 1918.The beard named that fal! will name the superintendent:and as the Legislature doesn't meet again until January,1919,the law ern't be changed unti!at least oneelectionhastakenplace. The change isn't any killing mat- ter,but the joke is on the stx coun- ties of special privilege.Somebody took a part of their privilege away from them “unbeknownst”and gotbywithit. REDUCE COAL PRICES. An immediate general reduction in the price of coal at the mine was agreed upon in Washington yester- cay bv representatives of the coaloperators, This reduction is followed by still further decreases fin price after investigation into the ‘osts of mining coal and it is proba- ble that the governmen:will he giv- ena still tower price than that to general public.Hundredsmillionsofdollarswillbesaved te the American people through thisiecision. AMERICAN AVIATOR DEAD. Corporal Jomes Hall of Colfax, fowa,a member of the La Fayette Escadrille,composed principally of American aviators,is believe!to have been killed in oan encounter with seven German airplanes,says a dispatch from Paris.He was shot through the lung.H's machine fell within the French jines. EMMETT MEMORIAL. A bronze statue of Robert mett,Trish martyr prertot,was un- veiled yesterday in the rotunda ofthenationalmuseamtnWashincton in the presence of a notable gather-ing.The memorial was presented to the government by American citizen trish descent. bey expected to be the of Em- * left to him to decide in conferencewiththeFrenchgeneralstaffandtheBritisharmy.The Americantroopswillbeanindependentforce,o-operating with the allies.Received With Joy. The following from “a Frenchport,”under date of the 27th,is allthestory: The second contingent of Ameri-can troops arrived and disembarkedthismorning.The troops landedamidthefranticcheersofthepeoplewhohadgatheredforhoursbeforeinanticipationofduplicatingyes-terday’s surprise.Enthusiasm rose to fever pitchwhenitwaslearnedthatthetrans-ports and convoys had =successfullypassedthesubmarinezone.Theportwasspeedilybeflaggedinhon-or of the n.All the troops now arrived weretransferredtodistantfGener-.Thenceworkedout|the CELEBRATE THE —in Statesvilleednesday—ParadeLieut.Speak 3 The Fourth of July committee of Gov.Gardner the Merchants’Association met yes-aterdayandcompleteditsarengoeaaeforthepatrioticdemonstrationte held in Statesville in celebration oftheFourth.The principal features,as previously stated,will be a =eat parade,a patriotic y Lieut.Gov.O.Max.Gardner,ademonstrationbythefiredepartmentandabandconcertbytheMer-chants’Band.The parade wi!l form on West Budavenue,between Mu:berry andstreets,in the fu.oncon at 10 o'@ :in the following order:§8automobile,band,Irede!!Blues,registered under the selective Boy Scouts,Red Cross,fraternal @r-ganizations,citizens,fire department.The line of march will be alongMulberrystrecttoBroadstreet,alongBroadtothesquare,along CenterstreettoCourtstreet,along Courttothelawninrearofthecourthouge.The speaking will take place imme-diately following the parade frem arostrumtobearrangedontheporghofthelawbuilding,the audience oc-cupying the lawn in the shade of thetrees.Mayor Bristol will introducethespeaker,who is to be the guest of the mayor while in Statesville.The demonstration by the fire de-partment will take place in the after-noon at 3:30 o’eluck and will be fol-lowed by a concert by the M@-chants’band,at the band stand rearfthecourthouse. The Merchants’Association is verydesirousthatthecelebrationbemadeacountyaffair,and it is hoped thateverysectionofthecountywillberepresentedinthecrowdhereforthe day.Men registered under the selee- tive draft are especially urged to par- ticipate in the parade,wearing ir kahki arm mak and patrictic caps. The patriotic caps,which will be fur-nished free by the Merchants’Associa-tion,may be secured on the morningoftheFourthfromtheCrawford-Bunch Furniture Ce.,the Statesville Printing Co.and the Leonard PianoStore.Everybody participating intheparadewillalsobeaskedtocarryaflag.Most every individual now-lowns a flag. Townships which desire to marchtheirregisteredmenintheparadeundertownshipbannerswillbeallow-ed to do so.Ex-Sheriff J.M.Deatonhasbeennamedaschiefmarshalfortheday.and Sheriff M P.Alexander has been named as marshal for StatesvilleandStatesvilletownship.Follow-ing is the list of imarshals for theothertownshipsinthecounty:Con-cord,Harlee Morrison;Chambersbury. W.S.Clendenin;Cool Spring,FredHoupe;Coddle Creek,James Steele:Davidson,G.F.Neel;Eagle Mills,C.C.Tharpe;Failstown,W.).Troutman;Bethany,W.B.Crawford:Sharpesburg,W.A.Campbell;Turnersburg,L.C.Steete;Shiloh,E.AMorrison;Union Grove,J.T.Jennines;New Hope,John P.Howard:Barringer,Marsh Howard;Olin,Robthk.Lawrenec. The township marshals are re-quested te communicate with the reyisteredmenintheirrespectivetownshipsandurgethemtotakeparti:the parade.Officers of fraternal orvanizationsarealsorequestedtodrumup”good delegations from thei:number, To furnish food for fun and lauvhter,Messrs.FE.O.Heritage and J.JMoroneyhavebeenuskedtoarrany:for a few “comedy stunts”during theparade, No vehicles,other than the spent‘'r’s automobile and the fire truck,«i 4heallowedintheparade.: All places of business are request.|~theedtoeloseduring speaking. National Guard Week. The Secretary of War has directedthatallorganizationsoftheNa.|tional Guard,both in and out of th |hederal service,be immediatelycruitedtomaximumstrength,GovBieketthasdesignatedJuly1-7 a.|National Guard Week for North}Carolina,the purpose being to brinytheseorganizationstomaximumtrength.Various officials,=minis-|ters,clubs and other organization:|ure being appealed to aid in securing |enlistments during this period.|—Westmordand’s —attentio:is called by the adjutant general tothefollowingextractfromtheregu-!lations for the National Guard Re |erve: “Every officer and enlisted man of|the National Guard Reserve will re-|port his address,preferably b por:|tal card,on the last day of heh |June,September -and December o!|cach year,to the adjutant general o/|the State,Territory or trict of|Columbia,of which he is a reservist,| report each parade ar!| and will in addition‘hange of address.” SMUGGLING AMMUNITION. A cavalry Mabandof30leodieansengagedincar-|rying ammunition across the jo |Grande at Rocky Ford,seven miles|a of El Paso,Texas.Re of the|Mexicans were caught,the oth-ers escaped into Mexico.The ammu-nition was by ber smuymliers,some ofit in the middle river.of the| {from Raleigh to -|Visors,supervisors, THE APPRAISER COMING. Appraiser For Federal FarmLoanBankExpectedinIre-dell. Corgressman Doughton has beenaftertheFederalFarmLoanBoardtogetanappraisertoworkinthisistrict,especially in Iredell,Alex-ander,Rowan and Caldwell counties,So that members of the local d-ftions can get in shape to tainloans,and it is understood that anpoprateerwillreachIredellnext WeekA letter from Mr.F.J.H.VonEngelken,president of the FarmLoanBankatColumbia,8.C.—thebankforthisdistriet—te Mr.Geo.’.Norris,Farm Lean Commission-er at Washington,with reference toCongressmanDoughton’s request,contains these facts of general in-terest: “The only one of these countieswhichhasassociationsreadyisIre-dell county,which has three.Thesethreehaveonlyrecentlygottentheirpapersinshapeforserviceonourpart,and T now have a man workinginthatdirectionwhowillreachthemintheverynearfuture,“The State of North Carolina hashadthebestserviceofanyofthefourStates,but you will recognizethatitisphysicallyimpossibleforustohaveamanateachassociationthemamentitisready.We mustnecessarilyarrangetheworkofourappraisersastobethgivingservicetothegreatestnumberofassocia-tions and also do this m a mannerwhichwillinvelveusintheleastpossibleexpense.The route which our Mr.Stevens will ge contemplates work on two associations prior to reaching Iredell county.As soon asthesetwoassociationsareoutoftnewayhewilltakecareofthethreeinthatcounty.‘For your general information, and net‘as having a bearing on thisparticularcase,I might say that we are having frequent inquiries ofthiskind,and find almost invariablythattheinquiriesaremadeduetoa misunderstanding,in eo far as inereseemstobeanideginthiscountry that loans should be made immedi-ately upon the filing of an applica-tion.In the majority of these cases,on going to the records we find thatassociationsinthosewearitiesarenotreadyforservice.” 21 «and 22 to Run ViaWinston-Salem. At the hearing in Raleigh this week,before the corporation commission,on the proposed curtailment of passenger train service on the Southern railway, the only matter affecting this particu- lar section of the State was the agree- ment that pasenger trains Nos 21 and22,which run between Goldsboro andWaynesville,will be cut off at Ashe-ville and will hereafter run from Greensboro via Winston -Salem and Barber to Asheville instead of viaSalisbury.No.21 gofng west will ar-rive at Winston -Salem about 1.30 p. m.,at Barber at 3.15 and at Ashe-ville at 8.20.This terarn now arrivesinStatesvilleat3.25,and under the new arrangement will come to Statesville 15 to 20 minutes later.Going east No.22 will leave Ashe-ville at 8.10 and is due at Barber at 1.20 p.m.,Winstou-Salem at 3.05, Greensboro at 4.05.This train is now due in Statesville at 1.15 and under the new arrangement will reachStatesvilleatleastahalfhourear-lier,. Operation of 21 and on the line between Winston -Salem and Barber allows the Southern to withdraw trains Nos.25 and -®§between Win- ston -Salem and Charlotte,No.25‘eaving Winston -Salem at 4 p.m. ind No,28 leaving Charlotte at 1f.- oo 1o5 a.m.for Winston. Hosiery Mill Location —Name Wanted. It has been definitely decided to lo-ate the new knitting mill at the Gaither Lumber Co.plant,in south- veat Statesville,near the old cottonmill,Machinery has been bought and will be installed as soon as it arrives But the company is without a name At first it was decided to name it the Banner Knitting Mills.This was rejected by the Secretory of Statevecausethereisalreadyoneinthe State with that name.Then Jewel Knitting Mills wes setected.The Sec- retary of State accepted this and is ved incorporation »apers but later|recalled the action because the Jewel Cotton Mills,elsewhere in the Stute bjected to the use of the name. ew name has to be selected Enlist as Wireless Operators. Messrs.Phillip Bost and Chas.Da- vidson,young men of Statesville who have been practicing wireless telegra- phy,have enlisted in United States avy for service as wireless operators.They left Tuesday night for Char-otte,where their applications werepassedatthenavalrecruitingstation, were sent from there to Raleigh and Brooklyn,N.Y.,where they wili be trained as wireless operators.Young Davidson has beenwiththeMerchantsandFarmers’Bank for some time. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION A civil service examination will beheldinStatesvilleJuly21forattendants,nurses,assistant super. ete,,to fill vacancies inWash- is open of 18 and 35 the of 18xae )or Soa futureh’s hospital,examination Pp and CHAUTAUQUA FEATURES|BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL Some of the FineThingsHeardUndertheTent—Music and M —Dr.Dixon, Pledge cards will be circulated to-day to determine whether the peoplewantanotherChautauqua.“The Old Homestead,”as one of the best of the Chautauquaattractions,did not ‘isappoint thelargeaudiencegatheredunderthetertlastevening.The singing ofthe“Old Homestead Quartette”wases“>fine.The ymphonic Orchestral ClubandMadameShannonthisafternoonandevening,Lecture by Supt.Cookthisafternoon.This eveneng PereyAlden,member of -British Parlia-ment,will talk about “The FutureofEwhe!The ,a Chautaafternoonandthe“mandy”tomorrow night,concert and on Sunday,atanhourtebeannounced,will closeChautauqua.Mr.Hunt Cook,superintendent oftheChautauqua,continued his se-ries “i res he aw the patequaaudienceyafternoon,ae oS subject of Modern An-glo -on literature.This formofliteraturehastwoattributes,thefeminineandthemasculine.Thefeminineismarkedbycharacteris-tics of refinement,delicacy,tender-ness,renunciation and reserve;themasculinebyattributesofrough-ness,virility and -bfuntness.JamesLaneAllenofKentuckywasofferedasawriterwhoexhibitedthefemi-nine characteristics in his writingstoamarkeddegree.The swar-like history of Kentucknotleaveitsmarkonthewritings ofAllen;but his writings,full of grace,surpass in femininity,givingtoallofhisstoriesadelicatenotewhichneverfailstoappeal.Rudyard Kipling was mentionedastheprophetof‘the masculine styleofliterature.His Plain Tales fromtheHillsarelacking1mtheelusivequalityoffemininitybuttheycharmwiththeircommand*o uttention tothegodsofsteel.There is a wealth of power back of his writings,whether prose or poetry.His “Re- NEWS —The StatesvilleFlourMillswillbeshutdownforthenexttwemakingrepairsandscalinstee promised and |—The Masonic ofwillhavoeattheStonyPointwillbeanaddress.invited. cessional”is at the same time mass-|ties and theiveandrareanddelicate.Offeredusthetriumphofhispen,it is un-deratood by all the world.The quartette from the Old Home-stead delighted the audience withnumberofsongs.These numberswereasenthusiasticallyreceived,possibly,as anything yet offered ontheChautauquaprogramme. Dr.Dixon,One of the big events of the weekwasthelecture,Wednesday eve-ning,by Dr.Frank Dixon.His sub-iect was “Unele Sam,M.D.”Dixon advances the eea that UncleSamshouldbethedoctorforallthepeople;that the health work ofthecountryshouldbeinthehandsofthegovernment;that all sick folksshouldbeattendedoydoctorspaid by the government,under govern-ment regulations,and the chief aimofcourse,should be to prevent dis-ease.He advances the theory thatunderpropersanitaryregulations end proper living,disease could bepracticallyeliminated;nobody needbesick. Dr.Dixon began by discussing the war and pointing out that as we are not a war-like people and nevermadeadequatepreparationforwar,eny war in which we engage costsvstentimesasmuchinbloodand treasure as it would cost if we werereasonablywellprepared.In thisconnectionhetookafalloutofCol.Bryan for insisting on peace whenpeacewasimpossibleandchargedbyinferencethatCol.Bryan,in an-nouncing thet his peace treaties hadmadeAmericasecureagainstwar,was responsible for Germany's ruth- less submarine warfare in so far asitaffectedAmerica,Col.Bryan’s at-titude having made the Kaiser be- lieve that America would not fight. Dr.Dixon also sneered at our adven- ture in Mexico. Dr.Dixon says the United States is the only nation that can speedily end the war and that we will have to do that by putting millions of men in the trenches in Europe andsacrificingalargeportionofthem, because we have so few trained to fight,and we will sufier me conse-quence until time sufficient has pass- ed to secure a trained force.In this connection he emphasized the factthatsolargeaproportionofthepopulationisphysivallyunfitfora soldier's work,and from:ets he pro-ceeded to discuss his roposition that Uncle Sam become physician toollthepeopleandmakeallofthemphysicallystrongbytheelimination of preventable diseases.Abolishing the yellow fever scoyrge by the gov- ernment was cited as an instance of the practicability of the plan.|r Dixon was severe on the doctors whoeracticepurelyforthemoneyandwhorobtheirvictimsbyexcessivefees.He said the great majority of the physicians are all right but theyarehandicappedbythefactthattheymustchargeafeeinordertolive.This embarrassment he wouldremoveandletthemworksolelytoabolishsickness,by having the gov-ernment pay Patent medi-cines,often a compound of cheapwhiskeyanddope,declared thepeaker,were severely denounced,I”.Dixon was with close in-terest and evidently a large portionofhisaudwaeinsymwithie"WE,rainstorm Dr.|4 will be remadeabusinesspurpose. FINE RAINS. Just when it looked like had begun,fine rains fell—/afternoon and evening.The rain——evening wasred amount of territory been learned,but it is hopedoftheouekhasreachedallwherethedroughtwasbeginning toseriouslyaffectcrops.The storm WednesdaycaughttheChautauquatentfulloffolks.A few tried to go homeandsomeofthemgottheway.The bulk of the crowd stay-ed in the tent and were fairly com-fortadle,E MR.SLOAN’S CHANGE. Mr.and Mrs.Carl Sloan of Mo-bile,Ala,are visiting Mr,Sloan’sparents,Mr.and Mrs.W.RB.Sloan.Mr.Sloan will take adraughtsmanwithsheContractingCompanyat Badinist.Mr.Sioan was formerly em-ployed with the valuationmentoftheNewOrleans,leandChicagorailwaycompanyinAlabama. KILLED IN A WRECK,News has been received in States-ville that Brown Hunter,a vosrailroadman,was killed in a -rot —rot Saturdaynight.is home was inAla.This young man’s jak local interest,he being a stepson of Mr.Ernest Sharpe,the latter a sonofMr.and Mrs.A.C.Sharpe of Lo-ray community. CANNING. oT omnes ComeoetnaiienwillbeheldatHarmonythismorningat10o'clock under direction of MissCelesteHenkel.There will be demon-strations in commercial canning,tin cans,and in glass jar canning.dinner will be-served and the demon-stration continued in the afternoon. RED CROSS IN PARADE. Members of the local Red Cross So-ciety are asked to meet oncampus,nextRS5 cea,ote to atHerha A public 10 o'clock. Cross are askedtoWeartheRedCrossarmband. #[—toward pd industry more conservative Senate than in the House.If provision prohibits the use materials and feed in the alcoholic liquors and distilled spirits now on Id about a most ion.off revenues amountingtheresent would be i e 5 ii i2 :se 3::swelled to by the new revenue bill finance committee is fram- net know where we would revenue to take the place of liquor. unfair and at this time dan- to ferce by indirect methods ion on such large commercial centers as New York,Chicago and the other important cities in the country.Jf those cities were dried rect vote of the people it would cause no protest.But if Con- gress were to force this upon them without reference io their views, there would be something akin to a revolution.My plans would be to levy a heavy tax on food and food materials to be used in the manufac- ture of distilled spirit..” The plan advocated by the Senate finance chairman is the one favored y the administration as set forth in the food bill before its amendment by the House.Under the terms of this scheme the government would have authority to promulgate regula- tions for the contro!of the liquor question similar to thet now in force in Great Britain and France,by re- stricting the percentage of foodstuffs that could be used for the manufac-| ture of aleoholic beverages ee Gives Pledge For Russia. In another stirring address in the capitol at Washington,Boris | Bakhmetieff,head of Russia's diplo- matic mission.gave a solemn pledge that the Russian people and army. convinced that a separate peace would mean the tri-mph of German autocracy,2re prepared to fight on beside America unti!the world has been made safe for democracy The ambassador spoke before the Senate and was given a reception al- most as enthusiastic as that accord- ed him in the House.On no_pre- vious occasion since the war began has senatorial reser -¢been cast so completely aside.At the conclusion resolution Fu a g S y eh “It H e Co a l of the address,a was adopted by unanimous consent ex- pressing the Senate's rat ification over the stand of the newest democ racy. cS rejects with indignation| any idea of a separate peace,”said the envoy.“Striving for a lasting peace,based on democratic princi ples,established by democratic will, the Russian people and =army are rallying their forces around the ban- ners of freedom.Russia wants the world to be safe for democracy.To make it safe means to have democ- racy rule the world.” Many of the rumors of_internal dissension in Russia,M.Bakhmetieff said,grew out of misunderstandiny of the great changes taking place in the whole fabric of the government to transform it to democratic stand- ards.He pleaded for patience and confidence that these changes,al- though they might take time.would be worked out successfully in’the end. Explosives Concealed in Coal. Report comes from Norway that a German plot has been diseovere:d there to destroy Norwegian steam- ers by explosives.About a ton of ex- n the first place,¢ of operation, A victorious conclusion of the war said the President in a outlin the country’s export policy,only by systematic di+/ rection of American trade.“Thetradewillnotbearbi- trarily interfered with,”he said.“It will only be intelligently and syste- matically directed in the light of full information with regard to the n and market —conditions| throughout the world and the neces.| sities of the people at home and our' armies and the armies of our asso-) ciates abroad.” The first proclamation will require the licensing of all coal and fuel’ shipments,including bunkers.and its purpose is to give the govern- ment first a firm grasp on shipping. The second will previde a system of licensing for every class of exports o the Eurepean neutral countries,| and is designed to prevent supplies from reaching Germany. Proclamations to follow will name specifie commodities which may not ve shipned anywhere without —li- cense.The first cammodities to —be designated will be cereals and other foodstuffs.By degrees the list will be extended until virtually every ex- port commodity is brought under provision of the act Provisions coveriny coal and ex- perts to European neutrals proba- ly will be issued this week.Under an agreement to be made with the British government providing for an international shipping control enforced by bunkering and export li- cense agreements,the United States and Great Britain will have the trade of the world in their hands to direct in the manner best calculated to assist in winning the war. The neutral expert proclamation will be hurried to prevent removal from the United States of large supplies of foodstuffs bought by the neutrals and now.stored in this country awaiting shipment.The government determined to hold neutrals to necessities,and in en- forcin:export regulations virtually will take up the burden of the Brit- ish blockade,now to be enforced | from the point ef origin of the sup PES. is American agents to,be sent into the neutral countries will keen the ‘losest check on re-experts and will he charged with responsibility for eveing that Aanerican supplies stop before reaching the German border. To a larve extent they will use Brit ish machinery built up during the hree years the blockade hax beer yperation.The export will absorb the British system of letters of assurance heretofore requested of American shippers before their ca goes are permitted to go to the Eu ropean neutrals.| Price of Canned Goods. Current retail prices canned vegetables are nearly twice the prices paid canners by wholesalers for thi- season's output,the Federal Track Commission reports in connection with its investigation into food prices The inquiry into canned yoods,the commission explained,is “to fore- stall speculative prices.”= While retailers are paying about 7 1-2 cents a can fer corn and about 0 1-2 cents for tomatoes and peas f. b.factory,the same cans are sold re- tail at an average of 17 cents for corn, 18 cents for peas and 20 cents for to- Mmatoes. “A largenowbeing sold at these prices:is last control on oO part of the canned sgroods plosives has been discovered,com curs pack.”save ::: cealed in artificial lumps of coal,Xo!le 1.ee cenit tate: which presumatly were to be placed m nt,as was sold by the canners at in ships bunkers and in bombs fit-consideral ly lower prices than now ted with the most ingenious me-prevail.The statement does not chaniom.attempt to analyze the difference in The report says it has been devel oped that a trunk mull of explosives was brought to Christiana in Feb- ruary by a courier of the German forei¢n office,whose official seal was on the trunk.The trunk was =ad- dressed to the German embassy and was admitted withoutAfterthediscovery ofives,the German the trunk was destined for Finland, but no explanation was given as to why it had remained in Christiana so long. the explos- The explosives were found in all manner of articles,including glass vials,fountain pens,pencils,ciga- rettes and tobacco St the exam inatior of Aron Rautenfels,a Ger- man citizen,and others arrested in connection with the case,it was ad- mitted that explosives were also to have been placed on steamers bound for Ameri Baptist Orphanage. Charity and Children.More than $64,000 in hard cashfromourpeonleforthesupportofthemage(in one year)is ©ree-ord of which we are proud.This amount does not include interest on invested funds or money given forspecialpurposes,or for repairs orequipment.It is the money that was raised during the Thanksgiving sea- son,and from Sunday schools,church es and individuals through the run of the year.(Charity and Children and the pro--“ceeds of the job office brought a rev- enve to the orphanage of between$5,000 and $6,000 after peying all ex- penses.) TEXAS FIRST BALE. At Houston,Texas,Monday,the‘fitet bale of the 1917 cotton croponthatmarketatauctionfor a .The bale weighed 412 poundsthepricewasabove$2 a nd.cotton Was grown by Dr.W.P.“Webb of Lyford,Texts,and wasthefifthsuccessiveyearLyfordhas1thefirstofTexas examination.| embassy declared | prices,hut says: “Next autumn and winter.iff com plaints are made in any locality that unreasonable prices are being charg ed for the canned peas,corn,toma toes,salmon or similar products which are now being packed,the commission will be in a position te promptly « pose any extortion.” Call to the Shade. Monroe Journal This vear those who answered the call to the soil,which comes to many every spring,and which call was this year emphasized by the exigencies of war,held out longer than usual,but they are now dropping into the shady places and turning the wardens over to the riotous weeds The call to the shade has superceded the call to the soil and the army of enthusiastic new gardeners who started out nairly in the spring is now thinning| out as fast as the ranks of Napoleo: thinned on the retreat from Moscow But the new gardener has served to add something to the gaiety of nations at a time when yvaiety is all too rare he has afforded the old-timers a lot of amusement The Exemption Boards. Charity and Children. The Statesville Landmark makes the sensible observation that the weakest place in the selective draft system is the local exemption boards. These boards are to be composed of the county physician and two citizens who are in sympathy with the war policy of the government.The selec-| tion of these two citizens is where the shrewd politicians will get in their work.It is quite likely that the sons and favorites of these politicians will be able to put up exemption excuses that will be “ntirely satisfactory to the board,; sO so debo- Cholera Morbus. This is a very peinful and dangerous dis-ease.In aimoet every neighborhood some one|hee died from it before medicine could be ob-|tained or «physician summoned,The rightwayistohaveabottleofChamberlain’| ont Tharrhoen Remedy in the house -=i ete a Sept Maa:R.8S.TemvilleDr.R.S.McElwee, vilte,Alexander —G.8.I Tay- lorsville;Wm.H.Carson, ville;Dr.Asa Thurston, ville.Alleghany R.K.Finney,+ ford;H.T.Smith,haun ah ** Doughton,Sparta.Ashe —G.L.Park,Jeffetson; Wm.Bledsoe,Gale;Or.J.W.> vers.oe ‘. urke .C.Avery,A C.A.Spencer,Morganton;De Ww. R.Griffin,Morganton.' Cabarrus G.A.Carver,Con- cord;Geo.F.McAllister,Mt,Pleas- ant;Pr.R.M.King,Coneord. Caldwell Finley H.Coffey,Le- noir;Wm.H.Craddock,Lenoir;Dr. Lawrence Coffey,Lenoir. Catawba —Eubert Lyerly,Hick- ory;Gordon Willfong,Newton,R.F. D.;Dr.F.L.Hermand,Conover,! Cleveland John F.. Lawndale;D.Z.Newton,Shelby; Dr,E.B.Lattimore,Shelby. Davie Peter W.Hairston,Ad-vanee,R.F.D.;Benjamin C.Morris,Moekasville;Dr.J.’.Rodwell, Mocksville. Lincoln H.E.Reid,Lincolnton; C.A.Jonas,Lince!nton;John W.Saine,Lincolnton McDowell W.Pless,Marion; George C.Conley,Marion;Dr.G.B. Justice,MarionCharlotte(city)T.L.Krikpat-rick,C.O.Kuester and Dr.LW. Faison.Mecklenburg (county)—W.G.Craig,John W.Cross and Dr.8.M. Henderson. Rowan Ww C.Quinn,Salis-bury;James H.Ramsey,Salisbury;Dr.C.W.Woodsen,Salisbury. Stanly M.d.Harris,Albe- marle;W.A.Cagle,Oakboro;Dr.J. M.Anderson,A!bemare: Watauga John HH.Bingham, Linrey,Dr.J.W.Jones.B.Hendren,Wilkes-Frank A Wilkes F.hore:Clarence Call,Wilkesboro;Dr J.M.Turner,Wilkesboro.Yadkin W.G Wooten,Yadkin \-FW.Day.Boonville;Dr.V.I Couch,Yadkinville. ee LE ET OoSY NE Jury Decided Right. C.T.Harris,a sawyer employed ina logging camp on the Norfolk and Souther railway.brought —suit against that road,in Wilson Superior Court,for £3,000,alloying that he was fused passawe over the line on thenightofDecember20.1914,and that when he attempted to the trait he was struck and kicked by Condae- tor Conductor Singleton,on the stand,denied the allegation ard stated that Harris was drunk and bei- terous and that he refused to take him because he had his passengers to pro tect.Whereupon the jury decided the road. Glory to that jury and to Conduct Singleton.If these is anything annoying thana drunken,boiste fool in a railroad car,we can’t thi of it just now;and the conductor an the railroad company who refuse pass- age to such cattle,deserve to !« tained and commended. aT AEE SOSOESATE SE Derailment.on Seaboard. hoard Singleton. for Seventeen passengers,seven wo men and 10 men,were slivhtly in- jured Tuesday when the firs:and second class passenger coaches on the Seaboard Air Line train No.31, ind from Monroe to Rutheorford- ton,were derailed one mile west of Stanley,Gaston county.The dera ment occurred in a deep cat,and vthe two coaches turned partly over against the embankment The pas. envers were badly shaken up,but their injuries,it Was id,Were nos thing more serious than bruises and cratches Ne Poisoned Her Child. Mrs.Aleox of Badin. ix in jail to answer for adminis ternng tuchloride of mereury tablets to ner 4- vear-old child Stanly ¢rt Mrs Alcox had prepared a tten statement in which she said she waspoisoningthechildandhadherself taken bichloride tablets,and that this was done on account of some trouble which she had with her husband,the nature of which has not been reveal-ed.The physicians examined the con- tents of her stomach and it os «aidtheyfoundnotraceofpoison—— A CHILD HATES OIL,(ALO.)MEL,PILLS FOR LIVERANDBOWELS! Give “California Syrup of Figs” if Cross,Sick,Feverish,Con- stipated. Look back at your childhood days, Remember the “dose”mother insist-| ed on—castor oil,calomel,cathart-}ics.How you hated them,how you fought against taking them.| With our children it's different.) Mothers who cling to the old form ofphysicsimplydon’t realize what ado.The children’s revolt is welfounded.Their tender little “in«} sides”are injured by them. If your child's stomach,liver and)bowels need cleansing,give only de-| licious “California Syrup of Figs,.”! Its action is positive,but gentle.| Millions of mothers keep this harm!less “fruit laxative”handy;the know children love to take it;that it’ never fails to clean the liver and)bowels and sweeten the stomach,and)that a teas ful given today savesasickchildtomorrow.Ask r @d ist for eefomstaysput—you Twice as convenientasacoal range and costs no more. wood to lug,no dirt,no ashes. fire or a simmer,justasyou like, “Open Your MouthandShut YourEyes and I'llGive You Something to Make You Wise!” cookies—andneveraburntone!Thesteady,even don’t need to watchthe NewPerfection. cool kitchen all the time. Ask your dealer to show you the new STANDARD Ol(New JeWashington.D.C:BALTIMORE Cysileton,W.Va Richmond,Va.;Charleston,S.C. Nocoalorhes.A quicklike,and a or wood feature,the reversibleglassreservoir. Use a superior kerosene,for best.results.It's aes clean and clear-burning. L COMPANY reey) “TOLL OF LONDON AIR RAID. Ofsoal tigures of the casualties the London air raid of June 15 are inved Subsequent deaths and th wery of mo ¢bodies in the have brought the number of dead co 4)men,24 women and 42 haichre The yuved number 220 n,110 women and 100 children. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition,destroys appetite, and makes work a burder Tor atstrengthenletaminathat is ao«i,Oothing has ever equaled or compar ol with Sentt’s Emulsion,bee cattse 1 eneth-sustaining nourish. st i:.the blood to distribute tout the bady whi he appetite and restorea bealth ina natural,permanent way. if you are run down,tired,nervous, overworked or lack strength,get Scott's Bauision to-day,It is free from aleohol,Scott&Bowne,Bloomfield,N.J. lvitstonic |§ The Brady Printing Co. Has taken over from R.P.Allison the agency for various Magazines and Book Publications and wants your orders for sub- scriptions to Maga- zines of all kinds.Will order any book wanted. All Magazines on coun- ter soon as out, ee DR.J.M.HOLLAND. DENTIST. OFFICE MILLS BUILDING. Over Mrs.Sims’Millinery Store. Statesville,N.C. ||GOOD ROADS and HOURS «to 56."PHONE 31. meneame|if SERVED THE QUALITY WAY. Statesville Drug Comp’y MEET HER AP THE FOUNTAIN OF QUALITY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. QUALITY FOUNTAIN DRINKS —The Rexall Store.— Quality Prescriptionists.: L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. —-Dealer_In—- Hides,Furs,Wool andBeeswax.Also all kindsscrapMetalandKub-ber.I am payingpricesforallkinds ofscrapIronandmixed NOTICE All the Serap[ron must be brought totheJunkShopbeforeweighing.I pay cash on delivery. I dent Phone »Phone 9302. ee |Tae thneeaeNiPdin, Valuable time fighting flies.Get a move on yourself and come to our store and get Screen Doors and Screen Wire and fence the flies out of your home.You can then,if you want to,do like the man who said he “loved to get up in the morning and sit down and take a long rest.” Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. i Get Tye woo Ge geome of one you a 50-cont bottle of “California Syrup of Fiwhichhasfulldirectionsforbab children of all ages and for grownupsplainlyoneachbottle,Beware ofcounterfeitssoldhere.See thatismadeby“California Fig SyCompany.”Refuse any other ki B ©.WAae LENOIR COLLEGE (Co-Béucationl) Educational experts among the ten ties HICKORY,N.C.An unusually successful school;under Church management;rated by:A-grade colleges of North Carolina. Itwillbeunwise for you to decide on a collegebeforeyou haveinvesti- “ane daa »Ay complete recognition forits Grad-the State Bonrdof :|oder ae Laboratory facili- MemorialScience thestudyofChemistry,PhDepartment=Uterary?Baucaten,Burnes Music,Art,Expression, eine_D.D., a reachofallthe people.a SSeSeeweo |N..- i ip *F h g= :i :itfe i iiie Ha n y a¢ TH uf 8i in i || iFzéi e:3 d | tt 5 =e =8 Fg EF :i Red Raspberries. Peeled Apricots. Cling Peaches. Sliced Pineapple. Graded Pineapple. White Cherries. This is the best line of Canned oods put up. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. The Two Legged Dog Who stole my four-legged Dog seems reluctant to give her back,so Jam RAISING REWARD OFFER FROM $2 to $5!-_C.WATKINS. 10-Year-OldChildMakes|$L00Per Hour | |4 For you when you can let _|them punp the water and save you the time todevote to your work.Save.this time and money.A Myers Pump will save this.Letusputoneinforyou. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. =eee naman We Try to Keep Everything in stock to meet your wants.Roof- ing Tin,Ridge Roll, Vallev Tin,Guttering and Spouting,Galvaniz- ed Iron and will maxe anything in Sheet Metal you want. STATESVILLE TIN CO. tt t it t Assorted fancy colors,sell for 75¢.,Saturday only 48e. Black Silk Hose, Sell for 35c.,Saturday only 19c.(Not more than 3 pairs to customer.’ MiddyBlouses, All sizes,sell for $1.00. \ Special 79c.59c.ones for "Phone65,114 E.BroadStreet. .one a:on-Plooring,Ceiling,Siding, Base and Case are right when bought from C.WATKINS. —-— C.TH.LESTER, REGISTERED AkCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340Green. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass 74c.per pound,Ligh.Brass 5c.perpouPORSALE: New «nd secondhand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies.|.C,H.TURNER.tredell "Phone No.14,BellNo.7. 43c. Middy Suits, Either White or Colored,in Stripes,$3.50 quality for 1 $2.48.$2.75 kind for $1.98. t{ {If you care to economize i Battery Trouble Righted. wie an ar on ™"ell locate the trouble.All work done by an expert! [thisis an opportunityto trouble,, |yf ML Me &00. «|cc aA:“4 Storm.Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,June 28-~-Capt.HMorrisonofMooresvillehasreceivedinstructionsfromtheadjutantgener-al to organize a oy 2 battery Se eee of tield artillery,wi adquartersANDTivibesjinMooresville,Capt.Morrison to be|captain of the battery.This will form .%yo ——“=s fo.one of the six batteries being organiz-a Tav'sreville jed in North Carolina,the six consti-:a ar,9.50,tenves 10.88 %™(tuting a regiment.The maximum6ar.6.85,ven 6.number of men forming a battery is88Gnd24arenuoperatedam(190,each battery having four guns. R.Reid | ‘FUND FOR THE RED ;et ee i"The Canvass in StatesvilleOtherContributions,~ ,At a meeting of the genera!eom- ‘mittee Tuesday,the following @om-| ,mittees were abpointed to eanwess) ifor the Red Cross iw Statesville,the ‘committees to conclude the canyvasa ,land report to a meeting to be held‘in the Commercial club reoms this‘afternoon at 5 o'clock:Firet ward Dr.Chas.Anderson,|‘J.Paul Leonard,R.M.Gray,H.E Lewis,Mrs.R.V.Brawley,|Margaret Turner.Second ward Rev.J.ly,W.A.Thomas,W.'C,Caldwell,Mrs.J.F.Carlton,Mrs. E.N.Lawrence.||Third ward C.M.Adams,Alex.7|Cooper,J.E,Sloop,C.Watkins,M.! iP.Alexander,E.E.Stanley,©.MSteele,J.M.Deaton,Mrs.R,FE.!Nooe,Mrs.Karl Miller,Mrs.D.E. ,Kennedy,Miss Hannah Wallace,||Fourth ward Rev.C.E.Ray-‘nal,Dr.Wallace Hoffmann,F.J. |Axley,W.M.Barringer,Mrs.W.R.McLelland,Mrs.C.#.ttaynaf,Mayor Bristol was appointed chairman of all the canvassing com-| mittees.While the 100,000,000 asked for‘in the nation has been oversubserib-ed,all that and more will be needed; and it is important that Iredell coun-ty should contribute ware and/eapecially important that Statesville should make a liberal contribution.So that any one who has not con-‘tributed to this cause need not fear that too much money will be sub-‘seribed.Hand contributions to any -member of the’committee or to the)‘treasurer of the fund Mrs.Bk.G. |Gitmer. The following contributions havebeenreceivedfromBethanytown-ship,which include the contributionsatSouthRiverchurchSundaynight,'mentioned in the last issue of The ‘Landmark:W.€.Wooten $5,Jno.R.Morri-son $5,F.F.Wooten $5,€.L.Wes- ton £1,John Gibson $1,W.O.Wes- ton $1,J.W.Redman $2.J.B.bape $1,J.W.Hatehett $1,N.D.Payne 50 cents,collection at church 75 eents.Total,$23.25. Hi.Press- L.Gilbert,L. tas |Bethany.{Mr.J.W.Holland has added $1 to) the contribution of Olin townshi |which makes a total of 353.75 for,Olin.| THE EXEMPTION SURMISE. Speculation as to the Work of Exemption Boards. down in the national army selective draft law,of placing the question of exemptions in’the hands of |local hoards,is expected to characterize the exemption regulations to made public by the War Departanen| ina few days,says a Washington dispatch. It is understood that the re tions will map out onty the general procedure of the boards,the perso: inel of which already has beennounecd.li is regarded as certais that no specific class exemptio‘will be provided for,and that cach man will be appraised on his individ ual occupation and physical capaci when his name is called and he : ‘cummoned before the loeal board Crippled or defeetive per among those who were regicte: were noted at the time and it i sible they already have ped from the rolls.The judgymen: the civilian doctors who are atta ed to local exemption boards a the ability of any individual to tx the hardships of a soldier's fife v be a determining factor. Married men will not be exemp as a class.In each case the ol of the beard will be to detern whether the dependency of wil:children or other relatives upon man is so complete as to warrant | rejection as a soldier. Probably the boards will be fui nished with suggestions as pational exemptions.The =prove: ment can outline generally the jrfessionsortradeswhichmust maintained at full strength belthefightinglines.The importaofanindividualinthatprofessio trade,can only be determined by (hylocalboard.No inkling has been given out to the part to be assigned to th: who are to be granted partial + emption because of religious belic They are to be freed of the neces~ jof firing upon enemy—soldiers therefore «from regular militar)vice,but the act contemplates +! |they can serve in some non-com! lant capacity behind the lines and jholds them liable for such service OBJECT TO FREIGHT RATES. A meeting of the State J'Freiwht Rate Association was heldinCharlotteWednesdaytotai: wrywun heen drop to om |steps to protest to the State Corpor ation Commission against any Miss ; {This with the contribution of $25,n at Bethany school house,heretofore)tiwn of the First Presbyterian eharch.| reported,makes a total of $58.25 for}A committee of young people is ar- jern Power Rigid adherence to the policy lad)! of Carolina,Hk »imother,who will ‘om the R.J a few friends at dinner |}Men between the ages of 18 and 40 years will be accepted.Mr,CraytonofCharlotte,for the past two yearsassistantcommandantofFishburne j military school,will be first lieuteng ant Capt.Morrison this community. been connected well known it 1903 he ha the National with =variou ompanies of the State as seeond ani!first lieutenant and captain.Last year he served on the Mexican bor battalion adjutant of the First repyiment.Mooresville will weleome this mili organization.As soon as the battery has been organized it will tx equipped and connected with the revimentnowbeingformed,after which it will probably be called inte trainlane At is Since with Guard,having served au meeting of the citizens of the ,|town,Monday afternoon,in the roomofthechamberofcommerce,a Ker Cross auxiliary was formally orga: ized with the following officers:chai man,Mr.Geo,C,Goodman;vice chai man,Miss Maude Lentz;treasure: Vr.Gilrenth Adams;seeretary,Mr Hi.Deaton,The ladies will at one tevin work making hospital supplics Che committee of men appointcd to cunvas the tewn have so far met with encouraging results. A meeting of the chamber of com- merece was held Monday afternoon at which time the srcretary was in tructed to telegraph the corporation ecinmission pretesting the taking off of trains Nes,27 and &8 between Winston-Salem and Charlotte.A compromise has been sugeested,how ever,that may prove satisfactory here. A series of meetings at the first Presbyterian chureh began Wednes- day and will continue throughout San day. On Sunday,July 8th,at 4 0'cloek »om.,there will begin a union meetingofallthechurchesofthecity. The serviees will be conducted by Rev.W.OW,Orr,DD.of Charlotte. ler.Orr was here Menday in consulta tion with the Ministerial Association revarding the meeting A Yap tent will be ereeted en a lot in the rear of the postoffice,which will seat 1500 er more people,and the serviece will he held under this. The Community Singing will bewin ab twiliwht on the 4th of July,on the| ranging the programme and the will be familiar enough for every hody to “join in on the chera In honor of Dr.Davies MeLelland, Mr.and Mrs.J.H.MeLetland enter tained at élaborat dinner en Monday,the oecasion being Dr.Me- Lelland'’s 29th birthday Sixteen linemen from the South- fompany ate Working on Ye Hine.with headquaricrs here, Miss Hazel Houston pending everal davs in Statesvil’)with Mi-s Beatrice Crowson,Misses Bona and Wile Mayhew ar siting their sis- ter,Mrs.F Ward,Statesville Mrs.Ro J.Swaim and Ititle daugh 4,Helen,of Charlotic,are visiting Mrs.Swaim's mother,Mrs.M.S Ozment.Miss Harriet Pope of Dur ham is the guest of Mrs.J.H.Me- Lelland.Mi Pope iv en route te her home in Wyoming onys in and |Wil-Iny,hav e weeks ure.Tuesdaytoreportimymerliyorservic Miss Annie k {erMissAnnieKifCoon he euests of M tye Robinson forweek.Rev.| his mothe; e andwor roel Tat.} iting in South ect return Pri- will he accompanied by his “time return inv and here.Miss Vad d from States everal dny Rachel King. In a quiet hom solemnized ; nesday,Mi Mi city became the Hudspeth of Wi L.UL Weston otchurchperforms: The bride wore} tume of blue taifet ther aecessories voung couple left fi memediately after t}rome Mra.Hudsneth the claRev.and Mrs.W.A.Wilcox, pretty and att:varigr taedy Mor the past ven e has been a clerk in the Alexander velys The groom is of the Mt community and holds a 4 t Reynokl Co out He is a worthy Was tore Mourne n with Wins nnd enter t or Salem. |prising young man. Complimenta:he houseuest,Mrs.T.J of Chatlotte,Mrs.Lester Wells entertainedmnthe2tst Miss Mary ©.Brown has returned from Glass,where he visited her unele,Mr.J.FE.Brown Mrs.M.V.ShepherdseriouslyiMatthehome of her laughter,Mrs.M.8.OxmentHailDamagesCrops A heavy hail storm Wednesday af to Sa continues us picture illustrates an important difierence in inner tubes.Ail tubes when inflated are ring-shaped like the tube in the background.But when deflated only the Michelin Tube remains curved.All others become perfectly straight. Come in and let us explain why this exclu- sive Michelin feature means so much in tube life and economy. CAROLINA MOTOR CO., Statesville,N.C.,Th ck Sey NEW WAISTS We have just received our July contract shipment of “Worthmore” Waists ai $1.00 and “Welworth” Waists at $2.00,Sizes run from 36 to 46. This shipment is an unusually pretty. lot.Phone or write us your order, stating size wanted and we will send you a beautiful Waist.| Yours truly, ternoen between Mooresville and theCatawhaandextendingintetheMt Mourne community,damaged —thecropsconsiderably.Reports from several farma,including thr ofMessrs,H.N.Howard,Oscar Braw-ley and W.D.Howard,indicate thateottenWastetallyruinedandcornseriouslydamaged, jerease in intra-State rates,except |allow in North Carolina the sam:jerease as is allowed by the Inte:State Commerce Commission onter-Staic business,Another mee! for the same purpose will |«tomorrow in Asheville.Those —a ing rem tesvi were ee F.A.Sherrill i.0.Steele, 4.Paul Leonard,W.A,Thomas anPF.EB.Bradley ; al aA a i a - ©Whooping Cough. thie dimense ff ih ftepertant thet the tea idl |aa.Saati. conch be kept vel expertoretion ety,peo oy gh mong oti Shab tnin' rw not require great pretensions to in-'t should terest desk buvers. Men who do desk work know hot air from facets. So wesimply ask you to look over our goodsandletusquoteyouprices. That's about cll that is necessary. gE a aa t i ee e * a ae oms A A A AE A EE A ~ x WE WRITE Life In or other benetit equaled Automobile,Fire *Liability 4 not safe te be withou ™ Plate Glass has about dou the same rate until July let Tornado Insurance |»cheap you cannot feel Accident and Health policies covering all sickn from one day on as long as you are disabled, vith w r of pretium,life annuity with many ticles at such a small cost it is {in price the last year,ineurance ccure without it. ,and accidents Employers’Liability and Steam Boiler that all Employers and,Steam Boiler users should have, Five Insurance im the largest home and Northern companies,at lowent rates possible. WE BUY AND SELL: Stocks,City,Swhurhen,Farm ar mhered LayE.G.GAITHER,Office Mills Building. * a er ie se r t e l | with little or no country’s welfare, voters,youths un- being persuaded by people,cast their ballots with the seriousness of the country calls for fighting men,few rush in who are not embraced in the call. On the contrary many hunt fora place to escape. The young man who was arraign- ed in Statesville last week for fail- ure to register under the draft act had voted in the election last fall. He wanted to exercise a man's priv- ilegwe at the ballot bax He was told he was of age—to go ahead.No par- n eH s 5 ticular pains were taken (6 verify the facts—and he voted.But whe called to the colors more thar x months later,more serious thought ’:was given to the matter of age al d :now it is insisted that he net 21 ;Present trouble would .have been avoided if mere care om been tak :en in settling the question of age 3 before the boy went to the ballot Too teem the privilege of voting. chjnk Ahey have shrewd if they cast an illegal ballot.They are ready enouch to help who hall be the country’s rulers when it many people lightly es- Some box. Deen decide nvelves nothing more than putting a piece of paper in a box.But they hy whe the question is to be set- ted by fighting,probably dying. The case fttpntioned is not the only one nor an ibolated one,but such of- fonees ape Qone the The youth of the land should be taught that voting js a serious and solemn duty of thet citizen,a privilege not io he lightly esteemed nor to be ex- ercised without proper qualification. One of the best laws passed by the North Carolina Legislature in many years was the vital statistics law,which requires that all births and deaths be made a public record. With these facts a matter of official record the question.of age will not be Matter of dispute,and in elections or calls for army or other public service,it weuld only be nec- essary to turn to the official record to find who is within the age limit. All the uncertainties of depending on private records or doubtful mem- ories would be eliminated.And yet that important law has been lightly regarded by many people,who dis- regard it because it involves a little trouble,and the shortsighted can't see the necessity of it.We recall less serious that in some localities,when at- tempts were made to enforce it, there was rebellion and even news- papers,which should encourage law observance,in some the law as of no importance and as an unnecessary interference with the customs of the people. TEATSTT cases ridiculed Taking note of the fact that the government recently paid an aver- -;age of $11 per acre for 1.748 acres ‘of land in McDowell county for the forest reserve,the University News Letter repeats an old story,thus: In 1915 the averar>tax value of land in McDowell war $6.24 an acre. Ja 1910 farm land in McDowell was +listed for taxation at 39 per cent.,or a little less than two-fifths of —the ,census value;and the average for McDowell was exactly the average for the State-at-larre.Fifty coun- ties returned land et higher ratio: of the census value,and 49 counties fet smaller ratios;five of them for a fifth of the census valuc or less,and ,one cour’y for Jess then an eighth tof the census value.On the other hand,Dare,New Harovcer,Grabar, Durham and Swain listed their lands for taxes “or more than the full census value,in ratios ranging from 109 to 188 per cent.Ir 1910 an acre ef land in Dare bore a State tax bur- den ten times heas /tha an acreimAlleghany,and nearly ‘our times heavier than an acre in McDewell On the basis of census viluc the seountry real estate in North Caroli- ra that eseaped taxation in 1910 amounted to 278 miiion dollars a,The discrimination and the injus- tiee has ofter been poirted out,but no remedy is applied SS re ee The Charlotte Observer wants The Landmark to put on record just what’the Harry Martin expeditiondid“discover about that Brown mountain,Burke county,“light that “never was on land or sea.”The Landmark doesn't recall al!the facts ‘just at this moment,but it does grecoliect that the expedition satis- “fied itself that the light was not the headlight of a locomotive nor the reflection’of lights from surrownd- towns.If Mr.Martin!former man,has time to set net results of the expedi-Landmark would be gladprintthem.This paper thinks it a note of soffing in the Ob- reference and as a friend of j tse 4 iat "the oa) the “fair and reasonable price”to be named before it throws up its hat.By com- pulsion —the fear that the coal mines may be taken over by the government —the coal producers may surrender some of the profits which they have taken from the helpless public.But newspaper men,who have deen hoping for months that the government would find a way to stay the hands of manufacturers and dealers in news- print paper who have outrageously robbed the helpless publishers,are not so ready to accept promises at face value.They must be shown. ENEMSSOS While two postmasters have died in office in Hickory President Wilson took office in 1918,The Landmark “has a hunch”that the usual number of patriots will offer themselves on the coun- since to sacrifice try’s altar by filling the existing va- the Hickory office,and drawing the salary at caney m in- ci ldentally tached. EE a eT Coal Men Make Fair Promises. Four hundred coal operators,repre- senting the great fields of both bitu- minous and anthracite,pledged themselves at a meeting in Washington this week,to sell their product at a fan and reasonable price to be —fixed, with the approval of the defence coun- cil’s coal committee,by special com- mittees of seven producers from each coal mining State.These special com- mittees also are authorized to confer with the defence council's committee “to the end that production be stimu- lated and plans be perfected to provide adequate means of distribution.” The operators’action,in the form of a formal resolution adopted amid ap- plause,came at close of an all-day conference,which opened with ad- dresses by Secretaries Lane and Dan-iels,John T.Fort of the Federal Trade Commission,and Assistant Attorney General Lewis,all of whom frankly warned the producers that unless they‘themselves established a fair selling price and proper regulations of the in- dustry,their output would be taken over by the government. The meeting was called by the de- fence councils committee for a discus- sion of methods of reducing the price of coal both to the government and the general public. |SC SREPCEE SETISIESTA Municipal Expenditures. That American municipalities have been living beyond their in- comes is not a surprising statement to any one who has even a casual acquaintance with me ways of American municipalities.A prelimi- nary census bureau report for last year shows that the average perchpitaindebtednessfor213citiesis $74.64,a figure nearly eight times as great as the corresponding figure for the national government.Theexcessofexpendituresoverrevenue in these cities amounted to $73,691,- 070,or $2.28 per capita.A note- worthy feature of the report is the rapid growth of the urban at the ex-pense of the rural communities. War times conditions Have in- creased the demand for workers in the cities,and consequently therehasbeenagreatexodusfromthecountrydistricts.Of the 213 cities covered by the bureau's investiga- tion the commission form or govern- ment exists in 89. ARESGESEE Alien Enemies Must Keep Out. Asheville Times. In accordance with —instructions received from the Attorney General at Washinton,United States Mar- shal Charles A.Webb has establish- ed a restricted area around the camp located at the Mountain Park hotel property at Hot Springs,where the *German interned prisoners are being held,and all alien enemies are for bidden to enter this district without a written permit from the marshal. The restricted area extends for one- half of a mile from the camp in each direction. In his order Marshal Webb states that “no alien enemy shall be pe- rmitted to be or he found within this tablished ferbidden territory with-ut having first received from the marshal a written permit allowing All aliens found within thi. without a permit will be arrested Aliens passing through, unless they alight from the vehicle, will not be required to have permits same." territory Fewer Vessels Sunk, Twenty-one British vessels of more than 1,600 tons each were sunk by mines or submarines last week,ac ‘cording to the weekly statement of losses issued by the British admiral- ty Wednesday evening.No fishiny vessels met with disaster. The aggregate number of vessels flying the British flag destroyed by mines or submarines last week shows a net falling off of four as comparedwiththelossesrepéredthheprevious week,which numbered 32—-27 of more than 1,600 tons and five in the small- er division, Big Bunch of Gold. The count of what government offi-cials believe the greatest hoard of gold ever stored simultaneously in one place in the history of the world.consisting of English,FrenchAmericancoinsandbullionthat have pleted at the United States asany fAmorenormalaverageof vat $115,000,000 -by ond ' all to the melting pots together,pieumitotdlline$745,000,000,has been com-West Vitginia,KentuckPo.and Qhio produci 5||in New ¥ork,“without atobe=it is staal , Hh i ssf |i' iison,chairman of thecouncil,“This figure Mr.Davison,“that ! oo which have divi amounting to some 000 will turn their dividends the Red Cross.” over to Thepolicy of the RedCross in ex-| pending this big sum,Mr, said in a statement Davisonthemil- ‘liens of contributors,will be to “eon- duet our work with the utmest publie vy.and to take the pubiie as com- pletely as possible into our dence.” devoted to needs of American and sailors,and secendaril work among the allies. Mr.Davison said:“The result which has been achiev- ed is indeed gratifying.Never be- fore in the history of the world was such a fund for the relief of human suffering raised by voluntary sub- scription in so brief a period, most inspiring,indeed the most ex- traordinary feature of the campaign, has been the number of subscribers,as well as their wide geographical distri- bution.“Ne time will be lost by the RedCrossinitseffortstoaccomplish—re-sults with the large resources with which it has now been supplied.Some of the plans which are being developed and which we hope promptly to carry into execution are the folowing: “birst and foremos:we shall pro- vide,ax we may ed upon by the army and navy,for the care and safe-ty of our soldiers and sailors wherever they may be.“We shall provide funds whereby the American Red Cross commission may take over adiuiinistration —of American relief work in France. “Our policies and plans will be made known as they are developed.It will be our purpose to conduct all our work with the utmost publiciiy and to take the public as completely a3 possible in- to our contidence.‘Ine Red Cross be- longs to the people and the war coun- cil wants the public to understand the seriousness with which it regards the trust which has ben committed to it.” ES Mail For the Soldiers. Elaborate preparationsmadebythegovernme:t for hand- ling the great volume of mail thatwillpassbetweenthetroopsofAmer- ica’s expeditionary forces and home. Postmaster General Burleson an- nounces the appointment of Marcus H.Bunn of the department force as United States army postal agent in Europe.Rates on army mail to and from France have been reduced by the de- partment,so that the cost is the sane as for mail between points in this country.Branch and mobile offices will be established in the field for the delivery and receipt of maul, the sale of stamps and the issuance of money orders. United States postage stampsalonebevalidforthepayment of postage on mail for the troops.Al! letters should be addressed to the di- vision,regiment,company and orga:ization to which the addresses,be longs,but designation of location of the unit will not be permitted. The Roosevelts to France. In a speech at Oyster Bay in be- half ef the Red Cross,Col.Roose- velt made public the fact that tw» of his sons had already gone toFrance,and that “the others are to follow.”The two who have are Major Theodore Roosevelt,Jr. and Captain Archie Roosevelt,both of whom,it is understood,will be at- tached to General Pershing’s headquarters.The announcement_that they had been detailed to special du ty was recently made in =an army soldierstorelief be ca have heen will gone |order.This is the first installment the colonel’s famous pledge that and his four sons and at least of his sons-in-law would be join the country’s force: the occasion arose.The sons are already in the service,Dr. Richard Derby,the colonel’s |son-in- law,is a major in the army erve medical corps. he one eady to whenever other eSse©om Spruce Fdér Aeroplanes. Asheville Times. Spruce lumber —from western North Carolina is in great demand)at present by the United States yov-| ernment forthe construction of aero- planes.Where this lumber is free from knots and other defects it Lrings a good price,about $120 per thousand feet,as compared with £10 a thousand a few years ago.It is trong and light,waich makes it well adapted for flying machines. Lumbhermen claim,however,that the price now quoted on not more than it is @#orth when the difficulties of logging the timber on the high mountain slopes is consid- ered.Spruce grows only at a high altitude and the trees must be care-fully handled so as not to split or otherwise injure the logs before they reach the mill. After American Liner. By the narrow margin of less than 20 feet an American liner,proceeding from ean AmericantoanEnglishport,escaped being struck by a torpedo aimed at her by) a German =submarine.American gunners on board the liner sightedandfiredupontheU-boat but wheth- er their shells reached the target |six weeks.Board will be $16 perleouldnotbeascertained.Only the! ouick and skillful maneuvering ofjf ttm.Fees $2. the liner saved her from destruction,eToTeee 2 INCREASED COAL RATES. The Inter-State Commerce Com-an increase of mission has ,15 centsatonin freightcoalnousfrom nsylv: neMissicsippirivers, a to thoseoe Be ea confi-Primarily the fund will be. Continuing,| of | spruce is} trans-Atlantic | 73 Z n i l ei e23£ ,information/same ma)jlowingothers: Asheville,N.C..D.H.Charlotte,N.C.,dos.~ 4 oni Salisbury,N.C kBarnhardt,Jr.;ry..C.Be L.Thomason;Winston-Salem,|N. C.,David H.Blair.|Date of camp,August 27th to No-,vernber 26th;applications must he’ filed by July 16th.Applicants will be notified between July 15th and 20th,where to report for examina-tion by United States army examin- ing officer.| While in training men will receive$100 per month and expenses,in-,‘uding railroad fare,clothing,ete.)Men between ages of 21 and 44 years may apply but applicants 31 scars and over will bg given prefer- nce.provided they a necessary valifications,This does not menn| that men under 31 years of age willnotbetakeniniftheyareespecial-| cualified. The official invine each vehensive uponbe memorandum accom- application is veryandshouldberead cavelotiy.Applicants shoukl seeure vid medical examination,as they| will be subjeet to another examina.|cn oat camp.Men should be strip-| net for examination.Wf there is al presentative of the Military Train-| Camps Association in your vi-! nity,send your application | cunts through him.{ It is hoped that North Carolina vil do her part toward furnishing a body of men for the next camp he will be proud of.While it:will be a hard matter to improve on our rreeont representation at Fort Ole- thurpe,we hope to be able to do this. Rk.W.GLENN,Hiv.secretary,Greensboro,N.C TEN ETS Not Economy —Simply =to, Handle War Business. De iarine that the petition of the ithern Railway Company to dis- mt trains in North Carolina) wus not based unon the subject of economy,General Manager E.—H. Coapman made a wonderfully clear ippeal to the Corporation commis- fon to grant certain traffie redue, tiens in order to release equipmentforcarryingonthewar,says the Raleivh correspondent of the irecnshoro News.‘Not one penny of saving is in-; volved in the petition,”continued| Mr.Coapman,“and if times were normal I would not ask it.And if! the pepers day after tomorrow =an- nounce that peace has been declared| all of the trains will be restored| within two days later.And if vou think we are asking for a reduction| of a mile,on the grounds of econo-my,don’t ¢rant it.”Mr.Coapmanspokeofthegoodbusinessofthe Southern,how thousands of cars of freight are handled without conges- tion.The only cloud on the horizon, he said,was around Cincinnati,| where there was a slight temporary ongestion. But Mr.Coapman did not stop Wehave ondisplayoneofthe ‘most attractive lines of Men's Shirts,both FrenchandLaundried Cuffs,evershowninour store at $1.25 EACH WOVEN MADRAS MANHATTAN SHIRTS The Best Known— Known as the Best. $1.50 to $7.50. Our Stock is always kept up with the newest patterns as they come Exclusive in designs and guaranteed fast colors. out. See Window Display. MEN’S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. THE HOMEOF SOFT COLLARS. at| this.He told the commission and |vuditors present that his work on| the transportation concnittee that) was operating the railroads during the emergency convinced him of the lesperateness of the situation;of the great demands that will be made mon this country. sibly 12 of the cantonments of —the $2 in the country are either located on the Southern railway lines,or so near that the company will take trackage rights to them.To handle 80,000 men takes 6,229 *°passenger ears of 3°36 trains.He intimated that when the movementtothescaboardreally begins thecompanieswouldprobablyhave—to ask for further reductions.It is im- nossible to vet new cars or new leco- motives and the companies musthandletheirequipmenttothebest of their ability. Enjoy Evenings at Home. The Victrola used in therogrammeoftheJun- ior Chautauqua this moraing is furnished bytheAndrewsMusicStore.The same goodmusicitmakesthereitwillmakeinthehome.Come in and let us figure‘|with you on one for thehome.Victrolas maketheeveningsshorter. ‘|Andrews MusicStore. A PLEASANT OUTING.| The Second Summer Term of \}the Appalachian Training School |}will begin July 10 and continue Instruction will be given in allthepublicschoolstudies,Art, Home Economic:,Vocal and In- strumental Music. A pleasant §outing in the mountains is for you. meet a fiat| j |{|{ Fight and pos-|| |}of troops || || | Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. MILEAGE MORE And How To Get It! You can get more miles out of every gallon of gasoline by watching the points mentioned in the car manufacturer’s instruction book and using “TEXACO”GASOLIN and “TEXACO”MOTOR OIL. The . quality Motor Products. Look for the RED STAR and GREEN T. “The Mark of Quality” Statesville Oil Company. (Distributors Texaco Products) se m e : = & e am e Te t e good dinner gave evi-work.There wasrestshown—everybody wasearnal)that was to betthesesubjects,because.in these times of war and unrest,national affairs,want to be able .Krider,who has beenspendingseveralmonthsvisitingrel-atives at Mooresville and Amity,will return to her home in Chattanoo-ga Saturday.Mr.Fred Morrow,,oneofoursoldierboysstationedinChar-'lotte,spent last Saturday and Sun-day at home.A few neighbors had wheat thresh-ed last week and all report wheat asbeinggood.Quite a little windstorm passedthroughlastSundayafternoon,tak- ing the roof off Mr.M.A.Christie'sbarn.__.__ Disappointed at Shinsville—Wheat Harvest, Correspondence @f The Landmark. Troutman,R-2,June 26 Farm ers are about done cutting wheat and some wheat™has already been put in the barn to await the coming of the thresher,which will be awelcomevisitor,owing to the highpriceofflour.Quite a number of the good peopkofBarringertownshipcametoShinsvilleSundayafternoontoat-tend the Red Cross meeting andwereeagerlyexpectingtobeen-lightened on the subject;and prob-ably some came with the intention of joining,but alas!no one camethatknewanymoreaboutitthanthegenera!run of folks,and had it not been for the Sunday school atWesley's chapel,doubtless the mostofthemwouldhavereturnedtotheirhomesinutterdisappointment.But the good Lord knows best,and af-ter patiently waiting for what seem-ed to be ages,they left the nicelysweptandtrimlittleschoo!house to entertain its invisible guests whiletheywentandtookpartintheSun-day school.e writer is of the opinion that if some one had been there they would have at least collected enoug to have replaced what was used for postage in sending out the notice, for some of the good ladies camewithwell-filled purses,and ready to open their hearts and —the entire contents into the hands of the good ladies of Statesville,who are trying to “do their bit.” Red Cross Meeting at Loray— Debate. Correspondence of The Landmark. Lovay,June 27.-—-There will be a meeting in Concord church,Loray,Saturday at 3.30 p.m.for the bene-fit of the Red Cioss.The debate at Loray Hirsh SchoolhouseFridayright.20th,will be in- teresting.The subject,“Resolved, that character places a man higher intheestimationofourpeoplethanmoney,”wjll be handled by four of our young men Messrs.Ralpa Hairis,Clint Morrison,tharry Stevenson,Clinton Stikeleather. Miss Lydia Stikeleather,who live alone,has been rea!sick for a woehormore,Friends and relatives fondthattheycouldnotgiveherthep:oyercareinherremotehomesteadthere fore for convenience she has been moved to the home of Mry J.M.Stikeleather.She is doing very well at this writing. Miss McMullen’s Talk on China Miss Kittie McMullen,who is in theStatesaftersixyearsofmissionworkinChina,spoke to an audience in theSundayschoolroomsoftheFirstPresbyterianchurchTuesdaymorn-ing.iss McMullen talked of herworkinChina,especially her work among the women and girls of China,and the three challenges which her work presents:the first challenge,thetriumphofthework;the second,the o door that China presents;thethird,the present situation.Miss McMullen,who was a guest ofMrs.E.G.Gaither while in Statesville,left Wednesday for Knoxville,Tenn.Later she will return to her work inChina.Lincolnton Presbyterian churchsendsMissMcMullentotheforeign field. Key Scales. Monroe Journal. Mr.Key Scales will leave the 15thofJulyforWinston-Salem,where hewillgointhebrokeragebusiness.Mr.Scales has been with pug gggwalrowCompanyheresincehewasaboyandisaet-dess man in his line of business,as well as in every other way.His family will not leave Mon- (Mr.Scales is a native of Statesvile, a son of Mr.J.L.Seates,who was for /ginia Johnson have M Lowery of Chicago|‘visiting her father,r.D.C.Ruf-| I.5Sere has eee oa *»to n ie,came to Statesville severalweeksagotovisithersisters,Mrs.’L.C.Caldwell and the Misses Love.|Mrs.L.R.Vickery and children’have returned to Weaverville aftervisitingMr.J.W.Vickery.|Mrs.T.A.Jennings,Miss OcieJenningsandMissFrancesPricehavegonetoLynchburg,Va.,to)spend several months.!Mrs.W.C.Caldwell,who hasbeenvisitinghermother,Mrs.J.E.Summers,has returned to her homeinLaurinburg.Mr.Lessesne Allison issometimeinHickory.Mrs.L.W.Johnson and Miss Vir-gone to Shep-herdstown,W.Va.,to spend severalmonths.Mrs.S.C.Patterson of Mount Carmel,8.C.,is the guest of Mrs.J. H.Pressly.After a month here Mrs.Patterson will visit in Lancas- ter,8.C. Miss Mary Allison has returned from a visit to relatives in Reidsville.Misses Virginia Steele,Rosamond Clark,Louise Brady,Mr.HenryMathesonandMissMamieMcElweeleftyesterdaymorningforMon-treat,where they will attend a Young People’s Conference.Miss Mary Kenna Walker of Ba- ‘ium Springs has gone to Montreat io attend a Young People's confer- ence, Mr.F.A.Lafevers of Asheville spent several days in Statesville this week.Mr.James Brady,who has been em- ployed at Philadelphia,after attend- iag the marriage of fis brother,Mr.J,Harper Brady,and Miss Willie Robertson in Lynchvurg,Va..is in Statesville to spend two weeks with his parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Brady. Miss Gertrade Allen of Taylors- ville is snending the week with friends in Statesville and attending ChautauquaMrs.Frank Harbin and little daughter,whe have been with Mr. Harbin in Philadelphia,are at home to remain some time. Miss Grace Edmondson,who has been the cuest of Misses Carrie and Sarah Sharpe for several weeks,has returned to her home in Radford,Va. Mrs.R.O.Colt,who was here vis- iting her daughter,Mrs.J.Sherman Ramsey,has returned te her home in Charlotte, Miss Mamie Jack Massey,who has heen the guest of Mrs.E.G.Gaither, has gone to her home in Fort Mill,8. c. Mrs.P.C.Jurney of Turnersburg has returned from a visit to friends in New London. Mr.and Mrs.J.T.Horney of Can- ton spent several days this week with Mr.Horney’s sister,Mrs.C.L.Cruse. Mrs.Horney before her recent mar- riage was Miss Madeline Trotter ofCommerce,Ga.Mrs.M.L.Horney of High Point,mother of Mr.Horney and Mrs.Cruse,visited his daughter here this week.Mr.W.P.Canter,who recently —re- turned from Shelbyvile,Tenn.,has sone to Winston-Salem. Miss McBride Alexander has re- turned home after a several weeks’ visit to friends in)New Berne and Goldstoro. Mr.and Mrs.Guy Shuford of Memphis,Tenn.,and Mrs.Carrie Neil visited in Statesville this week. Mr.and Mrs.Shuferd are spendingamonthwithMr.Shuford’s parents, Mr.and Mrs.Thos.Shuford,in Ca- tawha. Mr.A.F Hendlev of Fimwood left vesterday for New York ce ty Mr.Hendley will visit his son,Mr. C.J.Hendley,in Paterson,N,J Miss Annie Whitener of Sherrill's Ford was in town this week as the euest of Mrs.Grover Whitener. Miss Whitener was returning from a house party on the coast. Mrs.Frank Hevis,who has beenthequestofMissSarahAdams,hasreturnedtoherhomeinCharlotte. Miss Manetta Crowell has return- ed from Badin,where she visited Mrs.Julius Ritchie. Miss Margaret Flanigan has gone to Charlotte to visit friends Miss Theresa Bristol of Morganton,after visiting Mics Flanigan here,ha gone to Charlotte to spend awhile. Mrs.W.B.Blackwell and little girl went to Asheville this week to visit for several days.Mrs.D.M.Ausley and Miss Mary Ausley have gone to Blowing Rock to spend the summer.Miss Kath-erine Faweette of Mt.Airy aecom-penied Mrs.Ausley and Miss Aus ley. Notices of New Advertisements 1).J.Kimball offers the old-fashionedpoundcake.W.M.Peal has a stray calf Room,as a whole or for offices,fo rent.—r.T.EB.Anderson. Hew to get more mileage ville O41 Ce. Satisfaction is gunranteed ville Moter Co. Appalachian Training School,Boone, begins July 10.Men's furnishings—Roamacy-Bowles- Morrison Co.Newwaists ——Mills &Poston,Specials for Saturday.—J.M.MeKee&Co.,.,It is what you save that counts.—|Merchants &’Bank.Six-room cottage for rent.—E.G. spending State+ State« Ralph hal Gitta Gos —s.|&CO.—ad,; \the bride,a!!of Lynchburg. |green marquisette trimmed wiiverlace. |groom,accompanied by ‘the altar. ‘bride and —Ea- j a,Mierareieneally‘orat,..Prior to the e ‘M.Otley of Ln’s “At Dewncy ee beBlankenshipattheorganrender-bridal music.Ushers were Mr.Whit.S.Que.dr.,of Roxboro,N.C..Rev.EB..Delaney.Mr.8.Ladd J andMr.N.Hill Robertson,ofThelit- tle flower girls,Miss Virginian Ja-auelin Simpson of Richmond andMissJosephineSampsonWalker,daughter of Rev.W.YT.Walker ofBariumSorings.wearing white lin- gerie frocks with green ribbon sash-es,preceeded the bride and her at-tendant,carrying largre basketssweetpeas.The maid of honor wasMissFannieRobertson,sister of bride.She wore a dress of th sil-She carried a shower bou-|The bride-the estman,*his brother.Mr.James A.Bra-dy of Philadelphia,touv nis place at The bride entered church with her uncle.Dr.Walker of Richmons She wore a gown of white embroidered chiffonoverasatinfoundation:her veil was caught with)orange blessomspearls.She carried a shower bou-aquet of bride’s reses and white sweet peas. The ceremony was performed byRev.W.T.Walker,superintendent of Barium Springs orphanage,wiofthebride,aassisted by Rev.Frank auet of pink sweet peas. ,Wells,the bride’s pastor.Mr.and Mrs.Brady are now atMontreat.They will come to States-ville next week to visit Mr.Brady'sparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Brady.After a stay in Statesville they willrotoLynchburgtovisitthebride'srelatives.About August Ist Mr.Brady and his bride will sail for Ja-pan,where Mr.Brady will engage inmissionworkoftheSouthernPres- hyterian Church,ular as pastor of Elmweed,Bethes- da and Fifth Creek -hurches in the pust three years.Mrs.Brady is o member of aprominentVirginiafamily.She hasvisitedheruncle,Mr Walker,at Barium Springs.Mr.and Mrs.J.A.met ofStatesvilleandMr.James A.Brady:i.of Philadelphia were in Lynehburg ‘or the marriage.Numbers of handsome presents gave evidence of the popularity of the bridegroom.<A_telegram received just before the marriage an- nounced that Elmwood church,ofwhichMr.Brady was pastor,has funds sufficient to allow the dedica- tion of the new church before Mi. Brady's departure for pan.The} Elmwood church,recently tonstructed,had known the young pastor's bestefforts,and its dedication before his departure will be a source of gratifi-cation to him. Miss Lillie Bostian gave a porch party yesterdav merning at her home near town at which the engagement of Miss Rae Davidson,daughter of Mr J.A.Davidson,to Mr.Kenneth Ray- mer was announced.The marriage will take place in August.The din- ing reom,where was served a salad course followed by ices,was decoratedwithpinksweetpeas. Mr.Raymer is a son of Mrs.L.8RaymerofShilohtownshipanda brother of Mr.Dewey L.Raymer of Statesville. Mrs.J.F. telle Carlton Carlton and Miss be- entertained yesterday morning in hoener of Mrs.Carlton:Andrews.The affair was in the na ture of a sewing party.Each guest was requested to bring her sewine hag.The hostesses furnished =dus! cloths,dish towels and other nec: saries of the bride's new hom: These the guests hemmed.A_pleaantmorningwasspent.Fruit sal id and tea punch were served.Mr Ida Davis of Davidson,house gucs! of Mrs.Carlton,was)among thos present Weather,Crops andIndiana, orrespondence of The Lanamark. New Castle,Ind.,June 25 The weather has been very disagreea!:|: here this spring.Rained the whole month of May and the first week inJunesearcelyasunnyday.But it “faired up”and the weather is certai ly fine now.Vegetation is fine,but i. o far behind.Corn is)very smal! Huil did great damage to the plants that were put eout—mnone sury ed.If the weather continues goo! there will be more stuff grown to e:than ever before.The people hn certainly awakened to the fact thattheymustnotdependonothers={ what they eat.Each one who has asmallspacehasitplantedin thing to eat. Prices in sore Things are very high;navy beans 25 cents per Ib.,ali canned goods up to 20e.per can;Meats 28e,to 50¢.per |b; flour has dropped some.Glad to knowthepeoplebackinNorthCarolina,o:some of them,are having potatoes ani beans and other stuff to eat,while weherewillnothavethatpleasurefo six weeks yet. Serry to read of the death of M Reuben Tharpe.“Aunt Minnie.”awecalledher,will be missed in.mai)ways.Uncle Reuben has our sympa thy in his loss. Debate at Loray. jorrespondence of The Landmars. There will be a debate at Lora)High ‘School Friday ni 29th.Sub-ject,“Resolved,that ter raisesamanhigherintheestimationof people than money.”Speakers for the affirmative areMessrs,Harry Stevenson and clin-ton Stikeleather;tive,Meas.Harrie and Clint Morrison. pape |tial a.be He has heen vop-....| Presbyterian +county during the '/°"; The Crops,SickNews, Hamptouville,R-1harvestisnowinsection.Harvest is a little late,the wheat is good.Growingarelookingfine,as we have hadsplendidseasonsofar.Mr.E.L.Windsor,who has been) we are sorry to °*John Chamberlainof Statesville spent|a few days with Mr.Windsor last week.Mrs,Chamberlain is Mr.Wind-| sor's sister,Mr.Winston-Salem,a brotherWindsor,came to see him last week.Mrs.Chamberlain brought with herlittleMiss*Edna Chomberlain,her granddaughter.While here little Ed- na rode a mule that belong@d to hergreatgrandfather,che late Enos Windsor.The mule is owned by Mr. E.L.Windsor.Although it has been too disabled to de hard work for some years,Mr.Windsor weuldn’t sell it fo.any price.Miss Mallie Thomasson,who has been in lowa for a year and a half,| returned homé last week.Mrs.Exie ‘Cass of Winston-Salem is spending some time in this community.Mr. and Mrs.Hebart Johnson,also of Winston-Salem,are visiting relatives in this community. Rev.Mr.West filled his appoint- ment at St.Paul Saturday and Sur- day.Some of the members gave him'a little pounding Saturday.Owing to wheat harvest being on there wasn’t a large crowd present.No preaching at Zion the third Sunday as the pas tor,Rev.T.E.Redman,is in Balti- more for treatment.Miss Grace Myers will leave the latter part of the weck.She goes to Ararat to assist in a revival meeting which begins next Sunday.Rev.W Foster,evangelist,will conduct a ten days’meeting there and Miss Myerswillbeorganist. IN MEMORIAM.On the tenth day of dune,1917,it was thepleasureoftheSupremeRuleroftheUni verse,out of His abundance of wisdom andinfinitemerey,to call from the home of Mr Mid Mrs.J.C.Hedrick,their iitthe son,Roy Mover aged three years,«wo months and 16 thay He was onty a little visitor and tho’ stay wee short his Hfe proved a blessing | |benedietion to his family and friends of Point ip a vacant place in the home whieh here be filled,The veenney ix fet when the othe ehildven wathe it their mother’s knee for their litth and goodnight ki One beholdingfelesslittleformwvcmindedoftheme expe Here ties Blasted before a budding runeitsbloom a rose did sweets dixcloneflawer's hose whe for his los This consolation» Whose Innocence Beyoud thai perfume s are grieved wiven chevedbloomsaroseinHeaven A RELATIVE, oma world of woe State of Ohio,City of Toledo, Lucas County,#s. Frank J.Cheney makes oath that he is sen- oy partner of the firm of F.J.Cheney @ Co.,joing business in the City of Toledo,CountyandStateaforesaid,end that said firm willgaythesumofONEHUNDREDDOLLARS\for ench and every case of Catarrh that can-aot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRHCURE.FRANK J.CHENEY.Sworn to before me and subseribed in my presence,this 6th day of Decembe A.D.teas,A.W.GL iN,(Bea!)Netary Public.Malis Catarrh Cure is taken internally|and acts through the Blood on the MucousSurfacesoftheSystem.Send for testimo- nials,free.F.J .CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,0.Sold by all druggists,75e.Hall's Pemile Pills for constination MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterday|for produce on the local market:Spring Chickens to 20e,per Ib, Hens,lic.peRooters,‘7c.Ewss,2 ,lhe.to Zkc.per Ib.Sides and Shoulders,22c.to 26e.per Th.New Red Honey,|!1-2c.to 15e.per Tb.Sourwood Honey Comb,20¢.per Ib,Olid Auto Rubuer Casing,6c.po thIrishPotatoes(new,$3.00 per bushel. Grain,The following prices were paid yesterdayforgrainonthelocalmarket: Wheat,$2.25 per bushel Corn,84.85 5+bushelOats,She.per bunhel Statesville Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday 26 1-4 cents; per pound was peid for best grade cottonMarketfirm.Cotton Sced,8%e.per bushel.Seed Cotton,&Jove.per ib FOR RENT—Room now by the! Sentinel.Will «+tlunble space as a whole or offices th i enter DR.TEANDERSON4) TAKEN UP—Stray calf. same by provingchargesW.Mdune2)ut occupied June Owner can get typrope ’ DEAL.Pramen and paying NOTICE TO PUPILS—I will begin my school at the ecollewe Tuesdays Children will be received from *&ta 10 a om Morepupilswillbereceivedafter10ocloekMINNIEMORRISON FOR RENT—Cottage on Kelly street,with all city improvement and awe bot KGGAITHERr BUY the old-fashioned Pound Cake. fhe Mere per pound Sold by D.J.KIMEBALI advanced MISS June 2 than 4 cap ~osee ih ad Liberty is freedom.Freedom‘is the most precious possession ofany man.INDEPENDENCE Is what our fathers fought and died for. You don't have to die for freedom.You can put money in our Bank and grow a FORTUNE that will free you from the dread of debt and poverty. NOW is the time to start—Right NOW. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Statesville,N.C, v If ther above all others that you KNOW is reliable when you buy it,it is JEWELRY. 1 KNOW this? want to How can yo You cant Tne one way to know that the jewelry you buy trustworthy is to come to the jewelry store which byhonestdealingshasmadeitselfworthyoftrust. We refer you to your friends who know us.R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. is;it,s THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Sooner or Later You are Going to Buy a PLAYER-PIANO. If you want thebest,and surely you doyouwillhavetoget a.WESER PLAYER. Operates Easiest.Piays Sweetest, Lasts Longest. Come in for a Demonstration. LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.€. $$$. E.MAURY POSEY,Wholesale Dealer amd OCRQIORECHD CRORCHOHOHORMOCIOCACRFOTAIONOD: Jobber in Poultry.Mov Hutter,Live Steet and Country tProved'have any thing sell or she write e oor tebephoneme,925)Leuisinnn nue,No WWashington,1 «eferen no Trust Company anddune26st TREASURY DEPAKIMENT ery inten Architect's Offer,Washington,Th June is,«1017 SRALED PROPOSALS will be opened in this office nt wom 194i,fer a new heating system,repairs to plunhingete,United States Court House and PostofficeatStatesville,No €.,in ace ith the drawings and t fient in coprte of which miny be bad at tb office or at the offiee |of the Custodian,Statesv fil.No ¢in thediveretionoftheArchiteet,JAS\.WETMORE,Architect June 6 3t. duly 9, Supervising Acting Supervising WANTED OLD FALSE TRETH,don't matter it heoken,|pay #2 to $15 per full set,sin- wie and partial plates in proportion.Send by perce!poet and receive cheek by reternmail.F.TERI,403 N.Wolfe Street,Balti-more,Md.dune 19 4*. Now OPEN—Staterville fon new om toadfirst-class boarders and roomere.W.F.PALMER.May 25. AUTO FOR HIRE.—ROLAND LYERLY willtakeTmyyouanywhere.Prices right.Phone 227,night Phone 72 Red.May 29. FullStock of Lumber. In bothroughand worked mate- Camp,see _G,WATKINS. x SEE OUR BIG LINE —OFf— KOOL KLOTH ——-AND Also Shirts in the latest fancy patterns,big line to select from. ta CedarDon’t fail to Moth Proof to saveyourFurswinterClothing. Hats all descriptions, Yours to serve. 7 } wnarets et a‘LAND“i>=>June 28,17.@ #a ms . i Housevoteof 205 by 1382. wine and to commandeer ex-isting spirits.The new pro-visions may delay the passage of the bill. In extending the scope of the leg-igiation and the President's powers,the committee adopted amendmentswhichwouldprovideforgovernment control,in addition te fead,feeds andfuel,of iron,steel,copper,lead and their products,lumber and timber,petroleum and its products,farm in ements and machinery,fertilizersandbindingtwinematerials. (ther important amendments ap proved would authorize the govern- the Marines. ta Journal Company, ily. South on the New caused a gradual drop in price.wholesale price Wednesday was quotedat$4 per barrel,compared with $&to $10 a few weeks ago. Safe arrival at a British port of a party of about 150 aircraftmenttotakeandoperatefactories,sent’fram this country to investi-parking houses,oil wells and mines.pate European methods of aircraftregulatingwagesoftheiremployesqQosigningandmanufactureisan-ang to commandeer supplies of any and every kind when needed for the abimy and navy “or any other public nounced by the aircratt board at Washington,: By order of the government production of ule connected with the public de-Mexico all import duties are removed fopee..i from articles of prime necessity,in nother would empower the gov-cluding foodstuffs,frem July 1)te erhment to buy and sell,for general December 31.Import duties are alsocivilianpurposes,food,feeds and fuel, with limitations upon the general legislation making it apply to agen- cies and products only in inter-State or,foreign commerce The amendments are declared by Senators who have been opposing as wel!as those supporting the Jeyisla tion to improve the bill and removealmostalloppositionexceptuponprohibition,The prohibition sectionWaswrittenintothebillbyavoteof 9 to 7. TAL OAD i The German Idea New Republic. ;f there are any Germans who areastilcapableof—disinterestedly |3 lyzing the moral and practical|tionship of Germany to the rest removed on gasoline and higher de- rivatives of petroleum. Samuel V.Perrott.chief of the In- dianapolis police,and five others werefoundguiltyofaconspiracytocom- mit election frauds in connection with the 1914 registration and election,by the verdict of a jury in’the United States District Court at Indianapolis One man was acquitted. Assurance that National Guard of-ficers drafted into Federal service who are capable of pascing required examinations,will not be displaced hy regular army officers,was given the military affairs committee of theHouseofCongressbySecretaryBa- ke: *A report from Geneva,Switzerland, of mankind,what,we wonder,are “8ys Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz,ae honest thoughts about the ex.former German minister of marine,isting plight of the fatherland?has arrived at St.Blais,in the BlackGermanpoliticalstrategyhasForest.He is suffering —seriouslyfinallysucceededin.ufiting ©practi.from diabetes,Von Tirpitz is thecaitythewholeofthecivilizedManWhoischaryredwithbeinglarge- world in opposition to the Central ly responsible for Germany's unre Powers.Do thoughtful Germans ‘tricled submarine wa:ture_really believe that their government The bill already passed hy thehasdonenothingtodeservethisen-;Senate to increase the —Inter-State Commerce Commission from seven to nine members and to provide an addi-tional secretary has been passed bytheHouse.An amendment to vive shippers the right to appeal to the full commission on the decision render ed by a part of the membership was added, A mity?Do they believe that the un- ion of such a conglomerate mass of 4 Peoples and nations against them is Sa eonspiracy of the unscrupulous and the predatery?Can they figure pout any possible permanent benefit to ‘their own country from a policywhichatbestwillpurchasesomesmallterritorialgainswiththesus- Picion and hostility of all the more on the investigation of the naval yun aceident in:May on the report advanced and progressive nations”AkoFak:,American armed merchantman Mon-it —must either be verging gotla,absalving the gun crew fromyonthemselvesorthey ;.must be the only sane,upright andinoffensivepeopleinaworldoferagrycormorants. Damage By Flood. ‘The damage to railroad trackage“and buildings and te crops caused by responsibility and recommending that the Navy Department make ammuni ‘ion changes,which it is believed will prevent further accidents,was unan imously adopted by the Senate com- mittee on naval affairs. Charging that the Federal Tradl1Commissionhadfailedtouseitsnow-the bursting of the Price river tetl-or to stop extortion from publishersgationdaminGooseberryCreek,by news print)paper manufacturersiUtah,Sunday,is estimated at more Senator Reed of Missouri has intro-*than $1,500,000.Hundreds of thou-dueed a tesolution directing the com - t sands of dollars of aditional damage mission to inform the Senate why itsinlossoftrafficwillbesufferedby r «the Denver and Rio Grande raitroad een be adi eran ae because of tie-up of coal mines,caedite 4 \eval co nly are iwhichstontheroadforanout.;<»‘i aoe peat tlet.Thougands of miners were ~°°'¢d #8 an alternative. 'thrown out of employment until the railroad is able to rebuild from 15 to ARE FIGHTING FOR LENS. 36 miles of track which has been ,,.ast eewashedaway.Three large <tee!Germans Realize the Serious. {briffmes have been washed out and Ness of Its Loss and =ArePscoresofhighwaybrideshaveMeldingOnWithDespera-one,i %:As yet no less of Jife has been re tren.y oe;ported but many persons are befiev Gradually the forces of Field Maredmissing,vhal Sir Douglas Haig,says a report|ERE;.2 from the western battlefront,areFayettevilleGets¢amp.hemminy in the town of Leos,the centeroftheyvreatcoaldepositsinotheFayettevilleisawardedthetrai: ing camp ailotted to North Carolina Pafter an examination by representa department of Pas de Calais,and fromwhichpriorithewarmorethanfivetiveoftheWarDepartmentintova.Mens of coal were annually exportriousplacesproposedintheStateedSUfulraidscarriedoutSunCharlotte,Greensboro,Asheville and Gay night by the British gave them other points offered sites for a camp 400 vards of trenches in the woods atthewesternoutskirtsofthecity,whileMonday's operation brought them fur ther progress along both banks of theSouchezriveronafrontofaboutoamileandahalfsouthwestofthetow? Charlotte raised a bi-m of mon ey as an inducement.It is said that Fayetteville’s climate helped the de‘cision in favor of that town,whichfactmaysivetheGreensboroNewsparayrapherajolt.Realizing his danger,the German—_—_———OoOo commander is fighting for Lens ItkeLaborTroublesinCourt.a wolf ina corner,says the Associated‘The Hardaway Construction Com Press report from British headquatpanyisprosecutingtheRitterLun.'e'*Lens pone meenas that a larpeherCompanyforentiemyhundredsof“CCter WHE have to be abandoned, negro laborers from their works at '"idea sahent somewhat resembling Hridgewater and sendiny them to Vir.Ue shape an a dog's head,the Gey ginia,and under one charyve Zeke Gat Reus wre hanging on,apparently clerepresentingtheRittercompa.rmined to hold until the fast hopeny,was beund ty ourt by a Morgar :ten magistrate:Other ca a are iA The Germans have extended thethetried.Officials of both compar ie floods with water from the river Sou »are looking after the cases and yi .i plan ao rt and merous lawye Ne been emplove pe °CONG EON emul city on‘ee ere tert Emp)yed the westerr fringe of Lens has beenOlympiaRanAground,(27°!by order of ine German highommand,so that the machine gunsmayhavevucleansweepattheBritishastheyapproach. The United States cruiser OlympiaAdmiralDewey's flagship at the bat.Lens itself is atleofManila,ran ayround in the fog mass of ruins.The walls still standoffBlockIsland,on the Rhode Island but the city is roofless,making air.|,coast,early Tuesday morning.Chief plane photographs resemble a bird's-Machinist’s Mate William M.Babb eye view of Pompeii Whole rows oflosthislifewhenhewasstruckontheheadtyafailinghatch.Nofatalitieswerereported.The Olympia was recently assignedastheflagshipofthecoastpatrolfleetofthesecondnavaldistrict aes4OveraBillioninLoans. Ameri¢ah loans to the allies passed§the billion ‘dollar mark when theTreasury’815,006,000 to theiimofGreatBritainand£10,000, houses have been leveled so that thefieldgunsmayobtainwiderrangesTheengirecityhasheencanvertedintoaGermanfortress,in which eachruinedhouseixamachinegunem-placement and every cellar and subcelararefuge.For weeks the British refrainedfromshellingLens,but the GermanstakingadvantageofthesentimentstayingthehandsoftheEnglish,brought their vans into the town,raz-ed the houses about the gun pits and|then blazed a waytherefore,the British guns have train |ed their sights on the gun positions| other‘ j 000 to France's account Oredite to all the allies to meet thetr“laakaeee in this country nowtotal$1,008,000,000,Britain of which Great received §—$550,000,000 oandFance$210,0¢:ae His at home ériwA#.viet to role. man lowes in the Lens salientPOLABsnes7resay|ad heen prom ’ are ean ”-Pees , Saas rivers and | )A ay bh cies taal eee ventnt |Geuttinaned Weniag ‘e tuo dumbofN.B.Bellew,Prank Luch and Bd.|a new ward Neely,all stockmen,near Cook- dry”vision to son,Okla,stop af intecientin bev-Hon,a Sut of yaa.erages during .The i-ex-nem o Songress,yearsdentwouldbeanestopermitold,answered the call to the colors|and is doing his bit as a corporal of| James R.Gray,editer of the Atlan-ta Journal and president of the Atlan- died MondaynightuthishomeinAtlanta.He was57yearsoldandissurvivedbyafam- Heavy receipts of potatoes from the fork market has The experts iwith orchard white this safely.Recently,| hidden in the mining capital.The Ger- | r \ate veteran and,Winston-Salem, |Paul Boone,6Horne's pondjstencounty.Bathing. Cotton blooms section of the State this |A&hail storm in the section of Buncombe |in Forsyth county,haswheatcrop. bushels from 18 acres. Sunday night at anearVanceboro,Craven county, killed by a neyro namedNegroescaped. Rev.Nathanie!Harding,aged 70,rector of St.Peter's Episcopal churghofWashington«N.¢.)for the pastandahighlyrespectedeiti-zen of Beaufort county,died this week. struck anddestroyedabuildingcontaining64balesofcotton,a quantity ef eetten 40 years At Wilson Jightning seed,peus,ete i estimated at abe $1)000,i $5,000 j reaeet_r HE strength and durability of Goodrich Black SafetyMrs.Clara Shore of Wilkesborat Tread Tires are yround into the ruads of our natignandMr.M.ythe of Glomawr,:‘Ky.,were married Wednesday at o from Main to Cutifornia,Catlettsburg,Ky.,going from theretothehomeofthegroomatGle Six Fleets of Goodrich Test Cars,heavy cars and lightmawr.iS 6 JOG <2 C33 42 Fépt::12 ;e ::The W.M.Ritter Lumber Campa-cars,daily write the truth alout Guodrich Tires on the worstny,whieh hus been cutting timberintheMortimer county for the past pulled up mont,Va. C.P.Josey of years old,was 12 years, Hendersonville, Salisbury sub-station of the South-This is the TESTED TRUTHernPowerCompany.Posey and oth-The answer of this nation-wide of GoodrichBlack Safety ‘Treads,ers were bathing in ihe reserveir at ”test of the Test Car Fieets-—an the TESTED TIRESthetime.answer told in 300,000 tire smiles of Ameri BUY onAnothercheesefactoryhasbeenweekly-—is:merica.Creda’oe up at :ashy Saye —_—i THEM.They mustmileswestofBoone.This is the f The ONE foundation of Insting,give you lasting fullEoinneeueroeteilientfabrictisistheUNTEvalueserviceTwootherfactories started seu, years ago to he The barn ane Covecounty,Wednes.day afternoon,destroyed a majority ofthe¢:ww Poindexter of Waughtown,threshed hisheyieldwas7471.2 lumber camp ayoungwhitemannamedVincentwasCoward, section of Caldwell has stakes and moved to Fre- 25drownedWednesdayeveninginacoolingreservoirofthe roads in six widely different regions of our yuntry, Sand,rock and 1,and every MOLD,freak of uate ove testing outGoodrichTiresthroughmillionsof milesofroughingit. THE B.F,GOODRICH CO.,Akron,Ohio of J.Ho Thomas of Geese ieCreektownship,Union county,Was Maher of the famons Silvertawn Cord Tiressurnedonenightrecently,and aleng:Which wou the 1160 Kacing Chasmpioushipwiththebuildingthreemules,at a ‘mm.Vehicles,farm implements,ete 4WhenMr.Thomas,and family were abarousedthebuilding?wa: Oriein of fire unknown, Moss hlorener Bri-tow,young|daughter of Mr.and Mrs.S.CL Bris-tow of Greensbore,wa seriouslyandprobablyfatallyinjuredinGreensboroWednesdaynight,when!un automobile in which she was rid-ny with four others ran inte a teles (#4!procesding therein pendiag Two other members oftrraphpole. the party were injured. Hickory Record:Mr.B.T engineer of the State highway commission,has set to work io reclaimthesteelintheAlexandercoynty01 Moore's Ferry bridve,that “wa Washed away Inst summer by —the freshet.It firured that about Su per cont.of the steel can be saved, and iti hoped to rebuild the bridgythiammer. Plan to Insure Soldiers. Plans for insuring the live of Vmeriean soldiers and sailors diy ii the war will be discussed at oa. ference of life insurance compatpresidentswith Seeretary Me Adesduly2. One dea suggested is to place th irance in the hands of the Fede) halwarriskinsurancebureau,whi how insuring lives of men of the merchant marine.Another plan to ve considered is a combination of in urance companies in co-operation othoor hacked by the government The proposal to msure the fivht ne men,which has the approval of President Wilson,—present many complications,among which is itprobablerelationwiththepension system,“No organised effort ha“ver teen made by anv povernment ©provide this sort of protection and omforting assurance to its fightinymen,”said Secretary McAdoo.“Why should not America take the feud inthisnobleandhumanearctic: ILEoOcent«tN Cutting Out the Useless. Suspension during the war «of all unnon salutes to visifiny divenita- Hes at army posts,fortification.—«) encampments,is ordered by the Wa: Department. Athletie eoentests, exeent nter class meets,have been suspended at West Point for the calendar year to permit greater contecsration of «ef fort by the student body ir prenar ing themselves for |comm)'n he army in leas than the oriinary ‘our year course. LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE,SOFT,CLE AR! Make This Beauty Lotion For a Few Cents and See For Yourself. What girl or woman hasn't heardoflemonjuicetoremovecomplex ion blemishes;to whiten the kinandtobringouttheroses,thefroshnessandthehiddenbeauty? But lemon ju‘ce alone is acid,thereforeirritating,and should be mixed way.Strain through a fine cloth the juice of tworeshlemonsintoabott!>in ng about cbree ounees of orchard white,then shake we!l and you haveawholequarterpint)of kin andcomplexionlotionatabouttheenutmeusuallypaysforasmalljarofwiinarycoldcream.Be to strain the lemon juice se no pulpretsintothebottle,tren this Jotionwillremainpureendfreshformonths.“see,neck,arms and hands,it chouldhelptobleach,clear,smoothen andbeautif’the ckin.Any druggist wih supply threewneesoforchardwh'te at very Nt.Ge cost and the grocer has the lem- cart; ure eviling in. Beish, est)bidder f cash,the following deserthedbreeeeee and Panama Hats.and beginning mt tummy L.J.We :-128 poten tw white vu.tase corners theme Eclipse Soft Cuffs Shirts,Pan's corner vicncts ath ert davies $1.00 to $3.00.24 poles to a yum rad Shwetaketocheats1aimeTata B.Y.D.Underwear UnioneeeeayorTwopieceSuits,$1.00.-thenee seuth «the ‘‘t mole to 7 ...pore eae eee Shaw Knit Hosiery,Lisle’s,EE nae Oarai stn:1 Witla 25e.and 35¢.a pair. ttre be 'ne ''V4 wereawee,Shaw Knit Silk Hosiery, Pay License Taxes This Month’ee 8 pee When aprited daily to the STONESONT “Bost intheLr 7 Rune”VA Aff SALE OF LAND.—— OKTH CAROLINA,IRBDELL COUNTY .®°tne and by virtue of the ord of the Court of Tredeil eounis.uy Che spe., entitted,Jd.» aod)Nova ‘ Sailor Straws,Leghorns Hiiames et abs Cass, vs tus Ca undersigned cominMONDAY,JULY 16 at 12 o'clock,at the court house del county,swell at public the tone hinh door thee auction by Sofi Collars and Wash Ties.If you are liable for ANA of the Spe- eial Liecnse Taxe listed below,or forLicenseTaxesnotlisted,for the pe-One Lot Sailor Straw Hats,$1.50 $2.00 and $2.50riodbeyinningduce1,1917,and end ™o—simgMayiil,191s,you must settle |values,CHOICE Cash,986.them during the menm of June.Fail \ ure to pay same besore July |menns that you will have to pay on added 20 per cent.Save yourself this extra expense and further trouble by set fling this month.The Jaw does not allow me to wait longer.Following are subjects Jiable for Lieonse Taxes: PHONE 83, SHERRILL-WHITESHOE CO. Amurement enterprises,Apehitert —eae -—~—epeys,Automobile ye hire,Breyete +Hilliard nod Poel tables,Hoarding STATESV L E Nchargine|than Fl por week,ape IL E AND LKIresortfswerentfin+s Li _Bottling we chemle n Cap tol JITNEY LINES. practors,Civrette center Cont eaters, ers in Retaal Coffin Dentiat Drinks and SCHEDULE, Seda Fountains,Electrical Envineers,Embalm :e *:ers and Undertekers,dearer in Horse and Car Leaving State ville..8:00 a.m.Mules,Her.Itineruny Merchants,Jaeks,|Car Leaving Turnersburg .8:35 a.m.Biot Mu Hines,Moving Pleture Shey ..Ocu-”Car Leaviing Harmony ...m.ats,Chptician Optometrt ta,Osteopath per.‘a4 =os ‘sone practioiny any professed art of healing Car Leaving Hou tonville .9:05 a.mM.for fee or soon Photewraphers,Physicians,Car Leaving Hamptonville 9:50 a.m.Livery Stables, Staitie Veterinary Sure Arrive at Elkin ........10:30 a.m.OG M.F oe.Car Leaving Elkin ......3:30 p.m.weaadngeas Bees —————Car Leaving Hamptonville 4:10 p.m.\Car Leaving Heestenvile 4:55 p.m.CHOICE BEEF.Car Leaving Harmony .6:05 p.m.Car Leaving Turnersburg 5:25 p.m.I have just received a herd of fine Arrive at Statesville ....6:00 p.m.cattle,raised especially for the city Car leaving Statesvitle in the morn- markets._ting at 8:00 a.m.makes eonnectionThisbeefhasalwayssronetoBalti-)with beth North Wilkesboro and El-more and Richmond for the high-|kin-Alleghany trains,We use the Hoff-Man Sanitary¢lass trade,and I had to pay a hiwh-|Leaving Elkin at 3:50classpricetogetit.YOU GET If,! THOUGH,AT THE PRICE OF OR N :p.m.,making,machine and turn out work neatlyconnectionwithtrains:and promptly.Clothes"called forDINARYBEEF!i No.12 going to Salisbury 6:45 p.m.and delivered.Prices reasonableNo.16 going to Charlotte 6:50 p.m.essing,altering and ere.You'll find it Letter than Western |No.28 going to Tayloveville 8:10p.mn.puetecar ntteret seh debeef,and altogether the most delie-|No,36 going to Asheville 10:26 p.m.SPECIALTY!Give us a trialand we NO SUNDAY SCHEDULE.lwill make your Silks and Paimjousyoueverate."Phone No.46 peat your order will be |JITNEY TRA ER Beaches like new. NSF CO.°°Statewville,N.C,‘Nicholson Pressing .Cab. promptly delivered. R.O.HARBIN._Btatenvite,N _ADMINISTRATRIX’s NOTICE.|Phone 486,145 CenterHavingqualifiedasadminietratriyofes ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE, estate of Harry Burke,deceased,late of Tre-|Having wiministeatrix of AL P| del county,North Cavotinn,with the witt! end,awed,inte of ftredell coanty,thisBeeeoterranskarinaciatesantas |ceened,Gin le te autily af jacegen hate|hes einimes anainet the estate of sald deconsed to | the eetate of said decensed to exhihit t exhibit them to the undersigned at Statesville,N | qualified a te the undersizned on or tefore the 28d day ofdune,1918,oF thik netier will be plewd in bar ::,.C.,or to dames A.Hartnes:,clerk of theoftheirrecoveryAllpersonsindebtedtoSuperiorCourtofTredellcounty,an e teanidcotatewillplesemakeimmedintepay-fore the fad dey of June,1918,oF thie wotteement,Mia.L.A.BRAD,.’whole will he plead in bar of their recovery. persone indefited to snidmakeimmediatesettlemen PRLIA HURKR.A.of Harry Burke,| AuAaministratrix,Stony Point,N.©.tate will please[t.hW.P.Grier,Atty dane.22,191%. Administratrix ©.T dune 22,191%. ' saliken ad -*.ee ae ee a ee ae a ee +peer tet eeareeeaefarandnear,and youcan-"Co,c our Hands aia aal deeselon wen bane "IN THE BANK.* Your Bank Account depends on whatyousave, It is not a matter OF GOOD FORTUNE. Acquire the saving habit while your in- ceme is small and it will be casier as your income increases to Increase Your Bank Account. Now is the opportune time to open an Account with us. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. “MONEY MAKES THE WAY EASY.” GEO,H.BROWN :President. rs en youfineand |you to foyourmoney.Dodson mo -|destroying the sale iver whieh usesnecrosis of the,cause it is real liver i Storm tones.Calomel,when it comes into’tirely vegetable,therefore it can part ‘eo ae ene os Reneagitee‘et ;apoontl ofremainidleforevena|Goreeanandenre af th endeart ib 4 up.8 wi you i 4 one growing season,when our aes Statesville,Rel,June 26—Relatives|that awful nausea and gramping.If Dedson's Liver Tone will put your ed to need all the were greatly shocked Sunday morn-'you are “all knocked ~S e liver to work and clean your stuffs it can possibly ‘ing,June 24th,at the message that liver is torpid and bowles ¢pat-of that sour bile and consti- One acre can be made to 'Damie Elvin,the littte ter of ed or you have headache,dizziness,|pated waste which is clogging your by the growing of two wn in a Mr.and Mrs.R.A.Galliher,had pass-!contel tongue,if breath is bad or «and making you feel misera- season,nearly as much as usual-ed away Saturday evening at 7.30/stomach sour just try a spoonful of ble.1 guarantee that a bottle of ined from two by the one o'clock,June 28.A t shock to harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone.Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your crop system.This makes the out-all,as she had been only about a)Here's my guerantee--Go to any entire family feeling fine for months, lav for land but half as mueh;be-!week.The physician had visited her drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of;Give it to your children.It is harm- sides,the two crops can bewithlesslaborandfertilizer less;doesn't gripe and they like its taste.shout 30 minutes prior to ker death fiodsen's Liver Tone.Take a spoon- and she seemed to be getting alony |ful tenight and if it doesn’t straight- where two acres are farmed. Corn,Peas,Beans.Corn can be planted,|wheat,as an ensilage crop or soy jbeans and cowpeas may be sown oFjplantedforhayorseedorforhog-‘ving down.Corn planted at thisitimewillcomeonreadyforlleteinthefall,when the weatherjhasbecomecoolerandtheworkoffillingthesilowillbelessarduous.|...;more thicklyn[It should be 'than for rain to securelwmountofslenderstalk , |This will make excellens silage and will prove the cheapest feed we canimetforthecowsduring;the winter. planted very well.Surviving are her parentsthreesistersandabrother.The iat- ter has also been sick for several days.| Mr.Galliher moved to Mooresville t two months ago.He formerty|resided in Shiloh community.Da- mie has been a member of Shiloh M. fk.church about two years,She wasburiedatShilohSundayafternoonat! 1 o'cleek.She was 12 years of aye April.The sympathy of thecommunitygoesouttothebereavedmotherandfamily.There will cer-iulnly be a vaeant place in the home,| as she was a bright-facec, incelli- t little girl.{The cloud that visited this sectior abn A ie werk =anenne in this coaday afternoon brought a splendid wev will save the buying of m@ ::f.:’‘rain and alse hail and hard wind.A>high-priced,concentrated feed $0M jo of fruit was destroyed-—blown |‘the dealer this winter and will keep :;Ce athestockinbettercond:tion,too.off the trees—and the’new barn ae SCOEK In Bevser come ,which Mr.Paul Murdock was buiid-Soy beans and cowpeas sown orplantedaithistimeshouldmakea‘yop of execilent hay i!cat and eur-ed:or if turned under would enable‘he land te grow a greater crop the following yerr.As the ceed is quite ing was said te be blown and scat- rad ever about an aere of ground. Also part of the roof of Mr.W.A.! Winecoff's barn was blown off.| Quite a company gathered at Mr.!Luther Walters’Saturday©nichtini'an ;ouldhighatthepresenttime,it wowld (oo :ee oa nrobably prove advisable to plant his srw cream and lemonade hem in rows and to cultivate to Mr.and Mrs.Charles Hoover vis aromote vrowth env destroy weeds, 0.L.TURNER *Cashier.he aving about three-“ourths of nial ae a mee Nerenetheexpenseforseed.Where plart-Nt and Sunday. ne ee ee a “wh the:will produce a rr a aa ee "son,whieh may be iioce easily Mtn For New Camps. a eer rathered.A ereat umount of seed So many already have applied és F 99 should be saved the com:ng fall to for atmicsion to the second series of R K E enable the cowing of a large acreage off-crs’training camps,opening =in the following season.These \ueust,that War Department offi- ————-AT ————cymes make an exeeiient pasture cjsls expect the total applications to for the greszieg of hogs in the lat-be vastly greater than 16,000,the Halls Dr Store,to every man_one ter part of the summer and fall,to number to be admitres Sim nrodues the growth ard to start A statement issued through the ~:thom to ‘atten.This method saver public information commiitee em- Sanitary the labor of feeding and also the phasizes that fitness alone will Sharpe ine of so much high-priced corn,be-count in the selection of those to he >sides wre ducing more thrifty secepted and later in the vice of Safety Razor.\erowthy hows.The row methed of those to he commissioned. The Ideal Army Razor.Nariing would be advisable for - The Fconon:ical Home Razor. The 100 per cent Efficency Razor. The Strictly Guaranteed Razor. Come and get yours.HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No.20. epAEE What improves the appearance of a place from the street more than any one little thing?A nice,well kept lawn,of course.The best way to have your lawn this way is to gct one of our Mowers and exercise it. about once a week,and you will be surprised to see the difference.Let us show YOU to THEM. | | -psi adihanaal this purpose.Preparing the Land. For th:planting of either of these crops the lend should be pre- pared as rapidly and yet as thor ourhly as the conditions mit.Ht is net necessarily the great emount of iebor used that make:rood preparation but the complete pulverizing of the sarfnce to check weed growth and tv nold the mois- ture within the soil,«s the main rrowing season for weeds has pass- ed and the rains are less frequent, the labor of cultivation will be cor- rexponding!y lessened.A breakirg of the surfece before a crust hes t'me to form after each rain will be many a prospect for a good yield by destroying the plant roots and per- /mitting the escape of the soil mois- ture into the air. The fall seeding of the legumin- ous hay erops and pasture grasses needs planning and =proparation at ithis time.It has heen the custom of our farmers to give these no rtten-tion until about the time of wheat seeding and the consequence has tf been failure out of perhaps 75 per {Piecent.of the case These failures |tre mainiv dye to the loose seedPebed,which furnishes neither mois- ture or plant food to the youne olant.Nothing but a corapact seed bed can be depended upon to start the small seeded clovers and rrass- es and to carry them throurh winter except under the most favor able weather conditars.Late sow- ne oalso fessens the plant’.ability will per-. the LIFT YOUR CORNSOFFWITH FINGERS Tells How to Loesen a Tender Corn or Callus So It Lifts Out Without Pain. You reckless men and women whe pestered with corns and who ave at least once a week invited an/ awful death from loekjaw or bleod|poison are now told by a Cincinnati |authority to use a drug enlled free- !gone,which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callus the soreness is relioved and soon the n-tire corn or callus,reot and all,uftsoffwiththefinger.Freezone dries the moment it isanfPeient.This should be our aim in P 4 the cultivation of any crop.Infre-|ied,and simply shrivel:the corn quent and deep cultivation ruins|callus without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissve or, skin.A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores,but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callus.If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get it atanywholesaledruyhouseforyou. Bete ret a sufficient hold on the soil to | |f-remain through the winter,Where Recauseit is a sparklin:,wholesom A “4 |Ysown with wheat the time for root fruit drink —the fresh ripe ) ine before’the severe freezes coine Grange,sweetened wiia purc ny } Iredell Hard W are Co.iien is very chort and the plant is crs-Sagar andgiven just ths right bend { ity pulled up.Lack of lime and fcr-in the making. tilizer gives little provision in NC AgiaesofOrange Joos holds its re- £wav of ready plant food.freshing,invigorati aliiies ta thP.S.We have three grades of Pine "97 cee Gs rolem >attempt io 0 Rogeieae ”4 >a 8 h |mnything with these valuable creShinglesandwecanselithemcheap.|Will’pay him.to give therm a Be golden glow adds to your pleasure. chonee Reecin new.to prepare ———=Jiovround with the dise harrew ,Se at all drink stands ——-keeping the weeds down and hell-Less by the case 3 ‘ine the mowture.Keen this cult _es Oni . vation up until the middle of Se "tf you gee,you! A tember;use about the same fe iB likeOrange dood .N izer as for wheat,apoly at lea |f f 000 pounds of groand limeston:|r j d D acre and seed with se cominy Coca-Coia Boutling Co.;cooline showers,and suecess wil!'e Statesville,N.C py | enough more certain to pay for ‘Fae? Every good citizen at this time should extra trouble,Sow the desired crop do his share toward strengthening the es ae Federal ReserveBanking System.which rained by seeding with another.|Hs our Government has created with its ee”he takes Gp Gr feed pended!‘a dollarsofresources to stand back hy the crop that is being “nursed”gy :its member banks and all their de-A small plant,like a smal)ani),|eens me is not able te compete success!uly 2 |with a larger and s.ronger one You Some Red Cedar Shingles, do not dump Ahe feed in a trouch|Bought at the old prices still on and expect the calf to eat with the hand,Also Nails,Ridge Roll,Val- ,cow and do well,Why do it with ley Tin,Scaffolding,Brown and the crops?G ve ’Alfalfa.reen Shingle Stain. -Several are planning to sow alfal-|C.WATKINS."Phone No.48, fa again this fall and wantseed,It would be well to club jgether,as this is a kept in stock by the seedsmen good to- comparativelynewplanthereandtheseedisnot’ Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.Osteopathic Ph a.m.to 12,80p.Prices are being secured from re!ia-|ry ® ble growers in the West and ar-| ‘rangements will be made with some| N’T ENLIS Under “GENERAL DEBILITY.”His troops neverwinafight—all the fight is sapped out of their |system.If you can’t keep step —have to fall out oflinebecauseyou’re feeling below par,Jet us put you ‘in good marching orderfor the battle of life,ecansoonsetvoursystemstraightwithourior“drugs,the PUREST MOST EFFECTIVE You'll soon be back in the ranks of the fit,ready todoyourbit.|POLKGRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square” BIG SALE ON ALL COLORED HATS. We are offering all our Colored 4 Hats Shapes for 98c.each,; Now is your opportunity to get a a nice stylish Hat cheap.a Be sure to visit our Ready-to-Wear 4 Department.We have some bargains’ to offer. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. THE STATESVILLE j REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY |~ Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICE that has won for this Company the good will and confidence of over seventeen hundred patrons. |“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL,HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. Wewillbegladto have call at our office ene to supply those who make known| theirwants in time to secure the ;‘supply.Owing to the distance thismustbeorderednotlaterthantheknowhowtotake,thatwhenthetime *in No.1 Heart,No. iti Biss. forany information,or No,64 if our. :serviceinneeded.WedoNOTARYPULICworkaloo.J.F.CARLTON,-Mi yootey a i oe A ar!gt a E‘w reriBOTS ANDMARK Cuavravaua FEATURES |GODSEY A dene 20,1917. SORD OF DEATHS. Mr.Lippard,Mr.Roges andOthers-—Mr,Roberts andYoungMr.Thompson.Mr.Henry Lippar..aged 88 years,dred Wedresday afternoon at hishomeontheMountainroad,near StMartin's charch.The decease isurvivedbyseveralchildrernumberofgrandchildren|METVICRS Were e } Martin’:hurch HOON Bt 5 o’¢lerk lueted Vesterda, by Rwnindtheinterment \Mar tis raveyard infant daughter pf Holler died nt the on the Bouleva younrvest Thom;Oe a raduat« had taurhtrectedto enter ‘hap 1 Hill ie of *ttainments an and was very popula qv aintances, rmhing Ra} mar the Hted fro SAYS: “The rr s¥MpPtomes erts had | hout the \ke pected farmer of the Preshyte j the church ; tendent of the all around Ch, revretted Triends,who extend to the heres, Mr.Re} ty,Mo.Fel) ved ir KentHieissurvived4 M Miers ville,ane secand ardrineeand broths Canning Demonstrstion. The State gry ar m charg the hom T reseia)’ Inter, Mr.Ro Don Tony Church News There will } ity.Epieropa)c)} Rew,J.i.Te tndent,will p church Sunday « fal services \' to Rev.Chas.I.ba ritod Miesionaty free - Fy morning. PEW SMIRT WaAIsTs Lerr ayethanRAEprice..Jd,M.McKEE ¢ Fy it of pokey Mee to emphaomewhatheinihumeror |cove but Fy SF *not glansingtempeople.Other Cheutouets Features.Mr.Hunt Cook,superintendent oftheChautauqua,delivered a lectureWednesdayafternoononthesubjectofRalphWaldoEmevecn.Mr.CooktermedEmersonthepreatestwriterthutAmericahaseverproduced,HiswritingMr.Cook divided inte threeoupsbiographicalemetches,es-‘ys end peems.Emerson offers inthesethreeformsofliteraryeffortdelsofsynthesisAtreawmentthatversatilewriter,Shakes-e,could be no other than diseur-»yet Emerson in his biographishetchofthegrentwriterco:his character:zation.His bioalsketchofNoffers entenes beer ’pure the t vtil me After Harvest. clor. uty Ht af the men drafted be culled to Peptomber 1 or lat,:interference with‘her during harvest time cass™\vouled witheut difficulty. ”‘¢‘ his face which he HadaPrison to Fool ©sirl—DeatofMissStine—Clee ON—Ti viersviMe News,Sportal Correspondence of The Laan, Taylorsville,June @ —Em-ma Stine passed away ‘ morning at 4.30 o'clock at theofhersister,Mies Lona on Highland.She had nevertrongandherconditioncriticaltwoweeksago.Misewasabout48yearsof been a .omember of f¢ hurch for 27 years.The &service was conducted by Rev,G,Sumgarner from the a churehWednesdaymormingat10.30 o'clockandtheintermentwasinthetewncemetery. H.F.Godsey,who was plaeed inllforjssuingcheckswhenhehadremone}the bank and had not had,and was given a hearing before Mayor Cobb and discharwed friends made upsome§21—to pay him wae to Wert,On ine Coun.pay the money back,In-tend of working,it is alleged,hehistimetryingto‘la Morgan,a erip-rhs in the Taylors. ,to yo away withatMissMorgan ville bank and vet ine money, the country. at the home of und Mrs.Wilsen,of the hosiery d her not te i kept Godsey Sheriff Adams \ppumattox,Va.,nd out his char-:r from Mr. the peace, Yo teld)him enced to the forgery and int of ill two hiv tig vu divoreed Godsey the let- tal ty,off of rom here te ealed pouch- Use trains. rom this of- .Loray Nos. inday niyzht.His est mail cd to the but he the Ruth- He will »luke up ‘his fam. ‘'y ate their year. and-paugh, White- to Statesy pend the th her sists and Mrs Itney,M <spent Tur the trip™, *,H8e S.Chay 1 vi EDITOR CARMICH ATIMr.R.EB.Carmicha “dSentinel,Wineter '1 few hours in wa nN wee ory iamdimark offer,V one of the veterspressandoublighes o-nd best afternoonState, TENNIS SLIPPERS,PiAt kK ORWhite,50 cents.—J,M.McK Ek &CO, 4 ,Ms ‘ *.hata: andhad after .ayment of the costs,left town Bat., viee at the this country own sation, re by | of Colerade, All Amebieenn avhoavoided:from the coun are:country and besainputtingfootoncordingtotheterms of theure.Thousands of British slackerswithintheUnitedtetuteshedbythebianditarysePviee, OLNeHickeryPostmasterDead. !.Henry Aiken,postmaster at Mick-|or ince May 13,1915,when he sue-coded A.C.Link,whe died in office.(at a hospital in Hickory Tuesdayonasaresultofperitonitis,which had set in befere an operatio:performed Sunday,June 17.MrAi.en was 57 years old and is survivedwifeandfourchildren.LOOK ATMEYPEELMY MUSCLES I'm a Different Man Since|!Began Taking theReliableIronized Paw-Paw. +&valuable em New Compa iding at 1h Elm ise Trontzed Paw “Why,”he says 8 pale as a Fiverything stomach,| had all sort rach after eating to eat,for T had3Beep,atenot mont Tronized t t t redouwilt duality‘on and Quantity ale; A ey In-down ‘ int A] vl fronized lds vou! wrt t,bat ertwh (jyf' f Alt:WYLagenby-Montyomery Hardware Co, tat Ne NO ; Such as Hate: Jar Rubbers, ees)astPowder . Phone &9 tagl «Wilhotland. ne a - SEED POTATOES! Green Rura! late planting. and for Mountain YorkNeWwW Suringless Green Pod Beans,Red Valentine and Refugee, Sherrill&Reece, would be}forced into (Seasonable Goods. | Tobesatisfactory now-a-days a carauet sunsmoothly,always and without coaxing.When you start anywhere you must know thatyouaregoingtogetthereandbackagain. This is the sort of satisfaction We guarantee to even the most inexperienced driver of the Buick or Dodge Car.You can- not well ask more. |INGE ‘and §=Pulleys,|Stops It Is Not What You Make That Counts Butls What You Save. New depositors,as well as our old ones,ure always WELCOME at this bank. If you can’t start a BIG account,thenstartalittleone,some of our largestaccounts,starled ina very small way. if you are not already a depositor insomebank,come in and let us tell youwhoutourSAVINGSDEPARTMENT. We pay f per cont interest on Savings,and compound it four times a year, Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” Fed mgt—soe of Your Kitchen shicrish stove but mistress of Purns ot)the off inte il.dame,always }int more than ionstrate one r rote,ihe greatest f love Crawford Bunch Furniture Co, PHONE 400, Sorrel een trmasereat te —_on ee he Ne ne ih nenaeha~—m es iSOn DOLLAR WATCHSeemeifyouareinneed|can supply that South Bend,Standard, J eweler, War price *1,35,of any kind of a Watch,need.In Hamilton,Waltham,New YorkReliance.H.B.WOODWARD stock, Kigrin, abe ea ew FRAMES FOR DOORS Ani windows made at C.WAT.KINS’lumber vard are the sivea fortheDoorsandWindowshesells,Al-eo Door Locks ond Butts,SashWeightsandFestenings,Sas Cord evaporation vDoorandindowsogreatas in a©warkins,C.Wi Garages ShouldBeBuilt With wood sides andglesroofs,Why?ter the radioter will not be sofreemeatnfnd eS s > £2 > 0 8 |