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The Landmark, January 1917
1 AUprr Pam a Audit The following in-however,isofabettersys-public busi- tof Wedetail receipts andE.Sere,reg-books of rec-ae ta all persmarriagelicensedisbursementstosheriff.and dis--,nts of Mr.SuperiorCourt, a is or all receipts from executors,guardians,cases and justice of;other receipts we,\ofacceptasshown/byawnofurtherree-le.Amount shownusasinhandDecember 1914,we took from report made to ee We verified state- admin tion and cost bi nit nes neveve under Sched-ms and addi- s making upotgens“|certificates ft recon bank bal- shown asl,balance dueCourt,$177.25,was locating anold balance of tional Bank, the so far as possi cihements of bank baldces.We.how- ever,were unible to make compari- of receipts and |disbursements deposits and ks issued on as not all receigs were depos- in banks,nor we#all disburse- ements made by check)it being the custom of the treas'¥er to receive and disburse cash ‘ithout going the banks.Ow,investigationrsinthesreasurer’s ac- ting in anet differencethetreasurerof$4002.15,as per Meestheps4 of ines ¢ ipts and dis- ected by Mr.on,sheriff,(king the bal-shown due county on sher-lements with board of com- rs on 1912 1913 taxes, and ting charges e by reg isterf deeds on !1915 tax- es,aling deling d adding speci license us °report toStatdTreasurer,certified by register of dds;we were unable to verifythismtureaswecouldnotlocate&tubsfor some collections reportedbyshriff,and there were numerous earesof duplication said to have been jade by State traveling audit- on proved amount of taxes .col- iff’s mis listing the uncoHected fromreceipks,and deducling from Y or original charges.We ver-ified isbursements of slyeriff withofStateTreas/rer and re- ceipty and books of county treasur- er.“We found item’.paid to county ee November 39,1914,$66.50, and ember 1,1914)$1,000,werenotincludedinsherisettlementof1918taxes—these a ts have beenlowedascreditso1\,the balance Le:p by us as “Balance 1913 Tax-es Un allected December7,4914.’YouwillonourExhibitunderitemsasnounto$1,credits which we not.indateofourreport;slso a _s of the sheriff:fof cred- tubject to the action of tommissioners. hex)amounts as treasurer turnedcovering chairman| ners that an amount,her with ac umulated in-punted to approximatelya#inking fund,that thisnotbeendepositedorin- such fund,but had been board of commissioners current expenses.This we “aet in our report,bnt only yar,the ‘amount actually invested. did not consider i916 taxes in ration,as the books for es were turned over to the sheriff,and no collections made on December 2,1916. ”our statement of as ities we have reviewedirecordsandtracedall“tha volcould find of assets is peesible thatsofartteforthedifferentfunds5ing,which we could not m account of Warrants never reconciled,and it wouldendlesstasktolocateunpaid. cmiahe suggestion of thetheboard,we notdinterestonbillkpaya- a hsroad tt J.)come to Statesville on No.11. STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,JAN apraTpantnesSea At a road i in Rowan conan.nearCleveland,yesterdayabout9aanNancyParks,atodeathEmmaJackson,alsosaeekNancywas‘was rested and ta-ken to Rowan jail at Salisbury.Ac-cording to Nancy's story;Emma cametohertentyesterdaymorningandproceededtocurseher.Nancy drew a pistol and shot several times,in-flicting wounds from which Emmadied.Nancy escaped but was laterfoundatanegro’s house a few milesfromthesceneoftheshooting,whereshewasarrestedbyIredellofficersandturnedovertoadeputysheriffofRowan.Soon after the shooting Iredell offi-cers were notified to be on the watchforthewoman,who was expectedha Shedidnotcome,however,but tock to thewoodsatElmwood. Bigamist Had Wife in Iredell. W.W.Evans was arraigned inGreensborolastweekonachargeof bigamy brought by his wife,Mrs.Nannie Aldridge Evans.It was inevidencethatEvansmarriedMrs.Aldridge in 1906 and that he alsomarriedArcadiaJ.Bell in 1913,with-out the formality of a divorce.Idridge -Evans rs.i ivans also testified thivanshadathirdwife,a wormtn he married first of all,or the first she knew about,in Iredell county,and the Iredell wife is living.About two years ago the Iredell wife secured adiverce,but this was after the third ceremony,according to Mrs.Ald- ridge-Evans.is from theThisinformation Greensboro News,which says thatEvarswassenttojailindefaultof$300 bond. State Prison Superintendent. Mr.William Ledbetter of Statesvilleisacandidateforthepositionof superintendent of the State prisonunderGev.Bickett.Mr,LedbetterwasforyearsadeputywardenintheStateprisonandisfamiliarwiththe workings of the institation.He is a business man.a gentleman of intelli- gence and standing and is well equipped for the position he secks He is strongly endorsed and his friends generally hope Gov.Bickett can see his way clear to give him the position,in which they are assured he would make good.sf TuberculosisDay at Harmony. The third Sunday in January will be observed as tuberculosis day at Harmony,following the address ofDr.T.M.Jordan,December 19th.Dr. W.G.Nicholson,Rev.B.F Rollins, Rev Ovid Pullen,Messrs.J.N.Bar- ron,Chas.Blackwelder and R.H Lankford composed the committee to arrange the programme.At a meet- ing of the committee Thursday night Dr.Nicholson was instructed to pro- cure speakers.It was —pee to begin services at 10 a..in the Baptist chureh,with special serviceintheafternoonfortheladiesonly. The morning service is for all. ~~ First National’s Savings Club. The First National Bank yesterday began a Pin-Money club in connection with its banking business.The ob ject of the club is to encourage sys- tematic saving of small amounts.A member of the club pays in 10 cents 25 cents,50 cents or $1 each week for fifty weeks and at the end of that time gets back what has been paid ir and 4 per cent added.The idea of the club is to get people td begin at the beginning of the vear to save smal’ amounts in order to have something when Christmas comes. Teacher:©and Schools. A meeting of the Iredell County Teachers’Association will be held at the collewe Saturday,13th.Prof.N. W.Walker,State Inspector of High Schools and viee president of the North Carolina Teacners’Associa- tion,will_make a speech and Miss lone Dunn,primary supervisor of the State Normal College,Greens- bore.will wive a lesson in reading. All the schools of the county re sumed yesterday and today after two weeks’holiday. Subscriptions For the Asso- ciated Charities. The Landmark is asked to urge al) who have not subscribed to the fund for the Associated Charities to send in their Pubscriptions this week either to Mrs.Chas.Anderson,chair- man of the committee,or to any mem- ber of the committee of canvassers The subscriptions so far amount tc $1,590 and the amount estimated for the work is $2,500 The county board of educationobservedyesterdayas«holiday and will hold ite regular monthly meet- ine next Monday instead. tion,also that carried entirely the school fund be in the Stgte school fund be carried entirely in the Statefundrecordofreceiptsanddisburse. ments,an d not carried on the genera! register “We would also suggest that sep- arate bank accounts be kept for the different funde,all receipts deposited in "chee and all disvursements made by,e . “Alpo considerable time was con-sumed im classifying receipts of clerkofSuperiorCourt,these receipts notpasineheenproperlyenteredonbooks.We would suggest that all re-sipts,and gum those gfyo ogg .[ENTENTE ALL IES REFUSE. Turn Down Germany's Prepos-al For Peace Conference. Germany and her allies for a peaceconference,the Entente allies,in acollectivenote,declare that they “re:fuse to consider a pemptyandinsincere.”This has ref- erence to the first offer made Ger-many,prior to the sending of Presi-dent Wilson's peace note.None ofthebelligerentsexceptGehasmadeformalanswertotheesi-dent’s peace note.Following is thetextofthereplyoftheEntenteallies to-Germany:“The Allied governments of _Bel-ium,France,Great Britain,Italy,Japan,Montenevro,Portugal,Ruma-nia,Russia and Serbia,united forthedefenceof‘he liberty of theirpeoplesandfaithfultoengentstakennottolaydownthi—_ separately,have resolved .eplycollectivelytothepretendedpropotionofpeacewhichwasaddthemonbehalfoftheenemygovern-|. ments through the intermediary oftheUnitedStates.Spain,SwitzerlandandHelland.Before making any re-ply the Allied powers desire particu- larly to protest against the two es- sential assertions of the note of theenemypowersthatpretendtothrow upon the allies responsibility for thewarandproclaimthevictoryofthe Central powers.“The Allied admit an affirmationandwhichsufficesto render sterilealltentativenegotiation.The Allied nations have sustained for 30 monthsawartheydideverythingtoavoid.They have shown by their acts theirattachmenttopeace.That attach- ment is as strong today as it was in1914.But it is not upon the word of Germany,after the violation of its engagements,that the peace broken by her may be based. “A mere suggestion,without a statement of terms,that negotiations should be opened,is not an offer of peace.The putting forward by the imperial government of a sham pro- posal,lacking all:substance and pre- cision,would appear to be less an of- fer of peace than a war maneuver.It is founded on ealeulated misinterpre- tation of the character of the strug- gie in the past,present and future. “As for the past.the German note takes no account of the facts,dates and figures,which establish that the war was desired,provoked and de- claresi by Germany and Austria-Hun- governments cannot doubly inexact “AtWhe Hague conference it was a German delegate*who refused allproposalsfordisarmament.In July, 1914,it was Austria -Hungary who, after having addressed to Serbia an unprecedented ultimatum,declared war upon her in spite of the satis- faction which hel at once been =ac- corded, “The Central cmupives then reject- ed all attempts made by the Entente to bring about a pacific solution of a purely local conflict.Great Britain sugwested a conference.France pro- posed an international commission; the emperor of Russia asked the German emperor to go to arbitration, and Russia.and -Austria-Hungary came to an understanding on the eve of the conflict.But to all these ef forts Germany gave.neither answer nor effect.“Belwium was invaded by an em- pire which had guaranteed her neu trality and which.had the assurance to proc laim that treaties were ‘scraps of paper’and that ‘necessity knows no law.’ “At the present moment these sham offers on the part of Germany rest on the ‘war map’of Europe alone,which represenis nothing more than a superficial and passing phase of the situation and not the real strength of the belligerents.A peace concluded upon these terms.would be only to the advantage of the agrress ors,who after imagining that they would reach their goal in twomonths,discovered after two years that they could never attain it “As for the future,the disasters caused by the German declaration of war,and the innumerable outrages committed by Germany and her al- lies against beth belligerents and neutrals,demand ©penalties,repars tion and guarantees.Germany mention of any of these “In reality,these overtures made by the Central powers are nothing more than a calculated attempt to influence the future course of war and to end it by imposing a German peace.The object of these overtures is to create dissension’in public opinion in the Allied countgies.But that public opinion has,in spite of all the aacrifices endured by the allies, already given its answer with admir able firmness and has denounced the empty pretence of the declaration the enemy powers “They have the further object of stiffening public opinion in Germany and in the codntries allied to her me and all severely tried by their loeses,wort by economic pres ure and crushed the supreme ef fort which has been imfcsed upon their inhabitante “They and Im nuetra!timidate ‘countries,whore inhabitants .have long since made up their minds where the initial responsibilities tie and are far too enlightened to favor the desiens of Germany by abandon- ing the defence of human freedom, “Finally,these overteres attempt to justify in advance,in the eyes of the world,a pew series of crimessubmarinewarfare,deportations, foreed labor and forced enlictment oftheinhabitantsagatnsttheirowncountriesandviolattonsofnewy.“Fully o avoids o1 out endeavor to deceive public opinion in cious of the cravity this moment,but equally conseious o en In reply to the recent proffer of -|which TARY 2,1917. ee [SOME CHANGES OF BASE. A Few ChangesSallesBusiness and Mr.and Mrs.B B.Webb and lit- tle daughter Sarah,left SundayforWashington,where they wiil '‘or a few.months,while Mr. doing speciat work in the ee Te Teliben's motheran°ns motherandsister,who have been livintheInn,will oce Mratthe"Woee opa wet are away Barkley,at om for the Wobh's rtment who had beenholidays,left yester-for Louisville,bi ye ,=headquerters and trave iDtheR.J.Reynolds Tobacco Company. Hisyoy ve been changed from Cincinnati,Ohio.,Mr.F Li ,who was with the J.K.—Grocery and Pro- duce Company for some years,beganworkrdayforMr.J.E.Sloop, aes be H.B.Thompson.Mr..whe lives at Elmwood,ThompsontO}will look after his farm in that vi-, oa:Henry Boshamer,who has "been living in Statesville-—-his home—for three or four years,left last night for Gastonia,where he wil!engage in business with F.Dp.Barkley &Co.Mr Beshamer was formerly with the Barkley compahy for several years He»is a bright and well equipped yeung man and his numerous States- ville friends wish him success in Gas- tonta.Mr.and Mra J.A.Vaughn are moy- ing today from Statesville to the.farminCoolSpringcommunitywhichMr.Vaughn recently bought from Mr.R. F.Canter.After a residence of 20.ors in Statesville Mr.Vaughn is go- ing back to his old home—-Coo!Spring. Numerous Statesville friends regrettlegoingofMr.and Mrs.Vaughnancitisa=to know they are no.goingie.G.E."Bollinger,who came to Statesville from Catawba county about three years ago,bought farms on the edge of town and has since liv- ed on the Mocksville road,on the eastern edge of town,is moving te afarmwhichherecenlyboughtnearClremont,Catawba county.Mr.Bol- lirer is a good citizen and The Land- mark regrets that he is returning to Cajyawba., The Death Record. ir.John W.Sample,father of Mr F.3.Sample of the vicinity of States- Prk ud yr Mack Semple of Moores- Vie,diea Thursday aight at his home in Dilworth,a suburb of Char-lotte,aged 76 years.He had been in declining health for several years. He is survived by his second wife and five childrer. Mr.Sample was a native of Meck- lenburg and a farmer until he moved to Charlotte in 1890.He was engaged in business in Charlotte for several years and was for a time engaged in hoe manufacturing in Thomasville He was a veteran of the Confederate army.Mrs.Frank Wilson,aged 63 years lied yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at her home in Sharpesburg township death resulting from a stroke of pa- ralysis which she suffered early Sun- day morning.Five sons and three daughters survive.Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 1 o'clock at Damas cus church by Rev.Mr.Poole of Stony Point and the interment will be in the cemetery there. Raymond Elree Money,5-year-oldsonofMy.atid Mrs.J.T.Money,died Friday morning at their home on Fifth street,death resulting from measles and pneumonia.Interment was Sat- urday afternoon in Oakwood ceme- tery. Burnett Captured Again. Jo,Burnett,“Jo. was arrested in Statesville some weeks ago,charged with larceny and other offences,and who was turned over t« the Buncombe county authorities to finish a term on the Buncombe roads,from which he made his esca in a short time,is under arrest : Spartanburg Iirnett has advised the Buncombe authorities that he decline to return to that count the usual inter-State for complied with have been prepared for him The Citizen says Burnett is charg ed with robbing the house of hi brother and sister on the nieht he e eaped from the chain gang,of a sum} of money and some jewelry.When bh: was searched after his capture,$97 and a gold watch were found sewed ir his clothes.A woman named Davi was also arrested with Burnett two gold bracelets,a watch and chain were taken from her.It thought that she is implicated in th robbery and the Buncombe official say a charge of bigamy will be pri ferred avainst her | This is probably me same woman} who was with Burnett in Statesville The RBuncornibe officers «tated at th time that the woman with Burnett here wie hie wife | alias Fatty,”wh ‘ounty will y unk malities are and requisition paper an its requirements,the Allied gments,closely united to one another and in perfect sympathy with thei peoples,refuse to consider a prop: al which is empty and insincer “Onee again the allies declar« no peace is poesible so long as theyhavenotsecuredreparationfor lated rights and liberties,the rv—of the principle of natiiesandoffreeexistenceofStates;so long as they hav: brought about a settlement caledtoendonveandforall verr og ali «mall not ilat- forcesveconstitutedaperpetua!the nations andto afford gvarant:"he thethe, future WATCH NIGHT ‘SERVICES. At Two Churches —Local Church Notes. A Watch Night service was held at the First Associate Reformed Pres-byterian church Sunday eveningFrom9to10therewasdiscussionofvarious—of church work.“The Old and the New”and“The Sabbath Schoo!”were discussbyMr.J.G,Shelton;Young People’sChristianUnion,Mr.Horace Stike-leather;Young Ladies’Society,MissMabelPoston;Ladies’Missionary So-ciety,Mrs.J.P.Alexander;Deacon's F.Board,Mr.R.0.Deitz;Elder's BoardMr,T.D.Miller.This was followed7,an anthem,“Who Sow in Tears,”a prover From 10 to 11 there wereTesimonies”by a number of mem-bers of the congregation and “Prom.ise Season”was the subject of a talkmadebyRev.J.H.Pressly,the pas-tor.he Lord Performs What HeDecrees,”an anthem,was followedbysocialmoments,during whichlightrefreshmentswereserved.From "to 12 there were two an- thems,“By the Rivers of areand“Behold the Lamb of God Who‘Taketh Away the Sin of the World.”|torAsthemidnighthourapproachedtherewasaseasonofsilentprayer,which continued while the Old YearpassedandtheNewYearbegan.Theservicewaswellattended.TheWateh Night service at BroadStreetMethodistchurchSundayeveningwasinterestingandimpress-ive.The programme was carried outaspublishedFriFriday,begraning atsl0o'clock and closing at 12.large crowd ¥present.Rev.R.Ware will conduct prayer pat at Broad Street churchtomorrowevening.The subject ofdiscussionwillbe,“Why Should We Pray”? The County CommissionersYesterady. The county commissioners in peelarmonthly—_aethere.9 jurorstermof,Iredell Superior Court“whichconvenesJanuary29:First week —P.A,Gant,J. Bruce.W.M.Moore,J.O,M.Summers,J.L.Jacks,E.V.W.D.Brown,J.L.Cowan,M.Gabriel,J.Stanley Gibson,E.W.ron,T.N.Alexander,JohnSetzer,D.B.£74 J.0.I.D.Harris,F.J.Axley,J.C,denih,W.E.Moore,B.M.McNeely,R.L.Cook,M.E.Godfrey,J.P.Aus-tin,J.A,Pierce,R:GC.Hill,ST.Morvison,A.E.Brown,J.LWaid-well,Grover Jacks,J.F..Eagle,A.R.Houston,T.L.Steele,J.C.Burgess,Cc.M.Wagner,W.J.Morrison.Second week—A.E.Hudspeth,T.I.Bailey,H.J.Lipe,J.S.aeW.F.forton,W.C,veeoJ.JClendenin,F.8,Silf,J.N.ee H.D.Lackey.A.F.Troutman,JBennett,L.W.Malcombe,etRunple,H.S.Gilleland,J,ton,BE.H.Powell,V.B.Nekoan 'B yM.Myers,B.F.Guy,H.E.~~:NFF.Paine,O.M.Turbyfill, Troutman,The mayor,chairman of countycommissionersandsuperintendentof public instruetion yesterday re-electedDrs.M.R.Adams and W.D.MeLeal-land members of the county board ofhealth.The board will meet Mondaytoeleetacountyphysician. Interested parties appeared beforethecommissionersandaskedthatatrainednursebeprovidedfortheCountyHome.The board took noactioninregardtothematter. Three and a Half Millions'In- crease in Six Months. During December Collector Watts of this district collected $1,483,034.62internalrevenuetaxes,as follows:Tobacco $1,479,902.28 Income taxes 9. Vines and penalties Emergency taxes Oleomarevs r lieetee Liquor license Narootic This is a decrease of $41,140.80 and an December,1915,of 58 1-4 per cent. Fo?the half year ended December tl,and the corresponding months last year,the monthly ccllections ave been as follows: taxes from November increase over $545,546.41,or 1915 4/6 8 840,788.749914,465.15i704.92 1,085 463.28570,L01.11 |9R6,O6%.¢*1,624,176.42 990,786.7 1,488,094.4 OT One a 9,910 14,435.72 an inerease of $3,595,766.90,or 62.9 per cent.for the half yearjustclosed.During this period the deily eolleetions (Sundays and holi- lays excepted)have averaged $60,-850.90-—an average of $126.77 for each minute of the working day. Gold-Headed Cane Prof. Hiil. (behalf the For of Iredell County ’Associatign,the donors,MrR.M.Gray went t4 the home of Prof 1.H.Hill Christmas morning and pre- sented him with a gold-headed é¢ane The gift is an appreciation and recog- nition of Prof.tHitl's long service on the county board of education.He has been chairman of the board for many years. Graded School Opening Post- poned—College Opens Thursday The graded school was to have been reopened temerrow,but the,young folks,to their great jey no doubt,will wet a fewdays’ad@ditional holiday onaccountofthePsofmeaslesNextMondayisthedatesetforthe opening.The college will reopen Thursday. on *8H,Gare a.hilretiredfromtenbeole. Peache ed|Janus —A total ecliacheduledtoclips of_seat 120'and reebo Alexander about~~-The“Teeell- pas MinPyA inmA.Carpenter's—The Siete ene te thesiicenvilleInstwighttscaylastnonStatesville.Air ightto,work—License has been issuedmarriageofMr.Wm.bert and Miss BerthaMr.Everett 8S.GoodinrieBarkley.—Following |vl the tions intheOld taserro re i igtorsandfinanceFirstNationalBankthepatusualsemi-annual dividendof& cent.Was --{Deputy Collector R.P.Constable C.L.Gilbert and PolicemanFulpcutLupan|an illicitEazleMillschurch,Eagleship,Saturday evening. —Jud fromwagons the 5 -e ‘ week—ca aeglonightWwWf Mrs.W.G.Privetteton(N.C.)was2the}Mr. Shel = —Ay false fire alarm wasthefiremenabout12o'clocknight—that thewasafire.blame for falsewascalledtothe S>pouine,tot 6OeayMorning,was aneyburningaut. -~Probably the first auto-mobile funeral seonenion “aikeninStatesvillewasseenSunday4TheremainsofB.. }who died in ston- brought te States and tratoSnowCreekchurchforburial. transfer from Statesville toCreekwasmadeinthenewbeastofJ.r Waa &Co.,un-lertakers,andthe entire funeralcessionwascomposedofauofquleasellien. Only a Few Violated Parole. ne seven trusty convictsreleasedfromtheState'sChristmasbyorderof and all returned except two. who failed to return areBradleyofSwainvr:years for murder;and LittletongertofWarrencounty,years for murder.Of the county convictsparoleallmadegoodexceptthree,who were guilty of Siectebest or failed to return. Lawson Asked to ShowThem.. Tom Lawson of frenziedfame,having charged that ioa“leak”—an advance ‘hePresident’s peace note,alized the stock —andtainpersonsprofitedinformation,while thks invited by CongressmancometoWashingtonandThiswastoLawson's handcourseanswersthathecan prove and more.a Two Jew Governors. The New Year finds two ofStatesoftheUnionpy the was ail thethermorsoftheJewishfafirst’time in the historytry.Tn Idaho GovernoranderbeginshissecondyesterdaySimonenJintotheofficeecutiveofUtah,Mr.have the additional ine the firstbernatorial i f y Jan,1—Make it seven-|railway and who hasbeen ill forsev-, Bpecial CorrespondenceofTheLandmark, Mooresville Jon.1 —Capt. 4 and the |Billa,|TetheBaker ofTheLandmark:i|LT believe thisis a good timetoBinen,who.for a >make ‘some suprestions +been a condvetor on the baer The of the aoe o ) andaa your resolu-|ora}months,was presented with a.county,|do ae *|nat your madeJust one res-|purse of $8)"from.his fellow-em-ee Gedo dae hae|was®good one.1 re |ployes at Christmas.This kindly change in the personnel of the boardthatI'd cat chicken dur-oct was hichly appreciated.‘of count canealeamaeem tel 9hyearIhadevereatenin|”My,W.L.Vintheson of this city,Masts partial change in the roadoneyearbefore.I kept that res-Representative in the Legislature,a of the aon 1 wish to inviolate and am ae to leaves today for Raleigh to attend |"ticlesin cea ioe torthesameoneagain.A little (he General Assembly.Mrs.Mathe-(ho)yy oylikethisismildandpaliia-son will accompany her husband.|nay unturned in providing fornegativelytothose|swearoffs from smok-chewing,drinking,losing one's!Saturday from injuries sustained in, “.the others which an automobile wreck Christmas Day, regularly in stock.Try that,this year,then | turvy and mon ares|you “at every-|body,instead ae a dose of doc-| go and indulge in)your resolution and| mighty fit next day.|a couple of weddingsThefirstwasthemar-|riage of Mr.Jason Brawley and Miss|both of the Amity sec-tion,and the next day Mr.Gray Low-married Miss Winnie Long.MrLowranceisfromRowancountyandMissLongisfromShepherd's.Theseareallfineyoungpeople.The marry-ing was done by the Rev.J.C.Keeverathishome.The Woodmen gave an oyster sup-per here Friday night and,as is their usual custom,everybody in sight warservedwithalltheweilpreparedoys-ers they wanted.Next Friday night the Junior Order is to have a big oyster supper.the citizens around here belong totheJuniorOrderandtheirannua!banquets are largely attended. The spring term of school begins Wednesday.3d.The young peoplewhocamehomefromcollegetospendtheholidayshavealoutallreturnedtotheirrespectiveplaces.Miss Jessie Alley returned today toAshevilleafterhavingspentChrist- mas with her father Mr.A.8.Alley She holds the position of private sec retary to Hon.J.C.Pritchard.Mr A.L.Cavin of Atlanta is visiting his sister,Mrs.C.F.Brown,and his fath-er,Mr.Jackson Cavin.Mr.E.Sherrill,formerly :ofStatesvillevicinity,has Mmeved hifamilytothefarmrecentlypurchased in the edge of the village.We'd liketohavesomemorefamiliesliketheSherrills.Mr.J.W.Johnston has gone teWillacoochee,Ga.,to visit his son anddaughter,Capt.and Mrs.F.N.John ston.Mr.P.A.Barringer of Wins- ton-Salem spent Christmas here.MrC.Christopher,spent the holiday:here with his family.This man Chris- topher bears the distinction of beingoneofthemostefficienthardwood craftsmen in America.Some of hisinlaidhendworkdoneinhasreliefhasbeenawardedgoldmedalsatdif erent national expositions. Proposed Methodist Hospital. The committee appointed at therecentmeetingoftheWesternNorthlinaConference,M.FE.Church, ¢ ith,to take up the work of theerectionofahospitalwithintheboundsoftheConference,was insessionin‘Salisbury last week.The most important action takenbythecommitteeatthismeetingwastoauthorizethechairman,Rev.C. M.Pickens,and the secretary,Rev.E.L.Bain,te address a letter to thevariousmedicalsocieties,boards of and other orgenizations in Gas-ia,Charlotte,Statesville,Salis-High Point,Greensboro,Wins-ton-Salem,Asheville and Hickory, setting forth the action of the Confer ence,stating the conditions necessarytobemetbeforeacitywil!be consid-ered a competitor for the hospital,and the intention of the Conference to raise a sufficient additional sum tothatofthecommunitytobuild‘aSagettocostnotlessthan$150,- Among the conditions which mustbemetisthatthecommunitywherethehospitalistobelocatedmustfurnishanadequatemedical!staff,asuitablesite,at least $40,000 in cash to go towards buildings and equip- ment to cost not less than $150,000,and in addition must prove to the committee that such city.is most suitable for the hospital.Lenoir has made «bid for the hos-pital and so far as known is the only town so far to make a formal offer.hey committee will meet again inlisburyMarch15. The Christmas Mails. In spite of weather conditions that up trains and crippled local de-livery arrangements in hundreds of«ities,reports to the Postoffice De-partment indicate that 99 per cent. of this year’s record-breaking budgetofChristmasmail,including 125,000,- 000 parcels and many millions ofholidaylettersandcards,were deliv- ered on or before Christmas Day.The tremendous bulk of mai!mat- ter turned over to the service for transportation and delivery in the two weeks before Christmas wasequivalent,Postmaster General Bur-leson says,“to fully two and one-half pounds of parcel mail for every*man,woman,child and infant.in theland.”That would require use of 1,-000 full mai!cars,carrying ten tonseach,during the two weeks period. on mber stamp sales,| on to show definitely the vol-of Christmas traffic as compar- ot years,are not yet com-but department officials esti-that postage receipts for thewillnottotallessthan$18,-bef the total) SS j paper will be pleased!at lemst one dreadedabletocureineatarrh,Catarrh|by constitutional con-|treatment. the patient edforcare The greater number| the/seemed to be no objection Miss Blanche Melchor of Concord,i, who died in -hospital in Chaplette was a forme:resident of MooresvilleandasisterofMrs.R.A.FairchildandanieceoftheMessrs,Dearman of this city.Mr.R.J.Swaim,who has been manager of a pressing club here for the past year.has sold his business to Mr.J.R.Ham and accepted a po- sition with a life insurance company, with «headquarters in Charlotte,Miss Hattie Trotter of CharlotteendquestofMissMa-|was the week-\Mr.Spencer Stine,ry Lowrance.‘ who is an employe at the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia, is visiting his parents here.Mr.Lloyd Vance has returned to his home at Brietol,Tenn.,after spend- ing several days with friends here. Mrs.Eugene Johnston is visiting her parents at Ruffin,N.C.Mr.Fred.Brown hes moved =hi e~wrery business from te building he formerly occupied,in the Brown Hleck on Main street.to the room no-vt the National Bank. Rev.Roy Smith,who is doing home mission work in Virginia,filled the pulpit at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning and deliver :The offertory ote?an able address thie service was rendered by the Mieses Ariail of Lamar,8.C..who ave visiting their brother,Prof.W. AriailRev.J.W.Jon conducted —the Srerday morrne ervice at the Methodiet church.on account of —th iMtmess of the pastor,Rev L. Valls,who duller ‘rom a ‘nek Of gripne. Mr.A.W.Parks of Charlotte was 4 ‘usiness tor here Thursday "Ir.Clyde Kennedy of Winston-Salem ia visiting relat ind friends her Last Friday Mr.end Mrs.1 Ww. Fictler celebroted th Iver wed tine at their country home Water ak Farm.They rece umbe ’their relatives and friends on the havypy occasion Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Cine *She field,Ala.who were marric bSletofDecember,were the guests of the bride’s aunt,Mrs.B.D.Gra ham.Friday nicht.Dr.Frontis Lert ef Raltimore returned to his homespendingth here »this tact Thursday.-after holidays with his parent \ndrey Kenrette will lefy.Morehead Cit»we ‘ teaching,pendir Christma her heme here.Mis lorer Prown of the faculty of Mont Arnoe nt Seminary et Mt.Pleasant.will re urn to resume her duties there Wednesday.She will be accompa ried by Miss Vernie Goodman,w will spend several days there with Tev.and Mrs R.A.Goodman.Mr M.A.Goodgan of China Grove snent with relatives here Mr.Goodman er bruildine a handsome new house for Mr.Bul Miller.at Mt.Ulla. Prof.and Mra.W.C {ained a number of friends on Fri- dav evening,complimentary to their wacsts,Misses Ruth,Kathleen §and Withelmina Ariail. Mr.and Mrs.A.D.Melchor§and M Effe Leigh Melchor spent.a day last week in Salisbury shopningProf.and Mrs.A.S.Libby of Spar- Miss weel'te } after on 1 the week-end gnged it Ariail enter tanhure,S.C..-are the ruests of Mrs.Libny’s mother.Mrs.Newton Steele. The Sunday school of~the.-First Presbvteriarn church ha outgrown present accommodations and plans are being considered to provide a néw Sunday school room fr.€C,Johnston.manager of the Ruinbow theater,fell one evening lact week while walking down the iisie of the theater.The small bone in his right arm was broken at the wrist and the ligaments torn apart The city schools will resume their rorular work en Tuesdna itte ten avs’Christmas vacatior “The past Christmas,”says Chief of Police Brown,“wa the auvietest and most free from noise and disor ‘erly conduct of any kind I've ever known here.”> Record of One Submarine. Announcement is made in the Ber lin newspapers that the Order of Merit has been conferred in Valentiner,captain of a German sul® marine,for sinking 128 ships of atotaltonnageof282,000.Ineluded among the boats sunk are a French gunboat.a troop transport,four steamships loaded with war material and a French submarine convoying 14 coal steamers. In addition Captain Valentiner has had numerous engagements with armed hostile ships,capturing two on which runs were mounted.It was which shelled Funchal, early this month, and sank in the Funchal Harbor the French gunboat Surprise and the steamships Dacia and Kangaroo. Judge Pritchard As Arbitrater. Judge Pritchard of Asheville has been named a member of the board of arbitration appointed by the Unit- ed States board of mediation to set tle the labor trouble between the Cotton Belt railroad and their teleg- raphers he controversy has reach- his aubmarineMadeiraIslands, jed a point where the mediation board can render no rther service.Both sides agreed to ‘arbitrate and Judge Pritchard was selected as one mem-ber of the board Judge Pritchard aeted in the samecapacityinoneotherlabordispute some time ago and his services at that time were so satisfactory there to himfromeithersideintheTexasdispute. Found a Sere Thing. 1 BR.Wixon,Mills,N.Y.,hae nedChamberlain's years for vv feethestyandsays,“Chamber-andrethebest I have ever used.” |proper upkeep of our public Several years have passed sinceIredellcountyoverturnedtheold,an-tiquated teeta’of working the pub-lic roads for the present methodworkingthembytaxation.I thinkthisisaatimprovementbutthe purpose of this article is to say thatbusinessmethodshavenotbeenusedunderthis,riew system.lredell’s roads have not been properly repair-ed under the new system.change should be made.at the $400,000investedinimprovedroadsshouldbeevenpartiallylostthroughlackof upkeep should not be tolerated.What is the conditiogs of the roads today?Well,I will itemize.First, a long stretch of otherwise good roadwillbespoiledbyamudhole.Yes,a big round mud hole.Then we wil! come to a space of improper top soil, cutting through during rainy weather.Other pleces,for the want of attention,are bumpety-bump-bump! At another place,if the shade was taken off,the road would be all rightAsfortheroadswhichhavenotbeen improved,almost nothing has been done,Now I think that the past year or eo has demonstrated that the farm- rs and others who pave regular ocupationscannotbedependedont do the .necessary work and do it at the right time.Some of them,no doubt,have a pull in securing thei: iobs and expect the maximum amount of pay for the:minimum amount of work.]vould \st-—-and this is a ugrestion only—that one good way would be to employ a sufficient num ber of men by the month,or year, und give each a section to keep “peir and let them be on the jol month in and nth out.A the weak places begi:show,he is right there on the job,and as th saying is,“a stitch in time saves nine.”A road can be compared to a hain—it is no ronger than its weakest place Now in the last place,it is going to cost money to keep the roads in good repair,but we certainly cannot ifford not to »it io protect our investment we must do it.If the work is done in a business way,kept free from politics and favoritism,the veople will not only fail to criticize the extra cost,but will heartily apwovewhateverthecostmaybe Now,Mr.Board of County Commis- ioners and Mr.County Road Super isor,let's keep in good repair Wwe public reads,and when you present your bill his part will be gladly paid by this TAXPAYER. \fraid of Premature Peace. locument addressed to than 50 prelates and laymen of various denominations rep- resenting many sections the country,have united in a warning against what they dectare may be a premature peace in Europe which “may brine a curse instead of a blessing.” The addres: Preachers In a signed he nation,more of declares the Chris- tians of America should consider the right or wrong of the occupation ofBelgium,Poland and:Serbia,the Ar- menian massacres,the destruction of merchant ships,the hardships ofJewsandSyrians,anc “the attempt to array Mov'em against Christianinholy’wav’.and to be reminded s the triumph of right-that “peace 1themeresheathingesusnessand yf the sword.” \%t further declares that the sign- ers-“view with some concern the or- ganized and deliberate efforts now being made so to stampede Christian entiment as to creaté a public opin not ion blindly favorable to stopping hostilities wichout adequate consider ition of the issues which the war involves eeneersmeeaecee Sprinkled Streets With Liquor. Five hundred gallons of whiskey vines and beer were vured into city water wagon at Phoenix,Ariz., and the streets of the business sectior prinkled th the liquor.Two hun dred automobiles and several floats that followed the A band played a dirge formed a parade water wagror The liquer wa onfiscated by the Scheriff under the ntw Arizona pro hibition law |its disposition was orde red |y the cour\ GIRLS!DRAWA MOISTCLOTHTHROUGHHAIR,DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY! Try This!Hair Gets Thick, Glossy,Wavy and Beautiful at Once. Immediate Yes!Certain? that’s the joy of it!Your hair be comes light,wavy,fluffy,abundant.| and appears as soft,lustrous and beautiful os d young girl’s after a Danderine hair cleanse.Just try this moisten cloth with a little Dander- ine and carefully draw it through your hair,taking ove emal!strand at a time.This will cleanse the hair of dust,dirt or excessive oil,and in just a few moments you have doubled|the beauty of your hair.A delightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is seragey,faded, dry,brittle or thin.Besides benuti-fying the hair,Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff;cleanses,purifies and invigorates the scalp,for- ever stopping itching and falling|hair,but what will please you most |will be after a few weeks’ose,when|you see new hair—fine and downy at|Reetearoe—but —_new hair grow- ing all over the sealp.If you care ty,soft hair,and lota of it, t get a bottle of Knowl-a from any drug storeorcounterandjusttry:it!i ’|ae \ thenanygooddepartment store, Use Aladdin Security Oil—forbeet Peeuite a STANDARDOIL COMPANY sesWash Norfotk,Va b.Cc PERFECT New JerseyBALTIMORERichmond,Va.Charlotte,N.C. Onivy the Weather Saved the ermans., The battle of the Somme is pictuar-! ed as a imph for En- tente allied arms,in a detailed re- port by Gen.Sir Douglas Haig,Brit ish commander,which covers epera- tions from July 1 to November 18, General Haig terms the battle a tri umph in which the German western armies were saved from complete collapse and a defeat only by a protracted period of unfavora- decisive le weather th prevented the An fio-French forces from taking,full Yodvantage of their successft\.¢- vance,He declares that,w#verthe- less,it Wa triumph whien proved eyond doubt the abil f the allies to overthrow Germai vhen.the time comes.”The British contfffand hows himself to be confident that the Entente allic an.win the wat m the western fro: Nee alate teeter rece oe ate MUSTAN For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism| Penetrates and Heais. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers,LINIMERNT |Canned Goods. Canned Lima Beans. Canned Peas. Canned Stringed Beans. Canned Hominy.f Canned Kraut. These wil!be,found especially good fol- lowing the heavy Christ mas eating. Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St i !| 1 fuvulture ofhendarare Victrolas and Victor Talking Machi $40.00,$50.00,$75.00,$100. We have now on hand 500 of the latest jictolas.2 and best Records. Statesville Llousefurnishing Ce. 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot college and graded school,frontirf®about odirtroad, ! ‘Better Goods For Less Money.” _@PHONE 157.a FOR with 3 SALE \Buy one of our Victrolas.Pleise ail the family.Nothing more cleviong good music.We bring the we est singers to your homesat than d'8 frear- all cost. n Davidson,N.C., 00 feet on railroad room tenant house,large stock barn, water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for into lotes.;397acresthreemilesfromHarmonyStateHighSe mile from publi¢school on public road, balance in timber,7-room cottage in good, buildings,some fruit,gne branch runni eres inf ition, thugh For further information eall on or write ERNEST INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTA G.SAITHER, "Phone 23.Mills Building. TURKEYS. ;We have a Large Order‘to fill for Turkeys andcanuseallyoucanbring‘us for CASH. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. Se8eee WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass740.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound a FOR SALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofbojersupplies. ee ee ts room Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phone No 74,Ne,7. 5.00,$25. 150.00. SSS a *P a a» By ‘s ee a®a a +, Hay At Old Prices: That's a queer statement,but I mean every word of it.Everybody knows what's happened,not only to hay,but allstuff-——just how prices are soaring skywards,and the endnearin’sigh Before the advance,I placed some big haprices,and am making those dealers out Wthegoods,I saved a pretty tidy sum by this little foresight act,and you,Hay Buyer, I'll be content with a pretty small profit,for hay,awful close margins.”orsaldNowhere's t. come in on it,too, what I'll do aboutUNTILDECEMBER31ST,IENTPRICES—AND PROMISE YOU THOSEBELOWENOUGHTOMAKEYOUTAKENOTICE.Here's some of my Hay stock:NO.1 MICHIGAN TIMOTHY, NO,1 CLOVER,MIXED WITH TIMOTHY.It's dandy Hay,and your four-footorses eattheycanordinary Just "phone Economical,too, ces:ILL GUARANTEE IREDELL FEED ST Everything in 4 contracts at the est come across sataa ie88ofcallatthestore,You'llbesatisfied * as Records!| -har sete 2,1917. took at the °#Pardue at Hen-oieofaie E OyBetsCoatySerod war ee in on aceeBarwell,Sat December(The ceremony was performed by br.|om|White of Henderson,pastor of the COUgroom,only relatives and =close“friends witnessi Amid showers of|and vive and good wishes,Mr.and Mrs.|88 Barwell boarded @ west-bound train)jto spend the holidays with the!om s father,Mr.E.B.Bagwell of | Awray. medi-,=Bagwell bag,base in business in nderson for the past few years.bend of ©~Mrs.Bagwell has for two years been teac hing rin the schools of Vance counts Mise Lillian Bagwell of Loray at- tended the marriage. “CASCARETS”FOR A COLD,BAD BREATH,OR SICKHEADACHE!| ‘of Durham were sotener eee a Items of InterestFromOvertheState."|yink aethetalk ofthe Hickoryboost- etn Seay,the Asheville man whotookpoisonwithsuicidalintent,is The 98-year-old son of Mr.and‘Mrs. ——Tate of Ashland,Caswell-_,was choked to death when a n come laat k G killweek- ed his.Weiend.Danwitnessessaythat the pon wasunprovokRev.Lyman K.Dilts,the Raleigh |preacher who had differences with his congregation which promised to wo into the courts,solved the prob- lem by quitting the job. Miss Amy Winston,daughter of Judge and Mrs.Wir-ton.of Raleigh,and Mr George Watts Carr matric!Christ Episcopal church,Raleigh,Satarday | night.At Reidsville a 14-year-oldboydeliberatelypointeda22-caliber‘revolver at his temple and fired,oe Best For Liver and Rowels,For Biliousness,Sour Stomach and Constipation! Get a 10-cent box now! Furred Tongue,Bad Colds,Indiges-|! tion,Sallow Skin and MiserableHeadachescomefromatorpidliver and clogged bhowels,which cause your stomech to become filled with undivested food,which sours and fer- ments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold mis-\ery-yindigestion,foul gases,bad breath,yellow skin,mental fears,ev-erything that is horrible and nause- ating.A Casearet tonight will give/your constipated bowels a thoroughcleansingandstraightenyououtby morning.They work while you sleep a 10-cent’box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months.”Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and.then to keep their stemach,liver and bowels reg- ulated,and never know a miserable moment,Don't’forget the children “~the‘ir little insides need a_good,ntle clean sing,|too. ris!i;om and recommendsht.Price only 25c.Geta WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OPF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT If JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10c, BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE- 5 CENTS. ‘PHIONE 511. Raver s Garage. JitneyTransfer Company.=ae DR.VANCE HASTY, 'DENTAL,SURGEON, Teoma 5-7 0 ec nd Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Strmate maville Cc ae a INE"PhoneSPECIAL all\ ENG AGEMENTS. Hourn &to 5. "ATTENTION TO CHi LDREN'STEETH ©sell eturn to pay the Gas they have burned P.BEAVER. W. Unloading -Car Shingles No.2 Cedars. C.WATKINS. |The Seaso.’s Greetings! We wish to announce to our |frien patrons that we have } secu the services of Mr.T.E..from one of ,the bestshopsintheGoutn.Hid is up-to-|date and expert on al!Tire andTubework.aWecanassureyouthatany work| left here for attention will be handled promptly. | |! j' STER, ARCHITECT, C.’Phone 346 Green. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street,|—We wish to convey to ARNER &BROWN one and all our ap- preciation and thanxs Hides and Junk Dealers forthe liberal patron- cn eee age given us the past —WEBUY year and Wish for you Hides,a .Prosperous and —Tallow,Happy New Year.yeswax,Auto Tires,!.Light Brass,|Eagle & Milholland.Heavy Brass,Light Copper,eae Copper Wire,.Lead,C.1Zine,Dan ier EmAilkinsofserapIron.NEGISTERED Highs}Prices Paid.Statesville Quarter Round Crown Mould: ings, Window Stops,ar f Mou ing " INS"i umberr Ya p),HARRISWw.18 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing nd all repairs for same.-yirators, Lubficators,Oil Cups, ete Locks and GunsepairedandKeysfit-fd.In fact anything in repair line.Phone 209. Prepare For Winier. 'Let us go over your plumbing and heating plant and put it in shape for thelong winter months Anything in the +plembing or m line. Let us put you ip #closet that WiLL NOT FREESE! "Phone65yourwants. aW.EeMUNDAY.1"roi Dr.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician Office hours 9 a.m,to 12.30 p. m.2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ap-pointment.Anderson Bidg.,113 W.Broad St.Office "phone 324.tesidence ‘phone 279—green. Ss.W. Door andotherkind a,Ww A COUGHS,GOLDS,ETC. Price 2he.,S0¢.and $1, For sale by ald Dealers Work on Short Notice. Roofing and Sheet Metal work We'can do your work on short notice.We carry stock to take care of any job at all times % Stock.of for you, war line. Tohaceo Flues ready en or .staat Ml hullaSeal+; Pe 3 ing three hours later.It is believed that he thought the weapon was un- loaded.The latest official‘the United States government shows that the R.J.Reynolds Company of Winston -Selem manufactures more| cigarettes and chewing and smoking tobacco than any other company in) the world.The mandamus to compe plin county iin.|to build astocklawfencewasdismissedbe- cause it was improperly brought, and the restraining order to cOmpel|‘ the commissioners to build the fence - eard later. Pearl Robbins,10-year-old daugh- ter of Mr.and Mrs.Finley Robbins, who reside in the Fairfield section of Randolph county,was fatally burn- ed when her dress ignited kitchen She died two days later,after intense suffering. Miss Blanche Melchor of Concord, who was injured in an automobile accident near Harrisburg,Cabarrus county,Christmas Day,died in a hospital in Charlotte Saturday night. She was 24 years old and a daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.V.Melchor of Concord. DeWitt Boone of Alamance coun- riding in a new Ford car,closed ran afoul of will he stove. ty,on account of the rain, i passenger train at a railroad cross- ing:The car we®reduced to junk and it was such a close call for Boone that his overshoes were torn from his feet,but he got out with whole bends.Gov.Craig has offered a reward of $100 for a negro who invaded the home of Effie Rentter,in lower Green county.in the absence of her husband,and failing in assault, knocked her senseless and brained a i0-year-old nephew lest he should reveal his identity.The boywas liv- ing at last account but was expected to die. rhe property known as the Holt- Granite Manufacturing Company,at Haw River,has been sold at public anct and purchased by J.R.Pas- chall and Warner Moore of Rich- mond.Va.,and F.L.Williamson of Jurlington.Arrangements have been made for financing and reorganizing a company to own and operate this reperty Robt.M.Davidson,48 years old,a farmer of Swannanoa township,Bun- combe county,was shot and killed by neighbor.Horace Clark,a farm- afternoon.The men quar said,over a road and there had been ill)feeling between them for some time Clark is in jail and claim elf-defence.Davidscn is sur- vived by his wife ond seven children. Clark is a widower with one child. In-Lincoln county last week Plato Hovle was shot by Neil Tur - died a few days later in a in Lineolnton.After the tee Turner took Hoyle to the-hospital, gave $200 bond fer his appearance at a hearing and left instructions where he could be found in case Hovle died.Turner was arrested af ter Hoyle died.He savs the shoot ing was accidental and he made no attempt to escape James and Henry Cardell Jack Franklin of the Laurel of Madison county are in jail at.Mar shall on the charge of roving church property.The enurch at Lav rel was practically wrecked by the vandals,windows being bro}out and the weatherboarding on ti de of the church split by Some resentment re¢imnN¢of th church by a se vy Roll ers is declared t rouble Clyde B.Enloe,adB.F.Enloe,has.brought suit it combe &uinst ion his er,Friday reled,it is spital and section dee t known¢ Bun ipert "Court oar Railway Company,M.WJ.G.MeGalliard for $50, eco oO!the th of killed in a Biltmore several months Coal cars broke loose on a four miles above Biltmore an d |into a work train of which Yoder and M« smen on the tra ars escaped who.was :engineer, brah coal ea rd were which the eameineinananas Home For the Holidays. -ce of The Uandmart aint,R-2,Dec.29 -~Christ- l ‘%at tietly in this com were glad to welcome a numb f our former boys and irl spend the holi- Correspe Stony m pasmunity \\ crirls hor to dayMr nd Dover Reidss «heen holiday their parents, C.Jolhneor 1 My B.Y Mr.and «A.B.Godfrey, near Gharlotte have the holi«with Mrs Godfrey's pa rents,1 Mrs.J.Pe Bruce,Mr Sanf tohrson and family,from State e,visited at the home of his pare Mr.&.C.dohneon, we The &‘hool at Mt.Pisgah ehure}progressing véty ni¢ely with M ;¥Rufiy as superinten ent. wr.W.A.Drye and family moved to Be farm aa"Creek th wook. rhe school at Rovky Branch i Peoogine very.nleely\with:Mr it F. Lava and Mins Bessie Perry a Johnson from spending the Mr.8 Elliot!from oSlh statement of 1 the Du-| from the, who|Fistant the ' been spending ¢ this .aac. OF ‘TAYLORSVH SpecialCorrespondenceofTheLandmark, Taylorsville,Jan.1 —Miss Flor+ence Gwaliney.daughter of Mr.andMra,Frank C.Gwaltney of Sugarloaftownshi;.and Mr.Clarnece A.Mahaffey of the State of Washing-ten,son of Mr.and Mrs.Sidney Ma~-nalley of thi.county,were marriedPridayaftermonat4.80 o'clock at the Presbyterian manse here.Rey.11,1.Moore,friend of the bride's jfumily,perfo med the ceremony,The rema'ns of Miss Sarah Bum-|eerner,who died at the home of herparents,Mr.end Mrs.A.-M.Bum- igarner,in Cherlotte,Wednesday|ea were brought to Taylorsville day,accompanied by her parentsandotherrelutives,and taken to Lit-tle River Baptist church for inter- ment.Rev.J.W.Watts conductedhovelfuneralservices.Miss Bumgar- “er was about 30 years-of age and oe in ths vicinity until about 12 |years ago,when the family moved to |Charlotte.“he was a niece of Rev|Me:srs.W.4.Bumgarner and G.Z. Nemgarner ef this county and is sur- |vived by a number of other relatives jin this county. Mrs,H.C.Puyne went to Moores-|ville Sunday evening to spend a few|days with his giter-in-law,Mrs.W'T.Mathesor,who is ill.Mrs.1.W Somers and children,who were vis- iting Mrs.Somers’mother,Mrs.Sara |Peimster,buve returned to their home at Steny Point.Mrs.J.J.Ed- wards and daughters,who have beenvisitingMrre.Edw parents,Mr. land Mrs.Umbercer,in the vicinity of Cleveland,will return home today ‘ttorney L.F.Klutz has returned a visit to his parents at Maid- +?iras from 1 Dr.J.P.Methesm raether,Mrs W.B returned to Charlotte.Matheson of Madison,spent a few jays here with mother,Mrs.R.P YVatheson.Mrs.H.D.Lindsay made a brief visit to reiatives in Winston- Sulem last week.Miss Irene Le Queux spent last week in’Statesville with friends.Mr.C.T.Herman spent Inst weck with his aunt,Mrs. Chas.H.Caldwel!,in the Sugar Creek community,Mecklenburg,At- carey A.C.Payne :returned Satur day night from a business trip.to lhaleigh.Mrs.Ida Carson visited “race Ingrath ‘in Statesville last ‘eek.Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Carson of Statesville spent last week with Mrs.Carson’:parents,Mr.and Mrs. H.T.Campbell.Mrs.J.A.Barden and baby daughter,Johnsie,of Co- ‘umbia,S.C,who visited Mrs.Bar- len’s mother,Mrs.Jane Judson,_re- turned home Saturday morning.Mr George Steck of the United States navy spent Thursdav and Friday here vith his eri Simethver Mrs.Jane Iudson.Mr.Wilson W Moore is enending the holidays in Washington, Dp.C.,at the home of hie aunt,Mrs Howard A.Benks.Attorney W M.Smith of Charlotte spent the week here at the home of his brother and isters,Mr.J.N.Smith ard Misses ennie and Addie Smith Mr.Chas.P.Matheson,! «‘or,and Dr.S.T.Crowson, entative from Alexander will leave this afternoon for ‘Irs.A.M.Brawley and have returned from a visit to Prawley’s mother,Mrs.Sallie ev.in Statesville.Mrs.L.D.Robi vette has returned from a isit to dauchter,Mrs.G.G.White,in »who visited his Matheson,has me.8.C Raleigh children Mrs. Walk her teckhold- Bank of held An,the ba r 28th.The folk .. Msatheson pres iden Mt.Airy,vice pres uhier:W.D.De :J.A.Burke atter showr adividend was um placed to From New Stirling Community. reapondence of The Landmark Statesville,R-6,Dec,28 Mr.J Wott Summers has moved to his new home in Concord township.Mr.J F.Winters of Catawba county has rented the Summers farm of Mr.Fl liott and moved his family there.H ada ix to our school The Chr tree at Friday well oyed |pupils all.ew Stiri tr ht wawvthe Elgir attendeThere ng corresat tor,Rev.Mr.Pear 10 for a Chri a Bertha Stevenson,wthospitalatChester,S »for the holidays MandLinBrad;tr Mich n at work andl Ben §S day thishefors este.rf 1 diffieulty one 4 ‘ were enarated rn} resulted Roll Fifth Creek ndence of The Landmark De«.Mr R sick at he mpro' The lame ae Hewor School, tford,who has been n Shiloh emingly is Roca Guv has been spendi: days with M Matty1MrHuitt Littl of Newton we a ruest al Walter Sherrill honor ro of Fifth ¢ Cool Sprit y town hip,t Robb,Elsie and Kathar n yul an averag The or ‘A Marriage--Deathof MissBumgarner—Personal Men-|FarmforSale At A Bargain An extra good farm;7 miles east of Yadkinvilleand3-4 mile from sand-clay road leading from Winston-Salem to Yadkinville.One-third of this place now produces enough to pay interest at6percenton$12,000 to $15,000 with low tax ra The farm is easily worth 50 per cent more than \] ask for it as it now stands,and by living on the place and clearing more land,within five years it could be sold at auction for 100 per cent more than I now ask.An opportunity to buy a farm like this comes but once in a lifetime,so now is your chance to own a real plantation. This farm contains 136 acres,about 50 acresofEXTRAGOODBOTTOMland,which is toorichforanythingexceptcorn;no fertilizer or manure ever needed. The UPLAND or SECOND BOTTOM,of whichthereareabout30acresincultivation,is new very fertile;makes good corn,wheat or tobacco;is naturally adapted to clover;"remainderin wood, level and fertile. REASON FOR SELLING:Ihave other in- vestments which claim my attention,do not need the money,therefore will make the follo very UNUSUAL TERMS:1-8 CASH,BALANG FOR AS MANY YEARS AS YOU WANT,bearing interest at 6 per cent per annum, THE PRICEis $60.00 per acre.The place issoarrangedthatIcantakeoff41acres,poe95acreswithoutaffectingthevalueofeitheronaandwillsellthisway,or as a whole,on the sametermsifyouprefer. For further information address, L.C.HOBSON,Owner YADKINVILLE,N.C,ROUTE NO.2. THE MAN OF INFLUENCE, the man who is ‘‘getting ahead,”isthemanwhohasacar,invariably.ee OW NERSILIP stands for progress and prosperity nowdays. WANT to keep abreast busy planning on The best way is CAR IF YOU of the times get that car now. to consult us. Beye fe oi yy aeaeSa ea PARAS bret.suuastscgeensstsst2?oS " PS S E S E T E S I S S S ES E L S IS S SS I 53 5 5 2 3 and work,& Max Ne tn ofr Troutman Community Club. rreapondence of The Tr 1 hol The Landmark mm ejul mont)me We mv“ timan ¢ egular hoo!house, 1,at 5 p.™ LOOK!TRADE AT SMITHEY @ FPRALEY'S and eave money.Cot ton Meal,$1.85 for 100 lbe.;Grane jated Sugar,coarse,25 tha,for §1.5%; Arbuckle Coffee,20c.th;Whit House Coffee,300.Ih;Beef Roast and Stew,8.W.;ix Sausage thu Pork & 'Home,bie.UsT As CF ” ae tr |eipou.b;ch |Sie.eaeiee..- 7 HE REXALL New Year’s Resolution fo continue to give our frierds—the public asquare deal. To give you the best of che >rful way. To earne.''y strive for the title, munity’s best «-rchant.”To dealin honest merchandise only,and backthatupwithourfamousslogan-- Monéy back cheerfully if you want it! Statesville .D QUALITY PRESCRAy ug service in a “Our com- % hes ARE te a |AND “FRIDAY 1eeWereeenenweerer nee This is the mat-| y managers—the| issioners—to solve and solve it they,will have 'failed in their duty.No manager of @ business corporation weuld be kept ;job a month if he allowed a million dcilar investment to go ..Iredell county is a cor- poration and the business of the county is entitled to the efficient, cateful,painstaking and successful management that would be required by any private business or public service corporation.Men are not elected to office as a matter of honor or of politics,simply to provide them @ place,although tow many of them look at it that way.They are placed in these positions of honor and trust to manage the public's business and if they don’t manage it successfully they have failed to make good. There are many suggestions as to toad upkeep.Methods tried have not either because they were not the proper methods or wert not properly applied.It is the business of those charged with the matiagement of the county's affairs to’find the way.If more money is needed,increase the taxes.The peo- will pay bill if they get full for amount expended. trouble,locate it and =the the the the remedy.The man who the problem of road upkeep in ty will render to his people greatest possible service.eee Ifit hadn't been for that bad spell weather we would have “ruint” Germans,and we will certainly “when the time comes,”is the report of Gen.Sir Doug- ,British commander,of rations of the Anglo-French the Somme offensive,cov- a period of near four months. enough to have some excuse, matter of fact the Somme failed.It was not a success. time will Entente allies will overthrow Germany,if the war continues,but it will when Germany is exhausted, and the victory—if victory it be— will not be due to the superiority of the Anglo-French arms. )The Asheville Citizen’led the movement for the adoption of the Australian ballot—the secret bal- lot—by the incoming Legislature and the Citizen's efforts have met with most gratifying results.More than $0,000 voters in the tenth congres- sional district have signed petitions asking the Legislature to enact a se- eretDallot law and numerous promi- ns,including members of gislnture,have declared for it, ‘ballot law is a safeguard of ity of elections and The Land- hoping that the efforts of the mtane people m this behalf t with success. f i is r i t W i n : 23oi \.will N Year greeting to all to whom resente may come.May the which we have just entered to all of us.We all receive lessings than we deserve,first ,and this year it might be a jan to make a special effort to e deserving. E22 TELETEN OE LRT fifty Churchmen,prénchers ymen,who a “premature peace,”seem willing for the war to go on, I}the slaughter and horrors it ,unless it is settled just as nk it should be. |cena William Thomas Bost is au-one for the statement that a Ber-elect of the Legislature wrote .a gh boarding hoase keeper that d “plane bored,”which is ev- that there will be some of the fame sort of folks in the incoming Legigature usually found there. Standard Iron Works ofbuhasbreughtsuitforrosagainsttneSouthernpeCompany,allegingonthepartofthetele-ow in answering the call was to reach t to report theresultedintheloss Year was celebrated quiet- ©Was no NewattheWhiteHouse,a 00 hie a . of * 2eredEy3 — Keb Nettles,a tenant farmer,were probably come when| are protesting Ste theRecrtarybeforethewar,’ re fi H Comm‘an apparent unwillingness by the ufacturers to :in the "about 10 da aboard were sav President Wilson is urging on Con- s the enactment of railroad legis- ‘ation designed to prevefit strikes, the programme having been hereto-, fore outlined.If the measure is not put through by March 4th an extra session is probable.. John Wilkes Booth,last of the fa- mous family of,actors,was buried at Leadville,Col.,Sunday.He was 68 years old and was the grandson of Junius Brutus Booth,the tragedian and nephew of Edwin and John Wilkes Booth,the latter the assassin of Abraham Lincoln. Prediction that another revolution in Ireland is certain unless peace is restored “very soon”is made by John D.Moore,secretary of the Friends of Irish Freedom,in a statement issued as a protest in behalf of Irish Nation- alists against an international League to Enforce Peace. Hampton Terrace Augusta,8.C.,was Sunday,with a loss estimated at $600,000.The building,a frame structure of 300 rooms,burned rapid-| ly.Crossed wires are believed to} have started the blaze.The hotel was| to have opened for the season this| week. William H.Crocker,multi-mil-| lionaire banker of San Francisco,has) sued Internal Revenue Collector J.J. Scott for a refund of $11,340 of in-; come tax.This sum Crocker alleges represents losses on bonds and stocks sustained by him which should have| been considered in the fixing of the amount of taxable income. H.A.Preacher,a mail carrier,and Hotel,in North! destroyed by fire shot and killed near Brunson,8.C., Friday,at the plantation of P.Ww. Lightsey,a farmer and landowner. Lightsey surrendered to the sheriff. The shooting is said to have followed an attempt of Preacher to persuade Lightsey to leave Nettles’plantation. For libeling George Washington's memory,Pau!Haffer of Tacoma, Wash.,must serve four months in the county jail,he Supreme Court of the State upholding the conviction of Haffer on a criminal libel charge. Haffer published an article accusing the first President of the United States of drunkenness and other ir- regularities. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo estimates that under existing reve- nue laws the government's deficit on June 30,1918 will be $279,000,000 and that in order to meet this condi- tion and give the Treasury the nec- essary working balance of $100,000,- 000,Congress will have to raise $2879,000,000 additionat revenue dur ing the coming fiseal year. ‘Thomas Fortune Ryan,who has been a legal resident of Virginia since 1905,and who was compelled last year to pay to the State more than $235,000 in taxes on intangible prop- erty which had not been subjected to taxation for 11 years,has notified the commissioner of revenue of Nel- son county,Va.that he has traps- ferred his residence to Washington. Takao Shiota,a wealthy Japanese artist residing in the Dismal Swamp, was rescued from the eastern North Carolina wilderness Friday after a 20-hours’search,Shiota declared that he lost the sense of direction af- ter becoming separated from his companions and after becoming ex- hausted built a lean-to and awaited rescue,He suffered considerably from hunger and exposure. There is believed to be little hope for the passage of the Ransdall amendment to the postoffice appro- priation bill proposing zones for ap- plication of second-class mail matter rate.This would increase the rate now paid by newspapers and period- icals after points 300 miles from of- fice of publication were reached,as the change would materially increase the postage rate for many publica- tions. Miss Julia Fulton Williams,daugh- ter of Senator and Mrs.John Sharp Williams of Mississippi,and Thom- as Rives Boykin of Savannah,Ga., were married at the home of the bride in Washington Thursday night. As Senator Williams is descended from North Carolina folks,and about ten years ago made a_political corer in Statesville,the marriage of his daughter will be of interest to some of The Landmark's readers. Two negroes arrested for the mur- der of the family of John Nelson Reeves,in the vicinity of Minden, La.,Christmas eve,have confessed, Reeves and his wife were found dead Christmas morning and three children,one a baby 15 months old, were go badly hurt they have since died.Only on»member of the fam- ily,a small boy asleep in the upper story of the house,escaped,The ne- groes allege that Henry Waller,a white neighbor of Reeves,and John Long,a young white man,instigatedthecrimeandparticipated‘n it.The latter are under arrest with the negroes,aHabe Thoee who breakfast at eight o'clock or later,lunch at tuelee and hawe 4inner at six are al-moet certain te be troubled with indigestion,i -reeruits this re!= 4 |Department of Justice. ‘cerning alleged refusals to a te aes . issued,probably’| and such recom-mendations Conyress would made as were thought ee It was strong!y intimated during the day that facts uncovered by the commission will be tu over to thelkwasan- nounced that if the commission failed to relieve conditions,some other governmental ageney might be able to help.Publishers testifying blamed both manufactvrers and jobbers for.pre- vitiling conditions in the wy odworld.It was declared that had taken advantage of the last two weeks to try to frighten publishers into paying high prices by ¢ a shortag,exi which would pre- vent many publishers filling their needs during the coming year.More testimony was brought out also con-|sell to publishers,and regarding different, prices quoted by the same manufac-| turers.It was charged that an ef-. fort was beink made to discourage) buying asscciations through which publishers hope to purchase their pa-. pers more cheaply.TST j Arizona Has Two Governors. A dispatch from Phoenix,Arizona,| says plans were completed Sunday for the inauguration of two men as Governor of Arizona yesterday. Thomas FE.Campbell,Republican) Governor-elect,armed with a certifi-, ente of election,planned to deliver an inaugural address somewhere about the State House.A guard of six men who have been on duty at the Governor's office since Satyrtng, were instructed by Gov.G.W.P. Hunt,it is said,to keep Campbell away.Governor Hunt had also pre- pared an inaugural adcress.\ The chairman and secretary of the Democratic senatorial committee Sunday night sent out telegrams to members calling for a meeting Janu- ary 10 to determine whether the committee shall support the Govern- or.Campbell’s election in November ty a small plurality wes contested by| Governor Hunt. TS To Cure aCold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine.It stops the Cough and Headache and works off theCold. Druggists refund money if it file to cure, KE.W.GROVES signature on each box,25. ET Jewish War Relief Fund. Nearly $2,500,000 for the relief of Jewish war sufferers in Europe was pledged at a great mass meeting last week in Carnegie Hall,New York. Jacob H.Schiff of New York and Ju- lius S.Rosenwald of Chieago headed the list with $100,000 each,A total of $466,875 was subseribed by 40 persons. The meeting was the first step in a campaign undertaken —by the American Jewish Central Committee and the People’s Relief Committee to raise $10,000,000 for war relief measures in 1917. RTATES The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect,LAXA- TIVE BROMO QUININE isbetter than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor nnging in head.Remember the full name and yook for the signatere of F.W.GROVE.2sTerribleSores C.,was bitten by “chiggers”.Her leg Bray,Cunningham,N. broke out in three terrible sores,she suffered terribly,coutd only find re- lief by lying down with her leg prop-| ped up.Six bottles of Mrs.Joe Per-| son’s Remedy with the wash cured her.Only one of hundreds of cases cured of serious blood diseases. Ask your druggist for Mrs.Joe Person's Remedy.Known for over| thirty-five years.Safe and reliable for ailments peculiar to women.Ask| your druggist or write Person Rem- edy Co.,Charlotte,N.C.Send for| free testimonial.Price $1 per bottle,| %for $2.75,6 for $5,prepaid. W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON, STATESVILLE DRUG CO., POLK GRAY DRUG CO. The VictorRecords ————For ———- January are an unusually | good collection of thevariouskindsofmusic.| We have the complete | list.Come in and let us | play them for you.| Andrews Music Store. Everything Musical.105 Bast Broad Street,Statesville.— 1 time, | | ' Look Out Window Lights! an sines of you from 8x10 to 20x22 forthe boys aregoingtostone |C.Watkins expects several beass otweek,and thewil}be ko low that Sow Faigeak end wil doy fel fo make the role We suggest the above as one of your New Year ove 1000 members made this made happy whenting$17000,00. Over 6009 members have already promises to be the largest and best If you have not already now,and get an even start resolution last year,'ved their checks a few days ined the 1917,whichall. joined why not come in with the reat. in,but in addition to this you make the payments do so You not only get back all youpay you get 4 per cent interest added promptly. Below we give you a list of the classes offered,and the amounts you will receive.The interest is yA ae :amounts. You May Reverse the Order of Payment if You Wish to do so. Five Cents Progressive Class. Pay 5 cents first week,10 cents sec- ond week,15 cents third week,and so on for 50 weeks,and we will issue yo check or pass book with credit therein G4 61 two weeks before Christmas for ° FOR INSTANCE,in the 5 centsclassyoumaystartWith$2.50 and pay5centslesseachweekforfiftyweeks,and two weeks befor Christmas you will receive a check or pass hook with 4? eredit therein for..........ae fe Or,in the 2 cents class,you may start with $)0.and pay 2 cents ‘esr each week for 6.17 receive Two Cents Progressive Class. Pay 2 cents first week,4 cents sec- ond week,and 6 cents third week,and so on for 50 weeks,and we will issue you check or pass book with credit therein two weeks before Christma 84 In the Fifty Cents Class._In the $1.00 Chass. You pay 50 cents each week for 50weeks,and you will receive @reck hoe 50e : You pay $1.00 each week for 50 weeks,and you receive check or v=$50)99 book with credit therein for .pass book with credit therein for.... Merchants &Farmers’Bank Of Statesville,N.C. “THE BANK FOR,YOUR SAVINGS.”’ ce I & Se ee,ae ‘ While we are taking our annual inventory of stock we find many desirable lines of Merchandise,such as ‘ Ladies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Kimonas,Shirt Waists,| and Women’s and Children’s Hats which we will close at very attractive prices.Thanking you most heartily for the liberal patronage you have given us during 1916,we promise you our very best service,with the best values obtainable,bor 1917.Yours very truly, MILLS &POSTON.&———=~ YourFace Your Card You should not trust your shav- ing to “Tom,Dick and Harry,” but should go to the best equipped barber shop in the city and as good as any in the State.Everything Clean and Convenient Electric Hair Dryer,Massage Machine,Smooth-Cutting Razors —in fact everything required to make our service The Best in the City. A most complete line of Hair Ton- ies,Lotions and Creams always on hand. Five Good Barbers No Waiting One of the youngest,but the best, in the State.They are all the best to be secured,“BEST BY TEST"! W.E.COLEY,Prop. a A model of the latest type.The neat curves and graceful lines give an ex- clusive,aristocratic,appearance seught after by men who know. Mahogany Bal,Price $7.50 Pair. =“7 Phone 83. FREE TOBACCO SEED. Tobacco Growers cangetseed a FREE OF COST by applying to the McElwee's Planters’WStatesville,N.C.Write usand seed will ©:be forwarded.Jan,2-9. a ILL-WHITE SHOECO, Neen nn eel Fn a io ar 4WHENYOU j Ny .P q fixyour Clock or eftouine wis |SEE.ME “ , ash bet * ¢rs ca Pa 4 £ Taking Inventory of Stock!}| f fCharlotte. »gon,in Shiloh township iE LANDMARI )TumeAY AND F BDAY,¢January,1 ene ee A.F.&A.M. STATESVILLELodweNo.487 A.,¥.&A.M.meetstonight8:00©clock in Masonic:Halli All mem- bere requested to be present and a brethren cordially in vit- SLIMPSE PASSING THRONG Personal Mention of People andTheirMovements. Mr.Jack Wallace returned yester-4 to New ao a spent holidays here wit ts,Mr.and Mrs.Wm.Wallace.ee rMr.Aaron Clarke 6f Jacksonville,Pia.,is a visitor in town. ‘Mr.R.W.Elam of Winston-Salem |spending »few days here with rel-.and lattend,tomorrow,theis“>iends. at Mr.J.E.Boyd’s,returned Satur-“—*her home at Charlotte.r..and Mrs.Charlie Sherrill and Mrs.aes sister,Miss WillieRhyne‘Newton,oe ners of Mr."s narents,Mr.an rs,J.W.Sherrill.near town.Misses Blannie and Pearl FrazierofHickoryareguestsofMissesandLoisSherrill.Mrs.Ora Mitchell ard daughter,Mics Arlene Mitchell,returned yes-‘terday from 4s visit to relatives in Mr.Daniel L.Bell of Chapel Hill,a fellow student of Mr.Cowles Bris-tel at the University,spent Christ- mas with Mr.Bristol,returninghomelastweek.Mr.Bristol will re- wrn to the University tomorrow.Mr.Robt.Moore,who is a studentoftheUniversityofSouthCarolinaatColumbia,spent tne holidays withhisperents,President and Mrs.J.M.Moore,at the college.Mr.Eugene Morrison,Jr.who isastudentatStauntonMilitarySchog!,Staunten,Va.,spent the holi-dgys at home and will return toStauntontomorrow.Mr.and Mrs.A.A.Fisher and lit- Ue daughter returned Inst night to their home «at Norfolk,Va,after apending several days with Mr.andMrs.J.B.Glover.Mr.G.E Dull!has returned from avisittorelativesandfriendsinIo-wa,Kansas and other WesternStates.J.S.Leonard and Miss JanieLeonardarevisitingMrs.S.D.Swaim in Lexington.Mr.and Mre.J.E.Sloop and chil-dren have returned from a visit terelativesinRawancountyMr.and Mrsi J.S.MeRorie and daughters went to Hickery yesterdaytovisitMr.and Mrs.Wm.MeRorie.They wil!return home today. Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Semple-and 40m returned yesterday from a visit to relatives «t Huntersville.Mr.Robt.McRorie is at home from Philadelphia,to visit his parents,Mr. and Mrs.J.S McRorie.He is ac- companied by Mr.Lawrence Dunn of“t niladelphin.Miss Fannie M.Capps of Ports- mouth,Va.,arrived yesterday to be the guest of Mr.and Mrs.Eugene Davis.Dr.R.C.Bunting,who spent the holidays here,returned yesterday to hie home in Mempis,Tenn. Dr.and Mrs.Reid Patterson of Charlotte and Mr.Graham Patterson of Danville,Va.,spent several day aith their mother,Mrs.P.R.Patter- oon,Mr.and Mre.W.G.Knox of New York spent.few days with their pa-rents,Mr and Mrs.W.P.Knox.Mr.A B.Johnston returned Friday from Franklinton,where he and Mr Johnston spent Chrisimas.Mrs.Johr ston will remain in Franklintes anoth er week. Mrs.Fred.Anderson and litth daughter left lriday for ‘heir home at Memphis,Tenn.,after spending some time with Mra.Anderson's parents Mr.and Mre.D.M.Coiner.*Mr.James W.Wilson spent SaturdayandSundayinCharlotte. Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Doaton of Pu blo,Col.,are visiting Mr.Deaton's brother,Mr.J.M.Deaton,end otherrelativeshereandinthecounty.Mrs.J.Y.Foard and Master CarsonFoardspentfromFridayuntilyesterdaywithrelativesatCleveland Miss Basunres Stevenson,who is teaching at Hopewell,Mecklenburg county,and Miss Mabe!Stevenson,who is teaching at River Hill,thiscounty,spent the holidays with their parents,Mr.and Mrs.A.W.Steven- They return totheir schools Saturday.Mr.C,N.Yount of Columbia,8.C visited friends at Barium during the holidays.Miss Marguerite Porter,of the facultyoftheFarmLifeSchoolatChina Grove,spent the holidays with rela- tives at Bariem,returning to China Grove yesterday.Mr.and Mrs.T.F. returned to Barium after spending some time with Mrs.Lippard’s pa- rents,Mr.and Mrs.C.E.Bost,nearRockwell,Rowan county. Doiry Schools, Mr.Alvin J.Reid,in charge of the rative extensica work im theState,will conduct a dairy sehool at Elmwood school house January 20th and gi Shawnee school house on the Reid began yeeterday a dairyatMirandaschoolhouse,in,which will continue up te andFriday,5th.He will holdrachoolsatMlattsandMenius house,in Rowan,on the 81sttOakGroveschoolhouse,in»February ist. BLUE SERGE SUITS FoR Martha McAuley,who visited| :nations,poinsettias,Lippard have after- Haile and.The will Pr at the homer.Gaither was ac-to.Fort Mill by Mr.L.C. Turnersburof who will be ihis best man at the wedding;Miss /Laura Turner,Messrs.0.W.Slane land D.F.Mayberry of Statesville. Miss Margaret Edens,daughter of /Mr.and Mrs.J.D.Edens of Clio,6. 'C.,and Mr.William Edward Ander- |son,assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Lincolnton and a The wedding was a quiet affair and was a surprise to the friends of the young people,no announcement hav- ing been made.Mr.and Mrs,An- derson returned Friday from a bri- dal trip and are at home at Lincoln- ton, Miss Carrie Hoffmann leaves to-' day for Morganton,where she wil! marriage of Miss Adelaide Erwin. Mr.and Mrs.F.T.Meacham en- tertained at a dinner party at_their home at the State Test Farm Friday, in honor of the twentieth anniversa- rv of their marriage.A five-course dinner was served by Misses Julia and Hilda Meacham and Mary Thom- as.Saturday evening Mr,and Mrs Meacham entertained a number of friends at an anniversary supper. Miss Louise Sloan entertained the G.T.C.elub and a number of friends Friday afternoon at rook,Miss Mary loretz Cowles received the club prize, and Miss Elizabeth Brawley the guest prize.The prizes were boxes of cor- respondence cards,A salad course mints and fruits were served. Mr.and Mrs.A.J.Salley enter tained a few friends Thursday eve ning.The Christmas idea was prom- inent in the decorations and a Christ- mas tree furnished much amusement After several games had been played the guests were invited to the dining room,where a four course dinner was served, Mrs.R.B.Mclavehlin and Mrs M.C.Wood entertained at Mrs Wood’s home Thureday evening,com- plimentary to Mr.and Mrs.Franklin Eker.Avetion bridge was played at five tables.The decorations were suggestive of the holiday season.Af- ‘er the gume Mr.and Mrs,Riker sang a duet and Mr.Riker rendered sev- eral vocal numbers.A salad course with accessories was served.Out-of town guests present beside Mr.and Mrs,Riker were Mrs.E.M.Lend of Goldsboro and Mrs.Archibald Curri of Davidson. Fifty couples participated in a dance at the armory Wednesday night,the Statesville Cotillion club being host.There were about ten visiting young ladies present.The hall was decorated with Japanese umbrellas and lanterns and a great variety of figures were danced.Light refreshments were seyved at mid- night. With the Carolina Moter Company as host,an especially delightful ban quet was served at Hotel Iredel! Thureday night.There wore fifty-four participants,principally of the off cers and employes arolina M tor Company of and it branch plants at Newton,and a number of others The banquet was served in sever courses and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.The quests were welcomed by Mayor Caldwell and responses,re- 4cstine the spirit of progress behind the policies of the Carolina Motor Co. made by Messrs W.E. Jattress,F.J.DeTamble,W.A.Bris- tol,W.C.Feimster,H.P.Deaton,F. B.Bunch,D.M.Ausley,W.L.Gil bert,G.L.MeKnight,R.Lee Hewitt and othersAmong those from out of town for the oceasion were Messrs,R.Lee Hewitt,R.W.Cline,W.C.Feimster and Mr.Abernethy,Newto G.L MeKricht,Hal Hayes,Eugene Ga briel,Frank Gabriel,Mason McKnight Grier McKnight,H.P.Deaton,R.O Miller,W.L.Cook and Mr.JohnsonMooresville;Mr.F.J.DeTamble,man iver of the Pord Moter Company,Charlotte,Mrs,DeTamble,Mr.and Mrs.Vietor Shaw and Mr.Crowell Charlotte. Mr.and Mrs.J.E.HeinzerlingwereathometotheirfriendsThurs- day -evening,in celebration ofthetwenty-fifth ayniversary of their marriage.Invitations,engraved in silver and bearing the verse, We ask not for your sliver, We covet not vour gold; But bring to us wood wisthes To cheer us when we're old were issued to 300 guests. The Heinzerling home was artisti cally decorated with cut flowers and Christmas greens.The reception room was in red and green—red car-holly and red out the color f the ¢0 Statesville Mooresville and candelabra carryingscheme.The parlor,dining room and punch room were in white andrreen—-narcissi,ferns and evergreens being used throughout.A handsome lace piece covered the dining table and the centerpiece was a large bow! of white carnations and asparagus fern,arranged above a reflector.The color note of white and green was carried out in the dainty refresh- ments of cream,cake and mints,In the punch room was displayed a large nomber of beautiful pieces of silverware,tokens of the good will of numerous friends.Receiving with Mr.and Mrs.Hein-zerling in the parlor were:Mr.E.FHéinzerling,Misses Amy and Myrtleing,Mr.Henry Heinzerlingnestaaanenaialiataanvenineiamateaine to close out thie weekat only-Come and beforetoo.lage —SMITHEY&FRA- ‘Elizabeth Brawley.and Mr.urnished A.dining room androomwereMesdame |H.Turner and R.E.‘wuests were served by Misses|Thomas,Mary Aus,Brawley:Mr.and‘gon received at the din!jand Mr.and Mra.eeived in the ae|Mrs.Eugene Davia received‘room during the first hour.Edith McLaughlin and Janie Leona served punch.Recgving,in the re- ception room were Mrs.F.E.BradleyandMrs.J.Paul Leonard,I a cor-ner of this room was ®ister,made of co cards bound .together wii silver ribbon and presided over by 7 Sherrill.Music was f dur- ing the evening from a Victrola in the hall,operated by Mr.David Thomas. Reported for The L rk. One of the most delightful meet- ings of the Entre Nous club was held with Miss Celeste Henkel Friday af- ternoon.The club was happy to have with it the following members from out ef town:Mesdames Franklin Riker of New York City,Edward Land of Goldsboro and R.C.BuntingofMemphis.It being the holiday season,the regular programme war omitted.Hearts was,played at five tables.The club prize went to Mrs E.R.Rankin,the visitors’prize toMrs.Gwyn Harper of WilkesboroandattractiveprizesweregiventoMesdamesBunting,Riker and Land and to Miss Elise Wallace,who is tcbeaFebruarybride.After playingheartsallwereinvitedIntothedining room,which was beautifully decoratedinyellowandgreen,Pretty and ap-propriate place cards marked each place.Several courses of refresh. ments were served.The hostess.said as thie was the last meeting of 1916 the had been urged by the members of the club to allow each one of them tc vive a (east.This she eduld not grant but she would permit the club's i ident,Miss Carrie Hoffmann,to 4: a few words.Miss Hoffmann toasted “The Entre Nous elub,Its Present and its Absent Members.”Miss Henke! then,in a very amusing and clever manner,teasted “Our President,” Mrs.Edward Land of Goldsboro toast-ed “The Girls |Left Behind Me,”Mrs Steele’s toast was,“The Old *and Mra.L.P:Henkel,mother of the hostess,toasted “A Bride to Be,Miss Elise Wallace.”The follow- ing ladies were guests of the club on this happy occasion:Mesdames L,P Henkel,-C.V.Henkel,David J.Craig Gwyn Harper and Misses Annie Belle Walton,Elise Wallace and Christine Henkel. Chamberinin's Cough Remedy Most Effectua!.| ‘T have taken a reat many bottles of Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy and every time it hascuredme..L have found it most effectual for»hack'ne cétch and for colds.After taking t a couth alwayr disappeers,”writes J.I. Moore,Lost Valley,Ga.Obdtainable every’ where——ne ence ’_“MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce,MarketThefollowingpriceswerepaid yesterday for produce on the focal market Turkeys,16-Mer‘per Ib.Chickens,ie.per tb.Roosters,6e.per tbExrs,35c.per dozen, Butter,22-25¢.per Ib Ueewwax,B5e.per ipGreenHides(anealted)18 Greeft Hides (enited)20.perHams,22c.to 24e,per IbGreenHams,14-16.per Ib. Sides,16¢.to 18¢,per ib. Shoulders,i6e.per Ib New Red Honey,Se.toSourwoodHoneyComb,18¢.to 20 Old Auto Rebber Casing,4c.per !b. Sweet Petatoes,80c.per bushel Irish Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel . per Ib. ite.per Ib.per Ib. Grate, The following prices were paid yeeterdayreaimonthemarket Wheat (new!£1.65 per bushel Corn,$1.10 per bushel, Oats,65-70e.per bushel, Statesville Cotten Market. On the Ineal market yesterday 17 per pound wus paid for beet grade cotton Cotten Seed,per buehel1Cotton,6 1-2¢.per tb cents The (ADVERTISEMENTS in thie column 16 centsperline,No ad.taken for lens than 25cents.Cash must eccompany order.) TO LOAN—-8400 to #700, real estate Address J. R-2,Box 28 mortgage ,Stateavilie,it* FOR RENT —Six-room housestreet.Water and lights,SIG jan.2 on Stockton WALLACE. WANTED —Girls to werk in office,PIED-MONT RED CEDAR CHEST COMPANY dan,2 It GOOD PROPOSITION —For the idle man! Ee.M.WAGMER,Ostwuult dan.2--2t* FOR SALZ—Young Mule and Mare “Rh. ATKINS,Statesville,R-5 Jan,2—1t". FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Berkshire and Jer- sey pix PARIUM ORPHANAGE Barium,N.¢Dec,29-2 erons LEE SHEPPY,Sth Floor, Street,New York City,General Sales Manna- wer of the largest coneern of ite kind in theworld,wanth three or four men in Iredell county and several men in adjoining coun- ties,to work for him epare time or all the time He ean wee only those who have a rig er auto.Work is very pleasant and no previous selling experience i neressary ork conslete of leaving a wonderful new household necessity in the homes on free trial,Tests at more than thirty of the lead- ing Universities and the Government Bureau of Standards show this new article to be four times.as efficient as article now in general we in th tien Article is needed in every rural home and benefits every member of the howsbeld,bringing cheer,comfort and happiness inte the Not,neces sary to be away from home nights.Payfrom86.00 to 815 day according ability and somber of homes visited writing Mr.Shepny,mention what townships: will be mioet convenient for you te work fn what your re@ular ceevpation is;your age merried or single:how lenge vou heve lived in the community:what king of ria or avto whether you whh to work «pore time or etendy;hew mach time you will have to devote to the work;when you cn etart and about how many homes are within «miles of you in each direction.Thix ie «= aplendid eppertunty for several men in Tredellcountyandcountionadjoiningtomake good money,working steady or apere time Some of the feild men carn ®900 per month;one farmer earned $1,000 working spare limeonly.Ne investrient or bond necessary.Dee,22-41". THEY KEEP SAYING =But 242 W.17th home mm pe lw In you have ine hortdl..A Yo EE a |sy.WANTED . 26 mice fat steers;also a few goodmilkcowsandfatvealcalves.I haveanumberoffineheifersthatIwilleithersellorexchangeforfatcattle.an BURKE,‘Phone 295 Red. |an Drainage rovements---No- tice ——— '_ |Sratesville.|Sealed proposals for the construction of|drainage improvements in Snow Creek Drain-ave Distejct,the same being in Iredell county,North Carolina,will be received by the Board|of Drainage Commissioners of aid Snow Creck Drainage District up to 2 o'clock p.m. on the &th day of January,1917,at their officeinStatesville,North Carolina.The work to be|done convista of eleven miles of dredging| ditehes,containing sppresimately three hun-dred and sixty three thousand euble yards, and two highway bridges.This work to becompletedonorbeforetheistdayofJune,igis A eertified check in the eum of 8500redepaytbletotheBoardofDrainageCom-missioners of Snew Creek Drainage District murct neeompany each bid.The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.The plans tand epecifieations may be seen at the office oftheBoardinStatesville,North Carolina,or at the office of ‘the Engineer,W.D.Alexander, at Charlotte,North Carotina, A.R.BOWLES,Chaiman. COWLES,Seeretary 2,1917 MORTGAGE SALE- N.C. H.R Jan .and by virtue of a power of sale a mortgwe deed executed to me Brown,the same being due andinBook40oftherecordof of Iredell county,on page 10 of said veeord,the undersigned will,onMONDAY,FEBRUARY 6,1917,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,| sell for cash to the highest bidder,by public} muction,the described in said mortgage,to-witAtract of lend lying and being in Iredell|county,State aforesaid,in Coddle Creek town- ;ehip,and deseribed and defined as follows,to-.Adjoining the estates of John L.Freeze,Cor Elica Moore.Be-at iron pin at the intersection street and Third North street,inthencesouth451-2 degrees enatfeettoMrs.Moore's corner;thenee on)line south 45 degrees west 11 poles torecte’s corner;thence on hie line north 45 1-2 dewrees weet 14 poles to center of Main street;rhenee along center of Main street to the be- sinning,containing one acre more or less,itbeingthehomeplaceofJemesW.Brownwherehenowlives.JOHN 8.MITCHELL,Jap.2,1917 Mortgagee. land itRnR.b nelly,and Mrs oy Main Aewreavill SALE OF LAND. As executor of the last will and testamentofThM.Campbell ard Elvira Campbell,de-| eonsed,and under and by virtue of t pro-vinions of eaid will,the undersigned executor onMONDAY,FEBRUARY 56,1917,|ie@*2 o'clock®m.,at the court house door in Salisbury,North Carolina,offer for sale,to! the hiehest bidder,for cash,that certain tract|#land Iving in Seoteh Irish township,Row-|‘om county,North Carolina,adjoining the lands) jof R.8.Moore and W.TH.Cartner and others. m the waters of South Yadkin river,andboundedasfollows Reginning st a stone South Yedkin river,R.8fonewithhisline§.11 a etohe,Cartner’s corner;thence 8.88 1-2 jecrees EB.110 poles to a etone;thence N.560 degrees E.6 poles to a stone on the bank of outh Yadkin river:thence up the mean- anid river to e beginning,contain-| leon GUPPY,Executor,j Ceneord,N.C, om the bank of the Moore's corner,and decrees E.260 poles T.Herts«~Jan.2,191 SALE OF T AND. Att'y Robb heirs- a.C.Crovel feceased,vs.Mrs t-law Under aad by virtue of an order of the Su- rior Court of Iredell county,we,the under- ened commissioners,will sell to the highest dder,on TUESDAY,JANUARY 80TH,1917 t house door of Iredell county,at.the following deseribed real administrator of Fred tva Morrison et al., propertyPReginning at a stone in the public road,cor-of lot No.9 thence with said road south 1-2 degrees E.74 1-2 poles to a red oak | rner of let No.5;thence south 85 1-2 E.29 poles to a atone on Morrison's r of lot N thence 8S.2 dewrees 22 poles to a stone,on Morrison's lint, md corner of let No tnence north ®5 de srees west 98 1-2 poles to a stone on the line | f dot No.&and corne f lot No thence wrth 4 1-2 dewrees cast 51 2 poles to the hetinning,containing 21 a .more or lems fhe shove Yexcribed land is a part of the John Robb place and is sold by the adminis- trator of Fred.Robb to make assets The ters f sale will be cash upon confir- mation of eale Hi.¢RT PRIVETTEWEATHERMAN, Commissioners SA LE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS AND CITY PROPERTY. Mra.Bertha Somers,John 8 Some mers by hually James their euardian,Mra. Bertha W.WN.Bomers,B.F.Steven- wn and wife,Nettle Chas.Sem-| ers,Nosh Somers,Ernest Somers and Gaston .»eaparte ; Ax commiseioner appointed hy the clerk of the Superi (rt of iredell county,in @#)Mere Bertha Somers and "public salesrthousedoor indivi Somers Stevenson Somer proceeding entitiedthers,ex-parte,|will expose to to the biawhest bidder at the ce n Statceville, MONDAY hat traet of »farm.neer the about 86 acres, Ww whiel At the same ame terme,|will expow Vance Somers home place in Statesville,N c.,adjoining the lands of H.A.Yount and oth- ,theeribed follows Perinning on the north side of Weat Front streat,in the @ty of Statervill at a post corner of H,A.Yount formerly J.C.Duke's corner:thenee th said Yount’s line north »degrees enst 240 feet to a pont a AYountorner:thenee with the eaid Yount's rth 6 dewrees weet 196 feet to a post,ner:thence with Yourt’s dewress enst 162 feet to a take, ley,F \Yourts*corner:| oust with Pattersen| Front street,|s.degreea went containing two ;jed inte lets and a whole on day of} en FEBRUARY 6TH nd known as the J.C,SomersStateFarm,containing more or lees,an exact survey produced on the day of sale. and upon the to public eale the 1917, will be time and place nie o time north #4th“Patiecrsor t hetaoe t alley,500 Teet more or le t rd thence with F treet 200 162 feet to the beainning amd one ThivoldseparatelyTermaofeolevale:one-third in six and the re) maining third in twelve months;deferred pay-| ments to bear 6 per cent.interest.from date | tf enale.Any purchaser desiring to pay the entire purchnse price el!be permitted to do~1.¥.CALDWELE.}Jan,2%1017 Commisyloner. Duors.and Window Frames Weights | alf acres,more «yme pines 1 be and ther i as One-thirdmthsash -THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN firstmeyegs You can’t get anywhere without STARTING.you start in the wrong direction you will reach the wrong place.am if you wish to be rich and comfortable some day start right.Begin with the small deposit,begin witha bank account.It will GROW,and you will be happytn MAKING it grow. Money in our bank means both JOY and PROTEC- TION to you and yours.' PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits, Statesville,N.C. nga Cela rer© ONT cae ue on,oul Jewelry ona The PRICES are now Reducedon what we have left: our holiday stock of jewelry and silverware,so very best time of the year to come in and buy for the things you wani.. Although our priceshiehstandardwhich has made our reputation as re — Cweci .bo you not need for yourown use some newtglass?Come in and see and price what we have | R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. Buy for Cash.|Sell for >& ‘©dool ay oF eo eat!th Kehvontt tae & »&or ‘ are lower,our QUALITY is the - New Year Resolutions! On and After January Ist,1917, We will make no tickets for any one.Don’t ask it.This applies to all, Goods sent out on approval to be paid for the following day or be returned, All goods purchased from us not satisfactory and returned tous not damaged,we will cheerfully refund the money. er rT - * ee ee — = << ae ee 6 oe ee r ee THEM!PRICES RANGE FROM $50 TO $80!COME IN AND SE- LECT YOURS! LEONARD PIANO STORE. =, Victor Records which should be in.every.home Here is.music with’the quality of true immortality—records that bring the thrill of pleasure over and over again.%Visit us today and hear them—your home will welcome such music. Number 5 erfect ;Jacobe-Bondew(Fle Cal haemeg ee MotherMachree $=(From Bee eas bos Tete (Voealversionad >theKhBinater Kline-Boker-Dunlap Jewelsofthe Madonna—!ntermezz0 (Introdaction to Act Walt Peneni)Victor Concert Orchestra |yco79 ): Merry of Windsor Overture (Nicolai) New Symphony Orchestra of London rovatore—Miserere Verdi) ‘enon Masten and ton 35443 12Trovatore—HometoOurMountains (Verdi aaaDunlap-Mace onough §Hear You Calling Me (Marshall)2ne McCormack 64129 |) 'Thaie—Medilation (Massenct)(Violin ae ts cae Sena too OS.ory 67182 | .meSi—,’.=ee Deen 87243 Lo,Hore the Gentle Lark (Bishop) The Rosary (Flute Oobligato)Nellie Melba 85073 1° ANDREWS MUSIC HOUSE. Ernestine Schumann-Heink 87221 Everything Musical. 74155 (Neviz) A fexst for the polete as well as the eyes |_StatesvilleCale Bottling Co. F.L.Johns on,Manager. F.L.Johnson and Mrs.M.C.Price,owners. APER ToiinDriedFlooring My Lambef Yard |ing that won't open they willg§ay cash for1tohavebigcracksinand,furthermore,buse and exorbitant make me give gold wont take it oe S a "SC Ww ATKINS, nan-—¢te halo GREKNSBORD nusixpas corns ve;—-Write for cotsP|1" hy Coming patronageandco-aperaCompany.Kecve seed.—-McElwee'sPlanters’W.Canned Seale Dierrill &ee |January Victor records.Music Store,All sizes window lights,frames, ‘doors,shingles.—C,Watkins,Vegan Yadkin county farm for sale.--.Hobson,Yadkinville,R-2.ee offers.—Mills & neg the,Thedowsof S567 Saket erent arm temporarily,‘a ;virtually deadlocked pon |~—>Rumania,|»war map in the main i of the war at the commencement of |the New Year shows at nhumerous/|points material changes in the linesastheystoodayearago.they stood On the frontinFrancetheGermansintheSommeregionhavebeendrivenbackbytheFrenchoverfrontsofconsiderablesize,while the Germans in the Ver- ‘‘ _dun sector made notable gainsPoston.| Newest footwear for men.—Sher.|the fortress but later lost a part of |bri U-White Shoe Co.|.Make a start)Bank.;}educed prices on j pie |.Bor and sell for Belk Co.Watches,jewelry,silverware,ko- taks.—Hi.B,.Woodward.A good New Year resolution.—Merchants &Farmers’Bank. Organs.—Leonard Piano Store. Greeting to 1.—Ramsey-Bowles- Morrisen Co The best &Trust Co.Price changes.—The Company. Money to loan.—J.W ville R-2,Box 28. House for rent.—-Sig Girls wanted to work in Piedmont Red Cecar To the idle man.-—E.M. Ostwalt. vont mule and mare R.Adkins,R-5, Po le of land Hi.Cc.Privett,R.T. Weatherman,commissioners. Executor’s sale of land.—H.P. GuffyValuable farm lands a: erty for sale——J.Y.¢ oner it Beaver’ -The First National| goods left.—R.j cash.—-Johnston- Statesville Fiske policy.Loan Rubber R.,States Wallace. office.- Chest Co, Wagner, for sale.— d city prop- ldwell,com »and Barber Shop Fined For Sanday Work—Court Record. 1 and ur Surratt AS? without pern Wallace Drs Bros, Goeds and Notions. Bro Co..Ww }a llace 2 house i *Christmas Tree at tn nous eeds of th« f Nort goods ovder spe cifica possib! le to the then Positively Relieves Colds,Croup Poeumonia 25¢,230c,$1.00 ar onvecmrs Framing.ri Siding,eilang, Boxing, Casing,Shingles. buv IF THE EUROPEANS WAN a hope wo will not that | onninien Murdeibe,tone ee ra ail |ing from Saloniki, Co.—Wholesale Moulding, the terrain through a French counteroffensive;the Italians have advanced']}i their "ne on the east,closer toward ff{friest and the Entente allies,operat.|fhaveplacedthe Serbians on their native soil again }#} and also have pushed forward their7} lines at various points in Macedonia.A great drive begun in June by theRussiane@eneral,Brussileff,from theiPinskmarshestotheCarpathians,jwassuccessfulinclearingtheVolhy.'f niun fortress triangle of the Austro-/f Germans and in t capture of much ff terrain in Galacia and Bukowina.iM Half of Rumania,which entered the war in August on the side of the En-/tente,is now in the hands of the Teu-| tonic allies.The sweep of the Rus- sians through the Caucasus region and Turkish Armenia has compelled the Turks to yield much treritory, while in the south the British,in their | advance toward Bugdad,have been forced to give up their strategy base} |_——,(mina The cost of Crude Materials makes necessary a price re- adjustment effective today. New prices will be in the hands of our branches and dealers shortly, THE FISKE RUBBER COMPANY OF NEW YORK, MAKERS OF FISKE TIRES. at Kut-el-Amara and are being held tc a virtual stalemate by the Ottoman force ‘. Aside from Rumania there is littl activity on any of the fronts except t the artillery wings of the belliger armies.On the Moldavia-Trans ylvania front of the Rumanian thea- er,the Teutonic allies;reinforced, ,lt making progress in thet: which apparently has as its ob ffecting of a junction witl 0 moving north into Mol Additional points have been rom the Russians and Ruma oth sides of the Oituz val- the Putna and Zobala val hile Field Marshal vor 5 ontinues pushing fron th >moun Jeath of Mr.Henry Siceloff- New Store—Other News.respondence of The Landmark ‘ta v ,R-5,Jan.1 Christ ha Asse very quietly i thi we are now entering Siceloff died in Wins- lay of pneumonia, <i mumps and measles. were interred n Snow Sunday by de er,the lat Siceloff.Mr “in W nston moved thercommunity.H sters,M Cora with him, of Texas .Mr.and cloff w 1 of measles. Leonard’s— nd Goers. Landmara. 0 Christ Comers a Correspondence of The n this com na rd’s Saturday night joyed very much,espec little peopl We ler.but some had a vhich helped themThetree had very goo filled with ni Lambert, Vr Vane, Ained dur and Mrs Troutman Waugh irce in thi »hard times the le be o stay nd mamma awhile yet Marriage in Franklin, !tears i,at the home of the and Mrs,D.&, klin,Macon ty was 8ol- Miss Kiste Richardson !Penderpra of Frank- .The ceremony was e father of the bride. vmony Mics Lillian weading t he bride,softly ceque.”Only a few esent They will me in Franklin Whenever You Need a General Tonle Take drove's Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. To our faithful old friends,and and to our cherished new friends, and to those whose friendship we strive to d serve,we tender this REETIN May the New Year bea Prosperous and a happy one;may joy and re- compense come to you,and inay it be our privilege to add to your success. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. 1909 1917 The Old Standard Grove’s Taecteless chill Tonic is equally valueble as @ a6 Tonic because it containswellknagwatonicand=~ItPhilpRes oseoatMalaria,PretéingBuildsuptheWhole me. A PERSONAL WORD! of our good friends we wish to say ‘‘Thank You”for To each and every one your patronage during the year just clos- ing and wish for a continuance of it during the year which we are about to enter.Wewish each of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. |Iredell,Hardware, RE is a well-fitting rubberwith ahea serv- ce soleand heel.ele fing Sole wear roug!am ares in onshe emma :e. rubber looks well,fits well,and wears well.This Mark Rubber Footwear is made in a wide varietyofkinds to cover stormy weather needs of men,Women, girls in town or country.‘ The Hub-Markis yourvalue mark,Lookfor it onthesole. UBBERS The World's Standard Rubber Footwear ‘Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. oft.Sn.30 ~_Saas in|this community was b Rvery@ingpassedoffquietly¢xcept the peal|the hunter's gun.|"The holidays brought many visit-‘ors from far and ‘>Mrs.|Ras.York from Michigan are visit-‘ing Mr,York's parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A.York.Mr.Vernon Wilson wasathomefromLenoirfortheholi-davs.Mr.Robert Coulter fromWinstonspenttheholidayswithrel-‘atives here.Mr.Robert vis-‘ited his daughter,Mrs,Fannte ‘ams,at Kannapolis.Mr.and Mrs. |Turner Gregory and children spentChristmaswithMrs.Gregory's oarents,Mr.and Mrs.Gus,Byers.r.and Mrs Robert Wilson are visiting|Mre Wilson’s parents at Hickory.Messrs.Blake Gantt and Ralph Sum-mers are at home from Detroit,Mrs. ‘Amanda Walker is visiti Mrs.J. S.Morrison.Mr.Marshall Morrowspentafewdayswithhissister, Mrs.Dee Carter,at Turnersbure. Messrs.Jo.Carter and Jo.Elliott ONESTIT’S THEBESTPOLICY. Whether it’s fire,life or health insurance you need, we can offer you the Largest PROTECTION at the LEAST COsT ~—a policy that perfectly protects with- out pinching vou. TALK ING insurance isour business—-TAKING &t is yours.Let us tell ycu all about the specialty strong features of our policies,then decide fr your- self as to whether you need one.We're in at any time STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, W.E.WEBB,Manager. BOSBBOCOOUVHOCODJOOIHHMAOHOHOO SEs -see: The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.===INSURANCE!=> As a great many policyholders do not seem to know that their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in the contract of the policy which they buy,We dees it advisable to mention some of tne causes under which the same will.be rendered valueless,viz:l-~Vacant or idle property for Jonger than 80 days—apply to your agent for permit, 2.Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. 3—Property upon Which there is a mortgage Unless notice of same is given—apply to your agent. 4-~Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper- ty ineured other than by death.6--Assignment or transfer of property to another. 6--Ihy any increase in the hazard,notice must be given }-—-The wkiog of other insurante without notice. &—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit o than kerosene oil.%~-Property encumbered by chatthe mortgage. lolicyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract of their policies,It is impossible for agents.to know of these de ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE isfor- mation.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua! J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54 STATESVILLE,N C. ther OED Eller is visiting his spent the holidays at home.Mr.Rossmother,Mrs.38. ~A.Eller.Mesers.Mitchell and Rob- ©ort Morrow,Jr.,from Dallas,are vis- %iting relatives here.Miss Janie Tra- vis of Statesville spent the week-end with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.Lee Travis. Mr.Pred.Massey is at home from Washington.Mr.8S.J.Reid and Miss Ada Canter,teachers of the Fulbright school,svent the holidays at their home at Cool Spring. Mrs.C.S.Fox entertained a num- ber of her young friends Thursday night in honor of her guest,Mr.§. C.Morrison of New York. Mr.and Mrs.Milas Holtshouser of Troutman haye been visiting Mr. 4 Holtshouser’s sister,Mrs.M.E ©Troutman,who is eriteslliy ill. We were in hopes that the small- ®nox was about over,but sorry to learn that Mr.Charlie Stewart ha 2%developed a case, G|Mr.Arthur Stewart has moved his family to Virginia,where they will make their home for the present. The Sunday scho and prayer- meeting at New Bethany are pro- cressing nicely.The Sunday schoo! ‘hildren were all made happy by & Christmas treat from the church. Now we have entered on a New Year's journey and we are wishing The Landmark and its many reader more su in the year 1917 than lever before aEEaee ASK SALARY INCREASE. Apves!For Increased Salery For State Officers and State Employes. Ralcigh News and Observer. Because capital cities are costly to live in and far more than ordinarily so for State officers.an cffort will he made in the next General Assembly to raise salaries of such officers and ve'y clerks.The Governor,it is clared should receive $7,500,as much as a Cngressman,and the oth- r elective officers should get $4,500, xcept Supreme Court Justices,who hovld get $5,000.In addition,it is argued;there should be a .blanket provision calling fer a raise of 25 per cent.in the salartes and wages f all other State employes. State legislators are receiving let- ers to th effect from Mr.A.H.Ar- who lately resigned his po- the State Treasurer’s office to take up a private business.Say: Mr Arringtor: “Having resigned my position the State Treasury Department to engage in private business,and herefore being in a position to do so without my motive being questioned I make the following appeal to the cess Oe rington, muien Mm m HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING. ™ambing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES FURNISHED. Lecislature of the State on behalf of the employes of the State govern- ment from Governor down,who are all put to it to live on their present alaries on account of the trememilons fact that ‘they are hving on salaries living was 40 per cent.less than it is today.‘ “Tt is well known that cities are costly to \fve in. all capital State officers it is far more costly IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE IT.KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING.____Mate Wy BOYCE LUMBER CO. -¥es TYST > Commercial National OF STATESVILLE,N.©. Paid in -.$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits -31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three tionths or longer. OFFICERS: Ww.D.TURNER,e oB.MORRISON,--~=President, o —.Vice President. Phone 294. than for any one else for four reas- ons:First,they are expected to live in a way to uvhold the dignity of the State;second,they are required to do a large amount «7%entertaining;third,they are called upon,by|reason of their positron,to contribute to the building of churches,schools and for all charitable purposes; fourth,they have to put up large sums of money to conduct a campaign for primary nomination and contrib- ute to the campaign fund for re- election.” RSEERENT *Methodist Preachers “Called.”| It is announced Va..that Rev.J.Forrest Prettyman, chaplain of the United States Sen- ate,has “been asked to accept thepastorate’of Greene Memorial! Methodist church of that city to succeed Rev.U.G.Foote,“who has resigned to accept.a call to New Or- leans.”The thine that interests The Land- mark in all this is,since when did Methodist preachers take to resign- ine and accepting calls and when did Methodists congregations take on the privilege of “calling”pastors? The Landmark is seeking informa-tion.If the Methodists have taken to calling and accepting calls,same as Baptists,Presbyterians and such, it is news . Will Veto Public Buildings Bill. President Wilson told callers lastweekthathewouldvetothe$28,000,- 000 publie buildings bill if it comestohimintheforminwhichitisnowpendingintheHouse:Its advocates”plan to seek to obtain a rule for con-.\sideration of the measure soon after |Congress reassembles,which is to- morrow.for the President!If he from Roanoke, |Goodwilluse the veto on similar pro ;\for a season he will have rendered\the country a real gervice, }2S *Juminating increage in the cost of living and the / fixed ten years ago,when the cost of |} And for j '§-hour controversy,were discontinu-ed abruptly last week when it 'be- came apparent an agreement couldnotbereached.It was announced by‘both sides that there would be nomoremeetingsuntilaftertheUnited|States Supreme Court hands down itsdecisionontheconstitutionalityoftheAdamsonact.The break came,it was learned,when the railroad representatives re-fused to concede the demands of-thebrotherhoodchiefsforanagreementlookingtowardthe———ofthenewwageschedule"fixed by the Adamson law.which goes into effectJanuary1.The brotherhood chiefs held,it was said,that their men hadtherighttobecindrawingwagesac- cording te the scale provided by theAdamsonlawimmediatelyafter roads will await the decision of the Supreme Cour:in,the test case.By.agreement withDepartmentofJusticeatWashing-ton the railroads will keep a recordfromJanuary1ofthewagesofall employes affected by the Adamsorlaw,in order that,if the law is up- held by the court,the employes will receive the extra back pay due them.The rights of the employes in the in-terval will thus be amply protected.” AaS South Carolina Officers Die in New Jersey Hote!. John W.Davis,sheriff of Oconeecounty,S.C.,and William C.Foster of the same county,were found dead| in a hotel in Elizabeth,N.J.,last week,from the effects of inhaling il-' gas.Tne officials had wone to New Jersey ¢rom Walhalla, S.C.,to take back John Walker,a negro,accused of murder in Madison, Adamson law the S.C.The police are convinced their)¥ deaths were accidental.niuesneieniatin ~‘THOROUGH WORK.— How a Statesville Lady Fourd Freedom Frem Kidney Troubles If you suffer from backache— From urinary disorders— ¢i% theseproventhousandsofothers.Lookforthis Ti Scott &Bowne,Biconateld,N.Je i the law beeame effective,irrespective ofthesuitsbroughtbytherailroadstotestitsvalidity.A statement issued said:“The rail- } 2 OOOO OCHS Ot >b lelaua To You,Fvise As anew broom ‘sweeps clean,so may the NEW Year sweep ali your troubles into that bourne from § which no trouble returns. May 1917 bring you 876)hours of health and happi-| ness,The sincere wish of POLK GRAY DRUG CO. Ee eT iit aiieonRighg ie 1=1; Any curable disease of the kidneys, Use a tested kidney remedy. Doan’s Kidney Pills have been tested by thousands.is Statesville people testify. Can you ask more convincing proof|@% of merit? Mrs.C.B. St., Morrison,739 W.Front Statesville,says:“I tried in vain something that would cure me that Finally, I got Doan’s Kidney Pills and they made a to get of backache and kidney trouble had bothered me for years. grvat improvement.I had used them only a short time befere I and best of all,I been bothered by my was in good health haven't kidney ‘ors.Don't,#@ eiSK1y ra kidney remedy—et s Kidney Pills,the same that had.l'o Suffalo,N. ,DR.COITESHERRILI,| rson ,Props., General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to J:R Hill’s residence or Long's Sanato rium will have prompt attention. | ‘For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for’ whatever purpose they should be wanted. Van Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,%© ter-Milburn &.ar syeyt em ay Mee Me mYYmc*ia Hea te a AS WE TURNT Last page.of 1916,and en the thres- hold of a New Year,we want to thank one and all for past favors and_to solicit your kind consideration for 1917. We start the New Year in our own Hard-ware home,and want you to visit us andseeourexcellentbusinesshouse.No more rents to pay,‘“‘and everybody works at our store”.It’s our purpose tocare for your Hardware need better than ever be- iore,and to keep prices Hammered Down, The best service tothe greatest number iswhatwearestrivingfor.We're sure the new year has something good in store foreverybody,and if you will give us yourHardwaretradeitwillhelptomakeyouprosperous,‘‘Measure us by the goods we seil”. Lazenbdy-Montgomery ilardwareCo,i gpeerere anenat tee nits Teal “an | | f oe ye aamanal a =—s-= weHandsomeStationery!j Will Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? HUYLER’S CANDY, CIGARS,TOILET ARTICLES. HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. NO THD COHNO CEO On People’s Loan and Savings |MONEY IS POWER!] MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCOUNT! This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Certificates of Deposii issued by this Bank bear interest from dete at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum, Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially in We want your business! ‘ie bate a a -. Last year we tried a page in The Landmark,containing a Real Tip to wide awake merchants,Possibly some of them got it, though none came and told us so.Our sales,however,for 1916 showed an increase over the previousyear,and in the face of the heavyloss to this section by the flood and short crops. Some Philosopher has said,“When in Doubt Play Trumps.” So rather than take chances we are again appearing in print, and asking for the continued co-operation and patronage of loyal friends and customers,and inviting those who have not given usa trial,to do so now. A leading North Carolina business man has had these kind words to say of us:“Yours is the only house that has filled our orders satisfactorily this season,and we appreciate the quick service you have given us.” This isthe kind of shop talk that sounds good to us,and we are passing it along for the benefit of all concerned. If It’s Dry Goods and Notions!See Us---See Our Traveling Men or Mail Us Your Order. We thank our Friends and Customers for past favors and wish for alla HAPPY NEW YEAR. [The Wallace Brothers Company,| ww Statesville,North Carolina., STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,JANUARY 5,1917. Spenker— —ManyFirstDay. ‘The General Assembly of North*-olina was opened at noon Wednes-In the House Walter Murphy ofthecaucusnominee,was Speaker,receiving 99 voteseastforJ.R.McRary of David-the Republican candidate.Mur-was nominated by Page of MoorehisnominationsecondedbyRob-of Buncombe,enese gentlemenvingbeencandidatesforSpeaker.The Senate was opened Lieut..Daughtridge,who will Preside|Max Gardner,Lieutenatnt Gov- ernor-elect,is inaugurated.Theclerks,doorkeepers,cxc.,chosen forbothhousesbytheDemocrat’c cau-cus were formally elected.was a rush to introduce jocalbillssoastogetthemthroughbeforetheconstitutionalamendmentiseffec-tive on the 10th.Aimong the bills wasonebyStimpson,the DemocraticmemberfromYadkin,“to authorizecommissionersofYadkintoissueforroadpurposesandtocreateandestablish4roadcommission.” At the Democratic legislative cau- cux held in Raleigh Tuesday eveningtoselectaSpeaker,Hon,Walter Marphy of Rowan was the unani-mous choice,Representative Rob- erts of Buncombe and Page of More,the other contestants, withirawn.Representative Grier ofIrevellwaschairmanofthecaucus.Mr.Murphy was nominated by Hon. .A.Doughton of Allerhany.#or principal clerk,Alex.LassiterofJohnstoncountyandFrankHack- ett of Wilkes tied,with 47 votes eachonthefirstballot.Lassiter won onthesecend,52 to 41.Other officers of the House nominated were:En gressing clerk,O.P.Shell,Harnett; seryeant-at-arms,J.H.Mering, Wake;reading clerk,D.P.Dellinger Gaston, The Republicans selected J.N MecCrery of Davidson county as theircandidateforSpeaker. The Senate caucus chose F.C.Harding of Pitt president pro.tem R.O.Self of Jackson,principal clerk; Davil Gastor,Cumberland,sergreant-at-arms;J.W.Alexander,Clay,as- sistent sergeant-at-arms;CC,©, Broughton,Montgomery,reading clerk;T.W.Hughes,Beaufort,en-wressing ‘clerk,Senator McNider of Htortford was made permanent chair-man of the Senate caucus. BAD WRECK LAST NIGHT. Extra Work Train Runs Into Freight Cars,Injuring Several. About 6.15 im yesterday eve- ning a sertous wreck a place a half-mile east ‘of the Statesville sta- tion,when ™extra route from the Catawba river bridge to Salisbury ren into four freight ears and demolished them.The en- gine of the work train end seme of having work train en| THE STATE'S FINANCES. State Treasurer Lacy MakesSomeEstimates. An estimate by State ‘TreasurerLacybasedonrecordsofreceiptsanddisbursementsfor1915-16,is totheeffectthatwithlegislativeap- propriations of no greater propor-tion by the incoming Levwislature,there Ww:il be a balanee to the creditoftheStateattheendofthenextbiennialperiodin1918of$265,447.This is based on estimated receiptsaggregating$7,628,024 and disburse- ments estimated at $7,362,576.It is a safe estimate now,howev-er,that the appropriations will havetobeincreased.The growth of theStateinstitutionsandtheincreasedcostofeverythingmakethatneces sary;and there will be numerousnewprojectsandworthyprojectsforwhichmoneywil!be askedInestimatingtheexpenses for thenexttwoyearsthereisincluded$75,-000 for the Legislature about to con vene and $200,000 for the State’s postage,paner and general station- ery bills.Three of the biggest items in the estimated receipts are $1,362,- 000 ad valorem tax from =corpora- tions;$3,789,000 ad valorem from counties,polls for pensions and in- come taxes;and $1,.762.000 from li censes.and privileges.The items ofrailroaddividendsrepresentsome. 024 of revenue and the oil fund« the Agricultural Department $120,000, Some of the biggest items of State expense are Confederate pensions, $1,009,000;State departments $790,- 000;support of hospitals and home, £1.000,0%;schools $3,110,000;inter- est on bonded debt,#809,000;Na ional Guard,$135,000, The Death Record. Mr.John Brown of the Mooresville died Wednesday about noon,aged about 77 years.Wife and son,Mr.James A.Brown,sur- vive.Funeral at his home yester day and interment at Prospect church. Mr.Brown was a Confederate vet eran and had been totally blind for 15 to 20 years.He suffered for years from wounds sustained in the great conflict and blindness is supposed to have resulted from this cause. is.M.E.Troutman,widowof ,C.A Troutman,died at her home in Fhilch township Wednesday morning vicinity of lone ialowt 1.90 o'clock,death resulting from the infirmities of age.Mrs Troutman was 77 gears and 10 months old,and is survived by four sons and two denug)ter The sons ro Messrs.T.A.C.A.and H.C Treutman of the county and Mr.Au- rstus Troutman of Asbury,Mo.The daughters are Mrs.A.M.Deal of j lerey and Mrs.©.E.Shook of Ham ‘let.Burial was at Mt,Herman La- theron church Wednesday afternoon, |with services conducted by Rev.Mr. |Morgan. John,Elliott,aged 83 years,Mr j died Tuesday night at 9.50 o'clock at8shans)ras r ne =o ee oeake .adart i t eel|his home in Bloomfield.His wife andWill’Eogle of Spencer ard W.H.|Several children survive.Interment Moyer,a enrpenter,«8 ms y Hill,|¥®8,ye stendaer ern &at 11 o'clock Tenr..,slightly injurine Hunter 2,Hebron church,Turnersburg town-Mille,Tenn,GS.Smith.of |Ship eee a 3.P."Sinith <Mrs.J.M.2 re,“G1 years old, erty Hill,Tenn.,all members of the|sister of Mr.William Winecoff of work feres ond P.L,Robirsen,con ductor of the werk train.All were,* teker'to Lore’s Sanatorium,where their wounds were dregeed,All were able to leave last right except Eagle and Moyer. Eagle and Moyer seriousty hurt,the former about the back ard the letter about the head. Both suffered considerably last night were the most .|Troutman,died ‘.aday at her home in Concord.Husbend and eight chil |dren six sons an i two daughters |survive,The seven-months-old son of MyJamesMillerofShilohtownshipwa: found dead in hed yesterday morning Interment will be today at Share |chureh. Arrested on Murder Charge. THE ANNUAL MEETINGS. Stockholders of Various Cer- porations in Annual Session. The stockholders of the MerchantsandFarmers’Bank met Wednesday and re-elected the following oon:C,S.Tomlin,L.K.Lazenby,BE.B.Watts,W.S.Pare,J.L.Stevenson Cc.R.Stimpson,Herman Wal B- G.Gaither,Hill,R.T.WeamanandJ._Knox.The dieatineswillmeetlatertoelectofficers.Theusualsemi-annual dividend of 4 r cent was declared and the warps fund increased from $8,000 to $10000andtheundividedprofits$1,100. The stockholders of the People’s Loan and Savings Bank met Tuesday and elected the following directors: Geo.H.Brown,W.L.Matheson,J.A ~key,D.FP.Jenkins,Z V.Long.B.Patterson,W.C.Wooten,A.I.Colte J.A.Conner,Jno.R.Morr'-son,J.R.McLain,Wi A.Thomas,A8.Alley,L.O.White and L.C.Wagner.The only change is that Jno.R. Morrison succeeds J.W.Koon.Mr Brown was elected president,W. L. Matheson and J.A.Lackey vice pres-idents and O.L.Turner cashier.The report of President Brown showed that the net earnings of the bank the past year were about 9 per cent.onthecapitalstock,On his recommen. dation and by vote of the directors, which was affirmed by the stock- holders,no dividend was declared but $4.000 was added to the surplus, which was increased to $8,000,and $1,523.30 was carried forward as un- divided profits The net carnings of the bank since it hegan business in April,1914,amount to $9,523.36.Na- tional banks are required to carry10percent.of their capital as a re-rve fund and President Brown tated that well managed Stat banks followed a similar course so a» to be elivible to membership in the Federal Reserve system should they desire to join. The annual meeting of the stockholdersoftheLongIslandCottoMillswasheldWednesdayatLong Island and they elected themselves directors and officers as follows:Geo. H.Brown president,Oshorne BrownvicepresidentandShermanRamsey secretary and treasurer. The stockholders of the Statesville Flour Mills Company met in annus! session Tuesday and re-elected L. Wagner,F.A.Sherrill,Geo. Rrown.C 1.Poston,J.E.Sherrill,T. iD.Miller and A.L.Coble directors. Mr.Wagner was elected president, Mr.Brown vice president,F.A, Sherrill secretary and treasurer and A.L.Coble attorney. The directors of the Imperial Fur- niture Company met this week and declared a 6 per cent dividend.The stockholders held on the meeting of the will beannual of this company ltth Church News. Service at Trinity Episcopal church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.Holy communion service conducted by Rev. W.H.Hardin.Preaching at South River Baptist church tomorrow morning at il o'clock and Sunday morning at the same hour. Sunday preaching at 11 a.m.at Sunday. Sunday at 2 p.m. school at 10 a.m.and Bethesda school at Elmwood Sunday A special missionary pro gramme will —given on this first Sunday of the New Year.If you are not a member of some Sunday school and can attend this one,a cordial!in- vitation is wiven you to do se On |champion butter-producing cow,ac- NEWS OF CURRENT SvENTS ‘MAY CHANGE THE.DEPOT. Incidents Gathered From All,|Mooresville Wants New Passen-Parts of the Country.ger Station and Freight De- old Jersey cow,owned by C.F.Reid found the school unable to resume onofPortlana,Ore.,is announced world’s -7accountofanepidemicof pec litherebeingover40.cases reported,and so he returned t8 his home eos|than to await further developments.Mrs.Bedford D.Graham is spending sev-eral days with her daughter,Mrs.Boyce Biggers,in Cornelius.Miss Era Keily spent Monday and Tues-~~in Charlotte.he graded schools resumed workwithagoodattendanceTuesdaymorning.The schools are taxed to their utmost capacity to accommo- cording to the American Jersey Cat- tle Club.Goldie’s record has been two and a half pounds of butter a day for an entire year. The widow of Evangelist R.G. Pearson has donated the sum of $8,- 000 to the Columbia,8.C.,Presbyte- rian Theological Seminary,for theultimeteendowmentofachairofEnglishBible,as a memorial to the evangelist.It is proposed to raise an endowment of $25,000 for that|date the pupils and the board ofpurpose.trustees are considering plans forW.G.Lee,chief of the Brother.|providing greater and better facili-ties for another year.Mrs.Oscar Brown and little son,Ben Osear,and Mr.Herman BrownofTroutmanwereMooresvillevisit-ore Tuesday.Rev.L.A.Falls,pas-tor of the Methodist church,is im- proving,after sone very ill for sev-eral days with grippeMooresvilieHighpeschool basketballteamplayedTerrellhereMondayeveninginoneofthebestgamesof the season,the score being 20 to 27 in favor of Mooresville.is is theseconddefeatforTerrell,the team having played here one evening lastweek.The Mooresville team has made an exceptionally good record,having won every game played this season.Messrs.Hill &McKee have not closed out their entire stock here,aswasteovtonsystated,but have re- duced it considerably p ratory to moving to Statesville in near fu- ture.Mr.Hill,who has had charge of the businessandcongenial gentleman and hasmademanyfriendshere.The town regrets his leaving.Mr.W.Goodman of Amity andhisson-in-law,Rev.Floyd oe <ofHartford,Tenn.,were vTuesday.Rev.‘and Mrs.Menius a hood of Railroad Trainmen,has is- sued a statement charging that the railroads of the country are permit-ting delays to trains and overtimewhichwouldnotordinarilybeper- mitted,in erder to prove the enor- mous expense that would follow obe-dience to the Adamson law. Henry Lamm,Republican nominee for Governor of Missouri at the re- cent election,has signed a petitionforacontestofthegubernatorial election.Frederick D.Gardner, Democrat,holds the certificate of election.The petition,which will be presented to the Legislature,alleges many election frauds The Governors of ginia and Tennessee,whose berders meet at Cumberland Gap,will deliver addresses of wel- come to the notable men and women who ure expected to attend the me- morial celebration of Lineqln Memo rial University,Cumberland Gap, Teno.,February 10,11 and 12. For the firsc time a woman, Jessie L.Simpson of St.Louis,has been granted the privileges of theflooroftheSenate.She was appoint- ed secretary to the Sennte foreign relations committee by Senator Stone Kentucky,Vir- the three States Miss and ia the first woman to serve as/littl daughter,Opal,will return toseceretaryofaSenatecommittee,a|Hartford the latter part of thepositioncarryingwithittheprivi-|week.Mr.Emmet Morrow of Ami- jlewe of the floor.aaa is a —at A.and hea At midnight Sunday,the end of College,was unabie to return this the Old Year,the island of New|week on account of illness,but will Foundland was added to prohibition|resume his work there next week. territory.The import,manufacture Mr.E,A.Childers of this city en- or sale of intoxicating liquors is pro-|tered Dr.Lone’s Sanatorium for treatment last Saturday and under-hibited and no aleoholic compownd ' will be obtainable within the coloay,|went an operation there on Monday except for medicinal,manufacturing |of this week... or sacramental purposes.A long Mr.Eugene Cornelius has return- list of patent medicines has been/ed to the State University after placed under the ban.spendingthe kolidays at his homeomhere.Misses Lois and Beatrice Hal!According to the reports from Miss F SI h ‘ France,during the past year 78,500)42¢Alss unice Sloope have return-led to Flora MeDonald College,Miss |Marguerite Brawle the Greens- boro Normal and Mine Carey Trout- man to the Greensboro Cellege for Women. A number of Southern railroad of- ficials were here yesterday,among theom being Supt.Simpson of Rich- mond,Mr.Bergman of Winston-Sa- lem,Mr.J.A.Bolick,train master, .‘_land Mr.Anderson of Greensboro,as- Federal officers of|sistant road master,who were look-consul-general at ing out a site for the freight depot,New York for the de facto govern-|‘hich our people want moved out of ment of Mexico,disclosed an alleged|:ne centre of town.#@ number of conspiracy in which five Mexicans.|pjaces were inspected but no placeincludingBurns,are enarged in three |decided on as yet.As far as we indictments with shipping arms into)could learn,a new passenger stationMexicoinvielenorPresidentWil-|has been promised,some time in the son’s embargo proclamation of Octo-|future,but the freight depot may Germans were captured on the | French front by the French and 40,- 660 by the British,while in Serbia and Macedonia the Entente allied ar- mies took 11,173 Bulgarians and Turks prisoner.During the same period the Italians made prisoners of 2.250 Austrians,while the Russians| captured more than 40,000 Germans and Austrians The arrest by Juan T Burns, to about 130°in all, deredieoerequirementitwillbe here,is a pleasant]gts The Supreme Court of Ariona was|pat Moved —Graded School)_pox supper tonightatOakGroveexpectedtorenderadecisionyesterAttendanceIncreases—Per-|schcol,on orvee a &town,day on the gubernatorial contest in sonal and Social Items.Pr for that State.Gov.C ampbeiH,Re“publi.|Special a The Landmark.~—Mrs.Clyde Thomas of can.had applied to the court fer a Mocveavitle.Jan _-Mr.James!burg underwent an b writ of mandamus to oust Gov.Hunt,Orr Rodgers ohn ae ‘Latin in|Long’s Sanatorium . Demotrat,who is disposed to St@Y/the Greensboro High School,return-|—/The college opened foronthejob.;ed Monday to resume his duties,af-|the spring term with tenGoldie’s Nehalem Beauty,a 3-year-!ter spending the holidays here,but}dents.is brings therae tetee—The county miles from —Mr.J.B.Duke,presidentSouthernPowerGn. accounttotalamountoe,inthis+aged — seni cent A >2 Cc.ig helarposition.Mr.W.who succeeds Mr.vived and takenMrs.Matthews arecharge. W.J.Poston’s,on roast seen —The Moc homeheClWrighttheClaytoncatednearTurkeytredell,was ¢fire abeut 11 o'clockMr.Grady Bowles,wholivinginthehousefor some ae ithe tre Craarene=of t re a some insurance on the ‘puilding. News ool SaySeasciesatpondeneeof“Cool Spring,Jen.3SchoolInstituteatCool but were resting very well this ba,:as :,h..mont}ber,1915 “and with evasion of cus-|not be moved emy will meet Ea»sf :Vitus i -hy |aim is to make this one of the most ie |e . morning.Dock ee ge "atenig wanted .leficient schools in the county.COM toms re ilati t Burns was releas-|Announcement has been made at Rey.Messrs. The track was blocked to traffic un -|the authorities of Wiikes county,was}a ne Charles Anderson has re-|ed on $10.000 bond |Davidson of the marriage of Mr,J.|Goode make itwo imaarecting teto til errly this morning.Passenger]arrested Tuesday afternoon by Sheriff turned from Missouri and will con Owing to the increased cost of |P.Caldwell ef Davidson to Miss Ni-|those who attend. train No.12,due here at 6.45 p.m.,|Alexander and J utter Weeaeee Oe beat regular services Sutday at the|White pap d other materiale nee-|ta Patterson of the Hopewell section,!’The annual eeedinner for wes held unt!!the track was cleared|has been turned ever to Wilkes off-|)0°"ad lessary to printing and art work,s¢at the bride’s home today.The an-jthe young peennFirstBaptistchurchs8ar}:’ard No,16,due at &p.m.,war de-|cers.:The newly -elected officers of St.|eral magazines of national cireulatior |nouncement is of much interest|community was held “Samerable tase toured by Moocresville and Barber February 24,1916,in ——aCe!tofia’s Latheran church will be in-|announced increases in the price of around Davidson,as both the bride |Selma.Yates’.A very en. Junction.ee yeas 4 Met oar ar M _—eid Gundey warning ot 11 |subscript Otker periodicals have }and groom have a wide circle of)was repo —_———.Jim and Dock Anderson,all relatives |ovo “Other services at the usuallalready given notice of a similar |friends and relatives.-A Japanese playswas given at Preacher -Governor and Ball.|engaged in a fight and Osborne An howe :i .jump in prices.Several of the emall The Mooresville graded schools,Spring academy night,De- Rev.Sidney J.Catts,a Baptist |derson shot Jim Anderson with 9 shot Rev s.I Cathey will preach er magazines in New York have sus-|Which resumed work Tuesday morn-|cember 29.It wasae fine. minister,was this week inaugurated|cun,inflicting wounds from which he Sunday ‘ineeuine at 11.30 o'clock at]pended publication and others arc]ing,adced 45 new pupils,which Christmas was very quiet around Governor of Florida.Mr.Catts re-|died next day.Osborne Anderson Whe |p o ;»after to rge with publication:|makes 980,and it is elieved the}here:Concord chure h and Sunday after-j|plannir merge with publicati 3 , quested that the usunl inausrural ball)tried and sentenced to a term in the]voon at 3 o'clock at Stony Point.controlled by the some interests.number will reach 1,000 this term.M.B.Holton is building a nice be climinated from the ceremonies.|penitentiary but Deck Anderson,whe|~i a +tha Cian on Mr.and Mrs.J .E.Sheo gave a |cottage on his farm and move .«for the b ’ ¢sd with aiding |»murder ..f cl ately peal agy™fie .|roys pat :«a ew —for me all :oe =oan with aiding in Se n inde Court Cases.South Carolina,Governor Fielder of a -y 23 owe=."Wea into it soon,There is another nicealreadybeenmadeitwasallowedto|escaped and had never been take .:;Stew Joracy directed the prosseutet|oe”o “s.ay .home being built in this go en.Neither Mr.Catts nor any)He was arrested =ir inion Grove Hardin Lazenby «nd Cuther Harpe New Jt y nhiagas <‘J on Uaneniianie nesday,at their beautiful home on ood,but we will say member of his family was presen{at|township,where he had been at work|were fined $20 each and taxed with >Sethe of tao Sous Caseiinn tn :about this one later.Someca the ball and no punch was served,|with the road force for four week the costs,and Dorsett Fraley the deaths of eS en v sh i Fo Ler Misses.Annie Mille and Mary bird and then build the cage;othersalthousthassurancewasgiventhat|i discharged,for an affray the had]fieials,Davi ae eT ,=@icials Johnston went to Salisbury a to build the cage and then catch theithadnotbeencustomaryto“spike”|Would Curtail Mail Service.|here some weeks ago.Lazenby and|Prison supersiol.Tne Tal Ait |spend a week with Mrs,JA,Cn |bird,..PCASIONS .vr ©aleo gave S200 bon ach °waees MESON,&—{j Mr.C.be paver,e 2 =ee Se ee :fo yr years The posta!authorities are consid-a ah '_auas afrest a negro wi nied in South Caro--,-ae se Re rs ‘one of the|The health m otion pictureshowwill a .awe hein defex ad fee (om ering the advisability of diseontinu “Ch =Ailison fered taxed lina on a charve of murder and were mn Charlotte en clon "|be given again at the Jan-eyes in Alabama,eee OS “\ing,exeept a closed pouch service,a ie di oT ania by ie 's or |asphyxiated while stopping at a ho Mies Annie Mills entertained a|[®TY Sth.It teaches the oe wT -a trains |Fo hein €ink —_tel.The families of the men suspect)number of her friends at a birthday ‘and old folks,too),in a way.?or °twee s eaville wv being \:'y ‘’ Virginians ‘Would G ive Statue Nos,23 and 24 between |tat aville Justice Lazenby Wednesday tried foul play.dinner Vriday.A good dinner and they will never forget.i ‘.Nos i Juste aed).and Taylorsville and trains No Railroad 1 tetion @esired byli ;The mad dog scare is again in theofKitchener.and 12 between Salisbury and Knox-|C.S.Holland and Pete Holland,white RTOS —LOR SaLIon ..'Y |lots of fun .w :";:..esident son to su emen 1e 'Por ee ”oCe:tain Virginians whose names!ville.This weeld mean that the night |ond Rev.J.B.Stewart,colored,for Presid Wil t pplement tl The road upkeep editorial in The |will be a i for Loae“9 have not been revealed,are planning,train from Statesville to Taylorsville,-an affray some days ago All were Adamson law is to be pressed m the Landmark is being commended |in|Wi!bea aw for dogs as we as it is snid,to present the British gwov-!the morning train from Tay jorsville|found guilty,fined $5 @ach and the te —bitmeteny ane —-:a =h were e,—on os The Riverernmentwithastatueofthelate!to Statesville;the west-bound train|costs divided.The Hollands gave ifo-['e enate.Representative Auamson |dnd we alt Rope there will be come’State Me ae Ww.;|.,o ’:tae.rh ax ;i rea |;eave he will within a few days intro ay provided for the protection of|Lord Kitchener,in apprec ination of Aj that passes here at 6:50 a.m.and |ice of appea!Gane and ures the pentane Of bile bol the cand-<diay vetda,hich ame a Fallis was withthe Catawba wift of a statue of General Stonewall the east-hound that passes here at 6.John Hartness,who was fined for —nn oliteed emanenes Seenn atrik a abt 7%seatite osm .oar enutin “|sioners Monday and the Cata Jackson,which was made to Virgin-45 p.m.,would not have any mail|working on Sunday,has been commit Soo.setithinies ei ne 6)dave’nail NOSt VEIUe TA B.GOODMAN board passed an requesting jans in 1875 by certain Englishmen rvive except clesed pouches.This}ted to jail as a matter of safety t a te ota cae tie President te |°per |highway commission “‘to:;;.:a eo |hy wif ané ilw MH the ons .,ome .:y .Sle Sitar emma ee re aetaes Moaphal’”[mee ior ronda he hae ot]Vale of the rape.|dee oh niestn salalwaavapere.ro h pd _WHICR |AceItiEN SS ee oe military authorities in cause of pub-Almost nine billion dollars was the nonState"hig Changes.’come an Geen mee.Chaut G ‘lie weeessity awwremate value of all crops of the a Mr,Sam Tomlin and family are Medical Society Meeting.™=ee Sas.Japan has notified the State De-country,net _.In =5 nema o-apending,several far here with rl-.,»Chautauqua gurrentors §are partment of her intention to arm her|Nouneces the national Department_—They ae fae Giee te ene.ne.2 oe wl.nfle’to mect at the Commercial merche hips defensively,and po-|Of Agriculture the exact value was set ne “they will live.They had dell-Alexander Medical aa at Dr.elub rooms tonight at &o'clock.The}questi information as to whether at $8,934,587 000.That was an in- been in St.Louis,Mo,fora few FAC T wo meeting is for organivation and i#lany special reles had been made by|crease of $2.165,989,000 over the value montha Dr.M.hae office a ~nischt.important The fuarantors shouldlour covernment for passage of ships of 1915 crops and $2,867,206,000 over Mr.R.F.Henry has moved from |!Sea ne S ack OM|vemiember that they are guarantors,}so armed through the Panama canal.|the average of the years 1910 to Hote!Iredell building to his new|_LneUmonia Similating Appen -that the success of the Chautauqua]There are no cana!regulations im.|114.quarters on east Broad street.|The society unanimously endorsed Mr.depends on them and its success is}posing special restrictions upon ves-Texas held itswetsas firsta °inme,anon |R.R.Clark for reappointment to the]more important to them than to non-|aels armed purely for defensive pur-value of its ero: re club ee ee eee 0 eat Hoe-|wuarantors.If there is failure they|poses,ax the United States holds a —in 1 waniaplacSe yereat schoo ve onan 8 Proper|lowe,that euch armament does net deprive|towa — as p The|to endorsement was un-|The Landmark »,interested only|a ah’p of her characeer ae &peaceful sstscert Northraisedmoneyfortheknowinamongrel=and ite this|merchantman.It is aseumed that{showed Fe Beiofoevthehealthmovies.that recs ah o*pote of thore|Japan is preparing for German ‘sub-crops fat yo *Alabama's “pn doubly appreciated,directly ccd Marines, * * JA shag ‘ ‘ r.a ce : be ,a ’ q ‘ ‘ . ; ee oeof me 2 *pailroad mileage in receivers’ eo pee increasing revenues,a difficult matter;and if theytheywillhavelittleornoth- me |bring the matter home,The Landmark has the promise of a three months’supply of paper at more than double what it has been, paying;and this means that the costthewhitepaperonwhichThe is printed will average $120 per month—near $1,500 a year —more than it has been costing.' price,be it remembered.is made for three months but is subject to change at any hour.| The Landmark has no purpose to burden its readers with its troubles,, but these facts are stated for their information. —E———EEE— Little New Railroad Mileage.| Although the year 1916 was one of record-breaking railroad traffic and ings.new mileace built was fhe smallest,with the exception of 1915,since the Civil War,according to a review of the railroad situation printed in The Railway Age Gazette. In 1916,1,008 miles were con- structed with 933 the preceding year The second track mileage of the year was 357,or 44 miles less than in 1915.In Canada only 290 miles of new track was laid.New mileave projected in the United States is 727; that being surveyed 2.126,and that being actually built 1,060 New rolling stock orders call 170,000 freight cars.2,349 passenser, x coaches and 2,923 locomotives.The f cars ordered outnumber t'of the preceding year by 63,- in-‘000,Freight cars sold abroad creased 100 per cent.and locomotives nearly 400 per cent. There was a small reduction in the hands —83 railways with a mileagé of 34,- $59.At the beginning of the year this mileage was 38.641. “The outlook for rreater prosperi- tv for the railroads an‘affiliated dustries and for a larger expansion of railway facilities during the next few years,seems promising,”con- cludes the review. OCDE Naval Training For Civilians. An opportunity for 10,000 civil- fans to receive naval training during the coming year will be offered under Navy Department psans contemplat- ing the use of 12 reserve battleships for a summer training cruise,the es- teblishment of coast training camps at Norfolk,Sen Francisco,Chicago, Newport and probably Pensacola, and the organization of motor boat squadrons made up of owners of pri- vate motor craft. A tentative schedule drawn up by the department provides for the opening of the camps and the start of the cruise on July 2,the training course in each instance to extend un- til August 4.Mobilization of motor poat squadrons for maneuvers would take place early in September.A win- ter training course preliminary to the summer cruise would be provid- ed those applying. ETLLTD Is Contempt of Court a tiary Offence? Power of United States judges to inflict penitentiary punishment for contempt is brought into question in an appeal to the Supreme Court of the nited States in behalf of Wil liam J.Creekmore of Oklahoma City. Creekmore was sentenced to serve a year and a day in the Leavenworth Federal prison on a charge of con- tempt in sending money to the wife of a juror in a case in which he was defendant.The sentence was upheldbytheFedera!Circuit Court.Creekmore,through counsel,rais-es the point that the sentence,as wellasitsorderforserviceinaFederalprisoninsteacofajail,makes a“felony”of contempt and that he is Peni- ‘entitled,under the constitution,to ajuryforfelony. _Reset ese Ree RNA RETA ELSIE TE Test Flights of Aviators. Eight of the 12 army aviators who started from Hempstead,L.I.for Philadelphia Saturday in a qualifica tion test for government pilot license,arrived at the Philadelphia navy yard completing the flight of 165 miles in less than two hours.Two of the aviatorswhofailedtoreachPhiladelphia were compelled to descend because ofmotortroubleandonehadtoabandon the flight.Five made the return tripSunday,suffering severely from thecoldinthealtitudevf5,000 to 8,000 feet.One made the trip in 72 minutes.Seven started on the trip anc two were forced to abandon it be cause of engine troubles. Mrs.Garrett's Suit. The State Supreme Court recent-ly decided the case of Lydia Garrettvs.the Pullman company and_theSouthernRailwayCompany.Mrs.Garrett asserted in her complaint that she was assaulted and robbedanegrointhepresenceofthe liman conductor,who refused to assistance in response cries for help.A ju- county me theicCourtepenaioed.The alleg-robbery took place at RemedyMestE@oriual. 7 it most effeetoa!forGaaGandforcolds..disappears — for | ins ‘ aS Oe.every time it hae ,LB Wixon,FarmersMills,N.¥..hasused ,the attendance and <otnusioes of the)members and others engaged in thesevariouspursuits.Not only are ideasexchangedthroughthelecturesand)discussions but every exhibit carries)some message to those who see it.)‘then too each exhibit carries a strong-| er message back to its owner eventhowrhheisunabletoattend.Ascorecardisreturnedtotheexhibitor, showing both the strong and weak|neints of theexhibit,so the next time) ne may send a much better one if he}failed in his first endeavor.The ob- ject lesson method of pointing out) differences is followed throughout the programme as much as is practical.This meetirg is held from place to, place in succeeding vears.Two vears| avo when it was held at Statesville is erediied by the State leaders as being its heginning of real usefulness.Our 'yedeli county farmers showed their! interest by winning a large part of| the premiume,and again last year, howed that they had a come hack when it was held in an adjoining! county.This time it is a little farth- e~off but still within reach and I am honing will lose none of our patron- age.Although it will require a little treater effort to attend we cannot «ford to stay away.See if you can- rot enter at least one of the classes listed below,then attend the lectures, déemonstretion:and vales and come heme with a keener interest in bull! ine tn'the aualitv as well a the avemtity of your farm produc t Prizes are offered on exhibits of creepiery butter,dairy butter,farm peter,commercial cream,marke’ volk.full eream cheese.cotface ch-ese and bome-cured meats.Three prises are offered on each of theee elaeczes and two of the first prizes ar a eroam separators offered by the man nfaeturers.Tre exhibits of dairv and farn hutter shall consist of two one-roun? pripts,That of the commercial cream ard market milk shall be of thro« separate pint bottles,while in the cottage cheese two one ponnd : we shall he shown.All eriries nust be in by noon of Tuesday.the 9th Send by parcels post or express vrenaid to F.R,Farnum,Winston- ‘alem,N.C.Tuesday,the 9th,will be ewine Cay with telks by suck men es Tait Butler of the Progressive Farmer ond Mr.T.B.Parker,director of armers’Institutes.In the afternoon there will he judging and veccinatine demonstrations and a sale of pure tred Berkshire Wednesday wil!he Beef Cattle day. tr ouch sneekers as Mr.Leonard Tufie of Pinehurst.T.L.Gwen of Santen ond Gov.Henry Stuart of Vereinia to bring the message.In the «fternooen there will be a sale of pure bred Shorthorn.Aberdeen An cus end Hereford cattle. Thureday will be Dairy Day,with 1 number of leading cairymen on the vurovrramme in the forenoon,The af rereoon will be given up to iudging tomonstrations ard a sale of pure red Jersey cattle.The dairymen’s ‘arauet will be held at nicht. Friday will be Local Day for the exhibition and judeing of the vari evs classes of live stock present. Among the other things taking place during the meeting will be a secsion for poultrymen on Tuesday, students’judging contest on Wednes- d:v,a bee-keepers’programme on thursday afternoon and night and a meeting of horsemen,the time for which will be announced later G.BE.DULL,Geency Arent ASEANRO ERLE PETTITT Why the Present Failed. When Col airbrother that it was proper to give gifts at diamond pin to a insisted Christmes—a friend or a sack of flour to a needy family—The Landmark suggested that either of the article named would be acceptable to it,but that the sack of flour would be of more service,and now the colonel ex- plains:“Unfortunately we had bought thr diamond pin,intending to send it to the judge.After seeing his express ed desire for a sack of flour instead of the pin,we got busy trying to swap the pin for the flour.The dia- mond was worth only $300 a carat, but the flour was worth so much more that we couldn't raise the dif- ference.We tried to form a_stock company to get the kale seed,but Christmas being so near upon us,we failed in that project.AccordinglywearewearingthepinandhopebynextChristmastoraisethedifference and get a sack of flour up Statesville modestly Wherefore The Landmark is living in hope. LESLIEEDLLENETETETELEILIT Heads of Families. Treasury Department officials have ruled that the $4,000 exemption from the income tax law granted to heads of families applies not only to mar- ried persons but to others maintainingdependentsoverwhomtheyexercise“family control.”The Department's ruling says: “A head of a family is held to be a | person who actually supports andmaintainsoneormoreindividuals who are closely connected with him the bY blood relationship,relationship by° marriage or by adoption,or whosrighttoexercisefamilycontroland|provide for thease dependent individ-uals is based upen some moral or le- gal obligation. FoundaSureThing. *Tablets for years for disorderserann4verandsave,“Chamber: *ate the beet |have even ase” MMA PAO nh %‘ue TIO! ee bay -comm)—| is1,000,000 are not inctuced.timate of $1,098,000,000 makes no al-lowance for normal increase in busi-ness during the last three rhonths oftheyear.|Analysis of the returns for the’first nine months s a startlineincreasefromJanuarytoSeptember,|amounting to more than 67 per cent.For the nine months the 8-sion’s figures show that the railroadscollected$2,654,829,647 from allsourcesofoperation.the chief itemsofwhichwereasfollows:—Freight, $1.875.019,990;passenger traffic,$522,109,907;mails}$45,348,600; from express companies,$65,089,474;incidentals,$60,414,597,and all oth- er transportation charges,$70,087,- 611. This total wil!reach $3,600,640,502whentheyearcloses,officials esti mate.and without doubt will exeeed it.Never before in ‘he history of railroad operations have the roads had so great 2 gross income, Expenses have not kept pace with the rapid rise in receipts.From a to- tal of $182,881.2¢9 in January,ex- senses had increased to $203,235,394 in September,approximately 11 percent.During that period receipts had increased from $260,054,.306 to $324,954,801,aprroximately 25 per cont All oncrating expenses total- ed %1,744,160,022.On the same basis,the vear'’s ex- penses will avpreximate $2,346,066,- 990,leavine net revenue from opera- ions $1254.573.512.From the last figures,however,must be deducted the railroads’annual tax bill,ap- wreximately £155,605.546,and bad lebts approximating $965,928,a total of $156.591,474.About 280,500 miles of railroad were in operation during the year. nd returns show that for every mile of road operated in the country the railroads will receive this year ap- proximately $15,655 m gross receipts, and a net income of $4,774.Compared with previous earnings,net income far 1916 shows an increase of more than 52 per cent.over the fiscal year of 191%;59 per cent.over 1914,and 34 per cent.over 1913. RSPR.ORT BETTER THAN GOLD. gifts of gold not willyivethetlypeerport From the rich a kindly thoughi de holdhepoorhave reed helter,fowl sad fire Theee may t «werth or hirehadformone Wealth has its s «,and the rich may! ben | iearts that are welrhted down with grief nad care \nd oft the simplest things to hearts like) these A vor 1 look the agony may ease; Or rich,or poor,or full.of friends,or lone No heart but needs some heart to warm it ow Better then sold e kindly thouwhts ond} deeds help a orother's needs L.A.E.8Andallare UGH!ACID STOMACH,SOURNESS,HEARTBURN,|GAS OR INDIGESTION! The Moment “Pape’s Diapep-sin”Reaches the Stomach) All Distress Goes. Do some foods you eat hit back— taste good,but work badly;ferment| into stubborn lumps and cause a sick,|sour,gassy stomach?Now,Mr.or: Mrs.DPyspeptic,jot this down:! Pape’s Diapensin digests everything.! leaving nothing to sour and upset! vou.There never was anything so safely auick.so certainiy«effective.| No differdyce how ‘adly your stoem- ach disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes.but what pleas- es you most is that it strenethens and regulates your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief mmetimes—they are slow,but not mre.“Pape’s Diapepsin”is quick,positive and puts your stomach ina healthy condition so the misery won't come back You feel different as “Pope's Diapepsin”comes in contact with the stomach—distress just van- ishes—-vour stomach gets sweet,no gases,no belching,no eructations of | undigested food,your head clears and you feel fine Go now,make the best investment vou ever made,by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape'’s Diapepsin from any drug store.You realize in| five minutes how needless it is to suf-! fer from indigestion,dyspepsia or any stomach disroder.nee eye soon as Dan Valley || The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL, Makes better bread and more ofit to the pound than other flour.It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Car;(.Boshamer, Local ’’Phone It.aw. in goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi-i =~)ery sial-glass hunvder withasticfriendseverclaimed“Ry We ines te te for it! It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! coo!and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time! Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say- so on the national joy smoke? R.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.,Winston-Salem,N.C. ‘RRINGE ALBERT the national joy smoke Pn neck of the woods you crop inte.Fer,Prince side of every Princepackageyouwillread: )‘*PROCESS PATENTEDoaSULY207m,1907"' a |preterto give quality! oe ee =Vint =:eowaety SeDNGeAUBER ‘SORACCO1S PREPARED | OU'LL Bad «cheery howcdy-do on tan nomatterhewmuchof@efrangeryouareinthe Aibert is oat there af the first place youpassthasettsfobacce!The tonay red bao sells for a nickel and the (dy ved tin for a dime:then there's the band sorne pound and hall pound tro hunvdess and rhe pound bacco in such bani up trinaal!-the- timo! It is so |imaronSuenNCUSA,|f O0CS MOT B:TE THE This is the reverse ride of the Prince Albert tidy red tin.Reed Unie *Patented Process"message- te-you and realize what it means ta making Prince Albert op much to your liking. When Croup ComesTreatExternally The old method of dosing delicate little|stomachs with nauseous drugs is wrong| and harmful,‘Try the external treatment | —Vick’s *Vap-O-Rub”Salve.Just ruba little over the throat and chest.The va- pors,released by the body heat,loosen thechokingphlegmandeasethedifficultbreathing.A bedtime application insures4sounda’25e,500,or $1.00, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. NORTH CAROLINA,TREDELL COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale-con- tained in the mortwawe deed executed by O. Williams und M.J.Williams to R.M.Myers,|and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Iredell co y in Book 18,page 146,Williams,the under- and essigned to HB.|signed,onMONDAY,JANUARY &,1917, at 12 o'clock,at the court house deor of Tre- dell county,will sell to the highest bidder for eoxh at public auction,the following deserib-ed tracts of land,tying and being in New Hope township of the oforesnid Ssetate and county,and more particularly deseribed as follows,to-witFirstTract Beginning on an ash on the bank of creek;thence north 98 derrees west 64 poles to @ stone;thence north %degrees east 48 poles to a fallen white oak;thence north 69 dagrecs west &poles to a stake; thence north 40 poles to »maple,G.W.Wil-liams’corrier on the branch:thence downsaidbranchtothemouthofsecondditch;thence with said ditch 20 poes to a stake thence south 68 degrees enst 19 poles to a birch on the bank of said creek;thence up and withthevariouscoursesofsaldcreektothebe- ginning,containing 36 acres,more or lees,Second Tract Beginning at a hickory,thence south 80 poles to a stone;thence enst20polestoaspanishoak,Shoemaker's corner;thence south 22 poles to a stone on the Ridge road;thence with said read 75 poles to # whit oak;south 25 derrees enst 25 poles to a pine;thence south 81 degrees east 22 1-2 pole to a pine:thenee north 6 degrees east 14 poles to a poplar;thenee north 4 poles to « poplar,Williams’corner;thence north &de- grees enst 64 poles to a chestnut:thence went to the berinning,containing 5°acres,more oFless.R.M.MYERS,Morteavee,Bh.F.WILLIAMS,Assignee.dD.F Dee.5,1918,Mayberry,Atty. THEY KEEP SAYING Everything is going up.ButShinglesarestill$1.40 rsquareatC.WATKINS Lumber Yard.: Canned Goods. Canned Lima Beans. Canned Peas.CannedStringed Beans.Canned Hominy. Canned Kraut. These will be foundespeciallygoodfol-‘lowing the heavyChristmaseating. Sherrill&Reece, Phone 123.108West Broad St a eo Viclrolas and Records! Buy one ot our Victrolas.Please all the family.Nothing more elevating than good music.We bring the world’s great- est singers to your homesat small cost. =—=—=— Victrolas and Victor Talking Machines,$15.00,$25.00, $40.00,$50.00,$75.00,$100.00,$150.00. We have now on hand 500 of the latest and best ‘Records. Statesville Housefurnishing Co, ‘Better Goods For Less Money.” _#PHONE 157.ea__ en —aearseeeSeteeeeeePORTE LYFORSALE 55 acres.one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N.C.,near college vnd graded school,fronting about 700 feet on railroad and dirt road,with 3-room tenant house,large stock barn,running water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for sub-dividing into lotes. 97 acres three miles from Harmony State High School,one-half mile from public school on public road,40 acres in cultivation; balance in timber,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out- buildings,some fruit,one branch running through place. For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER,.Statesville,N.C INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. ‘Phone 23.Mills Building.r Hay At Old Prices. Ps,Pn ae but I eeBe Ay of it.‘to but allstuff—just how prices are soaring skywards,ona end S53nearinsight.Before the advance,I placed somebighay contractsattheoldestcomeacrosswithaeeeOeeeee me tidy sumby thislittle foresight act,and you,Mr.I savedapretty "ll do about ofmMICHIGAN B 88orcallat thestore.You'll be satiefledwiththe Taeiatok a neeenel rapretty905‘or hay,youknow,is BER 381 ILL GUAANPaouteeOUTeaeeeWL VELEee ba etbah oe IREDELL FEED STORE. EverythinginFeedline. 23 5 e f i BeasuC ® WE HAVE SECURED THEROOMBETWEENJOHNSTON-BELK STORES FOR OUR OF-FICE AND WAITING ROOM,WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN«AND WAIT IF JITNEY Is NOTINSIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN-TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 106. BETWEEN DEPOT ANDSQUARE5CENTS. JitneyTransfer Company. DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor.FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS*Phone 197 ,.Hours &to 5.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'STEETH. eerie manent Your Face Your Card You should not trust your shav-ing to “Tom,Dick and Harry,” but should vo to the best equippedbarbershopinthecityandasgoodasanyintheState.Everything Clean andConvenient Electric Hair Dryer,Massage Machine,Smooth-Cutting Razors —in fact everything required to make our service The Best in theCity. A most complete line of Hair Ton-jes,Lotions and Creams always on hand, Five Good Barbers NoWaiting One of the youngest,but the best, in the State.They are all the besttobesecured.“BEST BY TEST"!W.E.COLEY,Prop. call Newton, the railroads under theirStatesvillehasfour|the Statesville AirtherearejitneylinestoWinston-Se eeemorethatwe"t recall right 'now.When:it Rad,Liver and Bowels! Give “California|p of Figs”atonce—a_ten today often/saves a sick Ww.If your little one is out-of-sorts,jhalf-wick,ign't ing,eating and‘acting naterall r!seejiftongueiscoated.This is a suresignthatitslittlestomach,liver and‘bowels 2 with waste.|When croas,»feverish,stom-{ach sour,breath bad or has stomach-ache,diarrhoea,sore throat,full of|cold,give a teaspoonful of “Califor-\nia Syrup of Figs,”and ina fewhoursalltheconstipatedpoison,un-idigested food and sour bile gently/moves out of its little bowels without|friping,and you have a well,playfulchildagain.Mothers can rost casy after givingthisharmless“fruit laxative,”be.cause it never fails to cleanse thelittleone’s liver and bowels andsweetenthestomachandtheydear-ly love its nleasant taste.Full direc-tions for babies,children of all agesandforgrown-ups printed on each|bottle.|Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot-tle of “California Syrup of Figs;”then see that it is made by the “Cali-fornia Fig Syrup Company.” INOTICE!i . To all Landowners in the Little Rocky CreekDrainageDistrictinLredellCounty,NorthCarolina:You will take notice that it is the purpose oftheHoardofDrainageCommissionersofLittleRockyCreekDrainageDistricttoissuebondsforthepaymentofthetotalcostoftheim-provement in the amount of Sixteen Thousand,Five Hundred (816,000%0)Dollars.Thesehendsaretodrawsixpercentinterest,paya-ble semi-annually,and are payable in ten equal‘Hetalments,one yemr,bevinning on January1,1920 Any landowner in the district notwantingtopayinterestonthebonds,on or be-fore the 27th day of January,917,maypaytetheCountyTreasurerthefullamountforwhiehfixlandisfable.For Class A landts$35 per acre;for Class B land js 228 pernere;for Class C land is $21 per aere;forClaesDinpeinS14perwere:for ¢lass E landis87perabkreSidamountsbavingbeenascertainedfromtheclassificationsheetondthecertificateoftheBoardshowingthetota!cost of the im-provement The Jand on which the assess.ments ‘paid shall |cleased from tin.bility to be avseased for the enaid improvement,but such lend shall continue liable for anyfutureassessmentformaintenanceorforanyincreasedassessmentauthricedundertheflawT.A.SUMMERS,Chairman.Ww.W.Holland,Seeretary,4 at wDee.22 MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powers contained in “mortgage deed executed by John Wellman andwite,whieh is duly resorded in Book of Mort-gates Ne.49,page :Deeds,defwult having beetmentthereof,thewillon SATURDAY,JANUARY 4,1917, at 12 o'clock,noon,exposehighestbidderforeash,ed real egtate Beginning at a stake,HenrySummers’corner,on M ‘s Tine thencesouth86degreescust791-2 poles to a black ottee of Register ofmadeinthepay- undersigned as mortgagee for sale to the Phone 242. Quarter Round Crown Mould-ings, Door and Window Stops,and 38otherkindsofMouldingsinstockatC.WATKINS’Lumber Yard! W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame._Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete.aa :.d —repaired and Keys fit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209, The Seaso.’s Greetings! We wish to convey to one and all our ap-preciation and thanxsfortheliberalpatron-age given us the past year and wish for you a Prosperous and Happy New Year. Eagle& Mitholland. C,H.L EST E R, RSGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green. onk,Bab Backwelder's corner;thence withhislinenorth20dewreeseast72polestoastone,Thomas Bell's corner on said Black.welder's line;thence north 84 degrees enst 10%poles to a stone on Mra.Rell Howard's line,Thomas Hell's corner:thence south about 6jdegreeswest691-2 poles to the bewinning,containing 39 1-2 neres,more or lesa,GEORGE BLACE WELDER,Dee.5 Morigagee SALE UNDER EXECUTION NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY In the Superior Court,January Term4.RB.Bddinger leuae H.Whiting andMrs.Annie Whiting By virtwe of an execeution directed to theundervicnedfromtheSuperiorCourtofIre-dell county,in the above entitled action,I willon MONDAY,JANUARY 20th,tinetead of on January let,1917,aaadvertived,expexe to public sale at 12 o'elock,at the court house door of anid county,forjcash,to the hiwhest bidder,te sutiefy the saidexecution,all the right,tith and interestwhichthesaidIkaneH.Whiting and Mrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in thefollowingdeveribedrenalestate,to-wit: Lying and being in Chambersbhure townehtp.of the aforesuid Siate and county,bounded onthenorthbythelandofBmannelBeaver,Newton Beaver and Arthur Beaver:on theofClarenceMooreandWitt|Cornelius;on the south by the lands of J.Q.'Carter;on the weet by the lands of John|Honeycutt,containing Sixty Berens more or lesa,K.Eddinger will join in the conveyancetothepurchaserM.P.ALEXANDER,Dee.20,1816.Sheriff Iredell Co, Dr.S.W.Hoffmann.|, Osteopathic Physician.Office a e a.™.ao —p.m.2.380 to 5 p,m.a y apointment.Anderson Bldg,13-Broad St.Office ‘phone 324.tesidence ‘phone 279—green. 19)" heretofore j east by the lands COUGHS,COLDS,ETC.Price 2i¢.,B0c.and $1,For sale by all Dealers.—eee|DONT FAIL TO GET ONE OFCoatsweareclosingout.—J.| .McKEE@ |Su) |H.C.Cook, ae 16thefollowingdescrib.° —~"- CO-—ad.[Obtainadie of >,farmer,helpers,WwW.Cc,$1.62,Smitby-Mon HStates“ile Grill@Reecesed rn .cog Owe&Poston $1.20,J.Statesville xe Co.$9.30;forpplies;W.L.Keller $6.60 for de-livering inmate to home:Mrs.L.T.Tayler $3,temporary relief;M,C.Dag-nhardt $20,,barial expose ofConfederatesoldier, t Chaivm-1 BoydItwasordered ith employ for Co.$27.01,r- a #4, and Commissionerthecountyatthe County Home suchhelpasintheirjudgmentwasneces-sary for the operation of the Homeandthefarm.@ConrtHouseandCounty Officers—. janitor,$45;City LightandPowerCo,$47.94,W.R.Sloan$10.1¢,R.P.Allison $19.66,Edwards&Broughton Printing Co.$43,M.P.Alex:der $7.25,all for supplies;Southern Apdit Co.,auditing countyoffices$606.10;E.M.Sale $4,W.W.Hair #4,L.E.Hayes $4,A.M.Jotin-son $4,Andy Raymer $4,Claude H.Forevm $2,W.R.Holmes $6,E.1.Harmor $4,T.B.Smith $2,J.P.Hudson §2,E.E.Sherrill $2,all forservicesgsjudgesofelection;W.J.Matheson,member election board,$2:W.L.Mathero:,extra time and ‘phonecalls,$40.85;Miss Annie Marvin,stenowrapher,$2.20;J.A.Brown,work on typewriter,$7;N.B.Mills,extra service,$12.50;W.A.Moose,coroner,$11 for holding inquest overbodycfJimBelk,summoning juryandwiinesses;R.L.Kinder $2,J.W.Sumnvrs $2,B.A.Bag erly $2,J.RAlbea$2,C.W.Green $2,Geo.Ayers$2,jurors:C.L.Gilbert,destroyingillicitdistillery,$20;the MooresvilleEnterprise,$3 for advertising;H.G.Sigmea $3,rebate on poll tax.Ordered that W.H.H.Gregory begivenrebate.on 5 acres land in States.ville township for three years—1914,1915,1916;that the damage to teamsbyfangofAllison’s bridge be lefttochairmanoftheboardtoinvesti-gate and repert.It was moved by Mr,Tomlin that Messrs.Smith,BrownandIehnetonbeappointedacommit-tee te ‘nvestigate question of road en-wine and mechinery for upkeep ofreadsandrecommendtotheboardwhatmachinerytheyconsiderednec-essary to be purchased,It was ordered that Cheirman BoydandCommissionerTomlingointethefinalaijustmentofthesettlementofex-Sheriff Deaten with the sheriffandhisrepreventativeandpassupontheitemsclaimedbythesheriff,whether they should be allowed or notallowed;that the uncollected taxesnowinthehandsoftheboardofcommissionersbedeliveredtoJ.M.Watis to the end that 10 per centthereafterbeplacedwiththedeputysheriffsofeachtownshipforcollec-tien of the taxes then duaJalandPrisonets—O:1.Waod-sides,jeiler,846.65;City Licht andPowerCo,$6.06,Lazenby-Montcoem-ery Herdware Co.$1.05,Iredell Hard-ware Co.$5.75,Stutesville House-furnivting Co.810.40,for supplies;C.L.Gilbert,jailer frem Dec.1 teDec.7,1916,$18.20;J.R.Wright andL..F.Werrer $i2,for work.The following road claims passed:*R.Alexander $5,W °Beaver $8.85,Chas.Blackwelder $2.-85.T.V.Bailey $8.50,W.M Boges270.90,R.L.Bradford 40 cents,M.T.Bernhardt $67.50,Leander Combs.topsoil,$80;J.1.Caldwell $48.23.J.T.“amnbell $17.80,E.F.Ceaven $79.52,\A.Cartner $201.40,J.P Eagle7-O.Ervin $12.25,John D.’7.G.C.Goodman &Cm $2.Horn $89.76,S.H.Houston“39.66,Noah Hussey 813.50,W.C.Henry $334.71.W.H.Hartsell!$422..65.L.W.Hieks $29.40,Harness,Vo.hicle &Supply Co.$4.50,Iredel]Feed“o,$80.29,Iredell Hardware Co.$8.-20;“azenby-Montgomery HardwareCo8104.58,J.T.Jennirgs £2.84.R,\.Jones $487.98,C.FE.Jones &207.92,Leckie $29.96,W.C.Johnston66.30,Will Keller,auto kire,engi-neer,$5.50;W.J.Morrison $15,Mrs,L.R.or R.H.Morrison $22.29,C,T.MeNoeely $26.25,W.8S.Murdock $74.-20,©.©.Menser $15,C.T Mordock£84.07.W.M.Nee!&Co $109.06,ChalOvercash$2,Parks &Elam $37.70,W.(..Poston $18.G.C.Putman $110 in,W.C.Perry $2,G.C.Putman $27.50,e E Robertson $53.27,D.C Reece$13.50,A.G.Smith $4.20,J,F Sloop74.90,Fred R.Sills $100.38,SouthernRailwayCo.$5.18,8.L.Stafford $12..35,J.L,Stevenson $8,C.W.Sprinkle$10.75.P.A.Shinn $15,C.M.Sum.mers $22.Statesville Grocery Co,$15.93,Statesville fousefurnishingCo,82,BE.M.Sales $1.60,A.G.Smith£150.M.b.Tiley 86.25,F.W.Whir-low 345,J.W.Wallace £251.75,C.Vatkins $6.77,Weisner &Reid £11.62,VM.White 8112.85,J.w.Withelm were,p }210,R.B.York $56.61,York Millingo,$4.70,W. Jenkins $10, Mistletoe and Holly.Exchange.Druidsmistletoe,which B.York $63.80,D.F, the|“All regerded religiously they called|Heal,”and offered it on their altars.They decorated for their festivalswith.all kinds of green plants.TheChurchadoptedthiscustom,but theMistletoewaspurposelyomittedbyreasonofitsfiruringinpaganrelig-ious rites.|Another reason given is that in!olden times its use was abandoned inchurchdecorationsbecauseitsettheyoungfolkstereadingthemarriageservice,and holly was subetitated toindicatethedarkmonotonyofmatri-meny and the many therns withwhichitwaabeset, Nad Mabite.Thee who browkfaetat eight o'clock or later,lune?tvctve and have dinner at six are ale)most certain to be troubled with indigestion,They do not etlow time for one meal to di |rest before toking another.Not less than fiveoerbetweenmentsshouldelapeeWw:are (roubled with inditestion correct yourbabeiteondtakeChamberlain's Tablets,and you |may tensonnbly hope for #quick recowery.There tublete strengthen the stomach and on.able it te perform its functions naturally,everywhere, if Aw tet +oY,oH saisarat ho The Comersand Goers —AnAccident—Social Gatherings.|"Fiddenites Jan.8-—-Cheinte suaasl:an.rOfquietlyaroundhere;the New Yearhaseveryonehawstartedieyoungfolkseretneoideronesare Mr.Clyde Pattersonovertheentirecommu- Mra.R.C.Allen and Mr. have been in Wilkes-|horo far some days,are expectedhometoday.Mr.and Mrs.cLainofLenoirmtChristmaswithMr.and Mra,Cleveland rpe.MissWilmaMarsh.who has been with hersister.Mrs.Charles King,has re-turne]home.Mr.ArpnomefromDetroit,Mich.rs |Jim Murdock is at .Mary Lackey visited relatives’HIinStatesvilleandMrs.T.H.Lackeyvisitedhersisters,Mrs.Will Brown-ing of toray and Mrs.Plummer Lack-|ey,nesr Statesville,during the holi-days.Mr.J.Lackey leftweekforStatesville,where he has ajob.Miss Ada Sharpe spent some |days in Taylorsville last week.Mrs.1.F.Murdock,Mrs,Jay Lackey and!little daughter,Lucile,spent ‘some.days at Mr.W.A.Sharpe's.MissesFlore.ce and Annie Lee Matlock are’visiti.:friends near Salisbury.Mr.Arhiey Sha of Charlotte has been|at Mr Z%.B.Sharpe's.Messrs,WorthHinesandHowardSharpemadeawit,to Statesville this week.iMrs.Annie Deal and little sons,!Earl and Fred,spent the holidays atMr.li.N.Sharpe’s..Master Earlhasabadlycuthandasaresultoftryirstoholdawalnutwhilehis!little -rether cracked it with an axe,|He made a mislick and almost sever...ed the thumb and one finger.Dr./Leepe»was called and fixed it up andthelitilefellowwassoonrestingbetter,iMissMinnieLackeyhasgonetoCharlotteandMissFannieLackeyisinStatesville.Mr.and Mrs.MarvinLackeyandlittledaughters.PhyllisardHilda,of Black Mountain spent |Christmas with Mr.Lackey’s mother,|Mrs.Mary Lackey.iMissRuthHinesgave2partyFri-!day night;Misses Willie Mae and)Winric Sharpe gave one New Year'snight;Miss Annie Sharpe also gave.one New Year's night. Personal Items—Farmers’Un-|ion Meeting. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-4,Jan,1 —Every-body in this community seems to!have had a merry Christmas.|Mr.and Mrs.W.P.Shoemakerandlittledaughter,Lois Pauline,who spent several weeks with Mr.D.L.Webb and Mr.and Mrs.J,BLWebb,returned to their home atWinston-Salem last week. Miss Pauline Miller.a college stu-|dent,spent several days last weekwithMr.and Mrs.J.C,McNeely and|-Miss Marietta Murdoex.Mr.Carl Murdock of Asheville,|who is connected with the SouthernRailwayCompany,has been spend-jing the holidays with his parents,Mr.end Mrs,T.J.Murdock.Mr.Jesse Bell,who has been in Jowa for,the past two years,has returnedhomeMrs.J.E.Webb,Mr.and |Mrs.T.V.Bailey and Corl and Eula!Bailey of Stony Point,spent SundaywithrelativesnearHarmony.*Mrs.C.J.Nantz,who underwent&serious operntion several weeksagostLong's Sanatorium,is gettingalongnicelyandisexpectedhomeinafewdays.Mrs.N.J.Honeycui-s,who has been right poorly for quite!awhile,continues about ‘the same.Mr.N.W.Cornelius,who has beenillforsometime,is improvingslowly.Mr.F.E.Menis has been realsickforseveraldaysbutisthoughttobebetter. The Vance Local Farmers’Union!will hold their annual pienic at the!home of Mr.J.Q.Carter today.A!large crowd is expected Visitors and Social Events. The Landmark R-1,Jan.2 —The hol-und we have another,New Year.|Mr.and Mrs.C.N.Sherrill ofCharlottespentChristmaswiththeirparents,Mr.and Mrs.W.T.Sherrill.Mrs..L.MeLean =and little son,Kehert Lewis,of Mooresville,werethe«of Mrs.MeLean’s parents,Mr.and Mre.A M Johnson,lastweek,Mr.Grady Hines and sister,Miss Mary Bell Hines of Hiddenite.returned home Saturday after spend.ing oast week with their aunt,Mrs.Cashio:,Miss Jessie Ostwalt re.turned to the Southern Industrial InstitutenearCharlotteMonday,afterbeing«t home for the holidays.Mr.Ross Sherrill is expected homethisweekfromCharjotte,where hehasbnworkingforseveralmonthsMisse;Harleen ond Estel!McLean ofMazeponweretheguestsofMissesMabe!and Grace Johnson SaturdayandSabath.Mr.Jean Douglas ofWins!»-Selem and =Miss OpheliaSanttofMooresvilleVisitedtheir|aunt,Mrs.Deal,Saturday night and,Sabbah.'Mrs.W.M Morrow and littledaughter,Mary,who were brirt in arunavayatMooresville hpst week,are tiaproving slowly,Misses Grace an?Mabel JohnsonentetanedJastweekinhonoroftheirguest.Miss Emma Kennedy yave asociableMondaynight.We had sev-eral morriages for Christmas.Cupid!seems to have been brave last year, wrreapondence of Troutman iday s ure over Dr.Hamilton Wright Mabie,asso-cinte editer of The Outlook,died athishomeatSummit,N.J..a fewdaysago.He was 70 years of ageamiwasbornatColdSpring,N.Y.He is survived by a widew and onedaughter, $190 REWARD,tiooThereadersofthispaperwill be pleasedtolearnthatthereisatlemstonedreadedHiveanethatsciencehasbeenabletocuretnaliite«and that is eatarrh ,being greatly influenced by conmatitutditionsrequiresconstitutionaltreatment.Halls Caterrh Cure is taken intermally andactsthroughtheBleedontheMucenmSur.faces of the System,thereby destroving thefoundationofthedisease,tiving the pationtstrengthbybulldinguptheconstitutionandaesiatingnatureindoingitawork,The proPrictorshavea»much faith in the curativepowersofWall's Catarrh Core that theyofferOneHundredDellarstoranyensethatitfailstocurveSendforistoffestinvonints,Aditress PF.J.CHENY &COL,Toleda,|Obie Seld by all Drugwiets,THe, BUILDING? last | The cost of Crude Materials makes necessary a price re- adjustment effective today. New prices will be in the hands of our branches and dealers shortly, THE FISKE RUBBER COMPANY |OFNEWYORK, MAKERS OF FISKE TIRES. Here is music with the quality of.immortality—records that bring the thr ‘efpleasureoverandoveragain.°,Visit usandhearthem—your home will weleome.*such music. _MsKeoTele lrygss 10 59,78. “ APertect Day (Jeoshe ead MotherMachree Oe ee Goto Seep,My Baby (Vocal version of theHemoreagae(Dverék)|Kline Bakes-DunlepRockia’teowate Lkaos Jatroductiontoeaeiy«Wat Bera Vice ( NewSymphoayOrchestre of 1702810435 (Verdi 1 Hear YouCallingMe (Marshall)Sa ettne 10 1,00Thaie—Meditation (Massenet)(Violin ean 74198 12 1.59 ) Hiegst Herzen (P:J ofsamyRepeatPinstiesPedtemneserie1i''teshine)(NeapolitanFiCmie,idee Eatin ceek a 2.00Le,Herethe Gentle Lark a(Bishop) The Resary (Nevin)Oea,etna some 2 8 ANDREWS MUSIC HOUSE. Everythinz Musical. Statesville Drug caeree a New Year’s give our frierds-the publicasquaredeal.Togive you the best of drug service in 2cheerfulway.To earnestly strive for the title,“Our com-munity’s merchant.”To deal in honest merchandise only,and backthatupwithourfamousslogan--Moneybackcheerfullyifyouwantit! Oomp'yQUALITY oom ieliaanean__C.WATKINS.WIDE-AWAKE PEOPLE SAV REMONRY B ’ sa e :x idte “§ z ih ea s iv:iifi be said & proposition,but it w y lar.Some import duties increased,but hardly all or alike.The late William R.Mor- rison of Miinois,for vears a Demo- leader in Congress,favored as Democratic policy a horizontal re- in all tariff duties,and so strenuously did advocate that ae he earned the sobriquetof "tal Bill,”a name _which stuck to him through his public ca- reer.‘| “You never can tell.”Ten years thereabouts the Hon.PeteandMurphofRowanwastheleaderof the Morally Stunted”in the Legis- lature,and he fought valiantly to save Old John Barleycorn from the g i s a f .:: =8 3 & g. : hi 2. how lar prohibition -has nee opposition to it,| would have icted then Mr.Murphy would continue to ro Ye the slature and would win the unanimous endorsement of his for Speaker,would have been 22 n z?i?gt been settled.Mr.Murphy,like sensible men.accepted the will of majority when the majority vot- for ition,and as we under-Re e E fty tight and fast.7 Iredell county,like all progressive| counties,has many needs,and some things the county cannot afford to One of these is the proper care of the unfortunate inmates of the Home.A.modern and up-to-H u nearly all the inmates are feeble and sick some of them are bed-rid- den.should have the care of a graduate nurse,one whose heart would be in the work.It is a simple act of humanity to provide this in- telligent care for these helpless peo- who are county charges.The eeper of the Home cannot be a nurse.He has enough other duties; and the sick and feeble inmates should not be depe t for care on such in- ced help.as may be picked up about the place.A trained nurse for the County Home is an imperative need and The Landmark hopes ‘the commissioners will provide it. AAE as The recent election of Senator Willard Saulsbury of Delaware as pro,tem.of the Senate is reminder thet anothe-distinguish- son of Delaware,Hon.Thomas F yard,long a Democratic leader in ‘the Senate and Secretary of State in ithe first,Cleveland administration, cccupied that position once for a day two,under peculiar circumstances.| President Garfield died in 1881, the victim of an assassin,and Vice a Chester A.Arthur suc- to the presidency,it was nec-essary for the Senate to elect a pre-officer.There was a Republi- “can vacancy and the Democrats hadreenoughtoelectBayard,whichvdid.A day or two later the Re-lican vacancy was filled and theRepublicansproposedteholdtheelectionoveragain—to oust BayardandputinDavidDavisofIllinois,an*mt,which they did.Bayard have held on by voting for.but he said he had never se-office by voting for himself andwouldnotholdonbyhisownsohesteppeddown—honor to ~name! «The denominations are getting ztloser together all the while.WhentheKev.J.D.Harte,a Baptist min- of Hickery,was leaving that to accept a call to Oxford,theMinisterialAssociationofHickorygoutonajointfarewellserviceforMr.Harte,similar to that recentlyinStatesvilleforRev.J.F.Kirk.A great congregation attended theneervice,there =—s b - jother pastors,Mr.arte’s co-labor-ets,and much fraternal feeling andcord:good will.All of which it isinttosee.In the old Seceder E Book (since the A.R.P.’s haveonorgansandanthemstheyyhavecutoutthisPsalm,but ittheoldbookthatDr.John EF.used)—there was a Psalmranthisway: how good a thing it isbecomingwell,such an brethren are,dwell.tostows ointment on “he he withebenrddidtow,beard and to the skirts garments go a thing for brethreninunityandtorieakcs tg rule.Some-| fate then im ing and that has jaee en him.Considering, it he favors making the law, has been provided,but| the commissioners satd it was : at the outset that this was to done,but the doubters think it strange that they heard nothing| about that until the row started;and in any event the Buncombe sover-| eign feel that they have been done out of several thousand dollars of good money._The transaction was of course in- excusable.The public business should always be transacted in the open,and too much care cannot be exercised in the matter of bond sales.Some years ago the Supreme Court decided that for certain pur- ,considered necessary for the public welfare,bonds courd be issued by towns and counties without a vote of the people.That authority,wise- ly exercised,is all right,but it of- fers so large a field for abuse that it should be hedged about with safe- guards.The Asheville Board of Trade would have private and secret bond sales prohibited by law—and|the faith and|they should be.When credit of the people are to be pledg- ‘ed for big sums of money they should ‘know about the eransaction and|between Mr.Lawson and myself is} there should be no dark-lantern methods. It is strange that so many men in! public office seem to think they are there for private gain;or that they have a right to transact the public business as they may see fit,regard- less of the public benefit,and when their short-comings are exposed or criticism made they have the effron- tery to try to make it appear that their critics are enemies of “the par- ty”and are trying to do the “narty” harm.The brazenness of these peo ple cannot be discussed in polite lan- guave.By their management of their official duties,or their personal conduct.they bring reproach and discredit on the party that has hon- ored them,and when protest is made they have the impudence to talk about hurting the “party,”after they have done their best to bring shame on their supporters. ATITCHANGEFORTHEBETTER. The Greensboro News is informed and believes that the Southern Rail- way Company has cut out the quar- terly railroad pass issued for news- paper advertising and will substitutemileagebooks.That is to say,theSouthernwillpayforitsnewspaperadvertisinginmileagebooks.If a mileage book is worth $20 in cash it will pay for $20 worth of space in anewspaperatregularrates;and the newspaper gets $20 worth of trans-‘|portation,which it has earned—no more and no less.Under the quar- terly pass system the newspaper waslistedasapass-toter,a dead-beat, when in reality it was paying for the transportation;and the newspa- per man who had plenty of time and a desire to ride cculd get unlimited rides on the pass and thus could getmorethanhehadearnedinadver-tising.The Landmark has never fan-cied that style of doing business and hence has had no “transportation ar-rangement”with the railroads.The new system is a business one and un-objectionable.The Landmark hasalwaysinsistedthatthemileage book transaction was the only prop-er method of doing business with the railroads,and while it had no special personal interest it is glad the sys- tem has been changed. A dispatch from Verona,N.J.,says that Gen.Edward Lewis Hayes, a cousin of President Rutherford B.Hayes,and “at one time Governor ofNorthCarolina.”died at his home inthatplaceafewdaysago,aged 97 ears.It is explained that Gen, ayes was a_Federal soldier andduringtheReconstructionperiod U p t h Ta g s in t o e i? |t tif is \ene person was pu against girl on the s |The Lawson -Henry i -ise d ‘ l i it to deathpingboy,robbing store,b his sen,accused of cae to e-;enteringahouse for robbery 2 speaking against mob in act put-|ting a man to death;attacking a,man and wife with a club,|“Lynchings oceurred in the follow-|be \ing States:Alnbama,one;Arkansas,|four;Florida,eight;Georgia,four-|teen,Kansas,one;Kentucky,two;'Louisiana,two;Mississippi,one;Mis-souri,one;North Carolina,two;On.|lahonx:,four;South Carolina,two;|Tennessee,three;Texas,nine.”| ||Congress Takes a Hand. Two conferences Tuesday betweenThos.W.Lawson of Boston,of|frenzied finance fame,and Represen-tative Henry,chairman of the rulescommitteeoftheHouseofCongress,|resulted in an announcement by Mr,Henry that the Boston financier had)been unable te furnish any names orjfotherdefiniteinformationaboutthealleged“leak”in advance of }dent Wilson’s peace note,and that|so far as he was concerned the mat-|ter would be dropped.“—-no sensible person,”|said Mr.Henry's statement,“would|ask me to trouble the committee withameetingtochaseamirage.And Imustsaythatsofarasthismatter| i concerned,it is ended.”|Mr.Lawson issued a statement as-serting that Washington did not.want an investigation,and that! Chairman Henry would not act un-less the “leak-makers”and benefici-| aries confessed to him in advance. The House of Congress,however,was not disnosed to accept this dispo-sition of the matter.Wednesday theHouseorderedtherulescommittee to make a revort within ten days onRepresentativeWood's resolution for investigation,and an open statement was made on the floor by Representa-| tive Bennett of New York that Ber-) nard Baruch,a New York stock op-|erator,was reportec to have.sold|fifteen thousand shares of steel onthe“tip.”' Over objections of Representative|Henry,chairman of the rules com-|mittee,Representative Wood suc- ceeded in having the House holdprivilegedhisresolutionproviding| for an inquiry into the Lawson alle-gations bv a committee of five.Then|the resolution was referred to therulescommitteewithinstructionsto;report on it in 10 days.| Couldn't Agree on DispositionoftheColoredBrother. After adopting a resolution thatleavesopenthedoorforfuturene-|gotiations and sets June 27 as_the}cenate for the next meeting,the joint)commission on unification of the!Methodist Episcopal Church and the|Methodist Episcopal Church,South,| in session in Baltimore,adjourned;Tuesday.|It is understood the disposition of|the negro Methodists was the one)mublem for which no “ssolution wasfound.Bishop Earl Cranston of the |Northern body was named chairman fa committee appointed to deal,with this question and report at ae neyt meeting.|The resolution says it was agreedthatthefundamentalandvitalissues|were the General Conference and its)nowers;the jurisdiction of Confer.| ences,their number and powers,and|the status of the negro membership|of the Methodist Episcopal Church in|the 1eoganized Church.| al December’s Weather Record. December,1916,is set down in|weather history by the weather bu-|reau people as stormiest monthsinceFebruaryafidMarch,1913,whenthebigfloodsoccurredintheOhiovalley.The weather bureau reportedthatsixseverestormshadsweptinrapidsuccessionacrossthecountryfromthenorthwest,bringing copious was Governor of North Carolina for rains early in the month and heavy about nine months.This is a new snows nearly everywhere later,set-proposition on The Landmark.Dur-ting new December records for heat ing the Reconstruction period North and cold,knocking out the prophesiceandSouthCarolinawereforatimeofweathermenbyaveer-a military district and Gen.Canby ings or sudden spurts o speed,and was —,Governor.Hayes may causing 80 and 90-mile winds withoutoOhavebeenvernor,too,but this is much damage anywhere.Three such}the first news of it to most of us.We storms in a month,even without De-| have waited for the Old Timers to cember’s vagaries,are considered a.tell about it and Col,Wade Harris |good record. makes a pass at it and calls on Capt. Sam.Ashe.‘ |Mr.Scroggs en the Journal. Mr.Clarence Scroggs,son of Rev.Dr J.R.Se ,has become man-aging editor of the Winston-SalemjJournal,succeedingitin,who is to become private secre-to Gov.Bickett.Mr.Martin=continueue write <>forper.r.Scroggs,is re-lated to the se ‘amily in Ire-dell,his father a native of thecounty,has been ongnasd in newspa- editorforcity accountofhis Santford Mar- irs.He wastheJournalgaveuphisworksixmonthsagohealth. Watkins,Shingle King THE BACKBONE Of a nation’s wealth is made up of” the savings of the people. A ood wayto train yourself to saveistojointheChristmasSavingsClub| at the Merchants &Farmers’Bank.|\BUILDING?Cc.WATKINS. Fo |= H® January 8th. The Photo Drama That Has Startled the World Weknowbecause we use it ourselves. lubrication. We have high grade oils and greases lowcostto you. HOUSE BUILDING —_=-MATERIAL 2 has not advanced in price like some other goods and our stock of Doors,Sash,Locks and Hinges,Wood and Metal Shingles are still at a price that you can well afford to build or repair. We carry the celebrated Paroid and Granitized Roofing,the best composition roofing on the market.We jhandle this in car lots and have the ground floor prices,and want to supply your roofing needs. A Stirring Film Play Based on the Report of the THE KITCHEN MAID ILLINOIS VICE COMMISSION. AStory Told in Pictures That the Whole World Should See. Being Witnessed by Capacity Houses Everywhere. '|Indorsed by Clergy,Press and all Thinking People as the Greatest Lesson that has ever been told. We thank our friends for the biggest business .during 1916 in our history. We have taken the Agency for TheWorld’s Most Perfect Kitchen Cabinet. THE KITCHEN MAID. Ask the housekeeper who has one.WearegoingtoselloneoftheseCabinetstothehighestbidder,Call and leave yourbidandtakealookattheCabinet._ ye the Kitchen Maid be your Kitchenid. —>S.W.STIMSON.<—- ESTABLISHED 1873. You must see this pro- duction to realize fully what it has done and is still doing HUMANITY. ---PRICES--- AllSeats25Cents. dhe Wa Be THE RESIDUE!| Our December Piano ‘Sale was a success. Why?Because our motto is DEPENDABLE INSTRUMENTS—FAIR PRICES— SQUARE DEALINGS —SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. As a residue we have two Pianos and twoSageingpriasbeenboughtatadvancedprices. LEONARD PIANO STORE, MorrisonBuilding. os which we are still offering at Our new stock,which is com- big mileegeandlow costget your geshere. E lubricationofyourcarisone of the im- portantparts ofyour running it,No car can do its full duty without correct 7’ RE also our experience is of value to y MY a 129 Ww.Broad. eige ; bent a sbnot © «(Po Di (al Mrs.J.B.Connelly.Her|,;,Miss Wilma Miller,ac.|"ebem outlined with smilax. arts’th College after spending the|with her parents,Mr.and |Strains sounded,oTtered.First came the bridesmaid: .Grose.in Concord township.|wien |the Thos.Hill,who spent the hol-\Sock osee nee ey ofRy‘wat ee returned Wednesday |Statesville,%Cidliss Isabel Massey tar.F.J.xley is spending sever-with Barclay Harrison- burg,Va.;Miss Laura “~T;Statesville with O.W.Slane of States-ville.The bridesmaids wore whitsatindresseswithsilvertrimmingsandmalinenetoverdrapeandsilverTheirbouquetswerepink i days in Hickory.A.D.Cooper has returned) fen Norfolk.Va..where she spent me time with relafives..Frenklin Riker and daughter,|;|slippers.left last night for their home ies yin‘Mr.ME.Ramsey,vho hed been|Kittie McMullin of Tung Hiang,Chi- in a sanatorium at Asheville for na,cntered alone,wearing pink ac-some months,has returned home.,cordian plaited Chinese silk withMrs.C.C.Phillips and daughter |overdress of handsome lace and car-| are spending some tzme at the |ried a bouquet of bride roses,Mrs of Mr.ShakesneareHarris,in Cabar-|Allen Graham of Greenville,sister ofruscounty.bride and matron of honor,wore| Misses Ruby Thomas and Elsie/@ Spanish lace dress,with irridescent Warren of Stony Point spent the)trimmings over pink satin and carried ys with Mr.and Mrs.J.P.|bride roses.e flower girl,little) atts «at Dudley Shoals.Miss!Miss Susie Graham,niece of the as is a sister of Mrs.Watts.|bride,wore white organdie with pinkMissEthelFrazierreturnedtohe:sash and carried a basket of pinkhomeinHickoryafterspending@carnations.The ring bearer,little few days with Mrs.B.M.Garrison.Allen Graham,wore a suit of WhiteMr.and Mrs.A.P.Amaker have satin and carried the ring on a silverreturnedfromSouthCerolina,where tray.The bride entered on the arm tev spent the holidays.of her brother-in-law,Allen J.Gra-Mrs.A.L.Coble has returned from ham,and was met at the altar by the a visit to Morganton,where she at-|bridegroom and his best man,RoytendedthemarriageofMissAdluide|Steele of Turnersburg.The bride Erwin and Mr.iliam White of!was attired in a wown of white DuchGraham.The marriage took place |ess satin with court train and out-Wednesday morning at 1!o'clock.jlined with hand-made Spanish lace.Mr.C.B.Webt:left Wednesday |Her veil of white silk net was held in for Washington to take a job on the place by a wreath of orange blossoms Senate finance committee.|Her only ornament was a diamondMr.C.S.Cooper of Black Moun-|necklace set in platinum,the gift.of tain is visiting Statesville relatives (he groom.She carried a showe: Mr.Cooper was a resident of States-houquet of bride roses and lilies ofvilleforsomeyears,about 30 yearr |the valley. ago,as the older resident.will re-“After the ceremony the guest:member.»w Were ushered into the dining roomMessrs.J.A.Hurtness and Z.Vo by Mrs,Thos.E.Pratt and Mrs.WLongwereinRaleighthisweekte).Ardrey.The bride's table -was see that the Legislature was opened in due form. Notices of New Advertisements Christmas club still open.—Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank. presided over by Miss Dora Grier. “Many handsome and useful pifte were displayed in the library,where Mr.and Mrs.Jamew T.Young re ceived.The bride's traveling suit wa; of black velyet trimmed with fur an: “The Little Girl Next Door,”at the |accessories to match.After a wed Crescent Mondav.ding trip to Jacksonville,Fla.,Mr New series to open.—-First Build-and Mrs.Gaither will make thei:ing &Loan Association,home in Statesville.”Stalk cutters.—lredell Hardware Other guests at the wedding wer Co.:P ;__,|Mrs.Lacy Gaither of Harmony secAdvanceinprice.—Miss Minnie tion cister of the Messrsrroem; Herman Wiailace and Th 0.Steele of Statesville;Mr.Earle Godbey of the Greensboro News,Greensboro;Mr and Mrs.W.C.Gaither of Harrison- Hartley,‘phone 381 Green. Automobile number lost.—Everett Wilkinson._Good mileh cow wanted.—-T.A. «4 Nash,at Williams Furniture House.|)vy House and lot on Davie avenue for *Se vs. sale.—E.,care The Landmark.|Bites.Bemis Bosse entertained the Purse lost containing about $30.RG club Monday night at her home Reward.Return to The Landmark.4,Mulberry street.Miss JuliaChangeinfirm.—Weisner &Reid,Lentz was a guest of the club.TheOlin.=._|parlor was decorated with holly andAzmon’s Benzo-glycerine for jells and light refreshments werechaps.—Polk Gray Drug Co.served rl {Anything in vulcanizing.—Iredell : Vuleanizing and Supply Co.:The Eclectic Book club met Wed- f Complete stock ~'umbing,heating nesday afternoon with Mrs.D.Matt..and water materials.—W.Mun-Thompson.The club is studying American authors this year and pa-pers were read by Mrs.Wm.Wallace, leomparing Poe and Hawthorne,and by Mrs.B.F.Long on Edgar Allen roofing.—Statesville Tin Co.;ee Plenty good shingles.—C.Watkins. Special sale.—Tharpe's 5 and 10c.|Poe.Refreshments were served. store...ate . Luxurious designs in furniture The Civie League will meet Tues- Statesville Housefurnishing Co,day afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Merits of the universal car.—Car-Commercial,club room.All members ~sao -2 -a om e ne.as officers will ew pictoria atterns.—Ramsey-be elec or the year. Deeet ‘lebrication cost.—|Miss Elvy McElwee entertained at ;.three tables of vridge Wednesday af-Statesville Motor Co.; -7 lee.PeaneelDecemberpianosaleasuccess.—ternoon in he or of Mrs.Franklin Leonard Piano Store Riker and Mrs.E.M.Land.TwoKitchenMaidcabinets.—S.W.courses of refreshments were served. .Stimson.;Mrs.Eugene Davis entertained atfHousebuildingmaterial.—Lazen-three tables of bridge Wednesday by-Montgomery a hts ‘night in honor of her guest,MisspeggelieBee*Capps of Portsmouth,Va.A_birdaoe;supper was served,Second-hand Ford car for sale—|*““a J.Paul Leonard.}’t .wh Pearl and diamond pin dost.Re-—Be Gemerne ward.-—Miss Charlye Tomlin.|.rdoc le Houses moved.—D.B.Stearns.‘orreapondence of The Landmark Bank stock for sale—J.F.Carlton.Statesville,R-1,Jan.2—The Farm- ee ers’Union gave an oyster supper From Olin Community.New Year’s evening at the home of Correspondenceof the Lanumars.Mr.W.A.Dearman.The women Olin,Jan.3—There will be preach-brought cake,pickles,ete.,and with ing at the Methodist church oy it all a sumptuous supper was serv- morning by the pastor,Rev.J.©.ed.Ninety-four men,women andMock.children were present.Mr.Gibson The Olin scheoi has opened up af-the county president,was with us. ter the holidays,with a large enroll Mr.Ollie Davis of Virginia spent ment,and.we hope to have an assist-the holidays with his ont and > ant soon.ily,Mr.A.P.Plyler.fr.Nathan Mr.Harold Weaver has returned to,Ballard of Mooresville is boarding school at Nebo after spending the with Mr.W.A,Dearman and attend- holidays at home.Mr.J.A.Weisner ing school at Plyler.left Tuesday for Greensboro,where he}Mr.Fred Murdock bought the Base ::will take up work.farm last summer and moved into it _Mr.J.E.Tatum has bought the today.’stock of s formrly owned by Little Ruth Perry,daughter of Mr a id.and Mrs.W.C.Perry,has been sick medical examination will be for several days and they called thedoctortoday.Mr.Q.L.Freeze wentEheldatOlinschoolJanuary10by to Dr.Carpenter Saturday and hadDr.Jordan.Cedar Hill and Hebron schoo!will also mect here. Mr.Haines Garrison has moved to Statesville,whore he will take work. F (The above,sent by “The School :Girls at Olin,”is taken by faith,but :a fame must accompanyifitis>get in the paper. fering right mach from the operation James Norris,who has had diphtheriaisbetteratthiswriting.Mrs.A.P.Plyler,who has been sick for several!days,is able to be out again. |Happy New Year!Hurrah!Chick- RAIN COAT YOU NEED,us!—J.M.McKEE & CO.—ad.|you sell.-ad. at Godwin after a visit to ments of tulle bows with showers of sor’s Cross Roadsis aboutWhencompleteditwillbe a«tle “itMendelssohn's march was school building in eve-her home to spend rendered 7 Mrs.Eve Ardrey Ln owe and Masons ,=Lege rus'./wthel Grose has returned tc continued thr ceremony hall upstairs.The se!heen session two weeks.shaw of Yadkinville is principal|Miss Sallie Myers is the assistant, Miss Mamie|The young ladliterarysociet have an organization also. been sick for seme time,is improv- The maid of honor,Miss ' Mrs.J.M.Salem December 23d and was buriedatSt.Paul church ChristmasRev.Witt Johnsonprences aPaulchurchyesterday.is ishomechurch.ing year will be at Gastonia.He has| been preaching in the eastern part of the up his new work.right sick at this writing.Mr.JohnJohnsonisalsoverysick.* readers a prosperous New Year. but fortunately «a cold sponge bath every morning when you Chamberlain's C+ for produce on the his tonsils taken out,and he is suf-, ennhave gone See Jim Tharpe—TREDELL.PRODUCE CO.before is =i Prof.H.D.Hin:and have organized aandcheyoung—_) Mrs.S.8.Denny_ofMr.androf|Mooresville and Mr.and Mrs.RoyDennyofCooleemeearrivedyester-|day and will visit friends and rela-)| tives in this community.Mr.LaFayette Johnson,who has ng.Hal.,the 2-vear-old son of Mr.angWood,died in Win Day.t St.:hisforthecom.|!His wor’ r.RB.H.Cook is i t very prumisin: this vicinit ws success in answered the rollHenryJohnson.swered at next meeting with a joke |from each member. and with the start it already has,andasthebrightNewYearof1917isat) to do Tran onsuccess, ca ecnaMdJennings,church y ,Mra.¢gun,which was ; Yisey.Mr.W.denn ,who is of the year.The church was dedi-| potted ing in Wilkes,and My F.W.Denny,|cated on Sunday before Christma: home smilax being!who has a position at Elkin,and a series of meetings held during used,color scheme of green and the holidays with home folks.the holidays with very ous success vis has returned|white was used in the parlor.The|Luln Johnson and little da Mr.Claud Renegar and Miss Gracc where she ener |window wales Sanat ee ent i a“om days with Mr.J.;forse “er.married o ~De-| 'for the uping ©:party|Cook's family.,'|cember.grooman ride are|W.Spell has returned to wo beautif in the simple arrange-The new as building at Wind-and the citicens of 1 h them much joy ande.Rev.Marvin Long is in from Omaha,Neb.,visiting his parents in Yad- kin county.| “Ever-Ready Club.” Correspondenceof TheLandmart | The Ever Ready club met Tuesday| evening,2d,for the fourth lesson in| second year’s course,which consisted|of Graham muffins and doughnuts.The club was called to order by thepresidentandthentherollwascalledyythesecretary.Every membe: call except MrsTherollwillbean-| Pocket Book rolls is the fifth and next lesson,for Tuesday evening,9th The club is now doing good work hand,it is hoped that it may continue| to do well throughout the year. ‘COAT SUITS SOLD REGARDLESS:State but is spending a few of former price.—J.M.days with home people before taking McKEE &'!Co.—ad. Wishing The Landmark and its « The Habit of Taking Cold. With many people taking eold is a habit,oe that ix easily broken.Take not ice cold,but a tem-©dewrees F.Also sleep up When you do take cold takeichRemedyandgetridof firet get out of bed perature of aboutwithyourwindey seldom take cold hax Do this and you will owing to the old firm are payable to WeisnerandReidandallnecountspriortosaleis| “CARDOFTHANKS.We wish to thank our friends and neighbors |for their kindness during she illness and death |of our beloygd wife and mother1°.LATHAM AND CHILDREN. 1917,' BUSINESS CHANGE. The business of Weisner and Reid at OlinheensoldtoJ.E.Tatum.Ail wecounts| Jan.5, payable to them.This ia in effect after De- yesterday it as quickly as possible,Obtainable every-comber 2s,1916.WEISNER &REID. where,Jan.5,1917. MARKET REPORTS.HOUSES MOVED. —_Houses moved or Raised,Handling The tehewing peas wate laud Heavy Machine,Raising Stocks, loeal market. Turkeys,18-26¢.per tb. Chiekens,I4e.per tb Kousters,6e.per tbh Eevee,S6e.per dowen, utier,20-22e.per Ib. Beeswax,25c.per ip Green Hides (unsalted)18¢.per Tb.Green Hides (salted)20¢.per tb. Hams,22¢.to 24e,per tb. Green Hams,t4-l6e.per tb.Sides,16e,to jke.per Tb. Old Shealders,i4e,per th.iNewRedHeney,fe.to Ide.per Ib. Seurwood Honey Comb,18e.te 20c.per Th. Old Auto Rubber Casing,4e.per Ib. Sweet VPotatees,#0.per bushel, Irieh Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel, . The fellowing priceseratnonthelocal Whedt (new)£1.65 per bushel. Corn,£1.10 per bushel.Oats,65-70c,per bushel. Bieteaviile Cotten Market. On the local market yesterday 17 cents per pound was paid for best grade cotton.,Cotton Seed,T5c.per bushel, Seed Cotton,6 1-2e.per Ib. were paid vesterdaymarbot. (ADVERTISEMENTS in thin eatomn 1°conte=line,Ne fer less thents.Cash must accompany order.) FOR SALE--Convex Glass fer auto heaa-lights.CLEAL RARY,at Slane Giass Co dan.5-—1t*.i SEWING—-I wich to thank my patrons of the year and offer my services for the future.Owing to advanced cort of living expenses |have advanced my charee from £1 to $1.50 per day.MrsS MINNIE HART- past LEY.‘Phone 381 Green.Jan LOST—Automobile number—No.26945.EV- ERETTE WILKINSON Jan.5 WANT to buy good fresh milk cow or onethatwillbefreshintwoweeks,ust not be less than «three-<gallon milker,T.ANASH,at,Williams Furniture House.Jan,5--2t. FOR SALE—Houwse and ‘ot on Davie Avenue. Bargain fer quick purchaser Address £care The Landmark.Jan.5--1t" LOST—On «treet,parse containing about $30incash.Reward for return te THE LAND MARK.dan,5 1t LOST—Pearl and diamond pin.Reward for—to MISS CHARLYE TOMLIN. an.6. FOR SALE—Second-hand Ford touring <r,in wood condition.Cheap for cash,J.PAULLEONARDJan,5 -2t FOR SALE—Stock in First National,Com-mercial National,People’s Loan &SavingsBanks,Imperins Furniture Company,States-ville Loan @ Trust Go.J.F.CARLTON Manager dan.6 GOOD PROPOSITION —For the idle man!E.M.WAGNER,Ostwnlt.Jan,2 2t*, FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Berkshire and Jer-sey crows pics BARIUM ORPHANAGE,Bartum,N.C Dee.29 St |F.LEE SHEPPY,th Fleer,243 W.17thStreet,New York City,General Sales Mana-wer of the largest concern of ite kind in the world,wente three or four men in Iredellcountyandseveralmeninadjoiningcounties,to work for him spare time or all the time.He can use only those who have ariaoraute,.Work is very pleasant and no previous selling experience i necessary Work consists of leaving a wonderful new household necessity in the homes on freetrial,Tests at more than thirty of the lead ing Universities and the Government BureatofStandardsshowthisnewarticletobefourtimesaefficientasarticlenowingeneraluseinthissectionArticleisneededineveryruralhomeandbenefitaeverymember,of the housheld,bringing cheer,comfort and happiness inte the home.Net neces. wary to be away from home nights.|from $6.00 to £15.00 per day neocordineabilityandnumberofhomesvielted Tn writing Mr.Shempy,mention what township will be moet convenient for vou to work in what your retular occupation ia;pour awe married or single:now long you have lived!in the community:what kind of rie or auto you hawe;whether you with te work spare, time or stewdy:how mach time you will havetodevetetothework;when you can start,and abewt how many homer are within «ix|miles of you in each direction.Thie ie &splendid oppertuniy fer aeveral men in Ire-) dell county and counties adjoining to malegoodmoney,working sterdy or spare timeRomeofthefieldmenearn8800permonth;one farmer earned $1,000 working spare time ently.No investment oF necessaryiDee,2-40". Terrible Sores %; Raising or Lowering Floors or Roofs, or Anything Heavy. D.B.STEARNS,232 West Bread Street. dan,5—S8t*. Mrs.B.A.Bray,Cunningham,N. C.,was bitten by “chiggers”.Her ler broke out in three terrible sores,she| suffered terribly,coutd only find re-| lief by lying dewn with her leg prop- ped up.Six bottles of Mrs.Joe Per- son’s Remedy with the wash cured! her.Only one of hundreds of cases, eured of serious blood diseases. Ask your druggist for Mrs.Joe Person's Remedy.Known for over thirty-five years.Safe and reliable for ailments peculiar to women.Azk your druggist or write Person Rem- edy Co.,Charlotte,N.C.Send for free testimonial.Price $1 per bottle 3 for $2.75,6 for $5,prepaid. W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON, STATESVILLE DRUG CO,, __POLK GRAY DRUG CO. Look Out Window Lights! All sizes of you from 8x10 to 30x32 --for the boys are going to stone you.C.Watkins expects severalrecruitsthisweek,and the priceswillbesolowthatthelandlordswon't prosecute the boys, 1220 PEOPLE JOINED Our Christmas Savings Club last year—the 1917 Club now forming promises te be still larger. Join teday and get an even start wila the rest. Merchants &Farmers’Bank, “he Bank for Your Savings.” MADE INSTATESVILLE Anything in Sheet Metal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. ~"Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. r vrgr sWANTED 25 nice fat steers;also a few good milk cows and fat veal calves.I have a number of fine heifers that I willeithersellorexchangeforfatcattleFLAKEBURKE,'Phone 295 Red.Jan 2. Doors and WindowFrames Locks,Butts, C.WATKINS. THE FIRST NATIONAL B: 3”first a ANK. You can't get anywhere without STARTING.IF \ you start in thc wrong direction you will reach the." wrong place.‘ined If you wish to be rich and comfostable some daye:«1startright.Begin with the small depesit,begin with@"bank account.it will GROW,and you will be happy in’) MAKING it grow.oa *Money in our bank means both JOY and PROTEC?a er” sae" na Poe 1308 TION to you and yours.sory PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.oa We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Statesville,N.Cc.!” Te -@ * EP 6O€Fi Zeu‘ya = The PRICES are now Reduced on what we haveourholidaystockofjewelryandsilverware,so thisverybesttimeoftheyeartocomeinandbuyforthethingsyouwant fiedAlthoug!prices are lower,our QUALITY is the high standard which has made our reputation as Se ewelers.meDoyounotneedforyourownusesomenewsilverware',,,and cut glass?Come in amd see and price what we have Sfor ~*~. oO ee boxes of, Weights. _—Windows. ~”R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.- Buy for Cash.|Sell for New Year R On and After January Ist,1917;‘ a dey We will make no tickets for ‘any * Don’t ask it.This applies beone. to all, Goods sent out on approval to be paid for the following day or be returned,é ' All goods purchased from us not satisfactory and returned tous not damaged,we will cheerfully refund the money. 16 BIG RE>. Buy for Less. TAIL STORES. ae party of is at dinner on New Year's Day. ‘hostess is one of the country’s most famous cooks and on this occa- we M,Suther,in Statesville. at b a 7 — —— — oe ee ee edsy||: }‘ sion culinary skill was exerted inmatingher dune the success she.dinner was served in courses and the menu consisted of almost every edible that can be rais- ed on the farm,besides some © which are found on the ciy’s “bill of fare.”The genuine hospitality which was so prevalent in Southern homes in Colonial days is still re- tained in the Suther home.-; Mr.C.E.Troutman left last Fri- day for Detroit,Mich.Mr.R.A.EI- ler of the United States navy left -Mondey for his ship at Philadelphia, after spending a few days wit friends in this vicinity and at Eufo- la,Misses Martha Carter and Anna-| bel Sherrill,who had been visiting Mrs.U.A.Ostwalt,have returned to their home in Shiloh. Mr.W.A.Suther,whose health has been on a decline for some time, is il!at the hame of his son,Mr.J sum of $12.50 was realized from the sale of hexes at the Ostwalt school house last Wednesday night,in spite of rain and the consequent smal!crowd,' >Aient the upkeep of our public ds,there is the same dissatisfac- in this part of the county as in other sections.Of course the fellow who isn't on the job himself always isnuws how it should be done,There are many suggestions but from themajoritypointofviewitisconsid ered better policy to give the con- tract to some man who will give the word his undivided attention instead of giving short sections to farmers whs out and scrape a few rocks into the middle of the road when they havea little leisure,with the con- sciousness of duty well performed, when in reality they have accomplish-little,if any,good.One thin in roud preservation would. serape the roads as soon as, has fallen,before it has time .{©melt,and thus avoid the slush of | iting snow.This has been dem-_ onstcated on a short section of the Last Monbo road and should be an inspiration. qe ADOPTING CHINESE PLAN. Pay Doctorsto Keep Us Well Rather Than to Treat Us Af- q —~"ter We're Sick.-aon“@alletin State Board of Health. .The Chinese policy of paying a »doctor to keep you well instead of%curing you,or trying to cure you,.when get sick,is rapidly gaining *.favorihthis country.Prevention is “,taking hold of practically everymovementhavinganyhazardswhat- &ever with health or life.For school children there is a system of medi- %eal school inspection having for its*>purpose to discover and prevent de-+feets and diseases that may mature%and mar in later years;for wage-earners and industrial workers there é are laws protecting against physical se s ar s Go " OC OO O OE OE a (_ — _ _ re mr e ie Be Me te u PS we . St ot ot injury and impairment as well as)laws for the prevention of occupa-tional diseases;for business and pro-|fessional men and women,there hasbeendesignedtheperiodicphysicalexaminationinordertodiscoverear-¢ly tendencies to disease and to pro-long the usefulness and life of manwhenmostvaluable. Health insurance is another formofdisease-prevention that providesmedicaltreatmentwhenitismostneeded.A number of State Legisla- tures will be called to act on thisjonattheirnextmeetings.The“Safety First”idea is at work,notonlyinmillsandrailroadshops,butinschools,in the home,and in all activities of life.It is now believedthataccidentsdonotjasthappen,but are made and are therefore pre-ventable. | In this country.28 States have laws protecting the health of the worker.Ninety-two laws for thebenefitoftheworkingmanwerepass- ed in one year by Congress.Anounceofpreventionweighsmoreto- day in the public mind than ever before. Manufacture of Radium. The menufacture of radium thatwouldhavecostintheopenmarketmorethanamilliondollarshasjustbeencompletedbythebureauofmines,Department of the Interior,the greater part of which has been turned over to two great hospitelsforuseinthetreatmentofcancer. This was done under an sgreementwiththeNotions!Redium Institute,which supplied the necessary capital @mounting to $300,000,to develop a munity. more economic method for the man-ufacture of radium from the carno-tite ores of the WestTheNationalRadiumwasorganizedforthepurpose ofstudyingthecurativepropertiesof radium and not for private gain.Theinstitutesuppliedthecarnotite-bear-ing lands and the plant and machin-ery and the bureau offered to devel- op the radium-making proces,being need by the fact that there weredeathseachyearintheUnit-ed States from cancer.Altogethereightandone-half grams of radium have been made for less than $40,000 Institute a gram.The market selling priceforrediumhasbeenfrom$100,000 to $120 ©gram.reau of mines spent $35,000indevelopingthisprocessandwillreceiveasiteshareoftheco-opera- tive agreement with the institute atwept$100,009 worth of radium,be used for scientific pur- .s of extractingthathavebeenevolvedhaveitedforthetoftheusedfreelybyany-States A.Holmes aaa a claimants;7,019,436stroyedand41,775 were still beiinvestigated.In addition to the yatuable papers,with a face value of $2,303,119 foundinundeliveredletters,many con-tained stamps and some currencywasfound.loose in the mails.Thestampsandcurrencyunclaimed,to-gether with ovayanle from the saleofarticlesofmerchandiseremovedfromundeliveredletters,aggregate#53,665,and $11,000 was realized from six months’operation of a new postal regulation requiring collection of one cent advertised letters,mak- ing the total net revenue 864,665.Mr. Roper says that the revenue estimat- ed under present conditions for a year would be approximately $75,000,|whick would make the Dead Letter)ford,who were Division self-sustaining. To prevent the unnecessary accu- mulation of letters containing.valua- ble inclesures,a provision was con- tained in the last postal appropria- tion law reducing the limit of time that such letters shall be held: awaiting reclamation from four years to two years.On account of the large growth in | the parcel post business,experience has demonstrated that the accumu-| lation of this matter at the points designated for handling dead parcels has become so large as to make it difficult to find space for its accom- modation.Regulations provide,in the ease of insured parcels,that clatmsforindemnitymustbefiledwithin six months,and it has been found there is very littie call for lost par-cels after the lapse of that time.Ac- cordingly an order will be issuedemendingtheregulationssoastore- duce the time for holding such par-, cels prior to six months,Last year295.161 parcels were found undeliv- erable.Dead mail received by the Division of Dead Letters during the year con-tained 677,700 misdirected letters, 115,766 unaddressed letters,288,700 letters held for postage.440,200 let- ters bearing fictitious signatures. A EEELIENCETTEEIS JUSTICE AND CHARITY. Justice is the Only Untainted Charity. Dr.Frank Crane,in New York Globe.If I want to redeem the world I can come nearer my object and do less harm,by being just toward my- self and just toward everybody else, than by “doing good”to people.The only untainted charity is justice.Of- ten our ostensible charities serve but to obscure and palliate great evils.Conventional charity drops pennies in the beggar's cup,carries bread to the starving,distributes clothing to the naked.Real charity,which is justice,sets about removing the con- ditions that make beggary,starva- tion and nakedness.Conventional charity plays Lady Bountiful;justice tries to establish sucn laws as shall give employment to all,so that they reed no bounty.Chartty makes the Old Man of the Sea feed sugar plums to the poor devil he is riding and choking;justice weuld make him get off his victim’s back.Conventional charity piously accepts things as they are,and helps the unfortunate; IWE ARE SELLING textile establishments ofbecameeffectiveonthelst and auto-matically about 2,400 ¢ceased' to be employed in the ia oftheState,according to fur-nished by the State I t of|Agriculture.Under the old law the|sninrum age was 12 years. |Oscar L.Lanfore was and|killed by his father,Capt.J.Lan-|ford,at Lanford Station,8.Sn thejearlymorningofTuesday,— Lanford was in turn wounded $son,though not seriously.The trage-dy followed confusion smong Capt.jLanford,Oscar Lanford and..J.L.Fleming,a son-in-law of n- searching rob-‘bers,The father and son meseparatedandeachiaistooktheother for a robber, Sa if you want a big bunch of moneyforyourchickensanceggs,see JIM THARPE.—ad. it up. and cramping. knocked out,”if your liver is ‘ New Discovery!Dodson’sLiverToneActs. We‘tor Ugh!Calomel makes you sick.It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work.Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which camses necrosis of the bones.Calomel,when it comes in-to contact with sour bile crashes into it,breaking This is when you feel that awful nauseaIfyouaresluggishand“all izziness,coated tongue,if breath is bad or stomach sour,just try aspoonfulofharmlessDodson’s Liver Tone tonight. Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you constipated,or you have headache,dh right up and make you feel fine and vieswantyoutogobacktothestoreamoney,Dodson's Liver Tone is sale of calomel because it is real,li entirely vegetable.therefore it can not make yOu sick.I guarantee that one spoonful of DoTonewillputyoursluggishlivertocleanyourbowelsofthatsourbileandwastewhichiscloggingyoursystem you feel miserable.I guarantee that a bo@Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entirefeelingfineformonths.‘Give it to your etItisharmless;doesn’t gripe and they like its ant taste. id and bowels SOME WOOL Serge for less than we can buy it to-day.—J.M.McKEE &CO.—ad. i inane ot tn at nena ee SERVICE And the complete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. We can give you service, W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Bread St. OEDeg WE USE THE SAME Kind of equipment in our Vuléan-izing Plant as is used in making New Tires and Tubes.Rubberheatedbysteamheatistheonly safe way to makeTiresandTubes. Being your Tires and Tubes to us.ANYTHING IN VULCANIZING! THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. repairs on NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Having qpalitied as administrator of the en.tate of Ellen Bratcher,deceased,late of Iredellcounty,N.C.,this is to notify all persons havingclaimsagainsttheestateofsaiddeceasedtoexhibitthemtotheundersignedatStaN.C.,on or before December 12,1917, notice will be pleaded in bar of their reee All persone indebted to said estate will pl make payment D.BRATCHER, yr.A.Bristol,Administrator.Dec ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. Having tate of F.T Atty. 12,1916,* quelified as administratrix of the es- *,Waleer,thie ix to notify all per- ons having elaims against seid estate to pre- justice goes to the Legislature and —them to the undersigned m oF heave a .ee ye rate .comber 29,191°,or this notice will be p change:-things.harity swat th no bar of their recovery.All persons indebted fly;Justice—takes s away the dung to said eetate will please make immediateheapsthatbreedflies.Charity gives |settlement MRS.E.C.WALSER,ouinine in the malarial tropies;jus-Dee.2%1916 Administratrix, tice drains the swamps.Charity sends surgeons and ambulances and train- ed nurses to the war;justice strug- gles to secure that internationalism that will prevent war.Charity works among slum wrecks;justice dreams and plans that there be no more slums.Charity scrapes the —soil’s surface;justice subsoils.Charity is affected by symptoms;justice by causes,Charity assumes evil insti- tutions and customs to be a part of “Divine Providence,”and justice re- cards injustice everwhere,custom- buttressed and respectable or not,as the work of the devi'!,and vigorously attacks it.Charity is timid and al- ways is passing the collection box, justice ic unafraid and asks no alms, no patrons,no benevolent sapport The best part of the human race does not want help,nor favor,nor chari- ty;it wants a fair chance and a square deal.Charity is man's kind- ness;justice is God's, Visitors in Scott’s Community. Correspondence of The Landmark. Scott's,Jan.1 The holidays hroucht many visiters to our com Mr.Roy Browning of Washington spent the holidays with his parents,Mr.and Mrs.F.T Browning.Misses Henrietta and Drue MeDade of Lenoir were the guests of Mr.and Mrs.T.F.Brown- ing ceveral days last week.Mr.and Mrs.J.E.Webb of east of States- ville spent the week-end with Mrs. Welb’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.T.V. Bailey.Mr.and Mrs.Espy Rufty and children of Statesville spent Chrismas with Mr.and Mrs.E.L. Rufty. Rev.Chas.P.Goode and family of Cool Spring opent a few days lastweekwithMr.and Mrs.John Web- er.Mr.Lester Weber is at home from Detroit,Mich.Mies Kathren Morrison,a student of StatesvillefemaleCollege,spent the holiday:with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.R,L. Morrison. Mr.and Mrs.Farl Ervin have moved into their new home. YOU CAN SAVE 25C.ON SUIT BYbuyingUnderwearnow.—J.M.MeKEE&CO.—ad. ADVERTISERS will .plonse bringchangeofearly.No change ofad.after 12 o'clock to-|merrew! “THE POPULARITY OF TAS RE inereases all vhe time.More ofusedlastyearthaneverbefore. t yourself—you'll know why! FOR SALE BYLazenby-MontgomeryStatesville,N.C. it Try are Co., Tobacco Growers:cangetseed FREE OF COST by applying to the McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.C. Write us and seed wil! be forwarded. Jan,2—8t. IT’S CHEAPER To buyproperlyKilnDriedFlooringandCeilingthatwon’t openthantohavebigcracksinyourhouseandexorbitantcoalbills. C.WATKINS. FREE TOBACCO SEED.| 1917. Inve While weare taking cur annual inventodesirablelinesofMerchandise,such as Ladies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Kimonas,Shirt Waists, and Women’s and Children’s Hats which we will close at very attractive prices.heartily for the liberal patronpromiseyouourverybestservice,with the =SMILLS &POSTON.& a .of 8 of stock we find many Thanking you most_us during 1916,wetvaluesobtainable,forYoursverytruly, you have MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL|ESTATE. Pursuant to the terme of a mortrage tomnl deed executed by M.L.Overeash on the @th) day of November,1904,to R.Lee Wright,trus-| tee,duly rewistered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Irede!i county.in Book No.26, page 304,wend in the office of the Reswister of| Deeds of Rowan county,in Book 57,page 74,| and default having been made in the paymentofprincipalnterest,and the holder of| the note secured by said mortgage having made demand for foreclosure for the purpose of pay- ing said note and morteage,the undersigned will sell at public auction,to the highest bid-der,for cash,at the court house door in Salis- bury,at 12 o'clock,on SATURDAY,JANUARY 26,1917, the following described real estate lying andbeinginthecount and more particular Iredell and Rowan,,ribed as follows:ji!county,N.C.,Coddle Creek township,adjoining the lands ef Whise-ton Mellon,Locke MeKnight and others,and on the waters of Coddie creek,and bounded as follows:Besxinning at a hickory,J.F Metlon’s corner;thence with this line west,7% poles to P.O.N.Johneen’s corner:thence with his line south 21 degrees enst 25 1-2 poles! to a mulberry;thence south *0 dewrees enst 14 poles to a sweet gum;thence uth 20 degrees| enst 5S poles to a stake,corner of Mo.8:4 thence with anid lot enst 2 poles to a stake;thence south 5 degrees east 29 poles to a stakeatthecornerofthebarnlot:thenee north 75 dewrees enst 31 poles to a stake:thence north First Tract.-In_Ir 20 dewrees enst 16 1-2 poles to a stake;thence south 78 dewrees enst 15 poles to a etahke,cor- ner of No.1;thence with said lot north 62polesto@wstakeinG.G.MeKnight’s line; thence with his line 12%>&stonethencenorthIZ1-2 poles to containing sixty acres reference ia hereby mare to BooRegistersofficeoflredelldeedisrewistered,Second Tract-This tract lies in Rowan cown- ty,N.C.,on Coddle creek,adjoining the lands of Locke MeKnivht,Dan Fisher and others,and bounded an follows Beginning at astone,G.G.MeKnivht’s corner:thence withhislinenorth12degreeswest671-2 a W.©O.;thence west 27 poles to thence down the creck 38 1-2 poles to » gum stump;thence south 8%degrees enst a5Tpolestothebeginning,containing six (6) |aeres,and being tract No.2 in the afores@iddeed The terms of the morteage provide for thewaletotakeplaceinSalisburyforbothtractsNowisthetimetobuyvaluabletractsofland, e beginning, For back title ook 25,pawe 465, county,wherein, 160) *sweet This the 15th day of December,1916. R.LEE WRIGHT,Trustee,Ry order of G.H.Shaver,admr Swicesood.Dee. ‘Framing.Siding, |Boxing,ng,Casing,Shingles.| C.WATKINS.- |Were You Among the Number |To wet a part of the $17,000 distrib-|juted to Christmas Savings Club!|members last year? iIf net,why not join the Club now and be one of the lucky ones next Caristmas?}|Merchants and Farmers’Bank. of HH 19,1016, FOR WENT—Hincroom house onMoctian|i —Water and liehts,SIG.Vas4an.2.{ a es|SEE-ME WHEN YOU NEED ' Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also to fix your Clock _#H.B.WOODWARD —— or Watch. Jewcler.. } | New Pictorial Patterns ———FOR——— FEBRUARY. Large assortment new style garments for ectly spring wear.Ask for Feb- ruary Fashion Sheet.It's free. New Sport Skirts Fifty or more new Spring Skirts in Serges,Poplins,Fancy Stripes and Plaids,as well as some Fancy Plaid Taffetas. Priced moderately,$3.50 to $8.50. See Window Display. Rameey-Bowles-MorrisonCompany. "|READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESS MEN i mn +oe ncoenremaroragetree! er t das)tostetarA f mer |“sHONESTLY,|=}IT'S THE7BESTPOLICY. \caus Befire,ms or health,inowrenes ee aed, .¢Wwecan offer os er at tLEASTCOSTapolicythatperfectlyprotectswith-out pinching you.ALKING insuranceis our business--TAKING itisyours.Let us tell you all about the speciallystrongfeaturesofourpolicies,then decide fir your-self as to whether you need one.We're in at any time. STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, W.E.WEBB,Manager. eo b ALK. },Shan Province,{China Nov.’13,1916"—“Distaneslendsenchantment,”it is true,lwitha distance of more thanthousandmilesbetweentheandhisnativetown,the latterseemmoreattractivetohim.judging from booklets just receivedjfromthesecretaryoftheNorthCar-|olina Merchants’Association,no : E LANDMABE||PRSEAY,——-deweary_6 ist thetry.Let us hope that American cap-ital will be invested here more én more attention to developing greatercommercebetweenthetworepublics. Most truly yours,CHAS.A.LEONARD.}aTORRENTS |THE BIG BANK RESOURCES ; »tance should ever be necded to lend Tremendous Increase of Our5enchantmenttotheattractivecityofgStatesville,N.C.As one looks over| §|Carolina,”these booklets—‘“Statesville,Northand“AttractivemBville’—there is a feeling of pride in§what the people of this town haveDidonethepastsixyearsforitsim- h there is a longing)place again. —consists in the nature o and at the same time to see the |provement, The quality of a townitspeople,5 and J am glad of the spirit of mutual|helpfulness which has shown itself4notonlyinseekingtomakethetown B |lectual,moral andHofitscitizensisalso considered. * attractive,but one in which the intel-spiritual won is sfid that “God made the country5andmanmadethetown,”but ifyouaHwillcomedowntothe“mud sills, old “Judge”Watts used to say, the efforts of godlyvilleisduetompeopleresidingwithinherborders.Though far away,during these>i more than six years,not one copy of2TheLandmarkhasfailedtoreach 5 me,and Zinoted with pride and interest. the prowress of the “Bestbeen|Town in North Carolina”has Yes-5 terduy one of our fellow-missionaries °BOSTONFamousSto-sforMen. A model of the latest type.The neat curves and graceful lines give an ex-c'usive,aristocratic,appearance soughtafterbymenwhoknow. Mahogany al,Price $7.50 Pair, “===7 Phone 3.—aE=E="=s—— SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. hasiciiimnchianthatinail The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.INSURANCE!== As a great many policyholders do nut acem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditionsnamedinthecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeoftnecauseaunderwhichthesamewillberenderedvalueless,viz: 1-——Vacant og idle property for longer than 30 days--apply toyouragentforpermit.2---Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera-tions in or on property-—-always get permits from agents.8--Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of“—,is _~apply .agent, -~~Any change in the title or ownership,or interost in proper-ty insured other than by death.”——6-—Assignment or transfer of property to another.6—Ry any increase ia the hazard,must be given.co iaking of other insurance without notice.8—~-Keeping expiosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil.9—Property encumbered by chattle mort; Policyholders shoul read lines 7 to 30 o printed contractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-mation.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.STATESVILLE, saan slik nanan Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.OC. Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplas and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent hank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER, B.MORRISON,-°ViceD.M.AUSLEY,---@.B.HUGHEY,-Assistant retebe rd em ee ~ ——— eA | lwas telling me that her father had\gone from Gainesville,Ga.,to States-vile for a medical examination andadviceandthathewas‘much plwiththetownandvecople,thoughthereonlylongenoughtomaketheacquaintanceofafewofhercitizens. 1S you see her fame is being spokenlofevenhereinfar-away China. We lock forward with much pleas-jure to our home-coming early nextvear.At that time we willbe dueourfirstfurlough,having been out here about seven years.The timehaspassedsorapidly,for we have been busy the whole time.The pastyearhasbeenthebusiestIhaveev-.ey known and I must say that there‘is a longing at times for a changeandrest.Many faces will be missedintheoldtownandcountry,butwhatajoyitwillbetoseethosewhoremainandtomeetthoseofthe vounger generation and some that heave moved in from other places. As one of the evangelists was toleadservicesinthechurchhereyes-terday,after meeting my Sunday chool class |went out into the coun- try on horseback to preach.Thereweremanythingsofinterestalongchoway.The farmers were gather- ing in their cabbage.These sweet potatoes came ‘rom Americe originally,one of the by-preducts of missions in China. The Chinese cabbage is much largerandtendererthantheAmericancab- bace but not as nutyftious.Nothing ‘n China is as nourishing as_in theWest,this probably due to the —soil having been worked so many years. The cabbage is put inte low,flat houses built just above the ground, with a cellar about six feet.The roofs of these are removed the pring and the interior cultivated,so searce is land and so close the strug- wle for existence. \village on the side of the Soap-tone mountain was visited.One of the students in ovr school,a hand some young fellow,comes from this village.Charles,Jr..our oldest child, went with me and helped =sing the Chinese songrs.The Chinese ere ereatly attracted by foreign childr and are fond of all children.We were received royally.The main strect ‘oon filled with people who listened well for an hour te the preaching of the gospel,and we were urged to come hack again soon.This villas:is one of groat antiquity.In the idle season the people dig out soapstone {tale)from the mountain side,grinditintopowderandsellitfarandwideforwhitewashing,mixing paint and for the women’s faces.The Chi- nese like to look as white as possi ble and will not have a photograph ifitshowsthemupdark.The peoplejhavebeendiggingoutthistaleformorethan1,500 years.The moun-tain sides are a honeycomb of quar- ries,but.much of the soapstone stil!remains.It is of excellent qualityjandmanybeautifularticlesarecarv- ied from the harder grades.Recently|the American consul at Chefoo re/quested us te send him some samplesforAmericanprospectors.A sailor|hought a small soapstone article in‘Shanghai and took t co America‘There it was seen later by some one|who called on the American govern-ment to ascertain from whence it turnips,potatoes in came.Finally,after a year’s inves-|tigation,it was found that the arti-|i¢le came from Laichowfu,from thissoapstonemountain.When freight'rates become more reasonable afterithewarsomeofthisstonewillprob-jably be shi to America.It is,too,ta railroad will be‘huilt from here to Chefoo by thattime.Mission work is moving alongjnicely.It has grown to the extent that much enlarging has been neces-sitatéd.large church buildingjhasjustbeencompleted.A women'shospitalandabuildingforthegirls’ school will both be erected nexting.The next need will be abuildingfortheboys’academy.Next/week a class for the Christians andjonefortheenquirerswillbeheldinithenewchurch.More than 125 willbeenrolledinthetwoclasses.|For the first time in several years}China is really peaceful.The pres-lent Presiderft,Mr.Li Yuan Hong,is aChristianandharathenrtthebest lable to carry the counery forward inimanyivreform.|The great ruilway loan receivedfromAmericanraforconstruc- tion of some 1,500 miles of railway States-| t :7BwillbeseenthatthebestofStates-YC?during the i Financial Strength.i Resources of national banks of the|United States,says Comptroller Wil-(liams,have increased more than §$4,-|000,000,000 during the last two years jand now a ogate $15,520,000,G00, lexceeding by about $1,000,000,000thetotalresourcesoftheBankofEngland,the Bank of France,theBankofRussia,the German Reichs-‘bank,the Bank of Iraty,the Bank ofSpain,the Bank of The Netherlands.the Bank of Denmark,the Swiss Na-tional Bank and the Imperial Bank ofJapancombined.In a statement based upon returns formerly,and that Americans sive| from the last bank call,November 17,|the Comptroller calls attention to the‘fact that the increase has been at therateofapproximately18percent.a last two years,compared with G@ per cent.a year for the 10-'3914,and t the total resources atpresentaremorethandoublewhatwere10 as) period from 1904 to} the FS ago.||“The compilation just completed of|returns for the last Lank call,”theComptroller’s statement reads,“dis- closes a condition of strength,prog-ress and growth beyond allResourcesofnationalbankg on thedateofthelastcallaregreaterthanthetotalresourcesofal!reporting State banks,savings banks,privatebanksandloanandtrustcompaniesthroughouttheUniStatesatthetimeoftheinaugurationoftheFed- eral reserve system about two yearsuco, The greatest per censage of in- crease,the Comptroller states,dur- ing the two-year period in which the Federal reserve system has been in recedent.| overation,was in the Western States.|Geographically,the increase was as|follows:New En d,22 per cent.;Eastern States,39 per cent.;South- ern States,32 per cent.;middleWesternStates,31 per cent.;West-ern States 50 per cent.;Pacitic States| 38 per cent.“In this period,”the statement says,“the New England and Eastern|States increased a total of $2,005,-000,000,while the South and West, including the Far West,increased $2-, 022,000,000. MRS,CLAYTON'S LETTER NervousWomen and _ for a nervous,weak,run-down and for SS & Cxiarron,Low ,Ky.Vinol,which alee beef and cod liver iron and manganese a —and gtyewrephournaten, guaranteed to overcome all run- down,weak,devitalized conditions, W.F.Hall,Druggist,Stateevi'le. OR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas,R. a Fall's residence or Long’s Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. Flowers \For All Occasions! We can always supply |you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they ||should be wanted. Van LindleyCo, PatGuDre ; 'POLK GRAY DRUG CO. JORORRROROROEEOOHOHOSHOHODHONDO i —and a single Rayo Lamp gives licht enough for the whole room. Made in various styles,it is adaptapleforallhouseho!d purposes. It canbelighted without removing the lamp-shade of chimney Eany to re-wick—easy to fill—easy to ©clean. Use Aladdin Security Oil—the most economical kerosene oil -for best re-sults. STANDARD OIL COMPANY(New Jersey) BALTIMORE,MD.Charictte,N.C.Charleston,W.Va8c. HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N.©. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.>.ambing and Private Water Systems.REFERENCES I'URNISHED. “7 Ce eeeteeSTRATENaaROIlia IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE ff. KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. ——-Made by BOYCE LUMBER CO. Ce eee ae=TT ane pone TAKES THE STING OUT OF FROSTING! When the biting,frosty winds of winter haveyourskinandleftitrawandsore,AZMON’SGLYCERINEaffordspromptandpermanentThisinvaluableremedyisacleverofthemostefficacioushealingagentsknown.It isworthmanytimes1tscostinthecomfortitguar-antees to sufferers from chapped skin.An acquaintance with AZMON’S meansa life-long friendship.Why not start the friendship Today. “On the Square” a ee a a NYae PL j iHandsomeStationery! ¢a Will Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? HUYLER’S CANDY,CIGARS,TOILET ARTICLES. HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. ore ohare stp en eee pa amen enen See MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!: AND THE BESTTIME TOSTARTIS RIGHT NOW!80 THE BEST WAY TOSTARTIS WITH A BANKACCOUNT! This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both womea and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest fromdate attherate of 4 percent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited, We want your business! People’s Loan and SavingsOiTURNERe a om A He,cashier of the BankofatBayboro,Pamlico resigned At Waxhaw,Union county,Men-day nicht,Will Patterson was «hotkilledbyClydeMassey.Rothcoloredandawomanwasmixedinthetrouble.Massey escaped. Rev.Dr.C.B..Waller,for fiveYearspastoroftheFirstBantictehurehofAsheville,has accepted acalltotheWhiteTemple,at Portland,Ore.,at $5,000 a year Congressman Britt has given noticeofhispurposetocontestinCor wress the election of Zebulon Wea. er,who was awarded the certificate of election from the tenth t A new hotel for Greensboro,t eeeost£000,000,having been put ur . Way.it is now announced thet Go ford county will have a new cour house the work to bein this yenur.thAttheplantof ton Oil Company in Charlotte,Robt.Gn Lilly,a colored employe,was caught yunderanavalancheof’ uy um Ay ecatton seedandsmotheredtodeathbeforehe to politcouldberelensed, Dr.W.T.Paul.Confed ‘rate vete Dre an and inmate of the Soldiers’Hom« Raleich,committed suicide at thHomeMondaybyg¢imselfHehudbeenintheHomesincelast theMarchcomingfromPittcountyi Tt is stated by the veraciousoryRecord,which has the story from :&preacher,that a 14-months-old child °°"at Mortimer,Caldwell count:.Jowed a 10-penny nail two mc ago and has suffered no ill effects. Miss Weston Capps and Mg Wil.|Jiam A.Ramsey were marricd ir |Salisbury a few days avo.The groom aisbaggagemasterontheSwitharunfromSalisburyteGoldsboro,and the bride bes been a te! graph and telephone operator. Dr.H.E.Guerney,Presbet pastor at Monroe,has dec!to Lexington.Dr.Guerney filled t tT shoot uiher < pulpit of the Firs:PpchurchofStatesvilleto.year ago last summer,and man:myStatesvillepeopleremember} The Marshal Field (x ‘of |Chieago,which owns valuable ma:wfacturinginterest}county,will ereet new buildingimprovementsthisyearitis said,ta ©cost about $750,000,Amillisamongthenewcnterpric«R.P.Cloud,a Burke cou:er and owner of 400 acres of land.©had a hearing before a United Stats rcommissioneratHickoryateagoandwasplacedunde: to appear at Federal courvilleendansweracharce ofdistilling. Corporal W.C.Hall of CyThirdNorthCarolinaInfant;from Asheboro,died at FE)Paco,¥a8,a few days ago.One report sahediedfromconcufthebrain,yyfollowinganassault»y an unknownperson;another of meningitis. Commissioner of LaboringShipman's annualthefurnitureindustry in the StaShowsthatthereare06factories}ing $33,303,000 estimated value of plants7,538 people andpayrollaggrerating £2.522.00% The Charlotte Observe;whic tsuffereddamacebyfireafew ago,las moved into new e Observer was preparingwhenthefireoceurred.TomporathepaperwasissuedbythecourtofotherCharlotteprintirg3butitisagainin issued from its o Mrs.Calvin H.W and widow of th«te Cy H.W ley,promin«mini died at her home in Wi Wednesday after a vv Her illustrious husha SWperintendent of p» North Carolisurvive James HH.Fr \ demons rato \ed TthevicinityofRaleig-e chine he was dyin and turned ovor the read to ancther cident occun He old,married «Wt High Point. Ex-Gev.Glen m \lStateofeer‘‘increases '‘Hi mencds«that t (Te 500,other State of frorrto84.500.the ( $5,006,Chief J ‘( or’pr ate that th alari employes be i Thom:Re months chief }I is heir nted (]i nett cour ‘ eseaped Sunday f i!being held by ‘rengements fi tye tarrestupon thorities on +)bn wereworthlesschee symmer few days 50 hend States ior repor’say he died und Print immars capital,5,690 000 ! employir AAVING ar SO ee ese Death of Mr.Jenkin News. The tants Hartony.R-2.Jan 4 .)' Jenkins of Chir i ('and interment v t I church Toesda, daugiiters surviv« Mr.Karlie Grant ;Mr.and MrBP.Grant returned tw Sunday,after spending (Chri With home fol!Mr.W.J has we tye Concord to v)Nettie Wilkins has returned toBtategvitieafterspendChristmas * gt home ’erMr.BR.R.Lowe hos meastes hut | an gine to know bh my ne Vatt ir,Amos Templeton is or »e on hie farm landmark end ofl it: PPY and prosperous New awn >} Correeponderce of rove cied cal a MUCH:UNDERPM.McKEF &¢ Seretors Reed,Wadraftedthebillineellaberation withSene.or Owen,author ef the originalmensuredebatod length before Owen said leaders of had agreed to expedite passage of abillalongthelinesproposed.The percapitabasiswouldlimihutionstoanynationalcommitteeinapresidentialcampaignto mately would more than $5.000 and carperation to would be lection,and the Buckeye Cot-days | witha? otherw! CALL in the $1,500,000;nro be permitted to ‘anyprohibited her important p mit contributions toa thin 10 require oT ro ir mT is { to be filed with ti »election advertising of AT &.W Kiteher:Ma both dave of e cl Representatives Y hh and Kenyon Senatetheholidays. total contri- approxi- individual contributecontributie campaign n would national a gen a complete t Election bet. STIMSO Ss AND loid Cal t}r na-be percapicaofthetotalpeputationoftheUnitedStates,in the revised corruptpracticesbill,which wo laid before the ate aawe egpeinted toller ©f the Senate WednesdaTreasurytesucceedA,H , individual.cate who constantly and wilfully and neg-Po or parties rk of ve rockyshuffleoffthis mortal Sasi’Wheeersisnetonlytherightpolicy,but it isthebasisofrightliving,{(The deadbeat —the liwentiy fails and refuses to hisdebits,is simply a thief,His offenceien't so defined in the statute books,but morally ic is just that.TheLandmarkhasmorerespectforthethiefwhopilferswhenyourbackisturnedthanforthebrazenseoundre!who takes your goods before yourface,through deception and fraud,The thief who pilfers while your backisturneddoesn't deceive you,he does-n't pretend that he will make good,The other thief is not only a rebberbutaliar,He is morally just asmuchthiefastheotherandheaddstothattheadditionaloffenceoflying and deceiving and causing ene te loseconfidenceinhisfellows.Tf we'dquitapologizingferthedeadbeatthieves,call them by their rightnamesandtreatthemaswedothe other kind,the number would be less. Instead it i metantiy inereased bythekindconsiderationaccordedthem.The Landmark). CLERK ALL RUN-DOWN Restored To Health By Vino! eee TheChristmas Savings(lub Planteaches systematicsaving,and is an easyway tosave forChristmasoranyotherpurpose. Over 800 Have Already Joined the New Club. If you want to join this army of Christmas Savers you may do sonow, Parties in the Country and surrounding towns may join by.mail,Select the class you want to join—send us your name and address,and the amount you wish to start with,and we will do the rest. You may join one or more of the following classes: Shelbyville,tnd —“T am a clerk in ahotelandwasallrundown,nO energy,my blood was poor and my face eovercdwithpimples,|got so weak I had toputuponawfalfighttokeepatwork.After taking many vor romedies with.out benefit,Vinol has restored my healthandstrength.”—Roy F,Bran,Por all run-down,weak,nervonaconditions,nothing equals Vinol,whichisacombinationofthemostauecess.@ Five Cents Progressive Class. Pay 5 cents first week,10 cents see-ond week,15 cents third week,and soonforF)weeks,and we will issue youcheckorpassbookwithcreditthvein 4 61twoweeksbeforeChristmasfor. Two Cents Progressive Class. book with 65 4fultonicsknown.,Try it on our guar.9 Pay 2 cents first week,4 cents see eredit therein for....Greece -antee.4 ond week,and ¢s thi ek,and7oonfor50weeks,and we will issuc Or,in the 2 cents class,you mayW.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville i check or fiass book with credit start with $1.00 and pay 2 cents tes:-cael therein two weeks before Christma $25 &4 each week for 50 weeks,and you “$26 17/.,;e 5 OEee yanein vs oak ee nee :rece}ee era ae reno denen ces.@ 1 Ss :PAL yy In the $1.00 Class.In the Fifty Cents Class.f '/You pay &——Por fitxpay9.00 each y ek for fy Vou ms 0 cents each v for BOy°.'‘;ee and yeu rece cheek or pa k ;”Bie Sample Line of if ‘k with eredit therein for eeVoe |5 tek kt ce ee le :e Pr ,vo tn cre hi the ’foeCnrers{~Caters,ig << !‘‘Clo,es,s j Ove ralls,Men's Un- ii derwear,Faney } Shirts anCieokhe thar eNirts,at less an i wholesale price,At { 'THARPE’'S 5.&10c,|| STORE ; Abd de -we —_ Over 800 People Haye —theyiand, ‘make“'wontilthe! IF THE EUROPEANS WANTMyLumber You May Reverse the Order ofPaymentifYouWishtodoso. FOR INSTANCE,in the 5 centyclassvoumaystartwith$2.50 and pay5centslesseachweekforfiftyweeks,and two weeks before Christmas youwillreceiveacheckarpiss i wok |}Merchants &Farmers’Bank Of Statesville,N.C. “THE BANK FOR YOUR ant it etstheae Yard I hopewillpaycashforit—furthermore,will not»me give gold thattakeitbackC.WATKINS,. New Series to Open! SAVINGS.” The First Build and Loan Association ee isopensits61stsSaturday,February 3,|UXURY is a comparative term.Some of theL}]Most expensive furniture we have everwayvorldtosupplythede-seen lacked an appearance of luxury!{for more |;is to build them throuch N the designs we have selected for you,how-ft aCa H.Y.FURY#«‘ ding &Lean Association. HES,Secretary. iy at any Ford top +)4 lord c Car 7106,Town R300 r around Statesville. Mooresville. fF.©.bh.Det ownheye drive their Carolina Motor Co. =ae b rs a es ae,a ever,we have made luxury in appearanceandreasonablenessinpriceofprimeimportance,HE result can be appreciated only by prsonalexamination.COME IN AND SEE,per- Ae seh 7RTslemace eee menses oe ' {=<<==<== over, Cur $m price, Newton. enere=9 enRENgRREREERATE STALK (CU ot ere is the time to cut your stall TTERS! NOW == and you can he ready to plow when the bad weather is lave the best Stalk Cutter on this Remember what we have said market and ean give you the lowest cash about the Feed Grinders and get one. STATESVILLE,N.C..TUESDAY,JANUARY 9,1927. A FLOODOF LOCAL BILLS. iefoeest Time in the Leg-—Cuban Bond CaseBroughtJoy. The has been floodedlocalandprivate-it met last Wed y.the constitutional amend-ment,ratified last fall,which takesthisbusinessoutofthehandsoftheIre,is effective,hence therus’;to get through as many local acts ag poasibie. Among the bills of ae ears “resented was one introduc bMathesonofIredell,to amend theoeofMooresville.It has pass-Representative Grier introducedSsbillforaschoolbondelection withlation in For Alexander Dr.Crowson hasforagamelaw,for protectionvealcalvesandfortheappoint-ent of certain justices of the peace._The introduction of some measuresindicateaprobablechangeinthetoftheState’s business.Ollowing the introduction of a reso-_by Oates of Cumberland forappointmentofacommitteeoffivetoconsiderthecreationofaStatepurchasingboard,Brenizer ofMecklenburgofferedasupplementalresolutioninstructingthiscommit-to also consider the creation of ateBoardofAppropriationswhichwouldpassuponallappropriationsofStatemoney.The Brenizer resolu-tion empowered the committee trdraftsuchbillsasmightbeneces-sary in the event of favogable re-»~ort.The resolution was unanimous-ly pasa-4.In the appointment.of SenatdcommitteesGrayofForsythischair- man of the finance committee and Holderness of the appropriations committee.Gov.Turner of Iredellischairmanofthecommitteeonpe-nal institutions and is a member of judiciary committee No.2 and thecommitteeonmanufactures. Senator Matheson of Alexander ischairmanofthecommitteeoninsti-tutions for the deaf and a member ofthecommitteesonelectionlaws,finance and insane asylums.Representative Grier of Iredell is chairman of the committee on constitutionalaments.There was great rejoicing in the Legislature when Gov,Craig sent aspecialmessagetellingofthewith-drawal of the Cuban bond suit.A resolution of thanks to the republic of Cuba was adopted.The Senate refused to pass a billpassedhytheHouse,repealing thestocklawforPendercounty,and a bill to allow the people of Washington county to ——on the removal of thecourthousefromPlymouthtoRope: failed. An attempt to rush through a bil! to pay Judge Botui $200 for investi gating the Greene county lynching was held up and the bill sent to com- mittee, School Bond Bill. The Statesville schog!bond bill in- troduced in the tasers by Rep- resentative Grier,which has passedtheHouse,provides that the munici- pal electorate may vote on a school bond issue,the amount to be fixed by the board of aldermen and not to ex- ceed $25,000.The bonds voted are to be used for the following purposes: To byild «school building for the colorea people;to complete -the school building in east Statesville and to provide repairs-—furnace,ete.—for the main (old)school building. Fire in Bank Building. Going to his office on the second floor of the People’s Loan and Savings Bank,Thursday nent,Mr.W.B Gibson found the house filled with smoke.Mr.I).F.Jenkins was calledandthefirewaslocatedinapileof greasy rags in the basement.The rags were some distance from the furnace,on the steps leading to the basement,and were just about to burst into flame when discoveredThefiremenputoutthefirewith chemicals.Spontaneous combust avems to have been the cause. Snow Creek Drainage Contract. The board of drainage commis sioners of the Snow Creek lrainawe District yesterday let the contract fo drainage.The work will consist of dredging eleven miles of ditches,ortheremovalofapproximately965,000 ion cubic yards of dirt and 200)cubiv yards of rock.The contract was let to Moore and Karr of Fort WayneInd.,at 6 cents per cubic yard for thedirtandat$2 per cubic yard for rockTheworkistobeginApril1andbecompletedasrapidlyaspossible. The Supreme Court Goes Dry. The Federal Webb -Kenyon law, designed to prevent liquor shipmentsfrom“wet”to “dry”States,was vesterday upheld by the United States Supreme Court by a vote of7to2.The court also upheld WestVirginia’s prohibition omendment prohibiting citizens from receiving lquor for personal use shipped by common carriers in inter-State com- merce. *Mr.A.FE.Herman of Catawba sta-tion,flagman on the Southern —rail- way work train at Connelly Springs, was seriously injured yesterday by Fireman Franklin of Morganton,ofthesamecrew.Mr.Herman is in atalinHickory.The men were on sand the fireman at- Giaed the Bnemean. The presidentin!election,about we so «much last No-did not take place un-the electors metReturnsnotthatWilson SUGGEST WIDER BOUNDS. Talk of Enlurging Town Boun-daries —Mr.Miller Presents a Claim —Busiaess With Al- dermanic Board. The board of aldermen met Fridaynightinregularmonthlysessionand transacted business as follows:It was agreed to contribute $20 permonthtotheuseoftheAssociatedChawitiesofStatesville.Under this new arrangement the town-will nothaveanythingtodowiththeup- keep of the ladies’rest room,asheretofore. ermission was granted theStatesvilleMotorCompanytoerectagasolinefillingstationinfrontofitsgarageonnorthCenterstreet.The Johnston -Betx «company andtheStatesvilleMotorCompanyweregrantedpermissiontoerectelectricsignsonspecificationsapprovedbytheboard.The signs will be on thebuildingsandnetonthestreets.Ev-ery merchant or business man who wants to erect an electric sign is re- ouired to appear in werson beforetheboardandsubmitspecificationsofwhatheproposestodo.Wm.Russel],assistant fireman at the pump station,resigned and Frank Hedrick was elected in hisplaceAldermenShelton,Ausley and Me- Elwee and Dorman Thompson,cityattorney,were authorized to “walk around”the tewn and make recom- mendations for metes and bounds of a larger town.The idea is that the town limits should he extended so that those who want town advantages end want to pay for them may have them and those who receive themmaypoyforthem.This committee is to report to a called meeting of the board as soon as they have made theiy rounds, Mr.T.1D.Miller presented to the board for collection a bill of nearly $50.Myr.Miller alleges that about "0 «6years ago certain sidewalk im-provements were made in front of the Miller property on west Broad street,including the stores occupied by Crawford Bunch Furniture Co Sherrill -White Shoe Co.and N.Har- rison;alse that part of the side- walk on north Center street along- side the N,.Harrison store.In all there was about 200 feet of sidewalk improvement.Mr.Miller alleges that the owners of the property atthetimepaidhalfthecostsofthe imprevements to the sidewalks.About five years ago the old side- walkswere torn away and new side walks made.The roek o¢the old im- provements was removed by thetown.Mr.Miller alleges now that the town has used this old material in improvements about the town and that he is entitled to half its value, as he paid half the eest of it when it was first put down. Aldermen Ausley,McElwee and Evans were appointed a committee to look into the justice of the claim with a view to adjustment Difference of Opinion. One of the constitutional amend- ments adopted last fall,and effective tomorrow,prohibits special char- ters for towns and cities,That is to say,in future all town and city charters or amendments to such charters will be obtained under general law,which the Legislature will enact.If the enlargement of the boundaries of Statesville is .on- strued as an amendment to the char- ter,the aldermen are too late in making a start.They will heve to wait until the reneral law is enacted and make application under that City Attorney Thompson,howev- er,is of the epinion that extension of the city boundaries is not an amend- ment to the charter and that an act making the extension within the wovinee of the Legislature,the con- stitutional amendment to the contra- ry notwithstanding.This is a mat- ter to be determined But the boundary extension will probably invite a fight in any event, no matter how the extension is to be secured.Attempts have been made is in past years to enlarge the town boundaries and interests opposing the extension have heretofore been fortunate enough to have local legis lators with them.If the Legislatureisnowclosedtothewiderboundary advocates,as many believe,it will he interesting to know how by whom these local contests arc be settled under the general law he enacted, In Jail For Rocking Train. and to to Will Gibson,colored,is in jail iv default of 8800 bond,charwed with rocking the Taylorsville train.Gib zon lives near Scott's.Sunday night December 31,some one threw a roe} in the southbound train from Taylors ville when it was necr Scott's ond itstruckMissLackeyofHiddenite hurting her.Friday wight another rock was thrown in vhe train a half mile south of Seott'’s and the broker glass from the window cut M BN Deal of Charlotte,a paseerurer,stich! ly injuring her.Saturday morning Sheriff Alexander ard Jailer Wood sides went to Seott’s an arreste Wil!Gibson and think they have suff cient evidence to convict him. Missionaries Coming Home. Rev.Chas.A.Leonard,BaptistmissionaryinChing,stationed atLaichowfu,Shantung Province,haenotifiedhishome-—here that heandhisfamilywillveChinaforAmericasometimenextmonth.MrandMrs,Leonard have been in China nearly seven years and were due ainfurloughnextsummer.Mrswonard’s health has recently beerbadandphysicianshaveadvisedherimmediatereturntoAmericafortreatment.Mr,and Mrs,LeonardpareOrechildren,al!of whom werehorninChina. PER CAPITA SCHOOL FUND Apportioned By the State—Ire- dell’s Share. The apportionment and distributionoftheStatepereapitaapprtionof£250,000 for public education harheenapprovedbytheStateBoardofEducationaspreparedbyMr.A.SBrewer,statistics ave loan clerk oftheStateDepartmentofEdueation After the deduction from the tata) fund of $1,500 for the part paymen! of salary and expenses of the super-intendent of the State colored norma’schools,inspector and director of thecountyteachers’institutes and $7 for rural libraries,$241,000 was left for division.Mecklenburg county,with its 24,991 school population and70orphans,received the biggest bitefromthefund—.;7,245,17--while Wake county,with its 28,603 school popu- lation and 281 orphans,got the next larvrest sum—36,867.50. The act of the Legislature whiehallowscountiestotakeintoconsid-eration the orphans in institutions inthecounty,in the make-up of the: échoo!population figures,broaght ir 46 orphans for Alamance,450 for Da-vidson,478 for Granville,35 for Guil-ford,39 for Henderson,225 for Ire- dell,70 for Mecklenburg,281 for4 Wake and 179 for Wayne.Iredell,with 11,565 sehool childrengets$5,972.20;Alexander,4,837scho#l children,$1,273.53;Burke7,327 and $2,131.85;Cabarrus,9,590 and 82,790.30;Catawba,11,538 and $3,355.62;Davie,4.408 and $1,368.43; Forsyth,19,516 and $5,678.37;Gaston 14,783 and $4,201.26;Guilford,21,119 and 6,144.75;Lineoln,6548 and $1,005.20;Rowan,18,714 and $3.989_-534;Wilkes,11,481 and $3,340.50;Yad- Kin,5,517 and $1,547.03. .The total chool population ik S2ZR.206 Former Revenue Officials on Trial. The trials of four former officers of the United States internal revenue service,charged with being implicat- ed in a gigantic “moonshine”conspir- acy.wes to have begun at Fort Smith,Ark.,yesterday. The defendants are Thomas C.Me- Coy,former internal revenue agent of Asheville,N.C.;James H.Surber,former interna!revenue agent of At- lanta,Ga.;A.W.Williams,Fayette- ville,Ark.,former gaugwer and New-ton ©,Spradling,Aurora,Mo.,for- mer yauger. In addition to these defendants, there are similar indictments subject to call at the term against Guy —L. Hartman of Farmington,N.C.;Mo- ses B.Brock of Salisbury,N.C.;J. W.Grider of Senora,Ark.,a former cauger,and John L.Casper.The lat ter pleaded guilty at Fort Smith last January and was sentenced to nine years in the Federal penitentiary at Leavenworth,Kansas.He was par- dened a few days before Christmas and is a witness against the Government agents declare others. they have evidence that the “moonshine” conspiracy dates back a score of years,having originated in North Carolina and spread through half a dozen States.It is charged the con spiracy ended at Fort Smith in thespringof1914,after the governmen!had lost from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 1 revenue,MeCoy was convicted in Jackso ville,Fla.,a few weeks ago of an of fense similar to those mentioned The Death Record. Mrs.Mary Evans Cowles,widow of the late Josiah Cowles of Hamp tonville,died Sunday at the homehersonandonlychild,Dr. Josial Cowles,at Los Angeles,Cal.aged about 84 years. Mrs.Cowles was an aunt of Mr H.R.Cowles of Statesville,who was advised by wire of her death.For neaciy thirty vears she had made her home with her son in California She was born at Fayetteville.Inter- ment will be at Los Angeles today. Mr.FE.M.Hicks has been notified of the death his father-in-law,Mr.M.A Ham,which occurred Sunday at hi home at Tampa,Fla.Mrs,Hick was called to Tampa a week ago by news of her father’s serious illnes Sunday she notified Mr.Hicks of hi leath. Mr.Ham was a native of [rede!! and had been living in Florida " more than 20 years He is survive by his seeond wife and four childrer Two sons live in che West and daughter by the last marriage lives i Virginia Two Wrecks Last Week. Five eara of freight trein No.72 eastbound,were derailed Friday morning about 8.15 o'clock,just west of Elmwood station.The track wa blocked for three or four hours bu! otherwise no damage resulted. This was the tween Statesville seccad wreek lx and Elmwood ir ried of about 15 hours,the me being the one just east of the Statesville station Thureday evi ning,When a work train ran nto four freight ears,injuring several weople. Engineer Eagle and Mr.Mover, who wer,mcred in the latte wr wave sufficiently recovered tr wa’¢Lone’s Sanatorium,where thes were for treatment Papers on Health Topics. The State Board of Health,in the educational health campaign,is of- fering prites to each school for the best paper written on typhoid,Yes-terday at Cool Spring and Harmony schools,handsome dictionaries were given for the best vapers at theseschoolayNextweekpapersoncareofteethandtuborculosiawillreceive Prizes For attention. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM| Items of Interest GatheredFromOvertheState. The North Carvlina Equal Suf- Leagne will meet in State con- vention in Greensboro on the 12th. Gen.Lawrence Young,in com- mand of the North Carolina brigadeontheborder,is at home on a visit. J.R.Thompson of Van Wyck,§(.,a patient at a Charlotte sanato-rium,committed suicide Saturday by hooting himself. Gov.Craig will arrive in Asheville Friday,a private citizen,and his friends and neighbors are planning a public greeting for him. Kate Potts,a negro woman of Char- lotte,tried suicide by jumping in a well 40 feet deep and eseaped with a sprained ankle and a few bruises. According to the report from El Paso,Texas,the First North Caroli- na regiment will be given patrol dutyontheMexicanborderJanuary16. The Rockwell Furniture CompanyofRockwell,Rowan county,has putitsfacteryontheco-operative plan and will share profits with employes. Since Editor Williams of NewtonwonhissuitagainsttheHeptasophs, similar suits are being brought by scores.Even two dozen have been brought in Gasten county. Gen.J.§.Carr,who has takenchargeoftheworktoraisefunds for a mongment to be erected at theeraveofDr.Elisha Mitchell,on Mt:Mitchell,plans to raise $151,000 for that purpose.For three years S.W.Williams of Durham county had been receiving help from the county as a pauper. When he died the ovher day they found $500 in cash in his old shoes and it is said that he also had a bank account. Rev.W.R.Bradshaw,assistant to the corresponding secretary of the Baptist State Convention,has been called to the pastorate of the Firs Baptist church at Hickory to succeed Rev.J.D.Harte,resigned.Mr Bradshaw lives in Hickory. Mr.C.G.Bailey of TPavie county has given $10,009 for a new dormi- tory at Greensboro College For Wo- men.The sum of 60,000 is being raised for a dormitory and other physical improvement at the college and $100,000 for endowment. Winston D.Adams,for 11 years a member of the staff of the Charlotte Observer and for eight years city ed-‘ter of that paper,has left the Ob- server and gone to New York,where he will be attached to the Bureau ofForeienandDomesticCommerceun- der Dr.BE.FB.Pratt. Sherman Crews,a negro,was held by the Winston-Salem police Satur- dry night pending the investigation of the death of an unidentified negro who is alleged to have been slain by Crews with an axe It is claimed the killing resulted from a quarre! over a gambling ame The State Society of Mental Hy- iene meets in Raleigh Friday night.Dr.W.G.White,superintend ent of the government hospital for the insane,at Washington,will be the principal speaker. State convention Anti-Saloon League in Raleigh January 15. The road commissioners of Davie county have issued a eall for a mass meeting,to be held at Mocksville on the 20th to discuss the question of issuing $100,000 more bends to com- plete the county's system of good ronds,and to levy a special tax for the maintenance and upkeep of —the roads. The ladies eo hunting in Chatham and one in a hunting party a few days ago -Mis Blanene Welch,as the Pittsboro Reeord informs usman’s privilege of rest- of her gun on the toe The doctors cut off one toe and hope to save the remainder of the badly lacerated foot The military will not Bickett’s inauguration. exercised ing the mi ‘ of her sho feature Gov There are on ly a few companies in the Sttte—¢ehe major portion being on the Texas border—-and as the council of State decided not to pay the expense of transportation to Raleigh,the soldier boys wii!not parad for the new Governor.It is just as well.Bickett isn’t qa war Governor,anyhow The North Carolina Municipal As sociation will be in session in Raleigh teday and tomorrow,and the special work at this meet will be the drafting of general legislation to take the ph of special laws for- merly enacted for municipalities by the Leyislature The amendment adopted the last election took away from the General Assembly the power to enact local legislation after January 10 Chatham county boasts a citizen, 76 years old—Charles Eubank by name—who in one day's hunt fe turned wil ,squirrels,seven rab bits.four partridges and a large eposetn The veracious Pittsboro Record,from which we get this in formation,saye that Mr Eubanks “equght most of the squirrels by climbing trees and catching them in their nests,and the ‘possum was caught in the same way.” Mies Willie Cornelivu who spent the holidays with Mre.J.C.Duke,re turned vesterday to Davenport Col. lege,Leno! Mrs.A.E.Childers of Mooresville was in StateevillesSaturday to see husband,who was operated on at g's Sanatorium ten days ago r.Childers is improving and =ex- pets to wo hame this week. —Mr.William Ledbetter is inRaleighlookingafterthepositionofosoftheStateprison..W.PF.Cody (Buffalo Bill) WILL PAVE THE STREETS. Mooresville’s Charter Change— Dairy School.and Creamery —Mr.Brown's Death—Ma- chinery For Cotton Mill. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Jan.8 —Mr.B.A, Troutman,who is being treated at a Chicago sanatorium for high bloodpressureandhearttrouble,and ix also beine dieted and treated for be- ing too fleshy,is getting better.Helost11Ibs.the first three days and 20 Ibs.in all. There was a lively game of bas- ketball at Concord Friday night, when the Mooresville team beat Con-cord 27 to 4.The stars from Moores-ville were Johnston,Rodgers,Kipka,Davidson and McKnicht;for Con-cord,Sapvenfield,Miller,White, Long and Laurhiin.Mr.T.J.Williams,ex-member of the Legislature and a prominent cit-izen,circulated a petition last weekandobtainedanumberofsubscrib-ers,opposing the amendment to thetownchartertoraisethetaxrate from the present 33 1-3 cents to 50centsandforwardedittoourRepre-sentatives Friday night.Mrs.G.C.Winecoff and son,Cald-well,have returned from Salisbury,where they spent the holidays withrelatives.Miss Vennie TempletonleftforBurlingtonlastweek,She isteachingthere.Miss May McLellandhasreturnedtoPeaceInstitute,Ral- eigh.Miss Johnsie Thompson,whowasonavisittohergrandmother,Mrs.D.A.Sloop,has returned to herhomeinSalisbury.Mr.ArthurHowardofMaxwell,Texas,who vis-ited his sister,Mrs.C.L.Kelly,has vone to visit his father in Catawba county.Mr.C.R.Bodenback of Au-gusta,Ga.,a creamery expert,whowasformerlymanageroftheMooresvillecreamery,spent his va- cation here and has returned to hishome.Mr.Neill Miller of States- ville,who was here on a vigit,leftlastweekforAlabama.Dr-ftind Mrs.Cc.U.Voils spent the holidays withrelativesatChester.Mr.and rsWatt.W.Deaton of Pueblo,Colo,who visited Mr.Deaton’s m ’Mrs.J.C.Deaton,in Statesville,have also visited in Mooresville andvicinityinthehomesofmany Deatona.Mr.J.Shoaf,a route agent in thepostalserviceandaformerresi- dent,whose headquarters now are InGreensboro,has moved his family there to live,Mr.and Mrs.Homer Gorpening and children of Newton,who a few days here visiting their sister,Mrs.R.H.Baker,returned home ac- companied by Miss Ruth Corpening, who has also been here visiting Mrs. Raker.Mr.Clyde Kennedy of Wins- ton-Salem and Miss Rose Kennedy of Lexington,former Mooresville peo- ple.spent the holidays here with their father,Mr.J.R.Kennedy.Miss Rose,who has moved from Lexington to Gastonia,has a position as court tenographer for Solicitor Wilson. The congregation of good old Cen- tre Presbyterian church gave their pastor,Rev.W.E.West,a genial, old-time pounding. Walter,the 5-year-old son of Mr. mm.W.Kerr of Prospect neighborhood, who was kicked in the head by a horse and his skall fractured,is im- proving and may soon be well, The Mooresville Enterprise says that Mr.Thos.J.Hoover,head of the mechanical department of that pa- per,will go to Newton,his old home, this week,to take a job on the New- ion Enterprise.The Mooresville En- terprise regrets to lose him and speaks highly of him and his work. He leaves many friends here who, with Editor Deaton,wish him well. Sunday afternoon,December 31st, Mr.David Karnaze,a Greek and a fruit dealer of Charlotte,was mar- ried to Miss Ruth Stamper,who has been one of the waitresses at the 4 Commercial hote!for quite awhile. She is a daughter of Mr.M. Stamper,who lives a few miles,from town.This marriage was quite a surprise. Demonstrator John Arey (an Elm- wood boy)closed a four days’dairy school at Miranda,in Rowan,last Thursday.He spent the week there giving instrvetions about increasing the production of milk and cream, hew to handle and test it and make the best cream for the creameries, ete.Mr.Arey is an expert in his line and what he tells you is worth while.Moreover,this creamery busi- ness is a great thing for the farm- ers,anyway,and not only for the farmers,but for all of us.Tam glad to hear of anything that is to en- courage it to go forward until a creamery will be in every town have in mind a number of farmers who were once paying time prices. from January to December,for ev- erything they bought,but whe stopped buying on tme except a lit- tle 20-day bill,as soon as they began selling cream,and now they come in every month and pay up,when the check is cashed.Now nearly has even quit the 30-day business and pays cash down Talk about diversified farming!This may not be just it,but it is a good diver- ified way to help make 9 living be- sides cotton raising,and not so lia- ble to have the market demoralized by war news leaks.The Mooresville creamery is going to dowble its ca. pacity during 1917 and it is cream every one this section ever hadMrs.R.W.Cuthbertson daughter,Miss Ruth,haveitingMr.and Mrs.Floyd M Lawyer Turlington went to ahd n vis- ter for street improvements,which serioualy il}at Denver,Col. (Continued on Six). spent ed one of the createst blessings the farmers of Ral-eich Inst week to look after the billtomakeachangeinthetownchar- of Modres- —The Statesville Public Sched resumed yesterday,The aedelayedbytheprevarenceof. So far this year therebeenissuedinthecountyalicenseforwhitepeople,and toonecoloredcouple. —The eclipse of the moonoffyesterdaymorningschecule,but the cloudsviewtosomeextent.x —The Landmark is asked totionagainthattheCivicmeetattheCommercialthisafternoonat4o'clock. ion will meethovseat10a,m.and all members are urged to cal pictureshow Januaryheree fora restaurant. audience.amounted to $20.20. --An effort was made to‘the store of Mr.W.L.,Bloomfield Thursdayholeswereboredin the frontaroundthelock,but entrance wasnoteffected.No clue. —The W.R.Mills and5tsforAllencava.andwho willdo nessin renair tock ofearswillbeaddedary.- na Harris went to CdaytoattendacorsetMissHarriswilltakeainfittingandwillhave corset department at store. —Mr.C.S.Tomlin,a~¥——cere :a semi-ann meetingof .leigh last.week.dend of 7 per cent.was ¢payable February ist and Let. Property owners onstreetwillaskthecountysionersattheirmeetingnext to donate five feet on theofthestreetforwidenithecoststobepaidby the preperty owners. and officers of the “The Border”to Ca).L.Bt”Brintlandthepublic-spirited citizenscontributedtotheChristmascheckrecentlysentthem.The “boys”all thetown appreciate the remembrance from “back home.” The Swift Fertilizer CompanywillmakeStatesvilleadistpointforfertilizerinthissectiontheStateandthisweekwillbeginthestorageoffertilizerinthewate-house of the Statesville’CottonssCompany.Mr.W.F.Reece will b in charge of the agency. —Application has been made fortheadmissionofJohnHartness—whose troubles have been mentionedtotheStateHospital.Hartness isthepeglegmanwhousedtocomeeStatesvilleoccasionallyandinthecourthouseyardandSe streets.He has been off m vy for some years.Mr.Frank R.Summers of Statesville,who has been with theWalker-Evans -Cogswell Compa- ny,Charleston,8.C.,for sev months,has accepted a positionitheObserverPrintingCo.,Charlotte, and took up his new work yesterday.Mr.Summers was with the ObserverCompanybeforegoingtoCharleston, Capt.W.H.H.Gregory hasbeenselectedtosecurefreetrans-portation for all veterans who are not able to pay their way to an-inual reunion to be held in W =ton in June.The commanders of the camps |to corres-pond with Capt.Gregory in regardtothematter.All State papers arerequestedtocopythisnotice. Messrs.F.T,Meacham,B.Sronce and G.F.Dull and othersattendmeetingoftheNortholinaLiveStockAssocia‘hichbeginsatWinsten-Saleming.Messrs.Meacham andmaketalks.Mr.DullateamofboysfromtheHighFarmLifeSchool,who ’ sist in judging the exhibits.ae Statesville won both theballherethe it.isionGrove Thursday.Heold,bright,-and industrious,It will hard for his parents to give +Mr.Hendersen’s two chil- rd and Mrs.Harrison .who are living inile,are also —.sick withubbardalsohaspneumo-e tender to this family oursympathy.Young 4 ‘Brown's mother,who been living at Cooleemee withcaineinonavisit were Wilkes about Thursday night.Her remainsburiedatPisgahchurch,incounty,Saturday.She was 84 rs old.r.Will Pharr's very low for several daysnotmuchchangeyetin tion. paby has been there is its condi- .Harvey Jurney has gone to ville to accept a job with the electricians. The little girl at Mr.J.£.Jur- ney’s,who has infantile paralysis,is beginning to walk a little.We arepleasedtonotethisimprovement. I saw a srood luck sign not so very long ago that’s almost too good tokeep.You know that it’s an old su- perstition that to find a horseshoe and pick it up will bring good luck to its owner.I have seen them tack- ed over doors and used in various ways for good luck.But I saw one, sometime,somewhere,hanging on anautomobilethatwaslyingon_itsbackwiththewindshieidsmashed and the top partly demolished.The ear had made its trip up the country —you know where they usually go on these night trips—and was re- turning when it got too far out of the road and turned over.|wonder- ed,when we saw the horseshoe hang-ing there on that wreck,just wherethegoodluckwas!I suppose thattheyhadgoodluckingettingwhattheywentafter,and this explains the balance. Death of Mr.Combs at Stony Point. of The tandmerk Stony Point,Jan.8 —Mr.RufusB.Combs died at his home in Con-township,Iredell county,a shortfromthisplace,Friday,ry 5th,at 10 a.m.,aged §1 ,six months and 23 days.Fu-1 services were conducted at theistchurchSaturdayat2p.m. }pastor,Rev.E.N.Crowder,a2 remains were laid to rest inPointgraveyard.Mr.Combs is gervived by his wife and eight chil-dren—five sons and three daughtersSeallmarried.Death resulted fromhearttrouble,superinduced by senili-.He had been confined for sever- weeks.Mr.Combs lived and diednearwherehewasborn.He served # in the Confederate army,Co.©,Fourth regiment N.C.Volunteers,from Iredell]county,was in manybattlesareundRichmondand=wasforsometimelaidoffbysevereex-posure..The writer had known Mr.Combsformanyyearsandwouldbrieflysayofhimthathewasanupright,hon-orable man.He was a_kind neigh- bor,a genial companion and hadmanyfriends.He came from the war financially stranded but went tohisfarmandbycontinuousapplica- tion,with skill and energy,he ac-a competency worthy of his .He peid liberally to the Church and took an interest in pub-lic affairs.When overtaken by af fliction he bore ‘with .resignation,and near fhe close of his life,whenconsciousthathewouldsoonpassto the Great Beyond,he said he was Teady and wished to go. Education to Solve Mexican Problem. Intervention in Mexico,net with arms but by free,public,non-secta rian schools is recommended in a re- port iesued by a self-constituted com mittee of Americans of national rep utatior educators or publicists This committee began studying Mexi can situations about a year and half ago.Its conclusion was summa rized as follows: as “The chaos existing in Mexico is duc to the variety of racial elements;wor ful lack of general education;—stil greater lack of political and the rapacity and educated leaders,and, stances,of intelligent The committee includes Frank J Goodnow,president of Johns HopkinsUniversity;David Starr JordanchancellorofLelandStanfordUni versity,and other eminent educatoran]publicists Killed Himself When OfficersCalled, Bernard Wesley inent retired experience upidity of the in a few ir uneducated.” son of a dealer of Lewis, coal .Pa.,sought by the police connection with the killing ofColbert,an artist's model,in mt at Philadelphia lastweek,shot and killed himself in his=in an Atlantic City hotel, ice were trying to enter arrest him.officersthesuicidesolvesthemysterymurder.is known toanansociateofthewoman.ea Segoeoebus. ee we cure. coe 'Peadaete be of I speak. should pay our Chief Executive as) much as the Federal ernment| pays the Senators and ta-| tives in Congress.can-} not live in the mansion by| the State at the present salary and| do the things expected of him,and| which he must do in accordance wit established custom «nd the require- ments of hospitality.I know where-He must provide the/| means from other sources,and this the State does not desire. “The same observation applies te) all the State officers.We have able,| conscientious officials.They are worth more and they earn more than they receive.” The history of the Cuban bond suit —.which now seems to be happily ended—was stated,The ¢Governor said he had rejected all suggestions negotiations look-He had employed Attorney io a of compromise or ing to withdrawal. able counsel to assist the General in fighting the case finish. “I rejoice,”said the Governor,“to declare that the State is in better condition than at any period of her whole history.”This followed by a brief statement of our materia! prosperity agriculture,manufac- tures and commerce and the provement in rural conditions. 18 m- “We have always the perplexing question of taxation,”said the Gevernor.“The constitution makes the solution difficult.The large per cent.of the personal wealth of the State is not listed for taxation.One cause for this is the alleged under valuation of land., *There in the Stateare Vast areas of unused land held for specu- lation.The owners neither use it nor intend to use it.Those land are listed for taxation at a_very emall part of their sale value.It . sessments the discrimination s in their favor and again the land that have been improved,These w used lands should not be favore t the tax for their owners ar appropriating the value—the unearrASSERO!Y ed increment created by the growth and enterprise of the whole commo- nity.If there be any discrimination let it favor the mae who has im proved by industry his holdings and made his land productive A prop- er assessment would discourage the holding of vacant land for purposes of speculation and encourage the in dustrious and the energetic to bu their own homes.This is especia lytrueofcityandsuburbanproperty “The Federal reserve act has de stroyed the money monopoly.The farm loan bank recognizes the land as security upon which money can be obtained on long ard easy termes Land in North Carolina is compara- tively cheap.A man of energy and determination can own his home if he will.” The rapid progress of road im provement is gratifying.The Gov- ernor estimates that we have about 15,000 miles ef improved roads in the State and that 16,000 miles have been built during his administration The hichway commission is hamper- ed by lack of funds and the Govern- or would give the commission al! the automobile tax.The Governor would also have railroad grade cross- ines abolished on all the principal highways.The State must provide a maintenance road fund if we are to eet our share of the Federal road fund. The freight rate pronosition and the efforts to change the discrimina tory rate made in favor of Virginia, was mentioned Complete equity was pot secured,says the Governor, but the remedy was substantial Freight originating in North Caroli- na going to the States south of us is subjected to the same tariff as thé same class of freight originating ir Virginia.North Carolina is entitled to a decided advant:ge upon all such merchandise,says the Governor,and he that attention be next riven this discrimination sugvests The Governor is not plesaed with the beast that our educational insti- tutions are conducted eheaper than others.“We need the best in the world,”he says “Durirne my administration,”con tinues the Governor,“every =instiu- tion in this State and every departmentoftheStategovernmenthas heen subjected to the most thorough investigation.Evervthing has been uneovered.No dishonesty has been anywhere found.The board of inter nal improvements has done its work fearlessly and without faveritiem The institutions are of the highest order ™ Attention is called to the provision made for the Confederate veterans and for the State Board of Health and the splendid work being done by the Board of Health “During the last four years,”saystheGevernor,“the State prison has been successful beyond precedent Above all expenses of every kind it has earned for the State the net sum of £50,000,“The makin,of formoney theStateisnottheprincipalpurposeof| prison mahagement.In this flood. tide of prosperity and plenty,the families of most of the prisoners ‘me,outae.|wp the I |orovide for gottp en 7pendent,needy families prisonersiintimesofprosperitylikethese.”| It has been the recognised | of the State to aid in the ooiieytionofcertainrailroadsinthemontsectionandacrossRidgemountains.Convicts havefurnishedtotheStatesvilleAir railway,the Elkin &Anegtang rail- me |and to the Watauga &Yadkin Valley railway.These convicts arenotpaidforincashbutasauthoriz-ed by law are paid for in stock of the companies.This stock has no market value.But the consideration is not the value of the stock,but the value to the State of that -| cent country west of the Blue ‘These railroads,when built,will con-nect that country with the State;In trade and commercial intercourse,it is cut off from North Carolina by ‘mpassable mountains and has been fereed to trade with the cities of Virginia.and send to them its valu- able products.This is a seetion withasplendiddestiny.We need its fer- tile lends and vast forests.It is qual in beauty and natural richness o the famous southwestern Virginia section which it adjoins.As a matteroticcitizenshipofjusticetothepatrhatdwellsinthecountiesofAlle- whany,Ashe and Watauga,the State ould aid in securing for them rail- road transportation for their devel and for our mutual benefit.opment “During my term of office pardons rd cemmuateat have been grantedoRonewvietedinthe court Mo f th convictions ere for misdemeanors,and in many se jud ’{vere reneuneed io oncemplatior ‘fitional par don,with the object ef restraining the offender further violations of lav ]pinior wh jude- n not rdance with ”proper a t »of justice. i wes he executive the la- or and tie responsibility that be- ngs to the courts,and the courts have the pt inity to accurately ascertain the facts.rhe courts might be invested with power toe pronounce nditional and ndeterminate sen- tence ta udgments of the rt hould pronounced as a finality“Dering my term 17 men havebeenpunshedbydeath.I have spar- ed human life unless the extreme penalty was justifed by the evt- CENese Better fore protection is urged. The State has secured title to 600 i of land on the summit of Mt. Mitchell,and this will be preserved as a public park. rere Liability of Borrowers Usder Rural Credits Law. Farmer.. credits law provides lrogressive The new rural that every borrower through a local farm loan association shall take stock therein to the amount of 5 per ent of the face value of his loan,and that double the value of this stock hall be the extent vf the borrower's liability in case of default by other members of the association. This means that if Jones borrows $1,000,he must take stock to the of $50;and if one of his fellow- ails in his payments, Jones may be subject to an assess-| ment not than double the value of his stock,or $100,to help make good the amount,if any,re-| maining due after the fellow-borrow- value horrowers of more er’s place has been solu under fore-! closure.! Now singe the amount loaned a farmer is not to exceed 50 per cent of the appraised value of his land,if ap-| praisals are conservatively ma le,we doubt if ther is more than one chance in a thousand for any member Wade440am Ai Ph 1rgmas ie 4 i f | i :§ STANDARD OIL COMPANY(Now Jersey) BALTIMOREWaa!D.C.rastette,M6.Roriatk,Cherieston,W.Va.Richenend Ve Ssaueae Dennenrene Greensboro Shucks! sleepy old town to get all that excited over aomehundreds in Nerth Carolina ev- ery year,and nobedy seem much In Johnston county a few days Charlie Dens,a negre, ed Henry Sanders,a respected negro|§ and a preacher,and feeling amongthecoloredpeopleisstrongagainst Dens. We're Used to It. News. Philadelphia must murder.Why wemere to shot and He escaped. -:|Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. have care ig ig Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with ‘prudent bank- ing methods. ago. kill-|g us association to have to pay any thing because of another member's failure.Certainly the contingrency is | that no farmer ought to! hesitate a minute,if he needs the money,at joining a local farm loan sociation of ar so remote aed ed Is My Weather Prophet. can tell stormy weather daysoffbythetwingesinmyshoul- a dere and knees,Rut here's an |old friend that soon drives out the pains | and aches,_sSloan's Liniment is so easy to apply,nirubbing#t all,it simke right in aad heenthepain.Cleaner than mussy plasters and | ointments.Try it for gout,lumbago,neu- Igia,bruises ond epraina, ra All calls Hill’s residence or Long's Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. ee ee ERE se REee DR.COITE SHERRILL, General Practioner inCityandCounty. telephoned to Jas. TURKEYS.|! We have a Leepe Order to fill for Turcan=all you can bring or CASH. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. ‘Everything is goingShinglesarestillsquareC.WATKINS Lumber Yard. THEY KEEP SAYING up.1.40 at eys and Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER, EK.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,-G,K,HUGHEY,- FOR SALE 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N.C.,near college and graded school,fronting about 700 feet on railroad and dirt road,with 3-room tenant house,large stock barn,running water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for sub-dividing into lotes. 97 acres three miles from Harmony State High School,one-half mile from public school on public road,40 acres in cultivation, balance in timber,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out- buildings,some fruit,one branch running through place. For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER,Statesville,N.C. R. —--President.-Vice President.Cashier.Assistant Cashier. But r Canned Goods.||INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.«+ |"Phone 23.Milis Building. Canned Lima Beans., Canned Peas.=e somnes Stringed Beans.|‘ciel fonts:"ll Hay At Old PCannedKraut.a yY t Yl Cc es. :{*These will be found [jf Brerynodyknowswhat's’pesave CLS in be allfood especially good fol-|\j —stuff—just how prices are soaring skywards,and the end lowing the h eavy Before the ndvance,I placed some big hay contracts at the old Christmas eating.prices and am making those dealers out West,come across with| I saved a pretty tidy sum by this little foresight act,and you,Mr.a Sherrill &Reece,|Fil’becontent with apeectyomall profit,for hay know,ie sold on awfulonmargins.acer:r Phone 123.108 West Broad St |UNTILTSECRMBER S187 1 WILL GUARAeo'|ENT PRICES—AND PROMISE YOUander palces With agBEILowENOUGHTOMAKEYOUTAa WANTED!No.1 Kicaia AN Fikoray.g SCRAP BRASS —HeavyBrase7!c.It’s dand and four-footers will eat : per Light Brass 5c.per h can gets Heonemicl,foo beater thors bo aes,ax FOR SALE:Just "phone88 or call at the store.You'llbe satisfiedwiththe IREDELL FEED STORE. Everythingin Feed line.vennnaed ai ae in2.30 &are.POYofMr.£deheri er }Joh= i andio WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON. BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 16¢. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE 5 CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. Transfer Company.| i BeinAN the cold,allays thein-therestivetrouble, forbronchialtroubles thananyotheronemedicine. It contains no alcchol.Scott&Bowne,Bloomflcid,N.J.16-88 WE USE THE SAME| Kind of equipment in our Vulean- izing Plant as is used in makingNewTiresandTubes.Rubber |heated by steam heat is the only | safe way to make repairs onTiresandTubes. our Tires and Tubes to us.DR:VANCE HASTY,G IN VULCANIZING!f Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor.THE IREDELL VULCANIZINGFIRSTNATIONALBANKRUILDING,&SUPPLY COMPANY.tesville,N.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,f Phone 201 Court Street.197.Hours 8 to 6.AL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’STEETH.—-bemeeenat rn stent One arene Your Face Your Card :Tobacco Growers canYoushouldnottrustyourshav-}'get seedingto“Tom,Dick and Harry,”“ ss ull ons to he at camer FREE OF COSTbarbershopinthecityandasbyapplyingtothe McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse,good as any in the State. Evérything Clean and Statesville,N.(. Write us and seed willConvenient Electric Hair Dryer,Massage be forwarded. Jan,2—8t. — SCOTT'Shasdonemore. Machine,Smooth-Cutting Razors —in fact everything required to som +g our service The Best in the IT’s CHEAPER To buy properly Kiln Dried FlooringandCellingthatwon't openjthantohavebigcracksin A most complete line of Hair Ton- ies,Lotions and Creams always on your house and exorbitantcoalbills. hand. Five Good Barbers No Waiting One of the youngest,but the best, in the State.They are all the best to be secured.“BEST BY TEST"! W.E.COLEY,Prop. Phone 242. C.WATKINS. SERVICE And the domplete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. Quarter Round Crown Mould.ings, Door and Window Stops,and 38otherkindsofMouldingsinstockat C.WATKINS’Lumber Yard!..pepe We can give you service., W 2 ]».HARRIS 118 Court Street.W.E.MUNDAY.Plumbing and Heat- Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and BeastSe.50c.$1.At AllDealers.LINIMENT Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.Office hours 9 a.m.>Pp. m.2.30 to 5 p,m.a y aes.Anderson Bidg.,ils:Bread St.324, ing and all repairs forsame. Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,etc.Locks and GunsairedandKeysfit-ted.In _anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. eeeence -_—— The Seaso.’s Greetings! We wish to convey to one and all our ap- preciation and thanks for the liberal patron- age given us the past year and wish for you a Prosperous andHappyNewYear. Eagle&Milholland. C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, COUGHS,COLDS,ETC. Price 25c.,bc,and $1,For sale by all Dealers. LL AIO tm cp ay-——oe | Edwards and familyintotheirnewrv:sidelinthewesternsuburbs.The many friends here of !~:ss An-jnaleen Nelson,who underweiut an op-eration in Cleveland,O.,last week,will be glad to know that she is get-me wane as well as could be ex-pected.|Mrs.W.A.Stevenson of States-|vee and her sister,Mrs.R.L.Davis\ef Hiddenite,spent Tuesday and|Wednesday here with their aunts,Misses Polly and Amanda Matheson. |Mrs.D.F.Simpson and little daugh-ter,Katherine,of Ostwalt,are visit-|ing M i mother,Mrs.J. iP.i |Miss Florence Hafer entertained ajnumberoftheyoungpeopleattheresidenceofMr.James S.McIntosh;on the evening of the Ist.Games and |&contest were participated in and|Miss Elsie Allen won the prize,a boxofmints.The Victrola furnishedmusicthroughouttheevening.Mrs|MeIntosh assisted Miss Hafer in en|and in serving delicious | nce refreshments.The impressive watch night service }at the Methodist church was very |well attended,There were songs, prayers and a short talk by the pas-jtor,Rev.J.J.Edwards. |Saddened By Death of Mr.Har. |bin—Mr.Holder Writes.1 Vhe Londmark Trumbull,Texas,Jan.2 —This isthetimetoformnewresolutions.Let|us make them for good and stand byjthemtheyearthrough.|We had a Christmas tree at Trum-|bull and all enjoyed it very much—|the children especially—and we hadfineweatherforit.The farmers are getting their land|prepared for another crop and wil!;son have it all put up.The cotton|gin will make one more run and that will finish this season's crop.|We have had very little rain this winter,but it is cloudy now and has been for two days,and very warm.We look for rain at any time.I havebeentoldmanytimessinceIcameovtherethattheweatherinTexaswillfoolawildgoose.So it will attimes.{t was remembered Christmas Daybythreeofmyoldfriends,who sentmeChristmascards—-L.C.Deitz ofStatesville,Glenn Stricker of Ches-ter,8.©.,and H.A.Holder of Black-i stock,8.C.It made my heart sad this morn-ing when I read in The Landmark thesuddendeathofmyoldfriend,Mr.J.F.Harbin.He was a_kind-heart- ed man and I loved him.His goodwifeandIwerechildrentogether. My heart goes out in sympathy her.It was my delight to see Mr. Harbin vears ago stand at the head of the Statesville band and lead themusic.It seemed to me he put whole soul into it and enjoyed it somuch.The last time I saw and had a talk with him was at Chester,S,C.,while I lived there.He was withabendandplayedfortheChesterfair.He would always hunt me upandwewouldtalkofoldtimes |send greetings of 365 prosperousdaystoTheLandmarkandall good readers.Truly yours, 3.C.HOLDER. Seventeen Dead in Oklahoma Tornado. Eleven school children were killed, four fatally hurt and eight seriouslyinjuredwhenatornadewreckedthe Vireton rural school house,known as the Lee-Baldwin School,nearBlocker,Okla.,Thursday.Only two of the 28 children in the building es- caped uninjured.The total deaths now number 17.The school building,a Baptist In-dian Mission a quarter of «a mile away,and four farm houses are inruinsandahalfdozenotherfarm houses were lifted from their foun- dations by the storm,which swept a narrow path for a distance of six miles.The storm struck first atRichville,seven miles southwest of Vireton,but did not further damage until within a quarter of a mile of the school building.Tearing up thevalleyfornearlyamile,the storm then ripped the school building from its foundations and hurled the ¢ dren down the hillside and across t ravine,some of them being picked up a hundred yards from the site of |uilding,ci Tip For Booze .Specials. The Charlotte Observer reported recently that Henry Ford,on his ré@-cent visit to North Carolina,secured a couple of gallons or so of moon-shine corn liquor and had it sent te Detroit for experimental purpo not for drinking.It was also related that an expert manufacturer of the white lightning was t6 be taken framNorthCarolinatoDetroittoshowthe Ford folks how the trick is turned. The Asheville Times is informedthatexperimentswithcornwhiskey with the object of finding a chear substitute for gasoline at reduced cost,are now being made in the labo.;ratories of Henry Ford at Petroit It is stated that Mr.Ford hopes te find in the process o¢distilling purecornliqneraproductthatwillmake an excellent fucl for motors,Here's a tip for the automobile | .er— artic:who wo into north Iredell and)ilkes for the “obejoyful”and are sometimes overhauled on the returntrip,They can say they didn’t w |the stuff to drink or to sell to ange |body to drink.[1's for the moter cane}of course, ~—-Box supper Friday night @aniocakhues.¥ ils ‘aodd his | its| “Man,dost thou not know that this.pure love that has consumed thee asafireisMyself?Is it not written,‘If the Son of Man be lifted up He!will draw all men to Him’?Again isitnotwritten,‘Suffer the little chil-'‘dren to come unto me and forbid!them not,for of sucn {fs the kingdom‘of Heaven’?|“Even when en thy mother’s breast ||]saw thee and I loved thee there,and all thesemanhood,|to Myself with cords of love,through||sorrow,through pain,through trials,’ to use the same whentheyso desire.Asin thepast,we will strive to give the sameHIGIGRADESERVICE ,that has won for this Company the willconfidenceofoverseventeenred“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUME.officesWewillbegladtohaveyoucallatourforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if our:service in needed. We do NOTARY PULIC work also.J.F.CARLTON,- hee:2 ¥ ears,even in maturity of ~~have been drawing thee!| |through ordeals,through happiness,|: through tience,throughthrough¢|—even love itself.Whysorrow? joys,o&noblest of all—kindness||dost thou!3 |“Remember you not my words,‘For!3Iwillshowhimhowgreatthingshemustsufferformyname’s sake’?Fear none of those thingsthoushaltsuffer.Trust! faithful unto death.Repent!That!'which ye have,hold fast.Hear whattheSpiritsayeth.“Happiness comes from within.(defies environment.Happiness con-!|sists not of having but of being.It}jis the warm glow of a heart at peace|with itself.For what a man isrestswithhimselfalone.To live so/|proudly and purely that your people!|pause in their way,anc year by year!with banner and drum,keep the}thought‘of your natal day. “Nt is enough to be pleasantWhenlifeflowsalonylikeasong,|But the man ——while is the man who|will smi | When everything goes dead wrong.’i'l“Be sure that luck is only pluck to)|do things over and over.Courage and|skill,patience and will are the four!leaves of life’s clover.Remember the |pearl of patience grows in the shell! cret of all strength.ence could be constantly and steadily |: realized everything would find itsrightplace.It would be easy to do}right and difficult to «0 wrong.The|problem of life,man,would be |solved.God's holiness is the key-|stone of the bridge between earth)and heaven.|“Life is but a vapor that vanishethaway.Desire is what we want to}have and do.Duty is what we ought,to do and be.Religion is growing!j humble and strong,while man—the)|principle-of life—is from God,}to God,through God.Do not tryto ; }do a great thing.You may waste al!||your life waiting for the opportunity|;which may -never come.But since |little things are always claimingyourattention,do them as they|leome,from great motives,for the |glory of God,to win His smile of ap-|proval and to do good to men.'“It is harder to plod on in obscur-|lity,acting thus,than to stand on the)|high places of the field,within the!'view of al),and do deeds of valor,atwhichrivalarmiesstandstillto! gaze.But no such act goes without the swift recognitio:and the ulti- ;}mate recompense of Christ.To fal- fill faithfully the duties of your sta- tion;to use to the uttermost the! gifts of your ministry;to bear chaf-; ing and trivial irritations as martyrs| bore the pillory and stake:to find the one nobletrait in weonle who try to molest you,to-put the kindest con- struetion on unkind acts and words; ‘to love with the love of God even the unthankful and evil;to %e content to be a fountain in the midst of a wild valiey of stones,nourishing a few lichens and wild flowers,or now and aevcin a thrifty sheen,and to do this always and not for the praise of man hat for the sake of God—this makes ‘a great life.“Rarely it is given in the story of life to those wko work greatly,or love greatly,to gather the fruit of their toll or passion. “But it is given those others perhaps—those for whom it couldnotbe--to know a happiness greater it may be than the joy of possession.” The man saw beyond it—through so much of life as remained—the bur- den and the elory of renunciationANNABARBERHARRIS. Stony Point,N.C Little Drinking and a Reason— New Hope News. wreenendence of The Landmark New Hope,R-1,Jan.2 —Chriet mas passed with much hunting and jlittle drinking.Guess they didn’thavemuchtodrink.Mr.M.H.Shoemaker is ovite i),|Mr.M.F.Privette has been ill but is limproving. |;Mr.Herbert Redmond,who has been in lowa for near two vears,is lin this part again,taking Christmas among his people.Mr.Redmond and 'Mr.Lester Younger left a few daysasoforwesternNorthCarolinato |visit their uncle and aunt,Mr.and ‘Mrs.Lee Williams.Mr:Thompson and niece,Miss Morrow of Moores-hville,are visiting Mr.Thompson's brother,Mr.D.C.Thompson,MriMac.Privette,son of Mr.M.P,F.Privette,came home a few weeks aiid from the West,but hae goneagain.|The little child of Mr.David Orton, \formerly of this section,late of Win-ston-Salem,was brought to Taylor |Springs for burial yesterday eveningr. Wish all success in the comingyear. Wad Habite. Thowe who breakfast at cieht o'clock or later, |tuneh at fvefve and hawe dimmer wt ix are al.=certain to be troubled with indigestion,wy do net allow time for one men!te dibeforetakinganother,Not less than fiveweshouldclupsebetweenments,If youtretroubiedwithindigestioncorreetyourhab.and take Chamberlain«Tabletsreasonablyhopefor it to perform ite functions an sndeel lle ai tt oh which|@ Be thou’@ of pain.Spiritual strength is the se-|,If His pres-| —=MATERIAL has not advanced in price like some othergoodsandourstockofDoors,Sash,Locks »« and Hinges,Wood and Metal Shinglesarestillatapricethatyoucanwellafford to build or repair. nf “ aedWecarrythecelebratedParoidand” Granitized Roofing,the best composition *'roofing on the market.We ‘handle this ”in car lots and have the ground floor ;..prices,and wantto supply your roofing |needs, A ah des 3 ;rome LUxury is a comparative term.Some ofostexpensivefurniturewehave eversecnlackedanappearanceofluxury!N the designs we have selected for youever,we have made luxury in coralandreasonablenessinpriceofprimeimportance.HE result can be ap iated only by :T sonal examination.COMEIN ND hey ‘a‘STALK CUT =—===NOW Is the time to cut your stalks and you canhereadytoplowwhenthebadweatheris over,Have the best Stsik Cutter on this market and can give vou |the lowest cash price, Remember what we have said about the Feed Grinders and get one. tablets atrengthen the stomach and cn.naturally Iredell Hardware : eg ry} en vd ee 7 toe tiem sy ¥:hr 4 MW tue Ba te e s need Bro. peeesereren ¥a4 »He ww i . p,1917.’is mateiesfre-|leaders ee’in of the resolutiona' county cotm-a.or wit pion:Sf theofitscriti-|tY =in ar,doce publicans gale of county |yr meet this ?|zou ae the,Bro.is «trifle narrowin his Woe Jersey Times not onlydefinitionoflobbyist.One can be ®vote in the on with the lobbyist without being a sneak,or)Discussion subject had butit offered to pay in disguiseor without any attempt |reached ‘St ae bre o the expense of bringingat corruption.There are lobbyists)genaior Lewis,chicf spokesman for,the sult.When noticeofthe suitwhoare guiltyof shadytransactions,th.Democrats,replying to F was served—three commissioners|ofcourse,but anyman,or woman,can criticism of the bringing ten separate actions—the either,who goes to Raleigh and so-|course.Withoutreferringdirectlyte Times nat only refused to retract licits members of the Legislature to the er ee the Sena 4 ne an couldanything,but reprinted the state-;support or oppose any measure,is &jon out of the war if it cousins| mente on which the actions were lobbyist;and there is absolutely no-and that America wonld not agair. based and is standing by its guns.thing wromg in being a lobbyist so,a,aaeenneption of orders 2) The Landmark glories in the stand jong as the lobbyist confines his ac |of an offer as an excuse for of the Times and herewith extends tivities to proper and legitimate *Y at aden i congratulations.A careful reading methods.'authority.i of the alleged libelous articles dis-|“Mr.Davis is not a hired lobbyist,”The chief objection urged against| closes no charge of graft or private indignantly asserts Bro.Blair,“but >ori =——one oFSen- gain on the part of thecommission-the faithful representatve of the aa.rows ted sel Fa =s ef ers.They are charged with having best citizens of North Carolina,ir-|4 movement to guarantee world peace blundered,with having made errors| “that are inexcusable and little short of criminal.”If newspapers are not at liberty to criticise and comment upon the public acts of public offi- cials,that fact should be established; and we are glad that the Times is ng into court and standing on its rights.Public officials not a few, who do things that they do not want to come to the light of day,have much to sey at times about what a paper should and should not publish. The editor who is worth his salt will be governed by his own judgment in all matters of publication. LAGERTTTATAAILS Speaking of the changed condi- tions as to the use of intoxicants,the North Carolina Christian Advocate says: Not very many years ago the“blind tiger”was screened by citi-zens who stood well and dischargedbythecourtswitha“penny and thecosts,”but today the poor “blind ti-ger”has no friends in decent socie-ty,and courts,backed by strong pub-lic sentiment,nre daily sending himtotherockpile.<e The‘statement is a trifle sweeping. In some places the blind tiger has no friends;but if Bro.Blair knew of the friends the tiger gathers about him at other places and other times,of the stas and ‘influence of those friends,who save the tiger from) punistiment when he stands in with them and they can use him—why Bro.Blair,if he knew that,would be what Wade Harris would cal!“con- starned.”The tiger,you see,is sometimes of service in campaigns| and he can find friends where Bro.| Blair would expect him to find only FT Chairman Adamson,who has in- troduced the railroad bill in Con- gress,says he didn’t consult either the railroads or their employes about 3 the bill.“I took only the public into consideration,”he said.“The rail- roads are trying to run up all the! overtime they can to make the Adamson act look bad and the men are insisting that the measure was for the purpose of fixing wages, which it was not.I think it is time tthe public had a hand in the pro- ceedings.”Glory to Mr.Adamson! “it’s time that both the railroads and ilroad employes were given to nderstand that the public has ights which must be respected and t respect for these rights wil!be enforced. ELT TLLNT A, Mr.Brownlow Jackson of Hender- won county,who has introduced in the islature a bill to double the ap- ropriation for Confederate pensions increase the amount from $500,000 fo $1,000,000 so that all pension al- Mowances would be doubled—may be sentirely sincere;he may be moved py an earnest desire to he!p the de- pendent Confederate veterans;but The Landmark confesses to harbor- Ging «faint suspicion that there is more of politics than patriotism in ‘the measure.It has no desire to in- roduce partisan politics into the question of increased pensions,but it bers that 80 years ago,when first Confederate pension bill passed the Legislature,the Republi- ‘ean minority opposed it. LDLTELAEESOOTY*It is estimated that the seven of- fices maintained in this State the season,for the purpose of :tifically grading cotton,and served 20 counties,saved the —of thore 20 counties $51,750. .recalls the fact that a few years Tredell farmers—or a good many them—were strong for the official grader,who is maintained at cost under government avu- and about the time they got “Be the point for definite action,the! was dropped.What is the with taking up the proposi- ten thisyear in time to get in posi-we for the official grader next fall?}ia not business way to actual saving is Anti-Saloon16, and of ” respective of political parties, a good many of these are tired hearing him called a ‘paid lobbyist. It is admitted that Mr.Davis is paid a salary,but it is indignantly denied| that he has tried toe corrupt any- body or has brought undue influence to bear on legislators.Cor®aption and undue influence were not charg- ed.Undue or offensive activity was the indictment Bro.Blair insists that Bro.Page's remarks are not only an injustice to Mr.Davis “but a discourtesy to the great body of Christian men of all political parties in North Carolina who compose the Anti-Saloon League.”That is the professional style,very common among preachers. Criticise one of my brethren and you have criticised me.The Landmark doesn’t know the grounds of Mr. Page’s criticism and it doesn't know who is in the right or the wrong.But it does know that Davis can be called a lobbyist and a paid lobbyist—for that is what he‘is—without offence, for.that does not necessarily mean that he is guilty of corruption or the use of any other improper methods; and to say that criticism of Davis is a discourtesy to the men who em- ploy him is bosh.The best men thot ever lived can employ people who are not above criticism. The Landmark)has no brief in this case for Mr.Page.He is abun- dantly able to take care of himself. Its interest in the matter is for freedom of opinion. EAL LL NS A EL LITT It was a fine stroke that secured the calling off of the Cuban bond suit, but one wonders why somebody did- n't think of an arrangement to tell Cuba just how it was before so much work had been done in preparing a defence of the suit.And there's Cam Morrison,too.He had prepar- ed a great speech for the Supreme Court and had “purchased a hand- some new English wa‘king suit”in which to appear before that august body.Mr.Morrison has a_suit for mental anguish,as well as the’new English walking suit,coming against somebody. After having debated the proposi- tion to endorse the President’s peace note until any possible good of the endorsement was eliminated and the effect of the note was irreparably damaged,the United States Senate endorsed the note in part. One of the bills introduced in the Legislature would prohibit the feed- ing of hogs on the public roads of Tyrrel county.Another report of the same bill says it is to prohibit feed ing hogs on Sunday. _SLSRATLEAST OTLELONTITIRENELD “Much to do in Congress,little time to do it in”"—Newspaper head line.And little to busy on the job,it might be added. disposition yet Emperor William’s Answer. The Emperor of Germany has made the following statement anent the answer of the Entente allies to the proposed peace conference:“Conjointly with the allied (Cen-tral powers)rulers 1 pronosed te our enemies to enter forthwith into peace negotiations.Our enemies refusedmyoffer.Their hunger for power desires Germany's destruction.The war will be continued.Before God and humanity I declare that on the governments of our enemies alone falls the heavy responsibility for allthefurtherterrificsacrificesfromwhichIwishedtosaveyou. “With justified indignation at enemies’prrogant answer anddeterminationtodefendour holiest possessions and secure for the Fa- therland a happy future you will be- come as steel.Our enemies did not want the understanding offered by me.With God's help your ermswillenforceit.” Inauguration Thursday. ourwith and his declaration of the interest of|the United States in smal!nations.|Progressive Republicans joined Sena-|-Lodge and others in this conten. tion. resolution adopted was pro-| posed by Senator Jones,RepublicanofWashington,and was accepted by| Senator Hitchcock as a substitute for|his own,It resolves:|“That the Senate approves andstronglyendorsestherequestbythe!President,in the diplomatic notes ofDecember18,to the nations now en.q gaged in war,that these nationestatethetermsuponwhichpeace|might be discussed.” The Railroad Bill. A bill designed to meet President Wilson’s recommendations for sup-plementing the Adamson Inw was in- troduced in the House of CongressSaturdaybyRepresentativeAdam- son,who is chairman of the com- merce committee,with the announce-ment that he will press it for early| consideration,without waiting for completion of the President's rail-|road legislation programme by the Senate.An &-hour day is provided,but railroad employes can work over time upon approval by the Inter-State Commerce Commission,which could in specific cases authorive “ex-ceptions or allowances”from the 8- hour requirements.The eight hours need not be consecut've.| After all efforts ae mediation of) differences had failed,the President, upon notification would create a spe- cial board of inquiry under the meas-ure,comprising three members,who would investigate and report to the President or the mediation board,as the President may direct,as speedily as possible.In any event a_report)would be required within three) months from the reference of thedifferencetoit.It would be requir- _ed to make recornmendattons tn its re- Gov.-elect Bickett.will take the oath. of office in the city auditorium,Ral- eigh,Thursday,11th,and deliver hie inaugural address.Gov.and Mrs Bickett will arrive in Raleigh Thurs-|day ry on ee train._ yovernor’s =mansion,Thursday evening and inaugural bal! in the auditorium Thursday night.|Jan 2 poft and pending the report,a strike or lockout would be prohibited.No person could serve on such a board if he were pecuniarily interested in settlement of the differences. Th bill backs up the requirements with a provision that the Presidentshallhaveauthoritytotakeposses- sion of any common carrier’s lines in emergencies,which term,Mr.Adam- son said,he construed to mean mili- tary necessity or the blocking of commerce.| White Prisoners Whipped By Negroes. Many charges of cruelty are made against Germany and too many ofthemaretrue.But it is just as welltorememberthattheothersideis not blameless.Here t¢a charge madc in a report from Bertin: “The condition of German civil and war prisoners in Morocco and Alge-ria is described ii:a memorial issued by the German government on the sanitary situation in African camps ag one of terrible suffering,says te Overseas News Agency.Quoting from the report the agency says: “*Prisoners are forced to carry on the heaviest work in building roads and railroads,unloading cars and ships,and in quarries and swampsTherestperiodsprescribedbyregu-| lations many times are shortened by the arbitrary acts of subaltern offi-cers.In certain camps,such as Bou Sada,the prisoners are guarded by colored troops with brutality charac- teristic of the Senegal necroes.InthecampatAbomey,in the FrenchcolonyofDahomey,colered and French colonial soldiers brutally torturedprisonerswiththesjambokand even with thumb screws,“*The German memorial says that_ the German prisoners were undressed compelled to kneel,and were whipped by negroes,’” In Mt,Airy Will Reynolds was, shot to death by Osear Mitchell.Both |colored.A woman.Mitchell in jail.| WHAT is |LAX-FOS (a ete eee tetakeInLAX-POS the Cascara is improved by |the addition of certain harmless chem-| icals which increase the cfiiciency of theCascata,making it better than ordinary Cascara.LAX-FOS is pleasant to take | and does not nor disturb stomach,|Adapted to children as well os adults.|Justtry one bottle for constipation.50c.|—WANTED — 26 nice fat steers;also a few imilkcowsandfatvealcalves.1 haveanumberoffineheifersthatIwill|either sell or exchange for fat cattleFLAKEBURKE,‘Phone 295 Red. TODAY Marguerite Clark - The exquisite little star in the screamingly funny farce, “MISS GEORGE WASHINGTON” It is one of the cleverest roles in which she has appeared,because she was reputed never to have told a lie in all her life, Wednesday. E Hi.SOUTHERN. The World's most fa- mous actor,supported by the popular English beauty PEGGY HYLAND ‘iseiaelle-aitiiads “THE CHATTEL” Thursday. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS _——in “Manhattan Madness” A society picture,a mystery picture,an ad- venture picture,a comedy picture.Above all,it’sa Fairbanks pic- ture,and that’s the really important thing about it. Friday. CLEO RIDGLEY and WALLACE REID “THE YELLOW PAWN” A stirring photodrama which relentlessly ex- poses the merciles meth- odsof the third degree, combined with a sweet and tender love story. Lyric THEATRE And others are joining .Wececcenarteoe (1020 was the numberin the 1916 Club) HAVE YOU JOINED? If not youmay do so now. The Club will be held open several weeksyet,in order to give every one an oppor-tunity to join. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” TO NEW COMERSY\ If you can’t find a housetolive in,come to see us.We will take pleasure in help- ing to get you located. We will also take great pleasure in show-ing you through ourbiglineofhousefurnishinggoods.Stoves,Ranges,Heat- ers,Bed Room Suits,Odd Dressers,Wash-_stands and Chairs.-: 50 good Maple Rockers at $1.00 each.Cwhiletheylast.>Druggetts and all kinds of floor cover-"ings.e also thank our many customers for theirliberalpatronageforthepastyear. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘*The Favorite Store.” —— Childrens’3 Ginghams Dresses!|| We're showing some splendidly made Ginghams Dresses for girl’s School Wear. The sizes are from 3 to 14 years. The colors are fast and the prices are $1.00 and $1.50. See The Window Display. Palatka.FE.Brown,Mrs.daughter and Mrs.Caldwell’s »R.B.Leinster of Winston-Sa-;here for a few days. ‘who haz heen visiting her sisterC.M.Steele,left yesterday fo:aeSunes she teaches in Daven-portMiss is the guest of Miss Virginia Stecle. tative ML P.Grier,whecamehomefromRaleighSaturday will return to the State capita! .8S.Alexander of Artillery,Fisher's Island,at home "7°eae furlough.Mrs.H.0.Steele and children re-Saturday night from Birmine- the Const »Ala.,where they spent several Carey Troutaan of Moores- spent a few hours with MissNeiltConneryesterday,entotheGreensboroCollegeforWomen. tr.Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Bass of Shiloh Piother?have returned from a visittotheirdaughter,Mrs.O.B.Lyerly,yt Who is ill at her home at Canton. ,.Mr.R.Preston Weatherman hasWictuewe.iss Mary Yount of Morganton istingherbrother,Prof.M.H.t. rned to Charlotte,where he is in tors in Harmony Section, ondence af The Landmart ony,Jan.8.—The Christmas the fund®have quietly passed and every 2.30 o'started on their New Yeur’s Mrs.farmony High Schoo!opened of Mr.with a full attendance and ar her Mecommlish much, aged 42°Bullard,one of the Ifarmonherhuty,and Mrs.Bullard have beeTemerelativesinRaleirh.MisJohniaBaggarlyofConway,S.C. Were (has been visiting relative edtinds at this place,-scurned t yy yesterday.Mr.and Mrs, in Cessick and children of Manasquar.J.and Mr.and Mrs.ReberfLavallette,N.J.,are the eu: r.and Mrs.©.H.aves,war Olin ry.and Mrs.Gus.Hay }Manasquan,are expected to 800Nn,Mir.Fsli Paris of visiting his parents,Mr.and MiC.Paris: Misses Ruth Gaither of Louisburg; “Marea Gaither of Kannapolis;Carey *Heath,a student of the State NormalKateRollins,a student of Creenyil! Training School,and Rebecea RollipofMocksvillereturnedtotheirworlJastweek.Mr.F.T.Mishoe of Con way,S.C.,was the guest of Mis Dahlia Bagwarly during the holiday There is considerable sickness in Une community,especially la grippeMrs.C Hayes.Mr.and Cheshire and son,Lonnie,have bee very ill but are slightly improvinMrs.Sara Cranfill is critically ‘on hor 1, ¢ ts of o of arrive Alaska .§ 7 ;¢N.Mra.Gus a:eT ally ii atthehomeofherdaughter,Mrs.F.WAlbea. Taylorsville Social Affairs. Speciul Correspondence of The Landmar! Taylorsville,Jan.8 Mrs.LeliaBogieanddaughter,Mrs.M.L.Gwaltney,were charming hostesse to the Embroidery club and BookclubattheirattractivehomeFriday afternoon,from 3 to 5 o'clock.The clubs were glad to have with them these guesis:Mesdames W.P.Hed- rick,J.D.Herman,L.L.Moote,Asa Thurston,F,A Cooper,M.GCampbell,D.C.Henley,Misses LilyTidball,Launa and Sue Hedrick.Afteradelightfultimespentinsocial converse,the hostesses were assigt-ed by Miss Sue Hedrick in serving asaladcourseandcoffee.The teachers from the Sugar Loafdistrict.No.4,and Taylorsville dis tricts from No.7 to 8 met at theschoolbuildingFridaymorningat9.280 o’clock to observe the work’of the schools.At noon sandwiches,cakes and coffee,furnished by theBettermentAssociation,were servedbythegirlsoftheeleventhgrade.After this social hour there was a round table discussion of the modellesson—third grade reading—pre sented by Miss Sue Kerley.Miss Jessie Wilson has gone toDickson,Tenn.,to vrsii her sister,Mrs.W.W.Cowan. Mr.M.L.Lentz Huri—Miss Ostwalt Seriously Ill. Correspondence of The Landmark Statesville,R-3,Jan.8——Mr.M.1 Lentz,who recently moved fronStonyPointtothisneighborhood met with a very serious accident Pri day evening.He was chopping whe alimb struck him in the face,erush ing his nose amd inflicting several badwashes,one of which required sever stitches in dressing it.Mr.Lentz’sfriendswillrememberhewasinjured in a well about 18 years ago.His-sbull was fractured then,leaving hisskullindented,and this last blow near where he was hurt before helpe to make the accident more serious but he is getting along very weil. Misa Katie Ostwalt has been dangerouslyillforaimestaweekwithneural,of the heart,and her conditionremainsaboutthesame.Mise Ostwalt was teaching schoo!in souitIredell.She went back last.Tucsday to resume her duties after the holi.Gays,and was taken suddenly ili as as she reached her boardingShehasbeenunabletobehome. “Yeat Bese MotAffectThe Needpetscerastesakeaaaeie 80 Wilson of Winston-Sa-| °'Esther Dingelhoeff of Lenoir N.Y.,is! ee Mrs.Ben recen enter-iinetincor!=.Fairlyiteville.(The uests weraofMrs.Fairl om eeofthetownAtieSeecniplayedbutnocourse,sand-nuts 7 a Ramsey was assisted by her sis-ter,Miss Louise Walker.As gueatofhonorMrs.Fairly was presentedwithabottleofsachet. |The McDowell club met FridaywithMrs,A.P.Steele and Miss Rose|Stephany,at Miss Stephany’s,andleavethefollowinginterestingvro-vramme: Overture Midsummer Night's Dream. Mere.Clapp and Mere.Tomlin.The Dawn Ry 1D Hardetot, Mra.A.P.Breede.<Gavotte wn Swembati. Mry.D.J,Crain.Spriee Morning,n Miss Christine Henkel. .Saint Saena.Mrs.John L.Culley. Wilson. Le Cyrure Hedge Roses.Mra.William Wallace.Refreshments were served. Miss Hannah Wallace of Statesville was a recent visitor in Salisbury and the Post of the 4th has this account of an entertainment in her honor: “Mrs.Leo Wallace,who always en- tertains beautifully,gave one of the most charming parties of the winter yesterday afternoon -—entertaining tho members of the Tuesday After- noo’Bridge club and a few outside wues s at her home on _Fisher sireei,in compliment to her attract- ive house guest,Miss Hannah Wel- i lace Statesville,The fact that this was the first meeting of the clut since Christmas and that the spiritefholidaycheerstillprevailed,added much zest and enjoyment to the oe- casion,‘ “Mrs.Wallace,wearing a handsome gown of black silk net over purple atin,cordially weleomed the cuests asyi by the honoree,Miss Wal lece,in midnight blue crene meteor Mis.Dave Oestreicher and Mrs.Mena Lowensohn.The handsome home sented scene of festive beauty,in ee pri with the glad Yule on lar and other Christmas greens mbined with poinsettias,forming ffective background fer t tables preity New Year “the place card m of New Awe .Sehubert. of isted re.' “a “Sea amortt card touch whic) u A us added j were in the f greetings.”Brids tables,silk at t of honor dinner follow: ' Year a i kings t and a th hive o prize,ve TT }«re Notices of New Advertisements several weeks y "Bank. *pen 44 —Mer Allen’s Princess ranges.—Crawford Bunch Furniture Co Manle rockers at $1 each Williams Furniture while thes Hor children, Co, Leonard se dresses f ywles-Morri n phonograph e ringcharnR er ino Store, Member of banks.—First Watches fixed right i weler Insur anythir ville Realty ‘tical vahuc Pi Federal reserve4 systen mul Bank. R.F.Henry ot vats insurable The Investment Co. lemor M 1gtesé& dailyiowneCar tor}dwelliz jer . ilte Realty &Investment Co. e and saddle for sale. trn mina jtor Co ry rent White. Second-hand touring cars forCarolinaMotorCo. Noti credit Armileld,executor holders annual Webb,secrets ry Dwelling hu ‘Pree »aor % aeetort Stoo}io rry B. tu los 295 | on rent Saw mill wante W.N.White,‘phen: Second-hand rans ’rs.Eugene MeHelpwantedAddres 126,Hickory,N.C. Agent wanted Bonding Mich, Stax ke for gram.executrix. Re-sale of tand.—| toner of valuable Blackwelder,commi Statements ( First National,Mer end People's Loar stree it tie ri fy &Insurance « ywTATvyit mi Sale lar ; oner reial Nat chants &Farmers’ &Savin Banks oral mal House Barned Near Harmony ~—Other Nows, rrespondence of The Landmark lianrmony,Jan.The Hm ’ High School opened this morning withusualnumberandallseemedtobegladtogetbacktotheir duties, Mr.H.L.S}neatthemisfortunetotosebie hov andallinitSaturdayeveningbyfireWhentheburningorednoneolIr.Sherrill’s folks were at homeMr.Sherrill had been there not longbeforeandhadfireinthelireplace Near the fire was a bed and it is supposedthefirepoppedonthebedMr,Gaither Hayes is very sick atpresent, Mr.R.L,Reid has moved to his neshomeinHarmony.Mr.Boon TurneralsohagmovedtohisnewhomesouthHarmony. Mise Stacy Hayes i¢assisting MyDewnuminhisschoo!workGrove Misses Lois and Fern Th rpe havebeenvisitingrelativesinStatesvilleTherewasapoundpartyatMrJ.A.Heath's Saterday night.Thecompanyreportanicetime.|Miss Lottie Barron,who has beenspendingtheholidayswithherpa-|rents,will return to Statesville Fe-/male College today, PilesCuredinétol4Days will refund money 12Somiarenttet'Wives Liasesud Mee.‘ 'ine of students ,hade nstite Trht 4 im at Gum ° i teachersthissubjectwhileandillustrations,impressed/wpon our minds the need ofpresentopportunity. people‘school closes.Z.A.DOCKERY. ain's Cough“T bave taken &greatberlain's Cough Remedy and ©very it hescuredme,1 have found it most eras for #hacking cough and for cotds,After taki|it a cough always disappears,”writes J.|Meere,Lost »Ge,every-where. MARKET REPORTS.4 »Produce Marker.Blateorilie .;‘The following prices were paid yesterdag “umbertalforpreiaceonthelecalmarket.Turkeys,8-20,per tb. Chickens,lag.per th. Koosters,Ge.per th Eews,J8e.per dozen Rutter,per th, Beeswax,260.te Groen Hides (unsalted)Ife,per Ib.Green Hides taalted)296.per th. Hams,22,to 24e,per ib,Green Hams,14-lée,per th.Sides,life.to ite.per tb.Olid Bhoulders,Me,per th. New Red Honey,#e.to 1¥e.per tb. Sourwood Honey Comb,Ise.te 20e.per Th.Old Auto Rubber Casing,4.per Ib. Sweet Potatoes,80¢.per bushel.irish Potatoes,$1.60 per bushel. 20.22, Tre’fotiowing eraln oninew?s #1 65- hent Corn, Oats, 21.50 per bushel.bushel..per bushel. 10 pe De, Statenvilie Cotten Werket On the loca!market yesterday 17 1-2 centeperpoundwaeuaidferbeatgradeection,Cotton Seed 4 per bushel,Beed Cy per Ib.on,i (ADVERTIBEMENTS in this column 16 centsperline.No ad.taken fer less than 26cents,Cash must accompany ender.) —— POR RENT—Twestery dwelling on eastitreetApplytoSTATESVILLE INVESTMENT COMPANY. BhiREALTY dan.| ven-yoar-old saddle mare with idle Big bargain.ED.G, dan. FOR SALE—Sbrid; WHITE “OR SALE—Three second-hand Touring Carsineplendidcondition.Come quick.CAR- OLIN’,MOTOR CO.Jan.4%, house corner of Mul-tre Apply to BR.B. Jan.% FOR RENT—Dwelling tne y and Wainu MoLAUGHLIN is saw 40,000N.WHITE, dan,9-20" WANTELD—Saw mill to leg and»0,00 Ofect mber j 05 Black. Rance im A-i thy-Montwomery GENE Jan, Statesville 1h POR SATEnditia '«!are t hendtesEl ~A end Mi R?MORRI-9---2t HELP WANTED—Hepervienced cook,alea @ndCheuffeuioodswagesand wht parties Must giveAcdressLOCKBOX426,Jan.9-2. Statesville.Good exportence unnece ol of instructions AdeeTTsBONDINGANDCOMPANY,Accident and riment,Saginaw,Michican,00,000,Jan.9-—2t.|nerienttiiaienstiilisemenaalll good tresh milk cow or one fresh in two weeks,Must het in &three-galion milker.T.A,t Williams Furniture House, Healt!Capital WANT to buy the will be POR SALE—Second-hand Ford touring car,in on Cheap for cash,J.PAUL dun.6-~2t NOTICE.N "Sale b ton fice of the aseoctlatat sown i LEONARD stock holders \ <r Mutual Buiitwit}vary Th ,ing held in !12th,0 o'elo w WEBER, Sc and ‘Treasureretary NOTICE TO CREDITORS. H ne qualified as executor of theLRrmfleld,deceased,this ie to fet having claims a t anid « them to mre on or before January is notice will be pl d in ba All persons i required to mak«tate EMMA ARMFIELD rman,Atty,Execut« STOCKS FOR SALE. mai undersigned exec utrPegram, to the } '~et at the aeonMONDAY ur of ne ton iis «door in &teevil \FEBRUARY 5th ‘1 at‘followingsaid personal =pr t Fir te,t t National Stock in ext wit oa) Bankthchwillbe Any of j vert ar private sale before said dateWINTFREDB.PROGRAM R.PB.MelLaughiin,Atiy Exeentdan,$,1017 NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY Under and by virtue of the order and of the of the Superk Ce coun 1 the special prorreding ad r of Ma ;Jamphell et »»undersigned commistioner,on MONDAY,JANUARY ck,at the cor rene clerh 1917 rt house dew rs auc t ing =deaerthe of land, yr and being ereburg town orveaid State and ceo tera of Little Dutehman ere bounded on the north by ¢ Cartier;on the eust the weet by the lands ming 1.4 i-d were ihe ter of th n confirmation of «a! na third tw on K;and belondeofle mosey land Campbell,con- mty,t# nnlebythefofKe *,more or lors TH he one-third one-third ta one .with r Ms + t ‘me >ye ed payments i. cont on defet#2.806 Maybert wi m tD.F lan.© SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Ry G CommiasionerAtty w f Superia the of theenteredinW.Bine Falls etwillonPREEPRUARY56 expose to the highest hidforatthe« bed rive ¢ of lredel a)proceedings a judgement county, entitied A nt Richard creiened -ommistoner MONDAY, o*n lie auetion, the following admin tor toy as 32 at pul ec wert } Oy desert traet of iatonwit Beginning at + corner of Lot N M)poles te a > thence with hie Hr tone on line of in Jatoes Young's |and running thence ry n Pativrson 2 dewrees enat 18 lot No.&Patterse:20 dewrees oust 12 1-2 pole a stone,Patterson *corner:thence north ¥8 degrees west 156 poles to a stone,Younescorner;thence with bis line south 2 degreewert20polestothebewhoning,containing %1 eeres more or hess, The above tract of land ix situated peatOvtwalt's,being the home of the late Men $Pails,colored,and will be eotd subject to thedowerofTowlePalle,bie widow,This Janunry ih,1917 A.W)BLACKWELDERMarvyYGrier,Atty Commianion.Jan,O—4.ow . poles to ontine;thence north We hope to have more of the good’to give addresses before our,John »Charies,who lives i|Jacksonville,Fla,They apent a week)and report a pleasant time.iMr.and Mrs.Newland MontgomeryMewars.J.©.and W.C.MontgomeryusingtheandMrs.Osear Pool,who live nearAllHealingSprings,have been forthelastweekwithasicksister,MrsSpencer.of Morganton.Mrs{Spencer is slowly dying of cancerShehasbeenindifferentsanatori-oe aof Cham-Uns,but without permanent relief.Prof.A.F.Sharpe,county superintendent,held a district teachers’meeting at Ellendale mst WednesdayItwaslargelyattendedbyteacher;}and committteemen and much inter-est Was manifested. |Fouad «Sure Thing.1 B.Wixen,Farmers Mills,N.¥.,bas used‘s Tablets fer yeurs for disordersofthestemachandliverandsays,“Chamberlnin's Tablets are the bevt 1 have ever usedObviaifubleeverywhere.,EDERAL RESER Cur National Bank became a member of theFEDERALRESERVEsystemofbanksbecausetheU.S.Government found our bank WORTHY of mem-bership:os This means that ourARMYofbankswhichstand together for theTECTIONofourdepositors;that we cantoke ¢securities to our Central Reserve Bank wheneverwanttoandGETmoneyonthem:and thatmoneyisSAFEinourbankandthatYOUcanitwhenyouWANTit.So PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,Statesville,N.C.y AUCTION SALE. MONDAY,JANUARY 15,Iwillsellatauction,for cash,atmyhomeonBuffaloShoalroad.two mules,horse,milch cow,twoheifers,registered stock hoe andotherhows,drill reaper and allfarmingtools,lot of corn,rough feed,ete.,and HouseholdandKitchenFurniture.Sale bewinsat10a.m.ROSS F.DAVIDSON. Jan.9—2t*. THE WAY TOHEALTH. Health is the most important thing It is too precious,too vitaltobebandiedaboutasanarticleofmerchandise,It cannot be purchas-ed in boxes or phials at the corner drug store, BARIUM ROCKTERaidsNature to restore itselfwhendrugsfail.It drives Urie acidoutofthesystemandrevitalizesthe r.M.Shannonhouse writes:“JwasYeringfromshatterednerves i disordered stomach and kidneysuMveBARIUMROCKSPRINGWAT?brought a speedy cure.”PI W.A.EVANS or writeDepartment>5,Barium “CURED OF CATARRAH Mrs.P.A.Creech’s child,Sel- ma,N.C.,had severe nasal ea- tarrh for two years.She gavehimMrs.Joe Person’s Remedyanditcuredhim.One such use of many we have on record.Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy— wonderful record for 35 years as blood cleanser and tonic.Ask any druggist or write PersonRemedyCompany,Charlotte,N.C.Accent no substitute.What's the 1SendforfreetestimonialsunlessyougePrice$1 per bottle,3 for $2.75,| 6 for $5,prepaid, W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON, STATESVILLE DRUG CO, POLK GRAY DRUG CO. Buy And Enjoy| A Weser Phonograph bank is oneofaV a * in life. SPRING WA. nmn Me KX bd, 4 >i Ce Tiny oy!2 t‘ vetting your watch repaired or regulated’*>“right?”ateYourwatchshouldbecleanedeveryyear.it pays to do it. When was yours cleaned?‘an your watch or repair any broken je>work ‘right’and charge you onlya willWwWe Wii€ it G ir)}le +VW wiltW Dr wesand” }‘‘We will make no charge for examining your eyeslyareasonablechargeforglassesifyouneedthem.R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. Buy for Cash.|Sell for Cash.2 Ah oe ccm New Year Resolutions: On and After January 1st,1917, !+eee a We will make no tickets for any one.Don’t ask it.This applies to all. Goods sent out on approval to be paid for ‘the following day or be returned, Prices range from $20 to $750.All goods purchased from us not mig above is eut of satisfactory and returned tous notfodel100,price $100 'Model 100,price $100,damaged,we will cheerfully refundComeinforademon- the money. Johnston-Belk Co,Leonard Piano Store, The Store That Sells For a 7LookOutW All sizes of you {2x10 to 20x32 for the bove are ox ing to stone you, ©.Watkins expecis several boxes of reerpits this wee and the prices will be low that the landlordswon't prosecute the boys, 1020 PEOPLE JOINED Gur Christmas Savings Club lngtyear—the 1917 Club now formingbromicestobestilllarger. startJointedayandwetanevenWitlatherest,|Merchants &Farmers’Bank,|“She Bank for Your Savings.” indow Lights! £0 til the end.Mr.Brown had been|blind for a number of years.The fu-|sons of Belial,some time be-neral took place from the residencetweenFridayandWednesday,went Thursday at |o’clock,conducted —b ‘atoMountainViewschoolhouseandthepastorofProspect,Rev.W.|in two of the windows,went West,assisted by Rev.S.H.Hay,!+in and tore up a portion of the seats pastor of the First Presbyterian*and piled them up against the door.church of Mooresville,and the burial|;There were a few visitors at schoo)was at Prospect.He is survived by|i Friday evening and our teacher,Rev |his wife and one son,Mr.James A.|Tilden Williams,who is a good and Brown,and the following namedefficientone,made a good talk and brothers and sisters:J.S.G Brown,|*gave the young men some good ad-Mrs.G.L.Kistler,Mrs.4.2.Braw-|-vice.He said some of the rising ley of Mooresville,Mrs.C.E.Wil.)generation did not think they were kinson of Greenwood,8.C.,Mrs.Su-having any Christmas if they did not sen Baker and Mrs.Julia Anne}get some liquor and do some mean Brown of Salisbury.itricks,We think he spoke the truth At the called meeting of the boardinitspuritywhenheutteredthoseofaldermenlastweekthestreetpav-words.ing proposition was duly consideredsoWeneedadeputysheriffinthe4ndthebeardwasunanimousinits ? '“Saethern part of Sharpesburg and one!Consent to have the town charter' ‘ o am p es 3 NOVEMBEReee)ee1 :changed,after being presented with|"ded oat onthan B 7s"cel so oetliions from J,L.Donald and)j ht to be looking after.Whiskey Wharey M.Freeze,signed by a 7}Seplentitul and we ought to have offi.jJotity of the propersy owners in thewhowillhustlethemanufactur.¥Siness part of town.There was Rop,the seller and the drinker.They °PPosition to the movement,which'“should all fare alike.If we are to a -a very popular and sen-‘have prohibition let us have it and if “''\®Proposition.|'we ane guind %Reve whictup let us A meeting of the farmers and all;e ‘e whis:*those interested is called for Thurs-|:have ,=——eS day,January lith,at 2 p.m.,in the|'Bm chamber of commerce rooms here,to aie fehovesomebenefitfromthelicenseOrganizeapermanentvomleneItwasmidnight,cold and dark.The cal-“Gentlemen,*hesaid,“Heis f QAssociation”andMr.J.W.Branton,who has been urged to be present.Mr.W.L.Gil-endar told thedate—Monday,November ity does tell.You can’t fail to ;With Jackson Smith the past two je .sec y of the S rile as-)..years,vias rented the J.J:Johnson sociation,will be.presenttomake ‘an 4th,1901,They tell me I opened m eyes good blood.His mother was a VirginianecmA.Lt.Woodward and wi o 8 izi ;®:**‘a}move there soon.aE:Atameeting he here last week,at-and blinked in the glare of the big electric his father an aristocrat of the Carolinasr.ilders,who a >tended by 2 30 ,it ':.a |same By Celders,|ienad {he tended titer a cana of thecr ———in€‘were men in spotless He comes from the very best stockovort‘hrist:5 de,30,»afn ‘ :bee fired.ine w9 ‘=eae aSat ow&=.wee w white tal!ng in low tones,very sweetest,ripest,mellowest gir'fh Brattonest hone’San eg fetempers carmen an tn *one este Men ing nd Carolina tobacco,and wewill raise hi.C.Sullivan's land.The machinery for the new cotton im,one Said,“we have been watching _right in one of the whitest,cleanest,hea!3 ~Happy New Year for the good old mills kas begun to arrive.Over 40 for this little fellow for a lon whil d .9 .7 |mark,which is as good and re-new dwellings are finished and a :-gz lle an lest homes on earth.';ible as a calendar.Good luck to al]number more are to be built.Things now he’s here.its readers for another year.jlook good for the future and if itj‘eemenetsccronierentistiemenencomeaese wasn’t for oe on Charlotte’s .;Even then I was gladall over to hear at w rom now on,lea alca ee *‘ ——ow ee.he,*Jim —»~up,looked me over,struck words.It iS a great thing to have real:\y erence a s L.eel *h ee -ae ‘*4 ——i ee!Southern’Warning Signs Sap als,em a long,deep puff.Then breeding behind you,to know who your '.ition to the familiar “Stop.|2 ean g :,re Sewnal said that justice is Look “aa Listen”signs,erected at folksare.It starts a fellow right., ;len-footed.We now add that crossings of its lines and publie high- *at seems to be a thorn in the foot ways,the Southern railway plans toof‘install approach warning signs on the We Folks of the South KNOW good blood.deni,erases fed ith,0|highways,200 feet nay From”the We Folks of the Scut/)t i h whil .Permission wi s of |#ute in he wall is deoe coli utes os cath tans will |s ORS O £e ut ?KNOW good tobacco,ened with its progress.Few can un-be placed beyond the railway’s right)@erstand why the things they think of way.Th *e ..©@o'mueh of are so slow in maki It is planned to place the signs on at 1S wh I tust had to bo ve,he rien le dawnSomeof=gettired om the right ofthe highway,approaching Mr Rea Y F e sie!aps of i encs cown South here,I want you,eo d way.;Ae :+quit—hopeless.That is where we crossings,in the hope that they will der,for one of m inends and It say—;ke the mistake.It is necessary attract the attentiow of automobile y ge _——©whole lot when I4olytoperseverelongeomhinanydriverswhiletheystillhaveample/*cause a a S bottom to it to distance in which vw stop.Experi-M,OK,makeit successful..ence has shown that automobiles are “AVVAL 1 =aexTwomencancarryanyjust’cause driven so swiftly on the public high-[am guaranteed by =nee.ad EE a —Buy me, through a neighborhood if they are ways that frequently their drivers ’°agent6=to work and wait.Five men fai]to bring them under contre)at-lf you don t like me return me to your dealer and get .*4Bcandpthesamefobiftienasten|te?tiaund.”=your money back.I have said it.A South entleman j~enough.Fifty men’who will conse-“tye racy thee Ot Way ce of ..uthern g man is knowncrate.themselves to a cause can the letters “R.R.”and a cross painted|2 Seraetores #State in time.But none joidiy in black on a white field,onofthesegroupscanveeuccessfulif|cast iron disks 24 inches in diameter,they have strings to taeir reforms.mounted on pedestals nine feet high,*bn!must be willing to sink self out being in accordance with standards |°&~!See tee =“an adopted by the American Railwayon..Assoc jthosewhodousuallyreceivethern.very well,but it is Th —f crank..wo a very Well,S rhe Y ;P .pote 9 4 :Landmark's opinion that the South- " F So far as we can size it up,ignor-orn-showkd take the money spent for '“nee and indifference are the thorn °!?SOUle take the money sp os %.*«signs and use it as a start for the ab-,oe world over for keeping his word,and I have given you mine. 4 in the foot of progress,or rather the ;secciadltaffgradessing thetwothorns.Ignorance on the.part C1tnof rade crossings “&FOR THE GENTLEMAN Orthose66« of who would be most effected+:and indifference on the part of those tae ee ai!who need it least.Selfishness,con-'"'°T>—cnmem--mmmecmmeenemnene}sidered apart from indifference,is Explosion on Train.not a leading cause.ee e‘Indifference is the thing which the Two men were instantly killed anreformercanleastunderstand.The ‘our others badly injured Saturdaysympatheticnewspapermanisthe“ight by an explosion in the smoking sffatherconfessortoallthemenandcompartmentofthereardaycoachS 7 ,Women who have causes.He is in-Of the Southern railway s Birming °_|Vited to champion the cause and be-ham special from New York.The ®*come a crusader,and they cannot un-explosion occurred while the trai i derstand his indifference.Was passing through Woodlawn,a }ti Well,many of the times the suburb of Birmingham,Ala.It is Ae,Newspaper man is simply ignarant believed that Lewis D.Walton,onc ® and wil!not be enlightened,and of-of the men killed,set off nitro-glycer- i =he sees nt than the re-ine for the purpose of committingBi2ormerhecauseheasbeenupsuicide.Walton was formerly a gro-|;:‘Be i against the same situation so many cer in Rirmingham and was charged pare nakioe aare ae te rh::‘5 times before.with killing his partner,M.O.Bar-|covers more eer”te Feason it While we are taking cur annual inventory of stock we find man a )Fe iat ton,Anon esse His ‘trial on the COveTs More surface |with greater d 2 bl li f Mer ”E vem The Leak Investigation.charge resulted in a mistrial several!Sees ee ee —thy Be ealradie lines 0 erchandise,such as ‘.a ouer of State Lansing,Mr.months ago and he was still under .70a atan BY ..’umuity,private secretary to the bend,,£‘2 s & pe td ‘thers whose hames |———=Lanenby-Montgomery Hardware (o,,|Ladies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Kimonas,Shirt Waists,;fave been brought into |the alleged YOU CAN'T FIND ANY Statesville,W.C.:“i k of the news of the Wilson peace r rR im oe 9 s 9|——_E Mote,were expected to testify tetore,DANDRUFF,AND HAIR |and Women’s and Children’s Hatsa,the investigating committee yester-STOPS COMING OUT!day.Representative Wood of Indi-MADE IN yo 87a,who insisted on the leak investi.Save Your Hair!Make ItThick,which we will close at very attractive prices,Thanking you mostEB©foureeof his information same,yine Wavy,Glossy and Beautiful ST A TESV |LL EI heartily for the liberal patronage you have given us during 1916,wesourceofhisinformationadmittedatOnce!:e :.? B ‘t he had nothing but rumors.Tu-:.romise you our very best service,with the best values obtainable,for;multy,whose name was mentioned Pry as you will,after an application Anything in Sheet |917 Y trulKbyWood,indignantly denied that he of Danderine,you cannot find a sin-Metal..ours very y; ae of the peace note until it was =trace <a or es hair{lished and demanded an ap logy ®Nd your scalp will not itch,but what }%i Wood,The Presideni*s aeothere will please you most,will be aftor a STATESVILLE TIN CO. eeer-in-law,Bolling,whose name was few weeks’use,when you see new :.3%M I L L S &P O S I O N = also mentioned on rumor,has also en-=-=anne at first—yes—Tin Roofing,—. denial,‘ut really new hair—growine all over jtetSealeeeatrealeroeionaifereRidge Roll,aWalterDavis,30 years old,farmer A_little Danderine immediately Valley TinofWaynecounty,©killed by a tree doubles the beauty of your hair.No ‘ ' | Sa Fi HA on him,He had cut the difference how dull,faded,brittle and Gutter Spout.HOUSES MOVED.Good Shin C.Framing. fi on him.He had cut the ‘eragey,just moisten a cloth with ‘Phone 55,11 Houses moved or Raised,Handling Sidiing twee.Danderine and carefully draw it e 55,114 EB.Broad Street.Heavy Machine,Raising Stocks,°*? In Northampton county a tree fel]through your hair,taking one smal]Raising or Lowering Floors or Roofs,Watkins,Shingle King Boxing on JohnDraper and his 12-year-old a at a time.The mg |is -.rs Wi F |or Anything Heavy.C a aon."e t e and amazing—your hair wiSheboreenilesMtMeoKenandmediateapeamazingyourhairwil Doors and Window rames.D.8.STEARNS,of Iredell County acing,ot an samen <abentonce;*in-Locks,Butts,Weights |238 Wrest Broad Street.: ——Mr.J.A.Anderson of Saline comparable lustre,softness and luxu.r =m.:lore You A c .on Doors,Windows.citeeattiaiaamsiiialin aaa illaaadel alia LTTTSanada,was operated on at Tiance,the beauty and shimmer of |;a.aa -THE BACKBONE Were YouAmongtheNumbertoritruehairhealth.i 2—a —Get a 26-cont bottle of Knowlton’s C.WATKINS.oi ‘Over 1000 People Have Of a nation’s wealth is made up of To get a ‘ahristman 1 w= C.WATKINS. doing well.Danderine from any drug st or FOR SALE—Steck in First Nationsl,Com-2 ba totlet nter,i mercini National,Peoples |,the savings of the people.members last yearcountyboardofeducationfobsisaepreeeeanllsohoe=Ranke.Imperia?Furniture Company,Basen Have already joined the Christmas |4 good way to train yourself to save ie,of the lose ClubSeeeeandtrans-that it has been neglected or injured Manasce met Ce 4S.“no Savings Club at the Merchants and is to join the Christmas Savings Club 3bycarelesstreatment.A 25-cent hot.—~if ,i he F ’«Mrs.Geo.B.Nicholson h =)4 :For —Hix-reom hewse on Wieskian Letmere’Bank and still come!|at the Merchants &Farmers’Bank.anditeAtlanta,Ge,to live Mga double the beauty «f your a)Waterund Nebte Bi,WALLRcRe >—=Sees |eae Seca5toirttesrawwiry=s *G C.WAt AahAE od Aree NY ,Eee silivestal@ «AW ‘epeiaal* LNNAlt ac MY “a ioeie the records—dropped for once and|all time.:Credit is given Senator }for settling this great suit.ButtheSenator’s resolution,calling foraninvestigation,and his forceful | The First Building and Loan Association7its6lstSeriesSaturday,February 3, The best way in the world to supply the de-mand for more houses is to build them throughthisinstitution. First Building &Loan Association. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. speech in the Senate this week,the“nit would probably have been press-|i .jed and had the court decided against|the State,other suits would have fol-jlowed which would have aggregated|something like $43,000,000 and in-erest.When Minister Cespedes read what'Senator Overman said about the!.lsuit,he asked the North Carolina)|Senator to call at his residence.He}said the republic of Cuba had been,trossly imposed upon and urged him}|to delay action on his resolution until) the could cable his government.Sen-| point anepromptly orthingofthe) qualified nor equippedproperkindof”work theguire.Let us heve a number of well|organized and properly equipped| road repair »who stay on the b all the time,and work under a)oreman,or foremen,who knows his| business, The chairman and perhaps othermembersoftheboardofcommission-ers should actually go over the roadsseveraltimesayearandseethatthe|work is properly done.J think wewillgetbetterresultsbyusing!tractors instead of teams and theroadmachinemuatbeusedmoreinmanyplaces,instead of the little)steel drags we have beenone.| In a places repairs wil]need!to be made;in others light dressings|of new top soil will be needed.Weoughttoletthisbetakenfroment|lands without charge or complaint.One of the most serious mistakes,||ator Overman was willing to do this;as I see it,has been made in trying)jand today Minister Cespedes receiv-|to build so many cross roads and in| }ed a cable from Cuba advising many cases almost individual roads.||that the decree had been revoked an@/while the main roads already built|j that the suit would be dropped.are going to the bad for lack ofAttoday's conference between Dr.|proper attention.It would be a}|Cespedes and Senator Overman the!mighty good thing to work up ol “a, ATT >t'PL i R big mileage and low cost get yourgas here. We know because we use it ourselves. HE lubrication of your car is one of the im- portant parts of your running it,No car cin do its full duty without correct lubrication.. Ene also our experience is of value to you. We have high grade oils and greases at low eost to you.. OF are?raaAa jonly information as to who had/kcep up every road in the county,j turned the bonds over to.the Cubans)but if we have not the money to dobyallmeans, Sees Mes.mmnEESoSCi.eef ONESTLY, ae.hy a .ae ” IT’S THE BEST POLICY. Whether it’s fire,life or health insurance you need,we can offer you the Largest PROTECTION at theLEASTCOST—a policy that perfectly protects with-out V8}you,.:ALKING insurance is our business~-TAKING itisyours,Let us tell yeu all about the speciallystrongfeaturesofourpolicies,then decide fc r your-self as to whether you need one.We're in at any time. STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, W.E.WEBB,Manager. SOCerr BOSTONIAFamousShoesforMen. A model of the latest type.The neatcurvesandgracefullinesgiveanex- clusive,aristocratic,appearance soughtafterbymenwhoknow. Mahogany Bal,Price $7.50 Pair. “““Z=_7 Phone 3).aE SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. THE REXALL New Year’s Resolution To continue to give our friends--the public--- Togive.a.best of drug ice i0giveyou0servicein a cheerful Tocael caine for the title,“Our com- Te ded a canals only,and backin’that up with our famous slogan—Money back cheerfully if you want it! Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY Sy GR wy —rey _ae]a ‘pe |8 nf %me by telephone. ~explained the whele O country would a closely. York repudiated bond ¢ittee,|L&round the)garned that|won|the| was that they caine an New ali this then let us, There was great leapite!when it |North Carolina ¥vs inagninstthebondpaMuch lrrehension had bagi that |Supreme Court the State, Attorney |tion when the the divlamacy he whole queé and at the sanw ¢ have been giwen ttablecountry‘destngs volved with thete| Serator’Overman to become in-diated bonds.said that ofRicoursehewasgreatlypléasedwiththeresultofhiseffortstosavetheStatetheexpenseofsuchabigsuit,lic said he conceived the idea ofbringinethematterbeforetheSen- ate while spending fis vacation at his home at Salisbury during Christ- mas week, “1 thought at that time,”said Senator Overman,“that the republic of Cuba was being imposed upon andbelievedifthetruestatusofthesebondscouldbeputbeforetheproper authorities,Cuba would have ngthing to do with them.Hence I intr@luced,©my resolution calling for the infor-} nation which I thought Cuba would like to have.Dr.Cespedes read my remarks in the Congressional Record and immediately got in touch withHeaskedmeto} nl!at his residence and I did so.[matter to hin) minister declared that his, have nothing to do} with the bonds and asked me to withhald action on my resolution un- til he could communicate with his overnment.I was glad to do this, and today Dr.Cespedes was author- ized to state that the suit would be dropped and so far as his country is concerned the bonds returned to the State of North Caroline to be de-) ctroyed.”, The information sv far appears to}!j bear out the original impression that! only a few of the bonds had been turned over to citizens of the renub lic of Cuba.The plan was to haveCubasuetotestthevalidityofthe|neper and should the court decide,that the bonds were \would be an easy matter to recover the 40-odd millions of dollars on thebalance,which are held by various individuals in this country. Dr.Cespedes is of the impression from the meager information he now has,that the Londs were given to al charitable institution in Cuba and an American lawyer employed to bring, }suit against North Carolina.In or-)der to bring this suit a decree had to!be issued by the republic of Cuba al-} jlowing those concerned to bring the!action in court.The order was is sued by the government under false pretenses.But as soon as the matterwasbroughttotheattentionof the proper officials the decree was re- seinded and the whole question issettledsofarasCubaisconcerned AA and the Judicial Inquiry Into the Paper Situation.\ Attorney General Gregory has takeninhandtheresultoftheinvestigationbytheFederalTradeCommissionintotheprintpapermarketwith) B n view to determining whether thereis&paper trust,and instituting civil and criminal proceedings against manufacturers or others who may.#have violated the anti-trust laws. President Wilson is actively interHestedinrecentdisclosuresofptic H tices pursued in the production anRdistributionofprintpaperandisunderstoodtobefollowingtheinquiry)A mass of complaints andtestimonyandalargenumberofse-eret reports from the commission's) investigators have been placed in the|Attorney General's hands.|.For several weeks Department of|Justice officials have been in frequentconsultationwiththeTradeCommis:| sion and are understood to have un-|der serioug consideration the early inatjtutionofgrandjuryproceedingsat| which indictments charging violation |of the criminal section of the law will)be askes..; Offiais aay they are handicapped|by the fact that more than half ofitheprintpaperconsumedintheUnit-ed tes ix produced in Canada andmanufacturerswouldbeoutsidethejurisdictionofAmericancourtsinanyproceedingsthotmightbedeem-ed advisable.This condition,how-|;ever,would not apply to American‘agontsa of such manufacturers,| ilued then if = stop trying to build so many newrornds.and take care of the more im-@ortant ones which have already beer|built and are now going to the bad.|The people will stand for taxes if;their money is judiciously spent and|they wet something in return.The main cause of complaint is,they of-ten do not feel that they get their |money's worth.Respectfully,CITIZEN.| HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSSORO,N,C. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.>.ambing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES FURNISHED, LIEaeROLGSER NOEL TILE ETERS Of the 6,000 quail imported fromMexicotorestockPennsylvania)fields,200 died en route and 50 per|cent of the others died soon afterbeingreleased.Weather too severe | CAN YOU DOUBT IT? When the Proof Can Be So Easily Investigated! When so many gtateful citizens of ||Statesville testify to benefit derived| IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE If.KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. ~——-Made by----—- BOYCE LUMBER CO. Phone 294. {from Doan's Kidney Pills,can fou |COOOLOO, dgabt the evidence?The proof is not far away—it is almost at your door. Read what a resident of Statesyille| says about Doan's Kidney Pills,Can you demand more convincing_testi- mony ? A.B.F.Gaither.316 Tradd St. Statesville, Doan’s Kidney Pills off and on for seme and have fousd them | to be the thing the action of my kidneys. says:“J have taken time to regulate At times my back feels a little weak and I just have pains across my loins.A few doses of Doan'’s Kidney Pilis make me feel better in every way.” Price 5vc.,Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy——-get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mr.Gaither had.Foster-Milburn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y, at all dealers. Flowers For All Occasions! }POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“ TAKES TOUT OF FROSTING! When the biting,frosty winds of winter have nippedyourskinandleftitrawandsore,AZMON’S Bengo-GLYCERINE affords prompt and anentThisinvaluableremedyisaclevercombinationofthemostefficaciousheaiingagentsknown.It isworthmanytimesitscostinthecomfortitguar-antees to sufferers from cha ped skin.An acquaintance with AYVMON'S means a lifelongfriendship.Why not start the friendship Today. the Square”° BIDSOO We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Van Lindley Co.,| PakGn Det Guan Handsome Stationery! Will Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? HUYLER’S CANDY, CIGARS,TOILET ARTICLES. HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. |FORO OG OODOCHIDIO MONEYIS POWER! MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE ANDOPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCQGUNT! This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear intérest from date at the rate of4 per cent.perannum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited,‘ad We want your business!oa People’s Loan and =,4peor’-— a>>Januar R to —Church captured.Keeping silence as lone as he could,Col.Roosevelt is again expled-ing.It's the President’s peace noteandtheLeaguetoEnforcePeacethataretheobjectsofhisavimosity, The Governor of New Jersey has advised the Gevernor of South Caro-lina that there was no foul play in the case of the South Carolina off cers,found dead in a hotel at Pliza- beth,N.J. Three necro .§.Cashwell,pastor of FrontBaptistchurch,StatesvilleRiverandClevelandchurcitesacceptedacalltothepastorate of South Main (Chestnut Hill)church Salisbury.dust how soon he wil! change his location has not been de cided. *South River andehurcheswillcalla pastor for hi full time.Mr.Cashwell was asked t& take this work but decided in favor of the Salisbury chargeFrontStreetchurch recently liceredMr.Leary Cashwell to preac! Mr.Cashwel!l is a son of Rev.C.§ Cashwell.He has been in charge of |lingtheR.P.Allison book store for some Three hu: time.killed A Sunday school institute will be trousheldatAmityschoolhouseSaturday 1 February 2,conducted by Revs.J.C. Keever and Harper Srady and R Nante : Mr.Morgan of Troutman.Officers.by fir The Island of Formosa,be teachers and all others interested longing to Japa located betwee Sunday school work are invited to be Japan and the Philippines present.Session wi e from 10 ;i dN.A } m to 5 p.m ; The missionary First Presbyterian ch reception tomorrow.o’elock at the residence irs.PfHenkel,on east Broad street,to which;all the ladies of the church are invit-t ed.The invitation is extended espe her membe f the comn o cially to any visiting Presbyterian la-lent i ymin dies in town.the f virg members of he wor!Communion services will be held at men’s compensation commission,to the First Presbyterian church S ’ morning and the household Sunday afternoon.Services |g nary to communion wil!held at )for a term ¢x Vv M Fran- tomorrow evening,Thursday,Fr .g rk and Saturday evening On ar of the household services Sunday a ‘ ternoon there will be no s«:lemocrat a tern :we day evening.! Front Street employes lost theirlivesand120automobilesandauto trucks were destroyed when fire de- stroyed the plant of the Dixie Auto Exchange,a local repair and ex change company at Nashville.Tenn The negroe were sleeping in the lred persons have many injured in earthquake Central Formo s estimated that 1,000 house troyed Th ity of been and wu disas- TENS \Jrow \esid t fTheClubWork.Amer Red Cross §ha County Agent Dull has not finis ee ee .,®review of the work of the variou ,iba ragclubsinthecountyforthepastyesloiBebutisfarenoughalongtthatit©7 eehasbeenverysatisfactory, thing considered.The work of ‘poultry club,which has 115 mem)«‘ was especially gratifyin Fiftce a ane hacl20ofthemembershadexhibitsatthe4:4...:4 State Fair at Raleigh and won about S homic st eve fEeathirdofallprizesofferedfor¢|thee 1014 1 ae ¢egoexhibits.The only drawback was u ee }satisfactory egrs in some cose.record }*There were twenty members of +Dr.P.M.I Y ‘f rl Pig club and they did very well wh De h satisfactory pigs were secured.Bu >horgeneLittleoftheKiverHillsectiner d aoa-put 125 pounds on his pig from Au by railroad tratr f }a?ust 8 to November 8.cars,and thatThemembershipofthecorne!scalded the past year was 46.The hichest yield per acre was 92 1-2 bushel made by Paul Williams of New [oy township.All the members did we} raising twice as much as under similar conditions.bers had exhibits atandthesameriumber hibit.Claude eash prize at the Sta Fair and J aFeimstertookaprizeatthehirdamagevseof allege exhibit.id defamatory sfatements pr she that newspaper rar the rCourtCases.cent sale of $900,000 co the : @ death reported SRY cameemer oe Asheville Paper Sued For Libel. Four the Stat at the k Morrison took fift Asheville Timos Company the mem-irman W.E.Johre Rk.G.Bu t a “al ex inal eT rma ee iv c Saturday mayor discharged IbDaveTomlin,colored,charged wit}Ee oF ote 5havingtoomuchliquorhispSTOOKSRINGBASDbrougAtthnsession,>.Henry Hoke,colored,was fined §ee Eee ee encebythemayorfo:ong around the Misstoner a _—depot.,eee ceElsRiddickgavebondyesterday,News articles and editorials i~before Justice W.BR.Sloan to :py:mmerent Se va eee gayeinIredellSuperiorCourtandarrthechargeoflarcenyofwooland® lumber from R.0.Kyles A Mr.Parker of Alexander «y .andason of Mr.T.1D.Shuford are fect :aig Bruce :oatoappearbeforethemayorndarswerachargeofcursingFridaynightasMr.Parker was dracoveredwagonalonge ay je «enatheShufordboy,in an automobile,!-.ran into the wagon,tearing out :.few spokes.There was acussin’spell,”as a citizen of Statvillereportedanincidentoneo rom tne .casion,“but tobody was |}'nobody killed.”No sesfromthecollisio: Chautauqua Guarantors.,ree me a reeene 6S At the m fruarantors F) Thompsor ‘ the Chautauqua G ciation to sucee } and otner of \ follows:M W.L.G president,Tir.¢} and Mr.F.B.Bunch +\SCARETS”BEST 1}ne Swarthr \HE ADACHY.BILIOUS,as put on Chaut sAT ERS)!fee Eeeeal-con SICK,CONSTIPATED tract again th ‘ conce a 1 Hest Ie account of th bre and othe ext tee tion has the Stat them mar ; by the cont ' cided to grant t} The Change Work progr ing tiy c tthestoreroorMotel1 0 ing,former ;| Her ry a ed the worl he « a middle next will r and a r room w iy the old kited t verted into roor |}.- of the eiore re y ’ and plate wl:\fliuret th ¢)tfront. ect t (> ae pen ee nd Rowels,Bed Colds,Sou Liver th Bad ut Hotel Iredell, cupied |4 R $100 REWARD,#100 from YTherendersofthiepaper'learn that there that setenen ¢we 'ren ‘ IF THE EUROPEANS WANT wren!ly Aire ; My Lumber Ya rege!e Cater Cure is take Leg Mipene h the Bleed on the M reaetac eer ens rd I hopebybulidineupthecomettheywillpaycashforit~ et te tet eee ee and,furthermore,will not P fer ainda make me give gold that |EMof Seatimonini.WONT take it hack, -.WATKINS, her.The work of the Assestanalitiesisnotexpectedtebeyondthecityoan.andeeetheoneoftramps rough town,rs.tinue the work along the nee be|which it was conducted in the Benev-| sient and Relief Association,i |”l MRS.A.|COBLE ala and aa"tee ee ied TOT,To:Ss oe ee.‘é 1508.82 |a bs ol AN ather and rt.}The production of pig iron in 1916 vuyes det 290.00inthiscountryisestimatedat%9,-Puentonssand Fixtures ....0.1.6...ama.T9 nn ver °Loman ns cee 2,160.00450,000 tons by the Iron Age.The fal Weems Pelaead previous high year was 1913,with "Roa ;5,718.4630,066,152 tons.The 1915 preduction Dee from ,nee‘on ROI?tone Panks and Bankers 146,910.49 jwas29,916,213 ton Cash ftems 2,916.98oeeeon‘Gold Coin 617.50REPORTOFTHECONDITIONSilvercoin,ine juding ! of the all miner coin cur-|a ‘291.98CommercialNationalBankatStates-cited,Bank nates mtville,in the State of North Caro-nd other U.8.lina,at the Close of Business,\otes 6,824.00 92,618.81 December 27,1916.Pota!poss $900,008.21RESOURCES,LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts ‘except thése Capital stock paid im............6<$25,000.00'm b and S401,800.84 rplas fund an 008 8,000.00NotesandbillsreeLadividedprofits,leas “current counted (cme e\petiaes and taxes paid 4,078.21 Say 44,428.908 Dividends unpaid 16.00Overdrafreecured448.18 Deposits subject toU.8 ‘he nds deposited to secure ctr-cheek 239,101.41 culation (par val 100,000.00 Time Certificates of urtiles other then I S heonds Dey omit 67 s4t 82 net including et red Un avings Deposits 51,996.60 pledwod 10,000.06 Cashier's Cheeks out- st of Federal Reserve Bank (60 standing 1,261.53 per cent.of eubscriptien S.760.00 |stmas Savings Club 40118 Value of banking he f unen Du to «State Banks,ecumbered 28,400.00 Kankers and Trust Cos 2,087.46 282,970.¢ }t if ‘6,872.50 Nut s int fue fron feteal .$800,008.21approvedrenegentatateofNorthCarolina,County of Lredeli,ss in New York,Chicago.|.F.B.Bunch,enshier of the above-named as st L ‘4 ar Bank,do solemnly —~~e above state. ‘‘;Ounun nent ia true to the st of my knowledge adeeaeelie¥.B.BUNCH, rve.cities 2 19,897.0 *Cashierswerntobeforeme,this CARLTON, Netary Public Subseribed mand ny of FanvarySa(abtaae than \acluded ta 1vikers‘other than includedin ’eo, *'nm 12a .KNOX,..LAZENBY,:WATTS,.Dire{ATB.08 Natior 1 O80 00 :éRome"150.09 ceroyle CONDITION et 'Reserve ae,Tt Statesville,us "in the OF Nath Carolina,at‘the #8 December 27,4,000.6 ‘ 2,024,36 LIABILITIES stock patd ir $200,000.00 wy Ue 25,000.00 »»4 !t U.&.Bonds deposited t 2 nex ei ation ar 00),ODE.value £100,000,00ae638.96 I jonds§«pledged to;ew secure |S.deposits, ,ar value 29,000.00 190,00 }f Pederal Reserve Bankonicent.of subseription)i:as Banking House ‘ifi ”nd fixture t due fire ‘1 reserve ager N York,('.1 a ‘nt f ve .ith¢}ss ir”M —than ir led ’'.:Other nks it ©#81mit1u ‘‘ ze Cuterde t ahAtt'ashFractiorrschetFEMsof I 7 van ;::amourREPORTOFTHECONDITION!jy of the Reaton m f Tren People’s Loan and Savings Bank,at ad ne:ireStatesville,in the State of North obstins}°Carolina,at the Close of Busing December 27,1916,eaeee LIABILITIESiaye_Cay x j . Sury fund t'Les ‘inter ‘ i Cir ating not Frediv te ‘e a0¢ ii 1 4 t ‘ Cas}‘ t United States Total fema Ll ITtt sere es ,Tote tir le:5.i in {Ite ‘and ‘)Bills ;able,othe 'current ex eral R e har ; 4 ob %pre» iLiab f ir H Ba Simte f th 1 fx,€''‘(ier of t 'i cheswearthatat:mybe1}we at OWN \y oO.1 ru}‘}2 hed and «b er Atobef‘ {yt ‘nt E>j } Cr HW !!rane I 1ONe R A.COOPEY i !ve “ Jin i SEE ME WHEN YOU NEED | Watches,Jewelry,Silverwar Kodaks, Also to fix your Clock or Wate! B.WOODWARD Jeweler, Prices To Advance! ee eee The price of the Chevrolet will be advanced January 15,1917,from $490 to $550.I have a few cars on hand.First come first served at old price. N.W.FOX,Local Agent. friend asked me to try Lydia E.Pinkham’s|ble Compound,which I d ao it hasiii;every way.I am not nearly so neWt}ache oree.I must saythat Lydia EEwVegetabCompoundisthebestremedyWomancantake.”—Mrs,Margaret QUuINQ,|259 Worthen St.,Lowell,Mass, She Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E.Pinkham’s North Maven,Conn.—“When I was 45 I had the inn botwhichisatroubleallwomenhave.At first it didn’t 4butafterawhileIgotbearingdownpains.I called in —atoldmetotrydifferentthingsbuttheydidnotcuremydaymyhusbandcamehomeandsaid,‘W hy don’t youeT Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash?’athemandtookabout10bottlesofVegetableCompowns8feelmyselfregainingmyhealth.I also used LydiaSanativeWashandithasdonemeagreatdealofgood. coming to my house who suffers from female troubles or ChLife,I tell them to take the Pinkham remedies.There areofusherewhothinktheworldofthem.”—Mrs.FLonencsBox1°7,North Maven,Coun, You are Invited to Write for Free Advice._No other medicine has been so successful in relieving suffering as has Lydia EB.Pinkham’s VegetableWomenmayreceivefreeandhelpfuladvicebywritingth EF.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn,Mass.Sach letters arom and answed by women onlyand held in strict contid ro _CAR nothing of guessing or Ford cars. s in regard to ihe t |value is being daily i by more than 1,750,000 ‘representing every human activity.Ford Serv- Ford O ers a iniversal le as the car itself De 1 economy in car and Bette buy your Ford today nd it will serve you ‘\N ‘and summer ‘(Runabout $345, Sedan “licit wn Car $595, Carolina Motor Co. Statesville. Mooresville.Newton, Allen’s Princess Ranges five Satisfaction Because They Are Built Right. +The two large (Cabinets take the IG |place of tea shejves \f] and provide a con-j , ‘vertont place to| The pipe behind the warming closet is out of the way.| Sanitary cleset! docs not dry out Conger Reservoir- Pienty hot water. The best reference we can give is your neighbor who uses a PRINCESS RANGE.She knows. Sold in Statesville,by Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. THONE NO,400,“The Store That Always Welcomes You.’ . i? ‘y day “Worth of town,aged 70 cme 6 pag yma om ———— STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,JANUARY 12,1917. EDUCATIONAL ‘MATTERS.THEY HAD A GOOD YEAR. to Be in Most Statesville ~CorporationsAwhileLonger—'The Health MoviesCountFreeExhibitionTomorrow. The Moving Picture Health Car oftheStateBoardofHealthwillbein 80, uss Wallace,i ulns an operation for appendicitis)educate the children in the care of afternoon.Followingy the,the teeth.Lectures will be made Mrs.Wallace was getting,the same time.Each child under 12 nicely until late Wednesday|years of age will be asked to sign awhenshebegantosinkrapid-,card and adopt the following motto:%“Taking good teeth and good health Mrs.Wallace was born Josephine |®*My motto,I will try to care for in Lancaster,Pa.,October|my teeth one time a day.”Next and was S>vears old Octo-|Week every child who has signed thepast.She was twice married 7d,bought a brush and used it once is survived by her husband and/2 day,will be given a tube of dentalchildren,r.Abram Asher,cream.Literature is being distribut-of Augusta,Ga.,Mrs.Har-|¢d_on the care of the teeth. M.Jacobs of New York and Miss!,_The health car will give a free ex- Wallace of Statesville,She hibition of pictures to the teachers was married to Mr.Julius Wallace |Of.the county at their meeting at the in April,1898,and had since spent College tomorrow,beginning at 10.30 most of her life here.Three«broth-|0’clock and lasting an hour or two. ers and five sisters also survive.Prizes are being given to each Mrs.Wallace’s remains will be in-|S¢Hool in the county for the best terred in Lancaster.Pa.,where her|Composition written on typhoid fe- nts,both of whom died within|‘®:,::past year,are buried.Five complete libraries have been ee given by a Northern association to be /_Mrs.W.V.Honeycutt,wife of Rev.distributed to five schools in the ij W.V.Honeycutt of Granite Falls,'ceunty where there are not libraries |died Wednesday night.Mrs.Honey.|already.ss cutt was Miss Sherrill before her|“Community Civics,”the book to marriage and a native of Rowan be used in the teachers’associationcounty.Rey.Mr.Honeycutt is a/this year have been received at thenativeofIredellcountyandformer-|office of Superintendent Ggay.ly lived in the Elmwood vicinity.Rev.||ee aa ; Ware will go to Granite Falls KILLED BY STREET (AR.this morning,where he will conduct onaRossB.Gibson of Statesvillethefuneralservicesthisafternoonat2.30 o'clock.|Meets With Fatal Accident in Mrs.Mary Elizabeth Little,wit:|BaltimoreofMr.D.D.Little,died Tuesday at;Mr.Ross B.Gibson,son of Mr.W. her home in Chambersburg township,B.Gibson of Statesville,was fatallyaged42years.She is survived:by crushed by a street car in Baltimore,her husband,six children,one broth-|Md.,Tuesday night. oo sisters and her father—-Mr.|Mr.Gibson was 22 years old andJohrM.Rickert.Funeral ‘services pad been a street car motorman in were conducted at NewSalem church Baltimore for the past two or threeWednesdaymorningat11o'clock by years.Tuesday night as the car was Rev.C.P.Goode and interment was ‘about to enter the barn he was caught in the New Salem cemetery.|hetween two cars and his leg was Miss Jane Stevenson died Wednes-|broken and he was otherwise injured afternoon at the home of her He was taken to a Baltimore hospital Mr.Junius G.Stevenson,Where he died later.years.She|Mr.W.B.Gibson went to vas a daughter of the late Franklin|more Wednesday morning on being3onandissurvivedonlyby,®4vised of his son's death and the one brother with ««om shelived.!brought the remains here yesterday,Funeral services and interment were|Where funeral services were conduct-held yaterda t 8 o'clock ed at 3.30 o'clock at Front Street at Concord ¢'a .oes Presbyterian chureh by Rev,Dr.H ;The remains were then Balti M.Parker. Mrs.Mary L.Pope,aged 77 years,/taken to Concord church,Loray,and) wife of Mr.Mark Pope,died Wednes-|interred. day at the home of her grandson,!Deceased is survived by his father, Mr.C.B.Drum,in west Statesville.|nine brothers and a sister.She is survived by wer husband and|;some children.Interment was yes-|Church Items of Interest. terday morning 2t 11 o'clock at Beu-|Service for children and young lah church,Shiloh township.|people will be held at Broad Street :hS }ning ¢‘clock,Esquire M.H.Shoemaker,aged 80 —pune gyn i a ”pe sa died Wednesday morning at!oo)young peepee wen ac:&mvshiebe,Mew eee tewachio.will lead the singing and have chargetk“7 wife co oe +h.of taking the collection.These serv i gy le >cea Gos a will be held the second Sunday :“of each month throughout the year yesterday at Prospect church.|Rev.L.D.Thompson,pastor,will The remains of Mr.M.A.Ham,;conduct the service._who died Sunday at his home in,,,The first quarterly meeting for Tampa,Fia.,arrived last night and |Broad Street Methodist church =wawillbetakentoSnowCreektoday—4-—"“nm the pastor'sit.udy,Rev.W.R.Ware presiding oe Gernes _The Women’s Missionary Society of Mr.A.Dug.Mitchiner,aged 68)St.Michael's Lutheran church, ears,father of Rev.J.F.Mitchiner,)Troutman,will hold its regular month-¥..who formerly lived here,died Tues-|ly meeting at the home of Mrs.A.1D day night at his home in’Franklin,Troutman,Saturday,1th,at 2.90 p county.im.COM, -The First Baptist Baraca class hasMessrs.C.M.and Talmage Adams)ojected new officers as follows:C.E were in Wilkes county this week to|Kcherd president,J.F.Bowles,Jr.. attend the funeral of their grand-|vice president,Henry Heinzerling mother,Mrs..Adams,who died |cooretary,Dwight Reece assistant at her home in Mulberry township|secretary,J.B.Reece treasurer Tuewlay,aged 97 years.Two |Frank Woodward librarian,J.Paul survive.Leonard press reporter,C.E.Sloan .o TAL jartist,R.T.Weatherman and H.CRESULTSARECLOUDED.|37st,BT.Ws , Both Sides Slaim:Victory in)Services at Trinity Episcopal.w Vor)Northern Russia.jchureh Sunday morning at 11 o'clock |om -a | The battle in northwest Russia,in|Work of County Board of the region of Riga,apparently is Education. growing in intensity,but owing to}The following orders were passed divergent reports by the Berlin and |? sons the county board of education |Monday: pnpes war offices,the results C.A.Grose &Brother were paidthusfarattainedaresomewhatbe-||86.75 for board for men at work on clouded.While Berlin asserts that!well at Harmony;R.F.Gaither,$27 southwest of Riga all attacks by the|/5¢for repairs on the colored schoo! Russians have been without success,house in District No.1,Turrersburg d reports that near Lake township. Babit the Russians captured German|Superintendent Gray was authoriz positions and advanced their line!eq to select site and furnish plans for abovt one and one-third miles south-|new house for District No.6,Cham bersburg township. It was agreed that the board pay one-half expenses of boring well for District No.5,Sharpesburg townsh D, jprovided half cost does not exceeS50. It was ordered that Distriet No.7. Falletown township,be allowed two teachers for balance of term. Aside from the Russian and Ru-G.Th.Neill was appointed commit- manian theaters and an attack by/jteeman in District No.7,Davidson British Indian troops against the |township,in place of C.H.Cornelius Turkish line at the bend of the Tigris|who has moved out of the district river,the fighting in all the other wane rs etl zones has consisted of bombardments Iredell Folks on Payroll. and minor infantry attacks.Some of the Iredell folks have al dln ready landed on the payroll at Ral Land Deals in County.eigh.Mr.W.S.Clendenin of Elm Mr.L.R.Deal has purchased from ae 1 cuentas to =on i ’f.of the House,the piace elk ‘or 908 ins 2%acres,consideration $1.-New gt is Seales to near er.halen the payroll as a laborer.Mr.John ;Lewis of Statesville will be clerk to townshi 2 en ad te term the committee on constitutional amendments,of which RepresentativeiptoMr.W.L.Rob-|a ~: ore,the consideration Grier is chairman. Ti has bought from Mr. a farm containing 45 acres ip.The price was German Field Marshal von Mackensen’s army,operating in south-ern Moldavia,has crossed the Putna|river north of Fokshani and between Fokshani and Funden:has forced the Russians and Rumaninns across the Sereth river,taking in the lo:ier op- eration 550 prisoners. Governor Craig has commuted the sentence of Jack from sixmonthsoncountyroadstoafineof has also sold a small|$1,000,Reed to leave Buncombe coun- Concordtownship to}ty for two years,Reed is a son of ,the price being|former Sheriff Reed of Buncombe,and was convicted of retailing. ea ‘allace,died yes-morning at 645 o'clock at the county for another week or so.!Sanatorium.where she under-|This weck pictures will be shown to Tee Report Good Business at theAnnualMeet. |The stockholders of the Bloomfield Manufacturing Company met Tues- |day and elected directors as follows: N.B.Mills,H.A.Yount,A.P.Bar- at!ron,H.O.Steele,C.L.Poston,D.M. ,Ausley,W.W.Turner,R.L.PostonjandE.G.Gaither,Mr.Mills was|elected president,Mr.Ausley viee |president,Mr.Yount secretary and treasurer,and Mr.W.L.Saunders superintendent.The report of the secretary showed,the company had had a_good yearjandthestockpaidadividendof20 |per cent.for 1016—10 per cent.July {1 and 10 per eent.January 1,1917. The stockholders of the Commer-cial National Bank met Tuesday andelectedW.D.Turner,E.Morrison,C.M.Steele,N.B.Mills,W.F.Hall, J.E.King,D.M.Ausley aod C.L.Poston directors.Mr.Turner waselectedpresident,Mr.Morrison vice president,Mr.Ausley cashier and G.E.Hughy assistant cashierThebankhadaprosperous yearanddeclaredanannualdividendof8 per cent.The deposits January 1,1916,were $238,499.42 and on Janu-ary 1,1917,$366,691.80,or an in-crease January 1 this year of $128,- 193.38. At their annual meeting this weektheStatesvilleCottonMills’stock- holders elected the following diree- tors:M.R.Adams,F.A.Sherrill,W.T.Nicholson,T.D.Miller,J.W. Copeland,B.F.Long,J.W.Kaneer, Wm.Morrison and Wm.Wallace.The directors elected Mr.Wallace presi- dent,Mr.Shérrill vtce president,Mr. Miller secretary and treasurer and Mr.Kaneer superintendent. The company had a satisfactory veur and declared a semi-annual div- idend of 4 per cent. The stockholders of the First Na- tional Pank Tuesday elected M.R. Adams.J.F.Bowles,W.T.Kincaid, T.N.McElwee,A.FP.Barron,.L.,Bristol,T.PD.Miller,R.B.Me- Laughlin,R.A.Cooper,W.F.Hall, Isidore Wallace and D.J.Williams directors,who elected Mr.Cooper president,Mr.Miller vice president and Jno.W.Guy eashier.A dividend of 10 ver cent.was de-clared during 1916.The deposits date$122,544.79 more than last year. same The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Statesville Furniture Company was held Wednscday following directors were elected: A.Thomas,R.B.MeLaughiin,D.. Williams,L.C.Wagner,A.P.Bar- ron,A.E.Welberne and J.G.Shel ton.Mr.Thomas was elected presi dent,Mr.McLaughlin vice president, Mr.Shelton secretary and treasure: and Mr.Welborne superintendent The company had a splendid business the past year.The directors authorized the ere tion of a two-story building. feet,and an adjoining shed of 60x60 feet,at the west end of thé Stateervill Furniture Company's building.Thi Ww. ' 4 peculiar state of business.The price of animal glue,which has bee used in the manufacture of furniture bas increased so much thrt a tute is necessary.This substitute ifoundinavegetablegluc.The vege table glue does not dry as rapidly as the animal glue and the additiona! buildings will be used to store the furniture while the glue is drying The buildings to be erected will cost about $10,000, The stockholders of the Paola Cot- ton Mills,in annual session Wednes day,elected D.M.Austey,FE.W Brawley,W.T.Kincaid,A.P.Steele, W.D.MeLelland,C.L.Poston,N.B. Mills,R.L.Poston and J directors.Mr.Ausley was vresident,Mr.Steele Mr.Mills secretary and treasurer and Mr.T.M.Crowell superintend ent.The company’s business for the year was very satisfactory. elected The stockholders of the Statesville Grocery Company met in annual se ion Tuesday night and elected dire:tors as follows:F.B.Bunch,W.M Barringer,J.L.Cowan.J.M.Davis, W.H.Morrison,J.C.Fowler andfF B.Watts.Mr.Barringer was elect ed president,Mr.Fowler vice lent and Mr,Watts secretary treasurer The company had plendid business the past vear. The stockholders of the Statesville and a ind elected W Steele,W.F Morrison and DwhoelectedMr.Turner president, Mr.Morrison vice president and Mr \usley secretary and treasurer. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Imperie|Furnitur: Company was held yesterday after noon,FE,G.Gaither,W.D Dr.C.A.Tarner,J.C.Steele,R.B McLaughlin,W.A.Evans,E.Morri son,C.BE.Keiwer and Herman Wa! ace were elected directors.The re port of Mr.Keiger showed a ver rood business done the pastconsideringeverything. Cold Storage Report. of the business men who are interested in a storage plant for Statesville are cal! ed to meet at the Commerrial clubtonightat&o'clock,to hear the re port =2 C.Vv.Henkel,who was appoin to investigate and make afoaniwilit D.Turner,C Hall,N.B.Mills,F M of the cold All town —on the vy of such anindustryforStatesville. Janvery 1,i917,were $515,224.62,or’~ and the! 5Ox50 i additional room is made necessary by | substi-| G.Shelton| vice president, presi-| Loan &Trust Company met Tuesday || Ausley directors,| Turner.| vear Merchants’Band of Statesville Elects Officers. The members of the Tuesday night and organized elécting Dr.C.A.Turner Karl Davis president,Harbin vice president,A.L. ferretary -treasurer -manager.Thesefoararealsethedirectors.“Merchants’Band of Statesville” Was adopted as the name of the or- |genization,which was promoted by the Merchants’Association. The new band,which was recently “goteen together”by the Merchants’Association,has been holding semi-weekly practices in the band hall in tthe Morrison building under the tu- torship of its efficient director,Dr.Turner,and is making fine progress.It will probably make its debut be-fore many weeks,and wil!doubtless be recognized as the best Statesvilleha.ever had,and one of the best in the State. The band has 18 members,some of whom have had many years’ex-perience and all of whom are dis-nlaying talent in the playing of their instruments.Following is the list: Clarinet,F.Brown;Cornets,Earl Devis,R.O.Harbin,E.H.Adams, W.S.Johnson and A.C.Johnson;Al-tos,Royden Stimson,8.H.Kunkle and Roy Brown;Trombones,E., Wilkerson.Alex.,Cooper and R.R.Leagan;Barytone,Jeff.E.Ingram;Boss,A.L.Mills and A.L.Shaver;Drums,D.Brown. Immigration Bill Ready President's Veto. Freed of language objected to by the State Department because it was of ensive to Japan,the long-discussed immieration bill was agreed upon this week by a conference commit- te of the two houses of Congress aml the Senate promptly adopted the conferenceamenort by a vote of 52 to 10 The Fuse was expected to take similar action yesterday.’ As originally passed the bill con- taned a provision designed to ex- chide Japanese in the event of abro- getion of the so-called gentleman's ayreement under which Japan for 10vearshaspreventedherlaborersfromcomingtotheUnitedStates,A substitute inserted by the conferees, after consulting officials of the de- partment,says: “No alien now in any way exclu- or prevented from entering the ied States shal!be admitted te United States.”This sentence,sufficiently direct to|satisfy Pacific Coast legislators,is rewarded as broad enough to safe- euard against objection from any for- |clan government.The literacy testprovisionremainsintact,in spite ofWilsonhas the of to band met R Mills APS. The For a jigithe that President let it be known that it will be cause of another veto,Friends ithe bill claim they will be able ass it over a veto. The geographical zone from which no immigrant would be admitted in- leludes India,Indo-China,Turkestan, Borneo,Sumatra,New Guinea,Ce lebes and Afghanistan the fact |Guilty of Violating Neutrality Laws. al at San Franciseo,and four of his |attaches or employes,have been found|wuilty by a jury in the United States istrict Court in San Francisco of jhaving violated this country’s neu |trality.|All five defendants were accused of ihaving planned to blow up munition plants in America and Canada,steam- |shops carrying supplies to the Entente allies,railroad bridges and military ltrains.Besides Bopp,the defendants iwere FM.von Schack,viee consul; |Wilhelm von Brincken,J i Van |Koolbergen,Margaret E.Cornell, |‘harles C.Crowley and Louis J ;Smith.Van Koolbergen was out of ithe country and could not be brought back for trial as his alleged offense as non-extraditable Smith was he government's star witness |Ww |Kentucky Court Yielded to Mob After a mob had threatened the llives of Circuit Judge Charles Bush land Commonwealth Attorney Denn Smith at Murray,Ky.,when they cor ented to postpone the of a nm gyro charred with killing a «hite mar it was agreed to pi the trial yesterday.to report reaching Padueah,Ky The attorney appor \the negro asked fot ment and the neg wa spirited away to Hop'cir vill Ky.,.before the erowd learned what had been He was to have been returned tried yesterday REE AEEAMER I TARAS Cc,P.Moss of New Iberia La knewn as the “tobar heing ja Wealthy manefacturer sauces committed suicice a hotel in New Orleans La.In a note left to his wife he seid,“I simply quit I am tired of ithe hypocrisy of the world and think jit best to end it all The Entente re|Wilsen’s |ington yeate to its content |IMpression | ad not beer R.BE.Austirforseveraltime |State Legislature |ty,died suddenly»his home at Albemarle Arthur Ivey was shot v |Jom Plyler at Convord night.Both colored cose,Plyler escaped Thos,A.Coughenour, trial eed with according| itodefend posponethe dene and co king,”‘o ply to President ceived in Wash While secrecy as was maintained the that the door to peace arrecd note was rday tterls nent law yer and member of the from Stanly coun Wednesday night prom |killed by Wednesday Woman in the aged 71 nallites prominent business man of :ry,died yesterday.His wife, five sons and two daughters survive, by | |director, Franz Bopp,German consul gener-; LOCAL BAND ORGANIZED.|A PARDON FOR STAFFORD.|BRIEF Dr.Thurston County Physician —Store Robbery —Taylors- |ville News. Special Correspondence of The Landmark Tayloraville,Jan.11—The county house and elected Tr.Asa |Thurston county physician to sueceed Dr.S.T.Crowson,who has served for several years. Attorney A.C.Payne received a |}pardon from the Gevernor Wednes- day for Isaac Stafford of this county,who was convicted of manslaughter lat the September term of court,1914,jand sentenced to seven years in the venitentiary.Stafford shot and killed Jill Little,also of this county.Mrs.Sarah Feimster was called to Stateaville Wednesday morning bynewsoftheaccidentaldeathofhernephew,Mr.Ross Gibson,in Balti-more.Her daughters,Mrs.SaraCampbell,Miss Grace Feimster andMrs.H.P.Feimster expect to attendthefuneralatStatesvilletoday.License was issued Wednesday for the marriage of Mr.Monroe Baker,son of Mr.Howell Baker,and Miss Nona Baker,daughter of Mr.D.O.Baker,both of Sugar Loaf township,Presiding Elder W.R.Ware ofStatesvillewillpreachintheMetho- court R list church here Saturday morningat11o'clock,Saturday evening at 7o'clock and Sunday morning at 11,The quarterly conference will be held at the enh Saturday afternoon.Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Carson,who have been visiting relatives here,willreturntotheirhomeinStatesvilletoday.Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Matheson and daughter,little Miss Margaret, and Mr.W.A.Stevenson of States-ville,spent Wednesday here with relatives. Will Moore,colored,charged with entering the Bee Hive store last Thursday night,was given a hearing before Mayor C.G.Veile Saturday afternoon and bound to court under £100 bond.He gave bond.The store had been broken into once or twice before this and a few things had beenmissed.Mr.James Watts,the owner,had been sleeping vupstairs in the building for two weeks or more.Heheardthemanenterthebackwin-dow,which had been left with aoutsincethelastentrance,oak lethimcomeinandstartupthestair-way.Then Mr.Watts flashed a light and fired.The visitor escaped throughthewindowandMr,Watts ran outthefrontdoorandacrossthestreetshootingtwiceattheman.LatertheywenttoWillMoore’s home,ar- rested him and took him to jail.Lawyer J.H,Burke spent Wednes- day in Charlotte on business, THE METHODIST HOSPITAL What the Western North Caro- lina Conference Proposes and Wants. Greensboro News,11th. The proposition of the Western North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church to erect a hospite}somewhere in the territo- ry of the Conference ata cost of $150,000 or more,has been laid be- fore the chamber of commerce ofGreensboro,The reason for the presentationofthemattertothisbodyisthattheConferenceproposesto locate the hospital througn competi-tion of the various communities forthedistinction.The Conference has established a committee headed byC.M.Pickens,of Spencer,to choose the place for the hospital and this committee Saturday directed a getter to the chambers of commerce’anc other trade bedies of a number the towns of the section,to the min- isterial association and to the med- ical societies,enumerating many of the cetails of the plans to build. There are four requisites for the choice of a site named by the commit- tee.These are that there shall be an adequate resident staff of special- ists available;that a good site be do- nated which is easily accessible and within the limits of the benefits of all the city conveniences of water,light,was,sewers and other public utilities and the hespital must be as- cured of a meter rate as low as that of any other citizen or institution in the city;that the institution be ex- empted from municipal taxation; that the city donate $40,000,to be paid in two years,$20,000 each year, after the beginning of the construc- tion of the hospital. The Conference expects to make the hospital the base for such activ- ities of western North Carolina Methodism.The $150,000 named as the construction cost of the hospital is declared to be the minimum and the original building may cost muchmore,and it is planned to add to it from time to time, Evil Doers Get Theirs in Local Courts, Fred.Caldwell and Charley Watts, colored,were committed to jail Wed-|nesday in defauit of bond by Mayor blankets from the Mer ‘rel-Craig Live Stock Co Justice Sloan Wednesday taxed Hub.MeLelland,colored,with —the coet for hunting on the lands of Mra. J.BR.ArmfieldSherrillDalton and Lester Flow,acoupleofnegroeswhoareinthe“old offender”list,were before Mavor Caldwell yesterday to answerforanasseultonLizzieMoore,col-ovred.Dalton was given 30 days ontheroadsandFlowwassenttothechaingangcammainuntilthe tried in Superior Courtbarsfromalocalstable, of| Caldwell on charge or stealing horse| h rtness was taken eaoeSeeeanditedtotheStateHos5‘ —Mr.W.S.Johnson,has|been ill with pneumonia for the past two weeks,ic now i * 0,board of health met Tuesday at the}—-The county hoard of;week re-elected Dr.R.8.i‘county physician for a term of tw |years.ee L.B.a ae in yesterday to assist vernor :‘escort in the inauguration of Govern- lor Bickett.An outhouse at Mr.J.S.MeRo-rie’s caught fire yesterday afternoonbuttheyhaditoutwhenthefire company arrived. Mr.J.H.Knox of CoolhasdecidedtolocateinTetonher lem and will sell his pessoal pec erty at auction next Thursday, —Mr.W.E.Webb has contentedwithMr.C.H.Lester,architect,plans for a handsome tobuiltonMulberrystreet,next to Mr. H.O.Steele.—-Mr.J.C.Somers and oewhohadbeenaesatMr.W. ‘oore’s since comPorideaover into A A Y.Love house on Walnut street. -—Mr.J.B.who had beenbookkee:at irstF'has aeanPea‘ opened an insurance onendflooroftheFirstNational —Mr.Don Sherrill,son of Mr.Mrs.W.L.Sherrill ofhalf-brother of Dr.CoiteStatesville,was operated onpendicitisTuesdayandhisispromising. ngtlewhichshe hadTuesdayadaughterofDr.was very sick for awhile until tors relieved her. -—-Miss Annie Marvin,tician for Statesvilleports218birthsinand88outsideduring 1916,deaths inside and 87 —_figures apply to whitecombined.og Loin Webb,Mrs.T.D.thedee- der county,iMandnoonetocookorcarefer -—The train from CharlottedaymorninghadacarleadofaboardwhowereenSoutherntheCatawbatoworkforthewayConstructionCompany.were from Charlotte and south, —-Mr.Thos.Hill,who hadworkintheshoftheLocomotiveWPhiforsomemonths,arrived—_——Tuesday for where as atheStateLabcratoryin Laementofsoilsandfertilizers.* —Mr.Charlie Sherrill,formerlyStatesvillo—son of Mr.and Mrs.J.|W.Sherrill—and for some timeitheCarolinaMotorCo.at :|and Newton,is new associatedhisfather-in-law,Mr.W.A.in the management of the|Hardware Company of Newton.—-In the exhibit of the North olina Poultry Association inSaiemthisweek,Mr.E,A.of Iredell was aw a premiumforthirdcock,first hen,pul-let,third pen,the breed "Comb Rhode Islard Reds;*.|Lawrence of Iredell first pen,Comb White Orpingtons. |.Statesville has a representative at jnumber of young fellows at work initheBaldwinJocometive|Philadelphia.Those who arethereorexpecttogowithinthe next |few days are Messrs.Geo.Ives,James|Brady,Robert and Hugh McRorie,\Frank Harbin,Perry Guy,Milton‘Cunningham and Jno.W.Guy,Jr. iCIVIL WAR GREENBACKS. Will Be Used After February 1inPlaceofNotes. A new issue of one and two-dollar |greenbacks of Civil War days,dis- leontinued more than 30 years ,|will be put into circulation p'ylaboutFebruary1,displacing sim |United States notes of larger‘ination to provide relief from_the |unprecedented demand for small 'per money.The TreasurymentannouncedWednesdaylissuehadbeendecidedon|silver certificates of one and|lar denomination could not |junder the law in snfficient quantity'to meet the demand.A limit of $346,681,016 to theamountofoutstandi‘ederalwasfixedbylawin1873aftergreenbackhadbecomeanissuepatisien,and had —in the birth of a new nationa’largely by the ash ot he WestjandSouth.No ——have been|issued since F885,and the ofoutstanding$1 and $2 notes|vane now is slightly over |000 is,however,$1‘outstanding in United States$10 denomination and higherportionofthesewillbecancelleddollarfordoliar,the new issues of | tions. Harry Thaw,_| found in wert iday,with his wristsasaresultofot |vesehTheNorth¢ n = acquiring the the best ary to devote their time,enerzy and ability to the affairs of the '.Eachmanhas charge of a de- j ‘;of the city government and }4a responsible for the efficiency of |Ghat department.It is his business ;‘te study and to plan ways and means i make his department give the ‘Jargest service to the citizens,for i ' es mthose benefit it is created,at the ~Yeast cost. "Asheville seems to have been for- tunate in the selection of the men. i POne of them by the way—J.G. Stikeleathen—is am Iredell county j +man.The new methods of govern- ment do not operate of themselves. : right sort of men to make them ef. :fective.Some towns have been dis- 3 j satisfied with new sysi ms because) a 'the change of method was expected A i:to bring results of itself.It is in the ;administration in the end,but the .,best administrator in the world can’t i succeed with a cumbersome method. The combination that insures success is the modern business method ad- ministered by a business man who has his heart in his work. As evidence that Asheville’s com- missioners are business men,it is not only admitted that they kave giving the city a more efficient gov- ernment,but they have done it at less cost.The disbursements for 1915-16 were $13,356.17 less than for the previous year,while the receipts increased $69,217.32.By applying business methods to municipal af fairs they saved in expenditure and 3 inerensed the receipts. BY By and by,let us hope,all munic- ipal and county governments—and possibly the State and the too—will be conducted as enterprises,by modern methods,administered by business men.It will take time to get away been nation, business business from.the idea that these governments are to be used to pay political debts, to reward political workers and that the public treasury and the service exists for the benefit of party in control,but we can get away from it if we keep up the fight 2 LASTSLATE IS FOR STUDY. Taking note of the lack of houses _|franchise and license taxes. They are necessary,but it takes the | public the to accommodate the people who want onstration of the correctness of th /1915 equalization of tax assessment |between counties in the State. |The commission cites a gratifying ‘inerease in sources not provided by the Legislature,particularly in theRevision of these sections of the revenue act was made by the finance committee |unon the recommendation of the com- mission,As a result,the total col- lections of the State from franchise taxes reached $1,347,943,while in 1911 and 1912 it amounted only to |$516,022.:: “The commission finds gratification in the condition of the State’s finances at the close of the fiscal year 1916. The fact that for the first time in 12 years the current receipts have met all current expenses,and retired some of termtheaccumulatedshort loans, with a smal!net cash balance in the} Treastry.demonstrates that the equalization of assessment of real es- tute as between counties in 1915 was accurately and adequately calculated to meet the necessary demands of jrevenue as well as to serve the ends of equalization.. “There has also been a very grati- 'fving increase in revenue from spc cial sources other than the general ronerty tax.The General Assembly of 1918 was corffronted with a demand for larger revenue,and the commis- sion presented to the finance commit- tees of that General Assembly a sug- eested revision of the franchise and | of the revenueimproved collecting em license tax sections act,with suggestions of methods of listing and These surg¢estions were in part bodied in the revenue act of 1913 and continued and further improv din 1915,and it is interesting to review the increased revenue from these sources.z “The totel taxes collected the State from franchise taxes on Pp iblic service and domestic ce rporations,i heritance taxes,automobile and S shed ule B and C license taxes for the tr years 1911 and 1912,under the rey enue act of 1911,was $516,022.This was increased for the succeeding two vears of 1918 and 1914,jve th 1913 act,to 999.245,and for the tv years 1915 and 1916,under the f h improved revenue act of 1915 reached $1,347,943,and for th nel year,1916 alone,$799,245.; “The inheritence act alone product revenue in 1916 of $158.729,which may he said to be the first year it ha reached point of important revenue producer.It has rea rired some vears of experience to develop a practical revenue preducing act and (to get even oa fair beginning in the enforcement of it.In many cases it has been difficult to get co-operation in its enforcement,and it has been contested in many cases.Duri the past year the commission ha cer ried three cases ta the Supreme Court,not so much for the importance of the revenue in either case as to get authoritative interpretation of its provisions,and in each case our high- est court has the commis the ne sustained sion completely.The lines are now pretty well settled,and no well-ad- vised attorney will now permit final settlement of an estate without seeing !to live in Statesville and other to it that any taxes due are paid P.:towns,the State Journal lays the Thev constitute a continuing,mter- ,trouble to the low tax values on va-@st-bearing =obligation it = "chargeable against the administrator cant lots.Says the Journal:or executor as well as against the di- Everybody knows this state of af-rect beneficiaries,and an attorney i fairs is wrong,but very few seem to who permits client administrator understand what it is that is block-or executor to dispose of assets of ing progress.In earth one of these the estate without full settlement of places there are enough vacant lotsandenoughidlemoneytoprovide and his situationfindhimself mbarracsing will an tax m this lent ample housing for almost if not quite This tax is still in its ir fancy as a double the present population.It is revenve producer.It respon is slowly i vain to appeal to town pride or the to changes in the statute for the rea- spirit of progress.The only remedy!son that two years 's fiver for set is to make it profitable to build tlement of estates.The general pro- ;houses.The owner of the vacant visions of the present act are ade- lot is satisfied because he knows it quate to produce much larger revenue is increasing in value at a greater in future,and its revenue provisions rate than the small tax on it,so he should not be chaneed.We will have 5 makes money while he waits without SOME sugire tions in detail to present turning his hand.The way to make to the finance committee as to its house-building profituble is to take administrative features ‘the tax off of the house which is “The Generali Assembdy of 1915 ir wanted,and tax at full value the va-creased the continwent appropriation ;cancies which are not wanted.It will for the use of the State Tax Commis 'then be unprofitable to own a vacant sion from $6,000 to S10.009 A part lot and it will soon cease to be va-of this was used in 1915 to employ, :cant.People will have enough houses for about six months ear h,three to live and do business in and every-traveling auditors to make up for the body will be better off.sheriff in each county a fist of all Churches are not taxed because!narties liable for license tax under they are a help to the community:Schedule B.This resulted in increa but so are dwellings.No one has yet discovered,however,any benefit that the community derives from a vacant lot.The owner of the vacant lot does not complain because it is taxed andthechurchisnot.Why,then,shouldheobjecttoremovingthetaxfrom dwellings”?The community needs both the church and the dwelling.In fact the first is useless without phe second,But his vacancy is of no fiseanybody.It should,therefore,“heedatitsfullvalue. —_ — Several hundred citizens of Louis- jana,Miss#&sippi,Alabama and Ar- kansas,including prominent membersofvirtuallyallpoliticalparties,pardinner”ticipated in a “recognition iven in New Orleans to John M.rker,Progressive candidate forVicePresidentinthelastelection.The speakers included Gov,Pleasant, Democrat,who defeated Mr.Parker in the gubernatorial election in Lou-isiana last April. LRNNANTRE The New Jersey board of electionassershasdecidedthedisputed ee Sc oe Se e a ms ok . Ae Ne ae ee . on in the third congressional of that State by giving a cer- of election to Thomas J.Hy,Democrat.On the face of iginal count Robert Carson, whlican,had a majority of 11 but a recount showed that Seul-ly had a majority of 202.ed the Sunday quiet in WallewYtreasureamount- $179,000 ,of which $7,000,-ensh,was transthedesertedstreet es-of special,heavily-.The wasTrust Street,ng to ee ; ine the amount collected for the Stat« from special license taxes by the sher iffs and tax collectors from $167,964 in 1914 to $212,904 in 1915,and there was,of course,a like increase in ¢| lections from the same for the benefit of the counties 19148 these auditors were not put till November 1,just a mor th before the close of the State Treasurer's fisce! year,and collections for the fiscal f #1 fell back to $178.425,but the taxes are being listed and collect- ed,and the shortage will appear in the collections reported for 1917.It has clearly been a good investment for both the State and the counties.” LSA SA cources In on No Crime For Trusty to Escape There is no such crime as eseaping from prison on the statute books of North Carolina,as applied to a “trus ty,”according to a decision of Juda Thomas J.Shaw in Tancombe Supe rior Court,when he discharged Fd. Williams,colored,who was before him on a charge of escaping from the county road camp.Williams had heen made a trusty by the camp an thorities;he violated their faith in him and walked away.When found he was indicted for eseapicg.The court held that the law prisoners for escaping could not ap- ply to a trusty. Rad Hubits. These whe brenkfest at eiwht o clock or laterlunchattwelveandhave@innerotsixareul.most certain to be troubled with indigestion They do not allow time for one meal te diweetbeforetakinganother,Not lees than five|Carter;hourt chowld elapse hetween meals,are troubled with indigestiontteandtakeChamberlain'sThee.tablesableitteperform1ODtainabieeverywhere. punishing || If you |Honeweutt,containing elxty eres mere or loam,correct vr hab.J.RB.Bddinger will join in the A1andyoultetheporehascr.MP.ALEXANDER,°recovery.ah Ay Sherif Iredell Co, | causedthatI didn't deserve any simply went andshortcomingsand told himsnappingandsnarlinthosepoor,overwork whole blessed year,and for of“heaping coals oitisreallytrue,that they have treated with more courtesy and ness during the vear just ended | ever before,and furthermore,that the demand made in the papers,x especially in the editorials of e Landmark in the past year,and the eomment on the kindness of the late Mr.Sam Foster.had very much to do with arousing the public mind on |this very important matter. |The Landmark will please pardon me for saying so much on this sub- ject,for it is of vital import—this thine of phone manners. Who is it that at some time,yea many times,has not talked v un- kindly over the phone?And is lit that hasn’t had his or her feelings ‘hurt by the unbecoming treatment of seme one on the phone?Now know it’s hard to keep an even bal- ance all the time,as for instance ((’m speaking now of what T know) in the department store where U work there\are five rooms in which I work at diffarent times,and the phone rings every hour—yes.several times an hour.alNhrouch the day.Sometimes I have te burrs from up staira or down stairs,leavitit-s-ew wait- re and in a berry,and Tam ar ed to talk short.But right thers js where |show my best,or my worst manners,and where I can make or happiness.seme one’smar pm glad the Troutman corres- nent made prapesal to eat more en for a N Year resolution. for that is preat.bat let me add one more.and let"1 resolve right and ck to it!that we hav~ r manner the phone in 1917 than we ever had before.ee Chaloner Loses in Courts, tohn Armsti Chaloner of “Mer- |"Va iec'sion of the Su veme Court f the United States, s loat his ‘it to annul New York proceedings in which he was declar- !insane and designed to secure pos- ion.from his lanacy trustee,of property estimated at nearly $3,000 000,The court declined to disturb he proceedings,its decision vine Chaloner’s eroperty in.the crustee’s hands.Chaloner escape? from New York some years ago.He can’t.be arrested as a lunatic ont side the State but he would be if he returned to New York,hence his gt- fempt to have the New York lunacy scree revoked.ND Baptists to Protest. Committees appointd by Baptist conventions in practically every Southern State will act in concert in hearing to President Wilson the pro- tne test of the Baptisis of the South against what they designate as the effort of General Fred,Funston to eurtail the religious freedom of Bap-) tist ministers in preaching the gos- pel to United States soldiers on the border,according to Senator John A. Oates,president of the North Coroli- na Convention and cnairman of the committee named by that body.This relates to the Gambrell incident.No date has been named for the meeting to the Presidnt. hildren’s Colds Neglect of children’s colds often lays the foundation of serious lung trouble.Ontheotherhand,it is harmful to continu. ally dose delicate little stomachs with ineternalmedicinesortokeepthechildren always indoors, 7 Plenty of fresh air in the bedroom and &good application of Viek’s ‘*Vap-O.Rub” Salve over the throat and chest at the first sign of trouble,will keep the little chafreefromcoldswithoutinjuringtheir i: pestions,60>,or $1.00, ty MORTGAGE SALE: UNDER,and by virtue of a power of saletainedinamortgawedeed«cutedtome W.Rrown,the me being duc andregisteredinBo10ofthrdol Iredell county,on pase 10 of rd,the understs 1 will,ovFONDAY,FEBRUARY 5 101 t house door in Statesville,N.C., f bh to the highest bidder,by publie tine dia ribed in said morte, \et of land tying and being in Iredell 'State aforesaid,in Coddle Creek town- and 4 ibed-a defined as follows,to- Njord uw the estates of Jobe ome t.§.Cone ,and Mrs.Eliza Be- nnbor eat an iren pin et the intersectionMa'r treet and Third North street,in Mooresville,thence south 45 1-2 decrees enat I feet to Mrs,Moore's corner;thenee on he ne th 45 dewree weet 11 poles to i orver ;thence on hie line north 45 12 degrees weat 14 poles to center of Main street;thence alonm:center of Main street to the be- sinning,containing one acre more or less,it being the home place of James W.Brown where he now Ii Jan vt on JOHN S&S.MITCHELL,j Mortwaree SALE UNDER EXECUTION,—| NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY j In the Superior Court,January Term J.f.Eddinwer we.lease Hy Whiting and Mee.Annie Whiting } iy virtue of an execution directed to the meereigned from the Superior Court of Ire.dell county,In the above entitled action,|will MONDAY,JANUARY 29th,1917, 4d of on Janua iat ae heret fore| ne tieed,««to public sale at 12 o clock, “t the court howse door of eald county,for |eneh,to the biehest bidder,to satiafy the anid ion,olf the right,tithe and =interest!hich the snid Ienne Hh.Whiting and Mrs.} |}Annie Whiting,the defendants,hawe in the |following deseribed reel eetate,to-wit | Lying end being in Chambersborge township,|Loft the aforesaid State and county,bownded on the north by the land of Pmanwel Reaver,| Newton Beaver and Arthur Reaver:on the Jenst by the lands of Clarence Moore and Witt |Cornelius;on the south by the lands of J,@ on the weet by the lands of John C.WA “ o can see 3 Overman North Carolina voted for *the bill; Senator Tillman of South Carolina against it.i [ee TET ! Nell Forbes,5-year-old daughter| of E.S.Forbes,a count merchant,was run over by an auto-. mobile driven by Chaster Rankin of| Gastonia and died of her injuries next day.The tragedy seems to have been purely accidental. “< VIRGINIAGIRL |Gained 15 Pounds ByTaking Vino! Norfolk,Va.—‘“I suffered from ner-vousness,had noappetite and was very|thin.Nothing I seemed to help meuntilonedayafriendtoldmeaboutVinol.I have now taken six bottles andhavegainedfifteenpounds;have aappetiteandcancata MATv12Dennuno,Norfolk,Va.Vinol is a constitutional gemolywithitsformulaonbottle.Itcreatesanappetite,aids andmakespure,healthy blood,Try it omourguarantee, _W.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville. MORTGAGE SALE OF REALESTATE. t to the terms of a mortange trust deed exceuted by M.L.Ovageash on the OthdeyofNovember,1904,to R,Lee Wright,trus- Tr RORRG,ick,don,Somesaneinahtd niedA eal cas ia Prices To The price of theChevroletwillbe advenced = January15,1917,from$490-to$550.I have afew cars on hand.First come first servedatoldprice. Is the time to cut your stalks and you can be ready to plow when the bad weather is over.Have the best Stalk Cutter on this market and can give you the lowest cash price. Remember what we have said about the Weed Grinders and get,one. ‘ Iredell Hardware Co. rr tee,duly registered in the office of the Register {f Deeds of lvedell county,in Book No.20,ave DO4,and in the office of the Register ofDeedsof}an county,in Book 57,page 74, and def having been meade in the paymentfprineiyandinterest,and the holder ofthenecuredbysaidmortgagehavingmade <foreciowure for the purpose of pay- te and mortgage,the undersignedmublicauetion,to the highest bid- wler,f t the court house door in Salis-|§ bury Z clock,m.,on } SATURDAY,JANUARY 20,1917,he f ing described real estate lying andbeinginthecountiesoftredellandRowan,and ©particularly deseribed as follows:Viret Traet-in bredell eounty,N.C.,Coddle Creek townabip,adjoining the lands of Whis-)ton Mellon,Locke MeKnight and others,and’§nm the waters of Coddle creek,and beunded asfollows:Bewinning at a hickory,J.F.8. Mellon's corner:thence with this line west 79polestoP.GO.N.Johnson's corner;thencewithhisliresouth21degreeseast251-2 polesteamulberry;thenee south 80 dewrees east 14polestoagum;thenee south 20 degrees east 38 poles to a stake,corner of No.thence with said lot east 02 poles to a stake; thence south 5 degrees east 20 poles to a stakeatthecornerofthebarnlet;thence north 75 degrees east $1 poles to a stake;thence north 20 degrees east 16 1-2 poles to a stake;thence south 78 dewrees east 45 poles to a stake,cor- weet ner of No thence with said lot north 52 pokes to w stake in G.G.’MeKoight’s line thence with his line 128 poles to a stone thence north 12 1-2 poles to the bewinning. contaiging sixty (60)aeres For back title reference is hereby made to Book 25,page 465,Revister's office of Iredell county,wherein deed is registeredSecondTract ty,N.C..on Coddle creek,adjoining the landsefLockeMeKnight,Dan Fisher and others,and bounded as follows Bevinning at astone,G.G.McKright's corner;thence withhislinenorth12degreeswest671-2 poles to a W.O.;thence west 27 poles to the creek; thence down the creek 08 1-2 gum stump;thence south 83 degrees enst 33 poles to the beginning,containing six (6) acres,and being tract No.2 in the aforesaiddeedThetermsofthemorteareprovideforthe sale to take place in SalistNowisthetimetobuyvaluable tracts of land. This the 15th day of December,1916. K.LEE WRIGHT,Trustee, By order of G.H.Shaver,admr.of H.HSwicexoodDec.19,1916. 5:8 This tract lies in Rowan coun-& poles to @ sweet!: iry for both tracts.|§ mmercial National Bank ee, Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Sarplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,EK.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,-@.E.HUGHEY, President.Vice President. -Cashier. ssistant Cashier, ai A DR.COITESHERRILL,|, General PractionerinCityandCounty. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.f} Hill’s residence or Lone’s Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. THEY KEEP SAYING | Everything is going up.But Shingles are still $1.40 ersquareatC.WATKINS)Lumber Yard. Canned Goods. Canned Lima Beans. Canned Peas. Canned Stringed Beans.Canned Hominy. Canned Kraut. These will be foundespeciallygoodfol-}lowing the heavyChristmaseating. Sherrill&Reece, Phone 123.108West Broad St WANTED!| SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7$c.per pound,Light Brass 6c.pervouORSALE: Newandsecondhand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboiler eeiers 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N.C.,near college and graded school,fronting about 700 feet on railroad and dirt road,with 3-room tenant house,large stock barn,running water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for sub-dividing into lotes. 97 acres three miles from Harmony State High School,one-half mile from public school on public road,40 acres in cultivation, balance in timber,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out- buildings,some fruit,one branch running through place. For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. "Phone 23.:Mills Bullding. Hay At Old Prie1ces. That's a queer statement,but I mean word of it. Everybody knows what'shappened,not to »but allfeed atuft—jutiow quietsane soaring skywards,aeend near t.Te Sr covence,1 sineet come tte be contracts at the old ®ind ammaking’thosedealersout West come scrosswith close margins.‘ow here's what I'll do about or evaiCRR ig LOW ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU TA I."9 ; M :GAN TIMOTHY ay.‘phone 88or call at thestore.You'll be satisfiedwiththe Juat } IREDELL FEED STORE.: ReerytainginPoodtne,8)nnn8 jae we WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10¢. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE 5 CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. Jitney Transfer Company. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-0,Second Floor. winst —_—~"-?\VeenBthicevbTELEPHONEENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hours 8 to 6.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’STERTA. Your Face Your Card ‘You’should not trust your shav- ing to “Tom,Dick and Horry,” but should go to the best equipped barber shop in the city and as ‘good as any in the State.Everything Clean and Convenient Electric Hair Dryer,Massage Machine,Smocth-Cutting Razors —in fact everything required to make our service The Best in the City. A most complete line of Hair Ton- ies,Lotions and Creams always on hand. Five Good Barbers No "Waiting One'of the youngest,but the best, in the State.They are all the best to bé secured.“BEST BY TEST”!W.E.COLEY,Prop. :Phone 242. seeds‘in nounlessthere- quirements of the department are complied|a trial package of these seeds please write me a postal card at once,*bplainly the name ee -:er ”only|nti lotment ia exhaust- ae —one is interested he should write once. Pee Ey|last not ,as theylastyearneedOteekalithey have met the conditions and ree TTON. of lastyout.R.L.DOUGHTO:Washington,D.C. 7AFTERGRIPPEVinolRestoredMr.Martin's Strength Ohio—“Iam«farmerGrippeleftmo t is claimed for it.Vinol is a constitutional remedy for all weak,nervous and run-down condi- tions of men,women and children,and for chronic coughs,colds and bronchitis. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. SALE OF VALUABLE FARMLANDSANDCITYPROPERTY. Mrs.Bertha Somers,individually;Somers,John Somers by their guardian,Mrs.Rertha Somers;4 .BF.son and wife,Nettie Stevenson,Chas.Som-ers,Noah Somers,Ernest Somers and Gaston Somers,exparte.Aa commissioner appointed by the clerk oftheSuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,in oaproceedingentitledMrs.Bertha Somers andothers,ex-parte,I will expose to public saletothehighestbidderajthecourthousedoorinStatesville,onMONDAY,FEBRUARY 5TH,1917, that tract of land known as the J.C.SomersCo.farm,near the State Farm,containing about $6 acres,more or less,an exact surveyofwhichwillbeproducedonthedayofsale.|At the same time and place,and upon thesameterms,|will expose to public sale theVanceSomershomeplaceinStatesville,N. ers,described as follows:Beginning on the north side of West Front street,in the city of Statesville,at a post,corner of H.A.Yount’s,formerly J.C.Duke's,corner;thence with said Yount’s line north9degreescnst240feettoapost,H.A.Yount's corner;thetice with the sid Yount’s line north 6 degrees west 136 feet to a post,H.A.Yount’s corner;thence with Yount’s line north 64 dewrees cast 162 feet to a stake,in Patterson alley,H.A.Yount’s corner;thence south 21 degrees east with Patterson\alley,500 feet more or less,to Front street,and thence with Front street 78 degrees west$80 1-2 feet to the beginning,containing two end one-half acres,more or tessThishomeplacewillbedivided into lots andsoldseparately,and then sold as a whole.Terms of sale One-third cash on day of sale;one-third in six months;and the -re-maining third in twelve months;deferred pay- ments to bear 6 per cent.interest from dateofsaleAnypurchaserdesiringtopaythe entire purchase price wll be permitted to dowe4.¥.CALDWELL,.°Jan.2,1917.Commiasioner. FREE TOBACCO SEED. Tobacco Growers cangetseed FREE OF COST by applying to the McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse, Statesville,N.(. Write us and seed wil! be forwarded. Quarter Round Crown Mould ings, Door and Window Stops,andotherkindsofMouldingsinstock atC.WATKINS’Lumber Yard! 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same. Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,-ete.Locks and GunsredandKeysfit-_In _anythinginrepairline.Phone 209 W.D.HARRIS James | Steven-| C.,adjoining the lands of H.A.Yount and oth-| tion.Every shipinportsoundeditswhistleandtolleditsfogbell.The and|Ohio siren and whistles at vari-|ous plants rent the air their||blasts,while the city bells also peal-ed forth.The German prize inAppam,anchored in mid stream offtheCasino,joined in and fo~full 10to18minutesthedeep-toned whistle was hItseema that we go from one ex- treme to the other,for the oonlofthishappyNewYearthreelittle|boys,ages 8,9 and 10,were playingunderanoverhangingbankoftheJamesriver,digging a tunnel,when|N.the bank caved in and killed all threeofthem.It took the fire departemntandallthementhatcouldgetattheworkuntil9o'clock that night torecoverthelittlebedies.The boysallbelongedtodifferentfamiliesandjonefamilydidnotknowoftheacci-dent until the body was taken home.The “Flying Duck,”the first flyingmachinethatwasmade,has beenbroughttotheaviationgroundtobetestedoutandIunderstandithasbeenasuccesssofarandthatitwillmeanquiteafortunetotheinventor.There will be a launching the 13thoftheFelixTaussug.It is one of-the six ships being built at the ship-vard for the Crawell and Thurlow Steamship Company of Boston.You see the shipy:.rd,flying school,|etc.,is the main industry here—not|much else to talk about.|Best wishes to The Landmark and j all its readers.|MRS.CHAS.R.GAITHER. Oklahoma Senator Excited. Senator Owens of Oklahoma is somewhat excited.He promises to|“start a row that would shake a con-tinent”should the Supreme Court oftheUnitedStatessummonhimforcontemptofcourtforhisutterance before the National Popular Govern- ment League,that it was “unparal- leled impudence”for the court to de-clare unconstitutional any act ofCongre¢s.The Senator probably takes himself too seriously.The Su-|preme Court may never have given‘him a thought.Intimating that his attack on thecourtwasprecipitatedbythepossi-bility of its declaring unconstitution-|al the Adamson 8-hour law,SenatorOwenssaid:“Here we have 400,000determinedemploye=on one sfide,' and hundreds of millions of capital on the wther and Congress may be ‘pow-'erless to act.Do we want Gatling guns sweeping the.streets of ‘our cities?“Let them dare to summons me,”Senator Owens declared,“and |will sturt a row that will shake this con-tinent to its very foundation.“The Supreme Court,”Owens said, ‘is usurping the power it now arro- gates to itself in overruling enact- ments of Congress—the chosen rep-resentatives of the people.These nine men were never sriven this power un- der the constitution.”Owens,it is said,will introduce abillintheSenateshearingthecourt of its power to overrule acts of Con- gress.This will bring joy to Chief Justice Clark of North Carolina,who would stop the State Supreme Court from holding unconst:tutional an actoftheLegislature. LED Information About Corns. 'Popula>Science Monthly. Corns,like corsets,boardinghousesandlatehours,are a menace to one’s sweet disposition. Corns are hard growths which oc- cur on the toes or some other part of Jan,2—8t. f’s CHEAPER To buy ry ‘than to have big cracks in your house an ‘coal bills. C.WATKINS. 38 |Kiln Dried Flooring and Ceiling that won’t open the feet.They are generally the re-sult of wearing a shoe too small for the foot.They are thickenings oftheouterIayeroftheskininthecenterofwhichisanail-like pegwhichprojectsdownwardandhurtswhenpressedupon.Soft corns formbetweenthetoesandareonlydiffer-exorbitant ent from others in that they are|james Lambert,died Sunday evening with perspiration al!time.The corn itself is composed ofalumpoftheouterpartoftheskin which is caused by the pressure of soaked |SERVICE And the complete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. Aone -_ WE USE THE SAME Kind of equipment in our Vulcan-izing ‘Plant as is used in makingNewTiresandTubes.RubberheatedbysteamheatistheonlyasfewaytomakerepairsonTiresandTubes.Bri Tires and Tubes to us.AN ING IN VULCANIZING! We can}give you service. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. the shoe at that spot.However,thecornwouldnotresultunlessthe|pressure were taken off at intervals, and this,of course,is done when you take the shoe off.It stands to reas- ously applied to this spet,instead of overgrowing at that pre- cise point,would waste away. irritation produced by the pressure.(Most of us formation is lacking in the above—- jis how to prevent them or to removejthemexpeditiouslyandpainlessly. \Tight shoes rre not the sole trouble.|I-fitting shoes are just as bads+— Rev.D.1 Heglar Married. rLandmark). ||To the Fditor of The Lendmark: | Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Officehours 9 a.m.to 12.30p. &SUPPLY COMPANY.i]280 to 6p,m.one?ilsPhone201CourtStreet.seemmaResidence‘phone279—green. REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340Green. lees :”C.H.LESTER, “WANTED— ;a fewae ealves..4 jdell county,now a resident of Wins-i|ton-Salem,was on December 22d|quietly married to Mrs.Ophelie C.|Gardener of Grifton,Pitt county,Rev.IV.M.Swaim officiating.There werejonlyafewoftheintimatefriendsof|the bride and groom present.The writer wishes for these new;married people much success and ma- iny long years of happinesseJ.SWAIM. |Thaw Again in Limelight. |Harry K.Thaw,who was legally jhum for the insane,where he wassentafterhekilledStanfordWhite,was this week indicted in New York, Jr.,of Kansas City,Mo.,a youth19,and assaulting him with a :ee eee {minders to passing taxpayers on that if the pressure were continu-|the skin,| lovergrowth of the skin is due to the| know about corns.| |What we want to know—and the in-! Rev.D.I.Heglar,formerly of Ire-) |released 15 minths ago from an asy-_ charged with kidnapping Fred = “< whic in|some through the top soil!)way ny oy our flood seasonslastJuneandJuly,and allowed to!remain se in some instances to this)cay;and how those—running branches down thegradesinsteadofthesideditches,’;during rains,carrying away the topsoil,which cost taxpayers somuchcashtohaveplacedthere;andinverymanyinshowthissametop-soil,for nt of properdraggingandroundingup,has drift-ed into the side ditches so that weeds,|grass and briars =Fg pesininmany8whatscraping|and =being done (in some)instances after the road has gottensohardthedragscannotaccomplish|anything)leaves out the ditches or)starts other ditches inside the roadbeds,so as to miss contact with the sodded side ditches and thereby havebeguninmanyplacestonarrowdownournewly-widened-out road| beds.8 }In many instances culverts are al-|lowed to choke with litter and earth)and the road bed to overflow.You see)occasionally where side ditches have}been started between the ditches that |were made and the road bed,so as to carry water across culverts or to!occasionally dig out a joint of theculverttoletthenewly-made ditchemptyintotheculvert.You can!frequently see where top soil,whichcostsomuchtoplaceonthebeds,has drifted to the ditches and|was thrown from there out on the | road banks instead of back upon theroadbeds,and is lying there oethat.they paid to have it placed on the!road and then to have it thrown out|of the road.| More than a half million dollars!have been spent building roads in!Iredell county and there still remainsmanymilesofdesperatelybadpub-|lic roads to be built,over whichmanytaxpayersarecompelledto| travel to get around or else pay their |taxes and build their own roads.With all the bills Iredell county is)continually paying in the name of!keeping up its sand-clay and graded!or rounded-up roads,are our roads| eeeeves he ny AColuc_\ Rs ~ N the keeping of appointments,attending the theater,etc,,where it is essential that you be prompt,you want a car upon which you can depend.oz The Buick or Dodge Brothers car is one that will run 365 days in the year if you desire it.It is always ready to meet your need. When you buy a car you are getting either satisfaction or trouble that will kest a long time. Tobe sure of satisfactioncometo us. being kept up?You have only to go| over the roads and look at them.|~~They are their own witnesses.The)money has been spent.Under our|tpresentsystemofkeepinguproads| how long before our good roads wil) be spent?Will it be before all theroadsinIredellcountyhavebeenbuilt,as was promised in the bondissue?Changes are needed in the! upkeep of our roads as_well building those not yet built. course it will cost cash to do this,!but let’s stop paying cash for ineffi-,cient,injudicious work,and often forworkwhichhasnotbeendone.Pri-vate roads have been built when theworkshouldhavebeendoneonpub- lie roads.‘-|The present system is an extrav- agant failure and should have beenabolishederethistime.Some plan’ should he adopted which will keep, the road beds in as good condition as is possible,carry their full width.the ditches and culverts should be kept cleaned of obstructions and driftingtopsoilpaacedbackupontheroad bed and not thrown out.Public roads in the negelected sections of)the county should be built judicious-|lv and as speedily as possible.To do/this there should be a strict,vigilant watchfulness not to pay bills for! road work which is done in a care- less,valueless manner,and perhaps padded accounts connected with it, But then “Taxpayer”of January 2dintendsweshouldreadalittlebe- tween his lines and sentences,and he is a more modest man than thisTAXPAYER. Death of Mrs.Lambert—Six|Littie Children Motherless.| Correspondence of The landmark |Statesville,R-3,Jan.7 — lice MeGee Lambert,wife Mrs.Al- of Mr. lat 7 o'clock,awed 38 years.She had been in bad health for a long time but not serious until about three! weeks ago.She gave birth to twin babies and was a sufferer from blood poison at the time of her death,She leaves a husband,six small children,! a sister and two brothers.She was a faithful member of St.John’s Methodist church at East Monbo. |She certainly was a good Christian mother and had many devoted friends.The funeral was at Perthchurch,near Troutman,Monday af- ternoon,conducted by Rev.J.W.Williams of Statesville,and the body 'was laid to rest in the cemetery ithere.The floral tributes were beau- |tiful.The sympathy of the commu- nity goes out to the bereaved family. May God bless them and also those who are caring for the little twins.Mr.and Mrs.S.L.Stafford have the little girl and Mr.and Mrs.D.B|Atwell the little hoy.They are do- ing as well as could be expected.i Mr.Webb Green is seriously ill with pneumonia,Mrs.W.L.Benfield and Misses Nancy Lippard and Mag- dalene Rimmer have been sick but are better.Mr.J.8.Waugh and son)Donnie,of Troutman,came up Sun-! day to see Mr.Waugh’s aunt,Mrs. Nancy Hobbs,who is right sick, Mr.Clyde Ostwalt,who is visiting) his parents,Mr.and Mrs.William, Ostwalt,expects to return to Wil-| mington soon Beginning next Sunday evening |there will be prayermeeting at Leon-| ard’s school house every second and fourth Sunday evening at 3 o’cloc Everybody is invited to come. “Con McFarland,a painter of Dur-|ham,died Tuesday as the result of}having consumed a quart of grain al-) cohol mixed with a pink dope,the name of which —,who at- tended him did not know.When Me~'Re), until he; (jJdd Dressers AT LOW PRICE. ws These dressers are made of solid oak (no veneer)fin- ished golden oak,and fitted with French b<veled PRICE $7.00. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.‘PHONE NO.400, “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” ooveeerer **see eeee BOSTONIAFamousShoesforMen. This nodel is designed for the business man who ap- p-ciates comfort as well as look:.This shoe fits right,looks «.“4',and is right.We have a 77'r for you. $4.00,$4.50 and $5.00. Phone 83. 12,1917. .Craig’s state- the members Legislature—that vacant listed for taxation at only of their value while the land is'assessed at a much rate:that the condition reversed and tne vacant land to pav for the u incre lower rete,if any,being on the improvec tv— note of this statement Editor- tor Beasley of the county of sommnees in his st os “That sounds a good €: which have often appeared i Journal.However,our friends need not be uneasy.Nobody is going do anything abont it.They can’t. Fre people voted down the amend- ment mr which was designed to open the q@way.Judge Clark says that the per- senswhoown $500 ur tess pay the hulk of the taxes,and this will con- tinue till the people themselves are willing to change the constitution.” And the most distressing part of it ia that the reat maiority of the 9800 fellows—the small taxpayers who bear the heat and burden of day—voted acainst that constitution- al amendment with a whoop:while the big taxnayers,who feared thet a change might ret from them what they were justly due,patted the small fellows on the back and called them patriots,they meantime snig- «ered in their sleeves as thy reslized how easy it was to fool the masses, q@ho will continue to bear the bur- ——EE The Associated Press,reporting t of Mr.Hagerman in be- aoer the Adamson railroad act.be- the United States Supreme Court,says: Aveorting that the railroads ‘need be afraid of the United States, turning to the railroad lawyers, Hagerman closed by quoting, ]laughter,a quotation *Sunday as follows: “Prile the light still holds to burn vileet sinner may return.’” From Billy Sunday indeed!.They singing that from old hymn before Billy Sunday was born, and we have no idea that the evange- claims it as his own.Moreover, .Hagerman,the Associated Press ar somebody quoted the lines wrong. The correct rendering is.“While the holds out to burn”—not “still to burn.”———E———— Gavues grand jury of Bun- r.Court,Judge Thom- paid especial attention to and the ‘buying anHedeclaredthat very foundation of our .He referred to the ru- corruption of the ballot box been practiced in Buncombe eounty and urged the grand jurors to be diligent in their search for such infractions of the law.All very well and Judge Shaw is very much in earnest but nothing willofcourse,by theeomeofit,judging the future AN A LT The Landmark has been and is a of woman suffrage and its Sitede will not be changed by the Ovtbreaks of a few fools.But if it believed for a moment—as it does ist-—that all the woman suffragists }in sympathy with the conduct that Washington outfit that is at- ing to coerce the President by ing the White House grounds, swould recant its votes for women tomorrow;and_it that it was possible to put the one ofthat Washington bunch iil without giving them an oppor- y to play the martyr. Carolinians who have on oc- had urgent business in Wash- and whose chief joy in making trip was in anticipation of setting on a brass rail in front of a high and giving a few pointed di- «to a white-aproned,bull-neck behind the counter,will take that Washineton will be added Sahara district before the joy- ‘hristmas-tide and the Happy Year come again. .The fellow down Fayetteville way wax so proud of his correspond- with Harry Thaw that he got the newspapers a couple of times with the information that had sent him a card,now has an,opportunity to send his per- friend a message of cheer. P #SRSLTO rr bstone Auto Races Latest in Circles —Newspaper Head Not new.The automobiles been furnishing cases for es for vears and in North ina especially the victims have many the past year. “see be the papers”that the States Supreme Court has de- that the shipment of liquor wet to dry territory may“The Suprame Court,” “ginerally follows brayless mule,”says a dis- from Paris,“is one of the sci-the war. numbers “we areinformed,“have been import-America for use at thetheirhabitofbrayingatmomentshadtobe ‘@|increase in the cost of paper and oth.| more.Ademand for an 8-hour day willsoon be to|Ji Golden,|lof the United ||America. The nomination of Winthrop M.| Danielsof New Jersey tohimselfasamemberofthe ||State CommerceDecember20by security was available,and none |ahi intolimitedtoonequart every 15 dayg to any one person.} An international conference forworld-wide prohibition,to be held atthesametimeandplaceasthepeaceconferencewheneveritshallbecalledforthesettlementofthe—swar,is announced by Richm P.|‘national prohibition field) worker. Unless the New York Central Rail-'road Company issues an order within| the a_week entirely prohibiting the saletofliquorontrains,or restricting it to) “wet territory,the Anti-Saloon League of New York will ask for thearrestofAlfredH,Smith,presidentoftheroad. Tree planting on a large scale isgoingoninIrelandtoreplacethetimbercutdownforuseinthewar.In Cavan county 70,000 trees havebeenplanted,and in other counties many thousands have been put down.Agricultural societies are offering af-forestation prizes. Cuba’s suit in the United StatesSupremeCourtagainstNorthCaro- |lina to collect $2,186,000 on State |bonds issued during the Reconstruc-tion period and repoaiated as fraud-|/ulent,was formally withdrawn Mon- day as a result of the revocation of |the decree,by the President of Cuba, |authorizing the suit in behalf of therepublic.| Seven prisoners were taken ‘menloftheFirstNewHampshireInfan-try Regiment in their brush with fili-,busterers Saturday night near Zapa-ta,according to an official re- port made at Southern departmentheadquartersoftheUnitedStatedar- my at San Antonio,Texas.Four of the Mexicans were killed,accordingtotheofficialreport. |Advances in prices of Turkish cig-arettes,ranging from 45 cents to $1a1,000,are announced by P.Lorillard| &Co.,one of the largest tobaccomanufacturersinthecountry.The er expenses was given as reason.| ‘The higher wholsale prices are said to foreshadow corresponding ad- |vances in the retail trade.| Suit for $500,000 damages has been instituted in Baltimore by LawrencePerrin,member of a prominent andwealthyfamily,against his mother and sister,Mrs.Marie L.Whitridge.| No cause of action is set forth.Perrin, was declared sane in lunacy proceed- ings recently after he had been con-|fined in an asylum at the instance of his family.He claims damages,it is| understood. ,Returning to his home from workWednesdaynight,Everett Crozier,afarmerresidingnearGulley,Col.,|found the bodies of his five children|lying in the house shot to death,and| his wife lying unconscious in a field ‘Statesville case. Every allowance wasdebtofhonortigexpirationofayear thethoseinarrearswereblic,with the amounts they owed.|}is stimulated a general dispositiontopayup.The latest arrangement}cals in connection with the matter igpaymentsbyinstallments.This was}!sted by many who found dim || culty in saving from their incomes}the amount necessary to make any}considerable —.Chief Clerk Wilmoth of the Treas-ury Department,who went to Europe}, to superintend tha distributionthefundandhaschargeofitsliqui ]dation,says that fully 80 per cent offitwillbeyeback,and he should]not be at all surprised to see the -ernement loss cut down to less10percent.Every few days some oneofthebeneficiariesisheardfrom.In making public the names ofthosewhofailedtopaythisdebtofhonor,Uncle Sam practiced the verysamemethodsforwhichanindict-!ment was found in the Federal osafewyearsagoagainstcertainzensofStatesvillewhoconducteda“Bad Debt Collecting Agency.”The.last resort of the agency was public-'ity.After giving the delinquentwarningandopportunitytomakesat-isfactory arrangement of his debt.his name was made public as one whowouldn’t pay his debts.So loud wae’the clamor of the deadbeats againsttheexposurethattheoperatorsoftheagencywereindicted,but were ac-'witted.Now,lo and behold!we findcleSampracticingthesamemeth-ods which his officers and agents un-dertook to show were unlawfu!in the Roofing.| Would Forget It.Charity and Children.:We respectfully invite Judge Clark,’of the Statesville Landmark,to shutup.Who said anything in this goodyearofgraceabout“mules”and‘gate posts ” | 116 Court Street. “Phone 89 For” Fresh Oysters, Fresh Celery, Fat Mackerel, White Fish, Canned Goods, Don’t forget to call for Gold Medal Coffee. Phone 89. Eagle&Milholland. CURED OF—CATARRAH Mrs.P.A.Creech’s child,Sel-| ma,N.C.,had severe nasal ca-| tarrh for two years.She gave)‘him Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy|and it cured him.One such case of many we have on record. jnearby.A note supposed to have) been written by Mrs.Crozier charg-|'ed her husband with infidelity and |said she didn’t want her children to|be disgraced.Intimations of insanity.| A serious situation between Russia|and China is reported as a_result of |the recent killing of from 200 to 40Q)Chinese by Cossacks in a riot at Ka-|ahu,in the interier province ofSinki-| ang or Turkestan.Negotiations over|five demands presented by China onRussia,including indemnity for be-reaved families and proper apologies|and guarantees for the future,are|still going on with no settlement in) sight.| Judge J.A.P.Campbell,said to!be the last of the 49 original dele-gates to the Confederate States Con-|gress who signed the constitution oftheConfederateStatesofAmerica,died at his home in Jackson,Miss.,Wednesday night,aged 87.JudgeCampbellwasamemberofthecon-stitutional convention which adopted the ordinance of secession and was an officer in the Confederate army for three years.After the war he serv-ed his State as circuit and Supreme Court judge.’ SATATALLIS Woman Suffragists Play Fool. Woman suffragists,after a futileappealtoPresidentWilsonforhissupportoftheSusanB.Anthony suffrage amendment to the Federal constitution,announced plans for re- taliation by picketing the White House grounds with “silent sentinels.”Their purpose is to make it impossi- ble for the President to enter orleavetheWhiteHousewithouten-|§ countering a sentinel bearing somedevicepleadingthesuffragecause.They have pledged $3,000 for this sort of campaign.A ag ste of suffragists went toseethePresident,——,to EesentmemorialsonthedeathofMrs.Inez Miltholland Boissevain.When|or made it the occasion to renewtheirpleasthathefrageamendment,thepreseedhissurprise,remindingspokermenofthe=4 henotbeenapprisedofirfupreparedH ivi l e i n d l e FE s 3 Lazenby-Moatgomery Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy—_|wonderful record for 35 years|as blood cleanser and tonic.Ask’ any druggist or write Person’!Remedy Company,Charlotte,' N.C.Accept no _substitute. Send for free testimonials. Price $1 per bottle,3 for $2.75, 6 for $5,prepaid.| 'W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON,| STATESVILLE DRUG CO., POLK GRAY DRUG CO. WANTED—Agents fer Statesville.Goodproposition,Previous experience unnec- essary.Free school of instructions.Ad-dress MASSACHUSETTS BONDING ANDINSURANCECOMPANY,Aecident andHealthDepartment,Saginaw,bCapital$1,500,000.Jan. WHAT'S THE USEhangingontoold-time,old-fogy,hand-mixed paint,that will soon chalkoffanddiscolor,when you can get WERE. a thevengaty,modern,scientific,ma-chine-made PURE PAINT that willout-cover and out-last lead and oilpaintandsouyoulessmoney?OR SALE BYHardware (Co., Stateaville,N.C. en While There Have Been advances in price,it is still possible to Hardware at our without ij Fire is destroying property everywhere,everyday,some insured,some not insured. Reduce Your Insurance,Protect Your Property. By letting us make you sheet metal doors,window frames and sliding partitions. ——_QUESTION Why does Uncle Sam use W.F.Potts Sons &Co’s Old Style Tin? ee e ne — ANSWER It's good as the best—We use it too in all tin roofing. We can make that old roof last you from six to ten years longer by putting on a coat of Parabestos Fluid THE HARRIS-GOODWIN CO. Day Phone 495.Night Phone 47 Green. ANYTHING IN SHEET METAL.PHONE OR WRITEFOR PRICES. Over 1100 Have Already Joined Our 1917 Christmas Savings Club,and others are joining every day.If you have not joined you may do so now. CLASSES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. No Charge to join.The weekly payments are small and easy to make—but the re- sult on the 14th of next DECEMBER IS REALLY WORTH WHILE. If there is anything that you don’t fully understand it will be explained when you come in. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” aeSee=ee TO NEW COMERS!| } If you can’t find a housetolive in,come to see us.We will take pleasure in help- ing to get you located. We will also take t pleasurein show-you through ourlineofhousefurnishigoods. Stoves,Ranges,Heat- ere,Room Suits, Odd Wash- stands and ts and all kinds of floor cover- ourmanycustomersfortheir oe j iNew York to visit. if e . | {ay e se) as t of thesocie-|The farm is about a mile and a half .E.Raynal told of the be-from Mt.Mourne,on the Statesville home mission study in the road. n church and there was|Mr.James Pone and Mr.Duck- ,the latter of North few months,returned home recently. The mission study book|Mr.Pope has secured ‘a position in by Miss Adams and|Mr.J.M.Cowan’s store in M review:Mrs.C.Watkins,Mrs.|Mr.Harry Alexander recently held Miss Elva Hartness,Miss|Mesar&i Ralph and Johnson Cald-) ,Mrs.C.M.Steele,|well have returned to North Wilkes- .R.McLelland,Mrs.W.A.|bore after being at home during the and Mrs.O.L.Turner.Re-|holidays.Miss Era Reid spent Sat-| were served:during the|urday night and Sunday with her pa- rents and home folks.a Reid returned to Davennort CollegeMamieGurleeandMr.Robt.|the firstof the week,after being atA.Miller were married Tuesday af-|home during the holidays.Misses ternoon at 3.30 o'clock The cere-Annie and Marie Johnson of David- v took place at Broad Street son spent Sunday with the Misses jist parsonage,Rev.J.W |Reid.Mr.W.H.Newton has return- chu of Race Street Methodistoq from a visit to his parents in reh officiating.Immediately af-|Georgia and reports a very pleasanttertheirmarriageMr.and Mrs.Mil-Christmas with home folks.Mr. ler drove to Mr.Miller's farm on the|Wittiam Mayhew spent several daysieroad,where they will)with Mr.W.N.Caldwell during the their home.The bride,who is|holidays.Mr.N.C.May of Virginia| 0Sramteeof —_a .ce spent several days at Mr.Cald- for the Johnston-Belk Co.and was |The county force has again berun lar with both her employers and work on the road,patching the holes their customers.Mr.Miller was for!whigh were beginning to get veryiththeCity|:;-Flew connected w d Yi bad in places.The road is real his ti il,but has recently devoted rough at present and has been foristimetohisfarm.some tine..ie LIM y he Mt.Mourne school bas organ- G PSE PASSING THRONG ized a Royal oy Society.ax oe discussion Friday afternoon,1th, ey of a and “Resolved,that the Indians were un- eir Movements,justly treated by the whites.”Speak- Mr.and Mrs.Williom Walton Laid.|88:Affirmative—Walter Kelly.Eu- of Bakersfield,Cal.,are expected tehe Jones;negative George Hous here Sunday te spend a few davs|ton,Lillian Honeycutt.Declaimers with Mr.Laidley’s father,Mr.W “w,—Lorena Kelly.Bruce Jones.Orator Walton.me "|ae Mave Houston.;. Mrs.R.R.Cline of Asheville is Miss Cora Bell returned to Har- with relatives and friends in town. MOny &few days ago to her work as Mr .and Mrs.Julius Kaufman of teacher.after being at home during Danville,Va.,are spending a few the holidays.Messrs.Jo.,Ben and days with their daughter,Mrs.J.H."red Williford have gone to — Ho nn.They leave tomorrow for ‘©8ssist ther ether in =BiOINE vork.Mr.W.C.Neely of Florence, Misses Mamie and Annie sien 1 Oe sesmnthy spank 2 few days with der t yesterday in Charlotte.|relatives in and near Mt.Mourne.| New York to spend several days with ’ his parents,Dr.and Mrs.W.J.Hill.Girls wanted to work in office.— .F.P.Lewis,who visited rela-Piedmont Red Cedar Chest Co. arpe.S.W.Stimson.Sloan. Gray. N.Y.—James r.aaa Pie.Frank R.[leey of Mule for sale Shelby will srend the week-end here Residence for rent.—J.L. with Messrs.L.P.and C.V.Henkel.|Oak wood wanted.--J.H. re.T.J.Witherspoon of Char-|Hotel Iredell.: lotte arrived yesterday to visit Mrs.Room cver Ramsey-Bow!les-Morri- J.L.Sloan.son Co.’s for rent.—-L.B,Patterson. Mr.W.A.Bristol is spending a Tires sold this week at old prices few days in Raleigh.—Carolina Motor Co. Mr.,B.Cooper is in New York Surprise sale-—Ramsey - and Baltimore for several days.|Morrison Co. Mr.T.C.Alexander of Elkin,for-,Over 1,100 have joined 1917 club. merly of Statesville,was.in town —Merchants &Farmers’Bank. Wednesday cn his way to Hickory Odd dressers.—Crawford -Bunch and Sineckeage to visit relatives.Furniture Co, Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Gray.Mrs.F.Fresh groceries.Eagle &Mil- B.Bradley ard Mrs.J.C,Irvin spent holland.: Wednesday in Charlotte.Grain wanted.—J.K.Morrison Gro- Miss Nell Steele le%2-Wednesday |cery &Produce Co. for Sumter.8S.C..t iat at the Space for varking Home of Mr.W.W/Rowland.She Mills Motor Co. ill also visit in Cofumbia and Rock Reduces insurance and protects ill while away.proverty.—Harris-Goodwin Co. re Js H.Hyams,who had been Cars that satisfy.—Statesville Mo visiting her sister,Mrs.Jennie Clark,tor Company. went to Charlotte Wednesday to visit.Shoes that Mrs.Sam.Holcombe and little son,Shoe Co.; William,and Mrs.Holeombe’s moth-Attractive designs in furniture. er,Mrs.M.E.Moore,went to Bilt-|Stetesville H vusefurnishing Co. Bowles - fit.-—Sherril!-White Wednesday to visit Mrs.Harry Prepared to care for your hard- Maney./ware needs.—Lazenby -Montgomery comin Hardware Co, Neighborhood News.Auction sale Thursday,18th.—J. Correapondence of The Handmart H.Knox.; Second-hand Ford cars wanted ange et,Oe elie Address L,care The Landmark. r were very quiet ome _. .Ralph and Miss Della sren-in ide t% of Chase City,Va.,are visiting The Sver-tinaty —_ janes Filla and Bethey Dagenhart. otrsrentence of The Taniner Miss Maggie Stewart gave a New The Ever Ready Cooking club had r and birthday party at her home its usual delightful meeting Tuesday The fifth and sixth lessenfewYear's night.Many of her night.ms ~gehoolmates =and friends gathered second year course were vers inter- esting—during process of making andandallenjoyedthemselves.lesson wasThefifthridnElkShoalcreekhasalsoeating. fi >d,ready for passengers ‘Pocket Book Rolis,”which was started in the afternoon by —the moved his teacher and_successfully finished by county to the class.The sixth lesson was rice :and when cooked by the recipe and "s ferry.served with fresh butter and hot Mra.Lavinia Alexander,who has rools was enjoyed very much by the heen confined to her bed for a long club members and also a gentleman time,is able to be up and we are who happened to be present,who has to know that she can walk had experience in “Camp Life”and in the house without help.can really appreciate good cooking. r.Festua Alexander is quite sick At next meeting,which will be at this writing.Tuesday evening of next week,each Miss Hattie Wilkinson and her member of the club will have a short ‘,Frank,have returned home story composed by herself,each word a visit in Johnson City,Tenn.beginning with A,B or C,whichever ;John Mock,ona visit to his falls her lot.A small!prize,some- mether,Mrs.Billie Stewart,and oth-,thing useful in the kitchen,will be er relatives has returned to his home given for the best composition. yn Stewart of Alexander Health Record of Soldiers. county,who is in a bad condition with,In an army of more than 150,000 cafcer,is not expected to live.National Guardsmen and reular: .«only 274 deaths have oceurred in the last seven months,according to theCivicLeagueOfficers. to cross.Mr.0.T.Beam hasfamilyfromAlexander F fl.They are located near Lit At the recular meeting of the Civ-annua!report of the chief surgeon of ,in the Commercial Club the Southern Department OF the y,the president gave a deaths 108 Were classified as caused of the work of the past year,by violence while 166 were caused by was found ae e ng.disease, 1 election of officers took Those figures,it withthe following result;Pres-prove the generally healthy condition B.F.Long;vice presi-of the army as a whole while in serv- R.E.Nooe;recording sec-ice, rs.Ciement *y with These men were regulars. RO.eits as assistant.|ae e om one that is ensily broken.every morning aren“AlsohbrenA L Wweeet you Wo cars —W.R.|as ie declared The list includes the 11 men who }_corres-were killed at Carrizal June 21 and —>gum others in the San Ignatio raid June ;ins ia J.1 Catt *15.Parre!and other minor clashes With many taking coldis a habit,people ne “ youtew- |Hoover.and|Reid Troutman spent Saturday andSiehMraBrDenmanaer.a rs.F.B.anight,which was enjoyed by their guests.|4”mee Mr.|terday to the Dunlap neigh 'They have lived in this neighborhood|for four years and we regretmuchtolosethem.M.Wilkesboro,is teaching one of the ts|best schoo!s that we have had at the|*|Arthurs school house In °}are gled .have _,Gilreath =ae ye John ¢ :jus,as she has taught for some of us Mrs.A.P.Steele and Mrs.|worth,who have been in Ilinois for *\before and was the first teacher the writ fo,'~nit’,,evle of Duck Creek |have ‘er new scnoo ouse framed an named ladies took part|Mourne.He has the position which |are progressing nicely with it. Messrs.Charlie parents. boardof :1.B.SKINNER,Taxpayer. Mo"the Dunlap.neignborhoed,[NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION very |.Mv.7.8.White has resigned his position at ithe Mobertson Cash Store and sold hie entire terest in the farm comnected with the store ’.L.Rebertson,the evavideration being I ‘The Roberfaon Cash Store wi)peyissJanieGilreath,from near outstanding bills,&with to thank The ears.We his stay with me and hope they will continueSharpeofHarmony,whooehinpiereattheRebertsonCashStore Res pwot fully,W.L.ROBERTSONan.idee,; er went inset’rw .¥NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mutual Building &Loan Association will<<qeecoerenaniesmensbgaseerneneilite$160 REWARD,$166 be held in the offiee of the association Friday The readers of this paper will be ponent night,January 12th,at 1.80 o'clock. to learn that there is at least one drewdiseaseChatsciencehasbeenabletoeure in Jan all its stages,and that is ,catarrh,being greatly influenced by constitutional con- ditionsMall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and actsface foundation of the disease,giving the patient|awe strength by building up the constitution and house door in Statesville,N.C.,on MONDAY, whe VARY theanaustprictorshavesomuchfaithinthecurative powers of offeritfails to cure Address:PF.4.Ohio. WwW.E.WEBB,»,1917 Secretary and Treasurer. Catarrh|-—.STOCKS FOR SALE. throueh the Blood on the Mucous Sur The undersigned executrix of the estate of| of the System,thereby destroying the},S.Veerram,deceased,will sell at public tow to the highest bidders,at the court requires constitutional treatment, bth,1917,at the hour of noon,| belonging ing neture in doing its work,The pro-wing personal property Hall's Catarrnh Cure that they j}to seid wie,to-wit:60 shares of stock in! One Hondred Dollars for any case that}the First National Bank of Statesville and 10 Send for lst of testimonials.|entres of stock in the Paola Cotton Mills.| CHENY &CO.,Toledo,|iuek stock will be sold in.blocks of five with| privilere,Any of said property can be)Sold by all Drugmista,76.bought at private sale before said date. The following prices qwere paid yeeterriny Wheat (new $1.00 per Co Outs,65-T0e On the local market yesterday 18 centeperpoundweepaidforbeetgradecotten. Cottey Seed,The.per bushel.|Seed Cotton,7 -WINIFRED B,PEGRAM,MARKET REPORTS.R.B.MeLaughlin,Atty. Jan,9,1917. Executrix. Btateaville Predece Market.The following prices were paid yesterdas for produce on Tu Ch the loea!market. ptblic for courtesies shown Mr,White during ¢ (Grain Wanted!THE FIRST NATIONAL BANKj., Statesville,N.Cc.at € EMRE?& Our National Bank becdmea member of the FEDERAL RESERVE system of banks because the U.S.Government found our’bank WORTHY of mem-‘ bership.— This means that our bank is one of a oan ip?tiARMYofbankswhichstandtogetherfortheTECTIONofourdepositors;that we can take our =“*.securities to our Central Reserve Bank whenever we +, want to and GET money on them:and that Y ei Gant,money is SAFE in our bank and that YOU can GET o~it when you WANT it.So,_ PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.- Ged We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.“i o rkheys,18-20c.per fh. ickens,1%¢.per tb,fe.per tb | r dozenmr |We handie ail kinds ofnaalted)18e.per Ib |grain,and if you have |teied)20.per Th |OATS,PEAS,CORN or | M4-I6e,per Ib {«per Ib i We pay highest market y,to ive,per tb,i price -~CASH. oney Comb,18¢.to 20e.per Tb., Casing,te.per tb.|per bushel.$1.50 per bushel, { 3.K.Morrison Grocery |&Produce Company. cram on the loca!market:- Buy And Enjoy Grate. | WHEAT to offer,see us.| ' } { nm,£1.10 per bushel.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market per tb. Mr.Frank Hill is at home from|wotices of New Advertisements |(ADVERTISEMENTS in this calumn 10 cent per ine. cents. “Ven-se »por »|LOST—White mate hound px vitoherhome|Gey eat om house for rent on sale.,LOST —hee aa ees Pee et nt prat Cool Spring,Thursday 4th For pri sal 1 pulr mules and geodmilehcorNicehomeforrent4. KNOX dan,12-20".eioninpeitiit sinamniinapiiapineagbiiieane siesta \ FOR JALE—Good strong mule.Just the hind the farmer needs Apply to 8.W.STIM- SON.dan.12--1t* AUCTION my s POR RENT—Front room over Ramsey-Howles- No ad taken for ‘can thar 2%Cash must sccompany orier.) 2 aiaater oe <P pam e A Weser Phonograph JO.MURDOCHecctateanyinfiton He “4 Jan, LE of all personal property at Morrison Co store,with light i waPrice$6.00 per month,L.B.PATTERSON Jan.12 WANTED—20 cords oak weed.Apply to I H.GRAY.Hotel Iredell Jan 1 FOR RENT-—Residenee on Pavie avenue.J. I SLOAN en RES WANTED to work in effice.Geed op- 1 iy to ‘learn bosiness PIEDMON'RED CEDAR CHEST CO Jan.1 SEVEN-ROOM House,het and cold waterue¢' bi PitTARVE,lredell Produce ( ie light For ren bargaia Feast tert JAMES Le: en EAE d oO What's the use of getting your watch repaired or regulated unless you get it done “right?”oft e Your watch should be cleaned every year.fom It pays to do it..saint When was yours cleaned?Lon led We will clean your watch or repair any broken jewelry.©] \We will do the work “right”and charge you only a rea i o , p>hensWewillmakenochargeforexaminingyoureyesandi7bsionlyareasonablechargeforglassesifyouneedthem. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.“ ! ‘i WANTED—Second b nd Ford Touring °’:7 ae Revdeter;state price and tread Addl ve .r ~-hi .,:La care ‘The Landmark,dam.12-—2t Prices range frem $207to $750,we ©4FoeKeNT—Ivwster Goatingeewel Shown above is eut oft]Buy for Cash.|Sell for Cash.REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Model 100,price SLOO,{ininesaihion ie a ee ee Come in for a demon-_,& :ON ST—Dwel!ouse co e u!:73a 7BestandWoeettwee”Meee’e's:||_stration.£tiated .msSaEmtn.New Year utions !}-.,.-Poams bab é WANTED—She mitt to,ten and or,none Leonard i hand store.wa Statesville,“Phone 296 Black ;‘dan,9 at 7 a - FOR SALE—A second hend Range in A-|f k Out Wind Li ]ae"nen”“tue hak Lots ends,ut Window Lights! ae Co.MRS.Et oe oR All sizes of you from 8x10 to 30x32 On and After January Ist,1917,4 een te —for the boys are going to stone you.Bay 3 —WANTED—Experionced cook,atxo of C,Watkins exy s several boxes of orcoolpelaaittect,Tae SoMa,oak,nd the ineshootofselabennesRabeueOcKOX190esolowthatthelandlords *:ihietsreeen8tt.|WO prosecute the boys.We will make no tickets for any ; one.Don’t ask it.This applies 3 to all.'4 mi ‘ Goods sent out on approval to be “ig ue mFpaidforthefollowingdayorbea ,returned.y tbo a All goods purchased from us not “3 6-eu aay a While neither clothes nor farniture ‘make the man”there is a refining Inflwence about them beth whea they are attractive and dignified. You owe it to your children to surround them with every possible elevating influence. Come in and see how easily.you can do this in ° satisfactory and returned,to us not damaged,we will cheerfully refund the money. Johnston-Belk Co.) The Store That Sells For Less.. 16 BIG RETAIL STORES. Buy for ‘Less.'|Sellfa t / 3 The House passed a substitute mak-|Governor rae be portoned But-ing the salary $6,500 and the Senate i ne ae —>accepted the substitute,Hie.ng a fio og urder,The bill increasing the salaries of 4 a ad formerly om com-the constitutional officers of the =e *a es gt neem .. State —Secretary of State,Treasur-,54W th,yams,a _sser,Auditor,Attorney General and George ry was caught under tSuperintendentofPublicInstructionWheelsofareighttrainatOldPort—to $4,500 a yenr,passed final read-and one of his legs crushed off.Heingafterthesmountwascutto$4.Was attempting to board the train. 000,and the House killed the prope-Sam Baker shot and killed Mack sition,leaving the salaries of all oth-Walston Wedne four miles fromerStateofficersastheyarenowWilson,Jury decided the homicideTherewasconsiderabledebateonjustifiableinthatBakerwasprotect-the Governor's salary bill Little of ing himself and sister from Walston..Anson being chief spokesman for the A new $125,000 eotton mill for opposition.oe =a Hickory has been chartered.Amongfor$4,500 said the salaries of other ()..incorporators are K.C.Menziesofficialsshouldbeincreased.Senator i 7 .Turner of Iredell seid that the digni---oe —i ThetyandstandingoftheStateinthe'%I*to be located In west Hickory, sisterhood of States necessitated in-When their automobiles stalled oncreaseinthesalarypaidtheNorththecrossingatWoodside,a smal}Carolina Governor,The vote on the station near Wilmington,Lemuel U. amendment to make the amount 86,-Garrett of Richmond,Va.,and Frank| =~60)was 23 to 22.The amendment to C.Dell of Newark,N.J.,young tray-Cimake the amount $6,000 was voted eling men,were instantly killed by!down without a roll call and the vote an Atlantic Coast Line train.on the $7,500 item was 31 to 18 Sen-©.L.Benton,&merchant of|ator Matheson of Alexander voted Wadesboro,committed suicide inagainstthebill,Robeson county Tuesday night byIntheHousePritchardofMadison,drinking carbolic acid.DisappointedRepublican,asked for the repeal ofa in love of a young woman.He was!highway commission act for his 50 vears old and leaves a wife andcounty,aed by his predecessor,a children.Bors ,and with the help of Hen-Thought to have perished when the ry ge and other Democrats se-British cattle boat Marina was tor-eured the repeal.Then Pritchard pedoed and sunk off the [rish coast,“—~fearned—or was told—tnat reveal of Foster Davis of Wake Forest ap-“~~the act would cost his county Federal peared in Wake county Superior:aid road money,and at his request Court this week and plead guilty toathebillwaskilledintheSenate.selling liquor.He was indicted for3iTheHouseandSenatewentintotheliquorsalebeforehelefthometojointsessionatnoontogothroughgailontheMarinaandwhenhistheformalityofcanvassingthevotedeathwasreportedthecasewascastattherecentelection.Senators dropped.When he showed up it wastGrayandParkerandRepresentativesrenewed.Nees and McCrary were made tellers.The amounts allotted for 1918,forThecanvassofthevotetookjust15constructingroadsortrailswithinminutes,the Democratic officers be-or partly within the national forests,ing declared duly elected with up-has been announced by Secretary of~<wards of 47,000 majority.Agriculture Houston.The group ofmune,The Statesville school bond bill States—Georgia,Maine,sew Hamp-and the Mooresville charter bill both shire,North Carolina and South Car-sed ‘the Senate,having previous-olina,Tennessee,Virginia and West“f¥passed the House.Virginia—in which the governmentRLispurchasinglandsfornationalfor-REGULATE THE BARBERS.ests,receives $21,120,which is anaverageoflessthan$8,000 each,but ' ! ’ j Bill Before the Legislature Pre-it may build a mile or two of road inscribingRegulations.each State. Senator Jones of Buncombe has in-. wate bs the Letideinte a bill to SLEEPING WARM IN COLD.regulate the barbers.The bill would How to Keep Warm in Bed, “““would make it unlawful for any per-son to engage in the occupation of With F Air in Room.barber in any town of 1.0°9 popula-“Please tell me how on earth onetionormorewithoutfirsthavingob-can sleep warm and have fresh airitainedacertificateofrevistration.at the same time there cold nights,”.It would also create a board of ex-ig «recent injuiry made of the State/aminefs,to eonsist of three persons,Board of Health.It seems that theretobeappointedbytheGovernor,two are people who are willing to obey‘of the members to be appointed from the coctors’injunction to sleep in®;persons who shall be recommended by fresh air,night or dey,hot or cold,the several unions of fourneymen bar-freeze or fry,but who are finding itbersintheStatewhichhavebeeninratherachillyPropositionwhilethe‘existence at least two vears prior to thermometer plays around the zeromakingsuchrecommendation,and the mark.Neve theless,the State|‘third member to be a practical barber Board of Health has a word of ad-;who has been in business for at least vice for the coid sleeper,which tells»three years.The first appointed are him to first get ready so as not totoserveone,two and three yearsand get cold feet «n tke proposition andkafterthatthetermsaretobethreedropitaltorether.The advice of theyearseach.The board shall select board is as follows:f a vresident and secretary-treasurer “People cannot expect to sleep,e ane shall have headquarters at Ral-warm in cold weather,whether their|.‘eigh.The members are to receive $5 windows are open or not,without7p«@ day compensation for actual esrv-first making preparation for jt.This |‘ites and actual expenses in attending requires,first,sof,warm nightmeetings.The board is to hold four clothing that ‘covers the arms andi¢examinations each year in four feet;second,plenty of light warm|counties of the State.covering,preferably woolen blank-If the~bill becomes a law all per-ets,which are lighter and warmerengagedintheoceupationofthanquilts;third,a soft,thick bedfbarbermustfilewiththeboardwith-that lets no air in from underneath;j in 90 days an affidavit setting forth fourth,warm bath robe and slippersiire,residence and length of that will enable one to get in bedtime¥heave been engaged in the warm.|occupagion as a barber and at the “One of the esssentials for sleep-j same e shall pay a fee of $1,ing comfortably in cold fresh air isi}swhich must be paid annually.going to bed warm in warm nightAfterthisgeneralregistrationeachclothes,If necessary,a night cap;person desiring to engage in the bar-and eiderdown foot warmers shoyldberbusinessmustmaxeapplicationbeworn.The bed should be moretotheboardandpayafeeof$5 and than a thin mattress.One can get}present himself for examination.The cold for lack of covering underneath |applicant must be 19 years of age or as wel)as on top.A cold spongeolder,must be of good moral charac-bath in the morning will not onlyterandfreefromcontagiousandbloodmakefreshairsleepingeasierand)diseases,besides having practiced the more delightful but it will create such | Well,way back in 1901,after I had beeninthisbright,happy world for severaldays,I began to get worried like.I didn’thaveanyname. Folks were calling me “it”and “the newone”and “whatdya-call-it.”I didn’t likeitabit.Then one dayI heard the BigChieftelephoningallhisdepartmentheadstomeetinhisoffice. Pretty soon they all came filing in.Tallchaps,short.chaps,fat chaps and skinnychaps.“Now that he is here,”said theBigChief,“what will you name him?” My!how they wrangled and wrangled and wrangled.You know,you have heardthemarguewhetherHe'd becalled JackorJohnorJimbefore.Finally,one fellowspokeupandsaid:. “Why not call him ‘SOVEREIGN’?ismotherwasaVirginian,his fatherianaristocratoftheCarolinas.He coftiesfromtheverybeststock.He comes fromtheverysweetest,ripest,mellowest Vir-ginia and Carolina tobacco.He is beingraisedrightinoneofthecleanest,whitest,healthiest homes cn earth.He is a Southernerborn,2 Southerner bred,a Southerngentleman—the king of them all—a realSOVEREIGN.: The Folks of the South KNOW good blood.The Folks of the South KNOW goed tobaccc. SOVEREIGN—the best—is none too good a narme.”So I was named,friend,for I want you as one of my friends.and it means a whole heap when I say— I am guaranteed by A fs ay ONeyAtrtarrSibaley8.a(eeeeenecres z me.If you don’t like me return me to your dealer and getyourmoneyback.|have said it.A Southern gentleman is knowntheworldoverforkeepinghisword,and {have given you mine:Sovereign FOR THE GENTLEMAN OF Ciga E sSOuTH’66 ®of Th GLE ™ ee + trade for three yeas or studied for a resistance to cold that thinner,that length of time under a qualified clothes may be worn and less cover-|barber.He or she must also have ing needed at night.”sufficient knowledge of common dis of ~~ ae ae a iwalsomakesitunlawfultouseany sail,Giana was reached Wednesday by the com. .-(0 18 for owalreadyinanumberofcaseshasprojects.7 r new nbeensuccessful.~ nized as the most practicable in a enerapidlyincreasinglistofailments.WOOD'S =<—cteeeemreetennseinenieeneThegeneralideabackofallthese As executor of the inst will and _e@)8-.SL UD.M.Campbell and Elvira Campbell,da.eases of the face and skin.The bill Rivers and Harbors Bill Ready.|“essed.und under and by virtue of the pro:a tons of said will,the undersigned executertoute,clothe,ote.that have been wees Final agreement on the annual riv-il,sow?y nie8,cl ,’<.ers an arborea +,whe LONDAY,FPRERUARY 56,1917,on persons affected with certain kinds °"*@¢harbors appropriation _bill at 12 o'el runs with his line 8.11 degrees E.260 poles! SALE OF LAND, clock,m..at the court house dod in| &stone,Cartner's corner;thence S 8%1-2 South Yadkin river:thence up the mean- T.Harteel!,Att'y.Coneord,N.C.Jan,2,1817. chance,will do more for the sickbodythanwilldrugsorsurgery.Seed CatalogIntreatingburnsasmallpartoftheinjuredsurfaceisexposeddirect-|for 1917,tells about the bestlytothesunandairoutofdoors. it eae for hours under the direct==~~and ae eaenee of Garden Seedsr.In colder weather only more |and ves special informationindirectexposureispossibleand|the best crops to grew,both torthentheresultsarenotsorapid.profit and home uAsaresultofthetreatmentskinThelarweae i bustreewnnotmagetobeusedin|ness which we have quia eager.frambe:cases.effect of the .air gn sunlight cure Is to keep alive |goced,uringthepast year i themuchoftheburnedtissueandinualityof©hightimethintissuegrowsoutoverthe|*yberned‘ace.,WOOD'S SLEDS.C.P.Leith,manager of a stonenyinCharlotte,who embeszled Write for catalog and prices ofofthecompany’s funds by pad.|Grassand Clover Seeds,Seed eR GD : ee Te e se n t fe AE am er ee ca = years in th ws eck |_SEDORIN,-theme a| awe pete wonther vher'tie wate,|Farm and STATESVILLE "Phone 86,114 EB.Bread Street.Is,ran away,was arrest.Pepptoes,SeedOatsor any DeerslecdlentersCopierCantSeedsrequired.an20|«Repti salted tyee on requecy,;biNE,ste:|YWMOOD 6Somg.|{Beard Windows™>.that Wren et AW "OWA «# MADE IN |1917. Anything in SheetMetal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. In ree mittee of the House of Congress.The|the highent bidder,ter tach,thre orants|—————=—Sunlight For Burns,|maavay cori1.250ofwhich,al in Se ra nyAfseeaettesofie7penteetepeorremagesrforcontin-on the waters or South Fenn teen aan While we are taking cur annual inventory of stock we find manyGifsunlighthasbeenputintoprac.”‘The bill carries STOO TH er Neen|Declines eT sone on the hank a the |desirable lines of Merchandise,such asticeatJohnsHopkinshospitalandCarolina,of which $111/275 South Yadkin river,R.$8.Moore's corner,and| sit ceeSeeee “a and Women’s and Children’s Hatsmethodsisthatnature,with a fair L _—which we will close at very attractive prices..Thanking you mostheartilyfortheliberalpatronageyouhavegivenusduri1916,wepromiseyouourverybestservice,with the best values obtainable,forYoursverytruly, Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. HOUSES MOVED.| ised,Hand {Henry”‘Machin,Rates “Muktasingor=or Reefs,| Ofanation’s wealthis THE BACK ventor “Nature cures”have been recog-~ana,doureeeBE.6 piles ten emit,mance B “|Ladies’Suits,Coats,Skirts,Kimonas,Shirt Waists, /=SMILLS &POSTON.& ae mae ] THE A fitate says RaleighNewsand@reasonTooManyasdHowwhythe<cStae ofteers end ta should ineseneed,said:“Why it is by Special Correependence of The Landmast.See ciel.Ail hows tobore to the|Troutman,Jan.8 —Last aidelinesto buckleandtongue|Dodson’s |day,Manton Young,a meet.Take Judge Pell,for instance,thesale of receivedfromMr,Fairfax he has to run law school: itiereal livermedi.|presidentofthe Channa,Travia af the corporation | vegetable,therefore it |bronze medalfor in commission has to practice law be make yousick.|ice.Mantondid Mike haes,Pranenree,basworkin1865,and.while =e j "Col.3oneof|veen ,run a Millbrook;Col.J. put greater part G of State,| and c Caan :has to farm in Pittcounty,and Cor- sour bile and )cen spon poration Lee and Audit-| cing |“Menton or Wood both have to run mercantile nd fee)| suarantee a bot.|tri ,Asked why they didn’t break away -|te of Dodson’s Liver Tono will keep oe pach 8 qeepeahion.he | ‘your entire family feeling fine for)i 1 ‘#aid:“Why we are poor to get. my guarantee —Go to any months.Give it to your children.—ae SP a away,and besides,some gave uptheir| store and a 60.cent bottle |it is harmless;doesn’t gripe and they would have saved untold strife,en-|j)'.04%in pw a a an” Dodson’s Tone.Teke a ‘like its pleasant tagte.lmity and ill-feeling between oe Daaiaeaeee >on a ee. ss amen iiiennenineiaadaeaien mia’sms |dwe lers here.He came &I of the Semundfor more pay forState | :Seine capacity to advise the town authori- omcials,The Landmark has to say |e |ties concerning some little technicat-|1.:such talk as that quated is pod -!|ities on which they couldn't i ww ‘.W rn1es oO rn Two boys,Clyde Alle ani Cviated to defeat the increase —andOEereaeereodindictedfor*tould defeat it.It is uncandid;it is|ten toads oan bosh.Mr.Grimes had a farm before |.eee he was el Secretary of State, The First Building and Loan Association -its 61st Series Saturday,February 3, The best way in the world to supply the de- mand for more houses is to build them through this institution. ‘The First Building &Loan Association. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. |them preg Christmas.Thebers all}over the village shot crackers Christ-'|mas,but thesetwo decided to have a\little fun,as they said,out of “Old|Man”George ee |Alley shot acrackernearMr.Young’s place of business,when told|Wagner tied a big firecracker on the|Christmas tree for Mr.Young.Young had the boys a e Mr.Lee was a merchant at Waynes- ville and Mr.Wood at Asheboro be- fore they took office.If Mr.Lacy didn’t have a farm then he has paid). for one out of his earnings:and if |Jutdge Pell and Chairman Travis put lon side lines it is probably because. ‘like the average officeholder,they ‘want toPut on a ate Bae.sal ‘{these gentiemen a Se oan—ae i chance to retire last summer and they |giving,them recner was fined g25 {strenuously resisted all attempts toingremarkoflandcost.Now the boys got just retire then.crown f |what was coming to them.Theywere all the nonsense is the last.After say |:ine that the officers had to put on a a of re-side lines to live,it is stated that :he reason they dont quit is thatjwhichstrenuouslyprohibits;|shooting of firecrackers but it is not they are too poor—having lost all lobserved except in the most flagrant |"ey had since they have been in S| -THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY sepesons the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD. Our office is an open one,and we invite all our cystomers and those who will become customers to use the same when they so desire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICE that has won for this Company the good will and confidence of over seventeen hundred patrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our cffice for any information,or telephone No.54 if our service in needed. We do NOTARY PULI¢work also.Cordially yours, Manager.j.F.CARLTON, if that isn't enough toleases.After the trial Mr.MeLaugh-,°™ce-Well,ae \lin made one of those earnest,heart-|kill all attempts at salary raising it|wi the legislators over-‘to-heart talks to the boys,telling Will be because |them in a solicitous.paternal tone|ook such foolremarks. the necessity of respecting the law,Cotton GinnedteJasteJan.1. good or bad.There was present &@)|.13 ginned prior to January 1good-sized crowd of men and boys,| |ane i .|amounted to 11,045,225 running bales.|and while Mr.McLaughlin talked you epee oa 126,062 found bales and leould have heard a pin drop.Each |i 113,359 bales of Sea Island.On thewordheutteredwasdrunkinand11aeeenckverttheginning — i f Bh’—are al teady to }light every nook and cornerof the house., Built of solid brass and nickel plated, they last a ife time, Easy to carry —easy to Mil —easy to clean, Use Aladdin Security Oil—the most economical kerosene oil—-for best resulta, STANDARD OIL COMPANY — \HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,©. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING. ™ambing and-Private Water Syetems.REFERENCES FURNISHED. FY fell on fruitful soil.iNag‘amounted to 10,636,778 bales or 96.1Thevillageherewasincorporatedowart,of the crop,including 105,- ho:>i i |jocko Gan yee Se>ae “A>round,bales and 88,933 bales of Sea is .led to go it blindfolded in so far as:Town!technicalities were concerned.In North Carolina 642,824 bales |They organized,they elected a mayor were ginned to January 1. and a board of commissioners,then >waTurR! they began passing ordinances.Bv-DON’T SCOLD,MOTHER! ery time a private citizen would have THE CROSS CHILD IS BIL- a grievance he would carry it to his 10US,FEVERISH! set alderman and the alderman,sec-'jing no serious harm on the face of Look at Torgue!If Coated,it,would start up the law-makingapparatusandaboutthenextmorn-Clean Little Stomach,Liver, |ing a fresh blooming ordinance would Bowels' |be pasted up on the wall.As time Non't scold your fretful,peevish ‘went on they kept accumulating un-til at present the town ordinances|constitute a great,big,unwieldy tome) land each one of them lacking resil- See if tongue is coated:this sure sign its little stomach,liv- ged with sour child. 9.4orand bowels are clog IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE ff.| KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. Made by ——— BOYCE LUMBER CO. Phone 294. POOCHONO CHORD o“THE STINGPOHOO TAKES iency and perspicuity,but replete in,waste. bone end oo of them oe read!When listless,pele,feverish,full lover three or four times and each|of cold,breath bad,throat sore,does- ltime you get deeper fn the mud.The|n’t cat,sleep or act naturelly,has} }conjunetions,prepobitions,singulars etomach-ache,indigestion,diarrhoea,| HONESTLY, IT’S THE BEST POLICY. Whether it's fire,life or health insurance you need, we can offer you the Largest PROTECTION at the LEAST COST --a policy that perfectly protects with- out pinching you..TALKING insurance is our business—TAKING it is yours.Let us tell you all about the specially strong features of our policies,then decide fr your- self-as to whether you need one,We're in at any time. STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, WwW.E.W 2|/ New Year’s Resolution To continue to give our friends---the public-- asquare deal.To give you the best of drug service in a way.To earnestly strive for the title,“Our com-munity’s best merchant.”deal in honest merchandise only,and back that up with our famous slogan— Money back cheerfully if you want it! Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. neeeeeeSee SEE ME WHEN YOU Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also to fix your Clock or Watch. B,.WOODWARD. NEED jand plurals are all poured in togeth-|¢ive a teaspoonful of “California | er in an inconglomerate mass and!Svrup of Figs,”and in a few hours | when they roll out it’s something!all the foul waste,the sour bile and) fermenting food passes out of the} howels end you have a well and play-| ful child again.Children love this harmless “fruit laxative,”and moth-| ean rest easy after giving it,be-| eauge it never fails to make their| litife “insides”clean and sweet,| like a law making it a misdemeanog; to kiss age!sweetheart in the parlor,’ under the mistletoe,or on the cheek. You read it a time ov two and you wonder where you can legally kiss her.These little laws have been pi!- ing up but they’ve never been taken re very seriously.In 1916,out of more;Keep it handy,Mother!A_little than 5,000 actual violations,only one!given todey saves a sick child to-| arrest was made.That's about the morrow,but get the genuine.A sk | kind of a farce it is.'wour druegist for a 50-cent bottle of! Mayor Brown is a most reasonable!“Californian Syrup of Figs.”which | man,possessed of sore than the!pas dir tions for babies,children of usual amount of good,hard common aj]ares and for grown-ups plainly sense,and he knew it would be work-|on the bottle Remember ther are ing the rottenest kind of a hardship)counterfeits sold here,so surely look son the citizens if he were to adhere!anq see that yours is made by the rigidly to the letter of the law.Se!“@glifornia Fie Syrup Company.”| he just permitted the matter to drift fIand back with contempt any other along,as no harm seemed to be done.)Ge syrup. But while he was condoning these in- significant offences,we,the villagers,men,women,boys and girls,were drifting into a set of law-breakers.| It is almost impossible to live here) jand not violate some one of the lit- tle regulations every few days.But)there are better days ahead.Mr.Brown! is going to have (Mr.Mclaughlin!pass a big wet sponge over the pres-|ent bunch of by-laws,many of which)were brought into being through mal- ice and personal animosity.en he)is to separate the really needful ones)A from the others.He is to clothe them! a in choice legal verduee,enter them in B the records just as they are posted)for public inspection.|Mr.Harry Sherrill,one of th B brightest young men of the town-ship,has enlisted in the United) States navy.He left Friday for) Charlotte and from there goes to) \training quarters.||Mrs.q Charlotte A.Torrence of}H Charlotte is spending some time here)at Albion cottage,the home of her)daughter,Mrs.H.E.Cain.| }Great Ado Over Ex-Convict. -More than 300 representative citi-|Bi zens of Tennessee attended a home-)coming banquet at Nashville Monday)|night in honor of William J.Cummins) and joined in a demonstration to wel- come the former Nashville citizen,,who was pardoned Christmas week Wy4|Governor Whitman or New York,af-\ter serving three years in prison for|viaiediog e New York banking laws. Prominent State and city officials jand leading professional and busi-|ness men from a!'l over the State |were present.The Tennessee Legis- ‘lature attended in a body.Small del-| |qgattone from other Southern States) "te Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply |you with’the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. participated.‘ i ter the Legislature came to its ‘senses.The Senate with only four OUT OF FROSTING! When the biting,frosty winds of winter haveyourskinandleftitrawandsore,AZMON’SGLYCERINEaffordspromptandpermanentThisinvaluableremedyisaclever of the most efficacious healing agents known.Itis worth many times its cost in the comfort it guar-antees to sufferers from chapped skin.An acquaintance with AZMON’S meansa life-long friendship.Why not start the friendship Today. POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square” —Oa ;Handsome Stationery! Wil!Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? HUYLER’S CANDY,CIGARS,TOILET ARTICLES. HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. 1 | OOO CROOHOEONOHONOEORSMONEY MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAYTOSTART IS WITH ABANK ACCOUNT! This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest fromdate at therateof 4 per cent.perannum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited. loure rescinded its| |from the) |record its acceptance the invita-| tion ec in Cummins’| honor;the|of the invitation by a) vote. We want your business| People’s Loan and Saving ih.°RiMeumren held a meeting the following off-lected:President,Misssecretary,Mrs.Geo.treasurer,Mrs.Jo. ts.Rey Denny and Mrs.have returned from a where theyilast age operations withwillgotoJohnsHopkins,atforfurthertreatment.of the First Na-:a meeting Mondayelectedfollowingdirectors:Goodman,J.E.Sherrill,W..P.Mills,J.F.Braw-,C.P.MeNeely,.L.Harris,R.;W.Taylor,Dr.directors electedident,W.C. t,C.P.MeNee-,C.F.Melehor assistant.A.Alexander teller,Eu-.This bank id 8 per z 5 largesurplus.ers,com- d the best and most substan-ywown,vouch forsuccess.bs and daughters,MissesandJessamine,of Mt.spent Monday here.Mr.says he has enjoyed readingforthepast30years..W.P.Stallings,head machin-ist at the Mooresville cottop mills,is:ill and doubts are entertain- Robinson,who teach-es on to Davidson to visit rela-.E.M.Summerell of MillMr.J.S.Caldwell and were Mooresville vis-son O .Pastor 8.H.Hay ofyterianchurchandTuesdaytovisitrela-in S.C.Miss Maryleft spent Wednesday in Charlotte.ond Mts,EB.W.Brawley visitedinTroutmanWednesday.Julia and Martha McNeelytheSansSouciclubSat-—_—from 3 to 5 o'clock.Brawley entertained herschoolclassandthechoirofA.R.P.church Wednesday eve-at her home on Main street.meeting of the stockholders of&Farmers’Bank last the following directors wereE.W.Brawley,E.H.Miller, ,W.C.Johnston,J.C.B.A,Troutman,R.W. 0.Miller,H.D.Mills.TheelectedE.W.Brawley pres-W.C.Johnston vice president, Miller cashier,Mort.Me- assistant cashier,G.T.Adame.The recular 3 per cent.semi-was declared.Thehadagoodyearandlooks to increas business in .Lathan Mills and Mesdames J.Neely,G.L.McKnight andspentWednesdayCharlotte.Miss Julia Bradford,who is a milliner at Madison,Fia.,Mrs.H.F.Drake of Richmond,;have been here on a_vigit topean,Mr.and Mrs.J.C. .Ney Ketchie is critically ill at on Main street.Anent the Methodists calling pas-tors,Rev.J.W.Jones says,on beingconsulted,that they have backslid- den and are imitating other folks. State Socialism For North Dakota.New York Times.The Hon.Lynn J.Frazier has tak-the oath of office as Governor oforthDakotaHewastheRepubli- te,approved by the North Farmers’Non-Partisansaidtohave560,000 mem- leagued farmers have the.They have a majoritythemembersoftheStateSu-Court.They will get whatwant.As the Master of thesays,they mean “to bringZealandtoNorthDakota.”ate going to have State-ownedState-controlied elevators and at terminal points,a State-ow plant,—hail in- irance y to bringentyGeorgetoDakota.Statebesupplementedbytax.Hear the Master «f: andandfarmhousesand@thetaxontheunimproved,lators createdby thehaveheldbackim-fromabigrtein ikandanincreaseCatersomeof of India ,thefinesday a sheds.| cultivation,| aah ge SE s =“i ze : ! de c i e t i rf l If the pletedattheconvention are perfectedlandthenadopted,it will mean thatjallclocksoftheUnitedStateswillbeturnedforwardonehourinthespring‘and back one hour in the fall,there-by creating an extra hour of daylight|during the summer months.‘three big advantages as set forth bytheDaylightSavingCommitteeis as follows:1.To health:(a)By conserving the eyesight through the substitution of | an extra hour of daylight for the glare of artificial light;(b)by sav- ‘ing the syetem from the strain and|exhaustion of an hour's work in theheatoftheafternoonandsubstitut-,jing the cooler early morning hour; '(c)by reereating through outing or sport,opportunity fer which will beaffordedbyleavingtheofficeorshopanhourearlierintheafternoon.2.Economy:In the use of gas andelectrielightwhichitiscalculatedwillamounttooneandone-half mil-lion dollars during the summer inNewYorkcityalone.Every homewillsaveconsiderableinthehome electric light or gas bill.3.Efficiency:(a)through the bet- ter quality of work done in the earlymorninghourascomparedwiththatdoneinthehotsummerafternoon;(b)efficiency thraugh better health brought by recreation,saving the eyes,ete. This “creating more daylight”ideabychangingtheclockshasbeenputoninsomeofthecountriesofEu- rope and is gathering favor in thiscountry.Of course changing the clocks won't make more daylight,buttheideaistodomoreworkinday- time and less at night—which is a good dexw—and to change the cus- tom,to make it generat,the pian istochangetheclocks.If the clocks are turned up an hour,one who goestoworkat7a.m.will still go toworkat7.but in reality he will go at 6.If he stops work at 6 p.m.he will continue to stop at the samehour,but in reality he will quit at 5. It will be easier to change the hours this way than to undertake thechangéwithoutchangingtheclocks..If one who reports for work at 7 a. m.was asked to report at €,nine out of ten would rebel,even if allowed to quit an hour earlier in the after-noons.the clocks would be changed back toconformtothechangeintheday- light hours.The plan has many good points,but it will take education,agitation and time to get the custom changed.Many of the moderns think it fash ionable to keep late hours at night and sleep late nex.day and thesewillbehardtoconvert.The “early to bed and early to rise”proposition back to the.will seem like going ways of the old-timers,and many people object to anything that seem: old-fashioned,no matter how good it is;and they embrace everything new,no matter how worthless thenew. Farm Loan Banks Not Political Jobs. Organization of the 12.Federal Land Benks has been undertaken,the farm toan board announces,with adeterminationtoeliminatepolitics entirely in the selection of the men who are to set up and operate the new institutions.The board’s state- ment,explaining that pressure isbeingexertedfortheappointmentof men of party influence,particularly Democrats,says: “It may be stated without quali- fication that these jobs will not be |handed out as political plums.The only consideration which will be tak- en into account is that of merit,effi- ciency and ability.There is no divis- ion of opinion among the members of the board as to this principle.” For each bank,the board is to ‘name five directors from whom a |president,secretary,treasurer and vice president will be chosen as managing officers.In addition,there will be for each bank a repistrar,to act as fiduciary agent of the =gov- |ernment. The board announces that in mak-ing these appointments,every effort will be made to get men whose fitness will commend them net only to farm- ers who must berrow money,but to investors,who must look upon farm loan bords as safe and prime securi- ties if they are to buy them and ac-t a low rate of interest. That's sense and wisdom.Thesebanksaretoservethepublic;they are not political patronage,and the services of the best men possible,re- rardless of politics,should be secured. And yet we believe that Charlotte's first count in its claim for the loca-tion of the Federal Land Bank wasthatithadhadverylitthDemocrat c patronage, 2 EE a ee |Railroad Next For Boone. A proposition will soon be submit-|ted to the voters of Boone township,|Watauga county,for a bond issue of or the of Ve Boone.The Li,iwasextendedlnat r from Monte-summa to Shull's Mitts, enit At a certain time in the fall , »&distance ofabout12miles.Should the road be e a r ei H e : ¢ : ;zx z refeth “Really does”put bad stomera"overcome gestion,»as,nandsourness5fiveminut—just that—makes Pape'ssinthelargestsellingstomachlatorintheworld,If what youfermentsintostubbornlumps,belch gas and eructate sour,gested food and acid;head isandaches;breath foul;tongueed;your insides filled with bileindigestiblewaste,remembermoment“Pape’s Diapepsin”comescontactwiththestomachalldistreas-vanishes.It’s trulyishing—almost marvelous,jey is its harmlessness.A large fifty-cent case ofDiapepsinwillgiveyouadollars’worth of satisfaction,oF ee 4 druggist hands you your moneyvack.It’s worth its weight in gold tomenandwomenwhocan't get stomachs regulated.It belongsvourhome—should always be handy in case of a sick,sour,stomach during the day or night.It’s the quickest,surest anc mostlessstomachregulaterinthe world, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qpalified as administrator of the emtateofEllenBratcher,deceased,late of Trecounty,N.'C.;this is to notify all persons having?claims against the estate of said decemed toexhibitthemtotheundersignedatStateeville, N.C.,on er before December 12,1917,or thip netice will be pleaded in bar of thei All pervens indebted to «uid evtate make payment Lb.BRATCHER,W.A.Brintol,Atty.Administrator, Bee.12,1516,* Al |MINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE, Having qualified as administratrix of the es- ate of F.'T.Walker,thie is to notify all per-ons having claims against said estate to pre-ent them to’the undersigned on or beforeDecerter29,1917,er this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery All persons indebted4estatewillpleasemake inmediate sent MRS.FE.C.WALSER,BY,1916,Administratri«. reeovery. SALE OF LAND. A.C.Crouch.administrator of Fred.Robb deceased,vs.Mes,Eva Morrison et al.,heire- t aw. der and by virtue of an order cf the Su-ve Court of Iredell county,we,the ander-sivned commissioncre,will sell to the highestdder,on : TUESDAY,JANUARY 80TH,1917, at the ecurt house door of Iredell county.at12o'clock,noon,the:following deseribed realpropertyPeginningatastoneinthepublferoad,cor-ner of lot No.9,thenee with said road south601-2 dewreea E.74 1-2 poles to @ red oak, and corner of lot No.5;themee south 85 1-2degreesE.29 poles to a stone on Morrison's tine,corner of lot No.6;thenee 3.2 dewreeswe22polestoastone,on Morrison's line,and corner of lot No.7;thenee north #5 de- grees west 98 1-2 poles to a stone on the lineiflotNo,*,and corner of lot No.7;thencenorth4.1-2 degrees cast 61 1-2 poles to 1)beginning,containing 21 acres,more or less.The shove described land is a part of theJohnRebbplaceandixsoldbytheadminis-trater of Fred.Robb to make assets. The terms of sale will be cash upon confir- mation of sale.anes H.C.PRIVETTE,KT.WEATHERMAN,dan.2 ftw Commissioner BUY YOUR TIRES .10 to 20 per cent. In self-protection our prices on Don’t put it off u CAROLINA vill please priceswilllastfor Rn aacaeAUCTIONSALE. MONDAY,JANUARY 15,Iwillsellatauction,for cash,atmyhomeonBuffaloShoalroad,ae les,eee —=—ei registered stock hog aGerWhen,drill,eeaper and allfarmitools,a let of corn, rough feed,ete.andandKitchenFurniture.gins at 10 a.m.ROSS F.DAVIDSON. Jan.9-—2t*. aR IF THE EUROPEANS WANTMyLumberYardIhopewillpaycashforit— furthermore,will not make me give —_that [ wont take it back.C.WATKINS. |“1020 PEOPLE JOINED| Gur Christmas Savings Club lastyear—the 1917 Club now formingpromigestobestilllarger. Join today and get an even startw:in the rest.Merchants &Farmers’Bank,‘he Bank for Your Savings.” a Jian vvetenneasmertinenoaroceteenseantennae PaaS THIS WEEK If YOU WANT TO GET THEM AT OLD PRICES! All the leading tire manufacturers have already advanced prices from we will advance MONDAY,JANUARY 15th. We extend this opportunity to our friends and customers to anticipate their needs at a big saving in cash. next week,Oldweekonly. MOTOR CO. e Mooresville.ions PHONE 512 COATS and SUITS To morrow,Saturday,we will put thefinal clean up price on all our Winter Coats and Suits. We will not quoteany figures here but you may rest assured that you'll be AGREEABLY SUR- PRISED when you see what we have done to sell and sell quickly all we have left of these garments. Don’t Be Late. You might notgetthebest of the bargains. Onsale untillotisclosed. be f i Se s s i2| 7 g s 8 z gs 2*id;aE 2>& af; i 3 HI rf efFezi t ae‘HE li ifft iz tef =me 3 5 z & Re rr a H e r e *=i 7 farmers in that entireingtostockraisingbollweevilisprac-ble for this plant hav-as the farmers real-to turn their at-other than rais-buys about $43.-worth of meat products fromNorthCarolinaaboutually.The lationhasnearlybledinIthadthreeyearsagenowprobably7,000.ears ago the West wasone-crop wheat systemtobuildlocalpacking)five years wherever thebuilttheBgghan.Today the averageWesternfarmerisoverSouthernfarmerhasof$157.tinformationobtaina-have paid in theroughouttheUnitedpercentdividends;have failed than any]plant.This plant atisoperatedunderthethreeUnitedStateswhoknowthattheundersanitarycondi-product is pure andpureconditions. iHf ii ie fE Szaz® :i: z: ; i if;it¥as t i i3;F ii id Hi fe f,Ga. 1 ie f : committee who would makeicitycampaignasoouaeyandtakeanyasmightseembesttomattermeantsomuchtcinhabitantofthepiedmontsec- t this suggestion the as a com-k:C.V.Henkelil,F.T.Meach-.B.Crawford,CesandW.L 8ze n ar i l oe s nf o g ! zi : E y Folks Winners at Wins-ton-Salem. contest atStock ‘STATESVILLE,N.©, e*"ihe,twoédii4i& aSi 2. 2 4 3 . H i |i fe if fl i F : ii t Hf :i :Fsi I k i Miss Hannah Elvina Bentley,the21-year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.A.D.Bentley,died at theStatesville Sun-ja,following anthecauseof her parents indaynight. as the “servant hiringbeenpassedbytheLegibillwasdraftedbyN.R.of Charlotte and is as“If any person shallhire,employ,harbor or wage hand of any otherof|shall have contractedorally,for a fixed periodservehisemployer,andhavelefttheserviceofinviolationofhiscontract,z. of|beservices|be i .nine otherhildrenaresufferingwiththesamedisease. The body of Mrs.Julius Wallace,who died here early Thursday morn-ing.was shipped Thursday eveningtoLancaster,Pa.,the old home ofthedeceased.ThepaniedbyMr.Wallace and Miss Han-nah Wallace.Burial took place Fri-day at Lancaster. Mamie Irene,the seven-months-olddaughterofMr.and Mrs.HarveyStackofsouthStatesville,died atthehomeofherparentslateSatur-day night,after a brief illness.Bu-tial took place at Oakwood cemeteryyesterday. House Declines toRaisePost- ageon Second-Class Matter. Postoffice Department recommen-dations for a xone system increasingpostalratesonnewspapersandmag-azines for y on local de-liveries ond for curtailment of theatictubemailserviceincit-,were stricken out of the annualpostofficebillSaturdaybytheHouse,gitting as a committee of the whole.It is expected another vote on theseprovisionswillbedemandedwhenthemeasurecomesupforpassarethisweek,and if they again are re-jected,they will be re-introduced intheoeofgovesesebills.postoffice ,carrying appro-priations of $322,000,000,was com-pleted Saturday in committee of thewhole,and Hovse leaders expect topassitTuesday.Other avisionsstrickenoutia$100,000 ap-provriation for an experimental ae-roplane mail service,and a proposalforabandoningguarantysystemforpostalemployes.Repeated efforts toputintothebillasectionauthorizinggovernmentalownershipoftepereesandtellineswerebiockedbypointsoforder. Annual Meeting Iredell CountyFarmers’Union.The Iredell County Farmers’UnionhelditsannualmeetinginStatesvilleSaturdayafternoon.e election ofofficersresultedasfollows:Presi-dent W.B.Gibson;viee president,J.Sharpe;secretary and treasurer‘ne;doork ,J.M.Stack-i.T.Murdock;chap-|;members of the ex-.W.C.Wooten,F.Meacham,J.M.Ostwalt,C.LSherrillandP.M.Cline.With theexceptionofSharpeandMurdockal) .|officerswerere-elections.coma,te annual re- _imurder of a rival body was accom-|p,, party so aggrieved.This f Filgecombeoth Person,oie ’arren,Vance,‘ifax,Guilford,Granville,Wayne,Richmond,Wake,Caswel Raymer vice president,Thompson attorney,W.E.Webb,sec-retary and treasurer. Collision Between a “GreenBug”and Automobile. A jitneybus collidedwithDr.E.MYount’s automobile driven by a negrcchauffeuryesterdaymorningatthecornerofMulberryandWalnutstreets.Miss Annie Flanigan andMrs.J.T.bed were occupants ofthejitney.ith the exception ofMrs.Taylor,who suffered slightlyfromnoonewasinjured.Thejitneywaslydamaged;the physitian’s car was,not ty Theabruptnessoftheturnatthecornerandtheesconditionofthestreetsweresaidtoberesponsiblefo:the accident. Fire in Old Academy at Loray. As Mr.and Mrs.J.R.WoodsidesoftheLoraycommunitywereretur"-ing from tr.Gibson's funeral atConcordchurchThursday,covered fire in a tenant hobyMr.J.P.Watts.After considera-ble effort the fire was extinguishedwithoutseriousdemagetothebuild-ing,which is the old academy build-ing at Loray.$ Interpreting the Mann “whiteslavetraffic”act,the Supreme Courtyesterdaydecidedthatprosecutionsfertransportingwomenin_inter-State commerce are not limited tocommercializedviceandincludeper-sonal,immore!escapades.ConvictionofF.Drew Caminetti and Maury I.Diggs of Sacramento,was affirmed. The estate of Col.William F.Co- dy,who died at Denver,Colo.,las:week,is estimated by his attorneynottoexceed$65,000,consisting mainly of three ranches near Cody,yo.,and an equity in a hotel in the town.a.8.A.ae 3native LSMecklen'county,succeedDr.J.F Randiey,resi as in- the JAgritinara and Mechanical Col.t Col- lege, Six itrymen in New York hav:been on a charge of thetrydealertw« not commit th:hired it done fo:years ago.act themsel800. pePender,Mal | gif ! $ze 3 a5 F 22 FF F will be drawnupand\.|the State Legislature at Raleigh. -|SERVICES FOR CHILDREN. -|Exercises at Broad Street Es-For Them —Other‘hurch News, The annual church meeting and rol! eall of the First Baptist church willbeheldintheauditoriumofthechurchFridayeveningat7.30 o’clockFollowingthemeetingtherewillbeareceptionintheSundayschoolroomAllmemberscfthechurchandcon-gregation are urged to be present.Sunday morning at Broad StreetMethodistchurchserviceswereheld mlforthechildrenofthechurch.Theuswereboysofcongregn-tion;the choir was com of chil-dren of the church.Miss MargaretSloangaveareadingprecedingthesermon.The pastor,Rev.Loy D.Thompson,delivered a sermon to thechildren.Mr.Thompson likened aleadpenciltothelifeofachild—theoutsidethebodyofthechild;the in-side,his soul.The use of a pencil is‘a make o mark;the use of a child’slifeistomakeamarkintheworld. The body of a child,the Lord’s tem-nie,should be kept clean and healthythatthesovlinsidemaybetter’per- Mr.Thompson proposed that theservicesatBroadStreetchurchonthesecondSundayineachmonthbedevotedtothechildrenofthecongre-gation. is-|form the duties of lite. Japanese Battle Cruiser De- stroyed With 100 Lives._The Japanese battle cruiser Tsu-wba was destroyed by an explosionSundayintheharborofYokosuka.Fire on the Tsukuba caused the mag-azine to blow up.It is estimated‘hat more than 100 men were killedorinjured,The Tsukuba was laid down in 1905vddisplaced13.750 tons.She was‘40 feet long and was armed with‘our 12-inch,12 6-inch,12and438-inch guns,3 3-péunders and5torpedotubes.Her complementwas817mei.The Tsukuba was sent‘o Hampton Roads in 1907,at theimeoftheJamestownexposition.Yokosuka is an important naval sta-tion 13 miles southwest of Yokoha- In Local Courts. Fred.Caldwell,who was in jail indefaultof$50 bond for larceny,gaveSaturdayandwasreleased.Shelton,colored,was beforethemayorSaturdaychargedwithyconduct.He was fined $6 costs.Little,colored,was put under TUESDAY,JANUARY 16,1917. ig i 4 MN eE e F F | be Ptiii l a z i d ii ih e i A! =as : il & PR L ae :2a J.Mrs.R.Nooe,Mra.C.garet Brawley,Tire E.a ae eeemNEWSOFTAYLORSVILLE. Death of Mr.ee andMr.Wike —EstateChanges. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsvilie,Jan.15 —Mr.AmonS.Bumgarner died voting aeat3o’clock at his home in Littleertownship,after a long illness.De-ceased was T2 years of age and coat BS i thiscountytwoa -cept a son who lives in Miinois. 75 ai si mifuneralservicewasheldat thedenceSaturdaymorninat—oat by Rev.wsumgarner,G.BumgarnerV.Bumgarner,cousins of deceasedTheintermentwasintheBumgarner graveyard.Mr.Frank Wike,a Confederateveteran,died at his home inLoaftownshipSaturdayabout10o'clock.He would have me n t ? i* . Bier ar.|tn _LE gSanbhdiedattheFortBlissTexas,from pneu- zi fi otwithdrawn its annual ap- $400 towerds the sal-county health officer,financially able to make theF a =r of Georgebankerherhomenear Kanuga disease.The remains were ta- Greensboro for interment.H e e al son.: i;Mrs.Brown's husband place at his death recently. Bx-Governor Craig,whose term 1 expired Thursday,returned to his home at Asheville.He a cordial welcome hometedwithahandsome by the people of Ashe- a State-wide meeting of equal in Greensboro Friday Mrs.Walter McNair Miller of Mo..addressed a larreofthecause.Del-North Carolina 5%i | f 2 F F ‘ HL it .Northampton eown-son of Mr.Johnitlykilledbyatreehedfelledjn.the is father,who was runninghimfromthedanger,was and badly injured by the . 3 i2 Lf Zi g( FF i Webb,father of Con- .¥.Webb.died Thursday honte in Shelby.He was and was one of the pio-ministers of the State.from parelysis.Hebyfoursonsandtwo y !: n County Farmers’Un- on record against gamb- ime and horse-raring at fairs.In a resolve against a on dogs,the Union opposes not new tax on dogs but favors ef the present law taxing dogs in the county. engagement of Miss Mildred Overman cf Salisbury and Mr.Owen of Asheville has been an- .the wedding to take place 11.Miss |Overman is theofMr.and Mrs.Edwin RnofSalisburyandanieceoftorLee8.Overman. The Lillian Knitting Mills,Albe- has let the contract for a commodious dormitory and boarding licuse for the young ladies who workinthemill.A lady manager will beofthebuildingandthe young ladies will be furnished board and room at lowest possible cost. Desirre Miles,a 11-year-old white’girl,accidentally shot and kill-her home near Greens-Crutchiield,a negrosameage.They werewhenthegun,in theoftheboy,was accidentallyqpnwent,tearing the girl's head t Topic says that lastministersofthetownfortheirparishion-what are the fourLenoir.Beginning a, i Sunday the ministersaseriesoffoursermonsevilsasshownbythemeevilswillbeunderatallchurchesatthesame Catawba County News says:understood that no further ef-he made to run ClaremonttheReformedChurch.AlithefuturewillunitewbaCollegewhatitshould apes te $ewo.itunitedefforttoputfeetit sfiif ae a 5 == $ 2di 8 rf i 4z si l t : “ f 3Ff =f ew s school board of Bun-| :a's are both a Springs office a i about cuenly enderesd for! i e. eS ze if 3 & vi t 3 li count on their patriortsm.If there be physicians who,withthatdivineself-forgetfulness that islthébirthmarkoftheircalling,are ficial Wbors,and stands {mentarium at their command.For four years I want laber and capital,learning and art,and the life Stephens,aged65 years,willing to trace disease te its most ;Btephens.¢|hiddes lair,and plant the banners ef|Goat Roads Act. of Charlotte,died|life in the very stronghold of death,|‘The powers of the State - of1 want them >aw on Oe jerome Commirsion should be eee sees a new salvation In “a wie give it supervision over ‘elothe them with all needful author-|=a ft a ity,and place an unlimited arma-| and letter of the law to be devoted! te making every acre and every stream,every human and every me chanical unit in the Commonwealth be and do its level vest. I doubt not that with the wheat will spring up the tares,and to some successor of mine who glories in cre- mation,I shall bequeath the joy of gathering the tares into bundles and burning them in unquenchable fire. To me the call is definite and des- potic,to toil and tire not that all the fields may come white to the har- vest.Such are my hopes and high re solves.But in civic life aspirations and ideals are without value save as they inspire measures that make for the common good.Living problemseonfrontus.Hs that hurt require remedies that heal.The hour calls fer action and “faith without works is dead.” Translation ef Tenant Into Landlord. The first and dearest work of this administration will be a supreme ef- fort to translate the tenants of the State inte landlords.Here and now, 'n the presence of God and these witnesses,I consecrate myself,and all the power and prestige of my of- fice to this endeavor.I shal!neither rest nor permit the State to rest,un- til every honest.industrious and fru- gal man who tills the soil,has a de-|™: cent chance to own 1%. Every consideration of progress and safety urges us to employ «l'-wise and just measures to wet our lands into the hands of the many,and fore- stall thet most destructive of all mo-nopolies,the monopoly of the soil.To this end I earnestly urge a con- stitutional amendment granting to the General Assembly ihe power to exempt from taxation notes znd mort-gares given in good faith for the purchase price of a home in an amount not exeeeding $3,090,endrunningnotmorethantwentyyearsSuchanexemptionwould‘bring thenecessarymoneytoeveryhonestand industrious man who desires to own his own home.It would mean a pre- mium cf 40 per cent on the income from such a loan,and the money lender tempted by this premium would seek out worthy tenants andencouragethemtoclimbtoohigherlevelbybecomingownersofthesoil.Such a law would be a twofoldblessing.It would be a blessing toourwidowsandorphansbyenabling them to derive a reasonable incomefromthesavingsleftthembyhus-band and father.Today the averagetaxonsolventcreditsinthetownsis$2.40 on the $100.The incomefixedbylawis$6,leaving to the wid-ows and orphans only $3.60,Nonebutwidowsandorphansandafew ultra honest men pay this confiscatory| tax.Avenues of Escape. |Several avenues of escape are sug- |wested; ‘mountains to the blue of the sea Stute Highway Commission in the‘maintenance of State roads,so as tocomplywiththerequirementsoftheFederalgovernmentfortheupkeepundertheFederal con-build-withanadequateforceofforthispurpose.Gentlemen of the General Assembly,Ladies and Gentlemen:I have en-deavored to visualize my dream of afairerondfinerState.IT have out-ned the means by which I tomakethedreemcometrue.And the means all reach out to a si erd—a larger hope,a wider door the averawe man than he has ever known.With a six-months sec n-teed to every child;with the eSofdiseaseroutedfromtheirancientstronwhelds;with the curse of rumliftedfromeveryhome;with ourfieldstilledbymenwhoown.andthereforelovethem;with our har-ests free from the erop lien’s deadly light;with modern convenience and wholesome diversions within reach ofeverycountryhome,our dear.oldState,released from her bondage to the blood kin of tyrants of ignorance,poverty,disease and crime,‘will be- rin to realize her finest possibilities in riches and grace;will assume her rightful plece in the march of q@yili- zation,and from the blue of,therepringupahardier,me &e,not unlike the giants that walked the,earth when the sons of God miated! with the daughters of men. will After asking the register of deedsrattoissuelicensetoJ.W.Crabtree, aged 50,Mies Cornelian Wester,aged ‘ing thet she feared the ,again apperred before the reg-ster of decds cf Durham county re- questing that the license be isawed,stating that she knew the groom-ta-be better now.‘ 2%,deel CLIMBED STAIRS-ON HER HANDS i sitdown | a H s f : te l a t 1.The one sure way to kill a crop,©\lien is to starve it to death.And the 'sure way for a farmer to starve acroplienistofeedhimself.bacon and buttermilk,all producedonthefarm,are as fatal to a croplienasquinineistomalaria.Thistreatmentreachesthecauseofthe|disease;all others deal simply withitseffects.2.But there are some wayswhichtheGeneralAssemblycan lendahelpinghandwhilethefarmerisworkingouthisperfectsalvation.The formation of credit unions,underlaws,should be encouragedin«substantial way.Every running brook in North Car- \to do its duty.small expense canes water in| \ olina ought to be bridled and made!»w.4,At comparatively 2,312.50.and *!!owtetanding bills,1 Bread,i: 190,KichmonNOTICEOFDISSOLUTION. Mr.T.8.White bas resiened bis position attheRobertsepCashStoreandsoldhisentire|interest in the farm connected with the |Kobertaon,the consideration wales |The Robertson Cash.Store willwiehtothankoublicforcourtesiesshownMr.White For Sprains,Lameness,Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast25c.50c.$1,At All Dealers, LINIMENT “Phone 89 For” Fresh Oysters, Fresh Celery, Fat Mackerel, White Fish, Canned Goods. Don’t forget to call for Gold Medai Coffee. Phone 89. Milholiand. °a DR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R. Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. nee aoe ey tna moanama eal ‘THEY KEEP SAYING to rest.Everything is going up.But‘Sa Shingles are still #1.‘square atLumberYard. Canned Goods.| eeoC.WATKI Canned Lima Beans. Canned Peas. Canned Stringed Beans.Canned Hominy. Canned Kraut. These will be foundespeciallygoodfol-lowi the heavymageating. Sherrill&Reece, Phone 123.108WestBroadSt —~snk Ww ! RSALE:ragiyes a 4a 2 | Ad | Capital Stock Paid in -~SarplusandProfits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing metunods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings _Deposits remaining on deposit three W.D.TURNER, months or longer. OFFICERS: -=_President,-Vice President.---Cashier. -AssistantCashier.¢.E.HUGHEY, 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N. college and graded school,fronting about on railroadand dirt road,with 3-room tenant house, water,productive land,well adaptedtoallcrops ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation; into lotes. 97 acres three miles from Harmony mile from public school on balance in timber,7-room buildings,some fruit,one For further information call ERNESTG.INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTA Hay At Old Prices.| Eleae mareONBefore ’Phone 23.Mills Building. tg advance 1 paced some big bag contacto,te, $100,000.00 \ WE HAVE SECURED THE ,ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF. FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY I8 NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO GALLS. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE5CENTS. os ‘PHONE 511. DR.VANCE HASTY, TransferCompany. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C. alt.197...Hours &to 5.L ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’STEETH. YourFace Your Card should not trust your shav- to “Tom,Dick and Harry,” but ‘should go to the best equipped barbershopin the city and as good as any in the State.Everything Clean andConvenient Electric Hair Dryer,Massage Machine,Smooth-Cutting Razors —in fact everything required to make our service The Best in the City.. A most completé line of Hair Ton- ’ies,Lotions and Creams always on hand. Five Good Barbers No WaitingOneoftheyoungest,but the hest, in the State.They are all the best j to be secured.“BEST BY TEST"!W.E.COLEY,Prop. Phone 242. ;HAVEN'T RAISED PRICES On Doors acent since com- ing to Statesville. a, C.WATKINS. W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same. Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete,Locks and GunsandKeysfit--In a anythingrepairline.Phone 209. — Kind of equipment in our Vulean-izing Plant as is used in making—Tires and Tubes.Rubber=by ae a is the only way to ma repairs on_and Tubes.ur Tires and Tubes to us.A ING IN VULCANIZING! | C.H.LESTER, RecisTerReED ARCHITECT, ANTED ;4 a fewcatver:Liha 2. a TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,i USE THE SAME)) dulyinaecordan utionalbe officers are elected. was not sworn in unti)! none are Statetaken ecisanin- 'O- raisedorloweredduringthetermsforwhichMr.MeMichae) oa ¥oa ey talk, were :Smith W.Lowrance,‘son,J.B Alexander,D .Alexan-der.it was determinedto A°«for aterritorynaeeof16miles of the town =orwayinto<a tion.Ww gen-tlemen at the head and the board of app!the territory wheth¢ie "sonk ‘is "s inneConstitutionthetermofofficebegins|$00"®*dies tate |January 1 or on the actual day of|fore,One pen oh ae tapesinaugurationandofficialqualifica-jarereal business farmers end with silos steam tractors to |ing homes,not suf-LI BOWELS |ficient to take care of the ex- aeue |"the Rural Telephone Linesto|»atWhenBilious,Headachy,Sick,|called reday GihoresenForSourStomach,fous Ae --Se Brez B:J Id:rectors:..i.Hier,| pmpapedas :frat.os y.‘ed zTakeaCasearettontocleanseM.Watts.Mr,Steele was elected |ver,Bowels,and |president,Mr.secretary and)will curely feel great by morn-treasurer.There are 24 of these ru-|You men women have |ral lines,built and equipped by the } ANYWHERE IN THE CITY merely forci passageway every‘Wee.few days with salts,cathartic:pills or| | |means healthy bowel action;a clear |Johnston,vice president;cheerfulness for months.|McNeely, headache,coated tongue,a bad ng a castor oil?Cascareregulatethe stomach, stipated waste matterfromthebowels. n cold,owners.are bilious,nervous,upset,bothered |tory within a radius of ten miles of| ts immediately cleanse and urday of last week.He was attend-t remove the ed by Dr.Cloanisour,undigested and fermenting food who hopes that hisandfoulgases;take the excess bile|saved.from the liver and carry off the con-— Practically all of the terri-| jwith a sick,wwe aivordered stom-Mooresville may be reachedach,”or have kache ant feel all means of these and they are all’ ‘orn out,re ou ping your toll free.‘igqe}bowels clean with Cascarets —or;Mr.Ernest Horten,who runs a/saw mill at Amity,had his left handseverelycrushedbruisedbya/|broken belt in the machinery on £| of Statesville,|hand may be The officers of the Civic League,as'|and poison reported for the last issue of Thendmark,were the officers for theLaRemember,a Cascaret tonight will past year.The new officers elected atstraightenyououtbymorning.A the last meeting ere:10-cent box from your dru andDon’t forget the children. ul alk’ |fiesaoe THE VAY TO HEALTH. Health is the most important thininlife.It is too precious,too vitatobebandiedaboutasanarticleofmerchandise.It cannot be.purchas-ed in boxes or phials at the corner drug store.BARIUM ROCK SPRING WA-TER ‘aids Nature itse when drugs fail. to restore IfTtdrivesUrieacidoutofthesystemandrevitalizesthenerves.F was suffering from and theWATER brought a speedy cure.”’Phone W.A.EVANS or Department L,BoxSprings,N.C. Tobacco Growers cangetseed FREE OF COST by applying to the Statesville,N.C. Write us and seed wil! he forwarded, Jan,2—-8t. M.Shannonhouse:writes:“I shattered nerves and disordered stomach and kidneysBARIUMROCKSPRING write54,Barium _.and their removal is much regretted,FREE TOBACCO SEED. McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse, SERVICE of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. We can}give you service, W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber, And the complete stock 114 E.BroadSt. Dr.8.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.80 p. m.2.30 to 5 p,m. Miss Carey; st |Wilson,president;Mrs.EugeneMrs.Ada} sec »rs.Jo.A.||White treasurer.net earni of|$23.50 was reported from the \Red Cross seals during the Christ-|mas season.The League is strenu-ously advocating the removal of the!lfreight depot from the center of}town and plans for accomplishing|this were the main sub for aib-| |cussion at the lasteitizen.remarked,women taken up this;now watch somRapper”t Mr.John Mack &Sons,left last week forCamden,N.J.La locate permanently.Rev.L.A.Falls,who has been illwithlagrippe,was «le to fill hisregularappointmentattheMethodistchurchSundaymorning.Mr.C.E.Voils,a former residentwhohaslivedinLexingtonforthe past six years,has moved vith bisfamilybacktoMooresville. Engineer Geo.C.Jones,whoseheailquartersareinCharlottesincetherecentchangeinthescheduleofthetrains,will move his fami toCharlotteaboutthefirstofMareh.This family is prominent in the so. cial and business circles of the town Mr.V.J.Brawley,a salesman ofCharlotte,was in Mooresville Fridaytovisithissister,Mrs.Bud Watts. The Leazar store building on southMainstreethasbeenpurchasedbyMessrs.Ed.C.Deaton and Z.V.Tur- lington.The ground floor of _thisbuildingisoecupiedbytheDixie Theater.Mr.Robt.M.Stafford,who hasbeenwiththeMooresvillecramery,has two months leave of absence andleftSaturdaymorningforLaFay-ette,Ind.,where he will take a spe- cial course in butter-makinge,ete.Messrs.J.A.Stewart and J.A.Ora- ven attended the live stock exhibitionatWinston-Salem last week.Mr.J.H.Deaton has been re-ap- pointed registrar for the town of Mooresville and Coddle Creck town- ship.His vital statistics showdeathsard142birthsforMooresvilleduringtheyear1916.For Coddle Creek township outside of Moores- ville,18 deaths,62 births.Mrs.W.L.Matheson is visitingWinston-Salem.Later,she willependseveralweeksinRaleighwithherhusband,who is a membr ofLegislaturefromIredell,Mrs.BE.O.Cloaninger and son of Columbia,&.C.,arrived Thursday to be with her‘mother,Mrs.W.A.MeLean,who isseriouslyiilatherhomenearMt.Ulla.Mrs.McLean is somewhat im-proved at this writing.Mrs.J,Thompson and children of AshevillejarevisitingMrs.Thompson's fa .Mr.J.H.Deaton.Mesdames R.M.Stafford and Elia Mai Freeze spent'a few days in Davidson the latterpartofweek.Mr.Jas.L.}eft Sunday for Monbo,where he has g.As one) jave }ing|7 \Charlie Mack,of the firm of|Mabel|Willis Summers and Glen Summers.ter he will to -- Quincy,Mass.,where he capelie to|‘Honor roll of Mt.Bethel school for }first : 87 C.| .Cashion.Sixth and Seventh Grades—<Allison|Thompson,Charlie Fieming,Carl Gal-|liher,Ervin Chester.Clyde AtwellClaudePierce,Ninner Cashion.Eighth Grade—Fioyd Atwell. Honor roll of Open View school:ugene ,Ivery Boovey |ie Brawley,Mary pee.Press. ”Minor Lentz,Lillie Mille, Iloyd P cole,Mildr ed |Werkton Peed.Barkion.M outhy,©| "BisSamKey,Barkow.Morale farEugeneBrawley,Lona Mills,AllenMiller,Clydia ; Honor roll of Amity school:Birdie!Anderson,Beaver,CarlGeorge Cook,Rachel Cook,Helen Cook,Fr-vin Goodman.Alice Goodman,fraHefner.Ina Hefner,Glenn Hefner,Minor Hefner,Allan Morrow,LinnieSueMorrow,Rosa ,JimMaeMorrow,Ozelle Overeash,Vir-ginia Templeton,Boyd Miller andMargueriteMiller. Honor roll of Beaver school for,second month:Nova,Lucile,Huh,Jessie and Hazel Beaver,James,George and Thomas Crawford,Wil-.liam,Sidney and Taylor Ingram.Dudley and Harold ‘Knox,Julia andRobertMoore. Following is the Roner roll ofFairviewschoolforsecondmonth:Harvey Houpe,Lawrence Lambert,Averette Lambert,Janie Morrison,Margaret Morrison,Wm.Morrison,Summers,Alex.Summers, Tlarence Ward,Robert Thomas,|Welter Williams,Greelie Johnson, |Eddie Ward,Flora Thomas,Dessie Creen,Jessie Tharpe,Flake Thomas, |Terril Green.|"Those that were neither tardy nor ahsent:Jessie Tharne,Robert Thomas,Pd-die Ward,Dessie Green,TerrilGreen,Flake.Thomas, ClarenreWard,Flora Thomas and Greelie Johnson. Honor roll of Ostwalt school for first and second months was as fol- lo ‘ First month—Golda,Lena and Es- ear Troutman,John,Guy and Fred. |Lott's.Neilie Troutman,Eugene and Haske!Troutman,Paul Brown,Re- hy Troutman,Mildred Hartline and Zetta Litton. Second month—Golda,Ethel.Le- na and Escar Troutman,Mary,John, Guv and Fred.Loftin,Elsie,Eugene ‘and Haskel Troutman,Ruby Trout- man,Samuel,Mary Fred. |Freeze.e and |The following are on the honor roll for Toray High School for the past month: |Jo.Stevenson,Irene Stevenson, iMary Osborne,Raymond Edwarda, !Sharpe Browning,Henry W oodsides, |Spurgeon Shell,Antha Edwards Alice Woodsides,Funice Edwards, Mary Watt,Clara Hedrick,William MeLelland,Frank Osborne. |The First Baptist church congre- j gation of Charlotte has presented its i pastor,Dr.W.M.Vines,a seven-pas- jsenger automobile. GIRLS!HAVE WAVY,/“PHICK,GLOSSY HAIR, FREE FROM DANDRUFF! i ermemeniniere 'Save Your Hair!Double Hs|Beautv ina Few Moments— Try This! tf you care for heavy hair,that igliatens with beauty and is radiant iwith life;has an incomparable soft-jness and is fluffy and lustrousa_try Darderine..theJustoneapplicationdoubles jheauty of your hair,besides it imme- ithe contract to build several houses)diately dissolves every perticle offortheMonboMillsOo.ldandruff;you cannet have nice,Rev.A.W.Wileox was called 0)heavy,henithy heir if you have dan- Georgia last week on account of .the/druff,This destructive seurf robs iliness of his son.Mr.W.P.ithe hair of ite lustre,its strength lings continues critically il!with QM |and its very life,and if not overcome affection of the brain,and phys Sit produces a feverishness atd itch- give little hope of his recovery.In the absence of Pastor Hay_6fFirstchurch,’iJ.W.Jones theservicesthereW y_prayer |.‘R.©.Millet entertainedyafternoonfrom3te6 saentTh a eo" a ad . a nent ina ienaretreesa eens The Hub-Markis yourvaluemark,Lookfor it on the sole, enreng Elmwood school honor roll for sec-| ond month,coting January 12:|—_—r Freeze,Rahort Figst Grade—Dorn.Freeze,Mac Second Grade-—Herman Peeves." Third reeze,| and ag ggg SeatonHenry"|Fourth Freeze,Flor-|ence Barnhardt,Floyd Smith.}Fifth Mae Freeze,Paul-Cashion,Loy Cashion|| eel nN Mii [*the keeping of appointments,atte theater,etc.,where it is essential | be prompt,you want a car upon which can depend..ore The Buick or Dodge Brothess car is onewillrun365daysintheyearifyoudesire© is always ready to meet your need.‘i When youbuy acar you are gétting élsatisfactionortroublethatwillI:sta long” Tobesure of satisfactioncometous. uw «¥ Jv While neither clotbes nor furniture ‘man”there is a refining Influence about fsbothwhentheyareattractiveanddignified You owe it to your children. to surround them with everypossibleelevatinginfluence. this in aia + Come in and see how ecasity you can dofurniture. a matenen line of the scalp;the hair roots fam- |ish,loosen and die;then the hair falls out fast.|Jf your hair has been neglectedjandtathin,faded,dry,seraggy orltcooily,get a 2h-cont hettle of,Knowlton’s Danderine at any istoreortoiletcounter:apply a little’as directed and ten minutes after youwillcaythiewasthebestinvestmentmever"y leas of made.e sincerely believe,ing else advertised,that if) must|dad ss bea Psaa"m's Dan-| - TO NEW C If you ec .’t find a house to .ve in,come to see us.We will take ;ieasure in help- ingt »get you located, We will also take gr at pleasurein show-1 ¢you through ourbig(‘ne of housefurnishi*goods, Stoves,Ran,°°.Heat-ers,Bed Room ~.:’*s. Odd Wash-stands and Chairs. 50 good Maple Rockers at $1.00 each,© while they last.“:a He ings.Wealso at ee of iberal i a i t s t r a n e H i k e f l : q?&i zi ef . nt Ha l iv iul . af ip i l h 3 i: fif i [;Fi || “ H l H i iyi sez i|i I|3 afahi f i f ac s E1 accessories and gasoline,greases and oils. 2 23 mA : a i P3 5 We are agents for the Allen and Hup- mobile Cars,and can get you one on short notice. ti A8 2 ¢ s E E su i " cette eae oo Beales or Sore Muses ©W.R.MILLS MOTOR CO.| —7 2 pont Oe eee |loan’s Liniment quickly pene+a ne 2,will ride ov:.ow "19 pat in length,welch wan trates and soothes without |PHONE 512 jers and has rubbing.Cleaner than mussyedasperhapsthemostper-|‘monument of any work done |Plasters or ointments,does not+|,.Thi 'stain the skin.we Beaeee,The chine “hoves bale handy for emergency for a Ville,Va.,now a part of the South-|rheumatic eches and pains,oe tar|eon’“s .t,strains,eprains and lame'lern’s Atlanta Weshington line..wad woinine tt "Atall druggists,25c.50c.end $1.soo =ESET White and previousl “aod”in the way te a nime al aaa EE ' omcating teprotetie a each i Ginghams,Pescals,Madras,Nelnesichs, way interests.necessary rail EVERYBODY WANTSSaeedchetcstntomeofOe=-Long Cloths,etc. war,thelinewascoered S A splendidlineof abovematerials are being received by us from early purchases last year, which will be soldmachunderpresent value. Yours traly, maura |=SMILLS &POSTON.& -Hoatgomery Hardware Co.,tesville,N.C. "| i fi b e l t s t r e l t s i A o e f : a i e i Bs !lef ous ~ll =here a)r ’out in supplying |myself,started a movement to erect |Fox RunsamonumenttotheofAlex-|—————memoryhiervivesdaiausSaalanderCraighead,at one time the on-President’s Course Not |minister of the Gospel between)Known.|Yadkin and Catawba (1775 to 1776),|jand I am wondering that if our peo-I drove a Chevrolet,equipped with an all-weather top,from At- Dispatch,13th.|‘ple here today reallysgpoomaee what lanta,Ga.,to Statesville in high-gear,using three quarts of lu-were developments here to-a remarkable manlagiinthepeacemovementandifWas brieating oil and averaging 20 miles per gallon of gas.This Car Wilton has determined |,“Presbyteriansofthis,section were was new when I left Atlanta and I made the drive in 13 hours and oyahaha step,he me on May20,1775,when ithe General 50 minutes.I made no adjustment on the Car throughout the all quarters German press com-convened in Philadelphia and issueda trip.My system is full of this Car.Come to FOX’S GARAGE on the Entente reply to the pastoral letter to all its churches AND LET ME GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION! |note being followed counseling them whilst defendin interest.The trend of this |their rights by force of arms,to stanthefastintheiallegiancetotheBritish -throne—on that day the streets of N W FO Local t. the |Charlotte were resounding with the ®eshoutsofFreemen :greeting the first.Mr. i a. oeng 3z LIVE AND LEARN and guest of the afternoon.course was followed by an ice — Dr.Robert Hill was married Thurs- nton.af-y with her aunt,Mrs.Jennie Connelly of Rock Hill,|-Supper, +the week-end with Mrs.|Movements Troutman R-2. has returned from|“tT *vendence of The Landmurk. .weeks with friends;Troutman,R-2,Jan.12 —Those “Telatives in Rock Hill,8.C.|whe were on the honor roll of Simp-| J.8.White sd children have!son school for second month,were:| from Salisbury,where they Gps!Simpson,Annie Suther,AlmavisitedMrs.J.B.Morrison.|Spears,Herman Houston,ae|erga een a,Alma |of N ‘Advertt ts —,Lena Arthurs -a. ‘orm -a-t.td.G The teacher ane pupils of .sf —me <school wish to oak the patrons to for a rainy day.—The FirstBank. —_with o on Friday aanpary,.for purposecleaningofftheschoolground.have enrolled 47 pupils,and.Henry.cedaraajewelry.—-R.FScotiared We ent work.Mrs.C.L.Shinn has returnedherhomeinMooresvilleafterseveraldays’visit te Myr.and Mrs.8.A.Wagner ard other relatives.Mr.and Mrs.Sem.Brawley spentSundaywithMrs,Brawley’s parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.T.Hagzter.Mrs.F.Simpson and little!daughter,Catherine,are visiting rel-; se e ~~oy wee on ..| runs from At!;Mr.an rs.T.W.Olinhant spent | lle ag a few days last week with Mrs.Oli-|inhant's parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A. ,N.Cc.nteenth semi-annual sale,—|Arthurs.: «~Bow!les-Morrison Co.Mr.and Mrs.8S.A,Wagner spent Fee man wanted to stay in of-|Sunday with Mrs.Kate Wagner at f ile Oil Co.|Mazepra. ,buggy.ete..for sale orex-|Mrs.A.E.Suther and daughter,| —R.J.Harbin.Ethel,have been on the sick list,but }*searf lost,reward.Return|*"¢improving. to Landmark.|Mrs.Chandler does not seem to j j |impreve very much.: basis after ioe —Miss Bernice Arthurs is confined! Girls wanted tq learn to write on|to her bed with mearres. Pied .|Mr.Clyde Hagler spent Saturday sew.ment Bed =Coder with his cousins,Misses Pink and __|Glenn Shinn.ee |There will be a box-supper_at Simpson school Saturday night,Jan- d prices.—C.Wat- goods.—Mills &Poston.a plows.—Iredell Hard-Company.iy.precisionP ag promptness. while Rome burned.wille Loan &Trust Co.my have joined.—Merchants &*Bank a | ea |towncee would have gone wer with wheel .'Phone !vary 27.Also a uessing ——lerprotwants |siven by the girls.There will cows and pork hogs.—C.8.Hol-|Drize given in the contest,Proceeds --lis cordially invited to come and the) Example of Graduate Jackson|«iris bring boxes. Training School. ‘To the Editor of The Landmark:| In ee st ~Seshoren ;Myond father helped to dig) Hotel,,to @ young man of excel-|the town’s first water supply.Headdress,intelligent of face and’wasprobably paid for his work,as he of the Jackson Training |the family may have used water out young fel-|of the oulitie wells whenever possible | and there he was!thing off.the public and saving the eine &moral and well rope Gut“water in the private w =o oe world.He found |But nevertheless,the fact stands that our folks helped dig the public ithe water works and have to pay,too,Therefore I think the as I can figureout the amount I)kind,each Shell present a bill to the board of but |with interest compound from date of| yvment.hand extended by this|SILAS TIG Merchants’Bulletin Out. The monthly edition of the North| is issued from the officeof Secretary,*|J.Paul Leonard,is full of news of out the State.The follewing reportcomesfromthelocaltion in State:Statesville Association is)*killin’ Co Union Telegraph Co.} Oe wane work with chance for| for the benefit of school.Everybody| Mr.Tightwad Has a Claim. Charlotte Observer. wells in Statesville—| attired,as one example of the)was not given to giving things;and) at Concord.it ‘was sent to that school for train-|4,the idea that it was getting some-| tion und sent out ell. have since helped pay for s due us something and ar to the|aldermen for helping dig the wells iAD,Taxpayer iG ,j‘arolina Merchants’Bulletin,which the work of the association through- association,which is one of themost wide-awake, ‘uns.’It scored a big sucShit,Mae SeerTnancedyh|ee WANTED— ronitest icontestprices advance 5 wo a . " tReet He if EK !4: ci t s a f 7 ig ET i E if H i +3!iiF i li t fi r - =Z :Z ~,YOUR WINDOWS Canriseto the top,but C. WATKINS won't let his rige much in1price. |MADE INSTATESVILLE Anything in SheetMetal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, i 0 si:Gutter Spout. "Phone 85,114 E.Broad Street. Zf |an== |Bay And Enjoy (ADV per RED CEDAR CHEST CO. BOY WANTS WORK where he qill stand «chenee of promation.Phone 311 Black.; FOR RENT—Unfu rooms on Frontstreet;also want to y milk cows andporkhows.C.8.HOLLAND.Jan.16--1t* Messenger with wheel.WEST- =a TELEGRAPH CO. an.it. AUCTION SALE of allpovenpet property atmyhomeatCoolSpring,Thursday,13th For private sale,good patr muks and goo!mileh cow.Nice home for rent.J.HKNOX.Jan.12--2t*. WANTED—Gecond-hand Ford Touring oRoadster;state price and tread.AddresL,care The Landmark.dan.12-~2t. Jan.16-18 Shown ahove is cut ofMode!100,price $100.Come in for a demon-stration.(bo Leonard Piano§Store. Shingles $1.49 Per Square As advertised for months.The Shingle King won't !et eee cemenne 2 ere ne eee HOR RENT—Residence on Davie avenue,3.L.SLOAN.dan,12. ee Odd Dressers AT LOW PRICE. C.WATKINS. A Weser Phonograph | Pricesrange from $20 to’$750,| a r 1 youLOST YOUR JOB or met with an accident,ond ~) didn't have adollar put by.“a “Justsuppose”youtake alittle of yourearnings | andput this moneyawayinourBANK.ee You won'tmissthatlittle sum and it will grow!“#>asorapidlyyouwillwonderatthesizeofyourpilethisa time NEXT YEAR. PUT YOUR MONEYINOUR BANK. Wepay 4 per cent interest ontimedeposits.° THE FIRST NATIONAL BA |_Sratenvilie,nC. 42%e y | “eo moet oe .sf “Se A a Whenwe tell you thatanarticle is “22 carat gc Bint 22 carat gold.Wedo notuse deception in ourbusiness.- When we sell you anything the “quality is there.”And *.*@thepricewechargeisreasonableforthequalitywegive.bk a .We keep right up to the last tick of the‘clock on styles in...“wsjewelry. Te You can “depend upon”any article you buy in our stone.*obR.F.HENRY,Jeweler.Ph. wa Buy for Cash.|Sell for Cas New Year On and After January 1st,1917, | We will make no tickets for any one.Don’t ask it.This applies” toall, Goodssent out on approvaltobe peid for the following day or be returned,. All goods purchased from us not satisfactory and returned tous not damaged,we willcheerfully refund Deter otc it en mintICEcteterssasttBareenss.$7.00. ere a _i , 43 i |v7 if :os j:,i -rh °.j -Ke “aaa) '4 the money. :Johnston-Belk Co. |The Store That Sells For Less, Bf16BIGRETAIL§ Pers rere : oe ee ee r As = we .a & e ©».Wenger train moving at the rate of 60)our.He was 60 years old“+milespeisr %, .» 12 -_ - Wt es We ee : ca , ' ae * . ie Z -death being caused ly measles. -i »family. elderwellofesternNorth Conference,underwent anseveraldaysagoinaBal- Lindy Casper,aged 17 years toby Lee Roneycutt,a.then attempted suicide =a family.Jealousy as- «ause. jes in Asheville wil! to reimburse Mrs of Asheville in the sum about $50 for her expense in de- i the case in which the State could not be appointed nota- . representing the coun- ty commissioners,health and school boards and city aldermen at a meet- in Salisbury decided to recom- yment of a whole-time er and the establishment system for ingmend emhealth of a medical inspection all schools of the county. Commissioner of Insurance James R.Young finds that his department will have paid into the State Treasury as revenue through the department by the end of the fiseal year April 1 about $365,000,which will represen: a gain of about $15,000 over the rev enue to the State from his depart- ment the previous year. C:E.Melntosh,superintendent of the public schools of Hickory,is to be t Saturday for.administering pun- ishment too severe to Tony Starnes aged 13.The boy was whipped Thursday afternoon and that night ———te be used in the trial were of his back. d.Austin,manager of the Tex- as Company at Maxton,was in- stantly killed Saturday afternoon two miles from Maxton when oil tank wagon he was driving s struck by an ntic Coast Line pas- ived by four sons and The remains of Ralph E.Propst interred at St.James LutherannearNewton,Friday.Mr.died from injuries receivedworkingonarailroadbridgein the North.was 31 years of age and s son of Mr.Sidney Propst of Drexel,A bullet hole in his head was found and an investigation will be made.A woman,claiming to be his wife,also accompanied thehome., AN AFFLICTED FAMILY.) TwoeeThreeDeathsWithinWeeksandNoneAbletoAt-tend Funerals. Correspondenve of The Landmark. Jennings,Jan.15 —Mrs.EmilyHenderson,wife of Mr.H.O.Hen-derson,died at her home in States-ville Tuesday night,the 9th inst.,herHer remains were brought out to her fa-ther’s,Mr.Jas.Mitchell's,Wednes-day,and buried at Unien GroveThursday,The pastor of UnionGrovechurchconducteda_shortburialserviceatthegrave.She was the daughter cf Mr.Jas.Mitchell ofthisvicinity,and was about 24 yearsold.She leaves a husband and twosmallchildren.The children are three years and nine months of age, respectively.They have all had themeaslesandthebabyisyetveryfeeble.Mrs.Henderson was a qui-et,industrious,modest woman,al-ways reigning in her own sphere,andneve#disturbing the affairs of otherpeoHerhusbandwasnotabletoatttheburial. We mentioned in last naper the illness of Mrs.Harrison Pendergrass of Statesville.She wasthoughttobeeettingalongverywe!lridayevening,when she began to get worse.She continued to grow worse and died during Friday night Measles was also thedeath.Her remains were brought out to Grassy Knob church Sanday, where they were laid to rest.Rev.J G.Weatherman conducted a short burial service,,She was the daughter of Mr.L..© Henderson,also sister of Mr.H.0.Henderson whose wife's death we have just mentioned.She was alsothesisterofGroverHenderson,Whose death we mentioned last week. was about 24 years old,a mem-ber of Grassy Knob church,and thrif-7 and industrious.May we hopethatshehasgonethroughthepor-tals wide to meet her brother and sis- ter on the other side,where Tuesday's er come. Mr.L.C.Henderson's immediate family,while in right bad condition, are all improving except two smallchildren.They are in right serious condition. This is a very pathetic scene thatWearehavingtopaint.Three deaths fn one family in two weeks and nonethefamilyabletoattendthebu-rials.We are bowed down in sor- tow and sympathy for this bereaved onan have always taken pleas ure in ng to paint beautiful pictures,on looking on the br htsideoflife,and chasing away theawFrae.but it isimes©see through thoethick,dark clouds,and see =beau-sutishine in its brightness onotherside.It is times like thesetryoursouls.Let us look up7thelanguageofsomeone.Lord hath given,and the* |Houses moved or Raised, *of)every:| *w- death Saturday night in.a mer-|j remains | cause of her. e pain,- ,Sickness,sorrow and death can nev- present |duced Supt. “School pre&ithe teachers.Ww said the tasknow beforetheschools th is to across intoIivesufthepecpleandinfluencethelr erations ago. stantly beingriculum.It is Newintrod:to the publicschool | that we are looking for the better- ment of human life.Mr.Walker pointed out that the improvements | that have been already made and are| still being made in schools | are paying investments.They are. “long-time investments”and the peo- ple may not seediatelybutthey w returns in the future.Mr. said that the prohibition wave,which| is sweeping the country,is a result of the study of the injurious effects of alcohol upon the system,which was introduced into the schools some years ago.In closing,he urged the| teachers to strive to convince the: people that publie school improve- ments are a paying proposition and would benefit the community. Classes were formed for the study of “Community Civics,”the book which will be studied by the associa- tien this year.i Before the adjournment of the as- sociation Supt.Thompson invited the teachers to visit the Statesville grad- ed schools.This visit will probably be made before the next meeting if arrangements can be mace. The association adopted the fol- lowing resolution: Having had our attention directed| to the great waste to our county and State in human life value by death from preventable diseases and =at- tendant sickness thereupon,and feel- ing convinced that the successful teaching of sanitation and hygiene for the prevertion of same in our State,necessarily falls upon the pub- lie school teachers in the rural dis- triets;and because we regard the teaching of sanitation and hygiene to the rising generation a unit of educa-- tion so important,that we,the public school teachers of Iredell county,in |monthly meeting assembled,do here- by petition the Legislature now in ‘session,through our Senators and |Representatives,to secure the enact- ment of a law that will require the county board of education in each county of the State to maintain at ‘each public s#hool house in the State ‘sanitary containers for,and whole-' some drinking water,and tw®sani- tary privies—-one for each sex;and charge the expense of such acconimo- dations against the public school ap- portionment of each district,as nec- essary facilities for the proper teach- ing of sanitation and hygiene. We respectfully request the press of the State to give publicity to this resolution,and we call upon teachers’ associations in other eounties to take similar action in regard to this all- important educational matter. Wm.McDaniel.white,was bound te court in Salisbury Saturday on a charge of setting fire to cotton at China Grove in October.He worked for the Patterson Manufacturing Co | at the time. Edward Tankersley was killed Fri- day afternoon in the Southern shops at Spencer by the explosion of a dy- namo.He was 27 years old and a son of A.Tankersley,a well known engineer. Private William Henson of Compa- ny D,Second North Carelina Infan- try,died Saturday of pneumonia at the base hospital,El Paso,Texas.He was 18 years old and from Goldsboro Gen.Julian S.Carr ef Durham left Sunday night on several months’ tour of the Orient.eea ee6 ewESO ee ine Quinine That Dees Mot AffectTheHeadBecauseofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause pervousness aoinginginbhead)Remember the tull name andookforthesignatureofF.W.GROVE.?*-. Otis Chambers Deegan.2°yer old,who says he is a Mayc Deegan of Coalgrove,©0.,confessed at Nortolk,Va.,Sunday that he n dered a man in West Virginia i March and for which crime another i servings a term in the penitentiary Deegan wants to go back and stand trial for the crime. yeat son of Found a Sure Thing. 1.B.Wixon,Farmers Mills,N.Y., Chamberlain's Tablets for yen for of the stomach and liver and ya,lain’s Tablets are the best TD huve Obtainable everywhere has used lisorders Chamber- ever used Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intoxication,Yellow Jaundice,AppendicitisandotherfatalailmentsresultfromStomachTrouble.Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their completerecoverytoMayr's Wonderful Remedy.Unlike any other for Stor ach Ailments.For sale by the Statesville Drug Co. Cedar Shingles The same wood as your water bucket.You know the life of a cedarbucketbetterthanC.WATKINS,forheisn't yet thirty years old ‘sad to say he soon will be) C.WATKINS. HOUSES MOVED. [Handlingachine,Raising Stocka,yy Laewerin Floors f oe ae 5 A6.AWRS:-Nest Broad 7 * 5 aa Stree al= COATS? Our entire Stock Regardless of Cost or Value. A sale like this was never heard of in the month of Jan before.It will handsomely every Lady of Statesville who attends this oie,for the aed ont wy this giga sale simply must the attention of every woman of Statesville who is econom ‘inclined,who w be dressed according to the very latest dictates of fashion at the smallest possible expense.So visit Oestreicher’s during this gigantic Sale. Afternoon Silk Dresses in the late fall styles 1-2 Regular Prices. Every Coat Suit in the house $12.50. These Coat Suits are mostly in Navys and the styles are very good for early Spring wear,they originally sold for from $18.75 to $37.50. Remember we oniy have 17 of these Suits left so come early. Stylish Separate in this Sale at Regular Prices, Dainty New Shirt Waists AT A Twenty Per Cent Reduction. These Dresses are really beyond description and would have to be seen to be appreciated. At one half their regular price. We are sure to have your size and probably just at the price you want to pay. Remember there are many wintry days still ahead of us. DAVE OESTREICHER, SALISBURY,NORTH CAROLINA. rs Se aR eescane cores a eae on li Cp SeHandsomeSta Will Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? This model is designed for the business man who ap- preciates comfort as well as looks.This shoe fits right,looks right,and is right.We have a pair HUY LER’S CANDY,CIGARS,TOILET ARTICLES. HALL’S DRUG STORE,Statesville,N.C. ee erceeaaana HUNT BROTHERS, E ve N,o. STEAM.HOT WA VAPOR HEATING.=.ambing and Systems. |ambing and WA | i te 5 se i s is h a Re o ee e er LN G PO ad OR E RO R IT S ST R Sg RE op : Ee nme— we i: ae I ce a a Blooufield,N.tors While Rome Burned-- And heafterwardssufferedthe consequencesof such eriminalin- difference.It doesn’t pay any man tofiddlearound withoutade-quate fire protection,then have fo watchhispropertygoupinamoke,withnothingtoreplaceit. One ofourthree-year policies givesyousuchlargeprotectionat80smallacostthatyouneverfeelthepressure. YOU'LL FBEL 100 PER CENT.EASIER IN YOUR MIND,though,in realizingthat yourrisk is reducedto the minimum whenyou place your property in ourhands.: Fires are mostdisastrousatnight.Why let anothernightfindyouwithoutfuilfireprotection? STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, on eeSee.Cou Oo it 2 z ito at :| E al | New Series to Open! The First Building and Loan Associationaits6lstSeriesSaturday,February 3, The best way in the world to supply the de-mand for more hduses is to build them throughthisinstitution. TheFirst Building&LoanAssociation. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGI GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL‘HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT.Wewillbe glad to have you call at our-cfficeforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if ourserviceinneeded. We do NOTARY PULIC work also.Cordially yours,Manager.J.F.CARLTON,- Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. AlsotofixyourClockor Watch. i.B.WOODWARD ae me as '|The first explosion was in jo'known as “the glezing barrel.”Tha sist them in their work-—give them. the i ;‘l stands.We believe ‘t will understand|this.that if it continves,ite present|methods,organized ball is in for oneafth»ereatert surnrises it has ever‘had in its existence,”| SLY |Heav Explosion of Powder:Plant. Four hundred thousand pounds of vowder was destroyed by fire and ex-wlogion at the Haskell,N.J.,plant|of duPont Powder Company at)9280 o'clock Fridav night. of the company declared,aftercheck-realizing the cause of their suf.|ine up the members of the night shift ’at the works,that only two men were!fering.Day after day they are rack-missing.Twelve others were cut by/ed with backache and headache;suf-|fivine debris,but none of them wat’.from nervousness,dizziness,seriously hurt.No estimate of theHosswasobtainable.There were two “cakness,languor and depression.|Aistinet explosions,of terrible force.Perhaps the kidneys have fallen be-| |Selidines ——on ve N4 hind in their work of filtering thejanesSPOeO8BeesOe"'bloodandthat maybe the rootof thejuptheHudsonriverto———.woken.fash to pean bil —- FHl jfire which resulted leaped to the help they need.You can use no|onan ee om re 8)snore highly reeommended remedy i oon ie an bet ae.eauler an.than Doan’s Kidney Pills-—endorsed lothers was consumed by the flames.|by people all over the country and byNoestimatewasavailableofthe}your neighbors in Statesville.|jnumber of men at work when the Mrs.L.P,Allen,124 B.Sharpe|disaster occurred,but company offi-‘cials rounded up their mento check street,Statesville,says:“I had kid-up the casualties.It is feared that/ney trouble for over a year.Some-|two men who were employed in the/times my back caused mé a great! |“Plasing barrel”lost their lives.deal of misery and my kidneye wore|The shock of the explocion was 80 .,|ereat that many versons in 4 20!ateordered.Doan's Kidney Pills gaveYork,Brooklyn and New Jersey cit-/me more relief than any other medi-|ies for 20 miles from Haskell belicv-|cine I had ever taken.”| ed there had been ar earthquake.Price 50c.,at all dealers.Don’t; gisimply ask for a kidney remedy—> get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same ; /wany at Kineslend,N.d.,y,{that Mrs.Allen had.Foster -Mil-||was “possibly if not probably of in.)turn Co,Props.,Buffalo.N.Y.iigin,”was issued by thé Ce ¢iny.The total 000. commie4' Flowers| iFor All Occasions! Seem meena een en government.The rest wasvedpropertyoftheCana-Company,of whichinsurance. We can always supply you with the best . be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. ‘orton,colored,when he attemptedtoconcealWalterRead,a member oftherace,fram Chief Roberts Ll i e a l : Van Lindley (o., wk He sa tH ! ea e t. is e 1175PeopleHaved dy et oeeseis&is Merchants&Farmers’Bankof StatesvillCLUBSTILLOPEN,=: If youarenot already.e member of cn ’_and-be aan a storeceiveanicecheckonofnextDecember—just intime to |your Christmas Shopping. DO NOT DELAY-JOIN NOW. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Of Statesville,N.C.” “The Bank For Your Savings.” {Ez ——~—oe MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCEANDOPPORTUNITY!C THEBEST WAY TOGETMONEY 18 TOSAVE fT!ANDTHE BESTTIMETO START I8 RIGHT NOW!-80 THE DEST WAYTOSTART Is WITH A BANE ACCOUNT!,ab This BankwelcomesSavings Accounts from bothandmen!é Certificates of Depositissued by this Bank bear interest —fromdate at the rateof 4 percent.perannum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordiallyWewantyourbusiness!m i + itata on Winter SALE Throughout the many departmentsSpine Some peices will prevail especially CoatSuits,Waists,Furs,Coats,Underwear,Silks andMen's Will be marked down considerably. OUR REMNANT COUNTER, As usual will play a prominent part in this great Sale.Goods fromall over thehouse New White Goods and Laces. placed here at a fractionoftheregularprice. A new feature this time will be a Sale of New Spring Merchandise.Althoughnotreducedinpricewillgiveyouasavingaswehaveplannedforthiseventmonthsagoandthepriceswillbelessthanifweweretoday’s market.compelled to buy on Owing To Unusual Conditicns Existing we will deviate somewhat from our custom of reducing,at this.time,every item in the house and certain lines will continue at the regular prices. Our Sale will beBIGGER and BETTER than ever this to see us each day it is on. Competent sale people to serve you and everything possible will be done tomakeyourshoppingapleasure. THURSDAY MORNING WE BEGIN.WE SHALL LOOK FOR YOU. Ramsey-Bowl K LANDMARK January 16,1917. FANCY MILITANCY. State Suffragists Resolu-tions it. The following resolutionsSaturday s in session at Greens- were “Whereas,the Equal SuffrageLeagueofNorthCarolinaadvocatesrightsformenandwomen‘ore be it“Resolved,That this associatior=the Gencral Assembly ofCarolinatograntmunicipa!p to women.Whereas,a large num.of women are taxpayers withou!ion,therefore be it.ao ~North Caro-Equal Suffrage gue ascertain=number of such taxpayers andtheamountrequired.“Third:Whereas the Equal Suf-frage Association of North CarelinaWasorganizedforthepurposeofob- "oe enfranchisement of wo-‘ore be itved,That all efforts be con-upon this specific object.:»the North Car- Association iswiththeNationalAmerican-——Association,there- t eo te guieaiies ondmows,ce to pr and meth-deploring ‘militancy’of al! by the North Caro- . yi “a Ae iat be iat Ne aN NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS Incidents Gathered From All Parts of the Country. There are about 2,452,000 miles of public roads in the United States out-side the limits of incorporated townsandcities,the Department of Agri-culture estimates.Only 277,000miles,or 11.3 ver cent.,are improvedwithsomeformofwarfacing.Svur- faced roads are increasing at the rate of about 16,000 miles a yearWm.Phillips of MassachusettsthirdassistantSecretaryofState.ha: been nominated by President Wilson as Assistant Secretary of State to succeed John E.resigned Breckinridge Lang,a St.Louis law yer,succeeds Phillips.Mr.Phillip}is a Republican who has made trood inithediplomaticservicefor13yearFormalchargesof“misconduct in office and “incompetency,neglect andviolationoflawintheadministration of his office during the year 1916 and Oshorne, \%portion of the year 1917”have been |fled by the city club with GovernorWhitmanagainstEdwardSwann,district attorney of New York coun- ity.If allegations are sustained his|removal is asked for.The loss of 600 lives by destruc-tion of an Italian battleship is report-|ed by the Anzeiger of Basel,Switzer- land,according to the Overseas agen-ey.“The Anzeiger of Basel reportsfromRomethedestructionoftheItalianbattleshipReinaMargherita,”says the News agency.“It is con-firmed that she was sunk off Aviona,Albania,December 11,by a mine ora.Six hundred out of 830sailorsperished.”|In the United States SupremeCourtyesterdaybeganthehearingto+determine possession of the GermanESship,Appam,and her cargoatwportNews,Va.AftercapturebytheGermanraider,Moeweuago,the ship was taken by aoelapcrewonacross-Atlantic dash|of 3,000 miles to Hampton Roads|The ne British cnnape are now Claiming ze alleged viola-|tion of‘een la we. \UpSystem =Bias Cured in 6 fo 14Days1FORUC.ar falle to eure any cece |Lv) HEALTH CAR AT TROUTMAN People Enthusiastic Over theWorkoftheUndertaking. Correspondence of The Landmark. The health motion §picture outfit, which is now touring Iredell the sec- ond time,was in our place Thursday evening and gave a most interesting,instructive and entertaining pro- rremmo.Preceding the pietures the chorus class of the Troutman Hich School sang “America”to the new sir votten out by the United StatesDorertmentoftheInterior.Thia was t Nowe thy +}ree NWayers on O8G,rhoid fever,all of whieh were very inter-eting.The nrize for the hest paper >won by Miss Mrtcred Young The pictures opened with landscane iews of the western Rockies.Few neople realize the benuty,the grand- eur,the picturesqueness of =our own American ecenerv.This outfitsentoutbytheStateBourdofHealthmakesitpossibleforthebovsand girls of North Carolina to get 2 con- jception of the natural scenery of ourlandthattheyotherwisewouldpossi- hiv never get.He wets a les.on in| |weneranhy throueh the eve.the moet‘natural avenue to the brain,and is,impressed more than his teacher,could possibly teach him throuch the word method.The writer believesthatthetimeisnotfardistantwheneveryprogressiveschoolwil!find it necessary to own a motion pictureepneratisinordertoteachsuccente |fully,throuch the medium of the,eve,those things that teachers find) see and learn proves that it is meet-~~success, he people of this town and thesurroundingcommunityareindebtedtotheCommunityClubofTroutmanfortheprivilegeofbeingabletoen-joy these wonderful pictures,for itwasthroughtheirearnesteffortsthatthiswasmadepossible.This club is doing a great and good workfortheschoolandcommunityatlarge,and it deserves the heartysupportandco-operation of everytrueandloyalcitizenofthiscom-munity.The progressiveism of anyplaceisdeterminedbythesupportitiswillingtogiveaclubofthiskind,The club has arranged for the health ear to be,back on Fearoter,January18,7 p.m.There will be an entire-ly new programme ane the teachers,‘pils and patrons of this and thesurroundingschoolsareinvited;al-so all those who are not connectedwiththeschools—-everybody!Aamalladmissionwillbechargedtodefrayexpenses.| J.W.Bales of Hamlet,who wasseveraldaysagoshotatFulton,8.C.,by his father-in-law,died FridaynightinahospitalatHamlet.Badhadexistedbetweenthem. are not satisfactorily taught other-|: wieeThe true aim of the outfit wanshownbythehealthpictures.These!and instructive|tists cats ioe You Know C.WATKINSial?"Liston "Ral year and you will do well es-Morrison Co. Are in big demand now and the demand is increasing.Have you bought yours yet?We have just unloaded a car and can supply you promptly.They are better than ever if such a thing is possible.Theyturn “dirt into dollars”. Let one help you this spring. Try one and you will be convinced it is the best plow. t s i E R E ia l }. Hi t s e8 é 5 mHi ra e f cl : F it y | i ge t ¥ f IV Eif 4eyr #3 3 | daughters by the first..Two rs——-Mr.ManuelBostofEdinburg,Ill.,and Mr.Chal.Bost of Statesville—also surviveMr.Bost was a native of Cabarrus county. Local Court—Mr.F.H.Conger’s Property Assessed,Etc Sheriff Alexander Sone ap-Messrs.J.E.Boyd,John MandC.PD.Moore to go overandisethepropertyofMrFredifConger.The purpose of thiswasasteptowardssatisfyingajudg-ment of to $600 docketed in Ro- wan county nst Mr.Conger.Some time k Mr.Conger,in anefforttosettlesometroublebetweer Mr.Stanley Conger and the latter'swife,Maizy C r,obligated himselftogetherwithMrs.Conger’s fathertoasaumecertainobligationsinthe a few months ago but since thennotbeenneameetor Conger secu zme ‘or thxamount=Rowancounty —* satiafy this judgment t tlwasebenhereWednesday.John Goodman,John Olbertson andBubWestmoreland,all of the Anicommunity,were before JusticeJ.yesterday char withusingaelanguage.e casewascontinued.Justice W.J.Lazenby placed Har-vey Young,colored,under $50 bondforhisappearanceatnexttermofCourttoanswerthechargeofassaultinghiswife.The negrogave is Systematic Road ‘ork For County. Mr.J.E.Boyd,chairman of theboardofcountycommissioners,isplanningasystemofroadworkthatwillkeeptheroadsofthecountyinexcellentshape.The board proposestokeepfourforcesatworkontheroadsofthecountythroughoutthe.At t two forces are atwork,one on the Elmwood road,theotherontheStatesvilleroadleadingtoMecklenburg.As soon aspermitstwootherforcesinwork.Mr.Boyd announces that it is in-tendedwhen work is begun on a road‘to complete it before the force leaves-—no roadwill be left in a state ofhalf-repair.All roads will receiverepairs,top soil being ap-plied where needed.The principalroadsofthecountywillprobablyre-ceive the attention of the forces first;eross-roads,until every publicthecountyisinfirst-class :size of ihe forces will vary but1]work eight miles. oung Man Violently Insane. Mr.Morroe Wilcox,son of Rev.J. x of Mooresville,was to Statesville yesterday and il,having become vio-e Relatives of thehadnoticedthathisitionwasabnormal.HehomeinAlabamauntilhisfatherbroughthomeinMooresville,me!violently in-lence upon per-yMy 4 Mr.Pe. »8 pastortchurchofMooresville. L.Francis,an engineer ville division o manytinAsheville,aged 40Afamilysurvives.ae cea Miler Enterprise:Miss Re- to Leas’:name of , last ty l i t ~~ 2 a ea i rH al s FE j AlEt 3¢: 33 te The directors clected Mr.Watts =|=Mr.Morrison comuihent died Wea!chevill ) STATESVILLE,N.O,FRIDAY,J ae Mh | fi f e i it zi s a re e = p ow x: Ss ai li The stockholders of the Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company ‘held theirannualmeetingTuesdayevening.Directors were elected as follows:E.B.Watts.W.H.Morrison,A..W.B.MeLelland,W.R.Hol-land,F.B.Bunch ant H.RossBunch. viceA.W.Bunch treasurer. INVITED TO PREACH. t Service Sunday morning at 1)o’clock at Trinity Episcopal church.A series of meeti will beginSundaymorningat11o'clock atRaceStreetMethodistchurchandwillbecontinuedfortwoweeks.ItwillbeinthenatureofaunionmeetingofsouthStatesville,as thepastorsofWesternAvenueBaptistchurchandFifthStreetM.E.churchwilljoinin.the meeting.The preach-ing will be done by Rev.Thomas P.Jimison Henderson county.Allarecordiallyinvitedtoattendtheservices.Rev.J.S.Hood of Iva,S.C.,willposeghSabbathasfollows:ewrthat11a.m.;New Salem at 3 p.m.;Pressly Memorial church,States-¢,at 7 p.m.Rev.Mr.Hood iscomingoninvitationfromthesechurchesandinviewofacallbeingextendedhimtobecometheirpastor.Full congregations ate expected.Communion service at St.Paul'sLutheranchurchSundaymorningat11o'clock,and at Amity LutherarchurchSundayafternoonat3o'clock And Mr.Gouger Files a Claim. To the Editor of The Landmark: Fifty years ago or more a memberofmyfamilythrewafewshovelsofdirtonthesidewalkinfrontofhisanew.He was improving the side-walk for his own benefit and not asanactofphilanthropyandheprob-ably presented a bill to the town atthetimefortheimprovement.Buthoweverthatmaybe,we have had to pay for sidewalk pavinb since,and ink it nothing but fair thatthetownrefundfortheimprovement made years ago,inasmuch as we've been paying taxes all along.True,a member of the family hasusuallybeenontheassessingboardtoseethatourpropertyassessmentwashelddown,but we've paid taxesandweoughttogetsomethingback;and I shall ask the board of aldermentorefundforthissidewalkimprove-ment as soon as I can figure out the amount.JOHN GOUGER,Taxpayer. Shot in the Foot. On a construction train at Clare-mont,Tuesday afternoon,T.H.Si-ler,conductor of the train,was—e*pistol in the camp carwhenweaponwasaccidentallydischaandthebulletenteredthefootofW.A.MeDowell,a brakeman,McDowell was sent to Dr.Long'sSanatoriumeveningandwithhimConduetorSilersentanotesayingthattheshootingwashisfault.He asked that McDowell begivennecessarytreatmentandcareandstatedthathe(Siler)wouldpaythebill.An X-ray exposureshowedthatthebail,which enteredjustbelowtheanklejointontheout-side of the left foot,ranged acrossthefoottothevicinityofthegreattoe.It was cut out and the victimoftheaccidentalshootingisgetting along all right,but it will be sometimebeforehecanusethatfoot. Fireman Ailison Leaves For Home.Mr.E.B.Allison,the fireman onpassengertrainNo,15,who sufferedsevereinjuriesinthewreckatElm-wood kagiving morning,leftpeotenteymorningforAsheville..Allison had been undergoingtreatmentat:Long’s Sanatorium.Hisiwhichconsistedchieflyofbrokenbonesinbothforearms,arehealingrapidly;time before Mr.Allison can resumework.Mrs.Allisun came toteavilletoaccompanyherhus- W.liels were notified at but it will be some|C Pe * The Hero ofWarao Washington Dispatch,16th. Admiral Dewey,the nation’s of fasSitaehro’o Vvoughtitoff,and even kept reparing to leave ©.|house,and the beginning of thewasathand. "y son,George,were at thetonight.They have known since yes-terday there was no ——-. at 5,o’elock.Dan-atson,once,-thenewswasflashed~~toAmericannavalvesselsandstationsallovertheworld.The message car-ried orders that all flags be put athalf-mast.The body will be buried at A -ton National Cemetery,on the -ginia shore of river,where many of Admiral Dewey's for+mer comrades have been laid to rest “a "tas the’Farraguttwoothermen-—and Porter —have held the rank oftheAdmiraloftheAmericannavyandsincetheCivilWardaysnomil-itary figure has held such a place asDeweyintheaffectionsandadmira-tion of the American people.Hisdeathended62years.of active serv-iee.His baptism of fire came intheveheewhichheservedwnection.PefollowedandwasaCommodorecommandingtheAsfleetwhentheorders“capture or de-stroy the enemy's fleet,”pee himthefirst—of hostil withSpainandsenthimintoManilaBayforthefeatthatwonundyingfameandhadfar-reaching effect upon thepositionoftheUnitedStatesasaworld-power.“4ImmediatelyDeweywasadvancedoRearAdmiral,and then CongressyyspecialactmadehinsAdmiraloftheNavy,a grade that died with —~hee been on dut at the av rtment as pdentoftheSenaBoard,constantlyintouchwithallactivitiesofthena-vy,advisor of secretaries and &miehty champion of a greater fleet.Funeral services,giving fitting ex-pression to the nation’s affection andsorrowandbestowingthehighestpublichonorsthatcanbegivenana-tional hero,were planned WednesdaybyofficialsoftheFederalgovern-ment.It was decided to hold the public ceremonies Saturday in the rotundaofthecapitol,and to bring to Wash-ington for an escort of honor allavailableforcesofboththenavalandmiliarmsoftheservice. Congress will be in recess during thefuneralandunderanorderissuedbyPresidentWilsonthegovernmentde-partments will remain closed duringtheentireday.The President sent a special mes-sage to Congress announcing thedeathoftheagedSpanishwarhero,and declaring that “the people andthegovernmentwillalwaysrejoicetoperpetuatehisnameinhonorandaffection.”Both Senate and Houseadoptedresolutionsofregret,«ap-pointed committees to representthematthefuneralandadjournedbeforetheusualhourtoemphasizetheirexpressionsofregret.Under the President’s order flagsonallAmericoengovernmentbuild-ings,forts and naval vesselsthroughouttheworldwillflyathalf-mast until after the funeral ceremo-nies.In a separate order SecretaryDanielsdirectedthatthenavyde-partment or here be draped inblack:and that all officers of the navyandmarinecorpswearmourningwiththeiruniformsfor30days.Thesecretaryalsoorderedeachseniorshipafloattofireanadmiral’s saluteof19gunsatnoononSaturday.Funeral plans as far as completedtonightprovideforaprivateserviceattheresidence,attended only bymembersoftheimmediatefamily, before the body is taken to the capi- tol.In the cortege that will followitupPennsylvaniaavenuebeforethepublieservices,and then from thecapitoltoitsrestingplaceatAriling-ton,will be practically the entirecorpsofhighofficials,the middship-men from Annapolis,sailors and ma-rines from the Norfolk naval «tationandtheWashingtonnavyyard,andvariousotherarmyandnavyunits. Local Basket-Ball Team Wins. Winning from the Charlotte Y.M.>&ball team Monday nicht at with a score of 589 to24,the Statesville basketball)quintaddedtoitslonglistofvictoriesfortheseason,The localrin atoSowil play ;niversiSook,Knee beplayafastgameofbasket-+eeMootstlltore‘Oscomes. Mrs.Deweyandtheadmiral’son-|tee is abletoond : Sanna eee /EMPLOY ATTORNEY. House omnes Dispatch,17th,to theGreensboroNews.———determination to probe to engage anaccountanttoaidtheleakinvestigation"This elsewhereStreet.to this the House gave30moredaysinwhichrescindingitsformeractionrequiringthereportnotlaterthantoday..After the House had given jhe com-m exper stance and had leftthematterseentirelytothecommittee:tic membersoftheinjbedywentinteconferenceafternoontodecide0=ce"The ogBa rou n Representativeactingchairmanoftherulescommit- Samuel Untermeyer,of New York,who was counsel in the Pujo moneytrustinv:gation,is persistentlymentionedascommittee's proba-ble selection.Nevertheless,twomembersoftheHouseduringde-bate today voiced their objection toMr.Un r’s retention,thesemanny;Congrean.an How-a a ‘ongressmanCaldwellafNewYork. An ai t to limit the ex-pense of the leak investigation to$15,000 aroused so mach protest intheHousethatitsauthor,Mr.How-ard,withdrew it._“Take the bridle off and let thisinvestigationproceed!”was the sub-stance of arguments against circum-seribing the activities of the rulescommittee.The action of the Housetodhy istantamounttoanordertotheruleseommitteetogojustasdeeplyintotheleakchargesasthoughaspecialincommitteehadbeenaa.|the ee will continue.for approx te daysweretheindicationsthisafternoon.Some of the country’s testfinanciers,including J.P.organ,Henry P.Davidson and Frank A.Vanderlip are on the list of witness-es,Mr.Vanderlip was in Washing-ton today and Mr.Mor will ar-rive here tomorrow,if committee80resumerinse.It was learned this afternoon thatMrs.Ruth Thomason Visconti,theonlywomansofarbroughtintotheleakinvestigation,is in hiding frominterviewers,but in touch with theofficeofthecmeene-<.-<ates of these.An rstanding has beenreachedthatthesergeant-at-armswilltelephoneMrs.Visconti the mo-ment she is needed by the committee. Charlotte to Be Important Rail-|‘road Center. Charlotte Observer.Operation of the entire eastern di-vision of the Southern Railway urderanewsystem,which will centralizeallbusinessofthatroadfortheeast- ern lines in Charlotte,and mean theexpenditureofthousandsofdollar:and the location of a central offtec here with several hundred employes,was announced Wednesday simultaneouswiththenewsthatW.N.Foreacre,general supérintendent of thi:district,had been promoted to the positionofgeneralmanagerwithentirccontrolfromthiscity.The change will go into effect Feb- ruary 1,according to announcementandwillbethemostimportantsterevertakeninrailroadcirclesofChar-lotte,placing this city in the list ofrailroadcenterswithsuchcitiesa:Cincinnati,Washington and Atlanta. Mr.Foreacre will be general mana er of all lines east of Atlanta anc ‘hattanooga,and north as far a: Washington.It is expected that :large number of clerks and office peoeoftheSouthern's system now ir mshington,will be transferred tcthiscity.It was understood on good authorityWednesdaythatlocalrealestatemer and contractors are busy negotiatingwithrepresentativesoftheSoutherrforthepurchaseofpropertyinthevicinityoftheSoutherndepot,and it Was even asserted that the letting o/ a contract for the erection of an of fice building was pendingAccordingtoanunofficial announce ment,all of the business for this di-vision,which has been formerly handledfromWashington,will be handlecfromCharlotte,which,according fitheObserver's informant,will necessitatetheerectionofanadequateof fiee building here. Interest in State Live Stock Association Meet. Mr.F.T.Meacham has returnedfromWinston-Salem,where he at-tended the State Live Stock Associa-tion meet.About forty Tredell peo-nle were in attendance upon the ex-hibit.Mr.Meacham says the meet Was a success as to exhibits and at-tendance,the affair being aboutthreetimesthesizeofthe«heldinStatesvilletwoyearsago,the ini-tinl exhibit of the association.growing interest in the live stockquestionwasshownwhentwocarloadsofbreedingstock—one ear loadofShorthornandonecarloadofHerefords—-were sold cattle to ‘secure ‘the The|!oom-fixing for UARY 19,1917. ot into the leaktodayauthorized automobile in A; Clay Evans of Austin,Texas. Dr.W.L.Crump,G0diedWednesdayathisinbury.He was a native ofcounty.A son and two dasurvive.Governor Bickett has;Sikes ofnme forcountytosucceedMr.Austin,whodiedafewdaysago. W.P. Hi i tonightathishomeinfromawoundinflictedwithanaxe.were hewing logs in the woods whenthebrother's axe accidentallyJesse,severing an artery. Governor Bickett has granted aspitetoMonroeJtoFriday,January 26,when he will be electro-cuted for eo in —ye ‘oautatiis procunewly-discovered evidence for verifyingwhichthereprieveisgranted. The House has passed the Sted-man bill making the Guilford Battle-ground a naticnal military andprovidingforthreecommissioners,one to receive $2,000 and the othertwo$500 each annually.The billgoestotheSenate,where,it is said,no opposition will be offered. D.C.Spencer,a brickmason,Charles Witherspoon,togeaqumenattheuniondepotatHickory,abadserapinacafeatHickoryMon-day night and used knives on eachother.meer is in a ¢ritical con-dition and Witherspoon badly injured. Trouble over a game of pool. Maj.W.A.Smith of Ansonvillehasbeenappointedcommanderofthesecondbrigade,North Carolinadivision,United Confederate veter-ans,with the rank of brigadier gener-al to fill the unexpired term of the filateBrig.Gen.William L.London.The appointment was made by Ma-jor General Metts Monday. The poultry department of theNorthCarolinaExperimentStationwonsixthplaceintheclassofexper- iment stations egg show at Madison, re- Wis.,January 5 to 7,1917.All States]-p), were in competition.North Carolina's ‘ntry number was 10.This was con- sidered very cood,considering that the eggs were shipped.over 2, miles,and had tu be sent so long be- fore the scientific judging oftookplace. The Textile Department of the A.&M.College is announcing a short course in textile work for mill men,beginning February 12 and continu-ing throwgh March 24.The courseisespeciallydesignedforbusypeo- ole wishing to make every moment count.Carding,picking,spinning,plain and fancyweaving,cloth analysis,designinganddyeingwillbetakenapinthesixweeks’course. eggs. te aPi s 1 tionsactare as follows:—. (a)Any drug,medicine or prepar- ation that holds a patent rieht erant- ed by the patent office of the United States government,or gremped,by government to whic the Sotted States government is hound by treaty obligations to recog- nize patent rights.« (b)Any drug.medicine or prepar- ation officially listed or recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia or the National Formulary for inter- or external use,in the preven- ,cure or alleviation of human its. (ey Any drug,medicine or prepar- ation com upon the written prescription of a physician who has with al!the legal tests and ue require?to obtain li- practice his profession in :Provided,that such a preparation is intended for person and not for general Hl requires that all drucs. or peagretees,— ,held,advertis or —blic for the cure or alleviation of hu- man ailments shall be accompanied a statement plainly and legibly written or printed on the —la- package containing the prep- Esa in such wise thatgthe said statement shal!reach the purchaser ‘and ultimate consumer giving the name and amount of each ingredient which the manufacturer or producer thereof claims to b:therapeutically effective.The names and amounts of said,therapeutically effective —in- a are to be stated accurately the languaze,descriptions and ab- breviations used in the United States Pharmacopoeia or in the National Formulary.If there is any substance which the manufacturer claims to be therapeutically effective in a drug or medicine or preparation not exempted by the bill.and which substance _is not described in the United States Pharmacopoeia or in the National Formulary,each substance shal!be stated under its ordinary name or customary chemical term,and not by any fancy or proprietary name. EeeTRI-ANGULAR DEBATES. Increased Interest Taken in Contests By the Schools. Schools taking part this year in the High School Debating Union, conducted by the University o ‘Nerth Carolina may now secure from the University a copy of the new bulletin,which gives abundant argument on both sides of the ques-at issue--Government OwnershipofRailroads.The volume in al!contains 92 pages,embracing a com-prehensive brief on both sides of thenandselectedarticleschosenawidefieldofpublication,giv-ing due emphasis to both sides of the It is already certain that the con-test this year,which is the fifth sincen:'was inaugurated,will betheyetheld.So far 325havesignifiedtheirdesiretopart,as many as the entirenumberforlastyear.The first year,1912-'18,only 90 schools were enroll-The triangular debates will belateinMarchandthenthewin-ners will come to Chapel Hi!!for thecontestfortheAycockCup,early in April.This year there willbeaHighSchoolWeek,with athleticycontestsaswellasthedebates.Theachoolswillhaveatrackmeetandalsoatennistournamentonthere-cently-constructed varsity courts.renown of the North CarolinaHighSchoolDebatingUnionhaseae.This year both Ala-and Kentucky will hold similardebates,and furthermore will usethesamequestionandthesamebul-letin that will be used in this State.Secretary E.R.Rankin states that=two States have applied to himanumberofcopiessuffictheirneeds.In Kentucky the work istheauspicesoftheUniversity;Alabama,under the hip ofagriculturalcollege,a Carolinate,W.R.Taylor,being direc-of the debates. a ETE Free Examination at Sanato- rium Conditional. Dr.L.B.MeBrayer.intendentlB.MeBager,euperintenden is,an-service of that prevention. be questioned.promptly issued gubpoenas for all of themMr.Lawson said he had heen tora | that Malcolm McAdoo,the secretary's brother,knew of the leak,as did CD.Barney and Company and StewartG.Gibboney of New York.A Mrs Ruth Thomason Visconti of this city.) he said,had declared to him in the). presence of her attorney that Secre- tary Tumulty “received his bit”andthatW.W.Price,one of the White)House correspondents,was “the go-!between for Tumulty and others.” H.Pliny Fisk,Lawson said.was the banker he referred to previously as dominating a cabinet officer andArchibald8.White,he said,had giv-en him this information. Representative Henry was seid byLawsontohavetoldhim,at the con- ferences that preceded the opening of the leak investigation,of reports con-necting the cabinet officer,banker and Senator,and elso had told him of re;ports that Secretarv Lansing gad beenseenconferringwithBernard’Baruch,the Wall Street operator,said to havemadeaclean-up on the falling marketwhichaccompaniedthepeace note,Lawson declared Henry had asked him on patriotic grounds not to presshischarges.At no time,the Bosion financier testified,did he ever say hehaddirectinformation.When Lawson had finished his re- cital Chairman Henry took the stand and swore that at no time had he mentioned to Lawson the names the financier brought oue on the witnessstand,that he had no information then and had none now of his own knowledge,and denied gererally andcompletelyallofLawson's testimony relating to him.When he had concluded,lawson rose and solemnly declared that ev- erv word he had uttered on the stand was the “truth,so help me God without variation.” To back it up,Lawson said that immediately after leaving Henry at their confererve he laid his informa-tion before John O’Hara Cosgrove. Surday editor of the New YorkWorld.Erman J.Ridgway,president of Evervbody’s Mazgazg-ne,and Donald McDoneld,publisher of a Boston financial paper. “Call these men,”he demanded. “and they will bear me out in what I say.”Almost in tears at Henrv’'sabsolatedenia!of his statements, Lawson shouted: “I'll make good here ro to jail as the goat.” Secretaries McAdoo and Tumulty and Mr.Price at once issued state- ments denying Lawson's reference to them.The committee promptly or-dered subpoenas for Rideway,Cos- grove,Warburg,Fiske.Price,WhiteMalcolmMcAdoo,Gibboney,Barney and Company,Mrs.Visconti and John R.Rathom,editor of the Pre@idence Journal,who oublished some articles about “leaks.”Secretaries Tumulty and McAdoo will anpear without sub- poenas. MONUMENT TO MITCHELL. Would Only Commemorate His Tragic Death. The State Journal. We fully agree wth the Asheville Citizen in its protest against a $151,- 000 monument on the top of MountMitche!!.In the first plece,we have made the mountain itself a monument to the memory of the great scientist by giving it his name.To add a hun- dred or more feet to its great height by the erection of a monument would be not unlike erecting a walking cane on the top of Washington’s monu- ment.In the secon!place,there is a bet-ter way to spend me money.We heartily endorse General Carr's plan to raise $151,000 to perpetuate the memory of Dr.Mitchell,but we sug- gest that $2,000 or $38,000 of it be used to erect a monument on top of the mountain and the balance be used to endow the science department otheUniversitywhichhelovedsowel‘and served so faithfully.A memori-al of this kind will be of incaleulable value to thousands of young men,while the other would merely pleaseithefancyofafewtravelerswhochaneedtopassthatway.|\fter all,the discovery that a cer-| 'tcin mountain peak is the tallest{in the range is not,in itcelf,any very|reat achievemént.It cost Dr.Mitehell his life and eut short hiscareerofusefulnessasateacherofjseience.His chief tithe @ fame is as|a teacher of the youth of the State.The endowment of an Elisha Mitch-ell Fund at the University for scien-tific research would te the!memory of his usef 3;a costlymonumentintheremotemountaintopwould—.commemorate hisdeath. and [won't by Mexicans are|neither was there anyinthewarning bythataccompaniedthetoMexicothatthisgovernment that when General Pershing’saretakenoutofMexico,it would :when it appeared evident that ben-lite were not menacing the northernborderofChihuahua.Theicancommissionersdeclareddidnotregardtheworkofthe com-mission as a failure since aunderstandingofconditionsbothgovernmentshadbeen Cotton Consumed During theMonthofDecember. Cotton,exclusive of linters,con-sumed during December amounted to536,587 running bales,and for thefivémonthscrdingDecember31,*,-763,962 bales,the census bureauMondayannounced.In the previous year 555,006 baleswereconsumedduringDecemberand2,533,640 bales during the fivemonths.Cotton on hand December 31 imcon-suming establishments wasbales,compared with 1,858 in1915;and in public storage and atcompresses4,056,178 bales,compared with 5,195,653.Spindles,active during,Decembernumbered32,864,474,compared with31,745,772 the previous December,Imports were 34,339 bales,compar-ed with 43,724,and for the five months,70,784 bales,compared with 123,585 in 1915.Exports were 737,502 bales,incl ing lnters,compared with 558 the previous December,and for the tive months,3,232,385,eompared with 2,421,503 in 1915.’Linters consumed during Deeember|amounted to 60,910 bales,comparedwith76,932 in 1915;on hand Decem-ber 31 in consuming establishments,106,627 bales,compared with 110,222 in 1915,and in pubhe storage and atompresses,142.472 compared with 149,042 in 1915.Linters exporte|]amounted to 10,- Ost bales,compared with 11,629 in1915andforthefivemonths96,912. bales,compared with 59,104 in 1915, ee Y.,arrived in Charleston,8S.C.,Tuesday,to open his headquarters as-secretary of the Southern Field,League to Enforce Peace.Charleston'wae the conges Jue the tr work |“ty rao ary in Virginia.entucky,‘ennessee,|Action On Universal Military |Nerth Carolina,South Carolina,Mis-| Training Later.sissippi,Alabama,Georgia and An effort Friday tu put the House|Flomilitarycommitteeonrecordagainst|== universal military training failed,but|resulted in the adoption of a resolu-|tion declaring that no radical change of military ee should be consid-| ered in framing this year’s army ap-|prepriation bill.i ——Ohio.—“My husband While some of the members of Con-is 70 years and I am 78 “g ereas and army officers most active end we owe Gur tointhemovementforuniversaltrain-|th creator ing had hoped for action at the pres-|medicine there is.ent session,most of them now are!convinced that the proposed legisla-| tion will not wet beyond the formative|stage by March 4.Senator Chamber-|lain,whose universal training bill fs | befor®a Senate sub-committee,sees little prospect that it will receive|more than committee approval before adjournment.iTheattitudeoftheadministrationtowardtheChamberiainmeasureandsimilarproposalshasnotbeendefied|clearly,and it has been apparent thatexecutiveofficialshavenotexpected| the universal training question te} ——Mi AGED COUPLETellHowThey.Strength W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. THEY KEEP SAYING Everything is going up.ButShinglesarestill.$1. ee John K.Loan,of Binghampton,N.=CommercialNational C.WATKINS_|LumberYard.come to a definite issue in Congress Square atfeforenextseasonatleast.| How to TreatCroupExternally RubVick's “V; cereANNE en 2 eestongue Canned Goods. Canned Lima Beans.Canned Peas.Canned Strin Beans.}}Canned Hominy.| Canned Kraut. These will be foundespeciallyfol-heavy Don’t forget to call for Gold MedalCoffee. Phone 89. Eagle& Milliolland. The Smith Form-a-Truck is the economy sensationofmotortruck develop- ments.Comeiatoday.We are making a demonstrationofjustwhattheSmith Form-a-Truck will do foryouin your work. Q@ curmas ovr.n ' ED.G.WHITE,Statesville,NeC.Sarees sears nnannnnnenseetaee® Comny ee seen eaeonethctemeeaciemdee ena --Tm, OF STATESVILLE,N.0. ——_—_—_—_—erenceer $100,000.00 31,500.00 Capital StockPaidin SurplusandProfits Members of Federal ReserveSystem. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent hank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.: OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,K.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY, eS ARRRRRTERRteAI rELIVEANDLEARN» LEARN TO LIVE. Thelows of health teach us thetony Cogent ofthehumansystemshouldhavetheattention. During thisuncertainseason of colds (somesomeserious)whyruntheriskorweeks,whenby takingthe Co onsont what PURITYus ‘PROMPTNESSCandoforyouinthedrugPOLKGRAYDRUGCO.“On the Since we oa ofsick.f WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOP IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 16c, BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE 5 CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. Jitney TransferCompany. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL,BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.aTEL—_—mmaas EMENTS,; SPECIALATTENTION TOSsateledTEETH. Your Face Your Card You should nat trust your shav- ing to “Tom,Dick and Harry,” but should go to the best equipped barber shop in the city and as good as any in the State.nour Clean and Convenient Electric Hair Dryer,Massage Machine,Smooth-Cutting Razors —in fact everything required to make our service The Best in the City. A most complete line of Hair Ton- ies,Lotions and Creams always on hand. Five Good Barbers No Waiting One of the youngest,but the best, in the State.They are all the best to be secured.“BEST BY TEST"! W.E.COLEY,Prop. Phone 242. ¢ HAVEN'T RAISED PRICES On Doors acent since com- ing to Statesville. Cc.WATKINS. W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Inspirators,Lubrieators,Oil Cups,ete.Locks and Guns ired and Keys fit-In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. WE USE THE SAME Kind of equipment in our Vulcan-izing Plant as is used in makingNewTiresandTubeRubber heated by steam heat is the onlysafewaytomakerepairsonTiresandTubes,Bring wur Tires and Tubes to usANYTHINGINVULCANIZING! &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone201 CourtStreet.—et ee -a C.H.ESTER. RecistereD ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.‘Phone240Grees. WANTED“eh co tat ;be And the complete stock called upony+@ few hundred the eeaedaaie this week.Some of the schools of this com- munity are almost without scholarsforthe‘past week on account ofimenstes.*Two eases broke out with‘them unawares and y manyhavehadachance,part of whom arebelievedtobetakingthemnow. INUTES! .“Pape’s Dianepsin”For Sour,Acid Stomach,Hearthern,Dy<pepsia Time it!In five minutes ot stom-ach distress will go.No indigestion,,heartburn,sourness or belching of‘gas,acid,or eructations of undigest-»ed food,no dizziness,bloating,foulbreathorheadache,Pape’s Dinpepsin is noted for its‘epeed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest,quickest and most certain indigestion remedy in thewholeworld,and besides it is harm- less.Millions of men and women noweattheirfavoritefoodswithoutfear~they know Pape’s Diapepsin willsavethemfromanystomachmisery.Please,for your sake,get a large |”50-cont case of Pape’s Diapepsinfromanydrugstoreandputyourstomachright.Don’t keep on beingmiserable—life is too short-—you are not here long,so make your stay) arreeable.,at what you like anddigestit;enjoy it,without dgead ofrebellioninthestomach.Pape’s Diapepsin belongs in your home,anyway.Should one of the family eat somethi ng which don’t agree with them,or in case of an at- tack of indigestion,dyspepsia,gas- tritix or stomach derangement atdaytimeorduringthenight,it is handy to give the quickest,surest relief known. ‘HOUSES MOVED. Houses moved or Raised,Handling Heavy Machine,Raising Stocks, Raising or Lowering Floors or Roofs,or Anything Heavy. D.B.STEARNS,232 West Broad Sireet. Jan.6—8t*. Shingles $1.40 Per Square As advertised for months.The Shingle King won’t let "prices advance.C.WATKINS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Mr.T.S&White hae resigned his position atheRebertsonCashStoreandsoldhisentire nterest in the farm connected with the store to WoL.Roberteon,the consideration being‘Peatz.a The Robertson Cash Store will pay ali outetanding bills.1 wien to thank thepubldeforcourtesiesshownM¥.White during his stay with me and hope they will contia ue John Sharpe of Harmony.whe at the Robertson Cash ave.W.L.ROBERTSON. ange wsfakeshin place Reewpectfull. an.12 FREE TOBACCO SEED. Tobacco Growers can get seed FREE OF COST by applying to the McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse, Statesville,N.C. Write us and seed will be forwarded. Jan.2-—-8t. —-benefit of the school Frida -message and “—Tt i hoped he well ined }j 8 t YY|the board will soon :oethusgivingmuchrelieftothelittleones.On December 20th great excite.|ment reigned amon the children of|Oak Greve when the heolla movinepieturecararrivedattheschool| reon.pictures were mjoyed |very much by "hams 2h0 chileen and petrons,On January ita ‘Ve carpaidusasecondviwt.There weresomethingoverthreehundredpres- ent,A box-supper was viven for the,night, January 5.Some of the 1 soldcandyalso.From the sale of boxesungcandy$13 were realized.It is hoped that conditions will be|ter© more propitious for a better atten:|-|ance the next month iF The following is the honor roll by| grades for last month:First Grade—le McRare,Sam!Cline,Francis Cline,.Maggie Josey.Upper:First Grade—Reddatoons,Pauline Gabriel,Haskell SeeWadeLackey,Ambrose Martin,Earl Meacham,Hazel Meacham,Mil-dred Patterson,Ernest Poteet,Rachel Wooten,Second Grade —Thomas Benfield,John Cline,Cecil Lackey,Perey Po- teet.Helen Norris.Third Grade—Emma_BellandClarenceBenfield.Thomas Benfield holds first honor,|leading the second grade,renceBenfieldstandsheadofthethirdgrade.Fourth and Fifth Grades —Grace Bollinger,Jessie Cline,Jack Gabriel,Oscar Hella Viola Hoke,TreviaLackey,Jomes Patterson,Claude Patterson,Doris Wooten.;Sixth and Seventh Grades—TIrenePatterson,Ray Massey,GeorgeCline,Bleka Warren,Janette Hoke.'Nellie Lackey,William Poteet,PearlPoteet,Cora Cline,Sallie Cline,Ma-riam Wooten,Harlan Behe. Cline, Councilof Farmers Union Meet n Raleigh News and ‘Observer,18th.The meeting of the State Council!of the Farmers’Union,given overlargelytodiscussionoflegistative plans and arrangements for thespringfertilizertrade,adjournedyesterdaywithresolutionsofappre-ciation for the larga enare of atten-tion which rural problems orev!at the hands of Governor T.W.Bick-ett,the following named officers be-ing in attendance:President,M.£ Alexander;vice president,J.M.Templeton;secretary -treasurer,E..C.Faires;State *@ganizer,J.Z Green;and executive’committeemen,W.B —eee,—w. Moore,C.C.Wright,.Weather- .| This meeting was given over largely to legislative matters and vians for the spring fertilizer trade.The session was featured by anagreementwiththecommitteefrom the State Bar Association as to a re- vision of the law for the Torrens sys- tem for registering land titles and a working agreement with Governor Bickett after a notable conference with him for regulation of the crop lien evil he has so vig@rou:ly de-nounced.The Council also passed a resolution commending the larger share of attention given rural prob- lems in Governor Bickett’s inaugural!commending his plea to the earnest consideration of the Legisiature,including alvo emphatic endorsement of the plans to curtail the patent medicine frau. A resolution was also adopted ask-ing the Legislature to mature plans for enabling the Commissioner of Agriculture to furnish ———.ground phosphate —at cost,andanotherresolutionwasadoboaask- ing the legislative sansuiees of the Union to secure copies of the Kan- sas law providing for the publication of text books by the State |Visitors From Montana in Har- mony Neighborhood. SERVICE of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. We can!give you service. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. Dr.8.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.Office ee?®mm.ee Pp.m.2.30 to 6 p,m.ana by pointment,Andersen Bids.~disW.Broad St.Office "phoneResidence‘phone |viets e of The Landmars Jan.17 Corre «¢ Harmony.R-3,have been having winter for a few days,hailed and =sleeted «!!day Monday,but it didn’t fall very deep Mr.Jim Steelman and Mrs.MarySteelman,wife of:Mr.Tom Steelman, are in from Montana.Mrs.Steelman has not been in very good health sinee she and her husband left hereaboutayearagoforMontana,where they were going to enter lan/.andshecamebacktoseeifherhealth wouldn't improve. Mr.Steelman says that Montanaisaniceplaceandhelikesitfine.He will return to his place in thespring,which he entered about two, years ago.We were glad to note that the con-were brought back to the! Statesville Air Line to resume = work.But we would be a grea’ladder if we could see the fen, horse rolling over what is already graded.Yadkin folks have abolishe |their,county treasurer,something Iredell)would do well to do. Skinflint Has a Claim. To the Batter of The Landmark: About twenty-five years ago myfatherboughtsixoreightshade!\trees and planted them along theigidewalkadjacenttohisproverty | Other people enjoyed the shade asmuchormorethanwedidSincethenthetownauthhavecutthemdownandplantedertrees,What beeamebaertreesmyfatherforoandmusthaveusedthewoodandon We is this possible.\cukane e en the showwashereaprizewasdeliveredforthe best ¢o tion on typhoid fever.The winner of this prize was MissLeliaTiAgainuponthislast!»visit a ze was awarded for thebestitiononthecareofthe|teeth.is prize was won by Miss’ie Lazenby.In addition to thistherprizeswereofferedforthebestcompositionsonthecareoftheteethfor*the primary and intermedi-ate rooms.Master James Vaughn |won the prize offered the intermedi-. room and little Mias Rachel Fos-for the primary room. We totebe that the show has paid all t cost in 4 interest it aroused in ‘the,in getting up these com- posit the departments have been do- ing work this year and the’ att has been good until this, week,We are now threatened with, an ie of measles but we hopeitwiaotbesebadaswefret)thought.The following named puthehonorrollforthetheschool:RachelAJohnson,Henry aa,Jay,po Dessie Johnson,Sarah Tom-. inson,Ruth Lazenby and Minnie White:Miss Julia Foster,Miss Mary) omlinson,Miss Lois Yates,Miss Le-| lia Teague andRobert Abernethy. TAYLORSVILLE ITEMS. New Town Officers Appointed-Bee For Benefit. of i.‘ ‘orrespondence of The Landémark.\ Taylorsville,Jan.18-—At a.calledmeetingoftheboardofaldermen, Wednesday inorning,Mr.R.L.Math-;eson was appointed mayor to succeed Mr.C.G.Viele,who resigned last; week.Mr.W.D.Deal was appointed town commissioner to succeed Dr.S T.Crowson,resigned.There will be a spelling bee at the! court house Friday night for the ben-'efit’of the school.Admission 10¢.Webster’s Blue.Back speller will beused.Capt.W.T.Rowland chal. lenges any one in the county over 4Byearsofagetospellhimdownafter the contest.Mr.John Kelly of Salisbury spentTuesdayandWednesdayhereatthchomeofhisbrother,Mr.H.T.Kelly Attorney A.C.Payne and Mr.A.MMathesonwenttoRaleighMonday Is are on!month ofFoster,| 7.evening to attend the meeting of th« Masonic Grand Lodge. Young School Folks on Honor Henor roll of Bethlehem School: First month Boyd Benfield,An- nie Cline,Lois Cline,Maude,Myrtle,Albert and Robert Gant,BlancheFreeze,Russell Parker,Berta,Mo- selle and Anna Roseman.Second month—Cora and Mary Et- ta Benfield,Zelma Bradford,Bryan Benfield,ONtie Bradford,Taft Gant, Gle Eliott,Russell Parker,Voda, Aitie and May Morrow. Honor roll of Oak Ridge school forsecondmonthandofpupilswhowere neither tardy nor absent:Elizabeth Carrigan,Hugh Smith, John Bell Carrigan,Lewis Carrigan, Jack Brawley,Burette Powers,HowardPowers Honor roll—Harry Carrigan,Elica beth Carrigan,Hugh Smith,Vada Stamper.Grace Stamper,Junius Blackwelder,Ruby Mapre,JuliaNantz,Dezzie Powers,Flora Wir- gans,John Bell Carrigan, Jdaek Brawley,Bennett Young and Effie Brawley. Danish West Indies Ours. Sovereignty over the Danish West Indies,after half a century of negotiationspassedTuesdaytotheUnit ed States with the exchange of rati fications of the purchase treaty by Secretary Lensing and Danish Mi ter Brun.The actual physical trans- fer with the raising of the American flay will take nlace upon payment of the $25,000,000 purchase price,whic! Congress provide in a few weekDuring the interim,the -gover ment of the island will be administer- ed by the present Danish Governor. Under the terms of tne treaty a joint commission 1s begin work imme diately to arrange the details of the ;transter. nn to WOOD'S Seed Catalog for 1917,tells about the best Farm and Garden Seeds ane specie!information as to the t crops to grow,both for profit and home use. The la increase in our busl-ness which we have again experi-enced during the past year is thebestofevidenceastothehigh quality of WOOD'S SEE Writeforcatalog andpricesof 7 Oeen ee 9:30 om Ke tie ‘,o,OFFt.fe Werk taal aay ont Sor ee.PARES ec Began yesterday and we were © crowded all day long.Hundgéds of satisfied customers went away with loads of good things we are selling.e ai . We can’t enumerate the special’ prices on the different lines,but it will be worth your timeto,visit °° us. Read our ads from time to time ‘” for further news.; If you ¢ .'t find a house tc .ve in,come to see us.We will take ;iexsure in help- ing {>get you located, We will also take gr «at pleasurein show- 1 ¢you through ourbig,‘ne of housefurnish.~good 8.Stoves,Kui.~,Heat-ers,Bed Room .:'*s.nod—Wasi-and Chairs, 50 gond le Rockers each,¢whileco a oreontallkindsofweeae toengs.Wealso ceniena 9i iva ee ‘liberal penenge i!1 EE F e 8 ¢ 4°7ig § | ty | z :F i i;| §1 fl y |ease “ out of wants tem and he are in colleague with forcing him to pay a. te a prescription whenhe | the shelf what would do £: f s wha the reach} e t t f f : 32i ¢: t n a § 5 i et beneficial,or at least at t s ¢ i : £se beneficial,but harmful is the |,be forced to the open, S i p e o words,they must credentials. boys-—aged 8,10 and 12 before Judge Shaw Superior Court at week for storebreaking and The 7 i t i = ijwith sentat Concord.In admonishing| ‘boys,Judge Shaw declared that| “improper conditions in the his to tf home| d laxity of hometraining is the, of these babies being in court.| 1.Was a boy,a good thrashingLi e We of that old-time,,being done by parents|1 apd when it is attemptedTeeedklensplace—the school—| the teacheris haled into court and it it is overwith,if he is not mur-| out by irate relatives.| idea produced a judge fellow’s a thief.But ®end | A.-_o—|The Landmark and its readers will) miss the usual.-newsy letter from Mooresville today.The omission ie! More regretable because it is due to the fact that our correspondent,Mr.| 3.Ae@eGooedman,has been serious-| ly @ek all week.He suffered an at| acute indigestion Sunday| ‘andwas foundon thefloor at of his bed and was speech-| His condition is improving and) to be out again soon. to Burn and Burned It. or not a woman who burn-|,just because she had enough |on and some to burn besides,|mentally capable of making aene=im)t phases:tryingCrabtreeand ~~|i Dud Hicks,in Durham Supe-|Court,will have to decide uponsuitofMrs.Crabtree is to breakllofMrs.Hawkins Hicks whoEherestate,valued at $30,000,to‘sons,Jim and Dud.A_negreofthelateMrs.Hicks,testi-in behalf of the defendants,the*,admitted upon cross exami-,that Mrs.Hicks had oftenherofburningmoney.On onethenegresstestifiedthattookafive-dollar bill,and afteritneatlyinanewspaper,toss-the fire.The negro also ad-that Mrs.Hicks never gave'money and that she was not a of South Carolina’s |quest,”the note good.If what he wants|can terrorize it,” Such ,pence,it isexpecteduntilthese considered to be not are fulfilled:Existing causes of in-|in|ternational unrest class of prepara-possible removed aggressive aims as to what they!shall fall into disreputeamong hind|Ar tions may be difficurt of fulfil10-year-old was sent but the belief is expressed that theyfatherandtheothersareinharmon tions can be satisfied,evenfectly,unless peace is secured on the ,|courts in suits brough ites the “reignof | terror”attendant upon Germany's)method of warfare,and in that con-|nection says:|“The war staffs of the Centra’)Powers are well content to horrifytheworldifatthesametimethey The people of Great Britain,Mr.:Balfour says,share President Wil-|P "son's desire for peace,but do not be-|him getting it,lieve.can be durable unless based on ti success of the allied cause.i »cannot be|ree conditions shall be as far asorweak3andtheunserupu-|lous methods of the Central ~~their;and,finally,t be-behindernationallawandalltreatyarrangementsforprevent-|ing or limiting hostilities,some formofinternationalsanctionshouldbe,in devised which would give pause to!Ashe-|the hardest |It is recognized that these condi- .iment, neral with Presi-| imper- general lines indicatea by the allies’| joint note.} SY THE OI.LANDS CASES. Mr.Justice Finishes His Report On Valuable Lands in West.Washington Special,17th,to Raleigh|News and Observer.E.J.Justice,special assistant totheAttorneyGeneral,today finished|his testimony before the Naval Af-fairs Committee on the conditions|_|affecting oil lands in California,Col-|ado and ing.Mr.Justice saidhebelievedifenoughtrialjudges)could be secured this spring there|would be no reason why the cases)should not be wound up before the, of the year.|Mr.Justice said the value of thejlands,which number 40,810 acres,is|about $50,000,000.“In addition there|are over 2,700 acres of land rebythespecialagentstobeadversely| ‘ected on account of the order ofwithdrawalbutclaimedbytheHono- } lulu Consolidated Oil Company,andj *proceedings with respect to which are.nding before the Secre'of thenterior.Including the jHonolulu!lands the total value of th@lands inCaliforniareportedonadverselyby!the jal agents,is $55,000,000|Valuable and extensive oil lands in the|Salt Creek oil fields in Wyoming|were also entered upon in violation |of the order of withdrawal of Sep-tember 27,1909,and will be affectedastheCalifornialandsreferredto,|“In addition there is involved in.the controversies the value of many!barrels of oil extracted from the} lands and converted,or yet on handheldbythereceiverappointedbythe | cent to 75 pei}t. cent of all the lands referred toaboveashavingbeenreportedad-versely,are controlled by a few large| interests among them the Chansler-Canfield Midway Oil Company,the operating company of the Santa F:Railroad C pany and the StandardO°!Company,’ The New Twenty-Five (CentPieceinCirculation. The new twenty-five cent piece isoutbutisnotanycheaperthantheoldones.design of the new coinisintendedtotypifyinameasuretheawakeninginterestofthecountryin its own protection.The design ov)one side of the coin shows the full- length figure of liberty,front view head turned toward the left,steppingforwardtothegatewayofthecoun|try.Her left arm is raised,bearing| “From 66 2-3 -|a shield in an attitude of protectionInAisoahandshecarriesanolive Along the edge of the coin are in.*|Seribed the words “In God We TeTrust.”head the word!in semi-circular| Quysu koftwSu wil eld eps ot $9.95,values up to $30.00.,00 Suits for to below and 7Thecarwillvisitthefollowingschoolsondates entertainments:Shawnee School,Monday,January 22ClarkSchool,Monday,January 22 Pressly School,Tuesday,January 23 .........05sece ceceeeeees ve Elgin School,Tuesday,Januar pre Fulbright School,Wednesday,January 24 Belmont School,Wednesday,January 24 Elpikora School,Thursday,January 26 Elmwood School,Thursday,January 26 Eupeptic School,Friday,Ihnuary % lees School,Friday,January 26 .........ccccece ceceeeeees z Joyner School,Saturday,January 27 ......0.6.eee e ee eee eee eee Rocky Springs School,Saturday,January 27 ...........+--.00s- &a BE E E E S E R E E E S - "(YOUR OPPORTUNITY Was never greater than now to save money on a Coat Suit or Coat,as nowjs the time we want to dispose of every garmentfm our store.Don’t fail to see these excellent val The styles are new and prices so low that any one can afford a new Suit.Many excellent values in Shirt Waists,Skirts and Middies.—SHOES!— Yes,we have a large stock of them,bought early and are pre to serve you at former prices. Try us for your next pair. We will have something cf interest to eve person in Iredell County in next Tuesday’s Land- mark.Very truly, rw v e v e r y t °C Te J.M.McKee &Company. Se Fox Runs From Atlanta. I drove a Chevrolet,equipped with an all-weather top,from At- lanta,Ge.,to Statesville in high-gear,using three quarts of lu- bricating oil and averaging 20 miles per gallon of gas.This Car was new when I left Atlanta and I made the drive in 13 hours and 50 minutes.I made no adjustment on the Car throughout the trip.My system is full of this Car.Come to FOX’S GARAGE AND LET ME GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION! _N.W.FOX,Local Agent. e cash to all.-=SMILLS &POSTON.&. at:‘ie CS,BR Seca Meofalloogoods.Thepricesgavemoneyonseasonable e REST ECS Re tien ST ee erase ae THE .CASH I wish to ask all my customers to-help me in puttingmystoreon a cash basis Feb- ruary Ist. I feel that it will be best for my customers and for mybusiness. Hopingall my customers will continue to patronize me and thanking themfor past favors,|am most respectfully, HERE is a certain poise of feeling in having.furnishings which are strictly up-that more than compensates for the reasonable ex-pense of buying them here. ‘HE worlé will lock brighter,theobstaclessmaller,from a beauti-fully furnished interior. Come in and see how:easily it canbedone. ‘i Pet eeeeeenee the following Reeser esaneeees Si ow.sera,OS Sean.‘sharesof stock in the Peele so’ivewith Bottle,three for $2.75,six for $5.00, ca.ry:aon”|prepaid.Sendfor freetestimonials. wi STOP ANDTHANK whatyou would do today if you LOST YOUR or met an accident,and —iWATKINSwon't let his! didn’thavecdollar putby.~at oe Fise muchin_price “Just suppose”you take a little of yourearnings == _andput this moneyawayinourBANK.,od MADE IN You won'tmiss that little sum and it will orow Anything in Sheet PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.Mike oat TinRoofing,~—|THE FIRST NATIONAL with his to Ire-|@it,businessMr.W.L.Neill,who six ~~~a “ee weeks visiting his mother,Mrs.Car- of Fallstown township and vie Neill,other relatives in this is @ prosperous farmer of at’come |a.returned Wednesday to hisTexas.Mrs.Carrie Neill is visiting rela- ;The Eclectic Book club met with|tives in Hickory. |Mrs.C.V.Henkel Wednesday after-|Mr.and Mrs.Ralph Sharpe and Valley Tin,| 4 The club studied “Southern child,who spent several days with Gutter Spout | ”Mrs.A.D.Cooper read a/relatives at Hiddenite,returned Wed-i on “Ellen Glasgow”;Mrs,Dor-|nesday to their home at Eastover,"Phone 55,114 B.Broad Street.| Thompson read several ef Fath-8.C | ‘s poems;firs.D.Matt.Mrs.Harry M.Jacobs and litth read selections from Tanac |daughter and Mr.A.M.Wallace of Avery’s “Idle Comrments.”|New York are guests of Mr.Julius was a discuesion of current Wallace,Mr.Jacobs will join Mrs .=o -was ——Jacobs here Sunday. nas a Southern|NoticesofNew Advertisements| Grain Wanted!) We ha all kinds of a ge re was Victrola music during Money to loan.—X,care of The!if h - the afternoon.Two courses of re-)Landmark..Prices range from $20 to $750.)grain,you have aewwe served at the dining iar re Sh iced f OATS,PEAS,CORN or ,was pretty with a cen-wallace.{Shown above is cut 0 WHEAT to offer,see us. terpiece consisting of a pot of bloom."Waste wood cut.—1.0.White.||Model 100,price $100.|)We pay highest market ing frezias.Notice to ;i ;‘ee ?:public.—Carter Redick.Co a 'price—CA H. Dr.and Mrs.J.F.Carlton enter-|Bungalow and two cottages for sale me in for a demon itheNightBridgeclubWednes-—J-©.Henley.stration.}.K.Morei G | | | in Konor of Mr.and Mrs.|Health car entertainments.‘Walton Laidley of Bakers-_New goods at Tharpe &Company’s Leonard Piano Store.j &Produce Company. home of Dr,5 and 10 cent store. was played Coats,suits and shoer.—J.M.ee emer aom ae —oe.Carlton.-'=o agene Davis McKee &Co.s :cere the high score prize.Mr.and Up-to-date furnishings.—States-|honor,were|ville Housefurnishing Co.|‘ted with y souvenirs.,clearance sale now on.—Ramsey-|4}, Bowles-Morrison Co.in several courses was :‘sroomwasprettyreBerend,Seeenorien.—States-|TO THE PATRONS OF TRARPE &COMPANY'S5AND.10CENT STORE: narcissus an ite hya-coo n ave just return rom the North,where ne | a-A perfect davenport.—Crawford-|ever offered in Statesville by the Tharpe &Company's 5 and 10 CentSore |F .A centerpiece of these flow-|:"|ers decorated the table.Each guest |—>cauke ue suits.|and you will find the price cn these goods right.You can always rely on -| | wit received as a favor an appropriate_Mills @ Poston quality of the s. verse composed by Mr.Laidley.|TE toes ote ensh baale.-~iie,Me-|These are Coming in daily it will pay to visit our store Mrs,C.V.Henbel was hostess Fri.|"7j2™%.Wath Tears,ToiletGoods:EnamelWare-TableWare,fai eran,Fosete 7 —_tastes Ani cot ante wat Hostens Pri,For delivery purposes,a Simth picte lineof Hosier nes a Bee ee etter un hear with their |fte-e-truck.—-Ed.G.White.a 7 SPECIAL LINE OF HATS.When we tell you that an article is “ze carat gold," apie the quests wero thew inte |wenn acer,eowweer.—Mhorvill-|We have by far the best line of Sguing Hate for,Ledige ond Celiwen,=8 carat gold.Wedo notuse deception in our business.©ss was served The =.aoe ot at ae.waeted.—Address cant afer =ban ee pe oom —-ered are sn When we sell you anything the “quality is there.”Art:wove pretty with a centerpiece of sweet ..Se :fe thank our many patrons of the past and feel that we ter ‘:os ‘oo peas and ferns.”ake,ee for 'able to serve you in the future.We cordially invite everybody to come and the price we charge is reasonable for the qualitywegive.‘Gin itak: —We keep right up to the last tick of the clock on styles in a i The Round Dozen Embroidery |A State-wide eam od :ha :;§-wide paign to raise y 9|Cte,apts plesrant afereor (91455500 teentow’™'end “moore THARPE&COMPANY’S5and 1l0Cent Store.°""Y......+ a vaca hadmunts an|ee,ee "You can “depend upon”any articleyoubuyinour store:ocr :..ont evien Mrs.Eugene Davis was hostess| the afterncon refreshments were)schools and cclleges in the State South Center Street.W.W.THARPE,Manager. |Sistas of te tee:R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.was planned in urham Wednesday -| eer are :honey of =| ‘m.ley ©ersfield,Califor-||a a ermaraceemin.euest of Mis.J.F.°Carlton.MARKET REPORTS. was ayed at four tables “eas Marat c Miss Antie Belle Walton,as high-m wells’pete were paid yesterday B f Cash score winner,was presented with a for produce @n the loca!market ‘uy or ” deck'of cards.The honoree received!Terkeys.14-206 per tb.FamousShoesforMen. two pretty handkerchiefs.Two!Chickens.(Se.‘per lb. of refreshments were served.|,aa.oS z at a meeting of the educational com-mr Sell for Cas Each place ked withwasmwi -|»204 r ib.i=ee |New YearsacmmioansGreen(unsalted)1%¢.per Ib.f A serviceable Boot for=Hides (salted)ore per Ib <‘nm,Boe.to Bde,per |The seed Service ey ag of,See Mees ite mor Be “srolina meets in the First gidex,1#ec.to I8e.per tb.Winter,Fitted with onechurchinRaleighJanuaryOldlade,per Ib.i -24,.BE.K.Graham,New Red »Be.to T2e.per Ib.}‘= en omecko.han arranged,a)Sairwoed Rages.Comb tts,See vor th |On and After January Ist,1917,- me.Mr.A.M.Me-Sweet P She,per bushel.Double Service Fibre Sole.}‘"|otatoes, ,at one time president of the =Irish Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel. ,will speak regarding the : t i rd of Public Welfare.Mrs.th,So att suneten|oO )Lana and probsbly other local!!"cede an Ga'tems aurea"ut wear leather soles.We will make no tickets for any- club women will attend..+|Wheat (new)$1.90 per bushel.a con ae eel Won't sli |one.Don't ask it.ThistersoftheConfederacy,Ost 3-706.per o ;7 .applies will an ate afternoon at 3.30|“Gesmee Sachets.»|to all oelock with Mrs.W.M.Barringer.On the market yesterday 17 1-4 cents |Oo all.: Tt will be in the nature of a celebra-ver pound paid for best grade cotton.‘;’ tion of Lee's birthdayand the,veter-Cotton The,per bushel.Price $5.00 the pair. ans meet -|eet eaeertobeSieGaceanh0tai |Goods sent out on approval to be ettemtonce of <a reget ad at ee ee PHONE 8%.paid for the following day or be Mrs.J,H.Hoffmann will entertain at |NOTICE—1 hereby forbid hieing or |returned.any oneconsent,my son,| =e Sadie chewitbe a'tridethefel.|oe my iiett cheat eck |SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. day.During the next tw __. weeks 8 murmber of rocial affairs wil!Fan BALR—Ome biegm,benesion end ive All goods purchased from us not by -r0 ®t --wn ee_qphgemde—naluge ee terme ta oak purchaser,3.CHEN.|——————satisfactory and returned tous not Daughters of the American LEY.‘Phone 287 Green,Jan.194 will meetwith Mrs,R.E.|WANTED—1wishtoclearabout25acresof y,January 23.This is|woedland.Will give wood and first crop) 8 il]|with wrivilege of renting for three-fourths!S meeting,as officers will|igs Gerthre tones the year and represen-|°%send crop. we go to the Na-|fowl,“Partion,mo ex txvto Congress in Washington,D.C.|wood teas bo Vurre.‘Jen.19 it. damaged,wewillcheerfully refund held a called!TO LOAN—#500 on reat estate.“Write X, Leos Miller.care of TheLandmark.Jan.10-10"| pe ma n n ar a the money. --|pines,f_tesestefee Johnston-Belk Co. Ct et 3 4 —|TheStore That Sells For. 16 BIG RETAIL STOE wiso sunk eight of :were at first reported merely Reed i f Pheir crews,the fate of the Gulf of Mexico during the first is not known,numbered 441 of the Civil War,andin’ tt is reported that the raider placed attacks on Fort Fisher.He was once f these crews on board the British commandant of the Pensacola Navy! &erviser Yarrowdale,which then pro-Yard.. «‘eeeded for port.It is therefore be.eeprs AGREE T — #lieved that in will be safely landed PAINT EXPERTS AGREE THAT | ‘a,Within a day or two..Z +Another report has been received tc 5 the effect that the St.Theodore has Seagetenstormes into a raider. chamber of commerce and con- sulates at Pernambuco are devoting ' much attention to the care of the .} ship-wrecked crews.There is ne ‘| confirmation whatever of the alleged|;| loss of 400 lives.;{ 5 is the Ameriecn Standard of Excel- After the Crop Lien Merchant.lence. UMRaleigh News and Observer.FOR SALF BY - As the first step toward the reali-Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., zation in effective legislation of Gov-“Statesville,&.C. -—epnor Bickett’s crusuce against the “e lien,the Sorth Carolina Farm-ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ers’Union,through_its executive =Having qualified as administrator with the committee,and Governor Bickett will annexed of Mr Josephine Wallace,de-fated onthe provisions of |&iM Stsaaa hr cme,recs . will shortly ntroduc in-resrggsty be fore the ‘eth as of January,1018,O S k R dl f C.V.1 t the Gen 1A emb!.Those indebted to the estate are requested to ega °whe caoeenbes "comedies of the ae Med te TIS WALLACE.ur entire toc r ess O ost or a uve. Velen met with Governor Bickett),p wetausbi eae C7 * ; and took under serious consideration Sener Ee ec a nts :Ndtading with the crop Hen evil NOTICE TO CREDITORS.A sale like this was newer heard of in the month of J before.It will pay and pay in this State.After full consultation paving qualified as executor of the estate,hand every Lady of Statesville who attends this sale,for the values we offer in 0,billwasated,eet eect il persone having cline aguinet aid cea this sale simply must compel the.attention of every woman of Statesville who is utive committee and the Governor.itrtninnoticewil be Pendener of economically *a ——be dressed accordingto the very latest dictates of en oats .proc wy lig 4 Rear Sl gag indebted to said _fashion at the smallest possible expense.So visit Oestreicher’s during this gigantic Sale. 7-for ed of thePw oe cher eMM ‘ARMFIELD. ramer is el more n Se Sverre an,Atty.ixecutor, ten cent.i ss of cash prices.-.1 Pet,cout.ne proposedbill’pro.|SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. vides that a land}ad-'. By virtue of a judgment of the Superior vanees to a tenant cannot charge cCeurt of fredeil county,entered in the spe-Every Afternoon S lish more than ten per cent.in excess of cial proceedings entitled A.W.Blackwelder,r administrator,vs.Richard Folls et al,the s |undersigned commissioner will or j _=a _that a land-MONDAY,FEGRUARY 5.1917,°°j ¥maxes vances to a tenant at 12 o'clock m.,expose to the highest bidder ;,ig cannot charge more than ten per at public auction,for cash,at the court house ra j a i ‘* described tract *of land,cent.excess of cash prices.door,the following Anelber clause allows banks or in-“~'t: SE EE AA —_8 sovansecea _te Sue corner ot lat ‘No.and rugs theme est .; with rops and 0 poles,te a stone in a@tterson s ine;*.e e i is-»with ‘his e 2 “Trees en &pole »g 1 h Sal charge in Wiew of interest,commis-hon wot halal inc'Ro hon tuners in the house in the late fall styles in this Sale at ine;thence north 20 degrees east 15 1-2 poles .‘:, A vision for credit Union loans to @ stone,Patterson's corper;thence north #8 4 holds credit Union may charge degrecs wert 150 poles to a stone,Youns's t j -members for whom loans are secured =——gre =line nee *—s , $wee!a poles oO he beginning,contaming q a in lieu of interest not neres more or less. 4 ten od cent.C The mbove tract of land is situated near z= eneENSEEEE ”Ostwalt’s,being the home of the lute Henry | Special Commission of Naval Falls,eolored,and will be sold subject to the @ @ : dower of Dovie Falls,his widow. Officers.Report.This January 6th,1917 ‘$ {Retention of all existing navy yards |Harry P.Grik ae Seeeu ®Regular I rices. hment of submarine bases on dan,vat.w,°:Regular Prices.°‘+ the Atlantic,gulf and Pacific coasts NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND .These Coat Suits are mostly in DaintyNew ‘ porand a thorough aeronautical survey :— <==.the United om NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL.COUNTY.|Navys and the styles are very These Dresses are really beyond (reorgette Crepe s sic s rere rec y ended nder and by virtue o we order and yJutiee- . @ Congress in a preliminary reporrt [red oe ——on =Spri rE ,scripti ,ave . by a cpacial commission of ar of.ae G caer of :sae “E good for early ‘pring Ww ear,they description and would hay .to ‘‘3 Campbell et als...ve ihe Caiaphelle :2°2 :. Se rnereerypares |"Seas eee.oe :originally sold for from -be seen to be appreciated.Shirt Waists MONDAY,JANUARY 29%,1917,AT AChatitSguecenaeaey,eadesivalie 44 any oe oll &cone ctionts tis At one half thei ]“ie ’gut nadvinnle”took "at "Hence hgtine Sorat ww $18.75 to $37.50.:ne hee neue Geena eiptan Se ccecbeesbel ale |t Se tataBa”a ehaearwe ,Wome vas Ste Twenty Per Cent @f the United States.etieoe ee ssioo Remember ‘we oniy have 17 of and probably just at the price y In arriving at this conclusion th Cartner;on the east by the Massey lands,on gorami sion says that “full considera-the west by the lands of hellas Campbell,con-*1 :. tion of the present and prospective ‘ining 117 1-4 acres.more or less these Suits left so come early.you want to pay. size of our navy,its requirements not jo oe te es will)be ome-thire ena .A :on ‘confirmation of sale,one-third ia one year only m peace but during the far more |and one-third in two years,with interest at 6 exacting conditions vf war should ver cent on de ferred payments Bidding will bring convincing evidence that th:ee A HORN, abolishment at this time of an exist.jan.9,wl.i Commissioner: ing navy yard or naval station withir the continental limits of the United MORTGAGE SALE-Remember there =~—s wintry days still ahead of =e. a pom be quite without justifi UNDER.gna by sinus of a (racer of eae c The report explains that this should iuane W eon “the we a es ane j . not be taken to meun that there might ‘{!¥,Fexistered in Book 40 of the second ofnerUetransferofworkfromoneyardmo;sane,°F,Iredell county.an ae “D A E O E S R E I >H E R to another or changes in methods of MONDAY.FEBRUARYhandlingworkatcertainplanta,It #t the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,1 *declares that the present equipment josh whe ikea i‘.:ia a SALISBURY ORTH CAROLINA of many yards is insfequate in dry-to-wit hee monte ,. 4 docking facilities,berthing spaces 4 tract of land lying sod being in EredellstoPmtefacilities,machinery and ee ited nad dotnet as fellows tesmoreship,and deser eaitaon defined s ollew Ooode,oblier details.i:‘Adwoining the estates of en a,pep | L. |i|| Cs ee e ca n e ta r s — =e . ae Ee Oe ee e w ee e Qe Om e oe s ee nnd Mrs wre .an —_——- intersertion ~OUR ”.{Newton Must Have Depot.;<i “street and ‘Third North street,in .The Newton Enterprise says that J35 fect to Mre.Mors SO he)Conrers 1aees : another step has been taken in the in rat 5 mance poeenl to depot matter,in which the corpora-"reer *®corre:”line north 45 1-2 e tion has advised the Southern rail.(7c ae <==way that the usual penalty for fail-vinning containing ome acre more ov lens.i —™a —so=to carry out the instructions of bein the home place of Jamer W.Brown©cagnmission will be plac where he now lives.JOHN 8.MITCHELL,‘1 —i unless steps ue —Jon.t :Mortuanes Will Please You and YourFriends. mediately to give Newton a decent ~Al -DER EXECU’ondepot.hisis the only union sta-ALE ENDER EXECUTION May We Show You?tion in the State with a barn for a NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.: depot,and Newton is declared to In the Superior Court,January TerrJ.R.BEddinger va.Isaac H.Whitirhayethedistinctionofpossessingthemr.a Ge.g and ; worst depot in North Carolina.A My oun ta Gancuvion directed”ui the ae anil Are -big demand _—andthedemand mmer here last week said he “Ttersiuned from the Superior Court of Lee \as Te ade”all the towns in the State en county,in the above entitled action wil TOILET ARTICLES.|18 increaSing.Have you bought yours and none of them had as poor a MONDAY,JANUARY 2oth,1917,yet?We have just unloaded a carand makeshift f y s this ~@.instend of on January |s ':laeeuex tanEOEtehgghetges HALL’S DRUG STOREc_ijeneral “Benjamin J.Viljoen,who ‘uttieneko Mir"ily a “Statesville,N ’can supply,you promptly.They are vent part in ¢sé euecabion ah he SMA.tile Cumd \eeaeale .{“: Sie diel ees qo on bie beaee wane Goer We sik ime B Whiing nnd toe.States »N.C.)better than ever if such a thing is deMess,New Mexico.After the ees oe Vey Se nave i the)a --,:Theyy “dirt dollars” war he came to the United Lying and beteug chien vushatagN nehip TE aeae teceva ae possible.turn d into . 2 and established a colony of of the aforesaid State and ooyaty.|ted —-"—: is countrymen near La Mesa.the nerth by the land of inaedl Heavier,.]Let onehelp ‘you this spring. iy MeeMoverner Craig fe back at the jcot by the lundeof Clorenee Moore and’Wirt .Just received by BOYCE LUMBER COMP.Y,{y it ie1Tryoneandyouwillbeconvincedit the best plow. BR R Be as s Oe BE T EE at e I" . practice of law in heville and his Cornelius an the south by the lands of J.Q son,George Wilson Craig,is his 9°")°"the west by the lands of John Novia 'partner.ees)oe ring **-,;d ne *join in the cone neeMarignwillissue$15,000 worth of ©jh "rays MP.ALEXANDER, r pave the principal streets Dee.29,1916 Sheriff tredelt So,-e1Es '‘Eigen vera oso Did You Koow C.WATKINS|=|BOYCE RUMBER CO. Annie K.Brown has been ap-Sells “Builders’Hardware”as well asinedpostmasteratRedSprings,Building Material?Listen:Nails '‘.4 son was running against her Door Locks.Butts,oon,bl a ie :]‘ie. the ;Ww tt,Sash Locks,§+Bd :3 ° pa +o Tia aado ’es 4 o:/?e i santana 88 Ce a 7 v ee aed Pe catei $ He 5 i Pt e A e f e e y e ii f 3 And he afterwards sufferedthe consequences of such criminalin- @ifference.It doesn’t pay any man to fiddle around without ade- quate fire protection,then have to watchhispropertygo upin amoke,withnothing to replace it. One of ourthree-year policiesgives youauchlargeprotectionat #0 small a costthat you neverfeelthepressure. YOU'LL FEEL 100 PER CENT.EASIER IN YOUR MIND, though,in realizingthat yourriskis reducedtothe minimum whenyou place your property in ourhands. Fires aremost disastrousatnight.Why let anothernightfind youwithoutfullfireprotection? STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY,| Mieur Gar ~Ck ert oo ee wee ote New Series to !realiza the situation.Luckily,wehad the British m . Open!voned Christmasdinnerun-The ,.“the . .|and 4.RUP OF FIGS”IFTheFirstBuildingandLoan’Association [evo indlen of “Statenle or the!JE18 Merchants &Farmers’Bank of Statesville. 17,its 61st Series Saturday,February 3,|eecontributed to the cash fund for-|;vr é."warded by Col.Bristol.Most of the CLUB STILL OPEN. The best way in the world to supply the de-joa erecaneeSpes aeeOe mand for more houses is to build them through jcsived with many thane,agq _,Children lovethis“fruit,laxative.”If you are not already »member why not this institution.hall made ach,liver and bowels so nicely.fhow,andbeone ofthe i ;iad, |Kad‘an sbandsince of food wond.But',,yr ue beets,and the result is|ber to semtive@slesseth , |14;:2 AS ino matter what conveniences We)...y ‘have “there's no place like home,”|0%’‘The First Building &Loan Association.|-""Sco-""»ge'ite'bes?Sc."fer"e'aiest same |AOA Dement eet eSSener aeire 120 Pee ta |ef Na d Fl Ee a t e e e s 72 B.¥.PURCEIES,Soustery ‘ergy 'Beveral of,"he Toye be roe,halfaiky feverish dog eat,); _:tacked scones of Statesville,such 88’siegp oract naturally,breathisbad,__, the postaceandtherailway dere ona of cau,iar vo ret]DO NOT DELAY-JOIN NOW,éach2 or diarrhoea.‘ timeoftheday you willeeesome her!See if tongue is conted,|~==-se z a)ee ee =Te eg ee ==*e fellow walk up and take a long look :ann |meliowwalkupandtake®lone leek then give a teagpoontal of “Calter:|Merchants and Farmers’Bank. THE STATESVILLE head shee le «tne to all things,|eur”aif the.constipated waste ca Of Statesville,N.C. i at least,bile and undigested food passes outREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY|socustiaeef-i accuses to te Bak Por Yor Sra” /Town in North Caroline”and “God's ul child again.ean :°‘|Country.”:illions of mothers give “Califor.|COT Poids ates the very liberal of its Sergt.OWEN W.LEONARD._nia Syrup of Figs”because it is per- AA EEL LTOfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.|3 7 ry tg zh ys a, Our office is an open one,and we invite all our |THIS CLUS Sees THINGS.Fetcrdbowels |H a A t Old Prices. customers and those who will become customers County Demonstration Club ,Ask your dregeist .for a Si-son,y :- to use the same when they so desire.As in the |Accomplishes What It Tackles.Jiich has full directions for babies,||That's a queer statement,but 1 tna Shy,by :and Sit:.:nerespondenee of The Tanamart children of all ages and for grown-knows what's happened,past,we will strive to give the same |Mt.Ula,Jan.15—The Woman's)ups plainly printed on the bottle.Be-soaringHIGHGRADESERVICE[tame Demonstration club of Amity |ware af counterfeits sold here.”GatthathaswonferchsCongengGeagesdwilendareBoe.fe ere ae |“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL J eranee,siomtor,sooty years (——{ns for ‘ iwork.Mins Henkel has planned to} HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT.ibe with us at our next meeting.whichWewillbegladtohaveyoucallatourofficefjpicwnJunuary4a3p.m The [j 0 we rsi for any acon,or telephone No,54 if our neh conaating of ont cays oe | ser vice eeded.|men ee,|i WedoNOTARY PULI:workalso.Cordially yours,set nasyunheeheekaye9 ae eee ne rafces|Ror All Occasions! eo y:'Just ‘phone88 or call at the store.You'll be satisfiedwiththeprice.IREDELL FEED STORE.| Everythingin Feed line.e Wecanalways supply ee aT youwith the best to be had in Flowers for whateverpurposethey d MONEYIS POWER ANDCOMMANDSINFLUENCE — THE BEST WAY TOGET MONBY 18 TOSAVEfT! AND THEBEST TIME TO START 18 Rl @SOTHEBESTWAYTOSTART18WITHA4 ACCOUNT!{ This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men!4 Certificatesof DepositissuedbythisBank bear interest —from dateat the rate of 4 per cent.perannum.“ta Checkingaccounts,eitherlarge or small,cordially invited.— Cer es t i ru zi t st s ff bh 53 ae =F 2r =EEf or 2 e i 2 Re t i e s i be fixed for hold-the nomination ofofficersand ty : 2 g : s i f t t l s 5 g 000,yielding anofabout$22,000,000;h issue of $289,000,000 would be desig-| before the daaprimaryin suchwmpeSiton ongress,n election by the votersyoftheboardofeduca-county,the board ofofsuchcountyshall declare and publish that all fter to occur on the education of such countybyelection,by the dulyofsaidcountyinlikeandothercoun-county are electedsaidcounty..board of educationadoptingthisact three members,one elected bi-annually forrs,at the same timemannerasotherelected;the firstelectedunderthepro-act to be voted forthefirstgeneralelec- of county officers and mem!after the adoption ofsaidcounty,for a term beginning on the firstulynextthereafter,andofsaidboardofeduca-elected at each succeed-1 election thereafter,forsixrs,beginning on theyinJulyortheyearim-eeaceeting 1theSenateednesdaybills introduced to establish a refor-State Farm;to pro-care and supervision of Hl = <2 : iiE: &eiiz:z5 r it ie s of ie aizt favorably:To pro-of public bonds without no- LALLAAL VERY MUCH HOPE. Foreign Minister Con-aiders Peace Far Off. Dr.Alfred Zimmerman,the Germanminister,informed the Asso-Monday in’Berlin that in his ion the entente reply to fe £ such election.”! nated expressly for emergency ex-penses,such as the Mexican trouble,|the Alaskan railway,the new armorandnitrateplants,purchase of the Danish Indies,and appropriations for the shipping board.AInthisformtheprogrammewill|be submitted by Democrats of thecommitteetotheirRepublicancol-|leagues,who will be asked to make any suggestions immediately so the measure may be brought into the House.Democratic Leader Kitchin expects it to pass within a week. SS Species of Insects in State Be- ing Studied. In making an insect survey of the State,Mr.Franklin Sherman,chief, division of entomology of the North Carolina Experimert Station,has now classified About 4,000 species of insects now known to oceur in North Carolina.During the past year 162 species of native insects have been listed and which were not recorded before.A considerable number of accurately identified specimens have been added to the reference collec- tions,and many specimens still await study.This is one of the most importantprojectsofthestation,as it is not only of much economic advantage, ibut it elso gives an insight into the insect life of the State as a whole. It shows the variations and fluctua- tions,the area of territory occupied by each species,and the seasons dur- ing which they are abroad.Also,it has revealed the presence.of insects within our borders which now rank as important pests elsewhere but which have not been serious here,up‘until the present time. ' H.Grady Webb,a young medical student at Kansas City,Mo.,post- office inspectors say,fas confessed |his part in the robbery of a Baltimore land Ohio train of $100,000 unsigned currency,in West Virginia,in Octo-Webb is under arrest.|ber,1915. Wilson's peace note bars.—QVERWORKED MOTHERthepossibilityforthepresentoffur-ther steps to bring about peace.particular,he said,it pre-any direct announcement by Germany of her peace conditions,in answer to the terms set forth in the entente note.Dr.Zimmerman asserted,however, that the answer of the entente to the President did not finally and com-close the door to later efforts :peace,before one side or the otherwasycrushed.The Foreign Minister,in the courseofaconversationwiththeAssociatedcorrespondentlastnight,de-it was impossible for him togiveamoredefinitestatementofthepeacemeofthecentralpow-ers than indicated in the decla-of Doctor von Bethmann-,the chancellor,because thetermsweresuchthatthepromulgationoftheminmoderatedetails,after what*;-iring pre gramme conquest an ismember-outlined by the entente,wouldbytheententepowersweaknessandofade- or at any cost. olen selateser expresseddoubtwhether,after what he describ-ed asthe r to wresident ¥e-'peace efforts given in the replytheentente,the President couldtakeCefurtheractionforthepres-ing that th.entente answer|,for the present,any possi-of peace.ng a profound convictiontheprogrammeoftheententenevercouldbecarriedintoDr.Zimmerman intimatedafailureoftheentente’s offen-this year,which he expected,make it possible to ap-subject of peace on rea-terms and with some pros-of success.pect SERS Newton Enterprise:Sunday after-noon a party of young men from theleftoneoftheirnumberinon”the East road,in theoftown,wholly incapaci-‘drink,and unable to pick up.Persons who saw theaS.rted it to the police,from almost cer-hdeathby freezing Sunday night.Was nothing to be done with Z"him in jail.It wastyoungman’s compan-threw him out of the car with:their machine,and offi- expressed some indig- treatmen South Yadkin river,B FindsHealthInOurVinol Collinsville,11.—“I suffered from anervousbreakdownandterriblehead-aches and wastired all over,totalwornoutanddbutasIalargefamily1hadtoworkdespitesuffering.I saw Vinol advertiseddecidedtotryit,and within twoInoticedadecidednovfan's cal CoBecker.~We guarantee Vinol,our non-secrettonic,to strengthen and build up week,run-down,overworked mothers,delicaty children and feeble old people.W.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville. SALE OF VALUABLE FARMLANDSANDCITYPROPERTY. |Mrs.Bertha Somers,individually;JamesSomers,John Somers by their guardian,Mrs.Bertha Somers;W.N.Somers,B.F.Steven-son and wife,Nettie Stevenson,Chas.Som-ers,Noah Somers,Ernest Somers and Gaston Somers,exparteAscommissioner appointed by the clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell county,in aproceedingentitledMrs.Bertha Somers and others,ex-oerte,|will expose to public sale to the highest bidder at the court house door in Statesville,on MONDAY,FEBRUARY 5TH,1917, that tract of land known as the J.C.SomersCo.farm,near the State Farm,containing about #6 acres,more or less,an exact surveyofwhichwillbeproducedonthedayofsale At the same time and place,and upon the seme term I will expose to public sale theVaneeSomershomeplaceinStatesville,NC,,adjoining the lands of H.A.Yount and oth-ers,described as follows Bexinning on the north side of West Front street,in the city of Statesville,at corner of H.A.Yount's,formerly J.C.corner:thence with said Yount's line north 9 degrees .enat feet to a post,BL AYount’s corner;thence with the said Yount's ine north 5 degreces west 136 feet to a post, A.Yount's corner;thence with Yount'sline-north 84 degrees east 162 feet to a stake,in Patterson oslley,H.A.Yount’s corner;thence south 21 degrees cast with Pattersonalley,500 feet more or lesa,to Front street,and thence with Front street 78 degrees weeta01-2 feet to the beginning,containing two and one-half acres,more or foes This home place will be divided into leta and sold separately,and then sold as an whole. Terms of onle One-third cash on day ofale:one-third in six months:and the re-maining third in twelve months;deferred pay-ments to hear 6 per cent,interest from dateofanleAnypurchaserdesiringtopaytheentirepurchasepricewllbepermittedtedo 4d.¥.CALDWELL, Commiesioner. SALE OF LAND. As executor of the Inet will ond testament of 1.M.Campbell and Bivira Campbell,de.cenved,and ander wad by virtue of the pro-visions of said will,the undersigned executor wh,on MONDAY,FERRUARY 46,10917, at 12 o'clock,m.,at the court house door inSalisbury,North Carotina,offer for sale,tothehighestbidder,for ensh,that certain tract4londlyingimSeotchIrishtownship,Row-an county,North Carolina,adjeining the landsof36MooreoneW.Hf.Cartner and others,on waters Seuth Yadkin riboundedusfollows;— hank ofBeginningatastoneonthe&.Moore'srumwithbieline&ii 3te@ttone,Cartner’s corter: a 240 fo. Jan.2,1917 _and corner of lot No.5;thenee south #5 262 ine said note and mortgage,the undersigned'degrees E.29 poles to a stone on Morrison’s Will sell at public auction,to the highest bid- “Youcome from thefinestSouth- ern stock of Virginia and the Carolinas,’’-they say.“You are made of the best tobacco in the world.You are clothed in a fine, clean,white suit of genuine im- ported paper.Keep clean;keep clean;keep clean clear through. You Folks of the South KNOW goed blood! You Folks of the South KNOW good tobacco! So a clean,sweet,wholesome cigarette makes heaps of friends downSouth.’”’And you,friend,I would like to know you too!So here’s another big thing to think about—: ‘se thy Nousvitare libeee.I am wecoscoceres Sy me If you don’t like me return me to your dealer and get your money back.|have said it.A Southern gentleman is known theworld over for keepinghis word,and I have given youmine. Sovereign CiORTHEGENTLEMANOF“MingofThemedenee(MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL|A.C.Croweh,administrator of Fred.Robb,|ESTATE. deceased,va.Mra,Eva Morrison et al.,helre- at-law | Under end by virtue of an order of the Bu.Pursuant to the terms of 1 trust perior Court of Tredell county,we,the under>!deed janie by M.L.Seaman op the Tnpeiecommiasionere,will sell to the highest day of November,1904,to R,Lee Wright,trus-bidder,on tee,duly registered in the office of the i TUBSDAY,JANUARY 30TH,1917,|of Senne of Iredell county,tn Book Nee at the court house door of Iredell county,at ve 394,and in the office of the Register of12o'clock,noon,the following described real Deeds of Rowan county,in Book 57,page 74,!property:j and default having been made in the pa & Beginning at a atone in the public road,of principal and interest,and the hol ofneroflotNo,9 thence with said road south |the note secured by said morteage having made601-2 dewrees E.74 1-2 poles to a red oak,demand for foreclosure fot the purpose of pay- You have to go some to keep upareputationasaSoutherngentle-man—a SOVEREIGN—King of Them All.Yes,sir!I bet I get more attention thanany youngster on earth! The folks in the factory are always at me to keep clean and sweet and pure. BE souTuale~ line corner of lot No,5;thence S,2 decrees.der,for cash,at the court house door in Salis-weet 22 poles to a stone,on Morrison's Hae,bury,at 12 o'clock,m.,on }wnd corner of lot No.7;thence aorth 85 de SATURDAY,JANUARY 20,1917, rees west 98 1-2 poles to a stone on the Mime the following described real extate lying andoflotNo.&and corner of lot No.|;thenae being in the counties of tredell and Rowan,|north 4 1-2 degrees enst 51 1-2 poles to the|and more particularly deseribed as follows:beginning,containing 21 acres,more or lem First TractIn bredell county,N.C.,CoddleTheabovedeseribedlandisapartoftheCreektownship,adjoining the lends of Whis-Jobn Robb place and is sold by the adminiae ton Mellon,Locke MeKnight and oti andtratorofPred.Robb to make assets.on the waters of Coddle creek,and bow |The terms of sale will be cash upon confir-|follows:Beginning at a hiekory,J.F,mation of sale.Mellon's corner;thenee with this line westH.C.PRIVETTE,poles to FP.O.NM.Johnson's corner;R.T.WEATHERMAN,with his line south 21 degrees enst 25 1-2 polesdan,2 4tw .Comminsioncora,=e mulberry;thence south 86 Sw enet 14eeneepolestoasweetgum;thence south toNOTICETOCREDITORS.peuet an poten,we 8 ttake,corner of Ne,3;Having apalified as administrator of the am |Hence wit jot east 9%poles to a stake;tate of Elion Brateher,deceased,lute of |ii thence south 5 degrees enst 29 poles to a stakecounty,WN.C.,thin te to netity all persons ha |qt the corner of the barn lot;thenee north 75 claims againat the estate of anid decensed to |Geetee®eet 21 poles to a stake;thence northexhibitthemtotheundersignedatState«stake;thenceN.C..on or before December 12,191°,ornoticewillbepleadedtnbaroftheirrecetoenldestatewillpBRATCHER,Adminie«trator, If you are not getting as much mileage as you should,if the engine gives any trouble,in short,if you have not been able to get that perfect adjustment you so desire,bring your car here. Nothing tt,=adds to the satisfactionpleasureriving@carasperfect adjustment. We have competentlaborforputtingyourcarinthatconditionatsmell expense toyou. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. ae administratrix of the a |.'T.Walser,this ietonotify «ll ‘ty,soos having against tasentthemtoonora,or =will he ree,except for cause,will be refused,and resignations ofo~will be weacceptedonlywhenthe art-is satisfied with -reasonsItwaspointedoutthatac-of many of the resignationsywasmoreorlessinnatureofaweeding-out process. riment’s statement snid:Funston has selected theseorganizationschieflyinaccordancewiththeruleofreturningfirstthosetroopslongestinserviceonthebor-.To some extent,however,thiscouldnotbefollowedwithoutweakenioftheborder,and the tures from itsoexplained.The total strengththeorganizationsselectedis25,- Guardsmen designated for re-and muster out include:orth Caroiina—First Infantry.South Carolina—Troop A,cavalry;company A,engineers;field hospital yennessee —Ambulance company, No.1;field hospital,No.1.Virginia—Second Infantey.The future policy of thé adminis-tration,it has been indicated,con-templates dealing wrth the de facto-“government on a strictly formal ba-than on an altruistic ba-sis.us,it is understood that theactivitiesofVillaandthequestionofwhooccupiestheterritoryPer-shi is about to leave will be re-here as problems for Carran-za,and that the United States willlooktohimfortheirsoiution.Army officers here do.not believeitthatwithdrawalofGen-eral Pershing's force can be accom-plished in much less than threeweeksaftertheorderisissued.Mexico Northwestern RailwaysouthfromJuarezwouldfacilitatethewithdrawal,but it hav been indi-cated mo request for its use willbemadebytheUnitedStates,andthatnoofferofitbytheMexicangovernmentisexpected.Whether the administration in-!tends to delay sending Ambassador!Fletcher to Mexico City until after!the American troops come out hasnotbeendefinitelyindicated,but it was suggested today that disapprov-al of certain acts of the de facto) government,against which this ov-ernment has persistently protested,|might serve to delay indefinitely Am-|baseador Fletcher's departure.One question brought sharply to)the front within the last week is that—by the attitude of the de! to wnment towards the No-|tional Bank and the Bank of London,and Mexico.by were forced intoliquidationfornotcomplyingtothe|decree that their metallic reservesbeincreaseddollarfordollarwith!the note issues.Since then the gov-|ernment has secured from them alaloaninmetaliccurrencyan)bu ,the metal being carted from|the banks to the Treasury.French| and British diplomatic.agents have)protested without avail.‘)Shall America Take Part in the ‘2WorldLeagueForPeace?| Washington Dispatch,22d,|President Wilson,in a personal ad-dress to the Senate today,laid down’of whether the United|shell depart from its tradi-; policy of isolation and no en-|gitanven and take part in a)league to preserve peace after war.ng precedent of more than),the President,revarding |the with its treaty-making,as his counsellor in foreign)why he ibincomeforthewto.position;and dis-|under!causes on a permanent peacea. Deathof Little Child of Mr.andMrs.Nash. The funeral servicesofMre.8,L. Colvert were conducted from the res- idence of Mr.J.G,Colvert Friday afternoon at 2 o’elock by Rev.W..L. Nicholson of Charlotte and Rev.L. D.Thompson,pastor of Broad Street Methodist church.Mr.and Mrs.W. 7.Kirkman,Mr.and Mrs.C.Whee'- jer,Mrs.Grace Ford,Mr.and Xgs.vice |Paul Hardy,Misses Ruth and Marjo- nor morning at the request ofDr.J.M.Davis of Statesville,Dr.T.M.Jordan spoke on the subject of theyrventionoftinspiteoftementweathertheattendancewas“ge,the meeting being held in thehegaschoolauditorium.Rev.OvidPullenopenedthemeetingwithpray- er.Dr,Jordan said the story of tuber-eulosis was not like the story of al! Gaul,divided into three parts,butwasliketheHolyScriptures,dividedintotwoparts,the old and the newtestamentoftuberculosis,differentfromtheScripturesinthatinsteadoftheoneestablishingtheclaimsoftheother,the new testament of tuberculosisdeclarethatalloftheoldwaswrongandmisleading,in that it helctotheideathatthediseasewastrans-mitted from parent to child,was in-curable and not preventable;the new taught that the diseare was not trans-mitted from parent vo child,was cer able when taken in time and easilypreventable. This new testament as to tubercu-losis is now entering into its 35th year,but it’®mot believed by the gen-eral public to the extent that thehabitsoflivingarepracticedthatwil’ prevent the disease.Thus comes the necessity of such organizations of thelaityandtheheartyweleometosuchbythephysician.As an encourage-ment to the new organ/ation the doc- tor said that since 1887 when such an organization was forned in New Yorkcitythedeathratehadbeenloweredfrom407tothe100,000 of populationto186.He said that disease preven-tion is a field in which all denomina-tions and political parties could standshouldertoshoulderinacommon cause agamst the arch enemy of thehumanrace,The speaker appeale:to the pulpit,the press and the peopktojoinintheworkwhichistrulytheworkoftheMaster.. Disease prevention was declared asahand-maiden of Christianity.Whilnotamaterialistinreligiousbelief, Dr.Jordan expressed the hope that our government wouid eventually give more attention to the rearing and training of humanity than to its punishment. The success of Montrose,the Stat« Sanitorium for tuberculosis,was remarkedupon.The doctor urged that every person et the earliest suspicior of tuberculosis avail themselves of the ~~offered by the institution.Dr.Nicholson spoke briefly ex- plaining that the services of Dr.L B.McBrayer at Montrose are free ti any one who makes an encagemen‘ with the doctor. Dr.Davia,who was schedifled te address the new organization,wa prevented from attending the meeting Rev.Mr.Weatherman made a shorttalk.Literature on the subiect of tuberculosispreventionwasdistributed X-ray pictures of tubercular’infeeterlungswereshown. Mr.Leonard at Work in and Around Raleigh. Mr.J.Paul Leonard,State secre- tary of the Merchants’Association. came home Saturday night from Ral-eigh,where he spent four days look- ing after the interests of the axsoci-ation relative to proposed legisla-tion.The ‘Merchants’Associationwillprobablyhaveintroducedinthe General Assembly this week bills providing for an amendment te the«constitution allowing garnishment of |wages for debt.and a bill regulating the use of coupons and vift-schemes. Mr.Leonard says the bills will have strong supporters in both branches of the Legislature.In addition to looking after leqis- intive matters,Mr.Leonard has con-siderable organization work to do in towns adjacent to Raleigh.and he will return to Raleich today to es-tablish temporary headquarters at Yarborough Hotel.Mr.Leonardsaysheisgratifiedtofindthatfre-dell’s representatives are recognized in Raleigh as leaders.Gov.Turnerisconsidereduleader:n the SenateandMr.Grier is one of the strong-est men in the House of Representa-tives,Representative Matheson al- so stands well with his colleagues. Amount to 8 Free PublicLibrary. Mrs.D.M.Ausley asksLandmarktostatethefollowing inregardtotheamountrequiredto support a free public library inStatesja$10,000 library—-giftStatesville The StatervilleoFsats. church announced a of|$100 rie Kirkman,Mr.Ed.Kirkraan andMr.W.P.Ragan,ail of High Point,Mr.F.E.Kirkman of Asheville,Mr.Shubal Kirkman of Rock Hi'l.&€.,owe in Statec-ille to attend the #s-neral. Mrs.Colvert was pleasantly kbynumetousStatesvillecousin,and Mrs.Colvert having made theirhemehereforseveralyears..ih ad-dition to her husband andthedeceasedhasnumerousandrelativeswhomournher death.A devoted wife and mother,shebroughtcheerandsunshinetoal!with whom she came in contact.Mr.Colvert and children,Samuel,Jr.,and Annie K.Colvert,left Sun-day for High Point.Mr.Colvert willleavethechildrenwiththeirgrand-parents,Mr.and Mrs.Kirkman,inHighPoint.for the present.He willyaaagiatohisworkinRichmondto-day. Mr.Ernest Best,son of Mr.andMrs."Wm.Bost of Macon,Ga.,diedlastniyhtabout9.50 o’elock at thehomeof2relative,Mr.T.P.Morrow,in Shiloh township.Deceased was about 21 years old.Three weeks agohecametofredellwithaviewtolo-cating.He was taken sick a few daysefterarriving.His parents andthrecbrotherssurvive.One brother,Mr.Osczr Bost,works at’Mr.C.H. Turner’s foundry.The remains will be taken to Macon,Gey today for in.- terment.Z Maxton,the 14-months-old child ofMr.and Mrs.Geo.W.Nash of Shi- loh township,died Sunday afternoon“after an illness with bronchial pneu-fonia and meningitis.Burial teokplaceyesterdayafternoonatBeulsh ehurch. Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Bass of Shiloh township have been advised of thedeathoftheirdaughter,Mrs.0.VLyerly,in Stanton,Haywood .county. IN THE LOCAL CHURCHES. Annual Meeting of First Bap- tist,Followed By Reception. The conere:ration of the First Bap-tist church held its annual meeting at the church Fridey nirht.The meeting,which was presided over hy the pastor,Rev.Dr.Chas.Anderson,listened to the roll-eall.The annu- al reports were satisfactory;especi-allv gratifying was the report of #1,- 399.48 contributions by the church tohenevolencesduringtheyear.The membership of 233,there be':.g@ a favorable increaseinmembershipduringtheyear.The congregation was pleased with thereportthatallchurchobligationsoftheyearhadbeenpaid,leaving usurplusinthechurehtreasury. Mr.C.E.Keiger,supreintendent of the Sunday school,made his annualreport.The Baraca class of theSundayschoolissupportinganorphanattheThomasvilleOrphans’Home.The Sunday school as 9 who! supports another child at the Hoare.The Sunday «chool raised duriny th: year for all purposes,$665.63.A church reception was held in thepetiorsofthechurch=immedinte!y after the business session.Th: ehurch erchectra furnished |music,which was interspersed by two read- nes by Miss Annie Bruce Terry. Sandwiches and hot chocolate wv served during the social hour. Mr.Z.V.Long Will Be Recom-mended For Postmaster. The news is sent out from Washing ton that Congressman PDoughton ha decided to recommend Mr.Z.V.Long to be postmaster at Statesville at th expiration of Postmaster Brawley term.Mr.Brawley’s term does not expire until pext year but some tin: ago he announced that he would not ask for re-appointment.It has | an open secret for some time that MLongwouldaskfortheplace. Mr.Long has alraney received man:indorsements for the place and M: Doughton said that “while this is th« choice of the town it gives him per sonal pleasure because of the «x cessful work of Mr.Long as mona ger of the congressional committe: in the last two campaimna,Thchoiceofthepeoplewas,he decla:the preponderant reason for his < cision.” Violators of Laws Before Court. Clarence Carlton,colored,submit-ted to the charge of nunting on thepremisesofMissesCavin,nearTroutman,and was fined $2 and cost Saturday by ‘Justice W.R.SloanGameWardenJ.W.Ward broughithepeapebeforethejustice,We Ward arrested Mr.J.FRBostSaturday,charging him withsellingquailkilledonthepremisesofanother.Mr.Bost,who residesmilessouthofStatesville,gaveforhismeeatnexttermof:Clyde Privette found 0guiltybyJusticeWh,Sloan Fridayinhewas»whicha re N.CO,TUESDAY,JANUAR rent that have ‘eive lodging housekeepers +}Penland and Mrs Y 28,1917. LOCAL MERCHANTS MEET. The Need of More HousesDiscussed. The Statesville Merchants’Associ- ation’met in regular monthly sessionFridayPresidentA.W.Bunch p over the meeting;intheabserceofthesecretary,Mr.J,Paul Jconard,Mr.B.L.Sronce acted AS MestThe ofhousesforrentalbroughtbefore association.Amovementhasalreadybeenagitatedbytheassociationthatmenfinancial-ly able should provide modern housesofsixorsevenroomsindesirablelo-cations for rental purposes.It hasbeenstatedthattherearehousesfor had no tenant forsométimeandthereforehousesforrentareavailableinStatesville.However,investigation shows thatthesehousesaresituatedoutsidethetownlimits.The undesirability of their location explai the scarcity ofpurposeswas ins the untenant-ed condition of the houses.The asso-ciation believes the erection of desir-able houses for rent in a desirableportionofthecitywouldmeananinfluxofprogressivecitizenstothe place.The Statesville Show Case Compa-ny was received as 2 member of the nosociation.The attendance at the two lastmeetingsoftheassociationfelloff,The meetings of the Statesville asso-ciation have been known all over theStateasthemostenthusiasticandwellattendedofanyoftheassocia-tions of the State.The fact that themerchantshavebeenbusywithin-ventory since the first of the yearpossiblyaccountsforthedecreaseinattendanceattheassociationmeet- ingge.Seeretary Leonard is in Raleighattendingtomatterswhichtheas-sociation has brought before the Legislature for consideration. WORK OF LEGISLATURE. Few Bills Introduced but Not of Very Great Moment. Pills of importance introduced in Senate since last report are:By Oates of Cumberland to reduce and eliminate iliteracy of persons over 14 years old by providing forschoolstoteachthem.By Long of Alamance to pensionSuperiorCourtjudgesaftertheyhave served ten years and reached the age of 70,if they have an infirmity. By Person to limit to two terms all State and county officers. By Jones to raise the age of con- sent from 14 to 16 years. To instruct negroes of State as to tuberculosis;to abolish capital pun- ishment except as to rape,where there is more than one witness;tolienon baerage until lodging paid:to provide for the election of boards ofeducationandcountysuperintendents of schools by popular vote;to pre- vent persons from registering in ho- tels and boarding houses under as- sumed names. Bills passed second and third read ings in Senate:To require banks t: pay interest on funds of county de-posited with them to prohibit thesaleofpublicbondswithoutgiving notice. The House ha ordinary. Mr.J. 8 done little out of the \.W.Barkley Some Live Stock. A.W.Barkley,a farmer re- three miles southonst ofStetesville,lost a mare and ai colt Inst week.The animals were sick for several weeks,apparently affected with a cold in the head,A loeal vet erinary treated the animals for cx tarrh of the head and one of the xn- imals appears!to respond to the treatment.When the veterinary dis- covered symptoms of glanders,a dis- ease infective and dangerous to ani- mais,Mr.O.Hl.Graham,assistant State veterinory of Raleigh,was rummoned.tHe examined all of Mr Barkley’s horses and took blood tests of exch animal.Within a weekhewillannonncethediseasefrom which the animals suffered. Laundry Changes Hands. Mr.H.L.Harwell has leased Statesville Steam owner,Mr.U.C I s08OS Mr.J. siding the Laundry from the Harwell,Mr.R.N. Jennie Clarke had a four-year lease of the laundry, which had expired.Mrs.Clarke gave up her position as manager yesterday,being succeeded by the newlessee,Mr.Harwell.Mrs.ClarkewillgotoCantonaboutApril1totakechargeofalaundrythere. Mra.Avery Early’s Right Arm Fractured. Mrs.Avery Farly,astingsupperinherhome at Elmwood Friday night,fell and fractared herrightarm.Mrs.Early had not beenwellforsometimeandfainted,caus- ing her to fall.The fracture was se- vere;and Mrs.Early was breught toBillingsleyhospital,where the Breakreceivedmedicalattention.The Trac-tute is expected to heal rapidly. Dr.4.M.Holland,New Dentist. Dr.F.l..Hunt of Asheville,secre tary of the North Carolina Stateboardofdentalexaminers,announcerthatfineoutoffourteenpassedthe@xaminationforlicensetopracticr dentistry,held in Greensboro twoweeks»Mr.4.M.Holland ofitfewasamon.the succesefal.Holland has an office in the FirstiBankbuilding.Selanioons canesMissGussie she was qet- ee HtemsofInterest GatheredFromOvertheState. Twenty-nine citizens from the FaithsectionofRowancountywerebeforethecourtinSalisburySatérdayforfailingtohavetheirchildrenvacci-nated against smallpox.A_hearingwaspostponeduntilnextSaturday. The Cotton Manufacturers’Asseci-ation of North Carolina,in session atRaleighthepastweek,theirpositionfavoringcompulsoryschoollawsandtheraisingoftheagelimit to 14 years as soon as possible. Gordon Luther of Candler is con-sidered in a ,dying in anAshevillehospitalastheresultofin-juries received Saturday when he fellunderthewheelsofatrainatCan-ton,necessitating amputation 6f alegandarm. foe in ready forduringthenextcommencement of Forsyth schools. State Democratic Chairman War-ren has turned over to Union the silkoefosoffered-the county thatmadethegreatestpercentageDemocraticgaininthepastelection,Governor Bickett will be in MinMayandformallypresentthetoUnion.Rev.W.R.Davis,pastor of EastLumbertonBaptistehurch,crankedhisautomobiletogotooneofhiscountrypastorates.He did not knowuntilhegotbacktoLumbertonthathehadfracturedhisarmincrankingthemachinewhenstartingfrom Lumberton.Forest City citizens aretopetitiontheLegistaturethecountyseatofRutherford fromRutherfordtentoForestCity.latter place agrees to bearferenceincostofanewcourt houseandwhattheycanrealizefromtheoldoneatRutherfordton. Harmon Kreis of Knoxville,Tenn.,will be tried in Cabarrus SuperiorCourtinAprilonachargeofman-slaughter.It is alleged that Kreis,while he was being tak to jail,kicked in the stomach L,E.Lipe,whohadbeendeputizedtohelpwiththearrest,causing Lipe’s !Mr.George Starnes out’awarrantagainstSwMe-Intoeh ofEe ee‘orcrybu the ‘parespulthed et:ur e .con Both published statements in>papers and the matter was called on. from Ingolis,Sampson county,wasovertakenbyaforestfirein1915whileonhisround.His automobilewasdestroyedandheendangeredhislifetryingtosavethemail.For thislossCongressmanHoodhagintroduc-ed a bill in Congress to pay Johnson $472, ing M.L.Shipman remanufacturingestablishments inthisStateclassifiedasmiscellaneousnumber1,860 and use $138,872,153eapitalstock,the value of annual pay rolls aggregating $18,- 214,500, State Auditor Wood has asked At-torney General Manning for a — as to the constitutionality of the acttheLegislatureprovidinganincreaseinGovernorBickett’s salary.TherulingisaskedfortosatisfyC.0. McMichael of Rockingham county who threatens to restrain the pay- ment of the increase. Mr.and Mrs,T.M,Moody of Rich-mond,Va.,both suffered compound fractures of their right limbs as a re- sult of an automobile accident in Charlotte Sunday morning.MrsMoodywasMissEliseJ.Walthall ubstitute teacher m a Richmondschool,who eloped Thursday and war merried to Mr.Moody. North Carolina was well cared forinthepubliebuildingsbillpassedb,the House.The increases are:Wil- son for Federal building,$75,000; Wadesboro site,$5,600;Rockinwrham site,85,000.For public buildings Edenton,$55,000;Lamberton,$30,-000;Mount Airy,$55,000;Mount (Vive,230,000;Morganton,$25,000;Lenoir,$30,000.To purchase sites: Albemarle,$8,000;Clinton,$5,000; Dunn,$7,000;Marion,$6,000;Sanford£7,000;Williamston,$5,000;Louis burg,$6,000 Fireman R.C.Waller of KnoxvillewasinstantlykilledandEngineerCoffmanandBrakemanKeith,both the engine of freight train No.476 blew up about noon sunday at PaintRock,just below Asheville,on the Knoxville division of the Southern.It is believed that the water in the engine became too low,which causedtheexplosion.The train was comingtoAshevilleandwasjustaheadofthe“Carolina Special,”which was de-loved several hours.The hedy of the dead fireman and the two injuredtrainmenweretakentoKnoxville. A decision of the Thter-State Com-merce Commission Friday announcedthatratesarewuongrainfromBarnesville,Harrison-tee siltingd.,toburgandWoodstock,Va.and of the products from thestationstopointsinNorthCarolina preparing|ham making Theain L,O.Johnson,rural mail carrier!pelow. Commissioner of Labor and Print-that combined the plants being $32,136,000,with hi most unusual character,Mnsonsays. position to President Wilson’sforrailwaynee..Mr.Coster sa theagitationfor¢was due to sentimentthe“subsidized”press,maintained,has revetved000,000 in eantheaesincere “Would you say,was“that the President has =ae..we te feeb “T suppose asbleasanyone,”Carterot—2 ne acampaignves,have no funds to make such arailroadshave of Knoxville,were badly injured when|"4 and railemsof workiehedidnotbelieve such a bodybedeadlockedonimportantissues, AnnualMeeting of The stockholders of theBowles-Morrison n ted 8 ¥y ry , 3 «“~-erops were extraordinarily high. TSATOT) ‘i +Aayed Four Days of ‘ite year 1916 was one of compara- H e e i i s h t r e l i e el i f 3 ee 8 | ! E i HE : 7e E * i;| st b rt e :72 i|z“ 4|o f t z e F Ez¢:| 53 3 3 gf ?ii z i i HE iit. £ 3b a i t i t R F E r f “ = 52 5 8 ) z Z ag d l i °¢ i:§|E ¢?3 3 =EHe ??I; dval\ 2;for 1909,181.4;high.The 1915,228.4;and’built of the > jney of the George MecKamie cabin, or the value of in which cabin tradition and history its two main agree Jackson was born. d the marker has been laid offMecklenburg :3ihd F e F a s r t of crops and of ed was products for any year pre-the D.A.R.by Mr.J.L.Rodman of vious to 1912,greater than the total |this place,whe owned it.Because o alue of 1915 by $2.-the fact»that the Daughters of the ,and of 1914 by $2,999,-'American Revolution is not a corpor- ="ate body and therefore could not ac- total estimated value of ani-|cept a deed to the property,i was mal in 1916 was $4,338,000,-|deeded to the commiss:one=s of Union or mure than double,the |county,to 1904,which was the high-/p.A.R.It is this small park amount to that time.It was surroundings,that promoters greater than the estimated value of trying to enlargé and beautify. qEenwees-..creme:eEEOoure:+animal Pr in 1915 by $470,000,-| of 1914 by $555,000,000.SOUTH IS NEGRO’S PLACE. ba have each ex a sansa billion rs in value at the farm Colored People Admonished to *patenbee:——SS is Continue to Live in the South gross weight,$1,128,000,000;cottor.and Impreve. crop,including lint and seed,$1,406,-Tuskegee,Ala.,Dispatch. ;hay,tame and wild,$1.162,-Negroes here from every section 000,000;wheat,$1,026,000,000,Other of the South to attend the 26th annu- that each exceed a hundred al Tuskegee negro conference in doliars are :Oats,$656,000,-“declarations”adopted admonished ,$417,000,000:annles,neroes to remain in the South and ;tobacco,$169,000,000;to co-operate with white people who ,$160,000,000 wanted to see improvement in South- level of prices paid to produc-ern labor conlitions.The “declara- dealt principally with the mi- and are Theersfor the principal crops December|tions” 6,was about 55.9 per cent.gration of negroes northward,the than a year previous,52.9 per boll weevil.and distress among cent.higher than two years before,negroes because of floods.; and 52.8 per cent.omen than the After stating that the enticement the previous eight years.of high wages in the North is appre- ciated the statement says: “Right here in the South areggrest and permanent opportunities for the masses of our people.This section, its _tively low crop production,but the and values of most of the we feel,is just entermge upen AVIATORS FOUND.«<reatest era of development.Here sasiiehaeiaen your tuber in the —_>going to y be in still greater demand.” Without Food The statement then urged the ne- groes to stay on the farm and point- ed out that more than 90 per cent.of and farms owned by negroes are in the ar-|South.In this connection the negro farmers were urged to so diversify LOST rr.or Water. Wellton,Ariz.,Dispatch,19t%. Lieut.Col.Harry G.Bisho Lieut.W.A.Robertson,missin | my aviators,exhausted from walking r four days in the wilds of Sonora,their crops as to make themselves Mexico,without food or water,were self-supporting and to combat the found yesterday 32 miles south of evil of the boll weevil in this man- the border hy 9 civilian searching "er. party from Wellton.,It was declared that “one of the Lieutenant Robertson was brought chief causes of unrest among the co!- here today by the searchers.cored people is lack of adequate pro- Colonel Bishop,too weak |tection under the law”and that as .was left in charge of four many Southern newspapers had pub- in the Rosario mountains,lished editorials in behalf of the ne- he was found last night at 10,cro that “now is the greatest oppor- .Two sandwiches and two or-tunity the South has ever had for was all the food the men white and black people to get togeth- since they left the north!er and have a thorough understand- R base at San Diego ing with reference to their common 10 on their flight,Robertson interest and also to co-operate for hers.The only water|the general welfare of all.” eeeR TE +ETtakenfromthera-he nitnlane..Robertson WITHDRAWING =TROOPS. to Moveitwasexhaustedfourdaysoeeenne ,eee?|Making P.ration wes foll ie one ager ged Out of lexico to Berder. 7 a ae ©El Paso,Texas,Dispatch,19th. It was unofficially reported by ar-le of the —_——-Ry t actual withdrawa!trailing the base e Gila ins,200 miles south of the my officers that ,He directed the searching operations were under way at El to the Rosario mountains,30 Valle,the southern outpost of the farther south,where he said —expedition in Mexico,and at Bishop the day before.Bish-San Joaquin,between El Valle and become exhausted and was the field headquarters at Colonia to walk.Leaving Robertson Dublan. of two searchers,other)Predictions that the entire ex i- of the party pressed south-|tion will begin its march to Colum- found Bishop lying on the!bus,N.M.,within the next 72 hours a mountain pass.He was|were made by army officers today. talk and barely able to All supplies billed to Americane in the searchers.the Casas Grandes,Colonia Dublan said the members of district and sent to Juarez for trans- ’ing party were the first hu-|portation over Mexico North- he had seen sence he landed.western Railroad,have been ordered unable to give definite infor-j|held at Juarez,and no further ship- mation as to the district rein|ments of supplies will be made over they landed,but thought it was 250 this road for the punitive expedition. fase or more south of the Arizona|Arrangements were also being .Members of the party who made in Juares today for sending al! took ¢of Bishop are expected available freight cars to Casas to arrive here tomorrow.The search.Grandes to bring out the stocks of ers said neither of the men was de-goods and surplus supplies from the lirious when found.stores of the American Mormons and 2 —jothers who have been ying the Occupied Mr.T.A.Mott's American troops in Mexico. House The dispatching of four empt ::z j motor truck trains of 30 trucks Hickory Recor:from Columbus during the past 24 pty owes Capt.and Mrs.T,hours was taken here to mean early .,former Hickory citizens,withdrawal.The pi of a num- rental for the use of their |beroflarge tents at bus forjhousingequiordnance,chandise and i y ai t FE E SL E Z E il “t t tl : a 3¢. z5 l r a a t H a e nted several years ago to| he held in trust for the! Fif i e = i e f i 7 Q z& 2 i E : Mr.E.j idenitheSouthern Railway,is|to be vice president in chargeof op-eration of all lines.Mr.G.R.Loy-all,formerly general superintendentoftheMiddleDistrictoftheSouth-ern Railway,is promoted to be as-¢sistant vice president,withtiononalllines,under Mr,Coapman.Mr.W.N.Fereacre,formerly gener-al superintendent of the Eastern:Dis-trict of the Southern Railway,is pro- moted to be general manager the“Lines East”with headquarters atCharlotte.”Mr.Horace ker,for- meriy genera!manager of the C.N. O.&T.P.Raiiway,and the A.G,8. Railroad,is promoted to be general manager of “Lines West,”with headquarters ai Cincinnati.MOTHERHOOD —WOMAN'S JOY SuggestionstoChildless Women. Among the virtues of Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com is theabilitytocorrectsteriiyinthecacesofmanywomen,This fact igwellestablishedasevidencedbyth#following letter and bundréds of otherswehavepublishedinthesecolums.Poplar —a want newomentoknowwhatablessingia |E,Pinkham weer'|table Compound has ||been to me,We poor|'|healthandnot abletodomywork.MmotherandhbandbothurgedmtotryLydiaE.Pink- 80,a ith im-|proved and T_am now roof al fine babygirl anddoall ownhouse |work.—Mrs.ALuiA B,Timmons,216) Almond St.,Poplar Bluff,In many other once childless, there are now children of the |fuct that Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetabie | Compound es women normal,| healthy and |Write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medi.|aos STOCKS FOR SALE.| The undersigned exeeutrix of the estate of,K.S&S.Pearam,decensed,will sell at publicavctiontothehighestbidders,at the courthersedeerinStatcsvipe,N.C.,on MONDAY,|}ERRUARY 6th,1017,at the hour of noon,the follewing rereenal property belonging |to said estate,to-wit:69 shares of stock intheFirstNationalBankofStatesvilleand10haresofstockinthePaolaCottonMillsNankvtockwillbe«old in blocks of five with privilese.Any of said property can bebought«t private sale before anid date.WINIFRED B.PEGRAM,RE.MeLaughtin,Atty.Exceutrix. dan.9,1917. |{|ForSprains,Lameness,Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism |PenetratesandHeals. |StopsForManand BeastYL25e.500.$1,At All Dealers,LINIMENT “Phone 89 For” economyof12to18milesper gallon. Utilize these figuresin consideringyour present delivery service. A ——aA YOUR WINDOWS ar ‘Can rise to the ‘WATKINS won't let his Ree oadja tise much in price. tcp,but C. —_—— | MADE INSTATESVILLE Anything in SheetMetal STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. "Phone 85,114 E.Broad Street. E arcane!Son diiaeeaainanaiad fi, “FHEY KEEP SAYING| verything is goinaShinglesaresil$140pea:3MUSTANGCannedG Canned Lima Beans. Canned Peas. Canned StriCannedHominy. Canned Kraut. These will be foundespeciallygoodfol-lowing the heavyChristinaseating. Sherrill&Reece, 0 Beans. ecm The. .But.r | oods. i WWW._@ cur mus our.man iT TopAYy !ED.G.WHITE,Statesviile,N.C.:=ayer¢eatherCE | County...tenn ee ea -eal * Ey: ¥ .OF STATESVILLE,N.C.. Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: -W.D.TURNER,&.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,-@.KB,HUGHEY,- LIVE ANDLEARN LEARN TO LIVE. The laws of health teach us that of the human system should have the iiE th e t g fsWESHAVESECUREDTHE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY Is NOT al i i ii & (Sidesneed a gentie cleansing, ee Serer>es wri A:,.A i a ez fei HE T z "i i f i |7i t 3 g 7 & £ 2 7 :ab t eft t ¥22 §;ze ag t t et ot i : A | Hl Bf %| IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN-TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 100.’ BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE58CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. Jitney Transfer Company. 2 nerves. Healthinlife, ed in boxes |oe Tleavy oo City. A most complete line of Hair Ton- ies,Lotions and Creams always onhand.’FiveGoodBarbersWaiting One of the youngest,but the best, ‘prices “THE WAY 10 HEALTH _merchandise. TER aids Naturewhendrugsfail.out of the system and revitalizes the Shannonhouse writes: USES MOVED. Houses moved or Raised,HandlingMachine,Raising Lowering Floors or Roofs,|or Anything Heavy. |232 West Broad Street.fe‘Shingles $1.40 Per Square, ‘As advertised for months.The Shingle King won’t letadvance. éEol st e r.and Mrs.wo children of|rived FridaiwithMr.Falls’ to restore ¢Mrs.L.AItdrivesUricacidher, nea ane left immediately after) =~y eveningservices to go to), The Mooresville basketball teamwonaneasyvictoryfromM |here Friday evening,ittle doubt of the outeome after the ‘first few minutes of play.The store oe w ~ =,“andls.RevSer.Palle was| |stood 51 to 25 in favorof the local °F ‘team.The for Mooresville| |was and Johnson,forwards;| |Kipka,center,McKnight and David- son,?|Rev.Luther A.Thomas of Lexing- ton,S.C.,has acall extend-| ed him St.Mark’s Li church of this Sn —of!ex!enter uponthefirstofApril.He) comes highly commended and the |churches feel themselves fortunate, in having secured as pastor. A new pump,furnishing 125 gal-|® lons of water per minute,was |in- stalled at the water station here Jast week by Superintendent L.Don- ald.Mr.G.G.Freeze,traveling sales-, ,Sew"es Raising Stocks, B.STEARNS, jny,spent the week-end at his home! here.Mr.J.R.L.McNeely returned to his home at Amity Sunday after spending several days here with, friends.Mrs.O.I.Bradley has her guest her sister,Mrs. Shelton Haywood of Laramie,Wyo. Mrs.Haywood will probably spend) several months with friends and rel- atives in this vicinity.Mr.Thomas Dearman has C.WATKINS. in the State.They are all the best to be secured,“BEST BY TEST"! W.E.COLEY,Prop. Phone 242. HAVENT RAISED PRICES OnDoors acent since com-|ing to Statesville. C.WATKINS. W.D.HARRIS 118Court Street. TIRE BANDS,’ Ly Cement Patches,etc.,very well in their way,but FREE TOBACCO SEED. Tobacco Growers cangetseed FREE OF COST by applying to the McElwee's Planters’Warehouse,Statesville Write us and seed will SERVIC |And the complete stock ‘|of Plumbing,Heating and 1 water materials we carry. We can]give you eh section this winter and threatens | interest in the Climax barber shop| and will locate in Lynchburg,Va. Mr.F.H.Brown has closed out his grocery business on Main street and} expects to move to Troutman,where he will engage in business in compa- ny with his father,Mr.Henry Brown.| Messrs.Tom Kestler and A.D| Melchor spent with Mr.George Kestler,who suf- fered a stroke of paralysis Saturday Miss Bernice Carpenter of Chester, 8.C.,is visiting her sister,Mrs.C. U.Voils.Mrs.Lester Wells entertained few friends at a sewing party *Thursday afternoon at her home Main street. ‘Old Stove Replaced and Other News on Route No.3. |Gorreapondence of The Landnimrs |Statesville,R-3,Jan.22-—-In spi : of all the precaution the Board of)4|Health is introducing for the preven:| ‘tion of the spread of disease,disease! still stalks abroad m the lund.Aj” fresh outbreak of smailpox at Eas! Monbo,and measles at Troutman and| |whooping cough in vther directions|ladds to the isolation on the farm ir! last on forwarded. Jan.2—8t. to ha p our schools.Mr.Cullen Ostwalt returned hore 8‘few days from Detroit,Mich|Miss Ruth rtline of Charlotte is,visiting in this vicinity.Mr.W.A}|Suther,who has,been in bad healthasometime,is still very much in- rs.J.M.Ostwalt and step-son,|Mr.Ivey Ostwalt,entered Dr.Gibson'sSanatoriumSaturdayandwil!beth undergo operations today.Mr.and Mrs.U.A.Ostwalt enter-|tained a large crowd of young folks|jat one of the county's popular social)functions—a pound party—Saturday| |‘oday “Uncle?Daniel Clodfelter,|will install a new range in their kiteh- i to a stove that has beerconstantuseintheirhomeforal.60 years.The change from oldtomodernisgraduallytaking a i ai j tfr fe of diseases. |of|wanttosee Plyler school|for two weeks on account of measles.|ere ;ed.to it but have not taken|All are getting along very well ex-ff'eept one of Mr.|not doing so well,and theythedoctorthismorning. i Sompa-|man for the Gowan Medical Comps |doctor in this morning for his littlejson,Vivan,who ‘last night.thisastfaining at Long's Sanatorium,is re-|Lillian covering from a case of measlesMrs.Frank FreezeElmwoodThursday to see son,|Mr.Gus Freeze,who fell during theif]|iee and was crippled.He is no better#sold his |®t this writing. ing to build a new school i |mean to begin at an early date to’have the lumber sawee.| }—h fnewasthepictureof George Wash-ington which the school has alreadyhadframedandputup.They Sunday in Charlotte S ie very much ,|neighborhood.| teens,tive cr l p i e e i| t i e z -j"af i: r S es H E f e ed H i i s : f 7 : Pa l i t el j i t s habit that so manyareindulginginisdam nd Statesville,R-1,Jan.19 |will suspend school) are38cases in the now |fnd27personswhohavebeenexpos-|ffityet.5 Sowers’sons,who is |}called inFt called the|Mr.W.C.Perry also was taken very sickJMissMaryPlyler,of!neighborhood,who is taking, was called to #her The patrons of this district are go-| house Mrs.Vernie Mills presented to the|several beautiful pictures.| arefFby Mr.W.A.Dearman has beenkeep-|ing goods in one room of his home |§for the benefit of the Farmers’Un-||jon for over a year.They have de-ided to build a storehouse near hishome.They have part of the lumber on the ground and expect to have it “—for use in a few weeks.|.Mr.Edgar Wagoner,whoreachesatShiloheverysecondSun-Ffy,called in his appointment Sun-|on account of the illness in the / than Areinbigdemand nowand the demand is increasing.Haveyoubought yoursyet?“Wehavejust unloaded acarand =~ can supply you promptly.They are -better than ever if such a thing is possible,Theyturn ‘dirt into dollars”. Letonehelp you this spring. one andyouwillbe convinceditir22.30" If you,cart find a houseto!'ve in,come to see us.We will take pleasure in help- ing to getyou located. We will also take ,will long linger with them. ih another State is send-— newspapers in the Carolinas for publication with the idea locate her husband,who disappeared nearly a year ago.The lady says that her husband “very suddenly dis- appeared,and without any reason,as far as I know,as we always agreed.” “Always agreed.”With only this description even the most sanguine detective would not expect to find him in this world.“There ain't no sich animal,”as the old negro declar- ed when he stood under the circus tent and took in the giraffe. A TATTLEA Must Relieve Car Shortage. The Inter-State Commerce Commis- sion took drastic steps Saturday to re- lieve the shortage of coal,refrigera- tor,heater,ventilated and insulated cars,serving notice upon the railroads that unless they should appoint a com- mittee within 10 days,vested with powers to co-operate in relief measures the commission would act Holding that present conditions arewithoutaparallelinthecountry’s,that “the wrongs are flagrant”and t “in the emergency”anydoubtastoitsauthoritytoactshoulddecidedinfavorofthegeneralpublic,the commission also issued arorderrequiringtheroadstoreturntooriginalownersallcarsofthefour—types on their lines as fast asaredeliveredandunloadedattheirThens,will become effective Feb- ruary 21,and remain*in force till May 1. Would Curtail Power of Bun-combe Commissioners. Asheville Spe:ial,20th,to CharlotteObserver.Assembling -n mass meeting to- day,pursuant to a call that nobody seemed di ed to father,athe Dem-ocrats of Buncombe county,”least as far a 250 Democrats canrepresent4,500 voters,decided to askBuncombecountymembersofStateLegislaturetopassanact) road com-|the road|os a finance andtotakechargeofbridgeworkandthefinafices of the county,the board to be compos-ed of three men.The resolutions also provide forhereductionofthepresentcountyofcommiesionersfromfiveto‘three at the next regular electionandpracticallyassuretheshoaringofallpowerfromthepresentcom-while they remain in of-fice.James M.Gude¢er,former Con-»Who lost the district to a two years ago,declaredthe“voice of the people wouldbeheard”if the commissioners werenetcondemned.Mr.Gudger was told vately that he ought to know,as voice of the people resounded in-his ears two years ago.Locke Craig,former Governor,the floor to plead for an amend-that was a partial slap andjalboostforthepresentcommis-rs,and also declared againstrecentsaleofbonds,The pri- bond sale was,after all,theobjectofthemeetingandtheGuard”present scored thisunmervifully. Threats Aguinst President's s Life. San Francisco,Cal.,Dispatch,18th. it President Wilson's life was ,tened by an anarchistie organi-n known as “The Blasters,”ofThomasJ.Mooney,on trialformurder,was a leader,willbyevidencetobepresenteda‘s trial,Assistant DistrictAyEdwardA.Cunha declaredinSuperiorCourt,in his open-iss to the jury.Blast,”an anarchistic publi-in printed in San Francisco. -heen driven to a hos that the publication of it will| or at ' ra y th iz e ? é : 32 3 hut a great portion\the State will wish for EditorloftheStatesvilleLandmarksneedy|restoration of vitality.Mr.Clark's/trouble has been too much work and‘he is taking the rest cure. |Lexington Herald. of “Judge”R.R.Clark,editor andowneroftheStatesvilleLandmark,will hear with sorrow that he is “out of harness”for a few days.resting at a sanatorium.Wis condition is said not to be serious.Editor Clark has made of The Landmark probablv the best-eonducted “eountry weekly” in the State.and it is to be sincerelyhonedthathewillhepermittedto soon return to his labors of keepinghistorystraightantlregulatingthe morals of the rest of us newspapers. Asheville Times. The Times hears with considerableregretofthebreak-down in health of RR.Clark of the StatesvilleLendmark.Mr.Clark has been com-nelled to stop and rest a time and the Times hones he will soon regain his former vigor. Concord Tribune. The last issue of the StatesvilleLandmarkcontainsanannouncement which will be read with rerret bythemembersoftheNorthCarolinawressandbytherendersofThe landmark generally.It is to the ef-fect that Mr.R.R.Clark,the editorofthatpaper,will be out of the office for a few weeks,he being in theLongSanatoriumatStatesvilleforarest.While The Landmark willstillbeinablehands.Mr.Clark willbegreatlymissed.He has been ed- itor of the paper for about 25 vears,and has made it a paper which hasbeennotedforitsexcellence.We sin- eerely trust his rest may restore him to his usual vigor. Winston Republican. The Local Fditor extends svmpn-thy to Fditor R.R.Clark,of theStatesvilleLandmerk,that he is in-disposed,and hopes that a few weeksrestatLong's Sanatorium will re-store him to wonted health and vigor. Watauga Democrat. The Democrat is indeed sorry toseethatEditorR.R.Clark of theStatesvilleLandmark,is so muchindisposedthathehasbeentakentotheSanatoriumfortreatment.Here’s ni n ce n c e }| |Gall Stones,Cancerand Ulcersofthe The friends throvehout the State,iteation,Yellow Jaundice,A) COCA COLA BEST OF ALL!) hoping that his afflictions,whatever| they moy be,will readily yield to treatmert,and that ere long he may return to his desk again. Charlotte Observer. |Mr.R.R.Clark,editor of theStatesvilleLandmark,has found it necessary to temporarily retire from, ‘the activities of newpaper life,take the “rest cure.”He has under- gone a break-down in heal.h,which the ‘newspaper men of the and| from | State,as well as all readers of The!Landmark,will hope he will have speedy recovery. Greensboro News. R.R.Clark,editor and proprietoroftheStatesvilleLandmark,is out | _of the harness—-gone to a hospital to’rest up for awhile.And that is theplacetogoforarest,if the resthasbeenlongerdeferredthanitshouldbe.With both a passion andahighlyorganizedcapacityforwork, Mr.Clark has been pounding away inTheLandmarkofficeeversincehe was a small boy,Grinding toil iswithhimasortofreligion;and hehasnodoubtcerivedasmuchsatis- faction out of it as other people,of different temperament,derive out of an admixture of play with their la-bor.Mr.Clark is held in high per-sonal esteem by his profession,and‘y people all over the State,and somanykindlywishesaccompanyhimtohisplaceofenforcedretirement.We wish that he may take all thetimethatisnecessaryforacompleterestoration,that he may come back as good as new,and that while he is about it he may learn the trick of Nresting,so that any roliday-taking he may do ia future will be volunta-ry and deliberate. Charlotte News. The hope is uniform among the newspaper fraternity of the State that Editor Clark of The Statesvitle Land-mark,who has been forced out of theharnessonaccountofabreakdownwillshortlybehimselfagain.He hasitalforrestandreeuperation.Mr.Clark is one of themostinfluentialeditorsinNorthCaro-lina.Hehas been steadily engaged innewspapergameforalongnum-rs and has built up a paperafineifluenceforgoodwhereveritisfeltNotonlyhisbrethrenofthepressbutallwhoknowhimwillwishforrestoration,_bimaspeedy North WWtkesboro Hustler. Friends and news,readers wil’miss the editorials m in-| Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox- is and other fatal ailments from Stomach Trouble.of Stomach Sufferers owe their com- plete recov to Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy,Unlike any other for a ach Ailments.For sale byStatesvilleDrugCo. BUILDING?C.WATKINS, fb i eg ir F i > ENDS CATARRE,ASTRA, Bronchitis,Crovp,Coughs ond Colds,ormoneybackScldandgicrenteedby Statesville Drug Company. preweeukt ‘Did You Know C.WATKINS |Sells “Builders’Hardware”as well as|Building Material?Listen:Nails|Door Locks.Butts,_—SashWeights,Sash Locks,Sash Pulleys,|Lifts,Valley Tin and Ridge C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.} We are indebted to the National Bottlers’Gazette cf New York city,for the following list of over 300 “bottled soft drinks,NotwithstandingFLATTEREDtheCocaColaCo,by trying to COLA”or “KOLA”or “OLA”names ofthefactthatover300concernshaveIMITATEinname,the GENUIWE COCA COLA,it stands SUPREME,the NATIONAL,BEST and most REFRESHING bottled drink in the WORLD , IMITATION is the SINCEREST FORM OF FLATTERY! Afri-Cola AlcolaArrow-ColaBicola sirch-Ola Cafa-Cola Cafe-ClaCane-ColaCapa-KolaCar-ColaCarre-ColaCarson-ColaCharcolaCherri-ColaChisea-Cola CidrolaCitra-Cola Claro-Cola Cocomo Coka Coko-KaksColeen ColadineColaPleezCola-Wine Coo-EE-Kola Ab-Cola Ala-ColaAnicolaBess-CoBolama-Kola *BuckolrCafe-de-OlaCandy-KolaCapacolaCarbo-Cola Caro-ColaCarry-Cola Celro-Kola Chero-ColeCherry-OlaChyieto-ColaCin-Cola ClaroCoea WineCoffeo-Cola Coke-Ola Cola Cheer Coln-Creme Cola Pana Cola Soda Creme-De-Cola Creseent ColaCrescentCova-Cola Currie Cola Dixie-ColaEpps-Cola Fletcher’s Cota Fox-ColaGenuine Coca and Cola Gineo Glee-NolHat-Ton-KolaHerbela Tee CelaIts-A-ColaJaxonKolaJones-ColaKafs-ColaKalolaKaro-ColaKava-KolaKent’s Coca ColaKinsta-ColaKoca-NolaKoko-KaksKolaBeer Kola-CellaKola-EttsKola-KolaKola-Nip KolaphateKola-RexKolatonaKolavin KolokoKotoneLima-Kola Liquola Luck-OlaMcLin’s Kolatona Matthew's Cola Melo-ColaMexa-ColaMilburn’s Kole &Celery MintolaMitch-0-Cola My-Coca Ni-Cola ‘“ye-Kola do gE.8.ColaFoskyv Ga-ColaGerst’s Cola Ginger Kola GloriciaHayo-Kola Herri-Cela Jacoh’s Kola une KoKar-ColaKalo-PomaKar-KolaKel-Kola King-Cola Kiss-Kola KokolaKola-Brau Kola Molz Kola-Nola Kola-Phos Kolata Kola-Tone Kola-Wine Kongo Kola Lemo-Cola Lime-Cola Toco Kola T we-KolaMa-ColaMaverKolaMel-OlaMexi-Cola Mies-Cola Mo-Cola Neeto-ColaNifti-ColaNo-ColaNuCola Ora-Cola Mur ColaPa-PaColaPeek'’s ColaPep-KolaPostacola NiscoNoxAll Cola Oka Kola Oro Cola Ozoz0Peach-O-LaPens-A-ColaPexa-KolaPrince-ColaPurityColaRedo-ColaRivaColaRoxa-KolaSafaCola SeccoSher-it-CocaSmith's Cola Sparkling KolifraneStar-ColaTango-Colaoe|To-K of the Vapo-Cola oTop-ColaTru-Colaoe TT Raggettote eatg Ho.ew list Imported French Cola on A-Cool-A Ko-Co-Lem-a Kola-ChampaeneKolaandCelery Bitters Kolafra * Minnie Cooh. Vino Kolafra Afri-KolaAmeri-ColaAugusta-Cola BikolaBliseoCafe-Cola Cafe-Kela Capa-ColaCap-ColaCarikolaCarrh-ColaCelery-Cola Cheer-0-ColaCherryKola ChocolnCina-Cola Citro-Cola Coca-ColaCoffee-Ola Coke Cola-AdeColaCokeCola-NipColaQueenColazanCoze-Cola Cre-Ola Crown Dianola Doc-Cola Field’s Cola Four-Kola Gav-Ola Gibb's ColaGleeCola Grap-0-Kola Heck’s ColaHeraColaItCola Jamaicn ColaJitneyColaKafe-Kola——KaoKaskolaKeensCola Kine KolaKoCa-Ama Koke Kola-AdeKolaCardinetteKolaCream Cola Kola MintKola-Pepsin Celery Wine |Koln-Queen ‘ Kola-TokayKola-VenaKola-ZoneKoe-Cola Lemon-ColaLinteJuice and KolaLon-KolaLunaKola——-.aype-0-LaMeredeCola MicoMint-ColaMisti-ColaMokacolaNew-OlaNipColaNova-Cola0.K.ColaOrinColaOxaColaPaw-Paw-ColaNuchepsi-Presto ColaPureCola-ColaQueen RococolaRve-OlaSchethorn’s ColaShera-ColaSilverColaSoda-Kola Tako-KolaLa Vani-ColaVine-ColaWinn-Colise of what-you-may-call-it futurebetter than we have inthepast. I am most Respectfully, ciiccaeetaatie attadiateneienanemia aneaTHISBANKWANTS———s nig ————LS And respectfully solicits your iwhetheryoabeaFarmer,Merchant,Mechanic,Professional Man or Laborer, business---- acturer,Also,the Women and Children to open a savings ac- count. Safety,service and privacy of customers affairsgiven.Deposits received subject tocheck at anytime.Time cerlificates bear 4 per cent perannum.Savings deposits bear 4 per cent per annum compounded quarterly. It’s to your advantage to make our bank your bank.Courteous treatment to all.Come at an time and let us talk over the matter.this space.Wat People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN 0.L.TURNER » Gg ROI COO Presidcat. Cashier. RS cele noe FEBRUARY 3rd. Will Be National Thrift Day. Be Thrty Get The Habit. Rankers and business men are urging everybody to observe the day by forming some habit of THRIFT. THRIFT—does not mean wise saving ONLY,but wise spending as well. Get the babit NOW of trading with Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. Trade At The Store That Always z“The Store That Always Welcomes ’You” A Dollar Saved is a TeEY age Li NEWEST DESIONS|&Ait RIGHT oT HEREis a certain poise of feeling in hafurnishingswhicharestrictlyup-to-datethatmorethancompensatesforthereasonableex-pense of buying them here.HE world will look brighter,thejessmaller,from a beauti-fully furnished interior.Come in and see.how easily it canbe done. .* | | |were served. ,Mra.I.E.Caldweil joined Mrs.|‘columbia,8.C.,and ac-|her home.J.P.Cathey and Missofa©visiting Mrs.|mother..EE.Ainoa.| Mr.Lake,district suoftheMetropolitanLiteCompany,was in States-{ on business y.R.M.Gray left Saturday for|where she will be the!of Mrs.Parks Kirkpatrick. Mrs.G.H.Hunt has returned toherhomeinTlickory,after having| _her mother,Mrs.M.A.Whit-| J.Moroney left Saturday|Hill,S.C..to be with her|,Mr.H.H.Harbin,who re- cently underwent an operation at + sanatorium there.Later she will visit her sister,Mrs.J.L,Davis,in Columbia,8.C.Misses Lucite Kimbal!and Rachel! King left Friday to visit friends in erfield,Bennettsville and Rock Hil,8.C.Mra.J.DeWitt Ramsey and little son returned Saturday from Russeil- ville,Ky.,where they spent several weeks with Mrs.Ramsey's mother, Mrs,WwW.P.Howard.Mr.H.J.Abernethy of arrived Thursday night to guest of Mr.W.W.Sherrill. Mrs.R.C.Bunting and little son returned Friday to her home in Memphis,Tenn..after severs!weeks with Mr.and Mra.D.J.Craig. Miss Mary Ausley left Fricay for ten-days’pleasure trip to New York city.Miss Ausley accompanied her aunt,Mrs.C.H.Armfield.j Mrs.J.Kaufmann of Danville,Va., here to spend some weeks with ¢parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Hoff- Mrs.J.k Hickory be the n., ,iss Myrtle.Keim,wo formerly i¥wed here,is spending awhile here. Mr.and Mrs.Poe W.Eskridce of fordton are guests of Mrs. ’s brother,Mr.E.B,Quinn. :jas Bessie Love,who has besn ‘with Mrs.C.W.Boshemer for sever Pal weeks,left last night for a siay 'in New York city. Notices of New Advertisements House and lot for sale.—E,care of The Landmark. Emblem pin found.—S.M man,Mooresville. Lumber wanted—aHickory Handh &Mfg.Co.,Conover,N.©. Administrator's novice. Combs Auction sale-—E.B.Goodin Girls wanted to work on typewrite: —Pijedmont Red Cedar Chest Co. The reward of banking his money.- The First Nationa!Bank. Quality jeweilry.—-R.F.Henry,jew- r Good Dp—-G, Stetson University vs.Statesville basketball team Thursday night. Table damask sale.—Mills &Postor Buyer in the Northern markets.- N.Harrison. Would appreciate Mrs.Mary Sims. Clearance and white sale.—Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Co. Solicits your banking business.- le’s Loan &Savings Bark. ‘ational $=Thrift Day.--Merchants &Farmers’Bank Display of “quality”stationery. Statesville Drug Co Ceca Cola.—Coca Cola Bottling Be thrifty,get the habit -—Cray. >ford-Bunch Furniture Co. Vietor records,auto-piano playc! ~—dAndrews Music Store. Consolidation sale.—J.M.McKee é Co, settlemerjt Stenographer wanied.—Address WeareTheLandmark.Horses end mules at auction Tuer day,30th.-—Walter R.Clement.kholders’mecting.—First Build ing and Loan Association. Barium Personals. Corresmenaence of The ‘Landmears Barium,Jan.22 Mrs.M.E.Pope of Statesville spent Sunday with her r,Mr.W.B.Parks. Miss Eva Gray of Stony Point re- turned to her sister's,Sirs.W.F._——Saturday,to —a mes atorphanage.rs.J.M.Arey is visiting her mother,Mrs.Keatler,near tesville.Miss Leona Miller is visiting her home folks at Moores- ve Mr.and Mrs.J.O.GardnerCharlotte-spending awhile atLodge.rs.Gare =?real with la grippe.Mr.&Mrs. Troutman of =“! Asheville spent nd with Mrs.Troutman’s,Mrs.U.A.Ostwalt.Mrs. n of Charlotte i«visit- ee eT at the orphanage.Holton spent the weck- end with ives in Winston-Salem. ,Jaw,17 —Miss MollieofMr.ean Hol.| Friday in a |Pane Long prurnsduringtheC.Wood and Mrs.D.A.ing during the second hour.P.Steele,Mrs.R.W.4.T.Montgomery received in the mu-' elie room;here ice cream and cakeTheCampFiregirlsMissesMooreOrr,Margaret Long,Emma Hamiter,Catherine Summers,Rebecca Summers,Cordelia Watts.|Evelyn Sadler,Virginia Steele,Eliza-beth Cunningham,Susie Rertick,Mil-,dred Smith and Marion Moore—serv- od the refreshments.Mrs.Culley's home was lovely for =the occasion.The reception roomwasdecoratedwithacolorschemeofpinkandwhite,pmk carnations being used to advantage;the musicroominredandgreenwasdecorated,with cyclamen and red roses.Thediningroomwasespeciallylovelyinyellowandwhite;primroses and lil-ies were arranged on mantle and sideboard.The cenrerpiece for the dining table was a basket filled with jJonquils, Mrs.W.H.Tomlin and Mrs.Eu-gene Davis were hostesses to the Me-Dowe!l Music club at the home ofMrs.Davis Friday afternoon.The following programme was given: Voedl Beleetion iseewys teens CEMAaNR,Miss Christine Henkel.Number.G Sherp Minor .... Mins Rose Stephany Thoughts Have Wings neMrs.Hex Walli .Chopin rece ..-Lehman. ‘Troutman. Sharp Minor :: Mrs.R.B.McLameblin. !Selection ..,Sehubert. MirNoeturne,EB Majv Polonaise,¢Chopin, Vae Elise Watlace, .Chopin 3 Eugene Do vis. Numbes +Liewt Miss Co Wanderer Nea Selection ‘: Mra.Dorman Thompson, 4 number of outsiders were pres- it,among them Mrs.W.W.Laidley f Bakersfield.Cal.,Mrs.Ress Mills, Mrs.C.BF.Milla,Mrs.W.E. Mrs.Ress MeEiwee and Mrs,R. Brawley. Tee ere served. ington The SehubertPuke. fwo Veeal Webb, NV; cake and nutsVm,were The loeal chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy metwithMes.W.M.Barringer Friday|ficrneer.The chapter celebrated| Leo's birthday,as other chapters throughout the South were celebrat- There were eppropriate read-ings hy diferent members of the chapter.Various samendments for eornstitution were brought for- meeting deciding to printamendmentsanddistributethemumongthemembers, “Irs.Barringer served a luncheon in the dining reom,which was decor- ited appropriate to the Lee anniver- ary.A centerpiece of red and? white decorated the table.There were Confederate flags as souvenirs for each ruest. ny. thward,the th Reported for The Landmark. The XXth Century club was enter- trinea by its president,Mrs.J.Hein- ering,on Friday afternoon,A few acditional guests were bidden and ay aclofol meeting was enjoyed. The secretary read notes of thanks for the club's gift sent upon the re- cent oceasion of the silver wedding of the club's president and from Cap- tain Wm,Westmoreland for the Ire- dell Blues at Fl Paso for the Christ- mas “army bags”and favors sent the 67 officers and soldiers by this club and the Iredel!Betterment Associa- tion.Sergeant Owen Leonard also wrote his appreciation.Twenty books of peculiar value have just been received as gifts for the proposed free public library for Statesville and also 36 volumes for whatever special purpose the club leems bert. Mrs,Meacham read an article on Rodin,the famous sculptor;Mrs. Heinzerling a sketch on Rembrandt's masterpiece,with “Mentor”ilhustra- iioms.Mrs.Ausley called attention to the fine “International studio” illustrations and other matters. of the guests spoke of the great val- ve of the Winston-Salem public 1- hrary to the town and anotheh kindly suggested the use of a valuable set of ott werks which she owns,as an “" aid to the club's art study,whieh was secepted with tanks. Mr’.D.8S.Thomas assisted hostess in serving two courses dainty refreshments. the of Reported for The Landmark. Mra.Phillip S.Easley delig)tiully entertained the Saturday Aftcrnoo: Study club at her home on Mu!berry stweet Saturday afternoon. “Sir Walter Seott”was the subject of study and Miss Nell Armfield being leader,gave a most interestiny sketch of hia life. “The Lady of the Lake”was read by Mrs.Raynal,and a paver on “The Bride of Lammermoor”by Mrs.Car- penter;alee one on “The Heart of Midlothian”by Miss Margaret Brady After the literary programme Mise Elizabeth Covington,a guest of the, cluh,gave some splendid musical se-lections on the plans.After this the muests were invited into the dining # room,where place cards were laid for | twelve.The table was pretty with acenterpieceofpottédbloominghelio trope on a»reflector.Two courses of refreshments were sorved. Me.F.R Miller ofMarshall diedhospitalatKnoxville,| a result of v- :\was formed and is saidto be One 4. A selection from © first high South.States are men of prominence thatreceivedtheeducationaltraining(at Unionville Academy. To Cure aCold In OneDey A Jake LAXATIVE PROMO Quinine.It svCoughendheandworksofftheBrugpictsrefundmoneyifitfailsto cure, B.W.GROVESsignawureom each box.25¢. MARKET REPORTS. Atatesville Produce Market.' The following prices were paid sesterda:||for produce on the local market Turkeys,18-20¢.per Ib,Chickens,15-!4e.per Ib,Rooters,6e.per inFuss,26.per Butter,"20-22¢. Beewwar,fe.peiGreenHides(unsalted)18¢.per Ib,iGreenHides(adited)26¢.per tb. ‘YOu The Habit of Cold.With many ¢old in a habit,PBut fortunately one that ts easily broken.Take a cold sponme bath every morning when youfreteetoutofhed--not perature of about 90 dewress F. with your window up,seldom take cold,Sool urlatiatingThroughestthe United|< lee cold,but o tem- Also sleepDothisandyouwillWhenyoudotakecoldtake winiberinin’s Congh Remedy and get rid ofitoevicklyasponeibig.Obtainable every-*ose Se tee!Reaee seme When You Want Victor Records, |A Victrola or anything that ’will bring pleasure and en-| tertcinment in a musical |! way,there is a reason why || go to Andrews’to|| satisfy that desire,Service?|! Andrews Music.Store. Green Se Hams,1¢-14¢.per tb. Sides and Shoulders,15-)6¢.per th, New Bred Honey,Sc.t Ide.per It,Sourwoed Honey Comb,bée,to Ze,per Ib,Old Auto Rubber Casing,4e.per Ib.Sweet Votatoes,*6e.per bushel.Irish Potatoes,$1.60 per bushel. Crate.The foliowing prices were pale peserda, vrain on the local market:Wheat (new)21.99 per bushel. Corn,$1.15 pet bushel,Oaia,65-100.per bushel. Btatesvilie Cotten Market. On the lccai market.yesterday 17 conta per pound was paid for best gerade cotton Cetton Seed,The.per bushel,Seed Cotton,6 1-2c.per Tb, (ADVERTISEMENTS in this ecolamm i¢contvertine,No od takemfor lenethen % conta,Cash must aceompeny ender.)SSeS NOMCE OF EALE—!will aell at ‘enctionHorsesandMuiesinStatesvilleat10a,mtfay.Jamuary WALTER RB.CLEM- Eh dan.23 W ANTED-—Co tent jady stenegrapher. \ddre Ww e The Landmark,Jan.23.it st. AL CTION SALE—I will sci!at peblic auction on Touracay,daruary ,all my householdandeenfurniture,ate one cow and calfowfresh.Sale to he at 2 o'clock.E.B. GOGDIN,213 Boulevard street,Statesville.,N.¢Jan,23. WANTED—Gir's to learn to work onwriter.We furnish machine.RED CEBAR CUEST CO. WANTED—Severa’cars of lumber Write prices HICKOPY HANDLE & 3 C *ia sociales caondene FOUND—At Lyrie Theater, twner can obtain same by ipt for thie ad.and full description to 5 GOODMAN,Mooresville,N.C.Jan.23. dan. saved hickoryanddimensions. MFG.CO.,Conover, dan,23~--z1°. Emblem «Pin sending paid re-M FOR SALE—Heuse ond lot on Davie Avenve. Rarrein f purchaser Address & eare The Landnia an.2 at quict MR.J0.HARRISON Northern moe rkets son Clothing Ca, feft Sunday night fortobuygoodsforN.Hudan.28 -It. PASBKET BALL—Stetson University Statesville Thursday night,January 25! of the garse are advised to secure dan.23-—10".eo =a manera ae ear oemeema noSprings, wy vw} Joc Person’s Remedy.I gm in with type-].PIEDMONT 23 it. thousands [Prominent Business Man Seeks Relief. besiness affairs of Unien Alahama,writes for relief, No doubt this is of interest to you.| “Union Springs,Ala.,Dec.29,1916. ‘Mis.Jce Person's Remedy Compa- nv,Charlotte,N.C.: ‘Perr Sir—| “Enclosed ITthand you my check for| h please ship me six bottles Mrs.| 3 bed RHEUMATISW and I know!Mrs.Joe Person’s Remtedy will do the vork.Thanking you for prompt at- ntion,‘Truly yours, “R.C.BRANSCOMB.” Previous to the above we received a letter from Mr.Branseomb:“Your medicine is “DEAD SHOT”to RHEUMATISM.My wife was a ‘reat sufferer and nothing did her: Now she is WELL.” Ilundreds of cases we know c* where tke heritage left by Mrs.Joe rson has relieved and effected per- manent cures of Rheumatism,where ethers were tried and failed. DID)THE WORK.For over forty OURS household of families. He will tell years the Remedy for) Ask apy Druggist you;or— ASK YOUR DOCTOR!| W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON, STATESVILLE DRUG CO., POLK GRAY DRUG CO. BASKET BAI 1—On account of expense in recaringtheStetsonUniversit)cehamovions « j idar game ThuradAy night, seats for this game will be 35. Reaerver Jan.25 FOR SALE—One $-room bengelew and two j-room cottages on Mulberry street at bar- gain.Terms to suit perehaser.J.C.HENLEY,‘Phone @7 Greea.Jan.19 —4t. WANTED—Yeoung man about twenty yearsold,active,intelligent ard not afraid of hard werk,who is anxious for advancement Sraall anlacy to begin.Prefer one from country FOR RENT—Residence on Davie avenue.as t..SLOAN dan.| FOR RENT—Jwe-story dwelling en ce Sharpe street,Apply to STATESVILLEKEALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY. dan.¥ "OR RENT—Frent room over Ramecy-How!les-Morrison Coe e,with Hebts and water25,00 per »h,L.BO PATTERSONPrice dan ~~Stockholu..s’Meeting. The apnyal meeting of the Ficat Building no Arseciation wil!be beld at the off i veiation on Saturday night,Pebruary | ‘17,at All stockboiders are urs H.Vv.FURCHES, Secretary and Treasure ADMINISTRATION.| of theofIre Jam.Za. NOTICE OF qualified as administra’ B.Combe,deweased,ba ,North Carolina,this ie to notifheavingclaimagainsttheext id decensed to extbit them to the v devgigned edmrinitrater on or before the / ay «january,1618,or this notice Hi plead bar {their recovery All pere ndebted to the said estate will please mai: ‘immediate payment Db,COMBS, Administ rater vy Having Buy And Enjoy A Buren Atty.durney, |DR.COITESH'RRILL,|| General Practioner in ie City and County. |All calls telephoned to Jas.R Hill's residence or Long’s Sanato-rium will have prompt attention. Prices range from $20 to $759. Shown above is cut ofModel100,price $100. Come in for a demon- stration. Leonard Piano Store. —SS Will Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? —(LRStationery! HUYLER’S CANDY, didn't get it in one day,or didn’t ‘strike it rich.”He didn die and leave it to him.A The amounts were smali at first,but he KEPT ATIT;then the amounts grew larger,opportunities came - and the little surn he started with became a great big FORTUNE. You can do it too---if you TRY.‘ PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.Mr RC Branscomd,prominent.THE FIRST NATIONALintheStatesville,N.C. y good till she tried your Remedy.|. Brides he ui i will like qur <i Jewelry.aa Jewelry is the thing to give for a Wedding weecauseitexpressesthe“Sentiment”of the giver.: not treasure a ring,a pin,a necklace,a wateh or arwhichwasreceived.as a gift at a CERTAIN TIME if it be Wedding Time.ayTherefore;the jewzlry you give the bride orto a friendshouldhavethe“quality there.”oeWesellQUALITYJewelry—modern in style,reasonaile in price.yayPeR.F.HENRY,Jeweler._ Buy for Cash.|Sell for Casl « New Year Resolutions! On and After January Ist,1917,: We will make no tickets for any ‘Don’t ask it.This appliesone. to all. Goods sent out on approval to be paid for the following day or be returned,| All goods purchased from us aot satisfactory and returned to us not damaged,we will cheerfully refund — the money. Johnston-Belk The Store That Sells For I 16 BIG RETALL STO “°°°M Silvain,dean of the Comedic $200;automobiles,pleasure tis rt neutral vessels,two Spanish|535.61;county tax from schedules B wae’ .Okmulgee,Okla.,Dispatch,19th.|doubled,railroads about $1,200,000 - . om PS PA E an t Sp i i ig i iti a *: 2 3 Be 3 :Ir :a 3 E2.:-26,6.49, $1.39,goats $1.10,$10.-| ,total value of live stock 49.total value of farming uten- 2zBooger,enneth Weeks andmade‘He said the sacrifices “American volunteers was evidence the fraternity which throughout his- tory had never failed to unite the two republics for liberty.It would be against the nature of things if the |>¥ United States did not bring to the sa- e cause of humanity its tribute of rehouse $11,470; =pee ae kitchen furniture,musical —instru- }to ace that those who have not ments,provisions of all kinds,fire- forgotten that the revolution gave tc tie i Lanta meee | theworldthedeclaration of the rightr hand,$24,800:solvent credits $1 008,- of man,have aided in procuring @ dec-|434.'shares of stock in any ‘corpora,laration of the rights of peoples.tion net incorporated in this State, a* 3 is Francais,and Madame Segond-Weber |jicycles and Son;yeles a motorcycles,$93,404 who had an Americar|seins,nets and boats,$3;jewelry,about her,read poems poods,wares and merchandise,cotton, by Alan Seeger,the Harvarc |tobacco,turpentine,rosin,tar,bran- who waskilled last summer|dy,whiskey and all other pr ¥, during theSomme offensive.|$635,294.Total valuation of al a personal property,$3,273,041;total valuation of real and personal prop- erty,$9,740,993. There are 4.439 white polls in the county and 1,072 colored.The aggre- gate value of real and personal prop- erty according to race is white,$9,- 426,164;colored.$314,829. Property in the coynty listed by corporations assessed by State Tax Commission,including property of banks,$841,430 real and personal;value of railroad,tele- graph,telephone,express companies, as assessed by State Tax Commis- sion,$2,558,533;value of bank stock per returns,$353,129;value building and lean stock,$73,640;corporation excess,$34,029:aggregate value of | all property,$14,423,500.| The amount of school tax levy for the year was $58,025.12 and was from the following sources—whitede-|polls,$7,901.42;negro polls,$1,908.- nd personal property listed by corporations by State Tax Commission,real and personal property of banks,$4,712.33;rail- road,telegraph,telephone,express ,ete,$7,249.17;bank -|stock,$1,000.53;building and loan stock,$208.65;corporation excess, the|$96.42:property of white citizens. $26,707.46;property of negro citi- —_ee taxes for | :schools,96. iasella,south of Goritza,on the)The aggregate of taxes collected| fi —under stalian artillery |in the county from all sources was| *@ reperte.:_|$188,985.59,divided «s follows:State| ntente warships continue their|ang sion tax from property,$39.-| fortheGerma in the |9,gti prepen ys :a,No add m mn |905.02;pension tax from polls,$661.- the Sater”itional losses due 34;State tax from schedules B and to 3 activities have been)('g2,942;income tax,$704.52;coun- ty tax from property and polls,$85.,- gi r da l one come,have been Scape,|one S gait:school tax,all sources, and in addition a Norwegian steam-|”4 statemient show-ni g the bonded er z ao =“—,“Ee |tadebtetness -eave Reneaios ;ie of counties for 1 as re —of —ro oo tite of register of deeds gives Tredell’s to- :y a “property,coaued tal tpGcheninece as eaen .se °‘or bonds outstanding an ”Friday-in a imenition factory near 599 current liabilities.€i eS |Value of real estate in the county Oklahoma Outlaw Gang Put |**nearly doubled in the past ten |years,personal property not quite aOutofCommission.‘half million,bank stock more than One of the most daring bands of |more,building and loan stock a third outlaws that has been terrorizing!more. Oklahoma by repeated and sensation-|By comparing it is found that the vebbecten for many months,|average price of land per acre is today,in the opinion highest in New Hanover county— of count ies,when three of|$20.91—and lowest in Dare—-$1.99. the bandits were killed during a gun The value of a dog in Caswell is 23 fight with a pursuing posse.One oth-cents and in Cleveland $110.72. er member of the gang was killed eee eae and another was captured.|A small son of G.W.Wilson,who! ix times since January 1,the gang)lives near Startown,Catawba county has given battle to posses,and three was picking at a dynamite cap with al members of pursuing posses have!hat pin.A part of his finger and one| been shot and killed.1of his baby sister’s fingers gone.* The fight todav oceurred at a —camp of the outlaws,18 mile:th -«:of here.The officers eeeel ts SNIMLVM *9 cONIM ILcampwhilethefugitiveswereataSNIMLVM‘OD 2DNIGTING| nearby farm house,and hid in ad DOUBLY PROVEN!jingbushestoawaittheirreturn.|n the three came back they were Readecalledontosurrender,but re Tied by —_ee.oa —opening fire.All were killed by be-|.ing shot in the head,while one mem-,This Statesville woman testified| ber of the posse was slightly wound-long ~¢o. The dead men were identified as!Told of quick relief—of undoubtedOscarPoeandWillandHarryHart,|benefit.twin brothers.)The facts are now confirmed. A portion of the area of Londor |Such testimony is complete—the ev-shaken severely Friday night |idence conclusive.S——i 2 which muni-|It forms convincing proof of merit.|netured,was the cen-|dirs,Reavis,212 Seventh 8t.,|of a series of explosions,scatter..destruction over a considerable|Statesville,says:“I suffered from| of ot en —=pain across the small of my) .re is no evi-|back and kidneys.I couldn'thePrtdeen|sleep well and in the morning,I felt| any fartory is subject.For-all tired out.My kidneys didn’t act| iepeethal and 10¢|right and I was nervous and dizzy. :|Doan’s K Pill ured from in the United States of|Hall'sPom Sa ‘a oe well.”| (Statement given March 1,1912.)}On March 6,1915,Mrs.Reavis| added:“I backupevery word of my| former endorsement.Whenever my kidneys cause me any trouble,a few —@ Doan’s Kidney Pills give me 1 r e E i a e f have ten fingers and ten toes. I can count that much,but I justcan’t count all my good friends down South here—they are far too many. And I’m mighty proud of them. ‘The men who make me,say you *can tell real quality by the com- pany one keeps. Blood will tell.A good name and goed breeding count most of all. to cigarettes,too.More and moregentlemenoftheSoutharesmok- ing me,SOVEREIGN,every day, because they know I come fromgoodoldVirginiaandCarolina stock—the finest,grandest stock in all the world. Quality is the thing,friend—you can’t deny it.And I stand for Quality. You Folks of the South KNOW good blood!You Folks of the South KNOW good tobacco! That’s why I am so loved among you all down here.Sol am proud to say— by Kh,Nosenien..Pece « ar Wace ky”ay ma If you don’t like me return me to your dealer and get yourmoneyback.I have saidit.A Southern gentleman is knowntheworldoverforkeepinghisword,and I have given you mine. of OF THE GignCi FRCRRRE eee" If you are not getting as much mileage as you should,if the engine gives any trouble,in short,if you have not been able to get that perfect adjustment you so desire,bring your car here. Nothing else so adds to the satisfactionand-pleasureofdriving a car .4 Z as perfect mechanical Wehave competent inherfor putting ' your car in thatconditionatsmall expensetoyou. || A serviceable Boot for Winter,Fitted with one Double Service Fibre Sole. Out wear.leather soles. Won't slip. PHONE 83. TheHub-Mark is your valuemark, Esanen/te , For male by allgooddesire .While Rome Burned-- And he afterwards suffered the consequences of such criminal in- difference.it doesn’t pay any man to fiddie around without ade- quate fire protection,then have to watch hispropertygoupin smoke,with nothing to replace it. One of our three-year policies gives you such large protection at so small a eost that you never feel the pressure. YOU'LL FEEL 100 PER CENT.EASIER IN YOUR MIND, though,in realizing that your risk is reduced to the minimum when you place your property in our hands. Fires are most disastrous at night.Why let another night find you without full fire protection? STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY,W.E.WEBB,Manager. Pe C « st i ]ii: Eee t -it y ni s t z id ? Lei i Ee e if 28=5 1 L ?i : |this year if he tries.AnaregoingtodothebestSikeepthepoortownpeopl $ i s : 2 starving.Yet we would likemasquaredeal.The worst troublefarmershaveistoomanyloaferswhodo*wonderhasuce ¥ feed—so many peopleproduceanything.Nocostoflivingishigh.Itfizeidthatthefarmersprod5/80 per cent.of the wealth\than one-fourth of the populaRitheUnitedStatesisengagedSifarmingandtessthanone-fourth2ithatnumberarerealfarmers.%'vou will see at once what a burdenSiwehavetocarry.I have a remedy2forthehigh.cogt of living but I am Siafraid those who kick the highestS|would not wart to pay the price.Htisnotatalldangeroustohealth.YOUR UNCLE SID.Busy Heights,N.C. MUST HAVE CERTIFICATE.| B Proposed LawWould Require.|Examination of Health Offi-cers, zg ba l e e : Fa s s | x | j|i 2 =.aBulletinStateBoardofHealth.Useless Thiggs.:\s Monroe Enquirer.i@ -|New Series to Open! ,: The First Building and Loan Associationozoneits6lstSeriesSaturday,February 3, ,The best way in the world-te supply the de-§mand for more houses is to build them through i this institution.P|The First Building &Loan Association. ,H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. vai THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we wil!strive to give the sameHIGUGRADESERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We will be glad to have yee call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No,54 if ourserviceinneeded. We do NOTARY PULIC workalso.Cordially yours,J.F.CARLTON,-.Manager. SR Fox Runs From Atlanta I drove a Chevrolet,equipped with an all-weather top,from At- lanta,Ga.,to Statesville in high-gear,using thrée quarts of lu- bricating oil and avéraging 20 miles per gallonof gas.This Car wasnewwhen Ileft Atlantaand I made the drive ia 13hours and 60 minutes.I made no adjustmenton the Car throughoutthe trip.My system is full of this Car.Cometo FQX’S GARAGE AND LET ME GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION! N.W.FOX,Local Agent. |SEE ME WHEN YOU NEED -Also to fixyourClock or Watch. . i )An important bill from the stand- vont of public health,particularly asitaffectsthewhole-time health offi-cer,requiring that all full-timehealthofficers,except those now_—ae shall -ee of examination,is now in 8 |of a committee and will soon find ite|"°t have a personal staff.The colo-|jway before the legislative assembl ,pnels on the bt is s,staff cannot f'The bill was prepared by Dr.D.€,|wear Oe ae om ae|Absher,whole-time health officer of how,for it been m6Vancecounty,and others of his pro-j ‘28 none except sure-enough com:|fession and has the endorsement of/gissioned colonels of |the Armyox|th State Board of Health.National Guard can wear a c I's 4 ithe bill provides that the”NOrthygeiform.Stripped of his uniform|os ::;cre is not much in it for an hon-|§|Carolina Health Officers’Association orary colonel.Here 1s hoping that6 Governor Bickett will,cui out the §military staff.it One of the most useless things ev-§ er is that bunch of “colonels”known| as the “Governor's Military Staff.”|§ It is good news that comes from § Raleigh that Governor Bickett may § |shall be declared a body politic andcorporate,and that there ll be es-eareet o board ofcnaninage =Seen |Setmg of Sve perncns,two of whom =The safe wes carried from the of-§|shall be elected by the North Caroli-gee of the Standard Oil Company in|§na State Board of Hegith and three :ade a ‘liv the Marth Ca:Health Off Winston-Salem Thursday night by@iat‘A aa ant “thieves and robbed of $21.14 in cash.| |It further provides that the exam-lining board shall meet annually —in|Raleigh and hold examinations on ewemeee+en eeeWHAT IS | aa j subjects pertinent to the theory and'praetice of public health administra-ition and that the examination shalljbeopentoallpersonslegallyquali-fled to practice medscine and as holdthedegreeofdoctorofpublichealthfromwell-recognized Universities.The grades given on the examination shall be base’upon (1)the appli-cant’s knowledge of the preventionlofdiseases,including etiology,path-‘ology,bacteriology,sanitation,hy-viene,diagnosis and prophylaxis;(2) his experience in public health work;{and (3)his knowledge of the publicjhealthlawsoftheState. SeAERmeee [President Names Five Rear Admirals. Five new rear admirals of the Na-ivy authorized by Congress at the|last sesgion were nominated Thurs-‘day by sident Wilson.Four of the|nominees are departmental bureau|ehiefs whose positions carry therankofrearadmiralduritigtheterm‘of office,and the fifth of Dr.Cagy T.|Grayson,the President's naval aide‘and physician,and now a past as-) sistant surgeon with rank of lieute«-|ant commander. |‘The bureau chiefs who now become|rear admirals in their own right regardiessoftheirpositionsiffthede- vartment,are:Frederick R.Harris,civileer(lieutenant commander),—chief |of the Bureaw of Yards and Docks:|William C.Braisted,medical direc-tor (commander),surgeon eral Surgery;Samuel McGowan,paydirector(captain),gener-al;David W.Tavior,naval construc-|tor (captain),chief constructor.The last naval appropriation bil!|provided for two rear admirals to! |engin- jand chief of the Bureau of Medicine|. |.behad in Flowers for} \Van Lindle LAL-FOS is an improved Ca(a tonle-laxetive)pleasant io isi: In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved bytheadditionofcertainharmlesscler.- ieals which increase the eiliciency of theCascara,making it better than ordinary|Cascare.LAX-FOS is pleasant to takeanddocsnotgripenordisturbstomech.to children 99 well as odelts.|Just try one bottle jor constipation.50. Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply |you with the best to |whatever purpose they should be wanted. Cascara # a| THE QUALITY DISPLAY ———OF -—-' STATIONERY WILL INTEREST YOU. THE REXALL STORE, |Statesvillé DrugComp’yLAX-FOS|QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. enedPEBRUABY3D,WILL BE National Thrift Day. The big idea back of a NATIONAL THRIFT DAY is to focus the thought of one hundred million people upon practical ways and means of not only adjustment to the high cost of living,but action, It is to start something.We are all creatures ofnatural tendencies,and these usually result in habtts. ONE OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE THINGS ANY- BODY COULD DO ON THRIFT DAY would be to start a Savings Account,and thus form the HABIT of saving systematically. THE CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB IS STILL OPEN. If you have not already joined you might celebrate THRIFT day by joining the Club,er opening an account in the regular SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. DOES THRIFT PAY? Waste and extravegance will get you nowhere. Thrift and 2 SAVINGS Account will take you anywhere you care to go. All are cordially invited to call on THRIFT DAY,both those whe now maintain accounts,and all desi to celebrate the day by placing their names on our be Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Of Statesville,N.C.| “The Bank For Your Savings.” Neeeeeens aa-a-aaaramanreinmnn.6 ™ A i re l e i e s 58He i Re a 7 we :gtibi AS be‘ae % ie HEMP:WET LA wa pers TWO STOCKS--].Mi McHEE &CO,Statesville,and i AcKE $2,000 Worth of ighlass Goods toe Ofered to People at tis Omertwitt!Sale Will Start 9 a.m. Comes to You Just]sene's WHY the business of Hill &McKee at Mooresville has been discontinued andstockmovedtoStatesvilleandconsolidatedwithourstock,aabout 000.worthAtATimeWhenandise—about three times the size of stock that wecan handle e must of this surplusdoitquickWithoutanyrestrictionswhatever.These two stocks will be put on the marketsoldregardlessofwhatthegoodsareworthtoday. wes waar!oe Practically Every Dollar’s Worth of These Two Stocks Are Owned AtTheOld-Prices Can Save Counts—They will be sold on the same basis Stop buying right now—wait for this Gigantic Sale.A sale without a —in =a of Seater,ar ae :Two stocks consist of a complete line of general Merchan type won't te story. Think It Over.Impossible to make it strong enough.You must come and see for yourself and come early.Around—ItPays. Theat $8,000 Worth of Shove The Purchasing Power of Your Dollar Stretches to the Limit.People:Listen! ,We make this statement without any apologies.The purchasing power of your dollar wil!sarely stretch be-°oud And what does this mean to]yond all expectations.You read of “hig bargains.”You have attended sales where “big bargains”were edver-What is there that we can say ou?You know the price of tised.But we venture the statement that you never attended a sale like this one-——a sale that was real genu-that will impress upon you the —P ine.A sale where x pen could buy with utmost confidence because we state facts just as they are.We will mark importance of this sale?We doShoestoday.You know what the goods for quick selling.PLAIN PRICES AND ONE PRICE TO ALL!net know what to say—weyouareaskedtopay.Well,are |WE DON’T HAVE TO MISREPRESENT TO GET YOUR BUSINESS!WE WOULDN'T WANT YOUR BUSI-want you to have the advantage :-.NESS IF WE HAD TO DO THAT!WE have a lain business proposition to come to you with.It's a matter oan at .ayougoingtopayhighprices}o¢good old American dollars and cents and—IT'S U pTO YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WONDER.|0!this chance to ‘save money when.you can come to this sale}FUL OPPORTUNITY!and we are spending.our goodandgetintothisShoestockSTRICTLYASALEFORSPOTCASH—READ THIS.eeree ee anceintae and save big money?Certainly |Don’t make the mistake of confusing this sale with any other sale.DON’T DO IT!There can be no compari-|to come!to come early andson.THIS SALE IS DIFFERENT BFCAUSE IT INCLUDES EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF THESE TWO)|come often,FOR THERE ISSTOCKSANDITISACASEOFHAVINGTOSELLMERCHANDISEREGARDLESSOFWHATSACRI-|GOING TO BE THINGS DO-Shoes enough to last for years!}|FICE HAS TO BE MADE!What you save will depend upon how much you buy and now-——DON’T FORGET THE ING HERE!STARTING TIME!Rain or shine,it wi!l be in motion at 9,0’clock Thursda y morning,January 25th.: Values Here Thaf Will Start the Whole Country Talking.--We've Got toSell the Goods---You Cet Benefit!:FULL SPEED from the minute y ee ot ok cee La The big - the doors open!Nothing can ends and pane -j ._|ing to be g evstopthegreataueeeenatthisAen't quote prices,because many sale—one grand bargain event of these lots won't last an hour that will be talked about from —enrly buyers are surely goineONEEXDoFTHEcovstey|Consolidation Sale J.M.McKee &CO.,and Hill and NicKes oo a a TO THE OTHER!Be on time.7 Stocks.ST ATESVILLE,N.C.RIGHT THERE WHEN THEDOORSOPTN! not!and you are going to buy Bee —— ———-——B THE LANDMARK HeURRYING LEGISLATION.LEAK PROBE IN NEW YORK ———————So .‘—'e . TUBSDAY,--Januery 23,1917.The President Urges Speed to \ttorney W hipple Begins Hear-- >-ee Enact Laws of Importance.BBS I Matter Poday.y LORIDA’S }NEW GOV ERNOR Washington Dispatch,1th.‘Rwoenit ”y pats ‘it sicher <a =Will Choke theDevil Out of Members of the Senate steering guts,they [lice Lules Comm:ue,|=—Politics,He Says.er bybrediet Witona pe he et.Wtas Tn Table Damask and Napkins that cre exclusivein style,and at the price, no me aa a \lively action on administration legris-:ork.rae jetermine whether -Can only be bought of us.Aoie as his atform an tion measures so that the entire any ene profite fall Stre:As 4 >Digermenseshispoliticalspeeches,programmeof reformn aivocated By ogee gr thay Vafenat on on G6 inch full Bleaehed Damask-for 50c.vard.6 Different Patterns. Sydney J.Catts,just inaugurated tne President when he entered the ident.Wilson's peace note Ui extra he:avy for 7T5e.yard,Governor of Florida,stands today W hite House might be on the stat When this feature ef the inquiry 7 fs os ee Linen Wef ae 0 vardthemostuniquefiguceinanAmeri-yte books by March 4 (t inen Weft,Spec ial Price $1.OO yara., (i has been fully disposed of,and noteangubernatorial.chair!To impres ipon th 1)c];oe “.A reformer of the new school,@ leader:his vewe the Pros Satin Damask (all Li inen)€1:25 yard.e Democratic until then,it deciared,the imociryidentmadeiit¢|into other phases of t ':.:Prohibitionist with new but drastic another trip to the Senate.ufiew by ue"uimor ne ee ee 10 Different Patterns to select from.s,a former minister of the gos:jujldine and A erinceds ihe *:ae nea rycleaneroweriietiem }y Nu Sy :l who hasn’t forsaken his religion,joosclative calendar with x rte aaa ‘diese of its vavucness,oa All Linen Heavy atin Damask,$1.5‘yard. a tenn Pio State House af-}.,/,v ilis ns Thoms edly ote vi dofi Ne ph “hens ns “at 8 Diffe rent |atterns to select from.ting Florida's most strenu-Jam,d Chamberlain.fo Ore AG ete pee oe :a)‘Crass Rleache .;ck @Geepuiltles!Lettie,defeating the Jame;and ain for more ¥;rh specifically to the -hiact ‘2 ass Bleached,All Linen Heavy Damask,#1.50.hours.He made it clear Ane information,and +2 Different Patterns.jar nominee of the all-powerful a <i .art;;regu por that he was anxious fer action on »is Httle posstbill:my 4aporia-ie A ge kd med-slinging’raitroud Inbor ley te as the Pare incviry witl he broadened to em!race re :Heavy Satin Double Damask,for £1.75.°Different Patterns. His Bible will remain on the Gov-op censcryveticn bills.a cornu!pac See vo ae hs tra Fine Satin Damask for €2.00, Sor pene ideas ant it he wil]Goo measnre,the Webb collective Pigeon and others.Of *Pull Bleached Mercerized Damask.turn for counsel,rather than to polit.0 fre eee ey maser aN Sherman T.Whipple of Bo ton In Remnants,2 yard piece for 90c;2 1-2 yard piece for $1.13 3 yardzenship4li,tey wae forms rots ed th »:°a)wy “gue ‘Meenolly cioked tke ther with the bie appropriation eee eee eine cel neat wt piece for $1.55,Meet your friends at our o_Counter.literally choked the devil io ace :me reveniel 1critin dares ot a out of politics in Florida,”deciares ,,),Pe Best ACS plier igh “i ch ince =M |L N.the new Governor,“and the devil is SEFC ATOHICEAO HATO LEE eal tee eat the x =7 4 i 4 1queunotherchoking.1 hope to have yoo)jar ye A;anu;B ihe life fo SEeESEAne Ing,tae a“@acted legislation that will make oe ine sixty Fourth Cone ent ‘nuld fix the -oun - our primary laws so plain and simp!frat fan dapalare commu lilecrs ’‘Be atherewillbenochanceforfraud.”,,,eR En Tomita Cane Nn Ges ne e given na free hand it :Catts entered a five-cornercd race ..Tt SoG Ae eer t Mmagwury ;ae Leit Us p te for the Democratic nomination for ,),igs s ae ania a .wnsfer of pat ne RE emonstra e Governor last spring.On the face of 4...)ea Re Sea “rk Was arranged In ond isthereturnshewasthewinnerover‘oe ee ae them,Mest of |the ses |The se ee ee queeenapemnettntnwe-catiteenste-meerns©—ai} |superiority ¢“od ‘A Piha llinlacianunnenoned!an Tide 45 Ke examiiel af re —rlarity if the | his nearest opponent by a few hun-They ich talk aboutlthe:¢s anel hava re Auto-f flane-riayer ove r|dred votes and received a certilicace the possibility ef an ox Pee oo a ge fany co:ali oth ine ats |of nomination,fe mcrae Cane es from the stock exchang VY Gf ah \¢hi 37 os A recount of certam precinets was (iyi ouch the,lhe a pee tesa will be called in’Peery Pwo know and Prove toldemandedbytheopposingside,and |)ee miver of the committee 1 Vows me rahicfaction 12 granted by the courts,and =after 1,,.,:,nn Loe}neh the it nr th .ihinks wilt your sa eae }months of suopense and re-checking —nee ae ‘i 8 ,bart me ¢;‘em in vi dr v ef votes a new certificate of nomi it avoid It.en mpleted much before «on An re Ws ustic|Store, |nation was awardea to W.V.Knott a4 UF 41 remaining days ch Street,Statesy ileFeelinghehi:het been treated DE \TH OF MR.JERE VET 44 }committee must report the ..i ning Murica}®announced he wouk it Seer ntnEnNEnr.enter ‘the reneeral clacton despite th:Prominent ond Awed Citiven of ©[===a Democratic certificate of nommation Tavlorsville —Personal Henfs.GIRLS!HAVE 4 MASS OF held by his opponen pantened at The Lande BEAUTIFUL HATR,SOFT,Tn years gone hy ih a move Peviorkville.da ;ae des GLOSSY,WAVY! would chav e Meant political suicn i 2 ee ;ny Sanaaveniart iw Florida,bur @ political revolution ayoit 5 o'lock at his hon th 25 -Cent Bottle Destroys Dan-swept over the Stat the fall if ¢‘ns 7 mail©,aad Catta cotme oct a victor by STREET fart of town,He sufferel Gruff and Doubles Beauty of ah overwhelming majoricy..4 Went .pore Sto 4 a a tac Your Hair!... dioceureerten pres "Florida vhs Re-atl the time hen.Deceased wa Within ten/minutes after an appli :Prey 4 advances in price,it is still possible toTrtioraays,ormda lets a i :7.}a anderne yy cannot f .J $Governor nov the revular nominee (O14 {yh reared Wn Whine oe eee ae array buy,Hardware at our store withoutattheDetsocra’eae vou have been 84 vears of re inion nerle trace of dandruff or ng "hla.ite i fbi "i bi d a Catt oe ape at pe of Mar Being opposed to secession hair and your scalp will not itch,but having a roll of bills as Dig around asBRifveromeypeofmanj<ngenial,religious,he he joined the Unien army and was a what will please you most v he ty telegraph pole.Part of the advancehas Federal pensioner He wa promi-after a few weeks’use,when you see oa neh ball .ee.wa nent in politics during the Recon-new heir,fine and downy at first-—ey been due to the public demand forbet-a,ees a ee stra tie Nn perivnl and was a member ye but re ny new hair—er wing ter goods and we have the better goods of the constitutional convention.Sur-ail over the sealp.:‘pr ore,will not be marked by vivineg him are hia wife and sen,\little Danderine imme liately Other paints are found wenting :anda good stock.tant social events,”but visitors an ;;es gee 5 : the mansion wih vatsive on ha Mr.R.B.Smith of this place.The doubles the beauty ef your ha No when weighed in the balance with Ciceme as can be given only by a funeral service will be held at the difference how dull,faded,brittle =DAVIS’100 per cent.PURE PAINT.§Have just unloaded a big car doorsand residence thig afternoon at 2 o'clock,ragev.just moisten a cloth wat Sey,Southern host..conducted by Rev.d W.Watts,and Denderine and carefully draw it:POR SALE BY q sash,two cars nails,one car woven Bs only one eye,but ‘that the interment will be in the town thr ugh your hair,taking on mall Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.wire fence and one car Oliver Plows..leywiththefuryoftwoashete:.'scemetery.Mr.Smith was a member strand at a time.The effect is amazemintheexecutiveghember,if a Gens lodge here and they j "your hair will be light,floffy Statesville,N.©..Are in position to care for yout Hard-he intends to “choke the devil will have charge of the burial ser nd wavy,and have an appearones wareneeds,=eaeta,“¢of abundance;an incomparable lus-|Ged Shi 1 |Bike 110th anniversary of the birth Mra.H.P.Feimester and daughter,¢re,softness ard luxuriance.ar ing es |° Gen.Robert B.Lee,Confederate little Miss Sarah Clarisen Feimster,Get a 26-eent bettle of Knowlton's same wood as your waler »wre generally observc4 Spent Sunday with Mr.Feimster in Danderine from any drug store siteae.You know the life of a cedar Hardware the South Pricay.Mooresville,Mrs.A.FE.Wettas and toilet counter,and prove that your bucket betier than C.WATKINS,for * eee children of.Patterson are visiting hair ie as pretty and soft as any—'he jen't yet thirty years old ‘sad to| amstoS <0 04Baye Mrs.Watts’sisters,Misses iphia that it has been neglected or injured |gay he soon will be). es and Kate waren,and other rela-by careless treatmeni~-that'smegroneyYWPAPOtiveshoreHr.William Wattsof vou surely.ean have beautiful ‘hele C.WATKINS.Hag oF Protre:RacVacstetiet Patterson spen fer.3.W.Watts,at the ¢and lotsof it if you will juct try aandnojotbisfather,=ben little*Danderine, ‘PA [l e e to vote for Presi-President and local offi- game commission and toinsectivorousbirds.Nelson,relative to thejonoftheteHighway Com- Cameron,to regulate expendit-license fee and pro-for maintenance of publictovestinStateHirhwaypowerofauthoritytowiththeUnitedStatesDevartmentofAgriculture.7 ae,to amend section 4119oomOfaof1905,relating toeducationTurner,to amend the law rel-the duties of the several of-ficers Tredel!county.The Landmark understands thejectofMr.Turner's bill is to trans-the making out of the tax books,has been done by the register.to the duties of the treas-is clai this will some-equalize the duties of the twoinportiontotheirrespec-es. .to establish a uniformrecorder’s court in thelitiesandcounties.A bill to regulate sale of patentmedicines,similar to the one in theHouse,was introduced in the Senate.heve been introduced in theasfollows:Hoyle,to provide for life im-t for certain cases of mur- By Bailey,to approvriate $15,900fortubercularhospitalforcoloredpenple.By to protect employes of By Brummitt,to fix rate for legaladvert;By Clark of Pitt,to determine theweightofabushel!of onions.By Clarke of Ashe,to provide forelectionofsuperintendentandboardofeducationbypopularvote.Grier,to amend Jaw’creatingfiremen’s relief fund.By Kittrell,to require registrationoffulltimehealthofficer.By Grantham,to amend law rela- tive to labeling of patent medicinesandalsotopreventsaleandadver-tising of certain patent and proprie-tary medicines.These bills would prevent the sale or advértising ofdrugswhichclaimtocureillswhich Dhysicians say are incurable andwouldalsopreventfraudulentlabel-ine of medicines. MeRary,to appropriate $2.500 ayearfortwoyearstomarkhistoricspotsinState.— By Daniels,to provide for erec- tion of guide posts at round crossings.By Doughton,to appropriate $%20.-000 for orthopaedic hospital;toamendlawrelativetoappointmentofns. The Rules Committee Trans- fers to New York. The board of governors of the NewYorkStockExchangehasrequestedallitsmemberstofurnishrecordsofbrokerstotheHouseRulesCommit- tee investigating the “leak”charge.The cought cover periodsfromDecember10toDecember28duringWhichtime,it is allewed,per- sons in possession of advanced informationonthePresident's peace note 97 huge profits in the stock mar ;if s8 3 7 ii t appro- il e l l e Pe c Et | ef ve P a r e i vi e . The committee has taken a recessandisinWashingtonuntilnextTuesday,when it is expected the in-vestigation will be resumed. EREENERTS ‘Negro Loses His Mind. A negro named Goflin was brought to Statesville Tuesday and lodged injailinaviolentlyinsanecondition e@ negro was employed by theSouthernRailwayatCetawbawhenhismindbécamesuddenlyunbalanc-ed.He will probably be taken to thehospitalfortheinsaneatGoldsboro. The body of Luther Norton,aged24years,who disappeared December23nearFalkland.Pitt county,was)found floating in Tar river Tuesday,|near where he was last seen with a}crowd of white men and nerroes.Several of these are being held,sus-pected of having a hand in bis death. The battleship Missiesipni waslaunchedatNewportNews,Va.,yes-.His the third Americanofthatname.The new onetentimesthedisplacementandbatteries1,000 times the destruc- wahashertive power that the old one had. First North Carolina InfantrybesentfromElPaso,Tex.,toandmusteredoutfromexactdetethevwillleavedetermined. ld|hand. l talk while here. ’‘}manner in which Mr. DEATH BYMr.John Bilis Killed im—Other Deaths. Relatives in the county receivedmessageTuesdaynienewsofthedeathby r.John Ellis at Palmer,Mlinajs.«Ellis hisdeathhasnotbeenlearned.de-ceased,who was a brother of yeC,Ellis,who resides four milesilies,|of Statesville,was a native of I red a bad cut on tWhiletheinjuriesofyoungOrrarenotconsidereddangerous,the fact that he wore a heavy over-coat probably saved his life.Mr.West gave $500 bond for hisappearanceatthenexttermofIre-dell Superior Court to answer a charge of assault with deadly weap-on. Special and Regular Services xtChurches. Service Sunday morning at 11o'clock at Trinity Eniseopal church..J.LL.Dennis of Troy willpreachatFifthStreetM.E.churchSundayeveningat7o’elock.Mr.Dennis is district superintendent forthisdistrict. At Race Street Methodist church,Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,therewillbespecialservicesformenonly.The subject “Men Wanted.”Recular service at 11 o'clock and 7.30.There will be a mass meeting atBroadStreetMethodistchurchSun-day afternoon at,3 o'clock,TherewillbeanaddresshyFieldSecretary Gay of the Anti-Saloen League. Rev.Mr.Longacre preaches at Si John’s Lutheran church Sunday morning at 41 o'clock and Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.Sunday school at 9.45 a.m.and Luther League at 6p.m. Iredell Telephone Company Stockholders Meet. The annual meeting of the stock-holders of the tredell Telephone Co. was held Tuesday nynt and the fol- lowing directors were efected:H.P.Grier,R.R.Ciark.J.G Shelton,E.G,Gaither,J.E.King,R.L.Poston,R.V.Brewley,FE.Morrison,R.Bryant and Wm,Wallace.The direc-tors will meet later and elect offi-cors. The company reports very satis- factory business for the year past for the plant here,Taylorsville,StonyPoint,Seott’s and Troutman.Someoftheindebtednessofthecompanywasliquidatedandabonuswaspaidheyoungladyoperatorsoutofthe earnings.The company made a netgainof56telephonesduringtheyear.: Farm Loan,Association For- mally Organized Yesterday. A meeting of the Statesville Na- tional Farm Loan Association washeldattheCommercialclubrooms vesterday morning.Directors wereelectedasfollows:J.M.Watts,I. N.Paire,F.B,Sample,0.O.Har-well,J.A.Brown.The directors elected officers:President,1.N.Paine;vice president,J.M.Watts; secretary and trensurer,W.TL.Gil-bert,F.B.Sample,Chas.Dulin andT.S.Barkley were elected membersofthefarmloancommittee.The association is receiving hearty support in the county.us far about $135,000 has been subscribed. Mr.Bondam of Holland at Com-mercial Club Monday Night. Mr.Richard H.Bondam of HollandwhohasbeeninAmericaforanumberofyearslecturingonsocialand literary subjects.is a ruest of Mr.and Mrs.Karel Bondam «.their home on Race street.The people of Statesville will have an opportunity to hecr Mr.Bondam He will speak at theCommercialclubroomsMondaynigh at 8 o'clock on “The Sultan WheWouldKillPoverty”and the publicrreverallyisinvited. Mr.Frank Harbin’s Trouble in Philadelphia. It has been reported about that Mr.Frank Harbin is in serioutroubleinPhiladelphia,Pa..where he works in the Baldwin LocomotiveWorks.The story is to the effect thatearlylastmonthhehadtroublewithanItalian,that he struck the Italian who later died.Mrs.Harbin is aware that her hushand had trouble with a: Italinn but says there is nothin«in thereportthatheisdead. Cotton Ginned to January 16. Cotton ginned prior to Jantiary 16 emounted to 11,147,118 runningbales,exclusive of linters,including 180,004 rownd bales and 115,468 bales of sen island,the census bureau an-nownees.To January 1 last vyenr,elwning oeweremated 10,751,990 bales, including 16.968 rownd bales aral90.671 bates of sea island.That was97.1 per cent.of the entire crop.There was winned in North Caroli-na 659,419 bales. Basketball. :The basketball team of StatesvilleCollegeandthegirls’team of theaileHigh—Pa a .armory y night.college girls were winnens with aseoreof32and24.Mise Culley ofwasreferee-a tow .|wife and three children. 3 but also many other diseases of having moved toveersago.He is Palmer aboutsurvivedby BurialdaceatPalmer. The body of Mr.Ernest Bost, young man who i at the home oShilohtownship wascon,Ga.,Wednv day night,for bMr.Osear Bost,a brother of the ceased,employed at Mr.C.H. ner’s foundry,accompanied the bod to Macon. Mrs.0.D.Lyerly,was mentioned in Tuesday'smark,was buried in Canton Tuesda’She is survived by her parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Bass,her husband andfourchildren,four brothers and two!sisters—Mrs.C.A.Sherrill of Lo-ray and Mrs.A.J.Hawkins of Chase City,Va. Mrs.L.C.Henderson died Wednes-day night at her home in Union Grovetownship,aged 47 years.She is sur-vived by her husband and seven chil- dien.Interment will be at UniorGrovechurchthismorningat11o'clock.ee Dr.Jordan Has Done Good Work in Iredell. Dr.T.M.Jordan,who has been en-raged in medical inspection work intheschoolsofthecounty,is closinguphisworkinlredell.He will leavenextweekforMooreevunty,wherehewillinspecttheschools.Dr.Jor-dan has been especially suecessful in his work in Iredell,the parents sup- porting him loyally.The physicians of the county have given Dr.Jordan their co-operationinhiswerk,The following comesfromtwooftheleadingphysicians of Statesville:“The best way to cure disease istonotletitoccur.Many children have diseased conditions,especiofthethroat,which if corrected ear~ly will not only prevent tuberenlosia life.What more need we say- vor of the inspection of school chil- dren?Dr.Jordan is doing a greatworkinthisdirection.” British Government StopsWorkonAmericanOrder. The British government has refused permission to the Hadfield’s,Limitedtoproceedwithworkonthecontract for shells for the American Navy “so long as the exigencies of war con tinue.”‘Contracts were awarded Hadfield’ Limited,for $3,141,000 worth of 14 inch and 16-inch armor-piercing she}!at about $200 a piece less than thelowestAmericanbid.As these shell: are for reserve ammunition,it is pos sible that no further efforts to let contractsforthemwillbemadepending construction of the gove*nment pro-jectile factory,already authorized.The secretary of the Navy pointe: out that the department now ha: available $1,500,000 tor a covernme' projectile factory,which it has beer determined to locate with the armor plant for which a s.te is still to hx selected.It will take about a year t complete it. Federal]Appropriation For Aid of Postroads. The Federal appropriation for the fiscal vear ending June 30,1918,of $10,060,000 to aid the States in thiconstructionofruralpoet-roads,has now been apportioned among the several States by the Secretary of Agriculture in aceordance with —the terms of the Federal aid road act Before making the apportionment the secretary,in accordance with the provisioncent.of the «appropriation,or $2800,-100,to meet the cost of administer-ing the act.The remaining $9,700- 000 has been divided among States as the act prescribes —on:third in the ratio of area,one-third of the act,deducted 3 per} the|} , eee Items of Interest Gathered FromOvertheState. The body of a female infant wasfoundonthebanksoftheFrenchBroadriver,Asheville. Attorney General .Manning rulesthattheactoftheLegislaturerais-ing the Governor’s salary is consti-tutional. Chatlie Thompson,colored,bellboyattheGuilfordHotel,Greensboro,fell down the elevator shaft Tuesdayndwaskilled. has been called to presidency oLivingstoneColiege,Salisbury,tosueceedDr.W.K.Goler,resigned. Senator Simmons,who has beenindisposedforseveralvys,is at his home at New Bernerestfortondaysortwoweeks. stepping from seme timbershousethatisbeingbuilt. Robert Berry,a Salisbury negro,just stopped dancing Monday nightinadancehallatAshevillewhenhedroppeddead.He was cheering the musicians when he fell.: In two weeks and three days ofBuneombeSuperiorCourt,criminalterm,Judge Shaw pronounced 47 sep-arate sentences anda total of 71yearsinprisonorcountyhome. Homer B.Clark was Wednes-day sentenced by Judge Shaw in Buncombe Superior Court to serve 30 years in the penitentiary for kill-tne Robt.M.Davidson last month. A mass meeting will be held atMorrantonteomotrowmorningtoex-press opposition to a bill passed in the Legislature proveding for a bondissueof$300,000 for road work inBurke.Capt.Caleb D.Bradham,for 17 years commander of the North Caro- lina naval militia,has been retired athisownrequetandtherankofrea) admiral has been conferred on him. The executive committee of the North Carolina Tenehers’AssemblymetinRaleighanddecidedtoholdthenextannualmeetinginChar-‘otte during Thanksgiving week. fey.W.R.Bradshaw,nine yearswithStateMissionBoardofBaptist Btrte convention in Western North Carolina,has accepted the pastorateesFirstBaptistchurchofHick- te S.E.Burgess,division passengeragentfortheSouthernatPhiladel-vhin,Pa.,will suceeed Mr.R.H.De- ts as division passenger agent at Charlotte.Mr.DeButts goes to the same position in Washington,D.C. The two-year-old and only son ofMr.ard Mrs.C.F.Wren of the Aspin,mil!villave,Fayetteville,was strik-ine matches and his dress caught fire,burning him so badly before help arrived that he died later. Rev.Chas.Smith,a Baptist min-ister,28 vears old,accidentally shot and killed himself Monday while out hunting in Guilford county.He was crossing a fence.the rail broke and the gun was discharged,severing thejugularvein. Mr.Philip Sowers,aged 93 vears,one of the largest land owners in Re- wan and Davidson counties,died Mon- day afternoon at his home near Snen- cer.He was a native of Davidsoncountyandissurvivedbyadaughter and two sors Gordon Luther of Candler,Bun- combe county,former soldier in the armies of Francisco Madero of Mex-ico,died Tuesday in a hospital in Asheville,death resulting from inju- ries received when he fell under a train engine e few days before. W.C.Snuegs,chief of police of Norwood,va kiled this week by Kirk Furr,one of severar brothers whom,it is ullewed,had it in for theofficer.The shooting took place ir front of the postoffice,where the of cer had gone io stop a row.Furr es caped. Leweon Gonge.white boy,is underburningaschoolhouse and church at Street,Mitchell county.The loss was $800 to 8°06,with no insurance The boy ix reported to have admitted burning the bu because he gid not want to vo to school Two resident physicians of a Mary a 13-year-old8500bondfor lding in the ratio of population,and on: third in the ratio of mileage of ral delivery routes and star route:A pportioned on this basis the amount apportioned for North Caro lina is $228,763.84. House Committee Fortification| The House fortifications committe: reported favorably a $1,000,000 bi! providing for a comprenensive schem« of defense for New York harbor eight 16-inch mortare for Cape Henrys two 16-inch guns for the Pue Sound,$4,800,000 for an élaborat: aero service for coast defense,and£80,000 for onti-aircraft rune Emplacements cre provided for eighteen 12-inch Yong range enn which the War Department contem plates placing at Pensacola,Portlend,Maine,Boston,Fort Hancock,Fort Delaware,Galveston and New Bedford.The coast defense airship projectcontemplatesthemaintenanceofoncsquadroneachinthePhilippinesan’Hawaii,and completion and maintenanceofsixreserveequadronsincontinentalUnitedStates,each squad on getting an appropriation of $600, Roscoe killed by anMill,Gastonia,running theele- aoe ae while |woe on the track o alac | land sanatorium came to Raleigh af ter an eseape!insene patient.Theyhimandcaught jhim near Sanferd.En route to Ral- leigh the patien:jumped from the|machine and cscaped.The patient irepresentedtobeheirtolargeprop erty. Jas.©.Lewis of Wilmington,diedinahospitalinBaltimoreFriday inight from injuries resulting from a ifall of 160 feet from a tower in Bal-|timore on which he wee at work. |Almost every bone in his body wasibroken.He lived hours afteritheaccident.He lost his balance when he reached down softer a ham- |mer. Neal Brown,newro,was killedTuesdaymorningatSt.Paul's,Rob- eson county,after he had robbed two|stores.Coming out of ene of the |stores Brown confronted Offieer New-item,kicked him and «lapped him =initheface.The officer shot the negro,who went 100 yarde and fell dead. coroner decided the killing wasinself-defence. When a new high school buildingwasauthorizedforAchevilleitwasagreed,practically vo,that ony con-ring the building of theAshevilleor- mne Suges of Greensboro]the the €)building,next toAmeeting ACCIDENT,|NEWSIN CONDENSEDFORM|THE MOORESVILLE NEWS. Tomorrow in Interest Items of Interest. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Jan.25 —Mr.T.H.Flowers,who recently the) prone R i"Spri .Tuesdayriv‘romwitht ’»Misses MarvBelleandInez.Mrs.FlowersarriveIster,ha over tovisitrelativesin.and theywillgotoneinafewdays.Mr.Flowers |will innaseoepaihasbeencalledforSat-urday afternoan in the chambercommerceroomsfortnepurposestirringupinterestintheMoores-ville community fair.A movementigonfoottoinduceFarmers’Unions to have a_booth.The fair last fall was a distinet sue-cess,and a betterand a largerone isbeingplannedforthisyear.Mr.B.A.Troutman has returnedfromasanatorium,wherehehasbeentreatedforseveral oer wee H ek neo,e is mue ie ed and declares that he younger,Mrs.J.Spencer Cashion of thiscityunderwentaseriousatLong's Sanctorium on Tuesday ofthisweekandherconditionisre-norted as fa Her son,Mr.C.EB.Sherrill,and daughter,.James Moore,went to Statesville tobe_with their mother..Mr.W.A.Earnhardt had the mis-fortune to lose $20 in bills on thestreetSaturdayeveninganddiligentsearchhasfailedtorevealthemiss-ing money.Twenty dollars is a tol-erably good thing for a man to havewhilethepriceoflivingishitchedontoacomet's tail.Mr.John Young Templeton,whohasbeeninfailinghealthforsometime,does not improve.His son,Dr.J.¥.Templeton,and Mrs.TempletonofVirginia,are here to spend some time.Mooresville High School will meetBaird’s school vy eveningwhatpromisestobethemoatexcit-ing basketball game played here thisseason.The local team has playedninestraightswithoutdefeatandisinfineshapeferPriday.Mr.Emmett Morrow,a son of Mr.Tom Morrow of Amity and a student a S a Tetertng,hiecameome°iforcedtodiscontinuehisstudiesforthepresentonaccountofillhealth.He may not return to college before next fall.Rev.L.A..Falls has not returnedfromOlanta,38.C.,where he wascalledSundayonaccountofthese- rious jliness.of his aged mother.Mre.Robert Falls of Winston -Sa-lem is with Mrs.Falls during his ab- sence,Miss Bernice Long returned Tues-day from Mt.Pleasant,wherewastheguestofMissLauraLentzforseveraldays.Miss Nora Tomlinson and Mrr.Robert Stafford spent Tuesday inStatesville.Miss Leta Mayhew isvisitingMissMayMorrisonatNew- ton. LOCAL DAIRY SCHOOLS. o---- Will Be Only Two in County This Winter—At Elmwood and Shawnee. erevanondence of The Landmark. Owing to the lack of sufficient helpinthedairvfieldofficebuttwodairy schools will be held in Tredel!countythiswinter.One will be held at theElmwoodschoolhouseMonday,Jan-uary 2%,and the other at the Shaw- nee scheol house,Troutman,R-1, Tuesday,30, These schools begin at 10 o'clock and continue until 4 p.m.,except for a short Intermission at the noonhour.Practical speakers will with the aid of steriopticon views and dairy euipment illustrate their talks on the various phases of the dairy work asrelatedtothefarmconditions.Suchsubjectsasfeeding,caif rearing,sep- arating,enre of the separator,careofthemilkandcream,churning and testing will be discussed and demon-strated. We expect the children and patrons of these districts to show their inter-est by attending and any others within reach of these points are re- ovuested to meet with us bringing their questions afd lunch and spend-ine a day in wholesome social recre- ation and instruction.Whether you are selling cream or butter or just making butter for the home use alayatoneoftheseschoolswillhevrofitablysnent.Don't forret thehour.G.BE.DULL,County Agt. Engagement Between B4tish and German Boats. Tn an engagement between British light naval forces and German torpe-do-boat destroyers in the North SeaTuesdaynight,a German deetroyer was sunk and the other torpedo craftseattered,it is officially announced, The sinking of a British torpedoboatdextroverinanotherengagement with German torpedobeat destroyersinthevicinityefSchowwenbank Toesday nicht,with the loss of threeofraand44ofthecrew,also wasannounced. Old Landmark Being Removed. vated on the Amity road,a eastoftheCharlotterailroad,eatentomndown.Mr.M.e Meeting .of CommunityFair—Other The old “Billy Watts”house,sit-| she arrange ing this event the >ever n —The firstwhichconvenespo S —.a aretocivilcases.:State ceses to come Leand67civilcases.;serves for the first time in the ea-pacity of officer in the court.—Mr.0.W.Henry,son of Mr.R..Henry of of wll totsciaaenot SoeauditorfortheSouthern.He isStatesvilleboy,whe is makingintherailroadworld.—c.L.Abernathey of ©y Springs,flagman on acoliwag‘work er stationed tatesville,was sliehtly injuredTuesdaymorningwhileworkingintheyardsatthestationhere,piece of coal fell from the enginetheworktrain.striking Mr.Aber-nathey on the head.The injury is minor. Asheville Woman MissingFromSteamer. Asheville Citiasen,25th. Mystery surrounds the disappear- ance of Mrs.Chester Lyman of Ashe- ville,from the Old Dominion liner Jefferson,which was reported yes- terday,when the steamer docked at New York.Mrs.Wyman boardedthesteameratNorfork,and is be-lieved to have fallen ——time during Tuesday night.of the vessel,who waappearance,expressed the tsomesuchaccidentwas for her disappearance.Mrs.Lyman wasshipasaresident ofandwasenroutefromWaverly,Maes.She was after she failed to ny flpuede,abandhadbeen ten:“In case board v night.a re call fast ver night.The only mark ofCharlesBE.Lymanof A stewardesa went to he cabin room was a card on BE R t i y 8 + 4 pt t r i e e s Ta r i s ae Eei FF F F F E F #R > S i r investivation disclosedanetdifferenceduetheTreasurer of $1,002.15,as the Receipts and Disbursements,taking the Balances as shown rT an Treasurer.*items paid to County Treasurer 90,1914,$65.60,and De 1,006.00 were not included in Sheriff's settlement of 1915 Taxes ve been allowed as Credits on the Balance eaken up by us as Taxes Uncollected December 7,1914."You wit find on our Ex-“Note,”three items amounting to $1,216.30,Credits which were date of our report,also a list of claims of the Sheriff for Credits to the action of the Board of Commissioners.- amounts av turned over to County Treasever covering Sheriff's @ correct,we being advised by the Chairman of the Board of there were no by which we could verify these coflee-[e e t ni amount,600.00,as a Sinking Fund;that this money had or invested as such fund,but had been used by the Board of Commission- paying current expenses.This we do not show in our report,but only show the amount actually invested.We did not consider 1916 Taxes in our investigation,a the Books for there were turned over to the incoming Sheriff,and no collections had been made on mber 2,1916.REMARKS. ;preparing our state of Assets and Liabilities,we have reviewed allRecordsandtracedallsourcesthatwecouldfinaofAssetsandIn- It is possible that some Warrants for the diferent Funds are out-,whieh we could not vevify on account of Warranes never having been reconelied,and it would have been an endless task to locate those which were un- Acting upon the suggestion of the Chairman of the Board,we did not figure@eetuedintercetonBillePayableorBonds.view of the fact that Reeord of Receipts and Disbursements as kept byarenetseparatedtoanygreatextent,considerable time was con-by us in making a distribution of the items carried in the different funds,would suggest that a Record with sufficient columns be used to make thisalsothattheSchoolFundbecarriedentirelyintheStateSchoo!of Receipts and Disbursements,and not carried on the General - would also suggest that separate Bark Accounts be kept for the differ-ent funds,all Receipts deposited in Bank and all [Webursements made by cheekAlsoconsiderabletimewasconsumedinclassifyingReceiptsofClerkofSu-«Court,these Receipts net having been properly entered on Books.WewouldsuggestthetallReceipts,including those of Administration and Guardian-ship Funds,be shown in Cash Book,and proper Ledger Accounts kept of these.yee “BR”shows all cash handled by the Clerk of Court,and we have pre-sented Exhibit “C”showing the amount entered on Cash Book,and you will notethatthesamefiguresappearinGeneralStatementExhibit“B.” J.B.BOYD,REGISTER OF DEENS IREDELL COUNTY.Exhibit "A."RECEIPTS.Dec.7,1914 Dee.2,1916.Marringe License Fees .ae Bak fee 1,647.00ChattelMortengeFees4.walt ess :1,086.20DeedsFees...\1,380.50MortasgeDeedsFees...on ..#8165DeedsofTrustFees-i -641.10ListingTaxFeesfeeses;vee 10.25MiscellancousNeeSenecane;;237.18 Total.A wee .Mee .8 5,983.95 Exhibit “A.”DISBU RSEMENTS.Dee.7.1944 Dee.2,1916.W.R.Sloan,Treasvrer :$8 5,923.25 3.M.Deston,Sheriff ;627.00 5,959.25 25.70 8.00 33.76 Total.:ee ee sirens ::$6,988.05 J.A.BARTNESS,C.&.C.,IREDELL COUNTY—GENERAL STATEMENT. Exhibit “B.”RECEIPTS.Dee.7,1914-Dee.2,1914,Ralance in hand Dee.7,1914 :.DR(List submitted to Commissioners:.R815.12 dudg@ment Docketed Schedule No.|13.59bnneniyFeesScheduleNo.2 ‘1.50GuaAccountsScheduleNo.3 :ey 32.98AccountsScheduleNo4ifae2.00rsofAdministrationScheduleNo.6 18.40tereofTestamentaryScheduleNo.6 ..Guardian Fund Schedule No.7 neeAdministrationandCostFundSchedule No.5 'Provate Fees pea ees us 1,939.17Administrator,Executor and Guardian Fees 1,194.46CiwilActions....ous ‘:1,063.91 State Cases aie .ae 566.05DocketingJ.P.Judements 115.90QuolityineJ.P.and N.P.:a veo 16.85 re :::‘27.96ClaimsandUelivery........,ue :23.45SpecialProevedings.ee :Pees 1.65me:a Dus iden en wanes 3.45 and Civil Subpoenas wi pLowitrn ark 17.00WitnessTickets56air66.07Fxeeutions.eee ‘50CommissionsonFines:av 12.76AffidavitsOUNOLenereeeone18Notices‘26Attachmentsee 6,027.46 16,478.23177.25 $15,650.487,$914—Dee.2,1916.CR.S 6,027.06 Balance due Clerk Superior Court Total Exhibit “8.” Cash in Banks Schedule No.i)Cash on Hand,Fund AccountsCashonHand,Fee Accounts . ‘Total Exhibit “C.”.7,191e—Dee.2,1996. Probate Fees :wees es isialorsitlesi e's 8 1,080.17Administrator,Executor and G °A 1,194.46CivilActionseesoean 8 60n1.48 Dee.7,1914-Dee.2,1906. 5,087.08 ed fig oo aoe eeem ereeeeere aeeeeneee eeeneeheene eeeeneeee oeeeeneeee PREMeReeeeeeee ees WEP Ree eee eee reese POPP ee weno er ereere Heerbeenarinneees POPPTHReeeeereee err tree remrenerceee POORERReteewereteeneeneeee POR eter reer eeerenenee® Petoamcrrcoeesng 1914Lacy,State Treasurer ois Pane 6 Sloan,County Treasurer ...Due County ber 6,1916 pve bebebhee ces cegccege eaeCashinHandsofJ,&.Boyd,Chairman Board ‘ot Com- missioners:}mero Licenses Tee des following creditsBoardof¥allowed on Amount on Hand for 1011 ........-Seas tuesses Amount on Hand for 1012/mount on Hand for 1913AmountUncoileciedSpecialReceiptsinSheritf's PossessionCrediteClaimedfor1916CreditsClaimedfor1913.... Credite Claimed for 1912BilleMilledwithCommissionersDeputyAcecuntUnsettled(Approsimatel Total Exhibit “F.”GENERAL STA General Fund: Ordinary ReceiptsNen-Ordinary Reev'pts School Fund: Ordinary Receipts j ‘36,776.32 Non-Ordinary Receipts ....careers 146,144.92 Read Fund::Balance on Hand Dee.7.8 6,172.76 Ordinary ReceiptsNon-Ordinary Receipts Balance Overpaid Total R.R.Bends:Ordinary Reecipts Belarce Overpaid ‘otal Saree eae RPA AISoer aronaeBuffs'o Shoals Bridge Account:Non-Ordinary Sos RiceReespitulatiorofRalanceOverpaidRoadRalaneeOverpaidBR.R.Balance on Hand in Bank: Leos Amount Due Treasurer .........5-++ee0s pee eeceterte Total went ©51,701.00 Exhibit “Fo GENERAL orate Tm 7,1914—DC.2,1916. @icveral Fund:Relance Duc Treasurer Dee.7,1914 S$isl Ovdinery Disbursements.es ae 8 74,468.15Non-Ordinary Disbursements 65,916.47 140,382.62 Balance We oie 39,227.78 .TotalSchool Fund:Balance Due Treasurer Dee.7,375.64 Ordinary DisbursementsNon-Ordinary Receipts Balanee : Total coe.a 9145,144.92 Road fund:Ordinary Disbursemente ........Non-Ordinary Disbursements R.RB.Bonds:Balanee Due Treasurer Dec.7,1914Non-Ordinary Disbursements ......;15,315.00 $16,468.47 'Pebursements 8 928.16 Balance me :8S 666.98 Total eee ene .8 906.00 Reeapituistion of Balances:Halance Due General Pund $29,227.78FalanceDueSchoolFund898.Balance Due Buffalo Shoals Bridge Fund ............. Exhibit ©General Fund:M.Deaton,Sheriff:Taxer General ‘Taxes County HomeTaresCountyJail :9,708.76SpecialFees....:172.01 Sule of Coal Sle of CottonMiscellaneousRegisterofDeeds Fees .Clerk of Court FeesCountyHome.......dury Tax and Jail Fees conCandidacyFees......... De e TM EP ae g e r a e r e d = er - h n PR E T LP Pe e PE oP Ee SO R A OPeeee se eee ree ee iy +Sane a be icles ngaenes HAD avesnnneeetenneom a srageeneeecened Deeneeeeerneeeeee sereereneeeeenodd Reeelpes sedenseeneeeeregedt Peet eee ROO teen en eneneee COOPER ETD E RHE R ORM Tee *wears eee :ourenes end Tayenses:, sheet’wad ike irertes*** Fee eee e een e eee eee enee ii C y s t f peePERE S SD eas rer oerecereesonHandDecember2,1916: 6,099.94siete @,106.10 66.85 GE cobs dee coco vsecstessdiceetecessvees ae ‘The following letter wae mailed to Mr.Boyd under dete of December 29, ingBtatementSer in See ,‘Tete!TER bbe isdels.ooond ‘7m BALANCEOFTUR ¢2Mutat See eal Fo n k e r Se h P r r k s e . & s2 e 5 2 e S e s e s s a e e k s Pe e r r Pe sa e , se s t e s e r s e * s e r c e s will have some prices on odd lotsin different depart- ments. ‘See The Sik Counters| For the 39c.,69c.and 98c. special.: The 5c.Countét i “|Willbea variety counter So $1,036.25,$1,085.26 |with lots of articles well ,|a rapt,worthyoucomingtosée. thesalewillbe a thing of thepast. So e p e c o r e r e c r r se . = on e 32 8 2 3 3 2 2 $3 3 ; rs EP S Se n we e g2 5 5 3 5 3 2 3 3 3 é is i f y ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON-BELK STOREsFOROUROF-FICEAND WAITING ROOM,WHERE YOU CANSTEP INANDWAITIFJITNEYIsNOT INSIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- i: hi i it i s li ct s i astonishing.BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE don't go onand on with 5 CENTS.orde stomach;it’s so‘PHONE 511.SALE UNDER EXECUTION.JitneyTransferCompany."=scrites.cosJBaldingerveTeaseHWhitingand ee Mrs.Annie .|By virtue of an executiondirectedto theundersignedfromtheSuperiorCovrtofIre-_dell county,in the above entitledaction,I willon|MONDAY,JANUARY 20th,1017,instead of on January ist,1917,heretof i iF pi t fs : 3| z |? Ss g ' + ak e t i e. 4i : lexecution,all thewhichthesaidAnnieWhiting,the ,|following described ren)estate,to-wit : year,aforesaid .amount of,their contributions;;of disbursements: 3% c h Pr e p te s $8 8 2 8 2 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 , fF aj f a8 |Carter;Honeyeutt,containing sixty more ‘acaie 2?ALBRANItot4:Dec,29,1916.-Sheriff Iredell Co.|HOUSES MOVED._ |Houseg moved or Raised,Handling!piackwei, |Renely >Lanning ManeorRoots,|Beedtera’ketchjingor.jor Anything Heavy.—span te Oe ss D.B.STEARNS,firady,J.A |232 West Broad Street.Brawley,B V...........itehewitt|gd Se SERREAmostcompletelineofHairTon-|Qs ob.@F a Gene|eTeeget Hie FR... eo ——oe ‘Shingles $1.40Per Square gevant,Hah ee eee:‘As advertised for months.|Sei}.™*-FiveSond Besters No |The Shingle King won't let|iver i. i::F 32 *3 z F ee = Fe s it e es t e § g i s g f e t t Ay Ate Al iE ey, Lo al sinei Po ho or ce Mpo c o ; 33 2 2 8 5 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 prices advance Cowles,BB|rs Cruse,Dr,C.L.*Oneof the youngest,but thebest,C.WATKINS.Conger,Mr.and Mrs a re in the State.They are all the best Clifford,H.W. Crawford-Bunchtobesecured.“BESTBYTEST”!||Coperteat 'eeW.E.COLEY,Prop.||FREE TOBACCO SEED.||ercs"e'6 ERE .get HAVEN'T RAISED PRICES}=pREEOFCOST ieeeOnDoorsacentsincecom-||by applying to the ||den"."s°!"”. MeBlvee's PlantersStatesville, fh e oP an 82 3 2 2 2 8 2 2 3 3 3 : KM S — Pw w S e HR we Me eingtoStatesville.’Warehouse,PO Bee ne eee C.WATKINS.|¢Etheridee,Mr.Foster,J.@.....reeteeFowler,Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Write us and seed will Ferguson,iMlas Annie oo... i Voster,8.A..W..D.HARRIS |}©be forwarded.||ui.118CourtStreet.Jan.2—8t.Fianioan,Mre.BL. and Ret.——setter Tee Houpe,Rap e t eens GetBese,Wie |And the complete stock Mettn x 2 8 of Plumbing,Heatingand Henkle-Crain Live Stock Co.||... water materials we carry.a C8 tieeee. We can]give you service. Tapes,Coment Patches,ete,||}|W.E.MUNDAY.Jabeaton Bell,Co.tee <iareallveryweilintheirway,but4,Te casera 114 EB.BreadSt.Imperial camaged as = .Dr.8.W.Hoffmann. - The North Carolina Social ServiceConferencecloseditssessionsWed-nesday night at Raleigh.Supt.M.L.:esler of Thomasville is the new |president.|.Thos.C.McCoy,convicted on a cechargeofconspiracytodefraudtheentoutofrevenuetaxonistilledspiritsandsentencedtetwo| years in t oe has beengrantedanappeal..,The nomination of John A.Donald |} S3 s 3 : - Pe mw e So e Ra e — 23 3 83 2 5 2 5 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 =>= members were confirmed last week'that of Mr.Donald washeld dk‘opposition of progressive Repub!and some Democrats. >Pudssten,SS eiive nei of Co-|f Are in big demand now and the demand is increasing.Have you bought yours yet?We have just unloaded acar and can supply you promptly.They arebetterthaneverifsuchathingis possible,They turn ‘dirtintodollars”. Let one he!p you this spring. oneand will be convincedit is 2_ nyMsi ,4 c- Ke e en S = Po w F Hh o 06 1 HH 00 rs 88 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 SP r P - e e - a s e z e n — - r a n n i n s 33 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 . ~i f } . . Co. $8.00. Furniture “The Store That Always Welcomes You”’ “a Crawford -Bunch ess GET IN TOUCH WITH LACE « pleasure to Yours truly, &POSTON.= @ source ofaa—< and See window display. good a=QUICK. _ member oftime When you need MILLS &POSTON ott| 5 centsperyard. Supplyyour wants. Phone89. Eagle&Milholland. Anopportunity tosatisty your lace wants.300dozen yards of Fine French Vals,Diamond Mesh,and Round Thread Laces.Valuesupto10cents,Sale price Don’t forgettocall for Gold MedalCoffee. it at i ae i ay it i at i n te ia r ee Ht rE tb hs i ni a HS : fi e tt i HT da l e il i it es a the doctrinethedoctrineof es eenop amB at a a b t i a at a u Hy i7 ea g7 8 2 2 i" ta i l pi l i ’ He y fs je e fa i r l HE HH it h al i ‘i li : ie “l amhenceforth avoid en | |==MILLS at a netand |influ- eaaed ll in aconcert|to act in ing alliances g alliancehenallunitesénseandwith the sameallactinthecommoninter-| i which woulddraw themintocompe- without.There| that all nationsjing and selfish¥®/\disturb their own affa iseonsin are free to live their own | puttingin‘phonesormak. of power,catch themin ingany changesareurgedtono- intruded fromisnoen' The Iredell Telephone Company is atwork ona new Directory, which it expectsto have ready same pose,and:cae OL = in a few weeks.Allwho contem- tify Manager HERITAGE once! WON ALL fe CO iG oeoeee, Oneof the of power.the titionsori ) in 3 Jy i s e e t s i ch ia Ar a 7h 4 ii + re t ={ h y Z fi tl Hl Hi l pa l e st gy e u g e e e l y ih il i it He |point.Fie|nesata,Wiseof Ae foronlyfora)it be on!newbalanceofpaereae aut 0 ballopee ?= na e :andpol- power|ences ibrium ofthe newatranquuEurope.There|»urofpower,but|estyofpower; Fre right state ofnation,fe plate pe g e s t ? 2 7 ss i ti fi Al i ti t e +Hca i ta e at l f a d t l i y at h ay ! i : it ei n ce l te l p ii t 2 3 members ©G,G,club,theBachelorBelleclub the nature of 2scorecardsateKewpiesand!played at seven The score winner at presented with a handsome ma-hogany tray.Carnations and prim-decorated the house prettilyThereweretwocoursesofrefresh- GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG Personal Mentionof People andTheirMovements. Miss Leila Mayhew returned yes- Newton anc.Statesville..W.E.Nattres#svent yester-in Charlotte on business. Bierdayto Mooresville after a visit to Cristie and Jennie Mr.Wze for Johnson City,she will be the guest of Mrs.St.John..L.P.Houpe has returned frombusinesstriptoTennesseeandAr- “W.E.Heinitsh of Columbia,is the _Mr.W.E.Webb left yesterdaymorningforNoland,where he wil!spend several days.Mrs.Winston Dotherol of Char-lotte is spending a week with rela-tives in Statesville and Stony Point.Col.A.D.Watts returned Wednes- h LM -t Wednesdirs.ms spen nesdayinDavidson.Rev.and Mrs.C.S.Cashwell leftyforSalisbury.Mrs.will return shortly;Mr.will remain to attend toduties,.Addie Moore of WilmingtonMrs.W.P.Morrison of Scott's,have been with friends in States-left Wednesday for ChinaGrove,where they will visit friends.Mrs.J.F.Anderson left TuesdayotstayinSalisbury..F.L.Johnson left TuesdayforafewdaysstayinAtlanta, .J.J,Hutchison spent Mondayherbrother,Mr.Jas.Wil-on her way home from Charlotte, ds re Syriton,>hes aggt yeeSPedroMigual, “Inapection—‘Day atGeeteteBeetresSchool. Gerresponcence of The Landmart Scott's,at.the "Wine ton ednarevisitingofMr.and Mrs.W.G. Mitchell,principal of ,ge boy”arrived at Mr. ‘ionby cheslwiehere i t e : be l t Bs a = SNP.Semen, ss i ii . f irs.M.E.Ramsey,Jr.,will leaveTenn, guest of Mrs.Eugene | joore and | gn rlf i. g f r i s z i; we il y before|Kélly won the prize for the best com-|Miss Wallace’s|P@8ition on consumption,and *Miss|Eugenia Jones won the prize for the most meritorious composition on care|of the teeth. school met last Friday afternvon.Subject was:Resolved,that the In-|dians were unjustly treated by thewhites,Speakers were—affirmative,|Walter Kelly and Eugenia Jones;negative,Ruth Newton and ini |Honeycutt;declaimers—Laura Kelly,|Bruce Jones;ogator,Mabel Houston.i"affirmative .i Ye have for diseussion next Fri-jday afternoon,Resolved,that arith-jmetic is more important than Eng-lish.Speakers are—Waidam Corne-lius,and Ray Newton,affirmative;jand Mary Kelly and Marion Isen-hour,negative;_declaimers—CullenKelly;|Rohey Cornelius.|Mr.Tennis Reid was so unfortun-‘ate last Saturday as to stick a nailinhisfoot,which gave him quite a‘ttle pain for a Tew days. | Cooks Compositions For Fun. |Correspondence of The Lantrmark. Tuesday evening at the usual hour,7 o'clock,the Ever Ready Cookingclubmet.Each member being ever ready for the lesson,which wes 7th)and 8th lessons.Tomato jelly andbakedcupcustardsbothprovedverysatisfactory.The roll call was answered by the reading of a short composition,com-posed by the reader,each word in thecompositionbeginningwithA,B,C,ete.These compositions afforded lotsoffun.Mrs.Hen Johnson’s wasvotedasbest,which was as follows:|—|Annie,Addie,Alice and Ada are al-|ways aggravating Arthur,Andrew‘Albert and Alfred about an allow-ance,although Annie and Arthur jagreed.Addie and Andrew alloted an| allowance.Alas!Atice’s aged aunt |Alda aggrieved Alice about Albert'sattorney's awkwardness.Alice actedjastonishedatAlbert's associates.AjJ-fred avoided Ada after arriving at|Adlanta.Another action aroused at- |tention as Ada arose against Alfredaboutanautomobile.All acted auda-ciously.The above is given in print that the numerous clubs in the rural districts may catch the idea which the Everclubbasesherhumoron.WewouldbepleasedtohearsomethingjoftheClubsandtheideasthey |Use,‘be gtad to give the|we use in our financial matters‘if they care to know.We enjoygrentlythelettersfromthefarmer:|the farmers’sons and daughters.meeting will be held Fri-day at 7 o’clocx.Mayonnaisedressingwillbemade,and the firelosrjecookerwillalsocomeintouse.Weare|will present at next meeting. |Measles,Mumps and Old-Time'Choppings Out Harmony Way. orreagendence of The Lavdmara. farmony,R-1,having all kinds of weather.The wet yh:PahTecan “Theaje.Thebeensobadsincethatfarmershavedonetowardsanothercrop.some measles and mumps S: id F ;z He7 iv 3 The Royal Literary society of the| orater,| ‘THE “EVER -READY”CLUB Seriously and Writes leased to note that Miss Henkel| Jan.22 —We are ™ Mr.Will Gat- :et eee Seen Se eee Save produceontheonthoesoakChickens,13-14e.per ib.»Ge.wy Green Salted Hame,16+18¢.Sides and Ghoulders,16-16e.Red Honey,He. Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c.perSweetPotatoes,80c.per bushel,Irish Potatoes,$1.60 per bushel, Crain.The foliowing prices were pald yesterday«rain on the local market:Wheat (sew)$1.90 per bushel.Corn,$1.15 per bushel.Oats,66-T0e.per bushel, ,wel Court of LredellIheaboveaction,I PRIDAY,FEBRUARY 234,1917, at 12 o'cloek,noon,at the courthouse door ofseidcounty,to the highest bidder for cash,tosatietythesaidexecution,all the right,title in the aaiensaaing jingbeinginTurnersburg|,North Carclinn,and‘|bouncedaxfallowe:Beginning at @ stone,W.L.Gaither's -|ner;thence north 66 poles to »atone:West 36 1-2 poles to a stone;thencesouth 33jredstothepublieroad;thence east with saidroadtothebeginning,containing twelve acres,|mi.F Galther wilt Join tn the.?w }at 5.~ei conveyance to | .ALEXANDER,|of iredell County.iR.T.Wentherman and H.C.Privette,Attys.dan,26,1917,i Did You Know C.WATKINS Sells “Builders’Hardware”as well as|Building Material?Listen:Nails|Deor Locks.Butts,Hinges,Sash|Weights,Sash Locks,Pulleys,o Lifts,Valley Tin and Ridge| C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. Prominent BusinessManSeeksRelief. |Mr.R.C.Branscomb,prominent in the business affairs of Union|Sorings,Alabama,writes for relief.||No doubt this is of interest to you.|:|“Union Springs,Ala.,Dec.29,1916.|On tekek spatsmthelocalmarket per pound was paid foros eee cotton.Cotton Seed,The.per bushel,Seed Cotton,6 I-2c.per Tb. mn ern gromen a en rm d=eeaee es —On Waterpiece.Return dan.23--1t. FOR RENT—HOUSES.N.P.WATT.Jan.26.=ieee oreganoLOST—Cameo Pin.Please retumh to THLANDMARKandgetreward.Jan,26—1t* |POR SALE—At «bargein,S8-acre Farm 21milesnorthwestofMovwresville,N.C.Fine)Truck or Dairy Farm,good ecignt-roomHouseandbigBarn.See or write me atonce,J.F.MeNEELY,Mooresville,N.C.dan.26-—-20°.1 NOTICE OF SALE--I will sell at suction)Horses and Mules in Statesville at 10 a.m.Tuesday,Janvary 80,WALTER R.CLEM.-ENT.dan.23-~2t. WANTED—Severai cars of om hickorylumber.Write for prices and dimensions.|HICKORY HANDLE &MPG.CO.,Conover) N.©.Jan.23--2t*. POR SALE—Nouse and lot on Davie Avenue.Bargain for quick purchaser.Addrés F,care The Landmerk.dan,23--2t* FOR SALE--One 9-room bungalow oul two5-room cottages on Mulberry street at bar-sain.Terme to suit purchaser.J.C.HEN-LEY,‘Phone 267 Green.Jan.19-—4t. FOR RENT—Residence on Davie avenue.J.L.SLOAN,_____dan,12. FOR RENT—Twe-story oi en eastShar;street,Spey to STATESVILLE_ad @ INV COMPANY.an,9. FOR RENT—PFront room over Ramaey-Howles-Morrison Co’.store,with lights and water.Price 35.00 per month.L.B.PATTRPRSON. ~Stockholders’Meeting. The annual meeting of the First Building & loan Association will be held at thetheassociationonSeturdsynight,Felfruid,117,at 7.80,All stockholders are urgedtoattend,a.V.FURCHES,Jar.28.Secretary and Treasurer. NEW VICTOR RECORDS Of EIGHT HITS from the lat-est musical shows.The best of |, the Broadway Hits are tow avail- able and can be heard at AN- DREWS’!No matter how far you are from New York,you may enjoy the cream of the season's successes.ASK TO HEAR THEM ON THE VICTROLA! Andrews Music Store. Everything Musical. 05 E.Broad Street, 1Statesville. —YOUR WINDOWS Can rise to the tcp,but C. |WATKINS won’t let his tise much in price. "SALEOFLAND. the lost wilt and testamentjot2.M.Campbell and Elviraandonderby .FEBRUARY 5,1917,| i“Mrs.Joe aw Remedy Compa-«Sock1%cents)|ny,Charlotte, “Dear Sir—| “Enclosed I hand you my check for| which please ship me six bottles Mrs.|Joe Person's Remedy.I am in bedithRHEUMATISMandIknow,wieee,ieousOe neck |Mrs.Joe Person's Remedy will do thework.Thanking you for prompt at-tention,Truly yours, “R.C.BRANSCOMB.” Previous to the above we received)a letter from Mr.Branscomb:}“Your medicine is “DEAD SHOT”:to RHEUMATISM.My wife was a!great sufferer and nothing did her|any good ti}!she tried -your Remedy.Now she is WELL.” Hundreds of cases we know of ! where the heritage left by Mrs.Joe| Person has relieved and effected per-manent cures of Rheumatism,where others were tried and failed.OURS, DID THE WORK.For over forty years the household Remedy for) thousands of families.Ask any! Druggist.He will tell you;or— ASK YOUR DOCTOR!4 W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON @&SON,STATESVILLE DRUG CO., POLK GRAY DRUG CO. | Buy And Enjoy A Weser Phonograph| Prices range from $20 to $750. Shown above is cut of es 100,price $100, e in for a demon-stration.| Leonard Piano Store.| DR.COITE SHERRILL,| General Practioner in City end County. a Cit Oe SSM ac> ee wells :som al oF Oe oy e728, Comfort,ease and elegance is his reward.©didn’t get it in one day,or a week,or@ year,didn’t “strike it rich.”He didn’t have a rich die and leave it to him.He BANKED hisTheamountsweresmallatfirst,but he IT;then the amounts grew larger,opportunities and the little sum he started with become a big FORTUNE.: You can do it too---if you TRY. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.Ww ORy Statesville,N.C. ‘THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK; «a the ee re =o aiee?Tt MesTBest,eer,(); e , fd * #7 Brides will like our , Jewelryis the thing to give for a Weddingcauseitexpressesthe“Sentiment”of the.giver.not treasure a ring,a pin,a necklace,a watch orwhichwasreceivedayagiftataCERTAINTIMEifit-Weddi ie Time.iherefore;the jewelry you give the bride orto a friend 3%should have the “quality there.”:toate__We sell QUALITY Jeweiry—modern in style,reasonable’in price.ya oat aantl R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. Buy for Cash.|Sell for Cash."] New Year Resolutions} On and After January Ist,1917,"£ tow & We will make no tickets for any one.,Don’t ask it.This applies to all. Goods sent out on approval to bepaidforthefollowingdayorbe— All goods purchased from us not:satisfactory and returned to us not damaged,we will cheerfully refund the money, Johnston-Belk Go The Store That Sells For 16 BIG RETAIL § vy Ag adane* # st you havenaddition,you nee ef smart boys like mine who hearts in the right ——in their pockets.Then you| n fetch the devil from his own to have a hand-|have| ‘“‘The discipline was first rate. the order to go below was) whole crowd of,the €o | rs hurried to the lower decks,run-| ing like hares,’ r "Lieutenant Badewitz said he and 16 men of his own crew never the bridge of the Yarrowdale and| Il preparations were made to sink ship at a moment’s notice with-| the bi .Al on he said,knew that he would| he vessel in event of a’ captains were sen-@ hold their |Hickory Record.. ape,carriedingenuityrarely f outside of fic-|tion,reached ublic at fintervals.His m r,until her death|two years ago,never relaxed her ef-forts to secure his pardon and wasallowedtovisithersonregularly.iWhenPomeroybeganhissentencehewaspoorlyeducated.Now he car|reed in seven |ges and at iageof57isstudyingArabic.on last known attempt to escape was four|years ago.Since then he has been |diligently studying law as it bears onhiscase.Beyond his attempts to,break through steel and brick to free-dom,he has been on the whole,his)‘keepers say,a quiet and model pris-| onet,[SEE } Profit From Eggs in Lenoir, Newton and Hickory. Speaking of eggs,the Lenoir Top-|them i¢says that J.N.Smith of Caldwell|.AmongaahaceoftheBritish na-| armed merchantmanichtheyhadservedas gun- the Yarrowdale was riding .of Island Haven,in,of the f rs iH £ ht |record—in his head;|cil haven't been né|the nine hens have produced two (2)| county has a year’s record of 80 henswhichpermittedhimtosell805doz-|en eggs for $196.23 and $40.17 worthofchickens,a total of $236.40,Atpresentpriceshiseggswouldbe|worth $822.A certain denizen of|the Newton Enterprise print shopwhohasninehenshasalsokepta paper and pen-needed.In 90 days) reason in|eggs and there is ev was whol-|the world to believe that ity and entirely an accident and not| |intentional—drat ‘em.Also dodgast |‘em.|And a certain denizen of the Ree-lord shop bought him a wire fence,| Berlin Dispatch,21st.A summary of thealtyofffcialstatement on the deten-tion as of war of neutra)armed merchantmerbyGermannavalforces,wartetheStatedepartmentatWashi:by Ambassador Gerard |This is only information yet avail-|able regarding this development in na.| German official circles profess to! German admir-| are safe and the case is not|complicated by the loss of life,op-|timism over an amicable adjustment|»is expressed here. *| Rn }mounts guns,whet Since the issuing of the German)um on armed merchant-|mes earlier.in the war,German av-|thérities have held that a ship which|her they be intend-|ed for defence or offence,loses itsstatusasaprivatecommercialcraft“one becomes a warship.Sailors tak- :men has been held in abeyance, service on such a ship,these au-contend,lost their neutraltus,just as if they had enlistedinthenavalforcesofabelligerent.‘ore,these sailors are liable to,st@ment as prisoners of war,it is The problem of armed ee utthebeliefisgrowingthatthegov-ernment will take advan of thecreatedbythebringingin-|to a Germanportoftheprize shipYarrowdale,with the crew held as eS war,to bring the ques- t to Mr.Wilson Sticking Close toHisWorkinCapitolRoom. Washington Dispatch,23d.Determined if possible to have hislegislativeprogrammecompleteddur-|ing the present session of Congress.President Wilson today inauguratedanewcustomofgoingfrequentlytohisroominthecapitolfordetailed discussions of pending bills with members of the Senate and House.He-has made tentative plans for spending at least an hour three times a week at the capitol instead of see-ing members of Congress at theiteHouse.The measures on which the Presi-‘°dent laid stress in his talks today were the railroad bills,the vocation-shsterntice measure,.agar so water power bills,tPortoRicobiN,and revenue legisla-tion.A possible hitch was revealed whenagroupofWesternSenatorstoldtheSahaieeethebeliefwasgeneralthatactiononthegeneralleasingand ' A iii t,i Fayre bills could be securednavydepartmentcompro-mised in its opposition to the Phelanamendmenttotheleasingmeasuretovateoperatorsonoila—-oomven.— sa was investigatingthesubject.Secretary Daniels hassteadfastinhisorositiontotheproposal..to the White House forafterdelihisaddresstoonpeace,Mr.Wilson wenttothecapitolandbeganseeingandives= xX-succession.the jon of the oil {ups plainl |Look had a chicken house made and pur-'chased ten pullets at one dollar peralonginSeptember.He has fed‘them generously and they sing their, content,but only five have they|laid during the whole winter.They|won't pay interest on 30 cents,to saynothingof$30.: MOTHER!DON’T TAKECHANCESIFCHILD'S:TONGUE IS COATED!) Bil- ious,Clean Little Liver and)Bowels! A laxative today saves a sick child,tomorrow.ildren simply will not)not take the time from play to empty|their bowels,which become clogged|up with waste,liver gets sluggish,|stomach sour.|Look at the tongue,Mother!Ifcoated,or your child is listless,cross,feverish,breath bad,restless,doesn’teathegrtily,full of cold,or has sorethroatoranyotherchildren's _ail- ment,give a teaspoonful of “Califor-|nia Syrup of Figs,”then don’t worry,because it is perfectly harmless,and| || || \in a few hours all this constipation |poison,sour bile and fermentingwastewillgentlymoveoutofthe!bowels,and you have a well,playful,child again.A_thorough “insidecleansing”is ofttimes all that is nec-| |essary.It should be the first treat-|ment given in any sickness.|Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.Ask yore druggist for a 50-cent bot-tle of “California =of Figs,”,which has full directions for babies,|children of all ages and for grown.|printed on the bottle.!that it is|the “California Fig mare |carefully and seemadebyCompany.” SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. Ry virtue of a judgement of the SuperiorCourtoflredellcounty,entered in the spe-cial proceedings entitled A.W.Blackwelder,administrator,ve.Richard Falls et al.,theundersignedcommissionerwillon MONDAY,FEBRUARY 5,1917, at 12 o'clock m.,expose to the highest bidderatpublicauction,for cash,at the court housedoor,the following desertbed tract of land, to-wit Beginning at a stone in James Young's line,corner of Lot No.6,and running thence east150polestoastonein.Patterson's line;thence with hiv line 2 degrees east 18 poles toastoneonlineoflotNe,8 on Patterson'sline;thence north 20 degrees east 13 1-2 polesastone,Patterson's corner;thence north 88degreeswest150polestoastone,Young'scorner;thence with his line south 2 degreeswert30polestothebeginning,containing 31! acres more or lesa.The above tract of land is situated nearOstwalt's,being the home of the late Henry File,colored,and will be sold subject to thedowerofDovieFalls,his widow. This January 6th,1917. A.W.BLACKWELDER,Harry P.Grier,Atty.Commissioner.Jan.9 -4t.w. SALE OF LAND. A.C.Crouch,administrator of Fred.Robb,deceased,ve.Mrs.Eva Morrison ct al.,heira-at-law, Under and by virtue of an order of the Su-pertor Court of lredell county,we,the under- signed commissioners,will sell to the highestbidder,on TUESDAY,JANUARY 0TH,1917, at the court house door of Iredell county,at12o'clock,noon,the following described real property:Beginning at a stone in the publicneroflotNo.0,thence with sald061-2 degrees E.74 1-2 poles to and corner of lot No.6;thence seatdegreesE.20 poles to aline.corner of lot No.6;wet 22 poles to a stone, door to his office| ,Vanee Somers home p |alley,500 feet more or less,to Front «treet, -entire pa ™»,.San.2,1917. ig Justthink this over a minute.—How man a yfriendshaveyou?Not the fellowswho borrow fromyou—Imean the chapswho will fight for you!Fellowswhobelieve in you—whostick by youthroughthick andthin.You cancountthemonone Butlistentothis.—I have several million down South here. hand,can’t you? And why?BecauseI’ve been on thelevel. ‘ I've played fair.I’ve never lied to my friends,nor cheated nor crossed them,norheld outonthem. They knowmebymy right name—SOV-EREIGN.Atrue gentleman of thebornandbredoftherealSouthern I mingle the bloodofVirginiaand :lina—thebestin the world—thesweetest,ripest,smoothesteversmoked. You Folksofthe South KNOW Good blood!~You Folksofthe South KNOWGoodtobacco! I have friends downSouth,and I keep them—becausequality does tell.Anditmeans a whole lot when Tam I say: ae care UibaceLAA,—Buy me.ee eeeonarteeIfyoudon’t like me returnme to your dealerand get your moneyback.I have said it.A Southern gentleman is knownthewerldoverforkeepinghisword,and !have given you mine. SALE OF VALUABLELANDSANDCITYPROPERTY, Mrs.Bertha Somers,individually;JamesSomers,John Somers by their guardian,Mrs.| Bertha Somers;W.N.Somers,BF.Stewen-ron and wife,Nettie Stevenson,Chas Som- ers,Noah Somers,Ernest?Somers and Gaston Somers,exparte. As commissioner appointed by the clerk oftheSuperiorCourtofLredellcounty,in apreceedingentitledve.Rertha Somoirs andothers,ex-parte,I Will expose to public satetothehighestbidderatthecourthousedoorinStateeville,on MONDAY.FEBRUARY 5TH,1917, that tract of land known aa the J.C. Co.farm,near the State Farm,containing|about 86 acres,more or less,an exact surveyofwhichwillbeproducedonthedayofwile.At the same time and place,and upon thesameterms,I will expose to public sule the in Statesville,N.C.,adjoining the lands of H.A.Yount and oth-ers,desertbed as follows;Beginning on the north side of West Frontstreet,in the city of Statesville,at a post,corner of H.A.Yount's,formerly J.C.Duke's,corner;thence with said Yount’s line north%degrees enst 240 feet to a post,H . Yount’s corner;thence with the said Yount’slinenorth5degreeswest186feettoapost,H.A.Yount's corner;thence with Yount’slinenorth84degreesenat162feettoastake,in Patterson alley,H.A.Yount’s corner:thence south 21 degrees enst | with Patterson and thence with Front street 78 degrees went8801-2 feet to the beginning,containing twoandone-half acres,more or tees,on will be divided into lots andsold,and thensoldas a wholeTermsofanle-One-thira cash on day of|sale;one-third tn six months;and the re ments to 6 per cent,interest fromofsale)=6Any purchaser desiring to payrehasewilbepermittedto doY¥.CALDWELI,Commissioner. maining third in twelve months;deferred }wit the v ! FARM NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND. INORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.Under and by virtue of the order and jude,ment of the clerk of the Superior Court ofIredellcounty,in the special proceeding = titled L.G.Horn,adminitrator of Mary } Campbell et als,vs.Willie Campbell et als.,|‘the undersigned commissioner,onMONDAY,JANUARY 29,1917,‘at 12 o’elock,at the court house door of Ire-dell county,will sell at public auction to thehighestbidderthefollowingdeseribedwnat},or parcel of land,to-wit:Lying and being in Turnersburg township,| taining 147 ‘of the aforesaid State and county,on the wartersofLittleDutchmancreek;.jbounded on the north by the lands of LonnieSomers'Cartner;on the east by the Massey Innds;on}the west by the lands of Kellas Campbell,con-1-4 acres,more or less. being The terms of the sale will be one-third enash| per cent on deferred payments.Biddistartat84,600,Db.F.Mayberry,Atty.dan.9,1917 38.w. MORTGAGE SALE- reortenges of Iredell county,on page 10ealdrecord,the undersigned will,on MONDAY,FEBRUARY 5,1917, G..Commissioner. at the court house door in Statesville,N.C,bidder,in anid : F Hs ~- by hi ii i it ss h Fi 7He # a on confirmation of tale,one-third in one year!land one-third in two years,with interest at 6 A serviceable Boot for Winter,Fitted with one Double Service Fibre Sole. Out wear leather soles. Won't slip. Price $5.00thepair. ing ,Automobile Companies.by.At that are equaled by few (if any) respectfully solicits your ing business---ryoube a.Farmer,Merchent MasuleteenProfessionalManorLaborer,Also,and Children to open a savings 2c- i F vice and privacy of customers affairsreceived=at any FE E HI T E tT : "People’s Loan and Savings Bank. :GEO.H.BROWN President.0.L.TURNER a resided5bySenatorWilfredD.Turner, e LieutenantRisaidthetit was ficlaim to society the unfortunates |New Series to Open! The First Building and Loan Association—its 6ist Series Saturday,February 3, The best way in the world to sumandformorehousesistobuildthisinstitution. _}The First Building&Loan Association. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary ly the de-through |in the night,declaring that he had) Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks.Also to fixyourClock or Watch. a*;ame+*a eee &rig might work injury to competenthumaneofficials.Traywick charges that thejneeruingtotheStatefromitsinstitutionsisadisgracetotheHesaysthatsuchprofitscome at the! expense of prisoners who are treat-, cd inhumanely in the great effort to while at the sametime it aidsimekethefarmspav}|The joint committee heard Tray-/| |wiek’s charges with much interest.|Practically every member felt that’‘they were exaggerative,but that!they furnished sufficient basis to}warrant the ordering of an investi-|gation of penal institutions.Sena-'tors Brenizer and ent ~ Holderness and.- Representatives Grier,Renfrow andBeasleywereappointedacommittee|to make the investigation,subject to }the action of the General Assembly.over eX«Turner. The meeting was pi Governor.Mr.his opinion that imuch of the existing evils in penalinstitutionswasattributabletothe“State’s stinginess.This stinginess,jhe said,tied the hands of men who|otherwice would do their best to re- |sent to prison. |ANOTHER SENSATION. Ex-Governor Craig Charged With Trying to Oust County Attorney. |Asheville Special,22d,to CharlotteObserver. Chairman W.E.Johnson -*the|Buncombe county board of commis-sioners added another chapter,verg-‘ing on the sensational,to the recent controversy over the rrivate sale of|county bonds,when he issued tonichtjanaffidavit,declaring that ex-Gov-jernor Locke Craig had called himintoCraig’s office proposed,if the hoard would let County Attor-‘ney J.W.Haynes go Craig would ro {on the floor at the mass meeting held|here Saturday and “uphold the com- |best of ev for 1917,tclis about the best Farm and Garden Seeds and gives specic!information an tothebestcropstogrow,both forprofitandhomeuse The terge increase in our bust-mess which we have again exreri-|| enced d the past year is the |) ce as to the high.[)|quality of | ?WOOD'S SEEDS.|| jWriteforcatalogandpricesof oes,or any .Farm Seeds roquired. Catalog mailed free on request. T.W.WOOD &SONS, |missioners in regard to the recent |bond sale.”|Mr.Johnson's affidavit declaresthatGovernorCraigsuggested“that!allied with Char-lie Webb or any other faction,be ap-pointed”and the county chairman re-fused to accede to this demand.Thejaffidavitisdrawninproperform,has been cworn to before a no-tary public.l|»Craig answered the statement Inter not promised to uphold the commis-the sale of the bonds.He jeuch circumstances as +o excite sus-‘picion and that wouldnottoleratesuchactionbytheirser-jvants.He declared further that he‘did not believe the commissioners to‘id not believe HlH ii s i Van Lindley (Co., We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Geass andCloverSeeds,Seed || SEEDSMEN,-Richmond,Va. Flowers For AllOccasions!|, THESE THINGS.This is why thetheseSmithForm-a-Trucks hasrunway upintothe millions. in so short a time. Thereisn't aconcerninthis country,from New YorktoCalifornia,operating oneor a whole fleet of these trucks,butthatis more thansatistied with the resultsandeconomy — Askustosendyouourbook-let “It Solves Your ‘4 to yourown satis « just what theSmithForm-a-a Truck will do for you in YOUR business. City.22------enacecenen~SOatp-omesenne Py) THE QUALITY DISPLAY vce ND sei STATIONERY WILL INTEREST YOU. Box,Pounds,Tablets,Envelopes,Correspondence Cards. The priceisright.The quality thebest. THE REXALL STORE.Statesville Drug Comp'y | Te ee ae *OF STATESVILLE,N.0,ers SSCapitalStockPaidin$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 MembersofFederal ReserveSystem. Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods, Four per cerit.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,—!Kk.MORRISOND,M.AUSLRY@.B.HUGHRY,--_ Will Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? It Comes To The WorstWHY Not Make The Best Of It? You're making the best of the worst when you fortify yourselfagainsttheravagesofFIRE,ILL HEALTH,ete.,through themeansofaniron-clad Insurance Policy. You can wonderfully lighten these blows of misfortune by pro-tecting yoerself with one of our fair and square Policies thatGuaranteesyoufullandpromptpaymentoflosswithouttheslightestevasion. Let us show you some of the particularly strong features of thesePolicies. p STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, W.E.WEBB,Manager. OOS rH onetens‘arolinavotingwiththeRepublicansthenegative.;On the first vote 10 dacommitteeturneddownthis‘ion,seven to three.A|fort may be made to winic's approval,and if this|Stecessful,a fight will.dej=provision on the floor of |«The action of the committee camehortlyafterrepresentatives@fthe|four railroad brotherhoodsPresidentWileonthatthey destred|to suggest changes to the bills nowimending,The President asked thatthesuggestionsbesubmittedinwrit-ing,ond promised to give them eare.ful consideration.The brotherhoodleadersdeclinedtomakepublictheir|vreposale at this time,but it is uyderstoodtheyfollowthelinesindi-cated in hearinz:before the Hous:{committee and provide fer a perm:jnent investigaiing commission com-;posed partly of employers and —em-i wloyes,without any strike probibi-}tien feature. The Senate committee adopted a{provision for a board of investiga-tion to be appointed by the Presideniwhenocensionsarise.which woul’!be called into being only in ease thepresentFederalBoardofMediation and Coneitiation failed to settle THRIFTTHRIFT 1g COMING It will be celebrated all over theUnitedStatesonSaturday,FebruaryThird.Everyone's attention will’bedirected,upon this day,tothe start-ing of some additional Thrift habit. The opening of a bank accountoraddingtoone-already opened is aarticularlyappropriateformofHRIFTDAYobservance. Old friends and new friends wil!receive an especial weleome here onTHRIFTDAY. Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Sovings.” controversy.The beard would be authorizedtoinvestigateandrepernetonlythefacts,but its eonelu:‘ons aa te the merits of each side,When the commictee concluded itrkfortheday,it had reachedprevisiondericnedprevent.o}of inter-State conwmercwithoutinterferencewiththeigh:to strike.The sugycstion before —itwouldmakeitamislemeanorpenishablebysixmonths’imprisonmenorafineof$100 foe 2 railroad emplovewkoha«qui rk to obstructthemailsorthepassageof inter-State commerce. The bill includesvisionauthorizing President totakeoverandoperatetherallroad« e of military necessity,Oppo-to the propesal has been man-1 by railroad men if the av-tion is to extend not only tofwarorthrearenedwarorin-but to emerrencies i: tostrretion thre ugrested pro-the 3IY siti fact hori ti és Expressions of SympathsMr.Clark, Derr Landmark: In common with the North Carolina lar,we Borke regret to the sickness of R.R.Clark. wields a stron clearer then,too,he « his convictions ely expressag them,Thourh at times we der r appreciate the ments,Yea: that nob) rent ndent For of u-at man pen,ardthecourageof people par.REGN Western n ver he and br; me a ee +B The Correct Style Cors ex etry x Our new Spring models in Madam Grace Corsets are most interesting.Stop in and let us talk over the style news for spring Our Corsetiere will,bo giad to give you atria)fiutins and show you the new Models Respecttully, atte Snore HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C.STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,-dmbing and Private Water “ystems,tEFERENCES FURNISHED, i ce.~ Cnrolina HH! ny,DP remarkedthe th Carolina." respon led kind in the Stat earnest wtseh ct in will speedily re and to his de mally,Caw m,dan.24,1917 Scattish Chief. preed absence ty of rost ay R.R.Vat t andmark —is Ato etted by ti from per thras effie: ’tre on th vor of bedv and Clark « The | North 1 few wee "oat Lear‘ honing for vy.Th rare oh f of the i taking the re hoping that be r fo take a fresh ho ind Children R.Clark of the off duty for a'Sanaterium wlad to he nt all serious,awill ire,}pry He netking nis i 3% atit~ are d that <seon he post.There is not a better «in North Carotma than Mr.Clark,Lraver or more useful citizen,CT.me ld Abolish Help in Execu.tive Departmen‘. ineion Srecial,24th,to CreengeNews. Civerman of North ¢ pai hot debate afterneen }affe ring the le Int authorize the P) the bureau « ore senator o- the an é stirred ate th mmendment to vhich would vith the nid a ee tase so pth rtestiee aii ‘aha ;ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTiCK. ane Melihed ae aity f Min,Jou ¥Be oeImeawhinet her «*¢Om or before the tork doy a taetnGeRtedtetheeseurerequdette.iULatin,Warne Wé handie al!kinds of‘;grein,and if you heveOATS,PEAS,CORN orWHEATtooffer,see us.We pay highest merket -price -CASH. fre de Kk.Morrison Grocery‘|&Produce Company. Admmitictrater ¢RB Melareblie Arty j %ae "a »y;BE TO CREDITORS. ;Weald ae exoeutor of the vxtutsAPO,decreed,th &te hotity;ihe cidivee nerninet anid oxtete¥re ->to we on or before Jay ‘anry 'itDieRotive will he itemdod in bar of Bronte, Grain Wanted!! cleney, €hy:?‘' rents, The amendment would lteher nePresientinthereceofCort.16 take steps with the aid of to mah:sweeping and rad Various eed la the ere he | ;Rt iTenu to consolidaioa «| offic of the government wh.ree} luplications in wovernment w we |in he done away with,|The amendment would confor onthePresidentabcotateauthorityte!overhaul!any department and do.away with ary unnecessary baron ordivisionorsetofemployes.SenatorOvermanestimatedthat230,000,000“ould be saved if am ,Were a Lander it the Prescould&rat and then report wnajhetaddonetoCongressafterwarda, 'national reputation »enn |ft Cornell,Crowley's ienees of one year and oneofoneyearwithoutfines.the four others were conFederaljuryon—,1 ‘en concurrent prison a day of against Canada in aid of GermanandefconspiringtoviolatetheSher-man law by dynamiting munitionsshipsininter-State commerce.TheéretisafelonyforwhichallexceptMrs.Cornell received the maximum|prison sentence.The second is ainisdemeanorandthedefendants,ex- ecopt Mrs.Cornell,received the maxi- mum sentence.‘. Judge Hunt wave the defense 30deystoperfectanappealtetheUni-ted States Circuit Court of Appeals nd he Schack at $10,000.They had been free since indictments were returned ‘ast March,on their recognizance, uaranteed by the German embassy. The defense,it is said,will centertheirappealuponthemilitaryenter- prise conspiracy convietion,setting ip that Crowley's alleged plans to ynamite munition ships and trains »Canada did not constitute a “mih- ry enterprise.”, Fourth Read Institute at Chap- el Hill Next Month. Joseph Hyde Pratt,State Ge- and director of road insti-*,annernces that the FourthRoadInstitutewillbeheldattheniversityofNorthCarolina,Chap-el Hitl,Februarw 12-16,inclusive. The object of these institutes is toadvancetheroadworkoftheState,iving road offieials an opportunitytoatiendeachyearaseriesoflec-tures and demonstrations bearing uwp-on practically every phase of roadworkintheState. A vordial and urgent invitation isextendedtoallroadofficialstoat- 1 every session of this institute ®wil be lectures from men of in road work,ich as Prof.‘Blanchard “Of New York;Mr.Shirley,road envineer of Maryland;Mr.Spoon afid Mr.Jemes of the United States Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering;MrFallisoftheNorthCarolinaState Highway Commissivn,and others.There are no fees attached to the in-stitute and the living expenses aresmall,Rooms can be had at from 50 ¢ents to &t per day and meals’ut20centsexchatSwainHalt.-ae act wenn ate eeeee Asthaz-Catarr} and Bronchitis Can Be Greatly Reioved by the NewExternalVaporTreatment. Don’t take internal medi forming drags ivr t “Vap-O-Rub”Salvo and relieveas by j br ths Asthma and Hay |r melt a little Vick'’sinaspoonandinhalethevpers,also rubwolloverthespinelcolumntorelaxtheoryvoustamston,25c,bbc,or $1.00,WICKS Vro-us SALVE YES!LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN! Dr. oloprist ines or habit. trombles,Vick's+applied otternallyuha$@ Vapor andtheskin,KorAbSorptim ,Cincinnati Authority Tells HewtoDeryUpaCarnorCal-lus so it Lifts OF With Fingers! You ceo mie te } r no longer tha hearty titled this (ti authority,bex ec afew«drops of frees my reet-ly on a tends+,act corn stops screrie hares P34 }out,reot ¢ nd)wore:need suf Vv the shoes OU DETOPE,Kays cd a er callus, ant n the }callus loo »iten doall,with- 4 at anee eorh or vel panXoemeall beoftle of fre little at any drug store, take off corn ilu as it nes to irrttate the ‘rrounding okin iy drigrist hasn't as free. 20°teil him to get »omall hetth fer you from his wholesale house, It is fine stuff and act a charm every time. ZOnNe oO t very but wi! Poevery hard or This she Ani os soft (ried, vid mot Hive or ¢dt ve your dry like the eountry for its all own all over ,and ia acknowledwed by if2 is | pur Ask fer it and see that 1GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR FOR BALE BYmewieeeeP=©. Cedar Shin The same wood as your waterbucket.You know the Jife of a cedarbucketbetterthanC.WATKINS,forheien't yet thirty years old ‘ead tosayhesoonwillbe), C.WATKINS. ? ji fixed bail for Bopp and von! wtp paaermntng aneSteadierthang2s—morerestful thenelec-tricity—cheaper than either,: Use Aladdin Security Oil—the most eco-nomical kerosene oit—for best results, STANDARD OIL.COMPANYadiee-a N.C.Norfolk,Va,varleston,W.Va,Richmond,Va.érlesten,&C. Taylor Elastic Feit Mattress.The guaranteed kinb.Tryit30daysandifnotfoundaswerecommendittobere-turn it tous and get your money back.This mattressismadeoftheverybestwhitefeltandNo.!ticking.‘We can also fit you up with the best of any kind of —spring you may desire.Our stock is complete in every ©department and we await your inspection.“ae 4WilliamsFurnitureHouseInc.f‘The Favorite Store.” ae7eeewee |ROCHERHOTE,BHOTHORCOHCH CRO”"CEOs FO38 PA B B A NP aA PB D I LB OR S > SE I S AT E dt LOOK,WHOSE HERE! Miss Measles,Master Willie their kith and kin,whose pres- Old Grandpa Pneumonia,lit‘le Whooping Couch jedly une here,they “y : and veral of ence is der lesirable, must be looked after,lest they take plenty of trouble is sure to But,new they'r too much Jatit foil ee,}W@W Chse Ww Should they Hoon Then,whatever cour the BE: WAYS POLK GRAY DRUG CO. yeu,turn your guests over to the doctor. e he prescribes,just leave it to us.We haveremediesfortheWORSToftroubles,and we'll AL-uuowith pleasure and promptness. “On the Square” P asfA serve 3 While There Have Been advances in price,it is still possible tobuyHardwareatourstorewithouthavingarollofbillsasbigaroundasatelegraphpole,Partof the advance hasbeenduetothepublicdemandforbet-ter goods ond we have thebetter goodsandagoodstock. Have just unloaded a big car doors andsash,two cars nails,one car woven wire fence and one car OliverAreiapositiontocareforyoutwareneeds, ta aa RI iO Nh ecm aagmasaaetiy $ern FM a ee aBUILDING?C.WATKINS.THE LANDMARK’? plead guilty;$10 and costs. Meeting of ConcordPresbyteryYesterday.fcvieleeaswothatthe Peetchurchyesterday.Rev.8.H.Hay of Mooresville was elected Rev.W.T.WadleyofTexas and.E.Wallace and E. nstall him the third Sunday in\.Mr.Cathev is to haveofConeordandCliochurchestheinstallationserviceswillbedthethirdSundayinFebru-Revs.E.D.Brown,J.A.and Harper Brady and ElderRev.Mr.Wallace issupplyatWoodleafforthe "Presbytery unanimously en-dorsed Synod’s educational pro- "Those here yesterday for the meet-ing were Revs.C.FE.Raynal.J.Har-ner nsi ae I +oe.H 3 W.T.lev,‘ort;bok See,ProBrown,tira;J.G.Garth,Hick-;8.H.os Mooresville;C,M.Richards,Davidson;FE.L.Cathey,Loray;Elders H.M.Harris,J.L.Harris and E.L.Iserhour. Cases in Magistrates’Courts. Tom Wilson,white,was beforeW.R.Sloan Saturday charg- ed with an assault with a ‘deadlyonhiswifeSaturday.Wilsonrgedwithusinghispistolinaltercationwithhiswife.WhenevidenceofthecasewasplacedJusticeSloanthemanwas .S.M.Goodman of MooresvilleMr.W.R.Allison of thefor$100.Mr.GoodmancowfromMr.Allison and ‘i Fi i rl z ci s t L.din 0 tareived _.SurvmoEugeneand L of the State Anti-Saloon stdl it &=z r I s s a iF zi FA¥>s ;ii4 i:4ti si et t tt vt i &F Mocksville Enterprise,25th:Mrs.Burton Owens,wife of one of thecitizensofClarksvilleMonda y afternoon-:poy —_,in Tredell coun-y,in presence a large crowdgssorrowingfriendsanda. sons,y Ow-ens.Mr.N.E.Stroud died Saturday athishomeinBloomfieldafterafewdays’illness with pneumonia.deceased,who was 60 rs of age,is survived by his wife and threesons.Mr.Stroud moved to.States-ville from County Line three monthsago.Burial place atSocietychurch,near Cool Spring.A special from Troutman to theCharlotteObservertellsofthedeathofJosephH.Johnson,a young farmerathishomefivemilessouthofTrout-man Friday.The deceased,who was23yearsofage,had been sick forseveralmonths.His mother and sev-eral brothers.survive.Burial tookplaceSaturdayafternoonatSt.Mar-tin’s cemetery,the funeral servicesbeingconductedbyRev.J.C.Keever The T Cause Pre- sented at Street Church. Mr.R.L.Gay,field representativegue,pre-sented the temperance cause to anaudienceatBroadStreetMethodistchurchSundayafternoon.Conclud- ing address,resolutions wereadoptedfavoringthestrengtheningoftheprohibitionlawsbytheStateLeg-islature now in ses3ion.There was adiscussionbyMr.Gay and others ofthelawsnowpendingbeforetheLeg-islature,the discussion resulting in a determination to circulate petitionswhichshallfavortheadoptionoftheselaws.A large number stood to their feet,signifying their resolve to write their representatives in the Leg-islature to suport these laws nowpending. Young Man From TaylorsvilleLosesMind. Mr.Earl Lewis,a young whiteman,son of Mr.Will Lewis of Tay-lorsville,was apprehended in an in-sane condition at the home of Mr.Chester,near Elmwood,byM.P.Alexander,Sunday.The young man left his home inTaylorsvilleSaturdaytolearnrail-road work,His mind became confus-ed after his arrival in Statesville andhewandereddownSalisbury thespendingthenightat the homeir.Chester.H im-|to The shown much enthusiasm ofThe Landmark, —Hilda,the Representative Matheson of Ire-dell has,introduced in the Legisla-Mrs.|ture a bill to abolish the office ofcountytreasurer.’The provisions ofthebillfollew: N.O.TUESDAY,JANUARY 30,1917. ;Section1.Thattheofficeof county|SietreasurerinIredellcountybeandisherebyabolishedattheexpirationofthepresenttermofthetreasurernowinoffice.Section 2.That board of coun-ty commissioners vent banks or trust jes,locat-ed in said callie,@o 0 depeunary»|and financial agent,or denositariesandfinancialagentsforsaidcountytins|for the term of two years.Section 3.That the banks or trust/¢, per-|jcompaniessoappointedshalla|ferm the duties required by law of from the medical collast12monthshehas itary condition,\succeeds,as it doubtless will.itbeagoodthing,notofthemills but for theem‘orymesypalgRev.L.A.Falls arrived SaturdayfromOlanta,8.C.,where he spent aweekwithhismother,whois veryill.She is somewhat MissGertrudeFalls,who is atheChine%3 of the Farm = at ina firove,spent t week-endherewithherparents.DaiMooresvilleHich School basketballteamplayedBaird's school,Charlotte,here’Friday evening,winninginascoreof51to14.The town - m iegamesthisseasonandisdelightedwiththesplendidworkofthelocal team.The stockholders of the Moores-ville Co-operative Creamery and oth-ers interested in the institution heldameetingSaturdaymorninginthechamberofcommercerooms.A tarenumberwerepresent.The ‘membersoftheboardefdirectorswerere-elected with the exception of Dr.R.R.Morrison,who was released,Mr.Avery Alley Troutman beingelectedinhisplace.The old officerswerealsore-elected.County AventG.E.Dall was present,also Mr.John Arey of the Siate agriculturaldepartment.Mr.Arey made a veryinterestingandhelpfulspeech.Thecreameryhasdoneaprofitablebusi-ness the past vear and the =stock-holders are looking forward to evenereaterthingsforthispresentyear.as the people wake up to the possi-bilities of the development of thedairyinterestsinthissection.After the creamery mecting theMooresvilleFairAssociationmettodiseussplansforthefairnextfall.The followine are the officers of thesssociation:President,Mr.James A.Steele;vice president,Mr.B.P.Smith;secretary,Mr.C.C.Ward.A board of ten directors was electedfromseveraltownships.It was de-“ided to hold a two-days’fair nextfall.and the association will putfortheveryefforttomakethisfairabigsuccess.It is hoped that theolansmaymeetwiththeheartyco-operation of every person in thecommunity.The ladies of the town served anovetersupperFridayafternoononMainstreet.The affair was givenundertheauspicesofthevolunteerfiremenforthebenefitofthecom- —and quite a nice sum was real- ized,The board of directors of theMooresvilleNationalFarmLoanAs-sociation held a meeting last week atwhichtimeMr.Geo:A.Morrowwaselectedattorneyfortheassocia-tion.The stockholders held a meet-ing Saturday efterneon,The Commercial hotel has installedsteamheatingapparatusthroughoutthebuilding.A new lobby has alsobeenfittedupinthefrontofbuilding.Mr.and Mrs.W.L.Harvey arriv-ed last week from Florida,wheretheyspentseveralmonthsatdiffer-ent resorts on the const.any friends of Mr.Clyde Kenne-dy,formerly of this city.will be gladlearnthathehassuccessfullyvassedtheVirginiapharmaceuticalHewillprobablylocatein .M.Clark,D,D,.of Hickory.First Presbyter::Sunday : the|the county treasurer upon such termsandconditionsasmaybeagreedup- on,et Se -—|or ae company as finance agent othecountyshallberequiredtoexe.eute the same bond as the law re-quired of county treasurer for thesafekeeping,proper disbursementandaccountingofsaidcountyfundsthatmaycomeintoitsortheirpos-session and for the faithful dischargeofsaiddutiesasarerequiredbylawofcountytreasurer.That thebondrequiredbythissectionshallnotbelessthan$25,000.Section 5.That the sheriff of saidcountyisherebyauthorizedanddi-rected to deposit all county funds inthebankorbanks,or trust companies,designated as depositaries and finan-cial agents for said county.who shal!execute —_,to =oe formoneys5shallbevoucherand¢on final settlement of county shall deposit in said denosita-ry or depositaries all funds coming in-to their hands that belong tocountyandshalltakereceiptfor thesame,which shall be a voucher intheirhandsonfinalaccounting.Section 6.That the board of ofcounty,annually,at the end of eachandeveryfisealyearhereafter.Section 7.That all laws and clausesoflawsinconflictwiththisactareherebyrepealed.Section 8.This act shall be in forceandeffectonandafterthefirstMondayinDecember,1918.: The bill introduced by Senator Turner and referred to in Friday's Landmark follows: Section 1.That chapter 519,sec- tion 10 of the public-local laws of1918beamendedbyaddingattheendthereofthefollowing:“Thetreasurershallmakeoutthetaxlistasdirectedbylaw,under the super-vision of the board of county com-missioners.”Section 2.That section 11 of saidchapterbeamendedbyaddingatthe the : A f i gi Ht iH ti|i =.ifzf|:ri§:!ii H Ei iil &§s F g u ta oe Se s ii i“ it t s Sz szH¥i wa s |e§ af : ri fi leie i i f e =x s na ic f ii tet e end thereof the following:“It shall |:be the duty of the board of commis-|;sioners of Iredell county to employanexpertaccountanttothoroughlyauditthebooksoftheseveraloffi-cers of said county at least once a the personshallbesentencedtoimprisonmentforlife.” year for each and every year hereaf-Sealter,which audited account shall be recorded in the office of the regis-ter of deeds of Iredell county,in a}; book kept for that purpose.”Section 3.All laws or clauseslawsinconflictwiththisact are hereby repealed. Section 4.This act shall be in forcefromandafteritsratification. Bicycle and Automobile Collide, .Breaking Boy's Leg. Elgie Hamlet,15-year-old son ofMr.and Mrs.W.A.Hamlet,suffer-ed a broken limb and severe cuts andbruisesSaturdayafternoonlatewhenthebicyclewhichhewasridingcol-lided on Sharpe street with an auto- mobile driven by Mr.J.G.Warren.Young Hamlet,who was employedasdeliveryboyforStimeon's.Was returning from an errandonSharpestreetandmeetingtheau-tomobile as it rounded the curvefromCenter«treet,collided with themachine.The muddy condition ofthestreetpossiblypreventedtheheyonthebicycleorthemanintheautomobilefrompreventingthecol-lision.The bone in the boy’s right lew was shattered three incankleandtherewasa deep cutonhisface.Hamlet was removedtoLong’s Sanatorium for treatment week-erd here.Ex Sheriff DeatonandDr.F.A.Carpenter were amongtheStatesvillevisitorshereSatur-day.Miss Grace Johnston of Trout-man epent last—week here with hersister,Mrs.R.L.MeLean Mrs.W.C.Moore and two children,ForrestandDaisy,spent Priday night andSaturdaywithrelativesatMazeppa.Dr.G.W.Cocke ov Danville,Va.,-|Was in town the latter part of thethefieldwithaldollars peweek,looking over-|view of possible location for medicalhereMrs.Clarence Lentz above|five of|! The Hovse passed by a vote of 61to19abilltoenableabsenteevoterstovotebymail.The House committee reported fa-vorably Clark’s bill providing Stateaidforgoodroads. Bills were introduced Saturday toexemptfromtaxationlibraries,teachers and ministers;to protect of-fieers in discharge of their duty;toamendlawrelativetosaletestfarmsbyDepartmentofAgriculture;to eall a convention for purpose ofamendingStateconstitution. There was a bill,introduced Fri-day both in the Senate and House,providing for amendments to the con-stitution relative to homes ex-emptions and garnishment,isthebillofferedbythemerchants’as-sociation.In its amended form theconstitutionwouldreadasfollows:‘Article X,—1. “The personal property of any res-ident of this State to the value ofhundreddollars,to be selectedbysuchresident,shall be and isherebyexemfromsaleunderex-ecution or final process of anycourt,issued for the collection of anydebt.But no property shall be ex-empt from sale ’execution orotherfinalprocessonaij Dr.O.H.Graham of sistant StatevesterdayandW.Ba "s Raleigh,as-as her teports that theMr.Barkley’s horses a fiwasdueto{te iySaMr.Barkle: “co BOMENTS |‘:™om neea$4 ,NER ee '‘wee .=Serreseeete tt see teneepeereeeeeneee4\eat ae DMM siceencecar csn ee sommwees 'Tht mentees BOE OR ERROROROemee pe r e e e e eS c anes vis henhay DRAMA va co vie s 8 1.60ABCEIPTsmpconmcU'ARDIAN accoU (BOOK 2)NOTON CASH—BeheduleNo.3--DBe.:7,19h4-—1918.BS eae a Be PTSipes.eee Mrs Bd 2-9-06 11.64“or 2-9-06 16.30 82 9 5 9 5 2 5 5 RECORD OF GUARDIAN ACCOUNTS (BOOK NO.2)NOT ON CASH BOOKScheduleNo.4—Dee.7,1914—Dee.2,1916.Name :Date.Amount.aR...12-24-15 6PereyWm,Senne Lee ene atin 1.«16 18Bereree1-14-16 ‘80 2s 8 2.00OFAPPLICATIONeeOFATIONNOTONCASHBOOK.Schedule 5—Dee.7,191 2,1026,Book.7 Amoun:4 July 1-164duly12-155718490-16 +~~ an an =8 -a be c r c e e t u t c c e s e r , TESTAMENTARY AND GUARDIAONCASH—~fehedule No.¢—Dee.7,1014—Bee.2,1916.Book.4 dune 12-15‘4 »1566-16 So n e ne > $10.96OFGUARDIANSACCOUNTS(BOOK NO.2)CASH RECEIVED ANDNOTONCASHBOOK--Schedule No.7 dee.1,1914-—-Dee.2,1916. 2-11-16 800.00 876.12120.32 606.44 500.00120.32 620.32 “$76.12 76.12OFFUNDSINHANDANDCOMPARATIVELISTASAP-PEARS—Schedule No.8—Dee,2,1916.;Clerk's Records asStatement.Checked.NO.6.8 30 8 301.15 1.151.15 1.152.06 2.061.70 1.70 .303.00 1.02 gr = g e > " we e k ne M.Yount...STATE JUDGMENT DOCK .&.Holliday .F e¥ 3 276 oz So e °.33 ey e s ss A B :A.L.MeKnightL.Clark ..T.Delap .P.MartinH.Houston-C.Perry M.Bumyarner . M.Gabriel Recelewavele surely ts.D.Ostwa't «Ratlard)“ounty ‘.A.domes . 33 3 Be e s s s s e HE R u r n Ss a c e s s e s e s s — ee ss e e e s z e z i e s gk e RS ee ee |MeLin’s KolatonaMatthew's Cola- A.YountY.L.Sanders A.Kirkman ‘ola White "s Kola &CeleryWhiteNW.Waters i ;-0-ColaWallerIIIpctCoca lg ogg 38 d NiscoSheriffNoxAllCola "£ = re t e t e r c e s 3 ee e 38 “E E Se e ee e ol e Se - - — - 2 «+ e SS S s s F e ae & - ae ss Total NOTES RECEIVABLNOTESRECEIVABLESECURED Uiwa r e = Cc.CM.L.andLena Harp...|!-e'YA OM en .SaatoneJ.W.and Julia Martin,balance ... TotalrieSea IT DECEMBER,1916—-ScheduleMerchants@Farmers’Bank |||17‘!"'"=r ies TotalRECONCIComeorer 12-1496R.T.Weatherman 12-2-16MarshallDishman13-816 Dishon ete“8.Mack Dishman 11-8~W.R.Sloan,Treasurer nie Clerk Superior Court's BalanceFirstNationalBankBalance....No.Cheeks satusClerkSuperiorCourt's Balance | Total er e wr e S= s 8 e s es e e s e r e- a e —— mo s — — os oe -e - ~ se ee SR RK Pe e . He r e me ee te me : SS S S S S S S S S S R S L S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S E S S E S E R E S T S E S Be s s e SS s s a e k s e s e s s r e s s s s e s s s e e s s e s k h s s e s e 2 s s 2 s e e e k s s ¢ Se e 3 3- - } = 2F . . . 2 2t S s s s s s s e s s ee SS s s s $3 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 3 s e e 5 2 2 3 2 5 2 e ¢ ee b e a s r s s e Chee reweeeeeee eee e ewes oeeneeee cenenenee sone an - se a s S8 3 2 3 3 5 5 2 3 5 2 2 2 2 e : the eerneee Gren SP Ee Peeteeee _ s B a l b e e e s eetaifSTOMACHRilments Kellogg’s Kellogg’s Flaked Bran, Post Toasties. Puffed Rice. Puffed Wheat. Shredded Wheat. Fresh lot Davis GrahamFlour.Phone89. Eagle&Milholland. DR.VANCE TASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-0,Beeond Floor, FIRST NATIONAL pas BUILDING,Statesville,N.egos ENGAGEMENTS,oursSPECIAL"ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'STEETH. .-MADE INTATESVILLE} AdyGiee in SheetMetal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. "Phone 53,114 E.Brood Street.a DR.COITE SHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato- i rium will have prompt attention. HOUSES MOVED. Houses moved or Raised,Handling Heavy Machine,Raising Stocks,Raising or Lowering Floors or Roofs,or Anything Heavy. D.B.STEARNS, 232 West Broad Street.Jan.5—8t* W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Ingpirators,Lubricators,Oi]Cups, etc.and GunsiredandKeysfit-In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. — ad TIRE BANDS, Tapes,Cement Patches,etc.,are all very _—in their way,buttheyone4cy_—_ures on!y.ww”Me“repairing isyo =@amaged parts. ile your Cat is not in use,t Tires put in shape. “STINEIREDELLIREDELLVULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Street. 201 CourtWeSellMillerTires, C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Matesvillo,N.C."Phone 340 Green. WARNTED ~ t estATES ESae‘phone 279-—green. be the)sie who assumetoffi. Ee DrivesOut Malaria,BuildsUpSystem tonic.Foradultes aud S0e. The —Cur Quichly ee | There is no vilment causing more||Woe and misery than Stomach Trou-|ble,Often Gall Stenes,Cancer and|Uleers of the Stomach and Intestines,|Consura‘ion,Acute Indigestion,Au. |to-Intoavicution.Yellow Jaundice,Ap-|pendieitis and other serious and fatal|ailments result from it.Thousands ._.|0f Stomaca Sufferers owe their com-lete recovery té Mayr’s Wonderfulemedy,it 1s unlike any other rem- edv.It ew-ous the poisonous bile and catarrhal seceretions from the system.Soothes and allays Chronie Inflam-mation.Many declare it has saved |their lives,and prevented serious sur- |gical —Try one dose to-'day.fateh its marvelous results. ;Contains no aleohol—no habit-form-ing drugs.Book eon Stomach Ail-, ments FREE.Address Geo.R.Mayr, Mfg.Chemist,Chicago.Better yetL,crobtain a bottle of Mayr’s Wonder-‘fal Remedy from the Statesville DrugCo,or any reliable druggist,who willrefurs«l your money if it fails. _THE WAY TO HEALTH. Health is the most important thing in life.It is too precious,too vitaltebebandiedaboutasanarticleofmerchandise.It cannot be purchas- ed in boxes or phials at ¢he cornerdrugstore. BARIUM ROCK SPRING WA-TER aids Nature to restore itselfwhendrugsfail.It drives Uric acid out of the system and revitalizes thenerves,;F.M.Shannonhouse writes:“I was suffering from shattered nerves and disordered stomach and kidneysandtheBARIUMROCKSPRING WATER brought a speedy cure.” ‘Phone W.A.EVANS or write Department L,Box 65,Barium ,Springs,N.C.=MUSTANG For Sprains,Lamencss,Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast2c.$0c.$1,At All Dealers.LINIMENTemaaateaeeearenneen SERVICE And the complete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. We can’give you service. W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.Office hours 9 a,m.to 12.80p. to 5 m.and bGBAnderaotDi mi willanpeint on willbeheldin December| ee ee hina efi |ran Geo.G.omyears,diedThursda:county He SJ aandwhenayouthhisSumily was oneofwealthandinfluence. A.8.MossandB.8.Gibson weresentencedInstwerkNaywoodcountytofivemonthsandcupmonthrespectivelyforassaultinganagedmerchantatCantonlastfall.‘a Handand Crete Beetewell ‘ought at Spencer Friday night an:|Hand inflicted a serious “a on theithroatofBlackwell.The latter is|said to be in a serious Congressman David Edward Fin-ley of South Core ¢died Friday inasanainCharlotte,whereheadbeenapatientforseveralndmeeresellfrom Deputy Sheriff John McD.Mona-|ghan was found deadin bed at his|home in Fayetteville Sunday after-|mon.th is —to have re-|sulted®a a stroke of ‘paralysis. |Two tea were in Conmmte;the past week bu garre cocks for abigMexican.They bough t and senttoMexico100atidaefor/500 for next season.The chickens lare of the Means stock. |The first pardon granted by Gov-lernor Bickett was granted ThursdaytoNathanielBost,colored,of Cataw.ba county,serving 12 months for|lareeny.Pardon on account of badphysicalconditionofnegro. |In order to check the spread of hoycholeraordershavebeenedby|the State Department of A Itur:prohibiting shipment of fromlanyotherplaceintoChowan,Perquimans,Pasquotank,Camden,CurrituckandGatescounties. The United Daughters of the Con-federacy,with the aid of $15,000 appropriationfromthecountycom missioners,will erect a monument o:the court house square at Marion t: the Confederate dead.The mon ment may take the form of a chape! Capt.Neill Ellington,for morethan20yearspresidentofth:Greensboro National Bank,has fesignedbecauseofbeingihpoorhealth.Mr.E.P.Wharton waselectedinhisstead.A spevial officechairmanshipoftheboardofdirectors,was created for Mr.Ellington. Robhags cracked the safe in —thepostofficeatOldFortFridaymorningearlyandgotawaywith$15 in cashand$890 to $900 in starmps.Thurs. day night in Charlotte the snfe of the Texas Oi]Company was crackedandrobbedof$125.Cheeks amount- ing to several hundred dollars were left in the safe,Milton Farmer,a negro,took theautomobileofGoldsboro’s mayor ir which to take his bride on a honey- moon.All this without.permission Machine wae damaged 8100.Farmm has been arrested for taking the carandalsoforexceedingthespeed limit through towns through which he and his bride passed. Bil!Williams,colored,tenant on the farm of Rev.R.G.White,five miles south of Charlotte,was found dead in a gully near Mr.White'ssomeThursdayafternoon.The nerre hod left Mr.White’s house the nicht before for home.It was a dark nicht and it was decided he walked in the °0-foot gully and was killed.1 The Citizen says that P.F. erts of Buncombe county was and killed recently while resisting arrest in Centralia,Wash.Roberts was wented in Asheville for dispos ng of mortgaged property and em bezziement.It is also reported that he took with him a woman from Buncombe county,deserting his wit and children. The commissioners of Carthae or- dered a $6,500 fire truck and therevup on there was much kicking.The commissioners reconsidered and can celled the order:the fire chief resign ed and the eompany disbanded.The sellers of the truck disregarded —the order to cancel and sent the truck teCarthage.However,it was refusedandwasshippedback. According to a reprenentative of Bradstreet there were 263 fo reported to the company Pei‘the State in 1916,the total aasets being $1,269,676 and liabilities $2,245,462 Of the failures 117 were attributed to incompetence;29 to inexperience b8 to undertaking too much busines® for capital employed and 17 to un- favorable circumstances. The North Carolina Women’s Mis-sionary Society of the Methodist fey Rob- hot ‘Church,in seasion at Wilmington thet past week,adopted resolutions decry-ing the immodest attire of the mod-ern woman,the low standard of mov-|ing picture shows,enforcement‘laws regulating the sale of habit- iforming drugs.urged the enforce-|ment of laws abolishing the liquor, \traffic,urged discouragement ‘the use of coca cola and strongly fa-vored the moulding of public sent. ment favoring a single standard of morality. Caldwell Would Make BlowingRockTurnpikeFree. |Lenoir News. The county is :options ontheBlowingRecturapiateckandjinewentthebondissueforbuilding |kood roads in the county carries the|county will take wp these optiens and‘minke the turnpike a free road.Sofartheownersof«this stock atereadilyvigningtheseoptionsata |prige about one-third of the par val+jue.The turmpike companyjabout$40,000,of leas,outetandi|atock,and it is estimated that t|county willbeY*get the re |for Yate sos eee.that maker «nance of a ta | the t was porte a Charlie,hand in‘the em-ploy of dead,while W.’9 W.K King,areingfather iam King,t the HospitalmathePrecirtgrianJerryArthur,colored,is at the Good Samaritan Hospital,not ex Te eeaiehappened justthetrainhadlefttheHuntersville,station and was at a crossing wherebothsidesofthetrack,for a gooddistance,visible.The fourmenwereurningffomthecoun-!try,several miles above [unters-—ng vine a been the day,g cattleThecardriven byKingonesuntbyhisfather. Long Jones,a negro young|and| according to best reports obtainable,|'they drove in front of the train,in|an effort to beat it over the crossing,Passengers and the trainmen,whobroughtthesurvivorstothiscity,||following the accident,asserted thatjjthetrainhadlefttheHuntersvillestationabout10minuteslate,and atthetimeoftheaecidentwasrunning about 30 miles an hour.Engineer L.J.veterans of the Southern’s service,|who has been in the employ of theroadformorethan30years,was athethrottleardsaid,following |thevecident,that he did not see the au-tomobile until it suddenly turned!from a straight stretch of road,the side of the track and started |rcross.It was then too late to stop,)ind although the engine was revers-' ~d and everything possible done to. top as soon as possible.The impact.f the mighty mass of steel and irontrikingthelightcar,knocked itnorethan40feet.| LLL, Tried to Burn the Speaks,inWilkesCounty.- Wilkes Patriot.The Patriot did not learn until) Monday of the loss by fire of the!rome of Richmond Speaks in Somersownship,which occurred on theightofJanuary8.between 8 and0o'clock.Richmond Speaks and his rother,Leander Speaks,were alone1thebackpartofthehousenddidnetawakeuntilafterthethehousewasalmost 3thefirehadreached§ According § coeumpl and heir sleeping apartment.o Leander Speaks’version of the natter the fire was of incendiary ori-'§rin and originated in a part of the1ousewheretherehadnotbeenanytreforalongtime.He declares anffortwasmadebythepersonorper-sons who set the heuse on fire to) vurn him and his brother alive in the’ youse,as the door was fastened and t was with great difficultysscapedwiththeiritves.All-of their xersonal effects were lost except afeatherbedandsomesheets. ler Speaks lost his clothing,he said, and walked to Dr.Somers’,a distance of about five railes,that night in his night clothes with a sheet around hisshoulders,Richmond Speaks save:} some of his clothes and remained athesceneofthefireduringthere mainder ef the night. EE ow nce aoe.et Extension of North Sea Dange: Zore By British. Washington Dispatch,27th. Warning of «considerable extensior af the North Sea zone designated a ‘dunger:shipping”was received wt the §Department today fron Americon Embassy at London At the State Pepartment it was said hat what sigrificanee the enlarging wothe British mine field may have vas net known,but in other quarters 4 out that the new ex ensik med cordon of miner wound the German coast from just sutside Danish territorial waters te vithin four miles cf the territoria’ vaters of the Netherlands,Such a mine field,it was pointed ut,would have the effect of bottling ip the Germen flee.m and around Helgoland and k ting the possibil- ty of raids on the Enylish coast suct 1 German light sea forces have made nm ions The field doe tot extend to that part of the Belgiar ‘oust in German hands,but it Yaimed thst in Belgian waters there are only German submarines and de stroyers and that no «i “ould be acco; 10 m fo several occa wn: lot William King,aged 22,a farmer of | after! during etner,one of the 8 asleep ¢ that they Y ean- The FordCarayadvancein orice before om make up your mind to buy.4 Ontheether hand,its pricemaynot change at all— ,we don’t know. But we doknowthat the price ofalmost eves other Car-hasalreadyadvanced;thatthe cost ofthe materials which go into the Ford Cars have increased tremendous- ly sincethepresent low price was fixed;that labor is much higher;that the present freight ccagestion all over the country makes it impossible to secure deliver- ies,no matter how badly Cars are needed;and that Springis only two months off,when we expect to receive . /more orders than we can fill.. With these facts before us,we say in all sesemageen that NOW !—not next week or next month!—is the ad-visable time for you to place your order. Your signed application will not obligate you to take ij a Car,but it will insure your getting one if you expect i to buy later;no depbsit is required,no liability is ineur- red.You merely protect yourself instead of taking ‘chances, Heed this timely advice—AND PLAY SAFE} CAROLINA MOTOR co. ts 5 ———es you naturally want to know why we should ask.do so.Weright here answer the question,‘It’swehonestlybelievewecandoasgoodorbetterthananyotherBankinthisterritory.Our cilities are of the best.We have modernaccommodatingofficers,know the needs of the this community and feel that it is ° well as ours that you should make ourThisBankloansmoney.But we don't loanishlynorforimprudentpurposes:It is our ¢ see this community prosper,and it is decadvantoseethatitdoes:ICOMMUNITYPROSPERSEbOSIiSWILarANDWEWILLHAVEMORErat It can readily be seen,therefore,that we ——conaist- terests of the community in general and ee borrower inparticular.On this basis wewill gladly lgan at the le-gal rate all the resources of this Bank,We invite all totakeedvantageofourfacilities.Very ~~yours, ple's Laan and 0.L,TURNER you E don’t care from what direction competitioncomes,if it is honest,and if we are -afaircomparisonofpricesforquality. Honestly,the trade we lose is not lost ’honest competition if the buyer is wide ay ake tohisopportunities, We Guarantee Best Values For the Money, hot loan’s Liniment is assignedits| place among the trusted family |! remediesin thousands of medi- tine closets.Confidence in it is|based on the uniform effectivenesswithwhichitbanishesthetheumatism,seuralgia,gout, sore tiff musetrains.Cleaner andeosiermutsyereofointments,Pheheatrabbng Saale than s ‘ FAJ wi é ins of TitE QUALITY DISPLAY eve CP siicnimnenie STATIONERY WILLINTEREST YOU, Box,Pounds,Tablets,Envelopes, Correspona:--e Cards. The price is right.The qualitythebest.- THEREXALL STORE. een Di Hh he‘* ‘pve i F fe r e d fa c i ! se t t | iiE:aqrf ; |i }H t z i il a nif ! i f si f t Se eLEEEEnEEIERRnemeee |at Mexico ;,|cision has |Sxpressed By Broth-these questions,but t er |dependent on the turn of events ‘Greensboro Christian Advocate.|Mexico. the widely known editor ofed home as soon as the 25,000 now ile Landmark,has had to’temporarily,and Way,&rest and treatment at Dr.Long’s|been.Brother Clark,like all |quatepsshing’s ed redistri to provide ade-ion for the border,anthreeweeks’time.Per-withdrawal enable athe who accomplish anything,hasworkthanonemanshould ri toward compensa-|der,as a large su beenes-| if it should make life 0 eae to his long line of communi-| cations.t Fag ae The delay in sending Ambassador ill”may be Fletcher is due to the administra-||tion’s hesitancy to accord that degree,eerwit “i fae eat eyasrnmentic’s fe only to was wi that the foue been none too friendly,but also Herald learned of the indispo-|to have been seriously endangered of Editor R.R.Clark,in whose by Villa,Zapata and other bandit ,the Statesville Landmark,|activities,as well as by the extreme- made ‘the announcement last ly weak economic condition in the that he had been forced to take country. :|The Pershing withdrawal will be carried out with as much speed as is gqdoesnot gri possible over the rough,arid,water-less section,and it is hoped that theThemenwillcoverabou15milesaday.|Railroads will not be used even forcarryingsupplies,as it is desiredneithertorunanychancesofraidsjbyVillanortoinevranyobligation/to Carranza.Preparations for with-‘drawal have been going on for sometime,it was admitted today,with thecallinginofoutpostsandthetaking\of steps to protect friendly Chinese‘and Mormons from punishment byhopedtheMexicans. of test will enable Mr.Clark,Aaan ofseco ore ateworkanewwithadded|e”¥ly for withdrawa:up bis —|eision.First was the impracticability\of actually Jcupning Villa,”as ||on was entirely cured,and have never! g.'s present loca-|as a sourcebothintheface!flanks andalso |in theeventuality a expe-||dition into Mexico.Probably more|t withhis |decisivethanall these reasons,how-| |5 give Carranza andTheLand-|diplomatic victory in the hope thatin |.|some way a stable government may)arise there.|With the last American soldier out|perof Mexico,the Mexican problem canbeviewedinanewlight.From now |jon,it will not be ible for Carran-||za to meet American demands with |counter-demands for the withdrawalofthetroops.| Activity Resumed at Ore Knob’Cc Mine Dissolves thethis Wilkes Patriot.the The demandcrestedby the Euro- pean war for metals and materialsv=ely say for a vote of of all kinds,and especially r,conro _the ministry.has started things going at OreexcitementcausedbyKnob,Ashe county,and that mine isatoassassinatethelead-'now being tested with a view to re-er aSepeetitetionet Potex oe working it on a large scale.Many :’years agoavast amountof ore wasTewaspackedwithspecta-|taken from a number of shafts thatthesessionwasatumultu-were sunk at this mine,but the dis-|ny .eshi Inukai,leader of tahce to a railroad being so great:rein 0 (National party’led and the price and demand for copper|tl tk on the ministry,accusing not being sufficient tovitof3unconstitutional.Con-ing the mine under such ad front the certaintyofan ad-ditions,it wasclosedanote,Premier Terauchi said ali of the machiihesituationinvolvedtheprosperity|away,the shafts filtheempire.anddeclared that while ter and dirt and the a 3 al re } a Pog the confidence of Em- ga r s e e s Hf li f t B a y PE R F il service,119 W.Main street,in’Va.,oe ee and At least rt of thesuihins!2 tion,United Boe er;a oe *We regret to learn that Mr.R.R.Guardsmen Boyexpected to be order-je Washinco-operaleavinghavebeenmovedoutoftheStatesin securing’s regulars have ings for returning G ‘positionsleft ty same of thesoldiers=no doubt be held open for them |hadfaith in Mrs.Joe Person's | ip United Sta a North tes.D.C.,desirestheeeSe‘tion their employers,but a great man:ll have to seek new onghgua TS (a )InLAX-FOSthe Cascarais improved by |the additionof certain harmless cheti-||icals which increase the efficiencyofCascara,makingit betterthanCascara.LAX-FOSis pleasanttotake rb stomach.m as well as adults.nortochiJusttryonebottleforconstipation.50e.|Mrs.R.W.Grimes Testifies Robersonville,N.C.,Jan.22,1917.|Person edy Company,Charlotte,' Gentlemen—Some time ago I wasattackedwithaseriousspellofty-|fever,which left me in a veryweakconditionandmylimbs.We decided it had resultedinwhiteswelling.Every remedy wecouldthinkofwasused,but te noeffect.My suffering was t andIhadtogooncrutches.At last wewereinducedtotryMrs.Joe Per-''s Remedy,after suffering fur twoandtheresultwas=marve!-'After taking eight bottles I tom of trouble since.My|2Me Remedy igreatandIwouldadviseallsuffer-|ers to rf it a trial and be convinc- ed,as I have.(Signed-Amongbloodtonic andYOURDRUGGIST!W.F.HALL,LOGAN STIMSON &SON,|STATESVILLE DRUG CO.,POLK GRAY DRUG CO. the best anywhere as atonie.ASK. MRS.R.W.GRIMES.|howe DAVIS’100 per cent PURE PAINT)qualityeasilyleadsinthe race, YOU CAN’T GET AHEAD OFDAVIS’PAINT.- FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (Co...Statesville,A.C. } -§ and OODSandLACESMEN'S FURNISH-INGS and t o || | Special Sale prices continue on certain lines until closed out. New Directory. js at work ona new Directory, which it expects to have ready in a few weeks.All who contem- plate putting in ‘phones or mak- tify Manager HBRITAGE |once! WANTEDr SCRAP BRASS -—HeavyBrass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5e. FOR SALE: New and second hand machinery room supplies.Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.1. The Iredell Telephone Company |) ing any changesareurged to no- at|) per} for sale and all kinds of boiler }) We'll have something new to show each day.Send us your mai!orders. ~STOCKSFORSALE.— The undersigned executrix of the estate ofEB.8S.Peeram,deceased,will sell at publicauctiontothehighestbidders,at the court| following rersenal property>om estate,to-wit:69 sharce of door in Statesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,|IRUARY 5th,1917,at the hour of noon,| ine |inFirstNationalBankofStatesvilleand10sharesofstock privilege.Any of said property can bought at private sale before said date.WINIFRED B.PRCRAM,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Exeeutrix.don,9 1917. in the Paola Cotton Mills,||Bank stock will be sold in blocks of five | { OurJewelry il make a FF Art R “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” ee SEE ME WHEN YOU NEED | Watches,Jewelry,SilverwareorKodaks. Also to fix yourClock ,e or Watch. .» ¢Valentine. St.Valentine's Day—Ffebruary fourteenth—offersappreciationtothoseofNext:an opportunity to show yourwhomarefond.ins’of mailing a mere paper valentine send a hand-some piece of our excellent jewelry.This will be a testithatyourdevotionisdeepand,like the valentine you ,sincere and enduring.A jewelry valentine which comes trom us will be treasuredtheywillknowthatthe“Quality is There.”:R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. oe eee NEEDLE-MODELEDTOYOURMEASURE —— THEGLOBE TAILORING C0. enenanediillcnnenten CINCINNATI. Makers of NeedleModeled Clothes. Prices$18.50to$40.00.SEaRAae e s li d e torsIallwas of aifthose in haveportsofwhathave accomplistedastheState,TffaileditinourStatenews ‘pers.any oil had been jemredbythem,we should have sean.notice as a news item.Please lethavethefactsfroman:apiesource,that it be lwhetherthesearenecessaryandentheorice.fe en us see who t |Roosters,6c.5chargeoftwenty-five asta ee o con ee me each barrel of gil.Rees wai “*. Masters person who kerosene Green 9c.per Kainenid|The manonthe farm.The city,Sides ond 15-160.pertb. the |the help of themanon the farm,aM)NewRed Be,to ide,perib. Wallace|sfordabetter light.Does ==Sourwosd =oo = Craig receivin spection assure us a better gradeUnawasjoil?Ifso,let us join in profound a jn =eo Miss Wal-sey for States havin wo Set in Grate.‘ms Philadelphia What sa’paid Senne were yesterday the|am informed that the gael erinca Oe teal saree .2 S .rs,|000 or $64,000 for the 16 inspectors.)Cor,das cor tae : a r.Beery Lane.Mrs.Loy Thompson,This office must pay better than)nw,65-700.per bushel. rs.W.R.Ware,Mrs.E.G.Gaith-|that of Governor,ng : Corpening is visiting Btecle of Mocksville,with theother S00 ads'.W. penses.: yesterday —_:the fact that the oe oad won,:'The guests were received in the,Only Pay more than ir gee tae Grewaen ond |munch room by Mra.C.V.Henkel,taxes by having their holdings as-|© to Mr.Crowson’s brother Mr.Ed.Mrs.P.A.Bryant,Mrs.J.BE,Sloop|sessed at full value,while a great ee SS,Se:oe Crowson,in W 3.c..‘land Mrs.A,P.Steele.Punch was|™any of the wealthy escape,but afe|food business,for ‘selling good. Dr.8.T.ren tative [served by Mieave Corrinne ipeevioen stg taxed,a8 a class,ON &NCCES)AddressGILLME PRESSING|CLUB, in the Legislature from Alexander *ebecca Miller.Receiving in ¢1 araentrem ;ining room were Mrs.A.L.Mills,|.share ench farmer has to pay)py LE—Five horees,wagons =2 a ee Cha |Misses Leah Stephany.Elvy McE!-|'*not so great,but if the principle ea ee nets lesen.call’on A.©. heme in Taylorsville,where he +|wee and Carrie Hoffmann.Here|is wrong it should not have been al-|_McHARGUEatDepot._Jan.80-10? og tel a ,where he spent |i:salad,sandwiches and coffee|lowed during these st Ye@PS.|SALESMEN WANTED to solicit orders for Messrs H.P Gri W.DT were served by Misses Katherine Let every newspaper the facts)lubricating ofls,sreases and paints.Solers and John Lev rier ned Friday|ncaid,Margaret Sloan,Virginia|and inform its readers.If the |ine)+———eS jaandCdchn,awl,rocemedELMRY Henkeand,Blzabeth Rov |cis"cnoah topath.amdngs POR next—ouses KR WAT. s *x i 3s Ce 5 *‘i n ,,i )REN ATT. Superior Court,which convened yes-|,j ale ‘i com hall.—surplus sufficient to hire eight Gov-|_Jan.26._cieedsen casdimperlon “aay.W.J.Fraley and bab of |The handsome Craig home was |¢Tnors at the recently-advaneed sal-|ror SALE~rAt oh O8-acre Farm21-2 Salisbury arrived Prides z to|decorated throughout with cut flow-|ary.A better plan is to cut out the)miles northwest of |}wilte,N.C.Fine visit Mrs.Fraley’y a -«|ers.Pink carnations were used in the|fice of inenector and |mt SG oe aw sees Mrs.G.M.F a parents,Mr.and’norjor,a dresden basket filled with|sale of adulterated oil,or misbrand-once.J.F.MeNEELY,Mooresville,N.C. Thins oe Rs Ashe-|(2 oretty flowers topping the piano.|e¢oil,under our “food and om |__dan,26-20".ee ville Friday night with Mi White Freesias decorated hall and act.”If the courts should show FOR SALE—One %-reom bungslew and two =—Char!88|sunch reom:;the punch bow!was|ol companies that expected &| 5-room cottages on Mulberry street st bar-ae"Brnosfr wayte Chariot |(27524"™ig Prt ont "em |snare deal fe the peo her woul)fee huaia aaee'te Teepe Pin,Autevday,afver|Yanew mandennce led a yollew cater Oi a |qeecen -esnag .scheme in the dining room.The din-Also,does each inspector hold 4 RENT—Residence on Davie avenue.J, Wicks,with her sister,Mrs.E.M.ing table,withite cluny eat ath,—=aane aoe =Me Nowe Ses Jan.12. W.N.Kansinger was in pore a centerpiece cons sting.a nreasona rement,|por RENT—Two-stery oneties,en east Id basket filled with ycllow snap-price of service considered,Sharpe street.A to LLE Gaieeday on her way t|One Neokat Sted wim vilow S"Bne|Sharpesburg Township.W.A.C.REALTY SinvestueNt COMPANY. dragonhandle of the basket was tied with a huge bow of yellow tulle. The Elericemoh club celebrated its eleventh anniversary in a meeting Friday evening with Mrs.J.G.Pow- ell on Walnut street.The members in Chatta ,Tenn.,af- spent with Mrs.J.R.Bar- Charlotte. ;ire.BE.F.Hubble,who spent sev- gral weeks with her mother,Mrs.F ".Walser,and her sister,Mrs.C.G.) >left Saturday for her home i 4 Health Essay,Honor Rell Demonstration ~ondence of The Landmarh preaper'of this club make a departure once Mr.C.E.:ompent —cach year—on its anniversary—|Graycrest,Jan.26—The prize that|ge 12 o'cieck:et the court house from a bus!rip to eWithrows down the bars and let,i =offered ovr school by the State|dell counee,ot oo }t +husbands attend.Such wan the|Roard of Health,for the best essay|corined tract or garesl of land,to-wit!awarded to .J.H.Hamlin and ‘little son,|mecting Friday evening and,of}on typhoid fever,was Sherrill,have returned to Reidsville |course,Meant an entire change of|Cullen Lentz.‘This was a very ered- Fort =~8.=——/™“=a ind.mas iw ore scheme being |health car.” ..al inink @ white.e score cards,|The following names are on th returned yesterday and Mrs.Gaithe:|sed in playine interesting gumes.|honor voll for ns attendance for will remain in Fort Mill for a few|were hand-painted and pink and)the month cf January:— days."white baskets,filled:with pink and!Sadie Caldwell,French and Roy r.J.B.Cooper has returned from|white mints,were given as favors.|Coley,Jessie and Eunice Mills,Lee a visit to Northern cities.Mr.Frank|Avter the games a luncheon was|Poplin,Oscar Mayh@w,Lela,Susie Cone pn eae in the North for|served.|and Curlee Dunlap. several weeks.oo .7 ;“hab Miss Sarah Adams entertained en |ee,CE oman s ee Notices of New Advertisements 7°"),ans _-..a lits president,Mrs.W.P.Mills.This eo ac ,°:: ;‘ie |:ae |was a most enthusiastic meetings,the Pressing plant for sale-—Gillespie |other friends Saturtay evening with |tub's membership ulmost trebling Pressing Club.|Mias Elise Wallace as honoree.|; CT feet tanwer Oil Co,|Bridge was niayed at several tables..Not having organized until Decem- —>+\Mre.FE.M.Yount,won the high-|ier,our club is new;however,we /jorses,wagons and harness for!..ore-prize,Miss Wallace received ®)ape’striving to complete the course sale.—A.C.McHargue.'|pretty prize.The refreshments con- Mortgage sale of land.—J.P.Wil-Fisted of a salad course.The hon- liams,mortgagee.loree’s table wes marked with a huge arranged by our county hore demon- stration arent,Miss Celeste Henkel. Necesserily,several lessons having No better way to save.—First|pocket filled with pink roses Otheraej:Y .be complet s 2 Building &Loan oe Mi jeut flowers decorated the house at-|oohine -_oe ee tices cow pects arriving dally.—irs.|tractively.{flour-muffins and potatorsoup,was :|demonstrated at this time.The Story Tellers’club met Fri- day night with Misees Ethel McNai- ry,Margaret Willis and Clyde Fields People’s Loan end Savings Bank.at the home of Mrs.S.5.Miller. There were fairy stories told by At our next meeting we hope to have a lecture on “The Economie and Dietetic Value of Meat Substitutes” precede the practical work. order now and play safe.— Carolina Motor Co. Your banking business solicited.- THE WORK AT GRAYCREST |HoRTGAGE SALE OF LAND. } sale |eneguted to J.P.Williams band recorded in the office |Deedsofitheuudersigned will others,and known as the Redman a visit-to relatives here.j fe from the ordinar ‘:7 . :af),ry,itable paper and elicited meritorious land vpon hich Silas Redman now lives:be-| .and Mrs.E.G.Gaither went to hothe was decorated in bloom-|comment from the manager of “the weninn ot SM}+,te,side of Sel Stake in Adlia poles to a sourwthencenorth2221-2 near the top of mountain ;thenees southwest to the beginning one half undivided interest in the scribed tract of land UNDER and by virtue of the power of contained ina certain ern deed the Register Iredell county in book 24,page 527,onMONDAY,MARCH 5,1917,door of public auction to Ire-thethe’following de- Williams andtractof Adjoining the land of H.T. Hardin's line;thenee emt 126),Hesea Redman's line;|poles to the ledge of —: The interest conveyed will bo)aheve de-J.P.WILLAAMB, D.F.Mayberry,Atty.Mortgagee. Jan.%,1917.| NEW VICTOR RECORDS| Of EIGHT HITS from the lat-}) est musical shows.The best of || the Broadway Hits are now avail-:] able and can be heard at AN-{| DREWS'!No matter how far || you are from New York,you may | enjoy the cream of the season's successes.ASK TO HEAR THEM ON THE VICTROLA! Andrews Music Store.|! Everything Musical.“ 105 E.Broad Street,Statesville.}} } Jewelry valentines.—R.F.Henry,mor!wr $fs t Wil-Misses Jo.Dunn an argare i Cotton-cx ert uma | Back Pay For SlavePickersAsked. Washington Dispatch,26th. The Supreme Court has been ask- Clothes of distinction.—Sherrill-lis.The prize,a hand-painted eal- White Shoe Co.jendar,went to Miss Willis.A salad White goods sale.—Johnston-Belk|course with hot coffee was served. Co,.Cut Mrs.F.A.Carpenter and Miss _— Dry iumber wanted..Wat ~~Brady were fruests of the club.|4 °to decide wh >an idooad Bowles-Morrison Co.‘Small Woman,Wife of Sitting|government shall pay $68,000,000 to Saturday is Thrift Day.—Mer-|Bull,|former slaves and their heirs for cot- &armors’Bank ._|ton picked in dovery times.Their art rugs.—Crawford-|Small Woman,former wife of Sit-|claims are presented in an appeal by .ting Bull,noted Incian Chief whose|H.N.Johnson of Muskogee,Okla,Bunch Furniture Co.—»_|bamd-annihilated Custer and his com-and other former slaves and their thrift Lazenby Montgom mand in the Little Big Horn in and “all others similarly situ-|yervHardware Co.1876,|heirs Fresh cereais.—Eag’|ond who was killed.15 years later ~~6 ee of Wounded Knee,tied |The suit is directed a a —_— at |ated.”} la bspartniaursday night at the Fort jtary MeAdoo as ¢u the Nations!Bank.in business.—Firet |Thareiay Wvation,North Dakota,|government funds,and recites |that Precidond“Bite”Ou”National |streved.hee shack.wl when fire de-|eeevieake and,forced to.gather,the| -|stro ack at ,Mont.a 0 i ee J Small woman escaped from her Southern States crops receiv-| |burning cabin without injury,but re-|ed no return for their labor,while) President Wilson,speaki Thurs-|turned to rescue an old shaw!which |the government collected the $68,-| day to a delegation from the Mary-|she prized highly,and her clothing|900,000 in taxes on raw cotton. fire.An accounting of ~per-| bution of|tookforNationaluae,|was formed and a pro rata attacked the National G She was a native Mandan and|euilitary |ears old.At the time of her|the money among those entitled to, and ae e cg their wa death she was the wife of a United |Pay for the labor are asked.The Dis-| training,rebuked them and said they|States Indian scout._/Columbia courts dismissed| would Byye chance of his= Stony Point Items. Buy And Enjoy A Weser Phonograph and ‘The StoreThatSells For With the raw material during this our Asacrate wea Sgever!In SELLINGSTAPLECOTTON—_—7 Lees TODAY'S WHOLESALE bi én ENGLISH LONG CLOTHS,FINE NAINSOOKS,KING PHILLIP NAINSOOKS,COMFORT CLOTH,z36-INCH FRUIT-OF-36-INCH26-INCH EMBROIDERY 32-INCH EMBROIDERY i CANNON CLOTH. CounterpaneSALE’S IMPORTANT TURES: SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES—WeWHITESALEprice a. ® Sheets at our special i DamaskandNapkinsatoldprices. Lacesand for 16 BIG RETAIL STORES. ene ee eee a en pte it ROMOeiDic:og AD NE is SRNREE Fic. ri +RiAE me THE LANDMARK[URSDAY,--January30,1917. Harbors Bill Passes “Whe annual rivers and harbors ap-p=gn bill,carrying $38,000,-including more than $10,000,000‘or new projects,was passed by theHouseFridayhyavoteof221to181,It now goes to the Senate.The House increased the appropri-ation Norfolk harbor from $270,-000 to 000 and retained as acontinuingproject$1,425,000thechannels-leading toatTampa,Fila.,to 27 feet,of the amount being made available in this billThePresident,although opposingpublicbuildingsbillactionintheSenate,his approval of theharborsmeasureinsofarasatiensforexistingpro-jects is’:Therfieuse struck out a provisiontecreateacommissionofcabinetof-fieers and members of the Senate andHousecommitteestoinvestigateriv-er and harbor improvement,drain-age,reclamation,irrigation and floodcontro!problems,with a view to rec- _@mmending to Congress next Decem-her ns for co-ordinating all suchactivities.This plan,favored by thet,was eliminated on a pointorderafteralivelyparliamentarybebut.another flood control bill THebeCy chick the,Ui passedzyichthe.passasalongpartylines. TTTNS All oes on Civil Serv- Ww ton Dispatch,26th.national legislative,executiveandialbillwaspassedtodaybytheate,after provisions had beenwrittenintoitplacingallpostmas- ters on the civil service list,forbid-ongeyes of the bureau of edu-receiving compensationfromprivateeducationalfoundationsandfurtherincreasingthepayofclerks.The stipulation placing postmas-of all classes under civilruleswasadoptedatthelast}as an amendment to theprovidingforthesalariesof“~-eertain officials of the Postoffice De-r Several Senators predict-it would be eliminated in con-with the House.‘seale of salary increas-government clerks adopted by’,those receiving less than$480 onay would get raises of 15vercent.and those receiving between$490 and $1,000 raises of 10 per ee 1,000,000 was added to theintheSenate,bringing thetotaltoximately$40,000,000. .and Carry”SystemSoundsGood. in Fond du Lac,Wis.,hasintrodaninterestingsystem.Heeallsitthe“cash and carry system.”If his customers pay cash for theirhethrowsoff5percent.If ¥carry their purchases home hethrowsanother5percent.Iffamily’s grocer,oill is $25 amonththatmeansasavingof$2.50—Wwhich would make a tidy addition to the savings bank balance. The plan,it is reported,takes wellwiththisgrocer’s customers.Moreover,he is tickled with himsheif.Itsavedhimtheexpenseofputtingon more delivery wagons,which hewouldhavehadtodoifhehadn'tdthissystem.It has increas. is trade.It has given him thcitofcashinthetillinsteadofcreditonthebooks.It seems to bebeneficialnllaround.Tt isn’t “ae new,of course arg shops that do somethingliketheshmething;that is,by sell-for.cash only 2nd doing no de-ing,they can and do sell goods »and many icke advantagetheopportunitytovethrifty.4 cost of living ts vastly higheritusedtobebeforethedaysof ordering,wherputabasketonherSoepinw.Arid one ofythecostoflivingiristhatcreditanddeliverybothwhich,of course,the oF > # Evans ef Austin,the » Badin, a =:ie ma ers Dr.J.J..Mott Talks to Wash-| ington Newspaper Man. H.E.C.Bryant,Washington Corres-pondent,to Raleigh News and Ob- server.Dr.J.J.Mott,Sree,of Nerth |Carolina,but recently of Virginia,is|here,stopping at the Ebbitt.He will, be here several days.Dr.Mott is going back to Statesvilletolive.He still retains a large finan-cial interest in Radford,where he hasresidedforanumberofyears,but he will make his home in Iredell countyHehaspurchasedahomeinStates-|! ville,and will buy a farm just outsideofthelittlecity.“I have never felt cqu:te right out of |the State,’said Dr.Mott.“I like |people of Radford,and that is an idea)place for business and health,but all my associations for more than 50 years are in North Carolina.“I hope to purchase the old farm,the one load for years,where I canhavesomefinehorses,some fast foxdogs,and some birds.I have had to | quit eating meat,and eat fish and birds.At Statesville I will have tw lakes,where I will raise fish,and or my farm will cultivate my own birds.”| Dr.Mott hopes to see the govern- ment armor plate plant go to Rad-ford.He thinks’the Virginia.city is an ideal place for it.“IT called on Secretary Daniels theotherdayandpaidyyrespects,”said Dr.Mott.“It had heen about ten years since I had seen him.I thinkthatMr.Daniels has more than made good,His ideas have become popularinthecountry,although great efforts have been made to discredit him.1 am proud of his record in the navy.” Dr.Mott,though a Republican,was always friendly to Mr.Daniels. Democrats Approve Revenue Bill in Caucus, Democratic members of the HouseincaucusFridaynightapprovedby a vote of 113 to 13,the administra-tion revenue bill,framed to meet the prospective Treasury deficit nextyear. A small group led by Representa-tive Calloway of Texas,attackingpreparednessexpenditures,and Rep- resentative Caldwell of New York, denouncing the excess profits taxfeature,made a fight against the bill | that kept the caucus in session until | nearly midnight.‘At the finish,thefollowingmembersgavenoticethattheywouldnotbeboundbythecau- cus action: Dies,Texas:Page,North Caroli-na;Bailey,Pennsylvania;Caldwell, New York;Burnett,Alabama; Doughton,North Carolina;Stephens, Mississippi;Sherwood,Ohio;Taylor,Arkansas;Thompson,Oklahoma;and Bhomas,Kentucky.Chairman Kitehin of the ways and menuns committee,submitted the billwiththeexplanationthatwhilehe had opposed the military and navalexpenditureswhichmadeadditional revenue necessary,Congress was ob- liged to provide the money it had au- thorized to be spent,and that unless it was done now,an extra sessionwouldhavetobeheld. Annual Award of Hero Medals. Twenty-three acts of heroism were recognized by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission at its thirteenth annual meeting at Philadelphia Wednesday. In eight cases silver medals were awarded;in 15 cases bronze medats Eleven of the heroes lost their livesandtothedependentsofsevenofthese,pensions aggregating $4,680 a | year were granted;to the dependent:of one of these and of three others | who lost their lives,sums totalin;.| $3,050,to be applied,subject to th: direction of the commission.in va- rious ways,were granted.In addi | tion to these money grants,in one | case $1,000 was appropriated for edu cational purposes,payments to hxmadeasneededandapproved;and in 10 causes awards aggregating 85,25/were made for other worthy purposes | Payments in these cases will not be |made until the beneficiaries’plans for |the use of the awards have been ap-proved by the commission. ER VE AND!BOWELS CLEAN WITH| | Carnegie “CASCARETS!” Best WhenBilioua,Sick,Head-or For.Breath or Sour Stomach.| Be cheerful!Clean w insideto-night and foul fue._Crscaretaitolivenyourliverandcleanthebow-eleand stowheadaches,abad cold,offensive breath,coaterstomachand KeepCh an. Cpt When:tyeae Se ABS BEE.asee|ere igre)Yeh ed Oa'J ot tienSseee ae ae A My folks down South keep telling me:“Be clean and sweet and pure.”And I'll bet you I am just about the purest cigarette ever made! Why,the SOVEREIGN factory is dusted every morning,just like a lady’s parlor. That’s the sort of home [have.And I’ve got to make good all the time—in the look ef me,and the smoke of me. The finest,whitest,cleanest home you ever saw.Only the purest,sweetest,rich- est Virginia and Carolina tobacco enters there.And when I come out,wrapped in the daintiest of white imported paper —don’t you know I am proud to be a SOVEREIGN? You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! You Folks of the South KNOW good tobacco! Next to good breeding is good dress and good taste—and I have them all.That's my claim to your friendship.I can’t say more,except— pp e m e n n s o n a n e e s se e ee n likewise?Thereis a Thrift Day Button awaitingyouat‘our Institution.__ Of Statesville,N.C. =< a TNS addition to:being a source of e to —member of the family a car saves lots time when time is money.; When you need something from a distance and need it quick,a car will have it there -without loss of time. For whatever pur- pose you want a car it willpayyoutosee us.ea —Chattanooga Plowsmeme Are in big demand now and the demand is increasing.Have you bought yours yet?We have just unloaded a car and can supply you promptly.They are better than ever if such a thing is possible,They turn ‘dirt into dollars”. Let one help you this spring. one and you will be convinced it is the best plow. f f x7t e iz $a he 27 aan t yesterdaygovernmen3theenlargementoftheforestreservesby28,709 acres.largest single vurchase amongi Fi i Senator Weeks,under which the landseuired,exvressed theficientpublicsentiment would|been created within the next year i demand the continued purchase fi s es e a s d |tions. 'and continues:“Soon after the close of year there came|nortions of the Appalachianjthedisastrousresublydemonstratedthew:eoverrment’s ownership andtionofthesemountainareas. rainfall unprecedented for the region| ivreat freshets swept down thestreams,causing loss of life and im-. mense havoe to all kinds of property. ecietins buildings,o ‘—- \erops.From many jwhichwerecleared| }or‘ion is almost unanimous that the for- jest was of great value re-: |tavding the flood waters and in hold- ling the soil in place on the slopes and coves.. |“Rxperts“who have since studied ithe situation have concluded that- lwhile the precibitation exceeded the |newer af control to be expected even! —|\from perfect forest conditions,nev- ertheless a forest of good densitv jand thrifty undergrowth with a thick |blanket of leaves and other decay- ling material covering the ground, |did exert a large measure of control jin retaining the flood waters and pre- j venting landslides.” o_o LANSING FILES PROTEST.’ ‘He Objects to Provisions of Mexican Constitution. |Seeretary of State Lansing has’ ‘sent to General Carranza,through |Charles B.Parker,American Charge \d’Affaires in Mexico City,a commu- |nieation in count to certain provis- jions which it been proposed to linelude in the new:Mexican constitu-| communication calls at-) articles vesting the excu-| tive with power to ex | |forest lands for national rere The forests demonstrate their val-|ue in flood control,says the report,| in cate nerves.Torturing pains dart ite of which fore |w-sdomof the itis moved.By strengthening the Due to! =|Flowers n T E i eEee t ? 5 2 st Hi i FE E e ei k fi F 25 8 § of f i s t 5 z zu $ z & 7 i r l i t t i: ge el ze e r Kut E} 1s Aren't You On the Wrongmtreck? Agood share of so-calledRheuma- tismis caused by weak kidneys.When the kidneysfail to clearthe blood of uricacid,theacidirritatesthedeli- j=w through the affected part.whenever kidneys,Deoan’s Kidney Pills have proventheir worthin thousandsofso- called Rheumatic cases,Lumbago, Sciatica,Gravel,and Urinary disor- ders.Domn's are well-known in eeesoraynernlTheHub-Markis your value mark.Look for it on thesole. give. i.os eve vad ee in ee ee springyoumay departmentandweawaityour inspection.— Williams Furniture House“The i a z =a TT ; Statesvilleandwarmlyrecommended by Statesville people.Read this out |Statesville case:|Mrs.D.C.Cooper,336 Tradd St.| Statesville,says:“)had rheumatic | pains in my limbs and was often so} bad with my back that when I got down,I couldn’t straighten up.1)4 could hardly turn in bed,my back bothered me so.Afver taking Doan’s Kidney Pills for awhile,my back was strengthened and my kianeys didn't,¥ cause me any trouble.”ig Price 60c.,at all dealers.Don’t sim | ply ask for a kidney remedy —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that | Mrs.Cooper had.Foster-Milburn| Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. |For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whateverpurposethey Old Grandpa Pneumonia,little Whooping Cough and several of their kith and kin,whose ence is decidedly undesirable. But,now they're here,they must be after,lest teo much latitude,in which case plenty of trouble follow. Should they call on you,turn your guests over to Then,whatever course he prescribes,just leave it to the BEST of remedies for theWORST of troubles, WAYS serve you with pleasure and promptness.POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Fe ae OF STATESVILLE,N.©.—————S—SSCapitalStockPaidin- S1O000R00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 MembersofFederal Reserve System. Fourper cent.paidon timeandSavings Deposits remaining on deposit three monthsorlonger. OFFICERS: W.LD.TURNER,K.MORRISOND,M.AUSLEY a.BK,HUGHEY,a Assistant Re ae Alittlethin dime isfromgettingacquainted;c day you will seriously need the aid and advice and friendship of/§ a bank. A dime!It means so little to some—a pack of cigarettes,a saucer of cream,a bit of gaudy ribbon or useless trimming,the price of a movie. Think of the dimes you have wasted!Melted they would make amassive loving cup on which a suitable inscription would be:In the memory to the folly of spend- ing. Move the dimes from between us, and let us reason together—not how to spend your pin-money but how you can save it. But if you wish to be independeat—io kaow the value of thingsin th's world that are really worth while----to be known b7 business.men who will respect you--leara to save moaey. you are.ted with every For 35 years we the growth of you will succeed you. ewanttoget man,woman,child inthisgrand old community|—we want every one of you as afuturepartnerinbusiness. suc cess has only been made pos- sible by the saving habit of our people.Our success in the future —and yours also—will be meas- ured by the same thrifty habit. As future partners in business but to help you we must know have helped in Statesville;our to work and sweat for Indecision on your part nohesitationtoday—means that astealthyhandis.reaching out |sttip the Future of all the rewardsithasinstoreforyouand_Claus will alwayspass you y as we succeed— r It will be the most helpfal and wholesome and manly habit you can everacquire.in the PinMoney Savings for Christmas will make you a future partnerin ourbusiness.MissHenningerisincharge.When you call,ask forher.FIRST NATIONAL BANK. eee ee THE LANDMARK| TUESDAY,-=January30,1917. THE ROAD BONDS READY. Alexander Commissioners CanGetBusy—A Marriage—and|Other Taylorsville News. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Jan.29-—-Mrs.C.G.Viele was the charming hostess to theBookclubThursdayafternoon.Thiswasthefirstmeetingoftheclubsincethebooksfortheyearwerereceivedandthetimewaspiecsantlyspentindiscussingthebooks.A delicious |,course was served.Bank of Alexander received a!message last week that the bondinghadtakenupAlexander+roads bonds,the money has beenpaidandtheboardofcountycom-missioners will doubtiess decide aitheirregularmeetingMondaywhentheworkwillbebegun.Miss Marguerite Burke will leavetedayforYoungvilietospendtwewithcousin,Mrs.H,CMrs.Ray Echerd and baby sonRayEcherd,Jr.,arrived SaturdayfromAshevilletovisitMr.Echerd » ts,Mr.and Mrs,J.P.Echerd,and Mrs.Echerd's parents,Mr."Mrs.J.M.Deal,at DVeaisvilleMr.C.L.Stevenson of Hickory spentSundayredemeofhisgrand-»Mr.A.Matheson.Miss ,Cloer is viiting her brother.R.B.Cloer,\near Statesville.Representative Dr.\8.T.CrowsonspentSundaywithnisfamilyhereAttorneyW.B.Council of HickoryitSaturdayhereonbusiness.Mrs.»C.Deal of Davidson came up SaturdaytogotoLittleRivertownshiywithhermother,Mrs.R.E tlh who is ill.Miss Bertha Bowers and Mr.HunterBlankenship,son of Mr.W.P.Blank- enship of the Liberty community,were married at the home of thx’s mother,Mrs.A.J.Bowers,in eastern part of town Friday eve-at 7.30 o'clock.Magistrate J.M rformed the ceremony.and icitis at Long's Sana tesville,Wednesday,is #along nicely and his condition expected to leave El Paso,Tex,gi:the middleof the week. beeREW AnD,#100 Seeh taken internally oo _petere ina ts.Blankenship will makehome"hen. r.Parks Adams,soa of Sheriff RA.Adam~who underwent an opera- ites an early recovery.His broth.Mr.Augustus Adams,accompani him to Statesville and has beer part of the time with him ip,announced "that the boys of North Carolina Infantry of the auBree65rir:ox: a cmc Scam Gok me:canetihational aveastoattutional—treatmen om destroying thedisease,the patienttheconstitutionandwork,‘ThebPalinthecurative‘at Core that they re ae aide ove|a .&aeesok |who \train and is now at liberty in the Mucous re! tor py ethCre BURNETT'S LATEST STUNT. Fellow Who Was in Trouble Here Still Giving Trouble. It is assumed that the following 'ameciad from Spartanburg,8.€.,to the Charlotte Observer under date of the 25th has reference to the fellow was tried by Mayor Caldwell ertly in December for accompanying a lewd woman dbout town and ‘also for the larceny of property from Ho-tel Iredell: “After blinding the deputy sheriff with a double handful of red pepper, a desperado,charged with a serious offence in North Carolina,grabbed the officer’s pistol,ran the conductor out of the car and held all passen- wers terrified until he could jump from the train,according to the sto- ry told here tonight by persons onboardaSouthernRailwaytrainthis morning between Spartanburg and Asheville. “Geter Davis,alias Jo.Burnett,alias Jo.Henson,was tried in Bun-eombe county,North Carolina,about two months ago and sentenced toservetwoyearsonthechaingang. As officers were taking him to jailhemadea_successful break for lib-erty and succeeded in reaching SouthCarolina.Here he chanced to run against an officer and when searched a pistol was found on his person.For carrying unlawful weapons he was sentenced to serve 30 days on the Spartanburg chain gang.ThatsentencewascompletedWednesday. When the North Carolina authoritieswerenotifiedtheysentDeputySher-iff Bell to Spartanburg after the pris- oner,first warning tne officer that the offender was a dangerous man. Officer Bell took his man about 10 o'clock this morning and boarded a Southern train for Asheville,firstseeingtoitthatDavishadheavy handcuffs on his wrists. “When Melrose was reached, where the heavy grade begins on the railroad,the prisoner asked permis-sion to visit the toilet and the officerremovedthehandcufffromtheleft hand.“Deputy Bell meanwhile stationed himself outside the door and as the train lurched round a curve on the mountain side,running approximate- ly five miles per hour,the prisonersteppedfromthetoiletandflungtheredpepperintheofficer’s face.Be-fore Mr.Bell could see,or get hisbreath,Davis had snatched the offi- cor's pistol from the holster and no- tified every man in the car that one move meant instant death.As the conductor entered §the car hislifewasalsothreatenedandtherailroadofficialwasforcedtoretreatin haste from that coach.A few min- utes later Davis swung from _ theNorthCarolinamountains.“The man is white and about 23yearsofage.North Carolina offi-cials sey that he is a desperate char-acter.” The E.M.Holt Plaid Mille of Bur-lington are serving a midnight lunchoffourtandwichesand their night PliesCured in 6to14 Daysretund Statesville,N.C. “HABITS”BRING REVENUE! Large Collections By Govern-ment From Tobacco and Lie uor.| The amount of whiskey consumed by the American people in 1916 appar- ently was greater than in any previ-, ous year since 1909,according to tax returns to the Treasury Department |) and the amount of revenue collected by the government on whiskey,|cer: and cigarettes during the year was) the greatest on record. While returns show that the ten-deney toward prohibition has not low- ered the government's revenue from whiskey,officials believe that 2 por-| tion of the increase—nearly $24,000,-!600 more than in 1915—is attributa-, ble to the fact that the governmentisatpresentcollectingtaxesonallthewhiskeyproducedinthecountry whereas,because of extensive frauds suvh was not the case a few years!ayo, Consumption of cigarettes in 1916 reached the highest mark cver_re-corded.The tremendous increase more than 40 per cent over 1915,is attributed to two main causes:Incrensed prosperivy of the coun- try and growth of the cigarette habit among women.Many millions of| civarettes made for feminine erewereproducedinthiscountryie imported during the pest year,where- a few years ago production and) importation of such wigarettes were|negligible by comparison.| The number of paper-wrapped ci-| x arettes upon which the government |levied a tax during the year hadreuchedthegrandtotalof25,252, 40,928 o8 compared with 17,951,754, OS in 1916.These figures cover o1 ily| manufactured paper-wrapped civar-ettes and do not include tobacco used by siaalae who roll their own cigar. etteg. Records |show that the government| collected a tax ef $i.#0 per gallon on}146,345,146 gallons of whiskey dur-|ing the year,a total of $160,999,460|as compared with 124,549,210 vallong | end a tax yield of $197,004.)51 in | 1915.Beer consumption,according |to the records,was 61,145,585 bar-| rels,or 1,895,513,078 gallons in 1916 as against 57,805,869 barrels,or 1,-791,981,939 gallons the previous yearThetaxyieldonbeerduring1916 was $91,718,376;in 1915,$86,703,808 Total revenue on beer and whiskey| during 1916 was $252,708,935,as com- pared with $223,712,934 in 1915.Ci garettes yielded’internal revenue to the amount of $31,541,200 last year and $22,424,042 the year before,mak- ing the total revenue to the govern as ment from these three sources $784,.' GET IN TOUCH WITH] AG MILLS &POSTON: ALE QUICK. An opportunity to satisly your lace wants.300 dozen yards of Fine French Vals,Diamond Mesh,and Round ThreadLaces.Values up to 10 cents,Sale price 5 cents per yard. See window display. Yours truly, =SMILLS &POSTON.& That Everybody Observe Thrift Day Which Will Be SATURDAY,PRORUARY 94. ingia pocenecessary to THRIFT, Supply your wants. The mayor,board of aldermen and} citizens of Newton,in a mass meet- |ing,unanimously rejected the South- ern railway’s plans for a waoden de-jpotanddemandedabrickstructure,|with shed at landing places.L.Young,J.P.Yount and C.M.McCor-kle were appointed a committee to grotoRaleighandpressNewton'sclaimsbeforethecorporationcom- mission for a modern union station|of the same size as the pro|wooden building. SS(CLEANSES YOURHAIR,MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL,|THICK,GLOSSY,WAVY \TryThis!All DandruffDisap-ee ee coe |Surely try a “Danderine HairCleanse”if you wish to immediately|*double the beauty of your hair.Just‘moisten a cloth with Dandorine anddrawitae*~~hair,at athiswillcleansethehairof‘dirt or any excessive os aminutesyoube YhairSebewavy, —is af of and deservesapermaneent,plese onPre THRIFT day 250,235 in 1916 and $246,136,976 in |CVerY1915.an inerease last year of $38. 113,239._SeRNRRNERERSNONORNSaN Representative citizens ofcountytothenumberof700metinSaturda hot coffeetola ‘' Ceetl ae .4 —Sd