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The Landmark, February 1917
N e z professed byprinciplesespeciallyandequalitynations.Germanyygladifinrecog-“ae anotenjoyofpoliticalindependenceaoefreedom60repudiatealllancesaetoforcethe.duntries into a competition for mightandtoinvolvetheminanetofself-ish intrigues.On the other handywillgladlyco-opcrate in all——future wars. condition ofofnationsand the peaceful course them as well.asdoorforthecommerceofall»has always tormed part ofleadingprinciplesofGermany'sprogramme.All the more thegovernmentregretsthattheofherenemicswhoaresoyopposedtopeacemakesitiblefortheworldatpresentabouttherealizationofthes«is.Germany and her alliesreadytoenterintoadiscussion e t a l : i y = lofty wereofpeace and hed set down as a basis| tke guaranty of existence,honor andfreedevelopmentof‘their peoples.Their aims,as has n expresslystatedinthenoteofDecember12.1916,were not directed towards thedestructionorannihilationoftheirenemiesandwereaccordingtotheirconvictionperfect!y compatible withtherightsoftheothernations.Astogium,for which such warm and cordial sympatny is felt in theUnitedStates,the Chancellor had de-only »few weels previouslythatitsannexationhadneverformedpertofGermany's intentions. Peace to be signed with RBel-was to provide for such condi-in that country,with which¥desires to maintain friend.and neighborly relations,that Be!-id not be used again by:iny’s enemies for the purposeinstigatingcontinuoushostile—in-.Such precautionary meas-a all the more necessary, |12 months i itentiary.L n peniten 5surgested this important |Tuesday and reported inlargelytothe,as follows: { yi of starvation.which as|suffer fer thoir —Grard Ju- criminal Su-Court was ithecourttookarecess until .whenthecaseson the et will be takenup.di ing caseswere:‘Shuford Millerand John Mills,as-deadotwithly ;guilty;iter fined $10 and costs;Mills $25 and eennts.rocking train;guilty;Tt wasthatGibson’s mental con-be examined into.Pee la:assigned to worhome.at county Fate Little,too much liquor;guilty;8 months onDorsettley,too much liquor; y;guilty; plead guilty;$50ana costs.y aSpecks,assault on female; giving away fire-crackers;not guilty.Gus Bikas,larceny:plead guilty toforcibletrespass:judgment suspend- ed on pa of cone.Elze .larceny;plead guiltyofforcibletrespass;judgment sus-pended on payment of cost.Frank West,essault with deadlyweanon:two eases:continved underbond.The charge ia for assault on R.W.and Mitchell Orr.er Flowe.larceny:not guiltyRogerGaither,abandonment:plead jruilty;prayer for judgmentcontinuedonpayment’of costs andtogivebondof$200 to anpear fortwoyearsandshowoodbehaviourandthathehassupportedwifeandchild.Sam.Jones,months on roads.The grand jury finished its work substance larceny;guilty;8 The inmates of the county homenumber389-—6 white men,14 white‘women,two white children;8 color-ed men,5 colered women and 4 colsoredconvicts.The building wasfoundingoodconditionandthein-mates had no compharmr.The {sil was found in need of re-pairs acd it was recommended thattheybemadeatonce.The prison-ers afe 11 negro men and one negrowoman,the woman and two of the men @ crazy.It was advisedthatWillTallybesenttothecoun-ty home and thet prisoners who re-main in jail after court give their~—2 ee a.ahtie unttos—three ite ancfivecolored-——were found at thechaingang.They say they are well cared for,fed and clothed.There isonenimhtandonedayguardandaightfinemules.The court house was inspected andcaleiminingandvarnishingof inte-rior of some of the walls was rec- ommended;thet awnings be placed over windows of clerk’s office and treasurer’s oNice.The offices andrecordsarereportedneatlykept. The jury recommended that an ex- nert accountant be emploved to aud- it books at least once a year. French Chef Coming to HotelIredellCafe. Mr.J.H.Gray.proprietor of Hotel Tredell,exnects the artival of Peter Bona,a highly recommended chef, early this month.Bona was for six years chef at the Chamberlain Hotel at Fortress Monroe and iv an expert in his art.. Work on the cafe is.prorressingrapidly.The interior decorations ofthediningroompromisestobeat- tractive.Mornager Gray.is fittingtheestablishmentwithservicewhich cannot be surpassed in the State.The cafe will probably be openedaboutthemiddlecfthismonth. ever,insists upon continuing its war does not at all affect the military powers of its op- ponents,but compels women dndchildren,the sick and the aged,to country,pains andny’s enemies have repeatediy|vrivations which endanger the vital-Stated,not only in speeches delivered|itv of the nation.—rn men,but also in the “Thus British tyranny mercilessly economical conference|increases the sufferings of the world,in Paris,that it is their intention not |indifferent to the laws of humanity,s treat Germeny as an equal,even |indifferent to the protests of the nev-peace has been restored,but|trals whom they severely harm,in-to continue their hostile attitude,and |different even toespeciallytowagea systematicaleconomicalwaragainsther.The attempt of the four alliedrstobringaboutpeacehas»OWing t&the lust of conquesttheirenemies,who desired to dic-the conditions of peace.Underpretenceoffollowingtheprinci-of nationality,our enemies havetheirrealsimsinthiswar,°gemge and dishonor y,-Hungary,TurkBreesRisTE.the will ofde-cppose will o e Bitterend They desire a fight to the ‘A new situation has thus beentreatedwhichforeesGermanytonewdecisions.Since two years andahalfEnglandisusinghernavalForce’Germanyintosubmicsion byInbratal the silent longing for peace among Eneland’s own al-lies.Each day of the terrible strug-gle causes new destruction,new suf- ferings.Each dav shortening thejwar,will,on both sides,preservethelifeofthousandsofbravesoldiersandbeabenefittomankind.“The Imperial government couldnotjustifybeforeitsownconscience,before the German people and beforeineglectforanymeans the war.United States,the Imperialmenthopedtoreacht Man's Best FriendTruetoPos A baby carriage,filled with softrobesofpinkandwhite,stoodonsidewalkbeforea.The nandwhitebabythatwentwithtcarriagehadbeenvemoved but the insignificant mongrel dog be-neath the carriage had not noticedtheremoval.The day was a wintryone,with a sharp,cold windtratingthickovercoatsandmaipeopleforgetthattheyworecoatsatall,The mongrel’s coatthinandflea-bitten;the ieymadehimshiverashehuddledthecart,firm in the belief thatwasthesolepvardandprotector the fat baby ‘hat was went to re-pose in the cart.not reason that the afternoon wastoocoldforababytospendoutsidethehouse;his brain only understeodthefactthatthebaby’s carriage wasoverhimthereforethebabymustbeinthecarriage,and he must ’guard over the joyous youngster,delighted the dog by pulling hisshabbyearsoncertainS. For three hours the dog rema’at his post,a shivering,ugly mite,disdainive the warmth of the porthbeyond.He remained until the snowbegantofeli.Then the nurse cameoutofthehouseandrolledtheriageupthesteps.The mongrel fol-lowed,proudly he fellowed up thesteps,proud in his shivering protectionofthebabythetwasasleepinhiscozycribirthenursery. The Record of Deaths. Mrs.Mary Ker?Luckey,wife ofMr.W.L.Luckey of Cleveland,diedatherhomethereTuesdaymorningafteralongiilnesswithBright'sdisease.Mrs.Luckey,who was 7yearsofage,is survived by fourchildren—Mre.Geo.Baker of Salis-bury,Mrs.Wm.Allison,Miss moveLuckeyandMr.Wm.LuckeyCleveland.Mrs.J.F.Anderson and helf-sieters of the \The funeral services were conduct-ed from the Cleveland PresbyterianchurchWednesday,burial takngplaceatCleveland,Statesville i.ple attending the fureral wereJames.Andersoti,Miss Emma_Kerr,Mrs.W.T.Kaincaid,Mra.J.8.Me-Rorie and Mrs.W.R.McLelland, Mr.John C.Lewis,who died last|week in San Francisco,Cal.,was a|North Carolina man and a brotherofthelateW.G.Lewisof States-ville.The dec ‘who was bornandrearedinRaleigh,a son of Maj.A.M.Lewis,was a lawyer by pro- fession and was at one time a judge.Til health caused him many yearsagotogotoSamFrancisco,wherehewasenga;in newspaper work.A wife survives.Burial took placeatLosAngeles,Cal. Mrs.Samson Speaks died Wednes-day night at her home near Jenningsafteraseveraldays’illness withjpneumonia.A teaeand and sevenichildrensurvive.Mrs.Speaks was ‘about 37 years of age.|Burial will take place today at Un- |jon Grove. |Mrs.Chas.Dimmette died Saturday 'in Winston-Salem after a long illnes \burial taking place Sunday nexr |Renda,the home of the deceased.M|L.E.Dimmette of Statesvilie is'san of the decersed and was with her ijwhen the end came. i ¢—-|Mrs.Will Dishman,aged about 40 years,died several days ago at herhomeinNewHopetownship.Herhusbandandseveralchildrensurvive. |Picture Films of Lotal Plants Being Made.Mr.G.S,Gullette,representing theEmpireFilmCompanyofNewYorkcity,is in Statesville this week.~|Mr.Gullette proposes to take moving'pictures of scenes in Statesville,beth|residential and business sections of the|town being shown.Pictures of differ-ent factories in operation will be tak-jen;a seene will be made of furniture imoaking,beginning with the lumberyardandendingwiththefinishedfurniture.The films will be shownthrougheuttheUn'ted States and willbeanadvertisementtoStatesvilleand this section of North Carolina.Pic- Gastonia and Salisbury.GastoniasceneswereshownattheLyricpic-ture show yesterday and were pro nounced as excellent views.Mr.Guillette.ig meeting with encourngementinhisworkhere,thebusinessmenofthetownshowingotendencytosupporttheenterprisewhichwouldproveacreatadvertise-ment for the town. Basketball Challenge. We West-Siders,being lovers ofner__is ore eng ne yourEast-Siders,living east of Cente: ball players than have we.[If youaretruesports,send_five of yoursonstothearmoryTuesdaynightletthemethemselvesfromestHarper»FrankGuy,Earl Moser,John ~y-»w DER.game tonight betweenandStatesvilleatthelocalLenoirarmory preach February il, ehurch ’ to betemor- RegardiessofWeather.| bom nurse and carried ingide the "heleencl pene-|wh His dog’s mind did]Dea |APP’nd the Miss Emma Kerr of Statesville are;4),deceased tures have been made in Charlotte.| st that you have better basket.| and Cari, exe E DEATH MR.ELLIS. ultedFrom Titeg |StrockByTrainin Relatives in the county have re-ved particulars.ing thethbyaccidentofMr.John EllisPalmer,1,January 23d.Thendmarkinapreviousissuecar- |the announcement of the death“iis,whe was a native of trainWhilehewaswaontherailroadtrackbetweenand=Morris-sonville.The engineer of the trainwMr.Ellis on the track ahead andwhiswhistle.However,Mr.El-Tis was deaf and not hearing the on- coming train,was struck,One leg was broken in es,an arm‘was fractured and his head crushed.th was lnanpetennens a body Was so.terr mangled at abrotherofthedeounealassistinginremovingthebodyfromthetrainuponitsarrivalatPalmer,did not recognize the bedy as that of histher.Burial took place in Pal-mer.Mr.Ellis was 74 years of age.HemadehishomeiShoeduring the past 49 veal ‘ing moved to that Siate from iredell.was born and wo brethers,James and William »_live in Pal-mer.Mr.V.C,Ellis of Iredell is abrother.A wife and three children also survive, Iredell Produce Company Robbed .The Iredell Produce Company suf-fered from burglars Friday night,1.85 being removed from cashwerandtwohamsbeingstolen.robbery was not made publicuntilyesterday,as officers hoped tothieforthieves.As=no trace of the marauders has n found,The thief evidently hid himselfmongtheboxesintherearofthestorebeforethestorewasclosedFridayevening.Mr.J.E.Tharpe,@ Manager,upon openingstoreSaturdaymorning,discoveredthutthebackdoor,which is fastenedbybarsfromtheinside,opened during the night,evidentlybysomeoneinthebuilding.The burglar lock onsafehadbeentamperedwithbut thesafehadnotbeenopened. Revenue Collections For January During January Collector Watts col $1,678,744.54 internal reve-follows 1|Capital stock corporations {Emergency taxes |Liquer license .Fines and penalties .|Oleomargarine license 39.75 Narcotic taxes 29.70 This is an increase of $195,709.92overlastmonthandof$659,762.86 |over January,1916,or 64 3-4 per cent. Cases in Local Courts. Milten Wiggs,white,and Pete |Alexander,colored,were given ahearingbeforeMayorCal@wellWed- jnesday on the charge of engaging in lon affray Tuesday.The two werefinedthecostsinthecase. Ed.Fowler was fined $5 and costs |yesterday by the mayor for exceed-jing the city speed limits. 3,602.313,403.10203.1873.38 a Chester Payton and Herry Porter, negroes,were before Mayor Caldwell vesterday charred with loafing at thedepot.Both men were discharged, Excess Tax May Become Law. Mr.W.L. Senator Overman and Congressman Doughten in regard to the revenue vill in which it is proposed to place an exeess tax on profits of corpora- tions,ete.Mr.Dough.on says he isarainstitandwil!do what he canagainstitspass:we.Mr.Overman is,opposed to it but understands it har heen recommended by the Presidentundthinksitmaybecomealaw. Marriage License Issued. Lieense has been recently for the marriace of Reuben D.Stike- luther and Ollie Hammer.During the month of Jsnuary license wasissuedforthemarriageofonlycightwhitecouplesandfivecoloredcouples.During the previous monthJecemberlicensewasissuedfor|the marriage of fifiy couples.Dur- r the year of 1916 in Iredell licenseasissuedforthemarriageof ples. The German note is viewed inWashingtonwithextremegravitybutnothingofficiallyhadbeengivenoctyesterdayto‘indicate what the|United States will do.America’s de-‘cision is watched for in’England, where the note created »sensation,The effect of the note on shippingwasfeltseriously. The American markets were com-pletely demoralized yesterday as 4aresultoftheGermannotedeclaringunresttietednavalwarfare.Cotton dr “pped from $18.50 ‘o $21.50 abale.All stecks took «tumble. A severe coli wave is announcedtoreachthissectiontonight.Fromthewayitfeeisthismorning,es-pecially when compared with the tomy ture of the past few days,ve'll net be upvieel. tw a Londen of the Lloyds announeeninevessels,causing theofeightmenandtheinjuryof announcedi hess severiny:diplomatic rela-by the United |ve ian dea one.'it |that |tone Germany|States seems certain.oF ates §,"Se tetospendseveralmonths.lyst where he}i had been; interior of the fi Gilbert bas heard from| issued | 206 | rae Summerfield McCartney,instructorDurham JDAY,FFBRUARY 2,1917. Whole Raft of Bills IntroducedtoGoThroughtheGrind. *Since our last repert the HouseturneddownaitiontoallowappealsalaeoftheCorporatCommission.The House a bill to pro-|vide for whole family insurance infraternalsocietiesanddefeatedonetopeatol—of childrenonscyerounds,Bills have been introduced in theHousetoregulateuseofdueorofState;to prov forcarebeautificationofgraveyardsandcemeteries;to amendlawrelativeto‘tion ofonpublichighways;to prohibit ob-struction of highways;to lawsoastopreventfraudinweightof|cotton seed and cotton;to|amend Revisal in reference to arrestofpeoplechargedwithfelony;to ‘amend law relative te matrimony;toprovideforexaminationsofplum!bers so as to safeguard health;tocompelrailroadstoprovidewunder-passes and over-passes at importantcrossings;to aid temperance by reg-ulating receipt and manufacture ofspirits;to amend law relative to = property;¥o protect {growers in North Carolina;for reliefofveteransandtheir;to fur-nish ground limestone to farmers atleastcost;to provide for regularityofmortgageundotherdeeds;toamendlawrelativetoadvertising-ofmoproperty.A bill was passedintheHousetorequirereturnof90percent.of au-to taxes to county whence theycame. i ' es- tate and protect to preven Fue tog,taesystem0teinstitutions,ecunties and aehomeandities;to establish a Stateindustrialseheolforgirls and wo-men.Bills passed third reading in the|Senate to protect very childrenjandonerelatingtoprofessional] nurses.The ra State Board ofHealthbillprevforopen.for-mula of patent medicings,was de-feated in both House and Senate. STATE NEWS. The government's part of Pi|forest is being fenced in to enetheherdofbisonandelkkeptthere. Charlie Canup,a young white manjofCabarruscounty,is held for forg-ing and flashing checks at Coneanl i McDougald will—Mise FloraBerne Monday,wherewillenterSt.Luke’s,Hogpital . i 3 e 3 g if ¢;is h : Hi fi i fta es = te op i - Fi - iF i e ra The Champion Fibre-manny hasbought28,000 acres of timber landlinSwaincountyforwhiehitpaid $460,000. LeRoy Lamb,five years old,di in Robeson county as the result offallingandstickingaknifebladein his eye. Considerable improvement is be- ing made on thebetweenMorganton and Asheville, including permanent bridges. A large boiler in the power paoftheUniversityatChapelHillex-ploded Tuesday,slightly injuring twoattendantsandbadlyinjuringthe plant.. Ed.Young,white,wantedAverycountyforburningahote Fik Park,hes been arrestedGreensboro,where he was going un-der ame of R.Tucker. “1 herne died ma Wadesboro-nospital Tuesday from injuries re-ceived some days bef Lu- in1at at >be ‘ore.Billther,white,ant Levi Little,colored,are charged with shooting him. A team of horses ran away inSalisburyTuesdayandthrewJohnHunt,an aged citizen of Rockwell, from the wagor to the hard pave-ment,probab!y producing fatal in- juries. It is complained that considerabletroublehas‘esulted reeently fromoperationofpickpocketsontrainsbetweenDanville,Va.and Char-ilotte.Two High Point fellows lost over $100 each thie week. Gov.Wagoner of Durham courity because|his wife died recently and his ehil-dren are helpless destitute. had served over half of a two-yearterminthevenitentiaryforblock- in foreign languages inclaims he wasofthealhadstrucka- 1 with a bookandhe will sue the city for damages.Panea thern's road bed;Charlotte Bickett hes pardoned Arch.) He| et oe We netateofDr.T.W.[ni ng,thenowasstheworkingthrcughChas.H,chitect,of Morbo and have egress Yo OS 6 eran |50x80 eet,on the|theseinterests,on Mainstreet. ‘NEWS OF TAYLORSVILLE. |Plans BeingShaped For Road Work —Property Changes— Personals, |Special Corresponden of The Landmark. |Taylorsville,Feb.i—The good |roads commissioners uf Alexander met |Monday to discuss plans for begin- ping the work on theSesnyoweiebscommer oefromfredelltoCaldwell'Cotuwba to Wilkes passing 20th|Taylorsville.TheibeinsessionTuesday,'for the purpose of buying a 40imulesforroadwork,Mill Co.The TaylorsyhasourdiientMr Watts - —, ee t i| i {4 —i—- iL a feero 1i !t poyland,Holland and Scandinavia, ‘ of l A regrettoreturnthis of the provisionsof thé~va of teom. Ai k r i i it —-for capital of-| said capita offences | homicides;that noone of| been convicted and sufferedpenaltyforarsonorfor the first derree,or for assault.As to these threc| offences,he said,very few persont: been indicted,and when indictec prosecuted it had turned out thai | convictions were for less degrees capital offence;so that in no in-| was one of the 100 persone , >death during the period : ‘ f i a E i i years. urther stated that a large ma- the cases constituting thosc indicted for murder but that victions had been almost en- manslaughter before this divided into murder in th« and murder in the second ,under the statute.Since en- t of the statute dividing mur-| der into two degrees,the convictions were usually murder in the seconc “>or manslaughter. udge Long further stated that of the 100 cases prosecuted duringtyearsassolicitor,only onenumber--one per cent.—had the death penalty. also remarked thet since he ha: on the bench,for 14 years,hav. held court in all of the 100 coun.in North Carolina and in thecountiesmanytimes,that hepresidedoverthetrialofmany cay offences,largely in excess of 100,but in none of these cases hac any person ever been convicted anc by him for burglary in th:degree or for the capital offencorforcriminalassault.H« that in the great majority of indictments were for murfirstdegree,but that only persons had been convicted ofinthe—aa and ~ tenced paid the death penalty.A: to ft 2 instances,he said,ther« were developed all the elements of urder in the first degree.In the nu-us cases of homicide in whichconvictionsweresecured,they wereformurderinthesecondde-.or manslaughter.Ithough spending little time draw-ng for the jury the conclusions bas-ed on these facts,Judge Long indicat-ed that he could see no reason forintthatthelewwastoohars)in particular.2S HAD AMERICAN PASSPORT Claims He is German Officer,’ Using American Name. hapten,Eng.,Dispatch.Jan.30th.*man said to be Captain HansBoehm,declared by the British au-therities to be a German army offt-cer,who was traveling under anAmericanpassportissuedinthenameofJelksLeroyThrasher,of Quitman,Brooks county,Georgia,has been taken off the Dutch steam-er Zeelandia,at Falmouth,boundfromSpainforHolland.ft was said that the man at first stoutly protested that his rame wasThrasher,but that when the admir-_pataligence oficer.called him in hm,”he vromptly admittedhisidentity.After serving forseveralmonthsintheGermanarmy,,acgeording to his story asmadepublicbytheBritishauthori- ties,went to the United States,where he was employed in the Ger- fen secret service.When he decided to return to Eu- wee it is alleged that he wrote twoet3ofQuitman,acking them tocertifythathisnamewasThrasherandthathewasborninQuitmanin1881.It is stated that these personswrotetohimtothiseffect,and thatwiththeirlettersheapproachedfirmsinPhiladeiphiaandNewYorkofferingtorepresentthemintheca-tortie a buyer in Europe.The 2u- et > si . ig a ® fe l l u sr e i* 3 is 3 3 f 24 = thoritjies assert that Boehm statedthatthesefirmsvouchedforhimat Washington when he obtained hisPassportinthenaweofThrasher.“With the passport made out for Eng-themanarrivedinHollandinJuneandhedhispassportamendedtoincludeMipair,and Portugal.He left for VigoinAugustandwasaonhisreturnfromthatcity.Boehm orThrasher,has been placed in an in-terment camp,which would indicatethatheisnottobetriedforespion- age.Officials here express the beliefthattheUnitedStacesmayrequest=extradition of the manon a ree participation in plotsthere,the authorities stating that he}spending large sums past has not been t theimmigrant-is as such un undesirableimmigrant.Tests of quality and of purpose jected to oncannotbeobprinciplebuttestsofopportunity “<7 may be.. “Moreover,even |be equitably insisted on,one ofexceptionsproposedtoitsapplica- tion involves a rovision which might lead to very delicate andardousdiplomaticsituations.“The bill exempts from the eper-ation of the literacy test ‘all aliens who shall prove to the satisfaction of the proper immigration officer or totheSecretaryofLaborthattheyareseekingadmissionto¢UnitedStatestoavoidreligiouspersecutionsinthe.country of their last perma-nefit residence,whether such perse- cution be evidenced by overt acts orbylawsorgovernmentalregulationsthatdiscriminateagainstthealienortheracetowhichhebelongsbe-cause of his religious faith.’“Such a provision,so applied andadministered,would oblige the officerconcernedineffecttopassjudgment upon the laws and practices of 0foreigngovernmentanddeclarethai they did or did not constitute relig- ious persecution.This would,to say the least,be a most invidious func- tion for any administrative officer of this government to perform,and it isnotonlypossiblebutprobablethat very serious questions of interna-tional justice and comity would arise between this government and the government or governments thus offi-cially condemned should its exercise be adopted.“I dare say that these conse-mences were not in the minds oftheproponentsofthisprovision,buttheprovisionseparatelyandinit- self renders it unwise for me to give my assent to this legislation in its present form.”When the message was read in the House,it was ordered to lie on thetableuntilThursdaymorning,and champions of the bil?began layingtheirplansforanefforttooverridetheveto.Chairman’Burnett an-nounced tonight that he would move for a vote Thursday.Two years ago the House lacked only four votes ofthenecessarytwo-thirds majority to pass the bill over the veto.No action was daken by the Senate. The bill which the President veto-| ed today passed the House last Marchbyaavoteof308to87,and theSenateinDeeemberby64to7. DCeS Suffrage School For Women Opens in Raleigh Tomorrow. Raleigh News and Observer,Jan.30. The suffrage school for women of North Carolina,that will open with a public meeting in the court house here Saturday night at 8 o’clock,will “<rhs attract to Raleigh many womenfromovertheStatewhoarelendingtheireffortstoward»movement that is rapidly erystalizing into universal suffrage.The Equal Suffrage League of the State is very :nxious that the public understand the purpose of the school which at this time has no bearing upon,or no tendency to create,sen- timent favorable to any legislationnowpendingbeforetheGeneralAs-sembly.The purpose of the schoolistoaffordthewomenoftheStatewhoareinterestedinthesuffragemovementanopportunitytostudy the question under three well known suffrage leaders of national fame,who come to Raleigw as representa-tives of the National American Wo- —ae oon pp rom Questions of perliamentar aw,campaign work,clemainnal standards athefinancialsideofthemovementaretobediscussedbyMissAnnieDough-ty,Mrs.Halsey W.Wilson and Mrs. Florence Cotnam.Raleigh will be the only point inNorthCarolinawhereasuffrage school will be held and with speak-ers of wide experience as those enu-.merated,representatives of suffrageorganizationsthroughouttheStateareexpectedtoattend. TS Check For $93,000 to Pay For Land, Greensboro News,Jan.30th. One of the largest checks ever re-ceived by the clerk the districtcourtoftheUnitedtesinNorthCarolina,came to Clerk J.M.Milli-kan here yesterday.It was from theSecretaryofAgricultureandtheamountwas$93,000.The check wil! pay for land condemned and bought f this test might!the|A dome of pink,drifting to blue, |Get up and wen|Po sniff the fresh,spring air. He first looked at the melting snow,And then up in the sky ~ |And reaching up so high. Just then came from a little wren, |“Peter,peter,peter.”*To which a red-bird onswered back, “Sweeter,sweeter,sweeter.” ‘Phen close down by the front porch step, A drove ef robines flew, Then from the tree-tops in the grove, The doves began to evo Zeke turned and went back in the house, And sat down by his wite. And said te her,“My very bones Ave tingling with new life. “I somehow feel like this ‘ere farm, Though old and rough and ‘pore,Is better far than rooms to letAboveagroce-ry store, ‘So let us stay here one more year,And do the best we canAnd|will try cut farming on The rew ‘fandangied’plan. I'l!put the bulitongue on the shelf, And sell the spotted sow,Then take'the price and wo and buyAChattanoogaplow.” Nex:day he hitehed up bisj blind mule, And off he went to town, And sold his old sow,sight-unseen, And got ten dollars down. With these plunks jingling in his jeans, As if to tell him how,He hiked off to the store and bought A Chattanooga piow. Next morning at the break of day,Zeke hopped uo out of bed, And as he slipped bis breeches on,Turned to his Wife and said: “Come.Mandy,don't lie there and snoose, Jump up and go right now,And fis me up a little stack, So I ean start the plow. ‘I dreamt about the golgoshed thingTheblessednightclearthrough, And now I'm almost wild to know What it's a-avine to do.” He took bis old split basket and, In answer to a bray,Gave bis old mule some nubbins andAJitthebunchofhay Thon pitched his basket in the crib, And started out to seeThatsilhiso'd plow genrings weredustwheretheyoughttobe. en this was done be dragged his plow In through the garden gate,As Mandy shouted,“Breakfast Zeke!”And off he went and ate.‘ Then brought bis mule,togged ap in gears That jingled with each step,And hitehed up to his brand-new plow, And then said;“Get up.Bet.” The blind plow-mule »ricked up her ears, And started wich a “hep,” Her hind leas going like she crossed A fence at every step, The rich,loose dirt,about Rnee deep, And fourteen inches wide,Came relling up in somersaults And tumbling ta one side, Around the Lege onee he went, And turred to go again,When Mrs.Chattanooga plow Flashed up a silver grin, And said to Zeke,“Our fret trip ‘round Was but to clear the track; So if you want to see me plow Just watch as |go baek.” With this it chugged down to the beam, 4 wlided off uponwrwavesofspreading dirt. eful as 2 swan. |“Bey geo-s-h!sald Zeke;cake!T never knew ‘till now Why everybody wants to buy The Chattanooga plow.”. While speaking thus,his afd blind mule Backed out around her trace, And walling up her old betnd eyes Into her master's face, Said,“Zeke,what is this I'm hitched to, Thott chases me arowSefastTvenotyethad a chance To pull a single pound? In it an automobile,Zeke,Sent out by some blamed fool, Who's having fun at the expenseOfyourpoor,old blind mule? “Or is it a new zeppelin,Built by some guy who's found A way that he ean make them goA-flying through the ground’? With this,she turned herself around. Untengled from her trace,Pulled down her long gray ears to where They almost hid her face, Then with her nostrils opened wide,To make her smelling good, She nosed her wayThechasingmonster With falt’ring steps she sniffed along, As if her sniffe were steam,When all at once,kerbump!her nose Came down against the beam. “G-e-e whis''!brayed she,turning to Zeke,Her blind eyes in a flame;‘By-gosh,you've gone and bought a plowOfChattanoomefame’! Next day Zeke went to plow his field,Possessed by sasafras,So thick that only lightning-bugs,And gulleys tried to pass. While old Bet nibbled on the brush, wi t-h-a-t takes And in she plunged and off she went,Mer man's way to trim,waves of sassafras, for the improvement of the Appala.|chian forest reserve in the western part of this State. Jo.M.Burleson and the Big Ivy receive th« the |)ag tract of land known as the J,C.Somers | toward where she thought|ments to Every druggist here,yes!your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel.They all give the same reason.Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking its “Calomel is dangerous and know it while Dodson's Liver Tone is safe gives better re- sults,”said a prominent local druggist.Dodson’s Liver Tone is pe guaranteed by ev druggist.A large fatnily-sized bottle costs only cents and if you find it doesn’t take the place of dangerous,salivating calomel you have only to ask for your money we’s Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting,pure- ly remedy,harmless to both children and adults.Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine,no sick headache,biliousness,ague, cin for a hard;day’s work.You'can eat anything afterwardsofsalivatingyourselforyourchildren.’Get @ bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone andonmyguarantee.You'll never again put aofnasty,calomel into your stomach, - Last week we invited you to do business at our Bank,you naturally want to know why we should ask you todoso.We right here answer the question.It’s becausewehonestlybelievewecandoasgoodorbetter.by youthananyotherBankinthisterritory.Our Banking fa-cilities are of the best.We have modern equipment,accommodating officers,know the needs of the people of this community and feel that it is to your interest aswellasoursthatyoushouldmakeourBankyourBank.This Bank loans money.But we don't loan:money fool-ishly nor for imprudent.purposes.It is our ambition toseethiscommunityprosper,and it is decidedly to ouradvantoseethatitdoes,becausco—IF THEcolITYPROSPERSTSbn4IN-ar AND WE WILL HAVE MORE nal TO It can readily be seen,therefore,that we cannot consist-ently loan for any not conducive to the best in-terests of the commugity in general and the borrower inparticular.On this is we will gladiy loan at the le-gal rate all the resources of this Bank.We invite ail totakeadvantage:of our facilities.Very truly yours,a ’s Loan and Savings Bank.EO.H.BROWN ‘That's filled our barn and bin,And brought content and comfort toOurhomesweethomeagain,” Then turning to his ha wife,With smiles upon his ‘Said:“Mandy,get another plate,'And give the plow a piace.”.G.N.M.PARKER.Advt. SeedCatalog for1917,tellsaboutthe best Farm andGardenSeeds te SS ¢profit andhomeuse.: The ee ao aenesswehaveagainexperi- enced thepastyear is thbestofcylaysqualityof OOD’S SEEDS. Writefor catalogandpricesof andClover Seed“PojatoesSeadGato9.Catalog mailcdtree on request. T.W.WOOD &SONS, SEEDSMEN,-Richmond,Va. \SALE OF VALUABLE FARMLANDSANDCITYPROPERTY. |Mrs.Bertha Somers,individually:James|Somers,John Somers by their guardian,Mrs.Bertha Somers;W.N.Somers,B.fF.Steven-won and wife,Nettic Stevenson,Chas.Som- ere,Noah Somers,Ernest Somers and Gaston|Somers,exyarte.As commissioner appointed by the clerk oftheSuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,in aproceedingentitledMrs.Bertha Somers and|others,@x-parte,I.will expose to,public sale|5tothehighestbidderatthecourtpdoor|‘in Statesville,on MONDAY.FEBRUARY STH,1917, That Everybody Observe ‘Thrift Day Which Will Be SATURDAY,FRBRUARY 3d. ‘Careful spending is necessarytoTHRIFT,—is aform of THRIFT,and_deserves apermanentplaceontheTHRIFTdayprogram. farm,near the State Farm,containingmoreorless,an exact surveybeproducedonthedayofsale.At the same time and place,and upon the|}same terme,1 will expose to public sale the|@|Vance Somera home place in Statesville,N.|omC.,adjoining the lands of H.A.Yount and oth-|ers,described as follo |about 86 acres,|of which will we:| Bewinning on the north side of West Front,|street,in’the city of Statesville,at a post,corner of H.A.Yount's,formerly J.C.Duke's,|F|corner;thence with said Yount’s line porth,&|@ degrees cust 240 feet to «a port,»Als|Yount’s corner;thence with the said Yount's |j line north 6 demrees west 136 feettoapost,|#|.A.Yount’s corner;thence with Yount's||line north $4 degrees cast 162 feet to a atake,‘in Patterson alley,MH.A.Yount'’s corner:thence south 21 degrees east with Pattersonalley,500 feet more or less,to Front street,One good thrift habit to form on THRIFT and thence with®Front street 78 west;dayand to practice t the|See‘Sette Goce’aoe art containing two|&wouldbeto bu our Hard/Sash ig,WireceikameaneglbediriedntttsandRangesaleSethiinmomieandfheseFence,Oliver Plows and lots ofgoodsnot b bear @ per cent.Interest from date|mentioned,from us. |Le einoteotte melete2!:so..Jy.CALDWELL,|The thrifty people who have traded witheeentusfortwenearscontinuetobeSALEOFVALUABLELANDS.|Wet the habitand be thrifty. STATESVILLE ‘AnythinginSheet |Metal.STATESVILLE TIN CO.| "Phone65,114 E.BroadStreet. DR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner inCityandCounty.{ Cement Patches,etc.,areall.very well in their way,but8Shaaatatyrealringisdoneby Gamagedparts.is notinuse,in shape.|.put == ie d $F: f i | }of D.M.Campbell and Elvira Cam; BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY Is NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- “TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10c. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE5CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. C.WATKINS. SALE OF LAND. Ag executor of the last will and testament|i,deethepro-|executor by virtue »on ¢MONDAY,FEBRUARY 5,1917,} we jningatastoneonthebankoftheadkinriver,It.8.Moore's corner,andhisline8.11 degrees E.260Cartner's corner;thence 8,1.2120toaatone;thence N.®to a stone on the bank of|river;thence up the mean-river to the beginning,contain- more or lees,H.P.GUFFY,Executor,.well,Att'y.Coneurd,N.C. .2 1917 /SERVICE And the complete stock of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. We can’give you service. "iaiawe aceeeeeC.H.LESTER, W.E.MUNDAY.. f Partin Sixty-fifth Congress,|ughy ;Annualearly 1i.spring sale.—Mills beginning FebruaryVanAlstyne.Lea -Gate bree corrrbuildwith.—C,Wat-'ins.Notice bend sale.—Snow Creek |Dra’jcars.—W.R.-will iAuctionsalepersonalproperty|fer W.A.Lutz iat2o'clock.—}‘at residense of morrow ye lasser,Mr.R.tives here.went to Char 7 y,she will remair for some time for 500.treatment at Tranquil Park Sanato-|amount on :;a spent chee in beenCharlotte,where he is taking medi-the saving treatment at on~of the hospit-|year than last year. Mrs.M.S.Ozment spent Tues-ED tena |Asking For Pardon For Hayes. ew Ke |Raleigh Dispatch,Jan.31st.| Saturday to|.Former Governor Kitchin and A.F. leaving f ‘Sams of Winston-Salem called onleavingfor-e the treasurer have|provided for,so thatbemore tne were in town preparatory m Newton and his fam.|Governor Bicke.t this.on a s fam-J are excellent citizens and the|urged that he —speedily community gives them up with re-|Possible,Hi A.Hayes,aswho is a a ten-year sentence in .and Mrs.J.P.Chester of |prison for em Charlotte arrived here Wednesday,|the.Chester i fWesternNorthCarolinahasopenedhisofficeon|dist Orphanage while he street,over the 5c.and 10¢,;tendent of the in andwill begin his tice |have beenfiled with theGovernor and the employes of the Mooi -|the ae physician has reported Cotton Mills and others.He!the Governor that Hayes is i are staying at the In fact,he is not ex to }Commercial Hotel for the present.|great while.Jodge Lyon hasMissDellaWoodfin,whosfor some |sented to the Governor that had notsra—ee oy been the Se nesday accept a po-could impose ia Forsyth,would |thetelephone office at Hick-|not have seasonal Hayes to more|than.two or three years,which is.G.Freeze was at home to!about the time he hasofherfriendsWednesday| n from 8 to 5 o’clock,at her}An unidentified negro man was in-north Broad street.After|stantly killed Monday at the Loray time in conversation|mill,Gastonin,when he jumpeddelicioussalad)from a fast-moving train.together with |= Hornerae be ce Yields To Delicious Vine) re.The games will be|Philadelphia,Pa—*Last fall.T was ‘clock ond the basketball |troubled with a very severe thusiastic over the pros-|cold,headaches,bacanexcitingbettie,amily |ee edom ones moved amily | .y.y have @ doctor,but did friends here whose bestllfollowthemtotheirnew, t served | team has)for Fri-|they will| from | —C.StNaLeTon.and Their “we VinolNCieontpoomeniate.” A callto,the ea W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville.| ns ongress|LIFT YOUR CORNSatoeca-&OFF WITH FiNGERS|Charles H.Randall,| ia.TellsMr.was to be How to Loosen aTenderCornorCallusSoItLifts| Out Without Pain, You reckless men and women who|pestered with cornsatleastonceaweekinvitedaninsistupon|awful death from lockjaw or blood) progressive|control and are now told in the next Congress,”"| by ©Caienets 3 was is-/areappliedto any cornor Martin,Soreness is relieved and soonreg3Snenetetirecornorcallus,root and all, in, ;Lonork;and ti \off with the ;Xtip Today weare showinglots of newSpring Silks,and Georgette Crepes. 36 inch GrosdeLondre Silk streetandevening shades, forimmediate wear,$1.75 yard. 36inch Taffetas,a big varietyofshadesat$135 and$165.i 36 inch Black and White ten and checks,at$1.50yard.+Me 36.inchFancy Stripes.Plaids aad.Checks,at $1.50 and $2.00 yard... 40 inchGeorgette Crepes,twentyormoreshadestoselectfrom,$1.75 yerd._ 36 inch MessalinesandSatine,all thegood evening andstreetshades, at $1.35 yard.sla “rent 36inchSilk CantonCrepes,eight or ten sha 50c.yard. 34inch Silk Shirtings,washable, $1.25 yard. *; ;NEW ALMOSTEVERY DAY:,oe ° tw oe ah tag ,then us his number.with neatness and ae i There’s no ebout our d .They're PUREST,MOST EFFECTIVE on the marke -" on ||POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Squatd 1. exemptionnottoexceedinvalue$1,-| 000is also provided except wnen the | debtis for the purchase of said): premises and doesnot applyto any nt nottheheadof a family,to! hasno one dependent upon|support,or to anymaleciti-| wite owns a homestead in| name.Still another pro-|Ca¥arise. the proposed law is that,The he enacted providing for,was again garnishment and applicationto!~—==.ae payment of debts not exceeding|made known.Sherman L. centun.of the salary,wages!counsel for the committee,wa’to .,know if it prior to the blication6EeeePresident's note it White hadorTemeaenpENSvearranged@meetingbetweentheGer-per week.—ponergd ->.White, lx the bill,if en-saying t requently to law,:nerve ‘enter acs ter on Si a»would oned wereItwouldnotonlygiv@jongvantine.testified that lemon protectin to themerchant but)had soughtto have him arrange a _—he ron de aeie ambassador, customer “stop,look and listen”|that been he went to buy.If the custom-said he did net arrange the meeting | Good reason to believe that and did not know whether it ever| bought rticle th oi t place. the aie e a a From the files of a Wall *o force payment he would |— buying unnecessary things!private and ’ way he would be helped.|retarded in some quarters as definite-| ly indicating thet there was a “leak”| man's Penily is entitled to some a President Wilson's recent peaceprotectionagainsttheactsofthe!note, head of the femily and the personal;The most sensaticnal property ex«mption and homestead containing a brief but remarkably nempti would give them this.accurate forecast of the contents of where it did not deprive the mer-@ Co.,one of the largest brokerage chant of his rights.houses in the street,over its private ;EES |wires to scores cf other brokers with President Wilson vetoed the immi-|whom it did business throughout the gration beca’iteracy country,on the afternoon of Decem-) wa me te B y|20,more than three hours be-|He rightly contends fore the first conies of the note were|y test “is not a test handed to newspaper men by Seere-|f,of quality or of person-~.a @f fitness,but would operate in most!was sent,according to the testimony|ates merely as a penalty for lack|of Secretary Lansing before the of opportunity in the country from |committee in Washington,no one in t e ‘i t it y ul “ E E R E c t t i r e thatthe the Hutton message at |ersto a year and a half ago.White)ed,as |blood tonicStreetYOURDRUGGE telegram, the note,was cent by E.F.Hutton | have.(Signed.MRS.R.W.GRIMES.|mong the best anywhere asandatonic. W.F.HALL,LOGAN STIMSON &SON, STATESVILLE DRUG CO.,POLK GRAY DRUG CO. New Directory. The Iredell Telephone Company is at work ona new Directory, which it expects to have ready in a few weeks.All who contem- plate putting in ‘phones or mak- ing any changes are urged to no- tify Manager HERITAGE at once! tte, admission|this country seve persons connected, |with the preparation and despatch"|of the note,had as much inAregarding-_——as a immigrants from this country some “ae revealed.note usly |had been sent abroad in ie.Publi-!other oe or —-~cation of the note followed transmis-} test for literary attainments.If they|rious brokers by more thansionoftheHuttoneessageto va- ‘have hours.«Oh Qhayed Meseey stventnges|Information on which the meshavecharacterandotherquali-+,brokers was based,EdwardEeetionsthatwouldfitthemforin-|Hutton,head of th»‘frm,testified,leyal citizenship they came in another ,how miss-|;jing,from F.A.Connell ,of F.A.eet ee.Connelly &Co.,a Washington brok- Landma gratefully acknow!l-|bg ho tion mes-| ten |Hutton testified that his under-ia next week the meetings|standing was that Connelly’s infor- Carolina ecmmercial sec-|™&tion coguntms the =~was haset: businees men and farm!other bro rumor.ieative at ,The hosts rokerage concerns wereawouldbe|possession of similar information, to have any others from oa feel sufficient interest in the ~andif there are any such will citizens know.| SSS beyond ¢«xpression is the af-| that has come to Mr.L.C.|Bolling,a n of Union Grove township.|Wilson, has removed five members ot an ee .wees ly in three weeks.His be-|Se aan a | feavernent ic rendered the more sad|published,failed in two and a halffiiasethelivingmambersofhis|hours of grilling examination by the were too sick to attend the!-——.comr..itte te |nesday to name exact sourceWaeloftheirdead.stay He whois|of his information.He specificallymetogivecomfortthatcomforts|exonerated Bolling,however,fromIV@itabundantlytoMrHenderson.all blame for the “leak”on the note.+oe To the best of his knowledge,Mr. Connolly said repexdedly,his advicer i Is.'oe.Pane | velng toteee ofPresident ad vomhe +f of Sympathy For Quhcnaien:R.R.Clark of the States-| rk has found it neces-| fter he will annually take tion of great value.}oo rem yee choice,so|of the forecast to New,not orced to recuper-|‘onnol lowed recei;a hospital.The editor of the oe "himof a *sek Auch from Hut:began his newspa |under ”Statond 5personalassociatheworksjoyously,and =unremittingly,end to year's end,puttingifiongerhours | WANTED! SCRAP BRASS Heavy Brass 7$c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perrenFORSALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. Of EIGHT HITS from the lat- est musical shows.The best of the Broadway Hits are now avail- able and can be heard at AN- DREWS'!No matter how far youare from NewYork,you may j, enjoythecreamof the season's successes.ASK TO HEAR THEM ONTHE VICTROLA! AndrewsMusic Store. Eve Musical.106 E.Broad Statesville. a aren cine areecneamn mane seeannanenerraat oceanBuyAndEnjoy Weser Phonograph It hasbeenwornshabbyand threadbareastomeaning, tine nd leaden withbank cartridges:alappedCe>business merely as a cheap And whenhe offers security and pays you the interest you foraloan,or his leaves you a fairprofiton apieceofse;or when he hands you adimefor asanitaryshave,or a dollar for a skillful *s labor onhiswatchorautomobile,what sacrifice have made which justifies you to rear back’and rave about VICE? But when you labor to show your customers the vatue of savingandgototheexpenseofprovidingaplanfortheirsavings,you perform a service to your customer and the community. So,too,when you sell a greater quantity of goods,or a betterqualityofgoods,or a more skillful and experienced ¢!oflaborthanyourcompetitorscando,at the same ,thenyouaremakingasacrificesomewheretorenderICE. Real Service consists in performing some subtle act in your dailybusinessthatisaswelcometoyourcustomer-as the gleamofafriendlylighttoatired,hungry and loneiy traveler onadarknightinthemountains. By this advertisement—“We Never Close”—every automobilistindistressknowsthatatanyhourofthedayornight,all heneéddoistoflashan8S.O.S.to the Garolina,MotorCompany,and a competent mechanic is quickly dispatched to his relief—no matter how badare the roads,howcoldand darkand stormy the night,or how dead in slumber and insensible tohiswantstherestoftheworldmaybe. In the shadows of lighthouses built on dangerous coasts there arelife-saving stations,where men of stout hearts and muscle,risk their lives in the service of the shipwrecked. That is one form of SERVICE rendered by vour government toallmankind;and you will find the same spirit of SERVICEinthevolunteerfiredepartmentofyourtown—the spirit that leaps to save and to serve without thought of discom- fort,danger or reward. It is that same spirit that fashioned our business motto:“WE -MOTOR COMP’Y. u ON. AROLINZ“5 ee | 'Bed Roomand Se g , ee +; ¥ a ey Se w pesca Ne Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. “THE STORE THAT ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU” ~DRAINAGE TAX SALE. 1.MP.Alexander,shy of Tredell coun- ty.«ill offer for anle eourt bouse doorinStntesville,North at 10 o'clock,a m.on March the ,the followiny«ribed lands in the Creek Drainanetrietforthedueonsaidlandstheyearsof19181916.For full de-laineoeof records of ind Creek ,and map tiledwithClerkoftheCourtmytheU8.5.Drainage Deed for samewillbegivento .,WANTED—Tosell phen:fem o come aefaraverysmallfarmwithinthreemilesAStatesville.Give full deseription and)%price,BOX 114,Statesvzle,N.C,1 Feb,2~-2t. a provided by themwactof1andamendmentsthevet Name.AmoBarringerape ee Pzt he Ud b W.Mec :216.29 lhAl 3 Bi b,Pool po Wig aS | 3 MW 5 26 “iSeSatomItIsabsoluteFOLLYforamanwheintendsto,...IANOTUNING marry or whohas a WIFEand CHILDRENdirectlyde- oe ,pendent uponHIMnot to save a partofhis income from S.5.VAN ALSTYDE of Galibtery,¥.C.,witt his earnings or his business. >in Stee OE eee Or-ny re left wit ?..+at 4 yf ‘ Statesville sone Company,will receive prompt|Abank eeeount is like 6bahof anew;it wilt melt ,StoicvilieDeux Company.wi in atstrxe.away unless you ADD toit.The habit of constantlyeeINCREASINGthebalancetotheircreditwillmakeany - men or woman RICH. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. Oet age at teak prFeb. MilchR-2. sc avsaisiaiaiea oe a FoR BSALE—Good Je »&ATTERSON,Statesville,nmFeb.2-20". YOUNG LADY WANTED—For officeEfficiencyinbookkeepingmore|than stenography,‘t come here|ing this is a matrimonial agency.AINPERSON!FRANK L,JOHNSON,The Coca-Cola Bottling Co,Feb.2-1. FOR SALE—30 acres land adjoining OrphansHomeandBariumSpringsCo.About tenacresincultivation.Several hundred fruittrees.Five-room cottage.Spveral mineralSprings,one flowing 36,000 gallons daily. Will acl!or exchange for property in States-ville,Mooresville or Davidson,A,@.CALD.WELL,Agent,Box 169,Asheville,N.©,Peb,2...2t.one~one agen eerste vnelieGETYOURCABBAGEPLANTSwhileyoucan!D.J.KIMBALL,Feb.2. nett. it 4 udWillHandleOverland We will handle the Overland Autcmobile and are expecting a |ednesday a’at of Mrs.J.B.Glover,Jr.,in honor of Miss Elise Wallace.at|"The house was prettyfortheoc-| edvion,Yellow and white predomi- natet'in ‘the color Pretty baskets of yellow Marguerites,white| hyacinths and ferns with the handles of the baskets tied with bows of tulle to match theaboutthetwo psriors.— played at eight tables.table was designated by a basket of white hyacinths,the handle of theprytty,backs tied with white tulle.| Mrs.P.A.Biyent won the high-score prize,a pot of peer nquils,The club ‘presented Miss Wallace with a We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. car within the next THE FIRST NATIONAL Pe ’k —StoDR.JE.McLAUGHLIN,Pee 2.te few days.Statesville,N.C. POR SALE OR EXCHANGE—For good mule .—"-———— or stocks,Reo Readeter in good condition.TheW.R.MILLS Motor Co. P.C.JURNEY ee oe to -Salem yesterday to re-sume her studies at Salem:College,after.a few days spentatherhome c Sand Mrs.C.E,Mills left Wed-for a trip which will include“ot WeWilson,_rs.T.W.Wilson,who have with relatives in Irede!!the past several wecks,leftyfortheirhomeinMedia, iss Mattic McKinney wil!leavetodayforWinston-Salem,where shewillfeetafewdayswithMissLau- ra a.Ross Alexander,a student at Hill,is at his home here. Chas..Chas.Rimmer has returnec from a visit to relatives in Thomas- ville.an Austin we Sw or a trip to ashington on J.H.Wyckoff went to Ch.d.H.Wyckoff went to ar- Tuesday for a brief stay.es Williams,daughter ofiWiamsofHiddenite,leftymorningforPittsburg,Kan.,she will enter the Pittsburg Feb,2-10"| PORSALE AT PARGAIN—One T-room howss'o fest Beil «tre Mode yr?cae’tamban healak ‘reet.Modern conveniences,|Size of lot Ltux4ea feo four lots in Park;©= A salad course and an ice course,Pin 4.W.W vp.‘“yee ae |One Half Car Sash.Weightsfollowedbysaltednuts,were served.='CLEANING AND PRESSING PLANT-¥OR {The Daughters of the Confederacy Pet tine,“Remonforsellingnod|ust Un .|will meet at the Commercial club :,C.WATKINSAddressGILLESPIEPRESSINGCLUB, room Tuesday aftesnoon at 5 3¢sve { HIDES and JUMHIDESa ; Statesville,N.€Jan.30-40".jf o'clock.After the regular meeting wT BOUSE .aDe.Raynal,o aaaher of the Civic Art FOR KRENT—HOUSES.N.2.WATT. ‘Highest cash price paid forHidesandJunk.LARNER.Statesville,N.C. ‘Turnersburg. RS ee epee al.AM members of the United Daugh-. ters of the Confederacy are exrnest- ly requested to be present.PSSSHViW'Cse dewed make a the plans which he,and the othe:=- members of this committee,have Cnn ER Pucce Otero friends of those buried in this ceme-tery,are asked.to meet with the chap- The best town in the Statg should use The bestbrickmadeintheState. committee of the Civic League,wil!FOR RENT—Residence on Davie avenue. made for cleaning up and beautifying REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY. tho old cemetery.The Dauchters of Jan.9% <anpnasiee /ter at 4.30 o’elock and hear Dr.Ray ‘Ino.A.Campbell vixited Mrs." les This town is blessed with brick of high quality, reasonable price. appeer before the chapter and outline =L.SLOAN,Jan.12. the Revolution and relatives and USE RICHj~~~<f * Tuesday on her way You certainly cannot atford not to build with 2F.="froti*Goldsboro to her ‘home in Ashe- ville.An excerpt from a Johnson City, Tenn.,paner tells of a reception giv- en in honor of Mrs.M.E.Ramsey, Jr.,of Statesville,the guest of MrsromBlairSt.John,of Johnion “ity:“The handsome home of Mr.andiMrs.F.B.St.John,on Watauga av- Happenings ut and Around Mt. Mourne. ge of The Landmark. t.Mourne,Feb.1—The Royal Literary socicty met Friday after- noon and discussed the subject:“Re- solved,That arithmetic is more need- ed than English.”The affirmative lostBoxsupperatMt.Mourne Saturday night for benefit of school and public y invited. ’Miss Jessie Hobbs,who had been for Hill and McKee in States- ,is at home for the present.Mrs.Finley of North Wilkesborcherfather,mother and homc near Mt.Mourne a few days ago | Davis,a sister of Mrs.Finley had been visiting Mrs.Finley ir Wilkesboro,has returned homerailroadcrossingnearFair. view church,which was so bad anc ee;been fixed up pi aj ‘such a long time,we are glad tc “iiss Annie Mae Hobbs has been ¢ of Miss Sarah Whitlow for a) days.Mrs.Jo.Cornelius of Da-vidson or Cornelius is a guest of Mrs Tennis Reid:Mr.Leon Williford,a plumber wh: is in Gastonianow,expects to move there the first of next week.Miss Annie Johnson of Moores ville wes a cont of Miss Sallie Hobbs night and Sunday...MissjoopeofMooresvillehasbec: a of Mr.and Mrs.Duckworthaofthisweek. Weather arid ;Mr,3,HB.Hoffmenn. 2-~ = gs enue,presented a brilliant scene Sat- urday afternoon,when Mrs.St.John charmingly entertained with an clab-orate and heautifully appointed teaTherechercheaffairwesgivenin j special compliment to Mrs.Ramsey ‘of North Carolina,a recent attractivebrite.who is Mrs.St.John’s house guest.” Miss Rebecca Miller ertertained inhono®of .Misg Elise Wallace Tuesdayafternoon,Heacts and brides were 'plaved at @leven tables.Mrs.J.: Hoffmann wen the high ecore prize,erene de chine handkerchiefs.Miss Wallace was presented with a bou- ovet of sunset roses.Two courses of refreshments were served in the dining:reem,which was prettily dee- orated.The centerpiece for the dining ta-|ble was made up of daisies and ferns. a orig spent yesterdayMrs.E.N.Lawrence.Mrs.W.|Heintieh of Columbia,S.C.,was guest of honor.Mrs.Heintish is the guest of Mrs,Eugene Davis.A delic-ious -dit was served in several courses,‘cts were reminded|Valentine season by©Valentine favors.There mementos of Valentinethedecorationsinthe, withE. Mra A.Whitlock and Mrs.L.|Tumpson.of New York city will ar- i to be the guests of Mrs.| and to prevent for-Walince wedding next.week.isses Corrine and =Idai Clarke’arrived yestercay from Rich-| mond to be guests in the home of, They will re-| main for the Clarke-Wallace wed-) ding. Saturday Study club held its!t ing with Mrs.F .A.Thom-as.rs.C.BE.Raynal had chargeoftheprogramme,which was devot-ed to;Re .Mrs.Raynal gave a sketch the life of the famous)|painter and a criticiem of hice works.)e hostess served a salad course. Mrs.Thos.Lingle of Davidson)Stateaville yesterday.|rs.was on her way to Hick-ory she will meet with|sluts women of the town and axsist)ordanizing a Woman's De-) Club. ___brick hereof alll places.After this date old prices will be in effect locally same as for several years.COMMON BRICK.FACE BRICK.FIRE BIRCK. STATESVILLE BRICK CO. Se Build a Home or Giese The Books of The First Tuilding and Loan Associa- tion of Statesville will be open for a new series— the 6lst,next Saturday.Experience has proven that there is no greater home builder than this, association.There is no'better way to save. Take as many shares next Saturday as you can and you will always be glad that you did. The First Building &Loan Association. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. We have some,particularl some pieces of furniture but our greatest pride is in the handsome effects we can offer in groups of furniture. There is only one way to buy furniture and secure theeffects in poapiag that you desire.That is to SEE AND APPROVE those groupings before ee buy.You know exactly whatyou are getting = j }i ' Next St.Valentine's Day—February _fourteenthoffersyouanopportunitytoshowyourappreciationtothoseof»whom you are fond..Instead of mailing a mere paper valentine send a handomepieceofourexcellentjewelry.This will beathatyourdevotionisdeepand,like the valentine you { ncere and enduring.‘se Piewelryvalentinewhichcorrestromuswillbetredsured*z:P32theywillknowthatthe“Quality is There.”“arte Sa 12 Yards of 36 Inch Bleached Muslin For 1.00. WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 31.- 5c.Ca tai a |WHITE GOODS SALE: With the raw materiel 50 per cent.,we will sellduringthisourANNUALWHITESALE,theseasonablecollectionofWHITEGOODSthatwe 1everoffered!In many instances during thisSELLINGSTAPLECOTTONGOODSATTODAY'S WHOLESALE COST!ee ENGLISH LONG CLOTHS, FINE NAINSOOKS, KING PHILLIP NAINSOOKS, COMFORT CLOTH,36-INCH FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM BLEACH,26-INCH BARKER MILLS a36-INCH EMBROIDERY C ~82-INCH EMBROIDERY CLOTH,.4 CANNON CLOTH. Counterpane SALE’S IMPORTANT FEATURES:i SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES—We can’t buy theseSheetsatourspecialWHITESALEprice!jDamaskandNapkinsatoldprices. Laces and Embroidery bargains the WHITE WONDERFUL BARGAINS INidBargainsinMUSLINissalecommencesat9o'clock Wi 31. Johnston-Belk ¢ aetre, 16 se 14 flaaeetghl artce A bd ee Se oy R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.soe ee ee ‘: For 15 andIte:, ins WILL BE ONE OF THE WHITE ~ ~*~st4 BP aMit”aed sea ovtesilyiy Peete eeneeenereraeal 5achat dedbeiedadeestalib uy Ba t Ht sf Fi name.not arise.| the rroposed law is that,The name of Count von Bernstorff| be enacted providing for 4 again brought.Monday in questions put to White,t and application to|put with what purvose was ~ypaymentofdebtsnotexceeding|made known.Sherman L.Whipple, tur of the salary,wages|counsel for the committee,wanted to any resident whose sala-|*if prior to the publication iveome amounts to $10 SI R F S F P E T E i a ¥, 3 ! whole the bill,if en- w,would serve a good would not only give protectign to the merchant but uid have the tendency to make the ami “stop,look and listen”| to buy.If the custom-| reason to believe that/and did not know whether it ever) an article the mer-|took r to have him arrange a/|i ti t rl the machinery of the law \,cat to force payment he would aTuesday a ing unnecessary things!private oe confidential oewouIped.|regarded in some quarters as definite-| wend =es ae ly indicating that there was a “leak” Pangaea ee Wilson's recent peacerrainstnote. of the femily and the personal;The most sensaticnal telegram, property ,omes |eontaining a -brief but remarkably ;epanption ond 5 ent accurate forecast of the contents of i reit s i exemption would give them this.the note,was sent by E.F.Hutton!, i it did not deprive the mo.oo the largest beobewage chant rights.sesin the street,overits vate >“»_|wires to scores of other teckeele with PresidentWilson vetoed the immi-|whom it did business throughout the gration beca r |eountry,on the afternoon of Decem- ,wil eee of the lieowney |her 20,more than three hours be-|He rightly contends)fore the first conies of the note were| test “is not a ~—to newspaper men by Seere-| rson-|tary nsing. ot ouity o of pe At the time the Hutton message|was sent,according to the testimony|y as a penalty for lack!of Secretary Lansing before the nity in the country from|committee in Washington,no one in |Robersonville,N.C.,Jan.22,1907,|'Person Remedy Company,Charlotte,|: N,C.: Some time 1 wasofGentlemen—attacked with a serioustheinauiry|mto y|phoid .i in white swelling.Everycouldthinkofwasused,buteffect.My suffering was great’:I hadofthePresident’s note if White had were induced to try Mrs. week.aot ;|gon’s Remedy,after suffering for two ‘ous.After taking eight I riends of|Was en|had a symptomvine“e fectiiied thet Lawess faith in Mrs.Joe Person's ,but |great and been made a |==ve it a trial and be convine-|im »as A place.|bloed tonie and general tonic. From the files of a Wall Street YOUR DRUGGIST! i to go on crutches.At wel and the result was tirely cured,and haveoftroublesince. would advise all hove.Signed.MRS.R.W.GRIMES.mong the best anywhere as W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON, STATESVILLE DRUG CO.,,POLK GRAY DRUG CO. New Directory. The Iredell Telephone Company is at work ona new Directory, which it expects to have ready in a few weeks.All who contém- plate putting in "phones or mak- ing any changes are urged to no- tify Manager HERITAGE at once! aliens seeking admission|this country seve persons connected|,with the’preparation and patch¢immigration laws can-|Of the note,had as much in tionhotbeSeavanbuttoexclude_regarding ~—a | immigrants thi t .Sage revealed.nO!usly |reason should be given than had been sent elrond incode.Publi-:cation note transmis-they are not able to pass the sion of the Hutton sessage to va-for literary attainments.If they|rious brokers by more than ten)|hours.¢Sheet Tenmy siventnges Information on which the mes:character and other quali-4,brokers was based,Edward F.that would fit them for in-|Hutton,head of th»firm,testified, and lcyal citizenship they |came in another mes:»now miss-|idered \ing,from F.A.Connecoma.|Connelly &Co.,.|erage house,in which R.W.Bolling,aera nice,team the Gacta,|,brother-in-law of President Wilson, ba partner.ber of commerce to attend;Hutton testified that his under-ia next week the meetings |standing was =Sa .n _|ma ng note wasCarolinaeumme—Poe |on gonad rumor.gdicative thatbusinessmenaarm|other brokerage concerns were inomg,The hosis would be|possession of similar information, ‘to have sny others from her.|Hutton he feel sufficient interest in the|and if there are any such|to let |andhe wit letthe Gas-|State: ii beyond «xpression is the “| that has come to Mr.L.C._ of Union Grove township.| has removed five members of|*:in three weeks.His be-| 25 5 33is &Co.,New York brokers |resume of the President’:|hours before it war,failed in two and a halfofgrillingexaminationbytheinquisitorialcomr.ittee 23 8 7 a f 3 the living members of his 3 sy were too sickto attend the’ariel of theirdead.stayHewhois|oe wee ipSee eee ae to give comfort that contests |Geaamtened Bollivg.othe.fromWeitabundantlytoMrHenderson.all blame for the “lenk”on the note.ty am acc To the best of his knowledge,Mr.of Sympathy For —said repesdedly,his advices| 0 a2 tton firm were based princi-||pally on “gossip and rumor”ther.|ed in his office and deductions had| Mr.Clark Robesonian. k has found it neces-te take a rest from work in a|Washington,Deceriber .Any!ville Sanatorium,The Robeso-clever person,”Connolly said,whcyhopesthatMr.Clark|would mingle in the ri:bt circles in| iy WemeeclioeeMose tsRatan icrceal”anbt ater mol tm |n ue ‘orma-|Cod aay eiedadun’” #¢ it WANTED! SCRAP BRASS Heavy Brass74<.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpownFORSALE: Newandsecond hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboiler roomCc.H.TURNER.Iredell"Phone No.74,BellNo.7. NEW VICTOR RECORDS Of EIGHT HITS from the lat- est musical shows.The best of the Broadway Hits are now avail- able and can be heard at AN- DREWS'!No matter how far you are from New York,you may | enjoy the cream of the season's| succerses.ASK TO HEAR} THEM ON THE VICTROLA! Andrews Music Store. E Musical.105 E.eek Bewet Statesville. |WeserPhonograph | Serer nm veteroreeBuyAndEnjoy me egta ge eer a at Yrnr It has been worn shabbyand threadbare asto meaning. Likethe villainin Bananddedwthbaniarrtges:ewaitappedon the of>business -as a cheap ‘ Me sinceGanaanteinanddehaitewindofGenvion hall$0offer,we fromoff our stationery emptyphraseof“Service First.” of asfe tanontNamiete aanaeoeadoggedresignationofmet’gambling awayrighttoliveintrenchesoffilthandcarnage. Asthelittleontheoffi under theinthewards of death,disease and-danger. The progressive spirit of Service calls for sacrifice.. It is ridiculous to advertise “courteous treatment,fairpriceshonestmerchandise,”asprogressive formsofService.erycustomerhas a right to expect andcourtesyandhonorabledealing. Andwhenheofferssecurity andpays youthe interestyouask f aloan,or his leaves you a fair profit on apieceofmeise;or when he handsyou a dimeforsanitaryshave,or a dollar for a skillful mgchanic’s labor onhiswatchorautomobile,what sacrifice have made which justifies you to rear back’and rave about But when you labor to show your customers the vatue of savingandgototheexpenseofprovidingaplanforCame.you perform a service to your customer and the , So,too,when you sell a greater quantity of goods,or a betterqualityofgoods,or a more skillful and experienced class oflaborthanyourcompetitorscando,at the same ,thenyouaremakingasacrificesomewheretorenderICE. Real Service consists in performing some subtle act in your dailybusinessthatisaswelcometoyourcustomer-as the gleamofafriendlylighttoatired,hungry and loneiy traveler onadarknightinthemountains. By this advertisement—“We Never Close”—every automobilistindistressknowsthatatanyhourofthedayornight,all heneéddoistoflashanS.O.S.to the Carolina,MotorCompany,and a competent mechanic is quickly dispatched to his relief—no matter how badare theroads,howcoldanddarkandstormythenight,or how dead in slumber and insensible tohiswantstherestoftheworldmaybe.. In-the shadows of lighthouses built on dangerous coasts there arelife-saving stations,where men of stout hearts and muscle,risk their lives in the service of the shipwrecked. That is one form of SERVICE rendered by vour government toallmankind;and you will find the same spirit of SERVICEinthevolunteerfiredepartmentofyourtown—the spiritthatleapstosaveandtoservewithoutthoughtofdiscom- fort,danger or reward. It is that same spirit that fashioned our business motto:“WENEVERCLOSE.” |CAROLINA MOTOR COMP’Y.| MOORESVILLE.STATESVILLE.NEWTON. | days spent at her home >and Mes.C.BE.Mills left Wed-|for a trip will include¢and Fla.and Mrs.T.W.Wilsop.whohavebeenwithrelativesin_Irede!!the past several -wecks,leftyfortheirhomeinMedia, iss Mattie McKinney will leave, for Winston-Salem,where sheafewdaysMissLau- .Ross Alexande:,a student atHill,is at his home here..Chas.Rimmer has returned from a visit to relatives in Thomas Mr.Gibson Austin le%t Tuesday morning for a trip to Washington d_BostonMps.J.H.Wyckoff went to Char- Tuesday for a brief stay. pa.Elsie Williams,daughter of will ta B.Wiltiams of Hiddenite.left y morning for Pittsburg,Kan., 2 will enter the Pittsburg, Jno.A.Campbell visited Mrs. J.F.Bowles Tuesday on her wayboroshe-fragyGolde to lene in A Happenings at and Around M*. Mourne. hoe of The Landmark. t.Mourne,Feb.1—The Royal Literary.socicty met Friday after- son and diseussed the subject:“Re- ed,That arithmetic is more need- \shan English.”The affirmative lost supper at Mt.Mourne Saturday,nefit of svhool and publicFforJlyinvited.Jessie Hobbs,who had been elerking for Hill and McKee in States- is at home for the present. rs.Finley of North Wilkesborc ;her father,mother and hom« Miss Davis,a sister of Mrs.Finley who had been visiting Mrs.Finley ir Nerth Wilkesboro,has returned home The railroad crossing near Fair. view chu which vas so bad ‘anc p>ned been fixed up non such a long time,we are glad te “Sites:Annie Mae Hobbs has been ¢Gining-roem,which was prettily dec- of Miss Sarah Whitlow for oa days.Mrs.Jo.Cornelius of Da- vidson or Cornelius is a guest of Mrs Tennis Reid.Mr.Leon Williford,a plumber wh: Na ——ae ex s move re the rat nex! week.Miss Annie Johnson of Moores ville wes a t of Miss Sallie Hobbe night and Sunday.MissjoopeofMooresvillehasbec:of Mr.and Mrs.Duckworthaofthisweek. and +ed to Re ville ‘was present for |ednesdayofMrs.J.B.Glover,Jr.,in honor of |Miss Elise Wallace College,of the baskets tied with bows of tulle, ‘white hyacinths,the 'of North Carolina,a recent attractive |guest.” near Mt.Mourne a few days ago | honoe df Misg Elise Wallace Tuesday |afterpoon, tof ref |Saturday Study club held its last ing with Mrs,F .A.Thom-as.Mrs.©.EB.Raynal had charge! |pa Oats,65-i0c.per 1 ™.4 of tredell coun wemreene ty,will offer house door Stategritie Cattun Verher in Statesville,North at 10 o'clockOnthelocalmarketyesterday16-16 conts/4 m..on Mayeh the 191%,the followins per pound was paid for best arade cotton.evibed lands in the Greek DrainaseSottonBeed,The.per bushel.triet for the —due on said lands Seed Cotton,Té.per tb.the years of 1916 1916.For full de- meee iption of lands drainage records of and map filedTriesCreekDrotewithClerkofthe 8.&Drainage will be given to drn'ive act of 1 Names, A.|.BarringerfarmwithinthreemilesStatesville.Give’full description:.=144,Statesveile,N.CG, Bachelor Belle club enafternoonatthei was pretty for the oc-| edsion,Yellow and white predomi- natet'in “the color scheme.Pretty basketsof yellow Maruerites,whitehyacinthsandfernswiththehandles to match the flowers were about the two perlors.—was played at eight tables.bride's table was designated by a basket of POR BALE—20 acres land 2 GET YOUR CABBAGE PLANTS FOR RENT—Store room on Dayle avenue.DR.J.BE.MeLAUGHLIN.x 2---8e*, @ers left with Mr.L.W.MeKESSON,at ee Bank,St &.,Feb.. .THE LANDMARK.Feb.2--11 —e ig were Mi =“ATTERSON,Statesville,Bet.cpiton : 2 rm sbi’:EB.S.VAN ALSTYNEofSalisbury,N.C.,will and and Mr.J,B.Reece mnie ta scasesree st in : t .iss Elia 8 of ae YOUNG LADY WANTED—For office work,|b¢i"Statesville,week of February 4th.Or Melency in bookkeepithanstenography,'t come here |Btatesille Drug Company,will receive prompt| ing thie i mat |agency.IN PERSON!TT pe The and careful attention,EB.8.VAN ALSTYNE. Coca-Cola Bottling Co.Feb.2-1.|e ee adjoining OrphansHomeandBarigmSpringsCo.<tenseresincultivation.Several hundred fruittrees.Five-room sottage.Several mineralSprings,one flowing 36,006 gallons daily.Will acl!or exchange for property in —sA Will Handle Overland We will handle the ville,Mooresville or Day .+sWHA.Avent,Box Nee Aahevtting N.C.Overland Autcmobile ob,2.-2t.sane panna calcul)and are expecting a Feb,2.car within the next few days. can.PD.J.KIMBALL, handle of the peotsy,Sorte tied with white tulle. Mrs.P.A.ent won the high-score prize,a pot of yellow jonquils.The club ‘presented Miss Wallace with a silver bonbon basket A salad course and an ice course, followed by salted nuts,were served. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at the Commercial club roonts Tuesday aftenoon at 3.56 o’clack.After the regular meeting Dr.Raynal,a member of the Civie Art committee of the Civie League,/wi appear before the chapter andtheplanswhichhe,andmembersofthis,committs?, mate for cleaning up and by the oki cemetery.The Dafichters of the Revolution and relatives and ca d POR SALE OR EXCHANGE—For good mule FORSALEAT on West Beil CLEANING AND PRESSING PLANT-#OR FOR KRENT—HOUSES.N.2.WATT. 6 FOL. "FoR RENT—Two-story dWelling THE FIR It Is Gbsolute FOLLY for @ mon whe intends te,... marry or whohas a WIFEandCHILDRENdirectly de-2 geet pendent upon HIMnot to savea partofhis incomefrem «)». his earnings or his business. Abankaccount islikeabalhof snow;it will , awayuniessyou ADD toit.The habit ofcunsteiiy “+INCREASING the balance to their credit will makeany ain man or woman RICH.CE ee Make OUR bank YOUR bank.a ae Ss Bund ae & oe mens det ~ We pay 4 per cent intereston time deposits.-ST NATIONAL BAN . Readeter in good condition. Feb,2--1t* RARGAIN—One 7-room houseBeilstreet.Modern conventenees,|te Afeo four lots in Park,vo")One Half Car Sash Weights Just Unloaded. or stocks,Reo P.C,JURNEY,Tarnersburg.The W.R.MILLS Motor Co. A OTTEREIT le J Size of t 120x406, Pinc:.W.WARD. } SALE.-in etty of Statesville;fine location;geo wontaee.—for selling geod.iAddressGILLESPiPRESSINGCLUB,)KINStatesville,N.€ee C.WAT .. ©prem_|BIDES and JUNK.2.)Highest cash price paid foresHides.and Junk. ARNER.Statesville,N.C. dan.26. SLOAN. Sharpe street.Apply to STATESVE=&INVESTMENT COMPANY. an,0. friends of those buried in ‘this ceme-tery,are asked to meet with the chap- ter at 4.30 o'clock and hear Dr.Ray nal.AN members of the United Daugh- ters of the Confederacy are earnest- ly requested to be present. An excerpt from a Johnson City,Tenn.,raper tells of a reception giv- en in honor of Mrs.M.E.Ramsey,Jr.,of Statesville,the guest of MrsoneBlair&t.John,of Johnton ity:“The handsome home of Mr.andMrs.F.B&B.St.John,on Watauga av-enue,presented a brilliant scene Sat- urday afternoon,when Mrs.St.John charmingly entertained with an -lab- erate and bheartifully appointed tea The recherche affair wes given in special compliment to Mrs.Ramsey Mrs.St.John’s housebride.who is Misa Rebecca Miller ertertaine!in Hea*ts and brides nlaved at eleven tables.Mrs.J.Hoffmann wen the high score prize, crene de chine handkerchiefs.Miss Wallace was presetted with a bou- ouet of sunset roses.Two courses the were reshments were served in oraThjblewas made up ofecenterpiecefor the dining ta-daisies and ferns. Et ve spent yesterday with Mrs.E.N.Lawrence.Mrs.y.&. |Heintish of Columbia,8.C.,was guest of honor.Mrs.Heintish is the guest of Mrs,Eugene Davis.A delic- iousoa.served in several courses,ots were reminded ‘coming Valentine season by 'Valentine favors.There mementos of Valentinethedecorationsinthe Mra A.Whitlock and Mrs.L. Tumpson,of New York city will ar- rive to be the quests of Mre. Wm.”and to be present for the Waliece wedding next wi Corrine and Idaeek.|Clatke’arrived yestersay from Rich ;mond to be guests in the home of Mr.J,H.Hoffmann.They will re- =Yor the Clarke-Wallace wed-| ng. of the programme,which was devot-|.Mrs.Raynal gave a) sketch of the life of the famous! inte?and a criticiem of hic works.| The hostess served a sulad course. Mrs.Thos.Lingle of Davidson through Statesville yesterday. was on her way to Hick- ‘ory,she will meet with the! slit)women of the town and aasist) ithem in organizing a Woman's De- <r D>T th,USE BRICK! The best town in the Stat@ should use The best _brick made ia the State.This town is blessed with brick of high quality, _reasonable price.You certainly cannot afford not to build withbrickhereofallplaces.After this date old prices will be in effect locally same as for several years.COMMON BRICK.FACE BRICK.FIRE BIRCK.| STATESVILLE BRICK CO. eaEDEENS ETTOIE Build a Home or Save. The Books of The First Duilding and Loan Associa- tion of Statesville will be —or a new series— the 6lst,next Saturday.Experience has proven that there is no greater home builder than this, association.There is no'better way to save. Take as many shares next Saturday as you can and you will always be glad that you did. The First Building &Loan Association. H.V.FURCHES,Secretary. aa - We have some,esol dsome pieces of furniture but our greatest pri in the handsome effects we can offer in groups of furniture. There is only one way to buy furniture and secure the effects in ing that you desire.That is to SEE AND APPROVE those i fore you buy.You know exactly whatyouaregetting when A cetaceans“etl teat Ai c.16=sett otf eae Hy)wo... will make @ Next St.Valentine’s Day—February ,fourteenthoffersyouanopportunitytoshowyourappreciationtothoseof «sd i aewhomyouarefond.Instead of mailing a enere paper valentine send a hands vite come piece of our excellent jewelry.This will bea , aielythatyourdoveronisdeepand,like the valentine you set &sincere and enduring.8 ‘2/jewelry valentine which comes trom us willbetredsured”PaywillKnowthatthe“Quality is There.”aeNeelR.F.HENRY,Jeweler.;th vo 12 Yards of 36 Inch Marquisetie,<— 'For 1.00.For 15 and ea ’ WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 31.WHITE GOODS SALE;ey 50 per cent.,we will sell during this our ANNUAL WHITE SALE,theseasonablecollectionofWHITEGOODSthatweeveroffered!In many instances during thisSELLINGSTAPLECOTTONGOODSAT TODAY'S WHOLESALE COST! ENGLISH LONG CLOTHS, FINE NAINSOOKS, KING PHILLIP NAINSOOKS, COMFORT CLOTH,36-INCH FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM BLEACH, 26-INCH BARKER MILLS26-INCH EMBROIDERY CLOTH,»* 82-INCH EMBROIDERY CLOTH,.1: CANNON CLOTH. Counterpane ins WILL BE ONE OF THE WHITE “9 SALE’S IMPORTANT FEATURES::a it .*wh SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES—We can't buySheetsatourspecialWHITESALEprice!Damask and Napkins at old prices.Laces and Embroidery bargains for the WHITEWONDERFULBARGAINSIN§id Rargains in MUSLIN U.is sale commences at 9 o'clock Johnston-Belk C ¢ rs %:ne en ee - oe =e ew w ew e ow : t i||||| to Lexington “ie hatbatEcibaby"oficer $ore,Sout renee ‘i each;destroyers a ”destroyer tender at :one tender at99.400 and 18 800-ton type sub1.at *mrinesat$1,434,098 each.The t "The committee departed from the.recommendation ae |submarines provin~type -4 authorized,the committee| ving decided against the small| 400 to 600-tontypewrboat,such as! those now in service.Taking up the preblem of getting|under construction +e four battle-| cruisers authorized last year,the) committee raised the limit of costforthehullandmachineryto$19,-|000,000 from 500,000.Depart-| officials believe all four vessels|idders|also. 3"|that navy er alargenumbersofcap-|authorizing the expend-additional $12,000,000 for|oin the event thedepart-|i ble to make satisfactory|te’for any vessels in the)bill of left-over from the,ing measure.This would make$18,000,000 for) maga-| eee ae.osnvitingr.lounte was said to be from a!well-known house in Philadelphia.After Mrs.Blalock had given her or-she grew suspicious and wired.A message from thc|:said they had no such per-|son ting in this sectionandedthatofficersarrestBren-|nan.Last night Policeman Mingis.went |after the young man/|found him in jail there on aaeege,et stealing a quantity of mu-ge a guest at the hotel,wherehadbeenstoppin~.This morning Brennan was triedinreeorder’s court at Lexington onchargeandwasfoundjudgmentwassuspended,ed over to the Salis-Officer Mingis saysand ;was so ular with the la-.that tellte given in hisP_Lexirgton Monday night. it “New York Port Mysteriously is s . SE E D Gr e s ee ot e [ st y Se r se Ss BS : o> : 2ae s a New York Dispatch,Jan.31st. Orders were issued tonight to —the;torpedo boat stationed at quarantine to preserve neutrality,not to permit any Yeosel,either neutral or flyingtheofoneofthebelligerents,topassouttonight.The order applied not only tocvcamnelitiebuttotugboats.Severaltugswhichpassedrantineearlyintheeveningbeforetheorderwasissuedcompelledtoreturntoport.purpose of the order wasnotdisclosed.It was learned late tonight thattheorderclosingthertofNewYorkwasissuedbyDudleyFieldMalone,collector of the port,inwhomisvestedabsoluteauthorityandsoleresponsibilityforthemain-tenance of the neutrality of this Even naval officers are under or-|ders to take instructions from Mr.all matters effecting theofNewYore.his orders thetheni rt was.Every,,the in a few days,accompanied by his, the com-' |'TO ALL LANDOWNERS IN SNOW CREEKISTR.: |Carolina,and bounded as follows McDonald'srestedona The first baseballoccurredafew¢ stantly killed while running to Five members of the Meintsily,15 miles from Kankakee,Ill., this week from eating ;wancakes were made by .Oo.Meints,mother of four of thetimsandgrandmotherofthe fifth.Mrs.Meints is believed to have mix-ed the contents of a sack containinganarsenicalpreparationusedbyherhusbandintaxidermywithaprepar-|ed pancake flour,thinking the pow-der was flour.| Full diplomatic relations withMexicoaretoberesumedimmediate-|ly in an effort by the United States|to solve through formal channels the|troublesome questions pendingtheCarranza¢e facto government,and for its mora!effect in aidingCarranzatorestoreorderandsetup|constitutional government.It 1announcedafterTuesday's cabinet,meeting that Henry P.Fletcher,con-'firmed as ambassador to Mexico}months ago,would leave for his post BOXINGandSIDING,—MANTELS and COLUMNS.C.WATKINS. beginning with three years from date of is.sue;ge denominatons of five hundreddollars(00)andonehundredand fiftydollars($150.09)respectively,bearing interestattherateofsixpercent,perannum and in-terest payable semi-annuatly;both principal!payable at_some bank in States-ville,North Carolina,The joners re-_servethe right to accep?er rejectany bid.T.A.SUMM'W.W.HOLLAND,ChaSecretary.|W.D.Turner and k T.Weatherman,Att'ys.| Feb.2,1917. 7 ~NOTICE! irman. DRAINAGE Di ICTYouwilltakenoticethat it is the purposeoftheDrainageCommissionersofSnowCreekDraingweDistricttoissuebondsforthepay-|ment of the total cost of the improvements intheamountof$40,034.These bonds are to|draw 6 per cent interest,payable semi-annual-ly,and are payable in ten equal instalments,|ene each year,beginning on the Ist day of|January,1920.Any landowner in dis.|trict,not wanting to pay interest on the bonds,|may on or before the 12th day of March,1917,|pay to the County Treasurer the full amount,for which his land is liable,whieh |For Class A land is $41.45 per acre.For Class B land is $%5.16 per acre.For Class C land is $24.87 per acre. For Class land is $16.58 per acre. For Class land is $8.29 per sere.Said amounts having been ascertained fromtheclassificationsheetandthecertificateoftheBoard,showing the total cost of the im-provement.The land on which the sasess-ments are so paid shall be released from | lability to be assessed for sald improvements,|but such lands shall continue liable for any |future assessment for maintenance or for any|increased assesement authortzed under the law.A.R.BOWLES,Chairman,H.R.COWLES,Secrewry. Feb.2,1917. COMMISSIONER'SSALE OF REAL!ESTATE.{ Under and by virtue of the power and au-thority vested in the undersigned commisston-er by that judgment of the Superior Court of,Iredell county,North Carolina,in a «aproceedingentitled“Louis B.Vreeland,ad-|ministrator of the estate of E.Q.Houston,de-|ceased,plaintiff,against Mrs.Hattic T.Hous- ton,widew of E.Q.Houston,Pau!B.Houston,Myrtle Houston,Flos.A.Houston,LillianHoustonandA.L.Hobbs,General GuardianofFles.A.Houston and Lillian Houston,de-fendants,”1,said commissioner,will,on MONDAY,MARCH 5,1917, sell to the hiwhest bidder,at public auction, for cash,that certain tract of land more par.ticularly deecribed and bounded as follows That certain tract of iand lying and beinginDavidsontownship,iedeli county,North Beginningatastone,R.H.Lafferty s corner and runningthenceN.87 1-2 degrees W.155 poles to ahickory,R.J.Houston's line,R.M.Armour's,corner;thence N.2 1-2 degrees W.with R.JHouston's line,40 poles to a poplar,A.L.}Hobb's corner;thence 8.#7 1-2 degrees E.15polestoastoneinR.H.Lafferty’s line :|thence with Lafferty’s line 8.2 1-2 degrees E.40 poles to the beginning,containing thirty.nine (99)acres,more or lees,and being thesamelandinallrespectsconveyedtosaidE.|Q.Houston by Ellen J.Query and others bydeedtowhichreferenceisherebymade.The said sale will take place w|whieh is situated near the townCaroline,at 12 o'etmek m.,day of March,1917.‘This land”the order of and ix subjectto # court.LOUIs vFeb.2,1917.> I’mmightyglad I was born a real South- erner.Just suppose I hadbeenanEskimo, or an Indian,or something with rings in my noseandears! Yes,sir—I am good and proud of my Southernbirth,MymotherisfromVir-ginia and myfather is from the Carolinas.I was bornand raised down here among youall, You Folks of the South KNOWgoodblood! You Folksof the SouthKNOW goodtobacco! T wantyou all formyfriends—everyoneofyou.Giveme a chance--seehawEmakegood.Anddon’tforget— Bothered Try the “Vap-0-Rub”Treatment No need to disturb|internal :ick'’s “Vap-0.Bub”Salve,combines by lyptol,C Catarrh,Bronchitis,ts lieves by Inhalation and Absorp-tion.Ne Stomach Dosing. stomach iMedicinestorthesetroubles. ne Thywol,EorandPineTag,80 that BOG)VICE S“\sdonmt THE QUALITY DISPLAY sl STATIONERYWILLINTERESTYOU. Box,Pounds,Tablets,Envelopes,Cards. Sterling Silverware! Wehave a large lot of Sterling Silver interns,Sniren avd Forks,Salad Forks,Cold Meat Forks,icepo nag ot dig Forks;fasens.Table1Socene.Spoons,a Spoons,veSpoons,Soup Spoonseitcensnesandiatyouwont.Like everyallelsetheyarehbutpriceisaslowasaccordingakaWehandletheGorham R.H.RICKERT &SON. ae severalpat-:Oyster Forks, .WILL SOON BE HERE February3rdis now observedinalmost , y section of this great land as Day._It fs a day notfor idleness,but for ee rt;not for spendingbutforsaving..We urge all to yee the celebration cof an added thrift habit which leads to health,happiness and prosperity. On February 3rd,countless people will tahead by opening Bank Accounts.hers will add to accounts already started.Why not do likewise? There is a Thrift Day Button awaiting you et our Institution.; Merchants and Farmers’Bank..Of Statesville,'N.C. “The Bank For YourSavings.” ee .= WZ >ts it “ke er adj sn tea runsthrough,Memphisto Texas. Lowe 9:30p.m.Arrive11:45 a.m.next morning,Fe.Worth 1:25 p.m.to TexasWINTERTOURISTFARESthroughtraintoTexasviaCott BeltRouteleaves Memphis9:35a.m.-walgor -1917,to marErkessor Sa dem memeAa Nee a el a La ° NEEDLE-MODELED TO YOUR MEASURE -——BY-— THE GLOBE TAILORING CO. or——. CINCINNATI. Makers of Needle Modeled Clothes. Prices $18.50 to $40,00. We are the exclusive representatives. Call in andlet us take your measure for that Suit or Overcoat. Phone 83.SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO. jon the 9th;then his . -\the Children’s The history of affliction andinthehomeofMr.HendersoningthismonthhasbeenoneofmostpatheticandIhavealmosteverknown.FirstsonGrover,a koy ofdiedonthe2d;_then hisin-law,Mrs.H..O.Henderson, Harrison Pendergrass,on the12th:then the boy,J onthe23d,and the wife and ’Mrs.Henderson,on the 24thiThisbeingfivedeathsinonein21days,four of which were ofimmediatefamily.Some one hasthattroublesrevercomesingly.profound sympathy of thecommunitygoesouttothisintheirsorrowandtribulations,they view the situation asnaturallyasdidStuncwall Jackson. He said on his dying bed,“Let us|pass over the river and rest in thehopeover |shade of the trees.”Let us|that thore who are gone are just|the river,resting under the\ful shade of the trees.We are I pleased to note that the remainder of |Mr.Henderson’s family are improv- ing’.;. Mrs.D.S.Specks is very low with pneumonia. Mr.Burlie Privett’s baby died Sat- urday night.It had been sick‘some time. ESTO TEER /PLANS FOR BABY WEEK. |Clwhs and Societies Aroused to Make ‘This Best Year. |Bulletin State Board of Health. For the observation ofBaby Week, |which is the first week in vy, stion has been made by th |Children’s Bureau at Washington,D. iC.,that elubs,societies and the va- rious ©izations having charge of this —making plans now to |make this the best year the babies |have ever had.Plans,programmesandfullinformationforobserving Baby Week my B had — reau,at ashing- A circular sent out from this de-“Baby Week shouldcomenige.A wo- man’s club may take the initiative ‘and suggest the holding of a Baby |Week,or some other agency may |make the first move,but all organi- /gations and individuals interested in ichild welfare should be asked to co- operate.The mayor may be asked to jissue a metion.local de- |gacement of health and the county |medical society should in all cases be consulted and represented on the |committee.”|Two new features will be especial- ‘ly stressed in the baby campaign |thi .They are maternal care i problems of children 4 to pave and six years of age.ese have been added for the reason that n baby’s welfare cannot be separated from the welfare of its mother.In other words,the baby’s health de- ’y on the mother’s health land that children of th|five years presentjeultasthoseofinfancy. 00 OSE UTERUSSED four and as diffi- Virginia to Pay Judgment. |Mandamus proceedings were |gun Monday in the United States Su- |preme Court by Virginia attorneys ‘against West Virginia’s entire lex-|islative assembly to compel levying a Court‘judgment of $12,898,000,with inter-|eat,adjudged to be West,Virginia’ proportion of the Virginia State debt lin 1861,when West Virginia waslandiMigeignht‘2 v 8‘the mandamus suits |probably will bejeausewhyawrit not be is- |sued.waite’petition charges that West nia is temporizing in re- i to|seven Supreme Court's decree, provide for payment of the judgment leave to fiestVirginia in 1915,and does not intend to for. he-| is expected nextMonday, ec given time to show|should Se a 28 2 ro e : dust,they are proceeding|prairie schooners and in automobilestowardtheborder.National Guard encampments at Elwhichhavebeenaban- A large number of vacant tént housesandmessshacksatthecampof,Pennsylvania troops have mn of-fered to the Mormon leaders.General Pershing’s column is ex-pected to reach La Guna de Palomaswing.A review will be held thereSundayandthemarchintoColum-|bus,a distance of seven miles,is ex-|pected to take place Monday. | } STOMACH ACTSFINE!—— »ero weer de: —andtheClear,steady light of theRayoLampmakesthinking Its soft,mellow glow isrest- ful to the Steadicr than gas—more restful then electricity— STANDARD Oll.COMPANY(New Jersey) BALTIMORE.MDpantshasurleston,8 NO INDIGESTION,GAS,|HEARTBURN,ACIDITY!| “Pape’s n”Fixes Sick,|\Sour,Upset Stomachs in FiveMinutes! You don’t want a slow ‘remedy| when your stomach is bad—or an un-| certain one—or a harmful one—your| stomach is too valuable;you mustn't jure it with drastic erugs.Pape’s in is noted for its:din giving relief;its harmless- ‘ness;its ,unfailing action injoueneingsick,sour,gassy stom-.Its millions of cures in indiges- |tion,dyspapete.stritis and other) ‘stomach trouble has made it famous) i Keep this perfect stomach doctor'| in your home—keep it handy—get alargefifty-cent case rrom any drug| store and then if any one should eat 'gomething which doesn’t agree with,\them,if what they eat lays like lead,| 'ferments and sours and forms as; lenuses headache,dizziness and nau- sen;cructations of acid and undi-| food—remember as soon as |’s Diapepsin comes in contact the stomach all euch distress vanishes.Its promptness,certainty and ease occas the worst |te h d ers is a revelation towhotryit.} i Taylor Elastic Felt Mattress.The guaranteed kinb. it 30 days and if not found as we recommend it me Se turn it tous and get your os back.This is made of the very best white felt and No.I ticking. We can also fit you up with the best of any kind of spring you may desire.Our stock is complete in every department and we await your inspection. Williams Furniture House Inc.||4 ‘‘The Favorite Store.” Flowers| We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. |For All Occasions! Virginia Trying to Force West Comer clatong OF STATESVILLE,N.OC. Se en oeCapital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Sarplus andProfits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,-K.MORRISON,-—-D.M.AUSLEY,- -G,K.HUGHEY,-Assistant —= .+ Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Also tofix yourClock or Watch. a9 is i,B.WOODWAREmAjAeah tu Ft 1 accruing to usasaresultofitspractice.im its sense repre-top-notch efficiency.Inpitmeansthere-’waste to a minimum,themation«!extravagance.the conservetion of all reseurces,phvti-el,mental or mate- demand of the age is for in-eased efficiency.With it industrySpee.ndvereement is assured~~is certain—by it, Progress for the individual,th com-Taunity,the State and the nation is effect of thrift,while of vast nee from an economic stand- is by no means limited to theneialwelfareoftheindividual.Its practice net only results in apsaanindollarsandcentsbutcharacterthroughse!f-con-trol,self“masterv and the self-conti-dence that rrrift inspiresItisforthese~easo.us thet the educators of the countryarefoinsistentintheirrecommenda-téon that thrift be included in theschoolcurricu'um in order that the SS generation early in life canaeto1realizatiorofitsim- portance,its effects and its benefitsandthroughitsconsistentpracticebecomebettermenandwomenandmorestablecitizens.Many people thins of thrift astosaving.It is true that does include srving money,but only in so far as seving reflectsefciencyinthehandlingofmoney.ies with equal force,whetherbeexemplifiedinearning, ,Spending or conserving in-come.it is now recognized that thepracticeofthriftinlargemeasurePresentstheonlylogicalsclutionofvariousfinancialproblemswithweare,cach of us,confronted. ,for inetance,the high cost o..On every side we hear thisdiscussedbecruseitisamatterofvitalconcerntopracticallyeveryindividua’in the country.In reviewing the present situationsurelyitcannotreasonablybeex-aa prices will be materiallylongastheEuropesncountries,by reason of internal‘oreed to make such os>dannat Americanmarkets.Is it not obvious,therefore,thatsetisfactorysolutionofthismustensueastheresultof ned action on the partofeveryindividual—through thosensibleapplicationofthriftprinci-=as ~~to spending—in oth- throvgh geting full valueone’s money?it must be also clearly un-derstood that thrift as applied to———docs not mean deprivingone’s self or one’s family of thosethingswhichtheyareentitledtoen-and expect It simply impliesretionintheexpenditureofmoney.The housewife who aimshertableexpenseswithin a certainlimitisenabledtopracticethriftthroughthestudyofhowandwhat to .She oftentimes will be sur-to learn ‘hat there are manyofthelessexpensivecutsofmentwhicharefarmorenutritiousthanexpensiveones,and just as tastyTherearearticles’which she usesfromdaytodayonwhichamate-rial saving can be effected by buying in reasonable quantities.and in upon to keep seoson.The thrifty man will recognize that the wearing quality of a suit costingareasonableamountmorethanoff-sets the difference in price between it and one of an inferior grade ofgoodsatalowerprice.The thrifty woman with but a limited amount to on her wardrobe senses the s of purchasing clothingthatisextremeinitsstyle,for fash- >often as the Items From Troutman anLotofRainandBadRoads. Correspondence of The Troutman,R-2,Jan.31 lot of rain has fallen since Christ-mas and the reads that are not kepi up by the county are almost impassableinplacer.We hope the men o eur neighborhood will become awn) ened to the reulization of the need of food roads leading to the cand clay roads and put them in traveling con- dition,2s men of other neighbor-hoods ove already Aone Mrs.Fred Conger vcr,Mrs.J k since last is not able to be out of deuchter,Mrs.Lillie Seattle,We -h.,is with herMissMyrtleHorton,who hasattendingschoo!at Harmony, return home on account of.She is having her treated and wiil have her tonsils re-in a few days.Mre. is spending aNethisweek few —work done and is D.O.Tolbert's childrenhadmeaslesbutallareable n.Celeste with the club at Amiity o last ¥,but on account of the in-of the weather she wasfromcoming —i Prmrasing t of course we expect else with two as competentaeMre.Owens and Mise Landmark came dow July,and now been had to days in having haveto|e nicely eeareeseeeeee‘The Best Recommendation. recommendation any articte:oe word from the usertoneofthesewhohavees*Cowgh Rom.ay.annadeRates writes,pentnanne tn sp londn ata"ORS Quite a H.Brown.)*orth” her room.: Alexander throat “ throat Fe Ernest Henkel was to have ‘ of the prevalence of tOnaccountofthewretched condi-tion of the roads the picture show atRockSpringschoolhousewaspost.poned,‘The automobile got stuck ip the mud between Harmony and the school house.Mr.Marvin Smith is going to thePanamacanaltoworkforthegov- ernment. Mrs.J.H.Jones has been very sick, but is some better.Mrs.Etta Stimp-| son,who has been a yreat sufferer for |quite awhile,is critically ill.There is a saw mill in the sites |nity and another is coming.Mr.Pe-|ter Galliher is sawing for H,F.Heath| and Mr.R.F.Gaither is going to!move his mill to saw for W.B.aa bell. Won't Need Very.Big Book, The following is part of the re-! port of the grand jury of Guilford| county,made Wednesday to Judge| I ang:“Under the supervision of the chief |of police of the city of Greensboro we made some iasertantian from|complaints that have come to us of| the ‘red light district’of the city,and! we found that these places do exist, and that generall ey are in re- mote sections of Ho city,where there|are prectically no street lights,andgenerallyinnarrow,dark streets.'We would most respectfully reeom- mend to your honor that the com- missioners of the city of Greensborobeprevdiledupontoinstallsufficient| lights in these districts,which woald | make it possible to recognize fre- quenters of thesc houses at night an di} that special cfficers be detailed to| patrol these districts and that the) names as far as possible of the men and women be enrolled in a book| kept for this purpose,and that samebe.reported to your honor.”| RANE eee meee orm a GRANULATED SUGAR $1.90 FOR) 25 Ibs.;Oranges,20¢.dezen.Aliothergoodsjusiascheap.SMITH EY &FRALEY,The Real iis Givers!-—-ad. DOORS and WINDOWS, MOULDINGS and CASINGS,LUMBER and SHINGLES.C.WATKINS. A RECO}ORD.‘BRE AKER “In testing ' I covered 491 square feet-two coats| CO\LORED MATERIALS. Toil du Nord Dress ga Glenkirk Dress G Romany Dress GiBates’Seersucker asUtilityDressGin Laneester Staple Amoskeag Staple C ee see aveeee 12CliffsideSiapleCheekedGinghamsShortLengthsStapleCheckedGinghams Lakeside Chambray ee Bellefount Chambray ingsHickoryStripeShirting. Bed Ticking .12 1-2c.,15e ,20c., Faney Cretonnes *,12 1-2c.,36-inch “Rex Tex”Pongee Shirtings“Dundee”Cotton Peplins (all colors)Punjab Percales Stripes and Solids. 15e.20¢., 82-inch Regis Cloth,Solid Colors.32-inch Beach Cloth Stripe Skirting82-inch Tub Silk Waistings 40 inch Plai:.Voiles,Solid Colors.......: 40 inch Plain Seed Voiles,Solid Colors 12 1-2e.cas Lbe.25e.and 30c.25e. Lucern Percales,Darks and Lights...............15e,25e.he. 50e.25e. 35e. 40-inch Victoria ar,a.Lykelinens ......... Flaxons .........40 to 50-inchOrgandies . 45-inch Batistes.86-inch Poplin and Piques.. 36-inch Herring Bone Pique .27-inch Chee!Dimities 36-inch Pajama Cloths 36-inch Madras Oloths, 36-inch Linenes ....27-inch Checked Muslins36-inch Artillery Cloth 36-inch Middy Twill 36-inch M.&P.Special Domestic. 36-inch Fine Cambrie,(Soft Finish) 33-inch Embroidery Cloth 36-inch Long Cloths,Cambries,ete.. 36-inch King Philip Nainsook36-inch to 45-inch Honeymoon Nainsook.. 36-inch to 40-inch Diana,Chosen,Cleopatra and —Japanese Nuinsook,per box..$2,$2.50,$2.75,$3. 12 1-2¢.,16e.,20¢.= or submit samples. 119 W.BroadStreet. In conjunction ‘with above offerings we have just _receivedandplacedonsaleatremendousassorimentofhighclassNovelty:Dress Materials—Fancy Voils,Mar-quisette,Chiffons andSilk Novelties—allof Whi aan MI Li with one gailon No,| “The density and w orki ng proper- ties are in all respects equal to its| phenomenal spreading capacity.The above ir received from Thomas B.M.P.,Baltimore. If you doubt this,write FOR SALF BYLazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. Statesville,N.C. MeCarriar,|| him. Cedar Shingles Still $1.10; Per Square.| C.WATKINS Shingle King. ~~ADMINI STRATRIX'S NOTICE, Havin uttified a at 4 Wat omelet atrix of the « 2 ie te S ovaitiet said exta to 3oeundersignie "1910,or this notice wwrrecovery,All persons ate will pleane makeMRS.KF.¢ notify all yu ndehten | i bid HealWALSER | Adminietratrix Auction Sale of Property. At my home ne SATURDAY Taber Church,| hBRRUARY t ake f my farmin and Kitehe Furnitur er for How =e and Grain ' Vout “He a e;five Ho €of Corn 1 Mule'* and ri M wing z Ttow Reaper,one °Buggy Poles (aitiv ators,three 16 Model Ford64 Marseet Feed and 60 Kew tw ‘4 and one wor re OrotherFurniture. G.H.HAYES, Olin,N.C Stoves,Meds ewing Machine MORTGAGE SALE. UNDER,and } ontained in a om ortmy y James Wo Brown,the Y of a power of sale teed executed to mesamebeingdueandBook40oftherecoof mortenges of lrede eoumty,on page 10 of record,the undersigned will,on MONDAY,FEBRUARY 5,191°, at the court house deny in Statesville,N.C., sell for exh to the highent bidder,by pulnhie |suction,the land described in said mortgage, tem wit A tract of land tying and being in Tredelt | county.State aforranil,in Coddie Creek town+ tuly registered in ship,and described and defined as follows,to| wit Adjoining the catates of John L.Freese, R.L.Connelly,and Mere Eltra Moore ginning at an iren pin @t the naneagts |of Main street and Third North street,inBeseweeiite,thepee south 45 1-2 dewrees enat235feettoMra.Moore's corner:thenee onberHinesouth45dewreesweet11polestoPreene’s corner:thence on bis line north 45 1.2degreesweet14polestocenterofMainstreet;}thenee along center of Main street to 3be.|SO blake Seaman‘Brethe608HoaJOHN8.oorteiitee,%wii, a portion of a ‘etter|| This is the day of specialists.The care of acaris no exception.It is just as \important to have skilled attention for your auto as it is for your watch. Many a day’s sport has been spoiled just because the car hed been mistreated and would not work. When your car needs repairing come to the one place where such work is a specialty—consequently done right. ot We havea nice assortment of Val Laces that we are oftering for 21-2 cents per yard.Regular 5,10 and 121-2 cent Lace. Don’t miss this opportunity to get good Lac for little money. MARY SIMS. CASH STORE. MRS. THE5 4 EERE ESTEE——— |A BARGAIN! ee.nt————— ‘WHY SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? WHEN -—- |Hall’s Headache Powder WILL STOP THE PAIN IN 10 MINU TES-10 CENTS, HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No.29. Ss |es received by BOYCE LUMBERCOMPANY, BOYCE LUMBER CO. he Car (Load NoviaScotia Red Cedar Shingles.| -WE HAVE——-—— THREE KITCHEN CABINETS that we secured at a bargain and we willsell themthesame way.They are hand made,put together with boltsand screws,rat proof,flour bin.They are the thing for the theUnitedbe da p i c t u t i r e fi i to cometoto Agen arnlikewisetold i a note ¢Wilson kept himself seelusion during the morniTeceneewithforamawelcost=‘ee andpresent crash,toon discounted, rning from his to Count vonn there was no official confir- the President's decision un- ced it himselforma’nnoun.Al knowledgeCongress, von Bernstorff heard it un- talking with an Asso-| While |while ohh was not necessity.One of tapparentlydeer!,HisRitter.the German embassy an of the began on new laws fram- the Department of Justice to! and plots against States which cannot now under existing statutes.-ef convoying Ameri-|questioncanmerchantships throuch thesub-|sports arrived,United States se-Ulockade has been taken Up’Cit of frite thebreak the Dawesandhavebeeninvactionifthenewsubma-,=violates their rights.relations the |he wouldGermansym-|are of ne-|#7e8#to i if F #3 $ se t prolonged appla|when he concluded by announcthatshouldAmericanshipsandlivesbesacrificed“in heedless contraven-the just appearauthorityto “use anymeansthatmaybenecessaryfortheofProtectionofcurseamenandofour|peonle.” re- White House to discuss.'measures of precaution with Secre-ry Daniels,of the navy,and Secre-tary Baker,of the War Department.re were expressions of supportandapprovalofthePresident’scourseasthejointsessiondissolvediandbothHouseswentbacktotheir k.“Toe after Count von Bernstorff’s jee men threwaguard_his suite of the Uwhilehe remains American ‘ The status of CountTarnowski,the Austrian ambassador,was undecided, althoughhecalledattheState De-came ‘partment to for ingSnotthatieseratinstoPrestiualWiteen. m.it becamerGerardhadthatpassports had=SBernstorff.| the rres rstthe left ent.ed hactwas to ask|ultra-legal,iss minister,ever evol and the diplomneut i a f : ie f caevelopment the embassy staff.His)last not actually delivered 2 o'clock in the afternoon.While President was addressing Con-| of Secretary Lansinc’s| pesitente —_at ~ deli e passports | *reply to the German. in ng,exceptSecretaWhiteHoweorthecapitol,shortly before ie members of the cabinetaticgal-tals. é the:;. the ry 1za Bs iF 2 F3 z | i t V a t , i r a For months,ever since relationsThe|.th Germany became acute,thereSe=ieee beencanes signs of threaten- in wr"4 WaS and disloyal Americans if “consisten honor “of the United },hes of rkedoes$<the —thoroughly informed themselves on —be able to cope with the situation. thizerslomat-en ariousgovernmenthave ed activities of German sym relations were ‘the subject and officials say they will Some Effects of Break. An entire diplomatic structure to protect bly two million priso- ners in the midst of their enemies,to care for a whoie conquered nation in |Belgium,to represent the interest of fvur sovereign States’in Germany and German interests in nine enemy coun- tries,crumbled today before Germanmostcomplex,humanitarian machines rate chal- the whole neutral world in a attempt to reach England,her arch enemy.American organization genius American means of re- straint,will cease from today to op- erate.All American representatives will eb withdrawn from Germanyandthedutiestheyhaveefficientlyperformed,each looking after Belgi-jum,will fall on untrained forces. From Belgium the United States will not withdraw till the military conquerers make it impossible for her to continue.Brand Whitlock,Ameri- can minister to Belgqzum,will remain ‘in Brussels until foreed to the pres- -,ent seat of Belgian government ir >Havre,France.Minister Havenith called at the de- purtment this afternoon in the great- est anxiety at this latest blow te Belgium.¢His feelings were torn be-tween the stunning possibility of theeress-withdrawal of Amertvan relief and the joy at the thought of another neutra!"|Standing behind his nation’s resurrection.;Belgian relief ships will continue tc,run for the present,it is understood here,and every attempt made to se- cure their immunity fram German attack.If the United tes is ham-in this work,it will be regard.tente sympathizers as thetomakeGermanyanoutlaw prisoners,the United States the interests of at leastre e z ii TEaf :i 5 i Tt iiig g 3 |3 ved,the slow,patient work; di built cures two _a half aS its affairs.Then/willing,efficient service,was sacrific- Pile vite,-American-|ed before Germany's des and lenge to TUESDAY FFBRUARY 6,1917. addition City Attorney Thompson wastoprepareabillfortocharter =tive to the taking in of new territorywithinthecity'sMr.Thompson was instructed todrawtheproperorderforanelee-tion on the question of a public libra-ry er the town,~wa libra- ry net to exceed 3c.on propertynor9c.on poll.The election will takeplaceatthetimeofthetowninMay.A_petitionGatien,storie in Stacusignersamongthetown.Three duplicatewhichwerecirculated,haveanumberofsigners.These have notbeentakenup,an aenee being suf.ion.ficient to call an eTheboardordered $5 appsopria-tion to go to the Civie Leaguemonth. Compromise oe Custody of a for five feet of the courtertytobeusedasan.|Court street, se- The threc-year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Ernest Sherrill will be plac-ed in the Methodist Orphanageoe_—,_and Mrs.ill were divor ut two yearsthecourtgrantingMrs.Sherrill thequemoftheirchild.Recently Mr.Sherrill instituted habeas corpusponyceedingsforthecustodyofhis; The mother and her ‘e]by Mrs.Sherrill’s sister,rs.Brinsfield,fled Saturdhy,upon theachofofficers,from their homeinfield.The women left States-ville for Stony Point.Upon their ar-rival at Stony Point the driver wasdirectedtoasouthwesterly—.The av —~ and the women C afoot.Dep-uty O.L.Wodike sn hot on thetrailofthetwowomenandcameupontheminaswampfivemilessoutheas!of Hiddenite.The officer returnd withthechildtoStatesville.A compro-mise was effected,the child to beplacedintheHomeatWinston. The Iredell Riues Are En RouteHomeFromBorder. The local military company—Com-y E,I Blues—is en routeome.The First North Carolina Re;-iment,to which the home boys belongbeganleavingElPaso,Texas,Thursdaynight.e regiment will come tAshevilleandbemusteredoutfronThetimeofarrivalatAshevilleisnotdefinitelyknownbutitwillbewithinafewdays.Accord-ing to programme the mustering outwilltakeabouttwoweeksandthe:the boys will be home.Preparations to give the boys :welcome on their return are bei:talked and just what form the welcom:will take will be determined when it is learned positively when they wil!arrive here.The Blues left here i:June of last year and have thus spen'the big end of a year away,first atCampGlennandlateratElPasoTexas. Back Pay For Rural Carriers. More than $100,000 is being dis-tributed through checks among rurallettercarriersandsubstitutesinNorthCarolinaforadditionalpayforservicesperformedduringthe vear endinlyallofthe 1,380 rarz:carriers intheStatewillbeaffectedbythedistributionofthemoney.The additionalpaynowbeinggrventhecarriersrepresentsanincreaseinthesalariesbyCongressthemduring1915aftertheUnitedStatesPostofficeDepartmentcontest- ed the act.seven rural there. earriers withroutesissuingfromStatesvillere-ceived back pay ranging from $60 to$100.The substitutes’from 20c.to $3. Rev.A.R.Beck of Dallas New Lutheran Pastor. Rev.A.R.Beck of Dallas,Gaston |county,has accepted the call to thepastorateofSt.John's Lutheranchurch.Mr.Beck was formerly pastorinchargeoffourcongregation: ly,of his wife and one son,to March ist,when i rt.oe»S a .‘«until rFim4 es streetat rents,Mr.and Mrs.R. June 90,1915.Practica!-| withheld from| pay ranged) -"—— aMr. BpecinlCorrespondenceofTheLandmark. Taylorsville,Feb.Lackeybeer,who \"’s SaturdaypaperswereHospital,organton, The v sinceThursday niTicetentanionemerTatnightaslightsnowfellandthismorningisverycold.Mr.C.C.Munday left SatardaeveningforTampa,Fla.He will -so visit his sister,Mrs.D.J.Wil-liams,at Seffner,Fla.,while away.Mr.Moss Salley of the StatesvilleugCo.,will tak .Munday’s place at the McKesson-—oe store for the threeweeksMr.Munday is away.Mr.andMrs.H.D.Lindsay spent SaturdayinCharlotte.Miss Gertrude CooperleftSaturdaymorningforGreens-bero to resume studies at theStateNormal.Mrs.Connolly and children,who vebeenvisitingMrs.Connolly’s pa-M.In .will return to their home at aetoday.Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Miller,Sr.,of Middleboro,Mass.,who have beenwiththeirson,Mr.J.A.Miller,Jr.at Liledoun,for several months,andMr.enc Mrs.J,A.Miller,Jr.,andtheirlittledaughter,Constance,left a »y automobileforFjorida, Isaac S|eport of Dr.Jordan of His Work in the County. Dr.Thos.M.Jordan,who inspectedtheschoolchildrenorthecounty,hasmadethefollowingreporttothechairmanoftheboardofeducationSoeoftheboardofcountycommissionersandtotheStatrBoardofHealth:“Beginning November 6,1916,andfinishingJanuary30,1917,I met theappointmentsbytheitineraryfur-nished by the superintendent ofschoolsoflrede!!county and mademedicalinspairmentof4,464 school childrenfromanenrollmentof5,847.Twenty-four per cent of them were foundhinderedinphysicalandmentalde-elopment some error of visionhearingorbreathing,thetterduetothepresenceofenlargedseasedtonsilxandadencidsorboth.ore than 50 per gent were foundwithteethdecayedtoadegree,thatwouldretardgoodhealthygrowth.“At each appointnen:public meet-ings were held with the schools and patrons when lectures upon conta-gious and infectious diseases weregiventoaudiencesincludingchildrenandadultsofmorethan5,000 peopleinthecounty.” Thermometer Just Two Above Zero in Statesville Yesterday. This section has been in the grip ofaseverecoldspellforcovadaysbeginningFriday.Yesterday was the coldest of the present winter,thethermometerregisteringtwodezreesabovezeroinStatesville.Saturdaymorningitwassixabove.The colcwasaccompaniedwithaseverecold wind and this with snow Sunday nightInAshevillethetemperaturedro 1severaldegreesbelowzero,the culinet in 11 years. Locally there was considerabletroublefromfrozenwater-pipes.Netroublefromexplosionof kitcher ranges that we have heard of.A!good many injuries from this sourcearereportedfromelsewhereinthe State.The range of Mr.J.A.Hart- ness exploded,completely wreckingtherange,hut no one was injured. Plans Taking Shape For County Commencement. Plans are under way for the eoun-ty commencement to be held by the \schools of the county in Statesville|early in April.Hon.R.L.DoughtonwillmaketheaddressofthedayTherewillbespellingcontests,gleeclub,story telling,recitation and|other contests. The Iredell Teachers’Associationwillmeetinregularmonthlysession\in Statesville Saturday.seventh grade examinations,|to be participated in by the pupilsifromthecountyschools,will be heldinStatesvilleMarch18. Sales of Real Estate. |The L.N.Summers farm,consist- jing of 68 acres,adjoining the State |Farm,was offered for sale at public|auction yesterday.Mr.E.G.Gaitherhidoffthepropertyat$88 per acre.The did wae recalled.The Vance Summers property west Front street,sub-dividedightlots,was offered forjthehighestbidderyesterday. |sale wus cancelledTheL.A.Falls land in Barringer on intosaletoThe township was sold yesterday to Mr.|. Edgar Wagner.The property,con-isting of 31 acres,was sold for $700. Civil Docket Continued For Term.The civil docket of Iredell SuperiorCourtwascontinuedyesterdaywith» ad i. t for the term taken: | 8.|action account >.Chalmers s Court.He killed Plato Hoyle during |andatReidsville xception of the following cases and|) ItemsofInterest Gathered FromOvertheState. Friday convictedinLincolnSuperior Christmas week, Art.Taylor,colored,was strucknearlyamilebyotrainHewasinstantlykill-ed,being badly broken to pieces. Annie,the four-year-old daughterofDavidDellingerofBelmont,Gas-ton county,was left in the housealone,her clothes caught fire and shewasburnedtodeath. Mrs.Thos.C.MeCoy.wife of Rev-enue Officer McCoy,died SaturdayafternoonatherhomeinAsheville,from leakage of the heart.Her hus-band and several children survive. It was announced that young la-dies of Lexington had given a dancetooneJ.K.man,fake agent.The Lexington folks deny this and itisapleasuretogivethisinforma-tion.The same fellow was sentencedtofourmontisontheRowanroads. The Rowan county court Saturdaynol.prossed the cases against 30 far-mers of the Faith section,charwedwithviolatingthelawinthattheywouldnothavetheirchildrenvacci-nated against smallpox,All of themcompliedwiththelawexceptwherethephysicalconditionofthechildrenwouldnotpermit. Carl and Keathan Furr are lodgedinjailatAlbemarleawaitingatuate,soem of bee)SuperioronargeofaidingabettingS&cake2 Paes SeeJanuary22d,at Norwood.Kirk er,whom it is alleged fired the ction for physical im-|—, of‘probably $50,000.siciebaueateIredellBluesExpected to Ar-rive Today. Mayor Caldwell yesterday receiv- ed a telegram from Adjutant Gener-|; al B.S.Royster,Rale'gh, him that the Iredell Blues would reach here today and to have the ar- mory ready for receiving them.The message states that the boys will be quartered here for several days. Frem all infcrmation up to the time this message was received,the plan was to muster the Guardsmen eut at Asheville. change of order is to take care of any need for their services in doing any guard duty in connection with any trouble that may arise from the German situntioa. The United Daughters of the Con- federacy and the Civie League operating with Messrs.L.B.1 and J.E.Deitz,are pianning toservetheBiuesabanquetatthear-|’mory Thursday night,provided theyreachheretodayor.tomorrow.Among the guests at the banquetwillbeineludedresidentveterans.The banquet wil!be over by 9 o'clock,after which hour the public general-ly is invited te call at the armory and pay reapects to the boys.Capt.W.P.Wilson of Fort DuPont.Delaware,is here to musterouttheBluesontheirarrival, The Record of Deaths. Mrs.Beula I.Shoemaker died Sat- irdav at the ho Vr.W.F.Shoemaker,near CoolSpring.after an illness with pneumo-nia.The deceased,who was 40 yearsvid,is survived by her husband,fouriaughtersandthreesons.Her pa-rents.Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Davis ofIredell,survive with several brothersandsisters.Burial took place Sun-day at New Salem church,the funer- al services being conducted by Rev. Mr,Tearue.Mre.J.M.Plyler died Sunday atherhomesevenmileseastofStates- ville.Mensiea,followed by prneumo-nia,was the couse of her death.Ahusbandandseveralchildrensur- vive.St.Michael's. The six-months-old son of Mr.andMrs.Jas.Sowers,who reside eightmileseastoftown,died Sundaymorning.Buriai took place at Amity,church today. Mrs.Coble Invited to Speak inRaleighToday.Mrs.A.L.Coble has been invited to speak in Raleigh today before the legislative committee on a -tions in behalf of the bill to advising|j: Burial took place yesterday at! ae a ee —— It is assumedthe|the e of her husband.| nless =set in the little girl’s recovery is ex-pected.Mr.Hoover is @ rural ‘mail carrier. Question of Waiting Develops. mtinthe German situntions Wee —_ — ee oe oe : me _— — — Re Pe t e Se ee eo great effect on the forme- pe Pah oe The administra- is Known to feel that while the anneuncement justifies anytion actionthat may be deemedbest,the’ administration could net outde pub- ™sailings of all ships fly- ing the American fag should be panes.according to the opinion of State Department.Secretary Lansing,in announcing that a mes-- sage to this effect had been sent to the International Mercantile Marine in regard to the sailing of the Amer jean steamer St.Louis for England tomorrow,was emphatic in sayimg no orders had been issued against her sailing,but that the opinion of the department had been =given that it would be wiser to await the decision of the country in the broader issue of the controversy with Germany. The State Department feels that the sailing of vessels,the departure of Americans from 7 and the safe stage of other Americans come te S eatie should for the moment be left entirely to the dis- cretion of the individuals concerned on their personal judgment of the situation.Wherever possible,how- ever,it is earnestly desired that no risks be taken until the formal de- cision of the country on the whole ‘s sve has been announced. Germany is understood by off ials here to be in the dark as to Amer'- ca's probable position.No}tii the American course has been formaily announced at home,it i:understood, will Germany receive her answer.No hints,irtimations or direct message: will be conveyed.Many cabiegrata have been exchanged between th: State Department and Ambassador Gerard since the German yronounce- ment,but none of the information has gone further. American diplomats abroad are un- der standing instructions,it deveiop- ed today,to warn Ainerieans at any time that it may .be necessary them to leave a beiligerent country On that ground,it is w jersjood th State Department will not ue formal notice trough Am! Gerard for Americans many before the situation has be come utterly hopeless.:Uniil then. the ambassador is expected to keep them fully enough informed of de- velopments and perhaps to add.his personal opinion to guide them to a Wise decision.There are cstimated now to be,about 5,000 American cill- zens in Germany,of whom ahout three-quarters are former Germans. The German declaration is thought to have had the immediate effect ex- pected in the temporray stopping 0: much neutra!shipping.The United States is advising against America vessels leaving its ports;Hollan. has provisionally prohibited her met chantmen from going oul;Norway has,for the time,forbidden her ves- sels to sap.and De.aaark has sus- gested to Ship owners that they first ask official advice.These postpone- ments of sailirgs,however,are ad- mittedly only temporary,pending ac- tiqn on the main issue involved. What Spain is doing is unknown here, though press reports show that Pre- micr Romances,whire negotiating with the German ambassador as to the safety of Spanizh vessels and the preservation of the Spanish export trade,has announced rather equivo- cally to the Cortes that the army and navy have been given instructions commensurate with the crisis. Co-cpleration by sums:nuetrals is forecast here as a distinct possibility The whole neutral diplomatic corpshasshownadegreeofinteresthardlysurpassedduringthewar,as the double question is involved not only ’of what the United States is going todo,but what action their own gov-ernmer.ts will take.Admittedly,the action of part at least of the neu- trals will he most decisively influenc- ed by that of the United States. No other proposition of the war has so completely affected all neu- trals alike,it is pointed out.TheEuropeanneutralsarestruckintheir vitals;the South American neutral:as shown by their first press com-ment.are hardly less affected through the cutting off of their foreign trade The comment of South America ha indicated that part of the publi: opinion there favors identical action with that of the United States. The Spanish ambassador,MrRiano,called at the State Departmen teday largely for information and al,it is understood,with the thought t Spain might be asked to take over the affairs of the United State and of the countries which the United States represents in case of an ac-tual break.He is known,however, not to have heen approached on that i t as yet."Phe actual accomplishments of the n campaign are being watched _~Germa;fl y the deepest interest,and nowaseconddayhaspassedofficialsjal=&believe the ayma:more spectacular than“fatal.hy this connection,the state-ment of Rear Admiral Lacaze,Frenchofmarine,thet only one-of one per cent.of all the ship-French porte in theilhadoeensunk,is re-as timely meerest.as reported fromiskeenlywatched,andisexpressedthattheal-is fully cognizant of theandisshowingacon- claring that if the U = OUR CONSCIENCE CLEAR. lf We Enter War Germany Will Be Aggressor.Says Taft. Wahingtor Dispatch,2d. Former President Taft prefaced a prepared speech on the Leagne to Enforce Peace here toight with a ref- erence to the new German crisis,de- nited Statesweredrawnintowar,Germany woul force it by “her defiance of plain principles of justice and humanity which should obtain between civiliz- ed nations.”“The responsibility which nowrestsonthePresidentandCongressisveryheavy,”said Mr.Taft.“Th should know and do know that theAmericanpeoplewillbacktherto the end in their dee’ston.May Gad vive them good deli 'The former Presider : ine before the chamber of commerce of the United Stirtes,answering par- ticularly critteisms of Theodore Roosevelt,Witham J.Br Senat Borah and others of the League wo Enforce Peace ideas. “T had prepared this aldres:.”he said,“hefore Germany tartled this country and all neutrals bv her ! note.The actr ngers with \ it brings us face to face ma n make what |have been theoretical,tame and in The truth is,however,that ch sis only emvh “e@ th tance of the purpose leagve in the future history o country “Of all things,we v a war.We are :.ot prepare? awful corsequences we know from Europe's suffering.Our pr r ia forsomeescapefromitinth neur,if consister )Y €T fe " he But we must her campaien against } or rma prep ri,i i i Vives o tr Aa 3 of +}eit h e) Retch She now Our n nal oc fene»t }‘ of more an rut 1 Amerierns on the Lusiianin we ce ¢:’v ew of hb r “epetition.That pledre row vithderwn,and she aN e to reé 1 her } lf war yon ‘ vill be ' Ve N ld avo ‘ Furopes ’by every ' COnee on hi }’‘! s]!)iu pine}at h a 4 ould ilize eoth ‘Y eth ¢ mam is efficiency,Germany's.mM: ifes roakness fin {’a failu to understand .other peoples and to appreciate the moral forces workins in them.She may noc know the spirit of the good-natured,tolerant,war- hating giant she now challenges.Sh may never es.iimate as she has done before in the case of other nations, the influence of rdid motives,of the incriia of comfort and of dis iont eloments among us whit mnav expect to paraivze our action She may stir an active patriotiem in our people which she does t sus- pect.She may shock i a ren)wa fat preparation for war and the <acrifiee it involves,as nothing clse might. “She may push us at once into a league to enforce a just peace.Shemayforceusintoarorganizationof our potential military strength on the one hand,and into a moral lead- ership in the maintenance of interns tional justice on the ether Theneec- forth our lation from the wars and warfare of the reae of the worldwouldbeatanend.When peace would come the eyes of our peopie, in spite of warnings of statesmen who are looking backward,would be open- ed not only to the wisdom,but to the necessity,of our leading the nations nto a permanent world learue to en foree pear Serious Charges Against aMinister. Presbyterian Standar. Rev.P.Campbell Morgan,son of the famous Campbell Morgan of England,has been pastor of theTatnallSquarePresbyterianchurch, Macon,C..,for several years.We have more than once called attention to his un-Presbyterian ways,whichitseemsaretheleastofhissins.Herecentlyfiledapetitioninbank- ruptey and when a commission ex- amined into the matter,it was foundthathenotonlyhadfailedtopay his obligations here but also in an- other city,where he lived.Macon Presbytery has dissolved the pastoral relations between him and the Tatt- nall Square church and also declinedtogranthimaletterofdismissal.Acommitteehasbeenappointedtoex-amine into rumors affecting his ¢har-acter.The committee will make its report to the Presbytery at anotherspecialmeeting,which will be ealled soon as it is ready to report. ee- Severe Cold Quickly Cored, On December let T had a very severe eold orginofthegripasitmaybe,and was near- ‘eatherby,Mo.‘t bought two bottles of Chamberiain’s Coueh Remedy and it waa only “Hy-cosh,you've gone end bouwwht a plowafew*enti!|was completely restoredhealth.firmly bellewe that “Geamiaaiabe’s>te one of the very bhest_medi-B hovetonaflanekiliwwhattodrivesoat|*Gitatnable Siedeteee-em aN me “| ZRKE'S THANKSGIVINGTOAST. ‘O14 farmer Zeke,though working hand, »Ceeaecent oo Kept evtting closer pressed,Until he said be could not findAsingleminute's rest. 'Hie fences were a-rotting down,And all his buildings.leaked;His fields had gone to sasenfras,Through which red gulleys sneaked. Me sold his work-steck one by one,As taxes fell behind,‘Until he had but one lone mule, And it was lame and blind. Mis cows,for lack of hay and bran, Would tumble down and die, Until he only bad one left,And it was going dry His balf-atarved hogs kept straying off, He knew not when or how, Until they all had diseppeared But one cid_epeticd sow. So whenlate suiemn’s icy winds Came whistling threouce the epacks,As ff fo mock his nubbins andFlinlittlefodderstacks, He turne@ around to Mandy.who Was helping him sinh aut, t saya,it now bert to look Like we are dows and cut forty pears,¥bard in mine We've tofled he n the farm,etill we in sight,we “‘torm, 'guess the bet t r us, if bould ‘srinsVillWve*form for ant '' t 'town Ms at .tropes,Where you ean t coms to let, Un on the rec 1 floor. Well,when ‘te *‘ped in snow, :ad cent!iv began to fil \és . i ;'three months Und !'hair, pend went cue on the porch,To iff the fresh,spring air. fivst ed at th melting snow, And therm up ireofnk,drifting to blue, on wren, ‘ cd back, ‘ 1 the front perch step, \ft ‘ n the grove, e house, ad by 4 ‘t My v bones farm,{. a »let ',n “4 4 t 'the shelf, ‘nd buy tan «wi 'lind mule,hicn t aad sisht-unseen, in hia jer 'fT ‘and bought ter “ «brenk of day,hopree out of bed, he vpea his breeches on,ed to his wife and aad: e,Mandy,don't fie there and snooz )4poup ond wes right now, And fix me up a fittle’snack, So 1 can trt the plow. 1 dreasr t the gelgoshed thang’wht clear through,dion most wild to know "ywine to do.” Ie lit basket and, nt {a bray, ‘1 le some nubbing and ittle buch of hay hi 'd bis basket in the erib, Ane farted out to seeTiiisoldplowgearings werecretheyoughttobe When t vas done he dragged his plow in ourh the garden ence,An Mar ed,“Brenkfast Zeke! nt and ate. 1 noled with each etep,AY tehed up te bis brand new hen valid:Get up,Bet The blind plowemule pricked up her « fed with 1s hep voting like she crosaced nt every step. Tine h,}dirt,about knee dee; fourteen inches wide, Com.rolling up in somersaults \tumbiing to one side. A nd the warden once he went, turned to go again, Ww Mr Chattanooga plow'hed up a silver grin, aid to Zeke,“Our first trip ‘rou but to clear the erack: you want to see me plow Just wateh as |go buck Wish this it chugged down to the |n, And glided off upon the rolline waves of epreading dirt, \e teeful as a san, B-y v-o-s-h!said Z ke,‘that takes theIneverknew‘till now Why evetybody wants to bay The Chattanooga plow.’ While speaking thus,hig oid blind mule Backed cut apotnd vr trace,And walling up her old wrind eyesIntohermaster's faee, Said,“Zeke,what is this I'm hitched to,‘That chases me aroundBofastI've not yet had a chanceTopullasiaglepound’ it an automobile,Zeke, Sent out by some blamed fool, Who's having fun at the expenseOfyourpoor,old blind mule? Ov ig it a new seppelin, Built by some guy who's found »A way that he can make them eo\‘flyine Gvwougth the ground?” With this,she turned herself around.Untaneied from her trace,Puiled dewn ber long gray ears to whereTheyalmosthidherface. Then with her nestrils opened wide,To make ber amelling good, She nosed ber way townrd where she thought‘The chasing Moneter stood, With falt'ring steps che sniffed along,\e if her eniffe were stenm,When afl at once,kerbump!her noneCamedownagainstthebeam. down sick in bed,”writes ©.J,Metenif,'“(ice whial”Rrayed she,turning to Zeke,Her blind eyes in a o; Of Chattencoms fomel' Next day Zeke Went to plow bis tea,Poaseaved by sastafras,So thick that only fHehtnine-bus, the brush,He aingleline, back her collar pad and bit, hitched tor behind, ‘Then spat uponhis horny humds,hold | And from her wake that famous plow, Snatched every brushy wave, And wailoped them right down into Their everlasting sreve. nnatehed the old red gulleys .too; Instead of through the grou That fall when all the fields of corn Had changed their rreen for brown, 1 forest leaves in yehow flocks »went and beled the turnips and »ip the patoh, Mandy siwred the pumpkins in »straw and fodder stacks. And piled the erib up high, stretched a pile of forty loads } 1 the nd close by | Mandy"turkey roast | ing om tke teking pen,' te the Chattancogsa plow,t fied our bara cod bin,‘ »sacet home agala.”| ws ore OL RENEE *»MW.STOMACEaz(«‘;Or wi td 2 é rrauhigYapesgaer2hOEBeeAOESe Gali Stores,Cancer and Ulcers of the “tomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox-| Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit-| ard other fatal ailments result| Stomach Trouble.Thousands| ch Svuffercrs owe their com-! sacavery to Muayr's Wonderful |; Ailments.For sale by ‘the everywhere.ee HE WAY TO HEALTH.| Heakh is the most important thing to be bandied about as an article of merchandise.It cannot be purchas- ed in bores or phials at the corner drug store.t BARIUM ROCK SPRING.WA- TER aids Natore ,to restore itself he tem and revitalices the WATER brought a speedy cure.” ‘Phone W.A.EVANS or_write Department L,Box 55,Barium} Springs,N.C Mrs.R.W.Grimes Testifies, Roteraonville.N.C.,Jan.22,1917.| rson Remedy Company,Charlotte,| Gentlemen—Some time ago I was aitacked with a serious spell of ty-| phoid fever,which left me in a very, condition and effected my,=== We decided it hed resulted| welling.Every remedy we)SOCORROCOCHHIROOOGIIOOOCS could think of was used,but to no! My scffering was great and | to go on crutches.At last we were induced to try Mrs.Joe Per-| son’s Remedy,after suffering for two!% years,and the result was marvel-!% After taking eight bottles I} was entirely cured,and have never} hid a symptom of trouble since.My|¢ faith in Mrs.Joe Person's Remedy is| :t and I would advise all suffer- ers to give it a trial and be convine- as I have. t inht his mule,towed up in ges Among Pie. Bs::ie onBe; wy — them upside oo octhemreoupt—alr, rattle dewn,| weat cut ic haunting corn, Thanksgiving rolled around, and gnic this toust: catemt and eormfert to to +harpy wife, his #Aee,ty.wet another plate,the piow a place.”G.NM.M.Parker.{| I2QeP ELL BARDWARE Co.| ! There is only one v ae We have some particularly handsome ‘pieces of furniture but our greatest pride is ia the handsome effects we can offer in groups of furniture.vay to buy furniture ‘and secure the e:Teets in grouping that you desire.That is to ‘AND APPROVE those groupings before You know exactly what you are getting when vou buv_here. ou Unlike any other for Stom-: »Drug Co.and druggists! It is too precious,too vital: ws fail.Wt drives Urie acid nhouse writes:“J a shattered nerves re}stomach and kitnevs BARIUM ROCK SPRING: } (Signed-MRS.R.W.GRIMES. ry the best anywhere as 28g blood tonic and general tonic.ASK: YOUR DRUGGIST!| W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON,/§ STATESVILLE DRUG Co.,POLK GRAY DRUG CO Will Handi Overland. We will handle the Overland Autcmobile and are expecting a car within the next few days. WHEN it Comes To The Worst WHY Not Make The Best Of You're making the best of the worst when you fortify yourself ayrainst the ravages of FIRE,ILL HEALTH,etc.,through the means of an iron-clad Insurance Policy. You ean wonderfully lighten these blows of misfortune by pro- tecting yourself with one of our fair and square Policies thatguaranteesyoufullandpromptpaymentoflosswithoutthe slightest evasion. Let us show you some of the particularly strong features of these STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY,W.E.WE = Corset Demonstration s any Icdies who were fitted in a Marame Grace Corset by Miss Sadie” McClary,an expert corsetier who was with us last September,will welcome the new#thaf she will be with us again February 12th,18th and 14th,and will be pleased to show the new models and give fittings. MEDICAL FITTINGS A SPECIAL- x TY! MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. It? BB,Manager. pat- Kellogg’s Krumbles. Kellogg’s Flaked Bran.Post Toasties.Puffed Rice. Puffed Wheat. 'pews oat Fresh vis GrahamFlour. t Phone 89. &Mitholland.. _DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON. FinstT mation,JILDIALNKeasoeING, "Phone 197 ENoAges 8 to5,.reSPECIALATTENTIONTOCHILDREN'S SDRESET: MADE INSTATESVILLE Anything in SheetMetal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. "Phone 65,114 EB.Broad Street.————— DR.COITE SHERRILL, General PractionerinCityandCourity. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s residence or Lon’s Sanato- tium will have prompt attention.i bonne gt tmente tone W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame. Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete.Locks and GunsiredandKeysfit-.In fact anything in repair line. ‘Phone 209. TIRE BANDS,i Cement Patches,ete.,|are all very well in their way,butareallemergencymeas- ures only.;only real and Valenterepairing is done by have y the camaged parts.|~Car is not in use,|r Tires put in shape.iIBEDELLVULCANIZING=|&SUPPLY COMPANY.| 201 Court Street.|We Sell Miller Tires.I C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C."Phone340Green. WANTED! SCRAP ~HeavyBrass 7c.|e Light Grass Se.per FOR SALE: and secon’hand machinery j'gale and all kinds of boiler Re s t to a = pedoeda “Core shoulders,Sia neck,allyieldtoSloanDonotrabit.the sore spot,it quicklyandthyCleanertplastersorcintments,it does not stain the skin,Keep a bottle for rheumaiism, sprains,bruises,,neuralgia,gout, At all L WE HAVE FICE AND andsore st iste,25¢.0c.and $1.00.|Sloan's Liniment MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers,NIMENHus Colds,Croup.Pneumonia 25c,/S0c,$1.00 itney Station SECURED ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- WAITING WHERE YOU IN SIGHT. CAN TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10¢. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE &CENTS. ‘PHONE £11. Jitney Transfer Company. at _and after being warned,t crewTheHousatoni:gunk and th boats to @ point -Cheer up! lame back,pains andaches's Liniment.Simply apply tonetrates nm mussy a?Davcomers THE - ROOM, STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT SPECIAL ATTEN- Your Plumber, And the complete of Plumbing,Heating and water materials we carry. SERVICE stock We can give you service. W.E.MUNDAY. 114 E.Broad St. we a rad Dr.5S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.ns a.m.ae . 2.40 to m,ap-raens.Anderson Bidg..113.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324.Residence ‘plone 279—green. ' |boys played a straight,clean -High School girls. |{ther,Rev.A.W.Wilcox,Sund: nieht.Funeral srrangements hownotbeenconcludedatthiswritinc.| ‘hie Sunday'Methodist church at his home Fridoy em gow otss_eBtsgula :2 ee ao s . = we eo ;tered 6 below zero at sunrise.same time it wes 22 below in Chieagoand15belowinWashiTn1905,February 14,it was 2 above :ero andpapersreportedthat$100,000 worthofenttlefrozetodeathiTexas.We've been this fear tofreezingbeforeanddidn't.Despite the severity of the weath-era ad elke,of the local “+ were out evening to thebrsketballgamesbetweentheM.H8.and Horner and Mooresville secondteamandMocksville.The Hornermebutthelocalteamhadthemodfromthefirstandscoredaof50to17,The secondteamwon from teams,the Camp Fire is couched by Miss Carey Wilson,thelatterbyMissnaeTownsendofthegradedschoolfaculty.Mooreaville high school debatingteamwillcontestagainthisrinthetriangulardebatewithTaylors-ville and Stony Point on March 30ththesubjectfordebavebeing,“Re-solved:That the Federal governmentshouldowntherailrozds.”The finalswilltakeplaceattheUniversityApril13th. Miss Altie Corpening of StatesvillewastheguestofMissesand Jette Brawloy for.several days lastweek.She left on Friday to visitfriendsatCooleemee.Miss MaryTownsendspenttheweek-end withfriendsinAsheville.Mrs.G.W.TempletonreturnedlastweekfromChinaGrove,where she spent several weekswithrelatives.Miss Carey TroutmanastudentatthecollegeforatGreensboro,spent the weck-end atherhomehere. Mr.Ed.R.Holder of Weavercoc.Va.,formerly ef this city,is beinztreatedatJohnsHopkinshosvitalinBaltimore,and his many friends in thecommunitywillbegladtokfiowthathopeisheldoutforhisultimatere-covery.Mr.L.A.hobdinson,who hasbeenquitesickfor’several days withlagrippe,is improving.Mr.eyMorrowisabletobeonthestreet:again after being contined to his bedformanyweeks.Miss Effie Lee Mel.chor is improving efter being il!for|several days with gripre.Miss Cora Miller epent ThursdaynightwithfriendsinCharlotte,leav-|ing there Friday for Florida,whershewillspendseveralweekswitthersister,Mre.Waugh.Mr.Dear.man of Charlotte spent Sunday here |with his brother,Supt.H.L.Dear.man of the Dixie mill,Mr.R.JSwaimofCharlottespenttheweek-end with his family here.Rev.L.AFallswascalledtoCherlotieSundaytoconductthefuneralofMre‘Certer,who died in Albemar!dav. Mr.C.E.Cornelis and Mr.C. Alice Fri GSmithleavethismorningfortheIn-|ternational Health Resort at Chicavo.where they will be treated forbloodpressure.Mrs.J.A.Stewartwhoexpectedtogoforthesametreatment,is unable to vo at present. Mrs.Dan.S.Chandler,aged 7%vears,died Saturday morning at herhomenearWesley's Chapel Sheleavesahushandand=two children,Mr.James Chandler and Mre.Praw-lev Overeash,three brothers and oneister,the latter being Mrs.(.K. MeNeely of this citv.One daughterdeadwasthewifeofEsquireJo.i (« Lean,also of this @ty.The foreral)ures showing the total amoun:of services were conducted from Wes-;British tonnage,which is estimated lev's Chapel Sunday afternoon by |at 11,000,000 to 12,000,000 of tons.the pastor,Rev.Keever of Troutman. Mr.Moanroe Wileox died at Mor-genton Saturday and the body was bronght here to the home of his fa awaiting the arrival of his wife andchildren,who are expected at noo: today from their home in GeorgiaMr.Frank Johnston,aged about®9 years,died suddenly Friday at hishomenearDavidson.Mr.JohnstonJeavesawifeandseveralchildren.One daughter,Mise Lorene,has been a nurse for some time at Lone's Sanatorium,Another daughterJanie,is a nurse at Whiehead-Stoke<Soratorium,Salisbury.The funeral!services were conducted from Centre Presbyterian ehurch.Miss Lillian MeConnell entertaintheSanSoveiclubfrom2to.6o'clock Saturday afternoon.After anhourefsewingthehesterssservo!a salad course and coffer,The Idle Comment Club gave a receptionWednesdayafternoonatthe ed home of Mrs.J.L.Donald,compli.| mentary to Mrs.George Jones.Rook was playet at several tables and freshments were served at the cor clusion of the game. The Wednesday Afternoon Clu!held iis last meeting with Mrs.BruceMeNeoly.several new books to be cireulatedamongthemembers,RefréshmentswereservedduringtheafternoonMr.R,M.Abernathy enterteischoolclassfrom the ev ‘Numerous friends of Mr.Clark inthincgmmunity,and they are numer- ous ed.have heanl with profoundregretofhisiMnead,ond manv haverequeste!thn.they be thraneh The Landmark at to whe.)or he ln i oving. «eetie:oot of town for t but ifregu-soak alles ‘an ‘wetdgy’s payer fon,he’s Feeling 0 el ve l P F E E however,have it impossible to ing based up-of al!nations,as sed high| land can count for the import of nec-§i -|essary supplies,wheat,ores,munt- *|tions,ete..and for the export of coal ’f Miss| The club decided to buv yf informed, original document pre- follows:)refusing Germany's entente powers stat-(addressed the deprive Germany of German|ny ©proviness in the west and east,todestroyAi-Hu and to an- nihilate .n waging warwithsuchtheententealliesareviolatingallrulesofinternational law,as prevent the legitimatetradeofaeBnwiththecentralpowers,and o’the neutrals among)themselves,Germany has,so far,not—-—use <*weenenic!possesses in r subma-|rincs.Sinee the entente powers,| The prices range from $16.50 to$35.00. MARCH PICTORIALPATTERNS— And Spring Fashion Books on sale at Pattern Counter. One lot 90 inch Linen Sheeting,extra good value at $1.00 ‘central powers,andlaredonlysucha’peace to be possible which shall bedictatedbytheententealliesandshallresultinthedestructionandthe,humiliation of the central powers,Germany is anuble fur:ser to foregothefulluseofhersubmarines. “The Imperial government,there-fore,does not doubt that gov-ernment of the United States willunderstandthesituationthusforceduponGermanybytheententeallies’brutal methods of war and by theirdeterminationtodestroythecen-tral powers,and that t govern-ment of the United States willtherrealizethatthenowopenly.dis-closed intention of the entente allieswivesbacktoGermanyineofactionwhichshereservedinhernoteaddressedtothegovernmentoftheUnitedStatesonMay4,1016.“Under these circumstances Ger-many will meet the illeeal measuresofherenemiesbyforciblyprevent-ing after February 1,1917,in a zonearoundGreatain,France,and in the eastern Mediterranean,allnavigation,that of neutrals included,from and to England and from andtoFrance,ete.All ships met within that zone will be sunk.“The Imperial governmes:1s »con-fident that thismeueeng =r m= a speedy termination of the warintheechegotinsofpeacewhich thegovernmentoftheUnitedStateshassomuchatheart.Like the govern-ment of the ‘inited States,Germanyandheralieshadhopedtoreachthisgoalbynegotiations.Now that thewar,through the favit of Germany'snemies.has te be continued,the Im-perial government feels sure that the |government of the United States will understand the necessity of adopting {such masures as are destined to bringaboutaspeedyen’of the horrible iand useles bloodshed.The Imperial|government hopes all the more forsuchanunderstandingofherposi- |tion,as the nutrals have under the pressure of the entente powers suf- ‘fered great tosses,being foreed by ithem either to give up their entire trade or to limit it,according to con- ditions arti‘rarily determined —byGermany's enemies in violation of in- ternational law.” Teeraineadiantintandtiesteetianmeameinial CAPACITY FOR WRECKAGE Germany Cliims 1,000,000 Tons|Can Be Destroyed By Efforts. |Berlin Dispatch,tst.: |Expectations are expressed in un i MOS?EFFRCTIV |official circles here that as a result of POLK GRAY DRUG 00.“On the Square” ithe unrestricted submarine campaign PRR RP ne ithe amount of tennage sunk cach aT ee‘month can he increased to about 1,-¢;,'; THE QUALITY DISPLAY|000,000 tons based upon available fig- sigs cco Amorevaried assortmentthan ever:=All matchsets.Extra good values,5e.,7 1-2c.,10c.and 121-2c, Send Us Your Mail Orders AND—It's liable towhentheEcoealemanyindiwithoutsh i There’s no eae awe got,grees.They're the PUREST, SN Ste |This is believed here to be the rross |registered torinagwe woon which Eng-, to her allies. Statistic:are cited showing the ac-'tual traffic in British ports from Ju- ‘Wy to September amounted to 6,750,-:WI LL INTEREST YOU. 000 tons carried in a ;[Gidied ets‘entente veueee ole’§Box,Pounds,Tablets,Envelopes, Correspondence Cards. The pric:is right.The quality than the British,entering British ; inorts during that period brought the g |total tonnage up te epproximately i10,750,000 tone.re ;Tt is asserted teat grain ship-§ ments from Australia to England ang §the hes‘. making «tead!!y-increased demandsuponthistonnage,which also must transport from Denmark 609 per)§THE REX L STORE. cent,of England's butter supply and AL from Holland,virtually all of her (Margerine supply.Any consice rable reduction of this tonnage,it is claim ed,would limit Enelend's supply of,breadstus so critically a to force) peace within 2 few months.,— On the other hand,if the United'§ tes should be drawn into the war,|. se unofficial critics foresee a pro-)ee longation of the war and,as a con.|ae ee ’eee ion,Furope comoletely exhaust-!:,"(RAL BSPATE ANDpitt!' Stat-sville Drug Comp’y QUALITY |P es fe tet canta ad a ey ed and America weakened,while Ja- A itary streng<n,tuey assert, virtn,hee ‘would be ‘mimpalred and | suburba.,“ty property, sted to ‘her financial resources vastly in-| creased .i tain Perseus,wreing in The latt,throws a dash of cold wa-Upon such reasoners by declaring| Eritish tonnage undou be greatly eee duting the: war by the building of new i He aise warns (item against making: optimistic estimates of theoe e achievements of German ‘ and against regarding too the probable counter- Which,he asserts,the | iralty undoubtedly ix ramen: .‘ ri Something Good. ae eh " mnae Representative Matheson thie matter should send him letters ind petitions approving his course. oT who oppose the bill are of céurse active in opposition.Remem- ber,too,that when the fight was be- ig made through the years to put county officers on salary,all sorts 4 weye circulated foretelling disasters that would ensue if @Ourse war pursued.The change made and the facts tell a differ- f .Don’t be alarmed if you the world will come to an end ‘the office of county treasurer is <*GROUND HOG. “OF questions next in importance to.f relations.Germany for the few days,especially among the ®construedbysomeasa see it fortydays iv to folfow,andif, notthe reversemaybeexpect- hogshiphadplenty,to seehisshadow,un-/ coldthathis eyes .fill-| ructedhis vis| auch importance has been at to the ennual appearance of! )aretomys monax,alias the wood- aliag the ground hog,is not, Owing to the habits of the! i hog,it would be a great dis- intment to him to come out of hole and not be able to see his .Net to see it would,per- disgust him so that he would! Peturn to it and stay in for a season.| He conducts his habits along the line ot economy an?his personal comfort. He never comes out for breakfast be- fore sunrise and is always through supper and back in his hole beforethesunsets.His luncheon at noon’ i practically foregone in order that) he may spend the time in sunning Witeelf.So,sunshine,which is so much ‘to his liking and which is so te a shadow,ought to keep out rather than drive him in.j 2ATS lot of The Landmark's oy time is riven to details of our !relaticns with Germany.It ia matter of deepest concern to Those who have followed close-| ae the past few years the inci- in the frograss of the Euro- war have feared what has hap- The lreak with Germany as no surprise and the people with President Wilson in his ef-fofts to protect the honor of the coun- ae heads.It is to be hoped that any will yet heed the warning it will not become necessary to the next step.‘<EDa.—™‘.,ident, Charles Evans Hughes,who was of honor at the annual dinner the New York alumni of BrownUa‘ity,in New York Thursday declared every loyal Ameri- would stand behind the adminis- “in this solemn hour”with Me vou",Between life in violation of law.” Majority Leader Kitchin said: “I don't see how he could have) done or said ‘ess under the cireum-| stances.I am gratified that he gave, Germany a clear chance to avoid! conflict.! A dispatch from Santi says the breaking off of relations be- tween the United States and Germa-| ny,althoueh expected,has caused a great sensation among all classes.| The attitude of the United States istheChanceller- es of Argentina,Brazil and Chile there has been an active exchange of communications.Financial circles are much excited. A Rome,Italy,dispatch of the 4th says:Up to noon today the American Embassy had no official confirmatior of the of relations with Ger Nelson Page visited the Fe osieelson.ore’f ister,Baron Sonnino,and oe long with him on the situationstatesmenremarke? ,Chile,| The news from the United Stater has caused great enthusiasm through.ape EyegratnVv the United States on the side of the Entente,which it declares is the “side of law,liberty and honor.” Theodore Roosevelt: “Of course }shall in every way support the President in all that he does to uphoki the honor of the United States and to safeguard the lives of American citizens,”he said. “F:I wrote to the W partment asking permission to raise a if war is declared and there is a call for volunteers.In such event I and my four gons will go.” ae lates oneal woldgardtopolitics,ex ree! their approval of President Wilson's| course and of his adéress.,| Vice President Marshall said:“If the President has to deliver the oth-§ er address he spoke of,you will find the sentiment of the country has erystalized behind him on the address he made today.The American peo-| le is an easy-going people,but when! t gets its back to the wall it will fight.| “J don’t believe the President| could have said or done less and I am| greatly gratified he did not do or say, more.He has given Germany the last clear chance to avoid conflict! with the United States.All true) Americans hope it is a chance she/ will take.”| Senator Stone,chairman of the for-| eign relations committee:“I think| there are two things we should do now as far as it is possible—keep our| heads level and our mouths closed.” Senator Lodge,ranking Republican member of the Foreign lations Committee:“I most thoroughly ap-prove and cordially support the Pres- ident in giving the German Ambassa- dor his passports and in recalling our Ambassador from Bertin.Speaker Clark:“I do not thinkthereisgoingtobeanywar.I do notthinktheGermanswillblowupanyofourships.1 think the Presidentstatedtheconditionsexactly.”Republican Leader Mann:“I donot«see how the President could doanyless.I am very glad he did not'purpose to do any more.”Senator Kern,Democratic Senaleader:“I believe the American peo-ple are behind the President to a mar and Congress certainly is.”Senator Gallinger,ublican lead-er of the Senate:“Of course,if GernmsinksenAmericanshiportakesanAmericanlife,we shall have tofight.But we should view the situa-|tion calmly,dispassionately and hope-~~President’s message war sdvice.It la free,will bringyouandmaysaveyourlife.THE FARME beteer. *¥ eyTHE.HARRIS-GOODWIN CO. INGRAM GOODWIN.Quick Oar een Proat”BROOKS HARRIS, ALL KIND OF Railding or Ornamental Sheet |Xir ~etal Work. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY.Estimates Furnished From Blue ':Prints Free of Charge.116 Court Street. Night Phone 47 Green.| Statesville,N.°C. Day Phone 495. ee to writeto ae ees CE TAK eSSa a aoe|Beast ein ee rn eT ve ws oni “= ee The farmer is the man who feeds us all.If the farmer should quit work the whole world would have to go outof business.He is the most important factor in the world today—always has been—always will be. This bank has many farmer patrons.Farm- ers are conducting their ness along modern lines these days,the same as other business men.They are the solid,reliable, men of the community and ev bank has reason to feel proud of its farmer friends. The accommodations of our bankarealways at the disposal of the farmers.You are invited to make our bank your headquarters when in town,Our interests are mutual, and we will be glad togerve you. People’s Loan and SaviEO.H.BROWN Sevag.5 0.L.TURNER You can have more Waists and better Waists for a given expenditure if you buy them here. Even for a sum as low as one dollar—you can obtain a Waist here that’s desirable in every sense of the word—that is fashioned in the new and wanted styles—that’s made with a nicety of finish—andcutso asto insure perfect fitting. TruetheseWaists are except in value,but typical of the unusual Waist values to be found here at all times. We havethe exclusive sale for this cityof the justly- famed Wirthmor Waist. Christmas Savings Club Still Open! If you have notjoined. you may so any day this week. Over 1,300 Have Already Joined, Everybody invited.— ry are .ae f 4 -_A a >ghPlylerwas;e:\dead in bed Sunday morning.-&Y. and G |ther’s name is Sowers and it is”re-==entire family —MA Mtatesvitle1Thefollowing were paid yesterdayforproduceonWwealmarketTurkeys,18-208,dbChickens,Me per nee fe per wae,88e,dozen.Buiter,2o.the,Ie.Hecowux,260.=Green Hides 19e. c e r e t i i n e r e s t e i-3 zgf2Ei s fIi F i s y : rs i 3[ Sides and > .ver“©om,ow Ib.DerSweetPotatoes,per bushel. ‘New Red.Honey, =|Gren,The f 2>ne "rel ="yesterday Wheet (new)$1,| 1 ;. »Green Hides yerib, SourwoodOWA Corn,$1.25 per Green Salted ie,per per uto Rubber Oata,65-700.per j Tt :fei 23#7 rket unsettCottonSeed,Tbe. is t 72 % dan.26. little|Sanday school attendant wooegansalwayscarrie°comousilion oe havoc —the nee of _shape.A RNER,Sunday schooland reas Wt She kept|“har,LL:Woaner,who has »posi Ft nent SarTettateheoeparplp=the Bible mae dns an the Achevitie di.Davie avenue,2.|rd could quote it chapters.:pent |Sunday home ,—_tachangeion will be ri her lif vy es =e it )wre..vice “fr ave smal full re ossngerlifetome,and the one it al-i .tatesville,ve |lived in Statesville.most makes me go and hide my pee 'oe re ee price,BOX 144,Btatenvatte,N.€| GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG |nui"the Ola Testament 106times thin community and‘had tecemthy POR SALE Gong,ort‘mt the New 220 times!How does|.i argPersonalMen’ion of People and |ovr record eompate with this,ae aS a.“oe =ee eneTheirMovements.i*-iend?She had never gone visiting |“;FOR SALE—30 seres landlieMeeealem32¢|8 crops being washed away by the °pone and Barium Springs Co.ive.Clee A.Wainwricht of Char.|7"Sundey since she wns 17,—|food.Mr.Nesbit’s body ,teres in cultivation.Several hundred fruit|ar-''n ease of sickness.This striet Sab-|.roucht to his old home y smn Wenocnalin aaa ead >spent Saturday =nd Sunday with!ath observance reminds me of the ind interred at Rocky Mount,with Scrings,one CRs ae daily.parents,Mr.and Mrs.E.E.Stan-|«seond of Rev.J.F.Stikeleather,de-|-aus services by Rev.J.C.Kaey-Will sell or exehange for in States- *_|ceased,and his wife,of Olin,who fhe wen the 008 of Mr.W.‘wai Pee 7 nae ee its.F.M.Cunningham and chil-|vould never write a letter and send y,cni¢and married the daug it:eC iearevisitingrelativesinGaffney.|"+off ot the last of the week,so that Vy,yf J.Li " we >on ::sh -HH.d.Lipe.RR RENT--Store room onseveralweeks.t wenll travel on ea Sunday train.oe DR.J.E.McLAUGHLEN..and Mrs.F.H.Mabry left|'helieve that they will be reward-Yr,and Mrs.D.H. oe ———bes |«|for this sirict Sabbath observ-Entertain Bevan ane pauses e@ gucsts 0 wr..|yee,|”SALE In city o le; P :e |She had never seen a town larger,“"Tetpondeneey of Be tan the lgSol.Simon and Miss Bessie ¢han Jonesville,end had never seen,_Hammony,Feb,5 —On eveying F Stateaville,N.C.Jnhavereturnedfromavisitin)4 train or automobile.She had drawn of February 3d Mr.and Mrs.D.H.’.LolP.——fa -her onwil in fine style,I -Powell delightfully entertained quite’raemeck oO eVs-|‘nformed,ang 1 never seen inside|of in ied them ‘home and will |of a court Weare.She died at .the |a their da ’Miss Nan lL.SLOAN. awe here.;Old homestead,where she was born,|Powell;Deans Si,Fe ere eecigertenemermignnton,D.Parks returned Satur-|and her remains were laid to rést in|Elm ,who were spend »Fam RENT--Twe-story oe enat| to Winston,after visiting Miss|the shadow.of the home,in the fami-|week-end here.;cere A zai ILLE | Fowler.ly graveyard,.|All the guests took an interesting og T COMPANY. Glenn Mason returned Sunday!©There ought to be a lesson in the|part in the games and contests and ————_-after a brief visit to her home|life of this good woman for a lot of|'an especial one in the LAND FOR SALE We 'us,who are moping through life!delicious . Mary Ilutchinson of Mt.Hol-|carelessly,with our eyes shut,hav-|served,The By a power of attorney I amtheguestofMissChris-|ing no purpose,no alm,no ambition.wings and séll,privately,two tracts of Henkel during the past few)and no desire to know or aecomplish |came all too soon.Ever to the estateof the late W.H.H. ..|angola in life.|voting Mr.and Mrs.Powell de nepe as aneW.E.Heintish returned Fri-|r.Kitrea Campbell died at his ful host and hestess.100"aeres,adjoining each other light- to her home in Columbia,8.C.,)home in Yadkin county Inst Satur-|rere township,six miles of Statesville,having been the guest of Mrs.|jay,of apoplexy.Hie,remains will |(Me Quinine That Goes Met Affect The Head the Giises Fergsant-cee text A Davis.lhe buried today at Wesley’s Chapel.goes 5 leSots,AteStee »LLAKA-2 pRncrael ee*splendid »portunit fi fi .and Mrs.D.J.Craig and their)yo was 70-odd years of age,was 4!Quiniue and does a yen dle en eh ae-i not cause nervousness nor ‘further information call on or w: Miss Clarke of Philadelphia!.oidicr in the War Between the nagingin head.Remember the full name and ROE ADAMS,Attorney,Statesvi Miss Sara Mellon of Charlotte,|state:.wok for the signature of .He wos a consistent member Ona spentthe week-end at Pinehurst.lof Wesley's Chapel,a consecrated Notices :ertisements |“hristian gentleman of most noble of New Adv ts His home and community M Ee \7 -f Atk eETahousekeoping.—|(in ‘mnowrn his loss.He leaves . Systematize Your Business In Your Home By Investing In a Chiffonier. wife and several children.ing alley for cale.—A.:e ..i Dr.R.K.Bingham in Runaway|and granitized roofing.—|Lagerby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Bat Not Seriously Hurt. Guarantee to satisfy.—Harris-|Watauge Democrat,Ist. Goodwin Co.|Yesterday «fternoon,while Dr.R.) land for sale-—C.M.Adams.|K.Bingham,little son,Billy,and Mr.| men bark their money.—|Henry Coffey all of Blowing Rock,|National Bank |were on their way to Boone,coming| 1 articles at popularprices.|over the old road,they happened to .Henry,jeweler.jan acefdent thet might have proved)nist values.-—Mills &Poston.{very serious.While coming down Globe Tailoring Co.'s display,Feb-|Deck Hill one of the breast straps) tuary 12-14,—Sherrill-White Shoc,broke,releasing the yoke from the Co.‘tongue,and the buggy with its liv-| Chiffoniers.—Crawford -Bynch jing freight,rushed on the spirited Co.iteam.The horses,badly frightened,| invited to make bank|plnged forward and ran down the} when in town.—Peo-|steep mountain rond at breakneck|m and Savings Bank.|speed.Mr.Coffey,with the little boy| cola in bottles.—Statesville in his arms,sprang from the bugay |ig Oe Bottling to.\fafling and receiving a fea ful |continued—J.M.McKee &wound in the back of his head,while||the child escaped unhurt.The doctor!j a8 ings Club_still|hung on tothe team for some dis-| :~~Merchants &Farmers’Bank.|tance and was thrown violently out, cordial “Come back again!”his forehead coming in contact withMotorCo.|gome hard substance,leaving an ugly| 12,1%,|gash more than two inches long.The|demolished and the team||buggy was 7 until it reached the i t i ifi |}i! t 37i 1 2 A chiffonier will save your wife,sister or mothertroubleinlookingafteryourcollars,ties,socks,hand-J)fi afh ®e 3 s 3 i!zti kerchiefs,shirts,etc.,and will enable you to to fjbusinessontime.:aeAplaceforeverything,and everything in place is }) No,458Chiffonier is made of solid oak (no \hasfivedrawers,Frenchbeveled mirror 12x17.|} PRICE ''-$7.00. HEitsi <5 5 5 7 | a 3i I ee : i -==SeTs THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,. i er Burglars,thievesandhald-upmen make it thelr oa : BUSINESStolearnwhokeepmoney in their pockets,or houses,or inholes in the ground.'jd Fe They will not tecklethemanwhohas his money SAFE in ourbank.: BANK yourmoneyand befreefromFEAR—fear 4 Burgiars,sickness,OLD AGE,or that yourwife |: children maysomedaybein WANT.ee Wepay 4per cent interest on timedeposits.‘+ rm Statesville,N.C. ic Just because our store Is a “jewelry”store is no naanyson *°i whywe do not carry many necessary;useful ‘ee. as toilet articles,bric-a-brac.sewing sets and hundreds other USEFUL things.a We also have many articles at POPULAR PRICES.. The advantage of buying these things at our reputable « jewelry store is this:YOU KNOW that the “quality is there.”)«.« R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. |Johnston-Belk C 12 Yards of 36 Inch Bleached Muslin For 1.00.WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 31. Catanis’“a For 15 and 18¢. |WHITE GOODS S$ Withthe raw meterialup 50 cent.,we will sellduringthisanANNUALWHITESALE,théeesieneaaduringialeverinmany(ASELLINGSTAPLECOTTONGOODSrtTODAY’S WHOLESALE COST!i ENGLISH LONG CLOTHS,FINE NAINSOOKS,KING PHILLIP NAINSOOKS,COMFORT CLOTH,wis36-INCH pater OvTaetoon BLEACH, Y a ”* 32-INCH EMBROIDERY C ;“” CANNON CLOTH.4CounterpanesWILLBi)ONE OF THE WHITE —SALE’S IMPORTANT FEATURES!" SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES—We can’t buy theseSheetsatourspecialWHITESALEprice!SsDamaskandNapkinsatoldprices.Laces and ee ree forWONDERFULINBargainsinMUSLINsalecommencesat9o'clock81. ‘4 as some neutral rovern-: Germany wishes those s surrendered. interests undoubtedly will severely as no nation still neu ‘tral has either the facilities of the igbosition tesecure the results the Unit ‘States has been able to secure. *"The entente allies also are made tc suffer indirectly as the great relief work bulit through the Americar Vembrasy in Berlin,safeguarding Brit- ish,Japanese,Rumanian and Serbia: interests,has been overturned.The, American embassy today,just before Aoelosing,turned over British interest: “to Holland;Japanese and Serbian t Spain,and Rumanian to Spain,tem porarily,pending word from that government. All American consuls were in-; structed to leave Germany at the same time Aiibassador Gerard's recall wos ordered.Spain was today asked te take over all American interests diplomatic and cousular,and it is ex pected she will comply.German con- sule in this country pre expected b1 this rovernment to Se withdrawn an to leave the courtry immediately. Americans in Germany and Ger mans in America wil!be granted ab solute freedom to depart and every effort will be made to remove al Americans pessible from that country Precautions Taken. Precautions to safeguard naval ste tions,army posts and arsenals and other service property constituted the militery measures taken by the government following the severance| of diplomatic :elatiens with Germa ny.“The following specific orders went out during the day: e White House and White House grounds ‘were closed to visitors forthefirsttimeinmangyeurs. All navy yards and stations were closed to the publie until further no- tice. Officers’commanding army posts, arsenals,.magazines,coast batteriesWeredirectedioexerciseeverypre- caution, was closed to visitors and cards of identification were isued to em- loves and press representatives en- itjed to admission. 'sbtieation of daily ship movement list,giving the departure and arriv- vals of navy vessels,was suspet ded. “Secretary Daniels said there was no change in the orders of the Atlan- tie fleet. ¢As t©Steps By Other Neutrals. "Washintton Dispatch,4th. Besides breaking off diplomatic re- tions with Germany,President Wil- son has made a bold stroke to range the mora!ferce of ail other neutral countries along with that of the Unit- ed Stare in the interest of peace. The President has suggested to alltheotherneutralsthattheybreakoff diplomatic relations with Germany as the United States has done,and has instructed all Amcrican diplomat in those countries to report mmedi ately how suggestion ix receaved The opinion diplomatic quarver here is that European né@utrals,at the very doorstep of Germany,threatene« by her military power,wil!hesitat« -w tie such a step.The effect of she MPwestion in other count:is being eagerly awaited.This was the only known develop ‘met of first importance which cam out of a day of tense waiting which followed the actaa!announcement yes- terday of the break with Gerr News that the American steam: Housatonic had not been sunk without proper warning and that no lives had been lost,dispelled a cloud which threatened the storm to follow the :first overt act against the United see PLatemmunger the new war zone arc:Still hopeful that Germany will not ruthlessly?sacrifice American lives o vichis,the administration is awaiting developments,but leaving undon nothing te prepare the country tor the eventuality of war. The situation as to Austria is to night unchanged.There is no doubt however,that diplomatic relations will - —— ee = ee e oF — he bBeken with her when she an-|nounees ker intention to Germany's course adhere tx Reasonable Finances No Item. Senator Simmons,chairman of th: Senate finance committee,was sum- moned to the White House today and conferred with President Wilson ot means of raising sufficient revenue it case of hostilities with Germany._Senator Simmons assured the Pres ident that Congress would move promptly whenever money is needed and that there would be no tion to any reasonabic reque‘ithegovernmentWhile no spec sum was Mentioned conference Scnator Simmons recalled that at the outbreak’of —th Snanish-Americar war a bond issue of $500,0900,000 was authorized | apprepriatio ture heing Presiden aid not as immediate ©} ypposi ts froww mt the Germany Sundsy aceeded to the.Americon demands for the relouse of the 72 Almerirans talon fro wnk by the raider i theeeebroughttoaGermanport Oe the steamer Yarrewdale SO RS Ar 8nn ;*we of »City of Toledo,?”mts,an mk 7.Cheney makes onth that he bk sen- tor partwer of the firm of F.J.Cheney &Co Geine teeipess fm the City of Telede,County eed Bidte Hoireenid,and thet wid fem wt+am of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARSichandeverycnseOfCuturriythatcmeearedOytheweeofHALLSCNTARRN 4.CHENEY and eobeeriied in me ef DecorrberAWw shi» Atha mbic vboard Netery ta donomthe watbe 7 The bill proy ices for |from two to State,War and Navy building| HouseonSundayon+WER a aly Franklin D.Safford,wee wiet-|ed of ing out the“Ol.tiver.was sentenced to,nine months in prison,Execution of|the semtence was stayed until May) 1.Safford,who is in.the early six.)' ties,was accused of swearing falsely’ that James W.Osberne,a prominent! attorney,had been the companion of Miss Rae Tanzer on a visit to a New Jersey hotel,of which Safford was the clerk.? L.T.Vinesett and Sarah Drake were fined $100 each in the € court at Gaffney,8.C.,on a charge of disorderly conduct.A few nights) previous Mrs.Vinesett went to a house where the two defendants above named were alone and fired a shot into the Drake woman.The lat- ter has indicted Mrs.Vinesett for as- saulting her with a deadly weapon and the hearing will be later. An amendment to the Yost law prohibiting thc bringing by any one person of more than one quart of liquor into West Virginia a month/ was passed by a vote of 86 to 5,The measure bas already passed the Sen-| ate and now goes to the Governor,|a sentence of| x months in jail and a fine of from $160 to $500 for the first violation and one to tive years in the penitentiary for the second offence. officeinthe¥March4. Southern Railway's New Equip- ment of Engines. Greensboro Daily News. The Southern railway has begun to receive a portion of its order re cently syriven for new locomotives,The com- pany bought 25 new passenger engines and more than 30 for the freight service and all of them are of the xreat Santa Fe type,the vest and 1ost powerful locomutives in use,The first of these pessed through Greens bere this wee!It was No.1454 drawing a freight train,and its huge proportions attracted rc nsiderable at- ention,particularly among railroad men. This enzine i senger service intended for the pas- but the custom follow- ed is to “limber”the new ones up with freight loads tefore putting them to the fast passenger trains.It this apprentice duty that 1454 was when it made the initial triy through this town.The new passen ger ergines wi'l have their number ries 1400 and up When the Southern purchased th« larger locomotives,it had in view the werease of freight traffic through the southland.When L.E.Jeffries. generc!counsel for the road was her recently,he spoke of the tremendou business increase ane he stated tha! the company is ce to face with a prosperity with yreater offerinys tha: the company equipment can handle with ease,hence the need of a’great amoun money for improve yent According to Mr.the large ocomotives purchased soon to go ints ervice through here,may be expect ita be drawing much loner passen +r trains than are in use now.He id the plans for the platforms for »propesed new stition here greatly hened with th in view.The ngvines no heinnir to come it ‘ome in from the manufacturers are ute sufficient!large to hand! trains a large percoemage heavier tha the burdens drawn by the type the are sueceeding. uneig of ready Jeffries aOE Spanell Acquitted ef Charge. Horry J.Spanell wa distriet court at Ban Anyelo,Texas, Thursday,of the charge of the mur-ter of his wife.Mra.Spanell was killed in her husband's automohile at Alpine,Texas,last July.At theumetimeLieutenantColonelM.C Butler was killed.Spanell has testi ed that the shot whick killed his wife was fired by Col.Butler during fight between himself and Butler ver an insult which he alleged But- ler offered Mrs.Spanell.Spanell will be placed on trial probably —in May on the charge of the murder of Butler. Murder acquitted in Piles Curedin6to14 Days Your druggist will refund money i PAZOQGINTMENT(ails to cure anvcase of Itching,lind,Bleeding or Protrudiny Piles in 6¢0 Mdaye.,he Groat ap olication gives .ase aud Rest.Sc, GIRLS!THICKEN AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF! Try This!Your Hair Gets Wa- vy,Glossy and Abundant at Once. To be posses ed of a head of heavy, Lutiful hair;soft,lustrous.fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff is merely n maticr of using a little Danderine. It is ensy ard inexpen »to have soft hair and jots of it dus ‘bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine now —all drug stores ree ommend!it—apoly a little as direeter ard within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance,freshaa,fiiffine and an incomparable ule and lostre,and try as you willyoucannotfindatraceofdandruff yr falling hair;but your real surprisewillbeafterabouttwoweeks’use, when you will see new hair—fine and downy ot firet—yes--but really newhair—-sprouting out all over your walp—Danderine is,we believe,th mty sore hnig grower,destroyer of dondreff and cure for itchy sealp and never fuile to stop falling heir at once, if you want to prove how =pretty ta Zo-rent Y \»t%apd goft.your hair really is,moisteneileiyAVadwith4littleDandesine4earefallydrawitthroughyour-tthing ifortestineYourpairwillbe I was real tickled today—I made a new friend.And now you bet you,he’s some tickled,too. You see,he is a mighty good fellow—-son of a big planter—has bundles of money; can buy anything he wants.And he knows 2'!about tobacco! He was telling around that he would give a heap a cigarette that just hit hisefineOE smoketaste.So I hadthem wrap me up and I went to the rich planter man. “Sir,1am a real cigarette,”I said.“Lamsureyou'll like me.I have goodblood inmyveins.I amof fine Virginiaand Carolina stock and was raised in a clean,wholesome home.I am a gentleman of quality—the Quality of the South.” So the planter’s son tried me and he liked -me,because You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! You Folksof tie South KNOW good tobacco! Now my planter’s son and I--we’re real friends.He buys me regularly,and he tells everybody th:you can’t buy a better cigarette than SOVEREIGN at anyprice! ee|t arn anteed by ;you don’t bike your money baci:. Viny cai:'t I be your friend,too?And,remember this—)'4)te Wastanes hues sma eerouaree me return me to your dealer and get i have said it,A Southern gentleman is known the world over for :ceping his word,and I havegiven you mine. overelsrol The Globe Tailoring C0. OF ——— CINCINNATI. WILL EXHIBIT THEIR—— SPRING and SUMMER WOOLENS —_—/AND —— MIDSUMMER FABRICS. -AT OUR STORE—- FEBRUARY 12th,to 14th. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.308.P.ALLEN IN CHARGE. eee edteed THE GENTLEMAN OP PAROID ano =—ROOFING == In three weights suitable for farm, factory and railroad — made of selected material,is product of twenty five years en- deavor and is beyond question best prepared roofing on market. ’Wa the day of specialists.The care 8 mo exception.It is justaspftanttohaveskilledatientionfor c aut»as it is for your watch. Many a day’s sport has becn spoiled just because the carhad becn m'strcated andwouldnotwork. When your car needs repairing come to the one placc where such work is a specialty—consequently done right. — Se eenm A BARGAIN. WE HAVE —- THREE KIT:HiN CABINETS St A eS Se that we secured ct a bargain and we will sell them the same way.They are hand put together with bolts and screws,rat proof,flour bin.They are the thing for the kitchen,let us show’them to you. made, |casAMGi pont 50 isterre adistance —~=const as far as “Conceriterranean:there remains "aesa yeseawestofalinefroraPt.de les quett to 38 degrees 20 minutesand6degreeseast,as well as j;and west of a zone sixty seabroadalongtheNorthAtfricanwest =ii on (7)degreeswest “In order to connect this sea trict with Greece,zonetwentyseamilesinwidthiffseenfollowingthisline: |el ght dogrees north and 6‘enet,88 devrees north and|grees 30 minutes east,to 34|nerth and 11 degrees 30 minutesto34degreesnorthand11degrees|minutes east to 34 degrees north and! 122 degrees 80 «minutes east.i thereit leads to a sone twenty sea|miles broad west of 22 degrees ninutes east longitude crritorial waters,‘Neutral ships plying within the|barred zones do go at their own risk. |Mithough precautions are being tak-jen to spare neutral ships which on|ebruary 1 are on the way to ports.n the barred zone,during anpriatedelay,yet it is wu tly to be vuivieet that they sfourovtedtootherroutes by |reans availabie.“Neutral shipslying in ports of,he barred zones canok the same!safety abandon the barred zones iftheysailbeforeFebruary5andtaketheshortestrouteintotheopendis-srict.“Traffic of regular American pas-wh r steamers can go on unmolest-| adiA—Falmouth is taken as the ayfdestination;and if,B—On the going and return jour-aey the Scilly Islands,as well as thedegreesnorth,20 degrees 1 e| From | 30 |into Greek| i i t af s E F E & t this timepeople|oatself-|a willingness|to “register tyforce wor armsits pro- anttallen and bill me!eer Pri-Her by Senator WilbDemocrat,whocause,as he said,he did|handicap President Wilson with pos-/sible Japanese complications during|the present international crisis.ae teatenttted DON’T TAKE A CHANCE! |Statesville People|‘Should Act in Time.} If you suffer from backache; If you have headaches,dizzy spells;| if the kidney secretions are irreg- ular, Den’t delay—likely are sick. Statesville people Doan’s Kidney Pitts. your kidneys ' recommend { Pictured above is the Hub-Mark Storm 81 FFROM the Attantic to théPacific,from theGulfto:Lakes,this is the favorite rubberofmenandwomenaoeanddressyrubberthatisareal rain.This Storm Slipper is alsomadeformen, Hub-Mark Rubber Footwearis madein a widevarietyofandstylestocoverthestormyweatherneedsofmen,boys and girls in town or country. The Hub-Matk is your value mark, HUB-MARTheWorld's Standard Rubber FootForsalebyallgooddealers.~ “THE STATESVITLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY | Appreciates the very liberalfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW oneand Ob.Our officeis an open one,and weinvite acustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomertousethesamewhentheysodesire,As inpast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEwill andthathaswonforthisCompanytheconfidenceofoverseventeen“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT We will be glad to have you call at ourforanyinformation,or telephone No,544if ourservicein We do NOTARYPULICwork also.J.F.CARLTON, Here’s a Statesville woman's expe- |rience: |Mrs.Eugene Fesp2rman,828 w. =St.,Statesville,says:“I had | ‘harp pains across my kidneys and ee twinges in my limbs and shoulders.One of the family advised| ‘me to try Dean's Kidney Piils and 1} -atsupply from the Statesville| rug Co,After taking a few doses,| I was relieved of the pain in my back ‘end the rheumatic twinges disapnear-| ed.Whenever I have any sign of kidney trouble now,I use Doan’sKid west,be steered on.Along this ney Pills and they do me good.”route no German mines will be laidon%jourt oy Price 502, vear the following special signals simpiy ack for a kidney remedy—zet which only they will be a —Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs.Feeperman had.Foster-MiburndisplayinAmerieanports:A coaofpaintontheship's bull and “the superstructure in vertices!stripes Co,,Props.,Buffalo,N.YchreemetersLroad,alternating white ——--- und red;on every mast a larre flag »f checkered white and red,on theterntheAmericannationalflag;luring darkness the national flag and ‘he coat of paint to be as easily recyenizableaspossiblefromadis.anee;and the ships must be com-aletele and brightly illuminated.7 ENDS CATARRH,ASTD 1 WHY SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? pas pes|‘Toutes.“tne at Bronchitis,Croup,Coughs and .;nie , meney beck.Sold and cuaraniecd WHEN -—~—- Falmouth on undays,leaving Fa!- ‘uvduo 9)snag Sttasegers at all deaicrs.Don'tIredellHardwareCo. —nnsemenre e e —eea ——-oeSe eea Taylor Elastic Felt Mattress.The g it 30 days and if not found as we:turn it tous and get your mo “is made of the very best white felt and No.|! We can also fit you up with the best of anyspringyoumaydesire.Our stock is complete indepartmentandweawaityourinspection. Williams Furniture House lees | ‘‘The Favorite Store.” Hall’s Headache Powder ais a WILL STOP THE PAIN ro givensby the "Americangovern:ment that these steamers carry noIN10MINUTES—10 CENTS, HALL’S DRUG STORE, man list of contraband).‘F |0 W ¢r S Phone No,20, “Two copies of maps on which the |House Passed Immigration Bill | |.arred zones are outlined are added.” Over President's Veto. ‘For All Occasions! “a % a. Washington Dispatch,ist.PresidentWilson's”veto of the im- migration bill because of its literacy test feature wes over-ridden in the House ——by a vote of 268 to 1106.Party :ines —in e fight,Republicans ai ng.almost equally divided on cherUSEBRICK! The best town in the State should use The bestbrickmadeintheState.This townis blessed with brick of high quality,reasonable price.You certainly cannot alford not to build withwpportageFray‘After this date old prices will effect locallysameasforseveralyears.*COMMON BRICK.FACE BRICK.FIREBIRCK. STATEOVELE.BRICK.Co. OF STATESVILLE,N.©, ~Capital Stock Paidin aaa 31,500.00SarplasandProfits Members of Federal Reserve System, Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de-positors consistent with prudent hank- ing methods. Four per cent,paidon time and Savings Deposits rernftaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,-BK.MORRISON,-D.M.AUSLEY,&.B.HUGHEX, Tomorrow the action of the House|will he Sue —oe ie te —‘the bill passed originally °|An effort to over-ride these three,|advecates of the measure say,iscertaintobesuccessful.For 20 years there has been afighttoestablishaliteracytestas2 restriction ~~immigration.Four|timesoe se i.run Br igauntlet of Congressandbeen vetoe:lat the White House.PresidentCleve-jland first disapproved a bill on thisandCongrosssustainedhisaction.——=was theoot to it.oceasion the2.oted to over-ride 2 >butbat the oun 1 to iy niessanine—In ile.Seca entfusedtopermitabillto oa be a ytae b+four vot ahon28tothenandthe We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Fe e og od ge . Van Lindley (o., oe|SEE ME WHEN YOU NEED Watches,Jewelry,Silverware orKodake,‘1 ——RN — — ee THE LANDMARK WORK OF LEGISLATURE. AY,--February 6,1917. FOUND TWO OF THE LEAKS A Pair of W on Newspa- per Correapondent Admit Dispatch,3d..pipe lines through which‘ormation of identnoteflowedsurrepti- ‘all street in New York street,in Chicago,wer«today by the congressionalcommittee.disclosures and.the vau-of a elegrapher-wit- ~-enlivened the —Out ofamazingturnofevent:cael ws probebilit that some ofthepreviouswitnessesbeforethecom..,face perjury charges whergetsaroundtothem, Two ee,a.Fred.Bssary o'-and Wiliam W.Price ofStar,adnaitted on the»stand that they had connec.'with broke:age houses,and tha‘both transmitted intelligence|ene oe administration's peaccmovetwohoursafterSecre-Lansing had announced the fact| it covdagenpoco a,sent ramsChicagofirmsofFinley,Bar-Co.,and to Clement,CurtissonDecember20,announcingthatawas>—concern :ice sai get Goinesinconfidence,as djespondents,but that fehiscolleagues talizing thifthatherothesehouse: writing the.Hutton &Co.,Newwhichthenowfa-*and Ali,”wascontainedastartlingforecastofwhatthePres-“—actually did contain.Henotgettheinformationofficialsource,but based itralknowledgeof”£E received $75 afromtheraticnationaloesatimeduringthecampaign.A.Roper,a telegraph oper-by F.A.Connolly &n correspondents ofYHuttonCo.in New York,whoEssary’s message,gaveBolling,President Wil--in-law,a clean bill of80astheleakisconcern- Contradictory testimony given lateinthe“leak”inquiry wasbythecongressionalcom- ’as of so grave a nature as to the committee to abandon aformulatedearlierinthedaytotheingsinew‘ork because it was fe't that the in- ternational situation demanded theoftheRepresentativesin Washington.Testimony differs as to whether F.A.Connolly,the Washington brokerendpartnerofR.W.Bolline.Presi-dent Wilson's brother-in-law,sent his forecast of the President's recent meace note to FE.F.Hutton &Co.,New York brokers,over his privatewireorbysomeotherroute.Connolly had testified that he sent the informaticn in a message now missing,between 1.15 and 1.30 o'clockafternoonofDecember20,on the private wire Joseph W Becker utton’sashingtonwire, operator on the swore that he was on the wire from ita opening to th@osingonDecember20,and that nx guch meseage as Connolly desembed @ver came to himker’s stetement =stirred thcommitteetocreatactivity.Impress- as several committeemen =said, with Becker's apparent sincerity and recollection of events of De- 20,they insisted on follow ing up his declaration without delay _EaenERERENETERE ANeverTookDoseofMedicine. Enquirer.,J.L.Polk of Mineral SpringslastTuesdayandreportedofMaryThom the board OF et Number of New Bills Intro- duced—Progress of Others. Among the bills introduced in the Senate since our last report are the following:°To provide for an elevator in the }capitol;for better protection ef con-!using $x |military and naval expensessignorsandconsigneespresscompanies;to authorizerchaseofalotonSalisburystreet ‘acing the capitol and adjoining let now owned by State;to provide fire protection for State institutions and the safeguarding the lives of the in- to intimidation of jurors and_wit- nesses;for the relief of individuals in trade;to amend the law relative to enticing labor;to compel board of drainage commission to publish state- ment of accounts;to encourage for- estry and purchase of land for theStateinstitutionfortuberculosisiHokecounty;to amend law relativetecancellationofmortgagesand deeds of trust.|Bills in Senate that have passed second and third reading:To give lodging house keepers lien on bag-; gage until lodging is paid;to permit the amendment of charters of char-litable,educatioral and penal institu-|tions not under the-control of the!State;to amend the law relative to, carrying concealed weapons.The pro-)visions of this bill imposes a mini- mum penalty of fine of $50 or 30) day>’imprisonment for first offence! and the penalty increases for each succeeding offence.| Bills introduced in the House:To provide for organization of municipal| governments,to amend act relative|te issuance of bonds by Mooresvillegradedschooldistrict;to permit high!school pupils to attend high schools|in adjoining counties;to require fer-| tilizer manufacturers to use lime asfillersinallfertilizerssoldinNorthCarolina;to increase efficiency in tu-berculosis patients;+o authorize county commissioners to increase, pensions to Confederate veterans;toamendlawrelativetolevyingandcollectingtaxes.Bills passed in the House:To es-tablish office of State boiler inspec- tor;to authorize printing of 500 cop-ies of proceedings in case of CubaagainstNorthCarolina,involving re- pudiated bond question;relative toestablishmentofnurses’examining What 8 Catawba Family Suf-fered in Mexico and Texas. Newton Dispatch,2d. A good idea of what American set-tlers in Mexico have suffered is af-forded by a letter written by Mrs.Gerard Miller of Texas to Mrs.Vir- ginia F.mee.‘a kinswoman,of thisplace.Her husband,formerly of thiscounty,and a son of Rev.Adam Mil-ler,a noted Lutheran minister ofearlydaysinCatawba,purchased a ranch in Mexico eight years ago andmovedtheretodevelopit.He con-tracted fever and died there.When the revolutions began,Ernest Mille,,second son of the family,was shot inthebackbyaMexicanassassin,andkilledinstantly.Villa’s men cameandmortallywoundedAddiaLamar Miller,another son,and looted theranch.The family now has lost the property,cattl and equipment and all the investment and labor ofyears.Moving back to Texas,_still engaged in the ranching business, they have in common with al!thepeoplefromSanAntoniotoBrowns- ville,suffered vast damage from rec- ord-breaking droughts.For 14monthsduring1916and1917nota drop of rain fell;and no rain has fallen since last October.Not a seed was planted during that time;feed has gone to unknown prices,corn selling for $1.55 a bushel in a landfcorn,nermaliy;eattle have died or been shipped far away to pasture, and people have been in straits.Mrs.Miller is a sister of the Mauney brothers of King’s Mountain and Cherryville,well-known cotton mill men and merchants. stitutions:to amend the law relative!West Indies. Loe NT OS EE rere The annual fortifieations bill,car- rying $51,000,000 passed by the House Monday,passed the SenateThursdayunamended. WA containing proposals for a tax on ex- cess profits and an increase in in- tax,passed theheritanceHouse -|day by a strict party vote,211 to 196.It now goes to the Senate,where itwillbetakenupwithinafewdays.The bill is cesigned to raise about$248,000,000 to meet increased inheritance wxesonnetincomesofco-partnershipsandcorporations.It alsoeaeeees bond issues aggregating $1tocoverthepurcha-e of the DanishAlaskanrailroad ex- penditures and other permanent in- vestments.Two North Carolina ie Congressmen,RepresentativesandDoughton,voted against the bill.They were two of four Democratswho—it.RepresentativesSmall,Kitchin,Hood,Stedman,God-win and Webb voted for the meas-ure,and Representative Pou wasnoired:he is ill.Represeritative Britt,Republican,voted against the meas-ure. tiANewCheeseMan.| A new cheese man has now been \put on by the Agricultural ExtensionServicetoaidinthedevelopmentofcheesefactoriesinthemountains’of |western North Carolina.It has.beenfoundimpossibleforMr.F.R.Farn-ham,who is now doing this work fortheanimalindustrydivision,to han-dle the numerous requests.that .~in,and for this reason Mr.D,R -land,a graduate of Cornell Univer- sity and a native of Haywood county, has been secured to do the s@me {| enue Bill Passed House,|£ The administration revenue bill,jf work which Mr.Farnham is now en- gaged in.For the present Mr.No-|land is teaching in the new shortcourseforcheese-makers and would-|be cheese-makers,held at the A.&M.College,Raleigh. TRY “CASCARETS”FORLIVERANDBOWELS IF |SICK OR BILIOUS!§ Tonight!Clean Your BowelsandStopHeadache, Sour Stomach! Get a 10-cent box now.1Turntherascalsout—the head-| eche,biliousness,indigestion,thesick,sour stomach and bad colds—} Colds,§ turn them out tenight and keep them out with Cascarets.Millions of men and women take [§then and neverbyalazy }upset * a Casceret now andknowthemiserycausedliver,clogged bowels,or an stomach.Don't put in another day of dis- tress Let Casearets cleanse yourstomach;remove the sour,ferment-ing food;take the excess bile from your liver and carry out al!the con- stipeted wasie matter and poison inthebowels.Then you will fee!great,A Cosearet tonight straightensvououtbymorning.They work while you sleep.A 10-cent box fram any drug store means a clearsweetstomachcodclean,healthyerandbowelactionformonths.Children iove Cascarets because theynevergripeorsicken.| COVERS DENSELY —LOOKS LIKE. MEL.| “In all my experience as a painterIhaveneverseentheequalof | ‘ ®; ' .i ; ’:'® It will cover more surface,and cover | it better,than anything !have ever used.Its finished appearance looks like Enamel.C.E.MASON,M.P,,“Marshall,Texas.”t FOR SALF BYLazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,’ Statesville,N.C i NEW VICTOR RECORDS Of BIGHT HITS from the lat- est musical shows.The best of the Broadway Hits are now avail-} able and canbe heard at AN+] DREWS'!.No matter how faery you are fromNewYork,you may] enjoythecreamof the season's} : i : atax ' if ‘ 66 Come Backeo In a voice that rings with healthy appreciation of your trade.YoualwaysreceivethisinvitationwhenyouvisittheCarolinaMo- tor Company: “COME BACK AGAIN!” No weak-voice,sad-tone,wet-eye invitation this!But one thatstrikesyourear-drums with a whole-soul,honest man-to-man note of hospitality in it. You can’t dodge the spirit of fellowship in which this invita-tionishandedto you;itslipsthe gear of cheerfulness and cor-diality into the cogs of bad humor;and it leaves you with the know that we like you for yourself—not for the moneyyouhavespent—which is a fact. Behind our vigorous “COME BACK AGAIN!”you sense our deter-mination to hew to the line of a clean-cut business policy of | making one price—and a fair price—to everybody;that weplay’no favorites;that we avoid any attempt to match our wits against yours in order to secure an advan ;that weindulgeinnohide-and-seek game in prices;and that no manpaystheCarolinaMotorCompanyanextraprofittomakeup a loss on some other customer. stranger who stops at our gasoline tank receives the samecourteousattention,the same considerate scale of prices,thatweextendtoourmostvaluedcustomers;and when he de- parts,his departure is by our earnest God-speedandsincereinvitation:BACK AGAIN!” big idea behind this welcome is to build a solid brick house somewhere in your system in which to store the positiveknowledgethatwhenyoutradewiththeCarolinaMotorCom-pany it is always on a basis of FULL VALUE RECEIVEDFORYOURMONEY! CAROLINA MOTOR COMP’Y.| “WE NEVER CLOSE.” ar}ies td 30 el Prices range frm $20 to $750, Shown above is cut of Model 100,price $190. Come in for a demon- with us for the ters have abouthileourplanthas threeweeks,finished mentsare completed,weBESTINTHECOUNTRY.Our doesnot =this, Av ¢from youwillbe appreciated b _When buying BOTTLE drinks, the one SANITARY drink,if look for this crown. ON|HG ¢ Drink AagGoges InBottles |andWehavehadthecarpenters plumbers theirbeenratedalwaysCLEANandSANITARY,whenthedawnp MOORESVILLE.STATESVILLE.NEWTON. and the jwork..as taiesetycan“show YOU". WATCH FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT LATER. ‘andthat isbottledbyus) the y marched to the armorydisbanding.Inter to go to their re-ae eacom,returning wereeejutanarry>a Wed- go later toamusteredout,=he isintheShelbycompany.Regi-riermaster Ser,itRamsey,officer of the Shel-y,is expected at his home Preparations are being made for™ng out of the local ¢om-1 %State treops were mus-out under the United Statesservice.Preparations are nowtomusterthetroopsin-‘ederal service.The Waynes-has received oreie <= a b t i i ee r “f a Possib'lities de-relations of thewithGermanyhavedelayedthemustering.night at the armory a ban-was held at 7 o’clock in honortheIredellBlues,the affair beinggeofthelocalchapteroftheughtersoftheConfedera-ey.There were speeches by MayorCaldwell,Capt.Westmoreland,Maj.and others.Following theaninformalreceptionwasthepeopleofthetowncallingthereturnedsoldiers.At 9abasketballgamewasplay-ed wanrees yee and =~College.e soldiers were guests ohonoratthegame. Orders By Board of Education. The following orders were passedthecountyboardofeducationatitsregularmonthlymeetingMon- et cost—$25.70—for improve-ts at Shawnee school;N.R.Kin-ney $150 on county map;that a tractof10acres,more or less,beReidat$100acre;that ber be furnishedbuildingtwopriviesatScott's;“paint be furnisned for Shawneeardlumberforrepairing,patrons to do the work;thatF.Gaither be aupointed highcommitteomanforHarmonySchoolirtheplaceofP.H.y,and Jo.Tharpe publiccommitteemaninplaceof.Gaither;A.B.Richardson appoint-ed committeeman for Rocky SpringsinsteadofM.W.Smith.Culver H.Smith was appointed at-tendance officer for Eagle Mills town- Chureh Services. Services for children wil!be heldSundaymorningat11o'clock °irue an =z f will be “The Brazen Ser-.”Special music for ‘the chil-dren.Everybody cordially invited to .&P. h at Sharon Lutheranundaymorningat11o'clock.Broad Street Mission,Study classafternoonat it y church The You MissionaryanyofBroadMethodistwillmeetwithMrs,A.J,Sal-es at 3.30 o ,Mrs.C..L.Cruse as leader. D.O.K.K.Will Held Ceremo- -|ef heads. of i the vessel constitutesthe“overt act”that will theUnitedStatesintotheofthewarturmoil,At the White House there was sol-emn deliberations and serious shakingEveryteeofinforma-tion as to the California sinking warhurriedtothePresidentatonce.Tie|momentous possibilities of the infor-mation were.aofeveryofficial.tin the conduct Consul Frost was at once directed}!-|to make a complete report.Presi-dent Wilson and his advisers watchedanxiouslytodetermine:WhethertherewereAmericansonboardtheCaliforniaandwhetheranyAmeri-cans were lost;whether vesselwassunk“without warning.”Thislatterquestion,the State Departmentdeclared,was the essential clementwhichmustbepresenttomakethe'sinking of the California the dreaded“overt act.”Early reports made nementionofthiscircumstance.Confident the nation is behind him.following the indorsement of his inter-national position by the Senate by anoverwhelmingvote,tae President wa:tonight apparently determined to hold Germany to the strict letter of hisultimatumdeliveredwhenheannounc-ed the break with Germany to theCongress.Preparations placing thwarmachineryofthenationinorderforinstantuseincaseofneedwentsteadilyforward.Secretary of WarBakerandSecofNavyDanielsoftheirorgan.izations ready for instant service.Meantime,under the personal direec-tion of the President,every possible precaution was taken to prevent anyaffronttoGermany,in the ‘handlingofthedelicatesituation.ExplicitinstructionsastoprotectingGermanlivesandGermanpropertyinthiscountrywereissued.American ship-ping was notified that the grave sit-uation made sailings to the war zoneinadvisable.‘sie naval convoys|®for merchant ships were refused.A member of the President's cabi-ret said tonight that the propertyrightsofGermancitizensintheInit-States will be hed inviolate eventhoughactualhostilitiesbetweenthetwocountriesdevelop,despite all pre-cautions.A statement to this effectwillbeforthcomingfromeithertheWhiteHouseortheStateDepartmenshortly.President Wilson,it is saidhasdeterminedtoadheretothetermsoftheancienttreatywithPrussia signed in 1828,guaranteeing to thecitizensofeachcountrycompleteprotectionintheirpropertyrirhtsforaperiodofatleastniemonthsfol-lowing the outbreak of any war be-tween the two countries.The administration’s attitude to-ward American shipping sailing forportsinthewarzonewasmadeclea:today.The State Department in acommunicationtoP.A.S.FranklinoftheInternationalMereantileMa- rine,flatly declined to furnish a na-val convoy for the liner St.Louis.TheR.|Sailing of the St.Loets was then can-celed.The text of the department’:communication was temporarily withheldfrompublication.State depart|ment officials,however,made it clearthatthedecisionwasbaseduponthcadministration's desire to go to al’possible lengths to prevent a physica’ at Street Methodist church.The’ clash with Germany.It was statedthattheplacingofAmericanmer-chant ships under a convoy would bepracticallyan“act of war”towardGermanyandthattheadministrationisnotpreparedtotakesuchastep.ItwasmadeclearthatAmericanvessels_|must take the risks of the wer zonePriceofHickorywill!on their own shoulders without physi- cal protection,although the StateDepartmentassertsthecompleterighofAmericanvesselstotravel,andcoy?that if transgressed those rightswillbevindicated. in America:After conferring with Presi-dent Wilson,Secretary of War Bakeranofficialannouncementastc i f f ae =+ fh : ATESVILLE,N.©.,FRIDAY FFBRU ARY 9,1917. -|birthday ea. lodgers;to proteet women;tolawrelativetotemporarylarceny ofautomobilesan’other vehicles;regulate expenditure of moneyinmatesofNorthCa“—ages;to amend law itive to :State passes held by ¢amend law relative to use viles;to provide for Statemanagementinvestigation;tolawrelativetoitemized asevidenceincivilsuits;to lawrelativetoageofconsent;to regv- amend late fees of justices of the toamendlawsrelativetoeducationoftheblind;to tesaleofmedicine;to amend p rel-ative to arrest of felons;to - ize payment of $15,000 Se. icoure teude,dremsan2Renn’apures,toamendlawrelativetofiremen’s telietund,Bills introduced in the House:ByGrier,to authorize commissioners ofIredelltopayexpensesofveteranseeseumtonasDetaxdogs;to -sa gasoline:to oomerieeforSchoolforBlindandDeaf;toregulatesaleanddistributionag-ricultural seeds;to prevent foresfires;to exempt certain entertain-ments from license tax;to preventconflictsbetweenwhiteandcoloredraces;to amend law relative to hir- ing and serving;to require ownersofselventcreditstofilelistofsame;to regulate guardians and executors;to amend law relative to publicprinting;to save life from fire;topreventandcontrolinfectiouseases,by Grier;totionoftaxes;te am law relativetoseizureofdistilleriesbysheriffs;to relieve crop lien law;to amendconstitutionsoastolimitserviceofcertainofficials;to ide for elec-tion of county education;oftovideforprintingof toBis‘tpnine nfl inanenprovi4toamendlawrelativetoofaus temobiles;to protect conv againsttubercularcontagion;to amend lawrelativetocommercialfertilizer;toprovideforrecaptureofescapedfel-onsThe bill to limit service of certainofficialswouldfixthelimitforcon-stitutional State officersterms,executive officers of countiesatthreeterms,excepting education- al,judicial,legislative and healthficers.The Senate has passed the follow-ing bills:To require the erection ofguidepostsonthehighwaysofNorthCarolina;to authorize the GovernortoappointjusticesofthepeacefortheseveralcountiesoftheState;toappointC.A.Lintz to succeed him-self as highway commissioner forsixyears;for the better protectionofpersonsonthepublichighways;to allow absentee voters to vote;toamendthelawrelativetoapplicantstopracticemedicine;for uniformwarehousereceipt;to change the ti-tle of the head of the School for theBlindandDeaffromprincipaltosu-perintendent and making the head teachers principals.Bills introduced in the Senate:Toamendthelawrelativetotheremov-al of cases before justices of thepeace;to amend the law to providethatsonsofConfederateveterans may serve on pension boards;to providefortheinspectionofoils,gaso-line,ete.;to promote the welfare oftheStatebytheestablishmentofag-ricultural districts;relating to the erop lien;to provide for printing ofStateofficers;relative to the sale ofvealpropertybyexecutorsandad-ministrators to pay debts and relstivetosalesmadebytrustees;toamendthelawrelativetotheexaminationbythesolicitoroftheofficeofclerksoftheSuperiorCourts;topreventandcontrolofcertaininfec-tious diseases,by Turner;to amendthelawrelativetopresentingclaimsofexecutors,ete.;to amend the lawrelativetochemicalfertilizersa:‘|cotton seed meal. Mr.J.H.Jenkins and FamilyHurtByAutomobileAccident. Mr.J.H.Jenkins wes severelyhurt,his wife suffered a broken col-lar bone and other hurts,his twindaughters,Misses cena and Venawerebadlybruised,his young son,Leona slightly hurt and aanceJenkins, at two party wesidingturnedoverthreemilesbelowroresvillerMcWednesday.Mr.Jenkins and his family werewaytoConcordtoattendthtionofMrs,Jenkins’father,Mr.Frank Wilson.BelowMooresvilleMr.Jenkins,who we automobile,endeavored!another car and lost contro!which overturned down an embankment.Mr.Jenkins was most seriously ’internal on i mem-eG be- sent from ones Sia a in i it 2 ; Fe Special Correspondence of The Landmark. ria,43ondteen CS ahusbandwayonebusinessmenofleaderinthechurch,of which bothandconsecratedmem pastor,Kev.was laid te rest inbeneathamoundof flowers. ward. A Mrs.Criscoe of Concord,formerly lived here,died Tuesday andwasbrowhereforburialnesday of the Statesville Roller Mills,andoccupiedbyMr.wife and two children,near Prospecteastofto’ pants out.against the windshield with turned over rs.Jenkins was thrown en,and Mr.Jenkins was seriously hurt.The daughterpinned and heard her call for help.Mrs.Jenkins was carried to the home ofMr.Kennedy,nearby,and Dr.McLel-land of Mooresville rendered promptmedicalattention. ed in a short time and the party wastakenbacktoStatesvilleinMr.Jenkins’machine,which was onlyslightlydamaged.Fae H.TC cctutealt team wiliplayOakRidgeInstitutehereFridayeveningintheAthleticHall.game will be called at 8 o'clock. the two teams at the home of Mrs.Kipka..Mrs.Jehn Cook of Concord ad-dressed the ladies and young people'smissionarysocietiesofSt.Mark'sLutheranchurchlastSundayafter-noon.Mrs.Cook is an enthusiasticmissionaryworkerandhertalkwashelpfulandinspiring.rs.R.H.Tomlinson spent twodaysthisweekwithrelativesinDa-vidson.Miss Vista Propes of New-ton is a visitor at the Tomlinson homeMr.A.I).Melchor spent Monday inStatesvilleonbusiness.The Civic League held its regular meeting Monday in the chamber of commerce rooms, FROM TAYLORSVILLE. The Keep of the County HomeandRoadMachineryMattersUp—Death and Other Hap-penings. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Feb.8 —The boardofcountycommissioners,in regularsessionMonday,received five sealedbidsforkeepingtheinmatesofthecountyhome.The matter was left open until next Monday,when they have a called meeting. good roads commissionerswereinsessionMondayafternoonandanumberofroadmachineryagentswerepresent.They will be in session again Monday.Alexander Superior Court will con- vene Monday,February 19,with Judge Ferruson presiding.Mr.W.A.Barnette nas bought MrW.B.Norris’house and lot in the western part of town and will movehisfamilythereassoonasMr.andMrs,Samuel Merry vacate the house.After a long illness Mr.Philo §ons died Tuesday afternoon athishomeinthecottonmillvillage. was 71 years of age and issurvivedbyfoursonsandfivedaugh-ters.The interment was at Friend-ship Lutheran church. H.W.and W.S.MurdockBoughtFerminPleden—Notes ‘wrrespandenre of The Landmark Statesville.R-4,Feb.7 Miss F}- la White of Mooresville spent sev-eral days last week at the home ofMr.and Mrs.T.J.Murdock.MissMariettaMurdockisvisitingrela-tives in Charlotte.Mr.and Mra.W.P,Shumaker and little daughter,Loia,of Winston-Salem,spent Sat-urday night with Mrs.Shumaker’s fother,Mr DPD.L.Webb.=J.Nantz,who has been at g's Sanatorium for treatmentformorethantwo‘months,is athomeanddoingnicely.Mr.M.W Cornelius,Who has been confined tohisbedforseveralweeks,continuesthesame..J.E.Webb has bought a nnyfornoneCoolSpring.Mesers.H. ‘.8.Murdock,whoa320-acre farm in Bladen ,expect to move to it uae coreytate 4 of with.Weintheto‘oneofthe best M Feb;8 —Mrs.MaryJohnston,widow of the late Wm.Johnston,at her home Everhart,18she|was accidentally xiltea in Davidson and the bodycitycemeteryTruly,a good woman has passed to her re- who Wed- On vere *morning a car be-longing to enon head miller Jenkins with his church,a few miles}backthrowingalltheoccu- sucht|force that her collar bone was brok- unconscious for.a time,but was notwasththecarandwasre-leased by a man who was passing Dr.Gibson of.|Statesville was summoned and arriv- TheOnnextWednesdayeveningtheywilllayWinstonandthegirlsoftheHighSchoolwillgiveareceptionfor|position Fire ito$150,000 to thesectionof—Belk Bros.wastheheaviestloser. Monday night,aged 23 ,husband and two abies caret, Clois countybythedischargeof a shotgun*his own hands,wiewoning a‘ence.Walter Griffith,a negro,fellstoriesdownanelevatorshaft athotelinAsheville.He was chant and cotton manufacturer of dropped al Gelert ile “OatesyatnisnterhomeinSt.Petersburg,Fla. A site has at las n selected forGuilfordcounty's urt house onWestketstreet,Goldsboro,at a140,000.The building willhalfmillionorbetter. The North Carolina CommercialSecretaries,in sessiog at Gastonia,went on record as favoring a Statechamberofcommerceandateewasappointedtotakeup matter./, kee county,Oklahoma,a ;Nag’s Head and othertheeasternNorthCarol: John Ward,a young white mangivingCharlotteashisheme,arrested in Charlott®on the charge ,acashedbyaGreensboro firm. Lee Honeycutt of Salisbury,whorecentlytriedtocommitsuicideaf-ter he had shot and killed Miss LindyCasper,died from self-inflicted mile and was hadly burned and near-ly frozen when he got there. The civil action begun in DurhamagainstthecitybyProf.SummerfieldMcCartneywascompromisedthecitvpayingMr.McCartneyhalfoftheunexpiredterm.xneyallegedthethehadbeenfiredaaforeignlanguageteacherintheschoolsbythesuperintendent. Rocky Mount has employed MissN.M.Albis as whole-time healthnurse.Rowan commissioners haveappropriated$1,000 towards the an-nual salary of a whole-time healthofficer.Salisbury,Spencer and EastSpencercombinedwillgive$1,000more.The commissioners specifythattheofficermustcomefromout of the county. Patrick Thornburg,aged 24 years,of Newton,member of Company A,|ii killed Tuesday as the soldierwasleavingKnoxville,Tenn.Thorn-burg and several were on topofthetraintakingalastviewofKnoxville,when the trainderabridge,knockingoffandhediedafewminutes later. Sudden Death of Child—NewsFromHarmony Correspondence of The landmark. Harmony,R-1,Feb.6 —A small child of Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Marlow,who live in the ow communi-ty.died quite suddenly last Sundayafternoonabout6o'clock.The moth-er had been out a short time andwhenshereturnedfoundthesufferingwithsomekindofWhenthedoctorarrivedextinct.This affliction seems heavyontheparents,as this is the thirdonethathasdied,two in infancy and altheothersomeolder.little white coffr and the tender,sweet Rbabewithinwasviewedwithtear-dimmed eyes in the church atClarksbury.Mr.Frank York spokesomeencouragingwordstothebe-};reaved ones and the scene was verypathetic.We're .day by bday,of the short of life,Thelifelessformwaslaidinthechurch-yard at Clarksbury Tuesday at 1%o’cleck.Our sympathy goes out tothebereavedonesinthissadafflic- sick are convalescing andthereisnomorecasesofiesuptothiswriting.We the measlesangSumpewillsoon Rspell.|life was Labadiy in but his injuries are notexpectedtofatal.an osr.R.een owes y mer-|Charlott First North Carolina Infantry,was/|cerstrain child|John ia d * a= Se n ee ee e tm ie- Sane migration Bill. ~FRIDAY,--February 9,1917.as stated in Tuesday’s Landmark boro News,——-.Sssa.a,the Senate passed the immigrationHydrophobiainHenderson4,1)over the Xs Undoubtedl du Achievement _—Crowning From your point of view this announcement is most important.® For hereinwesetforththe achievernent toward which this companyhas aimed for the last eight years. This achicvement ia a word is the completion of cur gigantic organization to a point where we can make and mzrket a complete line of automo- biles under one head, This meens tremendors economics—-much great- er than ever bcfore. This me273 the Chaalacatiea of al!wosic motion and much greater facwry cfhoiencs all tact4ews This racens ¢.cven ligher prade cf cars <7 fn 07>ntica ve prices. ‘All of which meanea subetantia:co.ig vor yor on the xcxt cor you buy. SOF RC.the first time ia ie iuloy ef the autorotile business we ae one sine ic ovyanize- tion offer the public a full and compicte line o. extomebiicc. desk i ‘Shis concentration—ihis creotcer ef cizcv—Uus more effective means of pull.og fogecier is geing to set a new standard of Jovy esecd veh -pradc automobile values. For we operate on the basisof— —one exceutive organization —one factory management —one purchasing unit —one sales expense —one group cf deelers to plan,produceand sell oli Overland,Willys and Willys-Knight models. Buying power is concentrated.Costsaredis- ictouted over all these cars.The savings are enormous.. As a result we arc producingcarsof exceptional “yality—and marketing them at unusually low ry ery “vcry car is bullc to a rigid standard of per- sronce,comfort ind appearance. Tag new models ..-c Usted in this announcement..ot bithrde Overlia:d medels ftom the of...ble $665 Light Four to the bea Six Scdan at $1585. “3 feclude also the big,handsome Willys- 4...ghis from the Four at $1285,to the super eient Hight at £1950. ‘hose new mode:e establish price records,value-cords and performance records which we believe‘wil prove to the publie conclusively thet the vastconomiesofvastproductionarethekeynoteand manufacturing secret of the greatest value for the leact rmourt of nomey. ;|Statesville Overland Sales Company, Phone 512. "Overland Light i:vu:Models “Madei Literacy Text Provision of Im-THE LANDMARK President's veto.TheHousealreadyhadconeso.The literacy test provided for in the bill “oe from the United States all @liens over 16 years of age who catmot read the English language or some other language or dialect,including Hebrew or Yiddish.Any admissible alien,however,oranycitizenoftheUnitedStatesmay bring in or send for his father,or grandfather,over 55 years of age,his wife,mother,grandmother or un- martied or wicowed daughter,if oth-erwiee admissible,remardless ot whether such reletives can read. Immediately after the Senate’s ac- on she,too,was rushed to I tion,Representative Gardner of Mas-sachusetts intreduced in the House aSomesevero]weeks aro,-;;,Sseeks@enewimmigrationmeasuretolimit_—Slcha tos eet!=numbers of ——-pars into :4 .this country to a total of 200,000 in and a hog.The children were rushed excess of the outgoing aliens.*j thetoRalei—==.}ota President Cleveland vetoed ones end &ie new known first immigration ———ae‘eracy test provision.President TaftaeDeleeteeneee|disapproved the second bill and in 1 19°5 President Wilson rejectedblyresultMytooneortwoofmeasure.President Wilson wrote his second veto message a few weeks izens ofCountyFamily. French Broad Hustler. Mrs.MeFall is dead,her husbandandfouroftheirchildrenhaveeith-er taken Pasteur treatment or arenowtakingsameinRaleighforhy-drophobia.Mrs.MeFall,who lived atRugby,died soon after giving birthtoachildlastFriday.The child atthetimedidnotshowanysymptomsoftheplagueandaMrs.Hefner,a neighbor,who also had a young ba- by,volunteered to care for the youngcFallchild.A day or so later Mrs.Hefner contracted signs of bgt vice: tives iy were others.The physician attendfamilylef:Tuesday for Ra States and but four of them havebeeninthelast35years. JIM THARPE will and the latest re-are getting along i ago.on a ohne,te Soom |Only 30 vetoes have been overrid-the airms,and her baby left for den in the history of the United measles are chat entire county is aroused over ou moreaesSeesaeaegeacsheycudWookforfies,the wantsOnero!et Vv 1 Calvse! Sat CH CO—AdvE | Sh aia cd .{BUILDING?C,WATKINS. he Willys-Overlang Coriipais :¢s ’2 U.S.dn Would Intern Bryan. Washington Special, William Jennings —tatement Saturday night,asked cit-|recent graph their Congressmen whatthoughtshouldbedoneinthe pres-j ty. ent crisis,and tcday a Duluth,Minn.,citizen came forward “Intern the said Bryan.” Congressman Miller of Minnesota to pass to alien registers and to for-| said he had |William E.Minn.,which he would read to House later tcday,and which said:|‘William Jenningspeopletoadvisetheir Representa-!of foreign nations.”in Congrees of their wishes in, this crisis.1 would say to you fe 5 bat was “noninattinterestsofovrcountrybyf¢Federalwouldbeconserved~the immediate |forea :its organizationinternmentofthesaid ©©NSD“aa TERED Fifth Creek Honor Roll. ~reapendonee of Tre Lanamars If the ground hog always »b |withsuchseverecoldweatheraswee having now,with it,we hope itthenotventureoutofitswinterquarters very often.eniagiy,measles has been sownbroadcastoverIredellcounty.seems to be;Jackson,“T feelfihCreekhonorrollforthe)for qasecondmonthofschoolisasfoRobbSills,Jay Dayvoult|$e i ae1have.|and Norris Stroud. The F Statesville,N.C. Overianad Big Four Models I ew i j ’jWar7.nc Ne Tica tet,112-in.wheelbase .3.2 ee +8835joures:,'.wheelbase—(Ilustrate’).$850 (Teg alee Closed Carc) “toledo,Ohio pen rene er we -a-na MirrorsOREnheeePe ”alToStopTransferofShipstoForeignRegistry. President Wilson has issued a@|proclamation under authority of theshippingact,prohibitingtotele-]American ship.owners from transfer-they|;ing their vesvels to any other regis- Sth,lo Greens Bryan,in the United States ‘The proclamation pointed out thatad-/»national emergency exists and thatmanyshipownersoftheUnited|States are permitting their vessels with this received a leteianhionot cr {POM |sien trade in which we do not partic- «la or Duluth,!ipate “and from which they cannot the|ie brought back to serve the needs of our water-borne commerce with-asked|out the permission of governments The proclamation,%was stated,n accordance therewith,|was not prompted by the interna-is my opinion|tional situation Bryan Bryan.”'woah.Officials said wouldbeenissuedearlierbutforthefear|tlitmightbeconfusedwithmeasuresitakeninconwithborderunderregistryandnot | ‘withladen and do . stry s OverlandLightSixModels Poodees.y ohwhee!base—(. Fi i .in,Wi cca 6 6 Ue—(Seealso Care) aaa 8 $970$985 Willys-Knight 7 Passenger Models Four Cylinder Touring,121 in.wheelbase .Eight Cylinder,12in.wheelbase (Lustrated)(See also Closed Ca!) eae) Overland and Willys-KnightClosedCars » Overland Big Four Seca,112-ia.wheelbaseOverlandBigPourCounc,113-ia.wheelbase as Overland Light Si:Coupe,116-in.wheelbaseOverland(Ilustra:Light Six Sedan,11€-ia,wheelbase)ight Six Sed:te $1085 Willys-Knight Pour Coupe,114-in,Knight Pour Sedan,121-in,beWillysKnightFourLimeusiag,12bia, All pricce ft.o.b.Toledo Those desiring to sell farms,t suburban,city preperty,cotton stocks are requeste ing and selling.[nsurance thingFire,Accident and bility,Automobile Companies. Life policies that are equaled anu surpassed by none.Full information furnished upon request. -Statesville,N.C. INSURANCE,“AND REAL ESTATE.“Ph Mills Building. ERNEST 6. ‘Phone 23. Sag =Tee See — imbered lands, mill and bank d to call or write us. We areconstantly in touch with the market vs at insures,in leHealthEmployersLia- by few (if any) REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Kellogg’s Krumbles. Post Toasties. Puffed Rice. Puffed Wheat. Shredded Wheat. Fresh lot Davis Graham |Flour. Phone 89. Rage &Milholland.| DR.VANCE HASTY,DENTAL SURGEON, Rooms 5-i-9,Second Floor, FIRST NATIONAL aa BUILDING,Stateaville,N.C.aeons ENGAG;EMENTS,197 Hours 8 to 6.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'S Kellogg’s Flaked Bran.| Pape's Siapensie,It makes all stom-ach misery vanish in five minutes.,If your is.in a continuous=you can’t get it =ase,for your i-apepsin,Ite .ee toine abadstomach—make your next mealafavoritefoodmeal,then take a lit-Ue Diapepsin.There will not be any acts almost like a>is thacien.|||tific,harmless and pleerant stomachpreparationwhichtrulybelongsin|,every home.Mrs.R.W.Grimes Testifies Robersonville,N.C.,Jan,22,1917. Person Remedy Company,Charlotte, N.C.: oGentlemen—Some time ago I wasattackedwithaseriousspellofty-|phoid fever,which left me in a veryweakconditionandeffectedmylimbs.We decided it had resultedinwhiteswelling.Every remedy wecouldthinkofwasused,but to no effect.I had to go on crutches,At last wewereinducedtotryMrs.Joe Per-son’s Remedy,after suffering for twoyears,and the result was marvel-ous.After taking eight bottles I was entirely cured,and have neverjhadasymptomoftroublesince.my‘faith in Mrs.Joe Person’s RemedgreatandIwouldadviseallsu aerstogiveitgtrialandbeconvinc- ed,as I have.(Signed-MRS.R.W.GRIMES. Among the best anywhere as abloodtonicandgeneraltonic.ASK — 7 MADEISTATESVILLE! Anything in Sheet Metal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. YOUR DRUGEGIST! W.F.HALL, LOGAN STIMSON &SON,STATESVILLE DRUG CO.,POLK GRAY DRUG CO. TreatChildren’sColdsExternally Don't dose delicate little stomachs with ;harmful internal medicines,Vick's “*Vap- |O.Rub”Salve,applied externally,relieve:|by inbalation as a vapor and by absorpt len|ome sughVe skin.Vick’sa ean be used orfectsafety oon the youngestee2ne,500,or S100, Bs || ‘ DR.COITE SHE RRILL,| General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R. Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-riuta will have prompt attontion. "ney Station |WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF-| ge r n e re n e m e n c i o n e e FICE AND WAITING ROOM, W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for‘same.Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete.Locks and Guns ired and Keys fit-In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. *mE—= WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. | |ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10c. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE |6c ae . ‘PHONE £1 itney 1Transfer Company. ee tp } TIRE BANDS, Tapes,Cement Patches,are all very well in their way,buttheyareallemergencymeas-ures only.The only real and —repairing is done byuleanizingthecamagedparts.While your Car is not in use,have your Tires put in shape.THE IREDELLVULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 et ‘Street.We Sell Miller Tires. ete., C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340Green. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS -lieavyBrass 74.per pound,Light Brass 5e.per FOR SALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboliprroomsupplies _SERVICE |;And the complete stock ||of Plumbing,Heating and we carry.water materia!s We can’give you service, W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. Dr.8S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.|Shespo f a.™.i. be aan,imag.113113Miread.St.Office ‘phone 324.Residence "phone 279—green. C,H.TURNER.~A vi,Beth Sour,la ot stomach,ats tion,pepaia;whenfoodyoueataointogasesandscatllage;your head achesandyoufeeland=miserable,that’s whenyou magic in distress—eat without efIt's he-cause Pape's Diapepsin“really does” regulate weak,stom-achs that gives it its millions ofsalesannually.Get a large fifty-cent case of,*Pape’s Diapepsin from any drug)store.It is the quickest,sureststomachreliefandeureknown.It My suffering was great and) had cut a and .Mr.Roy 8. ied in| z manbride) is an Lylewy"tones,a spea Set Sanetthethem a they pate ow,Osta|caelabliss.sWewe.one of our best cit-|izens,Mr.C.1 has beenovertakenbymaealltt@writertalkedwithhimfiveminuteshereaithedepotSaturdayandnot'ced no-| thing unusual in his actors.He!seemed optimistic ard cold be hadjustmadealumberdealfor140,000)feet and would be ready on Monday to begin mer.He went on toTaylorsville,and in three hours his)mind was unbalanced,Mr.Bennie Steele,who lived nearLibertychurch,Alexander county,moved last week to his ce inthisplaceonthenorthside.Mr.T.F.Beckham killeda 7months-old’hog last week that weigh.| ed 240 pounds,learn there ae.=cares of!-ante fever a en of-W.H.Norton in ‘Miller's town-ship.Miss Mary Somers returned this—from a visit to her sister,Mrs..A.Allen,in Salisbury“Mr,A.W.White re)Mr.¢.8.Houck have swapped stalbine Mr.|White gets 31 =thistown,on which Mr.Houck now lives, and Mr.Howek gets 75 aeres of land¥miles beyond Taylorsville from .White. 'NEWS OF HAMPTONVILLE.|E Young Boy Hit ByLimb andHurt—Happeningsin NewHope 3 Oorrespondence of The Landmark, New Hope,Feb.6 —The groundhogcertainlymadeawisechoice;when he went tek into his den|this time.Yesterday morning was_hardest freeze of the season,soar. The prayermeetings at TaylorSpringseemstebeonthedecline;seems to be too cold to go to a church gathering,even if the sun is shining. but we can go toa picture showwhenthegroundiscoveredwithsnow,in the night,at that.So far the measles have not strucktheRockyCreeksection.The fami-lies of Messrs.John Jolly and WillDishman,(south of there),have had the measles but are im ng.Mrs.Dishman died with bronchial|trouble While other members of the,family were confined with ‘measles. Garland,voung son of;Mr andMrs.Wade Speaks,wes severely|hurt last Thursday.He and his!brother were felling timber.’Wheylargepine,which fellthroughsomesmallertimber,eaus- ing a large limb to break loos#and fly back,striking the boy in the fore-head,knocking him down.He was speechless for several minutes.Dr.Somers dressed the wound,which re-quired three stitches.He seems to be getting on very well. Dr.Trivett is awry on account of his brother being sick.Mr.and Mrs.Charlie Parks are back from Vir-grinia,where they have been livingforsometime.Mr.Buck Shoemaker and family have movec to Winston,One of Mr.and Mrs.Geo.Harris’ twin babies died and will be interredatProspectchurchtoday.The oth- er one is right siek but seems to im-prove some.Mrs.Harris is getting!on very well, The eight-months-old child of Mr.and Mrs.June MeClain,mentioned in my last letter,has since diel and was taken to Linney'’s Grove,Alex-! ander county,for burial. Rumanians Will Be Interned in Germany. Paris Dispatch,7th. The Rumanian minister of fi reign |p affairs telegrarhed today to the Ru-Beal)manian Legation in ¢aris that Ger-|.Hal's Catarrh Cure te taken internallymanyhasbeguntotransportforin-|ard,ecty throurh the Blood on the MiateeweternmentinGermanya!l Romanian |Sarfacesof the Seatmalesfromi6to67yearsofage,al-F.J CHENEY *CO.,Trledo,0.* |though the Fronch,Russians,ftal-)Setd by all draxsiets,peeiansandPortugese,protected by the Malls Furmily Pills for _conetigationaLegation,are being left in see f Di |. the country.:5 “This treatment,so the Germans Certificate e 1880 utionsay,”reads the telegram,“is because!grary SORT H CAROLINA,DEPART-Rumania gave up to Russia the Ger-|MENY OF STAT eemansinitspowerandthesewereTOALroWeitowTHESEPRESENTS trunsperted to Siberia.It is abso-a oe "appe “to my satisfaction,bylutelyfalsethatRumaniaha:ever daily authintieated record of the proceedingsdeliveredGermansubjectstoRussia.)for the voluctory dissolution thereof by |thefthasnotthenbeenpossibleforynanimreooAVInLEthemtobesenttoSiberia.The Ger-Gyefe<RTT COMPANY, man government itself counts so lit-»t whose prtevebpala.:¢e street,in thetleuponthepretextinvokedthatbe-otal meeforeannouncingitsdecisiontotrans-|Q"Cee Goa port Rumanians.to Germany,it PEO |cant prod :n charge thereof,upon!|posed to the Rumanian gover Ret |wb am proeess may b veds,hax compliedtheexchangeofGermansinternedin|With the reauirementy of ©hapie 1 aed Rumania for Kumanians in Belxiam.1 toeoi thi certafient ol 1 solution;he Rumanian government can!)Now,therefore,LJ Brys %Seere-do nothing but protest against this,tary of State 0!she Stain of xnet h arenewattackuponitsrightsbyap-|qe ere ee ianunry.1017,Ale in my pealing to the universal consciene@,|Smee a daly executed and attested consent inwhichatthepropertime,will aid)writing to the dissolution of said corporation,|Rumania in exacting ell the «mpene|eae Oe hg eT an ceasationsdueher.”aoania al oe a sald office asi Items From Jennings. Jorreapon@ence of The Unietrera Jennings,Feb.6 —The weather)for the last few days has been e@x-) tremely cold—one of the worst blig-|ards that has struck this =sectiformanys.February cert cnmadeherarancelikealion,}here’s hoping ehe will make her exit!like a lamb.Measles are very prev.)alent in this community.Our school)at Windsor’s X Roads has been sts.)vomeed|for awhile. ||By and Miss! town-/ers,in ‘Feb.| and|worker, ‘sides,jailer,$126.50;O. |CURE The =3’fda3 = worker, Moore, wala |oll $4,seMorrisonCo,$20.37,Ho Co.$11.26,States-ville $109.98,Dix HillState$10.25,Smith «€Brown City Flour Milling Ce.$36,Co.$7.80,B.C. $21.07 tesville Flour. Mill é.Ww.oe A ss‘or Black and_wife $4, sherman Goforth Clara Parker$3, oafor $2,all for tem=a hospital, It is the board that’|Clara seater on the pauper;list at $3aeecal"ane <and CountyOMticers—-|Anderson,23 days’service as)pa a,$39.79;G.E.Dy yidemons’agers,$50;H.C.Cook,4 hy work,one week of va-cation;J Watts,adding 10 percent,to all unpaid tax receipts for1914-1915,$55;W Lazenby andL. Cc,Gini,oo >case State vs. John C P.Guy $4,J.!L.iy $ach A.White £2,"8.A.W.W.Leinster $2, Padgett $6,W.F.—'all "ie services as. jud election;R.P.Allison 60c.,,'iagstPelephone Co.85,City Water—t $21.92,S.J.Holland $5,toneSupply Co.$10.97,City Blectre <...oe are wiley Dasst Coa 0.)‘ia376,DyentatesvilleSentinelrdElectric Co.2be.,the; Printing $8,Edwards &Co.$24.90,The|faolieeeh gem Statesville Print-ing Co.$3.65,P.Alexander &|ro.50e.,ese Hardware Co.$7.-5,8 $16.90,Brady PrintingCo.$138.Lazenby -MontgomeryHardwareCo.$28.12,Hickory Man-ufacturin &.19.36,Carolina Mo-tor Co,fa2770,"Beater ae , Trust Co.£Southern —> $1.15,D.T.Morrison $1,Stat ville Oil Co.‘as all for supplies. Jail and Prisoners —0 Co Wood- Wood- sides,conveying ro Hartness toMorganton,$7.00;City Water De- partment*$15.30,‘City Eleetrie Light and Power Yepartment $44.40,Ire- dell Hardwafe Co.35c.,Statesville Drug Co.$3.4,Statesvile Housefur- aeL. nishing Co.$25.82,Wallace Bros.’Co,$6,all for supplies.Miscellaneous Tt is ordered by |the board that Mary King be rebat- led on tax for 1915 and 1916 and re- bate on real estate valued at .$110,Statesville outside for 1915,$1.38; Mary King,rebate on real estate valued at $280,outside,for 1916,$2.-55;Presbyterian Orphans’Home $38- 57;Mra.Elizabeth Smith,meet with poll tax by error,$3;8.C.Ad- ams,rebate on poli tax si.18;We.A.Car!cred-Morrison,rebate on pall tax,$2;Shook,rebate on $400 solvent its,$4.20.It is ordered by the board of coun- ty commissioners that all purchasesforandinbehalfofthecountyshallbemadebythechairmanofthe board of county commissioners orsuchothermemberormembersof said board as the board shall desig- nate.No payment of any purchase for the county will be made unlesssignedbythechairmanoftheboard of count)commiss!ioners or some member of said board of commission-|ers. State of Ohio.City of Toledo, Lucas County,se . Frank J Cheney makes onth that he is sen- ior partner of the firm of F.J.Cheney @ Co., foing business in be Cityof TMedo,County, and State aferesnid,and that said firm will | vey the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that ean.not be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRMFRANKJ.CHENEYSworntobeforemeandsubscribed in mypresence,this 6th day of December,A.BD. 1886.A.W.GLEASON,Notary Pubite,| provided hy lavIntestimony whe Il have hereunto set my hand and affi Ral.ficial see |elgh,thie 26th day of ji anuary,A,BD,1917.J.BRYAN GRIMES, Feb.9-4 Secretary of State, RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE.| or CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.| C,Croweh,a imi nietrator,vi Mre.Eve vies et al.,heir«at law ' Under out by vires ef an order of the Superior Court,we the undersigned commis.|slotiers,wil pe onFRIDAY,FRenU ARY 1h,W987. for each,at the court hours adver,"at 2 ©coe |ion,the fellowing deve ‘bed ree!pPreperty: Beginning at &stone in,the public Pond,cor}i.B.L.Windsor came very "6Q®gtr la No.9,thence with anid toad rout isine hie hon by fire Inet Priday OO 1 deerees F 4 1 pole te a red oak,end corner of jot Ne thenee south 85 ?) T.&Burgess,formerly of ferree B Mapotes to»tien on Motelaon'sElime.crrner of lot No.4:thener 5.@ een this ‘community,but now of kitty We.Y poles to a ston Morrieon's Pine,sold hie farm here to MrfinofHoustonviile.|_ond Mrs.A.&Brown wore!#te Winston lust ewek to @etwasveryi!)of ~4 it ‘ C Sle |2 corner of let No. oe west 98 1-2 poles gation.—»oe el, renee north BB des|th «stone on the Vine |and cornerof tot No,7:Chenee 2 dewrées enet 5yenaorx:aadPosa i ie , FF 3 BOY WELCOMETO OUR STORE. i Here you'll find the best in every- thing that you will want to don yourself in Civillian Togs. SWEATERS,SOX and a dozen and one other ig h Ey veeAccidentsGenerallyare sult of One Thing—Care It may be carelessness of the driver,someone elseontheorofthemanufactureroftheear.With the Buick or Dodge Brothers you areofthegreatestcareonthepartofthemaker toinsureyoursafety.The brakes are rightandeveryisthoroughlytestedforoingitsduty.I¢:Is;the Car to Buy. oe ‘SURETITELATARLERATTTTTI TIE hs LITY DISPLAY OoFr-—-—— STATION ERY |WILL INTERUST YOU. Box,Pounds,Te’iets,Envelopes, 4.spondence Vards. The price :s right.The quality the best. THE REXALL STORE. ae Drug Cc ei Laeemeeerneaweeesmeevereenbenee oe eheenebeneeererereees as ebruary9,1917 r ,-A ‘B Dole 4"a> . i zi ER F e tl Pr e t ? ag Ea: Ff rl l 'sSo a Tr 4 ieft ul u es Tt } af || i t t m t t every opportunity. ter—The House committee re- the bill unfavorably by a vote 11.This indicates the strong against it. The State-wide gam>law was ta led in the Senate touay. |‘The committee on constitutional Wh ;‘ARY 1 13th 1 ] amendments has agryed on a measure |.Also iH :Ath to call a convention to amend the),i :; constitution,Whether this will get)Books and ,Aercotgy,:The good dressers of this City and vicinity realize that by is yet to be determined.|}pay the highest market{the mascommitenonappromrs-|prices.sos.[|«=6 THE GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY, needs of the State.institutions—the|Bell Phone 9302.OF- |hospitals for the insane,schools for|deaf and blind,eduentional institu-|CINCINNATI |tions,ete.The committee is sympa-thetic butmoney for all the needs is “HENS”Is recognizedstyle Authorities. a Ga ae :Their big Spring and Summer line of Woolens and Mid- |be paid off each|W ant to buy 1000]Summer will be displayed at ourstore in the full coroeot ines revenues.&ts +ili any doantity of piece,on the dates above mentioned. contended that by this means money |other Country Produce This exhibition will be in of THE CLOBE MAN in oe oe Oe tan eothadaas anengh||Tou RuvO be eller.|this territory -MR.JOS.P.ALLEN.) .to last for several years;that the Our prices are Cash.Count thisone of yourPOSITiVE ENGAGEMENTS.Afford bonds can be paid off én yearly in-:yourself a rare treat in looking over this beautiful line of stallments in ten years,and that this |J,K.Morrison Grocery Fabrics. is is not so objectionable as a bonded Prod ny.:To serve you will bea pleasure. nd aftef its ratification.”debt of 30 to 40 years’standing.It &uce Compa y y P _means that the county treas-js understood that Gov.Bickett fa-'| will be continued,that officer vors this plan,but many of the leg-CEDAR POS I 'S)SH W H ‘. required to make an audit =islaters oppose it.They are afraid OAK | the offices each month;and that the of the political effect ;|Boonie sc apend not over $200 each he ill to amend the constitution Femce Reil and old Field!104 W.Broad Street,STATESVILLE,N.C. i i f u r :gz ge e t : 2%; g 2g g E F g e 8 i ey as e e t t n u t sFE#5 Af 3Th z year for an audit by an expert ac-with reference to the homestead ex-Pine dressed on four sides.|Seamer:ty ray countant,and $300 for additional as-emption,which is fathered by the C.WATKINS.(|°me BR eile eat 3 i el - sistance in making ovt the tex books State Merchants’Association,and «<a total of $500 additional annually.for which Mr J.Paul Leonard,sec- The audit is necessary and proper retary of the State Association,has a a aA =)“HON and is worth what it will cost.Wheth-been laboring,was heard by the Sen-e I H |:LA B O R ER @ ef an additione!amount should be ate committe:on constitutional ,sp eee een @pent for help in making out the tax amendments today and reported un-l ers books may be questioned.Mr.Math-.favorably.The bill is yet to be ° heard by the House committee and . See wae =eager a=ese eee =2 :ee ‘ eson believed he could pass through !W ho is the laborer :An man who the House the bill abolishing the of-there may be 2 chance for it.i ;{ :¥ase the 8 ate tf =-e areall laboring men if e amount to would allow it to pass the Senate if Messrs.W.A.Thomas and J.A.W WwW it passed the House.~But the people Hartness arrived last evening.Mr We are always receiving shipments ;any thing. “back home”who believe the office of Wm.Ledbetter,who is a candidate =tells wath treasurer should be abolished did not,for superintendent of the.State pris-.of Doors,Sash,Sash Weights,Locks,But the day laborer,the man wh :’.is the mancometothesupportofthebillandon,is here and he and his friends are his hands,for a day’s wage,he the banks showed no disposition to active'in his behalf,R.B.C.Paint in fact everything carried by a _above all others who shall strive to lay aside aecept the trust,while the opposition ipegaereng~wu yer?5 i a little from his earnings,as a savin to the bill was very active.For this Governments Take Action on good HardwareStoreand itcertainly account at this bank.No matter how sma 1 dunes Oe asl Touts Goce “eee |will pay you to visit our store before the saving,it will be given as careful at- 8 ind abou e merits eofooMr.Matheson accept-approved‘by a vote of 78to 6Presk you buy.Our prices are as low as tention at our bank as our largest accounts, dent Wilson’rance of diplomat-|for the little savings of the poor man mean “ceee aes legislation for a —with German y.‘Senators|j will be found any where quality con-‘as much and more to him than on Ss aceoeor,rcaeenieettMit Sisal Vartamn “oats|sidered.We are sure we can save counttave established sezounts ak oUF ban es of Iredell to pay the ex-|("Wanna?Tethers eee ea.|you money if you will give us a and we are especially proud of the con- of Confederate veterans to lette of Wisconsin.{‘thé Veterans unabie to pay That most of the neutral world chance.i fidence of these men. nm expenses.will line up behind this country,at!tisteiow :least to the extent of vigorously pro-e |testing against the German cam.§Loan and Savings Bank.hillyplaces the husband on paign,became evident Wednesday }President.round with the wife in With reports that Norway,H.BROWN - for diveree when adultery is,weden,Denmark,“Brasit,;Bolivia |é nd probably other Latin-America 1 TURNER .:"iste a hes ogee ene|Iredell Hardware Co.|0.L Cashier ,one offence of this character!shortly.While it is | ha f th Lean eae a ial ————wife was sufficient ground for that any of these nations,particular-||eniemeeeamemnia ete ATES |but not so with the husband.'¥the Europeans contiguous to Ger |\psppeeeeeeeemeemmmanes . many,will formally sever relations,—As law now is the wife can get el protest is “—valued as a means @ divorcee from her wusband if he is of moral condemnation.Cuba __for-Sa gait}of one offence of this charac.Watded a protest to Germany Wed- ter.2 —A Vienna,via London,dispatch ofAillhaspassedtheHouseamend-the 7th says: ing concegled weapon law,so;“Government circles woday were e saci Ghitens “4 .calmly awaiting new developments AD Still ! >ene >.feted of —®Pie;with regard to the submarine con-mn: ePrcealed must pay a fine of not troversy with Germany and Austria.' leas nm $50 nor more than $200,or A en ee oi to tae —— be isoned not Jers than four ss that all the moves were in thenor#ifére than :wo years.The hands of President Wilson;that the io :de got apply to other re veckin complications mand If you have not joined. of concealed weapons.The’wou )ing which would enable :t charac io that ptl tote the PresidenttonebeforetheAmer:DON’T FORGET THE DATE you may do so any t pay a fine of at least $60 or had been driven to vedien action."|'ed not less than four The government's attitude :jBererecorethepenanyesfebeSeeatcainScereFebruary12-13-14,whenMissSadie MeClary |day this week. discretion of the judge._—_followthe policy announces.aletions|an expert corsetiere will be with us.was an interesting diseus-with the United States is universal|” Tae oo Se Makeit apoint tusatisfy that desireto be |Over 1.300 Hav.Already Joined.the bill to eltablish a home Public.”:e len women.A namber of la Out of Mexico.perfectly corseted in a model that will fit,I te for the bill and they used |Everybody invited. who ias inbored long and of the American punitive expedition.Every MadameGrace wearerhas a fashiona-, for the bill,and Senator ,.A short later hemountedthe They were assisted _,“aler General Pershing,rede out Wear,and give the stylish new lines. et Guilford,the legisiative ble figure.Don't miss seeing our new \Fa » of the measure.What will,the “John .Merchants and armersBank. of Mexico at 10.15 a.m.at ’ a doth not yet appear. : "rm MRS.MARY.SIMS.||,_:cont oman \hy.the Charlotte thehead of more than 10,000 | oe eR;eebHinsibaEE of ity.Immediately following theMr.and Mrs.Wm.Wallace in honorof| he allaceph‘sities Mil. Mr.and| to the) the way to the cloak .coms.Mrs.J.Hf Hoffmann wu ,oeemnreeenarens Clarke,Mr.and Mrs.Emile Clarke +Notices of New Advertisements of Baltimore,Mrs,8.K,Whitlock of| of service of summons.—J New York city and Dr.Wallace Hoff- “—""!mann.Mrs.Wallace’s dress was Certificate of dissolution—J.Bry-|*"°Y Panne velvet with silver trim- ‘carried orchids.Mrs.| Grim +mings.She ee.fopeeey ee a.c,'H.=wore blacx satin brocaded wat siiver, Commissioner's re-sale of land—Dr.and Mrs.F.N.Lawrence show- R.T.Weatherman -and H.C.Priv-ed the way to the library,where the receiving line was composed of Mr. and Mrs.V.E.Whitlock of New York city,Mrs.L.Tumpson of Wood- mere,L.4..Mr.J.D.Goldberg of |Now York city,Mr.Semuel Iseman ette,commirsioners.Farm with good house and out-for sale.—T.M.Crawford,y.A.Arner will buy your junk,hides,etc.of Richmond and Mrs.J.Kaufman s and other produce wanted.—.|?"Danville,Va.,Mr.and Mrs,Leo and Produce|Wallace,Mrs. D.westreicher andJ.\K.Morrison Grocery ipecials.—J.R.Poston. ‘ofty-two kinds mouldings anc kinds building matevial,—-C.Wat-| |Mr.Frances Griffith of Salisbury. Mr.and Mrs.Louis Kaufman of Dan- 1 |villé,Va.,presided at the register in |this reom. ‘|Misses one Sheol Fh ;.--Sta 4 _|Beatrice Cunningham ushered from Font Um a he ane He |the Hbrary to the den,where the Small accourts given careful at-|wooing,pthe were diopinyed,aes gam ’Savi Misses Marion Yount,Rose -on—People's Loan and Savings|1,and Rebecca Miller received,Mr. ine showings.—Mills &Poston.|aod Mrs.JB.Glover,Jr.,sho } rices on winter goods.—J.,ihe way to the dining room,where | M.McKee &Co.{Mrs.Sol,Simon and Miss Carrie The Globe man is coming.—Sher-Hoffmann received.Here Misses Cor-| rill-White Shoe Co.irinne Morrison and Elizabeth Braw- Builders’hardware.—Iredell Hard-|ley served punch.These young la-ware Co.dies were assisted by Misses Louise| Madam Grace corsets.—Mrs.Mary Sherrill,Evelyn Shepherd and Fran-| ces Fleming.| The dining room was decorated in’boys.—Ramsey-|Gaile Mecrinen Co..ey)Link and greens,pink sweet peas, Second «appeal to the unconvinced.snapdragons,trailing cedar and) —Carolina Motor Co |Southern smilax being used.The |centerpiece for the dining table was|tables on sale today.—Comdiaed Bunch Furniture Co.la gilt basket of snapdragon and, i ists.ston-Belk |Freesias topped with a bow of pink, wee spring e-meneee _maline.A pink and green color |scheme was carried out in the libra- Little Child Recovering From ry.| eae Fhe On Route 3.|Following the reception the bride) :*|and bridegroom left for a wedding .SO Saeerte,BS.76-ee oe |a a ville,R-3,Feb.6 —8 —— ;‘Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Hoffmann =en-community was visited’by a severe | wind torm Sunday night,|tertained at a luncheon Tuesday in Peeckece denen y night,|enor of Miss Elise Wallace.Thebutnoseriousdamageresulted._ Mr.Marvin Lippard is recovering| from measles.Ten more of the Lip- pard family are expecting the visit- soon,ott,the small son of .and Mrs.Thomas Eltiott,is se- riously ill with pneumonia.Miss Ethel Morrison is right sick.Master =Waugh has been real sick with out-of-town guests for the Wallace-' Clarke wedding and the members of Miss Wallace’s bride!party were among those entertained.. The dining room was pretty for the |oceasion.,ree white arches of tulle wrapped with the green of smilax met over the bride's table;wedding ,but is better.|bells were suspended from the arch- small child of Mr.and Mrs.'es.In the center of the table a tiny badly bride and a miniature bridegroom inLynnIngram,who was 50 y r scalded by turning a kettle of boiling|an automobile,“Bound for Miami. water over on itself a few weeks ago,and Palm A pretty basket is recovering,filled with pink sweet peas and Waugh,Freesias,marked each end of theawhospenttwo, |weeks with her cousin,Mrs.H.W. |Sherrill,in Statesville,returned :_—Sunday Miss Bessie tables.At ench place were “Caps that Fit,”these little caps contain- ing a short verse which was fitting to thé recipient.The whole hous was arranged with pink azaleas,car- nations,hyacinths and smilax.| Mr.and Mrs.Wm,Wallace enter- tained at a @inner-dance at Hotel Irede!|Tuesday evening in honor of the bridal perty ont out-of-townquette,provant for the marriage of staying wih Mrs.PB.anhwrs.P.ey,in Statesville.Mr.James Morrison hastoHighPointtowork.MissTroutmanisaqgengthis week with her sister,Mrs.alter Sherrill,of Statesville. ;On account of the small attend-| __anee the —“a to give, Re.—-cae ouey oe any Miss Elise Wallace and Mr.Aaron’ |gchool has got down to one teacher,Clarke,which took place the follow- but we feel that so much sickness is ing evening,= Gpuse.Miss Eila Deal and Mr.Wilson yermeeting Watts were*{quietly married at the{~~ee eechale|howe of the bride's mother,Drs.le- is sediall phe te come ¥ebel Deal,at Hiddenite,Wednesday cordially ir 'afternoon.Miss Deal is a sister of mptonville .Mre.J.A.Conner of Statesville and § Notes From Ha ™paps Spa for poe See.: |where #ter —.R-2,Feb,6 —We)of the Alexander Children's een.G are Ph sore very cold weather Mr.Wiitts is a native of Taylorsville § very a Correepondense of The Lavomart,| the communityhealthof|ber ofpresent.We arehav- kr i"o=of measles butthe patientsseemto be)mumps,2 ee ene ee Hamptonville is|$100,000 at thehome of t wunele,)One Trowtand Dott BePen cook.aed ail cell cena teesweven ie years.Mr.and Por oBillows Attack.Pier eet,4.A. ‘.j «Awent,EOE-“KORSALE. of *BALLENTINE,|Statesville,N.C.+) and i EB IN ~me .head =ae r 4 q ‘ pisos enttle and . oe —{win Handle Overland.were|FOR SALE—A goed house ond te _sheae.|it buyer.HB.C,PRI | FOR SALE—Three Brunswickandilagealitetall.thing“in geodshape.A.A.TURNER. jit Camden shortly.sg Semaponad of Mr and Mrs,Wen.Wal:| heuekvepionMRSMANYtetli 7)owjamesc|com r.an rs.Wm,Wal-.MRS.MA MIZE,sthi visiting oe See.Mr.?.C.|lace,Be.gad e...earet Case ee nt tens ‘Feb.o-|f within the next returne sterday toher |Mr.and Mrs.Henry Clarke -|PRESSING PLANT FORSeasey8"dhe a ereee,Ar SeesSere |SYF\st night |Mr.Isidore W en rrie ness. for N.J.,where she will|Clarke,Mr.Neill Henty and Miss,Address GILLESPIE NG CLUB,| ;as some time.——|Miriam Clarke,Mr.Ctiees ee,|sores a ro The W.R.MILLS MotorCo. 4 iss Stella Wagner of Conover is man and Miss Ida Clarke,Mr.D.|FOR RENT—HOUSES.N.7.WATT.' the guest of Mrs.W.H.Kimball.Franklin Wallace and Miss Corrinne a ee Pee LL ae eee ;NT—Two-story 42 Kinds but has been in Indiana for a num-gMrs,Watts|Will leave in a few days for Indiana,&SSS r) het cost of less than § Terms te suFeb,9--at.We will handle the Overland Autcmobile and are expecting a a Bantry a INVESTRENT SrArRSvULE dan.9 “WHICH Is C R|ings,Boxings,Door and Window C.WATKINS’|CREATES.Frames,Sash Cord and Weights. $1.40 per square plus 40c.Sheathing C.WATKINS. —~$1.80,and good for 15 to 20 years.composition square?.BUSIN MEN WAFIGURES!There they ~~LAND FOR SALE. Ry a power of attorney I am sell,privately,two tractstotheestateofthelateW.IredeH county:The Jehn1771-2 acres and the R.C.109 acres,adjoining eachtownship,six miles of Statesville,A ait would take if other high-gradewereured.When =workwasfinishedInotonlyhadthepret-tiest job of painting in town,but had splendid opportunity for farm seekers.further Information call on or write C.MON-—Attorney,Statesville,N.C. SHINGLES,NAILS,°“**"°i,8 Wes MP. Ceiky Tae |Isat that like findine“aet Md FOR SALE BYSHINGLES,STAINS.Hardware Co., Statesville.A.C.C.WATKINS. DRESSING TABLES. We have several dressing tables at bargain prices. Golden Oak Dressing Table 20x 24 Mirror,$10.00.Fumed ‘..Tripple a 12.50.Mahogany ““:ue 16.00.Ivory "=“”“17.00. ON SALE TODAY. Better phone order in early. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘PHONE NO.400,“The Store That Always Welcomes You.” THE FIRST NATIONAL o*a Burglars,thievesandhald-upmenmakeittheir — BUSINESStolearnwhokeep money in their pockets,or houses,or in holes in the ground.: Theywillnot tackle the man who hashis money .. SAFE in our bank.:% BANKyour money and befreefromFEAR—fear of .bBurglars,sickness,OLDAGE,or that yourwife and odt childrenmaysomedaybein WANT. Make OUR bank YOURbank. We pay 4percentinterestontimedeposits.| Statesville,N.C. Mouldings,Mantels,Columns,Cas-| orthe cheaper gtudes of BUYDAVIS’AND SAVE MONEY.| "g 20 or Pp I painted Mr.Watson’s house re-|81 Solid Sheath os 25 cently and ordered as much ||| | | || ‘WHEN It ComesWHYNotMakeTheBestOf It? You're making the best of the worst whenyoufortify yourselfagainsttheravagesofFIRE,1.1,HBALTH,etc.,through the meansof an iron-clad !nsuranee Policy. You eanwonderfully lighten these blows of misfortune by pro- withoneof our fair andsquarePolicies that and promptpayment of losswithoutthe 3 To The Worst LOAN& tetaints CSM ee Just because our store is a “jewelry”store is no reason whywedo not carry many necessary;useful = as toilet articles,bric-a-brac.sewing sets and hundreds of other USEFUL things. We also have many articles at POPULAR PRICES...i “: The advantage of buying these things at our reputable jewelry store is this:YOU KNOW that the “quality is there.”R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.___ 12 YardsGoodBleached Marquisette CurtDomestic,36Inches,|Material,40inches Wide,§ Wide for$1.00.at 15c.and 18c.the Yard.# Our Custemers are more interested in QUALITY and less in PRICE than ever before.Call and see us and be satisfied. NEW SPRING WAISTS! We have just received a shipment of beautiful SILK WAISTS,striped and plain white.WONDERFUL BAR- GAIN!$1.98seeeeeeeeeeeeee NEW SKIRTS Both black and navy.WONDERFUL BARGAINS!er $1.98,$2.48,$3.48,$4.95 and $6.96. NEW SPRING GOODS VALUES THAT TALK! NEW GINGHAMS,FAST COLWRs! 82-inch Renfrow,Madras,Zephyrs,Utility and Galates, NEW WHITE GOODS!| $2-inch and 40-inch Honeycomb Corduroys,cheeked and 4 atriped Voiles,Fancy Voiles,Dimity,Nainsook and : tiste. NEW LACES! 1 lotofnew Laces justin,including VALS, fs manager;she clerk for T.1.Ross,ysnigermineralwater,In| addition to other duties this busy young woman finds time to be a good daughter and cooks breakfast for the family each morning. Misa Parks is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.W.B.Parks,Five years ago she kept her father's store be- fore and afte:school hours;gradu- ally she assumed other duties,was appointed postmistress and express agent;three years ago she became the Seuthern Railway's representa- tive at Barium.The fact that the Turner Mills ship about $20,004 worth of yarn in one month shows that the railway's representative has business to attend to. There is no doubt that Miss Parks spoke the truth when she remarked that she was busy all the time.As she related the happenings of her av- erage day which was filled with du- ties between store and depot,I was led to believe that not even a news- paper reporter followed such a hur-' ried existence.She opened her store at 7 o'clock in the morning and elos- ed it at 8.30 at night,when all the trains are on time.Was she afraid? Not a bit;her courage was all the weapon she hus ever found the need of,although I doubt not that she would use the pistol she possesses if eceasion should arise.“But every- body knows me,”she said;“and they are all too nice to me to hurt me.” Amusing incidents that chme up in the course of a day were related by her.She told of the old negro who wanted “a quarter’s wuth o’ticket,” regardless of destination.His twen- ty-five cents purchased a_ticket to Loray,for which place he happily boarded the train.She told of thevoungfeliowsof‘tender years whopresentedthemselvesattheexpress offee for their “quart.”She was compelled to hold her ground against stron argument when the age lim- it interposed between the youth and his quart.Two years without a vacation-—| that is her record.Yet cheerfully, she opens her store each morningandcheerfullysheservesthepublicatBariuminhervariousoffices. |anetteMATTERSOFNEWS. MATTERS OF NEWS ant Samuel Bailey,13 vears old,froze to death Mendav at Byington,Tenn. E.H.Grizzard,conductor,E.Gil-christ,colored,fireman,and Mat thews Austin,colored,brakeman,werepkilled Tuesday and H.B.Ad-ama,@ngineer,and L.E.Buggs,fire-man,were badly injured when a Sea- board Air Line freight train -ensine exploded at Dinwiddie Courthouse, Va. Virginia was Morday given per- mission by the Supreme Court to in-stitute mandamus proceedings against West Virrinia to enforce the early payment of $14,000,000 decreed to be West Virginia's share of Vir minia’s 1861 debt.The court order-ed Wert Virgiria autherities to show cause by March 6 why a mandamus writ should not be issued. Sentence of 18 months’imprison- ment and $1,000 fine imposed upon Samuel Bernstein,2 Philade!phia clathing dealer,in Federal procecu tion at Richmond for filing a false claim in bankruntey proceedirigs of A.Fisenstein of Fredericksburg, Va.,was Mondey put into effect bytheSupremeCourt,which refused te review Bernstein's conviction. Mrs.Mary FE.Smith,ared 65,andformanymonthsaninvalid,was burned to death in her home Sunday. hetween Danville and Ringold,Va.The aged women,it is presumed,ap- proached too near the open grace in her rvom,her clothing becoming ir nited.She was later found burnedframheadtofootandlyingonthe floor,a hole having been burned in the carpet.She was unconscious but still alive but the injurces were such thet it was readily seen that she could not survive anc ceath en during the night. German Sabmarine Warfare. Germany's submarine warfare an- parently is growing in_intensity. Tuesday's reporis show that under- water boais probably have accounte! for 15 additional vessels—seven neu- tral and eight belligerent-—of 46,765 tons.Eimht of them are known tohavebeensunk,one is reported t have been “torpedoed,”and the oth- ers are “believed”to have been seni to the bottom.Of"the known sunken vessels,sixwereBritish,one wes Spanish and one Swedish;of those supposed to Rovaaeee sunk,fowr were Norwe- gian,One was British and one Rus-sian.The vessel reported merely as torpedoed and which is not known itively to have been sunk,was a orwegian ship.One of the British steamers torpe-doed and sunk was the Port Ade- laide,a vessel of 8,181 tons,whichcarriedpassengers.Ninety-six per- sens from her,including members of the crew,Were rescued. Paid For Carrying Mail DuringCivilWar. Congress passed the bill appropri- ating money to pay for carrying the United States maile during the warperiodof1860to1868.W.P.Bol.i "soyNel A.Bollinger,will re-S110.86.The senior Bollinger,killed in the Civil War,car. ant| ‘school had st ened submarine ved: *out from Newton at : weBi or hi on hove AE ITFOST take place up very that to know thped,beenuse we know that she and her pupils wereossuchgoodwork.noge she was | to resume work last Monday,as was her intention.Mr.M.A.Christy,who has been: on a business trip to the eastern { of the State,reports rough wea i down there,too.Mr.Christy will | have a singing at his house Thursday| night.Come and bring your books,| The Dairy school at Amity school! house last Saturday was ell attended,regardless of the bad weather.There was a very instrue- tive lecture on cream in the morning. Afterwards talks,tests and illustra- tiens by Mr.J.A.Arey and Mr.G. E.Dull.| Mr.W.P.Goodman is quite sick) with grippe at this writing.| 2EARSeSreWillNotInterfereWith Aid to) Belgiars. London Dispatch,6th. Categorical assurances from the German government that it does not intend to interfere with the feeding) of civilians in Belgium and northern France were received today at the lo-| cal office of the Belgian relief com- mission.Under these assurances,it is stated,the American agents of the commission may remain in the oecu- pied zones unless wer is declared, and in that event they would receive safe conduct. It also was stated that in event of war between the United States and Germany,the organization would continue its existence,but would dis- continue the work of distributing supplies,limiting itself to unloading the cargoes in Rotterdam,at which point they would be turned over to some neutral government to be dis- tributed.: This informction is regarded as considerably improving the vian relief situation. The only hindrance to the usual course of forwarding food to Belgium lies in the inability thus far to reach an agreement as to the routing of it through the submarine zone.Germa- ny insists that it shall be sent by the route north of Scotland,while the British government stipulates that the relief ships must continue to use— the English channel route by way of Falmouth;but the commission hope that some compromise may be reach ed by which the regular sailings can Le resumed. eamesa eee ae English Say Thev Are Ready For Submarine Attacks. London Dispatch,7th. “We are not alarmed at the sharn- war.We knew it was coming and prepared for it.Tim will tell how our confidence is justi- fied.”This statement was made to the Associated Press today at the admir- alty and it was added: ‘It must be remembered that one submarine may cruise whole days without getting a victim.For in- stance,on one day sinee February 1, torpedoes were fired on sight at sev- en of our merchantmen witheut sret- ting a single hit.We have taken measures which we have every reas- on to believe will frustrate the U- noat warfare.Of course,it is ob- vious that we cannot reveal them the daily reports of the decrease i sinkings will be the ses:evidence of suecess.”’ a here Bel-! our Shoes,Shoes,Shoes!See them.— J.M.McKEE &CO.—ad. Everything to Build With from Foundation to Finish and ready for delivery.(.WATKINS,North Center St. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Having qualified wm admin istrat with th will annexed of Mre.Josep!Wallace,de hereby notify a ereor having t her ¢€te esent same t ore the danuary 1s »the «uesteJULIUSWALLACE Adminietcatar C.T.A\tty jan.19,991 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the of J.B.Armfield,deceased,this te to all pe having im iguinst anid estate >present them to me on or before January %, WIR,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recos All persons indebted to said estate 1]be required to make tmmediate settlement EMMA AKMPIELD,’Weatherman,Atty Executor. 9,191 ceased,| s nvain sinte Inth datatefet it BR MeLauwhlir estate notify COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REALESTATE, and by virtue of the power and au- thority vested in the undersigned commineion- er by that judgement of the Superior Court oficedellcounty,North Caroline proceeding entitled “Louis B reels ministrator of the estate of FE.Q.Heuston,de-'coused,plainti(f,againet Mre.Hattie T.Hows-|i ton,widow of FE.Q@.Houston,Pau!B.Houston,Myrtle Houston,Houston,Lillian| Housten and A.L. vf Flom,A. fendants Under .General Guardian Houston and Lillian Houston,de-fi L,anid commissioner,will,onMONDAY,MARCH 5,1°| ell to the highest bidder,at public auction,||| for cheb,that certain tract of land more par-|}tienlariy described and beuwnded ax follows i} That certain tract of land lying and being| in Davidson township,lvedell county,North Cerotinn,and bounded as follows:BRecinninatastone,R.H.Lafferty corner and runningthenceN.#7 1.2 degrees W 5 poles to ¢hiehory.R.J.Houston's line,RO.Arnour's|eorher ;themee N.2 1-2 dewrees W.with RB.J Heaston’s line,4°poles to a poplar,Hobb's corner:thonee #.#7 14poleto«a ttonme in RB.fF,Lafferts’sthencewithLafforty's line &.2 let dewreee F.16 polee to the bewinning,containing thirty- nine (80)feres,more or lees,and being the come fond in el!reepertse conveped to aald B. )Houten ty Bhen J ‘wd others hyratte, tyihi whieh i:sitveted Rear the town at i 6 heesere \Feb.2,2007,‘ate os TT etet |POLK GRAY DRUG CO Baaamr‘SEE ME WH aeth They were a couple of fine old Southerners —you could tell that at a glance.They were talking about tobacco. “Down South here,we judge a man by his family,don’t we?If he is a gentleman, we take his measure in a minute,don’t we ? And,that’s all we want to know,isn't it?” “Say,friend,”one said,“judge this cigar- He is a SOVEREIGN _—that means he has blood and breeding— ette the same way. the South, comes from the finest family—and hasheapsandheapsofgoodfriendsherein “He is made of the choicest and sweetest and mellowest of Virginia and Carolina tobacco;he is raised like a true Southern gentleman—ina fine,clean,healthful home. Let us all stick to him SOVEREIGN— King of them all.” And this all must be truc,men,because You Folks of the South KNOWgood biood! You Folks of the South KNOW cood tobacco! na’South are smoking me by the millions every day.My!it’s fine to be so popular—to have so many friends.And, then here’s something more to think wbout:— That’s why cverybody likes me—why the men of the 1 am guaranteed by if you don’t like me return me to po .7) +WUAcn16an SF it@eoaeeroar a {> |FF a? your bax »faw aut “4:=u me anc!gex your money back,I have said it.A Souther gentiernon is known the world over for keeping his word,and]have given you mine, Sovereign Cigarettes TéM=E SOUTH |FOR THE SOME LITTLE BUG IS GOING TGETYOU,SOME DAY! AND---It’s pretty lia!when the atmosphere | many individlals car without showing s:gn:tend the existing “57 {wear and tenr. GENTLEMAN oF 99 SOCIO | to get you on one of these shifty days \ys every note on the thermometer. vorieties” Not of weather BUT—-When that littly bug does tackle you,be it just a bilieus~ bug,«cold storage buyourdoctortaghim, with neatness and dispetch. There’s no bambuy :lout our drugs.MOST EFFECTIVE on the market. 6“ thon-give us his number. They're the Square” or any others o!the bug family,haveWe'll irish him the PUREST, PO cA aSPAROIDavoGRANITIZED’ —-—ROOFING == AHeh In three weights suitable for farm, COORCPO CAO Also to fix your Clock or Watch. H.B.WOODWARD EN YOU NEED| Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. factory and railroad buildings, made of selected material,is the product of twenty five years en- deavor and is beyond question the best prepared roofing on the market, We buy thiscelebratedroofing in carlots and have especially at- tractive pricesfor the class of goodsweoffer. tiie BSA | of | ah P in s the’nicest,’vegetable,therefore(cannet galivate.Cive it toMillionsofpeopleon's,Liver Tone Your druggist or dangercus cafomel now.¥sells you a BO cent boitle of ist will tel!you that thesale of‘4 Liver Tone under my per-|omel is almost stopped ent ft sn cota a e — 4 7STOPTHATCOLDREFORI es iz ba d e *g EFi 2 % We have some particulariy handsome piece:of furniture but our yreatest pride is ia the handsomeeffectswecanofferingroupsoffurniture.There ia only one way to buy furniture and securetheeffectsingroupingthatyoudesire,That is to SEE AND APPKC\E those groupings before youbuy.=know exactly what you are getting whenvoubuyhere. if,alyaC CLIN a meal ' concen nese -en ES beers eae WHY SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? =WHEN Hall’s Headache Powder : WILL STOP THE PAIN IN 10 MINUTES-10 CENTS, -HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No.29. <a "USE BRICK! The best town in the State should use The best_brick made ia the Staie.This towa is blessed with brick of high quality,__reasonable price.You certainly cannot atford not to build with__brick here of all peAfterthisdateoldpriceswillbein effect locallysameasforseveralyears. COMMON BRICK.FACE BRICK.FIRE BIRCK. |STATESVILLE a Co. Build a Home or Save. The Books of The First Building and Loan Associa-tion of Statesville will be 5 a@ new series--Gist,next Saturday.there is no greaterThereisno ee, it Wn ;ryAND?)D a ‘ow I suge¢est this time as a mat- professional man as well as at anyothertime.And then I believe that thereshouldbeagraduatedlicensetax,something like these rates:ThatjOneoverfivemiles’outside ofcountyandnotexceeding20miles,‘pay a license tax of $1 for each day,or part of a day,that he hunts;ever20miles,and not exceediimiles,$2 per cay;over 100|per day;outside of the State »j said license tax to be applied to|sebeol or road fund.I have heard some men saythekillingofbirdsduringtheterdidn’t make them any scarcer.This appears to me as false :Now if there is any objection toamendingtholawsomewhatabovesugrestion,we will get up @ petition for its enactmen:.I have spoken to several mon endtheyallsaythattheywouldbeglad to sign the netition. Yours most truly,D,W.LOWRANCE.Mooresville,N.C ABOUT A NEW CHURCH. J.C.8.ThihksIt Would’Be Well te Go Slow and Consider. Niditor of The Landmark: me Yo the Please allow‘hrough your paper in regardbaldinganewPresbyterianchurch. We shou!d all cxpress our views nowandnotwaituntilitistoolate,andthencomplairbecauseitdidn’tovrway.I trust no one will thinkme4kicker,for I am trying to pre-vent anything that ought to be kick-‘ed at.All will admit that more Sun-‘day school roorh is indispensable,but.ean we afford to throw away so good2churchwiththebestauditoriumintown,and build a new church,whenalibuildingmaterialisattheof tothemarket;when we are uncarryourbudgetofotherchurch ex-nenses;with Mexican war and the a few words |school and akmost|pils now have it,denite has for awhile,|but few of had hadmeacles.The boy was ill before he\left heme,but for the sake of get-‘ting his name on the honor rol!cave|the disease to about 45 of his echool-mates,besides their little brothersaodsisters,and eaused the school to |Stop.Mr.Herbert Lackey has been sickforsemedave.He has preumenia.Mro.W,A.Sharpe has returned fromHiddenite,where she spert some! |days with her father,Mr.T.F.Mur-|doek,who is siek,and her daughter,Miss Willie May .Who has measles st her ¢r’s.Miss Clara Gilreath of near Tay-|lorsville is #some time with,|her cieter,Mrs.DC.Harrirgton.|I think the ground hog must have| |seen his shadow,as we are having|some rough weather.Sunday righwasabouttheworstwehave-had)!lately in these parts. |The Landmark Not Its Old Seif. Our Fatherless Ones.| |The Statesville Landmark isn’t its‘old self these days.Editor R.R.|Clark has re’to a sanatorium|to rest for a few weeks,and the en-tire State is missing him sorely.Itrequiresthe“Judge”to make The.Landmark “go.”He is one of the.|most consistent,honest,conscientiouswritersinState—sometimes|brilliant.He is a scholar of the oldschoolwhoseeditorialsaremixedwithequalpartsofevery-day com-'imon sense and fine,wholesome hu-;mor.He and his worthy associateshavemadeTheLandmarkthebestsemi-weekly in the State.We hopespringwilfindhimathisgreatlyrefreshedinmindandbody,wielding his mighty pen,regulatingthemoralsofweak,championingtherightsoftheoppressedandkeep-|ing history straight. A CHILD HATES OIL,CALO-MEL,PILLS FOR LIVERANDBOWELS!| Give “California Syrup of Figs”if Cross,Sick,Feverish,Con- stipated. Look back at your childhood days. | German war on our hands?World it Remember the “dose”mother insist-not be better to baild the Sund&y ed on—castor oil,school room now and consider theehurchmatterlater,and not over-load all at once too much?Mr.HookorMr.Lester could tell us how to do anything we want to do.A future,generation may be more able to buildthanweareandperhapswouldnotbesatisfiedwithanythingwemight do now.|have seen four churches on this ground now.The first wasalogchurchandlookedlikeabarnThesecondstoodonlyashortwhileandsome“smart Ike”said it wasn’ts&fe,but it was so strong that it washardtoteardown;the third didnothaveenoughstyleandhadtogo;the fourth is the present one an!more modern,and is said to be thebestauditoriumintown.This was old Fourth Creek congregation andworeitselfoutbuildingchurches.Now it is the First church and it maybebettertohavesomereform=inthatline.d.C.8,eee What Mr.Morrison Did in theChickenandEggLine. fo the Hditer of The Lanamark: Mr.Bass and Uncle Sidney Clo:lfelterhaveinformedthereadersofyourpapertheamountofpirmoneytheymadefrom—last yeur.Now let your Uncle Eph.tell whatheisaccomplishingwithpoultry.Last season I mated up 3 pens of 8.C.Reds,10 to the pen,making 30hensandpullete.I sold in January,February,Mureh and April $104 worth of eggs ane baby chicks.I nev- er kept «record ofthebreedingseason was over.I havesold20pulletsfor$32,22 cockerels for $75.50,meking a total of $211.50.I have 15 cockcrels yet for sale thatwillnetmeover$50,making a net |profit ef $261.50 from a flock of 30hensandpullets.Lam _quite sure that the egg:sold after the breedincseasonwasoverandthecockerelsusedfortableusewouldmorethenpayforallfeedused.Added to the$251.50 clear.profit |am_retainingstocktothevslueof$50 in my breeling pens fcr thes season.Nowncoundsprettygoodtowefarmers,brt this profit was madeeasierthanvvisiningCotton.|forgot to add $35.50 cash prize mon-ey won at fair:and try shows,besides silve cups ribbons toonumeroustomention,E.A.MORRISON. Legislatures Approve Action ofPresident Legislatures of the followingStateshaveadoptedresolutionsap-provi President Wilson’s break with :\NorthCarolina Tennessee,NewYork,Colorado,West Virginia,lo-wa,New Mexico.De!aware,Missouri,|Minnesota,Wash- |Ee he Mow Yack,a billoeeadvanced a half eggs scld after ealomel,cathart-jies.How you hated them,how you fought against taking them.y.With our children it’s different.Mothers who cling to the old form of‘physic simply don’t realize what theydo.The children’s revolt is well-founded.Their tender little “in-sides”are injured by them.If your child’s stomach,liver andbowelsneedcleansing,give only de-licious “California Syrup of Figs.”,Its action is positive,but entle.Millions of mothers keep this harm- less “fruit laxative”handy;they know children love to take it;that it never fails to clean the liver andbewelsandsweetenthestomach,andthatateaspoonfulgiventodaysavesasickchildtomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-centbottleof“California Syrup ef Figs,” which has full directions for babies,children of all ages and for grown.|ups plainly on each bottle.Beware ofcounterfeitssoldhere.See that it is made by “California Fig SyrupCompany.”Refuse any other kindwithcontempt. Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. enemasenneen eeHoam | aesaaneatenaeeeaaa SSINS desk,} ere eary to find and easy tovoadbytheRayoLamp. it gives a steady,ticilowlight, best for the eyes,minus theflickerofgasandtheglareofelectricity No troublesome latnp-shade orchimneytoremovewhenlighting. Use Aladdin Security Oil—the fost economical kerosene oil---,for best results. STANDARD OIl.COMPANY AL TIMORE,Washi no De Charter Nty.c,ariotte.N.C‘ie CherieSchnee.Va.Cherianena THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholay=!NEW and OLD..Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysedesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill and confidence of over seventeen hundred patrons.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT.Wewill be glad to have you call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if our. service in needed. Wedo NOTARYPULIC work also.Cordially yours,J.F.CARLTON, Taylor Elastic Feit Mattress.The guaranteed kinb.Tryit30daysandifnotfoundaswerecittobere-turn it tous and get your money back.This mattressismadeoftheverybestwhitefeltandNo.|ticking.3 We can aisofit you up with the best of any kind ofspringyoumaydesire.Our stock is complete in every department and we awalt your inspection. Williams Furniture House Inc.| ‘*The Favorite Store.” SER Van Lindley Co.) eas (333331 CommercialNational Bank ;OF STATESVILLE,N.©. vapital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods, Four per cent.paidon timeand Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: *!eo with Germany.ihurryingtheannual)toward com ,wrote additional iations to-one ot which moreisforammunitionfor auxiliaries of the fleet ost aeronautics wereintroducedduringconsiderationbeforethe, In the Senate,an executive session consider nominations occupied vir- tually the entire day but a bill was through increasing the penalties oaes threats against the Pres- ident of United States and the agreed at an informal to support a plan for au- thorization of 100 submarines,in ad- to those provided for in the building programme. le the House was debating the naval bill,the military committee in the annual army appro- Maaeoean”re a total of 7 including a provis- ion by Secretary Baker under which the full mem- of the army general staff may be brought to Washington =in emergencies to work on war prob- lems.Among the largest items for t are authorizations of for —.ro ‘or ipment and stores of the re- oscorps,and $5,500,000 for auto- matic machine guns for the army and National owe Debate on the bill will begin late this weer. The annual fortifications bill,the advanced of the trio of big an- nual defence supply measuref,near- ion ay when the Sen-the conference report a provision against pur- chase of any supplies =t a price 25inexcessofthecostofrebythegovernment.The 4g expected to approve the re- port in @ few days.. was made in committeeshousesduringthedayonthe series of laws dealing with con-against the United States and in the interest of foreign govern-_ Late today the House judici- ve reported them favor-| espionage bill,similar to that) intreduced in the Senate yesterday .|Senator Overman,also was con-, during the day b os judiciary committee,and a ex- for one year the life of the war risk insurance business by the Hous-s.Navy Department’attaches i importance to a_bill pre- sented to the House today ich would empower the President to take ever for public service,when neces- aary,manufacturing plant which Salts te ve precedence to gov- ernment for vessels or other war material.The personnel of any such establishment could be drafted under the measure. Another bill would authorize a 000 bond issue to provide for insuring quick delivery of vessels now under construc- and a third would appropriate $1,for government purchase of aeroplane and seaplane pat- raising the anti-aircraft $1,000,000 to $3,800,000 insupplythreeforeachnaval and the appropriation for auxiliary ammunition from to $7,281,000,the House inserted in the bill a new item of $1,- 250,000 for machine guns for ships of the navy and made many other in- ereases,including the following: nce and ordnance _stores, from $7,602,00C to $8,488,000;batter- ies for merchant auxiliaries,$4,367,- 000 to $5,781,000;ammunition for naval ships,$1,500,000 to $3,500,000. A saeviohen,for Federal use of the new commonwealth drydock at Bos- ton,recommended wv the Navy De- partment,was stricken out on a point of order.Consideration of the bill was nearly completed today and it will come up again for passage y. Under the terms of the annual army bill as reported today,$3,000,- ‘or machine guns,which ordina- rily would not be available until July 1,could be used immediately.The measure carries $600,000 for armor- ed motor cars,$450,000 for anti-air- eraft guns for the army and $2,500,- 000 for arms,ordnance and other ex- penses of civilian military training camps.a State Banks’Good Showing. The Corporation Commission issu- ed a statement Tuesday showing the condition of State banks and trust companies at the close of business, December 27,when statements were called for.It shows $120,046,243 to- tal assets and liabilities,this being a in of $28,192,281 over last =its are $30,359,843 subject to check;savings deposits,$20,472,- 402;certificates of deposit,time,i.demand,$8,074,822. mom —for the year as follows:posits subject to check,$15,681,573;savings,$4,628, 966;demand certificates,$2,249,338,time certificate,$2,710,635.total capital stock is $11,615,-a@ gain of $644,838 for the year.increase in surplus fund was70;in undivided profits,$846,-The increase in loans and dis- count was $15,330,258 and the _in- stocks,bonds 000 f .provement. |no doubt is felt that they.will be ac-| |river lowlands,there will shortly for NewwstartCountvonBernstorff,who is an American wom:er with .the andservantsofthecapitalnextSundaycarspeciallyprovidedthrough thecourtesyoftheStateDepartment)and omen guarded.On their ar-'rival in New York,the party will go.——to Ge a.Sa [ e conducts ve request:|ed by the State De tof both!Great Britain and nce for pasa-) age through the allied blockade,and| corded.|Every precaution is being taken toallownoopportunityforoffencetothedismissedofficialsandAmericanauthoritiesthroughoutthecoungryhavebeenrequestedbytheStateDe- partment to see that every courtesy,is given.1AmbassadorGerardandhissuite’at Berlin and all the American con- sular officials in Germany are expect-ed to receive similar courtesy frtheGermangovernmentandpeople.As yet no word has come from them as to events in Germany or plans fordeparture.New York was selected as the sail- ing er for the German officials toavoidpassagethrougffenemyterri- tory. Activities in the War Zone. The,occupation of about 1,000yards’of German trenches by theBritishintheregionofgrandcourt,southwest of Bapaume in France, represents the greatest gain by anyofthebelligerentsonanyfrontan-nounced in the latest official commu- nications.No fighting was requiredtotakethenewpositions,the LondonwarofficereportingthattheGer- mans offered no opposition to theBritishtroops.On the remainder of the front in France spirited artilleryduelsalonehaveprevailed.In Galicia,couth of Kiselin andsouthwestofBrody,the Germans es-sayed attacks against the Russians,but,according to Petrograd,all of them failed.In Rumania quiet continues to pre-vail.In the Austro-Italian theater,bombardments alone are taking place.On the Macedonia front,in Cerna river bend and on the Strumahasbeencon- siderable fighting,but with the re- sults unknown. Constantinople repor:s that in re-cent attacks on the Turks near Kut- el-Amara the British lost not lessthan2,000,aside from men madeprisoners.The British succeeded inpenetratingTurkishfirstline posi- tions,says Constantinople,but later were ejected. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM-MONS. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.Superior Court,Before the ClerkMrs.S.A.Preeze,executrix of E.L.Freeze,deceased,ve.Cora Freeze and her huaband,CB.Freeze,Laura Shoemaker and F.Shoemaker,her huabnd,Bedleah Frazier,JohnFreeze,Mrs.W.H.MeKinnie and W.H MecKinnie,heire at law.The non-resident defendants above named,Mrs.W.H.MeKinnie and W.H.MeKinnie,will take notice that an action entitled as abovehasbeencommencedintheSuperiorCourtof Iredell!county before the eerk,for the pur- pose of selling a house and let,owned by E.L.Freeze at the time of his death,to makeassetswithwhichtopaythedebtsof.saidtestatorandthecharwesofsettlingsaides- tate..The said defendants will further take no- tlee that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell county,in Statesville,N.C.,on Satur- day,March 8,1917,at 19 o'clock,and answe or demur to the petition filed in this cause,iftheysodesire;otherwise the plaintiff will ap-piv for and the Court will grant the relief asked for in the petition.J.A.HARTNESS, Clerk Superior Court. Long &Scott,Attorneys for petitioner, Feb.9,1917. THE STILES USED In the manufacture of C.WATKINS’ Doors and Windows are heavy and properly kiln-dried,so they can hold their own against such winds as those of the past few days. DRAINAGE TAX SALE. 1M.Pvilloffe Alexander,Sheriff of lTredell for sale at the court house deer 'North Carolina,at 10 o'clock, am,on March the 6th,111 the following leseribed lands ia the Third Creek Drainage Distriet for the assessments due on said lands for the years of 1915 and 1916 For.full de- scription of lands see drainue f coun- Simtesviile, ecorda of Third Creek Drainage District,and map filed with Clerk of the Superior Court by the U8.8.Drainaye Enyineers Deed for same will be given to pur haser as provided by thedrainageactof1909andamendmentstheretoNamesAmountL.Barringer $49.91L.Deaton 18,96 W.MeCoy 216.27k.H.Plyler 69.29 “irs.E.L,Pool 14.42 Mra.8.M.Watt $8.25 M M.Winecoff 2.09 Feb.2,3917. NOTICE!— TO ALL LANDOWNERS IN SNOW CREEKPRAINAGEDISTRICT: You will take notice that it ie the purposeoftheDrainageCommissionersofSnowCreek Drainage District to inoue bonds for the pay- ment of the total coat of the improvements intheamountof$46,004.These bonds ave te draw 6 per cent interest,payable semi-annual- ly,and are payable in ten equal instalments, one each year,beginning on the let day of January,1820.Any landowner in the dis-trict,not wanting to pay interest on the bonda, may on or before the 12th day of March,1917,pay to the County Treasurer the fuli amount,for which bis land is liable,whichForClaesAlandts$41.45 per acre. For Claes B land t .16 per acreForClaseClandis$24.87 per acre.Por Clase D land is $16.58 per acre. S Gr aaThementsare#paid shallliabilitybatsuchlandsshallcontinue C.WATKING(IT 18 WORTH WHILETOSTU DY THB.ARB eu. oe % secretariestheembassy,will leave!night in a hettle o!little at any tiv removecorneetan aone’slionsofAmericanwomen your druggist .tell him to order a you. UNDER and by virtue of the power o sale contained in a certain ~~executed to J.P.Williams by 8.L,:and recorded in the office of the Register ofDeedsofIredellcountyinbook24,page 62°the unders will onDAY,MARCH 5,1917,at 12 o'clock,at the court house doordellcounty,sell at public auetion to thehighestbidderforcash,the seribed tract or parcel of land,toewlt:Adjoining the land of HW.T.Williams ani |others,and known os twe Redman tract oflanduponwhichSilasReamannowlives:b« ginning ut a post o#k on the aide of tix mountain;thence south 177 Le poles to stake in Adtin Hardin's line;thenee east 1. poles to a sourwoed,Hesea Redman's Vinethencenorth2221-2 poles to the ledge of roc near the top of mountain;thences tothebeginning.The interest con will bx one half undivided interest ia Cai de- seribed tract of land J.P WILLTAMS,t=Mayberry,Atty.Mortgagee.| lan,30,19°7. Sale of Little Rock Drainage | The Commiesioners of Little Becky @reck | Drainage District of lredell County ‘er { sale and will receive bids for Sixteen Thowsan’| Five Hundred Dollars ($16,500.00)Dyaina,:Bonds of said district,at the office of the Cler\.|of the Superior Court in the Court House 9’ Statesville,North Carolina,until neon,Bato: day,February 17,19!7,bends dated Mareh 1+.1917,and due serially $1,650.00 per —.beginning with three years from date bssue;bonds in denominatens of five reddollars($500.00)and one hundreddollars($150.09)respectively,bearing ent)at the rate of six per cent.per annum and in-terest payable semi-annuatly;both prineips!| ville,North Carolina.The Commissioners =orc- serve the right to accep!os reject §T.aA.8U \W.W.HOLLAND,} } and interest payable at some bank fn eal a SecretaryW.D.Turner and R.T.Weatherman,Att'ys. Feb.2,1917.NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION.|' Having qualified as administrator of thel"estate of B.Combs,deceased,late of Ire-|7 dell county,North Carolina,this is to netify|fallpersonshavingclaimsagainstthestate||of the said deceased to exnthit them to the un-|deraigned administrator on or before tie 2241p day of January,1918,or this notlee will bepleadinbaroftheirrecovery,Al pervons | indebted to the sa‘'d estate will please makej jjimmediatepaymentu.D.COMBE, Administrater of R.B.OGAttyJan.23,Hit.Buren Jurney, Prices range from $29 to $750. Shown above is cut ofModel100,price $100. Come in for a demon- stration. fifty i Buy And Enjoy| Weser Phonograph i for i} MORTGAGE SALE OF Sin oO . eo . inEasaiateFord!shriang poatenoneofthewithdheeardy,serviceablePordAndthefameoftheseastoforeipeop!even toislands.”™ it bas neithero3is sufficient provocation,or that meritforitsreward,let him consider the’Ford. :0andjoke,the Ford goeth where no it returneth when others fall by yside; travels in stormy seasons,in wet weather,muddy roads,with no companiens save its ownkindandmake.Yea,verily,the owners of Fords goforthinthemorningwithoutthetuneasyfeeling,for they kroweth in their xerrts tuat a Ford neverfailstoreturn,whither it goeth;and their goingandcomingislikeuntotheeternaltidesoftheocen:.for in the uttermost part of the carth there abideth the Ford.And should accident befall,the rich is not made poor,ner the pious man profane.For urto the owner of the Ford all the partsthereofarereadyandwaiting,and no part costs afortune:and whether it be an axle,a gear,a fend- er,or spring,a piston,or a new motor in entirety,but what it is quickly forthecming at any cross- roads garage.The Ford boasts not of 'ts luoks,nor seeks strifeandcompetitionwiththeseearsthatarebuiltonlinesofvanity,even as fashion books portray false-ly and with lack of modesty the lines of the humanbody:but rather the spirit end soul of the Ford or- ganization seeketh to rewar?those who believe inmodestyandmoderation.Nor doth it avail the haughty car to say:Look onme;sce how ful are the streamlines of mybody.For it often cometh to pass after cpeakinginthiswise,Fate decreee the humble and modestitopassbyandlookdownonBeautyinthe ditch.Be wise,oh man,in your choice of a ear,and letnots.obbish pride sway your judgment,For therewillbemanywhowillcomeandsay:Thinketh notonaFord;open your purse,pay more,get less, and bask in society.But the stern,honest man who labors for his dol-lars,is not misled by the bequ‘ling smile or passingbowofsociety.Wherefore,*is yeu,maid and ma-tron,who must learn to shun sham and seek thesubstantialandtheworthy.For what will it prof- ‘it yeu to buy that for which you cannot pay,or purchase that which will cause you to forego food and soring bonnets,or spend the wherewithal that would hire a eook? For,lo,it is a matter of common knowledge that the proud purse,and the org purse,are brought low and leter findcth consoletion in their ownership of a Ford.Let your understanding cf a Answer these who would falselyWhencecomeththereputationo gained in a brief season or through a score of car be complete.rsuade you thus:the Ford;was it 1 acincasaagpeae the powers of the earth until no man,notthewisemenandtheprophets,could foretell’the”—ooAndevenas wise men had prophesied,thependulumofpricesbegantoswing,and priceswhichhadcomedownbegantomn”Iron and steel and leath:y;rubber and cottongasoline;oil and timber and coal and machi salldiverskindanddescripticns,feltmandfremthosenationswhereall wasearthanddeathtomen.Thus it was at the beginning,and therethi:g to govern or contre]the upwardinprieesonallthosethingsthetare “he the wake of th thereninwakeofthissituation followedthelevyofhighertaxationonourownpeople,‘even on the necessities of life.such as flour,beetandhogmeat;potatoes retailed by the ounce,aroni by the foot,beans by the dozen,and evenfowlsofthebernyardrefuredtodelivertheireggssaveonawar-like loan basis.Selah!The labor end the steel ard the brass that hadbeenusedtobuildsutomcbilesweredivertedfromthechannelsofpeacetothetrenchandcampfiresinthezonesofwar,into the manufacture of canhon .and munitions of war.Verily the a in-dustry was doomed save at higher prices for its la-\bor and its materials.,Whereupon in res:of labor and material the selling pricebegantoadvance—save the Ford!And as te the future selling price of the Ford nomanknoweth;but the voice of the wise menuntoyou:Listen unto sul‘or now is the accepted t: Bs CAROLINA MOTOR COMP’Y.“WE NEVER CLOSE.”. MOORESVILLE.STATESVILLE.NEWTON. SPRING SHOWING Consisting of a wonderful display of new things that are selling at prices that will keep you guessing how we keep the prices down so low. The power of money in buying and short profits tell the tale. New Coat Suits,ranging in price$25.00,in Gaberdine and Poplins.and $15.00 ones. from an All Wool Serge at $10.00 In all the wanted colors.See our $12. New Silks in Plaids,Siripes and plain weaves. Don’t overlook our Cotton Goods Department—none better—big lots to select from. Phoenix Silk Hose,Black,Navy,Blue,Tan,Purple,Gray,Bronze and White.usual price 802.to $1.50 per pair. ae ae<=MILLS &~~POSTON.= Leonard Piano Store. aia 7 ae to be sasessed for sald improvements,|liable | Pein Tl aaa =7” ameaidl latestBlack,Flesh at"hall price Sale pricesonmost winter goods fewdays longer. Don’tfail to takeadvantageofprices. |J.M. a Me McKee & Respectfully, ; > o a -vn eee & ge es:Oe eeeBahi‘i ? nae tw he crake tay ae ' Sale Prices on Winter Goods | Just receivedbig,shipment handsome shirt | ¥s ia t ‘ “l i k i ;,; iH i § Ff‘of enrollmenti t s } f e ? vi i w e*E n i a f j i nta i Hii li :ftffs: i:ik iz i ;it iii bestsanta soma teote F £é& i i 5 » only .recently stum-uponis that thelate Rev.Joseph“=of —__——ia minister at eooofryDr.L.Harrill eerMire 1.)OOwas -byterianchurch of Wilmington.Mrs.Harrill knew.the preacherhiswife,visiting in their home »It was the home of the typicalminister;a plain home,over by consecrated parents.Mr.Wilson and his wife werecouple.The minister = 6 8 was his oe a and leadership unt*"oolagethto.After the death of the mother,his father madeMrs.L.Robinson.in ,aunt of Mrs.L.White |ored Mrs.SharpetoHaveC-Alexander Rescue Home. been making a fa 2 “f t7 H gh z zF 75 as Jones,nurse.prevailedinthemill section,andwasfollowedby causeofthis 128visits,124to —,vistte,OFwere to4topatients.There wereand12mothersvisits to 1weighingvisitsstructed.There were 77“|new patients—-73 to whitecolored;21 visits to old patients—19towhiteand2tocolored,Tota}num-ber of patients 47;white 43,colored4,were four deaths duringthemonth,all white.and sweet milk were givenand,in one case,a prescription was |filled and given.Forty-two pieces of|bed linen and eight towels were loan-ed from the linen closet.Mrs.Jones assisted withth|ations and gave five treatments.girl was provided for andschoolWillInstallPastor Sunday—Rev.Mr.Haltiwanger’s Call. inted by Con-The commission acordPresbyteryto installCatheyatConcordandStony PointchurchesiscomposedofE.D.Brown and J.H .Br.der W.B.church.Rev.J.A.Smithinvitedtositwiththecommission.The service will be held atConcord ;next Sebbath at 11 a.m.and at Sto-at 3)deanyPointintheo’clogk..W.DzinCatawba cowatZionLutheran churchSundaymorning,NewSundayafternoonandat Beth Eden,|Newton,Sunday night.The lem,andvhurches,has extended a call to Pas-tor Haltiwanger. homeingeMrs.Watts gavework;she will be 2Mrs.C. 7 negroofi J was @ full month for Mrs.ney or Mrs the town and in manycasesIfwe Gibson of Front Street Haltiwanger spent .Mrs.Sharpe hashomewithheraunt,Morrison,in Statesville. Local Courts. the!z Measles t;pneumonia.trouble:the ‘secretary|Which,thesays,then it would soon end.Mra.Jones made ee pahee number ber of4tocol- 96whiteand two in-| and4to four oper- Oneplacedin Rev.8.L. v.Messrs.ly and El. has been mty and Jerusalem | me hargeof ie Deal.Charlotte. succeeded the Am- before yesterdayattemptedofanmn Sloan|.The and| |and Swasthe Dr.GverelwoalietbethevernHill. Mr.William A.Van Hoy of UnionGrovetownshivdiedSundai battle of Mal. Idren:.Ww.J,W.Sharp and MissallofIredell;Mr.M.Van 'and Mr.H.P.Van Hoy of Tre-dell Mr.J.W.Van Hoyof Con-cord.One sister,Mrs.Jane Irelandsurvives.Mr.Van Hov wa a son of ’ er port yesterday afternoonatUnionGrovechurch SouthernWantstoDiscontinueSomeTrains. Raleigh Dispatch,10th. mission an application for permissiontodiscontinueanumberof|trains,company claims are notanythinglikeearningtheir.Two of the trainsexpenses.thepoe line between bye,lem and Wilkesboro;one on the -ford-Mount Airy line,via GreensboroMadison;Nos.21 and 22 on thelinebetweenAshevifleandWaynes-ville and one of the trains on theinebetweenWinston-Salem andCharlotte.Tt is asserted in the application!that these trains are costing the com-pany $1.15 a train mile to operatethemandthattheyareearningonlyfrom40to60centsamile.The in-sistence is that the trains ave entire-ly too great a burden on the companyfortheaccommodationtheyaccordthetravelingpublicinthelightofthelimittravelaccommodated.The commission has only just receiv-ed the application and no time for_hearing on the matter has been © 8 Ships En Route From NewYorktoWarZone. New York Dispatch,10th. With the Stars and Stripes flyingathertaffrailandindefianceofGer-many’s submarine warning,theAmericansteamshipRochestersailedtodayBordeaux.The RochesterwasfollowedbytheAmericansteam-»of the Oriental Navica-Company,also bound for Bor-x.These are the second sailings ofAmericansteamersforalliedportssinceGermanywarnedofherextend.ed submarine warfare.The firstvesseltobravedestructionintheU-boat zone was the Dochra.ShesailedonFebruary2forGenoa.Upon the voyages of the OrleansandRochester,manned by crews,22ofwhomareAmericancitizens,maydependtheissueofpeaceorwar.with Germany.carry contraband,accordingtotheGermanpointofview.Theyarenotarmedfordefenceagainstsubmarines.Neither are they markedtocomplywithconditionssetdownbyGermanyinhernotewarn- ertionui _|ing the American vesescis. Let on Which to ErectForCarolinaMotor(o. Mr.J.M.Deaton has purchasedfromDr.Grier Miller of Philade!nhia,th A.P.Barron,‘the lot on east street between the home ofDr.J.F.Carlton and the Daniels |iv- y pure used asaIdingtobeoccupiedbyCarolinaMotorCompany.ThefonaCCwilebe70by150 a two-story §structure,a a >the ee _lerolinaMotorCompany,which wiFile,ae FordtractorsandtheFordtrucks.Workonthebuildingwillbebegunabout completed by July ist.bly beaRSEceaaes It is war with73saidtheprop-&feaponsivetheonwhichthenitatesewig Ist.The building will proba-|Grace =|Riedie a tf .|Hefner as alterna’ loy|the judges’decision “The Anvil lastSletten nette?These ‘land of ‘The Landwmerk.12—-Last Thurs- school met inauditoriumtohearthefirstpaaeeeginnforthetriangu- each sr by the niversity ofpreliminarywasorthThis}Id ves of the boys’»Mr.R.C.Cox,prin-ms of the acted as presidentWitheandWilsonMilsteadassec!"to the debates MissesandEunicePaynepianoduet.The secretarythequerychosenbythedebatingunionforthisyear’s de-“Resolved,That the governmentoo.the railroads,”of speakers and thetheaffirmative.ThisrepresentedbyLindsay»Lawrence Hedrick,Ar-efner and Levi Teague,ThosetivewereJenningsHar-oe heierary e2 2 2 | T h o § = speakers and an alternatefromallthedebaters.They gavefirstplacetoLeviTeague,second toSwanBlankenshipandelectedArthurte.During the in-termission between the debates and rus”from Tl Travatore was well ren-dered by the Glee club of the highschool. On Friday evening a similar contestwasrepresentativesofthe:Lanier -Literary Society.MargieAllienactedasidentofthedebateandClara¥Y as secretary an- ning.The first thing on the lanche Watts and Espie Little,afterwhichthedebatesweregiven.JennieBurgessandsentedthe Burke,Elizabeth Lindsay and Daisy |Edwards the negative side of thequery.The judges,Mrs.D.C.Hen-ley,jessrs.a Watts and R.M. ngram,gave e Burke first choice.Ems AlspaughLindsaythird.The and Sarah Robi-2 ary debateshavealreadymeantagreatdealtotheboysandgirlswhotookpartinthem.They all acquitted themselvessowellthatTaylorsvillehasevery girls and to desire to give them theopportunitiestheydeserveandneed so badly. There will be an old-time spelling match between the school and the cit- izens of the town Friday evening atthecourthouseforthebenefitofthe|school.Admission 10 cents.Phe |Blue Back speller will be used.Mrs.NanceofthelateElijah Barnes,died Fri.or morning at her home in Taylors-ville township in the 81st year of her age.She had been in for aMonthbutwasnotconfinedtoanddeathwasunexpected.Deceasedwasthemotherof13childrenandfoursonsandfivedaughterssurvivenamely:Messrs.I.A.Barnes,T.L.Barnes,Jumes Barnes of the countyandJ.W.Barnes of this place;Mes-demes Candace Deal,who lived withhermother,and N.C.Robinette,Wil-liam Herman,J.A.Jolly and Tobiasgarner,all of this county.Thefuneralandburialserviceswerecon-ducted by Rev.C.O.Smith of Clare- mont,at Salem Lutheran church Sat-urday afternoon at 2 o'clock.Mr.and Mrs.Hall Watts and MrsThomasWattswenttoNewtonSatur-day to visit Mrs.Thomas Watts’daughter,Mrs.C.L.Everhart. Mr.W.J.Matheson.real estateagentofStetesville,sold the proper- ty of the late W.P.Ingram to theTaylorsvilleCottonMillCompanySaturday.This property was owned by Mrs.W,P.Ingram and consists of|@ house and three acres of land ad- joining the mi!property in the east.Rev.J.M.Clark,D.©.,or Hickory, Superintendent and evangelist ofHomeMissionsinConcordPresby-tery,filled the pulpit at the Presby-terian church here at the morning and evening servicesMr.Lawrence Alspaugh of Bartow, »who has been visiting his cousins,Messrs.T.©.and Ralph Als-Facet.near town,and relatives andjendsintown,left Saturday eve-ping for Statesville to visit his uncle, .Ww.R.Ware.There is quite an epidemic of Measles in the cotton mill village fome cases in town.No one hasbeenseriouslyi).Mrs.J.H.Burke and Miss IreneLeQueuxdelichifullyentertainedthe elub,Embroidery club and anumberofotherwuestsattheattrac-home of Mrs.Burke on east in street Thursday afternoon from8to5o'clock.Heart's dice waspage!at ei¢ht tables.Mesdames H..Kelly,J.F.Clement and Lon CoonetiedfortheclubprizeandMissesFeimsterandSaraBurketied the est prize.Mrs.Kelly andjesFeimsterwereiresuccessful@fesandthehostess«s presenred aboxofstationeryandboxofcorres- course,coffee and mints were2erebySaraBurkeandlittleMissCar- wiecece”ieseasonoutintherefreshmentsa to stay out A.M.is.inher,Mr,W.PF.Me-:Heavetonigit forMr.andMrs.cards.: »toa Burke and Swan |; Ems Alaffirmative and ‘Selle!te reason to be proud of her boys and!; Elvira Barnes,widow|i bed|two years cards to them.A delicious)Sunda: someheState—Page’s edu-cational bill,Roberts’ar suf-frage bill and the Anti Leaguewhiskeytrafficbill,Since our last report bills havebeenintroducedintheHouse:Tovideforuniformaccountingindepartments;to offer reward for ¢s-eaped desperado;to extend jurisdic-tion of corporation commission;toamendbillofGeneralAssemblyreg-ulating removal of graves;to pro-vide for utilization of water power;to provide for road maintenance;toamendmilitarylaw;to change con- weekly cena at oe ct ~ba)employes;to in-crease fees of constables:to provideforregistrationoflandtitles:to re-quire districts to issue annual ome, fuel,oils and liquids;relative to Na-tional Guard;to exempt farm prod-ucts and implemen Car- traveling libraries;relative to liens on live stock;raise agelimit as to moral responsi- To prevent showing of drinkingseenesinpicturetheatres;to amendlawrelativetodrunkenness;amend law velative to obscene lan- nounced the programme for the eve-|?h special counties of the State;toeducationalcommission sumption of grants in land suit,b:Turner.Passed second and third reading:To vrovide for auditing the books ofIredellcounty,by Turner. Mr.F.L.Page and FamilyMovetoPhiladelphia. Greensboro N 10th,Mr.Coal =.B oera eemanagermillsy-ment of the Odell Hardware Compa-ny for the past nine years,has re-signed and wil!leave Greensboro forPhiladelphia,where he hasapositionofresponsibility with avottoncommissionhouse.During hisresidenceinGreensboroMr.Pacehasmadealargenumberoffriends,all of whom will sincerely regret to|°see him leave.Mrs.Page.who is now in NewYorkonavisit,is expected to returntoGreenboroinaweekortwoandafterherreturnshewillhavetheirhouseholdgoodspackedandshippedtoPhiladelphiaandshewilljoinMr.Page there within the next fewweeks.Mr.and Mrs.Page and a8drenwillcarrywiththemthewishesofawideacquaintancehere.Mrs.Page has been active in thesocialandclubactivitiesofthiscitysinceshebecamea_resident ofGreensboroandherleavingwillalso cause regret among her many friends.Mr.and Mrs.Page's Statesvillefriendswillhearwithregretthat they are to leave the State but willwishthemsuccessandhappinessintheirnewhome.Mrs.Pere wasMissBelleWoodofStatesville. Herry Tatem,colored,died yester-day in a hospital at Winston-Salem,from being shot the day before byArthurMalone,also colored,who has been arrested.Shooting follow- ed ¢crap game. Governor Bickett refuses to par-don H.A.Hayes,serving ten yearsforembezzlingfromtheChildren’sHomeatWinston-Salem,of which hewasmanager. Harris B.Holder,aged 20 years,son of Mrs.Alice M.Holder of Salis- bury,fell from a derrick at Neversony,receiving injuries fromwhichhedied. UnitedCoteeanSoeaskedtheStatesotherneutralcountriestojoininanthetoexportofoocediiomtewarringnations.Sa eeSeetween f of .iS ael tereee aonCpeotLeeDeaneI.: —A new front and other aereentere|ment of Johnston-Belk Co.on 4 —Mr.F.J.Axley,local rman,will attend theNorthCarolinaLifederwriters’this week.dent of Btateavile:Caifiapreakc 4 :!fF :i;; :: +‘i e t 8 z aé :Hi : :ad mi t t sp a d e hii Hf i; ao a i ifiEt s Redland to see him,& able Mr.Flanigan may behome.; —The building on Center - owned by Judge A.L.CoblecupiedatpresentbyF.C. Thebuilding is being rerepaperedthroughout.Threepartmentswillbearranged,Sherrill news stand to occupy .first,Mr.> tained their line successfully.lery activity has been marked of the Somme and along the in the Verdun sector. a? 4 ae % other organization drawing moneyfromthea.Any person convictedviolatingthisprovisionofthelawwillbefinednotlessthan$1,000 orimprisonedasthecourtmaydeter- mine,This amendment was presented bySenatorKenyon,who said that re-less of an amendment to the ag-ricultural bill of two years ago,de-signed to bar the Carnegie andRockefelleremployesfromthede- partment,mary persons now con-nected with it as experts and spe-cialists are being paid $1 by the gov-ernment and adequate salaries by theRockefellerandCarnegieorganiza- tions.He presented a list containing500namesofDepartmentofAgricul-ture em ee who get from $1 to$25 from the roverntrer:.Senator Chamberlain said that 150RockefellerandCarnegieemployesareconnectedwiththeUnitedStatesBureauofEducation.He wil!intro-duce a resolution to investigate thevariousexecutivedepuirtmentstoas-gertain the names of ell employes re-ceiving pay from the Rockefeller or Carnegie foundations. The Kenyon amendmert.which wil!interest many North Carolini provides that no part of the ®25,4/ 623 appropriated by this bill,ret,whether for salaries or expenses.or any other purpose =connectedtherewith,shall be used in connectionwithanymoneycontributédorten- tered by the general educatidn board or any corporate or other oraniza-tion or individue!in any way associ- ated with it,either directly or indi-rectly,or cortributed or tencered byenycorpgpntionorindividualotherthansuchasmaybeeontribute!bs State,county of municipal aencies:for shall the Department of Agricu!-ture receive nny monevs for salaries or any other purpose from the Genera]Education Board or any cor-porate of other organ'zation or indi-vidual in any way associated with it,either directly or indirect!y,or con- tributed of tencored by any corpora-tien or individual!other than such asmaybecontributedbyState,count. or municipal agencies,except by actofCongressauthorizingthesom Nor skall any persen,paid in whole ar in part by any such corporation for services rendered by him,he em-ployed by the government or becomesirremainanofficerofthegevern- ment.Anv persor violsting any or either of the terme of this provisionshallbedeemedguiltvofamisde- meeror,and,upon conviction there- of,shall be punished by a fine of notlessthan$1,000 or »;smprisonment,,as the court may determine. eeee ee ‘Conspiracy and Espionage Vills Recommended For Passage. The Senate judiciary has comnict- ed the drafting of conspiracy and «pionage bills.All of the measures are desisned to edd drastic powers to the Deport ment of Justice in dealing with and bomb plots and other conspira cies growing oui of the breaking « relations with Germany.The bhille re-ported by the committee includemeasuresforthesepurpuses:To authorize the seizure,detentio and condemnation of arms an!mu- nitions of war in the cour f eX. portation;to rezulate rai the conduct and movements ed soldiers and sailors of belligere: nations;to prohibit and punish thewillfulmakingofuntruestatement under oath to influence the conduct of a foreign covérnment; prevent and punish conspiracy to in-jure or destroy property helonminetoaforeigngovernmentwithwhichtheUnitedStatesisatpeace;to pre- vent and punisa the impersonation of officials of foreign government: duly accredited to the United States; to provide for the issuance of search warrants and the seizure and deten ..tion of property thereunder;to pre vent and-wunish willful injury or at tempted injury to,or consriracyinjure,any vesscl,engaged in foreigncommerce;to empower the President to better enfoice and maintain the neutrality of the United States toauthorizethecollectorofcustoms,orotherofficialdulyempoweredbythePresident.to inspect private vessel within the jurisdiction of the United States require sworn stytementsinuddiio,to the manifests andclearancesrequiredbytheexisting ,law,by master:of all vessels leavingthefurisd).tion of the United States and bv al!owners end ships of car Koes thereon;to regulate and safe guard the issuance of passports,and t%prevent and punish the fraudulent obtaining,transfer,use,alteration or forgery thereof:to define and punish espionage;to prohibit ani punish the fraudulent use,applica tion,or counterfeiting of the seal ofanyexecutivedepartmentorgovern-ment commission;to prohibit the pro moting of military and naval expedi tions from the United States againstonynation,State,colony or neoplewithwhichtheUnitedStatosisatpeace. Airplanes Destroyed in JanuaryBerlir,Dispatch,oth The Germans lost 94 airplanes inandtheBritish,French andryirate566,the War Office announc- avintors,rotwithstanding theseverecold,fulfilled in January their tasks of observation, ee ¢ of re intern. ¢ acts of to to Rockefeller or Carnegie | upon:When the President .forth that Geer ee . WILL NOT DECLARE WAR. Will Use Forces For ProtectionofAmericanLivesandProp- erty —Results of Peace Propaganda. Washington Dispatch,9th. The fateful “next step”in the con- troversy between the United States and Germany will not be a declara- tion of war.This decision was reach-ed at a meeting of President Wil-son’s cabinet today which reviewed in detail the delieate internationalsituationnowconfrontingthe na- tion.Still waiting theact”that will force this countrs move,the President and his advis ers tonight let it be known that the following course has been decided for te satisfied and American destr ryed on of the subma- Ger- that “American lives ships”have bren high seas in violationrinepledgesformerly made by many,he will lay the matter Congress.He will not suggest a ceclarat war,but will ask authority to us military and naval forces for protection of the lives and rights of Americans at sea. He will then proc military and naval purpose,leaving the Germany.Th:s would result in“state of war”but would leave th actual decfaretio:to Berlin. It was ctated unequiveeaily to that the Presid responsibilitytweenthetwo uations musi! Germany,and that »United § shall under no.circumstance the issue.This determin line with the the administr which could by ued & fence or affront to Germehy the present diplomaticryingoutthisdetermination,it said tonight,however,the Presider will to it that no move offending the honor of the on gressing the righis of shall go unpunished. .Members ef the cabinet re; the machinery of the governmen fully prepared to carry out the pro-gramme laid down by the Pri they would not say,however, plan had been made for prote American rehant ps in)vheir vovaging if the dreaded “overt aet”:;}: ‘ ¢vl ‘ed to 2 Ve t next Move« h determi:hveicn!ra prnysical ¢ tag s1IOvS3 earnest endeavo ion to prevent an constr DCAaAK.att see or tran is cit tu forces the President to the mil tary forces ot >That in.mettion Noval offiver high ak the establishment of wal c for merchant sl.ips,g that would prove only pardy cits would operate to distribute widelyunitsthebattle assert should be employed as a st it.On the 4 m oof arm. American mercha:t shops for their own nee,all mem- hers and the White Lo pre ervedd «rmple te clared that the Netructions to they have the right ww f ea. cabmet ur on of mVO¥S ua Ti al fleet at egic Ul ing aei cabinet They de .1 hyrestedonti?t pping lines that resist unlaw- tor af ul attacks a After the ry of State Lansim Polk of the Sture De palrtme:: ferred at iength,and it was stoud that they discussed the :of mevehant Later Councel- lor Polk visited Secretary of the Na- vy Daniels,but both declined to dis- cuss the question of arming It was looked upon as_si however,thet Secretary of War ker today ordered work rushed four und six-inch field guns exclusion of other armament o Secretary Baker said he had had requests for guns to be mounted merchant ships.It was pointedhowever,that these four and field guns if mounted on nay riages,would proper weap merchantmen, With all eyes in Washington turr ed toward the submarine area death and destruction,administration leaders declared tonight that no sin- gle sinking so far reported had fur- nished the “overt act”necessary to force the President to act.It >was pointed out,however,that either a single great catastrophe in the na ture of a violation of American riwhts or an aceymulation of minor viola tions,such as those aready report ed,would)prompt the President to again lay the matter before Con ress.Conservative administrationadviserssaidtonightthatthey be- lieved the President would go to thecapitolonthematterwithinaweek.Official investigation of the sinkingofshipsinvolvingAmericanswascontinuedtoday.It was stated herethatinvestigationshaddeterminedthatthechildrenofMaryJ.O’Don-nell,of Philadelphia,were not Americans.It was asserted that their fa-ther was an wnnaturalized alien andthechildren,although born in theUnitedStates,were,therefore,aliens.The children were lost in the sinkingofthelinerCalifornia,A reportfromConsulFrost+een set ce Washington <supposed American negro lost on -Turino,was a British subject.TherewerenoAmericansontheTurino, meeting Secreta- and Counsellor con- pe >PMNsveaseo}Vesseis. sit, Ba- oo io tA ny on out, nen VY car. ve ns for of eae mentees ae Ppease| “overt| }| |cern over the} ‘ r |sa d «|port that comes “ian indue|}|Efforts |effort ih ferces for USbss | ned that Destruction of ear- cent { | tive,any;* } which thes | under-1 |lst } a Consul Frost reported.: The first results of the peace aganda conducted by William——-Bryan and his followersit8appearanceinCongressRepresentativeCallawayof a personal ‘follower of the former Sec.retary of State,introduced a \- tion proposing a constitutionalamendmenttovevttherighttodeclarewarinthepeopleoftheUnitedStates,rather than in Congress,where it now rests.The amendmentwouldprovideforareferendamvoteofthepeoplecftheentirecountryonthequestionofgoingtowar,'Another indication of a de@sire intheHousetoavoidwarappearedin1speechbyRativeMooreofPennylvania,who declared =that “pernicious and lyin DPrEReT reports”fromLondonwereresponsibleforthe¢on- th.situation of Ambas-sador Gerard.“England has light ever sine nounced a brea “Tami every pein crazy with de-dent Wilsen an- with Germany,”he t quie ready ta be- ous and lying re- rom Londen now as for to go to war. le—desperate oneI heve c icerac us med e President was ve that we mushedheadlines{stampeding‘ountry inte ansjedthatmost people of untry Want ace—peace y¥-of course.”catamaran aanNSND Worid’s +Mer. chant Tonnage. Dispet ruthiess submarine inued with the sueeeas x,would destroy eat part oe re.On n record Gans since »expira- e allowed in the Ger- Hips al s@a On inte port that ves the rate of a month, nares hi eisteHouse on! war,JoanLs he h bonpe i Igten 1,Sth. rormainy's0 ahi tim chant tour ie et ey >t Tan y fer “ites‘gharitis? au thi aval take vonnay ¢ the W000 venture 3 to to: yu18t6ioutin t t ‘mnage of During the year trifle mor ret lass in w and one-ha ine , t 's one rpoe -A eS eRe S me GIRLS!GIRLS!TRY IT! STOP DANDRUFF AND BE.IFY YOUR HAIR! Hair Stops Failing Out and Gets Thick,Wavy,Strong and Reautifual. re Bidae Yeur hair becomes lirht,wavy,By?Ksft, ne abundant and appeer and beautiful as aaftera“Danderine Just try this mo with a little Danderinglydrawitthrouchy >small strand at we the hair of ssive oil and in j eerCQ flufy,0reay giris : leanse.”’ cloth earefu tenaand h ur,time,{!dust, airt and tafewmomentsyouhavedoutthe heauiy of your hair.| Besides beautifying the at’ ce,Danderine dissolves par. f dandruff;cleanses,tiesinvigoratesthescalp,f er| g@ itching and falling hair { Rut what will pleas®you most willVterafewweeks’use when vou!will actually see new hair e and! k at first—yes-—but really newhairgrowingalloverthescalyif |vou care for pretty,soft hnir andlotsofit,surely get a 25-cent bottleofKnowl(ton’s Danderine from anydraggistortoiletcounter,and justtry#. }mecingt: Thi A 8 Wi Nea pp Rk \ Lc ttt tt.ty Wood's Specia! Grassan?Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent HayandPasturageYie'ds.Put up in proportions as experi+ence has shown best suited fo;‘hedifferentsoilsandpurposesjorwhicharerecommend:d,Enthusiasdeally endorsed by ourcustomers, Wood's Seed Catalogs for 1917 full information,to.prether letters from custo cic cgexperiencevivingtheiryCatalogfreeonrequest,=riteforit pricesof any bam T.W.WOOD &SONS,SEEDSMEN,-Richmond,Va, **.wr =s'CT 4 Lreen tay: .;wa | |suffered from aches,and a aeson titetriadtovetoliedown } \ of * Vvwould ha ||{ ' }| + £ . ee PaLouisville, leep,hed no avalk.Lf] i bhd 1 iea ' ve anydia&.‘und seaD ry Wis -on's knife. nccessar EMase.,fo: ifyo )¢ FEWER FROZEN PIPES,|LESS FUEL CONSUMED.SMALLER DRUG BILLS.PROPERLY KILN DRIED“,FLOORING AND CEILING. WomanSavedousSurgical ight poundPincham’s Vi ved me from anwemanerydreads,oe —1521 Christy v.Everyonsnaturally dreads the sur- wili d alt ~~ioe E ink:vill da,mar fetham’s Vegetables apestthepatientandmadean a haveany symptom about whichyouwouldliketoknow,write to thediaE.Pinkham Modicine Co.,Lynn,veiniul advice given We have had the carpenters and plumberswithusforthethreeweeks,andpaintershaveaboutfinishedtheirwork.While ovr plant has always been ratedCLEANandSANITARY,when the ments are completed,we will have one of theBESTINTHECOUNTRY.Our adv does not prove this,but if YOU are “from Missouri”.We certainly can ‘‘show YOU".A visit from you will be appreciated.‘ WATCH FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT LATER. When buying BOTTLE drinks,«and that is the one SANITARY drink,if bagtled by us)look for this crown. aad itdo Z 3te ma >e e = ~oe s BE re e Hd e ul 2¢=5= i M<own i5fCom.tion*=Mrs,Ave., nk.saved AG x- EVERY bottle is thoroughly STERILIZED and INSPECTED ON A PATENTED IN-SPECTION BOX.OUR CROWN isa TINY thing to look forbutaBIGthingtofind. FOR YOUR STOMACH’S SAKE,SEE thatthecrownbearsOURname. .WATKINS,STATESVELE The W.R. ieng‘antWill We Overlani and car lew days, d ’\Wial }4 Petey gperee TT. Breachitis,C>-up,: hair @eaey bic) wax. pay the prices. Independent Phone 506. Bell Phone 9302. ®Overland. hi are expecting a within MILLS Motcr Co. vbS CATAR © Soy‘Auvdmoy Fnag epyis807 L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. -Dealer In- Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees-Also oldRubber.Scrap tron,Rags,Books and Magazines.Wehighest iandle sin "F.L,JOHNSON and MRS.M.C.PRICE,Owners., eee THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY 9**‘ the Automobile the next ee ee ee ey Appreciates the very liberal patron of jpineandpolicyholders,both NEWand O iOurofficeisanopenone,and we invite all oumcustomersandthosewhowi!!become customers’to use the same when they so desire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGHGRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons,“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT We will be glad to have you call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if ourserviceinneeded. We do NOTARY PULIC work also.Cordially yours,J.F.CARLTON,-Manager. Oe 08 ORECRE eMee ge. RH,APTIiMMA, 8 7nG :or tantced by ' VS i e «eand¢ Metal and REAL ESTATE AND Those desiring to sell farms,timberedsuburban,city property,cotton mill and market > MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, , Sores,Cuts, PenetratesandHeals. PainAtOnceandBeast25e,50c.$1.At AllDealers,LINIMESERVICE | J And the complete stock |of Plumbing,Heating and| |Watermaterialswe carry. |We can’give you service, Se For W.E.i 1see,ae a#9) Hf stocks are requested to call or write us,We are constantly in touch with the market buy-ing and selling.insurance that insures,iningFire,Accident and Health Employers Lia-a ,—ae by few (ifany) e policies that are equa ewandpetbynone,:saadFullinformationfurnisheduponrequest. ERNEST G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C.INSURANCE,AND REAL ESTATE.‘Phone 23.Mills Building. ll eSSESD Sterling Silverware! Wehavealargelot . |ces Jfodio more | |9,“SANI-PLUSBH”|"yeiea A powdered Chemi-|| cal Compound for cleaning closet bowls. Keeps them odorless and sanitary without || ache,coated scouring.>|;Pas Get it at Eagle &Vilholland. /foul breath,diarebilious,nervous and upset,jered with a sick,gassy,disorderedstomach,or have a bed cold.Are you keeping your bowels clean‘with Casearets,or merely sees 2 sageway|salts,cathartic piCasearetswork MOFE|tem.Atrue tonic.For adultsradchildren.0c. is and !LETFiteSalySer"Gsit|“CASCARETS”LIVEN LIV.___"&3 =ER AND BOWELS! Headachy,Sick,With Breath BadandStomachSour. Get a 10-cent box now. You menandigetfeelingee tad taste and Well boy's father ness,can’t _—Commercial Hotel until the Cald-arrivedhave few dayslsorcastor oil?while u sleep;|clegnan the csemash.pamevethe oour,|ate tn?aaae ae|undigested,fermenting food and foulgases;take the excess bile from the)‘liver and carry out of the system all caughttheconstipatedwastematterand—to Consti- |)were -‘oth Phone89.|poison in the bowels fterwards released,as therc seen at the hotel«||A Casearet tonight will straighten|wage Re against him.“T°|afternoon,Mrs.Midkiff,with the! —you out by morning—a 10-cent box!The depot ‘was broken into usual modesty of a woman of refine- DR.#-from any drug store will keep your Friday night and a of sure-|ment,of her relationship to the VANCE HASTY,stomach sweet,liver and bowsle reg-cneagh whiskey was Consid-|famous child with some reluctancy as_DENTAL SURGEON.ular,and head clear for months.ering the scarcity ¢that particular|to ty.;|Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor.Don't forget the children.They love hg ad the loss not so small.jowever,she staced,it was her|- FIRST NATIONALBANK BULLDING,Cascarets because they taste good—The colored boy who was found asleep mother’s sister who was the mother ;{ FELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS never gripe or sicken,was suspected but nothing could we of Ross.a ~oe =. Thane 197.Hours §to 6 |proven.‘pearance - ~—Tea |THE WAY TO HEALTH.freie Bax hositute here!stalen he was,‘between five and "sie ri trea ny Health is the most important t |Friday evening,Mooresville’s team years old.An enormous ransom was| |winning by a of 40.to 27.demanded for his safe return but at,in life.It is too ,too {*%:MADE IN [to be bandied about as an’article of |qgieues ona jand Jeie Brawley tne pe case hin parents refusedt06 .sl merchandise.It cannot be purchas-|w ,where they’ure visiting|blackmailed.has never been! (.i.TA TESVI red in seas or phials at the corner Miss Julee Covington |found nor heard from since,and it; ’LLE |BARIUM ROCK SPRING wa.I:Thomas Youngblood has been has always been the thought of the *#-TER aids Nature to restore itself Working at Mt.Ulla for the t|family that he was murdered as_the/*>Anything in Sheet |when drugs fail.It drives Uric acid Week Felievingthedepot agent there Se Ps Soe oe the|.eo svete itali who is off on s ve.mys i ss is living a | Metal.~system and revitolizes the “Miss Georgia Horton,daughter of present time he would be between 40 STATESVILLE TIN CO F.M.Shannonhouse.writes:“7 Mr.Thoms of Mt.Ulla,and 50 years old.©;.:leaves Wednesday to enter the His mother died in Nashville,Tenn,‘was suffering from shattered nerves ;:Tin Roofin g and Gordeved stomach and kidners eaeneeSe ———a aot we years,20%,es oe e . ’1 /isbury study for a 85,according to Mrs.Mi .Up to. Rid Ro vw et.ae ROCK SPRI G jnurse.Miss Vernie Goodman _is|the time of her death she always re-ge Roll,pought 9 speedy cure.”ite Spending the week at Amity,having tai hi to hV;"Phone W.A.EVANS or_write |Spending at Amity,having tained the hope of his return to heralleyTinDepartmentBox55,Barium returned with her brother,Mr.W,B.arms.During her stay in her home Gutter Spout Springs,N.C 7 ae and family,who spent Sun-and up to the very last of |life .roan :+|day here.‘she kept his room ‘n ercer and re- 2 :2 Dr.Cocke of Danville,who was served a place at the table for himPhone85,114 E..Broad Street,Everything to Build W here,prospecting ten days ago,has Should he appear unexpectedly.Such ——7-os °;s deci oeate and practice re is the persistency of a mother's love——————ee ffom Foundation to Finish and will behere this week and gpet and i -‘up an office Thursday over Mr.Aber-.DR.COITE SHERRILL,|and ready for delivery.nethy’s jewelry tore.This makes|Bill to Supplement Adamson General Practioner in C.WATKINS,North Center St.six doctors for Mooresville,beside;-Bill Agreed Upon. City and County.eee at ee ee After many Waste’eensideration All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Dr.W.D.Gilmore and Col.W.L.|the Senate inter-State commerce com- HAI residence or |Senate..y left Thursday for a trip oo a eeae ve prompt attention,j .es 2 } mcr The idle Comments club met with Adamson railway law,providing for om Positively Reeve:|Mrs.Ed.McPherson Pridey after-|investigation of controversies on! D HARRIS CRs seemene pam.as j sat eummon gevriert ane giving the Puss. W a2 SOc,$1.00 at onvoesrs wyer T.G.Furr of Salisbury,ident authority to take railroad,tel-| ™.e :spent a part of iast week here with|egraph and telephone lines in times, 118 Court Street.ita nn o_o ener eo puveuee,Mr.and Mrs.8.M.Furr.of military necessity.There is no ;Plumbing and Heat->S Mr.C.BE.Sherrill of Montana,who!prohibition in the measure against ing and allrepairs for |ney tior a been have tor ons time,eae ihe right to stribeogRavloent to —_ %guest last week of his sister,Mrs.{the railroad brotherhoods have vig- ,same.Ins irators,:it:L.rues,+Mr.4 B.—orously objected,=aoe is °. ‘2 ’,ast week fo rtow,Fla.,his -|vision to prevent obstruction o e .Lubricators,il Cups,WE HAVE SECURED THE =quarters te 6 few ‘ueathe.majla or of inter-State commerce. ¢ete.Locks and Guns ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON.|The friends of Mrs,J.8.Cashion,Chairman Newlands expects to call and K fit BELK STORE o who has been in the S@atorium in the bill up as soon as possible,It is eys nit-aL "9S FOR OUR OF-_statesville for three weeks,will be!much like that introduced in the °In fact anythin FICE AND WAITING ROOM glad to know that ‘she is doing quite!House earlier in the week and may .y g ’well now and is expected home im a!be passed at the present session.Iti.‘in repair line.|WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN very short while.‘is expected to meet the views of the as FF).e 209.'AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS N Miss Agnes Auten,who spent a administration since it has becomeOT £.—few weeks in Charlotte with :«latives,apparent that a more stringent bill A .--|IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN-hae retuenedheme.sie virtually would have ae a :|TION GIVEN TO CALLS.ooresvil s some measics just getting throuch before adjou é ti ra Under the iermr of the bill when5TIREBANDS,[|ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10¢,DOW.ut precautionsare vein:taken)prevent Federal mediation -and e Teme Cement Patches,ete,BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE,Presiding Hider W.R.Ware,who conciliation board fails to settle a ;they.very well in their way,but 5 CENTS |preached at Wesley’s Chape!Sunday,|railroad labor controversy,the Pres- t ate -all ew we meas-||eae came on here and preached at the ident shall enlarge the board by the e cm.The o y real and |‘PHONE £11.|Methodist chureh at the regular eve-addition of one representative of the repairingiedove tY |Jitney Transfer Compamy."20770 265,20.or oe carer eas reportshall:be"arts...at .yoard's repo sha 'your Car is not in use,—y |flonan”Sane le .oie!saate withie there months and con- ;have put inshape.‘CEDAR preacher and delivered a good ger-|tain recommendations “according to t i POS I &nen Sunday evening from tne text in|the merits and substantial justice of ¢&SUPPLY COMPAXY OAK Johua:“As for me and my howath 0)The ease,”which shall be published. .wi Lord,”and among -| °Court Street.Fence Rail and old Field yew one the necsoull of Congressmen Have Stock Ex- ‘We Sell Miller Tires.on four sides,family worship—a duty which change Accounts. ;|CTL LESTER,| 7 REGISTERED ARCHITECT,|!Statesville,N.C."Phone340 Green.|._LS AL |WANTED!Persgrend.L's Brae be.et | FOR SALE:| andsecond hand machinery|sale all kindsofboiler}) aia Be - WATKINS |Pine dressed C.WATKINS. 33 :=& i; :br e e =E wer a prisoner atandfurnishedtheprinei-|at the recentTra at the Car-State ur and is.Gabriel,who lives ~ i ! a H puHi :j 25=mes-jg oe.hold |g ton on or ir Way=bond.A college-train-| onmg.but their pa-ed man,Traywick's observations of|cholo conditions at the je ne made! boys to be soldiers,for.objected |=oa is “iis sutanes olthenm.The pad conditions that Representative | rdson by name sore taeatitied -Beasley introduced the resolutionir | *the House that will result in the in-|Capt ikonae having,RUE ‘he Vestigation next Wednonday.If the They offered no resistance to olice.|Prison ent desires,they|B but the didn’t |™9%:of course,.present gny testimo- appeal to,tank’satenn of comfort.|reba so they “were entertained at the | they wish in tal of theNoinformationhasastowhetherAnotFe prison ,it wou r in!next counsel for the hearing.i————|morning andtookthem both back to Winston.;ema It was Saturday morning|First Cousin of Charlie Ross in|at an ha awn fund ren,Asheville |et e 1 u-.‘;:Asheville Times.»nv iepollytg¥Bell Weeds|Mrs.Alta Glover Midkiff of Wash- ja colored boy,on the ground ington,D.C.,afirst cousin of Char- asleep.When was awaken-|lie Ross,kidnapped when a youngsterfortal}fromhishomeinPh timber,but was by Mr.|neversince heard from,is a guest |Miller,from Mt.to M On the way Langren hotel,this city. ooresville he jumped f+Melvi at ‘offtheson,vin,a strap! oe n-is a student at theBingham Se 3 n geese ——6 Shaw PlayerPiano.BennetaeBennett-Bretz Plaver Piano.Davies &Sons’Piano.pri;0.fo Stieff Grand Piano.A ?||Fin Mathushek Upright MeEwen Upright Skirtings and Waistings.° Long range of prices,20c. to 75c.: Ginghams and Percals, 121-2 to 50c.: Devonshire and [ wear,18c.,25c.e 40 inch Colored Voiles, 35c.e 40 inch Satin sit4 . Fs Wehave themakeof Piano here you want WRITE, WE WILL Y WHAT YOU HAVE PAID ON ONINSTRUMEonthepurchasepriceofanewPianoatregularlistprice,any timewithin 12 THE LIST OVER!WRITE TODAY!You catletopportunitypasswithoutatleastinvestigat oo 2 Player Piano. Teak]'oe anc 3 Up pase.‘Mason &Hamlin Upright Piano.Hallet &Davis U;Piano.© $125.00 and Up.'Terms—-Smal!Cash payment,balance on such easy terms younevermissit! CHAS M.STIEFF.WE SELL PIANOS EVERYWHERE!.Warcrooms 219 §.Tryon St._,Charlotte,N.be es says is on the decline in the Metho- dig an,8 =e ee 1 Da.member:of Congress will be exam- videon town but -dog,said to;ined by the “leak”inquiry committee to Mr 8.Williamson was as a result of the testimony of a} aS M .John Mayh a andits|Washington broker that certain Rep- »Oy wr.ew,||resentatives have traded through Stock exchange accounts held by head sent to for exe it ; answer i ‘him.The account of every member ph havetake he to |ae revealed by brokers’books will be! ‘ten several dogs and a horse |inspected privatery and if there is) ;that official informa-;any suspicion play |tion has been utilized in trading,pub- Me investigation of the transactions) |will be i rated. |Most of the local nouiaia recerds| Our team will Winston on Wednesday night.A {ne game and a livelyComeoutandsee it, irplane manufacture of ‘are nowin the possession of the com-) |coe States can turn on 100 i mittee and supplemental grcounts | |a weekand,if urgent ree .|willbeobtained in New York when/| |ty frem -to os we —_are resumed there next) is announced.Nineteen of the |Week.’nireraft 'George B.n,Wi.|for fagrima'&»Company oe Fern brokers, { trad. ¥a th lett *yg ?pS pweek of c eat oe el ee 1 ‘aided fo a ow mr See Our WindowDisplay q and ain Ses We have these for Razors,Knives, Axes and all kinds of tools.Life is all too short and valuable to waste it using any kind of a dull tool. The ladies are espocially Invited to look a:ovr kitchencarver sharpea- ing stones.‘‘Well sharpened is half the carving”. l i nerecereneee Sd *seseceeeseeswnsFebrasey18,101". ATL, if it e [H i e i4 i t h i e a H a l l S i l e e | b e l ty1 ii t F tf 38iefi | iF2i |g . The law is so far the big- bone of contention in the Leg- - because in the Republican counties|point out tha extension and the three-by majority would put upon the schools.u cn an unreasonable don’t think a Republican should have|the part of the tenet n /a hand in anything so long as he can |.conta’. «oer be kept out,while others base objec-|formal re-ratificationof |the & ‘billtoprot bit theplaying of tion on the ground that a State De-|ng mutual treatment of national on in the.counties of partment of Education controlled by caught in a belligerent country we and Avery was Democrats would be in constanteon-|cane of wan,@ aumber of |ian committee last flict with counties controlled by Re-itions and expansions.HP reported unfavorably,publicans and that the schools would ‘Mtitue"helt business and.”Tetain e of Robeson being the suffer.The Landmark believes that their residences until the end of,the of the committee who a minority party should have repre-war unmolested;that no law affect-We There are golf links at sentation on all school boards and if the ONCE age in Americh,OF and Linville.Rev.Ed-that character and not politics should Tene in Germany ond @ ,is in charge of the govern in such matters.But it is all patents should be inviolate—a) fan school at Banner Elk,difficult to find a solution on which —of ;re.°-nee : rehes value no °: ee ok —=bility of certain German patents in!& Y It is doubtful if the liquor law will>playing te deuneraliz!that it =manufacture of munitions and ex smng—osives. i we who are employed as cad-be changed.At least it appears cer-:serena from Sunday school and ‘tain that the drastic measure pro-Lawson Leak Inquiry Losing '“effect posed b i :Interest. .abad :generally.Me.Tufts a Another promised sensation in theinhispositionby"°t fo throvgh without materia!“sak”mae ae.:leak”inquiry flattened out Thurs- ofthe summer visitors to Blow-modification.It is said that the un-dav with the long-awaited testimony Mi Roek who are interested in his f#vorable report on the bill was of Mrs.Ruth Thomason Visconti,as A work and tions of cit-larzcly a vote of resentment against myterious informant on whose state- ineludirg 7 and girls,Rev.R.L.vis,the Anti Saloon =ae ome jot Nélson of Caldwell,who in-League superintendent,who Declining to say publicly who tok! 0 the bill;Mr.Carson,a sum-“Tubbed the hair the wrong way”her that Sectee Senelty on ¥ par visiter to Blowing Rock,Repre-with so many legislators.“Davis,”W.‘Tice,&ie House corganpond- ative Coffey of Watauga and said one gentleman discussing him,ent,profited by advance information Braswell of Avery champi-Mees on the peace note,Mrs.Visconti re- can’t talk to a man as a gentleman.|vealed to the investigating commit- @ned thé measure.The two latter they were for it because they If you don’t agree with him he be-,tee in confidence that all her infor- their people wanted it,and| gins to threaten.”mation came from remarks of Price's ee young daughter. |It is said that Chief Justice Waiter|L epqke highly of the great work|Clark,whose term expires next year,by Mr.Tufts in that section.jg playing for renomination,and it Immediately afterwards Price took the stand,reiterated his denial of Turner of Iredell and Linn;ae nm el oe profiting by information obtained in |hand at the game.So far no candi confidence,and said he had reason to believe the rumcr tepeated by Mrs. or other games 0N|dateGattene has been suggested against a b Visconti started from chanee obser-vations by members of his family for one Comin g nearer home—to our ownatailitshould|district—Judge Long’s term expires ii d ¢:sailedhadbeencrewexcept ee z+}WegianBimine,all Fi3 I Just better buy a New Perfettion Oil Cook Stove. are always ready,and never freeze.arecellentforbakingPies,Cakes and Bread.Prices #3 50,$6.00,$10.00,$1650. New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Cook Stoves are inStatesville by oe ‘PHONENO.400.ee) “The Store That Always Welcomes You." ee eee Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire AND-it’s oneof the hardest things in life to help- lessly watch everything gou in smoke from the fire lina lew widenes x sctetoashen the seuultsof yemtot industry and —UT—withoneof our rock ribbed insurance policies in yourpocket,you have the funds for a fresh start reon your feet again in no time. RUIN when so small an annual payment —protects you? usaoe you how little itean be done for! We insure your Life,Your Health,your property. STATESVILLELOAN&TRUST COMPANY, that he could have so profited. and should apply to all next year and there are suggestions jons asked her were confined the commit- a See of others.Mr.R.Lee Wright of wwe the vem @f elec,ond tn conversation with @ fep- si resentative «f your Company today,I could not help express- ing my feeling of gratitude at the good your medicine has done for me.For three long I suffered untold agony with what they said was a se-’of Rheumatism.Af- ter tf best doctors had hausted their knowledge in_re- Viseonti did intment at they.The few emphasized thedifficulty)Rowan,wh race after she left the stand it was an- :by law matters Per-|time,it ee cys =_——nounced that she would not be re- to Sabbath observance that ’will come again,|called. We matters of conscience.Some peo-and the names of Hon.W.D.Turner!Congressional interest in the inqui- ‘ebject to automodil jand Mr.H.P.Grier of Iredell are lapsed almost to a point of apa- a le riding OM siso suggested.Whether either or|thy,and there was a definite feeling|in],|some to one thing and some!both the last named will be condi.|it,the committee thatanother |weekrt,and it is impossible to dates,is not yet known.R.R.C.hearing will be held in Newallthesethingsbylaw.ee ;such things become a disturh.Action By Other Countries On|sessions ‘willfolio thecommittsc or a nuisance in a community,rine Policy. is a remedy under existing law.| probablyAnother |sessions will f the committee's return here has not been disclosed. The Chinese cabinet has endorsed — C.V.Henkel of Statesville.who|the American action against Geena,|The Landmark Nearer the Ideal ny on the submarinetedinvehailfofhimselfandcabinet,bes campaign.The ®interested in development at minister,Dr."7h Teak ee.Roanoke-Chowan . e Rock,and whose company China associatesestablishedthegolflinksthere,|the United States. that if the measure was made =government has itself firmly wit to having it appear that his|tions if _new submarine measures at Blowing Rock and others in *T¢ For some w we have been h|watching the He Landmark for a statement that its editor,Mr. viens =-R.R.Clark,nee sufficiently recover- he would favor it,but he!China will break dl taananie oo-‘>uP ivy reyret on the paper,in health toseekreliefingiveuphiswork} a hospital.We that he is section were sinners above all y of Greece to the invita-still unable to resume his work. sinners because a few of them ony ot”the’Grit States to join in|There is no better editor in North Hearing of the good effects that golf on Sunday. play on Sunday and he said aid play on Sunday at Blowing .:y of Greece witaguinstit;that no eaddy every effort to accelerate peace an Were @mployed in Sunday play-panfindthatthefewwhoplayed|winidn chineice,mication for tion to the ve consequences Burgwyn of Northampton,et ye:hy aged blockade. of th golf playing.“Don’t they to contemplate concerted erdquet in your section on Sun-|5}protection of the nationalTheaskedSenatorLinn,The|”TheSwedish Senator said he had never!President Wieete ounnetB®gameplayedon Suncayinhis ther neutral countries “Why st Hebron Baptist soutien with “goment .in mycounty,”continued the claresitsintention to al of every effort to main- toward Germany has Carolina than Me.Clark.For yearsMr.Henkel been handed to the American aasoher >heee read bis editorials eurelaly,at Athens,the correspondent of the They are as ing and helpful Company tele-as an oasis in @ desert.He discusses!graphs."The reply.h,he states,af-,becnuse the sentiment general-firms the sympathy of it x Skecom aed,Sham and|hdh risy he detosts.He t one can serve his pasty best byBy?the|being fair andhonegg,te dealing with not &n annoyance to the neigh-has already drawn Germany’s atten-|ome matters.Statesvillerkundertheeditoria!man- e|t of Mr.Clark is nearer ouridealofwhatNorthCarolinanews- .comn present conditions,|" of the committee,seemed however,the dispatch says,Gansu oar Gane ae ony pepe we that there was objection to explains that she is not in a position action forship-heweCount von ,the former Qermenapenas:to the Unitedbegivenasafeomaet to read. Conduct For German Ambassador. it is withinthe and fearless -| ‘to my case,I consulted an th and after an exami- nation he said the hip joint had become irritated and it would i take a long time to cure it,if it could be cured at all.I felt so |discouraged over condition,for I had spent hundreds of dol-lars in the vain pursuit of ease,for my suffering was terrible, Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy hedonothers,Idecidedtotryit.1boughtadozenbottles,think- } friends can ‘estify.I began to one p Oe ane Ca:on the first bottle ‘and!the time I had finished the | ce eeee a THE QUALITY DISPLAY anit Hl ceyni STATIONERY WILL INTEREST YOU. Asheville.D.Bear of Wilmi |of ber father,who his sister,Mrs.Sig and Mrs.W.H.Morrisonleavefor.Va.,where they,‘s brother and| -of roses and f Va.,while,Later Mrs.eee oe:is in New York in theofRamsey-Bowles-Morrison |R.Thurman Bev-,dr.,and Bedford Point‘guests of Mrz.W.P.Moore Mr.and Mrs.Thos,Bailey Celec-brate Golden Wedding. Gerheuponaence of The Landmars Point,Feb.9 —On Janua-the prety,comfortable home*Mr.Thomas Bailey of Stony)was filled with bright facesmerryvoices.Many relatives,-assembled to celebrate theofMr.and Mrs,Bailey'sseldomthatagoldenwedding‘go well and sironr.Time has|wonderfully well with them. were only two persons pres-:whocae af at their -..groom and a)the bride."dinner was served and|many nice,useful presents:received,and goo one scemed,the day.In the afternoonlyassembledintheparlorRev.Crowder,their pastor,madetetalkontherare,ng of the occasion,Followed byreadingofthe9istPsalmbyRev.»pastor cf the local Presbyte-rish church,who compared the brightofthecoupleontheirweddingtothefarbetterandbrighterastheystandfiftyyearslaterlookforwardtowardapeaceful age and a blessed eternity.Then after singing a few hymns the crowdtotake»reluctant leave,pronouncingthedayaverypleasant one Notices of New Advertisements Mortgagee's sale of land—W.A. ies.mortgagee.;under execution._-Fred.H. rT,aseigeneec.o tuning.—E.S.Van Alstyne.inistretor’s notice._-W.R.and .Joyner.ere there’s smoke there's fire.—:ile Loan &Trust Co.ive pounds Nunnally's7awashgoods.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Ce. a er oe all.—People’s Loan Bank. fering showings.—Mills &Poston.sharpening stones.—| and sons,of High froe.— Hardware Co.faetion.—Mrs. ness..—The First National of Mary customers.—R, F. i 5 and,Ava Feimster, .|ley, Bradley,Ma Sick Folks On Route 1. Corresgundence of The Lenameark Statesville,R-1 —The measles are not quite so numerous in this localittime.Three of Mr.A.R.family have the measles at,and also Mr.Emsey Hoover. J.M.Plyler,whose wife diodSundayaweek,has a child whowayeetbutisnowrecovering.M.Bost,wife of Mr.Bost,isomiousy,ill.Her infanthael’s Wednes-buriedatSt.M Phe schoolisalmostfore.)SPSe S coca:of measlesand' ite of 7 CityofToledo,cospee ars |efor a that |Pe ee ‘cusston, Bheill,ClaytonStevensonArthur Ed i . arn white She ‘The bride entered on the armgaveheraway. She was met at the altar by the eroom.and his best man,Mr.MerrillWright,who isa nephew of theofivorysat- in,in lace and pearls,and sheworeapearl brooch which was ift of the groom.The bridal veil éaught with orange bios- soms,while the bridal bouquet was Little Misswardressed in a white accordionwlaiteddresa,was flower girl.Theringwasbroughtimonacutglass ring dish by Master James Johnson. After an extended trip to Florida Mr.and Mra.Allen will be et home in Wende!l. The Story Tellers’club met dav evenine with Miss Mabel Po Wollowing the busin@ss mecti Fthe!MeNairy related the « the celebration of St.V: Day.Miss MeNeiry alco reloeted short story.Miss Merenest Will: told a fairy story.While refreshment: were heing served each member of the club related some joke which she had recently read.The _refresh- ments consisted of sandwiches and hot chocolate. The club was delighted to have among the visitors of the evening Mrs.Mery Sims.Miss Houpe,Mrs T..G Shelton,Misses Gwynn and Harris. The Entre Nous club meeting with Miss Elvy McElwee Friday spent anleasantn.The club stud-ied the third act of Hamlet:follow-ing the hour-of study several courses of refreshments were served.A_for-mer club member,Mrs.8S.L.Cush-ing of Tryon,was among the guests.Mrs.L.Kaufman of Danville,Va.,was @n out-of-town guest. Mrs.8.B.“Miller was hostess to Fri-ston the Elericemoh club Friday —the ye members an pMrs.J.G.Powell,as lead-er,introduced the subject,“War With Germany,”for the club's dis-Later two courses of re-freshments were served.As special‘ruests of the club were Misses ClydeA“rb Ethel McNairy and Margaret lia. THE HONOR ROLLS. non,‘voll enll. ‘Some Children Who Have Made Good in Schools. Honor Roll Trinity School:Firat month—Zelda,Ina,SwannicandLawrenceJurney,Lela,Jewe!, Irene and John Sloan,Ee Temple-ton,Walter,Meody and ClarvdeWhite,Dorothy.Viole,James andLeeWalkerandTomDowell.Second month—Silas and Ina Jur-|ney,Graham Madison,Lela,JewelandTreneSloan,Walter,Moody andClaudeWhite,Viola and DorothyWalker.Honor roll of Ostwalt school forthirdmonth:Paul Brown,Pear!andEthelOstwalt,Ruby,Fred.and Bes-sie Troutman,Tate,and Fred,Loftin Troutman,8 .and Mary Freeze,Anna and Agathel Menste:.Honor roll of highest averace of|for third month-—MaryLolaBrad-Mary Bell Reid and MayneWeaver.Honor roll for attendance,third month—Mary Holland,LolaI!Reid,Mary,Wal-ter and C)Jenkins,Frank Reid Honor roll of Fairview school forthirdmonth—Lawrence Lambert,Ja- ‘and William Tatum, nie,Margaret and William Morrison.|Mabel,Alexander,Willis and Glenn Sv~mers.schoolHonorrollEureka for‘third month:Rochelle Millsaps;Floyd Lents and Ralph Waugh.The following is #list of the pu-pils of the Loray High school whohavenotbeenabsentnortardyandwhohavereceived107ondenort- :Jo.and Trene Stevenson,Mary oe,Raymond end Lonnie Fd wards,rpe Browning,Dewey Woodsides,Howard MeLeliand,Sper-Sharpe,Mildre’wards,Alicerds,MeryMabelShell, *|male College,accom erns.Martha Leonard,who) Mary,John,Guy | ii i An ae and he one hea vidist oOaend bit ing at Elmwood,is at home a‘furlough on account of an epidemic Mr.Reed of CharlottespentSaturday—and Sundar.and Mrs.Barron.Also,his sister,MisswhoisattendingtheStatesville . on account of her i}l health she‘tidnotreturntoherwork.We fear she .*We are very dis welcome back|te our school Miss Myrtle Horton. |Williamsburg last Friday|The score was 1 to 14 in favorofthe jumpired,‘NEWS FRCM JENNINGS. 1 eoee ers of His Family. )OP renpendendce “- Johnson died at his home in Yadkin county Saturday cf something like at Sweet Home church.We saw} r Johnson some two months ago! ws ony man we nearly ever It i hard io realize that we} Some }that.“In life we ar »death.”_¥ ents a record of the “sick.| !eaths that have occurred! ax rm nths.His son,Everette| a grow? evo,He fell from n horse on hjsreturnfromthefieldwherehete Miss Nannie Powell,we is |of measles in the school. with his parents,J,N. him, has caught the “ |The Harmony second nine played |Harmony boys.Dr.S.H.Steelman Death of Mr.Johnson and Oth- Jennings,Feb.12°—Mr.John diabetes.The interment will _be to- wns as stout and healthy-| hronicle his death at this} of history indeed, of Mr.Johnson in the of tuberculosis of the een plowing,his feet were cauht* in the traces and he was dragged, have ¥probably 50 yards.This may laid the foundation for.his death. |Mrs.Naney Johnson,Mr.Johnson's|mother,died September 19,1916,of|heart trouble and Mrs.Rachel John-son,his wife,died November 6 of tu-| |hereulosis.This is the fourth death in that'home since August .Those of us who!have been blessed with health and! have eseaped the hand of afflictionloughttobeverygratefulindeed. We ought to take warning also that death is no respecter of persons,tak- ing the strong and the weak,the young and the rich and poor,and further,that it is abroad in the land.We have had to record the death of some two or three in our last several letters. We want to indorse what Mr. Lowrance says about the bird law. ond I believe the people of this sec- tion would sign a.petition recom- mending just such a law as he suz- gests. Directs Investigation of Food Prices. At the direction of President Wi!- son,the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Agriculture will berin an immediate investiga- tion into the «causes of advancing food prices in the United States,with special reference to alleged vivla- tions of the anti-trust acts.An emer- gency appropriation will be asked of Congress for the inquiry. The Trade Commission announced Saturday that it held a conference with Agricultural Department offi-cials to wark out preliminary plansfortheinvestigation,and at the same time it public President Wilson’s request for the inquiry.An }adequate food supply,a matter of omnnee,to ~nation at oo.is peculiar importance a pres- ent,the President declared. RST TE /To See How They Feel On Uni- versal Military Service. New York Dispatch,9th.Governors of every State will beurgedbyacommitteeofSoerateoftheNationalGuardandNavalMiltiaofNewYorktotakeacensusof\their National Guard organizationstoascertainthesentimentamongthemregardinguniversalmilitaryservice.A anent organizationtocarryoutthiscampaignwasform-ed here last night at a meeting of mi-litia officers,active and retired.Resolutions were adopted callinguponallwhehavehadmilitaryexpe rience to unite in an effort to obtainnationallegislationtoénforceun versal military service under Feder al control,The meeting also ure the peseage of legislation to ina urate a system of genetal liter training. hoy,died Augnet 15,1976.45 glands,I he-| d fi that be ph0Seotthathewilneverwalkagain. The strongestmuyreceiveis@ friends and neighbors whomgicesthrouwhthesickness and death of our| idear husband and iwae|MORE AND CHILDREN. Chickens,I6e per Tb.Nooaters Ge oer th Green Salted Hama,1SidesandShoulders,New Red Honey,Se.lie. Don’t youseestrong,healthy men taken dowh sickness every day? Is not this alesson to teachYOUto have PILEDUPinour bank so yau can tide through| sickness? Bank your money;it is your DUTY, Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent intereston time deposits.SVic"THE FIRST NATIONAL Statesville,N.C. Wheat (new)$1.80per bushel.Corn,$1.26 per buslel.Outs,66-700,per bushel. Statecvilie Cotten Wartsthelocalmarketgesterday 16 centsexttonOnBerpoundwaspaidforbestgrade Market unsettled.Cottey Seed,T6e.per bushel.Seed Cotton,Te.per ADVERTISEMENTSin this ¢ oer ‘ine Ne ad,taken for~Cath mast accompany WA’rEp—J.€.STRELE &SONS want cast- eelally machine and plow castings. e.{ POR SALB—A good house and let,cheap. Tr evit buyer.H.C.PRIVETTE. PIANO 1UNING.| #8.VAN ALSTYNE of Salisbury,N.C.,will)be in Statesville oll this week.Orders leftwithMr.L.W.McKESSON,at the StatesvilleTugCompany,will recetve prompt and care-¢&attention.FB.8.VAN A NE. »13. NOTICE TO CREDITORS._| Having qualified as administrator of the es-)tate of BE.W.Joyner,deceased,late of Iredell |cownty,North Carolina,this is to notify allpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestateof |aatd deceased to exhibit themto the under-ai n wil |Eypersons indebted to the estate will pleasemakeimmediatesettlement.|W.R.JOYNER,J.W.JOYNER,H.C.Privette,Atty.Administrator.Feb.13,1917.i “SALE UNDER MORTGAGE.| |BY VIRTUE of the power of sale conferredinacertainmortgagedeedexecutedcnJune) “9th,1916,by Albert Belt (alias Turner),JimBeltandwife,Epsie Belt,which said modeediaduiyrecordedintheofficeofthe -ster of Deeds of Iredell county in Book 44 at)vege 441,defavit havins seen made inpaymentoftheindebtednessseeuredthereby,he undersigned will sell to the highest bidder‘or eath .at public auction,at the court housetfoorofIredellcounty,in Statesville,N.C.,on| FRIDAY,MARCH 16,1917, t 12 e'elock,noon,the wterest hereinafteretoutinnacertaintractoflandsituatedinfurnersburetownship,and deseribed and|‘efined as follows,to-wit:Beginning »t a stake near the head of alargegulleyondrunningthencesouth112polesto®stone;thence east 29 1-2 poles to a ene;thence north 112 poles to a stone;thenee west 29 1-2 poles to the beginning,eon-| sining 20 aercs,2 sand 24 poles,except.|ug two aerce | snid tract to JohnStimpron,a deséription of which may be hadbyreferencetohisdeedTheinterestintheabovelandthatwillbe} ffered for sale ix the two-fifths undivided nterest of Albert Belt and Jim Belt,heirs,at) aw.c.C.HARPE,Mortwagee,FRED.H.CONGER,Assignee.Long @ Scott,Attys Feb.15. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained| in a certain mortence deed executed to theundersignedbyM.L .6gLenaHarpeonthe23ddayof December,| 1916,and duly recorded in the office of the,Register of Deeds of Irece!!county in BookNo.40 at page 578,default having been madenthepaymentofthemmdebtednesssecured|thereby,I will,in accordance with the termeandstipulationscontainedinsaidmortgage) deed,on FRIDAY.MARCH 16,1917, t 12 o'clock,noon,expose to sale at publicwuetion,for cash,at the eourt house door of|tredell county.the following described real estate and the buildings situated thereon:Firat Tract:Bounded on the north by thelandsofJohnMessick;on the enst by the ands of W.L.Wooten:on the west by Lu- ther Nicholson and on the south by the lande of John Paris and others,containing 47 1-2 acres more or less.See «ced of Cora StackandBD,8.Stack to Lafayette Harpe,deedtook22,1e 287;see alvo deed for this sameinedtyStackandD.8.Stack,all of whieh is part of this description.Second Tract:A house and seven acres oftendaftuatedinthevillageofHormony,Tre-|tell @ounty,N.C.,bounded on the weet by the vis of Ellas Tharpe and John Tharpe and) the north,east and south by the lands of) berry Tloytes and being the place upon ich partion of the firet part now reside. a8 W A.EVANS, Mortg@agee. ~4t. Long @ Geott,AttysFee,13-41 _} LAND FOR SALE. Thy &Power of attorney |am empowered to!“Privately,two tracte of land below ! the estate of the Iete W.H.HM.Summersdelicounty:The Juba Rings |Ie weres and the R.C.Chambers)@trea,adjoining exch other ipnatip,wix miles of Statesvilir,N,Ford road.A *ane @{enfurdlOF ther,goedfi the|- a =‘Fabien h ‘ The “confidence”which our customersplace in usspiresustoservetherwell.To know that we afe Binaonegreatcompensationtous.14 etipet 7pWehavealwayssoughttoacknowledgethefaithplaged.sominusbyturningoutofourshop“reliable,”stylish a jewelry store articles.a We refer those who have never dealt with us to thélr...47 friends who have.rare # R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.ved es :Le ‘ 1 Material,40 inches Wide,i, at 15c.and18¢.the Yard,"ws agenJohnston-Belk Ca. Our Customers are more interested inQUALITY and , less in PRICE than ever before,Call and see us afd’be” satisfied.v7 se patty 12 Yards Good Bleached Domestic,36 Inches Wide for $1.00. a NEW SPRING WAISTS! We have just received a shipment of beautiful T , WAISTS,striped and plain white.WONDERFUL $1.98 oui >ortNEWSKIRTS! Both black and navy.WONDERFUL BARGAINS!. $1.98,$2.48,$3.48,$4.95 and $806, NEW SPRING GOODS VALUES THAT TALK!NEW GINGHAMS,FAST COLURS!: 82-inch Renfrow,Madras,Zephyrs,Utility and Galatea, NEW WHITE GooDs!a 32-inch and 40-inch Honeycomb Corduroys,checked and striped Voiles,Fancy Voiles,Dimity,Nainsook and Ba-~|tiste. ov 1lot of new Laces justin,including VALS,ROUMTHREADandFILLETS,Insertionsto mateh,at ..,., r any seaNuly Sa The Congressional Record carries statement from Congress-Weaver of Ashe-Weaver replies tomanZebulofville,in which Mr. all the charges recently made by Con- gressman Britt regarding his elec- tion.The statement was printed in the Record at the request of Con gresman BE.Yates Webb. Mr.Weaver was assisted in pre- paring hig statement by Congress- man Lloyd of Missouri,who has been retained by the Asheville man to aid in his fiwzht before Congress. Weaver reviews the whole history of the controversy between Britt and, ving whether counted We ille himself since election day, arese over the auestion « unmarked batlots should be ‘Mr.Britt claims th gal,”says Weaver.“Hts ntention was overruled by the Ne Carolina Supreme Court.As to his personal imputations,if I shall content myself here with some statements of fact, let noeman misunderstand me,or conelude that I do net resent with ev re th ery fibre of my being any intimations ¥ —- - es te e er ee om a | | j |: . ry ae = co m eE E ? ae . GE E ew e ge e om Ee ee e oe oa * r f There w tNE of wrongful comduet on my part.’ Weaver states that when Britt in- serted in the Congressional Record his statement declaring 27 unmarked ballots had been ecouated for Weaver, audsthey were illegal,he had before him the opinien of the North Caroli- na Supreme Court which held,in é ruing the statute of North Car- oWha,that they were legs!and ought to be counted. “This decision agains Weaver.“rendered in an action 1h which the identical ballois to which he referred in his statement were considered,brought and prosecuted by himself,and to which 1 was not even a party,determines the validi- ty of these ballots.I hold my certif- jente of election with the personal consciousness that a majority of the ballots east,not only in Buncombe cauty but in the 13 counties com- prising the tonth district,are cast for me.”Weaver then recites that with the purpose of settling the contest he made the further proposition to Britt in a written statement,either to nt all the unmarked ballots in the difgict,-or reject all Weaver says he never appeared before the Buncombe county canvass- ing beard,or suggested to any of the board members what the board should do,but declares Britt and his cowgsel were at all the board meet ings and addressed the board time and time again. The statement recalls that on No- vember 16 Brit and his counsel ad- dressed the board from 10 o'clock un- til 12 and then asked adjournment until 4,giving Britt the entire day. At,4 o'clock,Weaver says,Britt re- turned with a writ of mandamus se- cured from a judge holding court in an adjoining county and served it on e board in an attempt to compel the board to count a certain number of Wallots fer each candidate,or cause.Veaver concludes as follows: counties outside of Buncombe there are still other unmarked bal- lots which were not counted for me, and these,tos,in excess of the un- marked not counted for Mr.Britt all these unmarked ballots,in e cowities included,my major- ¥r instead of being nine.will be euch larger,and this will be shown proper evidence at the proper e,and I ark Congress in my con- to credit me ballots ly depesited for me. }gain,many unmarked votes had t counted in several counties forBritt.While deneuncing unmarked belets as ill he has not agoniz- ayer the e incl ced th t Britt.”saves with these safely ’ messages sent to oth- counties is He cannot show single vote fraudulently changed.His attack upon the Buncomboardisunfairandunjust courts found with the board against Britt. “J was elected by a majority allthevotesenstinthetenthdistrict;a migfority of all the votes cast marked a vuomarked:and by the unmarked y yt alone 1 cffered Britt to let e'vesult be determined either and avoid a contest,and he refused taydo eitherubeBrittNtrthCarolina. in his complaint were found against him,an?the law decided adversely t him...He now to prejudice ans further !te state ments.” Corn Club Work in St Past Seg son. oled y the dle a county The and of wat lost in the gourts of The facts sworn te rselygoneearinebyhexparte e the “Te nducted | Agricultural Extension 3a bove and girls for \{! ~sem,Of this number 89)mofe porta.Those who reported produ #8,220.4 bushels or thou @ e per acre yield of %bushel fis abou ul the State a erage To raise the eg it cost the infBding a rent acre for each ¢ ‘ Clubs a olina er Ser1<3tnelh os et i of « 34 bushels ve 48,829.4 members charge of} $19,152.71 f per Cc the corn ¢an av The“ant per bushel.rnat $1 per 42429 40,whic ¢.for the of $$76.69 theIreadiditto reports which we were received 149 totaling 2,905 counties sent reports not cemplete because of suffering by the drought of the late spring and early summer n sent neomplete reports bushele m bushels of \vehel ix h leaves a net profit, ’above complete,even if there A number of |Owen said in 1830 is which were|true today as the work|that has kept the State in ignoranceandfloods|and the poor in poverty.” th| try have their arms, ed while dispersing a group els.An amendment to put postmasters of all classes under —= written into the legislative, and judicial appropriation by the Senate,was rejected Thursday by the House en a vote of 234 to 48, with Democratic Leader Kitchin| heading the opposition.THe bill was vent to conference, A bill to permit establishment by American concerns of joint foreign selling agencies.similar to the WebbhillpassedbytheHouseandoneof the measures on the administration's: legislative programme,has been ap- proved by the Senate inter- commerce committee.An effort will be made to pars the measure at this session. Wolfgang Beryer,a German who was arrested at Newport News,Va., Thursday,had in his possession a netebook containing the names of a lone list of American vessels,many them warships Berger said he deserted the German Ener Wilhelm der Greese in New York three years ago.He claim:that he now makes his living by begging.Immigration ofcials are making a thorough in- Vestigatior.. With a notable list of speakers,in- chuding many men ot national promi- nence,exercises were begun at Cum- berland Gap,Tenn.Saturday,in commemoration of the anniversary of ithe birth of Lincoln,and the twen-, tieth anniversary of the founding of this institution for mountain boys and girls.The university property ec:.sists of eight main buildings and a dozen smaller ones The schapl now accommodates rear 700 students each year. An immediate increase n to one and a half cents a pound in the postage rate on newspapers and periodicals for this year,1s provided in the postoffice appropriation bill ordered reported to the Senate by the postoffice committee.The committee also recommended an amendment re- seinding after duly 1,1917,the rate on drop letters to one cent an ounce in cities where there is carrier sefv- ice and also on rural routes.Senator Bankhead’s amendment to prohibit liquor advertisements from the mails in prohibition States also was incor- porated in the bill. EXPENSE CF _DISEASES. State Pays Two Cents to Pre- vent and Thousands For Cure. contained in { j ;{ | of from one Interesting facts are the 1915-'16 biennial report of —the State Board of Health as to the amount of moviey the State is spend ing for the cure or the after effects of diseases in,contrast with the wmount the State is spending for the prevention of aiseases..The report, which will seen be from the hands of the printer,contains the state- ment that where the State spends one dollar for the prevention of dis ease.it spends $11.60 for the care of the insane and delinquent;that fer the syphilitic insane alone in the State it is spending a total of $85.- 000 a year,and fer its aleoholic in- sane it is spending a total of $102,- 000 a year.To put it differently,the State is spending $151,500 more to care for the cfter-effects of syphilis and aleohol than it is spending,not only to prevert th two diseases, but to prevent disease from every couree and cause throughout —the length and breadth of the State It was further stated in the report that a little over two cents for the individval,not two and one-half cents,is the amount appropriated by the State for disease prevention,for health education and for the protec- tion of the public health at every point.and that while the monthly health bulletin the greatest foree in the State for the prevention of dis- ease,cost State only six centa per copy per year,that for ix months of past vear its 4 thi" the publica tion was suspended for lack of funds The bulletin row goes into 50,000 homes and is wanted 0,000 m« Nonies n re the print- publieation pended for “ff mor he deficit h Speaking of {that bullet'n to mnths,the repory says er saved at the spigot andbung,it in this re- 1 the printing fund of the {of Health.ing ai postag +‘amps -—and ves ia the wisdom penny wi ound foo! caused t!b> -nornic ena ow reOe—Sufficient!y Prosperous. iversity News if North ¢greatly to ex and deepen its ed- ucational activities,there is no issue of poverty inv slved.North Caroli- na is ificiently prosperous.It spendingg money for what it wants, During 1915 it spent more for ipkeep of automobiles than for antares publie school iperintena ents and teachers combines North Carolina has just money to speml for education to spend for education.But it were not prosperous,pov- not an exeuse from but a for eduention What John tragically “It is a poliey C Letter. vrolina needs nal ' and want { aft much it as as ;Wants erty i: .|reason then: Let us have done forever with this A number of these acres made some|fatally inverted logic.What we spend corn,but not enough,according the member's way of thinking, justify him keeping accurate record of work.If these had heer the total number of bushe!have been 51,7544 Re ey Re ekee te hismo PAC hivh int L rewgn,fi »is a question of our preference in and the ‘sires,«|that the Church is too poor to be |honest,as for #.citizen of North Car.olina to say that ‘the State ia too.|Poor educate,imi|7 he ente,and to the jimit of ‘nevitable index to our de Sovereign C; Them All” Right breeding is a fine thing,friend,— so is right reading,right thinking and right living.If you may say of a man that he is a scholar,ahd a gentleman,and a Southerner—you have said it all,men,you have said it all! Why,it’s the love of good things that makes men of us,—a good home,a good book,a good horse or a good dog.Yes—and a good cigarette! So,I saytoyou,if you like the thi are real,you'll like me—SO that N, I have blood and breeding—and,oh!socarefullyraisedinoneofthelightest,brightest,whitest homes of all the South. Good stock,too—fine old mellow Virginia and Carohna tobacco,the grandest in all the world. You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! You Folks of the South KNOW good tobacco! We are sure to be friends because I am an aristocrzt,too 3thingsoflife.And her If you don’t like me return me to yo" I have said it.A Southern ¢:atlemen is known keesing his word,and I have ¢your money baci. the worid over ‘or FOR THE66if NUNNALLY’S AT THAT. CALL AT OUR STORE FOR PARTICULARS. POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“On the Square” 9 WHICH IS CHE $1.40 per square plu: $1.80,and good for 15 to 2orthecheapergradesof¢ageatien roofing at $1.25 31 square?Mdtnes! One Hondred Thoveand DelliersStatesvilleandfred:i!county |veare at average annual net cost per cent,6 to terms of our wise or unwise choice,| A Christian may as well say) c 290 aéréeof land four miles wvilleandrunningouttoTaviorevill THOROUGHLY PLEASED.“Some yeurs ago I painteduewith APER Shenthiny ho | *,WATKINS’Cedar my 4 Ss Sheathing i ae =BUSINESS MEN WANT There they are!~$100,000 Solid ' i| | loanin)lonne,ron 10then4.A.BALL |Wistrict Agent | %, States vi c. FOR SALE.| “M|entlnae 'take 27 |ian a Davis.:-: ;|Point looks usehstown,it isPPaint.ad>Perfeet BY r saidit the T. the landsofA.C.ey, ae, ~ ad Se eeioadee m % c of the better and finerOf?NAheoe 3 another good reason,—Me dourRGA HW a -4\ OOreClur~o eoSoros4)Ey Mea, and get enero cartes ne alae?nay “~~ “7 Aer ao Tween you mine. Hr gouTH : \ |{ ne o n a t e pe an en e r \ \ } ;' Accidents Generally are the sult of One Thing—Carelessness It may be carelessness of the driver,someone else onthe road or of the manufacturerofthe car. With the Buick or Dodge Brothers areofthegreatestcareonthepartofthemaker to insure your .The brakes.are andeverypart is thoroughly tested for doing its duty. oh gineNip oe * as s + 7 2 - ?g a? ‘| S8 3 i f I :ae on ,,tycr.of Doors,Sash,Sash Weights,Locks,4 er lookswell,fits well,andwears well.”“anything ‘tn ws by ete,|O51:Paintinfact everything carriedby a : fomadein awidevarietyofkindsHE |omen ly re Nae i the stormy weather code of mem,women the State and Gale oa bee:Me goodHardwareStore and it certainly ft. .a ee oo eae oe |charge,86;of will pay youto visitourstore before EL. ;5 )The és your valuemark.Lookfor itonthe sole.preciated..—85;‘aes aL as ,a ot ee a ante,heme,fete Ce:SOME REE OT pecs you buy.Ourpricesareas low as | =teeppreerie NeMiCollage|Bisons"jureh vrop-will be found any where quality con-| ‘:+.©‘,|fe ¥ae #8 eigh,awy vajiding A,“Riches ‘and persrca 8.0 ine sidered.Weare sure we can save a 7 ||Focnronice,We feel.thet this urance »§oom — i .World's Standard RubberFootwear Ping should Ry3 Any jrsid $994:re women mission:you money if you will give us «‘See. mle ¢.the =and bers,688;—ted,$3,558;ha Z for Women,church orran chance. "on ld naterel tat $2,Conteremee orgen.+number ° be located at the Epworth 1 eet ferwonnen|instant of State ee oon umm $ or men,especially since .is already a department of special,$16;for objects,$926:|f]* economics at the Normal :numberScflStamnes,“<«ell Iredell Hardwarecourse.There is plenty of room >3 ¢on ! the campus for such a eS of enlarged quarters for cradle 2 trainingmsotheshefunbyepgnam‘church:5%|duri 5 amount raised fortocarryonihisworkattwoplaces?cisionson easesament,$769;amount sf twothat|ter all money the State can give ' raised for missions,a.$446; Ff |this object at one place State|“mount ‘so Day. 4 |Norma College—it will be of the|S54;amount raisedfor Sunday schoo \+=—_—(Nive ame Wet,tor other,ob- We would urge our representa|/°¢'s,:raised from ;|tives in the Gonesal ey now}'9~icools,batt.ia [|convened in nl raised {that said building be located on the)PUTPosss $57.928,aan as fol- ‘State Normal and Industrial College)'°*Pres ing elder,$313 ;preach ;campus.We believe ¢men =be ares a ;—fer- We have some particularly,handsome pieces of ie ee ane to —the a a io he $28:forkign furniture but our greatest pride is ia the handsome work of the wemen missions,$2,57@:here and are striving ;::ions,$2,365;church exten-effects we can offer in groups of furniture.‘garnestlyfor theupbuiling of,eae ricn,|#1001:‘Sdueation,$1,611; There is only one way to buy furniture and secure }more and more the necessity for Americaf Bible Society,$122;gener- the effects in grouping that you desire.That is to training for the future mothers al and annual Conference ae Spi .ue :home-makers of the State.We be-|$131:Children’s Home.support fun SEE AND APPK«'VE those groupings before you Pent ra nere “money were spent im|°i building fund,$1,927;for other ..9 buy.You know exactly what you are getting when =|‘his waythere wouldbeless need a '.asylums,ete.‘|GO NO FARTHER! F:Dr.M 1.——pet &the — State Normal and Industria "|Door! is asking the State to increase The Evidence is at Your cotege |ae oa ee from,Statesville pfoof is what you want $100,000 to $125,000.asks:: |for $100,000 annually for five years,|and the statement of this highly re to be expended for physical improve-|spected resident will banish all ments,such as completion of the Me-)4...4+.|foae maniontat ae a et een standing incomp since Hi caiuaiitinsiaannnriiiieel est ladditional dormitories,new audito-|H.8.Stroud,229 Boulevard *..) =e irium,gymnasium and lars |Statesville,says:“Some years ago! y.i jof dining room.We are deepl ly was in pretty bad shape with|f , x sted 1 of these reco’||[% WHY SUFFER WITH HEADACHE?toes teal that they ore badly id,kidney and bladder ‘trouble.My MR S M A RY SIMS j and —oO —,—back was so weak and stiff that I *R e 3 'p n ei ‘P ta -——--WHEN ———awill aa these requests and couldn't straighten after stooping.|TheCash Store.;:aa |that our State college for women Mornings I covldn’t get out of bed.My4 9 will go forward to do the great work)————- for which it was founded.sea |kidneys were sluggish and the kid-|)oe TTS — S 'ed ac @ OW er AN ALUMNA.|mey secretions scanty end unnatural!‘i. corsetiereauthority who will conductaandexhibitoftheMADAMEGRACE CORSETS. All are invited toatiend. The prices’are very,| reasonable. Ep = Speeding Work on Warships—1 neveir experienced such misery in! WILL STOP THE PAIN Plans of All Kinds Offered.=my life as when the kidney =sccre-| Construction work on warships tions were pasting.Doctors didn't |building at the plants of the New-:P ad —_ ‘port News Shipbuilding and Drydock|seem a!le to help me and I kept get- Co.,the Fore River uilding Co.ting worsc.|was advised to try,IN 10 MINUTES —-10 CENTS,;‘3 and the Electric Boat pany will eee :sy aoa oo 5 1 ‘ss be speeded up to the limit of these Doan’s Kidney Pills and I did.After!|Be 4 HALL S DRUG S I ORE,plants.Wook om the two superdread-I hed taken one box,I was perma-hi,4 4 :ge 4 —— — - asthe .:_”|E 'eRe *Phone No.2.eee rs seating”Gear _—cured of kidney trouble.i q i \vy i herrea =—ae Price 50c,at all dealers.Don't!ti :oe ane eamnuaamnens saienaaeamaniniada ee eee t e ¢e News nt it 18 ‘n 5 .dy —«<2¢|-eS ee TR z .-SPOR |timated chon the battioship Missis-simply ack fora kidney remedy et |"a i nit a :|sippi,recently launched,can be com-Doan’s Kidney Pilis—the same that |.o USE BRICK!/EVBSRRic amg oy :oe =ws ‘tract.e keel of one of the four ep y ss :4 ,cs i hattleshi ntly contracted ee om De °tenwill be laid ““ae thie vacated :‘om ( The best towa in the Staie should use The best by the Mississ'ppi instead of a mer-,‘ .°|chant vessel,as hadbeenintended..‘‘a .brick made in the State.\——¥the Fore River 1 ;‘..::lectric Beat Company ¢on : This town is-blessed with brick of high quality,ee Ean,des te ch otk 0 W e r S Tage |Caette rm Mattress.The guaranteed ..Tey b i lon destroyers and submarines,for it ys and if not foundaswe it eel.reasonable price,ae er eall ach ante private |turn it tous and get your moneybeck.33 You ceriainly caanot atford not to build with |work.rere wold to go aheadst |is made of the very best whitefelt and No.|fs .Tw speed.plan also you best any i brick here of all places.PemdbeonByReg “a sgninene uw alee~ouulesagas wraps.oe ..j e-'i,; After this date old prices will be in effectlocally |Seeedie gud cubmerinn te be 00-i department and we await your inspection.af same as for several years.in the pending navy bill.|1 NOtlers ot plants of ft Winds and of Williams Furniture House Inc.|| ’|the personal services of the owners oi'COMMON BRICK.FACE BRICK.FIRE BIRCK.tn oreutvey cone to owe Oriani tid?ay |War De ent,of the larger <a units(STATESVILLE BRICK CO.|We Spaitestntr'ettie lees |ini ===——Fie eee Ter nation,makers |Wecan always supply i ;a .-_'yee ee pet oumne,aa ae .°Hh...i *:|for co natin such al-you best ;F ¥oe .'e =|ready exists,and they be turn-with the to _ ia mas VINES ul ed to government work without se-’Bs Still $n !Endorse rameeee See.;whatever purposethey Capital StockPaidin .‘100,000.00 € |rious delay.be had in Flowers for OF STATESVILLE,N.O. ‘‘German -American Alliance —— on,=.should be wanted.t Surplus and Profits —-31,500.00 i }|Btates weread the German-L ;If you have not joined.Seas.eet ira Members of Federal Reserve System. |of German -Ameri-Y business solicited and ,you may do so any Re ae|cvery eonomanctstion extent.>day this week jae Tea Jom oomeetingSeCermen positorsconsistentwithprudenthank- °ie eting wan attendedbydel GREENSBORO,&©.ing methods. i._Be._hesaina the presi:|Polk Four per cent.paidon time andSavings ‘Over 1,300 HaveAlready Joined.re mato,terthe Gray Drag Ca.,}Deposits remainingondepositthree i ie 3°ya monthsor longer. #9 Everybody invited.—jest ae Ser,bi F OFFICERS:cosaii oa.wewil -View :; Pa ."oe i? s Ff >;{fui aunt,Mrs.GoldyHerdresscaughtfirewhilethespring. ,former chief of police of,was sentenced to three)prison andNelsoncounty|Slate had more) f4 orders to reportTex.,immediately.No given for the orders,unless it to oa" the week cap-bloc!distillerycountyandalongtors,Jim Bailey his 17 ,Robert.TheyS L E .Theolder one said they werelittleliquortobeusedwith thenameofHar-Thursday His feet,{frozen toItwasnecessarytoam-eetand @ars.is noseenoffgettinghimground.Hie mayrecov- Plunkett,13 old,daugh- esa Mrs.R W.Plunkett of Hall,is expected to die ~shot wounds accidentally14--old brother.|with the gun in the fabie kh wee dled thethéwwand striking sister in the Gate,en daceaes Sok tore»ppea a ere evidence to lead his friends to be- lieve:that he drowned himself in Ca- near Mount Holly-and is being dragged for his did drown himself,it is ve been due to his mindbythesuddendeathof A.M.Horton of akilledinstantlyMonroewhenintebytenloadedhadbeenleftlonroeyardsandwadnotbeenap-from the wreckThe He 2 ; Hf E d ag FF near s turday morning de-as a dormito-the State Nor- boro.per-of the youngdestroyedandclothingwherethosewholostissSaraBrownofepeh ot il i g e * e Court m Raleigh hassuccessfulapplicantsracticelaw,out of thethatoythe— at opening o The following ane a counties:ames —..Pritchett,Caldwell;Fred. Hutchins,Forsyth;Earl James,William Graves and Bouldin McGarge,Jr.,Surry. JudgeeightyearsRobert Martin Douglas,forajCourt,justice of the State Su- died at ating A inThureday.we Doug- was s of age at the of his deqth,was at one time private secretary to Governor Hold- Later he was appointed private ona to President Grant.my ’s re-election he —r. to the office of marshal of Carolina.This office he filledIn1896hewaselect- sociate justice of the State Court.SND To Recruit 25,000 Additional Men For Navy. Navy recruiti ts h beeudatoneltethanidintelyenlist25,-OFceiitional men.the it carried appropriationslyless,since the depart- ment estimated that not more =recruits —the _ necessary to replace men is-could be found. i55 8 ct 2z &: i : i naval bill au- by a provision in the de-lation permitting vol-to for the duration of INL |fer,not a by|work,many encow reports have |destruc-|been returned totionofAmericanlivesorshipswouldgetherwithaarent Sees the answerin Federal Courtat Salis-| *tempt to stave off the —s .could only be palliative and only de-,an ultimate break.AlsothatifPresidentWilsonstoodhisannouncementthatthe regarded as an act of et a)casus belli must corhe sooner or later - ashingtonSincethe call was issued t ethemselvesona footing ‘chapsMild ers of service.off‘acting chairman, y sooner on account of the|force which could be informed that while the carefultowardsneutralswasrecom- ee as et they ve no r su to entfordepartingfromtheirformerpro-cedure of warning,if they found this,advisable.It is considered that the only pos-sibility of the avoidance of hostili-,ties would result from a modificationofitsstandpointbyoneortheotherside,and before the Associated Presscorrespondent’s departure from Ber-lin,there seemed no probability thatGermanywouldgivewaythistimeorabandontheruthlesscampaignnowstarted.From a neutral cable office it now,is possible to iell the story of the de-velopment of the present crisis,onwhichthemostrigidcensorshiphasbeenappliedinGermany.To the observer in Berlin,the ap-proach of the crisis has been plainlyanddefinitelyevidentsincethere-jection of Germany’s peace over- tures.Information as to Germany's defi-nite decision to start a sharpenedsubmarinewar,and even the form it would take,namely,a blockade ofspecifiedregions,(though the ideaofa“prohibited zone”was later sub- stituted for that of a “blockade”attherequest-of the naval authorities,who anticipated possible formal ob- jections under the blockade regula- tions),was received by the Associat-ed Press ajmost on the morrow ofAmbassadorGerard’s speech on Ger-man-American good relations,deliv-ered at the banquet of the AmericanAssociationofCom-:erce and TradeearlyinJanuary.A week later it was stated that afulldecisiononthesituationhadnotbeenreachedandthatthecampaignwouldnotbelauncheduntilafterfurtherconsultationswithGermany’salliesandthereceiptofcertainin-formation from Count von Bernstorff,and Count Tarnowski von Tarnow,re-spectively,German and AustrianambassadorstotheUnitedStates,oftheirconceptofarmedmerchantmenandtheirliabilitytoattackaswar- —e final decision on an out-and-out submarine campaign of a so-called ruthless type apparently wastakenatthegrandAustro-GermanconferenceatGermanheadquartersontheGermanemperor’s birthday,though the Associated Press heardthestatementthatsubmarines,de- parting several days earlier for sta-tions on the submarine huntinggrounds,were provided with contin-gent orders for this eventuality.The censorship,however,shut downtightlyonanydefinitestatementsor predictions of the approaching crisis. Ambassador Gerard,of course, was aware of the current gossip andprobablywasabletoadvisetheStateDepartmentofthepossibleturn—inevents,even while the echees of his banquet speech were still resounding.But he was given no intimation fromofficialsources,and even at his inter- view with Foreign Minister Zimmer- mann,the day before the chancellor’sofficialannouncementintheReich-stag of a ruthless submarine cam-paign.Herr Zimmermann gave himnodefinitestatementonthemor-row's proceedings,although the de- civions had been finally reached and the text of the note and the memo- randum were ready,and even maps of the prohibited zone had been pre- pared for the use of the German newspapers.The ambassador and the American government therefore were facedwiththeannouncementofafactac-complished when on the afternoon ofJanuary31Dr.von Bethmann-Holl-the imperial chancellor,pro-mulgated in the Reichstag commit- tee the news that a relentless subma-ne campaign would begin immedi-tely and read to the committee thetextofthememorandumonthepro-hibited zone and the note to the Unit-ed States—documents which reachedtheAmericanembassyonlyseveralhourslater.There was,therefore,no opportuni-ty nor an occasion,as in the days of the Sussex trouble,for any negotia- tions to prevent the crisis or an at-breakbetweenthetwocountries.NothingcouldbedoneexcepttoreporttoWashingtonthedevelopmentswhichpeersinthepressoftheworld‘ore the embassy dispatches hadstartedfromBerlinandawaittheanticipatedexplosionThiscameintheshapeofarup- Those who hate nastymedicine should tryChamberlain'sTabletsforconstipation.They :=ies pee OM ns tesiproduaghby,a wpdicine, 1 |ytosubmarinecommanders,who were|With a total diately in case of warTwenty-six omnes pevosianel nurses’aids;a hospital base reserve of 415 nurses and 525 thirty-one partially ——— detaphasonts of 20 nurses $one hundred and fifteen local emergency detachments;a corps in- ing about 120.r.Wadsworth said that all toldtheorganizationcouldputintothefield2,970 trained Red Cross nurses’aids;| navy } of expert |structors in surgical dressings,total-| nurses,| and estimated that if 30 per cent.of | those whom the Red Cross had given elementary training to th call as nurses’aids,thé total nursingpersonnelwouldbeabout6,000, ane the vortanery assignm _patients to each nurse,e,“we could thus take care of50,000 sick and wounded at once.In jj the earlier stages of war the propor- tion of sick and younded is t 5 per cent.In other words,we are prepared to give expert nursing ser- viee to an army of 1,000,000 men.No national emergency has ‘ever found -Red Cross better prepared than |CAROLINA MOTOR COMP’Y. iio Alaskan Aero Mail Route Con-|p tract Let. Des Moines Register. Earl L.Byers,nephew of H.W. Byers,corporation counsel for Des Moines,has one of the most unusualcontractseverletbytheUnited States government.He has agreed to cerry mail byair-plane over a route in Alaska at acompensationof$49,500 annually.Byers will make two trips eachbetweenNomeandacamp381milesinland.He will carry mailssengers,and his service will ring the mining camp three weeks nearer the outside worrd.The country over which he will flyismountainous.There are no leveltractsonwhicatomakealandingincasehisengineshoudstop.In win-ter the snowfall is between 25 and30feetdeev.Even should Byers’air- plane mhake a safe landing insnowbetweenterminals,it would beimpossiblefortheoperatortoget away again.An of these possible troubles wereconsideredbyByersbeforehetookthecontract.Ona trial trip he car-ried four passengers,the weight be-ing,1,000 pounds.He is using a Cur- tiss tractor,with various ideas in ae- wee } } rial navigation worked out by himm-|self to meet conditions in Alaska. aa Severe Cold Quickly Cured.On December 1st I had a very severe cold or attack of the grip as it may be,and was near-ly down sick in bed,”writes O.J.Weatherby,Mo.“I bought two bottles ofChamberlain’'s Cough Remedy and it was onlyafewdaysuntil|was compictely restored tohealth.I firmly believe that Chamberlain'sCoughRemedyisoneoftheverybestmedl-cines and will know what to do when I have another cold,”Obtainable everywhere. <= Stomach Trouble causes a multi-_tude of ailments,and often results in|Gell Stones,Yellow Jaundice,and Chroniv lidigestion,Appe :is,Constipation,Auto-Intoxication, ¥ }' Gas Pressure,Forr of Heart Ty 4 Cancer ard Uleers of the SandIntestines,ete.,etc.One dose ofMayr’s Wonderful Remedy has prov- en successful in thousands ofofStomachTrouble.This e its enermous vale.Has beenandisreommmendedbyPhyJusticeoftheSupremeCourt, gressmen,Lawyers.Nurses,ters,Farmers,Educators,Mec -_probably your own neighbor,owe their lives to Mayr’s WoRemedy.Thousands say it hashemfromtheknife.Containsevholorhabit-forming druvs. booklet on Stomach Ailments.ress Geo.H.Mayr,Mfg.¢Crea,Better yet —obtaintle"s onderfulfromtheieDrug ©reliable ofendyourmonyWitfaisTHESTILESUs tn the manufacture of C.WADoorsand i lt l i l l . You will findno ionsin any builders’manual for A Counter of Conhdence.” ™ae itbringssme nemaloneteebelieves oniandmeasure. ae Seteral voy Fier arg meplaceorroomonourCounterof RE 1S ASMUCHTOBEASINASTUDIEDADEBT! Every subterfugehasafalsebottom;it canneithergive norre-ceivefullmeasure. Andone mightaswell attempt to chastise a bullelephantwith afly-killer,or tickle him with a straw,asto to build upabusinesswithoutaOF When the Counter of Confidence is overturned.nationsgo to war;business is paralyzed and panic ensues;husbands and wivesareestrangedandhomesdisrupted;even the children lookaskanceattheirparents. It is only across a Counter of Confidencethat you canhope to giveortoreceivefullmeasure,for it is theaccounting table be-tween you and Justice and Virtue and Reward,and uponwhichyoureckonaccountsinyourbusiness,in your home,to your community and country,and with your God. DO YOU WONDER WHY THE CAROLINA MOTOR COMPANYPRIZESABOVEALLITSASSETSSo7sOTHERITSCOUNTER We invite you to trade over it! “WE NEVER CLOSE.” SPRING SHOWI Consisting of a wonderful display of new things that are selli pricesthatwillkeepyouguessinghowwekeeptheonaan== The power of money in buying and short profits tell the tale. New Coat Suits,fanging in price from an All Wool Serge at $10.00 to$25.00,in Gaberdine and Poplins.and $15.00 ones.oplins.In all the wanted colors.See our $12.50 New Silks in Plaids,Siripes and plain weaves. Don’t overlook our Cotton Goods D eae = select from.s Department—none better—big lots to Big lot Men’s,Women’d Chil ’:. oak Chee.sand Children’s Shoes in breion sizes to be sold =SMILLS &POSTON.&} Tl eeecaeaan Buy And Enjoy ifAWeserPhonograph| MR.JOS.P. REPRESENTATIVE —OF The Globe Tailoring Co. Will be with us Today cnd Wednesday. Be sure and call inand be measured bythis expertforthatSPRINGORSUMMER SUIT. Make this one of your positive engagements. Prices range from$20 to $750. ene Gove is -- Come in tae STATESVILLE,N.OC.FRIDAY:FEBRUARY 16,1917. A ¥.|KILLED BY FALLING TREK.|THE VOTE IS ANNOUNCE in Row-|Wilson and Marshall 277-—Fires—|Hughes and Fairbanks 254. Again—!President Wilson was formally andofficiallydeclaredre-elected Wednes-Svectal Correnpondence of The Landmark.|48¥K...By my ®me,eaten, |Mooresyv Feb.15 —Jim Good-';|«A civil serviceoehoncxin;man the Largan sun of My Trak |Yamedtheelectoral voteofthe States|ng heldat Statesville prohibition bill,the same p :Goodman of neighbor-|gia)returns give Wilson and Mar-first-grade or clericalparedbyhimselfandihood,Rowan »was killed yes-|P ss Mrs.David out the aid or t of the |terday afternoon a tree falling |am ST eeeperet votes;Huges and ly i)at her home rf ten hi :inJonasbill=omSS Se an |The canvasing of the vote,ax al-/community and her death is ts the ihad set fire to a of trees and |¥@¥8,Was conductea with much cere- ng.one had ab and the othor |MOY.The Senate took a recess and,|fell unex ,killing the boy in-'preceded by two page boys bearing|instantly.Heim survived by a father the official returns.marched over to and mother,several brothers and six-'the House chamber,where President ters.Burial at Back Creek church pre tem one ees pveeees,sit- ‘today.|ting beside Speaker Clark. renatori may @e,Mr.Lake Jamison,head miller at Senator Saulsbury announced that, grain alcohol fo purposes Templeton,Williams &Co.’s roller im obedience to the constitution and and religious congregations are .|mills,who has not heen well for some laws,the Senate anc House were in lowed two gallons of wine a year ‘time,is off for a fest.Mr.John!joint session for ascertaining — quecumantel paspuai,It is made ua-||ipe,an ex miller from Landis,|counting the electoral votes in lawful for any person to drink,‘has taken place.We hope Mr.|clection for President and Vice Pres- away or have in his possession,Anny will soon be as well as eve..|ident of the United States.He then ‘any public highway,street or alley,Rev.J.L.Morgan of Troutman|summonedthe tellers and Senators in any public ey or other pub-|Was a Mooresville visitor yesterday.|Kern of Indiana anda Clapp of Minne- lie place in the State,an 2,|He was ‘ied Mrs.Julius’sota,ahd ntatives Rucker of vinous,fermented or wah or Waugh and child of utman and Missouri and ves of M ,took intoxicating bitters,or to r Miss Ella White,a sister of Mrs.|their places at the elerk’s : |drunk or under the visible Waugh,who had been to Troutman;When the tellers were Sena- |of liquor <_ot —ypu th —..a oe post nae tor Seulsbury enstiousd the »street or alley,or in any.in|wi er sis is er parem=,and spectators against “applause or building or other public place in the |Mr.and Mrs,White,near Moores:|saniivannnes of approval or disap- ir |State.”ville,:.roval during any stage of the pro- .The payrott,according to!Bills introduced:To “define the!Messrs.C.E,Cornelius and C.@, oeeat .stating.that it was not the soldier's rank,is as follows per status of indigent children”;provide Smith,who are at a Chicago rest}nor in accord with the :|seats for motormen on wee rail-cure sanatorium taking treatmeni,'“decorum which should mark so im- month:: |Captain,$200;first lieutenant,ways;to remove officers under cer-write home thet they are getting portant and occasion.” disturbance of the;..5c'h7.second lieutenant,$141.67;tain circumstances—an ouster law slong splendidly so far.They areal-’then couand ar Placed in ‘oo:hoe 5 certificatesindustriallifeofUnitedStates.|;first sergeant,$45;::designed to apply to the whole seope lowed an orange about every hourin|of the tellers electionealertherenescorporals,$21;cooks,;mechan-of failures to duties =the day and nothing more except wa-inSghabouen eaer of the—going forward j0."§21;buglers,$15;privates,first unbecoming conduct that might cbn-ter.Mr.Cornelius,|whose|blowd ordered them to examineion.uch import-class,$18;privates,$15.stitute grounds for removal through Pressure was over 200,is down to)Def hich :|The com ny marched to Oakwood Superior Court procedure.,175.We nour for each one a full re- am W S cemetery Wednesday morning and Dr.Crowson introduced in’the covery,and if fired a salute overthe grave of Jack House a bill to fix the pay of the as Mr.B.A.Troutm (De Wyckoff,a private of Company EF,treasurer of Amana county.‘The money =spent.We miss them ‘n experience i encam urpose is to treasurer a “ooresvilie,,|Hug!Fairbank must be made to co-ordinate Ameri-|2s EE salary of $25 2‘month in lieu of fees.|Lester Coon came near having his,pas an 254 votes.ho lostwithhiscompany at Camp Glenn ‘ratte duties of the office take little house burned report was then reaa aloud bTuesdaynoon,he ee ot Some has fo |The members of the company have time it i $25 a/house is near No.1 mill.The children oe pro tempore,after wh itches showing that the!gone to their respective homes;the month is ‘ample.were popping corn and let fire get to,“This, )organization will remain intact as!Other bills in the House:To re-|a bed,which was burned,but the’!th is announcement by States y ty opeine 6 Lak:before the departure for Camp Glenn,eee oa on hotel eentone in-a noe quickly and ve Ph ae ee fe 2Senate bomb abonrd|25th |div towels;to military out t .deem- vesngl hed boon stopped,|une Sem at Oe ee lacier|taining in the Ste Glcker eduen,|Jo.Balley,colored,who lived o/ed sufficient tion of the per- indic partu r in iatethatthevessel!dart of September.The movemenis|tional institutions (for males).the farm of Mr.James A.Brown,80ns elected President and Vice : her cargo of!of the company henceforth will de-|Representative Coggins ashing-|near Prospect,had his house burnei dent of the United States, rders from Washington.|ton county has introd a bill en-|Tuesday evening and lost about half the term beginning March 4,1917, y titled “An act to protect the ma of its contents.House was insured Shall be entered together with a *for $100;nothing on furniture.Mr.!of votes,on theFema the Wm.W.First Brown's daughter lost all her cloth-and House of tives.” BR.Mills,econ on Wi)ng,fire,about &montharo,that With this done the joint R.Ht Tucner Ser-|Doards to display at her boarding place in wasdissolved,membersof .Ww.Leonard,Siepmante natural form of females contrary to|Greensboro,where she is at school.|filed out of the chamber .and |John F.Steele,Chester E.Kilpat-|the laws of ordinary decency and for Mrs.Rankin Alison and Mrs.|Speaker,resumingthechair,calledthe :-|Fick,George L.Kilpatrick,John T.!moving pictures to exhibit screen pic-|Thos.Youngblood spent Tuesday in|House to order. of the sinking,it is!Troutman,William T.Marshall,Cort tures of a similar type.Charlotte.Mr.Lathan Mills and a)a =ee ea a Marshall;Corporals N.Curlee,|The House passed the bill of Rep-|party,of friends were in Charlotce| will coe th ti |Marvin E.Marshall,James D.Mor-|resentative Stubbs,to provide for a|Tuesday night.An inquiry concerning the retention precipitate the expected |vison,Ralph Eastep..MeDade,!convention to amend the constitution Measles is still with us,but as by Germany of the 62 A i that country.Seqae®erman,Nathan eS bill by Mr.Roberts of Buncombe,to ary —<Stas a anne con-|men by cook,:os.suffrage i sat solation to know that most every oth-| Johnson;privates,first class,Carl 7-|Sloveteom tat haga and West As Jer town and neighborhood has Line |Berlin by the Unitedsuatee gel i. Cline,Bryant Deal,Hal.Gill,Ivey)ville,failed of immediate passage on|*case,‘00.|nary to more vigorous "T's. b "S|Johnson,Sam.Miller,Chas.me objection of Mr.Grier of Iredell.A|,Miss Vinnic Templeton,who is mon Gre wah pruenapts na -ve poli Ages me5 Pog mat o Seales,Robt.F.Summers,James 1.pill introduced by Mr.Gardner of oaainn at Sut.ves ee S|Formal ¢‘ ;|Williams;privates,Charles Artontis,|y:de sction |@ went to a hospital a rlotre|,." aan aeeeatias to a Fred.L.Bradley,John A.Dowdy,!hag myMee gee om-ea Saturday for an operation for p before Congress again before com-eS eee a —oa |Sees anepetnien ter the same.a peed ~"R wt?ae mitting the government to a policy|mental co will be mustered out p.ae oo rom Governor]with her over Sunday.: of woe ams “on _merchant Seckeen ”Weatinented Quartermas:.|a,ov "te es ae Ee to I.hope our county commissioners on —.a ships.It is the President's purpose tor Sergeant Clarence Ramsey an¢edia m on :asley bill to|wifi pay the way of our old Confei-=—_=or Germ:n to avoid,if possible,anything which Battalion Sergeant Major Gregory |sxempt ae .notes wiven|erates to the reunion this spring.ee,ee er with an inqui-|favorable.F might give Germany the excuse ‘|are in Shelby awaiting the mustering |0F PUNCAARe Or arm ee from tax-|"They deserve this and more,tos.|f7 8,status of the crews of any trouble which may follow to!out of the regimental corps there.tion to the extent of $3,000 to an}Send them along.There won't be)oe on’tae ae ee ships in medical the responsibility upon the Major Robert Flanigan,who is ill at individual.The bill was championed many more reunions,for the veter-aoe cake,ta ;Germany,Dr.Rit-E H.Y. nited States..present,may go to Shelby later to be by some of the Republican member:|ans are getting old and tottering.|'¢?bore ;cided to hold the Yar-their 16- =>this morping there had ben |mustered out.Dr.R.A.Campbell of 20d passed,93 to 12.__|Let’s cheer the few remaining years |Wenn ale prisoners until there was rt,to the no definite announcement of hostil!-|the medical corps is in Rutherfordton|A bill was introduced to establist|and always take time to speak and |°®nite assurance that German)a:Raleigh.He is not blind tes.awaiting the mustering out of the -re a —i say a kindword to them whenever we Oe harbors would not!not see well nough to ~ead fine 1 co Major Norris,heal),49 We Sena ills were introduced |we meet them.A soned,>ons ie hb foorth Piedmont Experiment Station.me notion!Fang has headquar-|to regulate the use of advertising)Presiding Elder Ware,in his Sun-=~development,wholly unex-|oraded school. -oe To make the different State farm|ters in Rutherfordton.signs on the public highways—a pro-|day night's sermon here,told very|Peeted,we amazing to the Ameri-Miss Ellinor Clarke of F stations in North Carolina more effi-ooo gn hibition of the cross arm crossing|pathetically how his own white mam-|8"Papin Officials had come!4s cnter of Mr.W.D cake “at certain changes have been|Now It's Revolution in (uba.|signs for other than regular railway|my sat on one side of the cradle and|to the —that the early re-Statesville and well knownhere,has made in the personnel and work.)ang now Cuba is about to add her CTSSIN&Purposes;to authorize coun-|reeked,while his old black mammy,pares wi —the German gov-volunteered her services as in First of all,these farms will not be!mite to the world’s troubles.A revo-tY boards of education to appoint trus-|sat on the other side and rocked hin|etmment as:to =treatment of Ger-the event of war,an =. known longer as test farms but 23/1 tion is about under way in that)‘es Of special tax districts.in that Methodist cradle.I thoug::a ve ite t ile ne had heon|i.needed.The was ma: can es ee The |country os ©vaaalt of an oloctiondis-|The House bill by Pharr of Meck-}as he was sp aking i only all a 08 |e oe¢es 2 hood the forward-|tough the Red Cross chapter name ville tar as :;:ronatruc-peak kindly o ose old ex-.; been cha from the Iredell Test |Bute.The United States in the guar-|ie al ketone teneome emuninn he:eee eed i.inay icin and Eventual release of the Yarrowdale Salisbury.Mies Clarke is a ;\dian of Cuba and Secretary Lansing ,ora in regarded >|uate nurse.She was in tra’in Farm to t Experiment Stn-;cad \ing explained an enabling act for the |stooped forms,and feeble.1 am not|Prisoners is regarded as assured but .. .Mr.F.T.Meacham remains us|has been warning and exhorting the |omapestion of toll tetdeen -lbs at all foolish about a lot of young|&?urgent protest against their re-im-Statesville several yeatsage. i a nit tue in pp Sune mecuees Uncle |:ay for themselves and then revert to|darkies,but we certainly do owe a |ot oe Under the change each station Wi)|Sam has more than enough trouble i “ae ‘obj rior a eee la be oe intel Met pono Lincoln and Lee Birthdays.The remains of .re 8.wl ae G >with sition,the objection being that tol!eee ete ee eee i ..§‘.vz.‘Prthe Unie Sisen Baner-|with Mexico,and Germany.without tridgen ‘ret relic of the,past,Tr |Wows ranks are also setting thinners)ymeenie oe gaatie Conf srg “Statenville were to fammecs will be coi-|of the Seerctary of State was to the |or te Canawrbe,ory —to brides \er WA Kerr,the veteran A.R evacy wen wondering,the eher day Tuesday at Jochonnetie,7 .effect that the United States would pened susan vending,cha 8°!Pp of Coddle Creek,who is probably why it is that the city graded schools =te —_t : a ee not regard as legal any government,The Se d th 4.the oldest and best known man injcelebrate the birthday of Abraham jursday,»&: Men Raid American Ranch|set up by violence.The message went |tipalien tends ‘a heh 1.[his vieinity,has heen in feeble health}Lineoln and do not commemorate in ——a —ayeare ond /:.ste yt ‘or th ee :lf any or s.health. PsVilla foll ae a rl odingg omett warmed he Godan |return of marriage ineenses.The bi!Pee.im”Lae.Roceuiene tae Abeeset po rd is survived by his wrfe and Villa followers,this,week|eve,“over ‘the island.“Mr.Lansing makes changes in the form of licens |"the freight depot is ot quite of the city schools Monday,|12th,|NOW Cton ‘and 5 side of the Mexican boundary.ionted out the responsibility of the cots dhe eet ar wo"moved yet,but a numer of Southern|was celebrated as the atniversary of and ane olaber,Wns then occupied Ojitos,an Ameri-nited States in connection with |seroplane hunters swan fre")|omcials were here in a special todcy,|the birth of the national hero—-Lin-v : :cuba .The stateme *',asieoin.The 19th of 2 ,|/son of Statesville—also ~owned cattle ranch in Mexico,Cuba and intimated very clearly that |was Made in &,,,Viewing the Inndscape oer,and nsj|colin.e if 0 anuary,which) ;valeal reument for the bi!Bere ee cf]was the |Mr.R.D.Work,unele L. miles southwest of the Seing |Ola was not to be tolerated ithat very recently a number of aco |soon as the town can get together,if]was th date of the birth of the Fwhien ent whe &isited i Bases: ted.|LieutenantLieutenant ‘acts § sz same work as any experiment fl Fi Hy a Offici )“|»s,the railrond he -|South's hero,Lee,yserverd |,od metal ewe from Cuahas convin:|lane travelers stopped on the Nor''/Mugg"GE fi "a "iwatim,yee |y the local’achook children,so Yor|Wile,did adda ,"“|Carolina const for 10 days or mor:|Be WEE on A location.7 vihe lee has been leavtad .lat his home in Philionalreadyhesassumedlargepro-|and played havoc with these bir':.|Sei@ed on.So far ay your serie mike ie ode |Mrs.A.W.Hair d ured during the raid o portions.Developmentsof the Move-|voing up in aeroplanes and shoot ‘|ean.learn,some want it moved east,J i ‘e solution is =_the!malonate’Wede = h also are believed to —_on —nn widely S€pa-/into the game on "a wing.Other same ——on nee any-100 Rect ——Lobse :3 2 amie @ —E ra nts,ary Cuban govern-|);-::re,if it’s over the cuc oo's nest.)Lee's birthday ane JAncoin’s rarely,)“s orth aan coll for volunteers canyon $0|een eae —State inatitu-|ground in front of the W.W.if ever,so this year the change was,an illness of pneumonia,' —the successes claimed by the|«ypplv;to amend the Sion law |“|Rankin &Co.'s store was plowed vp made,oe ==>the rebels.allowing ten years’separation to con-Tuesday and a nice lawn may warn ‘Small Grain Damaged —Some lig Bo..we re eekat tetenets |ceitute enase,for cee pron wie ee as nee paopenger|Suggestions Hair and Mr.G.W.Hair “iW t i rt,ai alas or,where e new senge .—_+ee *4 ‘ideal has Te eet for ae uae 4 Se ae :letation is coon to be built—-which we Mr.F.T.Meacham,superintendent land and Mr. tes.)10,000 army rifles and 2,000,000!bill,which will compel the registra.all hope will be soon of the Piedmont Experiment Station,and One sister,Mra. roynds of ammunition to the Cubar|tion of pistol owners.No pistol oan In the basketball game last night |formerly the Iredell Test Farm,save urvive. government.Shipment of the gune|be sold except upon order from the =Mooresville and Winston-|the recent cold snap has damaged and ammunition wilt be hastoned.jelerk of the court.re |the score in the wind-up was|emall grain at least 26 per cent.Mr. sé 2 pe e e t l ion a B82 to 19 in favor of Winston-Salem,|}Meacham says that if it does net»|vague h the govertment is making some by the of the coun,wil »ile.to set the ground around the grain, putting down the libers!not less than $50 of imprisone...Boy’s Eye Hurt.tee best Thing to So i 8,up 0 Beneybillvolleroverittopackit.Owing to the)Wihe|Paul,the amall son of Mr.951)high cost of grain now,Mr.Meacham|of:‘=|Mts,S meare,fe —e —says,it would pay to dress the smalley,ok »"!grain,about the Ist of April,withinMiggeetintheeveaccidentallyPret|cither nitrate of soda or te of|Sit dae altos y,After the little)ammonia,using 75 to 100 pounds to}i have to the the i a mete lees de-ened Gene.a re 8 re Amonx i .|.Next Sunday evening at First¢18.re Sancansasl Sl ef eer OO is Se ee ee ae Se e s “| f PE i t ze ;simply reported the | he found the:h ana that sub-| events bear out his state- iz Hi hibitionistin practiceas welbas in theoryandasupporter of the Antt.| “Saloon League and its measures,but| as an honest newspaper man he must |state the facts as he finds them.For)this he is charged with being league with the powers of evil,anidesperationMr.Bost declares:| "to say that I have never|with a minister of the gospel|did not either do me a comm»:-er trick or ascribe a more sordid mo--.the sorriest politician ev:r Mr.Bost is not the only man wo had that experience.The state- no means applies to all m.in- isters of the gospel;let us hope that type in the minority.But that ype,found not only in the ranks of the clergy but among the laity os well,is aptly described by Kipling im “Watches of the Night,”found in “Plain Tales From the Hills,”in tne following statement: “You may ~——-oo many are dee susni-eo gg ap ee ourale relic-purposes,of course—to knewmoreaboutiniquityinantheUnre-.Perhaps they were speciz|-'y bad béfore they became converted.At any rate,in imputation of thin,zsevilandinputtingtheworstco:-struction on things innocent,a cer-tain type of good people may ‘vetrustedtosurpassallothers.” All of us have met that type.Net all of them,as Mr.Kipling suggests, “were specially bad before they be- came converted.”The trouble ‘» they have not become thoreughiyconverted—especially to that impor tant part of the Christian life whichthinkethnoevil. An “ouster”law has been pr2- sented to the Legislature.The pur-' pose of the measure ic to provi:le machinery for disposing of officers of the law who neglect their duties— and goodness knows a measure «f that character is needed.We have Jaws in abundance-—more than nec- essary.What we need more than all else in the realm of law is a r- vival of the spirit of law enfor’e- ment;the creation of a public sen.'- ment that will not only compel law officers to do their duty but that will aid them in doing it.Without aid of that sentiment the most zex'- ous officer is handicapped;and with- out a compelling sentiment behin: him,the indifferent officer will ne- lect his duties.A law that cleors the way to put out the officer who fails to discharge his duty to the public is badly needed and The Land- mark is glad to know that there is iderable sentiment in the Leg's-ture for such a measure. The Civie League ladies are very h in earnest in their efforts io p04 promiscuous expectoration in public places;and really they ca. be too mu&@ in earnest—and the rest of us ought to be more concerned—in the effort to stop a practice that is filthy and disgusting and unnecessa- ry,as well as a menace to health.1: will be noticed also that the Civic League ladies are after the folks who think it is their privilege to own fowls that find a range on theii neighbors’premises.The vegetavie gardens and the flower yards will goon be in the making and the folks who want to pasture their poultry on other folks’premises wll take notice that they’re heading for trouble. ELSTCarIT the Revolution-swept Mexico's de facto| government has entered the lists as an international peacemaker.With an identic note to all neutrals it pro- poses a joint effort to end the Euro- pean war,to be followed,in the event of failure,by the cutting off of| ;that personally he is a pro-|commod _sion for relief in Belgium and no h- |the requests of 4 - z hort |the fine for expectorationin . Supreme Court,diplomatic represen- from *5 to $1 and|this law is rigidly cotaberofthiscommittee ths: tatives and their invited euests.As the seating capacity of the Senategalleriesisexeeedinzivlimited(ae:| ating only about 1,100 per-|sons)each Senator will be allotted)only two tickets and each Represer-|tative only one ticket of admission.io|the reserved galleries of the Senate.!The ceremonies inside will prébabiynotconsumeoverthree-quarters of an hour.“Immediately following the cere- monies in tho Senate chamber the President and party will repair to the inaugural stand directly in front 0°! the capitol building,from whieh he will deliver his inangural address. Admission to this stand will be by!tickets also.Fach Senator and Ren-resentative will be allotted only eciett tickets to this stand for distr.utioaamonetheirfriends. “After the address the PresilenandpartywillreturntotheWhite House,where a simple luncheon wilbeserved;after which the party wil! proceed to the reviewing stand di- rectly in front of the White House,from which the President and Vice President will review the parade.”The main change in the foresoingfromformerinausuralprogrammes is that it has been the custom io a/ minister the oath to the Viee Pres dent in the Senate chamber and 1>the President on the inougural ston’ before the multitude.Another > prise is that automobiles were substituted for horses in the in: ural parade;and it is also someth new for the President’s wife to ri! with him in the inaugural parate. SALELYAENAWorkofBelgianReliefCommissionMayBeTransferred. Expulsion by the German milicryauthoritiesoftheAmericancomm ot ” ern France,after its two and a hat years of devoted service,durivxwhichthegreatestandmostsustain ed relief work in historv was busit up,has been officially reported to thy State Department in a telegron from Ambassador Pave in Lond The commission has officially notified the German authorities that tl« Americans will withdraw from varticipationinthereliefworkinB-I- gium and northern France.This step was taken in reply to an order fromtheGermanauthoritiesthatAmer'- cans must withdraw from the pro--inees of Belgium =and northern France,leaving only a few of ther representatives,headed by Brand Whitlock,American minister to Be!- gium.in BrusselsItissiatedthat the more than 10,000,000 persons who have been fedthroughtheeffortsofthecommission will suffer no immediate hardships.Herbert C.Hoover,chairman of t'x commission,is formulating plans to transfer control of thie relief to an- other neutral organization.Mr.Hoc er said that six weeks’supply of food valued at $25,000,000,had been stor- ed in warehouses in the various dia- triets.Belgian officials who have been in cherge of this food wil!be authorized to administer its distrib.-tion until plans for the re-organiza- tion of the work can be put into ef- fect.Mr.Hoover helieves that rele? can be continued without interruptioa nrovided the Germans do not inter-fere,and*the commission will econ- tinue its activities to seevre funds for the work, Anti-Saloon League No Quitter Notwithstanding the unfavoral):report of its “bone-dry”bill.the A»- ti-Saloon League will continue topressforthepassageofa that will finish “Old John.”At a meeting of the headquarters com- mittee of the League this weck Suns. R,L.Davis was authorized to urve upon the people that they continuetosendmemorialsandpetitionsto the Legislature in the hope that ihe present law mav be made more se vere.Says the committee:“The Anti-Saloon League bill isnowontheunfavorablecalendarof the House.The General Assemblystillhastimetoactandrespond‘o those we representandthistheycandobypassingsomeotherbilloflikenature.“In view of the above and in viewofthefact.that States al!around nearepassing‘bone-dry”laws,the com-mittee hopes that this General As-sembly will grant the request ofthosewerepresent.The Anti-SaloonLeaguewillcontinuethisbattleuntilvietorycomes,whether it takes twoweeks,two years or ten years to win.“The friends of the cause throug?- mMeasnre ,court house is 2 ‘terly instead ol jof the vada, recently while attending te som:business in a leading store,a promi-. nent man came in and ord on the floor,and afterward 1 his foot over (he expectoration.V8 menace to health should not be al- lowed in a civilized community,It is criminal for a man to nner.the pavements or in publie xe and the Civie League is en that this law shall be enf A: least the women of the town ean boy cott the stores and picture show: where promiscuous expectoration i: silowed.The League has been in-formed that the condition of themenacetohealtn from expectoration.The aldermen have promised that the town shal!be cleaned up qua:yearly,the firs eloan-up campaign to begin the fir:of Mareh.At this time all eebeinspectedbythesanitary° man pay wagons wil!be furnished |.)the town to haul away the trash,|1)this way Statesville can be what «!! good citizens hope for—a clean an!healthy town.A committes from the Civie Leaguwillaskthetownauthoritiesfor,protection from chickens.ere >:a State law tha:chickens shall no he allowed to run at large,so wh) hould Statesville have the appea: ance of a big vovltry yard?Ft ip th desire of the League to co-operat with all the citizens in making’oownabeaucyspotintheState,butitisimpossibletobeautifyeither publie or private grounds when chic)ens are allowed to scratch up flowe:.;soon as planted.The League a a boly asks the citizens to pitete the lawns acd streets from thchickennuisance.Various complain.- were heard from different membeLeague.It is hard to nt time and moncy trying to penal t place only to-ewake some morning to find that this work has been destrey- ed by some visiting chickens.Qne} has a right to keep chickens but fhe inhabitants of a town have a right to demand that these chickens shall}he kept on the premises of the cwn-|er. The League anxious for the good will and not the enmity of anv| citizen of the town.so asks for 4 hearty co-operacion in making States-ville a beautiful,as well as a sani- tary,town. WE CAN FEED OURSELVES If Food Imports Should Re Cut| Of We Have Enough. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture|Vrooman of tue National DepartmentofAgriculture-estimates that the! United Siates would be safe food supply,even should all imports ve} cut off.He says:|‘We produce,in round figures,2%,- 000,000,000 pounds of meat.an!we import lese than 109,000,000 pounds,| than one-half of 1 per CONG,| the bulk of which comes from Arjen. tina,Australia and Canada.| “We prodece here slightly over! 2.000,000,000 pounds of sugar and we! import over 5,600,000,000 indg| from Cuba.{ “We produce about =7.500.500 000 rallons of milh,importing about S4,-} 400,000 worth,most condensed milk from The Netherlands and Canada. “We produce close to 2,006,0%0,009 | pounds of butter.We import tess! than 1,000,000 pounds,chiefly from Denmark and Canada.” Other figures on produciic imports are:j Cheese —-Production 00,100 000} pounds;import,30,000,000 |vunds,|mostly from Haly,Switzerland and France.| Eggs —Produce 2,000,000,000 dopr- ens yearly;import less than |000,- 000 dozen,chiefly from Canada,Erg-) land and Chins.}Corn,wheat and rice —Producti4,000,000,000 bushels;imports corn,5,000,000 bushels,practic -or jess and all from Argentina;imports of wheal 6,000,000 bushels,practically all from Canada;imports of rice,2.509,-)!000,000 pounds,mostly from Chins,England and The Netherlands.| Fish Production —1,000,000,000) pounds;imports something over §17,+| 000,000 worth from Norway and Cane Sweet and Irish potatoe Pro- duction 450,000,000 bushels;importa slightly over 200,000 bushels from Bermuda,Canada and Mexico ‘ Oranges,lemons,grape Production 25,000,000 boxes; ports,$2,100,000 worth fromandtheWestindies. fruitim- italy ter inte any discussion with the Ger-manporemment concerning the pol-|icy of submarine warfare against,neutrals which it is now pursuing,|unless and until the German gevern-'ment renews assurance of thethofMayandactsupontheassur-ance.”Following the above thisfromBerlin:|“Tt is absolutely denied here thatCermany,in a note to the Unite!States,or through other mediums,isinvitingsuggestionsfortheavo'i-!ance of actual war.It is reiteraie|,that the impermal government is actpermittingdoubtsinanyquartersre-/ warding the position yertveiy assum-| ed in the U-boat warfare,and that)here ern be no talk or thought of|recession from the programme ail- ready being carried out. ‘In view of this,it is declared ir.authoritative -eweles that any further varley or exchange of notes with the United States may be dismissed 15 unwarrented and improbable.The origin of the report,is aseribed to th:| ‘ecent snnouncement made through|the Swiss government that Germany|was willing te negotiate respectin,the amended treaty of 1799.”CNA Oe eyAEROa Rev.J.C.Trey,a retired Metho- dist minister,died Wednesday night at his home in Durham.Mr.Troyhadbeenaninvalidformanyyears and he was for a time a contributor to the newspapers over the pen nameof“Trojan.”While a shut-in,he al-| ways wrote cheerfvlly and hia,con-tributions were read with interest. } came| underdevelopedicipeloyatheeetE'not thrive—theyonly need | |SCOIT'SEMULSION ing and fiChiarol| to start themthemgoing. SCOTT'S and it carries rarenutritivequalitiestotheirbloodstreamsandgivesthemflesh-|food,bone-food and strength-fcod.| Nothing hermfal in SCOTT’S. Goott &Downe,Rivomfictd,8.9 263 NOTICETOCREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the estateofJ.B.Armfield,deccased,this is to notify |SS epeeallpersonshavingclaimsagninstsaidestate| to present them to me on or before January 8, 118,or this notice will be pleaded in bar oftheirrecovery.All persons indebted to saldestatewillberequiredtomaketmmediatesettlementEMMAARMFIELD,iR.T.Weatherman,Atty.Executor.dan.9,1817.° Croup Relieved in |Fifteen Minutes| Ko rood to dose delicate littl stomachs | rith neuseous drugs or alcoholic syrups.|italy rub a Lethe Vick's ‘Vap-OeRub”| tive over the throat apd chest,The vite | ws inhiled Joosen the tough,choking veg:end ease the difficult breathing,jue appliention at bedtime insures a sound |ight’s sleep Bho,b0e,or $1.00.| L.ARNER,Statesville,NC. -——-Dealer In—— Hides,Furs,Wool and Bees- wax.Also old Metal andRubber.Scrap tron,3BooksandMagazines.We}pay the highest market prices. Independent Phone 506. Bell Phone 9302. STU USE BRICK. “Of the materials offered for building,which is the roost permanent”?The editor of the Youth's Compan.ion,in the issue of November 9th,on the Family Page. Says;“The best of the man-made materials is BRICK.Ithaspassedthetestoftime,it recommends itself to the eve in color,texture and in size,which is smai!l enough to permit the use of pleasant patterns,calied “bonds,” and of varying sizes in window and door onening:-——both impossible with the cement and terra-coita blocks nowonthemarket.It has a further advantage in being sol- id,so that it ean be used in piers and all members that require strength.In some neighborhoods the cost over wood construction is ten per cent.,but the saving on maintenance outweighs that.” if STATESVILLE BRICK CO. ™4 THE QUALITY DISPLAY _C... STATIONERY WILL INTEREST YOU. Box,Pounds,Tablets,Envelopes, Correspondence Cards. The price is right. the best. THE REXALL STORE. Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. anneal e eS The quality THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal Retroenge of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we wil!strive to give the same HIG iT GRADE SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons, “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No,54 if ourserviceinneeded.. Wedo NOTARYPULIC work also.Cordially yours,J.F.CARLTON, cee a eet :aeREALESTATEANDINSURANCE.all exports of munitions and supplics|Ot the State are requested to con-inue sending petitions and memo-~~~:to belligerents.Al!of whieh is very |uni to theGeneral Assombly ev well,but it may be suggested that ‘letters and telegrame to Gece vere.ViRGINIA FARMERMexicoRompepeaseotRemoSEEOresRertoredToHealthByVinolbeforetryingtohe!p settle quarrels |Atlee,Va—“Iwasweak,run-Taal aseae ===Thosedesiringto.sellcity ‘om SGeenotetaiorwatus.oe stig ee eae SERVICE stocks arerequestedtocall and ,om.-=™ik J.CheneymaSomeofthelegislatorsaremakiug|lor partnerofthe fen 7 Fe. ™ Suet aly enets “SANI-FLUSH” A powdered Chemi- cal Compound for cleaning closet bowls. Keeps them odorless and sanitary without scouring. Get it at Eagle&Milholland. Phone 89. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Pioor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,ee N.&TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hours $to 6.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN'STEETH. MADE INSTATESVILLE Anything in SheetMetal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing,: Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. DR.COITE SHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s residence or Long's Sanato-rium will have prompt attention. TESS nena W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for game.Inspirators,Lubricators,Oi!Cups, ete.Locks and GunsiredandKeysfit-.In fact anything ;is omSemerieetee8Bo|There will be aensschoolhouse supper at Atn- ‘ruary 16th,The Palas sie,Fe attend. Mr.Geo,C.Hauser,a 08 years, ea past week at his cong in |reper.Semen was at West Goas. EAT BIG MEALS!,NO SOUR,|ACID STOMACH,INDIGES-TION OR GAS!|-“Pape’s Diapepsin”is Quickest, ‘>Surest Stomach Relief Known |em Try Et! Time it!Pape’s Diapepsin will sweeten a sour,gassy or out-of-orderstomachwithinfiveminutes. «lf your meals don’t fit comfortably. lor what you eat lies like a lump of ‘lead in your stomach,‘or if you have heartburn,thet is usually a sign of atidity of theGetfromyour ist a fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin and take a cose just as soon as you can.There will be no sour fisings,nobelchingofundigestedfoodmixed‘With acid,no stemach gas or heart- burn,fullness or heavy feeling in thestemach,nausea,debilitating hea- aches or dizziness.This will all go,and,besides,there will be no sovr food left over in the stomach to pois- on your breath with weuseous odors.| Pape’s Diapepsin helps.to neutual-ize the excessive acid In the stomach which is causing the food fermenta- tion and preventing proper digestion. Relief in five minutes is waiting for you at any drug store. Thesc larre fifty-cent cases con- tain eneugh “Pape’s Diapepsin”to usually keep the entire family free from stomach acidity and its symp- toms of indigestion,dyspep*ia,sour-' ness,gases,heartburn,and headach@,|for many month.It belongs in your home. Sale of Little Creek The Commissioners of Little Rocky Creek Drainage District of Iredell County offer for anle and wilt receive bids for Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($16,500.00)Drainage Ronds of said dixtrict,at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court in the Court House at Statesville,North Careling,until neon,Satur- day,February 17,1917,bends dated March Ist, 4017,and due serially $1,450.00 per annum, hewinning with three years from date of is- sue:bonds in denominatons of five hundred dollars (9500.00)and one hundred and fifty ($150.00)reepeciively,bearing interest at the rate of six per cent.per annum and in- terest payable semi-annuarty;both principal and interest payabl:at some bank,in States- ville,Nerth Carolina.The Commissioners re- erve the right to aceep!er reject ane bid.T.A.SUMMERS,Chairman. dollars W.W.HOLLAND,Seeretary W.DP.Turner and R.T.Weatherman,Att'ys. Feb 1917.1 e 1 °:Jitney Station WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPEC{AL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 106c. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE 5 CENTS. ‘PHONE fil,Jitney Transfer Company. SERVICE OF SUM- MONS.NOTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY Superior Court,Before the Clerk your Car is not in use,have your Tires put in shape.THE IREDELL,VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. 201 Court Street.We Sell Miller Tires. epee artes=o-nemnnrencperenmer samara aaa ees ~ete C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green, SCRAP ~HeavyBrass 74e. Light Brass 5e.per hand mach all’kinds of ’ T “AA1%i.,ell in repair line die 0 A.Pe ers at OL Pe Ph 209 dorgeet va,Cora Freeze and her barbara ec Freese,Laura Shoemaker and F.A one n°Shoemaker,her huebnd,Beulah Frasier,doho Cem Preexe,Mra.W.BL McKinnic and W H ema ~MeKinnie,heirs at law, The non-resident defendants above named, TIRE BANDS },Mrs.W.MH.MeKinnio and W.H,McKinnie. .will take notice that an action entitled as above L has been commenced in the Superior Court of Tages,Cement Patches,ete.,}Ivedell county before the eterk,for the pur are very well in their way,but pose of selling a house and jot,owned by E they ave all emergency meas-|L.lreere at the time of his death,to make ures only.The only real and |aseets with which to pay the debts of said t repairing is done by testator and the eharges of settling seid ex- ¥tate uleanizing the camaged parts.The said defendants will further take no- tiee that th ate required to appear at the aifice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell county,in Stateaviile,N.C.,on Setur- day,March 3,1917,at 1 o'clock,and anewer vw demur to the petition filed in this cause,ff they so desire;otherwise the plaintiff will ap- ply for and the Court will grant the relief asked for in the petition.J.A.HARTNESS, Clerk Superior Court. Long &Seott,Attorneys for petitioner Feb.9,1917. Dr.8S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.80p. m.2.80 to 5 p,m.and by ortmen'Bldg.113 Residence ‘phone 279 —= AartE&enon +.aa9 proposition being still open for debate,|hive decided to enter my de-murrer to such a position,of-fer a eounter mulles 40 ase a war of extermination agsa.cet the English sparrow,on the thet he is unworthy of and i to ¢2 place in the Civic League,doenotdeserveaplaceintheand gardens and poultry yards of our country and erties.Your correspondent made a plausi- ble and attractive argument im sup- port of his proposition,but it was fallacious and altogether wrongThefirstpointhemadeinseetswereplayinghavee the elm trees in Statesville;so 80thatitwasprephesiedthattheelmswouldallbedestroyed,not one lefButowingtothepresenceandpro tection.of the English sparrow,eat- ing the insects,the elms were stj!!in evidence along your streets.But bh: forgets,if he ever knew,that the English sparrow is not an insectivo: ous or earniverous bird.He do not live on insects.Some years back,in a time of pro- thet longed drought,when walking along the street near the Episcopal ¢hurch in Statesville,I noticed some the elms seemed to be covered with dust and looked like they were dead,Oth- ers growing nearby looked green and fresh,with no dust on them.But it was not dust at all.The insects had sucked all the sap and =of the leaves and the trees were me on have lone since gone down u the stroke of the axe and been consumed by the fire.But why did the insects suck or eat the leaves of some,and none of those on the other trees?It is known that they will feed on the leaves of certain species of elms,and not on others.The one svits their taste;the other does not.And that is the reason the one kind of elms were destroyed and the others stil! live,and not because of the presence and protection of the English spor- rowAgain,it was argued that “while you are eating your breakfast the English sparrow is in your garden eating his breakfast of worms from your cabbage.”That sounds very pleasing.But it was forgotten,if he had ever learned,that the Englishsparrowisavegetarian,not a va. iverous bird.He feeds on vere(able« and grain,not en wérms and insects. It is proper to add right here,that while you are eating your breakfast and dinner,the English sparrow may he in your garden eating his break-fast and dinner from your cabbage, your pens,beans and other vegeta- bles;vour gorn and wheat,cain and. sunflower seed,grapes,figs,ctc..and) really is a protection to the worms instead of the cabbage,by other sparrows that would eat the worms,but not the cabbage. It was further cot.cended thst the English sparrow is a scavenger;that he cleans up the filth from the streets and premises,and sweeps the yards by picking up waste grass and leaves, bits of paper,feathers and anything usefui for building nests.I crant that he is the busiest bird about the streets and homes,for there are prae- tically no other birds to be found be. cause he is the monarch and has driv- en them all away.But he is busy ferrefing out the broken and undi- rested gtains that nerve been drop- ped along the way,and pick up ‘yumbs of bread and other waste food,and the filth is left to be wash- ed away by the rains or cleaned u by the street cleaner,and the trashegathersfromtheyardsishardly missed,and ic used for building nests in water spouts and on ivy-clad chimneys,or wherever suitable lodg- ing for young birds ean be found, which endangers our homes and prop- erty to destruction by fire;and the noisy chirping takes the place of the song of the mocking bird.or the mu sical notes of the brown thrush.and ereatly disturbs the slumbers he erly morning hoursItisclaimedthat this aps v ia almost a harmless bird;that hb.ents ‘a little erein from the field butdestroysinsectsenoughtomore(hanmakegoodthatloss.But when wetakeintothecountthefactthat there are millions of them thiscountry,and -that they go in rmsintethefields,it is much more ‘han “a ligthe erain”they eat.Be ideb, they break down and destroy anytithesmoregrainthantheyco:ime, and eat no insects at all.There is no estimating the (|magetheydointhefieldsandgardIt takes as much or more to fee’nem in T=.poultry yards,your go:tensandfieldsthenyourflocksofchick-ens unless ycu drive them off;ahdthatishardtodo,beeause the birdswillwatchandcomebackasAas you are gone,or go to anotie vard, It is due to say that these bir!»atenetsonumerousinthecount:in ithe towns and cities.They ther and raise here in swarms,™nu- merous than blackbirds,and find them ntiful everywhere ro.They live on the waste grain «>outthewarehousesandstables,«ongthestreets,and as necessity may hequiretheymoveoutintothecalensandfields,and when they can melongerfindwhattheywantin‘hese places,they do not hesitate to co inte your eribs and granaries,and ‘er strawberry patches,orcha and vineyards,and will eat and stroyasmany berfies and =er Gnd Age as yoo @,FSey sthavehad"ine the larger — 5 i ry ore ‘i fighting off |El very belligerent,| the others away appea :taken their! defence of the Lird;and a as place,It is @ that you 'made to invite the whole ,as o see or hear mockingbird,the dy,into fuil “the brown .the tomtit,| Civ “And I believe ed-the oriole,finch,t':blue-| itor of Landmark seconded the bi the =a a the| motion,bat it was never to the m ost entirely| house and discussed fu .The cedsed the boxes andtogourdsyouhave and the ted up for nestinoftheiryoung.Al of these and many others with which | we have long acquainted,have, almost ceased to appear in) the midet of warlike,pestiver-| us birds, But whence came the English spar:|nama row and why is he tolerated?It would ! be diffieult not impossible to trace |; his genealogy.But I take it that, his origin is to be found among the| feathery tribes created on the fifth day of creation,In my earlier years| they were not known in this country,’ but were familiarly known as a Eu- ropean bird;and it has been said they| were imported here by the United) States government,or I think rather| by some enthusiastic ornithologist for| the per of the country.But where- in they are beneficia!is not so ap- parent.“Whoever did import them| would render the country a better: service by exporting them,or exter-' minating the whole tribe.I have! never able to learn just what | they are good for,and just why they are tolerated.I cannot understand. I once they would make 1 good bird pie,and the pie was but they were too full of small,fish- like bones and “not enough sugar for a cent.”Ever since I have been us-) ing them for chicken feed when [| could get them,and I believe thatis) the best use that can be made of) them.In some of the Northern States al ciety has been organized whose ob-| iect is to’wage a War of extermina-| tion against them,and we ought ai! to join and lend a helping hand in, the campaign that is now on.They are wonderfully prolific and are mul-) tiplying very rapidly;and,at the present rate,will soon become more ‘roublesome and damaging than the boll weevil and potato bug.We are heund to do something in self-de- fence,j The best way to exterminate them| is to quit raising them by destroving the eggs and the young;and then shoot and trap the old ones by means of wire traps and dead falls,which may be operated by jerking a string attached to a short stick placed up- right under the traps.JAMES WILLSON.Winston-Salem,N.C. School Honor Rolls. Honor roll Open View scheo! tarkley,Glenn Barkley,Barkley,Minor Barkley. frawley,Eugene Brawley, Mills,Allen Miller,Ben. Flake Sowers,Neil Sowers, Woodward,Mott Brawley,Fern Granger,Mary Gronger Mire Lentz,Lilly Mills,Frances Sampie, Sizaheth Sample. MAUDE L.NICHOLSON, ALICE BILPEE, -InezMyrtle Thom Lan. Miiler,' Robert Teechers Honor roll Oak Greve school: First grade,Frances Cline;uppe: first,Pauline Gabriel,Ambrose Mar- tin,Robt.Benffeld,Wade Lackey, Haskell Lackey:second and third grades,Clarence Benfield,John Cline. Emma Bell Cline,Ceeil Lackey,Sci- ma Matheson;fourth and fifth grades,.»Cline,Jack Gabr'el, Trevia |y,James Patterso Clause Patterson,Paul Matheson Honor roll of Oak Ridge =seh: for third month:Ruby Moore,Va !a and Lillie Gelle Stamper,Elizabetn, Hassey and John Bell Carrigan,John Mack and Estelle MeKnight,Huen Smith,Robert Bro-n,Dezzie and Howard Powers,Bennett Youns:. Jack and Effie Brawley,Julia and Hubert Nantz,Preston Alexander, Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the third month:Rey Allmon,Hach Smith,Ollie Black- welder,Ruby Moore,Jack Brawley, Howerd and Burette Powers. Intrease Bond tssne to Avoid a Deficit. A Tr iry deficit ef $333,100,000 at the end of the ct fiseal venr is forecast port submitted by the Senate ipanes committee,recom- Mending tha administration rev- enue bil!be led to authorize a bond issuc of S!56.000 instead of $100,000.00,that the authoria.- tion for cert \of —indebtedne be made 4,000,600 instead of $300,060 000 The recommendation for increases is based on re 4 Treasury Depart- Ment es{imat«submitted to Con- gress ©e the ti!!paseed tie House, placing the Federal gos ernment’s @y- penditures for the fircal year 1PIB at #1,400,000,000.I committee esti mates tha »me this total atl provide a working halance,the amount vhich must)be tabs i tv bonds and new r U6 visintio 1 $483,,400,00( In it report |cammittee es- plaified that e proposed authoriza- tion to issue short term certificates of indebtedness up to =7500,000,000 —18 for the purpose of tiding tye Treas- ury over until the new taxe come im,a large portion of them being payable during the last month of the fivea!year Southern Boptisis,representing a mombership of more than 2,000,000, have arranged to hold two conven- tions next month.The firat will 07 |at Shreveport,La.,March 6 to 8,and othe second at Atlanta,March 18 to 16.The religious ob'igationa of men land the~need for wider interest in imissions will be the general topics. For&Biliows Attack. j When pou have «severe berdache,accompa- a ed tongue,bow i food,eons eee,oe vex,werty pe tht *s Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.| New Spring Wash Goods,} Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.| “2 in 1 ShoePolishanethe 10c Black—White—TanF.F.DALLEYCO.of New York,Inc. Beautiful Styles in White” Skirtings and Waistings. Long range of prices,20c.. to 75c.a Ginghams and_Pergals,. 121-2 to 50c.oe Devonshire and Peggy. Cloth,the correct,fast col-:. ored fabric for Children’s: wear,18c.,25c.Pe 40 inch Colored Voiles,: newest designs,29c.and. 35¢. 40 inch Satin Striped Voiles,75c.and a great many other beautiful fabrics.Send to us for samples. ms + wee J. _— ee SAVE MONEY ON SHOR We have a large lot ofterns,Knives and Forks, |Goatae forks you want.ine ||according to quality.«ieioam the erh ant ae sitR.H.REC Notwithstanding the very unusual cold weather and bad roads our Big Consolida- tion Sale brought satisfactory results. We are receiv'.g lots of new things for spring,and still have plenty on hand, which will ell at old prices while it lasts. We call:our attention especially to our shoe «-partment.Here is where you can .ve money. (:je in'and if we can*t show you don’t , hoy. Respect‘ully, M.McKee &Compati of Steric Silverware Sterling Silver in several,§fortes. hey ne + 4 Meat Forks,ice KERT1 OMSsSl bE e S p r n n e z Ie Nl | Re b ak e e s é } alit in all legistation, or opposing some measure is often the result of political consider- ations—a trade;and the trouble about the whole matter is that we jo not always send our biggest ani broadest men to represent us in leg-| islative bodies.The reason is that is little inducement for men of type to go,while men of smaller caliber seek the place. On the whole,thougn,The Land-| mark believes the average North Carolina legis'ator is representative of his people;and the reason the ler- islator is not always as big and as broadas he should be is because his people are not big enough and bron| enough,to send a different type ww it comes ill to grant suffrage municipal elections wa-> fouse of the Legislatury, Representati#e Winston of Wake county,son.of Judge R.W.Winston, read from manuscript an arrrument against the bill which attracted much attention.Thereupon Mi,s Martha Haywood of Raleigh,head of the feminist movement,wrote «n open letter to Judge Winston asking for a copy of “your speech read oc» the floor of the Howse,”ard stating that it was the pu-pose of the suf frage league to circulute it as a campaign document vor the cause. Why ask Judge Winston,who is not a member of the Legislature,‘or the copy of the address reod by his son?Trust a -woman for a_keea thrust.Tue clear inference wo that Winston seniov wrote the o'l- dress for Winston jvnior:and the twist given to the thrust was that the adilress wa:so illogical that it will help instead of hurt the cause it was designed to hurt.Seeing that, the Winstons were wise enouch to keep silence in all the languages they know—which is about all anv poor man can do when the ladies get after him strong. if u i r e it t pt .f eh it h ij ! it iF!fi A retirement bill under amployes \wouidItisproperforthelegislatorto|%f Mot more than 5 percont.|salaries and wouldlookaftertheinterestofhishome)half ,was favorably reported the erate civil service committees,For the first 50 years the governmentfolks.He is their direct representa- |tive.But he is also a representative of the State of North Carolina and local interests should not control when these conflict with the grext- er interest of the State at large.In other words,the good of the whole people should be considered rather than the interest of a few in meas- ures of State-wide interest.SSAA ATT The Southern Railway Compar.y exhorts its empluyes to renewed cf- forts in the matter of courtesy the public.There has been a very great change in the attitude of th« railway people toward the public in recent years,tut among some of che employes there is room for further improvement.Meantime the pub ic, while demaniling courtesy—which is its due—from the railroad folks, should make a special effort to 1e- turn the consideration by refrainin. from asking foolish and use! questions and doing other unnece-- sary things which try the patience of those who deal with the public.. Sometimes a railroad man,or any in- dividual who comes in contact with the public,is preveked to discourtesy by lack of consideration from those with whom he deals. LS If anvhody held up the payment o° an election Ket until the official count of the electoral vote was —at.- rounced,settlement may now ‘he made.Congress in joint sessicn ha« officially declared the result of tho election last November,which gives Wilson and Marshall 277 electoral votes and Huighes and Fairbanks 2);. Every day the country seems to get a little nearer to the great con- flagration.It is difficult to see how we can avoid becoming involved in actual hostilities.It is possible of course that the expected may not happen,but it will be little short of a miracle if it does not. would subsidize the retirement‘and at the end of thatwouldbeself-supporting.|would be limited to a maximum of $600 a year.As the result of indictments re-turned by the Federal grand ny,166 workers of the RepublDemocraticpartiesinfour ii cities will be sought at once by theofficeoftheUnitedciatesAteBoneninIndianapolis,Gary,ifFrankfortandEvansville,who arechargedwithconspiracyinconnec |tion with violation of the electionlawsinthe1914and1916elections,are among the accused. Senator Saulsbury cf Delaware,president pro tempore of the Senateandamajoritymemberofthefor.eign relations committee,hasinteg.duced @ bill in the Senatewouldthrowdownneutrality bars to- warships of the Entente allies.andopenallports,harbors and territorial waters of the United States to their warships and other vessels as freely *as in times of pecce.This would be direet eo-operation with tae Entente allies.‘ Promises of co-operation with the government in its efforts to develop satisfactory Zeppelin type ai ' for the army and navy were made Sy leading American aeroplane a rubber manufacturers at a confereneeinWashington.A_preliminurveyofthematerialsandpla available was begun,and the mam facturers expressed belief that |b aireraft similar to the German m2 chines can be turned out,but no def- inite plans were made.‘ A filibuster led by Republiean Leader Mann against a bill to give a Democrat instead of a Republican a non-salaried membership on tneboardofgéverhorsoftheNatior:|! Soldiers’Home,kept the House of Congress in session until near mid- night,Wednesday,causedmemberstobehaledfrom bed,the- aters and churches by the sergeant- at-arms and gave rise to widesprea reports that Congress was dealing with a new international crisis.——— seores of! i.ifi iz if je ee ee ee ae ee i-i Tystie |ah rm a "A Moot,don't forget that March winds will blow off the loose Shingles MOORESVILLE.STATESVILLE.NEWTON. and the April Plenty of all hand at rains will pour in. grades Shingles on C.WATKINS’Lumber Yard.LAND FOR SALE. “REBORE THE CYLINDERS,‘PEANUT,AND GIVE THE OLDBOATANEWLEASEONLIFE”! Who wasto blame when thatrear axle broke?It required but « * geeond of timeto see that the nuts were loose—and if nuts the time to tighten and adjust the front axle. In my di ntials there is now a worn bearing that costs ontythirtycents;but if not renewed a gear that costs three-fift,will wear itself out.New bearings costing littie will save gears costing consideable. Surely you don’t e t,Master,to leave me behind when Spring..timé comes—the sofi,balmy season that unfolds the budsandlaysgreencarpetonhillandmeadow—leave me behindtorustandrot? I’m not junk yet;don’t “scrap”me till I'm through,and a good ing will make me as true and loyal and serviceable as any new car you can buy. JUST LET “PEANUT”TIGHTEN THE BEARINGS IN MY MO. TOR—GRIND THE VALVES—AND BURN OUT THsCARBON.IT IS THE WISEST,THE CHEAPEST,ANDTHEONLYTHINGTODO! For Spring is coming!—we both feel its thrill—and 1 must.bereadyforyoutorideincomfort—andyes,IN SA ,TOO! |CAROLINA MOTOR COMP’Y. “WE NEVER CLOSE.” nn a hk 0 EET SSPE Big Naval Bill Through House. The editor of The Landmark,who is back on the job—and he hopes for| keeps—is beholden to his newspaper brethren and to friends generally for very.kind expressions of sympathy for his welfare during enforced retirement.Some of the| tks as to his work and his were,he feels,beyond his de- ;but they were pteasant to heartheycheeredhimmuch.If kind 4 are to.be said they are worth more while one is in the flesh. A one hgs gone to the last rest- —place they avail little.With the strength which a month's —brought,it is the purposewo| more earnestly to more fully ve the many kind expression,, h will always be treasured. LTRSSODASPINESSTOE Bepresentative McCrary of Davie som county has put through the Hagse of the Legislature a bill,the wd of which is to promote the tifying of country graveyard.. Landmark has not seen the text of the measure and is unfamiliar Wi its provirions,but it is in hearty d with its purpose.The wn- ly condition of the averare try burying ground,as this ps- has remarked more than onre, terror to death,and any plan will help in making these cities of dead more sichtly should be d.The Landmark com- the purpose @ the Davidson y representative. EEREReveremame Greensboro Record charges the editor of The Landmark Up out of a sick bed”and wenttotopreventDr.Archibald having a bill passed to sub- moles for bloodhounds in be a) The big naval appropriaticn bili! —carrying %$3(8,000,000—the largestamountforthepurposeinthena-tion's history,has passed the House and is now under consideration in theSenate.The bill will pass the Sen-ate of course,with the amount in-creased rather than diminished.The amount appropriated is tocontinuethenavybuildingpro-|gramme adopted last year and t»>‘eare for various emergency me:s-.One of the latter authorizesthegovernmenttocommandeerpri-|vate shipyards and munitions plants;in time of national peril,and to pur-chase the basic patents of aircraft. The building programme provides foronebattlecruiser,three battleships,18 submarines and 20 vessels of oti- er types.Because of the governmen:'s difficulty in placing contracts forwarshipsauthorizedlastyear,»n amendment asked for by SecretaryDanielsprovidinganadditional$12,-000,000 for equipping navy yards fo: construction was ins >The bill passed the House 353 ic 28,18 Democrats,headed by Major - ty Leader Kitchin,four Republieans and one Sociaiist voting against it. In addition to Mr.Kitchin Congres:- mer,Page and Doughton also voted against the bill. Von Bernstorfl Departs. Count von Bernstorff,the late German ambassador,«tountess Bern- storff and 149 members of the em- bassy staff,sailed from New York yesterday on the Danish steamshwFrederickVIII.Elaborate prepara- tions were tgeken to insure their safedeparture.In a farewell statementCountvonBernstorffsaid:“In leaving the United States af-ter a stay of eight years,I wish t.extend to my _—personal friendsmyheartfeltthanksforthegreatkindnessandcordialhospitalitythey have shown me.“My heart is full of gratitude to those whose personal feelings never wavered during the trving years ofthewar.In the last days,|havereceivedsomanycordialfarewellmessagesthatitwasimpossibletosendnksforthemindividually.Countess Bernstorff joins me in this(expression of our deepest persons!gratitude.|“ft hope that war may be averted,andthat the old friendly relationsbetweentheUnitedStatesandGer- many restored.” ol BanFront’Meltot i when her.”cloth i eyaaa ee and had lost flesh.A neighbor aske:)me to try Vinol,and after twobottlesmystreturned;amoninflesh,it has built up my Ith and I am feeling fine for a|womanofmyage,eo I get aroundanddomy”|The reason Vinol was so successfulinMra.Wickersham’s case was be-cause it contains the very.elements needed to build her up,W.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville.— | persons having claims egainst saidpresentthemtomeqnorbefore16,191%,or this notice will beinbaroftheirrecovery.rsons to said estate will be required to make immediate settlement.A.E.STROUD,|R.T.Weatherman,Atty.Administratrix.Feb,16,1917.{ BUILDING?_C.WATKINS. By we co | ; ; ot ie HA. :H.B,'\DOD Corset Demonstration FEBRUARY 12 to 17. services of Miss Sadie McClary,thersetiere |Alsotofix your Clockor Wateh,. appointment ve secured the tfashionouthtnywhowillcon. uct demonstrationandexhibitofthe MADAME GRACE CORSETS. All ate invited to attend. The prices are very«reasonagle. MRS.MARY SIMS. |SEE ME WHEN YOU NEED Watches,Jewelry,Silyerware or Kodakes. ) wii IAS a Decrease in the mechanical ills of the car means increased p casure for the party. T is scarcely possible to enjoy a motor trip that is interrupted by all sorts of breakdowns. j*order to have the car right and the trip a success let us put it in shape before you start. Pus W.R.MILLSMOTOR(O,#2" AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AND REPAIR SHOP. OUR GOOD SERVICE. "ane etnaetomthethird TE won't stop; "(AM consent les &car can :.J.Wileon ‘Tp the ome coeds Mr.Wileon as jn ne of the of ‘moved his,fomily into the:jail.the sand or in Mr.R.M.Herman has moved Tt pelle ont where the feonomical?Wi Watts.adjoining Mr.R.‘Hone can equal jewelry store,which has just been mer,winter,or fall the complete’.Mr.Herman has mate Has »little on ’ meng tapoavaniente and now has @ Qhe thing sure,more, niee,up-to-date cafe,You con't beat it,80 get sore. canly|Miss Sara Burke left Wednesday Basy riding,very , lavening to join Mra.Mary Sims,{ as devorated in honor nor at Stetcaville,and go with her fandotherNiDewere5SUS-«5 New York onlinFate ne a “Tes Sue Hedrick decarated penteg ene eS ae you think someecanchangeyour by test.|Dn the hill or in,the can go to beat >Ea.|Co. is the autory idter price.bi, the work as milliner at xton,Ga.d it,wetl,|+i dining room showed vo-»to Atlantato buy goods.Einsep Ge if et ae pane ef on —Ze Matheson ie iy e re talking over,| center piece nesda orn t money., wasa pot of él bya-|Mr.J.ay “Matheson,Mrs.ST.’Wecan meet vouany day |Don’t youseestrong,healthy mentaken down with © favors were ofiginel,Crowson and little sons left Wed-And beat you with @ let.sickness every day? Eoe.nens bearing She DA stay ee St.Cromeon,Alege Beil gainyour samieaton--sailed oe .&.°wi in \e ’hed The G.G.G.club entertained ender’s Representative.Dr,C,iyo Cant a car,come try it |Is this a to t to MONEY thon by Meet Webb “‘Raspaay after.“ichler Mr.and Ute sna we ne sure that you will buy it =PILEDUPinour bank so you can tide through your”... ple pres »Wednesday morning by|4 sickness?‘ane high-seore nce”Kev.W.T.Walker,superi-‘Am Shouldyou DIEwould you leave yourfamilyhelpless?Reno the =Roan aSRee Oe saneaet of aan copes’;GARAGE , r spen nesday here,Mrs.Jessie 'dente we ae 8lad aoa an ag B Wilson returned Wednesday =re Bank your money;it is your DUTY,winata n eee eeeein tee ee ee See et |On :cards were appropriate to the Saint's,°°phsaren,Mrellinsetes nti -¥|i ae vy,7 ine,|Day:The lace Juncheon eloth bore 3)The Best Recommendation.vee |Make OURbank YOUR bank.ae ; Fla,ugustin®,|centerpiece consisting of a blooming|Theo strongest >recummmcntntion stany article :i :i tirs..R.O.HarbinlettWednesday |amen Bot mk “the tecommensita of thone ke ve _PIANO TUNING ——|We pay 4 per centintereston time deposits.jie Baltimore,where will)Mrs.T.D.Webb entertained at!My |moka Chssiberiete TUN °\ee Get pontine,abs.Prank gn sons Sugriny evi in href Sere,nyoa Fz ‘THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,. left Wednesda,t to join her hus-|Mr,and Mrs.D.J.Craig and their |Cough Remedy -has been used in my Ls avamMeee aeGatliers,N.C.,will.Ji and on for twenty yearsand it has never where they house guests,Misses Clarke of Phil-04 0 vot eeeor cold.”Obtainableevery;|With Mr.L.W.MeKESAON,at ihe Statevil | care|= ‘‘adelphia and Sara Mellon of Char-|where.Dru Company,will recetve prema oe business tate,Be,Fone Toles ¢cuca TS.——4 ae B.8.VAN A NE. .a |ane r.Henry ”e.|a . and children,Hearts was played,refreshments be-MARKET REPORTS ———a, The Eclectic Book Club was @M-tor oroduce or the ‘cca!market tertained at the home of Mrs.M,C.)Turkeys,18-20e.per Ib. Wood Wednesday,14th.Biographies ,Chickens.15 per Ib.wl Mr.Henry C.Adams,who has of Henry Ciay,Daniel Webster and.poo.snc wae uate. been visiting relatives in Alexander John ©,Calhoun were read by Mrs.gutter,20-zie.per Ib.W » 'eounty,passed through Statesy ‘ile Wm.Wallace.A paper on “Orators sway Phe eSt r .Green Hides (unsalted)ie.per Ib. Tu y on his way to his home in of Today”was read by Mrs.Woe. ::r ":Se Green Hides (salted)1%.Ib. Vulcan,Canada.her”Adame was Mrs.HO.Steele sang a modern love Gren 3 hed ‘none,1¢-lée,por th r,left mate ing served later.|vee coe SeatsTEE Scan Buy And Enjoy A ee accompanied by his mother,Mrs.sons,“oo by Mrs,oor Sides and Shoulders,15-18e.por Ib. Christ j in.Refreshments were serv New Red Honey,Se.to Lac.per y Adams,who will make her Laughlin men re Ss ed Honey’Gow he.to"30e.per - home with her son in the future.at small tables,decorated with Vai->eter Conk | Mrs.W.A.Sample left Tuesday entine place cards.p valley:B-anongh ng oncnn | for a brief stay in Charlotte..s | Rev.J.Clyde Turner returned to The MacDowell Music club will meet Graie | Greensboro Wednesday after several with Mrs.T.D.Webb and Mra.DJ a teteen ae — days spent with his father,Mr.Jno.Craig this afternoon at 4 o'clock at —wheat (new)$1.90 per bushel.| ©.Turner,who has been ill.the home of Mrs.Craig.Corn,$1.26 per bushel.| E j *“ttets,Gie Oe.pet shel.|p Beldente?Santeths tetargel |g lnatead of She,sapuler ,esting ,.| q ra uesday,the D.A.R.’s wi ve a NTN Nee ee eu i }town boundary extension bill.Social and patriotic meeting Thurs..<O"ylun;"ca part for teterate coon | 22d,in celebration of Washing.Merict unsettled.Notices of rtiseme da. i a New Adve nts ton’s Birthday:Phe meeting will be a i be.ter tb Piano tuning —E.S.Van Alstyn’.with Mrs.Eugene Davis,regent,anc Seed Cotton.fe.per alien ko Ce eae eet Se ee ee a:an ae 4 ce 7 ent.*‘od tohie fs "é j :Wood aa for city —W..Nee-eemh bere A]W, y,superintendent city water depart-The Epworth League gave a Vai.Sess é : ment.entirie party in the church parlors ot wantsSle fon —}MH A/S ‘>, show cases wanted.—Box Broad Street Methodist church yes die ie raat t Se ts 4 —o 7 a oe terday evening.A number of the WOOD WANTED—City of Qiatesriite wants Or f Nis acton for sale.--Mills ‘oston,i o cont t ‘vi at pump ;F ae nf 0.members of the congregation at to coutratt for pine,eect es i Oe =,tae ame Ves fH ~<a Engine wanted.—0O.,care of The tended.Musie was furnished by a .* ndmark.Victrola.There was a programme _—ee Boiler and ergine for ‘sale—3.participated in by the following:Mr.FOR SALE—20 head fine cattle,Twelve milk cows cand heifers to be rresh in March to The “confidence”which our customersplace in Us spires us to serve them well.To knowthat we are trusted .ve Mill,care Landmark.J.BE.Rebinson,violin solo;Mrs.R.. Barred Plymouth Rock chickers.H.T :.loist:Mi $A :be sold privately,Saturday,Pebruary ith.;:-baa Sears Weber,“iateses ke BrasHer ‘and ky Heminer.<a a pam |ee the faith,la oot :react .J.ey,igi,WANTED—O'drage.Best pricespaid.|¢lish jewel Ce odaahaeweeeereadings;|:ar an DIAMOND FURNITURE CO.Prices cans f m $29 to $750._an _always ghtto x nowledge a to Carolina Motor Cw.Hot chocolate and sandwiches were —selec ————Shown above is -of weciey Gaas a a og wei ':2 Notice to creditors.—A.E.Stroud,served during the evening.A silver LOse.<fiatae Se a diamond in |.ps :above is cut o jewelry store articles.v4 as :.:ont it je e et to »"ie |f PR iiutrene’s notice.—R.*.offering was taken at the door.THE LANDMARK.|ny ‘Feb.ie.|Mod.|100,price $100.|.We refer those who have never dealt with us tothelr .. ag haminist ec ea ka Meds oe ee a oe ee Come in for a demon-friends who have.lt av Neda aRS, Justwhat you want for library or the guests were served with refresh-pxegine WANTED=60 to 15 H.P.first eal , living room.-—Crawford -Bunch Fur-ments.»condition,Dealers contemplating veaiiaing 'eonard Piano Store “uy Corsets for all figures.—Mills &ning with Miss Annie Adderholt.Af-boiler,20 H.P.engine,Write 8.MILL,stration.|n . Poston ter an hour with their needlework “™r°The Landmark.Feb,16--2t.R F HENRY vite on e .9 Jeweler.nviteowd ‘ree °on ti d jal repairi me =lot:—-N.W.F Cold Weather in Indiana—Mrs.0 Sertaas oe en?Ries Gauging belly. Sentand ond Hu p cars ae auto-Messick Ill O,care The Landmark.vo »S.ee ? ;Fruit of the Loom Barker Mills mate septic.We.He MiReRotor nmin a heron sare caear—ame rmden oot Hotel Proprietor Given lected tana de’Bieoched Benead 4 i New Castle,Ind.,;-’ Same service to all.—People’.weather has been very cold.Groand aes —.=Up By Doctors Loan and Savings Bank.Hog day was a bad,cold day;tem-LOST—Automobile number No.19599,Re-s 11 1-2¢2e.' Men's new spring neckwear.—perature 10,12 to 15 below zero.Lit-=——MOTOR CO.“Jn conversation with a rep-|il 1 es Sherrill-White Shoe Co.tle warmer on 3d;4th got back to 14 on nln _-resentative cf your Company — shoce—S.OS.ey Oe hav-|colemen ok oe wind nc.POR SALB—too tice GER mirc.today,I could not help express Increase pleasure of trip by hev-companied by snow.It snowed hard)fUCre™s oo oS ,::af ing car in Drape Statesville Motce -did not stop where it was visible.|mo 1,Oe _Feb.161%ing my feeling of gratitude at ; t -FOR 8A A house and :ici ' ie ‘ctl sie aii he aan eepemereere A little warm-|7OR 8 Le—A cond 7,nd tet,chee the good your medicine has an due :Rap Celbeeagain gat the omnes Sct done for me.For three long .Watkins.ture 8 n overing =right |.:. m =—shingles just cr-»round ever since.The cold POR RENTTwo-stery dwelling econ VOT !suffered untold agony ete ae in _—m *strugk Castle in the wrong time,erty ES invESTRENT “ee with what they said was a se-WE ARE SHOWING _yoy Cn|Poe aro of gas and Jan.9.:‘vere ease of Rheumatism.Af- un Ge oan Sent folidin,:|S"who used gas were —ee -ter the best doctors had ex-,Smartest and newest styles available in Misses’ material.—-Statesville Brick Co.ee ee al omet FORD AT AUCTION.hausted their knowledge in re-dren’s Ready-to-Wears forGee et .m aguatensmie con ready-to-wenrs.—Poole say who know that is was the By dircetion of the county commissioner cagd to my case,I consulted an GARMENT IS CORRECT LE,MA Fine cattle for cale—G.H.Raycs,YOO coal and gas famine and the |will onTHURSDAY,MARCH 6.#vationto Osteopath and after an exami-—CLUDE ALL THE NEWEST,such as coldest wegther for years.Coal 18 |the highest bidder for cath,a Ford Aciteabile.nation he said the hip joint had HAMS andPERCALES!Sizes from three Olin,N.C.; ! =y high——soft coal $6 and $7 ton,.;;‘ m..)rege wanted.—Diamond Fur-Mo |cus 910 o>$48 ee a ts tk aeaiae T heeome irritated and it,would |years.Prices 48c.,98c.,$1.48and $1.98.‘ wareOo.ain Idet—Reward,|Some may be pleased te knew the)—aaea _take a long time to cure it,if it THE MATERIAL WOULD COST!, return to The Landmark.'|writer had coal on hand.There was a,OFICE TO CREDITORS.could be eured at all.I felt so!NEW WAISTS,ia Horses and mules just received.—ee esLa ag Ag Pad owe eth Tha eee ofthd liseouraged over my condition,|NEW SKIRTS, J 8 ne id f(ae |OO Aone those who haven't any.Sever-cate to presentthomto.Mme oh arbelo ny ee eS ae NEW SPORT COATS. Small.Gnte Set Sum :Rite.We hee Gus sai,or re,thle recone.Ail peronerooms f wv my cieetng was terrible..LADL.ASESS .:olor a tm teem *|eold wave will not make another visit’cmotite seiinmeet.©to HORMAKI.I.Hearing of the good effects that Elegant Materials for Children’s Wear.Past ie. :as we have just one ton left.KR.T.Weatherman,Atty,Administrator.14 ’per yard. _Statewvilla,re en We were grieved to read the sad Feb.16,1917.*J “oe a.pogo —GALATBA é a |:;a es :on rs,cided to try it.x news of Mr.Henderson’s family but 2 miles Be ee ‘at the he has this nethat be mere in a dozen bottles,think-All colors,checks and stripes,15e.per yard.. Plyler school,began teachin Spanir,|trouble will be put on us than we are|ing that if]took it at all [GINGHAMS!<i Monday,after «vacation of three|S 6 Pal coesi “wauild go atit right.And won-'f Beautiful line for Spring and Summer. on account of measles.Miss :H.-C.Messick received =mee derful,: .Mis ;;yes it is wonderful,the $2inch at dpetsvereeesn ves ieeerdvcdsaae devoted the last week to visit.\sage from North Carolina that his wife :ee ich and caring for them lis very low.He left this morning.cure it made of me,as my)@7-inch at ......er eT ‘wangreatlyappreciated.‘|His wife is at her father’s home at friendscan ‘estify.|began to Tdeeh at ....0.600.cece e Se cctecoenaenees enn ;young?sonofMr.Ww,|"!Hall,N.C.|improveonthe first bottle and\§27-inch at ...........05.sees sites sdaun’Whit tae,ase corre Se Want the Yadkin Protected.be aee ene |bet finished the!Apron Check at vadectneneeskemeeces senna 4 whoop!eS Citizens of Wilkes,Ashe and oth-.course I was a well,strong man)WHITE GOODS ond have had no symptoms of ey countiesare eagerto have the purchase,under the)some lands on!of 2.qpv-' the disease since.“]would fee!that I had neg-fellow- i has hoon prepared for pre| to the Legislature,te au- ‘Catawba county to vote on a! $400,000 bond issue fer roads. The congregation of Speneor Methodist church is -xrranging to start work on a new house of wor- ship to cost something like 825,000 Five negro men were ne ae Sb death in a shanty at The mas G. ens’Lumber Mil!.ne Rose.or Sampson county,dicate night The Yadkin Ripp!@ hears that torney J.C.Buxton i®seriously at his home in Winston-S 1 that his death expected at time: Esmeralda Inn,2 tourist hotel on the Bat Cave section of Henderson county,was burned Monday bv a fire of unknown origin.Loss estimated at $20,000. Pooe school house,a two-room school buildine in’eastern Rowan was destroved by whieh caught from the flue.School wasatthetimebuithechildren expe?and they saved a part of furnishings. Mr.Jones Coffey of the Rock section.died ratherSaturdaynight.He was the fath of Mr.Thomas Coffey.postmast.: and business man of Blowing Rock, and was about 70 years of age.Wife and children survive. Cant.Jas.H.Posey,Abraham Linceln during the War,died Tuesday mntght in Ashe- ville,where he had lived the pat five or six years.He was a native of Virginia and was 84 years old.Two, sons and three daughters survive. M.J.Baker,Chas.J. Chas.A.Earley,white,and Mike Leve,colored,Cabarrus citizens, were locked up in Concord Wednes- day night for having too much liq-|vor,They were operating in a_newDodgeautomobile,which the officers|also took charge of. The jury in the case of William MePaniel,charged with setting fire to cotton in the factory of the Pai-| terson Manufacturing Company at China Grove,returned a verdict of guilty in Rowan Superior Court,witn recommendetion for mercy.Senten will be passed next week. Lander Arthurs died Tuesday af ternoon in Gastonia as a result of}injuries received when he fell fram a platform at the Seminole Cottoa Mills,near Gastonia,a few hours be-fore and some heavy machinery fel j rt sisting in unload- when the accident 18 fire in session all «s- the Blowin suddeniv bodyquard of Civil Litaker.aru | happened. Mr.D.A. was recently appointed treasurertheFarmLoanBankatColumbia, C.,haw also been -appointed a direc- tor of the harik.This latter positicnwasfirstofferedteex-Lieut.Gov. Dauehtridge and then to Editor Po: of the Progressive Farmer,both whom decline. The 7-months-old child of W.0). Hall,a Cumberland county farme:died of wounds inflicted when a year-old sister knocked a stick of dynamite off a shelf in their fathe.'s home.The children were alone ithehoveewhentheaccidentoccurredBothwerefearfullyinjure!andoldermaydie. In Raleigh Saturday night studentoftheA.and M.and Wake Forest colleges envaged in -row in front of the Yarborough hotel and thedepartmenthadtobecalledto a the oplice in quelling the =incipient riot.And it was all about a basket ball wame.Fine advertisemert f our higher educational institution and especially for college spe rmcnmneeene= Houston of Monroe,who oO. s oO, oO! Law GoverningSale of Cericin Medicines. Among the important ills so passed by the Ler ure the intfeduced by Senator K.E.Ben of Swain county.and entitled * Act to Prevent the Sale,Offering | Sale or Advertising Certain.Proy etary or Patent Medicine.”In brief the bill simply stops tix sale of all preprietary or patent preparations purporting to cure caa cer,consumption,diahe paralys Bright's disease or any other d for which there is no recounized Fach sale or offer of sale a separate offence,and the is a fine of not exceeding each offence The enforce der the sone of the State where a regi to report any tes, BOM cure uch abso&14 o1 ment of the law rvisien and Manager Board of Health ani stere|d pharmacist fas.» violation of the act Inlicermayberevoked.The cher ists and other experts of the Depaii ment of Agriculture shall,nae rules preseribed by the Board =of Pharmacy,make an anatytical exam- ination of aj!samples of drugs,prep-arations and compounds sold or offeredforsaleinviolationoftheact LEETeERNEon Will Cost a Lot to Find Out. Approval for apy? tion wil!be as‘ied of President by the Federal Trade «ommission ane the Department of Agriculture for the food price investigetion they are about to start at his direction,Theinquirywillbebegunassoonasthe money is available and a pian of or ganization is worked out.It will gedeeplyintochargesofpricemanipulationandrestraintsoftradeinvicla-tion of the anti-trust laws.At leastsixmonthswillberequired,it is said before any sort of report can he made and o year is the estrmaie of the periednoeessaryforacompleteinquiry And the wonder is if it will be:thebees, 1 $400,000 opria Wiilser Cured.very fevere cold or wee feGr-«he,and Met i ten it waeety ey parainntietane the othaanw sk |lie lole ‘has pneumonia and is |pving his house east of the depot. fire | it ra‘taneepssetfour-square|ery wind that blows,a thethemselvessendbackto|tion evidences and @ atgreatgratitudefertheserviceren- dered them,Such an effort at human conserva-tion,stopping an almost endlessstreamofevilfarintefuturedaysthatnaturallymustflowifthisef-; fort should not be made,seems good}business and werth while.That in ev-|ery one of these “dropped stitches of| humanity”there is a spark of divin-| itv that needa an opportunity and a chance,gives a challenge to workers| 1 the fleld of endeaver which a high-er civilization has opened up. ee a ee.a ENeee.ee Courtesy First Rule on the’ Southern Railway, Courtesy is Rule No.1 on the South- ern railway shown in the new manual of rules and regulations for the guidance of ticket and baggage| agents,conductors,train and (bag.gage men,which has just been is-| sued.Instructions both to station andtrainemployesbeginwiththefollow-| ing: “A railread is first of all a public;servant.It follows that the success of a railroad as a business enterprise depends,in a large measure,not only upon the efficiency of the transporta- tion it affords,but upon the personal treatment which those doing busi-|ness with the railroad receive at the, hands of its officers and employes.” The agent is reminded that at sta- tions he is the railway and that the reputation of the company depends on the ‘courtesy with which the pub- is met.Conducters and other train emploves are admonished not.only to be courceous to passengers but to give responsive and intelligent answers to questions about anything that may happen on the road. Sick Folks at Troutman. Correspondence of The Landmert Troutman,Feb.14 -—Everythirz quiet and peaceful down this way since the Christmas fireeracker ter- rers are past.Young Wagner has gone to work to try to recuperate the financial loss incurred by giving Alley a firecracker.The old adage is changed:it is now,“Alley wants a firecracker.” There is measles here r more come Mr. confine Stince w as quite an epidemic of There have been forty vases and still more to Hugh Cornelius,who has been -d to his room with rheumatis 1 Christmas,is improving.“Ui- Milas Holtshouser has been for several weeks and —doesn't see.n io improve.Mrs.Lavina’Ostwalr very sick at Allison is Sie this writing.Miss Jennie right sick.Mr.Dan,Thomas,who moved a here to’Winston-Salem last fall,ha come back te Troutman.He is occ: He same jolly Dan. PAY YOU TO SEE W. L.SMITH for Shoes.He ir selline them for less than he can buy thea today -—Advt. DRAINAGE TAX SALE. 1M.OP.Alexande itl offer for sale at the b t srolina, is the IT WiLL of Itedell eoun- court house deer at 16 o'clock,hb,11T,the following Third Creek Drainage nt due on said land states ville ‘ »-m.on Marct ted lands of lands Creek Drains Clerk of th $Drainage i 1 be given to p hase nage act of iy Names BarringerDeaton Me ( Vivler drainage District.and map rier Court by the Deed for sam:ided by the nts thereto Amount 8 40.911A."162 49.20 14.42 reeords ty 4 Ww RW Mr ¥ M MN Jipeent 00 NOTICE! LANDOW? \GE NERS INDISTRICTnoticethat the urporeommianionsf, NOW CREEK Creek paveementstn are to rnnualsiments hOWLF H R COWL ‘ket MORTGAGE SALE NDE®ar irtue of Gt deed Williams,Register ofpaneBF 'ertain we Wiihams by &I *fier of the inty in t ned will on DAY,MARCH 5,1%t the court hetee foo public auction er enph,the fells aree!of land,to-witlandofHW.T.Williams and end krewn aft tee Redman tract ofwhichStasRedmannowtives:be- winniny ®poet oak on the side of the mountain;thence south 177 1-2 poles to astakeinAdiiaHardin's line.thence emt 126polestoas@irwoed,Berean Redman’finethemeenorth2221-2 poles to the ledge of rocknearthetopofmountain;thencer southwest te the heelnnine,The tytere conveyed will he owe half undivided interest in the shove de-verthed tract of land 4 PF.WILAAAMS,Db F.Mayberry.Atty.Mortgage. Jan.%,11 shDMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Meavite ehtliied ae sthiminictratar withpeaeaereafMra,Joeephine Wvtynotifyall Tre. thede- of towing f the other land wu at per —GateThe "ts Wath *swme land in ee Weknow §from Goats-Get overBaby talk — NeSOVEREIGN.It’s a:compliment—it proves that I must be right—thatI must be of the finest. So,I say to myself:—“Iamworthyofthesefinefriendsofmine,—I keep myself clean,and sweet,and pure,—I-See to it that I live up to my every promise.” And so when my friends refer to my good old Virginia and Carolina stock,and my fine,white,cleanly home—I certainly am. proud.Because— Down South here folks are mighty keenonsizingthingsup.We know how to tell the sheep from the goats.There icn much sense trving to pull the wool over our eyes. It must be the way we're raised.We get over baby taJk pretty early.We soon stoptryingtoputsaltonthebirds’tails.We learn it’s no use to fib. Yes—we get pretty wise.And i’m mighty pleased to know that millions of men of the South are smoking me— You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! You folks of the South KNOW good tobacco! -I want every cigarette smoker here in the South as a “King of them Ali.”Here’s anotherIwantyouailtobelicveinme,- friend.Ang wh not 2—i am SOVEREIGN! good w {or me—rord 7)a Nwtrnearte Wbatée Anica WC se‘lam guaranteed by -—"“3,—Buy me. If you don’t like me return me to your dealer and get your money back.I have said it.A Southern eeis known the world over for kecping his word,and I have given you mine, Sovereign C garettes | PV hades THE GENTLEMAN OF TES“King ofmene ate” REAL : (OMMISSIONER'S SALE ¢ ESTATE Certificate of Dissolution. STATEamd-au-MEN mission.ro ALl Court of AY COME EHon aM See Gut Window Display of CarborundmSharpening Stnes - ae 4orDEPART-ils iinNORTHC\VROLEINA, STATE TO WHOM VERE TING r and by virtue of tl vested in the undersiy by that judgement of the fell county,North Car special Whereas.it appes kn eding entitled Louts vnd,ad-uly thenticated reecrd rreceed ings inistrator of the catate ;ton,*fer volu ry a n ‘f tt the ed,plainti?,agninet 3}I -una :consent of al ekhotde idow of E.Q Hou Heuston ed in my office SPA rESVIL ix:le Housten.|Lillian PALO SHOALS COMP ton and A.b.Hobt vuerdion corporation j \.Houston and |an,de- lant 1 ald commirs n MONDAY.MARCI to the highest bidde r enph,that certe arly dese it certain treet decn township,toed .and bounded a«f»KR.H.Lafferty «em 87 1-"dewrees THESE PRESENTS M infaction,by ANY m cipal »theStateof the the {,upon hee complied ER sOGE tint. ituntedSt Ca auetionrepar-'»mas icdand?et wi ‘jirementa of Chapter 21,Revisal of jar id being 'entitied “Corporations,”preliminary North ne of this rtifleate of dissolution + efore,1 irvan Grimes,Secre- ef the Stat {Nerth Carolina, i oy ify that the asid corporationaasarattthe26dayofJanuary.1917,He in myoN81aeerofficeadulyexeeutedandattestedconsentin 40 pele ak |writing to the dissolation of said corporation,ae Sane .executed by all the stockbotders thereof,whicheuee2.¢'id ind the record of the proceedings*atone in R.f aforcomid are now oh file in my said office asthencewithLafferty’s line &'ec by law¢),«e10polestothebeginn_In timony whereof,nine (39)oh ac aue .@ my hand and affixed mg official seal at Ral- Q.Hoveten by Biten.a.Gees 2eth day of Janvary,A,D,,1917. deed to which reference tb he J.BRYAN GRIMES,?__Seeretary ofBtaThe«nid sale will t i awhichfasituntedmenarthe“H ENS”North Carolina,at 12 ocr}duy of March,191 Thia landtheorderofandiasubjecttthecourt,LOoUls nt We want to buy 1000Hensandanyquantityof }other Coun uce |you have to offer. Feb.2,1017.( NOTICE OF ADMINIST! Our prices are Cash. J.K.Morrison Grocery nt is, ee the tary of Sts We have these for Razors,Knives, Axes and all kinds of tools,Life is all too short and valuable to waste it using any kind of a dull tool. The ladies are especially Invited to look at our kitchen carver,sharpea- ing stones.“Well sharpened is half the carving’’. to a 1 have hereunto set it Having qualified as acxtateofR.B.Combs,dee dell county,North Carolinaallpersonehevingchelow 5ofthesaiddecenpedtoexntbhit + dervigned administrator on ¢ day of ind 1978,or th plead th bar of their recoverindebtedtethesuidestateimmediatepaymentAdministrator w of Ruren Jarney,Atty.WHICH is GHEAE “bat om your pee ures,and the ch ee athing ‘ondmeee?rd sat of myout $1inebeince£ow &"to20years it 7 . .al i Av ¢ak.‘ iea ect ae Oi ‘ake 2}like pleasant tarte, Ue, THE SECRET OF Is not rich,expensive surroundings,bui is correct domestie relations and correct,harmonious fur- nishing of the house. It is easy to be contented at home when the home is pleasant. We Have Meany Ide:s in Furnishing eeoee that lead to horne content.They are yours for + ~ WHY SUFFER WITH HEADACHE?» .WHEN —— Hall’s Headache Powder WILL SLOP THE PAIN IN 10 MINUTES-.10 CENTS, HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No.20. ‘ >|Rocshows that the shown by upert ‘and girls areabletocompetewiththefanciersaswellasamongthemselves.has een due vo a ;of thoseco-operationoleswaemade it pon eestartoeathalfprice,otthemtogeta egas to tless.So far as I have been able te call upon these same breeders they ire again promised their assistance lin making the work a success.I feel sure that those whe have not yetbeenseenwillbeasreadytohelptheworkalong.The club members ihave already been successful will al- .lend their aid te the new mem- cre.The time to start is at hand,In fact,some have already had hers lsetting for some tine.For the elub j}members who will have to buy egm% {new is the time to get started,if you have a hen that will eare for for theythanofter everybody’s hens get lyeady to set.Besides,the enriy- hatched chicks make the best growth and bring the best prices and the pul- lets make the best winter layers. |If you have not aiready mated your flock ic should be done at once Cere should be taken in selecting the birds ‘fer the breeding pens,as becets like.Select such birds as are best fitted to produce the very larg- est,strongest and best young = ‘tf ‘the chicks are weak when hateh- ia Hkely due to being from a weak parentage and they cannot be to mature rapidly into healthy birds. oadCu strong, birds OX OX plenty of energy aad vigor.The females should also be well developed and vigorous,buat should not have a coarse,masculine appearance.Chicks from such stock if hatched early and properly cared for,should develop early and suffer hut few losses while young.The ear- 'y-hatched chicks will alse be tron>- ed leas with lice and mites than hose hatched later. The lack of proper attention in the Ihatching and early feeding isourees of great losses among the jyoung chicks.The nest or incubna- tor should he renewed or thoroughty cleaned before each.hatch.Of course fresh straw should be used io mn'c- ing.the nest,but the box itself mov well be cleaned with hot water,2 cou! tar disinfectant or formalin.The in- cubator should always be well clea:- ed,than disinfeeted with the coal ta Higinfectant or formalin. he secured for a moderate ny drug store and have direction with them for doing this ywerk.Fa'l- ure to disinfect the incubater or nests oF coops causes the le pearance,with um at HEH >ORCHID HOO HN ORR ‘Where There’s Smoke | -There’s Fire |E AND—it’s one of the hardest things in life to he!p-} lessly watch everything go up in smoke from the fire +} that in a few mitiutes reduces to ashes the results of | ro of industry and economy, UT—with one of our rock ribbed insurance policies in your pocket,you have thefunds fora fresh start, and you're on your feet again in no time.WHY RISK RUIN when so smalk an annual payment fectly protects you? t us how you how little itcan be done for! We insure your Life,Your Health,your property. STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, Ww ager. OOOO ORO CEO © neeae nc If you have not joined. you may do so any day this week. 9 |Let them scratch Over 1,300 Have Already Joined. Everybody invited. many young chicks b the disc. known ac white diarrhoea.Tres tion is always better than n cure,°1- though the latier may be pos ble Too early feeding of ith Hitile chiek often causes indigestion.Nev er feed them for at least 24 hour after hetching.Nature starts them off with enough food within hedics to keep them slive for ab four days.To feed them too soon rreptiy overtaxes their delicate ot wens.A little sand to pick at tl first and second day will give them healthy,virorous start.Then bres erembs,johnnie cake and ligh..es ily-digeated foods with plenty grit along,will keep them oi and rustie in tt epen whenever the weather perm P Plenty of exercise keeps them hear avd Vigorous and they will consu'™ ©food in considerable quantities 4 at make good use of it.After the fi fow weeks there should be but little loss if they are protected from prow’- f ing animals and people by night ani hawks by day.A good dog —and s shot gun are of great service in th G.E.DULL,County Agent. Death of Mrs.Dry at Monree. torreapondence of The Lancdinert Statesville,R-5,Feb.12 —M Lydia L.Dry died at the home of h son-in-law:and daughter,Nr.ai Mrs.W.Be Helms,in Monroe,Su day night,Feyruary 4.Had she lived until the 26th she would have be: 73 years old.She leaves five 89 and two daughters—G.W.Dry,Ely wood;W.A.Dry,Sharpesburg tow ship;J.W._Dry,Winston -Salem: H.L.Dry,West Virginia;&®¢.Dy Concord;Mrs.W.F.Reavis,Mt.Ul- la,and Mrs.W.B.Helms,Monroe. Eagle and sister to Messrs.P.W. |S.and J.F,Eagle of Iredell county: ‘J.W.and J.A.Eagle of Texas,an! Mrs.J.§.Martin of.Texas.She lived for many years in Chambersbur township and since the death of he: husband in 1904 she had been livin with her chikiren.She was a co! woman,a life-long member of t' Methodist Church.Her membershir was at Pisgah church,shure at the time of her deat’ Her were all with her when she died,except W.A.Dry,wo was not able to be. Mrs.Dry’s remains were buried at Monroe. \|/ | 7 ag: vay be more easily secured) The male). should be well developed in sive | and ferm ond Jrave 2 maseuline ap-| are; These may | s'and you have a well,play! :take this doult-_! In addition to me Mr.Perrytheca:eandhis=‘iad and comfort of yee and so life asses with us.@ Wists vo use ths th “d to urge .A.H.Goodin and Mr.Osborne wer to visit ain,giivi notice through The Lendmark—Mr.Goodin to preac. and Mr,Shaver to for us.Both Will be much .We have hod \itde preaching —this winter, this being ia to so much hed weather. The writer used to be a regular attendant at Little Jo.’s church at Barium and enjoyed it very meucn, but for the last year or so I have ao. been able to get there.Iorphanageisoneofthegrandest in- stitutions of the day,I am always micvhtily impressed whe rium it seems tome the the schoolhouse and the other lar:e brick buildings there,where hur- dreds of poor ehildren find a home land are fed,elothed,educated, brought up in the nurture and admo- nition of the Lord—that ell of these |puitdings have them the (m- i press of the Almighty.The trouble is,theré is not room for all in the orphanage,and many are left upon the cold charity of the world,or find homes that are not worthy to be wlied home,where they are ill trest- I have always loved children |And if an pth ean cause the heart of this old scribe to bletd it is to know or hear of helpless,innocent children being abused or cruelly |treated.D.P.HEATH. |Crashing squarely into its midd's, a Southern railway locomotive strucs crowded street car at ai grade cressing in Louisville,Ky.Four per- _all residents of Louisville,were killed and more than 20 seriously in- jured. church, |} ed. (A CHILD GETS CROSS,SICK AND FEVERISH WHEN |CONSTIPATED! ‘Look,Mother!If Tongue is Coated Clean Little Liver and Bewels. If your Little one’s tongue is coated lit ia a sere sign the stomach,liver ani bowe:s need a gentle,thorough lieansing at-once.When your child 4 cross,peevish,listless,pale.does- ye't sleep,cat or act naturally;if ‘brcath is bad,stomach sour,system full of cold,throat cote,or if fever- fsh,vive a teaspoonful of “Califer- aia Syrep of Figs,”end in a»few hours all the clogged-up,consupat waste,cour bile end undigested food will gcnttvy move out of the bowels, fal child shildren needn't be ecaxed to harmless “fruit laxative” Millions of mothers keep it hand -beeause they know its action on stomach,Jiver and bowels is and sure.They also know 2 civen today saves a sick child to- morrow. prompt Vittle Ask your druggist for a Bd-eent bottle of “California Syrup of Fics,’ vhich contains directions for bali thildren of all aces and for grow ups plainly on the bottle.Beware of rounterfeits sold here.Get the ’ ine made by “California Fig Syrup ,Cempeny.” For All Occasions! We can always supply ‘you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. ——~ us! think the) m I go to Ba-| iS ivKee71 ‘i vv onlyone nightMemphistoTexas.Nomissing connections—entiretrainruasthrough,Memphis to Texas. Leave M 9:30 p.m.Attive Dallas 11:45 a.m.next morning,Fr.Worth 1:25 p.m. Another through traito Texas via Cott:Viclt Route leaves Memphis 9235 a,mWINTERTOURISTFARCZS ¥nah pork 90,1917,to meny sitee esperee.notre LH Divtriet Paraengera.Mon.: 31,1917.im wfeastes St..Caastatovga s ] Builders Hardw Ve are always receiving silipments of Doors,Sash,Sash Weights,Locks, Paint in fact everything carried by a good Hardware Store and it certainly will pay you to visit our store before you buy.Our prices are as low as will be found any where quality con- sidered.Weare sure we cah save you money if you will give us a chance. Iredell:Hardware Co. enemeenlieenr »~ teiTaylorElastici Mattress.The guaranteed kinb.Try it 30 days and if not found as we recommend it to be re- turn it to us @nd get your money back.This mattress is made of the very best white felt and No.t ticking. We can also fit you up with the best of ony kind of spring you may desire,Our stock is complete in every department and we await your inspection. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘The Favorite Store.” Cling rse eeeaacer” rttzse33- je 4 3 LN STSRIITITLLSasha TTS Commercial National Bank} F STATESVILLE,N.©.. “Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System, Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: Be Pape; by >Bs BY - Pee’ ee a aeLANDMARK |News INCONDENSED FORM TsBinbridge,isonYea Items of Interest Gathered,meet-February 16,1917.) THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY.| —————————————Osheriffsinordertobringoutthefu’!-|est extent the taxables of the county.|The House passed the bil!provi l-|ing that the State may issue $400,-|road bonds annually for counties|that vote for road bonds,the State)bonds to carry 4 per cent.and the} county subsidiary bonds 5 per cent.!that will liquidate the bonds in thecourseof41years.The idea is for)the State to issue and sell 4 per cent.for the county 5 per cent.:the latter bonds to be held by|State to secure the State's bonds,per cent.difference to be ap-to liquidating county bonds.bill was introduced to allow thecommissionersofSurrytopurchasepure-bred bulls for certain townships.It was presented by Mr.of Surry.Mr.McCrary ofsecuredthepassageofabilltoauthorizecountiestopryfrompublicfundsthesumof$15 an-—_for =whey of each pu)- cemetery in county.The Senate passed the State-widebilldirectingthe,corporation com-to have the books of countyexaminedandtodeviseanidinstallauniformsystemofaccount-ing for all counties..Grier of Iredell has introducedabilltoregulatehoursofemploy-ment for women and children in mer--——establishments. week the Senate committee voted torecommendthelawforthetenthdis-|trict and for Madison county,whichainthe~~a.It .=at probable that the law wi en-for the balance of the State at ’t Give to the Beggars. request of the AssociateditiesofStatesvillethatbegga.snothelpedwhentheyapplyforbutthattheybereferredtotheAssociatedCharitiesisaproperre-quest and one that should be heeds!and strictly complied with.When theaesondReliefAssssietin Was organized,promiscuous beggingreachedthenuisancestageinStatesville,numerous of the un-worthy a few worthy making theroundofthetown.As soon as_therulegeneraltoreferthem‘o)of the Benevolent and Association,where they wouldgethelpiftheyweredeservingorbedowniftheywerenot,beg-began to fall off.Sending thewheretheir——he passed upon systematically and ap-proved or Senne,did more to Stop promiscuous begging than anvotheronethirg.If the people generallywouldonlyheedtherequestoftheAssociatedCharitiesofState-:-ville and not give “just to get ridof,”beggars would have to be genu-ine to et help and the begging ha')itwouldheldtotheworthycases.If|you want to help,give to the Associated Charities,through whichyourhelpcanbeproperlydispense|. Basketball Games. Tonight at the local armory thebasketballteamsofGuilfordColleceandDavidsonCollegewillmeetinoewhichpromisestobeinterest-Statesville is fortunate in he-ing selected as a meeting ground forthesetwostrongteams.TomorrownighttheStatesvilleteamwillplay with the team from Guilfordonthelocalfloor.States- ville’s valiant quint is claiming the basketball championship of the StateandstandsreadvtodefendtheclaimTheStatesvillebasketballteam won a fast came with Davidson Col- lege on Davidson's floor Mondry |night with a score of 30 and 27 | Dressed For the Part. The town has been full of stenographers during past few days.The “moving-picturc man”visited various business esta'.-|lishments last week and arranged tocomelaterandtakeamovingpictureoftheestablishmentandthesteno:-rapher.Of course the stenographer| arrayed herself suitably morning at!- ter morniny to take her part in thefilmtobemade.The camera manwasdelayed;and the stenograph-;cheerfully donned her best cloth:smorningaftermorning.And streets of the town are gay with the pretty dresses of the business girls German Would Become Citizen. Peter Endres,a business man cfReet=county,ogg nr- ty Clerk Gill of the Unit-States court of his ixtention to re-wy land,Germany,especially Emperor William Tl, become a citizen of the United ‘was bern in Oberkern,Ger-,and arrived in Philadelph:a,i at In 1912 he filed his dec-intention to ¢ weil. the lthe “curtain ,will have charce nt sme eatenatte From Over the State. Twenty members of the freshman.class of the University,which num-|bers more than 300,have averag«dtwoormoreonallstudiesforthevear,grade 1 being the highest given.Joseph Lindsay Cook of Winston -Sa- lem High School,leads.with L.8.Lashmit of the same place,second. The building for little boys at the! Methodist orphanage in Raleigh wos partially destroyed by fire earlyaymorning.Forty-eight littleboysinthebuildingweremarched| out to safety but their clothes and all the contents of the building weredestroyed.Loss on building and contents estimated at $10,000,with$6,000 insurance. Western North Carolina men complain that the German un- dersea campaign is playing havoc with the lumber trade.Every sid- track from Baltimore to Boston is filled with loaded bex cars and it is impossible to wet the railroads to aec- cept any lumoer for shipment to|Northern or Eastern points,says onelimberdealer. A jury in Catawba Superior Cour, in the case of Robert Bostian against Thomas L.Henkel and his son, Glenn Henkel of Hickory,broughtinaverdictSundayfor$580 agair-tGlennHenkel.The suit was the resultofacollision,in 1915,between Bostian’s motorcycle and the Henkel automebile in charge of Glenn Heri.-el.in which Bostian received severe injuries. Frank Foster of Polk county,wiwastohavebeenelectrocutedtoday for first degree murder,escapes with25yearsintheStateprison.ThetFosterwasintoxicatedbeyondrea.- on,which fact was not brought outatthetrial,influenced Gov.Bickett in his decision.Six hundred citi- zens of the county,the judge whotriedthecase,eleven of the jurors. and the solicitor asked the camm:-| tation.| Gov.Bickett has granted a condi-| tional pardon to Charies A.Carlson! of Henderson county,convicted inJanuary,1916,of obtaining money under false pretence and sentenced|to five years in State prison.The par-|don is conditioned upon the defer.!-|ant’s paying to Mrs.David J.Fullev,| widow of David J.Fuller.again-t)whom the alleved false pretence was!perpetrated,$20,000 by way of r:- imbursement. Prof.Joseph Kinsey,superinten- ent of schools of Lenoir county,has |had his whiskers shaved for the first}time in 48 years.It ts explained this|action was taken during the tempo- rary absence of his wife.Prof.Kin- sey may be very much of a curiosity | to his friends now on account of nis|beardless condition,out most hus-!bands will consider Mrs.Kinsey mora)of a curiosity for not making the} professor shave every day. Southern railway trains betweenWashingtonandAtlantaarenowbe- ing operated over the new steel and ‘concrete bridge spanning the Cataw- ba river near Belmont,Gaston coun- ty,the new bridge taking the placeofthetemporarystructurewhichwaserectedafterthedestructionof| the old bridge by the flood of July 15,1916.The new bridge,900 feet long,is 40 feet north of the site oftheoldbridgeand11feethigher. SSNRGDANERAMRRCT Pythians to Celebrate. Monday night the local.Pythians will celebrate the lodge’s twenty-fifth anniversary,for which an interesting programme is being arranged.The reception committee,officers of the lodge and their wives will welcome the wuests to the reeeption,which begins at &o'clock in the castle hall.Music will he furnished by the Met § chants’Band under tne direction of Dr.€.A.Turner.| An address of weleome will be riven about &.45 o'clock,after which will be lifted”to the banquet hall,where the toastmaster for the remainder of the evenie out-of-town Pythians,as well as loen),are inv't-ed to be present.||Freight Cars Derailed —The General Manager. One car of freight train No.4%} was derailed ct Elmwood Tuesday night about 6 o'clock,delaying pas- senger train No.12 for two hours. A broken truck caused the derai!- ment. A broken truck derailed a car ffreighttrainNo.76 at ClevelandTuesdaynightat12°o’elock.Trafficwastiedupuntil5o'clock Wednes- ~,mesnins- Mr.W.N.Foreacre,general man-ager of all Kastern lines of theSouthernrailway,passed Statesville Wednesday on atrain. 1 ta eee PO eE.S.8)joom t's is”Clothing—Hats,Shirts,Pants,Overalls,ete.a dvt. aoT throughspecial jeressing since had alumber- im <=os eran Openwashedawaybythe= The bridge is of steel,218andis32feetaboveThetotalcostof$9,771.46,$6,644.60,ofidbySurryand$8,1ineounty. WONDERFUL STUFF!LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS ly a Few Lift‘orns or Coens Ga Fingers—No Pain, No humbug!Any corn,whethe:ard,soft or between the toes,willloosenrightupandliftout,withou!le of pain or soreness,is drug is called freezgone and isacompoundofetherdiscoveredbyaCineinnetiman. Ack at any drug store for a smallbottleoffreezone,which will costbutatrifle,but is sufficient to ridone’s feet of every corn or callus.Put a few drop:directly anycanepogedcorn-my In- stantly the soreness disappears andshortlythecornorcalluswillloosenandcanbeliftedoffwiththefinge::This drug fréezone doesy’t eat outthecornsorcalluses,but shrivelsthemwithoutevenirritatingthesur-rounding ckin.Just think!No pain at all;no sore- ness*or smarting when applying it orafterwards.If your dru ts don'thavefreezonehavehimorderitfor ry.bet Jon...Water. Was wosYa1- and! By placing advance orders withomaahofexwehavedoneinthepast,and Glove Fi Corsets.Models for slender figures and youi 1.00 and $1.50.Ne slightly incurve amt ie eee figures,00 Models with elastic sections at back for medium and full figures, LaceFrontModis ¢and medium figures,$1.00 andorav.00 1.50.Models for full $1.00 and $1.50.a ™:Grand Duchess Models for heavy figures,$1.50LowfitCorsetsforlightfigures,only 50c..:This line of Corsets is standard of the world for over sixty years.Let us show you.4=5MILLS &POSTON.& FOR SALE.— 290 acres of land four miles west of States-ville and running out te wille road,ad-joining the lands of A.C.4.M.Dea-ton and others;one good dwellingof 7 rooma,wood barn and out-buildings,two wellsinyard,two good tenant houses out-build- ings.Also well wooded and watered.a 5 u.CRAWFORD,Loray,N.C. ‘eb.it? eae you.-——7 Case for your Home? ‘PHONE FOR YOURLIBRARYORLIVINGR Do you need a new Rug,an Easy Chair or Rook|]FRED H You can find just what you want at our store,and we are always glad to show you. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” Canshowyou this is a fresh lot of stock. Have paid the largest stock dealers in turn over $50,000 in cash for stock within 15 years and worked at varioustimesfor them.Our business was always satisfactory.That FACT and satisfied customers,I ask for your busi- ness.Please allow me to meet competition - side by side. |35 head of good Virginia Horses and Mules. CONGER. NO.400, THE ERCHANT. We are showing a very complete line of soft Collars in all the newest shapes,all in quarter sizes. aT The merchant is the man who buys yourproduce,sells you goods on smallcheerfullystandshisshareofallpublic im-provements and seldom gets rich at the job: Ever know any country merchants who be-came millionairies?Hardly.The merchanthasamultitudeofcaresandoftenworkslonghoursandworriesharderthanyou Our showing of the best in Spring ‘Neckwear surpasses all our former effects to give you the cream in this line,both in shapes and patt 25c.,50c.,75c.and $1.00 Qualities. rofits, think in order to make both ends meet.This bank has always been a warm friendofthemerchantsofspecialityofmer:hants accounts and pridesitselfuponitslistofmerchantpatronsandtheserviceithasrenderedthem.ThesameserviceisopentoeverybodyatallIt's yours for the asking. People’s Loan and Savings times. GEO.H.BROWN0.L.TURNER sce,tn trade Phone 83. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO.° this town,makes a Bank.-President. NUNNALLY’S AT THAT. CALL ATOURSTOREFORPARTICULARS. y¥occur at anyoccuratall,but the Ifnothing occurs in themeantimewill,before CongresswobeforethatbodyandsuchauthorityashemaydeemnecessarytomeetacrisisafterSeesatineene.It is saidthat hesubmitanemergencyprogramme.While relations with Austria-Hun.garyare strained thebreak with thateountryhas“_rm,Aucune responsibility for t sinking of theAmericansteamshipLawisyettobedeterminedAmericanconsulsinGermany,aboutsomeuneasinesswasfelt,havebeenheardfromandareenroutehome.There is also much gratifica-tion over a report from A rElkus,at Constantinople,saying thatyisarrangingtofactethereoftheseveralhundred Ottoman government is disposednottobreakwiththeUnitedStatcsif it can be avoided. In BehalfofB.and L. The two building and loan associa-tions—the First Building and LoarandtheMutual—have joined forcesforacampaigntoarouseinterestinbehalfoftheseorganizations,thespecialpoembeingtoseeuremorestockholdersteprovidethemoneyforbuildinghomesinStatesville.Th«Merchants’Association is co-operatingwiththebuildingandloanassociationstethisend.It is also the purpose tohaveamassmeetingonthenightofMarch34,at which Mr.E.L.KeeslerafCharlotte,a prominent buildingandloanman,wil!be the speaker.Statesville ple as a whole proba-wy do not fully realize the great ben-efit of the building and loan associa- tions to the town;«nd it is hopedthatthiscampaignwil!arouse sut} interest that the associations will be able to get ample money to supply funds to those w grow by building other improvements. DebatersSelected. The preliminary debate was held at{the graded school Friday to select thedebaterstocontestwithrepresenta-tives from the Salisbury and Concord High schools March 30th.The debat- ers on the affirmative side will be Dwight Ware and Gertrude Adams orWilliamDavis‘either Miss Adams o1 mes and making Mr.Davis will serve as regular debat-|er,the other as alternate,this to bedecidedlater);the debaters on the negative side wil be Stewart CowlesandJamesAlexander,with Mary Cut-ting as alternate.The subject to be debated is the wisdom of government| ownership of railroads.The debaters on the negative side of the question will go to Salisbury.The affirmative side will be defended ny the Statesvile debaters against the Concord debat- ers in Statesville.The triang@ar de- hate March 20th will determine thedebatersfromthesethreeschoolstak- ing part in the final webate to be heldJaterinthespringatChape!Ifill. Must Have Referendum. The Statesville delegation in theLegislaturehasasyettakennoactiononthetownboundarybill-—and none may be taken.The bill as preparedbyCityAttorneyThompson,unde: the instruction of the aldermen,made no provision for the plebiscite,andneitherSenatorTurnernorReproent- ative Grier will put the bil!throughuNlessitisreferredtothepeoplefur ratification.It is said the referendum featuremaybeaddedandinthiseventMr Grier will put the bill through theHouse,with the provision that a ma jority of the voters in the territor) must ratify it before it becomes lawIfthehillgoesthroughtheHouwiththatprovisionSenatorTurretwilldecidetherhewillJetitgeatthatoradittorequireama ty of ee-fifths.He hasn't ully made up his mind on that point Baeletball-—Statesvilic Wins. Guilford Collewe basketball quint met the Davison College team onStatesville’s floor Friday night.De- vidson won the close game,whichendedwithascoreof19and18. Statesville strengthened its claimstothebasketballchampionshipofthe State Saturday night by a victory over the Guilford College team on the local floor,the game ending with a score of 26 and fz.Tomorrow night the Statesville will mect the streng team from the University of Georgia,the gan to be played in Statesville. Seereting himself in the home of his mother-in-law in Atlanta,where his wife had been living since their separ- ation,Claude Anderson,recently re- leased from the Geovwia Hospite!for the insane,chot and killed the Rev., Gaston Buford and Mrs.M.Zahn,the wife’s mo(her,aos Mra.W.J.Zahn o askilledbyW.J.Zahn.Mr.Ba-a Presbyterian minister,had into the house when he heardfirstshots. .Rev,&LL.—aey,and ' will help the towr| *Count primey and others thought it adangerous stepinthedirectionofmuzzlingthepress.All favored the object of bill butfearedtheprecedent,The bill had dings ie.he Ber ot vote of 1retmateaoOto18.It went over to yesterday for <=.House Mr.Doughton,for thenr.,fortfinancecommittee,introduced a billintroducedtorequireicestreetrailwaysandelectric—plants i requires wide tires for8onpublicways.The House pa:the revenue billonsecondreading.of the big- gest.changes in the is a require-ment that all license and franchisetaxesmustbepaidinadvance.ThebigvolumeofthesetaxeswillundertheproposedchangecomeinMayin-stead of in the late fall.Also there i»a requirement that the sheriffs mustmakequarterlysettlementswiththeStateTreasurerinsteadofthesettle-ments heretofore in vogue.»,Matheson introduced a bill re-lating to drainage districts in IrédellA.bill jas passed both houses to al-low county commissioners to pay th« expenses of veterans to reunions.It applies to all the counttes in the State and gives the commtssioners discre- tion in the matter. The House by a vote of 45 to 40defeatedabillpresentedbyWil- son of Transylvania to provide finds for the education of man at the Cullowee Training School. |Norman is a youth who lost his rightarminacornthresherattheState |farm at Blantyre,and the bill would have allowed him a sum not exceed- ing $850 per annum for four years to defray his tuition and living renses at the school.Representative Doughton did not think it a wise measure and feared that it would be setting a dangerous precedent vote was later bil re-referred. The Iredell!bill to provide for anauditofthecountyoffices,etc.,was passed.Another bill passed author- |izes the Governor to appoint justices of the peace.A resolution was pnss- led to place a bronze statue of Gov. Jarvis on the Capito!square. The Cuban Trouble. According to the news from Cuba the rebellion there has not yet become i very serious,but the situation is suf-ficient to give concern. |The Cuban trouble grows out of thepresidentialelectionlastSeptember he candidates were President Meno cal,prevent incumbent,Conservativejandbw,Alfredo Zayas,Liberal.Therc was fraud and violence at the @x- reconsidered and the number of election officers were killed |The Liberals charged the Menocal ad |ministration with intimidation through |the employment of the army,while thx administration retorted that it did ne more than was necessary to peserye jerder.Since then the canvass of the returns and appeals io the courts hav< |eccupied the time.Reiurns from somc|districts were thrown out and supple ‘mentary elections ordered.Believing they were about to lose,unjustly they |claim.the Liberals started the revolujtion.The probable final result will be that the United Staes will have t« j take charge and straighten out mat ‘ters. Glanders Among Horses. lyr.O.H.Graham,assitant State veterinarian.is in this section looking into the glanders situation among horses.It will be recalied that Mr J.A.W.Barkley lo-:several horses recently from glanders.Dr Graham has located two more crses neat Mooresville,ond Mr.4-H.Brawleywholivesonadjoining’farm to Mr Barkley,has a horse suspected of he- ing infected.Dr.Grafam expects tc vo to Alexander county today to in vestigate suspected vases on the lin between Alexander and Tredeli counfine ivr.Graham that)glanders start in this section from stock fron he West.The symptoms when the stock is started here have not deve! ped sufficiently to be detected.Th infection scatters to othevs throurh di contact and througn public waterughs,People whe pave ever fresh cuts about them are in dan ser of being infected if they allow an infected horse to blow his nostrils on them. says tr or sore Mr.Fox Operated on in Raleigh. About ten days aro Mr.David Fox of Cool Spring township went to Ral. cigh to take a position as “laborer”in the Legislature,sueceeding Mr.Red man of New Hope township,who hadcomehomesick.Mr.Fox had beer there bet a week when he was taker ick and Saturday he was operated on ina Raleich hospital for bladder|trouble,His condition is favorable. Mr.Fox's three sons,Mesers.B.,T.W.and J.R.Fox,went 6 Ral,Civh last week to be with their father The first named returned home yesterday,the others remaining. New Motor Company. The Ed.White Motor Company ofStatesvillehasbeenchatosel!Smith Form-A-Tracks.ineor-tors SS a Fad,White,R.V ;will meet Thursday to organize.Theflie$50,000withtn. ot to pay privileges taxes,Another bil!|ntroduced William Nor-, The| polls | i both sides sharing in the guilt,and a! Y FEBRUARY 20,1917. C.,TU ESDA sieotetofGendersFee ot CallenofriatMill—Preparation : Special Correxpentence of The ae aitMooresville,Feb.19—Mr.and Mrs. J.F.Weddington of Prospect havesympathyoftheirfriendsdeathoftheirdaughter,Lauralastweek,She was eight rs,months and 10 days old,and wasiedatProspectchurchafternoon.Funeral services bypaster,Rev.W.E.West.9MissSallieTempleton,wsuddenlyatherhomeheremorning,aged 86,and who was @terofMr.John Young Templeton,war another of the older people to ; away.She was ¢member of aandinfluentialfamilyandhadherwholelifeinMooresville.Por @yearsshehadmadei’sister,the latenumberof home withRufusAlexander,and the ee aeanothersister,the late Mrs.Robt,|Pherson,had been with her.She wat|a daughter of the lgte Gracy Temple-ton,and the family was reared near where Mr.John oung'now lives.Mrs.W.N.Creswell|Miss Sallie MePherson are nieces and >|R.C.and R.Y.McPherson are neph-ews.The funeral was conducted attheresidencebyRev.W.E.West and‘the burial was at Center Presbyterian ‘church.Mr.George M.Kistler,who died inCharlotteFriday,was born and raisednearMooresvilleandwenttoCharlotteitolivemorethan25yearsago.He|was the Charlette salesman of|wholesale grocery firm of Charles P.Moody &Co.,where he served faith-fully for 25 years and was in serviee longer than any of the firm.He was \53 years ald and is survived by hig ‘wife,who was Miss Mary Bryan ef |Charlotte;by his brothers,J.W.and Neil!Kistler of Charlotte,H.A.Kist- ler of McKinley,Tex.,and T.W.,B.G. Paimer,B.C.and G.C.,all of Moores-ville,and a sister,Mrs.J.R.Haynes of Jacksun Springs.The funeral was i conducted Sunday afternoon at 2.30 at,the residence,by Rev.W.B.Lindsay pastor of the First A.R.P.church of|Charlotte,of which Mr.Kistler hadllongbeenanactivemember.This jlarge Kistler family are progressive |ins'nnd well-to-do citizens,and are well Misses|knewn people of south Iredell. |We are glad to hear that|Vennie Templeton and Jennie Shin- i peck,who are at a Charlotte sanato- ‘rium,are beth getting along fine|News has reached here of the death} jat Birmingham,Ala.last week of! Mrs.Martin,mother of Mr.W.C| Martin,who spent a part of last sum-| mer here.His brother died two weeks before his mother.The State veterinarian,accompany:| ing Dr.Cruse,a local veterinarian went to the farm of Mr.Oscar Braw-| that a herse and mule,belonging to;Mr.J .Syd.Morrison,who lives on the |farm,had glanders and ordered the |stock killed.which is to be done today.|and the barn,with all its roughneswillbe-burned.A committee of thre<men met and valued the stock Satur | jay and it is the understanding thaithecountywillpayapartofthevalu: of the stack.It is hard on Mr.Morr: son,as he is a renter.Rev.S.H.Hay,pastor of the First Presbyterian church,ana Mr.C.R.|Johnston leave today to attend th Laymen's Missionary Convention the Presbyterian Church,to be this week at Lexington,Ky.Miss Mary Sloop is spending som:time with her sister,Mrs.J.L..M: Graw.where her mother is maki her home.Mrs.Sloop has not bx well for two weeks,buz is better novMr.H.D.Mills is out again,after « week's sickness, Miss Maud Patterson,milliner the W.W.Rankin Co.,Miss Ida He: jorson for the J.P.Mills department store,and Miss Fannie Walters wi lewve for the Northern markets toda: Mr.W.R.Rose-has ywone to Lexi: ton to lock over a job there and ma) move there to live. Friday night Mooresville’s bask«‘all team went to Lenoir to play the:team and were defeated by a score « 31 to 32.It is said our team outclass: Lenoir team in every feature of th: game and that their failure was co. ed by the low walls and poor light ©‘ihe room—conditions they were on ed to. Rev.Neill Pressly,who is at Tani ‘o,Mexico,has improved in health : cxpects to move to Seffner,Fla.,wh: he will make is home for the prese: Mr.John 8.Griersen,who spenfewdaysherewithhismother,MM.J.Giviersen,left for Mt.Holly.fi wife has been here a few weeks.MIeeC.Hudson of Kannnapolis visiie: his mother,Mrs.J.W.Hudson,lax! woek, At the morning services at Mothodist church,where several n- members were received Suriday,t pastor,Rev.L.A.Falls,after readi: the certificate of Dr,Cocke,Who ha he! G.| just moved here from Virginia,)« |seed the doctor’s permission to ren: |private letter receivea from the past‘the church there,in which he en ‘Dr.Cécke as an earnest chur worker,a good physician and a hig! i toned Christian gentleman.ht.W.Preexe &Co.have remodeltheirfrontstorewindowsandenlarsedthemsotheywilllookalotbette:We are glad to see Mr.Freese on thstreetsagain.Me has been in feeb! health for some time,Mr.Jim Miller and ily are livingforawhilewithMr.Miller’s mothler,.F.Miller,white Mr,Mil.|ter helps to instal!the machinery o/ ' |to atop the fire. |Mills, |s¢hool,Mary 'ity Sunday evening.She spent a week thenewcottonmills.Theyexpectto,pitflareeeane2 URGING 5 FARMING. Farmers Asked te Produce FoodCropsFirst,Money Crops Second, The Department of Agriculture at Washington is eneouraying the far-mers of the country to produce food- stuffs first,crops second. County Agent G.E.Dull says hehasreceivedinstructionstourrethefarmerstoraisecornandwheat,tomyespecialattentiontotheraisingflivestock,and lastly to turn theirattentiontotheirmoneycrops,suchaseotton.The idea is to producecatablesfirstandmakemoneysec-ond;fill the larder first,the pocket-roe last.aman’«ee should be ,especially intheSouth,at all times.The increaseinthemanufacturingindustriesoftheSouthhasincreasedthepriceoffoodstuffs;the tion of thetowns,the consuming element,is in- creasing,while the population of theruralcommunities,the producers,di-minishes.Iw 1840 about 15 per cent.of the population of the country was found in the cities;now approxi-mately 50 per cent.of the populationofthenationisinthetownsandcities.Therefore the producing ofeatablesforthecountryisdependent‘won the farmers.Another need for“Safe Farming”would arise shouldthenationbeengagedinwar.If the farmers of the country produced foodstuffssufficientfortheentirepopula-ion,a blockade of the nation wouldhavenoterrors.The doctrine of“Safe Farming”is especially appro-priate coming at this time. Woman Suffrage States. The Ohio Legislature has passed abillgivingwomenthevoteinpresi-dential eleetions.The addition of Ohio increases to 183 the number of States in which women can vote inpresidentialelectionsandthese15 Siates have 115 of the 531 votes in the electoral college.The States are Washington,Oregon,California,Nevada,Idaho,Utah,Arizona,Mon-Bradtana,Wyoming,Colorado,Kansas, Ilinois,Ohio.In the majority of these States thewomenvoteinalielections.In afewofthemtheyhavethesuffrageonivinpart,but in all of them theyvoteinpresidentialelections. Vessels Destroyed Since February 1. Up to yesterday the number of ves-sels destroyed since February 1,theresultoftheGermanU-boat cam-paign,is put down at 111.Of this Seater,two were American ships,32 belonged to other neutral countries,69; were British and 7 belenged to British allies with that proposition and it|Mr.Lowrance will be successful in week.A switch burned out,the mill) was ignited and it took heroic work; The First National Bank states the|pis interest for a long time stood in| ley,near town,last week.and found|prizes offered for the best essays on the way of reducing the hunting sea- their calendar picture of ‘he first coin| made at an American mint,were awarded us follows:High School,Miss,Nora Cook;grammar grade,Courtney | Cora Freeze;North school | Carlyle Melchor,Helen Brown; Lin-wood school,Ida Kestier;Shawnee| Harwell;Pine Valley | McEwen Templeton.The prize was a, |bank book and $1 in cash,jMrs.Mary Freeze tame in Wednes-| day from Winston +Salem to spend a few weeks at her home here.Miss,Vernie Goodman came home from Am-, visiting relatives and friends and re- ports a most enjoyable visit.She at-| tended a house party and musical atMr.Tom Morrow's Friday _night.Mr.| E.F.Lattimore of Abbeville,8.€.,' visited Prof.W.C.Ariail lest week.Our pebple who have business withhanksandpostoffweswillpleaserec-olleet Thursday,the 22d,is a legal hol-|iday—<George Washington's birthday.Misses Margaret and Elizabeth’Rankin,who have been in Boston studying music and expression,re-| turned home lasi week.Mr.J Swaim of Charlotte and Mr.Gip Freeze were both at home over Sun-. day, br.Byron Clark of —Satisbury preached a very interesting sermon totheKnightsofPythiasattheFirst Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon it B o'clock.The ministers of the town anda ood congregation wat wat to hear him and were well pleasedwiththesermon.There was special music by a select choirMr.Pritchard Caldwell of Catawha vho died ten days his hom: vas known bh number of our people te was a brother of the late Mrs.J i.Brawley of this placeTheMinisterialA<soviation —of Mooresville met last we with Rev U.Weston,pastor of the First Bap- st church,Presiding Elder Ware wasresentandmadeaveryineresting uk on Church work.A letter of symathywassentRev.Mr.Wilcox in his wrow by the death of his son An evangelistic meeting to be held t the Second Pr:ian church,be inning March tet,eing looked for ard to with a ¢il of interest Rev.Dir.Richard Davidson is te onduct the meeting,assisted by —the waster,Rev.F.A.Barnes,and others in preparation for the meeting cottage rayermeetings or be held this eek at the following times and lates:Friday night 7.15,Me.5.OF Paitehild’s,Eastern HMeiehts:Mr.O \,Proctor’s,East Ne Mill;Mrs Sallie Nantz’s,south of No.2 Mill;on Friday night at Mr.W.R.Rose’s Mt,G.B.Fesperman's and Mrs.Sallie Campbell's.Woduentey at 7.15 p m. there will be.a meeting at the churchforandoftheisearnestly€ ago at *K ;abe } “here with his father,Dr.J‘leaving yesterday for Hickory to vis- |father, THE’MERCHANTS IN SESSION. eeMoreMoneyforBuildingandLeanAssociationsandthecareofChild-|‘**e" Commencement.ren at County The local Merchants’Associationmetinregularmonthlysession Fri-day evening,President A.W.Bunch perenne.An important session was Mr.Bunch spoke ofwhichweresaidtoexist at theSouthernrailwaystationhere,com- plaints having been made by ship-pers that their goods were damaged by exposure to rain.Mr.R.L.Poston,president of theStateAssociation,gave an outline oftheassociation’s interests before theLegislaturein‘Raleigh.Mr.J.PaulLeonard,secretary,was laud-ed for his exeellent work in behalfofthegarnishmentbill.Mr.Postonexpthatthebillwouldpass.A letter from the State financecommitteeurgingtheco-operation ofalltheassociationsoftheStatewasread.Mr.W.E.Webb of the MutualBuildingandLeanAssociationout-lined the work that could be done bindividualsbuildinghomesco-operation with the.building andloanassociations.Business houseswereurgedtocarrysharesinorderthatmoremoneycouldavailableforhomers.Resolutions werepassedauthorizingMr.Bunch tonameacommitteeoffivetoco-oper-ate with the building and loan asso-ciations and home builders.Membersof.the committee are Messrs.B.+L.Sronee,Henry Hall,J.A,BradA.Conner and W.M.iTheproblemofcaring for thecountyschoolchildrenon¢commencement day was dise 4theassociationfavoringtheexten-sion of every courtesy to these peo-ple on that day.A committee apointedtomakearrangementscarefortheeomfortsofthevisitorsiscomposedofMessrs.W.E.Mun-day,R.T.Weatherman and J.A. y-:The following firms were electedmembersoftheAssociation:SloanClothingCompany,C.B.MorrisonandTheMutualBuiidingandLoanAssociation. One Month For BirdHanting. Mr.D.W.Lowrance of south Ire-dell wants the season for quailshootinginIredellcutfromtwomonths—December and Januarv—togueayhoeDecember20toa0,Landmark is in his efforts.He says he will ask the conditions & L H 3 3 Iredell legislators changre. The largely to make the position will doubtless comethenon-resident sports- north tredell for hunting preserves. son from three months to two,butthiswasfinallyaccomplished.Since the above was written Repre-sentative Matheson has introduced abillintheLegislaturetoconsolidate the Iredell game laws.The materialchangesinthepresentlawprovidedbythenewbillare:Closed season for‘possum hunting from March 1 to Oc- } |men,who have muvh land l¢ased in) brush in cleaning ae alae Olcontly tober 1;open season for quail shoot-|p, ing 40 days —December |to January10,and the sale of quail absolutelyprohibited.Under the present law thelandownermaysellbirdskilledonhisownland.This feature is eliminated in the new bill. Dr.MottandSons.~~Capt.T.A.Mott spent a few fr . it relatives.Capt.Mott has recentlybeentransferredfromDetroit,Mich.,to Richmond,Va.,where he is doin recruiting work for the UniStatesMarineservice.Mr.John Mott of Seattle,Wash.,here to spend some time with hisDr.Mott.It is understoodthatDr.Mott will get his home on i ‘ north Center street,recently boughtfromMr.Eugene Morrison,in shape and open house in the spring.It isa'so understood that Mr.Marshal!L. Mott of Washington will divide time between Statesville and Wash- ingten, Mr.Stevenson May Go to Congress. Hon.W.F.Stevenson of Cheraw, _C.,a native of Iredell,will probably be elected a membes of Cony ess from the fifth South Carolina —district, succeeding Congressman Finley,who died a few wéeks age.Mr Steve neon had twice opposed Mr.Finley in the primaries and had been defeated.The first primary to name a successor toMr.Finley was held last week.Mr. Stevenson received 3,784 votes and CH.Sapp of Gaffney,his nearest oppo- nent,2,009,The contest between thetwoistobesettledtodayandifMrStevensonwinshewillbeelectedfor the term of \wo years beginning March 4.Other candidates were in the race @ to fill out the unexpired term of Mr., end this hener fell to Paul G MeCorkle of Chester,a blind man who will serve as a member of Con-gress for about ten days—until March i Finley Ships Continue to Sail. Notwithstanding the German sub- marine activity,vessels are taking chances in going to and from between\this country and Europe,Twelvethesteamships,one of them ew YorkAmericanflag,sailed fromunday,*for his} '* |Rutherfordton|Statesville Frida:by Mrs,at Ruth enga|his regiment to the was called toMrs.R.F.HenryCharlottebythe“a: er’s wife,Mrs.Chas.. day night.burial took Tire.Linda Lioyd died|rs.|the home of Fyoo .a.tWooten,at the PiedmontStation(State Farm),deathfrommeasles.Mrs.years of age and a widow, no children.Burial took placeurdayatVernon5Mrs.Sarah Myers,wife of Mr.kiel Myers,died at her hometian’s bridge,weet ofafternoon,deathplicationofmeaslesMrs.Myers,who was 65 yearsissurvivedinaditiontoherbyoneson,Mr.Ben, took place at OlinTheSentinelsays thatReece,aged 75 years,died‘morning at the home of herMrs.Ada Green,in WAmongthesurvivingenthenameofMrs.HoustonofStatesville.Interment was “i.wife of the tatere.Stimpson,|vid pg this morning = SS :E$a z¢ E s purposetostarve if possible celiuatelene ofwer-orm of war- conducted according to to by civilized nations. has a navy sufficientlyupthenavyofher stretch a cordon around ports has the right,ac- in all international law, a blockade and give no- all ships of any countries, as well as enemy,which en- blockade zone do so at the confiscation.Many and some succeed in blockade.But those ‘orfeited to the captors, adjudication of prize This is the kind of blockade ngland has thrown aroynd Ger- Thatit has been successful in almost all ships with food, s and the other things needing from taking the on largely by determining the way in due to the fact that Eng- has time almost immemorial her dependence for defense and tion in war uvon building ships. Germany has for years and put her salvation on the huild- an army,that has proved the war machine the world has —.Each has chosen its own The outcome of the trial of of the two programmes is doubt,and no neutral nation a right to protest against the war Germany is conducting on land that England is conducting on The retaliatory blockade that Ger- many has proclaimed on the seas rec- ognizes none of the rules of war and Jaw,and is a crime against civiliva- tion and humanity. a ect right to seize,confiscate uct to safety for the dis- posal of prize courts the vessels of the United States and all others that take the risk of entering the war gone she has laid off.But to shoot down from unseen ships with no warning and without trial the ships of enemics and neutrals and send to death men,women and children is sm too shocking even to dis- cuss.This is the kind of war Germany notified the United States she had proclaimed to take effect,without any intention of revocation,on February Ist,and asked the United States to acqui To have done so would have made us accessories to the greatest crime of all the ages. AORTA ATED YOUNG WAGNER VINDICATED. Was Acquitted in the Firecracker Case. To the Editor of The Landmark: 1 have been getting an unduc amount of ——notoriety about grt away a firecracker Christmas ‘ow if |werea man of middle age with an established reputation,it would not be necessary to write this but being only 18 years old,I feel that an explanation is due the public,who judge me by the reports appearing in the different papers.1 graduated from the school here at 15 years of aye having completed the prescribed 10- r course in 9 years.|don’t recall ever getting less than 100 on deport ment.But last Christmas |was pros- ecuted for giving away a firecrache: and was fined $25 and costs.I had absolutely no intention of wrong-do- ing and thought that the crime did not tally with the fine,so I appealed 1 went to.trial with one witness,but didn’t use this one.The town appear-ed against me with an array of a doze:witnesses.When Judge Justice heard the charge against‘me he wouldn't evon let the case come to trial.Hepuckereduphisintelligentbrowandreadbetweenthelines.Then he said:“This boy is not guilty of any offense.Theanstien he is supposed to violate is intended to apply only to dealersThecongonodoubtthoughthewaswithinhisrightsinfiningtheboybuthewasmistaken.Mr.Clerk,en- ter a verdict of not guilty.” Thus I stood vindicated of the of-fense.That made me feel yood andfromthelooksonthefacesofsomeofthewitnessesagainstme,I thinktheymusthavefeltgoodalso.The mayor himself came to me and heartilyratulatedmeoncomingclearYourcorrespondentfromherereport ed that I was fined $25 and got whatwascomingtome.Yes,I got what Was coming to me but in order to getit|was compelled to force my town tospendasumofmoneyequaltoabout a fourth of the town taxes paid by al!the citizens here last year.I still am governed by parenta!authority in my home.I abided bythemandatesoftheschoollawwhilinschoolandamendeavoringtoobeylawoftheland,and don't wantpublictolookonmeasacrimi- nal.Sincerely,Troutman,N.C.RAY WAGNER TSENoChangeinPostageRates. Proposed increased postage ratesonandmagazinesand ‘or one-cent postage onwereelyminatedfrom H E u p !: - hs z --e ; if 7 fgies s e r p i z% e r e n t She would have staked its life on the de-¢ ' oF| a His. salary will be $100 a ith.i Taking the place of Mr.B.P,Fotk,| who resigned to go into general farm-| ing in the State of Louisiana,Mr. J.E.Moses,formerly county agricul-| tural agent in Escambia county,Ala-| bama,has been selected as pig club agent for the State. Plans have been formed to estab-| lish at Durham a hospital for the negroes of the State,to cost $50,000,| The home of the late A.H.Stokes, iust outside the corporate limits of Durham,have been purthased for the, site,at a cost of $8,500. Brown mountain,in Burke county,| on which is seen the mysterious Jight that has attracted so much at- tention,is now ineluded in the gov- ernment’s purchase of land for a park,and “the light that never was” may become a government asset. Burke folks complain that their new $25,000 jafl is something of a joke;that six prisoners have eseap- ed at.different times since the jai! was occupied.Burke has nothing on Iredell in the matter of escapes from a new and modern bastile.The escapes from the new Iredell jail have been many. The Mt.Airy News says that it is reported that the officers and politi- ‘ans of the county have agreed to put the officers of Surry county on!5 the salary basis--the sheriff to re- ceive $3,500,clerk of court $9. register of deeds $2,909 and trea.ire 3600.A bill to that effect is penlin in the Legislature. The Traphill correspondent of Wilkesboro Patriot reports that * Morgan’Bryan,tural)mail carrie: skating on the ice during the cold spell,broke through into “‘ze ter——up to his waist;”and reached his house,a half mil! continues the report,“and got t good fire,he felt some urally. A stranger at the Southern =rail way station in Salisbury stfuck uy talk with Sheriff Krider of |Rowan Being rather “familiar on short a quaintance”and not knowing he was taiking to an officer,the stranger e> hibited his “weepin”to the sheritf and remarked that he supposed they would fine him pretty neavily if thes knew he waa totin’a gun.Then he almost had heart failure when th: sheriff called him and next day t paid $25 for his indiscretion. Mrs.Lottie Humphrey Ward of Greensboro went to visit her father, at Fayetteville.She sent 2 teleryram to advise him of her coming and © pected him to meet her at the sta tion.He didn’t show up and after waiting an hour Mrs.Ward called a public hack and rede to the paternal home,to find that tae telegram had not been delivered.Mrs.Ward asked the telegraph company for $1,500 for the annoyance caused by her waiting at the station and distress as the re- ult of riding in a public conveyance, and the jury gave her $250. Re we SSee oe Trying to Head Off the U-Beat: important moves ty Great submarine men- are announc 1.A new danger was proclaimed,seeking block practically the whole route exit towards the Atlantic of the Ger-! man U-boats from their bases ir Germany and Belgium.With rohen | befter.”Nat- Two Britain to meet the ace zone ; |them half pay. the| the 5Jseverely,ref aCaar;suid the spirit was being assassinated inthatthepeoplewerenot the Senators resentment on account of — guage end charges of the from Franklin,his bill to elect school board in Franklin was he accepting an amendment to . nate the elect of county tendent by the pone.r to elect the schoo!board in county,which had been killed,was resurrected and passed along with that of Wayne. The Senate also passed a bi to provide a uniform system of account- ing in State deparunents and the State institutions.. The bill to provide for the retire- ment and persioning of Superior Court judwes io certain cases,giving was killed by the » Iredell and oth- ers opposed it Among the bills introduced was one to provide a new building for the State Departmen!of Agriculture,the cost not to exceed $200,000, In the House Mr..Page introdyeed a bill to crente the office of Prohibi- tion Commissioner to lock after the enforcement cf the prohibition laws The commissioner would be paid a selary of $3,000,the money to be raised hy a }O-cent stamp tax On ev- ery quert of liquor delivered in the ate,th »paid by the eon- sien The stamps led ‘¢mum te and in desperation Spoholt whith such doct some of close vote of 19 to 2 Senator Turner of \zoner and soli to the exrr mranies,and the revenue (hevfrom wold pay the commis stone !nd the ex nenses it ‘»|ace. Arother bill of t ince,pre sented by Grier of Tredell,is an @usi er law,proviaing Tur the dismissal of Pcials 'relict.im the mnforceme ive Pritech2theAus Madiso cad the Howse. od:The exegu- antative Grier’ measure would wh upremac’ |to the Republi- in of vantage 0} pre tative Pritchard »of persenal priv “cal io hin thai erp to impure hat the (ill s aimed ation than the »ced election frauds in Madison }hought of tam- t |affecting turn tion Wa -*othe allend thet ne peering With Nrese AS franchise in Ne Carolina.Ir iY ed that his us aa affrent to the em Maison,He foared might work harm patty.The ite irtisan lines.Page yerts ef Buncombe nt Demoerats who tadison Repre ta- ive Roberts’bill to ex- ffrage to wom in af \eheville and West hilled by the narrow five Grier and eing its prine\y po- Stubbs wa i it narm to the Sta votes eral eron ¢a ent the uolfftandto!Yes oon Sunday:}Iredell introduced a til! English Channel!practically closed by |” an elaborate system of nets,mines} and patrols,the means of exit for the submarines has been through the route north of Scotland and dow? the Irish coast.The pew danver zone designed to close that.way out is understood to have been literally trewn with mineDetailsofplans for changing the port of call and examination for boats between this country and the northern European neutrals from Kirkwall to Halifax are made public. The idea is to allow the vessels to avoid the German submarine zone by swinging around Ireland and Scot- land and down the Norwegian const,instead of touching the British Isles. A second port for the examination of southern commerce may be estab- lished later at the Bahamas,or Ber- muda,| Reasons They Know Not Of. Mr.David Lawrence suggests that impulsive folk who fre wondering| why the United States government is not seizing German ships or se- questering German citizens or con- voying American ships or permit-,ting allied warships the freedom of American ports or mobilizing an ar-| my and doing a dozen other things that might be justified by military,necessity “would not be as impatientofactioniftheyknewthetruena-| ture of all the questions just now af-fecting the relations between the United States and Germany.Any one} of these may be provocative of war)and serious injury to Americans still)remaining in Germany,Austria,Tur-;key and Bulgaria.ollections of| ‘money back.Sold and guaracieed by | heumatism attacks the _“outside”man.Pains and aches stiffen his joints and!muscles‘and reduces his efficicney.|At the first twinge gct Sloan's) |Liniment,easy to apply,it pene-trates without rubbing and soothed, the soreness,After that long drive or tedious)wait in the cold rain apply Sloan’s|Liniment to those stiit fingers,| aching wrists and arms.or gout,neuralgia,toothache,brulgemy|eprains,cold feet,itis promptly effective.|Atalldruggists,25c.50c.end $1.00."|MANTELS, { |LOCKS, Bhavan the threats and torture imposed bytheTurksonFrenchandBritishsub-'jects,saved only by the heroic eiorts|of merican di ts,are still vivid-ly in mind.‘The United States gov-| would be pro-o low —_to ——on a ie ; ire app to vie county;|to i heonaing of publicottongins;to prohibit charging)wreater rate of interest than 6 per!cent.;to congolidate the game laws!of Iredell county,by .The attempt to create a new coun-ty--to be Jarvis—from por-!|sions of Harnett,Sampson andJohnston,has failed.Committee re-|ported unfavorably,The merchants of the State are es-!pecially interested in a bill,intro-|luced in the House by’Grier of tre-|dell,to late the hours of em-ployment of women and girls in mer-!-antile establishments.it provides|chat no femalé or minors shall be em-!ployed in mereantile establishments,igundries,bakeries,hotels,places ofamusementandthelikemorethan9,hours per day,except that in casesofemergency.hotels and restaurants|may work them 10 hours in 24 by!paying double for overtime.No_fe-male shall be permitted to work in|y of the establishments named in|the oet before 6 a.m.or after 6 p.) m.Violation on the part of an em-,;'oyer er superintendent is to be a!misdemeanor,punishable by fine or! mortsonment, merican |Belgium |Representatives of the Commission for Relief inwillnotwithdrawfromthe occupied)\+and @iger >rtions of Belgium and northernFrance,as previously had been =ar- ranged,but will remain for the pres-ent.Germany having resemnded the order of withdrawal.TAkE “CASCARETS”TFHEADACHY,BILIOUS AND CONSTIPATED! Best For Liver and Bowels,Bad, Breath,Bad Colds,Sour Stomach! Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache,biliousness,coated tongue,head and nese clogged up with a cold—always trace this to tor- pid liver;delayed,fermenting food in the bowels or sour,gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clegged in the in- testines,instesd of being cast out of the syst«m |re-cbserbed into the bleed.hen this poison reaches thedelicatebraintissueitcrusescon- gestion and that ‘ull,throbbing,sick- cning headache. Cesearets immediately cleanse the stomach,remove the sour,undi- gested food and foul gases,take theexcessbilefromtheliverandcarry out all the constipated waste matter| and poisons in the bowels.A Cesearet tonight will surelystraightenyououtbymorning.They work while you sleep—a 10-cent boxfromyourdruggistmeansyourheadclear,stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months.YOMEPMARUMEDMEO“ME) Bronchitis,Croup,Coughs and Coids,or Statesville Drug Company. “THE WAY TO HEALTH.| Health is the most important thinginlife. merchandise. drug store.BARIUM ROCK SPRING when drugs fail. rves.F.M.Shannonhouse writes:“IwassufferingfromshatterednervesanddisorderedstomachandkiandtheBARIUMROCKSPRWATERbroughtaapeeeycure.”'Phone W.A.EVANS or_writeDepartmentL,Box 65,BariumSprings,N.C. DOORS, WINDOWS. COLUMNS. NEWELS,MOULDINGS. @N HAND AND READY FOR DE-LIVERY!*C.WATKINS. SERVICE | JAndthecomplete stock|) ]of Plumbing,Heating and water materialswecarry. }We can}giveyou service, ‘ENDS CATARRH,ASTSMA,| It is too precious,too vital,to be bandied about as an article of|It cannot be purchas-!ed in boxes or phials at the corner| WA-|TER aids Nature to restore itself|It drives Urie acid|but of the system and revitalizes the NAILS.| Si health,so I nowdoall of myhouseworkwhichis light as I have alittle boy three years old.” Mrs.O.M.Ruinxs,Ridgway,Penn. Mrs.LindscyNow Keeps House For Seven. Tennille,Ga.—“I wanttotellyou how much I havebeen benefited byLydia E,Pinkham’s VegetableCompound.Abouteight yearsago! gotin such a low state of health I was unableto keep houseforthreein the family.I haddull,tired,dizzy feelings,cold feet andhands nearly all the timeand couldscarcelysleepat all.The doctorsaidIhada severe case of ulcerationandwithoutan operationIwouldalways be aninvalid,but I toldhim I wantedto wait awhile.Ourdruggist a(vised my husbandtogetLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and it has entirely curedme.Now I keep house for sevenandwork in thegardensome,too,Iamsothankful I got this medicine.Ifeel as though it savedmy life and have recommendedittoothersand they havebeen benefited”.--Mrs.W.E.Linnsy,R.R.3,Tennille,Ga, If you want special advice write to Lydia E.PinkhamMedl- cine Co.(confidential)Lynn,Mass.Yourletterwillbe opened, &NEW COAT SUITS | ——AND ——HANDSOME DRESSES ——ON DISPLAY.—— All are the very latest creations both style and color.No two alike. Also a big line of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Shirt Waists,and good looking Skirts, Plaid and Striped material. Will be glad to show you the line. MRS.MARY SIMS.:- The Cash Store. THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsSonteandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD. Our office is an open one,and we invite all our customers and those who will become customers to use the same when they so desire.As in the past,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE SERVICE that has won for this Company the good will and confidence of over seventeen hundred patrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”andPAY ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We will be glad to have you call at our office for any information,or telephone No.54 if our serviceinneeded. We do NOTARYPULICwork also.Cordially yours,J.F.CARLTON, eee eS:oa‘anfteling thatrr Another featuretheValentineverymuchbyCommunity on makingLetthe community lendofourlub~cere._oa that the.om work wit,~ tSnothelpiara.2 \25 CENTS DESTROYS YOUR |DANDRUFF AND STOPSFALLINGHAIR! —commenced olub is to|the —3 ME!save Your Hair!Mrke It Thick, - We have a full line of T. W.Wceod &Sons garden seed in packages and Wood’s bulk seed such as Early Peas,Early Beans, Beet Seed,Seed Corn, Onion Sets,etc. Come in and see whatwehave. Eagle &Milholland. Phone 89. tiesmeetne rene DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST —9 Dae BUILDING, ipTELEPHONE “ENCAGEMENTS,| SPECIAL ‘APTENTION TO CHILDREN'S MADE INSTATESVILLE Anything in SheetMetal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. "Phone 55,114 EB.Broad Street. DR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-rium will have prompt attention. W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame._Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,etc.Locks and GunsiredandKeysfit-In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. TIRE BANDS, Tapes,Cement Patches,ete.,are ajl very well in their way,buttheyareallemergencymeas-ures only.only real and——repairing is done byuleanizingtheCamagedparts.While your Car is not in use,have your Tires put in shape.TAE IREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. 201 Court Street.We Sell Miller Tires. <a C.H.LESTER, R&GISTERED ARCHITECT, ‘Sear tnt manda WA ! SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass740.per Light Brass Se.per _—_BALE: traeta Statesville,N.C.Phone340 Green.| |Wavy and Beautiful —Try |This! |‘Thin,brittle,colorless and scraggy‘hair is mute evi a neglected|sealp;of dandruff—that awful scurf.|There is nothing so destructive tothehairasdandruff.It robs the hair,of its lustre,its oe and itsiverylife;eventuall ucing a fe- verishness and itchwhichifnotremedied causes thelhairrootstoshrink,loosen and die—|then the hair falls out fast.A little|Dande rine tonight—-now—any time—|will surely save your hair.Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’sDanderinefromanydrugstore‘ortoiletcounter,and after the first ap-lication your hair will take on thatife,lustre and luxuriance which is|so beautiful.It will become wavyfluffyandhavetheappearanceof‘abundance,ah incomparable gloss|and softness;but what will pleaseyoumostwillbeafterjustafewweeks’use,when you will actuallyseealotoffine,downy hair—newhair—growing all over the sealp. Wood’s Special Grassan?Clover Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent HayandPasturageYields. Put up in proportions as experi-ence has shown best suited far thedifferentsoiisandpurposesfor which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by curcustomers. Wood’s Seed Catalog for 1917 gives full information,to- gether with letters from customers giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request.Write for it and prices of any Farm Seeds required: T.W.WOOD &SONS, SEEDSMEN,-Richmond,Va. Sow Wood's Evergreen Lawn Grass for beautiful green lawns, Write for special Lawn circular. WAVES ViOWDERE UL REME Jor >I OMACKNEDY ‘Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox-teation,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit-is and other fatal ailments resultfromStomachTrouble.Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their com- se recovery to Mayr’s Wonderfulemedy.Unlike any other for Stom- ach Ailments.For sale by theStatesvilleDrugCo.and druggists everywhere. WHICH IS CHEAPER To put on your outhouses,SolidSheathingandthecheapestgrades of composition roofing ata cost ofabout$2.25 per square,or SkeletonevalandC.WAKINS’Ceder Shingles at a cost of abou:$1.80 per cqnere,the Shingles being good for ©to 20 years?Ras PS Roane.S¢,A80c,$1.00 a 1 Dr.8.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.Office hours c a.m.to ae p.m.2.30 to ra the scalp,| at Ellen.|eaAllhad‘dale ple|beendone beforethe housewas re-community in!—November 20,the m porch columns,exceptwindowleeks,etc.Twenty-four new patent desks of the |best style were installed at fire’andwenowhave26morereadytoseup. When these are put in,by ve @ of=county superintendent,we willhavethebestruralschoolbuildingin:Alexander countyMrs,Peter ene died at her home,nearDealville Thursday and wastburiedatAntiochBaptistchurehFri-|day evening.She was an lady,|but had never belonged to any ¢hurch——the last ym.when she, join ntioch BaptistInanadjoiningneighborhood there|has been considerable mad dog scareandithasreachedthepointofcon-tention.One dog went mad and bitanumberofotherdogs.werekilledatonce,others went mad andwerekilled,yet a few people heldtheirfavoritecurs,saying,“It wasnomaddogthatbity.”Chil-dren of cum ~—_athomefromschool,fearing te pass the road by the house where the dogwaslefttorunatlarge.Conclusion:One faverite dog has been killed andotherswillfollow,but not until onemanYpeeout$32 over a dog thatwouldnothavebroughtover25cents Notices of New Advertisements Home grown sweet peas and carna-tiona.—-Park Place GreenWide-awake mene manCarolinaMotorCo.Ladies wanted to introduce new line. —J.F.Henninger.Land with dwelling and out-build-ings in exchange for city property.— E.G.Gaither.Auction sale of automobiles.—Pied-mont Garage,Charlotte,N.C.—mule for sale.—Timothy Sher- rill.Heavy work horses for sale.—B.5S Feild,Statesville.Messenger wanted.—Western UnionTelegraphCcompany.Commissioners’sale of real estate—H.C.Privette and R.T.Weather- man.Reliable “makes”of watches.—R.F.Henry,jeweler.New coat suits,handsome dresses -—Mrs.Mary Sims.New spring boots.—Sherrill-White Shoe C&Sulkies and =go-carts.—C rawford- Bunch Furniture Co. wanted.—_ Family scales.—Lazenby -Mont- gomery Mardware Co.New arrivals ly.Bow !es-Morrison Co.Woods’garden seed.—Eagle &Mil-holland.Dynamiting business.—buying goldbricks.—Carolina Motor Company.The Fall of a Nation,Monday Tuesday at the Crescent,Important changes efective March 1 —Statesville Coca Cola Bottling Co.New Victor records.—Andrews Mu- sic Store. Ramsey- and Ladies invited to open account.—. People’s Loan &Savings Bank. Pig club to be organized.—Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank.Wood wanted.—-Imperial Co. Many Are¢Sick—Damage By the Freeze. Sorrespondence of The Lanstonar Statesville,R-3,Feb.17 “‘menasley”measles are holdin: revelry in this section,the same asinmanyothers.Bad weather,with its attendant sickness,and the condi-tion of national affairs creates quite a depression just now.The dim lights seen in hames these nights denote anxious moments during the long,weary vig-ils at sick bedsides.After all “Life is checkered with shade and sunshine,” ~and these periods of adversity helptosubdueandstrengthenourchar- acters.Mrs.J.M.Ostwalt and stepson, Mr.Ivey Ostwalt,returned from Dr. Gibson's Sanatorium a few davs ago. Mr.Will Collins,who underwent an operation three weeks ago.‘5 ex-pected home in a few days.Mrs.Do- ra Shoemaker was taken -dSanatoriumlastSundaywht and underwent an operation so afterherarrival.When we retire atnightwearelittlesurprisedwhenweawakeninthemorningtoleatn that some neighbor hes been s irited, away to the Sanatorium during the | night.The severe freeze about two weeks!ago has badly damaged the small) grain crops and unless there is anoutcomewhenspringarrives.theprospectwillbeserious,and wil!still send the prices of foodstuffs |a!loon- ing skyward. Guard:To Be Sent Home. The War Department has issued or- ders directing General Funston to he-| gin the demobilizing of the Nationa) Guard remaining in border camps and it is thought the last troop train will be on its way north by March7 General Funston will have on thebordernearly50,000 regulars disposedalongthelinefromBrownsvilletoYu-ma,Ariz.,on plans worked out by thesreneralstaff.Secretary Baker ¢m-phasized that the withdrawa!of the) State troops is in no way connected with the crisis with Germany,but car-ries ovt a polfey determined upon longago.The order was issued aftcr GenFunstonhedreportedthathehadenoughregularstomeetanyborderexigenciesQhatmarise. a is stated 1,480 newspapers Furniture The high many, of thelawwas “Thecomments geihed ok this, |campaign,ace ng totheNewcityhealthdepart-meyt,were for the most part favor-able,while there was an occasionalcriticismforthespasmodiccharacterjoftheactivity.“But there was a reason for this,spasmodic anti-spitting campaign,which was in the main an education-:st one,said the city department ofealth.It was to vain that inten-,pa effort that would attract the at-io of the people,and particular-such‘am ordinan,the existence,%such ,and to see how far it wasmissingthemark in beingenforced.It was to get publicity onnmatterthatotherwiseneverfinditswayintoprint,regardless ofhowimportantitwastolifeor, health.‘It was seen that retting this nec-essary publicity could be accomplish-.ed by concentrating a larze amount ofenergyuponasingleactivity,while’if the same effort were spread overaperiodofseveralmonthsitwouldnotsecuretheattentionofthepeo-ple,and certainly not that of =newspapers.” LiberiaHasHardLines. Official dispatches from Liberia in-dicate that people of the negrorepublicarenearingstarvationasa,result of the war.The trade of the republic was conducted by —-ventas,but the war stopped theironerations.The population includes.12,000 American -Liberians,—000 semi-civilized natives and 2,000,-000ote onagencengovernment,is seek-|ing now in the United States an aud-.itor to enforce governmental econo-mies.The country already has anAmerican‘receiver general of cus-toms,H.F.Worley,selected by Pres-ident Wilson for the post from theinsularbureauoftheWarDepart-ment,who receives $5,000 a year,from the Liverian government.Thecountryhashadpracticallynoecus-toms receipts,however,for a consid- erable time.The Liberian government is also|desirous of securing from the United,States officers to command its fron-tier forces,its borders being sub,to eontinual.raids by uneivilizedtribes,and it desires to employ alsoaroad-building expert to take chargeoftheconstructionofhighways. ORROTSETROTERREMEYenor«0SrA TarHeelSoldierKillsMan. Private Bailey N.C.,member of Company K,SecondNorthCarolinaregimentonborderdutyatElPaso,Texas,is held by mil-itary authorities there in connection with the killing of Michael Cotter,a we ker at a cement plant,early Sat-!rday morning.Cotter was on his; way home,so it is stated,when he warhaltedbyPrivateCooper.Cooperclaimsthathewasorderedtostopallpersonsorshoot,and says that Cotter* did not halt and he fired.Cotter wasshot7.the back and died almost in- siantly rather "Card of Thanks. We thank our neighbors and friends fortheirkindnessthroughoursicknessandtrouble.We appreeiate it very much.Hope!the Lord will bless them all.F eb,20 8S.E.WARREN. IN “MEM ORY “OF A earrury L COL ORED 1916 death Malindaforher One year azo today Feb.4, claimed my dear,faithful mother,Crawford.She wave her whole life family.Being a malerees nuree,she weuldwoatanycall,day or night,rain or shine.Shespentmanywwhefulhours,caring for the babeandtryingtocomfortthesufferingmother. She was banedy at the on -tub,in the corn fans or any place she wuld give help,as faracommonsenseandsirengthwouldallowher.Indeed she is missed,but gone to her re«She left a husband,ef@ht children,tenandchildrenandtwogreetgrandchildren One deaghie r preceded her to the erave in1808EXIECRAWFORD. Feb 20 The ‘ewe Leads the Way. Beat it beat it,little car, ey all wonder what you are, Climbing all the hills so high, Passing many others by. As it passe 1,the first man cussed |While the second merely fuss ody But the third man said:“They suy It won't stop;it's a Chevrolet. All consent w'th one accord,it’s a car you can afford. In the swamp or in wet grassiNoneoftheo'hers are in itsiInthesandorinthemudItpullsoutwhereothersjust chug.|Economical?Well,}should say None can equal the Chevrolet. Summer,winter,spring:or fall Has a littie on them all.One thing sure,if nothing more, |You can't beat it,so don't get sore.|Easy riding,very nice,Beats the auto world for price. ff you think some other best |We ean change vour mind by test. 1Qn the hill or in the sand It can sro to beat the band. |Come and try it,if pou well,|Going up the steepest hill. Maybe we are talking funny,But this car is backed by money. We can meet vou any dayAndbeatyouwithaChevrolet.ol and get a demonstration,Tt will gain your admiration,|If you want a car,come try itAndwearesurethatyouwill buy it,| ward class. Cooper of Wilson | Pim +a ” Tierieyteeeeee the counties of Iredell,Alenandet and Chania:.. Dear Customer— In former letters to YOU,WE have tried to YOU with the FACT that everything YOU BUY, vanced in price by leaps and bounds,except AND OUR OTHER PRODUCTS.We pay an ADV ON EVERYTHING WE BUY.80 DO YOU, OUR products.Inorder to take care of YOUR.P ITS,YOU ADVANCE YOUR SELLING PRICE. DO NOT!YOU makethesameGOOD PROFITonOUR PRODUCTS,as in years past. In order to takecare of OURSELVES,instead.of RAISING our prices,we have,after very careful consid- eration,decided on TWO VERY IMPORTANT CHANGES IN OUR BUSINESS. FIRST:ON March Ist,we will put our business on STRICTLY A CASH BASIS.When we say CASH,‘we mean ALL THE WORD IMPLIES. This is no reflection on YOUR CREDIT,regardless of whom youare,or how large a bank account you m@y have.By eliminating losses from BAD book — postage,statements,ete.,we hope to PARTIALLY SET the advance prices we have to pay on THING WE BUY. SECOND:On and after March 1st,we'll chargéaDEPOSITof30c.conan 8 Gowraneesixdozencasesold.Thisismade DAYS AGO,THE SAME,CAR COUPURCHASEDFOR$950.‘Thinkofit,a littletaining24emptybottlescostsustoday$1.27.what the contents cost you.The bottles are¢WE SELL YOU nothing but the contents. THAT THEY NOWAPIECE,and most likelytsinthecountryhaITsystem.The rest must comelosswillbesogreatthatitwillputthem We have t this year,inequipment,over $5,000 cash, truck.These im its aomostSANITARYinthecountry,andiceisnear100percent.efficient.have installed a patented INSPECTIONbottleisinspectedforANYFOREIGNWeurgeyoutocallandinspectourplant.KNOW HOW the products you sell are made.tomers who have run accounts will beshareinthe$200 IN \and ary business with us will be soumaed an tle The $200 IN GOLD will be given a20th,1917.It's up to you to GET YOURsae DEPOSIT SYSTEM:We will deliver from our $in two dozen cases only.ON YOUR FIRST :ON MARCH 1ST,or thereafter,we will sell you aseasesofCoca-Colaor assorted Sodasas youmaytheregularprice,for CASH ONLY.The number ofocasesandbottlesyoupurchasewillscoS*ahooks,and YOU WILL BE HELD R =THEM.On each ——thereafter we will sellfullcaseattheEoae¥price,for EVERY CASETAINING24EMBOTTLESBEARINGaNAONTHEM,given our drivers or returnedto theThesameappliestothereturnof6dozencases, For every case you purchase (after yourpurchaseonMarchIst,or thereafter)you wiil beedtopayadepositof30¢.per case you purchaseCESSOFTHENUMBER(OF CASES YOU RBTOOURDRIVERSORATOURPLANT.(Cases Pert,OUR BOTTLES).On six dozencases A ticket showing YOUR DEPOSIT will be givenUponthereturnofcaseorcases,FULL OFBOTTLESBEARINGOURNAMEANDYOURPOSITTICKET,YOUR MONEY WILL BEYOUbyourdrivers,or at our plant. tobe90¢c. Orders for Freight Shipment must be accompaniedazourcheckcoveringregularinvoicepricePLUSDB--0S TO THE FAMILY TRADE OF STATESVILLE ,ontthoseOtherThanMerchants: If vou hb ve one of our cases FULL OF EMPTY BOT-TLES BE’2ING OUR NAME,upon the return of sametoourdr’vers,you will receive a full case of any of ourproductsfor$1 CASH.‘’Phone your grocer orandwewilldeliverdirecttoYOU,and credit yourer’s account with 25e.It is not Right and Fair tomereantCustomers,to sell the fami =WHOLESALE or MERCHANT prices. trac.b ut we want to get it in AN HONORABLE 4O-vour First Purchase you will be required to pay$1.80 4fora(wo-dozen case.The 30¢.will be refunded you incash,4 ilythe return of the case contain =bottles “#our name and your deposit t Nothing less ii:.*a two dozen case sold,not in the RETAIL busine:s.we ore We onan invite you to on in to see us.Seefor |yourself,a Real aia |a a.t. ery ‘ou *ary”+February20,2017,SS et State Senate did well to kill) |the pensioning of the difficulty it obtaining funds to properly for the¢State inetitutions, amall pension paid Confeder- veterans,the State of —Car- olina is in no condition to tuke on a pension list for civil officials;and if the State is ever in condition to put on «civil pension list we are not so sure that officials who are paid good salaries during their term of active service would be entitled to first con- sideration, SS Roy Trarwick,the young Union county convict who brought the charges of cruelty te convicts on the State prison farms in Halifax coun- tv.was asked by Supt.Mann of the State prison.following Traywick's testimony before the lewislative in- vesticating committee,if he (Tray- wick)believed in the existence of God.The idea of Supt.Mann seems to have been to discredit Traywick by showing tha‘he was an infidel or an agnostic Traywick answered that he believed in a Supreme Being. Conditions at the State farms as portrayed by Traywick and corrob- orated by others were calculated to ahoke oa:whief in God,or at least in the efficacy of religion as practived in this State;and if one eould pass through the by Traywieck and eyperiences related Hill hold faith in th wisder and jus f a Higher Pow-er,then his faith is strong. SET A EN A couple of our contemporari seem to hold the view that when on s imprisoned for failure to pay fine imposed by the court,thatconstitutesimprisonmentfer debi, which is prohibited by the constitu- tion.That is a trifle far-fetched.For certain offences under the la court is authorized to inipo: fine or imprisonment as piIfinitsdiscretionthecourt imposes a fine and the offender is unwilins unable to pay the fine,the only al-ternative is the imprisonment —pro- vide by law--and that is net im- priconment for «edt.It substitut- ing one form ef punisnament for an- other:and if the courts could not do that chev would be helpless when the offender feiled or refused to pay a fine.The imprisonment for debt ¢nplated in the constitutional inhibisien,was of course a debt dac by cone individual to another. OreSEDeeome ny Now what will the extreme dry e!- ement in the State «ay to Senator Simmons,who voted against the “hone drv’rrohibition provision which passed the Senate last week? or to Senater Overman,who voted with his colleague next day to strike it out?If they get after Mr.Sim- mons he car tell them that he was largely responsible for the first -pro- hibition law of the State,which siarted the wave that made theStatedry.The Senator and the lateGov.Aycock drew the bill known as the “Watts 'ew.”it eeing irtreduced and chamnioned in the House by Mr. Watts of Iredell,and it was the back- ing-of Senator Simmons that put the © Mencure over.Senator Overman,we believe,has a consistent record as a wrohibitionist,even when his home town and county were verv wet.The Sapeters who opposed the Reed amendment doubtless proceeded on the idea that if prahibition States want to allow the cilizen to buy in limited ouantities it was not thebusinessofCongresstointerfere. —-.eee The Tennessee Legislature hasvotedtorestorecapitalpunishment. whith was not long ago abolished in thet State.The only real obdjection to the death penalty as a punish- ment for crime is that it is not in- flicteg,as promptly and as frequent- Iv ag it shouvid be.—-Norfoik Virin- ian-Pilot. That is the only real objection among folks who are not carried off thei’feet by sentiment.A bill to aboligh capital punishment is now pendimy in the North earolina Legis-lature and The Lanemark will not be purpRised if it beeomes law.This paper ix opposed to the hill,but it is free go say that under the conditions isting its enactment might tend to promote a greater measureofystice.Capital nunishment is very infrequently inflicted in NorthCardina,so infrequently that those who ‘suffer the extresie penalty seem to be the s of discrimination, innemuch as Oo mans apparentlyeqaal}y as guilty escape We don't heliave it is for the best,but possibly #f capital punishment were abolished all who deser\he extreme penalty would stand more nearly on the game footing and there would be less discrimination in the adr of the law(eeeceeonemem When the Wiikes delegaiion came to Statesville Inst fall and =asked that Trede!!surrender whatever claim it would make for a part of the Fed-eral toad fund in favor of Wilkes,on ece t of the distressing concitions existing in Wilkes as a result of the duly flood,the request was cheerful- i anted.In resus Wilkes tion voluntarily promised that the first road built in Wilkes would t with Iredell.Recently it has »feported that this would not bethatotherlineswouldhebuilt it i¢a pleasure to read in the Hustler that the Wilkes reial club is standing by theoftheWilkesdelegationtointhismatter.The Hustler ro ex subject nistration n the seems the concensus of opinionelubthattheconnectionbe-this point and the Iredell gooddethemostbeneficialand=im-to be made and the commit-o'roads was instructed to ite betaht’Inmaking |this “a ofState Jiquors|for beverage purposes,shall bepee.|ished by afine of not more than $1,000;or imprisonment not more than sixmonths,or both,and for any subse-quent offence shall be imprisoned not!more than one year.”It will be noticed that the party whoordersorbuystheliquorwillbethe guilty party.Of course some of themembersofCongressandothersare talking about States’rights.y con-tend that as the States can,under the Webb -Kenyon act,prohibit the ship- ment of liquor into their borders,it is for the States,and not for Congress to decide whether any shipments shal’be permitted.Sound dectrine 25 years ayo.but this has passed,along with the passing of many of the rights of the individual formerly held saeredandwemightaswellacceptthesitu-ation gracefully.Conferess is about te do for us,without our asking it,what our State Legislature has so far failed- to do. Senator Jones ef Bancombe has introduced a bill to reauce the num- ber of commissioners o7 that county ‘rom five to three arc to pay them ,calery for their.wi-ole time—-the et man $2.500 and the others $2,000rchannually.The countics,follow- the efforts of many of the towns, e striving for better business man- remeat of county affairs.There isonthattheancientsystemcountyandtownmanagement -commissioners and aldermen who vote a small part of their time to »public business for a per diem out of date and inefficient,espe- ially in the larger counties,where there is much business to be manag- 1.Few counties would need three managers for their whole time unless he duties of the commissioners are hanged.Other counties are trying to solve the problem by paying thechairmanferhiswholetime,he to manage the business of the county and others believe that a better solu-tion is to employ a county manager one with an expert knowledge of the business of the county,to work un- der the commissioners—after —the manner of town managers,who have done successful work in many cases. All of these plans are striving for abetterandmoreefficientmanage-ment of the public business,and we av hope and believe that the suc- cessful solution will eventually —be found, “It is in evidence,”says the Ral-cizh News and Observer,“that the cause of equal suffrage for women is on the steady advance.”It seems to be everywhere except in North Car- olina.Ail efforts in that direction have failed before the present Legis- no aque work...‘While the vopest to lower theaccomplishedthesame "order,there is quite a view of the severance ofrelationsbetweentheUnitedandGermany, ‘ seeing that Ge }|contrels that part of Belgium in| —the American legation is situat- EE one;eeeeee The sub-committee of the Senatenavalcommitteehasadded$263,000 to the naval appropriationpassedbytheHousece”Congress,Tf) this inerease is accepted by the Sen-ate and the House it will bring the to- t..)up to $531,000,000. a ee LAX-FOS; (aInLAX-FOS the Cascare is improvedtheedditionofcertainharmlessroicalswhichincreasetheefficiencyoftheCascara,making it better than ordinary Cascara.LAX-FOS is pleasant to takeanddoesnotgripenordisturbstomach,Adapted to children as we'll es adults,Just try one bottle for Coastipation.S0¢, PIANO TUNING—E.8.VanALSTYNE ofSalisbury.Orders left with Mr.L.W.MageeKESSON,at Statesville Drug Company,willreceivepromptattention.Feb.20---ttw, L ARNER,Statesville,N.C. -——Dealer In —— fides,Furs,Woo!and Be3>s- wax,Also ald Meta!and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags,Books and Magazines.We pay the market prices. Independent Phone 506. highest ‘ference in the method ofanditisadmittedthattheats aneernment,in making this request,acting entirely within its rights in th -cent article.To a piece of seen—-anything from a sun-bonnet to a saw mili—heroundadjectives,fanciful nouns,end phrases, —to himself at the thought of the “suckers”who will te.,AND FISH THAT FAIL TOSEE THE “HIDDENINATBODYOFTHEDANGLINGAREPERMITTEDTOSEETHEDECEPTIONTHEMAIL-ORDER PACKAGE UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE PAID THE C.0.D.!‘ Let us bea true home-loving community supporti:.g pesple—and quit heing fish!The very foundations of your homes,schoolhouses and churches;the splendid,well-lighted streets that make Statesville one.of the real beautiful towns of North,Carolina;the preserva- k tion of old and building of new highways that increase thevalueoffarmpropertybybringingitnearertown,the social life and industrial growth of your community—anil depend upon how we build up or tear down our local business insti- tutions.ie These reflections are prompted by a Customer who recently in-3 quired why the parts of his Ford ear were not as enduringaswhenhefirstoperatedhiscar.The answer was easy.He had been buying these parts throughsomemail-order house—one of the several thousand little 4 manufacturers who think they can improve on Ford's highlyspecializedproducto!heat-treated Vanadium steel. We could put mail-order parts into your ear—at mail-order profitstoourselves—at the risk of your life and property;but, thank God,we don't do business under a flag of skull andcross-bones! And we speck not only for the Carolina Motor Company,but in the interest of every live,four-by-four Merchant,Doctor, Dentist,Druggist,Lawyer and Manufacturer in our town ~ and county. CAROLINA MOTOR COMP’Y. “WE INEVER CLOSE.”MOORESVILLE. || ifif Bell Phone 9302. ‘F YOUR HOUSE NEEDS A Roof,don't forget that March winds will blow off the loose Shingles and the April rains will pour ia Plenty of all grades Shingles on hand at C.WATKINS’Lumber Yard. a, lature.Fven the small privilege of voting in municipal elections in Ashe- ville was denied the women of that ity,in the face of the unanimous re- quest of the Buncombe legislators and many citizens.<An_interesting feature of this violent opposition to woman suffrage in this State is that it comes in the main from the legis- lators who seem to have charge oftheinterestsoftheDemocraticpar- y—-or at least from those who on all occasions make a plea for considera-tion of the party’s interest—and in defeating every movement in the di- rection of woman suffrage they have!been in direet opposition to the ree- ommendation in the last Democraticnationalplatform,which was that the States grant suffrage to women on equal terms with men.One issometimestemptedtowonderifthe real opposition to woman suffrage intheStateisn't a fear on the part of same of the statesmen of what the women might do to them once theygettotheballotbox. The investigation of charges of cru- elty to prisoners at the State prison farm discloses a condition that is a disgrace to the State and that cannot too soon be remedied.While super-visors and guards are to blame,it is tc be said that they are but following the system which has elways obtained anc the idea that a prisoner deserves littl It is the fault of the State and not of the men in charje of the convicts that proper quarters ar« not provided for the prisoners.This should be the first)change made and then men should be put in charge whe realize that even a convict is a human }1 should be treated according consideration emg an ly. SS Congress last week had under con- ider three appropriation —bills that carried a total of nesrly $800,- f00,000,The naval appropriation bill was $368,000,000,the annual pen- ion bill $160,000,600 and the army $247.000,000-—a total of $775,-000,000,all on account of prepared. ness for war and to px;pensionersasaresultofwar.That's the way the money goes—and if nctual hostili- ties occur what is now being appro-priated will be but a drop in thebucket. teratior budwet ee eeee The bill to increase the number of Superior Court judges from 20 to 24shouldnetpasstheLegislature.If the districts were properly arranged and the work properly apportioned,20 Su- perior Court judges are more than enough.Some of them don’t workmorethanhalftheirtimenow,if that Believes in Turner and Beasicy. Referring to the investigation ofthechargesofcrueltytoStatecon-viets,the Chatham Record says:“We hope this will be a thor Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. a" sider tens|weonen and let in cold.jj Thou Art Wei | In the balances and art found wanting”,was the sad declaration a patronage. be,because chairman is .Dd.rem a ont of x i ,Union county,ben ©na retiSateeeyesSeetheconvietstreated,that| *reme- we a oe we believe it will, and f ¥ oe Special Showing ——Of—— New Arrivals Spring Suits,Coats and Dresses. New things arriving daily in alldepartments. made to an ancient king.If you will buy your scales from us the charge of false weights will not be hurled at you. Every lady should have a family scale in her kitchen and every farmer should have a first class platform scale on the farm.We have scales from the farnily size up to the big thousand pound drop lever platform scales. See our window display of scales. io Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. i CHONOLONOCH CER a! »The hand that rocks the cradle may rule theworldallright,but the woman who is com-tent to handle financial matters is ableotakegogdcareofherselfwhichattimesmaybeasimportanttoher,as the question of ruling the worid.Many women today are good financiers.They understand ali about handling money.turbank.“Other women Tight,profitablyour»women mifollowtheireIt’s fine ofMissBunch,first-class dress-maker anddesigner,has taken space with uson2nd floor,end solicits your THE WOMEN 8. j — —— _ - = ea 4+ ot e +t a the University.From ©.Poston went to Raleimh last nightinontheLegislature.Mra.L.Tumpson of New York|bas been the guest of her) verted thefairyland,where MiDeaton,Gladys She and -ret Brawley servedcourseluncheon.Tue table settwelvewasclegantmentsofsilverandetglass andcluny.The centerpiece,a white en-|ameled basket filled with sweet peas, for |7initsappoint-‘ ‘with what averecaseofRheumatism. ter the best eral omte “ion ae maeay ereated their ’in re- Wheat (new)$1.00 perbushel.rd to myease,I consultedan Sate,Stee ner bushel.teopath and after an exami- en.nation he said the hip joint hadbecomeirritatedanditwouldOnthelocalmarketyesterday161-2 centsott"take a long time toeure it,if itrpoundwaspaidforbestgrade rket unsettled.Sette faak Be ver pach ,eould be cured at all,I felt so —erourages over my condition, ADVERTISEMENTSin this colnmn 10 conte|LOT had spent h s of dol- oe oe,eeshen tst fee ‘en i lars in the vain pursuit of ease, for my sufferingHearingofthegood effects thatWANTED—1,Cords Dry Pine Wi ;oh Wm.e,land maidenhair fern and tied with a Snrine and summer delivery.CAROLI : cowghey i tenietey or 2 Slow of pink wile;wae eet)eo ee Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy had -short stey in Asheville.‘attractive,The place cards were cu-|WANTRD—Mesenger with Wheel.—w.U.on others,I decided to try it.| Mrs.J.A.Long of Graham is in |pics ched 2 miniature suit ome |7 Panoene.Feb 2016 |bought a dozen bottles,think- Statesville this week,the of and the novel favors consisted of ti-|-ine aade a |a ;Mr,BH Adams.Ce ee Tacksts Aled ORe guarentee (mee that if T took at all | Mr.and Mrs.Arthur G.Foard,peas and ferns and tied with od ere ee 5ond ©pense.A@&Would go at it right.And won- er .&A “a ie,..who have been visiting in Atlantic|Beach,Florida,after a few dayswithMr.and Mrs.G.M.Foard here, left ne for their home in Lenoir.| Mr.and Mrs.Foard were accompa- nied home Miss Nora Neal Foard.byMrs.W.p.Ivey has returned to Lenoir after visiting Mrs.Marshall engagement.tome.Kany and pleasant -work.:|in and “talk business”with u Courtney,who has been ill at Long’s|The honoree of the afternoon,a a ee Gee Ne pre-|and have had no symptoms of.Come w $. ienkecinn.charming young lady,the daughter’F HENNINGER,Center street,Statésville.'the disease since.have time to listen.i Mrs.G.F.Ivey and daughter of of Mr.and Mrs.F.A.Sherrill,wore Fee.20--1t.oa |? Hickory arrived last week to visit a vese-colored afternoon gown with FoR RENT—Twe unfurnished Roome.wou t ad me rem at NT—Twe unfurn . Mrs.@ M.Foard.\a corsage of litcs-of-the-valley and —122 E.PROAD ST.Feo 20-4 |lected my duty to my fellow-Make OUR bank YOUR bank. Mrs.C.W.Boshamer left Satur-|rose!uds.rar OAL BO COLLaud,toedttng|Men if I did net C08 Gem of my . any,for a short stay in Charlotte.'{hoe enjowing the hospitality of “and Outbuiidines,for city property or wonderful cure and I advise)We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. iss Lorena Leonard,returning to the hostess.were Misses Beatrice stocks.E.G.CAITHER,Statesville,N.C.|any sufferer to give Mrs.Joe - accompan y rs.H.B.ood-heth Nattress,Frances Fleming,wanreo—rto contract for”Sande =i ¢HE FIRS NA IONALBANK; ==Walle as esby age —Psa —_—oa"Woot for i on fall Toren at I Bs oS .5 be essrs.erman fallace =&cLain,Charlye Tomlin ane iga-FURNITURE CO.Feb.20.aGrange,N,C.,Jan.31,’;‘a icin’ Fred.D.Bear are ¢pending awhile in Leth Brawley and Mesdames Henry peeeaCR -|ST A TROVILLE ;31,"16.Statesville,N.Cc. ?HOME -GROWN Sweet Peas and Carnations.|STA .DRUG CO. Florida.Salisbury Lewis and Me.R.Long.PARK PLACE GREEN HOUSE.‘Phone 285 W.F.HALL,-——— Mr.E.EF.Stanley went to Salisbury ia Kean.coed .__Blnek.Feb.20-1,|LOGAN STIMSON &SON i last night to attend a meeting of th arding students at States ee ee 4 POLK GRAY DR . managers of the Metrapolitan Insur ville Collere gave a reception Friday bal gman 4 cans Notenceline.-°sa mus co.Dor :::svanin«wihie oma si NY,geoc fe,wide-awake yourt n,Ww ance Co.of this district.1 ore r oaks :f'th ee Mane come Nmwehanica!experience.ABBY 1m Det:FORD AT AUCTION 4 Mr.G.E.French is visiting rela-ge number ©‘ends.€son Feb.20,. ik i ha oA ing hb,gucsts were met at the door by -an aed | aly Recap yr a the Te anche!MeLelland,president of OOD WANTED—City of Statesviiie wante |,0),direction,of Oe etree Gerthemcori| rus a ew Orteans.as os on egapts Mi Mare :te contract for pine weed delivered at pump willon THI DAY,MARCH 4&4,at the court| Misses Lucile Kimball and Rach’'°{it body,an«Mias Marguer-station.W.L.NEELY,Superintendent,house door i tesville,sell at auction to King have returned home from +Alexander Miss Marion Moore __feb.16 -2t a :the highest bidder ma ae.©Ford Automobile.Glasses? month's visit in South Carolina,received in the |library.The eve-POR SALE—Botier and Engine,25 H.P.Feb.16,1917.. ®’“i .a ee ciae VR «riitt _prmar;soiter,20 .PP.engine.rite 5.4 -coe dr.W.W.Foushee returned Satur."O®Ww lelightfully informal;a boil H.|Write 8,MILL,“ ay from a tay of two weeks in Miami.PFs?amme of music was a feature core The Landmark.Feb,16--2t.Auction Sale of Automobile i i —di nilectatetes ptbbeelr “h was served by isse aes .—é Wa.Mr.Foushee was accompanied |et a es =ii on -pon ENGINE W ANTED—30 to 75 uP.feet clans a s."7 »hi i .y Ai Iuemin °F new,gare ake B&B,Agnes eone on,Jeelers ntemplatin:—y Wes a 4 .| home by his daughter,Miss Purni:Moore,Margaret Long,Moore Orr,4 fertune on time od canhortal vomiiietans SED NESOAY,February 21,at 12 o'clock,’ Foushee.4 4 .mood uA anawer Weite Guat full noon the court house in Charlotte.Attend| Mr.Harry Sherrill,who has been ir and Ethel Harrelson.An ‘ce course rot anawer.ite ncrthing,=v-this big sale of high-class.gutomobiles--your| Seffner Fla “f r er i months nin wag gerved by Misses Ardell Towr-i bo ge on enon i ecaaner Tea:| ,a.,for several nths,Pe-Cond Susie nnel,Marios Moore,P [TT we new six-eylinder,seven-pasenger Stude-| turned Saturday to ‘Troutman,where Helen po Pe vieuke aad Willie Sharpe into ree tr STATESVILLE a eh gens gym ae —.Crolenees :| ie ‘»~~.Bf ,.*oS Ree ek ”wr re 7 oy rear .7 one *i verlang;one # he will be with his father.Mr.E.E.Meming.The college palers were —&INVESTMENT COMPANY.Hupp touring car;two oeacpammetane Teo :|‘ Sherrill.2 uretty for the oceansion.The punch =_{twonew Vim delivery truces.Cars can be} Senator Turner and Representative jowl was banked with smilax;ferns BUILDING?C.WATKINS,a ee ee eee Grier spent Sunday at home,returning to Raleigh yesterday. Mr 5i.Conneliy and Miss Bloise Connelly,have Gadwin,where they will spend the t re of the winter with Mrs.Chas fm.Spell,-Mrs.Connelly’s daughter daughter gone 19 }-of Mrs. in imitation of the center-piece.The exciting feature of the afternoon came with the last course,when each |guest discovered perchod jauntily on|ithe rim eof the tall ice glasses a pay|pink bird holding in its bil a tniy|‘ord bearing the announcement of the were in evidence in parlor and hibra- ry. The McDowell Club met at the home nD.J.Craig Wriday evenings Vrs,Craig and Mrs.Webb were hos tesses.The di.ef current events in response to the roll call wa evasion Mr.C.W.Tillett of Charlotte was in wn yesterday on business.inusualy interesting.The following Miss Mary Adams goes to Mocks-proyramme wes nioyed,two operas ville this week to sperd two weeks being considered: with Mrs.T.BE.Bailey..og Lit Biinenne Mrs.J.S.Setzer-and children have Story of the nergy ee returned from Harmony,where they ano ie Vv.‘inc.A.F.Maele. visited Mrs.Sctzer’s sister,Mrs,Nall Peoce ef the Bvarion _Vietrota, weil!a wh,me Bherril!Mra.J.M.McKee and Miss:2,"the Opera)Mero.ROR.MeLeurh!tr Mr.ond Mrs.J.M.MeKee and Miss ypiceue Waltz,Plano Mrs.Wm.Wailace. McCullough icft Saturday for New Aq Miss Murion Yount. York in the interest or J.M.McKee &retinas Mrs.DJ f rate.7 Co.g De ’A .Steele. Misses Annie and Wyllie Wither nents were served. spoon of Newten returned to their home in Newton Sunday efter a few Mi Beatrice and Elizabeth € days spent with Miss Rachel Morrison ninghem entertained their two clu ee eee a the ’acheior BP jes and the ferryDeathofMrs.Sherrill—Thief Stole make::.Thurslay afternoon,Heart Meat.was plaved four tables.Miss Ma=(nwlen |9 oher Correapandesce of ‘The Londmark ry Loretz Cowles won the =: Statesville,R-¢,Feb.19 —-Mrs.Ma- lissa Sherrill died Saturday and bh remains were buried at New Stiriing Sunday afternoon.Mrs.Sherrill was the wife of Hiram Sherrill,who sur vives,and a sister of the late Israc Johnsen. Mr.Press Sipe,who hes been work- ing with a railroad force in Souch Car- olina,is at home.He was crippled 0, a fall. Some one entered the smoke hou of Mr.John McNeely two weeks api and got two shoulders and a ham.i has fo trace of the thief. There was a debate at Elin Thurs day night.Loray will take part next Friday night.he subject is “Re 80 ,that the influence of man hi contributed more to civilization tha: woman.” Dr.Cloaninger assisted Dr.Little ir setting Mr Osear Deai’s leg last week Mr.Dea!is getting on af!right.Mr.and Mrs.W.F.Cowan and chi!dren of Barium spent Saturday night' at R.H.Gray's,returning home Sun day.Miss Eva Gray,who is in schoo! at Barium,accompanied them. Box Supper—Dredge Boat—-Personals. Correspondence of The Lanamart. Charles.Fe¥.19 —The box supper at Athens school house Friday night proved to be a success.Music was [ur- nished by »phonograph and a string band an |there was vocal music by| the school.Miss Mary Lawrence was | voted the prettiest girland Mr.Ear! Sigman the ugliest voy.About $17.50| was secured for the school.} The dredge boat of Sigman,Rut-| ledge &Rhinehardt began throwing| dirt Saturday.Miss Catharine home folks Saturday and Sunday | White visited home folks Satur and Sunday.Miss Lawrence is teaching in south Iredell and Misses and White are attending im Statesville.Mr.Billy Jurney in t his sister,Mrs.Fred.Casey 7 ofaMr.@.A le attended hemenosai ‘smallpox scare ixoverneighborhood.j ate neshould try _thele effect tsso a aa vere” re among the Merrymakers,Lovise Sherrill among the Bachelor Relles.The prize presented each winner was a deck of cards.There were refreshments. Mrs.FE.M.Yount entertained nbout 14 members of the younger set Friday evening.Various games were played,music being furnished by a Victrola. The G.T.C.’s met with Miss Ma- vy Loretz Cowles Saturday.After the guests had spent an hour with their embroidery,Miss Cowles serv- ed a salad eourse,followed by mint Cant.T.M,C.Davidson and Mr.J I).Fonrd of the vieinity of Statesvill: were guesta Friday at the hospitable home-of Col.Shakespeare Harris,i Cebarrus county,the occasion being & dinner in honor of Col,Harris’birth- day. Reported for The Landmark,/ Mra.John A.McLain delightfully entertained about 30 of her friends at a Voelentine party at her attract- ve home east of town,Wednesday nieht.The guests were met at the doer by Misses Jessie Freeland and |Carrie Elliott,and were taken through |derful,yes it is wonderful,theFeb.20. awas terrible.' FOR SAL P—feod large Mute,for cash or on eure it made of me,as my)time.TIMOTHY |SHERRILI.|near Salem friends can ‘estify.I began to ehureh,Coo!pringr Read.Feb.20-2.|jmprove on the first bottle andWANTED—Two tadies to assist in introducing by the time I had finished theanewlineofextractsandtoiletprepara-Perma.course I was a well,strong man We Mean Nothing Personal. BUT—if you want a GOOD RECORD, we can offer about 900 selections from our Victor Record Library. New ones each month.Come in and hear them. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. EVERYTHING MusIcAL,‘=== 105 East Broat Street. ©Sremnierereneses®_—a— ij : ron OLY? -_,ZNO20-8,” Under the Federal Reserve Banking System of which we area member we can take our securities to our district Federal Reserve Bank whenever we wantto and get MONEY.; Your money is absolutely safe in our bank and YOU CAN GET IT WHEN YOU WANT IT.i iz Rp 5 aes Oirwed We always Prices Have Not Advanced On Sulkies and Go-Carts. LLOYD'S PRINCESS GO-CARTS FIT FOR THE CHILD OF We have a big assortment for your inspection at 1916 prices. |Mrs.Rufty |Brings Suit ForLawrencevisited| Misses Anna Belle Gaither and Eve-| yes’,near)! the heart-bedecked hall into the par-| ‘or,where white and green decora-|tions were used,‘Several hours were‘pent at rook and other yames,af- ter which the guests were,invited in- to the dining room,where a delicious salad course Was served by Misses Fannie Ellis and Catherine Lawrence. The color scheme in the dining room was pink-—pink carnations being used in profusion. We are prepared to fit rubber tires on old wheels. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘PHONE NO.400, “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” momen ee Divorce.| Mrs.Pearl Adderholdt Rufty ha: brought suit for divorce against herhusband,Mr.Chas.B.Rufty,a prom-inent and wealthy citizen of Cataw-ba;Mra.Rufty,who asks the custo-'7 of her children,is the daughterMr.and Mrs.J.H.Adderholdt ofCatawba.°|Mr.Rufty is well known in States-|meee rr ethillBOnib’Se)SGI walaable ass .os os ~~?ead bh bet id‘ on Tie Pia yr eeroo tt)Wee ne ST &i a eaeee Sterling Silverware! Wehave a large lot of Sterling Silver in several!pat-terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks,Oyster Forks,=e Forks,ice Cream.Table Spoons,Dessert panne Gattet a he hing$you >e@ every ¢telisetheyarehighbutourprice!‘i low as any —| ,Olive Forks;Tea ,ce Tea Spoonsandalmost = Be right “on time.”Punctuality is ne You will be rieht on time if you let us sell you a correct time-keeper.We carry the reliable “makes”of watches and sell them at square prices Give your boy anew watch.Nothing could make him as happy;and then the possession ofa watch will teach him to be on time. When you need new giasses--Coms in. R. ¢”“tO ssaryforsuccess. F.HENRY,Jeweler.a Fruit of the Loom Bleached Domestic, -Lh be.Johnston-Belk Co.| WE ARE SHOWING a Smartest and newest stylos available in Misses’and . dren’s Ready-to-Wears for Spring and Summer,j GARMENT IS CORRECT IN STYLE, CLUDE ALL THE NEWEST,such as MADRAS, HAMS and PERCALES!Sizes from three Prices 48¢.,98c.,$1.48 and $1.98,LESS 7THANyears.THE MATERIAL WOULD COST! NEW WAISTS,NEW SKIRTS, Elegant Materials for Children’s Wear.Fast colors,18¢. per yard. All colors,checks and stripes,15c.per yard. Beautiful line for Spring and Summer. $2-inch at . 27-inch at ...QT-irich at ........06 27-inch at .Apron Check at Voiles,Lawns,Dotted Swiss,Dimities and everything for Ladies’Waists at very attractive prices, A shipment of JOHN B.STETSON HATS in all thenewshadesandOurbuyersarenowinthewillemia : So ee 11 1-26.de at MATERIALS IN- 14 NEW SPORT COATS.LADLASSIE CLOTH, GALATEA. GINGH AMS! 15¢. Seer eeeeee ee ee ee | eevesovgvet eeeeeeeeee) eee eee eee eer eee eeneeGoons.weeeeeee WHITE JUST RECEIVED black. rf %.haaaa fe of the proceed- Superior Court of twen- Superior Court recently wasshort,the criminal docket being com- pleted in one and a half-days.The The last term of Ire-| Seesandvillepeopleaccountof Mrs.feared that her conditionUptoyafternoon her condition had been . old resident,remarking unon this,Statesville relatives and they take said that at one term of court con-to meanthatshe is recovering.|vening in the year 189%,166 cases The ear which struck Mrs.Rivers|He as was driven by Mr.Lee Sloan,o |came before the grand jury. u Senter of the grand jury remem- bered that the body was busy throughout one week,from Monday morning until Saturday afterneon, with the business coming before the bedy.The judges in the courts 20 years ago passed judgment on many criminal cases.The pages of the county papers,the old citizen remem- bered,contained several columns of court items following a term of court; now a half column is sufficient space in which to record the proceedings of the average term of court. There is no doubt that the courts of the county have fewer offenders to deal with than formeriy.The city courts have few cases of misdemean- ora to report.The people of the town and county musi be living more orderly,law-abiding lives than they did 20 years ago. To Educate Indigent Children. Some years ago W.S.Murray and others in Buncombe county made a fruitless attempt to break the will ofMarray's brother,J .L.Murray,who willed his estate to be applied to the education ef indigent white children ef Buncomie county.W.S.Murray died some days ago and his wil!dis- closes that he left his property for the same purpose.The property is to be under the contro!of a board of trustees.The testator states it to Pe his de- sire that this board use its best judg- ment in having some charitable or philanthropi:institution,or person, establish such qa school on his land and that if such school is estab lished,all the proceeds thelardsarétobeusedforitsmainten- ance and suppert.In the event of the beard of trustees not being success-ful in having such school establisif- ed on his property they are then em- powered to establish a fund from the of —of the land and to apply this * fund to the education of the children in such manner as (hey see fit. Se RSE Identity Of German Raider. Some time ago there were reports , of the operations of «mysterious Ger- man cruiser on the seas.A New York dispatch says the identity of a German raider as the cruiser Vineta was definitely established with the arrival in New York Saturday of 11 sailors,several of whom are Amer .jeans,members of the crew of the British steamship St.‘Theodore. The Vineta,after capturing th British freighter early in January turned the St.Theodore into a raid ing vessel by mounting guns on her deck and supplying her with a German crew.The “ineta then re- sumed her mission of destroying en- tente vessels.and the men said they were allowed to witness the sinking of two French sailing vessels and five British steamships. Fireman Seriously Injured. Answering a fire alarm,the motor truck of the Charlotte fire departnien collided with a street car,Friday,in- juring eight firemen and two passer gers on the street car,Three of thfiremen,Geo.Spittle,W.F.SimpsorandJamesMorris,were serious!y hurt and there is doubt ef the recovery of gil of them. Fireman Bob Barnes,who is Alexander county man,was driving the machine and it is said that hi: management of the truck probabl; saved all the firemen from death or seriousinjuryforthosewhoescaped Barnes’injuries are not serious and the passenjrers on the street car wer not seriously hurt The moter truck was sadly wreckedThedamagetothe-:reet car waslight. American Seamen Released. Dispatches from Berlin last wee) announced that the 72 American seg men brought in on the capture: ish boat Yarrowdale had been ed.It was reported from Perlistheseamenwerebeingdetuine vigorous demand on -i0 Geom: ernment for their retease had } prepared in Washington whe: news of their release was ecerced MATTERS OF NEWS. A big steel net is being pl the approach of Hamptor Virginia,to guard ayainst thesenbeats. Henry P.Fletcher,American amssadortoMexico,has reached Mex t at Koads, inder- ico City and is now in charge ofAmericaninterestsinMexico Gov,E.C.Debaca of New MexicodiedSundayafternoon.He had beenillformonths.He was elected Gov-ernor last fall.Lieut.Gov.W.ELindsaysucceedstotheoffice.Bishop Lawrence of Boston an-|nounces that the oli are pension fundwhichtheEpiscopalChurchisraisinghaspassedthe$5,000,000 mark.Orig-inal estimates,he states,required thissuma¢a minimum if the movement‘was to be a success. Zep,manymansien of Wallace CarlaspresidentoftheA.and MCollegeinRaleizhThursdaywi!l beaneventofconsiderableinterest.AHumberofprominentspeakersandthealumniofthecollegeareintheevent. young white man,who was put in jail|pending the resvit of her depen Heclaimsthatinattempting.to avoidMrs,and Miss Rivers,who were crogs-| ing a street,he lost contre!of his car ”iIndependentsNotAgreed. Four of the five independents who|will probably hold the balance of| power in the next House of Congress | met in Washington last week to makeplansforco-operation,but failed to |agree to act as a unit on any proposalTheydidagreetomeetagainshortly befoie the convening of the new Con greas,after sounding out both Demo-| cratic and Republican leaders as to their attitude on reforms favored gen-erally by the independents. It is estimated that the DemocratsandRepublicanswillhave215voteseachintheHouse.A majority is 218 nd three of the independents can swing the vote either way they cheose The Tri-State Medica!Society,com- posed of doctors from North and South Carolina and V ,meets in Dur- ham tomorrow. A few hours after the funeral @f her on,Arthur S.Whoten,Mrs.Sarah Wooten of LaGrange,Lenoir county, died from the shock caused by heri's death. SeeeSeae Drives Out Malaria,Bulids Up System The Oid Standard general strengthening tomic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chil!TONIC,drives out Malaria,enrichesthe biood.and builds upthe sys- tem.A truc tonic.For adults “ad children.S0c ~RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE.| SOF A.C.Crouch,administrator of Fred.Rebb, -4.ve.Mrs.Eva Morrison ct al.,heirs- UNDER i by tue of an order of —the Superior Cou {Iredell county,we,the un- dersigned commissioners,will sell to the high- st bidder,for ¢»on a WEDNESDAY.MARCH : oe r the foll ne described real pe 4 gonta stone in the public raad,cor-tN *,thence with said road south t-2 degrees EL 74 1-2{let a.8 poles to a red »south 1-3onMorrison's ce &2 degrees Morrison's line,tnence north §5 de- ye on the line of let No.7:thence 1-2 derrees >+2 poles to the hewidning,containing 21 acres,more r leneTheabovedeseribedlandis#part of the oldJobnRobbplaceandisbeingreac- oak.” of jut No 7:&west 9S 1-2 polos ta an stecorher f jot No.8,and eorner enst old onfantofanincrensedbidof10percent.over bid sohe ed at last stile Bidding will start at H.C.PRIVETTE, R.T.WEATHERMAN,Feb.2 +1 Commissioners. x.Sovereign Cigarettes ‘ >wet DAVIS’100 per cent.PURE PAIN? scars gbove them all in quality andpopularity. FOR SALF BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., It seems somehow that the love of truth is inborn—in every Southerner and it sticks right close to him for all his days— just like a life-long friend. That’s why,friends,when I hear people praising me all over the South—saying “SOVEREIGN is King of Them All”,—well, it 7s true—that’s all. For example,I heard one gentleman saytheotherday:—‘“Here is the finest ciga- You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! You Folks of the South KNOW good toécacco! No doubt of it all.Good breeding does count.Quality docs tell.So,it’s youand mebe the real friends that we ought to be,And,here is something more for you to think about— lam If you FOR THE don’t like me return me to your cealer and get your money back.I have said it.A Southern gentleman is known the world over for keeping his word,and |have given you mine. rette I ever smoked.I never buy any other.The finest product of Virginia and Carolina tobacco,in all its mildness,and sweetness and mellowness.” Yes—It’s great to be a SOVEREIGN.It’s fine to have real breeding back of you,to be brought up in a fine,white,healthy home,—and to hear so many nice things from so many friends down South here among you all.And the reason is just this—it’s because— —Buy me.Heeneenarse ¥ or &south99 a a Statesville,W.C.| Buy And Enjo A Weser Phonograph USE BRICK. “Of the materials offered for building,which is the most permanent’?The editor of the Youth’s Compan. ion,in the issue.of November 9th,on the Family Page.. says: “The best of the man-made materials is BRICK.It has passed the test of time,it recommends itself to the eye in color,texture and in size,which is small enoughtopermittheuseofpleasantpatterns,called “bonds,” and of varying sizes in window and door openings—both impossible with the cement and terra-cotta blocks now on the market.It has a further advantage in being sol- id,so that it can be used in picrs and all members that require strength.I»some neighborhoods the cost over wood construction is ten per cent.,but the saving onmaintenanceoutweighsthat.” STATESVILLE BRICK CO._} Prices range from $20 to $750, Shown above is cut ofModel100,price $100,Come in for a demon-stration.Leonard Piano Stare] ate,oe 15 PoundsCandy 3 —_re CHO Cea NUNNALLY’S AT THAT. ; Si i g an n t i o n e e e Decrease in the mechanical ills of the car means increased pleasure for the party. T is scarcely possible to enjoy a motor trip that is interrupted by all sorts of breakdowns. JN order to have the car right and the trip a success let us put it in shape before you start. CALL AT OUR STORE FOR PARTICULARS. ‘:NERC er ro hyAe a * | GRAYDRU G CO.“OntheSquar e ” §i).| —_ WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE BOYS OFIREDELLCOUNTYTHATWEAREGOINGTQORGANIZEAPIGCLUB. Weproposetobuythepigs,and furnish to the members oftheClab,and take their notes due twelve months after date,bearing 6per cent interest.There wili be certain rules,and jons governing the Club which exch boy will agree to OnlyRegistered Stock wi'l be used,and that the best that we can get.We will have competent jedges to select the pigs.They Wil]be bought in quantities,and furnished tp the boys at actual cest.Mr.G.E.Duit,County Demonstrator,will be inchargeoftheCub,and will g'adly give advice,and instructions,for the care end fecdingof the pigs.; The cbicct of the Unb is to encourage the boys,and tohelpthefarm-<s to improve their stock.We are in communis cation w.th some of the best hog raisers in the country,and expect to start the (lub ehout the last of March or the first of April.Boys who ore interested in joining the Club,wil!p'ease see Mr.Duli or ¥.B.Bunch,Cashier of the Merchants &Farmers’Bank Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” aee eeeee2Reeeee STATIONERY WLLL INTEREST YOU. Box,Pounds,Tablets,Envelopes, Correspondence Cards. The price 1s.right. the best. The quality THE REXALL STORE, Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. ——- Be.mntion,absolutely e ment a thorayrhiy ;be spent on the f Three Americans Killed Ae a WHY SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? WHEN *Hall’s Headache Powder WILL STOP THE PAIN IN 10 MINUTES—19 CENTS, HALL’S DRUG STORE,Phone No.20, ’s Smoke There’s Fire AND—it’s one of the hardest things in life to help-lessly watch everythinggo up in smoke from the firethatinafewminutesreducestoashestheresultsofofindustryand: ~—with von curtuk,bead insurance policiesouhavethefundsforatart.ak in no time.WHYin which havelawyagainstsuchadvertising.Jt was|Slonted after brief dehate,bv aof45to11,by the Senate sittingjcommitteeofthewhole.|The amendment follows:|*“Whoever shall order,purchase or cance intoxicating liquors to betrans-|,Norted im inter-State commerce exeeptforscientific,sacramente!,medicinal,or mechanical purposes into anyStateorterritory,the laws of|State or territory prohibit the manw-factnre or sale therein of intoxiecat- ing liovuers for beverage purposes. shell be punished by a fine of net more than $1.000,or imorisoned netmorethansixmonthsorboth.and for anv subsequent offense,shall be im-prisened net more than ene vear.”The effect of this oemendment would be to meke all prohibition States“hone dry.”so far as the shipmentafliquorfromtheoutsideiscoeern-ed,ss ‘t would abolish at one stroke nit the previsiona of State laws whichpermittheshipmentofliquorinlim-ite’cuantities:and the penalty is sufficiont!y severe to guarantee aniyeffectiveenforcementoftheaw, The original Jones amendment tohernewspapersandetherliquorad-veri'isements from the mails in States having anti-liquor odvertising lawsattachos(he same penalties as pro-vided in the Reed amcudment.Une rovision,no pewstaner,r.poste!card,cireular)ra of any kind centaining or advertisements could be mailed>dry States. iay after the measure had caimmittoe of the whole, »prohibivionists,fearingieanti-liquor hi have a roactionary.ef-was the execu siven— i!iscesafully to reverse the vy were cefeated —98 to or Simmons was one of the i agains:the Reed of the h:Soneters SimmonsvotedintheSenatelavioetrikeouttheamend- If the Heuse concurs in the codment it will operate to mekesichprohibitienStetesasVirginia, rman Worth Crroline.South Carolina,Ala-Grorgin.Hmitoda,Missic<ippi andthnevm!!importatien of ies of Viquor fur.‘sc 0“pone ary. Me,Duke Will Give a Boat. According to the New Vork Work, My.dames B.Dake mil¥onaire baceo Mare will rive to the wove equipred =constnatrolbeatintheeventofwerwithAtleast81.000,000 willProject,which is said to be well under way.AofemployesinMrDuke'shavevolunteeredtomanthe chiptheNavyDepartmentwill them to this service.Mr.Duke is an nvdent advocate of defensive pre parednesg. it is said that the patrol heat wil!have every modern equipment knowntomodernnavelwerfareandwillhaveaspeedofovertwentyknotsanhovr.It will be 250 feet long andwillcarrybetween250and300menItisfurtherstatedthatthehvdro- electric plants of the Sevthern PoverCompany——in which Mr.Duke iinterested—in North and Seuth Car-lina,will aleo be turned over to thesrovernment,in the event of war.fo such use as can be made of them. SERRANOecESEGECEOSSee Cermany. atice if By Mexicans. Three hodies,identified as those of Andrew P.Petersen,Hugh Accord and Burton Jensen.were found InstweekbyLemSpillsbury.a seout of Gen.Pershing,a few miles from th: Corner ranch,whick is located nearthe.Mexican boundary and theAmericanside.in New Mexico.This ranch was raided a few davs previouslybyGen.Salazar,a Villa com mander.The bodies of the men were found on the Mexican side of theboundary.Fach man had been sh many times in the head and Accord'sheadwarmutilatedwithamachete A government agent.after ep i vestivation of the Washington that the Mexicans un Pruodencio Miranda were eating din-ner at a ranch house or the Amer exn side when Petersen,Jensen and Aceord rode up,unarmed.The Amer jeans were made prisoners,and wereafterwardshot.The report also cofirmedpreviousreportsoftheCor-ner raweh raid. en Town of Whitney Disappearing. Albemarle Enterprise. The Southern station at Whitneyhasbeentorndown;the Southbound station at the same point will proba-bly ere long follow suit.This stateofaffairsisofcouraeduetotheffactthatthereisverylittlebusinessfortherailroadsat more.When the big dam is completedwaterwillcovermuchofWhitneyThetownthenwillprobablyremainonlyaname,and the memory ofwhathasbeeninthenatureofacoloxsalenterprisewhichcametonaught. Whitney any shipping pro-) personal con-! number } assien| raid,reported to brew,ves or trees.there 1s consists of boiledPotatoeswithsomekindof boiled vegetable,anc,on perhanstwodaysoftheweek,a tiny picer;of meat.Fish takes the place of Meat on other unless one ca»buy o goose at $1.50 s pound,a due’:at 21.44 a pound,a at $1,352 aPound,or a hen at $1.08 to 71.20 4 Pound. Supper is theerarehousehold,lly therejarenoleftoverfromnoonandiftherearethereis;no fat in which to fry them.The;esosl Corman sup before the1Weconsistedcold=meain,|Sausage,cheese,bread and pbut-jter and beer.There is no mea:,no cheese and no sausage.no butteromfourorfivedaysoftheweek,nomorebottledbeer,and many s2loon- keepers refuse to sell beer to be con-, Dinner general in the av- sumed off the premises.The beer,:| moreover,is all but undrinkable.}}There remain,then,only bread and|fish.fresh,smoked,dried or canned.||}And here the problem of cost isjaddedtothatofmonotony.Tie writ-ler paid in Berlin $1.20 a pound forordinarylaketroutand84centsaSoundforHHwaterbass.Dried salted fish cost 36 cents a,|pound and smoked ee)$1.92 to £2.40.)|Smoked goose t costs $3 to 83.-|50 a pound and boiled shrimps are 72vents,Pepper costs $6 a pound and ;8me!l raisins $1.08,Saceharine dis-|solved in water has taken the place lof :ugar for sweetening coffee andprivatehomes,as wel!as res-Milk i#ordinarily availa-in limited quantities only for in-i velids.the very aged and amali ch’l-1 msuren, t taurante, I hie |S TORRESSnEREETSIREGOCE ToCureaCold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine.It stops theCoughandMeadachesadworksofftyeCold Druggista refand money if i:fails to cure.k.W.GROVE'S sigua’ure on each bux.cdc A NO TIME WASTED! |Prompt Action Is Pleasing Many, ‘Statesville Citizens. |Get down to the cause of every. thing. Bad backs are frequently caused by iweak kidneys, '"Help the kidneys to get rid of kid- Mey backache. Doan's Kidney Pills ure for the kid- -neys only, No time wasted trying to cure oth- er troubles. EtateBville merit. people endorse their Mrs.C.O.Kennerly, Xve.,Statesville,says: caused me misery and 348 Western “My teck after taking Doan's Kidney Pills,1 was relieved. I consider them a fine kidney medi- cine and don’t hesitate to reconmgnend them.” Price 50c.n't amply asi:for a kidney remedy-—zet Dean's Kidney Pills-—the same that Mrs.Kenneriy Fosterb Milburn Co,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. Flowers ut all dealers.[x had. | For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. eee a ee nee PSEENTER A ON cermin NENT tee Sa — OF Sncadlieattbdinanetidemteasaaeeteiieaataemastioteeae THE SECRET OF HOME CONTENT |Is not rich,expensive surroundings,butiscorrectdomesticrelationsandcorrect,harmonious fur-nishing of the house.:It is easy to be contented at home when the home ispleasant. We Have Many Idezs in Furnishingriomesthatleadtohomecontent.They ar2 yours fortheasking. Builders Weare always receiving shipments of Doors,Sash,Sash Weights,Locks, Hardware! Paint in fact everythia,carried by a good Hardware Store and itcertainly will pay you to visit our store before you buy.Our prices areas low as will be found anywhere quality con- sidercd.Wesre sure we can save ‘fou monev if vou will give us a.we chance. Taylor Elastic Felt Mattress.The guaranteed kinb.Try it SO days ond if not found as we recommend it to be re- turn it tous and yet your money back.This mattress 3 made of the very best white felt and No.|ticking. We con also fic you up with the best of any kind of spring you may desire.Our stock is compiete in everydepertmentandweawaityourinspection.: Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘The Favorite Store.” Van Lindley (o.,|: 0 toy tow Ge} S2SBSESTANS Sri zesszrt. Commercial OF STATESVILLE,N.©, The Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode-positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods, Four per cent.paidontime and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: Thomas Dixon’s Mighty Sequel to “The Birth of a Nation”.A Thrilling Motion Picture Spectacle dealing with Love and War.Exactly as Produced at the Liberty Theatre,New York, and the Illinois Theatre,Chicago. Doors Open at2 p.m.and Picture will be Shown in two-hour periods as follows: 2,4,6,8 and 10 p.m. PRICES:C!Wilciven 25 cents. o Adafifs.50 cents. THE LANDMAR Ix TUJESDAY,--_ary 20,| Small Boy ard the \aivatine. The dark was coming on;and the Majority of little boys are a d of the dark.A cert.tt "who is like the majorit lurked in the shadows ©tul which surrounded a pre tty home.A passersby hurried alone the stres the urchin slunk deep among he hedge after the mamblehighwayman.A man strode upthestreetclosebytheshrinking child and turned into the walk lead- ing to the house.It was severa minutes before a figure was guishable amony the branches ohedge.Once the little from his hiding place,and wo the street to the corner,beneath anelectriclighthesurreptitious!y wrapped a package which he and exposed to view 9 won combination of «arin and h lace.A step soar ided up the and the little fell:w scurried his hiding place There were lights wit and the sound of a chi!d’ could be heard.Once a came to the door and looked down the street.The branche hedge rustled and :ll hoy ¢ lost his balance as he leaned pe through the hedge.After ««satlys which resulted in nothi: little boy,when there was no: visible except himself,crept lessly up the walk to the hous which he had skulked,hung a little package on the door } the doorbell with a startling and fled The good ol Sa Many yeurs t hearts are young,Sai:Day will be observed M Price The Federal Trade (Co nounces that the principal new paper manufacturers of the States and Canada have pro} that the commission determine a fair and reasonat maximur per paper from)March 1,0 1017 tember 1,10 Th prbetakenunderadvisems announceme:mal days This re ‘the pi facturers |re hreater tion by Presick Wi t normal prices of print pap special session of Coipress to} medial legislation.The Presid tertions were placed before the manu facturers by Secretary McAdoo,who teld them that the administration did net intend to see an allered monopel throveh =extortionate pricesenterrestraintsonthepress evernment itself s empo Seeince At the same time e Fe al rand jury iv February 20,19NZ ama Commission Fix mim New Yo Paring to bring indictments.Then tPapermanufacturersoxkedthe Thiesion to fix the price SD eeeneaee thefall neme%w curr.re: FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. Items of Interest About| Matters. the so et ‘arious ty of little bovs,aft ill hedge yes ver of a verita-have distin- f the cient boy emerved « AY the g ne 4 en PHONEi me of it. William Palmer,econd ¢ of the American transport line golia,arrived in Baltimer Memouth,England.via)Ne. and said he saw the merch: marine PDeutachtlans a {se Germa minderwate howt rhor,Palmer a »had «ant and that iRt chained Report have bec hin oe i fer me tim vtschlant,the German ur neg revant boa.which twice visite: year,had been yether RHLDINGT 7 cap- ashinerten ent saying hat mm the Entepte, of Greece,apd living on evbe ition at W EL rhe =att Recommendation. t stion arvordfromtofthoe berinin.a Cea Amar ‘a (ar ed in my { Are 8 a it hasold.’Obtain FOR SALEiE «good t-but! 1 CRAWFORD,1 LET G. Draw H.LESTER your plans and ood kind of lumber ities from gethe EPEC One Solid Week of Corset Talk! sy placing advance orders with Manufacturers we are able to give to our customers goods of exceedingly high value at the same price as we have donein the past,and maintain the reputation of Thompson Glove x itting Corssets,Models for slender figures and young Ladies, Models giving slightly incurve waist lines for medium figures, and $1.50,Models with elastic sections at#1.vO and $1.50. Lace i ‘ront Models for average and medium figures,£1.00 and $1.50. rn lels for full figures,$1.00 and £1.50. wand Duchess Models for heavy figures,$1.5VowfitCorsetsforlightfigures,only 50c. This line of Corsets is standard of the worldfor over sixty years. Let us show you, MILLS &POSTON. $1.00 and $1.50, $1.00 hack for medium and full figures, C;Ww ATIINS. one W.R.i AUTOMOBILEAND =e Be OUR Valcanizina Innertubes at Small Cost. CompleteLineof Casings OR eee MOTTO 11s OVERLAND AND NOW ON ILLS MOTOR CO. SUPPLIES LIRR SHOP. ©OOD SERVICE | MODELS DISPLAY. ee eRnN em New Spring Boots! We are showing three numbers in the very latest eight inch Boots in dark and light Gray and White Kids. Dark my eizht inch lace Boot,welt Louis heel,$7.50 2 pair. Light Gray eighi imch lace Boot,welt Louis heel,$6.50 a pair. White eight inch lace Boot,welt Louis heel,$7.50 a pair. These three numbers are beauties and we will take pleasure in showing the very latest in the new Spring Boots. PHONE512 Fu i!Line of Gasaline Oo}and Grease Chains ond Tubes. HUPP CARS Phone 83, SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. |SEE ME WHEN YOU NEED Watches,Jewelry, Silverware or Kodaks. *Also to fix your Cloek or Watch. Jewcler. ge t t t t a|might resultexcitemene,problems resulting frombreakindiplomaticrelationswithGermanyarebeingclearedupbutitisemphasizedattheStateDepartmenttodaythattheonebigis-sue facing the Ameriean governmentisthecontinuanceofGermany's sub- i z ntmen desiring to pass through the dangerous area.TheStateDepartment,it is said,is ex-tremely anxious to avoid a breakwithAustria,in order to guaranteetheprotectionofAmericansinsouth-ern France and Turkey and to con-tinue the American care of thousandsofEntenteprisonersinAustriande-tention camps.It is felt certain thatabreakwithAustriawouldresultinthecuttingoffofallcommunicationwiththeTeutonicallies,includingTurkeyandBulgaria,and would de-feat the aim of the State DepartmenttorelieveAmericansinthosecoun- es,Indications that Turkey is prepar-ed to to the German subma-rine warfare were contained in a dis-patch from Ambassador Elkus,atConstantinople,who veported that theTurkishchamberofdeputieshadin-dorsed the policy of a new cabinetwhichproposedtouseeverymeansinTurkishpowertoaidtheTeutonic allies.All the reports about American con- suls and consular officers being de-tained by force in Germany are ma-licious inventions,just as were 80 many other reports we have had dur-:ing the last few weeks,says a prom-fnent German official,according to areportfromBerlin. The Town Boundary. While nothing further has develop-ed with reference to the town boun-dary extension,it is understood thatifanyactionistakenatallbytheIredelldelegationthe_billamendedtoprovideforadum.The general law to provide for town charters,etc.,drawn under the newconstitutionalamendment,providesforelectionsonthequestionof ex- tending town and city boundaries.Ifthisprovisionremainsinthebillsuchanelectioncanbeheldatanytime,without the necessity of a spe-cial act,but there is much opposi-tion to this _—of a general = ents o the prevision§clam an is unfair to give towns and cities the privilege of voting in, whenever they so wilt,any adjacent territory. New Flour Mills For ‘Statesville pplication has been made to the will be referen- retary of State for a charter for the Sterling Mills Corporation of Statesville.This is 2 new tion that will engage in the manufac ture of flour and its by-products. Among the incorporators arecaidBros.,J.L.Sloan,W.A. as.B.H.Adams,R.A.Cooper and!»mendment day he |ently oppose a constitutio with $75,000;ment on the ground that it is an in-The capital stock will authorized,others.$150,000idin.While all details of plans are notdefinitelyknown,it is understoodthatthenewcompanywil!immedi- ately erect a building on a vacantlotneartheKincaidfurniturefacto- It is hoped to get to running in time for the new crop of grain. Real Estate Deal. Mr.G.L.MeKnight of Mooresvill: and Mr.J.M.Deaton have exchangec |» a house and lot on the Buffalo Shoals|jition ir critical.the;with her husband.|road and the stables known as Conger stables,on Salisbury streetownedbyMr.McKnight and M: Deaton,respectively,for the Danie:livery stable,formerly owned by Mr Austin Davidson and situated on eas!Broad street.This property,which irleasedtotheSmith-FPorm-A-Truck ,adjoins the propertywillbeusedasasiteforthenew CarolinaMotorCompanybuilding. Would Organize Boy Scouts, A number of the boys of the townareinterestedintheorganiziabandofBoyScouts.Mr.JohnFowler,Jr.,is at the head of themovement.However,no definite or-ization has yet been made,AbandofBoyScoutswasorgan- in Statesville some years arolishandedaft ‘store,owned by Mr.J.E.Brooksher. Landmark on tie ik ae .ag is on rae geeundermtogetanotherRien_that wil i.Canter Gnd bie con,ir.Canter eg “old son of Mr.andbaynearDavidson,was Be Sotnne couche from an mo } Sigespnter sete ere fe organiza-|of the bill authorizing the submission Kin-|which they have been laboring Thom.|tainly no member who voted for the ' which ‘hat county,notwithstanding he_is ' ng ¢better this morning. : |at Taylorsville Sunday evening {was brought to Dr.Long's Sanato-|at her home in the]odist chorch,where he made the “Whoever shall order,purchase,orcauseintoxicatingliquorstobetra’in inter-State commerce,except for scientific,sac ntal,me-dicinal and mechanical purposes,into Sick fonts or Terstenlygeek theorlere@=or =nade ot intox-ating liquors for beverage purpos-es,shall be punished as cdacenha;provided,that nothing herein shall——r |oe shipment 4 - o contrary to ws oOsuchMtate.”The ishment aforesaid is a min-imum of $1,000 or six months’imprisonment,or both.The provisionabouttheshipmentintoanyStatecontrarytoStatelawsmeansthatifanyStateprohibitsthereceiptofliquorfor“scientific,sacramental,medicinal or mechanical purposes,”the Federal law does not authorizeviolationoftheprovtston.Another amendment absolutelyprohibitsthecirculationinthemailsofany“letter,postal card,circular,newspaper,pamphlet or publication of any kind containing any adver- tisement of spirituous,vinous,malt- ed,fermented or other intoxicatingliquorsofanykindoranorderoror-ders for said liquors,”when the let-ters,ete.,aforesaid are addressed to persons in States where the sale ofliquorisprohibited.Congressmen Pou,Hood and SmalloftheNorthCarolinadelegationvot-ed against the amendment.The oth- er members voted for it.The prohibition leaders were divid-ed as to the wisdom of the restric-tion,Many of them fear that thedrasticprovisionwillcausea_reac-tion;that it may prevent other Statesvotingforprohibitionand,mayweakenthecauseinprohibition States where the sentiment is nonetoostrong.The amendment,it seems,was not asked for by the Anti-Sa-loon League workers in Congress.When it came to a show-down,how- ever,niast of the prohibitionists intheHousevotedfortheamendment and many who are not prohibitionists the latter because they thought itwouldhurtprohibitiontomakeab-solutely dry the States that have al- ready voted for it,and for other reasons.Many attempts were made,both by rrohibitionists and the advocates of rum,to amend the amendment.They were all defeaged overwhelmingly. Congressman Saunders of Virginia attamptedtoamendthebillsoasto provide that liquor sw:pments’might he permitted “unless contrary to thelawsofsaidStateorTerritory.”The sentiment against this was so strongthatMr.Saunders could not corralenoughvotestodeaandarol!callTheeffectoftheSaundersamend- ment would have left prohibition inNorthCarolinaasitisnow.Con- gressman Webb of North CarotinanotedasaprohibitionleaderinCon- gress,voted for this --nendment. The particular gratification prohi-bitionists find in the action of theHouse,however,is that they think it makes absolutely sure the passage to the States of a prohibition amend-ment to the national constitution,forCer- Wednesday can consist-nal amend- vasion of States’rights. Mr.A.M.Vannoyv Paralyzed— Condition Critical. Mr.A.M.Vannoy of Wilkes coun-} y,who was stricken with paralysis | and | rium Tuesday evening,as related by our Taylorsville correspondent,is in semi-conscious state and his con-| Mrs.Vannoy is Mr.Vannoy was a_residentStatesvilleforsomeyears2530yearsago,and was well known to|older residents.He went from|Statesville to Wilkes,his native}county,and was afterward electedsheriffandlaterclerkofthecourtin of |or { a Democrat and Wilkes a strong Re-publican county—evidence of his rreat personal popularity.Mr.Van-noy has many friends in Statesville,who regret his serious illness.Mr.Vannoy’s condition is reported *Business Change. Mr.R.F.Canter and son,Mr.W.PCanter,have purchased the stock ofwoodsoftheBrooksherCashGrocery pee with his Le "We.“Brestene will travel for the F inedHurveyO11©y of Ohio with)theyheadquartersimStatesville. Rev.John H.Weaver,D.D,a prominent minister of the TeNorthCarolinaConference,M,Church,South,and formerly presid- ing elder of the StatesvillediedsuddenlyinGreenshoro es -day evening.He was standing astreetcornerwaitingtor0otaehewasstricken.He fell to the pave-ment and was in tenHehadjustlefttheprayserviceratWestMarket ing prayer,and was on his way homewhenthesummonscame.Dr.Weaver was 68 years oldandanativeofAshecounty,He was ed-.veated at Emory and en Cae,Va..and in’early life taughtatJefferson,Ashe county.He enter-ed the ministry at the age of 27 and at 355 was made a presidingHewasfirstamemberof sten Conference,whichportionsofTennessee,Virginia andwesternNorthCarolinaandtrans-ferred to the Westeysn North Caroli-na Conference when the ¢inboundarywasmadewhichplallwesternNorthCarolinaintheWest-ern North Carolina Conference.had served charges in this State atAsheville,Hiekory,Monroe and oth-er points.He was for fourpresidingelderofStatesville districtandduringthattimemadehisinLenoir.At the elose of his termaspresidingelderhewasappointedpastorofBroadStreetchurch,States- ville,but Was subsequently changed‘o Hiekory.At the time of his dgath he was presiding elder of Greensborodistrict.Dr.Weaver married Miss JennieBurkettofAshecounty,whofouryearsago.One son,".Weaver,Ph.D.,president of EmandHenryCollege,and a fosterdaughter,Mrs.Ruth Simpson of Salisbury,survive.The funeral of Dr.Weaver will beheldatWestMarketStreetchurch,Greensboro,today and the intermentwillbeatEmory,Va.,where his wife was buried. CONVICTED OCF FORGERY. Fred.D.Hyams,Native ofStatesville,in Trouble inCharlotte. The Charlotte Observer of yester-day had the following:“After a deliberation which lastedformorethantwohours,a jury Wednesday afternoon returned a ver- dict of guilty in cases of forgery andutteringforgedpaper,which hadbeenheardinSuperiorCourtagainst Fred.D.Hyams,general agent inthiscityoftheVolunteerLifeInsur-!ance Company.The defendant wasfoundnotguiltyuponathirdwar- rant.which charged false pretence“Jake F.Newell,a well-known Jo-|!ege to the North Carolina State Co!-|ilere of Agriculture and Engineering.|‘ce!attorney,was the prosecutingwitnessagainstHyams,who was)charged with the forgery 6f a note!for $326.90 upon the lawyer.Accor(-ne to the testimony cf Mr.Newell,!Se had given the signed blank note| o the insurance agent as payme'tunonthefirstyear’s premium,pro- viding that he decided to take a pol- ‘cv.Several days afterward,con-|tinued the witness,me notified the!‘cont that he had decided to forex:|the contemplated insurance and in-|structed him to return or destro, the note.Some time later,accord-ing to the evidence of the prosecuit ne witness,he was notified of thematurityofanotefor$336.90 in theCharlotteNationa!Bank,which had heen diseounted bv George P.Wads- worth in favor of Hyams.This pie: paper provided the basis of th:triple indictment brought against th arrent,“On the stand,the defendant asertedthatthetransactionhadbeenvafideandthattheattorneyhi! erreed to take out a policy.” Hyams was sentenced to eight months on the roads but took an ap peal and gave $1,500 bond. Mr.Hyams is a native of States- ville,the youngest son of the late MHyams.He has hvee in)Cha: vite for many years, Death Record. Mrs.F.E.Fithian,mother of M: I’.L.Fithian,died Monday afternooHaddonfield,N. She was 82 years of age and had bee: seriously ill for two months,Abou ten years ago she,with the oth members of the Fithian family,spe: the summer at Statesville collemNerson—Mr.F.L.Fithian—marrie:!Miss Marianna Wood of Statesvi!!sister of Mrs.L.White and Mrs.|\.Miller and Mr.M.C.Wood. The funeral services of Mrs.D.|!Stimpson,who died Tuesday mornin;at her home at River Hill,were hel:from Clarksbury church Wednesda:rorning at 11 o'clock,Rev.¢.|Goode,the paster of Mrs,Stimpson awl Rev.Ovid Pullen conducted th:funeral services.The church was fi!!ed with friends of the deceased.Pa!!bearers were Messrs.R.L.Kinde:N.A.Stine,A.A.Cartner,B.ABag@arly,J.M.Watts and Mr.Vi: son. Miss Kate Gilleland,agedyears,died at Mooresville yesterdaymorningatthehomeofheruncle.Mr.D.W.Putnam.Burial at Centery.church Basketball. In the game last night Statesville Tre- y trom re |cigarettes at the annual meeting the Lenoir team with « *score of 48 and 10 Monday evening.| STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY’FEBRUARY 23,1917.-TO PLAY GOLF ONSUNDAY|THE Levisiature Won't Interfere—Distribution Auto LicenseFunds—To Encourrve HomeOwning—Legislative Pro- ceedings. The House passed the bill.recom- mended by Gov,»exemptingnotesandtetheamountof$3,000 weenote‘hase of a farm or home.The (s purpose,must be adoptedhythepeople.A substitute for thebilltocreateaStateboardofexam-iners to examine applicants for lawlecense,was .It providesthattheSupremeCourtshallexam-ne applicants one week before theopeningoftheregulartermsofourtandthateachjusticebeallow-ed $100 for the extra work the ex- suninations impose.Presented by Mr. iPer,The Senate argued at length thespecialorderbilltoprovidefortheapportionmentoftheautomobile li-cense tax fund to the countiesthroughtheStatehighwaycommis- sion,70 per cent.to be apportioneddirecttothecountiesinwhichtheli-conse originates and the remaiving30percent.to bear the expense of He collection in the Department of StateandcreateafundfortheStatecom-mission to aid weaker counties.Therewasmuchobjectiontothebill,but atwasadoptedafterbeingamendedso that the funds must be exnendedwithinayearafterreceivedandstrikingouttheprovisionthattheremustbeagreementbetweenthe State Highway Commission and thecountyauthoritiesbeforethecounty could use the money. The bill prohibiting the intermar-riage of races and making the re-auirements the same =s those as tochildrenwithtaintedbloodattendingtheschools,came up under vote forreconsiderationandwasdefeated. Bills introduced:To increase com-rolsery school attendance age from 12 to 14 years;to require permits todrivemotorvehicles:to provide forequalsuffrageinschoolelectionsinthetownofLincolnton;to abolishprizes,premiums,ete.,in the sale ofgoodsandwares;defining the crimeofburglarywithexplosives.and pro-viding punishment.Bill to-create a State came com- mission was tabled.The law againstthegivingofrailroadpasseswasamendedsothatpassescanbegiventoforinter-State travel,where such clerxymen are entitled topassesininter-State travel under theFederallaw.Bills passed:For inde- terminate sentence for prisoners;amending the divorcee law,makingtenyears’separation cause for di-vorce,even where there are children; to authorize commiss*oners of dell to pay transportation of Confed- erate veterans to reurmon-.The House passed the bill to change the name of A.and M.Col- Amon?the bills introduced was oneto_prevent the sale of Coea-Cola andoftheLowerCountyLinePrimitive’Baptist Association.Other billspassed:To authorize commissioners of Catawba to appoint a county man- ager;to abolish treasurer's office in |Ashe;to provide for change in a:- counting systems in State depart-ments.The joint legislative committee re-|rerted favorably the crop lien billwhichlimitsprofitsofmerchants,onsuppliesundercroplien,to 10 per cent.above the cash price..Banks and individuals can mission of 19 per cent.on money sup- plied under crop liens in lieu of 6 percent.interest.Prestdent Alexande: and J.Z.Green of the Farmers’Un ion,Editer Poe of the Progressiv« Farmer and others advocated the bill The bill to prohibit the playing ofgolfandotherathleticgamesonSun-day,introduced by Matheson of Ire- dell,was defeated.Grier of Tredell an A R.P.who stands for the “Sab.bath,”advocated the bill.Representa- tive Henry Page wanted Moore}ounty,where Northern tourists play Sunday golf,exempted.Mr.Grierhoughtthiswouldimperilthepur-pose of the bill and objected to the ex.| mption “Does golf playing in Moore county feet the gentleman's religious seruples?”Mr.Page asker “No;but I am afraid the effect might spread to [redell,"Mr.Grierexplained. “There are a good many things inMoorethatmightspreadtoIredell vith benefit to Irecell,”Mr.Page reorted,to which the gentleman from redelf assented. Mr.Page got Moore exempted and hen Mr.Grier moved to table the billwhichwasdonc. A bill to tax dys,introduced by Mr Ray of Macon,met the usual fate.After60countieshadbeenexemptedfromitsprovisionsasubstitutewas opted providing that any county can vte on the question of taxing dogs onpetitionofone-fifth of the qualified voters the tax to be 81.Representa- tive MeOrary thought that the introlueerofthebill,the gentleman fromBertie,“should have a monumenteréetedtohimontheCapitolSquare,”ind)Representative Wright added“surrounded by a fence.” Representative Brummitt’s bill topreventprisonersfromcontractingtuberculosis,endorse!by the State‘amatorium,with two amendments b< Minority Leader MeCrary,paThentsprovidethatprison-ers not be kept at the State farmorforalongertermthantheirorsentence,and that a prisonerbetakento»State's prison(Oensinoed on Page Six). for the pur-|5:bill|passed,89 to 18.It ides for |»¥Y many of the regular courtconstitutionalcanine:to effect|ants to be the best charge {viecad guilty;fined $20 and costs; Ire-| “ALEXANDER COURT.The Docket Light —Me.W.1.Nelson Dead —Mr.A.M.|MourneVannoyParalyzed—Tay-|"ney a.lorsville News.been very illSpecialCorrespondenceofTheLandmark.field,is re Taylorsyille,Feb.22 —Alexander;.~—Mrs.W.Superior Court convened af-|ill at Long'srereaemat2one.withr..G.|to her homeergrusonynesviMaing.His charge to the jury was said or tS hadjeverheardinthiscounty.Mr.M.R.Pritchard was foreman of the grandiury,Mr.U.A.Teague officer andMr.J.B,Orren court errer.LawyerW.S.of Hitidenite assistedClerkofCourtA.M.Matheson andMr.O.F.F.Pool assisted Sheriff R.A.Adams.Solicitor J.J.Hayes ofWilkesborowashererepressnsngtheState.Court adjourned Wednes-day evening and Judge Fergusonleftthismorningforhishome.Fol-ieving are some of the cases dispos- ed oT:Upton Cross,carrying concealedweapons;guilty;fined $10 and costs.Irvin Payne,assault with deadlyweapon;t siofcosts.akin Chante,paymentnuisance;fined $40 and costs.~tus Ingram,assault with deadlyweapon;fined $15 and costs.EugeneCrossandUptonCross,conspiracy;Seems Oe ee Ties not guilty;ecogWikBiockshir,sama wiedeadlygu;costs.Ed.Thomas,nuisance;notcuilty.Ruth King and Leona e,sci fa;sen to jail until theyaorderofthecourt.Hu-bert Price,larceny;guilty of receiv-ing stolen goods;Ieleenaesedonpaymentofcosts.and Wilson McBride,affray; =2Hi f i iazFi 2 z TH Pride not guilty.Jeasie SweetJohnSpence,entering house;guilty;prayer for jaegmentuedonpaymentofcosts;undertoappearateachtermofcourttwelvemonthstoshowviour.Will Moore,‘house;not guilty.F.W.Dry.ing of m ged property ment sus on paymentae,Bailey,—Te igious congrega';fined »costs.Hardy assaultdeadlyweapeessuspended on payment costs,These are some of the civil casesdisposedof:ForemanJ.C.Hedrick; |facturing Co,vs.lored;judgment for defendant.|Miller vs.Eugene Cross;compro-mise.,Dr.J,W.White vs.R.G.MQueen;judgment for plaintiff.Mr.William T.Nelson passed awayathishomehereTuesdaya.Da7.20 o'clock,after long months ilhealth.He was a sor of the late the FT z i "3 52 3 tH ’ charge a com-|} Rev.J:S.Nelson of the WesternNorthCarolinaMethodistConfer-ence.He came here some 30 yearsvoandservedtheAlexandercir- cuit as pastor for two years.Lijhegaveuptheministryandwentintothemercantilebusinessandaf- Vt,r his health failed hy took w pho-j.ography.He was superin t oftheMethodistSundayschoolherefor}the bui|several years.His wife,who was|Miss Minnie Herman,daughter of|Mrs.Jane Herman,a son and daugh-|tor,preceded him to the grave some j vears ago}a son,Mr,Ray .|who is noy in Michigan,and a|daughter,Miss Annaleen Nelson,wholrecentlywenttoheruncle,Dr.A.N.|Herman,in Cleveland,0.,for treat-iment and was unable to come home,survive.Other surviving relatives)edarehisstepmother.Mrs.J.8.Nel-json of Jefferson,§.C.;his brother,|Mr.M.Nelson of Littleton,who with|his little son arrived Tuesday night|to attend the funeral;his sister,|Mra.James E.Stack of Monroe,Mr.|Nelson was about 58 years of age.|The funeral service was conducted by|his pastor,Rev.J.J.Edwards,assist-‘ed by Rev.L.L.Moore,at the Meth- lodjat church Wednesday afternoon at1.40 o'clock and the interment was in town cemetery.Mr.Ear!Hedrick,who has been in 4 list.All the &a ne Hint maanaverageorover—1 beinghighestmark,_ar.Haltiwanger Accepts CallNews. Rev.W.D.Haltiwa hasedhisresignationof‘thecomposedofShain from |}4h Marti:Statesville.His |Atlanta for some time,is visiting his |"|Bosna accepted.parents,Mr.and Mrs.W.P.Hed-|ae ee rons Pallrick.Mr.Mack Feimster has gone!°"t work that he may accepttoMooresvilletobewithhisfather, i Mr.H.P.Feimster. to the Zien pastorateThispastorateiswae Mr.A.M.Vannoy,ex-smeriff and and NewHethlehem 'ex-elerk Superior Court of Wilkes churches,Mr.;county,eame here Sunday to attend |yee id take up his newourtandwasstriekenwiinparaly-!“AP *.Rev.Mr.HaithcoxpreachatPressly Consent a|Sunday afternoon at 55|Rev.Mr,Teague of at the Campbell|carding house.He was carried toDr.Long’s ~anagg *ag eee,Tuesday evening.Mrs.Vannoy and a}bvether,Mr.Harvey Vannoy,and preach tomorrow\ir.Cranor of Wilkesboro,accompa-|*t South River and SundayciedhimtoStatesville.Mr.Vannoy's|°t Society at 11 “oe.left side is totally paralyzed and his||Services at itynD beonditionisserious.jchurech Sunday a Caldwell nesday and Friday afternoons atTheout-of-town lawyers here for Lent short 4.90.cont wee ae S >: en .B,‘Laughlin Statesville:In the absence of the Beckham,Hiddenite,and Mark Squires 4.H.Pressly, sis Sunday night F.B.Hendren of Wilkesboro,V.G. of Lenoir.|ing at Lake|Walker of BaStruckBySwitchEngineand)First AssociateDiedofInjuries. M.C.Copeing,a negro,was badly injured Tuesday night by A switch engine on the Southern arde|ali vounginStatesvillethathediedwithina,Rankin and few hours.Copeing,who was a mem-ber of a ditching crew of the Seuth-ern,jumped from the ditcher to thesdjoiningtrack,unaware of the ap-|proach of the yard engine,which/®j struck him,One leg was severed,an|{ajurton gheutthe ead.The esnkiontin.t le‘happened about 6.30|ning,the man taken toateriumanddiedat10ning.,who wae ahere,home in Marion. #0} the| g e s n f s i -borderchantshipsleaving. to be discontinued during the crisis with Germany as a step in the proteg-tion of American interests from the German submarine campaign.No word as to the port for which any ves- the cargo carried wil!beiebytheovernmentoffi- grant clearance. te of Washington has a “bone dry”prohibition law.It pro- hibits possession of intoxicating liq- wor by any person except regularly ordained clergymen,priests and rab-bis for sacramental purposes.It al-whelesale and retail druggist:manufacturing chemists to han-die alcoho!only if granted a licens:after public hearing,and providespenaltiesforviolation.A bill authorizing the ps ment of$25,000,000 for the Danis feat In-dies and empowering the President to set up a temporary government on islands pending investigation oftheneedsethepeople,has beenbytheSenate.The House a bill appropriating the $25,-and providing for continuing ing government in the new-ly-acquired territory.The bill goestoconferenceforadjustment. During the weeks since the dip- Jomatic break with Germany,foreign- ers living in the United States,nota-bly Germans and Austrians,haveflockedtothecourtstobecomeAmer-jean citizens in such numbers that La-bor Department officials say the totalcouldnotevenbeestimated.An ideaoftheunprecedentedrushfornatural-ization papers is afforded by the factthatononedayalonemorethan50,000certificatesofnaturalizationwereis- The chief railroads of the countryhavetakensummaryactiontorelievetheshortageoffreightcarsandthetrafficcongestionatEasternseaportsagainapproachinganacutestagebe- causeof the curtailment of trans-At-lantic sailings by Germany's new submarinecampaign.The company’s carshortagesituationwasonFebruary| worst in ten years with one ex- ion,according to figures madebytheAmericanRailwayAs-ition. The South Carolina Legislaturesedabillallowingonequart r a month for medical pur-aone F lion of wine for —or religious purposes,and no.The right to get the quart isfinedtomalepersonsofover21ofageorwomenwhoareoffamiliesandapermitmustobtainedfromthejudgeofbymakingaffidavitthattheisformedicinalpurposes.A10centsisrequiredforthe F: pn rZ i f t.Genera!Tinoco,former war minis-ter of Costa Rica,executed a blood-coup in that country recentlysentthePresident,AlfredcGonzales,to the American legationforprotection.Now Gonzales has appeared in Washington and told histaleofwoetotheStateIrtmentSecretaryLansingassuredhimthattheUnitedStatesdidnotaccordrec-ition to ernments deriving ir power roughconstitutedauthorities.for Presiden’ j if An election SecretaryofWarBakerhassenta letter of thanks to the commandersofallNationalGuardunitswhichsawMexicanborder.thank you and the offi- your organizationborderinresponse |President,”wrote»“for the valuable serv-have rendered to thetheNationalGuardintotheserviceoftheFed- revolt against | |than 120 pounds. AD.MEETINGOFAMITY CLUB And the Work Itis ste ee eee |Ee a Funston Died Suddenly at’ —Notable FighCameFromCi Maj.Gen.Frederick Funston,com-|mander of the Southern DepartmentoftheUnitedStatesarmysinceFeb-ruary,1915,died suddenly at a hotel |in El Paso,Texas,Monday night,a!few minutes after he had dinner.He!collapsed while seated in the lobby ofthehoteltalkingwithfriendsandwas|Tplayingwithalittlegirl,a daughter| of a guest at the hotel,when he fellunconsciousanddiedalmostinstant-'ly.Since March,1916,when he was, laced in command of ali United, tates forces on the Mexican border,|General Funston had worked at an}unusual pace.At critical times in| evelopments,he frequently} remained on duty 20 hours of the 24Recentlyhesufferedanattackofindi | gestion,but on the day of his death! was apparently in normal health.Hewas51yearsoldatthetimeofhisdeath,was a native of Ohio but hac}lived most of his life in Kansas.Not until 1896,when the Cuban in-| surrection was at its height,id}Frederick Funston become know: throughout the United States as : “first-class fighting man,”butfriendsinKansas,where he spent his early manhood,long had so ¢lassified| bim.As a student at the Universiéy | of Kansas,when he weighed less thar.100 pounds,he conquered a 200-pound “bad man”who threatened him with a/razor.To adi to the giant's humilia-| tion,Funston marched him througl | the streets of Lawrence,Kan poirt of a revolver.to a police statio Later,as editor ‘ as cenductor on a ratiro, had given evidencecourage. ‘Funston's first experi firing line was in Cuba,where commanded the artillery of Gen.‘ mez,a leader in the Cuban res with remarkable results.Afte gaging in 22 battles an ed three times,he mand because 50 guerrillas w aided the Spaniards were execu against his wishes.Captured ; Spaaiards on his way to Havana,‘| escape:|death by swailowing®a letttothePresidentofCuba,rie!|would have proved his identit | While a colonel of th mou:| Twentieth Kansas Voluntecr In‘a try in the Philippine Funston | performed feat-of bravery thut brought him the title of brigadi: general.His capture of Asuinald: and his fording the Rio Grande river at Columpit under fire featured hiwork, Funston has Leen doseribed by superiors absolutely fearless.Evy-| er read:plunge into danger, cared little whether his force equaled that of his opponent.One day,the!story goes,; the Filipinos ila destroy companies under Funston’s General Harrison Gray Otis inauire:| of the colonel how long he could hold |his position.| nhthe) ence On resigno as to we “Until I am mustered out!”Funa-/|1tonreplied;and he made good by re-| pulsing the Filipinos. When the volunteers were discharg-| ed,Funston retained his rank as a}member of the revular army.As a|regular,he made a mark by main-|taining order in San Franciseo dur-|ing the disaster of 1906.Temporarily |in charge of the troops at the Presid.|jo,when the disturbance came,he |quickly declared martial law and set, about obtaining accommodationg foi| the homeless,keeping down th@ costoffoodandarresting troule-mak-ers.It was while he was,in comm and |of the troops at Vera Cruz in 1914!that he was raised to the rank of ma-|Jor general.He then was 49 years|old.The ambition of FWiston’s youthwastogotoWestPoint,but he failec |in an entrance examination.In lateryearsherepeatedlyoutrankedWest!Pointers who were in school when he|failed of admission.Physically Funston was one of thesmallestmenintheUnitedStatesar-my.He was barely tve fect and five|inches tall,and usually weighed less|In civil life he wasmodestandretiring.|Gen.Funston is survived by his |wife and three children.His remains|were sent to San Francisco for burial.SeeR tS Supports Cuban Government.|William E.Gonzales,AmericarministertoCuba,this week deliveredtothegovernmentofCubaanoteinwhichitwasdeclared(1)that thegovernmentoftheUnitedStatero-|gives its support to and stands by the |be constitutional government of the re-—of Cuba;(2)that the presentnsurrectionagainsttheconstitution.al government of Cuba is regardedytheAmericangovernmentinthelightofananti-constitutional and il-1 act which it will not tolerate:(3)that the leaders of the revolt willheldresponsibieforthedamagesforeignersmagsufferintheirpersonsandtheiry.This of it much joy tohissupporters i ac- 4 lespecially the little folks,whom i tend the ir i Wi lerMissVerni: 12.Goodman,ut ;Ve are ta com af some 4 |Special Corresp his}a"1, he |. when it appeared certain |, thre | command ;...ne ‘Mrs.M.L.Gwaltney will loav« Jutreapondence of The Lanomars, Mt.Ulla,Feb.19 —The Amity @ubhadquiteadelightfultimeatitsreg-ular meeting Thursday afternoon atMrs.C.R.Goodman's.Despite the pain there was a good attendance,Ifyoudon't believe this class is doinggoodwork,just mect with them sgmetimeandhelptocookandtheneatheyaredoingtherealthingthiswinter.They go to the kitchen and carry out the instruetions that MissHenkelandothersaregiving.We arehopingthatsoonMissHenkeleanb<here to help us out.The club ‘was invited to meet atMrs.Badger Goodmun’s March Ist.iss Vernie Goodman was a visiter at the club.We all enjoyed having her she entertained with stories. Misa Lillian Uagwel!went home t spend the weck-cnd .:th her parent at Loray.She was accompanied byMissKateMorrow.They went to at tallation service of Rev,sLL.Cathey at Concord chureh. Miss Kate M entertained . few friends Friday right in honer oi Coodman of Mooresyvilk inge her brother,Mr.Ww Amity Mr.W.P.G.1a,who has had a tttack of griv.ts oui again.He’did iot have ’as was feared M s spending =thc Mu t Mrs.Wren McNeeils week at home with hey mother,who is rrow Who WAS Vis So far wo have escaped measles ing ove precaution possi- to keap it 1 our school, Yast \‘s paper the Civ vill of doin. expector: OM Dee ware t es.n towns is net 1 only place where this is done.It is very diseouraging to nto a schoo! Ps meeting an! wa poke womechip revel the thie the children tu ves at the od::of tobacco that harontofth |siove,eatize Qh:father x up their little | ' 'of minihe,[loyed and @ greater tonnage tafrometheeauthGhameverbella, by est death rate in 18 years,and |lowest on record per ton of coal mir-|ed.The number killed was 2,225 |which is 44 less than in 1916,229 less|#than in 1914 and 560 less than in 1912 |§ There were 65,000,000 more tons of |fcoalminedthanin1915. A statement by Van H.Manning |diveetor of the bureau of mines,saysifthen1916asin1915therewouldhaveLeenatleast275moremenkilled.—|-\Congreesman Stedman has decided”a primary to settle a vexed post-office contest at Oxford.The Demo-cratic patrons of the office will ex-press their preference on the 28th. Shreveport,La.—“I had abad -stom-ach trouble for years and became soweakIcouldhardlywalkordoanywork. would not digest,I blog d was veryweakandnervous.I tried many reme-dies without help.2 saw V adver- tised and tried it,and now my stomachtroubleiscompletelycuredandIam well "—F.L.Marsmans.Vinol is guaranteed to tone up the tired,over-taxed and weakened nervesofthestomachandcreatestrength. W.i.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. DRAINAGE TAX SALE. l™MP .will offer forinStatesville,Nerth Carolina,at 14 o'clock, a.m.,on March the Sth,1017,the followingdescribedlandsintheThirdCreekDrainage 1 joing thines in echeo!|District for the assesamenia doe on said lands whicn they r for per.oitting their beys Death of Mrs.Moose—Spe!ting |drainase t of Match at Taylorsville. nodence of The Tasyloravillke,Feb.20 Mousg.Wile «ir let I tale tun Landimar! ® ter M Vf tied ai ,loth.of i7th ye paralysis, Her husha The buria!was at church and R ( rel the service. udience gathered speuing match of Taylor svjlle %and the citizens « Mr,J.M.Mathe s from the town and M the class f di .F.Pool gave werds frot he Blueback Eicht representatives of were standing when th \ id they spelled until Mi Alspaugh was the only ose standing. Mr.W.J.Eeherd has bes:appoint- ed fertilicer inspector and h:wone to Raleigh to take up his we \ttor- ney F.A.Linney of Boone is heie at- tenling court and visiting his sister, Mrs.W.DD.Deal.Mr.Enu- gene Cross and children of Marien are hete attending court and visiting friends,Chas.P.Matheson spent from Sunday till Tucsdov here with home folks.Miss Lucile Vathe- on,a student at Statesville Female oNege,spent Sunday with hi pa- nts,Mr.and Mrs.R.L.Matheson. this other “tate lay- eci- stud High Scho sv}le clacdthe (Cox down a and M Senator ( ’ evening for Richmond =a: points to buy millinery. vine Me SE TR.isdoSeeeMAMMA!DON'T YOU SEEB_YOUR CHILD IS SICK.CONSTIPATED? aes Look at Tongue!Move Poisons From Liver and Bowels atOnce! Mother!Your child isn’t natural-ly cross and peevish.See if tongueiscoated;this is a eure sign its lit-tle stomach,liver and bowels need acleansingatonce. When listless,pale,feverish,full of cold,breath bad,throat sore,does-n't eat,sleep or act naturally,hasstomach-ache,diarrhoea,remember, a gentle liver and bowel e}\should always be the first recegiven, Nothi equals “California SyrupofFigs,”for children's ills;giveteaspoonful,and in a few hoursthefoulwaste,sour bile and|menting food which is clogged in bowels passes out of the system,you have a well and playfulegain.All children love this hless,delicious “fruit laxative,”»never fails to effect a good “incleansing.Directions for bachildrenofallagesandgrown-apsonaonyycopithandyinyourhome,ASalentfiete for a 50-cent botpofFigs,”it is made by yu)Co. would discharge |seriptior to |Third ;MEoelay|TO ALLen;MAY,COME, \u R.|} *|offiee ie +¢ ler jtown of Statesville hoo!|?;aewent|wh Emo{with the requirements of Chapter 21,Revisal| : for the yours of 1915 and 1916.For full de-of lands see drainage records of<k Drwinaare District,and map filedwithCierkoftheSuperiorCourtbytheU.S.3.I age Engineers.Deed for came hacer as provided by the levy and amendments theretones.Amount. will be giver te pur 4 Ww reo,2,|a |e ae a eevovoch|Certificate of Dissolution’ ee |\TE NT OF STATEiOWHOM THESE PRESENTS GREETING; Whereas,it appears to y sntivfaction,by y authenticated ‘proceedings voluntary dis OF NORTH CAROLINA,DEPART- adfe pnimmeus conse demosited in ray office,tha § BUFFALO SHOALS BRIDGE Ct a cerporation of this State,whose principaldoatNostreet,in thecountyofIredell,State pf | Osborne Brown being # {!in charge thereof,uponmaybeserved),has eompiled| North Carolina ent the ret an m process of 1905,entitied ‘rations,preliminary te the issuing of this rtificate of dissolutiqn:©Now,therefore,Bryan Grimes,Seete-'tary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the aid corporationdid,on the 26 day of January,1017,fle in myofficeaduiyexeentedandattestedconpentinwritingtothediesolutionofsaidcorporation,executed by all the stockhoiders thereof,which|said consent and the reeord of the proceedings|aforexsid are now en file in my anid office as} provided by law.|In testimony whereof,1 have hereunto set|my hand and affixed my official sew!at Ral-jelgh,this 26th day of January,A.D,,1917. J.BRYAN GRIMES,Secretary of State. | | “HENS” We want to buy 1000HensandanyquantityofotherCountyouhavetooffer. Our prices are Cash. J.K.Morrison Grocery |} &Produce Company.| a a.cer DOORS,WINDOWS. MANTELS,NEWELS, LOCKS, ON HAND AND READY FOR DE-/LIVERY!oeC.WATKINS.Lreee Feb.9 4 uce same conditions had prevailed|§ My appetite aan gene,my food |§ THE CHILDREN. The childrenoftodaywill be the men-andwomenoftomorrow,doing theworld’sworkagbesttheycan. Isn’t it important that they be given as muchtrainingaspossibletoormthetaskssuretobeassignedthem?Of course.Youprovethisbysendingtheyoungsterstoschool.You want them to have aeducation.Are you making that educationcompleteandpractical?Is the child beingtaughtmuchaboutmoneymattersorthesavinghabit?Many parents have inducedtheirchildrentoopenlittlesavingsaccountsatourbankandtheyarequicktolearn,andproudlyhandintheirpassbooksandpenniesfordeposit.You should see to itthatyourboyorgirl!earns these importantlessonsalso,We will gladly assist them. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN .President.» 0.L.TURNER Cashier. ow ae Alexander,Sheriff of Iredell coun-.@valeatthecourthousedoor@ New Spring Boots! We are showing ‘three numbers in the very latest eight inch Boots in dark and light Gray and White Kids. Dark Gray eight inch lace Boot,welt Louis heel,$7.50!a pair.Light Gray eight inch lace Boot,welt Louis heel,$6.50 a pair.S-White eight inch lace Boot,welt Louis heel,$7. a pair. These three numbers are beauties and we will take pleasure in showing the Very latest in the new Spring Boots. Phone 83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the sameHIGHGRADESERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY ALLHONESTLOSSESINCASHWITHOUTDISCOUNT. We will be glad to have call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No.54 if ourserviceinneeded.WedoNOTARYPULIC work also.J.F.CARLTON,Manager. REALESTATEANDINSURANCE, Thosedesiring to sell farms,timberedsuburban,city property,cotton mill ea DankWeareconstantinvouchwththemaotbay infFreAccentandHealth’Employer,Automobilepoliciesthatare by few (if any) ‘/ “3 SerenaadtisbeenoundttehaSa aeh ond Smog so uae “WOOD'S SEED” We have a full line of T. W.Wceod &Sons garden seed in packages and Wood’s bulk seed such as Early Peas,Early Beans, Beet Seed,Sced Corn, Onion Sets,etc. Come in and see what we have. Kagle& Mibholland. Phorie 89. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL ae BUILDING,Statesville,N,C.TELEPHONE ENGAG EMENTS,"Firone 197,Hours 6 SPECIAL aren Toc prep REN'sTle quietweoe enn ACIDS INhasbenefitedmore 'Raymond Winn,shot and in- .stantly killed Miss Thorpe,17,at a dance in Va.,Weéd-naw night,then shot:shothimself to death.tra #®quar-rel.Both a at the dancetowhichanotheryoungmanhadac-companied Miss Thorpe.As the yirlsteppedoutonthelawnWinndrewhisrevolverandkilledher.pad ‘sinslias |Stone eae eee~STOMACH SOUR FOOD AND CAUSEINDIGESTION!THE a “Pape’sDiapepsin”Fixes Sour, thi nhs y f a help, MADi=t Gaessy,Upset Stemachs in |Five Minutes! |You don't know what upset youstomach—which portion of the foodididthedamage—do you?Well,don’t ‘bother.If your stomach is in a re-volt;if sick,gassy and upset,and what you just ate has fermented anc turne “1 sour;head dizzy and aches; belch roses and acids and eruetate yn- digested food;breath foul,tonguc coated-—just take a little Pape’s Dia-i pepsin to neutralize acidity and in fiveminutesyouwonderwhatbeeameof the indigestion and distress.Millions of men and women today know that it is needless to have dys-pepsia.A little Diapepsin oecasion-aly keeps the stomach sweetened,and they eat their favorite foods withoutfear. If your stomach doesn’t take care your liberal!limit without rebel if your food is »damage instead remember the quickest surest,most harmiess antacid is Pape’s Diapepsin,which costs only Atsy cents for a large case at drug stor It’s truly wonderful—it tops food souring and sets things Straight,so gently and easily that it is really ‘astet ishing.Your stomach twill digest your meals if you keep aciis neutralized. MORTGAGE SALE UNDER and by virtue of the ‘rale contained in executed to J.P of LAND. of OF poweracertainmortgage deedWilliamsbyS.L.Williams, viN :is~recorded in the office of the i conve nnsylv:De ‘= Hee pe a te i patsra oe are :—of the,Pennsylvania Re Moravians ve a paper mill at Sa-ii Shoe Dealers’Association |they om *been extab-the und cod.will on eculd ,with tee 6 lem.Tron works have be e.4 4 MONDAY,MARCH 5.1917,heuld co-operate with the designers lished in the counties of Guilford,J font 32 oe!at the court house door of Ire-'and keep the short skirts in fashion.Surry and Wilkes,all on the Yadkin Anything in Sheet piesa foreae Tainwing de.“Trices on leather have been yiver;also in Lincoin and Johnson Metal :vere SE lames Veevre:boosied beyond all reason and if the .ounties.Pitch,tar and turpentine vee tal.i of MT.Wilitane ond prices are to be reduced,the:public .-o among the chief articles of ex- STATESVILLE TIN CO J whieh #il scien wom liven:be.™MUAt leorn to wear shoes that are port.Whiskey and peach brandy are .wi nta Dp eee ride wt the Made from leather substitutes,”says distilled in considerable quantities °:hi nin:thene ith 177 1-2 poles to a the head of the shoe department of fr home consumption.” Tin Roofing,whe in Ada F line;thence eat 129 the Wanamaker stores.He surgests ., Ridge Roll ce men Ee po i the ede slime convas,cork and rubber as substi-THE SMALL GRAIN CROPS. V .Ti ,{me the ton Af mounts thenves southwest to =that will make stylich end dur-M Nott a,s G Jalley Tin,f the Mewitining.‘The interest conveyed witl be able shoes.Tamage May No o GresiG:@ ‘}pnt undivided interest in er inna.«=The approoriation committee ef As ‘Appears—Basketball = rutter pou ‘Fo Ma berry.ty.Mortgageet 2 —of <i =Bi —_Measles —-Things of In‘ .i he tad »include in tae ppropriation bPhone55,114 E.Broad Street.|se the $400,000 for the -cost of =al Leneis. inscinesorermsnanimarii sama ana ———a “estivation inte the high cost of Jive To the atror of The Lanamark: PO ALL LANDOWNERS IN SNOW CREEK ing,which President Wilson recently‘Lenoi Hel 1 I em sincerely1USAGEDISTRICT;Rajocet Pig ecu a Gai avi Muated god wetresbod anadirectedtheFederalTradeCommis-glad y e rested acd refreshed and tion i (oa eee,sion to make.No move will be made.back at ir desk.Whoever t donimave DD t to isave bor the pey-hry the commission unless the money the pape ring your absence did 4 n of the tet ¥mt of ™tmp ae ro is appropriated.The commission had very t if I bad not known of an ‘.seeiue NOSE ee es 6 ae are a?uouttined an investigation to lavt six your alse i would have conclude? WE HAVE fECUKED THE aa,ten ¢i:intaiments,to eight months.}wei of town,ar not quite ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON}:r Mis larigarud A riot Wednesday night the yourself.|bave been a render of The an w 1 the dis-.¢devs cay}ry rrowcreeTopreFORrPOF.t iit H bs veg of striking emetoy the wimark some 2h y S and it rrow BELK STORES FOR GUR Or be th da i ankAn Sugar Redntne ©ny pon mes ’ul me and mo. FICE AND WALTING ROOM,my t ‘ty Trenearer t ‘amount,Philadelphia,resultec ;in the tiling W»have had ery cold weather :ST .oe nine others nt Nes and here and we a d wheat is badr>;vt’.STEP I ,a S41.4 é cr a ot rs,when th po!and }ve and V ar at ve oe =Foe ¢Silke cer iwere:rikers clashed.near the ery.hurt.bu we —warm rain |thi: AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT ‘1 acre >women's demonstration followed |can see there is mere on the ground aang araeae |D i f r ac a meeting which the wive h-than we tho lt is reported thaINSIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN-’‘'i ‘ecu Bb ty a t . ire scaeralnelt to ‘sand daughters of the stvik de-the winter oat ¢is dead,but |hope TION GIVEN TO CALLS.the ie tr rtitles f nined to march in a body te the pot,There has beer little winter plow- ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 20¢,oh Be!Ne ta ee oy A ee ee ae ete ee.’an szions scughtby the m ‘at=enough.t ‘i frezen j BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE "nog a f ;ue h a ae es n ere 8 CENTS.nd Measures have been adopt!the farmer yowe a most sure t ‘(PHONE ;sce re ae eke to hief railroads of the Ea :ave soul ve iW 1 arid +4 :Re WLES Che)ana raryinet er nes ds for he “COT:t j 4 i q Com an j H.R.C¢wi f Seereta ard foodstuffs from the v1 Dp ay he t .itney Transfer Company."si.ee ee come ce ae --shortage and congestion «{rh ae i et -of the-————|DR.COITESHERRILE,|tars.Chie!of thene menor ema oar ia seme ant coe,thane P ANDS ..the dispatch o rush orde:OH en ce ;.in doa the _—HI Genera!Practioner in roads coneerned for —the Mee eT hay /nas :;7 Tapes,Cement Pat ches,ete.City and County.‘-ansportation of gas,coal i a ee are all very well in their way,but to ¥8 towns and cities,includir ©Chie A088 .er ae they are all emergency meas-}All calls telephoned te Jas.R.|cago,Detroit.Indianapolis ao Kame «Me ‘play x ures orly.The enly real and THIl’s residence or Long's Sanato-|and Springfield,H1.,where th rt.oP ae ray .My Fretea ns aienn nt re ogi «isogo by }|!rium will have prompt attention,uge was acute.eee oy ‘al ai | wleanizins the @amaged parts.LeA et A igh 1 ’rie While your Car is not in use,|-What Mr.Taft Could Do in score:to 50 in favor ef LerhaveyourTiresputinshape.|WHICH 18 CHEAPER Case of War,Be oe ee THE IREDELL VUI CAMIZANG To put on your onthouses,Solid ::__{ane fy :ue MA wD)y ‘OLVY eathing and the cheapest arades Gov.Holeomb of Connect is.f avy that Iam &SU!PLY COMPANY.bot pasition rofing at a st of ae prepared q register of th:var oppoved t eM property ":‘yer #,§bility of every citizen of that ie ducted e !Phone 261 Court Street.out $2.24 per square,or Sksleten a 7 :__eh We Sell Miller Tires.:Sheathing and C Ww AKINS’Cedar over 16 years of age.Bx-Presidom jeyed this one im auc }Shingles ai a ¢ost of about $1.80 peer Taft,who is a citizen of Connecticut A series of meetings fs in pregres ree on oman square,the Shingles being good for expressed himself as ready fy nili-in Lenoir Fy Beptist chureh,cot 1h te °)years”°tary ‘service should his servic:be;duetéed by Rev.1.J.Te of Warren Cc,Il.L KE i,7 kK R :etn cr-—romae needed.He gave as his qualificnt ons ton.|an vo ]preacher ane ee ’mr @ the fact that he could swim,(ive a)the people arc fly to }hivRacereneDAncHrrect,|i D*-,5 W.Hotimmeme.[iran rym sesostteore tigt tates cart me.Ror tahun ColISTEy;Tit orsee ar)»s attem -..afols i ¢..EGISTEREI ais PEC?,—-Physician,ere._addec at his att:pt!can tur Rev,Bay a .to ride a horse might be mighty 1th |is temporarily ving yurch N C Ph 340 G i Office —.s.©2 P.on the horse.Mr.Taft gay his pastor,and the pec are plea Statesville,'a ORE «reen.oS.3.80 to v4 at y iis oeeupation “lecturer at Yale.”and)with his preaching thot T do not think Ott s A 934.said he was a lawyer in resp:te the pulpit my ef ist now loo tei ead St.<neBe an the question,“Have you othe:ante ing for a rewviar a permanent pas- ence ‘phone -_t of making a living?”tor.Then I tl}Bre.Cade has fal- W AN I ED!si a Connecticut is,so far as known,the |len in love with th wle of Lenoi °first and only State to take th rp There seems to be a brotherly and co py for wa ‘ative spirit treen allrpreparedness.oherntive spirit between all the pas SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brags Te.ate tors of thc town. |a _ight Brass Se.per i Not “Little Aleck.”Our people are talking bonds for d the town for street |Greensboro News |Reed roads an :P "by |*..ory \f ”Y “teSSAT,E::Not the feast impressive o°mat-improvement.Both are much needed|but I ‘le going atersisthesolie'tude expre sed in bee yur regret to se goople gong At New and secon’hand machinery of Iredell county and Live deeply in det for gale and all kinds of bwiler ik,lest the menses of Sunday!I am praying and hoping we may |a de:nd ‘em Pet be kept out of war,although theroomsuppliesondpon‘em.(TE keep hisior nt it o pects are gloomy These of uy Cc.H.TURNER,i he said tha “Lithhe A ene are old enough to remember th: Tredell ‘Phone Mo.74,Heli No.7.the Sunday olf aeanaecn.rs of the Civil War do not wantMiwhointroducedtheaanymorewar.}tr vent all Christian: thanhis share of ilinets*this winter.Ww are @lad to saMra.Lavinia th beet women of this ce died yesterday morning at her home herefteratwoweeks’illness of px.amo nia.Her case was deanersto (rom the beginning.Miss Ciara Ce.pton a trained nurse,of Char nttendedherandeverything.n temedicalskillwasdenewithoutavail Funeral services will be condveted from the Methodist church today })tev.J.C.Keever and interment willbeatSt.Michael's.Mrs.€war 63 years old.In early girlhoed sheconnectedherselfwiththeLutheranChurchbutafterhermarriagetMr,A.T.Ostwalt she cha hermembershiptotheMethodistChurchShelivedaguilelesslife—a life oferviceandusefullness,She wasknownforquiet,unassuming manneindherunostentatiouswayofministeringtohumanity.She was widelyconnectedthroughoutthis—adjoin-ing counties.She is survived by oneson,Mr.Breoks Ostwalt of this place ind two daughters,Mesdames (rpBrownandFannieCavin,and by :large family of sisters and brotheTherearemanyothersickpeop!einthisvicinity.-Mr.Milas Holtshouserisverylow.Mirs Jennie Al- lison is also very Jow.,Mrs.8.ABrownisanotheroftheworstcases Besides these there is almost a sickmemberineachfamilyintown,This is unusual,Mr.Jo.Spratt of Bristol,Tenn.has moved his family here and wil!make this his home.Mr.G.MYounghasgonetoLexington,Ky..a"a delegate to the Laymen's Mission- ary Convention. NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS Incidents Gathered From All Parts of the Country. Reports from Cuba indicate thattherevolutionrecentivberuntherei about to pass out.The attitude of the United States is responsible foritspromiseddeath. Every inch added to the length of the women’s dresses means a loss of$10,000,000 a year to the shoe busi- according to A.D.Anderson ofRoston,who told the delegates to theness, ’tin county; in Chaofall,it will be notedinconsiderable bad =I “—- ins Caleaineofthelongago.forth Carolina,the area of thesquaremiles,4,286AtthatStateaslessthenitstsize.eer]62 counties as‘imecompared with an a hundred now. The chief towns of the State then ere given Alfordstown,MoorecountibeeBenufertcoun- ty:county:Salem, urr —-Soeiehure.Franklin coe Wiltiamsborourh,Granville county}ashen Mentgomery county; Morgan,Burke county;Tarborough,Edgecombe county;Windsor,Bertiecounty;Vane Warren county: puleerenes utherford county; Sarecto,Duplin county;Lumberton,tlobeson a Williamston,Mar-Newhern,Craven county;Smithville,Brunswick county;Jones-borough,Camden county;Greenville,Pitt county;Wilmington,New Hano- =county;Beaufort,Carteret coun- :Trenton,Jones county;Flizabeth- ‘eee,Tyrrell county;Rockingham,Richmond county;Halifax,Halifaxcounty;Pittsberough,Chatham coun- tv}Elizabethtown,Bladen county; Raleigh,Wake county;Upper Saura,Stokes county;Nixopten,Pasquo- ank county;Fayetteville,eCumber- *land county;Kingstoa,Lenoire coun- v;Martinville,Guilford county; Wadesborough,Anson county;Swans- borough,Onslow county:Caswell county;Hillsborough,Or-ange county;Smithfield,Johnson county;Edenton,Chowan county; Selisbu Rowan county;Wynton, Hertfo "county;Germantown,Hyde county;Lincolnton,Lincoln county; Charlottesville,Mecklenburg county. Many of these places,it will be noted,are now unknown.The names have been changed or the places have ceased to exist.Who,for instgnee, knew that Morganton was once known as Morgan. Iredell is noted as a county but had no chief town.The county's population was 10,972,less than @ third the population at present. New Berne is given as the largest ‘own in the State at that time,the .opulation of 1810 being2,467,1,298 ‘whom were slaves¢The public buildings of the town consisted of a ‘cmall Episcopal church,a handsome court house anda gaol,all of brick, ind a theater,which was formerly a distillery.” Enumerating the manufactures of the State authority says:“The o Uhatwemaybc Leasburg,° Whilenature is preparingto discard the somber garb of Winter,weare bringingon the new garmentssuitable for Spring Wear. TheSpring Dresses Are Nothing about them to:‘te imindyouoftheseasons that have gone—newness.in on which they are.designed. Taffetas,Crepe de Chines, andGeorgettes,prices $15.00 *\,,to $25.00. S-U--T-S © oan for therethe ome,|Thetrmmedwhichbarebeenin=fewThenewstylesaredhaeetgesuitedtotherequirementsanddesiresWomen. Visit our Ready-to-Wear department. Pe OCR There’s Fire |_ AND-~it’s one of the hardest things in life 3lesslywatcheverytnegeupinsmokefromthethatinafewminutesreducestoashestheaeyearsofindustryandeconomy.DUT—with one of our rock ribbed insuraneeinyeurpocket,you have the funds fora freshandyou're on your feet again in no time.7RISKRUINwhen80smallanannualpaymentperfectlyprotectsyou?Let us show you how little itcan be done for!Weinsure your Life,Your Health,your property.— STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, W.E.WEBB,a PILI OSI OG mele eeeae USE BRICK. “OF the materials offered for build'ng,which is the most permanent’?The editor of the Youth’s Compan- ion,in the issue of November 9th,cn the Family Page. Savs: “The best of the man-mede materials is BRICK,‘It has passed the test of time,it reeommends itself to the eve in color,texture and in size,which is smell »permit the use of pleasant patterns,called “ and of varying size.in window and door openings—both impossible with te eement and terra-cotta blocks now on the market.it has a further advantage in being sol- id,so that it «in be used in piers and all members thatrequirestreeth.In some neighborhoods the cost over wood cons -uction is ten per cent.,but tue meng:on maintens .ce outweighs that.” STATESVILLE BRICK CO, RAH aL LOO: 15 Pounds Candy F;ree’ NUNNALLY’S AT THAT. CALL AT OUR STORE FOR PARTICULARS.~* C0.“On i POL GSAT 2 bait eee eeneeeee weer eeeeerenee at e withoutis kept on the job all the time ike a section force on a railroad— that repair force is directed by n who knows his business,who the road ditched and i and dragged at proper times; cuts the trees back so there will be a of sunshine and hunts for the quality of top soil—we believe “there would be little complaint of muddy roads;and if in addition the teamsters were required to put on broad tires and there was some intel- ligent nga on of tonnage when the roads are soft,we are sure there would be another story All this will have to be done—sys- tematic,continuous and intelligent upkeep,narrow tires eliminated,ete. if we are to have good roads,or rather if.we are to keep rood roads, no matter if the roads are built of material that costs $1,000 a foot.It’s our shame that we have spent so much on roads and let them get i guch bad repair;a condemnation of our system of public business man- agement that spent all our money building roads and ett nothing for repair work. The Landmark's innocent remark recently —that the newr in Raleigh was to the effect that Chief Justice Clark was “playing for _renomina- tion”—has stirred the Wilmington Dispatch to assert that the Chief tice doesn't have to play for renom- ination.That paper is of the opin- jon that no man in the State “can come within 10,000 votes of winning the nomination from Chief Justice Clark,and as for the election hardly within 50,000,”Neither does it agree that the Chief Justice is particularly ying for renomination.rhe Char- on Obse agrees to all the Dis- patch says about Judge Clark's pop- ularity and contends that Judge Clark's defeat for the United States Senate in 1912 was because “the peo- insisted on keeping him on the at Raleigh;that they love him well to let him get down from the Supreme Court bench.”That is too funny,oning that everybody knows that if Judge Clark had been out of a job in 1912 he would have been ors Senate—as he was. mark assures both the Dispatch and the Observer that it was innocent of any intention of starting anything in connection with Judge Clark—of intimating that he is net popular or of to arouse opposition.Mem- why &Legislature told the edit- or of this paper that the judge was assiduously cultivating the legislators and they assumed that he was porns the way for renomination;that’s all. ee North Carolina is going to be “bone dry”without waiting for the aid or consent of the Legislature.Congress has unexpectedly done the work for ibition States;has given them what they didn’t asx for and what some of them probably didn’t want; and tlfuddenness of the action has caught a wood many folks thor i the supply they would have laid in had they known the lightning le ag to strike.The action of Con s makes unnecessary any fur- ther action by our State Legislature so fat as liquor shipments for indi- vidual ‘consumption is concerned.The “Morafly Stunted”will doubtless ex- tract ome comfort from the fact that many peopie who were out- strong e prohibition will be as m@h troubled about the new state of afffirs as those who openly claim- ed the privilege of whetting thei: whistle:Hereafter the loeal blind tiger,Who makes the voods at home will l@ the sole source of supply and he will doubt!become more active eeeT Th)andmark submits to Dr.John- gon of Charity and Children that it is hardlg fair to refer to the appropria- masked for the State Hospitals >insane as a “subsidy,”“ur demands”and “capacious Sof “public pets.”Dr.Johnson is af@r the State educational institu- tions but he distinctly coupies —the State Hospitals f the insane alorywithfhem.We believe on rr 1 withdraw this The trouble with Ghe insane hospitals always isthatPreycan't cet enough money to room for the fficted whe and are entitled to their care; who are a burden and a menace famMes and communities and ten must be confined in jails nty homes because the Statcletoprovideforthem. flection the House of the Legislature tax bill by passing a ting the proposition 8 ° Holdingassail- springwhathewould do ifsubmarinecam-|notified Germanishecontinuedpaign.”Some people can’t understand ifyouarewiththeminoneinstancewhyyoushouldn't be with them in every case,regardless of cireum- stances.The President urged peace: this seemed to favor Germany;it did not actually do that,but the Ger- mans took it kindly.Now they can't understand why he should keep hiswordwithreferencetothesubma- rine matter.But we can't criticize the Germans for failing to comprehend when so many people in this country pretendtheycan't.The extreme pro-ally ele- ment can’t understand why we are rot at war with Germany;why we didn't go to war with that country lone ago;the extreme nacifists would have us abandon all rights on the seas,stand acide and let Germany do her will—anything to keep out of wer.They criticise the Presidentbecausewarthreatens.fhe pro-Ger- man element have counted it discrim- ination because we have sold supplies to the Enten allies and Germany couldn't buy us—-which Germany vould have done as easily as her en-emies if the way had been open to deliver the goods;and thev pretend that they can't see the difference be- tween the blockade maintained by ‘ngland and the submarine warfareofGermany,which is very differentNotwithstandingallthislackor professed lack of understanding by neople who reason from their own nersonal feeling and desires,the President is keeping in the mirdle of the road,doing his best to avoid war vut unwilling to avoid it at all haz- ards,and trying te treat all fairiy. STSTTS The Greensboro Record dissentsfromTheLandmark's opinion that the average North Carolina legis- lator is representative of his people;and the reason the legislator is not always as big and as broad as_heshouldbeisbecausehispeoplearenotbigenoughandbroadenoughtosenda_differentt to representthem.”The Record thinks that a rep- resentative body of legislators “wouldbecomposedofmeninterested,notonlyinafewprivatebills,but in thewholeCommonwealts.That body of men would unhesitatingly give to woman municipal suffrage.That bodyofmenwouldsaythiswasorwasnotaprohibitionState,and it wouldnotparleyonhalfwaymeasures.There would not be a representativebodyofmenmakinganargumenthatnegrowomenwoutddominatethepolls,”ete.Maybe so.But if thefolkswantedthatsortofarepre- sentative body they could send them to Raleigh.Seeing that they don’t,the conclusion is inevitable that theyretwhattheywant.If they takewhatishandedtethem,ready-made,cut-and-dried,when they want some- thing different,the fault is still withthepeople.They could get what theywantandiftheywon't take the trou- ble to select something different thenwemustconcludethattheaveragelegislatorrepresentsthemajority.| _OESPATERNALRERAOATIRERIOSEON A TT es Col.Geo.M.Yoder,Catawba coun- ‘ty historian and weather forecaster,warns the folks to look out for se- vere weather March 3 to 8-—heavyrains,snow,ice and sleet—all be- cause the full moon will be “in con- junction with the crawfish sign.”Mr. Geo.Cochran,the voracious chroni- cler of the Newton Enterprise,ix-' sues this information as press agent for Col.Yoder and avers that the colonel!predicted “the terrific weather during the first of Februn- rv,at least 30 days before the freeze, basing his predictions on the fact that the moon would be full at the same time the zodiac sign was in the crawfish.”Something ought to he lone about this,and The Landmark is asking Col.Fairbrother of the Greensboro Reeord to call on the Levisiature to pass a law to prevent the moon getting full or to prevent the godiee sign getting in the craw fish.Surely this combination should be made unlawful. LL The country lost an army officer ofunusualabilityandafirst-class fight- ing man,in the death of Gen.Fred. Funston.His record of service showed that,and the fact that in a few years he advanced from civilian ranks to major general is additional proof.The man who goes from civ- ilian ranks to the head in,the armyeitherhasunusualabilityofisapetofthehigherpowers.There is noevidencethatFunstonwasapet.Hewonsuccessonhismerits—over theheadsoftheWestPointcasteinthe|army.|el |Agoodmany folks whodepend onsemi-monthly quart shi its fiite”theres ‘sap vot hsashe.|aries ss |. |NationalBanksEarnedaPile, 6bothhadodsince theUnited.States national banking sys- .half a century ago.Hier Williams places the a s earnings ofbanksat000,007,as compawith$528,000,000 for the fiseal year ending June 30,1915.He said the net earni for the calendar year Dece r $1,1916,.mounted to $170, 000.000,an incrense of eeoverthoseforthefiscalyearending)June $0,1915.“The gross earningsforthelastsixmonthsof1916,”cons| tinued the comptro!'er’s statement, “were at the rate of #628,000,000 ayear,while the net carnings for thesamesixmonthswereattherateof $185,000,000 per annum,or 29.5 per cent.of gross earnings.” gross and net,ever aorganizationofx: ng sales. een sete ne | |Another Keating Labor Bill, Having successfull)passed throughbethbranehesofCongressabill which is known as the child labor law,Representativ: fornia is now busily « ing through a similat applies to women en'y.would make it unlawfu ducer,manufacturer,or dealer to ship or deliver for shipment in inter- State or foreign comiaerce any articleorcommodity,the product of any mill,cannery.factay or manufac-!turing establishment situated in the Unite States in which within 30)days prior to the removal of such product therefrom,females 16 years of age and over have been cnghened or permitted to work more than eighthoursinanyeneday,or more than six days in any one week.| (TR CERT.RSE wets encae aS Why He is Barved From Raleigh| Greensboro Record.Of course we know at Raleigh theLegislature‘meets —ahd happilyonceonlyintwoyears.But peren- nially the asylum for the insane is there,as is also the State peniten- tiary.That is why we don’t go toRaleighoften.**This year we would be asked on the train if we were a member of the Legislature, and such a personal affront would call for reprisal.In other years the question would be put to us:“Areyougoingtothepenitentiaryortheasylum”?And having been reared as @ pet and nursed in the arms of luxury we are not guing to stand for any such impertinence.That is why we cannot go to Raleigh. vaged in fore-neasure which The measure AT The Best Recommendation.The strongest recommendation any articlemayreceiveisafavorablewordfromtheuserItietherecommendationsefthosewhohaveuseditthatmakesChamberiain's Cough Rem- edy so popular Mrs.Amanda Gierhart,Waynesfield,Ohio.writes,“Chamberlain'sCoughRemedyhasbeenusedinmyfamilyoffandonfortwentyyearsandithasneverfail- ed to cure a cough or cold.”Obtainable every-where. MadeWell by DeliciousVinol Crestline,Ohio.—*“I contracted ahard,chronie cough,and was weak,nervous and run down.I have a smallfamilyofthree,and it was hard for metodomywork.I took different medi-eines without benefit.Finally I heardaaandithasrestoredmeto calth and strength,cough is all goneandIfeelfine’Mee H.H.CaguisreVinolisaconstitutionalremedyforchroniecoughsandcolds,and for ailweak,nervous,run-dowa conditions.Try it on our guarantee, W.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville BUILDING ?©.WATKINS See.eae eneAha these over. Keating ef Cali-| for any pre-; TOtopermitanyagenttostockcars in ©ase lensing this noticeto intending Savane es Say may themseives againstdelay or intherefore,youare planning toyourorderandtakedeliverynow. Immediateorders willhaveDELAYINBUYINGAT THIS Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our authorized Fordagentlistedbelowanddon’t be disappointed when spring opens. aFordcar,we attention, E MAY CAUSE YOU DISAPPOINT- FORD MOTOR COMPANY. Only 80 more cars aredueus on our 1917 contract—and these80 Fordsmustbedividedseveralhundredprospects.WE URGE YOUTOamongSIGNORDERATONCEFORYOURS! CAROLINA MOTOR COMPANY.“WE NEVER CLOSE” PIANO TUNING—E.8.VaenALSTYNE ofRolebury.Orders loft with Mr.L.W.Muae-KESSON,at Statesville Drag Company, reccive prompt attention.Feb,.20-—ltw. The Chevrolet Leads the Way. Following are some of the localpeoplewhoaredrivingtheChevrolet.Ask them if in doubt as to what Car to buy:7,BE.Bowles,E.K.Hines,J.A.Munday,J.P.Ingram,J.C.Temple- ton.T.E.Wiinecoff,Rev.J.W.Wil-liam:.H.B.Weodward,J.L.Cowan.L.\.Yount,R.L.Murdock,Fred Sil!Olley Sills,Clay Crouch,W.C.Wooten,D.P.Sartin,J.C.Steele,LK.Lazenby,W.W.Tharpe,D.A.Mar.rison,Joseph Hamoy,Oscar Murdock Ivr.Davis,Hiddenite,and J.B.Roach. Seen N.Center Street. L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C. Dealer In — Hides,Furs,Wool and 8ees- wax,Also old Metal and Rubber.Scrap Iron,Rags, Books and Magazines.We pay the highest markst prices. Independen!Phone 506. Bell Phone 9302. “Flooring and Ceiling Sold by C.WATKINS are: properly Kiln Dried and) won't openand let in cold. There was a time when first class roads were a requisite to successful motoring. Today,with the Buick or Dodge you can go anywherethe road leads. Whenyouhave a bad trip to make, if you haven'taBuick or Dodge of your own,borrow your neighbor's. And when you buy a newcarcomeinand look } j OUR BUYERSSReAeTrT Is in the northern markets,buving for our different departments. Hoping to be able to serve our customers in the future better than giving them a better selection of all the new creations. in the past, MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. Patis .LISTEN! “Ranges.Cook Stoves,Oi)Stoves” WE HAVEA FULL LINE. Consider this before you buy.The bestrangetobuyistheonethatgivesthelongestandmostsatisfactoryservice,at thelowestcost.The easiest way to be positivethatyouaremakinganabsolutelysoundinvestmentistobuyaFavoritetheguaran- teed kind,you arethen taking no chance. For almost 70 years the Favorite has beenrecognizedastheworld’s best. It will pay youtosee our line before youmakeyourpurchase. Williams Furniture House Inc. ‘The Favorite Store.” NTETE m eee a a ta ae WeMean Nothing Personal.ors go setsOEE ourVictor Record Library. Newoneseachmonth.Comein and hear them. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE. tivo todmit ott Yo 0:On vil ta mila Alle‘‘, ”:mie ge hs ores aged a ai e ” ge ee de a —— — — — _ — _ eo i t e f eoe ii f i 3S :¢ |Master Frank Bryant,served refresh-|hin =would bale Geb baw.fo 6 ,‘ed me,saying that if I-would he.would| weeks spent withher pa-!Sand tien,5.1,Saaeen.The G.G.G.club meeting with Mrs | iW.A.Sample Wednesday spent a him that in order to helphank-= show me how to stack it out so thatit|would keep just as well as it would in the barn.He said the whole secret easant afternoon.Rook was played iss Maud Nicholson was presentedplant.as winner of theMissRebeccaMiller} |was the only guest outside the elub. |A salad course was followed by can-|dies and nuts. The Local Workers, Lubbock,Texas,~where|will make his home.Rev.J.A.H.Sentman of Williams.|Q.,has rturned to his home afpentwithhisson with a potted |dry foundation,then a thatehed highest score. several weeks &E.M.Sentman.vr;Dorman Thompson has return-from a visit to Raleigh and Rich-|tion md.He went from Raleigh to)bors of an organiza-of ladies who are mem-Street church,met withMondayafter-rs were elected as fol-Mrs.R.A.Cooper president,Sronce vice president,J.J.Moroney secretary,MTheWorkers ela Mize and Charlye|noon,went to Baltimore|lows: this week in the injerest of the firme Mrs.B.L.represent-—-at Emporia,Va.,and)Mrs. n,eet |E &.Tharpe treasurer.l give a reception at the Statesville |parlors Monday evening to the con- mont,In.*gregation in honor of the pastor and ke their!his wife,Rev.and Mr,L.D.Tho Cooper served re B.Watts of Hid-!wil passed throughjayontheirwayto Frediana,where they|home.Mrs.Watts before her recent,9°". |Marriage wes Mr.and Mrs.C.H.Alien have re-turned to their home in New HavenConn.,after a visit with Mrs.J.r.:Mrs.W.R.MeLelland spent Tues-_day in Salisbury with her brother-in-law,Mr.J.H.MecLelland of Newtonwheisillinasanatortumthere.Mrs.H..P.Rhyne und little son ofMt.Holly and Miss Christine Henke! spent Tuesday with relatives in New- celebration of States- ville Ledge No. Pythias was held in the hall of the ‘lodge Monday evening.A number of ladies were guests of honor on this occasion,which was especially in com- memoration of the twenty-fifth anni-versary of the lode. recepiion Waso'clock:music was furnished by the Merchants’Band,Dr.C.A.Turner Mr.J.H.Hoffmann deliver- ed the address of weicome,following which there was a burlesque initiation Preveding the Mr.B.A.Cowan spent several dayrthisweekatOldFort of building a stack was first a at the top.After his acdress we show- ed him our church and the surround-| Q JORTGAGEE’S SALE.OF LAND.| [BY VIRTUB of the poper af sale mortwageveignedbyM.L.the 40 at page 578,de! by,|will,in accordance with the terms stipulations contained in’seid 7”FRIDAY,MARCH 16,1917, 2 o'clock,noon,expose to gale at public for ona the court house door of p and the buildings sft BoundedofJohnMessick; Nicholson and on the south by the lands dobn Paris and others,containing 47 1-2SeewedofCoraStack .Steck to Lafayette Harpe,deed7;see aluo deed for this same o Cora Stack and ®8,Stack,all of Under the Federal Reserve Banking System of which we area member we con take our securities to our district Federal Reserve Bank whenever we want to and get MONEY. _Your money is absolutely safe in our bank and YOU CAN GET If WHEN YOU WANTIT. Come in and “talk business”with us.We always housesiteatedinthevillage Harmony,tre- county,N.C.,bounded on the west by theofEtiasTharpeeadJobnTharpeandnorth,east and south by the lands ofHoylesandbeingtheplaceupon which parties of the first en now reside. good findfinish|on th. Asberry ings and it was suggested that he,Lone &Scott,Attys.|must know something about building |He modestly admitted that in Germa-|have time to listen. ny he had built everything,from hay|NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. stacks to fine cathedrals,and that he)Hevine qualifed as administrator of the| j estate of R.B.Combs,deceased,Make OUR bank YOUR bank.was his own architeev.m it WMP)Gell county,North Carolina,thin is to notify suggested to him there was talk of |all persons having elaime againat the estate| aid deceased to exntbit them to the un-We pay 4 per cent intereston time deposits.;i of thetearingdownthischurchandbuilding|Bo aid sone>Pena beawe Gn.as a new one,and he said,“Don’t do it!gy Pride cometh before »fall and Germa-of January,1918,or this notice will beinbaroftheirrecovery.All persons THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,! ny is finding that out right now.You |laget have a good auditorium and good | seats and you would have to throw |away the whole thing.”Every seat iccuttofititspositiononthefloorand|couldn’t be used anywhere else,and}we all wondered at how much com-!mon sense could be squeezed in our)little dream that no person was re-|aut for.Mr.storff {“When I go home,if the Kaiser wil d to the said am we please make Administrator of BR.B.Comba.Statesville,N.C.eeeHotel Proprietor GivenUpByDoctors. “In conversation with a rep-|resentative cf your Company! let me,!will make youa little plar today,I could not help express-|and send you,showing how you car jing my feeling of gratitude at| remodel this church,maki it as!good as new,at one-fifth cost,”|and we all joined in wishing him a) the good your medicine has| done for me.For three long safe passport heme.J.C.8.|vears I suffered untold ageny| a iwith what they said was a se-|The little daughter of Mr.and Mrs Cebert Wilson of Brim’s Grove sec-vere case of Rheumatism. tion,Surry county,fell in the fire and ter the best doctors had ex-was so badly burned that she died a hayusted their knowledge in re- few hours later. ceremony by “The Order of the Sons = *The introductorywasbyMr.Jno.A.Scott,Jr.The castofcharacterswasasfollows: |Grand Highinkadink Miss Rae GillfromBarnwell,5S.C.,to spend a fewdayswithherparents,Mr.and Mrs. |gard to my ease,I consulted an. MARKET REPORTS “|Osteopath and after an exami- GtatesviiiePredaceMa.ne.tne following prices were pa!poretweforproduceontheloca)marketRiaanneanimeeaniannaammanaiD.F.Mayberry.wnity Service Day —Pas-jr)ices Rim st iickerttorInstalled. ef The Landmark Feb.21 —The health the community is improving.MasterCloydStevensonisanattackofpneumonia.sister,Mildred,has a is about well. Boodlehoider--Ciyde &Captein of the Guard thy Slush M.E.Ramsey,Jr. Bowser and Towser recovering from Mr.F.J.Axley was toastmaster atbanquetwhichfollowed. were impromptu talks by Mr.T.9.N.White of Char- light case of Caroline Morrison I,The meastes has Gardner and Mr.us a visit as yet,and it is to be Mooresville and others.The commit- Servi D t tee on arrangements was compo ed of ec Way &Mr.R.O.Deitz and Mr.W.H.Hof-Friday.A number of patrons .‘ young people took part in improvingandbeautifyingthe |served by the ladies. was started and the around the yard..Cathey was duly install- THE CANNING CLUB WORK ‘Summary of the Work in the State For Five Years. An interesting and iliuntineting re- A woodhousefencingplaced Morket unsettled. ‘Turkeys,18-20¢.per tb.Chickens,'5¢.per tb. Eure,200.per dtonen, Butter,20-26.per ib, Green Hides (unsalted)18¢.per Tb.Green Hides (saited)19e.per ib,Green Salted Hams,16-i8e.per tb. Sides and Shoulders,15-16e.per tb. New Red Honey,“ce.to ide.per 1%Sourwood Honey Comb,I8e,to 20¢,per Ib‘Md Auto Rubber Casing,4¢.per tb.Sweet Potatoes,90c.per bushel. Grete |nation he said the hip joint had|become irritated and it would’ take a long time to cure it,if it,could be cured at all. disgouraged over my condition,for T had spent hundreds of dol-‘ors in the vain pursuit of ease, for my suffering was terrible.) Hearing of the good effects that) Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy had) on others,I decided to try it.bought a dozen botties,think- took it at all ing that if I a a is necessary for success.Be right “on time.”Punctualitytw_Sotlowne oie Seese mh |woul ge at it right.eatin om theWheat(new)$1.90 per bushel.Corn,$1.25 per bushel. Oates,66-70c.per bushel. Stateaville Cotten Market derful,ves it is wonderful,the cure it made of me, friends can ‘estify. You will be right on timeif you let us sell you a Correct time-keeper.We carry the reliable “makes”of watches and sell thern at square prices.I began to: On the leeal market yesterday 17 cents improve on the rirst bottle and per pound was paid for best grade cotton.by the time I had finished the ur boy anew watch.Nothing could makeCottonSeed,65e.per bushel.|course I was a well,strong manSeedCotton,Ge.per Ib. port has come owt giving a summaryrotehSy.;ed pastor of Concord church Sunday.)oo iy,cuaalag Gab © visitors here Rev.E.D.Brown and Rev.Harper Brady andGibsonwereappointed tointheservice.Miss Lillian Bagwell of the Amity community visited herday.Three of her friends accompa-Miss Lelia Stevenson also spent the week-end with herMr.Fred.Massey visited } Mrs.G.F.Massey at Mr.J.R.Wood- sides’home SaturdaMissEulaliaMcClel k in the Stale five years—from During the year 1912 14 counties were organized with porting in the work; ,jars were filled;the value of the prod-ucts canned by the clubs was $9.501.The total cost of the year’s work was£825,the total profits $2,476. year 1913 the canning club work was carried on in 14 coun- ties;235 girls were parents Sun-919 cans and as happy;and then the possession of a watch will teach - to be on time.:‘ond have had no symptoms of! FOR SALE—Delivery wagon,horse and har-the disease ainee.news.Also store fixtures.Can be boughtcheap.Apply at SANIQZARY GROCERY ortoTheLandmark.Feb.23 “|would feel that I had ang When you need new giasses--Come in. lected my duty to STRAYED OR STOLEN—Small brinde and men ifI did not tell them of my white bull dog three months off,ears andtailcut.Reward for return to MRS.C.WHOSHAMER,Feb.23 WANTED—Good two-horsc tenant.Applyto C.A.DULIN,‘phone 915 R.Feb,223--1t*. FOR SALE—A $50 Victrola,good as new.Bargain for quick sale.A.J.SALLEY, Feb.28-It. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS—I have the tex- ©books for 1914-1915 in my hands and unlesswork;70,000 cans and-jars were fill- ed;the value of the products canned was $7,000;the total cost $1,750;the position in the sheriff's office,week-end with her mother,Mrs. L.E.Hedrick. taxes wre paid promptiy property will beleviedonandwagesgarnisheed.C.L.GIL-BERT,Constable Feb.23-~2t.quence prantiniiien sanpentsan-pantiinnn onli Notices of New Advertisements Tenant wanted.—<.A.Dulin,'phone total profits 35,250.In 1914 the work of club was carried on in 32 counties;814 girls were engaged andcansandjarswerefilled;the products of the elub were valued at $35,561;the total cost was $9,425;the total prof Reward for return of small bull dog —Mrs.C.W.Boshamer.Store fixtures for sale.—Sanitary GroceryChevre'et leads.—+Highest prices paid.— Muraline,ail colors.—lredell Hard- ware Co.Tin—the real rocfing.—Harris- Goodwin Co.Orders now will save disappoint- ment later.—Carolina Motor Co.ing hats.—Mills &Postonchiffoniers.—trawford-BunehFurnitureCo.dresses and suits.—Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Co.ldren’s accounts solicited.—Peo-|Loan and Savings Bank.ick and Dodge cars for success- in 1915,87 counties were engaged jin the canning club work;2,386 girls ‘reported in theandjarswerefilled;whenedbytheclubswerevalued at $104 -241;the total cost of the year's work|was $28,985;the total profits $75,256,In 1916,44 counties carried on the|work of the canninwereenrolled cans and jars were fitted by club work-the club productswas$117,816;the total cost of the|year’s work was $29,452; profits $88,383,The total number of cans and jars||filled by the club girls during the past - ful motoring.—Statesville Motor Co.|five years is 1,676,036;the total sum in Northern markets—Mrs.of the value Mary .|bFulllineranges,cook stoves,off|$267,719; stoves.—Williams Fura:ture Hodse.| good as new at bargain.—|tal profits $1 taxpayers.—C.L.Gil-| 633,447 cans club;3,453 girls ers;the value of of products cannedduringthattime istotalcostoftheclub.is $76,417;the to-300.ed in WANTED—1,000 Cords Dry Pine Wood.Sprinz and summer delivery.CAROLINA BRICK CO.‘Phone 123,Feb.20. FOR RENT—Two-stery dwelling eneoneastSharpestreet.Apply to STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY. ~~FORD AT AUCTION. By direction of the county commissioners,T will om THURSDAY,MARCH 8,at the courthopsedoorinStatesville,sell at auction tothehighestbidderforcash,a Ford Automobile.M.P.ALEXANFep.16,1917.Sherie, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix of theestateofN.E.Stroud,decensed,this is tonotifyallpersonshavingclaimsageinetsaidestatetotthemtmeonorbeforeFebruary1918,or this ay will be indebted to said estate will be tolement.|STROUD,A.EB.i R.T.Weatherman,Atty.Administratrix.Feb.16,1917. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. ES any sufferer to Person’s Remedy a trial. T.C.BRYAN.”| LaGrange,N.C.,Jan.31,’16. STATESVILLE (DRUG CO, AlNSTIMSON &SON,POLK GRAY PRUG CO. BarkerMills 4x4Bleached Domestic, Fruit of the Loom Bleached Domestic, Johnston- WE ARE SHOWING Smartest and newest styles availablein Misses’ dren’s Ready-to-Wears for Spri GARMENT IS CORRECT IN 8 CLUDE ALL THE NEWEST,such as MHAMSandPERCALES! years.Prices 48¢.,98c.,$1.48 and $1.98. THE MATERIAL WOULD COST! NEW WAISTS,NEW SKIRTS,NEW SPORT COATS. LADLASSIE CLOTH. Elegant Materials for Children’s Wear.Fast colors,18¢, GALATEA. All colors,checks and stripes,15c.per yard. GINGHAMS! Beautify!line for Spring an >Buy And Enjoy Weser Phonogra Sizes from t Apron Check at we seep ee wee ee ewreeneee Voiles,Lawns,Dotted Swiss,Dimities andeverything —for Ladies’Waists at very attractiveprices. 4 o the ' vo passed,33 strt oner arm¢ food ean 1 }chlaimea ation of are ce ous of found th tecent: and of t wothecits s and Va dren wonld he until the price ofredrenereeeeeeooeeerenrnersnn ship inter Pri derir a hundred tanding by aster of th ;cin] immediatelysewtern rr of Ya ntirely i I" purpose,a the capitol,is naa}cn augur toy indedudgedent's 7 tao avon the Senaty inles eeihle to de er entatt<«»as is he ™pres ion in Germ usefu the headquarters of the Southern Power|for its vote of confidence in connection .bill,applying only to counties of the| A tract of land,a little less than 48 Does not apply te school elections.The| were 41 grantors,the owner of the _|ville school distriet was also passed, A mad dog bit a woman and six! ‘cers to three terns,in line with the Raleigh,for the Pasteur treatment was passed to require records of pur The First Presbyterian church of The Senate has passed the bill-—! has been asked to attend.He lived in|orev iously passed by the House !per cent.bonds by the State for & The Daily Reflector of Greenville, vvail themselves of the co-operation for $6,000 to D.J.Whichard,post- within 41 years.Ocher bills passed: has een ised of the death of a sdditional trustees for the State Uni- for burial this)week.ctitutions. Bruce Caldwell,negro janitor at the immediate passare of the Lill to lution of iodine in the University 1! from the various experiments of the |headquarters from the central prison, age to the Hardaway Contracting vacate the cer tral building here and :ction buildings of that company The bill to create a board of ex- chinery.i ful to'the Supreme Court for license Concord.died Monday night in a hos.ers and opposed by Holding,Gerdner survived by his wife snd two child The high price of food has resulted Gov,Bickett has been asked by veing the aggressors.Following many rectors of State institutions of the men others,but the Governor found the of weights and mea:ures,stated ( large box of novelties received by a ‘0 the city from all parts of the conn- on which were two American flags which calls for the e-saplishment pers was to protect their shipments |ita consumption ef food in the United comb used a shot gun while Dan anc |*tuffs and the sub-normal production ed and Ben desperately wounded.Al hat there was abundant evider made no effort to escape.The Nane “°:"'parts of the city become,it Speaking before students of Trini-9 ventured out on the upper Eas Wednesday evening,Gov.Bickett de-scHing omions at 1 cents cians who are doing so much to pr m the streets into nallways of te: hing would pass bills providing for the push-carts were de {treet Se children in the schools.nh stormed t When diplomatic relations betwer hool ly all the German relir w0y Break Another Precedent. :,.ae precec of mor wee t rank declaration of Capt sin Ceeul had deliberately his stated his pur heoring on the sak f the Pre lent and Vice banks to recover dam..ves for the fail aordinary session of the\ the order,the captar.pleaded:m appointments of cabinet mem ble to prose:r high he body from remacncea ith sexnio and dropped the matter.wr nearly all the members of his ea eeee lin Port,former Governor of New for partner of the firm of F.J.Cheney &Co, is mocrat,scoods F.dwarx=rat,and sucoveds Edward for each ebd every case of Catarrh aon odes thie 6th eo oor of George 8.Rublce of New ine day of December A.DB theoweh the Blood on the tire System.the Senate tloke,free, Company's development near Bridge-|with the foreign situation, ,tenth congressional district and to, acres,in Litaker township,Rowan the |bill to amend the law reiative to in- y—a young lady—having died | :The bill to limit the terms of State children at and near Pilot Mountain recommendation of Governor Bickett after examination disclosed that hasers of brass,copper,lead,zine Wilmington will celebrate its centen-| for Wilmington in his yoach,when his wr cent.county bonds for road im- which was some months ago placed 1: with the State,the county bends and master of Greenville,who was for fo «allow commissioners ef Yadkin! gon,L.P.Hawkins,ared 25 years,al)vorgity;to autherize eondemnation ~he me ceased was a brother of Rev.0.L.)‘The Senate received a special mes- the State rersity at Chapel Hill,:nodify the crop Tien iaw,and after chemical laboratory.He was in the In the House the bil!to provide for da}.Raleigh,to the State Farm,war un- Company occurred Tuesday night at rn it over to the State hospital for were burned,and it is reported con-aminers to examine applicants fer Mr.A.Jones Yorke,a prominent to issue from the court,was cham- pital in Baltimore.He was a native #d others.Defeated,¢6 to 42. Fun@al and interment in Conc 1 rioting on a small scale in seme prominent club women to appoint clashes between the police t wo eharacter of the State Normal.the in congested tenement distriets constitution in the way.lhe was doing everything tn his power Wilmington firm from Rotterdam this |.ry.The commis believes the and beneath them the words,“Amer Congress of “some sort of from seizure.States.”His bureau tha Ben Nance,brothers.tried to enter hi the underlying causes of the ad parties c¢slored.Lipscomb scoms neculation im canned 4 brothers were under the influence wid,that hundred food peddler ty College and members of the Tri-reset upon net clared it his purpose to co-operate und and potatoes at o d 10 duce a fine type of mau,auc he ex-’2,Where the women terc thes Meantime,the control ef contagious diseases contents strewn hallomenoeth: Germany and the United States wer: this country had been damajed.Hie sident Wilson is « oo eee years’ Charl ‘:Ger the customary ds maged the ‘\nhucurat arrangement al an order fro ty Nelal repy nip ":«4UdyThtiIWV‘{th ship being Ine se voneilitie Peartia tatee ran Gh between tae tw t mea fore du Morton of the The Pre States District Coun New York,31 tood at ure of the C her cary hole Congress ist sxary at thWhenaskedtogivethenameofthumetime.The Senate called 1 i “Your hencr,Ian.an offk af the bers and others,would be powerle German navy,and if ould <i to legislate to any purpose alone,but treasen.”long as it pleased,and discussing After some divcuszion the judge d nY KUoJect It Choe It is understooa ~present cabinet and it is held that the Members Trade Commission,“Uirmation of those continued William B.Colver,a St.Pau! State of Ohio,City of Toledo, laren County,vx dersey,have been nominated by Presi-wt 5 .dent Wilson as members of the Fed-‘doing business in the City of Toledo,CountyendStateaforesnid,and that eaid firm will ley of Chicago,chairman of the ot be cured by the aw of MALL'S CATARREcommission,who revently resigned CURE.FRANK J.CHENEY A.W.GLEABON,who was nominated wher Se~Notary PublteCommiesionfirstwasappointed_''s Catarrh Cure ts fall,Rend for : of Senter wi aioe te Tobedo,Q.. i Watts"Pomas for constination,. oli D ;Construction is the name of the lina Assembly thanking the Assembiy| water.and Construction is now 8 The Senate passed the secret ballot Madison county,in the ninth district county,was sold this week.There ‘reased school facilities for Moores. withovt heirs. officers to two terms and county offi- Surry county,all of whom went t was tabled without discussion.Bil! dog had rabies. te.,by jumk dealers. nial in April and President Wilson| the semi-annual issuance of $400,000 father was n member of that church. ement,by whatever counties the hands of a receiver,has been sold interest to liquidate the Stute bonds years owner oa editor of the paper i .a %ke wor 2 |’T.M.Hawkins of Wilkesboro R-1!county to issue road bonds;for 20 Three Forks.Mont.The body is ex-|f¢jand for water supply fer State ir Hawkins of Mooresviile eage from Governor Bickett urging died after «sg an alcoholic so-|discussion the bill was to habit of drinking alcohol left over the removal of the State’prison Fire which did considerable dam-‘avorably reported.The plan was to Badin wher a number of the con-insane. siderable damage was done to ma-/iaw license and report those success- citizen and leading businese man of pioned by Deughton,Grier and oth- 4 °(|2G.|20RESSDEETefConcord,was 51 years old and :Food Riots in New York. yesterday ections of New York city,the women women members of the board of di-food rinters at the city Fast Caroline Training School and day,Joseph Hartisan,commission The Wilmington Star says that a -c stimulate the flow of foodstuffs week had large posters on each side situation has reached an tute st or jean property.”The idea of the ship-tro!commis sion to meet the per cap In Cleveland county Morris Lips.‘he “abnormal expo food homé.Dan Nance as instantly kill.‘ance in prices.”but it was admitte! have acted self-defe:and he So desperate has he women liquor.“d business,A numbs State Medical Society,at Durham BEN INE men i in every way possible to aid physi-*pound.The peddlers were drive pressed the hope that the Legislature «!otl and scratched their faces molished and their for periodical medical inspection cernll Hundred Shipe Damaged By Order.ret chat ch severed it wos found that all or near thie can ut was made clear la king another ! Mun iny amship Kronprince ion of the Senate tive of the ‘ The statement wa \d ,method and coremones of i a suit broveht by certain New Yor!ecial seasion of German repre who had giver “Sl session the custom,to « names in thi ght be lin.there would be nothing te elared the names could not be at the President:wort continue all unnes essary. newspaper publisher,and John Frank- Frenk J.Cheney makes onth that he ts sen- eral Trade Commission.Mr.Colver pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Fort will serve ovt the unexpired cone.to before me nnd subscribed in my i ;taken internally sie “etaatwhe the undersigned will seil to the bighes®bidder 40 poles to the beglonin nine (3)acres,more orexmelandinallrespects comQ.Houston by Bilen J.QuerydeedtowhichreferenceisherebyThesaidsolewilltakeplacewhichissituatednearthetownNorthCarolina,at oa ondayofMarch,10!7.is ,the order of and ix subject tothecourt.LOUb B.VvFeb.2,1917.er LAND FOR SALE. By a power cf attorney I am sell privately,two tracts oftotheestateofthelateW.BH.ELlredellcountyTheJohn177t<2 aeres and the R.C,109 acres,adjoining each other intownship.six miles of Statesville,read.=AtheChipleyFordsand-clay of timber,good farm land,well splendid opportunity for farm r farther information call on or write C,ROE ADAMS,Attorney,Statesville,N.C “eb. Say This Dog-gone That Old Roof,It’s Leaking Again.I wish I had used Tin.How often do we hear that expression. You Are Right,Brother,When You Because Tin Is The Only Material That Physically Presents The Requirements Necessary To Make a aaa YO CREDITORS.Perfect Roof. Having qualified as administrator ef the «:- tate of FE.Wo Joyner,deceased,tate @f Prede!! county,North Carolina,this ts to goetify a!!persons havin claime against the estate ofaniddeconsedtoexhibitthemtotheworksivnedatCalakan.N.C.,Route No,3,«befere the Ith day gf February,191%.orneticewillbepleadedinbaroftheirreeo.: f persons indebied to the estate will pica make immediate settlement,JOYNER,JOYNER,Administrat« WwoR aoe H.C.Privette,Atty. Feb.13,19!SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. BY VIRTUE of the power of sale canferred in a certain mortgaxe deed executed @n June2eth,1916,by Albert Belt caliae Turner),JomBeltandwife,Epoie Beit,which said mort ‘ deed ia duly reeorded in the offiee of theisterofDeedsofIredellcountyimBook 4:at pawe 441.default having veen made in the payment of the indebtedness seeured ther:dy for eash ,at public auction.at the court bons loor of Iredell county,in Statesville,N.n FRIDAY.MARCH i917, at 12 c'eloeck,noon,the interest hereinaft::t out in e certaim tract of land situated inTurnersburgtownshanddeseribedandasfollows,it ,ake near the head of arunningtheneesouth ©cast 29 1-2 poles 11)pales to @ Bttothebeginning i poles,« i tract to hich map be had 1%, of v by sbove and that owill be two-fifths weditelt,het Other roof coverings are at best mere substitutes for tin. themselves possess any roofing qualities thattin does not surpass._— They do not in For roofing information write to The Metal Club of America,505 Arch street, Philadelphia,Pa.,or. |THE HARRIS-GOODWIN COMPANY,STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA. LO tt EE L A OE AP .~99ewe-t tnt a TE a *~UWrie&Aga actractiy e. OT RE EE ST E q iy’‘7home dil,ie‘. ike >| latest cnd very best .powder form,simpiy aceds 'water.dt is caty to apply, 1 pleceant odor,makesesrrlDet is sanitary and will not come one cont. COLOR YOUANY WANT. Fresh Supply just received. [Iredell :Hardware Co. SAVE MONEY ON SHOES. xT 2X otwithstan ling the very unusual cold weather anc ba@ roads our Big Consolida- tion Sale broucht satisfactory results. Weare recciving lots of new things for, spring,and still have plenty on hand,which wil!se:!at old prices while it lasts. We call your attention especially to our shoe department.Here is where you can save money, oe in and if we can’t show you don’t uy. Respectfully, .’, ".ane i i ft v =.M-Mck &:;olga tb é “Thou Art Weighed “4€ In the balances and art found waniing’,was the sad declaration made to an ancient king.If you will buy your scales from us the charge of false weights will not be hurled at you. Eyery lady should have a family scale in her kitchen and every farmer should have a_first class platform scale on the farm.We have scales from the family size up to the big thousand pound drop lever platform scales. See our window display of scales. Hardware Co.|3 Lazenby-Montgomery re a Steger i ay,eeCome he mar son.am cam nee ee ees~ a eeeee ceSterlingSilverware!Sterling Silverware, Sterling Silver in several pat- terns,Knives and Forks,Salad Forks,Oyster Forks, Cold Meat Forks,Ice Cream Forks,Olive Forks:Tea Spoons,Table Spoons,Dessert Speons,ice Tea Spoons Jelly Spoons,Olive Spoons,Soup Spoons and almost all the spoon’s and forks you want.Like every thing else they are high but our price is as low as any one according te quelity.We handle the Gorhamgoods. R.H.RICKERT &SON. | We have a large lot of _rs Sn ame aCeeSeeSEEMEWHEN YOU NEED Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also to fix your Clock or Watch. emalae. g3 iH al!iu f object of the work is largelyeducational.Ovr Southern Staterhavebeenfarmedontheoneplan,which has depleted the‘|much of its fertility and at the sametimesentthemoneyNorthtobuy feed and foodstuffs that could justwellbegrownathome.It is aknownfactthatlivestockproducingsectionshavericherfarms,‘homes and larger bank accounts theotheone-erop sections.There is also)leas tendency on the part of ;full of ie etdangerous|tle on myordealeroatsyou!Ask yourdrags 7 See: WEWISH 10 ANNOUNCETO THE BOYS OFIREDELLCOUNTYTHATWEAREGOINGTOORGANIZEA’PIG.CLUB. the members ofefterdate,Aoreoet hia,There wilibe certain rules,and s governing the Club which each boy will agree to Only Registered Siock willbeused,and thatthebest that we can get.We will have competent judges to select the pigs. They Will be boughtin quantities,and furnished to the boys at actaal cost.itr.G,E.Dail,founty Demonstrator,will be in chargeof the Cub,‘and wiil giadiy give advice,and instructions, for ihe care snd feeding of the pigs. The object of the Cubis to encourage the boys,and to the farms (o improve their stock.We are in communi- cation with some of the best hog raisers in the country,and expect to start the (kb about thed4ast ef March or the first of April.Boys who are interestedinjoining the Club,will please see Mr.Dull or F.RB.a Cashier of the Merchants & Farmers’Bank‘Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” eT stock producing States toabouttheindy est inter rest. sity of crops. throu;hout leng seasons.There are,very few sections that can produce)aeentingo:i pasturage.Even then some| This intermit-!ww the markets, lds of the staple cropsJusagemakesonelessliable the temptations of bad habits,sosetshimagainsttakingeptheneways,even though they be beneficial.|All know that it is diffeult for a KIOWA porseol beeome enthu9thatitbecomes as younger set. then these new or will one 4 fvir land of o will dependv the lesson while j 1i0n.4 bringing bo idlenesa8,howevi play to improved ways,as_they rs their vears of habit forma- percent ought to think oforirlupimhabitsofreattheirearthly —me a Tar IT 1S :TOO rdtcl)i he Which Positively,Relieves And Can Be eas ootom om Upo ealth.Wealth sy ks Sk but e@ training,never!Besides,individual off ‘iency is becemiag more individual problem—--otrr Ce depe nds upon it.To the average farim- girl there shovid be nothing of great. cr interest than to be so fitted as to cerry on the work cf their fathers iz a more eficient,business-likeTheclubworknotonlyoffersinstructioninhowtodothecaingsaccording to the most approved metheds bu how to find the cost,profit and loss ete.All these the clab member is reauiredtodowiththeaidoftheSiat and county aefts,who eretimesreadytooffereveryasaiste: posible, The Pig club members are reguir:to obtain «pure-bred,registered pigsthatgivesagreaterchahcetosc complish something worth while an’ at the same time will build up the quality of the stock in the communil) To the boy raising this good siock there is a ready market for his sur plus that is suitable fur breeding purposes.We shall at xl times favo:3 the club member with orders for si:an stock for other members,if bh national ist at at wee , ,S THE QUALITY DISPLAY — as tekea proper care of it.[t will be a good while before this demaix can be supplied,so there noed be om fear of failure to dispose of the surplus. ‘This year,through the enthusiasti STATIONERY +TORENT?Brey"°’ W IL IN l ERES Y Ol interest of Mr.F.B.Buneh of th: Merehants and Farmers’Bank,whic: ‘:B is rei urchase th gs for thBox,Pounds,Tablets,Envelopes,H boys “shoate willine toLo .%Correspondence Cards.ork acording to the rules of the Pip q ehab,it is planned to give the work a The .price is right. the best. s v °B thorough trial.With the co-operatio:The quality of others who we feel pn will its influence to the remotest parts ofthecounty.With tne assistance an’encouragement of teachers and pa rents every boy or giri that is inter-ested should be reached.c To get this aid the boy or girl wil!have to become a member of the Pixclub,abide byits rules in planningfo:caring for the pig end have the parents”consent.The member may the:give his note for the cost of the pig o one year’s time with 6 per cent.inte: est.As only gilts of from two tthreemonthsofagearetobepurchased,by the time the note become due there should be offspring to sel!to more than meet this demand.Asquiteanumberofthesepigsaretbepurchasedatthesametime,the)should be secured at a reasonablepriceandwithlittlexpense.Everyanimalwillhavetobeofapprovedqualityandproperlyregisteredbe-fore it will be accepted from thebreeder.Only one breed will be en-couraged in any community and thiswillbesuchaswillenablethemem-ber to continue to keep his stock pureWhileitisnotthourntadvisabletesecurethepigsbeforethefirstofApril,it will be well for those wishingtojoininthisworktosendinthei:names at an early date,as the first toenrollwillbethefirstsupplied,if they come up to the {Ft givenabove.G,E.DULL,CountyAgent. Death of Mrs.Sherrill. |Corresponaence of The Landmarks. ‘Mrs.H.B.Sherrill died at herhomelastFridayato'clock.She acciden Hi the 22aaahe THE REXALL STORE. Statesville Drug Comp’y QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. WHY SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? ——--WHEN —— ’s Headache Powder WILL STOP THE PAIN IN 10 MINUTES—10 CENTS, HALL’S DRUG STORE, Phone No.20. GREENSBORO,N,C. Wenan,HOTIbingandPrivateWater SyetemaHEATING. the |Pras no rariesofthecities,‘Phe|. farm and the stock engage their keen-x With live stock must come a diene pitNoonecrop,except It)Piano|be pasture,will maintain animal life|evoncmaically,and even that must be |‘made up of a variety of plants to last)Usners | i sasturing puts the soil back in ite)'»condition ready to produce 1, to learn new ways or to.iastic over their work|°'«the *" To the boy or the girl!we will have to appeal to learn}¢: ay =the possessors of this |$ and its greatness! 1pon their having learned ||"of indestry and thrift well,» e@ during than an |ex- vaised boy or | |YES! wa y ! itthis Cin: readily take it up it ls noped to extend | |piss ~Laia Tharpe Duet--Jolly Foda White,Nivrie Deerman,Vocal Quartette-Juanita--Eele Thorpe,Rev,ir.Pullen,Ninste Dr.Steelman.Duet Return »Herces..-Mary Lissie Koon,»Sole--Melody of aFairie GrovePhovw~»There's a Quaker Down in Quaker-own —-Musie Girls, Piano Duet --Moss Rosca--Cloyce Hunter,Sa- ‘eh Terepleton,Piano Solo--Pifth Noeturne--Ruth Grose.vinpe Duet ne soms --Lensie! rum,BthelDuet OPE PS, —Pearl Koon,Ruthirone,neg and Tableaux—Put Away the Little Dresses Sue Koon,Sadie Tharpe,on{int ther,Fern Tharpe,dumnita Barr ‘angel\,sno)Duet Military i Foda WhiteMaryrateHaloinninghoneBlarcheCaither,‘alte-—-Nina “Hunter,BiancheDuet— Gaither.Tho ras Dance.-Yaa-Ka-Koo-li,Doo Mucie Girls,|Mieses Myrtie Horton,Ope!Thomas,| Poarl Koon, Mooresville Social items. and Hic-a- te ain must be used to fatten the aini-|Derespendence of The Genders Mooresville,Feb.19 -~Miss Clara Mills en-!tuinod the Maids and Matrone and otherwhesioatherhomeonBroadetreetFridayaf-|«noon at 8 o'eleck,Reok was played,after|hich she served a anlad course.Mivsce Clara MIM and>Carey WitsnfewdaysinCharlottethisweek H.Harm,Mies Bernice Carpenter has returned to herChester,8 C.--afier of naine six with her sister,Mra.C.Voils.seventh grade of the Pubite Sehools gave vientine perty Friday night in the chamber|et ae ree building and they say a good time| ad,iTheAuctionBridgeclubwaeentertainedat)he benutiful heme of Mra.C.EB.Hawthorne|Beond street Wednesdey afternoon.MissesSaceWeotenofBavideon,Mary Johnsten andMiirabethRankinwereaddedasnewmembers. selections were given by Miss Snrah n and readings by Miss Eliaabeth Rank- \salad covree was served by Mre.Haw-ne,aseigted by Mra.W.W.Rankin and \.E.Bell. Honor Roli. réonee of The Unedr art ‘hose who were nelther absent nor tardythemonthofJanuery:Ere,Laura anCarrieCollins;Ralph and Allan eee:Pier nec,Ruth and Guy TroutmanbruaryAtlanand=Ralph Lioperd ;|cnee,Ruth,Fannie,Estelle,Agnes,| ,Cuy and Paul Troutman.JULIGS MH.WAUGH,MARIEMMA HENLEY. on epentwithMis. | Vera, ‘LIFTACORN|GFF WITHOUT PAIN! Cincinnati Authority Teils cow to Dry Up a Corn or (erl- lus So It Lifts Of With Fingers! You corn-pestered men ei)women need suffer no longer.Wear ihe shoesthatnear'y killed you before,cays inniti authority,beeause ; few drops of freezone applied direct- ly on a tend>-,aching corn or cal!us,stops soreness at once and the corn or her ‘dened callus locsens so iteanbeli‘ted out,root and all,w out pain. A smal hott le of freez little at an; BOON one cost very irug store,bat will pos-itively take off every hard er softcornorenllus.This should be tried ns it is inexpensive and is said not to irritate th:surrounding skin.If your druggist hasn’t any fré zone tell him to get a small Lott lo foxyoufromhiswholesaledrug:house. It is fine stuff and acts like a cunpe every time. e |a ee were Flowers |‘For All Occasions! ||||We can always supply |you with the best to |be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. .S for yom he ' it Set] 2Waves of the Ocean oot \brigheest boys and girls of the tive|inne Thiet Steigh i PHONE Van lindley (o.,\, me bay dee sh THE SECRET OF HOME CONTENTIsnotrich,expensive surrotadings,but is correct domestie reljations and correct,harmonious fur- nis hing of the house,Itis easy to be contented at home when the home ispleasant.We Have Many Idexs in Furn’shing Hermes that lead to home content.They ar:yours for ae owetheir conditionto cgi b »Ao ane a eaeNorwegian Cod Oil with glycerineand as contained a |=SCOTTS EMUthathasmadeSeott’sfamqusfor reliving rogueO08hpnet,ee ae Hf you are a rheumatism suffereroom,o htstartonSeott’s Emulsionat U MLAY Ba RKACTLYWHAT 900 Scout &Eowne,Biovnfield,NJ,19-93 eS W.R.MILLS MOTORUO.aie AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AND REPAIR SHOP. 512 OUR FS ORE ERNE Cr GOOD SERVICE MOTTO Valcanizing Innertubes at Smalf Cost. Complete Line ofCasings. I9i7T MODELS LAND AND HUPP NOW ON DISPLAY. -en - ortsecrateeazesrt eee he ee <»nercial NationalBank | OF sT VTESV {Lids N.Cy CARS oes one taper se en ag epctneeeSLLTAIT“(apical Stock Paidin $100,000.00 Surplus and Profiis 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode-positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,&.MORRISON,D.,M.AUSLEY,-@.BE,HUGHEY,- -Vice Pres Thomas Dixon’s Mighty Sequel to “The Birth of a Nation”.AThrillingMotionPictureSpectacledealingwithLoveandWar.Exactly as Produced at the Liberty Theatre,New York, and the Illinois Theatre,Chicago. Doors Open at 2 p.m.and Picture will be Shown in two-hour periods as follows: 2,4,6,8 and 10 p.m. PRICES:|Children 25 cents.Adults 50 cents. TH ,LANDMARK FRIDAY,-- School Basketball Cham-pionship Contest. Wednesday night representativesfromelevenhighschoolsofwesternCarolinametinStatesvilletoarrangeaschedulefortheplayingof@seriesof.basketball games to de-cide the championship.of westernNorthCarolina,the winner to com-te with the champion of easternorthCarolinaatChapelHillMarch9th.Towns were represented as fol-lows:Churchland,Mr.A.B.Ingram;King’s Mountain,Mr.F.W.Orr;Belmont,Mr.H.A.Query;Asheville,Mr.R.0.Wells;Hickory,Mr,Ern-est Abernathy and Mr.Elwood Mitch.ell;Lenoir,Mr.Horace Sisk;Wins-ton-Saiem,Mr.J.W.Moore Mr.F.R.Rankin of Chape!Hill,secretary ofStatechampionshipcommittee,Was present. The games,which are scheduled totakeplacetodayandtomorrow,willbeplayedatthefollowingplaces:amestown and Churchland atJamestown;Belmont and King’sMountainatBelmont;MooresvilleandDeritaatMooresville;AshevilleandHickoryatAsheville;NorthWilkesboroandLenoiratLenoir.Mese high schools are divided intothreegroups,the winners in thethreegroupscompetinguntilafinalwinnerhasbeenselected.The win-ner in the finals at Chapel Hill willbepresentedwithahandsomecup.Winston-Salem was the westernNorthCarolinachamp:on iast year,losing in the finals to Durham atChapel)Hill., The Signs of Spring. The sun glittered on the whitestreetuntilyoublinkedyoureves,Abig,comfortable collie strolled outontheedgeofthesidewalkandstretchedhimselflazilyinthesun-shine;a little boy in blue romperscameoutofhishamewithbucketandshovelandsatdowninthesandplay;and his shovel lay idle in theofhismother’s walk,presumably tosand,his hands listless while the fit-boy.crooned-sleepily to himself.A delivery cart was halted in theStreet;the horse slept peacefullyWhilethedriver,a negro youth,roll-ed marbles with another piekaninny@nthesidewalk.A nurse appearedaroundthecorner,pushing before&perambulator.In the sunshinethenursemaidpaused,presently shesatonalowwalledginganadjoiningdooryardentSometodrawaimlesspatternsinthegravelwithashortstick February 23,1917 Thé twittering of birds was;and as you sat on yourporckinthesunshinewonderingattheulnessoflife,you became@wareoftheodorofthingsnew—grass,new flowers,new trees.as you stretched yourself indo-yy,@lanced atPFmed watch andarosetogototheoffice,youremark-ed to your wife,“It will be JohnW.Gulledge,«rieted of em.86 500 while president‘ot ‘heSavingsBankof|Wades.serve 18 monbeendenieda=Court. no- s00n \PARK AT MOORESVILLE Railroad Company BeautifyingGrounds—New Church Con-templated MooresvilleNews. ecial Correspondence of The Landmark, Mooresville,Feb.-Mr.Wm.Goode of Manassas,Va.,representing the Southern railway,hereMondaytodirecttheontheparkinfrontofthePassengersta-tion.Many of the plarts ordered fortheparkhavearrivedandtheworkisbeingrapidlypushedforward.Miss Annie Rode of the Southern isdirectingthework.Rev.Dr.Ware was a visitor hereMonday,coming in the interest of anewchurchattheNo.2 cotton mill.which is being contemptaree by theMethodists.Mr.Sydney =Morrison.whosehorsesweretohavebeenkilledMon-day on account of landers,was notsatisfiedwiththeresultofthetestsandobjectedtotheproceeding.Dr.Graham decided to wait and make afinaltestbeforekillingthehorses,n order to satisfy Mr.Morrison.Robert Louis,little son of Mr.andMrs.Lee McLean,who has been des-perately i}!of pneumonia and colitisforthreeweeks,is improving.Capt.J.W.Murdock went toTroutmanWednesdaytoattendthefuneralofhisnephew,the 3 1-2-.ear-old son of Mr.and Mrs Will Perry,vho live in that vicinity.Death result-ed from a complication of measles,diphtheria,whooping cough and bron-chial pneumonia.Six other childreninthefamilyareillwithmeaslesandwhoopingcough.Mrs.J.A.Parish of Spartanhurg,S.C.who came here rec ly toendseveralmonthswithherdVugrh-‘er,Mrs.R.H.Cloaninyer,haHsineeherarrival,suffering fromhichbloodpressure.Mr.CloaninyvervhoisflagmanonYo.27 and .bassenger trains from Charlotte (oWinston-Salem.contemplates movingbacktoWinston-Salem untes*there is a chanze in the train 3.|Mr.Cloaninger was baggage master ontheformertrainbetweenWinstonSalemandMooresville.Miss Daisy Miller spent last week-end with relatives in)China Grove.Miss Bernice Cornelius returnedTuesdayfromaweek's vivit to rela-tives in the country.Mr.KE,C.White-hend,a traveling salesmen of Louis-ville,Ky.spent last Sunday herewithhisfriend.Mr.W N.Norman,Mr.George Shue and Mrs.AnnieProctor,beth of No.2 cotton mill,were married Wednesday m:rning attheparsonaceoftheSecondBaptistchurch,by Rev.A.W Wileox.Mr.C.T Cornelius and Mr.C.G.Smith.who are being treated forhighbloodpressureataChieagosanatorium,write that they are im-proving,and that the treatment isnotsostrenuousastopreventthemfromenjoyingthesightsofthecity.expect to leave for home March S 99 came Work ‘nr heen Convieted of manslaughterMansfield,La.,Edgar L.Cathoun,busines#man ofWassentencedtooor but claimed atasomepraminence,20 minutes in jailtheterm,Calhou ena ne ORDERS FOR INSPECTION. Military Company te Be mnspectedMarch5—Drilis EachWeek., Capt.Westmoreland has issued or-ders for to appear at the armorymorning,March 5,at 9 o'clock,fortheannualarmoryinspection {Company E—Irede}!Blues) Monday | Mem-'bers who fail to report will be tried!before &general court martial.member of any company not livinginatownwhereacampanyislo-cated,is required to report to thenearestcompanyoftheFirstNorthCarolinaInfantry.Actual expenseswillbepaidifproperreceiptedbillsoreturnedintothecompanycom-mander.“All uniforms will be turn-ed in to your armory and kept imyourlockeratalltimes.The equip-ment for inspection is as follows:“Service hat with cord;olive drabflannelshirt;olive drab breecheg—woolen;olive drab coat—w olen;russet-leather marching shoes;Webbcartridgebeltwithsuspenders:WebbWaistbelt;rifle—cal.30.bayo-net,‘All members should see that uni-form is pressed and clean;thot rifle!hair cut,shave and shoesJean; shined. “Regular driils will be conduetedeveryMondaynightv.40 ANmemberswholivewheretheycanrossiblydosoareorderedtoattend,\!!men who attend 75 per cent.ofthedrillswillreceive$1)per drill,We are required to hold not Jess thandrillsperyearanddrillsmustumenotlessthanoneand»half10urseach.” Cant.Westmoreland has orders teuithiscompanyto81men.Re-wits must be of pood charactor @ndveityandbetweentheage18415years.Applicants can eallWestmorelandforfurtherration, Any and at of) Capt. Jor Stevenson Elected to Congress. Hon.W.F.Stevenson of Chester-field was Wednesday elected to Con-gress from the fifth South Corolinastrictfortheterm—bevinningWarch4.More than two-thirds ofthetotalvotegavehim2.900 votesoverhisopponent,C.N,of are Lo incaster,Both Stevenson and Sapn cleetionwhichthe Jate Democrats and were seeking Edw ard Fin- fill the term forRepresentativeDavid«v,Democrat,was re-elected PaulG.MeCorkle of York,Democrat,hadnooppositionintheelectiontoAlltheunexviredportionofMr,Finley'stermendingMarch4,nextMr.Stevensen was “orn and rear-ec?in the Loray section ofHehaslivedinSouthCaroling sinceheobtainedlicensetoPracticelaw,ofter bis graduation at DavidsonCollege,He has been Speaker of theSouthCarolinaLegislatureand&prominent lawyer. Sapp il e a e e a i e e ee n a eetena ee [EARLY SPRING HATS “FOR MILLS &POSTON’S . The season's newest creations in Ladies Ready-to-wear Hats,are now on sale.Hand Embroidered Japanese Effects are shown.ful line of high and low Crowned Sailors,immediate selling. Also a beauti-all specially priced for [$200 —-|_$2.25_||$400 |"$450_}$3.00 |$350$2.005.00 |$550 |$600|_$5.00 Very truly, Is all paint—no adulteration whatever.CostsLESS per job than the other kinds. NOTICE OF SERVICE OFSUM. NORTH (AROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY, decensed,vy &p mia)Freese,MeXinnie,heir Mra will take notice hat tren pose of L.aeeets with which to pay the delta of aaldtestatorandthechargesofsettlingsaldos,tate, otticeJredell.1day,March 4,orthey so desire;otherwise the plaintit will ape |ply for and the Court wil grant theaskedforinthepetition, t }| {t } no more per gallon and MUCH FRY IT and you will use no other. FORK SALF Byazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. MONS. { Superior Court,Before the Clerk.Mrs.3.A.Freese,executrix +f BL.Preere,Cora Freeze and her heshand,laura Bhoemaker and F.A,husbod,Beulah Frasier,JohnW.H.MeKinnie and W.BLatlaw.cident defendants above named,MeKinnle and W.H.MeKinnle,that an action entithed as abovecommencedintheSuperiorCourtofredellcountybeforetheererk,for the pur-ectling a hese and let,owned by BK.S'reere at the time of hin death,to make Preexe, +be Mrs The nen-:win The said defendants will further take nofeethattheyarorequiredtoappearattheoftheClerkoftheSuperiorCourtofredellcounty,in Statesvitle,N C.,on Satur.1017,wt 10 o'clock,and answerdemurtothepetitionfiledtnthisit retief 4.A.HARTNESS,Clerk Superior Court,Lona &@ Seett,Attorneys for petitioner.Feb.9,1017. OAK CHIFFONIERS AT HALF PRICE Saturday,February 24th. ON SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24th. f soli ,Oak(no veneer)"ocd aad.Dive bomenwer, % VOL,XLIIL. _STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY FEBRUARY 27,1917. b ———(Asks For to Arm|Mere —Steamer Ee ,Sunk. received by The Land- from Mr.H.E.C. in Washington,says that the yesterday addressed Con- and asked for authority to arm nt ships—in other words,for neutrality. ae is expected to give the:t rower to arm shins,fur- ‘war ves to convoy mer-ntmen and whatever other meanshecessarytoprotecttherightsof;is on the seas._While the President was on his“Way to Congress news was receivedtnWashingtonthattheBritish4erLaconiahadbeensunkSat- urday ni¢ht,torpedoed by a Germanoeandwithoutwarning,itisstated.The Laconia,with 75 pas-gengers,10 of them Americans,andacrewof216,sailed from New York 4 Liverpool February 18.The sar-'¥ivors landed numbered 278.Some“are known to be missing. Municipal Politics. The call for a primary to nominateeandidatesformunicipalofficerswill|probably be made in a few days. Bo far there has beer little saidaboutmunicipalpolitics,probably due'to the fact that there are as yet no¢ontesta.Mr.L.B.Bristol,who is|a candidate for mayor.has no opposi-tt and probably will heave none.:@ of the members of the presentrdofaldermenwilldeclinetogeekrenomination.Gentlemen whose'names have been nientioned in con--fhertion with aldermanic honors,in ad-;ion to members of the presentboard,are Mr.G.E.French in the first ward,Mr.J.A.Brady in the}fourth and probably others. In addition to candidates for may- /e@r and aldermen,two members of F the schoo!board are to be chosen.the ,“of Mr.C.8.Tomlin and Rev.|W.A.Lutz expiring,Mr.Lutz i 'mow a resident of Charlotte. Working Hours For Women. Representative Grier’s bill,to re:- F wlate the working hours of female na :2s minors under 14,providing that :y shall not work more than nine |hovrs a day nor after 6 p.m,has @roused some local interest’The bill |exempts stenorraphers.It applies to Mercantile establishments, |restaurants,laundries,etc.Girls em rT in mercantile establishments /Statesville rarely work after 6 p. '™.except during the rush’during the holidays.ployed at hotels of necessity work f after 6 p.m.to serve the evening|tee bitte rly assailed the Republicans |administered at the suplie inauvural!Senator Jone 2 of Burcombe =a he meal.The pagsage of the bill would |or their filibuster.The Nemoerats.hel ecremonies on Monday,March 5..&ad eured night a aed,o- —@liminate the employment of girls |declared,proposed to die fighting for|;here are precedents on both sides,|had faile Senator Turner ree- :d women in restaurants and hotels jthe revenue bill and preparedness!put Mr.Wilson will be the first to}nized ch ropractors as specialists e bill may be amended to meet |levislation .:;.ike the oath on Sunday.The oath|°%their meth a of treatment a se objections |“We are witnessing hore,”said]will be administered privately at the ience.Senator Seales made _the “nae oe ~|Senater Simmons,“the most deter-|White House.j ional argument for the bill.Virginia, Railway Officials Here.|mined filibuster T have ev seen jr “.|Pennsyivania,Maryland,‘Ohio.Indi- ©6A number of the officials of the!‘he Senate.If this revenre bill Presbyterians Elect Elders—oa.Wiinoi lowa,North |Dakota, ©Southern Railway Compa ny were in|Sel fail,and as a result the great Church News.|S ith Dakota,Minnesota,Nebraska, ea Cot res ar)browramme to put this country ina me Te a oe _|Kansas,“Oregon,Wavhington,Cali- ve 7 ‘eee et ~jeondition of defence held sp and Rev.Dr.J.A.Seott,who is visiting |fornia,Wisconsin,Michigan and :meetaba .Ae oe fii suspended for anothersyear,T thou ‘a Firs >ie eri Retiesy 1 at)Aleska reeoenize the chiropractors. eted by e Southern since the!.ta ta the merican people that irst resbyterian church Sun.|The Stubbs bill to submit the ques-disastrous flood in July.TH.Gat-[i,@ Piet ig Weide Se ens evening |le ee a aecatiiaticlal eenvention be Fe eee =seer nckiik ae for such a miscarriage of this reat =L.1}.Thompson,pastor of it people at the get eral election in nanc rf pc neoee urn re +r 6 6the -y Rroad Street rc will pre o a *al -ae in he . E the Southern;FP.E.Norris,general]steal ose on the part of th :on aba Monday YS ae hie oe Piegett Ra "-:‘a superintendent of the middle district “We are told this is not a filitus-|protracted meeting.\oNaw weber of Sampson county te |east:W.C.Hudson,superintendent jior The Seunte knows and the cour Rev.Frank Siler preached an edu ~t county board of education failed of the Asheville division:J.B.Aker try Knows it la a Rlibuster to def ttional sermon Sunday morning at|to 17.Kivht Democrats voted of the enincering department with|he re vue bill carryins taxat ftroad Street Methodist ehurch Mi {for it. :headquarters are gia du amounting to $248.000.000,of wl Siler spoke in behal?of Greensborc |Senator Turner —introduced a the nace.Ds ntructed valiroed ha ne a :ye i hei ;se re for ot }ror which ;ya a a presgrn Seana conEbridgeatCatawba,icaving State:‘He of the greatest r ch and powerfal cor oped to raise an chdowment fund of |handliny aun eaneren — Saturday ’Pe :$190,000,Mr.Siler ens -jviets ;Fg sai ah ig — a “PT owonld be derctiiet in mv duty iffices at Race Street church Sunday|emenas e law relatiy o c hos- :ip ar 1 id net tell the people of the coun-eht.ani ils for the insane,the Deaf and Act Seems Popular.rv.those who have demanded and At the First Presbyterian church |Pumb Sehool ot Moryanton,the According to local comment She hacke@ this great programme for de-|Sunday five aditiona}).elders were|School for the Blind at Raleigh and most popular ac!of the present Con-)fonce,of this threatened effort tolelected as follows:Messrs.J.A Ih Caswell Training School,provid- gress was the passage of the nation-|yyoxk that programme down.We)Brady,J.T.Montgomery,W.Fo Hall 1 for one board of directors for all al prohibition act.7 wont the American people te knew it]W.PL Moore and 2 M.°Moore,the|(he Mstitution and)for the ap- ‘As far_as Tam personally con-/was your dagger that pierced the |}oiter president of the college.Thesc|Poitment of a pur:hasing commis @erned I don’t care if thev fix it 80 jo’y of this great provramme acdiave in adition to the present elders u Another hill provides for re- it will be impossible to get another|hrought it to its untimely th Mesere,J.H.Hall,RCH.Rickert -mocwliner wad equippinn Govern- @rop,”is what they all say about 1 Go ahead with your filibuster,but |W.Stimson ¥‘A "Sherrill Le mansion.“]hope they are satisfied!”and we shal!net content ourselves tol Steele.C.M.Stecle d Dr "Ni R.Ad The House defeated the bill,which “what kind of fichine will a man be cubmit to the consequences of defeat]ams This of a ane tal of are bad passed the Senate,»Increase @ble to do this summer?”are other til we have exhausted ever.‘aera.Max ant “i ean twelve!i.number of judicial districts from femarks mace.But,judging be rce and every weapon at our *ads pie geypre )Ling o 24,which would add four addi- |what vou hear on the streets,the bill command.”,ke the I;-Meee a H 1.Be.nal judges and foar solicitors.The ig universally popular.Maybe,how —-~-=7 Mo step ASpteregl tet Rall,Brady]oi.was 61 to 44.A substitute to 'ever,that some of them whistle High School Debaters.ue her hain ry,Who were deacons sorize the Governor to name p up their courage--or rather be-|The high schools of Harmony it who are now elders (emergency judges,when a re yvular *1 e ;.wa?.«>othe ™'i ‘7 ~~—_~oa —4 e ‘i.. couse compl:ining wouldn't change utman and Scott's wil!engage in Vir,Laws in Town ad Wilkes ive is not available for courts,thethesituation. |Statesville Inn Property Sold to \ Herkel-Craig Co. The Henkel -Craig Live Stock Co. )has bought the Statesville Inn nrop- erty from Mr.E.G.Gilmer and the 'vacant lot adjoining from Mr.R.H. Bennett.Mr.John H.Gray has the -Inn property leased for the year and gale in no way affects this lease. st what the new owners will even- Hy do with the property is not 1 but it is safe to say that it will be developed. Sherman L.Whipple of Boston will |Peceive $15,000 for the work of him- |pelf and assistants as counsel to the ;House rules committee in the peace leak inquiry.The fee was unan- ly approved by the committee, committeemen,including Small,but Mr.Whipple insisted :idered his work a public service. tetal cost of the inquiry,Chair- i aoa”said,would not exceed . eo SENATE.onSession WILL TAKE OATH SUNDAY. President Wilson Will BeSworninNextSunday—Pub-lic Inaugura}© M ¥ts, Tt has been definitely decided thatPresidentWilsonwilltaketheoath a TimeanExtre One of the most spectacular fili- busters known in Congress for years, began in the Senate Friday and kept 'that body in session until midnight|of ofice on March @.which falls om Saturday,when it was broken down!oeth a second time when he delivers hy an agrteement to vote on the;his inaugural address at the publiependngrevenuebilltomorrow-=OF coremonice on Monday,March 5th,earlier by unanimous consent.has not been determined, The struggle began while the rev-|The Senate will be called in extraenuebi!l was under consideration but)session according to custom and thattheevidentpurposeoftheRepubli-|»recedent will not be broken,as hadcanswastoholduplegislation$0 a5)been suyrexted.This being so,it to compel the Presdent to call an e@X-|js understood that the usual inaugur-tra session of Congress.Openly}9)ceremonies will take place in thechargedbytheDemocratswithseek-|Sonate chambe:i March Sth—the ing to defeat the excess profits tax|Vice President w.i'take the oath ofoftherevenuebillatthebehestofofficeandmakeabriefaddress,Sen-munitions makers,Senate Republi-)ators who begin new terms will becansdroppedalldisguisesofdelay|cworn in and then the assemblaceandstubbornlyfilibusteredagainst)wi})adjou .journ to the open,where thethebill,The Democrats promptly)President will take the oath—if it iscounteredbydecidingtoholdthe]decided to administer the oath a sec-Senate in continuous session,|ond time—-and then make his talk.through Sunday,if necd be,and de- nounced th poblieans for holding ip legislation)when the nation was in peril.m followed a sensa- tional debate on the relations be- tween the United States and Germa-ny,whieh reached its climax whenSenatorFall,Republican,introduced a resolution to authorize the Pregi- dent to use the armed forces of theUnitedStatestoproteetAmerican rights on the seas.Resentful of whatthevconstrueasPresidentWilson's wish not to have Congress on hishandsinaninternationalcrisis,the Republicans evidently wanted to forveanextrasessionsothatthePresi- dent could not take action on interna- tional matters without the consent of Three times prior to this the 4thofMarchhasfallenonSundayimtheyearsofapresidentialinauguration.The first time was in 1821,whenPresidentMoprroeenteredhissecondterm.On advice of Chief Justice Marshall,President Monroe took nooethuntilthefollowingMonday. Chief Justice Marshall,who wascomethingofalawyerinhisday, held that the President-elect was notcompelledtotaketheoathofoffice at noon on March 4,when the term ends;that the interval which elapses between the end of the term at noon,March 4,and the taking of the oath by the President-elect simnly amounts to a suspension of executive -uthority for the time;that the new ee SCHOOI, Legiioiure Finally Agrees on)a Plan —Chiropractors Li-|cersed —Ouster Law Passes|House —Help For Depen‘-| enis of Convicts —Legisla- tive Proceedings. After a debate lasting more than:two hours and which was tinctured|with »little bitterness,the Bummiit MeLendon educational M2,which hadnagsedtheHouse,went through the|Senat’The bill provides that each|party the time for the regulaMoeMirtetionofcountyofficersshallnominuteamemberofthecounty beard of edueation and that the}name:of these nominces shall be cer-|tifled to the Secretary of State,who |within ten days after the General, Assemily convenes shall certify | these »ominees,and that bodyselectfromthenomingessubmitted| applies onlyboardswere appointed prier to thelastelection.Therefore the six coun-ties in the State which have beenelectingtheircountyboards——Iredell|being one —will continue to elect.The|passage of the bill nullified bills pass-ed at this session to allow certain counties to elect their boards of edu-cation.The bill passed 38 to 8.ThebillofferedbySenatorTurnerasasubstitute,which provided for a com- mission of seven te be named by theGeneralAssemblytoappointthe county boards,was voted down.Thissubstituteprovidedthattwomem-bers of the commission should be oftheminorityparty.A resolution was passed to request the Supreme Court to give an opin-on on the question whether,sincetheconstitutionalamendmentswere adopted.the Legislature could —stil!retain the power to act on the ques-tion of the annexation of territory by cities,towns and Incorporated —vil- lages.The Senate again reconsidered and possed the bill to make the mar- riage law conform to the school law on the mce question.The school law adepted in 1963 prehibits any child with the faintest trace of negro blood fom attending a white school.The Pollock bill prevents any per- aon with any negro blood,however remota from marrying a white per-son.An amendment allows children of persons married prior to this act‘o thherit property of their parents. A’ur much debate the Senate hotels,| season)! Waitresses em-| irman Henry.thoucht the fee too The Catewba County News says |be employed .and Mre.J.HW.MeLellandondAfromSalis-'ployed by the Dysard Electric Com-land has been many.special treatment.His friends are Hell T Company.Capt.Wm. io ween he is not Sensenaiiaed te attending or hte liv. VONgPeRs.;.President's term begins when hisForatimeitseemedcertainthatpredecessor’s expires but he can’t ex- the parliamentary struggle would]orcise the functions of his effee until prolong the session at least well into]y.takes the oath.and unless it is Sunday.but late Saturday night]pecessary for the'President to trans- some of the leaders on the Republi-some official business between‘an side let it be known that they did]noon on Sunday,March 4,and the not favor carrying the firht tea the following day,he can postpone tak- xtent of embarrassing the countty |:je the ‘oath. by killing the revenue bill and —thus In 1840,the second time March 4weakeningitspreparationforde-|fell on Sunday at the close of a fence.After two or tsece peace pro-|presidential term,President Taylornosalshadbeenrejectedbythe}followed the precedent set by Pres- Democrats,the Republican leaders lident Monroe under the ruling ofwbmittedapropositionforavote]Chief Justice Marshall.In 1876 theWednesdaynightat&o'clock om conm-|t(/h of March fell)on Sunday.Tha dition that in the meantime apprepri-|noted cogtest for the presidency be ation bills may be brought up bylrween Tilden,Democrat,and Hayes, lunanimous consent.The Democrats inceepted,believing this arranrement|had aroused so much feeling _that j rave them a chance to save enourh|trouble was feared...Immediately on jof their legislative programme tol the announcement of the decision of javert an extra session the electoral commission in favor of Toward the close of the day.after]ayes the Republicans decided to he heated debate over the interna-|iake no chances and the oath of office tional situation had subsided,Chair of the finance commit vas administered to Haves urday, en jman Simmons ving aka dehate March Seth,dis-Road Work. issing the government ownership of - allroad.This vubject will be Mr.R.Don Laws of Moravian: Falls,the noted publisher of the Yel‘hated throughout the State in the ‘g ow Jacket,has been in Statesvillehiphsehooelstoselectdebaterstocampeteforthecuptobeawarded|for a few days.He brought Mrs at Chapel Hill Scott's debaters,!aws to Dr.Long’s Sanatorium for|Dwight Feimster and Margaret Mor](operation.The operation warizon,will moet Forest Heath and rformed Saturday and Mrs,Laws’ Wright Lankford of Harmony at rndition is favorableHarmony:Cornelia Rufty and Mor Mr.Laws is chairman of the!ris Feimster of Scott's will debate}Wi'kes county road commission and with Andrew Allison and Kestelle|%°is giving his personal attention toRrownofTroutmanatScott's.Liz-ed building in Wilkes,that county zie Dearmean and Burgess White of |heving voted 2 bond issue last fall |Harmony will engage in debate Oxear|for the purpose.The Wilkes road Litton and Czar Harwell of Troutman]“OMMission is composed of threeatTroutman.Democrats and two Republicans.MrTaws,who is an enthusiastic good Soldiers Become Civilians.ads oman and was unanimously ‘ected chairman of the commission,he soidiers y rete 4 .:The soldiers lately returned with «thet polities will cut no figuretheleealcompanyfromElPasoareresumingtheusualtrendoflifethe_Pcie cnr thet their.‘lefferts will be directed to seeurinsgwhichwasdroppedwhentheyan::—©swered the summons to mobilize.|‘"or <_tent ro for the work,Mr.John Steele left Friday for|.°°.)»wid so many miles asHopewell,Ve.,te take up work.Mr.|P°srble for the money expended. |Hal.Gill left yesterday for Friend-‘ship,Guilford county,where he willbyBellTelephone Intense activity greater thanknownheretoforetoany‘Hawaiiansbenowliving,is manifest ij ibeemoteifestinKilaveaLieut,vr Mills is em-jvoleano,ac @ to reports at Hon- owl.Kilanea } Mr.Tom Johnson is with the welle in the |dial t .circumference,and is situated in thepartoftheislandof \e*" Republican,had been.in progress and | Sat-|tors March &The oath was ayrain| naseal the bill to create a board of exasiners to license chiropractors.ItwasomendedsothattheboardwillheappointedbytheGovernor.Sena- itor Allen attacked the profession as taking lessons by mail and getting liplomas for $25.He said all the doc- opposed the measare.Then oth-er Senators attacked the doctors. norgeney judg es to receive $100 per ch and expenses for time actually |d,was also defeated.Afterward |mpromise bill was introduced which provides for two emergency iperior Court judges eo be appoint +the Governor,one for the east- n distriets and for the west- listriets,who are to be avaliable |caves of iHness of regular judges where there is a congested dock- A salary of $3,200 and traveling nenses of S7h0 are provided for What is known as the “ouster |”introduced by Mr.Grier of Ire- jell,passed the House after Mr. lCrant of New Hanover had express- |rong disapproval.The bill,fa- |ed by the Anti-Saloon League, vide: i “That every person holding any joMce of trust or profit under any of {+laws of this State,either State. vinty,township or municipal,ex joey ech as are wnder the constitutionremovableonlybymethodsoth e-than these provided by this act, who shall knowingly or willfally mis-conduet himself in offiee,or who shall knowingly and willfully neglect to yerform any duty enjoined woon himbvomylawoftheState,or who BOARDS FIXED,|DEATH OF MISS CLARKE. DaughterofStatesville’Dies inFort—L.C.MeKoy Dead,and Others. Miss Eleanor Clarke,danghter of Mr.W.BD.¢Saturday ni the home of had been ill al and imter terday. Deceased She was a tlowedher|when she was badly injured in an automobile wreek near Asheville wine peSincethenshehadnotbeenatregular."“The callworkbuthadrecentlyvolunteeredherervicestotheRedCrossincaseofSheissurvivedbyherfatherwil]stepmother,three brothers and twoMr.Clarke was notified of one member for each county.The bill)his daughter’s illness and went to to the counties whose,Old Fort Saturday night. war. sisters. Mr.Lee C.McCoy died Frida ~|ornightathishomeinHuntersville,af-rterhavingsuffereda_stroke ofparalysis.Mr.MeCoy,who wasnearly80reofage,at one time 'made his home at Shepherd's,insouthTredell,moving from _this county aboubrother-in-law of Mrs.J.C,DeatonofStatesvilleandanuncleofex-Sheriff Deaton.John E.Cochrane,now of Lincolnton,formerly made her home in States-ville.Six children—three sons andthreedaughters—survive.Two sons,Mr.WEmmetMeCovas,passedurday taking placeMrs.Clanearly883years,died the past week at the home of her son, Henry,nearsurvived by two sons.husband,who was a soldier in theWarof1812,died in 1877.IntermentwasinGastonia,where she former- She is ly lived.Sumter,daSumterofTredellborninIredell.Mr.J.M.SumterSumterofStatesville.Mr.G.A. ternoon at hisThedoomet was 69 oedaughterand three sons.place Saturday afternoon at Pleasant widower, Hill church,Mrs.J.M.Causey,aged 48 year#, died early home on is survived bedy was ta for interment. Mrs.J.W night at her after a lonPurialtook place at Oakwood ceme-—-Mayor i tory Sunday,after funeral services|mitted Walter ‘eee to aebyRev.J.W.Williams,A husband]jail in default of bond ¥-- survives,on .one toefrom — 1e Mrs.E.R.Wells,9 ith :The body of Mrs 8,W -s —=oo died at her urday,was Sunday andparents,Mr.and rill,in theatTrinity yesterday afternoon.Mrs. Wells.whoMissCoroMay Sherrill before her re- marriagecont her hushane brothers and sisters. Mr.8S.R. eral of Mr. lotte hichelor Mooresville Tuesday at vidson townshipmentatRe county.Money For River Bridges. The bill t authorize the commissioners of tre-|‘eH to «berrow $40,000 to build et ce a te It is : iridges,is primarily to authorize the nected that the Tredell delegationon ty mmissioners to levy taxes to take care of a lo which it is ry to cover of the three bridges to be built across the Catawha river by Tredell and Ca- tuwba counties. The commissioners thority to | for tbonds cided to ge Legislature would be n it was deem “over the cost of the bridges. Bridee Ruffalo will be rebuilt at the sites|"v has been organised by qty " of the Moovesville and Statesville-|the stockholders —Mesars.on . Shoals tol!bridyes,which|Brawley,Dorman Thompson oa were washed away last summer,and |en,Cpectons,Mr. a new bridge will be built at or near Lookout Sh Mr.Bondam to Become Citizen. Kare}Mr. StatesvilleAmerican ¢ being filedtheUnited ville.Unede vears mustflingtheff ice of the zen me & in Harderwyk,Holland,A 1871,end came to , whall ih any Dic place be in aateteofintoxicationproducedbyany _—ee ee —intori liquors voluntarily tak-—Mr.Z.V.oe.aen,or shall in any form ees.the(on Page Six).Junior r in Athemarie tonight. on their way to Huntersville,The funeral services were condin,Huntersv ‘ourth street. Friday.rCharlotteSanatorium Thursday.William Robinson,aged about 52.a who before the applicant can com- oly with thefull-fledgedUaiiedStatesandentitled to vote.Mr.BondatorofSta of Mr.W.D.ClarkeOld ‘Marke of Statesville,diedhtabout12o'clock atasisteratOldPort.She only a few days.Funer-ment were at Lenoir yes- duty wp town,—The latest’informationJohnwhoisillatNewMexico,is that hisworseandheisnotexpected tomorethanafew —As an indication of the was about 24 years oldrainednurseandhadfol-rofession until last fall in’to wet the drug store. ~-Missdaymorning for Valle toa astatingthatherponeawieram4 wellcounty,in Hartley,was in a dying t 40 years ago.He was a A daughter,Mrs. allace McCoy and Mr,of Little Rock,ArkanroughStatesvilleSat ie Sunday,the burialthere.rissa A.Henry,aged r J.OdBowlingGreen,8.C. Deceased was ClarissaughterofthelateJ.M.county,and wasShewasasisterofandMissBelle Stamper died Friday af-|,anal in a S vervivah We ote Sunday morning at herMrs.Causeybyherhusband.ThekentoAshevilleyesterday .Wilkinson died Saturdayhome‘in south Statesvilleilinesswithcancer.gY home in Spruce Pine Sat-brought to Statesville|the costs for being drunk and isorder- k ly.tahen te Ge poe tl on 2.8 OS United States court was in yes- terday to draw a iy = about county.Burial took place of the court to be there,confer with the contractorfurnishingsforthe Fitheclerk's office in the new abuildingwhichisbeingerectedaCharlotte.%—-The'condition of Mr.A.M.Van-4 noy,who is a patient at «rium,suffering from a was 1 years of age,was She is survived by 1,her parents and several Brown attended the fun-.Murray Long in Char- Mr.Lone died in a lived alone,says the Enterprise,died last his home near Doolie,Da- Funeral and inter- hobeth church,Catawba of “paralysis,has improved much "in the past few days.IftheIngnave-BymentcontinueshemaybebayingtohishomeinWilkescountyoftheweek.Mr.Vannoy’s ee,Mr.H.8.Vannoy of Wilkes,is him.—A new bill,providing forsubmissionoftheextensionof vefore the Legislature to et eeten bee an am &:= agree to pass the new bill,as they ‘had contended for the referendum E feature.‘Messrs.Harold Yount and YoungAlexanderwill,within a short :onen an automobile gatare in a as ie eigh.They will handle the Chevro-.)let car,Smith Form-A-Truck =4 an of this amount,or less, estimated will be necessa- the cost of lredell’s part yorrow money or to issue :Wir porpoe yt dey de-|Probably ther Me,Yonah wet tettheauthorityfromthe|cau and tie Alexander sold‘or’tas lesaehere inteest inthe business of Mr P:Alexander &Bro.ed beat to issue bonds to The Ed.G.White Motor € president and Mr.White -oats.treaurer and general manager.Thecompanywillbereadyforbusiness Caristian Bonéam ef in about ten days.wn ca has made application for! itizenship,the applicationwithClerkJ.B.Gill of Mr.L.BE.Thewiththelocaloffice oftanLifeInsurance States court in States-|has been to a we the law at least two!the offices of theelapsefromthetimeofbethCity,Mr.with his family toretpapers-—which is no-latter pact of the : heenpurposetobecomeaciti- requirements and be- citizen of the tesville college,ai. now shipping potatoeslots,at prices from §1.- net per bushel. a negro convict, [RUTHLESS ACTS INVADE.Mr.Taft's View of Our Duty in the Present Situation. James Mackey,to death,Dick Bridgers.an- negro convict,the State farm in east Carolina last week.| Mrs.Mary Whitener Allen died a} few days amo at the home of a rel-| ative near ia,death resulting| from apoplexy.She was born in Catawba county and was nearlv 70! years old.Two sons and three | daughters survive. Mrs,Emma Catherine Johnson of Farmington,Davie county,died Thursday nicht in a hospital at) Winston -Salem.She was 66 years) old and was born in Winston,being one of the first white children born there,it is claimed. The Robesonian says that Giles Davis,who lives near Lumberton,is still holding his crops of cotton for the years 1914,1915 and 1916,It is explained that in order to do this Mr Davis raises plenty of foodstuffs for home use and some to sell. Auburn H.Setzer,a Hickory prin- ter,has secured a job in the rovern- ment printing office ik Washington. Some years ago Mr.Setzer for a time had charge of the Methodist-Publishing.House in Luebo,Belgian Congo,Africa. March 14 is fixed as the date for the departure of A and B_Troops. North Carolina cavalry.from E! Paso,Texas,for heme.The Third North Carolina regiment is scheduled to leave for home on the 14th and the Second regiment on the 17th. Bost’s school house,in the south- western section of Catawba county, was destroyed by fire Friday evening, supposedly catching from the flue. Nobody at home when the fire occur- red and the building contents,inclad- ing new desks recently placed,weve Forty gallons of rye whiskey.from Baltimore in a_steel ad and labeled “lubricating oil,”are held by offcers at High Point, and both shipper and consignee—-the real name of the latter not yet madepublic—are in for serious trouble with the courts. A citizen of Asheville brought suit in a magistrate’s court to recover $50 from an Asheville firm,alleging that a cow he owned had died from the ef- fect of swallowing a sacking needle which was in the feed he purchasedfromdefendants.The case was nonsuitedforlackofevidence.| Harry Talley,a young man ofCharlotte,who was badly hurt in therailroadwreckatSalisburyayearagolastfall,losing a leg and sus-taining other injuries,has bronwht suit against the North Carolina Rail- road Company,in Mecklenburg Supe- rior Court,for $100,000 damages. The Guilford Battleground hill is now through Congress.The bill rives to the national government the Guil- ford Court House hattlefield,to beusedasnnationalpark.One of the commissioners is to be from =Guil-ford county and two are to he from elsewhere,the resident commissioner to receive a salary of $1,000 per an-num. According to the North Wilkesboro Hustler,Mr.Thos,S.Watson ofWestRiverside,Ashe county,sold toafirminNorthWilkesboroGeorgeWashington’s Birthday.7.274 pounds of country hams,for which he receiv- ed $1,352.43,or at a fraction morethan18centsapound.Two of thehams,when first trimmed,weighed 154 pounds. Goldsboro puts out the word thatRev.Eli Emanuel,who claims to befromArmeniaandisgoingabouttheStatecollectingforArmenianwarsufferers.is a humbug.The RevEliplayedGoldsborolikea_fiute,some of the preachers who acceptedhiscredentialsasauthenticmakingappealstotheircongregationsandaliberalcollectionwaslifted. Catherine Shepherd or Wagoner,ofUniontownship,Wilkes county,will —be tried in Wilkes Superiorovrtnextmonthonachargeofannetoconcealthebirthofherchildandputtingiti+:the creek.”The| woman,who is 25 years old,stronglymaintainedherinnocencebutwascommittedtojailondamagingevi-!of several witnesses. From Tornadoes. Seven persons were killed andprobablyahundredmoreorlessse-|riously injured by a tornado which|swept over Hollins,Midway and)Stewartsville,Ala.,Friday.Practical-|ly every building in Hollins was dam-and in some cases residencesweredemolished.Some of those kill-|were children cxugat in school sameday two negro women | negro ct,wereblowndownbyatornadoatLithonia,|and a manwas probably|fat injred .Miss.,six children \2.oa Cwyas’7 Speaking in New York,ex-Presi-dent Taft aroused much enthusiasm when he declared that if the rights of this country were further invaded by acts “of a ruthless character”it was our duty to resist that invasion as if eur country itself were being invaded .“We do not seek war.”Mr.Taft said:“we wish to avoid it.Every one who uses his senses and realizes what a terrible catastrophe war is to any nation would seek to avoid it, if he may do so honorazty,unless he is a fool.But there are things werse than war. “In the present war we have at-tempted to uphold our rights as neu-trals.Those rights have mot been regarded by the belligerent nations. Both sides have trespassed upon our rights.But in the case of Englandtheviolationshavebeenagainstour vroperty,and they may be compen-sated.In the case of Germany it is the drowning of our fellow citizens, innocent of offence and pursuing theirlawfulbusiness,on the hich seas. . The Crop Lien Bill, Following is a ‘summary of the crop lien bill passed by the Legisla- ‘ture,which.was.endorsed by the Farmers’Union,Gov.Bickett and others: 1.That in the case of merchants or others selling supplies on crop lien jor chattel mortgage security alone(and also in the case of landlords ad-vaneing supplies to tenants),they shall in no case charge as “time prices”more than the standard eashpriceplus10percent.(This means not an interest rate of 10 per cent.but net more than 10 per cent addedtothecashpriceinlieuofaffinter est or other charges for risk.) ° volved, advanced in lieu of all other commis- sions or interest charges,#ey to be advanced in installments. That credit unions 1charge10percentcommission ea “That we may avoid war in the present issue,we pray.But if ourrightsbeinvadedagainunder«dec-|laration of ruthless warfare,it is our} duty to resist that invasion,because it is of the same nature as if our country were being invaded.Our peo- ple,who are on the decks of ourshipsunderourflagonthehichseas are where international law say they have a right to he.If they ere, attacked and sent to the bottom,it |> an assault upon our.henor and our garded asheered any unused pert fund must lend to tk of the effective date”prohibition amend postoftice bill adopted, ‘17,is preposed i: Postponement of the “bene dr: ment to the until October 1,1 concurrent reso! territory and it must be met. “We are now looking over the brink]¢! of hostilities with some of the }b:!-;ligerents in this war.Could we have) a better proof ihan that of the : for a bedy of trained men to «'r the countrv?After the luctance J have come to the conclu ion that we should have con military training.” Mr.Taft is practically in fine President Wilson or : ation and the distir the matter of r rig ty is understandable.-It i statement,but in view of the ¢ situation a clear statement ¢ tions is necessarily repeato!f better informatien of the | erscere ee rer he Army Appropriation Hill. The army appropr ation bill,car- ne $250,000,000,has House.An attempt to :training legi<latio a point ef order In the Se made to attac! either the greatest ¢}the ready fay ate militar’ ure prot Staff. During debate in tion for arn National Guard w: 84.000,000 to 87,000, The army eencra! service bill wns committee without mendation.In TO ind numbers staff plan would sunply a rai force of 4.0060,000 men with one yeur! of intensive military instruction.Pj is estimated by the War Collere tha ‘pnroximately 500,000 boys in the 19th year would be available training annually They would der the plan,be liable to « colors until 832 vears of age,andthenwouldpassintotheunorganiz-| ed reserve until 45 vears of age.| The bill's purpose is to constitute | a first reserve of 1,500,000,ready cag | respond instantly to a eall to arms A second reserve of equa!but only partially equipped,would —re- auire some time to take the field Eventually there would be 1,000,000) additional men ready to fill in gaps] at the front.In addition there would| be a regular army of 24,400 officers and 285,886 enlisted men.Of there 97,000 would form the oversea forces and 29.000 the frontier forces,the remainder composing the permanen training personnel,which could takecareoftheinstructionofreservere- ruits an I i einicen The Mitchell Monument. Seme months before his term =asGovernorexpired,Gov.Craig startedamovementfortheeréctionofa monument at the grave of Dr.ElishaMitchell,on Mt.Mitchell,and Gen.J.8.Carr Was appoivted cnairmar,of the monument commission GovCraigtatedlastweekthatapproxi-mately $3,500 has been subscribedforthemonument.Gen.Carr's plan is to raise a large eum for a massivemonument.Whether his purpose canberealizedisdoubtful,but is is en-couraging to knew that subscriptions Line the it nt to a definite in|for| ! eize, ‘are comi Dr.Hall Vice President. Dr.James K.Hall of Richmond,an Iredell county man,was elected thirdvicetoftheTri-State Medi-y at the meeting at Dvur- S have fur iden i section of this State,says the °nN-}would 1)te the} jcrop athe Hovse of Congress by Represent- ive Moon,of Tennessee,cheirm: the Posto™ce committee, Moon announced he would press ‘%hrovuch a ron as the pestoffiee billsfinallydislebate »there were urgent ap-f of liquor dealers,who 1étisclf Dy on ritory of stock jand Prohibition cars then.f@@r- sin the proviston ’ite might mean many of them are dis- for wostponement,sent to the enature. spose ml th Se .but Vote bill b for the ‘sident oe eeeae eee Wit)Affect Fourteen States. Of the 22)Stotes whieh will roh terriiory in a few weeks i intid importatior in- ca for personal use.The 14 round which the Reed amendment i eet a non-importation barrier Alabama,Colorado,Georgia, Maine,Missis ippi,N Dakota,North Carelt: .South Carolina,Seuth | rand West Virginia. »set no limitation « iquor that can be | vidual nse,but i >amendment would tute statutes expre<sls mportation of tated Forecast For Wheat Crop. tradit:or umong the preimont Chat- ham Reeord,that the woo other on Ash Wednesday forecasted the wheat rop.Tf that day was brigh:there be an abundant crep, if cloudy there would be the following summer. As there was much)sunshine”on Ach Wednesday hereabouts,we're hoping the forecast will hola goed. Tt used to be a i Duteh farmers of —_—-= WOMEN OFMIDDLE ASE oom Mass.—‘‘For the last threeyearsIbeentroubledwith be; nu poor! In recognition of the risk .in-! ti j rade .gag —oete.|because the plans for them ions lending cash on ¢u-!rtain @ stn rity would also be allowed toadd not so uncerta ge exceeding 10 per cent on the amount/:.conform to the committee's stand- jards.mon-| |Bowes declared,had the endorsement may also!or the executive board of the Wilson :.©1 Union,including the wives of many funds advanced on crop lien security.)Senators and but the extra 4 per cent.beyond the|other public officials,and would standard 6 per cent rate shall be re-|coive the backing also of millions of an insurance fund to insure!women throughout the country.union against losses,and |-cn ef this insuran-y/23 CENTS DESTROYS YOURbepaidbackasad@ivi-| Would Postpore Dry Measure.‘aw Your Hair!Mceke it Thick,| ' tion introdyeed in|hair| M:.|ihe hair as dandruff.It rebs the hair,| the amendment |which if tiready passed only |hair—gro | Women DissatisfiedAbout In- augural in an announcement Mrs.JamesH..ident the Women’sWilsonUnianda,.member of theinauguralcommittee,that because ofarulingbarringfromtheinauguralparadeasectionofStatefloatsbe-ing organized under her —,shehaddeclared“the withdra of allwomenfromtheparade.”Robert N.Harper,chairman of thecommittee,replied to the announce-ment with the statement that Mrs.Boggs had no authority to declaresuchawithdrawal.He.said womenwerewantedintheparadeandthattheStatefloatshadbeenbarredonlyinthathe/fearedtheycouldnotbecompletedintime The decision to withdraw,Mrs. and re- Representatives DANDRUFF AND STOPSFALLINGHAIR! Wavy and Beautiful —Try. This!:} Thin,brittle,colorless and scraggyismuteevidenceofaneglectedsealn;of dandruff—that awful scyrf.There is nothing so destructive to of its lustre,its strength and its;very life;eventually producing a fe- verishness and itching of the scalp,| not remedied causes thehuirreetstoshrink,loosen and die— then the hair falls out fast.A littlethattheyb¢|Danderine tonight—now—any time—, will surely sve your hair.|Get a 25-cent bottle of Know!ton’s Denderine from any drug store or toilet councer,and after the first ap- ylication your hair will take on thatife,»and.luxurianee which ia!so beanutiful.It will beeome wavy fluffy and have the appearance ofabundaran ineomparable glossandsoftocess:but what will please you most will be after.just a few|weeks’use,when you will actuallygeealotline,downy hair-—new all over the scaip. ’‘1USU VINg ENDS CATARRH,ASTHMA,§ Bronchirs,:cup,Coughs and Colds,or | money back.Sald and guaranteed by Statesville Drug Company. A .L.ARNER,Statesville,N.C.| —-—Dealer In-—- Hide:.Furs,Wooland Bces Wa,A!Q old Mie la aj Robbe ycrap Iron,i? Box and Magazines.We p market |and PRes y the highest pric lndependent Phone 506. Bell Phone ox02 USTAN For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Manand Beast25e.50c.$1,At AllDealers,LINIMENTDOORS,WINDOWS.MANTELS,COLUMNS.|NEWELS,MOULDINGS.|LOCKS,NAILS.ON HAND AND READY FOR DE-LIVERY!‘C.WATKINS. To InsureAgainstthe Long Hot Days That | AreComing.| Is to buy one of our Oil Stoves.Economical, Saver ot time and the cook always in a good humor, THE STATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT COMPANY Appreciates the very liberal patronage of itsfriendsandpolicyholders,both NEW and OLD.Our office is an open one,and we invite all ourcustomersandthosewhowillbecomecustomerstousethesamewhentheysodesire.As in thepast,we will strive to give the same HIGH GRADE.SERVICEthathaswonforthisCompanythegoodwill andconfidenceofoverseventeenhundredpatrons. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”and PAY.ALL HONEST LOSSES IN CASH WITHOUT DISCOUNT. We willbe glad to have you call at our officeforanyinformation,or telephone No,54 if our service in needed. We do NOTARYPULICworkalso.Cordially yours, J.F.CARLTON,=-Manager. SERVICE And the complete stock| ]of Plumbing,Heatingand } |watermaterialswe carry. OUR BUYER — 2 eal eo ot wt oo Is in the northern markets,buying for our different departments. Hoping to be able to serve our customers in the future better than in the past,giving them a better selection of all the new creations. MRS.MARY SIMS. The Cash Store. NUNNALLY’SAT THAT. a ayspidliver;delayed,fermentingthebowelsorsour,.Poisonous matter c ed in the in- Following are some of the local|testines,instend of being cast out of le who are driving the Chevrolet.|the system is re-absorbed inte theKokthemifindoubtastowhatCar|blood.When this poison reaches the|to buy:delicate brain tissue it causes con-W.E.Bowles,E.K.H J.A.|gestion and that dull,throbbing,sick-Munday,J.P.Ingram,J.C.-ening headache. ton,T.E.Winecoff,Rev.J.W.Wil-| Cascarets immediately cleanse liams,H.B.Woodward,J.L.Cowan,!the stomach,remove the soyr,undi- oe N.Center Street. DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C,TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,‘Thoue 197.Hours &to 5.SPECIAL array TO CHILDREN'S Jitney Station WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO CALLS. |ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10e¢. |BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE5CENTS.‘PHONE £11.Jitney Transfer Company. |DR.COITE SHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. L.A.Yount,R.L.Murdock,Fred.|gested food and foul eos e theSills,Olley Sills,Clay Crouch,W.C.|excess bile from the and carryWooten,D.P.Sartin,J.C.Steele,L.|out all the constipated waste matterK.Lazenby,W.W.Tharpe,D.A.Mor-jand ns in the bowels.rison,Joseph Hamoy,Oscar Murdock Cascaret tonight wil!surelyDr.Davis,Hiddenite,and J.B..|straighten you out by morning.They%|work while you sleep—a 10-cent box 4 -from your druggist means your headaps|oF ,stomach sweet and your liverbowelsregularfori !Oe |Health is the most important thin;7 in life.It is too precious,too vitaa.|te be bandied about as an article of“merchandise.It cannot be purchas-____|ed in boxes or phials at the corner;drug store.9 |BARIUM ROCK SPRING WA‘“WOOD'S SEED |TER aids Nature to restore itselfiwhendrugsfail.It drives Urie acidoutofthesystemandrevitalizesthe ;,herves.We have a full line -.T.hoe Mi,Shannonhouse|writes:“ 5 was ering from shattered nervesW.Weod &Sons _—.and disordered stomach andoktepackageOeLLCoesceed oon;cure.Wood’s bulk seed such as ||WATER Wrought a speedy cu write Early Peas,Early Beans,|Denartment 1 Box 05,Barium Beet Seed,Seed Corn, Onion Sets,etc.DR.VANCE HASTY, Come in and see whatwehave. Phone 89. Flooring and Ceiling Sold by C.WATKANS are properly Kiln Dried and won't open and let in cold. MADE IN STATESVILLE Anything in Sheet Metal. STATESVILLE TIN CO. Tin Roofing, Ridge Roll, Valley Tin, Gutter Spout. "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. ———————— TIRE BANDS, Tapes,Cement Patches,ete.,are all very well in their way,buttheyareallemerymeas-ures only.The only real and———repairing is done byuleanizingthedamagedparts.While your Car is not in use,have your Tires put in shape.THE&SUPPLY COMPANY. Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-rium will have prompt attention. ae eee WHICH IS CHEAPER To put on r outhquses,Solid!Sheathing and the cheapest gradesofcompositionroofingatacostof |about $2.25 per square,or Skeleton|Sheathing and C.WAKINS’Ceder Shingles at a cost of about $1.80 per square,the Shingles being good for 1h to 90 years” +peer= Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. 201 Court Street.||We Sell Miller Tires.‘ C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone340Green. WANTED! SCRAP ~Heavy Brass74. per oa t Brass 5c.per FOR SALE: secondhandmachinery‘ateand ail Kinds of boilerfoomsupplies. kidSPRING | ANl calls telephoned to Jas.R.} ‘continueinbusiness here,which de-isi to the townandto saucers,ThewithMessrs,man at the aeademy. In Eufola Community.correspondence of The Lanamars. Rufola,Feb.22--We are giad to say that)the measles is about over with in this commu-nity and the children have all returned to! their work in sehdol,Rev,and Mre,W.J.Wyatt of Troutman arespendingafewdayswithfriendsinthiscom-munity,Mr.and Mre.H.L.Troutman ofStatesville,the week-end with Mr.‘Trovtman’s ,Mra.D.M.Wagner.Mra.the Hoke of Catawba is visiting her son,Mr.R. ing their business for sale..|Last,week the town was entertain-\j*2 rather infected,whi |reports began :mating that the character of the va-rious entertainments was not such asclaimedbythemanagement.Ac-cordingly on Saturday evening,whenthegaietywasatitsheiRev.John W.Jones and Rev.L.U.WestonaccompaniedbyChiefofPoliceBrowndecidedtoinvestigate.Finding the——questionable o or- e manager to stop pro-ceedings.He disputed the order ancthenMr.Jones rose up in his wrathanddeliveredhisultimatumtothaimanager,with such telling effect thatwithoutfurtheradohe’agreed tccloseupquietly,there was “nary a carnival.”Thes«{eitizens are due the thanks of th«town.It is high time this class ofentertainmentisabolished.Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Tolbert went toCharlotteSaturdaytoattendabirth-day dinner given by their daughterMrs.R.C,Melvin,and will remainforseveraldays’visit.Lieut.R.ReidMorrisonhasarrivedathome,havingbeenmusteredoutatShelby.He re- lates’many interesting experiences >|the border.{|The announcement bf the envage-ment of Miss Louise Sherrill ofStatesvilleandMr.Fred H.Deaton!was read with interest here.Mr.|Deaton is a nephew of Mr.and Mrs ||Jas.W.Brown of Mooresville.Mr.P.8.Boyd was in Raleigh lastweektopartivipateIntheinauguralceremoniesofthepresidentofA.and|M.College,which taok place Thurs-|day.Mr.Boyd is a member of theboardoftrusteesofthecollege. Mr.I.L.Rich,manager of the Dixie theatre,is working in Winston-Salem for the present.Mrs.Richhaschargeofthetheatre.Mrs.Geo.W.Hawn spent last Fri- day in Statesville,being accompaniedhomebyMissJessieSetzer,who} spent Sunday here,the guest of Mrs |Hawn.Mr.and Mrs.R.S.Sloan left}last week for their home at AltusOkla.,after spending several weeks|here with relatives.Mrs.John T | McNeely has as her euest her niece | Miss Belle Corriher of Hendersonvi'leMr.Columbus Raymer of Wiashing- ton is visiting his parents,Mr.and! Mrs.J.F.Raymer,on EasternHeights.Mesdames E.E.EdmistonandW.B.MeNeely spent several| days last week visiting relatives inWinston-Salem.In the last issue of The Landmarkitwasreportedthat.a Mr.Hawkins|who died at Three Forks,Mont.,was a | |brother of Rev.O.L.Hawkins of |Mooresville.This is a mistake,there, being no person of that name living here. Mr.J.Pinkney Mills of CharlottewindowdecoratorfortheJ.B.IveyCo.,spent’Sunday at his home hereHislittlebrother,Master Billy Millsisverysickwithmeasles.The members of the Second Pres!)terian church held cottage praver- |meetings last week preparatory to the ‘protracted meeting which will bevirnextThursday.The prayermecting:closed with a song service atchurchSaturdaynight,and were we!! attended.Dr.C.M.Richards wil!conduct _the meeting,beginning at 3.m,,Thursday._A bill has passed its final readingintheLegislatureprovidingfor«change in the laws of the Mooresvi!!:graded school district,providingmeanswherebytheboardmaycal!arelectionandsubmitfinancialmatters|to the vote of the peopie.Mrs.M.A.Petty of Chapel Hil!is|spending some time here with he:|daughter,Mrs.H.L.Dearman,Miss |Susie Dearman of Amity is also e}quest at the Dearman home.Shoe irjanauntofMr,Dearman,Miss Jen jnie Shinpock returned Saturday fromtheCharlotteSanatorium,where she |was treated for nervous trouble.Her)friends will be glad to know that shisimproving.Mrs.N.G.Martin of a was a Mooresville visitor Sun-day. Davidson,winning by a to 30.Sacvurday night the |team Played Derita and was againvi»the score being 24 to 31.A fire of unknown origin destroyed_the large gin outfit of Templeton-|Williams &Co.,near their mill,in the this by acarnival“" rm \. fa #tone the he ing her grandmother,Mra.Mary Mise,atStatesville,Miss Grace York is visiting hersister,Mra.C.BM.Harris,of the New Ster-ling neighborhood.iMr.ant Mrs,D.M.Wagner gave a singingSundaynightinhonoroftheirguests,Rev,R.Lee Dave,Rev.and Mra.W.J.Wyatt and.H.L.Troweman.fInspiteofthebadweatherRev.R.Lee.Davis filled his appointment at Beulah Satur-|day and Sunday.fWearegladtolearnthatMrs.J.S.Mor-)rison ic recovering from an attack of rheuma-| tiem. How many of theboys of today think theycouldbeatoneofouroldsoldiers-Mr.RB.A,Deal--who basbutone arm and is 79 yenrsofage,Heshot and killed a hawktheotherdaywhileitwas-{The farmers of this community are wisforthegrowndhogtopassaway dplowweathertecome.f H Ncbe Lede Ste Baarie,Mice,vist Card of Thanks.‘1 take this method to thank the friends and-relatives of Boulevard street for their kind.news during the recent ilinces und death of|my wife.May the Lord bless them.iJ.W.WILKINSON, and by 9 o'clock ™ Coughcixesand wilanothercold." SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. By virtue of a judgment of the SupertorCourtofIredellcounty,entered in the‘ial proceedings entitled A.W.Black bfadministrator,vs.Richard Faille et al.,theundersignedcommissionerwillon i at public auction,for cash,at the court housedoor,the followin deseribed tract of land:This land was advertised to be sold FPebru-ary 5,1917,and bid off at the price of 8700;this bid hax been increased $25.Lend described as follows:Beginning atinJamesYoung's line,cornerofletNo.6,and running thence east160polestoastoneinPatterson's linethencewithhisline2degreeseast18polesto&stone on line of lot No.8 on Patterson'sline;thence north 20 degrees ent 15 1-2 polertoastone,Patterson's corner;thence north 8rlegreeswest150lestoastone,Young'scorner;thence with his line south 2 degreewest30polestothebeginning,containing 31 acres more or less.The above tract of land is situated nea Ostwalt's,being the home of the late HenryFalls,colored,and will be sold subject to thedowerofDovieFalls,bis widow.A.W.BLACKWELDER,Harry P.Grier,Atty.Commissioner. Feb.27.1917.-2t. JIM THARPE How little, We try to see MUCH,not how we can pay for Eggs, Chickens,Hides,Hams, Honey,Veal Calves and other produce. IREDELL PRODUCE CO ad a v EL Wi t —, _ JiM THARPE ot FORD AT AUCTION. Ry direction of the county commissioners, i will on THURSDAY,MARCH 8,at the courtmusedoorinStatesville,sell at auction tothehighestbidderforcash,#Ford Automobile.M.P.ALEXANDER,Feb,16,1917.Sheriff. ‘FYOUR HOUSE NEEDS A Roof,don’t forget that March winds will blow off the loose Shingles and the April rains will pour in. Plenty of all grades Shingles on hand at C.WATKINS’Lumber Yard. THAT'S WHAT I WANT! eS ae a"inter Is Right.ThisDAVIS’PAI is what you OUR Inorderto takecare of YOUR PROF."' ITS,YOU ADVANCE YOUR SELLING PRICE.WE 4 DONOT!YOUmakethe same GOODPROFITon OUR PRODUCTS,asin yearspast.: In order to takecareof OURSELVES,instead of RAISING ourprices,we have,afterverycarefulconsid-©eration,decided on TWO VERY IMPORTANT- CHANGES IN OUR BUSINESS.FIRST:ONMarch 1st,wewill put ourbusinessonSTRICTLYACASHBASIS.WhenwesayCASH,wemeanALLTHEWORDIMPLIES, This is no reflection on YOUR CREDIT,regardless 4 have.By eliminating losses from BAD book accounts, postage,statements,etc.,we hope to PARTIALLY OFF, ne 4a ; ice is near 100 per cent.efficient.have installed a patented INSPECTIONbottleisinspectedforANYFOREIGNWeyoutocallandinspectourplant.KNOW HOW the products you sell are made.tomers who have run accounts willshareinthe$200 IN .Yourarybusinesswithuswillbecounted as C vat 4 The $200 IN GOLD will be given oe See20th,1917.It’s up to you to GET YOUR DEPOSIT SYSTEM:We will deliver fromintwodozencasesonly.ON YOUR FIRSTONMARCH1ST,or thereafter,we will sellcasesofCoca-Cola or assorted Sodas as youtheregularprice,for CASH ONLY.Thecasesandbottlesyoupurchasewillberecorded onbooks,and YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FORTHEM.Oneach puscnase CheveatiesSo So Garfullcaseatthetce,for EVERY CASETAINING24EESBEARINGOURNAMEONTHEM,given our drivers or returned to the plant.The same applies to the return of 6 dozen cases. For every case you purchase (after your FIRSTpurchaseonFeud-thereafter)you will be ed to pay a osit Oo}.per case you purchaseCESSOFTHENUMBEROFCASESYOURETURN TO OUR DRIVERS OR AT OUR PLANT.(Cases to beFULLOFOURBOTTLES).On six dozen cases 90e, DEPOSIT. A ticket showing YOUR DEPOSIT will be givenUponthereturnofcageorcases,FULL OF ,BOTTLES BEARING OUR NAME ANDPOSITTICKET,YOUR MONEY WILL BE YOU by ovr drivers,or at our plant. Orders for Freight Shipment must be by your check covering regular invoice price PL POSIT. TO THE FAMILY TRADE OF STATESVILLE ,andthoseOtherThanMerchants: If you hve one of our cases FULL OF EMPTY BOT-TLY¥S BE’.RING OUR NAME,upon the rcwrn of sametoourdrivers,you will receive a full case of any of ourproductsfor$1 CASH.‘Phone your grocer or dealerandwewilldeliverdirecttoYOU,and credit deal-er’s account with 25c.It is not Right and to ourmerchantCustomers,to sell the family trade at WHOLESALE or MERCHANT prices,e want yourtrede,but we want to get it in AN HONORABLE WAY.Ov your First Purchase you will be required to pay $1.30foratwo-dozen case.The 30c.will be refunded you incash,upon the return of the case containing 24 emptybottlesbear:rg our name and your deposit ticket. Nothing lesa tion a two dozen case sold.We arenotintheRETAIL.business, We cordially invite you to drop in to see us.See foryourself,a Real,Sanitary 7oeVery Yours, iedDE- FRNA HPTREO R NORE Ete eeeee’nent eeee SRP eso nesessso0eee ape A rechten aore r? i ,¢ academy.; jnto the Palmetto Stute a diploma from Davidson College. Mr.Stevenson is a man of unusual ability —an ability which has been ized in South Carolina and which the Yorkville (8.C.)Enquirer fittingly described in the following: “That Mr.Stevenson is a man of re-| markable ability is admitted by all «by those who admire him and by ‘do not.There is ords—-records of ords of the General Assembly the records of the hustings.All along he has had to rely upon that ability and the fullest vindication of it is to be found in the verdict of his fel- low citizens as expressed at the polis last Wednesday.”His Iredell kin and friends are gratified but not surprised by Mr.Stevenson's success in his adopted State.Those who know him knew that he had in him the ma- terial of which leaders of men are made.He has not been with the dominant faction in South Carolina, waa anti-Blease,and this probably delayed the public recognition of his worth.; Iredell as a rule has been to promote her native to promi- nent offcia)position.Possibly this is the reason some of them seek and find recognition elsewhere,Some years ago an Iredell man was elect- ed to.Congresa from Iilinois;Mr. Stevenson goes from South Carolina, and others have reached prominence in Various wavs in other States. Within the last 60 years three men have gone to Congres from Ired n, bat only ene of them,Hon.Jos.P. Caitweill,who was elected in the 50s, was a native cf the county.Hon. Wm.M.Robbins was a naiive of RarJoiph and Hon,R .F.At imeld a e of G A native of Ire- iel!,Hon ss Gaither,was a Confederate Con-r»omber ofbuthe when slow is iiford.re tne 258,lived in Durke ac Wad nt to Congress. Since the war of the 6 > rior Court judges have lived in Ire 1,and one of them —Hon.D.M. Furches—-efterward became —Aasso- ciate Justice and the viel of the Supreme Court.Bat of the judges was a native of Iredell. Judge Anerson Mitchell was a na- tive of Caswell councy,Judge Fur- ches a native of Davie,Judges Coble ard Lome were bern in Alamance. Hon.A.Leszar,who attained destine- tien as a Representative in the Leg- iglature from Iredell 25 years ago, and was Speaker of the was a Rowan man.Hon.W.Vv.Turner, who has been Lieutenant Governor, is the only native of the county to at- tain so high a destinction in public life while a resident the county, within the memory of this generation. These facts are not cited as com- plaints,hut as facts of some histor- ie interest.Whjle many tredeil men have gone elsewhere and attained distinetion—-possibly on the ground that a prophet obtains recognition more quickly away-from home —the facts show that Iredell has been mosthospitabletotheoutsiderswhocame to the county to make their home. awe,2 eeBe CEomeae Abu ae not one rouse, of Representative Hood of North Car- olina,who voted against the Reed amendment to the postoffice appropri-ation bill,which same prohibits the importation of liquor into prohibition States-—-says he was “strongly oppos-ed”to the amendment because “it was a direct invasion of States’ rights.”But,says Mr.Hood,“I ex- pect to vote for the amendment for national prohibition.”That is to say,Mr.Hood can't abide that inva- sion of Sentes’rights which would prohibit importation of liquor into a State,when the Stete had the au- therity to prohibit that importation aga didn't exercise it.But Mr.Hood wil .ote for an amendment to the Mederal constitution,through which three -fourths of the States can pro- hibit the manufarctr and of liquor in the other fourth,no matter how much epposed tu ractment tae other fourth may Heod draws the eetly clear to a!l of us SEeeEneeee The term of the Lewisla Congress will end CO cress {FO ber unless the Pr tra session,which he avoid it Pre Lewislat .}re sale evtoun on if thetwithoutpay,which | may be accepted nsBiekettwen't call As ia always the e many tapt measures in both the |to the la.will t thouch in the rush hours at el@se;some impbedoneandsomedg@peasaresultof has SOEA The “Textile,Industrial and eattional”edition of the Cha: News,74 pager,handsomely ilin an te a capital Gon ston impor- »bedies rowded the vill not !crudely fart chat nN extra se or dbs oo Edu- {rat piece c It deals meiniy with the cotton mills of the two Carolinas,not alone fromthestandpointofcommercialimpor-tance,but from the ride of the mill a@a social factor—-a vide that i weually overlooked and misrepresent ed.The epecial edition of the News ie @ splendid advertisement for that paper,its town and the State.|eeeneeeetnemneenmedeamaaeel A prominent Japanese official sendsbyoneofourcitizensthat“Ja- i never go to war with theunlesstheUnitedStates‘s honor.”t's céim-that ec might im-honor +countryonthatday Justice xt “unbe-if‘ u: g f ort2nelanybetter bticgunas@coon,A nation-wideizewomenforwarnedinWashingtonmassmeetingcalledAmericanWoman otsubst pow a host of officers whose business ‘t is| to enforce the law,and that instead| of multiplying officers we should get)behind those we have with a public}sentiment that will enforce activity.| As desirable as it is to enforce the prohibition law,it is just as desirable to enforce other laws now none too; well enforced;and if there is to be} a commissioner let the enforcement of all laws be included in his work.| eames +meee ER 8 ER that under the new ”law the demand for the moonshine product will be creatly increased and ine _illicit dis- titer will inereake ard flourish,abillhasbeenintroduee~tn the Legis- lature to make illicit distilling a fel- ony,the minimum punishment to be twelve months’imrrisonment,The Charlotte Observer is of the opinion that the moonshiner “!s going to fear nothing short of hanging”and “pos- sthly he will not stand in much fear ef that.”He need not fear hanging, seeing thet the deatss penalty is so rave in this State.Bui if blockading :to be reduced the penalty must be 1 more severe and the law forced,when the offender caught an?’catching him is the matter first importance.Some of them will continue to blockade,if they krew they would die the next minute alter toe ¢”eaptured,but a more severe nenalty.the law rigidly enforced, without fear or favor,will materially luce the activities of this The trouble in many localities,how- ever,is that the moonshiner has friends at court who see him out of his trouble if his political activities are properly directed in the prima- ries and the elections. The Legislature has euthor chiropractors to do business in this State.The chiropractor is a doct who adjusts joints “by hand, iring of disease,”according which means that he avs to cure bodily is without f medicine or the knife. objected to the act on ind the chiropractors can rrespondence course and ret ploma for $25 and that it’s da tout »people as doecor they have taken some vrese Z ome of the legislaasaclase ce wanted to k now that thea.’have joined Anticipating Federal “bone dry - made en- ot class @ to Doe-the Ke a cer ibed lant they maths an! they kecp out others. The d somewhat clan- nish but in that respect they do not differ materially from other profes- sions and folks;and while it may not always agree with the doctors The Landmark prefers their counsel to that of the laymen when it comes to passing on the quahfications of neo- nlé who are to heal disease,for that offers greater opportunity for hum- buggery than any other one thing. SATAENSFUERDSeeO The defeat of the bill four new Superior Court districts, which would mean four additional judges and as many solicitors,is gratifying,but the plan to createtwoemergencydistricts,with judges at the full salary of $3,200 and $750 for traveling expenses,it only a lit- tle less objectionable.The proposi-4 tion to authorize the Governor to ap- point a judge to serve for special emergencies only,his office to end when the work for which he was ap- pointed was finished and he to be paid for the time he was employed at the rate of $100 a week and expenses, was ohjected to on the ground that it was undignified.It is The Land- mark's opinion that that is exactly what was in the public mind when the coostitutional amendment author- izing the Governor to apt judges was ado emervency and oa judge could be appeinted for ervice alone.This is done in other States.The people had no tee f voting in ¢at full pay. SAYrutthe steopaths th the steo} )m deetcrs to tors may he ta create int emer- gency Some- tim +8 that ome an "18es8 tra judecsrajUaees to ers The bill to anthorize railroads e free transportation to minist avin bobbed up in the Le vista- rd The Landmark hopes led.as was two years aro, et FP a nd their hould now them te permit them to and maintain their ‘ er thar tly compel the to bear the burden of their The railroads won't do it but they will be com to;and the minist who has the preper appreciation of the digni- y of his posits to be made an objeet of charity and to ac- cept favors from the railroadia,es- pecially favors granted under com-pulsion. RD Paul G.MeCorkle of Yorkville, C.,the blind man who was last week elected to fill out the term of Con- gressman Finley,was sworn in Saturdey.His term will end next Sun-| day.Mr.MeCorkle is the third blind in Congress,Representative it how ¢luced rates hoa congreyae salary su™- their sclf-respect pa indire vilread ra portation. ant te pelled nn doesn’t want 8 man Schall!of Minnesota is blind and so is Senator Gore of Okjahoma.Judging by the things they let wet by them at times,one would think that many}Senators and Representatives havedefectivevision, eece People who enjoy the “Mutt andJef!”cartoons may be interested toknowthatthewifeof“Bud”Fishertheauthorofthecartoons,has suedhimfordivorceandwillaskfot$2 *000 a year alimony,“Bud”must have}made a pile out of “Mutt and Jom,”h coin to pay his wi‘has Hy Notwithstanding thetionscommitteeleftout$400,000 aeked for by theandtheFederalTradeinvestigatefoodprices,the He ofCongressvotedintheitemtheinvestigationwillproceedif ate is hospitable to the Woman suffrage advoested in Mainehavewonafightofnearly40yearsforsubmissionofthesuffrageques- tion to popular vote.At aelectiontobeheldSeptember 10 voters of Maine will pass on @ con. stitutional amendment to grent suf-,frage to women.Maine is the see- ond State in New Engiand to and on for ed to cure @ where. oerHotel Proprietor efeate >i.maienatte defeated the propesal =“In conversation with Congressmen Callaway of Texas,|-entative of your who has charged that certain of the { big newspapers are subsidized to promote war but who has offered ne preof of the charge,ina speech in Boston,under the auspices of the Emergency e committee of Mag- sachusetts,ased.“Had we not bet- ter stand by ourselves than stand by the Presiden stating that, the citizens would pay the eosts efwarimtaxes. Republican are planning a ngion on March members of their party e!<next Con- gress to discuss the Speakership andotherorganizat‘on questions.Opin. ion is general amon Republican lead- ers that Representrtive Mann wilt be nominated for Sneal vithout onpo-‘ sition and that itive Len- ‘oot of Wisconsin will be named floor },.+ leader if Mr.cleeted.: At Murvay,;ro charged with killing a white man,;eon. eted of murder nienced to death.A coniinu:grented in on Viurtin’s.¢~by Jad harles Bush 1 early last January i itistied =the tizens afd a mob was tormed.Digs lers which ensued ned a hurried night trip t ray by the roverner,through personal atThene- »re ittionefPrtenas inp re i my feeling of ne for me, is I suffered1 Penc untold or’after r the best doctors of .t-up”h ofosed leade:the House i1 ird to my ease,IT consulinWash-i to the ir t a 5 \ vi {. h. £ ( ’ 'me irritated and it could be eured at all. couraged over my con sufferingrmy ught a dozen bottles, ing that ifI took it at would go at it right. derful. 0 0 is mace of can ‘testily, me, T beortsora rr)was tric a mi trry by the time I had courseTISiandhave had no symptoms i disease cinee, =a “|would feel that IT had neg- :nO:lected my duty to my =fellow- ‘ae+aS62/8Ls easaci te tah en if I did’not tell them vonderful cure and I any sulfsrer to Person's Remedy a trial. LAX-FOS is Ald U8!an (a tonis-‘arstire)pl pice easI the Cascaia isimrrorad by 1 ceriaia hat ehem- s wiueh incres the« ara,tialtiue it bettir thon LAN-VOS is pi and does net gripe nei Cr! Adapted to colalre i 3 Just try one botil, cyvare ndir wend tr take om < LaGrange,N.C.,Jan.: STATESVI W.F.HALL. POLK GRAeneenaeeseme©Y DRUG CO. Our Pianos are superior in quality,moder- ate in price and can’t be improved on for elegaat case design. ANDREWS +===}*°jam -fo*EVERYTHING MUSICAL. 105 East Broad Street, ais ive Mr; Superiority of Piano MUSIC STORE. a referendum on the question,|Up By Doctors.| a rep- lay,I eould not help express- gratitude at :o good your medicine hasForthreelongageny h what they ssid was a se- ve case of Rheumatism. had ex- insted their knowledge {nm re- Af- ted an. teopath and after an exami- tion he snid the hip joint had would ec a long time to cure it,if it I felt 80 dition, for Thad spent hundreds of dol- in the vain pursuit of ease, was terrible. Hearing of the good effects that Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy hadothers,I decided to try it.I think- all | And won- ves it is wonderful,the as my! gan to ve on the tirst bottle and finished the. JT was a well,strong man of: of my advise Joe T.C.BRYAN.”| 31,°16.!ILE DRUG CO.,, LOGAN STIMSON &SON, oe S. WAKE 17 anywi a requisite to successful motoring. Today,with the Buick or Dodge you can go any where the road leads. .When you have a bad trip to make, if you haven't a Buick or Dodge of your own,borrow your neighbor's. these over. ee There wasa time when first class roads were oe ee ee e And when you buy a new car come in and look sncme | Sai ee AU-T-OM-A-T-LC!THATS Rl aad 3 te alent ed .aoe ae jPwys>nee y J a! e THE AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR keeps any com-bination of foods without danger of flavors mixing.Why?Because there is a constant AUTOMATcireulationofpureairthattakesalltheodorsintotheicechamber,where they are arrested and pass offthroughthewasteTHEAUTOMATIlentyofcooldrinkingwaterwithoutanextraice ipe.f REFRIGERATOR also suppliesll.he porcelain water cooler is built in the partition wall,it is not in the way.AAl sizes carried in stock.Phone or write for catalog-and price list.Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘PRONE NO.400.“The Store That Always Welcomes You.” Ramsey -Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. MEN’S WEARS!<6)er Never before have weshownamorecom-plete line of men’s fineShirts.The,materialsarepatternsexclusive in design and suitable for every kind of wear. MANHATTAN SHIRTS. The Best Known—Known astheBest,$1.50 to $6.00. EMORY SHIRTS. The Shirt That Fits, $1.50 to $7.50. MONARCH AND ARROW SHIRTS, $1.25 to $2.00. SOFT COLLARS. In our line of Soft Col-lars you will find a Ww rful selection,15c.to 50c.each. The home ofsoft collars. OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. Steele and Nell Cur-'fewdays at Mise Steele's,»returned yes.)to .Mary and Miss Sarah}ey retu yesterday from New, Roc Gill returned Sunday to_»8.C.,after a short visit, Mrs.F.L.Ward returned Sunday|from a visit to friends and relativesinKannapolisandMooresville.Mr.Lester Ellis,son of Mr.andMrs.V.C.Ellis of the county,left’Eooedn for Springfield,I.,wherewilleeate,|Mr.R.R.Woodsides of Laurens,8.C.,arrived Saturday to spend afewdayswithhisbrother,Mr.O.L.Woodsides Mr.H.A.Rhyne of Movnt HollyspentSundayinStatesvillewithhisfamily.Mrs.Rh and little sonhavebeenwithMrs.Rhvyne's pa-rents,Mr.and Mrs.L.P.Henkel,forthepastweek.Mr.and Mrs.J.A,C.WadsworthofCharlottewereinStatesvilleSun-day,the guests of Mr.and Mrs.L.P.Henkel.Mrs.Maggie Parks Alexander is inConeordvisitingherbrother,Capt.H.B.Parks..Mrs.W.M.Shook and little daueh- ter,Virginia Dare,left Saturday foranextendedvisitinKnoxville,Teni:.Miss Louise Manning of the facul-ty of Statesville College spent theweek-end at her home in Davidson.Mrs.E.N.Lawrence,after a staywithhersister,Mrs.B.B.Webb,inWashington,spent two days withMrs.H.A.Millis in High Point,vo-*ine to Charlotte Thursday,where shejoinedDr.Lawrence,the two return-ing Friday to Statesville.Dr.Law-rence was in Charlotte attending a mecting of a district dental society. Mrs.W.G.Lewis ieft Saturitay night for Washineten to visit her daurhter,Mrs.B.B.Webb. Mrs.Frank Wineskie of High Point is the guest of Mrs.G.W.Stevens.Rev.Harper Brady left Friday morning for a week's egtay in Lynch-burg,Va.Mrs.W.E.Anderson is visiting er son,Mr.E.©.Anderson,in Char- tte. Mrs.D.H.Rhinehart and littlo senleftFridayforMeherrin,Va..wheretheywillvisitMrs.Rhinehart’s moth-.er,Mrs.N.W.ScottMrs.F.F.Bradley and MrsGrayspentFridayinCharlotte r.C.L.Rhinehart has returned from Ashevitle where he was called on account of the serious {liness ofhissister.Mrs.John L.Fairly of Fayetteville arrived last nicht to spend a few days with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.B.G.Gilmer. Notices of New Advertisements| Represéntative at nursery TuesdayandFriday—W.H.Crawford &Co.Re-sale of lands.--A.W.Blackwely. Pig found.—A.H.Lippard,StatesvilleR-3.Two-story house B.Morrison. Will crush cotton seed untilMarch7th.—Statesville Cotton Qi)Cc J. for rent.—C. 0.Barker Bros.will have a Silent Smith on exhibit in town this)woekandbusinessmenshouldnotfailto see it.See their announcement inanothercolumn.Will explain the pig club plan toboyswhowriteorcalltoseeus.- Merchants &Farmers’Bank. Arrival of new spring goods.—Sherrill-White Shoe Co.Perfect protection—First Nation-al Bank.Goods on approval by parcel post.—R,.F.Henry,jeweler.Pianos superior in quality,moder- ate in price.—Andrews Music Store.Onward impulse.—Carolina MotorCompany.The rance your wife wants.—Wil-liams Furniture Co.Pruning shears and saws,pumpsforspraying.—Lazenby -Montgom-ery Hardware Company.Horse for salex—L.F.Ervin.Oil stoves for hot days that arecoming.—Statesville Housefurnish-~_—iss Cunningham's umbrella lostStatesville,The Best Town inNorthCarolina,at The Crescent,March 1-2-3.Text for sermon on industry,econ-omy and savings account.—People’sLoanandSavingsBane.Complete line men’s wears.—Ram-sey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Automatie refrigerators.—Craw-wrCandy,ie-conled.Co.=: Ci ,ice-e _tatesville in lost.Return to The Land- t to landowners Snow Creek SeatmofOhio,City of Toledo, ,.tonkes oath thet he ie sen-PartnerofthefirmofF.J.Cheney @ Co.,|in the City of Toledo,CountythatsaidfirmwillandHUNDREDDOLLARS }-everycase of Catarrhthatcan-TK yh “S CATARRH|NK J :|wes heeyGareSansng Fe oategeeo PiriePee ' engaged Hc ‘hy Mr. (followed by an ice course \.Berogpa came immedi-ately to the home of the bridegroom'sparent.Later they will go te Yad-,in county,where Mr.Seroggs will be|in his work as a surveyor. Miss Carrie Lovise Bowles,daughterofMr.and Mrs.R,E.Bowles,m.to Mr.William Theodore;Woodard in Asheville Wednesday.The|ceremony,which was performed at}home,was preceded by a by Miss)Lucile Dinkins accompan by Mr |E.B.Stimson.The bride is known in:Statesville,having visited here.Mre.M.Cooper of Statesville,aunt ofthebride,attended the wedding.| Dr.Harry Harrison of Norfolk,Va.,aecomnanied by his parents,Mr. and Mrs,N.Harrison,and his breth- er,Mr.Jo.Harrison,left StatesvillevesterdayforOrangeburg.8.C.,, where tomorrow Dr.Harrison willmarryMissHenriettKohn.The wecding,which will take place at 6 o’eloek tomorrow evening,will be ahomeaffair.Mr.Jo.Harrison will be his brother’s best man.After a triptoFlerideDr.Harrison and his bridewillmaketheirhomeinNorfolk.’Thebridegroom,the eldest son of Mr.andMrs.N.Harrison,a native of States- ville,is a successful physician in Norfolk. Mr.and Mrs.Fugene Morrison en- tertained the members of the States-ville basketball team Saturday night.A three-course dinner was served.Tater music was furnished by a Vic-trola, A -} The Thursday Afternoon Book clubmeetinglastweekwithMrs.J.F. Powlos continued its study of France Mrs.Orin Turner read an excerpt from the French history cvhich thclubisstudying.Mrs,read an article on the “Universities ofrenee.”Follawing the discussion of current events a salad course waserved. Mr.end Mrs.8S.O.Lazenby enter- tained at a dinner party Thursday in honer of the birthdays of Miss Annie Lazenby and Mr,Frank Neill.Among the guests were Mr.and Mra.W.O. Benton,who celebrated their twenty- third wedding anniversary Thursday Other guests were Mrs.Carrie Neil! and Miss Euin Summers. Mr.out Rowtes Parks Crowell was hast ta30ofhisvounefriendsFriday at a George Washineton party delightful, plaved, »affair was altogether Progr gimes hic Miss Stearne. wea presented a haiche punch was served dur orden Wallace and Katherine Kinesid Inde: samdwiches were served with the ad course The house was deeora*: with Ameriean flac«The cards in the games were hatche weMary ende r ' FcoOre The Elericemoh elnb met wit! Mre J.G.Pewell Friday members were present.with D.Thompson a guest of the clul Mrs.Sic.Wallace was in charce the programme,which denlt with war situation.A salad course ’ Re and mints The Entre Neus celeb Mrs F.R.Rankin Frida Miss)Corrie Hoffmann,—pre presiding.The fourth of Hamlet was studied Ly the chib.Mrs.S.L.Cushing of Tryon,a former member,was present.Other =special were Mrs.H.A.Rhyne of Mount Hol- lv,Mrs.H.O.Stewie and Mrs.R.F. Clapp.Two courses of refreshments served, ide act ruects were In Charlotte Saturday «sfternoon Misses Mary and Willie Meclauchtin gave a George Washington luncheor honor of Mrs.Albion Millis f High Point,formerly Mis Marv Lewis of Statesville.At hunch eon the enengement of Vi Wile Mclauehlin to Mr.Paul Ward Evhel mon of High Point Was announcedtheweddingtotakeplaceApril 11.The couple first met at the mar rince of Miss Lewis and Mr.Millis in Statesville three years ayo.Miss McLaughlin is well krown in States- ville,where she has visited frequently { Mre.Fuvene Davis,enter- tained the Fort Dobbs Chapter of the} Daughters of the American Revolu-tion Thuraday afternoon.The house, was aporopriately decorated,United States flaws were conspicuous and thpestsinthelivingroomweretwined|with the national buneme. Following a brief business meeting,|Mrs.Davis read a paper on ‘George | in th regent, |Washington”and Miss Willie Nich:olson treated the eubject of “Ameri-|ea’s Duty.”Mrs.Dorman Thompson and Miss Rose Gillespie gave severalvocalselections.There were re-refreshments.The salted nuts were)served in Columbia shieida;the cakes | bere tiny American flags.The sou-venirs consisted of hatchets and flags.|Mra.Davis will represent the chapter|at the annual PD.A.R.s congress inWashingtoninApril. Mr.and Mrs.L.K.Lazenby were|ost and to the members of|the ee enery siardware |Company,all employes and their—— thatyou ene 'elub and a few quests was was) Mrs.1.§ Etesrte|GET YOURGardenSeedatgrocery.—ad, cee The a yp yy veaterdnyforprodugeonthemarked.Turkeys,18-800,i de. }| ThewarecomCoemeanedSoh«Giny Reported for The Landmark.jc vetere,A meeting of the XXth -Butter,20cdbe.pak iebeewarfeoeriGreenHides(unsalted)Ife,per Ib.Green Hides (salted)I9e.per tb. Commercial club onBirthday.It was the annualpresident’s day as well.Theforgeneraldiscussionwas“How | May Aid Statesville,”and some prac-tical points derived were agreed uponforclubeffort.It was also decidedtohavetalksonReaCrossfivst-aid work.Each person was favored|with a Red Cross magazine.A gift of 150 volumes for the im-mediate use of Stateaville Liwasreceived,Tinted cards,copies20masterpiecesinParisianartgal-leries,were admired.A picture of)0"‘heStuart’s Washington was also in evi-dence beside a bow!of blooming hya-|cinths.After the business aaaellpresentgreatlyenjoyedDouglas |(pventialFairbanksin“American Aristocracy,”|we he aeattheLyrie.| Reported for The Landmark. Se.to i2e.per ib.Seurwood Honey Comb,Be,to B4c.per th.Cl¢t Auto Rubber Ceetng,4c.ner tb.Saeet Potatoes,$1.00 per bushel. eee The fol were pald pesterdarrninonmarket:Wheat inew)$1.00 bushel. Corn,$1.26 perOats,65-700,per bushel. Cotten Market.local market yesterdayoundwaspaidforbeatMarketunsettled,Cotton Seed,66e.perbushel,Seed Cotton,6 ide.per Ib. ia hlacolnmn 10 coossforleesthan26cents.Cash mustsecompanrorder.) |LOST—Sanday night,oblong jet pin set withMrs.A.KE.Welborn and her daugh-/pencls,|Gold beak.ewaed for return,toter,Miss Gladys,were at home to a|NDMARE.=Feb.number of the younger set Saturdgy/tue party WHO TOOK trem Pythian ban-afternoon,the occasion being |quet by mistake Miss Cunningham's silkGladys’birthday.house was;‘line ambvella with black handle amd sit-Y €€vil?retu *eo?lovely with potted plants and flowers.)‘“"‘©?wil!pl _—_™Mt.Rook and a contest furnished amuse-ment.Miss Mary Ausley received the’ prize,The guests were shown into tae dining room unique in its deeo-|rations suggestive of Washington's! birthday.The darkened reom waslightedbymellowredcandies.The.for the senson,STATESVILLE COT-centerpicce was a large birthday;ON OTL COMPANY.Fen.it,cake bearing 14 red,white and blue:5:pat;0 E —'-roemcandles,betraying the hostess’age ’per ehcbatgome See ee Habte.ice cream and cake were served.The}MORRISON.eb.2guestswereeachpresentedwitha!;:2 FCUND—Small black »oO ¢|iiny hatehet tied with red,white andj °|.by osha on ae LIPPARD.State.blue ribbon,vile,KS,and paying for ad,{se reece oe .OT Ite,~_erro Ret 7 cents cotton, FOR SALE—Horse,9 or 10 years old and|.*cighing 1,100 pownds.Cash or time.L.| Feb.27. TO OUR CUSTOMERS:Better deliver uswhatCottonSeedyouhaveonorheforeMarch7.At present rate we hene to completecoushingnextweek,Our mill will then ¥ERVIN, 27 Ssceeeaeiebcarencoe SOAS SN ANNIanae.‘oe ee -=60 Ww EST THIS SPRING,LOST—Reliy-pen of Reo car.Finder pleaseBecomeindependentbytakingupnoiityJB.PARKS,Statesville Re.agriculture in Minnescta,North Da-Feb it.kota,Montana,idaho,Washington OF!BEGINNING with TUMilliensofacresoflandin}.YET,these States along the Northern Pa-| t«rorsorycifieRy.awaiting settlement,ancopportuniticHealthfulclimateabundantcrops,pool markets,ex-!cellent transportation facilitiesschools,churches,ete.A.young coun-try for ambitious people.Send forfreedescriptiveliteratugeandinfor-mation regarding the particular 88C-|Also store fixtures,Can be boughttianthatinterestsyou.We will be)cheap.Apply at SANITARY GROCERY orgiadtoassistyoutnloectingyour;te the Landmark.Feb.23.|new home in a coramunity where you NOT ICE 4 /BAe {can fee!at home and can enjoy pros-|perity.Write to J.C.Eaton,General}‘Wie Landowners of tnow Cocck Deotane: Divtrict will meet with the commissioners ofAvent,Northern Paeifie Ry.,40 Eas:4th St.,Cincinnati,O.the district on important business Thursday,eee March 1.at 10 e'elock.All landowners takeaatirecodcome.H.R.COWLES,=|BUILDING?C.WATKINS.Fe!Secretary,| Our text this week,Lrethern,istaken fromthebookofevery:uccessful man’s experi-ence:‘‘Workfor the dollarsin youth andmanhoodsothatinoldagethedollarsmayworkforyou.” Isn’t that a pretty fair text for a sermon onindustry,economy and a savings account?Doesn't it tell its own story toyou?If itdoesn’t you have one of life’s greatest les-sons yet to learn and here’s hoping youdon’t learn it after it is too late.The timetoopenasavingsaceountisrightnow.You will never regret it.In fact you willlivetoseethedaywhenyouwillthankusforpreachingthisshortsermon.[t’s nojoke.It’s serious business. } ESDAY,FEBRUARYtherewillbearepresentativeof|at our grounds three miles east|Statesville on the Mocksville road Tues-doy and Friday of each week until April 16thtotakeandfillordersfornurserystock \ltheral diseownt from our regular priceavollhemadetethoxecallingatnursery.We have a aurplus in some varieties of fruit«are selling very cheap,W.H.GRAW-FORD &CO,Feb.27 —4t. FOR SALE—Delivery wagon,horse and har- Oreyon. } s yi People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN 0.L.TURNER President. Cashier. we ARRIVAL OF NEW SPRING GOODS.ny Each day we are receiving something newforSpringandmakingmorecompleteourallreadycompletelineofGentsFurmshings. Suit Cases,$1.00 to $12.50. Soft Collars,all the mew shapes,in quarter sizes,15centseach.Newest patterns in Neckwear,25¢,50c,75c,and $1.00qualities.Men's and Boy's Caps,50c,and $1.00.RateSenate line Men’s Hose,Shaw Knit and Extra CompletelineLisles,25¢,and 35c,apair.Extra ValuesinourSilk,all shades,at 50c,a pair. Phone 83, Every time you read in the papers about a burg-lary you'll notice the burglars Got That'stheirBUSINESS.They first find out where themoneyishidden---THAT'S their business.And theywillKILLyouiftheymusttogetyourmoney. A Bank's business is to have thick walls andstronglockstoPROTECTyourmoney.And whenyouneedit,you can GET it just the same. Put YOUR money in OUR benk. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C, ner We willdeliverittoyou if you will phones «i_write us whatabouthowmuchyouwio you would like andpay,we wil send it to you “on Ifit dogs not suit,you can send it back;and wewill“take it back.”This may save you a trip.We are always glad lo accommodate a customer at anytimeinanywaywecan, R.F.HENRY,Jeweler., STEERER nce’ Barker Mills 4x4 Bleached Domestic, 11 1-2. Johnston-Belk Co. WE ARE SHOWING Smartest and newest styles available in Misses’and Chil.dren’s Ready-to-Wears for Spring and Summer.;GARMENT IS CORRECT IN STYLE,MATERIALS IN.CLUDE ALL THE NEWEST,such as MADRAS,GING-HAMS and PERCALES!Sizes from three years to 14years.Prices 48¢.,98c.,$1.48 and $1.98,LESS THANTHEMATERIALWOULDCOST! NEW WAISTS,NEW SKIRTS, NEW SPORT COATS.LADLASSIE CLOTH.Elegant Materials for Children’s Wear.Fast colors,18.per yard, GALATEA, All colors,checks and stripes,15e.per yard. GINGHAMS! Beautiful line for Spring and Summer.82-inch at ete27-inch at 27-inch at 27-inch at Fruit of the Loom Bleached Domestic, 11 1-2e. ee ene CVC CV 606060648ES e@e 14¢.coo ce 1-2. Voiles,Lawns,Dotted Swiss,Dimities and everythingforLadies’Waists at very attractive prices JUST RECEIVED A shipment of JOHN B.STETSON HATS in all the newshadesandblack.~~_ave ate in the market and will tentsnextfewdayssomethingNEWAND READY-TO-WEARS. my at Sefiate passed a bill to create a legisiative commission to visit theinstitutionssudinwholeorinpartbythete,in lieu of the esent system of visiting by the Crisiative committees during the The commission,to be com- posed of one Senator and two Repre- gentatives,would visit and inspect the various institutions six months rior to the convening of the Legis- ture and make report to the Legis- oe introduced:To provide for in- @eterminate sentence and parole o risoners in certain cases;to author- e free transportation on railroads for ministers of the gospel.oeIntheHousethebillofMr.Grier of Iredell,to regulate the hours of women and girls employed in mer eantile establishments,restaurants, etc.,was favorably reported. Bills introduced:To create two emergency judicial districts,one in the eastern and one in the western section of the State;to abolish cor poral punishment for convicts;to make illicit distilling a felony,the minimum punishment being 12 months’imprisonment;to provide for the initiative and referendum;to in- crease the number of commissioners in Burke and pay the chairmana sal-ary;to prohibit the sale of cigarettes and coca-cola. Bills passed:To create the board of charities and public welfare, in lew of the present State Board of Charities,which is abolished;to au- thorize and empower county commis- sioners to change the location of graveyards and cemeteries;to regu- late the hours of student nurses in training.The House Thursday considered thebillofRepresentativeBeasleytoes-tablish an advisory board of parolethatwouldbecomposedoftheAt- torney General,the chairman of theboardofdirectorsoftheprisonand the chairman of the board of public charities.Representative Grier op-sed consideration of the measure ause he failed to see in it anyhopefortheprisoners.The bil!pro- vides that the parole beard should find homes for the pardoned prisoners and Mr.Grier thought it a tendency to create an employment bureau forpardonedconvicts.The bill wentover.*The bil!by Representative Sawyer of Graham,to provide for the de-pendent families of prisoners,waspassed.It requires the board of di-rectors of the State’s prison to makeanestimate,as nearly accurate aspossible,of the annual earnings of the prisoner,not to exceed 50 per centthereofandtocreditittothepriso- ner.And further:“That in case a prisoner has a wife and children dependent upon him,three-fourths of the amount creditedtosuchprisoner,or the entire amount if the prisoner so wishes,shall con- stitute a fund for the relief of suchwifeandchildrendependentupon such prisoner and shall be paid on the first days of July,October,Janu- ary and April of each year by the State Treasurer upon warrants drawnbytheStateAuditoruponorders issued by the superiniencent of the State prison to a wife or to a guar- dian of the child or children of the said prisoner.” The House also passed the bill of Mr.Pharr of Mecklenburg to regulate the serving of time on the roadg¢by convicts for abandonment and fail-ure te provide for families,with an amendment to permit support with- out residing with the wife where in- compatibility is shown.The bill was opposed without this amendment be- cause it required return to families within five days.Some Representa- tives thought there might be caseswherethemancouldnotendurelifewithhisfamily. Bills introduced:To authorize thecommissionersofIredelltoborrow $40,000 to build bridges across Ca- tawba river;to provide additional y for the commissioners of Alexan- er.Passed the House. The Gardner =suffrage bill that would have permitted (ne women oftheStatetocastballotsinthe1918 primaries,was tabled on the motion of Speaker Murphy,who took the yw against the bill and characteriz- ed it as a “constitutional monstrés*ity”The Senate passed the revenue bil! on second reading,with a fewanges.Cities and counties areprohibitedfromlevyingataxon Moving picture shows.The tax on carnival companies was raised from $25 to $100.After a good deal ofdiscussionitwasdecidedthatchau-tauquas should pay ro tax either tothecity,county or State.On coaldealerswhodonotdeliv:r hv vehicle a tax of only 85 was levied.This Was on amendment of Senator Jones, who did not think that these small dealers who sold by the bushel shouldpaythetaxlikealargedealerwho,=ee w :tax of $25 a day was placed onpersonswhohavenoglaceofbusi-ness but conduct auction sales on es and mules.This was anamendmentofferedbySenatorLongofHalifax,added to the sectionrelativetodealersinstock.A taxof$10 was put on phrenologists.Achanwewas.made with reference to*ns rod dealers.The new pro-requird@s them to secure jf-cense =the insurance commis- Session. pass-\will of paying the 850)¥ ,@bteain a bettle of the Cee aad on News. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Feb.26 —-Mr.O,F.F.Pool was ealled to Charlotte Fri-day evening by the death of his son-,in-law,Mr.O.W.Mackie of Char- lotte.The remains,accompanied byMrs.Mackie and their three smallchildren,Mr.Mason Mackie,of Yad-kinville,father ef the deceased,At-,torney Wade Williams and Mr.LilesofCharlotte,arrived on the noontrainSundayandweretakentothe Baptist church,where the funeralwasconductedbythepastor,Rev.L.f'P.Gwaltney.The Jr.O.U.A.M.had charge of the interment in the towncemetery.The mother and brother of Mr.Mackie came as far as States- ville,where Mrs.Mackie became illondhadtostop.Mr.Mackie came here in 1908 and worked at the de-vot for two years.While here hewasmarriedtoMissCecilMaePool of this place.He was depot agent at Hiddenite for two years end mademanyfriendshereandinthecounty who will learn with sorrow of his un-timely end.He was about 30 years of age.Rev.Harry Rhodes,missionary in China of the Northern Presbyterian Church,who was in the seminary atPrincetonwithRev.L.L.Moore,is expected to arrive Thursday to visitMr.Moore and will lecture on his work at the Presbyterian church ‘Thursday evening.Mrs.Charles FE.Echerd and chil- dren of Statesville are visiting Mrs.Echerd’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.L. Gwaltney.Mr.Chas.Rogers of Lit-tle River township left Saturday morning for Kansas City to accept a nosition with the American TelephoneCompany.Mr.James Pool ef Lenoir arrived Saturday to attend the funer- al of his brother-in-law,Mr.O.W.Mackie.Friday afternoon from 38to 5 o'clock Mrs.W.T.Rowland was a charming hostess to the Embroidery club and some outside guests,at her beautiful home on east Main street.| at a “Patriotic Party.”Soon after the arrival of the guests,they were xiven paper and pencils and asked to write five highest tributes to Presi-|dent Wilson.Misses Hendren,Stan- field and Kerley read the papers anddecidedMissIreneLeQueux's trib-|utes were the best.The prize,a beau-| tiful hand -embroidered centrepiece and a tray cloth-embroidered in col-ors,were presented to Miss LeQueuxbythehostess.Mrs.Rowland gave each guest a piece of paper with anumberonitandannouncedthatit| was part of a hatchet and they would|find the two other parts hidden in the |rooms.A lively hunt followed andMrs.H.T.Kelly was presented theprize—a red,white and bluehatchet--for being the first to find|her hatchet.Dainty refreshments|were served by Master Jack Connolly| and little Miss Mary Ayers Payne,| who were dressed in quaint costumes,| representing George and Martha! Washington,after which they de- lighted the guests with a duet, “Who's to Blame”’?—-Mrs.J.C.Connolly playing the accompaniment. The Victrola also.furnished music cring the afternoon. Drives Out Malaria,Builds Up System | The Old Standard general strengthening tonic,|GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out | Malaria,enrichestheblood,and buildsupthe sys-|tem.A true tonic.Por adults rad children.Ste | paper| lady teachers of the county to playbasketballwiththegirls’teams of| their respective schools in the contests| at county commencement if the teach- ers so desire. —iMrs.R.S.Houston of Troutman|has been at Long's Sanatorium for thepastweekundergoingtreatment. ihe Quinine Thet Does Not Affect The HeadRecauseofitstonicandlagativeeffect,LAXA-|TIVE BROMO QUININE isbetter than ordinaryQuinineanddoesnotcausenervousnessnorsuginginhead.Remember the full name andooforthesignatureofRK.W.GROVE.2*- —It has been decided to allow ee | Stomach S One Dose of Mayr’s Wonderful Rem-edy Drives Them Out—Ends Tor-ture. Stomach poisons breed millions ofvermsthateatintoyourvitals,caus-ine Gas Pressure,Indigestion,Con-stination,Torpid Liver,Auto-Intoxi-cation,Yellow Jaundice,Gall Stones,|\nnendicitis,Cancer and Uleers of|the Stomach and Intestines,ete.,ete.Thournds of sufferers have been re-stored by Mayr's Wonderful Remedy,among them Justices of the Supreme|Court,Congressmen,Doctors,Law-|vers,Bankers,Ministers,Nurses,|Farmers,Mechanics—persons of ev.ery class—probably your own neigh-bors.Stomach troubles are due most-|'w to catarrhal poison.Mayr's Won-,erful Remedy removes that poison,thoroughly cleanses the system,drives out the disease-breeding |werms,allays inflammation and ends|tx ,;©alewohol—nothing to }One dose canvinees FREE book on‘tomach Ailments.Write Geo.H.|MAYR,Mfg.Chemist,Chinyr’s Wonderf:Remedy fram StatesvilleoO.Or any relinile aracgist,"tasreturnyourmoneyifitfail, A Roaster Lhat Grow ar The big factory on the hill—how well I remember it—the brook,the mill,the tree with the robin’s nest in it! There was a rooster that crowed every morning,a dog that barked every night, and a youngster that never was still—Me—SOVEREIGN. I remember the soft south wind that blows gently over the tobacco fields,—the long rows of waving plants of tobacco— and how carefully they are tended,and raised,and cured,and stored—all for the sake of me,SOVEREIGN! You bet you-—-I’m proud of my home here down South,—of my old Virginia and Carclina stock!No cigarette in the world ever had such good blood and breeding,— nor such a fine family,—nor such a clean, white,wholesome home. That’s me,SOVEREIGN,a Southern gentleman,and one of you-all aud a part of you,because--, You Folks of the Sou..KNOW good blood! You folks of the South KNOW good tobacco! I'm going to spend all my days right down South here among my good friends like you—and I am proud to say this,too— A mer Can me. If you don’t like me return me to your dealer get your money back.I have said it.A Southern gentleman is knowntheworldoverforkeepinghisword,and !have given you mine. Sovereign Ci FOR THE GENTLEMAN OF.of Shem ate” USE BRICK. “Of the materials offered for building,which is the most permanent’?The editor of the Youth’s Compan. ion,in the issue of November 9th,cn the Family Page. says: “The best of the man-made materials is BRICK.It has passed the test of time,it recommends itself to the eye in color,texture and in size,which is small enoughtopermittheuseofpleasantpatterns,called “bonds,” and of varying sizes in window and door openings—both impossible with the cement and terra-cotta blocks now on the market.It has a further advantage in being sol-id,so that it can be used in piers and all members that require strength.In some neighborhoods the cost overwoodconstructionis(en per cent.,but the saving onmaintenanceoutweighsthat.” STATESVILLE BRICK CO. DECORATE Your Ceilings and Walls Make Rooms and Halls attractive. Keep them lookingfresh,clean,sweet andprettyalithetime.Youdon’t have to spend alot of money,just adollaror two aroomeach year.Decorate with MU Thisis a calcimineof thelatest andvery best f kind.It comes in powder form,simplyneeds~.ambing and Private Water Systems.to be mixedwithwater.It is easytoapply,REFERENCES FURNISHED.dries quickly without unpleasant odor,makes HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING. Unlike any other remedy.; icago,or! —.charming effects,is sanitary andwillnotcomeSEEMEWHENYOUNEED.seaaa can eee -ee Watches,Jewelry,Silverware or Kodaks. Also to fix your Clock or Watch. ww tl! f i l i ! ‘This rubber looks wel,its well,and wears wellpgieyeemeats ii Hub-Markisyourvaluemark.Lookforit on thesole. i days and nights.lon account of it.we usually)|have a column or yore about ship-|§!ping ve will not have an ar mtjceptabouting,for alleanin,ec tem geewhomthelivedandMr.Lathan|riers since pestesiay,|See Pel|Stimpson of Lincolnton,both fami-[U‘W0n '*cont and nocae vultingj*ne Wwejliesbeingpresentwhentheend)')"oot and But let! “The funeral services took place at's hope that wemay an honora-|\Clarksbury church Wednesday at 11|‘!¢wayyet (0ayale ©Wer. ‘o'clock.The services were co ;.-eteibvherpastor,Rev.Mr.Goode,as-——‘sisted by Rev.Ovid Pullen of Har-|rine Women Attack jmonv.We extend to the bereaved Dealers.{ |family our deepest,heartfelt symp@-Shouting protests against high food | |thy.prices,thousands of women in the! Mrs.Dan.Stroud,who has been <o.thern section of Philadelphia,| confined to her home for several (nye;largely of ——~—OF ———weeks with a sore limb.is slowly where Oe aeots nanecane-| improving.Miss Mae Heath was ;..1 fashion,upsetting food displays) taken seriouslv il!last Saturday,,),,,carts.Stores STATESVILLE,N.C night at the home of Mr.A.F.Taek,<0 anne "damaged in some| _whom she was visiting.instanees,A erowd of women vushed| Mr.Covte York,who broke his arm .‘ish store and upset a tank of live| last Sunday,seems to be getting ary,Turpentine was poured on fish, to 8 ff water is about ease want to use for the spraying./ Sprayed fruit makes the best cider. The of the times in thatyouwillhavetodrinkciderfromthis on,or confine yourself entirely to the water wagon. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. We ‘the careful watch of Miss LISTEN! cy) alone nicely.R and the stere fixtures were badly Boys who want to join the PigClub will sth eeeeee ee ag eet ee een | please write us,or conte in to see us.dingenedfueseveralSO0ta seen ee Se ee al |We will be gied ,to «xplain anything af inrr int Hr.and Mew.TO iangeybyforleners and scores about the plan that you don’t fully ~~——Many aroeura,ond betehers closed | understand.gid =Mrs.Rogers Gaith ‘who oo or aa oooh with | The Club will start about April Ist,whie'avt Nermany.huss noturmed8 fice yy ml botle and woven but would like to have the names of ee ae ae —————ae boys who wish to join,as early as a oe PROFIT BY THIS.| possible.Tuudie snd bad ==2 ow Don’t Waste Another Day.|Consider this before you buy.The best honing it will come agein real soon.When you are worried by back-range to buy is the one that gives ~ ;The Se-Celied Food Riets.©°°coe longest and most satisfactory service,at the °»,.By lameness and =urinary disor-|lowest cost The e¢2 =t be iti ; The ro-called food riots in New)._owest cost.€easicsat way to positive Merchants and Farmers Bank.mae ee ie ~oe oa experiment with an entried|that you are making an absolutely sound Of Statesville,N.C.piste Stem eee Ce investment is to buy a Favorite the guaran- much because there is no food or no medicine. “The Bank For Your Savings.”money ‘0 buy,bet because of the vollow Statesville people's czam-|teed kind,vou are then taking no chance. thih prices,rerarded as unreasonrhl:-,.‘ and largely due to speculation in food ple.::+7 For almost (0 years the Favorite has been } —_———_—.en |produeta.There is plenty of food Use Doan’s |Pills.recognized as the world 8best. So IEr.CSTE CITI tt3eT Tetest tadtsasocesh eter tet and as a rule employment for lebor at Here's Stotesville testimony.\:1Broodwages.But»wages have not 4 eye Oe It will pay you to see our line before you xept un with the bounding prices nd Mrs.D_D.Littlejohn,146 F.Sharpe |make your purchase.: e menv have ~gad gre for this ae ye:“My back os freason,Much of the trouble is ig|street,Statesville,says:}H Inc.Tha Gictrivucion of food sopplics,the|pained me so soverely that I could Williams Furniture House shortage being felt at some points hurdly get out of bed in the morning.“The Favorite Store.” when there are abundant supplies at)aa : H others.The recent railroad freight,Sharp twinges darted through my kid blockade has added to the seriousness |neys and nearly took my breath |.sae :of the situation and speculators have!away.My kidneys didn’t act as they H ageravated it with hold-up prices.-|should and the kidney secretions were| ?Most f ri re i fotersonMostoftheanitators‘ani riders!geanty and unnatural.T was nervous!PHONE W R.MILLSMOTOR LO.PHONE population and they followed the cus-and run down.I finally begen tak-|512 *512, tom of the old countries—took advan-|ing Doan’s Kidney Pills and they re-Dan af itv co a 1 fr acs :|a ee ae ee AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES Bi free food.made my kidneys regular in action, CANDY---Ice Cooled Assorted.to suit everybody’s palate. _|0 aaa Norris’,Liggetts and Fuerst &Kraemar, Chocolates and Bon-Bons,Fruits and Nuts. sort Six boxes of this mediciné made me ’3 As ed Nuts,Assorted Chocolates.‘Missionary Perished When feel like a different person.|AN D 4 ::Troop Ship Was Sunk.|Price 50c.,at all deaers,Don't!LD .>‘% In Halves One Two and Three Pounds The French steamer Athos,carry-|simply ask for a kidney remedy--get R EI AIR SHO!°e -7 .Jae aig ag apes and Colonial!Dean's Kidney Pills—the same that 4 aborers,was last week torpedoed in teeloic hes : the Mediterranee Sea.The torpedo.Mr&Littles rea —Milburn OUR .ing occurred notwithstanding the ©®,Props.Dullaio,N.4.a STORE OF QUALITY.;Athos was escorted by >French!nl a sinecnamin Vulcanizing Full Line i j B torpedo beat destroyers which,aided innertubes ‘of 4 ‘’iby a gunboat,saved 1450 persons)at Small GOoOoD —_—; a ll D C rom the steamer.}|and a .States\1 e rug omp y |_Robert Allen Haden,an American)Cost Grease OM Presbyterian missionu:y stationed |:4“at Foo Chow.China,perished —when SERVICE ’ the Athos was destroyed.Mr.Haden,Compiete 4 =ee .===was a native of Louisiana and a mis-|‘Chains ecimem sionary of the Southern Presbyterian Line o end ‘Church.He had been engaged in)t Casings.;MOTTO Tubes missionary work since 189].HisfamilylivesinSwitzerland.¢:!|As the vessel destroyed ar lB AllOcepaaeoehae=ee a 1917 MODELSWHYSUFFERWITHHEADACHE? ——-WHEN——so fer as international law is con- CENCE.eee |OVERLAND AND HUPP CARS Hall’s Headache Powder jo vrcsontrs raat tes NOW ON DISPLAY. :tum on ar Oy dteeter ate’|We cam always supply Peace Society in New York city,de-PELLETS STTLOTTLET AETEVSTTTAS TT wee se J “ipod jr alata eh,si |you with the best to}JPM a IN 10 MINUTES—10 CENTS,Ponies tse |be had in Flowers for]Commercial National Bank HALL’S DRUG STORE,OF STATESVILLE,N.©.vote.The ideg of a referendum was Phone No. opposed by Dr?George W.Kirchwey.whatever purpose they i";ce oacasas president of the American Peace So-|=<——= ciety,who said it was impracticable.id i :onin-$100,000.00 He declared if sofme overt act shonid |should be wanted.Capital Stock Pa |be committed by a German submarine) just before the referendum is votedlon,it was his belief the people!rplus .1,500. |would declare for wer.Su and Profits 3 .00 Placing of American merchant ves-|sels und fA rar ifshipswasfavoredandopposedwith|p semen remem eee Members of Federal Reserve System. equal vigor.j !1Van Lindley Co.,|;Raid ResultofEditor's Charges’an y es Your Banking business solicited and ei ews anc erver.}* ©cue oe Ao ek es GREENSBORO,&6 every accommodation extended to de- Editor W.O.Saunders of Elizabeth positors consistent with prudent bank- City,that he purchased beer and):“whiskey at a cafe on east Martin|Polk Gray Drug Co.,ing methods. Those desiring to sell farms,timbered lands, suburban,city property,cotton mill and bank stocks are requested to call or write us. We are constantly intouch with themashat bay ingandselling.nsurancethatinsures,in lea vhish acafe on cant Martin | yk ©Co eel iby *Fal when 3.P.WhihWiley and ——Four per cent.paidon time and Savings te waWaycate at 138 gaat Mar |Deposits remaining on deposit three n a °ee . months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,*-*“J.-eat-«+>Vice Pres&.MORRISON ,Oy -seistant Cashier ay the RaleighWeveainetgratifyingtofamilyandfriendsofMr.Eu-es alten,a native of Statesville oa son of Mr.and Mrs.BE.W.Cul- _the young men of Raleigh who have made vood and who con- tinue to make good is Mr.Eugene E Gulbreth.In this city,and wherev- er he is known,he has many friend who take an interest in him and in the promotions which have come t him.“Mr.Culbreth assistant manager the Ashley Horne Clayton,oecups sition with M: the head of the business.The p tion is one of importance,th and high character of Mr.Cult being the factors which esnuy selection for the ploee. “For many years Mr.© made Raleizh his home.after yr uating from the A.and M.Colley 1908.For six years he Keld a postte in the office of FE.M.Uzzell §Y pany,State Printers and his application and industry attra ing attention.In 1910 he went the Commercial Nations! Raleigh and held the p ceiving teller.after wv ferent department: this position,he was in the rural credit department o! Nerth Carolina Departn \ culture,traveling of the State ing and expla ral credit ik mendation because ¢ rendered. “In each of the posit’ held Mr.Culbreth ha reputation as a vounc of capacity and his ft “To: sured that his work wit Ashley Horne Corporation will add to the successes he has made in the past for his earnest worn.deserves § cess.Mr.Culbreth is personath most agreeable young man.” The “Laborer’s”Job and Its Ef- fect on Two Iredell Citizens. Taking note of the fact that Mr. Redman of Iredell,a ‘laborer™for the Legislature,had to giv ioh eon account of iineMr.Dave Fox of evededto the j iliness after a go to the hospital the Newto Ente that the post of ‘job to have.” It would seem that of “hoodoo”about this 1 place for Iredell folks.Mr.¥ aged to hold the same jo 4 r couple of legislative terms and was supposed that ha Was immer It is not thought that nuous lat had anything to do ! of Messrs.Fox and Re industrious and w thn it is generally u post of labor:or fer te { a sort of sinec o many ing on the job that they ere re each other’s way—and th: borer who really Jal ors dederstandwhathei: most important part of the ing to draw the pa. Iredell folks w tunity offers, job as levislat standing tlemen mer the incident should next Iredell man to guard his health | due exertion The Upkeen. The Hicko:y Record ar bury Post copy and The Landm ink had to upkeep.The Post add “The _vdmarh overlooked tne the road haethem,rat!ner thar have always t: no money road buildingriousplanning for ty ought t o ing without there a we HN -defined i he road iid grood fr S hest cond keep.The keep,one into perfi«that so m large mone then neglect has just become t} and secretary ¢ Cerporatio ‘ ing a confidential } Charles W there ix ais nyrticul mit there Ouge Active —Holland’- Vrotes'. Submarines Germa vessel,Ti ers repeFebruary terpedvoed Dutch,t vercly @rous prot country,| matic rele part of H a step w Many < neighbor ; Gov,Stuart of June &av the da Monument to RolvburyGover ates with their wri expected to a LLLOOSTT ~lLicense hi t martiage of M (iOlaryandMissDorcas.My: Eeee Romething Coed. whe Wate fawty me me wv Min's Tablets for conatip Bs t te take an teealreand«)natural (hat you wil!mot 4 Hh hee bem produced by 4 med ee re, cine i?GWATKING Charleston,W.Va. ‘been under a city manayer for two |years,will aguin entrust itsmanage ‘tent to a mayor. Fifteen men were instantly killed,15 injured,same seriously,and three ere missing as a resutt of snowslile Saturday nicht at the North Sitar mine,near Hailey,Idaho, The Oklahoma Legisiature haspasseda“bone dry”liquor law and also a iaw prohibiting the sale of rarett in the State Cuts t oth the Hquor and the “coffin tacks.” Senator Hudepeth ef the Texas Senate,which had under considera-:asking Wm.J.Bry- said Bryan hereti ”the War United cent, trent reenehii thrown il de- aut Funston,who Texas,a week at Pre -San Lintment ATLL ay FAA VY LET C.H.LESTER Dra your the good |Ksind of specifies from lumber C.WATKINS. plans and (re t he Saturday, March 1-2-3 Princess’ Visit to Statesville. The local motion picture made of our city and it: many people in every-da: life.Boost Statesville,The Best Town in Norih Care by seeing it in the See others see you. lina, movies.yourse:!as You are 1amongthethousands‘4! in this pieture.. We with the abovea big teatur. will also show each da, picture,making a compie.e change each day. Prices: 10c.and 15¢. Pushing Past( Today we are shaking hands with the Future—signing up a newcompact,with We are stepping over the bou businessstandtobreaknew’ground in a different location.at our youas a witness, line of an established Across the street from the Statesville Inn,on the highway fromWinston,Mocksville and Salisbury,we are setting our face to-ward the North—-explorers of the Unknown as »iuch as Perry,Shackleton and others. AND THE SAND AND CEMENT AND BRICK WHICH YOU SEEBEINGHAULEDIsNOLESSAFRONTIER40USTHANWASTHERUBICONTOCAESARWHENHEMARCHEDONROME! Timid souls may lol]in the lap of Safety—keeping well within the outskirts of Caution,hiding under cover,noddin campfire of Prudence,or sit holding the dammy hand 2Bae Interest—ealling themselves Conservative;and content forotherstoblazethewayandseouttheplainsandtrailsbeyondthefrontiersofSecurity. But we are of more venturesome mettle.With the same spirit in which the pioneers pushed past the outposts of civilization,wearepushingpastthefrontierofour,present business—hazard-ing unsettled and war-time conditions,risking our all, conserving every ounc ditio and of our fighting strength for the fight across the border. For we believe Progress to be an absolute foree that has no stop- ping place;that it is and uncomprom!: a fundamental law as rigid and eternal ing as is the law of gravitation;that today offers greater opportunities than vesterday—tomorrow great- er opportunities than today;and that there is no stopping place where business men can afford to adopt a policy of “let well enough alone.” PROGRESS DEMANDS THAT WF,ALL.PUSH PAST OLD FRONTIERS! Our garage will be one of the finest in the State,one that will be in step with the and every Company will con: will reflect our cor IN E\ or,cireumstance—: assures us G jishes In your life~ that fact it est:} Ant SeSSS Te =s Se.NS SSE:(EARLY SPRING HATS FOR LADIES progressive march of the wutomobile industry dollar that you spend with the Catoiina Metor back to you in the kind of service that ‘option of what rea!service ought to be. ERY LIFE!—there is a boundary of emotion frontier that some day you must pass; our encouragement and support,for iship--AND MAKES US AKIN!.:our relauior CAROLINA MOTOR COMP’Y. “WE EVER CLOSE.”MOORESVILLE. 2 mae ra T NE REE STATESVILLE.NEWTON. a a Se ee PS ene Co Se ee ee ! I 2Thescasons are NOW on Sale. sctliug. |$2. SA, immediat CRED6ER nn$2.00 |Rare|$4.00_ MIL |MILLS &POSSTON’S newest creations in Ladies Ready-to-wear Hats, Hard Embroidered Japan ful fine of high and low se Effects are shown.Also a beauti- Crowned Sailors,all specially priced for §250 |3300 [$350$5.00 |$5.50 Very truly, &POSTON. ‘a — I ee esNO cme REE A _ Weser Phonosra ph Prices range from Shown above is cut ofModel160,price $100. Come in for a demon- stration. Leonard Piano Store. ~me tenes are peld promptly aa and wares of lL.Othe|Constab'e.29 ah ee me Buy And Enjoy} SO C A L VA R O | $20 to $750.1 | |NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS—1 have the tam «for 1914-1916 in my hatde and unlere es iwill be 5aHO OOOOCED OOOOCOICOIAG?EMOOOW ono One,HO Where There’s Smoke There's Fire the hardest things in life to help-ything go up in smoke from the fire fie:reduces to ashes the results of rsof mndu {rybende ‘enor ny.with one of our rock ribbed insurance policies in your pocket,vou have the funds for a fresh start,and you're on vour feet again in no time.WHY RISK RUIN when so small an annual payment perfectly protects you? Let us show yeu how little itean be done for! We insure your Life.Your Health,your property. STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, W.E.WEBB,Manager. AOAFOORIDVO TATRARIT 8 AND it’s one lessly Ww atelnieve OH ac HO Y O S DO G O 7 SO M O et Ce cel ‘Sterling Silverware! We have a large lot of Sterling Silver in severdl pat- terns,Knives and Forks,Satod Forks,Oyster Forks, Cold Meat Forks,ice Crear Forks,Olive Forks;Tea Spoons,Table Spoons,Dessert Spoons,ice Jeily Spoons,Olive Spoons,Soup Spoons and a all the spoons and forks you want. else they are high but our price is as low OS any one according to quality.We handle the goods. R.H.RICKERT &SON. ennai a ea CN elle:ilinnaati it t